HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL INTERMOUNTAIN BLOCK 4 LOT 4 UNIT C1 TQWN OF VAII.. DEPARTMENT 0�'COMIvIUNITY DEVEI�OPM�NT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROA� VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BU1LD PERMIT Pcrrnit #: BO1-0338 Job Address.: 2821 KII�FNICKTNNICK RD VAIL Siatus.....: ISSUED Locatpon......: Co�wnbinc North G 1 Applied...: 10/24120�1 Parcel No....: 21031430fi009 Issued ...� 10/29/2001 Projec�Na...: Expires...: 04/27/2002 OWNER HENKESr ANDREW F. - ESP, LEE10/24/2001 PhOri2; PO BOX 5623 V1�IL CO 81�58 License: CONTRAC'�OR HENKES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 10/2�/2001 Phone: 970-479--9909 P.O. B07C 5623 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 556-5 APPLICAPJT HENKES & ASSOCIATES, INC. 10/24/2001 phone: 970-479-99�9 P.O. BOX 5623 VAIL, CO 8165B License: 556-5 Desciption: Replace existin�window with ba_y window and add window Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V N Type'`�Non-Rated Type Oecupancy: ?'? Valuation: $1,200.0�0 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Lnformation:I2estricted: Y 4 of�'ras Appliances: 0 �ofGa�L.ugs: 0 i�of Wood f'e11et: U *t*twtrwss��ex�csseesss:rrr��*r+wr�wwww.►wr.►+*wr�ar+rrrsssrrrr�ass��er:�ea FEE 5L1MVfARY *�*'"***°�*********s*+*+s+***s**�**+�*�r+++t�+ae�*r***etttsts*tt Building------- $41.oo Restuarant Plan Review--> $o.oo `fotal Calculated Fees--- $70.65 Plan Check---� $26.65 DRB Fee----------------- $o.oo ri.dditianal Fezs - $55.o0 Investigation-� $0.00 Recreati�n Fee $0.00 Total Ptrmit Fee-------' $125.65 Wil!Call-----= $3.oo Clcan-up Depasit-----=> $o.0o PaVments-------------------- $125.65 TO"C,ALFEES------------- $�0.65 BAI,,4NCEpUE--------- $o.oa ##+bti#4########�!#it################f##ff##fY##############################i4#f##t##########4i##ttt#####ft#rt+k#+W�k�F�R��ikYtiiti#Rff4ittRi#t#t#tRStft Approva9s: Item; 05100 BUI�DING DEFARTMENT 10/26/2003 cdavis Actionc AP see corrections on plans Item: 0540d PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMII+TI' Item: 05500 FUBLIC W4RKS MM!*MRM**�I*�F#i�F►�Rtikiii#IIi#fit$###it#1i�k#�k��##t#i##ti�ititYtttiiitst*t�ki*t*s*rtrt*MwN�rt*ertA�#*4RkR�R#k#i�kkhl*#f�ti*�t:k#/�kt�ki*#**�.'#######t####W#*t*rtt4• PAGE 2 **********�********�*******************�**********�***************************************************�* C�NDITIONS 0�' APPR�VAL Percnit#: B01-0338 as of 10-2�-20(71 Status: ISSUED *�****************************�***�******�***�***********��****************************************�**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 10/24/2001 Applicant: HENKES&ASSOCIATES,INC. Issued: 10/29/20�1 970-479-9'�09 To Expire: 04/27/2002 Job Address: 282 i K[NNICKINNICK l�D VAIL Location: Columbine North C-1 Parcel No: 21031�4306(}C19 Description: Replac�e existing windot�r with bay windo�v�d add�vindor�� Conditians: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED"T!J CNECK�OR CODE GOMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRAT[flNS iN WALI,S.C��I.,1NGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN AFPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL�EDROOMS AND �VERY STORY AS PER SEC.31b.6.1 �F THE 1997 UBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): F'iRE�7EPARTIVIENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY VVORK CAN BE 5TARTED. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perenit. ' D�CLARATIONS I hereby aclmowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infarmation as required is correct. I agree to eomply with tlhe inforn�►ation and plot plan,to comply with aU Tow�n ordinances and state laws,and to build this structurc according to the torr�ns zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, Uniform Buildin�Code and ather ordinances of the Totivn applicable thereto. REQL�ESTS FOR[NSPECT[ON SHALL BE A4ADE TWF.NTY-FOF.1�HOLiRS[`:ADVAN�Y TE 'PHONE 4T 479- OR A7'OU FFICF..FROh7 R:Q[I AM-5 PMi. Scnd Clean-up Deposit Ta: ' NA'['iJRI:Oli C3WNf�OR C(7N"CRt1CTUR rOR HIMS�LF AND OVJNE L" � �t��> �',C�� �l� . � APPL�CATION WILL N ACCEPTED TF FhIC MPL�TE OR UNS�G� � �'V( f �/ Project #: '`'� � �, � Building Permit #: 1 �--�� , 970-479-2149 (inspections) T�I�OF�AJl, '' TUWN AIL BU i�IG PERMTT APPLICAT�ON Se�arate Permits arc required far eiectrieal, plumbing, mechaoical, etc.". 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, COIO�ddo $1b57 CONTRACTOR INFQEtMATIO�I'J General Contractor. Town of Vail �teg. No.: Contact and Phane #'s: (tir�F-�.