HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A6 HOMESTAKE UNIT B310TOWN OF VAIL Vail, Colorado 81657 Job Address: 1081 VAI 303-479-2138/479-2139 Location. .. : same Parcel No..: 2IO 014-l-BL-FAX 303-479-2452 3/0 Status...: fSSUEDApplied..: 03/lo/I99s Issued...r O3/1o/1995 Expires . .. 09/06/1995 Phone: 30347 6437 4 Phone: 30347 6437 4 APPLICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRTSES , vArL, co 81-658 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , VAIL, CO 81658 OWNER RIDDLE ROBERT E & KATHLEEN 10 N DOGWOOD RD, ASHEVILLE Description; Adding to loft with egress window 06 KEENA NC 28804 .00 50.00 91 .00 't00.00 661 .75 Additional. Fees----- --- -> Totat Pefmit Fee'---""> Paynents------- Fi reptsce tnfornation: Restricted: rcf *,rtrrrtrr*rtt*trttttttttrttttt*ttt*t*******tatt*tt*t*t**ttl FEE SUMMARY l*lt*tttt*'ttt****t*****lt**tt'rt*t*lltl*ttttt*tt*t*t*ttttil Occupancy ! Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Bui tding- --- -> ?55.00 Ptan Check'--> 163.75 Rl Multi-Fanily V L-HR Type V L-Hour 20,750 Restuarant Ptan Revier- -> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee- - -- -- -' - -> CLean-Up Deposi t-- -- -- - -> TOTAL FEES... -. Add sq Ft: l-30 cas Appliances: #Of Gas Logs:fof ltood/Pat t et: Total calculated Fees-- -> 6&.8 lnvestigation> Hitl cst t -'-'>.00 3.00 .00 6&.75 664.75 Item: 0510003/LO/r99sItem:0540003/LO/L995Item:0560003/to/ L995Item:05500 03 / to/L995It'ern:'0570003/to/Le95 BUILDING DEPARTMENTGARY ACtiON: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTMENTGARY ActioN: APPRFIRE DEPARTMENTGARY Action: APPR PUBLIC WORKSGARY Action: APPR ENVTRONMENTAL HEALTHGARY Action: APPR EALANCE DUE. -. - ****tlt*l*t!tt*rtr*t**ttttt*t*talll**tta BUILDING DiViSiON: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Dept: HEALTH Division: Dept: Dept: **tt*tt*t*t**ttt**taat*ttttial*it*t**t****t*rar*r*fi*irfirt*tt*tt*ttttt**itit**ttt**lttttll**t*t*tt*t**ttattttltltlltj|t**tat***il*l*j} See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIOIIS t hereby acknorledge th6t I have read this apptication, fitted out in fult the infornation required, canpteted an 6ccur€te plot ptan, aira state thit stt the information provided as requi red is correct. t agree to conpty rith the information ard ptot-plan, to c6nrpty Hith atl Town ordinsnces and st'ate la!.s, and to buitd this structure according to the Town's zoning ard subdivision codes, design revier approved, Uniform Euitding Code and other ordinances of the Torn applicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR TNSPECIIONS SHALL BE I.IADE IIJEIITY.FOIJR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY serd Clean-up Deposit To: Fs{'.+ptf€-Eeg ^ l/ a!j'.lcl-n kJdle- to ,\,f , Dqr"d U. Att.,t,''\te;Nc ' ?rxov w'i#zn b ctod 'tsl'l?z) ************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ************************ o*** **************************************************************** statemnt Number! REc-0008 Amount: Payment Method: CHK. Notation: 664.75 03/LO/95 09:15Init: GM o ************ Statemnt **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Paynent Account code 01 0000 4L310 01 0000 4L331- 01 0000 4L332 0L 0000 22002 30 0000 450320t 0000 41336 895-0038 Type: A-MF 2103 -0L4-11-064 1.08], VAIL VIEW DR same ADD,/ALT },IF BUILD PER 664.75 664.75 .00 Amount 255. 00 50. 