HomeMy WebLinkAboutMATTERHORN VILLAGE FILING 1 LOT 10Urf to fi^,"l|<rhta^Jtl TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIEAGE ROAD VAIL' CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARITI4SIT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT Permit. #: 899-0085 ddress:1722 GENEVA DR L722 Geneva Drive 2LO3-L23-t2-047 PRir99 - 0 019 Status.. Applied. Issued- . $rpires. ISSUED 04/26/t9e9 05/L8/Leee L7/t4/L999 OWNER Phone:. 970-476-9228 Phone: 970-475-9228 aEtached garage Nurnber of Dwelling Units: 001Factor Sq. Feet Valuation ToEal Valuation: .00 Town of vail Adjusted vahlation: 425,000.000 l*of G.s ApplirnccB:fof Gas Log3: 1 llof irood/Prl1.t: 2,O4O.OO Rcstsuaranb PIan Revicr- -> 1,325.OO DRB Foo-------- .O0 Rccieatsion Fsa----------> 3. O0 cl€aD-ltr D6posic--------> TO?AI, FBES.---- ITEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTT4EMf 04/29/1999 KATI{Y Acuion: NOTE 04/29/1999 KATrry Act,ion: NOTE 05/L3/L999 GGOODELL Actsion: APPR IEEM: O54OO PLAIINING DEPARII4EI{T O4/29/L999 KATIIY AcE,ion: NO:IE 05/06/L999 GEORGE Actsion: APPR rEEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTtr,IENT O4/29/L999 I(ATIIY Action: APPR It,em: 05500 PuBtIc woRKs o4/29/L999 KATHY Actsion: NO{[E o5/L3/L999 rJsANDovA Action: AppR IEEM: 05550 ENGINEERING O4/29/t999 KATITY AcEion: NOTB O5/L3/1-999 KATIIY Action: APPR Depr3 BUTLDING Division: RouEed to Charlie RouEed Eo Gary PI'BIIC WORKS OK ISST]E? Dept: PLANNING Division: RouE,ed to George .oo 200 .00 {93 .6S 500 .00 t, s62.65 a ,562.69 .o0 4 ,562.69 4, E62.65 .o0 Total Calculatcd Fasr---> Additioaal Fe6E---------> TotaL Porolts Fc.----- --- > Paylent6------- BAIANCE DI'B- -. - Dept: FrI{E N/A Depr: PIJB WORK Routsed to Greg,/Leonard APPROVAI Dept: ENGfNEER Routed Eo Leonard/Greg Approved per Leonard Division: Division: Divisi.on: tu, NOIE: TIIIS PERI,IIT MUST BE POSTED ONJOASITE AT AtL TIMBSTOV/Comm. Dev. pRoJBcr rrrlr: r,ArDr,AW REsTDENcE Clean-up Deposit iiefunfw (sFR'P/s'DttP) PBRMTT approved amount date Dl r,ocation...: ficel No..: Project, No.: APPLICANT RKD 1OOO IJIONS RIDGE I'OOP #3D, VAIL CO 8L657 CONTRAETOR RKD 1000 LroNs RrDGB r.ooP f3D, vArL co 8L557 LAIDI"AW WAIJT 181 WATNUT TRSE rnl, AQUONB NC 28703 Description:New SF dwelling,Occupancy Type Table Date: O5/L7/L996 FLrrpl.c. Inf,on tion: Rcsc-ict'edl y PBE I'T''HARY Building-----> Pl.n qr.ck---> rnv.aglgrtion> ltl1l c.ll----> a.r+r*ri*rrrrlr'r.ri'rr+rlr*ririiri ar* tti *tt irt.a ti titt.l t rr i t rr t See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that. may apply to this permit,. DECLARATIONS f h.raby acknouk€a th.ts I h.rr. r..d thi. rpplic.cion. filL.d outs i!! fuLl t'h. inforuatsl,oD r.qui!.d, coupl.c.d rn rcquEr!. plog pl.n, .nd .tsrtc th.t .1,1 !h. Lnfofl.tlon provl.dcd r. -.qui!cd L. eo!!.ct. I rg!.. to couply yith thc inforucio[r.nd plot, pl.n, lo colply rlCh rll totn ordln.nc.! .nd st.EG lrrs, .ird to ImLld chl. ltructurc rccording lo th. Tdn's zoninE .nd Eubdlvllion codr!, d.rign r.vi.y rpprovad, lrniforo BuiJ,ding codc .nd oth.! ordinancas of thr To[r rppli€.blc REQ! BStg FOR INAPECTTOr|S sHrriL BB talDE llfB Tr-FOt R HOT RS rN AmtntrCE BI TEr.EP|{OUE AT FROf,I 8!0O Al| 5:0O P|f grnd Cl..n-tp lt lro.iE Ao: RID F@, HIIIgELI IIID OI'TER PAGB 2 **********:r**********:t*********:l*:l:l*:l*****************************:l*:r*********** Permit #: 899-0086 CONDITTONS OF APPROVAIJ as of os/L8/99 ********************:l*****:l*********:r****************************:t***:l******:l*** ?1i'l Permit Tlpe: NEw (SFR,P/S,DI'P) PERljlrTApplicanL: RKD iIOb AddTESSZ L722 GBNEVA DR I-rocation: L722 Geneva DriveParcel No: 2103-L23-L2-047 StsATuS: ISSI]ED Applied: 04/25/L999Issued: 05/L8/L999 *******************:r*t***!a:l*******************************tr********************* COI{DITIONS **************************t*************************:t*************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WrLL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMETiIT SI'RI/EY. SUCXT STTRVEY SIIAIIJ BB SI]BMITTED AI{D APPROVED PRTOR TO REQI'EST FOR A FRAIIE INSPEETION.2. SOILS BNGINEER TO PERFORIT4 "OPBN IIOLE" INSPECTION TO CONFIRM SUITABILIW OF FOIJNDATION DESIGN AS SPECIFIED ON THE APPROVED PTJAM. V|RTTTEN, STAI,IPED REPORT OF TNSPECTTON OF EXCIryATION TO BE SI'BI4ITTED TO TIIE BUII,DING SAFETY DIVISION. 3. I/IAKE SI'RE TI{AT BOTII STEEPING ROOMS EAVE ATiT EGRESS WINDOW OR DOOR MEETING TIIB A TUAL IiIET CLEAR OPENING REQUIREMBNTS OF sEc. 310 .4, 1997 I,BC.4. PLEASE COIiMAET :rHB ELEVATOR INSPECTORS AT NORTIIWEST COG FOR ELEVATOR PI,iAN REVIEW, PERMIT & INSPEETTONS.5. AJ,L GAS-FIRED APPI.IIAI{CES ARE TO BE PROVIDED WITH REQUIRED COIIBUSTTON AIR AIiID VENTED THROUGII TITE ROOF IN ACCORDA}ICE WITH EITTIER fiIE 1997 I'NIFORM MECIIANICAI, CODE (I'MC) OR TITE 1998 INTERI{ATIOIiIAI MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) .6. PTEASE APPIJY TO TOV Pt'BLIC WORKS DEPT FOR PI]BLIC WAY PBR!'IT 6' SITBMIT STAGING PLAI{ FOR REvIEw & APPRO\IAI AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. COt{TAer LBONARD SAT,IDOVAL NE 479-2L98. I lotof oF'vlrtr, ooI€RlDo gt'rce$t .rrtrtrtrr.r*.j{|trlat+rti.rt'ritrtr*'rf ir gr.tirErg lfun!.r 3 Rlc-0521 hounr l:. 1r.362.58 oa/Ll/gg ll:.at.. P.lt!.ni X.Chod: CN Notrtlon3 158761 lnlt! Oll t.rulC No: !rr-oo85 TlE.r B-BUTLD tlllf (g!B,P/g,DUt) PE Plrc.I t{o3 2103-123 -12 -0{7 sl,E. Addr6.: l?22 cEfwf, DR LocrCion, 1722 G.nava D!!.va thi. Pryunc 1,662.64 ,t.562. 55 '00 loEal laar 3 a,a52.65 lotrl M. ht.: Ealatcaa t€coure 6da BP O0100003111100 Pt oo100003112300 rD D2 -DIPO8 Rt 11100003112700 tfc oo1ooo03l12aoo D..c!ltrGton BUrr.DIfO Dnltt ttta Ptttf ct|lcr tllg CEIIT'I'D DEPOAIIS Blcttrtt(If t!89 rtt L cll.t llfgPEqlt(lt llE lDurl 2.040.00 1.3U 6.00 s00,00 493.65 3.OO Fov o2 OE H,.2 FFr 20 d14 o F QO DI dta >|OF oo :E o\Q vt FoF U 3 Ei E (., a FI EId () ts, (, 2'n rqO a:l E FI tsl Flrzz EOE4E bFa24proEr= FFAZvtDoofuE F F) !l F z EU Z l'1 otE t'lo oFli4 a6D !d c)UU F o EIF Fi z Irlc F tt) ttl ;: E>aFlEri a(, cEro !a& o >^YH=PE= F X-E;;i EH P.9 n: E g =- r, v -.-*; B b E FE rotr.sE ir€ 9T: l'Et;;':Ei lE:a E; IEEEEai* iE 5 p:ElirEl;ts E e E'i X s+;f ! i\J:'>e-'v =6PUEb.c6I !i: FEgEET.;F g qr::.E* tjE HE F';5hIfr9s =--(!qr.^ z -] .b tr U tt CJxF IItltltl| \OlI col >l ?l.l O\lcol o\l tltl'l (,)l r{Y P,- EEZo- .= WFiX ^EJ I I,!l -0J I:; I I'", 3 o,rlEc El>; 3l.o(g '.l!; 9l97 ,Yl cx >{HIx .E 6b 'El p >.,.E El::= > q.ti'e-6 clUEE H9€s ?l9 (/j !. >l = P€ el;-., a-l -y9 9lF-r r Yl6Eb bl!€ I ;lJ o'E (,ls5: Tl:9E Al -rH-laEQ !lEE[, 5IF;f I.E.e; Iafr 1 | F duo I -v.1 I e.E 3" IE: P ;H: .UL r'! i\ -rj'! .Y iaoJ o A X-+. ar;;b ;6r'o Oes i ;. .9 ooE 'F ,9'i9 Ei;=:i: a -EEi E o-.Y (EEF h e12 > ir Gz HUzr{A DUUo fqo trlH r4UH F{H H& 14U NE€O r-ia< oo $s*:\ .P€r-\ s€s d6 -- Rs F--ls F.r{Oz, =OF.{ L q) P q) rX lr)q)\J t-\)v) (J e. oo 0,|. ! (g qJ .1 (! a- qJ a- 3 UqJ o (,) tt) 0) APR - 26 -9s|a. Archited: DescriptioofJob: 3t*ldaLg t%M[,"f .REFIDE{JI-F, Wort Class: Ncr lr<)Altefition ( )Addruonal { ) Rrpar ( ) Othcr ( ) Numbcr qf hrctling Unirs: I Numbcr and Tlpc of Fi!@lacca: Gr epdianocs e ltalualtgs Permit # Nurnbcr of Accom nodarron Uaits: ELESTRICAL: g TB-b OTHER: $ MECHAMCALS - 5:p$ TOrAL S BUILDING. SIGI{ATU ZONING: BUTLDING: S 4L9,ooo PLUTIBNG S.---T--a---. C"Crrta,:f? Gcoerrl coltrNc{oc A'tc-' D ' To*n of Vail Rcgl$ration No. 4V7' b Phonc # Ef.atricdCoptt"ctor:-1@ Address: Phone #Twn of Vail Regioation No. Plumbiug Coltrector TBD Address; Phone #Town of Vail Regisrration No. Mchanicrl Contrector: {bD Address: Town of vail Rcgis[anon No. FOR OFFICE UgE Phonc #-@d APR bnn P€f '48 FROr'f . TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT. rD,97O4"92452 PAGE 7/2 rowN oF vAnoNsrRucnoN pERMrr apfcarroN FoRM i4qg-oOlcu INFORMATION MUSIJE,CqIIPLETE OR TEE AppLTCAfiON WILL BE REJECTEn @ftad the Eagte courzyAssessoi's OlllcF' at 970328-8640 for Pe@l # Parcel# zlobJL6l?e+l p71p ?,!c Afl3-rL l4q4 Job Name: f-A I Job Address: Building prC Pturnbing( - ) ^ _ Etccric€t ( ) Medrarucal ( ) l-{ATI€P+roRN LcgalDcscription,Lot la-BbcylLtaftsFitiog *l Subdrvrsion Other ( ) olrTcrsNafi|c; l^r..'UT {=illEtAxj Ad&cssr 49cra €PFJctt hlAY t I. IIA|L Phooo#_{?kjlztle a666s; fczr urat{c.c.O4rE r.oor SS lD Fl.one# +7 6 47-7b E1619121.'.!/-8, oe L.>N* tP6{Atv. oe, g>tbs'4-7b,4a-+& CLEAN UP DEPQ9[.T.REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: 44q1 APR-2E-E|S' OSt , zlS FROI'!: TOV-COM o -DEV-DEPT.lD '9?@4"92482 .q,LL CONTRACTORS CLTRRENTLY REGISTERED WiTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TO$N OF VAIL PUBLIC I!'ORKS AND COM\'IIJN]TY DE\'ELOPEMENT JANUAR.Y I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING A].ID MATERIAL STORAGE PAGE 2./ ? TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: GODE 92.T0: I'EFOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A. Unlauftl deposits: Subjecr ro subscction C thereof, it is unlawfrl for an1- person to liter' t-ac,k or deposlt or cause to ba linerc4 tracked or deposited, sand, gravcl, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, icc, or any other d€bris or material upon an)- suoet' sider"alk' allcy or public place, or any pottlon thereof. B. Naice; Abatement: The Direcor of Public Works may notify and requte any person who violates or causas anoth€r to liolarc the provision cf subsecrron A hereof, or who ha^s in thc Director's gmploytnent a p€rson rvho violatos or cius€s alother to violaE the sama top remove such sand" gravet, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or anv other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after reccipt of said noticc by the Direaor of Public Works. In the erveirt the person so notified does not comply with the notice w:tlun thc pcriod of time herein specificd, the Dircaor of hrblic Works, or ot}er aurhorieed agent, nra)' cause any such san4 gravel, rocks, mud, din, snow. ice, debris or any- othcr mateiid to be removed from any strget or alley at the oryense of thc notified. C. Exceptiors: Thc provisions of subscction A hereof shall not be epplicable: l. Wittrin the immediae areg of arty construction, maintcmnce or repair project of an-l' $Ucct or allcy or of any water marn. scu'er main, clectrrciq linq gps linA tel€phone lbe or asy appurtenarce thereto; 2. To deposits orf sand, dirt or materials nccessar]' for the protwtion of the public safur)-; a$d 3. To public arcas dcsignated for rbe dumping or depositiog of said materials. D. Sumnqns: Penalty: As an alternarive to lhc notice for rcmoval prornded in subsection B abQve, an!' porson $'ho violates or causes anotler to violate the samg, may bc rssued a stullmons to appcar bcfore the Municipal Corrt of the Town for said violations, and upon being fund grrilty ofa violation hereunder bc punishcd as prcvided in Scction l'4'l ofthis code. E. Noticcl Pcualty: It is unla*tirl for any pcrson to Fai[ cr refuse to comply wrrh Orc notice of the Director ofPublic \Vorks as providcd in subsecdc'n B hereof, and any such person stull, i:r addition to palment of tbe a)ecnse of remoral inq:rred b-"- thc Dircaor of Public \Yorks. as provided in subsoction B hereo{ upon beiug found guiity ofa rnolauon hereunder, be punistrablc as providcd in Soction t4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Codc; Ordinance 5 (1979) Read and acknowlcdgcd by' Positon or Rclationsbip to Cofir^chr. (i.c. @nEactor 6 ownctl Dare q. L6.1.1 APR-28-E'A M-DEV-DEPT. / l-oiatan fuci4en4' 1.zu -1'l Work Sheet was turned tto the Corununitv Dc!'elopncrt Depr. tD.a7@4']92{52 TOWN OF Agreed to br'; Prqicct Namc; Daic: FFOM . TOV-CO\o Department of Cotrmmiry Dev clopment 75 South Frunm7c Roal Uail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMTT ISSUANCE Tf,l}TE FRAME Ifthis pcrmit requircs a Town of Vail Firc Dqartment Approral. Eogincer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plauiug Departnern revierv of Health Depar8rent revierv, and a review by thc Building Dcparunclt, the estimated tjme for a lotal rcvrcw' nray takc as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or srnall) and sll multj -fsrnily parmia wiil har c to follow tbo above mentioned maximum requiremcuts. Residcntial and small projocts shoutd fakc a lxsct amouot of time. Howwer. if residizrtial or smaller progects impact the various above rnesrtioned dcpattnc"nts wrih rcgard to neccssary rcvicn', tJrcsc projecls rnay also ta"ke the three (3) week pedod. Evcry attcrnpt wrll be made by this Cepartnrert to sxpodite ftis permit as soon as possiblc. I, thc undcfslgnod, understand the Plqn Chcck proccdurc and trmc fir'ame. I also undcrstand that if the pefidt is not picked up by thc exprratron date. that I must strll pav the Plan Check Fee alrd lhat if I fail to do so it may affirt fuurrc pcrmi$ ftar I apply for PAGE 3,/ 7 s ECYCLEC'PAqER APR-26-99 el9'47 FROM , TOV-COo M-DEV-DEPT.tD.97@4"92452 PAGI TO: FROM; DATE: RE: trlXMORANDUM ALLCONTMSTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS JAI{UARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PllBUC wAY PERMT; IS REQUIRED l. i. 4. 5. 6. E. JoBNAIvIE: tAlbl---Ar1rj 4l-g,StSe{*\ze D^rEt 4b. &+tL tn?ft PIJASE A]IiS\IER,TIIE FOLLOWING QUESTIOI\hiAIRE REGARDING THE NEEDFoR A "PIJBLJCWAY PERN{IT': Is this a uew resideocc?YEs__2<_ NO Is dcrnolition work being pcrformcd fat rcqurcs the use of tlre Riglr+f-Way, filssmels cr p'nbuc propcqa lEs No'.x-- ls a diffcreot arccess need€d to the sitc orhcr *ut tbe cxisting driv'enay? YES NOF Is a "Revoc|ble Right-of-\L'ay Pcrnir" rcquired? f#ryt_tiff done ttrn &crs the Rieht<f-wav, ease.men6, ot plblic properq'? ves+K* No A. Is the Rightd-Way, easemcots or pritic propert!. to t c uscd for scagrng, parfting or fercilg" YES 2a N0.-_- B. If'NO to 8A' is a pad<ilg sragbg or fcncing plan required by Corruqunity DEvclopncst?YES NO If you answerad YES to ury of these questions, a "Pubiic Way Pcrrnit" lrulsr b€ obrriled. 