HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT M O VAIL VILLAGE INN PHASE 4 AKA VAIL PLAZA HOTEL SEBASTIAN 2000 DEVELOPMENT INFO/*l t)t'tfu72 e--.,t I f, t l't{L'ut7 t- (, ta r#!'f) , bts /'t r .o l/a/ //il{a7* FttP ParcW ;; lr4Pt"'a l/t'/1 S't"'&'dI4 "90 oD brr'[ry n'*t fluP+a / &aal(lround tl Lrserm.&ALITF{.P.C. ATTORI'IF'SATI.AW 8122 SourHPAnr Llxe $unE 205 LTTLETOH, @LORADO 8OI2O TELEPHOilE: (3031 730€900 FAr: F03) i'30-3939 FAr( - FOR rlVllr@pHJTE pELTVERY ILEASB $\\or N\\'d To: , ,,a40Yq1 v+*Ytnz'ir From:Ft,til'e-U* {ohnsan Re:J{hn bav'trr ts lzrutv'rIaJ fu4ftdrult G^La- o If,lats- MESSAGE: €E COMTDENTTALITY NOTICE This message is intendcd only fs thr use of the individual o edity to whict it is adhessed ard may cortain infornation that is privilegrd, coffideuial and exempt frorn disclosrre under applicable law. If tho rcads ofrhis messegc is not tle imded recipied, or the enployee or agnt respmsible fm delivering the message solcly to thc idcnded recipi€d, you are herdy notifi€d tbat any diseemirEtion, disribution or copying of this commudcation is snictly prohibited Ifyou have received this cmunication in error, plcase mti$ us irmeditcly 6y telepbonc md rtfirm thc original messrge to us at thc above address via the U.S. Postsl Service- Thankyor. originaldocwna*: n*, (ffi;\ lottow byregubnailr\__/ SUPPLEMENTAL -AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COLORADO COTINIY OFEAGLE ) ) JOHN \4/. DUNN, btiiug duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says: l' Iarnan.attoTeylicensedtopracticelawinthestateofColorado. Mybusinessaddress is 108 SouthFrontage Road Suite 300, Vail CO 8165g. 2' et th9 reSSesl_o{.9l-l* R. Lipcon, I have revicwed the record certified by theTown of vail in case No.' 00. cv q7_, Eagle co'uty nistict courl afl appeat pursuant toc.R.cP- 106 from the adoption of ordinances Nos. l aud 4, seriis oriooo, by the TownCouncil of the Tovrn of Vall, approving_a major ameuduent to Speciai Development District No.6' Having done so, I have ideartifiea dJfects io ootir". of cons:ideration of the subject of thoseordinauoes by the Town c?y:r] aad the prrnnj4g md Enviroumental co'ruissiou f?EC,] asI:tPyl cgnies of the applicable statutq sectioilf the vail Tovu charter and sectiou of theVail Munioipal Code ue aftached_ 3' A work sesgion-o.n th-9 rrroposal to amcad, special Dwelopment Distict No. 6war held by the PEC on October 11, 1999. No uotioe of that work sessiou ias published or E;;|f to adjacent propertv ownerE, in violation of g 12-3-6 (c) (r) qud (2), vail Mrnicipar 4' A second work session on the proposal to amend Special Developmeut DistictNo. 6 was held by the pEC on October 25, 1SSS. The Ust rf ;6;i;;p"8, ownn6 used inconnection with that vork sossion includcd Gateway Condomiuium association, c/o StottzBros', Ltd., 1300 Marlcet skeet, suite 300, Miinington DE 19801. Howeven, by retter datedJan- rjary 25, 1999, the Town had beeu aaviseo thJ shkz Bros. taa retocatea and tbat the correct**r for-notices ofpublicmeetings was 225 conshorhockeirstate Rd., Bara cynwoodpA19004 or the local address of 0150 East Beaverireek BIvd., p.o. Box tilooo-tsz, Avou co8-1620 Further, by letter.date -January 2, 1999, NIr. Lipcon, ar owrer of a coudominiuru unit atVail Gateway Condomiuiums, trad requested, tn"i ooti"", be sent to him at 430 N. Mashta Drive,Key BiscErne FL 33 t 3 I Notbing i" irt" t*oJ*no*, publication of ooiice or mairing ofnouces to any addross "ttq ttt* fre wirmington addreis, in violation of the Fourteenth.Amenda,enr to rhe United Srates Constitutioi and g t2-3_6 (C) (t);d?tvail Mrmicipat Code. 5. A t}ird-work session on the Uopolal to aolend Special Dwelopment DistrictNo' 6 was herd bv the pEC on Nove,mber s, ifstl Thu rist oraajaJeni;A;y "*""rs used inconnection with that work session included Gateway Condominiqm Associatiou, c7o stoltzBros',Ltd-, 1300Markctstreer,suiteroo,wi-ffionDEr9E01. However,bylettcrdated.Januar'v 35' 1999' the ToY'a had beeq ua"i."a tt*t itoltz Bros. had relosated aud that the co,,ectaddress for notices ofpubric meetings was zzs Conshoshocken state Rd.., Bara cynwood pA 19004, or the local address of 0150 East Beava creek Blvd., p,o. Box 19000-157, Avon co -81620' Further, by letter datod January 2, lggg:I\4r. Lipcon, an owner oi a condominiunc. 111rit at -Vail Gateway Condqminiums, had requeeted that notices be sent to him at 430 N. Mashta Drive,KeyBisca1meFL3313l' Nothiugintherecord,showspublicationofaoticeormnilingofnotices to any address other than the Witmington address, m viilation of the Fourteenth Anendmeut tothe united srates constitution aud g tz-l-s (q(1) ad (2), vail Muoicipal c;J". - 6' A public hearing on ordinance No, l, series of 2000, was herd by the pEC onDecruber13, 1999. Thelistofa{'scertpropertyowu€rsused.inconaectionwiththathearing P:^logrd Gateway condominft:m Associatio4 do stoltz Bros., Ltd., 1300 Markct sEee! suite30Q wilmington DE 19801. However, by letter dated raurra:y zs, iggg, th. Town ha.d beenadvised that Stoltz Bros. had relocated and that the correct ad&ess for aotices ofpublic meetingswas725 CqNhoshocken Statc Rd., Bala Cyrwood PA 19004, or tle local ad&ess of 0150 EastBeave( Creck Blvd.' P.o. Box 19000-157, Avon CO 81620. iuttttrr, by letrer dated ranuary -, 1999, Mr' Lipcon, an owner of a sondomini'm'nit at vail Gateway'CooJo**,r*", urarequested that notices be sent to hirn at 430 N. Idashta Drive, Key fisoayne FL 3313i. gething in the.record shows publication ofnotice ormailing of notices to any address other than thewllEmgton address, in violation of the Fqtuteenttr Amendment to tie Unitea Shtes Constitutionand g 12-36 (C) (l) ard (2), Vait Mmicipal Co<te. 7' Aa afternoou work session on the propoeal to alnend Special DevelopmentDistictNo.6washeldbytheTownCorrucitouneoember2l, 19g9. Nonoticeofthatworksession w'. published or mailed to adacent property ownetrs, m violation of g 31-23-30d cR.s.,and g 12€-6 (C) (r) and (2), Vail Mrlni"rpri CiA, 8' An evening work sessiou on the proposar to aorend special DweloprnatDistict No. 6 was held by the Towa Council qn Deceuber 21, 1gg9. No notice of that workspssiou was published or mail_ed to-adjacent poperty ow:netrE, in violatiou of $ 31-23-30a, c.R.s.,ard g 12-3-6 (C) (t) and (2), vail Mutricipai Cooi 9- A public hearing on ordinance No. 1, series of 200e was held by the Towncounsil on ranuary 18;2000. No notice ofth; t;ing was pubtished or*"ilua to adjacentprope*y owns*, in violationofs 3r-23-304, c*,s., $+.ro ia1, v"a rowo ctrrtq ancl g t2_3_6 (q (l) and (2), Vail MuuicipalCode. 10- A pubric heariqg on ordinsnce No- 4, series of 2000, was held by the pEC onFebnrary 28, 2000. Anotic" ortaa'rrrrhffi-p"urirrr. d.n The Dairyon Februa{y r I, 2000.fhat notice failcd r,o state the date r-rqe orif"r" Jf tn* hearing,;. "iriiU"" "f $ 12€_6 (C) (3),VailMunicipat Code. I I' A public hearing on Ordinen66 ]r[e. 4, Series of200e was held by the Towncouacil on May z, zo-oo. . e-copy-#rh" otdj"*;;, containing a publio heariug date of April r 8,2000,waspublished nThevair_!gi!orApnli,igog,_rgr1.1ati"""i s sri:-304, c.R.s., g4'10 (d)' vail rown charter and. g 12-3-6 (e (ri, varlMunicipar code. The copypubrished did.not contaiu, a brief sumllrary of tli subject mattertf rn, h.*irrg o. u rtutoo"ot flrat theappiication or information relating to tir" p*po."c.n*ge or anlenrirnent v/as available for _review or inspection, in violation of $ 12-3-6 (c) (3), vail Municipal code. No notice of rhar hearing was mailed to adjaceut propelty oqmers, in violation or $ iz-:x (c) (z), vail MunicipalCode. FURTTIER AT'FIANT SAIfi{ NOT. . The foregoing instrumcnt was acknowredged before me this ,r ? /oday ofMay,2001, by John W. Durn. My oomrniss,isn e4pires: ^' ./E' _{ 'Wihess my hand aad official seal. 6""'t3-".b tu€T# A4lL2/2484 I6i47 974-476-8699 WBSTSTAT IANK E[.DG. IF 8OUTHFRONTACE X,OAD WE3{,SUTTT 'IXvArI., coLoBAD9|r6F TELEFflONE {tm) r76d!}r FACStrVSLE ('70) 4fid99 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JAY K PETERSON Dear George: I Pu{suant to our telcphone conversation of April 11, 2000, I Sq rerygfinf that Ote seeond reading oflordinanse No. 4, Series of 200Q be postponed fiom April 18, 2000 to May 2,2WO. Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at my office- Bxruv & PrrsRsoN Ahprusenu* cc8rffi rt0N Artonxsm Ar Law LINCOTNCENTIR 1560 LrNcow STlf['r, sunE fl75 DBNwEI, cOl,oEADgflnfr . TtllPHolIE (l0$ t37-16f0 FAC$IMILE (lO3) t3t'01197 MEMORANDTIM Gcorge Ruther (Via Facsirwle 479'2452) Jay K. Petenon April 12,2000 Vail Plaza Hotel PAGE A2 P.o.Eoxtl' arg EDWA[|'S A(]CG$S RoAD, s{rfl!fr EDWaIDS,COI0nADO B gt TEIEPHONB (97o) Sl6rt55 PAC$n|'[LE (e:m) 925r9ZtO (no subject) Subject: (no subject) Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 l0:l I:01 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> CC: lex@vail.net C}ARLES R. LIPCONAttol-ney At Lar,r Suite 2480 One Biscayne Tor^re r2 South Biscayne B1vd.Miami, Florida 3313L Emaif : sealaw@aoL . com Web: www.lipcon. comPhone: (305) 373-3016Tolf free: (800) A3g-2759Fax: (30S1 373-620n March 15, 2000 Via email George Rut.her, AICP Town of Vail Department of Communi ty Development75 South Frontag.e RoadVail, Colorado 8l-6 5 7 RE: Vail Village Inn Dear Mr. Ruther: r receiwed your March 9. aooo fax with regard to the Vair praza Hot.e1 notice. when r attended the meeting on March 7, 2ooo of vai.l Town council, r saw thatalr of the exhibits have been copied for purposes of Lhe meeting and t.hat theboards to be uL.ilized by the appiicant were present in the town councifmeeting room. Obviously, everything. was in place and ready to go. r have had this problem before. several prior meetsings were cancelled when rwas in town. This is a cont.inuing probreft in which gimes have being played inorder to have meetings without *y l;resence. You indicate that documents can be submit.t.ed and that. my physical presenceas not needed- This is contrary to your statement E.hat Lha list or iuesbionsr