HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A6 HOMESTAKE UNIT A109 A110ll TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMoRANpuM Ff L E C$P y Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 14, 1994 A request for density and GRFA variances to allow for the conversion of the Fulton lronworks Restaurant to a residence, located at 1136 Sandstone Drive, Units A-109 and A-1 10, Homestake Condominiums/Lot A-6, Block A, Lionsridge'lst Filing. Applicant: Planner:Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION Karen Bouchard is requesting density and GRFA variances to convert Units A-109 and A-1 10, Homestake Condominiums, from a commercial use (former site of Fulton lronworks Restauranl) to a dwelling unit. The Fulton lronworks Restaurant, which has been located in the Homestake Building since the time that the property was annexed into the Town of Vail, was considered to be a legally preexisting nonconforming use on the property. The property is zoned Medium Density Multi-Family (MDMF). Although the applicant desires to remove this nonconforming use, density and GRFA variances are necessary due to the fact that the property is already over the maximum density and GRFA allowed in the MDMF zone district. lf approved, the densitv variance would allow for the orooertv's densitv to be increased bv one dwellinq unit and the property's GRFA to be increased bv 1.930 souare feet. See Section lll of this memorandum (Zoning Analysis) for additional details. II. BACKGROUND Buildings A and B of the Homestake Condominiums received building permits in he earty 1970's when ihe property on which they are located was within the jurisdiction of unincorporated Eagle County. The condominium map for Building A was recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Office along with the declarations and covenants for the building on March 30, 1973. The Condominium map and covenants for Building B was recorded on April 30, 1973. The Homestake Gondominium property, as well as the surrounding neighborhood comprising an area approximately 223 acres in size, was annexed into the Town of Vail by Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1975 on December 16, 1975. On March 2, 1976, zoning districts were imposed on all of lhe annexed areas. This ordinance imposed MDMF zoning on the existing Homestake Condominiums. At the time this property was annexed into the Town, Units 109 and 110 were being used as a bar/restiaurant. lt was at ffris time that the existing use of Units 109 and 1 1 0 as a bar/restaurant became legally nonconlorming. Karen Boucha fi - reTrzr:{e) by Aon,, R,L[*J*'-,- L.rt over the years, very little construction activity has tiaken place at the Homestake Condominiums, with the exception of seven "250 square loot addition' requests which were processed during 1 993 and 1994. These 250's' were all for the purpose ot extending existing second story loft areas. These intemal additions ranged from 35 square leet to 130 square leet in size and have added approximately 700 square te€t of GRFA to the property. III. ZONING ANALYSIS The following zoning analysis provides a comparison between the existing development on the property, the MDMF development standards allowed through zoning, and thE resulting development standards if the requested variances are granted. The statlsdcs shown In bold represent areas where a variancs from the Zoning Code is requestsd. Development Existing Standards Conditbns Building Height Approx. 47 f€et MDMF Zonino with Prcposed Variancr No changeLot Area:Approx. 59,285 sq. ft No charge 'Denrhy: 64 unh!18 DU's por acrc 65 unlt! or 24 unlts allowed -GRFA: Approl 38,865 sq. tr. 35% or 20,71i0 rq. fL Appror 4O,Z9S rq. ft. Sebacks:Front: 72 (N) Front: 2013'(S) Sides: 20' Sidas: 18'(E) Rear: 20' 120'(W no change Maximum 38 feet no change Site Coverage: Approx. 14,000 sq. tt 407" or 23,715 sq. ft. no change "'Parking: 65 - 70 spaces 136 spaces required no charBe 'Although fie building was built to provide sixty-six dwelling unib, Units A-109 and A-110 haw hisbricslly be€n used as a bar/restaurant. The lower portion of Unit 8-.|02 is being used as the Homestake Condominium Association offices. Howewr, a dwelling unit still occupies he upper half of Unit 8-i02. "The figure for €xistirg GRFA was derived by assuming 63 unib at 600 square feot each - 32800, pLrs tre upper level of Unit 8-102 at 365 square feet = 38,165, plus seven i250 additions' btalling 700 squar€ he! for a btet of 38,865 square feet. -'Parking on the Homestake @ndominium Association prp€rty crnsists of thi.ty-hfo carport spac€s and approximarly hifiy'five uncovered surfaca paftirg spaces, however, since the paking lot is unsfiped, it is dltrrcUlt to detarmine exacdy how many existing parking spaces here are. Therefore, staff beli€ves there is a total of b€twe€n sixty-five and seventy parking spaces on the property. Although the above Zoning Analysis shows that the property is cunenty well below the . required number of parking spaces which should be provided on this property, staff has determined that a parking variance is not necessary for the proposed change iri use of spaces A-109 and A-110. Section 18.52.040 (Off-street Parking and Loading) of tre Vail Municiial Code states that "for additions and enlargements of any existing building or change ol uie that would increase the total number of parking spaces required, the additlonal parking shall be required only lor such additions, enlargements or change and not for the entire buiiding or use". Since the previous use of the space as a restiaurant necessitated seven parking spaces (840 square feet of dining area), and the proposed use as a 1,930 square foot dwelling unit "/a has a parking requirement of two parking spaces, there is no increase in the total number of parking spaces required to accommodate the new use. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of he Crileria and Findings found in Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval o, the requested variances based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ot the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff Resoonse: Statf believes frat if the requested density and GRFA variances are granted there will be no negative effect on existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. lf anything, staff feels that the proposed change in use from a restaurant to a single dwelling unit would have a positive effect on lhe neighborhood. The applicant has provided the proposed lloor plan for the area formerly occupied by the Fulton lronworks Restaurant. This floor plan indicates that the mass and bulk of the building will not change as a result of the variance approvals (see Attachment #1 ). The GRFA variance is necessary because the Fulton lronworks space is considered commercial floor area and not gross residential floor area. The applicant has stated that noise and parking problems generated by the restaurant use were a significant problem to the residents ol the Homestake Condominiums and these negative impacts will be alleviated by converting the space to a residential drrrrelling unit. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and snforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff Resoonse: Statf believes that the degree to which the applicant is asking lor relief from the density and GRFA restrictions are the minimum necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among the sites in the vicinity and to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Although it appears that spaces A-109 and A-110 were originally intended to accommodate two dwelling units, this request is to convert the restaurant space into one chvelling unit. The GHFA associated with that one dwelling unit will be the same floor area as the existing restaurant. There are no exterior modifications to the existing space requested as a part ol this application. The staff does not believe that the applicant is asking for a grant of special privilege with this \. I request because the MDMF zone district cunenlly does not allow restaurants and bars as an allowed use. The applicant is requesting to remove a nonconforming use of the property and, in ib place, install a use that is compatible with the pupose statement, and is specifically listed as a permitted use, in the MDMF zone district. 3. The eftect of the requestsd varlance on llght and alr, distrlbutlon of. population, transportation and traffic facllitles, publlc tacilities anO utllilies, and publlc satety. Staff Resoonse: Staff feels that granting the denslty and GRFA variances wlll not have a negative effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. lf anything, staff believes that the transportation and traffic impacts associated with a single dwelling unit would be significantly less fian the previous use as a bar/restaurant. According to the on-site property manager, as many as five to ten employees and twenty to thirty patrons could be present at the restaurant at any given time. The parking impacts associated with this use have caused problems over the years for residents of he HomestakE Condominiums. B. The Plannino and Environmental Gommission shall make the followinq findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in he vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tiUe. b. There are exceptions or sxtraordinary ckcumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of tre variance that do not apply generally to oher properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforceme'nt of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of prtvileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same distict. 4 V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approrral of the requested density and GRFA variances to allow the space formerly occupied by the Fulton lronworks Restaurant to be converted from a restaurantibar use to one residential dwelling unit. Stafi believes that the requested variances comply with the criteria as discussed in Section lV above. In addition, statf believes that the proposal meets the findings. Specifically, staff believes that Finding 1 is met in that the requested variances will not constitute a grant of special privilege as the applicant is requesting to remove a noxious use and install a use that is specifically permitted in the MDMF zone district. Statf believes that Finding 2 is met in that the granting of the variances will not be malerially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, and may actually have a positive effect on public health, safety and welfare compared with the previous use which existed in the space. Finding 3 is met, in staff's opinion, as the strict literal interpretation or enforcement ot the density and GRFA standards for the MDMF zone district would result in a practical ditficulty inconsistent with the objectives of the Municipal Code; there are exceptions and extraordinary circumstances applicable to this site that do not generally apply to other properties in the same zone district; and the strict interpretation and enforcement of the density and GRFA regulations would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ot other properties in the same zone district. Staff's recommendation for approval includes the following conditions: The applicant shall remove all exterior mechanical equipment and "decorations" which were related to the use of this properg as a restaurant (i.e. signs, kitchen related venting and mechanical equipmenf, storage area below the north side _ stairwell'\etc')' € il-f"n*G6hq l,n Ld,,r7 stn?1 hco"Ao'f Before a building permit is approved t6 convert the restaurant into a dwelling unit, the applicant shall receive DRB approval ol all exterior modifications required by Condition 1 above, and as may additionally be proposed by the applicant. c:\p€cvnemo5\boucht l. 1 4 L 2. - J.,€€ @(- le <firca€ tu a-d,{ws qLue /.6e (F-'4tA b 7' TCo eP ^egiolenc€ - Do ( kn au.( 6-o Afla.ri, ^" ^f # a I :1 i .\ L.( PA o rt fLoof fL<rr Fer resiJe,\*iaL ottlf t ai PATIO zg'-stk :fm nr,r. RE 1 s = fi = l-r",rn ' IT i I ; i L a I I '(\l URANT (cx. e'-l) i)9-t to-2"--N._13: q,' tla uvrNG .;D6r^ rrtUT I I -,aa.a ri--- , | ----j=:- rrfuT I t l----IttlllrrI nu* | lF^Y'.ttl{ | }-.--r---.t t. I i fnre4rrc$EN I 11 t-o 3:C'tl B,{TH 17 -3" . ,:TAIRWAY A. -[0:lt9ll SECONO' -n, t€3lAUt ||l r.- tlrn I IrB I ft I , II Ib t I | "'l t. ll| -lru1l.l "i et | ---.1itl0ltt-tl;l *ii-9? ol I I 1 i II ,l--:l ;r - rct6 --.;: :, JNtl r arot I I l'--t; a' utrtr atC! I'f----- iL -::'-. I atc, I I --- ---f. ------1, t"'.- .li ,*, t I ac.t I urr I :rror I T =.{-1L "'l->+T'r/ | I I I ^'O? IJrrrl :arol i I-rTrl'rfi-Il.lt.|JJIrJ :l 'l--'' .t----"-i-E1'- "i -FF?rrFL.l :.1 ;!------ :L - :'.- -.tn, '------1"- ,"t\ ;': *-- 4 :iw,i | ..r j:F,....J -ffi :tt ft: ,/ tlRsr FLoc R ffiP" J rorEs - --l. :r ..,r.or a010..06 ro c.g, c-tr.E.^l cour.or E!gMEr'r | !.c EJ r_rvrrgp coyl.on EtEMENTcErLrr6 rlr(iHt rrisr aND sEcorrc F!oors r516'. alcEFr ^S rrorc^t tDrir cEr!rllc hE.eHr r.:t wrlH||r o^!x€o !r\Eltcr'rl cE:! rrG HErGrrtt! OCI tra€Dt^.4rGl GCE xtcH4rr!^! .LU€IYoC L 9i't w^!r Crr.€rlrct3: :€! .rrrtt :?reE!Evar'Ort 6^5ED Olr u.3.C.3- n.l9M. 3eE Sh€:r t. \ r"...; I atoa urllatqt atro ttrlat€t ttl ltog ato6 g|.rt atoa vtrlalot arol uxrlllr0l urt?l:0t rl''{ ,'.,r E A2tO I.l lrtrtatog uta rt AIOG ui rt atoS urr t A2O. uitta:ot 1 t tlla:ol ulrt a: ol ultta16 urtt/rrot ULtIatoa urrl ! ^ro! I I II uNrl at oa u'|rtatot '*-'ll^u.^*, ^,or.,o J utttar02 utftlarol L.x^) :d_ ::,.ii.T.sigr'" SECTION A.A rB xo ? l5l tGC€J 6g'.EF^L Coxror E ! cy€.rt | !.c-E) !rxrtE0 coa.Moi EIEME*tCElLtr{G rEtGNl ?ittO FLOOT rr.!: trCEt?a3 | NOtCltS0(!, ctlttt (i r.EloHr r.tt wr?r.t.. DASrato ttf,t3lGl G.Ce rEC|r^trCrL FLU€tFt €!c-t FTtEPL^cE tYFlC l w !L Ox€tsroitr gEa Ur.l?t /rtto aro AtOgErEv^rors 3A3cD o.r u3o.3. oatuM. aencx reri locarEo qr FrtE rluo ^,SArlNEASt CdxEe cf rot ..r. tLOCr ^. ltors riOeE iUfOrVrC|or: --- .- BErCH racr :Llvlttor attt..! FEEt f:r$tuh .F-{rFJ' v'-.rxiil:: f -r..,-l r"l^L J t''' I : urri.F alro I-l'r- - -_ Iurirt : It: \L Y-'l Uxrt a to6 f-*rl-t:I urrtI lror lf *'J.,,t-' ',1, I atot I illrrrT i/rtot I I .fY \J * /|lo.a:0t l\/'':l ,.'Ii B--- I.t,--'-,'------J'-Ill. oirt: a!o: T I 'l- a -t_ I I ulttator F t;ffi l|]...-.*.::-i birffi? | ^ l.lJ rl ;; :r--- -: --",--lt :---F;lffiHl" Lj ro -ifr.rFlLe ooR ffid-ffiTHIRO F TF o*gn Revrew Acuon Fen TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Date + ArchitecVGontact,AddressandPhone: Sqftre q -g q Lave Subdivision Lnil9 ltLegal Descripti on: tot r4 - 6 AtocX Project Street Address: Comments: ,4 Zone Districr l40l4F f ,.7-/,/O 'qf(q Board@ /uotionoy: k{i vote: ,Uk Seconded oy: /, {* ! APProval -t---^ w',( ( L-G)@)-d,, : lo n#(4 ,/oifu Ltt t{ --,- @o DRB Fee Pre-Paid # c/c- o REVIEIf BOAXD APPIJICATION - TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:***ttt**** Y E.vt..d, 7ll4l9l DESTGN I. A. VAIIJ, , |]fY, DEPI********** PROT]ECT TNFORMATTON: TIN6 ,ctto Tz^tu Sc c o!*foA!1r, C, T'AiD FoE-- Errr- ( *rF,rrrA4ErJr: REVIEW: )r{Dhdru6 tlyot> 44)'88 ^{ W* wiLlu Etr?FArr(Zs.^rrrx$srrf,E.B.TYPE OF New Construction (9200.00)Addirion ($50.00) ADDRESS: { uinor Alrerar.ion ($20.00) ConcepLual Review ($0) D.LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: LoL A.L BlockSubdivisio' t+o*"rtntlg. or rA,- { q^*L* tr i.to^)Z- If property is described bydescript.ion, please provideto this application. a meets and boundson a separate sheet 1ega1 and aLLach ZONING: NAME OF Mai ling APPLICANT: Address: NAME OF APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE: *II,MEMailing Address:_ Phone s Phone (€pa) 4+6- Stop APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITIIOUT Or/II/ER'S STGNATT]RE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. ,1 . DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are t,o be paid at LheLime of submitt.al of the oRn applilation. Lat.er, whenapplying for a buitding permiE,, plbase identify Lhe accuraEevaruation of the proposar. The iown of vair wirl ad.jusE. Ehefee according to the table below, to ensure the correcL feeis paid. H NAME qF OWNER(S): FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATTONA n ,h r.\ ^^^g \, g rvrvuv$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ 50,001 - $ 1s0,000 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI., EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NI.ESS A BUTIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE O ZU. UU $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED AI.ID CONSTRUCTION Mailinq Addr o PRE.APPITICATION MEETING:IJ-. TTT A pre-applicaE.ion meet.ing wittr a member of the planningsLaff is encouraged to det,ermine if any addicionalapplication information is needed. IE is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appoinEment. h'itb t,he slaff t.odetermine if there are additional subnittal reguirements.Please note that a coMpLETE application wi,l1 streamline Ehereview process for your project.. In addition Lo meeting'subnittat requirements, Lheapplicant. must stake and Lape the project sit,e t.oindicate properE.y lines, building lines and buildingrcorners. ALL trees Lo be removed musL be taped. AiIsite tapingrs and staking must be compleLed piior to theDRB site visit,. The applicant must ensure that sEakingdone during the winter is noL buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normalJ.y reguires L\^ro separate meeti.ngs of the Design Review eoardi.aconceptual review and a final review. ApplicanEs who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on Lheir scheduled meeting date and who have norasked in advance LhaC discussion on Eheir item bepostponed, will have t.heir iCems removed from the DRBagenda unLil such Ej.me as t.he iEem has beenrepublished. The following it.ems may, aE t.he discreLion of Ehezoning administralor, be approved by t.he CommunityDevelopment Departmerit sLaff (i.e. a formal heari;qbefore Lhe DRB may noL be reguired) : Isimilar exterior changesexisLing plane of Lhe b. Building additions not. visible from any other lotor public space. AE the E.ime such a pioposal issubmitt.ed, app).icants must include lelcers f romadjacent propert.y owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associat.ionscating the association approves of Ehe addition. If a property is located in a mapped. hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfalI, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, ecc.), a hazard sLudy must be submitted andthe o!'rner must sign an af f idavic recognizing the hazardreport prior to Ehe issuance of a building permit.Applican[s are encouraged t.o check with a r-own plannerprior to DRB application to determine Lhe relationsnipof t.he property to al1 mapped hazards. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicace on Lhe floor plans the insideface of Lhe ext.erior slructural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indlcate wit.h a dashed Line on the site plan afour fooE dist.ance from the ext.erior facL of thebuilding walls or supporLing columns. If _PlB approves the applicaLion with condiEions ormodifications, aLl conditions of approval nust beaddressed prior t,o lhe application- tor a buildinfpermit. A. B. n E. a. Windows, skyJ.ights andwhich do noL alter t.hebuilding; and G. NAME OF PRO.TECT: CiNUEPerau op Frtr-rrau tParvrrrrgzs -fo CaruXDnrrJtar,ta LEGAL STREET DESCRIPTION: LOT BI,OCK ST'BDIVISION ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a finat A. BUIIJDING MATERIAI.IS: Roof Siding OLher Wa11 MaLerials Fascia Sof f i- ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Iiand or Deck Raits FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WaI1s ExLerior Liqhting Other required for submittal t.o the Desiqn approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAIJ COIJOR EXIENNG Ev$f,Nc ,rueb Tn M,$Yct+ E-K\sn\\A OAUD F!r*\r(de €v\6rttU FXr€ylf,lC €(rtf trla Oddfelu- ClrzE$ C,frgEilA)f O(\€\-r|I. 3(dC4t PAoeL , DlJtr2E 4z3o. tP6o FfAT'EDbD aw atr-'cwtt* ll,rtt;'.tot \ d.Ar< nTUcC, ?CAt*reror Qlb tU Jp rrtr.rroc F€rhL Antd.ro \y4 lyA ,l'A r.l/A -aA,raA. 74rta ,sArrD- Er\!n tJc O&og0UgTr,ttD *-, Designer: Phone: b.LANDSCAPING: Name of o PIJAI$T }4A?ERIAIJS PROPOSED TREES AIID SHRUBS o Common Name ouanrirv JlBoLanical Name f,L(\anNa *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous trees.s Indicat.e Lrees.**Indicat,e size 5 qallon. GROT'ND, COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum caliper forheiqht, for coniferous Square Footaqe il/A tya,. N/to TYPE oR METHoD oF 0/A EROSION CONTROL c. IJANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and rocations on a separatelighting pran. rdenrifv each fixt.ure from r.he 1i;hring plan11 the space below and provide Lhe height. above giade, -type ofriqht.proposed, lumen oueput., luminous area ancl i cut she;t ofthe lighE. fixEure. (Sect.ion 18.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimrningpools, eEc.) prease specify. rndicare heights of'retaininiwar1s. Maximum heiqht of warls lrithin the fronE secback ii3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the pioperfy is 6, D. o+l*,.- -.r.rr ! ,|D rf,rr|.r r- LrxrrL tliscellileorrs Castl l2-69-94 l6:45:53 Receipr * 1614ZS Flccounr {t CK * 1S23 KFREH BOUCHBRD\DRB FEE Rmount tendpred > Irer paid x E1ggEs4l331AA6 tlhange r€turned ) THFII..Il< 20.sa fhqrnr paid &.ag E.6A VTfLJ Vour cchicr RERTI€ s t4v N !l J (r){ I l P,1,/t RTT:T:qO TW.ctJttlil, ffi[/.[)ffT. i Ms. Kat ! Bouchild +bgl Sprrrcc Way, #30 P.O. 8ox 6432 Yail, CO 81658 iRs: Homesuke Units ltgA-ll0A l qear Ms. Bouchaxl; .l5tcr orr relepholc converration Wednesday afiernoon November 30, 1994, I believe the exirtrng Tlpe I rangc exhaust from the l\rlton lrrrnworks Restmrrant ra,nge horxt will nccrt tn tre rqrsed for U6 lssidsntial kitchen hood exhaust duct proposed. Alttrough ttr typical rcsidcntirl r-ange exhaust ducr iu 12"x4" [o l6"x6n, the fact tlu proposcd lpsidcDtial kitchcn is bclow gtadc ncans tht cxisting shaft is regrired to get the residential range hood exluust duct up and out of rls hildiqg to tlp top of tbe shaft. If you have any questiorc, pleasc call. 48 E. I,4W,QREE( &VD. 5UTE ffi7 fosiofficE8o)(s710 Avfy'l,ffil,14,acpAttio 'lEt tAUA^lE F,d 1flwnfficf 99F94$.r 191 ffigo4gr95s vttu(wAFNLTATEDWiII IHE aTIII GBOIJP,II&. DEI{IEB, ffiLOEADO L.( PA t- j i IF -ll0[{rfiAKE uNlI A t09 : ll0 13'-2^ i.C. E. 39'-51i L3D-RM --.-, it(H-l URANT ( cH. 9'- 11") tt b 9-tto -2L-------.*- r'1| | -t_-rJl i UVING .".DOtv\s : 13: 9" .t , -T Fulv) s <) l SArlr-_ .+ I : tT I'L^ ',4ir-il_tt.:tIl-----.--r1ltllltrauulilst Iil.! | tl'rretzu rorrn \n':! ,.-, 't --.-' tT !:, : I I l l t^ s I MNG€ I !t[:\,- I FRlc I J' L:U BA ?r, \ E+tn -().TAIRWAY A r0-tr-91 UN[Dhr|,-u*i|,,-ulmF4_|1iJl-4_11i_]r4:11il ncn oeo. f 2-7_]12r7'll2-7'-] l-- s. o"---r - 5'-o' -.1 l-- 5-cr - 5:o- --1 t 5'-o --.1 mffimilmmffi FWHSOoSASR FWH5O68SAL FWH5O68AP FWH5O68PA FWH5O68SS f-7111;"-- f-7r111' - l- ?-11i- 1F-8!0.- ,-.1 f- 8!0,- .1 F- 8,0" - 1 ffimmm z68AR Z68AL 27685 lr-8l"lf rL8;'1l r-4"'l l_ 2,_e"_.ll 2:y..ll 2_e" .l ffi fimmmFwHms ,#I" ,#1. #FWHSO6SSASB FWHSO6SSASL FWH8O68SSS I 5-1ti -l I- 5',-11:"- -.1 F-5'-11i"- l | 5:111"- I 5:r1:-_l l-s-0"--] l--o.o - -.1 f- o-o- l I e o' I l-- o-o'-_1lffiiffiFliiffiFiffiFll[-ml ilt'{il rililt t['ilr['ilil'illlk'llll'illlll llll llHlll ulN NEl llNilt /l lll_rl Lri FWH6O68ASR FWH6O6SSAL FWH6O68AP FWH668PA FWH6O68SS F- 8:11*" --l -8:11;_ -. f e-tti-- l__9!0'_ -, .1 f-9-0" - --.] I 9-0"-,- rffiil trmm ffilll llll )lt lll lll llK lLll lll lli rlrl llll lll llL-iilt/llL-lll llrllNlull llt-rlull!ll FWH9GSSASR FWH9O6ASASL FWHS6SSSS - f- -r-- lFHll lilffnl -{ btfl-fil .! "5tmt I FWH3168 lrtl!! tl Ef; _ oz =9 Es -P= lltl II-]-l_ m fTmmm lffil r r lll'il ft'lll tFll Lq i]MI ilN H]FVWI2768 FWH FWH FWH I 3'o; lf3'c lf'-o;'l l-3:1"-.il- 3!r"-.ll 3-1" I ffifimmmFWH3168 .HL.HI. # VERTICAL-TWO PANEL DOOR Scale l%" = I'U' FE E8 HORIZONTAL SIDE LIGHT DETAIL Scale l'lr'' = l'0' @ ltr| HORIZONTAL-TWO PANEL DOOR Scale 1%" = l'0" j---' I I --" I I --"' I r'-"'?-{-",'I s-0" I l- s-0 - l f- s '0" --..1 f- 5.o'--] I s-o' ..1 mffiKmKmffi FWHsOSOASR FWH56OSAL FWHsMAP FWH5g]PA FWHsOSOSS ' z_rrrt"___l l__7!1r;- 1 ._7:,ri. _1 f- 8-0" ---1 l-- 8-o' ---] l_- s_a _ __] mmm mmt mmmI ll \l t u il ll/ llll lll lll llll illl lll ll llll ,illl lll lll llfl. lrli lll lil lrlt lltl il llL_rllr_illL_rlt llr__rilN,llL_ilt illlllll!llFA'H8O8GASR FWHffi}SASL FWHSOSOSSS -.5-"i_lI s:lli II s-ru --l rs-'U-r s-rr.i -r f-6'0 ll 6.0 -ll--6tr-l| 6-f ---] | 6.0.-_ ffiffi UN]UJ IUU]LN FWHMSASL FWH9qNSSS :'.1 PANELDEScRIPnoN L! Basic Panels:' ACTM P/NEL-TIE hinged or L :l'_l| - operating pand. l'^$l ,*$; srArnNARY PANEL-rh€ fircd n - PASSIVE PANIL-Thrs panel can '-- a y be operd after etite pand I I i sonema-lflil1i 1';1 'ffitf ffif HINGING DESCRIPTION -i-a I t-rlI t rl :li --L ,=-' RIGHTHII{GED LEFTIIINGED Basic Hinging: RIGIIT HINGED-Hhges mounted on tlc right stile of the active panel LEFT HII,IGED-Hinges mornted ofl ttte bft stile of tlE active paneL I'NITS !'IEWED FROII,I EXTERIOR - T-rtrtrnt | |tffil |l[ll + rlll ll ii :t-tt I{u rl FWH3180 MT]LL]ONJOINING Scale lYz" : I'0" NARROW SUPPOtrTF€ *'E OPENING SPECIFICATIONS Unit No. Sq. Ft. Clerr Opg. Ma*. Maximum Clear Orening Sq. Fr. Glass Cnck Opg Lin. Ft. Vent Sash O y &. Ft. Vent. width Height 90'Full n8 12.98 UtYtd x'EVt 8.n t7'4W t2.s 2968 11.02 xtyi'a"75t/t 9.20 17'-EYr"T4.Q 3168 16.ll fiWr{v ?SVt 10.96 t8'4W 16.ll yJ68 12.98 ut-h{W 75V1 16.64 t7'-4yr"12.98 5068 AP/PA 27.3 52V{55*r 75Vt 16.61 a'-Tv{ 0J68 16.11 30rfi0"75V1 2r.v2 18'4Vi 16.tI 606E AP/m fr}.58 64h"87Vf 7SYt 2r.92 fi'-T*{3t58 8068 t4.u 6tY$;'n"75Y1 n.ffi 17'-8Yr"t4.u 9068 ldll s,7lc v ?SVt u.88 t8'4W 16.ll nw 15.73 ultd 2tr 9l Vr t0.41 m'4ur'15.73 2980 l7.m 6th{w 91Vt 1t.52 n'4w 17.00 3l8n 19.54 3011e"9tvl t3,72 2l'-0)/t"19.51 5080 15.73 2luld W 9M n.u n'4uf 19.51 5O8O AP/PA 33.1t 52t/l 55YN"9IY1 n.82 9'.Nrc'33. I I 6080 t9.54 Sr%s'v 9|.Vt n.41 n'4u{t9.51 M&] APi PA 40.71 uh"67U{9lY.27.44 9'-71rc"4tJ.71 8m0 l7.m Uryr{W gru 31.i5 n'1w 17.fi) 9080 19.51 30rl'/s"32"9tv 41.16 2t'4W 19.54 Support rnst h used when jciningjanb hirUed For rcinforced joining inlormation see pge 163. RAMPED SILL DETAIL Scale 1%" = l'tr mffiffiKmm ,i"ll"H [""1T;:::]il: iffi -rm ffi- rlill 1ffi1 '+ r lil '1.l lil'lr lll-llifil ' 'lll,11l ff,lli lll"',u - - Ell L-{l L-l]lFWH2780 ,#1,. ,ff!. ffi lr-4 l-r:8;"lfr-8;-F2-9" 1.2-9 .ll 2:9 | ffi sN|mmrffi _1,/l NJ illlFWH2eso ,#1" ,#1. ffi 1,3:0; ll 3:0; lF3-0;lI 3: t jF 3_l -.1_3_1"_-1E lmmlm lffil r : lll 'il lf' llllll* ifti L [ZjilLJ]llllFWH FWH FWH3lmAR 31&AL 31ffi NOTE: Two- and three-panel stationary units in 8'heights are alailable on special order. Check with local Andersen supplier. Wlen ordering be sure to specifu color desired. 