'hrblic Way Permit'' epplicauo$ t|e,'be obraired at thc public Work"s offce or ar Cornnuritv Devclo'pncrtt If you have any questions please cdr Loon:rd Ssrdovai too Public work,s at 479-2198. ABOI/EQUESTIOI.JS. Si$dtu€ Is ary utility rvork needcd? ls &e diveway betng repaved? YES-X_ No rES X NO II{AVE 1-za 'a'l ----------.----- CoEpanl'N&rle F,PR-24-99 0€t,47 I. -DE1,r-DE11T.t D, -.t l.o.ti PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT }ROCESS How it relares ro Builoing Permits Fi I I out our c :s;k I i st prc,vi Ced .tjtb_a" HU.l"djgS -P-9iuit_fiipbE"tjg- If yes was anrwered to :nv qf the .rrrestions rhen a *'h:blic Wav" is raer:ir;d. Yorl can pick up on application at either Community Development, located u 75 Sourh Frontage Roed or hrblic Wons, located ar i 309 Vaii V alley Dnve Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field veri$ (locate) respective utilities prior to srgning application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule I locale. A construction trafiic controlistaging plan must bc prepared on a separate shcet of paper- An approved she plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, concs, etc.) and the work zone, (arca of Construction, Stagng ac.). This plan will expire on NovErnber lst and will need to be resrbmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being perfcnneci must be subnritted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may tre drawn on the traIfic control plan or a site plan for thc job Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for revie\ry. If reguired, lwates wiil be scheduled for the Towrr of Vail Electricians and lrrigatiou. crew. The locates tr.lce placc in the morning, but may require up to 4E l-o*rs io perfornn Ttrc Public Work's Construction Inspector rvill review the application and approv? or disapprove the permit You wiil be rontacted as ro lhe stanrs anC any rerlulrelnents that may be needed. Mos po:nitrr are released 'within 48 hours of being received, but pleasc aliorv up to one (i) week to proces$. As soon as the permit is processed, a co.oy u,'ill lre faxed to Community De..,eiopment alloning the "Building Perrrrit" tc, be rcleased, Please do not corftrse ihe "Rrblic Way Pe'nnit" *'ith a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a projcct irself. }]OTE: The abl,r'e process is for work rn a public *ay ONT-.Y. hrbiic Way Permits are valid only unti! No';ernber i 56 A new hrblic Way Permit is rcguired eaoh lear if work is not q--'raplete. FROM r TOV- COM o 'et21 o PAGE 5/ 7 2. 4. 5 6. I. E9'4C,APR-25-gS FROM . TO1,'- COM\o Dcpanment of Commwity Development 75 Eouth Frcntage Rod VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2ItE FAX 970479-2452 -DEV-DEPT.to '9?@4792452 PAGE 6/? TOWOF NfJTICT] TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDf, RS Effestiv'e January l, 1999, the Town of Vail Building Departnront has developed the following proc€durcs to cnsurc that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sires along and adjacent to Town ofVail roads or $regts. The Town of Vail Public Works Depanment wrll be reguired to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town ofvail roarjs or ;tleets and the insr.eilation of t€rnporary or pennanent culv€rts at access points from the road or stieel onto the construc?ion site Such approval mllsr b€ oi:tainexl prior ro any reguest for insperlion by rhe Tcwn otiVaii BuilCing tepanr:rerrt fc:'fcof ngs or rernpore+'eie.;trcal or atly other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 ro request an inspection from ths Public Works Department. Ajlorv a minimum of ?4 hou; norice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaf,tment will be aprxoving all final drainage and culvert installation with rezuldng road parching as nec€ssary. Such approval rnust be obtained priorto Final Certificate of Occupanq; is$rrance. 6 ft*TTLEO 'A'E& APR - 2€r -99 c|E t 4 €t FROI'| rt -DEV-DEPT, NWOFWIT Departmcnt of Corvnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorzdo 81557 970-179-2138 Ffjl( 970-479-24;2 TOV-COM O tD,9"94?92462 PAGE 7/ " ., INFORIUATION NEEDED WST,N APPLYING FOR..I I\IPCEAI{ICAL PERMIT HEAT LOSS CALCI'LATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECTI,I,I\'ICAL ROON,I WTTH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WTTH PT'YSTCAL DIMENSIONS AI.ID BTU RATINGS OF AII EQUIPMENT IN TI{E MECI{AMCAL ROOM, SHOW SIZD AI',ID IIrcAflON OF COMBUST1ON AIR DUCTS. FLIJES. \rENT CONNECTORS AJ{D CAS LINES. NOTE WHET}IERELE!'ATOR EQI,JIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN TT.IE MECI.IAMCALROOIVI. FAILURE TO PN,OVIDE TEIS INNORTTATION WILL DELAY YOI'R PEFIIIT, s .EECTAJDPE,,X. LftlCUT u((e tr(te / n t , rL-a..ndu^4q lre,fuitarl slarta 4 X + -*( -'- 3._s-X_ l,.s_ ),s-Y3",g;Z = 2.634 /\ - (zK1',t-J 'l('sn I 6,otr Jt ?<ur -) ' '--'v' (roxtb-) t /\l^J out1ilt\ 1,5 {+,5 :- U/nbs To z-/-l C- Ro,t, y; rt,x/vl K Tutfa+/cbsrl /ft"unt//4,^ lB' Xl6'=:tr/r,q+' 1S,s XIZ(: L707 I Boq lrxloS-'-21 Z A5h&r sirtK - fuat y\tu'v c iAF = {o7Ac KrqtuL)5+3 Ltv/ile furt ft/r,rat pilt*t //.gK/B.S-= 7a0re lreyt 4u r{erktSx 5 '-- 7q 7b.Hc L//trl6 (K ,1+ U(MZI fr74L 43F o^1- - to .;l Lnu:u< LgEt, '' OnBfWe, I ^)k)L(Lr,,-*).,'\./''- nlnqsZftr_i /( oqlct,' j4.Ae ffiKLl ,17 'qx, 5-,5-. 3,<_ K ZL; +58.7-- 27.5o , -,.L -., / 2 o_-t -J( tc-) + -7q ?<-I / J'--J ---J5o6'5o >Tn(K TIWEK{ 9.33 x 7 3'5-x' ll,=3+ Z T"7q C /.*r rcoe( Siafub,,rr =74' 3 3 /( X /L J - \//,> x- /z- *-33 Klt .oo-u ff,rntLl (an't -a + 0r x DS = U\prcdP@'<ou/t;l7Z.oo ffi-o,2 57- lz 756,()O oo,oc bo4t1 K o!t/, -t- r" / /. nurvfilYrlifu#/, illL L / z-1,a71.)o (/.5-Y- lo -_-..2 | . -1- t.>.OO :ue( t efv{\oe 5c6sq fift1L t-a''E( l-rttcC t-- t ?t35,5 * ItrQQ-oot9 bqq. ooSk TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Laidlaw Residence Project Description: New Single thmily residence Owner. Address and Phone: Walt Laidlaw Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: RKD, 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3D, Vail, Colorado 81657 Project Street Address: 1722 Geneva Drive Legal Description: Lot 10. Matterhorn Village Filing #l o De sign Review Action Form Parcel Numbe c 2 | 03 | 23 | 2047 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Bill Seconded by: Clark Vote: 3-l (Hans) Corrditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date:4121/99 F:/tiVERYONla/l)Rt|/APPR( )VAl./99/ Board / StaffAction Action: Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S200.00 oct 04 0l 05:12p G I enuJood 0ffice RKD Architects Inc. 1000 Lionsridge Loop, 3D Vail" Colorado 81657 Mr. Jaok Snow (9'lO) 476-9228 Offioe; (970) 4715-9023 FAX Laidlaw Residence Shoring System Project. No.99-70-029 Sincerely, (9 9.+5 - 5380 October 4, 2001 7rJ1o P. c To: Re: .alY'ETTER Attn: Jack: As requested, Yenter Companies, lnc. has reviewed the final wail geometry for the above referenced project. The diwings for tbe patio area wall are attachcd. The soil nail wall was designed as a temporary wall having a height of 20+ ft. However, during construstio& Yentei had i surplus of epoxy coded #10 Dvwiciag bars, therefcre, the wall was built inadvertently wift corrosion protection. In our opinioq based upon the performence of the temporary shoring as well as the added €otrosion protectio4 the soil nail wall witl pro'ride lateral restraint forthe 4 to 6ft wall in question. !'enrer Companies, Inc. was not on site duriag boulder wall construction and as such this opiniofl is limited to the soil nail wall and not the bouider stask vaneer. Ifyou have any questions, please call. DJB:djb REV:ACR 2 copirs sentlc: File -b--:Ia-f- Donald J. Betger, PE. Sr. Project Engineer/Project Manager 1O04/01\4:56 Pl{\C: \t{\la 80/Recp Ames *yNT$i036 Oct 04 Ot O5:12p UJt Lqt aDUa t ' -t'yw G I enuJood Off i ce 3 t t)t4 -)1 t X-t 7i E -.61 " 195 n ,t '.417 A ,5' fo, #oo uElt.,z6i-o {P F/(W6 No. Z tor lA 4{f;"u^' 'Ki, /-0r/6, I4wu,n, V"-5.,/,|,41 dcrtor, \t. {pt 4,nc*. : OO)./ --- lr'ld'o' Oct 04 Ol 05:13p G l enuood Off ! ce t970r s45-5380 r;.#r,ru'+TF{EDlBrffitCfi- 6" rNrERroR 4o?{cRErE .-']}{--afidttl r't'€'A.FF. .l'*1 ll l.1- . -- .:':- . r-p Li ll ,r,*i ioFFl lLQFTIil -li t":r'- "aEFzf-"RooF,OgE etBHPO\Ar'e+Ef . (ALg HA1€R gmf gIl a{fRr E A5T,g oct 04 01 05: !4p GlenuJood Off i ce"'o'(9 945 -5380?oto p.5 i fNdh.Ltfk*r. sfT.x ar vaEI .^.+J t .-" ---4' -zrr,a -)o}> -+2 ffi:rcz'J -t ng 51.r{EJbsS, }q{L,J rz>tw4cE(rra *&1 bu[6(.'-;1 \" ASlALlzAaI L2iE4 a0raaEgao I.,1fI']QJF IJE,,JEL-,-F43E E2/ 8'.1 X4onroe & Newc'll ff nr^_va L/4p :;l.:';'.;.";I';.;". ,r!,:,,, c(,!(,r;,(r(.\ o,uru ' ? ?00/w \! \{ . nr':, rt r.r g- n 9 n'<:l I . C r: rl Jyrct - oo ?La LthDuAul Engin€Fr$, Inc. lvlarch 1, 2001 Ri(D Architects, [nc. 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3D Vul, CO 81657 Atm: Mr. Jack Snow Re; Laidlarv Residence ftI&N #44t I ) Gentlemen: The following alterations to the structural franing of ihe above residenca was reported to us aftsr completion. l. At the roof of the elevator iower, the 5 1/8" x 7 i4" glu-lam heacier betwe€tn torve,r aird bndge was made by notching a contin:rous 5 L/8" x 13" glu-lam beam at the bottorn. This elinrinatsd the stong fibers of the glu-lam in that area. Due to its short spafi the headcr is stnrcturally sound nonetheiess. 2. At the roofstep of the main roof betr','ecn the staircase ard ths olllce the low 5 l,/8" x 19 !i" glu-lam beam rvas alrered, At both cnds benveen the 6 x 6 column arrd the concrete wall the bonom ofthe glu-beam rvas notched 4" tc' provide room for high windows. This is structurally feasible fire to the beam bearing on tlre 6 x 6 Posts. lfyou havc any questiotts c'r comrneuts, piease call Very tnrly 1'oius, MONROE & NEWELL ENCINEERS. SiC. Vq il. Ci:lor!d i Dcr'!\'cr. C,r lo r Cl ')il!orr. Cr:lorcc, tecl Ptarrrr!9M iq lrf Christoph Spaeh Eugineer -0 B?:rcfrrnirri.i lliJ d. SJil(: i9t{i) 949-77Dd . FAX (il':fr)-q 49-{0 i 4 r cmiiil: rv(lnAn:cntoe-:l<wc:l.conl 07 / I'J/Ol 07 i34 lqlDFr Os7 0 468120I o NWCCOG clil.f1rlfrt tENrl*th tr&{orAhntuDrAkft Insall.atfo of rs rqqlderrtlaL, lEtof. elgfraton, - . - rDrtE| !rl|l -r[| Gr I h fl d +rrirrl & *.lI[Erl-ttDrr-,, --l Flrc , =r t- Int t& lb qrF t$rrnIi-+:It rrtsdrE-Efbp{dry*frrPtar-.t'rdfrqedbtr*Jf trlahthrn&6-*r3;dndffi rrqrurrrr.errrnr,r!I* l-r F r!Fr-- IEIID- -q re,hf did{l|4f BO,O.lb of +rfuft-llt&ttrGvrf$O0,0o(r*do. - E A!(lll|r s,il f!(qt tt,000oe rHbr -ufcu tilt&.00 Dulrbtt|ffi|r.rF.-rrar:t! Dd ffiN l:l!,Ofi otrrdo - tDlt0,00(I|r$fl,Gdt -tlil.|nrBfl.mtud n lrn(ffi ilndo9cr fitfO00.[ *itfrdrfficddritli'fb, *rEar'tr $2s0-00 kfrqcrlurhr nilt ur.tr hT$tst'f,afI t|iltb /ffi O- r Tah N6, t.tA d}Ihlhfil3C..r. v rrfl'mf -/a 4t Enl. lb tllYr ra ffi lFtu rf I c*d lr fr t|l.int Cda* CtG{ ot&tDrt*. tI rU b ffi b l||molF f mtr'r. ril'|rrl EcD'||rt hl|dil ecOtg * llTlBEOO f,lrrdrr hC.r., t @ {&.l*l r tL- llhr r-r". rt*b -Frvrftt ri rf,re@G- RECEIVED JUL 12 2001 BQ7-oB O Ar*frJ-_ _i__-tnrr@.hDl&* t722.Se\g,Tra Iaf,Fr.yail, O_&95? .-:* td oos EI.EIIATORPENMIT w*. (97A}r75-.a2?8- NV';i[:*fi E[ oorO8/2I/OI 06:46 C!9704881208 NWCCOG - NWCCOG Elevator lrupection pr ogram M: &lz-al To: edor/e hvnr Td. { *ra Frutt: NckPalzie'''- .. " '! :i"Tq-co gb Subject: projectllante: ,/Anll+) ,/"r*or" 0 E!e"ato. Plan Revie'ert/ ft Eievznr Test anC Inspecion Location /72t &rr?.tE /-t-" /tta ea P:cdZ Per,'ir \:umber adaaa. o./_ o 76 EtevatorType ,) , J, /rt Ua*)/ryl.4fr A E tne plans have been reviewed and found ro conform to all applicabte f,\Sl t7. t and LBC GOges. fi ryayrtgr/crerh*c+{iFat the aboverocation ,,ras inspeaed and rested, ont-i-i and a: tr tflgOneny Certifrcate has been issued. fr ** Inspection Certifcate has been issued. Couments: Sirratrre: hipllanirap-sam TOTTIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 81657 970-479 -2L38 APPLICANT COIiITRAETOR OWNER .fob Address. . . z L722 GENEVA DR Location......: 1722 GENEVA DR Parcel No. .... : 2103-]-23-]-2-047 ProjecL Number: PRJ99-0019 STAEUS...: ISSUED Applied. .: A5/09/2000fssued...: 05/23/2000 E>rpires . .: 1-1,/L9/2000 DEPARTI4EIIT OF EOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT MECHANICAL PERMIT Permlt #: AIL TIMES M00-0035 CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX LO42 , GI-,,ENWOOD SPRINGS, CLIMATE CONTROL CO OF GWS P O BOX L042, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, phone: co 81602 phone: co 81602 97 0 -945 -2326 970-945-2326 L7,23t.00 *of wood/PalleL: LAIDTAW WALT 181 WALNUT TREE IJiT, AQUONE NC 28703 Description: Valuation: MECXI FOR GENERAL VEI TING, SI'PP HEAT IN STAIRWEI.I. Fircplace Informatsion: Restricted: Y *of Cla6 Appliancee t *Of eaa Logre: Mectranicaf---> 350 ' 00 Plan Check---> 90. OO .00 3. OO ResbuaranL Plan Revielt_ _ > -00 ToEal caLcuLated Fee6- - - > Additional" Feea-- ----- - -> Total Permit F€9--------> Palntrent s DRB Fee-------- toTAt FEES----- .00 453 . OO 453 .00 . o0 453 . OO Investigat'ion> wiIl call----> BALANCE DttE- - - - ,00 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{II DepE: BUITDING Division:KATHY ACtiON: NOTE ROUTED TO JRMJRM ACLiON: APPR APPROVED"Ffne DEPARIIVIEI'Ii Dept: FrRE Division:KATHY AcLion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD rNsPEsrroNs ABE -BEQSTEED TQ,Cr{Eg4 EqR-qgDE COMP-I.IIAN-CE-i. t6ffiusri6N-A'iR-T5 neOurRED-pEn sEc- 701- oF THE 1ee7 uMc, oR-' SeCti6N 701 oF THE l-997 rMc. 3 . iNdiAli,ati or.r -l,tuST-c0ttFo4IrX tQ uexuracruRE g INsrRUcrr oNs AIuD-' r-d-cirApreR-10 6F rnn rggz IIUq, eU4gTEB--10-qF jrHE 1ee7 rl'lc. a . e[S -ApFl_,T]rNens - SIIALI BE VEI{'rEb ASCORDITG - T9_qHAPTER I AND _-' srifu-L-lEmaiNEre-A-s-SeEelqrEo rw sEc.806 oF THE 19e7 IIMC, OR ctiAFtsn I oF THE L997 rMc.5. ICCESS- 16 neatrlle BQUrPLIEllr I'ItJsT gQUPlY^wrrI!-cH4PTEB. 3- Ar'iD"' iiEd:lb1t-oF-THE-'r997 -ulac AIID cHAPTER 3 QE,T-'x-E L991,rMQ.----6. EdiiERE sgell-,--eu-tl6uNTup QN-qLQQBS qE-N9NcQUEUSTTBLE coNsr--' ufrrESs--LrsrED FdR MOUNTTNG oN coMBUsrrBtE -E'r.qoRrNGz. FEfrMIf,FT,ANS-AND coDE 4N4!Is.rs ryllugr BE PosrED rN MECHANTqAL- ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQT'EST. s . DF-dl'NAee -iir - MrcIiANi cal-, nqq!