HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE FILING 1 GENERAL ����n �� � . - � • #' ��... � � . Desi�n Review Board ��'�4 ' ACTIO N FO RM ��� ��u. f^`` s 8'":•`�. � .�_�_ ���,d� Department of Carrtrnunity Development ���,'���� �� �;��1��� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado $f657 te1: 970.479.2139 fax: 97U.479.2452 web: www.ci.va�l.co.us Project Name: LAID€AW -TREE REMOVAL DR� Number: DRB050374 Project Description: REMOVAL OF DEAD AND �YING TREES RESULTING FROM PINE BEETLE INFESTATIQN Participants: �WI�ER LAIDL�4W, WALT 07/26/2045 181 WALNUT TREE LN TOPTON NC 28781 APPLiCANT LAIDLAVIl, WALT 07/26J2005 181 UUALNUI-TREE LN TOP`f`Uf� NC 28781 Project Address: i722 GENEVA DR VAIL Location: 1724 GENEVA DRIVE Legal Descriptior�: Lot: 1� Bloc�C. Subdivision: MAT�ERHORN VILiAGE �IL # Parcel Number: 2103-123-1204-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Ma#ion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 07/28/2005 Conditians: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes ta these plans rr�ay be made without the writt�n consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Piease consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to cor�struction activities. Cond: Z01 �R�B appravaf shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of ap�roval. Cond. 20Z Approval of th�s project shall Yapse a�d become void one (1) year following the date of�inal approval, unless a building permit Es issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Su�her DR8 Fee Paid: $0.00 . . � � �. �plication for Design Review �� � r� � `�� k �epartme�t of Community Develnpment 3"1 r, . ��4,� 75 South Frontage Road,Vail,Colorado 81657 �������.�����. tel: 97Q.47�.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 � web: www.vailgov.com General Infarmation: All projects requiring design review must receive approvaE priar to submitting a building permit applicatior�. Please refer to the subrr�iital requirements for the partieular approval that is nequested. ,4n application for Design Fieview cannot be aocepted until all required 9nformation is reeeived by the Community Developr'nent Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Ccaunci9 and/or the Planning and Envirnnmentai Cornmissian. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Qescription of the Requesi: C�1 �E ��a �'�`1� !�Yl�!!+ �iQ4"'v"'� ,�i�.4(,��-TsNla► f,Qo A'l �l�r��3es`�TG�" G�f'�'�'S��FT7a/V. Location of the Proposal: Lot: � 81ock: � Subdivision:�'`/flf�',l,�/D�r �6G.E��4°"' Physical Address: ���� �ffrSfElr/$ �i���� � Parcel No.: �� �� �2"���� �(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.} � Zoning: !PE/���� � Name(s) of Ow�er{s). L�l/Dd1l�Nl Mailing Address: ��/ L�'YUT ��" �+'u %�� Phone: 7`72,3 !�. ' �Z/!D ,z',L Ownerts) Signature(s): Gt�'G:E''r�d{1 _ �___._ Name of Applicant: _���I�LC' /!�J f}b'�V�` _ Mailing Address: _ _ � -�' phone: E-mail Address: ��f��JK�� ��-C'a!�{ Fax: ''���r ^?��Q,� Type of Review and Fee, • Signs $50 Plus$1.Op per sc�uare foot vf total sign area. • Conceptual Review No Fee � New Ccx�.structivn $650 Far canstruction of a new buifding or demo/rebuild. • Add�ion $3da For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or :� j commercial building {includes 250 additions&interiar canversions). • Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements,such as, � (multi-family/cammercial) rerasfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wa11s, etc. • Mintir AiteratiQn $20 Far minor ehanges to buildings and site improvements,s�ch as, �� (single-family/duplex) reroofing, painting, window additions, 6andscaping, fertces and reta�ning wails, etc. • Changes to Approved Plans $2D Far revisions to plar�s already approwed by Plan�S�aff or the Design Review Board. 1�j • Separation Request No Fee � �, ��, � �� Fnr Offic�'Use �rrly: < �:-" ` ' � Y� � Fee,Part�: ' :°� - �heck fVo.: By: �' � a Meeiing Qate= .;: , .. ....- • , , 'DI��fo.: .. _ ; . , . .. ' � x;, Planner: :,: ; _; ... .. :" <: Project I`�c�.::, .� . Page 1 of 12/04/Q1/04 . • .. � � Walt Laidlaw 1724 Geneva Drive Vail,CO 81667 970r476-T258 vfrhawk(d�nsn.com 25 July 2005 Mr. Joe Suther Development Review Coordinator Town Of Vail 73 Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Suther: Attached is an Applicatron far Design,Revi�w the purpose of which is to request approval to remove approximately 25 dead and dying pine trees infested with pine beetles. Included is the orig�inal landscape plan with the approximate locations of the infes#ed trees. Pictures are also included. The trees are marked with flagging tape. The trees were sprayed last summer in an attempt to save them but ta no avail. Judging by the infestation from just last summer ewen the trees that don't show�nfestation rvill e�en#ualty get infested. Please let me what else you may need to cc�mplete the appro�al process. Cafl ar e-mail me at the addresses above but don't use the U. S. PoStal Service as it will be forwarded to my NC address (whi�� is on the ap�lication). I'll be in Vail ur�ti! late in August but would like t4 complete the tree remaval before I leave. Thanks for youa�help. ` ������ Walt Laidlaw . , , • � � (���1��\ ��,,, "�'��� �;, .�►,�, . ��►�� TOWN OF YAIL � • • � Depart�nent of Community Development • • 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 8i657 970-479-2138 TM FAX 5�70-479-2452 June 22, ��9R And�-cw Pcna 1719 Gcneva Drivc Vail, CQ �1 fi57 Rc: Addi•c5s Changc Gcncva Drivc Dear Andy: Thc Tptivn of Vail has chan�cd tl�c addres5es fai� �omc of thc hotnLs on Gencva Drivc duc to rcoccuirin� �roblcros in idcnrifying houscs. This was done to tiolve these �roblemti and to assi�t emer�ency �►ei-�onncl in findin�yaur horr�e5 �uickty in t}�c c�cnt of an cmcr�cncy. Please chan�e the adclress on your house as soori as possible. The er�lcr�cncy dis�►atch, utiiity comp�nics and the post ofticc havc already bccn notified. If you havc ar�y questio»s, �1ea5c call mc at (97�) 479-2454. Vcry truly yours, �Y� ���-���'�� Clii-i5tie }3airtan Plannez- li C�RECYGLEDP��'ER I 6 `C -_ '� � r r� ' 180 r �0 1785 � o f? 2 1 � 2� I'9 18 � 795 175fi 74 1 A � 2 (8!3 �n 1699 �5 �84�, 1835 1825 1815 • 29 3 A 30 1758 2B � 78 !7 �• �, i a i s 34 �g a�. �o � 19 A � 43 �� �5 �eas �� � � 170? 69 � 36 Q I �61 .,,Q`� IZ62 4 9 I 04 �682 4 2B 41 I824 3 �� P 170 f7�6 21 A 26 /,� 6 A � 1708 2 2�.• / S 165� 180 1797 39f787 ��,j� � 7 76 S 171 ��J 18 23B o� �� 9 1766 17}3 C��' ��`TIt7 20r i I g �7 83 Ifi73 22 24 I7&8 d 715 64 1633 2fa 8U� ~ � � �6�3 13 9 � 98 32 � I !0 � 12 � k8 7B 772 8 A i717 w ::�. �6 f� .� 778 �B (�� I ! 8 � 14 19 i'�� . 1718 � 4 1644 1759 � 2Q 9 7Z. �o � 17z1 15 �I II A Is�4 �2 7 �� LLICERNE LAN E �o i7�� � 16 ' „� 16 ieso 62 Prcvious Addre;�s Ncw Addres� ��� 1717A Gcncva I7rivc Eatit and Wcst �717E Ger�cva Drive - Mc�7lci- i 717W Gencva D�-ivc - Hitt r�.{��� i 717[3 Gcncua Drivc, unit5 l, 2, 3 ]719 Gcneva Drivc, units l, 2, 3 - Phelrs I 1 ,I—G� i 719 Gcncva Drivc 17?1 Gcr,cva Drivc - Pena l�� �� �i� 1720 Gcncva D�-ivc 17?2 Gcneva Drivc- WilCiams (ha� bcen using this number) �� �p 1722 Gcncva Di�ivc 17?4 Gencva Drivc - ci��ty Cot � Project Application , Da1e Project Name: �� k�V W" �� �� �"—" "`�i� .,f , C� F'roject Description: �`�'���'� r� Contact P�rson and Phone Owner, Address and Phane: � , , � - �[Y � Archi4ect. Address and Phone: L,egal Descriptian: Lot � , Block -i` . Filing ��r��� y� , Zone � C _ � . � 6 � �� --;,�,ti COfT9R1@R1S: I '✓� . ✓ �� � f. f �Design �eview Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: �F�P �VAL flISAPPROVAL ___�—r I Summary: � "` � � y � � ,�-� n a-�;-� ; '� �/ �r 1 ,/ r ' . ?1q f � Town Planner Staff Apprpv8l Date: l I � ( � ��-- i ! _ Geologic Hazard Review � � �. ,.�) - `� ��-. / te / (� ci l �( �� ���`E���-�-�,,� �.,��iCc.�c, 8 (Legal Descriptlon) The undersigned has/hav�e read fhe �'��� ���azard Report, dated � `�- ^ , 19�, prepared b�r ,�` �-,c L A�e� �- i ri �� �__2n.�% �, �'<'''`,�:� � � l ��I/IAI undsrstand fr m the conclvsions that the proposed building is IQCated in a ]�IY'i5 �a,�l hazard zone, and ihere is t�e patentia� hazard of� reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We ar� pre,�arecf #o accept these fac#s and req, st e Tawn �Vail Building Department grant us a permit. � , � r � ;� , , � � ��� � �ti�-r� �� �,� � t�z�� (Name, Owner) Name, �er)� �-�-rLw STATE OF GQLOF�ADO ) , } ss. COUNTY OF ���- C�� ) D �The faregoing instrument was ackno edged before me th�s oL"�day of �-�, 19��by � , known to m� to be the person whose name is $ubscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he ex�,c�ite� tre same for the purposes and consideratio the� expressed. l�Ay corr�rnission expires: � -( � STATE F COLORADO ) y ss. COUNTY OF } T�ae foregoing instru nt was acknowledged �fore me this ��day of 19�by �a---�--- , known ta me to be the �E�sc�n whose name is s scribed to the foregoing instrument and acknawledged to me that he executed the same far the purposes and consideration therein expressed. My comrr�ission expires: � � /�'� c:Vonne , r � �':._ # . . . ... _. . _ . .. ._,. ;:�� . �and�rifl ., � � m f � � , � � Town of Vail • 25 South Frontage Road VaiT, Colorado 81657 " (303) 479-2I38 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Buil.ding Code Name : PEI�1A RESIDENCE Address : 1719 GENEVA DR. Date : September 10, 1992 Contractar: ANDY PENA Occupancy: R3,M1 Architect : PENA Type of Const : V-N Engineer: NONE Plans Examiner: C. Feldmann NOTE:The �ode items listed in this repart are nat intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. NAME AREA MTN.LIGHT MIN.VE1�tT NO .EXITS EGRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Kitchen 187 18 . 