134 F $Q oo {ffi-ffiI irr.]ttiuN It---7lr-t F-- I iKUDI r-ffil ilk' lil lil "]illltllulL:-llr c3a m|lE!lL:t] cwz3'ffilLllL:lll cwa5, trm lNlLlll cw24' --?lF----l llt,'Iil'ln It].llUi cw2e mttlL'llli lll II-4F--II KU ca5mItliLll c21 ffim IUU] c245m NU c25m INH c25s tf--7 F--]l |lt'til'1il NU c26 mmcF23 CN23 tffi rFffil NU NUcR235 c11235 ffil ffir NU UUcR24 cM4 UNIT .2.43i.' r--1 ,'. *,)FitEcltl? lll * li[K 4l ilL-]ll ctlvtr m1Bl ctvr35' mH cw14' ml F-'1ilfl,'ll cvll45' ltF-1tl I||,']il lru clv15' m [.,filH cwr55' ffil t|["t[ mr cw16' BASIC uNrroru .t_sife'{ffi *,*. ["1F]E'*'i'1i"lf*i ill-si- m ffi W :IfuWWM cF13 CN13 C13 iEmmm cR13s CN135 Clr6 'L{4ffimmcR14 Ct{14 C14 rl-i*llffi m, ry', -l , "H, H H., :FE ffiMWcfls clll5 cl5 iElffiffiw cn1s5 ct{155 c155 'E1 ffimm c816 Ctl16 C16 MMEEcR2 Ct{2 C2 CW2 mr mmiFl iml rUi ltri lfil cR3 Cr$ c3 cvv3 Fr mml Fl ffil [u ro] Ei c835 CI35 C35 CWil5 m [Tir lrTit t--iliTil Hl lffil lffil[]-{ [-+]t t#t t#lHl Hl ul ltrl cf,t cN1 0l cw4 mt mt ffiffi]lFfll ll l-l lr- --H] IE] E] E] CRas C[45 C45 C1{a5 ffiffi] ffil rl lHi lHt tHt tffilffil El lEl El cR5 Cll5 c5 cw5 mr ,mt m ml lHl lHr lHl lHl Hl H rHi bl cR55 CN55 c55 CW55 ml mmlrrlHl lHl rHl lFFl tFl-lt tFt'lt tHlt lt-HlE] IE] E] E cn6 cN6 C6 CW6 VENT LAYOUT rr{h rFmrIt ti Ll it lt lill In I lti tl llll' [ | rl l] Ill ut U L .ul L.H. R,I{. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR GRILLE PATTERNS m cM5 ffi c|a6 ffiKm NOTE: Hineins of sash that is shown is standard. Single sashindrcates hinSlng left, right oistationary. Specify hft or right, as viewed trom the,outsre for other [ingrng of multiple units contmt your local Andersen supplEr' *See Opening Specifications on page 86. When ordering be sure to specify color desired. 85 s I" cRsBtr,tgNt opp CIFICATIONS o NINGSPE Unrt No. q^ Fr Clear opg. Str. Arm Sq. Ft. Clear opg. Split Arm Ma-r. Clear Opg. in Full Open Position Ft. Glass Crack Opg. Lin. Ft. Vent Sash Only Ft. VenL Top of Subfloor to Top oflnside Sill Stop Sq. FL 0verall Unit Area Str. Arm \.t'iirh Split Arm Width Height cR12 q 7',19Td 1.7 6'4t3h{607i 3.0 cRl3 7"3tvi'2.i 8'4.!4"{8)/Lc"1.2 cRl35 1.8 7'Urrp-'9',ltld'2.9 {3i\hr'4.8 cR11 2.1 ?"4354e'3.8 t0'4i;'36v(5.7 cRl45 2.3 7'48Ys'4.2 ll'27ra"3.9 3lj%e"6.2 cRlS 2.i 55{rs'4.8 12'4r!4.4 211k"7.1 LKI55 2.9 1"ffiy{L3'Wta"4.E l9rfir"7.7 cRl6 3.3 7"6lln'5.9 11'4Ys"5.4 127/s'&5 cNl2 t.4 tovi'19Trc"2.2 6',ll'%d'wd'3.4 cNl3 2.2 t0vi 3tvi'3.5 8'l lh6'3.2 48'l1o 5.1 cN135 tlvi WA,'4.0 9'97rs"4#h{5.8 cN14 3.1 10v4'43Y16"4.8 l0 ll 4..1 36h"6.8 cNl45 3.4 t0vf 48V{1l'9%o'4.9 31r7l0" cNl5 lOt'i"59ta"6.2 12'llln"5.6 2474'd.5 cNl55 4.3 10vi'ffivd'13 9ro'191%e"9.2 cNl6 4.8 t0vi'6irh6"7.5 14',Ll%6"6.9 lzis"r0.2 C\2 lo 14'19?/rc'2.6 7'6Va"2.4 $jv{40 cr3 3.0 31t/t"4.3 9'6rAd',4.0 48t3/16"6.0 cl35 3.5 14"Wu"4.9 lO'47/n'4.6 433Vg'6.8 c14 43?ri'5.9 1l'6rlio"5.6 36Vi 8.0 cu5 4.7 14"48Y{6.6 t2'4%d'6.2 31 8.8 c15 t4"551rc"i.6 13'6srro'i.l 24%"10.0 LIJD t4'60%'8.2 14'1%6"7.7 19r%o'10.8 c16 679,6',9.2 l5'6e/ro"8.6 t2h"12.0 cwt2,t 3.0 z5 l8Vt"t97h{8'3yd',&la'4.7 cwl3*4.8 4,0 22',ISyi'3Lri'l0'311e"4.9 481%0"7.1 cwl35'5.0 nvt'2V uvd'6.0 l1'01%6'5.7 433w',8.0 cwl4*6.6 6.0 22',20"43.46'7.2 12'31tt'6.8 firi cw145*'l.4 2/'W 18r1'.8,0 13'01710'311%0"10.4 cwl5*8.4 7.i 22'.20"55:r'16'9.2 14'3r/1i"8.7 24rs"l l.8 cwl55*9.2 &4.2r 2U'ffird'10.0 l5'0r%0"9.5 l9tTvi'12.7 cw16*10.3 9.3 22"m"67:/,e'10.8 16'3tr'n"10.6 127/s"14.2 cRa t.5 T 31vl 16'gvr"5.0 48ry 6"8.4 cR23s t.8 7"36r/u'6.2 18'31/f"5.8 aTYv"9.5 cR24 2.1 T'L3Yrc"7.6 20'8vi 7.0 fivf 11.3 cN23 2.2 tr)h"31.vi 7.0 17'llVe"6.4 481%6"10.2 cN235 2.6 t0vi 36W"8.0 rg'wd'7.4 49Vn'11.5 CN21 3.1 l0Y4'431tt'9.6 2t'g',8.8 wi 13.6 cN25 10 t0%"55710"t2.4 't0vd'tl.2 %w'16,9 cN26 4.8 0l;'6i3^6 15.0 N r0r;'t3.8 t2'A:'20.3 c23 3.0 4"3lYr'8.5 19't78" I E.0 481rd'12.0 3.5 4',fi3/zt"9.9 '20'84'.9.2 433r',rr'. c24 4.2 t4"43$i',I1,8 23'1 " I tr.2 36%" I 16.0 c245 48-vs"t3.2 24 81/!', I t2.4 3lrs/,r" c%q.4 I l4'ss%J I t5.1 27'tk'4.2 24w I n,0 c255 5.9 4',gJY"' I 6.4 28 8rs" I t5.4 19r.16" I It.6 c26 I 6.s I 4"67v( |18.4 3l'ltr'a'7.2 127t', l:i3.9 c!r23*4.8 | 4.0 I t2" l I8V,,"3l14' I u.4 20'6)s' I 9.8 +8rl,o l cw85*s.7 I s.0 l:|zvi 11 W'Wz"l t2.0 22't7/e" I [.4 433Y3r" I 16.0 CW2J*6.6 |60 |)2" I ,'U,43'yib'4.4 24 6Vt" I r3.6 16ri' I t8.8 cw2s. I 8.4 7.7 |ta'i57,6" I 18.4 18',6vd l 24?E I cw26.0.3 |e.3 |t2'n'579ti'l 11.6 32 6ta" I tr.2 t2%' I t8.2 3.0 l-tlvi I t2.9 I9'lVa' I 8.0 |18r%0"7.9 c335 3.5 l-4"wh{ |4.7 l0'87s I 9.2 131tr I n.3 c34 4.2 l-.4', I tgd I 7.7 |,3'lla" I ltl wf Itt4.0 5.4 4"1 t2.8 |a7'tth:' I 42 |z4te' I i0.0 -irf,lding unobstrucled glass si?fs sh4!. Note: Floor to sill heights are cakulated based upon a structural header height of 6'loyr,: *CW xries units are also available with a 22" clear op€x1ing width with straight arm operator. CM 35 straight arm operator has 223la ' clear opening. p6ase contact distr"ibutor for availabilil Manmur Clear Opening Wrdti Wrth Splrt Ann Operator: CR Series97s,,; CN Series 12ys,,: C Serres Iirvc ; Cl! Series 20 {ercrprCWl3andCWl2-19'q."} CASEMENT AND AWNING PICTURE WINDO\4/BASIC UNIT SIZES lr-T]lt-r-lEI]I cP:l5r]5 tT-T-T_tll-fnll ffi-r-ril LrL=!=lJl AP3'2 UNITOIM FGH.OPG GLTSS' .2- l1 '/,6:r -t 13 0i,'irt 31'/;i l il;rl;l |.;lftI-- r-- t I liTtrTl Frrrrtn-l_rrlt l[-FrrrF-rrn Frrrrht++il k#+l cP505 CP35 I Picrure window srille,I aljSnment may not coincideI rith circle top gille paltem I when tlansom joined. Speci:JI orde! orture window F l€s I ro ati8n,*irl C-TC 2 and eTCa I availrble. See your supplier tTrr-TtllffilrlrffilIILLLIJII cp235 Ia-- a_-T]rlffil ilffil cF24ffi tffiii ffi ilffiir frTffit {TtrT-TIII F-mtl HH ct255 |lfr-rl-lll tLt--t-+ 11 ilFl-i-NlltTTt-r]lLl5l cP26 ffi CPJO5 ffi --r---r:-l :-- ."1 'l-1.r Fr--n rffirm mT"rm ! t-r-l - f-t +,1!l ti--l-.1-J--l-.]IL-LL-T-IJ May be rcrat€d in eith€r directron to align urth casement or aming windows, AP530 Cru fliffiTfilffii-T-|_rF] cru5Fr--i rrr5-fi-T-]-T_-$ rffrrlt[]-T-Tr-] lT.rt-TT]Ej-|rnil [n:rn] AP52 eU STATIONARY UNITS T lr:l :-=l"t'll*- mr t!#t[H ARI53 H ilHllfrffi ;:.:L -, 86 ^*'i"." OA KEood'$" E or 1@1 VallMew lhive Vall. Colorado 816Y/ 't2/ s/ 94 Town of Vail Community Planning & Dev.DePt. Vai1, Cofo. Re: Proposed Remodel Condos A1 Og/110(Former1y Fulton Ironworks Restaurant) Karen Bouchard To Whom it may Concern: Please be advised that the Homestake Homeowners Associ- ation has no objection to the minor exterior alterations as proposed by Karen Bouchard, owner, involving the installa- Lion of an egress window, new front entry door, and stucco balcony wal-l- to replace the current one currently comprised of 2X4 railing. I understand that the exterior window fram- ing and door will be painted the same teal green color as exists on the rest of the building and that the stucco will be colored and textured similarily to other stucco on the building, Please contact me if you have any guestions with regard to this matter. SincelefuiDAvid C. Hackman Assoclation Manager Homestake Cond. Assoc. AANRE CA6EIIEUT u;lrJDo{ J ?R0Rneb ou t#r uAtr A0 Tb prt. uoe extent, \Me all do, especially where homes are concemed. People do judge vour home by its cover - and that cover is your front door, fu homeowners, we often put more creativity into our New Year's Eve parties than into our own front door. But as the point of entry, your front door sets the tone for hospitality far more than any party favor. So why not take a moment to walk through some different options for that front door of yours? Tfre Quiet Dlal lleatnent Sometimes simple is best Never underestimate dre visual impact of a new coat of paint. In the movie Zle Quiet Man,, an American ex-prizefight- er (played by John Wayne) causes a sensation in his newly adopted Irish town by painting the door of his home a bright kelly green. "Red is more durable," chides a neighbor gendy. So? One horneowner we know repaints her front door three or four times a year. Believe it or nog this sim- ple change gives the entire home a Nothing says it better than color! A coat of paint transforms a door into a bold design stateme.nt, creating impact and a welcome warmth. completely different look If you apply new paint over old, it might take less than an hour; if you choose to strip -vour door and prime the wood surface, you could spend the better pan of sev- eral days. Maybe your door could use a new texnrre as well as a new color. Try the pre-formed decorative molding avail- able at your local home irnprovement store. Paint it a complementary or contrasting color 6rsg then nail or glue it in place. The result: same door, dif- ferent look. lf vour door conuins ordinary win- rt e've all been told that you cant judge a book by is covef. But to some dow glass, try installing inexpensive pattemed glass instead. You can add an ornate brass door Lnocker or change the lockset hardware. But suppose you really have your heart set on a completely different door. Here also, you have more choic- es than vou mav realize. or years, discerning home- owners have been building patios, walla and even houses out of brick sahaged from demolition sites. Why not a front door? Throughout your city or town, many greatlooking doors are being lost to progress, as older homes are tom down to make way for new con- smlction. Odds are, the doon will be unique, charming and quite ofien" free. Use your creativity to revitalize these pieces of history. Properly sripped, treated, painted and installed, they can speak volumes for the character of vour nome. Openinga Bnnd$feurDoor ff nothing will do but a new front door, there are plenty of door manu- facnrers who will be happy to sell you just the design and style you're looking for. While a solid, firnctional front door might run less than $100, you can spend thousands selecting the door ),ou want. lf you're going to invest a good deal of money in a completely new front door, find an artist who can create a color skerch ofyour new door in place. Once a new front door is ordered, delivered and installed, itt tough to retum. ln the photos accompanying this texg you'll see several bold examples of decorative style. But each homeouner surted the same way, with one basic question: What should this door say about my home? fuk yourself that same questioq then go out and create it! kt your front door speak for you as no other element in vour home can. r Left: These door ideas offer decorative styles in a range of looks -from refined double leaded-glass doors to the simple, but elegant, millwork of a salvaged old door. Right: A Southwest splash of teal. Oun H.,nxtrneup' WNnov/s ARE Cusrou,Manl To Frr A{Y FneuE Op'Mrwo. If you thought Andersen' windows were only available in square shapes, rectangles and curyes, consider our other angles. Andersen Flexiframe' windows can be custom-made to virtually any shape you can draw with straight lines and angles. Just decide which unique shapes best suit your home's overalldesign. We'll recreate that shape in a Flexiframe window of almost any size. And do it in increments of 1/ro of an inch. Outside, these windows are protected by our Perma-Shield' system that won t rust, pit, corrode, chip, flake, peelor blister. Inside, theres the warmth and beauty of fine wood. And Flexiframe windows combine with our standard units for a complimentary look. 0r a crowning touch. See fagw 38-73 for mnre Feature Winlnw Cunhinntirms. 24 \aa 't, I r i ..,.,1r,r-- iil'r,.lr; .[, "r..rIt{: .,'A.-t, i r].rti.- ,, ,,.,.,.,;..: xj AIJ'r l- Ar/; ,:. I .., . i (:,. - J ;-^,: i:.,"r.r 'i"ir x;.; Fj,,{i., ,}.t-,. ', !-ffl .,i. 'l , I p.>,.F i, 1.,1 :: - ,{..i l).U ot Fr)rrtj ,{r.ji /r /'.i,4t.r,._rr-l l.'i irt ." !-l' ij' .i i , .. I i:t!.ri , .1,; :_ lxfl* *es r*e' tIt ibril -----4W Ms. Bouchard December 14, 1994 Page Two lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely,l)- r - r' tl* ttn^W Jirn Curnutte Town Planner Enclosurs E PtoPcaeu PArID UrNLL Cftcto - TExruPru t 0uotu to Ml'te{ €K\rY\t\c Gpre" [t-bN - PE{re.rfY\\rE C.Nt-trAog Ltnres eD PDgrg ON f:2AcA Srbe !€usrL: PAtto / Duoc Llcr{r tr(r0ees UC{{tf'-D lrtf--N0 oot I r)crrNyq *t 5\.,D5 ?NND $tAtE!6 U)*EzL4 oN E;{gtr\oq- ,/ r,^-rtNbdul bpt-/.t rrr-ynrqpED - tNLu^R.D dpEut, ^ J' b. EE/-. a4 i,lz,urt uoa^rlfET- HANDED - iN(rr:D opEt gt Sl x 3' fl\A*. O?tutrrc k NDUD / I'tArc opsr.r,n c 4f" K 6t-(ucc. mrl et4 :-7,1r c5.l'> ,l'lu oFT atua/ro4|lFE - D.9E c-. ?E s Otit# aEN(NC PtDseo Lra*rruc - zxrEf..o*- (3) fJnror /leo$ "c.,recrr<'c.' 6tYL€ (./n |ltpo -TA^r pER \a!- our&R_ 2_ rurDboD3 ANb C gl rsgggb ov ER- Doo R- (7J tPn^e T\ PE- 1J$ u^pz 6'$ ?oer+ 41 t*tt GAre (4) :lne" 1196 l-lue P5 6r: ?45rc Ar €rDE ?ArtD ?rees C Aooru atDE) 3$5Ep_las{ t0rc[ to g{rrt\{4 ENrg\. 'YITTC$orr ?AIID +t4i o frf [" r, COMMISSION tJ,3 F:i PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL November 28, 1994 MINUTES MEMBERS ABSENT Allison Lassoe STAFF PRESENT Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Jim Curnutte Greg Amsden Bill Anderson Bob Armour Jelf Boiven KathY Langenwalter Dallon Williams 1.ArequestloradensiiyandGRFAvariancestoa|lorv|ortheconversionoftheFulton lronworks Reslauranl 'io "i"iio"n.e to be tocat"i at 1136 sandstone Drive' units A- 16g ";; A'1 'loiHomestake Condominiums' A,oolicant: Karen Bouchard Pianner: Jim Curnuiie JimCurnuttestaiedthatthjsitemVJSsO0theNovemberl4.lgg.lagencaandthatthe oivner o{ the properry t"" noitbl" to ailend tntitt"ing and ihat 1ne-l'em uras tabled tothismeeting,Hestaiedihathehadspokenwitntnec-rvnerandfaxedherrea|tora copy of lhe conditions "i'pp*""i in1he.'slat{ m'n'to' Snu indicated that'she had no oroblems rviih the .ono,.iiJ;i ot-apprcvat placed on this project. Jim explained to the F#il;l iami'nicnarcton '""t presenl on behall of the applicant' KathyLangen\'\'alier-clarified:hecondiiionsolapProvalbystatingihattheexterior ventilarion on the Durrcrng rvould have to c. t""nJu.iln.rloing lie shalt and electrical conduit. she atso poinret out that the exlerior rlghis ano heaiers on the deck musl be removed. TamiRich;rrdsoninquiredi,lhetherthePEcu,an.iedtheremova|ofsuchelei.nenlsasa condition ol aPProval' Jefl Bcrven made a motion to approve the request lor density and GRFA variances 10 allorv for lhe conversron'oi ti uirrton lronworis nltr"'iunt lo a residence per the stail memo with lhe t\t'o cono'tion' oultined on Page ; ;l l* slatf memorandum' He added an additlonal conditjon t'nti tff "'it'iot mechaiical equipment' veniilalion' etc' associated with the ,.o.ri"nt be removed priorio irru"n." of a Temporary cedilica'ie ol OccuPancY lor the residence' Kathy Langenwaller clarified that the reason the variances fofhe unulual past use of this property as a restaurant' were being granted was due No funher discussion occurred and a vote of 6-0 approved this requesl' ThePECdecidedtoskipaheadtoitem3ontheagendaasa||oflheparticipantsfor the Serrano's ilem had not yet arrived' F:rnti:19 ana Enrircr.Det'_rI Cc!]bi:!j'i :Jeetii9 !qlnute3 fic!e:ie!:3. :9!i , PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 14, 1994 AGENDA Proloct Orientation/Lunch Site Visits Homestake Condominiums Phillips 66 Holiday House Drivers: Jim and Andy Public Hearinq 2:00 P.m- 1. A request for a minor SDD amendment to the Golden Peak House to allow for minor changes to the previously approved plan for the proposed redevelopment located at 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots Aand B, Block2, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Craig Snowdon Planner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a temporary Christmas tree lot to be located at the Texaco site, 2313 North Frontage Road/Tract B, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant: SteveLincks/DickDillingPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a density and GFIFA variances to allow for the conversion of the Fulton lronworks Restaurant to a residence to be located at 1136 Sandstone Drive, Units A- 109 and A-1 l0iHomestake Condominiums. Applicant: Karen BouchardPlanner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for setback and common area variances to allow for a revised, expanded entry on the east elevation of the Holiday House, located at I Vail Road/Lot B, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: HolidayHouseCondominiumAssociationPlanner: Andy Knudtsen I} 5. A request for an update for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesUArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Associates of Chicago, represented by Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request to amend Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements pertaining to Type Vl Employee Housing units and set forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. Approve minutes from October 24, 1994 PEC meeting. 8. Council Update: 9. Steering Committee/Task Force Update: ORDINANCE NO. 26 Series of L975 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE ANI'IEXING TTIE LIONS RIDGE AREA TO TIIE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO WIIEREAS, at least ten per cent of the qualified electors, who are resident in and landowners of the area pro- posed to be annexed, which is situated in a county of less than twenty-five thousand inhabitants, filed a Petiti-on for Annexation Election with the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail, Colorado, on the 7th day of October, 1975, in accordance rvith Secti-on 31-B-107(2), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended, requesting the municipality to commence proceedings for the holdi-ng of an annexation election to determine the matLer of the proposed annexation of the Lions Ridge area, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, to the Town of Vail; ITHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colo- rado, hereinafter referred to as the "To$rn" , found the Petition for Annexation Election to be in substantial compliance with Section 3l-B-107(2), CRS l-973, as amended, and on the 7th day of October, 1975, adopted Resolution No. 11 , Series of L975, which is incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof; WHEREAS, on the basis of competent evidence presented in the public hearing on the Petition for Annexation Election on the llth day of November, L975, the Town Council determined that the applicable provisions of The ltlunicipal Annexation Act of 1965, Title 31, Article 8, Part I, CRS L973, as amended, had been satisfied and ad.opted Resolution No. 15, Series of L975, which is incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereofi WIIEREAS, the Town filed a Petition for Annexation Election in the District Court in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on the 14th day of November, 1975, and on said date the court entered in Civil Action No. 2634 a Findings o : o ord. 26, 1975 Page 2 and Order for Annexation Election directing that the annexation election be held on the llth day of December, L975, and appoint- ing three election commissioners to call and hold the election, said petition and order being incorporated by reference herein and made parts hereof; WHEREAS, the Annexation P1at, which was approved by ResoluLion No. 15, Series of 1975, a copy of which was filed in Civil Action No. 2634, is incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof; WHEREAS, an election was duly called by the election commissioners to be held on the 1lth day of December, L975, between the hours of '7:00 A.M. and 7:00 p.M., at a polling place situated in Vail Run, 1000 Lions Ridge Loop, in the Lions Ridge area proposed to be annexed, described in Exhibit A hereof; the notice of the electj"on dated the 13th day of November, 1975, was published in The Vail Trail, a newspaper having general circulation in the area proposed to be annexed, once a week for four weeks and was posted at the potlj-ng place, said first pub- Iication and posti-ng occurring more than four weeks preceding the election; WHEREAS, in the annexation election held on the llth day of December, 1915, 92 proper ballots were cast by qualified electors, of which there were 79 votes for annexation and t3 votes against annexation, as indicated in the Certificate of Election Results, which is incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof; IIHEREAS, on the 16Lh day of December, L975, the Dis- trict Court entered an Order Authorizing Annexation in Civil Action No. 2634 authorizing the Town to annex without special terms or conditions the area proposed to be annexed, which Order is incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof i and WHEREAS, Inasmuch as Section 3I-8-113(3), CRS 1973, as amend.ed, provides that an annexation shall be effective for Ord. 26, L975 Page 3 the purpose of general taxation on the Ist day of January in the year after the effective date of the annexing ordinance, the Town Council considers that it is necessary for the pre- servation of the public property, health, welfarer p€dc€1 or safety to enact this ordinance as an emergency measure so that it will be effective in 1975 for the purpose of providing municipal services to the annexed area, and the annexation will be effective for the purpose of general taxation on the lst day of January, Lg76i NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Title. This ordinance shall be known as the "Ordinance Annexing the Lions Ridge Area to the Town". Section 2. Annexation of the Lions Ridge Area to the Town. Pursuant to the Order Authorizing Annexation of the District Court in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colo- rado, entered in Civil Action No. 2634 on the l6th day of December, 1975, the Town of Vail, Colorado, hereby annexes without special terms or conditions the Lions Ridge area, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described in Exhibit A hereof. Section 3. Annexation Costs. All costs and expenses connected with the annexation, includin<.; commissioner fees not exceeding for each conrmissioner 92.00 for each hour of necessary service, shall be paid by the Town of Vail, Colorado. Section 4. Filing of CoDies of Annexation Plat and Annexing Ordinance. Within thirty days after the effective date hereof the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail, Colorado, shall file the original copy of the Annexation Plat, a copy of which was filed l o o Ord. 26, 1975 Page 4 in Civil Action No. 2634 in the District Court in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, with the original of this annexation ordinance in the records of the Town, a certified copy of this ordinance and one copy of said plat with the County Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and a certified copy of this ordinance and one copy of said plat wi-th the Dj-vision of Local Government of the Department of Local Affairs, State of Colorado. Section 5. Zoninq of Annexed Lions Ridqe Area. Within ninety d.ays after the effective date hereof the Town of Vail, Colorado, shall impose zoning on the annexed Lions Ridge area in accordance with its Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973. Section 6. Effective Date of Annexation. The annexation, except for the purpose of general property taxation as provided in Section 7 hereof, shall take effect upon the effective date of this annexation ordinance. Section 7. Effective Date for General Property Taxa- t.ion. For the purpose of general annexation shall be effective on and ]-976. property taxation the after the lst day of January, Section 8- Effective Date This ordinance shall take effect upon the passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ AS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE, APPROVED, ENACTED TO TAKE EFF'ECT UPON FINAL PASSAGE ON THIS DATE, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN F'ULL WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER PASSAGE OR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, this 16th day of December, 1975. ATTEST: o o t i EXTII IIIT A Leqal 0escr'l ption of Territory AnrE2led to the Tor,rn of Vai l, Colorado A tract of'l and lylng in portions of Section I ancl .l2, Torvnshjrr 5 South, Range 8l West of the 6th Principal tleridlan and in portions of Lots I and 2 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Ranqe B0 l,Jest of the 6th principal l4erid.i an be.i nq more particu- '| arly described as follows: Beglnnlng at the Southwest corner of the SE l/4 of the SE l/4 of said Sectlon'1,sald polnt of beginning also being a point on the boundary iine of Lions Ridge Sub-dlvlslon as recorded in the office of the clerk ancl Recorder, county of Eagli,Colorado; thence alonq said Lions Ridqe Sub.livision bounrlary 1ine, !aid linealso being the west line of said sE l'/4 of the sE 1/4 of settion i, lt 00"03'25',E 769.32 feet to a point on the north\.resterly riqht-of-way iine of Lions Ridge Loop 1n said Lions Ridge Subdivisjon; thence departinq said Lions Ridge Subdivi-slon boundary line but continuine alonq saicl r.rest line of the SE )/4 of the SE1/4 of Sectlon l ll 00'03'25" E 6'l0.46 feet to the llorthwest corner of said SE.'l /4-of the SE I/4; thence ll B7'aB'35'' f 802.69 feet along the north line ofsald SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 Lo a point on the north boundary line of said Lions Rldge.Subd'l vlsion, said point also bejnq on the northviestLrly riqht-of-way llneof sald Llons Rldqe Loop; thence contjnuinq alonq said north lini: of tne -Sg t/Cof the SE l/4 and also alonq the north boundary line of said Lions Rldoe Subdl-vlslon tl 87o48'35" E 574.87 feet to tne tlortniast corner of said SE 1i4 of the SE l/4 of Section I, saicl corner aiso beinct a point on the west llne of sald LotI of Sectlon 6; thence departino sa,i d Lions Ridqe boundary iine on a course bear-lng N 00'04'45" 8 353.92 feet alonq the vrest line of saii Lot 1; thence depart-fnq saJd west llne on a course bearincr s 89'55'i5" t 337.00 feet; thence s 00o4l'15" t 91 .57 feet; thence S 86.49,,l5,,E 4ZB.Zl feet; thence S 94.44'.l5,,8'f64.18 feet; thence S 65'38'45" 1,1 206.97 feetl thence s 44"45'45" t,l 89.45 feeti thence s l4'58'45" l,l 83.96 feeti thence s 34'03'15" E 162.45 feet; thences 00o00'.l5" E 274.38 feet; thence s 89'59'45" l.l 336.53 feet; thence s.62o35'45"w 7l .82 feet; thence l,l 89'55'.l5" l.l 347.79 feel to a point on the vrest Iine ofsald Lot 2 of Section 6; thence S 00o04'45" t.l 250.69 feet alonrt said vrest IJnegf,Lot 2; thence departino said vrest line on a course bearinq S 83".l8,09'' l,|'l 43.35 feet; thence 5 53"18'09" t,l 50.00 feet; thence il 87.38'37,, ll 45.00 feet; thence S 6l'52'37" 1,, 66.35 feeti thence S'l 2"00'49" il 40.00 feet; thence S 0Zo2l'll" t 469.00 feet; thence S 0lo49'29" l,l .l.l7.86 feet to a polnt on the northerlyrlght-of-vray line of Inter'state Hjohway llo. 70; thence along said I-70 rjqht-of- way llne N 62'26'45" E 268.92 feet; thence alonq said I-70 right-of-way ilne N 00"31'36" t,.l 19.70 feet; thence along said I-20 riqht-of-way Ijne il 5-9o36'22"E.49.90 feet to a point on said vrest iine of Lot 2; thence aiong sald west'| lne S 00o04'45" l^l l6l .00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Sectjon l; thenceS 00'07'01" lrl I397.09 feet to the llortheast corner of Lot I in said Section l2; thence S 89"06'03" !'l 1387,64 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot'l I thence S 00o40'34" l,l 2782,01 feet alonq the vrest line of saicl Lot'l and Lot 2 of saldSectlon l2 to the i\lortheast corner of Lot 3 of sald Section l2; thence ll 89o38'12,,li 1397,70 feet to the tlorthwest corner of sald Lot 3i thence ll 00'42'50" E 1193.86 feet along the llorth-South centerline of sald Section'l 2; thence depart- lng sa{d tlorth-south centerllne ll 89"28''l0" E 232.00 feet; thence ll 00"42'50" E 187.00 feet; thence S 89"28'10" !l 23?.00 feet to the center of said Sectlon l2; thence along the East-l^lest centerllne of sald Section l2 S 89'28'.l0" l,| 921 ,21feet to a polnt on the southerly riqht-of-way line of Interstate Highway llo.70; thence N 2l'37'31" t,| 363.42 feet to a point on the northerly right-of-vray llneof sald Hlghway, said point also beinq a point on the southerly boundary llne of Llons Rldge Subdivision FJling llo. 2 as recorded in the office of said Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; thence alonq said southerly boundary line and norther'ly right- of-way llne on the followinq courses: N 52o50'29" E 842.34 feet; thence lt ql6 3l'43" E 102.00 feet; thence ll 52o50'29" E l9l .45 to the Southlesterly cornerof Block "C" of said Ljons Rldqe Subdivisjon; thence departinq said northerly rlght-of-vray line and alonq the vresterly boundary ljne of said Block "C" N 37o 09'31" l,l 269.33 feet to a point on the southerly riqht-of-vray line of Llons Rldge Loop in said Ljons Ridqe Subdivision; thence alonct said southerly right- of-way on the folIowinq courses: N 59'32'06" E 'l243.30 feet; thence 488.67feet along the arc of a .l771.95 foot radit,s curve to the left, the chord of which bears N 5l'38'04" t 487.12 feet; thence departing said Lions Ridge Loop rlght-of-vtay along the westerly boundary 'l ine of said Lions Ridge Subdivisjon N 00'03'25" E 583,80 feet to a point on lne north line of said Sectlon l2; thence N 88''l 7'49'E 300.00 feet along sajd norUt line to the point of beginnlng, con- talnlng 222.93 acres more or less uP lEcnEgsctilsl;s-t !3b'pEi:::;€!'c''-':n4' I alIt,I a IE.a9l-rJE6I c"_ I =Fa Ea+iF l'r,E <oo RI I I I I\)l\l I \l{l(il .)l \1 frr I(\\l I I 'axq, 'd .2 : \l I j l \)l\l\lil tl\\ l *il al N \{ ( -,t tlst Ir-li'll I E 6 C) 5 \ C .E ,J't \'\l o E \ \=\ .