{g cONTArN-r-Ng SEATING oR He)E: wAIER-' StrEFirf-EoileiiS-s-tla[1, ee-eQUrpFeD wIrH A FLooR DRAIN PER sEc. 1o22-oe-rtre-19g7--uMe, on SscrroN 1004.5 oF rHE 1997 rMc. ******************************************************************************** Item:05100 os /LL / 2OOO os /t6 /2000rrbm:' 05600os/LL/2000 o DECI,ARATIONS I ha!.by acknoylcdg! tsh.lt I hav. rerd ChiE application, filled out in full. tho info::uatsion requircd, coBFlot.d tn adcurate ploC p1lrr, and Ftale th.! ell Che info@aelon provid.d aB r€gui!€d is correcg. I agrgE Eo co4ply i.iCh thc inforEalic)n rnd plot p1an, to conply tibh a1l Toytr ordin ncar a,nd rEaC. hur, |nd go build ghiB.lructure accordlng go !h. foIn'. zonlng and gubdirrision cod.a, dsrigm !.viey apploved, gnifo$ Building code atrd obhe- ordinance6 of the Tovn aPPlicable thereto. I *+********t*****t*t****t*t*********t***ttt******+t+t+a**tl******* TOWN OF VAIIJ, COr.,ORADO Statetmt *t***t*tt*t!t!r**tt**********:l!a*:ra*t*****t****rtt*****tt*t***!ttl**ila gtatemnt llumber; REC-0632 Amormt:453. oo 05/23/OO 09:06 Pal@ent Method: 13241 Notation: CLIUATB COI{TRoL Init: iII[ Pernit No: UOO-0036 Tl/trle: B-liBCIl I{ECIIANICAL PERHIT Parcel No: 2103-123 -L2-O4'l Site Addregs: 1?22 GENEVA DR Location: 1722 GENEVA DR ThiE Palnnent Total Fees: 453 . 00 Total AL,Ir Pmt6 : Balance : ****tati*ft**t****t***a****lt!t*il**'l*rl*ltt*tt!t**l*a****rf**t*r***a* 453.00 453.00 .00 Arnount 350. OO 90.00 3.00 Account code DescriptioD MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECIIANICAI, PERI'TIT FEES PF OO1OOOO311?3OO PI,AN CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAI,I INgPECTION FEE or"araot o,|LL Nor BE AccEprED rr rr*aorraal* TVWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:u Mechanical Room Dimeniions fu WnSn Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationc Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationa HeatLossCalcs. €vqLen^epr4u neAT qCl a Equipment Cut/Spec Sheets Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) oolq Assessorc OflTce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name: t/nlp1)nvJ WctllVpco rob Address: l1,l-2 @pfrvA D4VO Lesal Description ll Lot' lO ll ero.r' ll ritins,subdivision : ltft NfeF+rCil V n l*%rF o*ne's t'tu'e' LA tu4w, ttrlqLfi ll :\c!lress: 1snvafrfud, uAl t?, ilPnw Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: OafrnU vusnpa gv(rch'.wrat W tp frHr-bryqD WorkClass: trtewld Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpeof Bldg: single-familyXl Dupllx( ) Multi-family( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Noflypg gfFireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOTALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ n,Qjt CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: ..Lt||,ATF- ctltT bl, @hp AM I Town of Vail Reg. No.: \zq.m contactand Phone #'s: ffio-flQ5-237h Cll1t-rs H n#tS"tt Contractor Signature: / 1r" , IhL* 5-( - eoou F: /everyone/forms/ mec'hperm l{AY-16-2000 TUE 09:48 Al{ CLII{ATE 00NTR0L P-O. Bo( 1o,t2 GhnH,frd spdnos, co Oldlz Phonq 97H14$232t Far( 97G94tst2s FAX N0, 9709458128o P. 0l lrFax Toc J.R.Eotrr OrisHavisdt Phcpa 9704282143 P€r t/ou request, het are the qripmffl q.fstrcats. The model nr,rnb€tF are on Uc draurirpa Please call if you have any questjfis. utMs iqr r ', o, | 1,,,r lr* N\l t\'\ kv N-\ rhf - \r\\ . t\t \ rt\vt\K\\ t /". [\"v\Y" rvv 1\.9\\r\)"{t\"\\\./ \\ \ \ I I1AY-16-2OOO TUE Og:49 AI{ CLII{ATE CONTROLot-FanasonlG. Advanced Ventilation Series FA)( NO,9709458128o P, 02 @ o I I l , o t[[, 'Hvlccrl spocllloation FV-0tvo FY-07Vo FV{6VO FV-rrVo FU.20VO FV.35VO Ait Volune (CFM)'50 70 00 110 r90 uo Powot C,onsumptbn (wsn,13.e r5.4 17.4 20.4 325 96.1 Noiso (sone)'0.5 0.5 1,0 1.5 1.5 3.0 Spsod {RPM}7U '1018 9ll l 't0t0 69tl 703 Cufient (A)o,2 0.35 0.e 0.35 0..1 1.1 Powor Falino 120t60fl2 12Wti0Hz 12ry60H2 120/60H2 12060H2 l2U60Hz gPeclri.alion Molot Typlcondenscr llblot Yes Yes Yos Yes Yes Yos Typo ol Motor Beadno Malal Ecaring M€tal Bea/ing Meial Eearing Mstal Boiring Ball BBoring Eall Boaring Thornlal Fuse Ysg Yes Yes Yeg Yes Yss Type ol Elade Sirocco Fan Sitocoo Fan Sirocco Fan Sirocco Fan Sirocco Fan Sirocco Fan ld$alla ion Duct Diamoior (inch)4.0 1.O ,{.0 4.O 8.0 6-0 Mounting Oian)olor (inch sq.l 9rh g l/s 9V!9 r/o 12VrE 14 Y. Grill Sizo (inch sq.)1l l3/rr 11 l3/re l l t1116 1t rVts l5 17 tl/rt Shipptnq G/oss Weighl Ks (LB)3.7 (82'l 3.7 (8.2)3,7 18,2'.,3.7 (6.2)7.9 (r7.sl 11. | (2{.51 Approvsd Codc,stpndord Beguratlcn UL Tub/Slroh,0r Enclosure Yos Yes Yes Yes Yos Yss vt ashingron srde vlAo code Yee Yeg Yo8 Yes Y€3 trb M nflrlaclurL{ in cadiliod LS.O, 9oo I f,rcl lcs Y9E Ycs Y96 Yes Yee Yes lo chnnq€ wihoul nolics. llatsushita l|!,nE fid Coom!rcid lroducta Eonpr.I Home Bnd Building Products . One PAnasonic Way 4 4 . Secaucus, New Jersey 02094 TEL: 201-348-7tS1 . FA)(: 600-559.0904 @ ,L.-Hlrl llAY-16-2000 TUE 09149 At1 CLII{ATE C0NTRoL FA)( N0. 9709458128 l{AY- I 6-2000 i TUE AII CLIIIATE CONTROL FAl( NO.128 Coils of aluminum fin - copper tube. ,Permanendy lubricated ball bearing blowers, I Forward curve blower wheels factory balanced. Belt drive blowers. standard moEors have overload prorection. controls not included in sandard product. 2" throwaway filters sandard on units with optional 2" pleated filterr available. All units stockcd w-rth thermal expansion valves mounted and side port distribrrtors for use on R-22. 9709458o P. 04 o L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I 18. 9. 10. lAdiustable molor pulleys. I lTapered hub tTpe blower pulleys. t fabinets are fully insulated wirh 3/4', - 1.5# dual density insulation. { i 44. 15. r6. I I l, Optional hear pump conversion kit available for field mounrlng. 12, 90 and 120 coils are stocked both single and dual circuited. | 3' $ortom return or rcp discharge, or any side reurrn or discharge with BVD and R boxes (Return air or discharge grilles, if required, field supplied.) i Large "easy to remove" access panels on front ofeach section. cabinats are fabricated of heavy gauge,galvanealed steel, specially coated inside and out with Mrgic Aire beige baked powder enamel coating before assembly. tppdonalAccesseries: f 2 Row HotWarer Heatrng Coil ' Discharge rnd RcturnAir Plenum . Stenm Coils . Elcctrical Disclurge Heaters NoTlCEl When MagicAire coils are used with ground or well water, the wager rnust be free of sand or orher contaminanc- MagicAire will not be responsible nor liable for any kind of da6qg6s incurred by ground or well wate r systems which conrain sand or any other corrpsive contaminants. Contact the facory for further informalion. Bl/X Series STANDARD FEATURES Pese 2 rlill BVX SERIES BLOWER COIL UNITS INTERNALVIEvv TUE Og:50 AI{ CLIIIATE COI{TROL FA)( t'to. 9709458128 P, 05 Iititr tlll,,,!',,: 90 BVX with panels removed. 90 to lZ0 BVXarc three-prcce unib and eoch sectrbn is individuaily coruned. Coib for drese units are olvays shipped seporotely I t 24 BVX with poncls rcmovcd. 24 to 60 $VX ore onepr'ece units. Frgc 3 I1AY-16-2OOO TUE Og:51 AII CLIIIATE CONTROL PRoDUcr DEs&rr'o, MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION FA)( N0, 9709458128o a Denol€s Changes P, 08 (q NOMINAL MBH CAPACITY TYPE BLOWEB (BELT) TYPE CAEINET (VERTICAL) TYPE COIL X = DIRECT D(PANSION o OPTIO]fAL DISCHARGE OR REruRN AIR PLEilUI 22tlzX22tlz 2-16 X e5 $16 X25 UNIT CABINET DIMENSIONS SPECIFICATIONS MODEL OX COtt- COtUrtECttOlrt Lto I.INE SUCT. LINE SHIP wr. e Fow WATER CONN. 'SHtp wT. 2n gv 3/8' OD SwT 3/4'OD SWT 153 7/8'OD SWT 14 36 BV 3/6" O0 SWT 3/4" OO SWT 170 7/S" OO SwT 11 48 BV 'll2. oD SwT 7/B'OO SWT 20r 7/8'Op SwT l7 60 8v r2. oD swT 1 l/B' OD SWT ?53 I 1/8'O0 swT ?1 90 BV 5/8" OD SiWT I t/8" OD SWT 362 1l/8"O0swT 81 r20 0v 5/8' OD SWt I S/8" OD SWT 456 1 t/8" OD SWT r02 " Coil only hg" 4 ililt llAY-16-2000 TUE 09:52 All CLII{ATE CONTR0Lo FAX N0, 9?09458128o sY eo-rzoB\rI *', 07 o p o PRODUCT DESCRIPTION DIUEI{SIONAL DFAWI]TG 24$O 8V' \ I :' io Hol wstcr ooil connoc00n I Stlction - I I Liquid-J] BETURN t I I Dts[}oFcgFelunll AIR PLEI{Utl Eofto[/roP OPENII{G [-.-e-J l- ;,,"; ILi*-r a FRONT (OR SACK) '1 c I Dual Circuil Ontt Suslion [r-iq,lo- { l_Sttcitat Specitications subject to chanEe wilhoul notice. BIOWEB/ MOTOR ACCESS PAi.IEL 'l Elcctrical .! <- .t got c-a.o ->o +o I colL A@ESS PANEL ,Drain - 718' o.D. swT FILTER AGCESS l*- a4' t- FRONT r|I rI L Hl*---l.L-:.-l I I ( ) BLOWER SECTION (ACCESS PANEL) a a HOTWATER/STEATil @IL SECNON cooLlNG cotl SECNON (ACCESS P NEL) -Drain - 718'' o.D. swl FILTER SESTION (ACCESS PA{EL) il|*ll* 3f l_ pslusl ^,,FRONT Prge 5 OB (p I I { llAY-16-2000 TUE 09r52 AI1 CLII{ATE CONTTOLo FAl{ N0, 9709458128o p I FAN PERFORII,IANCE Consuh List Pricc Pages for molor Installation and optiolg, For motoru not listed, contec! frctory. Select appropriate moror ftorseporler frcrm pages 6 and 7. When ordering, spcci! HP - rclngdpharc - cFM@ESP I J: 'i,i I li'I t,, ltf rl ' i,; I MODEL INTER s.P. CFM .25. EgP RPM BIIP ,50" ESP RPM BHP .75,' ESP RPM BHP L00. EsP FPM BHP 1,25' ESPfiPM BHP r.50r EsP RPM BHP 24BVX .12 .10 .19 .23 .30 600 700 800 900 1000 6.1.1 695 ?47 704 136 .08 .tl .1S .t8 ,?2 83{ 066 s00 938 ga9 ,r3 -t5 .t9 .2t .27 99t 1021 r 05,1 t070 r114 .10 .20 .2q 29 .3.1 I t32 1149 1172 u94 1226 .?1 .26 .30 .34 .41 tu6 1259 1203 !903 r 327 .30' .32 .97 -41 .48 135,f 13E5 rs85 14o2 1421 .36 .39.u .49 .s7 30 BVX ,29 .38 .47 ,50 .m 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 85? 938 101 9lltt 1 195 .19 .26 .92 ,44 5S r000 1078 1t 44 1217 1307 .24 .33 ,42 .53 .70 1138 r ?00 1262 1333 1403 .3t .,f{) -50 -64 .BO l?36 1308 t363 I /ul3 t 502 .37 ,47 ,59 ,73 .9't r 352 14m 116? r5t3 .13 -sil .65 .8,l. 1460 1503 15116 t6m .50 .60 ,71 .E9 .44 .57 .71 -88 rnn r200 '1400 1600 1800 tdnd 7EE 089 968 r006 t 14e ,?9 .42 ,31 ,78 rno 898 100d 106 t 1148 1771 .96 ,52 .41 .90 t.l4 1009 | 06? 119{ 1mr t 20R .43 .60 .75 1.O2 l?o 1107 1 169 1236 '| 303 13Aq .53 .87 ,91 t,13ttn 1210 1257 13t0 't 375 .62 .81 1.00 1.27 1277 1339 1391 1{,1.2 .73 ,9{' 1,12 1,37. 60 BVX .41 .52 .65 ,80 -aB r 500 | 750 200o 2?50 tS{}l 733 806 873 947 1o.?7 .?9 .43 57 .70 !l{l 851 900 966 1036 1t06 .39 ,il ,69 .89 I t5 949 999 1052 1117 I taq .46 .62 .77 1.o4 1.26 r046 1007 | 134 I t95 1252 .58 .72 .92 |.15 113 t t40 I 171 12ZO 12GS .5S ,05 1.08 r.33 1229 r256 r2g9 13.{0 .rt? r.00 1,21 1.'06 90 BVX .80 .JJ ,50 .62 .76 2250 2625 3000 33/5 376D 644 705 n1 83't AOA .56 .79 r.0g 1,44 1.86 758 812 856 920' 982 ,73 .99 1,31 1.69 2.14 857 900 950 1001 1054 .9r 1,19 1.5S 1.94 2.11 937 983 1025 1092 I t30 1,O7 t.39 1,74 2.21 2.79 t021 1056 1100 1147 1.27 1-6q 1.99 2.46 109* 1125 1r e5 1205 1 .44 r.80 2.18 2.70 't20 BVX .25 .33 .42 .53 .63 3000 3500 4000 /t500 5000 631 705 785 869 e35 .E0 1.17 1.68 2.35 3_Oo 715 786 85d 9U .s7 r.4'l 1.93 2.50 oo? s58 919 987 1.17 t.61 2.17 ?.05 873 9?9 eE6 r.36 1.en 2-47 946 992 1049 r.55 e.05 2.66 l0t5 l05E r 191 1.75 227 2.v u4,ln,Ie,3l4, 1,1 1n,2 114, 1/3, r/Z. U4 1t4,1t3,1t2,E1,1,11n rs, 1P., 3t4, 1, 1 1n, 2, 3, 5, 7 112, 10 volTlGefillsg I ls/l spil Phase 115/1 2 SPD.{ 0 trv' | 20 BV' Page 6 l{AY-16-2000 TUE 09:53 Al,l CLII{ATE C0NTR0Lo FAX N0, 9709458128o P, 09 \ I FAN PERFORMANCE t l I a r l ;ililI r il t MODEL INTER s,P, CFM .25' ESP BPM BHP ,50' ESP RPM BHP .75' ESP RPM gHP t.00' EsP RPM BHF .I,?5' ESP HFM BHP t,50' EsP RPM BHP 24 BVX wl24VH-z .19 .24 .30 .38 .44 0q0 700 000 900 t 000 726 76? 0zl 098 951 .09 .'12 .14 ,?0 .26 913 946 979 1037 1092 .14 .16 .?1 .25 .33 1057 1080 1100 1 155 1217 .19 .zl 27 .31 .39 1145 1200 t235 1271 131 | ,23 .?7 .33 .38 .45 t309 1324 1349 1373 t.106 ,29 ,34 .38 ,rl5 .52 113? 1452 1463 1483 't506 ,36 .39 ,44 ,52 ,60 36 BVX M3S VH-z .41 .53 .47 .83 1.00 900 1050 1200 1350 1500 905 994 t 091 1zfit t2s8 .21 .29 .38 -54 -7o 1ortg 't 120 1228 13j9 1403 .27 ,35 .46 .63 .80 t 165 t24t 1330 t4t3 I rt98 .32 .43 .57 -72 .91 1277 1345 1424 1507 t5E2 .30 ,52 .63 .81 t_00 '1378 14.40 1515 1s76 .45 .57 ,72 ,6E 1458 r519 r569 1659 .t{ .63 ,78 .95 4S BVX wl48VH-z .57 .74 .!M 1.15M7 1200 1imo r500 tB00 2000 481 96s t056 t 150 1267 .31 ,il6 .61 ,s7 '| .16 98rt t066 1148 1238 l3l1t .40 .56 .7t .90 12e 1071 1 154 't221 l3?{ I a1 't .16 .M .83 t.09 til t 159 't238 1310 1391 56 .74 .96 12? 1257 1318 r39t 14€3 .6rl ,83 1,00 1.35 1334 1385 1457 1530 .74 .93 1.15 '1.48 60 BVX \,irl60 VH-2 .53 .68 ,s5 r.05 1 .24 1500 1750 2000 22SD 2500 775 85t 930 't01t t0Et .34 .48 .68 -s7 1 t, 091 950 10r9 1097 1170 .44 .59 .76 1.03 1 .n0 983 1041 t t07 I t73 1,ttll .53 ,69 .E2 1-15 1tR r082 11e8 1188 1240 .64 ,79 t.02 1,29 1t7r 1213 12fu t3t6 .71 .95 1,17 1,4? 1257 1?96 1337 t 387 .90 t.0s 1.32 t.50 9O BVX w/So VH-2 ,30 ,48 .61 .75 co ?250 2625 3000 3375 3750 664 732 796 661g)7 .60 .8,1 1.15 I.53 t.q4 775 836 E89 952 'tot0 ,70 t.07 1.36 1.8 | 225 871 922 979 1031 I non -96 1.46 t.63 2.05 2.55 959 r 002 | 050 t l0l 1159 t.t4 t.46 t.84 2.29 2Aa r 0{3 1078 11?2 1170 1.33 t.66 2,08 2.58.{. 1115 1145 1107 1?fi L50 1.87 2.n 2.40 120 BvX Ml20 VH-2 ,33 ,4{l ,54 .68 -8t 3000 3500 4000 4100 5000 617 727 798 EEO .64 1.20 t.73 2.3€, 736 E02 867 943 1.0,1 r,45 2.OO 2.67. 814 877 939 1005 1.22 1.67 2.21 2.57'. ';.' 891 946 'r00J t.,f3 t.90 2.50 960 r007 1067 1.62 2.1I 278 10?/- l0e5 ,. fit0 1.82 2.52 3.00 Page 7 0 @ P. IFAl( N0. 9709458128ollAY-16-2000 ruE 09153 All CLI}IATE CoNTRoLI .rq t DIFIEGT EXPANSION COOLING CAPAGITIES !4 lr I I 24-BVX 05 degF D0l7t dcsr [r E0 drsF Dl/67 dcgF |lN ?5 4igF Dst63 dcgt 9sSuc r Icmr: PO PSt cfx lrt lrEn sEf{s HStl rvc R ITL ltEH iEtS ftSlt rvc ln TIL iStl iE[5 xEll LVG AIR D8 rfB Dg IJB DE u8 (0 45 50 6.52 4.41 2-47 600 600 t000 600 800 1000 600 800 1000 33.( 58.5 62.5 e9.6 35.4 36.6 22.O zE.0 3?.4 20-0 2a.o z7.z lE.6 21.8 ?4.0 '15-5 19-7 2t.2 56.{ 59.! 6?.0 61.1 62.Z 63. t 54- 0 57.t 59.9 5t.7 56.4 5 0,4 56.0 58,7 60.5 60.3 60.9 61.8 28.6 lz.6 36.0 21.6 77.4 3t.t 15 .0 10.6 21 .z I r,5 ?t.E u.a 15.5 19.7 zt-? u.e 16. I t6.E 54.6 57.0 56,1 57.2 5t.6 59- 6 6r.4 62 -61 .55l 5!.7 55,5 55.{ 56.0 57.0 t8.8 59.9 60.5 .t51 ?t.z 26.E 31.0 r5.9 Ir.6 21.2 1r,5 1r.5 15,5 15.4 19.' 