70 9 . 35 1 No 2 L�aundry raom 35 0 . 00 1 . 75 1 I�1v 2 Bedroom #1 174 17 .90 8 . 70 1 Yes 2 Bath room#1 57 0 .00 2 . 85 1 No 2 Bath room#2 66 0 . 0� 3 . 30 1 No 2 Bedraom #2 180 18 . 00 9 . 00 1 Yes 2 Living/Din room 355 35 .�0 17 . 75 1 No 2 Halls, closets, �tc . 327 0 . 00 0 . �0 1 No fiOTAL FOR FL�OR 1381 1 1 Garage 622 � . 00 0 . 00 1 No 1 Master bedroom 227 22 .70 11 .35 1 Yes 1 Master bath 68 0 . 00 3 .40 1 No 1 Family room 226 22 . 60 11 .30 1 No 1 Halls, closets, etc . 143 0 . 00 0 . 00 1 No TOTAL FC7R FLOOR 12 8 6 1 BUTLDTNG TOTAL 2667 1 FOOTN�TES : 1} EGRESS - An operable window or daor that opens directly to the exterior is required from this room. 'Fhe minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204 , 1} The minimum clear height is 24 inches 2} The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5 . 7 square feet q} The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2} The number of exits is based Qn Table 33-A (Dwellings} 3y A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu o� exterior openings for ventilation. �-� Sec. 1205 . (c) � � � , RO�M DIMENSIONS : Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of nat less than 7 feet 6 ' inches . Ki�chens, haZls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. If the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in nnly 1/2 of the area . --sec . 1207 . (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at leas� ane room which has not less than 120 square feet of floar area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet . -- Sec . 1207 . (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than ? feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 1207 . (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS : All glazing in hazardaus locations is required to be of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406 . (d} 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies . 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and par�els �n swinging doors other than wardrobe doors . 3) Glazing in storm doors . 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors . 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, wha.rlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and shawers . Glazing in any portion of a building wali enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet . 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is withir� a 24-inch arc af either vertical edge of the door in a closed posi�t�on and where the battom exposed edge of th� glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface . 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, oth�r than thase locations deseribed in items 5 and 6 abo�re, than meets all of the following conditions : A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet . B . �xposed bottam edge less than 18 inehes above the floor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D . One flr more walking surfaces witY�in 36 inches horizontally of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in �ai�.ings regardless of height above a walking surface, Includ�ed are structural baluster panels and nonstructural i.z�-fil� panels . See exceptions . SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIRENlENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling dr wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec . 1210 . (a) 4 . A smoke detector is required on the ceiling ar wall in each sleeping area, -- Sec , 1210 . (a) 4 . A smake detector is requir�d on all stories . -- Sec . 1210 . {a) 4 . Tf the upper level contains sleeping raom(s) , a smoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec . 1210 . (a) 4 . � � , Smoke detectors are required to be wired to �he building' s power source and sha11 be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210 . {a) 3 . De�ectors shal.l sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- See . 1210 . {a� �9 . STOVE REQUIREMENTS : 1 } Unit must be an approved unit . -- Sec . 3705 . (a} 2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval . -- Sec . 3705 . (a) & (bD 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturer' s approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPAR.AT'IOI�I: Be�ween the garage and the residence, materials approv�d far 3hr fire construction are required on the garag� side only and any doors between �he garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec . 503 . (d) exc . #3 STAIR REQUTREMENTS : A stai�way in a dwelling must be at leas� 36 inches wide. -- See. 3306 . (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches . -- Sec . 3306 . (c) exc . #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers . -- Sec . 3306 . {i) Provide a guard rail where drap aff is greater than 30 inches . Minirnum height = 36 inches, maximum apening size = 4 inches . -- Sec . 171.2 . (a) exc . #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft .°- 8 inches . -- Sec. 3346 . (oj Enclosed usable space under the stairs is requi�ed to be protected as required for ihr fire-resistive construction . -- Sec . 3306 , {1) SHAFT �NCLOSURES : 1) Chutes ar�d dumbwait�r shafts with a cross-sec�ional area of not mare than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with no� less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all jaints locklapped. The outside must be 1 hr construction . AIl openings into any such e�closure shall be protected by not less than a se�f-closing solid woad door 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalent . -- Sec . Z706 . (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls p3ssing through 3 floars or less do not need ta be in 1 ho�r shafts . -- Sec. 1706 . (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-�built chimneys, piping, or ducts that do not extend through na� mare than 2 floors need not be in � houz� shafts . -- Sec . 1706 . (c) 4) Al1 �other shafts are required to be enclosed in a 1 hour assembly. -- Sec . ].706 . (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMEI�T'�S : For R3 Occupancy This project will require a site improvemen� survey. Such survey shall be submitted and approved pri.or to reques� for frame insgec�ion. , � • • � • A1.1 crawl spaces within the Town af Vail are limited to a earth to s�ructural floor ceiling height of 5' , be earth floor only, be ventilated as per UBC 2516 (c) 5 witY� minimum access as per UBC 2516 (c> 2 and maximum aceess of 9 sq. Ft . Any building site with a slape of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil re�ainage, and structura�. des�gn. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without priar approval . Address nuas�bers shall be �osted plainly visible and legible fram the street . Fc�r Ml Occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to autside or provide a floor drain with with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer . Any garage floor �irain connected to sewer must be appproved by Upper Eagle Valley Wate� & Sanitation District . In garages w�.th l�.ving area above, the walls of the garage which are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fir� resistive construction . UBC 503 {b) . .� , � � Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road . vail, Col.orado 81657 {303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Name : PENA RESIDENCE Address : 1719 GENEVA DR. Date : S�ptember 10, 1992 Contractor: ANDY PENA Occupancy : R3,M1 Architect : PENA T�pe of Const : V-N Engineer: N�NE Plans Examiner: C. Feldmann 1 Provide a minimum ceiling height af 7 foot 5 inches in this area. -- Sec. 12fl7 . {a) 2 This project will require a site improvement survey. This survey shall be submitted and staff approved prior to a request far a frame ins�ectian. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site improvem�nt s�arv�y, 3 Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be prov�ded with exterior metal Iath as per UBC 9706 with 2 layers of paper. Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metal) . A lath inspection is required prior stucco application. 4 In bathrooms with a tub or shawer and in laundry rooms a �nechanical venti,lation system connected directly to the outsid� shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water closet or lav. may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 12Q5 (�c) . 5 Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall be installed as per UMC 1104 and 1903 . Flexible duct connectors may nnt �exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the bvilding and nat exceed 19� le�gth. 6 No damestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected ta a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. �JPC 608 . 7 Cross cannection control devices sha13� be installed to pr4�ect pollution of potable water supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices . UPC 1003 . 9 � � A • - 8 Domestic ranges shall have � vertical clearance � above the caoking surfac@ of not less than 30" to unprotected combust�ble material . UMC 1901 . 9 Heating and cooling equipment located in the garage shall be installed with the pilots and burners or heating elements and switches at least 18" above the flvor level of the garage. U1�C 508 . 10 In buildings vf unusually tight canstruction (all n�ew construction within the Town of Vail) , combustion air shal.l be obtained from the outside. S�zch combustion air openings shaZl be as per UMC Ch. 6 . 