00 L65.75 Loo. oo 91. O0 3.00 Tota1 Fees: 664.75 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVTEW FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE TOWN OFVAIL NOTE: TIiIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DTTIMFITNG pEPMTT Perrnit #: P95-OO13 75 Sowh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Job Address: L081 VAIL VIEW DR303-479-2138/479-2139 Location. . . :FAX 303-479-2452 Parcel No.. : 21.03-014-L1-064 APPLTCANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 8l-658 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArt, co 81658 OWNER RIDDLE ROBERT E & KATHLEEN KEENA L0 N DoGwooD RD, ASHEVTLLE NC 28804 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLT'MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 Description: fi*firr FEE SUIIMARY D eparttnent of C ommuniry Developnent Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 03/to/L9rssued...: 03/lo/L9Expires..: o9/O6/L9 Phone: 30347 6437 4 Phone: 3O34764374 Phone:3038275736 Ptu|bing-----> Ptan Check- - -> I nvest i gat i on> l,,i t I catt----> 60.00 15.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> TOTAT FEES-. - -..00 78.00 Iotal catculated Fees- "> Additionat Fees- --------> Total Permit Fee--------> P6ynents------- SATANCE DUE...- 78.00 .00 78.00 78.00 ,00 **ttartr*t****t*ttttt*t*t*tt*t**t*t*at*t*ttt***iittttttt*t++!r*tllla*tatt*littat**itatttit*t*t**t*il!ll*l*tttttttlt*ttata*aitltt**tat* CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARAT IOXS I hereby acknortedge that I have read this appticstion, fitted out in futt the information requi red, coriPleted_an sccurate Plot pl.an, and state that sl,l the information provided as required is correct. I agree to_corpty pith the information and Ptot Ptan. io c6,ttpty sith atl Toen ordinances ard state taxs, ard io buitd this structure according to the Toxn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revier approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Torn applicable thereto. REOUESIS TOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I.{AOE TIIEilTY-FOUR HOURS III ADVAIICE 8Y SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR COIITRACIOR TOR HIMSETF A},ID O!'IIER rt;\f;b NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Perrnit #: 895-0025 o ON Etectrical -- -> 50.00 Ptan check- - -> lnvest i gat i on>.00 Uitt catt----> 3.00 T0TA! FEES- - -> 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 BATANCE DUE.... - T5SouthFrontageRoad Job Address: LO81 VAIL VIEVI Vail, Colorado 81657 Location. . . : 303-479-2138/479-2139 Parcel No.. : 2103-014-11-064 FAX 303-479-2452 APPLICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRTSES , VAfIJ, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPTKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 8L558 OWNER RIDDLE ROBERT E & KATHLEEN KEENA 10 N DOGWOOD RD, ASHEVTLLE NC 28804 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVTCES P O BOX rO79, AVON CO 81.620 Description: gp e p ar r m e nt o/ Cger4 gUiry. D ew l4gevgo Applied..r 03/Lo/L9 Issued. .. z O3/LO/L9 Expires..z 09/06/19 Phone: 3034764374 Phone: 30347 6437 4 Phone: 30394960L3 Valuation: FEE SUI.IHARY t*|}ttttit*t***rlt*ta'lla*t**ttltttt*'*ttttt*trtttt*tlrtt*t*|} Totat Catcutsted Fees---> 55.00 AdditionaI Fees----"---> Totst Permit tee--------> Payments-------- *ttt****att*rrr:rtt*taalrta*rt*rt*tt*t*tt*ttttti**t*lt*t*ttltttttttttttaaltt*t*t*llatt*tlaltt**llltt****lati!ttiltlttt*trt*t**tttttittt**t Dept: BUILDING Division:rteTn: 05],OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO3/LO/L995 eARY Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL t*tlt*t*lt*l*t*tt*t*rlt*tttllttl**!t*ta*t*tttlr*!rtttttirrtttrttltt*tttt*t*ttttti*lttt**t*itt*i***t**ta****i***l*til*'rt'l***t*t*t*ttttt*t DECLARATIONS t hereby acknoHtedge that t have read this appl,ication, fitted out in fult the infonrration required, coflPteted an accurate ptot pl,an, and state thit al,l the inforrnation provided as required is correct. I agree to corply rith the information and Ptot Plan, io ccnpty rith att ToHn ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning ard subdivision codes, design revier approved, Uniform Buitding code 6nd other ordinances of the ToHn aPPticsbte thereto. REAUESTS FOR IXSPECTIONS SIIALL 8E HADE TI,IEXIY-fOUR HqJRS IIJ ADVAIICE BY TELEPHONE 8:00 Al{ 5:00 Pl{ W Ar 479-2138 0R AT oUR pFFICE FROr,l oro* oF vArL coNsrRucrronl PERMTT APPLIEATIO"iirii'DiF'^* 'offry' ,*rrootl ? 