HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT M O VAIL VILLAGE INN PHASE 4 AKA VAIL PLAZA HOTEL SEBASTIAN CLUB REGISTRATION 1 OF 2Vu /,/hro F*(-rr, 1v /l E b"&Ea, lot's Y, o ild /,.t/ar-crr"rrl Fhas'W W/4'oH&/i se64{ra* Alab FeQ""\it;, /aFa I I AI ,ff|al,-ol 4Sv___ r IOBnt4-oizf R4tdfuf Yllil h);-Hrf"tWw,/Pa Vrcel ,Nal-O{+o-W! lDf & to I Lo o o Yg4lTJ. Horncstrad Cartifcatc. n"._46 &_l Appr.rclTro n,-/_/_&-,{*_ _ } ffiherea$, n*- ::orr; r 'r!-trg.-b - J. --. htu ba:a fud4posiltd b tb Gat+al Innd Ofu of tilc'd'otflz'"-"-W3":;''l eota,st llu!- atz>or,--t t^ iz - .-. ^. ^ ".:;:fr:'; :ti y f: TE p u: u c D oni.r rv;,,,d .i J,nppt",nt,r*r th,;, ;-;;;(t t r" tt .zt n. t1 d. - _ _- a ry f*P corr.rt r:lrna,!d,, b confonnily , aaa**l to th4 Ofr.cial ptaf &roq1o traural: of tb Sutacy of ttr* nid La td, rdr*d lo tht Oeacral Led Ofia bg thc STATE:S uato fiu ai<t bacl of la,ad aloc fu*fiad: lfor Harc'and 1,T:-y'H.:tktrcfora, g>antd,ly fie TINITE:D I€lEAIJ' ru,ffi* rndad, D. .1. 8 r' /, a-E;' a-L G- u. &*4ar,F.-.r"*&.*- tl"d l* tnrd the_.JZ 4.--a. ... ---.. -:.. --_ -- _ _ D ep u I y. I 2 oo o o o o qsrtrS. rArEs otr'aI{ERrE to rtt to rlcq ttrrr ?rtqlr rh-ll co.q o'DtTrlter Horncstced Ccrtificarc. X".d6 &-l AFPLTCATT'N ./?-_&_{- ani*td 't4ttt a ccttifoata of *u negi:b of tha raid on* *-?-e.J---{#a-r-n _..*-.-*.o ir{# _lI; ::::: : _?^:: ! _**,u" a.pprood t ?l xny, u u,,,, ro sEc aJ.E Eotrnn no . n " Iil.,uJiSrT!,#::7":lo!;n:*.*;;;;:',*';;::';#nW2: fW corrlrurrt aa.t.d,. ir onfortnit a- -... '-'- ' :-' : . .. .--.e-. - . ffi :rn:"' prar of tru suruv of tha nid rand, rchotd to !.he oan*al rand ofu by ,hc tlor 7o, Ttnj thara/,-.r {--k' Uvnforc, A>enld,Dy rfa IINI:nh:O STATEIS ua&o fiu tatd .i I rl ,l rl'I il I b dihlus attd rzscrvoirr wcd, irt cornec!.ion uil q'' r"t "t*'rureau?ing or otlur purpotaE. and rithk*:#;:ffi;;::;:::m,x:xto' c'81''od aad' rcmouc his orc thcrefrom' thoya u temc bc fourut tg pcnebara -oF tdatxr b ptcntutYi'#::ZT;.::cd' bv taw. (.2 -rfl,.y,-r;;;i?::H ./.. n -z -, ---.+/i,;,'i*;#,::;f::e'"^r#-&i,#A2ft-m,?#ri'{,i#, ooc ctt'usal tluse letlcrs to bc madt Patrnl, end ttu 's.at of tLc Gcturatr, r,or.d, ofra b b. h^alr{. a|ltaer.. ; b oty'vcthd, awt,Il,"o -;:;;;;:;;;*'- end t,'ft'd.r-\in ona a"is,,s r**o:/',qr, b 6rdcs and rzscrvoirt t ^rrrt ;, rol, nazulocturing or otlur purPot*, and riphls- Glvra uaihr tnu h,.Lr,) ^. ,r- ^,, ,rt - - t , I- ; *:#,Hg: I"-;i;!; #ffi* i, hunttral o.rra_nina-fi-_.tt.,_*-t c<-_*, ond oltlu fwbpnd'nza ";;;;;; I filtl'tetthacnghurr.crrd,.e_a4..,*F-ZZ{..jn r fr E Pn E s r r) E,t.?, _&;r*;"*&:{.J,"rrr** -/ .//..2 nv-r{-Z--Q.-ru.:!(:;,,.:---- ffieIAEAITI ru,lT* Ilcardzr of ttu Oanaal La,ad Ofiu. D. .1. 6 -/ 1, "t-.-*-:o, aqi G. u. .!t .i .!..'o ,.:5 :: f;E:!-in'F i "!iirr6iF ri.-6;$i:il;!"- .. ;tl;! I; rliifi: i" 'xn'. u oar"'r1.1>93!t A t ...t .< Err.{.rt r:;8.11 .'L"ol!!i::i;i i;itiii:ll;iili ! Ei;lit :l i;iliEi :jit:ir r:iiii;;i;::;ii i ;;6:l: E; iiii:l; i;E;iii :;il;i;r1;i5;-1: E I;:;;i il ;i!;i:i ;illi;5 :i;:ia?ilsriir.' ! l!liit r? 5!Eii.' ra l-aa. 90 La,oErr,;.6f,rpr.,tiiliil;! i ::lEli il !;*1!lit q;Et.it,i,l t!3-tgi:!:.'.r!E g r;i''ii 2! iiiilltl gg {{a.a.a-a aO, _lriii;3 i::;;5i;a!E15li E Eliill ;: rl!ls'tfi g;E3:1"5e 5.Fr!:!giiirtE:! r r;;!5s ii. ""r[ii.ltg;:;i;:iii siii$rlriiEriii 9lligii Ei fli:i!rar riri;ii;; :ii*flil;it:iii 3 ;iili!i ii; iiiiii;i ;;i!$;i;! iii!:igeli;rs;i E lli::a-..ii! iliart$!; ltE;iiii;i fiiiifiiii;i:l!; I Hii;i;: aii Eiiiiiii ir: iifiE:ir sE'iir6fr!sii:.i5 itii$:: i:: d:i:!€rE 1: ,u, qFa l}.l U<Lbrl.CO.a r -f r{UgUtat-raaC aaa a aO .lat..art ialO-. .!-a.rt.. OrA>., L lr. .l 9r. EEU{Ca)t aa tar..a> laclI.a ..lila a ra toaluro. Igtaa OrC al.l 6al,|,C O aril a lt .-irCt.la..afa,|at ar..r| .a.a(,r|aa ti 9.4||UOd -O a3aO!a- .,ri:r:t illii:1:s!iilEi - tiliri il Hliir[: !r.Aaraa >ar9ia!r|'l>9raa ur.rr. Iat at r.or!'aua .a i,ir'. j',i,'l{:! ...; ii:,; !lifi ;i;lilir!i,,r",,iiii ;*i'! ! E; !.iIs;E tEii:;:;!i!,i!iiii.i i!i;;;!iE;;d!: ^F:',E. :iii !iiiiliii::ii;w;;il;iii;iii F Ii ifii iijiiijjiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii E ;i iiii ;iiif;iiiiiiii*iiiili:i::i:i:fr';ii tir rg 3"" :;i I r::i:u:? iliiillijil F ii: FEIt;i:; E:iii;; ;i;;;it iiiiiiti iiri :I} F aa r? ,t I ,ooz/ Ll /60 ]atsvt*tsstgzroat rYJ 88:Or .l tYl-8-tJ,IJ, Ollrt3oo/eoo Otr # I 1 j ,rl i *###ffiliiffiiffffiiiiii i# ffii i*ilii iiiii iiiiiiii, liiiii 'ii ,iii, ' ,iiiiii- .iiii, -;ilillii .ii;gi ff ilii ii';rti itii; ilili3ii i!il; ii f iilii iifiii iii liii*i il f i lr ;ii nsiiii i i; ii ii*i ii i i, i$ iii ffiiii *ii iii iiiii ' ii. i ff ii iin ffiiii I li ri jij iii" *i, ji ti# {i#ft :'i :jr 'ii tiii I -t tSsltl.'0t0 livj fsr0I too?/ lt /80 :r'IIVA-!ruI qNylsoo/roo O ! ? * 'ij "! it Xlli:rt i*i,.i ,.gli!i Iili iii ii IsiFIii ;iiiii, iliii;iI ili; i;; ii igir;;! lliliil irii:ii ft Fiii iii ri iiiiiii iiliiii iiiiili ii i*i iff iii iiiiiii iiiiif i#iiil ii 'i3! -;il -ff '#iiiii 'ii;r:r i*iiii lii:isi ift hiifi'ii;r*,rf;.;;i +irf' *,;;1 ;ri; t;l iiiiJii! t;iiii f;i;li irli ;r:ii sf:i iii iigtiffn ii! iig :iii iii iiiiiili ;iiiii i$;;ii; llil Iiiii i;ii iii ffii:iil 5:j;;i ,js::ii ii': E; ffi $fii iff iiiififi fifiii fiff#j {ji ff ; i;i .iii'# 'iiiifif ,'sff;fi ';jiiii '!ffi 'i ;. 'r!t"{ ' I I 'lrv^-ru,Il c r.r :: s00/t00 a I t89t9lr0.at rY{ t8:oT tooz/ Lt/60 I ? itai ao €$lib.d .iii:6'! :I1.2 $ E il,l $' lli dt I;I i{:rt',. tii! ; I ilrEfilE I::t i I I L'|Q{ e't .o ,lttt5rl I'rta taIT 1Eift at tIaI i TtIIi ! drc'Bt *li_r* ttltt ;8aa Jl t;r d:il' il1 '11 ialttl 'd I iii el !Bf. Ed tta totallIt i-l 1t !5 ft, iI; ln Itrtla Ial ijr,t ti ;Iitat tt fit: :ii!l.rL ii;t.' dl ii a i: :l i! lr It 'til ,l l|It 'i.i atI .: ;il: IIri t Ioi 7!I II at.f:t !' E !,In tl li 8E ;,er '!r' I EH i 'i jr I I(la 5 t || o(, I t I a nffiiii !iiifi 6;.tr!rtri Eo3rli I il' s'Itri i ll3; i iiiiigit; I ,;;i$ ili 9t.t tt rooz/ Lt/80 -l t89teri016 lvdIIYA-TUIT (l|ffI900/s00 E lO/17/2OOt li:41 FAI 970{?6{531 IJIND TITLE-VAIL !! oozzoos I lFr:r. cr'..,. - ,, r,,-, : 'l::-.trca& n.'cnint;': t.,' $.",*r*iir*;*? ?,.",d, :T,.* ; g**ru$sffi ,lt*tu**,i*,.'**t#t]:tiftt$ffi i -i:"rr,.. ,ntr tst r- - -.tr's tltt/64 '-'" rDrfrr I ard I, l' I I tg/Ls/zo0t li:tl FAI I 6r53{IjND TITLE-VAIL Countt. €ctnlorlo. Cl.|rl rnd ttoGcrdc!, dcrcrlbrd |. toltoyr: Rgol lh(roJcll.lr't'Jtis I I En 7047o !D oolzoos t ..',lxihul c:r-.\' t.l'cAt. Dt3riltnrod.. : t. tlut trrt ol hi O, !lo(t j-0. yatl ttrti;r. ltrrr ttllag, rcc"rtf6 :" iidrnp ch.raot rccurdrd r$d.r L,clpttoB fo. ieiff tn lir otitcr c( 3h.-lr.aL .r h8lnnlnt .rt 3 Folnt vlxrnce thr tqrlhyrrt cormt jf irll lpr O b.ara lrt 07'0r'o1. I5!.tt trcr dhr^ati lhcnr.i t to.lrroz. r i!.lr a tt rhrlcr.g tz.l4.ro" s 6,14 IcGr3 rtrracr ! tt.it.lor r rz.!t tiri ii.i.-iif"i-ii .brgtlntng, coolrlatn; 4lt rqulr. frat. rrrr o! l.aa. I I. t. I I ,, tt;l ao o o o t' ) l./ ar 6torr0o rtocrtbad b trhr$i! i; i.;;t i *-ri'oi W ir.tiJ.i tlcoiFrr!.d . 'i, "h.r.ln. A.roci.t.r lr :\. ontr of thr nel tropartt tftr|ttd t'n lha C ttt ot htl., gt.r!. ot Colorrdo d.tcrl!.d l! khtblt l' .ttrch.t htrrlo .nd bt rct.a.nct lncorpotatad h.saln. t. lor Frrpora of t.tr?anca rnd convrnlloca, tha troFrtt datcrlb.d ln lrhtblt A la htr.tartlra .ortlxr r.!err.d 3o rt 'vrll vtll'r8! I!n" .od th. prol.rty dcrcrtbrd ta arhlbrB ! la hlrrlo.ttli rnrtt'..r rGl.rrld co .r -Ytil.!. Inn ?Lrr.'. 1. ln oaa.r to ?rovlda tor lh. ord.rlt oPa"atlon a d ua. ol Yrll vllhlr Inn rnd vttl.t. Inrr llat., Dsclrt.dt. do hrr.bt llr rrrd .rc.bll.h lh. hcr.lmlt.r d.acrtbit ..t!..ntr uton roa .ubj.ct to rttl'ch all of Yltl Yllh$t Ina lld ?llLrgr ln! ?lrs. rhrll, rublqur!! to tli dr!. hrtrotr ta t'tPlotaCr hrld. l..r.dr rottt rod/or eoovryrd. lluch a..cnnt. rhrll ntr tlth tha l' td rod rhril l.!u?. to erd gert rtlh rald P?opartt.. tod thrU rtDlt to tQl blDl tba Daclrrrntr and th.tr r.rP.ctlv. rtcc.rrtst lrd tnt.t.rt' .tril creh threrol t. lryo..d |lpoa r.td p?otrttt.r || r ]tuel .q$ltrbL ..:tttoda lo t.tor ol aald trolartl.r ad |'rt porlloo or portloar tbr"ool. t. tos tntF..t o( tht. t3r.orl; dl of !h. rr.d 5:lthh Yrtl ?tur!. lll Ed tt !.l.fr lsr tl.ar FU or b?|.!l.r :.|,.!|lrrd lot Fdcrtrl.o rccrrr rhdl Lr Ftrrrr{ !o rr '&.!t In|r', gtortdc{ ttat th.t t.t.!l 'coroa lr'ri' rbll h E.t6t tmlua. ary taa3toa ot rt.!!tc!|t.r btut'a|t r Fllttt! aFaar or rrtd{ Fob rc oa h.r.r!!a? aLc!?t Ytlhtr aata troPaBtal. t. bclrrrot. (io hr.!t.alabllth r|t.rrclrrttt aa.Enla lor tht ,.tttaaar at:aaa ra{ paar.!. ot Fdatt"laor haor oat ct' co' mr at{ ac"oar sb coEr lat.. lrthln Yal!, tll'l{t 16 al ltU.tt Im ?L3. t! ot{ar to Frd.i Gb.t?.ctcd ?ad.attl.n rccrl ]rtrn loli F Ftttaa lor tb |r.. ol ilJF o Gha c+r Rr. occoDrtta r clrlorra a rwit i. l , roocl.rtor !o- t t tt ..!abl(tl. tcr. !h.. b.a.llt ot Y.ll rd &r aod tt.tr r.a?.ctlra or!.t3. accuprnrll cortolrr, tlr|ta a${ lnfltaaa : ' ua-rrctrl(rt ararrlla toa th. lltt .4, .ttttt ld 2rrlr;r of D!o! trhlSlar hlor nn -9!, cl; oirlr{r.cF.?.ttf, artt tr:,!rtt fltr'at r.t!.rij.i;11 ' Gonrtltutlnt . po3tloo o! lh. O.t r.l coDa Elnot. (.r arltn d l| lba Condo.lnlur D.clrartlon rcfetrncrd h Erhtbl! ! hlrato) atlrbllrhrd tor auch putFircar Jtt{h .ararncr ara trrntad lor thl putporo o[ tlortdr'nt Vrtl ead J.ro .nd 3h.lr r.9!actlrr ormarS. occr.plnla. cuttortrar 8urlta aod l["t!a!r elth Gotor 'rrhtcta rccarr lnto roi out of ?,hi tol I'odn8-d..crlb.d rcrl aat.Ba ..d lrttas.rta ln ro.! ca!rt.. 3llurtr tn tha Coltrtt o: btlr lod sla!. of Colorrdo to-|,!: coEdorlnlnr Unllr 751 throuSh ,t7 lnclurtva and 7to through Eo6 lnclurlt.' Vlllr|. lnD PLfr, rccotdtnt to th. CotrJollnlur lLP lhla.ot rGcordrd tlioY..b! r 19. t98t tn rool 319 r! Pr8' Il tfld |' d.t!1.d h lhc coodorlnlur Dlcl.rrtton a.cqrd.d lloYc.bar 19. 1982 ln Itool. l{t rt !.!. 12, countt of f-th' Stttc o[ colorldo. 7. grcapt r. h.r.lnrbov. crprrrlly lllttrd, arch rtr.lCnt contrlocd hcrrln rhall b. .pturlrolnt to to,t for tbc haorltl of v.ll rlllfSc Ion ' d vtll.Sa hn Plrtr aod thrll b. r burdr,t thcrron lor Bh. b.n.ftt uf rll Fot- tlor! o! vrll glltr8. Intt rtd vlll.t. Inn tlrs. rnd rhrll nrn rtth t'hc trna' thla n ctptocrl LsG.cnt AgteGEnt .h.ll lnua. to !h. bcnrftt of end br blnd- lnt upoo D.clarr[ta rod thrls .uccaaaola rnd urtSot. E. Dlclrr.qla do hGrtbtt corcnrot md t3rcr to clarn, lrrrp rld lalqtr:'n l! a lood.nd cllrn cotttltloo attd f.Palt tha co-oq Ar..r dthln !h.lr ra.Prc- tt talt-oha{ gtrcalrr drlch obltgitl,tn .h.ll .r!.nd to .nd lncludr th! ulnla- rmcr ct a rdaguaaa ltlhtlo! aya3ar, all othar tEaat of RtP.ltr rrPlc'rnt.- tarvrl of lcar Inolr P.p.rt, a.bsllr ttlth .nd rr(,rrt. rnd rr.l olh€t I'tar ot r.pdrl trplrctuS ar alotattatlc. lr It L Eaqutrrd troa !1.G Bo tt'r lo p"6prtlt rtotata tha - Cgrlo Ar3.r. tlr cor! for thc irlntcnrtrca hcraf'otorr darcrttcd abll b. bosoa bt th. oitar of .rch Frcal aa alld ralo3roroct Ft- !.t.r to th. r..p.ctlva prrcrt oncd by crch oracr. ltr !lr. .v.nt tha ovsar of -2- t n€n.F - Flqi:f,. ?' .t!h.r vrtl Ytlllf,. tnn ot tllhta lnn tlrrr t.tl. to lr..' rnd r|lntttn rh' Coroo Ar r locata{ tn au8h ont.arr P.rcal h th. colrdtllo ?'lutr'd htrt- ondtt, atrt ollns ornrr rat ' u?on !O aata t?lor trltlrn 'F(lc" prrlorr rn7 auch Frl ttacaa.ar7 tc c.ur. r]rnr{r,rttlnr olr.?rt Frtlolt of tht Dorron Ar.a !o ba plaed tn a,h. crtr{l?lon nqrrlrrd bt lhla taraftlph rnd. r'o ruch aran3. ruch d. lrulttnl orn|r rhrll rotiburtl tlr' 'rst.r F?to?'tol 4uci fft to? .tl r.r.oarbl. cort. tncrtrttd gllh taaPac! to tha Frt doo' r,n ?ht '!'- !.uttlna ornrrrr qrrrrn Attr ellh tnt.r.rt r! tt|' ratr ol l{t P'r 'nn'r oot- pound.d {urr!.'ly ttor thr d.ta titi.nt lor ruch *rrt ,al dr rrnlll r'1" h{rr.trrnl lr rrc.ttr,.l, Ft . t.lrtonahl't {ttrtrnntat !Ctar curlr! colS' 'fi! oth'rf rrlto.l.d. lreurted ld .nl.rrcln|| thr fruvlrlonr hcrlol. 'r. lr,.'l{rrrlq ,h, h.r..Ly rr,tr'..,lrll|t arr,l aXrcn fh'rt r|^ hr|lldlrl{" 't?'l'- tdr.rr l|tl|r,'v!l|..'rtr.'r,tLrr-f.ll't. l,trli lrtt"rtor[|ril lllh !hG rlthlr "t p'd'rrttlitl r||. htxrtJlrt h.llt"ll Virt vt ll,li" hxr aott rrtlta6c Inn Pl'l!n .|l|.lll bF ,: {.thrrt-.1 rrrrl.rr lrrr'rtrl 'r'r n v li rarrlrorct llt trlr'lr]t 'lt'rtdF P'rl'nlr 'rt r'orrrl rrr ( [||r], ftl4lt rrll r lnl .,r.rlc.) tli: Itrt"r rtltttrl "ttlltttlt "t nll rIfrt t)t[,anln.r ot rar.rrr,l, llfrt ..rr!*rta... l.l Fr....nl!o i'r.l ttlra -rrt rlrlr.al Jlxt hrvn ar{utr.rl tht tt!tn to.ll or .tr/ [r,rttrrn .'l tl|. Irttprttlit h'rrb/ rltsct.d bt t,,r.rt,r.ur.', rlrorl l,r llr rlt{r,."1 rrr "th"relrd lhilt h'lr"a b..ttr obri trlr.1. 10. ln th. ov,rrt ,rt any vlulettott !r ti'1.:rt''t||"1 viotatl'trr h)' utry ''Ylldr ' lcrruc or ocr'lprtr! ot f.tly Furttr,|| ,tl tllf l/tc,brlr Aro'rr 'rl itry ('I tll' lirl'r"I covaolntl ind €o'dlt! ro! \er€tn ri'rnrrl'rorl' atry T r lll ol lhr or,r|r'rl .'t ch' prsp.rty tnciurlcd elthtrr lhr Co[!on 1r!'1'l ttt'll havc th|' rlSlrt to e||joln tuc:: vlol.ttoo ot llrrirtcndd vtolatlon tn. co,rrt ol cotlPctcnt Julttdtctton' It. thlr &.ciptocrl talcrnn! Atrerrslt rlt nol b' rodtttcd t'r rn)| tc' apccc rhltrocvtr' or raact[dd r tn uholc or ln Prrt. atccpt wlth lhl ccn'qnt of (.) rll of lhr or^rr r. ot vrll Vttlqc lnn rnd Vtllrtr irtn Plrzr 'rt lht tite of tuch ProPorrd s'dttrcrtton ot t"clraltnr (b) Coonrcttcut utuel Ltfc htur.nca Fbqrrr|]', . ConntctLcut CcrF)r.tlon ('Co'rt'cttcut ltutuel")' ro lorrg ^r Conocctlcut lttual h.. .o r'ntcr.tc ltr v.tl Ylltatc Innr VllIa8€ IBt| Plratl or rn)r Porltrin. th.rcut, c(thcr s9 lhc holdsE ol . d'od ol trurt 'lec'rrlrld '[(:h proplttt or aJ an ortncr thGr.ot, h.tln8 'uccGcd'd trl tttlt by toreclo'ur€t dcrd ln ltGu tirrr'of or -thctel'G 'rd (c) roy oth€r ls4dtot t{ttllSsrlo't ho:d- t||8 | fl,rt . rortgrt:c or flrst qccd of truat t'curlng r coridrruclloo l"rn or -3- {-''{'"--{-;'(Yrotrrrr" rE isDErltllli?Effirqgqle .rrFn lo.r[ lntolvlnt th. Y.tl Ytlt{r 1![ arrt/or thr fl[e1i &n ?lru gr.rl'tro llo rh. .rr.rt llu|,| p.?rl!r"dr roctr Ertttlcrtto! cf rarglralo'| rhrlt br rtfuct- rri .nl' by r rrt Gtrn tnrtr.urcn! 4rl, crcu:ra l,t! rcfftrrt.d!.d b, artd onasr, coln.ctlcud ttulu.l aod othG ruch l.ldt!| tlaattl3loarr l! tpgtlcrblr. rul tr- cordrd ln th. olftca o! lhr bcortt ! of th3ta Oountyl Golatrdor 12. lbghlr|t hr.l,o contrt nrd ahrl! h dllld to !. r jltf ,)r {.Ctcrrtoo oi rny porBlon ot tre{l Vj,llrtr lm or Vllhgr trn ?trru to ltra ta.rasal Frbtic c. t{rt th. t.nirtl pubtt.: or fot ery Outr,o ,rroaaa rhtroaws, l: baft5 tha to!.nttoc ol ch. D.clarelcr !h.t Ghla bctprocrl l]..lrnt Aat..rnt rhetl !r rtrtcllt ll.1t.d to .id fo: t]I Frrpraa ha?.I^ $tprara.d. tl' t'- tr cxprcrrry rtrcad th.t rr brcach of rh:,r nlctprocrl larcrcir! :Ur.rec^t ahrll cntltlc rny oynar tO cancat, r.rc!,nd or oahat taa tardort. r\1. \rro."{r, bu! ruch lt.ttL-iron .hrll not rff.ct In lny !lnoc!, rn1. Dth.? rt8\ta or rrqrd tG. rny p,rrtt atrr htvr [.rrundac by tcoeon o! rny brrach o! ll,li lt ctt,roc.l E .clnt Alrlarent. it|ry brr.rc,h of rny of rrld @vrnanta| hov_ evr., .htl not d,!t!rt rtr rcndar lnenll.l ltu ltlo Ot Iny (rrCglEG or drcd o! :r'rtt !tr.l. ln good frrto tor valur, bu: r,rch cov.i.n! ehelt bc blrdtnt ufoo ..|1 dIt.,cttv.: .tatn.t .rch rryrrer of.ny r,! .ald prop.rrl6.,rr.n, portlonr r.hailol thJra tl,tla thaaclo lt acqultGd \rt toracloDsra, truatQara aa& cf 14. l{.it cl.ur!, rc[!.nc. or othtr lorrLon of tht, Lctprocrl E rcra t Att.recent rh.l.l b.coE lll.grl, null,,r vold for rny rcelon, or rhll bc hcld h! .nt court of co.prt.nt Jurladtctton to he ao, thG rr..ri.tl,n3 porllon! harrot alr.tl rar|l,n ln lull tcrce .nd !tlact. ll. Ttr. rlthr. gr.nrad her.ln.nd thc obltg.tlo|lc s|rd burdrnr h!r.b, t!- poicd rh.ll run rlt-h tha l.n,{, lnuaa to arld ,rri *l!h..ch a{ccelrlon lo ttclc roll .llrlli rlply ,;r.r and blnd thc Drclar.otr .nd tl.:clr rcap.cttec arcccllort rld lr,trr|'ata. !fl YlfdEsS {rut&qoF, Dsci.ranlr h.v(. duly eiec.rtcd rht! t (tproc.l ga!e- lEnl Adrc.Inl o^ CIE d.y rrd tarr ftrat.bov! rrltt.n. tr\ J.L{l( l,lD.l, . Colorrdo Llrltsd JotGf lti'rtcr, lEenSrl Partnar -.- | | o- Itr Cotilagfon .:pl rca: 1/ /r/s. sTATli or. col0tAm clw A D Couirl 0t DEiIVEI STA?E OF COTORAIX) COUNTY OP T,AGLE Ity Crrltrrtoq .rptrs.: -s- YArL Vlu,tm tfi Altoctirtr, a color.ao Gorponrlon tt Cw?lrnflAI1l-?AIL, LtT. ,r 6lorado -Ll.lrrd I'rrrnftrhlp Slarf or cot lADo )) rr.courtt o? &rcG. )',fli t.t . . 0n thr<_att ot ./-(ltt+t<1t,/ r lqE! b.for. Er thr und.stttmd, rnoErrt ?uDltc Ln and lor tha S3rla cf Orlorrdo, grrronelt; rpp.rrud &t..tslrot.r rr tr.rtdGnt rrd Annr !. lrtular rr.hirltrry ct irrl- vtu-rcl tttt,Ilrc.r. Colo".do Corgorrtlon. tnout to r to !a !h iodlrtd$h ftro.r.cutrdthr rlEhlr l,nttau..nt rnd ectoorbd6td to ts tt.t that arr:utad tha trlt ralh.tr yolunttrt rct .oC daad on bch.ll o! trld Cotporrttoo, on an.{!.[a.y ot .]t(.,, r r lrr t I, 1982 D.!,rr. o.. rh. r,r.l.rrtgnrd, .notrrt PubltC ln a||d lor tlrc S!.t. oa (btorrdor porronelty .I,F,r.r..l Ch6rt.r{. rbr?rrlhe.lt., Clort.l prftrsr of COypEtaTlfifAIt!-VAlr.. LTD., r ColorrdrrLtlllrd Prrtrer.hll. frrroer ot VAll. VlLtACg lf,lt ASSOCtAII:S, . fd Lort.toCdnnfll P.rtn.rthtp. knorn to tt to b. thc tnClvtduil ytr.r.rxer:utrd t|t, rttlrl[lnltruF4t .rltl rclooJl.dgrd tJ E. th.t lrr nxrr:rrtad ahd.i.G 'r,r hl. volunt.r,rct .nd d..d oo h.hrll of l|td p.rtoor.htp. ritTr{Ess xt l|;l{D rt|D otflcrAl seAL. Ht *t+lf!o,n.rplrcb: yl?r{f,3s !|l RA||D A]{D o?rtcr^L 3r L. gtTitss !:y uAxD ^t{D o?FICIAL Stal., ) ) rn. ) I) cr. ) ^'6on ttrc -ilI 4u ol u!!a11:-lJ , lg6: be!.rrc rr, LtE \rnd€rltdncd,-rooErrt PsDIlc ln .nd lor tha St.t. of Coloredo, lxrrooally epgearad JorefSl.utra, Clorarl lrrtn?r of JA''I LtD., r Col,or.do Llrtr.d p.rrlr.rrhlpr hrounlo G C9 b. th. tndlrld$.I iho arrcqt.d th. vtthln tnrlrurent afld rcknorledgc,lto .l that hr :-.cuird tha rtnc .. hLr volgntart .ct r,rd decd or| hehelf ofrrld Llrlt.d Partq! rrhlp. lbt..t Frbllc AAdtcct 1fu17 I o 'j lFtlllt l A p.?crl-o!_lerd. tr Ltr t. I .d Or llocl !-O, l.lt ttll.l.. lt!|t tllt{rLcllol l. ?omrrup t !6arh. f]rfr i0 t..rt ot itrr 6th tstilt;.t fbrM.nr-i\r{rrct Y.lIr Ltl. corart. (blotrio.-bl|t| Eo. F"ltcol.tll rhrirtlrd.. toltdrl l9!!FM-fq th. Erthi.r corr.? cr t r rrtllElGl 179'ACr00' t.lolj rb .orrt rfftri.oi.rrf ltar c! t-70 ttonlqr to.a .al.tdor of ll{.71 tit tc th. torn oa !!(ttfilro, ..1,a xrtit ot rloiil rfiorlro balr|t th. torth.rat cornrc of th.! tr.ct of irad d..*lD.d t! tccl t.!0.tLt. 556 ot th. tdtcl.. o! !n i-tl. 6rnt, gt.it ..i Lcorilrr ItllErcE Eorttnulq l?t'46r00. t etoil mll idrt-olny lt]r r rtirtucr otr/5r.t laat to tba rorlhlrra3 corrr of lh.tr ! of yrtl ?lll{f InottltEtl rlo{ !h Do{oarry o! !i[rr I ct Vrll ttU{. to Bh-trllod{ ttr.couSrttt f) tto!0r00'I lto.al t.Gtl) nttrcl !!0.!0.00. t fa.ao t..t I!) l lrtc! !t'l0rot. I t0.00 t..tl{) 1113!E! l!1.!Cr00. M.00 !..r1J) ItBttCi i''0'lt'Ol' 9 | dL.t.t|c. of !2,9f l.r! to. polnt on th. notthrlfht-rl r|t ttn ol !.!t t .dor Drlv.! ?lltxcu llEl'!r'u0' tf rl.rn6 th. oorth ?ttht.ntant lln ol [.at thrdol Dtt.6 |dtrl.nca cl lUt.tt tr.t to a potn! ol curv.; TREHCT contlnutru alorU rrld rorih rltht-ot{rt tltu rnd along |.td crtrve toth. ltlt, hrvttr8 r c.nrrrl .n8t. of 2l'3?t00'. r r.dlur ol tAt.9l t|.a rnd rn.ac dl.!.oca o! 20l.l? t..t to a totnt ol t.[g.nti ?llBllCE St5'91r00- J.lJrU rrld rprrh rlthr-ot{t ltn. r dlrtrner of 7l.tlf..t to r ?otnt of curra! rttErCE .lont itd curvr to th. rlthtr hrvlnS. c.ntr.I mtla ot 10!'{3,33'. rt.dtur ol 10.00 t.rt rnd rn rrc dt.rrnr. of !6.21 l..t to |! polnt ot trngr[ti TlEllCE l|0'23t17' I rlorq th. .aat rtthB-ola.t llnr o! Vrtr. lcrd a dlrceocr rrt 2{1.97 lr.t !o th. rosthr.rrt lornat of rrtd Grrct ot land d..crtb..l tn L'okll0 rt ?r1r 936; tllE Cf rlow tll. routhrrlt ttll. of r.td tr.ct t79'lCro0' I . dt.r.nc. olt47.0t l)at to Cha rosth..r! cornrr ot rrtd tr.cclfHtH:[, 1,0'lar00- f,. dtrt.nc. ot la7.!! t!.t to Glr. Rrltlt O! ri0tNlllH0. oo o o o : a T & l. li. it..! J* D,!. lr\ 11l{ c t f,,J: t__ )1.<t<r rfl!'L*EE' r.{. .o. .o..r*ffi. , /!2ary ', L nr' }a. l l9l: bt r|{ Ltr.r lAtL WU.ACI Inr t!C. , I Colorrto Corporrlloa ('lr1l') r tsl \rluAc! t lt.tt^ @ltDofltrlx A!!l@tA?lOi, r colr!.do ioo-ltotts Cortor.!lon ('lr.octrtlon' ). L Vrll t. !h. onr.r ol th. r..l prop.rtt rllurt.d ln th. Couatt ot trthr ltrtr ol 0o lor.io aa3c?lb.a t[ lrhlDlt A, .!t.ch.a h.r.!o roa bt trtctcnce lncorpontrd b.r.h. A..2st.!lor lr r Colorrdo I|o!-?roltt Ccrpcrrctcn or8rallra ?sraurn! to tha prorlalo[ra of tha Colc!.ao Colaortd[ O'rncrrhLp Ac! to gDvlrn th. lltlrE. lnn ?lrre Cordorr.nlu{ ttturttd oa tba r.il prog.rty ttr 3ir. (ir-uD!t', -l :-dl.r _S:i?,..t a,otaratto dcrertb.{ tn B.hlblt 3, .ttrch.d h.(qto r.id bt rafarrnca lacorporrard h.r.l,[r tuch .|rroctrtlon h.vlng brcn ett.bllrhcd ln .;cor{.ocl vtth lh.t crttrln Dacl.r.Sloo ol C4ecn.otlr ccrdttloo. .!rd f,.atrtcltooa of Vtllrtc lnr llerr r.cord.d lbv.rb.r 19, 1962 ln look l4l rt PrtG 12, t !1. Co{nBt, Colorrdo Dubltc ?.cotd.. ?. ior psrpo.. ol rat{rroc. rrd G.r!v.nl.nc. r lh. proF.rtt daacrlbsd ln Erhtbrt A [, hcrctnoaCcr ...Gttcr rrfottrd to.. 'V.11 Vtlhta lnrr' ||rd th.. prop€rtt,jr.crtbed tq Exhtblt E tr hrr.ln.tclr ror.rtt.aa rctcrrsd !o aa -vlitrg. lnn flrzr.' l. Prsre.itlt .t!urt.d dthl,r thc Yrtl vi,lh8. lnn pr.rla!. i. I .Jlralnt pool .nd rrletcd rlccl. .rcrr lhr locrt [oq ol ruch pool |nd daclt lrcirE .ora prrtlc,riarlt dajcrtbcd by rcfrrcncc co Eha crott-itlchau rr.rr thorr on tthlblB cr.rt.chcd h.rcto.nd by rrtarclcr llcorporrtGd hcr.!n. l. or qr.bout Atrlt l?, [9tI. Yrt!, _convct.,l 3h! vtlirsc htr Plrtr trcrl,rer to vrll Ytllrfc lnn Arroclat.., a Colotrdo contsf,l P.rGo.renfp, fe balrrg und.Erlood .t thrC !l.a th.t th. lulur! grocrr and rrrtdcnla of lh. vllhgo Inn rlasr prc.l,rc. Fuld rh....f!.r b. pa?alttad lh! ur! of tha lvt..itra poot rnJ r.l.t.d d.cl rr.. losrlGd rltbh 3ha Y.11, Ytlla8a l|to Dr-lara. ar rueb rvtr.lnl pool rnd d.cl rr.r daht b. srplacsd or l.ploy.d tn Lbr lulurr. 5. lh! Artocla:lon lr ast:rorlr.d undqr tta Atttclaa oa Incorpolrltotr. ly-tfir rod Drctrrtloo 8or lroog othar thlntar aottr loco thl. Atro...nl ln turth3lrrlc. ol Bh. Jotot lnlcsaatr ol rll p.tron. nor cr hrsr.ittra ovqlotl mt lo!..r.r! t:l ltrc Ylll.tr lon llere pr..laar. thr parclct hcrlto dotlta to forrr.lls! ruch .rr.n8c..na tn "td.a lo I ..at 'J' 't: turr.rtrt !o rll orn ra rnd luturr orn.fr o! rnt ln!'r'r! ln !h' ?lll{' lm ?1.t. pr".lr.. tlr conttnurd r.r.tl .njo't.nt o! lhr rrflfrU Pool '!' t.lrtrd !.ctlttl.. not or h.rrrllrr tocrtrd on !h. Yrtl rtll{. 1.|rr ?r..ts{. 16, TtlEtlton!,. ln conrtdaldtton o! th. Pr.rtr" rod th' '[turl P?qlt"' hrrcln colt.l.r.d' thc P.lttar h.r.bt r8r.. rr tollov!t l. $rbjrct Go lta avillrbttllt duo 3o con't'uctlod rr provldd ln irr.gtrph a b.lorr Yrll rirrot llt t. .lurtt! th. t'?r hlr'ott th' rvtrlnS prot rnl ,Gt6rod rlccL eror trctltttca o|r Eha Y.tl ftll.ta lnn P?.rl..a It L oaad lnd ..nJrrycrl hy tll. Anrrrcl^tlon rnd bt !lr. ornotr o! cotldoltnltrl loc't'{ c! tllq Vttlllfi|| lr|^ pl.t Pr..liod rr ltr6lr SuitLrr trlr'rl!' irrl ltlvtt'or' 'ubj€c! rrnly !., nuclr rr.'rn'116blr rrrle,i rn.l ..r,,t^r-r"ni itiet voit-rrtef i irt' t:cr' rirc .rr.!!rlt n'|.] r'rir attcr-rLl.rn .l nrrtn pr''i. l: li rrrrrtrtrit'r'r'l rnl oBrccd llrit 'ny ruch rrrleq ;rt,l r(t,rl lt l,trld rlll apptv cqrr;rliy t'r 'rll thoia arrtl't]6d lu 3l|r u'c ol tlrr pool ..tLl .lrrl ,rrt',r, l'r'lrrllrrg.r'!rltl'rltt 'rl b')!h lht V6tt VlllrS' Lnn .r i Vt I l rt' l,rr: l'l.rr,.r t'r|,rl'.qn, .1. lrr c"rrn?rit lrrrr rlLlt ttr" rr ':rr!l rrrlrttr*rrt "t i'r'" f{ctllt:or bt Adn'rclrtl:rrt .l'rl l..r' 'lerl|!ri rrf nrrr'lr rldrr'lorr I !r l '|ar. ||rJ tl|!tt *rrrt'ttr tcl|,|rtl |nd l||v't€|Jr.v,rlIlkjr(},y*r{||tril||^n*o.|||(|ll|.r|!|.l|c||P!rir|||d|||u'|rottrlctd.t nolr-crslrt!tYs L'.rtr..rlr l.r ,r1'.:!'{r !u nrll f''tn dnch f'cllltlci' f. Al.oul:.ttrrr! rtllrrtti t.r pllt Lo Vlll ttr: io of $l!{J l|!t ]ruth ltl corrltdcfrclon.rf Vulltx r{r.r!r..rt lrt Fr'lf ''ucll ut'e irrtd cnlotrer! of tuch f.cllttlalr |.uch i,|. br'lltll nlliecd rrt tl|! lr|.'lt|Jtl h'r'!Lrr lD r'prca€r|L Artqclatroo':r p!o ri!,i "1r|3g .rf t.l|. neir.l*d aoll!tllt olh:rr!tr11; 'rrpr'rrcr .r{ nrrch ..ctltty ||i ..tl.r!c.l L,r tlF t|hrr! pr,)Fi:rlt ntlul.'rl(nl :'o vall 'rn {f'or|ot 'rf lhr oD.retl.|lr r!l Llrr. V-rll Vtllal',r trrrr ltetrlren. froa tl't'! trr tlt'ct rt tb€ r'rl{'rl of ..Irh.rr l|{rtt. tt\., '..rn!htt i.'d 0nl.! by ttlc Ad'.rclr!toll irt h' clr'ryld tu rll .rrs ! !o lr|j B'turl!y rllrc$il rPntr baisJ rtrl th! cort ot "tn3AlnlnE ths F)tl rr .ft.cI 'ttrrrr ,rt i.r!y {lnl l,rr ;rr.'.r rjtcrlC.'d I'l corlrrc( ! lolr gtlh rlsi lrpruvc|t€ntl rh|.t rlr,.l.t lr lhi fu!rlr4 |tc c.trrrtrtrct,:tl n !hr. V'll Vtlt,|8s lnn lr€'l"rl r{rlllptlc't.by o lt!rcetrlx[,: .l.'rlv.J bt dtvt'llnU tl|t! r'illartcd rru'brtr o[ (,vil€rt .rd fiL..t. oa Vlllagc hrrr Pl!r{ uritlB tt|c crlELl|rll ur tt€r P)o[/docL f'lcitltl'ri bt !h..rth.ted tolrl nstb.r qf P!',PI. udln{ 'rld frctl(ttGr' 4. Tlle yartt.13 llc!ern u €r!t'nd tllAt !ll€ Vrtl Vtlla*c lnn ptc'rlter lrc a Frr! of a orrt€a redcv.tlolDa't pIotl 'trd lhi't 3hc lq'!r'vu"rltd tll€rrtqr |rlt In Bt|? frrturc b( rdoov.!.rt. liP.lr€.1 or r€Pldg€d tl!h l!Pr"ve'unlr tl''rc rttl 'Iro AITESI: Dlorld. tol | .Ytcln8 tool rtd r'ht'{ lrcllltt"' h ruch 'r'!t r th' o" ol ih. rrlrdni pool rna ?.lrt.d A.el frctll!!" rt !' t'rr'"rstlt tn!'t"qPtr' rhll. th.t rr. brtn! r.m"il.ar ra?'trrd ol ?"!'cd' lrd rtutltr3 tuch t'rtclt Arroclrtton 3h.ll noc ba oDltt.t.d lo ..L. th. Ft!.nta grcwtrhd h prnjrrgl ! ebovr, aucb to hG rbrtcd lurtnj lb' Ftlod of con'G"uetloq' ' !. brtE! Bl| lGrr ol thlr Ala'aEt. Vrtt errr.. to rtlllrt[ 3i' rvknlng ?oo1 r|td rrlrtcd d.el lr{ ln looi rrPrl? rnd eoodltloa 'n' r 'rcr9B torlntcrrupllonrtnon.rrElondg.to..t[t..rncro'durln!P.'lodrot conatruclloo dorerlbad l,tr PrrratrPh { abotar ajr.a to o9'?'t' tr. throsSbol3 lha ycar, Erct!!t Jd.ln* 'off-rqelon' pctlodr' - 6- tn !f€ cv-cnt ruch rvlDlng Pool end/or a'l'!'d dccl 't'l' 'r' r€ (rv,lG€rt or .|,t,ln-.d rt nnt !t" durl]r8 lh' ttti ticrtot' irtl '8r.'!' 'h'i .uch rr.l ntnta rrool .nd r':tated dccl 'rcr' vhcth" ot no! onelt'red' rhrtl bc locrt'cd lr! th! r.ic 8cn€r.1 vtclnttt of 'h' 'rlriln* tactllcl"' tt brlnt undcrrttrud hy tlrF tlrt'tci lnrt. ct t Prrt of rot r'dlvGloFcn! of th' v'11 Vlllrrtc lnrr Prrroticr, th! rll'rrrtng Poot 'nd rcl'trd d'cL rta vtt'l tl rll t tLc t thood b. .€loc,tll.tl. l|h{ll tcraln.rc on Et|G c.tllur of (r) thG dlrrolu!loo I ldunt |rio. A.tocl.tloo or (b) Jenuert lr 2063' bJ' .,r:uirl rgrcclclr3 of Chi Prr!lor ll.l'lo' rt|{r.l bG btndlnt uPon rnd tnure ro thc h'noftt of ih' trrr prrttca hcrcAo' ..ltc nrrIllr lEve rlrculed tltt3 ,l|ir8c'ctl! tht drC"nd vAtL Vlltlct: ttlN. lNc.. ' Orlor'do CosP.rrat lun 7. llrtr AE rr?r&o( ol tlrr Tllles! ln'r Plrr,r urrle!t gotttrc r l(lolrl^!sJ E. Tn l5 llrl.ra('rlr artccatloc6 rlld ntir trrrrb of It{ g!TN}:S!' tJrl}:I(l:0]'. Y€.r rci fot th 0bovr.'l tI I r,,d',"*ffiffij* co rPor.t lon t##'*"*'$;-t"'Ils:L vlLlre t txll PlAr.A (:l,tauoltltl lu|{ ASS{LtATlUlt, r Colrrrrdo tloo-fro! tG - l- SIATE Or CorcRADO CINT ATD COI'Xil (F DEIVBR '-5r TB 0F COt R^m - _ din' ANt) CIJiINTY Of DfilVEl On $c lb dey of Dcccrbct, l9!2 tofor r.' th. rnd.t.ltrc{, r notrrt pubttc ln rnifFor tirr strt. o! Cotendo' P""rolrlty eppcerod Jotcf St.uf*rr Prcrtdont rnd Atn. P. Suufsr rt Sccr.!rr':/ of VAIL YlLtlGE llfi. IFC'. r Colorrdo CsrDontlon, lnorn to r. to ba lha lndlvtdult rho oracstcd th. Yl thln lnstriaert rnd rcknorlrd!€{ to r. tb! thay 3rocutgd th! rrF rt ,) rr. ) ) 1 or thc /1r dry of D,ecccbcr, t962 beforc rc, thc uldcrll8ncd, r notrry t\rhlic rn ,rna--l-or tic strtc of co tcrrdo, Pcttun|llly appc:rcr.l Jlacr CoYPorthrrl tc Hs I'rcsidcrt r.tul t:barlc! tt. CoynerthrritG rs Sscrctrrt of VlLl.]{GE llll{ PI Z ('o\lKl.ltx!t !l ASStflATloH, s Color.do !a,o[-Profit Corpontlon, kncr{n to rc to trc thc individult$ vho crcsutcd thc ritlrin lnstnacnt.rnd rcln6.l.dlcd to lc thrt tnci' 3x.iculcd lhc rrr4 rr thair volu[trry rct snd dccd gr bchll f of cr id Co rt{ rr ! ion. ttT tss;rY tt\Nt, A}|t) oFFtclAt, sul. iTt':tij:'it)'f;' rf,trlt A I grtccl ot t.nd ln lorr tt. i.ri O, rtoct !{, grll Y{1,14.. ttr.! tllltrarSrctior !, to{r.hlp 5 So..rth. kqr E0 b.r of th. 6ttr tttn€ttd hrldl.r, tb6ol V.il,. !.!lr Courtt. Cotor.dor bclq iora Darticslarly lrrcribsd .. !ollorr! CtxllZtt f iC r! th. norBhcat cofn.r of t t iiflEt.ct ct9'16r0O' E .lorl th. .o!th rltht-otirt ltne of !-?0 ?rentrt. lo ra .dirtrncc ol lta.tl feGr ao aht x)lrr op !!6!nrt 16. uld ftlt[r (' BEGrilrn fGrlco hrinl th. northc..t corncr of that trGt of lrort d..c"ibd h loot 2!O rthgr 156 of thc lndiclrr ol th. Erllr Courit t Arrl .trd Ircord.r3 Tll?iCE continsinf !7f '46'(E' !.lont r.id ri3ht-of{t llrr r dirtrrr: of - ItE.Il fc.t to ahc norrh*rt corncr of irrra ! cl Trit ?lllrlr tnn;f Ellcl rlon! th. bourd.rt of lhrrc ! of Yril Ylttegr Im thr totlovira fivr aoul act : t) Sr'l0r00i I ItO.t4 !..r;2) Tl{[l€t s!o't0,00" ! 16.60 lact:r) TtrElf€ s9'10'i00n u ?0.00 fcer :{) 1}tcrcc st9'l0'0o' I E2.00 t..t i',;. -::;:.,: S',-!'! l.ni{ e . dir.rncr of 92.9! f.ct to . Eint ritrrt-rrf-r.t I il! of t.a i..,tor Drivci frlLrt:|. Hl'll'r)'Lt)" il orr,.l! rni {.,r.:, rrCi,r-,rf-vei line.'f lnrt fh.dui Drir. I lir!rnre dl ltl1.fll rc,.t !.r.r tr,i1t ,tf r'1|rv.i n:ur{CE.'rirr inur.rli :l:-.1 r.rid n\rrth riK\t-.rf-r.t I io. .ri rlon3 rrid cunt. tr, thc l..f!. hav ins .r .rnrrr) .tqlc ,,f 2l'1?'t)0", r radiur of 54J.92 fccl .tld .n ,rrc lt{t 'r., rf,(}1. l,' tr'at r,r e prinr,rt !anl.nt; Tllt:t*jr: {ti') !'oi," s.l rn{ rei.l rrrr llr rr{hr-ol-e.t linr a dittrocc of ll.ll t..rr t,' r !rrint ,i .,rrr,:: Tftl.r{r:t rl rnx .r.,t.l t,rrvr t,' tl:" .itha, hrvin4 r ccnrrrl enjlr of it)l'43'31", r r.1i,rr .t lr).llt, lr-ct .'kt -nr .rc,lirten<c o( -16,21 f..t to. FJina of !.n3.nt; l\f:t{t f: ro'.lr'll" L ri lrn rh? .,rr( iirht-,rf- v lint of Vril Xorl a dirS.nca of lt 2.ttJ tert t, tln. r..rtirsjtt r,r'.r<, .,1 !J:,1 tr.('a ,rl lend rlcrr'rib.d in look :t l,) Jl !,'rf. \\A: f'tf,rlr:f, rl,'r'F rlr- i,Llr,!..1r t rrn. rf r.ri,l rrE( S;J'aO'tJo" E r dirtanca o( l.'.tt: :/,.1 1., rrrr {..rrl hriit .,.r'rr .,1 i,l tr.ct i frrf.n{:}: \i0':.',lir" }- .r lirrrr,r. ,,i lit. ll fr:€! to tl'e Pr}ldt oF lccllllttc. [1:lll'-'l:x. ,lrrt tr'rt i,,rr,,t tlr' ,.,retoln* derr.tIblr.l D!rc!l of l*nd:rr vlr der.dcdI's \.rj: - !il.rr:, llrrr. Inr r,r t1611. Lt_d. by !nrrunty ltc(!d ,€corded DacsEbGr-'r'- I\:!. lr, ,t., .1 -..... .ri t.;li,. tOt. o|r tt! north rBttlt ! A,prrccl of lrrd in lotr O.rd ?, [oct 5-O, Vri.t lllllrjr tirrt tltitt, bsof Trll. !r!1. countyr Color.do. b.tnl .i.i'p.iii.rr..l, d..cribd rr tollon r lEcli|llic at Cha routhcr.t c.)!n.r of rrld bt 0, rl ro bcinj . Flnt q| thanorthcrly rijht-of-rry linr of !.rrt ttrdov f ivr:Ere. xt?'!5rG)h g rronl !h. .ourrrerty tinr of rrirt Lra o.ri rrid oorrhcrlyri8ht-of-rey tinc of Eert ttrdos Drivc e dirrrnce of E5,!E f.ct to th!ro.rtha.rt rorrrr oI phrre 2 of v.il vill.!. tnn;TNIICE rlong !h. bouod.ry of ttrrm 2 of Viit viilqc Inn rhe fol.lovlq fivrcoir? ara i I) xl0'11,0?" ! I dlrtrrcc of 52.98 lrcr:- 2) ft.rc. i!g'lO'OO" l, . di.tr^c. of !2.60 f.rt;!) ttrcncr io9'!O,qr" f I dtr3.rE. o( !O.OO tr.ra.' {) tr.nc. tEO'lOrOOr I . r[.r.nc. o! 16.60 t.!t IJ) !tE'c8 f,o9'3oroo" ! r dirrrrrr o! tto,ta hci ro e potrt 6 rh.rorlhcrtt t{ne of |rLt lor O rnd ,o|'h.rl7 riSht-ofrty lirr ofgluth tront rtc *rd of t4r.r.t.tc Highvry !b. ?0; -!i.. TtlEtEE S79'46'OO" !..Lont tli. norrh.rlt linc of rrid Lat O.rd Futhrrlv!itht-of-rry !rnt of rIT,l grurh prooiric iloa -r ,rirra,rcr or lig. li icr.l., :i.iJrtherr!<rly cornet ,rf rrid t rf O: " : Tlll:t{CE.,rnrinrriog S79'15'0e' E.,..,.t rh.| Dgrrh.rlt tinr of trirl ta.( t rrtttau(h€rly rirt5t-.rf-{t I inc ,rf rri.l grurh Frr !,rgc }Lt.d | .ti.!.r||;c of 44.!lf€ct tD the rurth$rr! cor,rr .rf rhrt tr.st ,rf trrrl d{.crib€d in ltol Uli rtP.tr 21i of rhr irrlicier of !h. E.tl. cnr|t|ry cl€rl n|rd lccJrd€t;illEti:f SoE'11'05n .. rl.rn1 thc G.r.rl , I ine t)f ir{ icol 2ll rt prsc 235E.&t . diirrn..c .rf 64.ES tr.€t t,r. print ci thr s:rtcrl!' lir!€ o( rnid tr.ct;ngrrc!. c.,'rt inui.rs .rl,rns rhr n:rrr:rly lin,, of r:ri.t trrct SJ0. ,3?" H rdirtrncr,.f 4(,41 fuer t.r r grior ur th€ q!.rsrly lir|e of.!id L.'l pi T}lH|t.'E s(U'21'.](t" E tl,rnl thr r.qit..rlf li:rc ,rf r,ri4 l^r! p. dirt.ndo (rf 216.2![c€( !.' !l: P,]lrff Oi rr:CtltNtt{G. .{LS{r l}t:.s( [r 8t:l) .\s: w.rrl'xinirrr lrniri lttl ahr.,'rsh llIinclurivr, ZOI throu*h lO? inclu.iya, f0ltnrsu,th JOi ir. lgrir.. 401 (hr,r$gh 4{la irrrl{r.iv€, 501 tnrouth l(tl incluriy!,6ol rSrrqit' i')r rn.t,,!.v., Jrtd ,t)l rhrrsth t'(}8 in.lrritcr Vill.gc lnn plir^r u.co.din4. t.r ..h,. U'r,trlrini,rn :Op rh{rcirf .cr'.rrdlid t5!€rb.f 19. 19t2. in lrot t./.q .t Pt$r .!. rrrJ l; d<lir-yl r. tlr. Coriturit,ti.a Declrrtti.tr rcs,rrdtdll^,lig!brr 19. l9{lr irr Aarl L9 Jr pr(, l!, Countr uf FrElcr St.tc of Oolorrdo. I uHtltT C |'F' . -=-Jl -..-i=o i+il;a. 6 oo o o o t ,&/" ;';;- cqvnrrcl (' ErtDqrn3 ,rr tlls C0nrEt.lUc! drrrd Jnly 9, lt!l, lr brrrreao v IL VIlJtcE:-.-i*.. t_Lolor.do corlo$r-lor ("WI-) rnd F I i, vrii iu.fjCiIls r^rrFzni9flt?, e €olorrtro i.ari.i piiro.ii,[r.e i"i r-i;l:---- r^Ecllrl,g __,_ 1: _WI tl- ttr rrcoca eod brnrltclel oynrr of rhr rrrlE:o?.rq ("trrcrl I') .rtr.-s. tr iri-iorn-oI-vilt,-ciiiici-IiE tl.. sr.r. of Colorrdo, rtrch piicri-i'-ri-jrr irrtrcuieilyd.rcrtbed tn t.rrtlr'- r ric.cb.d il;a;; ;a';. I p.!G brrrof . 2, t t L tr thr rrcotd rnd bcncflctrl ourcr of rh. r.rl. prop.r:r ( "prrcrl trnt .r tnq.ir b ail--i*ri-;r- iiri. -crii'Iy'il' FAfr,. Strcr of Colorrdo, -ntlctl.i'", f -ii"ti *r. prrttculrrlyarrcrlbrd ta trttbrr r ritrctriJ i.i.ii i,ia-irde r ierr hrrioii -1. A root ('loot tt') of c burldtnj on percrl rr prcrcnclvgv?Tlfnsr and racrorcarr orrr ?rrcrl -i. --i ;;.i-i;i;o;' tE;-':"",bulldtrF on prrcrl I pnrrnrly oviitrenia ltrlt poirron or nooi irflrcaorchtnS ovrr Percil t. vfu aiil-irl-ro"ir"ot ro f t L rn.r..E nt for rhr mcrorcbroi or rooi-ir-o"3, iiriir_I. - -" !, Vrhlculrr !.n3r^rtr ead tgrarr !o tha rrrLrtly rnd ofPrrccl II, vrhtculrr pirtlnf :;r-l;ii;.; iia ,.r,ri.i,";iii"i;" $i:_il,li!!g'" !';:::.ii Jtu::-ri, liiiliri,f :; i";";il; -i;: .r..a.nr for rho conrlnu.d urr o! ruch prir.ic iigiili, -.lril" rnd prrkt ng. t. Urlllrr llutt nor renrlcln3 ptrcel I uy prrrtntly beroc.ccd tn parcrl tr rad uttliir-IG:.-;;-;.w1crnt prrccl IIluy prcrenttv br. locrtrd in perirl t. wt end r r I Oiiiii i,trart ro crch ochrr rrctprocrl ...cntr io conctaur to uii iuchprar.nt utll.tcy ltlct. _ .6, ?o paralr unobrlauct.d pedcrtrlan rcc..r b.tueln perceiI rnd parccl iI. wI rna i-r-i-orir.ii-ii-i].ic !o ..ch oEhcrrrc!.procrl lr.ca.nEr for thr lngtrrr.-ajtitr rnd parargc ofprdrr::lrnr ofl, on.r rnd rcror r-prrci t - t- ini parcil III- -- 7, WI rad ! I L. dtrln Go lrrdt thc rbovr dcrcrlbcd..a.EnE] Dna.u.nt to lbr Erttr enil eoodlclonr ert ioiitr-fi rhfsConvryeocc' of lrreanatr. .. ln:tlssltH WI rrrd l -t L, for rod ia coatldrrttlon of th. r.clErl,t. G.hGcoav.trrtccr .&C cor.B.rta coatrlncd borrlnbelx rna octrii-ro6a-"-rad vr lurb t coar rdrrr s rm, rrr -iicr rei -.ii-liirili.iii-ir'iti.r, rrr hrrrby r"t"rrylrdtrd. ai urrrui-iil;.-;; ;;i1;;!--/ v' 'x'L'' I @ I. _ . Wl dorr hrrrty mll ead coavry Eo ! t L .:gr:-1=ll. ! prrp.Br+r iucoc ichi-iii,oi-r...r-ni,, ) for nooftt 3o coB:l&r. te ovrttfa; |!d racroeeb ovrr ther poirion-of----lrrcrl I .. ar.crtb.d ta lrlltti c-iiii"[ii-r.r.:o rnd rr& rpc: hrrrof. 7, tt lpol B.|;rnt rhell ru rlrh rh. ltnd rad rbrll brrDtiatErc Bc tacel It. rocl_srri j iiinrili ;t Lrri ;Gi; ;;rll or eny posEtci or Hicrr-:r-ruti iuidiii".iry-Ei.n-iJi-.'-tleD€3tsr.t t8r.s.!c g tl. foo! fil-i.l.-' 3, WI hcrcby furthcr rgrccr rnd cov(n.nc! er follorrr: (a, Norsl thr terrd top rnythtn3 contrtncd her.in to thecontr.rr. t,r thl esrnr ihet chr portton_of-ioJi-llocrcld ta c,nr loof zerroJnt rr irrriiriti-oi---tocelly.derrroTcd, rroovcd, -rcooiclea. -ilUuift o,raplrcrd tn eni uinnii-*rriiro.*,.r-i;;i.ai;;;-;r;^not llrlltcd to, ly.ftrc, ceruelty, or chc ieoovsl,rcrdrllug. rrbulidln3 or rcplecinr of tha.rrrrln! F-ltttdtng on ihrch nioi-i i"-ioiiica, rnerlgh-r of Wr to firvc Roof I ovcrhe"g iooi-ii,"ii-rhr Boof Ersanc rhrll iuiooeci""tiy i.rrii"ie- "nd ryl--!!!"lI rpcctflcetty have no rightshrr.o.v.r ro hivr "ny polcio" or rrJ"uurtarocs- encrorr:h ovcr Roof I or the Roof Esscocni. --'.- (b ) wl r\!ll, ar ell. tt!r.! - rher Ehe Roof EaseEcnr , stn cffec_E,snd.rr trs_60le cJrr and "*p""i"l-fi""i.rcprtr,rnd arlnteln Roof I tn go"j nii"i.-condicton end rrprtr. (c) Wl rhell.ar rll tlEcs prevcnr 8noe rnd/o! t'atrE::.ffi,i::?tlr::h;l1ori, froa Rooi i.."ii ii.i.rr (d) WI rhell lndrrrtfy. defcnd rnd hold ha::olatrF I L j::T: rgrtnrl'rnc-rtih-rcrpccc co eny cla1o,lor.. d.Tltc, -errcrtocnt, -juag.nror, colrt orcxpcnr€.- ( lnctudlnt .utrhour- t tit irliJn, -iiciinrUte attorncy'r facg end cort! 6nd cxprnlar rllronablylilH::d.il ll:i;:ltfi '::..gitar::a;:'' ;;;:;;i;i procc:drn6_or_ccEend, of rny ktid-oi-.iiiriiijrl.of or ln !n, E nncr ict"rf,ni or aErrtbu:tblr to orartelng out_of the r.cc irreE ir.or i ir-ii";;";" ".over Roof II r:1d chc noof iareoent. II ACCESS A.IID PANX INC E.AS E}TEHT l. V"r'I, docr harcby trll and convcy ro F I L ! non-:::]y:1":, pcrpc.:u.t "...i.ni-ir.i' :rif,;'Ji Ji,,.n,,,Accccs andrr rK lrrt Ea!eOenE") ov.purpor;, "r pi""ririi';: iiiiii lii :HH:l l;5";l.l; ::i,!::,,"cu.roEC!r and tnvitcir . ,o.criy_-i[.i]Ji.i-plo"ra tng vchtculerrntrcrt and carcrr bcheccn vrr,f'norll-i.iorfi."r Va1l, Coloredc.Publ^1c rord. and :hc ,c. r.rly -io,riJii.r- f iii"o r parcel II .nd,stxvohtcular D!rklnr ro."rr.upoir pr;;;l+.;;j;"Ir,. .o ruch ycrcarlvboundrry line, wlrh'rh? r1;1rrii;i-ir,i.-I*i!l Hey 31, 1997, or irruch Etae ihar F ! L o:.f!f r,r"".rroii-ol-iirrgn, no longer has.rny,.obLtgerlon ro. rny :f_.!rr, t."iii. ;; ;;;ply cuch vehtcutar iiiiilLlii!i1; ;ll'i;[i,#:: ;i;ijir"ifl5;i::ii":;*i:r!:!.ktnr d.Itvcrl.. !o prrtrl'ii-.;i ;il;;';ici..lerrrne rhrll bcli.'l': i":'n!:i;li'.:":I s"! fr rt;;i';;d - ;:I"i.. .,rrr c ri. -rni ro'or rc nrlcc' ". r i I - co -plilii]liii ti: i:ir:: :":J:t r""i.iii ol t iiil'ill .Fre!B end prrklnr rrc provldcd lr., -vfir-i"lilcr. tne rlght froot utr ro rlnr co drrtrnatr.rhe ociuei ;;;.;-;;.rucn Lntr!!! !:rd.Fr..r rcror! prrcet-l rna rhr-iiifif-iJlltiin or .uch prrktnr./.ont rhc verrcrly boundary ttn. of-i"iiii-ii. Noculrhrcendtiq.nyrntnr con!rtn.d hrrrrn io rb._;;"i;;;i; ;;; .i;-;;;il;;..;;l!.,IMII bc for rhr qclurtvr u.r of i i-i,,'li....n.n., .nd Ebelrrarpecclv! curtgsla |rrd tlgtf a... 2, flrr Accrrr end Frrltn! zuraent rherl run urrh th. landi:l-:h:il,b. rppqrr.Drnr ro r.rE.I-iil-r,l.i"Ii". . !r.n.f.! 6frCgrl rrrrr ro ell or .ny porrton or-i.icr'i ii rrrrll ;::fil:'i:::I":t:n, f .' "PruPorltonr!r lnt.r.rt ln the Acccrr end .Wi hcrcby furrhar agrcca rnd covcn.nt! that 1r lhaLI:!,1.r.solc coe! roi.-erpcnrc cLen, ihvi'rnou and tc., repatr!nd. Erlntotn thr rordrri rrlr rniiudrJ-"ttifn thc rcceis-ria--Parktng Erseacnr rn 3ooi ;;e;;,-;;ililioi-ino rcpalr. :: l: - l?:. -,1t5 !'H:!'. i:il.:'.:*":"I;::'iio' ll! .' l.ili:'";: "'o.intaln rha rrr' rrclurlvi ;.;IG;-r;;rr'i""iraia'"i;ii.-;;" 1::ur:_"19 Parktng Ear€E.nr'tn go6a iijii. -conartrnn and repatr,i.-"i:_1". rh!. lvcnr of terolnertoi o: tr"-ii"irs and parkin; .---' ::::i:li prlor.ro Hay 31, t9ff, rn.oiii ai-ir appu.s ro che sixexc:u!lve perki.nr lDeccs, F ['L 3haIl rri" or ,ii"io-"-ioirri.ii^dul.v and valtcly"vs;:etinc.ldj.iliii.iii=r""t pa:.. of rh" Acces3and Parklns Eastmenr. "" ll'fl-- -i-'r---rra gs 'l'" ||"' REcIP;ocAL UTILITY E^SE,IENT5 :.. lrVI do.s hcreby rell and convcy ro F t L anon-excluslve. perp.turl !!rcoenr (chc ,;iricet t UEllrtvEascnenL") under. over. acrorr and rh;.";[-F;;c;r"i.iii.'tn.purpose of xidtntrlnlnq, rcpatrtng, repleEtng rnd uslng cxistlngfactll:ics pres€nrry jrovrhrn6 ;;'.6;i;i;;or"..r, ".l,"r,€Ieciricirv._naturei iar, cable celeiririon-and/or telephoneaervlces to parcel II. 2. - F S L does hereby tall and convey to WI anon-exclugive, pcrperual eareEenr fcn" ,,faicii II -U;iLfEy sasenenr") under. ovcr. acrorr cnd. throuii-i"rcet II ior cl-cPurpcae of ::alnrr1n1nq, -repslrlnF, rrpteEtnl' and u!tng extsrirrR:i::l::l:: orasenrtl irovi.dlng oi r"piryinl-Hrrer. seeer,erecirlclry' naEurar. qas, crbie talelirion-and/or'reiefioneac!v1ce8 ro Pi.l:ceI l-- 3. The parcel I Utill!y Eareoenr shr1l. run ulrh che llndanc shall be aDpurrenanc ro plrcii-ii. -ri"i'1r". d transfer ofIeBrl tlrle t.,'irlI or any porclon of i";;;l it ,t rtteulo''"rrc8IIv Erenr -'er a proportlonat" tnier"rr tn the parcel lu:1I1cy Easenenr I and rhe'p"icir-ii-uitiiii'i"r"""n.- shait run9ith the land and shali. bc appurtenrnt ro parccl I, such chat at:ansfer of. legat .itte ro .ii-;;-;;;'p;i.i"',1 or parcel I shaltiiiili;';:l|i"llln"" a proportlonal.' rntGr.sr rn tne parcel'ir ._,,,-l: V\rl and-F & L, heraby furrhcr .grce end covenan! relo I Iorrs : (a) The- Porccl I and parccl II Ut!lity Easenenrs(collecttvrly rhc "uclltty e"iiiiirJ"-i-ll"n. nnrlrhr ro rlthrr prrry to 6onliiiii-ir'tiltarr ,rerfacllltler nor rb rnlrr3o crtrttn! fi"i'iirrearupplylnp urll!r1.s on ihc rdJolni"g fioi...ycovcrcd bI. th.tr r.!p6c!lv. aia"oenE,.ini urc.1??:1f1":Ilf ltatr.d to arlncarninc.'rifarrrns "naustng cx1.tLnt faclllrtor. (b) Notelch.randtnp tuvrhlng conr.lnrd hcreln to thccontr.ry, ln tbc cvrnt. ittnar prrr, itrouiasrrconttnu.. tor r partod of t'lx o6ncha or longer.lor :nl rrrro! v.hrcrocvrr, urtng i r"ciri.cyrupplytn3 uclllrtcr tnd-locetrd-on ttrc iJ;itfngprop.rty covor.d by rh.lr r.rp.cEivc i.iJu.nr,rh.n rh.tr rrrprcrivr .rrro.n[-ioi J.]-ii' ru.t,dtrcontlnucd firclltry .r,iir rrriii.illrii rr.dacocd ro hrvr tarutietca i"J-iJ ,r"-ii'ni t,rrti,.r forct and_rffact rtth rcrp.cr to ruch frcllity thcurr of vhlch her bccn dtrtontlnqed for rhcrcqutrcd ;arlod. UDon ruch t.nalnacion. the Dartvhevtn3 dllconttnuad ruch urr rhrll filc of reiord'r docuacnc duly end velldly v.c.tlnt rndtonlnatln3 ruch prrt of itr ratpccilve ce,rcoenc. (c) Norrtchrtrndtnt .nythlng cont4ln.d h.rar.n ro rh.cont!.rt, nelther p.rty ;n Bllnra!ntnt. re?alrtntor.replicing thc flctliciec Jupptrrtni-urfiiirer " rrrd locrt.d on chc .djolnfng pibpirti covcrcd byrhctr r.rpccrtvc carcirnr. ;h;ll'be inrltled Eo'deoegc, raDvc or eltar eny lnprov:ncnt rhatsoeverlocrr.d on .uch edJotnLng lroperty other rhrn_ landrcepl,nt, rtdrrllkr eid'pr"tng. nhtch properryp.!nttEcd co be dauagcd, altered-or lnproved'shailbc r.rcor.d by ruch frrty. rt ltr aolc'co!: andrrp.l.., to ltr ortrtnrl condltlon es foundtaadlrtaly prtor t6 ruch orlntcnence, rcpelr orrrplaclspnt uork. It is thc lntent of thi oarttaehcraundcr thet tn thc Gvcnt of cr,cher perty'de!1rlnt !o conrrauct or lnrrrll nev ficilirles,cnlargr arlrting facllltler or vhere oalnEcnrnce.rcptlr or roplrctng of crlrclng faclllrteg '^roul dcrurc or rrqulra deangc, ranoval or altcraclon oflqplovamnEr locrcad on the rdJotnlng properrycovarrd by the!r r.rD.crlva calroent"(bchir chanar rpectflcally prov-idcd ebove for tendsceplngsldeselkr rnd pavlnt), thac ruch party derir{igsuch .clton vl!l conrtruct and lnilcali nesfaclllrl,at plovtdlnt ruch deslred r,rrtll tiesentirely upon trr orn propc;ty and not uithtn cheadJolntng piopci!y covirci by- 1rs :especElveeaseoent and;tli further dtscon!lnue 1tc uae ofsuch rcpleccd frctl!ry on thc ldjoinlng properr.rcovered by 1tr rcrpcctivc ttrcoent and-t!rrninati!uch easetrent ratth re6pecc co che dlsconcinued ueear provlded for tn rublarrg,rsph 4(b) tncredlacelv a bove . lv . RECIPROCAL FEDESTR;AN EASE}IENT 1. Wl cioer hcrcby rcll end convry Eo F I L Inon-ltclurlvc, oerparurl llrrucnt (rhc "hrrccl I pcdcrtrlansttaDant") ov?r, rcrorr. rnd rhrough tll arerr of pnrcal I noy orhrrreflcr rartntalned for pcdcrrrlri velkvryr for the puipori of-provtdlng tc F A L. lcr tinencr, lnd th. ir' rc.p.c E:.ve cuigonerl_ -rnd lnvtEec! unobEtructad padertrlrn eccear bctrr:cn parccl lI and - Perca I I . Z, F & L doe. hrreby rell rnd conv.y to WI a non-rrclurlvc, prrperutl trreoint (thr'.percrl' Ii padcrcrlrn E"ra.E nt") ov.r. acroar end through ell rrcrr of percel Il non urhrruf trr G.tnlrln.d for prdarrrtin relkrryr for rn--purto..-of--provldlnt ro wI, lr! t.nant., rnd Bh.tr rirpecrlvc cirrrborrr andlnvtE,aaa unobrtructad rcccrr brcvrrn prrccl i end parccl lI. 3. Thr Percrl I P.d.lrrtrn Errrannt rhell run strh rhclrnd rnd rhell br .ppurr.n.nt !o prrca! II, ruch that I trrnsferor r.lrr tltt. to.II or rnt porrton of prrcrl lI thetlauEolartcrllt ir.nrf.r e prbpbrc!,oner. lnrrar.t ln chr parcel Il.Caatrlrn Elrrornr r rnd cbr Perccl II Eerrorns rh.ll run elrhtha l!!d.nd rh.ll br rppurernrn! co prrcrl l, ruch rh.r.Er.nrfrr of-[r3rl tlrh-io ell or lny porrton'of parcct t rheilluG!:actcaily tarnrfrr I paoportlonata lnccr.rc tn tha perccl IIPadrrtrtrn Eircornr. 1.. W: fo I lorr : 8Pply (8) (b) (c) rnd F I L hcrcby further rgre. rnd, covcnrnt a! Nrlthar percy rhell con.rruct, Ellnt.ln nor Derrrttsnc contlrucElon tnd/or ulnEentnca of .rnvParornrnt brrrlcedor befe.en thalr rcluec'tlvelvorncd percelr cxccpt 6r o"v ur tiorpoi;;ii;- - requtrcd durtng p.rtodr of con3truction, iepa!r ortittnLentnce - !;rh,Rar:v shail. ar 1!s 3ole co!r and expense,crean. tucap-, reoove rnou end lce, pr!.,,de fo:qua:g llgh:1n9, reprlr and natntiln thePcccrCrtan relkvtyr locrted in 1ts rcapcciiver.vovnec parcel ln gboc order, conJiir;;-;;;-;;;o.r. In.tha.Gvent clther prrty fallt to kecp rnd:!11trtT EhG pcd"rr.r.irn i,rttvil,r-io.ii!l-.i rt"rttPccttv.ly wncd percel tn rira conJiiio" - r.qurrcc rbov.. thc oth.r-prrty Eay, upon 30 daysPrlor erlrrcn norlce, p.r flrr, -inv -i;"11-.;;,k - ' n3caarary go ctura tuch defrultlnt pertv,rpace.tr:,rn relkueys co be pleccd In' rhe' condr f ton 1c9u15c{ ebovc, aird, 1n ruth .u."i,' "u"r,--"-^cotrulttng perry rhell rclobu.-te Ehc parcvPc:tortrlnt-ruch sork for all rcrronebie coc:srncurrad etth rltpecC to thc rjork donc on Eheocreultlng prr:y'B pcdcrcrlan vrikrrayg. tJlrhrnltrcrt rC tha ratr of ld.0 pcrclnc Der annun :199.tn" dat. pr)'rlenE for guch uork uas mcde rrn!iIreltrburrcEcn: l! recelveC. . CE}TERAL IROVIS IONS vvt ano to a I I 5,',.1.'!li!,,j::: ;::"f:l'f,:::tnl'ou"'ons sharr ]. Each provtalon of thlr Conveyance of E&!enen!5 andaFr"enent, pronlre, covGnrnt ena-unaerieiiig- to cooplv rrtli-oactprovl!1on of chis Convgys66l "l e"r"einig. '!"a any-|"t.."-"rV---..f]!!prron or :,-e!?rvrctoir or grrni of-i-iiii, -.r.rr., rrrhr or::::I::: rc.Gf -!crurEs rny piovtrlon ;i-;hir-c;;;:i.iil.'ii".L...o.ncs: (!) rhall be decocd tncorpoiaiiJ-tn eecfr diid or otfrcrtnrrru$cnc by vhtch any-rtshr, ;i;i;';;-i;i.l.r. rn tny po=riono{ PrrccI I or parcel it ii-ii""iia; ;:ri;.;'r, convryed. uhe:heror nor ser forrh cr raferreC-to ir;";h;;;J or other lnrrrunent:J_111_:f:1i, by vtrruc of rccapcrncr of anv righc. ttrte or:.nr.rerc !n anv oorrton of.priccl i ;; F;rc;i-lf -by-an-ofrer chcr.of, be aeioid ."".ot.a.-iiiiri.i, i,iiplid and dcclereci as apcraonal covenanE of ruch orne, rnd, ar r peroonel covanantl:!:ll _!:_bil,[ng on cuch "*,"i-"-l-rii]'r.,.lii, pcrronetrcpr"!enEertveB, ruccrrro!r, errl.gnrl .;;;-;hrlI-6;"li.o"a u!:-l"g!:l.covcn.nr to, rlrh ina io?-ir,"-l'i,i.ii'. or cech onncr ofrny pcrrton of prrccr I or perccl tii-..a-'iiirl chati bi ;;;.;; "r..I_covcnrnt ,b:, th! p.rElcs hcreco,'foi-tiiirefves, th€1r I.ucc. !ror! rnd erc tcnr, __.n-d_ !J.n an .q,ri c"bi;'-;;;;i id;, .;.,*1, ln.!ch crrr, rs r Surdcn rlch and updn rhe i1rl. to each andcv.!y PcreLcn of Iarccl I and prrcel'ii. '- -' - 2' ..9ech provlelon of thlE convcyanee of Easemcncs ahall bernlorccrbl,r.by in ounrr of.eny portlon of parcel I or prrcel IIoy.r p';ocrrd(ng for e prohrbritirc ;;-;;;.;;;i ln1uncrron or by a.srt oa rcrlon ro rrcc,vcr g.Fsg.. Ii ";;;;-irocc.o1nt. rreuutlBut.d ln connrc!lon vtrh Etri'.rlr,ri-Ji-"irrorcco.nr rndrcdt.. provld.d ln !ht, c;";tin;;';;-2ii.iln... chc pr.vsr.Irnrprrfy rhtll b. .ntttl.d to r.cov.r ttr corrr ino .rp.nr.. .-com.ctlon rh.r.rtrh, includtng ii"ion"ii.-"r;;;:;f;";::r. 'i,lTlll' rHll'll;lH, !lHl"'".of krecncr 1,. .r.cutad i?il vtltlcE tt{lt. IUC., r Co lorrdo corpoE.tloo tY. ralldcnt PAITIIERSHIP. r Colorrdo (sut) S?ATE 0F COI,()n.ADo COI'NTY OF FACLE a3 qe I;6TTetI' fotrgo lng "iirrt#n lnrtrulan!!. Bhlrir Prrr ldlnc rrr rchowlcdtrd btforrI9El by Jorcf-Slrufcr.nc. , r Colorrdo corporetlon, WlEnGrr ey hend rud offlclil rcel. lly co|llt3s lon erplrer: L-Z-n STATE OF COLOR.,{DO coultTY Oc EtcLE prrtncrahtp. llllncEr oy hrnd and offtclel rerl, !{y coott r lon cxplrer: L.?- tt. Acdrrrr tp3J t fu)l ,kt tAO-t<tL,A. Oa gOZOf vrr. acknoslcdgcd before oc thtcrr!. Dy Jane! C, Fler,ro, ar Ccneralrrrtncrrhlp , a Colorado gencrrl ll .' l6ifli5tdh.l r ltlFILVAILVILI^CE ECn.Jir+ p.rEn. rlhlp otng ln! ttua€nt o lrlrlrn r t tlaAl r|tcuFiloil lf,[.!";1.3;'ll'lj:3'.]:*.Y''r"r!.' ?rt!G Frrrnr, .,ccordrrr :o rhc , pril;;i";;;:";.ff h'il3111 ll;.3lll,-trotr'.-iriici' "i-ih;;:l; (-t drr fotlovlal thslc posrloor of rrtd Lotr ti lnd o: \--516.. Forrlon! o! ratd lpt: i and o.lorcrlb.d ln B,rok 21n -' D-.-_- =.. -/ ot lha ctcrt's rceoi,lr n SooL 2lo rt PoEr i56 \,'r..1:' d Z. n.t porrtoo of ..lj f:j-l^- ar.vnhsr tnn prx.,i,, a Cood<,ntnlua. r,..1,.//-'nttt lr drtcrtbrd uDd.s Lccprton no. eriiii'rn'trr* crcrk,r necords. 'i. I \N3. Tt.r Do?rtoo of rald Lot O dlrcllbcd ar follovr: I :!l:it"t rr . potnr oc.fh. rourh boundarv of e;rtrt,Lot n ehcnce .h,.t :il'Hii:l:;":J"':J^'. t,c o b..r! . ;,;r;;;;;; r05.:e r,.cri rar rso.li'l-'l.'"e ."ii,'."in'i,ll, ?,1';tX,l;;l;.1s!'nrL; tr'.,nce. hrvtnF a rrdru,'or ;iirl'i,l"i]"I'.lli,li"^ii,l:i.;;";;,!l: i;j." .n,,,.,vhlch hc^rr s gc't9'aOl .l !:l.rrt r."i i"-.i'.^.i";.y{.\r..nrn.r,ri anrd fl;:'!',:::i":^:j;;**'l:.:::::rv rtrr.' oi -.ia-r."i o { \,'2r'oon !r . ^'-i 'J(e.* rlct; ,rrcnce * ii:ii:li:: i ii:ii i::l; :Hff:: I :;:li',;:.:. i ;,-," l25. jc fr!. !o rl,. y.r!Grty.r,"una..r"-ir'iiii.;;.;r" rr.1rn rccordtnr ttrthe rnnn rltc:-col rccord.d uo,tcr Rrceprton.i..-iiri i :rr(.n.. the t,,lluvtD,.threc co,,rr,FF .1t,.!rr .rtd-:c:lorry r,ouii,,rv,'rii', ,,9.in,,,u,, , 12.54f.cr; (:t { r.r-tu'00tr e rz.no r"1,,-iii"i'io:ii,ir..* r-,.0, fnct rn rhclill'.lt' llll'tri ntrr contrtn t t'A zc. iod-"r'",.. i"". .,. n. orn n"r.,, ^ret.attTIoiof PARTi al I'ACAT| Ott ot EAS E{!!l? I JEr3tt ,h6 1ct;!9 r , \.,1 :l .lFc:.ArlTlnI d.rrd !ulr t. 19f1, tt ortcutrd bvl.A1:, IAk]]ll'l(Hif , . Colar.d,, laierll prrtn.rrhlp Ftac I TAt.s i. ev |.ti||t nl ihat ...rrtln C^n!rtanca of Fartnrrntr (thrr'(.,).\.,....rq. '''r ,lar ett trrrv q, !{16(, .na ,nlniJrd rrrlv 10, iqlq.'ir,. I -:l . 1.,-l: trle hn I .,,{ r hr r". !. prr'p.ri, recor,tr ,,f Zi3i,i,)\rr rr, ' o1,,,r.d., I t L rr\rlvcdr .rxrnt r t otha! ,ar?iantt and.rhtr 'r,n. \',rt' \'tlirr. lnn. lnr.. r Colortdo .orDorat ton. 'W: ',, r ( rrrn,r'r "A.-cc.rr end prrl,tnl hi, .nr... .l-i]iiira r^Sr.. t I.'t, .i th.. C!.nvFr.tncr. '. itr, "A, . rrr rnd p.rl tnt .!ertrnt.. rald end -onvtyrd toi \ r . 6p,.rlr.,t ,,rirrr .ri.tnrntr tid rtShtr, ' p.rpatu.l rrrilrntrt,r rl1l,t -,rf vev,,v.r, rr.ro.r rnd rhrEsfh'lrri.I' I ioioslili-"-: srrr ". r'' \vr rnr! n.'rp prrcrculnrry drrciibtJ- ii-cr,.'["i]iii..l.'',' .r,, ,, rDr.r.{ ,,t Ftsvldlnt to F I L. tt. tanantr end efittrir' tr.'.'i\.r' c'rr?otr?r|| rnd lnvltrrr r rordrey tha?ru9on ptovldlnr 1,p1 j;rrt^r InrrFrr rn{l "l?rrr b.fu..n,V.ll lotd. r -f;';a'i;ii: r-.ir.r,r,t' r,'t,l1g s..u,1, rnd the,rrtrrly-iouiiiii itiJ-if-i.iiii.frr;'r, r),.r'\ ,1,,,.,t h, F A i. rnd otrri prritculrrly.drrcrlbrd in itrr--.-.,,1.,rv.',,, ' , .,n(j rtr vrlrtculrr prrrinf -iiiiil-ireon il;a;i i' -"-nd;.r.nr r, rr,1 | r"r..r:y boundrry lInr, rtrh ih. tfiiiieioo ttrrtrfrrr !r",'' rr. recr, ,'r ei .u.tt iiir-iiiii i'i"r or r!r .ucc.rrorr,rr ,'r trnr n,. l,,rrrrr nrr eny. oul tgrtlon-ti .r.i oi iiiti];;;;;-.,'''rr,r'r \ .u( t vchIr.rrter perttn3 Jpecrr, y+riifiriir-iIiit-olciiiI,rrrcF Inyr.'rr rnd rr:,rr. ehrl I bii lirtiiy'loi-iii, purpo..'oi- --- -' rtrl r''v errd rrrvrr:e vehlclii ..ttii-ilriilri;r i;-ti;;.i-tt rnatl,rt .rrr.h J,rrt lne rhrlI.he llatr.C io pio"ii--oal, ,or d.llv.!,.,rri(' rrr't(r \..h1{. lr.r rn,t fcr ruch ttnr'p.riiar rr. ruch vrhlciri!rr ., rr,,r rlv rl'al tnr. dr. lrvcrl.r or rrrvtte "riir ro iaia.i ii.-- I. t i I eTrr.rd .rn thr Convryrnca th.! ln th. avan? lhrtrt',. t..,,rF' ',r,'.rnv nbttrrr,)n t. iii-"t-lii rrnrn!a to rut Dlyl,ll._.,: ,..1.',,,irr ;,.rl.rn1 rprcr tr youtd ff ii"oi'iriiri-I",1!i r'.rhr,, , ,l,rr\ nr,, va. ir y v.crrtnl rnd trrnlnritni ruci-piri ofll.,'A I l,r, ln|i l:rrr..fil|nt. . I I I, rr,. lr,nrer a".. lnr.obllSttton ro rny o! ltrll'"..'l' . " ',r i" ',( r' '. lr v.htcuI.r ;i;it;l rp.crr .nd d.rtrl i , , ;:.,' , . !n trrt. rh, Acccrr rnd prrltn| \ I ilcutrrti i:r;it*ti:r;:1":il:i .t raaPt. ? , v. cua!rt.f, an i:r;i:i:i iFli:iri:i, ' a;? '6r ,r':^u.ii'ln,r 'i-!11 ?rrtfp- rhrll br ttrtiJi'ii il:i.i;. ;r ; ::'. : jr j " i: r, .ii' :fi ;;tii.Tijli_:: liiii1,;fi:jk. l;; i'r : f I14( r?fl, otf octt.,r er t,! tha datr ltrtt tDovr lrfl3tan- t sT^lf oF a{rrnlllr, cnrftr' of FI.LZ ; "' .+- . . 'i _vlUt6t ?Itltl3ntt. eGtn r.I tatin f.htp ;'i'. TtLvAtL , ;:I "r i; :l:iT.i:jili n#'ilH:irn $:: r I r nrr tv hrnd tnd of f lclf l frl.vr,.rrrrrrri(.n "rptrrr, b- eq .? 7 Btb5f , I oo o o o 't74560 2; at tt ^ -- <-f / J0lllll{ll Ttt: PHt ! Lll C 'l f ll v. r?.'rr,' Fll ,l 2 sq P}l'88 _--_- fHlS DECIIRAtION lr aadr chtr 2nd day of Fcbruery, I98E, byvAlL vrt.t AcE rNN, rNC., r a;io;;j; corpo.irio"- i;.oicilirnt,,l. DECIARATION ot' EASEI.IENTS AND RIGHTSI RECITALS l. Drclerant b thr racord and bancfJ.clrl oyner of therarl prop.rEy- (Eh. rrpropcrty,r) rlcuat. ln thr Toyn of VatlCountt of Eeglo, 8tecc bf Golorado. whtch propcrty ir grorcPrtClculrly drrcrlbrd tn Exhlbtt A rtErchcd hcrclo and ua Err_r^prot.!Ey-(Eh! "ptoparty,-.) rlcuat. ln thr Toun of Vatl,Countt of Eeglo, 8tecc bf Golorado. whtch propcrty ir grorcPrtClculrly drrcrlbrd tn Exhlbtr A rtErchcd hcrclo and aaC r.rl pro prrc hrrrof.lbtt A atsachcd hcrcto and sadc e o -?, Torn of Vatl Ordtnencc No. 7, Scrlcr of 1976,trtabllrhrd Sprctrl Davrlopnini -oiiirri t- C - i;ioei I -ioi' trrr PurPorr of enrurlng rhr uniflcd and coordinaccd dcvclopnenr rnd9f. ql. thr Proprrcy end-ochcr conrlguou! propcrcy prcviourlyonrd Dy Drelrranc. sD6 rccoSnlzcd-and airrtirpatci tnag ttriProprrty covrrrd thcreby uoulil be dcvclopcd ln'Dhrrrr. etch rlIv.hlculrr prrktnt rcqutrrd for chc SD6 d'cvclopoine co-bccontrlnad ln phrtcr dcnoolnrtcd er ',ph!aa III|,. "phalc IV', andPhtta V'r. 3- Thr Proporty conrl.r!. of Pharc IV snd phrro V, rhtchfhrrr V 1l oorr plrtlcullrly dctcrlbcd ln Exhtbtg B estachcdhrrrto-end ordr r_prrc hrrsbf and ylch phaac IV bclng thcrrsetndrr o! chr Pioprrtt. ^- a, -. Dcclorrnt ha. conrtructcd on phaac V thc proJacc (chr '?roJactrrl knorn er VlIlegc Inn Plrza-Phesc V Condoiiniunr enahrr r.quartcd rpproval of rhc Toun of Vatl of r rubdlvlrlor, ofth. Proprrtt ro thrt Pherr V yill bs lcgally teperrtcd froo pharrIV. -Ar lharr V, rhrn conrtdcrcd er ! lrparrtr paopcrtyr docr nogtqtrllt provldr for vchtculrr parkln3 foi orneri (th. t'o$ncr..,) of tha rerldlntkl end couocrcial condmtnluo un!,tr ln Phacr V,Drclrrrnt dcrtrrr to trrnt Go thc Orrnerr ccrcrln rlShtt to u.GChr vrhlculrr perklnt tprccr provided ln Pharr IV. - t. Vchlcular lnnrcrr rnd crresr Eo che norchly rldc ofParccl V end vchtculer-perktng foi deltvcry and rcrvicc vchlclcrrla PnatnElt provldod ovcr, acrori and upon r porBlon of PrrcclIY. Drclrrant drrlrcr to trrnt t hc Otrirerc air carcncnc for thrcgnttnutd urc of tuch prcrEnt lnt r, cgre!! and vchiculrrperhln3. 6. UEtllcy ltncr now rervlclnr Parccl IV oay Drclently bolocrsod ln Perccl V rnd urtllcy ltnei noy rcrvlcln!, Farcel V-netpr.f.ntly br locetcd ln Parccl-IV. Dcclarans dcrticr to trrnrrnd rrrGrvr rcciprocal cercoenlr to cgnllnuG Ch. urc of ruch PrctenC utlllty llncr. o vilm I ?._. To prmtt.unobrtructed pcdcrcrtan rccG!! bscrrccn phercIY-t$ Pherr 9,-Dcclarant a;;i;;!';;'trlnc and rcrervc rccrprocat.rr.$rncr tor rhr tngrorr, qg.r.r- ina'piir"i;-"i-;;;;;Er1rn! on,ovtr rnd rcrorr phul rv ina-i[irc-v-. . t. Trrrh collactton rnd rcnoval rcceptrcl.r ars prcrcnrlylocrsrd on phrrr tv. _Thrrr-;;.-F;;;;;cit-#-;;;'rliip,c"er..locrtrd on pherr v. D.ar!;r;;-d: ii; co trlnr ro 3hc onrcrrcrrSrln rljhtr tc ur. chr crirh-r.c-lcrcioi-iijcriia-oi itrrrc rv . --9. Ap outdsor -rrlaurtng I rnd rclctcd dock rrta(colhctl,vrlv crlrrd hrrrtn Eri rlilarnt-foor,'l-ii.-iil.cnrtylocotrd on Pharr rv. Daai;tiiii u.iiitr E.' grrn. ro ccrtern ofthr omrrr - crrrrtn rrgtr t - - ir,-uJ. -i[. - r rtoulig pooi - ena- ic re ccrldrch rrre locacrd on ftriir-iv.-- -"- _J_: lO.- Drclurnt dcr,lr.r to trrnc thr ebovc C .rcrtbcd ill!f,.li.dll ;::|;:.1il,1i. t i rhe lcrur and conariionr eec !..LAMTION - -_ Deetrrans doer hrrrby nakr, publlrh rnd dcclarc cha. Bh.-lollc1n3 carilr , covcnenti, condlttonrr _ .r.egrantr, rr.trlcEion.,ut.t, r.rrrvrrlonrr -lluirrclonr rnd ohiigarloni itrrii-il dicoia'to 1qn rtrh tbr lend, rhall br a burc n ind e Ucnliii ioDrclerrnt, ltr rucccirorr-ito-rr:-.6i, and_any !on or Gnrlt),rc.qulrtng or_ovnlng rn lnrcrclr tn-rhi rcar-fi -l--alicrrura tnExhlblc A rnd rtt 6thcr rcat prop-riy. whrch ir .coair ruuje-ito ghtr Docl*atlon anl ioprovcoinrr'burit ctrir=on,-if,i'Irtrtnclrr' trucclr!orr' hctr-r personrl rcprelcntrEiver, dcvlrccoor rrrlgnr. I SD6 PARKIIIG RIGHTS t. Upon trperatlon rnd rubdivlrlon o! phsrc V froo chrrty' lny vchtcular parklnr. Ln eddltlon to thrr aontr{nrProprrtyr eiy vchicular parklng, in addltton to thrr conratned tnPhrrr III end Pharc V. riqutrcii'to rrrlaf'r rhr roral iirk{nrPhrrr III end Pharc V, riqutrcE-to rrclafv rnc roiii piitr""rrqutrrnane of thr SD5 dcvr'.ooucnt olen rhall bc tnclld.j r;rrqulrrnant of thr sD_6- dcv.'.opucnt plan rtrafr ui-l.nct[i.-d--if, !9'icl9gngni. pirn--ior-it'iii-fl,i_iiiJ"'i""r'-i-i;; 1 ; iiiunriica coforn of Vall-for ltt approval. thc chc - 2, In accordanca rlth tho agreeocnt chat auch eddltlonalparklng rr DaI be rcqulrcd purruani ro paragraph I ibove vt Il !l9Y16o tor Ch. parklng r-cqutreuentr of phaec V, Dcclaranc hcrebygrtnEt tnd convcy! to clch Ouner, 1Cr Ccnants end thclrrc.lpoctlv. cu-ltoaerr and lnvltccl, Ehe rltht to uae tuchvchl,eular parklng splcG! on Pharc IV undei che ternr andconclltlona aa rrr rearor,ebly ccEabllahcd by thc owner of phaac rvlncludtng..ylthout_11nltatt6n, rhc rtghc c6 charge a fci foi-itriurr of ruch vehtcular parktnE lpaccll-provlded, f,ouever, rhac l__ oFI'x tuch t.raa End condltlonr rhrll not dlcrlnl.natc egeinrr Bheotmrrrr thrlr trnrntr or thrlr rirtecrtvc currosreri and lnvttcer. . l.-- Thr rtghtr granlrd hcrctnab<,vr rhall run wl,rh ths lendfno rhrll_Da appurtrnrnt io Parcal V, ruch rhat r granafcr of l!!_rl-!111. to rll.or rny.porElon of'larccl V rhall aurooacteallyCtrntlrt f proportlonetc tnucrcrt tn ruch rlghtr. II , ACCESS AND PARKINC EASEI{ENT .i l.- Drclrrrnt hcrcby trlntr and convcyr to rrch Owncr rnon.rrcluttvr, parpatull ralcecnt rnd rlcht-of way (thc r,Acccar rnd Prrklng Err-nent")_-ovcr, rcro!! and Ehrough piriel IV, forCh. purpotrr of grovldl,ng to cech Orncr, itt icnanrr and ihctrtarprcgtva-cu!-cso.rr rnd -lnvltrlrr (i) I vchtcular parklng rraa lPon Prrcrl -lV locrttd_rdJaccnr-Eo chc vrhlcular paik!,ng arcrlocet.d on th. north.rly ltdr of parccl V rnd ro bc ghor*n er a lLordl,n3 tont'r on thr C'ondoElntrn l,lap lrhc "Map,,) of-ittc-fio5ccr, Co br rtcordrd ln thr rrrl propcrEy iccordr ln-chc Offtcr of-chc-Glrrk rnd Rrcordrr of Eagh'Coirnry, Co1orado, co proviOc tnoonJuncClon rlch ruch dcitsnrtod Loadlnl Zonc en idcourcc parklnrertr (coll.cttv.ly chr "Paiktn! Arra") Eqr dcltvcry dnd rchrtcr - vrhlcl-rr arklng diltvtrlcr or irrvtcr erllr to rnd-plcl-upr rr,lhrrr V-, _rtEh parhtr.g Chrrron lloltcd ro ruch rtur bcrlodi rrruch vrhlclcr Lrr acEurlly aaktnt dcllvsrlcr or rcrttce crll. ro ,'or- pl,ck-up! rt Phrr. V, rid (l!)-r roedway Gh.rcupon Drovldln!vahtculrr lngrrrr end rgrorr frqo Va!,l Roid, r Toim of Vrtl, - Colorrd9, publtc road, to th. Ptrklng Arce end Chr thrcr parklngtPrc.a -Iocrtrd on th. northcrlt rldc of Parccl V, co bt rhosr erltutcrd cqEron al.Ernt psrklng-.pacc! on chc Map. So long rrruch lngrrrr end rtarrr and pirklnt rrr provlded for, Dcclarentrarrrv.r Chr rlghC frou ttuc- to ttrD. to iletlgnar. Ghr rcEuelaouta of ruch lnSrcrr rnd r8rcgt rcror! Parcel IV and thc rcturllocrtlon ol ruch-prrktng al6ng Eh. norcherly boundary ll.nc ofPrrcrl V. Notwl,thrtandlng enlchtng contatnld hcrcl.nirbov. co chccontrrr]rr ln thr .vGnE thrt r loedlng zonc 1r provldcd tn thrlugurr for ell ol SD6 end lr rvrllablc for rha urc of thr Ourcrr,Chrrr rhell br no furthrr rcqulreEcnc to provtdr thG vehlcul8rperklng rrrr rcgutrcd hcrclnibovr. 2, Drclerant, rr thr orncr of Phacc tV, rhall at ltr rotccort rnd arpanlr clcrn, rcoova rnor rnd lcc, rcpalr and aatnce!.nthr roedray end parklng arcer trrcluded rtchln thc Acccar and Prrhtn3 Eercoonc- ln good orderr condltton and rcpatr. 3. Thr Acc, rnd ParLtng Earcocnt rhall run rtth thc landrnd rhall br appu nC co Prrcel V, ruch thac t Erenrfer oflotal tlGlr to al lny portion of Parcel V rhall autouatlcally taanrfca I proposE ..cc lntercrt ln th. Acccer and ParktngErrournt. III IECIPROCAL UTILITY EASEMENTS l:r...?1,:1.:lll^[t:uy srrntr rnd esnvrTr ro rech Ontr eUtlltry*?l:!I:Iff tv._r, prrp rini i - i";;;ii i'it.' ;ili{ h' iv:*::::.: l gfu ii, :yi!i -.iiill-lia - iiii",lf, ';#": i IV for rhcH:lii!,:l r:lt:tltl':i"*irii,:il-:ii$;:'f:ili_' ; i"i"I*lli,"s ii$iiiltlr::ililill E:il'3trr.,t.i!siiiil;":ii:: ;.ii*il".;ffi::l'll'rlilli'i. ser' cab 'n.' 2.' :l Dtclrrrnt.doar..hcrrby rcrcrvr r non-erclurlvc,prrTrtuel rrrfEGnr ttrrr-fiicll v-uiiritl iiiqrl.iii-ria.r, o".r,lcror. rnd rhrouqh_ierccl-n-i;; irl-purpor..of natntarnrng, Ifi iiri:itii. il*iiitt;5;iii;::*li*:ii,:i'ii i;f :,iqi$Eir",'' ., ',t,. . ..1. Tha Percc-l lV-end perccl V Urtltty Earencntt(colhcttvrlv thr "0turiy-rirlilnci',i -i;i;f,";-;;;.-ior r.".