HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VALLEY FILING 1 BLOCK 3 LOT 17 TOWN aP VAIL DEPARTM�NT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD V�4IL, CQ 81657 970-479-2X38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED�N JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0022 JoU Address: 1468 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Locati�n.....: 1468A VAII.VALLEY DR Applie� . . : 04/09/2002 Parcel Na...: 210109207015 Issued . . : 04/12/2002 Project No : Expires . .: 10/09/2002 OVJNER GROFF NEAL CRAIG 04ffl9/2002 Phone: 4582 S ULISTER 5T PKWY STE 1 DENVER CO 80237 Lieense: CONTRACTOR KELLY'S QUALITY PLUMBING SER04/09/20�2 Phone: 970-328-6093 P.O. Box 3�87 Eagle, CO 81631 License: 279-P APPLICA,NT KELI�Y'S QUALITY FLUMBING SER04/09/2002 Phone: 970-328-b093 P.�. Box 3187 Eagle, CO 81�631 License: 279-P Desciption: changing one tub to a steam shower,mflving 2 lavs and on toilet VaIuation: $4,000.00 Fireplace Iirformation: Restricted: ?? #J of Gas Appliances: ?? #of Gas Logs: ?? #of W��.J Tlallet. '?'�R#rt*****IF*XMk#*k****kfik#*1r:FR*:Fk*!*:lir*R#*k*K#***fS***fF*#*****#t*k*k�e*�F CCL'Cf iI�AAA A 1]V 1+t�Ftkitrtk#%#Y+kk*tYk44**trtkRYk�1%%-kt*fk**M********##X#+t#}###*# ll F" ll � f'L.L JYJ1Vll�1lll\i Plumbing--> $60.OD Restuarant Plan Reciew—> $o.oo Total Calculaked Fees--� S78.o0 Plan Check--> $15.DO DRB Fee--------------------> $0.00 Adc�itional Fees-------> $55.00 ��esrigation-> $o.00 ToT,ai,Fr-.ES-----------> S�a.00 TotalPermitFee--------> 5333.00 Will Call-----� $3.D� Payments------------� $133.00 BALANCE DUE-----� $0.00 +k+:kk:F�l'#:F*S!*:kti#+�k###iF#*i+t**k+###�[+:k#*##:t#-ik}#ki*t#k+�k*+#+k#!+*!k*ki#�F*tf tt�Y*##fi+k*%**!*sF4*4W Y'FY�'lrkWY�'k*M�Ylk#fi�Y*�F�k�RkRArtrt*kd k*k M***k+#iF;yk*MkAk**k:Fk+ Item: 0510� BUILDING DEPARTMEN'T 04/09/20Q2 DF Actipn: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT COIVi�ITTON C)F APPROVAL Cond: 12 {BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE CONIPLIANCE. 3kf k�.F{�****�kK##kk*fi#:k k%k4Ak�F+td%ik'4:F#*�F'4kk�k*V'Yfr%k�hd k�.FSk YF%*'kM*k#%'iwX*'k*fi:tk'kkYr�kk#�kNY+:4Y:]M��.Flk:FM**'k*k*k*i**k:�Fk*fYkM1 k*ft*#M**:i+k****�*****+#****i***%fk*%�YRW'A DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the infarmation required,compl�ted�n accurate plot p�azt, and state that aIl the infarmation as requirec£ is correet. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with alI Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin� and subdivis�on codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances o#the Town applicable thereto. [ZEQUESTS FOR INSPECTFOh SHALL BE MAD�7VJENTY-FOUR HQUii5 IN ADVAI�ICE,BY TELEP�IOI�iE AT 479-2138 OC2 AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OD AM-5 PM. � � _ /> J - G ., .� '4�-�` SIGNATIIRE OF WI�iER OR COI'1TRACTQR F�R HIMSELF AND dWNEF _ ,/ P�-��-�,�� A�rLICATION WILL NOT 6E ACCErTED IF INCOMr�LETE OR UN Project #: ,Y� � - ��, Building Permit #: - — -- - � �� � Plumbing Permi# #: � 970-479-2149 (Inspections) Y � 1NM O V L ING PE P AT 75 ro R Vai , Col ado i .• NTRA TOR INFORMATIO Plumbin ra�tor: Town of Vail Reg. No.: Contact and Phone #'s: k��-LLy p �b �s C��.,ti.I,�y �(�..�.b:�, ��� - .