HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A5 LIONS MANE GENERAL (3)TOI,'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479 -2L38 APPLICANT CON:TRACTOR OWNER Fireplace Infonnation: Restricted: Job Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: 1063 VAIL VIEW DR 11].5 SANDSTONE DR 2L03-0a4-10-039 DEPARTT,IENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit. #: B9B-0122 Status. . Applied. Issued. - E>cpires. APPROVED 0s /Ls /L998 0s/1_s/L998 1-1-/1,L/a998 DescripLion: REROOF_SAME 4 SAME-HOT TAR PEA GRAVEL Occupancy: R1 Mu1ti-Family Type Construction: V l--HR Type V 1-Hour Valuation:s9,000 Add Sq Ft: ilof cae Appl iances : G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 STANTON-BARNES COMPANY T DI'LIT EVERETT P & ELINOR G, Phone:. 97O6685552 Phone:. 97O6685552 15 SAGE TERRACE, SCARSDALE NY ]-O5B TOV/Co .De Clean-up approved arnount date *of cas Logs:*of wood/Pallet: FEE.SUMMARY BuiIding-----> Plan check- - - > Invest igaEion > wi 1I caLl----> 5t5 . O0 347.'t5 . oo 3.00 . oo 100.00 | ,235 .75 -100.o0 .00 1, 1.15 . ?5 RedeuaranE Plan Reviet'- - > DRB Fee-------- ToEaI calculaEed Fee6---> AddiLional Feee--- - --- - -> TotaI P€rimi. t Fee--------> Paymentsa-------- BAIANCE DUE- - -. RecreaEion Pee- ----- -- - - > -O0 250.00Clean-Up DepoEit- --- -- - - > TOTAL FEES... . - t lartq.k Item:05L00os/15/1,998Item:05400 os /l-s /1998ILem:05500 0s /rs /L998ILem:05500os/1-s/1,998 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepE: BUILDING Di-vision:JRM ACt.iON: APPR APPROVED .fRM- PI-.ANNING DEPARTMENT.fRM AcIion: APPR N,/AFIRE DEPART'IVIENTJRM AcLion: APPR N/APUBLIC WORKS.JRM AcLion: APPR N/A DepE: PLANNING Dlwision: DepL: FIRE Diwision: Dept: PUB WORK Divi-sion: See Page 2 of this DocumenL for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I heteby ackno{ledge lha! I have read this application. fil.).ed out in ful). the infor:mation required, conpleted an accurace ploL Plan, and 6taLe Ehat all the information provided as r:equired is correct. I agree to comply vith the infohalion and plot plan, tso conply lritsh a]l Torn ordinances and eEat.e 1ars. and to build this strucLure accor:ding Eo tshe Tonn.s zoning and subdivieion codeo, design leviev approved, Unifol-m Building Code and oLher otdinahces of the To0n applicable thereto, REQUSSTS FOR INSPE(]IONS SHALL BE MADE TWAMfY-FOUR HOURS IN ADIIANCE By TELEPHONE Af. 4?