HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT M O VAIL VILLAGE INN PHASE 4 AKA VAIL PLAZA HOTEL SEBASTIAN 1999 BACKGROUNDVo,/t/4f* f'tA:*a X Bn"& FI , Lot'sU:? l)^r1 /ot/"fJ- i'u lhx e E ;;, /",ltoiro cloby S"hsf in ftu? &"kfirand 4ttd* 6/-,AAF Osta'So\l \OFN iI N *aI ssER$lg sEEcFtS gFss!18 f rEl "= g--- 3 B - rlo R FI FI FI .\ i rzr cr .i)l ir)\c$-a. rtrF dl r O\rr Fl ..1 - rf| tr .ol -r) \O rt - a{ rt} - -l F o\..1 tcl .., : O Sl a.l 't \D $ Or ..) ..r N! x\c..ri+(ol N(\l Fl L) n ot .i .r1 ..tl F\o..9 i lol da..l -l lr.) N v', F- st Hl Ci !*r ..i q\ q) a-- a.l - v-'l oF it= F01 r).n \Ol 9\: F.r' o ^l d o.il \ar.l| F f- c.t o Q t_.t \0F -t ?.r ..ro-O\ot c.r -t ? \o o co o o.l a{* O co...it Fa+ \o \oooooo\l at - O co.a crl F-+ \a a\ o\ v') co o.tl \o.\ r.) i Ht r o.6 r.) t \ol Nc.t ra) at*ovl\o.+\o co t .-.t o ral aai rr-l ir - ^t a., ro c.l c.t o c{l N-)n t F..l .q Ol ar \? c{ ra N ol ra- Tt - co .t - o col a-l.'r Tl \ocooo+/ o+lrro .El !l ol Cr| El -l -l2l<l ol al<l el ;l<l Fl 2l ol El HItil pl zl<l ol <l el<l EI ^l Fl ol >l :ltrl -cl <l ol zl<l 2,1<l s HHEs€€i qEE33;l nEEI;ll-'d&6561 -)|;;=ggl ''ttEEEl $lsn^-^, $lsh*^*, $l tl €t +l;ln:nsur ;ln:*x: :ln;ex$ltr| !l !l col ;l " ;|u $,sr:l € .4E =t €l i ilFl : = .? tl i = E3 El E = E.?:lgE,;gst g|3;{ EreE ,El q€ isili;xtjt,i;pEstE fliEEpEBF ilElSSgEi{E P-01S€p-3O-99 07:35/\ l;t 4f ;" f1,ii)\;:/ t.';"t '.1'i " .,-1, l ( ,t. 1, I t,.{ /,, ? tt I o{ ( .,u, li .I .".,r | -P,_r 1.:, , . , ,.. [r., 7', '-f ,t*,. k t. .ci.. .l . !'t "'.,?tt:, ,, {i J")lltrl\' .{ .,,ra l, r-.,, i r .1,.- lt,. t;r1'r-'t j 5 i).i .l,r{ 1 'f,t-t l-'> t. , .. , tI/;..- L. l,I,\ lJI ': l.)t; c ( ,rr r rl.? . 1, i /t','t, t..r'/ ,)trr,. ,/l/,/ ) .t. I c.lr,ct.l | .-,. .!,i rs, ,',"..,1{'.". t.t /' di.-r.,t >.)/./-'/,.,.,., L,'t/,J Jllt,n 'l o ,' +i{r r | 1..4 ",.1,, I , .l '''l r ,\ - | ln /i'P., ) ,: r 7 .t> lr',t .l j,/\. ( 'rl, ltl .,l .\ a1rl d t {Vji :')- /i v\| Jr (rr\€ ] ,.L.. [Jr:' j.i. ('t.Qt It '1 L';n!',tk 4rv,,, cn| itt''-' -//''', .0 I tt ,- I 1,, ,, (.t t'. tn;t , [ -l-r rr.rl', ,'-1, ," 1 /'. 1"1'n1rl,'t fc'l' i"t'/t'' lt I tt fc,,,,!;,;_1 -:ii)<cr, 1;/a3 .,/ t-'{r.rr;., 1/ a()l rulr.J- '1,,, t;.uiJ- [)L\b (Otrt1t.17.s.t-i,,, 1 f)r,,.,tt-.., . T -{ r'lr-,1 r.l-,k },, ht,,* ,' ', j lt."; r*. /" 11,, L .4. I /t/r .r...-r t l-l..t /-r,., r'at'r.,. t'<;t'\''l ht "//""'7''J {- 1-'- .rl .,.i .,, ,rJ,.,.il Jg.,.J.lr'r.,i ,',(l ';,lt '.i"'(- I 'r . ('.r';,'rt "ir..l i.ll. , ) 'Jr i,.,., J I),',.; .nr ) 11,..-.. ;1 T I n.e? ,l , 'llo ,)larr I &;,, i ^B Pl*n t;i,,i.1"r" I tL" t 'n".7i''Lte ,l_ , r,. 1 ;.., t .-t' ,, lrl ,, I ,, T),,"; vc Le.,.r . 1r, {' { '"', '-\ '1'' l't-I" llc i r:)"' i.f) ,_.,, . ,.. [trr (' "' , !.r (.t i\ -lo, rtv,fr tr l"o''' '1 ' dt {r. WESTSTAR BANK BLDG. lM SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST. SUITE 204 vAu, coLoRADo 81657 TELEPHONE (gzt) 475-OW2 FACSIMILE (9m) 476-{XB9 BnnEY & PTTERSoN A PnorsssroNar. Conronemon ArronNeys Ar Lew LINCOLN CENTER 1660 LINCOLN STREET, SUTrE 317s DENVER, COLORADO E0254 TELEPHONE (303) E37-165O FACSIMILE (303) &r7{X'97 MEMORANDUM P.O. BOX 449 iT29 EDWARDS ACCESS ROAD. SUITE 203 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 TELEPHONE I97OI 92G9255 FACSTMILE |Bml9264298 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: George Ruthem Jay K. Peterson December 16,1999 Vail Plaza Hotel Dear George: During the Town Council work session of December 7,1999, various questions were asked by the Town Council, the following are our responses to those questions. Ouestions from Rod Slifer l. Trafhc. Rod raised a concern about the traffic generated by our project on Vail Road. Before finalizing our redesign ofthe hotel by shifting our entrance from the South Frontage Road to Vail Road our traffic consultant prepared his recommendations regarding the level of service currently on Vail Road and the level of service after the construction of the hotel. Those conclusions are found in our comprehensive traffic study. No left turn lane was necessary. We have, however, provided a plan showing a left tum lane into the hotel and the impacts to our site should such lane be needed in the future. The traffic consultant will be available on December 21, 1999 to answer any questions regarding his study. 2. Loadine and Delivery. Rod also raised a concem about the way on loading and delivery is being handled. The loading and delivery area was totally redesigned from the previous proposal. The architects, traffic consultants and the Vail public works department worked through various designs with the final design meeting the zoning and public works criteria. The traffic consultant will address the impacts to the Frontage Road and the possible conflict between the shared access with Phase III and the loading area. 3. Austria Haus. Rod also questioned the Austria Haus occupancy numbers. The staffhas verified that the "fractional fee" occupancy rate exceeds 90Yo. Ouestions from Diana 1 Gateway Zoning. The Gateway site was originally zoned Heavy Service with no permitted uses, no general commercial uses, no residential density, twenty foot setbacks and a maximum height of 35 to 38 feet. During the SDD process, the underlying zoning was changed to allow for general commercial uses and residential uses. The SDD process does not allow for uses outside the underlying zoning and therefore the underlying zoning was changed to the CCI. Obstructed views from the 4-way stop was also a concem of the town staff and town consultant. A further encroachment was later allowed after completion of the building. Prior to the sale of any unit in the Gateway, the new owner has been put on notice that he has no claim or right to an unobstructed view across the VVI properfy. (See attached Encroachment and View Agreement). 2. Sun/shade on the Frontage Road. The new building will have an impact on the Frontage Road as any building would in mid-winter. We have mitigated this impact by providing heated walkways, Ioading and exit ramps. 3. Trash and Recycling. The trash and recycling is being provided for in the loading and delivery area. Recycled materials need not be picked up on a daily basis. 4. Vail Road Traffic - See above comments. 5. Employee Housins. Diana suggested that employee housing is best provided in town. The applicant's preference is to locate all housing in the Town of Vail, if feasible. We believe flexibility is needed because ofthe lack ofprivate land, properly zoned, in the Town of Vail. Trees. The trees near East Meadow Drive bus stop can remain. Ouestions from Sybil Navas Vail Road Traffic - See above comments. Employee Housine - See above comments. 6. -2- 3. Lefttum from loadine area. - See traflic report - Consultant will be present - See above comments. 4. View over the Gateway. The mountain view over the land under the Gateway building has been a long discussed topic over the years. Prior to the Gateway building being constructed and the round-a-bout replacing the 4-way stop, all plans for the VVI site have respected the view in that area. There was never an established "view corridor" as we have in the other parts oftown and consideration was given to establishing such a view corridor, but was rejected. The Gateway building and the round-a-bout make the point moot. Ouestions from Ludwis Kurtz 1. Vail Road Traffic - See above aomments. 2. Employee Housinq - See above comments. Ouestions from Greg Moffett 1. "Fractional Fee" Capital Improvements. The "fractional fee" owners will be responsible for their fair share of capital improvements, but to the extent allowed by the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act the owner of the hotel portion will control the expenditures for capital improvements. Ouestions from Kevin Foley 1 . Parking. The number and location of handicap spaces will be according to law. 2. Phase III Parking. Ifthis project is approved, discussions with Phase III owners to eliminate the East parking ramp will be instigated. 3. Employee Housing - See above comments. Ouestions from Chuck Oeilby l. Employee Housing - See above comments. 2. Trees by bus stop - See above comments. -3- All questions asked by the public will be answered during the meeting. Attachment A-.+- Princed by George Ru ther 9/22/99 11:4Oam From: Garl, Goodel l To: Georg'e Rr.rCher Subj ec.t. I Vail Plaza HoLel ===NoTE::: =::-9 /22/9 9=11 ! lBam::CC: Mike Mcq:ee Hef, ceorge :Jlr.st a cor-rtr)]-e of thouqhts, posL DRT: 1) Mike Mccee rea111' wasn'L scretchinqtsoo much on t'tte pedestrj-animprovements. The UBC does recmiretshat the e)<it.s dischal9.e saf e11z all Lhewal,r Lo a 'rpublic waL,,, which i.scommonllz constrLred tro be a publicstreet. MaL or maf. not' ult-imat'e].lr he]-pmucfr with ttre who,s re.sponsible f orwhat. 1mprovements issr_res, buts iL is iarequirement. 2) I'Canl.ons " or no, Lhe applicanLsmu.sL adhrere to t.he exLeri"or wafl andopeninq' prot.ection re<tr1rirement,s of ttreUBC based on proximitf/ !o propertl.lines. so, genera]-Ll., any walls lessttran 5 feet. from propert-l, 1ines must. benoncomb\r.s t. iLrl e 4 -hor,rr f ilre,resistiweconst truct.i on wiEh no open ing.spermit.t'ed. Openinqs are permitted aCmore Lfran 5 ft. from propertfr lines,but must be prot'ect.ed if less t'han 20feee from propertsy 1ines, wtsIich mearrswindows can,C be openable and wou].dtralre hre some sort of e)<'ensivefire-raLed mat'eriat. For all pract.icalpurtr)oses, open1ngs need to be at' 1easE20 feet- from property tines before t.heycan be r'torma1 openat)le non- ratedwindows or doors - 3 ) TLrose sfrirrgles on Lhe roof are noLpermitt.ed to l>e wood shakes, ewen iftshef/ are fire- retardan|] - ereated- sohopefu].]