11 Approved gas logs may be install.ed in salid-fuel burning fireplaces prouided the instalJ.ation a.s according to the listing instructians, any damper shall be removed or permanently biocked, and a s�fety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803 . 12 Gas fir�place appl�ances are required to be installed as per listing installation instructians - with a "B" vent only. Combustion air must be supplied frozn the outside for all new construction in the Town of Vaa.l . 13 �'urnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space havinc� a volume at least 12 tircies �he volume of the furnace . ,� boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) 19 Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU ar�d volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and com�austion air ta be supplied prior to any installation . 15 A handrail is required alang a stairway. It is required to be 34 to 38 inches abave the nosing of the steps and if �he side is open, the maximum size of an opening in the railing at the stairway is 4 inches . -- Sec . 3306 . (i) & 1712 . 16 The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required ta be protected by lhr fire-resistive constructi.on. -- 3306. (1) 17 The open sYde of all decks, porches, stairs, etc . which are more than 3�" above grade shall be grotected with a guardrail . Openings can not exceed 6'" . Within R-1 occ. and all R-3, height min, is 36"-outside R-1 occ. height min. is 42" . UBC 1711 . , � � {' i � • 18 Winding stairways may be used if the required widt,h of run is provided at a point not more than 12" from the side of the stairway where the treads are the narrower, but in no case shall any wid�h af run be less than 6" . UBC 33Q6 (d) . � 9 At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be prav3ded to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage . Two layers af fel� solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a comm�rcial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 32B1 . 20 Because af this project' s locat�.on, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade . UBC 1707 (d} , 21 Provide truss details by the truss manufacturer' s engineer. (reg in this state) f � r r � .. NOTE— COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT QN JOBSITE pLANS IN SLTO !1�� '' ----�' -���y CONSTRUCTtON PERMIT � DATE ii� 9N AUG 25, I992 n �` PERMlT N0. O U���9 ��� O ��I 1.TYPE OF CQNS�fRUCYION I II fll I V V ' dB��artment of community development 2.00CUPANCY GROUP A B E H � R M BUILDING 90,OOU TO BE FILLED OIJTCOAhPLETELY PRIORTO fSSUANCEOF?ERMIT dIV1510N 1 2 2a 3 4 � ELECTRICAL 5 p(}QQ TYPEOFPERMIT GENERALDESCRIPTi4NOFWORK : � PLUMBING B4OflO CONSTRUCTION OF I��W SINGLE FAMILY � � BUILDING � PLIJMBING 1��57CDENCE. > MECHANICAL � ELECTRfCAL � FOUNDATION TO'�AL 103,000 ❑ MECHANICAL 719 GENEVA DRIV� TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATIOTJ PERMIT FEES LEGAL LOT 9 6LK V R-1 *20�+5 103,O170 BUILDING PERMIT JJZ MATTERHORhT VII�I.,AGE DESC. FI�ING V M-1 * 622 PLANCHECK SOZ JOB NAME: pg�A RESID. NEW TOTAL *2b67 E�EC7RICAL 116 _ ; OWNER �lAME ���' P�NA NEW ALTERATION( � ADOITIONAL{ ) REPAIR( ) PLUMBfNG 120/ $30 4�41334 � � (r� �� MAIL ADDRESS p0 BOX 956 DWELLING UNITS 1 ACCOMMODATEON UNiYS MECHANICAL � CITY vAIL PH 476-0109 HEIGHT IN FT. N0.FIqEPLACES RECREATION FEE 400 �, �` ARCHITECT FIRM ��NER/BUILDER INSULATION: YYPE THICKNESS FI-vA�LUE DESIGN REVIEW BQARD ]00 � �' � FLOOR � \ MAIL ADDRE5S CIEAN-UP OEPOSIT 5O0 EXT.WALLS � CITY PH. USE TAX � E1NDY PENA 4WNER RooF r GENERAL FIRM � � TXPE ELEC. GAS � �y CONTRACTOR TC7W�k OF VAIL REG. NO. aF TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 2:540 TELE. 476-0�09 HEAT SOLAFi w000 CHUCK F'ELbMANN SEP 16, T992 FIRM AQDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: BUIL�ING OFFICIAL � � � DpTE �� ELECTRICAL �� r N INITIAL SHELLY MELLO SEP lb, 1992 ONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ST.CUT X pNINGAOMINISTRATOR DATE TELE. B�ASTlNG X ZONING 8 Bl31tQiNG NOTES: fIRM �DY ��NA QWNER PA�Ki�� x SEE PERMIT FOR NOTES. 5EE COIiRECTION PLUM�ING • ����T• CONTRACT�R ���N OF VAIL REiG. NO. ' DEMO � 47b-Olfl9 — TELE. FIRM I hereby acknowiedge that I have read this appl�cation, filled out in full the information required, MECHANIGAL completed an accurate plot plan, �nd state that all the information provided as required is correct. I CONTRACTOR rowN oF vAi�R��. No. agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to compfy with aU T n ardinances and state TELE. �aWS, and to build this structure according to the Wn's z ing an su division codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and o er or nan e of the o n applicable thereto. OTHER FIRM �i / GLEAN UP TO: ANDY PENA " � / `C`�-`---- TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PO BQX �SE SIGh1ATURE OF OWfVE QR GQNTR.4CTOR FOR NIMSELF CONTRACTOR T��E. VAIL, CO 81658 ANp THE OWNER. � �� ,�,; '!5^�1��Fer �u�� _ � �'�� `�,:' a '�,+'�� .. . . "w �,-:�'� �.� r :�� � � j ,. � �� �"''r` '�"'�6�1;� , . �+ •� � � C��x��t�t�� �� �� �.�.� �� - t������ ,,��. 4 ���u�t (�� ��tt� � i��rti��n� ����t�r#rrt��tf � � ! TF!!S CERTIFlCA`TE ISSUED PURS[IANT TO THE REQUlR�MLNTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTlFY1NG TFI�t'T AT TH� TlME 0I` ISSUATVCE TI'-lIS S7'IZUCTiIR� VY✓AS IN COMPI.IANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORUINANGES OF 7HF TOWN REGUI.ATING 13UII.DING CONSTIZUCTIOIV, ,�ND O!t USE, TO '� ' "1'WE BEST OF OUR KNdW1_EDGE. r Namc _ PENA. RESIDENCE Usc Classific.�ric�n RESIDENTI.A�L—S� Group R—� ,' Quilding Pcrinit No. 5709 l'y�c Construction V , � ; Owner af Buildin� --�p nlav___�p.�;N� _ ' ! , E3uilding Address 1719 GEIVEVA DRIVE} LOT 9, MATTERHORN VIIsLAGE '� + � � �`Y' 6� 1994 �rh�hnilciin�official mag.in rvrititig.suspcnd or revnkc;�Ccrti- f icatc of Ocai{�antr issucd undcr thc pruvisions of this cucic t+'hrn- ��'��� cvcr thc certifica�c is dssued in crrc�r,ur un thc batiis of iitca�rrcet � � '� -- � �a,(�,��,,:,cc��n,��nnl��d.ur whrn it isGlctcrmincJ thar chc huildin�;nr 1 � '' 1�� s�nicturc ar port�on thcrcu( is in �•iula[inn of an} urJin:�o�rc ur � �+/4�. —�c�f�� r y�n y i4 rcy;uRltion uf thc'['own of Vail cor anr oF thc prn�isiunti uf �his ISuildin}�Officia� l�llll Q 1�� cutic. C.R. FELDAI.ANN � 1 1� �. 1 � 1 "+` �, �+'' 't��r..�%'�,� :�� 1 ��"`'���. ;���: POST 9N A CONSPICUOUS PLACE t Y ��� • ,� tow� o ua� T5 south frontage road vail, colorado 8�657 (303� 47g-2138 ar 479 2�39 oflice of community derelopme��t BUILDING PER�iIT ISSUANCE TiME FRAP1E if tl�i.s permi,t requires a �'own of Vail Fire Departm�nt approvaZ , Engineer'•s �Public Works) reYiew and approval , a Plan�ing Depar^�nent revi�ew or Hea1th Department revi�ew, and a review by the Buiiding Department, tfie estimated time for a total review may take as long as t�iree week�. All commercial (large or small } and all multi-family permits will have to foTTow the above mentioned maximum requirements . Residential and small pro�ects should take a lesser amour�t of time. However, if residential ar smaller projects impact �f�� various abov� mentaoned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wi'11 be r�ade by this departmen� to expedite this �ermi�t as soon as possi.ble. �, t�ie under�igned, understand the pian checic procedure and time frame,. , c�re ta y. S� Proje�t ame Date Wark 5heet was turned into t e • Community ��velopment Department. . . � � i . r � ti . `��„"�� �o�� of uai � 75 sauth frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 alfice of community develapment TO; ALL C�NTRACTORS Ci7RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL FROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MAR�H 16, 1988 SUBJEC�': Cc]NSTRUCTION PARKING & MAT�RIAL STQRP,GE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 stat�s that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soz�,, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen v�hicles upon an}� street, sidewalk, alley or pubZic place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. aff pavement. This ordinance wxll be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice ta remave said material. In the event the persan so notified does nat cosngly with the notice within the 2� hour time specified, the Public Works De�artment will remave said material at the expense af person noti�ied. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicabl.e to construction, maintenance vr repair projects of any street or alley o� an� uti3ities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu11 , please stop by the Town of VaiT Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank yau for your cooperation on this matter, R d an ckno edged by: , r�.}� �' Position/Re ationship t oj�c (i. e. cantractor, owner) Date . � � �FINAL iNSPECTION'S COI�LETED • The items be�.ow need to be complete before giving a perm�t a final C of 0. , Please checle off in �he bo� pzQVided. ` � FINA� PLU�iBING �. I?ATE: FINAL MECAANICAL DATE: .��1,� ;� ' ,' f.s��� _ � IMPI�OV�MENT 5URVE�`7 '� ,, � " �i RESID. NAME: ,� ;�� �:- � DATE: - � � FINAL ELECTRTCAL DATE: FINAL �UILI3TNG EAST SYDE: WEST SIDE: DATE: � TEMFORARY C OF 0 ' � DATE: 1 f � �' � CERTIFICA�TE OF OCCUPANCY i ' �ATE: ; _ � I � � LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: � � FILE N?,ME:�t`y�� ����\c�, �+ \��,�\,`�_ �` `���� � � � (,., �,��, � � ���� ��l� ` � ZONE CHECK FOR S�R, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICT., D�'TE: , LEGAL D�SCRIPTION: Lot �� Block — Filing �U1��, ���I� �'� V� ��� �DDRE5S : � ;� 1 n OWNER ,r'� �� ��`�;'��� PHONE ARCHI�'ECT � PHONE ZONE D��TRTGT �1 �� � - PROPOSED [JSE � **LQT STZE ��%� � �1 � a Allowed EXistinc� Frox�osed Total ( ��,� ��� �_ � He i ght (3 0� �(� 'r'�t; '��t�'�'� ` ' . Tot a 1 GRFA `� I ,n � jJ;�' f�� � ' � 1'7�{�!