HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT A6 HOMESTAKE UNIT B312TIiIBERTIN o EP ROPERNES GAIIERY OMES t OFH In Vail Village: Corner of Bridge March 12, 1981 286 East Street I Gore Creek Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado 81657 Drive. above the "Deli" .476-2113 Mr. Lamy Rider, Attorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rider: Mr. Brian A. Loftus, an attorney with Winston & Strawn in Chicago, has made an offer to purchase a Homestake Condominium, Unit B-3I2. There is an extension of the'loft and remodeling in the condominium.It is my understanding the loft extension and remode'l 'ing was doneprior to the Town of Vail annexing the Sandstone area and was done without the knowledge of Eagle County. As a condition of the purchase offer Mr. Loftus has asked for written assurance from the Town of Vail to the effect the Town of Vail will take no action to cause any change or alteration in the present design and construction of the premises, Homestake B-312, including but not limited to the loft extension and the remodeling thereof, and in the event of fire or other casualty the premises may be re-built to their present design and construction. We have a rather short tirn franB to sat'i sfy this condition. I am also aware of the large time commitments you have regarding the West Vail annexation issues. We wou'ld appreciate your response to Mr. Loftus' request at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Phrhp- Pete Powel Sales Counselor PP:df H \ TrMEERilrurGopERTrEs cArrERy oil.lo'*nns 286 East Bridge Street, Vail. Colorado 81657 ln Vail Village: Corner of Bridge Street I Gore Creek Drive, above the "Deli,' t 476-2jj3 March 12, 19Bl Pete Powel Sales Counselor PP: df Mr. Larry Rider, Attorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road l^lest Vai1, Coiorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rider: Mr. Brian A. Loftus, an attorney with Winston & Strawn in Chicago,has made an offer to purchase a Honrestake condominium, Unit e,-312. There is an extension of the loft and remodel .i ng in the conc.lominium.It.'is my understanding !!e loft extension anrl ie*c,jeiing-wis ooneprior to the Town of vail annexing the sancistone area iic was,tonewithout the knovrledge of Eagle Cointy. i As a condition of the purchase offer Mr. Loftus has asked forwritten assurance from the Town of vail to the effect the Town ofvail vrill take no action to cause any change or arteration in thepresent design and construction of the premises, Homestate s-:tz,'inc1 uding but not lim'i ted to the loft extension and the remodelingthereof, and in the event of fire or other casualty the piemises may be re-built to thejr present design and construc,Lion. we have a rather short time frame to satisf.y this condition. Ianr also aware of the large time commitments 5zeu have regarding thel'lest vail annexaLion issues. we woulo apprei:iat. vorr-response tol4r. Loft.us' request at your earl iest conv€niertce. Sincerely, A-,a- C: 18.04.130 ploor area, Gross Rcsidential (CRPA) Gross Resiclantial r'1oor Area (cnra) is ctcf ined as the total. area within tirc cn-closinq walls of a structure including al l habitab1e areas,. cxcluding c...,.1 sr:accs. and attic areas witrr a cciring height.or five (5) feet o, iu...- o""rr"", i. r'ia.:.r_ways shal1 only be counted at the lowest level . For the purpose of deter;:riningceiling height rvithin an atti-c area, thc ceiling height strar.r. be carcurated asthe distance between the top side of thc structural menbers of a ceil-ing: arcl theunderside of the. structural members of thc.roof directly above. (An attic areawhich is created by construction of a roof by truss-type mernJrers will be exernptedfron caLculation provided that the trusses by spaced no rurtner than thiri), inches(30") apart') A crav7l space sha11 be clcf ined as an area whcre t-he distance betrreenthe surf ace of the earth and/or f loor s)/ st.em I and the underside of the struc.i_-ura1rnember (s) of the fLoor directly above docs not exceed five (5) feet and is acces-silcle by an opening not to exceed nine (9) square feet in area. Not$'ithstanding the foregoing, the follorving lirnitations an(l allowances sha11apply: 1' Within the SRF, R, and R P/S zone districts the following additional areasshaLl be excluded from calculation as GFTFA: a. Enclosed garages of three hundred (300)' not exceeding a maximr-m of 2 spaces per b' Mechanicar area not exceedi-nq a nraximun of fifty (50) square feet peralLowabl-e dsrelling unit; - c' A11 or part of an airlock not exceeding a max imum of twenty-five (25) squarefeet per a1Iowable dwelling unit; d. Storage area or combination of stor-age areas not excccd jlg a max imr:rn oftwo hundred (2OO) square f eet per allowab1e dr.,,e1ling unit; e. Solar heating rock storage areas. Any squar:e footage in excess of the m.-rx imurn credit allowed in I thr:ough .l abovewirl be included in the carculation of Gross Resi(lential Froor Area. 2' within buildings containinE more than 2 allowabre clrvelling or accomrnodationunits' the foll0wing additional arcas shaLL be excludcd from calculation asGRFA: a. Garages ib. Solar heating rock storage areas,c. Mechan ic-a 1 arcas;. d. Conunon hallways, common closets, Iobbyrecl'eation.ll f acil.itics not excc.t.,1.i ng aof thc al l c,,"'irl'lc GRlr,\ l)crnittcr! on Litcthc ?Oi, nr:tx inlrnr rvill L., c incluJc(l i rr olrce. All or pirt of an a irlock ltot (,x(.(,()(l jnq f cet l:cr allorr.;rblc clrvc-.lling unit. (Or.d. DEFINI'1'I ':.; square feet per each vehicle spaceallovrable dwalling unit; areas' stairways and connon ci.lclosed maxituum of :rrr amouut t_..yrr. r I t,-, .lO j 1ot. Any s(lu,lrc\ footaq,. \iirr .-ir. (,\ceell:; caf culilt ioll ot, GRFAi a rnaxiulrun of' t.vrcnty-f ivc (.'.,) :;,.luir(\41, I9ti2) \-- 306-I a /' /,.t-t...t.1 n., - < .,:/(''.. / , - Jjl . ,\...t.t-.. JI ll '' :..r.i;i!+ t+;ii++L*---