-y tfref/'re proposinq some ot.hertfrpe of Class ,'A" roof correrincrmateria]. - Page: 1 . Building Safety & Inspection Sewices Division TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM George Ruther, Senior Planner Gary Goodell, Chief Building Official October 7,1999 Building Code Requirements, Vail Plaza Hotel l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) I have reviewed the Preliminary Code Review prepared by Zehren & Associates , dated9l28l99. The 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) classifications and requirements that are cited in the code review appear to be accurate, but the conceptual design ofthe complex itselfdoes not appear to meet some of these minimum requirements. The Building Safety & Inspection Services Division has a number of concems. Some of the adopted model code requirements listed below will have an immediate effect on the design of the project. Others should be kept in mind as construction documents are developed. The general areas of concem are listed as follows: Exterior Wall and Opening Protection Based on Location on Property Projections From Exterior Walls Protection of Walls and Openings in Court(yard)s Use of Combustible Materials on Exterior Walls Roof Covering and Roof Assembly Materials and Construction Exit Discharge to Public Way(s) Specifi c Atrium Requirements -Separations between Atrium and Other Areas -Smoke Control System -Limits on Combustible Furnishings -Special Alarm, Sprinkler System & Means of Egress Requirements Use of Combustible Materials on Interior l) Exterior Wall and Opening protection Based on Location on pronerty. The intent of the Uniform Building Code (UBC) in requiring higher fire-resistivity for exterior walls and limiting openings in those walls as they approach property lines or other buildings on the same properly is to limit the spread of fire from one building to another. The protection is achieved passively, by resorting to noncombustible materials, higher fire-resistivity of exterior wall assemblies and either protecting or prohibiting openings in walls as they are located closer to property lines or other buildings. 8) The exterior wall and opening protection requirements found in Table 5-A of the UBC are based upon a combination of the occupancy, the type of construction and the proximity of the building to properly lines or other buildings on the same property. In the case of the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel, the requirements are, from a practical standpoint, the same for all of the occupancies. Openings located less than 5 feet from property lines are not permitted. Openings located less than 20 feet from a property line or from an imaginary property line established between separate buildings located on the same property must be "protected." This means, per Section 503.2.2 and footnote 5 to Table 5-A, respectively, that openings located less than 20 feet from the property line must not exceed 50 percent of the wall area and must caffy a three-fourths-hour fire- protection rating. Thus, any window or door assemblies that are located less than 20 feelfrom a property line or less than 40 feet from another building on the same property are required to be protected and must either be fixed (non-openable) or must be self-closing or automatic-closing assemblies. There are at least two outright conflicts with these requirements: a) Ground Floor Retail or Other Commercial Spaces. These areas are, by their nature, typically very open, with large, unprotected (non-rated) window and door openings. Iflocated less than 5 feet from the property line, these openings would not be pemitted. If located less than 20 feet from the property line, these openings would be required to be protected. lt is unlikely that windows for retail spaces could occupy less than 50% of the area of the wall in which they are located and be %-hour rated assemblies. b) Residential Units (Hotel Rooms, Condominium Units) Below the Fourth 14t) Story. These areas are required, by Section 3l0.4, UBC. to have an egress window or door opening directly to the exterior. A self-closing,l/t-hovr door could meet the egress requirement as well as the requirement that openings in the exterior wall located less than 20 feet from the property line be protected. A window being used to satisfy the sleeping room egress requirement could not, however, meet the protected opening requirement. Any windows located more than 5 feet, but less than 20 feet from a property line would need to be fixed, 3/q-hour rated assemblies, and thus could not simultaneouslv meet the egress window requirement. ,r\*'F*>trF,$******:F,F,t ********{<t<{.{.+,&***************t(**,F,F,F,Fd(,f ,f **r.*********++**+************* IMPORTANT NOTE: ITEMS 2-8 AS LISTED ABOVE HAVE NOT YET BEEN ADDRESSED IN THIS DRAFT >F**************{.***,F'k'k***********----?:-:y-YHI**********>F:r:r< x* * * *+:F+ * ******{r**{rr.{.*{.{. In discussions with Mike McGee, Fire Marshal for the Town of Vail, he has stated that, in his opinion, a qualified fire protection engineer is required as part ofthe design and construction team for this project. I am in complete agreement with the fire marshal for two basic reasons:l) The complexity of the project, in terms of the minimum building code requirements for the highest type of fire-resistive construction, an automatic fire sprinkler system throughout, a smoke control system and other special requirements for the atrium, etc., and 2) The potential for the need to design other complex assemblies and systems that are alternative equivalents to prescriptive minimum code requirements that will function at least as well and fully meet the intent and the fire and life safety objectives of the building code. I would be happy to sit down with the design team to provide more specific detail regarding these minimum code requirements and perhaps arrive at some ideas for acceptable solutions. Mike McGee has also stated that he would like to be a participant in such discussions. GRG:grg B s 'Vi'-. (.os) cYou rv 9701949-0ss5 Vail Plaza Hotel willput employees on site By Tom Winter ees livnJg {l lown€adier in the meeting, recounting his early days in Vail. 'We made moiey in the dav and ar night we spenr ir in the rown whin I was rn, my 20s." Sraufer said. .The people who work with us should be able'to live with us." Foley, one of the two council nsn_ bers who opposed the poject said size fbctors, left him -feeling -the buitding i.1;JtffHg.H:-ffi ,ii*T'*: :ll{tFit';iffi *,, o.u, . ieaaine wih n"6;;ii' " "* '' '""' wru.1e"'he sgrd Tuesday. .*m"lm;.'K.;f".ifrLf'.T *, i"J;#T ['*l'ffTJ,'#i* mind. She saidfrre"ri"r ""in. oi"ir"t" ryJ:fg Y: wouldn't be building po- hTTlil'#Jr,fJl{ ffi.'#'ffi rtfi**}+il;;; Tuesday. Navas said rhe emprovr holcl's orisinal ar r<rno hm,,_hr u^. ,.-^,. ,^ ,i- _- ie thc Vail Gltewayhousing. broughr her uacL ro m'e pro_ ;j, i#i"Til';fft Hraza bur,dins I lt:gl:'S "l $rnk ir's an impmveo pnr Town Councit ;,,1-, ,"""*lj*lj*ii rtirjal-'" ,. 5 4Ir ulrPruveo p'* Py gry* ona a aeuetop"r to in an ,lgfru[,m-*X#t'#t*: ;fS $fl[-i,T,ffii#"":'"f t; iriy r,.i*it /"",i.i"#ff#r#'ffi ,,.#,i*fiffi y"T"Hi ffiH SSr€c€ndy wenmo whistler in cl,iada wirh ;G;til tii;;riii iftlih, m* *nseveral members of VarJ's Communiry in neU,1,ary. ;{f,i ffiin" ttrrusr [of theTask Fmce as an ambassador of VaiL ,r{f i, !". ,g"_! til" coffi toteview,*rc-- One element of Whistler,s success, actiffr of fte Town Courrcil.,, f"T;Ti,ii.ril percent or emplovees Hot"t a'u'iop.i"ire"i.nting ro, r-ongtir vu,r r.sident Joe Staurer 3:1ffi'&|it1r1'#l#?*trtr:voiced the sane opinion about emproy_ srxnnrer. Dait Staff Writer _ VAIL - In a case of cleia vu. the Vail I!3 gorel *as approuud'again by th" I own'Uouncil Tuesday nisht. The hotet was firu apfrved in FeF ruary. Lbuncil members, led by Chuck (). $tby, decided to put a stipulation onhe approval that developers- still had top1e lack with employee housing for lne rrotel. . .l!9 housing-could have beenon_sire, m. va or out oI town. The council, notmuong words, said co ectively it wanr_ ed tro se€ the housing on_site ifit all pos_ srble. Alier nnnths of looking ar iL devel-opcr Waldir prado's tearn' came back wrth. what will be the final plan for theemptoyee unirs. Thc proiect has been lauded by Vail entrepieneurs and busi_ ness owners since *F beglnning. It also nao-some village homeownen snarling. , B.ut rhe. addition of fre employ& l-o51S.,oruts reeqed o sofien tliu pm Ject to the council members, who allexpressed their appretiation of hado ll-cgmnanV's elTort trc pur employeesfi lne hotel. . . It ev5n blcuglt one council member, Mayor Pm-Tem Sybi ll Navas. back over ro me $de olacquiescence, tninging thevob to +2 (Dana Dqn6yan anl K.vi rr z Chuck-' l. exnal [a+- t*r. h,p*l Lmn 5vo 5,8. Rd' Cot.';ecr.s t.,r.clry''yr,i l\tr,et o,l Co'loiho.r'.i bJlU *Uo-g l,/trres r'ror-r ttrro +? il^oge:roarmtta rui *ft {bit . \ce*a wf Fod orr lorrr*t., l;k6 c,.rpolr*; har.,lrl i.t *' o'V'i -_-> tA4vrrt . anqa <1. t-vorrq *ooog13t vrr"'l PJ; ?otfa6;t,' e*(furJ d/-'. i 6rth':pico r.rl LID; FrP' ]ra-s. i,.r . T.O.V. {t orrf or *'o'V. ; X 3' +ie dil tue eaqP. lrou6"rq C*neV*rk- +o To,^rJ vrf riooco rc{tr tl.*. ffi"t o"*sioa *'o.rl. # 7 Co,roiko^l oe fpvu .Z ?,'Reb€s,,ilel sioE'unttc to fiiiut,ntiLe fttn-t*€- C",;rho.J: Ro'ro i^p. i mfr^; ili?a l*tDscr*pe, / 3. fll$ur- ,*Le-vitteducn- fuAlv€w ,++"p tro.',e*. I\ q,@ d tD b-:tJ 38 scv*# e- Lg & eA. od---+ T>iAdA - \ievl fuivc trlte ++"+t1- vfAr, Ai*si Aye vr/?o,+o Co,roiho.rl *at,= i,'re tl,&ybe *ffiqci*4e fua +ltr': twresi .z s +:ui- of f'p*i ?A\r6€s g !g- or teoi e1fl.a1!e. h".ri1 -iu.fur^r./; 'g@:^=_gl" " ce*rr-#; hrl'i;+1. No F€rtde o? ua"'c-ffi i aiq.r$ foe crnhrre. olral__.,,'---+, -\i ftrrr.e 5p*ez +oo' Srnr+J.-i Co'z&,et -l SgrbrRc.t,=. ' h,rr:lco skAl1bJ Vail Gateway Proposal Heavy Service District . - Floor Area COrtlt'tr. ' @tifr, C. N/A (is apptied by CUP)"Retail 11,200 sq. ft. Retail/Commercial 3,900 sq. ft.Office 4,900 sq. ft.Residential 12,000 sq. ft. (13 DU) Sloping Roof - 38 ft. b.7-|'4 ' Flat Roof - 35 ft. F lcl' Building heightEast 62tt.west 57 ft. 4-way intersection 57 ft. and 52'ft. Lot Area 23,928.3 sq. ft Site Coverage 60/o or 14,357 sq. ft. Parking' 75 covered spaces Uses Aecess' off-€++aifR€€d 10,000 sq. ft of buildabb area 75/, ot 17,946.2 sq. ft. per Title 12, Chipter 10 3 surface spaces as specified wirhin cc1 :ffirffi1,:,r;iffffi'. I "J [:,"'r, l ) ZONING 18.20.110 Site coverage. Site coverage shall not exceed fifty-five percent of the total site area. (Ord. l7(1991) $ 6: Ord.8(1973) g 6.507.) 18.20:130 landscaping and site development. At least thirty percent of the total site area shall be landscaped. The minimum width and length of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be fifteen feet with a minimum area not less than three hundred square feet. (Ord. 19(1975) $ 7 (part): Ord. 8(1973) $ 6.509.) 18.20.140 Parking and loading Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52. At least seventy-five percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view or shall be completely hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. No parking shall be located in any required front setback area. (Ord. l9(1975) $ 7 (part): Ord.8(1973) $ 6.s r 0.) Chapter 18.22 PUBLTC ACCOMMODATTON (pA) DTSTRTCT Sections: 18.22.010 Purpose. 18.22.020 Permitted uses. 18.22.030 Conditional uses. 18.22.040 Accessorv uses. 18.22.050 Lot area and site dimensions. 18.22.060 Setbacks. 18.22.080 Height. 18.22-090 Density control. 18.22.110 Site coverage. 18.22.130 Landscaping and site development. 