HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A6 HOMESTAKE UNIT B208 B303oz E =tulo- cc -d rn a.n l,lJl! l.L F =(E Itl.L ND "t*rii,i'- .if I I u z ts z !! Eo .it I r--l I z H <FlY<tB2zz= =< UJF o cl F F z = zz o l.u z z o =_1 .6 zz tr uJz3 t!I Foz H HH AF] A a F-1 Eoc o (! 3 F (lLo o 'tL o o f dl E f G = 0) =e{€E8Ea =.e c?€ 'EE H 9FfcX e6P:4c-o> ef;E ; si;c966 -*:o)33t: E E-s::€8igqsF E!seo.o o.-$E; e o!-o-orsf;e€ Efi:N :E€ E CSES -o,:o60'-!<=o(D sf;; €gel= PIloi E; E: sE-: q eEgg rn at\c.l\c 1 o tr) tr =EgJc z 5 @ :< C)lu z E ) uJ lu z = (L () z -olrl a! r|Jltzotr uJe,oltlE o o .D- uJ luEzI u,o Fo u/ z ur -) x F llJo Fl F-l |lFlHB (Yl at UJ UJrL E = L,IJ(r J Fo F z =f, ao J 9 F !J-)qJ z =J 2 C)u, NOtlVn'tVA tltltltl lvlIH lu1 ;io-1 =doazlod tro. Flctrl fi3qt<zE rrl Efi =>c -r(tf tr.t N =aOOl zz F.o. AxruF96'ooz>-oo<)zrL<oq 9UFOjc.i z tr l.J 1 q o (L (5 uJq- F (r o- Lllc -) z Eoo +,3z EE F-) 3 UJz Lzlz <oo< 4U>(! 8c;<z Fz. Oz EO3GOI l1H ll t-T Ii joltqldl lll JJ (l L!z :< iF z tr loz I-t -.tl<t:t 8l It F o 6 <1 tr 2_ zl .. >l uJ uJ t/Jzo tr (r IJ,J z E z tra 6 I &:d (o r- ut Eo dto.: zo FoluY IJJo oF-t FO\ =3(r !uo\f tllO pal>Hl EEIo>lr9l F IJJ(L t! uJoz L F I JFuJ- !:: =d u.J>[Or!oo 60-:>lJ l-ulJ) tr IJJ F E =Eltl o-zo F C)f E. 6zo(J Hurbkzo z .n9z, =z O- lL EEI-1 -': uJ6d= TIT =.1 IJJI :l <l>l rLlol zl 3lotFI I I .lzl olutl ;| AI Eli ol =.1(rl ull 5l *lrl r,l-l I I I ctl =l rJJl :l al>lr!lol zl 3l PI z H I = lr- HE] E HF til FqFt ii =z -) lltl .ilFt I&l ttftrrI HFql <Fll (,i<l I4Ezl ltHl (rl.rl 3g: 4a F\ e.l I F\t j o- E() tltltltlJIFll>t Iot Iq .rtI atl EI Hq8t< Et ddE g ==lt Fo Fz z t Lu = F tr z J - F LUJ E 9P =#]Fd6 <FE() LrJ <ZE (nZ t TJJz = F UJ =IJ UJJ \SF$- R€EE -.E----) g .:?). O EEN lz ,u*,{nf114n-OWN OF VAIL CONS PERMIT APPLICATI DATE: [ ]-E1ectrlcal [ ]-Uechanical [ ]-other Job Nane:L"oo ouut"r", Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Fij.ing SUBDIVISION: Lir no. A lb<ntr , o s / yq i\ yir\) dr. 6-3d1p:n..!7s - o-72,sOlrners Name: Architect: Address: Address:Ph.9)/--21?o APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT CO}TPI,ETEtYqR TNKEV3UE$A BE ACCEPTED Work Class: y 1-*"* fi-Alteration t l-Additional Number of Dwelling Units. / llnber and Type of Fireplaces! cas Appliances {* * * * * * * * " * * i 6' i;6:*: * * * * * * * * * * * * vAr"'Arr$ General Description: BUILDINGs $ PLTIMBING: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: [ ]-Repair [ ]-other ********************************* OTHER: $TOTAL:f--_F,?iD *************************** Town of vail Reg. No. ,50^6 Phone Number: V'7q-ar1<- Number of AccomnodaCion Units, I Gas Logs Wood/Pellet I EI,ECTRTCAL: I Plumbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: To$/n of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: BUILDTNG PT,AN CHECK FEE: b3 -PLT]MBING PIJAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - RECREATION FEE: ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PERI'TIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PER}TIT FEE! ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments: c4ry sLENr-uP DEPosrT: WCq(A TOTAL PERMIT FEES: ?5' l l suruorHc: | | tiftft, | {'l l-l-l srexarunr:t_t_t_l_t zoNrNG:I-I-I-I-I SIGNATI]RE: Gi.",. ?. o, Byl/(i I / A tsvqY' Lo. qrt I tr/6s& CI.EAN I'P DEPOSIT REEI'I{D TO: FROM: DATE: RE: O MEMoRANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) ls this a new residence? YES NO Mo 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? [\I O 3) ls any uiility work needed? lV o 4) ts the driveway being repaved? \J O 5) fs ditferent access needed to sile n | ^otherthan existing driveway? lv u 6) ls any drainage work being done . I aflecting lhe right of way, easements, lV 0 or public property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit' N u required? 