sent to each council member to delermine conflict of interest atoig withother lett.ers had to be submitted at the meetingi it se1f, 1:!l-:: qg:E. Eo. your surprise about rhe heishr of rhe buitding beingJ-ncreased tor t.he 3 1/Z feet. you misunderstood me. Whab f srls- tfyllS Lo.:uy. is rhar adding 3 7/2 feeE to an already grosslyoversized building didn't have much efiect. rf you add 3 a/2 feet to someth.ing that is atready double the height that itshould be under the master p1an. ,Ioes nol, make " Lig aiff"rence. rn any event the issue wir-f be decided in court whether it is o.k to violatethe master plan and approve a buirding double the height or double tshe heightplus 3 L/2 feet. (no subject) r will not be able to attend the April 4th, 2000 meeting since r will be out _of the country. Therefore please table the applicat.ion Eo a date that f canbe present.. Please contact me for convenient dates for me to attend inperson, which T must insist upon. Very Lruly yours, CHARLES R. LTPCON CRL: mn cc: John Dunn Re: (no subject) Subject: Re: (no subject) Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 23:01:49 EST Irrom: Sealaw@aol.com To: "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> CC: lex@vail.net Thanks for your note. The attorney for the applicant did not contact. me Locancel the fast town council meeting where tir6 issue was set. why shourd rhave to contact him to arrange a conwenient time for me? Don't r have thesame rights to be heard as the developer? Do you have any rures or ordi_nancest.hat cover the manner. and meEhod of sahed.uling? r- am still hearing that adjacent property owners are not getting notices.Your system for noEification is racking. However thanks lor youi efforts tokeep me informed. Are you going to put my emaiLs and 1eE.t.ers in the record about council mernberconflicts, questions Lo the tovrn council, etc. rf you go ahead with themeeti-ng that r cannot attend, since r wirl- be out it t[e country, r won't bethere to submit the let.ters, etc. Regards Charles R, Lipcon cc : .John Dunn In a message dated 3/23/2OOO ].-244:.32 pM Eastern Standard Time,grut.her@ci . vail .co.us writes: << Dear Mr- Lipcon, r received your email of March r-7 '^rith regard to the vail pr-aza Hotel , As,I stated- in my fax, f, understand your concern regarding the tabfing of theVail Plaza Hotef on March ? I assure you that no one is ',playing. gfam€s,r in order to preclude you from -particlpating in the development- reviEw process. Nothin] could be furtherfrom In fact f .find your allegatj-ons offensive with no basis of fact. already informed you t.hat the iLem wa' tabred to afford the appricant theopportunity tso prepare and provide additional i.nformation on ti." proposal Throughout the entire process I have personally communicated with you and/or the truth.r occaEsions to insure your involvement in the seek your constructive input. as an adjacent propertyVail cormunit.v. At this time the first reading of an amending ordinance is scheduled forTuesday. ^Apr.r-] 4, 2000. The public hearing wiLl be herd in the vaif Town councirunanuler - your representatives on numerouspublic procesa. We cont i_nue toowner and member of the I encourage about re s chedul ingwill not be tabling the item as S ince re ly, George Ruther, AICp Sealaw@aol .com wrote : can reach Jay by telephone aE 970-479-2145. I you have requested. you to t.alk to the applicant's representative, Jay peLerson, the ilem. you I OTJ 3/24/A0 8:27 AM Counqil me.rnber Moffet Subject: Council member Moffet Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 I 6:-57:58 EST !-rom: Sealaw@aol.com To: lkurz@ci.vail.co.us, rslifer@ci.vail.co.us, snavas@ci.vail.co.us, "Kevin Foley" <kfoley@ci.vail.co.u*, gmoffet@ii.vail.co.us, oogilby@ci.vail.co.us, ddonovan@ci.Vail.co.us CC: lex@vail.ngt, jfl amont@vail.net, Airlevine@aoi.com, BosCoDev@aol.com, cHAINJT^@aol.com, cIIJUDY@aol.com, eyndi42850@aol.com, Djscioli@aol.com, p]<c.alanq@a9l.com, Donohues@aol.com, lrmgardl@aof.co-, Jaqhelen@Jl.com, JC_alano@ao1.com, JorgeMassa@aol.com, Jsvsi@aol--com, LEdwai234@iol.com, ' MJBanbury^@aol.com, Momby@aoi.com, Nmvail@aol.com, PJDAWKI'{S@aol.com, ll!_e_S9*.;16aol.corn, Salski@aol.com, Sealaw@adl.com, SKIKATO@aoI.cim, SNHaber@aol.com, stewate@aol.com, SuBe2l-2@aol.com, vAILSId@aol.com, Arthur.Beringause@att.net, anthony@captiva-resoirces.com, dgogel@cdr-inc.com, lguatre_au@^codete[.net.do, valfesa@iodetel.net.do, 721544.2lil@coirpuserve.com, ngyalWgJf@lompuserve.com, bemdt_wolf@compuserve.com, gi.ohnkrgdiet@compuserve.com, ron@ilavislli.com, MHERMAN@emkf.org, Fieldli@fieldcontainer.com, slynn@tTatironstructures.com, g"ne hlll@grayEill.com, agilbertl@home.com, scoyer@hotmail.com, michael.braairEta6}trpisid.uk, lohre@ibm.net, molyneux@ibm-net, PBecker@ibm.net, mkarlin@karlinfoods.com, tkonciljjr@koncilja-associatg,s.cqm, DACOlE@k-urtsalmon.com ,bellitti@la.aapollolp.com,b.ellitti@&.apollolp-com, WEG@mindiess.coml holbrow@northrock.bml rlangley@picoholdings.com, tryg@rerioco.com, eric@reilleworld.com, par@rhccompany.com, abellows@surveys.com, pennica@tbm.net, gclonan@tiac.net, rosi@twd.net, patnixon@,vail.net, trigo@vail.net, virdanc-o@valt.nei, Uittj@iailresofts.com, chrisr@railresoft s.com, Jkruse@vailies6fts.com, iwoods@v-ailresorts.com,boydtv@whbc.com, wegl 2360@worldnet.att.nei, Wpgrailm@aol.com, qangy!@mountainmax.com, sundial@nb.net (Johnsririunit I )]david.hanna@sota.com (l-!anna unit 4j, palrnos@privatei.com.(palmer unit 7), ghanna@hannacap.com (Ginny Hanna unit 4), George Rutheri' <gruther@ci.vai1.co.us> Dear Mayor Kurz and TohtnCouncil- Members r have heard thal- councir member Moffet has b.hreatened to sue me forexercising my constitutional rights incruding freedom of speach involving myown f ocal- government to point out his confliEt of interest. and violation ofLhe Town of Vail charter. Further r have heard that he referred to me as an "asshore" after the mostrecent town council meebing. obvioulsy he has an animosir-y Lowards me and that only adds to hls confrictof interestt. under the circumstances, he should not voLe on the Vair plaza Hotel proposal . Also, my attorney has given the town of Vail unt.il next week to enforce theircharter with_respect. to Tiga Advertisingrs contract (Gregg Mof fet.t) . If i-t isnot done, a lawsuit has been prepared t6 enforce t.he charter and wir-r- befiled on or about Apr iI 29, 2bOO-. By copy of this emair to George Rucher, r am requesting thaL he put Ehisemail- int.o the town record on the VaiL plaza Hofel prolect, Re spe c t ful ly Charles R. L,j_pconP.s. r received a copy of David Hannar s email r-oday. rt would appear that hehas noE received noLices even though he is an adjaclnE land owner. He ownsunj.t 4 in ttre Vail Gateway- I ol' I 3/24/00 4:50 PM Vail PJaza Hotel Subject: Vail Plaza Hotel Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 I l:31:30 -0800 From: "Hann4David" <david.hanna@sage.com> To: rslif'er@ci.vail.co. us CC:'John Dunn' <lex@vail.net>, "'Charles R. Lipcon"' <sealaw@aol.cotrl], 'Jim Lamont' <jfl amont@vail.net>, ddonovan@ci.vail.co.udl "'gruther@ci'vail.co.us"' <gruther@ci.vail.co,u-s>, lkurz@ci'.vaiL co.us, snavas@ci.vail.co.us, "'kfoley@ci.va.il.co.us"' <kfoley@ci.vail.co.us>, gmoffei@ci.vail.co.us, cogilby@ci.vai l.co. us Dear Rod, Your firm represents me wiEh respect to t.he listing on unit 4. vair Gat.eway,vail, colorado. As such, you shourd not. 'v.ote on the vail praza Hoterproposar. Failure of the Town council to f;llow the Town of vaifrs masteiplan wourd cause Ehe value of units 4 t.o go down significantly. As such, youhave a conflict. of interest. A6 my brokei, you hawE a fiduciary d.uty towird.sme. Voting t.o violate the masE.er plan would- vioLate that duty.By copy of this email to ceorge RuCher, I am requesting that. he put thisemail into the tohrn record on the Vait plaza Uofel proiosat.By copy of this emair to Ehe Town council, r am fetlin-g trrem know, that rhave not received any notices with respect to hearings or meeLings on ttreVail Plaza Hotel proposal . S ince re 1y David Hanna I of I 3/24/00 4:50 PM To: From: Date: Re: Memorandum Vail Town Council George Ruther. Senior Special Projects Planner+ :j 1..' April 4, 2000 Vail Plaza Hotel - Background and New Proposal Summary BACKGROUND The Vail Torvp Council approved a requesf for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 6, Vail Villdge'trnn. The major amendment approval required the developer to submit an employee housing plan. A plan to provide on-site housing for 38 employee has been submitted and reviewed by the Planning & Environmental Commission. On February 28, the Town of Vait Planning & Environmental Commission voted 4-l (Bemhardt opposed) to recommend approval of the revised plans to the Vail Tou.n Council. A copy of the February 28,2000 staffmemorandum to the Plannins & Environmental Commission has been previously provided to the Town Council members. NEW PROPOSAL SUMMARY In order to accommodate l8 employee housing units on-site the developer has reconfigured the hotel. tn reconfiguring the hotel design changes to the proposal have occurred. The purpose of this summary is to provide a numerical comparison ofthe 1999 approval to the revised 2000 proposal. The lbllowing table is a comparison of the proposals: Develonment Standard GR-FA: Dwelling Units/Acre: Site Coverage: Setbacks: Front: (Vail Road) Sides: Rear: Height: Parking: 1999 Anproval 118% or 176,910 sq.ft. ( | 05,606 sq.ft approved) 12.7 dulac 629t;o or 92,637 sq.ft 20 feet 5feet,2feet,&0feet 5 feet 74.25 feet (sloping) 93.50 leet (aroh. proj.) 256 parking spaces five berttrs 2000 Proposal 12lYo or I 8l ,719 sq.ft. (110,415 sq.ft) (+4,809 sq.ft.) (see EHU's below) No Change 6l% or 92,036 sq.ft. (-60t sq.ft.) i6 feet (-4 feet) No Change No Change 75.25 feet (sloping) (+l feet) No Change 298 parking spaces (+42 parking spaces) No ChangeI-oading: Commercial Area: Conference: Units Types: Dwelling: Accommodation: Fractional Fee: Employee Housing: 26% ofGRFA or 46,124 sq.ft. 15,338 sq.ft 25% of GRFA or 45,228 sq.ft. (-896 sq.fL) 14,328 sq. ft. 