6 \e94' , APPLfCATfON MUST BE FILL,ED oUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE accSPTdOU /:tt f,*******....."f;ifff/f*"ftyrrRMrr rNFoRuATroN ***************************** X -Buirdinsl-D/l'plunbing |r1-Etectrical [ ]-Mechanicar [ ]-other,J),7- rob Name: I{ffiD Job Addre"=, Iffit Ueil l/rw Dt. Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Architecr , Mlll Lervf,utv //4ddress: /eneral Description:( ,t/zt^C, 4a,fu za' Work Clads: [ ]-New #tl.t and T)pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances (* * * * * * * * * * ** l: * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * VALUATTONS 0/Olrners Name: Number of Dwelling Units: Contractors Electrical Address: f, Plunbing Cont Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: e6.T7h:o t lon -Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: Gas Logs l{oodlPellet ********************************* EI,ECTRICAL:9 OTHERs I 7' IISCHANICaL: f TOTAL:f@ TION *************************** Town of vail Reg. NOf Phone Number: Reg. NO. ********************************oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIJITfBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: IITECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: Town of vail Req. yo./77€ fZ, p5en" Number: M*F Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: SUBDIVISION I :afri:t?t€s BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: ^onn rnr(l$ fc rlre il/ BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNAIURE: CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO:Kr-+Sp't&A-/. lrun 75 south tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 otllce ol communlty devclopmotl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI{E If this p"ry,lt flguireg a Town of VaiI Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.Pub1 ic works) reyiew and approvat,' a piinnini'bepartment review or Hea'l th Department review, and'a review by the driibingDepartment, the estirnated time for a total review *v Li" as 16ngas three weeks. All commercial (large or smal'l) and all mu]ti-family permits willnave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.1mal1 projects_should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresrdential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments, with regard. to necessary review, these projecis *uyalso taRe the three week period" Every attempt wr'll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possible. I, the frame. undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time Coranuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 south Ironlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: oftlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VATL TowN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, ,o"i, sand., debrisor material , incruding trash durnpsteri, poriable {:oileti ina---workmen vehicles |pon. any streetl sidewaix, aii"y or public BJ?:"_:" any portion theieof. rhe righr-"i;;t-;n art rown ofvarr sEreets and,fga-ds is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirl be striiiry enforcld by the Town of vaillyPli: works Department. perslns found wi6latins tnis ordir"r,""wrrJ' De grven a 24 hour written notice to renove-said rnaterial.rn the event ttre person so notified does not comply with th;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, irr"-p"[iic worksDepartment wilr remove said mate-riat at [n" ""p""se or personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance strifi not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 inVail Building Department tocooperation on ttris rnatter. full, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your acknowledged .*o-.