18.22.140 Parking and loading. (Vail 4-7-92) J38 PIJBLIC ACCOMMODATION (PA) DISTRICT 18.22.010 Purposri. The public accommodation district is intended to provide sites for lodges and residential accommodations for visitors, together with such public and semipublic facilities and limited professional offices, medical facilities, private rccreation, and related visitor- oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The public accommodation disuict is intended to ensure adequate light air, open spac€, and otber anrenities conrmensurate with lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable rcsort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Additional nonresidential irks-are permitted as conditional uses wtrich enhance the nanrre of Vail as a winter and summerrecreation and vacation community, and where permitted are intended to function compatibly with the high-dersity lodgng character of the district. The public accommodation district is intended to provide sites for lodgrng units at densities not to exceed twenty-five dwelling units per acre. (Ord. 30(1977) E7; Od. 8(1973) S 7.100.) L8.22.02O Permitted uses. The following uses strall be permitted inthe PA disrrict: A. todges, including accessory eating, drinking, rccreational or retail establishments located within the principal use and not ocsupymg more than ten percent of the total gross residential floor area of the main strucnrre or struchrrcs on the site; B. Additional accessory dining arcas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch ortenace. (Ord. 37(1980) $ 7; Ord. 19(1976) $ 8 (part): Ord. 8(1973) $ 7.2W.) 18.22.030 Conditional uses. Ttre following conditional uses shall be permitted in the PA disuict, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in ,accordance wittr the provisions of.Chapter 18.60: A. Professional and business offices; B. Hospitals, medical and dental clinics, and medical cerlters; C Privae cluts and civic, cultural and fratemal organizations; D. Ski lifts and tows; ) 339 (vdl 9.29.92) ZONING E. Theaters, meedng rooms, and convention facilities; F. Rrblic or commercial pa*ing facilities or srucurcs; , G. Pnblic transponation terminals; H. Public utility and public service uses;I. Public buildings, grounds and facilities;J, Rrblic orprivate schools; K. Pubtic park and recreation facilities;L. Ctrurches; M Eating, drinking, recreational, or retail establishments not occu- pying more than ten perc€nt of the total gross residential floor area of a main structure or structures located on the site in a nonconforming multi-family dwelling; N. Major arcade, so long as it does not have any exterior frontage on any public way, street, walkwan ormall area; O. Bed and breakfast as furtherregulated by Section 18.58.31qP. Tlpe III EHU as defrned in Section 18.57.060: Q. Type MHU as defined in Section 18.52.020. (Ord. 8(1992) $ 19 ord. 3t(1989) $ Z: Ord. 3(1985) g l: Ord. 27(1982) gl(b): Ord. 6(1982) g 8a: Ord. 8(1981) g 2: Ord. 26(1980) $ 2 (pan): Ord. 8(1973) $ 2.300.) 18.22.040 Accessory uses. The following accessory uses shall be permined in the PA disrict: A. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other rccreation facilities customarily incidental to permitted lodge uses; B. Home occupations, subject to issuance cif a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 18.58.130 through 18.58.190; C. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permined or conditional uses, and necessary forthe operation thereof; D. Minor arcade. (Ord.6(1982) $ 8b: Ord. 8(1973) $ 7300.) 18.22.050 Lot area and site dimensions. The minimunr lot or site area shall be ten thousand squarc feet of buildable area and each site shall have a minimum ftonuge of (vail9-29-92) m PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION (PA) DISTR ICT thirty fe0t. Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet on each side within its boun- daries. (Ord. 12(1978) $ 3 (part).) .. IE.22.060 Setbacks. In the PA district, the minimum front setback shall be twenty feet, the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet, and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet. (Ord. 50( 1978) $ 2 (pan).) 18.22.080 Height. For a flat ro6f or mansard roof, the height of buitdings shall not excbed forty-five feet. For a sloping roof. the height of buildings shall not exceed forty-eight feet. (Ord. 37(1980) $ 2 (part).) f8.22.090 Density .control. Not more than eighty sqluare feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area. Not more than eighty square feet of gross residential floor area shall be permitted for each one hundred square feet of buildable site area for any conditional use as listed in Section 18.22.030. The total density for permitted uses, conditional uses, and accessory uses shall not exceed eighty square feet of gross floor area for each one hundred square feet ofbuildable site area. Total density shall not exceed twenty-five dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. (Ord. 50(1978) $ lg(part); Ord. 12(1978) $ 2(paft).) 18.22.110 Site coverage. Site coverage shall not exceed fifty-five perceil of the total site area. (Ord. 17(1991) $ 7: Ord. 8(1973) $ 7.507.) ,18J2.1,3O' Landscaping..and site development. At least thirty percent of the total site area strall be landscaped. The minimum width and lengh of any area qualifying as landscaping shall be fifteen feet with a minimum area not less than three hundred square feet. (Ord. 19 (1976) $ 8 (part): Ord. 8 (1e73) $ 7.50e.) (Veil 4-7-92) l 340-t CoMMERCIAL CORE I (CCl) DISTRICT 18.22.140 Patking and loading. Off-streei parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter iS.SZ. At least seventy-five percent of the required parking s-tratt be located within the main building or buildings and iriaaen from public view. No parking or loading area shall be located in any required front setback area. (Ord. 19(1976) $ 8 (part): Ord.8(1973) $ 7.510.) ChaPter 18-24 COMMERCIAL CORE 1 (ccl) DISTRTCT Sections: 18.24.010 t.8.24.020 18.24.030 18.24.040 18.24.0s0 I t.24.0s8 18.24.060 18.24.065 Purpose. Permitted and conditional uses-Base- ment or garden level. Permitted and conditional uses-First floor or street level. Permitted and conditional uses-Second floor. Permitted and conditional uses-Above second floor. Reserved. Conditional uses-GenerallY. Exterior alterations or modifications- Procedure for the commercial core 1 zone district. Conditional uses-Factors applicable- Accessory uses. Lot area and site dimensions. Setbacks. Height. Density control. Reconstruction of existing uses-Gener' ally. Site coverage. 18.24.070 18.24.080 18.24.090 18.24.100 18.24.t20 '"-18.24:130 t8.24.140 18.24.150 AI (vail 4-5-94) ZONING tg,24.L7n 18.24.180 18.24.190 t8.24.200 18,24.220 Landscaping'and site development. Parking and loading. Location of business activity. Reconstruction of existing uses-Com- pliance with certain standards required. Adoption of Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations. 18.24.010' Purpose The commercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and cbmmercial estab. . lishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The com- mefcial core I disrict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to th; permiited types of buildings arid uses. The district regulations ) (vsil 4-5-94) y2 o.lr--tn? =HFe :3 =€iqE CIJ o Eeotr BF 3e E iff! n lifl /L\v €,+,oT GN _€& 6 I I I ) g E O.et4ni E+g =.E r =Eio- oJ /^v ( ) €)HoT o6E$Ni;G:}E9* "a N frFIIi 6tqlab l{€r H,ttr oEsogrEi 3r frFiIi o a Nd o (u J /^\v €,Pto-tr fcrN6tr '-J G LLI-L>!r A F H B I I I "i----*--r-_i';,ii(,t )\ r]ls. \- (+ffiL. -- ,',t!alK\- -,t ,t I r--__ltl r# gE OF EgaiJE lLEv h Ht -9r ( \po =:=-_t_ 6N _tr 4". 6d o Eg ER' ='9s- l. t-r 6+ f ,n E ilii nlifl n' :5 -r F3 r\/, \,//\I F^" F:.8 bH ffiil-r €orr-tT fE+ h_E btbrob ;i8-u E.[ iT o Eg6r 5a rrlli o .EI- o oJ /^,v \EP.zQ ,E LR rG'tu 6 Fli t: 1,. itrH n fi\ b:bqrb :l€u EE trr- o Ee!98nir frFlli oggF o oJ /.,\v oPoT € NG a- "a I l- I J,,lz rl nff ff- b ==,PTt_RH E;T R€*Yad - lrl /v o Es '5*3r gE!i! n lifl I I N t \€, H.-Q ,T LftNtGL 6 IJz i./ i.. 'l i('lli--Rg t-- {- *FFBIT€-cg.[ E oEnotr 8n E: frfiii (ah>[trE -3 7r^v '€,P'aT LG N \_qL J, ) i( -_--J H+ tl \D*+$h ;{€-u $,tE EI EF'g: r Stii813ldr n Iifl (.N t=o o.J /L\v €)Ho I G N _a& G I I7 I 'l ' I 1rh 0 u, {- € r-hL! n € =at L}l+-4eln6tM EgE$ 3'e .fr$iii g oPo I 6 N6 tu G A A tr,/l -) 0lr -n' L_t flil € T}Lil.El tfitfi+ tE il 9b J JI o EEE$ ==' IE- Hxiii antro G' _€)tll 60 .g ==CIo /v aPoT rd N -Go- € C .9 a6 atr fo.tl o .E oE ta ttfff co t! !,E tlcl UJ g .9 a! -9trJ troz ++tf;FF +* fr F +attI hfb $$$ tttl +E $ r ! I t $ t il I t $ t $ I L $ tn o 4J6 (D lrl 6 -b00i 60IE ,rl E =E /^.\v o6E$ N:.sEF- Eiiii €,Po I "E N C .9 r! o ul- E 3oaa o .E d) iE vlo +a s I I +d+!aart*E$!FFtttltl ttt $$$ tl $$ +& T I I & I I t E $ I t E # tt{ ? F tro t! o trt- t4 .E!u tr .9 |! o, UJ -c oz I I IT I *t I t ti$? .9 Ev) u! l *Sen.29. 1999 8:34Al{ ZEHRE}I AND ASS0clA N0,9651 P, 2/10 From:10?0 Vdl.Vi[as'G_IE! Preliminarv Codc Revicw Zehrcn ald Associates. Inc. SeptemberSS, 1999 Underlvins Zorjuq -lPublieAesonxldation Permithd Uscs. lodges Coudltionrl Usrs, Theaters, Mecting roonr, Convanioa Facilitiss, Public or conuercial Parking Facilitics. Retai[ Eatirrg, Drinlcirg, Recreational uses not excr:cding 100/o of oul CRFA of the rpaiu ssucffiss. Major Arcade, so long rs it docs not hrve ary enerior ftonhge on any public vaF sutet, or wslkwly. Type III EIIU. Typc IV EHU. Acccsoory Ures. Swiruring poolq patios, or other recreational frcrlities custornarily incidcarrl m permitH Lodge Uses, Lot Arer 10,000 sq- ft- rninirurn- 30 ft. r:dnimm strcet froahga $ize and sbapc caprblc ofcnclosing a square cighty fcd m cach sidc. Sctbacks. 20' front sctbflck. 20' side sclback. 20''rcu setbacl,, 45' Oat roof- 4E' sloped roof- E0 sq. It GRFA per 100 sq. ft. ofbuildable sirc a*r. 25 dwclling uniu pct actt ma:rinurn Sitc Covcpege. 55% oftor.l sira srca. I Lrndecefling. 3004 of the toul sits rea- l5 ft mininum widh auil length to bc incluilcd" 300 sq. fu miduun uca h be iDsludcd. Perking Pcrchapbr 18-52. No parking or loading in ihc front retbrck area. Desiqn Critc_ria - Sp€cisl Develonment Dislrict A. Dcsign ccrpaotility with imncdiate fivirorurrdt, ncigl$orhooq Bnd adjacet propctries rtlstivc to rrcNtcctural design scalc, bul\ building heigb! butrtr eones, idedtity, chancter, vi$ual idsttity etd chrnctcr. B. Uses, acrivity, and denrity which pr$vide a compatible, efficicnt and wo ablc rebtionship with srurouading uscs, C- Compliancc wirh parking and loadiry ftquiftdrats. Ueight. Demity, l.Sep.29. 