HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A6 HOMESTAKE UNIT B106)l I I I I I I I I oz F = UJ Iq 1 clfi I J c1 ,|q 3.J I uJ TJ.J LL ts = .tq^lt v-"/ ' r /nls hl Ll-d I aV iJI ' AttMIt. U) TUFoz oz 6 J ldl zzat tl- Ht3ca Io ca.o\ o\lll ll3; Rrlr tl Frt -l Irlrlrl-' ,o I -l<xi55rf SIEEri(./) rg ()'< et,6ztZF li F: r i t!J UJo = oIL cc z3o UJIF oz IUE F zI .l .t ll F\lz)l t'1rl rl vIH,l s.r It>I E-rl(n o c, c, HH z J ao.; .o.;\ ;6 lls;A ,)-:o = a/,)c)to s:x!6)' ,6'u ==J c) LFo- lL ocq)a.>ioF >27< =a c]oLN :(Dfar]ro :ic)lc = o a o al, 9.. :=.:f o (E '' J::,o:1')c)rJ Qu,-@)o7C tc -o2- ;;i.o 'Fi;)G ;3i> o- Eroo o':r o' E:c -=i 6)l 5.1 EJr: 2.':o.{ oc oal.: :o =C)r'o:o -aoi.-:x :L:'5 1c, )Gtjo i; )O'!,a! iE 'o ,O' ttl (!{ -t Gti o- o. 6l (g?c( cr. :;t-/ ;i, ()( a) tt 'E€ o ; o' 6g!o' O.,!(gj =. c.) 1r-Io. (!( -i c6( {, Iqrc !!o:;-tOG .Y: >,!.o€dr;6F-cE -c v f. --: L €i -a, -.i I L_t \- I c!(r) ts =l! ozo t I(J J a Fo UJ lr., =) slz =olg tu t/.t ti.r (J au (D =LrJ Ezo6 o F6 u-, o- f,t l! (J >< F Li,, V Fl F-1 '.1F-rHB an uJu-t = tJJ J t-.r F z 5 J o u, z6 = J 9z : NOtlVntVA F ! z Q >r( = ,., z -iJ o- ato (-, oOZrL< g3 FO z tr 1 q il^il-ltEt<to-l!l lx lx t-1i.tlzloItrl6 l'l t^ll;lot <l EI 5l<l ^ll ;ilq., Iztl Jl<l trl;l zl oulo |'j.1za tr cct!o- z E uJl ca (.1 IF F J tltltlit Fzfz992 o< =EXt!5ci<z L 9z iItro3trOI o: tJ,i az o a, l9 Fl F cl, CE IL a1J =F Lr.l I I c, o lt -- \>\-\'F5:91 h -<1. .-= I u \- \-)i-, o | 2\z\< €.'rY B\5=;Hz zo $- Es.'h uJt o')zo F ul t--Fca>*fi; o- !r. '1OJ 3HoqtHH u.,,-F\Jzo dPn! t; E&ttlo- 7oF() &,l-azoO mffi (,()z,Er\F:o =uJ.-J Jcl l! tr =E LU tL u,(L F (r a !u u.l ooF utJJ rl. uj F c) c' E Eoe o t-t-ri z H I zl ,-t Ai.,a I =Zt€#l 5-l ujc'.) | ==l g; I I t-I r.l (J t--lz u; E d]o lro lcalr)tlI ra)I c\tlcoI,t€\ol .ar |\- | L.).$l ocnl co Ixt o Fqlvt (Afr7dxcl r.J J><trEO tltlllttlltI lo-tllltltltdI trt t8 rl ir ll t3lol.t-'lHl IalI pl el El 8l *srl crl ll rl =l jl rl 9sl HFI FI rslll5l I I 1l + 8t :lrl I _.rl € 31 5 u-lol el * F.rHEr+ Flz H F l'1 lltl|llltl l:l I t]Jll5l ltsl Itrlt I df,ill Itltl ldtot lI utl Ittrt I| --rl Ilfl I df,ill I I ,lolzl sl :l al>l lr-lol Pl E E uJ = Fo L'r E <FoaouJ<zEuiF.t Zo <o()F =(JFSXr =2.60o 2? =o =ffd5 C) 6F =3iiF =tg o|- Llr Oz.,o 'O J<()ootIJ IIJJO .lj TowN oF vArrJ coNsrRucrroN RLu'il PERMIT APPLICATION FORMoxrs: //a/F /??3 APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT }'TAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDt !****************************** pERMIT fNFORMATION ***************************** 7Y ,/ tZ_ qtr ..,', ?'! l9'>ttrunrr r/153Q Legal Description: Lot ohrners Name: Qn)//e Block Filing sueorvrsron, tUt.,I Archi.tect: ceneral Description: Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR Address: +- .-/,/o cya Ph. Oo 6 C.a-'- ,-. 7a24ff-a>-;pair [ ]-othwork class: [ ]-New , ,-or&t((*^"ffi;/5/)4 k/ition6l I l- BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: UECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI.ECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEs DRB FEE: *-t" .,-sl. &r4/o '^ /v \ Comments: /05' VALUATION Address: 5"1,?17? Npnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet_v ,t**'t******,t**ffi***************** Vaf_,UaTIpa ********************************* durr,orwc, +4-&A-:u ELESTRTSAL. + #o oTHER: $ u Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodati.on Units: PLUMBTNG: MECHANTCAL: $- TorAL: i-ffi>, @- X************************it*.t CONTRACTOR trNFORI'IATION ***************************tEeneral contractogz Ku-Tu lniL-e €,atT Town of vail Reg. No./n^1-5 Address:Phone Number: Ca,a Town of vail Reg.yoAooE Phone Number: ?