� P r i m�r y GFtFA �'. ., + 4 2 5 = '����� �— �-�-�� � `'�-�1 � Secondary GRFA � 425 =� - -�- �� Se�baeks Front 20' � I Sides 15' j � Rear 15' + '� Water Course Setback (30) {50) Site Coverage �'�, � � "' � � �(��� �� '`f 3�7=,� � Landscap�ng � �� Retaining Wall H�ights 3' /6' �,'��;������ Parking �'� Reqrd �''� � Garage Credit (300� b0.�� ��00) (1200� �-c"�� Drive : Permitt�d Slope 8� Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: ��� View Corridar �ncroachment : Yes �lo ??? Environmental/Hazards : ly Flood Plain ��`� ' 2� Percent Slope (�'�� „�, ; ..,.� 3) Geologic Hazards , � a) Snow Avalanche ,;'r:� , ,_ , b) Rockfall /���� � c) Debri s Flow � i1 '' �,��';�� 4) Wetlands ��,'! ° Previous conditions of ap�aroval (check property f.ile) : ✓� � P Does this request involve a 250 Additian? ����'�,_, How much of the allowed 250 Ac�aition i5 used with this request? ?C� **Note : Under Sections �8 . Z2 . 090 {B) and 1$ . 13 . 080 (B} of the Municipal + Code, ZQts zoned Two Family and Primary/Seeondary which ar2 less than 15, OQ0 sq, ft . in area may not construct a second dwelling unit . The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicanti meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18 . 12 . qg0 (B) and i8 . 13 . 0II0 (B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restrictinq the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley . l'� '�- 'r ti'�-`�-�;�f_';�-- ���Q� � � � -c� Z � � � r� '� � ;�. . � � ' ���V`�G�--� � � � ��T � 1 � �-�'v � � � � , �� i a , - ,-�:a � � Project Application ��l@ l/'-'!�`'/ �->i �� �f `—� �11 l.' �'�, f'>� . "1, i 7� ���v�.J �^� �r' !�_] !v� / �� % � i v'"�::1 (�'��C- Project Name: ' Project Description: ._.�'`��f� �i:, r'����i;;�/� ✓`}',_r��!f�'� ,. .° e -.' y J J Contact Person and Phane � j G if I ,� Owner, Address and Phone: ��� �% �- , /- � �-��%� �-5�' �'�� . �--� Q'�G4?vI / __ , , �!i���� �f %�!� CJf J j ��t''/^ f7f/ .' ���� �- f l• `tf i:. — - — Ci Architect, Address and Phone: � ,r� Legad Dascription: Lot � , Block � , FilPng ��'f�'����d'���� �����'%,r� , Zone / `S v �i%%�:r:' F- i.� ✓�� ��; /����-� 'C%��,-�,��. ;�'+`;C/'`�J �� . -- ��G �;. ��-,;; , ;if3,�: Comments: T��' � � v L�i2°::t :.' � :� �, f a,,2 r�:/ G �%�'r:(� �i i�u..�.�-�" ,.��'-1- .�'%;✓!��C ��.. f��,�.t� - w. u/ ; `� r r%/r.� �fi�';.I,�c�(i� ' - ' �/� Des�gn Review �oard Date ��fi/=,- /-'. , � �F �r . ` Motion by: t�9����3 �✓/:�:,f :i; Seco�nded by: C�=�IK-,�C-�`�- ��/�'/ - _.._.,_,,. �ARPROVAL �+: ' �:° DISAPPRC?VAL ___ __,_--''+ �l,!�, .�_�. � _. /, � . _ Summary: C.-7' /�;i` "" 7r.=� f� 'r;,r%' `l/Gf�� �U/'%it�cu.,f �c� ' �� �:%1/Tci��. i:i��-� i, i�'� :j f�.,c-�'" � - /. .i�! ,��L- ,,- �'�`� /'..'� � "� /�/�.1ti%4'� r��'✓�f�� �.�•)�✓ l07 /��%' �i !.� Y �� /���f i �r��:> ;✓- �% r:�i•,� w' ''*'' �: '�%' .� � � �L „ . :�F-'% Q� ���-1�� !/:.;�.;�/�� f ,: f��G'Y-i J.... .. " �;i . - .i' �I� _ . _: . .y: s r , _ .. �, . . . _ ... � ,. _ ' � . _ � . � ,.- � Y _` / , �[,�, �^��y } ! / 'l ��lJ✓�.1� 1 .,i, 3�-��; j•�.�1 I7/ .�f F.r�J/� �`J�V ��J�'�dfi i y � � ' r/;'�',_, , .�� ���� � i +�%�!/�GLG'!�✓' �. ���`, .,t.-fJ:,(.'�, .`,`/, • ;J/ , _4'.. �/ / Town Planner ❑ Staff Approval i � / Date: �J��%{ �S�_ /r' _ ���� ,�„- � '�... ;�p`�IJG.-`' � �� Owner's Pol�cy � An�erican Land Ti:le Assoti�at�ui��� �wr�r's Policy 10 21�81 �Aev. 4 6-9D� � ` � : �,,1��� �o����, ����,��- AQ 12 7 2 8 7 N11 N 1�1 E SOTA TrTLE A. SUBJECT Ti7 T�HE EXCLL�S�,OfJS FROM GOVERAGE. THE EXCEPTIONS FROM C011ERAGE CONTAINED IN �1::NE�"iJ�E B �+P,�[� THE CONUITIONS ANC� STIPULATIC�I�S : TITIE INSURANCE CDN1PFiNY pF �1�1"JNESQT,�, a ���mnesota curporation, herein �alled the Coinuan°y, �nsures. as u1 date oE Pohcy shown in Schedula A� agamst loss ar da�nace, nn� exceedmg the Amo�nt of Insuran�e stated in Sched���!e A, susiained or in�urr�ed by ihe insured by reasan of. l Title to �he estaie or mtErest des�rahud an Schadule �, t����n� ves�ed other t���a� a�s s!a�ee iherem: '! H�� defe�� ri or han ��r en���r�hr�r�ce ui� ir�e �����• 3. Unmarketabdity oi the ut!e: ;� 4. La�k o` a right of aecess to and from ihe la��. � The Campany wiil afso pay the costs, attameYs' iees and expenses incurred in deiens? of thE r�tl'e, as insured, but only to the eKteni pr�vided en the Cundir�ons arid St3G�ulaaions. IN '�IITNESS �NNEREUF, ihe s�+d Tnle I�nsu+an��e Cun�pany ai Menn2so[a ha�s ��au�,E���1 ns cor�orale naine and seal ta be heicunio afl��ze� �y its d��ly authorized of6cers as �f the daie �howr �n Scheaule i�. �h� p���v [u be va'�d vuhen �oun:ersi�ned �y ai� 3uthonzed off�cer pr ag?nt of the Comp�nv � TITLE INSU�ANCE COM'?ANY �F N1IM1INESQTA ' Issued through Ehe Dffiee o( A S�ock Co�npany 4lJC�Second Avenue 5ou;h. Mtnneapohs. h9inneso!a 5.54G�i LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPA�NY � P. O. Box 357 " 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. �;y �?��s;,:���.. Vail, CC7 81fi58 ( 3} 47 251 •� --- .QIlCSf �_.._1���� ��� .$i';'IPi�. .1UdrGn?P.7 S;�'I.'dlO.y 11M Furm '31y �ALTA Gwuei s P�.day 1Q 11 87 IHeti 4 59C1 , � � � . � � , � � TIM Owners Form 2312 Folicy No. AQ127287 File No. V16988 Amount SCHEDULE A Address �,OT 9 , MATTERHORN VILLAGE 1 . Palicy Date: June 27 , 199� at 8 . 4a A.M. 2 . Name of Insured: A2�DRES F. FENA and LINpA D. PENA , as Joint Tenants 3 . The estate or interest in the land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this golicy is: A Fee Simple 9 . Title to the estate or intere�t covered by this policy at the date hereof is vested in: ANDRES F. PENA and LINDA D. PENA , as Joint Tenants 5 . The land referred �� in this policy is situated in EAGLE Coun�y, Colorado, and is described as follows: LOT 9 , MATTERHORN VILLAGE, ACCC}RDING TO THE RECORD�D PT�AT '�HEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE QF COLC}RADO. � F � � $ Page 1 This Palicy valid only if Schedule B is attached . � • TIM Owner Form 2313 Fi1e No. V16988 Policy No. AQ12i287 SCHEDULE B "�' "�"'��� This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: � 1 . Rights or claims of parties in passession not shown by the public records. - z . Easements, ar claims of easements, not shawn by the public records. 3 . �iscrepaneies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachrnents, and any facts wnich a correct survey and �� inspection af the premises would disclose and which are not shown by th� public records. � . Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofare or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the �ublic records. � . 199I TAXES NQT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT Y�T CERTIFIED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 6 . LIENS FOR UNPAID WAT�R AND SEWER CHARGES, IF A�'Y. 7 . RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUNQ TO PEN�TRATE OR INT£RSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVEf� IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORD�D October 04 , 1918 , IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3{?l . � . RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN U2�ITED STATES PATENT RECORDED October �4 , 1918 , IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301 . - . RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTBR CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, �R NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED November 20, 1963 , IN BOOK 178 AT FAGE 263 . 10 . TEN FOOT EASEMENT ALONG ALL SIDE LOT LINES NOT ABUTTING ROADWAYS AS R�SERV£D ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF MATTERHORN VILLAGE. 1 . TERMS , CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ORDER OF INCLUSIQN BY 'THE UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT RECORDEfl August 25 , 1981 IN BOOK 328 AT PAGE 174 . . age 2 � • TIM awner Form 2313 File No. V16988 �iey Na. AQ127267 SCHEDULE B � � 12 . EASEMENT, RESTRICT�ONS ANQ RESERVATIONS AS SHOWN OR SET FORTH ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF MATTERHOR�I VILLAGE. ITEMS 1 THROUGH 3 OF SCHEDULE B ARE HEREBY DEL�T�D. � � r` Page 3 � � Nichalas Lam�iris, Ph.D. `�4" y�,� CONSULTING GEOLOGIST 0793 VALLEY ROAD CARBONDALE,COLORADO 81623 (303)963-3800124 HOURS} M�y i4, 1991 F�n�t� F'en� ��. t7. E�a:: 9�6 Vaii . C�1. 81��8 RE: Lot 9, �latter�arn Villaqe Su�division �l��r F'ind��: Thi� 1 etter- i s i ntended �o s�tmmari�e rr�ti� vi�i t ta tl�e abc�ve rc+f�r-en�ec� I_ot u. F�s yo�� k:now, '��i� lot i� nat i�cluded urtder thP �r�acierate debr i s f 1 aw clesi graati on an the m��s prnd�_��ed uy Ar-t M�.�r� f or the �'Qwr� af Vai 1 . It i s just �.c���thw�=t nf thF ]. ir�e whict� passe4 al.ang the cul-de-sac trelow the �roper-ty boundar-y. !�y vi si t ve�ri�F i es th�t your 1 vt i s c��.�t of tl-oe ha,�rd done. Th�s 1 c�t b��omE�s steep�r �.ip the hi 1. 1 behi nd where ya�� i nter�d tc builci �nd ha� �ome loose boulders that should be removed ar- s�t��i 1 i:ed �� we di�cu�sed. Wher� yG�.� exc�vate fa� the f a�in�lati�n yc�t..a shc���l d prQVi de retaa.n�ge t�oth dut�i ng an� af ter� cr_�nstr��.ctic�n so th�t rno4�eme�nt does nat accur d�.�e to the re;�ovfil of the tae o# the slope. Th� ger�er�l topography af t;,e � ot i � su�h that no ur�usu�l amcsunt of wa�er or m��d wi 1 1 f�.