=\ b(tl o o) B GI !3 .o a !, > \zltrri E o B ; E Ii"E E!-.1 ; E d AlsIr9tEctx8;g;f .='Fg'.g! 6. d rnl#.eErl e*:sg t;E€ 3::r. ..r Hs t o< rcttrt= E 9€d a (l)€r9l g a ANI 5 t '6 - l), I€ ; €gl =c'o q,3l Axgf)Irl L-.--vl 3 0 !\)l q,E.,E:fli E=;E:: b5€ EI a i t...E:.4 *o1!gl3 E€Ed*iEOe{A-c)oOC! F E rfib*s€*?+ r f q;E:iieE i:isF3iif€s 3 i f;g:gi:; H . lSiig#E;i- ;;': SiiiE;€iE'5EgH ?l I;:.Flqs!;;i#5gi ; a lfl agaEgiitE CD ,.1'talrl i i o.'l -1 I rvl ql dl YI uJlfl I <n .-.rt rl\- . 'ii\. :,if.' ir!'i 'tn I 'o blic tlotice oRDrNA|tt?iff S.rlt! ol lttt )er of )en of Lhe to of klv Lhe rnd ssl, bed OI hereof, to the To$,n ol Vail; wHEREAS, lhG Town Cor,ncll ol th' Iown ot t5il, colorado heTelnallct rcl€rred lo t3 ii" .;ron n", lorr.d the Pellllon r6t ll*"jgm 5ff ''3:.;L":' I ;",?;':tlJ iiiilii i-""0"o, and on lh€ lrh 'ltY of ijiriti, rlrs' adopted Resoluilon No ll' ie;ies ol 1975, which is incorportled Dy i.ieie"ie t'erein and made a ptrl hereol;'-iiiEiLls, on the basis ot comg€lcnl Ni.len(e oresefiled in the public hetring on ii.-ijiiiiin tor Annexation elcclion on ihe iiir'' a"r or November, 19,5, lhc Town ilun.Ji'a"r"t-i".o lnal lhe applicable :l'k';:m: ll""lll*' ri$Tt"l'8"'$": i. r-".0"0, rtao oeen sarislied and adopled-o-.Lruri- r'ro. t5, series ol t975' whi'h i3 iiilip-o.ii"o lv..re.ence herein lnd mtde ' ii;t=[?*: il rown rired a Perirroi ror "'i.i,l-"ilJn iie<lion In thE oislrlct -courr i6 liJ-i.' -ir'J counlv of Eosle, stale or iiiotaJo, ontne l.ih dav ot November' 1975' Pu AN EMERGENCY OROI NANCE-i^rr.r:XttlC rXe I|ONS RIDGE AREA TO rHE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO WHEREAS, al leasi len Percrn? ol lhe """iiil.J "r".lots, *'ho .re r6idenl in end i.-Jo*ne.s ol lhe atea prop6'd lo b' innexed, whi(h i33ilualed in, counlY ol tess in^" i*."rn ri"e lhousancl lnhabitenl!' tiled a -piilii"" i.. Anneralion Eleclion wilh lhe iown Cierk ot rhe rown ol vail, Colorado' on rh! rrh.rev ot oclober. 1975. in lacoldance *iltr sectiirn lt.8 lo7(21, colorado Revlscd ir^i"r.s lfr:, es afiended, requ6t'n9 lhe li.;aip"rirv lo commence proceedings lor iii i.iarno'ol an annexalion elecllon lo i"i"i-i"ii'tt'" m.tlet ol lhe eroposed ll""i.iion ot lhe Llons Ridge .re6, counly Ii'E"or", sr"l" ol color.do, d6ctlb€d h E'illi ri atlactreo herelo and m6de t ptrl ;;;;-;:i;;"i. rhe (ourr enrered in civrl i.ir- r.ro. 263{ a Findings and Order ror ainexatron Eleclion direclinq lhrl lhe rnner!tion election be helCt On lhe I llh OaV or oeclmoer, 1975, and appolnling .rhreeiiiiion id--i.sion"rs to c.ll 6nd hold lhe etecrion, saiC petilion .nd order r'behg incorooratec ty refer€nce herein 6nd made NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OROAINED BY THE IOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION r. Tille. This ordinance shtll be lnown ts lhe "Ordinance Annexing lhe Lloni Rldge Area sEciloN 2. Annex.lion ol lh. Llon. Rldge arra lo lhe Town. rlo barls heteof;'-"l,jxiiiiqs. lhe Annltallon Pl'l' whlch -"i ro-o.o-u"O ut n"tolullon No 15'Serlesol i'o-ti--J[.o" or "rtti.tt "u.s liled in civil Aclion iii ii:il iJ i".o. po." ted bv relcren(c hereln end made a Parl hereol;" iriin LAs, a" "t"cliori was dulv cllled bv ,r'i'"iiii- ii--it.ioners lo be held on lhe iii}; J.r ot Decemb€r, 1975, b'lween rhe i^,''.Ji,oo L A. ana, 0O P M' tl r polllng "ia'ie iiruareo in vait Run, l00o Lionl Ridge ii"- in irte r-io"s Ridge aree proposed-lo De iiiSl.o- oesiiil"o in Exhlbit a hereor; $e lili;;;*:,;',":l;:: 331f,J5 ":'i*" v":l i;;;;;-;' n"",,'P"Pu' havine eenerrlj,.l,,,,rli" tn tne area proposed lo be ;;;;;;;..;. a week ror rour weeks and ;;;;;i.a;i rhe porrine Plscc, said rirsi ;ublli.!ion and Do3iing ocauralng mole lhtnrlictour weeki pr.<.ding lhc clccli(m; WHEREAS, in tha anncrallon clrction hetd on lha llth day ol occambcr, 1975. ?? orooer ballols were casl by qullilied €leclors, or which lhere were 79 voleg lor annexalion and l3 voles agalnsl6nnexalion, as indiaaled in lhe cerllllc6le ol Elecllon Resulls, which is Incorporaled bY rel€lence h€rein and made 6 parl hereof; WHEREAS, on lh. l6th d.Y ol December, 1975, lhe Dislricl Courl enl€red ln Order Authoriring Annexliion h Civll Actlon No. 263a aulhorizino lhe Town lo affle: wilhoul speciEl lerms oa con.,lllons th! rr.. oroooseO to be .nnexed, whl(h Ord.r B' inc6roorareo bv relerenc€ herrin artl made a Da;l hereof; and wHEREAS. Inasmuch as Seclion 31 8 lr3(3), cRs 19t3, as amerde<t, provid€$ lhet an annexalion shall be efleclive lor the ourpo3c ol general iaxalion on lhe l3l day ol Jrru.ry in lhe year aller lhe etleclive dale ' ol lhe annering ordinance. lhe Town council conSiders lhal il is necessary lor lhe oreServalion ol lhe public proplrly. heallh, wellare, Dea(e, or 3afety lo €nacl lhis o.dinance as an emerg€ncy measura so lhal , it will bc etteclive in l9t5lor the gurpoge ol providing municip6lS€rvices lo lhe !nnaxed are!, and lhe annexalion will be elleclive lor lhe purpo3e ot general llxalion on lha lsl day ol January, 1976; n, ,'.' -P!rsu.nl io lhc Ordrr Authorlllng Annexalion ot lhe Dislrlct Court ln and lor lhe Couniy of E.gl€, Slelr ol Colorado, enler€d in Civil Aclion No.2631 on lie l6lh day ol Oecember, t9r5. lhr Town ol Vail, Colorado, herebY lnnexea wllhout 3pecr6l l€rms or conditions ihe Lion3 Ridge area, CountY of Eagle, Slala ot Colo.ado, describ€d in Exhibit a hercol. SECTIOII t. annexalion co 3. All costs and expenses connected wilh lhe annexalion, including (ommEsioncr leca not eiceeding tor each cofimi33ionel 12 m lor each hourotnece3sary service, Shtll b! paid bv lhe Town ot Vtil, Coloraoo. SE€TlO|! a. Filing ol CoPi.3 ol Annar.lion Plal and Anncxing Ordi[anac. Wilhin lhirlv davs atter lha cfl€<live dtl€ hereot lhe Town Clerk ol lhe Towfi ol vail, Colorado, shall lite lh. originll copv ol lhe annexalion Pl6l, s copv of whiah was filed in civil Action No. 263t in the Dislricl coud in and for lhe Counly ot Etglr, Slale ol Colorado, with lhr original ol this annexalion ordinance in lhe records ot lhe lown, a ce.lilied copy ol lhis ordinlnce 6nd one copy ol said plal wilh lhe counly clerk and Recorder ol ihe Counly ol Eagle, Slal€ol Coloraalo, and a cerlilied aopy ot lhi3 ordinan(e and orie copy ol said plat wilh lhe Division ol Local Governmanl d lhe Oegarlmenl ol Locdl Atlrirg, Slal€ ol | | !pcr ry Iatatrotr. ,-r_or -fhe DU.pose ot qcncrat p.ope.tyrarar'oo lhe an.€ration shaI b€ e(ecrive ond.o aller lhe tst day ot Janua.v_ t9r^5EtTtON !. E||.div. Oerc.rhrs o.cr'nance 3h.fl rale eftect upo. ,h€Passaqe hereot -TNTRODUCEO, READ AS ANEME R GE NCY OR OI NANC E. APPROVE D,ENACTED TO TAKE EFFECT UPONFINAL PASSAG€ ON THIS OATE, ANOORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULLWITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER PASSAGE ORAS SOON AS POSSTBLE, thi3 t6th dEy o,Oe(ember, t9t5 TOWN OF VAIL John A. Dobson ' Mayo.ATTEST Gene A. Smlth Depuly Town Cte.k EXHIAITA Lrgel Oescrlptlon ol Ttirito.y Annared lothe To\ryn ol Vall, Colorado A lra<t ol lend tying in po.tioai ot Section I anct 12, Township 5 south, Ra^ge Et we3t otlhe 6lh Prin(ipal Meridian and in oortions ol Lols I and ? ol se<tion 6, Township 5 South, Ranqe 80 WeSt of lhe 6lh Princ'oet Mer'd,an bcing more parl'cularly de3cribed as Beginning al the Soulhwesl (orner ot lhe SE I r ot lhe SE I r ol said Seciion t, said point ot beginning also being a poin! on the boundary line ot Lion3 Ridge Suhivision as recordedin lhe ollice of lhe Clerk and Recorder, Counly ol Eagte, Coioredo, thence atong said Lions Ridge Subdivi3ion boundary line, said line also being lh€ w€sl line ol said SE rr ol lhe SE I r ol Seclion l, N 00 degree 03' 25" E 769 32leei io a poinl on lhe norihwesterly .ighl ol way line ot Lions Ridqe Loop in said Lions Ridge Subdivision; lhence depdrlinq said Lions Ridge Subdivision bound.ry line bul conlinuing alonq stid west line ol lhe SE 'r ot the SE I r of Seciion I N 00 degre€r 03' ?5" E 610.!0l€el lo lhe Norlhwe9l corner of said SE rr ol the SE I r I thence N 87 degrees!8',35" E 802.69 le€t along lhe north tine of said SE rr ol lhe SE 'r lo 6 point on lhe north boundery line ol 3rid Lion! Ridge Subdivision. said point also beihg on lhe norlhweslerly righl.ot.way line ot said Lions Ridge Loop; thence coniinuing 6long taid north line ol lhe SEr. ot lhe SE rr and also along lhe norlh boundary line ot said Lions Ridge Subdivision N Bt degrees !0'!5" E 57{.87 tebt lo lhe Norlheasr corner ol seid SEr.' ol the S€ 'J of Seclion 1, stid corner also being a poinl on the wesl line ol s.id Loi I ol Section 6; lhence deperting said Lions R idge boundary lin€ on t <ourge bearing N 00 degrees 0{'{5" € 353.92 leel alohg lh. wesl line of said Lol l; lhenca deparlinq !Eid wesl line on a course bearing S E9 d€grees 55' 15" E 3l7.00leel; lhence S oo deg.ees al' 15" E 91.57 !eel; lhence S 66 degrees a9' 15" E 428.2, leel; lhen(e S 8. d€Erees al' 15" E 16,r l8 teel, lhence S 65 dagre€3 38' 15" W 2069t le€lj In?nce 5 .a deore.!| 15' 45" VJae..5r4r; *r.n<. s r. d.9re€3 5a, .5,,w a!.96leel; thence S la degree3 03, t5,, E t62.ajteel; lhence S m degre€! 0O' tt,, E 2ta.38teel; lhence S 89 degrees 59, a5" W t36.S3 leel; lhence S 62 degrees 35' 45" W , t.82 teet j thence N 89 d€grees 55' 15" W 3!t.t9 feet to 6 poinl on lhe west lin€ ol said Lot 2 ot Section 6; ihence S 0O degrees 0l'45" W 250.69 teetalong said wesf line ot Lol 2; thence deparling 5aid west line on a course bearing S 83clegr€es l8'09" W la3.35leet; th€nce 5 53 degrees t8' 09" W 50.00 reet; thence N gi degrees 38' 17" W a5-00 fecl; liehce S 61 degrees 52' 37" W 66.35 leet, thence S tl clegrees 00' a9" W a0.00 leel; thence S 0? degrees ?l' 11" E .69.00 leel; thence S 0l degrees a9' ?9" w I 1t.86leel lo I ooinl on lhenorlherly ri9hl.ol.way lrnc ol Inlarsl.lc flighway No, ,0; thencc !long 3rld 1.70 rl9hl. ot wav llne N 6?c,agrcer 26'45" E 26!.92 teclr lhence.long sald l to rlghl.ot.w.v llne N 00 degre€s 3l' 36" W 19.70 leel; lhenc€ tlong said 1.70 righl.ot.waY llne H 59 degrees 36', 22" E .tt.90 ieei lo a ooinl on said wesl line ol Lol 2; th€nc€ along said wesl line s oo degreeso{'65" w t6l.ml€€i lo lhc soulheast corner ol 3aid Seclion l. lhence 5 0O degre's 07' 01" W 139t.09 leel to lhe Norlhea5l (orn€r ol Lot I in seid Sealion l2; lhen(€ S 8t deoree! 06' 01" W 1307 6{ leel lo rhe No,-rthvresl corner ol gaid Lol l; lhence s oo deore$ 40'3{" w 2782.01 leel along lhe wesl tin; ol s.id Lot 1 and Loi 2 ol said Sealion 12 lo lhe No.lheasl corner ol Lol I ol 3ard Section 12; lhen.c N 89 deE.e€9 38' 12" w : 1197.10 teel lo lhe Norlhweit corner ol laid i Lot 3; thence N m degred 12' 50" E ll93 86 teel rtong lhe Norlh soulh <enllrlina ol 3aid i s€clion l2r lhence deptrllng 3aid Norlh sorrlh ccnlerline N Egdegrces ?t' t0" E 23' 00 feefi lhence N 00 d€gree a7' 30" E l8l OO leel; lhence S 89 d€9ree3 ?8' 10" W 212.00 l'ei lo the <enler ot 3aid Seclion 12; lhencc a|ono the East west centerline ol faid Se(lion l2 S 89 deore6 28' 10" W 921 2! leei lo . poinr o' lhe southlrly right ot wtY linr ol Inlersl'le Hiohwav No.70; lhence N ?l d.9.ee9 3/' 31 '. w i63.a2le€t !o a poinl on lhe norlhcrlv ti9hl ol wrv line ol 3aid Hight ty, 3aitl poinl tlto baino a oornl on tha lorrlhealY boonalarY I|nc ol Lion3 Ridse SuDdivitioa Flltng No ? .s r"corold in lhc ollica ol 3aial E.oa counrv '. '.!..Cllrk tnd Racordar; lhanca !lon9 ltld soulherlv borrndtrv llnc rnd norlhrrlY rlghl' ol.wav lina oo the tollowim Gour3a! | t{ l' d6rl;3 50' n- E t.21r lc.l; lh.rr. N ll de;re€3 3l' al" e 102.00 fe€l, lhence N 52 de;rees tO' 2'9" E l9I.aS lo lh€ Soulhwetierlv co;ner ol Block "C" ol slld Lloni Rldge Subdivision; thence deparllng 3ald norlherlY ii"r't.of.r.ra" ttne and along lhe weslerly bo'undory tlne of s6id Block "C" N 3t degree9 Ot, ll,,W 269.j3 feet tO r poinl on lhe soulherlv righl ol way line ot Lions Ridge Looo in sa id L ion3 R idge subd lvlsion; lhefte alorio sald soulherlY righlol_way oo lhe ioito-,,"ing .ou..es, N 59 cleg/ee! 32' 06" E t?{3.m leet; lhen<e a88 6t leel.long the arc ol a l7tl.95 loor radiu! curv€ lo the lell' lhe itr-O ot *tti.rt beats N 5l degreei 38' 0'" E igl.l2 t*tt ihence dep!rling srid Lions tido; LmD tlqht ol wdv atong lhe weslerlv bou;darv llne ol gaid Lion9 Ri69e iuloivision N oo<tesrcF 03' 25" E 583 80 leel io a ooinl on lhe norlh llne of said Seclion l?: .the;ce N 88 degrees lt' a9" E l0O m lFcl dlonq lald north llne lo lhe polnt ol beqinning, <onlrining 222.93 !cre3 mote Or lcss. Published in Thc Vall lrrllon Oecember l9' r975. ( .----r_.o ( o oRDTNANCE l,lo.',i4-76 I' AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING ZONIIIG DTSTRICTS ON TTIE LIONSRIDGE AREA ANNBXED TO TIIE TOWN AND AMENDING THE OFPICIAL ZONING MAP t-\ WHnREAS, the Town of Vail, Colorado, hereinaftcr referred to as the ,'Town',, annexed the Lionsridge area, count,y of Eagle, state of colorado, effective on the 16t.h day of December, L975; WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. g, series of 1973, of the Town of Vai1, cororaclo, as amenclecl . is appricable to any area annexed to the Town and contains procedures for the imposition of zoning clistricts on an i annexed area; and WHERBAS, Section 3I-8-115(2), Colorado Revisecl statutes L973, as amended, requires the Torvn to bring the annexed Lionsridge area under its zoning ordinance within - ninety days aft,er the effective date of thc. annexation; \NOW, TI'IEREFORE, BB fT ORDAINDD BY TIIE TOI{N COUTICIL oF THE TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Title. This ordinance shal1 bc known as the ,,Ordinance fmposing Zoning Districts on Annexed Lionsridqe Area". Section 2. Procedures Fulfilled. The procedures for the determination of the zoning districts to be imposed on the annexed Lionsridge area which are prescribed in section 22.300 of the zoninq ordinance have been fulfilled. Seq,tion 3. Imposition of Zoning Districts on Annexed Lionsridge Areai Addition to Official Zoning Map. Pursuant to Article 22 of thc Zoning Ordinancc, Ordi- nance No. 8, Series of 1973, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, .'r / -. '\J' Town Clerk'I orat 4, L|TG ''OPase2 i as amended, the Lionsridge area annexed to the Tor'rn throuqh the enactment of Ordinance No. 26, Scries of 1975, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, effective on the l6th day of December, 1975, is hereby divided into zoning districts as shorvn on a map incorporated herein by rcfercnce which amends and shall become an addition to the Official Zoninq Map. Section 4. Change in Official Zoninq Map. The addition to the Official Zoning Map adopted the Town Council in Section 3 hereof shall be entered on Official Zoning Map promptly by the Zoning Administrator accordance with Section 1.203 of the Zoninq Ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect five dar/s after publication following the final passage hereof. IIITRODUCBD, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, A}ID ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, tbis 10th day of February, Lg76, and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be hetd at t.he regular meeLing of the Town Council of the Torvn of Vail, Colorado, on the 2nd day of March, L976, aL 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Building of the Town. o by the ^ i- rt e f o'J. 4, 1s76 J Page J ENACTED, of March, INTRODUCED, AND ORDERND 1976. REND ON SECOND READING, PUBLISHND ONCE IIq FULL, APPROVED, this Znd day i \ , q- s f g t- \ '"J-'- -'..'\# b :r-- o/ r\ I ILt,l3-t- I!\:sN ffl gtgEe!!: igE E !E;::iii:i,,:_ i a{=EE,iE5 ll sFliEFi; " ; ui'Eiiiiilff gii E, .: Evi€z!o 'i lrl r lili iiiigiiliiiiiiii lii iirliililii iiliiiiiliEliiifi (fIII*o 1ItlIatI ( sslN I =o TD B X c) >| .Sl\lIrlYI'\l I fit ct) ! o o ot o 3 .clav) q) cl FI F.t rd F z Er () Fl 'Or,; .ar\o ^^^ h EJ 5 Y oFlc)h tlrv \J L.trz -a () jl H .i o .l,It ,I rtl4hl -l I I I .2 dt E E o 3o .,E ' f, 7 -!l r-1 3 I IVI I{l ul ul{l 1 ; (\lJ'I l-.l ,.i 1 I Jtl I-Ptqtul4la I I I tt i5fl &o-8.o !coo 33(!=a0 e.=OA !E;E;;Af E I aSgF-i<tE S.i 9;;3€€i;i B =t :B3€.erdEF -g : F;fget;Fg : 'a In'-r€f Es! # : 3:EagE:e€ = : E <t-E6!i.iaE : r:'d.eEEsa;E: ; E E=*irE!-ri E q F =EqB.E:EE ; T;J9d E'- r.l -.!.-i- _. Fr tr 5t:38=EES€ E e E =FE:i-'tr6i9 E o. ;EgfF€EE€ I i Er-'E'3!H€a* gi b t :EEEitHt! E r E =laei€rcE e = ;:;e9.gE:EI 3 q.E;::f68oaE T g -*:;fi;gag E ; z.s..issEirr 1 I .:;i9t!;co9.9o; .v -= aEaE His fE ! r E q) 3 q,) : t -b q) I I I II ()l <-l\ rl 2lslJI I I I I I j \ F/0 q\ fWW n4 ,ttyf ""73 F J-g F3: iE3i6: 2: iq g:I€E;ig.g g;3*! E;i: iE;Ieofi eE'ii6 ffsiiffEFe i:sE: ,ig igiiiffi !86:;EEE:. !5s93 E;: g:Jltci: ii;iiii:ii ilsii,sii ;FSI;Fi: f :ffi iii in,: iiFienii,eitei iii: ge I irEo€gEE ,Ee "::F!$c E; !: EEE<,r:9s. ATFr H:g $j i.E ;i i.;z c € .,. o E = 9' gi :l !!Yr ffi*$* Ei; erE i! 'i;?; ;;g : !.€;E: ffrE.d;-rur!5 tE ;j ()<o9zuzz 4z"zx^t=xi ESii6229 s i:E$ < |rtf !lz LrFor E i1:;obg;Xr;= ;EiH3 oIalto Fp --!tI ( h!!l o) tq) o,) C) ! a) <', i' '<) !, qr I I I I I o o) (D 3 E F !t cl I t <l) o) E E {, B o I bo x aq E (_ g AX c E E N S o <t) b o o i '(t 3 -cl <n ! z F Fl€ !; o ^^^ f4XoEi E 51or,{Oh t\ \J \J ,E2SP6U q) a E L if{iEf;IIF 3ggF3f€fE H -Ass€$i€eitr \Jo ir CL.E (4"O Fi;iiigiE, fiffigig3ff {r is€fEi!$F t(.- > q) AIJIf'l 4 (D P 'c,) C --:==-P'----z-+1= .r*". *" I /( rl\l?neLq @e+*ryton4 -- ip(z 4eeV- y<-4.:-fto(qt (o(>l- N-Fz/<2 - al.az-. >ffeot. A(.4c42: D.'- "---- --vtaz ?_'--" -- lo.o '2------ - 1.4qr\'/'t L (o' I;ltlL______l ro*s5I--O r.** ,) =_ .; \fFNIrd o,' t5 iA ) \t\ \,)\l o a <l) '- | I b I\l I i\ tl*l \) ,ll ril -.l j-.1-I I I 3'a x 'a .2 oc) E E !, i: s an q h 6 c, (D o o 3 !t I <n $t-l-l(D t-t < fll!xetEi E/): ' rtt-i : < I I If-l Ibl2l {21 -A I I F ' ' E .c vlFI 1 I Ir-l I ll, I2laln I <t) F ft;EEi;;Ai E la n s:1;E;:€ * -r : ii$$ii;FEfEi.z P-rE:iE! E -E I Hs:Figg:{ eir-9.35d;lu-EI ! + ;i :ilEe;;;t ; f € iFiiigiiiiiii 5l ii€$ij;5i isE 1 egii;ilfE; EE F .rl:' ql o) v oz F i A,; 9.o ^^^ F. tre E Y ort(.) h lr. \J o t-r:..s?(no U.D Publlc Xotlce ^olorl{aNc€ NO.6 I s.'r.t or l9ta !7 onor.rar.ce EgTABLTsH ING 3P€CIAL OEVELOPMENT OI4IRIC' ' ANO AMENDING i |r€ aoNrNo oFolNANcE oF tHE TOWN. 'I{E OFFICIAL :OHINO MAP. ANO THE nouNoantES OF rHE ZON- rNG OrSi,llcl9 pEFTAINING rO T}lE AR€A OF THE SPECIAL OEVELOPM€NT. wHaREAS, A.tl.r. l. s.cllon I j:: *{? lli'i "?jf.j,:',.;"? r{rtbrbn.d tw.lv. ronl.t dltltlctt lor 'h. Town ol v.ll. colorrdo,'..,.r.rlt.r r.l.r.rd lo rt lha''to*n'., o.i ot whr.n lt . sp.cl.l :).Y.to9manl Olrl.l.l twHEREAS, Artl.r. !! or lh. .:..r^o Ordr^!n.. .tlrbllth.tl Sp..l.lo.v.room..l Dlrtrlcl I tot In. tA/HEREAS. v.,r Attocl.l.3, 1n... ru!hrrr.<, .n rtolr..tlon raqua!llnl iiffi :'{l}f.fih.'*:1li:lii.r.r rn lh. oord P{r .... ot lh. wHEB€A3. rh. r.o0.rl.(t r.- - onint would l. .ll..l .lownron. lh.r'.. ot lh. tr..r.r d.{roDd.nt ,t.,thot. ..d 'adlca th.ral. th.irow.Drr <r.v.ropd.nr d.nJhyi th. .v.r.(t !.rrln9 ror {h'cl.r a.dth.. t! racuk.d,nd.'-r o..!nl tonrnt..nd rn : neir-^r.r lmo:cr R.o.rr lndl-,,t.trt[ th. (t v.loom.nr w6uld{v. .ir^|m!t ..trtlva.tl.ct o. tha I,THEREAS. tn. Pl...lna C06. n!!r,on rnd rh. 06rgn n.vlaw Eo..d 'r th. rown hava duly r.command.dh. .rt.brllnhanl ot r.ld spr.lal !).r.roDm.nt Ortltlcr 2rwHER€A5, In. Towh Cou.crl,rr hrrd tnr.. tsblrc h..rrnct on !.|(t€cu.3l .nd conrLd r lh.r ll It,r.3on.br.. .poroprirl.. r^d 6.n.. ! '.i.r ro r.. Jown.6d.ir,-, er6 soEr.r D.v.room.nt !-REAs. rh. r.ru.rt ror th.c!l'brr.hm.nr Dr r.r6 s6.cr.lD.Ycroom.^l orrlri.t 2 lor rn.Norlhw606i d.v.room.nt har ba.n.roc.rild by rh. Zonln9 Adminlr.(r.1or. pl.nnr.g Comml!rib^, D.3l!.R.vi.w Bo.r<r, lnd Town Councrl In ;!Dst.nirar codort.nc. wrlh rhr orov|rronr oi lnr zonlno ordrnr.catNOW. THER€FOF€. gE I' CNOAINEO BV TI1E TOWN COIJN.CIL OF THE TO\A'N OF VAIL,coLoRAoo. as FoLLowS: Thlr ordr..n.! $rtr b. known rJth. "o'<trn.nc. Err.brlrnrna sp..l.lO.v.lopm.6l Olskl.r 2'.s..lro. a. t'!'oo, ol 3D.cl.ldc€roD6.nl dGrrl.r.A tp.cr.l .r.v.rooaant <tli.lcl lr s3r.brr3h.d lo .13!r. compr.n.n3lv.d.v.lorm.nl .nd !t. ot .. .r.: l. I b. h..60nlour wrlhrh. 10wn otv.'r- colo..do- o'ovld. .d.ou.l.orl roro ..d r.cr..t,on.l,rJ:3, .nd 9rodoi. ih. ob.e<!t! or rhc zonrno o.di.rn.. ottn. To*n, ord'n.rlly ! 3o..i.l dlrolctonry *h.n !h.d.v.loDmcnl .lcntrly wrlr b. low.lrhrn .rro*cd Dy rh..xrtrr69 ronr^9, rn<r Envr.o.m..r.r rmo..t R.oo.l!n.ricrt., rh.l th. rp.cl!r (t.v.lop. f.s.lrv. .ll.cr on rh. Town o. llt 'nhabrr!nrt. ln.r.9.'d.d.r rohor.m.nr.ry lo iha rown bY lha Town cooncil, Pl..nlngcaErr!lon, .nd o.tic^ R.vl.wscFl.nd h... .r. !1fllrlc!.1'ol lh. !D..ltr d!v.rotm.nl b! 3.rirl'!d und.' rh. s..l'on 3. 5o..r.l O.Eroom.nl or3rrlcr 2 4t.Dflrh.d.A. porsuanl loarri.r.3 l..d 2l cr the zoni.9ord'nrnc. orcolo..do. sr..rnr o.v.ro.m.nt ori. .r.v.roph.nr on 7.6tJ D6rr'cu|'rry d.!clbedr. rh. r.!t.r dcacr'!|lon in s!b3.crron6 h.r.ol. a lorlron ot arock 2. LorA. lnd. porrao. or r..cr A. V.ilvrrr.91 5.v.nth Far(9, !rid Dort'o.rto9.th.' .ont.rnrn9 5,774 .cr.3, tob. know..3 o.v.ropm€^l Ar€a a,mry b. ur.d ror deverorm.nt 'n!ccordrnc. wilh S.clion t h.reor:lhc oth.' |.859 !cr.s In i.rd parc.rr,lo bc k^ow^ ,! R..r..tionat Ar.d B.ah.ll b. rtt.rled lor oo.n rp.c.,ract.rtlon.l .m.nltl65, and it n...s.ol l5 ov.rllowp.rklnl 3o.c.' rnd lrad 7.643.crei lhrrr b. r.r.rr.d lo.r , So 2'., B. Th. r.9.1d8.iotlo. ot so 2 i! a po.liod ot T"cr B, varl vflr.9!S.v.nrh Fill6t, rnd . po'rion ot Block 2. Ldl Ai Vrlr Virl.9c S.v.nthFlllnq, Subdivlnon In rh. Town olV.ir, Co!6lY ol E.9r., 5r.t. olcolor.do, hor. o.lri.ur.iry <1.!-crrb.d.r torr.*t: B.grnn'.E.1 rh. motr w.!r..ry.6rn.r oi l:id r...t B rh.n.e S 79.1.9r!.r 20'05 E . dl .nc. ott2a4.l7 l..t .ro^E th. 3ourh6.ty tt..ot t.id r..cl B ro lh. rru6 00r.r at!.glnnlngr rn.nc. N 0l 6.9rc.3l9'5t' E. d6t!n.. or 357.:r5 tc.t ro. ooi^l o. lh. 3oolh.ny .l9ht-ol-w.yrin. ol v.rr v.rr.y oriv.r rncnc..ro.9 3.ad 3osrn.ny raqhl.ol-w.y rrn. tor in. torrowing ! couB..: (r) s 32d.t63 25'03'' E. di3r.nc. ol 182.t5 r..r to . Dor.r oa.urv., (2) th.nc6 .n rrc (tr3t.nc. ot 286.19 rc.t .rong ! .urv. lo lhc l.tl. 3ald.u.v. h.vl^9 . ..dlut oi !25 t..1, . c..tr.lanEl. ol 3l d.gr..r l4'ol" a.d.who, .hord 6..rr N ll .r.qr..!5t 56" E . dl anca ol ?82,66 l..t ro, rornr or r.ng.n.y, (3) rn.oc. N 66d.g'..t 20'55" E . drstrnc. ot609.tl '..rl rh.nc. N 6a 6.q.c.r 32 lO E r dl3rrnc. ol 54.52 1..r1lh.oc. S 2l d.qr..! 2t'3O" E.drrt.nc. or 2l7.oo r..rr thence s 73d.gr..t 54'26" w, dl3trnc6 ol292.31 '..r1 th6^c. S al degrc.!to'55" w. dl3t!nc. ol 245,oo r..trth.nc. s 02 d.gr..r t240. E a(llrl!hc. ol 442.2I t..t: th.ncc S a9d.gr..t 42 37 W r drst.n.. ot5l5.OO t..lt th.nc. N 79 degr..g20'03" W. dlrt.oc. ot l35.lt t.tPoinl ot b.glnnrnq..onr.rnrnt 332.913-41 iq!.r. rc.t oi 7,64 3 rc'8. mo.. or r.!5, S.cllon 4. O.t.lopm..t wrthtn A, Th. O.v.loPm.nl Pl.n orV.ll Arlocl!1.r. Inc.. lor lt3 No.th- woodt d.vrroph..t. whr.h iJ a D.rtot rl! r.rd .9orr..lron. ir.Dprov.d.Incorror.r.d by r.l.r..c. n€r€ln..ndh.d. . 