� a.sr� -5 8 -r S Contractor Sgnature: � � COMPLET� VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERM bor ials} PLl1MBiNG: $ j/�j(J. °"' �vntact Ea le Coun Assessors O�ce at 9T�-328-8640 or visrt ww�vv.ea /e-coun ,com for Parce/#�1°'' Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) ��q iCaq z�-J v r5 Job Name: ��o �r ,�}���,��c 6 ]ob Address: �y�g v�.�'v���Q, �C Legal Description �.ot: �'� slock: 3 Fiting: Subdivision: Owner�s Name: r�4-� � Address: �4�� ji��.�� Vra-i'�j Q�� Phone: �[�S - �Cao r Engineer: �,�.. Adc�ress: �,,� Phone: N,q Detailed descebption of work: ��;,n�..,�.r��. �a� T�a � � Sr� S{-���+.� rm��"�-a � ��'s , �Y1ov�n- ,v� .��� �f f"� �k, errr� I..e� • Wark Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration ( Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family� Duplex( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( } Dther( ) No. of Existing DwellFng Units in this building: � .�-wa No. of Accommodation Units in this buildi�g: r'� Is this a conversion from a wood burning freplace to an EPA Phase II device7 Yes O No ` ***:��x,�x��*:�x*:���*�*:��:���*���xx:����x:���FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*�Xx�*��x�,��x;��*,�*:��:���:�,��:�*��*:�**�*� Other Fees: Date Recei�red: DRB Fees: Acte ted B : Planner Si n-off: REC'� A PR - 5 2oQ2 Ff everyo�e/formsJplmbperm , ,, °'�*+'eP;"` . � 1 . r 1'• ;- . - 't�y.; -i . . , . ., ��„ . . : . . ��- �, �.. ' '�.. • `Y�4}rA I � � . ., • � - _ . .� . , 'e ,..a.. . -' . '•, . ..,....�- . . . ..�,_ . . " '� ... - � � , � w� ! � , "`t\�~?..` � • ; {ir� � . ry� ,r, � ` ��, ' � l� � � nIl91WOFpqIL � �� � HOW DiD VYE RATE WIT� Yfl�!? � Tawn of Va�� Survey C�mmunity Deve�apment fle�artmen# Russell �oRest, Director, � �(970�479-2139 c!c a'�I that a��iies. . Which �epartneni(s) did yau can#act? Buii�ing Environmentai Housing Admin Planning DRp p�� . � 2. �'Vas your initial contact with our staff immediate slow or no one avaiia�le ? 3. If you were requ�red ta wait, how lang was it before you wer'e he!�ed? 4. 'Nas yaur.pr�oject revie�Ned on a tim�ly basis?Yes 1 f�o if na, why nat? 5. Was�his your f�rst tirne to fi�e a �RB app p��aQ� Bfdg Pem�it NIA 6. Please rate the performance of the staff¢�ersa�t who assisted you: 5 4 3 2 1 hlame: {kn�wiedge; fE5�fl�1SiV£t1�SS, avaiiabiii�y} 7, Overail effec�ve�ess af the Front Ser�»ce Counter. 5 4 3 2 � 8. What is the best time of day for yo� to Use the Frar�t SeN�ce COUn�ef? 9- �nY��m����y�� have whict� would allow us t� be�e�s��ve you next time? Th�nk you for t�#cjng t�e time to comple#e t�is s�rvey. We �re cammi�e� m im�rovi�tg a�r service. , `<. �' :i, ' a. _ r ;.'�`,r rr-,.b� °kry . � j J � �j: r :',�.-. � �. _ �::���� �il�l€+�' F*�� _r, `���'1k�s�t- � I'$�1�1 '`�- - �T� �.��{ - .r . . . �; If � 4 �„• . . - . . . __ -. , . . _.. a� �. 4,, � '.� � . _. ...a.t . . .. � . . :... ...,..,..' .,.. � � . .�. ,,....t t.a...:. � r,_-... ,.,.�'1.-.,- ,�.:..�,.... ..�.;,, .w.: .�, r, TOWN�F VAIL DEP�,RTMENT OF COIv1MU1�TITY DEUELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE R.OAD VAIL, CO 81657 9'70-479-213$ I�iOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT�4LL TIMES ELECTRICAL�'ERMIT Permit #: E02-0025 Job Address: 1468 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Stat�xs . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 146$A VAIL VALLEY DR Applied . . : 04/03/2002 Parcel No...: 210109207015 Issued . . : 04/11/2002 Project No : Expires . .: 10/08/2002 OWNER G420FF NEAL CRAIG 04/03/2002 Phone: 45$2 S ULISTER ST PKWY S'I'� 1 n�r�v��. co 80237 License: CON'I'RACTOR �OUBLE Q ELECTRIC 04/03/2002 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E APPLICANT DOUSLE Q ELECTRIC 04j03/2002 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. SOX 242 EDWIARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E DescipYion: REMODEL 2 UPSTAIRS BATHS AND STEAM SHO[NER Valuation: $2,aoo.00 AM'4Y�k%vFYF*�t�.YWfH`Yr�Rf4l:YkRA+F%kMYertYrW4%k'kM+tMk*KM%k*Mk:Fk*%kMk*fFrtM1k*�MvltF:Fk%** CCT'CTrARt�A A l'f\l k'k**##*�ki!k+#k**�Fk*irF:F�k**#****t***k*tkfk**#!*rFk�tYk'MM'fiW�FMrt*fk%� l'1•G JC.�VIIVI!'11\I &lettrical-----� $50.00 "C'otal Calculated Fees--> $53.0� DfiS Fee-------> $o.00 Additional Fees------> $0.o0 Investibation--� $0.00 Tc�tai Fermit Fee---> $53.00 Will Call-----> $3.00 Payments-----------> $53.00 TOTlaL FEES--> $53.00 BALANC�DUE-----> So.o0 �t a#*�:n#.kf�ktrY k�.F W�FM W k�F rtlYh+!!*:hFkx kYr�lkM kkrta-kk+F%*fr�wf*:Y*+l4kfi:llr*+k*'M'iM�k*+F*HM.F:F%�YilArtet rt*rtfik�F%#�.!k+#H!?kir*ttt#:F+f#frMt4f k#ttf#+k#i###+#ltkikiF�F%�wM�eY'%wR Appro�Tals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 04/03/2002 DF Action: AP Item: 056�0 FIRE DEPARTMENT #xk#kirt##ft�t+#44�F�.kk�Yt�.FeF+Y kA-YrkrtNrF�F W�.F-kiY%ik�.F�Y%�Y W�.YeF+FrtrtR4rt%n-:YekR%�k�kYrrtYrt:YVrwY%-kkxNwrt�FwkMYrk#k�FkknrtkR��2#k##ttl�kkVri#�<*k#At*#+Ri+#krtkik#X*#i�t�F#l�kY kN W 4tHIkh CONDITIONS OF APPRO�VAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. } : FIELD INSPECTIO�+75 ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. NYk:FAA:FkW W+FW WVr�VkW 4�lrWWkM:FfYxh*�.hM*kk�Fk*N�MJ.�*fF+hM'AA**YrkfifF+tA:kk:Fkk�ft�k�lW+tk£M+F**:t*RkX�F*:krt*k*kwkrt**#fF+Y#t�**:Fk+t#**l#i4k****#*##:kk*****iiF**L#Y�k�F#'4�FY�YOMkR�Frt�.Frt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowle�ge that I have read this appiication,filled out in full the informatio�required,campleted an accurate plot plan, and state that aIl the information as re�uired is correct. I agree to compl�with the in�ormation and p1Qt�lan, ta cornplv with a11 Town ord�nanees and state laws, and to build this structure aecorc�ing to the towns zdnin� and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of fhe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR 1�]SPECTION SHALL BE MADE TY1rEN1'Y-FQUR H0�7R5 IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROtvt 8:00 AM-5 PI�1. � � � i � '� t-GC.ci ` SIG� TURE�F OWNER O�CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 04/02/2002 I3.06 970-748-9780 nOUBLE a EL�CTRIC PAGE 02 : � - -- �������5'Q 7-b�y� Proj��. ,, ,�,.,,�,. ; -� Bu�ldinp Perm�t#: i �lectrical P�rrnit#: ; ) d ���'�'� Ta �[ca� ° 75 S.FnpnMge Rd. � Y�fl, CoiorAdo 81657 . O �lectric�)Contractor: Town pf V�il Re9, Na.: Contact and Phone #',�; �c ���'�'� ,�'-� 47� C�trac�nr " ture: COMpL.