1999 8:344M ZEI|REN AND ASSOCIA CrmuP A-2.1 A.3 Ssnrrrtiot No Requircnctds Onc Hour OrcHour One Hour OneHow Oae Horu No Rcquircocnts No Requirurrns Ole Hour orrcHour One Hour D. Conformity with applicable etenenrs of tre Vail comprcheosive pla4 mwn policies, and urban design plans. E- tdcntifrcation and mitigation ofnanrral andor geologic hazards that allcct fre property- F. Sitc plaq building dcsign, locdion, and opro space provisions designcd to producc r firncdonal dweloprncrt responsive and scrsirivc to natural features, vegehtioD rnd overall acsthetic quallty ofthc cnvironment' G. e iirculation system desi$ad for both vchicles rnd pcdestians add*ssing on and off-sitc traffic circuladou H, Functional arrd resthetic landrcaping and opcn sprce in order to optimrze and Prescrve la ral features' recteation, views, and fimction. I. plusing plan c subdivision plan t!1t will maiilNin a workrblc, firnctional, ad clfecient relationship tluoughoul the dcvelopment of the spccial development dski$- Unjform Buildine Code - 1997 edition Occupancv Groupe{Iqbl!-3-Af S.ctlon DcsgriDtion303II -building or po.tiotr of a buildiqg baviug rn asszmbly mom with an occrrPant load ofrmrc thrn 300 witbout a legitimarc stage. 303.1.1 .A luitding or portiou of a building taving rn assedbly room wit! au occltpant load of less tban 300 withorrt a legitiaratc stagc. B 304.1 A building or portion 0urcof, for ofhcg professional, or scrvice ryPc tarsactions, includrng storage of remrds, and eatiug &inting establishrwDts witl an occupalt load of less than 50. M 309.1 A building or portou tlrercof , for the dieplay and sale of urrchrdise, iwolving sbcls of goodr, urareq or mcbandise, iacidcntal to such purposes and acccsriblc to fte public' R-l 310.f Uot"tr, uputtoon lnuscs, and congregatc rcridcaccs (erch accosrnodatmg roorc thro l0 persons). S-2 3l l-t Low-hrzartl ocarpancies includc buildings or portions ofbuiHings uscd for storagc ofnorr , cortrwtiblc raaterials. S-3 J I f r-f Prrking garages not chssificd ar Cmup S, Division 4 Occupancics (open garagcs). At-ium &2 An opcniag firough two or morc flou lcvels otbcr &rn enclosed gtrair$ays, clsvatoF, hoispays ercalators, plurnbiag electrica! air*otditioning, or o0rer equipmcnr, which is closcd at the top and uol dcfmcd rs r rnall. No.9051 P. 3/10 iron:10?0 Groun A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 Grouo 4'-3 B M R-r s-2 s-3 B M R-l s.2 s-3 Group B B BI M M M R,1 akia Grouo M Feperetion No Requircrucnts One Hour OneHou Onc Hour Onc Hour One Hour OneHow Ono Hour One Hour-Unpro&cteil R-l s.2 s3 R'I s-2 s-3 92 R-l rtsia aEia Teasots No Requirsmts - 3 lloors R-3 Onc Hour - Protcctcd + Conrnrcrcial Kirchms accessory to A2lA3 dininB, srcas which tbey sewe do not aecd sepuation. * {rlrrrinisg3fiys, clerical offrccs, gift shops, etc. acccsrory to Rl do not ueed scparation (10% max. area). Occunaucy $eDaratio.[t I .-sep.2e, leee 8:35AIr{ZEIIREN IND ASSOCIA Buildins F-Gisht and Floor Arca (Table 4-A. 5-D) No,9051 P. 4/10 From:10?0 GroqD- A-2.1 A-3 B M R-l s-2 s-3 Atiudl Grouo A-2.t A-3 B M R-l Conrt. TroQ I-FR I.FR I-FR I-FR t-ltR I.FR I-FR I.FR cluEt TvDe I.FR Mrximum llekht Uotinited Unlimited Unlimibd Unlimircd Unlimited Udimircd Unlimitcd 4 Storics Rrting - Be$ins Welb FourHorrN/C Four Hour N/C Foru Horu N/C < 5' T\ru Hour N/C ElsewhErc Forx Hour < 5' Two Hour N/C Elsewltcrc Four Horr < 3' Two Hour N/C Elsecfhere FouHow<5' T.ro Hour N/C Elsewlrrc Four Hour < 5' Two HoruN/C Elscttcre Mffimumnf.cf Unlimitcd Utrlimited Uuliritcd Untinitcd Unlinitod UDlifiitcd Unlimitcd 20' DiarueEr Clear Min. Rrtins - Non-Bcrrins wlur Fon HourN/C < 5' T*o Horu IVC < 20' Foru Hour N/C < 5' Two Horr N/C < 20' ForuHoruN/C<5' Two IIourl.{/C < 20' Forr HourN/C < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Four Hour N/C < 5' Tm HourN/C < 20' ForuHouMC<5' Tuo Horu N/C < 20' Four Horu IVC < 5' Two Hour N/C < 20' Ooeninps NotPermitM<5' Prorccrcd < 20' Not Pcrmittcd < 5' Protectsd < 20' Nor Pcnuitted < 5' Protccted < 20' Not Pcrmited < J' Protectcd < 20' Not?anittcd<3' Probckd < 20' Not Pcrmitted < 3' Proucrcd < 20' Not Pcrmittcd < 5' Pro&c@d < 20' I-FR I-FR I-FR I-FR s-2 s-3 NC!q-E!$.!4l- Bcariag Walls - Exteris 2. Bcuing Walls - hterior 3. Non Bcadrg Walls - Exbrior 4. Structurll Frr|lt 5. Partitions - Pcrraancnt 6, Sbaft Enctosures 7. Floors and Floor/Ceiling 8. Roofs and RooflC*iling 9. Exterior Doors and Windows I 0. Srairuay Construction 11. Atrium Roof tr'irc - Rcristiw RatiEf 4 Horr 3 Hou 4 Horu 3 Horu/4 Hour n Bxt, uall I Hour 2 Hortr 2 Hsur 2 Horu T$lc 5A 602-4 Uryrotected Location on Prose |* Sep,29, 1999 B:354l'(ZEIIREN AND ASSOCIA Lisbt Yentilation and $enitatioB (Section -1203) Gcnsrrl, Exterior cpcnings for natural ligbt or vcntiladoa rcquircd by tlril scctioa sball open directly onm a public uray or u yerd or a court as set fordr in sectioa 1203.4. Exceptloor 2. Skyltghts. Light Guest rooms rnd babitable rooms wirhin r dwelling unit or congrcgatc rcsideffe (Fury Rl drall bc providcd wiih natural light by otror of cxhrior glazed opcnings with rn aler of aot less tlu! ouc rcoth thp of thc floor artr of such rooms wi& a miniunrn of l0 sqrue fcei Yrrds. Yards ghalt not bc less than 3 fcct in width for one and two story buddings. For buildb8F nore tlan two stories in heighl $e mininnrrn widrb of tre yard shall be imrcascd at a nre of I foor for each additiornl story- Such yards sball be on the sauu property as fte buildiug. Courts. Courts shall not bc lcss than 3 feet in width Cogrts having winilows opcning ol opposite sides sbdl oot bo tss5 rhnn 6 fcct in widlh For buildings more than rro stcics h ltcigbl thc miniruo width of &e nrd stell bc increascd ar I (otc of I foot ia wrdtb for esch additional story- Sttch courb shall be on thc sac pro,perty as the bnilding. No.9651 P. 5/10 Fron:10?0 BuildinE A B c D Atriun/Court Ele!!Ua!r \lfe3t Norh Sourh East All Intenor Beisht 6i7 $tories J/6 Stories 4/5 Srorics 6/7 Stories 6/7 Stories Occunrn! Lord trrctor 15 sq. ft,/occ. 200 sq. ft./occ. 15 sq. fl./occ. 200 sq, ftJocc. 100 sq. ft-/occ. 30 sq. ft,/occ. 60 sq. fr,/occ. 30 sq. llr/occ. 200 sq. ft-/occ- 300 sq. ft"/occ- 300 sq. ft./occ. 200 sq. ft./occ. Rcq uired Clqdlf-ildSstbxct 7/8 Fcct 6nFeet 5/6 Peet 7/8 Fcet l0/ll Feer (20' at Aaium) occureltlord llcaBslE[S BgSUdSS-ft?S Trvo Merns of Mcnoslt[gIe$ EgG!J0occ. 750 sq. il. Occupant lrord ifinblc llFA) Grouo Uce Aseembb6 lcsr coflcetrbabd ua€ Curumcial Kitchcu Asseribly; Icss concetrEat€d usc Cofinsrcial Kitclen Offrces Retdl - Grnd Fl./Basenent Retail Sh,res - Uppm Floor MNll Aparbrflb and Holcls R-3 DwellingUnits S-2 $toragc ad SrockRoonu S-3 Parkiry Garages r0rosr kasablc Arca A-2 A-3 B M R-t 30 occ. 50 occ. 30 occ- 30 occ, 50 occ. 50 occ. 50 ooc. l0 occ. l0 occ. 30 occ, 30 oca. 6,000 sq. ft. ?50 sq. t. 6,000 sq. ft 3,000 q. ft. 1,500 sq. fr. 3,000 rq. ft. 2,000 sq. ft- 3,000 sq. ft 9,0ffisq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. Ev6y sroly or portion thcrcof having an occupurt load of50l to 1,000 stall not havc lcss $ao tlucc cxirs. Every story or portion thereof haviag m occupant load of mott tlar I ,000 chall aot bave less thrn four cx r Esress Width.r0lllE2) Srrirways - 0.3 ioches per occupard Other Corpouents - 0,2 iilchcf per occuplnt Mail erir ruiniflrn - 66" . Sep, 29. 1999 B:3OAlr{ ZEIIRIN AI'ID ASSOCIAt. , No,9$51 P. 6/10 From:1070 Meximum TnvclDistance (1fi)4.2.S) Indiyidurl Ten t Speces - 200 feet to mall (atrium area). Atrium - 100 &et mffifuum of trrvel distance Ellowod by 1005.2,2 nny bc an open cxit-lccesr balcony within thc abhrff. Sprhklcd Building - 250 feet uuxirnurn. Incrcases - Up to an addirimal 100 fcet pmvided fust porbou ofodt rccess occuw in within r corridor. Thc length of such a corridor shall not bc less rhatr thp annunt of incrpase bken 'r'tt ,4ttl I ,,f-{ LuNu v/ [rrl^,1 /f,t)ru? (['' 'f { O VAIL PLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS September 20,1999 Prepared By: STAN BERNSTEIN AND ASSOCTATES, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION A: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND KEY ASSUMPTIONS SECTION B: REVENUE IMPACT MODEL - ALL SUPPORTING SCHEDULES SECTION A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND KEY ASSUMPTIONS VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS INTRODUCTION Stan Bernstein and Associates, Inc. was retained by the developers of the proposed Vail Plaza Hotel Project (the "Hotel") to analyze t}re incrementai municipal ,".r"rru", that could accrueto the Town of Vail (the "Tovm") as a direct result of the construction and completion of the Hotel. The incremental Town revenues that could be generated from the Hotel are based upon the assumption that buildings 3,4, and 5 of the existing Vail Village Inn are replaced with the Hotel as set forth in the followins chart. PROGRAUAIIALYSIS (pERMR. WALDO PRADO, SEPTEMBER g.lggg COMPONENT VAIL PLAZA HOTEL PROJECT EXISTING VVI TOBE REPLACED INCREMENTAL ROOMS UNITS, SQ. FT. q&oss SQUARE FOOTAGE 7\A 1',71 44,143 315,129 DWELLING UNITS I L 0 FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB UNITS 4r)(L 1+O ACCOMMODATTON (HOTEL) LTNITS 98 /tu 20 RESTAURANT SQUARE FOOTAGE 3,879 4,217 (338) LOLINGE SQUARE FOOTAGE 1.971 |,196 I t> COMMEBIIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 4,568 1,932 2,636 HEALTH CLUB/SPA/RELATED SQ. FT.)