9.rl or so.cl.r o.Eropm.nlOlrlrl.l 2,.na.onrlrtur.! a g.n.r.ttr.. which 3n.rr b. codpri..r w|lh tor wrthrn th. roct.l a. am.^dm.^lr ot th. D.v.r-ooh..r flrn rh.l b!.or'osd by rh.Town coun.rr by r.roru on.C. E..h ohrr. or rn. d.v.top-d..l rh.rl r.qulra thc tpp.ov.t ot th.Oaltgn Rcvr.w Bo.rd ot rh. Town.oqr3u..t lo thc !rovirto.t ol a.licr.15 ol rn. Zontng Ordtn:nc.. b.to.crn. comh..@fr.nt ot ntc or.D.r.ron, bu d'n9 corrtru. on, ot oth.rrmProvc6.nl ol op.n 3r.c. wllhtnIn. rFd.r dl.trrct by rn. d.v.too.,in rccord.nc. wtth th. D.v.loom.dr s..rro. 5. cont.^r of o.v.ro!,fr.nt Pr...Tha o.v.lo9f,.nt pt.n Incrud.iour ri .ot lthttad to tha tolowing A. Tn. Envlrohm.nt.r tmorctR.porl which w.3 roboltr.d to rn.Zo.tnl AdmtnBtr.lor |n .cco.d.ncawrth Arricr. l6 ot th. zontn! E, Erlrrl.9 .nd oropo!..1 .on.lou[ .lr.r'erldlnq !nd rlt. d.vatot.m.6l hrvrn9 conto!r ldt..vrtr ol nornor. rh.n 2 r..1 wh.r. rn..v.r.!. aloO. o. th. rir. k 25 D!r c.nr or mor. !h.. 5rlop. on lh. rrt. lt qr.ar.. th.n 25par ..nl; rupDr.m.nl!l do.um.n.r. o. or oropo3rd conro!r! rh.I bclh. zoning admi^rlIr.lo. wrth lhc pr..t lor..ch ph.!. or lha d.r.roDm..l.c. a 3rr. pr.n. .t . 3c.re or Iin.h .quari 3o l..r or r.rger,3howingrh. ro..tro.! .nd difi.nio^t o, .rl 6urldln$ .nd 3lruclu..!, Ger th..ci., .nd .rr orincro.r !n. d.!.roon.nt at rt.d!c.o.d .r..3,re.r..rio^ar t.clrllr.r, p.d.rlrr.n or.:.r..d w.rkw.yr. driv.wrye. rnd olt4tr..i plrkr.9 rn<t D, A or.r'hinrfy r.ndrc.p. or r '{.h .qurre 3n ro bc r.t.'n.d or ehowrn9 p'ooored randlcro'n9 .^d r.nd!c.p.ct r're l'ctiat'€!, br<ycte o.d€rr(an pr.ra3.nd ll!lur.3, rnd oth.l E. Pr.fidln y bultdin9 .!.v.- .nd rloor sl.n!r !t.5r:r€ or l/3 'n.h.ouate l toot otr..9.r, In tuttr.r.nt d.trll to d€J.rmin. 6ros Rcald.nrl.l Floot ' Ar.., rnrerio' crr.uratloh. roc.llon3 or uses watntn burrdtn9i, ,nd lha 9e..,rr icar. an<t .pp.r.anc. ol th.propoird burrdrn9t rh!rr b. 3ubmltlcd F. Ah .r.hll..t!ral mod.l olrh. trr. ana th. propoFd dev.rop.m.nr, do.um.nr.d by rnoroErronr,,l . 5c.1. or I 'n.h.q!.r! 30 t..1 orrar9€r, Dorl..ylng th. !.r1. .nd ih. d.v.rdpd.nr rorh. trt., .nd ||ru3trrtlot th. lorm.ndm.33 ol ilrlcrur.t lr lh. dcv.lop. G. Sinc. Dh.r.d construcllo^ It . trogr.h m0tt b.tubhrrr.d Indi..r'n9 ordlr .ndta-rng ot .onrrrucl|on ph8.i, pn.!lng ot r&r..llon.l .m..lllar,.^<, r.r.rrm devcropm.nt. S6tron 6. P.rfittlad ut.r In Thc lorlowlng qt.r 3h.tt ba A. A m.ximud ol 129 dw.ttlng a. A mlrlmum ol 6 .twarrlno uorri lo hou3. on.3lta ,m...g.mant S..tlon 7. Condlrlon.l ur., 16 Tn. tonowtng condt on.t uct3h.rr bt p.rmllt.d. rubj.cr rolr!o.nc. ot. condrrion.r urc p.'mlt In ..cDfdr^.. wlth th. p.ovllronr olArllcl. l8 ol In. Zonlhg O.dln.nc.! A. Prrvrl. crubr .nd .rvic!.orrorlr. .nd tr:r.rn.r orgrnl'.|onr.B, Skr rllr!.nd 1ow3. c, publlc buiratn$, !ro!n.lri o. Publlc o.rk.nd r.c...tlon.l SEtl<in a. A.ca..ory qr.t t. Th. rorlowlnt .cc.r3ory ur.r 3h.rl P. iv. t. und.r9rou.d 9arrq.3, twlmmlnq poo13r Ontldt of ...rarllonel r.cllltlar curtoh.rlty Incrd.nl.r lo ocrdltad ratldan rl B. Mdtlng ioom .nd anottlryr.clli .i nor to.xca.d l,0oo rauar. C. Hom. ocrup.tton3, tubjc(rto |ri!.nc. ot. hoh. o.cur.tron Drrnrl In .c.ordrnc. wlth tn. Sccraon It,3OO ot th. Z0nlo0 O.drn.n... o. olh.r u3ca .urtom!rrly r.. crd.nr.r and.cc.3roty to p.rm[l.d o. condirioh.r u.r,.n<l n.c.r3'y tottn. oo...tro.lh.r.ot. S.ctlon 9. Ocv.lopm..t nrn. Th. tortowtn9 dcv.topm6t il.n.d.r63 .r. r.qvlr.d In tha aOet.l A. Lor r....nd sltc dim.nrlonr,Ih. rp..i.r (t,rt.rct rh.l c6.3t.t ottwo d.v.room.nt ....3 lot.Itnt7.6a3 .cr.3 !r 3o..lrt.d In S.ctton 3 B, scrbr.kr. Thc r.our..d r.tb.ckr tn.rr b..tIndrcri.d r. rh. o.v.roomant pr.n, b.rn9 mrnlfium or lo ta.t. C. Ol3l.ncar b6lw..n Bolld. Thr mrnim!m dlstrn..5 b.rw..n in.ll b. r! Indic.t.d rn th. Otv.lopm.nt Plrn, b.rnq .mrnrmum or 30 r..t. The d.xifium h.r9ht oi b!rrdln9i E. O.n3lty Co^lroi.ln. combrn.d q'di r.r donr'.1iroor:r., (cRFA) or.I Iruirdlne! | 75,Ooo riltr..o le.t. F, B!ildrng aurk co.vot.Thc hrrrhum 1..9tn ot any wrtlol . buard'n9 r.ce !h.r b. 175 r€.1 ot 1ta te.t tol.v.ry 60 l..l oi wrtl l€ngthj.nd r.m.r oum d'llancc in two co'n.r9 ot .bundrng 3hart b. 225 i.er. G. 5{1. Covcr.q.. Noi morc rnan ?5 0.r c.dt ot th.6.y b. cov.r.d by H. Urcabrc o!.n sorc..:. U3.abr. oo.n rp.ca iordworrrn9 unxr th. b. r.o(rrod .tOdvoron,n."t Prnn.bol In no c.!. r'.I tfio ur..br. op.nrpec r.qurr.m.^l! b. l.3r rha6! .. a hinrfioo or I eqs...root or usetbt. op.n 3p.c.tor .rch 4i.€t ol 9.ortr.r'denl'rr lroor rr.., 6, Not r.t! th.n l50 rou.r. iharl bc o.ovrd.d ror ..<h dw!Ii.9 !nlt. 2. Ue..br. op.n rp.c. m.y b. .cc.$rDr. ,lo ho.arh.n on. dw.fir.9 un , or onv.r.soac..cc.3trbl. ro !.pr..r. dwdrn9!n'l!i 6f..ombl6.tlon th.rcol, Alr..3r 50 9.r c.nr ot rh6 r.q0lrarl utcrbr. op.n !p!c. rhrll br provrd.d .r qroo.d r.v.r, arcrurly. or i.quka.trronl r.lbrik.i..r. J. Al r.t3t 75 p.r r6nt ot lh.r.qut'.d 9round l.v.t u3.rbl. op.n 3p... tn.rr b. .omnon ro.c.. Th.mrn'mlh dlm6tron ot rnt .r..aurr,tyrn9 .r ground r.v.l ut .br.o!.n 3o.c. rh.fl b. lo t..t. 4, Nor dor. th.. 50 oit ..^t ol lh. u!!.bra ot.n tF*. r.ou,'a- h.nr miy b. sli3ri.d by barco^r.! or or.ny..o ou.l'lyins.r no.-sroun(, r.v.l !3.rbl. oo.n !p... 3h.rr D. 5 .r r..tr 50 rqurr. r.el. r. Land!c.Dnr9 and srle rr.vel orov,.l€d in th. oev.roDhc4r prrr J. Parkr.9 and Load'n9. o.rkinq !n.r roa.lrnq tr.irrrie! rh.r tc ld or th! zon'nq ordrn.nc.. 2 Ar r.in as od .enl or rn.r.quir.d D.'k'n9 ihiLt be ro..ted wrrhin rh. har6 bu'rdrn9 or bu'rdrn$, or Dlru.r, and ancros.d and r.f..n.d l,o,n vrew: indDrovl(t.di lo.1n.rr thal no rcqur.d P.rkrn9 shrll b. exDos€d s!' r,rcep.rrlng unl€33 !uch le necerlrry rnd.oprovar rhere!or R obrjn.d rr.m tna Pr.nnrnq Cohhiri'o. or rn6 3. No pr.Lrns o. ro.dds arer !harl S.cl,o. lO. R€z6n,.q or po.t,on ol alocr 2, Lol A, va,r vilaq. s.v.rrh F||,ng, nor r.crod.d.n stl2.tn. Fo.llon ot Biock 2, Lor A,V.ll Vlrrr9r S.v..lh nor In.lu<r.d 1. so2.3han be f€zo^.d .r slngr. F.miy R.3l.Lnrl.l wlrnln s..lron ll. Fere.rionat am€nt- Tn. r..r..rion!l du. to. lh. Norrhwood3 dev.roD6.nr und.. ordin.n.. No, 2. s.'i€s ot 19t4, ot rh. Tow. ol vair. co!or.(ro. rh.ll b..$.rr.d.l rn. r.t€ or !o.75p.r 3qu.rc loot ot 9ro3e reide^rirl troor.r...nd ih.,r b. o.,d on. S..tton 12. Amendm.nt ot2oolnt ordrn!.c., ortrcrrr zoningM.r, ..d p.rtan.nl roninq dr.krcti. A, Jhir o.din.^ce, whi.h .er.b. llih.t So..lrl D.v.loom€nt OlsrfrEl 2.nd t.lr rorlh provrsion3 .Doric.bterh.r.to,.on!rlrul.3.n .m€nddent orth. zontnl ordi^.nc., o 8, S.rl.! ot 1973, v.rr, colorrdo..nd Ollrcr.r Z6nrng lh. lond9 d r!r'.r!p.rl.lnlng lo ih..rer or !h€ eocc,Jr dav.ropm.nl b. rm€nd€d lo 'ndr...ra lh. .3lrbrithme3p.cllr dl3rri.r, .n'r rhe zo,,!n9Ad6lnlltrrror l5 h.r.by d1'e.rdd ro o.omDrry hrv. modlll.d rn ..cordrn.. w'rh 3.,d A, Th. trovi3ion! ot rn'e Ordlnrn.r 3h.ll become rre (e.ond .h.Dt.r or Arllcl. l3.t lr,t a,"r','9 ordl..n..r lr. cipllotr or A'r'. r I.l It am.nd.d ro r.ad soe.LJl Dcv.lopm.nl oierrirr" i ,dd rhc crpllon ol rh.lrst cnapteT or A,r,.'e l3 3nall b! "sDecaaroev€room.nrDialrlci I'r .nd 'isp.carr o.!.roph..r otrr,'.r r". s..rlon 13. Erl..l'€ dnr.. thrs 0rdr..n.. '|€ d.y! rtrcr In. lln.i r.r3aq. hc'e.l tr ts HEREBv c€RtrF!FC:'.,: on rh. l6rh d.y ordln!nc. w.t lir'l r...1'^9. tubl'3h.d onc. h..rinq wr! 5c6.dur€d h..t,ng ol ih. Tow. Cou..".! !h. town or v.ir. colo'ado 6' lre rin d.y ot Jun., l9ta, ai 7:3! o r" n th. Munlciorr Burr<t!^9 o. t"f lot' INTROOUCAO. F€^IJ sEcoNo REAOTNG, ADren\ EC AS AMENOEO ENACT EO. AIIO oRo€FEO P[rALrskED OrrCL rN FvLL, ih r.rh d.y or lun.. l9ta. rowN OF vAlL bt 'ohn A OoDto' M'Yor v' I rr'rr on J!a' ]' . '.1 . ...30 RM TlJP ll ,(f,1 I lV tN(r F.ltf.tvt, :,- lii;Mt;ll,li lrf ,ii ,,'. i{i,l l0-r-s'; :1 : _t : F[l<rl 9i 'i-t : -i Cl n.',1 t .{4i Ur,i\ l-ril'..it!l! r--*-.- * -. I r*..-'ili t.: itillitl "t l.ii i.i / TO: THE TOWN OF VAIL FROM: TAMI RICHARDSON RE: THE RE-ZONING OF 1126 LIONSRIDGE LOOP. FULTON IRONWORKS RESTAURANT PER REQUEST OF THE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE, IN REGARDS TO 1126 LIONSRIDGE LOOP, THE FULTON IRONWORKS RESTAURANT, PLEASE ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING AS A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE SUBJECT PROPERry IS THE FULTON IRONWORKS RESTAURANT, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS CONDOMINIUM UNITS A-109 AND ,I-110, THE HOMESTAKE AT VAIL A, (A CONDOMINIUM), ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 228 AT PAGE 432 AND ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMIUM DECLARATION FOR THE HOMESTAKE AT VAIL A, (A CONDOMINIUM), RECORDED MARCH 30, 1973, lN BOOK 228 AT PAGE 431, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ( SEE TITLE COMMITMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1994 AT 8:AM.) THE HOMESTAKE CONDOMINIUM PROJECT WAS ORIGINALLY DEVELOPED AND APPROVED BY EAGLE COUNTY IN 1973, THE PROJECT WAS APPROVED FOR 66 CONDOMINIUMS, WITH AN OPTION TO HAVE 4 UNITS, A-109, A-110, 4-209, A.210 TO BE EITHER RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL, SPECIFIC IDEAS WERE FOR A-109 ANDAllO TO BE A RESTAUMNT, AND 4-209 AND A-2,I0 TO BECOME A BAR. THE BAR WAS NEVER DEVELOPED, ALTHOUGH BREAKAWAY WALLS WERE PUT IN JUST IN CASE. IT WAS UNDERSTOOD AT THAT TIME THAT ALL FOUR OF THESE CONDOMINIUM UNITS COULD BE USEDAS EITHER RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL. THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATIONS AND BYI.AWS THAT WERE APPROVED BY THE COUNTY STATE THIS, THE PLATT MAP SHOWS UNITS A-109 AND A-110 AS A RESTAURANT, BUT AS 2 CONDOMINIUM UNITS, AND THE PROPERW TAXES ARE STILL PAID AND ASSESSED AS 2 CONDOMINIUM UNITS. THE REQUESTED VARIANCE IS TO CHANGE THE PRESENT SPACE KNOWN AS FULTON IRONWORKS RESTAURANT, FROM COMMERCIAL TO RESIDENTIAL. THE HOMESTAKE PROJECT IS APPROVED FOR 66 UNITS, THERE ARE PRESENTLY 65 UNITS, THE REOUEST IS TO CONVERT SAID SPACE INTO ONE UNIT, INSTEAD OF THE 2 PRE- APPROVED UNITS. 1). THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE REQUESTED VARIANCE TO OTHER EXISTING OR POTENTIAL USES AND STRUCTURES IN THE VICINIWARE: A). THISAREA IS STRICTLY RESIDENTIAL.. CHANGING SAID SPACE FROM A PRE-EXISTING COMMERCIAL DENSITY PROBLEM TO 1 RESIDENTIAL UNIT IS MORE IN KEEPING WITH THE NEIGHBORHOODAND WITH VAILS ZONING SENSABILITIES. 2.) THE DEGREE TO WHICH RELIEF FROM THE STRICT OR LITERAL INTERPRETATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF A SPECIFIED REGUI.ATION IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE COMPATIBILIry AND UNIFORMITY OF TREATMENT AMONG SITES IN THE VICINITY OR I TO ATTAIN THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GMNT OF SPECIAL PRIVLEGE IS: A).THE DEGREE OF RELIEF IS OBVIOUS. THIS SPACE AS IS HAS BECOME AN INCREDIBLE NOXIOUS DENSIry PROBLEM. THERE ARE ONLY 2 PARKING SPACES ALLOWED FOR THIS RESTAURANT AND UP TO 150 DINNERS SERVED PER NIGHT. CUSTOMERS PARK ON ALL SURROUNDING ROADS. SOMETIMES BEING TOWED. MORE OFTEN TICKETED. ATTHIS POINT, PARKING IS NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE WITH THE RECENT AND SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA UNLESS IT IS ILLEGAL OR TAKING SOMEONE ELSES ALLOTTED SPACE. B). IN REGARDS TO TRASH, ODOR AND NOISE, COMMERCIAL VS. RESIDENTIAL ADVANTAGES ARE OBVIOUS. ODOR IS A PROBLEM IN THE SENSE THAT THIS UNIT IS ON THE CORNER OF THE GROUND FLOOR WITH 2 UNITS ABOVE IT. RESTAURANT GREASE AND SMELLS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A PROBLEM FOR SURROUNDING OCCUPANTS. ADDITIONALLY, TRASH VOLUMES HAVE CREATED THEIR OWN PROBLEMS. NOISE IS PROBABLY THE MOST OBVIOUS, BEING THAT THE RESTAURANT lS OPEN UNTIL 't1:00 PM, SOMETIMES LATER. lT HAS ALWAYS BEEN CONSIDERED A PROBLEM TO EMPTY TRASH, WITH NOISY GLASS ETC. FOR AREA RESIDENTS, AND WE ALL KNOW HOW LOUD ONE CAN BE AFTER A FEW DRINKS. (FULTON TRONWORKS HAS A FULL LTQUOR LTCENSE). THIS IN NO WAY CAN BE CONSIDERED A GMNT OF SPECIAL PRIVELEGE SINCE IT BENEFITS EVERYONE INVOLVED, MOST IMPORTANTLY THE GENERAL PUBLIC. 3.) THE EFFECT OF THE VARIANCE ON LIGHT AND AIR, DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION, TMNSPORTATION, TRAFFIC FACILITIES, UTILITIES, AND PUBLIC SAFTY IS: A). THE EFFECT OF THIS VARIANCE ON LIGHT AND AIR IS O. B). DISTRIBUTION OF POPULAT|ON tS FROM 40 TO 150 PERSONS PER NTGHT COMMERCIALLY, TO 1-4 PERSONS RESIDENTIALLY. TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING BENEFITS ARE ALSO OBVIOUS, AND HAVE ALREADY BEEN MENTIONED. c). THls AREA WAS NOT MEANT TO HANDLE THE COMMERCTAL TRAFFTC INCURRED BY COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES. THE WEIGHT OF THE DELIVERY TRUCKS ONLY COSTS THE TMPAYERS FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. IN ADDITION TO THE HOMEOWNERS OF HOMESTAKE FOR THE WEAR AND TEAR ON THEIR PRIVATE ENTRANCES AND PARKING LOTS. D). PUBLIC SAFEry CAN ONLY BE IMPROVED. JUST 4 YEARS AGO, A MAN FELL OUTSIDE OF THE RESTAURANTAND BROKE HIS ANKLE. THE INCLINE OF THE STAIRS AND DRIVEWAY DIRECTLY TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE RESTAURANT IS VERY STEEP. AND CAN BE VERY ICY. ELIMINATING CUSTOMERS LEAVING THE RESTAURANT AFTER DRINKING AND DRIVING IN A STRICTLY RESIDENTIAL AREA COULD DO NOTHING BUT IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY, 4.) THE REQUEST COMPLIES WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IN THIS WAY: A). ECONOMICALLY THIS PROPERTY AS A RESTAURANT HAS BEEN PROBLEMATIC FOR THE PROPERTY OWNER, THE LESSORS, AND LESSEES, AND THE MUNCIPAI.ATIES-POLICE, FIRE, AND TAXES. HISTORICALLY TAX COLLECTION HAS BEEN SPOTTY, RENT PAYMENTS HAVE BEEN SPORATIC AND INCOMES HAVE BEEN QUITE UNPREDICTABLE FOR LESSEES, NO ONE BENEFITS FROM OWNER COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES WHICH SIMPLY DON'T WORK. B). ADDITIONALLY, VAILS CURRENT ZONING WOULD NEVER HAVE ALLOWED FOR THE INFRASTRUCTURE PROBLEMS OF SPOT COMMERCIAL ON THIS SITE. TRASH AND NOISE HAVE BEEN ADDRESSEDABOVE. ADDITIONALLY, WATER, SEWAGE, AND GREASE ARE SIMPLY HEALTH CONCERNS. WITH RESTAURANT/BAR BUSINESSES HEAVIER CAR AND DELIVERY TRUCK TRAFFIC IS INCREASED MANY FOLD. THE ASPHALT DRIVE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR THIS SUPPORT. PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICUIIR ACCESS FOR DELIVERIES IS INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS. IT IS RESPECTFULLY REOUESTED THAT THIS PROPERTY RIGHTFULLY BE REZONED FROM COMMERCIAL TO RESIDENTIAL. -/l'll/WV(_- ultw ,/I U Dralver9l?' Avon CO81620 -flwtnil Latkr b^(h TuT Pr'ralo Qr,tln br V M ,b. Aurs1- t-latq*ak af [ur( Mr'. Ihue tlw-ltuwt't'tWt''ii.Li vita Drg16r Limsn',o,'w t l 3iL fllu 6crdc-n bnk- tttQ Barylsttw Vr VoJ , Co Btwt- znVurnw \s!=zz Cantu eA, V+, I s16^.t'. iLr.4on/* tt75 +b^'(agta/ b.VaLl /'n -' "- gilsr rSna^tk'on totqg 11st,lViUoD,K_(uJ, Ca. btttgt iolaro iq4- cc{ocurrs Sl-rt' o"ireil\ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPEBTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ol Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on November 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a density, GRFA and parking variance to allow for the conversion of the Fulton lronworks Bestaurant to a residence to be located at 1136 Sandstone Drive, Units A-109 and A-'l 1o/Homestake Condominiums. Applicant: Karen Bouchard Planner: Jim Curnutte 2. A request lor a conditional use permit to allow lor a temporary Christmas tree lot to be located at the Texaco site, 2313 North Frontage Road/Tract B, Vail Das Schone lst Filing. Applicant: SteveLincks/DickDilling Planner: Andy Knudlsen 3. A request for a minor SDD amendment to the Golden Peak House to allow for minor changes to the previously approved plan for the proposed redevelopment located at 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A and B, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicanl: Craig Snowdon Planner: Mike Mollica/Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for an update for a major amendment to the Glen Lyon SDD to allow for a revision to the master plan to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea D, Glen Lyon SDD. Applicant: Calumet Federal Savings and Loan Associates of Chicago, represented by Pierce, Segerberg and Associates Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for setback and common area variances to allow for a revised, expanded entry on the east elevation of the Holiday House, located at 9 Vail Road/Lot B, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: HolidayHouseCondominiumAssociation Planner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request to amend Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements pertaining to Type Vl Employee Housing units and set forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen l0/26/s4 t 949 O oor To: F'rom: Date: Re: L2tO7 6303 5126 The Town of Vail l)ave flackman October 26,1994 Fulton lron Worls i{clnernes Yctr'e}' MEMORANT'UM I an aware of the application pres€nted to the Town of Vail fbr a zoning variance- {or Fulton Iron Works ResAurant dom commercial back to residential. I am also aware of the L*oO"ti"g ocessaxy t* tnit unit. At this point I am not aware of any objections from the Homestake Condominium Association lhan$yorl ., /*///,^-' Dave Hackman DATEI OCT 12, Lgg4 ORDER #: ES@@459894-4 PROP. ADDR. z tL26 LIONSRIDGE LOOP OWNER/BUYER: KAREN L. BOUCHARD PLEASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTOMERS CHECKED BELOW: TO: MCINERNEY-I4CVEY REAL ESTATE P.O. DRAWER 917 (949-4550) AVON, CO 8L62@ ATTN: TAMI RICHARDSON TO: KAREN L. BOUCHARD C/O MCINERNEY-MCVEY R.E. ATTN: TAMI RICHARDSON TO: FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE P.O. BOX 5690 (949-4406) AVON, CO 81620 ATTN: MICHELLE TO, PENELOPE C. BRITTINGHAM COPIES r 01 COPIES : @1 COPIES : @1 COPIES : @1 4595 S. VINE WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 ATTN: TO:COPIES : ATTN: TOr COPIES : ATTN: TO:COPIES : ATTN: THE ABOVE IS A LIST OF CLIENTS THE ATTACHED TITLE COMMITMENT HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE COMMITMENT, PLEASE CONTACT FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY AT THE ABOVE PHONE NUMBER. PLEASE REVIEW THE COMMITMENT CAREFULLY, TAKING NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CONTAINED THEREIN: SCHEDULE A; NEW EFFECTIVE DATE, NEW PURCHASER, NEW PURCHASE PRICE, NEW PREMIUM - SCHEDULE B-1r DELETE ITEM #2 P.O. BOX 1980 318 BBOADI{AY EAGLE CO 81631 (303) 328-52LL FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY INFORMATION The Tille Insurance Commiiment is a legal contract beiween you and the company. lt is issu€d to show the basis on which we will issue a Title Insurance Policy to you. The Policy will insure you against certain risks to the land title, subject to the limitations shown in the Policy. The Company will give you a sample ol the Policy form, if you ask. The Commitment is bassd on the land title as of the Commilment Date. Any changes in the land tille or lhe transaction may alfect the Commilment and the Policy. The Commitmeni is subject to its Requirements, Exceptions and Conditions. THIS INFORMATION IS NOT PART OF THE TITLE INSURANCE COMMITMENT. TAELE OF CONTENTS AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY SCHEOULE A 1. Commitment Date 2. Policies to be lssued, Amounis and Proposed Insureds 3. Interest in lhe Land and Owner 4. Oescription ot the Land SCHEDULE B-1 - Requirements SCHEDULE B-2 - Exceptions CONDITIONS Page 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 't-A YOU SHOULD READ THE COMM|TMENT VERY CAREFULLY. lf you have any questions aboul the Commitment, pleasg contact the issuing otlice. Form No. 1 343 (CO87) ALTA Plain Language Commilment COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN HERITAGE TITLE COMPANY agent for FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUFANCE COMPANY AGREEMENT TO ISSUE POLICY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, referred to in this Commitment as the Company, through its agent, First American Heritage Title Company, ref erred to in this Agreement as the Agent, agrees to issue a policy to you according to the terms of this Commilment. When we show the policy amount and your name as the proposed insured in Schedule A this Commitment becomes effec' tive as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A lf the Requirements shown in this Commitment have not been met within six months after the Com m itment date, ou r obligation u nder this Comm itm ent will ehd. Also our obligation u nder th is Com m it' ment will end when the Policy is issued and then our obligation to you will be under the Policy. Our obligation under this Commitment is limited by the following: The Provisions in Schedule A. The Requirements in Schedule B-1 . The ExcePtions in Schedule B-2. The Conditions on Page 1-A This Commitment is not valid without SCHEDULE A and Sections 1 and2 of SCHEDULE B. Fi rst A merican Title Insura nce Company ,,@ PRESIDENT i::)-{1'* :;;;",' iiis 2,t,i 7r.- '. :',;!-.'t;ii; l, j * ir,,"i, '.-- rg;3 ... i. i 1,,-"'o ."'......': -t -j't,., t4 j;1 1; c.\\t _.:t 'r.r: , BY U/J/;^ C.1ryL/. sEcRETARY CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument. (b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice ol matters affecting the title according to the state law where the land is located. 2. LATER DEFECTS The Exceptions in Schedule B - Section 2 may be amended to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appear for the first time in public records or are created or attached between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Requirements of Schedule B - Section 1 are met. We shall have no liability to you because of this amendment. 3. EXISTING DEFECTS lf any delects, liens or encumbrances existing at Commitment Date are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. lf we do amend Schedule B to show these defects. liens orencumbrances, we shall be liable to you according to Paragraph 4 below unless you knew of this information and did not tell us about it in writino. 4, LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligation is to issue to you the Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Req u irements. lf we have any liability to you for any loss you incu r because of an error in this Commitment, our liability will be limited to your actual loss caused by your relying on this Commitment when you acted in good faith to: comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B - Section 1 or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B - Section 2. We shall not be liable for more than the Policy Amount shown in Schedule A of this Commitment and our liability is subject to the lerms ol the Policy form to be issued to you. 5. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claim, whether or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the title to the land must be based on this Commitment and is subject to its terms. 200.200-1 F.IR,ST AI\'IER,:EGA!{T TTERITAGE T=TI-.E COIYTPAITYp.o. BoNeeo 318 BRoADWAv EAcLE, clt sr.G31 SCHEDT'LE A commltment No: Es@0469894-4 1. Conmltment Date: SEPTEMBER 29, L994 at 8:00 A.I'1 . 2. Pollcy or Pollc1es to be lssued: Pollcy Amount (a) Owners Pollcy - Proposed Insuredr SI45,OOO.OO KAREN L. BOUCHARD (b) Loan Pollcy - Proposed Insured:s@.@a (c) Proposed Insured:s@.@@ 3. Fee slmple lnterest 1n the land descrlbed 1n thls Commltment ls owned, at the Commltment Date by: PENELOPE C. BRITTINGHAM 4. The land referred to ln thls Commltment 1s descrlbed as followsr CoNDoMTNIUM UNITS A 1@9 AND A 110, THE HOMESTAKE AT VArL A, (A CONDOMINIUI,I), ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF' RECORDED IN BOOK 22A AT PAGE 432 AND ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR THE HOMESTAKE AT VAIL A, (A CONDOMINIUM), RECORDED MARCH 30, L973, IN BOOK 228 AI PAGE 431, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO (for lnformatlonal purposes only) 1126 LIONSRIDGE LOOP PREMIUM: Owners S6@9.@@l'lortgage S@.@@ Mortgage S@,@@ Tax Cert s4o.@@ OCT 12, 1994 Inf MRL SPECIAL TAXINb DIdTRICT NqTICE (A Notlce Glven In Conformlty Wlth Sectlon L0-L'--L2? c.R.S. ) The subject land nay be Iocatecl ln a speclal taxlng dlstrlct; a certlflcateof taxea due llstlng each taxlng Jurlsdlctlon shall be obtalned from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorlzed agent i and lnformatlon regardlng spectal dlstrlcts and the boundarles of such dlstrlcts may be obtalned from the board of county cornmlssloners, the county cLerk and recorder, or the county treasurer. SCEEDI LE B - Sectlon 1 order No. Esoo469B94-4O Requlrements The followlng requlrements must be met: (a) Pay the agreed amounts for the lnterest ln the land and/or for the mortgage to be lnsured. (b) Pay us the prenlums, fees and charges for the pollcy. (c) Obtaln a certlflcate of taxes due from the county treasurer or the county treasurer's authorlzed agent. (d) Provlde us the "Affldavlt and Indemnlty" slgned by the partles llsted 1n Paragraph 3, Schedule A of thls Conmltment and notarlzed. (e) The follor"rlng documents satlsfactory to us must be slgned, clellvered and recorded: 1. Warranty Deed sufflclent to convey the fee slmple estate or lnterest ln the land descrlbed or referred to hereln, to the Proposed Insured, Schedule A, Item 24. 2. Evldence that all assessnents for common expenses due under the Declaratlon referred to as ftem No. 11, of Schedule B, Sectlon 2 have been pa1d. 3. Compllance wlth the provlslons of sectlon 39-14-102, Colorado revlsed statutes, requlrlng completlon and flllng of a real property transfer declarat 1on. 4. Evldence satlsfactory to the Company of compllance wlth an ordlnance enactlng a real estate transfer tax $r1th1n the Town of Va1l together wlth aIl amendnents thereto. NOTE: IF THE SALES PRICE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY EXCEEDS STO@,@OO.