�ETF . FEET FOR N�VY BUILDS and VAI.UATIQNS FOR ALL QTHERS bor d�Mab�ial$ AMOt1Af['OF SCl FT IN STRUCTURE: EtECTF2ICJIL VALIfATiQN: � � Contact E Ie Coun A.s�essors ORi�e at 9�328�640 or risit Rar PCa�� � 3ob Name: �� �`i1 lob Address:�iI�� ��" �1�� U Le�ff Descrlptio� Loc: Bbck: Filing: Subdlvkion: Ow� rne; :v �r �r � P n - 2.7�4 Engineer: Address: Piione: Ddailed description of work: 4 Wark Cla�s: New( ) Add�on t l �rnode�t�y ��va�C � T�,p po+�{ � ocn�r( ) � Work Ty�e: Ir�terior� F�tterbr( ) Both ( J Dae3 ar�EHU rxist at thi5 location: Yes( � No( ) T�rpe of eWg.: Sfr�gle-farrWY( ) pupleic�ll Mula-fan�lY( ) cc�mm�aal( ) Resra�uant( ) qlher( ? Nn. of 6cisting [3w�lling Unit�in tltiis buikiing� Nn.of 14ccxutvnddatian Uni�s in this bu�din�: Is this rmit for a hot tub: Yes No Does � Fre A�tm Exist: Xes Na( ) Dces a F�re 5prinkler 5ystem Exist: Yes( ) No , i •�rfir�tierra�aaarir�Afaett+lxittA����ri►s+rF�ROFFICE USiE QNLYtaf�rtt�ati�+4ra*iRrti�iw�iAw�rrrir*tw U .. � ,.� � �`,� � ,. ..., ' r�� �i ) �'..�'�1�'1l11S> �lE�'` ;..� �' • � #x��+a�'�a': ��. �..� ` �6 � � �d�i +�M��a'�a.,�,Af� .4�aF%,�-c�!' �"';��6. ,>�£ki�` i, �r� . ����� � �Ih��, >4 � ':az `�; „� .?{?i�u€1 � 't>ry a�c; r?7rr-. .� �s �. .� '� 2002 TOV-COM.oEV. � �:�e�crro�erro���i� � . ' � � 04/@2l2002 13:06 970-7dB-97B9 DOUSLE Q ELECTRIC PAGE 01 � � .. ' �� ���� Quiz �Bruce) Qu�senberry � �- . A �� ,�, 970-748-9780 � ' eo.Box 24� � Edwards,C�lc�rado 81 b32 s � r I u To: 1 From: �� � �ax: t`-1 � � — �tf' S�` �ages: � ` Phvn�: Dates: �J� !�y �. . ; ' , 1 Re� # � ��y C�: ' �o�. to�u�r`- � � � ; . , . , � , ' � . : ; . . ;, ' � � ) . � ► D�Urgent i kTF�r Review C�"�lease �amment C] Please Reply � � � -� ; v �'O�jN OF VAIL DEPARTMEPJ'I' OF" C4MMUNITY DEVELOPMEN'I" 75 S . FRONTAGE FZOAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JC?BSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Pennit # : H97-0262 Job Address : 1468 VAIL VALLEY DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : �.466 A VAIL VALLEY DR Applied. . : 08/14/1997 Parcel No. . ; 2101�092-07-015 Issued. . . : 11/20/1997 Project No. : P�2J97-0144 �xpires . . : 05/19/1998 APPLICANT C & H WOODWORKING Phone: 3038457968 PO BaX 384Q, AVON, Ca, fOxmerly CAIRNS 8162fl CONTI�ACTOIZ C & H WOODWORKING Phone : 3038457968 PO SOX 3840, AVON, CO, formerly CATft1V5 81620 OWNER GROFF NEAL CRAIG 4582 S ULISTER ST PKW1� STE l, �]ENVER CO 80237 Descr�.ptiora. PASSTHRU,ADD CABZNETS,APPLIANCES, EX DOORS BA�'H ADD Oecupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Constructi.on: V N Type V Non-Rated Val.uation: 62 , 756 Add Sq Ft : Fireplace Infonmation: Restricted: #lof Gae Appliancce: #oE Gas Loge: #of Wood/Pallet: :rr+rwr,rw�.+tr�rrr+asaa�siaraarrrrrrai•rrrrr+�ar�vrWarw�arwr♦ FEE 9UMMARY a+atyri+r�yr�rMrr�r�w��;•rra++raa�aa�ra�rr�yrrr��r+�w..�a�w euilding-----> 555.00 Reetuarant Flan Review--� .00 Total Calculated Feee---> 1,168.75 Plan CFteck---> . 3€0.75 DRB Fee-------�---------� .00 Additional Feee---------> .00 Inveetigation> .OQ Racreaki.on Fee----------> .00 Total Permit Fer-------3 1,168.75 Will Call----> 3.D0 Claan-Up Depoait—------> 250.00 Paymente---------------> 1,168.75 TQTAL FEES--"----'-----> 1.160.75 BALAP➢CE DUE-------------a .00 ♦a•i+a++rrir;rr+rr�rrsarrre��rrwrr��rrr�a.raa�*a+ia�i+rr�r�aii+rrvar�arrta�rwxrw��ara�arr+++�starrar���»erw�warw�++��arsr�rrrarr.ai• Item: 05100 BUILDII�IG DEPARTMENT De t : BUILDING Divisiorr,: 08/14/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVI� I�em: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dep� : PLANNING Division: 08/14/1997 C�IARLIE Action: APPR N/A Item: a��ao FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FZRE Division: 08f14/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A 7tem: 05500 PUSLIC W�RKS Dept : PUB WORK Davisian: 08/14/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A Wrrrr�,trra�wrarrarra++iawrrrrr+rtretri*�rrr�arritetr�+tr�trwrw+r+��iWar�ar+a+w�sr�ir�erraar*w�.