� 'tr�L'�� 1��.. � n " � !r�� a - �7 I f !� � Con r atur • � s COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING Pf te ' BUILDING: $ ��,�y� ELECTRICAL: $ THER: $ P�UMBING: $ MECHANICAL: $ TOT : For ParceJ#Contact Ea /e Coun Assessvrs O�ce at 9T0-328- 4 r visit www.ea le-coun .com � Parcel # 21D �� `� � t3U ��y {application wi�l not be accepted without parcel number) Job Name: �;��� �,�L ]ob Address: ���Z� ��,�r„t��,���t,.,� � � K/ 7 / Legal Description Lot: Block: Fil"rng: Subdivision: Qwners Name: � � �5 Address: ,,,.,,,,,r,��,,�,v.,� / Phone: G p �� �rY.t� �NN 'S f ���v� � �'f �7 A ' f 'l `/�' Architect/Designer: Address: Phone: Engineer: Address: P'�hone: Detai9ed descr��tion of work; �w�G'Lrl1.f�{rJ� �,'.�u�� L� �-��� ,��Y �}��v ��-YJ �I�J y�-j•��4/t�� ��'1/1'�'Ll. $I VF�4 l.�l �i Z`J'!� (�r..u�f76?W Wark Class: New ( ) Additio� ( ) Rerriodel { ) Repair ( } Re�no ( ) Other (� Work Type: Interior O Exterior ( } Both (� Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes O No (x) Type of Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( } Multi-family(�) Commercial { ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) I�o. of Existing Dwelling Units in khis buildin�: No. of Accornmodation Units in this buildi�g: � No e of Fire laces Existin : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood Pellet Wood Burnin X � No T af Fire laces Pro osed: Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellek Wood Bumin N0�ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes O No O Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes O No (X} �**�,�,���,�,���,�,�,�**��*���,�*�,�*��,�x��,��:*xFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*,�*�,�*,���**�����*�*�*�*�`e'��,�� Other Fees: Type of Co�struction: Acce ted B : DRB Fees: Occu an Grou : Planner Si n-off: � Date Received• ' F:/everr,rone/forms/bldgperm � � � � r� �� , � ,� , �� l � �I����'���.�G L Questions? Caltl the Building Team at 479-2325 � � � �����. ����,��N a_�.� 4 . � p���� ,�ba ��i TOI��'.�1' O F l���L� g�'��d�nQ Permit Su6mitt�/ Check/ist Department of Community De�elopment Project Name: ����-1,F.� Project Address. , ��jL��� ��1N'!1 ���C-- �- ( ✓ This Check/ist must 6e rnmp/e�ed before a BuiJding Permit app/ication is accepted. ❑ All pages of application is complete W Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy af approval farm �Condaminium Assoc�ation letter of approva! attached if project is a Multi-Family complex ,Ur4�5 Complete site plan submikked �ll�Public Way Permit application included ef applicable (refer to Public Works ch�cklist� J�P�a Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist} No dumpster,parking or �aterial storaqe a_I_lowed an roadways and shoulders without written approval N�a Asbestos test and results submitted if demofitian is oceurring /�1+4; ❑ Architec�stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) ,(�,y�-❑ Fuli floor pGans incBuding building sections and elevatior�s(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Np(o Window and daor schedule NK� ���I structural pfans, including design criteria (ie.loads) /J?r❑ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) �6� o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection fo➢l�❑ Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated �'f�'❑ Smoke detectors shown on plans �,p� ❑ Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Stgnature; "�-� Date of submittal: Rece�ved By: F:/ev e ry o ne/f o rm s/bl d pe rm 2 ��y �. 717N'N 4F YAb�i HOW DID WE RATE W[TH YOU? Town of Vail Survey . Community Developme�t�epartmer�t R�ssell Forrest, Director, (970)479-2139 Check afl thaE appiies. 1. Which Departrnenf(s) did yau contact? Buil�ing Environment�l Housing Ad'min Plar�ning- „��R� PEC Z. Was yaur initia�contac�with aur stafF immediate slaw or no ane availahle__��,�___�? 