--*J'F +Ft't*TAKE lOSl VallVlew Drlvc Vell. Colorado 4165"/ To. forcn of Vail Ccrnrrrrrrn i lly fievr' l opmen t- Dept, VaIl.' c()l.o' I'f i ke Krohn F.ust.y S!'lke Erl l-. ValJ., Coa()- E [T T 3 / 6 / e:" l(A; Hiddlc Rcmoclct Condo F31O H(.,met$take Cpu dr-rtnI rr i utns AsEoclatlon Manaq€r ItonclJ t al(c condomlrlium n rJooL: with rcgard to tlre alrov€ r€f €rertc€d remod€l ' p1€aEe. J:'e aclvJ.sed bhag the Homc€t'allc Homoovtncrs' Aeeocl-atlon tIlll iirt .,r-r]"i'i i-* I n...reastnE the bedroom wlnctolr to meet mlnl- $um eqtreBg coctes- wo *a'-a'ttf . rr:LlLrlre L'haL l-'he rlew windo'sr bt1 itr-'t,nii-simc lrcisht ac prevlou;ly, and or th€ mlnlftum dddl L.iqrn;r:t vl rtth b,o meet code. We vould nlSo rcqtrirc tllJt lfi.-.i.t wirtdctu Le o.C a simi I.a t- ext'er{or- apSrea rttlce and l.ler painccd tne. eame toa-1 gr(){'n (j()lor as Lef oib ' PIL'as'f ct)lll irL:'L' me at arry trmc tt t;; iequlre any addltlonal inrormatlon' I13'd Nd 96: Ir fl r-r l.l g€;-'-!{1-i:lHtn o ri:.--ffi..ir':!ik;ii:i?. O,,,-f: ir-'-1 FlF, 1 ' '"1' t 1 ."":1 |i .a I r- o:o, _.1l-,,"-il--,"--l ti^St(, t INt I a tt <?"' t..?t). ' { i '-" i r,.or-11 ,ri" -_l |,',r'I t r-3t'-t i-t,t I ,," i ri'r.r {. t I !'-1lr l ."l l*o'..^". f,.,1 I [,-" I l. of i !,,,.)ts!j. cr.'.Ec !'.i'.1 ['"r'1 | ,'r'i'filim [' l-E- -,.-,4 Cfll? Cti|! U lt'-';rf' iiiiil tijTr I .,. ,J I,J, L.t:[ i '' I ltdi lE llt CRIJl (.,r]'r'r !- t -r''i 'i * li---il lf:l lFl; '; ; ul ii.:rl full CR14 a,frtrl l-:14 Irl l'lllllarl.l ,'\ l.l t ) Ii:i'f t': P, t(rl{ {., t{tLLti f:.1l"ftiliN3 ut [rl mcl t2 Cl lf, Ql Rr m[1(.1rL (, l {if ilffi $-rlni-! l-1-l| L-rlarxi: !.N:' C15 [Ti [-l-i m] [1r ffi hir:r{4 cil4 ctIrl m tt| H.! t:rrr5 g',1li fiimFlHHHClr:; C J (;f1mm fi+il [-Hmfficll55 c{l fi-l -rri [-T.lffiffiffi 'dl Hl l# i,ni arlb It'fr il''-it[-J--A{-! m'fi c33l; fr--;iilETflr'li-l'/jl c31 li4-1[d LLtJflI EffiI nulc :'J' mm cf la,l mffi mlrli-il rjj LJ-JJ C\'/lS LtrtI-Hli:i] c1'/{m ttr triIU iJll|]]LII t+rFiil-Tttlll t_,Ltr ,.f fl' 'i: , '/ d. /)'.., o- ;y'/, , i frrtriH il-.,,It .-l l:ftIl'tlinjlnsotrrsltlLrtrrrt!)\rnt33ta[rhri.l.Sir.;lc:,,,.1,i,u1;r.!r,.rtrinidng Ipl l, !lAr.t ':,i Ltirl))nrr i i:jj((ily lcfl or r iElrl, rs vir-'weJ frctrr tlrq ,Jut.1 1.. pat ,;tl,c r hir,dl; 'if,,urltii Ji. ..rits codt!(:l 1'!cur locll Andtrsin 'Jull-h( r. ''5cc ()p:nine Spcr:ifir ,rli,r:rr rrr 1,1gq lU. \\lrt n r,r'lc, ii,l lr :.','.. trt sFlcily color dogired, -"{'!s, 12 :t1t, 7'w** f li7lFtr.. il,. I u&_11itrS nilir{ t=-_tJ(;:15 tr. ' ll'..il ll.. lii ,tIju.,ti cita r---l--f r5t'.' -. I l1 i4 ;;; li:Jcll1r5 l-.I -t'. r,-'!1 'Ir-T '-,' c '"k li:ll lt,'i: r :' lj lt ll.",l.l--' -- _I rll l\rfntS cltia, J:"r I m ! ,l :r ll,. .:ll_ Ljl r:.r l!)r--r-T n r-7'; q ,i, ii,',[ [,i'",ii;il li.,ililrii-.li 'Jlrcf|5 ctfB ,, r.,r, , ,.,1'r,1uT - ''.r4^ .8, ill fiilL. . R.ll. '/" //{ ffiil ir.;'tl[, "tii[.:jI .-:t')9 m li"1ii)illt, .il !.ld I r:1 :II llr:rl.l |]6-9r:r-;ju['l o Tourn of Vail Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes .NFFIf,H CIf}PY NAME: HOMESTAKE B3l0 DATE: LO-27-94 ADDRESS: l08l VAIL VIEW DR. CONTRACTOR: RUSTY SPIKE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHIIECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V1HR PLANS EXAMINER: C. FEI.DMANN CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be cnnstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1 THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTEzuOR REMODEL ONLY. 2 FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO ctfiCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3 A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 4 AW PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTT-H AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 5 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC I21O OF THE 1991 UBC. 6 GUARDRAILS MUST BE 36" HIGH AND COMPLY WITH UBC REQUIREMENTS sEc. 1712 '-l!4-r.r lJ-! r I i : r.rb ;.kd"!C_Iqh.oe!.o.i.q, ko lhv lo nsenwolter, o. ,lti j qif iTf - rLLL/ LHI''l'.lLl'{tni-1r ||oo lHk-ro- Tr+liF .9'b-" o lhy lo ngenwolter, o. i' o. ?588 sroro drive 303-476'd506 oort oflire box l2O2 voil, co 81658 :.)n'' ]l*:J ijri:i'Jf; CI0PYl^.l:=.