'tp'o d No Change 99 (+3) 50 (+2) 18 (+18) I 96 48 0 z*Almr.q,@ eHq tJ* D u ru ru, Ar"ro*,il"oi"iior*,ello. p.c. JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALA JR. DIANE H. MAURIELLO INGA HAAGENSON CAUSEY OF COUN6EL: JERRY W HANNAH WesrSrnn Batn Bu rr-orxe roa SourH FRoNTAGE Roeo Wesr Su rte soo Vltt, Coloaaoo etest May 30, 2000 TELEPHONE: (97O) !+75 -O3Oo FACSIMILE: (97 0l 476-4765 h€hcountlylaw'com emarl; vaillaw@rrail.net CER'I'IEO LEGAL ASSI9IATiIS KAREN M. OUNN, CLAS JANICE K. SCOFIELD, CLA R. Thomas Moorhead. Esq. Town Attorney 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 C*..r- 4AN r yJee- 1lfr"'fg CLIT tlde Wzo. wY o€ Vy@nu6, Re: Lipcon, et al. vs. Town of Vail, et al. Dear Tom: I enclose Amended complaint, Motion for certification of Record, proposedorder and Waiver and Acceptance of Service- As we agreed, will you please sign the waiver andretum it to me. Thank you very much. Yours very truly, kem Enc. cc: Mr. Lipcon IN THE DISTzuCT COURT, COLINTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 00 CV 67 WAIVER AND ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICE CHARLES R. LIPCON, IRMGARD LIPCON, VAIL ST]NDIAL L.P., JOHN BREYO, and GERMAINE F. HARMON. Plaintiffs, vs. TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation, TOWN COLTNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, and DA\A4ER CORPORATION N.V., a Netherland Antilles corporation, Defendants. I declare that I am the attomey for Town of Vail and the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Defendants in the above matter, and accept service of the Amended Complaint and Motion for Order for Certification in this case, and further on behalf of said Defendants I waive any other service and consent to the jurisdiction of the court to determine all issues raised in the pieadings as if said Defendants were served by personal service within the State of Colorado. Dated this day of 2000. R. Thomas Moorhead, No. 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2107 l. IN THE DISTRICT COURT, COTINTY OFEAGLE. STATE OF C Case No. 00 CV 67 AMENDED COMPLAINT PITRSUANT TO RULES 57, 65 AND 106, C.R.C CHARLES R. LIPCON; IRMCARD LtrCON; VAIL SIJNDIAL L.P: JOHNBREYO; and GERMAINEF. HARMON. Plaintiffs, vs. TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation, TOWN COUNCIL OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL: and DAYMER CORPORATION N.V., a Netherland Antilles comoration. Defendants. PARTIES AND VENI.'E l. Plaintiffs, Charles R. Lipcon, Irmgard Lipcon, Vail Sundial L. Breyo are owDers of residential condominium units at vail Gatewav plaza. Tow county, colorado; Plaintifl Germain F. Garmon, is the owner of a residential at Village Inn Condominiums, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. 2. This proceeding relates to decisions ofthe Defendant, Town Town of Vail ("the council"), approving the application of the Defendant, Dar . and John of Vail, Eagle inium unit of the Corporation , adjacent toN.v. ("Daymer"), for a major amendrnent to spicial Development Drstrict No. Vail Gateway Plaza and Village Inn Condominiums. 3. Venue is proper in the County of Eagle pursuant to Rule 9g(b 2), C.R.C.P. GENERAL AILEGATIONS ct No. 6, of the Vail 4. At times rerevant hereto and relevant to special Development the Town had in effect a vail Village Master plan, adopted i*uury 16, t990, as Comprehensive PIan, and the underlying zone district was public distnct. 5. At times relevant hereto, Title 12, Vail Municipal Code, made the following requirements: a. by Section 12-9A-l thereof, that a purpose ofa special development distict is to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. . b. by Section l2-9A-l thereof, that an approved development plan for a special developTent district, in conjunction with the underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the special development.'..district. c. by Section 12-9A-8D thereof, that any special development district or amendment thereto shall comply with the Vail Comprehensive Plan. d. by Sections 12-9A-4C and 12-9A-l0B thereof, that any special development district or any amendment thereto shall be considered in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-7 of the Code and that notification procedures shall be in accordance with Subsection l2-3-6C of the Code. e. by Sections 12-3-7 and l2-3-6C thereof, tlat notice of hearing on any amendment of development plans for special development districts shall be mailed to adjacent prop€rty owners and that, if the adjacent property is a condominium project, notice may be mailed to the managing agent, registered agent or any member of the board of directors thereof.. f. by Sections l2-3-TF and 12-3-68 thereof, that upon receipt ofa recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Commission ("PEC") of the Town, the Town Council shall set a date for hearins thereon. 6. Plaintiffs and other owners of residential condominium units at Vail Gateway Plaza received no notice of hearing on the application of Daymer; nor was notice glven to the managing agent, registered agent or any member of the board of directors of the owners association. 7. On December 13, 1999, the PEC heard the application of Daymer and made its recommendation in favor thereof. 8. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the PEC, the Town Council did not set public hearing thereon but instead, without notice to Plaintiffs or other members of the public, engaged in a series of"work sessions" in the course ofwhich they negotiated the approval of Daymer's application, thereby bargaining away the police power of the Town in exchange for considerations including promises of economic benefit contained in a "Vail Plaza Hotel, Town of Vait lncremental Revenue Impacts" relied upon by the Council. 9. On January 18, 2000, the Town Council adopted on second reading Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, approving Daymer's application. 10. Upon information and belief, no notice of hearing before the Town Council in compliance with Section l2-3-6C, Vail Municipal Code and state statute, was glven to Plaintiffs, to other owners of condominium units at Vail Gateway Plaza or to other members of the public. 11. The approval ofDapner's application by Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, required Dayment to submit an employee housing plan to provide on-site housing. 12. On February 28,2A0A, the PEC heard the application of Daymer for approval of its employee housing plan and made its recommendation in favor thereof. 13. On May 2,2000, the Town Council adopted on second readrng Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2000, approving Daymer's applicanon for approval of its employee housing plan providing on-site housing, and repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No. I , Series of 2000. 14. In the course of hearings on Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2000, members of the Council displayed personal animosity toward Plaintiff, Charles R. Lipcon, and consideration of said ordinance was scheduled so as to particularly deprive said Plaintiffof his due process right to appear before the Council and be heard. NRSTCLAIM (pursuant to Rule 57) 15. The allegations ofparagraphs I through 14 hereofare incorporated herein by reference thereto. 16. Plaintiffs are persons, or comprised ofpersons, whose rights, status or other legal relations are affected by the municipal ordinances and comprehensive plan aforesaid and who are thereby entitled to have determined any questions of construction or validity arising under the enactments aforesaid and to obtain a declaration of their rights, status and other legal relations thereunder. 17. Plaintiffs are entifled to a declaration as follows; a. That Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2000, was adopted without compliance with .sections 12-3-7 and 12'3-6, Vail Municipal Code and state statute, denied Plaintiffs due process and the equal protection ofthe lawand was invalid and void based upon lack ofiurisdiction of the Council. b. That Ordinance No. 1 and Ordinance No. 4, Series of2000, were a product of negotiation and not ofpublic hearing and quasi-judicial decision-making, and therefore amount to contract zoning, causing them to be invalid and void. c. That Ordinance No. I and Ordinance No. 4, Series of2000, were adopted by a body whose members possessed conflicts of interest with regard thereto and had prejudged the application in its favor, depriving Plaintiffs and other members of the public of a fair and unbiased forum, causing them to be invalid and void. d. That Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2000, violates the limitations of the Vail Village Master Plan and the underlying zone district and tlerefore constitutes an abuse of the discretion ofthe Council, causing it to be invalid and void. e. That Sectionl2-3-6c, Vail Municipal Code, insofar as it provides that, if the adjacent property is a condominium project, notice ofhearing on any amendment of development plans foi special development districts may be mailed to the managing agent, reglstered agent or any member ofthe board ofdirectors thereof, denies Plaintiffs due process and the equal protection ofthe law and is invalid and void, causing Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2000, to be invalid and void, based upon lack ofjurisdiction ofthe Council. SECOND CLAIM (pursuant to Rule 106) 18. The allegations ofparagraphs I through 17 hereofare incorporated herein by reference thereto. 19. The Town Council exercised quasi-judicial functions in hearing Daymer's application. 20. The Town Council exceeded its jurisdiction or abused its discretion. 