�nn�l i.n th�t di.rection. Nawever~ , �asitive dr�inage araund th_s �er i meteY c�# th� homesi te ahc,ul d be �provi ded. 5i te sF��rifi�_ soiis in�e�kie�ation zs recommended -For prvp�r f o��r;ciat i c;� desi gn. Tt-�e lcat_ i � nnt in a qe�ingic�lly �en�itive ar'�a and the dPVeldpment wiil nat i��reas� the ha�arc! to other prop�f��y ar �itY'LI��:Ltlr�'S , ❑r to public buildinqs, right�-Qf-way, rvads, streets, e�sements , �it i. 1 i t i.es or f a�i 1 i t i es or oth��' properties a�f any F;ind. If tF�ere are further q�.��stions �1.easc� 1 et m� k:now, Sinc rely, � NicE�alas Lampiria Con�ul t i ng Gee,i og i st , � � � � revised 9/4/91 DRB APPLICATI4N - TQWN OF VAIL, COLORADO , ' ' ���� DATE APPLICATIQN RECEIVED: DATE OF �7RB MEETING: ' � � ********** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED iJNTIL ALL REQIIIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED *�r******�* I . PROJECT INFORMATION: �A. DESCRIPTION: ��''��rn.�- i�s,'���r� �r' , ,/;' "�. TYPE OF REVIEW: �New Construction ($200 . 00) Minor A�teration ($20 . 00) Addition ($50 . 00) Conceptual Review ($4� �✓C. AL7DRE S S t j �'�ti' �,r,�� �'�- ��%�� � � ��b , LEGAL DESGRIPTION: Lot � Block ' Subdivision �'�'r �-��z,uv �',/�' ��- If propesty is described by meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to his application . ✓E . ZONING: l �� �-U�_ � ✓�' . LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a curr�t stamped survey showing lot area . . ` � , �.�'r /I�:�. _ _c,7;,� ,�,.� �. NAME OF APPLICP�NT : � � P.,e.�ti'�-G�- Mailing Address : ('. i' �; �'-� L '�,�-r ( °� � �<5� Phone 3�,-3� �r �,�.c�� �� Pc�� r�a : ��'9- ��5�9 `�" H . NAME OF APPLICANT' S REFRESENTATIVE : Mailing Address : Phone �/I . NANlE OF 0'�1NERS : ����� ,�� �-� �'vi.�C� ��'ti.ti - *S I GNATURE {S) : �-- '� +' �``�� . Mailing Address : , v�.`� �r.>,� P1�'r"/ l :� il�-�s�' Phone `i?� � � ��� �J. Condominiurri Approval if appl.ieable . J�J��¢1, �;�K. DRB FEE : DRB fe�s, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal o� DRB application . Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate va�uation of the proposal , The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the tab�e below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. ,, , ` „ FEE PAID- $ .- ' . � FEE SCHEDULE : r � � - , ' VALUATION FEE $ 0 - $ l0, OQ0 S 20 . OQ $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50 . 00 s so, ao� — $ �50, 000 $loo . 00 $150, 001 — � �aa, 000 $ZOO . 00 5500, 001 - $1, 000, 000 5�00 . 00 $ Over $1, Q00, OQ0 5500 . 00 * DE$IGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL APPROi�'A� UNLESS A BUI�DIN�G PERMIT IS ISSIIED AND CONSTRIICTION IS STARTED. **NO AFPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITflOQT OWNER' S SIGNATIIRE 1 � � � , II . PRE-APPLIGATION M��7'ING: ` A pre-applicatian meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is need�ed. It is the applicant' s responsibi�ity to make an appointment with th� staff to de�ermine sf there are additional submittal requirements . Please note that a COMPLETE application will streaml�ne the aPproval process for your proj�ect . III . IMPaRTANT NOTICE REGAFiDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE L7RB: A. In addi.tion to meetin� submittal requirernents, the appla.cant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners . All tre�es to be remaved must be taped. Al1 site tapings and staking must be completed prior ta the DRB site visit . The applicant must ensure th�at staking done during the winter is nat buried by snow. B . The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normal.ly requires two separate meetings af the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their develapment proposal at a minimum of twa meetings before ob�aining final appraval . C . Appli.cants wha fail to appear before the Design Review Board. on their scheduled meeting date and who have nat asked in advance that discussion on their item he postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D . The foll�wing items may, at �he discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i .e . a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required) : a . Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which da nat alter the existing plane of the building; and b . Building addition praposals not visible from any other lot or public space . At the time suck� a proposal is submitted, applicants must �nclude letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent far or manager af any adjacent condominium assa�iatian stating the association approves of the addition. E . If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i .e . snow avalanehe, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow, wetland, e^tc) , a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a bu��ding �ermit . Applicants are encouraged ta check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards . F . For all residential constructian : a . Clearly indicate an ths floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building; and � . Tndicate with a dashed line an the site plan a four f�ot distance from the exterior face of the building walls or supporting columns . G . If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, al1 con�litions of approval must be resolved pra.or to Town issuance of a building �ermit . 2 .y�--- --_-- --�----- IV. NEW CONSTRUCT�`�` � -_f', A. Three copies of a recent to o ra hic surve stam ed bv - a licensed survevor, at a scale of 1'" = 20' or larger, � on which the fallowing information is provided: v�. Lot area . 2 . Two foot conto�r intervals unless the parcel cansists of 6 acres or r�ore, in which case, 5` contour intervals may be accepted. 3 , Existi�g trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as m�asured from a point one faot above grade . 4 . Rock outcroppings and at�er significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc . ) . 5 . Hazard areas (avalanch�e, rockfall, etc . ) , centerline af stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year flaod plain and slopes of 9Qo or more, if applicabie . 6 . Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark Qr sewer invert . This information should be cl.early stated on the survey so that aIl measurements are based on the same starting point . This is partict�larly important for height measurements . See Policy On Survey Information, for more information regarding surveys . 7 . Locations of the following: a . Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc . must �e shown . b . Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure . Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephane Water Electric c . Show all utility meter lacations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site . Revocable permits from the Town o� Vaa.l are required for improvements in the right-of-way . d. Pzoperty lines - distanees and bearings and a basis caf bearing must be shown . e . Al1 easement5 �Title report must also include existing easem�nt locations) 8 . Exista.ng and f�nished grades . 9 . Provide spot elevations of the str�et' and a minimum of one sPot elevation on eitrier side of the �ot, 25 feet out from the side property lines . B . Site Plan 1 . Locations of the following : a . Praposed sur�ace drainage on and off site . b. Proposed driveways . Percent slape and sgot elevations must be shown . 2 . All existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with top and bottom of wall spot elevations} , and other existing site improven�ents . 3 3 . El�ations of top of roof rid� (with existinQ _ and proposed arades shown underneath) . These . elevations and grades must be pravided in order for the staff to determine building height . All - ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan . Elevations for roof ridg�s shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade elevatians . 4 . Drivew3y grades may not exceed 8� unless approved by the Town Engineer. C. Landsc�pe Plan (1'" = 20' or �arger) - 3 cop�es �equired 1 . T�e following inforrnation must be provided on the landscape plan. The Iocation of existing �" diameter or larger tr�es, the location, size, spacing and type (common and latin name} of all existing and proposed plant material . All trees to be saved and ta be removed must also be indicated. The plan must also diff�rentiate between existing and proposed vegetatian. 2 . Comp�ete the attached landscape materials list . 3 . The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be emplayed in caring for p�ant material follQwing its insta�lation. 4 . Exis�ing and proposed contour lines . N�TE : In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development propo5al components, please incarporate as much of �he above informatian as possible onto th� site plan . D . Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying the location of utility service and availability (see attached) . E . A preliminarV title report must aceompany all submittals, to insure property own�rship and location of all easements on property. F . Architect�ral Plans (1/S" = 1' or larg�r, 1� /9" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies required. l . Scaled floor plans and all elevations af the proposed development . Elevations must show both existing and finished grades , 2 . One set of floor plans must be '"red-lined" to shaw how the grQSS residen�ial floor area (GRFA} was calculat�d. 3 . Reductions of all elevatiaz�s and the site plan (8- 1/2" x 11") for inclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be requested. 