@A THE SELLER SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH THE DISCLOSURE OR WITHHOLDING PROVISIONS OF C.R.S. 39-22-604.5 (NONRESIDENT WITHHOLDING) . liiil Hi; 1i-i;13"i33-33i,1."* SCHEDT'LE B - Sectlon 2 Order No. ES@0459894-4 Except lons Any po11cy we lssue w111 have the followlng exceptlons taken care of to our satlsfactlon: unless they are 1. Taxes and Assessments not certlfled to the Treasurer's Offlce. 2. Any facts, rlghts, lnterests or clalms whlch are not shown by the pub1lc records but whlch could be ascertalned by an lnspectlon of the landor by naklng lnqulry of persons ln possesslon thereof. 3. Easements, or clalms of easements, not shown by the publlc records 4. Dlscrepancles, confllcts 1n boundary Ilnes, shortage 1n encroachments, and any facts whlch a correct survey and lnspectl.on of land would dlsclose, and whlch ere not shown by the publlc records. area, the 5. Any l1en, or rlght to a llen, for servlces, labor or materlal heretofore or hereafter furnlshed, lmposed by law and not shown by the publ1c records. 5. Any and aII unpalcl taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 7. Rlghts of way for dltches or canals constructed by the authorlty of the Unlted States, as reserved 1n Unlted States Patent recorded December 29, L92O, 1n Book 93 at Page 42. 8. The rlght of proprletor of a veln or lode to extract or remove hls ore should the same be found to penetrate or lntersect the premlses thereby granted as reserved ln Unlted State patent recorded December 29. ),92O, 1n Book 93, at Page 42; and any and all asslgnments thereof or lnterest thereLn. 9. Covenants, condltlons and restrlctlons, whlch do not tnclude a forfelture or reverter clause, set forth 1n the lnstrument .recorded July 25, 1959, 1n Book 215 at Page 619. Amendment of sald covenants, condltlons and restrtctlons by an lnstrument recorded December 2, I97O, ln Book 219 at Page 235. Provlslons regardlng race, color, creed, and natlonal orlg1n, 1f dr1y, are deleted. 1.@. The follow1ng ltens as set forth on the plat of The Homestake at ValI A and B, (a condomlnlum), to-w1t: Ut1l1ty and dralnage easement 10 feet 1n wldth along each slde of all lnterlor Iot l1nes. 11. Covenants, condltlons, restrlctlons, reservatlons and Ilen rlghts, whlch do not lnclude a forfelture or reverter clause, set forth ln the Declaratlon, recorded Aprll 30, t973, ln Book 228 at Page 9I7, March 3@, L973, 1n Book 228 at Page 431, and By-Laws recorded March 5, 1985, ln Book 4@7 at Page 596, and Amendment recorded October 15, 1981 , ln Book 330 at Page 486. 12, Easements for pub11c ut111t1es, sester purposes, dralnage and other lncldental purposes as shown on the map of satd condomlnlum and as reserved ln or created by varlous lnstruments of record affectlng only the common elements. order No' Es'@45eBeirs ffiE*?lK'rlH"-IRffiiffi"(lo* 1. This is written evidence to you that there are no unpaid bills for materials or labor furnished for construction and erection, repalrs or inprovements on property located at 1126 LIONSRIDGE IPOP and legally described as: CONDOMINIW UNITS A ].@9 AND A T:rO, T}N HOMESTN(E AT VAIL A, (A CONDOMINIUM), ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIIJM MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 22A A'T PAGE 432 AT{D ACCORDING TO ffiE COI.IDOMINIIJM DECI.,ARATION FOR TTIE HOMESTAKE AT VAIL A, (A CONDOMINIIJM), RXCORDED MARCH 3@, 1973, rN BOOK 228 AT PAGE 431, CO{JNTY OE EA6LE STATE OF COIORADO 2. We further represent that there are no public improvements affecting the property prlor to the date o! closing that vrould give rise to a special property tax assessment against the property after the date of closing. 3. We further represent that there are no pending proceedings or unsatisfied judgrments of record, in any Court, State or Federal , nor any tax liens filed against us, and that if there are judgments, bankruptcies, probate proceedings, state or federal tax li.ens of record against parties with same or sinilar names, they are not against us. 4. We further represent that there are no unrecorded contracts, Ieases, easements or other agreements or interests relating to said premises of which we have knowledge. 5. We further represent that we are in sole possession of the real property described herein. 6, We further represent that there are no unpai.d charges and assessrnents that could resuit in a lien in favor of any association of honeowners which are provided for in any document referred to in Schedule B. The undersigned affiant(s) know the matters herein stated are true and indemnifies FIRST AI.|ERICAN TITLE INSLRANCE COMPANY agalnst 1oss, costs, damages and expenses of every kind incurred by it by reason of its reliance on the statements made hereln. This agreement is executed with and forms a part of the sale and,/or flnancing of the above described premises, and is given in addition to the conveyance and/or financing of the premises j.n consideration for the conveyance and/or financing, and forms a complete agreement by itself for any action thereon. sEr,T.FIR I PENELOPE E. BRITTINGHAM STAIE OF COIORADO ss, COI]NTY OT EAGI.,E The foregoing instrurnent \,ras acknowledged, subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19_ by PENEIOPE C. BRITTINGHAM (SEE CONTINUATION OF ATFIDA\ET & INDEMNITY ON NEXT PAGE) My conmisslon expiresr (urNUArIoN oF AFFrDAvrr & rNDErlU) . Nota.ry Public .. r€vised L0/51e2 DaUe \f]6 I. R rloP D. BLOCI{-*.--+++++qe ADDRESS FEE S25O. OO PAID CK# BY ,*s A.t&t (t*ren L. &>vcVorcl THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners of 3_11_p_rgperty adjacent to rhe subjecr properry INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and I tilt of theirnames and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BERESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. rr- A pre-application conference with a pranning staff member isstrongly suggested to deterrnine if any addiiionalinformation is needed. No appricatioi wilr be acceptedunless it is complete (must incrude arr items required bythe zoning administrator) . It is the applj-cant, sresponsibility to make an appointment witn tne staff to flndout about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE IHEAPPROVAL PROCESS TOFTGTNOJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING ANDENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. .Ar,LcoNDrrroNs oF AppRovAL MUsr BE coMpLrED wrrH nnffi-nn aBUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE ?RECISE NATURE OF THEVARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULAT,|ON INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: F. 1. The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or potentiar uses and struct.ures inthe vici-nity. Application Date_ pEc MEETTNG DArE Or+ l+ IPPLICTTION FOR A VARIA}fCE '.('T{' 5(?6 This procedure is required for any project requesting avariance, The application will not be accepted until a1Ii.nformation is submitt.ed. A. NAME oF re.,'cwr K.)(eK (.. ?tvdlartJ , ,1 / /a' ^PHcrNE L)+(? -?[CC Appr,rcAlry s p€pREsE NrArrvE "l-l A(10(t (0- L, p)CLWrdgfl pnoxg n7.8'2F,7.8 NAME oF owNER(s) (rype ot p.i*l VgfCr,.t L. Q.W"V@fd OWNER(S) SIGNATURE (S) ?J,DREss \m3 a(wQ- weq t 2yJ v); | ('o. t 'r ' -'1 , 11 i /^',, ^V\tQaT pHoNE L-lk, -Z t@ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIpTION: *SF -/.E. thkr*n -3?50 a NAME OF ADDRESS ADDRESS 3:i*:fir:.t:T:o"?;"t|:.::y:: : :t'I:130T::'.,other issues which may have a significant. impact on theconmunity may require review by consultants other thattown staff. Should a determination be made by the townstaff that an outside consul"tant is needed to reviewany application, Corununity Development may hire anoutside consuLtant, it shall estimat.e t.he amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this anount shallbe forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the timehe files his application with the Community DevelopmentDepartment. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the fundsforwarded by the applicant. for payment of theconsul.tant which have not been paid to the consultant,shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurredby the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theappJ.icant shatl be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notiflcation by the Town. ot 1/)\J -l .,rrrt r, ..r'f,TtrE *C'OUFlfiiT--- - PURCIIASERS SETTIJE!4ENT MCINERNEY-MCVEY ],],26 LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL, CO B1-620 PENELOPE C. BRITTINGHAM KAREN L. BOUCHARD ro/1-4/e4 CONDOMINIUM UNITS A].09 AND A L10, HOMESTAKE AT VAIr.,, A, COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO PREPARED FOR: PROPERTY ADDRESS: SELLER: PURCHASER: SETTLEMENT DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DESCRI PTION STATEI4ENT ESCROW NO.: 94TVO550 DATE OF PRORATIoNT Io/t3/94 DEB IT CRED IT 1. Selling Price 2. DEPOSIT PAID TO: MCINERNEY-MCVEY 3. TRUST DEED PAYABLE TO: SELLER 4. MORTG. TITLE. POL. TO HERITAGE TITLE 5. RECORDING! WARRANTY DEED 6. TRUST DEED ?. DOCUMENIARY FEE 8. CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE 9. TAXES FOR CURRENT YEAR 286 DAYS AT S 10. SPECIAL TAXES TOWN OF' VAIL 11. PERS. PROPERTY TAX*AI.!OUNT286 DAYS AT 12. CLOSING FEE TO HERITAGE TITLE 13. PERSONAL PROP. 14. VARIANCE PROC. ls. HoA to/L4-r2/37 9.4236 s o. 0883 14 s000.00 60. o0 5.00 2s.00 14. 15 40. o0 725 . OO 50. oo 500.00 7't2.43 s000. o0 ?2500.00 269s.15 z>-za 250. OO sub-fot a I s Balance due from Purchaser TOTALS 14?191.98 0.00 1471.91.98 80470.40 6672t.s8 14?191.98 Sal,es or use taxes on personat property not or assessmnts untess they are sholn on the reference to the titte evidence provided by HERITAGE APPROVED AND ACCEPTED inctuded. tfRsT AIIERICAN ttERITAGE TITLE CoNPANY assunes Treasurer's certificste of Taxes Due. The condition of no responsibitity for the ad titl.e to the ProPertY is to I setter or by personat investigation. TITLE cof,tPAllY is hereby authorized to The above statement Purchaser Purchaser Purchaser Purchasef Broker/Agent Closin9 Agent tjLork'e liotc: Trrj-c cloounr:nt i$6,poor copy onll' rrll noi; Pl:otogi:cPh well . lblD rG not tho far'"Lt of, thls offloo. :l z1 .ltltc'-l I It'1@ :EG (\l I ;..&*"i.r .r-.1 I EI 7. ,f Ei .',I -t cc Co Lti .< -c) :5"rgl: ftrlr . -t:- G I Elolo ct E,Ela,.,<to c - el o 'rt Lti r<-c) E:519r -l}-- el- a, -l:- G r.l olo ct Ecla,.r FC o . r: t/ .-:*f, !cb '3 e.'d.! .! i'r'#: st::1". ,"...;; ';i;"r!.t::Fi::"":?!gi:,,lf;i:i:i=-,gil 5:h:'1L 'i' ... Tf liil-::F cuL.,ci':G:li:?': .i!iilE75.'..i1!:* :i{ . i: ?14..7,:l:'- -5 ilt;ib gt'r*_-- ''' s:l*z:= il".'::-'f z;ti:I= tH:;::::; : 3;lii:3 llilililBs i ::l:t;- "15"t:3:=- s -:l-:5: llii:;:l;-3 'i ;ilo r; 6l ...L--ZlZt:a Gl ..cd. 4.;l;t;; olrrr- .cc- "':l:::- il-a.re,r.co ,:vilir Ir Flc"'raoo'l' : *o< 3-; \'.-;.,;,a:C .il"e"!fii:fi-.* :li;'-'jiE;iB;:= ;": l; i3::;!i:: iE!Eil::r: :::= =:'g-:!E:::;- :..:- !'X: I ! iiio i.'o!'i""o. - E -i r!Gro.t atac -._ f rt. G'.r a € , o:g';it";r.5:53"i3:3:.os'"i!i..J.oc or-- :r.c a, o I -rca4- a.. - E a.o$ !., t l^ v -articOl,a, Ocl! ara a \<r-c.i3iao"! xo c. c rD! o .C -tti.Ca -$1. >,r a, r s .r-dl -oo- -E-G'llF'9c-cit,.c --loaC.,oC<t -,lc-l! 6-< aA- l.e ,lt-rrL - t.,!'loLtoaraGa-Lc ar { s E .r |, J-sl d .,t .c..610 .rr -th.,lc L. sc o.,1.u -ooL-l <o> -oo_ -1r.,., - c L.tj-o!oi9'rsodl6 r > t o6G G =l tr.' ce-'.!|orrrL-& {.rt- a, o, \JI .'t,o-:!:-;re.' eo,-C o o!a9- E;..r-cG'-C.r.r E v.r., Jr.. - ro c ! l,_lEar .r-a.r.'ardrr6 stt 'l'_ ':- :3 .:..:i; --.at ro.ra- -i! 3: t.- !:E "tc'rococtt'c i;,- .rr it s J ! b o --:':.:3 3: l, g:;,- l;;3: i:; .:;i ':zE;i:liti'::.;: E!: : :"" x 5: 5- 1f:li.*:-..;' "!--i-.'.iE:;'l!ll-;i6!.t.rr oltcL-'E!l:i; il3 i3"x s:gl.,ro .rl-. ca'.l .c.r arltnarrY||l>. :il.l.r: -l:!-';-;l:;-- '1.*;.:'E--b 5: 3[: 3. . --; -lrEc .lr-.ro ! st" - " ;t; t: .:; -'z'-i .:e;E;! : ?i3 :!:3:':; ll,: liiE::;- ! I,l ":-:! ii;;i| i;i!?: t;I L r a f,ct a, u e c C :L .'€ }, l :oc< :t o. an c Er o- io' :L o l|o =L Q'' :F' o a t. -araII : !! -Ec -a I it, : !2 CC .E t :i :' 'rtl O . al- t a. <l-F ic gna C' irt, - lg . g =crJc:$*lrGI'H| -ll! .lrri->- r|-r- I ltj (_) -.2.,, .e? -t! H cO r\ @ 32 ct lr)o: - .!,TGL ;1. ; e: OCE : !., ii:i :ii:r=p i:: - ?i;;' :::' :i;::i i'l:, l:;lE E- z=-=r? i :::ll;ll: :;; !i;r !:;E:i:::ir ;E: r";i;;: ;:i: ii;i:i:' iiili;;:1'!i ;;:E 11 t',ii $t,*l- E .'i+ A;;:i :ti:;lti =ii: =: : ;T=i :F:-iE a;E:-i;t -:ri; :g : !13;a fli:ls ;lii:r=.: . Fll: iz -; iFEi it=.q:'. -:l:l!:isc ::;z ? a: :r.e:";r;-. jtii:-: il;33 !ll:i: fl;i*:;!i "i=-.1 E: iE:E= sl;-{:l.':3: iEUl l.ri: Ili;:iiEi :1:: i: itii;; .':fi ':iii "l:;; :':;r; ,l;:ii:- ii;l ;-" ;ilii "i?i :i::ii:i liig* ?il*Eii s=;; I :;ii";22+i 9i=? ;sii iiii; ;it!i: ti !:li i l",i:i !;il !ii:":i: "liE:- -.!l::= ': !:: .i.,3 i:ii ;:a . ;i; ;i:; :;;;;:; lli ::;: sis :i: C' .a,- :o F tro6}t. I =tz 't-to<! clJt'-r oct>iJ J .F t 6 t:I.l rLl .!,F t;o Clork's $ote: Thia cloeunent lei apocr oopy and will noi piroi;ograph welL ' tbls lt not the'fault, of t'hie of,f,too' oa -a C' otraq ao . l- ig . !c.- C. r!\g o J, !t, - .a O C gE 19t ct .-c |:c 'a : o q. dr- L lt: ,c t.- ( .G !l t4 t ,tr sit 't;til:,1*n :*i*1* ,- t r Ec " sit t!t L E c ,rrc JEI ol a att lo o - lc q :l; -,l . to :lo < t co< FoE la C: .l- rl "1. t! rl o.:l' :l:-l ..1 Gl bl 3f "; G oc G oE l19 ia a. . t. - r : ": il 5r.!;:: :": ;:5.:1 Eli. :: :::i[ *r !'-: i:!:s; o iG .! .-'1-:d;! ;^:b :;*3:l i;=2-:;? rg;:i:i:."::: :;:* ;- !.! -G.E: iii:-;iY -l:::sa"' ii"-: :'i-;: I".;!":l .:i''l c3>:!.'E ;;iti: Li:-.;: . 's R;: f' . : " i-: : :l I 'Ii li:?: r: : -il.-c * l' l: '3.:::: ';...oer !=;;:;;; al'3 -::::i; ii!;ii? ;i:;:gl: r,;:: ::!l;si Ar:l::: ii:!:rli:li:l i.71zz--i, -'!:s?: -:liltii ilit:. !!i-.i: ii!i!!'.. ..,r5.---ii -1,'r'r' :.:"'-e: lli li;: i: ;lit: a:'g "l:;i. i E l;;'I: ii;::;i: ;hi?*ii ih;iE :isti:! :|ii-;=::3 }li:== .i: eE-E:; !:'i:.,., r.. o o :::-::r .o-cr.| .'toZ ,.i31 .9' .: ..;::a Ei; I -::' . t.l. 3.:: :il::ii! ii;ii';i g:"i: !ciEl.c : - ; -o?-.53 ;:;i'J--;. :,-.o., ..-. 't:ii Eil"::;! ;:i;i:r; ;:i="'i i?:lE;-- r^.4e, tr - or.e oe-re.' ==]l;:2 -'2;.;n; ";::!:! '"iiiiil ErI;ii: ii:: :Eiir-.fr- EC.t.ct ::.:;:;; iv' de .c..a!a ,*Is>ao asas a c ' rOa o' I .L a ,c os 'ar. a .os rtl .r I oa ttl6,||. a3 EID taa oioI l6 lt a Itl-: rto ,lt ' lol a4 rt E a t CI :l::l' ;l:!li :1 3l:l j !o ! I o C tt C tIt o ,c a - o|oIC EC lc Ci ,€t ,3 .a C na -€ 4a .| t ,lf o !C a t e> a! CC T t €>r .=e E.l I EC a ! -= 'lL c'lo a .12 a rl . ,t r -l rr E. .l CE I -- al< Fl( !Icl. t. oI;lul, ; Co L. -? oco tt! A -. IEO lc oo At, l) te,u <E ,t.. :l.o !!b' lv clr, I lrl t :ol t, o ,a GO ae llr .31,glr -il "ll;lcl:l c f ro .crt C !taa i!l oG, rl- |l '1 6 'lrt ='lr t z -* € -o 6 !o 51. t[ I,ra:. -5 -:.q-:-s: I:::-. E::o3.':::-! 3o.23i;:8.s::'ga5: 9g:s o oa aE o a, o Io- .,C1a .aI ol Io ra a!t 'E -tE, IC tEl t - o t'I C IC a. .l 1,. 4: tElI t.. (t a, !o a l.a ar,a, l.- I L: l. 'lc I la. ,la e.la IC rl.Ll, t 3lr, icla -lJ 5l o t a, a a C- I !L.rt c.olElo 'li lr 31. :1" '1.Fl. :l: cv I 3'o 3 I E c E - a-! Ltc aG- I la ra . 4t, I t.-at ca !oa .O Qal .,' -o.aoaaJa 't?-og-oaol.l!aas 6.o9 o --. - rl - : I cl oI a ol t. C' Clerh's llot,e: Thio doounent 18 a poor oopy and .J I lc ..!r 'G!.'o-aarcv-o>au ar.aoa a o.a oe r t|:L GltGL! >! a. ar.- L Fe r t3O C e a<t - or €,- r. O., a ,.Da, G!5? GOt. .rr(.,al-<t-\, vvEO ar4+ I g i $ grt., 6 3r^! tr.r 3 Glr. r!f OFJtt!: r.s.oorta.a D.- r, ratt rU - ,(|, lD CiJ Lrr-€CSC., <' - ., !r ,e os' ir c! ao c - .,r ir' ao > io .|c t- arr.r o o o- r,> C < !-- 9 L, t a, c-a .6.ao J sE O alt! 'ci.a! lJ, -., ..- a 19 -6 t- E Cllr ar - -rra F eo .r1,. J. L- . o.o G a,,!1.-<!Jl(,tr. .o c.. t.lo o !r! l< oc rl6ee'ra -.r arl6 s Ea.,!d LKa f rrE - Fl -tt! rO..OI' L6 € |.E O- a lrtrCOO ^. c, r. c.. Ar ic.. o!, €r (to,.- -rt, o--e., h-e v4att a.a!It 9.rl\,'CarO! (r! rorroLL.ar.-arsclrrsaa t tc - Lla a ? r.- a trarc a--<- - a Oo-a arl,l - 6a a CF arGSG$ O -.aa s!ro.,oJ-t !r - E-:,- i .r :- Illi,l' ; 3Eg::.; :!i;r! o-rii :: i:'" izzti;::! l:;i:;:; :il:::-:": -:- !'^-":';;!:; ?;;=:;:i; Ii;;li; :::;::!;I:' I.:i!:-.- ::l;-:!l: l:i]'::!E; cc.-cs-s.b e-=-.=---- . .r.C3:::i E:Ji:ai;1 ;1:;:.;' ir;i-,ii:*t l;is:;;i::E:!ii!: i:::;iialr: 'g:-.E:gii:E!:, 3i:ii;i!; E1!:!;;:g -iu'' al_€a:: .;!-..::g?5 !l^:;=lsg "lii-:|:i:: EF;:ii!:: !H#:: *:i; il=ry;l !|:*!:i:i :E;::::: ![3;: ;:!!li *li+lii ;il'liili *iii'!iil; "iii*i* ::ri*?i ;:i= o ra, - a>Eci- 9lc .o -o1s€l tt5 tE '' o> |E- 'r| F19--La ! S- LJ O AarDurr.<,r Cl. '.F r. Ol lGct t. -lr.r-< Gr .,16!t.ttCF 'ISoF'.o?l- .,.lc r!.,1.F s aaoo6.'O -.r|Caa aEC'o9. - o Lqr-sauaar "': ..Lvr 19os€E9C -araly!>tr 'caa Ca lE'--G r. lt :taac, t Fa-IE.': . -l lLa '{a, c F ' -]-... o -F..l5a-..tlloF!. -l a CrLF- o., - -D oaa. o ijrnr.ror< C at- a. c, s arrcc o !.. r.| ,r.o5 ti,- 9- at ! 6 at 3 ..94 ar- a-l- t aa ! rt al G r.r! o.t aa-at \ -nJr c a,rE. a >-6.!C a t- - a lF O.j- r I r,c.r C€C<Dlg a 5 a!--oL |cil! -a aaiaLq ge6r.o -o L.a --a iSasJ!r c rJot,ae 5l G Oad|,|J .,3lta a .aa3SU FCIC 'c ' c"- . - F! -e .-araa, ao et-aEE-c!?r-al| c ota,olo trtt-! a <l-a I6l l. .- - dK! o.,oa l3l arra?E ala E -!.,. €ll o..t e o -le-.c q| -St ol -,ai., .lra ae!-.r clo.t GO o .Fe-, - til ll .,LA troar.t! '. C U:3'a ._at _ i'.E 'aC-- 9r - !- t!r9.. s a, ar ob |. aruJa G o C ht €' -.c a., t ar!r-9 C.C'v ar.a i.vrLc '('too ac.a a-C ..-a" t t =.!, o a!:- .A taaOE q ):Z . ItIC G loi t:: F( lii'1. 'il- 'i ;Ei :l -l:lol "Jc o arc Thlcl rloeunent le apoor eopy andwill not pirotogrsphveu.. tht6 t, not the fault of thle offtoo. Clerh's l{ote: :'Jit.t'.: -' : ., ,' '. ... . 1'$ EEt'ri ..'.,j':l' Fa sl.t t aAICC"!t ac a''r \!oL- .r' ., c tr'o- o? 6 ca do-a, < I 1E--! c - c c, t ' O ! arotltae ra, r-c .cJ .'rr!tarr,)r L -L<a, \e<' rttrr t:.C ('\ .-rr\.'oo te !t- - (J!a:(rc al r.U.rL rl,r$ ,!tt -€'6{> |r.ro -i. -.-r!o G r€(, !t: a, .o ,t ->3.c< o -Loe ---- 'otulrar.-.c c lo -l€ c<L d-. t t ! \.!-?..- .'lsodiLr.te4 .(r.ara L arccc. cr, elre rot.atre r, ce!(t EoaoJ\ira, Gl{ lrtt Lt ? -t- tt ,- -l COG.j-!3!s o$ .c!.. < oe.r.Ji-r- (l\o :tc r!(,o -Cr., { rila - al !Jo!t. ar! -o n\'L sso rl \.rGrJFa6o| ia.'o|!o' - .rOLOJlrrO.' :!ltt ., - arF,3r .c., c.ri! - .r.d.r. >a r'lar 6., -.t€l.,9 0 r, - elc|-a.-Lrt elr- tlo-croG- rlr ,c.,1 o,oeo.cPoa rllo..-G!rEL(, .a, aFrca., - o .ru t()r.(rc lo.ro c Ior!| ara-"c ts c\ uc., !, F !tlti.: - - c - -|,re., , t0 ar\ lJs cll.,rr.||.ool> t ct r, larl4.: -luolrr4gr a, oo o<lttJ t sa, olo l< c., >r<E F'CO- J . oal ! i, -l.tc \- Lc.., 4c! O <' (, , . s.Js .,l t,r, \lr-OE .t L r, (r.. l - .y -lar|.oN!oL r.rli. t rarro.,-i. - O€ U'e F (, eler- .-:| o alo-!> ,r, l.oo o€ ola oi ar ul-.,-Lur. .l arc!La!., .iO .r-C--.ro < E -l(,(^eo.-- >{t L.rOa.r6t! I r CdaoE (, Ll-.cEt-. .lraro.(.r'r'u r.t< !e ar 1l, 1., rlsEarsoaL >ll tr t6|roo.. J.a -F!4 . cl- .,rrt clar r a, r, r! d!.t !e- :a<' t- , olr=.,iL.oc ol>L-..4.c:! -F a<t ., r,lL o i ulc--.aEta,Do ioa. - aG t OI-LO art <tltrul,ato4 'L e.,- L! ar.r: .. rJoolr.ro rra E .,t5 Gaa oc o. I . r, a. . ca..,\/co o€a . 't>oc , - tr!,.r -.!a Gr.r.atcDt IlL L-L L-GoLo c .GlcLlc oal2 -a, tado o a a.a, - o iErraa.arratt G trcloa - C rr-t 'ar., ll, O O( a,C a Ot\r.-' tC ! -- .aa t-!oG. ?>trt.'o!d -.oI l-\arl :-t, ot- : a.- .t ro s.ro -a at., .6oo O- irr.t a, (, ar.s \ I ! tr.- -., a.r'rt ro,> otJtaoi.o ooEaoharr, at\r.rsCCo.'Fc -rrs --.a.aor vlarrL cE' vr!t--earaa - erD FCX - I r9Jaas lor-9 g.rF t !- acart< t.('t qlo ar.Ool|, >re tata P trr'eo - c 4aa-ar!a aa t.ta-a af tr- .,ae o 'D.r- ,DaE 3E OCt.aE O.asoC.Ct lGt allae e.. saJ:l, gJo--r- c..a-aEa- t ,6 to5 EJ - E t.. og CI _ -rc* {"3 olri r-lr o tll - C -Eecti. 'Da E..4C or,a o LF tLtL t O>vrO.ros o r{\eara,tcO-! lco .c.ac.'?.gtJ||.rr rr!4, a ..t !rc- .4.aa3<19tr'- o !- L U c- 6(t{ L Gtu-- aL et€< Or.-LO rrD.ar1,Lrlt): ot- .t t cataC. .C! a r- r t-OOa, a, t:attOFc coorr- arr\! t-e, .raa.t {r o dLG--acoarrlr L!-uE <trlc aar-a,a,oL4L.FQ...'tr., -'da. €tlil or- t-ada,i, (tcl C - ., j,: Oa,tri>rtre ri- \+o -Ca, i ot- aCa.c |.oc.a ar,It I a, r^€ |, X>-eru5 q €r!catxo. |.LC.rO-! a, FaroiCt tiL -F -.Cs .c a,o-c atLu JEEat 4 ararLa9rV . ,.O:ot?tt o.. a trr-aC'O t ar.- al!GC o>('.Clra.c c- .eJ trOCOs t.ra ....,vto<<, oa-or9.act--e .to-t a,arr€e cca! atroo,. are' <ar!JroF!-t!L aL(r.r ara- laocrt l' -., i.o<as1| aara'a.,.J-aE a.aarGcGo<.,.. !.,!rar- € ! G c a C ll 1 o !a.o Ic Co i, :'..'1''......:':.'...:::'.':',..'......'.: * :!:l;,:i!; '- :iii d1; i!'?i!t;!! i"x;!i :ni:::i 'l: ''' ;; :;:iiE:ig: ii: :i1: !F :i:!*:i:: *i; lF;i:i; ii!i ;i;i;i ;iE;. ii; ;i;i ;li E!ii:;;;ia 2---;-' :'';";' :i - a., -O)a a ii!:E:ili!iii'i*liii$iiE*::ii':*:i$Fiili:i = 2 =< -lij'io -: : -; EtiE:3-: :ii-:i iii;:;i ;E i!;;i;ii::i !*ll; iE[:;*i qi s ; ;r,r rl:;:e; Ei*r iE: ,;r: It, :iil::i;:$ :;i;;: Ii#*:: :l!! : Ehi lEsil; :iiii i:; :l=' ih ::3i5:":;ii ?ieili =lil':iii a: ; !li;.;t :q; iiiil iii :*l * liliiE*?i !tt,istl;irili :,i li:i;i :*:i iii :i:l + i;ii**i:i ixi:, *hi*i fi ri iF;ti; :i'-;i :iE :::i :E ::ii;ii;;i; ;iii:: $li;ii: iE ii :ri*::ii!i iii ii$*,ii**li*i nlil *hi:r; *. -lr, .r- '-'-Lc6''-L.C aeli -i::3: l!f:: ii :i:iil :i*i :i; iii '*'i*i!ii:ii l*iii iltii*i ':s3 -;3I: :::: . .- = *i*::* ili:l ii: *ii ;i, i:!ii:*iii iiliii :*tl;i iiii: :i:i;: ;;i:: ;i: ;i;: ri; :::ll;::i:i t*iii u#,i:ii;'i :i !:Eii :i:r ii l:g , Thls doounent 16 aPoor ooPY and ni11 not Pi:ot,o8f,aph scll ' th18 J not, thc fault of ttrie offloe' Clcrk's Note: :'\ ct!c trra. - >ta9, Lara -t-J- '>\,C'9Ga..r |. <D a t- tAo Ct' \.i|A-OOaFl! l-owatt.,ra]C'LT'T.lg.r 19 .r L aatco --C('arr.-., oL r: -. l'-. tL- aa o- \t'Ja >i.<- c a!aF:\ - f !a -aO> ! J rt,Jx o _.ceFaa F-ot-t. a L, .. t.'--t at OJ ti .C (r, t,dGao.t.ttLr o,< -F t 94rr-d € r-co rto . .L<o ad c o a .iti ar, tF -lt te-ea9r. .l !o at ru \a-o|,a-.ItJ f 9llL\raa-Jl' .arl laaOC'.4 o. 6 aCaa.aa a5 o ! t €6 aa!-'Otao E-...GG'Ct F., a -. t f t a l an !-|,GO-o .ror!,arlacu Cs - a o C., ., ll<..1r? og G .<ti !C C€ C ai /a E4 a 9 o! CC IC G u q t I' l"l!tlc |,o o ! a I r, I c e G ti 4 C 4 t(t€ EaLa, I ! CL la !."t G C'OL9 . -. O a \(, ! ., rt .t . . I \- or. ll s .r. ! . a ar.r-30 C PC loc ! I9L '>/c a, t oa o r, -:tc.,.r'F alta..tt o -I !? ' c r-r.: c t a,lr .. rD1.r a orrora6!J: r|, , i. --.- tootr- ,: S -Ca, lA ? arO<<|i, ,!aLlr5 trl9 L-c c E aaou o r.,.r.|: orr ar4 a\6.F :t F9 . 'l' Oa:.. OL - ar- Ga a^ oo lOtr -o3c ,a4\rcrti, e?1 t 'o e.- ,. ..c-.PL!\ r(ll6.r. lko.,: a ..-c. c a-<.r .. El rro. lr.t tr€o!9i -c.. c alar->e oe. .ar!.\r.o >r tr c., o f.lc..-a e s E L ,ru -aeu - <tJLciui .r.a\ ar.r o a.at.ur|lt- r. -l ..r e .c .r.rc.l!c o \ rl|tr.r . oltr Fr q, >tcc..c6 !|l\,.ro > - '.{a ar- . -/E oo . |^ il,.,cc ^c H o cl .c..rc .c rrc: r !-a or: t -oe x .- r.rlo.r.<.<F t'rar.r{rJc-c .rrtr ta - E > la 6eat l,L-.l.c.ln{ t-cs !r, r.l lleL ! CL Cr(, ,c,., o.r L,O'(' a, t J !- CIAO .d at eO.O t !, .- L.. ! Jru ar.J, iJ o -lo lcqE c ccs ec o.5 L, - lo.o-e ..L..6oeo.J o -o -a,!..e F ., rl'r t- rr -o c- a, <r-- It,r F/:r.C' d C Cl ae.(.C - aertrLar(,., arClU aar< a arlcJ - e tc.rr-r: ir(^ - --u rac iar rt E Elo. !0rr. o.Frr rr.:.ar- .69cL'9 li< C a,l--.C.' ],.OrC ' arO ..,4afr e- - .'leraP-s 1.t.ao o (,ice 19t.' il- .r.a t-ur-cC> .(,CeC ' .r aoF tr{rre F hr9 C-. Co'aOf O a <lJCClC a, LOFEL>rOgTO- -L..t r.4 ur Or- a- ar,e f'l-a a !|OC!.J4, a, art .r>go .a r. lE trtt +t oaru G rt .a-rL.c { c aral'i-'.aca, cFtet.r c F or arr, .rGgrcs>t.- 'D... a, .. L -G, 9c -€O ot-L.ro aoG*.,o atrsa otrt €L oaatO!., , !' 9O , f--.1'.pso6-.' FF,a ,. € ear- |.lJC J O ,F Oe)(trolc i rrtrc L -\.oa, o oloo-a ra -6l F e vt rs.a! e.,.,a I tlrrD rr 9..ac!> a C4rOrO - O? .3 .a., > iaarabJ octtE-OA i-!!-c19--.L l'o|AI .a 1.f C O.. F F !" -x a- ta 9a - ttd a.l J a .o Jr!, J OL (,Gl- F JIA Fd cra caa. oa oa ao ta t .C - Ga I a 'ttt 04 ri o "E ' 'L.. oi r"' <? €d - s ., t t- ! re.'-Lo at)- ,ut.o 't a.r el;- |.cr ,ir i,E.. c' r.ac o . o'Jsor€o" Fr.ao arrE ;rarl r,> -1.,o-; o-6.oli s- '.-6., o.s o., eaaor, -o,ccg :t irJ 9 Ottc.lr-a' ocz- L!- rrJi s!r,*t-g F'r-9O a(,.'F Itr .r5..' Otr <' 'Gr- E - 9 !<t 9 toa ot-.' 9'-- a Zs a;o lorru!;a t.ra,> - 94, 4.ra, tts=h o -.. .taoour..rl.oi ct' I ii -ocl 6' aeOO a rUF a tr., et-!- E'o s ar s i-ri-',r.ooiE, rl'' .eii ErCl a L.6--l .-.-,, -; rroo o oE L att ra, \ic- !'rro ta u io 'oarc.trcf I ' tt'--a ., . r .. -EA iroo . ac.'';- - 4c I qlat .,.r o o a.f > So l.r a, -('-. l, ntCatOFCotrc J;;aJ <- a= r o o i' -a c -.odl ., F .,'o -io - L - r, c i r ,'u t !' ' c Iog ra,,> - a .,-4, LF!.r F 9 'e;a- .d o F -c lE..!t.r-r I - EEio .tr '- c a -i-7 '..--s i ? "!;;; rlo cr < r .or - -u.| \ r! ;J- ;l tr., - o ..J.!o -. -c t'' r-o olrEi o itr-o.r-a.o9 It---. ;t-;6. - . ra..t-t boEJi ;l-;-' G't trt ii ico sL Z-ri- -l- osoc- irr---_ - - ol ca Jo-r-ccg tr "-r-o- -'!Ea e-. -- --trs ti: -o-a at., i-sroaa caa. € trti igic.cCaa- - -t:lgI :i:: E.:!;:-_!:l-3 '!:. cor s\ra,a!o>,q!.ar.rt ro4 a clr{Elcc - t I aA o -o.. O-a--;a El >b"-.f - .roo= - cr - Dtaor r" ; ai rt r, -G elii.i ,r- F .!h.r-- ioco iieliriari,t- ''..t.. ero.- F-'-rr1--1!9 tstaL o - -e.,-o; !'f tr' oe-.. ..4'. i,.co.'r ie-- -io --q-o'',o'.It aa ar.e o licr,,_!- '. ,coi4c /Eo. 6r.6--cco! tb ..r.r, ....! ;;;i----' ..rr I I '.tlENDt.ENT To 'the Ircvlously Recorded DY-L tJS For The HOiIUSTiKE ^T V,\IL COlilx"ltlNIW ISSOC. By unanimous dccision of a quorur of lloard of Dlrectors pres€nt a! thelr rneeling ot liovanber 3, 1979, Section 6 of irticle VII of the By-laws for The llo"resteke at V:ril Condoniniu0 .{ssociation, lnc. ls hcreby .r,en<led to read lh.rtr"No pefinanenc residcn! of Homestake .rt v:ri L Condorniniu:rs slr;rll h.rbor ; dog or cogs on or about the property." -,::id section is t'urther .rrnendcd to rc..,(l !i.:.: t, ', ,ny oLner harboring n dog on !he pru:r iscs, or rllou!ng sr.rrc, -rh.rll be subJect til an addl- iinrI r.c-iess:irnL oi .';5C ler nonth unLi I :.,id viol,rtion j.s re:nedieil.,, t ( .€* BY.',AWS Orf I'OI\,I'ISTN I(E CONDOM IN IUM ASSOC IAT ION AIT{L.NDMENTS Sectlon I : Meeting.s of Members ' - ' ? ' at vail' colorado on the saturday of the rast weekend. vail Mountain is open for skilng of each year. or on a similar date as deslgnated by the Board of Managers ret"oa"tive to 1g?4. : . ARTICLE XtI \'. add Sectlon III . .. Notice of Sale. "' ; " :' " ' Any owner who rists his unit for sale with an agent must notify the Board of Managers of that fact and srmirai notice must be given of any privately consummated sale. _-.--...!