8) A. ls ihe right of way, easemenls or .r I public property to be used for slaging, N O pad<ing or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging r I . or fencing plan required by Community tV 0 Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permil" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construc'tion lnspec{or, a|.479-21fi. I have read and answered allthe above questions. br'dl Job Name Conlractor's Sig nalure 75 soulh lronlage ro.d vail, colo.ado 81657 (3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEer: ottlce ol communlty deyelopment ALL CONTRAEIORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH THETOICN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT D1ARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soir, "o-x, sand., debrisor naterial , including trash lunpsteri, portaUie to:.fets andworkmen vehictes. upon any streetl "ia"r"ixl -;li;y or publicp1?:. or any porrion theieof. rhe right_"ii;t-;n arl Town ofVaiI streets and.Ig"gr is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.Thl:. ordinance will be "t"iEliv -enrorcio uy trre-rown of vailPubLic works Department. pers6ns found vi6tating this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour writren ""[il"-ti-;;;;;"=aid rnarerial.In the event the person so notified.does not compfy with thenotice within the 24 hour time-rp""iiiil,"i;"-;"tii" ro"x=Department wirr remove said mateii-1 it-irr"--"r.i""le of personnotified. The provisions "r tni= ordinance sharL not beapplicabre to clnstruction, urainienance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the .ijti_"_*"y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofYlil llilding Department to obtain a copy. rrranx you for yourcooperation on this matter. Re Y ad and acknowledged f, (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 .oulh trontage road v!ll. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or.479-2L39 otflcc of communlty devclopmc|rl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIIIE FRAI,IE If this peryit requires a Town of Vai't Fire Deparfrnent Approval,Engineer''s (public r,rorks) reyiew and approvat,'i piiniini-blpu"t .ntreview or Health Department review, anit'a_review uv ir,e'driibtnsDepartment, the estimated time for a totar "eu'rt"*-fruy'i"re ii r6ngas three weeks. ll]-"9ry:lSial ('targe or smat't) and alt multi_family permits willnave r0 roilow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residential :i1.,:Tlll projects.shoutd lake a.'lesser amount of time. However, ifresroentrar or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned liry"lgl.:.with resard to necessary rev.iew, th;; ilj;.Ii'ruyarso take the three week period. Every.attempt will be nnde by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - I, the frame., undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Conununi ty Devel opment Department. k;r+i 1.L'l-14 boyle engineering, Inc. 143 e. meodow dr, suite 390 crossroods shopping center voil, colorodo 81657 ;:. 3O3/A76-217O LOFT FRAMING PLAN /rtl11-ot!-fLoop wVtH.i -T" Fe ava rl&l ?F HOMESTAKE REMODEL VAIL, COLORADO sa uTlfuv,l.l NVe|}"l ilr Uu ayld (rfif FFLL6- -rf) )/( t .La!