--l I 'll 4-=rf I a \t'r.r l'wt I i -=---__-.TT... TT .___T- \,\n \ /rqnA I \'\ ,^V/v "J\| 'r *w. r,il | il \lt \u\ FI:.ztFa=-Er) LAVWWftL R./rFl )/41'' l 4 , t Ftpvt-? 1-l'1Vlav)FL' tlhllf #'*io "! IAtJdldL / fr I f I f-w1v.aF ltvv I Il\j-\ HF.IIZIH | ,..'n I rrwn of \:atl Ao\ffiFr-V- l3:lqt-(.'iJ-t': I T: L.li i dovj4-rrrork peel, g,i,.g, kc.thy lo ngcnwolfor, c. i.o. 2580 ororo drive 303-,176-4506 porl ollicc box'1202 voil, co 81658 303o 4i6 4572 PEEL/LAI.ITiENIJALTEF AFCH I TEIITS r.'(ri FUr 4EH'f, ffiHrt14 ,KN ptrAFl y4ll- ,t-oll uNrr b- 3v HAF-+7/.7E- i,hI' ,J ,'q'; qr ry p ,t/ FlvvLE tz?Ylms t$ ltiilF-; a +t49.- { 16- lifl*g" *lg {F i l:ll a -.1'";l plci It;8 |tr, cr I itlt\ s_ I IN\lU\- I\I -T $\ft 1$ t: =_.I T LNs $ $ttr }. t' III CO t0d 'i0'll T s tnt:tr Lr.I:J3llH:r)U 'f3llttfiNflil{Vll-133d ZL\b 9Lb 8f1f, l aJ:, I Fi A-Fr-r-hF; El no lc> -14-44' O boyle englneoring, Inc. 143 e. meodow dr. sulte 390 crossroorJs shopplng cenler voil. colorodo 81657 303t476-2170 HOMESTAKE B3IO REMODEL /r"'l''o FlAlu 4/+" T *q VvY Aoo21o fl€il Fv,e:p d":1?: . , -$Vr.E1*tI|q PvoUltq fa rlv;i' + Vx6"f tdq BW\f16'. vtts' + J ,LPr; $ Wdvr6 */&evA ctL*v 4, fl.+.11?i*ig*.;* '$1..? .--t o.-F: 14965 3ifl iiilxtlr\Srt22 llv a-17+*b'h F'lcL uItrbb fits?r sl f:fl F]\Al -lx1*l f-uei",e. ,, t^vV Hg kJ '-/ Q-1ru ._-- a(/U4lo-q /// UurJ A?,bfi-r, r'i ie:F-r:ngr V tsTtHq 4rV l-- t\-vx $- va t- 9 $ l. bv? HE N-17+*h'lzll"L's qLu.v 4 rln u 4o tlt- v \\ t\ w /,'i ,lr \\\\ R-... u 2ro.4 hPv H EN Q''l't"<p 1*'l'to'2 \-rl Yy lbl rtl q 4rctn _Jr -\ q 4t 6 + llr^t; lclfo (t< tp -! F-:- It'E 3l -\\t' /_ \"F^16 J 1YP, L t*<g 1rl?,N o t*to vVPc,6p1 4 g-tu"l WA €IJD \___-.F' tlltt, Vui Vs(fia:? to JrlVv(21rw oF :Ys1"vH. 1o.14.14 O boyle englneering. inc. 143 e. meodow dr. sulte 390 crossroods shopping cenfer voll. colorodo 81657 3O3t476-2170 (FFlf FFWf 4+ eou111: ,$$ "N\ l.llNP(.,hl F.leLu.', LOFT FRAilING PLAN YttNlt'ott \Y'(Loctg WvrHq:T" Fe zvao fl&l ?p dPVNEF HOMESTAKE B3IO REMODEL vAtL, GOLORADO fl.$Left} $"1:l'"{etr: 14965 :rn '^) . --r .qS , ffi;?ttrs 6x $l 3 $ra '! LA:d'trrid -^ F7tllb,tQ EXt l9Tt ltt.tx I.o W|l4l* f:st -,sxT-ri * 5 T sx \9xrt 3 utz i! $l $ )a N 3 r$ DO lo- | 1-1+ O boyle engineering, Inc. 143 e. meodow dr. sulte 390 crossroods shopping cenler voil. colorodo 81657 303t476-2170 LOFl Lv't 2;'2 x tuap1flq ,.4/t" tr<-6 4eAOgF FtI2-<T (gpF - 4,^ O1FYI jr7 *f4 sepI Z "l /tr 4 Lrl rH[o 2v 4 TasT n/e,"* *4" yvts1 trtr? *w6veAfldr.\upr @ Ql 6"c. J Io+ DETAIL A /'L"--l'- o " grirl+q!^h"- o7 stF4rrorl iuq 4/ Hnril veFyl 4,rb 20ty; DETAIL B-Tffit'-a"HOMESTAKE B31O REMODEL vAlL, GOLORADO ,- yi'+H,s,r r+, ,(f ,,N NNil f&."<r "-r;(fl Kr$,.,l',Q ,ij r+cos ": "4.,^tt'/).Ei fr;it"di$ 10,14,'14 a boyle engineerlng, Inc. 143 e. meodow dr. suite 390 crossroods shopplng cenler voil. colorodo 81657 303t476-2170 INTERIOR BEAM BOLSTERII{G tro #:"Ltp 5.r'*-.^^--i?Fi . r4eoj *;1\'A ', , /) !;t: e{ :"ltl1,1 4*b (v{"o l^vA1avg '( ll 7, * xq' LPrr6@Lq oft'"-b D Nlsptttt v pl grrl - FxLv 5lFFl46 &r1Ulvet WPYl's Hefl (xto OPTION I a". lt- o'^ 'eY lrl tltq 4 >' ta. & | U.'t .o.o. oul H T6 Fsr rl Y FvF?