/e - t FL/t Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: (4.- PLTIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIJIN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE:l4r- ctrlx-uP DEPosrr:dc. TorArJ PERMTT FEEs: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Contractor: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REN]ND ,4r.-/72,2r €*,/. luwn n lltl 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlce of communlty development BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME lf this permtlt req.uires a Town of Vail F'ire Department Approval, Engineer''s (.PgbJ ic Works) reyiew and approval,'a planning'Department revi'ew or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as iongas thfee weel(s. All commercial (large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits will haVe to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, if resi.denti'al or smaller projects impact the various above ment.ioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the th.ree week period. Every attempt wrlll be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as spon as possrlbl e. I,. the undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and time f-fame.. z/ttt r /2f3 Communi ty Development Department. .i 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrlsor material , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicl-es upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpf?9e or any portion thereof. The ri.ght-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the fown of VaiIeglJic works Department. Persons found viorating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said materiar.In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pufflc WorksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlft not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, p1ease stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. acknowl (i.e. contractor,OI,tner) Puatg Spiht €ntecpcitet P.O. 80X 1517 VA|L, COLORADO 81658 iew o< L"l+ F1"" I srou I o Nt&,'\ o-t€xrsl,\ Lrf-f F(oo*-gL" \ . R, , n-tro a<E €(rSl, * 1b"n9, ---.s,J{+;; \ e"-p.+ in\,^ea o AQ& U,r'.* o h€a App"* L cr.^* I g,r:- x'//z,A \5ula.,^o v Zi, i I I I I J 45,5rtrt' -Qt "$i.l--t4a-L cellr*-.=- Sc- lt,-,.r I , E -f.XA ur-r_r_ g C.^*]L^ a ps'rnit based upon y'Ians, sPeci not pi'ev8nt the buildi correction of errors in satd data. " , 1_ zr0 g.V OATE: t'of Vail. H COPY P.O. BOX l5l7 VAIL, COLORAOO 81658 PH. (303) 476-4374 tr[:;, ,"o-"^- - {t rJ)ernaa*n ,t boyle eqgineering. inc. ]43 e. meodow dr. suiie 390 crosroods sfroPPing center voil. colorodo 81657 3ou47&l2l'70 tspp t+v 4-l?