21. There is no plain, speedy and adequate remedy otherwise provided to Plaintiffs bv law. THIRD CLAIM (pursuant to Rule 65) 22. The allegations ofparagraphs I through 2l hereofare incorporated herein by reference thereto. 23. Immediate and ineparable injury, loss or damage will result to the Plaintiffs if the Defendants are not restrained and enjoined from implementing Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2000. 24. Plaintiffs have no adequate remedy at law. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray as follows: l. Pursuant to Rule 57, C.R.C.P., for judgment declaring as aforesaid and otherwise declaring the rights of the plaintiffs. 2. For an order adjudging that Ordinance No. 4, Series of2000, is invalid and void. 3. That a temporary restraining order and preliminary and permanent injunction be entered restraining and enjoining the Defendants fiom the implementation of Ordinance No. 4, Series of2000. 4. For their costs. 5. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem proper. DATED the .2ldayof May, 2000. Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-0300 Attomeys for Plaintiffs Address of Plaintiffs: cio Charles R. Lipcon One Biscayne Tower, Suite 24g0 2 South Biscayne Blvd. MiamiFL 33131 By:' 'uY/ Y v!---\. Johri W. Dunn, No. l42l 108 6. Frontage Road West, #300 Charles R. Lipcon, pro se fLo21l)af STATE OF GOISRADO COUNTYOFE*€{#. 'n i A'1 t Charles R. Lipcon, being duly swom upon his oath, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing complaint and that the matters and things therein set forth are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Charles R. Lipcon Subscribed and swom to before me this 2fday of May, 2000, by Charles R. Lipcon. My commission expires: Witness my hand and oflicial seal. ) ) ss. )D-aDE IN THE DISTzuCT COTJRT, COT]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 00 CV 67 MOTION FOR ORDER FOR CERTIFICATION OF RECORD CHARLES R. LIPCON; IRMCARD LIPCON; VAIL SLTNDIAI L.P, JOHN BREYO; and GER\IAINE F. GAR]VION, Plaintiffs, TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation; TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; and DAYMER CORPORATiON N.V., a Netherland Antilles corporation, Defendants. coME Now rhe Plaintiffs by their attomeys, Dunn, Abplanalp & Mauriello, P.C., and move pursuant to Rule 106(aXaXIIi), C.R.C.P., for an order requiring certification of the record, including the follorving: 1 . Ordinances Nos. 1 and 4, Series of 2000. 2. Title IZ,yail Municipal Code. 3. Vail Village Master plan. 4. Proofofnotice including notice to adjacent properry owners in connection with all hearings on Ordinances No. 1, Series of 2000, before ine etanning and Environmental Commission and Town Council. 5. All exhibits, correspondence and other materials and documentation offered before the Town Council on January 18, 2000, and May 2,2000,or othenvise made a part of thefile at any time. 6' Transcript of testimony before the Town Council on January 18.2000. and May 2, 2000. 7. Agendas and transcripts of all work sessions of the Town Council at which the Vail Piaza Hotel was discussed as an agenda item. AND AS GROUNDS TIIEREFOR, state as follows: l. Plaintiffs have filed a complaint pursuant to Rule 106(a)(a), C.R.C.P. 2. Rule 106(a)(+)@!, C.R.C.P., provides that, upon motion of the plaintiff, the Court shall order the defendant body to file with the Clerk of the Court, on a specified date, the record ofproceedings before that body. .- ^llDATED ths-ruTh6sy of May, 2000. D By: Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-0300 Attorneys for Plaintiffs I ; N THE DISTzuCT COURT, COLNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 00 CV 67 ORDERFOR CERTIFICATION OF RECORD CHARLES R. LIPCON; IR\,IGARD LIPCON; VAIL SLII\-DIAL L.P; JOHII BREYO;and GER\IAINE F. GARN,ION, Plaintiffs, TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation; TOWN COLNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAJL; and DAYMER CORPORATION N.V., a Netherland Antilles corporation, Defendants. oN MorIoN of the praintiff pursuanr to Rule r06(a)(a)(u), c.R.c.p., for an order requiring certification of the recordl IT IS ORDERED that, on or before the dav of 2000, theDefendant, Town of Vail, shall certify the record herein, rnctud-ing ttr. rott*urng 1. Ordinances Nos. I and 4,2000. 2. Title 12, Vail Municipal Code. 3. Vail Village Master plan. 4. Proofofnotice including notice to adjacent property owners in connectionwith all hearings on ordinances No. I, Series of 2000, before itre'etanning and EnvironmentalCommission and Town Council. 5. All exhibits, correspondence and other materials and documentation offeredbefore the Town council on January 18, 2000, and May 2, zoo0, or othenvise made a part of thefile at any time. 6. Transcript of testimony before the Town Councii on January 18, 2000, and May 2, 2000. 7. Agendas and transcripts of all work sessions of the Town Council at rvhich the Vail Plaza Hotel was discussed as an asenda item DONE the _ day of May, 2000. BY THE COIJRT: District Judge TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 {::sop March 9,2000 Charles R. Lipcon VaiI Gateway Unit 5 12 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax: 476-8681 Re: Vail Village Inn Dear Mr. Lipcon, I have received your letter dated March 7, 2000 with regard to notice for the Vail Plaza Hotel. I understand your frustration with the tabling of the Vail Plaza Hotel on March 7, 2000 by the Vail Town Council. I too was frustrated. I worked until after midnight one evening to prepare lbr the March 7'h Town Council meeting only to have the item tabied. I assure you that the item was not tabled simply because vou were in town. As we discussed on the teiephone, the item was tabled at the tequest oithe appliiant so that the development team could firrther explore opportunities for maintaining a building height of approximately 71 feet. In fact, I was surprised to hear you say that you were not concerned as to whether the overall height ofthe building increased by 3 7, lbet or not. I am aware of your interest in the Council's review of the Vail Plaza Hotel and the impacts the development may have on your property. As I have indicated to you in rhe past, the Vail Town Council considers written input in the review process. Your physical presence at the meeting is nor necessary ro insure that matters of due process are met. As you are already aware, the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal will again be considered by the Vail Town Council on April 4,2000, at their evening public meeting. Sincerelv. Pl .,---lJAi4* K**A"t Ceorge Ruthcr,'AICp Senior Speciai Projects Planner Town of Vail o {,7 """'""* 'o'u' Re: {no'subjEct) > CIIARLES R. LIPCON > Attotney At Law > Suite 2480 > One Biscalme Tower > 2 South Biscape B7vd. > Miani, FTorida 33731 > EmaiT: seaTaw@ao7 . com> Web: www. Tipcon. com> Phone: (305) 373-30L6> To77 free: (800) 838-2259> Fax: (305) 373 - 5204 > March 75, 2000 > Via email- > George Ruther, AIC?> Town of VaiT> Department of Connunity Development> 75 South Frontage Road> Vai7, Colotado 81657 > RE: Vail ViTTage Inn > Deat Mt- Ruther: > r received your March 9, 2oo0 fax wixh regard to the vail plaza Hoternot ice > when r attended xhe meexing on Mareh z, 2o0o of vail Town council-, r sawthat> a77 of the exhibit.s have been copied for purposes of the meeting and thatthe > boards to be uti-lized by tl,e appr icant were present in the town councij> meeting room - > QbwioueTy, everything was in place and ready to go- _> I hawe had this ptoblem before- SeveraT prior meetings were canceifed when > was in town. ThiE is a continuing problem in which games have being pTayedin > order xo have meetings without my presence. > You indicate that documents can be submixted and that ny physical presence> is not needed. This is eontrary to your statement that thz list of - quest ions> I Eent to each ct>unci7 mernber to detezmine conf l"ict of ir,terest along with> other -l.etters had to be submitted at t},e meeting it se7f. > with resp_ec_t to your surprise about the height of the buirding being> increased tor the 3 7/2 ieet. you mi sunder s tood me. > What I. was trying to Eay is that adding 3 7/2 feet to an aTready grossTy> oversized building didn,t have much efiect. .> rf you add 3 7/2 feet to sonething that is arready doubte the height thatit > shouTd be under the master pran, does not make a big difference. a rn any event the issue wi77 be decided in court whether it is o.k tovioLat.e . t. tle maater pTan and appr.ve a buiTding doubTe the height or doubi e theheight > p.l us 3 7/2 f eet - Ftlt coPr 2of3 3/24/00 8:27 AM (no subject) Subject: (no subject) Date: Fri. l7 Mar 2000 10:11:01 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> CC:lex@vail.net CHARIJES R. IJIPCONAttorney At Law Suite 2480 One Biscalme Tower2 South Biscalme Bfvd.Miami, Fforida 33131 Email: seaLaw@aol . com Web: www. l ipcon. comPhone: (305) 373-3015ToLl free: (800) 838-2759Fax: (305) 373-5204 March 15, 2000 Via email George RuCher, AICP Town of VaiI DeparLment. of Community Development75 Sout.h Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81G57 RE: Vail" Village Irur Dear Mr. Ruther: f received your March 9, ZOOO fax with reg:ard to the VaiI plaza Hotel notice. when r attended the meeting on March 7, 2ooo of vair Town council, r saw thatsall of the exhibitg have been copied for purposes of t.he meetirrg and that theboards to be utilized by the applicant wele lresent in lhe town councifmeeting room. ObvJ.ously. everyEhing was in place and ready to go. I have had this problem before. Several prior meetings were cancelled when Iwas in town. This is a continuing problem in whictr glmes have being played inorder Eo have meetings wit.hout my presence. You indicate that documents can be submicced and thaL my physical presenceis not needed. This is contrary to your scatement that Lha l"isc of |uestionsI sent to each council member to determine conflict of interest alono wiEhother letters had to be submitted aL t.he