3. If you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? ��'S -. . , 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis?Y�s 1 No lf na, wd�y nQt? 5. Was this yc��r first time to fiie a �RB app �� P�C ap� 8#dg Permit v NIA ` 6. Piease rate the pe�farmance of fhe staff person who assiste� you: 5 4 3 2 t Narne: (knawl�dge, responsiveness, availa�ilit�r) 7, Ove�all e#�ectiueness of the Front Service Ca�nter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. V1lhat is ihe best time of day�or yor�to use the Front Service Counter? lU�t�� 9. Any comments you have which wa�uld allow us to better se�ve you next time? Than�c you for taking�h� time to complet�this survey. We are cammi��d fo impraving aur service. �� � �DWN�F �Aif. WHEN A "PfJBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS R�QUIRED PL�P,S� R�AD AND CHECK �FF EACH QF TH� FOL�OWENG QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMFT": o Is this a new resid�nce? YES NO � o [7oes demolition work being per�ormed require the use of the R�gh�-of-lNay, easements or public �roperty? YES NO +� ❑ Is any utility work needed? YES NO � o Is the driveway being repaved? YES NO �- ❑ Is a different aecess needed to Che site other than the existing driveway? YES NO X ❑ Is any drainage work beine� done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO�_ ❑ Is a "Revocab9e Right-of-Way Perrnit" required? YES NO_ '� � Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO_�,� If answer is ND, is a arking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES N0� If you answered YES to any of these questions, a"Public Way Permit" rnust tae obtained. "Public Way Permit'"apptications may be o�t�ined at the Public Work`s office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please cali Leonard 5andoval in Public Works at 479-Z198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. , ' �.�- r�N'��5 D"—' /'g 5� v�, 1 ti � Contrac r Signature C.ompany Name .�ob or Project Name: /7`���5 Date 59gr�ed: !�/��� �o ( • �____�_r.__. F:/everyane/forms/bNd perm4 !1 � T1UTV�1�UF i�Ai�, PUB�IC WORNCS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: :- Fili out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pfck up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 Soutih Frontage Road or Public Works, Iocated at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. : Natice sign-off� for utility companies. ALL utilities r�ust field verify (locate) respectiv� utilities prior to signi�g application. So�ne ubl�ty companies require up ta 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. � A construction traffie control/staging plan mt�st be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. Ar� approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of ail traffic control dev�ces {sigr�s, cor�es, etc.) and the work zone, (ar�a of construction, staging, etc.). Th6s �lan wal! expire an Navember lst and will need to be resubmitted for cansideration far approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. � Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (Iengtl�, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the trafFic car�trol plan or a site plan for the job. % Submit completed applicati�n to the Public Wark's ofFice for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians an� irrigation crew. The locates ta4ce place �n the �norning, but may require �op to 48 hours to per�form. :- The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to �he status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released with�n 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to pr�cess. � As soon as the peemit is approved, the Building Departrraent will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit"' to be celeased. Please do not confuse the °Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit"'. r NO'��: The above process is for work in a public way QNLY. Publ�c Way Permits are �alid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not compfete. Re-application each No�ember 15th drt�es not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and unders d the above. ��� �Q 2� �;� Signatur Date Signed F:/everyo ne/forms/bl d perm 5 � �JR'N�F�'� BUILDING PERMIT iSSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approvatl, Engineer's �(Public Works} review and approval, a Planning �epartmenk review ar Health �epartment review, ar�d a review by the Building Department, th� �stimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks, All commercial (large or small) and al� mukti-family permi'ts wi4e have to follow the above mer�tioned maximum requirements. Residential and sma�l projects should take a lesser amoun� of ti�ne. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the variaus above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to re�iew and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to e�cpedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, thak I must stilE pay the plan check fee ar�d that if I fail to �o so it may affect fut�re pe�mits that I apply for. Agreed to by: ������ f�'C��S Print name _. _..