--_ t? )o c 3l l ,r ,i s i:t,.1 :.e CONDOI{ I N IU:4 DECL.{N.IT I DT: for IfiE HOI'IESTAKE AT ti l1 A (a ConJcriniu;r) i(Ii3T ALL TIEIi BT THESE PRESi){T5: TSIL{hEC9-',S. Fi;- ;0,\ l !]0)litrl leclrr';nt-', i:; Lhe c'r/ner Oi' i in t1e J:i..i:.. oi -:-rjc,:'. 1i3 dt-.3C,'!3; !rhrOit ',;t, ' , uhi cn ^y o.l r t her'eof ; ,inl I ;.'., r, :r i',':Jiigj' r','il nf (l' :,1 'Ci 1l L i :r,.,i 1ij . .:eS Cri bed iS ,.: "j '-rl 3 iS rr :1 a'i t{l"i 8,1:;S, Declarani desires ic t1 it':-ri's.r d condoainium co;oiex under the Corldo:iri';it il r,':''sh j;: Act of the State of Cclorado; and ' l,lHER:AS, by this Declbration a plan is estab'l ished for the separaLe ot|nership of the real propert:/.estate5 and fcr suboitting the proPerti described in this Declaration to condominiuxl use; ans J ... .. 1. ...-."''ill{EP.iAS,'-'"he initlll :evelcprnent'.vil1 consist of the construction of thirty condonirrium units ln a multi- story building on the property described in ixhibit."4"; and THeREAS, subsequen i devel ocnrent wil l consist :f fhe construcIio,1 , in siageS, of 3n.d,litiona] builoirg or b'/ilcings on pr?terty aCjoi'.ing th3t prooerty icscribEd in i.<hibit "A", anC ' ',,Ji:il;.S, a t.? : oca'rior .:f the desc r i f,ed on Erh:bi ion'!o; jniun l'ap ril i be f iled sho'ring inu'l 'j i ;tory bu i Irt in; on the rea l propert/ 1"i'; and ;liP;lS, Daclara4t dces hereby estabiiih a plan for the crnersi.i2 of rell prorerty estales in fee s irnp'l e coitsisiing of Lne area 0r Space c0niajned in each of the air space-r,niiE lirC the c:-o'.rrership. by the in'jividual anc s::r!'nr-e 0'ri.9rs :hereof, a: t?nants in c:rrrcn, c'f aj l c. t::r2 re:aining :r:al p"opariy, :.rh j ch is hereinai"r.er :arined anC reierr+i '-c as the ?enaral coniion eleients; li0:;, i;l:qaF0?.;, 'oe';'tzr.:.nr. dces hereby p'rbl i:'h ir,4 4.-Ciare ':na: ;.,: foliil.rt:': 'i?r \','z t cOvenant3, cCn,lili0rii, ea !ei,en+,.s , fz3L(::"icn5, ute:, lt;;:ita:ions an{j ?bliqeiior"; shalI be Jeered io run with i-4? iar,1' shall ue a btr':ea and a b?nef 1r- ,,.) ,a:iarant. i'.i 1,r-cegsors and a;i;';rr 1, e^d an! P?rs0n acq,.riri n.J 7r c.'n: -i; an interest in 'h', real pf o??-rly :=r1 inprovl'ieni:, lr;5 !rantee51 'rt)C(. '-5ar"' heirs. execuitrs, a d rn i n i : t r a L o ' '. , izv i sees or a5siin!' I I j I I l l. (a)'unit' mean:.91. llgtl!1y:l^l:i..:?l:" :li:lo1'," ::''Unit' mean! one lndlvldual air space rnlcn ls "r--."".lliiirnli-iilt[in ttri perimeter.yrail:r-fIgof: -:,-.,i5'contalngo ulEnrn Erlt Pcr rrrrEesr ''c.' r ";;;-;;iii"gi-;t such Lnit 'in..the !utt!!19 ."!^.' 'ii'i"'iii'd"";;-;;i' irnpro,etents therein 9on!111!1:; II ;;i ;;l-i;iiuoing ahv ot the. structural componants " i?"tiii-uriiiins,:1r inv, wlthin a unit' (b)'Condominiurn unit' or 'unitr means.one individual ..-l:..: l^l -l *)di.ac + ..;;";;;;;' r^i i' ios"it'"".with-an llliIil"1. rnterest i'l' ti5'pi.i;;; ;;;t.n ele;nents, uld !ili 99n9ral and I ini ted common e i ements a ppurtenant to such uni t 1;, 1*,i--^r , c o?i a6'i,'r n tn' o" oi " S='il;'fr'$; ii lth'Firyt f$ ; ;;H;:;: ;; I i ;; t; ; i r'rt: ;; ;' .: ti 6 i eq usn t t v "' io.I,l I l;',1L:1 DEFIIIITIOfTS: {r) t2\ The land on which the building.is located ai strown,rnd described on the MaP-;' ':. Tirc foundaiions, co'lumns; girders' beans Il{ehntodeIfitn tP wrehteot hti , hs edIdnant,o (c) 'Euildinq' medn5 one'of 'the building improvementsli-''"'j."'ts' "lilpiiiiilg i-iiit-6i itre prbpertv- " '. ...;.:. ,. ,, ;',r,;.,.. ttri tanA, the buildins or buildings'' 'lir;r"nt, , ''-:.,: ..irp.'otet6nts thereon ' - and 'al I. ri thts ' a n d,r p pu r te n an ce s pii on9 i n g -1 he r6t$:.,i,";;',",.-4";,. - - ;';,.;;i (f ) '0w'':r' neans a person, firn,,corporation'...' ; -"'-jrliirr.fpartnersnlp, aisiciation or other'legal entlty, "' , ;;.:. 5;;;t io'binuiio" thereof, who,911!:l ll:-::-. r'..1 if"i"toniourinium units or an undivided lnterest lhe re i n . '. :. .,t.-, j.si:riyr:j siriYl' (g) 'Ge,,eral common elements' means and lncludes: .- ' s.,;;pcrts. ntain lral ls 'roofs, b a senren t r';;ii;',-.6.tiaJ.i, stiirs, stairwavs, yard' a n,J cray,' :Paces, bal conles and Patio decks (3)Tlte r:..:ciarli cal cu ''r'i stinl: of l:l.J'illi5 UP anY p.:|var, light' he'ling which i ns tal I ati ons of the equiPrnent and centra i services gas, hot and cold exis!. f't:t' comlnon the bulldlng materlal s such as water, and usc i .r\nv tanks, p mp9, motors, fans ' compressnrs " iritil ..,i 'i n g,:neral the apparatus.and i;;;;itaiions 6r tt'e buildins existins for common u9e; !lome"'iak'e at Vail A - Declarotion: I I F ( I f i :- I d .(s)losed air'spaces ln the rovlded for ccpntrr,itY cr buildtng', I c t ;riiion .: ..: f , -, -.1 '... (6) Ail olher parts of the builcinq and.cf thg': entire.premises necessary or convenient to : '... i is existence, tnaintefi,lnce anC ;ofety' ol"*' ;.r n:rma i Iy in c--i.:rt tJse {h) 'l-irnicer.l ccir,,:'or ci tle gei,:rai ia:hr.on fewer than ali or ':j':--: C ',/ i: i: f' I l.: r .: i '., i,l;t iris it.t5il illlf s r i t e;' /:'.. i9l u 99 ;f cord'rini;n of trY unit5. . ,, (t). .tProject Cornmon Eieraents' i:'ieo'"3 artd incir.rdes: (l ) Al I I and ln the conooi;ti rr i ut pro3:ct reserYed by the ir.irtlts 0f ^'lis leclaration or by anendnents or supplerEents hereto for.. the nonexclusive use of all of the 0wnarsof condomJnium units in the c0ndominiumproject, in conmon with al i cf the other ':". and struci.ure: I ucated onfor the nonexcl usi ve useof the o ners of unils in the condonin: .'- (j) 'Common expenses'riieans and includes: (l) A11 sums I ar'rf ul l3; ri-".;sa0 aidi.st tne_ . ' project cor,mon e'l e;.,enis and i6r- gcnerol common elements by t-he liana;-, n:r 1;eii or Board of ,\lan't;eri; (?) Expenses of adninisLreli::l a::;1 r!nroement'. mainienence, rePair oF rt^l lce-;.'lt oi the' tr'oject confnon el s;le/its f .rrj !i'e ;: ilerf,l c onrmon e I efian ts i (3) gxpenseS Ceclared cc.r..i.rn '.:'r:rst j pl"ovisions of this !eclare!iofi 4rc By-Latis; and \-ri Ex penseg .(rgreed upor'l ,ls comr..n tr^ ien s el by Ihe unit owne !'s " -j !' 'a..a '.{srociation of Uni i-'.r. 't -'4:ei..s i ColoreCo non:.'; l: siiccesS0rs and assi'-lrt s ' '-lir :hal'l govern the 'l::'-:ltr " ''; (k) i. - l- J!" i... ': i -.: Oti ..i i t-..i * 4. +.: ' t,omg 5 t. ,1 ke at- Vai'l ;i ('l ) ,l4aDt Or t Suppl e,,'rental llap' . means. and i nc'l udes t'iilt"nii n"eti hg s'"ut" of ' the real property cescribed on.n" ttiiittio axnibic "A" locating iiiil,".-ili of the-i*proue'nents constructed or i"-it-ionttruc:cd bY D' cl arar't' proiect ' Lhe -the ouners ot rnenbers of wh i ch the condor:rl ni urn o l an; or .jesi?nation sha'l I be al l of units. of each uniti :. CC', 1::li:i :J:i :lAl ' Tnc lta; siral '.nj'! bs ttl:i icr^r'ec:nci 'rrtil the bui'l ding h3s Deen s,jbst0:1!ruiiv-ccnoieteo_l-:.".c.r to per'nit the 'i;;";;;; ictn rrorillli:ili.lti i::il::li:;.;;,;:; ::iil;' :y",1,::?l :l':;i'illl l;'!r-!l:l:: r i; iti ;'r:.i:l:;,'3ny'firs'r crnveyance oF'"t ii"ilnini'un "nii'-Sutirrant shall' cause to be fiI"o iit't;;;;;; Hu?:-"nd such ltap mrv be filed in .oa!'ts o" iI.tiini, tton.ti1l;''o-tima' as the unlts i;;;-,e en- s uustet'i:i il";lllltiii;,ii !X i:i!. ii;l i:i:lllifu :"!;;;i:llri}i,i'il'ili":;l':l:"1:;Lil:'luio!il"n""of sucn ru2o,"t*nt''iiri-be shbwn tnt"ton' The Hap shall ilpi"i-.irl show rt least tha fol [0w1ng: (1i The legal description of the surface of the real ProPertY; . .zrOr .-q.*.-;, '.'. ': '. ' lsurements an<t l ocation ' wi th(b) The linear.me. L^ ^_rari..,. hnrrnrraiiei'ot thl:?"1:l::' t'l=lii' !'ii; ;i " !, l: :l 9 : I i I I "" L lh irefererce Ls r'||(: -"i;;'i"itaing(s) and all otherreal propertY: 9i-t ^^ .,^ --rr nrnneFtv:.eii- ProPerty: 9l the bui ldr ng Is ' d iiprovenents Dur rt-on the real Property; Jr I 'l-ne b';i lding nane or Cesi gnat icn; (d) The flo:r ie ) The nuirber if ) The i inear d inensi ons of elch unit: , t,he exrstin-l- shal l be conr-: ihe e'l evaLion pians oi tne builiinS; Tne alerations of . ine unf inis'l:1 interrcr ,'iiririt of :^e flocrs and-ceilings as ;;;.;iisnec irrr a daium.plal:' 119^:t'ii;;;; irq25;r',-ints showin?. th: il]::"ott ot"i"u per;-*t'9' vialls of the bul ir:1ni' ,: i ve ,-,1 I :or,rCaries i7 Prr,",'trieO!r'i nterprerini': ''z !'"'1 ol ezr-', ,nit as con'irrL:' -.'r lo :e .. '.i bsundart e'. ' 110i33!a r.? ?'r' lail A - -ei"arar-ion: tr ,,i). The't 5. LEGAT DTSCRIPTIO}i: ' ' ,':' Declarant reser-ves the right to amend the'ttap.''from time to time, to conforn same to the actual physical' locatlon.of ihe constructed lmprovenents and to establlsh' vacate and relocate .easements,l access''road easenents and Map fully and accurately depicts the layout, measurements ani location of all the inrprovements on the land; the buildlng name or deslgnation; the apartment' office and store unit designatlons, the dfmensions of such unlts and-,'-: the elevaLtons 6f the uirlni.shed floors and ceilings..,r,;;j",.'. of f -s i te areag. ., Prior to the first conveyance of a condominium unit, there shall be filed for record as a'part of the Hap a certl ficate of a registered archltect or licensed professional engineir ccrtl fying that the. improvements as ' constructed conform substantially to the l'lap; that the ..-..-.. .{ur... ..y+.!1..-.rr... .. ...i( properti Ii- hereby divlded into the fee:btiitil'e-it;';i:::i' ";* is iet iorth in t-he attached Exhlblt "B''lrhi3; =" i''.-'+ )'' ''!gsEaEe5 d5 5ec.tgrEn l]f E]lc 6LLcLrrtl by thls reference 'ls nade a part hereof , each suc|t:estate.-",.1,..1-{. conslsting of one unlt together ui th an appurtenan!:.i;1 . ',1.,.,';:,"' '\.' conslsting of one unlt t0gether ui th an appurtenan9.l; .' il ..;l:.:,':.' ... ,t, ' undivided fractllonal interest in and to the general' '::-i.-;:-r' - ':r:: :j . COmmOn elernentS. , -:..n.,F- tr:" .. *'+-.;..- . 1 ::.''.-:';..:''..-.';.-.---:^^'..:.^..'..:.]'-:]-:.. , .,*.i**;, ; .- 4., ,!IltlIEq |.9$l.ofl: !!F.l,.FllT$t'.. ;,;..::;+:^:':'*.'l'..n . . ,t.'' A portion of .the general:common-elernents 'is'.set:a-lf dc;. '"-' ''.-,J and reserved f or the use of ' the orrners of the respecti v€ ., ,.11..,* ;-l condominium units,-and such-areas shall be known and:'.' itjr''r'l}1,:i. 'l.-:'ireferred to as the 'l irrnited common elenents'. The linited,' ' ' ,'1 c mon elements so alIocated and reserved are'descrlbed-;',., j..', ;' l*located cr'shown on the floor plans of the Hap and by legend symbol or words, and the sanre are further descrlbed as is set forth on the attached Exhibit "C", which by this reference is made a part hereof Every contract for the sale of a condomlnlr,"'in11:t--:,..' wr r tten -prior bo the f tl ing for record oi the lildp nay::':' '' ':1c,,.i11y tlescribe a condorninium unit by its identify!ng unit number fo'l lowed by the words, UTHE HOHESTAKE AT. VAII- n", witii further reference to the l'lap thereof to be'flled for :co'd and the Declaration tc be recorded. Prior to 'thc iil ing of i.he itlap, reference in rny contract-fof t!e ' r,,.rrcl:.,sr 5f a condominium unit shall be to the floor plan." of s.r i d un i I together wi th an i dent'i fyi n9 number and to :': irchl cecturrl renderings if available, oi to both, which:'- plans or'renderings shill be deterrninative as fixing the. osliqetions of the parties under the contract only.insofar as they locate the subject unit in the buildiig and es0.rblish its dirncnsions, floor plan and chief architectural features- Subsequent flortgage, trust to the fliing of the MaP, everY deed' deed or other Instrument nray legally - ::rj llcnestdke at Vall A - Declaratlon: t I ease, ,l a vb ngl fi j; e I eiic rl ls co:nrncn el 6.iiiSEPERABILITY: NOT IC E TO ASSESSOR: Each aPartment and the co,nnon el einents aPPurtenant i"l-tiv-De con'/eYed' leased condominium unlt. The qenerar connon -'l:'l':'!:.:h:]l li"?inll'lln'o"*on uy u{ l" o?'t;!" ;,.;il:- ::- :l:' l; i :? ^:"l"inlll t ii'?ll :1.? I I o :1, " I i o " l'J" i,i r ; i, ; t i li " : : I :1,' :1,"ffi :' :i"::lundlYloeo' ans r;u il.-if -l-n"'generil cbmnon e'leoents.partition ol qiY]tl"--^i^ .hrrr r,o conii"uli is " tt"lnill ; :;':":i.i I :l' ;: ir! i : li' i' li "iiriiil:i":i;;;ii*i;:"' ^ 9.NOIIPARTIOIIABILITY: a purpo se other unier the terms ot supp'l ements heretJ 'oie'l y for the PurPosr Nothrng conEd'l="':;i;;;r-;;'a lonOominiun unit betyeenof t.he ritht o? Da-r -. ^! ^1*+r+i".n.'iiall not'aff;c:0f the rl9nr o' ui''ui."rrir' ptiiition shall not'affec--the oxners thereor: - - -i"i iin.. condcn i n i urn un t t 10. 0iil{tRsHIP F'il0 usE: tach onner shall be entitled to exc't usive orner sh i ; ..0 5i!i.!:l:i ;?';i:,lliii""i:il";ll:;.1::"::: lli ;i,.i"and pcssesslon_o:-t"r ur" r' --:". -,.,e pur-poses for ."hi:i .o**on eiernents in accordan::-:1:i-:tAF o,,.FnAchino u30n:ofimon eielnenls rrr <.i\'!v' or et,cfodching upon;i;;:;.i' !;;e;9e9' ^:' :l:.;,llll':ll::, .iii!'ri'*iti'iights of the other owners II, USE RESTR Unl ess the than residentithis Declaroti each unit shal ICTIOH: ri ght Io use. a'l i s exPr':ss; on' or i; anr'r I be used sn'l d u0-il f0r y f':Se f l'ed C..i3 nt 5 ol' cc:uP ie.i s iilrltst,;:ke at Vaii ' - lr.:claratio't: 7 , , ii-.,'- ' ,,'.*.1.i- .Suls.quent to the completion of the.improvement1..,.,. .l,;i;}]'*.,':' -, -::desqribed on the llap' no Iabor performgd. or materlals - " ,:1.--,,:l'diI-:'-.: '' _ '-,,4;;;i;hid and.l incori6rated in a-unit wlth the consent ......;;3.;_-; ,'.,.."' '... ; . .. nr-rr''+h. renrreet oi tha.orner thereof or his agent or I" -5r'- - ;1,31 ,..' .- ,or:iltlthe request oi.the orner thereof or his.agent_or l'";..T1;**s';;' '".-..' ...,-,,-' .rris-ioniracidr"or subcontractor shal I be the uolLl_Iol--''":.jll; ..l1'- [-;;.".g,1i::ji . .-,.'f i]ing of 'a lierv.'against the-unit of any other o1aner noti:; ;l,ii;i*e;':ii[ti;i;i*li;:ii:i'i;';i:;-:in:;':I;;:;i::]T,Y;#'-*si$i[At';;nelif iorambii ElEnents orned by such other orners..'- .."i.,r*.-.-']j"l-'..,, Eachlorner. shall:., indennlfy and hold harmless each oF-:t!9 - .'.,-"-"i'-;. ' = oi[i"-oiners-iroir ana against all llabflltv aristng"!ro1-:.:i']i*: ''' r '''' ifr"=.1;i;';; ;;;:i;;. ;;;i;;i ihe unit of inv othei'orne" ":':: 'rj .: n , i orlagalnst the -general 'iommon, el ementS for constructlOn ', .. : ..':'- f -..i^..i.;. t,i=l ;il;;.so tong at lt stands, shall and. does exist- For' ' I -'.,,:*3:'',,,jcl;;i;.iiiiir,,or other prrpor"tlli,]"t inc.oachment(s) and."ease-';.-.," [,',:"+;.''ilft+.ff'.-i';i;iJit'striii nbl be consldered or determingd to-!e_- ,i^,'. i"-;'""tt-lr,,l+':li:;j-",+rl:'\.j.1' i:: " " . ti-r.; - t!tt:'- -- - Psr t l,r bioducts incorporated in'the owner's unit at such oxner'5 .. -', regu es t . I4 , HAIIAG Efl E}IT 3 The adainistration of be qoverned bY the BY-Laws c0:i00lrIttIU!{ ASS0CIATI0N' a hereinafter referred to as ' . ' . - ;.r,;';;:ll;.tl!'it'.'ii'io" tt,e maintenance or same r so -r.. ,....h.. .lonq as-.it stand->, shal I and does exi st. If any portlon '. " " of i unit or units encroaches upon the general common . ': ''-::-;- . ",.nenls or upon an adjoining unit^9t 'llts' a valid !.: ' ..:ris€B€'t for Lhe enCrOichnent and the maintenanCe of l-.^11'a::t::-'r'.:,..r , iine so lons as: lt stands, shall and does.exist. For'. An onner of a unit sha] I becrre a nenber of the Association ugon convei/ance to su:h owner of a unit' and t - ;h;ii renain i nenirer ?or the perr'd of his ounership' .' i;;i;E;h; period of developmel! or the buildins ?1o' ioit".i.niing ot .lnits' and until every-unit is sold or ;;;i;1iy-o.iupiei b, i lessee, or until November 1' 1973' rhichever occr.s-so6ner, the designation and election of in"-ioarc or r;a,Jlis oi the Assoiiation nay be exerc ised by Seclarant at 9eclarant's optlon'' :he Associati'cn shal I have one class of membershi p ' Only nenbi"s srraii ue entitled-to vote ln AssociaLion elections' anc lny t"tUe" shall be entitled to vDte the peii"tiig. ot iltl'total vote equal to such mernber's If rny portion of the general common elements encroochei upon a rtnit or units' a valid easerDent for Hone'take at Vall A - 0eclarallon: 7 ' thl s condomini urn progerty sha'l I of THE H0I'iESTAKE AT VAIL A Colorado nonProfit corPoration' the "Association". : .a. '',: l _ .-.:,,'.-. ,.-. ." ,:{?;+.i,-* . - :. :-- : "-,..fr.qi;;.q,r.- . .;..=" '.. Percentase: l.nterest in the'een::"1 :i9.i:1 ur *lJ';r' Lli,,iitr,',i'' ;;lt'rJ. ',:,..i'";1r1"-'.l ..', ,' I "ll:;11J- ls. TRANSFERABILITY: ^' .',, .,,-';111:1.'1i"1.a1+r..:;..:.ljii Except as otherwi se expresSl y stated herel n;.''':any1'''t:-..-..'.':.. o|':?i- of the riehts, interests lf: :tiiliii:ll":+;lH;l:l$11:t1ll: "fil3l.t?i.llnilii;t i";;' ;;;;";;; n"rebi srav'be.transrer'1ed-. ;1;'*-.::,,.-lo or ijsignad to anv other pensoir or ent{ty-,i.tt9Il1fd'il'..,,'--,1-*r,*},:fi *r : ; i: .l:' L li. : : :1 " :' :?' : ;; : i ri; iiiltt ii. lii r; H!.li ;ifJ;d "', ;::''-:"'-;--:":.'rif1j:lt6. AssoctATlotl RESPoiirtdILtTYt ' .- ;: - .,j*:,'.;1,:i*ffir.,j1' , ' .'1''l' r; _ -i;'-d; ;t-- {:i--Li i'xl;*tk; ,-The'Associattonshallbeiespon'tul"ro"the.lxclgslys;".:::l; . .: - - :.- *.^'aomcnt..end contro I oY 'the generat 'lcomrnon ii;dli;,,llt-:;tiiitilrne AssoGr6r, 1v||,:.-';.iIe'siherallcomrnon elementS-:and';-::.:]i;.Fr,,- 'i, ;.;,,;:ii:?;ffitl.fill.!"tiili:ilitlill;ii:ri-ili:;iiiti:#,:i;',i.-'.:i,, 's; ; ; rurflir!,iTiiilllnitlliiqilil]:ii:irilr';li*ii i-. , .";.:l',, ,gggg- bleani.arcracE,yoen",J"tuii:'6"-,iijpi;st[re.toi-;!hg*i.i6{J,.r"T.ri:} ',**i*iil*iililliirr;l,lili:ililll;fil,*f''i;iiiliiiil### :;],il;.:t:,^;;f,:1";:;!,;' ,iil'"".ini"ii"r,i or ttr!.+ 0eef afl.!iol!'r,r :i"*, fir*',::l"l lill:'If, :,,:li.:il::l'3'll"ll'.il-iri!lilii::rb*:',' " ; :j:: :::: :: :l:X:.1 :ilTllli iii?,1 "31;!llTni:rilr;;;!iilii -ilajlY*1';.1; H;3Hii'ilJ'f, li;;;:it.[ry3.n{tl.iiol""Y].0#-':--r-:i;'jr"ri'!i #,"'";: r f;.d$ *i,+ift; ", **'' . i;$:,:-$r,.{; _; -, . r ..f-:;.;|:..r,r:1: ;l} ' .;"-..,-li-:fi;;i;;l;i"':il{. ;ittil of 'roofs '" the"nar ntenanse crqj\: i '';'{:" : ; i : *t;:{it " iilti: l giiliili* :ii:;i+lliiliiliil":iiilffillir:lii* :_::,. ;liklr**ll:iihli'iifilainirlif r*t4d:lkffi . 17. ASsocrATIoN T0 oBTAIN sERvICEsr , ---|;;ffi;i it {!: ", .lI"oti":;i::':".Tii.i!:;il"lli:i:i:i?l;li:;ii$I.I.iiilffidvisabler'!35.-"x-€.1 l'r-.'r :t iion shalt jdeternlne .' l'ir-*lrrroE: tllln ot, ;; .'.-.:i i il"l"'tr'EiL;i; ;" the eitent^'it deems advlsaD'"t:;1i"'Iiiiih" "t'i'is such otnel iI"i""t"i o:'!h: Assoclation shrl'l to be necessarv or desi.lt,:^i:i-ili il:*l,ii:;:ll;l;-ll"-: ,:ji.'il t f, "' ; ": ; ::i ii'il n ! i nl ;' ; l,, ; ;' e - | : ; I ; : i I r e 1 t' r n i s hed'ioc"i''if '#*j'i empl byed .di rectlv^ii'" r"o'i a ri on orrb: t+il"0i:;3ltlii"";':;- 1' i:lt :i.:li;.:1"1.;',ll'!!'li-iiiliii:;;'rng-';i'i"es1' " :1'::' r netessary or desrralie in-connection-iiirt ir'e gPeratioi.-1i;ii''r "." li. t r, li rlirli' ;i]:i.i i'ii::i i: i' i: :ll i':" :lrili i!l;r;:i ":"-- a renta, asenr "",iqlrii-.i:li:g't.ii:!i:i ili,}:i'ltfl."r'1.""'a r-ts'Lqr qvE.' on-a pooled basis, or on_sucn uuri::; B:,! :'::'ll:T':lll:'?ln"tli i =l::;l :rif t:i :l:;"?":;:iio'however'thatttreserviceiorsuctragentoragencysnal'lnot be "bligatorv upol'iiiitio'ii"unit owners' The ' ' 'l'' Associai ion nay ""ung"';iih oittttt to 'furnlsh lighttng' ' ' hea ti ne water ' t"u'n'loii!'Jtii'il l:::l ::':l':; :!9t?::3"''":::llllt ."lii::; ;;";'J.i-;;iir -tl:.:ost or such servrc"''-ri"':: shalI r,e borne.as triieinatter provided-' '' -;li '4uF!:' *Xili: Homestake at Vail A - Declaration: .::.,4'! .:1.',-.*: i6lni;iiiel'iia :.i-lre'. uenefi c l al; l.nte res t' ! ry lny 9 u9h proqgrtv-i . -:r# "ii;, jbit, '- ' :';.'rfj-:,:iii;f$frryf{---', .' *t .+;' ri$::;;.;',qffii:E-i-:.ry":F1ry4ff{ 'i:j":':::..-al&,-,."1ss0cl^rIot| r0 AcQulRE:'PERsoxAfFRoPERTY:''T4?''.'4ili;u.,i'-+ti'"*- 'i;,5:;;i;j.F.!j:::ii#:l :- _ lI.-ii-,d;-::i--'=];'1q.;.:';.':.,*'ilr+.r+,;S;1J.:':il,.-iXi .. -.',-'t':|j.:'-*l: riiilsi'oCi"tionrtna- ""0;'i:lif.aic. troic';torlthe;iisalan'ar 'ii:i -:+J;-l',;.-.fr.'r.j.*;l:.rii#sibdi'ation:-iaf""qd'l;';;.iiciitc';ror':.the;iisaleF&r.r,:'rj''"-11{'{}}1r,,,i+$*:giipiiiii;it;iti,*l;ii;l:iiil:.*';lt:rri-il#r;:i+.,i iic '",.-li',,-.;:";.'b9n9ry-fsei..ii*.1,9,-beleflclal !.!!erest'lt.l1v.:l9l_lloqerfv.-;iiii:C,-_"**ig oengrrcral :InEGFgSL IIr srrJ )uvrr yI rrr-!;..rJ':-: -..i'i-:.r!.'-'.j b"'betowned ly:the otrnerst.ln.r the saile " " :Y'!i'i:':-'"*' a-:' i'i i" J plii r ;!1is !1i e; ii: i iisii - g:X ::1 il.:,,#i' l' - --:j ':,,t"' r OEnefXtSei anO'.Eng Oene'f lCI{r! llll,Gt;E) t rrf errJ JUwrr vr vr-Y'.-r '.-.:. .i'..-:{ ' "'.i" ' .::l..t{ffishaJ.l.-be,ie'gilit'ttb"'be'owned by:the otrners,.ln.' the saile '.q .::";:r:.'.1';".,:1, ;Y:€*proportlod- as.-thcJr'respectlve,'inle19s!1li!-'rl!-9911111;-;*"*#: : ,:'''fit: I;il;;';i;"ints.. ':.such .intereri'irtir i*not ue rraisferralr'cii$;'".*.,' t;T'-;i;;;i,.;iah^-.ttri'-trans'fer of'-a Uonaopinlun-snl t.-;':A transfer 'a; '"-v.-'{:"'"=-"dsf-a'condorninlu-ro-unlt shall transfcr. to-the transferee. -. "':-:..1r';.:"-ir.'-"r'tuf,a condominiun unlt,shall ^tranttcl. 9o:lne rransrerq:. --. .-t;i,+?s:"_ti.:-i .. ..oxnershlo of . tha transferor's beneficlaf"iDterest ln suc-h " . ii.ir|,;-:-I 1 ^-^ i-.^-^r^ ?ra |'*rrc€ap. ^f .. '.'1 :.+ i..JIi*'t./ ir..:'r., ill ; : ;li',i i nilli ;;;";l;;; ;' ;":i;; i;;;: :, i;;- ;;i ;: i;':: :i - -' r :r:rr;f*!.11i ' *''ti tl e tb . coniintitii ur , uni t-under forecl osure shal l' enti tl a+"'';-'+,,,'g;pii irr.' prr.ltis". io the I nterest i n such persooa.l -property , -l',.. 1,.-'+t'H;;;' assotiated ri th f oreclosed condonlniusl u'tit. ' The.proYisionsil.i:"::l"rrJ;i,aSSociated .ri th foreclosed COndofilnl uEl 'l.r'lll. - Ing',Provr5Ion5!..:.i1,":,',arJ.i.' of this paragrapn shall app'l y only to personal-pt'operty. '' "1--:i,i*{*: acquired'.and-heid by the As:ociatlon,.and sha.ll.not.apPlY - ,,,i';=.i-€::19'personar.riiipl"ti ;;;"1;;a-;;J treia uv indivldual ir1i1-'':;';-r . gx4irf , or-rhich are appurtela4!.to or an Integral .P.arl 9f. -Jiir..i:''. .0llnersr or:.Inlcn'are apPurEena{L .Lu .sr- 6rf I. .',r rqdrvidull ,"...gidir!.1.r-u+_r.lt:::;5,:.1-, :':- +., j: ;';.1,..3i-:6,'!p...,, ,,.4lso"qrlAJI,gI",,i9,,.l:l.S..;l!".S,..1I1;tiGYllltotti " -,io;;a+:li;;;Tlirii;$l:li?;?:fi:il3;l3?:tf,liti'il'iie"3! .n" ' ;-,,,;-,'-,"jr,:ffi ' - i $-';: ;lr i li:ixi t: : l :ri ili; irlloli lil*: :;lo oli f ! l" l l t l ii i, nlo":,; :, :-'s#*' ''-"I:-ry".[:;liili;i:IffiIi''lii"ililiiri'tiiilli;[i;ia;i='irutiis-isiiut t shed .;.'. i': " -"-:{ ..1,;_'l:*$:rr}-,';1'niilriF..,0eilrratton;""trdTheli.l!:9,$,I1,!.1.?1,!1tl:::!:11_.:nI..*,:,--..,{'':..,,:*,-.'t.i!;,^1"- . . I '.:rt;:/.iY"t'ni.this.0eblrratlon;rq111s1;Assoc.-latl.on nly.-.susPeno .any..:^r:.-r.,r*l,lj,:--,ili ''. - ,oxr--*ffi1:li[i,rffi:l?"[liltnil{Xi:fl::lll",i*l;1"rine;anv' i: .'' :'j;;'; " ]"'r'-'; 1*.)i*fitffid&xf th: sucs,..rrel e'sriend*,r-eeurattonff;'gr-{th. tfii'iirilr-3oletv":Y]"lfr;{'t- ,,'.::'.-;;ii6iisiiions_;of..such..owier undcn:this-'Oeclarrtlorf:.'.':T1t.; . -,;ii.-. ' "'-'rii1;,,ii;;f;'ff:::it:igffiili*rii::,ltililll":r'Hi;::';.:;i;:t{"- ',c:r r,,,.., ; i.;;$gi,s.*r;!i;:iiii:*Eiyll;r:;!ili,':!i';i:l"i;"rt:l:;li?:;""Tir '-;* *- -.?. '','Ol'..Otnef. ODtlgaErOns..rJr Lt'l veLqrlr ..q.rs-:rs). rt r- 'l:_t':Y:lt"' '-".-- t ', ' - ...:.i{i..:i,fi;sg.!r.|r;.1tI!i?'xfeqrt-pgr1n.l!!"c.|r.'1'.ar....:|*..='.:....' ' . '1'..-rli*-.""1 '- :'j'. '.'"i'i;'-":= -. .'.1":.. 't*i 7":+-' ' : :' .t:*iui', IIll'r9:tll! ". Itl -:l:::i ::-ill;?:li : " T: 3l l, :: ke'i;islt;'a u.I.'e ru t e r' a n d ::''r'- -- "- ;'i-r: --. -:il:-':-'i, - ''illi*:i,:l4.ili!l'i'tllE*l.Ir:!ti'lllll:-::l::;':g :;- ':il..'li i.',:i',il:: ...-.,itg.,3'o"l"iiiqe.-qiv";r:to' it.ixpressly.by-this Declaration on,: '..-:1. ---.',{"'.:.-"6;:i;r::;ni iiiri. trgre"_ lisht -or lrrivileee reasonably to 'i'{ .- '-rgl3::-,.jb;'i;;iiiattion ihe exts.teniejof lny rlght or privilege . -,. ; ;:,.i .." -:,"rrj+..qiven'to,_,i?)hereln"or.reasonably necessarl, io effectuate''':Si#f i,i1.ifeili;'+ifrif;:;'l:: --":-" : ,tlii t' ,,; 1r. , . orcrOU1f f OX..f Op..ACCESS:_.: .,....:: .,.i,-.-i"'*, .:;. : i. 'i r-, .: 'l' '..{,;i - ,(r r.- : rlE.lE6r!!t:.:v!::.-v':.:"",-:-:.-Y.,'.,:. :j: ...t:'i1 .- . .. - .. . , ,:: ilrl,,r,.-r,,',.lii;iiil;";; !i,;rr: r,o"llirta"ii"evoiiur"lris.ht''"tq be - '" ' .' 'l';''-,,'*-.,i.*i';[;;:;;j;r'J'ili".ii"g:;iii''i.io".goaraofiani9ersof.".:.'.j;;;',liIi"tiii.6iilito.:tri"e-jciess.to.eachunitfromtine io 'tjne:Ourtng:;iasonable::h-ours. as rnay be necess-ary for ' "": 'i ' rr^ -,r,rianrnia ranrin:np -i.eol aeemeni'of anv of the ' . -: i ..*,i ,ii:,,.lnesiitrr1on,roq.qclg:.-t rr:..:'i;.;:: :.,.':.: ..,., . . . ,;.'1 '. 9t e. r ItJ r -eiY"'--'-.,-:-:-...the'oalntenanie.repair'oi}ep1acement,ofanyofthe';t;;;r;;';i;;;;ii'ittt.i'ei n or.':actessi bl e theref 'lo!: 9I- Io" : ' ' , making ernergency.repal:rs-' !ttef9i,l' necessary to preYent r--,aa +ar..+ha. .roncrel rrn,.:l imited connon elefrentS ot:., t,4il;;a ,t"a;" 9in"t11 sr;.;l imited conoon .elenents or: to ."'- ' -..; ...".1,'..'.Danase to ttie l'i nterl or or anv part of ! 11!:.-":^:1i:" ':, ,.... resultln6 fron the malntenance'. repalr, emergency reParr. ^a *!-^ ^ --a*r'l .^rdii.r|i e'l oarrnlC a!F ..;i a-l'eiuit of energlncy 'rirs withiD anoth r unit 3s thelnstanceofthe-Assotionshallbeaccllonexpense'.' ); -,,n';i.aii-;iyinr.'orniisi-,pr. ed, horever; -tha: f such ': ,::"+r,:i: iinlii:,ii;iiii:;rtturt;;i't neel leence or a u t '?xner' rrucu||oyE; r.v e..s; +rl.,:-another.unl!'.or"un.|ts'..''.''. Home s takc at Yat I F - Declat i on:9. u" ruultllii"rii-ii:-il:i":; itrl conoition in which thev l.; o , Iiiiili-Prior tb ttre damase' r';r:1' l' ", z?.-' oiltlER's l'lAINTiltANcE REsPo!{sIBILITY:''."'" : j : .2e.-' oLllER's I'IAINIt't'A't'r' ''' ':': l ' For purposet ot m111i3nli'i:^Illul:','ilti[:tllt"'"?:For purposei "1""'ir,iii"ie-i""reit to own the interior ;:Hxilll?i.i".:il:: iiil''.i!"iii;,tsuci' as but not iiiliis":i' ;:lii;li.?; li ru,til,iilii.?:!:' ll?',':i' 1 lllil i'n i::,ii*ltj {:l llli li':;":x;'ll:l:^;i;;!;'t;:l'll "li'i;i.';;;; doors^ind'llltll:l,lli,i!"ii";lil"!!lrlir.. deened Eo olrn the .ul'r I I t 'cl ^::.'i"::: ;; ;;;; i.ther uni ts xh i ch a re uti rizea-ior -il-::"::,lni"l'^TR:: ::l:l':n'lu"n ':;'.',f i." t ';:,' iiirr";i;i;;;;t-otttti' tvpes or kinds or trnlsnrns mdEs|J:'':' ' , --,;+:1t. ,:'-:. . .,.-, ' " . -.