-L ,,/ \,-ll I) lm Jl I r<- 'r - J #.f'il$_t.;..C -o1Z€." , --^- '.1L: 14965 l4-'t L4:d't,tt'-d - peHlo v € Ex lsTrlll... +x rv 4bW4l* f"sl=:-F: --:t€ -sx.rit- 3 \J-t 4v-lz P lti b $ Irq-il $l3 u)-L r/vTF-rLP 'Le ol l*ll- ts lr \tf ; \u j tlla --5:v t ,r+2 +l eF qFv LO?1 l-Lv ev o q-11-'1+ boyle englneerlng, lnc. 143 e. meodow dr. suite 390 crossroods shoPPing cenler voil. colorodo 81657 3031476-2170 4* fter$ 3x7 rl+ syhl Z e fatt 4 Lll tuf" 2t 4 TosA n/ut'* *4" yvtst @ 2t a.c- J '2 11 Pria\lflq ,r+/t" f.f.ctt H eHOgF |"" llErp *rv€.Ye Starbq$ FttzET fV,Pe DETATL A 4 i. t* f+\'to? €ltlPr,c rl 4xb 4y Hr*rN 7eFfi ll 2- y'L+ t4.8, fl.$liisfi;il"'.;{..eo\ Fi- r+sos "-g-. VL"--l'- o " ^a"t1flvn 1* c" vAtL, coLoRA9O f+. DVq . boyle engineering, Inc. 143 e. meodow dr. sulte 390 crossroods shopping center voil. colorqdo 81657 303t476-2170 INTERIOR BEAM BOLSTERING f,*il:pto.t'*u- '%...?s.' - ::f-: 1496s 3it'.1 -r .e!ib)tt /).F! eXftItAq 4rb (v4"o bvAvave Hghl 4rto ?$Lv suPpl\4. -beTlvei Wefis OPTION I nt'' lL o" a rl v/o'Q x U Vpq+ r9- luttosr. - ar-l HT6 F<r trl v. FVts?+ F{ ekl 4xtz - 'fx)?I r1q 4xb OPTION 2 ?_ L4oa FV ilv4tv e tu LL-5t?frav pvI twi hwlls HOMESTAKE REMODEL vAlL, GOLORADO w This slructure has been designed to meet the requirements of the l99l Uniform Building Code wilh amendments as adapted by the Town of Vail. All omissions or conllicts between various elements of the working drawings and/or specificatiory tryl be brought to lhe attention of the Structural Engineer before proceeding with t|Ir{ Yo* so involved' The General Contractor shall veri$ all dimensions hd conditioni at lhe job site and shall be responsible for the meang methods, techniques, sequences and procedures associated with 0ris project' Furthermore, he shall be'responsible for ioordination of ali work and materials including those furnished by subcontractors. The Structural Engineer shall be contacted during the construction phase to make the job site inspections necessary fo.onlrr* that the actual field conditions are consistent with the design assumptions and that the ionsfuction is proceeding accordirrg to the plans and specifications' Live Loads Used In Design: Floors 40 psf Earthquake Zone I UBC Wind 80 mph Specifications All framing lumber to be #2 Doug-fir or better. All floor dicking to be minimumif #2 Hem-fir or better 2x6 T& G. Screrv to beants with 2 l/2" decking screws @ 6' o/c. Alt steel angles shall conform to ASTM ,{36 specifications. All steel expansion bolts shall be "Sleeve Anchors" by Red Head Phillips Anchors. All steel botts shall conform to ASTM A307 specification. HOMESTAKE REMODEL d}.='& @t- vAtL, GOLORADO Uo ^€ S*or ina A I be-t hl .---rtft' i .\rli .l I.t l IUV, N ..J P'apoSed A)d, t o f t Ar ea. , E *is+ in7 Lo1 t I (n ! ,r\ Fo''{ Ir.'1-"', t .1. -..-.-. ..- - -._ ."- I z'r\ ru ( < frlor d,sf rora^. f3- > o I J - L.++ o{ hz lt{y Cp,anrflowo.llS on L losQ t>, vv ') \r G ;nj l\ ! be'ti Gr,.l co Uondsfro,n^. {3, 2 l{ r ^s'fa l( 29 istinT fq,'l P.<,poSpc{ A)d, t o f + Ar ea . Ll iO 91,'nor,i C f ofe + Co4rg, Id t:t\\-a I I I I I Icl( si t t I { I .i 4, I I I I I iI (ri t\ nl \J \ lab i I | "* ir -l ; n ? .:,o,'w..r q.o ' l. _iS.-=rzihdo.tJ A,nJ{.s,n Ct/ tv./^- "--*_---- Iz' s t/v" _- /, Io be nsplaced 1,u,i+h z,(/ Y Ll,O And{"s,n ( l.r./ 1,-1 g ld**<)<7rtls !