meeting it self. with respect to your surprise abouE the height. of the buirding beingincreased for the 3 7./2 feeL. you misunderslood me. What I was trying to. iay is that adding 3 j./2 feet E.o an already grosslyoversized building didn't have much effect. rf you add 3 r/2 feet to something that is already double the height that i-tshould be under the master plan, does not make . Lig aitt"rence. rl any event the issue wiff be decided in court whether it is o.k to viofatetshe mast.er p]an and approve a building double the height or doubl-e t.he heightplus 3 1/2 feet. I af 2 _ ra (no subject) I will not be abl-e to attend the April 4th, 2000 meeting since I wiLL be outof the country. Therefore please table the application to a date that I can be present. P1ease contact me for convenient dates for me tso aLtend inperson. which I must j-nsist upon. Very truly youra, CIIARLES R. LIPCON CRL:mn cc: 'John Dunn ) nf 7 'tlatlnn n.nz A f,,{ Rei (ro suttject) > I wi77 not be able to attend the ApriT 4th, 200A meeting since I wijl beout > of the country - Therefore prease xable the appTication to a date that r can> be present- Please contact me for conwenient dates for me to attend in> person, which I must insiet upon. > Very tTuTy yours, > CIIAHLES R. LTPCON> CRL: mn > cc: ,John Dunn 3 of3 3/24/00 8:27 ANI Re:' (nri subject) Subject: Re: (no subject) Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 23:01:49 EST From: Sealaw@aol.com To: "George Ruther" <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> CC: lex@vail.net Thanks for your not.e- The atstorney for the applicant did not contact me tocancel the lasts t.ov,rn council meet.ing where the issue was aet. llhy shouLd fhave to contact him to arrange a convenient time for me? Donrt I hawe the same righEs to be heard as the developer? Do you have any rules or ordinancesthat cover the manner and method of scheduling? I am stiIl hearing that adj acent property ownera are not getting notices.Your system for notification is lacking- However thanks for your efforts tokeep me informed. Are you going to put my emaiLs and letters in the record about council memberconflicts, questions to the town council, etsc. If you go ahead hritsh themeeting that I cannoL attend, since I will be out of the country, f uronrt. bethere to submit the letters, etc. Regards Charles R. Lipcon cc: John Dunn In a message dated 3/23/2OOO !:44|32 pM Eastern Standard Time,gruther@ci.wail. co.us writes : << Dear Mr. Lipcon, f received your email of March 17 with regard. to the Vail p]aza Hot.el . As.T stabed in my fax, r understsand your concern regarding the tabling of theVail Plaza Hotel on March 7. I assure you that. no one is t'playing gamea' in order !o preclude you fromparticipating in the development review process. Notrhing could be furtherfromthe truth. In fact f find your allegaEions offensive with no basis of fact. arready informed you t.hat the item was tabled to afford tshe appl-icant theopportunity Eo prepare and provide addit.ional information on Ltre proposal . Throughout the entire process I have personally conmunicatsed with you and/oryour representatives on numerous occassions to insure vour involvemenE in thepubl icprocesF. we continue to seek your constructive input as an adjacent propertyowner and member of the Vail community. At this time the first reading of an amending ordinance is scheduLed forTuesday,April 4, 2000. The public hearing will be hefd in the vaiL rown Council Chamber. T encourage you to eafk eo the applicant's representative, Jay peterson, aboue rescheduling the it.em. you can reach Jay by telephone aE g7o-47g-2L45. rwill not. be tabling b.he item as you have requested. S ince re1y, George Ruther, AICP Sea]aw@aol . com r^rrote r I of3 3/24/00 8:27 AM From: Sealaw@aol.com To: lkurz@ci.vail.co.us, rslifer@ci.vail.co.us, snavas@ci.vail.co.us, "Kevin Foley" <kfoley@ci.vail.co.us>, gmoffet@ci.vail.co.us, cogilby@ci.vail.co.us, ddonovan@ci.vail.co.us Counsil-munber Moffet Subject: Council memtrer Moffet Date: Fri, 24Mar 2000 l6:57:58 EST CC: Dear Mayor Kurz and Town Counci 1 Members r hawe heard that council member MoffeE. has threatened to sue me forexercisi.ng my constitutionaL rights including freedom of speach invorving myown Local government to point out his confliEt of interest and viofation ofthe Town of Vail charler. Further r have heard that he referred to me as an "asshoferr after the mostrecent Lown council meeting. obvioursy he hae an animosity towards me and that only adds to his conflictof interest.. under Lhe circumst.ances, he should not vote on the vair pfaza Hotel proposal . Also, my attorney has given the town of VaiL until next hreek to enforce theircharter wit.h respect to Tiga Advertising,s cont.ract (Gregg Mof feEt.) . If it isnot done, a rawsuit. has been prepared to enforce uhe chaif,.er and will- befiled on or abouts Aprit 29, 2OO0- By copy of Lhis email to George RuCher, I am requesting that he put thisemail into the town record on the Vail_ pfaza ttofe I prolect. Re spect ful1y Charles R. Lipcon -P-s- r received a copy of David Hanna' s email today. rt would appear that hehas noL received notices even though he is an adjac6nt land owner. He ownsunit 4 in the Vail Gaceway. lex@vail.net, jfl amont@vail.net, Airlevine@aol.com, BosCoDev@aol.com, CIIAINJT@aol.com, CIIJUDY@ao1.com, Cyndi42850@aol.com, Djscioli@ao1.com, Dkcalano@aol.com, Donohues@aol.com, Irmgardl@ao1.com, Jaqhalen@aol.com, JCalano@aol.com, JorgeMassa@aol.com, Jsvsi@aolcom, LEdwa1 234@aol.com, MJBanbury@aol.com, Momby@aol.com, Nmvail@aol.com, PJDAWKINS@aol.com, !!tee9*;16aol.com, Salski@aol.com, Sealaw@ao1.com, SKIKATO@aoi.com, david.hanna@sota.com (Hanna unit 4), palmos@privatei.com (palmer unit 7), ghanna@hannacap.com (Ginny Hanna unit 4), George Rutheri' <gruther@ci.vail.co.us> SNHaber@ao1.com, Stewater@aol.com, SuBe2 I 2@aol.com, VAILSKI@aoI.com, Arthur.Beringause@att.net, anthony@captiva-resources.com, dgogel@cdr-inc.com, {.Buatreau@codetel.net.do, valfesa@codetel.net.do, 721544.2101@compuserve.com, Bgmd.tWglf@compuserve. com, berndt_wolf@compuserve.com, gj.ohnkr_ediet@compuserve.com, ron@alavisllc.corn, MHERMAN@emkf.org, Fieldli@{eldcontainer.com, slynn@flatironstructures.com, gene_hill@grayhill.com, agilberll @lrome.som, scoyer@hotmail.com, michael.bradfieta64rrpls.co.uk, lohre@ibm.net, molyneux@ibm.net, PBecker@ibm.net, mkarlin@karlinfoods.com, fkoncilja@koncilja-associates.com, DACOLE@kurtsalmon.com, bellitti@la.aapollolp.com, b-ellitti@la.apollolp.com, WEG@mindless.com; holbrow@northrock.bm, rlangley@picoholdings. com, tryg@rerioco.com, eric@resaleworld.com, par@^rhccompany.com, abellows@surveys.com, pennica@tbm.net, gclonan@tiac.net, rosi@twd.net, patnixon@vail.net, trigo@vail.net, virdanco@vail.nei billj@vailresorts.com, chris_r@varlr€sorts.com, Jkruse@vailresorts.com, jwoods@vailresorts.com, boydtv@whbc.com, wegl 2360@worldnet.att.net, Wpgramm@aol.com, nancyb@)mountainmax.com, sundial@nb.net (Johnson unit l), l of I 3/24/00 4:50PM Vdl PlazaHotel Subject: Vail Plaza Hotel Date: Fri, 24Mar2000I1:31:30 -0800 From: "Hanna,David" <david.hanna@sage.com> To: rslifer@ci.vail.co.us CC:'John Dunn' <lex@vail.net>, "'Charles R. Lipcon"' <sealaw@aol.com>, 'Jim Lamont' <jfl amont@vail.net>, ddonovan@ci.vail.co.us, "'gruther@ci.vail.co.us"' <gruther@ci.vail.co.us>, lkurz@ci.vail.co.us, snavas@ci.vail.co.us, "'kfoley@ci.vail.co.us"' <kfoley@ci.vail.co.us), gmoffet@ci.vail.co.us, cogilby@ci.vail.co.us Dear Rod, Your firm represents me with respect. to the l_isting on Unit 4, Vail Gateway,Vail, Colorado. Ae such, you should not vote on the Vail Plaza Hotelproposal . Failure of the Town Council to fol_Low the Town of Vai_L's mast.erplan would cause the value of unit 4 Co go dor,yn significantly- As such, you hawe a conflict of interest- As my broker, you have a fiduciary duty towardsme- Voting to violate Lhe master plan would vioLate that duty-By copy of tshis email to ceorge Ruther. T am requesting that he put thisemail int'o tshe tsown record on the Vail plaza Hotel_ proposal .By copy of this email to the Town Council, I am l_etting them know, that Ihave not receiwed any notices with respect to hearings or meetings on theVail Plaza Hotel proposal .Sincerely Dawid Hanna l of I 3124100 4:50PM =<VC\ s kl;t ( .tr.l, 6 .\J N $\os;Fsv:\h*t X\Jr;*- Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 14,2000 Dear Vail Homeowner; I am sending you this letter as a courtesy to inform you that the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission wili be holding a public hearing on February 28, to discuss the redevelopment proposal for the Vail Village lnn. A simrlar lefter has already been sent pwsuant to the notriication requircmcnts prescribed by the Vail Town Code. Information about the redevelopment proposal is available for public review at the Town of Vail Community Development Deparfiient. Our officc is located at 75 South F-rontage Road. The application ald all supporting materials are available for review fiom 8 a.m- - 5 p.m.. Monday - Fridalz. Ifyou have questions about the proposal and arc unable to rcvicw the information at our office, please do not hesitate to call. I'd be happy to answer your questions over the telephone. You can reach me by telephone most easily at 970479-2145. Sincerelv. UR"tt*4 George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects Plarner Town of Vail {p ouno*'o'"" t .