? \4)0 )? \4') CONFERENCE CENTER SQ. FT.l 8,501 |,074 17,427 -l- VAIL PLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAILINCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS EXECUTTVE SUMMARY Exhibit I, which appears on the following page, presents a summary of the incremental revenue impacts to the Town generated from the Hotel. Exhibit I presents ii; a summary of thesignificant recurring incremental Town revenues upon completion olthe Hotel; (ii) a summary ofnon-recurring incremental Town building permit related revenues generated during theconstruction period and real estate transfer tax revenues generated from the initial saies ofFractional Club units; and (iii) other significant information such as incremental skier days, taxable sales and assessed valuation. Exhibit I relates all revenue impacts to the 1999 Town budget so that readers of this report will be better able to wrderstand the ielative magnitude of the forecasted incremental revenues. A concise narrative summary of Exhibit I is priented in thefollowing paragraphs: o Recuning incremental Town revenues generated from the Hotel are forecasted to be $907,188 and represent approximately 3.7Yo of the Town's I 999 budgeted revenues. o Recurring incremental Town sales tax revenues generated from the Hotel are forecasted to be $718,927 and represent approximately 4.6% of the Town's 1999 budgeted revenues. o Real estate transfer tax revenues generated from initial interval sales are forecasted to be approximately $90 i ,600. o Construction related permit revenues are forecasted to be approximately $375,000. o Incremental annual skier days are forecasted to be 14,398 which represents approximately l.lVo of 1998199 Vail Mountain skier days. o Incremental assessed valuation is forecasted to be approximately $12.2 million which represents approximately 2.7Yo of the Town's most current certified assessed valuation. o Incremental annual taxable sales are forecasted to be approximately $18.0 million which represents approximately 4.6% of the Town's 1999 budgeted sales tax base. o Incremental annual guest nights are forecasted to be 110.449. a EXHIBIT I VAIL PI.AZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9-20-99 NON_RECURRING REVENUES GENERATED BUDqET 1% REAL ESTATE TAXES $901,600 $2,3OO,OOOooNSTRUCT. RELATED PERM|TS 3J5pgq 6so,ooo TOTAL REVENUES $L226_AAq $e€5oJoa % OF TOWN'S 1999 BUDGET 43.3% RECURRING REVENUES AT PROJECT GOMPLETION $56,277 718,927 21 ,597 36,064 7,189 26,960 240 12,615 27,319 $9AZJ€g 3J% BUDGET $2,168,800 15,539,629 2,195,960 2,300,000 341,698 520,000 121,030 468,917 547,930 $ZLf93€o,1 PROPERTY & S.O. TAXES 4% SALES TAXES 4% SKI LIFT TAXES 1% REAL ESTATE TAXES BUSINESS LICENSES COUNW SALES TAXES CIGARETTE TAXES ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND FRANCHISE FEES TOTAL INGREMENTAL REVS % OF TOWN'S 1999 BUDGET SKIER DAYS % oF 1998-99 ACTUAL ASSESSED VALUATION % OF 1998 AGTUAL TAXABLE SALES % OF 1999 TOWN BUDGET GUEST NIGHTS 14,398 1.1o/o $12,164,583 2.71" $17,973,173 4.6% 110,449 1998 ACTUAL 1,338,460 9457,28,230 $388,490,725 Not Available -3- ilL . VAIL PLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT PLANNING ASSUMPTIONS A. GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS The incremental revenue impacts are based upon the Hotel program Analysis as communicated by Mr. Walder prado as of September g, 1999. All incremental revenue impacts are based upon 1999 uninflated dollars (i.e., inflationary impacts have been ignored for financial planning purposes). Forty-six Fractional club units wilr be developed as a part of the Hotei. Approximately 28 weeks of each Fractional club unit will be sold as intervals and the remaining 24 weeks will be retained by the developers of the Hotel and rented to guests. B. ASSESSED VALUATION AND PROPERTY TAX REVENUES L Hotel rooms (including hotei amenities and parking spaces) will have an actual value of $150,000 per room. 2. Retail, restaurant and lounge space will have an actual value of $275 per square foot. 3. Fractional club Units (each containing approximately three bedrooms and 1,900 square feet) and the 5,s42 square foot condominium will have an actual value of $ 1,000 per square foot. 4. The commercial assessment rate will remain at 29Vo of actual value and the residential assessment rate will remain atg.74o of actual value. 5. The current assessed valuation of Vail Village Inn buildings 3,4 and 5 total approximately $2.0 million and have been deducted from the forecasted assessed valuation associated with the Hotel. 6. The Town's 1999 certified mill revy of 4.406 mills is assumed to remain constant. 2. J. -4- m. VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT PLANNING AS S UMPTIONS (CONTINUED) C. SAIESTAXREVENUES 2. 4. 5. It is assumed that an average of six persons will occupy the Fractional club units retained by the developers of the Hotel for rental purposes (i.e., the portion of each Fractional club unit expegl.ed:tebelenied- for 24 weeks during the "shoulder seasons" of the yeart' An g0% o"hp*"y rate and an average nightly rate of $500 is expected. \-------- - It is assumed t(I6i-* f*r"-. "t rt- t".r"r cupy the Fractional club units expected@. A g0% occupancy rate is assumed and these units are expected to be used by the owners or thelr guests (i.e., no sales taxable rental income has been assumed although it is likely that some owners will rent their respective weekly intervals). It is assumed that each hotel and Fractional crub guest will spend an average of$100 per day for sales taxable food, beverage, and retail relited items. This assumed daily spending rate is supported by a survey conducted by RRC in 1996 and 1998. The forecasted incremental sales tax revenues and guest nights generated from the Hotel have been reduced by sales tax revenues and guest nights estimated to be generated from the existing Vail Village Inn operations. D.LIFT TAX REVENUES 1.According to analyses developed by Design workshop, annual skier days generated per Fractional club Unit are assumed to be 252 and annual skier days generated per hotel room are assumed tobe_I3lr_ -- Effective taxable ski lift revenues per skier day are assumed to be $37.50. -5- il. VAIL PLAZAHOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS S UMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT PLANNING AS SUMPTIONS (CONTINUED) E. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX REVENUES l. It is assumed that approximately l,2gg interval weeks will be sold for an average price of $70,000. 2- The annual rate for secondary sales of interval weeks is assumed to be 4% of total inventory. F- The Town's portion of the Eaglp€66-tyGFanT.bddee fund revenues are calculated based on a continuatio(lf the 2.074 millEgfie County road and bridge fund mill levy. \---/ G. Construction permits were estimated based upon discussions with the Town,s building department offrcials. H. The Eagle county sales tax rebate to the Town is calculated by applying a factor of .0275 to the Town's forecasted incremental annual sales tax rlvenues. I. cigarette tax revenues are calculated by applying a factor of .00g9 to the Town's incremental annual sales tax forecasts. Franchise fee revenues are calculated by apprying a factor of.03g to the Town's incremental annual sales tax forecasts. Business license revenues are calculated by applying a factor of .01 to the Town's incremental annual sales tax forecasts. J. K. -6- SECTION B REVENUE IMPACT MODEL - ALL SUPPORTING SCHEDULES VAIi. PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INGREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_20-99 GOMPONENT VAIL PLAZA HOTEL PROJECT EXISTING WI TO BE REPLACED INGREMENTAL ROOMS, UNITS, SQ- FT- GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE 359,272 44j43 31s,129 DWELLING UNITS 1 I 0 FRACTIONAL FEE CLUB UNITS 46 0 46 ACCOVIODATTON (HOTEL) UNTTS 98 78 20 RESTAURANT SQUARE FOOTAGE Q./ s,ezg 4,217 (338 LOUNGE SQUARE FOOTAGE D 1,971 1,196 775 COM MERCIAL SOUARE FOOTAGE / 4,568 1,932 2,636 FTEALTH CLUB/SPA/RE|-ATED SQ. FT.23,542 0 23,s42 CONFERENCE CENTER SO. FT.18,501 1,074 17,427 SOURCE: MR. WALDER PRADO - PROGRAM ANALYSIS DATED SEPTEMBER 8. 1999 B-1 VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS RECURRING AT PROJECT COMPLETION FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_20_99 PROPERTY TAXES 4% SALES TAXES 4% SKI LIFT TAXES 1% REAL ESTATE TAXES BUSINESS LICENSES COUNTY SALES TAXES CIGARETTE TAXES ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND SPECIFIC OWNERSHI P TAXES FRANCHISE FEES TOTAL INCREMENTAL REVS - VAIL PLAZA HOTEL B-2 $5g,5g7 / 719,927 // 21 ,597 r'/ 96,64 v. TJggv/. 26,960 " .240v 12,615 \/, z,ago / zt,atg / $907,188 RECURRING AT PROJECT VAIL PI.AZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL HEVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_20-99 General Assumptions: Retail/Resvlounge Value - Sq. Ft. RetaiYResvlounge Sq. Ft. Hotel Value per Room HotelRooms lntervalSq. Ft. lntervalUnits Condominium Sq. Ft. Condominium Units Condo/lntervalValue per Sq. Ft. 1. Retail/FlestauranVlounge Space - Vail Plaza Hotel Actual Value Retail, Restaurtant, Lounge Assessed Yalue @ 29"/o Town MillLevy Town Property Ta(es Town S.O. Taxes @ 5% 2. Vail Plaza Hotel (lncluding Conf. Ctr, & Amenities) Actual Value Vail Plaza Hotel Assessed Value @ 29% Town MillLevy Town Property Ta,yes Town S.O. Taxes @ S% 3. Fractional (lntervall Club Units - Vailplaza Hotel ActualValue Fractional Club Units Assessed Value @ 9.74% Town Mill Levy Town Property Taxes Town S.O. Taxes @ 5% B-3 iContinued On Next Page) lh,Wgt $27510,418L c..-*-50,000 ,.h? t' ss \ zb?'1,900 / 46 5,542 1 (9$t,ooo $2,864,950t $830,836 4.46 od- $3,661 $183 $14,7}O,AOO +- $4,263,000 4.4cf.w $18,783 t $939 $87,400,OAO4- $8,512,760 4'406 '!^/' $37,507 $1,875 VATL PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_20_99 4. Condominium Unit - Vail Plaza Hotel Actual Value Condominium Unit Assessed Value @ 9.74% Town MillLevy Town Property Taxes Town S.O. Ta<es @ S% 5. Total Assessed Valuation - Vail Plaza Hotel Proiect Assessed Value Retail Restaurant, Lounge Assessed Value Hoteland Amenities Assessed Value Fractional Club Units Assessed Value Condominium Unit TotalAssessed Value - Vail Plaza Hotel proiect Town Mill Levy Town Property Ta(es Town S.O. Ta:<es @ 5% B-4 L.'.$5,542,000 $539,791 4.46 $2,378 $1 19 $830,836 $4,263,0@ $8,512,760 $539,791 $14,146,386 4.406 $02329 qgilt-o 6. Deduct Existinq Assessed Valuation - Properties to be Replaced: Assessed Value - Buildings 3 & 4 Assessed Value - Building S Assessed Value - Drvelling Unit # 400 Total Assessed Value - Bldgs. 