� �- , S�gnatur Pro�ect Name: /7`��,(��S Date: /4 fZt ��` / F:everyone/forms/bldperrn3 P�►#: C� ❑ - ❑ � C7 0 - APPLICA�ION parc�i #: C� ❑ ❑ ❑ ' ❑ �� � - ❑ Q � ❑ ❑ � �,�., Fo� rowM o�wni�. ❑B ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ � � ;; PUBLIC WAY PERAIIfT 19 Bldg. Permit#: TOF�'IVOFY� 1' Job Name Street Address ❑ �I ❑ _ ❑ 4'79-2138 ext80) LJ 2` Excavating Contractor Nema Mailing Address TOV Gontractor's License Number REQUIRED ( } City State Zip Phane# 3' Start Date Completion Date (Permit�xpiration Date) 4. 'U'Vork is for�ctrc3e one> Water �ewer Gas Electric Telephone CAN Lan�scapir�g Temp. S�te Access Other 5. Trench-width Length Depth (rnin. 4') Total SF $ Total LF $ Bond Amount $ Permit Fee TotaK P�rmit Fee $ 6. ALL MA7ERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CO ST 9E ON TFlE JOBSITE B��ORE THE JOB IS STARTED. 7. Rubber oUt-riggers are required on excav g t en working on asphali. . Asphalt surtaces underneath the buc t a g i otected at all times. B. A signature below indicates a revi h utility locations and approvals. Once all ut�lity company signatures are obtained, permittee t ting application through the Public Works o�fice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. ow up to one we�ek to process. Public Service Company (1-800-922 ) Public Senrice Natural Gas Group (1-800-922•1987) U.S. West(1-80a-922-�987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (�-80�-922-1987) � Eagle River Water& Sanitation District{970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Gross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Wail Electricians (970-479-21 SSa Tawn of Vail Irrigation (970-479-2158) _ Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector(970-479-2198) ' 9. 7HERE WILL BE NO T�TA�STREET CL�SURES! A construction traffic cflntro! plan must be approved by the Pub�ic Wtirks Department prior ta issuance of the permit. � 10. ABI excavation must be done by hand within 18" e#utilities-{Sena#e �ilk 172). 11. P rmitt nt P ' W 24 ri r t mm ncin of w k. Failure to notify the Town wi!! result in forfeiture a�boncf money. 5cheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the cvntractar a reinspection fee. 12. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8- Public Ways and Praperty, of the 1/ail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will ab�de by the same, ar�d that all uti�it'res have been notifi�d as required. Contractor's Signature of Agreement Print name cEear�y �ete of Signature ATTACH PLAN QF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTI�N TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN White—Public Works . Show streets with names, buildings, and lacation of cuts. USE DAShf LINES FOR CUT. Yeuow-Contractor 1/ � �II��l" �I11J.r DRAINAGE AND CULVERT IMSPECTIONS ARE' REQUIRED BY PUBL.IC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the �tems below; � The 3own of Vail Building Department has de�eloped the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established praper drainac�e from building si�es along and a�jacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. �The Town of Vail Public Works Department wil� be required to inspect and apprave drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation af temporary or pe�manent culverts at access points from the road or street anto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vaql Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any ather ir�sp�ction. Please cafl Leanard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspectian from the Public Works Department. Allow a m�nirnum af 24 hour notice. a/�Also, the Town af Vail Public Works �epartment will be approving all final drainage and culuert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval rr�ust be obtained prior ta any Final C�rtificate of Occupanc� issuance. Agreed to by: �i�/"��Z.� �-'✓ ��-������� Print Name --� ti.