*. lii,iitli,'*;'r.p$i:1,:;":lilit ;i.ilii:iiId;;iiliitl.lii..., :t3.l:;; :'i'''i'.::',;;,l iiililti;iift :i. ;s"tr t"iili*iiuff itii:,'d urlng rrltctn3 l. nohrlthlrandlng anythlng concatn.d hcretn to EhG iiiiiiiil 1fl.'il!il':i"I:$i'il";"*llll*:'.:iiil:lHu;:. .n. ;ii!iili'.3':ti:;{,":Hff: li :l:i: *F*;:;i"jfi:riil"j*iii.locrtrd on ruch iajotnr,ng-piop-iiy-oir,ir rfran rano-gci;ing, iilgiill,'ll,l*ll'rnrll"b.'i:ni:i.;i;"ii:i.;$.i: -iFii:.; ",.eots ano rrplnlr' to ltr ortgtnal condltlon ea'fouiri lmediaiellprtot Eo ruch aelnEcnancc, rEparr or rcglaceai"i *oirl-tt tr r6cI'nc.nt o! Drclarant rhrt in rhs cvcnr of any p.rron or cnt1-t ---- drrlrtnr !o conrtrucr or r.nrErrr nir-ri"ti-iit[",-lilriigl, eriittngfrcllltlor or yhrro. nelntenanc", iii"ii-;i-;;;i;"i;i;t' cxletrn!-feclllttcr rould-caurr -or requtia dinage, rcobval oi altcraclon :l_llpl9y?orl9r tocrBcd on-rh-e adJotnlng propcrEy ccvered byEnera rGlpcctlv! celencDt (other rhan ai ipeltfiLally provliedrDovr lor rrnalrcrDlng, ridcwarkr and pavln!), -thar rirch pereon ortntlll dcrtrlng rirch-ictlon wtii conelr.rct-ina-i"iciit-..,taclrlBlc. provldtng- auch- dcslred utillttcr enttrely upon lte ownrygtll:f lnd nor rtchtn rhc_adJotnlng property coveied'by trer.lp.cttvc .!rcncnE end vlll furcher dlccontinue ltr urc-of ruchrcpttc.d trcUlty on thc adJotnlng property covered by ire !f!p!!trvr- carcDenE and tcrmlnarc aueh caeboenr wlrh ieepecc toBna dlrcontlnucd uao by flltng of record l docuoent duly'andvelldly-vacetlng rnd tirornaring ruch p.ri oi-r.ti--i*i["i'cr".aatSncnB. e . l.-_ Thr Parcal Mclllty Earcnent ahall run rtth rhc land iii:!l!il rl' J'tii':i:ii,I;::ml"i;lii:l JFl,l, l;ili:i* j.,,, S::11!!: r_proport-tonrt. tirtcrcit ln crrc rirc.i--iv-u[riiryErr'trcntr rnd th. Prrccl v uttltty Eaeenent rhall run ir.sh therrnd end rhrll be rppurrrnant io-fuicii-iit. Iii"fr-tiii i-tr"nrr.r9_f-l.gfl ttclr ro ell or rny portton-of parccl IV ghgltlutoartlcrlly tranrfar r pr6pbrtionit. ,.nErrc!r 1n rhe parccl VUttllty Eeaciant. . :.,: RECIPRoCAL TEDESTkIAN EASEMENT l.- 'Drclarrnt hrrcby trrnEr rriJ convcyr to cach orrner rnon'.rclurtvr, prrprrual iailolni iiie-'iiaiicr-iv-rl]crtrranErrcncnr') ovir, elrorr.-ena-itriJuii-au ;;;;; ;i iiicir rv now.or hr8Cattcr uaintarncd for unrncl6rcd pcacrriten rair"iyi riri'th. purporr of provrarnc-io ;;;ii-o;;r,' rii-iiniiiri-"no' rncrr'rctPtcElva cu!toEarr-3nd lnvlcccl, unoblEructcd pcdcetrlrn rccarrbcttrlcn Prrccl IV and prrccl V. -' - ' " 2. Dcclarant b.-I.!y-rGlcnrcr I non-cxclurlvo, pcrpccualaatclrcnt (thr "Parccl v ptdcrtrlan Ealcocnt,') ovir,'a'ciorr andthrough r11 ararr of parcat i-nor--oi-i.gi"iirlr-"iiitiin.c rotll:T!l?!:d pcdc!rrtrn walkwayr-for chs purpo!r of provldlng toD.crlrrntr lEr t.nrntr rnd thrlr rcrpcctlvi curcoolrr rnd -lnvltrrr, unobrtrucrcd rccrel uidtii-iiicit-ii-rna-Failrr v. _-_,1. No pcrron-or cnctty, rl.all conrtruct. Drl,ntrln or PlqTll on.rly uncnclorrd pcd-rtrten ualkwayr rhr conrsnrcclonrnc/or Erlntcnancc of eny pcrDrncnt'brrrtcldcr bcBvcen pherr rvlld-llt:: Y-?lg.p. er.ney 6r tcnpoie;iit-;;q;irca-a"i'i"i piiroargE contCructlon. rcpatr or ualnBcnanct. _ l. lach pcrron or rntttt ahe1l, rG !.Bt tok cotc end !TP.rn!a, clrrnr tra.p, raEova rnou rnd lc.. Drovldr rdcouattrlthtlntr rrprlr end oetnceln thr unonclorid- Dcdcrtrtan vrlkueyrlocrt.d oR ltr rrrprcttvrly ouncd parccl 1n gbod ordar, condl,rionend rrprtr. ' 5. In thr av.nt -rny .prrron or rnclty fallr eo korp rndnetntrln thr unsnclotcd pidbcrlan ualkuayi locrBcd on ttrrctpcerl,vcly owncd parccl 1n thc condlcloir requtred above, lhcomer of chr ochcr perccl nay, upon 30 dayr pitor nrtttcn'nocicc,perforn. eny ruch roik -nccaariiy lo c"urc iuch aerauiirng per!onor cntlty'l unenslored pcdcrtrlrn ralkways to bc placed-lir thccondttlon rcqutred abovi, and. tn ruch event, auch defaulclncP.rton or cncicl-ahall rcluburr. Ehc person or cnclEy perforitngruch mrk for cll reaeonablc cortr lniurred wlth rcriett to thc-work donc on the defaulclnE porlon or cntttyrr uncnclogcdpcdcrtrtan ualkwayr, wlsh IntercrB !t the ricc of IE.0 DGrccnGpcr rnnuo froo ths darc payoent for rueh work sal uadc ilnrl.ltrtlEburleEcnt tr recclved. r-*- - 6. Thr Prrccl tV pcdectrlen Earaocnc 8h!ll run rlgh th.lrnd end rhrll br rppurrcnrnt io-iarcet v, ruch Ehlc r tranefcr9f^hgtl Btrl. Bo rlt ;;-i;t-eJiriin or rircrr-'v-r[irieutonrtlcrlly trrnrfcr e pr6p6iiion"r. inrcrcac rn rhe percrl tvPrdrrtrlrn Eirrurnrl rnd thr'ri;;;i v Eoreurcnr aharr run wrGh rh.trnd end rhrll br rppurrcnrnt io-iircor rv, ruch thar a crlnlfcrof-hgal ctrtr to rII or rn;z porrton oi i.i""r-iv-.iirrluEonrrlcrllv tranrfrr a pr6p6ilionat. rncercrc-in-itri rarccr v'Drdrrtrlrn litancnr. i,, .i v , . ,. InASH REIToVAL RICITTS '''l ^ t. Drclrrrnt rharl rt rlr trusr oatntetn rn e rerronablc-,.locetton rrrrh cortciion iia-ii"iiii-r;;t;;;Ici"oi irraec rvh:!d:sul.tr lor -chr -totir-iirrii-cirriitr.on .nd rcnovel nacdr forr..Dotb_Pherr IV rnd pherr V. i.j-^:_3: ppon trprrrBlon end rubdlvlrlon of tharr V fr@ Bhr'FroPrrctr- trrrh c6llrctlon rnd rrooval rccrpclcr-- rr[utrrd toi letlrly thr rocrl rrarh colreirron ena r"roirii-niia.-Ior boch rhr{lr}oiracnr of pherr rv rnc-ihiJi-'v' rtratt br rncrudrd rn rh. ,i;H.3ffilfuolll f:l :|;il"|y: "n.n ruch plen-lr-iuuntttca ro rhr . !:' I rn rccordencr rtth thr egrrcocnt thlr trarh co[rctr.on.i fnd rrnovel rrcrpreelrr rr aay br ;;qn1;;; ;i;;;u;;;-;o' ilingT-;iirl',1ilr proyrdr roi cha *arh colleccr"n endPiH:Illh'flliullrE.nt.,of Phrrr V, Dcclrrrnt hcrcby trlnrt end convcyr go t!_gl-gu1.rr. lBr.c.nrncr rnd tnctr reaprctlit curcmerr rnd'-.lnvlta.t, thq r_lght to ulc ruch trrrh'corlcctl0n end icuovrl:.aacapErcla! on Fhrar rv undcr Bhr tcrur end condltl0nr rr erlf'tatronrbly rrtrblfuhcd by Eho ouncr of pherr IV lncludlnr.rlchouE llEltrclonr -the rlght ro chargr r fcc for thc uri'of ruchcre-rh eolrrctlon rnd rcoovll rcccpracferr provtold, trorcvcr, Eheiruch crrnr end condirlonr rherr nbt airciririnaii-iie-{irr rha ' Oraorr, chrtr rcnanrr or rhctr rcrpccitvr-cuiioncii-iiic tnvitcsr. _ _ l. In conncctlon vlth thc urt of ruch tr.rh aaccptacllr,Drclrrent hrrrby- grrntt Go cach orncr r non-ciciuJrvi, pcrpcruat a.rr3E3nE rnd rlghE g{ ray ovcr, lcrora end through parcil tv. forChr purpola of providlnt to cach Oyner, itr tcnantr and chctractpccllva curEotrcr! .rnd lnvicccr. pcdertrlsn .ceelr bctercnlhrrr v end ruch crerh rcccptaclci.- so lon8 ar rcaaonablc rcc.lrco ruch trrrh rrc.ptacler li provlded for, Dsclrrrnc rclcrvcr chrrtght frm tlnr to- tlD. to dcilgnrgt thc icrual rouc. of ructr ---- rccar! rcrora Prrcrl IV. - l.-- Ttrr rtght, grrntcd herclnabovr rhall run ytrh thc landtr d rhell ba rppurtGnsnt to Parccl V, rueh that r transfer oflctal ttch to ell or any portlon of portlon V chaltlutorolBlctlly trantfcr a-pioporclonatc lntlrest ln ruch -lghr.. I fljrEtsrrrr- -o -T- VI . st{r}otl}tc POOL RICHTS -1. -Dtctrrrnt.htrrby grrlrtr and convcyr co crch orrncr (r"l,rrldrntlrl (hmtr',)-of e'rittdcntirt condoalntum unlc ln phr..!., *!r.E.nrnt. rnd irrorr-r;i;i:;I;;-i";rt.i., it iiiit ro u..chr ErlEtn3 Poot undrr tli--riiir-ino con<rttronr rr ar.ruronrbly. irrebttrhsd'ny thc--il.r-ir-iii;;;-iV; lioiii.a,hon.vr!r :thrt_ruch t.nnr' rnd conJiltonr rh.it-n;s-eticir"tn"t.rtrlilq rucb Oun*r, rhrri i"niiici-iii-tiiili-rlli.;;i;; rnvr.c'.'- .y'1; .f .. ..' . r iil':-,2..1ft ln connrctlon utth thr urr _of cl.e Sviutng pool,Drclrrrnt hrrtby SrrnBr Go eech Rrliocnttrl Orrncr ensn-trclu.tva. Drrpaqurl ilrrornB rnd rlght of uay over, rcrorrend.througB Prrarl' f!. tor rtri-p-urpJic or provtdii,g-io-oactllrtld.ntkl Ornrrr- ltl tsr,enrr ind'rhctr rirpccttvi invtrcer,Prd.rtrkn rccorr brrvcon pherr v-ana_ ilr- sviaqi"i-r66i. - -so' tongrf tsrfonlbh rccrtr- ro rhr svrolni pool tr proviali-ior,Doclrrent rf rrrv.r ttrr -rilrrr- ito"-;ffi -;; ;ir5- ;;-iliriir.t. rr,rrcturl rour. of ruch eccrii-rcioir-giicir i,J;- -- , l.-9 . , _._..:l'_._trch trrldrntl.el Oarrr, upon ltr rccaptrnc. of thr Eiiiilli:l'il.n;:':lj"l!il'!.li.liir.lq:li $"fi.:Hli!i lI ir..r t !-.!t.d .nnur I cor r--o! urtncrtnlni' end - opo. rc lni itri-ii-r-i"i"-Pool s'lctplird by r triciioii-iiJ-iiir.t.ror or rrrch 1r rnrraatonrDly rrcloated nuobcr of pcog,k- urlng or paraftt-a co urrth. 8rtlo-lng Pool rnnurlly !r, itri6ulh or undcr ruch Rcrtdrnclelornrr rnd tf,r drnortneror' of'yrrich-ii--t[. ;;;;;;5i; .Ilu.r.anur.bor.ot. proph urlng or pcrutii.d-io ur. Gh. snrmrnr poolrnlYrll:f Dt, through or undcr eny rrrd aII parrlcr rheclorvor3uElBl.g co ur. thr set@tng PooI. so lon! rr ruch dctcElnrBlon1r ordr oo I rtr.onabk barir, Bhr oro.i oI Ftr.a.-iv-Itrirrdrtrrotnr thr aonthly f.t gg fu tira uy-rictr-il-iiacitiii orncrrnd ruch drcrrnlnrrlbn thell br llntt. I '. -1, -Drclrrrnt, tf Ghr ornrr of phrrr tV, .tt... Go oetntrtncbr trlo_tn3-Pool tn 3ood .grrr rno coniition if,i-ii iprrrcr cheEulEolnt Fgol throuthout th. t.rr .rctpt durlnl ilotf-loilon0 Plllggt ln rh. To.q o! Velll |rovtdrd,-hourvor, Bhrc. rl prrr ofEna EDO- drvrloparnt, Dacltrrnt, rt lErl rok dtrcrttionr r.rrrvaaCha rlfhl .co t.novrBr, rrpcir, rrplact,, lnprovr rnd/or relocetrth. Eut@tng lool. NorvlthrrrndtirS rhr ebbvr co rhr conrrery. tnth. av.nt Ehrt chr Sululng Pool ti ro rcnovrt.o or rapkcrd, - Dtclrrrn-..er tht wlrrr of-Phrta IV, .grrlr rhrt Eh. Sirf.uotniPoolr nr.thrr or noB rnclorrd, thrll bi locer,. d in shr teurq;ngrlf vlclnlty er lrr rrtrcing_loceG:.on-end durlng rny prrlodot r.novrtlon or r.plrc.Drnt uhth chr Sslmlng pool lt'lnopcr-abh_, Bhr oonthly fcr chergcd Eo cach Rcitdenstel Orncrrhell br rbrttd. - l. - ftrr rtghcr grentcd herctnabovc rhall run strh thc landInC rhrll Da rppurtanrnE to Parccl V, ruch rhot a Crrnsfcr of t l:!!1,!ltl._!g_:!l,or rny.porrtcn of percrt V rhrll euroorttcrltyErrntl.t r proportlonetr ticercrc tn ruch rlthrr. . CENERAL PROVISIONS -l' lrch provtrlon_o! thlr Dcclrrrclon and rtrcGllonE.pro!_ tr.f-covrneirr rnd undririirng io-cdpit--t ilh ricn provirtono! cht. Drclrretlon, rnd rny ncccrrrry .xcGDElon or rllrrvrGtonot trrgt ot-rlth,_rrcrt., itgtrt or litcrcri r.r .ircciuii!-;t-provtrlon ol thlr Drclrrritoni (tl rtratt br dieord tncorporetid-. 1o *ch d.d or orhor tnrGnsrGnr by utrtch "ny rlght. aial;-;;--,:i.r latrrrrt ra en7 porrlon ot rircir-lv Ji-rricir-i-tr'rrantcd.: '- o.vtrrd oa conva)r.d, vhrther or not roc forcb or rcfErred t6 tn... .t-- ruch drrd or_othor inrtruoenri ttD itrrff.-ui vircur ot t,"!:!;li'li.ol"!ll.i,[nil :*.l;r *r::i: ii ilL3:'ll3l,3lu..' ..-j trBltlaCr- tllopcrd end dcclercd rr I pcrronrl cov.nrnB of iuch- trlt.t.Alrl-rndr.rr r prrronel coysnlnc, rhall br btndlng on ruch oysrcrrr..'. ltr6 Dlt h.lar, .prrronrl Raprat.nE!tlv.r, lucccrrori, llrlgnr3.l}i?f.'pd',rhrll br dioord r prrionat";;;;;;;i ;;;ti;i rnd for rhrl!i;'.;- Drnrt.tB or rach wnrr of rnt porElon of parcrl ty or percrr vrt|;S',' rnd (t.tt) rhrtl ur oiraia-ii'r-uii -covcninl-ty-oriieri"t;- i;; S_.T.. 111!ltr,ltl tuccrrrorr end rrrlgnr, rnd_ rlrb rn rquttrilr tr.-'r_ - trrvlBud. l nrrurln3, ln reeh clri. lr r burdcn ut,cli rnd uDon cha 6--.1., - 31C1. 3o frch .nd rvrry portton of Percrl lV rnd ptrcel V. ': "1 2, lech provttton o! thlt Drclrrrtton thell br tnforcrrbfu, Dt ld ornrr of iny portfon-oi perctl IV sr prrcrl V bv e' .. Droc..dln3 for r prbhlbttlvr or oendrcory inJwrccton br br r rulG a, "t'91 rctlon to r.cov.a-druegrr. rt courr iroc-cd1ng err lnirlruscd. i ;.i".: lD Connrctlon ulsh Chr rlghtr of rnforccorn! lnd icocdlrr :'i r Pr9Ytf.q ln chtr Drclrrerlon, Ehl prrvetllng p.rct rhell be.)- anllBl.d !o r.covea tcr corcr rnd irpcnscr In-conircctlon .,ti , ' thrrrrlch, tncludtn3 rrrlonrblt ettoincy,r fctr..t .' ,.'-,." - -' lll ttlTl$lss ltHERlOl, thtr Dccleretton of Errcocnrr rnd': Eerltn3 Rl3hrr lr orccuird rr of rhr arci ftrii rUovi-vrritcn. vAlL vILtACt tNN, Il|C., e Coloredo- cormrrtlon glAtl 0t comnADO comTl ot lAclt ) ) ) al. 2nd Itl I hend rnd ofllclal tral. lrplrrr r bcforc ar thkPrerldanc of Vell P.0. &l 7{3, Yd[ C0 il65t rer ecknotrlcdredJorrf Strufcrl ecorporrtton. f,, inii unaerrtsnrd hotdcr o! c.rrrrn dccal' ?fil'liil\{:..-4?^nr lIrcrElltn.q notocr ol carGrln dccdr of Crurt upon Cha Bil:'fff ffi'llorll"'lli ::"1:::',1ir'.I':l:d:l^l:,1"?l lfl :i,r-s.-{9!5end ec toirt 463 ee iag- aaz'oi-irrr-iccoici-rn ifil oirrcr!-gbr lllll Cgtrn tr . Colairlo]-ei.tt -r.a Draarrrr t.ro-rr-?.11.^9n1ty , Cotondol Clcrl ina nccoioli, ilriUi.Ertla counEt , Colorrdo, Clcrl rnd Rccordcr. hrrebyCt to 3h. fortgolng Dcclrrrrton rnd rubordlnitrr tti,ln thr prop-rty-dtrcrlbed,chercln Go Gh. rtght--indcrerrErd thtrrby. llogrrtEhrgrndlnt rueh c5arcnt rndn, rII th. rlShBr of Dccleranc 1i and ro ruchrll thr r1g of Dccleranc 1i and Co ruchrrneln rncusbcrad by ruch dccdr of tru!c. 'STAIE OI COI,oRADO.,'r . ct^ -l ^ ay hand end offtctal -;al. rrlon rrptrcr r 'cobun ot ctafr- i "' :l i i.g!: i": ;' ; :B 1"1l; : s; il' :::l'i;;"iil"ffifr': f "F i,r!, *r. bTflHfl,iffi'tfi,t?,oo ;6@ Pllrs.'EA!IK 'r VAIL t_ rrt!I g,ilIIIT A (Aqeachrd Co rnd oadr e garr of Dcclaretlonof lerrurnrr lnd Rl3hrri LICAL DESCRIFTION :31??!-por!1:*,t! !ot1.il, i, rnd o, _Block 5-D, valt vtllrgr FtrrtI.t$q; ^t::?rglnt. to ttrr'uri iiirri6r-t."r, roca' uniii ni"iiii"iIyjti ?9193 11 Ehr rrei t;6p;;;i-;Icoicl-iinr thrOfftcr^ot thr_lestr counti,-E;i;lai;; crerk enddrrcrlbtd er lollorr r lfl;f ia .r 1'rrltflnnl,nl rt . polnr on thr norrhrrly ltnr o! retd Loc o yhtch 1rg:1._I:rjl.rrt^eonr.r ot .e percol drrbrtbcd 1n_Boolr 230 rr pegr 5i5gf - gb?- nt.ordr, rhrnci r[r'noiifiriii-cororr- of rrld-L6c-fr ;;:;.-f, - Z9:lq : Qq'j-!i 17i. 00. tcar alri;;;; ih;';;-;io"t-rirJ noiir,-.rii-iinll.7r'16'0q" q 178.f0 ferG Go itri noiCr,rrrr cErnli-ol-irireri i"n-rrtltr -a gondottnlua, rccordlng to thc Elp chrrtol rrcordrtr undrrln:ttlq.!-t!I 24J35r ot shr-Rccoraqr-cf,cn;a-tfir ioiiiirq ctrirgot!!l!f .flqnt chr r.rGrrly boundery of- taid vrlt-gr-inn-iiiiri-iiil-99:19:00., [ 1e0.4{ f..c'(lr0,z3 furr ceicurillali ilf sE0'30f 00t' E 16.60 lrrt, ali r oc;td,oo'r.r t te'e--l i^''..-vffif,ltO'30'09" 8 16.60 lmt r (3i a og.loioo',-i-t;46-i;;; io'tirlr'-+'.D.orthrrly- ltnr-of vlllagc rnn plrzr phrerr r rnd Ir. rceordlnr Go-l+t- !1. Erp-.3h.r.of rrcordrd ln Eook 36E rs pegr E!] of chr Brcorihr ;;' .b9un!rr7 o! rrtd LoE lrr (t) it:03 iirs-eionr-i[i-'iic'of--r ;uil-;6..1 ''!!!_lllc.hrylnt r redlur ol 5{5.E8 lecr, e Erntel engh ol'i,. 05'20r21", -fnd-t- choq{_rfrlch_.brerr 6 zEi33,{2" H :i.Ui-fols'!!!_l!t9.hevln3 r redlur ol 5{5.E8 fecr, e Erntel en:h ol05'?0r41", rnd-e chord nhlch brerr 6 zEr33,{2" r :i.Ui-fols',;(cflculrtrd) r (2) E ?5't3'00" lf 77,39 Ctt4 (3) 36.21 f-t ,ir.:t-:3r Erp-En.r.or r.cor6rd ln Eook 366 rc peSr El' ol 3h. Brcordrt .tl+if !!m9r thr -f orrq!_tgf _ I lvr_ courrrr rlong, thl norshrrtt end rrrriilr t:l^lii?lill::t iif';:l::E; lii 3'fi:,llii!r','.i?t"ll.il',!r''i*lii:t!:38!: il-ii;13 i::! i.lll;: lg;Iil:il :;:*t;l;:li,,ii.',,'-'T.lh.nca chr-follorlng lour courrrr eknt thr routtrriti rnc-rrigrrly-: ',DOundrF ol rrLd Lat Hr llf tl -O1 frr:-rlarr ;lrr toa' al . -..-.,- rl t'Rrcordlt') tn Reeordrr, P- i., i';(cflculrG!d), (2) E 7r'J3'00" lf 77.39 Cttil (3) 36.21 frrc elonn..- /tht rre of a curv. to th! rltht hevln! e rrdl,rrr o! 20.00 !rrt. il_:ircrtrErel engh ol 103'44'00t'.-lnd r chord rhlch bcerr tl 52.15,00" U.'.'' '31.{6 frrtl (f) n 00'23'00" lf 193.2f fcct (193.15 frtc cetculrrrd}' cq Ehr aorthvc!! corncr of retd Lot l{l chencr elont thr rrrc ltneof rald Lot ll, F 00'23'00" tJ 50,00 feer (50.05 fccE calcufeirai iothr routhr.rB cornGa of thr Derc:I dcccrlbcd ln BooL 230 ec ?arc156 ol tht Rccordrl thsncr thr follontng Eso courlcr alonr Ghr-toutbrrl; rnd rerterly boundary of rald-parcrlr (l) s 79.[6,00,, E147.35 fccrr (2) il t0.11.00" E-147,43 fclr to rhr polnc of. brginntng. t_. o 3 EIfiIIIT I (Attrch.d to End urdt a per! of Dcclarrrton ofl: rlorntl And l,lthtt) . , .. , LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII 't,'...' .':, -. .. I!,gt. portlon._o! Lotr !t end O, lloelr 5-D, Vrtl Vtllegr ?lrrt, lrd,-_ Ill-lntr^rccordlng to th. orp th.rrof rrcoidcd undrr Rlceprlon :., i'.: i.flablE-963!'l_tn. thr rrrl prbprrry rrcordr (rht ,,Rccordr,') in,, .-:, lhr Oltlco ol-chr Eegh Cbunty, Lolorrdo, ilrrl, and Rrcoider,;il;rt. dmcrtbcd rr loltorri . r \^ r '.,, '.^ i i'id'i li:tHlil"i:.'l:,:o::l::::.:ll:o*:'-:.1.t:li-*,ns- ::*f :i r'-' .'t!{ !h- lollortnj tour courr.r rtl,nr irri rout[iiti&d i.!aa;i; "'.- i'; lln.r o! lrld Lot llr (l) 5r.03 rrrc elonr Ghr-erc ol r curirr f^.. f,l. !9 ;$,}?ftl, h11lol !.I!qtH-9f.tl116! !i:1.1-g.ltrrrt^engrr {ri:r"'',r' ii:8t illri'i ::":,:t"'Hri3 !l', Elr[f r of illiio'.'if, ll! lf.. .nt*,1 i ?iili.t'll: t:: ?:::,I.:l i 16,1:::t ( ll-I-99:l3.lll".i.l1?! f *E7.39 trrl' (q7.t6 !rr! crlculrrrd)l rhrnci,-diperrtnr-rht voiril; ii;a'" gl_1r[d Lor ]t, 8 Eo'ozii{,. t 32:23 lerii Etrgria. a-0,.5t'i6ii- '*;:rF.r1 .' (Q7.50 !..t crlculrtrd) | ihrncr, d.Drrllnl tha vratrrl:trr': .;. " gl_lrtd Lot ll, 8 E0'02'{{[ ! JZ.ZI letzt Ehsncr E 09.j$lrrr.'' l6.f 5 ltrGr thrncr B i0.02rAln E 106-?2 f.r! 16 itrr rrr,r. n gt_f116 LoE H, E 80.02'tta,, I J?,23 tetzt Ghoncr I 09157t16, fr'.. 9:l? !:rll.chrncr 8 60'02'!a" I 106.72 tmc ro rhr rrrrrrtyT'.vLr..t+trir'.ltnr o! vtlhgr rnn Plece phr... I r rr; rccordinr io-rhr-irp,l :.. Ch.r.ot rrcord.d ln Dooh 3EE ec Pegr 85! ol chr ticordtr- 'r'L . thrncr ch. follfltnt tro courr.r rlonr retd rrrtrrh llirr'',',,L . it :;il. lla-iill'!i!r-ii;r, ^ . Enrnca Ena lollfllnl tro c9urlal_i..,. (l) E l0't3'02" lf 2U.12 ftrtr (2couar.r rlon3 retd rrrtrrlt llnrrr.tl (2' 8 00'23'00' I 15.83 tert.Barlt llnrrI 15.E3 terB Co'lt'i6i ioiis'is'urrinniiil {!f 9lfltlYrF :2;' ; ' ; .rl, l'j-.:'l I ,.. DZCLANA1ION COTiCERNING P^.RIIN6 r ITH III by Yrl!.h ^ t:ll I l'l '1 .r lt' DEVELOpTEX? r,is:';- l( T 6 tl d.)t lfl9Fr SPECIA.L :-;{',i1 rlt ,r:r r I,Cd pr o[,er t . ..tirc '.tarI virrii.-i,,., ,," r{'m!tl5e6 Fl'ar'et lV and v ('p.rcel ll., c!tht: rny ";ii;;;J;' ,,ll"l:pt"nt pran t('! srt6,. acrnovlcdges and ae:cr.:rcquir:i'en: i;;-i;. !..,:':i:- rt-aurt'o t' satr6tj. ttre overiii n".riii--,lfl;!j;,j;.;: ;:;"i;;" ::i:';i:l :1";;"::: l;":*'"""' ;i;;vfi;;-;; 2. in a cc r..r tJ 11P.rlrng "" i.y-1,"';:; j::-.:t:" thc agrcenent that such .ddrtrsnaifor thi pa.r.,.i.,9-io,':';j ::: P\rrEu'nt ro P.rrgraph l ar.o"i ,iii"!io"ro.I and lI rnd ;;t;;'t;";-":t'l-fntl Ir' ovnrra or!nr!€E r rnd rr sh.rr ill-o1"rn,"".; ;;";;; ;:"i::ffi:i iltii:"ril;i:'on rho.e t.i""'.ij-il^fi::_: !teht to urc such p.rtrns-rp.iJl iiJiij.ooYncr or *;;;"-;; ;;::l:t::" rE rrc !er.onaDly c.rro, lrbcd by rbc <Jl gcr rnrnatc -;;";;"; ";"":: i ?-and .v, rh] ch uB! ir,.rr noi-i"i.iloiifi "r.trrLar ion, th. ,roh, ,':t::- I 'nd rI rtrcludrng. rrtrroui G;;il;'-"riprca os .p.;;;. .-'" o ch'r9' I fe" :o( ihc'urc ot """t-rjiiiig - l. Thc provrst osoeenrni... lharl ,un ,rl3 of !Srs.DGclrratron ohrtl bc drcfcd rrrlr.rpcci . pi.iiri"i.l:lirll'rjill;.lnd Eh.rr bcncrrr ..J-o"loii-ir. a. Thc FrovtsroDGcr.,anl, 1;; t;;;.;;;::,":":l;:"o:;j":;:i:i.:::y bc bindine upon rbc ., 5. The provrsrorrr:r.Jut tb? pr!cr ,rra.-11 3f thlt D!c'-rratron abrr: :rot b. rrcnd,jdcor pora r I or,,' :;i ;r., - ::;;:1, .:l:il. Jf ::. J::I.:::i;., ;;-.-;;;;l';; ,rrr, t ifalttNEss ,HEFEoF, thrs r.rr!!Dcn! 1! !rgncd rhi3 5rb dAr of IflL urr.lrcr rNNr rNC., !Lo.r or. do Corporrtlon J A.ix. LID. . r oo o lot o -_--_:::€=:::::__=::_-_ ,:iii,t :-q4| 9J-,/A I ---:--frTliit*dqttrffi i--.*:H;i45EiIEL-.o*#,;r.?f H.:*- reclD,tocal eagaianld t"i tle -f"lr."-"1.--i-grl" .nd pacsage otp€dsatrlsn! ovsr tho ploDerty ina--ilala. rv]"-= ,"*aj:i """!f;lb"ijitecrton and reovat receDr.cle. lre preE.ntty i;;;;aAA-";-i,'y'D"-,11',:?r"?" jr'ff *!il#,,"r"*'a*r*i cart ln rlEbra to use rlt€ G"i-;l;p;;i.. ro""t"d on th"DroD6!ty. €ts* 001#.; l! qrtdoor eut@l-ng lrool sBd E€latad dacta ltar 15ffi1$Ir"i$.Hr$$,"*l*i""J".i:"jlis*Hfl *t' 5:#:." ." srant to tle onerl c*tatn 'iight!-€i-.iie-ilg1rb"tu1i o ,.I_-{ilg1+ legtreo'db crant tEd iids'riiioriria- iiidEeTtr-+:lf.rre*! eursulla t" tii-tirni'iiii;;triil;.il;TEff"if$i: IDeCt!r|!lon- mctrR aloh _ -- D€ohrllt doer b,€r€b!' rtto. pnbu.b r|od d.clara tlat the.::!1""9!_!:Tn, coyqnqnts. ..naitfonr, o-aqtrrri-liitir"tr"*,uBet' .ltaoFrrtlort!, ll.Dl.trtlons Bna otfigatlE; efirf UiiceaeA 6r||I vlt! th. ta.ud, shall bc c -butrit D ani a- lane-ffE to dcfarani,!E_3-;3s33g= s::a =s-":g!c, _s.rd. anf,_ tnlTvge-r-iiLL--ritlif:;.",drr+oE oynllg an liteEsEt fn tha progerty, pbar. t9 ,ba';iiTt.b& _"!i ?:9?t_.tn "ucr- .la- or. teconer agll-.'"t -t"- tl_re-1-ci-ariir"" crrauDroeeEsnts bui.l_t tb6reon. -qt"rr - grt|rt es-;i"d;;r6=; d;IE;q6qlree3, 9atronal rcpr.sert.tlvrt oi ceelgmi. ! 3,a { { s. o. E I I Itttcl,l I rqrass rAsE{E}tr .- l-2 Deolrrrnt, as tle orDer o! ttra Roaitrry p.rcal, shall .|!It? ?ole cgat rn6 .xlransa clear, r€Eove anor and tca ltrd r3palr aD6Ealltrtn tb. aaedvat parcel ln'good orcei, - conof-t-io;-aini'i"pa ri. - 3rjlia3 - 1.3 :Itre Accea8 Easope.nt eDr! rurr rltD tDe laart aad gDall !a {$tTtr:.T H "i"f.l:llH"n"F..ii"{ks"i"ltr"Hi# kf $autoEatlcally transt5r -a proportfonoio -fillerest ln ttro tcoeEs SBaa.E€nt. -eeinc' E - ln nlcr,E II REcIpRocAr rFrl,tfr EAsrilgl|Eg 3:l . S-*l=ft* ber€by Ea}sa, eetabl tabes, do€il area,.rBrE:y Erqrsa, egEaDJ.lgDeg, dce]areal, grranta aDi ?3;:*.e3^e.t-*g'.,o,{ j}._91l.6i_aon--e*ciu-a-io,perTerualergcseort*t,**t1=1u-t^nlti-r.".,."i"i-,inGi,:?;".,,";i;$: Sq.fr f ti-*#'"'-"rrrHti-g,.,T.:.,Ii;i*h*f?d.i""F#"{ *Dtl{_!g_:1rer, seier, orectitcrty, -;iirirai-;*, cabt€ retoytalonEuDpryhg vater, serie, ;iaGt;I;;l-,or ECrtepDon€ senrlcea to tbe Itojel.it.- !IIto { \I9larte:'oYialon - ---rE:lse_Eenr_{+!o _r+op::ry stilr.tv-.8"E;;r};i:u;e;;;--"rr+:lEEil_E_ - uFor and rlroush, DhaEa-rtr\r .foi tle --pui6ole dr- =-iiGhinr"g,repalrhg, rerlaclng anat ustng efretfng - fasr,titiee pr€sentll'p+!t{fng or -u-pptying rrator,--ierEF. or6ctrfcrii,- n"tflrai. iable teievGroa-br teiepnoae'a.rriA; to tho rroporcir. 9alr B 2.3 lte E*or_ect. gpfU_lf -Brsea'enr rrd^ t+e ltopglqr Uttltttt :E.seE€nt (couectiv€ty tae "ulUfd-iiseuertsEl D€ltbEr gnrnt nor tlr€sarve anv rlq-bt -to aay lndletd;rat - or enttty to coug-tmtt or Lrnsrau irec racirrtr_li ""i t;iy,r"ii'-.*r"tGb-rotriitri,i-"ipliirii ilutllt.tles tbar are o! Eay be rocidJCl-Jit'.i-i-triiii Lo".'.or - iFha n* r . *-o3.P-S^lI:P-3-!:t-991.?!li$Ho"ii'*L."""iffi?l;""R?'1?*?.:nf sf".ili*:f l*eir 2.4 Aa tndl,vldual o.r €ntlty u!,tllst.ag a $tility Baeeeent lnorter to M.:lT, repl.tr oi-iepfida tl6 fcclUtr.-eJ-eupiryUg. utu,ltlelr locaie.aeadi,"r*f lt":_r:Eirg]'{t"."Hn".",."j"":J.:!"irJetW.laprove:ent shrtEoeyer focattd -on - aucU plopetty other ttrrn -lardac.Dlng, "r-*jjllk , ."q- r*4i, ana ri !ucn' rinaecaprry,atdcvdlca or pavlng. ls aaniagec,.'artaEed oi--GBio"JiI- cucu !!trSill";, :li;'!iT.. E F"tTi_,ilfi L :t 3t"l;i,.l:"#" Fi:laad expenae. to rts -6rr-grn-at "on-irtr-o-n rs foirnd t!.:edrately prlor--='-li.ffia ffi*"T;ii,*'#3:shl ^fr la Ai-r.'i.s.hl_cb ta,enrllred qo. tue-rJrier_li;f .^iliiiiy ;aa.;;ii?#"" ffconBtnrct or inatai,i. nen faclilti*; ;o;"I.Ee extstlng facllltleaorrlaconnectronrrt+tue-a-a-r-nG.niii,..iuip"rr-"i-'iip-iacirlrs-ii fl11glg frcl.ltrloe, ro cauee'-danis;, -l"i"i,"r or atteratlob ofLEItEove:entB tocated ?n 11. propg+t turaenea ly gocfi-btfffiiSaeetent. (other tban aE gpeifff-;afli irovtned abovs lorlandscapfng, gtdeuarxe anc pavriii, -fi# ".""b'i;ir"ia*il-r intiii o ttC 1:3: jf{1$t auctr^lcr_ton-u1lt, to tt s*r€rrr 1*F**;[5',1.i*,i:^il.ii"ff TS..".El!rf t'f,i.?.THf ,.,Eil iS3&T".tSt'S'l; :t f *'fi";t *frg, ;;iFl'i,il[iti: tasllltles located o; ttlra D.lrrr.n.r r*,.$rrar .l:,,p,Tp:ry--hrdened "" .Iitffi H:::*E and not rlthln theI!.-Sff ex!.attns { 6 b ... (J| n t,s(I6 jH'Hi*'".'r,Si;*i**Tffi iHJreH##itSlffi.fiii,iiulr."r?.i,Er sq,iiririre - Bd.}E_ reetrtt*;__+tf i#;itil; _ _ nr,i*""lt*_iht;.ir:ilEIqTn#i-tp*Ht'ffi"lX#l?.";",Hiffi Lf-"i.Ebt3,,."{,:H:"9-.I.r**.E'ts:3ilxt'"i:'g",il"*ElFaocnd-o_ alosn€n-t- duty rid v.iicty-o"iijri-iil terrr{narthr, .rrFhsrrrErEs 6 qccuEeng duly sltd 9aDrr! ot Fach tttl.llty EaseD€nt. vacauagr s!d. terrl{;atlDg ;uch a't- &. D!o{est'^ gqlrrly sloelsrG sha:ll t|io ylth ttq lan6 ard $-sll":i nri*;ttl,.!f*tjt*.*;Fsm*"$l:*;.t*ffi tiffi.&r.+TftEffislft{hf, #el#rffir* I.. _tDo land and Ehall )s "ppurlen.it - to--ti.e Eoperql, such tbrt . \ .' trursRlt or lqlar Eltlo tl-aif: oi-cf iolio ot_tt"_ *"op=ty ahd#ff.tf.ef;::g*traaaler a p"oportr"i"it-J-r-nterest rn uie pio;e;i; e - IFITC!;8 IIt IRBerpRocel, peDgsrnren arsanFtE { 3.1 Declarant lgr"ly Eat(sE, establlabes, dectarer, gtant! and qa€seavas ln lavor ot tte daera i noJEiGrve, I,€Breb.lar oae€lert h(tlre 'protee+- pedestr:_latr gas6!"nF r-oieiii*r", upon aDd tDrouqh r,;tll araai o! the- p36pgi'tt ,F' Ji-i"Ltt", Eatnratned for ff :$?.f .1"""."*:lh*ff ff J:#;.tE:::Fi""Jig#;n*tle Dlolroaty and the DroJeit. --------- ''s 3.1 Declalant h-6re!y- reaelve8 a non-excluslve, Der?etual€aaeDerlt (tha lproDerty- n;aeetrfen ia"-"iiit" I ov6r, lcrota, uDonand thloqgb all arias 6! _p-rrase Iv ;;-;;;""fr6r lalntai'ed forunsnclosed Deatostrlan .ua-r*r.iys - ior--tr,l- frirpo"" of provldlrg toIleclrtant. and to all fnafvloGfi -ino-aio.invrted to the proDerwat tba cxpDpse "r GFit-i- fui"rt-irln*ir' m.to:aor, locluilnqlutttout llDltlrlon. rr_iena!, ldiiitfr.;; ":gint", €Dployoea, tananio. ._::t*$f." rnrtteeg^or oe"tirant-l;oiiioiSt sorrt",,l unobothrct€d- - -:sC;gg:ltbcEEtr-ttm-ksperty r"a tir"- iirqa;i fo^__y+ll9"gl or cnelttr .sh.lt coDstrustsr salrrEala or ._at'll- ^ Illel:.f osed Dedesarian vat tmayJ to?xteC on the13 gl!. o an_y u'enEio" e-d e-.c-"-iirriii'i" ffi X"i; "i'",*EiTfl d: ;:H$:X, B:''ln::"--T:'.A.- -*lrt*F_1""- J,_i -ii r.t.-,i nE ;'i ;;B:ff :*"::*ff j.:^*E::"*lp_;F-+ybir:tn1--rl-"j#ia*"""i,.Tl ::y":?":Hll:1'uyre+riieccdi,,r-6;i;1"-;?;;J.;i#id:Tff"i;ot ealrrten-ancE. 3.a t c0125 I 3.'t Deslarant :Ig !h" oln€rE shetl, .t tlglr r€EpectLvo solecoEt anal otoenae. ,1*,, .r.e-al, .i"uoi6ln"" and tc., provtda raaleEoate ltcf,tlnq an{.toqitr ratiiarltain-tf,Jureneloaed perleetrlen Urafhr.y& located-on tUe llo_earaVTnt -iu?'.riifr lospecrtyely ln good 6ordea. coa(Utl'oa anl lelrarr. 5"EP€ssrYely rn gooc t t.5 tn tle ei.snt DeclaaaDt or the oufi.rg f!11 to k eD ond ?..:talrttalntt*ttnencr.ia.d ped.st'r; GlEi"i'iHo*.I"":: *- 3::-g: 6.nd ph';e-E- refrectrverv rn tre conarii#?"Htr-E#sf*x--+ohEr ol tDe otn€iDaF;-En;-d;b-;."1T:1""":l,H.i',"#Efr ttr"r*'JT:"Ftiff ilrallcraya to bs placcd Ir tta o6noitloi-i"lir.red aDoye! atrd, trr 6uch oevst. th€ ornCr rartomrlE eu-rr-roiii -"ilir m t€iEbulsec lor itr L.reaaonr.bl€ costa t'cu*ea-rtth- ;;;a--i" tbE uork done, rlth "TH;t',.T"Hi ;""* ii-;*:,ffi*#."S*t"iL"""Ift illl $ - {.1 Fglasa* Ghalt at all t.Eas aalDtsh ln a reagonaDle' rocatron trasP- couesft6f rnc ii--"r oec"ptn.ril iit iti-i,.op"rrtvlcequate t?I tr"- t_o:ai tra.a- cJriJ"tror, lad r€ooear needs for bothtls Eoperly 1nd p!-ase rv-- GiiL"ne b-or-*y Ear€s, earabltsbsa,declaaes, gral!8. antt reelrrfes-G-i"o, -of tbe oilnd'6| rinil tbe osnerS:*t"i:: -!relt- to ugE .ucl-'t'a-et corre&Gi -"id*'""o'l^-, .. aa "." '.:,'"",'3fru B.F'rr?fSBTlEl;XF*F*X$r:"*ii$ t :S::t|3|,_Ba_risut-to-.#fr"? reili_-ti"liliii.i!"b raasb- iiFiill?:Tf.{i"r"il:1','1"'-*'""?:\T.+it'T"'f""'J".1?""r"*'" H{i":}'-ffiFT.$#' {.b -E .,EVEI.|IVEr(.. \ -r=#&- rl.o,, ett! t!jlr.!tr{r I.#F$Hm*,r##*trffim $Fdil:'s#?*T_*h",5i:'."". jFff T,ff iH#Tffi ;Frollefty aball antoEatlcarri tran-erai-" -pi6iar"nate rnt€East ln otbo ptopetrty pedeetrlan ragiaenf.- - -- r! Ar(lrnr.r w q TRA.E \etovat Rr6T?S t 5 I 0c12b ;l#Hr.* 'l"tlgnate tlr. rctutt lente ot mch rsc..s !.Eoer !!o . ..- 1-.e _nr rlEbt! anc elae5ent- ,ranted ln Bsctlan a.l Bhrlt r.nnr,rrh tt. lrsd and lhal.l bs aplortinant to-tt1--6iiilJirrruo onrt", Iglrcb tiat ! ttaDatlr ot laaffi mffi [mL#hHJ.S'ltr,.i"" jiS!L&rE___$_ anftctt v s"wrKHllfti FooL n.Ic*Ts ::l .9":lp:.oT*r^:*,-er*ltbo, lryrar... sEanb ard:::Ttr5*:::113...111+_:*-t$;;;i-6;t-iL'.fi iit-l.E:::-^.-1"-,ylg:$, tl* . lldor 8ueb G,i-'iia -ititffi".it"J: r€raod!.blr rEtalltabsd trv occrcraat; prFtGi, iiiillil- ". *. =;;-std-:+;Effi;;!i i3- .. =cs. -. --,- .!.,.rn.i .,'- S::-"::l etD. oun6! tnrelta rn ti;..i"Eif,ffiEffi:trffi"=trt--iffi H-. |1'Il" 1i "-;3"'111p5,, _"gdui"-.&- f,r$"l i:,-g,ir",g e""r. _ .ffi,F.H*il#F.Hrff *#*ffi'f_H#:# rs, eysr sL_I:oas. up9n qnE tlrt-ougD tba EoDagty, lor t!9D!rEo!!-ot- p!ovl.dl-u<, to th. olne-rg rnit tl" irin"r-dr-.i.f,'icaesEtuacc€€E b.tusaD tDe Eolestr.,6a,rDr. .r- *.31__t* - |rl1qls .I9"-r.- eb rong u ! non-.rctu8lyg, perTEt ral eaSeEgnt. andtltlt ol lry ov-o8. sqms3. ulron qnd throirq,i tjr rEop;ii, tor tleD!t?=!-o-t. DEovldl-u<, to th. oirnerg rnit tl" iruncr- G|l.l'ti. -Lao-ot!,tro ot as!6onaDl_€. rcce'o ro tt; errralne- ro"i-.GTili"rili"r"ri"o.^i?roiEtorsr,!.€r tDi rlglt troE th€ to tirq to acs-f;aJ;t'"-ili,.r .^.r.s! rrgl|E rrolt Ctlle to t.I!c to dcalgntto tla actua:, rOUt6ol auch !cce!! rcrols the propsrty. a R !to , t-A B!.sb Orn.r. u",tD ?lg _(,yn€rr6 rccaDtlnc. o! tbo rlghts :.tr6_ olEelent grlfttett t!-Sectlon j.t, agteea tlo Day to- dclonnt ! ilontDly Lo (to bo rdtuatrd anrnrarrit isulf io lnl-ti"Gta or tleagttE.ted rnnual cosf or Da.lrrt{nlii ""d ;D-"#i-nj--d;;rG"Iti Illol a^r Eulttpllec .Dt a fractton tde nuaefrloi ii ,Ti.u ta tbecacrlratso nuDDsr ol DloEl. Dstaltted t" ugd -Uri- eg'frafnC - pooiannuiUl bt. thlougb Lr -uoaer Bucb oynoE lrd th6 denoEtDltor o,vblcb. ts ttse eottiated. o.-1,:. iri il+ic;;rfr*A'ii o , tr"*l!Il1g-!*r. ?nnually by, t{**gl. i,f iusei any iii ir prrtrc"vrrrs,o€vor €ntltled to uae t!. s-r.lwl,ng foof . . ei-1fr9 ae ar"l ;iiiifi !di!"it+!"*"T.lf ti.*":';il'tf i:.r""xlT;ixxtst€tlln rtlon shalt be fhil- -. - _ _-___*5.3 pp.r.,rrit. ee__ .!hg. _ov-ngg:_ o! tlo proDgtty, a9rao6 to'' lirlntrtn rte dl'riiing edi 'ti, ii.A r*5; .ai?' conartrorr lnd t(' _ _ _.j_._,_:-i*::..ff_t"qt%1"-il".ri!"t""H'.'"?ffi,*;r,Sir*",*"."**lj:lg .Declarut, at lts !ol. dllcrotton, ,"Errr-"i ti-e-i fsm to re norritilreDd!, !.elaco. $nrorq or 'rerocrto trL- -il1or"li.*ilJil Uobrlthatandtrq hha ab-ov. to tne co-n-iretf-, ti--to" ""*t thrt thegrl!1:.ng toot la ao lenoyrtad. or rdii'iecll 'oeiEir-ratrr, !s ils osn.rol tla rlarrorty, rrr€oa orat trra a;ffiG;';;i;"ii'ri-rJEt"i'li !3ia3fl.rn?ff.* -vfernrtr as ltB *latlns- locatlon.rud durtns a,'y {.inoiiiaure,-ii!'i1"11il."*."i?ni$it. ::*""Hf, Xg*-j"":** $ :ul ii: .Bl*f5{ii.*.T&ffiti..t,'f.#ff"fu',StktH ;---ffi #Ej.ip"f,'H*i#.'Elf *H?*6"HE+*r*::SlntaSos! ln euch rfglrts-rnd L-a?€A-ti' r'rq..Ernr q t-oPsrEasrEr \ rq*'crr vr *Egsna!.$arxcraug t- G.l Each oun.' Grrarl ". - -*^...]]-- S enu ',,r-, ^,--_ ::T,.:I"1:_b-o_tsr!orulbto - lor eny ArDag€.catrEeat by t-an-y qvnl' o'""g di--*11*d-11Tt:H#'"8.:"f.iffi, iHti"fff ":":il *9..:*,.1:f^p" :lgl!: ftc.ea1g9,G-i;i"Eei to euc.r ovner rn ,s _s:t*.tl_i?Hfr _H:.n*sEF.?w*Er"Effi I q. N I G.a Bacb DlovlBlol -o{. tlrle Declarallon an! agEieeDent,Irlotl'sr, co\,enant and undsrta.kl"g to coEgftii.-tl *"1 Drcvlalon ottht.- Dec-radatr,onr anit any neceaBrl? exceptron or l.s€r,"atr,on orEEtnt 6t trels, eEtate'_ .rrght or- tnteiest - to sft€ctuato aryI,rovtotoDoltbtgDocrarirto.nl-itl-rr,uf iAn-a!"r"cG-io-#o-r*":iua*iieach deed or otrer tnsrsu'€rt- ti inr-Jl--"ity-ir-gii, trtr" or LBt€..stltr lny portlon ol tho property or pDase .lV ti CrrJ,t"d, dsvlEed o!conveyed, trbethe! or not i_et ?"rth-;-;.i;;;d= to lrr aucb ateed orffli: lyl*.enrr (trt sharr, ;t;Irio.-i'i?ir!-pt",,c€ or ant, ateht,EtEto ot lnBer€st ln any- portlo-n of tDo ero-pa6 or enaeJ iV-[fl;;osnor choreo!, be daeae-rt ieceptic, ritlr-f"-i,-iioDred ani ceclaledas r Dorsonat cov€nant $ 1cf, ouier ind, -ii i-pereonal covanant.:l:11 D-r btldhg on auch olner and. guch'ofrai,e belra, (tevlaees.q?T9Ttr reDr€seDtatlses, - strcc€sgoro ane --ielf gns .nC ahall bodeaBed a p€rEoral covenait to, vrtl -arf ioi--tic bEn.tlt of eacbomer of _rny Forrlon 63 t',i ndgeray anc-piii"lvr anc -triri-arriif De -{eered a re6l coeenant ty oeifar6nt,- rii ftieifi, fts..uc€es;;iilanit asslgns, !r:o also an iqrrrtalre ii"iir-to?t, -limni"c-,- r;-Eii[caEE, aE ! burden $lth and u96n tnJiftG -t"- "ilf, lnd svory pottlono! ths Property and ghass rl'. ?,*o t_ (tnotudfulgf, FttLa$- l{dtrllon, 86lroaaDle rttoErey.a ,eeal lI .air:ount det€l1llned by aucb couri. If, ElttrBss rnqf!p?, tbls gssl66tlen 18 €x€cRrt€d ae ot tb.e. date tlrBt sbove vrlttei- rrAIL lrIIIft3E: :ffi lfit;'j - 5=:: . Colorado cpqloratton _ Th9 foregoLDg tagtruEent saa ackaorl.{ged Defor€ Ee tbts tsthgay o_l Dec€Ebes, 1992. 4r roseilteuiio, *'-i.rraent andlnn6 E. Staufer aa Seietaryt ot Vatl. Vfftage iio, rr,"., a Colola6ocorpolacton, oa Debalf ot ir..r. corpora-t-t-Jli.- - . TttneEe [y hand and offtclaL seBl. tty coenleaton €xplr€sr '7.9a ?O /, (/Lr*n - ''44 ''- - rddte'as )rb, ;s2,, UJ C" gist I 19s0ot a-596 p-goa tz/trlgz to:sa pcaoFt2 enDe P.-EIE o U$ :LE'J _. ;:. r. ::-coNss|T Al|D sOSoRDItlNtr$r Ite underalgnod botde!rEe coverad hr, +116 .^*T^,=+:,q deedr ot t$st upoE thEIi:f EP,.?'.T.T lv .3: "t-'-r.gotlg Di;LHiii" " ir=f;"LHll lli :I""f; #11'f ".1*-1:t::S-tl--e!.o:+t$,aeEffi""ffi .:"1"::tll co|lsant and aucb (Cot?orate seal. : Xi'. \ClbDleolon explres: ll_14 _1Ll .--4?tOOt. A-594 p-9AE tz/17/92 lo:SE .. pc 9 OF ,z ?IRSIE.ATX OP YAI&,colorado colltoration STATE O' CII'RADO } cou',rr oa Eecr.a I tt' ft i$ffit:'qrgarym*":n::sf ::"#&H:i.THtr##HL.p;, on behalf. ot sricb cotForatlon. r'.,fljx:*,.*-." !a!d and offlcrd.tt It atlrata e {t'F$f,*.""***i*"ffio"'o$SoT,*ill _ -:130 A\otc! bIIJ|I ! .i! C'a nr {I t-o .tr o_. EI o a\ r0 Itos6 FortioEa gf lfts H. N, and o, llocR 5_0. VaiI village FirsEFlung' ac<.ording to_ _ - tle lop tt irili reeorded under .RecegElonfiuDber 963EA tn tho_off ice. ot t-rr" f.i-iJtuaty. colorado. cterh anatBecorder lclaEkrs necords I a"".ifi-"1-ie tollor.a: Beginning rt a po_lnt, o_n tbe northerly llne ot Eaiat *a O, *nr"n ,_the northeast corner -ot a.parcel desc'riLo rn Book z3o €t paqe 5s6.Huiii$'4*T"9rh4:!:e$:.ijs**"s,.t,$_:t*d*+lire. s?9.45.00.e fZg-AO feer, io-iil irorthvear cortreF ot viltage:irr .elerc?--n-cordca-t rt,,!. acecrdlu* to i " op thereof- ,_..rrira_i rr,_Eook 3{9 at page tf ot'ttre ciiiil.in._.o"; thence. along theveaterly line of €6td vrlrage rar iiai",-. conatoniDiun, so9o3o.oo.t{3?.61 fa€t; rh"o:31 g^"_p"rtr-"g ".id il;Ilrry rtne, l{r9o4?,08_n ?o-o?feet; thenc6 st2,:.?-6:l?:t ei-ir rtir;-ir,lncc rrg"{?.oB.B 61.{6 r€cG,thsnce slocla.5z..r-69._6e,fe"t, t"-ii" ni.t[erly tace of an exisrinsbutldtns; thence ths f.otlorins. rro-;;;" ai.ing -the ;iir,i?ii'inoeaetetly f,acea of_s_1ia- j"ijftis-blllTdr"g: {1, sz9os8.5r,E 6.35(e€t; {al slooot.'o9-ti 6__a1 f€et-; -tu"-ni.,- deplrting ir,.. "itlirvtace of €ald axls_ting butrdlngl s-?-9'+.0s.8 83.9f teer; thenc€rlo ole' 5e"B 3e. 60 f-ee-t-; rrence 5i g oli. da.s ez. os i!"t. -i,J ir,i'.i&a'eesterly rlne of vtriage in" irrra. a condooinruo; tience rhe!gU9"l"S three co^u-r-r-ed "fons ""fd-;-.ct"rly lirr", (1) s09o3o.0O-w50-91 feetr (a) .sSO-o3O.oo.E it.60 ?.;-;- t3) Eogo30.oo-w ?.ir6 reer,to tbe Dortberry, rrae. ot vrrtagt-iia ptazo pha€ea r and rr,accoldt nq ro rht oaD itEreof ,eco?"i-ia soof rga "i rigJ.i-ss -or th€ cl€rFs Recolde:_ tboaco Ehe i"ii""ins four courgei -iioog- tlr"northerty and B6_d-t_e.rly lln66 _of ""-fo liii"g" tnn plazr phsgea r andlr; tlt N8002a.az.H _ias.tg reitl--(zi'icz"tz,zt E 46.01 feet, (31g8?o06'46.1f 49.{s f€€r; - il f -'sr'oXir".oz-n s3.51 feet to rh6nortbedaterle cornar ot flrst AtrenJiant to Conaoafnii. irip -of. Vlllag€ ltur plaza --phase V Condoninlusa, accordr.nq to the dap'- th€rgot reeord.d- rn the cl€rk'6 re."riij' trrince inJ ioi r;;rn;'ih;6ecouroea .alons rh+- n^r-rherly _ rrne- oi' 6aid Ftrsa ;;;e;;";-- ."'' - = - .ff ffiffi"i.tr.. 1;ffi i:{ l'"ir-,tu";ft. ;i,i# -ri "fiffi lifi,L"*q r _ !|:9?:{fl5| 5r.a-3- f Ser. to t}re "*lr"ili rlne of gaid Lot }t: rboncefl0oo43.00.H 165-,76-f^eet.- along aaf.a re-e.terfy llne, to tbe northHs8t.corner of a.ld Lot j{; -ther|cei. "f"nE -tlir-e xert IIne ot eald Lot N.ll00o23'00.1t SO.OE f€et, to the "drtU"Let corner o( aald parcel 99sc-r{-h-sd 1n Eook ero at psge rsoE-iie clork's Record€ i lhe'cerhc tolloHtns rrg !911q?",!1gnq th€ i-o"ii,".ri ana .irte-rrl-irnif-oraaf.d parcet: (lt s?9o{6;o';e iei.ii-iJic, rz, Nroel{.oo-E r47.q3l6et, to the Dotrt ot blglnnlnE, -ciniiinrng ,.r32 acraa, Eor6 orlaas. Uti131 o EEBIEII! E (ltgrched 19 and foalng a patt of rleclaratlonof_ Baaeaents anil dgb€e d"hd-L;-;ber tsr19e2.1 =-:.-.-:::=:=".:=r:=..----r=+-r That part of tot O.to the Eap thereofoffice of the EagleaE tollors: Block 5-D, VaiI viUage Fir-st Filiqg,.accotdtngrecorded under Receplion lfumber .StbAe f; til;Couuty, Colorado, Clerh and R€corder. descrlbed ;:rSeglrEinq at a polnt oE- the che northerly line of sald tot o thatis also the norGheasrerll, qor;;;;;i.-puri"r described iE Book e3orc6:-F--tbe-sasf;{€rjr.+"-:c;fGo},,--.e=rk_snd_g#sd$**--.-: . =:.- - 5::!:ut' eald Farce} -.gurrentlv beins- kno'n -as -lt ":-Elrg!r.y"r;.:#-r'i€qtat'.'#'"i$'I;l-ll;:t"i::i;":'iFJ,11#-'+tri#"l#--:-accordtng to the eondoniniurn- crap thlereof, recorded in Book 3{9 atpaEe tt, in the office of--rhe EusiJi"-uh.v. cororad.o, Cle.rh andi Record€r, thence' ii""g_ ttre vJst-erri-fir," or said vr.rlage rnoplaza. s0go3o'00"Ir 3?,61 teet,- t-J-i'n* E,r" point ot Begrnnrag;thence-,- conttn'r'ng a10ng e-aid resterly llne. s09030.00-T 102.21feett thence, depaltins"satd """t.iii-iine-, N?9o4?,08.' 6?.05 teetirhence s10o1z'5t"H 3e.-60 i;"r: ;-"r""-iii6"ou.08.,H 8r.93 feer. ro.-. the eaarerry face or an _ex.lg1i;g iiiiiEi"lil.theace the foltoring clro - cours€s alonsr rhe eaat€r_1y_ari;;;th;;i; !1q.t of said enterins- . buitdtng:- iri *io.oi;,is;B'e-ai ;;;;-i;i N?eosB.sl.w 6.tF reet,thence, degrarring ihe-nortrreriv -ii.i oi' ^s-a_io exisring buirding,. mo"lq:V:s 69-8l feer; thenci iii;tiios_E 6L.q6 fe€r; thencell3eo56'27"E 63.51 feet, s?9o4Z,OA;i-Zd-oi r."t, to the True potntof Beginning. containing 0,335 i".e".-iJ." o. tn"r- 193AOt g-596 P_sa!l2/t7/92 IO:SB Pe tt oF t2 I ot;13?I Eluara c IlitrJs*f".:il-fft" ffi 'LHE I* ItcnE_o**It rr€*- aF 1?8. rcra?aFiR8t 193oot a-s96 p-E4a t2/J7/ez ro:se PG t2 AF 12 That prE! of Lob o' Dl-"gI ?-P' Va:rr Village Flr6r Ft_ltng. acc6rdlngto th6 Dap tDercot recordGd uncer rec-Jp't-tii'rro.u"t 9c3oa in th€office of tho Eaate county. coloraa", -cl J,i-iia Racord.r. (teocrlbedaa folloyr ! :==8€gr 6n!ng-.:i -r r=i*t-s::_Lhc_ !$e-::._e:hc=li_.!in€_€S_+slat_ta|_O_:hc=:.19a-IooLbenoriteaster{yc-orIclorap.Bg1da3cribedinBooI230 ii:$ilrqti*r;,:ry1':"*iri'+i,r*rffi ffidlols sald aorrherty- ltn€, -i?a;{;;6;:;"'1o. oo rEat; thence.dspart-iag aald northerly-fine. sii; ri;o6iy-f o.'or f?et; thonc€ 23.56feet a1on9 tle arc of .a crrw8. to the left, t"riog " r.diu8 of IS.OOI:9!:- f centrrl anste .r_ ro;o6-; oo"-,- -jnE-'j errora chicb Dears9l!:!9:90"8 2r.?1 tler:. rh.Bce_-szg"io;d'rie- 5e.5e r€eti theocas32.56.27.p?1.6E feet., tt.rrce frig;ie ,,id.itr'-aa fser; lheDce st.9Bte€t aloog th€ arc ot,! curT_ct _t9- -!h€ rlght, havlDg a radiua ot. 35.00 te€t, € central- aD-gle of so-o0o;60;]-aii a ctorc rbtcb bsaraN3rto{6.00.H {t.io fe.t; _dbeocc u:_o-"_ll.bo.e i,i.es teoti to rhe TruePolnt oE BeelDnlDg . contaloin! zsoe .i,iur-" ?aE , Eor€ or lsss. I o oo o lot o -_--_:::€=:::::__=::_-_ ,:iii,t :-q4| 9J-,/A I ---:--frTliit*dqttrffi i--.*:H;i45EiIEL-.o*#,;r.?f H.:*- reclD,tocal eagaianld t"i tle -f"lr."-"1.--i-grl" .nd pacsage otp€dsatrlsn! ovsr tho ploDerty ina--ilala. rv]"-= ,"*aj:i """!f;lb"ijitecrton and reovat receDr.cle. lre preE.ntty i;;;;aAA-";-i,'y'D"-,11',:?r"?" jr'ff *!il#,,"r"*'a*r*i cart ln rlEbra to use rlt€ G"i-;l;p;;i.. ro""t"d on th"DroD6!ty. €ts* 001#.; l! qrtdoor eut@l-ng lrool sBd E€latad dacta ltar 15ffi1$Ir"i$.Hr$$,"*l*i""J".i:"jlis*Hfl *t' 5:#:." ." srant to tle onerl c*tatn 'iight!-€i-.iie-ilg1rb"tu1i o ,.I_-{ilg1+ legtreo'db crant tEd iids'riiioriria- iiidEeTtr-+:lf.rre*! eursulla t" tii-tirni'iiii;;triil;.il;TEff"if$i: IDeCt!r|!lon- mctrR aloh _ -- D€ohrllt doer b,€r€b!' rtto. pnbu.b r|od d.clara tlat the.::!1""9!_!:Tn, coyqnqnts. ..naitfonr, o-aqtrrri-liitir"tr"*,uBet' .ltaoFrrtlort!, ll.Dl.trtlons Bna otfigatlE; efirf UiiceaeA 6r||I vlt! th. ta.ud, shall bc c -butrit D ani a- lane-ffE to dcfarani,!E_3-;3s33g= s::a =s-":g!c, _s.rd. anf,_ tnlTvge-r-iiLL--ritlif:;.",drr+oE oynllg an liteEsEt fn tha progerty, pbar. t9 ,ba';iiTt.b& _"!i ?:9?t_.tn "ucr- .la- or. teconer agll-.'"t -t"- tl_re-1-ci-ariir"" crrauDroeeEsnts bui.l_t tb6reon. -qt"rr - grt|rt es-;i"d;;r6=; d;IE;q6qlree3, 9atronal rcpr.sert.tlvrt oi ceelgmi. ! 3,a { { s. o. E I I Itttcl,l I rqrass rAsE{E}tr .- l-2 Deolrrrnt, as tle orDer o! ttra Roaitrry p.rcal, shall .|!It? ?ole cgat rn6 .xlransa clear, r€Eove anor and tca ltrd r3palr aD6Ealltrtn tb. aaedvat parcel ln'good orcei, - conof-t-io;-aini'i"pa ri. - 3rjlia3 - 1.3 :Itre Accea8 Easope.nt eDr! rurr rltD tDe laart aad gDall !a {$tTtr:.T H "i"f.l:llH"n"F..ii"{ks"i"ltr"Hi# kf $autoEatlcally transt5r -a proportfonoio -fillerest ln ttro tcoeEs SBaa.E€nt. -eeinc' E - ln nlcr,E II REcIpRocAr rFrl,tfr EAsrilgl|Eg 3:l . S-*l=ft* ber€by Ea}sa, eetabl tabes, do€il area,.rBrE:y Erqrsa, egEaDJ.lgDeg, dce]areal, grranta aDi ?3;:*.e3^e.t-*g'.,o,{ j}._91l.6i_aon--e*ciu-a-io,perTerualergcseort*t,**t1=1u-t^nlti-r.".,."i"i-,inGi,:?;".,,";i;$: Sq.fr f ti-*#'"'-"rrrHti-g,.,T.:.,Ii;i*h*f?d.i""F#"{ *Dtl{_!g_:1rer, seier, orectitcrty, -;iirirai-;*, cabt€ retoytalonEuDpryhg vater, serie, ;iaGt;I;;l-,or ECrtepDon€ senrlcea to tbe Itojel.it.- !IIto { \I9larte:'oYialon - ---rE:lse_Eenr_{+!o _r+op::ry stilr.tv-.8"E;;r};i:u;e;;;--"rr+:lEEil_E_ - uFor and rlroush, DhaEa-rtr\r .foi tle --pui6ole dr- =-iiGhinr"g,repalrhg, rerlaclng anat ustng efretfng - fasr,titiee pr€sentll'p+!t{fng or -u-pptying rrator,--ierEF. or6ctrfcrii,- n"tflrai. iable teievGroa-br teiepnoae'a.rriA; to tho rroporcir. 9alr B 2.3 lte E*or_ect. gpfU_lf -Brsea'enr rrd^ t+e ltopglqr Uttltttt :E.seE€nt (couectiv€ty tae "ulUfd-iiseuertsEl D€ltbEr gnrnt nor tlr€sarve anv rlq-bt -to aay lndletd;rat - or enttty to coug-tmtt or Lrnsrau irec racirrtr_li ""i t;iy,r"ii'-.*r"tGb-rotriitri,i-"ipliirii ilutllt.tles tbar are o! Eay be rocidJCl-Jit'.i-i-triiii Lo".'.or - iFha n* r . *-o3.P-S^lI:P-3-!:t-991.?!li$Ho"ii'*L."""iffi?l;""R?'1?*?.:nf sf".ili*:f l*eir 2.4 Aa tndl,vldual o.r €ntlty u!,tllst.ag a $tility Baeeeent lnorter to M.:lT, repl.tr oi-iepfida tl6 fcclUtr.-eJ-eupiryUg. utu,ltlelr locaie.aeadi,"r*f lt":_r:Eirg]'{t"."Hn".",."j"":J.:!"irJetW.laprove:ent shrtEoeyer focattd -on - aucU plopetty other ttrrn -lardac.Dlng, "r-*jjllk , ."q- r*4i, ana ri !ucn' rinaecaprry,atdcvdlca or pavlng. ls aaniagec,.'artaEed oi--GBio"JiI- cucu !!trSill";, :li;'!iT.. E F"tTi_,ilfi L :t 3t"l;i,.l:"#" Fi:laad expenae. to rts -6rr-grn-at "on-irtr-o-n rs foirnd t!.:edrately prlor--='-li.ffia ffi*"T;ii,*'#3:shl ^fr la Ai-r.'i.s.hl_cb ta,enrllred qo. tue-rJrier_li;f .^iliiiiy ;aa.;;ii?#"" ffconBtnrct or inatai,i. nen faclilti*; ;o;"I.Ee extstlng facllltleaorrlaconnectronrrt+tue-a-a-r-nG.niii,..iuip"rr-"i-'iip-iacirlrs-ii fl11glg frcl.ltrloe, ro cauee'-danis;, -l"i"i,"r or atteratlob ofLEItEove:entB tocated ?n 11. propg+t turaenea ly gocfi-btfffiiSaeetent. (other tban aE gpeifff-;afli irovtned abovs lorlandscapfng, gtdeuarxe anc pavriii, -fi# ".""b'i;ir"ia*il-r intiii o ttC 1:3: jf{1$t auctr^lcr_ton-u1lt, to tt s*r€rrr 1*F**;[5',1.i*,i:^il.ii"ff TS..".El!rf t'f,i.?.THf ,.,Eil iS3&T".tSt'S'l; :t f *'fi";t *frg, ;;iFl'i,il[iti: tasllltles located o; ttlra D.lrrr.n.r r*,.$rrar .l:,,p,Tp:ry--hrdened "" .Iitffi H:::*E and not rlthln theI!.-Sff ex!.attns { 6 b ... (J| n t,s(I6 jH'Hi*'".'r,Si;*i**Tffi iHJreH##itSlffi.fiii,iiulr."r?.i,Er sq,iiririre - Bd.}E_ reetrtt*;__+tf i#;itil; _ _ nr,i*""lt*_iht;.ir:ilEIqTn#i-tp*Ht'ffi"lX#l?.";",Hiffi Lf-"i.Ebt3,,."{,:H:"9-.I.r**.E'ts:3ilxt'"i:'g",il"*ElFaocnd-o_ alosn€n-t- duty rid v.iicty-o"iijri-iil terrr{narthr, .rrFhsrrrErEs 6 qccuEeng duly sltd 9aDrr! ot Fach tttl.llty EaseD€nt. vacauagr s!d. terrl{;atlDg ;uch a't- &. D!o{est'^ gqlrrly sloelsrG sha:ll t|io ylth ttq lan6 ard $-sll":i nri*;ttl,.!f*tjt*.*;Fsm*"$l:*;.t*ffi tiffi.&r.+TftEffislft{hf, #el#rffir* I.. _tDo land and Ehall )s "ppurlen.it - to--ti.e Eoperql, such tbrt . \ .' trursRlt or lqlar Eltlo tl-aif: oi-cf iolio ot_tt"_ *"op=ty ahd#ff.tf.ef;::g*traaaler a p"oportr"i"it-J-r-nterest rn uie pio;e;i; e - IFITC!;8 IIt IRBerpRocel, peDgsrnren arsanFtE { 3.1 Declarant lgr"ly Eat(sE, establlabes, dectarer, gtant! and qa€seavas ln lavor ot tte daera i noJEiGrve, I,€Breb.lar oae€lert h(tlre 'protee+- pedestr:_latr gas6!"nF r-oieiii*r", upon aDd tDrouqh r,;tll araai o! the- p36pgi'tt ,F' Ji-i"Ltt", Eatnratned for ff :$?.f .1"""."*:lh*ff ff J:#;.tE:::Fi""Jig#;n*tle Dlolroaty and the DroJeit. --------- ''s 3.1 Declalant h-6re!y- reaelve8 a non-excluslve, Der?etual€aaeDerlt (tha lproDerty- n;aeetrfen ia"-"iiit" I ov6r, lcrota, uDonand thloqgb all arias 6! _p-rrase Iv ;;-;;;""fr6r lalntai'ed forunsnclosed Deatostrlan .ua-r*r.iys - ior--tr,l- frirpo"" of provldlrg toIleclrtant. and to all fnafvloGfi -ino-aio.invrted to the proDerwat tba cxpDpse "r GFit-i- fui"rt-irln*ir' m.to:aor, locluilnqlutttout llDltlrlon. rr_iena!, ldiiitfr.;; ":gint", €Dployoea, tananio. ._::t*$f." rnrtteeg^or oe"tirant-l;oiiioiSt sorrt",,l unobothrct€d- - -:sC;gg:ltbcEEtr-ttm-ksperty r"a tir"- iirqa;i fo^__y+ll9"gl or cnelttr .sh.lt coDstrustsr salrrEala or ._at'll- ^ Illel:.f osed Dedesarian vat tmayJ to?xteC on the13 gl!. o an_y u'enEio" e-d e-.c-"-iirriii'i" ffi X"i; "i'",*EiTfl d: ;:H$:X, B:''ln::"--T:'.A.- -*lrt*F_1""- J,_i -ii r.t.-,i nE ;'i ;;B:ff :*"::*ff j.:^*E::"*lp_;F-+ybir:tn1--rl-"j#ia*"""i,.Tl ::y":?":Hll:1'uyre+riieccdi,,r-6;i;1"-;?;;J.;i#id:Tff"i;ot ealrrten-ancE. 3.a t c0125 I 3.'t Deslarant :Ig !h" oln€rE shetl, .t tlglr r€EpectLvo solecoEt anal otoenae. ,1*,, .r.e-al, .i"uoi6ln"" and tc., provtda raaleEoate ltcf,tlnq an{.toqitr ratiiarltain-tf,Jureneloaed perleetrlen Urafhr.y& located-on tUe llo_earaVTnt -iu?'.riifr lospecrtyely ln good 6ordea. coa(Utl'oa anl lelrarr. 5"EP€ssrYely rn gooc t t.5 tn tle ei.snt DeclaaaDt or the oufi.rg f!11 to k eD ond ?..:talrttalntt*ttnencr.ia.d ped.st'r; GlEi"i'iHo*.I"":: *- 3::-g: 6.nd ph';e-E- refrectrverv rn tre conarii#?"Htr-E#sf*x--+ohEr ol tDe otn€iDaF;-En;-d;b-;."1T:1""":l,H.i',"#Efr ttr"r*'JT:"Ftiff ilrallcraya to bs placcd Ir tta o6noitloi-i"lir.red aDoye! atrd, trr 6uch oevst. th€ ornCr rartomrlE eu-rr-roiii -"ilir m t€iEbulsec lor itr L.reaaonr.bl€ costa t'cu*ea-rtth- ;;;a--i" tbE uork done, rlth "TH;t',.T"Hi ;""* ii-;*:,ffi*#."S*t"iL"""Ift illl $ - {.1 Fglasa* Ghalt at all t.Eas aalDtsh ln a reagonaDle' rocatron trasP- couesft6f rnc ii--"r oec"ptn.ril iit iti-i,.op"rrtvlcequate t?I tr"- t_o:ai tra.a- cJriJ"tror, lad r€ooear needs for bothtls Eoperly 1nd p!-ase rv-- GiiL"ne b-or-*y Ear€s, earabltsbsa,declaaes, gral!8. antt reelrrfes-G-i"o, -of tbe oilnd'6| rinil tbe osnerS:*t"i:: -!relt- to ugE .ucl-'t'a-et corre&Gi -"id*'""o'l^-, .. aa "." '.:,'"",'3fru B.F'rr?fSBTlEl;XF*F*X$r:"*ii$ t :S::t|3|,_Ba_risut-to-.#fr"? reili_-ti"liliii.i!"b raasb- iiFiill?:Tf.{i"r"il:1','1"'-*'""?:\T.+it'T"'f""'J".1?""r"*'" H{i":}'-ffiFT.$#' {.b -E .,EVEI.|IVEr(.. \ -r=#&- rl.o,, ett! t!jlr.!tr{r I.#F$Hm*,r##*trffim $Fdil:'s#?*T_*h",5i:'."". jFff T,ff iH#Tffi ;Frollefty aball antoEatlcarri tran-erai-" -pi6iar"nate rnt€East ln otbo ptopetrty pedeetrlan ragiaenf.- - -- r! Ar(lrnr.r w q TRA.E \etovat Rr6T?S t 5 I 0c12b ;l#Hr.* 'l"tlgnate tlr. rctutt lente ot mch rsc..s !.Eoer !!o . ..- 1-.e _nr rlEbt! anc elae5ent- ,ranted ln Bsctlan a.l Bhrlt r.nnr,rrh tt. lrsd and lhal.l bs aplortinant to-tt1--6iiilJirrruo onrt", Iglrcb tiat ! ttaDatlr ot laaffi mffi [mL#hHJ.S'ltr,.i"" jiS!L&rE___$_ anftctt v s"wrKHllfti FooL n.Ic*Ts ::l .9":lp:.oT*r^:*,-er*ltbo, lryrar... sEanb ard:::Ttr5*:::113...111+_:*-t$;;;i-6;t-iL'.fi iit-l.E:::-^.-1"-,ylg:$, tl* . lldor 8ueb G,i-'iia -ititffi".it"J: r€raod!.blr rEtalltabsd trv occrcraat; prFtGi, iiiillil- ". *. =;;-std-:+;Effi;;!i i3- .. =cs. -. --,- .!.,.rn.i .,'- S::-"::l etD. oun6! tnrelta rn ti;..i"Eif,ffiEffi:trffi"=trt--iffi H-. |1'Il" 1i "-;3"'111p5,, _"gdui"-.&- f,r$"l i:,-g,ir",g e""r. _ .ffi,F.H*il#F.Hrff *#*ffi'f_H#:# rs, eysr sL_I:oas. up9n qnE tlrt-ougD tba EoDagty, lor t!9D!rEo!!-ot- p!ovl.dl-u<, to th. olne-rg rnit tl" irin"r-dr-.i.f,'icaesEtuacc€€E b.tusaD tDe Eolestr.,6a,rDr. .r- *.31__t* - |rl1qls .I9"-r.- eb rong u ! non-.rctu8lyg, perTEt ral eaSeEgnt. andtltlt ol lry ov-o8. sqms3. ulron qnd throirq,i tjr rEop;ii, tor tleD!t?=!-o-t. DEovldl-u<, to th. oirnerg rnit tl" iruncr- G|l.l'ti. -Lao-ot!,tro ot as!6onaDl_€. rcce'o ro tt; errralne- ro"i-.GTili"rili"r"ri"o.^i?roiEtorsr,!.€r tDi rlglt troE th€ to tirq to acs-f;aJ;t'"-ili,.r .^.r.s! rrgl|E rrolt Ctlle to t.I!c to dcalgntto tla actua:, rOUt6ol auch !cce!! rcrols the propsrty. a R !to , t-A B!.sb Orn.r. u",tD ?lg _(,yn€rr6 rccaDtlnc. o! tbo rlghts :.tr6_ olEelent grlfttett t!-Sectlon j.t, agteea tlo Day to- dclonnt ! ilontDly Lo (to bo rdtuatrd anrnrarrit isulf io lnl-ti"Gta or tleagttE.ted rnnual cosf or Da.lrrt{nlii ""d ;D-"#i-nj--d;;rG"Iti Illol a^r Eulttpllec .Dt a fractton tde nuaefrloi ii ,Ti.u ta tbecacrlratso nuDDsr ol DloEl. Dstaltted t" ugd -Uri- eg'frafnC - pooiannuiUl bt. thlougb Lr -uoaer Bucb oynoE lrd th6 denoEtDltor o,vblcb. ts ttse eottiated. o.-1,:. iri il+ic;;rfr*A'ii o , tr"*l!Il1g-!*r. ?nnually by, t{**gl. i,f iusei any iii ir prrtrc"vrrrs,o€vor €ntltled to uae t!. s-r.lwl,ng foof . . ei-1fr9 ae ar"l ;iiiifi !di!"it+!"*"T.lf ti.*":';il'tf i:.r""xlT;ixxtst€tlln rtlon shalt be fhil- -. - _ _-___*5.3 pp.r.,rrit. ee__ .!hg. _ov-ngg:_ o! tlo proDgtty, a9rao6 to'' lirlntrtn rte dl'riiing edi 'ti, ii.A r*5; .ai?' conartrorr lnd t(' _ _ _.j_._,_:-i*::..ff_t"qt%1"-il".ri!"t""H'.'"?ffi,*;r,Sir*",*"."**lj:lg .Declarut, at lts !ol. dllcrotton, ,"Errr-"i ti-e-i fsm to re norritilreDd!, !.elaco. $nrorq or 'rerocrto trL- -il1or"li.*ilJil Uobrlthatandtrq hha ab-ov. to tne co-n-iretf-, ti--to" ""*t thrt thegrl!1:.ng toot la ao lenoyrtad. or rdii'iecll 'oeiEir-ratrr, !s ils osn.rol tla rlarrorty, rrr€oa orat trra a;ffiG;';;i;"ii'ri-rJEt"i'li !3ia3fl.rn?ff.* -vfernrtr as ltB *latlns- locatlon.rud durtns a,'y {.inoiiiaure,-ii!'i1"11il."*."i?ni$it. ::*""Hf, Xg*-j"":** $ :ul ii: .Bl*f5{ii.*.T&ffiti..t,'f.#ff"fu',StktH ;---ffi #Ej.ip"f,'H*i#.'Elf *H?*6"HE+*r*::SlntaSos! ln euch rfglrts-rnd L-a?€A-ti' r'rq..Ernr q t-oPsrEasrEr \ rq*'crr vr *Egsna!.$arxcraug t- G.l Each oun.' Grrarl ". - -*^...]]-- S enu ',,r-, ^,--_ ::T,.:I"1:_b-o_tsr!orulbto - lor eny ArDag€.catrEeat by t-an-y qvnl' o'""g di--*11*d-11Tt:H#'"8.:"f.iffi, iHti"fff ":":il *9..:*,.1:f^p" :lgl!: ftc.ea1g9,G-i;i"Eei to euc.r ovner rn ,s _s:t*.tl_i?Hfr _H:.n*sEF.?w*Er"Effi I q. N I G.a Bacb DlovlBlol -o{. tlrle Declarallon an! agEieeDent,Irlotl'sr, co\,enant and undsrta.kl"g to coEgftii.-tl *"1 Drcvlalon ottht.- Dec-radatr,onr anit any neceaBrl? exceptron or l.s€r,"atr,on orEEtnt 6t trels, eEtate'_ .rrght or- tnteiest - to sft€ctuato aryI,rovtotoDoltbtgDocrarirto.nl-itl-rr,uf iAn-a!"r"cG-io-#o-r*":iua*iieach deed or otrer tnsrsu'€rt- ti inr-Jl--"ity-ir-gii, trtr" or LBt€..stltr lny portlon ol tho property or pDase .lV ti CrrJ,t"d, dsvlEed o!conveyed, trbethe! or not i_et ?"rth-;-;.i;;;d= to lrr aucb ateed orffli: lyl*.enrr (trt sharr, ;t;Irio.-i'i?ir!-pt",,c€ or ant, ateht,EtEto ot lnBer€st ln any- portlo-n of tDo ero-pa6 or enaeJ iV-[fl;;osnor choreo!, be daeae-rt ieceptic, ritlr-f"-i,-iioDred ani ceclaledas r Dorsonat cov€nant $ 1cf, ouier ind, -ii i-pereonal covanant.:l:11 D-r btldhg on auch olner and. guch'ofrai,e belra, (tevlaees.q?T9Ttr reDr€seDtatlses, - strcc€sgoro ane --ielf gns .nC ahall bodeaBed a p€rEoral covenait to, vrtl -arf ioi--tic bEn.tlt of eacbomer of _rny Forrlon 63 t',i ndgeray anc-piii"lvr anc -triri-arriif De -{eered a re6l coeenant ty oeifar6nt,- rii ftieifi, fts..uc€es;;iilanit asslgns, !r:o also an iqrrrtalre ii"iir-to?t, -limni"c-,- r;-Eii[caEE, aE ! burden $lth and u96n tnJiftG -t"- "ilf, lnd svory pottlono! ths Property and ghass rl'. ?,*o t_ (tnotudfulgf, FttLa$- l{dtrllon, 86lroaaDle rttoErey.a ,eeal lI .air:ount det€l1llned by aucb couri. If, ElttrBss rnqf!p?, tbls gssl66tlen 18 €x€cRrt€d ae ot tb.e. date tlrBt sbove vrlttei- rrAIL lrIIIft3E: :ffi lfit;'j - 5=:: . Colorado cpqloratton _ Th9 foregoLDg tagtruEent saa ackaorl.{ged Defor€ Ee tbts tsthgay o_l Dec€Ebes, 1992. 4r roseilteuiio, *'-i.rraent andlnn6 E. Staufer aa Seietaryt ot Vatl. Vfftage iio, rr,"., a Colola6ocorpolacton, oa Debalf ot ir..r. corpora-t-t-Jli.- - . TttneEe [y hand and offtclaL seBl. tty coenleaton €xplr€sr '7.9a ?O /, (/Lr*n - ''44 ''- - rddte'as )rb, ;s2,, UJ C" gist I 19s0ot a-596 p-goa tz/trlgz to:sa pcaoFt2 enDe P.-EIE o U$ :LE'J _. ;:. r. ::-coNss|T Al|D sOSoRDItlNtr$r Ite underalgnod botde!rEe coverad hr, +116 .^*T^,=+:,q deedr ot t$st upoE thEIi:f EP,.?'.T.T lv .3: "t-'-r.gotlg Di;LHiii" " ir=f;"LHll lli :I""f; #11'f ".1*-1:t::S-tl--e!.o:+t$,aeEffi""ffi .:"1"::tll co|lsant and aucb (Cot?orate seal. : Xi'. \ClbDleolon explres: ll_14 _1Ll .--4?tOOt. A-594 p-9AE tz/17/92 lo:SE .. pc 9 OF ,z ?IRSIE.ATX OP YAI&,colorado colltoration STATE O' CII'RADO } cou',rr oa Eecr.a I tt' ft i$ffit:'qrgarym*":n::sf ::"#&H:i.THtr##HL.p;, on behalf. ot sricb cotForatlon. r'.,fljx:*,.*-." !a!d and offlcrd.tt It atlrata e {t'F$f,*.""***i*"ffio"'o$SoT,*ill _ -:130 A\otc! bIIJ|I ! .i! C'a nr {I t-o .tr o_. EI o a\ r0 Itos6 FortioEa gf lfts H. N, and o, llocR 5_0. VaiI village FirsEFlung' ac<.ording to_ _ - tle lop tt irili reeorded under .RecegElonfiuDber 963EA tn tho_off ice. ot t-rr" f.i-iJtuaty. colorado. cterh anatBecorder lclaEkrs necords I a"".ifi-"1-ie tollor.a: Beginning rt a po_lnt, o_n tbe northerly llne ot Eaiat *a O, *nr"n ,_the northeast corner -ot a.parcel desc'riLo rn Book z3o €t paqe 5s6.Huiii$'4*T"9rh4:!:e$:.ijs**"s,.t,$_:t*d*+lire. s?9.45.00.e fZg-AO feer, io-iil irorthvear cortreF ot viltage:irr .elerc?--n-cordca-t rt,,!. acecrdlu* to i " op thereof- ,_..rrira_i rr,_Eook 3{9 at page tf ot'ttre ciiiil.in._.o"; thence. along theveaterly line of €6td vrlrage rar iiai",-. conatoniDiun, so9o3o.oo.t{3?.61 fa€t; rh"o:31 g^"_p"rtr-"g ".id il;Ilrry rtne, l{r9o4?,08_n ?o-o?feet; thenc6 st2,:.?-6:l?:t ei-ir rtir;-ir,lncc rrg"{?.oB.B 61.{6 r€cG,thsnce slocla.5z..r-69._6e,fe"t, t"-ii" ni.t[erly tace of an exisrinsbutldtns; thence ths f.otlorins. rro-;;;" ai.ing -the ;iir,i?ii'inoeaetetly f,acea of_s_1ia- j"ijftis-blllTdr"g: {1, sz9os8.5r,E 6.35(e€t; {al slooot.'o9-ti 6__a1 f€et-; -tu"-ni.,- deplrting ir,.. "itlirvtace of €ald axls_ting butrdlngl s-?-9'+.0s.8 83.9f teer; thenc€rlo ole' 5e"B 3e. 60 f-ee-t-; rrence 5i g oli. da.s ez. os i!"t. -i,J ir,i'.i&a'eesterly rlne of vtriage in" irrra. a condooinruo; tience rhe!gU9"l"S three co^u-r-r-ed "fons ""fd-;-.ct"rly lirr", (1) s09o3o.0O-w50-91 feetr (a) .sSO-o3O.oo.E it.60 ?.;-;- t3) Eogo30.oo-w ?.ir6 reer,to tbe Dortberry, rrae. ot vrrtagt-iia ptazo pha€ea r and rr,accoldt nq ro rht oaD itEreof ,eco?"i-ia soof rga "i rigJ.i-ss -or th€ cl€rFs Recolde:_ tboaco Ehe i"ii""ins four courgei -iioog- tlr"northerty and B6_d-t_e.rly lln66 _of ""-fo liii"g" tnn plazr phsgea r andlr; tlt N8002a.az.H _ias.tg reitl--(zi'icz"tz,zt E 46.01 feet, (31g8?o06'46.1f 49.{s f€€r; - il f -'sr'oXir".oz-n s3.51 feet to rh6nortbedaterle cornar ot flrst AtrenJiant to Conaoafnii. irip -of. Vlllag€ ltur plaza --phase V Condoninlusa, accordr.nq to the dap'- th€rgot reeord.d- rn the cl€rk'6 re."riij' trrince inJ ioi r;;rn;'ih;6ecouroea .alons rh+- n^r-rherly _ rrne- oi' 6aid Ftrsa ;;;e;;";-- ."'' - = - .ff ffiffi"i.tr.. 1;ffi i:{ l'"ir-,tu";ft. ;i,i# -ri "fiffi lifi,L"*q r _ !|:9?:{fl5| 5r.a-3- f Ser. to t}re "*lr"ili rlne of gaid Lot }t: rboncefl0oo43.00.H 165-,76-f^eet.- along aaf.a re-e.terfy llne, to tbe northHs8t.corner of a.ld Lot j{; -ther|cei. "f"nE -tlir-e xert IIne ot eald Lot N.ll00o23'00.1t SO.OE f€et, to the "drtU"Let corner o( aald parcel 99sc-r{-h-sd 1n Eook ero at psge rsoE-iie clork's Record€ i lhe'cerhc tolloHtns rrg !911q?",!1gnq th€ i-o"ii,".ri ana .irte-rrl-irnif-oraaf.d parcet: (lt s?9o{6;o';e iei.ii-iJic, rz, Nroel{.oo-E r47.q3l6et, to the Dotrt ot blglnnlnE, -ciniiinrng ,.r32 acraa, Eor6 orlaas. Uti131 o EEBIEII! E (ltgrched 19 and foalng a patt of rleclaratlonof_ Baaeaents anil dgb€e d"hd-L;-;ber tsr19e2.1 =-:.-.-:::=:=".:=r:=..----r=+-r That part of tot O.to the Eap thereofoffice of the EagleaE tollors: Block 5-D, VaiI viUage Fir-st Filiqg,.accotdtngrecorded under Receplion lfumber .StbAe f; til;Couuty, Colorado, Clerh and R€corder. descrlbed ;:rSeglrEinq at a polnt oE- the che northerly line of sald tot o thatis also the norGheasrerll, qor;;;;;i.-puri"r described iE Book e3orc6:-F--tbe-sasf;{€rjr.+"-:c;fGo},,--.e=rk_snd_g#sd$**--.-: . =:.- - 5::!:ut' eald Farce} -.gurrentlv beins- kno'n -as -lt ":-Elrg!r.y"r;.:#-r'i€qtat'.'#'"i$'I;l-ll;:t"i::i;":'iFJ,11#-'+tri#"l#--:-accordtng to the eondoniniurn- crap thlereof, recorded in Book 3{9 atpaEe tt, in the office of--rhe EusiJi"-uh.v. cororad.o, Cle.rh andi Record€r, thence' ii""g_ ttre vJst-erri-fir," or said vr.rlage rnoplaza. s0go3o'00"Ir 3?,61 teet,- t-J-i'n* E,r" point ot Begrnnrag;thence-,- conttn'r'ng a10ng e-aid resterly llne. s09030.00-T 102.21feett thence, depaltins"satd """t.iii-iine-, N?9o4?,08.' 6?.05 teetirhence s10o1z'5t"H 3e.-60 i;"r: ;-"r""-iii6"ou.08.,H 8r.93 feer. ro.-. the eaarerry face or an _ex.lg1i;g iiiiiEi"lil.theace the foltoring clro - cours€s alonsr rhe eaat€r_1y_ari;;;th;;i; !1q.t of said enterins- . buitdtng:- iri *io.oi;,is;B'e-ai ;;;;-i;i N?eosB.sl.w 6.tF reet,thence, degrarring ihe-nortrreriv -ii.i oi' ^s-a_io exisring buirding,. mo"lq:V:s 69-8l feer; thenci iii;tiios_E 6L.q6 fe€r; thencell3eo56'27"E 63.51 feet, s?9o4Z,OA;i-Zd-oi r."t, to the True potntof Beginning. containing 0,335 i".e".-iJ." o. tn"r- 193AOt g-596 P_sa!l2/t7/92 IO:SB Pe tt oF t2 I ot;13?I Eluara c IlitrJs*f".:il-fft" ffi 'LHE I* ItcnE_o**It rr€*- aF 1?8. rcra?aFiR8t 193oot a-s96 p-E4a t2/J7/ez ro:se PG t2 AF 12 That prE! of Lob o' Dl-"gI ?-P' Va:rr Village Flr6r Ft_ltng. acc6rdlngto th6 Dap tDercot recordGd uncer rec-Jp't-tii'rro.u"t 9c3oa in th€office of tho Eaate county. coloraa", -cl J,i-iia Racord.r. (teocrlbedaa folloyr ! :==8€gr 6n!ng-.:i -r r=i*t-s::_Lhc_ !$e-::._e:hc=li_.!in€_€S_+slat_ta|_O_:hc=:.19a-IooLbenoriteaster{yc-orIclorap.Bg1da3cribedinBooI230 ii:$ilrqti*r;,:ry1':"*iri'+i,r*rffi ffidlols sald aorrherty- ltn€, -i?a;{;;6;:;"'1o. oo rEat; thence.dspart-iag aald northerly-fine. sii; ri;o6iy-f o.'or f?et; thonc€ 23.56feet a1on9 tle arc of .a crrw8. to the left, t"riog " r.diu8 of IS.OOI:9!:- f centrrl anste .r_ ro;o6-; oo"-,- -jnE-'j errora chicb Dears9l!:!9:90"8 2r.?1 tler:. rh.Bce_-szg"io;d'rie- 5e.5e r€eti theocas32.56.27.p?1.6E feet., tt.rrce frig;ie ,,id.itr'-aa fser; lheDce st.9Bte€t aloog th€ arc ot,! curT_ct _t9- -!h€ rlght, havlDg a radiua ot. 35.00 te€t, € central- aD-gle of so-o0o;60;]-aii a ctorc rbtcb bsaraN3rto{6.00.H {t.io fe.t; _dbeocc u:_o-"_ll.bo.e i,i.es teoti to rhe TruePolnt oE BeelDnlDg . contaloin! zsoe .i,iur-" ?aE , Eor€ or lsss. I o Srs F $$ 8EH TFI s:$ s$$ A taSdoad .3JV4i!.A ;-, !l 'I\ti -.'' I - tr'?'- - -t.-t; III','' Q, li t''r) trtr'/I t', ! loI ,iJ' -4i. / .t.: I ' :'j., ' a,{ | '"''. '', t:',,/'.I I /i./ \I + l'{ . 4' tttll t.$ I I I! t.t\ Itn,L U *tA I-:i t, i'5ir |i i t II )-iLtr\'l .$r'l iYf I g r. rllI.Jl,b/(, od S; ,3 u ii;$!i $l:i $ $u'i,-' t-.] Lrtu .Jrt),_ tJ.\ t- iit r ",!^"$ ,'l9 \- t: -il _r: - ?' --L ', .f€ iI'r'-"./ \,s t\ -{ k q.r $ a I b F' o d\)''. ( ,tl t'\.r .l ;,; \ty$.i, \lJ !' I .s ! \ :s L ir t,'t,(,'t ,ri "III I ,t F(tItt;tt.\i t It- I.I t ,, I't, AI I a laf- c1#nt (.i $ L9l riilt, ' o o ,o ;r t; TIY l.i: T! IE tt t g: !F i;itfii iii;iii:i;;il -'l;ii:il I lFiriti l\u, \J p vts t. I n s .t I": -.:\:i;rY:i* j >-t I /^i lllz, Lf/tk i,/tcli/ r1 IitIli l; l'I'L tl itt -t Ilr :.1rf n !ritllr.l rltl.t trt 'i':,rl-'i,E ,-€- ,t , di .farff- ,T'= $ #i r iftf.fr _l-_+_r nr I r r-i,rfr,ri q fN; i-J= vr'. I l.-J k)t t'r b l* ii t:' "--- i 4i I-" ,.J- _ \J.\ rJ t1 L) tri\,--; -tjf, t-- "'l:r I-:_*--rlr,' I J--' I v -*J-- striiiii, r t$r, I _,J: $s T{ e i! rl :l lrt iil I I .lif ti,. T i-i!' E+9Nt7t! o at if J tilrlll.i lr. : i..lt." lill itJI;-1: ilt JI h t I o t' t ! f- t ffi ffii ;iiiiii ifil i# ? riEr!! rii!ttli!irl il::ri :t:ir I lr; : I!tc'riii;riE! 3 i:rriiitiii!' ii!t.!8l'. .t:H ilr irli; jjr ;t r l=lrr!.t-t.'ril iit :l!iilll i ;irii! I tritzi€rflii;tti?..1 !ilf ti! gii crt.iiti : r:i ti' I ll.r 6.!It; tli lli t,l ' iil tJ" " at r'-l . "; > "6i;ti!l ".}'il !5t!inti"!tt '.ii . 3Irlli..trt !!u.;;iti!:i $s t$F.r Ft i$ ,,, .-l .$I HI3I sB $$ t€ t\- l'-u,q bt r$ { .s {s.. I E L E t (t .j u P q I d TJ l{l dI \t ai lrrO5t tlta.lar! rl ,u.zg*ltlllk o 12tI I oo t t t A8Ii..|J ali.L 'rl:n DI v UE'E:l€R0La'D tt:tlatf v-- Ll,r--: A.\J lira9gi.Iirr!o t .1 2zZl sz r !$si:iTs: !ha! vaII YIrrAnG aN, !.$. s co:?c:s::.1 d:iy c:g-^'r'3g{,e=C e-lsir-g '::dar aad -:.'S';L-tEc oi ih: io*'s c: :he Siale oi ColorCo , ei Cre first pe:t $e:ciaafier refelieci :c as 'rc;c3tor"), fct a g;ood ald veiuzbie ccasids:aiieu, lhe re:ciat r..:e:ec..i - l:e=;i5 ac-:=cu!.aieei, ':Jas ::e:eb:' . t:aot saco E?!Y CP.oS $ I:.'CFJ3 ASS0CI4TLCi:, !{C,, a corgrrei:c8 duly o:aar5ei aad exj.s:iag ',:l'der .-d by v:::ua o: Ehe Ial.r€ 3f tbe Stace o.f Colc:ado, ci c.re seco:d aer: (he:eiaei:e; :efe::-ll ;o a: "6:'-.sEee"), aori Eo Ltg 6ucca6aars aad 33sl.ga5, a ;lghc c€ fl.y €!C eas'Er'! -,.-r ---' :^- 5.-^ ,i^ir rra F^ncrrir.r r.F6'nG-,I.r-r r.e?ei!, chaage, ealafge, fe-pbase,- -a-r * og€rrc: esd Et''l,::a j,n aa otdcrglouad :l:ctrlc sraasEa:ssioa e= d-jr *iir:dloa lj'ia - or bo!b, r.-ltb ahe ucdergrcu=ti riauils, c.oariuit, SirEu:es eld eqsiprteDt usel or useable in c.ona€ctton iherer:irE,. 'r!t::::a a stlip c: i'rd (:iEuate ia ihe Ciu:fy cf-faf!-ild S:a;e of C;1o:ailc) te!fee: 'ir Hidtb bei:8 -, fiTe f,eet o: either siCe tf :iie cea:e;ljaes iesc;5ei as fol.icrs : :.: i:a--'.: j- r: e. :c=-: J::5: S3'.::r. 5:re oi:.ci 0. 51c..k 5-0, irai-. '::'.1:.rl:- 3---s: iii:-r3 is':i:':a!e i:. Secil'.c: ':. ic-'rsi-,:---,5 S-''.l..':, r.1,-- -. -.'r- :.'--- = 'r .\. :-^- -'-^ .^..r:.at..' C3Ti.€i c: r:id 1.:3 bc::: 3:':th 32o3j:i0" !a::. i.9 :=,r?:: ::s;c: llc::i- ?1'C!:' !:?s:! l;t..q :!ea:; r!:.::rc: S:u::: E2'1€' ;.c:, :.:. :Ee! -j :" ., ;:::a c: E:,::;:'i ii--e oi saii ii: ) r'ie::;e :1.