- Vltt, Cdr-oneoo aresz r\',t :l Crossroads Condominium Assocratron c/o MaxineMiller 143 East Meadow Drive' Suite 4994 Vail CO 81657 yArL, \.rJLrJXA|Jg' tt1g57 Tevina Ltd. c/o Maxine Miller 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 499A Vail CO 81657 Holiday House Condominiums 9 Vail Road VaiI CO 81657 Sonnenalp Hotel 82 East Meadow Drive Vail CO 8157 Law OprreEs" Dufrnr, Aeplexeup & MaunrelLo, P.C. toc Sourr FRoNTAGS RoAo wEsr. Surre goo vArL. CoLoFADo ar66z LAw OFFlcEs DuNtr, AepLaNeLP & MqunteuLo, P.C. rda Sourn FRoNYAGE RoaD Wesr, Sutrs soo VAtL, CoLonAoq 5l€57 roe Sourx Fnoxrnee *a^r *r.t i-* J"" Varl,-Coloeaoo eresz Gateway Condominium Association Aften: Keith D. Stoltz c/o Stoltz Bros." Ltd. 1300 Market Sheet, Suite 300 WilmingtonDE 19801 Vail Village km Piaza CondominiumAssoc. I&il c/o Slifer Management 143 Ea$t Meadow Drive Vail CO 81657 Colorado Department of Transportation c/o Jim Nall 606 Squth 9th Street Grand Junction CO 81501 I )uNN, AeplerualP & MnuntElt-o, P.C. t roe boutx FRoNTAGE Roeo Wrsl SurrE 3oo '' VAIL' CoLoRAoo 6l€s7 - t tti-'r'-Lsvt roa Sourx FRoNTAGE Roao Wgsr, Sutte goo VarL, CoLoRAoo sl6B7 L,a.w Orprces JNN, ABPLANALP & Maunreuo, p.C. toa SourH Fno|.|nce RoAo WEsr, Surre :oo Varl, CoLonloo aresz FirstBank 17 Vail Road- Vail CO 81657 AJpine Standard 28 South Frontage Road West Vail CO 81657 Village Inn Plaza Condominium Assoc. Phase Itr and Phase V c/o Joseph Staufer 100 East Meadow Drive Vail CO 81657 rl THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 1 2-1 1-10 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 1 1 , 2000, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: An appeal of a Design Review Board preliminary recommendation of approval with conditions for the Vail Plaza Hotel on December 1 , 1999, located at 1 00 East Meadow Drive/Lots M, N, & O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Appellant: Charles R. Lipcon, represented by John DunnPlanner: George Ruther The applications and informalion about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department n ([?t\qqnyy B. c. APPEALS FORM REQUIRED FOR FILING AN APPEAL OF A STAFF, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD OR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ACTION ACTION/DECISION BEING APPEALED: Design Rewi ew Foa rd Freliminary Rpr-crlrnpnd at i on of Approval with Condj-tions of Vaj-l Plaza Hotel DATE OFACTION/DECISION: rk'r"eml-Fr I - iqqrr NAME OF BOARD OR PERSON RENDERINC THE DECISION/TAKING ACTION: Iesicrn Revie,t Ebard D.NAME OF APPELLANT(S): r-r^.res R. tip*:-.n MAILINOADDRESS: (;rte Bi:rcal'ne Trcnr.er, 2 Soybh {!g9ytt" il4!!arli, FT, 33131 pHySICALADDRISSI5Iy411. 12 S. Frontage Ro*:l E. pHONE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF APPELLANT'S PROPERTY IN VAIL: CONdON-iNiTTN UNit 3 ' VAil DLNN,/ABP MAIJRttriLO, P. C. E.SIGNATURE(S): John W. Durrr 108 SrFrontaqe Rd.Vail, CO 81657 970 476-0300 Date ReceiveuAttorney for Appellant Page I of2 oEc 0e 1999 F. Does this appeal involve a specific parcel ofland?If yes, please provide the following information: are you an adjacent prop€rty owner? Yes X no _ Ifno, give a deailed explanation ofhow you are an "aggriwed or adversely affected penon." "Aggrieved or adversely afifected person" means any person who will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or firthered by this title. The alleged adverse interest may be shared in common with other members of the community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general interest in community good shared by all persons. Apoellant is orrrer of adjacent property ard resident in the neighborhood. sensitivitv to Appellant's propertv ard inwediate envirorrnent and neiqtiborhood of which Appellant is a part. Provide the names and addresses (both person's mailing address and properfy's physical address in Vail) ofall owners of property which are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property ownos (including properties separated by a right-of-way, stre:rm, or other intervening barriem). AIso provide addressed and stamped envelopes for , each prope4y owner on the list. On separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please cite specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed. FEE: 50.00 Yes G. H. Page2 of2 Design Review Board approval did not comply with the following design criteria contained in Vail Municipal Code $ 12-94-8: A. Compatibilify. The modification is not design compatible with and sensitive to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to scale, bulk, height, character and visual integrity. B. Relationship. The modification does not provide a compatible, effrcient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activities. F. Design Features. The design and location of the modification is not such as to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and the overall aesthelic quality of the communiry. o_o: \.j h- rl:\- tll rc;q j tr tl -onF: oo ic : OF 'i trl -'{tq:.12 tZ =t-. f tlt :F.( '{ f, jofit-g fio :ruo. F =F.X fiJ :nu,t aL z ={d:.{ul (t! f =EEhZF :Hl>trt:F ur'( ( i(fJ -ruo Eo :,+tZ p1 =O(OZG rJ3(J 0.dd.o>?-l HOHfnU 6 JILJ$c Eo'- O) r-g@coQA|iE.-o =odoa; N-(! -) \< f\\ <)\e ..r' oc 4='. -r cd cca $E<tl:-c(6(J> E qi ;: t rtw \ ql \o XJ .n *aa-x t\h-{* R\Jr.i ;iro r(3 D epartment of Community Dev elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 March 9, 2000 Charles R. Lipcon Vail Gateway Unit 5 12 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax:476-8681 Re: Vail Village Inn Dear Mr. Lipcon, I have received your letter dated March 7, 2000 with regard to notice for the Vail Plaza Hotel. I undcrstand your frustration with the tabling of the Vail Plaza Hotel on March 7, 2000 by the Vail Town Council. I too was frustrated. I worked until after midnight one evening to prepare for the March 7'h Town Council meeting only to have the item tabled. I assure you that the item was not tabled simply because you were in town. As we discussed on the telcphone, the item was tabled at the request of thc applicant so that the dcvelopment team could further explore opportunities for maintaining a building height of approximately 71 feet. In fact, I was surprised to hear you say that you were not concerned as to whether the overall height ofthe building increas edby 3 % fcet or not. I am aware of your interest in the Council's review of the VaiI Plaza Hotei and the impacts the devclopment may have on your property. As I have indicated to you in the past, the Vail Town Council considers written input in the review process. Your physical presence at the meeting is not necessary to insure that matters of due process are met. As you are already awarc, the Vail Plaza Hotel proposal will again be considered by the Vail Town Council on April 4,2000, at their evening public mceting. Sincerely. J .)IJ/A"+ K*fl'*4 ceorgc RurheriAICP Senior Special Projects Planner Town of Vail {p *""'"uo 'n'o r,boc d Vail Plaza Hotel Revised Plans April 4,2000 b ti *o hx -9 trz zeazl -;.EEI M =ldl =Eiirnq ? lli IA o.E E _q TJJ bo E =EO /Lv I O A 6 N _q tu =6 tlJ (t') .F E ttr |.!J '{= 0) ITJ F z +++ ?-* ;E E tll + ELs t:I tl Iili7F:.FFa: a: ++++s+ €E eE f" *. F=&83***t:tt:TtH:rrl + I II *oGERNi;G :.E o= j' =-j4ffE. .13- * it;i NZgiE tc, o U @@ b0 E =eo @Po tl G =sr>(!o>'_F to =v A) c x9, rr= Ed = tttttLtt FEE!E.FEh d; :5 ir :r :8 ir 13 ?3lr5i$9;i!3:3r!,!++++++++ ttlttt lE n5 =dEtd$5:+++ I L* s t E F CE + c .oE (E(! E= Hr*i trl (o r->oo>. -F-= Qz f*+#s IE T I l! ic t, s I t + le .!qFF I ll g t I IE l i ltlItt lj#ar+++ ta o 6 _ql.rJ 6 beol ao* =,HE = EO //^v @ O I 9oCfrRNi;6:_r EEI =i\ei tr l;i;x?tli 6 r! trJ v, (! E 3 ttl (dL! (! IIJ E z ++++ _1E '1E i. '1!]JE|:I:ltl + ti T + .F r Il I & r I I r I I +* r I I *oC qgNi;' 6d :-E ES= fi[iii ta o Uo@ EO @ p -t @ 1.,v a o-F 6 N (El->(Eo>. -f =v.t\ c {(! -LuJf EU 3 s t r ll' ttitlhFhbt,h !:i:j;E3:3;++++++ 3 1E!t!ti I li + .9r+.t l-'!r! 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QE o N. x-a -Hdi 9Y _89o a{j!E: EEglY E= Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 6 Gross Square Footage Dwellins Unit Dwelling Unit (upper level) Club Units Unit Number Club Unit 44 (Upper Level) Club Unit 45 (Upper kvel) Club Unit 46 (Upper Level) Club Unit 47 (Upper Lcvel) Club Unit 49 (Upper Level) Club Unit 50 (Upper lryel) Sub-Total Club Conidor fuublic) Core (elevator) Maid Core (stair) M€chanical ftooftoo) Sub..Total Area Dwelling Unit Net Club Unit Net Other Net Totd Net NeUGross Difference Level 6 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3/30/00 7 p23.O0 Area 2,053.00 Area 8r4.00 814.00 8t4.00 648.00 814.00 814.00 4,718.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 222.00 37Z.OO 2,051.00 4,718.00 3'72.00 7,143.00 780.00 D€ck Area 0.00 Deck Area 147.00 147.00 147.00 108.00 147.00 147.00 843.00 9to/o Kevs 0.00 Keys 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 r.00 1.00 6.00 Bedrooms 1.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1-00 1di0 6.00 Studio 0.00 Studio 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pillows 2.00 Pillows 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 Page I Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 5 Gross Square Footage Dwelline Unit Dwelling Unit (lower level) Club Units Unit Number Club Unit 35 (Upper Level) Club Unit 36 (Upper levcl) Club Unit 37 (Upper l-evel) Club Unit 38 (Upper Level) Club Unit 40 (Upper Level) Club Unit 44 (I-ower teyel) Club Unit 45 (I-ower kvel) CIub Unit 46 (Lower l,eyel) Club Unit 47 (Lower trvel) Club lJnit 48 (Flat) Club Unit 49 (l-ower Level) Club Unit 50 (lrwer trvcl) Sub-Total Club Other Areas Conidor (public) Core (elerator, mech. shaft) Maid Core (stair) Sub-Total Other Areas Dwelling Unit Net Club Unit N€t Other Net Total Net NeUGross DilTerence Level 5 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3t30t00 16,146.00 @ 3,446.00 Area 814.00 814.00 814,00 814.00 857.00 9r 2.00 979.00 486.00 s 13.00 858.00 992.00 955.00 9,808.00 Area I,617.00 151.00 0.00 0.00 1,768.00 3,446.00 9,808.00 1.768.00 15,022.00 l!124.00 Deck Area 340.00 Deck Area 147.00 147 .00 147 .00 147.00 147.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 735.00 Bedrooms 100 1.00 100 1.00 l.00 2.00 2.00 L 0t) 1 .00 1.00 2.Q0 2,00 16.00 Kevs 4.00 Kevs l.