HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A5 LIONS MANE UNIT 401 C4NSTRUCTION PERM IT NOTE — COPY OF PERMIT TO BE �(ERT ON JOBSITE � � � ._�-�. � `�� ' DATE 11/16/43 , ,. �� � � ' ;i PERMIT NO. tow� o rai 1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I V V ' department af community development 2.OCCUPANCY GR6UP A 6 E H I R M BUlLDING DIWlSION 1 2 2a 3 4 � �LEC7RICAL TO BE FILLE�OUT CQMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT � GENERAL DESCRIPTIO�!OF WORK ; = PLUMBIMG TYPE OF PERMIT CONVERTT�IG EXIS'�ING FIREpJ,r��',.�_ _ a ❑ BUILDING ❑ PLUMBING � ME�HANICAL 3,af}O ❑ ELECTRICAL �� FOUNDATIQN � MEC�i1A�l�CSAI�D� RIVE, ���+01 TYPE �ROU� G R F A vn�uaTioN PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT ' BL1� BUILDING PERMIT C7ESC. FILINC�' LIQNSMANE IT 401,P S I �� PLAN CHECK OB I�lAf'JI!E: [,�TFSTOR� GAS I�'I PLACE ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME '�IN � ORT NEW( } ALTERATION�1 ADOITIONAL( ) R£PAIR( ) , PLUMBING ��I f SANDSTONE DR MECHANICAL MAIL ADDRESS �� QWELLWG UNITS — �3CCOMMODAT70N UNITS_______. C1TY VAIL, CO PH.�#��-21 OG HEIGHT IN Fl NO.F!REPLACES RECREATION FEE ARCHITEC�' FfRM �NSULATkON: TvPE THICKNE55 R-VALLUE� DE51GN REVIEW BOARD MAIL ADDRESS F�nOR CLEAN UP DEPOSIT EXT.WALLS cirv PH. _ _ _ usE rAx ROOF GENERAL FiRn� ----- — -- — CONTRACTOR TdWN OF VAIL REG. NO. �YPE e�ec �AS TOTAL PERMIT FEES FE�S WAIVED oF SOtRR w00❑ TELE. HEAT FCRM .__ AD�DYTIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: BU�ILDIN OF�ICA L��� DpTE��/ 9� EIECTRICAL v �v ewirin� NTRACTQR TQWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ST.GUT ONIkG ADMlNISTRATOR DATE TELE. ��ASTING ZONING & BUILDiNG NOTES: FIRM — PARKING -— — — PLUMBING ----- - — — — ]3AMPER REMOV CONTRACTOR T4WN �F VAIL REG. NO. DEMO TELE. - - -- FIRM �-�p �L� C� I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, MECHANlCAL 150--M completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. 1 CONTRACTOR T��N oF vni� R�G. rvo. agree to corraply with the information and plot plan, to eomply weth all Town ordinances and state TELE. ���-���a laws, and to build this strueture according to the Town's zoning and subClivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buildpng Code and other nrdinances af the Town applicable thereto. OTHER FIRM `���:. �,�,,,..�.�.,c�( , 70WN OF VAIL REG. NO. SIGN�HRE OF OWNEFi OR GONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TELE. AND THE OWNER. „'�Ii�lyd�I� '!N I L C ClP�1-[��'•.! �r��,-4�r�-24�2 :=;�P�� ' `=a' 1`� � 1�� PI,� , ����a F . ��1 � - - - /� ��/K �'OW?d OF VAII, CC�NSTRUCTIOt�T �'F.Rh11T ��>`� -� ( P�RM�T APPLZCAT70N FORM DAT�: ll . APPLICA'T'T(3N MUST HE FIL��b oU� CQMPLETELY OR IT Ni�1Y Nt�T �E ACCEFT�U �r*,*�*�*�*�V*�*�i�*�***,t******�r* P�RMIT INFURI�1ATrON a�*�trk**rr�k�*,k�***�4,kar+k��k��k*�t*�t** E J -Huilding [ 7 �»P�.umbing L �~���atri�a� [ �Cj��Iecl�anica� ( ]-Dthe� , �_ : � - . , P .�� ', f . / �. S� � �ob Name: --�"�$ 'r'f����'� 1� �, ��'', I��9":�,�.�',L �ob �►ddress; // -�'-c��G� e �Y '�� l Legal Descrfp�ian: Lvt� Bls�cl�_ _ Filing__ _ SUnU7.v�s���EV; Own�rs Nam�: �f}�n �S,�OY�” Address: ��'/�► �d,�ll'C,��h�� J� Ph.y?