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFfCE FRoM B:Oo AM 5;o0 pM Send Clean-UD DeposiL To: c & O ROOFING SIGNATURE OF O'INER OR CONTRACTOR POR HIMSELF AND OWNER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0122 as of O5/L5/98 Status---: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicants-- : G & G ROOFING 9706685552 JOb AddTESS: ]-063 VAIL VIEW DRLocation---: 1116 SANDSTONE DR Parcel No--: 2103-014-10-039 Applied--: 05/as/L998 Issued--- : 05/1,5 /L998 To E:<pire. LL/ll/L998 DescripEion: REROOF-SAI4E 4 SAME-HOT TAR PEA GRAVEL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndiEiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT.ICE.2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I]BC. rt ^ D n't.'l /I . Tol.il,r or vArL col{srRuooN PERI'IIT APPLTCATION T'ORIY DATE: s/ 14l98 l,EltllrT # 210301410039 , APPLICATIOT{ }IUST IJII FILLED OU'I CO}IPLBTBLY Olt I1 I'IAY l{OT DB ACCBPTIJI) A/ ^" .L .. r 4.r + + ,l + {t * * * 't * \S* * * * * o * * * rt * * rr * Jt Jr * * r.,r:r 't * * 't rt * t t Jt pBIll,tIT II.IFOIU{ATIOI,J n ,r 't tt * * * tr Jt Jt * rl * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * ' d\)fu]-Bui}cling[]-Plurnbirrg[]-Electrical[]-Mechani.cal[]-otlrer Job l.lane: Lions'Mane Condo. Job Aclclress: 1L16 Sandstone Drive Legal DescriPtioll: Lot Illocli Filing sulotvtsrotl: Oltners Name: T.i onsr Mane Contto^ Aclclress ! 1 1 16 Sanrlsl-one 41o1 Vai'l Ph' 476- 1013 Architect:Address:Ph. General DescriPtiotr:( 74tL KtttF//,A€+ I^tork class: [ ]-New [ ]-A1l-eraLion [ ]-Ad<litional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nulnber of Dwellj.ng UniLs:Nuruber of Accotnlnodation Units: Plunbitrg Address: C()ntr.rcl-or: * * * tr * * * * tt * * * :t * rt :t ir Jr rt * * rt,t',t tt * ?t't tt rt * tt BUILDII.IG PIIT}iI'I }"IT.E: PLUI"IBII'IG PI']II'III Ftrtr: I"IBCIIANICAI-, PEIU'II'I FEE : ELUCTRICAL ITEII: OTIIEII TYPE OF FTE: DRB TtrE: | twr t_- GROUP sQ. rT.VALUATIOI'I 'l'owrl of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Nulnber: Town of VaiI Phone Nutnber: Reg. l'lo. IIOR OI|FICE USU !t ti tt * * * tt !t )t Jr ?t !t * tt ,t * tr * * * * * rt Jr rt tr 'r * * * tt I]UILDII.IG PI,AN CHIICK FEE: PLU]'IBTI'IG PLAN CITECK F'EI': I{]ICTIANICAL PLAN C}IBCIC FEE: RECRI]ATION FEE: CLEAI.I-UP DBPOSIT: I'OTAL PEIU'II'I FEES ! BUTLI]TNG: STGNATUITE: zol'IING: SIGNATUITE: llechanical Cotttracl-or : Address: Cotnutettts: & G Roofing,Inc.Eox 817, Frisco, Co 80443CLIiAN UP DEPOSIT ILDTUIID 10:G : TO: FFIOM: DATE: llE: vtEMOBAtlDUl/l ,qLL COl.ll'nACl.oFls 'rowl.l ol: vAlL lrutlLlc rviAY 9, 1994 V/IJEi'I A "iJUI]LIC IYAY wo[rl(s PEIII{11-' DEPARTTilEI'IT IS REQUIRED .lalll l\J'.tlllla- ,\ | Z..ra -t -/ w-t-e -Date:. { -/5 fi{,, . 'pubtio Way pernrir":f.,frffi;**,{* ftf bw,,g ,lt'estK'rxrdie regardi'g tlte tteed {or a Tg / t/ t/ / YES 1) ls lhis a new residence'? 2l ls derltolitiorl worlt being prerlonned that rcquires tlte usc ol lhc rigltt of way, easements or public propetly? 3) ls anY utililY wodt needed? 4) ls llre drivewaY being rePaved? 