8.o t]-t t6.0 18.7 ll.0 r5,11 15.11 52 -3 53-8 5a.t 56.5 57.t 58,0 59-6 60. ! .2l5l 150.55l,z s2-2 55.9 55, 1 55.8 56.6 57 -4 57.8 36-BVX E5 dogF D8/71 drsF ur EO dceF Dl/67 dcsF uE 75 dcar oE/6f dcaF |.ESucr fanfj FO PSI cFtl Tft t{8ll SETS lr8fi tvc An rrI ' T IEIS tDrl tvc llr rIr rsrl t3r tEls LVG An 08 t6 D8 u3 08 IB 40 {t 50 19 6,66 t51 9 900 1200 t500 900 1200 1500 900 1200 1500 51 ,5 56-0 63.5 (6.0 51 .0 55,5 55.{ {3.5 49 -' lr-0 36.t 41.5 2C.E ll.E JE.5 24 -6 31.0 36.2 53. ? ,6-7 59-1 5t.t 59-0 6t.3 59.7 61.1 61.f 2 56.3 58.5 55-5 5' 58.6 60.2 le,5 60-{ 61.5 {9.5 54.0 54.6 42.5 ea,5 25 -4 29.6 !5 .0 044.u.6 Jl,6 36.0 ?4.6 30.8 56.0 20.6 4.4 30,{ 650 54.1 56.4 54.6 55.t 57.E 5C.7 &.4 6t.3 t0.6 53,5 55 -4 5{.5 55.6 t6.E t8.? 59.6 59. E 31.5 4t-t 17 -O ?t.z ?9.{ 54.8 tE.t z?-0 74,6 z4.l 50.6 35.8 20.6 25.2 t0.2 't7-t 21 -a 21.2 .9(9 5r.{ 5r.0 tl.0 55 -6 36.{ 57.0 t!.5 60.1 19.7 50.r tz, I t3.3 14.6 55.1 t6.l 56.9 57 .6 48-BVX 65 dcEF 08/71 desf 18 _!.0 lecf D8l67 dogF uE i5 &gf D8/6J dcar 98Sucr Tqr|g PO PSI c fll TTI iIBH sExs t3H LVC AIR tn, htil 5iEl il81,1 tvc Alt I It I8X sEtt isH LVG AII OB u8 D8 !a D8 gB 40 45 t0 r3.02 ,.37 6_20 1200 1500 2000 1200 1600 u 000 't 200 1600 2000 67 .a 75-( lz,( 58. j 66.4 72.a n.a 56.e 6t.5 40.5 (8-o 54.0y.? 41-5 50.5 13.6 60.5 {6.5 53.7 5f .? 59.9 56.1 5e-5 61 _5 59. I 51,5 6a. ( 5t,7 56-8 59.9 76.2 58.7 60,5 5 8.9 60.8 62.3 56,J &.0 70,0 47 .5 55.0 60,5 t7 -5 46.0 48-5 37 -2 11.O 50.5 33_4 40.0 46.O 29.4 36.8 41.5 51.3 56,4 56-7 54.2 56.7 5E.6 5f.4 58.8 60. E .5rl J3.9 55.t 5{-0 56.0 57-5 57.1 t!.0 59.5 tu. ) 53.5 t9.0 37.4 45.0 50.0 ?5.s r0,0 17,0 z 40.0 45.O 29.2 56.6 4?.5 z(,2 z9.4 35.8 5{ac.6 5t.t 5t. E 52.5 5t.9 55 -1 56.{ 56.0 58.t t{,) 51-2 52-8 52.2 55.2 54.5 5r.7 56.6 56-8 hgc I I1AY-16-2OOO TUE Og:54 AI{ CLII{ATE CONTROLI FA)( N0, 9709458128o ll o P. o DIFECT EXPANSION COOLING CAPACITIES rl . llih'.':li 6o.BVX 65 degt oB/71 deet u8 l0 degF 08,,67 &gt lfi 75 dagF 98/65 desr UE tuc t lcny PP PSI cFll III HEtl SElts lllH LVG Atr ITI tStl iEIS tsll tvc Att rTL ltBll sFfs ltBtl LVG lrr 08 UB DI lf,0t la 4o 45 50 10.41 7.to 4,76 ttuu 20m 2t00 1500 e000 2500 tt00 2000 2500 66.1 t00. ( I t0.( 76 -a 88. i 96.0 6t.5 73.0 al .0 ,a-t 6Z-5 7t.0 48.0 J7,l 65.0 LZ.5 52.0 59.5 t2-6 56-l J6-7 55.5 tE.4 60_7 58.6 61 -0 6?-9 55-5 58.0 rd. o 53,7 57.9 ,9.7 58.5 60,4 61.8 k,o 05.0 93.0 61.0 72.0 79,0 47.5 59.0 6t.5 {6.O ,7.5 65-0 at.5 51 .5 59.5 56, E 46.5 5r-0 50.5 5t_5 55-8 5t.0 56. t 5E.0 57.J 50.t 60. { 50.5 51.0 5t .9 52.t t5.5 57.0 57.0 57.7 59.2 62.5 70.0 n.o 1t,0 5E-5 6!.0 t2.0 lt.0 16.1 {1.: 5t.: 59,( 36,a {6.( 52.5 1'o,. 3?,a 44.5 5?.4 tt.6 40.0 st.l 5t. t 55.5 56.I 57.4 58.5 0,9 to.6 52.2 53.t 5?.9 51.4 55.6 s6.4 56.E 90.BVX t5 desF 0l.r7l degf $80 degF 00/67 dcsF rlB ?5 d.ef DBl65 dcsF UE!Ft Itnlg PU PSt cf,l tlL t l SEIS tStl Attrvc llL tStl iEIS IEtl tv6 rlR TTL flctl sEtS tBll LVG Atl DB UE D8 la 08 IJB 50 49 9.88 6.fi) 4 a.a:ru l00g r?50 2250 3000 3750 2250 i000 t750 lJD. o 117.4 161.0 112.0 1et.0 1(1_0 97.0 10r.0 11t.0 (4.9 92,0 104.0 7l .0 05.0 97 -O 65.0 77 .0 8t.0 ,J.O ,6,3 59 -Z t5,9 5E. E 61 .l 5t-3 6t.3 6t.2 J'.{J 56.1 56.I 55.9 54.3 60-0 58.1 60.6 62.0 95.0 106.0 t t6.0 68.0 E6.0 9r,0 lot, D t?5.0 1t7.0 7t ,0 84.0 96,0 6t.0 f6.0 17,0 54.0 6r.0 60.0 50,9 5!,? s6 -2 t3-3 56.4 tr.4 57 .E 58.9 60. r 50.6 i3.r 55.2 tt. I 55 -7 57-2 5f .4 5t. r 50.9 92.0 t93.0 lla.0 68,0 15-o 97 -0 18.0 57.0 67.O 6{.0 76,a 87.0 55.5 68.0 Eq.0 44.5 55.0 65.0 45.4 51 .5 5t-5 ,2.9 54.0 55.J 56,6 58- | ta,I 4e,2 50.9 52-( 52.5 53 -z 54. I tt. ! 56-6 57,0 120-BVX Ei desF 08/71 dcsf 98 E0 degf DB/67 desF ta8 75 dcsF DB/63 de'!l Ug rPcr Ici$ PD PSI ct,l t{8tl ITL hln sEts Atttvc TlL lr0t{HBll sElts tv6 An ftr. XBH sExs iai LVG AIR DB t8 Di u8 D'ua AO I lts I r, 9-18 6-15 | ,1e JUUU 4000 5000 3000 4000 5000 3000 4000 5000 1(a 202 22? 155 176 19{ 133 147 152 lu), r ?6. t{3. 96. 5. r31. Et. r 0{, 119. )4.) 55.9 58. d 55.5 50,4 60.7 s7.9 61.0 62.9 57.6 60.t 61_t )4.> 55.6 J7,0 55.5 57.9 59.t 'l{u.0 l7l,o 109.0 re9.0 14{,0 t 60.0 91.0 1r6.0 127 .o 96.0 n5,0 t5t.0 87,0 r03.0 It9.0 71.0 91,0 t06.0 50-4 55.4 55.8 53.0 56, I 5E,0 57.5 56.t 60,4 50.1 5?.9 5(.6 5?.8 5t.1 56.9 57.1 57.8 t9.? t{1.0 t56-o 93.0 I17.0 126.0 65,0 n.o 92.0 0125 17 -l t3.{ Itt,( 73.1 92,r 1ot,r 60 -l 74 -a tE,. at.o 5t.l 5r-t 52-5 53.6 55.6 56.1 57 .9 58-6 47.9 50.5 52_ I 52.1 52.9 5\.4 55,7 56.5 56.6 fue9 1\ I t,'i, tiI : 'l i,t il i llIilt.t,Iill f,i t, l{AY-l0-2000 TUE 09154 Ail CLII{ATE C0NTRoL FA){ N0. 9709458128oo HOT WATER HEATING CAPACITIES P, 12 (9 I I I i l *ll ^{l (]] 2 ROW COILS 24 VFt-z 36 VH-2 48 VH.2 G PIJ Ptt rt. CFM rIr Mn LAT F rwY F GPr,l PO rt. CFM TTL METI I.AT ,- rwT F GPM PO Ff, cFu fit UBII LAT F LWT F 2.0 I .50 600 E00 | 000 lr.6 40.5 11,O 38.5 11-0 48.5 1t5.0 106.7 100 ,6 143.6 1J6-7 115.0 r.0 3. Ao 900 I ?00 1500 900 t?00 1500 46.5 52.5 57.5 t0E.0 t00-6 95 .4 I t 0.5 t0t.'t 97 -E t48.2 r&,t t{0.0 (,0 1.r0 r200 t600 2000 tz00 r600 2000 57.5 64.0 70.0 104.4 9r.4 9?.{ 50.5 16.9 $.? 3.0 r.40 600 800 1000 19.3 r1.2 05.2 t51.8 149.8 ta6.f 4.0 6.00 49.0 56.0 6t.0 | 5{.t I .{ t40.6 6,0 ?.50 T2,o 70. 0 7f .o 6J. 0 74.O 0t.0 ro!.0 .| 00.9 95,8 1t6.1 | 55.9 153.6 4.0 6.00 600 800 1000 40.0 16.5 5t -5 2l I 1',7 07 -7 5'5 56.3 51. 6 5.0 e,40 900 1200 t500 "5bT t0.0 61.0 Itz 1 .|04.8 99.5 59.2 s6.2 55.8 8.0 4 .40 rz00 t600 e000 ilo-]t !0?.9 97.t | 6J.a r6l .0 t59.1 60 vH.z 90v 'H-2 120 VH.2 CFM PD FT. CFM rTL IUBH LAT F twr F GPM PO Ft. CFM TIL MUH UTT F LWT F GPM FD FI. CFM I'L iilBH LAT F LWT F 6,0 0.50 I )00 2000 2500':-__.' tt.o 0e.0 89. 0 105.3 0a-z 93. I 151.9 r5t.9 149,5 9.0 1 .00 ??50 3000 1790 ra?.0 138.0 151 .0 tt0.2 l oz,6 97.? 5e, r 46,6 (5.8 r0.0 l,t0 3000 4000 5000 t 6J.0 r E6.0 ?01,0 t t0.l 102.6 9?.1 146.6 144.5 t39-O 12.0 l a,0 2.00 l)uu 2000 a50o l i aiii' ?000 2500 8J-O 95,q l0L_0 llI.z r03.9 .7 165.8 165.0 162. 1 16.0 l-E0 ?250 J000 3750 1r7,0 t56.0 1?r.0 t 16.1 10E.7 103.2 l&.4 t6?.0 t60..| 40.0 5-10 1000 {0m 5m0 tE{.0 2l!.0 irB6 - o t16.9 r09,1 I ftl 7 16f'.1 t 56.2 ItE t 4 -50 E7.0 t00-0 t.0 fi3.5 106.l t0t. I r70.I 168.6 167.5 27 ,o 8.50 zz50 3000 3750 162 ,0 r66,0 185.0 t 8.6 fi.2 05.t t69.? 6t,4 65 .9 30.0 | .lo 3000 1000 5000 19r.0 221-O 251 .0 't 19.( 1r1.9 r06.3 t66.8 1&.7 162.9 CAPACITIES EASED ON Cf EAT AND i 80 EUrr.Un[s not rocommsnded for hooing eppticalions when lhe leorring air oxc€eds 130 dogruo5.A9 wirh tury hydn nic sfsrem propei fnjczo prorrdions shoub ue -useO. (Gtyeof o. meei ctji. HOT W TER COIL ONLY. FON MODtrlS 24, 36, 48 8 60 . AVAILABLE ONLY IN CABINET FOH i'ODELS 90 & 120 SUUBVW8AN0 MAY BE tNSTATLED OtRECTLYABoVE on BELOW COOL|NG cotL sEcTtoN. EV)SBvw F tEl-o tNsTAl.r. E0 wtTt.ilN I ptEcE cABtNEr ABOVE coll. sPAcE. hse l0 I{AY-16-2OOO TUE 09:55 AI{ CLII1ATE CONTROL FAl( NO.1289709458o l3 @ p STEAM CAPACITIES altr Standard steam ccils sre rpl recommertdod ler duly wherc entctlng at b hss thatt r00 degte€s. unils not recfiimended lor hoatir€ applbadons whon tho lcaviE rir crcr6d3 130 dcorlGr. A6 with eny hydronic syslem proper frgerg protpclllls slb|Jld bG [red. (G[tcol of ficcze 3t!0. Vrlhen correctign faclors arc usod for various enlering air and entering water lomporaiuroS, multiply ths corec{ion lactot limes the aboqe list€d capacity. The correction facmrs may be used with all Magic Aire published 18d E.W.T. heating qapacitios. l , I ', NON-STOCK CUSTOM STEAM COITS 700 Entering Air Dry Bulb - 5# Steam Pressure Model Nomlnal CFM 1 Fow Oapaclty 2 Row 24-BVSS 36.8VSS 48-BVSS 60-BVSS 90'BVSS 120-BVSS 800 1200 1600 2000 3000 4000 27339 32708 43964 62079 98042 138068 53889 u402 86658 123077 't93973 271866 STEAM HEANNG CORRECTION FACTORS STEAM PRESSURE PSIG -200 HOT WATER HEATING CORFECTION FACTORS Enlcring Waler TemP 1F1 .544 .500 .fd-t .419 Page I I TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArrJ, co 8t657 970 -479-2L38 .Tob Address...:tocation......: Parcel No.... -: Proj ect Nurnber: ]-722 GENEVA DR ]-722 GENEVA DR 2L03 -L23 -L2 -O47 PR,Jg9-0019 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVETOPMENI NOTE: TIIIS pERMfT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMTT Permit, #: M00-0078 stacus...: IssIrEDApplied..: 07/24/2000Issued...: 07/25/2OOOExpires..: oL/2L/20ot APPLICAIIIT LORTON PLI]MBING INCORP P.O_ BOX 3635, EAGLE, CO 81631 CONTRACTOR LORTON PI,UIIBING INCORP P-O. BOX 3535, EAGLE, CO 81531 OITINER I,AIDIJAW WAIJT 18r_ WALNUT TREE LN, AQUONE NC 28703 Description: INSTALT COMPLETE HYDRONIC HEAT SYSTEM Fireplace Information: R€strictcd: Y *of Ca6 Appfiances: Valuat,ion: #of eas Loga: Phone: 970-328-5900 Phone: 970-328-5900 3s, 000 . 00 *of leood/Pellet: FEE SIJMMARY *' '*r r**iri**tirtiri*rra*t*r* * MechanicaL-- > Pfan check--- > Invesligation> wil.l call----> ReEtuarant Plan Review- - > DRB Pee-------- Total CaJ.cu1ated Fees- - - > Additsional Fees---------> TotaL P€rdits Fee--------> Palment€- ------ 700.00 t-75 , OO . oo 3-OO .00 .00 474.00 - 00 s7a. oo g7e - 00 TOTAL PEES----- e78 - 00 ILEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI,/IENT DCPI: BUILDING DiVJ-SiON:07/24/2000 'JRM Act,ion: APPR APPROVEDIle.qt .Q56q0 FIRE DEPARTIIENT Dept: FIRE Division:07/24/2000 JRM Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C:IECK FOR CODE EOMPTIANCE.2. COIVIBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 7O]. OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, ORsEgfIoN 70L 0F Tr{E 1-997 rMe.3. INSTALTATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES STALL BE VEI.I:TED ACCORDING TO CHAP1ER B AT.IDsrIAI,I-, TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED IN SEC.806 OF TIiE 1997 I,MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TT{E 1-997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITT{ CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O]-7 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE ]-997 IMC.6. BOILERS SIAI,L BE MOI]I TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS TISTED FOR MOI,NTING ON COI|TBUSTIBTE FLOORTNG.7. PERMIT, PLANS AI.ID CODE AI{AIYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANIEAI ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTTON REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECTANICAIJ ROOMS CONIAINING HF"ATING OR HOT-WATER SI]PPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F THE 1-997 UMC, OR SEeTION 1004.6 0F TrrE r-997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** SIOIIATT'NE OF OWNER ON CONTRAC:TOR FOR HIMSBLF E.!ID OWI{ER o DECIARJATTONS I heleby acktroeledge that I hrv! :.rd !hi. applicarion, filled ouc in full the inforEation roquircd, coqrl.t.d an accuratsc ptotsPlan, and 6tah. that all th. infonabion provided a6 rcquir.d i! corr.ct. I agree to co|lgrly rith the info .t{on .nd plot plan. Co couply ttith all lofn ordl,nanc.6 and 6uate lare, aad go build tshis rcluclur. rccordinE co th. Torn,a roning and EubdlriirioncodGa, aesiSn rewier approvod, ItnifgrD Bullding cod€ .nd oth.r ordiaancc. of, thc Torn applicablc th6rcto. REQLESTS FOR rr{SpEcfrONS SHtlt BE UIDE TWaNTy-FOUR HOT RS I!| ADVAICE By TEIJBPH *** * **!ttl * !t !t *l ** tl!t+ *ll *rl!t ****+ + **+ rl + *+r.** * **rl 'l* !ta rl.l** * rl tiltt trt * * i!}rt + TOIIN OF VAUJ, COI'ORADO gtatecrt * ** * * * ** * * rl* * * * rl !lt ** il * ** *l itt * *** t * * I * **:t * t * * ** *t 1* *, * tt I * I iti *** *il gtatentrt Number: REC-0657 Amount: g?8.00 o7/25/Oo ]-O't4g Pa}ment ldethod: 3725 Notation : IroRToN pl,ultBll[c Init : .tN Permit No: Parcel No: glte Address : f,ocation I Thie Payuent uo0-0078 Tytr e: B-I.lEcE !,tEeHANIcAIr PERMIT 2LO3 -].23-L2 - O4'l 1722 GENEVA DR 1722 GENSI'A DR Total F€es: S78.0O Total ALL Puts: BaLance : ***lt*tt***t***************t*********t*********t*****i*****ilt*** Account Code De6cription llP 00100003111300 !,IBCHANICAL PERI{IT FEBS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO3].1280O I,{IIJL CAIJIJ INSPE TION FEE 878 - OO 8?A . OO .o0 A[rount 700.00 175 . OO 3.00 AppLrcATroeLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLES* unaro*ao NWtWvilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to inctude: 2.a Mechanical Room Dimensions (fr ::iliHli:tflr3rs:::::lll3E$:t ^1 D o Ftue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Location FIV I a Heat Loss Calcs.n Equipmentcut/specsheets M 00 . oo1 Proiect #:ruiia:ngpe@ Mechanical Permit #: _ 97 O- 47 9 -- (I nspections)2/y/- Permit will not be accepted without the following: n EquipmentCut/SpecSheets Conhd Eagle Cou nty Asressorc Offr@ at 9 7O-3 28-8640 or for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: L.NsuNr\ Rsi.p$c-,E JobAddreliZZ- Gre*revN Dc . LesatDescription ll r-ot' \O ll aro.r, ll ririns,Subdivision : I,r\S-rseeUOC- r\ owners Name:[o.. LXrtfAr\ ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: Itfs-rpuu Coneuere ArbaersrC- \\rgsrrDt SVt:r=r"t WorkClass: Newffi Addition( ) Atteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior M Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No S4) Type of Bldg: Single-family \! Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Resbaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: NofFvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) trto fiL MECHANTGAL: $ 35,OOO. CC> CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Mechanical Contractor: Uog5b N Q,r.:ras'i(, ai 6, Town of Vail Reg. No.:, 'Z\C>-Y\Contact and Phone #'s:ci,tu Lseror\ ?l=jc^sqDo Confiacior Signatwe%*-- ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*********************xx* Fr /everyone/forms/ mechperm fficDJUL202000 Oo -ED\LLK RIVI 5lZE " 1,25'x4.3'x8' 0R 318,1. u fT -b2lltR 5/ZE . l,b' x 1,75'v-3 A' 0R. q,5Z (A.n xbv2= 3o4,te LLt'trr RM,D, IJATER. }4ITEK RADIAI{I RIDR T1A\IIFDLb z_.4 V/'55MANN ETD.I4O tsDILER T}P DF2 IO'B.VENT TTINIGLT ]lIBE F\Lt,0 HX 5IDRAAI TATIK TYP,DF 2 gz;ru. l4EC.f\, Rf1, (6.ttca'^ \_ l'-(00 - 007u LA\DLAi,I RESIDEML I}22 AENEVA DR VAIL C-O BP 411 - 00Bb PARIIAI IAI^I}-R IFVFI 5CAIE 72"-lL0" F ,{ (J F 11 Y a J F Ia X (.) ul ,1 (J z O B z F F Ea x F att .Jul FtrF<l>i Fr,<: <:AitI]!tt) ' 'ti<!