�O•.Z f�� Axchi�.ect: Address: Ph. � Can�aer 'nr� ex � �y � ��p l�� Genera7. b�sc�r�p�.ion. � NSI7 /'. D 1 8 0 ��'h , /�d l�l���'„� IG aL �.��. �� work �]ass: [ ] -New [Od-A1L�xation [ ] �Add��ianal [ ] -Rep�ir [ ]-Other_ laumbax af DwoYling Urti�e: 1 Number of �ccc�mmoda��.ott Units: amher and Type af Fir�p].aces: Gas Appliances� Gas Log� Woc�dfPellet ,�*��***�*,�**�*�*�t�****��**�***�** VF►LUATXONS �r��:*******r�*,t�**r�***�*rr*,t***���** BUILbING: � -- - _ EL�C�RICAL: � OTH�R: � LUMBING: ; . .� MECH_AN�CAI�; � 3�u�o • TOTAL: � _ . -.•-- ,��*,�*�*,��t**�**,r�*�*�r��***** CONTRACTOR INF�RMATT�N **��,r**�vk����,��***�x*r�*,����* enera�. C�n�.rac�or: Town c�E "�1��,�, Reg. hli�. /SD-►�`� AddXe�s: � .p�-- 1J.2.L�Phan� Numbar: Elsctrical Contra��.o�: Town vf Vai�. R�g. N0. Add�ess: Phone Numb�r: Plumbing Can�ractor: Tawn of V'a�x R�g. t�0. A�idre�s: Phane Number: 14echanica�. Cvr�t.ractor: Tawn af Vail Reg. NO. Adc]resg: Pt�ane Number: ��*�r*�**k,k��rr****�t,�*�rr�*�,�v�,4*,k,k,t,k FOR OFFICE USE �*+�*+�•t*►k�***�,k�,k*�e��*�c,k*r4*rr�r�r�,4 A�IILDrN� FEI2M�T FEF,: _ _ BU�Lf�xtJG PLAtd CH��K �EE: PT.�UMDII�G P�RMI1'�' F��: �. " �L�CJN�k#I1�TG PL�LN CH��IS FEE: ZdLCIiANIC�II.� F�Ttl`tIT FEE: - - M�CIf,0.NI�A�, .pI,7�N CHECK FEE: -- -� EI.,EC�RxCAY., �'�E t R�CREA`t'��N FEE• - OTH�Ft 7:YPE OF FEE: CLEI�N--UP DEPOSxT; ARB FEE: _ 'I`OTAL P�RMIT FF�'�• TYPE GR47UP SQ. FT. VAr.�,�••:__.- � �/ /,�/�, � �/�� � c-'� �.� ,� �.�.�,.�.��c�.--� ���.�.� —,��r.����'�-�-t,��' � � p.�,C�,ra �y,P �•rF�IL �_r,r"1—L?�'.,, ,�_�.�,—u ��—Z4�t ��Cr � ='.�, 1� � t 1 r'�IU . C�C!�1 F . �_!i . � � -� �y}� �ti � �ow� a uai • T5 south ironl�ge ra�d vell, coloredo 8185T (3D3) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflce ot community d*v+IvpmoiN BUIL�ING PEf�P��I7 I55UANCE TIM� FRAP9E If thi,s �err�i,� requi,re5 a Town of Vail Fire d��artment Approval , Fngineer'�s (Public Warks) review and approval , a �lannin� a�partment review or Heal �h departmen� rev��w, and � r�view by the Building D�partn�ent, �he est�mated time fpr a ta�al review mey tak� as lang as three weeks. 1111 commerciai (]arg� or small ) and a11 multi -family ��rmits will i�ave �o follow t#i� above iT�entioned maximurr� requirements . aes�dential and small rnjects should tal�,e a l�sser amount af time. However, if reSide�ntia� vr stnaller projects impac� tt�e v�rio�us above mentioned d��ar'��1�t1'�5 wi��i regard to necessary review� these pra�ects may .� a�so ta ke tlle tNre� week period. Ev�ry � ttempt w7.'�� �e made tiy 1:i�i s department to ex�edi t� thi s p���rni t as soon as ��pssi bl e. I � the undersign�d, understand �he plan check �►roc�dWr� and �im� f�ame.. � � I , � 7�gree to y. � � �S'#� r t — ��a h.� �r�,e— �PrQject Name � I� � 9 3 Da l.e Wnrk 5 eet w�s turn�d i n o � e Community Developm�nt pepartmen�. s � � �_f_II`I-L.E'�:� I�- - -a� 1�� : .L 1 I'•1ri .ii�r� F' .U.-� Tfa•kli)I'I' I_i�-, ,JRit � 7:,-4 i`_!-`+"i-Z :='EF � �'. ���� � - Iaw� a �a� � 75 aou�r. 1►on�ege road vall, coloradv $1BS7 oflice of community d�velvpmenl (303) 479-21,38 or 479-2139 Tp: ALL GQI'i'�'FtACTdI2S CURR�I3TLYL REGISTEREb �9YTH TIiE TC3WN OF VAIL �Rp�q; TOWN 0�' VAIL FIJBLIC WOTt�CS/�OMMUNITY D�VELC�PMEN'I` bA'rE: MARCH 16 , 1�86 SUI3�7ECT: CONSTRUCT�ON PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE In summ�ry, Ordinanc� Na. G :�tate� th�t it is unlawful for any r+�*,:son ta liitt�r, �r�c}� ar d�posi� any soil, rock, sand, debr�.s vr mat�r�.al , inclu�ling tzash dtimps�ers, �ortat�l� toi].