___ Signature Project Name: ��;+"�"f��s Date Signed: /� �l � F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 �� �1 �A�N QF i���, MAT�ER�AL STORAGE AND GONSTRUCTION PARKING Pfease read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of connplete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-I0: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o Linlawful deposits: Subject ko su�section C thereof, it is unlawful for any person ta Eittee, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. a Notbee; Abatement: The Director of Publit Works may notify and require any person who violates or caus�es another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Rirector's em�loyment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any �ther debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein speci�ed, th� Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snouv, ice, debris or any other material to be removecf from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. ❑ Summons and Penalty: As an alternative ta t�e notice for removal provided in subsection S above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon be�ng found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. ❑ Notice and Penalty: It is ur�lawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subseckiaru B hereof, and any such person shall, in additiQn to payment of the expense of remava! incurred �y the Lirecto� of Pub�ic Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be pu�nishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 af this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING 7RAFFIC&IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED ❑ No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other p�ace within this Munic+pality in such a manner or under such conditioras as to interfere with the free �rnovement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) § 1) t� Whenever any pokice officer finds a vehic�e attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violatoon of any section of this Artide, or left unattended for a per�od of twenty four {24) hours or rnare and presumed to be abandoned ur�der the canditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the o�ficer shall require the vehicle to be rert�oved or cause it to be remaved and placed in s�orage in the nearest garage or other place o�safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for tawing and storage of s�sch vehicle shall be charged ta the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) � 3: Ord. 28(1981) g 1) I have read and w�ill cornply with the a'bove code provisions: �/v�i,ti G �� •-� —>Prin ame Signat ' Position ar Relatiortship to Project: �'N% G'�w'N.�s-� Date Signed: � Z� �% � F:lev�ryane/Tc�rms/6�dperm7 � �� ��► TOWN OF VAIL Deparlmerrt of Public Works & Transportation 1309 Elkhorn Drive Yail, Colarado &1657 970-479-2158 Fax: 9'�l-4�9-2166 wW�.c�.vatl.�o.us Vai12�01 Staging ! Parking Plan information The StaQing / Par�in� P1an Philosophy- Is a very important step ?n the building pracess. Striking a balance between safe public access and giving constructian projects room to build is �ecoming increasingly challenging, for us to meet alI the needs of those who will be impacted by �construction pro�ects. The fact is, there is less room to buiid in the Town of Vail. Developin� a creative Sta�ing Flan is a must. Staging in the Town of Vail PubIic Right of V�Jay is a Privilege, not a biven r�ght. We take into account when we review and approve staging / par�ina plans, impacts on neighborhoods, tourism, business and the traveling public along with your right to build. Tfie Gene�al Contractor i,s res onsibCe or all suhcontractors and afl canstruction activity relatina to the buildirz� prolect. The staging plan will be enforced according to the Approved Set of Building and Staging Plans. You are required to keep a copy of the Approved Staging Plan on site. Tr�vo staging /parking plans are required, a summer and w�anter. Summer staging plans expire on Navember 1, and win�er staging plans expire on April 15. (Note: Ther� is no on street arkin in the winter season and all materials. e ui ment, etc must be 10' off the ed�e af asphalt). Enforcement of all stabing /par�ting plan is as follaws. A) Stagin� ! Parking P'lans tca scale required. B) Once the plan is approved, they will be held to complete complianc�. C) V�Je will use a � step a�d yau're out, process. Ste One- Verbal and written warnings as to the stagina pla.al violation, then have contractor sign and date field memo warning. Sten T��o- Police Department issue tic�ets and tows ar public works wntes second written warning to all violators who have been notified under step one and who are still in violation of the approved Sta�in� / P�king Plan. The Town of Vail Chief Building �ff�cial will call the coniractor and notify them, the next time any violation happens, the buildin� depar!ment wi�l red tag the construction site for 48 hours. 