- Se'::l:e:s: C:::cr :j s:j.d Ll: 3 'cee:s Ssuil :C'23'!0'' ;as:, l'.7.j fee:. - . -;::L;: :-i-::: :: :iibr i{. :.:a-.'-'. ::.v eJ -'.i! ::c:r, ':::sh:s, 1'.'j;r.::::3: ::d c'i:;r,:cE:ons a,.a '- a t Garstor ;ovaoealhat tr ir tbe qgrc: o! =!a absne aeef"a st.tp of laEi !,,,r *!r! ' rucb 3 &ac aad claar of elclobtsscet ard llear excep: fO A{-,€ :ii9 ?0 ln:J sali rlghi oi sav ord eas€re:E, :ogei.}e: s.ith el,!. ard slagule, '.:s:c ::a C::ri€a, i!; s1;;gg;;..gg a*.i asal-eas fcre.,,gl" .i.r,,_.-*ri_-: f.^-=lijof, :::i::c: ..::s c:r:c-d l;S ::+a=a:e a=.3 :o -sg -:.:fe_::=c, gi:bsc:ibed by irs ="si5eBt, e:C lis co-ro:aie segl :c be L.eieuaic cj:i:ci, r.!!ert€d 5y :;s Sec:sia-:r! :: :i-.j.; ;i-.a : ii; day- of fiove=l-:r aS i5e ?:csidc:: a=: i'nre !:. S:aufer it )i o_ f.i_8021 sTATr cF ccLoPsDO.) EAGII couNTY. 'J.a I hareby cerfily that thir irstrvmenr w.as fied ior pcard in rny ollicc tie,%., ateau.iL:_ eil_at 7.- ='4=-!-4-U., and ;s iul,/ ,ft..3.4 13 oo a t I 248731 li'dlll'fit'!['rt,l!i rrhtbl! A) t+*nar I VAI L vll,tA.ili INu al;x.r*l^Tls $$5l;,t$|ii.5!i,ffi fr tr1l;i,x.lgffi :::" .:,.::;::::j: li.iiiil'tir,rfor,rn undersround Glacrri. ' ' -" r"tttr'n! crrcririi- lj.ne rs rhoHn on thc ffi*#*i*t*h**'',,'lfi dr''i:;'i:ii :*" ii",*.jr;.i,;"ji T.:;.:;.*i.,*, inr".rrJiurii....t !Iii:t:.rTr:;l".ij::'j:i.";,it,?t.jri..:rfffl:,","00.ii:^,j.j,,..o...no..h.0 ffi ',:,,;::.l i i1,1*i:: r;:;, :: :. i;,?. ri ;. i u lr". i",*,.r" ;::, .r. lYr tI .EtsiaiE oF coLOR^Do COU.TTY OP ENCLE I )33. K#j: : "ffjrjr, tt o* r aas cst bt, o, zIrr r5s'fun5-_-_:_ E .nd 'rffiy*'n.! th e-t- o!f lciel :/ -t rcal. ? -c(,axpire! : - r- I o I tltrtr t? I A. p.?c.l-cf frnf fl--frrr O .S ?, X oC- t-0. ,rll ?tllqrrtrr rtthr, ?orr o! yertl Lrli-c..i"r, iiriili..-iii.rror. pfrftcul.rly d..cr r.a er tollorrr- !tct! tl|c r! rh. &n!i...t T?o.: of ,.l| tJ! O. .l.o b.inar pornc cn !h. ?rrlhfrt, sttrrr{lr, rtr ii i;iiri.io,Drtv. i Il9t9l.fl:lf:001 r lrfr rhi 'ou3h.rt, tr.r c! |srr ret 0.nq t.t6 Erc,h.slt atthhla., llla o! lrat ttada, Drtra adtrr.nc. ot tl.t! frri ro ttr ionrhlrr .onii-J-nii. f ofv.ll vtllr!. Ins ttllENc!.rlo d !h. bouodrry o! !br.a I ol yrtl vtlt.ta tnn Bnalollo rtng llvr crurrr!: ll lt'..ll'02. ! r Ctrrrnc. ol 51.9! !..ri1l l,.cocr Nl9.!0'0O. y r dt.r.ncr of li.rlC frr:; il llrcncc !t09.!O,00. ! r drrrrocr o! i0.r)0 lrti1l ftcncr ttt0'30,00. 9 r dtrtrncr of !6, i0 toci5) tHf:{CS tf09'lo'C0- Z I dtrrencr of r90.rr-iiii so r9olnE on th. norEhrrlt ltn o! r.ld t B O rrd .outh.rl,r18hr-of-rrry lh. o! soslh Fronc.tc told ot tntcrrtii.'Xlgh 4y tlo. ?0i TltE$:L 3t9'46r0(- E rloog !h. trorrh.rl, ltn. o! rrlC tot O.n/. rouCh.rl), rtlht-o!-voy llnc of |.l.l Sc,rth lronti6- torrl. dl rlrncc o.' 1r9.27 tcaG to !h. north..rt.rt, eorooi o!ritd lor o; TllgtlcE conttnul!a St9.a6,O0- ! rlonS tl|g no(thrrl, ltn oltrld Lo! ? aod rosrhlrly rtghr-o!-r., ll.r. o! r.li to$ab!ron:jr8t Ro.d I dla!.nc. o! 4a.6l.trrc to tha oorthytrrcornEr of !hr! trrc! of lrnd d.rcrtb..l lr bol, lll 1j f.r.23t ol rh. todlr ter of thr Br3lo Codory cl.rt .r,a f."oii..fTltEl{,:l SO8'l,5.0:.- g rlon! t.h. r-.r.rl, I(nr o! |rt.d f"if Z f rrl f.rllc ZJ, tr.(i a dlrlanc. cl 6{.!! f.r.! !g. c.rtoE on ahaec.tcrly llna ol trtd trrcti tltEHg:-corEtnstrg rlon! th. rr.c.!!, lt.r. of r.la. trrc!550'itr12- 9 r rtrrrncr oi 4{.{t lcrt to r pofac ci'iiie..tcrlt ltn. ol rrld lot !; THEIC.: S00'2lr0t - ! .lon! rh. .r.!.rl:, ttnr o! .rld La p r.tttt.rrcc of 216,2! l.rr to !h. poltft O! lECt Nl8C. IJ I t\I 14 t , ii$ .#;' !'' -.*i',,;,i!iii,, i,,j.*,"iiiii .,';.11 ;ggt*, , ):t '..,iii+rl'it ''.,;,'1tirffiilTi'i',;i'',, ;;,'#i,*i;*.,, ..r r1rtr*i[#, ."i:: i,;ti,'f# ' il il;;;i;*'' .o' roi'.. ', i: '$r*l$Tii.. ,. --, -..r "l i'o il!,!!tlt.l!:- .r rr. ^..octr!rrr !!lt ,.t ttIt l0 l0 l0 l0 l0llll ;ii:i,' ,r..,,t'., . ;:iAr., Arrc. t.jr -- --l-::- " rn' ^.roclrll.iilli;',:';l' '..,,+:':t i . fr;;;|';' 'r Aturr"-ln't.ot lor Owrri:tr.';i;-.it'. .:'i.::.' e. o!;-:-:: ,,. . ,..,; r "_ ._.!f ..aoltrtlot l.ict(.na -.--,. , . !. ]lx. .nr iiiliil.'*', ,.. :Iotrrt, ot lr..ctrttoi iili !:.' .,,, ,l 1a'::i'i3;1;]':-tiro rn, ue,a.r,,jli - :,,', .,t,' q tbcrlep- iiili,iii-".. | .ll.*iti . .':' i,:ii,fi." ,;i,;' ,, i: ffffi;l: b t.ort'uor r .:,':ii:t,.'i:. ' r' Llll.d lrrhr. i,.l;t, .i lo. ar....nl_te. ca-ir hp.nnrr i''.yii '.i Ar lf,ttrrrtr.'rl!i' :,..r'l ., A' , sltr.aloi- '-*"1 illq;:.,-':.1, .;r1 , r. . lpFrlton'lntr ;tii,,,,il I *:ii$fii.l3',f;'illttlt'r',rrorn.r _1it' i; . r. ,;lr, . . ..: r, Jrr'|on.l orlttr oi ;::; [r ''l jt i,.jf,',i, ,iiiliil:'t$$I'i'*ff:H";'t'#::.-;,. tllllill lluIIllltltl. la lal. ta Itttt,It rtii :. . .c tcla ail lrr'n*r-r- _ .1 i_i' le . ,brtfrf tnt a Coldottnttr _ hlosllii -arl.a: (brtn crr orld Obtl8.rto{ . ' ij H li:i:llj"*.;, ri.,,,.n.. l. *t*ffij-u;;;-. Lr.!,ro$r or ^,,rrro{ L?ocktlo! .. At tlaoar-t r-frct -- I\r.Sr rnd lL.t?urttoa 6dE ttor I H::[*.- ct lotr{rrrrrrc! I ': !: ffrl:i',lill* ': :. .r rae la.el ..!!fr . Itlca il-rraa,tl . !. Drratlsn rt D.!r.r.tlon :. r.a-|t.ed la?rLn.tto! ,. ii iliilil'it'illri,llx.',.,,.. :;1 i: Hil;;..::..?: , :i i:::::::,1:","^ftt o'h'ttr ^!dr.,. la ll It ,! I l. . lb umrjiiiia..r . : r..aftctlo!. o! lat.{taI $ii:$i::r"dff. It ItItIt u 2tllll 1l 1l 22 22It 22 22 23 1! l! et la t.":l":.' l:i':; F:,. -: d,J- :. rl ;- i". '<i:" ;:'t" irig- i',ri''rirl;1. rrf - r,'.J:.' t:r.(ai.'!. ;,i.:. |lr lt ilv ffiffiI'$ffii#ft,, rtu.act -rm r.r.a{! . utl| Drr:ltLtttot. r, G.lorr,l,r r."...t n..inj-1t.rd r{l.r.,l litr bt Yall tlllrie lnn a..nct.t..r Irrrtcr tr'.-rr,eii'ri;'i;T'jJr,li,.:::::l:rf.":.,'r,"T:1 i;. i.i;;.;;l:l:;;;.: r I t f r | | | ? rr _ l lttAi. lrclrrrrrt m:: il#i:1,'# * *ix:il, li:r,,:... : :: l, ;T r",,,.,., i I : r r. J;:. tj; ;ll.l,.:jl*lji'f.".'.""f#l;'...:j:i::i:,,':';:l:i .,i,..:..Jlh:ti,lil: tlltltal Drc I trrot drr !:tl;:;,ll{T;',r,.:::iili: L:::ill"l,""'l'i;.'lL::':i Li"."lJ:,'tii";,:.lntut ar.rrht;--r -srrrlo'|r tlrh!.r ollltrtlon. rrrl ll.lt.tl;-;; ;:il: . - tX;ltUlr tt rlat.nt drtrpLr ornrtihl p ii'ilir -jlt-Yr'bt . '.trll I rh r ptra tlr th. .rp.rrtr t..r lil i : I: : i'. 1;' if :.:: * "Fjii;'t',','.il;l'i' :I'i l'' c" ^.t..iiii..,' i *. jf *iltli ji':n.l*J:f,i.i"l; jl.t*:.:i".i#;i.lf ji,:l! :rf *:"-1ff**..#i':'if ffi *iii,ii..i.,-iil,friiiiitt'tt tt.r.on'*i.i;' ;"T15. r| [ntt"r't tr th' rrrl ;:ll;.::;'l;i -;i:1,';..111;*. ::.ni:,*i:::'..'ll*i:,ii'# #i:in t *;:, i..",*l**'til--r.'"lil.ll.,.t11,-,,".,'#,.,,T,i "i,:j..Si:li,j:i;., lXl : 0,.-r. r,o-ii-,o;+i'fi :"irr'f .? t'J[:f.."-(rrur oi!.,thr r r. r. corq. k. ttor. rr tl;. t -iiFlii !r'r th' attach. of loc.rrForrt(oo or !h. A..,,c!r- *F*.in".1;,...^,*T,+"***illil.?f #; ji,.".l':t:::i rer'"'1 e 1 ;r.;' ;i:ii ilii r r.",'.il,*..# 11,,.,,;i, [10"1".,:L tn, l]: ;rlli trroct*toai '!g.:!-g!-!:r.f:.g' or -g{. ..rn tl. tov.rirrt b.rrr, .rt rtF .'..,., .,li,n ;*:+1*i3...i"i..i?.r"r:r:::ri!. thr ri,rrdrnr trFrovai.,rr. , ,. .!!r't. rrnr tha t..-ta.a oa rha &.oclatlor. ; ::' * r F*,*ifln#F;.lili:j!'..t1;'l : :' 1,,'Ill: l;.. I: :' t;' I I :i -h.r.ln.t!f? rrttorfr'lni--tl' r'(\ 't'r"rrla[ {olt lr .hrr-r on lle ih}, I r.lirlrrlra. la.i3lrl.il by r nrl|t|.r r|.rE.n tul .,r,1 ryJA. !+lx: a : fJ: i:.\';. 'CG. b.i..r. -.ia an{ lecldral ll:,ij:,.'- l.tr,rrtr rr.r..{ ...r.,.! ar. o.r."r D, i. frr ,'rrr- ' ", i;",;'fi'.';?' .?.,lli,'xi.Tj, .?j1,,.*..rlll..il:. ;:::f , '. ,', llr,'.1frI'.rtl;i'l;i.fr tsFn .. rt rrt'r..o,ti .r rhrl I;r'fi:::lirfi,:i [S:.r.iid.:rHr.[:i : . r,ilir " t1(::.t { -1 (l) rlt of th. I.nd .njhrp.r!t. - - -'- ""|-'la all.t tr. t.rt of t6 ..: l" iritt,lr,t'"-ttt t'^" cotu'n' ' ll'lt.'. L... .'a .{Ftort. a? . j rijj j: l.i :,,Iirj.,?; [r[ri*;-::,'i''i: ": : ::, ;:* (ll lL -.,.rt,,. yrllr ol I torlJtr_a ::: I'j'",. :'* ;i i - "1 ",',i' i,l'il un..11. ili, ll"l:"T, y;-ll: (s) .li l(r..... (rIr,r1y1. 71lor.rer. \rllr.... .,,rr,1."r. _'tL. frlt-rnc..r rrtta, al.tat|rta. !e.rnJrv r."... .,j,,. 'rll-,-* _rll{t'.. ..!.rll.. il,r]r rr....v.rtrlFnrr. ., ...1. -.r.....:T:_. :.?t".' .l'.. ".r,... rtE trr..r.r'r.r., rr ..,,,,.,i-,,1i,;'il'Hl;:,.:llrtrt'1. .!.u. ... -l- o (6, ru .arllrr. .."rt:. trt'lgr*:F*ri#ffi fi$!...3,f,ilH.j':{,ili.#,{,..*.?T I::,,?'.i,.'i:'J;'.,;;f ..,;:.,;i:.:i*..I;I,j,,?j-;.H . '. :rl ': r'l ..:"r, .- -'l'.r.ria,#;++- -rrrr rr{ ri rir. r !:::,o..'. : : ae ir,r d, ;,'jIT'*{*:1..f #S } I i'l' t; lil l.'I ;":;, l5,l,itl,,e, .oe 1...t_. r.-, i* j,, ..n,ll,X_:;,. :JrJ #lk; 11- -.ro.. * ,*Ut't' -.ffiE=u.' .Fr rh..r c.rrrl c-.. tr..,.41n:t:.'; fi* :."'.',T:'$ sifi*j,. *x.F iiff .,ip., fi 1:; T:#..tf :.,shx;*'r .; Hj., L?T.:: :; o!. P' '!!t'rrnr tta oaoa:!r- .., a..Grrr_a rr,r..ts.rt: t rf- lrll,: " " Jff';'L-ii';t?';.l',t 11 r,..'I. ;iH. :r r I.lE, :: ?' 'P!U!!g'' rtrrrrr11 11.1 1, *:.t:: l. ::i i -. rrgr. -*-, ; _.fi lr. ; : l. Ift:1f:':::-_.1 redr:tr. ff,,lll'i .'.Itrclud. r.r/ !..o.--.-ffi ,LrilIXl, E :ll,.1l-T :';',i:. ::,: :.H.hcJ_rct rrcrrrrtT tr aq.t r.a aarrlrtaian.. d aalaf r. llrlr hr,:lrr.rrtcc. ahall --r .d .o_r _trt|rt_c"r.tt{ r llrr q ro, _1. -a:,a. D.cL.rrt.r. .brlt o!1,.l I rbrt!.ra.:. r d.lt..a .!^?r. rrn L n{ al.rrla t !.r bcd ?rta I qa l; -'#., ;f.,'f,.t::::-1' j,:'.T-.,, r. r.'.t i.' t.- d.. I d.i,itTH,',*.,,*. jj:. j5i :',11fi",,..f,,f ;'il[:.:. j:?l;,t l;,:.,'..in.:]3;:]t fSl. I'' :: J::j,:: X, I lli.# :, : Jt n I hJ .. bc r. r.*. i, *- il"Tlj', ij ;:, .f.',,".. lT L:' X t I ll #, .I :;: occurt.d tl; ,*ffig' -anr r.:.orxrorlnt.- urr' 'ri ;t! iffi i t,' r *i; d jil.ij'i",'"! i^.,'i ';:?Hi',F' ": ;,.' "i-: ,xlt.-_:*i,:,ii..f ;r'n,:j;i.jlrH*l:,, j.:,:.il:i ..roo, ..'.'*...iH.f :,':,lilij l.ij;.i.lf i:;: -.'rr! p.,h.r. cq5r,- ,.o'-o,.u;'r.r'ffi'.;;t.ll:...lr* ?.'F,r'. h*.rr.. r.rr ,r.r* r.- - tr. l' '!E$:'O.r. rh. rrrt proFrrlr d...r,r-a rr rr\r\lr .. h...- .F f ''a": . I,l,*1i,li't,13,,,*',.h::1,,1.--bl.. . {.r,ur bri:..{l*:.ti.lrlnl'iijff::.'.f i".ffjil;il'i..':.,',5';,.1*tri;; j*11"T.5"i-r-,f ,;{ilESr ...srrr.r ..'i.iiirii.r.?,f o l,f$"sj'.r5i*g,::Jfi :i1Ti.*iil?:H,js, .!t.ch.a ;;.al l.r.l a..crtrr tcr ot ttr frrfrrtf a-{r,rba b lAllll f ::',::i. *.#l' il',H :nr'.r,ft ilg. j :,li m.:-..T m:ffi$s*.+r:LT*::i};.$.g*.,_;x :'r1..,*.t&*iii:s;glf:ti1*t#fte* t. ttr hltltq .._ r. arr_-.._ .- ."..-,,, j*l1Tr51.f-ii,;1i:;l.L-.:ffi j.r.L..Ftrr. $$ta ra LqFrr.a I -r*- *$+ffi996* rta |I t- *,rd . r: l:r iii!-l oo :I*'1"'lirhti'. Tfi,:Jt::t.lr rrF.r.'.,r'r.r.hr! In rhr r{f{?r. .rirr 6n '-t nr". -u;, ;,[;:;'T;'r::l:.i'l;,".1,;,13i1, j l ..r. nr -. i i-',r'iii [::tiT.t?.TU-r.1t*1,]'t.r,itr t'.- t''r.di'iJ i r'hr..?" Brc'F! 'r.u . r r *,ii a.;l'il l i i'Ll ;:'.1i'.1 ;:{*i'* 5;;;;. t ;i' l'.'t:* ": l:l .r"r,l; ofjlE.l*H\{;+:. tb-J.,'l ro th. il,,!rnr,r,,n rh*i.,r, rhrr.cl .lrlch la accirrtbl. g-1t-t - l'ttnttlt'd 'tq th{ rrt. Aar brlcoa;, ar qal-'llr. r^d r.r"r ri.,rtrr,J.rro||r. ""€t'ltd tlth or thtcl .dlaln(r) | cr.l.,.ln-tqrthrr rrtricnc. ;;;;;.:rj r,trtt.d..6-.^ El.r,nr ,,n .rr. ,.1 "n.if .-riii.,i,.rctu.lo'r .t ,r,i "".'iill.:: 'i:t1.ln con'roctto|t rlrrr !,rch r:.i.ro.rur,r" i.'irr.rntr, crcelr ii rifi,iiil"'lt Dt tl|. othrt o'n.r. ot th. c.n.r^t co..r,r itr- ,r. "l-^.fiiiHiy*li*#^.qg1!":rtrr,,r. _ an o.ir?,t 'tn,rr,rr.{ inr.r..t rnrlt..rr',rn.n! .^a .i.ri"i',r""t T t'nttttntt ttnr tl't crndo.l"r". tn rr,r..,, ii i.rant,r .r.; au"ii- ii."r"ll11tl. tc lo ronvrvrd or 'n.urhr?.d 'tr't rtrr c..niro-d..d o? oti.r toJ,r,-ia."" ttrt t' m! rrplrrrl; r.'tt lon.d a? dr.c?lD..l r., a t. D..c?lntloq o! . Candortnl{r. ( rr{ o! 1i,. ^o.tlilLtil"oto:-:", "t' ot I cona.rt'rrr. tr.prred prrrr t,, thrr,rnhrr rhorn oo friiiii-iI..-! C.rcrtb. ..1,t Crndortnt.tr b, thr Oridort ntu.:lon.. Dlct.rrnt.r hrvr J:::"\d !retr15 (ei ''rch oth.? Fr.. rrt ld.nrptc.-rn tr,. a,'iif-oi'.ii..',irjlii"l:.1:ji:'t bt trt Frdr 'viri.li iii"|iiii'r . 1' &rbr'l'hrt r:--th.-_t_lltnr o,--a* o, .,la rtcordtlt ol ihtr x:.1i,'i:il"..''"'J^,1 i;ii'il;.iti*: j: ;, r f h;k, n.,, o..i t- r!-'..il; -|.a^d!,|tl ntul nurLt tolloiad ILon6oru4i.,,r x.r rh.!.o! -..tt;;;';;;;":iitll"ill'll;.:t.:::.;tfil'litll:rato -' .nd .. ir.ttlid ra tnr col,-EiiiiiifriliiilT;..lr".ol lttol _-.t : Ll;; .'.:..TiL ra; ii rt'S .-. g- o,l o t a.s ii,' ii lil lT "#iJ,. ;:ra;i '"t. t,.n,in i]- i";l;;^.;.:F _.'rd |'tr(lc!.nr tor rll Frrporr ro ..1t, .on-bqt .1.o, ttr. o.n.r. i' ;;t1-:: -:t t*tr('r 'f !'ct ntt oolt ttrr conaori.r.r.crrl-3terotr .p;i.;;',:l:Ent' -'oJ !h. r ltht to th. 'rro o! th. Ltrit.i[-'s;i: . :i ri:tli ;'l::: ff Tff:i:' :'"'.".:,'.T..' Ti'."T i# ;jfi eo,eo :I.unrr 3 th. r!.rhr f ? 1o"t '1 clRro !1.!.nrr -6r.:lch .rl not r.t.iiiic.rDt !:.,!nt. .oo.ri."t "a 'o th' tpt!,Prlatl ltclo.(r. .r.. of tn. Ll.ttldItntrrtl...,r. .rrtill-."."i11.-thcrt!oi "'l tlr. oth.r ....rr.o Dr tht. D.cl.t.:roo, nc"' e'"'r..'!trr'.'^4,';iJ;:'"T'r'.tl.lilli"tl'lli: C, lhr rrfrrrncr.n.11 b. dc.E.d to tn.lud" .,r-tl tF lr"o tnd D.elarrllon ln .nt lr.trui.,rtrtloo. rrthoui ....iii"-i"riil.::i:ltl::.:: "'nd"nt. to rh" rt p or D.;r.;: .". ;'*'3#*;. |".-!t::.1- -rroa !r.D.t. .hrlr rii^rn {ndrv(r.tt..to! o, !h. C."..jf _i;j.l.or rh.Il b_rln, rn, .c.ton ,o. p.rrrr[on or dr"t-r,or t.rrltton ot . conao.t nr.i-tTll t' strtlrrlt. txr .ctt.,4 rtrett hc brou6htth.t rh. o'.r..i.i J'l"lS:-::t-t: 9t. *"! lhr (ttrcr r th.r.ot. prorlicl ffi ;;.. :,..,....iiili' -tr:|li: t'.!:',' .il"'J;:1'.... ; T:_..'iJ,,. Ji: llil '1r!.. ot hrr ;;.,, J: '*::l"i$h rlthtr ot p.rtt:ron ,. ..y ,..,.'ti :"i ;: rffi*::f=3!!. uroa rh. r.eoid!.nr o! thr. Decr.r.rr,Dr-rot.cor Drclerenr .t.r, ,"ittlll- *j. -l-or trcard to itc cou,rty .t t iii. f :lll i".T,,"; ;li: *{xi'g. ti.,i: I t:! t: l: :L il. .:..,",x ;:Jjli other chrrjrr ;i;;;;::' ro thtt th't"lttt rll t.rcr. ..r..rr.ntr rrr(.Dro,rint rr.trr"r- ; :;;-.,it rnt Frttttc.l .ucllrlrlon or r4_, rp.ci.l ta-.tr....a elrtort rJ ;ii;;It-:tt'"t ri'nt o? ....r.r.nt .'rrhortrt rh.ll b.c..rl.a o!- ar,a a* ,....,r. 'c{ ol "ct cnndorln!rt.. 'rch ,rt dtci rrrrli iro... r". iu r"ir".'.'1'r"'..'.',''..'.'.X,'.1"....11,IiIiI"lrr.rt tr:",I:iT; -t- '-.'ii-j:i {-.. .i'. $g,,,gli:':**,m,,:f;;t,l-*t,,ll+; ,':; jii*i,Hi.:l,fl#;gT;i.F|1i.,H.ii*i*i;,; ffffiffiffiffi or*i. Ltonr Atr'lnrt condorr'r'urr - r.frral hor Lrrn - !!r.e: o, trr! * gfi*rrggfig:"'mffi*,xgg ool ao ralrarall O! --t ,i+ l_i,*N*.*lm*$$rffi Po.i af { ltchrrgl|rl,"ll".f-#i,f ;fr :.,L.*i-"*riF;,..S",T;L"lji,,riir:il,i|.,il ,.,f -6- ". i..t t. It'rnr't***nr*fiiW cr _r.nr .,ll "ii ,rl:.,tt-.: lL-rl't'!rt.t lrilt. rr d.n.r.t tr.r.t.. -f 1.... ;il': J:i, j l';li g il;':.,.-.".i F:lll' .''.'. :'":f '" :,'',..l-l'Ll t : rul. m rrr.r .nttrrinttlb:li';::il:,li,,J;ff;L:i...:xl ff::ill,. , r rirr * ${li1*..';'}'ffi rt*ull.it',*l* ,.,,,15 6lllfiu.1'lll*'lr*r,;qt;;;lF,,i,if lillif ,lit _ & bclrrrnr r.. _::,i;;":.::i:,i:f .i J.[,1";ii.ii fii:iiii'-::,:: i]tj".r;..1:.t': J,:l: il;,tili,1ltri,[,Hllr*t'#'j+I:sb$i;Ii*!ilt} mil lt. Vatloua llrht, .fta t r.rnta. :*r.,.,-,ii,."*ffii..#ffi?ii,i .:,,i.lT il :[#iirglf .'.?;..J:.,f ,il.1,,,iii;;1,.d;iit"r*:.r#i; llr aa.na tt,t***l lh. ^r.oct.tton. rn. rorrd .'t.t rh. t{r.r.t- ::,.1;:."*i*,s..:ff 1#iilF_i.{I.ii:::ll i,?.;* ;:*,i;i,:-#: Gh. dotl.a .rrr luo.irr,Frrrrl - n.c..ll?t o! rrprorrl.r. ,o. :h. pr.t1r.rn.. o,u!d.? lhtt O..frr.ll"n,-.,- ,,rrcn th., .rr obut.a.d o. Frrttt.d ,o f.,,ri iltiii::::::'-ffi+.1fjtryL*'ffii#}'*'-'i',,T'i::t"t:Ornrrr (rnd ,rrara o,r..a.'i'".ftt tc llrlt .c...t ao G.at.trr ll.r,.r. ao ttnr. l;,'*.,1:,,;#LX..T,,"l,.il.i5..iiii:.i_,1.,i..'l..lll"li:* j#:,lil ro n ro r.,. r r. .;;.T;. : :'.";.J:.,:L*.1:.ii,llll li,i.l i, *. *lt l:i ; ii- i= i;.11 'fr.,-::J::..7 fi- :=*,ii..Ti:::..1:.'j:.,?.T.Jff...' rt*. t,r'r,,.c ! . o,. ? rh,iJ.,ll,:lr}-,_9....r.r4;; .cc.r. .nd orh.?_ 'a||iota rttel ala ,*! r : 'nl tll'ltof accara and oth.?hrrr -e rrecr.iii -i...3.j.r:Tj.t-3_T. !tr:,r31.. ...r *,,.. .iijiii'iri,..:;'*:l *:t*...{1li'f{l$ii .l*t :;i:l iff ,S:r*Jy,?;.i.fr.-.:.#...i.r',:',*.:+lTtft H.,;l#: j!::.ITtr.:.i"r"ia.,r.#ff ':,..,.'l'".:ll.iill :1ft ,',,.1lI.,nii. 31:.:l:. ..r r* .irfi.iT;rJ ff.ff."8:::l_rt-tcr.t.- r..t or iii .!na. lr'. rt.cttlcllt. c.r.tnoc.rl r.1rr.r- ----1tl-tot. toclrdtll yrta?., .r'a. .r.. rroctrrcrlr. iilr,;'il ;i.:ili--;rTr,i.,: F#*-ji 3t1:--*::o...il,i'fr Tlliilii!:f lt'.?J.llTll.if .$I.f .l ::ilft.'ll'i,it;.:-r'#.-1 ror-ri d,.rr rr ,ri'Li*,..ro! o? rr. ,hur(rrcm !l|..itr-l-i;r';*=l._.3bro{n ..cL c.Daod'lr'|. .'! to ru c.!.r.[n c....qt tor ttr rrtrtrf to cll' {.'rtq 'rcl a...on-rbta r-rr.- aa .a}'ilGorr trrru - ;:;I"Tt' artrlr cs arpl.c.a! ot_ .ol il- .r,.- C.T.ii.m:::*,'ii:,_FlL#::y':.;.1..T'..._.X.::{A*;S {....od.d- ?ti.lrtct t:-1-' - betr b ttrr iatrrlor ot -7 9.r.-o7l:rn-*;i]:i.3.dL1T:**.il.J:;,,xfljfifu,*:J; L:H.H;,3-l-.iE'l"lx1:.'ti,::,::1"1":r'.t'.ili{i ::f f .';-t{.,,,;jF jl$f '.i':fi ,:'.:'lfi ,:X.l."':TilITi.i: 11 bc r r r. . r.l,.i, -ii,. .'rt:-*? fi :,iH ,. L'.,, ltj,,"1 :li. giffi ; ;::t- tt trr ctoaltro. . r: rrlg ,il ..r..i -irror Go rh. arst..Et.tlb.t.dtra thr tonlrrql. ff .oy .-eci--f-Jr 7rr tb rlult ot ttrc.?.I.r.rn.. ot rsl1glryi ,a-.", ;lr;ll"--a:; h.!.r rh.g br rotrtTr.rro.rtbt. tor rb c!.r. .y..q.o-, -.r'*i.r-rilC .sci a...r.. ,rs rh.Flrpo.. ot fr.tcktrS rr__! r{htr. ar.,.-".i[i--L,3'+.r.rt It brr --rr-r ti r rrrtrc.tc rr.L.t4 udr o, JJratj.th""a ll.tl.tlcr' r...r. ...lit :ffti;3- ,'!ltt"tto'tntt ?hr rrre{tr,..r.'. r.d ?lthrrF:' .f . r i .-- iil-. i if :1.;, ; :ilHI ll.'X, "?.i,'.','." ia i tll:iuitd .h.tl L aeca t 4r.i.-..a r...rr. !b.;.;-;.. e... lad rllhtr .a:_.:-?:o:ldL aos br.to. .r.. tro.rrr - .rr.rrre-r.iil,raaa -a rtdrta.t-at ra t"g r..r Gorr!.rrrE.. lc' 30 q'ch ra.tntat : i:1,: .'mffi 1#'-"1# T el.[.?fi,..l :fi : !1 !. :. r! .,, -*-.i?'i fli#"ii i,itrl.*f .:'.i5,,il.illi ..ljli ;fi Si,1Tilt.ffi,rtt:?.:. or rtror .ooir,.r-'o..'.o.rnruq th. o,,.,.r orth.. rl.s...!.r .i li..-*1f h.rr ra r...rn! toc rurh r,r"ro..r*o.--eai' rlicrrbrencrt .tar.i ojll f--t1-ttt-or: rhru oot !. coo.ta.s.d ro b .n-crottrtrr. ,.r.-.".i-,"T.r-!'rrl qoEa Elcntr or o! .- c"dcdoil.- i;- l::ii$i*ft l}:t].,:1ffi.1j:f::l=it jri:l**i-irnfr iFfrr.r of th. lacJrct or .n, palt t!ar.c!. .., , ll. lrtst.a.act t 6^..tbtllt?, l- lor rr-p_r+r at ralnta.rra!:a. raFat?. altrrrtlon tod tt-d.ltra. lat.,tt{ ottrinrr trrr rlrrre, -J-fr, l".rr r. de.!rr! to oll rhclot.ato! ar..?,i.!llr rthr- rb *...i.i i:;';, but nor ltrltrd .o-l,?:ft .Ta:.u:h;""1*;i,li;,,t;ii:.;.*"'};itrJl.r.:icl-tb t rtrt.t Ellr. c.lllqSr ..d llo.r. -qar.i" I ul,a rnd th. Unltrr doorr..4 rt!a-!. $. OG." .bll- _! L. f..J - l. -o-.r. a,n.., ptpcr. drer. Iil::i1r.HJ^i,.i#.*;*l;T.H,1l;.'...{:.1*':f*,**;LlaGLtlrl 0!l:r ttaart ... a t.nrat ll crpl ,lth th. oth.r d.n.-r. !.rchrltlrt to r[!t.ln, rrrrir. rltrr ."a.a._r"r .u.f i'..r.'l ao" .rbltgatloo to tc_lff .',.'.jil.fi .T?tr,;;1.,'1.,.fTi.fu,*{}i*f jti:T j##i l' " -:.- J-i,i;. Jr':i: &. it: i, f. rrs'rr !r r'rl Brat. ' ,,.i . . . :.. .ro. ..ritrtn, .rr.H fj.jl..,t-a ,l:"al, tlr r..ra or r.o.r...t.i-i ' iii'1il''iJi,l;";h.ilj"?ii'...fi^F'ijr'j,',.',1T.1'lt.sj:[_.T: :i', .'.',.r,i iri,:T{i'fi'{:lrEj::.."'*.ti;lfl;1;,'T,jTilfri:i.,S?frn,il:: j, :i gL'tr;f'ti'*.*.a**r era.rrror ,r. ,,-? -. .. ii :Bo"**i.3ti!", {l:;5f$li1,'ri:'S:L't lL!! .t,'.; lilli'fr #iiliill:fi ;lf:,,ihHili,fi.i.ii'*$l.tn$li"l . $j*!n+ffi;lm,*tl**m*n:l rq '*i',, #l'{I,fiiiuxfl'*r$;f'fr::i.;litlffi *, * I1"y..',i#ill" #m*,*t'.:,::::*iil i{ ;it i it: .t. a 3..'r: *n,i*ffnl**rH****$i . c. lrrrd o{ " i'Ji ' [*u**ffi,ffirti****m+'$ i! !i "ii l"'"'^',t .ru.".'J'";i.''*"i'-Til1',U' . :f, fi ff f , f ..';i'J *, .,ii:rnt hrr rori .rr-or . r,.''co'ii'"'iffi.3-t.t1d_ l:.t hrsrlo.. horrrr,'-rrr-o."-iii- i;'.tr.*":l rhrll vota t.t ? uatrr rsch .rrnt r. i.rinq-iiila'Trril.l: I..,#l,ol*#'.. l"L111. _.! u. .r. .!r rsrd' r. .rr ( l)voc. t.r? ..ch Coododiffii__, _qr tr..r rri.ll t al3lllrd S! at ) : ::,' : r.. . r'.'r r r.----i r r,',1;?*",t"'"..,:f :- T :. L e:: rdd, b'.r. ? r rh.r .rcb5:::f:.::: ::_-:1.-'_'iiri., onr.:,hlr rc!.F..r. 16 rh. a,urrr diirll.IilTi.lll ,1,:,l.rri::il..Ii n:::: A..octrrton ."tli,. ,,!!liih*$ffi$1 _.1rlr?rorl rlt Frr.'c, rh.rr.'rr-iffi ffil.ii'-r.",:t?.r,.iL,lTl,r..rr.r.X :!t tt .-lif;i, ir i':.i4! ,. ,.i :' 't.,,.',, 'il f.. ::G' l_ :.'Tl:rr1r.1.t...f1s!ffi :fr i*ffi '#.','-'kp,,:*,.11:. ll.,;:.L.":,ll.ililr-Jll11l-co"t,nr'lni"i.ir-iiii,-.L rn!.r.r! .r rBcr oaricr rt. dstt.r .na ohtt..::::: 'e '. to F?rtt thr Ar.octrtl€t ro tdltlt rlli irrrundrr, ,r -ii.i"i11ttoa' htt'un'tr ''r{ lo rr..'c1.. -.fl- ;i .'l.";it;;: ,:. obcolrrcrier -i. i.irn.iii_ Bhr .rroJ.ct. upc. tlr dl..Er, rt.rBmcttoq or .T:;*.".'"",' *..t',. j#'lTt$;i3:i.".liii',:l',l.j:i*1ni, , Siport irnr-if fi ill*:it-:?"t ln' rit s.do.tnlr. orurr oonriii,ri.--iihn?.-tBrt!.?. ir'i'Li'.,'tT:'t'#'L.;i ;tT,:.l.,t,,1',i:1 :tf*,.....,.iHi;.il::fl:';1i:*".riiTl';rllillr'r' r.p.ti,.'i-C+nilirl'.,d '.nr*r ih. ,roj.c!rnc {nl..r oih.wtrr o.;.:::ltt t'lrlrr' !' t!. l6ltt!h^r;.nd tq '!t il;; n,:ydi,:llj"Ei"it jiTr-1i'1..:_I-.,Si"::J'1.,.:::iii.*,,i'.i"illil: tr^Grr.roq "r.u- *,'i'.i:::.,:::, ttl1l,ll.ll, o'ro'' '.rti.' .e-ri'.L ';; .:a' i '--. lllt.f, tot or ortrrl.o. .r.t to rb.na.r or trr{nerr thr i;, .,,-,,..t'-.' (l) p_atrtloe. or .ubdtrl,d. to7 ooodo.lntsl i ' t :. ,:i::i .. . s..8.. r-Li rraraila r 6?- , .. . :; : - Dlslrr.llr -to? o!!m ttoa irpLr.-- riil.J_",.-rr.i*i[. . .attraatLr Cl rslh t__ro__.,.- ll. crrlrh urhtr m{ oulrrtronr .t th. Lroelrrto!. ar.o o r.t lon c ? b, .n, r, r.i ri t i-'rr5.*iJ',liijit, it.jllilrcta I ii ' ;3;;..'13 j.TFii: i+ Tl:;".L?;ri,';;1.f;,,T.H *tf.,"',' iii;'#.'.'*j*:':,:?-.-,ii;j.i' :.?:'?T.'.'l "?* ffii1fi:'l*lil:,,' :XT::ff .;11$:::TTT.#,*:ilT'.:i-.:;*#..,...;dg":tE:l ... . . l. . , :i ::.:-". 1! d..r .c"r.rbl.r ii irij. ,.;; ;;;;;r:;;.1 _i;,,r:,1, : ' ,. 1, ' ii:illjiilt,;l;I,:#::i:l*,ll,f rullljjfi;'l''i: :l'.,, ' ' iH:",T,',.::i :!;_t".1,;.d os npr,orrd .rr.!3r., b, !h. '....,..: .i- , ... r.rrrEl lrnltr. -'!". r€Etl g.Ensa , ..- '",t .'t '_! i, td. ru rettvrr'r^ **Tel!t!o8 lrEEl.or r :li. &.ocl.!!.or rry uadrr- t-i, I ;|: -lT. ."T,li i 1.. FF-ffi ii: *il' * ili. L'i'li' *',;: J.1;;:;:ff 1i|i1i:ilri:g'!1f i+d'"?Jl':;':.f."1*{i:i"#i*:ii'.'f S:l:tT*tx. tr"il:i'p,:i;'.;,,::-;"::;"L','iT'1F,lll.'li'.;T;:. ;. r.r'lcr. r|r, bu3 ... *t sllrn"j. t!t::l-1 ,-tf -.ctrtrtr.., ("r..r; -;rt, 4rE atr.Eot. taq[lrra to, lochla tElg oBhalrr !h ]sovldlDt ot:.,', .,' .- :ilI.:.;1.:.::..ff,1::.,f ..o.,r.il.-i-r.-i.o',roro1 o! tts.bod, rqrr luch ir . ,... _ .- r I LaoctrRlo! a.t a... trsarrrry c! daallrbl..:':. . ' .; ' D. Lbor rnd thnt crr r' nrr lrroehltoqr ' ..., j'\. .1- :.- -i ,..'.,-i. j. .,., '.11".?:::..*.:y -rl.!* rh. ..r,tc.. or .,r.!.rhrI . ' .:.j :::::,i',-,::. r,._:.'riiri.. "J"."ii.',i.rL',.lrlffli!. :.. i.(jr..'r i.1;jirrl .lO- i.r .y:..,i-,: f \'' $iiiilJ.::.:1;$ffi,tffi r#:l-qFll.f :n.::nrlI't:r,,r.- ''"'...! itffirurun$u*t*urn . r*****tuiiiiF*$*:+. #*wffffiffiffi .;-ffi:#-$f ,iffiffitll il:*$+':'l'ffi;;'Hr'.fr++++rii}.l;"ruffi ','{ffiii r.il:e*!*r'i,lr r,"t" l,,fii'..':.,",H i*il Fi,f,flt ifrfi,f :i ;u i l,i il';i:T[:y -iiii'J,.iT" 1'T"t':.,",,.T,1,,r jiil,,l*i:i'ill.i,F .,,;;f.#,ffii*FJ 'tr.l .Ii_.-.fr'- r.stlrr L.C l.!r!.rt. , - 1...:,fu'ffi lH.. aotrlto!. ,1.fit*{,nlqry',i*i.i.1.ffi$,, ,];t -ll- \.t ':?: ':r :t'lr 'f: L $qft$s.tt-r1 - Drl r...r.ra ,ll lt nr.*r ..t r i ror ! tm !r. lrr.. r.cor{ . !.:rtftc*r ot tirnirtr- .ir ri iirfr"irddrrrrrr if thr p.r.on. ttr* .i-ip"r.rnr :h. ,oari Dtf{rnrirrrr ^ !.!:rh:.- -rt.r, ir.-'ii.oriii rnl radrlr ol 3rrIt nrttnt Atin!r tt- ro, t,|1.rr -5r.-'-i,,,.r, ".r.rfr..t.-.r,iiit. Gonolurtvr .rtd.nc. rh.r.a! li irrot nl ."i oi..iirrtrtnt !ha?.on t r 1uc.l trtth irlrrafrrr of !h. tt.r.t.prra .tnc. th,r drcJ rirrioi.' '-"' J. Iuttrd l-iahtr t ll. b.ocl.lLon rhrll hrvr rcd rey rrr!-Gr... rnt rtrhr e? priiiTiiii-ir v.r,r-tn lr..rnr"rrli-il tlrr'ii rrct"r.rtonr o, !'- Itl::i, jl.,",llij*i.,#,1*.*:Il#.li.i,lii,$ltjl:,lti,ulili.l: to. !f.-.gtUt ror E-+,$gc!f. :, rr. oocc?rrn.. or-rrrhr, ;r-;;..;;;;;;;..r1;lj, t".",t1r.r",....,"..,,Tlliil:,:i.':. rt rnt orh.r gmrr_tr_ht.rrn.. i"-iliiiliirl 1rrln rynra- b, D.ctr?.rr! ro F,"r:i - , th..rrlr.!.a oorrorr_rrornn.'i;;;;j.il.a r, rb lorrrl ot lr.nerrrr .oral |na ccrao lirFnrar .na t...r"aa...-- ---. : y. r r:. 1.,,, fi i ^,iiil i"irii*ii-ii#riiili.s..:., fi ...: ; Ti:: ..*ll I l;:ot rhrll hrrr hrrn u .d r; .ur irltrrried '.;ifi;;;;;... ,rf rh. ?.rr,rrr,trcotr.t ct r Ccdor(n(sir trrh rrrrrirrn! .rr.r i -i.i. -iii.-r..l. a, t," ,.,. ut [ .r. tr{ .... jr-. - 9u}lEr-t'*1 atl 6rrr*r ri:r!- ,. orr,tr.!.d to irr !h.r-I r.p.o....-- ri-. -intr lrpor'd bt 'hr roa?d or. . f,rruf.?. to n.! ll,. (bEni oar:.rry or coJ,r'T#1.:::"ilt::,:::.':;':::tt. .rit'. toi ."ii."'ii**el,r- i lltlltr'"tr..rracr lor th. ..ttr.r.a co*Ittl1 el dlrrrd d'.i!rblr. lnl-.h.ll !. rdr !t iir i.ri'l^r'1"'.Tt't T-T.tl - "rlt 'r. on th. .na{.I brrt.rn rtr'.rcr .^ ,;. "",'#::'r:?t,:5t:.X.!:i'll:-!i .1*r.;niiiirli.'t'.irll^.. 7rrr. lhc lorrrt rhrll drrinlne ii,"ii'iiil.ilit l._ , ^l..qh. ttd o! .rch ttrcrt:. or c'rdrr rrrrnr! th. -rr..niui,u-i.i;".-;i;l:,,lrit illt.....i.lii.ri:.tff;:_, .rn!r rdr rtull_ br- l3r- urog ih;;;;e;{ o..rr !.qul!r..ntr anod tc trrurh rttrrr.t. .--_.-. rH roda rr,rrt-iiii-t-L- to ttr a.r.r,rtn. !.r h. !r,dbt rll or rn. ornrra. . . rrtrus.d ..p."'a- .'#rt rnol.ta tha co.t of rrrnirn-""' ' ' 'r" rB{ "'r'!!h.:! tre o.i.i.i trl-irir... rla lrslhr rhtlrr rrp''rcl rlrt.r!!. ottte. . asrrt l.r .*l.i.eJn. r cclrn .r.. t{nl!ur. .nd' lumt.hlltrr irrrl_.{ jr."r.i -;;..;:;;;: ,,il..r ...r.rrr.l, ..r...r{.'' r': rn'{erncr D-dur'--!or rru.r.ooa- o"ii.i.-..'l'rri t,trrhtr c! n.orr.r' h,t\a lorrar lrnd.-or!titr orrr ol ;;;d.. - oo_rn 1116,1n1. ,rprlr. .r.11. ntoraltoir. r.a.r. c..;r -t.r-.J-iiiiit, clulrlrr -t.l,.rhona .rr.rr..rli;r1,*.t"lli.1TrT tr.r, unel.-i'ii.;r:'::;.o.., rni lrrlrrrrr..r tncurtrdd.ri;.;;''.;iii j.i"txJi'T.f,'"ll.'r.';-,i.;':-,'"',1.1.ij.::li: Frrcd r rb. cr..rr.e _ot " .r-.*o.ui. .;;;;;;., or orhra !...rv. or .urpl*rluaa tcr lha ?rDl..rro! .f tho.. o.;;;;i-L-r" ttc..nr. rhtrh rurt b.?.rl.c-.d or . prltodto trrtr- ri nU L'i..i.r.: - , rhr o.n.rd .Jo, - r.r.rirr- .',1- t',;;;....,. ..Ji 1.:,.11:i,"TrTl*,il^trocl.tton. lhr orl..r,o!-.! lrrrurr li ati.-.jo.rl !o ltr !h. r.rrrrrrla lor. .!t .r..rrrnr Drrr:l _r h. r-t- noa i-1..-_l- l rlrrr. rcdtttcrlloa, or rrberl;- ol rh. ct.!r fro. tr'tr orrtjrttir ;;-;; ;r.-...... ttrr !o.rd .hrll h.r. rh.rt!t! bst not th. ,.bl ta.rr.i-iJ - -d- ft, ..jit,r.t.nr. ot rrr' rrrrrrrnrr lrr '*::{ .t ':t1.','$# .J: D.rd bt.r,. n ll. r#fr+t+t ttr. p-rrcrctr3r o! Gbron trF.n... to b.x,Egppi-:*lrui:d.'.",il'ii.t,*l:.:.i;l;:'il:iil:-::,' r!! rh.n uiJ-_-ltiiiid;";;.il..;:"il9: I;:::.,ilX,:fi'il?}:li;::v ," . L?il.',*'..'';1r.{t;*i;lili.li:i._T:-:! &:{ _or Jr..r,.,, or th. -. .: r .!d .rnrdlror rr. c.o..ir-c.;;\.r":il:..:H".?*":l ::::."..,.,.Ti...1;:.Dq!t cl tuldr Frrtt. . !, ,tl "iL-, -i"iii io ehr lroctrttoo. thlr obllsr-j ,. rto! of Drct*rnr_-to,.,rbridrr. .h;-;;;;;i;";, ot !h. Ar.oct.tlon rh.ll rrrrl-.,t . il::.ff: Ltti:..1t. rrl-rnqurlrrl itr-iigi'r'iJ.r... rh! ^.rocrrtron,. Li,i or.. rtr. oocs?rrnB. .r..Trr".t,:.tlll. ^ll:!::, .r.nr o-ccs!, f r..J__r!iiril_i .o ! '11- 1.1 ffff,ul$.:'r*'*ffi.i ffiG m$*ffiffi*ffi ; a l:O o :l:"T:,:_.r:,'li.",%#..[t+J#t.]'..,1T".;toil'n.,.TT..illlth. n nr? tha?rol. Irtr.r.r nt bv rL'door,rl Ttt . ..t t'.' r- iriit f ror t teii ;;;;' ;;;* -t: ;:m:. i;." li';;l.il' - ll,.*',1i'L.1',. : ^: :::. li ":llrl;i -lll lj, jli trtnrrtn.il. rtttrqrt tojl. .rr.i..rr torl,rltnt .ii",n.,.. f.i.r .h.t I h.hrtrln. ..-__- ..,r.:loalnl ot galJlrrl llra n........nl ll.n tinrrl,lql - C. u,i lr{.r?r r.fri "r . utna"; i,;ii,i'--t:F-t"t-!rqs' llr' \rrool.t l..r ih.tl r.p,rrr ra rr,.lM ln .t.l.tlt. ,;;;i,t";tt 'nt 4'l'ult h't''rrtlr ? or ,r rr.ld ^....."rur-.)..iultrorrr.f,.a r,r.i .iliJ-r."t- wuttd lot lo,rr.? lh.n rht;rr (10, ,t;;;: ;; --;::;r,?rr.r., "J ; ;;;Ir'.','...fit*1.,.'.:1*iil,i:::,I,,..''*,.r'".'i,r-,1,1 o, , ro-nrrrh,,'';.i',i'*'=:::Ti.ijiiiiilihi.i$itiiriiF;1;\i,"l,,ll,.,i;irll lilr;Tli;,ii:ri::::rL';'.,I.:,,rr. .n,?rr.^.., -,ii p'-in..,,,. I,rrcru..r ,rr ..rr'$nt oi ti. "^n.tl-'..jj:l-:^:tt lrrqr 1p1;116 r?.r.-n? ..rr.-r re?rh rh.unlorr rucrr ;.q-.,'l;'.;';l t:rnt '. . I t. 'nr. rtt!i r.rFrct to .uch trnd.r.t,tt,ri...lpt of ."cr, *qu;i';"', D n*llltd rlth rt;ltt.n rroty (10) a.l, .ii..'..] :1. .;,9,;I:l ;'[ i.$-,i.llli.,,l,?;.1 l, .illl'L.:*iii:i.;*;l,llii .(r".xrlt. I! trra ,ro,r..rlul:'{ ltr. lnttr'rt tubrtqu.6t t! tJrru..t trr rrrch..q{tr.. .ttr. ru'-.';;-;.t. tt Td1 tr t nrtr.Dcrllrt Fuhhrr.r t ti. rt i..ii",th. p.?.cn.I rlilr., r.r."i',"Trtl ' botl' rr'. lIt' tor itr unprtrl .......iii'."rtho irr:*ni i;;;.t";11 ,...Fa*.h...r rhrtt lrc rrl.rrd "".1_ii.iiir'Jvld.d thrr.rtt., .n-.1.;;i1:-1 tlthlr .h. rtntt (lol d.t trftod hrrrtnt l.n-t..ndt cnrplnd ,iii -ri rrr'ontt l?ltt"n ?'q!ort l. r.dr. bt ruch nrt"rri..r'.nalsrr.r !ho ct,od,rrtnlur. c trr (10) drt' rtd tha Prrtcnatat rulrlqnr4jIy 13- ;:, :r,".";."'.'.i;.' 1ffi:.l*+ffi .i:ii Tlrrrtn.t thr ornrlort-nil ...Dr'. rtth tb. .rll.r tor .ll ,nprtd .;r;;;"; ouE nr.Judts, to ps,,glr1..r,!o-th'. tli o? -ontat.ncr to aueb turch...rr ,lth-!r rhr ;urohr,.r! i;;;;'..t.:t*t"lo r'c"'? lrcr th. r.ll.?'!h. il'.ir, -,,.ii J. fu.rrrar' b. r.q u..r.rr i" .ffifiiff; ."lil".T;, ''".T.,.r..[:,,1:j ;;:":;.rouor .Qu.( !o s, ro lhrt. (3) ,r-. , ^.'-.JJ^-i.r"r'rt...t..ntri ruch rrre rr'r .-"*'.1'il J.; :::la. of lh. ..t(rr!.d ronthlt n ; ;. l:i ; ;i,i ^:1. lj' X.I...f ;:. h. i,:. : I : : i: : ::"fi ::, ;* ;fi:,';;: .utDrr.r, lsrtltrurr. luror.l._T.t'r. ttrrrr..n3. tot purchrr. of c,lutp-n!. ;:1.:,:l;ll.'.ii::-.',y.,-:-:!::1,:::?"*9.:.';,:..,::.lfi iilJ; j:llii j ;*l li, : ; - i:. i:i, : m,h: l-i:!,,i,i..".,..1. ili, . i I, 1,",, !.,. x..* j' n :trr.r...nri. r"- ii. .r-lt,rat '"nc"dlht' 't'th.! th. o,r".. iii -.r.ii "r". i.'thlr prrrlrrph,'1i., i'".ir' jl-t -;*tttton rh.llr t'rrtu.vrt to thr 0.rrpor,ir of '..!.rDtrtrt,..r.r.. go11'lll- -'d-trn:l ..?r|..Jt rpe!lcrllo .o .n '.i-t..] 'ri. l..ocl.tlon. .; ;.;.;'..;"tlnt t'a (lt') drt.. trlor rtttt.n tt"tr.. r ro'. iir"rrlrt.tn arri i...i.ii'..":'."--tt to tht 'r'octrllon h o?dtr ,. pii-ti'i ::_ : .: F,l 1 -.L ii',,.11- - I il .:ol,.jl,,;,.,..,-: L -.:t:G; *: ;f LT,t ifi:ifti:t.::,;rt o,ltj .T.tT:..t:. .ueon tr.rr ..-r.-ii'.'c.,,a,.t,!run .n o.n.r.r,ci ?.r.r'. ;;; .;pii;:ii. tf.J.t';!|:.',i-oll'..!I"j..-r"i'i -i.i...'J' !l 3.+nou[,r3i#'**ffi-:li.hi*r*1fi ..'ff :,5g.ii;urp,.3..*ii1if l. illiilru llldl ti. ii *n::frt*,lil;H i;l lil.:f . t:,1 ",,T..i, ;:1.tarrrl i.,roa 1i.;;;."t .::-. orrrrrt trprrr6tlnl . rllo?ltt r',l.Lii-,"'ir,l-.r! lorrh .r,nn .r.i i'i-lrri"::Lt, -ti -th. ."nl ol rn rr11111.;; rh. rl.lta!r.rr. ro r. . r,n r n. n,:i ;;;. ;. ;: l, .liitl. ;::,: i"#llJ. l,.t,i ori.., ul.f ililil;:fi:#1,"1' .l'liiil.il,1"1..;;ru]1, t,iflti,I ;;:t.i;:;:,.":l:il t,:; -:i*.;.'j:::':-) .*{ii9-'. . :.: . l" li;J C! a':, -, _-,.,: ., t;:'_i?- 'la' !.j,: llrl'""',Tiii s ::' lii l' :1,: ;:,: Ji:T,,1i i:,.'.T.i :. : " .... J r r .,.. r r b It. lnrumncr. ***l**rilu:i**i*':,''ltffi Jtl undr? rh. r!s- o? rh.otrarr o? Frlt.t. catlG r t lr,t t.-l:t-ltt o- Go'P'nt" ti.?t"?'rlrtrrl ti -.ii.a-'liTJoir o?. ""'!r!nt. -r r--ijit^loa't aarlltro l ar. Ijl-__.i_tl 1! ,.1r o! rh. ln.qrlnc. co.?.nr.r chrri.r.otl.r. o? F,l1,.v. loOr prnrnbt rhr corprn;'; l;;ai ';"t: -'?'- cunll'virt ut o ..tto; rrlorrl ot. -' Itl?'€lcr'. Flt.ttlFldara ct I"tl"r.,X. Follcr lncludr. rnr ltrt!tnt cl.!..r (orb! rh.n.r.-,,i..'J.''',',1T.;l,lll:..,'"'.t"...f i:;; j..1i"i;t lo,.?.d .rr .. l;r,r}i ;toj,t,"t corc?rt" to b. ctrrtD{ rod rrrL ,. r. --.-. -' -1 jll_--t,r. lnrurrnc. ,trh rrt.rrdd cotrtrt. (rad au ?r.tantotr.-n!a I rtrlCh rtt.|orrarr lor ';dJ'i;, ]iril!t-nt' 'h|tl tnc lud. .cdacu-.r. {chtn rr rlth . t 11. -tr-ttrtttt-' lbll't ..tlttlca jl T: 9?i *.9;1 * i ij. ".' r.,' I j.T,..l?.,f ..ilrll . ilarrt.nrr rh.ll tnrurr thr ir ll.:1rn, .i ^;;;; ;;i.'; i. t:'r;l,.f ;:,". rfiff :ltn-an r|osrt rqurl to lhrdrrtucrton r.. j.oi.ii.ii"], tstI,.r'rl"trn! r.lutr Yrtho{r rt'vlrrd o"o.o,,,Iir.riJ.r'--l-- !r ro-rrc.. rh.ll cootrlr .*t.a.r.- -oi'.''Looi'.1;tr*.-ttil: cltu." lo ("t? ol '.cfl:.',.,.r .,,,. --;;;;;i:;. -.'ilrr.-$ rrT;'rt .f :X|...l,clatton lJr tha u.. tiat",0i..,'-r'lpJ;;.":t'* D'n.rtt ol tbt!rq... .. rh.rt (2) rublt€ ll.btlt!, .rit,sch lrnttr ..-ar.-Li.a..J, troFrct !.i.r. l..urrnc. t! !o !tr' d.!crrln.. xa l-:*n:-atnt As'n! "t ttor tl- ,oo, e,u.,6- p-.,-''tr,?.' {i r:|..fi i!$i,;ilb'Il fi H;1.:il ;1. ^*.:1,. I (.!r.r I !, r r.it. u,i -i,c J..J rL,..vv I|!1rv.uu ga? occu?r.n b6d.r. r r. r.r t,| ?, .;- ;, ";;;; :,.:'..."?t tf.,."j^. il.lir. jl'rrrho{r lr.rLrtton. lr.rtlrr; 1", - ^-1'^-_.--11.., _.I::o..oF, ?. r r,,,t "r ." i "_i r r,i -,i. llrr., l.l, ii,j.iliL,.,li.1il.l ;rnt. 16{ acrtrlal.r, li c,rloprrrr r,,r, rrlnt!,nrn.:. .!rr ;ll:t * .T tL t*"rg-ttr. !!l tl"rt.G!.r corr.tu.!to. rod rqrloyrrrr ltrllltt, t!_:::i']:" *d.rlI oah.] rl.u.r.t!.sr. c, ,ta\ ?..Drct ro?.nrotr.. ot rhr l.arrt.Gl.n -tn lho .-.,n.. J.ii.aiar1rlta Do, ,rr h.r..l!a? r.lutl.a b, lry. Jt '.1F. Ar..r.tr:lon lhrll purcbrr.r to thr rrrro3 i;.g-ll. I t lJ'l ltt oor.r.r. .i.i,rrortr...r r,,n it ir.. ii-,'.ilo::, 1:]:--':t ol rrplov-r. !.,?r.rr, rr ru .rouii ;;;;..:t- -:?:t "r. "e{?ltlt. rtd.'|rt aattrt.d to Frrrt.Gt ttla 'l t- ta.<Ltl[ rrrllt lo..r,! borl rrr tb __br .l ttlartlltd rra?a:trf erF?..rrr ad r.Fr.ta. i.t, Fl&,rtrll_-rt-rr e{trrr .nac_ l; trrr.t. c.r.rt.r.t 'Ftairrr t a.fra tha L.€Latt- .lat,rt (rl_!aa, t 3t. ::L. * lr.o(tutoi .., .frrl. t.r.or.G. rr.r.,! r- \.,*tt :'.:'.:i-;;.1: t';, f r'" t't :'?'"-' -"- t, r r rrrrrs _ -cr ri cr,: ;' -! ;;..;'I.:.::...i,I;*:lottL? ^'.*,.l'r'J tfJ:Tl.*.."t Fr" ., r"r'n^r- rI - C. a, T.t::1- .a llorr..r tr :t e.!..r rt.Jli.r:. .rr:t.untrli r.lr.E of rolrolrtloa d ;1ga.r. ;; ;;..rrrl^r fro..n, ..r. o, ..-o_r ..r .r,.rj;;;i;;$Ti:r;,X'i:.1,1 ;."::.:ll-.fl ;"r,,.,r.,.T;,, i,-r. ., r ...i'i J"ii. iioi i.,.. r? r, . . r r.,. rrr -p.6l!:r.. .na ..r.{t. .h.t-'--t--1*':! tbrrt"-" Ltltc.rt od.tsl. -!;l :l:u .h ".i,,..l-.il :fi'I:.:I.':l ij::.'..;t,#. ?_-'.. .. ,.<t,-.rto! ot sh. .rn crrr.it rrrcrir. rt -r..*i..I-.li;i ;:afil I S*;rot'l nrltrt ttr L.o<t.r lr..r .rh. ti.rF.{. - .ii.-rl-;.aa .r.ca ,i .t: !l ai.illl;.H'.?""."-ar5:.'.-*.**'i' j.-- j;;:;i .f :,'.',i: D. hlor I:Iil:J.1'si.;1,*-:F=i't,:;1.:i'Il,::.':i'.Tiff .;;Tltr.u|rtit atrit .t Ll .r.io tj =- L': rrtt ltt'oio'rxn.'u. ii- J.tl'l : '=,. ; : ";;;;. fi; ;.,Iilll :t! li.l'.Jl, r:[,j..,..l ?*4,:pr.4.irrt reb ct tL ..tr.rt trrr.<t, ,rar-i f"ii-rr.. ta a.rr.ct.r t'r. ,_:.-.f 'm :lj.lllill* ;;_-"; ;;-i;lli.-._ .r..< td F, _.,r:irtll-iff5;,':.'H'll',.L?;--*=t':*':.1ru;::; rr. oqr- ( r r ir -t;;;;;.5i;;i,TT.T ;.1?S T .. J - -.ii,.iiil.!1. ol r.plrc-tr corr.- ;;--:.-':,_:: _:-:'T.:- Dt-. F.'-. tr"i..r?- t r,...." r,r, ii.- rJ;;; i i;,T,,f:, $::*:ri*"T .:.r: : : :j :jjl Ii:Dr.rr .rFnrta ot t!.w.r. .hlt L. r.arJr,-iir -.Lill.r, * ti &ro,a-..Ytth th.lr 6i"..tlt artrntr-a rrtr.ra t.rlr.-rt r_|u.. l. O.nrr Ith.tr.rp.!r.. i-r,iJ'a'-ttt clrr' othrt i""'iE t" 'ltl! t..tl: rnd .t :.i::, rj _ 9 . r.'r..,i -. Jil -E !.1!l:!1.:' ;.. fi :i :.J: ;*.1":j;*:i.uei .ddltlcq.l l..c!...a c.r?l_t 5, ; ;rr-. -".-.. f. largaerc : : I : :, " - o. -*.,'.iLif,..',?''. ::11 oT-l:11',:.*.'i .T t"T.* ii I S' .:, t i';'_XI. fi::i:1..r:ilrri**." .." r>.'... .d - Firi.- r r.iir r,-'rr.s. r{r!!n an tr.!r .rd th. t ..a ., a.l! ::lt .t"tl llr"' !"t"n':5llltt ., ; - ;;;rx.ll rrerr ;-i--;'ji,riirJT;','..;: a..oclrtlc 'od/6 r ,r.!r.rr1r ri.: to. or lo.. .. :'a.*tlll;'!'t tt" thrrc rhrtl b r'rr rlrrrrrr o. lc.,r'...rro.r llt r -*::'*.r ; ;;;i?Sl:n:Fi ::.S.ru;:";:t. : l**: ; :: ;;;ro.. to th. €rnrrt co-r !lc.:a ,r,r.i, ..&r-T.Ll*r.,o rlbo .rait.. )rru.h d..rt. or lo.r rhrll b !lt" fy ttl ftrocirir-r., :o .rcl rbfl..r., .rtr.16 coodo.t nrrr'r r it! thtd, irol r.i. ;.;;;.::;;r.i.rr er .ec! .,i._.. :1.:::*:.::l!_ *i"t,li,',,..,'1...: Fil:x .jilt.,,,',:,.:,,.*,..,:,.,1:i::::; or r^t pr?ttcu.lrr onrrl 1e11.r;,1_...r;.*i.ri;:;.;;r.-:.,, o.r..lai. -.t.t.linc. r? oonrorpl lrner ol rnr.iarrt.lor ., r{ch pltci. 1611ntr1.11 }.r+nt olt rr. tr.tri..rc. tr..tr- rDeltc.bt.. rc rr,r! ;;;; il;J;t. ,r ir., Fr.r r. .,.r.tt. Lc prlvrnt th. h.pFntnt al r-,r7 rrlq;, i,tr-r.*i".jrr* br.rr. ..r.tt.raDrar rttch uird.? tha Diorl.tcoa. ol .roci grllcy ,"oti-oi,r.rrr.. tnrrlt{.r. !?ru.p.rrt ahe .qrtr. Frll.r. !.,t_tr. tnn,,r....;.L;;-;r-:1.",.lt.r... r,r tr,'lnt.r.r! ol r!l c!h.r t ...ra (\rn !..n:r r.tfil-., ;;;:;, .ca o? o.t..to.r,:[]:a.*a b. tnr.lld.rr{ o? ...r.r..d rir rtrlt ,-...r-n ," fsll torro r.,t 'l l- #:] a '..":,! t t,1:,iri lf lI;"t *:*'*,*,li;.H*'*F.{,.iF*i.H.*iil$$* fi*$-**ffisff*um .5'gcl l{. frrtrtc:lrr C.,rr..ntr ala ai:ftr:lorr. g,:p11g.=g, ffii***,*t* i,"T;sf_ffi:**,f rug $ *r*j****r nuld ot rttht criaala. ili:ltfsn ri1r,1;*;*g;iffi glli1,*l1i;rl,*irl I tct ..ch bil|lrat ..: \.;.;iti.,',! il :r '; lJ,'J-i i i:;ts-t trii::* :'ji-€'::i..' .:i: -l t- t Ca?"lrd an tn th. Cor:r:*.,,tr*.:ail".il.iiri:Hfi #H:i1,9:"y,I*:.liI H]:,.r','"'.'.1fi;:- ff;f:11;#f.,*il fi.il;ct Ll|ltai Co_n lltrn fr'':'t:.'*iT,i1ffi ,,1*$,j,;,Triit'ir'*il.r..la o? lorr tr corri lHn{s:td+*,fr[tffi :;i;;']iffi $ rcllrtrt. or o..urr.oxtlilllt:li_ t,o r..p.cr ro r+rrth.? c? Er . prrricut.rbr r.rdr bv . r'. ri.ii.r'rili:X'': l' l;: ;::: il:f: :l .1;;,i*;id'i i';;ii; lil**li:'x ;*'..r:'t*ti..*lEi1i,-!':"t'.'r'.'.T.1$.'3""'rrd'.uu.cr fr rfi*if gruEf*o;*$tr,:;;i'iffi gg*nqltotfi**ffi rr th. pr,vr.lr,rr r.r lorrh Jrlili::::. .rrc. oot Frro{or,-*::::':I:::*t',:.$11.r.,*.j#.,...H1J"..r1..*,..durtas!h. i F:r'tn'ti *d,tfi$.*$*$**l*,l;l:l'^.:;lraaaoclatlo't, aa t!tot.nar_t! ill:' ; I' i TJi'.?r.','.'"*,:td ::ana rr.!o!atloll ol thr irpror r.Gor.rruct..,1',.r"trlx",tLtltt1": c-roc.'Jr ... tnru!ftchr! rq r.p.tr rod n:' ;l;:,;lt'1i,,,'iljliidi .'....iliii,:J:1".t T,", #,f i, l ..,, "r " i i", r!rucr.a b thr ^rrocrriroo. 1:':::"t'on .;.il-L-;;:;.i;or'ct' ,''! Includ(^t :n:..rEd th. p.ocordr o1 .; 11-lllotn'r< n-ii. il ;:il;';i rrFrrr.'r rrul rrcon- :Ld -,\t. co"i".rnl-"*.-' ijlr'i'.iii1.l,lr'i.ljn ii.ll,I :ii":l"",r:j *:l:; "rc r..lr r?o r.!. rccordtnl !o rrch oa1js,1 .:;;:;;:.:',i;.,"I; ffTl lil::l -l t. : l .,r.,f Jit *:. * ! S:.'"'itT'.iffll'.";::,::i Jr*ii rjr,r_ r,,-* ( ru) r.y. .,.., .lffi ;p':'L:*.lilffi xlf i#ifft,i':'".1*:r|..r.i...,1irffi;;11,.':.i*.-rln<t'.1'l;*fi:l :S:i','Jl?,"iii.*-il:Fi:l'ill.:'fr '1"':".*::::':ii:':l'.t dl :llli:;;.'F $.li :; n.tm.n:': iltt -ixT ." . ift i ilLlpiir:W,i'.t1.:jt:.tt.:rr:.*1.:;-C,Hi.# j*r['"U [;1il':"i,H,':,:l;r-':"..,'1lili':l;':'*"*;1,','-'ff:.'*it-$::T:lll;,.,l'l;:o,.::1ffi f::.'H-gftTti#ilxiT'ili!t:,[ii.{il:T{:.;:4:ii1.q1rir.r"Tir,*ri jy$i11,-i,sHi'S1}}rl:l** j:3i':ril,'il["di:":.]:,i't^ilt'r',:.i:.{.11i*iT#ffi$i{*l*:$-*.*l**rii!.F.'.''i,t "rH,*f fity'i*1":i;:'.'lt;*:,ffi .""'":l'id.:{.dil.l;t"*Flr,I;IiH,:i:#.iLLTiT',ff 'l;::.,:il:il.,:.ii.;;'.f ;l::::'jl'*il gi.,:il,gT:":r"*?[.:::*- c( !h. '.. .trro.! r.r. I:lt"::'..1t::"it"rl':: ra. -rp.crrl e'rrr..o! uenr :::t:_'_ ..,. conro.rir i-ii r;..f .I; .::::.,T." t l$;(.1) for FF..n!.! urr.ttt CoE! Erp.or.rl ' t fi;, l'.il"',r.,.ii'l:' .il.:..T..".. .i,.ff ilTff:i, ; Ittt *.,""1tiriJ^'.:tltiol'.'r, .r.u b. p.r. !o rh. "i.cl:.-:l..li#j i€*; '*,il ii.i: il,3;,ffi:f :n:r r_;g{-:a#7t*'t.qs i. fl*'3$$$$$$fiff#$$fi*s rtCh ruch Dla$. all 'l t- ll'.::,;\::'.| :::-" .i. if .J; ?:.0:1r ct lirur.nc. .. rrll... gh. !F...a. ol |r:f::1:. "ll '1. til 0ttrla .ur nratr c.ra.rtnlqr. lJ'rr'r'r'n: t' L rd. l:il:: if , "1',jh . ilL,?l.l^ _.-T_r.r u. r -ilJn-ilr.f, I .T;' :';l' #.,. ; I::1'rix.r"i-.ii"r'rilti'iilll$ris',",J,'i.L"Ji'.*.r"tl,rlii'il; :i:li i:*i ill':l [rrr,,r;...r_1 I I r i r . rr r r t m' J; id - i il. Drr.at er ?rrler. cr .t'at -ttllt t"r r'""i i ;;';;;";'.'t''1t' llr Lronlrtt!f, rnr ruorr F.r! r iorrrrhf.l1'.'n"'i'r.';.t;rl.ii'oi';;:'illl;.i1.'iiil.l[rr...rxrt. thr '.r'rr '1:ylil . lh' . f rl lurr ot rr rr,nrr r.- iili'-ii,irnC r ttri.o,r.iii.;;il:ill, prorti.. t,r? h.?.tn rhrll !r, I a.r,r oi _.r;i,oril i:,n,l:l';iii".ili::.1,J":1.{ir::liiiff i"T:ltlllt1i"'il*,ql :il,::ia:J";;j:[*i*,:Li,."ti:::,:?.lt:i.,'.*,i..#:i:.i:,,1*t,i ji r...Bronr.r.ta-t.Gr. t0? t,r.t -tlfrl b. u..d r6d ntrhriri ry ,r,. i.iiiiiti."l t td{ tr ."ir.'ir'. Jr,, ilii ;iltili": ;',iff fr.t [ri'--..iJi'.ii?'i'.'l il j..i.iilit*,:1"*T{Fl.l.,:,jTl,-Jl,::i::.,i:1.,,.I,. jlil:iii.:: troj.crr 'rrtch ei.u--.[iri hl:ln.:or thr. tOnrrrl rnd t.-!or.!rroltotr ol rh.Frnr{ .r,r,. tii- oi"iii 1., ":,! ii:ifi:,:1,il:il. j,;,ri .H,Tll.,t ji ili'ii.T.'.T:.,"i,t.."1: ll;::_" prr.o.ir i;ii ;;;:;:". o!_.!b brr.n6r n!lo? lhr ?.n.rrt ;;-;.;;";;;,T::!itt rt.tt ol thir irtisnprr lrl. -iii-er.i ffi i jt{;.l";:ri:1r'i;;i,;:qii}i.1i::'iil"},$:$ii;rrr.rr rrl o? r.con.!rucaton_ --r. r1r-. nttrrn nsitir to- lnr ,uroclrttnn 'tth-lli,i,llill"j'li.tlj:;ll;i"^.\:{optroa.ci .".i-;ii; ii.i r,t,. condcrr r. !. : * I : l..i' ;.": *j;li,.,i: i il' Id'[ :il' :i,fi , :l ::?'.'.i, : ".l.,ii.F, frAorocrrrror .ooo;di;;';;;,i rll',iLi'"ltrfi $ili:::. .*t, r n iiLli-ii c; - .(l) lt ruch.Oarrr rla !h. l..o.lr!ton cu .trrr Gt !h.. t.t! rrt.l r.ly. rrr.if .--irri-r-,roT.i.to ,rr.f f b. eonrur-rrr.d rr!hh, rhlr!, (!0) irr. .,,iriiri.r. (l) U ttr p.rrl...rrr ulrblc ro .lrr., tb d.r. rtr.o.rth.! ,.rr, .Dtltl:d. ttr ollrr! trrit i'r f. "*lf. * .gill :iitot:,"?,h*- .hrIl b' trr ';io-.ii"nrnr a.t.' rro. rliii . D. ..o.or.tj. ot rlr r.nlron.a !n rht. ...tup.r.riipi ihiii t (r ttthto trn 0) dsrr tollortr[ th. con.rcr..ntdrtrr arch prrty rhell ^ortnrla lr rtltfnl (..rd,ttr.. noct.._ol .!ch :,:.,r(h.!ton to !h. otb.. f.itif "l-ii_d.p.nd.!r rprralrrr. (h) y-_.l,lh.r prrty lrtlr !o ..L, r,rch r io.ln ttonl. th. rprr.t._.r ,io.ri.t.J -ir,.ir-Ti.nlo ttr. (!) dryr.!t.f ,-d..hult br-th. otb., p.rai-.fporna .nd r.aocl-.t. ,lrh hh .nothrr fnarpruirij.ppr.r..r. j:l_ tl .t .trp (2) rpprrrrcr.- d.trgn.r.d bl lhc Drr_:.r.",. :. ..rl.ct.d psttu.n! !h.r.to ln thr tvtni-iflr. d.trulr of on. (l) p.rGr. lr. on.ltr to iiroi,trrlt rh.ll.rptolnt .norh.? lnd.p.od.nr .psr.frJi-ij ;r.:i:'. brtrrro th'. tt Lh" c.a .tr; ;-.";; (d) tl th.t .r. u.rbl. ro t hrn. - cn - r je. i.. i' ii*,,'"'. ri r i; ;,Tff '.il'l r'Til li:rl..lrr.(r) tnd.p.nd.n! .Ipr.l..rr rarl !ror ,i.-*ir;ol tha lous !t) p.rron. io norrnrrol, o ) rtult:: l-.:i tr lor br rny Jrrdlr ot rn; ,.e,r11 ;i',;;;;; :1.f.::.::-:1 th. .pp?rtr.r rho.r nrr. r. r,, lii.ri.,llrt Dt .scn trrrlrr. lhr rorlrurlorlr fro.,r,fci iiu -20- i4...4 t mnu*imtffi l: g:lli qliti,nfi$i*r++Si*f iri;il$'fi#i r;,,;i ' ilffit t*ri*Ht'*T#*3it#iffitir,i ; **l*tt*-{r*ffi nrt:nffi +ir :ll*",i. ;,:, t,: :l ; I f#]. :_i,T:'.,I|LT;T:" :i3l, i,T;.1 j;i; .',: i'...rt proviriioi-o; J.."fr,ltt'rotii.fr,ttolirl.... ct..? r. .r'i.J"il.iii]:i ; *:-: th.rrlror, .r 1; Si".iH' ,. r1t .:1o;:...11.* ,.:n.:l o. o'.r. ,-..... .'',', i!:;h.ii';';.;;.'?:;.'l'.1rt',,h'?.t!.tr.r *rrr-.il-:Li'JliltHs:.!.:....:,ii '-.1';. -."' ,' i.bo-r. "ood.ji , cotplttr ttllnt I ln tbr :::. :Ir rhr .orln r*J.or t.'. ,]' 1.. ,rnc. a"...., .--',.1_,o-.. tola (,r ornarrlrr dtarora{ ot t! ltt at ., r. -_-.a_llil ,lii.ljillffljj,i]fii:ll;!ii.'"'.'.?1.;-r,l,,ll,.T$...;'.i:,t ::$5 :. 1*l;.",11...;ili;:im,:11'i.*:.iff.ii:'tri'i-l!-'.':,"ffi1lilri;'-iirr..rlot.a !o r'.*. ,r- .-: j:::::: llo th. t.lu. ol urr rm1rar-u-iipi|la.atlot.a !o rrrurr ;;-C;"'-''"' rr' E.l t'lrL ol ttrr lmj.3! u r rlroli3?..|oro!h'ti;;;.;;;'i.':i.:utlonh?dh!h.EFtl.ttoi.luei.ij.J- rrptoyrd .o ,,. ..i.^,-r',t'1t'.ff,.T"."..jrr.,T.i,...ri- .t.ii"i-.rL-ir-i .. -i ri F'1, t': .. i',.':l ,i';... ' l:i ';".tli.s'".; -tl- l:ll , r ;'jr''l ,: :::ijl.,iT;1 i:ltl$x$ ti:r'll TJ--f::--.r.ll n t irrrrn.t...rt raflartll|. Ara". :a L Ill, ir?,1jr.,._111 il^..|r r...rt.rton rhrlI1 rrercrr;:l:..T-L.:f i,^ii*:--.lti,._l{'il.e?..L',,,.J'.[I:ili$;t":t;.:::.::-i i:-*i-ii ::'il fillrl'.' :8 fr li:it:'j,'"1;;.,T..:,:ll*i-i:_.'.iTir1',r.lf ,iiill:.L,I#T...,,.g1.-.lii;.T;:i*r".ri,.i,L...,.;,lllilif; l..Tll r'r ?roro?r ton ro ih l? il;. ;i_.,fi;i:illtnt.r.rr. rr rrn b*iii'i[;;i;"i:i ' (1, ltr.Eu.rt .tlo.: rtr.r. i.r-'u-r-ei..tlti.illi,I",,l;lli,T"1t :f illi:illl:,. rr.rrrori r. r. iuiriir..',ii..T"lii .,-,,_ $il*,:: il:::{l..iiiTiiiT...,L,!, ?,*.,s::,o. ^'.r. ,, r,r,r4; 1. ,tlri:[:$i+*$.if'Tfiti*Hltffit*,l*$T.i'fr ill I t!. t.ttor of .t'.o*M1 b.lb -.rrr! . D.?tl.t rrttr3 ?..rlm ln ifr h:+i*5#;f"x.#.i"tlii.fr ':;r'#'*t:"'...*tii .rr..'rrfl !-!r!! ro? ..-! -oanr. ..r., ierj-il;;:; :!i,",j.,1:::::::$..:; , :::*",^fl:::il:ff: 1.r-,11. il:j." to,Jiiir',ol.n t.nr6,rto!. n.?.-.. lrr.rr,.nr ...G a.i..L,,Jr.- r.rlto..r. rh. on.r.htD, ro,ao, _ijir,.l.,-irC ro..ad .hrtl .chl,t rech .-t0. rccor{.[c. ?ttb thta Dacl.lrtlon .1 rla- li.ritlrr endroi ;i;ir. l::lloc.rlo{ !. tli. Onr|t. o! rr..tntn6 c6ndo.lnlrr.r?rrtcr .. ,ro"tdoa ln !.rrrf r.Di I f f f,Ir*i.__ .,,._ .' lL !|trcrllmrour. t. t\rrrt tarki:;r$lff1, $ljfii;.:..*;ithill:i rr.r' orcttrqj.'o.!!1..ffi;4=1g.!gt .llttr D.cl.r.tton r.r !. Lnc- ::l:li :i X *:.;1." ":l;I#i:U! i.{,f *,T:til:ll:irl:l.,i:atu'.: trt uu.i;;..;':;|..^:t]|?'l coEn ll.rrn!. br tocmtod ";-il;;.:lir;'.tlil's;,F1.'fi:{g1..qiltru*Hf:,,,*r*:;:l'.{i *rfi:ffiit*t*t*:f*:-o. .rc!..rr.r etihou! rhr u_r-1_r.n ,h. i.".;.1'-;,..Ji,.'lfi U."rl,":::::r.,1: *,;ti.j":,li;;{l:il,.,i[#'il:;l:::1..i'.,i..]S',:l"f.TfjiF;I t rr r r orc rr * r roca', .*i{i#iA*ijli;ii:#iiiliil;1, .,,f 1,i..,.i[,"",1 li I i+:i1;':. :i;,l"tiltr','',::lli;*''it:'f:"'11' 'i*i:jireil,-,r.:-,i4,.,.,.-\1.;rr.rJi;ji!l:.,pT::r'" pt'J",,'i, F*ltililini,ii*ii,.rl*ii:il,.;".?*fi r?,**.rsi,:ffi i:' 'fii:friggfig#S,ffi.rr#ffig ,ata.ial I ;:nf",.,; imgg:r,,t.tH'.f'iHlf#,, iffi jil.fi,.i.p':":riff,-sni.l.lir,.l;1,:=:1,,i,;'i#$ 5$'#**i,,{,.."!in'ff#,Hlf$, . : ;$*;..{ , **ml*ffi*:l;ffi F.i- . ..:,.,i '-.:ir.l - it '' ji*i,fn i,_,Xii .#,T:S*ii:.t :l*:,: -,'' ffi.ffi fifi*fi'ffi "* ir jt .T r, -,14 -H;**-*.,,-.*-rt-tJ ; ;" "-.lri lt-ffiffi iirr.G. ot c"r,,.r. '.li :T ",ifr.i:"?,r:,*,;,:I ni:::C ;-;:i;r:jlT;.1il ,: fr.ffit${ifn i :;r';i:,:r-ri.,.lmmffi,,muT"r.:.fu *"hiJi,,:l.r*ii."',+iuffil:l I, i;-1i . : ;.. +-tg - #fr;i"' hfi*H##ffih.I*: :i::i:Ir',Il i;:fi iil t:!.l::-t-t ,*L.,F,f;t*li**,,.t'lltllt'-'^-:r.::.aro?6.rb.rrr cr mr ,,,r-.r_..a.?Grrtr I trl. of .-nlli rJ, rr tsDr.lar .t thlr lrraarr orl f :fg'#ilt j:rili:ll{,:!ii!'ri:i!i:,Lili:i,iti;rnrr.rli rr rny rrlrr il ;;i;A;;i.;j;l,l: ..[.':l I if dil.ff||lil'.,ili _nrtttora .ia l..atiaa li thtt tb.la?.tl.iml x cuo.l,l.rel ln r.irftrtnl .6, lroll. a . G Io Ytt6l.trttor rlru ior offi:a:lt- l:l.lutt to .nl.?6r .ot nrnrr.ron. ot rit. 1,.6-t?crt.lnq rt rhlr -Dr-rilir'ritrr I r'ltrr .l rnt .rri ricir.to.r ., ,i.nl'oiiJi ;:ii:ll*:l,tHm1,,.m rur 5. raraoirllt rr,lulrr lr a-orr *$***.':ll[ffi#i#nr${lr!ffi ,-r.ot'.rlli .. tlr. r.!r..!tcoet trcutrlre ct thr;::!l:"r;[.":,+!ji"? j:..-[l!iJ_ir]fi :...:T..t1?,\,X j; jfljfr ::t'':tl-kq,Tli::.iilri*.iti,,t.jt,._.:ii:tit;iiijili"#mi :il::*:. . 6-;;-'r.;'.".T'l",ll' _i.,...iil ;'..T1"" : H:.[ lf Tiilii -.-.r,,r.gt!i .. .1.,.1..1..i."i,.lii-rxlrtrq. asta rr. rlf rlch r{dlttolr. -hii;:-. *, rD€r...r l,o o,i, ,ilL*L.T.:".fr.t;1*".,tr. tor hrr p.r*nt.r. of .n, iarrr, r "*,f ;..o tiil.l]:t.::ld o-. T.. :.n.6! rn .o-re ,rrh thr orh.rt.r.rGr r.t roiti-"i i.iiili'rl".,tiLff;1tl..T- tn rcGo?d.oc. 'r.r, ir.-iil '{'-ot. -uu I "-1;1",f;':".1':::i:i".:: rth. .rrr!rnr c.o"r! r,,-oo ltrrcrr! t, .*l'.aa[ll..tt't't r' ro3lna Portr ln th. &.oct.ltoq ro{ld t uD- rh. i... .lrt', n*t#r - rlci- oarrc rbll rut tt to ?h. A..octttr.ra i:i:,"'4,.ilI;Jj*j..;*"fi it::".f#'h'il*.ir'.^li.ll,l. jif :. jr ll. L..?v.tloIt to !nl^rrt lrol.ca. :::j:.:-t ..:dil"..?:;.:ili,i"tii:ijiy::tiiii:Lil;,.l:,,:i,,:,*1,.rj;_::: ::::t "n r.p.trt. .,tJolnkra ?r.l,trop.?tr,,rrr.,, l"iiJi^1. r*t olhr? t.rrof.--rrrrr xt D..{b.trt.d to condorlntqr *"ir.oie .uni.r-ii,il o.ot.r.rr,",.no r* _1. : . il'i.: t\'( i -la - .t,ll "il J :.: *-_tt- 1 :::)_, +i: ;l I :,. il,n''f, iritiffii'i##:etft !*r'ti,ii =ffiffiffigryggli.6 !v,' '' ". i!. '.trfrllii.r.,..Il!, --frr. - 0l.rrt, {r[l lorr.!ii.:l l I *'n:iil' #,.='tfi ,:l:;::1,,'?',1,0.',i..- ..,,,-.,0,," u,$$,:it:l{.iii';ih'Hiriiilil,i.'i'il:'#.f ,,,ih:, ifjiitFiiri -, _.;_.._.r. r,toorrrler ''|. . I ;it+,,1- ::5:l**,: ,,jj].,.',".'.',1:T,,1'-itrilr.r,..li:,,.ir, ;1,.,.r:r,:_::r,-rju:\ 'i,i-TFl--,ie.rnrrr atl..rtrf (il.;; m+mmwfit'- iffifi. cr .eotr '.rlt ,,.rPcrri.--.v".'rtu rult b. rtnrtarrrj ;; j I :" i :.$L$r: /; r.?rr,.pr ,r, tL* 5.:!, --.i lr trortd.,r tn' rurr.,.-.,.^ ,,. l',tt.,i$tt:i;fjilF'-'iru*[ti***uT:t:ffit**r,n,'iffiii /(_^r ll -,prri&;r, ::tii.". ,r.o,,t.d ,rr.'*.,.*.,* *,. ,i, ;lt1i;,ffiffi I11,lly.Llo a3r!,cr^r!!, ,:#,HF,'..0olrr..o l.rrr.il,,ii,.^1.'itr ,,.1.*ltrtf.:i ' ,1.'.iir :: ifi ':'l "It- ?!lf*.; Tt.r lrt: at,lldlrrr I I .r| i'I .: :.} a .1'.{''jf.:i ..'.., i,.r t tunt? I(hrr-f'JtllTrrrrt .' clh0ttrlol_lflrxtil . t0l t0t l0l l0l l0t l0l l0t tot t0t ll0Ill '|tltnll0t l0a t0! l0a t0t'tot t0l t0t.. y,a .: lllcfiflaol ot u firilllP IX qo|tlni tllxrrr8 ;r : r &0116lll.lrtitt 0. t$0t I' t.l{fltl l. t ll.llerll l.trDtrlI.a!r0tI. t.tttlltl.,ttlt I t' l.otrr I t. t. I ttltr:. l.llt llt' I r 0160ll :. I l00l Il.ntllll.3 atI. l. clttr. t.l tttt t. t.tra'tt'!.)t6 tl.tlttll " ,. r5ll l. rttl | |t.7ttlu. t. totc[r.!lt tl. te4t ltr.0t{t ll a. I t 200t t.0oo0olt.rttmt 0.0l'|9l 0.ntet9t 0.091tel 0.0t1!910.0 ,'t0.0tlt9t 0.0ttt9l 0.0t2t9t 0.091t'l 0.091ttt ar.0ttttl 0.09tt9t 0.09 2 t9l 0.09 t t 9t, 0.0r1!tt 0. uttr9l 0. utt r9t 0.0t259! 0.0tt5rt q.09219t 0.091trt 0.09?ttl 0.0flrtI 0.01lJ Il 0.091t9l 0. ')91I ll 0. ut::rgt 0.0e1)9t 0.0r ltt!0.09 91 .0t a0! aoa !0t t0l t0t 601 a0!&! 60a ill [r:il:: il::: ti iiiitTlfi: iL.:: iilot ( rrrtrq liri ri ;3i lil:ii:t l3::: 9i?or (rrrrtni t;aa ail0l ( trrrtar tprcr ti lll lHilti ir:: i?i;iil*il:: iil:: liitt. (rrrrrnl !il; iiitlt ilrrttnt lprcr lt) iiiiil*iiiii:I iii7lt (rrrrtai rprcr iritlo ( lrrurt lprcr l0)lll ( ?rrrrai siccr tii Il3 (hrttnt lprer llllll (trrtrrl Bpr"r iir7lr ( hrltnS ip.cr t()l2! ( lerttaj lprce !.ji,eC (hrtlnt 6D.c. l6)lll ( ?rrtt ru lD.€. tt)120 ( hrlt nr !p.c. lll ^l ,i:', --': llf ( trrtrar rirer lii I ). . or0t!t|l. 0.011!tt -' o.0tlttl , 0rottttt l. 0.0['t: orotlrll . ' 0 01[trr Jr0t?t|l. ,._ 0,ottltlDt0trlll -.. l ._..0.092!rf.0.0rr59t , 0.092t9tj 0.orat9t.. 0.0t1!rt. o.ott$t. 0.0rtt9l 0.0r2ltt. 0.0re59t. 0.09t!rt0.091t9t ' . . 0.orrt9t o.0n!9r. 0r 09t!9t 0.oter9I 0r0ttt9tD.0t$91 , 0.(,'tt9t. o.otrttt . .'o.09utt 0.09:t9lo.o9ttgt - I ;j':L". 0.orurt0.t)t2t'l '. ..t r.f..i" -q .:l 0.0125r1 0.0t25rt 0.09lttt 0.09titt 0.0t2lrt0.0tltrt 0.0925rt 0. orlltl '.,'. ..:r'i.. -1t. '$:i+. '"i$miuffiil ;il iHlltl:il:: ili ,,iii$li$$ifril fi if:iifr iff:iii # [;*lllili::: lii 11;ir::tli*::: iii iiiii:lllil lii: ;ri ;il t;::l*i:ri: iii ;:t [::ln: *::: llil:r[;*l*j:rjiiii il*[*rlll ;ll ll::llti :1....: ;li ' ' liifltfr iffii# lliliiuffill ffiru :?.( i .r' .,,1j .r . 0.otl Itl. 0.09tllt' 0.0t1!tt 0.0rttrt0.0'l:tr 0.otl9rl0.oltl,l. 0.ortlr! or0tr!!t'0.otr!9t'0.0t2t9r 0.0t2lrt0.otettt 0r t9l!tl 0.0rlt0.0rr''t --i' f .. '****-ssl#T.si'trffi 'H .'# ,$#$ttr,:'g,,fril-.; ffwgru $ *F f:llt}. i+::.:'.t 3;{.:.:,.; .. ::.,-: ;.L{. .}:-- j-:;?,'r.ii' .,f :*,: '.l$;' 9.+-.fiir,::i+:$ ,t\l+{il.-,li.i .:n,.ll'! _ j.:'i:t- I I .'t'l *;;'i .1::( ,I':( r9:..1 oo a o /5 I i ll'il [.i I :',i't']i lt'^ l,,r l|! 0lrPI'8tl ..,1'9-r'-r.t,. @'Y:.r.$.:r' ': ' flrrs eorvEYANCl drtrd Julv 6, l9tl . tr roon3 vr l.itGl Iltlt II..IZA CONDof'llNl$l ASSoClATlou. i Colorrdo n6n-p1o{tE coroorrtlon (tha IArroclelton"), VAIL VlLllCE Il{N, Il{c., I 6oi6rrao-cl-rpoiitton i'iwi'ir, ina r i t vAlt vlt.ucu P^ltrlltngxlF. I Colorrdo 0inorrl Prltn.rfhlP (t'f I t."). -t'-'r : , r.rcttrr.s l. Thr A.toclr!lon tovomr thr rdntnt.ltrtlon and Drnar.rn.nt ol thr trrl nroireriy (rtlarcrl lr') altufl. ln rha Tovnof V;ll. Cosntl of 8nrli. ttrgi o! Colorrdo, vhlch Parc.l l tr oorr nliclcutrilv darittlird tn Erhtblc A rtrrchrd hrrcBo rnd ardoi orrl hcroJf. nlrrruent to thit cortrtn Doclerrtton of covrnrntl. Coirdttlonr rni hrrrrtcclonr o! Vtllaec lnn Plazr r Condordnlun Protrct rlcordcd tn look 3{9 rt Prra-I2 ol chr ronl propcrry rcc-ordr tn chc of ('tco of thr Clark-and ltccordcr of lnRlc 9olrnt],Colorarlo. : | , Vv i j.i chr rcco.-il anC *:::l !'-'! l: ! 1'9?: of rho rcr I -oro,,"i'ir ,';iir.ir-il"i-iiiu,,io tn thc Torn nf Vril. 4ounty of b,r,t \,,. 'i'ts:,r nf Colt'rldrr, r'Flch Porccl :I t ! norG pdlrtculsrly rlcicrlbcc ln Evhlb't h nt:tnchcd hcrletrt end madc o P'rrE hcteul 3. F t L tr tltc l'r!cord .rttrl lrencf lctrrl rrunGr r-rf rhi' rcll oro.'*ttv (t'Pn;cul rt rt;l- iliuir o {n thc Torn o{ vrit. cot:'nty of E.xi". .'Stotn , r Cslorado, rhlch Prrccl ttl tl tlsr€ Pnri'-riul.1rlyrtcicribcd ln F,xhthlt c nrtrchcd hcrct'.r end nadc n Prtru hrrcul. 1,. thdrc trrr:ocnlly sx(at! ccrcain rlr lntdho ard cxhaurt' ducryoik (rhc "DLctworki'i loerterl ln fhc ilrprovencnta c.rltc!ruct(.:rl rrn IorccI I utrtl trr,reel I1, whlch Uucca.trl ltoi tnlo tlrt tronf li"it,,u ,yaEun pre"r.'tiily rcrvtclttg tDrPrrtvonl.ntr lcclltqd on Purr:cl lll. t, Th.: Arrocirtlton end VVI rlcnlro t(t Srnnt to F f, I' rlt' rdsancnt for tho contlnu$d trrro of lhr hlctvorh purrul|nq lo rh( lrtanr end.condtttonr "' t";:lr::*;l1t.t""""tancc of E^rr'lront' \" Thc Asroctnrlnn antl V!1, for and ln constdcrc!1on ';1 thc rccltalr. S10.00 and ,,1ltcr 8,ood nnr! vnl uahle cunstdet.rrllrn ' lhf iocr'tpt ind ruJflclcncy t,l iihrch arc hcrct-rl ackrrowlrrlSed..dct hcreb)' sull .tnd convcy ro F I L e non'exclullvc, pctPctu.ll. eillnmtnt (rhc "Duc crrork f,asencnt") undcr, 4vcr r 0crotr tncf chrouEh Parcel I rnd Parct'l lI ror thc purpoac of nnlntetnlrrg, rcpatihry, rcplur:lrrt; nnrJ.urlnl r.hc Ducciork tr) tlc tnto nnd uca ,r purE iit rtr. ul icnrt tel loir lytccB prefcntly anrvtctng lnpiovc'rrcrrtt lrrc tt'r ; n Parr el lll TO HAVL Atlt T0 tll)!.|) rhr Ducteork [AienGnr trtrttr ]'I L and lrr tucce$Bort lnC irAhtE,nc ' r'ltt tlrtctrjork EnactlcttE rhall rrrn vlfh tha larrd gnd e ha r I hu uir,urLr.lupr r.o Ferctr! 1Il, lruclr !ll,tq o tranlfer ui f .eut r lt 1.. t.. r,ll itr snv p( r'. I c.'n o! Psrcrrl III rholl iutJ"itr.rIly trrrrrr!cr- e prip"ritonr!c lnt'rGrt ln th' Ductwrrrl: Ealcncnt. 2Is"ul .il3f,il t, (x !.l ?ha ArroclncJtrtr FtLtrgfollour, *Tffiffi"U?\." rn,J VV I bcreL'v furEhcr agroc and cov'GnrnL io ,! l i!tl ,)ai lit b fitl iti t\ r t €=g{Ft*t}Lttrportlon of chc Ductvork locrted on wlT-'owncd Parcc hc lrr rolc arrtsfirfrr-fin, roPnlr and kccf'-c*ta'+r++rcctrt ,l'* Pr,rcd.*r ttl.or.rTft!!n noBlu. r. p.rfd'itl .nt uot Duc Ir naouaaa pho.d truch drtaulrtnl prrct'i p1,rr3lon 6ih. ccndltton rrqul?-d rbovl rnd, ruoh d.t6ultlnl prr3t'a prrrClon btth. ccndlBton rrqul?-d rbovl rnd.o cna ccndSBton rrqul?r6 aba,vp.r'ty rh.ll r.lDburrr I I L |ullrtfint, iuch d.J6ulglrr.ollrbla oortt tnosrradlrlrtl rr-- ---r.rl - l-^-rr -urth-r.rp.eg ttr th. a$chthr o of 3h. Dirccro (ssAI.) !. hch provtrlon of thlr Conv.)rrnco of Earrroonr. rndatrr!.rnanlr prgnlaar covcnrn! and undortoktnt fo coltply trllh oachprovlrlon .rd thlr Convry.nco gf E.rotr|.nGr rnd .ny nicirrrryorcrtrtlon or r.iorvrtton or lrrnt ol tltlir arcrior rtsht brtngrierc t.o offccnurlr eny piovl,rlon of thlr Convcyrnci 'of htcncncr (r) rhnll ha ,lcenrd tneornontod ln rech dc.d or othartnrlrunrn! by vhl,ch rny rlght, tlclr or lnt.r.rt ln any porttonof Prrcoi I, Pereol tl or Prrcol III tr BrsnlGdr dcvlrcd or oonvGyGd, rhrchor or no! rot loEth or rrfarrld to tn ouch dcod or othor lnrErunrntr (1.1) rhall, by vlrluo of rcc.trrrncr of rny-rtnht, tltki ot lntrroat ln any-porston of Pucel I or Parcol II by an ourrrrr thr,rlrrfr be dccmcd nccoprod, rattftcdr rdopccd anddcclnrcd a. a pcrronrl covcnanr of iu,-h omcr and, or ir prrronrl Lo\icnenc. ghail, br Liitdir,; oi, -such- !r*?iT--rpC .!lq. !er-gr- - pe rronalr.pr.ri'nt.rlvcr, ruccGrlor. arrt3nat rnd, rhall bo daencd rpcrr.onrl c-av!::;i!1! -6a'. wt!h end for chr bcncf lC of asch ourner of sn:' porit.,n o( Farccl lll, for Bhcnrclvor. thels \clra, parroncl rrpr'.rsuntr!lVdrr 1 ruccr!r|orr anrl errtgnr1 and illl) rholl bc dccrnod ,r rerl covenan! by thc perclcr hercto. for Lhenaclver,tilro!r iucccoaorr anrl aortgnr. rnd alro an equltoblc lorvtludo,runnlng, tn cnch crlor ati rr burdon vlch end upon Cltl. to aach and rvr.rv portlon of larccl I and larcrl II. h , lloch prrrvtr !(rn ('t t hlD Convcyanco of, Earsnont ulrul I bsruforccablrr by tho oirng'r uf Prrccl IlI, o! tn chr lvon! of condontnl uur.?-rt lort of I'arr:ol III. ch. condonlnlun eraoclaEloncontr('IIlng Pnrccl IiI. by a prococdtng for a ptohl.bltlvc or nanda!,ory lnJunctton or by a ru.! or .rctlon !o rccovcr domrgca.lf corrrt proccedtngn orc lnatltuqcrl ln cor:necrton utch Bhs rlghraof $nforccm.rn! ,tnd rcmcdttrr provldod ln thls Convoyonco of Endamcn!. rhe prrvalllng pr:ty ahull bc cnttrlad to rccovor tgrcostl end €xPcnros Ln connoccl<rn rhcrcvlth, tncludlng reasonoblcattornGy'c fcec. IN tlITNI':SS trtHEREUf , tblr Conveynnce o( Eascnrcnt 1n excculud .16 of lhe r!uu} flrsr obove urltlcn. VAIL VII.IAGE PLAZA COIIDOHINII'}I ASSOCIATI0N. a Colorndo non -profl t corDoraE ldn-' ,rl. (.' r teY'fJ!!Ll-9)#Ls!g';!!( i I t rrcsl(lenE ddlll on thr datrulttnl Drrltra .porrlont.ar.l rt lh. s!t. of It.0 nirrcrit orrrn! tor tuch rrorh ycrr nrirdr irntllta Frtlant tor ruch norh y.ti nirdf itnt Vadl VAIL VILLACE lllN, INC. . n r! B lon ,r I F& Co EYr L VAIL VILIJCE FARTNERSIIIP, a o- Tho forn tn8 lnrtrtrltcat uot rcknorlcdgcd-bcforueil;;il8 cofEFi?F-non-proflt r rtorat,lon. ..,..,,,lf.ttnorr ury hend and offtctal rcrl. 'r"..t\-':' t ..S$t"tly tonr,rterton rrplror, Vtt*r*.\t\).iiu t^^- i'\\sTl'f;i '-r-l-t' rl,.'' ''::llr.,' '. sTArE .0F coLOR^nO )_ _'r- lfr .--' ' COUTITY OT EAGLI ) $lrnelg ny hurrd and otflt:lal ceal' !''l), r,'crunrl set.n cxP! res t''l 8/ STATE 0!' Col.c'lAtro COUNTT (IF T.AGI.E -. The f o:cp.eln1' Lrrst 'utr|enE ne8. ncknowlc:dgcri -befcre#"ii"il;fl#*:','l3i"lloj":::o::ltlil : " /V, /?t{ :)j ss ') .^d 'llre lorefo].n8 f ns E rusl ffi":i'P?' The foregolng !nscrtroren! Yf!- aeknowledgc9.!:Iot:. l9E4 by Jaurec G. Flaun' ar ige PercirershlP, a Colorado FsrCnerchiP. tlltnee$ ny hand and offlclal oeal. ry Addrers: me thlc.-- -.--., General gencral thtl 9Dr t Nocary l Addterr: a:"ili:ii: ..1 Bhcroot rr:cordod coutlly r colorado. Vtl tagc lnn l'luz.r (l'lr, tI l) JES T ltt'Jl"L -'FFa-'3t rr@rFFqt*lliltFmrtnnF?lmliE f-[f fF[pt[rrrnn-1r I o lllfir6; occordtnR to rhc In tbr oltlcr of thc Eagh Rrco!dr) EXCEPTT Thr tollovlng thro. portlorrr o!'rild l,ott N anrl O: l. Thoer portlour of rald lpli ll aird O dorcrlhdd ln Book 230 ot pagr 596of tho Clerkrt Rocordr. '::2. Jtat girttor ol rcld l.ot O lnmr rr Vllirge lnn llaar, r Condontnluo,uhlrfi l,; darcrlt,rd undtr Rcccpllon No. 2r53Jl-ln thr Clcrire Rccord., : '' r.3. Thqt Dortlrro o! rrtd Lot 0 drrcrtbed ar folloil: Itcglnnlng at_ e polnt on tl'. 6ourh bo,ntdrrry of rnll l,ot 0 rrhcnce tho aoullic,rri ciirner bf aaid Lot O bdrrt 5- H2'iirltri'! -r. EJ;aJit fcc.t riiatanc; ciicllcg.tlrc followtng, trro courro$ rlonB inld nbrrth Jlrru: (l) N E2"3trOO" 1{ t(t6.29 fr.ari (2) 154.13 fa'Jt nlong rirc urc of ir cufvc to tlru lcft It:tvtnl. l fndlus of 545.t"U fr.ct. 11 r:(:nlrirl nng.lc trI lt'r"10'39" unrl l clrurd wlrlch htrrra S 89'Jrtr4 r l.l l5l.(r2 l,!r:t t() the aouthvrratt r:r.rrner otr n,rid !.ut Oi thuncc alung tlrc ncsterlv I trru of gnld t.ot O N 01tc23r00" ll' 15.83 foct; thctrc€ N l0'13r02" tl t41.63 fecti tlrancc N tl2o06./r6r ll 49.1r8 fccr; rherca N 4::'12'21" A 46.01 fceti thenco !i 80.22t22" l: 123.59 fcct to Ellc ucstcrly houndnrv of Vtlloge lnn l,lrza accordtng to the nnp thcreof rccorded un(lcr tictcpatorr No. 245151 ; rhcnce tha follotrlng thruu ccrrrncs olcrrg ecld rrr.Btcrly houndrrry: (1.) S 09"10i00't H 12.jifccr; (2) S t9'30r00" E 82,00 fr.tri (3) s.l.o.llr03" tJ 5:!.gg feor ro thcpalnt of hegtnnlrr6, contntn lng 26.1O(l Aqurrc fqst or 0.650 ncran, norc or k,ss. rsfaru,rl,lsilsHE6TlBEilfEil ;T ! J._i :r.i;..:"1 lirii[Hi .rJ filrl,. irj, t.{o Itloxl',l iiti:.'$fj;il itlij thrco courrtr alonp aald ecltrrlly borrndaqrl (l) s 09'30'00'r $ 12.t4 fccr i (i) ;!-l!.1t0'C0', B g?.q4 t:n!i (3) F t0.l1ro2( !{ 52.-98 fcct. !q rho- polnt of bcglnntng, contalnlnS 2H,30rl eqrrnta fect or 0.650 acrert nr)f e of lect. Vlllage lnn Plazo Phaaea I and II JEs 6/8/84 ( fiffiitr#i:iiH{Hd1tr'Ti$trr$$'ii.'tctlhritib'lrnd:lttithE'on|thrli',itltfr,be,riiiACildihifAYtbfoitrirfc'rtttia'r.'. I ii;i;:..;ilii:;)l',:' i'routhomt cornoi-ot.:arld lnt.o b.iiii.;3:8e.ltl00T. !'gt.sg. lert dfucbn:: bhenet , l.i'.,i..i-!littrr.forlortn3 nrd cbutreiualong:drlcilr'oiririi-'ilniil:tri-i -r-iitoo" tf -: -:;'i:ri, ,' j,: ,.iii'1106.29 f.cri (2):l54.ll::foct."irlSni.'itrbrrii.r'ot ilcunrd.t6 thc'trlt ii',. i, ' ii. " '.1:"'i,r': hrvlnl .hrredlur of -5{5..!E 'loot'pir irintral;lnglr "o( l6t.l0tl9,:rand e'fhord ::..': hrvlnl hrredlur of -5{5.!E 'foot'rir itintral:}ngh bf l6tlOtlg,lrand e'ihr ., 'r.hlch;$orrr 3.89'19t40il'll l5!'16f.fcUt'..to:'tho.routtircrt:b6rncrjo! rrkl , rlf, ! lfiit*'+ n :ffii tifi sll$.i;isfi,l,ffitt[sf, f fiilffi :lh$]$'#ffi li,t8l iihft';t-'rilir!'toori; trrcnclfi;Il?3tlzt$.d:lt;0fiilcictii:th'.Scd:ti:8orlzl22',:lj$'3 tzJ.59 (lei to rhd rcrtbirf ,6iiirtitt!'i?lvtlii8c'lnd tiiri"aicrtrdlnsrto 'thr nap rhcrcof rccordcd undrr loccptlon No. 2453513 thnncl thr folloulngh'ir oo o tb o o '!, tl- U .T4.t j E{t s;t c Itorlf, ;l:,:t'\i l I t. \r.tIt,'t! .t -lilj'l .'15{:{.-; t; ;J{ :;a : ',::M - l't ;di .Et--3 :;; : .- | ;r:::.a lt:r I I ! 2 t , l2 ;1 :! 1:'i ht',li. l.it::;: t r! I ( I iir! :t l!i I $ssN\l; :t:! f! !: 9.-Z:ts :;i :i :15i Z ia i :- $$ :l ;l.>t:.1.q idl-l c ,{', * J oa ori :lii ,!i II jo'J -: ^l;ir-i 3l "' !"n " - 'l,,H !l'tl | 'qt ul " ',1 ;'8 >t i f i; ; ,t ' ! !i ;r;i :t,, lr!i|..t'lI llrlirtr ii''l' ifir l,i: i .tliI,\. t "."{ /l { iIti It IiI I ! t I { i til Iti-ir irIt i:..! :l.ri tl/ NI l*l* RF sl I I ti s/ ..rq I I I I s oo. rt'oa.E - lta-2a, .oo3 ix _J Irs .$(\ N .D ror{\/ c j u dl!o Ut o .{i IJ0.