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2,00 17,00 Bedrooms Studio Pillows 3.00 1.00 8.00 Studio Pillows 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0,00 4-00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 l.00 34.00 Page 2 Varl Plaza Hotel 96 r070.00 Level 4 Gross Square Foolage Club Units Unit Number Club Unit 2l (Upper Levei) Club Unit 22 (Upper Level) Club Unit 23 (Upper Level) Club Unit 28 (llpper I-evel) Club Unit 29 (Upper Level) Club unir 34 (Flat) CIub Unit 35 (Irwer Level) C'lub Unit 36 (Lower Level) Club Unit 37 (I,ower l€vel) Club Unit 38 (L-ower L€yel) Club Unit 39 (Flat) Club Unit 40 (h\,,ff L€vel) Club Unit 41 (Flat) Club Unit 42 (Flat) Club Unil43 (nat) Sub-Total Club Accomodstion Units Unit Type A Other Areas Coridor (public) Core (elevator) Maid Core (stair) Sub-Total Other Areas Club Unit Net Accommodation Net Other Net Total Net NeVGross Differcnce Level 4 Kevs 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 1 .00 1,00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 24.00 Kevs Totrl Ar€a 17.00 6.343.00 Zeken and Associates, Inc. 3/30/00 26,445.00 Area Deck Area 790.00 147.00 790.00 147.00 790.00 147.00 790 00 147.00 790.00 147.00 798.00 147.00 513.00 0.00 1,034.00 0.00 1,034.00 0.00 r,034.00 0.00 990.00 195.00 980.00 93.00 l ,693.00 t47.00 t,226.00 93.00 t.226.0() 93.00 14,478.00 1,503.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.(t0 2.(t0 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.(r0 2.()O 2.ctQ 22.00 Studio 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L00 0.00 L00 0.00 0.00 2.00 Pillows 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 48.00 Ave Area 373.12 Area 3,017.00 150.00 5i2.00 2'11.00 3,950.00 14,478.00 6,343.00 3.950.00 24,77t.00 r,674.00 Page 3 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 3 Gross Square Footage Club Units Unit Tvpe Club unit l8 (Flat) Club Unit l9 (l'lat) Club Unit 20 (Flat) Club Unit 21 (l,ower I€vel) Club Unit 22 (I-ower hvcl) Club Unit 23 (Lower l-evel) Club Unit 24 (Flat) Club Unit 25 (Flat) Club Unit 26 (Flat) Club Unit 27 (Rar) Club Unit 28 (Lower I-evel) Club Unit 29 (Lower l-€vel) Club Unit 30 (Flat) Club Unit 3l (Flat) Club Unit 32 (Flat) Club Unit 33 (Flat) Sub-Total Club Units Accomodation Units Unit Type A Oth€r Areas Maid Corridor (public) Corc (elevator) Corc (stair) Sub-Total Other Areas Totals Club Net Accommodation Net Other Net Total Net NeVGross Difference Level 3 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3t30t00 32,480.00 Arca Deck Aree 182.00 93.00 1,092.00 t64.00 864 00 164.00 562.00 0.00 1,088.00 0.00 994.00 0.00 1,02i.00 93.00 1,073.00 2'13.00 975.00 98.00 958.00 93.00 979.00 94.00 9'79.00 94.00 969.00 137.00 920.00 64.00 r,242.00 93.00 1.226.00 93.00 r5,724.O0 1,553.fi1 Studio Pillows 0.00 2.00 i,00 4.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 l.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0,00 4.00 l 00 4.00 1.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 4.00 6.00 s6.00 Kevs 1.00 2.00 1.00 I .00 2.00 2.00 L00 2.OO 2.00 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.O0 2.00 28.00 Bedrooms 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 2.00 2.00 l .00 l 00 2.00 2.00 22.N Av€. Area 361.04 498.00 4,303.00 150.00 33 8.00 5,289.00 t5,724.OO 9,387,00 5.289.00 30,400.00 2,080.00 Kevs Totrl Area 26.00 9,387.00 94,)/o Page 4 Level 2 Gross Square Footage Club Units Unit Trre Club Unit 6 (Flat) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit 8 (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit 10 (Flat) Club Unit 1l (Flat) Club Unit 12 (Flat) Club Unit 13 (Flat) Club Unir 14 (Flar) Club Unit l5 (Flat) Club Unit 16 (Flat) Club Unit 17 (Flat) Sub'Total Club Units Accomodation Units Unit Type A Other Areas Maid Corridor (public) Corc (eleYator) Core (stair) Rooftoo Deck Sub-Totrl Other Ar€rs Totals Club Net Accomnodation Net Other N€t Total Net Neucross I)iff€r€nce 34,972.00 Area Deck Area 907.00 s3.00 1,235.00 93.00 1,263.00 93.00 946.00 98.00 976.00 98.00 958.00 8l.00 958.00 99.00 958.00 99.00 970.00 146.00 920.00 199.00 1,455.00 20.00 1.213.00 20.00 12,759.00 1,139.00 Keys l.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 24.00 Bedrooms | .00 2.00 2.00 l 00 L00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.ffi 2.(n 16.00 Studio 0_00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 L00 1.00 0.00 8.00 Pillows 2.00 4,00 4.()0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 48.00 Ave. Area 36t .7 5 386.00 4,370.00 150.00 32s.O0 1.790.00 7,021.00 12,7 59.00 13,023.00 7.021.00 32,803,00 2,169.00 Kevs Total Ar€e 36.00 13,023.00 740/o Varl Plaza Hotel 96 | 070.00 Level 1.5 Gross Square Footage Club Units Unit TYDe Club Unit I (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (Flat) Club Unit 4 (Flat) Club Unit 5 Glat) Sub-Total Club Units Accomodation Units Unit Type A Employee Housins Unit Type A Other Areas Maid Corridor (public) Corridor (employee) Mechanical Plant Core (el€vator) Corc (stair) Roofton Deck Sub-Total Other Areas Totals Club Nel Acconmodation Net Employee Housing Net Other Net Total Net Neucross I)iff€rence Level 1.5 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3t30/00 26.413.00 Area 908.00 I,235.00 1,261.00 948.00 975.00 5,329.00 Ave. Area 3s3.2s Ave. Arer 397 .44 0.00 2,357.00 1,318.00 2,032.00 150.00 324.00 2.314.00 8,495.00 5,329.00 7,065.00 3,577 .00 &495.1tS 24,466.00 1,947.00 Deck Area 112.00 112.00 95.00 112.00 95.00 526.00 Kevs 20.00 Keys 9.00 Bedrooms L00 2.00 2.00 l 00 1.00 7.00 Studio 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Pillows 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 18.00 Kevs 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 Totfll Area Pillows 7,065.00 40.00 Total Area Pillows 3,577.00 18.00 Page 6 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level I Gross Square Footage Emplovee Housine Unit Type A Retail Retail Three Restaurant Main Restaurant (Buffet) Specialty Restaurant Sub'Total Rc$taur&nt Lounge I,t|unge Exterior Circulation Auto Ramp (North) Pedestrian Entry (South ) Sub-Total Ext. Circ. Other Areas Conidor (public) Corridor (employee) Conidor (seruice) Receiving/Service Corridor Main Kitchen Ttuck Doc]</Auto Circ. Restrooms Maid Core (elevator) Core (stair) Sub-Total Other Areas Totals Employre Housing Net Retail Net Restauant Net t unge Net Exierior Circ. Net Other Net Totd Nei Arca N€t/Gross Diff€r€nce Kevs 9.00 Level I Total Area Pillows 3,577.00 20.00 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3i30100 39,970.00 Ave. Area 39'7 .44 Area 564.00 Arer 2,155.00 1,s03.00 3,658.00 Area 1,141.00 2,s32.00 4.685.00 7,217.0O 3,850.00 l,705.00 87'1 .00 3,341.00 3477.00 6,977.00 600.00 29.O0 205.00 398.00 21,459.00 3.57',7 .00 564.00 3,658.00 1,141.00 't,2t'7.00 21.4s9.00 37,616.00 2,354.00 Ocs Fnctor Occuoanls f 8.00 1t9.72 25.00 60.12 179.84 Occ. Frctor OccuDar s 25.00 45.64 9Ayo Page 7 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 0 Gross Square Footage Reteil Retail One Retail Two Sub-Total Retail Lobbv I-obby Administration Front Office Salevcatering Acc./Exec. Offi celConciege Total Administrrtion Spa - Men'Yworkout Men's hckers/Facilities Treaftnent Pool Deck Exercise/Workoul SuFTotal Spa Service Areas Service Corridor Food and Beveraq€ Storase Sub-Total Service Exterior Circulation Covered Ramp (North) Covered Auto Entry (West) Pedestrian Access (West) Auto Ramp (South) PedesFian Access (East) Sub-Total Ext. Circ. Other Areas Mechanical Plant Core (elevator) Core (Stair) CoridorPublic) Total Other Areas Parkine Provided Valet Spaces 42,537.00 1,244.00 1.388.00 2,$2.n0 Area 2426.00 2,t72.00 I,059.00 2.058.00 5,289.00 3,1s6.00 2,018.00 r,300.00 1.904.00 &37E.00 1,1 I 1.00 3J$-OA 5,05,f.00 930.00 5,676.00 1,984.00 935.00 816.00 10,341.00 I,307.00 205.00 568.00 3.801.00 5,881.00 8.00 Occ, Fact. 30.00 Level 0 OccuD. 80.87 Zehren and Associates, [nc. 3/30i00 Page 8 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level 0 (continued) Totals Re tail Nct Irbby Net Administration Net Spa Net Service Net Exterior Circulation Net Other Net Total Net NcVGross Difference 2,632.00 2,426.00 5,289,00 8,378.00 5,054.00 10,341.00 5.881.00 40,00r.00 2,536.00 Level 0 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3/30/00 Page 9 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level Minus One Gross Squrre Footage Cpa Women's hckers/Facilities Treatment Deck Area Exercise/Workout Pool Area Sub-Total Spr Conference Bal'lroom Pre-convene Sub.Tolil Conference Other Areas Banquel Kilchen Service/Janitorial Serv. Corr./Conl Storage Corridor (public) Core (elwator) Core (stair) Public Restrooms Sub-.Total Parkine Provided Valet Spaces Parking Spaces (Iull Size) Parking Spaces (Conqract) Parkinc Soaces (Accessible') Sub-Totrl ParHng Totals Other Arcas Net Spa Net Conference Net Parkins ard Ramp Net Total Net Net/Gross Difference Level - I Occ. Factor OccuDants'15.00 461.53 7.00 336.86 Ar€r Area/Spice 20,93r.00 960/o Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3t30t00 56,986.00 Area 3,336.00 1,989.00 6,052.00 I,141 .00 2.8 r 2.00 15,330.00 Area 6,923.00 2.358.00 q2El.00 2,469.00 222.00 3,021.00 1,978.00 205.00 555.00 81 1.00 9,261.00 Snaces 0.00 47,QQ 6.00 l.00 54.00 Area 9,261.O0 15,330.00 9,281.00 20.931.00 s4,803.00 2,183.00 Page l0 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Level Minus Two Gross Squrre Footage Conference Brcakout Pre-convene Srb-Total Conf€r€nce Other Arees Conl Stor./ Se ice Conidor Personnel Ernployee Facilities Housekeeping taundry Engineering Mechanical Plant Coridor(Public) Core (eleYator) Core 6tair) Sub-.Total Parking Proyided Valet Spaces Parking Spaces (Full Size) Parking Spaces (Compact) Parkine Soaces (Accessible) Sub-Total Prrking Totals Other Areas Net Conference Net Parking and Ramp Net Total Net Nevcmss Differ€nc€ Level -2 Occ. Factor OccuDants i5.00 230.07 7.00 228.00 Area Area/Spsce 2t,94r.00 960/o Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3/30/00 48,0s3.00 Area 3,451.00 1.596.00 5,047.00 2,933.00 1,195.00 2,464.00 1,526.00 1,526.00 1,568_00 6,213 -00 2,182.O0 205.00 303.00 20,r ls.oo Snaces 0.00 47.O0 6.00 l00 