4 . Exterior surfacing materials and material calars shall be specified on the attached materials list . This materials l.ist must be completed and submitted as a paart of DRB application . Color chips, siding samples etc . , should be presented to the Design Review Board meeting. G. Zone check list (attached� must be completed if project is located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondary or Duplex zane dis�ricts . H. Photos of the ex�sting site and where applicable, of adjacent structures . 4 _. w . ..�.._-t-��--- I . The Zoni�Administrator and/or �RB � require the � submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (includi,ng a model� if deemed n�cESSary to determine whether a ' project will comply with Design Guidelines . V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS . Photos or sketches which clearly convey the �edevelopment proposal and the lacation (site plan) of the r�development proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provid�d all important specificatians for the proposal including colo�s and materials ta be used are submit�ed. �I . ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR C�MMERCIAL A. �riginal floor plans with all specifications shown . 8. Three sets of �roposed floor plans 1/8" = 1' or larger (1/4" = 1' is preferred} C . Thre� copies of a site plan showing existing and p�oposed construction . Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grad�s shown undernea�h. D . Elevations of proposed addition. E . Phatos of the existing structure . F . Specifications for all materials and eolar samples on materials list (attached) . At the request af the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submi� : G. A statement from each utility verifying �acation of service and availability . See attached utility location verification form. . H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor . I . A preliminary title report, ta verify ownership of property, whieh lists all easements . VTI . FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has �een issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped hy a registered professianal engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the �LC : A. Building �ocation (s) with ties to property corners, i .e . distances and angles . B . Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foat . C. All utility service line as-builts, showing type of material used, and size and exact �ocation of lines . D . Drainage as-builts . E . Basis of bearing to tie to section carner . fi , All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey. G, All easements . H. Building floor e�evations and all roaf ridge elevatians with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge lines . � 5 VIII .CONCEPTUAL IGN REVIEW • � � A. Submittal reQuirements : The owner or authorized agent � � of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this ch�pter may submit plans for con�eptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department af Community Development . The conceptual review is intended ta give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town' s Design Guidelines . This procedure is recomimended primarily for applications more complex than single- family and two-family residences . However, developers of single-family and two-family pr�jects shall not be excluded from the opportunity to reque�t a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitted for a canceptual review: 1 . A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale flf one inch equals twenty feet; 2 . Conceptual elevations showing exterior ma�erials and a description of the character of the proposed structure oz structures; 3 . Sufficient information to show the proposal comp�ies with the development standards of the zone distriet in which the project is to be locat�d (i .e . GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc . ) ; 4 . Completed DRB application form. B . Pracedure : Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, �he Department of Community Development s�all review the submitted materials £or general comp�iance wi�h the appropriate requirements of the zaning code . If the proposal is in bas�c compliance with the zoning cod� requirements, the project shall be forwarded to the �RB for conceptual review. If the application is not ge�erally in campliance with zoning code requirements, the application and subm�ttal materials shall be returned t� the applicant with a written explanation a� to why the Commu�ity Development Department sta�f has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements . Once a complete application has been reeei�ed, the DR� shall r�view the submitted canceptual review application and supporting material in arder to determine whet�er or not the project generally complies with the design guideiines . The DRB daes nat vo�e on conceptual reviews . �he praperty owner or his re�resentative shall be present at the DRB hearing. 6 . ...,._��:�.�,F.� . ' � LIST OF MATERIALS • 1 -7 NAME C}F PROJECT : ��CG�1 �'k �`�f'� / ;'�C�'° c �' � , � LEGAL DES�RIPTI�N: L�T � BL�OCK �� SUBDIVISIflN ,��" ' '�/�` I���,_,'r�=�"�� ,/� �' ��'_ s����T ���ss : l'� l�� ��a���, t7�� DESCRIPTION OF PRC7JECT: S� n�r2 �Pn����l�+, G�tn�_ � �'he following inform�tion is required for submittal to the Design � Review Board before a final approval can be given; ��l' ��� A. �UIT�DING MATERIAL� : TXPE �F MATERIAL COLdR �� �� / / Roaf /����k;(t� 5�ri��u��c�� ��-1,� �� �'k.�,� �� S i d i n g t' � �'�•,�� - `'r�x-{--{_,-�� �r� Gf r?�(�I. ' E.5 ,pL�,v�-� �ther W�11 Materials ;� L_ � �h a��,�� � .� � ��'�ti"��� 4A�� �ry� F a s c i a �'�,�, I����--� ��r } S o f f i t s ��-�t�-H L�r 4%'w,, ��� r�l��.t�__ � D��;4�� Windows /� f��� Gv�, r`�< -,� Window Trim � � �o, .� (,��.tu , Doors -v�,,t %��-�����_ Door Trim _���^,C - Fr-��i- (::r�_� L � Hand or Deck Rails ��� �vr� N•��-c�� F 1 u e s ��.a�;.� ta.%r c ��E=�.� F 1 a sh i n g s �-e. �.� �i -� f_...�� �- Chimneys r L.cc v �r���' �i ,'�-�� �- Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ��,:�:�>> z- Other B. LAI�DSCAPING: Name of Designer. �¢.� � Phone : 'l7�Cres PT�ANT MF�TERIALS : Botanical Name Common Name Quantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES 1i>��- I . j1�T��SC�`�ri� C, �v �I � p e. �IV�d�,��S Q�n /J�f G�19�..x �t.� � / � I /'(`i^.c'� �4.1?� ���'"``A"� v EXI5�'ING TREES TO ,� � ; '�f �� �'�� "'�s5� IJ�-� �.-'���fUC BE FZEMOVED � � c_ *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees . Minimum ea�ip�r for deciduous trees is 2 inches . Indicate height for coniferous �.rees . M�nimum heiaht for coniferflus trees is _ 6 feet . 7 . .__ - -.� . . -.,e�+�s;,mcs,tx•...�-. PLANT MATERI�S : Botanical Name Commo�ame Quantitv Size* , � PROPaSED SHRUBS � EXISTING SHRUBS /ijul?.� T� BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed s�rubs . Minimum size of shrubs is S qallon . Type Sguare FaotaQe GROUND C�VERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD 4F �RdSIdN CONTROL C . LAI�IDSCAPE �IGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please shaw the number of f�xturES a�d locations on a separate lighting plan . Identify each fixture from the lighting plan an the list below and pro�vide the wattageF height above grade and typ� of light proposed. /'�(� �- D . OTfiER LANDSCAPE �'EATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming poa�s, etc . ) Please sp��ify . Indicate heights of retaining waTls . Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet . /UGn'� .�, 8 �- ., � �.�-�. 1 ? ! � I�LI'�Y LOCATI�N VERIFICATIO� ■ ";"J ' SUBDIVISION ��_ifi 2 ! �C, � , JOB NANlE �ti G� �`-{ S f�'�� LOT .��" B�OCK FIL�NG ADDRESS ! � f St ��,v ��� � �Q�v Z ���f��U The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or praposed lines, must be app�oved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized SiQnature Date U. S . west Communications 1-800-922-1987 �,r� � 468-6$60 or 999-9530 �Yt •� � � �� Pub�ic Service Company 949-5781 Gary Ha11 ��.�,! ��-�� �y ;����-� tii'"-8�-;� � Holy Cross E�.ectric Assoc . - 949-5892 , �-�8 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty � Heritage Cablevision T .V. 9 4 9-5 5 3 0 !���! ;/ C3.,� Steve Hiatt � F� �,; � . �a�� ' 1 .� Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * /�'��`F r"'}`�'� �"4`"-�- r1-,�`-� 4 7 6-7 4 8 Q Ayv� ` �f�2 G- ,r Sft�n L �-ku r Fred Haslee `__ _ , S'� _ . f� (�,,,� �tiF7j ��,{�e'Le7'f.ai ,Sf� /��'7f�c.N�J ,' l�5i7Z<e^r� �"��� NOT� : 1 . This form is to verify service availability and location . This should be used in conjunction with preparing a utiYity plan and scheduling installations . 2 . For any new construc�ion proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verifieation form. 3 . If a utility cam�any has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility represen�ative should note direc�ly on the utility verification farm that t2�ere is a problem whieh needs to be resolved. If the issue is relatively complicated, it should be spelled out in detail in an attached �etter to the Town of Vail . However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility campany and owner to resolve identified problems . 9 . If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments ar2 made directly on the form, the Town will gresume that there a�e na problems and that the development can proceed. 