+ *bth Fl aL t*b v6ec,6p< 4 g-tu4 w$ +1JD avue r u "?::'o'&'fuil V'll€Ttt+q wc prii"1 fo d>tA h V;x r'1tflq $6rt6' qV*V h 1.illt, 7Eu 7;{)at" 1o 't ''rl-Lrj1-A, Cf :\'1*;d9,. o D @ [tg;ii.t:ie-' -q ULlo .'L f^vv He n Iato-a Vrt5trrl 4r'v V']-lo'4 bp p H EJ^l 12.X*V tw Hgl^l , lt/16httz r'l"L; Au*v & Fh r 1o 4t ra 6 + t{Al9l.'ljolrtp l.'t F-1V-TYP f*tEtY?. rN Vrt31 FpP. ..,s: E 0r TAKE 1081 VallVbri, Drhre Vall. Colorado 8l6Y/ Town of Vai-I Community Development Dept.Vai1, Colo.81657 To whom it may Concern: Nov. 5, 1993 Re: Proposed remodel,/loft expans i on: Condominiun 8106 The Homestake Homeovners Association has no objection to the proposed remodel and loft expansion to Condominium 8106 ovned by Camille Nicol, and as submitted by Mike Krohn, d.b.a. Rusty Spike Enterprises. Please contact me at any time if any further questions arise regarding this matter. David C. Hacl<man Association Manager Homestake Cond. Assoc. Plan Review Based on the l99L Uniform Codes NAME: NICOL DATE: 11-8-93 ADDRESS: 1136 SANSTONE CONTRACTOR: RUSTY SPIKE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: BOYLE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQIIIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cndes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQIJIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLS AS PER SEC.121O OF TTIE 199I UBC. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE FILLED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAL. 3. FrELD INSPECTTON rS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. PLEASE MAKE C}IECK TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTI{ENT OF COlvf }ILiNITY DEVELOP}IENT' s,*tE .ia S,\LES ACT]ON FOR},7 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ZCI\D{C,d\D A DDRESS !'iA}S0l co004l5<0 LMIOL\{ IUTLDL\-C CODE UMFOR.\,I PLU!'A NG CODE 0t 0010 {24 l5 0l 0000{24t5 0l 000042.il5 .l UMFoR\f rccH,$lcr.LcoDE 0r 0000 r2415 | u,.,-tFotu\{ FIRE coDE 0l 0000 {2{ t5 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICA L CODE oTliER coDE 300Ks0r 0000.{21t5 0t moo { t 543 | B LUE PRDfTS $IYLAI{S 0r 00ol {21 I 2 | }:EROX COPES / S'IUDIES 0t 00c0{237r. i puxet.rv FEEstrta.NspEcno\',s 0l crJco{t-132 I FL,L\ RE\rlElvRE.C)IECK FEE tS.10 FER liR. 0t 000042323 OFF I.IOURS t\isPECTION FEEs CONTJL\ CTORS LICE\S ES FI.ES0t 0010.tl{:2 0l ot00 I 1330 SION APPLICATIO)\' FEE.01 0000 411)3 ADDITIONA'. SICNAOE F;E IS].OC PER, SO.IT, OI COOJ421.IO IlTCARTPROECTDONATON 0l 0000{l{13 0t 0c00 .t r 33t PRE P.A.JD DF.SICN REVIEW BOARD FEE OIOOOO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI"IPUTER DI *'01 0000 41010 T X STIGATION TEE (BUILDING)no0 l 0000 { 1330 AL USE PER\ I COOO4I33O IEXTERTOR ALTERA 0l 00004t330 EYTER]OR ^ LTER..\T]ON IIiOR E 0r 0000 .r I EVELOP.\{E.fit' Dt 0l 0000413 0t 0000dr:!30 SPECLA L DEVELOPTf!,YT DISTRJCT ITO{OR AME\D 0l 0000 r I 0t cooo.il I ZOMNO CO D E A"V E-' Dl.l EVTS t+ hw * * * * * * * * * T(fhfFl (fF IJF|II- l'ligcel larpus Cash LI--1tr,_-=-'1[t: 57; 4f Fi,="-': i r' t. S 1354f.r4 Fi':,:c'c-rrrt. # l::F: # 55f,': FJUSTII' SFII.IT EI{TEEPEJ:.E::;'..I.]ifi]L L-[]FT RE]H5 F E[:T ] t.l i11lr1,;rrrt t.*n'l*r*d } 4t:i. 0E Item paid E I tlr:tF t:t 4 ;_ f, r 1 ff F_lEl f'h.!n'J* f'+ t.Lrrn*t:l .] Ruoun t paid 4ff. B_1 lJ. Fl:l -rHFtFtl< 1/(flJ \r':r-rr ceghier F:Ef,THE Ftt!*'- ; -t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,,o Ilo PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL $rnnurruc r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr trE tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRI CAL:MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT 'tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i" .:,; /DATE INSPECTOR .a tr ,-.t1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON { 3.,o, *ot,F =rr r r,-.) N\rf f\,1tffiC?'FL_- l.