>6 r J z oo t r! !g.t. ,tlt i:iJ:;,. :;J,' ; t?.; IJE!!i: -iJ: 3- H::! !l;.: atd - := :3E, i :: i; :i i;i; :i ii i :i : , j tr ;i i;i i .,,;it ii: *l ii ;i i ' :i ii ii *ii ijl ; *f t;t*rritii : :;; :i iii :i ;iiii;i ;ii ii;ii ;!, ii I ; ::;i iii ii iii ii i:::ii; iii iii# ;l i:. ii ; iiii "- !' t 5: E:EIlll: EIE:. Hii ==: : : _--: ::":_: =: =_-:::_ _ : :-:, /aJ)tYf:e ,,-191.t3 l._ i_l l: I I i f-H.rui EisislE r.(' 2".--i..','['r'.':.' t-f-'-t,:r . ! "i-' ;i,' ', 5- . li.'-'.'.t' l -!t $ $l tr + * r t., !1i o X t,E UJ E f$ g !j \ s R $. :''II-/ N sf I F { E IElnr lllI LiJ E rrf lE' .-- | - |_I-l- l-"u tbi : lt I:l L:I E r) I I o '!, tl- U .T4.t j E{t s;t c Itorlf, ;l:,:t'\i l I t. \r.tIt,'t! .t -lilj'l .'15{:{.-; t; ;J{ :;a : ',::M - l't ;di .Et--3 :;; : .- | ;r:::.a lt:r I I ! 2 t , l2 ;1 :! 1:'i ht',li. l.it::;: t r! I ( I iir! :t l!i I $ssN\l; :t:! f! !: 9.-Z:ts :;i :i :15i Z ia i :- $$ :l ;l.>t:.1.q idl-l c ,{', * J oa ori :lii ,!i II jo'J -: ^l;ir-i 3l "' !"n " - 'l,,H !l'tl | 'qt ul " ',1 ;'8 >t i f i; ; ,t ' ! !i ;r;i :t,, lr!i|..t'lI llrlirtr ii''l' ifir l,i: i .tliI,\. t "."{ /l { iIti It IiI I ! t I { i til Iti-ir irIt i:..! :l.ri tl/ NI l*l* RF sl I I ti s/ ..rq I I I I s oo. rt'oa.E - lta-2a, .oo3 ix _J Irs .$(\ N .D ror{\/ c j u dl!o Ut o .{i IJ0.>6 r J z oo t r! !g.t. ,tlt i:iJ:;,. :;J,' ; t?.; IJE!!i: -iJ: 3- H::! !l;.: atd - := :3E, i :: i; :i i;i; :i ii i :i : , j tr ;i i;i i .,,;it ii: *l ii ;i i ' :i ii ii *ii ijl ; *f t;t*rritii : :;; :i iii :i ;iiii;i ;ii ii;ii ;!, ii I ; ::;i iii ii iii ii i:::ii; iii iii# ;l i:. ii ; iiii "- !' t 5: E:EIlll: EIE:. Hii ==: : : _--: ::":_: =: =_-:::_ _ : :-:, /aJ)tYf:e ,,-191.t3 l._ i_l l: I I i f-H.rui EisislE r.(' 2".--i..','['r'.':.' t-f-'-t,:r . ! "i-' ;i,' ', 5- . li.'-'.'.t' l -!t $ $l tr + * r t., !1i o X t,E UJ E f$ g !j \ s R $. :''II-/ N sf I F { E IElnr lllI LiJ E rrf lE' .-- | - |_I-l- l-"u tbi : lt I:l L:I E r) I I o '!, tl- U .T4.t j E{t s;t c Itorlf, ;l:,:t'\i l I t. \r.tIt,'t! .t -lilj'l .'15{:{.-; t; ;J{ :;a : ',::M - l't ;di .Et--3 :;; : .- | ;r:::.a lt:r I I ! 2 t , l2 ;1 :! 1:'i ht',li. l.it::;: t r! I ( I iir! :t l!i I $ssN\l; :t:! f! !: 9.-Z:ts :;i :i :15i Z ia i :- $$ :l ;l.>t:.1.q idl-l c ,{', * J oa ori :lii ,!i II jo'J -: ^l;ir-i 3l "' !"n " - 'l,,H !l'tl | 'qt ul " ',1 ;'8 >t i f i; ; ,t ' ! !i ;r;i :t,, lr!i|..t'lI llrlirtr ii''l' ifir l,i: i .tliI,\. t "."{ /l { iIti It IiI I ! t I { i til Iti-ir irIt i:..! :l.ri tl/ NI l*l* RF sl I I ti s/ ..rq I I I I s oo. rt'oa.E - lta-2a, .oo3 ix _J Irs .$(\ N .D ror{\/ c j u dl!o Ut o .{i IJ0.>6 r J z oo t r! !g.t. ,tlt i:iJ:;,. :;J,' ; t?.; IJE!!i: -iJ: 3- H::! !l;.: atd - := :3E, i :: i; :i i;i; :i ii i :i : , j tr ;i i;i i .,,;it ii: *l ii ;i i ' :i ii ii *ii ijl ; *f t;t*rritii : :;; :i iii :i ;iiii;i ;ii ii;ii ;!, ii I ; ::;i iii ii iii ii i:::ii; iii iii# ;l i:. ii ; iiii "- !' t 5: E:EIlll: EIE:. Hii ==: : : _--: ::":_: =: =_-:::_ _ : :-:, /aJ)tYf:e ,,-191.t3 l._ i_l l: I I i f-H.rui EisislE r.(' 2".--i..','['r'.':.' t-f-'-t,:r . ! "i-' ;i,' ', 5- . li.'-'.'.t' l -!t $ $l tr + * r t., !1i o X t,E UJ E f$ g !j \ s R $. :''II-/ N sf I F { E IElnr lllI LiJ E rrf lE' .-- | - |_I-l- l-"u tbi : lt I:l L:I E r) I I o l: : : Hin f;iii "l "l $rt \ S_\r o r 9 ls| 3ll'lEt ru!$ J'l l.l1:l {:rl:l id?? + i $$ .J r{ ..1 tr i d :l {o i I I Iq {l||to I I I I d{Y.t{.to I I Iq g d.{ e { fl[ --+- ; dl I I I i qto Ij q 'l Ii| o q E J e q 'l{rl o q q flY iD I tIo It ilil-- li {r ii * r[$ ls!l _{ $ t{ 't29_2cr.....ta r..-.-tJ Hii firi q. sN \ d =l l{ s .iol dq rl 'lo I I J q Jil o t J Irl q o < l-t,-lE 'ljx It, {o l-, iitt'!l:L_Flr lJi lr i,ry L_ l---- lsr $,lflII df' IL-=r it'L_r-- I ll' - J - ' . ^ -t J inf I I I i I Jg t(D Jq {e I I'l {o -* 'ltt $$ ffiI il $$ $$ _l t r.t \,\ \__J Io l$ S$ \.f \.f rl q {lr$ fu \ * s s N \ d irI \ { sr _.$[ t9tt:I tsI5 rt HilJ f;jji "-l 'l r) fp'l \ s rt .l 2 .J 5 t(trul E 'l f$fi l$ N $r9 -l z .J .J 'l'l r$ru s rt -_J .J o o IO o o o n-^'-' j- O-\\-' &O . ..... :.. _Jg-r$,j-.c-rl-r,!- rlcif:i, -,,,';iii j:r:l F-'"'tj;-j _rrre eE EEI /S!. rri,.(1!.r. t rhrbt! 1, , ;,, n. ;r*t',il*t$*:** ':lT+ ll'rr .9rcer thar ;ll faHr*"11,;;j j..-;:. i"" ";;;.i*JIi,:1.:,:I.::.".i! on rhr th!t rt 1s!ree a r;.1 tr,o sa hel J il:,":I":^:.|_th. abov€ d!scrlbed 1r.,1."ii'l,,l',iliffil";;';"5'i i:i:":.'$:: G:-,I|'),:cr ha, caus(.d ilr'|o o""tnt! to br dury vatt vrLfin, tslti.f Ss HH:REoF.. lL/ ds), of ' I J pte thls ' INC. at for TOF co&otu DO EACL!9f I) ss. ) +l acknoyledg.d rcrI. -8b be forc Sza t F oo o I o LANO TITLE-VAIL 'rrtrt 6rrn,t .il con'wlltgE oP .EA8Eilrs!! f r r il * fi ' ;iiiil i{rft dl"li l! liti'ilir *ii,lilli, -,---3:- .F-t L lt thr rccorn rrd rr.--rr-r-r ' - .-.- -" ...' ,. j.' : ]', i#ill'{i';i;i'iit.iiliil,,t,;iilti*ffiri{ll,ilj . i. ., r rrta I prrt hrrrcf.r, ... .., A roof ("ioof lrrrt Af - r.-rrrr- ili!i!iF:"t"$.:l:i'i"ji:iiiirll,i,li'l :'T :i"l'?iill"l,ni;p; rr,ii.' r iill:::::lt:l_o"ii-i.ioli'il"'iirilf::l'.:4j.tt;:i;t'f. i,Ii ir .; .,, . . i.rn.en"ni-i3,-;;;.il:;;:.t.nl"iroil"rfi,.:"3l.ll;ii;ri-i:;.,.1,.li .,.. o----1'-. vohteulrr lrrlrrrr rnd ro-r. -- -r | ' ' , I' n ''r tr,',;i;,'klii;ifi tT:ii$trt j,'irf,ifl*iflfi :ii,.ffi ,,,,,;-q; ;:l;*i, jili:iii:ijii"$:iitiil*,ffi :iilr*i'gtil1*i ffPlel!nB utllity tlnf f . --"---^ r.rEElnr.l E, i*itiiir*liiil; lfli'in" il+llfi ;:i{liT;l5iii$'r,i:':' Fi*$j ^.---i:. wl end t, 1.1.:1I. co grrn. ,n".r"".'o.r.r,oro,,'.",:l',.t,'$t:1q;ffilil;:.p;;,;:l:":;.:li-i.-ii,'lnl'!lloill"". rot rorch-ii chrr ., - : .i ;..'r. IJI?'illssETll I "'i : 'r' ' i;r dii:iil.i: j: i: :i;i: i3.i!: ii* .f : :$tslf.: :t, :ff *. j:;:,,i,i*tif$lti :ri il1il]':"*:iiiiiiiiil'il:i;!:iii:t!'ili#i;rlrT;';n$jffi ,,r.;; . l,t...j*Ht Roof fi,c\glcnllltr.&rs'run. ..1 ' , , .,' ' ,;1,, ; 'I :.r. ::i'l1 ...,,r:-.rf rnururcElll{T .,lASElGliIl . ..! ; ,.1.- .wr do.! hrrrbv ..', .-l ]l ^ :.' , Irrcrurlvt. o.F!.?rr.r - -rrl l_rnd .cody?y ,Go p I L r . n '. ;:-.,r': ff r;l'ffi ti:iii.iiTilii:H,il1$.Hii.iili.iiiiiiiiil F ii,, ptopotElonrtr tnglr ', {..-:r r, ..;tl. q oozlo t o 11/22/2004'10:52 FAX 9704784534 LAHI] TITLE-VAIL tt 3.WI hercby furlh.r r!r..r rod lorrrrrn?, .. ,";.,.,ii ' ji;:TiipiltlTn*if ii:ir.iltiii;,,f ilr,r,ir.,:,.' ln_rflcc['rii li'fiiTl,:n!:-Ih.. Roof Eriroocnr tr ::t,. l:. lld ;rrii. ii'nlii. r"i,i.ril! ;;g;3;..i ;id;,ssnqlEton rad rrprlr. | , #:#ti:#jll..'fi t,il"Htj ffir iillr ff:t:n ; iTi,il,l,;}*igif:lrmfltriffi,, *l**#lnr*tt#ffi' (bt fir.;l:ll, J! llr,.:lT:, !h!_._!hrl*, r.io*n.,r.' (c) (d).. -1 I *iilif$frifl{trl **r,''o$ ;ff il;; iir" i{[+ilfi:F :'rliiirilil:"; il;lils : i ii ;ffi:it:ir;:F""fir1i=1ii;u ti'liiililirii.lj;1, ;':i::'tf ";'i;'j,irt,:;*.1*tri:i'il"i::l:.:: T . ;,, ;ij l,"itti;+* +* i;ir I i+i,' i Tfr 'rffi'l' 'i# ;i:,; tr iri o i :j i,, : :'lin 'ffffHHHfffffffffi rrfi i,H#*+*frltl+ff u fl#';|-,''-#+$1. __,,_;-vr ry,rerlE. rnc rnv*rrr .::.:,"."::..T:l:ii ., ;:i* iu. i iil r,hiir r ;if li, l':iiig: tiiriiri'iir;;;,:*1,: r'"il.,, *,ii a 003./0,10 lccESS 4[D p,arn.BINO ErsE{nrr , ',"i .iiii wlth 3 urrrlai-i;;;r;;: foltof;,' gvr (r) (b, 11/2U2004 l0:53 FAX 9?04784534 LAN0 TITLE_VAIL .",^--., I LE-Y^.L I Q004/0ro ;il,1ij.'E.o=l:.'-t= r paspor.ron... ,n..t..*ln rh. Acc..f rqd .. ,-,.r{,il r*l;lfi.i*iliiiliJ;lt,;,i'{ii,illiiltir:i::lii.r',i[ll' I.,,,. i . ocordf!, conJiiioi'iiii"rlll*llo..r rnd . I k .RECIpnocAlUrrl$.t.rtsIl{ErlEg .i ,i i:*,lY-l,T::n[;:i'.illl:F,::l"rr co |, L r i.'$f#tfi.$###ti;lf, ffi ;iliit i*.,*,j trtrfi#Tfl,lilffffi ''ii','.' ffi ,ry"',t'm,.,',,i I rl* ilf ir :;;::ili l I. ir: :,,ir i. ;i. rii[iiiitl;ii*:.il!;i1,,,,,, i:ll, il:.iil:l:"j"y.lj';l,l:i.g,"n, rhrrr run "rrh lo iiill iiirili:;iii;iri:i, tliirff rjirlj:i!i'irrit,"t:t.:t:.' riiiiifo ii;ii;;;ii:ii:ij:i'ji:iiiiiSlji.:!!l'*,ii"i:l':l:.' ri' fiiltflEiiiFfi'ili:, rl'i:iiir rri.ii:f il+li:li'tT: ;j=.. ;', f il:ihlif il L r i i, :'i;Tii+ T i *'r iriiii*' i:i$' i;i i. j;i;,;j:i":f, j.:rl_iiiij i; :if';;' fi ilili;'i:i*.;ia";i;;"'i,iij,ii;:1.'i*lll. :i,i,;iiilljili'i,, end P t L, hrrrbl furchrr rgr.. rnd cov.ntna ffij$ #*gffffig#rn'#ffi ffffiH#$fi*ffi . i t.,al 11/2212004 '10:53 FAx 9704764534 LANO TITLE-VAIL i#iiitlll1i'liit,rit'iffFii{itriiii:i'",iil ffifr*lt$i*#*l+$iffi :t rcr *$:$:T:11f;";'ttulr,conrfro.d hrrern." ; .'' lr,'itii:$;"iriitiiii,tl,Til;iil*,;.ii*ljj;, ; i,ir rutgfifiw1**ffi. *f'1iiffi 5.ffit'i,TjilfiHrili.l{ri#. flitqi*itfglii;l*il#1ft ';lii:l*''i'*itfiitfr$ii"f{ffi'*l*:ffi l;.'' i ' *iji*i;+:;iiutlu#I.'# *lit#iff ,j.",, :i,l::",0.0 ror rn liii"-Iisilpi"l rf i,iffIotllllrl,"', .,. ,1:i::!!!4! ?:::i:l ;;:* ; ti, lF::ii:i i':ii:inil ! {lt;" ::. i i ile aa" e, *.nl:l;;il:rii tff;.n"11f ;y1i' "lIli.ii", ill':i: :;:*:;'":ii :;,ri*i, iii- : ili,fi ':, i b; ;:: : "i,F;.i:: : i'i n""_, Patcet i, g;;:6;;; u iF ;iri i;::;.ii*: i:,#iiji,:;:;;":'.iFiii,j, n,.i;;"i".jti":; x";, i; jl":t#t;: ;]ij":i:t:,t. j;:.:l;. ;*n*.:: ,'..1 " |i "i I ". ;'" J u i i.' i i " i "Xill i i, i ll : i : * ; t :'J: jit; " : U i ;i;,j,, tr*iilril*:'iiffi t,.g*:git+*lll'i,iffi #dr, :!;h'li!irilff ll*;iift fIfr ifi il;li:[*l{r*r' ll;#llffi #ff:**ftin$''l,t+':r*,,$ :li,,., : v",.,..;.r" '., .,. B oos/o r o '..3. 11/22/2004 10:54 FAx 9?04784534 LAHO TITLE-VAIL cElrERnL- P.t o_vl s i 0N s foltoi; !. WI rnd ! t L hartb, furthrr rtrlt o end covrnlnt (b) (r)If;:.l;i,ffi:L ll.ll,r:1.lru_cr ! luinlrln nori::J:H t*i!:ii-ill;:i_iriir;fi ll'il'.t;. prn, r 3l#i"ill.li:'*:*i' :i.ii$:iUii",lLll[,",,,;:ff f'3i'i::t::;ii#i: "ri"u!"liill::lii;'Ittl;l l;l1l^:::r"i .p Ii ioii ii' "ii,,"ilEllff l.l.r.r, o, f;3lii*lifili+hlii,rhilifiili'fii;;;'.,;l $tEi;i;1'.'F.{;'3;fffii1,.{ffi. I,t* iiifiljiltriiiiiiillli"T.i$ii:'i:liiii:tr,,. r'--i(c) ililiiiitr';lil'i;: itiiiil,ti tlr rihtilo,,,." iiiii#it.ii:fl*li:i,i:,'!ii; i:ii:iiir:r".., tifr ;iiil}'il*#ff $t*itii*:fr* jf i:ili:, :i."l i; :"ilf , :i;n : il;:'ii; f ;t,;,, r.;r i;;i.$.i;t", " + r,- i,,; ul';;;t$*5*;'sffi Uj|1,,'iffi ';'ffi **#tr{{*uffffrrnt+i*ffi opply to ;ii 5".1."f;::,::i: ;::,i:iT::lE eroyrrron.,hirl lF 151-1;"en c,'-i;l,i;;:'::il"lf ,'l;t: .!:ll:11.i" or Erreoonre andDrovl r lotr' " F' ; ti; =i,;;:.:::l : an d-undertek lnc c x c c :] : 1 on - o r, n,.,.,". r':il'::.. :i" :;iFii!i:""!, :'J;T:I.:,t;:".""h.,; . ,:,.i.:: :";'o::;l;.,;; ;1.].1" -.-__r t;rii"li " '. r - . t^t__ : ri ,1.,1::'.::l'c,rroriirbr;tii 3;t;ttlon of tlila conv.v,.--.11. t,,,-"-,, .t.i'r''o "''l'::li lL ; f":iilllr i"l"'li"i'|irf liril'jl"l.l: ".'::.: ;, : or ?i,... i' ir' il+ifi "i$r'$*iili:,fluqi;,n$tl*ii'i.+it*it:-?ffi 'ilfi i::r*r;i'fr;fr iiti$['ri:ih+li:iii]+ji'l'1,"1*lrt @ oo8/o ro 11/22/2004 1a:54 FAX 8704784534 LAil{) TITLE-VA" , O o! lmrntr Lr 'dil,Hll'$.llli It. trr.vrtlv I!| 5:t;t:ll tnrrtuaonr nr, rrcrrn*tir.l i.ror.#+.ifvii; i::ll#:.ii:: l:l"I .:. (sE L) gtArt oF cor.oRAm )'tcoutrrr gF Elcrr i t' aFv.ii'viir 11.1'' l{ltnrrr my hrnd fnd offlallt rrr i.lly coanlrrlon rrplf.r r t-7:t7 STATE OP COLORADD } "jill ?Y r. -,,!!.rr irt-gJ,Of tdo C*.,. - -_,.;ton. .. . . !l1l-,^-- ' i' ""' ''t"l wffinlrrl Prrtna!' )tt ) G qo?/o 1o 11/22/2004 10:55 FAX g?04704534 LAIit) TITLE-VAIL @ ooelo ro -Jrr. i'. .4irnglll t .. " .:- .-. r..i. . 'rot[ ngcrrrlron .i . '.;,,r' ',3. +F ,F;iqa ijii r'l#ltrtr.lti r*iii'lf , :li:i, r, li:1,ii.TTlT":",:i.'. :i f ; : 'fr*;;,l,* l, : r:i$; 1E'_l ?hr roll*(n1 !hr*,orrlonr o,..u;;;':*,, .a. ..i| - ' . --'' -"'w PolElool of rttd brr il rhd oi . \r. Ttroaa notlfotri ol )^,) t_-_ _ , il,.I'li r:::llJ;'#:: H:.:.*3-...H::i,nn i!64,i;, i;,.it r:::*J;'#:: H:.1.1til,:.,ljliil;",til,,11::i,i s:j::'",:,.. , ';$li l' nrct psrflo,r "r r"t r]'-'"eun ro' ljr5l5l lrr tm sltti'] ffi;;::t:"' " " '"; ": lrrrnnrnr .? , -., . ,:t 0 d'lcltbrc ar lollovrr .: "jr *,ili*{d:'*il,'#iuiini{;iilffiry: :-'.,..$,illfl llji, t. ,' taltteh hcr:. ,rl.ot 0i ! |r r:r, cc',, 1j;lir*: ;i,* illilll'iii*1ii,,.;, :il'f;l,,iij l'"' , ' ,,:1 fti'i,l,i,i:lliiii.'''1"',1#iftftil,;il:ir iirir.,'*i*,r,^,' I,*'ffi e toct .o! 0,rt!o-,irrr, , ,:, ,, , . .,_i.:i..: ..'-'ri.r':;i'i " t.i:,$S . ..rt , .,. .,i,.i , .(. :f i.T. ' l'_'''i_:ri 11/22/2004 l0:56 FAX g?04781534 LAIIO TITLE-VAIL Ir0Ag ltlcrtntoi G oos/o 1o jih I'i ",:rir;nii * iiirii I j:'ii, ir i'r.i: iiilFi: Tri#,r, :" t t l, ffim*w '. J;i1fi/;l" Pr,!;, Pr,o.(r I .!4 n 11/2212004 10:58 FAx LAXO TITLE-VAIL Bo1o/oro oo o o o o r67 trs TIIIS AGREEHEN! is nade and enlered into this fu day of f7t tace ffi I+:t I r:li,,ij&::nli; l":tnparner') and vArL vrliici-rrx, nril,-i-doiJi"oo corporation, ofvail, colorado (herernaii.r reierred'to ii-;ivr"l . RECTTALS 1' The partres have aoJoinrng rear estate situated in the-h Tosn of VaiI , -ounty of Eagie, state of Coloraato.1/,O'/n\ .. ?. - WI is the current o$ner of the developnent, rightsY\u (hereinafter referrea t"-ii-"a".'ur"piei!-rlJrri""t on that parcer' knorn as the Vail Villag"-irn,.vaill colorado. said property(rhe ,fwf property,) is-speeiii"tiii J;;;;r;; as ser forrh onExhiblr A attiched irerero'and nade i piii-f,"i.oe. 3' paraer rs the current owner of that parcer of property -,/ f"*$:ly known as the Anoco cii"iin"-siitilir, iz s. rronrage Road;\r E. ' valr' corcrado and currentry the proposed itte ot the iarr.-')' Gateway praza project tneieinatter rei"ried to-as the ,GatesayJlt Projectr'). saia lroperty ({he ,'earner property',) ts speelficallydescribed as set iorln oir ixrrilil s "tti"hEd-trlreto and made apart hereof. 416336 B-Sao p_ JOHNNETTE PHILLI t"/ee/89 trEAGLE COUNTY zA4 p6 lOFTCLERHI COLORADO REC 35. o8 D0u o. so ENCROACHI{ENT A}ID VIEII AGRTEUENI 4, WIrs developnent rlghts, as approved by the Town ofvai1, altow for the buir.diltg gi sliucturii up to i,tr" wr propertylines on the east and south-sides ot tt. Catiway eioiect. 5. Palrner intends to have residential and comnerciar. units(the lUnitstt; in the Gater,ray project. 5. On or about-september 19,.1989, tll steel piles (the'i:f:.f pi19.u") yrere ptacld in a viclnlty'approxiritliV four feet('lri onto the wesf,erly side of the wr -eroiirty that. ibnr" th"Palner Property. The.steel piles rrere pla-ced -to provide lateral Pr991l9 for the exi.stlng earth surrounding the paiking andbuildlng foundatlon for the Gatenay frojeit. 7. WI has received the sutn of Three Thousand Dollars($3r000.o0) for the placement of the steel piie" on tne WfProperty and as paynent for the cost t of tbe removal of the steelpiles. AGREEI''ENT In consideration of the recitats and the mutual covenantsand obllgations hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto herebyagree as follows: /.€o l' Irl* ?l ,gi{'ri. !i;-:,-..i ent€red lnto this SKI,D LG Lr1,,ZV.4r.24 EG 416336-1989. OO1 I'o ('J TI (.? F. $e oq, OJ OJ A. rn the ?y"n:. any.Unit in_!!: catevay projecr is sold,as a condoniniurn-or. otherii;;;-;.parr,. of the sale_to thepurchaser (herelnaft_ei-iiiiiilo-io ." the. rpurchu".i,,), purchaseri*:i.ffJi':{,*45'#i:;iilF$"ii,:" wr*Ins, or rhe approved B. Prior _to.the sale to any_gnit_to a purchaser, palnershalr obtain rron-the-n]iii"Jlr'Itsisned r"tvei-oi-rny rnreresr,clain or rishr .n:_Tl:lii'liiTiv'r,.v_e_:n an unobsrructed vier,rrron the cateh.ay proJect a.ro_s.tii" wr prop€rty, c' palner_ shall lndennify, defend and hord wr harrolessfron any objecrion,..;1"il-;;"iii!r1g thar any purchaser nay haveii.l!*Tltstructed vle' fron tii"-iateway rrojlcl lJ-o"" rhe wr _ D. WI consents to the Dreseunderneath ti"-frr nr.piiti.- lzreoeDC€ of the steel piles E. The steel_-!11.:.nay be removed by wI at such tine thatwr conmences anv excavation'"on"iiu"tion-rn'iir.-ivi'property orat anv tirne artei'1311,i,-iigdi"iii"r,"ver flrsr occur', and rhe$3,000.0o paymena_-ql:ligy"f' niau--[9 wr ehatt be applled rorrards\ /I'a cost of renroving ttre lteei-pir.". .\n/I agrees-io pay any;ii::.over and uevona-thl $t;d;;.56 ro" trre-ref,Jia'f Jr trre steer F' rn the event that wr should ever connence constructionof a project on rhe wr-;;;p;;Ey-ilig:t trre-oeveiopil't rishrs(lncludins, wirhout_tirii;ai;;l'uuireing_ro rhe p-roperry llnebetween the palner nroperty i;e il; wI property), patnerHarrants and reoresents to-wr tnJt the placenent of the eteelpiles on the wi properti-"no-ti.-Jonstricticn-Ji Ii" c"r."uyProJec': do not ana silaii'"oi-"Jur"-or create any engineerrng,architecLurar, con'truction "i-uuiriing.costs oi exf,en=esf excepE-fo: tl,F expense or. renovin; ih.-;;;;t.pites, ro wr thar, r,,euldnot otherslse exlsr_"x""pt-roi-tr,.-exrii;;;; ;; ir,! "i""r puesand/or the Gaterray projeit. c. Thls Aqreeneni is binding upon the succeasors andassigns of the pirties trei"to."--"' !. Each provlelorr of, thls Agreenent, and agleement, 3lfiIii..l., il"3lll.:-::l::llir - i;;.;;; ;i;Jii6n'"ia'iiIIlElii"g t"::::*, :i':,':::-$::1::dl-;r -$i; t;;;;;;;i, -"ia -IIi' i:;:::J;i:i:::::". :.^::::::1:iol'_:r ;r;;I-.;' ilri;; -;";;;., "Iiiii=li ilt:::::,'?-::::::::!: :li-p;i"iJi"' e;'iii"=+il!!,iJi?"irlrsuau*',u:i1:f rl::i!"::.:g-i4,.:;f ;;;"";'"ii,I; i#:;ffi:;r ;;,di:iily *ll!:.jtll;-::-rntei"si-i".";; ;; i#-;.iffi;';;il;;i ;l.;il.II"Ir:1.:!I_i: eranred, cevisea ;; ;;";;t"i, -i,i!ti"I"Ii'i"I'rJl :fl:il "I..'.:f:I.::a^:. il "ycrr-oeea-or-;;h;;-i;";;:;i!ii, "iriishal1, by virtue of accepta;";-;; iny rigrrr, iiiG-;;'iiiii""t in I a ru u, I (, l.l r0 + SKID LG L72.20.29.24 EG 416336-1989.002 | ':., any of the patner.lfpg+y or the m_lf"F.fty !y a subsequentowner, be daened accelteo, iitiii.i, adopt€d and declared as apersonar covenanr or iucrr'oi;;;-;il;,as. a.personal covenanr,shall be bindincr on "o"t-oitJi-"itirs heire, personarrepreeentativesl Euccessora una-.r"igns-i indr sharr be deened apersonal covenant .to,-wii[-aii-rli-ir,"_ benef,it of each suchomeri and (lilr "!uil. t"-a.iir"a-a i.ur covenant by palrner andwr, for thenseives, thel"-"u.I].Jois ana asslgns, and atso anequitable sen'itude, runnrng-in-;;; case, as a burden nith andupon the tlrle ro the p"ri"i ;;";;y and the wr properry. Dated this 3lsr day of october, I9g9. The foreqoinq instnrnent Has acknowledged before ne this &iday of ocrobei, r6as, uy J.J"r--it"ii"r, "" president of vailvillage rnn, Ine., "-coioriao-.orpJiation. SIATE OF COIFRADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss: VAIL_VILLAGE rNN, rNC., aColorado eorporatlon lly conmlsslon ex;rlres: My Commision erpires Oecernber g, p. 0. Box 66G Vait, C0 gl6i8 PGJOFT I\r ?, Wlf-ness rny hand and off icial seal. 416336 E-seer P-LF,7 l?/E?/EB llzQr4 172.20 .29 .24SK],D LG EG 415335-1989.003 STATE OF coIonADO courTy oF p[uLDER i 8e: day e;"4trffi#13,;l=;ilH. rh era_s_acknorrledg9d before ue this wltness ny hand and of,f,lclal seal. 416339 B-5ea F,_167 lE/P.?/BB tLzO4 p640F7 r{ Fr SKI,D LG t72.20 -29.24 EG 415336-1989.004 BEGTNNTNG Al A PorNT oN THE NORTEERIJY IJINB oF sArD Ipr o lfHrcHrS THE NORTITE.ASI CORNER OF A PARCEL T''ESCRTBED IN BOOK Z3O ATPAGE 556 oF lFl cr,ERN's REcoRDs, wtBNcE l'HE NoRTHwEsr coRNER oFSAID I'I N BEARS NORrH ZS OACREiS {5 MINUIES OO SECONDS WEST175.00 FEET DrsrAllrr THEIICE Ar6Nc sArD NoRTIrERr,y rrNE sourH 79 9PGREES 46 MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST 178.40 FEET TO THE NORTHI{8SrqgLltER 0F VILIAGE rNN prAzA, e coNoourHrult, AccoRDrNc ro rtrEI.IAP THEREOF RECORDED UNDER iECEPTTON NO. ZiSSST OF rHE CIJERN'SRECORDS ! THEIICE THE FOLI,oWING THREE COURSES AIPNG THE WESTERLY BOUI{DARYOF S,IID VTLIiGE INN: l) souTH 09 DEGREES 30 MINUTE5 oo sEcoNDs l.tEsT 1s0.44 FEET(190. 73 FEET CALCULATED 2) SOUTH 80 DEGREES 30 I.IINUTES 0O SECONDS EAST 56.50 FEET 3) sou?H 09 DEGREES 30 ilTNUTES OO sEcoNDs rvEsT 7.46 FEET rO rHEIIORTHERLY rJrNE oF vuiacE rNN Pr.AzA PHAsEs r AND rr AccoRDrNG TO THE HAP TI{EREOF RECORDED IN BOOX 388 AT PAGE S55 OF THE CLERK'S RECORDS: THENCE ?HE FOLLOWING FIVE COURSES AI.ONG ?HE NORTHERLY AIJD WESTERIJY BOUNDAAY OF SAID VTLISGE INN PIiZA PHASE5 I AND TT: d 1\ 2) 3) 4) NORIH 80 DEGREES 22 I.IINUTES 22 SOUTH ,I2 DEGREES 32 MTNI,TES 21 SOUTH 82 DEGREES 06 I'IINUTES {6 SOUTH 10 DEGREES 13 }IINUTES 02 SECONDS h'EST 125.59 FEET SECONDS I{ES? 46.01 FEET SECONDS WEST 49.48 FEET SECONDS WEST 81.63 FEET 5) SOUTH 00 DEGREES 23 MTNUTES 00 SECoNDS WESr 15.83 FUET rO $18 SoUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID IpT M, TI|ENCE THE FoLLOI|ING rOUR COUBSES AIPNG IHE SOUTITERLY AND WESTERI,Y BOUNDAXY OF SAID I€T u, 1) 5T.03 FEET A],ONG THE AaC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 545.88 FEET, A CENTSiL ANGLE Ol' 05 DEGREES 20 l.trNUTES2l sEcoNDs, AIID A CHORD r{HrCH BEARS SOUTH 78 DEGREES 33 MINUTES 42 SECONDS WEST 51.01 FEET (cALcUrArED) 2) SOUTH 75 DEGREES 53 UTNUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 77.39 FEE'I 3) 35.21 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVTNG A 8ADIUs OI 2O.OO FEEI A CENTRAIJ A}'IGLE OF 103 DEGREES 44 MTNUTES 00 sEcoNDs, Al,tD A cHoRD I,lHrcH BEARS NoR"H 52 DEGREES 15 MTI{UTES OO SECONDS WEST 31.{5 FEET - - ( i416336 B-5a0 P-L67 i t2/??/89 Ll z@4 PG5OF7 SKLD LG L?2.20 .29 .24 EG 415336-1989. OOs J .l 4) NORTH OO IEGREES-23 }IINUTES OO SECONDS I{ES' 193.2r FEET( 19 3 . rs FrEr cAr,c-ulnrppi--c,o -iir -ioisirnEsr coRr*ER oF sArD rpr!I, THENCE ALONC T!T-TEiT ii'i-ir..iilD INT N, NORT' OO DEGREES23 urNurEs oo sEcoNDs_lrsi-lo.oi iipg (so.o5 iaEi--cAicurar'D)TO T8E sourllnoEsT Conr'rrn-or rii'pnnisL DESCRTBED rN BO'K 230 ATpAcE ss6 oF rHE "ry$:_q_FFco-nisl'-iieNcE rHE For,rrwrNc rwoffi:;i: eLoNc rrie sour'eREi-iE;' silrenrr - courorii"6i' sero 1} SOUTH 79 DEGREES 46 UrIIUTES OO SECONDS EAST 14?.36 FE'! 2) NORTH 10 DEGREES 14 t.tI!ruTES OO SECONDS EASS 1{7.43 FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGTNNING. EXCEPTINC TTIEREFROII ; YI!-IAqE rNN pIAZA-pJtAsE v coNDoltrNrur{s, AccoRDrNG TO THEcoNDot{rNxw l{Ap rHERE9r neconDE-d-Fiinuanv {, 1e88 rN BooK 478AT PAGE 37e AlrD FrRst N'reuoHENi-riUiErO npc6noeo sebrir:rn rs,1988 IN EOOK 491 AT PAGE AOO AIIO-IS DESCRIBED IN THEcoNDor{rNrw DEcrffATroN THEREoF nrionoso FEBRuAxy l, rgeg rNEOOK {78 AT PAGE 378 AI.ID FIRST ,.}{ENDMENT THERETO NT.ONPCO lllqP{BER 19, 1988 rN EooK {el AT PACE 3e9, coUNTY oF EAGLE,Sr TE OF COIPEADO. o FI?r 4163E6 B-sea p_167 12/??/59 ll:er4 p660F7 T 11 'l ta .r.1J- '., .1V . Z> - Z+ Exhiblr A - page 416335-1989. 006 EXIIIBIT B l_?AIr of lots N A{g o, BIpcK 5-D, VAIIJ VIIJ.AOE, FIRST$Irrltc, lorN oF vl,1_1, coutury oF ricu, STAIE oF'cotoR\oo, I'TORE PARTICUIAIUJY DESCBIBED IS TOITPTST c0l4tENclNc AT alE NoRaHI{Esr coRNEi oF EEsrroN 8, Tol{ltstup 59o!i!!!, nllcu s0 r{Esr oF TrE 6tlr pnrt{cmr,, t'tgRroiarr, iruNcusgglH 00 DEGREEs ?3 MrNr'lES oo sEcoNDs EhsT Ar.rD nrpt{c rnuUES3 lrNE OF sArD SECTION 8, 36.9s FEEtr tttENcE EoUIE 79 DEGREES 45 ttXNl'lES 00 sEc9lffrs EAE! 25,44 rEEt TO tAE NoRTHWEST COSNER 0F SAID toT N, r{BrcH Is ltso T}tE ERUE pOtNA OF BEGINNINGI THENCE CONIINUTNG soufH ?9 DEGREES {6 UTNUTEE00 SECoNDS EAST AND iIPNC lHE NoRIH IJINE OF SA:D IroT N, tt{D ALoNG IHB TNTERSIATE l{Icttt{Ay No. ?0, 175.00 FEEtr !EENdEsoulH 10 DEGREES t4 t{rNUtES O0 SECONDS I{EST 147.43 FEET, TI{ENCE NORTH ?9 DEGREES 46 ITINUTES OO I' I{EST 1{7.36IEET TO A POINT ON THE HESTERI"Y !I!rE O' IAID IJOI N WHICH IS AI.SO TIIE EASTERLY NIGHI OF T{AY LINE OI VAIIJ BOAD' THENCE T{ORTH O DEGREES 23 }TTNURES OO sECONOS }IES! A}tD AIJONG SAID I{ESTERLY L$rE AND ArpNO EASTERIy RrCFT Or WAy IrrNE, 15O.OO rEET TO TgE IRUE POIN? OF BEGINNING. 4t6336 B-ga@ P-167 te/??/8s 11:O4 PG7OF7 r l' ..) ,1 t \'.\/7a&t & €NY.I r. .ra8dZ g EG 416335-1989.007 r{Fi Fr sKtD LG t72.20 .29 .24 oI o o )D o o n drLllr! t'ct|trlatt SllE&:/NL Jort| $xra3r b 0!. orrt ot $r ?n rmt icrrittd rs t[tr lU Ji Jll br.d h t'|. vJt VtTc h,\ Lrt O, gto(t 5.EL \.rr VU!|s firtt Eur:ft@ ltrr ttr:,br. (Xtt. iaEh |tffi to 8 ||E.nbjccr F$cnr.; d WnEnS}tt $a ctrE. rah.. r. Dtrcs .rd.rir ,cr.krinr (fl $. itr ol tE rbJ(s brd 6. lhc lsicnl ol $a cr'8' r|d tic tg|n o{ vrn. cbtoF4o (.rlc Tora-t NOrr- TflprEFORf_ uE orEr docr hctt. t DEr. cruNirlq a5p61o6O, iLf,tr|r. ,oa tE bsEfir ol rtr Fl|o(E rhc r|sy lE|Ehrn , trrntrs. o, L:!., o, bold uE ebjcq bnd. OF fotrittt f! tdct ont- co,r.rt|Jrrj, lid coortitiona. d of $iicn rha! bc dc(|Fd b ,Er rih !E l|'{ |'rd h{tc ro Uk hncfit rd bc bittdint lrdl t t o*tr.. Ir trrr.tth3 trr,|lacr, a&t(rDo. ql .rdtrl.. l. ttlhr f:! ..d t:f Cltt UdtrJ an tb,!N/.n Fr|Fnt rhd ru bc rt L t}|!6fcmd. ot atalqL latl]D&br i[O ttrE ...ir|d.ttruoI| rni(t batrd o. tlrc nAict ,r!Fn}. L thju l:l lr|d !'l d,rfl |nt bc tlr.d o. inrld for !t!, Frioi a{ lcs thrt r$n, (lol corcodrc drrc |nd, tllr tn [ !a rEmd. lt tnrl ta ]rdcd onl, to tanrru |rib rrl ruf.dra ctlplo)rar ot uE uiFr E cc varct'. n€ ug?.r E !t! vdhy rhdl b. dc(.cd ro irtcG rhc Go,E Vdlct llhlunr ncd Ctff. CUo&. EdG-VdL |trd Arq, &l t ri. aniDutdi rt .tr& A ftr - rc cntloFs b I Frsr |rio $o.tr a4 rr.r.tc oa rrtin, (i0) ltouB or.I!or! A,r rccl. l. Unjr l2t rid t!2 jdt mr b. dirirtd hto:ry tb.|n (, |t!G ttrcr,lrctyd o-r|t|!hip, or trxdorlrl tcc grtEbbiB a. flE Furitiqh hr.df dry tr Crrto.Ed t th osra, O, tlts Tl..lr htrttl.. rtE Toun dufl 'Er tI tCSdlSd tr, Cntorf! .rd g!r-ir:9t.. t. 1lE Gdrdil$o.. r{rioa.rn. rdlullion . |'rl rr,rlrnrr.:r .rnu,rd hkr.n gul rr{ tr Ulra{,:tlDt .'|!d. tcminrL'o, Or rruutdld. CracF D, ttc Fr|||f t lllr.atx gf ig &€ lrtr|r ,lt t.!l I|l lhl o$rE oa E ltttccl Frp{nt. J11 ,':,. . ., r. d€do SKI-,,D ELtIJ9r72.20.29 -24 474479-7992.001 1O$1r (FVII- o cqoR E o I t_I . | .. "Jeti-!!-!'t/,t!;Lt=-rnrrd t'. PlrtF.lb.rr llllJtcl ACIT\O\\I.ED6IEIT ffc b|tflang h.|n|G.n sr rl,rrt .trdr{ lcfc! ic ||t _ ar!.?a19_ It l\car- tN|c Itt csr|alt'lm qplns PROPERIY Or\}'ET llt co.r||'tLrlor! rtplRJ:ilutn!&Rrat,&3FrDsaDffiil3tnFlrJ.|Jryz4 rGl. tS 8. Fonllp Hod, lfall, C0 8lOSr SKLD Ec 474479-),992 . OO2 i a\#ea :l,o I \ W.}lEnElg Oa Orut. hat rlnJat|d nrr llr Or|rl' grli ! rt |||.ttEtt td tha !t tDoart oaco|!0ncrE ridrEhbe. rd |tloihe I |{,.ur* ior l|clf ru caor 0|. gr||at tr|ue |,rt rvHEES. fia Gr.,'h a rre'g b p,qdda srcl ]r araamt{ uir o.,oronkg t rr.a,dfdgne D.tr..n V tr \rulgE nil{. NC ceauoforet|l' ilgW' T}lEnEFO-rc- Tt{E pAEnAt ABnFE AS FOU.OYJ$ t. fl'. Grlr of to, b,' .tolur tSto-(trl E d o0'., g{l and vC,rd. co,E5a.Io.r &a9 hlrrb, gturtlrd oo|yrt btha Gm |e rpoDolrlt mr||ttlt b &lnar, corEfint ofrda, RaI rlr|. ,tgdr, or nnovr I stdf|rdh dar Foparu kr ua. b' 0! Orr{ ld ho em|'rr FrD[o rof. p&!a utt diaqtbld h Ernd .f, lri|char! n'rb rnd,rEf. r Flrt tl'.o'.2. Tfra eenior rh8 tifva tha de[t ro uaa,n ..5t|rrnr grrt$ fer arry FnDst aE dq]t |ln dttrclt oomd !t l'| us. of lhr aarrnal! p{r $a bt| fha Orulsa or tha g3rl'd FrBcr ar|rl aml fudhr ture the ]{e|rr ro rran oo|' noo-dudy! a! .nartr o{x. rbng, betelr, of utpn tha slrc||.ti p.!mt$r rytddt do |Ft r'|!dy coo0ct nlh th| uta o, th! casefisDt 9tln&s bt lia Orant8a or $o $mrd,r.do. s. rna crgtnro lgrlat Dn n rI |ngtrnqr lra &rr!Dr. iE a[rE, 016r, ag tu,.rtiorri inr rl ahir! w EarEE ol rdon nltidr rr. srlltj I.' trjoariiail tqifttlof inEru rdr g€trry oul of ot ag lonraquonoa ot tt' Gra'[aet |!3 o, U! las|matt tmtdaar a. Thb aaslotrnl dratt ten ndr uFn lia ocAlmnc| C l|r, ot ha hlsl,r!|: al Sho|,,U $t Gnntor oDeah r h.{:l$ne 9a6rl tofi ttr Torrn Ot Vail b, $r aonslrrcoon ot Phs. U ot th v.! rad;Lgo lrn |t r.t hnh h gFdd D.vrtoFcat Dts!&t A r|)d atlr uran6tll6nl t}lsnto, $b t|s.nant .hs! hrncrldrty trrnhals rft trt Gn,lb, allrn hrve tr|r rt{?t to ,r||Dy. th, ddg$dfi drldt r"ry & adrtrri, tooo t r, oiEsneal b) t?00 '€mda, ot E|. aLttrd!. or Won 6a rE tro nc{ d llt, !a9$nsll Dy ]rl, Grantcr, ol,: oc H: sqco i8 i$ I EilllLrR SE)r l$ &tt: ill 6H Olu!: $g ttaaaa{aa vArL v|l.LAcE tNN, tftc.TOwlI OF VAIL SKLD lJ\t t72.20.29.24 EG 473740-L992.001 'a a I o \ art?ao e-57, F-a--Lrr ()./ r.-..r.. li.,Jr Ai -r Oa .r JTH;,* i[,ilig;ii;g: iit,*l'*lr: dlgili*r;::#:i i iii ff*mffmffii t i.'tA4, r-T;:a:- Jt ( I I I, T IL, II i^ ;- aE t---Er-- a I ! !uta c TaT .n L,,G EG 473740-t992 . OO2 oo o o )\ o ot.--- O.., Rartrfdlu eoraopntr q? .l,onr / frrgg? fVIIEREAS. ,6cf Sbuftr ! 6p q6, of bc proFro/ dcrcribd ,f UntB |2g .d 331. tesed h &c VrIl VtUlts IrsL Lor O. Bloct S.D, V.il ViUasc FtEt Flingrt@ Eec Atcr|tow Ddyc. hecin refcrEd to r! |!c .$bjoct popc|ry.; |lrd \/IrERE{s, Oc ona* utslps u, phee ccndo r:sulsrior|t on rhc us of th. $bjrsa lard forlh b.ne8a of thc orrEr ard thc To$a of Vril. Otor..to (1h? ToBn-I j | .6'. -t .$qlo1 !$ r', l\ P il[.. 3*rF} ;$ SRo\ [$lr.-, lrJ i$ $'-i ",8a $q B.r NOW. THEREFOTRE rnc osrrr docs hccby t&rc, sJabuslr !&os.tcd*c. dochrc. fo, &rDcDcna of dl !.noos *ho ury bcrclaricr Fln:h|sc, or b{sc. or lotd Os $rbjcct taD4 thc foEorlogrcrdcdoo+ corraaor* .od condidoru. n, of whlch st:,, ta dceocd to .un wio rhc tr,n .od rnu,o ro&c bcEfit Erd !a binding upoo tic omcr, IB sl|Fctir gnnbct' 5rlcessors. d essigr$. . t. Ihls t Il 'od 332 Ctb tr&!? oo aba orbjacr gr$any gri,, ,or br ed,l. L,sc!fr*4. _r|r strwclcd !E{ure&Il. froro U! ,ccoErmod{ion orirr bcarrd oo lbc $bje$ prgpcny. L UoIa, tzg rd :l:n stell nfi bc rqsFd or rE |t€d for an, Fdod of tE t Url $ln, {30)colseqrhr dayr: an4 lf h rhrll !c rcorcd, tt rbrl bc rtrrkd only to krrr , r*ln .rE &lr.rrngcoprolr* ot'nc upp.. F4tc vrrley' Thc uppcr E gtc vrucy slurr bc decficd ro tnc.tsds ftc corcVrllcy. !Utnn.t'n, Rcd CUF. Gllor+ E4t*Vrit. .ad Ar!'L ud rtFir n|nounding |Gas. A full.dnc , caplojle b r Derson sto no*s ar rvengc of il&y (30) houn or rnoi; pcr trBt 1 Un|g t28 ud 332 srrtllot be dvtdc.l lilo .1, form of ilnc shrE$ i,rlrrratotrrttrtlrip. or facdond fcc omcalrig. a. ltc pqDrldolrl bcrcof nay bc caforccd Dy Ur olncr oc rhc Tonn: l:ourrcr. thc Tor:arhd, mt bc rcqutrcd |o cnforc sdd proelrrons. 5. Thc condirloru, nsrfqlonr. adprdllon . lrrd rgrtcrtcns contrincd lrcnin rhrlt mt bcwdvd. abiu|doDcd, rsm|'urcd, o, rrncndcd, arc.,t by hc witrcn corjcfl or both orc Town of vallar.l Oc owncr of 0& rubJccr propny, ga. |n-. 8-e 6:.-(rl 8R i t J o ;- TowNoFvArLGrLon^Do"W $ooACIilO\VI.EDGIGNT ACTNOTVI.EDGTGNT - HattrS.F*l|c|tarEYffi.|gffa*# ,ff#***ura*oerus l4scrYof @o)do l. Wr v. lthitt;, IUy mml$ion crpltlr ily coarnhslon crpins: SKID Lc t72.20.29.24 171119 8-S7A p-J6€ 04 /2J'./j2 tl:SI pS A OF f 475t07 F-578 p-ceo Oa/JO/zt !I:IA FC."6F: ffirtffhroutcrtgcrt bron nc trts d7d arr or PROPERTY OIVNER EG 475107-1992.002 oo o o ^} o s36€?0 s-€{osrFr J. Fl ehcrt,/tql P-621 06trs/gt 04;52ptaglc CouatJ/ Clrrl /to - DOC PGI OP6I iccordcr R8C 30. o0 D..d of lrr.e.trt TBI8 DlrD Ot r^SDcrtT ie-made rhis 13r,h.d"y 9f r,by, 1994, by If; : :" t'.tjiff" 1? i oto"? : :. "- -co.r"'1i"'1"-'p-"'." c i on - (' v u i a s; - i il " t, "na toi cfie L;?i;_. &aEE ,rradow Drtve, Vail, Colorado lre ii, iori"rirl,ri-"fr1-,v,.":i.H'n'f :'i:il.";.??^&i j"li;:*,i"i;tliixeDaek Revocable Trusr {/a a"tiA i"i'ru Ji_1 Zz, l-98a, as amended,un<ter Florida sraEure sac. Ozr, -CLiiJif,-iir.o.n and rr:rngfaad r,lpcon;Davld witliam Har'na. Tp":.: _"i iii"-ri.-"ia-iii.r r". nanna TrusE daredoctober 30, 1e89,. xnishrabri^r{se l;-";r:1i;"., a panama corporarion,vaj.1 AparBmenEa, rnc.., a coioradT -"if,Ii".ron and whiEe Rive!AcguisiEion conoraEion. _" iilir"r, -;it;i, raranda corporarion{collecilvely cjlled nereln .cranteedr ) . WITIIE99ETE: WEARIAA, Villaqe fnn ie_ Ehe owner of that cerEain Eracc ofIand rdrEhin rhe dolnc.V _"q .s3Sii, --sia-c.. of colorad.o, noreparticurarly deecribed + Exblbiij'".iili"o ncrcto and by EhiEreference made a orrr. hereof--F,Ea";;;;;- parcel,), upon- whichvitlage rnn desirej Lo barg_ai; .rialJiiT'"on_€xcruaive perperual;:i:ff":":" Gatewav Plaza -ror ttu "E11ii. u6ca aer lorth hercin lflIREIS, GranEees_are lhe owncr gf thac cercaln tract of landwithin rhe councv of _Eagle, s.iiJ-.ii"jil'"do. more parr.lcularlv:.::::b:c in Ea:hi'-r-a ,lcici,"a r,-er-.i. ;;ty EhiB reference raadia part hereof (.Dominant estateij-,- f; ti-"t ti," eaaement grantcdherein Ehall be appurtcnant. llOW, TEaRBfOnE, in consj.deratiori of Ehc premiEee, and for qoodand vaLuable coneideratio:l, - rhe receili iria aurficiency of wf,ichare hereby acknowtedqed, viifig" I""-;;"; i'iioo' selt and. convey !ocranceea a non-exc1ui1ve. perpefual .."i*.nil-focJ.uding thc rigbl coenEer upon r.he EaaemenE- parcel,- ;;-;;;;;, conaErucE, operat.e.repair, ma ini ain, and replace -ui i..s;"-"ii' !i;..;;; ;; .;i:;il;;uci'lity linea and reraced tixcuiie- ini-"iriii "". lhrough and. und.erthe Easenenr palccr' r"g..ch.i---i-E; ar"* r=itia"." excava.e and rcfirlErencheB and dlrches, e6 uori ;;';.-;;il:l'p.r""g.., and ro renovelMlt_P"*.a, -uedersrowet, r"a-"ii.i-oi!i.i"ci"na toca.ed on theEaEement parcel, aE ne_ce.aary -to locate; ,ef """ge,--IJ;";;;;I:!:i:, replace and mainFai-n- "iia utiriiy-iir,"". rhe Ecrm "uE,itirvrlne6' aB ueed herein ehait_ mean -lin;;, -e;;f;. -;ip:;-.:"i.;i;:i yg::gr"""q eq.Jipmen. ""a ""a.ig;";;';-;;";;ree necesaary for rhei:i:;fl::::" trana:nies:on ana -d:,etiil"it""- or .r.ilii6iii- ii'i fl ' . ,.,.; V lc't1lrf,'r 1 SKLD IJ\.'r72.20.29.24 Eb 536670-1994.001 vlllage fnn alao--doca. hereby ecll and convey co crantcer thcnon-cxcluaj,ve DerDcEuat right 1; -oii"i'irp"" end use up to aD;:::#f l.?'"'ji' j;:'--"'--d;;d:T.;';'iv'-r-r-.9-1,rsad joi'ninerhe r.p"r"l-.,.iilii,;'!!"rTl.,il;il"I1'",'.ri"l"..rli?i,t1";.f *".ffi;i; ff*::*t" reguired ro -perflit ir,. -".?.--.rra €f f ecBlve naincenancc Nofyithstandi,no aayChing contained herein Eo thc contraly andexcept in the caee o? an e,ne_rieney eituation, all r.,ork perforrrid bycranteea oD rhc hr-._T11. pircei. 1;;lu;l;g, ulrhouE timirarton,aurveylng, conatrucEion, repair,----rt-Gr.rr"r"., removal andreplacemenE of aaid u:ility ri"ea-'ehai:."* aorr. only durias rhco'oBrh of r{av or during rn. -i"ii-oJ-oi&i'.#t ls.h ro Nove.ber 15!hof any given year. Vlllage Inn rcBervea ihe righe !o ule and occupy the EaaanenEi::::] F"' any purpoa! -:"i:r:";;;-,1;;h:;" rishls and priviieseancrernabove granEed which doeg not interfeie wrEh or endanger saidutility linee or the uae thereof. .| .. -^-v11-1.9: rnn alBo r.c.s-e:vee- thc rlgbc t.o reloeare eaid urilicyrrnes any Eime in rhe .fucurc Eo any i"..ii""- ", rh" -;r*;a" -;iVillage Inn adioining Ehe_ Eaeemenc elrcefl-nrp=vrc"o. horrever, thatvil'rase rnn ahalr u. -"J.ri-t."J;-ri;i;?t' "rr coa.a and erq)ensreae6ociaEed wiEh auch relo-cirion', ;[;li;;iiry Grar.ecs ar c/o vailGateway plaza, LLc. a cororJo'lriitifiiiiiricy corrpany, at c/oPalmoa DevelopnenE corpora!1on, azfi fri." n".nue, suite A, Boulde!,colorado 80302, orior-ro- tire i'nreririiiJriJf any eenlce and shallT:I:_:._1..gc faich efforc to rninimizt o",na!"a reBulring from anyrnEerruprion of eervicc., . rn the .""r,c "ilJicir:cy rinea-.;;;";;;I:?l_.!: Easemen! parcor- uy viii.i"-it]'ii'ri"g. rnn shaLt exccure,prror Eo such :elocar:.on, -a deed-or .illem"ir -r"lataniiiir;-i;-;;:form of rhis Deed "r, rjar.".-"-c- ;;piil;til E.o rne new easemenrlI?!::tV, and,. upon euch. relocarion-,- this Deed of eaeei"nc ;;iil;oeemed vacaled and terminaEed in j.ie ."iii..V. The coeca of reoair, mainEenance, clearlng, craBh renoval, 113w_n_-l9rins, .and a_l l orhe'. .*p""""" -li;p;;;p, mainEenance, repairano preaervaEton of Eh.e Easemanc parccr itriii'uc c*cruEi.iJii;I;;::.L_Ylihs". rnn.. providea, ir"*""ir, ^trr". lirl' o"c._.ni,.ar ion of whar.,tllltP: maln-tenance, :_.!.iJ 1nd-,1-og pr.""trr"riorr, ir ".v, --i"-c""[J oone ro the Easemenr parcel chal.l bd deterrninea by v:.ff.age-i";; ;;itE Eole and abeoluce ai ecreiion. -- - -ioil,ur enerrnai..,g anychingcon:atDed hereinabove co che "oncra.rr. - -iackno"'ledse--iil-."in!'i"";;";';".;i';";r.;:;ii;?"::::':t;;t:I aaphalE gurfacc and ie uaed "" ;;;hi;iJr^-"."""" and parking areaby vlll.age rnn, rhar. such u6e-s ;"y-;;;;i;;.-a-nd rhaE any danrage Losuch asphalt o: Ehe Eaaemenc parcir s." li"er"r ae rhe resurE of rheexerciee of Granseee ?f any of tirefr-iigtrlc unaer ihj,s Deed ofEasemenr ahall be repaired ic ci,.-."1. .iEi'ot cranceea. z. 5365?0 8-Gt0 p-6Zr oS/tg/g4 04;52p pG 2 oF6 SKLD LG EG 535570-1994. O02 t-:::.^ff{i"i:1...H:,i".,?:H:.ES..Jx.*ffi I'::."3T".:u."*":::;aDo conEcnr. ro be bound by al).. .i il.;;;,,,provraiona, covenancai rq agreenencs contalned herein. "".".lll.ii"'J,"ff "i.:'.!!!iFf i"l'."+""8}:::H::"i::::,ffJ[:T: l,::i'ii:"?:,i!i'T'iF:l*tJ;:1,""* jill":""*i,;.i:"":"",ru"iirli;erth the EaaenenE parcel ai'd -tfi. o".-:.i-.i-c i.".".", ae app).icable,and Ehal.r be bindino 1ryi-ga -i"";"-;;T;.-r.nerlc ot rhc heirs.EiliEH;."""ceesora ind peraonal ,.p.""""iiiivee or Villase rnn and Ilt WI!1IES9 m_-OI,_. Ehis Deed of Eaaer.eDr ia execu._ederrecE:vc aa of Ehe day and year t-:.r-ei *-.i al.n hereina.bove. rn:r. vrr.r.r&rmr,Colorado By: Namg ;Tirle: ;" STATE OF COLORADO COI'MIY OF EAGLE - t-ha-_tot:S9ing inatrument wa6 acknowledgedunH'iil.""ff '',i:::'""Lj3Hli":"*X?l?Lf: be f ore me thi,aVice presidenc of d and of f ici.al eeal.. erpt!ea: 536870 8-6{0 P-621 3 06/L8/91 04:5?P PG 3 oF6 '*# fhrtCotgrlr+|l SKLD LG EG s36670-1994. OO3 collSE{T rrE SIrEorDDqrIox _-_ Tl.. undereigmed holder of Ewo deed! of icovered uy che rJiloo*p :_*d :;-4,lJii."i"i3llo'Bl""il! g:.$*I ii:l!]._*r.::.i.'":.L';-Ti;"1" j'iIit j*i".;"",,".1i,ffr;#i Rccordcr of Eaete c::l!t, c-"f"riai, - iji.ov consenrB Eo theEoregoing Deed of Eaacrnenc .ana .,ulollirr.iJ" ra, tnEereeE in thep.ropcrry deacrtbed .h?::J"_.:_? rh.--r1!-#"- "Td obrlsaE :one crear edEnercby. NoEwiihsEanding. _euch .."""t"i- "rrjiulordinar ion, al.I therlglrtE of VilJ,age IT i,l and Eo '"u"f,- p-rop."t.y shall rcmainencum.bered by euch deede of tru"t- - (BanI Seal)FlnSt&ufx oF v^rr, By: I COUNTY OF EAGLE 6tE. Wit,neae my hand and official eeal . ssion expiree ; I l-)4-ff }L\Ytp\wr\.rr.9r!.. cor 5366?0 8-640 P-621 I 05/18/94 04:52P PG { *:3i **rur:{;il,i}.aa ; P V(€: pr|iiE-ent, -n'a U'"tt un ! of FiratBank of vail. oF6 e?T n utt t- 535570-1994. OO4 fr{IITT A PROPERTY IESIRIPTIO{ il:'1ffi ,#,ilii*r.tift i"T:$'#s*-l,lF**.olr',!,*.xrcrpr I on xurqbcr 96p rn nre 6ffrcc ; fE-e.gil'c;-ty,sotcqdo. Clert ond Recorder, descr t bed *-foiTditi-' l?gjn1te at.o polnt oo th. not^ttpr ty_.t InG of jord Lot O {hot tsijli:'Sfr ff F{ r iqf : 8"?Hil ;'ECrJt*#r, :'rtco.!s. so td g!,rca l batno szg :re. 6 ot' i. bi' ;;.; i lHc:il',S#rrifr f i.T.lfi; jf ;.. th€nce, deporttno sotd norih31.ly..t rne, iio;ii;oE;v?i43 f!ct,thcnce tfl9.,f6, 00tu ?. 00 fcet to' ttl .irt# ri' t ii"-#lo ra;fin?hfrui; Fff'U i-n!'' sre"e iii Jn;Liiv''rrn'. 173 5quqr" f""t, Forc or ,t=.to'nt 0f legtnntag' coitotntng 4 Dot.,-y'a/rj/_+q -Sta Hcof.l Co trcdo P.L, S. a6S98 s 7F{€!d2.w ! o, qF i$ BOUNDAM'OF,GATE}I'AY PROJEqP x F{€.oc wLW \;ffi^ilJ&,, SEON!{htc I =lo qr tt('t -lo I cD o I N o o @ N Eo c'r (P Rr OF Vil.r oE tNN Pr^z{ PROPERTY) SC rE f - JO, SKLD ]J\'r72.20.29.24 EG 535670-1994. O05 l*EXIIIBIT B CONDoMINTIn,! UNrTs R_l.qfqgeH R-?, rNcLDsrvE, AND c_I#ffi ;;iii't,'El"ffi 6d$qffiffi ,;f d;t:FsHIlnAr pAcrr a?8 rND As . lltiry"'-'"ri,-i,hs-ffiisD rN rHE9ID-O!q{ry{ DEC.ranlTroN- RE^_COX.DED ,rAlruARy 31, lee1 rN Boox5f15 AT pAcE 8??, crcuNry op elcr.e,'l.i;|H 6i'cbrcnnpo.( 3l r'!. \rlrWv1 \...EG,y . co1 538670 8-6{0 p-62l os/Lg/gt 04:Szp pc 6 oF 6 SKLD IJ('r72.20.29.24 EG s36570-1994. OO6 PRECONSTRUCTION PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT VAIL PLAZA CLUB THIS PRECONSTRUCTIONPURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (this "Asreement') is made and entered into this day of . 200 (the "Effective Date") by and between VAIL PLAZA DEVELOPMENI LtC, u Colo*do tli-lt"a ["btttty company ("SgUar), and the undersigned ("Purchaser"). The attached General Terms and Conditions ("General Terms") arc a material part of this Agreement. Capitalized terms used but undefined in this Agreement shall have the meanings given them in the esurlomiuiumDeclaration . A. CLUB ESTATES. In consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter set forth, Seller agrees to sell and Purchaser agrees to purchase the following described Club Estates at the Vail Plaza Hotel Resort Club, e-eondomifirr*l-in Vail. Colorado (the "Project"): elu-b-Iileek in Club Unit Desisnation No. Ctub Week in Ctub Un($___________J B. CLUB LTNIT. Each Club Estate includes the exclusive right to possession and occupancy of the specified Club Unit during the specified Club Week together with an undivided interest in the Common Elements and the non-exclusive right to use the Common Elements and certain Limited Common Elements, as set forth in the Declaration and shown on the Map (@ in Paragraph 3A of the General Terms). A basic floor plan, site plan, and features list (the "Plans") for the Club Unit$ are attached as Exhibit A to this Agreement. The Club Unit@ shall be fumished with the personal property as set forth on Exhibit B. TheAI! Club Uni+islJnits-a& located in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and each Club Estate is legally described as follows: Club Week(*) _ in Club Unit _ according to rhe eondoniniurOeclaration follhe Vail Plaza Hotel Resorl Club, s-€ondomi+i&mrand as depicted on the Map, to be recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. seller is the developer of the Project and, on or before _,200_, seller shall cause the Club UnitG) to be constructed in accordan". *ithlhir Aer""r*nt and the Plans. C. PURCHASE PRICE. Purchase Price of Club Estates: Eamest Money (15% of Purchase price): Balance of Purchase Price Due at Closine: DOCUMENTS. By signing this Agreement, purchaser acknowledges that Purchaser has received copies of the following documents: (1) Condominium Declaration forlhe Yar|PlazaHotel Resort Club (2) Articles of Incorporation of Vail Plaza Condominium Association, Inc. (3) Bylaws of Vail Plaza Condominium Association, Inc. (4) Disclosure Statement with Budget of Vail Plaza Condominium Association, Inc. $ $( D. CO_DOCS_A #149410 vgat (5) Management Agreement between YatlPlazaCondominium Association, Inc. and Vail Plaza Hotel Management, LLC (6) Amenities Use Agreement between Seller and Vail Plaza Condominium Association, Inc. E. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT. The for is currently estimated to be $ annually, payable to the Association. F. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, are the General Terms *nd,(hndi*ien*-of this Agreement. *l[IgGcncral Terms-snd€o*d]Fions attached are a material part of this Agreement. Seller and Purchaser hereby acknowledge receipt of and agree to be bound by the General Terms-*n*€+nditisn+ thereof. IN ACCORDANCE WITH C.R.S. $ 12-61.405(IXi) PURCHASER HAS THE RIGHT TO RESCIND AND CANCtrL THIS AGREEMENT WITH ORWITHOUT CAUSE AND AT PURCHASER'S SOLE OPTION BY GIVING WRITTEN NOTICE BY TELEGRAM, MAIL OR HAND DELIVERY TO SELLER OF PURCHASER'S EXERCISE OF'SUCH RIGHT OF RESCISSION AT ANY TIME WITHIN THE LATER oF: (A) FIVE CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING THE DATE OF SIGNING OF THIS AGRDEMENT BY BOTH PARTIES, OR (B) THREE BUSINESS DAYS FOLLOWING DELIVERY OF' THE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. SUCH REQUEST SHALL BE CONSIDERED MADE IF BY MAIL WHEN POSTMARKED,IF'BY TELEGRAM WHEN FILED FOR TELEGRAPHIC TRANSMISSION AND IF BY HAND DELIVERY, WHEN DELIVERED TO SELLER'S PLACE OF'BUSINNSS. IN THE EVENT PURCHASER SO RESCINDS, ALL SUMS DEPOSITED WITH SELLER SHALL BE RETURNED TO PURCHASER. WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AF'TER SELLER RECEIVES PURCHASNR'S WRITTEN NOTICE OF'RESCISSION, THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE NULL AND VOID AND THE PARTIES HERETO SHALL BE RELEASED F'ROM ANY FURTHER PERFORMANCE HER"EUNDER. THIS RIGHT OF RESCISSION CANNOT BE WAI!TD. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has voluntarily executed this Agreement. SELLER: Vail Plaza Development,LLC, a Coiorado limited liability company ---Pllreh*ser 11,,, *---Prl*eh*se* Print Name: Its: Address: 12 Vail Road, Suite 200 Bv:_ Vail, Colorado 81657 Print Name: tsv: Print Name: Address: Phone Number: E-mail address: Address: 32608. Maplewood Avenue LISTING BROKER: Littleton, Colorado 80121 Telephone: 3031779-3344 Facsimile: 303/290-8944 E-mail: Tandem Group, LLC PURCHASER: By: CO_DOCS_A #14941 0 v8.11 By: Address:COOPERATING BROKER: By: Telephone: Facsimile: E-mail: CO_DOGS_A #149410 v9![ General Terms and Conditions PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price for the Club Estates shall be as set forth in Paragraph C of the Agreement (the "Purchase price"), payable as follows: A. Earnest Money. Upon Purchaser's execution of this Agreement, Purchaser shall pay to Seller fifteen percent (15%) of the purchase price as an earnest money deposit ("Earnest Money"). To protect Purchaser's interest in the Earnest Money, Seller has established an escrow agreement, dated November 18, 2004, with Land Title Guarantee Company ("Escrow Agent") and by Purchaser's execution of this Agreement, the terms of the escrow agreement are incorporated herein. Attached as Exhibit C hereto is a copy of the form of such escrow agreement. Seller shall deliver to Escrow Agent any Eamest Money received from Purchaser within one (1) business day of receipt. Escrow Agent shall place the Earnest Money in one or more insured, interest bearing accounts, upon Purchaser's execution ofany forms reasonably requested by Escrow Agent. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, any interest on the Earnest Money shall accrue for the benefit of Seller and at closing (as defined below in paragraph 7A) shall be credited toward payment of the Purchase Price. Seller reserves the right to obtain a Ietter of credit or bond or other financial arrangement acceptable to the Colorado Real Estate Commission to guarantee the retum of the Earnest Money to Purchaser in the events contemplated in paragraphs 48, 5A, 68, and 98 of this Agreement. within three (3) business days after Seller provides Escrow Agent evidence of the Colorado Real Estate Commission's approval of such alternative assurances, Escrow Agent shall deliver all Earnest Money deposits to seller. B. Balance. Purchaser shall pay the balance of the Purchase Price (which shall be the Purchase Price less Eamest Money paid by purchaser) in good funds acceptable to Seller at the Closing. DESCRIPTION oF THE PROJECT. According to seller's current development plan, the Projecfkn shall consist of (i) fifty (50) Residential club units, (ii) one (t) vail plaza penthouie Unit, (iii) one (1) Parking unit, (iv) three (3) commercial units which may include, retail shops, or any other commercial use permitted by law and under the Declaration, (v) one (1) Hotel i-lnit which may consist of one hundred (100) hotel rooms and which will be operated as part of the vail Plaza Hotel, (vi) one (l) Management Unit and one (1) Service Unit which may include a front desk area, offices, a concierge area, and related hotel facilities, (vii) one (1) Employee Housing Unit providing residences for employees of the project and surrounding areas in vail, Colorado, (viii) one (l) Restaurant unit, which may include a restaurant, bar and kitchen, (ix) one (1) Spa Unit which may include a health spa, an outdoor pool, hot tubs, and saunas, (x) one (l) convention unit which mav inClude facilities for meetings, garherings, and convenrions, (xi) one (l) Catering Kitchen Unit, and (xii) one (1) Loading Unit, all as further described in the Declaration and as shown on the Map (defined below). GOVERNING DOCUMENTS/MEMBERSHIP. A. The Project. The Club Estates are paft of the Vail Plaza Club located within the Project, declared pursuant to the colorado common Interest ownership Act Article 33.3, colorado Revised Statutes and isg4g subject to the €sndami*iu*Declaration mini&m{+lr+rBcgle${ios3, to be recorded in the office of the clerk and Recorder for Eagle county, colorado (the "Bseqdg"), the map of the project to be recorded in the Records (the "Ivlap"), and various other recorded and unrecorded documents. Purchaser agrees to abide by all ofthe recorded and unrecorded documents applicable to the club u+itUtrits. purchaser will, by virtue of ownership of the CIub Estates, become a member of Vail Plaza Condominium Association. Inc.. a colorado nonprofit corporation (the "Agsqsidiar'), and shall be subject to and bound by the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the Association in effect from time to time. The Association has been established for the purpose of maintaining the Common Elements and for other purposes set forth l. 2. J. CO_DOCS_A #1494'10 vglt ^-- in the Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws of the Association, and any amendments thereto (collectively, the "GSygrnl{g !Sq!SCE!"). Purchaser, as a member of the Association,'is obligated to pay annual assessments to meet the Common Expenses (as defined in the Declaration). Failure of a member to pay such assessments may result in a lien being placed on the Club Estates. B. Purchaser's Acknowledgment. Purchaser hereby acknowledges that Purchaser previously received drafts of the Goveming Documents, the Declaration, the current Budget of the Association, and a Disclosure Statement (the "Disclosure Statement") for the Vail Plaza Club at the Project. Purchaser further acknowledges that the Goveming Documents are in draft form and are subject to revision by Seller prior to Closing, without Purchaser's further review or approval and without the obligation to resubmit such documents to the colorado Real Estate Commission for approval following revision to such documents. Purchaser acknowledges that it has reviewed and understands all documents referenced in and attached to this Agreement. Further, Purchaser acknowledges that Seller has advised Purchaser to obtain legal counsel to review all aspects of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement, and to represent Purchaser in connection with the examination of title and the Closine. CONTINGENCIES. Financing. Purchaser understands and agrees that this Agreement is not contingent upon Purchaser obtaining financing for the Closing. Seller's Presale and Financing Contineencv. Seller's obligations under this Agreement are expressly contingent and conditioned upon Seller (i) obtaining satisfactory financing for the Project by July 31,2005 (the '.Financine contingency'), and (ii) entering into agreements with purchasers for the sale of at least four hundred (400) Club Estates in Vail Plaza Club ("presales") by July 31, 2005 (the "Presale contingencv"). If Seller does not meet either or both of the Financing contingency and Presale contingency, Seller shall have the option to terminate this Agreement, at Seller's sole option, by giving purchaser notice of such termination within twenty (20) days of the expiration of the Financing Contingency and the Presale Contingency. In such event and at such time, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated, and Seller shall direct Escrow Agent to retum the Earnest Money, with all accrued interest thereon, to Purchaser and neither party shall have any fuither liability under this Agreement except as provided under Paragraphs 5(D), 5(E), and 12. Seller shall have the right, however, at Seller's sole option, to waive either or both of the Financing Contingency and the Presale Contingency and proceed with the project. In the event that seller does not give Purchaser a termination notice, Seller shall be deemed to have waived either or both of the Financing Contingency and the Presale contingency, and this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. CONSTRUCTION OF SI{+CLUB {JN{+UNII-S AND PARKING. A. Club U*i+Unrls. Pursuant to this Agreement, Purchaser is agreeing to purchase Club Estates in *ous_orjcgre completed Club Unit@). purchaser acknowledges that Seller is not acting as a contractor for Purchaser in the construction of said Club UnitS). Purchaser shall acquire no right, title or interest in or to the Club Unitft) except the correlative right and obligation to purchase the Club Estates, in accordance with the terms hereof, upon completion of the Club Unitft). Purchaser shall have no right to modify the Club Unit@) or to occupy the Club UnitQ) until Closing and then only during the Club Weeks included in Purchaser's respective Club Er*ateEs:tatcr. The relcyaut_Club UnitS) is to be constructed and completed substantially in conformance with the Plans attached hereto as Exhibit A. If Seller does not substantially complete construction of the Club UnitS) within two (2) years following the execution of this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate and Seller shall direct Escrow Agent to retum the Earnest Money, with all accrued interest thereon, to Purchaser. However, the date of Substantial Completion will be extended for any delays beyond Seller's control, including, but not limited to, delays caused by weather, inability to obtain A. B. 5. CO_DOCS_A #1 4941 0 v8.ll B. materials, labor shortages, strikes, acts of God, govemmental regulations, court orders and other conditions or events legally recognized in the State ofcolorado as frustrating or rendering impossible performance of contracts. For all purposes under this Agreement, 'SUbg44lbrcAlqplgliq4" shall be the date Seller has obtained either a temporary (conditional) or permanent certificate of occupancy for the Club Unitft) from an appropriate govemmental authority. Amenities outside vail Plaza. Except for the common Elements and certain Limited common Elements of the project as described in the Declaration, Purchaser acknowledges that no interest in or right to use any amenity located on or near the Project, such as golffacilities, ski facilities or the like, shall be conveyed to Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement. The owners of such nearby facilities shall have the right, in their sole discretion, to remove, relocate, discontinue operation of, restrict access to, charge fees for the use of, sell interests in or otherwise deal with such assets in their sole discretion without regard to any prior use of or benefit to any owners or residents ofthe project. Plans. The Plans for the Club UnitUrjits prepared by Seller's architect, Zehren & Associates are available for review by purchaser at Listing Broker's offices during normal business hours ("Listine Broker" is the broker signing as such on the signature page of alethb Agreement). Seller reserves the right, at its option, to substitute or change fixtures, equipment and materials with fixtures, equipment and materials of equal or better quality and to make other minor modifications to the plans if Seller reasonably determines that the quality of the club UnitQ) remains substantially unaffected by such substitutions and changes. In addition, seller is authorized to modify the plans and make substitutions in its sole discretion but in a reasonable manner (a) to meet requirements of governmental authorities, (b) to correct errors, omissions and oversights, (c) to meet unanticipated site requirements, (d) to overcome hindrances to the expeditious completion of construction due to strikes or materials or labor shortages, and (e) to make minor relocations of electrical, plumbing, heating and similar services and equipment. It is anticipated that there will be minor deviations in room dimensions, locations of windows, doors, heating registers and controls, electrical outlets and switches, telephone outlets and other items of similar nature from the exact requirements of the plans and such deviations will not be a breach of this Agreement by seller. similarly, statements of approximate square footage of the club unit6), as well as of the common Elements located in the project, may be made in this Agreement and the Plans. Purchaser acknowledges, however, that square footage calculations may be made in a variety of manners, and as long as thercrevaul club Unit is constructed substantially in accordance with the plans, purchaser will have no right to rescind this Agreement, nor will purchaser be entitled to any claim for breach of this Agreement or adjustment of the purchase price, on account of alleged discrepancies in square footage calculations. Inspection bv Purchaser. upon reasonable advance request, Seiler will allow Purchaser and Purchaser's authorized representatives to tour the project site prior to and after commencement of construction. purchaser acknowledges that prior to and during construction ofthe Project, hazardous conditions and insurance and security requirements prevent Purchaser and purchaser's representatives from entering the Project site unless accompanied by an authorized representative of seller. Any such inspection shall be conducted in fuil compliance with rules and procedures established by Shaw Construction Company (..QSIEAS!9I") or imposed by law. Any tour of the project site by purchaser and purchaser's representatives will be at their own risk. purchaser and purchaser's representatives waive all claims against Contractor, Seller, and Seller,s contractors, subcontractors, employees and agents for personal injury or property damage caused by any person or thing during such a tour. purchaser will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Seller and its affiliates, contractors, subcontractors, employees and agents against any claims, demands, losses, damages, liabilities or other expense arising out of such tour. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive Closing or the termination of this Agreement. C. D. CO_DOCS_A #149410 v8.U E. Control of Construction. Purchaser acknowledges that control, direction and supervision of all construction personnel at the Prqicet-construction site lies exclusively with Seller and that Purchaser may not issue any instructions to, or otherwise interfere with, construction personnel. Purchaser will not perform any work or contract with Seller's contractors or other builders, contractors, interior decorators, or others to perform work in or about the Club UnitQ). Purchaser will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Seller, and its contractors, subcontractors, employees and agents against any claims, demands, loss, damages, liability, or other expense that they may incur by reason of purchaser's breach of any provision of this Paragraph. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive Closing or the termination of this Agreement. F. Parking at the Project. The Owner of the Parking Unit will make one (1) parking space available within the Parking Unit to Owners of Club Estates during the Club Week(s) included in eaeh_o:Lpurchaser's Club E++*+eEs-tatcs under the terms and conditions more specifically set forth in Anicle 6 of the Declaration. G. Project Amenities. Vail Plaza Club is part of an overall Project including a five star hotel and certain amenities for hotel guests. Seller intends that a health spa with exercise equipment, saunas, hot tubs and an outdoor swimming pool within the Spa Unit will be available on the Project for use by Club Estate Owners pursuant to an amenities use agreement between the Association and Seller, the current Spa Unit Owner. Vail Plaza Hotel Management, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("Manaeing Agent"), will be or has been engaged by Seller to manage, operate, and maintain the amenities described in this Paragraph on behalf of Seller. Pursuant to the amenities use agreement between Seller and the Association, Seller must make such amenities available to Club Estate Owners, so long as the Association maintains such agreement with Seller and pays a monthly fee for the use of such amenities. 6. TITLETO THECLUB ESTATE. A. Commitment. At least fourteen (14) days prior to Closing, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser a preliminary title insurance commitment (the "Commitment") issued by Land ritle Guarantee company, as agent for chicago Title Insurance Company ("Title Comnany''), committing to insure marketable title for the Club Ss+otcEslate$ to Purchaser in the amount equal to the Purchase Price upon payrnent of the policy premium by Seller and the recording of the Deed (defined below in Paragraph 7(B)). The title to the Club E**a+eEstales shall be subject to the following (collectively, the "permitted Exceptions'; the exceptions, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, easements and rights-of-way of record as of the date of this Agreement as set forth on Exhibit D attached heieto; any easements granted to utilities or municipalities in connection with the Project; and the Governing Documents. A title insurance policv based on the Commitment will be delivered to Purchaser, at no costio Purchaser, within sixtv (60) days of Closing. B. Title Review. If Purchaser asserts the existence of any title exception other than the Permitted Exceptions which renders title to one or more of the Club Estates Purchaser is purchasing unmarketable, Purchaser shall give written notice of such exception to seller within seven (7) calendar days after delivery ofthe Commitment. Othenvise, Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted title as shown on the Commitrnent. After the receipt of such notice, Seller shall use reasonable efforts to attempt to remove or cure such exception(s) or to obtain an endorsement to the Commitment providing protection against such exception(s), at seller's expense, prior to the closing date. The existence ofliens or encumbrances of any kind shall not constitute a defect allowing termination by Purchaser if Seller elects to provide to Purchaser a title insurance endorsement insuring against such lien or encumbrance orthe collection ofsuch tax. IfSeller is unable to remove or cure such exceptions to title or obtain such title insurance protection before the date ofClosing, Purchaser, on or before the Closing date, shall elect one of the following actions, which shall be Purchaser's exclusive remedy in the event title to a Club Estate is unmarketable: CO-DOCS_A #1 494'1 0 vg-1l i. Waive such exceptions to title without adjustment in the Purchase Price and proceed to Closing; ii. Grant one (l) or more additional periods of time within which Seller shall continue to attempt to cure, remove, or obtain title insurance protection against the exceptions, and the date ofClosing shall be extended by a corresponding amount of time; or iii. Terminate this Agreement, in which event Seller shall direct the Escrow Agent to return the Earnest Money, with all accrued interest thereon, to Purchaser, and the parties shall be released from all further obligations under this Agreement. If Purchaser fails to give timely notice of its election, Purchaser will be deemed to have elected to accept title as shown in the Commitment and to have waived all defects and such exceptions to title. Purchaser expressly relinquishes and waives any and all other remedies, claims, demands and causes of action at law or in equity against Seller for failure to deliver marketable title. 