3 - b and Unit #400 Town MillLevy Town Property Taxes Town S.O. Ta,res @ S% 7. Net Incremental Assessed Valuation & propertv Tax Revenues Total IncrementalAssessed Value - Vail plaza Hotel p Town MillLevy Town Property Ta,res Town S.O. Taxes @ S% 8. Countv Road and Bridse Fund Revenues @ 1.037 Mill 9. Gonsfi.rction Permits @ ,0075 xgS0,@0,000 $849,178 $832,625 $300,000 $1,981,803 4.406 $sJ92 $4gz $12,164,5834A6 -/ $53,597 ,- $2.680 / '., $12.615 v $375,000 VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCHEMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_20_99 General Assumptions: Hotel Rooms: Number of Rooms Available for Rent Average Daily Rental Rate per Room Average Annual Occupancy Rate per Room h r, Average Persons Occupying a Room lncremental Persons Generated Annually Average Taxable Daily Expenditure per Person (Excluding Lodging) (o. ., Fractional Club (Rental Portion - 24 weeks/yeafl0 Number of Fractional Units Available for Rent Average Daily Rental Rate per Unit Average Occupancy Rate per Unit Average Persons Occupying a Unit Incremental Persons Generated Annually Average Taxable Daily Expenditure per Person (Excluding Lodging) per Person (Excluding Lodging) 1. Sales Taxes Generated from Hotel Operations Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging Taxable Sales - Annual - Retail/Rest 4% Sales Tax - Retail/Restaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources 4% Sales Tax - All Sources (Continued On No<t Page) B-5 98,-.. $1ew 1-Wr,:-,1.7sw 50,078 fioo@ $1oo $5,4{17,&10 $217,#2 $s,007,800 $200,s12 $10,444,840 $417,794 46 r{-, $500 l-^q/ {-g0%Jl - 6 37,O94 $100 Fraclional Club (lnterval Ownership Portion - 28 weeks/year): Number of Fractional Units Available for Occupancy 46 Average Daily Rental Rate per Unit f-O-l Average Occupancy Rate per Unit SM" Average Persons Occupying a Unit 6 Incremental Persons Generated Annually 49,696 Average Taxable Daily Expenditure VAIL PLqziI HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_20-99 2. Sales Taxes Generated trom Rental Portion of Fractional Club Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging Taxable Sales - Annual - Retail/Rest 4% Sales Tax - Retail/Restaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources 4olo Sales Tax - All Sources 3. Sales Taxes Generated from Interval Portion of Fractional Club Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4% Sales Ta< - Annual - Lodging Taxable Sales - Annual - Retail/Rest 4% Sales Tax - Retail/Restaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources +% Sales Tax - All Sources 4. Sales Taxes Generated from All Sources: Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging Taxable Sales - Annual - Fetail/Rest 4% Sales Tax - RetaiVRestaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources 4% Sales Tax - All Sources $3,091 ,200 $123,e4e $3,709,.140 $148,378 $6,800,640 $272,026 $o $o $4,868,640 $194,746 $4,868,640 $194,746 $8,s28,240 $341,130 $13,585,880 $313,43s s82fi4.120 $884.565 4% Sales Tax - Annual - RetiaiyRestaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources 4% Sales Taxes - Annual - All Sources ii. Net lncremental Taxable Sales & 4% Sales Tax Revenues Taxable Sales - Annual - Lodging 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging Taxable Sales - Annual - Retail/Restaurant 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Retail/Restaurant Taxable Sales - Annual - All Sources 4% Sales Taxes - Annual - All Sources 7. CountvTaxRebate @.0375 8. Cigarette Taxes @ .0089 9. Franchise Fees @,0098 '10, Business License Fees @ .01 $1,600,000 $64,000 25,409 $2,s0,948 $101,638 $lL140p!ul $165.638 $6,928,240 $277,130 $11,044,933 wl,797 $17,973.173@/ $26pOA t" $2n v/ wgs'/ $ZJll!e. I | 5. Deduct: Existing Sales Taxes Generated from Properj t*\ Taxable Sales - Anni.ral - Lodging - 28 Rooms! \ 4% Sales Tax - Annual - Lodging - Z8 Rooms \AnFalfuSons Generated from 78 Rooms\-J ,.\ Frdl\ Anpualfuqons Generated from 78 Rooms-t- @51$occupancy Taxa-bffiales - Annual - Retail/Restaurant B-6 VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS FINAL DRAFT DATED 9_20_99 General Assumptions: Anil.ral Skier DayslFFU Annual Skier Days/Hotel Room Effective RevslSkier Day 1. Ski Lift Taxes Generated from Hotel Rooms Number of Hotel Rooms Skier Days Ta,rable Lift Revenues 4% Ski LiftTaxes - Hotel Rooms 2. Ski Lift Ta<es Generated from Fractional Units Number of Fractional Units Skier Days Taxable Lift Revenues 4% Ski Lift Taxes 3. Ski Lift Ta;<es Generated from All Sources Skier Days Taxable Lift Revenues 4% Ski Lift Ta,xes Number of Hotel Rooms Skier Days Taxable Lift Revenues 4% Ski LiftTaxes 4. Deduct: Existing ski Lift Taxes Generated from properties to be Replaced: 253 138 $37.50 98 13,524 $507,150 $20,286 46 1 1,688 $436,425 $17,457 25,162 $943.52q $37.743 78 1O,764 $403-05A s!_q!40 14,399 $199'925 $eL59Z Taxable Lift Flevenues 4% Ski Uft Ta:<es vt" B-7 4 - VAIL PLAZA HOTEL TOWN OF VAIL INCREMENTAL REVENUE IMPACTS !:INAL DHAFT DATED 9-20_99 1% HEAL ESTATE TRANSFER TA)( REVENUES General Assumptions: Interval Weeks for Sale per Unit Ze Number of Units 46 Number of Interval Weeks for Sales 1,288 Ave. Price per IntervalWeek $70,000 Secondary Sales Rate 4.0@/o 1. Sale of Fractional Fee Interval Weeks Taxable InitialSales $90,160,000 1% RETT Taxes - Initial Sales $gALQgA 1% RETTTaxes - Secondary $36,064 / B-8 Stan Bernstein and Associates, Inc. Financial Planners and Consultants.For Local Governments, Municipai Bond Underwriters, and Real Estate Developers September 21,1999 Mr. Walder Prado c/o Vail Village Inn 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: REVISED FISCAL IMPACTANALYSIS Dear Walder: Attached is the revised Fiscal Impact Analysis for the Vail Plaza Hotel project. Please call with any questions or comments although I will be in Europe until october 11. Very truly yours, .iY /'l--- U- t1 / r<_F"W,-E. ut {L:yu, J,+ Stan Bernstein and Associates, Inc. 707 Seventeenth Street, Suite 2900 Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 291-0495 Telecopier: (303) 291-0625 e-mail:bemstel@ix.netcom.com 2506 Davos Traii Vail. Colorado 81657 thb W tlzg vm*pR. t{wtanntalr eluoeelyi'tq Z.oui.rq ! fl,'t76-grz 4 l.tad ,trpti.r+riorf 7 t.l,b r.t5*J ,{6p. rJic.,i\ ?d , *i h[. os fuc,.rrtr- %,*o, ac:e EBf rll64oont, r+J. to $otronl l-luerr€. ; €. +D (rcF.|cl'+"'f.. ?hoto Sirnr-rh+riod : R,.g }o laiur. rnczrlul. @ 4: w*l 6.rvieor.r maltnc Awta-ff e lZ-lZ -Fr:r-nl Ttnpner F,ioe {r" PaL qryg, ilp Tptep;e- €+fr V?h*a,q Ail p te.qA.s x wRitlEA S+*lr*nle;# Acrrrt=ii.n q esll€r;A . 1! rc Guptogs qE{€rr,+rio.l Regrrlrr fficn- *o FC vf5- 6*ra\o[A= Fr*- Norir'ic/rio.l ( \tAtDi€. qlo ..i. t 4 ,l/. -T1pe. Il tt FR .6,sreu,-;oJ Gmil (srnbv+i6il,'A/ t. 3"*.'1aY1* 3- €xr. vJr+r-c * opeuiul pterrial '1. Cl6 n4 ?6 55. ".Act*;bil;Jr1 fue\si= lReWr '7r,dLtl9 ' tul{..f.ioe fu*o=' 6. €cp* la,rtq sehat-e. ?. tlpoa+ Aze.iq.n q & ug^ 8. ft,eJtrart,rre,e1 CofE. A,J#}1156 Fftaeeo A (^, +,a!{6,27 ?RioR +D ?€/. -9grn6AtD44+l*4. { axrrnp> t^.,/- DrRA;Luge Hh! %wi+rq *iei'lh 70.U. *lerr1 fute. ?RtcR tc> %. Seurnrtrtwriozt. Z. fto.ioE, AW. d|.irrrpqc.\@arr= qeJ Auu;u1 Au-. p*,opeeo irttp. 1. &ou*. l I \ \ ttY -I4ttr- €cb @ UJ,EJ^ \16. A"uq.*,. vqth rc.fze,c.f re.lrl* w. ts F*s bY ffi Aua. qr.. Ae.r vJ. u€EIt cF frepoar cf r=. At1 q&h v.t3.5epr. t a[zq_/sq, fotu 5. s.|lit . ts.rr +u.R-l our oF clo lr.a,? Rqhr or v-rr{ry clo ? /A*r€s {D Piffi.g? Lqet 7 How maul"lreues lb (ffi e 5, Aporre=s tr;F;Lil TnoJ.,SraV 15 fuo,nqe R*$? =p. be.ir*.t . lotru 3. Ir/l€rr vJ. a' €tR€e.I' 5pA€€. ' trl*tkwn1 rl*it Ro l{eqhr : . yyffi .. . fogtr;c-'. {D C,nenote. Do"q r Vieus +o ynl. FFrortr Da*, imr4re. ?er*it trtr,.rcrio-r ? Serbn*s e, + Conptin"rc=. wI / D.\t. ' (.**ltc>sc4piu1. h*u1 Ar-r*t1si= {. uerrt ?*.4ohel vJAtlL:.rn1 il"te., ffoies 4 ttfOO run*A*J +ao €fiq{ + vrro{fi oF p€D. lW ?iEt€darr.I * ACt* HoferF {. e. ftt€tu.g W. _tsin intp . ynn;UE berree iu Fun led €tgi,il. i:ol*h'or.r oF l*rErrln.y is A brcEErJ. lrtX- €Ahrtrr\srla* of rlrut ?pAD +o irtnp A(n€s> 'lo Q*rerr.r*1 bob. A. \revr. Cceree Ie, 6 A Cetu*t. iorp. rj/zcre("er) l-t,*r.s , 0 hr1 U,tare. FrtethE *bq 5. f ;<oulqe Rd. 6 iqp--vlr+tV+r*1 |he,., 5DD.' Sldq & *"F. Cur u;t i^p. Sitl 51Uit'J ,+"""*" +^e,.UveeJ Ud$s" { / > . i*-. + he4nl oe liu? ^F. rsrrrqlt (x"rSt Ho*el +D V;tlq€ l{<*;rgp vAlk"wrra\s < : ,Ftaqh* oF r l l- f lo' 6" ls' 4 Rencl tt?D\t-l&.fuuF. ?ob. .,_ lbb /. Otcl \b. r.Jarr-r. . , l/tttl/rlrr4,- Qrerr. V5. fP-r'iffiLL fiqFo. e (*rirx-- g,ru. -^f--\T4- (v*it R.l.){on, Eetfi.'J.lilt'rs 4a4 ?eur;o-rs +o pt*r-rs. slz1,a?i.aro*1 : . $a*lt€_ dccesaihJe,- la ?ec. il llt {or, 4s'r-1.8 , zq.cl s&s \J*J/*$on. ls.{ 8.5 lg.^{, 201.5 r .3 +-+AQT. I-trne € -?iJr.r'ta|,.Ul \t5. ALor-rrrr€ Dftat /g, Fuil. Ti'mE "Doqarer.vrttlaf" ? T L3z + ES = lE {orr,- al?. = A=t trrc T',er- l4cn€ " I/3 Ff, /6g l.a ' t6.sr 3 t- {g.S enp Las <fi.5 -r5 6Z TOV. lB-?h ' Ap.'fb.t. -i -o{*&T1filE,- r It\lttJt €lllrp. lb ho.rns vlt l?'4r5 ho.rAt vr I hu. 4O lrlctrc_-I Chtote,tl3 i: ' N&P> Dlnrue * ?a;*nAe ***meAal CP*rlv€ *htrtbq. lwl 6Lz 3z &tto t IenV = q_qp _- tu% Z57o? ' t+X. t-6rJ Ar+4e fu.?reznit frr Tir.rJ,.t ' (.lt€. *pC 't '?ra*rlJFg*'tp l"r"rf,t"q : Olr.Cil€ {s f heqtnr, ir-ree.etse. fueic:ep {o \*l Haa4 t{orF{. i.t Taatt 6ntitt: ' : '.: #la a. t't&e DV. Affl*s vl/ CluE. o.rasJr,rp 13o.D trzrR y*ooitiog4f s$E 'l A5 clox. *3 &1. f;esokg osc.e€Fnllo€s. .a I.Lll 6e ?lter. ine (&2" iu- 'lo,.r.t) (^log our 6 fo*li,-) .: C,B,(5c?" iqr . l"* ) ?ie,*z** tme: l+uft. yes. 3l t tue ?s-TtuE : . SOqo ' rirJ. Izl.trt 4c,. 13ao a.r'.r d Ter-xl ' -IUf I -3o?o : 8l I \ee, { (h'e. fieinlt 4;t t*-e dtr W, Ne\e, t.J 4ar,,tl 2107l. \ a,.U #% if r.re.r D. v- t br€5 I * 4flren6 +1r*- elaupsoe, ltiltE€ 'ele'|'*riol ts iue^mecr. Z'. ?laeg, 1'p.^.te f,e.f{Dr.,l irrtu- o,t 11* S;E t'il,L5. ?l€/r* pporioe A r;ix,olriltL euesbt o.t W ' Weor e;toa. oF *+e t$GI 4o tte pln*. {l. 1TE Q, \rJr4lt4--{-t fo.r*t"r of +{"e "*t N€E=ls +o b€ i.rsceegeo jd urrolh +D 8' tniu. 5 ?le*r=g,. ?f,oAtio€ * e6oil DRnrrr...rg e- +fi€ ?ol :c,ez;V 6. Cr+,r ++re Cone-ic6g AwA +IE. &aL 1>.rr ?a,ria *7ro +1.*. 3%rita fiaat al L-l b€ P'e:o.tc& irr *.riorh. fD 1g4;g.W buffiuaE /k?*\ ?. IT.E Lete.t ".Efio yhrD Lev€l - | Foot *AL phntts c,a.lpt;(r. PI*x. f;evise deg*:o'''cg/y. 8. Rena;l =WE T,rrD shqjcl hy'll€, hr ffi. €urr2*uue-g. Th€ 3M fl*d ffi Aror Rwte*r rrEchnt;<'*t Eqviarnr&lr. PtW. u{ztrte;p& a;rc/,as;g *ll "G. bp flEih. Quip. F*re> o.t flE /0. fut*- ilhsrn-*te at}' 7*s. u*c,h tzrart:rr1 Rrrp;r-n od +&, L.c{€,t or.€, fl*.rll. Il,E {-6ue.lS 7g i C,te "bhb i.ro,'a*k +l^r* ++,,e b,uildia 6-lttgr*il,e+ o"h ?h*e fr,. Vaw co;n,e* ru. Ha..r uc \o..l *ery tloat |bm tf 7 ol L- I i3. ethr l+',e- Z'* | 3ry becrc-lln ot +tE #tl .be" :rhtil*b[z ffi. @rt7p{- w|*t AJlor fu u& . +o . it-sc.re-**, fufiA? :tr *,?"Sry ' .-r. ilr€ Foue #Z p+ta-' itt 'lhe .'.Eulw. @? {+€,' ?ae;tg Ur-let-, N€€D h &, R€r/fiouh rfuD * *... i6h+-r>' Le-en+ei>tGA-4 :: t5 T7"*. '{ ?,rcb'T a?ke, ol +1,e.. opF4't85. :.-' lb.. /0 fu fuha#Lr,'ml ;? d,st*t f .,fiilh't-tin ,T-* ' 7' .;.'::.:', l'1. l-b., vritl +1,€. @ers,e, qoio. fr*e=' b€,t_ ugeri l.r t$a eq€lrrrro Sraucst:pE( .L-'Llr Prrq 46 &rcr&*;,nt+ /01,%z 6?,, zzl 171 r* t tu.ll EXr'srr'r-ro L F,rec, tu o2,€r/lrl 4 .DLt *{...b+ Z6+& (1L\' 131,fi hA ,rr% tl4 Clo{>+ %;L 4q+t 6', 5'ro', Lo,5' / 1i. $\\U !*;t ?l'ol, Fkrer- X !*i1 "d se':bfu.y E6 /oft Nf Ciceulcalol wt- *sr UIS ' oRrerr n++ioil *t vJ€sr Wtj. S"\cE fro^r" clRo? . off O \t+;t RJ. 'fuo\ Coun\ \tqt+rlerrt. furlme€, 4o*rA\.-rFttuao.J "?."'p o.-rfstt I *E qh&. ,.\'AJD ol: l+11456- bq Frr \ltrlP" brq H+ Z6L ;4,1*ir"rx,., ?n' fuie,r*tc- Hrwe. fr[ t1-.to 6,aan1 e-. {r,+il "J. Z3 zB=tlfs . #-._=-_=*:_ toll kc. LoQrra- {o CoRr-ree fto-rneg Ra,b 6*.nntfle ORi1. hlb Rerldt ,brJr. hagrilt'\ da' rhro ,t.,r #' n (akoture) fu:iet H,:glr, @l WJt-I fu,*-.*,r*|? ?€€>oar? l%e. &vpetrW-tt- a*t ilr[eg;661 Couren*f*p. ' !*il "o,{- *-#*L ok. '* Doesu't I;W Nls- h"qhr. ok., Couuaw*l *-rl heilhr o,.r ?€-. =x-r,e.' Ralt A+ pt*zr*.aut*al ?. is h &aiee. Co,;sao:-t r..,1 Oe6=rh G F"d' frtt' 5itg- i.rr.