-, l_r_. r__-t l';.-l-''r (T'| r CALLER TUES WED THUR TOWN OF VAIL I '(:' / jiirt: {1rlt1,F,)'.' LOCATION: \ i' , ',r\ -. \( { ':_\ -...l ){' $ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING Ir ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED --. CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE /I/0- YJ rNSpEcroR ', 1,.d --1.-i, - - t {r j.r.-: ':/ ol INSPECTION PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL DATE i .. JoB NAME 1.'.l' ll ' I rF READY FOR INSP LOCATION: CTION:lir MON ,ii CALLER TUESrl.i wed rHUR FRI AM PM \i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o D tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL i..rrrunr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: r# co DATE INSPECTOR nfiGsnop Dlign Review Action Fnn TOWN OF VAIL catesory t'rumuer a on tt /a q/qs . e,q"aNa ", MicoL iu\+ert;- ?So ' Lo €/ o*44,y'.o^) Bui6ing r't"^., f/r>m<-s{q ft'< C-,uJos * tlr){ /O5-& Project Description:-v5 ri Lo Owner. Address and Phone:7-L - 53e f.o, kK 3q76 , Lfoo'-s co go-s{c ArchilecVOontact, Address and Phone: ,Vft Zone District rtOmf '/'----...---.Board /8!e[ rq!!@ uotionuy: a) fr vote: I Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disgpnroval v{r^nApprovat Conditions: //4 2o'6e"-DRB Fee Pre-paid t* .u, ll , rcYled 2n18? Date of Application iVor,,s \7q3 2a D. oaa,""" 3u/,, ltr- /) l/n)l C. V/L* YLl NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: ..)l-rc, K*12 Sptko 6.: (V /,, ,-s- | *1." S E{Vf t-i> / -.- / - (1' t --.1Aag,rcss D2/ /T)7 ,/r(t/ h. Vrc NAME oF owNER(s);-C--42 ; /k /l./rco ( tr Slgnature(s Address 6"3/7L A 6^.3 .8og4o ,honut]i sjo;. F. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived./'+ 5s#' lllt(1i , @ g&): Date of DRB Meeting Date of PEC Meeting (if necessary)_ APPLTCATTON FOR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) _ Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for up to 250 square feet il the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of the Town ol Vail code are met. Applications for additions under this srjction will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form ry[g Design Review Board submittal requirements. +III. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Lo B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ^ddrru B IDG HorhqSy'"ak U^-4 Legal Description:Lot- Block- Filing_ Zone District C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 1?uatg Spihe tuwpoaro p.p. aox-t5rz vArL, coloRAoo 8165g I Btot- I .' A&&,'\ o-te €y,isl,"\ Lrff F(oot3L" \ L'J* Fl"" S rNe- r-l rzvJ 7-i' I I I I I J , R. t ^*{ro r--e gtr sl,1 Jlo..Pr.-_, 5,q.vlzln ) eR.* Lulj-.,,^ua o A,Q"e Ur>-* o h€& 4pp-4 t c"*.- 3g,r-:t-^ x Rze \5t-l a .,..: '', "$.*^*--a CeLl,....