7.CLOSING. Closing Date. The closing of the purchase and sale of the Club Estates (tle "Closinq") shall be held not more than fifteen (15) business days after notice of Substantial Completion has been given by Seller to Purchaser. The date, time, and place of Closing shall be determined by Seller and Seller shall give written notice ofthe date ofClosing to Purchaser at least five (5) days in advance ofthe scheduled Closing date. Closing may be effected by mail and Purchaser need not be present. Documents for Closing. On the Closing date, and upon payment by Purchaser of the Purchase Price and delivery by Purchaser to Seller (or as directed by Seller) of all funds and documents necessary for Closing pursuant to this Agreement, Seller shall deliver an executed and acknowledged special warranty deed (the "Deed') to Escrow Agent for recording, with a copy to Purchaser, conveying title to the Club Estates to Purchaser free and clear of liens and encumbrances other than the Permitted Exceptions. The Deed will be delivered to the Clerk and Recorder for Eagle County, Colorado for recording following Closing, and in no event later than sixty (60) days following Closing. Closing Costs. Taxes" Assessments and Prorations. Purchaser agrees at Closing to pay: i. the actual and customary Closing costs and recording fees and anycosts incurred by Seller or its agents in connection with a Closing by mail, together with any amounts required by Purchaser's lender (if any) for ta.x and insurance escrows, mortgage insurance premiums, or any other items, and to execute settlement statements, tax statements, and all other necessary or customary Closing documents; ii. Purchaser's prorated share ofgeneral taxes for the calendar year of Closing which shall be prorated as of the date of Closing based upon the most recent levy and most recent assessments available from govemmental authorities; iii. @reefn'nter*na*@ i@ fown of Vait reat es iv. any required deposit for fees and reserves including the annual Club Assessment for Common Expenses as set forth in Paragraph E, "Annual Assessments", on page 1 of this Agreement, and which shall be prorated as of the date of Closing. Purchaser acknowledges that the amount of the Club Assessment is currently only an estimate, and Purchaser agrees that it will not object to any variation of ten percent (10%) or less between such A. B. C. CO DOCS A #149410 v&tl estimate and the actual amount that is prorated at Closing. In order to provide the Association with working capital funds, Purchaser shall pay at Closing an amount equal to 1/4 of the annual Assessments based on the Association's budget in effect at the time of Closing. The payment to this fund shall not be considered an advance payment of Assessments. The payment shall be made either to the Association or to Seller as reimbursement if Seller has previously paid such amount as to the Club Estates to the Association. Ifthe Closing is held later than the date provided under Paragraph 7(A), through no fault of Seller, in Seller's sole discretion, the above items shall be prorated to the original Closing date provided under Paragraph 7(A) and Purchaser shall pay to Seller at Closing, in addition to the Purchase Price, eighteen percent (18%) interest on the balance ofthe PurchasePricefromthe@ClosingdatetothedateClosingactua11ytakes place. All adjustments and prorations at the time of Closing shall be final. Each party shall pay the fees and expenses of the party's own attorney. D. Reportinq of Transaction. Seller or Title Company shall prepare promptly after the Closing, a form 1099-8 with the Internal Revenue Service, if applicable under Section 60a5(e)(2) of the lnternal Revenue Code, as amended. The Closing Agent will prepare the real property transfer declaration required under Colorado Rev. Stat. $ 39-14-102, as amended from time to time. E. FIRPTA Affidavit. At the Closing, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser a certificate that Seller is not a non-resident alien as defined in the lnternal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder as necessary to comply with Section 1445 of the TreasuryRegulations. 8' DAMAGE BEFORE SALE. If prior to Closing, the Club Unitft) shall be destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty, Seller shall repair the damage to the Club Unit$) as soon as reasonably practicable, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and the Closing shall be delayed as necessary to allow the completion of such repair. 9. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. A. Default b), Purchaser. Purchaser and Seller agree that in the event of default or breach of this Agreement by Purchaser, Seller may elect either of the following remedies: (a) Seller may assert a claim against Purchaser for specific performance or damages, or both, or (b) Seller may unilaterally terminate this Agreement and direct the Escrow Agent to deliver the Earnest Money, with all accrued interest theteon, to Seller. Seller and Purchaser agree that actual damages to Seller would be exhemely difficult and impractical to ascertain, and therefore the Eamest Money and all accrued interest is a reasonable estimate of the damages Seller would sustain in the event of a default by Purchaser and shall be deemed to constitute liquidated damages. In either case, Purchaser shall pay all costs including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by Seller in comection with the collection of any money due Seller or in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement. B. Default blv Seller. lf Seller defaults, Purchaser may elect to either (i) terminate this Agreement by written notice to Seller within ten (10) days after such default, in which event Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return to Purchaser of the Earnest Money with all accrued interest thereon, and the parties shall have no further obligations to one another, or (ii) enforce this Agreement through specific performance, or seek damages. 10. DISCLOSURES AND DISCLAIMERS. A. Insulation of Premises. Seller and Purchaser hereby acknowledge pursuant to Section 460.l6 of the Federal Trade Commission Regulations regarding labeling and advertising of home insulation, that the types, thicknesses and R-Values of insulation presently anticipated to be installed in the Club Unit$) at the time of Closing shall be as set forth below: CO_DOCS_A #1 4941 0 v8-!! R-Value R-19 R-50 (total) The "R-value" indicates the resistance of insulation to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power. Seller has not made its own independent determination of the R- Value data provided to Seller by the insulation manufacturer. B. Notice Regarding Soils Conditions. Seller has delivered to Purchaser a soils analysis and site recommendation report prepared by Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc., a licensed geotechnical engineering firm, and dated June 16, 2004 (the "Soils Report"), or a summary thereof, on the Project site. If the Soils Report reveals a significant potential for expansive soils at the site, Seller also shall have delivered to Purchaser the publication required by C.R.S. $ 6-6.5- 101(l). The Project will be designed and constructed pursuant to the recommendations in the Soils Report. Purchaser hereby acknowledges that Purchaser has been advised by Seller and understands that the soils within the State of Colorado consist of both expansive soils and low-density soils which may result in shifting or other movement of the foundation or otherwise result in damage to the structural or other parts of the Club Unit$) if the Club UnitQ) and property upon which i+ggglguLutrtt sits are not properly maintained. C. Improvements to the Project and Surrounding Areas. Purchaser acknowledges and recognizes that Purchaser is purchasing the Club Estates during a period of construction for the Project and the Club UnitS) may be completed prior to the completion of other Club Units, streets, sidewalks and other improvements in the Projectorsurroundingprojects. Theremaybecertaininconveniences,including noise and dust, until the construction of the Project is completed. Therefore, Purchaser waives any claims against Seller for any costs or occunences as a result of such construction. +fr€Eacb Club Unitjulhe frqicct is in the vicinity of other parcels ofreal property, which, as ofthe date hereof, have not been developed. Such property may or may not be developed the same as the Club UnitS). Purchaser acknowledges that any renderings, land plans, conceptual layouts or other materials such as brochures or otherwise which show such uses represent only Seller's current knowledge of what may be planned for the area in question and are subject to change or modification at any time without notice. No assurances have been made or are made that such development and/or use will in any manner correspond to the matters reflected on any such rendering, land plan, layout or brochures or be consistent with the use of the Club Unit. Oral commitments from agents or employees of Seller conceming use of ths Club Unit$) are not authorized by Seller. Furthermore, Seller hereby reserves the right to change its development plans, timing, sales methods and pricing in connection with any property within or without the Project. D. Environmental Conditions/Radon. Ecological and environmental conditions, including but not limited to radon gas, may affect the Club Unit$). Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Colorado. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from the county public health unit. In our continuing effort to educate and inform our purchaser(s), Seller hereby notifies you, Purchaser, that the Colorado Department of Health and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (the "EPA") have detected elevated levels of naturally occurring radon gas in certain residential structures throughout Colorado. The EPA has voiced concems about possible adverse effects on human health from long term exposrue to high levels ofradon gas. Purchaser is hereby advised that Seller is not qualified to evaluate all aspects ofthis very complex and Location Exterior walls Ceiling/Roof Twe of Insulation Fiberglass Batts Fiberglass Batts/Rigid Insulation Thickness 6" 12"14" CO_DOCS_A #149410 v8-al 10 E. F. G. H. constantly changing issue nor has it undertaken to do so. Seller issues no warranty of any nature whatsoever with respect to the ecological and/or environmental conditions affecting the Club Unitft), including but not limited to the existence ofradon gas. Purchaser acknowledges that Seller is underno obligation with respect to the radon gas levels occurring in the Club Unitft). Sales Price. Sales prices can vary due to various factors such as, but not limited to, the size and location of the specific Club Unit$) and the specific Club Weeks included in a purchaser's Club Estates. Easements Affecting the Proiect. Various easements affect and encumber the Project and each Club Unit iulhc&qicefand additional easements may be granted to utilities and municipalities in connection with development of the Project. These easements may contain above-ground facilities such as electric pedestals, electric transformers, telephone pedestals, cable TV pedestals, street signs, and mailboxes. Any of these facilities may be located anywhere within these easements. Purchaser acknowledges that the precise conditions in existence as of the Effective Date are subject to change as precise development plans (setting forth pad elevations, street alignments, etc.) are implemented and as landscaping matures. Purchaser agrees that any such changes of conditions shall in no event provide a basis for return of all or any part ofthe Purchase Price. Investigation. Seller hereby advises Purchaser to investigate the zoning, size and future improvements surrounding the Club UnitQ). Purchaser has not relied on any statement by Seller or Seller's agents on these items and hereby releases Seller and Seller's agents of any duty to investigate these items. No Investment Reoresentations. Purchaser acknowledges that neither Seller nor any of its employees or agents have made any warranties or representations conceming (i) the Club Estates as an investment opportunity for appreciation of value or as a means of obtaining income from the rental thereof, or (ii) rental or other income from any Club Estate or as to any other economic benefit, including possible federal or state tax advantages from the ownership ofa Club Estate. SELLER HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND REPTIDIATES ANY REPRESENTATION FROM ANY SOURCE AS TO ANY POSSIBLE ECONOMIC BENEFIT ARISINGFROM OWNERSHIP OF A CLUB ESTATE IN THE PROJECT. Ski Area Operations. Purchaser acknowledges that Seller is not the operator of any ski area in the vicinity of the Project, and accordingly, Seller cannot make any representations relating thereto. Neither Seller nor any of its employees or agents have made any representations regarding the opening or closing dates ofsuch ski areas in any given year. Purchaser fully understands that the operator of those ski areas may decide, in its sole discretion, whether any or all of the chairlifts within the ski areas shall be operated. Commercial Activities. A variety of commercial activities are and will be conducted in and adjacent to the Project (as further described below, the "Commercial Activities"). The Commercial Activities are expected to generate an unpredictable amount of visible, audible and odorous impacts and disturbances. The Commercial Activities may include, without limitation: (i) office and retail uses, (ii) retail sales and rentals, (iii) restaurant and bar operations, (iv) sales of services relating to recreational activities, (v) parking activities, (vi) the installation, operation and maintenance of illuminated and non- illuminated signage, (vii) meetings and conferences, and (viii) any other uses or activities permitted by law. The Commercial Activities may occur during daytime and nighttime. Commercial Activities and Commercial Units at the Project must comply with applicable laws and regulations and with the requirements of Special Development District 6. Restriction on Resale. Purchaser specifically acknowledges and agrees to the provisions regarding the restriction on resale and reouirements fu of any Club Estate set forth in Article 24 of the Declaration. J, K. CO,DOCS_A #14941 0 v9.ll 1l Buildine Codes. Spaces such as attics, chase ways, or plenums constructed within the building on the Project or within an individual Club Unit are restricted from any alternative use by the Eagle County Building Code, Fire Life Safety Codes, and the Project Documents. These areas are not available for any Owner's access, improvement, or use. Seller's Disclaimer. Upon completion of the Project and sale of all of the Club Units, Seller will have no continuing part in the success or failure of Vail Plaza Club or the Association. Pedestrian Access. Purchaser acknowledges that Seller and/or the Association may grant certain easements to the public and/or adjacent propefly owners across certain porlions of the Project including all sidewalk utdplaza areas, to provide access to the Commercial Units and other easements as required by the Town of Vail. Such easements shall be depicted on the Map or othetwise recorded against the Project. All such access easements shall become Permitted Exceptions hereunder. O. Parking: Commercial Use. The Project includes Commercial Units that may be used to conduct commercial and retail operations, including, without limitation, office, retail and restaurant operations. Certain inconveniences or other consequences may result flom the Commercial Activities including, but not limited to, noises, odors, increased traffic around and in the Project and additional insurance costs. Adj acent properties and the public have rights to access and use certain portions of the Parking Unit as described in the Declaration and Permitted Exceptions. P. Natural Materials. Purchaser acknowledges and understands that log and wood siding and wood floors may be planned for certain portions of the Club Unit$) as part ofthe Plans. Purchaser understands that the wood products that may be included as parl of the Club Unitft) are natural materials subject to the laws of nature, and therefore, some warping, twisting, cracking and splitting may occrr. Similarly, natural stone materials may require sealing or other maintenance from time to time to maintain their appearance and durability. Purchaser acknowledges that noise transference is greater for wood floors than for carpeted floors. a. Spa and Pool. The health spa within the Spa Unit will include an outdoor pool which may be used by the Club Estate Owners, the Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit Owner, and hotel guests and invitees. Cerlain condominium unit owners on Phase III and Phase V of Special Development District 6 have rights to use the pool, which rights are more specifically described in documents of record constituting Permitted Exceptions. WARRANTY AND LIMITATIONS. A. Limited Warranty by Seller. The following warranty (the "Li${9dlM4.ffgnIy") is the only warranty made by Seller regarding labor and materials used in the construction of the Club UnitS), and the Limited Warranty shall not be effective until Closing. The Limited Warranty is personal to Purchaser and may not be assigned by Purchaser upon the sale ofthe Club tk*itEstatcs. Seller warrants that all materials incorporated in and made a part of the structure of the Club Unit{q) shall be n€w as of the date of installation and shall remain free from defects in workmanship or material for a period of one (1) year from the date of Substantial Completion. Seller represents that Seller will cause to be remedied, by repair or replacement, any defects in the Club Unitft) which appear within one (1) year from the date of Closing and which result from faulty material or workmanship, provided that Purchaser gives Seller written notice of any such defect within ten ( I 0) days after Purchaser's discovery of the defect. Any such notice shall be addressed to Seller at the address following Seller's signature below, or such other address for notice fumished to Purchaser in accordance with Paragraph 14(I) hereof. Purchaser's sole remedy (in lieu of all remedies implied by law or otherwise) against Seller in connection with such defects shall be to require Seller to correct the defects in material or workmanship. L. M. N. 11. CO_DOCS_A #149410 v8-11 11IL C. Appliance Warranty. The Limited Warranty in Paragraph 11(A) does not extend or relate to any items of tangible personal property in the Club UnitQ) (whether or not such property is attached to or installed in the Club Unit(g) including, without limitation, any range, oven, range hood and fan, trash compactor, microwave, garbage disposal, dishwasher, refrigerator, washer, dryer, hot water heater, components ofthe heating system and any fire alarm or other life-safety or security system installed in or sewicing the Club Unit@) (collectively, the "Appliances"). Seller will assign to the Association at Closing any unexpired warranties Seller has received from the manufacturers of such Appliances to the extent such warranties are assignable. Seller shall not be responsible for the performance of any such manufacturer under the manufacturer's warranties. With respect to the Appliances, whether or not warranted by manufacturers, all implied warranties are expressly disclaimed and do not apply, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, ifcreated and recognized under Colorado law. Restrictions on Warranties. EXCEPT AS STATED IN PARAGRAPH 11(A) ABOVE, SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANYNATURE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUTNOT LIMITED TO, THOSE OF WORKMANLIKE CONSTRUCTION, HABITABILITY, DESIGN, CONDITION, OR QUALITY AS TO THE PROPERTY UNDERLYING THE PROJECT, THE CLUB LINIT, OR THE OTHER IMPROVEMENTS CONSTITUTING THE PROJECT, AND SELLER HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY SUCH REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES. SELLER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS, AND PURCHASER SPECIFICALLY RELEASES SELLER FROM, ANY LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTLA,L DAMAGES TO ANY PERSON OR THE CLUB LINITQ OR ANY OTHER REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY RESULTING FROM A DEFECT. WITH REGARD TO THE APPLIANCES AND ANY OTHER ITEMS OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, SELLER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. D. Masruson-Moss Warranty Act Compliance. The Limited Warranty in this Article l l has been prepared to comply with the disclosure requirements of the federal Magnuson-Moss Warranty - Federal Trade lmprovement Act (15 U.S.C. $ 2301, as amended). With respect to any Appliances finally determined by a court to be within this Limited Warranty described above, all implied warranties are limited in duration to the period of the Limited Warranty. This includes, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a parlicular pulpose if created or recognized in Colorado. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation may not apply to Purchaser. This Limited Warranty gives specific legal rights, and Purchaser may also have other rights which vary from state to state. E. Acknowledgment: Survival of Covenants. Purchaser hereby acknowledges aad accepts the foregoing disclaimers and agrees to waive any and all rights Purchaser may have by virtue of the representations and warranties disclaimed. Except as otherwise provided in the Limited Warranty, Purchaser assumes the risk of damage occurring in the Club Unit@) after the Closing regardless of the cause. The provisions ofthis Paragraph shall survive Closing. BROKERS. Each party represents to the other that no real estate broker other than the Listing Broker and the Cooperating Broker identified on the signature page(s) hereofhas any claim for compensation or expenses as a result of this transaction, and each party shall indemnify the other against any claims for commissions or other compensation by any other broker or finder with whom the indemnifying party has dealt. Seller agrees to compensate the Listing Broker and the Cooperating Broker for services rendered in this transaction. The Cooperating Broker is not an agent ofSeller, and Purchaser acknowledges that Purchaser's relationship with the Cooperating Broker has been B. 12. CO_DOCS_A #149410 vg ll IJ previously disclosed to Purchaser in a notice from Cooperating Broker to Purchaser. The Listing Broker is a Transaction Broker. 13. CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP, ASSOCIATION,TRUST. A. Corporation. IfPurchaser is a corporation, Purchaser shall deliverto Seller, at least ten (10) days prior to Closing, a copy ofa resolution ofPurchaser, duly adopted and certified by the secretary ofPurchaser as required by the laws ofthe state of Purchaser's incorporation, authorizing the purchase of the Club Estate, together with all trade name affidavits and other documents required by Colorado law to enable Purchaser to hold title to the Club Estates. Purchaser represents that at Closing Purchaser will be in good standing and authorized, as necessary, to conduct its business in Colorado. B. Partnership or Association. If Purchaser is a partnership, joint venture, limited liability company or other association, Purchaser shall deliver to Seller, at least ten (10) days prior to Closing, a copy ofany approval required by Purchaser's organizational documents, certified by the appropriate representative of Purchaser, together with all regishation forms, trade name affidavits, and other documents required to be filed in the office of the Colorado Secretary of State, the Colorado Department of Revenue, the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, or otherwise required under Colorado law to enable Purchaser to hold title to the Club Estates. Purchaser represents and warrants that at Closing Purchaser will be in good standing and authorized, as necessary, to conduct its business in Colorado. C. Trust. lf Purchaser is a trust, Purchaser shall deliver to Seller, at least ten (10) days prior to Closing, a copy of the Trust Agreement, certified by the appropriate representative of Purchaser, together with an Affidavit of Joint Venturers or Trustees, as required by Colorado law, or, if the trust is inevocable, a Trust Registration Statement hled with the District Court in the appropriate county of Colorado, and any other documents required to be filed or otherwise required under Colorado law or by a title company to enable Purchaser to hold title to the Club Estates in a trust. t4.MISCELLANEOUS. C, Time of Essence. Time is of the essence of the provisions of this Agreement. Failure of Purchaser to make payments or to close or to comply with the provisions of this Agreement within the time provided herein shall be considered a breach of this Agreement. If any date set forth herein for performance is a Saturday, a Sunday, or a legally recognized holiday, performance shall be made on the next business day following such date. Joint and Several Liabilitv. If Purchaser is comprised of two (2) or more parties, they shall be jointly and severally obligated under this Agreement. If Purchaser is comprised of two (2) or more individuals, they shall deliver written notice to Seller, at least ten (10) days prior to Closing, of whether they will take title to the Club Estates as joint tenants or tenants in common. Assignment. Seller may assign this Agreement to a lending institution in connection with financing the construction of the Club Units on the Project and Purchaser agrees to purchase the Club Estates ifeac&_olthe apulicahle_Club Uni*Uuils is completed in compliance with the terms hereof regardless of the party who actually completes the construction. Purchaser may not assign any portion of Purchaser's interest under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Seller. Any such attempted assignment without Seller's written consent shall be null and void, shall be a default under this Agreement and shall entitle Seller to liquidated damages in accordance with Paragraph 9(A) above. Special District Acknowledsment. THE PROJECT IS NOT PRESENTLY LOCATED IN A SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT. PURCHASER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE PROJECT MAY BE INCL{TDED WITHIN A. B. D. CO_DOCS_A #149410 v&11 t4 a t E. SPECIAL TAXING DISTzuCTS IN THE FUTURE. SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICTS MAY BE SUBJECT TO GENERAL OBLIGATION INDEBTEDNESS THAT IS PAID BY REVENUES PRODUCED FROM ANNUAL TAX LEVIES ON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH DISTRICTS. PROPERTY OWNERS IN SUCH DISTRICTS MAY BE PLACED AT RISK FOR INCREASED MILL LEVIES AND EXCESSIVE TAX BIIRDENS TO SUPPORT THE SERVICING OF DEBT INCURRED BY A DISTRICT WHERE CIRCLIMSTANCES ARISE RESULTING IN THE INABILITY OF SUCH A DISTRICT TO DISCHARGE ITS INDEBTEDNESS WITHOUT SUCH AN INCREASE IN MILL LEVIES. PURCHASERS SHOULD INVESTIGATE THE DEBT FINANCING REQUIREMENT OF THE AUTHORIZED GENERAL OBLIGATION INDEBTEDNESS OF SUCH DISTRICTS, EXISTING MILL LEVIES OF SUCH DISTRICT SERVICING SUCH INDEBTEDNESS. AND THE POTENTIAL FOR AN INCREASE IN SUCH MILL LEVIES. Arbitration. All controversies and disputes between Seller and Purchaser and all claims by Seller or Purchaser against the other directly or indirectly arising out of, or related to this Agreement, including those directly or indirectly arising out of or related to the Limited Warranty, shall be submitted to and settled by conclusive binding arbitration under the Commercial Rules of the American Arbihation Association. To the extent that Seller does not prevail in the arbitration, Seller shall pay any and all costs and expenses associated with the arbitration, including but not limited to the arbitrator's expenses and both Seller's and Purchaser's reasonable attorney's fees. To the extent that Purchaser does not prevail in the arbitration, Purchaser shall pay any and all costs and expenses associated with the arbitration, including but not limited to the arbitrator's expenses and both Seller's and Purchaser's reasonable attorney's fees. The arbitrator's award shall be enforceable as a judgment in any court with jurisdiction. Purchaser acknowledges that the Declaration requires arbitration of all claims related to the Project and Purchaser has read and is familiar with such arbitration provision. Severabilitv. Each provision of this Agreement shall be deemed to be severable and the invalidity of any one provision of this Agreement shall not invalidate the Agreement as a whole. Paragraph Headinqs. The paragraph headings are inserted only for convenient reference and do not define, limit or prescribe the scope of this Agreement. Survival. Where applicable, each provision shall survive the Closing of this Agreement and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their heirs. successors and assigns. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Colorado. Notice. A11 notices or deliveries required under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be hand delivered or given by facsimile transmittal, regular mail, or ovemight courier directed to the telecopier number or address of Purchaser and Seller set forth under their signatures. All notices so given shall be considered effective, if hand-delivered, when received; if delivered by facsimile transmittal, upon telephone confirmation ofreceipt ifreceived on a business day between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., or upon the next business day; if delivered by courier, one (1) business day after timely deposit with the courier service, charges prepaid; or if mailed, three (3) days after deposit, first class postage prepaid, with the United States Postal Service. Either party may change the address to which future notices shall be sent by notice given in accordance with this Paragraph. An agent of Seller or the Listing Broker may send notices at the direction of and in place of Seller. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with any exhibits or addenda attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all other agreements or understandings F. H. G. J. K. CO_DOCS_A #149410 vg 11 15 t. between the parties, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereof, and may not be modified in any marurer except by an instrument in writing signed by all parties. No Recordation. This Agreement shall not be recorded and any recorded references to this Agreement shall in no way be construed as imposing or constituting a cloud or lien on title to the property underlying the Club Unit$). Any recording by Purchaser shall be a default of this Agreement rendering it null and void and entitling Seller to liquidated damages in accordance with Paragraph 9(A) above. Exhibits and Addenda. All Exhibits and Addenda attached to and described in this Agreement are incorporated into the Agreement by the reference. Bindine Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Purchaser and Seller and their respective heirs, personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. Acknowledgmentl Survival of Covenants. Purchaser hereby acknowledges and accepts the foregoing disclaimers and agrees to waive any and all rights Purchaser may have by virtue of the representations and warranties disclaimed. The provisions ofthis Paragraph shall survive Closing. Acceptance. This Agreement shall not be binding on Seller unless and until accepted in writing by manager or other authorized representative of Seller. Upon such acceptance, a signed copy shall be returned to Purchaser. Sales counselors and brokers are not authorized to accept this Agreement. Acceptance of the Eamest Money deposit shall not constitute acceptance of this Agreement by Seller. In the event this offer is not accepted by Seller, all obligations of the parties under this Agreement shall terminate and any Earnest Money shall be refunded. Disclosure Statement. PURCHASER HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT REQUIRED BY COLORADO LAW. BY EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT. PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT PIIRCHASER HAS READ AND UNDERSTANDS ALL OF THE MATTERS DISCUSSED AND DISCLOSED IN THE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT, AND FURTHERACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE DISCLOSTJRE STATEMENT ACCURATELY SETS FORTH PURCHASER'S T'NDERSTANDING OF THE ITEMS DISCUSSED THEREIN. IREMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKI M. N. o. P. a. CO_DOCS_A #1494'10 vg a1 16 EXHIBIT A FLOOR PLAN, SITE PLAN AND FEATURES LIST fplease see attached] CO_DOCS_A #149410 v8at A-l EXHIBIT B FURNISHINGS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Iplease see attached] CO_DOCS_A #1 494'1 0 v811 B-1 EXIIIBIT C FORM OF ESCROW AGREEMENT [please see attached] CO_DOCS_A #149410 vSat c-1 EXHIBIT D Permitted Exceptions zuGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME B8 FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12. 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE LTN]TED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY I 2, I 899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORICIN LTNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST IO. I962. IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE I79. RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN VAIL VILLAGE INN, A COLORADO CORPORATION, JAMM LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND VAIL VILLAGE INN ASSOCIATES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSFIIP RECORDED JANUARY 3,1983 IN BOOK 35I ATPAGE 324. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 09, I983 IN BOOK 367 AT PAGE 833. DECLARATION OF PARTIAL VACATION OF EASEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID EASEMENT RECORDED JULY 25, 1985 IN BOOK 420 AT PAGE 74I. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARATJON OF EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS RECORDED FEBRUARY 04, I988 IN BOOK 478 AT PAGE 377. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION CONCERNING PARKING WITHIN SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 6 RECORDED JULY IO. 1984 IN BOOK 388 AT PAGE 856. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLACE FIRST FILINC. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC.. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, I97I IN BOOK222 AT PAGE 32I, AND AS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED NOVEMBER 19. 1982 IN BOOK349 ATPACE 1I. EASEMENT GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRJC ASSOCIATION. INC., IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 2I. 1983 IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 397. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND COND]TIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS. WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO A CERTAIN CONDOMINIUM UNIT, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENTRECORDED NOVEMBER 19, I982, IN BOOK 349 ATPAGE I2. EASEMENT BETWEEN VILLACE INN PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION, VAIL VILLAGE INN, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION, AND F & L VAIL VILLAGE PARTNERSHIP, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP IN DOCUMENT RECORDED JULY 10, I984 IN BOOK 388 AT PAGE 862. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTR]CTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA. LITILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, tNC. IN INSTRUMENT RTCORDED JANUARY 21, 1983 rN BOOK 352 AT PACE 396. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AND VIEW AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 22. 1989 IN BOOK 520 AT PAGE 167. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL I4, I992 tN BOOK 577 AT PAGE 628. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DEED OF EASEMENT RECORDED MAY I8, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PACE 62I. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. CO_DocS_A#149410v8!! D-L Document com DeltaView on Tuesda March 08, 2005 11:50:03 AM ocs://co docs ai149410/8 ://co docs a1149410111 Itq*$!Et,'l : i . i i ra.. i r i ,el.i . . , i i i q l!e{.;lll*€ .'r, . lnsertion $efe+ien Meved*em Moved to Style change Format chanse i\Q 1+"" a ;i -g r;,1 44 i 1,,, 11 Inserted cell Deleted cell Moved cell SpliVMerqed cell Padding cell Deletions CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR THE VAIL PLAZA HOTEL RESORT CLUB CO_DOCS_A #15?626 v+1 CO_DOCS_A #152626 v1! Section 2.37. "Management Agreement" ............................. 6 Section 2.38. "Management Unit"............. ........................... 6 Section 2.39. "Managing Agent".. .................. 6 Section 2.40. "Occupant"............. ................... 6 Section 2.41. "Owner" .................. .................. 6 Section 2.42. "Parking Unit" ..........................7 Section 2.43. "Percentage Interest" ................7 Section 2.44. "Peiod of Declarant Control" ........................7 Section 2.45. "Person"................. ...................7 Section 2.46. "PIan of Club Ownership" ................,.............7 Section 2.47, " .ii-i.-ii;;;;-iiii :.ti:t.,-JP!AUSto- Section 2.48. " Section 2.49. "Pronertvtt....... Scclicn2llL-Real Estate".. ........................... 7 Section ?-5tr4,5f,...... ...."Records"7 Section 2,W...... ............."Residential Unit"7 Section 2'5+213....... .............."Restaurant Unit"7 Section 2#.254...... ..."Rules and Regulations"T& Section ++f.a54...... "Security Interest"S Section +5*256...... ....'.............."Service Unit"S Section ?56.?11,...... ..."Spa Unit"8 Section l;;p.2j&. ... .Special Declarant Rights,'S Section 35t-.219....... .......... "Special Development District 6'8 8 Section 2.60. " Section 2.61. "Yarl Plaza Club" or "Club" Section 2.62. ttva enthouse Uni1"............. ............. 9 Section Ze?.-6L...... ...... "Withdrawn Property''9 ARTICLE 3 DIVISION OF PROJECT INTO CONDOMNruM OWNERSHIP....................,...9 Section 3.1. Division Into Condominium Units. ................9 Section 3.2. Delineation of Unit Boundaries. ..................... 9 Section 3.3. Inseparability of Condominium Unit. ............. 9 Section 3.4. Non-Partitionability of Common Elements. ....................... 10 Section 3.5. Alterations and Subdivision of Units; Relocation of Boundaries Between Adjoining Units............. ................. l0 ARTICLE 4 ALLOCATED rNTER8STS................. ....................... l0 Section 4.1. Allocation of lnterests.... ......... l0 Section 4.2. Formulae for the Allocation of Interests................... .......... 10 Section 4.3. Rounding Convention. ........ f+g Section 4.4. Effective Date of Reallocation.......... ........1+12 ARTICLE 5 COMMERCIAL, RESTAURANT. SPA, CONVENTION, CATERING KITCHEN, AND LOADINGUNITS ,.....,.....12 Section 5.1. Permitted Uses.............. ..........12 Section 5.2. Rules and Reeulations... .......... 12 l1CO_DOCS_A #'152626 v{{ Section 5.3. Commercial Activities. ........... 12 ARTICLE6PARKrNGL|NrT............ ...............+;113 Section 6.1. Permitted Uses. ............ 1313 Section 6.2. Parking Unit Operation and Limitations................ ......... #43 ARTICLE 7 CONDOMINIUM MAP .....................,.. 13 ARTICLE 8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND TAXATION OF L1NITS ................, 14 Section 8.1 . Contracts to Convey Entered into Prior to Recording of Condominium Declaration and Map........ ...............'.'......... 14 Section 8.2. Contracts to Convey and Conveyances Subsequent to Recording of Declaration and Map........ ...-14!5 Section 8.3. Conveyance Deemed to Describe an Undivided Interest in Common Elements....... ....... +415 Section 8.4. Separate Tax Assessments................. ........... G ARTICLE 9 UNIT OWNERS'PROPERTY RIGHTS IN COMMON ELEMENTS ................. 15 Section 9.1. Common Elements....... ........... 15 Section 9.2. Limited Common Elements. ................ . .. +516 ARTICLE IO MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS IN ASSOCIATION....................... {516 Section 10.1. Association Membership. ............. t516 Section 10.2. Voting Rights and Meetings. ........................ 16 Section 10.3. Meeting to Approve Annual Budget.......,.. ..................... 16lZ Section 10.4. Unit Owners' and Association's Addresses for Notices........................... 17 Section 10.5. Transfer Information .... . .... i-49 Section 10.6. Declarant Control of the Association................. ............ 1+-$ Section 10.7. Required Election ofUnit Owners......... ....... 18 Section 10.8. Removal of Members of the Board of Directors. ..........,I8U Section 10.9. Requirements for Turnover of Declarant Control......... .. t$ll ARTICLE II ASSOCIATIONPOWERSANDDUTIES....... ........20 Section 11.1. Association Management Duties. .................20 Section 11.2. Association Powers. ................ 20 Section 11.3. Actions by Board of Directors. .....................22 Section 11.4. Board of Directors Meetings....... ..................22 Section 11.5. RighttoNoticeandHearing. ....................ru Section 11.6. Payments to Working Capital Account........ .......................23 Section I 1.7. Class of Membership. ................. ..................23 Section I 1.8. Reserved Powers: Directions to Board of Directors. ..........24 ARTICLE 12 ASSESSMENTS............ ,.,...,.,.,.,.,...28 Section 12.1. Commencement of Annual Assessments. ....................... ?425 Section 12.2. Annual Assessments e4?4 Section 12.3. Apportionment of Annual Assessments. .......25 Section 12.4. Special Assessments. ..........2.824 111CO_DOCS_A #152626 v7! Section 12.5. Due Dates for Assessment Payments...... ..252e Section 12.6. Default Assessments ................26 Section 12.7 . Covenant of Personal Obligation for Assessments. ................ ..................26 Section 12.8. Lien for Assessments; Assignment of Rents. .................262J Section 12.9. Remedies forNonpayment of Assessments............... .....2@ Section 12.10. Purchaser's Liability for Assessments................. ...............27 Section 12.11. Waiverof Homestead Exemption; Subordination of Association's Lien for Assessments. .........+123 Section 12.12. Statement of Status of Assessments................... .............2$29 Section 12.13. Liens.. ................29 ARTICLE 13 MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY........... .,.......,29 Section 13.1. Unit Owner's Rights and Duties with Respect to Interiors.......................29 Section 13.2. Responsibility of the Unit Owner. ... ........2930 Section 13.3. Unii Owner's Negligence. ?939 Section 13.4. Responsibility of the Association. ............... ....................... 30 ARTICLE 14 MECHANICS'LIENS ........................30 Section 14.1. Mechanics' Liens. ................... 30 Section 14.2. Enforcement by the Association................... ...................... 30 ARTICLE 15 USE R8STRICTIONS.............,., .....3S31 Section 15.1. Use of Units. 3031 Section 15.2. Use of Common Elements. .......................3S$! Section 15.3. Prohibition of lncreases in Insurable Risks and Certain Activities. ......... 31 Section 15.4. Structural Alterations and Exterior Appearance. ............ 3+12 Section 15.5. Pet and Use Restrictions. .... 3+32 Section 15.6. Limit on Timesharing. .................. 3+g Section 15.7. Restriction on Signs............. . . . . 3333 Section 15.8. Commercial Operation.................. 3?E Section 15.9. Restrictions on Use of Parking and Storage Areas................... . ..... 34! Section 15.10. Restrictions Not Applicable to Owner of the Hotel Unit.......................... 33 Section 15.1l. District Documents. ............ 339 Section 15.12. Restrictions on Employee Housing Unit............... ... . ... 33g ARTICLE 16 EASEMENTS................. .....................34 Section 16.1. Easement of Enjoyment................ ................34 Section 16.2. Delegation of Use. .................. 34 Section 16.3. Recorded Easements ............... 34 Section 16.4. Easements Over Management Unit, Service Unit, and Convention Unit. ............. ...... ................ 3435 Section 16.5. Easements for Encroachments.................... ....................3435 Section 16.6. Utility Easements.... ................ 35 Section 16.7. Emergency Access Easement. ..................3536 Section 16.8. Maintinance Easement. ................. 3514 Section 16.9. Easements of Access for Repair, Maintenance, and Emergencies. ......3536 Section 16.10. Pedestrian Easements ..............36 lvCO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 Section 16.11. Easements Deemed Created......... ................. 36 Section 16.12. Easement for Warranty Work. ..........'.'......... 36 Section 16.13. Reserved Easement of Hotel Unit Owner... ....................263'7 ARTICLE 17 SPECIAL DECLARANT RIGHTS AND ADDITIONAL RESERVED RIGHTS ,,,,,.,..3631- Section 17.1. Special Declarant Rights........... C6A Section 17.2. Additional Reserved Rights. ..............'....'..... 38 Section 17.3. Limitations on Special Declarant Rights and Additional Reserved Rights. .......3832 Section 17.4. Interference with Special Declarant Rights. . .................3S39 Section 17.5. Rights Transferable. ............3839 ARTICLE I8 RESERVATION OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS .....,.,.................. 39 Section 18.1. Development ***{#it#dra*a}Rights. ............ ................. 39 Section 18.2. Amendment of Declaration.............. .........3941) Section 18.3. Supplement to the Map. 3940 Section 18.4. lnteryretation............ ...........3940 Section 18.5. Maximum Number of Units......... ................. 40 Section 18.6. Construction Easement. ................. ...............40 Section 18.7. Reciprocal Easements . .......4S41 Section 18.8. Termination of Exp*n*ion-*n*Development Rights. ....'.' 4l Section 18.9. Interference With gxp*+slen-e*"Oevelopment Rights. . .....................4+A Section 18.10. Transferofsxp+n*ioeeeDevelopmentRights........... ..4+D ARTICLE 19 rNSURANC8................. ..................#n Section 19.1. Coverage.................. 1+g Section 19.2. Required Provisions . . ........424d Section 19.3. Adjustment of Claims.................... 13{4_ Section 19.4. Copies of Policies. .............. &4! ARTICLE 20 RESTORATION UPON DAMAGE ORDESTRUCTION..............................&M Section 20.1 . Duty to Restore. ... .............. 434;4 Section 20.2. Cost. ..................44 Section 20.3. Plans.. ................44 Section 20.4. Replacement of Less Than Entire Property. .......................44 Section 20.5. Insurance Proceeds... ...........4445 Section 20.6. Certificates by the Board of Directors. .........45 Section 20.7. Certifrcates by Attorneys or Title Insurance Companies.......................... 45 ARTTCLE 21 CONDEMNATTON...... .......................45 ARTICLE 22 MORTGAGEE PROTECTIONS .-.4546 Section 22.1. lntroduction.............. 4546 Section 22.2. Percentage of First Mortgagees. ............ . 4546 Section 22.3. Notice of Actions. ...............4'5"45" Section 22.4. Consent Required....... ............. 46 CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4{ Section 22.5. Notice of Objection.. ........... $A Section 22.6. First Mortgagees' Rights........... 46g Section 22.7. Limitations on First Mortgagee's Rights. ...........................47 Section 22.8. Special Declarant Rights........... .. .............4+48 ARTICLE 23 DURATION OF COVENANTS: AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION..... q+at Section 23.1. Term.. +1& Section 23.2. Amendment of Declaration................. ......+74& Section 23.3. Amendment by Declarant. ............... ............. 48 Section 23.4. Amendment of Other Governing Documents. ..... . . .....4$49 Section 23.5. Execution of Amendments; Expenses. ............... ............ 1849 Section 23.6. lnterpretation........... ............ #49 Section 23.7. When Modifications Permitted. ....................49 Section 23.8. Recording of Amendments. .............. ............49 Section 23.9. Rights of Eligible First Mortgagees................ ....................49 Section 23.10. Termination of the Condominium Proiect. .. . . . . . . ......4950 ARTICLE 24VArLPLAZA.CLUB........... ......... ..4950 Section 24.1. Submission of Residential Units to the Vail Plaza Club.... . ............... 49511 Section 24.2. Defirutions.............. .................50 Section 24.3. Submission of Residential Unit to Club Ownership. ......5,+9 Section 24.4. Conveyance by Purchaser. .. #52 Section 24.5. Description of a Club Estate. . . .. . ... ......5+52 Section 24.6. Administration and Management................. ................... #53 Section 24.7. Powers and Duties of the Association with Respect to Club Estates. ..........5?51 Section 24.8. Club Assessment... 5354 Section 24.9. Acceptance; Enforcemen| tndemnification. ................ ..5556 Section 24.10. Cross Use Easements Pertaining to Floating Club Estates.. . . ............ 5652 Section 24.11. Resale Restriction. .............. 5#5E Section 24.l2. ARTICLE 25 MIS€EIJTANSAg'+;-aiini.iii'' iniiii,o Section 25.1 . Enforc"."nt Section 25.2. ARTICLE 26 MTSCEL Scel26J,*Nonwaiver....... ....................6e63 Sectro" S54@ ...... Severability.O?Of Section 25-4eff ...... .........Number and Gender.63 Section X#?.C,J.,...*. ..... Captions.63 Section W?6l....,. Conflicts in Legal Documents.63 Section 35^S,26JL...... .......... Vesttg of lnterests.63G[ S ection fS--+.2e.2........... Section 26.8. Choice of Law.......... ...........€g vlCO_DOCS-A #1526?6 v14 Section 35,1tr26J,.... ... Third Party Beneficiary.€64 LIST OF'EXHIBITS Exhibit A Legal Description............... ............... A-1 Exhibit B Table of Allocated Interests.................,.. ..............,..B-1 Exhibit B-1 Club Unit Exhibit C Easements and Licenses of Record...... ....................C-l Exhibit D Units Submitted to Vail Plaz a Club.... .................... D-l Exhibit D-1 Club Estate GO_DOCS_A #152626 v+!vll CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR VAIL PLAZA HOTEL RESORT CLUB THIS CONDOMINILIM DECLARATION FOR VAIL PLAZA HOTEL RESORT Cl-UBr-ll-eonderni*i*m (the "Dggleqatlqn" ), dated _,200-, shall be effective upon recordation and is made by Vail Plaza Development, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("Declarant"). Declarant is the owner of certain real property in Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"). Declarant hereby makes the following grants, submissions, and declarations: ARTICLE T IMPOSITION OF COVENANTS Section 1.1. Pumose. The purpose of this Declaration is to create a condominium project known as the Vail Plaza Hotel Resort Cluft*n-*e*den*inillm (the'esldemiliulq Project" or "Blg|gd"), by submitting the Property to the condominium form of ownership and use pursuant to the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, Article 33.3, Title 38, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended and supplemented from time to time (the "44'), to establish a uniform plan for the development of the Project, including the sale and ownership of timespan interests in the Units, and operation of the Restaurant Unit, Spa Unit, Service Unit, Convention Unit, Catering Kitchen Unit, Loading Unit, Management Unit, Residential Units, Commercial Units, and Parking Unit as provided herein. Section 1.2. Intention of Declarant. Declarant desires to protect the value and desirability of the Condominium Project, to further a plan for the improvement, sale and ownership of the Units and Club Estates in the Condominium Project, to create a harmonious and attractive development and to promote and safeguard the health, comfort, safety, convenience, and welfare of the Owners of Units and Club Estates in the Condominium Project. Section 1.3. Condominium Declaration. To accomplish the purposes and intentions recited above, Declarant hereby submits the Property, together with all improvements, appurtenances, and facilities relating to or located on the Property now and in the future, to condominium ownership under the Act, and hereby imposes upon all of the Property the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights-of-way, and other provisions of this Declaration, and Declarant hereby declares that all of the Property shall be held, sold, conveyed, encumbered, leased, rented, occupied, and improved subject to the provisions ofthis Declaration. Section 1.4. Covenants Running With the Land. All provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land, or as equitable servitudes, as the case may be. The benefits, burdens, and other provisions contained in this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of Declarant, all Unit Owners, all Owners of Club Estates, and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigrs. CA-DOCS-A-*I52626I4 ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS The following words, when used in this Declaration, shall have the meanings designated below unless the context expressly requires otherwise: Section 2.1. !\ql means the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act as defined in ARTICLE t hereof. In the event the Act is repealed, the Act, on the effective date of this Declaration, shall remain applicable to this Declaration. Section2.2. "Additional Imnrovements" has the meaning set forth in Section 18.1 of this Declaration. Section 2.3. "Allocated Interests" means the undivided interest in the Common Elements and the Common Expense Liability and the votes in the Association allocated to each of the Units in the Condominium Project. The formulae used to establish the Allocated lnterests are described in ARTICLE 4. The Allocated Interests for each Unit are set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2.4. "Articles of Incomoration" means the Articles of lncorporation of the Vail Plaza Condominium Association, Inc., filed with the Colorado Secretary of State. Section 2.5. "Assessments" means the annual, special and default Assessments levied pursuant to this Declaration. Section 2.6. "Association" means the Yarl Plaza Condominium Association, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporationn and its successors and assigns. Section 2.7. "Board of Directors" means the governing body of the Association, as provided in this Declaration and in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association, and defined as the "Board of Managers" in the Act. Section 2.8. "Budget" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.3 of this Declaration. Section 2.9. "Bvlaws" means any instruments, however denominated, which are adopted by the Association for the regulation and management of the Association, including the amendments thereto. Section2.10. "Caterine Kitchen Unit" means a Unit designated in this Declaration as the "Catering Kitchen Unit" with the prefix "K" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Catering Kitchen Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. Section2.ll. "Class"hasthemeaningsetforthinSectionll.TofthisDeclaration. Section 2.12. "Commercial Activities" has the meaning set forth in ARTICLE 5 of this Declaration. CO_DOGS_A #152626 v4! Section 2.13. "Commercial Unit" means any Unit designated with the prefix "C" on the Map or designated as a "Commercial Unit" in this Declaration for business or commercial uses, including Commercial Activities. Section 2.14. "Committee" means a Committee established by the Board of Directors in accordance with this Declaration and the Bylaws. Section2.l5. "Common Elements" means all of the Condominium Project, other than the Units, but including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following components: the foundations, columns, girders, beams, supports, perimeter and supporting walls, fireplaces, chimneys, flues, chimney chases, roofs, patios, decks, balconies, corridors, lobbies, vestibules, entrances and exits, exterior doors and windows, and the mechanical installations of the Improvements consisting of the equipment and materials making up any central services such as power, light, gas, hot and cold water, sewer, cable television, and heating and central air conditioning which exist for use by one or more of the Unit Owners, including the pipes, vents, ducts, flues, cable conduits, wires, telephone wire, and other similar utility installations used in connection therewith) and the areas designated on the Map as including those installations, trash rooms and storage rooms, elevators and stairs except for the Units; and (a) (b) (c) trees, planters, driveways,, Propefiy; and the Property; and the Improvements (including, but not by way of limitation, the yards, sidewalks, walkways, paths, grass, shrubbery, roadways, landscaping, gardens, and related facilities upon the (d) the pumps, tanks, motors, fans, storm drainage structures, compressors, ducts, and, in general, all apparatus, installations, and equipment of the Improvements existing for use of one or more of the Unit Owners; and (e) in general, all other parts of the Condominium Project designated by Declarant as Common Elements and existing for the use of one or more of the Unit Owners. The Common Elements shall be owned by, the Unit Owners, each Unit Owner having an undividedinterestintheCommonE1ementsasa11ocatedinW Section 2.16. "Common Expenses" means expenditures made or liabilities incurred by or on behalf of the Association, together with any allocations to reserves, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the following items: (a)expenses of adminishation, insurance, operation, and management, repair or replacement of the Common Elements except to the extent such repairs and replacements are responsibilities of a Unit Owner as provided in this Declaration; CO_DOCS_A #152626v{! (b) this Declaration or the Bylaws; (c) Directors; (d) members of the Association; and (e) Agreement. expenses declared Common Expenses by the provisions of all sums lawfully assessed against the Units by the Board of expenses agreed upon as Common Expenses by the expenses provided to be paid pwsuant to any Management Section 2.17. "Common Expenses Liability" means the liability for Common Expenses allocated to each Unit pursuant to this Declaration. Section2.l8. "Condominium Documents" means the basic documents creating and goveming the Condominium Project, including, but not limited to, this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, the Map, and any procedures, Rules and Regulations, or policies relating to the Condominium Project adopted under such documents by the Association or the Board of Directors. Section2.19. "Condominium Map" or "Map" means that part of this Declaration that depicts all or any portion of the Condominium Project in three dimensions, is executed by the Declarant and is recorded in the Records. A Map and a Plat may be combined in one insffument. In a Map, a "HSnZgqlALBgUldAry" means a plane of elevation relative to a described benchmark that defines either a lower or upper dimension of a Unit such that the real estate respectively below or above the defined plane is not part of the Unit. In a Map, a "Verlical Boundary" means the defined limit of a Unit that is not a Horizontal Boundary of that Unit. Section 2.20. "Condominium Project" or "Proiect" means the term as defined in ARTICLE I hereof. The Condominium Project includes areas used for commercial purposes, amenities for hotel guests and Club Estate Owners, restaurants, a loading area, hotel facilities, a parking area, and Residential Units for use by certain employees of the Upper Eagle Valley, the Owner of the Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit, hotel guests, and the Owners of Club Estates as more specifically described in this Declaration. Section2.2l. "Condominium Unit" means the fee simple interest in and to a Unit, together with the undivided interest in the Common Elements appurtenant to the Unit, as allocated in Exhibit B. Section 2.22. "Convention Unit" means a Unit designated in this Declaration as the "Convention Unit" with the prefix "B" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Convention Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. Section 2.23. "Costs of Enforcement" means all monetary fees, hnes, late charges, interest, expenses, costs, including receiver's and appraiser's fees, and reasonable attomeys' fees and disbursements, including legal assistants' fees, incurred by the Association in connection CO_DOCS_A #152626 v11 with the collection of Assessments or in connection with the enforcement of the terms, conditions and obligations of the Condominium Documents. Section 2.24. "Declarant" means Vail Plaza Development, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, and its successors and assigns, as specified in a recorded instrument describing those rights of the Declarant transferred to the successor or assignee. Section 2.25. "Declaration" means this Declaration, together with any supplement or amendment to this Declaration, and any other recorded instrument however denominated that exercises a Development Right, executed by Declarant and recorded in the Records. The term "Declaration" includes all Maps and Plats recorded with this Declaration and all amendments to this Declaration and supplements to the Maps and Plats without specific reference thereto. Section 2.26. "Deed" means each initial Special Warranty Deed recorded after the date hereof by which Declarant conveys a Unit or a Club Estate. Section 2.27. "Development Riehts" means all of the expansion rights, withdrawal rights and development rights set forth in ARTICLE 18 of this Declaration, and in the Act. Section 2.28. "Dispute" has the meaning set forth in @ of this Declaration.