-b {t> ?g-, e-, frut*r* (l-,4\6) . AU r.luraLees * Coclte,-_. fAurce,- 'Puil bA*. l*e*ql I ,r*t @j frtII g Dnr4wrrt6 .or/ aim&tst'tx-sl*le,su,6 f*zt wtl FrAJ,a futeAt ?esp,-ro {D eeikr,trn TqR,J€D b.Adz- orl &**wtt*t ' 5h*6. o,-t &*tz I ' i,,ulpt*<r is t*=#-H*'t. AJo' ^f/= oetauxh'oJ; g / -t ?-d r.le€os lo b€ baocqhr c:p Cegz*le. h[e\d (sumezae,ht lap-{1c,e€sf"# ilov,u, MiltE p€D plt*z* rvr . ijter<zaritn. l.iatcrsaF. e, @aJer.rr,+.{ fu> c^out_rer_rbrJ +o 6*ler.rra{. &d=f =erlor+clc_-ob.haqhr* ok- 3?rvE berr...r+J 5H? ru€eE wrel€lV- Chwa @ 6,e,rer.l*"1 li1l.n, Ne irufi.r 4ut.*--(;u.^ee,tee) . r?h't=a S cJ *Tlclnn-*- N\[3 Di,rU€-'herihr oV' uu(e/r4f,oan+bte *l p€D e.ip. e T?ruse S- * -l ' fit- **eaa* VIEUJ= tronpE Aa@. Pl4nz T iloir.t. E*LA.].= vl tA,= ?D len*z* k#a. i,hpe.a:> p*l?ot tuoJ ?r,t<se+ t-r 5lEt>i i,,apprrz. &&e €, A;erJ^ llo (^t'*- ip 6*Ja..**1; iu&rre,ae- to[zo l>RB 5".a,*,"-, bp Neee +, b€ qal. - idco€poR'r+rE, {o..le f,-rL D€=rhJ oF rvlrer. t+Qu/y rs *tl +6 €e=rplcrirr€. ipA<-= lgnrr€a./ bv;tJ,qs. Un\k*ur*l *o 6rk6r"r"f e- Do r{- 'OA* ir-rse,e*se, DR;\r€, 9llo4. - Tl u 4efrA Ahorre. V4E t{.€ sn-e- * {1,8 ?od DeA-, Wieese+> rrr*llarrrrr"l e. TlrrBe. t I i,-fc-feerfea - writl ?*o{rc€, *tbJ L P qe - !O' T*rt* ttldnwrt #aE ilgrrtltsicg,. 'h iLeeee, *ceh ' A=pt U q-fu r'*ur%,.s{itf rr€Ec6 w*L- Rd,D rttiu. lo' h ud41 f ' U SralgV t[tauR*.y t't",i, nqwl't ctttue? 3 @ 1,L6.ir.As :. 'lZ- l5 Fpaa" b+el oe C(#.. L*ucF,c-4f€. .at fa** ?lurl. D VIrk- oL.r .b egeti4l fui4#i4 Lo,,A.q @- qVrE -\. A '[ t Fcbrir.rq xrolt O\te f. I ' 5hol fuo^,,.rq € fua-r U Eo \oufi*- il &ort^t*{icrl tth;rar \r-bc).. U fluvatbec= 5qtrtetl*zJ. DiP,i\€\d/q,i.I . I -iilarrt{ A&6 oE ?AE, A.&or hcrh. b*l:V- e eiPl;.4\tffi. tnu*, ratoe[<- Ar\ AileltI\ I I '-St rbtreb*tl rfi;rllIIv ''?E*tr=riq-. 5<-t#"ne 3 1T*rEi-. R*eicrg |: =nrur1 i=ue e-, ?trrqfi€, {. $o g*atcuq e- subutrbt4*l C<:mmi[ oLt a?*. ' ?*r o€ oRDttr!+tJE. Llp' sl,rcn"r b.*f+or,r tlo Lwf. +1rp+t qe.dpnrq pW ! &' e "{!o ce !e+. A16 fre L4arerp t-lo Aae4. trisa ffipaa-. oV- $Rre'arrrg CnzI ff;oe. lo WL \o<rrqrriort ,-e',r I W RqW- fr&ar il Nllsf Yy4.e- *rer,t /o mh4*ra, fi',.r,n- Co*e. bl.l- t r$a, +\Jo rueelcs ,.lo! (ffi lual feorn 3a4o stauUU, iu5l*:- t*rc=tW. mearmJ. -/'t"Au46. ' ?roNirf€. &rte,.ts +o ill6tP'*t€ ?M.' Ceker wt I Lo* G: 3fur=c-*Fe ,/n6 I&- g@, ,fL/D rvr.6T frissiou \rJEll. vwrSr \ s o{4.3;le. ?rrn* Xqkg,iee ts :lnryrhrf (*;es-lfg. Ttrral ,.<ff=t n4q''&-en&e l3lh D€-v€t 1>' d I uu;l tri1,^e.. 6t1hr' Disr*uc. * Lzi r,ir+ e?e l+"*r Bo..r.-p .# V+i,| "i) r.li,?iaqet,.r- Y!f=rier*: f6 (hmntetrs. Cttt+&.'- Cr',rn:,.rr.c, +.r sfur:,.r tu&, €tc-nrvtl- I Le&r'aeuue*L ennits. ' ,P lzt-, Jer.,Te. 4*'t 7 fu:l nn-r) 1b "oH?8 eod l" lL o\ruaas d,t,rr. Z.l wesY-s h:clrel outtr€,b ur.rsahl ga.f,s.o by V:rrk.l ZIS Yep Uu\.F€D vr€€ks rt4,s be. Reukio br4rJL. &^. (ouri*all or Cl,ub clrui* ovrrt€E rU TlellTtr.t4tutrq Oagl*.- ivapRove.rne*t =? f{o.*.r Do iynffprrenrr,-rr= gef crlr;rc.4 Ak!- z. I Ch..cJ-- C. -r=*-- EA /ttffitt Gurzn't i3 -fufi.ppi4 614 \td;l 3J. '&tr,t*n&.| {-.," L rr4enoou/ 3 l*uaZ ' L*T fL/Rd tr+-!E 7 ' Sy+r- < *ZT= (qq ( ^18 ,./ .i16:t 1b'\ ,.'"'" i?\n . Reryrtc1'l Co,.sulh't* ' L.o*e;*rq fre- futiae =ED Z \€s. T c'*"k lffitFi- ' Aap\ee h,orrg' pta*A . 5c-r*t€ i.r Ftelrviou {o gr*TE\r,{*, ' 3lu! sl:lrrc*.- e- f*ou|ae RA. C, \e.hicre. *<*es e- Ulo, arbriarg p*trp (/s€) -pearc*J . vuq;l "f . Tey+sa;- ' *c-<.sa +b "e*;l Dtn-?-{'trl ?+t.e..' 4?. lu.lowil *t; DV., Tp& <a. b.6 efca. --r:'HJ \,1"t* pqnAcir-rcrr-t t/ iF o.t-s,k , aQ ;a.for*!, ' -1911t/p644 orit {*ll ?4.eplt ' E;'vl? b...r,q itl' iar'^x-r V P"*k. €*;l oxrh Tcsp;. p-rbtta :vtf<*l. ?r,*x,ro-l Co*ulkwl. rlL/D = 4*ogc ': TPn,+t @cr e, dtt- ' lr.- -- -. --r='"lP. r tf,ursrug id . t : "' +o buitC, lspn . *uprt lazte,. - ,-r.\f .- rl <lJ I\t&rl T\d'. tfarA-l 4# &_rD.r.1,? tuqill .tIlPi*tals. (ar,q {#l ?A. Tot+r';. - ll -HrhrDrc+Ap =p"1"=,+r'fi4o 'g,.;t=- oF I €- slawves, "Lul*.W A*ut I ll4*.rw. 4,^ iwpeoWa@rE P5. h fr^rrre \err. ea*er-.q f4-orn--iJ . - w** .r?l 'b+!Tr = crrgFr'tturre - {ratnz;e.rior.t , fuA* "gherq€.,I -Tl&r*-i-. : t fur,#. l,lnnp . t(;t-rf,", - fl.a 4n bn-V- *27-@ @me. L. '116. As.{z -rl'&,,e=r= il.il. I LuP. Nohte *sr ttlUln {''D froi. 5J*A;lllr*--,3eq. /'aI \- Tvbl;stn€D. rcf lo rzl rclw 4r^ L#rr,*r ."/ YrlAw. n'azr- .VitW @ig ,1@ ' Cnrnrrt€rc.i*- t4eft{ I{,OO g D% " ' A"nt Du..aJI urr4l ' tl4tiU{^1 q @wA Ae7r;r Ficrtrt'rEs.'BPbq ?eq- + fr,eiql,rT €,tdv*q +p Lrrz\*reT r <v€t Nirs. \lfil 3J. Me ?Ee., fV14g14 a,t Vrfit ?1. ' fuvvur ar Tp**ic ' 1[l* 6 'Hrre bld1. (o^.eewlre.tntri.q) - 3arbkk, vb. ReiJ. T-I Fl","r frAc- ffi il rruo^re, 1 t0- lz w .h{*L Cvrut) Ee'i$lf' fulvlfir*s> e-, to.^rea lc^,rea oo git*riu,,Ma 6nta.r: D 6" rlr ok- . : . -ettte*ya e- &nir€raln\ DeE, nnwtl br"lL- g +b@z: bdtr+cc e etcesalk-. tlo '{,At RI. fuer'tc ' .i.roe.pgr.roer-n: /+Jt,4\6i6 .' or..t€- Douq r. he,iqhr @4t +,ie+-t+, \lieu c.cRtur'DoR I-s> ov " lt/Ul# e tl,Rote ' {tAi[ i%,AD fuvL nn1be. i,rre€14561p' L*f-fupor €. ,1fr+rtrye- fu. (q +r CDDd'34 en'qo-Ia Chta. ' fine,+r> CoF,lieJ b %!p.-\*;l "1. tu+& Dlrq{€.: DRts ktng@, torrree Ceqrf €rtAp ho,or{ et.siE..te_ e LID -fh* +l,E *ppti&rr s,tfrm;{= R€iliaaD Ftme, iillusarn+i.q +he loc*+io,-l & A+ Iargt$lurg torre , e.",tptrr1ee ho*"rl ttu;{z.a+io uur'l fl14, wt' .@.e6"*t*o & DeaD-Rel>rp;(rED rftJD Rec, OL. &*le.r ff.-ro e-, p,Aqa -[. Couo"ltor-rs !n@ro. *-., I t)ivui,t,tlt-'lr g lq'oD b + tt _l-O ='DD-1-D 1wne. . Co,.ro. ilcr-e;3a wri Urru 6;,rrr'o el1',1eo. lb. d..m botlr+a^ce [-'1, iuc*a*e Vr*it e-hfu-18. 'Co.:,qclt .Aroorze': DAB e, feta.:c,trc:t] b LID Sdnan€- Dielercr o-.t.1 Ll . 6,nle*..'r*f bY) Lf o 'I Zl-- €Livnrct,kt€- L.pt* hh. ry g!<e1* l6.rEJ vnvllten _e- ?ee rye-A3,/ ?rPficr- to C,or,n{ci1 t€r Ra*o,r,g rill?d M- Atleeu*ti\le er-".r*" ,IhD F&Ht g fe-rrlr\q€. Rt). fid.turbAU tliaw-r Arl- T. C. lzl r-r lqq Cr""a;t-;,r^.I-.c-*-a-Lra-l .- | IqqO - 'apn-.,t n-/ rl\ia.r (tecioa, R*'+ttln. &oi,tt+rtcZ. * t3, oF n83 \ ie,.t : Gee ;-oa Tl4€L .ftrzce CeqAa "'lo ?8r'oeih-r=- lAf 4 Fler.r vderer. C. i.r VV ll 3w 6lztls= 5ua6rae"83 hn*onej 1o Vrae/ LH.+- : 1tD vievrs bnio@tu 4'r+crlp,w. iDeLrifi. b..rr stor *orrya>. tm\ to'rtr\.) s€n tBJ \L:a..r tqgL*3 ... ft'.^- or Rga {l --t .lYer-'11u'= tD . *rtO d-Ie (r,..reeo) \ur {itt*<5- uAbAu fil\DolAv I \mt :-1'o.r./ &qal Ni,g Vievr Coooioon= €qua| TphK. 5e- kto{. t\ ttgfrZ/"t'fg- rYlarro . Da*r,I -*l+*rr^.tooL ?l*J o\@'W -b3 -€ j@":i{Yii\ La*,$ b u*s' nlzofe\ /4() I 34 .rrieo*s ioer.rhe;eo iJ {4;l rlirl*qa, rtlll[|oe > /Vli,-roF. > fi*r-,--'81 F*,*'8L I cl*sia'c+.lio,t q * lb**u &orariort @. rfu;t 5, tqg3 Dis0o,Jararq€s ictlev tiio.J fufiE- iulaugorl *tD R€vierder> oAt * U+X- bl e,e. bnsr's. 3rn+tr 4r-nl sfuoV oF \rertJ (aw;w. ?ecl e-owuctl E>iscl-t=s trltr= Yiaaa, oF tlw Siquin'enrT Va'n 4'n " L*V g- rlierrr @iftf- infrtrs Auo soo#6 Cor:o@ si&-_" ,R&@aug e +D Fouz urr'1 Vfatl e /0lZ618/ qnauc' +o Pa.. + t6 4 arfrFl fts A fla\'o€ via/ (psawe. i-rx'€p utu*1lw*bta. *cupnLt. ottly *\ {, lQqr c**ul r lt loo ,t*t ?-h^-.'? ' +funtG. <of, cF.€rtiu*.s X ?eV"a lo lw c #aa &-ffi AcuoA ' +D DF.r.,r3€, rl*t 6*ae*lA^f ' 3'tb=n+zt/-tcz>l ?eu-rceo t<---- ,'tlz ehc;e 6lE/ fuU- t Io &i.le. t-b 5ft*.'Eg 46o9r+g', U6f #Jl.DirA.. D€v€lopmercf W- \ie*rs ( H"uq k"{\ &ee,at AD€w*lL g s.tr.R. \rni\ R"rO Sieu*tk- lnJo \€l.a'cl€ dtrEs=.?wrz;*l *?/e h {r..\ Ger+rer.-rry. .-- Chuck- tJFcod; = FgerAD c,F rliRt-rs,= Udq . h7. 4mn'tica : fw*Lt\ o€ +. f ttAlue. ro1 qA6 ='ytz,4^. ?ao€ A&\LI Cautgiiho, +. S,t*twtHl.l€- el,/,;,an oF futal. \15. W \tK -Derecrive xloli<-e @<nean&rf \ tl r' tldo t1f I' Lia.atalovrloil eeo/rre,h.l. %'e--g ryV *,/ Netlhrx,r=", Ral"lorte xelis 6Ttt ?arl q,ntou^,t Ary- Ib,Erg Di=laat+ t-. Dd-1r-.7 - ?a.teile corig)'-ft'ot s 1. - Uosrf"\ frf..lq' ?rint*. 4inn, tlohun t fiar b W*)E i @tt+ D&.1-lffi' s1gtg? Coe+iu*'. DL,E @ oVl -t{<rAlnaorro k..Fre ' r&ntll,* oF' prR iucipe,'W *t;u1.' Dery 'r4p5>trZr*riolt . |-trb€€r vJ\rrae. ' /V1,vl-te.;11 gl\Lru€€s Sryr Tpoi€cr . .:-- Heayy1,a.1 5httrc, ' NteD fu. Fle\AI hcret %vts, 'Llo l{o9ga Vr'aa/ c@g1;p.5e 'tlS P,nal f&-aa,dV{era ... 5+a€ &Ga.*hn- sc,1pr peoble,*s \Altr€ 6F la,-lftuq -:t] ' le- *1rrer- ... r\;n Lwnutr :uryu s\d{J^ bUq rn** @Lt\nil €a.. lyltlrun4id sF*ip. sl tuft..t4rt Rr. utPY yVliVe W;W Kevi.r 'D€3 'ilb €-ron ' fuD = Ostfr4*ior-ts., EHU ru. h,^rrJ T'lra<, sh*es. \6 lu'rgll Vote, +D tAptr;Eo\€. abil' xtoh.e, ?equteg rnarr. l^u.raiuq iu- I:o,,*J eoaewryi i.{'*f Lrpgp,r'la ' ' 3 ltnte-' o&r \l*.il 3.I. beg Lrcil-' .m@ uuc:grJ...lrr.l *t.1 ia Reoarr6loprna-rr u,rye.\tu1 7nu\/ yy1*srw, ?l*,t @ €o"l ' \ter*r - 3so 4ilA\rFi= lrArrc. *9 ' ?o,r,.rotqJ.*rf v;6r, .F l*lor Ao.atfeonagera. prnalr # pwiw AV. 5,er.at-ro Raaaq. '.. ?€p€srA.i+zt btlerrisl 16 Fhp Ntre al rl*it "J. to"u e, 7e.toe. 1' =JF.c:T D@ =F;-?ic Ca*eu= ' do sir/5r'*l otJ 7uU,'c lrhtD : . G/tlp. WLY loc',+t"brt '{o.- f1n# 1- w ll aAppi*.-I Fe.po /*(% -"1 o{hry. hohat "€srp. W lrtures*-.+pe 6r, A at.J.X ' -how- VA.:l .FA. s6,.d*a4r;-- re' hlot bnacr*He. q lr/ :'- Qta)ht ,' FmU\ .lr> *{u^|,tbb +r ol1,,e- Ftip ,Irttl*?= l le*,".r9 haa+> e-. fylquustrtu iu ' h,^t4 l..fo *oe.'l-la ur,t*- hh F A*haE f6> dr+,-o uul-il Jan eh*,ge, 0nrx-V ---b'*r.l an.5;l,e -lg\) otJ. >*e,, i,,r' frn:,.r :=: ",td tll-lo h+..ilt&k*\o.e Nov, 16. 1999 5:14PM ZEI|RIN AND ASSOCIA No. lllb Y. lll From:10?0 ?FELSBUBG HOLT.&. ULLEVI G rngincariry path t w nw4,porturioa rokrionr November 16, 1999 Mr. Tlm loca Zehren and Associater, Inc. P,O. Box 1975 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Acc$r bsusa - Proporcd Vail Ploza Hotd FHU Rducnca ilo- 9$199I i DeEr Tlm: I lWe heve pr€parcd this-latrcr in rrrgonse to your lctter deterl Novembar 4, Igg9'tsgardhg l."..ss iesum rt the propo$d Veil Plela Hotel. Wc hsvc ddr.sred eactr conrmsrn as Ulows: I Co4nrm 1: Tha pya;55lhihTy of tnlft fuW ttP b UP Mnhbovt from tlra wu{t ot W ott Vail fusd wtilwutt dcdc!,tcd lettnun F,nc- A toral $eclclng distance cf 3lO fect would be tvdlablc along Vail Road between $e For.rndcbou and the proporad southEm Hotel entY. Thir rrecking distanca would accommodate a queue lcngth gl rbour 15 vehicles. On averaga. h ls lorocartrd that ebout I vehicle pcr minurc w1l lrm lett into thr rlte, and about t 3 vohicls per minutc will cominuc sorsr along Vril Road. [.Jnder an extrems condirion, if Ell 14 of thcm vehiclct were to stop 8t thc cntry inrarsection, then a qucuc lcttf,$ of ebqrt l8O fult would bc gcncreted' Suah a quoue lerqth would nor cxcaod tho rvallsblo sfiEcklng dls(8nca. Hgwever. thls repraaents a worst casi ecenario, Oueuo lengths ars expected to be significonty lctr tun 2EQ feet, since moru thrn 1 vehlCte per minute arc erprctld to be able to turn laft into the site. By evaluating thO avai$blc 'gapn timo for left-tuming vetricle$ along Vall Road, h was egtimated ttrat sbout 4 *hFbr per minute, Or 1 vrhicle srrry 1 5 reconds, could turn laft Into the site. In a 1s;*on{ hterval, about 4 vehhles lon avarlga} src forecaEtsd to head ranh along Vail Road, |f [tt 4 & thegc vchiclas wGre tl' Etop Et thc cntry ir*ercrstion, then a que$e lengnh of abo|Jl EO fGct would be genaratcd, Srrch a qrcuc wqlld not evcn block the propored exh drivarvay of dlc Hotd sito. I I | .