5 . These verifications da not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department af Public Works and to obtain utility locations before diaQinq in any public right-af-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A build�nq permit is not a street cut permit . A stree� cut permit mus� be obtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle ValleX Water & Sanitation signatures . Fire flow needs rnust be addressed. 9 . . . . _ . . . -. ..... .- ma�q..x a- � � , ZOIQE CHECK , FOR ' SFR� R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ' DA'�E : LEGAL DESCRIPTI0�1: Lot Block Fil.ing ADI�RESS : OWNER PHON� ARCHITECT PH�NE ZONE DISTRTCT �l�� PROPOSED USE -���'I�'�.. ��/'' �` �� **LOT SIZE Allowed Existinq Pro osed To�al Height (30} (33) Tota1 GRFA Prim�ry GRFP� + 425 = Secondary GRFA + 425 = Set�acks Front 20' S i de S 15' _/ -__ Rear 15' water Course Setback (30) (50) Site Caverage Landscaping Retain�ng Wall Heights 3' /6' Parking Reqrd Garage Credit (3001 (600) (900) (12�0) Driue : Permitted S�ope 8o Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroa�hment : Yes No ??? Environmental/Hazards : 1} Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalan�he b) Rockfall /� c) Debris Flow G�S �Lt 6: nu�-. 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) : Does this request involve a 25a Addition? ii�' C'J How much of the al].owed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note : Und�r Sec�ions 18 . 12 . 090 {B) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Twa Fami].y and Primary/Second�ry which are �ess than 15, 000 sq. ft . in area may not eonstruct a second dwelling unit . The Community Develc�pment Department may c�rant an ��ception to this restriction provided tY�e applicant meets trie criteria set farth under Sect�ons 18 . 12 . 090 (B? and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) af the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fu11- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 .�.�_..��. .�., . , , ljPpER EAGLE VALLEY CONS ATED �� WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS � Bd6 FOREST ROAD• VAIL COLORA�O 81fi57 (3031 476-7480 WATER AND/OR SEWER LINE LOCATI0�1 � LOCATORS NAME: , ����- I}ATE: �/�%�'� COMMITMEN'f TIt�E: !, ,4'��'w �- �' `'' TIME C4MPLETED: SUBDIVISION: :� ".:.:;�c��n •�� �'���:�`-, -_LOT: BLi}CK• FILTNG• ADIJ�tESS: � 5� C�r.t�'�v�l .1� � � u� LOCATING FOR (name of company): ,,��'�� !���s� !=% ` '� _- `- J�L�1� �°�� � ' ADDBESS: PHONE N0: �`Yr; _ •��;-y� � ------------------------------ � LOCATI�N to be sketched or described in space below. Indicate paint or stakes and number thereof. Y,�� , �r ���...��J� � '� " ... '�� ��- . � Indicate North __ " ' ��--- ...__.�..�--- �F,��``!{��..,,��.��._ _ .__.. � �.. _� , � . . _ � �����..,oT � "r. ��� � � ��\ � \ .;4 '� � g. ��:� IMPORTANT: DO NOT CONNECT WATER OR SEWER SERVICE UNLESS TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID, U[VDER FENALTY OF FINE. ., Party requesting iocate: ,.^ Name �'^ Farty lacating for f1EVCSD: � �'����'�� � , �< a ,�, . ��' T, Name Upper Eag1e Valley Consolidated Sanitation District (UEYCSD) will attempt to locate water and/ar sewer service lines as a matter of cvnvenience or►ly. UEVCSD does not 'Mguarantee" the l.vcations designated, nt�r shall UEV�SD be he�d responsible for erroneous locations and the consequences thereof. PARTiGIPATING DISFRICT9—ARSitlWHEAO M�TRO WATER • AVON METRO WAYER • BEAVER CREEK METRO WAFER • SERRY CkEEK METRO �LEAN � WATER • EAGLE-VAIL METRO WATER • EDWARD$WATER • LAKE CREEK MEA�OWS WATER • UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION • VAIL VALL@Y CONSOLIDATED WATER • VAIL WATER AND SANITATION ,� J , _ _ _ _ _ . � . . . . ,�. 3 `�� ,�os � � � �. - �. fNN A-143.1 DROP � '_ ' ', � . ��• � �6 . . . . . . � . � t 707 w 18 :� �. �- �. , '• ( �' � �� � 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . � S MIH 145.2 _ • �. �t� ' � � �176� � � :I �• ", '. 1613 �%� C] � • 22 ' 1633 • j' r—I� �' 1709 '. � �, /. .(.`�� _ 1 � 17�$ , . . . 2� MH A-145:4 � ' S \ .4: � . .� ,�P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 17A �643 '• � � A-148.5 • ���0 C 1762 O � 5A 171� � '. ' W 5 � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � m . . . . . . . . . . . 1s73 �' � Z . . . . . .Z �� 5B 17B � : Q I�AH A-143.2 DROP a�'� � I --� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �693 1644 � 6 � : w � �� t 713 '. Z 1764 � � '. I � � :�;;. 8� � 6 GV MH A-145.3 DROP 1�64 W .'.��.;' � 3�'',�„�+�,, - . . . . . . . fi /� �. �'. 14 � U ��;�Y. �..� . . . . . . . . . . � '� '. - � � . . . MA 6B-6' ; J _ �2 � 13 . �s� � 8" '�. ,�� •. . �694 �1�•. 1 .�.� r . . . .?.— � 7 1715 , • � ' � � • , /.' 1634 '. J I N „B `�� �� Q .� � . �sa �I ` -�' C' �• �a,a . � � � � � � . .�� .�� � . � , � 1 `- ,�zo . . ' �. . . . , . .� 8A 1717 � �-• 15 .' 1724 � J . ` '�AH. A-143.3 DRf P �'� �� ,' 11 A1 '• � f�H 145.A.) � 1 • • �6 / »0 9 �� �Y~5 �'` �. ,� � � � • � . � � �. .� . � t7tg �'�' �� ' TRACT . . SB� � '1�. �� • , . �- � • ....,�,,, , 9 �+�' �,�,�-� � ~ ' ' "� � . � . , , �0 ��"'���-.�� ^ .�_,�� » ' � ` ` ` ' ~ � � z • . � . � ! 17 ; MH D-2.2 ;�x � , ,�,-. 18 ��:� 1 .. . . . . , . � �� 20 � '•. $ : �� 1739 MH D-2.1� . 5 ; 1 � I . 1773 , 1771 . f �•. /'� � • 175� . �• : MH D-1 . �V • 4 •. . ��72 . � . 1775 � . ��\ I�H D-2.1.1 ` 2� I � \ ' . � t5 � . .._ . // • • f�* i�.� ���f'� . • •• .• _ - � � �.,� �'��� �r��1��� �voTrs. , �°yJ��� �'. �t � ' s s \ ��. LaTS` � & 10, SURVEY DATE: �CTO'BER 30, 1991 ,i/ �� \ � F�GHL�lGNT f C�C?NR Ol9R: �1� �C307 � f • • S�I(]W CONt3l1lONS: THERE WAS Mf� SNOVW ON SITE AT ,�/ / ��Qj,A \ _ ��L ��ll�ll D11r1 �► ��`1/l�ll V� 1�ME OF Sl7RVEY � / � � � � ��Lr�l 1 G 1 r O. � VERT6CAL DAl`UFA: AN ASSUAAED ELEVATION OF SOOO.OQ' i� � �� SEWER S�U� QIJ� • AT THE NORTHERLY CORN�R OF LpT �fl � , � BEN�HIuIARKS: ON SlTE A5 SHOWN ,i� / i� 9ENC�1#AA�'K . -' � i� � � S'�WE�t M.H. • �/ 18 61A. ELEWA�ONS ' / �.'� O RIM = 49�69.80' �/ � /� 4 �6A. � � INVERT 3 4979.02� •. �l5��deC (RL5 14t09) � f i . • ASSUAAED ELEV = 5mOQ.0�' � , �' / ,� ��, a � 149'()�`3s' �� ,' , ,� � `� � _ �.ov' �' i �� � '�,��� T = 181.17' - �RAPI�IC SCA�E �� �� �'�/ � �/ �� T T�R C8 1 S 72'22'32" E i � � � � � �� �a �$" Qi�. •� • ! �� zo o ,0 20 +o � , � / � � 96.40 ,� � � �� �,� � �.T� — /�,� �� � ,� . i m � / � '�� �� � •►�� �� � � �o i r �� ` � �o� `� ` ( �iV �EE T ) �i .�'�Q,y , � \ l �,9 ti ! f 1 �� \ 1 I N CH = 20 ��7 /� ��"6?' / i �� �..q� � / ko�°� � � � \\ �s /�i /� � �`' '� / �9g�il� 1 rl �` r . � � � i i / i � � ± � � 9�� . � �i i �� ���� � � � r y/' �g°�'� I �� � �,�� � ,�/ �� 49� � \ \ � � �— ` � � � �\\ � i � � 49$7 � � � � � \ � � � i� f � .� 49a4` � � 3(?" D�A� � l � I � /� � !�' � 49Q�,� - �r 3,... ,J.,l��- '- ' �� f/ ��Z Q�ldl_ � �\ � '. , / p•r � � �.� \ � / �y�� 1 ° � —� ��'g�8 y � -� ' ' �! ./ � 1 �� ` , i_��T .' �-� �� ��,i ° "° � 49� �� �' �-� -� � � ! � ��� � `r T �. � � �i —° � �k992� � / L 1 / � i 1 v, �` i � .� iQ%'P� ° �' �� � � 499'�� � `�� / I � ! \� \ � ' ' i6 / r , i / �,��jp-'� � �— � � � �#99�° � � � / •t� / �� ' � 9 i/ t�,p,��'��\ � � � s �� � ��9 a 0 1/ � I ,�5' l �� . ' � TRAi,T .�, �i� , jo. -��'��P`'Q4- � � r � � `�– _ � l� � � 5�25p04 � I� ,}, � 1,I � � � ' ? r i J� � � s � � � � � ,� � ! _ �i � � � � � �5006 ! � 1 � _� i ! �l l / / � '� r / � .r � ��_ 1 / l LOT 1C} // � 1 I 0.417 ACR�S / L�OT 9 � ! � / — _ r / i `�� Q.464 ACRES / — _ .�� I ! �/ a2 � ~ �'4� — � 1 l� 1 � � 1 ' �'` — 2Q7 za� � / � � .`� � _;s— .� 1 ! 1 / �Q� 81 31 �'j+r�� _ , �� ` � --� L y /� '�o �_ _ � / _ � /y � 1 ` / �+,:��r kr�r / MEp#�Uq, � � / ��iP1NC NQ SzBdIVlStpt� ` �--�, / 357.�g'r `�, � / LEGEND: ` -- ��1,�,�, � / ��' _ �. y� ' �� � t OO INDICATES A �4 5 REBAR dc ALl1M. CAP; �0�1�lD (R1�S � 141�TH) �� � � � I�1dICATES A ASPEN �tE'� PA�2C�L !! � C�IDICATES A PINE TREE SURVl:'YDR'S �"h'RTI�'le�!?'E ': — m � "--` INdICATES A 2 F00T COI�T�UR LRNE i�ooca,TES a t� �'oor �o�vrou� ur�E f, S3even K. Scott, a Regis�ered Professional Land Surveyor in the - --- -- - �fJDlCATES A UT�I�ETY EAS�M��NT BENCHMARK State of CQlv�odo, do hereb cer�tif that this surve was m�de under m direct o� ir�oicA�s A 5E1N�R STlD9 Ol3T �' a� ��� S4'09, � Y y y Johnsvn, �►unkel EL�V = 5035.83' responsibility, supervisian, and che�king. On t�e basis of rr�y knowledge, sQ �tvoiCA�res n sEwE� MAIVH�LE i�nformatiar►, oa�d be�li�f, tF►is survey was rv�ade on the ground usi�ng t�� no�rmal & �g�pcla��es, � in���cArES a �iR� H��tartT standard of care of �rofessional Land Su�veyors proetic�ng ir� the Sta�e of InC. ColorodQ c�t the 4irrae o� #h'rs s�arvey. This map accurately depicts the result� o'� sc�id' survey m�de in Oc#ober of 199f}. The notes shown hereon are a part of 1�N�' ����G �iAPP�NG CI�'tl. ENGINEER[KG this certifica�ian. � �p,G�£ VA�L DENVER c��-�--- ��,,:_�'�El�� � �,r:f��.,,� ,328-6368 2�7�Q835 Steven �� �'�__��.�;�•`�• .�''� "�v^. 2�695 ��p\r s � �. �n o �z:�. P,O. Box 4�9 1 b 3 Eos! 41fi Str�st Ear�ls. Colprodo 81831 �$�l01' �V''C'�V's�i��'4!1�a% � ���`t��J tr st r �i � �9ohr�sor. �un�c€� �c �=�•,�,�, Inc. NOTi�� to Colorada law A1UST comm�nea an . � � lJYRAiMV BY.~ DA7�• 1 1 ,�w�a�,�i r«� r+.yo� occ� ��� �G{��9�J ��� BDP 1 21 91 bosed upon any dshct kn thh �urvey wilhlrt threa y�are oftsr `G�. �llrst dlscovered euch dsfect fn no ev�nt moy �y octFon bosed upon ���,._{�.`�� . �� —�i' � w+y de4ect I� thls aurvey 6e commenced more thot ten yeon irom iha ��tE i '• ___.- .-} '• Q`��` date of the certifir_�m�,ior� shawn nerean. �i�,t�` •• •• V w� ., /� •..... � ��. � �vear� er cw,+�a►+c Na.: 9f 444 TOF' '''�i,,,�AL iit A1��,,,,��`�� �Nq: 91444 sa�r 1 c� 1 � . st 1\` � \�V i` \\ \\ \ c � .