@alsosetsforthadditionaldefinitionsre1atingto Disputes. Section 2.29. "Eligible First Mortgagee" means a First Mortgagee that has notified the Association in writing of its name and address and status as a First Mortgagee and has requested that it receive notices provided for in ARTICLE 22 entitled "Mortgagee Protections". Section 2.30. "Employee Housing Unit" means the Unit designated as the 'ErnplSg Housins Unit" with the prefix 'E" on the Map to be used as specified in Section 15.12. References to Units shall include the Employee Housing Unit unless the context would prohibit or this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. Section 2.31 . "First Mortgagee" means a holder of a Security Interest in a Unit or a Club Estate that has priority over all other Security Interests in the Unit or Club Estate. Section 2.32. "Hotel Unit" means the Unit designated Declaration with the prefix "H" on the Map. References to Units asa shall "Hotel Unit" in this include the Hotel Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. Section 2.33. "Improvement(s)" means the building(s) (including all fixtures and improvements contained within it) located on the Property in which Units or Common Elements are located. Section 2.34. "Limited Common Elements" means those parts of the Common Elements that are limited to and reserved for the use in connection with one or more, but fewer than all, of the Units. Without limiting the foregoing, the Limited Common Elements shall include any balcony, deck, patio, courtyard or porch appurtenant to and accessible only from a Unit, any shutters, awnings, window boxes, doorsteps, hallways, lobbies, entryways, stoops, porch, CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+! balcony or patio designated or designed to serve a single Unit but located outside the Unit's boundaries, maid/maintenance closets, Iaundry facilities, storage spaces, and ski lockers outside Units designated as Limited Common Elements in this Declaration or on the Map, if any. If any chute, flue, duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing column or other fixture lies partially within and partially outside the designated boundaries of a Unit, any portion thereof serving that Unit is a Limited Common Element allocated solely to that Unit, and any portion thereof serving more than one Unit or any portion of the Common Elements is a part of the Common Elements. Limited Common Elements also include any portion of the Common Elements allocated by this Declaration or on the Map as Limited Common Elements. All Limited Common Elements shall be used in connection with the appurtenant Unit(s) to the exclusion of the use thereof by the other Owners, except by invitation. Subject to the Association's overall responsibility for maintenance of the Limited Common Elements, each Owner shall be responsible for routine maintenance and care of the walls, ceilings and floors of any patio or balcony or of any other Limited Common Elements appurtenant to and accessible only from the Owner's Unit, and for keeping the same in a good, clean, sanitary, and attractive condition. No reference to Limited Common Elements need be made in any instrument of conveyance or encumbrance in order to convey or encumber the Limited Common Elements appurtenant to a Unit. Section 2.35. "Loading Unit" means a Unit designated in this Declaration as the "Loading Unit" with a prefix of "L" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Loading Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. Section 2.36. "Maiority of Owners" means a majority (or any greater percentage that may be specifically required for a particular action or authorization by the terms of this Declaration) of the total voting power of the members of the Association. Section 2.37. "Management Aqreement" means any contract or arrangement entered into for purposes of discharging the responsibilities of the Board of Directors relative to the operation, maintenance, and management of the Condominium Project. Section 2.38. "Manasement Unit" means a Unit desigriated in this Declaration as the "Management Unit" with the prefix "M" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Management Unit unless the context would prohibit or this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. Section 2.39. "Managing Aeent" means a person, firm, corporation or other entity employed or engaged as an independent contractor pursuant to a Management Agreement to perform management services for the Association. Section 2.40. "Occupant" means any member of a Unit Owner's family or a Unit Owner's guests, invitees, servants, tenants, employees, or licensees who occupy a Unit or are on the Common Elements for any period of time, or any other person who occupies a Unit or is on the Common Elements for any period of time. Section 2.41 . "Owner" means the Declarant or any other person who owns record title to a Unit or Club Estate (including a contract seller, but excluding a contract purchaser) but excluding any Person having a Security Interest in a Unit or Club Estate unless such Person has CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 acquired record title to the Unit or Club Estate pursuant to foreclosure or any proceedings in lieu of foreclosure. Section 2.42. "Parking Unit" means a Unit designated in this Declaration as the 'Pa*ing_UnS!" with the prefix "P" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Parking Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides. Section 2.43. "Percentase Interest" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.2 of this Declaration. Section 2.44. "Period of Declarant Control" means the maximum period of time defined and limited by the Act and Section 10.6 of this Declaration during which the Declarant may, at its option, control the Association. Section2.45. "Person" means an individual, association, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, trust, governmental agency, political subdivision or other legal entity or any combination thereof. Section 2.46. "Plan of Club Ownership" means the system of mutual use rights and mutual obligations established by this Declaration as set forth in ARTICLE 24. Section2.a1, "Plans" rneans th bv Zehren & Associa Sce!isu2,4& Se*ien+*l+-?1al mea:rs that part of a Declaration that is a land survey plat as set forth in Section 38-51-102, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, depicts all or any portion of the Condominium Project in two dimensions, is executed by the Declarant, and is recorded in the Records. Scclisn2-49. Ss€ffi_Prgpg{f_ means the real property described on Exhibit Ar. Seetign2.]5l}. @ means any leasehold or other estate or interest in, over, or under land, including structures, fixtures, and other improvements and interests that, by custom, usage or law, pass with the conveyance of land though not described in the contract of sale or instrument of conveyance. Real Estate includes parcels with or without Horizontal Boundaries and spaces that may be filled with air or water. Scetion2,5t @ means the Office of the Clerk and Recorder in Eagle County, Colorado, and in every county in which any portion of the Condominium Project is located. Seetioa252. @ means any Unit designated as a 'BSE dgnti4llqi!" with a prefix of "F", "E", "V], or "H." on the Map or designated as a Residential Unit in this Declaration. Residential Units includes Club Units ("F'), the Employee Housing Unit ("8"), the Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit ('V'), and the Hotel Unit ("H"). References to Units shall include the Residential Units unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v44 Scetiqu2,s3. @ means a Unit designated in this Declaration as the "Restaurant Unit" with the prefix '\" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Restaurant Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides. $ectiau254. mears the rules and regulations promulgated by the Board of Directors for the management, preservation, safety, control, and orderly operation ofthe Condominium Project in order to effectuate the intent and to enforce the obligations set forth in the Condominium Documents, as amended and supplemented from time to time. Separate Rules and Regulations may be promulgated to apply only to a certain tlpe or types of Units. Sceligtr-2,ss, @ means an interest in Real Estate or personal property created by contract or conveyance which secures payment or performance of an obligation. The terms include a lien created by a mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, security deed, contract for deed, land sales contract, lease intended as security, assignment of lease or rents intended as security pledge of an ownership interest in an Association, and any other consensual lien or title retention contract intended as security for an obligation. The holder ofa Security Interest includes any insurer or guarantor of a Security Interest. Sead0n2]56. @ means a Unit designated in this Declaration as the "Service lJnit" with the prefix "S" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Service Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. Scclim2,SZ @ means a Unit designated in this Declaration as the "Spa Unit" with the prefix "A" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Spa Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. Scelion2"S& means those rights reserved by Declarant in ARTICLE 17 and ARTICLE l8 of this Declaration. Scetisn2lg, means that certain district established by and located in the Town of Vail, Colorado which ordinance creates limitations on the use, rights, and ownership of the Project and other real property within the district. Sccltou2*6lL Ske*ie*-a*+-""Unill means a physical portion of the Condominium Project which is designated for separate ownership or occupancy and the boundaries ofwhich are described in or determined by this Declaration and depicted on the Map. A Unit shall consist of enclosed rooms and shall be bounded by the interior surfaces of Unfinished Perimeter Walls, Floors and Ceilings thereof. For the purpose of defining a Unit, the terms set forth below shall be defined as follows: (a) "Unfinished Perimeter Wall" means the studs, supports, and other wooden, metal, or similar structural materials which constitute the interior face of a wall of a Unit. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v44 (b)"Unfinished Ceiling" means the beams, joists, and wooden or other structural materials which constitute the ceilins of a Unit. (c)"Unfinished Floor" means the beams, floor joists, and floor deck material which constitute the floor of a Unit. A Unit shall include any lath, furring, wallboard, plasterboard, plaster, drywall, wall paneling, wood, tile, paint, paper, carpeting, or any other wall, ceiling, or floor covering, any fireplace or stove hearth, facing brick, tile or firebox, fixtures and hardware, all improvements contained within the area bounded by the unfinished perimeter walls, ceilings, and floors, and any heating and refrigerating elements or related equipment, utility lines and outlets, electrical and plumbing fixtures, pipes, and all other related equipment required to provide heating, air conditioning, hot and cold water, electrical, or other utility services to such Unit and located within the unfinished walls, ceilings, and floors; provided, however, that such Unit shall not include any of the structural components of the Improvements or utility or service lines located within such Unit but serving more than one Unit. Each Unit shall be designated by a separate number, letter, address or other s)rynbol or combination thereof that identifies only one Unit in the Condominium Project as more specifically set forth on Exhibit B. Scctton2,61. means the system of mutual use rights and mutual obligations created and established for Owners of Club Estates pursuant to the Plan of Club Ownership. Additional definitions relating to the Club are set forth in ARTICLE .A Sbctiod.6e means the Condominium Unit designated as the "Vail Plaza Penthous " in this Declaration with the prefix of "Y" on the Map. References to Units shall include the Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit unless the context would prohibit or unless this Declaration expressly provides otherwise. $ectiou2.6A has the meaning given in Section 18.7 of this Declaration. ARTICLE 3 DIVISION OF'PROJECT INTO CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP Section 3.1. Division Into Condominium Units. The Property is hereby and hereafter divided into those Units identified on Exhibits B and B-1, as amended from time to time, each consisting of a fee simple interest in a Unit and an undivided fee simple interest in the Common Elements in accordance with the respective undivided interests in the Common Elements as set forth in Exhibits B and B-1. Such undivided interests in the Common Elements are hereby declared to be appurtenant to the respective Units. The total of the undivided interests in the Common Elements set forth in Exhibits B and B-1, rounded to the nearest one percent (l7o), shall be deemed to equal one hundred percent (100%) for purposes of this Declaration. Section 3.2. Delineation of Unit Boundaries. The boundaries of each Unit are delineated and designated by an identifying number on the Map, and those numbers are set forth in Exhibit B. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v44 Section 3.3. Inseparability of Condominium Unit. Except as provided in Section 3.5 below, and in the Article entitled "Reservation of Development Rights," and in the Article entitled "Plan of Club Ownership": (a) no part of a Condominium Unit or of the legal rights comprising ownership of a Condominium Unit may be partitioned or separated from any other part thereof during the period of condominium ownership prescribed in this Declaration; (b) each Condominium Unit shall always be conveyed, transferred, devised, bequeathed, encumbered, and otherwise affected only as a complete Condominium Unit; and (c) every conveyance, transfer, gift, devise, bequest, encumbrance, or other disposition of a Condominium Unit or any part thereof shall be presumed to be a disposition of the entire Condominium Unit, together with all appurtenant rights and interests created by law or by this Declaration, including the Unit Owner's membership in the Association. Section 3.4. Non-Partitionabilitlu of Common Elements. The Common Elements shall be owned in common by all of the Owners and shall remain physically undivided, and no Owner shall bring any action for partition or division of the Common Elements. By acceptance of a deed or other instrument of conveyance or assignment to a Unit or Club Estate, each Owner shall be deemed to have specifically waived such Owner's right to institute or maintain a partition action or any other cause of action designed to cause a division of the Common Elements, and this Section may be pleaded as a bar to the maintenance of such an action. Any Owner who shall institute or maintain any such action shall be liable to the Association and hereby agrees to reimburse the Association for the Costs of Enforcement in defending any such action. In no event shall this Section 3.4 be deemed to prohibit a submission of a Condominium Unit to Club Ownership or withdrawal of a Condominium Unit from the Project in accordance with applicable provisions of this Declaration and of the Act. Section 3.5. Alterations and Subdivision of Units: Relocation of Boundaries Between Adioinine Units. Unit Owners (other than Owners of Club Estates which are a part of the Vail Plaza Club) may, with the prior approval of the Board (which approval may be withheld in the Board's sole discretion), alter the exterior of their Units, subdivide their Units and relocate boundaries between their Unit and an adjoining Unit and reallocate Limited Common Elements between or among Units, subject to the provisions and requirements of this Declaration and of the Act. ARTICLE 4 ALLOCATED INTERESTS Section4.1. Allocation of hterests. The Allocated Interests assigned to each Unit in tne ConOominium prc are set forth on in MExhibits B and B-1. Exhibit B allocates the total Commercial Unt nUocated tnt Condominium tvtan. n Units in tne Condom accordance with th set out in Section 4.2 belowW formulae are to be used in reallocating interests if Units are added to the Condominium Project or if Units are converted to Common Elements or Limited Common Elements.-The{ormula{sr ub4st*tes-isde*eribed-i+ tfee+ion-?4* CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+!10 Section 4.2. Formulae for the Allocation of Interests. The interests allocated to each 8Ds-0f Unit have been calculated by the following formulae: (a)Undivided Interest in the Common Elements. The percentage interest of the undivided interest in the Common Elements for each fuBc_slUnit (the "PefgenlACq IntgIqS!") is based generally on the ratio ofthe floor area ofeach tyDgolunit to the total floor area of all of the Units on the Projectjlsbow!-oulbeIa$, subject to mmkefvalue adjustments for certain Units as shown in the chart below. The-m*Ceet value adjustments reflect the limited, special uses of such Units. Unit Type ,{e*ua}Square Footage of {+*itPursuautlto the Plans M*+lr+*-Value Adjustment Factor Adjusted Square Footage of Unit Tyueused to calculate Percentage Interest Hotel Unit 34,368.00 ee{Lgt}30,931.20 Employee Housine Unit 9,103.00 0.50 4,5 5 1 .50 Restauranr Unit 2,885.00 0.70 2,019.50 Tolal Commercial Units 2,r68.00 0.70 1,517 .60 Soa Unit 6,014.00 0.60 3,608.40 Management Unit 8,865.00 0.70 6,205.50 Service Unit 18,887.00 0.35 6,610.45 Parking IJniX 68,774.00 0.30 20,632.20 Convention l]nit 7,160.00 0.40 2,864.00 Catering Kitchen Unit 6,553.00 0.40 2,621.20 Loadins Unit 8,154.00 0.2s 2,038.50 TotaLClubJnits 62,557.00 1.00 62,557.00 Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit 5,418.00 1.00 5,418.00 CO_DOCS_A #152626 v7!11 (b)Common Expenses Liability. The percentage of Common Expenses Liability allocated to each Unit is equivalent to and based on each Unit's Percentage Interest, subject to adjustments provided for in Section 12.3. (c)Votes. Each Unit shall be allocated the portion of the total voting power equivalent to such Unit's Percentage Interest. Any specified percentage, portion or fraction of Unit Owners, unless otherwise stated in the Condominium Documents, means the specified percentage, portion, or fraction of all of the votes as allocated in Exhibi+BExhibrts i 4IdB:1' ft} fornula for Allocat Interest assiqned Unit to tne totat no aaiustments for eac tle (il size of tne Cl Ctun Unit witnin tne desisn of the Club U vautteA ceitinqs. separate occunancv @) Anocation of ferc .lttocatea mteres for ntocation of tn Section 4.3. Roundinq Convention. Any Allocated Interest, stated as a fraction, shall be rounded up to the nearest one percent (1%). The total of all Allocated Interests shall be deemed to equal to one hundred percent (100%) for purposes of this Declaration.*Injhe-gsnll ot anv aiscrenancv anptication ot a lor any otner reason, t Section 4.4. Effective Date of Reallocation. The effective date for reallocating Allocated Interests to Units as a result of the exercise of Development Rights set forth in ARTICLE 18 of this Declaration shall be the date on which the amendment required bv Section 18.2 hereofis recorded in the Records. ARTICLE 5 COMMERCIAL, RESTAURANT, SPA, CONVENTION, CATERING KITCHEN, AND LOADINC'UntrS Section 5.1. Permitted Uses. Except as otherwise provided in this ARTICLE 5, the Commercial, Restaurant, Spa, Convention, Catering Kitchen, and Loading Units may be used for any purposes and uses permitted by law and by Special Development District 6. Section 5.2. Rules and Reeulations. The Board may promulgate Rules and Regulations governing the operations of the Commercial, Restaurant, Spa, Convention, Catering Kitchen, and Loading Units, only to the extent the operation of such Units materially affects the Club Units or the Hotel Unit and then only to: (i) limit hours of operation when open to the public, if applicable; (ii) prohibit amplified or exterior music after certain times; and CO_DOCS_A #152626 vl!12 (iii) reasonably control odors from restaurants and other facilities. The Rules and Regulations for such Units shall also provide a procedure whereby the Board, upon written request, may waive or vary the limitations on operations of such Units for specific events and/or as circumstances otherwise allow. Section 5.3. Commercial Activities. A variety of commercial activities are and will be conducted in and adjacent to the Project (as further described below, the "Commercial Activities"). The Commercial Activities are expected to generate an unpredictable amount of visible, audible and odorous impacts and disturbances. The Commercial Activities may include, without limitation: (i) office and retail uses, (ii) retail sales and rentals, (iii) restaurant and bar operations (including, without limitation, sales of food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for consumption on and immediately adjacent to the Project and at other locations, preparation of hot and cold food and beverages at indoor and outdoor facilities on and immediately adjacent to the Project), (iv) sales of services relating to recreational activities, (v) the installation, operation and maintenance of illuminated and non-illuminated signage, (vi) meetings and conferences, and (vii) any other uses or activities permitted by law. The Commercial Activities may occur during dayime and nighttime. Commercial Activities within the Units at the Project must comply with applicable laws and regulations and with Special Development District 6 requirements. ARTICLE 6 PARIilNG UNIT Section 6.1. Permitted Uses. Except as otherwise provided in this ARTICLE 6, the Parking Unit may be used for any pu{poses and uses permitted by law and by Special Development District 6. Section 6.2. Parking Unit Operation and Limitations. Operation of the Parking Unit may include designated areas of the parking garage for valet parking, public parking, Club Estate Owner parking, hotel and restaurant reserved spaces, and a designated number ofparking spaces for the YallPlaza Penthouse Unit Owner. The Parking Unit Owner may require a fee from all users of the Parking Unit and a fee from the Association or the Managing Agent for use of the Parking Unit by Club Estate Owners. The Parking Unit Owner may require valet parking for all users. The Parking Unit Owner shall be required to provide: (a)Each Owner of a Club Estate with the use of one (1) parking space in the Parking Unit during the Club Estate Owner's Club Week(s), pursuant to the terms of the applicable agreement between Declarant and the Association, so long as such an agreement is in effect; (b)At all times, four (a) parking spaces reserved and assigned to the Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit Owner; (c)Sufficient access to and soaces within the Parkine Unit for use by the Hotel Unit Owner, Restaurant Unit Owner, Convention Unit Owner, and Management Unit Owner and for valet parking or other forms of parking as the Parking Unit Owner may determine and agree with the Owners of such other Units; and CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4!l3 (d) Uses of the Parking Unit to comply with Special Development District 6 requirements. ARTICLE 7 CONDOMINIUM MAP The Map shall be filed in the Records. Any Map filed subsequent to the frrst Map shall be termed a supplement to such Map, and the numerical sequence of such supplements shall be shown thereon. The Map shall be filed following substantial completion of the Improvement depicted on the Map and prior to the conveyance of any Unit depicted on the Map to a purchaser. The Map shall include a Plat which shows the following: (a) the name and a general schematic map of the entire Condominium Project; (b) the location and dimensions of all Real Estate not subject to Development Rights, or subject only to the Development Right to withdraw, and the location and dimensions of all existing improvements within that Real Estate; (c) a description sufficient to identify any Real Estate subject to Development Rights, labeled to identify the rights applicable to it; (d) to the extent feasible, a legally sufficient description ofany existing encroachments across any Condominium Project boundary; (e) to the extent feasible, a legally sufficient description ofall easements serving or burdening any portion of the Condominium Project; and (0 the distance between any noncontiguous parcels of Real Estate comprising the Condominium Project. The Map shall also show the following: (g) the location and dimensions of the Vertical Boundaries of each Unit and that Unit's identifying number; (h) Horizontal Boundaries, if any, for each Unit with reference to all established data and that Unit's identifying number; (i) any Units in which the Declarant has reserved the right to create additional Units or Common Elements, identified appropriately; 0) the approximate location and dimensions of all Limited Common Elementsl and (k) the number, size and location of any sales offices, management offices and models to be maintained by Declarant. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 14 The Map shall contain a certificate of a registered and licensed land surveyor certifying that the Map was prepared subsequent to the substantial completion of the Improvements and contains all information required by this Declaration and the Act. Each supplement shall set forlh a like cedificate when appropriate. In interpreting the Map, the existing physical boundaries of each separate Unit as constructed shall be conclusively presumed to be its boundaries. ARTICLE 8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND TAXATION OF'UNITS Section 8.1. Contracts to Convey Entered into Prior to Recordins of Condominium Declaration and Map. A contract or other agreement for the sale of a Unit entered into prior to the filing of this Declaration in the Records may legally describe such Unit in substantially the manner set forth in this ARTICLE 8 and may indicate that this Declaration and Map are to be recorded. Section 8.2. Contracts to Convey and Conveyances Subsequent to Recording of Declaration and Map. Subsequent to the recording of this Declaration and Map, contracts to convey, instruments of conveyance of Units, and every other instrument affecting title to a Unit shall be in substantially the following form with such omissions, insertions, recitals of fact, or other provisions as may be required by the circumstances or appropriate to conform to the requirements of any govemmental authority, practice or usage or requirement of law with respect thereto: Unit _, according to the Condominium Declaration for Vail Plaza Hotel Resort Club. a---+srdomi+i*mr--recorded 200_, at (Reception No.) and the Condominium Map recorded 200_, at (Reception No.) in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Section 8.3. Convevance Deemed to Describe an Undivided Interest in Common Elements. Every instrument of conveyance, Security Interest, or other instrument affecting the title to a Unit which legally describes the Unit substantially in the manner set forth above shall be construed to describe the Unit, together with the undivided interest in the Common Elements appurtenant to it, and together with all fixtures and improvements contained in it, and to incorporate all the rights incident to ownership of a Unit and all the limitations of ownership as described in the covenaats, conditions, restrictions, easements, resewations, rights-of-way, and other provisions contained in this Declaration, including the easement of enjoyment to use the Common Elements. Section 8.4. Separate Tax Assessments. Upon the filing for record of this Declaration and the Map in the Records, Declarant shall deliver a copy of this Declaration to the assessor of each county specified in the Records as provided by law. The lien for taxes assessed shall be confined to the Unit(s). No forfeiture or sale of any Unit for delinquent taxes, assessments, or other govemmental charge shall divest or in any way affect the title to any other Unit. CO_DOCS_A #1s2626 v41 15 ARTICLE 9 UNIT OWNERS'PROPERTY RIGHTS IN COMMON ELEMENTS Section9.l. Common Elements. Every Owner shall have a perpetual non-exclusive right and easement of access over, across, and upon any portion of the Common Elements designated for common pedestrian use (but specifically excluding, without limitation, Common Elements designated for maintenance, storage, utility installations and service areas), which includes the benefit of a non-exclusive easement of access over, across and upon the Common Elements for the purpose of access to and from the Unit from public ways for both pedestrian and vehicular travel, which right and easement shall be appurtenant to and pass with the transfer of title to such Unit; provided, however, that such right and easement shall be subject to the followins: (a)the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights-of-way, and other provisions contained in this Declaration and the Map; (b)the rieht of the Association from time to time to assisn on an equitable basis portions of the Common Elements such as storage spaces, if any, for the exclusive use of the Owner of a particular Unit by an appropriate instrument in writing; (c)the right of the Association to adopt, from time to time, any and all rules and regulations conceming vehicular traffic and travel upon, in, under, and across the Condominium Project; and (d) the right of the Association to adopt, from time to time, any and a-11 rules and regulations concerning the Condominium Project as the Association may determine is necessary or prudent for the management, preservation, safety, control, and orderly operation of the Condominium Project for the benefit of all Owners, and for facilitating the greatest and most convenient availability and use of the Units and Common Elements by Owners. Section 9.2. Limited Common Elements. Subject to the provisions of this Declaration and the Rules and Regulations, every Owner shall have the right to use and enjoy the Limited Common Elements appurtenant to such Owner's Unit. ARTICLE 10 MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS IN ASSOCIATION Section 10.1. Association Membershin. The Articles of Incorporation shall be filed no later than the date the first interest in a Unit in the Condominium Project is conveyed to a purchaser. Every Owner shall be a member of the Association and shall remain a member for the period of the Owner's ownership of a Unit. No Owner, whether one or more Persons, shall have more than one membership per Unit owned, but all of the Persons owning a Unit shall be entitled to rights of membership and of use and enjoyment appurtenant to ownership of a Unit. Membership in the Association shall be appurtenant to, and may not be separated from, ownership of a Unit. If title to a Unit is held by more than one Persono such Persons shall appoint and authorize one Person or altemate Persons to represent the Owners of the Unit. Such representative shall be a natural person who is an Owner, or a designated board member, officer or other authorized representative of a corporate Owner, or a general partner of a partnership Owner, or a comparable representative of any other entity, and such representative shall have the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 l6 power to cast votes on behalf of the Owners as a member of the Association, and serve on the Board ofDirectors ifelected, subject to the provisions ofand in accordance with the procedures more fully described in the Bylaws. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if only one of the multiple Owners of a Unit is present at a meeting of the Association, such Owner is entitled to cast the vote allocated to that Unit. If more than one of the multiple Owners are present and there is no written designation of an authorized representative, the vote allocated to that Unit may be cast only in accordance with the agreement of a majority in interest of the Owners present, which majority agreement may be assumed for all purposes if any one of the multiple Owners casts the vote allocated to that Unit without protest being made promptly to the person presiding over the meeting by any of the other Owners of the Unit. Section 10.2. Votine Riehts and Meetings. Each Unit in the Condominium Project shall have the votes allocated in accordance with Section 4.2; provided, however, no vote allocated to a Unit or Club Estate owned by the Association may be cast. Class voting shall be allowed on certain issues as described in Section 11.7. A meeting of the Association shall be held at least once each year. Special meetings of the Association may be called (i) by the President, (ii) by a majority of the Board of Directors, (iii) if the special meeting is being called to address issues on which only the Class is entitled to vote, by Owners within the Class having ten percent (10%) of the votes entitled to be cast at such meeting, or (iv) by Owners having twenty percent (20%), or any lower percentage specified in the Bylaws, of the votes in the Association. Not less than fourteen (14) and no more than fifty (50) days in advance of any meeting, the Secretary or other officer specified in the Bylaws shall cause notice to be hand delivered or sent prepaid by United States Mail to the mailing address of each Owner. The notice of any meeting must state the time and place of the meeting and the items on the agenda including the general nature of any proposed amendment to this Declaration or the Bylaws, any Budget changes, and any proposal to remove an officer or member of the Board of Directors. Unless the Bylaws provide for a lower percentage, a quorum is deemed present throughout any meeting of the Association if persons entitled to cast twenty percent (20%) of the votes which may be cast for election of the Board of Directors are present, in person or by proxy, at the begiruring of the meeting. With respect to meetings called for issues primarily related to the Class, for which the Owners in the Class may decide the issue voting as a Class, the presence at the beginning of the meeting in person or by proxy of Owners within the Class possessing sufficient votes to constitute twenty-five percent (25%) of the votes of all Owners within the Class shall constitute a quorum as to such matters concerning the Class, and such Owners in the Class present in person or by proxy shall constitute the Owners entitled to vote upon issues that may be decided by Owners in the Class voting as a Class presented at such meeting where a quonrm is present. Section 10.3. Meeting to Approve Annual Budget. At the annual meeting of the Association or at a special meeting of the Association called for such purpose, the Owners shall be afforded the opportunity to ratify a Budget of the projected revenues, expenditures (both ordinary and capital) and reserves for the Association's next fiscal year as proposed by the Board of Directors (the "Budeet"). A summary of the proposed Budget approved by the Board of Directors shall be mailed to the Owners u,ithin thirty (30) days after its adoption along with a notice of a meeting of the Association to be held not less than fourteen (14) nor more than fifty (50) days after mailing of the summary to the Owners. Unless at the meeting a Majority of Owners, rather than a majority of those present and voting in person or by proxy, reject the proposed Budget, the Budget is ratified whether or not a quorum is present at the meeting. ln the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+4 t7 event the proposed Budget is rejected, the Budget last ratified by the Owners continues until such time as the Owners ratify a subsequent Budget proposed by the Board of Directors as provided above. Section 10.4. Unit Owners' and Association's Addresses for Notices. All Owners of each Unit and Club Estate shall have one and the same registered mailing address to be used by the Association or other Owners for notices, demands, and all other communications regarding Association matters. The Owner or the representative of the Owners of a Unit or of a Club Estate shall fumish such registered address to the secretary of the Association within ten (10) days after transfer of title to the Unit or the Club Estate to such Owner or Owners. Such registration shall be in written form and signed by all of the Owners of the Unit or the Club Estate or by such persons as are authorized to represent the interests ofall Owners ofthe Unit or the Club Estate. If no address is registered or if all of the Unit Owners cannot agree, then the address of the Unit shall be deemed their registered address until another registered address is fumished as required under this Section I 0.4. If the address of the Unit is the registered address of the Owner(s), then any notice shall be deemed duly given if delivered to the principal office of the Association. A11 notices and demands intended to be served upon the Board of Directors shall be sent to the Association at the address set forth in the Articles or such other address as the Board of Directors may designate from time to time by notice to the Owner(s). Section 10.5. Transfer Information. All Persons who acquire a Unit or Club Estate other than from Declarant shall provide to the Association written notice of the Person's name, address, Unit or Club Estate owned, date of transfer, and name of the former Owner within ten (10) days of the date of transfer. The Person shall also provide a true and correct copy of the recorded instrument conveying or transferring the Unit or Club Estate or such other evidence of the conveyance or transfer as is reasonably acceptable to the Association. In addition, the Association may request such other information as the Association determines is necessary or desirable in connection with obtaining and maintaining information regarding conveyances and transfers of Units and Club Estates. The Association or Managing Agent shall have the right to charge the Person a reasonable administrative fee for processing the transfer in the records ofthe Association. Section 10.6. Declarant Control of the Association. There shall be a Period of Declarant Control of the Association, during which a Declarant, or persons designated by the Declarant, may appoint and remove the officers of the Association and members of the Board of Directors. The Period of Declarant Control shall commence upon filing of the Articles of Incorporation and shall terminate no later than the earlier of: (a)sixty (60) days after conveyance of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Units that may be created by Declarant to Owners other than a Declarant; (b) two (2) years after Declarant's last conveyance of a Unit in the ordinary course ofbusiness; or (c)two (2) years after any right to add new Units was last exercised. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4{l8 Declarant may voluntarily surrender the right to appoint and remove officers and members of the Board of Directors before termination of that period, but in that event the Declarant may require, for the duration of the Period of Declarant Control, that specified actions of the Association or Board of Directors, as described in a recorded instrument executed by the Declarant, be approved by the Declarant before they become effective. Section 10.7. Required Election of Unit Owners. Not later than sixty (60) days after conveyance of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Units that may be created by Declarant to Owners other than Declarant, at least one (l) member and not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by Owners other than the Declarant. Not later than sixty (60) days after conveyance of fifty percent (50%) of the Units that may be created by Declarant to Owners other than Declarant, not less than thirtythree and one-third percent (33-113%) of the members of the Board of Directors must be elected by Owners other than the Declarant. Not later than the termination of any Period of Declarant Control, the Owners shall elect a Board of Directors of at least five (5) members, at least a majority of whom shall be Owners other than the Declarant or designated representatives of Owners other than Declarant. ln order to assure representation of Club Members and the other Unit Owners in the affairs of the Association and to protect the valid interests of such Owners in the operation of the Condominium Project, following the termination of the Period of Declarant Control, the Club Members, voting as a Class, shall be entitled to elect the greater of two (2) members or a minimum of forty percent (40%) of the members of the Board of Directors, and the other Unit Owners shall be entitled to elect the remaining members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall elect the offrcers. The members of the Board of Directors and officers shall take office upon election. Section 10.8. Removal of Members of the Board of Directors. Notwithstanding any provision of this Declaration or the Bylaws to the contrary, following notice and an opportunity to be heard as required by this Declaration and the Act, the Owners, by sixty-seven percent (61Yo) vote of all persons present and entitled to vote at a meeting of the Owners at which a quorum is present, may remove a member of the Board of Directors with or w"ithout cause, other than a member appointed by the Declarant; provided, however, only Club Members may remove a member of the Board of Directors elected by the Club Members voting as a Class pursuant to Section I 0.7 of this Declaration without cause. Section 10.9. Requirements for Tumover of Declarant Conhol. Within sixty (60) days after the Owners other than the Declarant elect a majority of the members of the Board of Directors, the Declarant shall deliver to the Association all property of the Owners and of the Association held by or controlled by the Declarant, including without limitation the following items (to the extent they are in Declarant's possession or control): (a)the orieinal or a certified coov of the recorded Declaration as amended, the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, minute books, other books and records, and any Rules and Regulations which may have been promulgated; (b) an accounting for Association funds and financial statements, from the date the Association received funds and ending on the date the Period of Declarant Control ends. The financial statements shall be audited by an independent certified CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+!19 public accountant and shall be accompanied by the accountant's letter, expressing either the opinion that the financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Association in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles or a disclaimer of the accountant's ability to attest to the faimess of the presentation of the financial information in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and the reasons therefor. The expense ofthe audit shall not be paid for or charged to the Association; been represented by the Declarant to be the property of the Association or all of the Declarant's tangible personal property that is necessary for, and has been used exclusively in, the operation and enjoyment of the Common Elements, together with an inventory of such property, if any, and the bill of sale from Declarant to the Association evidencing transfer of all personal property itemized in the inventory; (e)a copy, for the non-exclusive use of the Association, of any plans and specifications used in the construction or renovation of the Improvements; (c) (d) (0 the Association or its Persons; (g) the Association funds or control thereofl all of the Declarant's tangible personal property that has all insurance policies then in force, in which the Owners, members of the Board of Directors and officers are named as insured copies ofany certificates ofoccupancy that may have been issued with respect to the Improvements; (h) any other permits issued by governmental bodies applicable to the Condominium Project and which are currently in force or which were issued within one (1) year prior to the date on which Owners other than the Declarant took control of the Association: (i)written warranties of the contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers that are still effective; 0)a roster of Owners and First Mortgagees and their addresses and telephone numbers, ifknown. as shown on the Declarant's records: (k)employment contracts in which the Association is a contracting party; and (1) any service contract in which the Association is a contracting party or in which the Association or the Owners have any obligation to pay a fee to the Persons perlorming the services. ARTICLE 11 ASSOCIATION POWERS AND DUTIES Section I 1 .1 . Association Manaeement Duties. Subject to the rights and obligations of Declarant and other Owners as set forth in this Declaration, the Association shall be responsible CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4l 20 for the administration and operation of the Condominium Project and for the exclusive management, control, maintenance, repair, replacement, and improvement of the Common Elements and the Limited Common Elements, and shall use commercially reasonable efforts to keep the same in good, clean, attractive, and sanitary condition, order, and repair. The expenses, costs, and fees of such management, operation, maintenance, and repair by the Association shall be part of the Assessments, and prior approval of the Owners shall not be required in order for the Association to pay any such expenses, costs, and fees. The Association shall establish and maintain, out of the installments of the annual Assessments, an adequate reserve account for maintenance, repair, or replacement of those Common Elements that must be maintained, repaired and/or replaced on a periodic basis. The Association shall adopt and amend Budgets for revenues, expenditures, and reserves which will be the basis for collection of Assessments for Common Expenses from Owners. The Association shall keep financial records sufficiently detailed to enable the Association to comply with the requirement that it provide statements of status of Assessments. All financial and other records of the Association shall be made reasonably available for examination by any Owner and such Owner's authorized agents. Section 11.2. Association Powers. The Association shall have, subject to the limitations contained in this Declaration and the Act, the powers necessiry for the administration of the affairs of the Association and the upkeep of the Condominium Project which shall include, but not be limited to, the power to: (a) Regulations; (b) reserves; (c) (d) adopt and amend the Bylaws and the Rules and adopt and amend Budgets for revenues, expenditures and collect Assessments for Common Expenses from Owners; hire and discharge Managing Agents and delegate to such Managing Agents the power and duty to enforce the Rules and Regulations and other powers and duties of the Association, subject to the requirements of the Act; (e) hire and discharge employees and agents, other than Managing Agents, and independent contractors; (f)institute, defend or intervene in litigation or administrative proceedings or seek injunctive relief for violation of this Declaration, the Bylaws or the Rules and Regulations in the Association's name on behalf of the Association or two (2) or more Unit Owners on matters affecting the Condominium Project; (g) receive notices, join in any litigation or administrative proceeding, and execute any and all documents in the Association's name, on behalf of the Association, or on behalf of the two (2) or more Owners, in connection with any change in zoning, annexation, subdivision approval, building permit, or other type of govemmental approval required to accomplish or maintain the purposes of this Declaration; (h) CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+! make contracts and incur liabilities; 2l (i) regulate the use, maintenance, repair, replacement and modification of the Common Elements; 0) Common Elements; cause additional improvements to be made as pad of the (k) acquire, hold, encumber, and convey in the Association's name any right, title or interest to real property or personal property, but Common Elements may be conveyed or subjected to a Security Interest only pursuant to the requirements ofthe Act; grant easements, including permanent easements, leases, licenses and concessions, through or over the Common Elements; (m) impose and receive a paltnent, fee, or charge for the use, rental or operation of the Common Elements, other than Limited Common Elements, and for services provided to Owners; (n)impose a reasonable charge for late payment of Assessments, recover Costs of Enforcement for collection of Assessment and other actions to enforce the powers of the Association, regardless of whether or not suit was initiated and, after notice and hearing, levy reasonable fines for violations of this Declaration, the Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations; (o) impose a reasonable charge for the preparation and recordation of amendments to this Declaration or for preparation of statements of unpaid Assessments; (p) provide for the indemnification of the Association's officers and Board of Directors and maintain Board of Directors' and officers' liabilitv insurance; (q)assign the Association's right to future income, including the right to receive Assessments; (r) by resolution, establish Committees of the Board of Directors and/or Owners, permanent and standing, to perform any of the above functions under specif,rcally delegated administrative standards, as designated in the resolution establishing the Committee; 0) (s) the Bylaws or under the Act; (t) by legal entities of the same type as the Association; (u) governance and operation ofthe Association; and exercise any other powers conferred by this Declaration, by exercise any other power that may be exercised in Colorado exercise any other power neccssary and proper for the CO_DOCS_A #152626 vI!22 (v) enter into agreements related to the Spa Unit and the Parking Unit, to the extent permitted under all applicable law and so long as it complies with Special Development District 6. Section I I .3. Actions by Board of Directors. Except as specifically otherwise provided in this Declaration, the Bylaws or the Act, the Board of Directors may act in all instances on behalf of the Association. Under certain circumstances, the Owners may require that certain actions be taken by the Board of Directors, including as set forth in Section ll.8 of this Declaration. Section 11.4. Board of Directors Meetines. All meetings of the Board of Directors, at which action is to be taken by vote, will be open to the Owners and agendas for meetings of the Board of Directors shall be made reasonably available for examination by all members of the Association or their representatives, except that meetings of the Board of Directors may be held in executive session(s), without giving notice and without the requirement that they be open to Owners, in the following situations: (a)matters pertaining to employees of the Association or involving the employment, promotion, discipline or dismissal of an officer, agent, or employee of the Association; (b)consultation with legal counsel concerning disputes that are the subject of pending, threatened or imminent coufi proceedings or mafters that are privileged or confidential between attornev and client: (c) criminal misconduct; (d) judicially imposed requirements disclosure; investigative proceedings conceming possible or actual matters subject to specific constitutional, statutory, or protecting particular proceedings or matters from public any matter the disclosure of which would constitute an(e) unwarranted invasion of individual privacy. Section 11.5. Rieht to Notice and Hearing. Whenever the Condominium Documents require that an action be taken after "notice and hearing," the following procedure shall be observed: The party proposing to take the action (e.g., the Board of Directors, a Committee, an officer, a Managing Agent, etc.) shall give notice of the proposed action to all Unit Owners whose interests the proposing party reasonably determines would be significantly affected by the proposed action. The notice shall be delivered personally or mailed not less than three (3) days before the proposed action is to be taken. The notice shall include a general statement of the proposed action and the date, time and place of the hearing. At the hearing, the affected Person shall have the right, personally or by a representative, to give testimony orally and/or in writing, subject to reasonable rules ofprocedure established by the party conducting the hearing to assure a prompt and orderly resolution of the issues. Such evidence shall be considered in making the decision but shall not bind the decision makers. The affected Person shall be notified of the decision in the same manner in which notice of the hearing was given. Any Owner having a CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 z3 right to notice and hearing shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Directors flom a decision of a proposing party other than the Board of Directors by filing a written notice of appeal with the Board of Directors within ten (10) days after being notified of the decision. The Board of Directors shall conduct a hearing within forty-five (45) days, giving the same notice and observing the same procedures as were required for the original hearing. Section11.6. Pa)'ments to Working Capital Account. In order to provide the Association with adequate working capital funds, the Association may collect from purchasers at the time of the initial sale of each Unit or Club Estate by Declarant an amount not to exceed three (3) months' worth of annual Assessments based on the Association's Budget in effect at the time of the sale. Such pa)iments to this fund shall not be considered advance palments of ar.rnual Assessments. Section 11.7. Class of Membershin. Owners of Club Estates shall make up a separate class of voting members in the Association ("Class") for purposes of voting on certain issues as described below, to the extent Club Estate Owners are otherwise allowed to vote on such issues pursuant to the Act or the Condominium Documents. The Board of Directors shall establish a Committee for the Class and shall appoint to such Committee the members of the Board of Directors elected by the Owners within the Class, such that there will be a Club Committee made up of the members of the Board of Directors elected by the Owners of Club Estates voting as a Class. Actions to be taken and issues to be determined by the Board of Directors shall be determined by the Committee to the extent such actions or issues fall within the categories of issues described below for the Class. @} Any issue relating solely to the Club, the Club Units or the Limited Common Elements appurtenant to the Club Units shall be decided by the Owners of Club Estates, voting as a Class or by the Club Committee, as appropriate, including: (i) all issues relating to ARTICLE 24 of this Declaration; Club Units; (ii) any issue expressly relating only to the Club or the (iii) any issue expressly relating only to the administration and management of the Club; (iv) any Rules and Regulations affecting only the Club Units or Owners of Club Estates; (v)anv Assessments or items shown on the Budset that are payable only by Owners of Club Estates; and ("D any issue relating to the Reservation Procedures or the level or types of services provided to the Club. CO_DOCS_A #152626 vl!.A The decision on whether an issue relates solely to the CIub Units or otherwise fits within the categories of the Club Class issues described above shall be determined in the reasonable discretion of the Board of Directors based on the provisions of the Condominium Documents. Section 11.8. Reserved Powers: Directions to Board of Directors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Declaration, no issue, action or decision which would operate to discriminate against any Class or otherwise interfere with the operation of the Units owned by the Class, shall be effective without a vote or agreement of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the voting power of the Class. The Board of Directors shall be required to act in accordance with the directions of a Majority of Owners within the Class in the following circumstances: (a)If the Maiority of Owners within the Class votes to tncrease the level of services or make additional services available to the Class and so notifies the Board of Directors, in writing, then the Board of Directors shall promptly take reasonable action to make such services available or to increase the level of services and the proposed Budget will be modified accordingly. (b) If the Majority of Owners within the Class votes to increase or add specific items to the Budget, beyond that which is included in the first Budget adopted by the Association, affecting only the Class or to increase reserves available only to the Class and payable only by the Class or if the Committee for the Class proposes a Budget item or charge, the Board of Directors shall be so notified in writing and the Budget proposed by the Board of Directors pursuant to Section 10.3 for the following year shall include the requested changes. (c)If the Maioritv of Owners within the Class votes to add Rules and Regulations affecting only the Class or to increase the stringency of such Rules and Regulations or the penalties for violation thereof or to change the Club's Reservation Procedures, if applicable, and so notifres the Board of Directors, in writing, then the Board of Directors shall act to amend the Rules and Regulations accordingly. In addition, any issue primarily relating to a Class that requires the approval or consent of the Board of Directors shall be deemed to include a requirement for the approval or consent of the members of the Board of Directors elected by the Class. Notwithstanding anything to the conhary set forth herein, the Board shall not be required to take any action that would cause a breach of any legal duty of the Board or that would result in a violation of the Act or a reduction in the level or quality of services or management of the Project below the level in place pursuant to the first Budget adopted by the Association for the Project. ARTICLE 12 ASSESSMENTS Section 12.1. Commencement of Annual Assessments. Until the Association makes an Assessment for Common Expenses, the Declarant shall pay all Common Expenses. After any Assessment has been made by the Association, Assessments shall be made no less frequently than annually and shall be based on a Budget adopted no less frequently than annually by the Association. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v71 25 Section 12.2. Annual Assessments. The Association shall levy annual Assessments to pay for the Common Expense Liability allocated to each Unit pursuant to this Declaration. The total annual Assessments shall be based upon a Budget of the Association's cash requirements for upkeep of the Condominium Project including operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the Common Elements as required by the Act and the Condominium Documents. Any surplus funds of the Association remaining after payment of or provision for Common Expenses and any prepayment of or provision for reserves shall be credited to the Unit Owners in proportion to their Common Expense Liability or credited to them to reduce their future Assessments for Common Expenses. Section 12.3. Apportionment of Annual Assessments. The total annual Assessments for any fiscal year of the Association shall be assessed to the Units in proportion to their percentage of Common Expenses Liability as shown on Exhibit B, subject to: (a) Common Expenses which are separately metered or assessed to the Units by third parties or pursuant to service agreements with third parties; (b) Common Expenses associated with the operation, maintenance, repair or replacement of Limited Common Elements which shall be assessed equally or on such other equitable basis as the Board of Directors shall determine to the Units to which the specific Limited Common Elements are appurtenant; (c) Common Expenses or portions thereof benefiting fewer than all of the Units which shall be assessed exclusively against the Units benefited; (d) any increased cost ofinsurance based upon risk which shall be assessed to Units in proportion to the risk; (e) any Common Expense caused by the misconduct of any Owner(s), which may be assessed exclusively or on such other equitable basis as the Board of Directors shall determine against such Owner(s); and (0 any expenses which are charged equally to the Units. All such allocations of Common Expenses Liability to the Units on a basis other than the Units' percentage of Common Expenses Liability shall be made at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. Section 12.4. Special Assessments. In addition to the annual Assessments authorized above, the Board of Directors may at any time and from time to time determine, levy, and assess in any fiscal year a special Assessment applicable to that particular fiscal year (and for any such longer period as the Board of Directors may determine) for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the unbudgeted costs, fees, and expenses of any construction, reconstruction, repair, demolishing, replacement, renovation or maintenance of the Condominium Project, specifically including any fixtures and personal property related to it. Any amounts determined, levied, and assessed pursuant to this Declaration shall be assessed to the Units pursuant to the provisions in Section 12.3 entitled "Apportionment of Annual Assessments" set forth above. Section 12.5. Due Dates for Assessment Payments. Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, the Assessments which are to be paid in installments shall be paid semi- a:rnually in advance and shall be due and payable to the Association at its office or as the Board of Directors may otherwise direct in any Management Agreement, without notice (except for the initial notice of any special Assessment), on the date and in the installments determined by the Board of Directors, as set forth in the Rules and Regulations. If any such installment shall not be paid when due and payable, then the Board of Directors may assess a late charge, default interest charge (not to exceed the rate from time to time allowed by the Act or applicable law), fee, or such other charge as the Board of Directors may fix by rule from time to time to cover the extra expenses involved in handling such delinquent Assessment installment. An Owner's Assessment CO_DOCS_A #152626 v7!26 shall be prorated if the ownership of a Unit commences or terminates on a day other than the first day or last day, respectively, of a month or other applicable pay.rnent period. However, if the Common Expenses Liability is re-allocated, any installment(s) of an Assessment not yet due shall be recalculated in accordance with the re-allocated Common Expenses Liability. Section 12.6. Default Assessments. A11 Costs of Enforcement assessed against an Oumer pursuant to the Condominium Documents, or any expense of the Association which is the obligation of an Owner pursuant to the Condominium Documents shall become a default Assessment assessed against the Owner's Unit. Notice of the amount and demand for payment of such default Assessment shall be sent to the Owner prior to enforcing any remedies for non- payment hereunder. Section 12.7. Covenant of Personal Oblieation for Assessments. Declarant, by creating the Units pursuant to this Declaration, and all other Owners, by acceptance of the Deed or other instrument of transfer of such Owner's Unit or Club Estate (whether or not it shall be so expressed in such Deed or other instrument of transfer), are deemed to personally covenant and agree, jointly and severally, with all other Owners and with the Association, and hereby do so covenant and agree to pay to the Association the (a) annual Assessments, (b) special Assessments, and (c) default Assessments applicable to the Owner's Unit or Club Estate. No Ovmer may waive or otherwise escape personal liability for the payment of the Assessments provided for in this Declaration by not using the Common Elements, Limited Common Elements or the facilities contained in the Common Elements or by abandoning or leasing the Unit or Club Estate owned. Section 12.8. Lien for Assessments: Assignment of Rents. The annual, special, and default Assessments (including installments of the Assessments) arising under the provisions of the Condominium Documents shall be burdens running with, and a perpetual lien in favor of the Association upon the specific Unit to which such Assessments apply. To further evidence such lien upon a specific Unit, the Association shall prepare a written lien notice setting forth the description of the Unit, the amount of Assessments on the Unit unpaid as of the date of such lien notice, the rate of default interest as set by the Rules and Regulations, the name of the Owner or Owners, and any and all other information that the Association may deem proper. The lien notice shall be signed by a member of the Board of Directors, an officer of the Association, or the Managing Agent and shall be recorded in the Records. Any such lien notice shall not constitute a condition precedent or delay the attachment ofthe lien, but such lien is a perpetual lien upon the Unit and attaches without notice at the beginning of the first day of any period for which any Assessment is levied. Upon any default in the payment of annual, special, or default Assessments, the Association shall also have the right to appoint a receiver to collect all rents, profits, or other income from the Unit payable to the Unit Owner and to apply all such rents, profits, and income to the payment of delinquent Assessments. Each Unit Owner, by ownership of a Unit, agrees to the assignment of such rents, profits and income to the Association effective immediately upon any default in the payrnent of armual, special, or default Assessments. Section 12.9. Remedies for Nonpavment of Assessments. If any annual, special, or default Assessment (or any installment of the Assessment) is not fully paid within thirty (30) days after the same becomes due and payable, then as often as the same may happen, (a) interest shall accrue at the default rate set by the Rules and Regulations on any amount of the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v$27 Assessment in default, accruing from the due date until date of payment, (b) the Association may declare due and payable all unpaid installments of the annual Assessment or any special Assessment otherwise due during the fiscal year during which such default occurred, (c) the Association may thereafter bring an action at law or in equity, or both, against any Unit Owner personally obligated to pay the same, (d) the Association may proceed to foreclose its lien against the particular Unit pursuant to the power of sale granted to the Association by this Declaration or in the manner and form provided by Colorado law for foreclosure of real estate mortgages, and (e) the Association may suspend the Owner's right to vote in Association matters until the Assessment is paid. An action at law or in equity by the Association (or counterclaims or cross-claims for such relief in any action) against an Owner to recover a money judgment for unpaid Assessments (or any installment thereof) may be commenced and pursued by the Association without foreclosing or in any way waiving the Association's lien for the Assessments. Foreclosure or attempted foreclosure by the Association of its lien shall not be deemed to stop or otherwise preclude the Association from again foreclosing or attempting to foreclose its lien for any subsequent Assessments (or installments thereof) which are not fully paid when due or for any subsequent default Assessments. The Association shall have the power and right to bid in or purchase any Unit at foreclosure or other legal sale and to acquire and hold, lease, mortgage, and to convey, or otherwise deal with the Unit acquired in such proceedings. Section 12.10. Purchaser's Liability for Assessments. Nofwithstanding the personal obligation of each Owner to pay all Assessments on the Unit, and notwithstanding the Association's perpetual lien upon a Unit for such Assessments, all purchasers of a Unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the prior Owner(s) of such Unit for any and all unpaid Assessments against such Unit, without prejudice to any such purchaser's right to recover from any prior Unit Owner any amounts paid thereon by such purchaser. A purchaser's obligation to pay Assessments shall commence upon the date the purchaser becomes the Ouner of a Unit. For Assessment purposes, the date a purchaser becomes the Unit Owner shall be determined as follows: (a) in the event of a conveyance or transfer by foreclosure, the date a purchaser becomes the Unit Owner shall be deemed to be upon the expiration of all applicable redemption periods; (b) in the event of a conveyance or transfer by deed in lieu of foreclosure a purchaser shall be deemed to become the Owner of a Unit upon the execution and delivery of the deed or other instruments conveying or transferring title to the Unit, irrespective of the date the deed is recorded; and (c) in the event ofconveyance or transfer by deed, a purchaser shall be deemed to become the Unit Owner upon the execution and delivery of the deed or other instruments conveying or transferring title of the Unit, irrespective of the date the deed is recorded. However, such purchaser shall be entitled to rely upon the existence and stafus of unpaid Assessments as shown upon any certificate issued by or on behalf of the Association to such named purchaser pursuant to the provisions of this Declaration. Section 12.11. Waiver of Homestead Exemntiou Subordination of Association's Lien for Assessments. By acceptance of the Deed or other instrument of transfer of a Unit or a Club Estate, each Owner irrevocably waives the homestead exemption provided by Part 2, Article 41, Title 38, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended. The Association's perpetual lien on a Unit for Assessments shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances except the following: CO_DOCS_A #152626 v74 28 (b) a$eed by the parties thereto; and (a)real property ad valorem taxes and special assessment liens duly imposed by a Colorado govemmental or political subdivision or special taxing district, or any other liens made superior by statute; (c) liens recorded prior to this Declaration unless otherwise the lien of any First Mortgagee except to the extent the Act grants priority for Assessments to the Association. Any First Mortgagee who acquires title to a Unit by virtue of foreclosing a First Mortgage or by virtue of a deed or assignment in lieu of such a foreclosure, or any purchaser at a foreclosure sale of the First Mortgage, will take the Unit free of any claims for unpaid Assessments and Costs of Enforcement against the Unit which accrue prior to the time such First Mortgagee acquires title to the Unit except to the extent the amount of the extinguished lien may be reallocated and assessed to all Units as a Common Expense and except to the extent the Act grants lien priority for Assessments to the Association. All other Persons not holding liens described in this Section and obtaining a lien or encumbrance on any Unit after the recording of this Declaration shall be deemed to consent that any such lien or encumbrance shall be subordinate and inferior to the Association's lien for Assessments and Costs of Enforcement as provided in this Article, whether or not such consent is specifically set forth in the instrument creating any such lien or encumbrance. The sale or other transfer of any Unit shall not affect the Association's lien on such Unit for Assessments due and owing prior to the time such purchaser acquired title and shall not affect the personal liability of each Owner who shall have been responsible for the payrlent thereof except (a) as provided above with respect to First Mortgagees, (b) in the case of foreclosure of any lien enumerated in this Section, and (c) as provided in the next Section. Further, no such sale or transfer shall relieve the purchaser of a Unit from liability for, or the Unit from the lien of, any Assessments made after the sale or transfer. Section 12.12. Statement of Status of Assessments. On or before fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of written notice to the Managing Agent or, in the absence of a Managing Agent, to the Board of Directors and pa;,rnent of a reasonable fee set from time to time by the Board of Directors, any Owner, holder of a Security lnterest, prospective purchaser of a Unit or their designees shall be furnished a statement of the Owner's account setting forth: (a) against a particular Unit; the amount of any unpaid Assessments then existing (b)the amount of the current installments of the annual Assessment and the date that the next installment is due and payable; (c)the date(s) for payment of any installments of any special Assessments outstanding against the Unit; and CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 29 (d)any other information, deemed proper by the Association, including the amount of any delinquent Assessments created or imposed under the terms of this Declaration. Upon the issuance of such a certificate signed by a member of the Board of Directors, by an officer of the Association, or by a Managing Agent, the information contained therein shall be conclusive upon the Association as to the Person or Persons to whom such certificate is addressed and who rely on the certificate in good faith. Section 12.13. Liens. Except for Assessment liens as provided in this Declaration, mechanics' liens (except as prohibited by this Declaration), tax liens, judgment liens and other liens validly arising by operation oflaw and liens arising under Security Interests, there shall be no other liens obtainable against the Common Elements or against the interest of any Owner in the Common Elements except a Security Interest in the Common Elements granted by the Association pursuant to the requirements of the Act. ARTICLE 13 MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY Section 13.1. Unit Owner's Rigilrts and Duties with Respect to Interiors. Except as may be provided in the purchase and sale agreement or other conveyancing documents executed by Declarant in connection with sales to initial purchasers of the Units, each Owner (other than Club Estate Owners) shall have the exclusive right and duty to paint, tile, wax, paper, or otherwise decorate or redecorate and to maintain and repair the interior surfaces of the walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors forming the boundaries of such Owner's Unit and all walls, floors, ceilings, and doors within such boundaries. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no Owner shall be permitted to install any hardwood floor or other hard surface improvernents in any Unit that might affect adjoining Units by increasing noise or vibrations, without the prior written approval of the Association, which approval may be denied, or conditioned, in the Association's sole discretion. Section 13.2. Responsibility of the Unit Owner. Each Owner (but not including Owners of Club Estates) shall, at each Owner's expense, maintain and keep in repair all fixtures, equipment, and utilities installed and included in such Unit commencing at a point where the fixtures, equipment, and utilities enter the Unit. A Unit Owner shall not allow any action or work that will impair the structural soundness of the Improvements, impair the proper functioning of the utilities, heating, ventilation, or plumbing systems or integrity of the Improvement(s), or impair any easement or hereditament. Subject to the Association's overall responsibility for maintenance of the Common Elements, each Unit Owner (other than Owners of Club Estates) shall be responsible for routine maintenance and care of the walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors of any balcony or of any other Limited Common Elements appurtenant and accessible only from the Owner's Unit and for keeping the same in a good, clean, sanitary, and attractive condition. An Owner (but not including Owners of Club Estates) shall be responsible for repairs occasioned by casualty due to the act or negligence of the Unit Owner or Occupant of the Unit except as provided in ARTICLE 20. Section 13.3. Unit Owner's Neeligence. In the event that the need for maintenance, repair, or replacement of all or any portion of the Common Elements, including the Limited CO_DOCS_A #152626 v74 30 Common Elements, is caused through or by the negligent or willful act or omission of an Owner or Occupant, then the expenses incurred by the Association for such maintenance, repair, or replacement shall be a personal obligation of such Owner; and, if the Owner fails to repay the expenses incurred by the Association within seven (7) days after notice to the Owner of the amount owed, then the failure to so repay shall be a default by the Owner, and such expenses shall automatically become a default Assessment determined and levied against such Unit, or Club Estate, enforceable by the Association in accordance with this Declaration. Section 13.4. Responsibility of the Association. The Association, without the requirement of approval of the Owners, shall maintain and keep in good repair, replace, and improve, as a Common Expense, all of the Condominium Project not required in this Declaration to be maintained and kept in good repair by an Owner or by Declarant. ARTICLE 14 MECHANICS' LIENS Section 14.1. Mechanics' Liens. Subsequent to recording of this Declaration and the filing of the Map in the Records, no labor performed or materials fumished for use and incorporated in any Unit with the consent of or at the request of the Owner or the Owner's agent, contractor or subcontractor, shall be the basis for the filing of a lien against a Unit of any other Owner not expressly consenting to or requesting the same, or against any interest in the Common Elements except as to the undivided interest therein appurtenant to the Unit of the Owner for whom such labor shall have been performed or such materials shall have been furnished. Each Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless each of the other Owners and the Association from and against any liability or loss arising from the claim of any mechanics' lien or for labor performed or for materials furnished in work on such Owner's Unit, against the Unit of another Owner or against the Common Elements, or any part thereof. Section 14.2. Enforcement by the Association. At its own initiative or upon the written request of any Owner (if the Association determines that further action by the Association is proper), the Association shall enforce the indemnity provided by the provisions of this ARTICLE 14 by collecting from the Owner of the Unit on which the labor was performed or materials fumished the amount necessary to discharge by bond or otherwise any such mechanics' lien, to pay all costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incidental to the lien, and to obtain a release ofsuch lien. If the Owner of the Unit on which the labor was performed or materials furnished refuses or fails to indemnify within five (5) days after the Association shall have given notice to such Owner of the total amount of the claim, then the failure to so indemnify shall be a default by such Owner under the provisions of this Section 14.2, and such amount to be indemnified shall automatically become a default Assessment determined and levied against such Unit, and enforceable by the Association pursuant to this Declaration. ARTICLE T5 USE RESTRICTIONS Section 15.1. Use of Units. Except for uses reserved to Declarant in ARTICLE 17 entitled "Special Declarant Rights and Additional Reserved Rights," and except for any uses reserved to the Owner of the Hotel Unit, all Residential Units shall be used for dwelling purposes only. Except as otherwise restricted herein, Owners of the Residential Units may rent or lease the Residential Units to others for these purposes and may use the Residential Units for home CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 JI occupations which do not cause unreasonable disturbance to other Owners and which are permitted by applicable zoning codes. Each non-Residential Unit shall be used for legal business or commercial purposes compatible with the operations of the Vail Plaza Hotel, which are not otherwise prohibited under the Condominium Documents. Section 15.2. Use of Common Elements. There shall be no obstruction of the Common Elements, nor shall anything be kept or stored on any part of the Common Elements by any Owner without the prior written approval of the Association. Nothing shall be altered on, conshucted in, or removed from the Common Elements by -y Owner without the prior written approval of the Association. Owners and Occupants shall not disturb, damage, or have access to, certain restricted access areas in the Common Elements as designated on the Map or ia the Rules and Regulations. Section15.3. Prohibition of Increases in Insurable Risks and Certain Activities. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Unit or in or on the Common Elements, or any paft thereof, which would result in the cancellation of the insurance on all or any part of the Condominium Project or in an increase in the rate of the insurance on all or any part of the Condominium Project over what the Association, but for such activity, would pay, without the prior written approval of the Association. Nothing shall be done or kept in any Unit or in or on the Common Elements which would be in violation of any statute, rule, ordinance, regulation, permit, or other imposed requirement of any govemmental body having jurisdiction over the Condominium Project. No damage to or waste of the Common Elements shall be committed by any Owner or Occupant, and each Owner shall indemnify and hold the Association and the other Owners harmless against all loss resulting from any such damage or waste caused by such Owner or such Owner's guest (including all attorneys' fees, costs and expenses incurred in the defense of claims arising by reason of this section and incurred in establishing the right to indemnification). Failure to so indemnify shall be a default by such Owner under this Section. At its own initiative or upon the written request of any Owner, if the Association determines that further action by the Association is proper, the Association shall enforce the foregoing indemnity as a default Assessment levied against such Unit. In no event, regardless of any provision to the Condominium Documents, shall the Association or the Board of Directors be liable to any Person for failure to enforce the provisions ofthis Section. Section 15.4. Structural Alterations and Exterior Appearance. No structural alterations to any Unit, including the construction of any additional skylight, window, door or other alteration visible from the exterior of the Unit or to any Common Element shall be made or caused to be made by any Owner without the prior written approval of the Declarant during the Period of Declarant Control and, thereafter, the Association. No window coverings or other improvements, alterations or decorations visible from outside a Unit shall be added by an Owner without the prior written approval of the Declarant during the Period of Declarant Control and, thereafter, the Association. No alteration or subdivision of Units or relocation of boundaries between adjoining Units shall be made by the Owners without the prior written approval of the Declarant during the Period of Declarant Control and, thereafter, by the Association. The Association shall promulgate Rules and Regulations establishing procedures for the approvals required by this Section 15.4. Such Rules and Regulations shall include, but shall not be limited to, requirements that the applicant submit (a) plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, color, materials, and location ofthe proposed alterations in sufficient detail for the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4{32 Association and Declarant to review them; and (b) processing and/or review fees, which may include any professional fees the Association or Declarant might incur in retaining architects or engineers to review the plans and specifications. The Rules and Regulations shall specifically consider the impact of the alteration on the harmony of extemal design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography. Section 15.5. Pet and Use Restrictions. No animal pens, sheds, fences or other outbuildings or structures of any kind shall be erected by any Owner. No activity shall be allowed which interferes unduly with the peaceful possession and proper use of the Condominium Project by the Owners, nor shall any fire hazard or unsightly accumulation of refuse be allowed. No lights shall be emitted which are unreasonably bright or cause unreasonable glare; no sound shall be emitted which is unreasonably loud or annoying and no odor shall be emitted which is nauseous or offensive to others. No animals, birds, insects, or livestock ofany kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on or in the Condominium Project except as permitted by the Association in its sole and final discretion and except for properly licensed and certified service animals for disabled Persons. The Board of Directors may (but shall not be obligated to) approve a request of an Owner to keep a personal household pet with such conditions as the Board of Directors in its discretion may impose, including, without limitation, that such pet shall be registered, licensed and inoculated as may be required by the Board of Directors or local law from time to time, and that the Board of Directors may impose a special Assessment on an Owner to defray the maintenance costs associated with the pet. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the occupant of the Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit shall be allowed to keep a reasonable number of standard household pets without obtaining Board of Director consent and without the obligation to pay additional maintenance costs. The pets must be kept on a short leash when anyr,vhere on the Project outside of the Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit and may be outside such Unit only for the purpose of direct transit from the Unit to the outside or parking garage. The Vail Plaza Penthouse Unit Owner must ensure that all pets comply with all noise and nuisance restrictions herein. Section 15.6. Limit on Timesharine. No Unit Owner, excluding Declarant, shall offer or sell any interest in such Unit under a "timesharing," "vacation club," "private residence club," "non-equity club," "fractional plan" or "interval ownership" plan, or any similar plan without the specific prior written approval of the Declarant during the Period of Declarant Control, and thereafter the Association. Section 15.7. Restriction on Signs. Except with regard to the operation of the Hotel Unit, no signs, billboards, posterboards, or advertising structure of any kind shall be displayed, erected, or maintained for any purpose whatsoever except such signs as have been approved by the Declarant during the Period of Declarant Control and, thereafter, the Association. Any signs which are permitted under the foregoing restrictions shall be erected or maintained on the Condominium Project only with the prior written approval of the Declarant during the Period of Declarant Control, and thereafter the Association, which approval shall be given only if such signs are of attractive design and as small a size as reasonably possible and shall be placed or located as directed or approved by the Association. Section 15.8. Commercial Operation. Each Owner of a Commercial Unit must comply with the Rules and Regulations for Commercial Units as adopted from time to time by the CO_DOCS_A #152626 vl!JJ Association, subject to limitations on the Board's ability to promulgate Rules and Regulations under Section 5.2. Section 15.9. Restrictions on Use of Parking and Storage Areas. No parking shall be permitted at any location on the Common Elements unless specifically designated for parking by the Association, or in a location designated as Limited Common Elements and appurtenant to a specific Unit. No storage is permitted outside of Units except in specifically designated storage areas, if any. No Owner may use any parking or storage space assigned to another. No Owner may use any parking space for storage or use any parking or storage space in any manner that obstructs or interferes with any other Owner's parking or storage rights or that constitutes a safety hazard. Without limiting the generality of the powers of the Association with respect to parking or storage, the Association is specifically authorized, but not obligated, to remove any abandoned or inoperable vehicle, any vehicle parked in any area not designated for parking, or any vehicle parked in any space that is assigned to another person or reserved for a specific use, or any vehicle parked in an obstructing or hazardous manner, or to remove any improperly stored or hazardous materials, in all cases at the expense of the Owner or Occupant that owns such vehicle or materials. Expenses incurred by the Association in cormection with such removal (and storage, if necessary) shall be a personal obligation of such Owner and, if the Owner fails to pay such amount within seven (7) days after notice to the Owner of the amount owed, then the failure to pay shall be a default by the Owner and such expenses shall automatically become a default Assessment determined and levied against such Unit enforceable by the Association as provided in this Declaration. Section 15.10. Restrictions Not Applicable to Owner of the Hotel Unit. Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration to the contrary, no Owner or Occupant, except the Hotel Unit Owner, the Declarant, the Restaurant Unit Owner, the Convention Unit Owner, and any Commercial Unit Owner permitted by the Association, after the Period of Declarant Control ends, shall have any right to the sale or service of food or alcoholic beverages on the Project. The Hotel Unit Owner may designate in writing any and all permitted providers for the sale or service offood or alcoholic beverages on the Project. No Owner or Occupant shall do anlthing as may hinder or interfere with the Hotel Unit Owner's ability (or the ability of any person or entity designated by the Hotel Unit Owner as permitted provider) to secure and maintain licenses for the sale or service of food or alcoholic beverages. The Association shall promptly execute such documents as may be requested by the Hotel Unit Owner, from time to time, to further assure the rights granted to the Hotel Unit Owner under this Section I 5. 10. Notwithstanding any restriction or limitation in this Declaration, the Hotel Unit Owner shall have the right, without the consent or approval of the Association or other Owners, but without obligation, to (a) make alterations, additions or improvements, structural and nonstructural, interior and exterior, ordinary and extraordinary, in, to and upon the Hotel Unit or any other Units owned by the Hotel Unit Owner (including, without limitation, the removal of walls, floors, ceilings and other structural portions of any improvements within such units), and (b) expand, alter, discontinue, replace or add to all or any part ofthe recreational facilities or other improvernents. Sectionl5.ll.District Documents. The Project is located in Special Development District 6 and is subject to and governed by various recorded and unrecorded documents pertaining to such district, including but not limited to, that certain Declaration of Easements and Rights recorded on February 2, 1988 in Book 478,Page 377 in Records concerning parking, CO_DOCS_A #15?626 v+1 .AJ+ utilities, easements and other matters within such district, and that certain Declaration Conceming Parking Within Special Development District 6, recorded July 10, 1984, in Book 388, Page 856 in Records. Section 15.12. Restrictions on Employee Housing Unit. The use and occupancy of the Employee Housing Unit is limited by zoning codes and ordinances as more specifically described in the deed of conveyance of the Employee Housing Unit to the Owner of such Unit. ARTICLE 16 EASEMENTS Section 16.1. Easement of Enioyment. Every Owner shall have a non-exclusive easement for the use and enjol.rnent of the Common Elemenls (which includes the benefit of the non-exclusive easement for access over, through and across the Limited Common Elements of the Management Unit, Service Unit, and Convention Unit as provided under this Article), which shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to every Unit, subject to the easements set forth in this ARTICLE 16 and the easements and restrictions set forth in ARTICLE 9 entitled "Unit Owners' Property Rights in Common Elements". Section 16.2. Delegation of Use. Any Owner may delegate, in accordance with the Condominium Documents, the Owner's right of enjoyment in the Common Elements to an Occupant of the Owner's Unit. Section 16.3. Recorded Easements. The Property shall be subject to any easements as shown on any recorded plat affecting the Property, as shown on the recorded Map or reserved or granted under this Declaration. The recording data for recorded sasements and licenses appurtenant to or included in the Property or to which any part of the Property may become subject is set forth on Exhibit C attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 16.4. Easements Over Management Unit. Service Unit. and Convention Unit. A nonexclusive easement in favor of each Owner and permitted Occupant shall exist for pedestrian traffic over, through and across such portions of the Limited Common Elements appurtenant to the Management Unit, Service Unit, and Convention Unit, as are desigrrated, modified, altered and relocated from time to time by the Owners of such Units for the purpose of providing direct pedestrian access to and from the applicable Residential Unit and the public rights of ways adjacent to the Project, subject to the procedures, rules and regulations as may be established from time to time by the Owners of such Units. Section 16.5. Easements for Encroachments. The Condominium Project, and all portions of it, are subject to easements hereby created for encroachments between Units and the Common Elements as follows: (a)in favor of all Owners, so that they shall have no legal liability when any part of the Common Elements encroaches upon a Unit; (b) in favor of each Owneq so that the Owner shall have no legal liability when any part of such Owner's Unit encroaches upon the Common Elements or upon another Unit; and CO_DOCS_A #152626 v1{35 (c)in favor of all Owners, the Association, and the Owner of any encroaching Unit for the maintenance and repair of such encroachments. Encroachments referred to in this Section 16.5 include, but are not limited to, encroachments caused by error or variance from the original plans in the construction of the Improvements or any Unit constructed on the Property, by error in the Map, by settling, rising, or shifting of the earth, or by changes in position caused by repair or reconstruction of any part of the Condominium Project. Such encroachments shall not be considered to be encumbrances upon any part of the Condominium Project; provided, however, that encroachments created by the intentional act of an Owner shall not be deemed to create an easement on the Property and shall be considered an encroachment upon the Condominium Project. Such encroachment sha1l be removed at Owner's expense immediately upon notice from the Association. In the event such encroachment is not timely removed, the Association may effect removal of the encroachment and the expense thereof shall be a default Assessment to the Owner. Section 16.6. Utilitv Easements. There is hereby created a general easement upon, across, over, in, and under all of the Property for ingress and egress and for installation, replacement, repair, and maintenance of all utilities and services for the Owners, including but not limited to water, sewer, gas, telephone, electricity, cable television, cable, and other communication systems. By virtue of this easement, it shall be expressly permissible and proper for the companies providing such utilities to erect and maintain the necessary equipment on the Property and to affix and maintain electrical, communications, and telephone wires, circuits, and conduits under the Property. Any utility or service comparly using this general easement shall use its best efforts to install and maintain the utilities provided without disturbing the uses of other utilities, the Owners, the Association, and Declarant; shall complete its installation and maintenance activities as promptly as reasonably possible; and shall restore the surface to its original condition as soon as possible after completion of its work. Should any utility or service company fumishing a service covered by this general easement request a specific easement by separate recordable document, Declarant during the Period of Declarant Control and, thereafter, the Association, shall have the right and authority to grant such easement upon, across, over, or under any part or all of the Property without conflicting with the terms hereof. The easements provided for in this Section 16.6 shall in no way affect, avoid, extinguish, or modify any other recorded easement on the Property. Section 16.7. Emergency Access Easement. A general easement is hereby granted to all police, sheriff, fire protection, ambulance, and all other similar emergency agencies or Persons to enter upon all streets and upon the Property in the proper performance oftheir duties. Section 16.8. Maintenance Easement. An easement is hereby granted to the Association and any Managing Agent and their respective officers, agents, employees and assigns upon, across, over, in, and under the Common Elements and a right to make such use of the Common Elements as may be necessary or appropriate to perform the duties and functions which they are obligated or permitted to perform pursuant to this Declaration. Section 16.9. Easements of Access for Repair. Maintenance. and Emergencies. Some of the Common Elements, including Limited Common Elements, are or may be located within the Units or may be conveniently accessible only tluough the Units. The Hotel Unit Owner and the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+4 36 Association shall have the inevocable right (but not the obligation), to be exercised by the Association as the Owners' agent, to have access to each Unit, except the YarlPlaza Penthouse Unit, and to all Common Elements from time to time during such reasonable hours as may be necessary for the maintenance, repair, removal, or replacement of any of the Common Elements therein or accessible therefrom or for making emergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage to the Common Elements or to any Unit. Unless caused by the negligent or willful act or omission of an Owner or Occupant, damage to the interior of any part of a Unit resulting from the maintenance, repair, emergency repair, removal, or replacement of any of the Common Elements or as a result of emergency repair within another Unit at the instance of the Association or of the Owners shall be a Common Expense. In order to effectuate this right, the Association shall retain a master key, in the form of a card which opens all doors within the Project, including all Units and an Owner shall not tamper with the cardreader on any door, including a door to or within such Owner's Unit. Section 16.10. Pedestrian Easements. The Declarant and/or the Association may grant certain easements to the public and/or adjacent property owners relating to the Commercial Activities, the Convention Unit, the Spa Unit, the Hotel Unit, the Restaurant Unit, the Parking Unit, the Loading Unit, and./or the Commercial Units. Such easements shall be depicted on the Map or otherwise recorded against the Property. Section 16.11. Easements Deemed Created. All conveyances of Units hereafter made, whether by Declarant or otherwise, shall be construed to grant and reserve the easements contained in this ARTICLE 16, even though no specific reference to such easements or to this ARTICLE 16 appears in the instrument for such conveyance. Section 16.12. Easement for Warranty Work. To the extent that and for as long as Declarant remains liable under any warranty, whether statutory, express or implied, for any act or omission of Declarant in the development, construction, sale and marketing of the Condominium Project, then Declarant and its contractors, agents and designees shall have the right, in Declarant's sole discretion and from time to time, to enter the Property for the purpose of making any necessary inspections, tests, repairs, improvements and/or replacements required for the Declarant to fulfill any of its warranty obligations. Failure of the Association or any Owner to grant such access may result in the applicable warranty being nullified and of no further force or effect. Section 16.13. Reserved Easement of Hotel Unit Owner. There is reserved to the Hotel Unit Owner, its express successors, transferees, designees, agents, assigns and co-licensees, the exclusive right to provide room service and any other hotel services on the Project, including the non-exclusive right to sell, serve and deliver alcoholic beverages ofevery kind and character to and within all portions of the Project, specifically including the Management Unit, Service Unit, Spa Unit, Convention Unit, Residential Units, Commercial Units, the Common Elements, and all Limited Common Elements appurtenant to such Units. The exercise or grant of such exclusive and non-exclusive rights shall not be deemed to preclude, prevent or prohibit other uses ofthe Common Elements or the Units not in conflict with such exclusive and non-exclusive rights (for example, the Restaurant Unit may include a bar and the service and sale of alcoholic beverages and the Convention Unit Owner may serve and sell alcoholic beverases to Convention CO_DOCS_A #152626 v7!)t attendees). Grantees of any interest in the Project, by acceptance of any deed, lease or license, shall be and are hereby bound by such reservations ofrights. ARTICLE 17 SPECIAL DECLARANT RIGHTS AI{D ADDITIONAL RESERVED RIGHTS Section 17.1. Snecial Declarant Rights. Declarant hereby reserves the right, from time to time, to perform the acts and exercise the rights hereinafter specified (the "SpgqlAl-DgQl31A$ Riqhts"). Declarant's Special Declarant Rights include the following: (a) Completion of Improvements. The right to complete Improvements indicated on Plats and Maps filed with this Declaration. (b)Exercise of Development Rights. The right to exercise any Development Right resewed in ARTICLE l8 of this Declaration. (c)Sales, Management and Marketing. The right to locate, relocate and maintain sales offrces, management offices, signs advertising the Condominium Project, and models within any Unit or Units and in the Common Elements. Declarant shall have the right to show Units and the Common Elements to prospective purchasers and to arrange for the use of any parking, storage, or recreational facilities within the Common Elements by prospective purchasers. (d) Construction Easements. The right to use easements through the Common Elements for the purpose of making Improvements within the Condominium Project. (e)Master Association. The rieht to make the Condominium Project subject to a Master Association upon majority vote of the Owners. (0 Control of Association and Board of Directors. The rieht to appoint or remove any officer of the Association or any member of the Board of Directors. (e)Amendment of Declaration. The risht to amend this Declaration in connection with the exercise of any Development Rights. (h)Amendment of Map. The right to amend the Map in connection with the exercise of any Development fughts. (i) Signs. The right to maintain signs on the Common Elements advertising the Condominium Project, the Vail Plaza Hotel, the Vail Plaza Club, and any exchange program connected with the Club. 0) Post-Sales. The right to use the Common Elements to maintain customer relations and provide post-sale and re-sale services to Owners of Club Estates. (k) Beverage Stand. The right to establish, operate, and maintain a bar or other beverage stand, providing alcoholic and/or nonalcoholic beverages open CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+1 38 to the public and to Owners and Occupants and which may be located in any of the common areas including Common Elements and may convert such area into a Limited Common Element of the Management Unit, Service Unit, or any other Unit owned by Declarant. (D Merger. The right to merge or consolidate a project with another project of the same form of ownership. (m)Parking/Storage. The right to use and to allow others to use all parking and storage areas in connection with its marketing efforts. Section 17.2. Additional Reserved Riehts. tn addition to the Special Declarant Rights set forth in Section 17.1 above, Declarant also reserves the following additional rights (the "Additional Reserved R "): (a) Dedications. The right to establish, from time to time, by dedication or otherwise, utility and other easements for purposes including but not limited to streets, paths, walkways, ski-ways, drainage, recreation areas, parking areas, driveways, ducts, shafts, flues, conduit installation areas, and to create other reservations, exceptions and exclusions for the benefit of and to serve the Unit Owners within the Condominium Proiect. (b)Use Agreements. The right to enter into, establish, execute, amend, and otherwise deal with contracts and agreements for the use, lease, repair, maintenance or regulation of parking and.ior recreational facilities, which may or may not be a part of the Condominium Project for the benefit of the Owners and/or the Association. (c) Easement Rights. The rights to an easement through the Common Elements as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of discharging Declarant's obligations arising under this Declaration or the Act. (d)Club Weeks. The right to establish and change the number of Club Estates (as defined below) in each Club Unit. (e)Other Rights. The right to exercise any Additional Reserved Right created by any other provision of this Declaration or of the Act. Section 17.3. Limitations on Special Declarant Rights and Additional Reserved Riehts. Unless sooner terminated by an amendment to this Declaration executed by the Declarant, any Special Declarant Right or Additional Reserved Rights may be exercised by the Declarant so long as the Declarant (a) is obligated under any warranty or obligation; (b) holds a Development Right; (c) owns any Unit or any interest therein, including, without limitation, Club Estates created pursuant to the Plan of Club Ownership; or (d) holds a Security Interest in any Unit(s); provided, however, all Special Declarant Rights and Additional Reserved Rights shall teminate thitty (30) years after the date of recording this Declaration. Earlier termination of certain rights may occur pursuant to requirements of the Act. Section 17.4. Interference with Special Declarant Rishts. Neither the Association nor any Unit Owners may take any action or adopt any rule and/or regulation that will interfere with CO_DOCS_A #152626 v|!39 or diminish any Special Declarant Rights or Additional Reserved Rights without the prior written consent of the Declarant. Section 17.5. Riehts Transferable. Any Special Declarant Rights or Additional Reserved Right created or reserved under this ARTICLE 17 for the benefit of Declarant may be transferred to any Person by an instrument describing the rights transferred and recorded in the Records. Such instrument shall be executed by the transferor and the transferee. ARTICLE 18 RESERVATION OF DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS Section 18.1. Development-*nd-Withdrar+*l Riehts. Declarant expressly reserves the right to create Units, Common Elements and Limited Common Elements (the "AddiliSl4l Improvements") to combine Units, to subdivide Units, to convert Units into Common Elements, to convert Common Elements into Units, and to allocate Real Estate as Limited Common Elements on all or any portion of the Real Estate reserved for future development in this Declaration. Declarant may exercise any or all of the Development fughts so reserved at any time with respect to all or any of the Real Estate marked subject to Development Rights in this Declaration. No assurances are made with respect to the boundaries of any parcels that may be developed or the order in which the parcels may be developed. Exercise of a Development Right with respect to any one parcel does not require exercise of a Development Right on any other parcel of Real Estate subject to Development Rights. No assurances are made, however, that any further development will occur. Declarant expressly reserves the right to withdraw all or any portion of the Property that is designated as subject to withdrawal in this Declaration from the Condominium Project by recording a document evidencing such withdrawal in the Records; provided, however, that no portion of the Property may be withdrawn after a Unit in that portion of the Property has been conveyed to a purchaser. The Real Estate withdrawn from the Condominium Project shall be subject to whatever easements, if any, are reasonably necessary for access to or operation of the Condominium Project. Declarant shall prepare and record in the Records whatever documents are necessary to evidence such easements and shall amend Exhibit -C to this Declaration to include reference to the recorded easement. The Declarant alone is liable for all expenses in connection with Real Estate subject to Development Rights. Section 18.2. Amendment of Declaration. If Declarant elects to submit the Additional Improvements to this Declaration, or to subdivide or to convert Units or Common Elements, then at such time as construction of the Additional Improvements is substantially complete Declarant shall record an amendment to this Declaration reallocating the Allocated Interests so that the Allocated lnterests appurtenant to each Unit will be apportioned according to the total number of Units submitted to this Declaration. The Allocated lnterests apportioned to each Unit in the Condominium Project, shall be based on the formulae set fonh in Section 4.2. Mere subdivision of a Unit shall not affect the Allocated Interests of any Unit not included in such subdivision. The Amendment to this Declaration shall contain at a minimum alegal description of the Real Estate on which the Additional Improvements being submitted to this Declaration are located and a schedule of the Allocated Interests appurtenant to the Units in the Condominium Project. Section 18.3. Supplement to the Map. Declarant shall, contemporaneously with the amendment of this Declaration, file a supplement to the Map showing the location of the Additional Improvements or the construction, combination, subdivision, conversion or allocation CO_DOCS_A #152626 v41 40 of Units or Common Elements allowed by this Article. The supplement to the Map shall substantially conform to the requirements contained in this Declaration. Section18.4. Intemretation. Recording of amendments to this Declaration and supplement to the Map in the Records shall automatically: (a)vest in each existine Owner the reallocated Allocated Interests appurtenant to each Owner's Unit; and (b)vest in each existing holder of a Security Interest a perfected Security Interest in the reallocated Allocated Interests appurtenant to the encumbered Unit. Upon the recording of an amendment to this Declaration, the definitions used in this Declaration shall automatically be extended to encompass and to refer to the Property, as expanded. The Additional Improvements shall be added to and become a part of the Project for all purposes. All conveyances of Units after such expansion shall be effective to transfer rights in all Common Elements as expanded, whether or not reference is made to any amendment to this Declaration or supplement to the Map. Reference to this Declaration and Map in any instrument shall be deemed to include all amendments to this Declaration and supplements to the Map without specific reference thereto. Section 18.5. Maximum Number of Units. The maximum number of Units in the Condominium Project shall not exceed three hundred (300) Units, or, if allowed by the Act, the maximum number of Units allowed by any governmental entity having jurisdiction over the Property, pursuant to any development plan for the Property, if any. Declarant shall not be obligated to expand the Condominium Project beyond the number of Units initially submitted to this Declaration. Section 18.6. Construction Easement. Declarant expressly reserves the right to perform warranty work, and repairs and construction work and to store materials in secure areas, in Units and in Common Elernents, and the future right to control such work and repairs, and the right of access thereto, until its completion. All work may be performed by Declarant without the consent or approval of any Unit Owner or First Mortgagee or holder of a Security Interest. Declarant has such an easement through the Common Elements as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose ofdischarging Declarant's obligations and exercising Declarant's reserved rights in this Declaration. Such easement includes the right to construct underground utility lines, pipes, wires, ducts, conduits, and other facilities across the Property not designated as reserved for future development in this Declaration or on the Map for the purpose of furnishing utility and other services to buildings and improvements to be constructed on any of the Property reserved for future development. Declarant's reserved construction easement includes the right to grant easements to public utility companies and to convey improvements within those easements anlwhere in the Common Elements not occupied by an Improvement containing Units. If Declarant grants any such Exhibiteeasements,-ftli!ffi to this Declaration will be amended to include reference to the recorded easement. CO_DOCS_A #152626v+!4l Section 18.7. Reciprocal Easements. If property is withdrawn flom the Condominium Proj ect ("Withdrawn Property'') : (a) the owner(s) of the Withdrawn Property shall have whatever easements are necessary or desirable, if any, for access, utility service, repair, maintenance and emergencies over and across the Condominium Project; and (b) the Unit Owner(s) in the Condominium Project shall have whatever easements are necessary or desirable, if any, for access, utility service, repair, maintenance, and emergencies over and across the Withdrawn Property. Declarant shall prepare and record in the Records whatever documents are necessary to evidence such easements and shall amend Exhibit C to this Deciaration to include reference to the recorded easement(s). Such recorded easement(s) shall specify that the owner(s) of the Withdrawn Property and the Unit Owners in the Condominium Project shall be obligated to pay a proportionate share of the cost of the operation and maintenance of any easements utilized by either one of them on the other's Fopefiy upon such reasonable basis as the Declarant shall establish in the easement(s). Preparation and recordation by Declarant of an easement pursuant to this Section 18.7 shall conclusively determine the existence, location and extent of the reciprocal easements that are necessary or desirable as contemplated by this Section 18.7. . Section 18.8. Termination of-#xp*nsion--ffnd Development Rishts. The Bxpaa*ion Righ+s-e++Development Rights reserved to Declarant, for itseli its successors and assigns, shall expire thirty (30) years after the date of recording this Declaration in the Records, unless the @DevelopmentRightsarereinstatedorextendedbytheAssociation, subject to whatever terms, conditions, and limitations the Board of Directors may impose on the subsequentexerciseofthe@eve1opment*igh*sbyDeclarant.Dec1arant mayatanytimereleasearrdrelinquishsomeoral1ofthe@ Development Rights with respect to all or any part of the Real Estate subject to such rights by instrument executed by Declarant and effective when recorded in the Records. Upon the expirationorotherterminationofthe@DevelopmentRights,arryRea1 Estate then subject to such rights shall become Common Elements or Units, as applicable. Section 18.9. Interference With--Exaan+ioa--++ Development Riehts. Neither the Association nor any Unit Owner may take any action or adopt any rule or regulation that will interfere with or diminish any Exp*rr*ie*-Right*--er-Development Rights reserved by this ARTICLE l8 without the prior written consent of the Declarant. Section 1 8. 