>luil ..i ( tq l-1 96r!s '<r 67 '^ttA i; iiF56J,,r Ftrz,^SEQ<<'- <n& )hxd;F> ?E8<oNErrr{xv6 EZT xJ v;7 ;,.< F F3F lllxr-Ir. \l trrt\tiA< r*. t!, lL at)aoo u?6-Eh(I]Fl-rZ e3F>94.(Fia>zE EBH6*atvEil 2--3Z,YfiJafPnl- hr l= =RPttx FEEca<J F.l lrl (J ?$n.draF &6ae\ 6Y eE6 XEF dt^a 4;zHFi<: trdoxbZ -.: Gi o\ ra tr tal ..1 tr (\ .Q ,.-ir 3EFNEEEEEEEEEEE a' '.,t,- .. >OFQ oo o c)6 I5iE-€ro€'SHoSoE a.9 -EUAi=si:inninin .q I g I trt9q:Oz a p, a h?Epqe Eg ?**H'?,,rzHzP !E idHsHiHHiBi XF € f € #odB€; 5 ?32s2str d F trFtrF !t 9q n1 ,.i na\ a.l c.n3 F<E'-l E OFatl sp!r;r lig=== F E Hfi G 3 -Fu)R=h- <. at) (n 6r o\F$l:r: --o t j :< I'r FFFeeerrFrFFFFF L r- -l -l -l -l -l r- -l r- q - -)))(rau)aa>o55zz Ir I- - !l-SeSf ooooe *AADP PEF:EFAfioBG;;RRg$3eIE+ =r,aFsEi553s€:hSf;3=tlQ= o9-*H-+<.'r '' o\o €\r -6i-- --(r) ^ E,-E5h F fitD ^ !:HgEr git &r<Rz;-! rr'l nsHEFar rEao q EgEFSEEEEHEEHEE = ft f-lz N i-i^ii=l-- lcn !ot c.r Dr.slr-f aD IFq=<pv& ,1 -a 92 o.o, zoj rn\ooF), N - t6l\ (-r ci .{ r.) - OO \O \O € -.a -t O\ O rr - t.) at(\t r<t ..) - -f \.| {. t - (a t t c- o Fl - .') ait * rat a! a.l i 0OC{ Qz I F ',1z U1& E E (t) .n(t F frl rd2F\ -aar\N U rnZ(J rh ^zaFqAEt. . ?; =F<o <ia{r.1 ca r+ + rr-t \o \o F r- 0o 0o ?6Fn'rz !tF!tvttlsc)oe EEitIE...!nlu4 tr $-FH H3aZNS(a I gE,asrrrEHFEFFg5g F^ E FEffigE FF**=i*i*EiFs* & sHgF$senggFE z, ''Grettrl HrtYz *I vo ze =tt.:, ax5lrl r,r t.. bE "lA FF T3r J,2 gIH T5 frEx Fi x:! HH 3EF O6 EAz gqlE tsEFir !F; Fg ;;HEH HH AA FEz za dd E22 e2 >,2 dFF 5s Jl\FFI FI< TIE I IIer EEt-.\4 ca tt Ftsf. 99 a art-nE9>z 8f;tsyR'5itsivai 1nE> -trflz s F-6tm('tt!tvtg\oFF t! z at, II1d o -t z o oo rot\o CD rt)cY (a ro$ l[5loY vr@ if,o 183 IF(rll!- O 188 ltO tbEo6 -uJ -*x! t- \tct o) C\lv sFP t uJ3oIIJ FPEEf, $R(o : =oot J =Il'. d) : EF @ E, r.u cl) a N FoH'-v uJ E)J<ItrO-n ll tl =FoI Ir!o- too l! H;3r .{ .> r_d-Yo:t 6H+963 II UJo.t ) J(r, uJ IJJE() z.o() F3 5z o@c/,E "+ru3>9ro!E7=(f,i;<< EE=v)=-,w 4v,zin'o5 :JE<59H Atola-ECD Technicat Data Cut-awav view (left sidej Left view Front view Draft hood Boiler well for capillaries Transformer lgnition control 24V gas valve Burner manilold Boiler supply waler lYt' (water flows out) ;EE'tiE 891e 120V power in 120V 4A max. output to pump 24V thermostat 24V venl damper connection Boiler return walet l!a" (water flows in) r9.?5_ {5021 Boiler electrical reouirements are 120V. 60 Hz. less than 124 Max. pumo amoeraqe is 44. Use field suoolied relav tor DumDs over 4A. 7 Model AGA inpul CGA inpul DOE heating capacity CGA output width Vent Conn. "B@ Gas Conn. Water Conn. Cast lron S€ctions Burners Water Content Weight AFUE'Steady Slate Etficiency ECD.65 65,000 Btu/h 19 kw 53.950 Btu/h 16 kW 350 mm 14' 5"1%"2 9-9 llr 2.6 USG 106 kg 233lbs 43.70/o 83% ECD-80 80,000 Blu/h 23 kW 66,400 BtL/h 19 kW 350 mm 14- 5 h"1Y4'e 2 9.9 ltr 2.6 USG 106 kg 233 lbs 83.5%83% ECD-100 100,000 Btu/h 29 kW 83,000 Btu/h 24 kW 450 mm 1734" 6"1A'11A"4 13.2ltr 3.5 USG 130 k9 285 lbs 83.5%43"/" ECD.1 15 1 15,000 Btu/h 34 k\i\L 95,45O Btu/h -lgkw 450 mm 17y; o h'1Y4"4 13.2 ltr 130 kg 83.5%83"/. ECD-140 140,000 Btu/h 41 kW 1 16,200 Btu/h 34 kW 550 mm 213A- 7''h'1U;'5 '16.5 ltr 157 kg 83.5%a3.k 1y;5 16-5 ltr 4.3 USG 1s7 kg 345 lbs 83.40/"83% 45 kW 38 kW icu lltnl 213/'," 7' ECD-180 1 BO,OO0 Bru/h 52 kW 149,400 Btu/h 44 kW 654 mm 25%' h 1Y4"6 5 26.8 ltr 7.1 USG 192 kg 423 lbs 83.2"/o 83% ECD-200 200,000 Btu/h 58 kW 166,000 Btu/h 48 kW 654 mm 25% 7')t'1Y4"26.8 ltr 7.1 USG 192 kg 423 lbs 83.0%83"/. - With vent damper and intermittent pilot ignition kW figures are approximate All sizes available with propane gas. For net IBR rating divide output by 1 .1 5. Electrical reouirement.120V. 60H2. less than 12A Before operating lhis boiler/burner unit, make sure you f ully understand its melhod of operation. Your heating contractor should always perform the initial start-up and explain the system and the need lor regular inspection and mainlenance. The installation must contorm lo the requirements of the authority having iurisdiction or, in the absence of such requirements, to the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223.1 (latest edition). ln Canada follow CAN/CGA-B149.1 or .2 Installation Codes (latest edition). These instructions must be placed in an envelope and affixed to the boiler. Boiler handling The boiler is shipped on a wooden pallet in a cardboard crate. Crate and wooden pallet must be removed. Vent damper is shipped separalely. Boiler locatlon - Minimum clearances to combustibles (all measurements from boiler enclosure) Left side: Right side: Front: Top: Rear: Floor: 150 mm (61 25 mm (l'J 150 mm (6'J 450 mm ( 18'J 25 mm (l') Non-combustable. Above clearances apply to all ECD boilers. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8a557 970-479-21,38 DRB Fee .Oo InveaEigacion> will ea11----> TOTAL FEES. - - > DEPARTMEIfl| OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEI{IT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E00-011L llob Address: L722 GENEVA DR Location. . .: 1-722 GENEVA DR Parcel No. .: 2L03-1-23-I2-047Project No. : PRir99-0019 APPLTCANT WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 4995, VAIL, CO 81558 CONTRACTOR WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 4995, VArL, CO 81558 OWNER LATDI,AW WA,LT L81- WALNUT TREE LN, AQUONE NC 28703 Description: electrical FOR NSFR Valuation: 35,000.00 r*t*r*rrite*ar***i*1********** FEE SWMARY Eleetrical--- > Status...: ISSITEDApplied..: 06/L6/2000Issued...: O6/28/2000 Ercpires - - : L2 /25 /2000 Phone : 970-949-6]-5l. Phone: 9'70-949-6t6L 141.00 ToLal calculatsed Fee6- - - > AddiEional Fees- ------ -- > Total Peloit Fee--------> Payments - - - - - - - - 144 - 00 .00 144. OO 1,44 . OO BAIANCE DI'E- - - - .OO .00 3.00 144.00 ITCM: OSOOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEI{T DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:06/1.6/2000 JRM ACIJ-ON: APPR APPROVEDITbM:. O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEI'TT DCPT: FTRE DiViSiONI06/L6/2000 Jwt Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION FTELD INSPECTTONS ARE R.EQUIRED TO OF APPROVAI, CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIiICE. DECI.ARATIONS I heleby acknowledge that I have read Ehis application, fil1ed out ln full the infor.llat'lon r€quir.d, corq)Lets.d an accurate plot p1an, and state thah all the infornalion prowided a6 required iE correct. I agree to coEply l{itsh tshe information and ploc plan, !o coru'ly wifh all Torn ordinances and state lawe, and Eo build this slructure according Eo Lhe Town's zonlng and gubdivi5ion code€, design revi.ew approved, Uniforn Building Code arrd oEher ordinanccE of tshe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAjJI BE I4ADE TI{ENTY.FOUR HOI'RS IN ADI,}I{CE BY rt * * * * * *rl * * * *rl rl* + a,l ir,r * * * rl rt * * * * * t a * * **+ ** tr* * * * * * * t i * * *tt:lt * a a I I tl* I TOIIN OF VAIL, COIORADO Statemrt * * * * *:l !l * * * * 1* * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * *:l * * + rt * I * r * * ** * t f * tl il *rt I i ii t t t ** * * * Statennt Number: RBC-0547 Anrount:144.00 05/2s/oo 09222 Pa)ments lt{ethod: CK Notatlon: S19251/WAGNER EL, Inlt: L,C Per lit No: Pareel No: gite Addre66: LocatLon: This Payment Account Code De8cription 144 . 00 144 .00 .00 Anount 141 .00 3.00 800-0111 T)De: B-ELEC BLECm,ICAIT PERMIT 2to3-123 -12-O4'l 1722 GENEVA DR 1722 GENEVA DR Total Fees: 144.00 Total ALL PmtE: Balance : *****ll**rt**tl**rr**!t++*+i+*******ttt*++**++*+*+*t*a*************** EP OO1OOOO31].14OO ELECIRICSL PERIT{IT EEES WC OO1OOOO3]-128OO I{ILL CAI,I, INSPE(TION FEE Se nt I WAGNER; ) '{liPllfiYt75 S. Frontrge Rd- Yril, Calondo !1657 By:970S494339;Jun-14-00 8:08AI;o TOT IE ACCEPTEO IF IXGOHPLETE OR Uf,SIGIIID Froirct #: ErdrtrgFaurft#:ElgclrblFqnt*:glr0,{5r9-2:Le (rrFe-frrql.) ew-D rlI Pege | /1 APPIICATI o ofr wlt|- i I I i r "r'r'..4......t.....i....-.a.t..r...FCIR OFFTCF lrllE OtLYr..-..r.lar.rta.. aatt..rrr.t... r..lartat rt&{ Parccl # (lcquirud ltno btds. a 1"T' hut'*' 4as)c*an JobAdd'€'* / ? z Zeepsyz *rus tegalpesctiptbn I Lc/Z lBbck lFturg: _ l*rwrwrieilffirj*- a*o strrc:r4f1j , qvc IG:Phone: ErBineer:Addrcss:PttqE: Detaitsd descripdon of work CMly'eT€ trtecli\ Wqkclass: *wO{ Addirh( ) R€rmdd( ) Repatr( ) T€rnpFoler( ) drer( ) wortTypq tlpriort ) E(Grbr( ) Bdt nb( ) ]lFd,BUs.: s-rdl|elrltfil u+tr( ) ir$tunty( ) Ccrllr:ric( ) R..trrrr( )drfa t -- No. of Ebting Ufldllng Units in tiF buiUirE: / Is tnis perr$t for a hd tub: yes ( 't No (,o Dea FreAlarm hH: YC( @ilPLETE SQ- EET FOR' tEW Blrlt-6 rnd YATUATIOIS FOR Al|' OTI{RS (f.Dor a irrutlr) nuoum oF sQ Fr Ir sTRTJGTURE: 3 2q/ELsCTRrCAtVAuATrOrrt: + 3€,4p ? @T|TRACTm'IilFORIIATIOT Elccthl Contncm ty'4awrl a/srrtzz -7ttt Torn qf Vail Rag. No.:224-€Contactaffl Phoru ft: Ftauft/aat*- ?(? -6/6/ CooEcbr ggnafure: F:/€Ey|r|qrtontq4elltlr f'* TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970 -479-2L38 APPLIESI\ T CONTRACTOR OUINER Elect'lical - - -> DRE Fee IltweEt j,9at i on > wilI call- -- - > TOTAL F'EES... > 'Job Address: 1722 GENEVA DR Location. . .,: 1722 GENEVA DR Parcel No. . : 21-03-t23-L2-047 Projecr, No. : PRJ99-00L9 I{AGNER ELECTRIC, INC.P.O. BOX 4995, VAIL, CO 8L658 WAGNER ELECTRIC, INC.P.O. BOX 4995, VAIL, CO 8l_658 I,AIDLAW WAIT 18r_ WALNUT TREE LN, AQUONE NC 28703 Status...: fSSUEDApp1ied..: 03/20/2000Issued...: 04/03/2000 E>q)ires. . : 09/30/2000 Phone: 970-949-61-6L Phone z 970-949-6L61- Valuauion: DEPARTME}TT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAT PERMIT Permit #: E00-0024 Description: ELECTRIC FOR NEW SFR FEE SI'I4MA.RY 00 141 .00 -oo .00 3.00 144 .00 144.00 .oo 144 - OO 144.00 -00 Total calculared Fees---> Addi,cionaL Fees----- ---> Total Pereit, Pca--------> PayEenta-------- BAIANCE DUB.---- **i**l*tttl*1** ITEM: O5OOO EI.,,ECTRICAL DEPARTIIE}M DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: O3/20/2OOO KATHY ACIiON: APPR APPROVED PER.KWrEqm:'.05500 FIRE DEPARTT{ENI Dept: FIRE Division:03/20/2000 KAT'Iry Action: AppR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknosledge that' r have read th16 appLicaeion, filLed ouc in fu11 the infornation lequircd, coEpleted an aecurate plot plan, and Btate that. all the infomacion provided as requiied i6 correct. I agree Eo coEply lrith the information and plot plan, to conply lriEh all Tolrn ordinances and stsate lai's, and to build thi.s structure according Eo thc Toqn's zoning and subdiwision coder, deaign rewiew approved, Uniform Building cod€ and other ordinancee of, the Tonn applicable thcreto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIAIJIJ BB MADE fWENIY_FOT'R HOURS TN AD'VANCE BY v **t*tt**ttt**a****tt!lt*t**i*tttl***tt**t*.lt*++trltt*:r**rt**+**rl!t** TOI{N OF VAIIJ, COLORADO Statenrrt *l*t*i:l**t*trr****!l*****************tt*****:l**t******a**+*.1,1*a*+a Statemnt Nnmber: REC-0512 Atnount: 144.oO o4/O3/oo !2tO2 Pa)ment Method: 18954 Notatlon 3 WAGIiIER BIJEqrRIC Init: iIN 800-0024 Type: B-ErrBC EITEqTRICAL PERMTT 2IO3 -L23-L2- 047 1722 GENEVA DR 1722 GENSVA DR . Total Fees: L44.0O Total ALIJ PmtB: 144 . 00 1,!4 . 0O Amount. L41.00 3.00 Perflnlt No: Palce]. No: Site Address: IJocation r T'tris Palment Balalrce : ****|lt*ll************rrtt*t*************a**tl*,1****ti*****ir**rlti** Aceount code Descriptiou EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELEqTRI CA]. PER!4IT FEES wc 00100003112800 wrLlr cAril TNSPECTION rEE Sent By: $t^*", WAGNER; s70€I494339; ran-20-00 2i28P)li Page 1/1 tz-__. O t$l--gt vArr,_cor'rRurrrorfflo& p'R,rtr*_ . ,_-_ panurr rpprTcATrox ioR{- - pLTqq _ool{.,, , DItrE' 417/?ea -eqci-o-dg,6 ADPLICATIOII }|l'St DE PIT,I.ED OUT CI('ITPIJSIELY ON IT MIIY NOT BA ACCEPTEDsl If *"* r'r' t'*tt*r t* l*ttr't' r* * *i p'ru{t r r,nlo*Ttolf r* *rrr rr. f rrrr*r r ****aiirr r iiunber of Dwell.lng Unltc:lrurDcr ef Acsorunodldlon UDr.tE: ItJP"u"t and fyp3 of Frreprar;eg: GaG Apprranceg.- caa rogr _ r{oodlpcrrot /F5*t*****t***r*t*tit**rt**r*.rt*r.a vJIrrtrTloNs r..fr*****r*...rrrrrr*rr*tr*rr,*rr,, duuDr$s: | -._ Er.Ecm,rcAr.,thm, o,T[ER:|PrJ,urBrNG: T:* uecnnnriaiifr tranr".. ----. r. 4f /F, i ttt* r* * * rri*i*t * *ar7 iienerol Contrqctor: I I I)Iunblng Co[traetorI .'lddrosg: ,lc.:han{cal qontraotor :i,ddrecgs * ntt*lll*tat*taa*tt*ri*rta*lrrat*. I::iII,DING pERllIT FEE: ,,'UT.IBINC P8RilItr FEE:J]:CHA$Tq3L PERI.IIS FEESi:.I,EGIRfCAL FFE: OI-IIER IYPE Otr. FEEsI'riB FE8: il.i{ tt colftRf,croR rNron}|&lroN rr* * *r-. r*r.r* * * *lr r. r*f ir Tom of vqll Phone Nunber: Town of Vall Phone Nubberr Reg. No. Tosn of Vall Raq, lfo.Phqno Nunborr - -=....-.:lon (,lFrcE usE rr*****rrr.t****rr*rr.tr*r*rta, BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK TgE: -P_!!l!Pnro FIArf cxscK FEE: IIECTUNTCTL PIAN CffECI( Fir:.RECREttrott rcnEr CI.EAII-UF DEPosIIIt TOTAL PERIIIS P8E8: BUI&DTNCt SICNITIUhET t9Nllfor STGNATUIEI [P Dgogrt tEmtD ro:$...* 110 4l7.z*{z__ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMIAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970-479-2138 APPLICANT CO}TTRACTOR ObINER JOb AddrESS: T722 GENEVA DRLocation...: a722 GENEVA DRParcel No. . : 2L03-L23-L2-047Project No. : PR,f99-0019 LORTON PLIJMBTNG INCORPORATED LPI PO BOX 3635, EAGLE CO 81631 81631- LORTON PLI]MBING TNCORPORATED LPI PO BOX 3635, EAGLE CO 81631 81631_ I.iAIDI,AW WALT 181 WALNIIT TREE LN, AQUONE NC 28703 Phone: 970-328-5900 Phone: 970-328-5900 DEPARTMEIiTT OF COMMI]NIT"Y DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBTNG PERMIT Permit. #: P00-0034 Status. . Applied. Issued. . E>cpires. ISSI'ED 0s / 03 /2000 05/os/2000 LL/ 01,/2000 Descrj-ption: INSTALL COMPLETE PLWBING SYSTEM Valuation:25, 000 . 00 FBE SWMARY *a***+r**r***t* Pludll'inE-----> PIan check- - - > InveBtigation> wilL call----> Restuarant. Plan Revie*- - > TOTAL FEES.