+ l-l 6 Fl tr L+oo rv Av+tv e F0 vv"5]?frev FvT FWrl bv.bll' 4xtz HOMESTAKE B3IO REMODEL vAlL, GOLORADO w .I General Notes 'l lrls structurc has bccn dcsigrrctl io nrcct thc rcquircrrrcttts of tlrc l99l Unilorrn Building Codc witlt anrcndnrents as adapted by the Torvn of Vail. All orrrissions or corrflicls bcttyccn various clcnrcrrts of llrc workirrg drawings artcl/or spccifications slrall be brouglrt to the attention ofthe Structural Errgineer bcfore proceeding with any work so involved. The Gcncral Conlraclor slrnll vcrify all dinrcnsions and conditions al tlrc.iob sitc and shall bc responsiblc fior lhc rrrcnrrs, rrrctlrtxls, lcclrrrklrcs, sc(lronccs :urd proccdrrcs :tssociitlcd witlr thls;lroicct. lirrllrcrttt<ttc, ltc shall be responsible for coordination of all work and ntaterials includirrg tlose fumished by subcontractors. l'he Stnrctural Engineer shall be contacted during the conslruction phase to make tlre.iob silc inspcctions ncccssarJ to confirrn that lhc actual ficld corrditlons flrc consislcnl with thc dcsign assurnplions and rat thc construclion is procccding according to thc plans and specifications. l,ivc Loads Uscd lrr Dcslgn: Floors 40 psf Eartlrquake Zone I UBC Witul 80 nrplr All franring lunrber lo bc #2 Doug-fir or better. All lloor tlccking to be nrinimurn of #2 llcrn-fir or bettcr 2x6'lEt C. Screw to beaurs lvith 2 l/2" dccking scrcrvs @ 6" o/c. All slccl anglcs shall conlonn to ASTM A3(r specificalions. All stccl expartsiou bolts shall bc "Slccvc Anchors" by ltcd llcad Phillips furchors. All stccl bolts slrall confornr to AS'I'M A3()7 spccificntion HOMESTAKE BSIO REMODEL #ffi5.;e-- _ "i;5Fi 149t5 ?i'r 4J1,1trP--,t"'' Kiri'ui'r.$ VAIL, GOLORADO l:r:-1 4-'JS-tt l7: [r F tlu3 o 476 4572 PEEL/LANGENHALTER AACHlrftiiz O 476't.|()3 F D q p;aoile- B. 3rc> Re€'idp*ae f{ot*s +lq^e.sf^*e- - l. Re,bcate- re{t,iTyrol"t a> i^4a_Je/.1 build, in 6 Ye4p\ved, Z. Rio.*** y"*, irasta.{,| ofrshr.ore=, Lw , iwet^il Ynfr-rovrrase. / ue,^* dave \Mrvyro.a ;d bare, csldn& D^tarnlt" w,^[[. Vl.tt cahinetc arbwe *inL artlv +ohare 7V* dva,s . &)d,"#?Wf,* C*t,cn.,'{, &sf,tt( e)o*et , rbd, + st^e/f , bilotd d*, ee irdl"-*.'{1 a. J'l;*all 'h\e e, e^*u.1 , lwvw \*re{ 6$, I4tzk**aq,4 l^^,U, -l-i{" aa .yr Ovu*er , Cptco, o* liyrnle,urn ,b. Q,*ou* er*y,4 *-i a -ftn.pto.*.'Tro *F l,rn*,1*1" -Lo bu- out **"a*lo*e , (,lrt2"\ct, o\ev ba*e- e co{nw a4 4.p, +. lb " {rr"n- op&"u/B aa ivA;c--tt -t.Ve^e,e.r ]^etu.+t bq* *"\cr { p. iltJrrouaragq u,i.t1- +h,^-funeL*h^u. , 4-1s* dp,.rrn ,r-rt .pa,,r\y tJJaril, ah \ydicabe7 'JS4^€'[alI r,t*ooC n*,*c.\ c, -{"p a-P 41pe4tn4f , alaoup-, fiej4.^]7 j5rctau dcca,-at{ve- li0q Laa p.. aw#) cyp,,y rd,\ vvuler'u)aixeJ l;1t"m i h*"t^"* har.{ar uplJ,t *tac _ li{trt+_ e6 bo+fo.,^^ o{ iapf +helf .i"E*+""-t "Vry*1e*rp,^ -Flp;i ai i@;,e\<:4, tUo;nfo:.^ c+ fu,vvu a,^Gl dg.L 1\S*tev_ t f*ible_. Vsr i$y +y+te-w- wiS4t d. g#"vafuna/ fineW. 1:rt4-it8-l:r l7: r)B :']3 476 4572 PEEL/LAN(;ENIJALTEP AFI-HITEI-.TS: I:)IJI PTJ: leugl loa+rn- a,s ivvtte*e,C. ,A f k d"n { dry,+,,5L*"- , b*t* -91,'. ,tr*:( e-e y{ Qvtne,r , eyle/^.l Wa.l,l wa+he-_r/ 4V*,. T,^..=fol/ f.o€,-v"\+ J.^=toll to. l'4oat,fr It. f;h4*.ft Rlrt l"le, -Wdtu * f\ot*+ , uvCa. 6, J'v.alalJ u?F,+ l*aulrcd ulaSh*r W*[[S ..1" t^ l.r r -{'*,.& \1,k?l;(, lt\€, __.:!tt* lZ' t*-to +&ce 4* fwetl;u'ng U)oiw* qa irdiesfuC, walr( a)poug uwwfr4r-le lre lrtirrorcd . (Jar^**aop a/^e<- <y.,|o,fu* a.a FrOww*n, tJ"tlt wd ti6a*> ,:ilaoy* Nrlor, #*rgl^ v\,4.1/ \er^k, VeA r wa-e\s, i*V* {1,*0,tr1^ Wa,[l , l*;r*u? &b ye,q. Il,r"s-l*/l bed,,n6s,a v-plrl+ ab iuul,tcateo( U./,t Wtu.*,{. har,* 4r* -*a "?^4 t^tt4- Tw-h"t 4oor:'AQbb dnor> ={"ed^- wy^, WW +fub *tre*ds a/d- riaea"s a5 rc:6uii erl c:loset above +ta,iayray a_s iMi""rted,rrobb W- P+ d,wr+. C,lr,e** 4[ror \qil\ rtuvy a= Ye1;ttred, '{or stzn4ry hc';;lW. P. -f,i*a"U lo+F be€t^rcqn^-' d,n;t \ '+066 4- -Wu* dao,x Pdr I +6etfl alJL elpset=. $, &rra*yuot +,h*14 dLb i, d.;eated , llyyu+V a,> &unenJr{,+zll ftelte aF p{ axlz. top .,4 r[el+ e.+?-,,. 14. pn*ru ea;z=.('^3 bu hlic,te. -C".:xea ?\o+s fuxedF- nrl*l tio^ . ;Sa,*+^tt (z clar:ble "r*,.+t.a,l4 M1,* +" {z"Js+,h3 l^1r,.d, Witl^. €.rc*r{ gVashelow , u 16. J',,,++a!l ,fu\r*fj!)ff ret.utr.d ,z dz!,,rvwn+ u/uo(- )*aln, 16. iPE\rEe appy l; "*r;* tft\ [o++ Mratrvn 5n,t*ul/y* cn'.p* ir^ W\ahler Ve/orq;r,.