5) ls rjiffcrent accoss needed 1o site otlter than existing drivewaY? 0) ls any cJrainage work beirtg done affecling the riglrt of tvay, easctnenls, or public ProPeilY? ls a "Revocable llight Of Way Perntit" rccluired'/ A. ls the right of way, easerttenls or public properly to be used for staging, parkirrg or fencing? U. lf no to BA' is a par['.ing, slaging or {encing plan required by Conrnrunity I have read alld answered allths above questions i € Job Name DeveloPntent? l1 yr-:u arrswered yes to any of lltesc' cluestiotts, a "l)ublic Way Perrnit" mUSl be obtained' "lrublio Way I'ernril' app'fitations lnay be obtainetl at 1he Public Work's oflics or at Contmunily Developrltei,i. ltyou ltave any cluestiotts llleasc call Charlie Davis' lhe l-own of Vail Conslruction Inspector, at 479-2158' t/ (/ /) 8) l/ (/ / // Contractor's S alure Date :{*ii ?5 sotrllr lronlagc road vail, colorarlo 01657 (303) 479-21.13 <tt tt79-2139 olllce ol comntutrlly devolopttteltl ALLcol.l'I'ItAcToltsCulu{lil|TlylREGIsTEltuDI{ITIITIIE TOI'II Otr VAIL Totil'{otrVAILpUDLIclrolil(s/col,1llul.llTyDEvijLoPMEl'll ilnRcll 16, 19BB COIJS?RUCI.IOI.I PAIU(II'.IG & IIATI]RTAL STOIIAGI' a[-ollsll Lo (i.e. conLractor, owtrer) Fl(ou: DA'I'E: sut-rJ licl': llead acl(no I1 suluuary, Orclipapce l,lo. 6 sl-ates that it is utr]-avrful for any t;r";;i to'i_i"tter, t-rerull or dcposit- alty s;oiL, roc](' sand, debris tr urerteria1, inclucl.irrg tras[ rlunrpsters, portable toilets and r,lorl';uren velricles Lli.toll ally sLreeL, sidewalJ(, alley or pubLic place or any 1.rol-Litn Lireieof . 'I'he riqlrt-of-way_on all Town of i/aj.l sLreeUs l1d roads is appgoxir'al-ely 5 fb. off pavetttent. 'l'his; ordinatr.:e rritl. be suril:ufy etrforced by blre l.own of Vail Pr.rb.Lic l,rorj:s Dep;rrt-urettl-. l)ersollsi founcl violating this ordinance ruill be givcrt a 2,1 lrour lrrit-t-t:n loLice to retuove sarid naterial' 1n the event: the 1.rei'sr:n scr lqtifier.l cloes noL conlply wiL[ the nr.rLiur: vrithin tire 2,1 ltour tirrte specified, the Public Works I)eparLulL,:1l- rti1l reluove saicl tnal-el:ial al- the expetrse of person noi:itiecl . 'Ihe provisic.rns of this orditrance sha1l not be applicable to c6nst-ructiotr, tttaitrbenartce or repair projects of airy sLreeL or alLey or ally tttiLities in Lhe rigltt-a-way' ,I'o review Orclinanr:e llo. 6 i.n fu1l, please st-op by the Town of Vail DuiLcling lleparLr[elrL Lo obbairr a copy. 'Ihatrl< you for your cooperal-ion oll this uraLtcr. Pr()ject tttwtt n ufil UUILDING PEIII.