---. .total calculated F6eE- - - > Additional Fee€---------> Total Permig Pee--------> Pa).mentE &AINNCE DUE.... 375.00 93.75 . o0 3.OO - oo 474 -'75 47I -75 . o0 47L.75 471 .75 .00 Item:05100 os / 04/2000Item:05600 os / 04/2000 BUILDING DEPARTMENTKATTIY ACIiON: APPR APPROVEFIRE DEPARTI{ENTKATHY ACTiON: APPR N/A BUILDING Division: F rK.U lJ1VLSl_On: Depts: PER T(WDepL: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIT{CE. DECI,ARATIONS I heleby acknowledge hhaE I hawe tead thiE appticat.i.on, fiIled ouf in full che infolination required, completed an accuraEe ploc plan, and atate Ehac aLl Eh6 infonratsion provided as required is correct- r agree to comply lritsh Ehe lnformat.ion and plot. plan, to coltply with all Tolrn or.dinances alrd siate la$s, and Bo build ghis struccure accolding to the Town,s zoning and subdivj.sion codes, deeign rcwiew approved, Uniforh Building Code and other ordinances of the REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIL BE MADE TWnIIIY'FOUR HOURS IN AD'\ANCE BY applicalle theret'o. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER rowN oF VAIL, coLoRADO Statennt !r * !rr * I *:a * + * * * !r tl* ** * * * * it | * tl * *a ** * ** ** * * * * **:r!r ** * t * * ** t i +rl rl* * t!t * * gtatemnt Nunber: REC-0524 Amount: 47L.75 05/05/00 L3:49 Pa)ment Method: 3543 Notation: IORTON PLITMBING Init: Jt{ P00-0034 Tlpe: B-PITMB PLIIMBII{G PERIT{IT 2ro3 -r23 -y,2- 041 1722 GENEVA DR 1?22 GENSI'A DR Total Fees: , 47L.75 Total A.L,L Pmts: Balance: 471, .75 47L.75 .00 Arnou]lt 375 . 00 93.75 3.00 o Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addresg: Location: TblE Paytlent * * * * *** * * * * * r * * * t* * * rf* * * tt * t ** * * it ** i*** ** * * * * * * * * *:rra * * rt a * ** * * rt * * * Account Code Deecription PP 00100oo31112oo PLU!,IBING PERMIT FBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AII CIIEEK FEES WC OO1OOOO31].28OO WILL CAIJIJ INSPEETION FEE AppLrcATroN l. not BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEr] unsrcnio Project #: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Ircpections) NVt{uvvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Conad As*ssors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) rob Name: LNb\A\\ R=srtrsc=-'t?95"'Ge*evA. De,-. LesatDescription ll iot' 1Q ll arocr., ll ririns'Subdivision : l-4 lrreqVfoel owners Name:;\qg5 t5,1.,'Nil ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: -- $S-TAL-\- Cosr\qrLgs€- .Pco@. Type of Bldg.: Single-family $Q Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) trto $4 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (l.abor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ 23, OOO.oO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: LDRTbN ?t-or,+Br$rr,TcJ,c,, Town of Vail Reo, No.:'z-53:P Contact and Phone #'s:€su Locq.ct\ 3Z8-5qoD Contractor Signature:-ffi ffi- ******************************'r********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* F/everyon{forms/plmbperm ,fu]'n-As/:/ TflntFi:my HOW DID WE RATE WrrH YOU? Town ofVail Survey Community Development Deprtnent Russell Fomst Director,. (970)4n.213e Check all that applies. 1. Which Departren(s) did you contacP Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC no one avdlable ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped?_ 4. Was your prolect reviered on a tmely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate tre performance of tre sffiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knou/edge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of fre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nsrttime? Thank you for taking the fme to complete this survey. We are commified h improving our service. R6que3tad Inspcst D.t€;' lnsp€itlon Arca; Slb Addrosr: TYp.: szu,LD Occupciry: 0007 s{"t'oatoberoE' 2oo{ I72T GENE\{A DR VAIL t722 Gcncv. Drlve AIP/Dhllrfi|tton ActMtvi 8990086 ConrtTwi:Priisl: 21031231204? A$f,Ucsrf RXDCrffiador: RKD Sub Tvpe: U'sr6: Plrcoa: Pl*ncl NSFE VN g',to-47F.9r,28 97&476-9228 ISSI.ED CD Stdus: hcptuea: Doccftdlont$6c. Iwtlc€ l lotce lnarlracl lol r*rcncc on thc DRB apFqv.d Rcougrbd |n|scc0gn(sl fiem: Fequodoc Ar'llgncd To: Ac0on: lbml Rcque$r: Coflmenls: A$lg[ledTo: AcfDn: 539 PW.FIML RKD, tt,'C. ulll calt Jack Sl$3231 or Ron 39O5837 LSAI.IDOVAL Tlma Exp: R$ouerted Tlm6;' Phone: EntrFd Ey: -) \-..-_\_1--./ Requ$sbd Tlme: 08:{S All' Phone: 9il}4ZF9228 Entercd qf FRONf K 03:00 Atu 970'47fi-9428 FRO}IT K lnsprcug$Hlr8 l!rm: flX R r-T€rnD.acccarrdrrlflamhm: 502 P1,\r-Rouohqa6bm: 5(F PtlY-FFotffirrrrvqrNdehm: 10 BlD$FooilnollStdef(W2399- hrD.cbr: JRlt, Ac{on: DNDENIED Cofi|rrs$&: codfeucanc.led 08f30EEl Corxngnts:093&s co|rillant3: ozt'ntm CommcfltB:M|11tfi Conrnr€ntD: 068900 Coflmant*: .J, ,Apr$rn?'f [PNIlst) hl!.cbr JRU Ar'Ion: PAPARTIALAPPFOVAL PART1AL AIsPROVAL UPPERlnroiori JRM A$oil: COCERTIFICATE OFOCCUFAiCY ADbTL COTfiIS. I.IALFFELD STAT'FEDPL4IW DO }IOT REFLECT TIY}IAT,S BEhIG g.'ILT In.p.c.bl; JRTi Acdon: PAPAfiTIAL APPROVAL AFPRO/EDAL FOOTERS Efr$.cbf: JRM Acdon: C,oCERTIFICATE OFOCCT PAAICY ADDTL COMUS. EXCEPT FOR GAFAGE FOOTERS frlspocbr: JRll Ac0on: PAPARTIILAPPROVAT PARTICL APFR FOOTIlt|c}Shif.cior: JRM Actbn: COCERTInCffE OFOCCUPATICY O0mr: LfiDLAWWALT: tl€w SF ftsrlllfi{. drchsd oar€oe: PIIU APPROVED TCO ONLA. &}1.T}1 . LSANMVAL: tlnll €hv&r aDorovrl oo.|hfit $r fiL - CDAVLS: An addnioill lLC shafi !o riqulrd orlor to TCO drrcc soft. bulklins hrbff dftrcnsbrF a.6 ba6cd upon lk|!l grad€. .Th. |]a F qrilo{t b_{ ft b.r. oi 8r€ slri! $!gr rvhere |ftn ds th€ garags bclow. Thb loc!0on lt BLDC-FlndCfi) REPT131 Run Id: 991 10-08-2001 ?O BLD(iForinrbuDrrstesl "" ApF,rov€d ''' CrgrlslJt lmpector. LO Acti,)il: PA PAftTlAl- AFFRCVAI.. Commanrs sauth q$aq8 .nall 09/t*!'i}$ tn*oedor: " CrD Adt(}n: rl() CERTIFILArH OF $C{.:UPA}JC'i f,:ornmsnt$: ADbTt CtiliMS - r€rrlsad (lrsrtln0 rocbvefi p?ovluc i{.?ifir li) 0pf,rovbitrom S'ft?UC 3rrE. |n rcgards to co{(l lolnlq in loundstlon r€ll1t!?ft99 h$paclix: JRM &:lkn: Ccl L:.F;RTIFKATE OF filcctJpANCYgommerits ADDTL CDMMS - ReAR PARTTAL B,ILI.$ {Sfi.,TH! ! oi2fi99 InEDeclor: JfiM Arlhn: PA FARTIAL ApF,R0\iAL UorFments' PAh TlAl- SECTnU A 11.r21;gn |nsrrector' CD Comm€r)tl: ?Nf) LlFf SOUTH WILL Acllon' PA PARTiAL AFI-*,ROVAL Ac.don: AE)FF AFPF{I{/ED -FasA1F Ccmments. rli i 1:.'t$ Inspaclor ,lRM(;on:npr.ts. ADDTI- COMlriS - LIFT 1:j21,99 lnspeclor: GEG rr.iF6nls. FAF $- '.11,'ALL. 191:. @ ENDS $'ii 1iljt'O Inss€clot ,lRM i.Cikrfi,iC Ce RT|FI':AT[ Olr (.^rCCllFF.l'lCY IiOLITh MIDITLE "#*;'il] Fffir"*ffavrD3Rn 7A{ion\rA.f}'?rl}$qc'i',rr O'1,18,'OC lnipecrcr. .tRM / fulefr.Ystrdornnens.LEN|EDNCTREiDy I L I 0112f,''ir0 Insgoclor JRl"t \-j:*Xlon: irA PAR i:omnbnu; FAR] lAl_ 36'pp6t7gQ ALl. Ots' ril*dRe,ircv0112f,''ir0 Insgoclor JRl"t \-j!Xlon: ,rA PAR I'{LiRP.RCVAL i:omnkrntsr FAR] lAl- AF'PROVEO ALI. OF' i I f /r/\ tlti?Oicto trrsp€cto{: JRltl A';ton: C{--! t:EETIrCATPOF C{iqkflDA}lCY Commer,tr: ADEtTt COMMS - THE SCTUTH El-EVAlIOll IVI,ALLSl COidPt-ETFn S(}UTH WALL.S ANLY O2l11i!O lrcDerlof JRM ArJrc,rt: Fo ?AtlTlAl- AFPROVAL Crnr!r€n|., APtrp0ygg SOUTH WALI.ARCI'J O2/1l/Ofl hsF.€..lor: .lFM A,!isrr' 'jO t;EF'TlFlL:A'l'E (:tF Ct.-.(:lJPAil.JY Comm€nts: A$\TL COMME - WALL.SiMrltlil.f*LrllFlfg',-;Ot'll Rr.cT'iFi $EEir CQFY OF nEM$iOtlS ON STFLIC TURAL CHAI'IGE E . C2,l:/80 i.lsp€clor: CD ,{r}rn ir.!. F/rFTLAI F.FF FCVAL Commeirts rr.dii '{all lst ttt! 03tt7'10 Insrleclol AR'l' fulicir. ;IFFF APP'QCVED CorFm€nt^t. UFp€rHw6ll lsr llll 0311?r0{r lnsi?ector JFili Af.iorr. PA P.\Ril.r,L APPROV.qL COMMEITb: APFR I.IFPER hIC'RT1{ WALLS C3l ?lclt] lnsD€ctar:- "JRM A!:rion. CO CER'i-FcAf€ ilF O{:iUPAllCY e{f,nmer.t$. ADDTL COrIldrS ^]Ni) i.lFl rhh..t l'f}|^f, cHlMliEYO3tr}fij tnso+rlor:,' GRg' ..'--l: {"{. .-f -A;uo+r..'Aj5PR A})PPnv[D cDmryl€nrs. I S. uPcEt WALL$. -iRP'L1frT, 0.1i,{'Ili}O'J0$p€ctor:. ARI r \ ' i. , lr;tion: CO CERIIF|C.ATE NAIL€i O}J ROAOC-qUSIM; N.AT TIRES O6,'0 I rr{,l tnsgBctgr: "lF.!ul .l.ctjon . Prl. p^fiTlAl. AiTPfIOVAL COMMENIX, PARTIAL WALL GN GF.'IASE tl7/0;'i Co ln$o€ctor: -rRlrl 44: on: co r:Fli flF[ATE OF cCi;UpANgY Comm6nts' ADOTL COtlMS ' REAURE tETTgR FRCtlt Ft'rGlhtF"ER CN Rt\4$lCN$ ilN SOLTS UISAGE,PLATES hIOT UST.T, Ofi EMBEI]OEIJl7!n?!ffi lns)€clur JRM iirjiori' PAPAET|Ai-APF{IOVAL C.rmmenic: PAHTIAL ApPROVE$ GAft.A$E*7!143} ln3p€ctor: ISRG Act$on P4 pAli. fiAL ApPRlf\rA.L|:omffonls: STAIP\ff"qY & SLF.VA1r)R O7,/21iOO lnrF,actrr: JRlil Comnner)ir: .qFPF F|NAL PtlLrFi STAIR Ar'rJo?}: ..(FPR APP{I'J\rE[' ?F. F,PF}|itltEtr 0fo'*lillo InsD€rlo.;,lFhl ,rlirn€nl3. ADbTL r-:Ct MS occLJFrJ{cYUr-+Ul;lru nsp€elcif : ..rFitol --'ri - A{,U(}n. f,:LE{: uo{tirn€nrs. ADDTI- r-:Gt!n'ls -APFR,C:{)i{TRAiTOARE{)D t FLA''| D{J NC}T BLT}]K ACCESS TO PRIVATE fifif'/f S.Ci,EAi.l UP LCNS]rrE i(;tjBoR cclMF!..AtlJED Ot- A(Iion: I.FFF APPRL\VEC} Acli$n, APPR AFFIIO'I/ED arlion itil DEr.ilED tt71?14]') lr$I*r'.i.or: JRM Ai:Uon: C.() C[FiTiFlQATll nF OCf;.UFANfY Commsnt$ AL)nIL ODMM$ " AI"JD ELnV/\I'ORtl6m: 5m PLAlt..lL C Sila Flari " A.ijprovBd'" 1t)/20;iti, {rr*t)$ctor: rc Ai.t|nn Pq FARnAL AFFRCIA'". Commehls: F€ruat fLC loi hortgc *nl',. Ok l4 iJ$ fmmrng irrsp*ctir:n .:,r hlruie. cieratJB iind corln€ction nc{ co tplela r:o€d fitK'loeiiLLolri'i"Jt lnsD&ctDr: Essros Actlon, tiN DEI'l€tr Commerrlsi Stalr tov$6r inlorrn;tlgn nrust bs riclud€d on ffle lLC. U?iz| tQ1 hrjiF€clcr: Gcorq.l Item: 30 BLDC-Fr?rnriru Aptnrvd * 'l[r/ 1Bl,]O InsDer-{r'r: cdaiiii rsn*r:i -Run Id: 991 "Ifa*l-- -q" - t€AD tEtGfiT $t STAF TOVVER tS LESS TI4AN Atr |s SOi/rE LOCATIOI{$, COnRECTION S REAURED. FAI.IY STEET MEITBERSARE I$TCHEDTOACHIEVE THIS.I]IE STRI CTLTRAL EIIEINEER TftJST AFPRO\Gffi/l2/Ol trupodoc cdlyb Ac{ott: APAPPROVED CoMMTIE: EI{OSEER LETTER OF APPROVAL RECIE\IED gEE FU-E BLDG-hrt*rtlon 10t31/'m fpoodofi cdt\rtr Ac{on' prr PART1AL APPROVAL Comm€nt3: nnln howa mU. Inlpccfoil gp0royad 0n cor|dluon thst 1) rll 1t!0f Fropan bofiloe r€n('v.d from $ucfi$€ CTlCatJ 0t/tIE01 hisecbr:flir rnG: EXCEPT AFPROVAL ?6*r . . bm: 3{) lbm: 80 oonool ComSrbE:llrm: 7O BLDGMIiE. 'osbilrlo PYY.TET'P. CJO0&/ill/01 fisn€ciDr: l$ Commants: Tcb OllLY, fbm:lbf|: fianr: . :AcIiOn: AFAPPRO\IED ,+i.J ' ;t-";4156;' AppR ApPR6VED Comn|.|ss; 0E01/00 Conmont$: g) BLDClFln l5g' BLpGJ.r|P-CvO '".4proved "Actbn: APAPPROVED(n81/0f hED.cbc cdsYts mm€ntr: Pubflc'trbrt* &(o I rrqult.d fof firul rs, tfih TCO b good for 30 d.yr RdnrF.c[on t qnf.d 50a Comm€ntr: Pubflc sods agp(owt rrqukod tor llrr.l (.D, S1 N{ brrlkllngcotlS ltemohdw bocrr compht€d*App|orrted"' ninr 533 PLAt'}'TElilP. CIOItgt: 537 PLAII"FINALC/O "fuiqoltd* ! ,. . ,' * 08/31/ol lmr.cbr: ERENT Action. APAPPROVED 'Commitlts: LS'COi|PLETED - l lbm: 639 PllV+ttlAL Ci/O I I I 08,81/01 hcpo<tor: tS incdoh: S{ DENfpr';F) commdrrs: Tcb ohLY, CONTRACToR srn-i IEEDO To FF{9filICr'{lDgcAPltlG, Ml.JsT REllOvE TEttlP ELEC BOX AND F[.t D{TCH AttlD REVECTATEDI \q'-' rfiJsT pnwffi STAMPED DRAW|},'G FOjI RdTAtNTtJG WAIL OVEri 6 FT rN HEKII-|T BEHhD HOME ON SOUT}I SD€,irm: 5{l 8LDR.Fln.lC,1f,(Bn.VOl hcnrcior: CDAVIS Actlon: DN DEM€D C-ofi NCnt3: RJ3LIC lVOFfiS APPROVAL REOUIH?ED Arlbn: AP APPR(},ED AL COT$TRtJCT|oN RELATED MATERIALS i REi/|OVED FORM STRIJCTUREAtt IN$TALI. CAPON &1S TO B8A GRLL AD'UST SELF CLOShIG DOOfi AT GARAGE ADD STEP AT UPPER DECX OR INSTAT.I.. GUARORAL CLE r.lTllE MECFIAI{CAL ROOM CRAWLSPACE VENTN.ATION MUST BE OPEMTTONAL BA}fi 08|/01/ol lnrp.chrr: CDAVIS Action: APAFFROVED CoTTmoTTtT: PRO\NDE LETTER OF APPROVAL FROi, STRTJCTURAI ENGbIEER OF RECORD ALSO APPROVAL FCN iJOTCHII|IC} OF t3'Gt YO $ 1/6' Dil€NgtOiI IS REOUNED REPT131 Run Id: 991 iq' I .J:;-fit 1 i '"'.,'; I j *'. *!f ls. - iiii:?T ?fiiil- In*pgqunn rieqlre$t qeFtilrilu ' Paos 4 ..n ,, .L.,1$-?wr.-.j*-._- *..-...-*"ilJl,lL.Lil:--ifiHfl{-ftF. - i,:- : ' f - o3;' ' -qs Re+rrest+jln{Er}eli'jii*. rLidlrry.ArrgftslA}ri&)!ii ',' }, itlsp$L'tlo.r. frtr3: '3f, ' - ..t i il " ^_":*rrr,i rt"" $it'A:rri'.r'' iiri$flf,.{t,Xl;"oi'" r - . " -*el:l'i+ff'tl': lnffiffAr"o i** t r** !r:g::':ir' .s'$by,,.rr ris!"iF . 'uwr: rBSt,ED ': . ;jwffiffim#F;r*rrzc,?$.i dilf;rm-Tcr: rr'*'1 , , " t*' ui. ', '-' , rn*ptuer: cD ir ' . Fl}olKFntr: ntill t j!'rl.*r. : i.!-rbrt i'-rn;t1,,i,L| ; ' r:iCfrrucil*: "fifi$ irhtn*: 9'l|j|-4?i':r23S ': '$e*c{lt$rn t l** sF aA..4dhlq- auDt$irii !l6rir{+ : ' \' ;' ' t.ltsce : ft$d $l3ugkx ;lirtr,;at otrt:-.-tit*d ics tn+ - 'li)8'!'t?'f.lulke: ar, at{.tl$crut llt" *.1€ll be t*Ol,;h-$d D{kir ic' 1l'.S *lr"'i,.::i'r ., t:ultdtrrr; t,sillrl itl{{t{41nlot'6 s{,b b{tif,rl i{)on tnd , ' \ , ..!- \. .t&de, Tf.i tl.]& u, qlldkrn is af fi'? SasF l1t $4 ir.$f lri-.. rt'f,"jr':. ii:';igiiis t.h* qa{+Je t/oi'}}r Thi$ l6(aton hvP"- \ ir*.ttad k* rofuttr11:.1 oh fl!$ CfiE Fgty.)1,bn ptarr;;. . ,-iRi ji 4!i, R +{{rEstri(i InsE*40+hi t i ., , i ' n ,' -l- ../ -,,{ i+1i-rg1; y' d".. .. i'. -' f-+-5:t '1.- :''< 1;;:r."':' ;l'r ".i..lrtl i<..'.. .-t r'.1 ,.',','L.:!'t*, ,1, j, G" fle,p.,, l-. i :-f L.?!s !'rlr':4"!!tr'r,.ri: . i.lf'rq1.i, ,r,i.::. : :.,.j .i l'-. .r '1,"'; i.r.-,t {' : j-;r :. .r i .:l ,i .. r.iF r ' .r;. : , '-'..' 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"::! {,"ii{r,1l r,::t ,'.:.:..i.,: .tr j!(,i, "i:',i!.:,llit[.:ri,'.iiif" Llb-l- ]I. f*:',lj;cn; J'#,;""''' *; ;-;;';" ' lVltUgtE Ir!.J, li.'..j ll+i: .:. , iu riiri -n$fis!rr'. cditv's ,*c,tin: Dli D&NIED nl|Ir Cofnrn fiB: [.C raquFcd rrd aDgroird o|lnbdd tn€chqrtsBl wrk'murt bi comohf and krtoecled Tht contrcb'Ron'notllrd bv fione 1d18/00loEgoo In8qccbr: hm Actbn: Pl P RTIAL $I'SPECTION COInil''IIIS: PARTIAL FKATM|G APFROVED, AFFROI/ED I{OIJS€ ONIY.WTTH COfiRECTIOi.IS SECIfiE STEEL BEAil *{ CNAWL SPiCE,HAN- PITTES AS NEEtrD, LETTER FfiOM STRI..,CT EIIGSEER ON tlOTCHff'G I 1 f!rclEs OFF OF 18 lifCH CLU LAll T PPER UYEST WhDCl/y l*!, BA0.I((got€l l]lrD.cbn CDAVIS - Ac0o{r: AP APPRO\rED COMTTENr': FR(n,EE LETTEROFAIOPROVAT FROI'' STRIJCTURAL E[\'GI}GER OFRECORDASO AFPROVAL FOR r{OrcH}|G OF ly GL TO I ritr Dn Er.t$foiil$ REQUREO }EAD T€IGfrfT hI STAfr TffVER IS LESS TFNN dlF ls SOi'E LOCATKITS. CORREGTION TS REOLnED. F Al.lY STEEL HEUBEFS ARE IbTCHED TO ACHEVE T|{S.11G STRI CnnAt E}fiThEER Iil.'ST APPROI/E REPT131 Run ld,r 905 - ._- -! --. -.-. --i---rl--.