-, hallwaV , 5to,.i,a qldt.\ivLG? erea D^ IoWr,r E.le\ Cnrfr.* a.b,F_r oro,tncr (1. 5r^s*"1/ wall lil\ oLr l,ncL (.trJe "+ *lwwer {6*ing do+e* p* rrne:ter^ Vd,rclw 1994-08-15 l7 | 09 3Dl 476 4572 FEEL/LANCiE|.I|,JALTEE ARCHITECTS 003 P06 Q4tqls tiaur.e- Notce, *,.Sot. Ib, 54,6+a,ll ,.a4 V*6Vtvc+,),. .qel^rrral Nlotes: l, F.ovde, *wo atfian^a*e_ prrrc€si ?' $ff'ry eni+tv'a &d,r waoc/w ovk*p, )#wan,:g +Ia,ir wa// e+ .W +cre n.v".q*ppp"*o( , Z- &pe, =Arra}+ seat cp*Lrnotxe r,...-- i _ _._ _J_ *'\J44/ t_,v>v4.{lr\{_a llv,,4\3 C),,,.r€,ra, de*<c-hy* unlls w4 N, I & d rl^$1 IT \l ,t Ix!t il JI I I4 CHECK REQAEST 'o'"' t4t/22 VENDORNAME: VENDORNUMBER DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFT ND FOR BP # 6/l:Ust NAMEoFJoB: ,fu )-;2,; 4.2.2-,-t ACCOUNTNUMBER: 01000022002 AMOUNT OFREFUND, n7zZs. D DATE APPRoVED, k}-rl - 1A a-\ AppRovAL sIcNAruRE, UIA^IA \(-"L-> r-,_F___ _ r] t' .t/. Category Number-1 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Al d Legal Description: Lot ffU Block ff Subdivision Projectstreet a66rrxis1 /00/ l'/a/- Zone District nDw F Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval {sr"tt a{ Town Planner - Dare: ? '1 '? 7 (h.{ /ilf ^).' DRB Fee Pre-paidt' ;/LtO :J'),/ t, f I I a,l f+-a<ee alrc1o+ ,B zcc - dlt'l rorrlrod t/fiDl lt. Date of Appllcation AppLtcATtoN FoR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) rYFE OF HEOUESTX Siandard 2S0 Type I EHU 250 Typs tt EHU 250 Type V EHU ZS0 t,t.APPLTCATTON tNFoRMATtON A. PROJECT DESCHIPTION B.t Address Legal Descrlpilon: Zone c. Address Date of DR^B lvfeefing 1 . I . ;q +, --l Date of PEC Meeilng (rr neoessad,--f.r7Al A pre-appllcalion conference with a member ol the planning staff ls slrongly encouraged todlscuss lhe provlslons under which additional GRFR can u6 aoo"o to-u slte. lt should beunddrstood that thls ordinance does not essuro each property an additionat 2F0 square f'6t ofGHFA. Hather, the ordinance_ailows tor up !o ?SO squFrfl f9'eiif tf,, conOfUons set forth lnchapter 18-57 or chapter r8.7r of tne rffii-6lvair code ars mer. Appllcations for a@ltlons under thts secllon wlll not bo accepted unless they are completo.Thls Includes all Information requlred on thls torm -es weil aq D;;id H;"iuw Board subrnlttalrequlrements. l{o. I NAME OF APPLICANT. D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPHESENTATIVE: LOCATION OF PHOPOSAL: Address NAME OF OwNEH(s); Slgnature(s Address E. tl F' Flllng Fee ot $200.00 is requlred at time of submittar of a standard 250. For a r€quest Involvlng an EHU, the fee ls walved. e nane J tt4..,' ?r-a :lJ z 3 \ dod soo SISfllH3JH B3llUl"lNfONt/l/133d d/lb :1lb etrrl l5: t I tl-aO-tgAi rlu'=-E=-94 FRI g1:15 F',ll E 0I TAKE 1081 VailVlew Drive Vail. Colorado 8l65/ Toun of vail Communlty Development DePt.vair, colo.81657 To VJhom it may Concern! Thls ls to adviee you that the Homeatake Condomlnlum Honeovners Assoclatlon has no object'ion to the Prop9999tort .xpuneion "rtd-lrrt""nal remo-del to -condomlnlun 8310 ovned bi nobert and l{attry Rlddle, and as subnitted by neel/Laigenualter Archltects. Please contact me at any tlne if |ou require any furt'her infornation' 'iffiFMr*" 8/4ie4 Re: Propse ed renrodel,/ I of 1r expane I on : Condomlnlum 8310 F..E1 Associatlon Manager Homestake Cond.Assoc' ( a'l david mark peel, a.i.a.