54.00 Area 20,115_00 5,047.00 20.941.00 46,103.00 1,9s0.00 388 Page I 1 Level Minus Three Gross Squrr€ Footage Other Arers Mechanical Corridor (public) Core (elevator) Core (stair'l Sub-Total other Ar€as Area Valet Spaces Parking Spaces (Full Size) Parking Spaces (Compact) Parkins Soaces (Accesible) Sub-Total Psrking Totals Olher Net Parkinq and Rarnp Net Total Net NcUGross Difference 46,251.00 0.00 198.00 205.00 282.00 685.00 Soaces Area 36.00 100.00 r0.00 Area/SDrce 2.00 148.00 Area 68s.00 43.930.00 ,14,615.00 1,636.00 96V, Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Dwellins Units Dwelling Unit I Club Units Club Unit I (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (Flat) Club Unit 4 (Flat) Club Unit 5 (Flat) Club Unit 6 (Flat) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit 8 (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit 10 (Flat) Club Unit ll (Flat) Club Unit 12 (Flat) Club Unit 13 (Flat) Club Unit 14 (Flat) Club Unit 15 (Flar) Club Unit 16 (Flat) CIub Unit 18 (Flat) Club Unit l9 (Flat) Club Unit 20 (Flat) Club Unit 21 (Two trvel) Club Unit 22 (Two [€vel) Club Unit 23 (Two Level) Club Unit 24 (Flat) Club Unit 25 (Flat) Club Unit 26 (Flat) Club Unit 27 (Flat) Club Unit 27 (Two Lcv€l) Club Unit 29 ('I wo lrvel) Club Unit 30 (Flat) Club Unit 3l (Flat) Club Unit 32 (Flat) Club Unit 33 (Flat) Club Unit 34 (FIat) Club Unit 35 (Two I-evel) Club Unit 36 (Two l*vel) Club Unit 37 (Two L€vel) Club Unit 38 (Two L€yel) Club Unit 39 (Flat) Club Unit 40 (Two t€vel) Club Unit 41 (Fla$ Club lJnit 42 (Flat) Club Unit 43 (Flat) Club Unit 43 (Two trvel) Club Unit 45 (Two Level) Club Unit 46 (T\i/o Level) Club Unit 47 (Two Level) Club Unit 48 (Flat) Club Unit 49 (Two kvel) Club Unit 50 (Two kvel) Total Club Parking Parking Summary Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3/30/00 Total Area 5,499.00 Total Area 908.00 1,235.00 I,263.00 948.00 975.00 907.00 l,235.00 1,263.00 946.00 976.00 958.00 958.00 958.00 970.00 920.00 r,455.00 '182.00 1,092.00 864.00 1,352.00 1,878.00 1,784.00 1,021.00 1,073.00 9'1s.00 958.00 1,769,00 I,769.00 969.00 920.00 |,242.00 |,226.00 798.00 1,327.00 1,848.00 1,848.00 1,848.00 990.00 1,837.00 1,693.00 |,226.00 |,226.00 |,'126.00 1,793.00 l,300.00 t ,l6l .00 858.00 814.00 8 t 4.00 62,816.00 Park. Factor >2000 Factor 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 .500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 500<2000 Park. Reqll 2.50 Spaces 2_00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2_O0 2.00 2.OO 2.00 2.OQ 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.O0 2.00 2.00 98.00 Page 13 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Accommodation Units Total Acc. Units Restaurant 'lbtal Restaurant Lounge Total Lounge RetriI Total Retail Conference Balhoom Breakout Total Required Spaces Total Dwclling Unit Total Club Total Accommodatitm Total Restaurant Total lrunge Total Retail Conference SDD Parkine Reqqirqr! lbhases 1.2,3.5) * Suh-Total Parking Mixed Use Reduction (10%) Total Prrking Required Total Parking Provided Parking Dilf€rence Parking Provided Existing SDD spaces to remain* kvel Zero Parking kvel Minus One Parking kve l Minus 1wo Parking Level Minus Three Parking Total Parking Proyided Percentag€ * SDD Parkine Required (phasesl.2.3.5) Existing SDD Spaces SDD Parking Defic!1 Sub-Total (Cnrrent Requirement) Previouly Applied Rcduction- (2.5%) Curently Dedicated Phase 4 Spaces Total SDD Parking Required (phases 1,2,3,5) Parking Summary Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3/30/00 SDaces 75.42 SDaces 22.48 SDaces 5.7 | Soaces 10.65 Area 35,818.00 Area 3,658.00 Area 1,141.00 Area 3,196.00 Area 6,923.00 6,923.00 2.s0 98.00 7 5.42 22.48 5.71 10.65 43.23 149.68 407.66 -40.17 366.89 376.00 9.11 Full Size 112 0 100 306 81Yo 112 75 187 191.68 -42 149.68 Kevs 99.00 Seat Faca. 20.34 Seat Fact. 25,00 Factor 1:300 sq. ft. S€at Fact. 15.00 15.00 Formula .5+.l/l00s.l S€ats t79.84 Seats 45.64 Factor 0.16 Factor 1:8 seats Factor 1:8 seats Accessible 0 0 I t ? 4 1Vn Compqq! u 0 6 6 l0 60/o Seats 461.53 230.O'7 Valet 0 8 0 0 44 120/0 Total 112 8 54 148 376 't00v" Factor Snaces 1:16 seats+* 28.85 1:16 seats** 14.38 **assume 50oZ intemal/public transportation/pedestria! traffic - brcakout use by baliroom occupants Page 14 Vail Plaza Hotel 961070.00 Dwellins Units Dwelling Unit I Club Units Club Unit I (Flat) Club Unit 2 (Flat) Club Unit 3 (Flat) Club Unit 4 (Flat) Club Unit 5 (Flat) Club Unit 6 (Flat) Club Unit 7 (Flat) Club Unit 8 (Flat) Club Unit 9 (Flat) Club Unit l0 (llat) Club Unit ll (Flat) Club Unit l2 (Flat) Club Unit l3 (Flat) Club Unit 14 (Rat) Club Unit l5 (Flat) Club Unit 16 (Fla0 Club Unit 17 (Flat) Club Unit 18 (Flat) Club Unit 19 (Flat) Club Unit 20 (Flat) Club Unit 2l (Two Level) Club Unit 22 (Two l-evel) Club Unit 23 (TrMo Irvel) Club unit 24 (Flat) Club Unit 25 (Flat) Club Unit 26 (Flat) Club tlnit 27 (Flat) Club Unit 27 (Two l-evel) Club Unit 29 (Two kvcl) Club Unit 30 (Flat) Club Unit 3l (Flat) Club Unil 32 (Flat) Club Unit 33 (Flat) Club Unit 34 (Flat) Club Unit 35 (Two kvel) Club Unit 36 (Two Level) Club Unit 37 (Two Level) Club tjnit 38 (Two Level) Club Unit 39 (Fbq Club Unit 40 (Two lcvel) Club Unit 4l (Flat) Club Unit 42 (Flat) Club Unit 43 (Flat) Club Unit 43 (Two l-evel) Club Unit 45 (Two lrvel) Club Unit 46 (lwo l-evel) Club Unit 47 (Two Level) Club Unit 48 (F1at) Club Unit 49 (Two lrvel) Program Summary Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3130/00 uppc!4rqa 2,053.00 uppq 4rea 908.00 1,235.00 1,263.00 948.00 975.00 907.00 1,235.00 1,263.00 946.00 976.00 958.00 958.00 958.00 970.00 920.00 1,455.00 l,213.00 782.00 1,092.00 864.00 790.00 790.00 790,00 1,021.00 1,073.00 975.00 958.00 790.00 790.00 969.00 920.00 1,242_00 |,226.00 798.00 814.00 814.00 8 r 4.00 814.00 990.00 857.00 1,693.00 |,226.0t) |,226.00 814.00 814.00 814.00 648.00 858.00 814,00 Lower Area 3,446.00 Lower Area 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 562.00 1,088.00 994.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 979.00 979.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 513,00 I,034.00 1,034.00 1,034.00 0.00 980.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 912.00 9'19.00 486.00 513.00 0.00 992.00 Total Area 5,499.00 Total Area 908.00 1,235.00 1,263.00 948.00 975.00 907_00 1,235.00 1,263.00 946.00 97 6.00 958.00 958.00 958.00 970,00 920.00 1,455.00 1,213.00 782.00 1,092.00 864.00 I,352.00 1,878.00 1,784.00 1 ,02 t.00 1,073.00 975.00 958.00 1,769.00 l J69.00 969.00 920.00 1,242.00 1,226.00 798.00 1,32'7 .00 1,848.00 1,848.00 1,848.00 990_00 1,837.00 1,693.00 1,226.00 |,226.00 |;726.00 1,7S3.00 1,300.00 I ,161.00 858.00 1,806.00 Page I 5 Deck Area 340.00 Deck Area 112.00 112.00 95.00 112.00 95.00 93.00 93.00 93.00 98.00 98.00 8l.00 99.00 99.00 146.00 199.00 20.00 20.00 93.00 164.00 164.00 147.00 t47.00 147.00 93.00 2'73.00 98.00 93.00 241.00 241.00 137.00 64.00 93.00 93.00 147.00 14'7.00 147.00 14't.00 t4't .00 195.00 240.00 t4't .00 93.00 93.00 147.00 t47.00 147.00 108.00 0.00 147 .00 Pillows 10.00 Pillows 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.O0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 4_00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.OO 2.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 Keys Bedrooms Studios 4.00 4.00 Keys Bedrooms Studios 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2_00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 i.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 l .00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 I .00 3.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0,00 2.00 1.00 1 .00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 r.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 2,00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 Vail Plaz a Hotel 961070.00 Club Unit 50 (Two t€vel) 50 Total Club Units Accommodation Units Total Acc. Urits Residential Totals Restaurant Main Restaurart SDecialtv Restaurant Total RestNurant Lounse l-nungc Conference Facilitss Brcakout Ballroom Pre-convene Total Conyention Spa Level Zero Level Minus One Total Retail Retail One Retail Two Retail Three Total R€tail Adminstration 814.00 955.00 48,782.00 14,034.00 RoomAr€a Rooms 361.80 99.00 Seatins Area Occ. Factor 2,155.00 1.503.00 3,658.00 Program Summary 1.769.00 147.00 62,816.00 6,299.00 Total Area Deck Area 35,818.00 0.00 104,133.00 6,639.00 Seats 119.72 60.12 179.84 Zehren and Associates, Inc. 3/30/00 3.00 0.00 6.00 89.00 19.00 216.00 Bedrooms Studios Pillows 99.00 0.00 198.00 192.00 19.00 424.00 3.00 108.00 Kcvs 99,00 2l1.00 1,141.00 25.00 45.64 Se&tine Area Occ. Factor Seats 3,451 l) 18.00 25.00 20.34 6,923 t 5 ) tst 1 12,732 8,378.00 15.330.00 23,708.00 1244 1388 564.00 3,196.00 1289.00 230 402 33'/ Page 16 E> !2> E N -I;E5FFIEFEiEEFi*gE=iriIEEIF$EFig$ E5Efi=iEnE=F gx t_.F ol 6iol ..lc' c- o 8o YOY Y=^F-.-X ,o v'r o {il o: o" r-.- nt Poo 9l : \o coal :.$3 -rl : ..' 6-E t rt 5 5 ad Ei s ri<g 6l +- t:g jl 5 :6 a_- et q 5 -rl F Ei^'' x :- H: ?sdl OY=at i =.i-rl -: ^o6 at q 5 _ -i9.4;:<F sa :x.-: -$ ei o=o * Xl I FN r-, ol 'c- at o\N& EE ?Ph3 J+rl ^.1 AgSEEI EI$ Er F Ix ; :?t F.;xx vt c:+66 ot c- tr; dc.r v c'l ooooooc^,^Q --5YE SE8 35 =ii+^l '-:q n o- :o. -^R;") =l I ;t all .J 88888t =oE r 8er E 8H$g3rF EEl" I =Xl H 3$;l;i-i: oti co ;i.ir { ..r 88tc.i o.i oi ; llt .o -i s;"t c ;6o, ol l:. oi o\ais-r E PPC ^i N-o - ^t^ ^ ^ ^5 -IE 5 E E 'a $t \o \o c6 .nch \ol ^.t ..t \o -: qIr) v) ra a.tF NIF + - !o NtQrj Y ql 3 :< rat .; xvF.:a^o\o-Uds .-r q 9qc OrO':Aq+.*.t6 ? -^--x or,r e ^^vxx 3 3H e ^^YX><R ;;6 ra) ..l tot P R o Ele i; '11 S :oi -r 8 88 El f; ns".]t s :9 ql R o o o sl; neI *t 8 $rl :6l q 'l c EIE .rl --- -t-9l v'' 3ts 8s 88 8sl E+ Sv] ; €. -i n.i .n .:^s ,, Ei s g -€rc ?€ .^8. tt= F$ { i,E^ :l i €E tj i E?€E * rEaE EEEE6 gE'F*i;;e! suS= El Cs*=Ei =FeH ,$pJ*EiE,i lrE*5€*.i6ssF.'Efjs*1tfl i ;;i; f,ef,35fEs;ggigil$;igsFsgFEgi;ff EEEEgg#:ifr5gg E Ez