-! \ j I t Incpccilon Reque*t tcm: 5o BtDGlnsu$on 1O31;tD |rEo.c*o.: crbvh Acton: PA PARTIAL AFPROVAL Commont3: mcin hou.e ordy. hlFcfbn ryflw.d on condlthn lhat l) s0 ltiot prop.lF boiilG lsttord to,tl $rucftl'€ 2) qDod and hgrrlroon h .emo\,cal lrom ur{tsrncath t|c hearfi 5hb al Up tear: 60 Eloesheetod( f.Ll| * AlDrov€d " Ol/Daol h.Dccto{: cdctr{6' Acthn: NF}.IoTRFADYFORINSPECTKIN Comm3nb: COTTTRA|eTOR RESCHEDITL€D FOR TOrArOFlRoYtf Cotrsrnnls: cdovb Adhr: APAPPR0\,EI TETTER OF APPROVAL RECIEVED S€E FILE MAD€.ALL CIEyzu/ol [lcgiDctof: (JuAvts Acuon j CmTrnenIE: STAR TOYI/ER ONIY EmtEE*sfrEt'/ ON ALT CONIgTRI,CTION RELATED T/NT' i REIICA/EDfORM STRUCTURE r'REriicA/EgFORM RtAt-s BBAGRLL ol/{Bth lEg.ctoi: cDAfrlS CdwnonE: EXeEPTGARAGE E COflRECTIONS AT THE UND€RSID€ OF THE FIP i,IANTLE l-tA\lE BEEN MAD€ALL COI'BUSTIBLE }ilATERIA,I.S I.IA\E BEEN REIilCruED G/zOO,! lnrocclor: CDAVIS Adhni AFAFPRS/ED IcTbN; PA PARTIAL APPROVA [||n: 70 BLDc-f||lrc. " Aoorod * 0901/00 lnspeclof: GRG Act'ton' AFPRAFPROVED Commrnts: STRUCruRAI EI"ABS... 09I,1/0O lruD.dor: GRd Acfou COCERTIFICATEOFOCCIJPAI.ICY COIflflTNI$: ADDIL COI,IMS - STRIJCTRAL SLABS AT UPFER LEVET FIREPTTCE AI'ID I(ITCHEN, i.m: !D BLD.o,Ftnr, REI-IFORCEMENT WAS AS P€R EII@|IIEERESTRUCTRAI DRAW].IOS. Unr: E99 9!:Dgl-_T€!ap.cro tr It m: SilZ PW-TEfjPrQOt n ffi s:Xi PLAi+TEMP: CJOthm: ql7 Plll+Fll,lALC,O rllar: 630 PUY-FtIALOOi \- ltrm: 540 BLDG]FinGl C,q\ \t 0€t2iry0t lns'Declor: CDAVIS Artion: DN DENIED cqnrmirr$ piJE[C'iuonrSeppnwru" REotriREd rLa ct atl PlJthfr\Shlc APPROVAL REOI nED.,/ \l\ t :A&'USTSELFCLOSFIGDOOff ATCAR,G,z./ ../ ADO STEP AT UPFER DECX OR NSTALL GUARORAd. - CLEA I Tl'G tlECl'lANlCAt RCClll{/ -/'(ILEAN IFE HE(:I'IANICAL ,lctclitl./ /'- CRAUI'LSPrcE VENTAITK'N MTJST BE OPERATIOI.IItr ':. \ BE$cw! A\lNt$l; - REPT131 oa Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Laidlaw Residence Project Description: Minor change to color scheme Owner, Address and Phone: Walt Laidlaw ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: RKD, 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3D, Vail, Colorado 81657 Project Street Address: 1722 Geneva Drive Legal Description: Lot 10, Matterhom Village Filing #1 Parcei Number: 21 03 1 23 12047 BuildingName: Cornrnents: Due to apparent inconsistencies in the proposed concrete stain, smooth polished concrete (without the stain) will be accepted. Board / StaffAction Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date:9110199 F /EVERYONE|/DRA/APPROVAU99/ Action: Staff Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 oo Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Laidlaw Residence Project Description: New Single family residence Owner, Address and Phone: Walt Laidlaw ArchitectiContact, Address and Phone: RKD, 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3D, Vail, Colorado 81657 Project Street Address: 1'122 Geneva Drive Legal Description: Lot 10, Matterhorn Village Filing #l Parcel Nrunbe r: 21 03 123 12047 Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Bill Seconded by: Clark Vote:3-l (Hans) Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Dste:412U99 F:/EVERYONEiDRB/APPROVAU99/ Board / StaffAction Action: Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $200.00 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colora.do 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 6, 1999 Jack Snonr RKD 1000 Lionsridge Loop, Suite 3D Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: laidlaw Residence oaqr Dear Jack, I have completed a preliminary review of the proposed Laidlaw residence located at 7722 Geneva Drive/Iot l0 Matterhmn Village #1. Upon completion of my review, I have determined that there are several issues which need to be addressed on the plans. The purpbse of this letter is to provide you with a list of issues which must be addressed on the plans prior to final DRB review. Please resolve the followins issues: L The roof over the main building is over on allowable building height by approximately four inches. 2. Please provide a snow storage area on lhe property out oftbe right ofway. The size ofthe snow storage area shall be at least equal to 35% of the surface area of lhe driveway.3. Please submit an outdoor ligbting plan and lighting fixlure specifications.4. Please submit a detailed exterior building materials sample board for review by the DRB. 5. A limit of site disturbance line shall be indicated on the plans and delineated in the field with a construction fence. Again, each of the items listed above must be addressed prior to final DRB review. Final review is tentatively scbeduled for Wednesday, IMaich 3'd. To remain on the March 3d meeting agenda each of the issues must be resolved by no later than Tuesday, February 23'd. If you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2145. Sincerely, fJryR,*t*-t George Ruther Senior Planner Town of Vail APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD D^rEt 'tltlqS {gr*urr^ro PrAl.lNER-3.8r- Qucstions? | ttrc I'lar:ning Staffai 479-:l?8 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rwicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sce the submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd untit all thc requircd , infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environntcntal Contnrission. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpires onqycar aftcr final approval unlcss a buildingpermitisissucdandconsrructionisstartcd. " - (ftT q7 -- o o.l 1 A, B. c. D, E. PIfYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #. 2to7l7-?1La 41 (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: +1b,'7296 c. MAILINGAD VedL . czLo H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:p Ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa new building. $50 Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conuncrcial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvcments, zuch as, rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fenccs and retaining waus, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of subnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building permit. pleasc identifi' thc accuratc .raluation of thc projcct. ThcTown ofVail will adjust the fcc according to thc pro.icct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIL, COLORADO 81657. tr Addition - E Minor Altcration - .:Y 'i .!i o NUILDT.NG MATERIALS: ' Roof. Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sofllts Windows Window Trinr Doors ;-.ljoor I n lll lland or Dcck Rail.s Flrrcs Fl:rslr irrgs . unt rllncys Trash Enclcisurcs Grecnhouscs Rctainirrg tValls Extcrior Lighting*+ Other TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:+ srrA rN *;yazeT€ o?-.Da.P-- - +$4oof,$9TAIN P6R -t-YP ST*IN fi'P TTP f$t-trTe, &>4- - s$oorfh-{ Aefau e.-& PatNr -v4--PArNr|'t'aAr4 +{arTLl#-Al- nltfttrN 'q'#+b€: c+l+..6r8 + Aort-.D€F* ?a+ eL.*N i Please spccify lhe manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip *+ AII cxtcrior lighting ntust ureet thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc I 8.54,050(J). If exte rior [ighting is proposed, plcasc indicatc the nuntbcr offixhrrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identify cach fixhue type and provide thc hcight abovc grade. lunrcns outpirt, lunrinous area. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixhrss.- -' -- ---- "- - ' a Cetr*rP- Updated 6/97 o VI. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Rcvierv applications. approve with certain modifications. deny the application. or may refer the application to thc Design Review Board for dccision. All staff approvals are subjcct to final approval by the DRB. Thc following types of Dcsign Rerierv applications may . he staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with thc architcrchral design. tnaterials and colors ofthe building. and approval has been received by an authorized member ofa' condouriniurn association. if applicablc: B. Any application to nrodifu an existing Uuitding that does not significantly change thc existing planes of the building and is gencrally consistcnt with thc architecnual design. materials and colors ofthe. building. including, but not linrited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework. siding. ioof lnaterials. paint or stain,). cxtcrior lighting. canopics or arvnings. fenccs, antennas. satellite dishes. rvindorvs, skylighrs. siding. rrrinor cornurercial facadc improvcnrcnts. and othcr similar modificationsl C. Anv application lbr site inrprovements or modifications including. but not limited to. driveway modifications, sitc grading. sitc rvalls, rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping. installation of acccssory structures or rccreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. lfthis application requires a separatc review by any local. statc or Federal agency other than thc Tou'n of Vail. thc applicarion fce shall be incrcased by 5200.00. Examplcs of such rcvicw. may includc. bttt are not limited to: Colorado Dcpanmcnt of Highway Access Pcrmits. Army Corps of Enginccrs 4(X. etc. B. The applicant shall be rcsponsible for paying any publishing fecs which are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If. at thc applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hcaring. causing the matter to be re-published- thcn the cntirc fcc for such re-publication shall be paid by thc applicant. C. Applications dccmcd bv the Commturity Devcloprncnt Departmcnt to have design. land usc or other issucs rvhich may have a significant impact on the community nray require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a dctermination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is ncedcd, thc Conrmunity Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt may hire thc consultant. Thc Depaitmcnt shall cstinratc the amount of money necessary to pay thc consultant and this amount Shall be forwardcd to thc Torvn by the applicant at the tirne of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in cxccss of the amount forw'arded by thc application shalt bc paid to thc Town by the applicant within 30 dai's of notification by thc Town. Any cxcess funds will bc retumed to the applicant upon rwiew cornolction. Updated 6/97 : lm erwzz''?' o'"haop"T),*'r r rr".Io n,, F, z lr"r 6.,yca4 tznue This fornr is ro vg{fy scnricc avrilrbility rnd tocarion for new-construction urd shcutd bc ussd iD conjuncriontlith prgpacing youe utiliry ptan ane s.r,la.,ring iir"ii",i.rr.. n. r.*,ri" -J$t-uiiil y oru,ili,io. whcrhcr :,':3""1il1"Xfrilf 1',1;'o'n'onoscdlinos. il;;;;;;aan,r "iln,l ui 'r.'.orr",,i.s ur*iricr ror rhc oz U. S. Wch Comrnunicrtions . t-800.922_t 9t7 468.(1860 or 9494ii0 Public Scoicc Contrultv 9{9-J7t t Gnry Hail Holy Cross Elccrric Asroe. 9{e-st92 7cd Hus&y/John Boyd T.C.l. 9{9.55.r0 Floyd Salnzrr Eaglc Rivcr Wntcr & .Seniretion District . 47(\-74il0 Frcd Ffaslcc NOTES: Fill IHi;lfilt"ilL""ffiH:j:lttr: :1,1._ *oqiu.{,y ro obraio a prrbric way:;Ij:Ii:l*.?#1T1,.:, j:_,lLyi;15Tii:ffi 'ffi':,if ,f,i'fi $."*',]ji.H_r *r."y-;,i;;il;';*".;;,HJ.J,'*.n t'0.8s PAGE S2 4urhprized SiorrruG ;:,,:,il:"::?il ill',ll['J::i,g'i:Jf.]ri:'n's whcn obtainins uppcrEagrcVarcv warcr&sanira,ion :::1il:lflJ:lilT;illyl hrs sighrhrcr fronr cach of rrrg ulil;ry.omprnie5.64 no rl. o*riop,,*rrj[;ffi:Ja* lhc rbnn' thc Town rvill pTqsuths thlr rto".r"io prob]ru,., ard lf r rrtility cornprny has corrccm_s lllif" nlnos-..0 constrcrion. rhcuriliry rcprcscnhtivc sh.llnolcdircctly on thc utirity vcriricarion forra tdr tm i* p-urcm rvhich neds to bc rcsorvcd.'r nc rsruc shoald rhcn bc dehrtcd in.an "*.i; i;; ;rrir ror* of vair. Howevsr, Frcasc[:"x#,Jffii:* is rhc rcrpcrsrbilt;ffifiiv'#linr." rhe appricarr to rcstrvc 3. 4, Und.led 6/0? JFN el '33 tE:l?oo A,A.ntrE<Fl.0fuJ \ ruu,AG6 PFGE . EA I r_r{ . Lof to f l'-tn\c t, Yf ;X$!!, J!?u n i ca r i o ns 46t.6860 or 949.4jj0 Public Scrvicc Coflrrrany e49-5781 Onry Halt tolt 9r" Etcoric A.rsoc. Tcd t{rr.,rky/J ohn goyd T.C,I, t49-5sl{) Fioyd Srrhz:rr Eaglc Ri vcr Watcr & .Sanitrrion Disricr . 47(t-74lttl Frcrj flir.rlcc Th is fornr is ro verift scrvicc u'r tn prcnaring your rriticv ,l.lYilabifity and location for n rhcy bc rnnin ruok lines ;r;;I::d,Th;a,tlrs ;.iii;r1[.]ll*-f on1'-"tion arrd shoultl bc u...d in conJ,n.rion ucconrp".nyinssr,;il;lv' P'oPoscd tin".,nu''tuooiil;;lii;i:T#ir:'iJ[1]'v 'r,,il:,i;:,'h.;il; Datr /:at 9q ' P.lc;r.rc bring a sitc plan, flq1sis,,irt r rrcs rT.. ii",J ^.J ;,:lX,;:..U1..1:J;ti onr w n cn 0bftti1i11g Uppcr €aglc Vallc:r Warcr & Saninrio' NOTES: lf thc.rrility verificdion forrsornnrcn?$ erc rt'.dc o"*tr" llil j:ghf,ittrgs fronr cach of rhc dcvcrqp,rrcn, *nn,o.iJol"r''' i'"'',,lii. r#"'H,;*ili:'lf.::ilf::';ilXJll,n,., "no ,ln:nrffi:rrti''lt*#'*ffi i'*flixf t'#"{i:*lllffi '" I o ffij,H,l',il&L'"lflsg;ffi tm:,:1,".r-'rrcspons jbiriryroobreinahbricwlHffi ffi tl H.yrd;.iffi:Ti,i::H fr ffi:l: thc Torvi of Vsii,A '2Q E. r-Iofr ? I Updeed6tgT S* TOTFL PNGE il,i?l nll': "el, "*;;; ili'"J.U,#i 6A I *x .0 1 ?1. ss tL;,?hi* .8L/26/L999 22323 *AVoN,**!otoRADc uTlt iltY t oeATIoN vFq!Frea?toN Thir fonn is tO vcriff eervico avrtlr$ll3y and locrrion for ncw construction and ghould b; USCd in cgnjuncrion $ ith 0rcFenng yout utility plan end relcduling inrrall:rtions, Thc location and avaf lablliry of utiliticr. s.hcthcr 1l'cy bc rnain twnl liner ot F?oFoicd lincs. must bc approvcd anrt vcrificd by lhc follorving utiliries for thc ilccorrrpmying lltc pltn, PO 1 PASE 62 U.5. Wcst Comrnuni961i966 1.80r,.922-t 987 4(iE.6t60 or 919a153O Public Scrvicc Conprny 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Crorr Etcctric Afisoc, 0{9-5 ra92 Tcd Husky/Jolrn Boyd Yf\ | 9{9.3510 Floyd $dnzrr Errglc Rivcr Wncr & Srnirrriorr Dlsrtriq . 