|IT ISSUANCE TII'IE FRAIIE Il' Llris pertrtit rct;uires I Tot'rtt of Vail l'ire tiepartnent.Approval ' ii,Uiri...'"i ltiuUl ic: t'lt-rr.ks) rcyiew attd approval, a Planttiltg Departlttcttt ;;ii;" ur lleal t1 De;raltnrerrl. review, atr4 a revierv by the Uui lding ilurro.l,,'ont, tlre estirrra ter.t t jrue for a total revierv lnay take as long as tliree weeks . All cr.rrrurrcn:ia1 (large or srrrall)arrd all rnulti-farnily perntits wili have Lo l'ol lor'r ttre abuve u'u,itl6nu,f ttl.rxitttuttt t'equiretnettts ' ..Residential iu,l-r'uif I pro jec us srr,ru i.r iot,c a I esser atttouttt o F tinre. llowever, if ies.irJr:rrtiai ui, srrral l ci' pyojec Ls itttpact tlte vapittus above ntentir.rned ,teparirrients ll-[tlr regartl to rresessary rev iew, tlrese proiects may also take tlre tlrree wccll pcriod. [veiy.au.errrpt rvi lI be rrrade by Lhis dcpartrrrerlL to expedite tlris perurtiL as s.oott as possible. I, ilre unclers igned, urrdcrstand the plan check procedure and tinrc f rarne.' N,Vl/ Pro.{ec t lr ifr/r 75 soulh lrontsge road vail, colorado 01057 (303) 479-2I3U or 479-2139 rned i tlto tllc of llce of cottttnunlly dev0loptlrclll lja te lJor Devel oPttett t Departntcttt. o 'lro2 .oo- a.l o oo o at o o fl N N o c{ FozODd8 N o ll 3U!t oF E o o o Ut d q ;aEEU H Eo ,,8 a9tv HT. oo20 d[loo o c'z 8E ci r.{8 oal 6AE o ;i I coI oDo o }1s 5 F. AF 3B figsi{ E EIai!i F.H22 E9@rl r,Fo2t9igH.(oItl lrFA'oc 89 tilH A e E ao unF Fr 2 FI HEdIU E a'l Etalaio oEH EAI ge UU t{o AIt{ D a.c9 !l 2 !4& F o ll n d; \oo cI .'lt41l!4At !|Olido|!l fio.^r , C/^d.c3 REF.T 13I F,A6E 6 AREA: trDA7/qA/9A O6:54 REGUESTS FOR INSFECTION IIORK SHEET$ FORt 7/ B/9& ======================================================5:== =======================Aetivity: B9B-0188 7/ A/99 Typel A-BUILD Statr.rs: ISSUED Constr': f,DUtr AddNESS: 18163 VAIL VIEW DR Location: 1f16 SANDSTCINE DR l-,arcel: E103-Erl4-to-o39 Occ: Description: REROOF-SAIYIE 4 SAlttE-HOT TAR FEA GRAUEL Applicant: 6 E G ROOFING F'hone: Owner": $TANTON-BARNES COMFANY Fhone: Contnactor.:6&6RO0FING Fhone: Use; V 1-HR 97'46685558 97ra668555E Inspection Reqnest Information..... Reqrrestor': trAROLYN Req Timer tZlS:lZl0 Comments: RDOFINB F,hone r 668-555P Itens requested to be Inspected. . . Act ion Comments eilaaga BLDG*Final Time Exp Inspection Histor"y.,. .. laA 514 dr i v eway gr.ad e f i na I laAAlrzl FLDG-Foot ings/St ee I AAtOeA BLDE-Foundat i onlSt ee I BtzlSeta F,LAN-ILC Site F, lan rA0A30 BLDG-Fr.am inE OBE| O * * Not 0n File * * taraosgl BLDG-InsuIat i on rZrOrZt60 BLDB-Sheetrock Nai I ClClEErA * * Not On File * * AAAT$ BLDG-Misc. AOA90 BLDG-Final IAIASSA BLDG-Tenp. C/O 0A54lZf BLDG-FinaL C/A Item: Item: Item: Item: Iteml It em : Item:Iten: Item: Itenr Item: Item: Itemr (\l\t Gtl = oz F =E UJo- I I l., .F t3 I I I I I, It lbz t= lotz z:*tFFo<O< (.) !l a;c t\.I z iii g ;c6f6sBsi u.1 g i=+YO= '. okoz@zl >lx -T ztr^ .nO =><) z.rr< v= ES? FO .;c\i tdl r l$ | Eq I E E€E- Eqq HgHfrol oln"ll lll*l ts | .F{ | :< r*r Idsl t3t l-' I 'ol<l otz ;,\ J J IJ- ui z o.1 al' R E F LU =2 UJ o F tr <n UJtx o )F br .