<Euir,',, Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: ALBERTI REMODEL DATE: 11-11-94 ADDRESS: l08l VAIL VIEW 8208 CONTRACTOR: R-G DESIGN VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECI: NON OCCUPANCY: R-1 ENGINEER: TIM BOYLE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQLIRED BEFORE Al.{Y WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY. 3. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CITECK FOR C\)DE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL HALLWAYS AND BEDROOMS AS PER SEC I21O OF TI{E 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS. AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. b,4zz'//-r'z lj.r i ,I i I t., {F irrrf i 'r..-r)"r I,Y[-: INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ['rt\i .iT'{t l-'i ( N l M PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onre I I J t'i\ ) iJoB NAME / ltt t- \ CALLER TUES WED THURBEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i(',;' \ K\iI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING rr FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT o tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Boyle Engineoing, krc. 143 E. Meadow lhive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 30314't6-2t70 FAX 303/476-4383 November5, 1994 Ron Grimm 1063 Vail Vicw Drive #10 Yail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Remodel to Homestake Units Bll1,8208, & 8303 Vail, Colorado Dear Ron: This is ro confirm our discussion yesterday regarding modifications to the loft framing plans which I provided to you on 10-14-94 for the above noted Homestake units. Firsl we agreed that since the existing n4porting member across the unit is a 4x10 in lieu of a 4x6, as we originally though! it vrill not have to be reinforced as I had described on sheet 53. Nex! we can eliminate the vertical ledgered posts under the main crossbeams by replacing these with horizontal ledgers in the plane of the loft frarning. These ledgers will be double 2x6's. Bolt these to the CMU walls with l/2" diameter x 5 ll2" flat head sleeve anchors @ 16" olc into the block inner walls between cells. The 4xl0 beams will be hung from these ledgers with HU4l0 hangers. krure tlut one sleeve anclror is immedialely adjacent to the 4xl0 locations. The angles specified in Detail B can be replaced with Sinpson LUS46 hangers to support the new 4x6 beams off of the main 4xl0's. Please give me a call if you have any questions or cornmflts on this remodel. Timothy fl.$5f"18Lti.:srei;i.e)b'.."i F-i 14965 irn (h*,,^rr*t,:-tl ffiiiittS Oegn Review Action rolt TOWN OF VAIL Category Numberl o^t" ll'7-4* Project Name: lr /'r I Building ttame: tIOYV'1491a.trc, (bufl'rntnrUulr,- Jt- | Ourner, Address ano enone: L9 t &T '\ Al bg r t r Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legaf Deecriprion:ta,('A01 Bbck suuaiusion I torndetakz 0t nr\04, Zone District MOfvtF project streetAd ar*", /t>& | Vrli I V ttW W. # t\- Ma Motion byl Seconded by: fl Approval tr Disapproval hil:l*,cl r' I r ,sut ln ),rl tn t't L--- Town Planner ,^", - l( > - q'f DRBFee e,*eaa Wd) rw|,3d U21lS7 t^[A DateofApptication )0-S-?V ^^ . l/ir" Date of DRB Meeting(., ilNU / DateorPEoMeetin!@ Y|t 'A;fltfi ./ ,l'.,*n[& b',',' ,11 ,lqb APPLtcArtoN FoR ADDtTtoNAL GRFA (250) ,t\0 f \'/' Ll r 'l. TYPE oF REotJFsr --n'rt\\St$'N0t,. q' 'rlffi o, ,rorrr, -.