+r�ariarair++riarrr►+�r�re�rr�re�rte+:w+w See Page 2 of tha_s Document �or any condition.s thati may ap�ly to this permit . DECLARATIONS I he�eby acknorrledge that I have read thie application, filled out in full the infozmation requized, completed an accurate p2ot plen, and atate thak all the informaCion provided ae required ie correct. I agree to comply with the in£ormation and p1oG p2an, to comply with alI Town ordinances and atata lawe, and to build thia etructure according to the Town�e zoniag arnd aubdivisian codee, deaign raview approved, Uniform Suilding Code and other ordinanaea of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS 51EALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLIRS IN ADVANCE SY`TE AT 479-213 T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:60 AM 5:00 PM Send Clean-Up depoeit To: C&H WOODWORKIN4 E pF O ER OR RACSOR FOR HIMSELF ASIL1 OWNER Page 2 *�*�****************************�***************�**���*������************���**** COND I"�'I QNS Peacmit # : �97-0262 as o� 11/20/97 Status--- : ISSUED **************************************************,��**,r*�,�*,x******************** Pennit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied-- : f?8/1�4/1997 Applicant-- : C & H WOQDWORKII�TG Issued--- : 11/2�/1997 3038457968 To Expire : 05/19/1998 Job Address : 1468 VAIL VALLEY DR L�cation--- : 1468 A VAZL VALLEY DR Parcel No-- : 2101-092-07-015 Descr�.ptiean: PASSTHRU,ADD CABINETS,APPLIANCES,EX DOORS BATH ADD *�*****�**********����**,���*********,�* Conditions ****************************** 1 . FIELD Z[�TSPECTZONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. � . SMOKE DETECTORS ARE ��Q�7IR�I7 IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS P�R SEC. 1210 �F THE 1.991 UBC. 3 . THIS PERMYT IS GOOD FUR I1�TER70R WORK ONLY 4 . N� �L�CTR�CAL, PLU`MHING OR M�CHANICAL WORK ALL�WED UNTIL PERMITS ARE OBTAINED . r.�.+rraa+ariraaarr�aarr+rrrrsrvrr�vr�r►r��MSr�+r���arrrr�rrrra�r TOS'1Pt pF VAIL, COLORA00 9tatertnt ra��r+rrr+rrsr+��+rs�+�rr►rrr��r�rr�rr�rr�r��ar�r�r�rrrsrrrrr��rrrr Statemnt Number: REC-0362 Amo�nG: 99.00 11/20/97 10:05 Payment Mechod: CK Notation: 259 Tr�it: MAW --------`--------------`----'--------`---`-°°------------------- Permi� No: B97-0262 Type: A-BUIL4 ADD/ALT 8FR BUILD PE Parcel No: 2101-092-07-015 5iGe Addreee: 1468 VAiL VALLEY DR Loca[ion: 146B A VAIL VALLEY DR Total Feee: 1,168.75 Thie Payment 99.40 Total ALL Pmta: 1,168.75 Balance: .00 r+a+��arrr:+t+arw,�rWrwrtrrrr.rvrwrr�rrrvrvrvWtrrr►tav�ryrrwv:r�r• Account Code OeacripCidn Amount BP 00100003111100 BLTILDING PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100007112300 PLAN CH6CK FEES 39.Otl r TO�N OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY �EVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE R�AD N;� VAIL, CO 81657 �f/��Y�� /r��irr � 970-479-2138 NO'TE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT A�,i� "?F-�� ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit # : B�'"�@'�p �7ob Add�ess : 1468 VAIL VALLEY DR Status , . . : Location. . . : 1468 A VAIL VALLEY DR App�ied, . : UF� Pa�eel No. . : 2101-092-07-015 Issu�d. . . . �$/ Project No. : PRJ97-0144 Expires . . : �� �,/- ,/ APPLICANT C & H WO�DW�RKING Phone: 3038457968 PO BOX 3840, AVON, CO3 formerly CAIRNS 81620 CONTRAC�OR C & H WflODWORKING Phone: 3u 845'� PO BoX 3840, AVON, CO, �ormerly CAIRNS 81620 QWNER GROFF NEAL CRAIG 4582 S IILISTER 5T PKWY STE 1, DENVER CO 8�237 Description: P.A.SSTHRU,ADD CABINETS,APP�IANCES,E� DOORS BATH ADD �ccupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuati.c�n: 62 , 756 Add Sq Ft: FirepLace Information: Restricted: �lOf Gas Appliances: HOf Gas Logs: tlOf Wood/Pallet: ir�tirk*sht*�ht*iririrk***ie-kint{t�t#*irit*�F*�t�tint***irk**#*****#ir*k***lcic** FEf SUMt�ARY �***�'k*ir***;kktt**irk**�:�kkir**Iric******ic�t******ir**#****rt**iric*ic* 6uilding-----> 55S.Q0 Restuarant Plan �teview--> .QO 7otal Calculated �ees---> 1,168.75 Plen Check---> 360.75 DRB Fee-----------------> .00 Additional fees---------> '�l� InvestigatioN .00 Recreation Fee----------> .OD Total Permit Fee--------> i,16 7 Will Call----> 3.00 Clean-up Deposat--------> 250.QD Payments----------------> 1,n6, 7 TOTAL FEES-------------3 1,168.75 BALANCE DUE-------------> 49,{y�= - �t*****ir**k******tkir**ik****ic***********rFit**�k******************************ir***iFic*ir****i[****ic****�k*ir***************** 'r�,k**ir**� � Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DE t: BUIL�IN� Div> in•• • 0B�14�1997 CHARLIE ACtion : APPR CHARLYE DAVI� Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLAt�NING Divis 08�14�1997 CHARLIE Actian: APP�t N�A Item; 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE D1V153 . 08�14�199? CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A Item: 05500 PUSLIC WORKS Dept: PUS WORK Divis i: 08/14�1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N,�A *�lk*******k****�k*iric***�t**t**int�t-k*ir****#*itic********�Ir**k******ick*****1r*****stic7tilr*�Fik�Yk****ic****ic*#*******1c**************rc�*******�k * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply ta this permit . DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct_ I agree to comply uith the information and plot plan, to comply Nith all Toun ordinances and state laws, and to build th�s structure according to the ToWn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approved, Uniform euilding Code and other ordinances of the Toun applicable thereto. REQUES7S FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MA�E TWENTY�FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHO�IE AT 479°2138 aR AT OU�t QFfICE fROM 8:00 AM S:f Send Clean-Up Deposit To: C&H WOODWORKING SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSFIF phD 0� Page 2 ************���*�**��***�������********�******��**************� ��*�*��� w**�* . , CONDITIO�S Permit # : B97-0262 as of 11�19�97 Status---: ISSU�� ***********������**********���*���****************�********�************� *.,, Permit �yp�: ADD�ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applied--: 08r14�] ��� Applicant--: C & H �OODWORKING Issued---: 08�14�� 9���' 3038457958 To Expire: 02�10�1r�9t�� Job Address. 