-' Bc. lt,,-t ) or.r--) 5ffiz"tt woQQ- be"..,-i*'- hLetr5 P.0. Box l5l7 vAlL, cotoRADo 81658 pH. (303) 476.4374 aTAKE lO81 VallMew Drive Vall. Colorado 816Y/ Town of Vail Community Development Dept.Vai1, Co1o.81657 To Whom it mav Concern: Nov. 5, 1993 Re: Proposed rernodel,/loft expansion: Condominium 8106 The Homestake Homeo{ners Association has no objection to the proposed remodel and loft expansion to Condoninium 8106 ovned by CamiLle Nicotr ?rrd as submitted by Mike Krohn, d.b.a. Rusty Spike Enterprises. Please contact me at any tirne if any further questions arise regarding this matter. David C. Hackman Association Manager Homestake Cond. Assoc. re1y, o AG o ADJACENT PROPERW OWNERS i\T Y"T.""one Drive' #1oo Vail, CO 81658 Snow Lion Condominiums Attn: Al P.o. Box 35q1- Vail, CO 816ct Telemark Townhouses Homeowners Assoc' l,:i:;s'Ii?Y o"u" f--$'Xl \llolq3- ocflocurrs *T orl-vt'' ttf totds'- fft; st,,.r tur€\J ({, zarL, t I s l'1 El o1 o{ I tl P/620 - .1r ^ L'Y, 1v1a '.. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Community Development Statf will be reviewing the following application on November 29, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet ol Gross Residential Floor Area for the Nicol Residence located at 1081 Vail View Drive, Unit B-106/Homestake Condominiums. Applicant Camille Nicol The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on November 12. 1993. IR 1'.IEST FL I CHT CTR sf re'azae Dalo of Appllcatlorl llor,, s- \1( l Date of Dllb l,lsellng-_----,- Dats ol PEC Meotlng (ll necessaryr- APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA (2501 I. TYPE OF FEOUEST --) E-S'anEAZEd' L Typ€ | EHU 250 " - Typs ll EHU 259 __ T)?o v EHU 250 I II. PRE.APPLICATIONCONFEREN.CE A pre"appllcatlon oonterenc€ \,vith a member ol lhe planning slatl ls skongly enccurag€d to dlsculis th€ orovlslons under whlch additlonal ORFA oa( bg added to a slts, lt should be underslood lhat lhls ordinance does nol assur€ €ach propsrly an additional 250 squaro te€l of GRFA. BalhEr, lha ordinance allows for lllq-z9qtllqro lect if th€ condtlons sel lorlh In Chaptor 18,57 oa Chaptor 18.71 ol the Town 0f Vail cods a.o mol. Apptlcatlons for additlons under tlrls sectlon wtlt nol bo accepted unless they are 0ompi6te. Thls Includss ell Inlormalion required on lhls form as wsll as Design Revlew Board submitlal reoulremgntg. III. APPLICATIONINFOBMATION LQCATIO+.I OF PFOPOSAL: P. B1 au'u Blb6 /lorn€,S],4k U;'f Leoal Doscrlptlon:Lol Elcck.-_ Fllihg_ Zons Dlstrlcl c. NAM|: oF AppLrcA w.-a r- Hnt I L\ t? zz, ll *t Addross___ o. NAME OF AppLtCANT',S nepRese t,rrertve' 'e /i/r<.o Foy irlu At4usCr.gata, ^&*ss Fal 3f/ t, Aq*"s (o.&Of4o. pnon"fu1E.i_QE F, Fllirq Fee ol $2C0.00 ls requlred at t|mo ot submittalol a standard ASO. Fo/ a r€quosl Involvlng an EflU, th6 l6e ls walved, RUSIY SFIKE ENIENPNIS€S 300 s rFoNl/GE Fo. E. st€. l|l P. O 6CX r5rr pH JOJ-r7a.r/a val., co!o. 0t6ta 5054 4/?- -/- -f- . --,, 7.l-'"."" *' f,TBAltl( r. lnrlnlri 1r l. ,ir cn'tl DOTLAIS PLEASE I'IAKE TOIVN OF VAIL D E PA RT;\{ EN T OF CO }I }1Li].{ITY DEYELO P }IENT' S.\LES ACT]ON FORI{ N,I}IE SOUTH FRO ZCI\T\'C .\\!D ..\ D D RESS I'i A-PS0l 0000 4,J{0 0t 000c42415 LT,.{TTOR.\ { B LIILDI',fG C OD E 0t 0000 ..21 t5 UMFOL\{ PI.UI'TD DJC CODE 0l 00?042415'l UMFOL\'[ l\fECH'$'lC,r.LCODE UNITOfu\{ FIRI CODE0l co00 Jl{ r5 0t o0oo12{15 | x,rnoNilrlEcTPicALcoDE 0t 0000.{21r5 | onJEn coDE looKs BLUE PR,D{IS O'YLAIIs0t 0000 { ,54s 0t o0c'l {2112 | >:rrox coPEs / s'' uDEs 0l 00co d2371 i P::NAl.fi FEES / RE.I\SPECTjONS Ol O0C0.tJ3jZ i pL,r,vRgviSvRE.Cl.:EC.(FEE lg0FER FiR.l 0 | 00co 42323 OF? 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ADDRESS , - Police Bpceipt Numberskrmit Numbers --T---', ,:-4 AIIOWPAID-Cash-Orock ' z : jl