476.74liO Ftt'd l&rslcc idcntilicd problcnrs. ' Plcasc brirrg a riitc pl:rn. floor prrn. rnd elcvrrions whcn obrnining Uppcr Eagrc vaflcy warcr a srnitrtion:.tgrt(tt\rrcs. Firc llotv nccdt Inrrst bg lddt$rscd. :{OTES: l. lfthc rrtility vcrification fomr has signaturcs fronr crch ofthc rrtility companics. End no Colrrusnls arc ntadc dircc(lv on thc lbrrn. thc Town rvlll plcsrrnrc lhat lhc;c uc no problcnr.s anrJ lhC dcvclOprrrcnt uAn Jxocccd. lf n utility conrpany has conccm$ wlrh thg p3qpggqd constnrcrion. thc utitin. rcnrcscnrrtivc shallrrotc.dircctly on thc utility vcrification fomr that thcrc rs a probl:m rvhich nccdi to bc rcscrvcd.Thc issuc shoutd thcn bc dctailcd in en rnachcd lcttcr ro thc Town of Vait. Howcvcr, pleasc ll"l.t: T,"1:lit lt ls rhc rcsponsibitiry of rhc utitity company arrd thc appllcatt ro riotvc '' j Updatcd 6E? r{.urhqfircd 3l!merurc ar.Es,: !! r!?rhi . i:ffi ezsoTtf Snr ru-,: R<D r{1. e?E F. a': PA6E I ^2 .JIP'Jnc 7.c'.t. 9{9.55.10 Floyd SlLrz:rr Erglc ltiva Watcr & Snnitrtion Dirtricr.r a7(r.7Ql0 Frcd H:rslsc z -1>a 0 - . Frcasc bringn rirc Jrran. fro _ .rtgrlittlrrc$, Firc llurv nccrJs ,orr:lan'-rnd clcvslions rellcn oblrrililg lJpp"1 ur",^ .r,r-l-- +- . rlust trr nd*e.r.sc', , . obhrining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & $lrritatiorr NOiES:,t -1. l. lftheudfityvs66c|r,^ . ;?:':',:J,ff ff,,#X,#:,Jf ffi :"Hl'fi :Tilff 1,illi;il'li,,"Jil:f ff 'ilHlcn*i',<, i$:fr,ffffi ltp+l#ffi.qf#fr [;r[th,ffi [d,{*', *ro;*f:ir'#ffi:,ltw:l;:,+:tTTt$jjii,'.1e1o1,,1hrbricwaytr'jlr#*i,illil.jlill,ril:iliiil llfll ITv r.OCrrrFU[Vf ernrcr rrou fl {{ifr'ffiflfi ****{ft fi *******##r*',ti'l*i,iffi ffi r lidl,;fi"ilir,iesrno ffi'*""*^on ..f^Attr-t rrT,(g76 Hdt Cr* -gl..rric Asroc, Tcd Husly/J,oln 0oyd Dus 2&.6.^ri,FEo', FETVZT-'EfrFE7 Nsvrz U.' l(ao l' Be //1c*.n/ c p - BEGA n;tr;;l -i= 2 60W 4.19 1780 13Tt 6tA 7Y2 Wall mounted sconces for direcVindirect illumination kom a lully shielded light source. One piece, three-PlY opal glass diffuser under die cast aluminum shield. Captive socket head stainless steel screws. Color: Black or white. Lumen A I I I ) a 1 60w A.19 9r/o 4t/z 515/to 1 13WPLC 9tk 4b 5'5/'e 3231P 1 26W PLC 1800 13% 6Y1 7Y, f-]/\ .A ffiV l tr\ L.t-ll^ Wall mounted sconces for direct/indirect illumination lrom a lully shielded light source. One piece, three-ply opal glass diffuser. Captive socket head stainless steel screws Color: Black or white. Lumen A 1 60W A.19 1O1/a 6tt4a 57/a 11OOWA19 1750 133/a 9tAa 77th 75 Laidlr* ResidEnce Lot 1O, Matterhorn Village, Filing l"- Vail, Colorado CONGRETE POLISHED SMOOTH WEXPOSED JOINTS & TIES WOOD SIDING T&G SMOOTH CEDAR MOORWOOD 081 53 ROOF STANDING SEAM METAL SLATE GRAY WINDOWS METAL CLAD WHITE A3/02/1999 L4:24 976-925-9889 _,.ip EhlGIl'l:EQI l.lE, I i'.lc FA:L Ul BOULDER RETAINING WALL Lhad, droinoga swgla 6 |n/fl lmperioui Eock ltll 6'mox Drivewoy ironulor, pcrvious bockfi , dapanding on s a ccndil;ons Filtcr Fobtic, Uirofi , 10N or eguivolcnt Perlmelcr Drsin Locotion Cott Doctcd bockli ond Detoil, Da?cnding ot1 5oI ond f,tolnd Wotar Cortdilions NOi'6S I. THE EOULDER RETANNC YALL SI,ALL AE CONS\RUCIEO WI|H ROIJoHLY REC|ANOIJI.AR RocKs FOR ORY SIACK ttlALLS, rHE ROCXS W' HAW AS tvtUCH FLAT SURFACE AREA AS POSSIBLE, IO INCREASE HT TRrcNO'T SUR.ACE EE\WEEN IHE SOULOERS. 2. lHT jO|IOU gA)LO€RS SIIALL 8E fHE LARaESr ANT 'HALL AE PLACEO ON NA:IV', UNOISTUREEO SOIL 'REE FRAI TOPSOIL ANO OSCANICS. 3. THE SUCCE9SIW EOULDER IA}TR5 SrlATT 8E OFFffT HORIZONTALLY 8Y A MII'I|T'LJM OF 6 INCIIES FCP EACIT WRNCAL FOOT. 4, ORAINAGE ,VIALE SHALL AE CONSIRUCIED AT THE fOP OF THE VIALL, iO I'IWRT SURTACT RuNOrr. 5. A MINTNUM OF FOUR FEET OF FROST DEPIH SHALL 8E PROVIDED TA PREWNI H€AVINT: OF iHE RE IAININC '|ALL,5. fHE AEOW DESIGN SHALL 8E REVEWED 8Y I4T UND€RSIGNED ENdINEER UPON 'ERIFICAIION OF THT SOIL AND GROUNOWATER C$]ilNONS. ' cttll,/0roTtcit{lc^L Engineering, Inc. P,0 Eqr 28J7 €drord!, cO f,ttJz t.r (970) e2C-gog8 hr (070) e2l-t0E9 EOUMfr REIAINiNG VALL PR&fcI .ror gg-tg tof t, UAt'r:ntQX et \Aq /LNC NA I ftt''/v ff vAtL EACLE CdJNIf, CAL(NAOO PFIFANO TOE; RKD otrt' oJ-02- gg 0titrlt'tti tto.: I l{o. Z50Z p. t/l L{rar I[Y00:0 ' 6661 '92 'u?l lqn,30. i995 9r{9N FIRluERICAN A1,0N T I tIltr@ s cL I $$ ,4s+,$,s N$ \sa \ o-r) q,AJ E$ ,$i -a t? 9t tI t ; \I E3 iI ft R$ F Et T u s Ert !\,$ I$ Fi -HFIur '8b\ fld€ tttl tsh -r s $ N I s'q + 3 b! E F E $ $ EH sg ts{- $s Ti $j u 91\.tE5S=-.iili*'g t a ilt b6 \l\- \- -1 //f Ietr/! 'dt --t0gt'oN r{i;'t 7<, 1i t'; lht -?.r(J/ v ? 3:::',3.,i"fl:l o-'b,l:,33f1"'3i:3[ ["-:"."b'REC DOC 6 .00 8.00 WARRANTY DEED WALT LAIDI,AW :4tt^f-t,r" o/_1611-_, smnrec: WITNIiSSETH, That the grantor, for and in consi<leration of thc sum of EIGHTY THOUSAND AND 00/l00ths DOLLARS' (f80,000.00), the receipt an<t sulficiency of which is hereby rcknowledged, has granted, hargained, sold rtd conveyed, and by these preselts does grnnt, birgain, sell, convcy and confirm unto the grantee, his heirc atxl assigns forever, rll the real proprty logether with improvements, if any, situite, lying and being inthe County ofEAGLD, and State of Colorado, described as follows: I,OT IO, I\IATTDRIIORN VILLAGE, ACCORDING TO THI1 RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF I}AGLT', STATD OF COLORADO also known by strcet and number as 1722 GDNEVA DR,, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditamcnts and appurtenanoes thereunto belonging, or in anywisc appcrtaining and the reversion and rcversions, remaindlr and remairxlers, rents, issi;s arul profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title. inlerest, claim and rlcmand wharsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of, in end to thc above bargaincd premises, wilh lhc hcrcdilamentr and apnudenanccs.' 'tO tlAvll AND TO llOlJ) thc saitt prcmiscs abovc bargflincd and dcscribed, with thc appurtcnances, ttnto the grantee, his heirs and assigns forever. ArKt the grantor, for himself, his heirs and personal representatives, does covenanl, grant, bargain arxl rgree to and with the grantee, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of dre ensealing and delivery of these pt€scnts, he is well seized of the premiscs above conveyed, has goul, sure, perfect, absotute and indefeasible eslate of inherilance, in law, in fec rimple, and has good righl, full power and lawfu[ arnhority to gran],'hargain, scll and convey the sams iD manner and fonn aforesakl, and tlut lhc samc are free aml clear from.all former and olher g,rants, bargains, sales, liens, laxes, assessmenls, enc[mbrances and restriclions of whatever kind or nalurc s@ve], except lor laxes for thc cuirent ycar, a lien hut not yet due or payable, easements, restrlcilons, rescrvttk]ns, covenants and rights-of-way of record, if any, . The grantor shall and wilt WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND thc above-bargained prcmiscs in thc quiet end pcaccable possession of the grantee, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or penom lawfully claiming thc wholc or any Jnn thereof. The sing[lar numbr shall inchule the plural, the plural the singular, ancl the usc of lny gender shall bc applicable to all gcnders. tN WITNILSS lVHnRftOF, thc grantor has cxcsutcd this dectl on thc date set forth above. STATBOFCOLORADO ) couNrYoF TELLEIL i*' ..fi The foregoing instrument was acknowledgcd befor" rn" this /f,}day of !fr, LTNnAM.NDRAG.N My Commission expires: llyConmnaon txpirst &2Gt997 { i1 ..No: erx^: Rcv.7-s4. iun-RRAvrY DtrED (ro.r Pho.oBrrphlc Rccord) fle h<A*. ,./f) An fl .t r:f A? ,. ZONE CHECK Datc: Grncr r/Pbonc Architrct Pboncj Zonc di_v..v-v.os,ut ,..,ttt..t{,t t4 | _/RJ, ,trJtu, ul . hOpOSCdUSC_Lotsizc , *ll db' tq rrC-dl Buildablc arca Allorved Prcposed Total Total GRFA ','|fu * 76.5 =_Q_LWS.* 2111 = Primary CRFA -+ (425) (675*) - Sccondary CRFA + (125) (675+) - + 67 5 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? n A Horv much of thc allorvcd 25C Addition is usci wirh tlis rcqucst?n Lcgal dcscription: tot [{*.arqs 1777 a,n*hi,*_-*n, lhlfuIwu VillaW frtin| | Existin e Rcmaining t77+.5 Sitc Covcragc Sctbacks Lendscaping RctainingWall Hciglts Parking zo' tanfu,VU l5' I5' 27n.75 + 2*ob = 2+0b ?Zt.lf alloudurfunt@@,4 4o r ls.--q-* (30x33) Froni Jrocs Rcar Minimum 3'/ 6' Rqu,*a 2'{ Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics with TOV Lighting Or-d.inancc Arc finishcd _cradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Environm cntal4lazards Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck proputy filc); b) Rocldall ll0 i c)Dcbrisr^*@ Goo)eqeoo)(1200) Pcnniitcd Slopc _%Pronncnrl (l.'-^-/^ Ycs No Ycs- No I) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%)2107, zJ rloooptan 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50) / 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvAvalanchc Encloscd Is thc propcrfy non-conforming? Dcscribc: E suR\iEY Scalc ....__ Bcnchmark at Lcgal dcscription Buildablc Area Eascmsnts Topography l00yr. floodplain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmenal llazards Trees Utiliry locations Spot clcvarions tr srrEPI.AN DESIGN REYIE}V CRECKLIST tr FLooRpiANs GRFA 250 additional GRFA CraM\Attic Spacc EHU EI BUILDD,TG ELEVATIoNS Scalc ColorWaterials Roofpitch O I.{\DSCAPEPLAN Existing trccs proposed rces Lqcod MISCELI..ANEOUS Tittc rcport (A & B) Utility vcrif cation form Photos of sits Building matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrilication Sun\Shadc A,nglcs Utilitia (undcrground) Vicrv Conidors Varianccs Plat rcsrictioas Projcct -- Building Height EncroachmcnE Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) DeclsrBalconics Garagc conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc RcbininglValls Fcnccs TuoingRadius unvcway (acccss and gradc) Snow Stongc FircAcccss Commu o nity Development Plan Rou Form o ting Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Retum To:George Ruther Date Routed:2/6199 Return By:2n0t99 Project Name: Project Address: Froject Legal: Project Description: Laidlaw Residence 1722 Geneva Drive Lot 10, matterhorn village #l New single family residence on vacant lot. ,Y-Approved ,p Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions 4' concrete pan between street and driveway, Non heated driveway heated? Plgafe revise plan with 4' pan, then adjust driveway slope to be under l0 % if non heated,12 % if heated. Grade t should be taken from center of pan on the inside towards driveway. (not edge of asphalt) Please remember first l0 ft of drivewav must be at 8 % imum horizontal clearance between garage door and edge of pavement is 24 ft. Please adjust plan show what all weather driveway is to be used,( concrete, Asphalt, Bricks, etc.) show area of snow storage on site plan, within boundaries of lot, not Town of Vail right of way. 30 % if not heated 10 % ifdriveway is heated. Any disturbed areas on North West part of lot must be returned to at least a2:l grade, Please adjust boulders walls need to lay back @ l: I unless starnped by a P.E. . Walls in front set back 3 ft, all others 6 ft, any wall over 4' must be stanped by P.E. .A drawing of wall must be with starnped P.E. for approval. detail is needed where boulder walls meet buildings. Walls are exceeding 6 ft wall driveway configuration on the east side of the garage will need to be pulled back to the east to allow third required parking spot is not on site. Reviewed by: Leonard Sandoval & Greg Hall Date reviewed: 2-16-99 Goncrtr: ll'hnt t'olor tlo )'ott truttt? (.r t111 11'11' lr' i,it'rtl fi,i tlt it rtt tl.) !. /1rl/1,'.t f t r I ir ts. .f h t tt :. I t t tll.r ( / t tt Lsl u r tl t t n rl r rl I I t ct r Iiittt.: lttttlrtltlt' t'n,i't tt'ln'rt, t)tt( tI,lt' t.\ .\'() ( t)illlil()li (lilil ll.\ltl' .li)1 .\t) itl(lll.l ,tl)ill.!.\ llttrl ii.s .lrr.:i ltrltrl .li'i .qriutttl t; uttl.1 ( ()ttt('\' itt t)tt(' tofo] lItt l: (.rtloi .t ttt,\' ttt,Tlt! ;1; lrt I t'r I i ; .; I i t i i ) t , tttlii/tlt't (t)it't i('l( CANYON SANTA FE -: ll 'r !itll .: ! t't | ( I t I i'1,.: lltttl .tlttttrl ottl t);' f )(u (n/(trl lltr/ l t'rtrls ltt. ll.u'.) tr' .tlnttt,q. tlttntltlt' rttttl ltttl r/: ltttt,l l.: llt' t,tt/t t'r'lt'. I t i t l t ll lt t l i r t t i ti.: t lL'ttitL'i !/ti(l ltt\tt't ll)(/ti Iof tf tit,. t \lt/i s ()i r'0ttlttt,qs tttttl it'tlttttt'.t Its: lrtltrtr. llu,tt' rtn' f ttt,tnitul ctl,tr.: ti lttt l, tttL' ltitl itttrl ,;ttlt'tt.:L'. .:lttttrL/til SANDSTONE MOCHA SEOUOIA SAND OMAHA TAN BAYOU R USTIC BROWN YOSEM IIE BROWN l) | lill r, rl HARVESI GOLD cocoA ::""::: Color name, number and dose-rate to mix with each 94 Ib. sack ot cement. DUNE SILVERSMOKE ):, LL l)i l ' Base color sample il. iJ r.ir) rrr rr r |r rr r, 1':r t: ir.,1 rl \ :' r.i t, tr. :ir , ,'.i, ',,irr,,r: !.i"1' ,tt itt' ri' J sltlttii) ittiti t)ltrrtl /i'l'r i rr'/' ilr',t:', rl i /lr !,) .r /. , \,ri r.r rt ri:r.,/ / r\ ,t I r),i,r,r r.,,1, ri..i I'i,r,'i r,f I ir I ' 'r i. , rt r ir, riil OUTBACK 05LLl 1,i/ LIGHT GRAY aLErr!1* DARK GRAY 1 LB :r li;1 r ,r. .i I .,i,i,,l ,, ., :r i'! r,i i, { ,il TOWN OFVAIL Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 brp Junc 22, 1998 walt Laidlaw I tl l Watnut Tree Lane Aquone. NC 28703 Rc: Address Change Geneva Ddvc Dear Mr. Laidlaw: The Town of Vail has changed thc addresses fol somc of the homes on Gcncva Dlive duc to lcoccurling problems in idcnti[ring houses. This was done to solve these problems and to assist cmcrgency pel'sonnel in finding your homcs quickly in the evcnt of an emcrgency. Please change the address on your house as soon as possible. The ernergency dispatch. utility companics and the post officc have ah'cady been notified. Ifyou havc any qucstions, plcase call me at (970) 479-2454. Vety tmly yours. hlr,nshi b"4rJ Christic Barton Planncr II {P "'n"uo'o""' l6 t80 44 t80 22 40 Plcvious Addrcss W gA | 7 | 7A Gerrcva Dlivc East and Wcsr ,"?1 !-a lo 795 9 785 z 55 a 23, t238 1652 2.6 l6l3 I 50 Wq bf tt^ Ncrv Addrcss l7l7E Gencva Drivc - Mchler l7l7W Gcncva Drivc - Hitt | 7l9 Gcncva Dlivc. units l, 2, 3 - Phelp.s | 721 Gcncva Dlivc - Pcna 1722 Gcncva Drivc - Williams (has been using this numbcr) 1724 Gencva Drivc - crnpty lot 3 1707 4 1709 6 t7l3 ?o-""1787, ITt 9A rzrzl 88 l?lfi I lTzl l5 f 634 (of Sb l7l78 Gcncva Drivc. units t, 2. 3 l7l9 Gcncva Drivc 1720 Gcncva Drivc 1722 Gcncva Dlivclol to