|-l '-lt{dc) x =Etr UJ o = o- =tr U)otu o =t tr U) anul i = g (n LIJ ) = =Etr uJEoo Ja = !o- F uJz-,<ro- F C) u.JLroE <Fcc) Lri <ztr!F(tZo Jt<o(JF;()F=(J=\2ilo() >Y _ >dlfF- )z- (ro *6\JF?<) =sd=>3 E E t.' UJ IIYbi<(Jo:23H ciz F(J UJ -locc o-zo FofEFazo(J L,-'frE\';-i Ils\*<r= -='t F- ol 6rl UJF o ts =E, UJ Jz z .n9 ;EN ==x .,. Ttr!M "dg =Ei6il> o Ecto o o?t .E 5t-c:-E=o iii.:E6lr Eur:.Ltr>E.F ao'cro!E[n -i l, . o.. r! Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Addrogs and Phone: Architect Addrqss and Phon€: Legal Description: Lot Zonlng Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official o -----r.---ra -6n11'e i ) u-ptr #tot 1' lllC S.,"ls7ouc- pr- Atotts Il*rz EJ DR*&tN, l/o"fL Ele-uo-tr o't .:J GJo s .--_--_-i I 1 [-r 'A" 4=ll. rl t- t i".'ll = : Iii - -.- .:- enllp.o,r{ , Crre ep tt-"ii,T-- -,i") ll : lli r' ---.._-_-- --l, ' .' )-'i-; -i'Pl'^-':!-'.- li | ,,...,.-.2 3t-3^. rrr;'ll ,ii -- t .^_i_ .,^ . -._ _ ___ --_ .1 ,_ I a.--.:.- l!: e_ =- _: _- ;*:.--:'P€; --. _ :.Ee.-:_=,-:-i (._.r_5 A a =>- --- - -::-- A- i.| ,-*Seanae- -E1?eetoy Apqr- ^e"r-ksL lA,,Ptfhu- 1't^, htool rAet;;;; Eda*trc*l t 'tP 3.2c. as t^L r*..tLL^B',il * =-- aiA.-.rJe: -- - a U t[ a n N }W,'r,U i{,-<,<l*:--- --J ,4\ttl "Lllot I,to,,s mkPE Sc,r.T \, Fleu*tto,, ttt 4 $qaleV-tuo 0r i :-rt r.-. --- --to \ le tadoot A ,* 18" 1rr-rhL, bttl I be' tcnuu':d 4 FcllocoL Pr 36'y ge " tr,f l, 6le+eJ v*), l fros+ btttt y t'18" P* -r L:- i i- /.--- a =e,- 3F e.4.,4 - A [Hffi I PLA.U I{ Ti Project Application Project Name: Proj€ct Description: Owner Address and Phone:ae, Architect Address and Phon€: Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Moiion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Oflicial --- _ .^___.__.-_____.-;__6-zI /_tt tl\tlt/r U-ptY lll6, Stu"lsTouo- py #lol t_JI It.l | . ("-i A t ottS /il o-*.- EJ AR46tc, GJo 5 ]/o"fL Elc-"*tr ou' I l I :- :=.:--- . i: _r::1. '-_ '< c-'.. F i_r,.,: - Se rtn v e. - E tTcrry > - Dp,_r_ a-+-ril<-a1y- ln,Pe7/a..o Ytfl' loo.{ t*er^.)nr. -Tdo-trc*l rLt stze &s ,^.Q.. ,r.,rLL.E, __t- L_.. - - ^-<,! -<. -t_: i: > : -.='t- '\-r= F t- - \'-.;- '.'":l. l-.r l. t--:L:,.?\1 I ; 3:_= -yE i.:AL A!_L., -!za-..t- L'?r! - --.==+5:!:- ;:-;a : -=-c--- - S-a-' :rE---L\ rt.€ - :,E F_,_t =-E\'zr':4_r,. i = P:. z;_E-1 >--:-vGL :_:_.'tF_: ,- -E \ : ,_::--t = -e.- ,!.. EL 'i -__: -.^--e a { 6.-4{ , , az t;> \ - 3='\ =/ !-- - 4srr,F.=: _ - a !r \tad r, 4.rG!\ Or, ,'i\\'.-ry Ustndc'ut .' v'.r (r' ..1.. . r.:r ''. .i T 'a'.r. A*rk&'.'j /8" y q 8'r'!, lA t 1.,. r o,"s ln k/u E Sc ..,..,r I FLe'u*t t o't Itl/ 9q-nJe'1fcuL 0r t3 :- L_ _r. L;- : - //'- a ==- =i -'F--<. t|. 5\ *l oo ( U\J --t \-'