-E aNn at TFRATIOII: : ' i .1-',.',-{l ;.r ''' 23-,iorrgnis'ullilrEilAltcE AND ALTERATION: " - ''' i -.i '.. ;1;11.','':,1' "' 1i,.'An,,.orn.. ;fr.f i naintaln and-keep_ln repair the 'lnterlbr ' r. i..i::;"..-:l.i..o'r."lt,'olnunlt'.incruiini.'tt'!flxturesti5i"i,r.-.-ait-'-. '.,':-...:',;'i.i.'" -;.\.ftrtures and- equrgr"nt-i!!tiiieA !it!ll^lht unit comnenclng : ,,,,.;-.-,.^-.r:.--:.;*:.at a.point where..the_utiiiii'iin"s., pl?:r, wrres' condurts.':' .'. . *"..+..1* i;-, or :'!!iii=!:li;r-::: ir;iit.':i.li;;:'ff["[:{;:[::nlo' . :;;;:,- " t{hich afe utl lrzeq ruI ,;;r;;'riti'lrt" other owners- Such.i.,-, .: il!il'.l"iiillil:_llol;;';-;,ii1 qn9.'."'ollr-liiitt carrv. 'i.'] .: :r:";:iitlii;llt:;!itl;i":;;";iiii:'l? Ti;;!lil; ;:t:;il"' *"..+..1* i.s--,t orsystens (enrcn ror Y:nE'iiit'li.ii'U" malntained "11 ' ;1;;,..1 ..,-,- -,,,,.-****..:.,;i:;iotl'"*;:i;tpi:F: ili:i.i*;i:;i""i:"li;:il!l:hi:r,o*,,. . *;', .-...-ilrpq#'ii:'"'"cJ'iriillii"ii''6J l"l:;:ll;i^ft ':I lllln"ll"l -l.lll1'.:;'I. : 1'r:-.'*''":i:'fi*iill;;?"i";li!lll]'rl!-iH'::!!'il:":;:";"ii'iii'' i perm'it no'uiie""tion 91.131"iliiriis"'r'iir' is'i violation of lar, ordlnance or.publrt-i"s'iili on' or'which is : contrary|;,;;;';";visionsotitrisDeclaration. ^ '..rrr?. irtn OfQTOlCTfnNS: 24: GEIIERAL COI{!,IO}I ELE'.{ENTS. RIGHTS AND RESTRICTIONS: I n",.a'*dr#"li;nt:renodelllfl9-''snclt ": -"ii'i[e-unii, oi rhich is 1---:".,.'+- jF'.+: '-', ", ,,,i'- ,; rllr?llti!;"il3il;li'il":*lilit.l::iilli:i:*iilill:l',;, i- ''''. .''i.-!: -'.-".;:.,.: partttionsr ot,!Il!l-':_'':";;;;:;;"";;;.;eniry rn place '.- . ' , -, -,'r' :, ilf ii;l,oli:il:ii:lldi'illi iT:";' l:i"ili":ti:' l*liill* i .'r'i:'11 ' .. ,-:.' 'r'1.;-'''. Each orner t!lll-hil" the right to ingress and egress ' ,.:7'; " or"t,'ipoi'-ina "c'oss^tni g"n"rai conmon'elements: l:H;;ii;*i":i:!i:+l,illllii'i;l ;l:lldtl,::1,;iin"to horizontal.ans r6t'E'o' Je',rY! nO-pait with the title " ' .;;';;;'iIatt be appurtenant t0 ano pa55 ullLIl 9||9 9 lo'"iIrt-londont ni um uni t' ' The Association shall-ll:t to rnake tr"[-ui" of the.ggneIal be necetsarY or ao?roPrJlle !o- functions 'itilrt ir' is obligated pr;;;;;i to ttris Declaratlon' a ronexcl us ive easement .-ommon elenents as InaY oiitot. the duties and'or permitted to Perforn An crner shall do no act-nor any tn" !i.utlJrai soundness or .i ntegri iy ;;;.;;' iii-""senenr or deredi tament ' 25. .. OljttER5 T0 c0I'IPLY: Eachownershallcomplystrictlywiththeprovisions llonestak? at YaiI A - Ceclaratlon: 10' work that wi I I imPal r cf the butlding o" tl .,,..,'- ;;i;:j-,;f:-,. -: :-1,:;,:d!Jor .ii! o."i""iifin'' .the'"s. . . -.r. ---..r...1ar. ,rf lhe .Ac<ncla J of tii! O. " f " ra i ion,'the'"By-1 1t"' a nd-'t he 1d ec i s I ons;"m{,+;*T$ " " il ni "ir iii' "i'il!::i::9it li t 91.: 1:t':1"1' li *":;tli;:::,,51,' , i . !!,."{i! ''|il:. ilt :fi E;;;i ii ' iine no ib.' toin. tr me. to itl ne-' .lfr?' , -.,._:;j;Fanur" to."iiii;:uiih.ili gi.iF ::I..:l'll^l?.!l?l',1i,.,r':,ii;. ; ;;':1f f I l l l!. lliii'$I;: ill;;;:i';;';;; i ne rop oana gei .or'i':#.'1f; :.,*;iiitonitiri;"iir.ilii;o'i;,ioit'-i|itniitnable bv:'the*Hanrstns"'rii':"q r .f A s e n t : o r so a i Ji ; i.- lt l. ilil i, i 1' " i 1 ; l i 11 .g l . : l' $' : : 1 t.-t], o,:i,{*i , i: pi:i pi";"a Ie_, .1y,.,|1 i1,;i;;i;;.:#i , ;:iiii;ieili,!;"iir:,-liiljl : i':;i : - lirl':,'*f;;.iiu;ffiiffi' "-.j$,r,,_AilEltDl{EllT: ll,. . .., .; "-t ...-;:.,, - ,-,'.;.,, 1i1-io..#;.'J}*:1'a1r[uEb|l|,.'.;'.j:j'''i:.1;r':].,.",1.'|-L}i].]' ;.:'"' - - p '1., t, otherwise :provided tn thii Degriritigrf,' " t:i'-Sf}{ .thls 0eclaration ifiii r not be .revoked noL:l:11"?1I :l-'..^', :1,;';'itl:"5: l li:; 1"il";:i j, r u'J"i'!io!;' ;;i;';-ii 4ilv- ri vi pe rce nt ;'= :.: ::; o r mo re, . of-:'the "tii'"t - i"iiii" nil " s - 11 -l !9l"tll"^:"li:tli P,.*'4';fr ' '!it:l!!; il', iiil ill'i'ir' i5i'iin "t iients 'ina llI-?l-t!:;r;."'it5,;t- holders,or oii-"Ei;;;;; il"t9aee or deed-of trust:coverrns 'r:--'+" . . .-,...,iF.rff.af t""::"";-;;';ii,;;;i6;inrri":units unanlnouslr j,*;.1;fj;;;;i- " Ji'oF..-arrecElns anJr.er "rr l'""-ili.liii"l6n-iminancnt ry,1lr;;,f.".1:ffi' , i''.:corisent and agree: to r Such ' rer 1, ;,..-i ns trunentisj:l;i'yi;:;;;;"e;;;'o"i oiur.tr911vlI::llfl:ll3^Si','.."i"r:':.'.consent and a9ree Eo'; 5usn 'r:tvur'c!r9r' v'1 ---"-:l_itrlf;,tif.,dr:,., .:'.:i ; . diilii:lli;l;iilriiiltil:illliiii:i#lilqtiiriiiitlrrru,;.l;#i:iirlIii ri: iiilil:iii;ii :UIiiiiiiinlIi'iIiiiiiil$ils#fu', 1,":. i Hit'i""t: ;!: ;'iiiiil liiiii'at -ih d: c6 n s ent' ot :'h u'i'srtt!e; i.t-;l,iil*inltl:u:lll;:Uiil,ii'i"lr:l,li;1d#j;$i'j,,i,i?'ffi- r ., ..r . . r:,.*-a n e n d n e n !,., !-o, $ l;].",?ii:"i ?iI L1i. i H,il^.f .,i ri*#lil -i,{ii"r',': u${l.!'* .i li*.lii *,.' *"Hiiti# l*iritl*, ; ltiblll$itqfi Hti ils ii'ii:F '' -';:ri:'''s'rE.-ob"-i"..iili6citlion" t-o n"et 'the*coruno'n:exFersgF-.."'Yl'.igr l{9il!:91';*"+a,r:.rF^,o:c,eh obttoatlon''lsihdteiuiiiilt:t"n.r',-.,,tlliilii i i.iliiErs;li+!ilii !'illIil iiirlirlliii5 ii;:ffi" ',.'.t'' ;- lirli i'i!l:r"ii',iiJ:''iii":iliiiiing', to.'eqc!'owner'-s r percen?asl .'..,;:..,,.lnterest. ln-.a.nd to-th€lgenelii,';iomnon-ilements.-li"':Assessnen:',: :;",ili;" i ;; ;'.;ft!li i"!ilr ;;; ;hii i;*i6li:gr:t:.: *ll5 tlg33ijt"?i' . ,-:;;'tillil,Ililili|ritIl-trrit ttri tniuiiirce.canrledi'on'a r-'r'; , -. lln !rr' ri ir- rli +t:ir ;i;-li:il ;::i:t: g:; ";Ili :llHlff:+rion-t4.,'..,.1F# tedni,>'iii;rjcondollnl um' unlLiDeal-s "Lrf r'vug I t'vrre'-l.rv ' t "= ,i6ffibi,...]i, ..i';,ionrnon elernents shall be sraintained'as','9enerat, .,3.,.-.glements.,.and.'orners,havins, liiiiilivl.,uii ttrei'io1;lrJ.lr:l' ". -.:ililiiliitl ,:'i'ii:iriii"i:r,rvinir eiir usrvi.,,uie thei'eor,l!tl,.lii'?:G ..-. :i,...i;;t, b;. iuui'dltlili-l"y sielial charees. or issessoe4ts;: i:'':.'.-rf:l-i , ; :*1;',1i : : ii n : i I ; ii i; i l: h ll ll ;; r, ; 1li Fii i F I ii : i :liii $ili.'-,*;;'ii:;;;ffi::-'iiir..li" ;;!i;;iii"iir i*ir"olance :on rthb' frrsti:;''i:r''*r .,or;;; oi :".ir,'q;;;t;;.;,;r,a.nq,iilll::lg:*lrir.rilllnlr;#.:ir;qry:j . ' "li-nagers shail gnepard and 'de.'-*,,,::r:sn I tent zed guarterly staterneni-iiroifnE-ttre*iiriqus":9;rtt.1f"!fi*"'i*',,''rl,r.!i: iiiiiii-i'i!ilIi:i"".-rtriitr tt'e as,9g;,iy,1;s-';1ie'i,:q,,:.i"..*s";:g,lolid' ,'' 'tl'r.ii:' iiiiiii-irienies: r-or whl ch the ,as-g9s,l1".ll"r:1_It.*11.i.1"..*",r;G,.*.ill'' ,','1fr,i;: -ion.riuuiion' ror:quarte"ty'"rr"ifri"f :rir,.lti:1lig1lili:rff$i 'i1irt:l"? Li i:;;tu"lil tl,il,:iilii:i' iIi;iitf;illlliiiil[i::ra'rdav other than the tlrsE qav "' ? lt:;';;;,';;iH;eeiirq:'1+i3n;t'',:.iniii,-tiilbe astessed'sepacat:ly 1"- from "the use restrictions of Paragraftrt:it aUoirei'ia-dq'''.It -i.**rl*1-i'i.t such separate "si"iii"nt ts'expreisly'provide{.:11:T',"'th2';i:':i'';4., te rms o r *rr s" o e ii i i lii Jn,' iirtl l;:-l tlt"i : : : ; :: ttleT:ll+jrii-;t;:l: :$.:'' ili;'"':; ;; ;;;;iJ :";;"i"'"iri iiiii -ui ^ asses ild r n" ":'ii" 1i::liti"iin"i"riit p"ouisi.ons set. torth ln Erhlbit "E?;''' .,1;'1":ffIiiicrreo hereto ina made a part hereof ' -' ' ': -*t '":.io;1i ;l;E;rrinrr-t,,nry' ',"*r'n'o'., r, " :.f ir,,.r,..';;t :;i; .. ,-tJ - '.,F15:'-.: . ,-. ': Honestake at Vall A - Declarfriont:".:,ll '*.' l irj ^' :,',. . df.i. ,rF ! .; .' . . )t.':;'ir"$;€ii- ' .''.."..',f'.riilri#''. - 'g.l'^"" *.'- ;', ,rrdi- '.i'r''"*'-;.U*JI*lti,l*hfi"tHirYi;tiii',8ioi'iJ'*tIg':'!I",!e,: !." .tqlf*$t.--. f-1.:i;'il;"f-t'l ',n*:ri..i,.: .' -Eommon ts{EtnErrr'" n''' ,i- anC SpeCial..aSS€SSnenESi*",.:;:.'i..{g-:,',jr,,'::. .' -. eipen ses' of ma naget"n !i -l:t: =;.;:."; - : I I' J " :: 3i i# ji.;i:i; :t: ;,';r.ill :? ii:iliii:liiiiiii:k#';'1,:::;':..,',.:;;',).;;liiii'"'"a-iiiliio* inischief with endorsementr; * 'jij*''itf ;: : 'attac^:;"i!;;"-1"i1-il:-li:l:i,i;,,:1i."?ll,liiol;3t:iiie'11:#l-,#f; ,,or,,,',l;ili:li:;ii;li,:l""iili'ill'i;'?il:;"!i,'::iSili"llir+.:,.._...:ji ', ' iiitr"es; interlg"_:ol]s ano parEr Lrorr:',;;;";;;..;uiiingsi.:tr'+ii1; , ;,"r*,;it":r, iitii l: i *iiiii: ; *:{,f,:;' li ** tlil ii -ri ll;i ;' i. Ioii i i ir ;s'lilS , r:fri*':+i llii' lrrli;i'i1 iil i t tit iilii* l**n tt i : lil li i; #ffii :'t-'^t 'r |:ir;r*m; ri:illihiil$ :il ut":+liliii{ t: iit rl: rr. : rili }ilTffir;1lirffi 'l3t'litlilg;;i:Fi[fi]hliiiffi ;;:'i;;;i i'io-li'6"otl ig'j;. pr 1l.;;m*,!rn*;:iili iliq itltmif i:*l li:ii' i i p#i: ii1i i;lrr"#di[iT, i:.tft *'" t ise,' t oj tl39 id e t e rrat n e -: :1 s' ; re': D e' P a ] .t .;p*":s:irr,.of.=tr,",..*#Fil='riIil-ti;qro;!19111-?:*;?I"i1,1";;I#+;F;li';t1'ft Fii=r;ei'lgine'ioiiti'int'irb'tib"'";;.1:'lg"r*fr .'::*d;#. :'i- pay o e n t oi; ; i i:' i i i tnE t eo "e x pe ri s e51 9?or t n 9'- o ut' , -..:1*i;=.*frisnnected.,r{tli.the. na{ntenanii lnd-operaLtgl_of :'thc' g€IPril*-:' ib.;,-r:i'1-common "r"Iliiil';dill;:I-il;.iI;lii:;^l":l:;l:l:l}t'l19iii ,r lilirilir"tiiiiililiiiih;iilrirLliiri.iiiiii '.. t._: lliili'*i';g.,troni aiprevl out-? Peifbq;i tne creaEr on or:- ' rrcaso na b r e "o n t1 ns giii, gi, :ili:ji::::::.":-i i ltl:,:.1:;iilil *lli:.:t ltt:i ri{,iiyiiiiiiliirr;i:ii"iiiHi:lir*# fl**llrt:il$ffifi*ril*ntpffi*;}gl*frffi$"all*irreiiir$jrit{[# '.' .;-: i .-.'. tlSUnlryCeqiii" r.;'1', :'rj:;.i -. : .. -^='f,1.i..'#i;., .1::44ii,+i;r'ffi fru-iit u'i r i*. r i ^r li. n,,,, n.' 1. e iif i ff, '5$.{i:il=ii, ff nd ,narntain !r r" j..ilii 'il!ii:*:"::ltlll;i:,ill;i*l*"ij,{iii':.';0.,t;;; ,iffililt:i*ilii:iuli:hiti"iliiiii:1,illri';l':il!!!lili +rlir1"4''":*;-;.,Fr;ij*,*.*liiii:iiirliif**i*i,tli:;:::U:;":tJ:H";;iiifii:,j,:;n,t,', ' :' i':;;,tfi.'D'+:i ,ll.llllliiiTii,ii'riiiinirl ,iixlu"us, "bgi pnenL and persona.r il,ir , :. l, ,,,119,q::l:TilLlii"jlnlt;u;iion,'deji en.and use. Issued:.,r":,* ,.,*i*ifioi*i::,'1:. -r;at,,t!!rlt.:.ll::?llllllll?i: liiilliilii ii-i; Luitn;ss*iffi:r+:li' ffi |;! i i*T ;'r uii rli;. *T ia l iii : ii ii? l i *i' lh' *i riii j,$ii; r,,,i=''. {n rhe'SEaEe. sr ',i+;;;';;rnf nd,;ttre Association the insure-tt* i.1lR' :lT:iirlllilhii iT:i"iliil.il"lli ii.i; : ^i I i;i::*;:l*., .1, 1f+t*l:..tdllil "6 n,to*i l l l", lllI-orier :''ea cn o t' """ ;',ii l; ;;;':;::.'i. r'E:4:;4s,- r-,i,-.+ as "aiiiilliii 'insur:dl' t"9-Ili:l^:h:l],,!l ., " ravor.- or ;, irli. .-- rJES: r,rqutL ". '---- .. ! .:l:r:ilso provide that.{t:';1 ;,;, .'i_'.t.-;;i-_,iianoira,i. noncontribulorv mongasee "''u'Ydl"tir;;-il:i r..:i;ffi";p1[g ,1.;.,,,i-,ii','':*.t.'iiliiLiiit,16ortgaeq... - it shaI1 aI so provr .,:r;r,.*,::ffi :ilri";lF:iii*lilii;ttiiTrii;:lil.i!"'13.1:::i:":i;[*-tl'",-*, =rry:,f a:sl'iil;:i:l,l+ilti:iXfi,"'l:,x::i'ii:?li:ii'!!" ;';'1s'1i5i;";t ,1,:" i,, .,ri!'iit::!,iliti;*tiii:ill*iiililillii:tii:illi*'i:il"'''ti.*jl Homestake 1,! Vait A - 0e;laraticn: 'lZ' ' 'o*ii3*, o','-' ;iry't-i* i-,'-r,. -; that the insurance thereunder shall be inval idated or i,.:.:;,-...:, . su"pended on)y in respect to the interest of any. Porticular..'*':*..::': otner quiltv 6f a breich of varranty, act' omission,l.r.'--:i1"'f ; ' I'^-il^::-^ -^- ,...,.^^*.1 {rnca nf :nv nrovision of such oolicy[,.:,.--.i:'p', :".iliiiSince -or ;toncompliance of any proyision of .such policy' ll".' '- .:;r*: l'.inEiuiing paynent of'the insurance-premium applicable to. l:,',, 'l .: ,,- ttrit onniris'interest, or rlho pernits or fails. to- prevent r. :'- '.- : -';-- iiie-trippining of any ivent, whether occurri ng bef ore.ori.'.. '--,,'t.' '-.iite'r-i-ioss' which-under the provisions of such poltcy . "' .' .:;'-'' il;ia oilrii"ise inyelidate cr suspend the entire policy, but the insurarrce under any such policy, as to the interests of all other itrsured olYners not guilty of any such.act or oaiision, shtll not be invalidatec or suspended arrd shalI renain in rut I force and tffect. 0eternlindi ion of rnaximum "uoiaa",nant value of ai'l ccnCoi'iniun units (for insurance puiposes) shall be nade.everv tY{g yeal:,Pv.t":.:I.Tll: ,"' ". '.. ;;iii;;-iPP;aisals' copies oi'-whicn shsl l be furnished l'.*; -:*,. .- . io"itrlttr'Lo each nortgaEee of a conconriniunr unit' In ; ,'* . t',".;' r1 , addition, each oriner tfriii be notif ied of such.appraisat(s)' 1.,.aI.."-T;'1;.,,-, The firsi such appraisal shall be made during June' le/r' I ; *,ljii ' ;, :=--i..r ':.. !' -1i''-1itt:.*,*:-j.'then'i[e Soaia 6t frana6eis shall also obtain and maintain'I'i''' '.I;'*'i'':':':t';:'if-irri ixtent obtainabie, publlc ]iability insurance inI u . 1""'L-r;' ir "., iicrr"irniii is-mav f rot iine to time be -deLermi ned ' l.:;t;'?::r'.-::,!r:, 'covering-iicrt-unii owner, each -nenber of the Board .of '! '*L:.ii,'1, l-, - ..iinaii;;,-aha tlanaglne A!ent,- if.l!{: and th9-1":ili1t. -. ...;'i :.1,.. '. ..-llanagerS, the anaglng AgenE'_ lr.ll{: ",,Y- ".-..1'ir'l-"-;",:jlllie"-it-Jny. !t|.l _tu6tic tiability coverage.shall . ....r'.c i," -:1i,.,'.r.itto'Iir"" ii:bis iiiUiiiiV itaits of 'one insuied against - : ,"-," iil i'*;'ei.-;-inoiher-and shal l contai n- wai vers of subrogation. .rril?-.t'i:|]"'n;*.;16,...*..'.- ,r^... -. .:.... ; : .:: *fF g**i+g,*;ifigS*+.tttlf;il'ei."#iy obtain addtttonal Insurance ar'his.orn''lipll++'- ..:'l.l*rr'!-..,,-;'.,-- '.ro"nli'for his o-rn benef it provided that all such policies . :. -,li':-.',::.:r:,'..,,r, lilir contatn uaivers oi'iJulogition and provided, iurther- "{'' ; l- i :' ,' ,, li. iiiii'til"iiiIiiiii-ii it" iu""iers ,i:"i!9-i1'l:'i:: ,,.-,r ' r3 ;"'*sn*,i ._, ,5iili1-iit'ii-iiii'.tio oi-airintshed by reason of any such iasuranse carrled by any unit owner' Insurance coverage on the furnishings and. of pirsonal prope:'ty-belonging to an owner and ind'public liabilitt insurance coverage.within . inailiouat unit shail be the responsibl ity of'thereof . other itens casual ty eachthe owne r 30. OINEI'S PERSOIIAL LIABILITY: No oHner may exempt hinself from liabil ity for his. contribution toward the common expenses by waiver of the uie o" enjoynent of any of the general or cornmon elements, or bv abaidirnment of his real prop'| rty interest'. In. the eveni of default in'-he paymenl. cf the assessnent' tne ;;;;; iitaii ue cbligated't6 pav 'interest at the rate of ten percent per alnln on the amcunt of the assess ent iio,n' aue datb thereof, together wi th -a'l I expenses, including ili6tn"i'i-i"es, incuired-to9-ether.with such late charges rc |1ro..rided hv the 9v-!-a',rs oi tne Association. Suit to.i-iliria!a ui-irre ei-tars oi tne.Associatign: -llit-!?;;.;;;;';-;o;;y-j;agiani ror unpaiJ comrnon expenses.shall L;-;;int.iniolL witf,ott forecloi'in3 or w':iving Lhe Iien securi ng same. llonestake at Vail A - Declaratlon: 'l 3' /s L I EI{: All expenses consti tute I lens and 3l (b)unpaidtrust oi 5Um5 Homestake at Jatl A '-' /f 'i;it",.1-; .''a-'].'2 t:.ie r-.r r ho fiitodeXceed'.. Fi f, te e n ani'. such..- pros p e c t.lye;. (b) '. -.:i;r " ;,i, . ::.-.r : ia-, ,.. :- -. 'De rdration: .'.. r- ' ....- - l' . .. .. ' ., 1 ;1 . '.+,;..; :i'".' r.i'' i.-;'-::. , Shal I relenser f.r the purpose of restoration i^ r aa.l n-anl caci '' r;'-.;" : ' ;'i";;"'i'itit6ret"i'-s upoir the -mortgaged prenises' irr-l?hi;;ignt'titieandinterestinandtoih; ;;';;;o!'iia'!r. al I i nsuran::., ?:li:i:.:-:ooni'.io'pi.tiies whictr insurance pol icies llere eirecleo and placed upon Lire-mortgaged-premises ;;'ih;-At;liiition. such release shall be iirrnistreO forthwith by a jun{or.nortgagee uP0n ,ii iten request of the Associati on' 3q.APPOiNTMEXTOFASSCCIATIO}IASATTORNEY'I}I'FACT: This Decliration does hereby nr'rke mandatory the l."e"oiioii-.ppoinirent of an attorney-in-fact to deal Hi th r-he propert-v up cn its destructi on ' repai r or cbso'l escens e. Titletoanyconoominium.unit.isdeclaredandexpressly nase subject to ttre ierrns and conditions hereof'-and ;;;;P;;;;;-uy-any--qrinteeoradeedfrornthe0eclarantsorfrcn any orner snail constitute .appointment of the iii"t"tv-in-ract hereln provided'. All of the owners irrevocabty constiilti'ai'a appoint THE H0MESTAKE AT vAIL A';oiDoliNiui-AisociArIon,, 1'co-l9raf9 co1nollt19l:-n9!-^':i ?";-;;;;il'-drt"i"-ii,e and lawful -attornev tl.!tt:lf .nirtre' : iil.i:ino-itiao rur irre purpose of dealing.wlth their ;;;;";;-"iin-iti-i"Gn";dLstructionorobsolescenseasi s hereafter proiI iiJl I-e'-iiiornev-i n-11!t::.ll",l:tllll.,tlll' ::,.;; Til=Fillia[ni ana secretary, shilI have 'fulI and conplete ,"'' - 'ri'utrtitization' ."isht ind ;ower to make ' execute and -:' - deltver any.onl"ili;tdeeb or ani oiiier initrument rlthi;r"F''i"$*i respect to ttre'iniiiisi-oi I "tla:llilli^"iil ::l::.'hl"h r"":i' .- are necessary.and appropriate to exercise the poxers . heretn g"ant.ol"-nillii'-ana.reconstruction of the l lnarovenenttrt'"s"Iiii in ihe succeeding subparagraphs #:;-;;;;;;i;i ;;"-iipro"e'nent(s) to substantial l-v the sane condition in-rrrT;it-ia exiitia prior to the damage' ri th each apartmeri"unit "na the geheral and I iml ted .common elementi"'fraving ttte same virtical and horizontal 5oundaries as 6efo1"g.'The,proceeds of any insurance coliecLed snafi-Ui'ivailaUll to tne Association for the gureose ot repii;;;;;i;;;tiorr or replacements unless the '"rlt"ii-."0 ;ii-ii;st mortgagees aqree not to rebuild in accordance rrtth'i;;-pioviiions sei forth hereinafter' -'-tlf rf the onners of condominium units shall be- entii'l ed to vote upon if'e happening or occurrence of any cf the events ii'tititptitLi unOer and by the. provislons ;:i ;;";ii-in irrii ;;;;;;;;[-ina tt'" subparieraphs hereof' Exceot as is provided in subparaqraph (c) of i'i'ir'put.grapi,, in the event of damag? or i.ii.r.ti5n ire to fi re or other disaiter' the in:urrnce proceeds, if sufficient to ."io"li.u.t thi 'inprovement(s ), shal I be. usoiiea by the Associat'i on, as attorney-rn- i;:'J.-io iuch reconstruction, and the i;;;;r;;";iii ) srut l be pror-ptlv repai red (a ) !{?-esta}''i at Vail A - geclaration: l6' I .-,'. .-;-'l:.iilj.:: l. .i.. - r- ....- . ':,.r,:1..:li$ and reconstructed.. The"-Assoclatlon shall haYF ;..-: t '*::'-::-t5:'':.'..$ and reconstructed.. 'The',Assoclatlon, shal I . havg'''::i -:-" ''.i:,: f ul I authorl ty:r: rl ght 3nd pouer" .as attorney:iy{:1;.t*',t'-' ' -' l]t.fact; to -cause; !hg,repatr.and. restorat!-ol;::, .111....-,*._.'':r..:i'i.1t..fact; to -cause' the,repaIr-and restoratIon.lI .;11.;"1r.'i'ii f .the lmprovement(s): ;.;;i*';-;..'-*.; ' -.: - ' 'f,:;i;!:,.i u;r.."- (b) If ..the lnsurance proceidS''are'lnsuff lclent'to-..-;-,r'.r.;'..,'-- :*:" fqpair. and reconstruct the luprovement(s)' and. 1''., .,.-...,,:'-ir,.i f - such tiamage i s not more than..thlrty-thr€€ ' ir: .-',,";-;; and one-thiri percent of all of the c-onaottintut. ,l'ii"-..tlfunits, not including land, such damage or ',i- .. :='-:ii,-"i"destructlon shalt bE'promitly repalrid and r;'- ' i;";ri:;L'. reconstructed by the Associ ation r' as attorneX: .' s;'-.,*:^,,in-fact, 'using lhe proceeds of insurance an4-- .:.' , -.,.-.rrt.j,.''4, ilre proieiosr6t-in isieismint'tq bg made agalnst'- -l,i":;'i1i;the proceeds of an asse5sment to De maoe agal nsE " : :':Jat'.:'-r. . tall of the oxners and their condostinium unlts:.t:,. ':ji'ri:,:::ifl .r.. -L r -L-t l. L^ :\... '"1 ii..,-.ti.:. .."., . 5' . . -.. Such def Jc'lency asse.ssnent sna I I De a. co[l8oo-,; . -i;,,1]Q,1-;.i- expense and ,cladq' Pro 'rata^ accordf ng to each L",i ' -". j-;-'*r;r';,€. , --,. .--.-.i-....-ornerts.percentage lnterest ln'the general I '.:-i;;.lf ;f : uch defrctenc{ a:s!::1:tl :lll1,!: i-.g911 .,. ,1;i*::f1;.i -. --:-o:'"1';, -- . - -.- ..- -...- ot{nEFr s. percenta3e lnterest ln the general I ',:-,:o,:;.::",r1 ii ' - '' r ;,:; -'conmoB elements.and shalI be due and payable:'; ;-;:.;'i"f,:l:;i I ,-,t. .i, :jr-,.- ' " ... xlthln thlrty.days after rrltten notice thereof .,;- . -'r:i:'--':j:i '-..i-,,.-.r..,_t;._.=,,1!;Tfe,.Assoclation:ihall have full author_lty,li$.r:;-:j:-t"i;tl:--'-;- 1.."' ,.-.,,'t The .Assoclatlon-shall have.-'.-"{.1 '-*,i-lr'; -''i'rf gtit.and power,' as attorne . ;1.';-,i'|-.',i,:,:i : !?- Ie ti i l::" ; I:' l9:: :l 9i -";iri-*''.,:ifio,,.:;'::r::i[i'pis":noirliiiitiiiii.rs-ih":i';ii;;;;i of,L':.'.:.,.:",,:.i:;rr]::f .*i.v-;i-!'--.,-r-:';'i.,, i grner to'pay the assessment.,'i, The assessment..", ,'I l"';-;:l'.il '...: , .-.:'.::.+.:*. ,i'-provided ioi herein .shall be a"'debt:of 'each; i;;r-'-'-':'"rrli',:"1-i.. ":,:ji{:'.{it:;+ii:.t..;,:rii irner and'a^,llen on,biS condomlmiun: unlt,."and. i;t", -:1f,..i1t'..:' -.,'"*,b*";#;u.*r*Ilf,i:;;I|Ii,.f'.9;pl;:Ill*S4iii'Ii;l,llil,lli:Ili'r;rrffi#; * ,s paiig'ra ph r.3l:3\i}!'r, qcdr!1g1al:;tftcreto;,.th'e*eAs iocj dtl iijilr:"il . ,.- 'i*1"P.'-it"i ,'i as."attorney-ln-factr. shall.-.have':the absolute,-';"''.':.,',;.r*,1..- :..ir:,i:,,,-'-,ii:' ..c, rlght'and'power to'sell the condomfntum unit-of'1,,'1:lji.l1r.,iJ1:.' :'. -:. --r;. , '. * aili:owner'-iefusing'or.failing..'to pay,such;='1-,;_;;'..,:..fi.,i:"i'.?.l.j'': '. " -'" : -'deficlency assessment within the tlne'provlded,. .'-rr", .,...'." ,., -'," - deflclency assessment wIthi0 .thg tlne'.prov1deo, .'-"i .:...'I : "':'j!- !ld if 'not'so paid,'.t!t-l::::llll:t^:!llI ..';:._,-1 . '.,.i--,,I^;,' 'CaUSe tg De fecoroeo. a nOEICe trDilE' Ell€"' ' -:'i: "'r' .- i:',: condominium unit of the delloquent':owner shall '' ='': t' : , -"' from thi iale of such condominluml unlt-sha1'l'',''- .be used and disbursed by the Associatlonr ls.. . aptorney:in-fact, t1;,l,oJ!oring,order:. ,.11 .,, :: ..''; For payment of taxes and speclal assess- ments l iens ln favor.of any assesslng '.", . .:, r:1 - : -..'; For payment of unpaid common expenses; (4i For paynent'of iunior I in the order of and toprlorlty; and lens and encunbrances the extent of their percent (5) The balance remainlng, if any'. shall paid to the condominlum unit orner. (c) If more than'l thlrty-three ano.oneitliru Ho'nestake at Vai I A - Declaration: l7- I ls "'-;;v',..r:.tr;;;i*t5".*;''*- ;; ,*fr;',,ysi.;,'-:;'#1*14#r-{1, $r r '': .;,,:";'iri;ii'i} :i',',,igg41,i'tili ::ft ;,:i,.*;,.,,r++;if,ffij,i# i' *'fffi",J1ggr..l.1;iffi:.*. *;#ffi .,i5,;,ii',li;;;+"*;.",ii^crinii-{iitfi1:{,lilttgg:liiend rr.,,tbe:..'I"-i'.*ri;':':in - ,.r..r::*.*.-..r1 ij:.5:.:;i1;.-..!r: oynersi:.representin9-.i3n-3ggregate'toiniltstiip'j#;,uit";i*-#- - ;,-:)i .*.-'i';": liiTiin,:*?;: oi;ii+,irdprese nti ng- ian "-ag greg ate':oxne fshl P'ifii:i:{i':r$. r'...rs::: _._,f''i;.....;1...-tntergst of,a:.fffty:OOE.gercAnt;.tO'..FOr€i:1,..r/.,r';J.{-, "." -.-*':'l'1i;';:rrn':. .-., .ai - the'. dener.tl- comoon elenents do'.not . yoluntafi.Iy i I .- .- r s::., _-,,1''i:1..''.1.'-lntergSt of , a:.f f f tylOOE.percAntj.;O?,. FOt €;:l:;.;r,{,,,,jif lp*;":ri'*".}1;.:'n:: "'.'of - the general' comnon :eJenents do'not uoluntarilt li':f' ','' j:';;--';"'. r,rirh{6.ilrtiu r{:yq. thcrpefte r'dakp orov l.s l ont,- ;ji-4 ;1".: ;'.'l;.."'"i;p-r::l;' . ,. rithln ihlrty days thereafter-drake provlslonl-;;i;'|"*i.*+::ii+."C. i._.*iii: .:t... 'fcr reconstructlon;"rhlch plan,'nust-have,the :':;-..-;"..., 1r..:'*L.:,:u, unaninous -approval. or"-consent of.,every -ff rqt:ti***^.tf.;i;,_::,f.i.'':il..''' :::t " '- ' unaninous approval or".consent of .,every -flrstlri$i;'f.zi;i::,flr''-+;.*''' - i:I:s-lsl":^lll^A:::::::i?:-:l"ll"{"::l:r:l- -'i'..:;-.;''';,',*",ili-'. - ;;:;;l';-;";;;" ;;iii;i'io.ur-ruci' tiii:or "'i;;:,,+,': "-',:;!,;j1.,f acts, lnd upon the recorJing of- such notice .'r'-:*:llf.i.": i-':yif,-; Oy Lne d55ue ldLltrll ) rtq)llrslrL (ltttt rrst.. s{'srrt ':- .l'... i .-.'- . ;-:i*-t}! Dy l]f ts '{>>uLlqLrulrt qJ cr L L l,, L I s , - t I | - | s L u t rv' ' ....-'. 't. -- .',. i: -:l:;i;-i;.ait of the.owners, free and clear of the ""' ::ql:f .-:.'i;.i'- ---..:^:^-^ ^^^+."in-rl irr +h;c ]lo..l>prlian +hi rr.,- '^-. ;'.,* i ,"1": :,'f'.. ' .' -: . pii"ii.iJiii. i6ntiineo i1 inis Declaration, the.;*-L''1o:*:^i:;';ti)-j- ' .'"'i :"' j i1ao and the Bv-Laws."-'The'insurance settleoent .l -:.;:;?'i;1,"r:il;1'' . orbceeds shall be collected by the'Assoclatlonli':'',;:Stttl4r*#$' ";, :j. * -...,.'.' -.:.. ' : ind such proceeds shall-be divf ded'by the .':,':::.';A-i.#ii.1'.'.fj ..',,i.,. .'r;)i'-:i : ".' Assoclatibn ascordlng to. each condonrinium unit ':- i^;*;:-::-;"'-'';:' "- ,-',,'. *t' ' ;;;;;i s'lnterest (as-such intcrests.apPear' on . ' '--'?t';Ufl.'*r,,,.* ii; -i; -r--^ -- , ; shal i be paid . lnto separate accounts ' each sqclt" . -. 1; -i. -r.-^. , ; shal i be -paid . into separate accounts' :agb sqclt" . . .i{:..,:;;;, ,?;*.,:,:' ;.r,j,..:t- :' , ::::Int ::tI.::llil:-:l:.":;:li i:"1:"1[:uT,-" -. - ..' :;,li..."i;'-i':'.:.::i;":,;- -, i;:l::' E:!;=;;l;'ll"i',jit'},;ii ;;";;":iiil'lio'e r': .**';i;l]'""i''-,i: ;;*rfi'*5:'i; - ;:,:: plj !l:',1::ll-i"l1oll-":1,:l::l;b:.f,"'ll:",11e4"t'ir:i:9"',;i;!.i;lrri';:. -1..,;,;,ii-i,',.,#;l;, - .::;; tf,E'liitE;"ii"[i"_'Ji.iif,lit-ini;' ;;;'th;-''" - =;"'':F;.,r+];?;'' : .., .'r;-":.'-.:.'i,';::1.:: - j -r name of . the. o|{ner: From each- SeParate accounE' .. '- ir'. .+.i -. ':,{.J.lT 'i:1,'b,li:1:;i;_;...'..' ,.:,1!!-ll:19!:li"""i:,.:::ll:-ti"I;l:;li:l"lllll .-,,-,..i, ,,.,.-'.;;fiilli;....r;,, ' t,.r..-i,";..:i;".i ;i,"...'.', .': th€ Association, as' attorney-in-fact, shall -.. . '_ ::: -'*,tiit'.'.li:; ,' rirF.#;,':;:.... rr,,:i tli':::ii::;";l:i,:i:31[ii.'lilillit:illiilie'ei ,,*l;;;,#'i:"i'.:.,#'#Hixi+Jx'i:iE*giti::::ili"li;*tl*:.;l'.ilid;lli,plllllh;'+**lir*,'drq#41+$++ rn"lls'?i{?eil;';Hte"te.i:iiU F:.;lTil";i 3!,Pllllli;; '.'----f*'tr. l'r'1 , ''-,'-.' : ana{nct :ihL condornlnlun- unlt 'ieuresented bv ;sucb; '1*-"'ff:l:l;;i:':.,':',:'i igalnst.;ihi condonlnlun',unlt..'iepresented by 'sucb, t'.-f. j,tlttli*i'.,,.,,o:. - ..'. s6oarate account. Thereafter;. each such account- . ';. ';'si'rl-'l]-;:,': ;;;ii'le iuoo'lemented bv -the apportioned bnourrt" ''::.*{iri-'lJ.-; ..; ' ;h;ii'ui iupptemented by-the apportioned bnou*t"".:-.'. 'l:::i:iri '. j'' of the orocieds derlved fron'the sale of the :'-; -. ...,i.'''i ' '; ' intlie iroperty. Such.apportlonment shall be '; ' -.... ,", t..'': 'i " ent'lre Property. Such aPPortlonment shall . Pe 'l . ,- '. :: 'rr:. :.::..,-^ "":1. . . based ubon'each condomlnlun unlt orner's , ' i' " ' '. ".'.., ".:.r .' '' ,.;;;;-;;". intcres,t ln the oenaral comnon ''' "' "''r. : . percentage i nterest in the general comnon -,--- , ra!^ +^+sl'5,,rrlc af .a:ah raar'rrtn lLlements. ' The total .funds of each account shall '' :" " be used and di sbursed '- ri.thout contributlon '':".',, -'''iiot-ina. ai"ount to dtiother' by the Assoclation,: il-itioinii:tn-iait, :fon' thi slme -purposes' and- . -..-'',, . '.t;:"in the sam-e order ?s ilq. provided in subparagraph '-';1.,';... (b) (l ) through (5) .of : th.is parasraPh' . , ,1.'