*-,n't\\sol'l\stffizso ,'flf\'htti*''( Type I EHU 250 !0:tt ''1., " , t O RR_ Type ll EHU 250 t\inv " .4N\ rvpe v EHU 2so fiiig'= ' " ii" f'$S$ll. pRE-AppLtcATtoN coNFERENcE \ ,,\ $., i r:',1;---'" A pre-application conlerence with a member of the planning staff is rffint encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet ofGRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for uo to 250 square fe-et if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of tne town of Vait coOe are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements III. APPLICATION INFORMATION er( 'A',C.l ULI,tz \ N4a 44 | A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION o.tJ A^;^irlr---,..--( .,; ".Q*-ooA,' fzo / B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add,".,)DFl \/o,,'17,'.d A Lot- Block_ Fiting_ -u---, ,.- C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D.NAME OFAPPLICANT'S REPRESENTnTTvT, Fo^o lJ G^,- r^,-. Acrlr"u JA L3 Yni I Vi"." d.. E. NAME OF OWNEH(S): Phone(3 o?J5- F. Fiting Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 2b0. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. 1,.: i .- \ CtLrn "\ , r' Slgnature(s The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shall be required with this submittal: 1. Verification that the unit has received a final certificate of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a separate list ol adjacent property owners and of owners of units on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. 3. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). 4. Existing or proposed floor plans of structure. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. H. lf this application requires a separale review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re -publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town statf. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultiant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forurarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by lhe consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment ol the consultant which have not been paid lo the consultant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. HOMESTAKE ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS SANDSTONE CREEK CLUB 1l-l-6 Sandstone Drive /1100 Vail, Co. 81658 LIONS MANE 2P.0. Bx, 5940 Avon, Co. 81620 SNOW LION P.O. Bx. 3504 Vai1, Co. 8L657 TELEMARK HOI"IEOWNERS ASSOC. 1090 Vail View Dr. Vail , Co. 8L657 o 1-t-1'14 boyle engineering, Inc. 143 e. meodow dr. suite 390 crossroods shopping cenler voil, colorodo 81657 3O31476-2170 6x$ 3 tlra LOFT FRAMTNG PLAN Y+tti lLon'(LeoP WvrH{ -I" &A AvA HOI ?P HOIIIESTAKE REMODEL vAlL, GOLORADO 4t4il (rplt Frl"w 64 5Le 'pL1t*tv tz6 + 9)UIH, H lN ?otA r)t-LV '7 tz!d't,rL'-dL ..sxq- 3 \JZ Fi f !* ri i! $l $x c.l :3i$ qFvxla9 o .1-L1-1+ boyle engineering, inc, 143 e. meodow dr. suile 390 crossroods shopping center voil, colorodo 81657 303t476-2170 It+t --5,.V L ,r+2 (FFIi Ht*Lw 6+ 'Le LIl-lL /\ 9o 0114 il t t-t prr.l !e UU LOFT FRAMII{G PLAN ftt| 1t-.,tt'fLooP PWutHq -T" fiA AyQ Hq ?p HOMESTAKE REMODEL l:vl ; $) 3 \l)2 '7 L4:d'ttt'-d /:gualov? E4l?rt**.,.'f * tb brifl l* ?"*I.:=..F:-;-[62- _sx\- 3, \JZ ri 1l\-l il $l sx c,.t :I t\) L6l rrtTF-rL6l(lYolL rrall _ f:f|l f|RADO qFv,r4av t7 te'.d\r4'-d ..s x\-f, \lJ7 P€1r1Y b I1YP' jl rq_l 3l r*ru,iil4:3 ta $x c.l :3 'l) 1_ \9xlt f, UI J- |:vr ; \tl 3 \Da- o 1-?-.1'"14 boyle engineering, inc. ]43 e. meodow dr. suite 390 crossroods shopping cenier voil. colorodo 81657 3O31476-2170 -.5 ,.P Lt (rplt U|*Ll.