5tep Three- If still in �-iolation after step two, a �$ ho�r Red Ta� wi11 be issued to the prc�ject site. If you l�ave any Questions, Plea.se contact the Towza of Vail Canstruction Inspectoz at 970-479-2198 ��REGYCLED PAPER Requirements for an Acceptable Staging Plan It is preferred that and Approved Site Flan is used to draw a staging plan, but a hand drawn plan may t�e used as long as it is dawn to scale a�nd is neat and legible. 1.) The Staging Plan must show the following: (a) Show all paricing that is required for the job site. (in�luding construction equipment). (b} Show the locatior� of all material that will be staged on site. (c) Show the location of all duxnpsters and port-o john that are to be on site. (d} If a fence is required. then show the Iocation of the fence and describe the material used for the fence. (e) If trees and / or vegetation is required to be pratected, then show�bw this will be done. (f} If this staging plan is for a Demo Permit, then show staging for dump trucks and a�l related eq�ipment. If the Tovvn of Vail Right of Way area is needed for staging, then a Traffic Coz�trol �'lan is required in conjunction vvith the staging plan. {g) Please provide and show an Erosion Contral Plan. (h) No equipment, vehicles, materials are allawed on Town of Vail �2ight of Way in the Winter Staging Plan. 2.} If work needs to occur in the right of way, th.en add a �Traffic Control Plan to the staging plan showing the following: (a) The work zone (area that is to be perforrned) (b) Tr�ffic Cont�ol Devices {warning, signs, cones, fl�.ggers, etc.) (c) Distances that all dewices wiil be set up from the work zone. Alsv show all dimensions of work b�ing performed in t�e right of wvay. All traffic contro� p�ans must conform to t�e MLTTCD manual.(Manual of Uniforrr� Traffic Control Devices) 2.) This plan will be reviewed b� Pu�iic Works and if Necessary the Police, Fire, and Comrtmunity Development Departmer�t. t�nce the staging pla� is approved, it will be rebistered with the departments listed above and enforced. 3.) �"he Village and Lionshead aarea have outside construction restrictions, Please become familiar with the Vail 2000, Vail Village and Lianshead Construction Hours handout. �4 T° � ' ��Lw+y �,p S.G k1:?:, �����,�. TV������ ��l A���+� Vai12001 Vail VilfagePLionshead Ganstruction HourS Mand�out Problem Statement The Vail Village and Lionshead are invaluable assets to the community. Thousands of people eome to town each year to sightsee, recreate, shap and enjoy Uail. The community and merchants rely upon the summer/winter tourism to generate revenve. Our summer/winter guests expect a pleasant experience while in Vail. To insure that all of khe proposec! cons4ruction has as little negatiUe irnpac# on the community and on c,ur guest as possible, the 7awn of Vail finds it irraperative to create and implement the Vail Village/Lionshead Construetion Master Plan. Maps of tt�e ViREage and Lionshead are included to show areas of constructian being affected by this plar� If wouid be irresponsibie for the Town of Vai1, the construction contrac#ors and the merchants, to not actively participate to minimize the impaet of canstruction on the Uillage and Lionshead areas. Givens TY�e following g�vens are intended to praui�e the basic foundation by which constructio� wil� be campleted in the Uillage: • The pub�ic's health, safety and weffare shall be honored at all times. • Adequate pedestrian, loading/de9ivery, vehicle, and emergency vehicle access and circulation shall �e maintained. • Roadways and pedestrian walkways shall b� kept clean and free of dirt and debris. • All construction deli�eries e4uipment tools, materials, etc.to the Villac�e must qo throu�h Check Point Ch�rlie. All �ionshead corostruction activitv r�ust qa to the Vail Police De artment for a arkin ermit. Do not use deliver zones for constructior� parkinq, refer to approved sta�ing plan or rnake other arranqements for arkin�. • The hours of Outside Constructian Activity shafl b� as fallows: - April 1� — June 21 & September 7 - November 15, 7 a.m. �ntil 7 p.m., seven days a week. Betwe�n June 22 —Se tember 7 work must end b 4:(70 .m. On ��idays. November 15 —April �5, 20�2 work allowed within daylight hours only. - Deliveries