.r\:' . ,''. If the owners representlng an aggregate ouner- -: ' ittip interest of'fifty-one percen!, o1 mo1e, 9flhe'general common elements adopt a plan for reioistruction, which plan'has the unanimous in connection with such plan shall be a comoon iipinj" ind made pro rati accordins !9 ul:h '' - ' ;;;;t;t-ot ati rirst irortgagees, then all of " , if,3';;i:":"f;lir'i!-;";;a'it'ih;'terms and other pioviiions of such p'lan' -Airy assessment-1199- :-.ownerispercentagi..interestinthegeneralcotion-"iitlnti-ina itritt be due anii pavable as " ''' provided by tlrg terms of s-uch plan' but Fot sooner tnai ttrirty days after written notice h"."ii. -"i-te nssoilation shall have full authority, right and PoHer' as attorney-in-fact' to cause- Homestake at Vail A .. De' 'l '''''ation: I8. ., -!"+, - the repain or rcstoration of the improvenrents using all of the insurance proceeds for such purpose notwithstanding the failure of an ownerto pay the assessment. The assessntent providedfor herein shall be a debt of each owner and a lien on his condominium unit and may be enforced and collected as is provided in paragraph 31. In addition thereto, the Association, as attorney-in-fact' sha'l I have the absolute right and poner to sell the condoninium unit of any owner refusing or f:il inq to pe-v such assessment within the provideC ti;ne, and if not so paid, the Association shli I ca,.rs: i; be recorded a notice that the c,nJominiu:r unit- of the del inquent owner shall oe scld by the Association. The proceeds deri ved fronr sale of such condomi n i um unit shall be used and disbursed by the Association, asattorney-in-fact, for the same purposes and in the same order as is prov'i ded ln subparagraph(b) (l ) through (5) of this paragraph. (d) The owners representing an aggregate ownershlpinterest of eighty-flve percent, or tnore, ofthe genera'l common elenents may agree that the condominiun units are obsolete and adopt a plan for the renewal and reconstruction, which plan has the unanimous apgroval of all flrst mortgagees.If a plan for the reneta'l or reconstruction is .adopted, then the expense thereof shall be.'payable by all of the otners as common expenses; '".:r.i;i'.yiri5.-;r..+i*"rgrovided, horeyer, that an orrner n0t a party to such plan for renewal or reconstruction mayglve written notice to the Assoclation that such unit shall be purchased by the Associatlonfor the fair market value thereof. If such ovrner and the Assoclation can agree on thefair market value thereof, then such sa'l e shall be consunrqated within thirty days thereafter. If the parties are unable to agree' the date when either party notifies the other that he or it is unable to agree with the other shall be the "comrnencing dat,e" from lrhich al l periods of time mentioned herein shall be measured. l'lithin ten days fol lowi ng the commencement date, each party !hall nominate in writlng (and give nolice of such noninatlons to the other party) a qual ified appraiser. If either party fails to make such a nornination, the appraiser nominated shall, within five days after default by the cther party, appoint and associate wit'h hin ancther qualified appraiser. If the tvro appraisers d3s'l gnated by the parties' lr selccted oJrsuant he.e to in the event of the de'auli of one pa rty, are unable to agree, they sha11 appoint another qriali fied appraiser to be unpi re between them, if "hey can agree on such Derso;l . If they are unable to agree- upon such urpi.e, then each apprai scr previously appoinced 'hol I nc;inate t'eo qua'l if ied appraiserS, aod f r-onr the nanas of the four a ppra I sers so nominated one shall be draan by 1ot, and the name so drawn shall be such umpi re. The nornlnatincs from whom. I Honostake at VaiI A - 0e':laration:l9 ' ' '::;''' "::'i"'-:the umpire {s to be drawn by lot shall be r'"';-r'' Iiiirit'tiu-"ithln tin-davs.oi the rall!"9 9f :' lr,i tro app-raisers to agreer whlch:-ln.any :ir!"il-=r,!ii-not be latir than. trentv davs 'ioiiiirng-ttte appolntnent of the second I '',,;;;;;i;;i. - The'ieclslon'of the lPpratsers a3 '"'- ' ' ;,5'ti;"i;i" irlirei-viiili'-ir tn thb case or irr"ii-oiiigreenrent, any iuch.declslon-of the - ;;;i;";';h;ii-b; final-and bindine' rhe ;;;;;;;t-;no tees oi-such qPPfaJsirs. shall be ["-"rii-"qril ly by the Assoclatlon and the orner'- i;;";"i;-;trait -ue consummated wtthtn flfteen davs thereafter, and the Assoclation' as attorney- ;;'i.;i,';;;ii iiiurtt" such proceeds as ls ;;";;;;i in suuparls;'ipt'-iul tt) through (5) of this paragrapn. .i..,-1. ,.. (e) 35. RESERVATION TO EIILARGE AND SUPPLEMENT CONOOMINIUI'I PROJ ECT: (a )0ecl arant expressly - reserves,t!: Ilgl:-::,";i ;;;:" ir'i i'ii"i"i'i i'i " i'iol ::: !:,':ns tructi nsEt'rqr eE '"'- -:'--: rtum buildings and oLheradditional condomrt ,-:-- -^..r hr ?fl ;}I l:fi :;'!"lii"ii'diiiri - ;ti:i :ili, l::l t:"Bil:' :;ili:;'it;;ii'il i ui" ;i ii I - "is :lP1! l::1-t:.:ll':l;;l'i ;;ilil"ijii j.i tl - ino' suitr' ! I'li: : i01.,:llll;:":;;;!;;'Jo'i"'ini'ly ; qrtt.I":o:9.:1., ::ltl';;:";^[;'iii! ol"ii""i'ion ana- u{,1.::Pll:T"l!^*3.*,nent to Enls ueGrdr.rLrv'r s"v eJ - --'ieii prolerty-iili"uii iii.o- ior record; 11i9l"1lq- , ,.rr.e ar nenf Lu Lrr. > r/Ee ieal proleriili"uii iii.o- ior record' Adjoinins as the term ls usea-ilir"in jttitl nein a parcel The owners representing an aggreSlte-9lletlltp ,iiiiei.jt of eighty-flve percent' or-more' or ;ii;-;;;;";i coi,noir elemehtg nav asree that the ' ' - ':' condorniniun unl,,t oi!-66'tiieii-ani tnlt the:ane *'" ;t;;i;"di-ioio.' sui[-pian (asreem"l!)-Tll!-h]e,',;:'' " lrri-unanimous approval'of eYea{ flrst mortgagee' ] '.''- In such instancs, itri:nisaclation. shall forth- ':'-:',''iiiut-iii.i'ti-i noiti6-sitttng .forth -such. fact- ' ' ' ';;-;";;;; ind upon -itri-recoiolns of -strch. notlce'l : ';; i;;-i;tiliaiion's President lqd. secretarv'' " ' the entire prenrses-shill.be-sold l{-tlg' ^..: 't . ,;::;i;ii;ni'i''iiloriiev-rn'lali' flr arr of '- '"'l the o,,ners, free "ii'iiiai"ot,tfri provIsIons .;..'-r'" iil+:*.',:dtl Ili"tii'iil-in this iiiciarition,. the' l'tap-!19-!I^e^ i;**..'.{;;:i;;;:- i'tre-lat es proteeds -shal I be apportloned' between the ouners oh- the basls of e99!-9ln:lts l'- .;;;;;i";;- i nterest I n the'general comnon':3ld:r'*:::n';'11'-"; "''{elenents, and such'uiio"lioiii pioc"ias shalt ''' "; '"""::t be paid into separ.ii-i:itllt::.:t"h,l:lh.l:;olnt.. .i.l:'l:l:"ii;; ;;!"t;;;.;i;i;;-unti' eacn such- ' *' r "l;[;;;;';hlit-ue l;'lh; name.of the.Assoclatlon' ' l iii-!'dir i"ue' furthtr- ioentt fI ed bv the number l?-u'li'rtil-ano thi name. of.the 9!l!l: I:otii.f, iup. "a te account-, the Assoc i ati on ' a s r+tnrnev-in-fact. ;hiil use and disburse the iiiii"ii'ount ot (each of) such "9!9!ltt';;;;;ri ;;ni.i urii 6n t"o'i' gne ^ lcc!Y!! !9.,:1oll""'for the same purPoies anO in.the.same order as is provideo in suopii.g;uph"tuj-tt ) through (5) ' of thi s Paragrapn' ' ''"':' itomestakc at Vail A - Decl aration z 20' ]u I .1..-3:-...-lF: ...-' ':=ifr--l.t'r.:it+a..-{.fhn.;', . . ;- :..-, ;. i),-.11.;,ir:i:.t4;.- - \.-.':.'.....i,f'ilarce!s..havlng:'a.comnonpoul1?ry:1lth.th€-:-. ' : ".'-"br irarce!s -havlng''a- coqlngn PoIl9?ly:.1lth'th€. ,.''i.-::. '.-:. . +. . retir,,groperti diicrlbed: f n Erhlbtt, iA' except '-r-' l.':. .. '' 1_ thit iuch.lgaicel(s) nay !g.,leplryted fron the;:'+. '' 1'- that'iuchlpaicel(s) nay be separated fron the;:'-x1--.d-.:.'---l: i:;; p,,t":n:li,:.t#:t$Jiir':itl,:illl-b-lt.-ll3;1r.3',ro::dirv:i,F#t. 'i i i.' t*, t;;*ii'ia';; i-r tiii ci, -the: s'u ppl dni 1 t . t9 u'r'- :: : ::'F;ii ' -''= ol.i I'riltili; ; hii i :pioit ce ror' i iE; I iir iioi:ii'' 1'+r;;'.:i.;; ; ; h - i ; i i t i on i i' i t'pt6 ".t" n t i t n lo co n o on i n i un'" "r';il ;:':"::.'':-;f unlts-substantially slnrilar to the.form of the ,-.*-' -..' . ",?-'unlts-substantially slnilar to the.form of the ,,*-'-..' ;'.'1divlslon made of . thi improvenents as shown ln '--" o-',,.1..,'...( Exhlbit "B'.of ,this Deciaration. Each unit .shall;]i.':,r:.'1 2l be identif ied by nunbr:", ar:d cach lriili";-s[;Ii: .'::-1I:i:'H be identified by a synrbol .or designation dissinillr-*i--.:'r.'4tdi to.any other bui'ldini ,niei ttris 6eciiiitii" itia-;-'. ;;ll'-'k'li'S*i the llio. The undivided lnterest'in and to the ' :'+', -.''',i'i";?44+r .orror.ri ramman'el ementc.. qhel I hava a beroanent. *.1 +t- . ":'---.i:i*f1-f :l- Eng nap.. lDe unolvloeg lnrereSE "ln dnq Lo LtlB' -,t'. .'"';:.j'-::tri generai conmon'el ements- shal I have a pernanent ;'t..:-'""''-gi:iii.-;': '+rrv,,-.:;'.. ': . '.' iharacter and shall not bp altered tithout the ";''H;-+c*F:. -.. 1.-.i. i'.''.,'.. crlnG.nt..af rll nf thc candorni nlun unlt c{ne13. ' ':i':...t:r -c{ijii.3''; -' .#l:;':;1,::;.,;.-: iln::!;:';lil il,lni"i:ll$'i*:l,;llt:lili':,'lF'"#,ffii'. --,. -u;':i.'*,..;.'.Detlaration.,.',The i.rndivlded. interest in and to.ii,.':."-..'.-ii"Jf-;ii;'1ii,- i[.li:.'$:,' :l:"!:"1:"t,,;l3l:lr;l:':*'";ll]'r!'o;;olill"ll;",:i'ti{rtfi ':' ,ir.;:ij:ieni:,,1-to'5uch'additlonal =condominium'unlts: provlded, ," - .'Ji:*; "='-,,j;t,i$tji"t;gi?:'horeven.:,r:that.,al.'l of the ouners.of..condominiun;-'- ";-:.,;---5S1.''l'.;r-'*g i "'n'i J I : i''r:;',''Xff;?F.{ i l.-:;';1.f.1;'.+;1i5jr:-': . . Change aS tmprOVemenES are aooeo EO Ene PrOJecE' ,, '{:':'.*"" 1l:t-:-"-.'.+4,aiii'..ji'-:;;i*.]'t,- in':accordance.rlth.adJusted schedule(s) to be .i*:":s.--:;.-dh1.i.t.j,i, i:q?:"#S*if-:* r:*".!4iP..-rl!.;,'l;,1vro1-"'i"!(,'l to ,.this Declaratlol',;,ll:;i,r*-',.,..1..o=; ';rr-tsi-';:i. r:r:. FI:i?*:::i;!i.g::"1:g ll:ll:":::ll:,:-and 4 or,. --:;-.i.^t4:d'j.f,*ittiLj:.i:,i:.(cll. Exceftrias.'iis irovtied In..Paragraphs 3'and 4 of ,, .--:,:'*-t{'*q "';r.r.1-..;'l:.;.j" :'1"--thfs-Declaratlon, aIl of: the provlslons .,'.. ,'..: i.-,11.''.. " " :r :1':-:-':'l;'.; l;.ioni"inialin: urii Dect aratlon' shall be appl i cablerr';i.tii"1i#',' ,.-.tti'],;+':.lto'luch'additlonal =condoniniun'unlts; provlded t "i' .:i.-::.:.''..-..o. *e'S$ffi1;Sttffi.;*;':i:1':l;ql;;lli':g3?"3i'Xiif iil#[if!];;tu'*::+.":**j# :-'J.".=,.-'a'::caj----;i.-. ja"tVeidys 'ani_ the-parklng area loqated'or-to- be- * - .,-** -; . j;,ri';.^'',:'::; ';,'ilocated"rlthln.the''condoniniun.project rlthout ":' ..-,'.:v-rr''':r-\:':;i' r;t.i;iiiTa-ting-reference theretg-!l.tlf-l9qd,..instrugrent '. . .,,',;;-*. .. ... .;-':l-:of g.olyeyance.or other instrument- " '.'::]''-*,.;i;,i.,,..-:..''''... (dl Each''condomlnium unit orner shall be entitled =..*-,,. - .'-. to'.vote his percentage or f ractlonal int:rest : .. . ,. ,.-.in and .to the general comnon el ements, and the . af ggf egdEg..OT all-gT Ltl€ UlltllVlucu llrLEf t5l'J::rl . . : z'- -..':':,. .-:c-r.:;+"1n d-. -t o the. general .comnon e'l ements shal l be - ';' , ' ... -:. .t j. t' .,r^.. .' ,-i. i4,.':considered one hundred _percent-for such yo!!np - ,.- j, . I -'.- .. ' -,:... pdrposes. Each condomlnium unlt oYner shall be '- ..',.. .' , : ' 1- .-- lntitleC to vote his percentage or fractlonal - '.1:;- ' ' and the aggregate of all of the undivided' .- interests ln and to the project conmon elements' shall be considered one hundred percent'for votlng purposes (e) THE H0IIESTAKE AT vAIL A COttD0l'lINlull ASS0CIATiOll shall retain lts autonomy in the event other improvements are submitted to thls condominlum proJect, unless autonomy shall be adandoned by revocation or amendmenr of thls Declaration as provlded ln Paragraph 29. ln the event other improvenents are-submltted to thls condcniniunprbJect, an assoclation of all unit owners ln' Lhe condorninium proJect will be created and such. Homestake at Yall A - Oeclarrtloni ?l . : t'' l.'r- I associatlon wil i be responsib'l e for administratlon of project common elements. An owner of a unit shail becone a member of such association and ihall re:laln a member for the period of his ornershlp. ln such event each unlt owner's uoxer to'vote his 'interest in the proiect, -lornon elements shall be exercised as an incident oi sucn owner's menbership in .such.associationof att: unit owners in the condominium project' .ind not otherwlse, under the By-Laws, rules and requ'l aticns if such association' t{hen esiact ished, which By-Laws, rules and regulations shall be only the usual rnC normal By-Latrs'- iuies a-a regul ations comnonly in use in Colorado governing associations of horne o'dners. I I Il.I I i l 36. GEN:RAL RESERVATIONS: Declarant reserves the right to dedicate any access roads and streets serving this condominlum proiect for ano io-p"uiic use; to esiablish easements' reservatlonst . iiclptions-ini exclusions consist,ent vrith the condomlnlum oinei^stripoitt'econdominiumprojectandforthebest . t: ' r- ..1 "t ' ." 3t - GEIIERAL AllD llIscELLANE0us: '. . .., '.' . 1.. Each owner shalt register his nralling addresS Wf th ^, l.- , .n..i.r , :ir.,1;brr;;.*the,Associatton' and "tciii-io"'rnonlrr'i i itit"rents "and-:.''''''"-,,'"'1:'f':iijrri?'' r'-r1 -'*?r-";;;.;-;"'r ina notices- all other notices or demandsji[.i-ioutine n6'tices' all other notices or demands ':inlinaea to be served uPon an owner shall be sent by ir:irtl"-""gtstered or ceitlfied mail,.Postage ?Ml19: nliociition o tne'Aisotiation shall be sent by ce'tlfted riil, postage prepaid, untll such address is changed by a-noiil" of-adireis change duly recorded' anv interest reserved hereby to the trinsferred or assigned br' the Declarant or with one or more of such riShts or gerson or entitY. ' ' ;;;;;;t;;"in-titi-nime of the ouner at'such registered;;iiin!-ioii"i!. A'tt notices, demand!.ol-9!!:t-n9lf:i: il;;;iio-il'61-t""r"a upon thi Board of Hanaeers of the Any right or Degiarant maY be either seParateiYintaresis, to any All obligations of the owner under and by virtue- of the proviiions contained in this Declaration shall Ionii"ulr-notHithstanding that he. fiJy have leased or ;;;;;d tiio interssL as provided herein, but the- owner oi"i-io"aonniniun unit sna'l I have r:r obl igation for.expenses ii otire" obligations accru{ng after he conveys sucn condoni n i un unit. The issociation or the Hanaging Agent may require an orn.i"to Oeposlt yith the Association two tines the amount ii"ii,"-lsiifiiieo quarrerly conmon assessnenr which sun iiroff-U" held by dne AssoLiation or the Hanaging Agent as i ,"s"rr" to be-used for paying the quarterly comrnon is!"iirint. - S,.,ctr an advahcLd payment rhal 1 not re'l i eve in-orn"" fron mating the regulir-quarterly paynent of-the quartetly coenmoc assessment as the same comes 6ue' Ine ;;;";-strit t ue entitled to a return of any portion of. the unu.ea advance paynent upon termination of his ownership' .Honettake at Yail A - oec'laratlon: 22' .:', . .-..a.ri,+.;:., | *.*i,l;,,'-!rr;*;,1:,rB ..';ii,'i'€,.i.j:.,'' .,:,j *.'..'-,-.^"i.ri6+!,'1i;*:-;-" -; " 4;_;-, ,' '!t- irl;;1 i,il:*:f_,ffi.Ti ' .,. .; ' - If any of the proviitons of this Declarati;i'#?";--.-iiffi-T l::igI:tl:_tll!91!9,"!tll:.":,n!1as9 or word, or the.. .' -:,,i.i,-'.r.i. par:graph, sentenci, clause, phrase or word, or: ttri.:-"! "::.:{:.'-,::,::-;': appJlcatlon thereof ln any clicumstance be invalidatea, ..';:..i-'i=-Tsirtrr iniaiioiti si,irirniliu;i;;;-;;;"ririirii'i;';;;=",:, , .",.,rrv:rremalnder-of': thls Declaratfon, and the_appl lLatlon of any' , ; :.t;such Provlsion., paragraph, sentence, clairie, phrase,o;-;-.1- -'.- - ";';r.,..: ygrd Jn any other clrcurnstances shall not b6 if fected', _ . ' ,-.,;thereby. ' ,,*:, . .:. ,,,. ,.-,,_-:,,,. l*;;;lj"r-*. The provisions of this Declaration shall be in '-."-:,:, ',r7, addi tion, and supplemental to the Conddminlum Ornership- -.-. ' ."Act or the stati of Colorado and to itt oitrer-iioiiliSns ''; of law. IRoilIORKS,, STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 23.Homestake at Vail A - Oeclaration: ]ir;.,':-fi::::'i?. - :. :1;, :.:i rri . IHtcH rs rHq IBU,E BEG.I-U-U-!!9.r TH Etlc E .tgg.cs'- regt TO A POIIIT OF i; 8*t e ^gp2' 434 I I t. I i' tI II t t EXHIEIT "6" to CONOOI{IN IUII DECLARATION for THE HOI{ESTAKE AT YAIL A (a condomi ni um) APPURTEIIANT UNDIV IDED ilrrrnEst (rRRcrtot)Li'lii I'il3i,i Al0l A'r02 A103 Al0{ Al05 A'106 Al07 0ne-thirtieth 0ne- thi rti eth 0ne-thi rtieth 0ne-thlrtieth 0ne-thi rti eth 0ne-thi rtl eth 0ne-thirtieth 0ne-thlrtleth '"' 0ne- th i rt i eth 0ne- th i rt I eth 0ne-thi rti eth 0ne-th lrtieth One-thirtieth 0ne- th i rt i eth 0ne-thirtieth 0ne-thi rtieth 0ne-thirtieth 0ne-thi rtieth 0ne-thirtieth 0ne-thirlieth 0ne- th i rti eth 0ne-t'rirtieth 0rre-thirtieth A109. Al10. A? 0l A20? A2C3 A2C4 A205 A206 A?97 A2CA ^aUU A21 0 ii 30.| A3C? ;.303 I tI t i IiIL. .-. er ':': jr 'rl;: ", ,ttj,.g I ut{lT llu}.lBER 4304 4305 A 306 A307 4308 4309 A3I O -z- 27 :1[:flf -;A 1-;1-::: For the p pose comnon el em ts, '' 'j"- of defln'ing the .f oll owi r i ghts n9 ternI imi ted appl i es: I on A-1, appl'i d\ng whlch'co 02, .4301 nDost. e .", '- i and containsAl th of 09, A3l o, -:b east of' .j "' '. Co dominiuin'Unlt' Number Alol, A102, A20l A202, A30I and 4302. crl tl on ovners of other condom Tooethelrith the ercl' ri6ht in common lrlth t he building' t. to each sive enlud"'"' t'i on, ande the the uni ts ln Condominium 5e A-1, to use stairYaY A- the exclusive right to .adJacent balconY area' a same are shoHn on the lla ,.1;::t ' c 0mm0 n.aPpurtenan! are. as .f ol Descri Pti onCondomi ni uin: Uni t' Number Alol , A102, L20l A202, A30I and A30?. Toaether with the exclusiYe rl6trt i n conmon wl th the -owiers of other condominlun . units ln Condominium 9ectlon A-'l . to use stairxaY A-l ' and the-exclusive right to use the adJacent balconY area'..as the sar,re are ShOYn on the l{aP. .' ..\ ,.' , Descri ptionDescri Together with the excluslveright in common with the ofrners of other condominlumunits in Condominium SectionA-2, to use stairway A-2, andl' : .,.- : - the excl usive right to use the I ''",. ' -'- adjacent balcony area, as the | :.-'..1 ' same are shorn on the Map. lr.'j4 .- ".r"'.,;,,;!a .,.:"..:-' .,r .. i,;;ii;:t;;',-,.j'-'-1105, A'1 06, A205, Together with the exclusive i'i:;-t"'*fr':t;.-,;.A206' A305 and right ir corltrrlorl l{ith the t,';;;L{i$r;*iir: 4306 .,: ' ." -.-'- . ' olners of other condonrinium I i;<+?r*"rt..-"'r1:'''i;.'' t:.' ..1!rr:':,1 i:,::r'if*p+31,.:;f,j",' ,-.,..-i;.r.;.-*-.t '';,.. . l:l' t9,u:: ltalry:v.A-3: u19 27 l ;:g6;i***+i;l' ^ j.,6,: ll :','i,,' j, il:.i: ; l' ;l i:. :J' : :":: : :'.i:" I":r,i,S.;,1;*ti'ff+li*j;:.,i ^:,1,1;'1;.,,.. : ', "':- same are shorn on the Hap' I l;i+-n::::il#;i;'''''' - ' '- ' '. - i';i:t.] .:,,:--i';.+=l;4107; AlOS''AZOI , -.,. .,- - "'Together with the exclusive Att0 - r..:r:...a../.-$hj..i,.\.t-.,.. -t :.1i... . . lr:. "; _ E,ne .eXC I USI Ve t. l9nl EO USe tne;:i ^ r....rT Wrf+l{*aJr';icirr-*,4:..':line'aie shotn 6n the }tap; : ' .-1-.a.':'- ': - ,'a. ...,'t. , , .., fogether rith the exclusive' 'r'ight in,common x'i th the owneFsof other condomlnlum units in. Condominiun Section A-5 to use stairway A-5, together with the exclusive right in commoriwlth the orner of Unlt All0to use the patio area adjacentto both such unlts, togetherrith the exclusive right to use the adjacent balcony area, as the same are shorn on the ilao. Together wi th tne excl usi veright In common with the otlnersof other condomi,,ium units in Condon-inium Section A-5 tc usestair'lay A-5, logether rith the excl us i ve right i n commonrllth the orner of CondominiumUnit 109 to use the patio area adjacent to both such unl ts, together with the exclusiveright to use the adjacLnt balcony area, as the same are shorn on the Map, -2-€4 : 'j;:. '1 !': -9 xg- t.--o'o.K 5 nMch-_,b I )a' Condoml n I um' Number units ln, Co-' r'A-5 ' to use - ' r':r-the'-excIusi . i ' adJacerit ba iaile are'sh ,,,...':at,-i, l,:€; f(*r'? t J/ ''i ..: . rl i'l'')t-.| ;..r ,.'.r..j ' :. 1-.;f ) I EXHIBIT ''8" to COI.IDOI.I I NI UM OECLARAT IOtI . .: -, ./ i.i:' any taxeg or liabiliiY of s peci ai assestrents the Asscciation shal paytxent for which is a I be assessed against I I I I . for THE H0HESTAKE AT VAqt (a Condomini um) The following condorninium units are hereby released f ro!:r the general comaon nssessment provided by the terlns of Paragra?h 27, and are hereby nade subject t0 separate assessmeni in acco:'dance dith the f o.l lowing ternrs ' rhich ere a substitute for, and rePlace the terms of Paragraph 2Taforenentionedl'' : : Condominiun Unit , , ., A]l0 A2l0 obttgited to' Pay,as.sessments inposed by the Board of !{a, agers or }lana9l n9 :Agen t of the Assoc i ati on to meet th, contnon expenses, saiO assessments to be mede Pro rata icusrding to each 3uch orner's interest in the general c0nron ele:nents' excePt in the case of the following expenses, nhtch shall be assetsed separately as fo'llotrs: l. insurance: The oxner of each unit shall be assessed fot'uhe cost of insurance provided under Paragraph 2goftheJec.|aration,suchassessmenttoberr!adepro rataaccordingtoeachsuchowner'sin'"ere':tinthegeneral connoo elenents ' and the cwner of each unit: shall be assessedinadditionfortheincreasecccslof5Jch insurance occasioned by such owner's use of his condominiun unit. 2.irres and Special Assessrnents: The co;t of 4i7 -"- J3 \, Hay of rater' I Imi tation, l,i ghtinq, heati ng, repaI rs' renoyar, t"-s,'1-1it':..'*t, charses i::r";.r ;;a'*;;r;nr,.oli";r;"'rno,in.n.,J;i'l*;it.s-11;.:x-a}efo.:lt I n e :{iii ;;;" 3 1 e'j;l e,.e''4-'l, l I a,f 9 f o.:lt I : e :{i ; ii, ; 1 g,i-a"! q s i m :.n I .;1 .,fr:1t Assoc*l a t--l on'.f s.,.l l abl e.. f o r p ayrnent iif,. s ame, ;,, .'t-.j1''-.i:: :, "11.*rt'91:_o:,'.."i:i':1 :tl',.i:li i6l.'"-t!ar;rlosi,'ir*r.*,,,ijoi,;*;;;;";;; b- ; ff e ;iT;.#o rit,, l;; ";," ",, ir. o :; ; ;i:iiCo'lttg ii;i t.s; ii91e'nintt oneo t i otols p ropo rt I ona te fees, if the 'cos t unit, 1u]e:f91" ?lvtn.gn! 9f,.tjt:._.' . :, shall be due quar each quarter. The t,]nt-*f;J er ; r il ilrr i lo -. 1 T:ti'J i i,.i i#S :.y :,1 " ""' ill ; :i.",11" r,'r. r: _-i:#-r.Calnlascerri{ri-bc,ior.=to;'rai;i;"i;irh#Ai;.*u,"ot;lni.,"Uiii*;i ,i t,irr.:,.fi i 1;.g 1 ; 11 9r' " ic " "i u i n t n g, ur e'] a J'$"i.#} ':rny-'r1:"t:t'tfif'?;;i;;"ii.; ru"ni 'i.o 'i; ;';r';"i;i;'ir;tfi;,::':'i,?'',r- i' ,. ',":.-:"{ r'r ' then the .ent I re'costt'orl pr.cr,u, ino u no i ns tait i no" " t jti:':g:X..*;'cost'roflpurchaslng and installlng'..' :' r"t'.tfXr,iri 5uch separate assessments __ ,__:..n In advance on the'flrst day of Agent as Board of llanagers shall prepare and deli each owner an itemlzed quarterly statement shorlng .mai I lo the various estloated or actual expenses for which the Contrlbution for quarterly assessrnentsassessments are made. rhal l be prorated lf the ownershl p of a condomi ni um uni t on a day othersubJect to separate assessmgnt commences than the first day of -2- " I { , the quarte r. - ,-".1,.'r'- I fifir.riie--ii6o1 1zg,-ei'.-_{3_1, .r Docua.n. l{o. 12{267 pro'I.ef .urasth.^58oc;;i#;Fil-o:^:::f 1""^':::,^s5*"J."ltrtlitTl:.1xff3. .ffi'?"ii-J"i'Ji-6.-gcncrir co'non olrncn3r onc ru rr- iieicrntr tbcrcont rnc rrtlrrf , rald Dccl rret lon lY-tlt:i PIIov:::,",.' :l?:::n .,:}::-t*' Irl-r-..t .-.r ''l'''-------.-: i'Uter ind fcgUlAttOnr gOVcfnlffgllreatrSlon- nay.. lljl| -::"1?"1?lt -.r.-=rt ooDrcn rlcncnsr r rncfiffi;:";;"tff'";fi; r-na-ot th. g.ncr.l cerlen rlcncnsrl rnc nlrtrr, 3b. condo-Dilrur^.1p1111"3:i:L-Tf.y.g ffi"gdl i'i fil-6i'il-cJ.*tgv Rcccrccr'r otltcc on xarcl rdtrr- 1e?5 ln dlir ii-g, pige rrrl ai- -T-t'Tc.llc- N-o*.- T::'6:-P.t':":*:yal- l5rc{e55.s .rr. }"! ar Docuncnt No. L24267fiiir'rIrC tn 9"94 ?28-r-??et--{3-l-:n.nq.bre ror rhs exclu lUEnElS, the Association'. by and througb the Board of llana' getlr has decer'lrittr':d that ic is in the beEt interest of all unit orrners to srjs r,,t ! lr rule:; .rrr''t requlat'iong ggYerning the paflCtng gf velrrcLu:,, I r.,,,,.r i, Lr..,',r. ",rllil)ur:i' L,lkeE, and ot'hgr appurten- ancabj Oll LlrLl (Jt "' t 'rl e (2rrti""r ' ' i"t':lrLi' dL iio&esL4ks' Tr{Et(E!'ol{.8, tol lt,,w r " 1 t tr': \l l:" tlssion and voting by thg Ehc HgUtOWneI.E Assoe ruLtull lrlrrru.rl MeeLing, the fOIIOUing bercby taEsn: 4) rhe condominiusr Associati-"i^31?/?t-lti.'Tt?:nll: :::::"::v'ar r;l ;i;.;;;;;;;"i;;";-rt1r11ns,P::i::: ::-:l: il.ll"^:::?I:'-aE lElt (rr{tl;f E e'r"" - 'stated hereln. sald pernltstani-ol the rules and regulat"long r-- -^.,^r,6i 2$ 2nv i{,,'. 16?lilir"i.i"i.'iili";;;";i;-;no-gr_f-revoksd at anv ttne tor anv i'iolagi.. or abuee of the pernit holder' Da3ed thtc JljL dav of J9L-r 1991. Bt I8 nESO&VED, that _the fotlouing .rulcs and regulatlonn coro";-giJ porri;tai vstllcl€i^, rratle-rs, boatr, counasrr btkee, ini-ot5rr rbpullcianccr on shs gcncral cerlon 3l3ncn3a lt [enc- tt Isl l) The folloulng are prohlbtted fron parklng or storage ln th. Dttlslng erii"- iiiE - gtn.ial , conglon el€nent8: bugee, tra.tlore t ' bortrr crnp.rrl'""ziitzect vehtciee(cxccedt?g . vlalth of 6t t€.t, I lcngth ot l?'rliil-;;-; r"tgr,t of 4 tonE)inotorlzed blkes and lTVtr .conEtrucifon eguiii"ni-anO apFuitenances, and commerclal veblcleel. arcapt that an'ouislde gervice contractor or suppller Eervl'clng or cllacharglng "ori-ioi a unlt oyner or his tenant may park tenpo- rarlly on the i"""itr torsmon--elements durlng buslness hours of 6;00-;.;. tr,roigt,-s'oo P'm' Monday through saturdav' -\ 2l gach unlt at Honestake Le llnited go parlclng at Honestahe . r rerlngu ot tii-tii G[i;i'; per unit' Each vehicle nust have . ;o;;t,-iegf etiitioi and t1."nie platee.and also be operaglonal. .' No vehtcle r.y-U.-iift fn the aane partclng stall or space for a perloat of nore in.n-on" (1) ueek' unlese prlor notificatlon ls glven to the tunig".tnt and vritten authorlzatlon for eane ls ' gtven to untt ouner 3) Parklng shall be afloved to Residentsr condonlniun unit ' ovn"tl, anO iuEistered guests' only' Resldents shall be deftned as ovner o.."pini" inO -teasebold tenants of record by leaee vlth the condo.ini"n'-o'n"i-ot his agent' Registered,guests shall be' deflnedasrentersorguestsoFcondominiununitovnersorthelr agent Yhose "J"i-is of-less than fourteen days' and of d Doo- repetitlv" nuiulu' Parking shall be alloued by non-repetitive gue6ta of leasehotd residents at the discretion and vith the pernission.of ;h;-conaotinirrm Associatlon Management only' said parlclng prrver;;;"-;ii;ii-;ot be extended beyond f,ourteen days' NOI{, Doard ct legton tr Board of Dlrectorg ttouer&ilsr Coqtfoulnluu Assqclattoq