1458 VAIL VALLEY DR Location---: 1468 A VAIL VALLEY DR Parcel No=-: 210�-�92-07-015 Descriptian: PASSTHRU,ADD CABINETS,APPLIANCES,EX D�OftS BATH ADD ***********����*��*****��*����*�*�**** Conditions *****�*�******�*******� 1 . FIELD INSFECTIONS ARE REQUIREp TO CHECK F�R CODE COMPLIANCE . 2 . SMaKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED TN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY S'TORY AS PER SEC. 1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3 . THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR IN�ERIOR WORK ONLY 4 . ND ELECTRICAL,PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL WORK ALLOWED UNTIL PERMITS ARE OBTAINED � , � . kConta�� Ea�le Cou��lty Assessors OEfice �� [ � ���v �t 970-32$-$540 for Parcel �l� TOWN OF VAIL CONST3tUCTI�N PERt�IIT l" 'ARCEL !1: �/c�/ _Q<%Z- Q 7-Qyj PERMIT APPLICATION FOFZM �ATE: �� . APYLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT CO1�fAI.�TELY t�` Y NO EPTED xk****�************�********** PERMXT INFORMATION � *�� �****�*�**** [�]-Building [ � -P1.umbing [ ]-Electrical [ ] --Mechanical, [ j-Other Job Name: +� �-_ � Job Address: ('��"�,� �1�.1� V!'�G-Lt'� � Legal Descript�ion: Lot Bl.ack Filing SUaDIVISio�: owners Name: �L ��� Address: 4�-���`��L V�1.L�°�Ph. ��^7�j�,� Architect: �t..-��`-'� I �C- f- � Addaress: � u, ph, General Descript�on: ��j �(�jj� c' tr7ork Class : [ ] -�Ier�r [�j -Alteration [ ]--Additional ( ] -Repaix ( J -Dther tlumber of Dwel�.ing Units: � Number of A�commodation Units: `�umbez� and Type o� Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Loys_ Wood/Pelle� r� k*�`*'���*****'�****'�**'{•*'�************ VALUATTONS *****�*****��nk�4aE�k�t�kks�yksti:��k�k�t�c�4*�F*�c �UILDZNG: � � EI:,�CTR�CAL: � U•:i,•kl't;R: $ �UMBZNG: � MECY:At�1zCAL: $ TOTAL,: $ I ,���� �****'�*****'�**'�'�********'�*** CONTRACTOR INFf7RMA'I'ION yk�r�k�rk�r�r•k**,k�k�kek�kak�lr�r�krkdr�k7k�k�k** ,enera� Contx�actor: �' � Town �� Vai�. Reg, NO.�� r,� �c3dress; Phone Nt�mb�x-• ' ��_��'S 3_ 'lectrical Con�zactor: • ��"�� Town ofi Vai� Rec�. MO. �.ddress : _ Phonc I��,zmber: �lumbing Con��actor: � Town c�f Vail Reg. NO. sddress: _ _ _ Phon� Nurnber: � � � .echana.cal Cantractor: _ Toa�;s o�' Vail �eg. �70. �dc�ress: _.._ �._ . Phc���G Humber: _..._.. -*��**�t******�****��*�*****r:***,t FOR OFFICE USE ***�t**�*****������t�t**�*****�:�•k :UrLDrNG PERMZT FEE: BLTILDZNG PLAN CHECK FEE: 'LUMBXNG PERMT� � � �'1 ,� '�� �; PLUMBIh1G PLAN CHECK �EE: iECHANICAL PE� ' ��.,� , ';, �„ i. ' MECHANICAL PZ�N CHECK F'EE: ;LECTRICAL FEE. ��-• RECREATI�N FEE: �THER TYP� OF F��Y I�OY 1� � '�4R� �'-- I CLEAN--UP DEPOSXT: �RB FEE: _,..:-�.,. .. � �, TOTAL PERMIT FEES ; �y "� t i: .,l..��i �'� � . fiYPE GROUP ti . F : L ATION BU1Ln1:I�{�� � SIGNA7['URF� _.�.,...-_.._..�..,____"��...._..__ ._r._�._�� _ ZON�NG: �---....._--� -- � S IGNATU�: -.�.._��.-�`l-� ____�..��..-_�,__�_ ommen�s: •---- - ,__��. _- ...—.. .—__.__.._. �.�xrr uP n�.os��c x��[rxn To_ � OCLQ4C�OC6%Vd OOCQ•9ttr-0I.b czviv oaraow�'�n�a+cs xc�aa. 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