shall be restricted in�o the Village from 7 a.m. unti[ �1:34 a.m. on Gore Creek Drive and 7 am #a 8:30 am o� Bridge Street. - Speciai delivery permits must be rec�uested in advance, from Public Works in conj�nction with Code Enforcement at Gheckpoint Charlie. - No eonstruction activity shall occur on Saturday or Sunday between June 23 8� Septem�er 16 - Vai1 Village area only, No outside construction activity allowed September 14, 15, 16, due to the 2001 World Mountain Bike R�ees. _ - Nv autside construction activity shail occur on the #ollowing dates: . �riday, February 'i6, Saturday, February 17, Sunday, �February 18, and Monday, February 99. (Presider�ts Weekend) Saturday, May 2fi, Sunday, May 27 and Monday, May 28 (Memorial Dav) Satur�ay, June 30 and Sunday, July 1. (Vail Arks Festival} Tuesday, July 3, 12:40 PM thru Wednesday, July 4. (Indspendence Dav� Saturday, July 7 and Sunday, Juiy 8. (Work allowed 7:�0-91:59 AM on Tuesday moming orrly). Seturday, September 1, Sunday, September 2, and Monday, September 3 �Labor Day1 Friday, 5eptember 7, Saturday, Sep#ember 8 and Sunday, Sep#ember 9 (October Fest� Lionshead. 7�ursday, Novernber 22, iThanksqivinQ �av1 Friday, Nouember 23, Saturday, November 24 and Sunday, November 25 Friday, December 21, Saturday, Qecember 22, Sunday, December 23, and Monday, December 24, and �`uesday December 25�Christmas Day Friday, December 28, Saturday, December 29, Sunday, December 30, Monday, December 31, and Tuesday January 1, 2002 (New Year 2002� • The Town of Vail I�oise Ordinance has been waived by the Town Manager from 7a.m. — 7p.m. For constr�ction activities from April 15 through June 21, and from September 7 through Novem�er 15. The Noise Ordinance shall be in effect and strictly regulated from June 22 through September 4 and November 15 to Apri� 15, 2001 • All canstruction sites wil! be required to obtaan an Approved Construction-5taqinq �lan from the Town of Vail �'ublic Vllarks Department in conj�nction with Code �nfQrcement (The approved staging / parking plan is required to be on site at all times). • The Town of Vail resenres khe right to amend the Vail Villag�/Lionshead Construction Plan regulations at anytim� should abuses or prok�lems arise. • The Three-Strike Rule will be enforced. Step 1. {Verbal warning), Sfep 2. (Written warning}, Step 3. (A 48 hour Red Tag wili be issued to the sitej. Expectations The following expectations are established to insure the success of the Vail Village/ Lionshead Construction Master Plan: • Ful1 and complete caoperation and understanding from all parties involved in the construction activity in regards to this plan. • Stract adherence and compliance with the requirements autlined in the c�nstr�ction plan. • Respect and consideration for the affected interests and parties. If you have any questian, Please contact the Touvn of Vail Public Works Department (Constructian Inspector) or Vail Police Department (Code Enforcement Officer} 970-4i9-2198 97�f-476-7603 z � + � ,.� � ,: �. 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WIDTH: 1' fi" R.O. HETGHT: 3� 3�4�� 1 CA:�EI�NT, CL-CS-1630, Prime Crest 3td. Insu1_ Hingecl Left as, viewed from extesior 1 Std. Insul.\Prime Crest 150.50 150.50 1 Glass Option: Clear Tempered � �ti 9.80 9.80 1 Fligh Altitude Glass � ''�j 3.50 3.50 1 Screens: Copper {Standard) � ��i p 5.60 5. 60 ], �oppex� Hardware {Standard) \� 1 Jamb Size: 6 9/16 �' ` � 11.20 17,.20 1 -- Additional Item -- /,]� 1 HIGH ALT GLASS ���V ---�-�-' ��" 9ub Tota1 $187.60 I &o.�C� Case�ent La3�e1: B Bow Windows Pages 23 � 25 �ufact�srer: Crestline Windaws ccw.�.oa.o2� (�'I�b o c�.� �,dS C i�"/� c,aJ r�! x--f �. a�,� �" � � � �4- � a� ,� �— �� '� ' �r� Gc.�- �+o . �'r. . . � Z 97 v�c 5' . , . , . a��b� . ,- S�z� �c� ��Pa,�r �vc�s, �� �.�t � g ? v 3c. s�'c . ���a. 1�•Cv R.O. WIDTH: �' 11 3/16" �-�l ,, A R.O. HEIGHT: 4" 6 3/4" � �(ti��. �,,����[c��s ��►�sdVl ,�i� �/l� r�t� �Q�v�v1 � �? (�3C". �,�"C. 31 a�. �l'. �r�.. 1 CASEMENT, CL-CS-BOW-3-2046, Prime rest Std. Insu Hinged Lett„ 8tationaxy, Hinged Right as vi.ewed, from e�rterior fsom left to right 1 Std. Insul.\Prime Crest 737.10 737 .10 1 High Altitude Glass 10.50 10.5C 1 Screer.s: Gopper (Standard) 16,80 16.80 1 Copper Elardware (S'tandard) 1 Jamb Size: 6 9/16 23.10 23.10 Sub Total $787.50 Bid Sub Total $975.10 TAX -> 4.5% $913.88 Grand Tota1 $1,018.98 — 7.ao�,a D30�_ Inf_Ot�t14I1—CQntiszussL4rt Next P�3ye ___ _ v 3.0.15 Page 2 of 3