# ;,EL €yfr,6+ eo uf H H t r.t ?or.l iln Uu 'Le (J t-tL F LOFT FRAMING PLAN )/+ta lt-o',t-fLoog ?WYtHq -I" &A AxA Hfi ?F qFvtfiEtt HOMESTAKE REMODEL r,ATI - f:flLclRADO E or TAKE 1081 Vall Vlen, Drh€ Vall. Colorado 8l6S/ Torn of Vall Comurunity Development Dept. Vai1, Colo. To whon it nay Concern: Please be advised that the Homestake Homeorneral Assoelation has no objectlon to the propoeed remodel and loft area expanslon as proposed by Glna Albertlr outl€rr and as subnllted by Ron Grlmm, eontractor. Please contact ne at anytlme lf any further questlons arlee. LO/rO/e4 Re: Propoeed renodel; Condo 8303 owner: G.Albertl Sincerely rkmAssoclatlon Manager Homestake Cond.Asaoc. ,ol,-l'r+- &c{1nt'*?u'-#f.ffi^ O H M@ So^d sfo^. Cr<etr C lub lil 6 Sq\d stone D n. *f loo \fa,lrC". ..r" 8l 6:r& | ,'o,.,', NAq,nn. -f P o. B,t. Sg L/ 0 Auony to. F/62-o S^o.o L,'o^. tr 0, tSo. 3so y V".t, t" F/ 6s7 T,--lzmo.',- h l0Qo t/c.,\, /o-. \_, C. . )-{ oy'n e0r^rnQrrS Atsoc, Vie,a dr, glLsT PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following appfication on Novembet 2,1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an extension to an existing loft at the Alberti Residence located at 1081 VailValley Drive, Unit 3038/Homestake Condominiums. Applicant: Gina Alberti, represented by Ron Grimm The applications and information aboul the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trailon October 14. 1994. a oo TOWNOFVAIL RECEIPT NO. accoltl{T xo-I'IEM N(}.' TAX COSTEA IOTAL 0l 0000 41540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0tcn{}o424t5 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 0l 0m0 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $36.00 01000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS GV|YLARS)i7.00 01000(J42412 XEROXCOPIES i0.25 0Lffiffi424t2 STUDIES 0t000n42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $s.00 oromo4237r PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0m0 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE t$40 PER HR.I 0100ffi42332 OFF HOURS INSPECT]ON FEES 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 00m41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 01 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SICNAGE FEE tSl.OO PER SQ.FT.I 0l ffnO42,140 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 00m41331 PRE PAID DESIGNREVIEW BOARDFEE 0toow4237r I}.IVESTICATION FEE (BUILDING) 31 fimO 45110 TOVPARKINGFUND or0n'ffi22u27 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND * 0l fi)00 21112 TAXABLE @4qc(.sliATE\ + 0l fi)00 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING I}.iVESTIGATI ON OTHER 0l 000Q 41330/ADDITIONALGRFA '250"$200.00 -a)dc 0100m1f330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 01 0m041330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS TFIAN lOO SQ.FT.I $200,00 01 00m 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEWI slSoo.oo 01000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND $1,000.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 0l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 finO 41330 VARIANCE i250.00 0r 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS 0l 00m 41330 RE - ZONING r $200.fiJ OTHER OTHER ITOTAI;. dC'U . Itt t. .1./'A/t,o*tr,ll, ,///,W{l/ ,4->u CASH, ,r**, f( ? I "",",./l-,h,tl "r."r,4/UU a I .'| n4 TOIJH OF L'FI IL Hircellamsus Cecilt rg-11-94 It*ceiot l+ 136943 []rlrloUfii. {t CKfl 6?5 GRFCfiII.IR ALBERTI\ADDTL Frn,funt tendered > Itcn prid 41848041336000 [:hange returned ] THFII..IK LD 161 89r 03 2Ag, B8 Froun? paid zsE.46 6. gB voLt