� , S �So fi�q �, S,4 �� Q � 8 !yJ r,f,E, "4 j�,, \ ,`� ��FM1 ��� I �1I1 �� � /,' 22 O �` `, k / �� � ..._ � —... ,,'' /� , o ,��P�oN� � '; � �' C�1 �� � � / � � � PEDESTAL \ � / /, i � i /�� 5� /�� SEWER S�U� �DUT � i � �� �� �� �� �� / � / i � / / i / / � � � BENCHMARK ir / / SEWER M.F�. + / / �! r" E�E VATI OtJS +' � . �{' �� RIM � 4989.80' ' r // O� / 'l.°�� /�j � jr `�� � INV€RT = 4978.42' i /� �,rJ,`� �/ �-___=- �., �, Q Q = �49�08'3E�� � BENCHM�RK �� � G�' R = ��O.OQ' �� #5 ea�c {��s i 4�os) � � , �� o c� s � A55UMED ELEV = soao.ao' ��/ (V(1 ��- 1" = 20' �� i '�' i` ��, Ga,s 'va�vE �� ¢c T = 181.3 7 � �� LOT 88 i 'cs- ,{ .— \ C�lT L = 1�0.15' � -- _ �' � � J ,��0 �, �.� %2�° \ fR CB = S 72'22'32° E � � ` ;;�� ♦ � � , � � � /�i � /��� p- `n o � \ 96.4�' ' � � \��\ \��6� . / . l��, � S 1�0 2C} 3Q 40 6Q �� � �� � �• " 1` � Jr�'� � � 6 ' ` y-`�� � �— � �-6�� � F - \� �'/ / ,�/ 'o. ��pU�s \ � � ~ r � \�` \ `, � i �,l i � •. 1 I � i � ��,P i �� , � � � i�� `� �� a 9 i'�'0 STORY / � J \\� \ � � 'C � '�RAME 1 � I \�� � i �� �i : +�'o DWELLING � �' � �i / � ��G,�c.�/i DWELLfNG ELEVATIONS; .o, � f � � �� � 7� /� �'C{ /� �FfRST �LOflR 4992.9 � � � �� \ �9 Q r � .J'�� � SECON[? FL�OR 5002.0 � � \$� i 3� a i R�DGE 5015.5 I � E � � , i ,• 6 � ��/ / �/ � ^�� � \� � } L�T �, i/ �� i� � 1 � \� � LOT �� 15 �i �� � ! 1 �i� � �� J 1 _ / Y � \\ � � 11 A �` �� ��� � � '� � 18 � i � LOT 9 1 1 �� �, � ___ �' �� 0.464 ACRES � � �� , / � � � / A / S/8" REBAR AN[� ALl1MINUM _TRAC� "A� � � Z�. � � � LOT 10 CAP RLS 20695 FOUND -- �/ 'o, i�/ �'� ,(i� `C�.��U � � �� I � 0.4i� ACRES �,` � i �� � �i � � � / / _✓� i �i�/ �L�. . � q�� L'� �'� � . � /'1 � 1' �/ ' � y � � "i � �'� I �1 � 1 � ------� _ �� �'� �r �� �'� � �� � i � r i � � " ---� .� + z � ° � _` � �,� � 1 ! f / " — � � � � �. ~'° � � �� // � $1'.�1'1�' � ` `J / f � / � ' �_ L _ / ' ` �� _ ` � /� ' —�--��� � � � 1 r ,r O PARCEL II HfGh'LAN�p AAEADOWS � -- -- � � �� � ^ FILlIJG FJO.2BDIV�SIL)N BENCI�IMARK 3�7,j6� ���, � � ~ � � ,�0 �5 BdeC (R�S 14109) -��1�a. �� LEGEND: ���v � so��.a3' g���, � � LE�AL DESCF�IPTION � ~ ~"� � ` ��� � � G� IIV�kCATES A � 5 REBAR & ALUM. CAP; �fDUNp (RLS � 14�09) �/�" RE'BAR �,ND ALUMIN�7M —�-- ---- kNbICATE s A U7ILMTY EAS�INEI�T Lots 9 and 1fl, Materhom Villoge, Filing N�. 1, Town of Voil, � CAP PLS 2fl695 F�I�ND , Q INDICATES A SEWER STUB OUT CoGa�fldQ• { i (�S 19VaICATES A SEWER �laNMQ�� IMpROVEMENT �OCA�IdN C�ERT9F�CATE I - � 1N�ICATES A FIRE HY�RAN7 1 hereby certify thot th�s Improvement l.ocation Certificate was S�rveyor's Nptes: �d�IIlSOil� �►L1�Il�E'� prepared far Andy Perua and the town af Vaif, ColorQdo, 'rIiAT IT IS �YC11� A LAN� SURVEY PLAT OR IMPRQVEMENT S�1R'J�Y PLAT, anc4 tt�at it is not to 1� Street Addr�ss: Not posted 1�C t'��$OG18�.eS, �I1C. be relied upon #or the establishmcnt of fence, building, or other 2 Tfie recard legol description and recdr� easements, shown improvement lines. f further certify #trat the lmpfovements o�n the herean, have been obtolned from the Fina6' Plat of Mcrtter�orn abo+�e described porcel on this date, DECemt�er 16, 1�9g2, except utility �II9ge, Filinc� No.1 �.AND SURVEYI2�bG L[AF�II'�G CPViIl. ENGINEERId'IC canr�ectiohs, csrc entirely within the boundaries of the parcel, except 3) The deed lines, shown heroon, are based 5/8� rebor ond alurr�i�rum as shown, that there are no encroach�ments upon tMa described premises caps, shown be�reon. EAGLE MODEM FAX en by improvernents an any adjoin8ng premiscs, except os indicated, and 4) Acco�dir�g to Fload knsuronce Rate Map — Community Panel No. 328-6368 328-6381 328-1035 #hat there is no APPAf�ENT evidence or �ign c�f any eascment crossing DSQ054 OOb2 6, May 2, 1983, Lots 9 and i0 are Iocated in Zone or burdeninq any pa�'# of sdid parcel, except os noEed. C, o�-Ea of mRnimal flaoding. 5) A current title cammitment waa not provlded for this survey. P.O. Box 409 tt3 Eoat 4kh Strut Eaqia, Cobrado et�63� .�,��,.�.� �.�s��, � t .'�tV�; 6. �,��7��'�' � ` T7 f�_ . �.�.—3 ���_L=_— 4 '� -.•�"�rr � '�V� OYPA NN B 1R ,SKJ� l�C t�L�lp O.�1F• NO'V. �Oj T�.gL� N6TlCE: Accord�q to Cdorodo Inw ydu MUS� comm�nc� any Isgal qctlon ,. �+�+ z ' ba�sd upon ony dff�ct in thla �rvsy wlth6n thrar y�ors aftsr you �a{C StCVG�, . �.j��^ ��� �.• � first diaeovered wch dehct. In na evsnt moy ony aetlon ees�d upan S�nlot�Vi�'� �a. � ony daf�t 4n tf�is WMy b0 commenc�d moro that t�nr ysoro from th• f�C dat� ot th� c�rllfiiecttlon �hown har�an. .�oh11�1Ea��unk� ci�� �n:: Q'lEGYCfD BY; A4.IMING NO.: _-��: '" 92.528 sr�-r 1 c►� 1 ._,.-r,d„o I� _�3/�`� .�ae n+a: - � r • . 1�f.(f�i��no�ar� `t," ��i- '1 n �, { » �#:� _ . • � i_ �f���'���� � ' �N -�� , �, � 0 .�\\�, - _ �`. c �'� '�, S S���q , �`, � �j g�I ,Qa��O,�,�� �\ ��� 2?D�� \ 1�', ��! �V` ����� � � \ 5 ...- � ... � � 1 �\ /� ` /� 1 � V V / � �� V � /� � TELEPHO�IE ' � ,i � � � � � P�DE5TAL ` �� � / � %� �h� //,� SEWEl� 5T118 bUT � i ��� ���� �� �� �� - i / / i /,� / i , � BENCHMAf2K �r i / ,�y/ SEWER M.W. �� /� J �.� � � r �6�EVATtONS r / /5 ,Q.,� 1� RIM s 4989.${Y' �+ �/ Q� / �y°�' � �, I�VERT = 4978.Q2' � � 5 /� rL�' /� �� �, � � = 1 4��QB�3f�� ,�� �EhiCHINARK � 'i� G'Q R = 5C1.afl� ' }�5 88cC (RLS 14149) ' '/ � ' ' � o ' °� e � T � 181.17{ �S5UN9ED ELEV � �oao.ao° A �, 1 � = 20� LOt 88 i� � �' / f k. �`�• GAS VALV� C��- ¢ ,, � �" �- . � C.�.T L — 13�Q.15' � -;i�v " � 1 � �_l� �� � � ; �-yo a � .� , 2a o�4., `FR CBT= S �2'22'32" � / �� � S �-/ �`' y, �� °� _� �6.4�' � � \�� ;- � �� _ _ - � S ...� p 5 1fl 20 30 4l� 5C � � ;�_,_ `J a,� �. � �/ �\ `6� ' � �, / � /�� ' / �i� s `%� ��� � �/ � � � ,r `�ro3� ��\ � 6, F ' ��� � � R�a� ,� � \ � -�-; / f �,1 / / ` � `^� � � Gp. � � •. 1 I � , f ��`\ � /� � TW� STORY , ' \ ` �i� / ,` � ,� °� — � -- FRAME r � � �� � � � � �'� // r' DWELL4NG � / , \ �� , � ��,5�'��i (?WELLfNG �LEWATIONS: b. ; !f '� ��\ � i ,�{ "� ' � � 12 i � �� FIRST FLOOR 4992.9 ! q' 1 � 9 f „� � �� \O�. i� .�1 p� J� �� SEGQND FLOpR 5042.Q \ i � �rO i RIQGE 5015.5 � Ra J i p��� � p� �� � � � �i� ,��j� �� �r � �� �� � '�� LQT ; � �/ �� � ! �� � l.�T �, �S �i � �' j /, � � �\ ` 11 A +� a' LOT �� i � LOT 9 � � `�� � '� ; 1s � i� 0.464 ACRES f ! �� �� ; --'_> i� ` �� +� / � 5/8" R�BAR 6,ND ALUMINI�I� � _y~ T#tACT' "A• i� �� � / � L�� �a CAP RLS 20fiJ5 FOUIVD �- - � i / � ' � ,�• � 0.417 �CRES � �� / p+�// '� "��� �' Li�' �"( �a��"� �� 1 / / � , �,�; � ; , � �' �j � J � r � � � �� � � i�-� � �'" �,+ �— 1 �.. �l�_ � � cb - - --� � ' /'C �( ��)�.-i ,� ��„� -, ' , .. _ _ � i ���� �'' � � � ��,. � _ _ r ,� i , i ��`" — � '`�— � ,� l� � � j� / �_ � � �n� �, -- � �/ I �/ �/ �4 S ��'.31'�s� s � __�` ~ —-� A � �/ � ,_ L / 1� � / _ _ i � ~-� i a +�rcr-��an,n n�Ea�owS sU ' _ ` / ,�O PA'RC'EL P! FILI�I� �� $UP'V1Sf�(7�y � � �'� ,\4� � �ENCHMARK �5�.'��J"' ��, }�5 BdtC (RLS 14109) � ` �;1 jiQ. / ��^70 LEGEIYD: ELEV = 5035.83' �d�t ` � 9�EGAL �ESCRIPTION � �" � � OO INRICAT�S A � 5 �EBAR & ALUM. CAP; F�1UN�7 (RLS # 141Q9) � r� '� � -- - - ----— _ IND6CATfS A UTILITY EASEMENT Lots 9 and 10, Materhom ViViage, Filing No. 1� Town of Vail, � 5/B'° REBAR ANp AtUMINU�tl O INDICA7ES A S�WER STLf6 OUT ���ora�o, � CAP PLS 2�695 FOUND � QS IN4�pCAT£S A SEVJ�R MANkIOLE � �" IM11'DICATES k� I�IRE HYDRANT �MPROV€MEN7 LOGATIQN CERTIFICATE ��y�a I hereby certlfy that this Improvemer+t �ocatian Certificote was Su�veyor's r�,�t65: �Ok1I1SOIl, �l�Tl�el preparcd for Andy �ena end the Town of Vail, Colnrado, 'MAT IT IS t��T A LAND SURVE�f PLAT OR IMPRdVEMEhIT SURVEY PLAT, and that IZ is not to �) Street Address: �ot posted �,.r �,s�pGlgtes, �n�. be relied upon for #he estdblish�ment of fence, building, or other 2) The +'ecord 9egal descriptian and recc+rd e9sements, shown improvement iines. I fiurther certify that the Improvements on the hereon, hav� been obtoir►ed from the FinaE PIo4 of Motterhorn above described parcel on this dfltc, December 16, 1992, except utility Vilkage, Filing No.l LANb SUR'J,�Y3NG IiAFPII�G CIWIL EI�GZNEERING connections, ore entirely within the boundarles oi the pareel, except 3) The dsed lines, shown FreTeon, aro based 5�8" r�abar and oluminum - -- — - os shown, that thtre ore no encraachments Wpan th� desC�ibed premises caps, shown hereon. EAGLE MO�EM FAX by improvements on ony a�joining prerr�ises, exce�t as indic�ted, and 4) According to Flood Insuror�ce (�ate AAop — Comrrtunity Panel No. 32$-6�f$ 328-6��1 328-1035 that there is na APPAREN� evi�ence or sign of Qny easementr crossing 08005� �002 B, IuEay 2, 1983, Lots 9 ahd �� are Iect��ed in Zone or burderting ar�y part of sald porcel, excep� as no4ed. C, orea of minimol flooding. 5) A Current tiU€ commitment was not provided for {his survey. `, � / P.O. Box 409 173 Enst 4ih 5t�t Eaql�, Colorodo E163t t ,,':9,4�'�4! �. V �ti �� � �, ,;�� n�, � NOTICE: Accord6ng tro Cerlorado low you MUST commaree any {sge� octlon ��J�. - � � � �� � _ _!�.����" � A4i1MN BY� SKS & BDP ��. N�V �Q� ��.q2 based upon any d�fect in thia surv�sy wlthk+ thrw ysars ottar y�ou �1S]tC Sievera�:�,```;�+i�,'�k.. �i�!' 1, �v"- -- Rrot discoverad wch dehc4. In no s�nt moy ony action ba�ed upon � -x.?+r ni s�=� `��� ,.�:`�. a�y d�f�ct In thla sutvey be cormmsnted more thot t�n y�ars (rom th• � �Cf71D�= � § F :N ' �,, � fL�, data of tha c�rtiflcotlon ahoy+n nar+or,. John�rt���� � sc�,�5E- ' ,' � CNEGKE7J �S^ GY4AMfNG NQ: � !�°� Z�����r'c�,,,-�;' � - ,9�528 .sr�r 7 a� 1 .Ap9 NQ: � �,� :�' � y�i.�;Y�y�i. :i,�,�i-.°?ana��sw� C�s.�'`3✓�. -.f,):':rA.n a .,r t'k � +'/�� ` t �,�'• . F.aM':�'� � •`,,..�,.-.«ra. � P� _, .,,��..� � .' . � -- � �_ ' 3:,.