{ I 10].711-1+t0 Fr Jltl,TlllBlZ 6letucrgroru Crrurraod C,orprlcfbl ?951 E}lalrodAir: SE.zI) Enghrod,CO&UI Nov. 10, 1999 5:l5PM ZOHREN AND ASSOCIA The benefitt and of dre proposd dadgn of t{re frnntegc road access have bccn idEntilied ee No, lllE Y. 3/5 Frorn:10?0 November 16, 1999 Mr. TIm Losa Page 2 hna*tttzT'/ lglfsrylnd|otrrsfsrseocrLredwitttlr-ttotdelitlcr;ateda&thtfutswth of rhe Vall GatrirrlY acce*onWfud' lnsituadonrwheretwoacciJ!8dr|vcwryrarcclosc|ysprced,hisimFrgtiv.fromarafery standpoim that gmo slghil-icrancc ic eviilaole -t uotri "i"s.u't' sefcty gt cudl iotsrscctbns can alco be imprsvcd bvt;i"i;ntts tra numbor ol conf,lcring umt. This crn be done btt rsstrlctino Ingross and/or c'grusr tYrninC.T*Tgc' In the crce of the proporod Hotol' it il rscommerded that thG cccl", bo limhGd to orrtbourd morrlrprnr srly (i'e' an erit onlyl' As noted in our Septsmbcr zi,-iJsg r.d ..grrt' potr-ibittng inbound left'trtnl Et tftis accoas will "n-rinor "ritfapping prt-trrrn sonltlcts rlong Vail Ford' TherEfarc, tttllb this spacing is nor an idsal cordnion' tlrc Sovie'on of good rigln dirtance' the .sstticrion or tot'"n*ili-tomuotrnd ontyt' tlrc roJarrcabw vdurnG sf sitlng trarfffs' and the relatively low opsd in'ilt*tn stmuid gllow for wr acceptablg condition' i Ccglrlarrot 3: fhe seP'l{ ut&ornirts asractstgd ut\fi fiehotat [ord*ry tt'd ddfuwy'nW only a@s ;;:&t;ffi h apfiotr A tN lt$ poxinitv to d7,a rctilt&bott' ut tttc Soufri Fmntage fuad' The iluEksl rlre rold. verlay ls dc6lgn8d such thdt dclivery truoks tncluding cemFtrailer into tho unbading/docr ersa of thc sile willput lmpncting rratfc on ll:Wr*,f nmnm;sff :Hfr ,ffi g'ff fi !3giT'1ifi : Also, a vcfcle ortuck;ild;hhk' *ihf arrr (whilc r detuery whlslc ir mananvcring wlttrin ure iei tiO-it"nit along the F otfirgt Road will still ilot b€ impacted- , Wrong-way rnovemonts coud be made up tho inbourd eccaos lane' Howerrur' this can il, itiiii.i-io bv posting ;oo not Er*er ind/or 'wrong wav" $gns' As noted bu tlF Town's Enginear' entering vchlclcs could tear-Gnd s filck making backiilg rrrarcufers "*lt" -fio*"ver' thie can be mftigncd by portcd 'Yleld' dgns et the ba$a of tho cilry lana- This will dorl an incoming drivcr of potandrl conflict" I { Nov. 16. 1999 5:l5PM ZEIiRIN IND ASSOCIA No ll16 l, [/5 From;10?0 November 16. 1999 Mr. Tim Lora Page 3 Overull, h Should be notOd tlut tlra vdum. ol Urffie entering and exiring tt,tc site is rffy low .nd rruck retared tEfflc is "np*t.o to be infrts|cnt. Durlng perk poriodr, onfy t whiclo enery 3 rninutes t* "".r"g.ii-o-for.""rted to um^lmo thc clta, errd about 1 vehicb evcry 5 minutes 13 cxpsctcd to otd,. site, on svorrga- Atso, it is amiciprted thet traftic will snts the ei." rt 1ow sFeeds, Si*" ttt itt .*.siio locared in dose proximl* to r rcundabout where txhing sPeedr arc low, cuutstt * Ttn gEf',w andlor tisks 'EwdtlcFl wiil, the lntel lwditE aN defivsv qT caly aecassnl,'at"awnogdon^ndltEwxi|wbtlnmn6Wonthc Sonh Frutttgp nerld. &rxifhetly, il'a rcwn apry:{ vmu6 frkc *nn eufinantoni.r*triaryu}d vlctyotbok trttos rrtd dE hrgor wttlcetype vr/rricls wnhg bft ut fia fmnngP rwd' ln rcgards to the fEasibllity of trucks ttming lsft mto thc fronfrge roqd. il Eppctrt lnrnr the ;;;g tcmplatct thot you prwllad drat ttrir rhould nqt ba s prob6m. Fram an operationd eignu;oiflt. it war derermirud thstth outb',nrt lcft-tumirrg mflic will orpstcncs long dela's if*"i "f i"*ice of 'E' *nJhi-.t during pcrk Pcnodr, Horw61, $ic door'not n€Ge"3rry i*pfV ifr"i tr-ing ow ol rhc eite wlll be unsstu, but only fiur driv$s may havc 16 wait lor hng pcfiods before an "*.p*irt" gap in traffic is availgblc fortuming. safey becomes en irsue iJ;l;";r Uccomer,impaiiem*urU turns onto the frontagr road wtren a gap in traffic it not sufficierrt- t I In regards tc tno ofion of p,rovifing a godcgrec acorti dong fte ftomrga road. wo belicve tttat this also rcpreetr*$ e vlaUte odon from il opilrrtiOnAl standpaint Drottidcd drat thc enw ;;;ia grades'meer Town critena- Howcver, it OPpoarr thft e S'$fqst remi'trailer could not ,"n.u"# on-rito withom ms;ang a backing mlncuvsr onto or off of ttra front g? tord' Such a manauver would crertc a very hazt€ous siHrtion' tf you have any qusstionr rcgrrding our findinga or if you need oddltionEl esiFtanCc, COAET call- 5nc'erety FEISSURo HotT & utLEltlc Lar/rcnd5C. t ang .1.lcrnr N0, lll0 l,5/l Frorn:10?0 J{rJ .4r 5: I5PMf 'ZTHNTI AND ASSOCIAt\ \il| i iHF IilBt I llI'i[ i,, ilL rym$,-,1,,[',;'*:F "/'J;i@""b7 a ttr8f I I I tI II i { Ef$ $F S T TH- PFE.6 # l'lov. 16. 1999'" I ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC.Date Receiver I'l0V 6 S rugg Thursday, November 04, 1999 Mr. Lawrence lang Transportation Engineer tr Felsburg, Holt and Ullevig Greenwood Corporate Plaza 7951 E. Maplewood Avenue, Suite 200 Englewood, Colorado 801 l 1 Re: Vail Plaza Hotel Mr. Lang: I had recently reviewed your report dated Septemb er 27, 1999 with the town engineer. In reviewing the report and the associated access points, the engineer would like us to address a few additional items. Specifrcally, the town engineer would like us to address: l. The possibility of aaffic backing up to the roundabout from the south entry on Vail Road without a dedicated left tum lane- 2. Tt'rc safe$r and/or risks associated with the hotel exit located eight feet, (eighteen feet from the centerline of the gateway drive), south of the Vail Gateway access on Vail Road.3. The safety and/or risks associated with the hotel loading and delivery en@ only access as indicated in Option A and it's proximity to the roundabout on the South Frontage Road. It is our intention that 55' semi-trailers, and 45' passenger coaches use the drive (entry) lane for backing prior to departing through the east exit. Our feeling is that passenger coaches only frequent the hotel during the "off season" or low traffic periods due to the fact that the hotel operates as a fractional fee condominium half the year and does not have the remaining occupancy to be able to cater to large groups. Additionally, other than the initial equipment and fumishings move-in period, we foresee no semi- trailer taffic although it has been determined that we need to provide for such vehicles. It is our objective to have all other vehicles including 35' straight-body tucks and 50' articulated (beer delivery) be able to turn right out of the structue with minimal maneuvers. It is the town engineer's concem that vehicle entering the drive will rear-end vehicles using the drive lane for a backing movement. 4' The safety and/or risks associated with the hotel loading and delivery exit only access as indicated in Option A and it's proximity to the roundabout on the South Frontage Road. Specifically, the town orgineer would like some comment on the feasibility and safety of both autos and the larger service tlpe vehicles tuming left on the frontage road. We have preliminarily indicated medians for protection of the center turning lane in this option. Additionally, the town engineer had asked us to explore additional options for a combination inlout 90- degree access. Enclosed is Option B exploring that option. Please just generally discuss any positive or negative impacts associated with this scherne including safety concerns associated with its proximity to the roundabout. ARcH ITECTU RE.PLANNtNC.tNTER|ORS. rANDS(-Apt ARCHTTECTURE PO. Box 1976 . Avon, Colorado 8'162O . BTOI g4g-O257 . FAX (920) g4g-1OBO Vail Plaza Hotel 96t070.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. tU04t99 The design intent of both options is to schematically meet the development standards and turning radii of the types and numbers of vehicles dictated by the town engineer and plarming staff. It is our intention that we have the approved desigrr fully orgineered for confirmation of the ideas presented prior to permitting of the project by the town or CDOT. Please do not hesitate to contact me or the iown angineer, Greg Hall, with any questions or concems. We would hope to have confirmation of these issues by Friday, Novernbr. 12, 1999 if it is at all possible. Sincerely, Tim Insa Project Manager Zehren and Associates, Inc. Cc: George Ruther, Senior Planner, Town of Vail Greg Hall, Town Engineer, Town of Vail Enclosures IEE { -!< l-1 |E-r€ls +$$l ' E#'B IiXl, E?E $E;{: Soo {E.E N 3 /l$ /- l1rii1l1I1i1i1i1l1l1l1/1 / I l -r]. i I I I i I I i I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I 1 i I I I I i l I I I l I\l t{ mu-{ltrJlrf l1l I l------1 |t-l I 61 dr "'1 -ts I -il Ei$ iT 1R I I l/-\l iR-l; lF--|'-l l\-7jUJ 'j t\ ) -b€a FJ E$f,8lgrl#HF {ECis- -t- I t-,-l i\ ,"'i ,/ ,/ ,,!' ,"'i' I I I E >rJ}EoJ e E gEnrsgll E I |'..l/t/./ y//l//1 ,'1 I I I It,,titi ti ,( ,lltl,l l1;lllit 'litr1rli/lrll;ili// I \l ,,,,, I l\l t.[ g \\ I I I I I I I I ,\ // I l II I v l1 I >r€ "oo FJ E$uEt$tl s 7.,/ ,/ ,,,,t./ I// |/',' I t /,, I i \ \ \ I\l 't ilt- :?a--I' ll rn ttl s{ ..\\\\\\\ \ \ \\\'\ -\\ - \\l -\_ illll /tlLu /ll/ 11 / t,lr, Itttll /ll //tt / I g I 1,, ,4 ;E F$FEsgrl flu [ |. IISH--j g /\ I I I I i i / ti \l -\ I i I / / g g3g 3 EE FE=={ c{@.Eo ETE F€#€ E.SF{ EEE-PgE b /--iFffiil]\[._ll:u-ij (= Front ( -i3*F - -orr.afr- \ffi)ffi W).w a q) >. Fe) F €o\€\ 6l L() I -q)t)A ITf*i -abY NdbUFiA, - -.- aa,.bY zZ "i u,u.l; i i !i-i li $i:-i *a tt5 rH EE Esi '"" t jHg rul i Fil5ffr's -siiF ts:ll-h t'I (\ O v) E F(D -()+)Oml+{ €\ill o\ Cg .iNicg6t-f rQA. O-EEoaalbIF\a 29. Br; :E Ei :;Eliii ': ii !sxiE (a all ah >-t Eql F 6o\o\ o| Iiq) () F(() .,1-J AL' f.Ff- -lbY N -bY -,l -frlr- -.bY z9i 1rl,; iE ii "r lElit-i B5E:F u; c p EE r..r? E ffijhKffiE $a oh F{) €o\o\ GI gl CJ z2Fr; :; E! ff iii[f '3 Ep;F xtE i -q)+)o rl.i -\aY N Gfrl.l, -tl.- -.bY !,fl 0 6)>. F{) €o\o\ c{ Lq) I Eq)+) Hi{ AbY NflbU -A, - -IF -\rv z2t,,i:! pe :;lslF* ': !e le- N?g \o q) o Fol It ao\o\ t\l L(u (,) -€)+)A t{ -tbY NtrlbY -A, -r-arl.bY zeE ur; :l 9l "! ig lFi rH uiEEi *3 IeiE NiE r..0 a B0) €o\o\ N l.tq) -q) l-J vF -ttbY N Grr'(AFI -(r- ttt zeF '; :!El$ I; gsiii ,f ': ip EE N?E €o U) Fq) €€\o\ c-l lie I -()iJ-\ lTl -G N -lbU|.rtA f-r- aaa. \aU zeF ,,,=. : E 9P :;Ei!$t ': EElE N?l