�ts and wnr_km,en vehi.cl�s upon any stre�t, sid�walk, a11ey oar public place ar any portion the��of . Th� x-ight-o:�-way on all Town of Vail s��reets and ar4ads is a�pr�xima�c�ly 5 �t. o�� �avem�ri�. This ardinance wi�l bc� s�iic�l.y enfarced by th� Town t�� Vail Public works bep�rtmant. Pea-aons found violatin� '�hi� qrdirta��ce will be gfvPn a �4 hour writ�en natice to r�move said material . In t}�e �vent t,he p�rson so notifi�d cloes not cornply with the nai�ice with�.n thp 2� hour �xme sp�cif�.ed� the Puk�lic Wor}�s De+partment wizl, re�mova ���d m�ttexial at the ex��ense �f persc�n nati�'ied. TY�e pravisians c�f this ordinanc� sh�ll not be ap�licabie to cc�nst�uc�.ian, mair���nance or �epair projec�s o� any s�reet or �lley ar any utalati�s in the ri.ght-�-way• Ta revi+�w orda.nance Na. 6 in full , pl�a�e s�Qp �y th� �own d� Vail Builr�i�tc� Dep�rtment ta ol�tain a capy. Than}c you fox yaur coop�ratiian e�n �his matte�. Read and acknowl�dged by : /'► � �osi.�ian/Ft�latians�i�.p ta Pro�ect (�. e. contractor. , owriez) fL � 3 Dati� • i N�TE — COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE NO PLANS -���� C4NSTRUC710N PERMIT ��C'D APR �o, 1992 � �' .. DATE �0�+�.QU �+ PERMIT NO. tO�rA � rai 1.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 1 I I III I V V department o4 community development 2.QCCUPANCY GRdUP A B E H I R M BUILDING TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRiOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT DIUISION 1 2 2a 3 4 o ELECTRICAL GENERAI qESCRIPTIqN OF WQRK : � PIUMBING 1,daO TYPE OF PERAAIT CONVERSIOI� FROM WOOD TO GA.S. � 3��aQ ❑ �UILD9NG � PLUMBING > MECHANICAL ❑ ELECTRICAL 0 FOUNDATIpN TOTAL 4,00� �] MECHANICAL ❑1116 RED SANDSTONE D . rvP� GROUP G.R.F.A. NALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT BLK V 1HR R-1 0 4,000 BUILDINGPERMiT ESC. FILING PLAN CHECK OB NAME: LIO�TSMANE U1+TIT ,�,�+OI ELECTRICAL OWNER NAME M�KY �N WESTERT lVE1M O ALT�RATIpN( ADDITIQNAL( } REPAIR( D PLUMBiNG FEES WAIVED BOX lOOOO MECHAN�CAL FEES WAIVED MAIL ADDRESS DWELLING UNITS ACCOMMODATI�N 11NITS CITY VAIL pH�#��]-ZlO�7 HEIGHTINFT. NO.FIREPLf10ES RECREATIONFEE ARCH ITECT �iR�n INSULATION: _rvPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE pESfGN REVIEW BOARD fLOOR MAIL ADDRESS � CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT EXT.WALLS CITY PH. --- - USE TAX ROOF GENERAL FiRM —- --�--- CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TY�FE E�EC. ca,s TOTAL PERMIT FEES NO � F�E 80LAR w000 7ELE. HEAT __ CHUCK FELDMANN APR 27, i992 FIRM ADD[TIONAL P�RMITS NEEDED: BUIL�IMG OFFICIAL DpTE LECTRICAL r N 1NlTIAL N� PLANNER ONTRACTC)R TOWN OF VAIL R€G. NO. ST.CUT T � � � � � ONING ADMINISTRATQR DATE TELE. BLASTING X ONING & BUILDING NOT�S: FIRM LIL' JOHP3'S WATER TREA • PARKING � FIELD INSPECATION REQUIRED FRO CODE P�UMBING ���_P — COMPLIANCE. FINAL INSPECTION REQ. CONTRACTOR TowN oF vai� wE�. r�o. oeMO x , � T��E. 949--3223 FkRM '�AIL GAS FIREPLACE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, MECHANlGAL 313-'S completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is carrect. I CONTRACTOR rowrv pF vAi�a�G. nto. agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ortlinances and state 476-9276 laws, and to build this structure according to the Town`s zoning and sub�livision codes, design � rE�E. review approved, Uni#orm Building Code and other ordinances af the Town a pEic e thereto. OTHER �IRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. IGNATURE OF OWNER OR G4NTRA OR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTqR TELE. AND THE OWNER. � � s • . � ��. �� ��W� 0 V�I 75 aouth lrontage roed Y�il, calorado 8t657 (303� 479-2138 or 479-21,39 office al community deyelo�meiit B�ILDING �ERh�IT ISSUaNCE TiM'E FRAP�SE If thi.s permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Qepartment Approval , Engineer'�s �Public Works) review and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the 8uilding Department, the est�mated time for a total review may take as Zor�g as three wee{tg. A�Z commerciai (Targe or small ) and all m�lti-fami�y permits will have to foTZow the above mentia�ned maximum requirements . Residential and Smdl � prOJeCtS shauZd ta#ce d a E552i^ amount of time. However, i f residential or sma�jer projects impact the various above ment�oned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take t�ie three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi:t as soon as possibl�. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, � ;,� � / �.IQ�-�' ,� �; ,� 1i�rtt`a: ree to �r-. � ,,�' 1 �'�'/ � �:w .>..,..,� f , Project �ame � � �-�'� Date Wor�C� Sheet was turne� into t�— Community �eveZopment Department. � o. t � . � � , . � - ��i� �, �ow� a Vai 75 aouth lrantage road vail, eolorado 81657 (303� 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ottCce c( community dewelopmer�t TO: ALL CONTRP,CTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TH£ TOWN OF VAIL FROM: TOWN QF VAIL PI�BLIC WORKS/C0►•Ir1L?I�iTY DEVELOPI•fENT DATE: MARCH 16, I988 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTI4N PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any persan �o litter, track or dep�sit any soil, rock, sartd, debrzs or material, including trash d�mpsters, portabZe to�.l.ets ar�d warkznen vehicles upon any street� Sidewdlk� alley ar p�blic place or a�y portion the�eof. The right-oF-way on all Town of Vail stre@ts and raads i.s approximately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance wi12 be strictly enfvrced by the Ta;,�n of �lail Public Works Department. Persans fo�nd violating this ardinance will be giv'en a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiaZ. In the event the persan so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour ti�ne specified, the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified. The provisior�s of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of � � any street or ailey or any utilities in the ric�ht-a-way. To rev�ew Ordinanca Na. f in �ull, please stap by th� Town of Vail Building Department ta obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. . Read and ac o ledged by: ��. �� asitlon/Relationship to Project =i.e, contractor, awnEr) '�J1-�`�� Da�e T ` . �r ''. - `,