@ architects 2588 arosa drirae p.o. box 1202 vail, co 81658 xo34764506 3034764572(at ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LIST 250 Application Riddle Residence Homestake Condoniniurns, 8-310 1081 Vail- View Drive Vail , CoLorado TeJ.emark Townhouses Honeowners Association 1090 VaiL View Drive Vail, CO 81657 Snow Lion CondominiumsATII{: A1 P.0. Box 3504 Vail-, C0 8f658 Lions Mane 1116 Sandstone Drive, #100Vail, C0 81657 Bf r+ll4 -ad6actrf\e Surr *T Sl \ a PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the lollowing application on September 7, 1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an addition to an existing loft at the Riddle Residence localed at 1081 VailView Drive, #B- 31O/Homestake Condominiums, Lot A-6, Block A, Lionsridge 1st Filing. Applicant: Bob and Kathy Hiddle The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular otfice hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on August 19, 1994. TOWN OFVAIL R.ECBIPT NO. DEPARTUEI{T OF OOMXUNITY DEVE.()ruENTlcdLi-, Asrurutu,--Bila-,gL CHECXS MAI'B PAYABLE TO TOW}I OF \/AJL A@(I.JNTNO.rrg N(). TAX O(ETBA. T('[AL 0l mm41540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 m0042415 UNTFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 0l Ofin 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE i36.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECI{ANICAL CODE "32.N01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 0l flno 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 0l fino 42415 OTFTER CODE BOOKS 01 (xno 41548 BLUE PRINTS (lvfYLARS)$7.00 ol0{J{]042412 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 orOrx]o42412 STUDIES 01On[n42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0rffi4237r PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l fixn 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE T$4O PER HR.Iorm4232OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0t fino4t4l2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l finO41413 SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l uno 41413 ADDITIONALSIGNAGEFEE I$I.OOPERSQ.FT.I ot0nrl/0424/0 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l ffnO41331 PRE PAID DESTGNREVIEW BOARDFEE )ffi 01 fino42371 IIWESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 3r finO45110 TOVPARKINCFUND 010m22m7 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* otOtrJooztTlz TAXABLE @ 4EO (STA[E) + 01 000041010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0l finO 42371 BUILDING IWESTIGATION OTHER PECAPPLICATION FEES 01 m00 41330 ADDITIONALGRFA '250"$200.00 01 ffnO41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 0l 00m 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS THAN lM SQ.FI.'I $200.00 0l 00m 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TIIAN lOO SQ"FT.I s5m.00 0l finO 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEWI sr500.00 ol Omo41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMA"IOR AMENDI $1.000.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND $200.00 0l finO 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 ffnO 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 010m041330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 01 0m0 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL: c[I\ - COMMENTST ^.[,CASH' ,r*-,e/{tr ".*,ILfilq f ]LLRF-r.BY /4 ( 'i =. ':'1 . :,1 '_'nr-: !'rfi RtitL.:r-ln t F.3id '.:"ll:i= .-11:i E" i.JL:l RECEIPT - The Town JIU D^m (gf ii. ,1o( 14 RECEIVEDFROM ADDRESS DOLLARS T. .r-.,- {0965 Pormit l{irmbcrs *' PAID-Cash-Cltpck ,o teoqr 4nud n=ttlw\ lgol oe,q A/vl4t4/li -a-.oviH a1a1lt t4 ur DJP t)e!ord gg9l8 or 1!D^ ZOZI xoq errflo t'od 909t-91t. coE .^'rP ororo 8892 'o't'o':a11o.m,uaGuo1 lqtol 'o'l'D'lsad ]rou.r pr^op etop il _) ll =ll "ll:zll #tl dll htlrll utlillLtl -ll-tl $ll Fll dil I-$l:l rl Rl =l $l dl RI-l $l. ll\lll I$l*l FI Kl 3 \ils t\I- z sIu- \ c\\-t t :-- \N' ETEi\J(J\ {\\a'1 \t\ L/-\-J t\B\ rtr\:x \\f,\ RJ "\ P\ Ir* \s\tr -\tl\,\ ,, \ilt[b R*\\-E < ,tEfr ee6x\iltr--*5 |il| a( @%oJ qu\ fo+ .,.{t r0w , t-il.-:- \z(:fI -J]T A\ Xu N- ut _l o N il_ -T- ,( -\f\ J ll] \tt.-\ hlLLil\_(\ l o.\r \l\ N\_ c\rti\!]_ r$it,&ae uffi'.f-l-rtr@Y1 rbb) <t "fWo \n\to+ rh* intN ESJI _\ L[n_\_J \ ::+t{_ rr\ _-,.1 !-t LLJ -L\_ \-{_ ts =.{E \ T[ k:I t trls-l Arl \t , ,$tr- .$L u_ \ AJ