1 0. Transfer of-Itrxpaffiis*r-or Development Riehts. Any Sxpansion-Righ*$ or-Development Rights created or reserved under this ARTICLE 18 for the benefit of Declarant may be transferred to any person by an instrument expressly describing the rights transferred in whole or in part and recorded in the Records. Such instrument shall be executed by the transferor Declarant and the transferee. Section 19.1. purchaser and to the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+l ARTICLE 19INSURANCE Coverase. Commencing not later than the first conveyance of a Unit to a extent reasonably available, the Association shall obtain and maintain 42 insurance coverage as set forth in this Article. If such insurance is not reasonably available, and if the Board of Directors detemines that any insurance described herein will not be maintained, the Board of Directors shall promptly cause notice of that fact to be hand delivered or sent prepaid by United States mail to all Owners and Eligible First Mortgagees at their respective last known addresses. (a)Prooertv Insurance. The Association shall maintain property insurance on the Condominium Project for broad form covered causes of loss in an amount not less than the full insurable replacement cost of the insured property less applicable deductibles at the time insurance is purchased and at each renewal date, exclusive of land, excavations, foundations, and other items normally excluded from property insurance policies. (b)Liability Insurance. The Association shall maintain commercial general liability insurance against claims and liabilities arising in connection with the ownership, existence, use, or management of the Condominium Project, insuring the Board of Directors, the Association, the Managing Agent, and their respective employees, agents and all persons acting as agents. The Declarant shall be included as an additional insured in such Declarant's capacity as an Owner and member of the Board of Directors. Owners shall be included as additional insureds but only for claims and liabilities arising in connection with the ownership interest in, existence or management of the Common Elements or membership in the Association. The insurance shall cover claims of one or more insured parties against the other insured parties. (c)Fidelity Insurance. The Association shall maintain fidelity insurance on all persons who control or disburse funds of the Association. Coverage shall not be less in the aggregate than two (2) months' current Assessments plus reserves, as calculated from the current Budget of the Association. Any person employed as an independent contractor by the Association, including the Managing Agent must obtain and maintain fidelity insurance in like arnount for the benefit of the Association unless the Association names such person as an insured employee in the policy of fidelity insurance specified above. (d)Other Insurance. The Board of Directors may also procure insurance against such additional risks of a type normally carried with respect to properties of comparable character and use that the Board of Directors deems reasonable and necessary in order to protect the Condominium Proiect, the Association and the Unit Owners. (e)Unit Owners' Policies. Each Owner, excluding Club Unit Owners, may obtain additional property insurance at their own cost for their own benefit covering all personal property within their own Unit. All such policies shall contain waivers of subrogation and provide further that the liability of the carriers issuing insurance to the Association hereunder shall not be effected or diminished by reason of any such insurance carried by any Unit Owner. Each Owner waives and releases all claims against the Association to the extent such claim is covered by applicable insurance policies, regardless of whether damage, loss, or injury arose from the negligence or breach of any agreement by the Association. Each Owner, excluding Club Unit Owners, acknowledges that insurance obtained by the Association does not obviate the need for an Owner to obtain separate insurance for their own benefit. Each Owner, other than Club Unit Owners, shall also obtain general liability insurance CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4.4 +J at their own cost for their own benefit covering their own operations and activities within their own Unit. Such coverage shall also extend to cover any legal liability imposed on an Owner due to an Owner's interest in the Common Elements or membership in the Association. Section 19.2. Required Provisions. All insurance policies carried by the Association pursuant to the requirements of this ARTICLE 19 must provide that: (a)each Unit Owner and each Eligible First Mortgagee is an insured person under the policy with respect to liability arising out of such Owner's interest in the Common Elements or membership in the Association; (b)the insurer waives its rights to subrogation under the policy against any Owner or member of an Owner's household; (c) no act or omission by any Owner or Eligible First Mortgagee, unless acting within the scope of such Owner's authority on behalf of the Association, will void the policy or be a condition to recovery under the policy; (d)if, at the time of a loss under the policy, there is other insurance in the name of an Owner covering the risks covered by the policy (other than a Unit Owner's policy covering such Owner's personal property), the Association's policy provides primary insurance; Association; Owner's personal property) shall be payable to an insurance trustee designated for that purpose, or otherwise to the Association and not to any holder of a Securitv Interest: (e) the Association (h)the insurer issuing the policy may not cancel or refuse to renew it until thirty (30) days after notice ofthe proposed cancellation or non-renewal has been mailed to the Association and any Owner(s) and holder(s) of Security Interests to whom a certificate or memorandum of insurance has been issued at their respective last known addresses. Section 19.3. Adjustment of Claims. The Association may adopt and establish written nondiscriminatory policies and procedures relating to the submittal of claims, responsibility for deductibles, and any other matters of claims adjustment. To the extent the Association settles a property insurance claim, it shall have the authority to assess negligent Unit Owners causing such loss or benefiting from such repair or restoration all deductibles paid by the Association. In the event more than one Unit is damaged by a loss, the Association in its reasonable discretion may assess each Unit Owner a prorata share of any deductible paid by the Association. (e) (0 any loss covered by the policies must be adjusted with the the insurance proceeds for any loss (other than for a Unit the insurer shall issue certificates or memoranda of and, upon request, to any Owner or holder of a Security Interest;insurance to and CO_DOCS_A #152626 v44 44 Section 19.4. Copies of Policies. A copy of each insurance policy obtained by the Association shall be made available for inspection by any Unit Owner at reasonable times. ARTICLE 20 RESTORATION UPON DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION Section20.l. Dutv to Restore. Any portion of the Condominium Project, for which insurance is required under the Act or for which insurance carried by the Association is in effect, that is damaged or destroyed must be repaired or replaced promptly by the Association unless: (a) (b) the Condominium Project is terminated; repair or replacement would be illegal under a state statute or municipal ordinance goveming health or safety; (c)sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Unit Owners, including every Owner of a Unit or assigned Limited Common Element that will not be rebuilt, vote not to rebuild; or (d) prior to the conveyance of any Unit to a purchaser, the holder of a Security Interest on the damaged portion of the Condominium Prqect rightfully demands all or a substantial part ofthe insurance proceeds. In the event the Condominium Project is not repaired or replaced as allowed by Subsections (a), (b) and (c) above, then the Real Estate in the Condominium Project shall be sold and the proceeds distributed pursuant to the procedures provided for in the Act for termination of condominium proj ects. Section 20.2. Cost. The cost of repair or replacement in excess of insurance proceeds and reseryes is a Common Expense. Section 20.3. Plans. The Properly must be repaired and restored in accordance with either the original plans and specifications or other plans and specifications which have been approved by the Board of Directors and a Majority of Owners. Section 20.4. Replacement of Less Than Entire Property. If the entire Condominium Project is not repaired or replaced, the insurance proceeds attributable to the damaged Common Elements shall be used to restore the damaged area to a condition compatible with the remainder of the Condominium Project and, except to the extent that other persons will be distributees: (a)the insurance oroceeds attributable to a Unit and Limited Common Elernents that are not rebuilt must be distributed or credited to the Unit Owner of the Unit and the Unit Owner of the Unit to which the Limited Common Elements were allocated. or to holders of Security Interests, as their interests may appear; (b)the remainder of the proceeds must be distributed or incredited to each Unit Owner or holders of Security Interests, as their interests may appear, proportion to the Allocated Interests in the Common Elements of all the Units; and CO_DOCS_A #152626 vl 45 (c)if the Unit Owners vote not to rebuild a Unit. the Allocated Interests of the Unit are reallocated upon the vote as if the Unit had been condemned, and the Association promptly shall prepare, execute and record an amendment to this Declaration reflecting the reallocations. Section 20.5. lnsurance Proceeds. The insurance trustee, or if there is no insurance trustee, then the Board of Directors, acting by the President, shall hold any insurance proceeds in trust for the Association, Unit Owners and holders of Security Interests as their interest may appear. Subject to the provisions of the Sections above, the proceeds shall be disbursed hrst for the repair or restoration of the damaged Property, and the Association, Unit Owners and holders of Security Interests are not entitled to receive payment of any portion of the proceeds unless there is a surplus ofproceeds after the Properly has been completely repaired or restored, or the Condominium Project is terminated, in which event the surplus proceeds will be distributed as provided in this Declaration and the Act. Section 20.6. Certificates by the Board of Directors. The insurance trustee, if any, may rely on the following certifications in writing made by the Board of Directors: (a) repaired or restored; and (b) whether or not damaged or destroyed Property is to be the amount or amounts to be paid for repairs or restoration and the names and addresses of the parties to whom such amounts are to be paid. Section 20.7. Certificates by Attorneys or Title Insurance Companies. If payments are to be made to Unit Owners or holders of Security Interests, the Board of Directors, and the insurance hlrstee, if any, shall obtain and may rely on a title insurance company or attomey's certificate of title or a title insurance policy based on a search of the Records from the date of recording of this Declaration stating the names of the Unit Owners and the holders of Security Interest. ARTICLE 21 CONDEMNATION If all or part of the Condominium Project is taken by any power having the authority of eminent domain, all compensation and damages for and on account of the taking shall be payable in accordance with the provisions on eminent domain in the Act. ARTICLE 22 MORTGAGEE PROTECTIONS Section22.l. lntroduction. This ARTICLE 22 establishes certain standards and covenants which are for the benefit of First Mortgagees. This ARTICLE 22 is supplemental to, and not in substitution for, any other provisions of this Declaration, but in the case of any conflict, this Article shall control. Section 22.2. Percentage of First Mortgagees. Unless specifically provided otherwise, wherever in this Declaration the approval or consent of a specified percentage of Eligible First Mortgagees is required, it shall mean the approval or consent of sixty-seven percent (67%) of the voting power of Eligible First Mortgagees. Each Eligible First Mortgagee shall be entitled to the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+l 46 same voting power as held by the encumbered Unit or Club Estate for each Unit or Club Estate held as security by such Eligible First Mortgagee. Section 22.3. Notice of Actions. If requested in writing to do so, the Association shall give prompt written notice of the following to each Eligible First Mortgagee making such request: (a)any condemnation loss or any casualty loss which affects a material portion of the Common Elements or any Unit in which an interest is held by the Eligible First Mortgagee; (b)any delinquency in the payment of Assessments which remains uncured for sixty (60) days by an Owner whose Unit or CIub Estate is encumbered by a Security Interest held by such Eligible First Mortgagee; (c)any lapse, cancellation, or material modification of any insurance policy or fidelity bond maintained by the Association; (d) any proposed action which would require the consent of Eligible First Mortgagees as set forth in this Article; (e)any judgment rendered against the Association having a material effect on the ability of the Association to perform its obligations herewith; and (0 a copy of any financial statement of the Association. Section 22.4. Consent Required. The Association may not take any of the following actions, except as such rights have been specifically reserved by Declarant under the provisions of this Declaration, without the consent of sixty-seven percent (67%) of the voting power of the Eligible First Mortgagees: (a)sale. convevance or encumbrance of the Common Elements (provided, however, that the granting of easements for public utilities, for construction and maintenance of roads within the Condominium Project, or for other purposes provided for in this Declaration will not be deemed a transfer within the meaning of this clause); (b) restoration or repair of the Condominium Project (after hazard damage or partial condemnation) in a manner other than that specified in this Declaration; (c)termination of this Declaration for reasons other than substantial destruction or condemnation, subject to the approval percentages required for such termination; (d) cornmon interest communitv: or (e) except as permitted in this Declaration. merger of the Condominium Project with any other any action not to repair or to replace the Common Elements CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4 47 Section 22,5. Notice of Obiection. Unless an Eligible First Mortgagee provides the Secretary of the Association with written notice of its objection, if any, to any proposed amendment or action requiring the approval of Eligible First Mortgagees within thirty (30) days following the receipt of notice of such proposed amendment or action, the Eligible First Mortgagee will be deemed conclusively to have consented to or approved the proposed amendment or action. Section 22.6. First Morteaeees' Riehts. (a)Advances. First Mortgagees, jointly or singly, may pay taxes or other charges which are in default and which may or have become a charge against any of the Common Elements or improvements thereon, and may pay overdue premiums on hazard insurance policies, or secure new hazard insurance coverage on the lapse of a policy, for the Common Elements. First Mortgagees making such pal.rnents shall be owed immediate reimbursement from the Association. (b)Cure Rights. First Mortgagees shall be entitled to cure any delinquency of the Unit Owner encumbered by a First Mortgage in the payment of Assessments. In that event, the First Mortgagee shall be entitled to obtain a release from the lien imposed or perfected by reason ofsuch delinquency. Section 22.7. Limitations on First Mortgagee's Rights. No requirement for approval or consent by a First Mortgagee provided in this ARTICLE 22 shall operate to: (a)deny or delegate control over the general administrative affairs of the Association bv the Unit Owners or the Board of Directors: (b)prevent the Association or Board of Directors liom commencing, intervening and/or settling any legal proceeding; or (c) prevent any insurance trustee or the Association ffom receiving and distributing any insurance proceeds in accordance with the requirements of ARTICLE 20 entitled "Restoration Upon Damage or Destruction". Section 22.8. Special Declarant Rights. No provision or requirement of this ARTICLE 22 entitled "Mortgagee Protections" shall apply to or contravene any Special Declarant Rights reserved to Declarant in this Declaration. ARTICLE 23 DURATION OF COVENANTS; AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION Section 23.1. Term. This Declaration and any amendments or supplements to it shall remain in effect from the date of recordation for a period of fifty (50) years. Thereafter, this Declaration shall be automatically extended for successive periods often (10) years each, unless otherwise terminated or modified as provided in this Article. Section 23.2. Amendment of Declaration. This Declaration may be amended as follows: CO*DOCS_A #152626 v44 48 (a)Reserved Amendment Riehts. To the extent that this Declaration and the Act expressly permit or require amendments that may be executed by the Declarant or by the Association, this Declaration may be amended by amendments executed solely by the Declarant or solely by the Association. To the extent permitted by the Act, Declarant may execute any amendment required or necessary to comply with applicable state regulatory requirements. (b)General Amendments. Exceot as otherwise allowed or restricted by this Declaration, this Declaration may be amended by a vote or agreement of Owners holding more than fifty percent (50%) of the total voting power of the Association, including a majority of the voting power allocated to Units or Club Estates not owned by Declarant. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, the percentage of the voting power of the Association necessary to amend a specific clause or provision of this Declaration shall not be Iess than the percentage of affirmative voting power prescribed for action to be taken under that clause or provision. (c)Permitted Use Amendments. Except to the extent otherwise expressly permitted or required in this Declaration, this Declaration may be amended to change the uses to which any Unit is restricted only by a vote or agreement of Owners holding at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the total voting power of the Association, including a majority of the voting power allocated to Units or Club Estates not owned by Declarant and including a majority of the voting power allocated to the Class if directly affected by such amendment (e.g., amendments changing uses for Club Units). (d)Special Declarant Rights Amendments. Except to the extent otherwise expressly permitted or required in this Declaration or under the Act, this Declaration may be amended to increase Special Declarant Rights, increase the number of Units or change the boundaries of any Unit or the Allocated Interests of a Unit or Club Estate only by a vote or agreement of Owners holding at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of Ihe total voting power of the Association, including sixty-seven percent (67%) of the voting power allocated to Units or Club Estates not owned by Declarant. Section 23.3. Amendment bv Declarant. To the extent permitted by the Act,, Declarant may execute any amendment to this Declaration required or necessary to comply with secondary mortgage market and Colorado state regulatory requirements. Section 23.4. Amendment of Other Goveming Documents. The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws shall be amended in accordance with the terms of such documents and the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act, as amended. The Rules and Regulations may be amended as determined by the Board of Directors. Section 23.5. Execution of Amendmentsl Expenses. Any amendment shall be prepared, executed and recorded either by the Declarant or by an officer ofthe Association designated for that purpose or, in the absence of a designation, by the President of the Association. All expenses associated with preparing and recording an amendment to this Declaration shall be the sole responsibility of: (a) any Owners desiring an amendment as provided for in this Declaration or the Act; (b) the Declarant, to the extent the right to amend this Declaration is reserved to the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+!49 Declarant and exercised by the Declarant; or (c) in all other cases by the Association as a Common Expense. Section 23.6. Intemretation. Recording of amendments to this Declaration and supplement to the Map in the Records shall automatically: (a)vest in each existins Owner the reallocated Allocated Interests appurtenant to each Owner's Unit or Club Estate; and (b)vest in each existing holder of a Security Interest a perfected Security Interest in the reallocated Allocated Interests appurtenant to the encumbered Unit or Club Estate. Upon the recording of an amendment to this Declaration, the definitions used in this Declaration shall automatically be extended to encompass and to refer to the Property, as expanded. A11 conveyances ofUnits or Club Estates after such expansion shall be effective to transfer rights in all Common Elements as expanded, whether or not reference is made to any amendment to this Declaration or supplement to the Map. Reference to this Declaration and Map in any instrument shall be deemed to include all amendments to this Declaration and supplements to the Map without specific reference thereto. Section 23.7. When Modifications Permitted. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 23.2 wrd Section 23.3 above. no amendment or termination of this Declaration shall be effective in any event during the Period of Declarant Control, unless the written approval of Declarant is first obtained. Section 23.8. Recording of Amendments. Any amendment to this Declaration made in accordance with this ARTICLE 23 shall be immediately effective upon the recording of the executed amendment in the Records together with a duly authenticated certificate of the Declarant or the Secretary of the Association stating that the required vote of Owners, if any, and required consents of First Mortgagees (and,/or Eligible First Mortgagee, as applicable) were obtained and are on file in the office of the Association or were not required to be obtained pursuant to this Declaration or the Act. The amendment must be indexed in the grantee's index in the name of the Condominium Project and the Association and in the grantor's index in the name of each person or entity executing the Amendment. Section 23.9. Rights of Eligible First Morteagees. To the extent allowed by the Act, Eligible First Mortgagees sha1l have the rights to approve specified action of the Unit Owners or the Association as a condition to the effectiveness of those actions as provided in ARTICLE 22 entitled "Mortgagee Protections". Section 23.10. Termination of the Condominium Project. The Condominium Project may only be terminated as provided in the Act. ARTICLE 24 V AIL PLAZA CLUB Section 24.1. Submission of Residential Units to the Vail Plaz a Club. Up to fifty (50) of the Residential Units in the Proiect will be submitted bv Declarant to the Vail Plaza Club as set CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+l 50 forth in this Article. The provisions of this Article relate only to those Residential Units submitted to the Vail Plaza Club and shall govern the ownership of Club Estates in said Club Units and the rights, duties and obligations of Club Members. So long as Declarant: (a) holds a Development Right; (b) owns any Condominium Unit or Club Estate; (c) holds a Security Interest in any Condominium Unit or Club Estate; or (d) for thirty (30) years after the date of recording this Declaration, the right to submit a Residential Unit to the Vail Plaza Club shall extend only to the Declarant and shall specifically not be available to purchasers ofResidential Units in the Project, their successors, or assigns except with the prior written consent of Declarant. Thereafter, any Owner may submit a Residential Unit to the Vail Plaza Club, with the prior written consent of the Association. Submission of a Residential Unit to the Vail Plaza Club shall be subject to the prior written consent of any First Mortgagee of the Club Unit. The provisions of this Declaration shall apply to all Club Units and Club Estates created hereunder; provided, however, in the event of an inconsistency between this Article and the remaining provisions of this Declaration with respect to the ownership of a Club Unit or Club Estate and the rights, duties, and obligations of Club Members, then the provisions of this Article shall control. Section 24.2. Definitions. Unless the context expressly requires otherwise, words shall have the meanings designated below with respect to those Residential Units which are submitted to the Vail Plaza Club. (a)"Christmas Holiday and New Year's Holiday" means extended occupancy periods for Christmas and New Years which include more than seven (7) days and never begin or end on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve or Christmas Day or New Year's Day. The Christmas Holiday always begins on the second Saturday that occurs on or before December 27 each year, with any Saturday falling on December 27 counting as the first of the two Saturdays, and ends on December 27. The New Year's Holiday always begins on December 2l artd ends on the Saturday that begins Club Week I in the succeeding year. Club Week 49 begins on the Saturday seven (7) days before the Saturday that begins the Christmas Holiday each year. All preceding Club Weeks in each calendar year (48 to l) begin on the Saturday seven (7) days before the start of the succeeding Club Week. (b)"Club Assessment" means the assessment paid by the ClubMemberspursuanttoW (c) "Club Calendar" means the calendar prepared each year by the Association which shall at all times establish the dates of each Club Week at least five (5) years into the future. (d)"Club Estate" means a timesnan estate consistine of an undivided interest as tenant in common in the present estate *ndin fee simple in a Club Unit-e{' a*jdes+ifisd-ryp€, together with an exclusive right to possession and occupancy of the Club Unit during the Club Week assigned to the Club Estate Owner by the Club Calendar or the Club Week specified in the Deed conveying the Club Estate to the Club Estate Owner. (e) "Club Membef' or "Member" means the Owner vested with legal title to a Club Estate. CO_DOCS_A #152626 vtt{5l (0 the Vail Plaza Club. "Club Unit" means a Residential Unit which is submitted to "Club Unit Fumishings" means all fumiture, appliances,(e) moveable equipment, utensils, carpeting, accessories, and other personal property located within a Club Unit. (h)"Club Week" means a period of exclusive possession and occupancy of a Club Unit established in the initial Deed conveying a Club Estate to a Club Estate Owner or reserved pursuant to the Reservation Procedures. Club Weeks for each Club Unit are established each year for the dates set forth in the Club Calendar. Club Weeks will usually consist of seven (7) consecutive days beginning on a Saturday. Club Weeks in a Club Unit shall be computed on the same basis and shall commence and end at the same time, on the same day of the week, according to this section unless the initial deed conveying a Club Estate in a particular Club Unit includes or refers to a Club Calendar which creates a Christmas Holiday and New Year's Holiday. (i)"Floating Club Estate" means a Club Estate subject to the Use Right Easement and Reservation Procedures set forth in this Plan of Club Ownership. S "formula for Alloc tormuta estannsnl Ctuf Unit set tortn o aU Cnf nstates wl inctuAinq the seas in tne fown of Vaitl. t nstate. anU wnetne ft} "has themeaningsetforthinSection24.|2ofthisDeclaration@ iorr. CI (k)."Resale Restriction" has the meaning set forth in Section 24.11 of this Declaration. {m) (q-'Reservation Procedu " means the Reservation Procedures established by the Association pursuant to Section 24.10. fu) (4f"Restriction Period" has the meaning set forth in Section 24.1 I of this Declaration. @} "fown of Vail nequi Section Z+.tZ ott ion' @) (*f"Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 24.11 of this Declaration. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+4 52 @ this Declaration. (ef"Use Right Easement" has the meaning set forth in Section 24.10 of Section 24.3. Submission of Residential Unit to Club Ownership. Declarant may submit a Residential Unit to Club Ownership either by recording a properly acknowledged notice executed by Declarant describing the Residential Unit to be submitted to Club Ownership and reciting Declarant's intention to do so or by Declarant's execution, delivery and recordation of a Deed conveying a Club Estate to a Club Member. By acceptance of a deed to a Club Estate, each Club Member waives their right to bring a suit for partition except in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration. For purposes of Section 10.6 and Section 10.7 of this Declaration, a Residential Unit submitted to Club Ownership shall be deemed conveyed to a Unit Owner other than Declarant after conveyance of ene-hn*dred@[ percent (10S20%) of the Club Estates in the Club Unit. Section 24.4. Conveyance by Purchaser. Each Club Estate shall constitute an estate in real property separate and distinct from all other Club Estates in the Club Unit and other Units, which estate may be separately conveyed and encumbered. A purchaser may acquire more than one Club Estate and thereafter convey or encumber each Club Estate so acquired separatelyo suUiect to tne nesa 2a'lfuull2llebebw. In no event, however, shall a Club Member convey or encumber less than a Club Estate as defined herein, or attempt to subdivide a Club Estate into lesser interests. In the event all CIub Estates in a Club Unit are acquired by one Member, such Club Unit may, at such Member's election and with the written consent of the Association by notice duly recorded, be withdrawn from this Vail Plaza Club. Section 24.5. Description of a Club Estate. A contract for sale of a Club Estate written prior to the date this Declaration is filed in the Records may legally describe a Club Estate by reference to the Club Unit No. and either the specific Club Week(s) or the purchaser's right to use and occupy the Club Unit during the weeks reserved under the Reservation Procedures, or by completing the following legal description: Club Week _, in Club Unit _ [or a Club Estate consisting of an undivided interest as tenant-in-common together with the exclusive right to possession and occupancy of Club Unit _ during Club Week(s) _ or reserved by the Club Member pursuant to the Reservation Procedures], according to the Condominium Declaration for Vail Plaza Hotel Resort Club,-a eondominium to be filed for record in Eagle County, Colorado. After submission of a Condominium Unit to Club ownership, every conffact for sale, deed, lease, mortgage, trust deed, or other instrument relating to a Club Estate will legally describe the Club Estate as follows: Club Week _, in Club Unit _ [or a Club Estate consisting of an undivided interest as tenant-in-common tosether with the CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+!53 exclusive right to possession and occupancy of Club Unit _ during Club Week(s) _ or reserved by the Club Member pursuant to the Reservation Procedures], according to the Condominium Declaration for Vail Plaza Hotel Resort Club, a €er*demi*i{rn-recorded ( dateJ, at ( Reception No.) and the Condominium Map recorded ( date ), at (Reception No.) in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Any legal description substantially in the form provided above or which is otherwise sufficient to identify the Club Estate shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer and encumber or otherwise affect a Club Estate and all Common Elements. Limited Common Elements and easements appurtenant thereto. Section 24.6. Administration and Manaeement. The administration and management of the Vail Plaza Club shall be performed by the Association. The Association shall have all powers necessary or desirable to effectuate any of the purposes provided for herein. A Club Member, upon becoming the owner of a Club Estate, shall be a member of the Association and shall remain a member for the period of time a Club Estate is owned. A Club Member shall be entitled to a vote, the size of which vote shall be based upon each Club Member's undivided interest as tenant- in- common in the nresent estate in ft applicable Clubl+ni*s-. Voting by proxy shall be permitted. The Club Members shall constitute a separate Class of Members in the Association for purposes of voting on all issues affecting the administration and management of the Vail Plaza Club, as further described in SeefionScelions I1.7 andLLJLof this Declaration. Section 24.7. Powers and Duties of the Association with Respect to Club Estates. By way of enumeration and without limitation and in addition to the powers and duties of the Association provided for in this Declaration, the Association shall also have the following specific powers and duties with respect to Club Estates: (a)coordinate the plans of members for moving their personal effects into and out of the Club Unit with a view towards scheduling such moves, so that there will be a minimum of inconvenience to other Members; (b) cause each Club Unit to be maintained in a frrst class manner and condition. The Association shall determine the color scheme, decor, and fumishing of each Club Unit as well as the proper time for refurbishment, redecorating, and replacement thereofl (c)acquire and hold title to all Club Unit Furnishings. The Association shall, on behalf of all Members, hold title in its name to all Club Unit Furnishings, and no Member shall have any right, title, or claim thereto, and the Association shall have the right to deal with Club Unit Fumishings for all purposes; (d)bill each Member for the expense of occupancy of a Club Unit during which occupancy the Association determines the individual expenses of the particular Member, including, but not limited to long-distance and other extraordinary telephone CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 54 charges, extraordinary repairs or charges for damage to the Club Unit, the Club Unit Fumishings, equipment, fixtures, appliances, and carpeting caused by a Member or such Member's guest or permitted Occupant, firewood, other charges rendered by the Managing Agent on behalf of the particular Member and maid service in addition to the standard maid service provided for each Club Week and included within the Club Assessment provided for in this Article; administer (i) a list of services to be offered by the Association to the Members, the cost of which shall be included in the Club Assessments; (ii) such other rules and regulations as the Association deems necessary or desirable, specifically including but not limited to fines and restrictions on use and occupancy if a Member is not current on Assessments or is otherwise in violation of the provisions of this Article; and (iii) if applicable, a Reservation Procedure as provided for in this Plan of Club Ownership; (g) upon the vote of more-*h*n-a Majority of €r'rqers-*nd+he Me.mhcr$, establish, subject to modification at any time, publish and administer procedures for the rental of Club Estates by Owners; and the Association may enter into separate rental agreements with Owners, provided that the Association shall not be the exclusive rental agent for the Vail Plaza Club or impose any limitation or restriction that may cause the rental arrangements to be deemed securities under federal or state law; (e) (0 (h) (i) collect the Club Assessment provided for in this Article; establish, subject to modification at any time, publish, and prepare the Club Calendar; enter into license agreements or other like agreements with respect to the operation, management, maintenance and/or benefits related to the Club; and 0)enforce the remedies for non-payment of the Club Assessments set forth in this Article. Section 24.8. Club Assessment. In addition to the Assessment for Common Expenses established by the Association to meet the Common Expenses of the Project, the Association shall also establish a separate Club Assessment which will be assessed against Club Estates to cover the Assessment for Common Expenses for the Club Units and the additional costs of operating the Club Estates as part of the Vail Plaza Club. (a)Club Assessment Items. The Club Assessment for each Club Estate may include but is not limited to, the following: (D the allocated share of the ehLlJsitS-Common Expenses Liability attributable to each Club Estatei based on the Club Estate's undivided interest as tenant in common in Exhibill:l; CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 55 (ii) maintenance and regularly scheduled cleaning and maid service and upkeep of the Club Unit; insurance occasioned by the operation of the Vail Plaza Club; (v)real and personal property taxes, if any, assessed against the Club Estates; ("i) management fees assessed by the Managing Agent to cover the costs of operating the Vail Plaza Club that are in addition to the management fees set by the Managing Agent for management of the Condominium Project; Fumishings; (iiD (iv) (vii) Club Unit Fumishings; repair and replacement of the Club Unit any additional premium for property or liability a reserve for refurbishment and/or rsplacement of premiums attributable to commercial general(viii) liability insurance coverage for death, bodily injury and property damage resulting from the use of a Club Unit within the Project by Owners of Club Estates, their guests or other users; (ix)amenities use fees assessed by the Managing Agent or Owner of the Parking Unit and/or Spa Unit for the use of the health spa and Parking Unit; and (x)any other expenses incurred in the normal operation of the Project attributable to operation of the Club Units as part of the Vail Plaza Club and not otherwise within the definition of Common Expenses provided for in this Declaration. ftj) {b)-Club Estate Assessm . The Club Assessment shall be assessed and prorated among the Members on the basis of each Club Estate's undivided interest as tenant in common in the Club Unit as set forth on Exhibit D-1. (b} $Ottieation to Pay ClM. The Club Assessment shall be paid by the Member pursuant to a schedule established by the Association. These Assessments shall be the personal and individual debt of the Club Member and all sums assessed but unpaid shall constitute a lien on the Club Estate. The Association shall have all of the rights in connection with the collection thereof as it has in connection with the collection of unoaid Assessments for Common Expenses. @) @Ha&S_S!_ClUb_$!aIg!. The Declarant shall advise the Cor.urty Assessor for Eagle County, Colorado of the ownership of the Club Estates operated by the Hotel Unit Owner as part of the commercial hotel operation, and the allocation of Percentage Interests into-all Club Estates inpSrssanlla Section @ and Sxhibits*&,*&-L; CO_DOCS_A #152626v+4 56 a*dExhibit !:L for purposes of implementing the special assessment procedures set forth in c.R.s. 39-1-102(5.5). sQ (e)-Club Assessment for . The Club Assessments will include a fee to be paid monthly to the Managing Agent, and/or the Spa Unit Owner, as applicable, for the use of the health spa, including the outdoor pool to be located on the Project. The Association has or will enter into a binding agreement with the Spa Unit Owner to require the Spa Unit Owner to make such amenities available to Club Estate Owners so long as the Association makes its payments to and meets all of the obligations of the Association under such agreement to keep such amenities available to the Club Estate Owners. Section 24.9. Acceptance: Enforcement: Indemnification. By acceptance of a deed to a Club Estate, a Club Member agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Declaration, specifically including, but not limited to, the provisions of this Article. In addition to all remedies provided to the Association in this Declaration, the Association shall also have the following special remedies with respect to any Club Member who fails to pay the Club Assessment or is otherwise in default of any provision of this Article: (a)In the event any Club Member fails to vacate a Club Unit after termination of the Club Week in which an Owner is entitled to use of the Club Unit or otherwise uses or occupies or prevents another Owner (or permitted Occupant) from using or occupying a Club Unit, that Club Member shall be in default hereunder and shall be subject to immediate removal, eviction or ejection from the Club Unit wrongfully occupied; shall be deemed to have waived any notices required by law with respect to any legal proceedings regarding the removal, eviction or ejection; and shall pay to the Orvner (or permitted Occupant) entitled to use the Club Unit during such wrongful occupancy, as liquidated damages for the wrongful use of the Club Unit, a sum equal to two hundred percent (200%) of the estimated expense of providing the arriving Owner (or permitted Occupant) with equivalent lodging and amenities, as determined by the Association in its sole discretion for each day, or portion thereof, including the day of surrender, during which the Club Member wrongfully occupies a Unit, plus all Costs of Enforcement which arnounts may be collected by the Association in the manner provided herein for the collection of Assessments for Common Expenses. (b)Any Club Member who suffers or allows a mechanics' lien or other lien to be placed against their Club Estate or the entire Club Unit shall indemnify, defend and hold each of the other Club Members harmless from and against all liability or loss arising from the claim or such lien. The Association may enforce such indemnity by collecting from the Club Member who suffers or allows such a lien the amount necessary to discharge the lien and all Costs of Enforcement incidental thereto. If such amount is not promptly paid, the Association may collect the same in the manner provided herein for the collection of Assessments for Common Expenses. (c)Withhold use or oossession of the Member's Club Estate during the Club Week entitled to use of the Club Unit, prohibit the Club Member from making any reservation pursuant to the Reservation Procedures, and upon notice, cancel any reservation previously made by such Member, and rent or reallocate any Club Week to which a Member would otherwise be entitled to use the Club Unit. CO_DOCS_A #15?626 v4!57 (d) Suspend all of such Member's member of the Association, including but not limited to, the right to other determination provided for in the Condominium Documents. rights and privileges as a participate in any vote or (e)Except as to a transfer to a First Mortgagee by foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure, no transfer of a Club Estate shall be permitted unless and until the proposed transferor is current as to all Assessments due to the Association and is otherwise not in default under any other provision of this Declaration. Any purported transfer of a Club Estate while a Member is delinquent or is in default on any other obligation shall be null and void. All of the remedies granted by the Condominium Documents, specifically including the specific remedies provided for in this Article are cumulative, and the exercise of one right or remedy by the Association shall not impair the Association's right to exercise any other remedy. The Association shall not be limited to the remedies set forth herein and may invoke any other or additional remedies provided for or allowed by the Act, in law or in equity. The Association may prrsue any of the remedies provided for in whatever order is determined by the Association. The failure by the Association to insist in any one or more instances upon the strict compliance with any provision of the Condominium Documents, to exercise any right or option contained therein, to serve any notice or to institute any action or proceeding, shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such provision, option or right. Section24.10. Cross Use Easements Pertaining to Floating Club Estates. All Floating Club Estates are subject to the following cross use easement rights and reservation procedures: (a)Cross Use Easement Rights. In order to maximize the availability of space to fulfill Club Members' desired use, subject to the provisions of Paragraph (b) below relating to reservations, all Floating Club Estates shall be available for reservation, occupancy and use (the "Use Rieht Easement") by Members of comparable Floating Club Estates in the Project. Comparable Floating Club Estates shall be deemed to be all Floating Club Estates in the same type of Club Unit (l-bedroom Club Unit,2-bedroom Club Unit, 3-bedroom Club Unit, and penthouse Club Unit). Each Deed conveying a Floating Club Estate shall be deemed to include a reservation of this Use Rieht Easement benefitine all Club Members. (b)Reservation Procedures. All Club Members shall be entitled to make reservations with the Association for the Club Week(s), or portions thereof, the Member desires to use pursuant to the reservation procedure from time to time established by the Association by rule and regulation (the "Reservation Procedure"). The Reservation Procedure shall specify the manner in which reservations are to be requested and confirmed. The right to reserve a Club Week, if unused in any year, is lost and does not accrue. The Reservation Procedure shall contain such schedules, conditions, restrictions and limitations as are deemed necessary or desirable by the Association. The Association may from time to time, without the consent of the Members or Eligible First Mortgagees, amend the Reservation Procedure to include, by way of enumeration and without limitation, one or more of the foltowing features: (i) A preferential reservation system for holidays such as New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Weekend, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas or other holiday period CO_DOCS_A #152626 v1{58 which allocates the opportunity to reserve the more popular holidays among the Owners of Floating Club Estates; (iD A procedure for determining priority ofreservation by lot, drawing, rotation, or otherwise on an annual or rotating basis; (iii)Restrictions on use and occupancy of a Club Unit if a Member is not current on Assessments or is otherwise in violation of the provisions of the Vail Plaza Clubl (iu)Penalties, including forfeitures of reservation rights for the calend ar year, for untimely cancellations or reservations; (v) (as hereinafter defined); Short term reservation procedures for Bonus Time (vi) A schedule offees to be separately charged to Club Members who use a portion of a Club Week or who use Bonus Time on a space available basis to cover the additional expenses of such use, including but not limited to, additional administrative, j anitorial and maid service costs; or (vii)Such other conditions. restrictions and limitations as the Association shall deem necessary under the circumstances to assure a manageable and fair system. (c,Bonus Time. Bonus Time shall mean any period of time not otherwise reserved which is used by a Member pursuant to the short tem reservation procedures (e.g. upon only 24 or 48 hours notice) ofthe Reservation Procedure and is in excess of the Club Week(s) to which the Member is entitled. The purpose of Bonus Time is to allow Members to use and occupy Club Units, or portions thereof, on short term notice and on a space available basis which might otherwise remain unoccupied. (d)Rental. The Reservation Procedures may prohibit or limit the right of Club Members to rent or to allow use by an unaccompanied guest of any Club Unit otherwise properly reserved by a Club Member. Section24.11. Resale Restriction. Owners of Club Estates shall be prohibited from selling, assigning, or otherwise transferring a Club Estate (not including a deed in lieu of foreclosure, transfer by public trustee or sheriffs deed, anv transfer of a Fir risht or interest i or any transfer in connection with the merger, consolidation, liquidationorreorganizationi*gf_anowner)(a..Transfer'')unti1the@ iLrc (5!) yen*syear from the recording of this Declaration (the "Restriction Period") uulersncchraut Aetermines, in nec Owner is at or anove Unit tVoe UaseO unon CO_DOCS_A #152626 v|$59 ebb-Eslatcs. This "Resale Restriction" shall automatically expire on and be of no further force and effect from and after the last day of the Restriction Period. During the Restric necUrant snan al nestriction witn re tne nesale nestric initiat sale of aU to resates by soecu Section 2a.12. Nshvithstanding the feregeing; if Deelarrnt and rn €)rvner se agree in writing rvith respeet ts lrny €lubEst*te srvrc*$y*reh€wrtetduring fhe Re'trietisn Period, a Tr*+s$eps|kirleh Or+nerts €lnb Estate rnay seew.*nd rvill not be subjeet tM followinf terr s end ehsive agent to m Esfs*€r (b|- Breker's antherirl'' shntl-bcgin-"trn-*he-d*@ ,tgreefir€rt &nd sh"U Perioa-* (e) Broker shall agree to use good faith efforts to find & purehaser for the elub Esttte; horveveri during the Restrietion Peried; Breker sh@ Clr*b Ssf*tes of the seine Clnts [J*it type ervned try Deelar*nt -prior $o orforhrg fo ewned b)' parties ether thrn Deelaranf are refcrred to as ('@ Interests shall be ef{ered in an erder ef prieriry (!' In+erese pe*hy€wner int +Sr€emen*. prevision*-+s +re es*t*rined in the slnndard etelusiye listing- agreement thsn used by inne. S€efion34,l3,Pu ion ine CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 . The Vail Plaza Club is a fractionat fee Ctu fhe Zonine Title im inctuainq a reouir no more tnan twene fl ensure compllance Owners of CtuU Bstat incnae aU CnU ns Val neouirement' rcquirement no tonser Bstate in viotatio ARTICLE 25 MIS€SI*+NS'P1J{i ENEOBEEMEI{T Section 25.1. Enforcemen#A*bi*r"*tie*. Subject to the provisions of lieetis*s 3ffi)&Eio!!252 and (c)Sce!isu253 regarding the mediationien4 arbitration and resolution of the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, rights-of-way, liens, charges and other provisions contained in Uocuments may fe enfo at law or in equity against any Person(s) (including, without limitation, the Association) violating or attempting to violate any such provision. Subject to the 252-aud-Sceiiqu25& the Association and any aggrieved IJnilOwner shall have the right to institute, maintain and prosecute any such proceedings, and the Association shall further have the right to levy and collect fines for the violation of any provision of any of the **e+es*id any action instituted or maintainedunderthisSection@shallbeentitledtoreeoYer_-i+s+o$+s "ll Costs of Enforcem , as well as any and all other sums awarded by the Court. Failure by the Association or any IJnilOwnertoenforceanycovenant,restrictionorotherprovisionkien shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Seetisu-zse Mediation and Arbi ,l]non the written demand of anv Unit Owner. Declarant or the Association (for nrrrnoses nf this Section J5**',y62.-sa&-of whicn is catted a tt iir-or more of which ar nisnute otner *la ion ts not successful U tUeaiation snaU ne demana for meaiatio (b)-For the purposes of this 2*(blArtislc, "DjSpUg" shall mean any dispute, action, claim or controversy, whether sounding in law, equity, contract or tort (excluding, however, tort claims arising from physical bodily injury) between the Declarant, the Association and/or any one or more UaiLOwners that: (i) concems or requires the application of any provision of {his Deeterationr the CO_DOCS_A #15?626 v+!6l @Documents};(ii)concemsorrequirestheapplicationofany provision of the Act; (iii) arises from any act, omission, transaction or occrurence in any Unit or in or on any Common Element; or (iv) concerns any Unit or Common Element or any improvement or item of tangible personal property in or on a Unit or Common Elementr$u*, Notwithstanahe th shall expressly exclude: (a) @lany action by any party to seek or obtain a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or similar equitable order or decree; (b) (blany action by any party to compel arbitration or enforce a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction, permanent injunction or similar equitable order or decree, or any award or decision of any arbitration conducted pursuant to *his*Section 2+(b)25,2; (9 &Lany action by the Association to *s$esasscss or collect any Assessments or to enforce or foreclose any lien for such Assessments, (d) (rllany action by the Association to enforce the provisions of this Declaration concerning use restrictions; er@) (e) any action pursuant to the provisions of this Declaration concerning mechanics liens--IJpe**he+ri{ten ing : and (fl anv action arisinq from an exnress. written walranql @} Filaediat&&-A written demand for mediation shall be made within a reasonable time after the Dispute has ariseq-e*-in -Iu the case of a Construction Dispute, wi+hin the reouirements of Se mediation. The Dispute shall be mediated by a mutually acceptable mediator to be chosen by the parties within thirty (30) days after the demand for mediation. No party may unreasonably withhold consent to the selection of a mediator, and each party shall share the cost of mediation equally. If the parties are unable to resolve the Dispute by mediation within one hundred twenty (120) days after the demand for mediation, then any party may make a demand for the resolution of the Dispute by arbitration in accordance with the terms of ]'i* nroceeainss for arb tor titisation of t commenceO Uv the A ioa, sucn action is annr tne voting nower of ion i pproved by the vote o trye thirds (2/3rds) ef the veting power ef the Orvners entitled te vote- Q} ($ArlrtratroU-A demand for the resolution of a Dispute by arbitration mustbemadeinwritingwithinareasonab1etimeafterthepartyM reouirements of Sec becomes entitled to submit the Dispute to arbitration. The demand for arbitration shall be delivered to the other party(ies) and the American Arbitration CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4!62 Association (the "Al!A') before the date when commencement of legal or equitable proceedings based on the Dispute would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. In no event shall the demand for arbitration of a Dispute be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such Dispute would be baned by the applicable statute of limitations. Any party who fails to submit to binding arbitration regarding a Dispute following a lawful dernand by the opposing party shall bear all costs and expenses, including reasonable attomeys' fees, incurred by the opposin g parly in compelling arbitration of such Dispute. Except as otherwise provided in this Section ?*f25JJb) or by the express written agreement of the parties, the AAA shall administer all aspects of arbitrations conducted pursuant to this Section 35-l-,25JIhI including selection of arbitrators, pursuant to the AAA's Commercial Arbitration Rules. Except as provided below with respect to enforcing the decision of the arbihator(s), once a Dispute is submitted to arbitration, the claims involved cannot later be brought, filed or pursued in any court. (S-All arbitration of Disputes shall be conducted in the greater Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. Except with respect to any Dispute involving, in the aggregate, claims and counterclaims of less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), arbitration hereunder shall be before a three (3) person panel of neuffal arbitrators consisting of persons from either of the following categories, but at least one (1) from each category: (i) an attorney who has practicedintheareaofrea1estate@1awforatleastten(10)yearSora retiredjudge at the district court or an appellate court level; or (ii) a person with at least ten (10) years experience in the residential construction industry. Any Dispute involving, in the ag$egate, claims of less than Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) shall be resolved before a single arbitrator meeting the qualifications set forth in clause (i) of the preceding sentence. The AAA shall submit a list of persons meeting the criteria outlined above for each category of arbitrator, and the parties shall select one (l) person from each category in the manner established by the AAA. Arbitrations conducted pursuant to the terms of this Se*iffi-++lAf4glc=25 will be govemed by Colorado law. The orders of the ar specify the factual a , ,-The results of any ar conducted nursuan a*ro*-?p,i"Article 25 shall b aecision of tne arf decree in tne Oistr @M or par* elnims thut are sulxtantially identie*l; and (ii) ar*ritr*te multiple Disputes ns a rvill sf*te as a cou*terelnirm rny elai The srder ef the rrbitrater(s) shall be in writing and shall speeifi the faetnrl and legal A,ctual Damaqcs. Erceolgs Drevidcd in Section ZS.Z(0) an with regard to awards of attomeys' fees and expenses, no pafty shall be entitled to receive any award of damages in connection with the arbitration of a Dispute , other than such party's actual damages, and Declarant, the Association and any Owner shall be CO_DOCS_A #152626 v{63 deemed to have waived their right to receive any damages i*-s-,Bi$pu+erother than actual damagesinal)ispulg, including without limitation special damages, consequential damages and punitive or exemplary damages. (hf-BY TAKING TITLE TO A UNIT-OR-€S{+C-BS+A.TSI EACH UNIT OWNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT SUCH OWNER HAS WAIVED AND SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE WAIVED THE zuGHT TO ANY AWARDS OF DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE ARBITRATION OF A DISPUTE, (OR LITIGATION OF THE SAME IN THE EVEN OTHER THAN OWNER'S ACTUAL DAMAGES. (Q (-f he arbitrator(s) shall make an award of attomeys' fees and expenses, including the fees and expenses of the arbitrator(s) to the prevailing party; provided, however, thalif the decision of the arbitrato(s) is not wholly in favor of one party, the arbitrator(s) shall allocate such fees and expenses between the parties,--The results et anv *r irCgnenG< : and. nrovided further. that tne a*itrators sla bySsclion2sJ(ht Sec1istr253 esnslrucfionJieBsles. Anv Dispute which r tne nnVsicat conAl l,i,r,i: and involves the Dec tLa-xo$ition adverse to th tConstruction Ois ad0ition to tne a*l nispute. as aenneO c.n.s. s t:-zo-sO ian snaU fe reouirea l resnect to such Con Cotorado courts at tlmitations snaU @} ien ien @Construction Disnute Procedures. Prior to invoking bindingarbitrationunder@above,theAssociationortheowner,as applicable (the "Initiating Party'') shall deliver written notice (a "Dispute Notice") to the Declarant specifying the particular defects that are the subject of the Construction Dispute, together with copies of all studies, suweys, reports and other documents relating thereto. The Dispute Notice shall contain the current mailing address for the Initiating Party. (k)-Within forty-five (45) days after receiving the Dispute Notice, the Declarant may deliver to the Initiating Party a written notice (the "Response Notice") designating a time and place for a meeting between the Declarant and the Initiating Party to CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+!64 discuss the Construction Dispute; provided, however, that such meeting shall take place within the Project or at the Declarant's principal place ofbusiness, and shall occur not less than seven (7) nor more than thirty (30) days after delivery of the Response Notice. +ne-Becl*an+-m*y Iecuirenent for or right nechrant mav make Elcnoeltror-IJuits identified in the Disnute Notice. Upon delivery of the Response Notice, all statutes of limitations applicable to the claim against the Declarant shall be tolled. If the Declarant does not deliver the Response Notice within the forty-five (45) day period, *spro+id€di#€etion (ri) of this $ e Initiating Party may institute meM&sn--binding arbitration Within thirty (30) d*y+ nfter reeeipt- ef After the meetins desisnated in the Response Notice, the Association and the Owners shall make available for furthcr-inspection and inycstigatiyetesting all Common Elements and a*itsUuils identified in the Dispute Notice. The Declarantshallpayallcoststorestoreanyportionsofthe damaged by Declarant's inspection and/or testing to its migin*l--condition_-prigrlto__$ch insBesdoEs-atrfutcsting and shall indemnify the Association for any damages arising from the inspection andior testing. All inspections and testing shall be completed within one hundred fifty (150) days after delivery of the Response Notice, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties. (l}-Within two- hundred ten (210) days after deliverdcllggry of the Response Notice, the Declarant may submit a written statement to the Association setting forth the Declarant's proposed settlement of the Construction Dispute (an "Qffer') and stating whether the Declarant proposes to repair or replace the r+s+kdefecls at issue, to pay the Initiating Party a cash sum in connection therewith, or a combination thereof, or to repurchase the Unit(s). If the Offer is accepted, the Declarant and its agents, employees and subcontractors shall be provided in-full access to the Project, including the Units, to take and complete the corrective action set forth in the Offer. If the Declarant does not deliver an Offer within two- hundred ten (210) days after delivery of the Response Notice or if the Offer is rejected, the Initiating Party may proceed to pinding 4rbitn*erbiuding__arbitadon pursuant to snbseetier+-{a}-o{-t}ie-.Section 3+l-.252&l ing @ (")-lt any time a*er ael terminate tle toll "?,ir,:t jy Aenverv ot thifv fm Initialine larbL Upon delivery of the Termination Notice, the Initiating Party shall be relievedofa11furtherobligationstosatisfytheconditionsofthis@andmay initiate Arbitration pursuant to sr*rce$ie+{b}o{+hi*-Section f+L25ag1 Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 2+25,3, the tolling of any statute of limitations pursuant to this @sha1lautomatical1yceasetwo.hundredforty(240)daysfollowing CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4{65 the delivery of the Response Notice. If the Initiating Party desires to assert another Dispute not set forth in any prior Dispute Notice delivered to the Declarant by the Initiating Pany the Initiating Party shall be required to satisfy all of the conditions and requirements of this Section ?+f!an with respect thereto. Seetion 25,3- deemed $s h*ve be€n duly delivered upen persennl deliverTi upen aefual reeeiptrfu* fhe ease d€r"lgryres* r€e€i@ier. @} t,imit on necoverv ol anv Construction U inctuahg costs. e receiot of Declarant ing Partv tnan tne Ofer, t expenses resardle nart,v. Further, if th attornevs' tees anal necUrant's Offer) is resnonsinte for atl tncurreA ater lnit aeauctea nv necUr tees ana exnenses to fnitiatins Par witnin ten ft0t aav ARTIE LE26 MISEELLANDOUS Sectiou26,L @ Failure by Declarant, the Association, or any Unit Ownery-eh*r-#stale-Or+ner-; or Eligible First Mortgagee to enforce any covenant, condition, restriction, easement, reservation, right-of-way, or other provision contained in the Condominium Documents shall in no wav or event be deemed to be a waiver of the rieht to do so thereafter. Scc!ion26,2. @ The provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to be independent and severable, and the invalidity of any one or more of the provisions of it by judgment or court order or decree shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any of the other provisions, which provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Any provision which would violate the rule against perpefuities and the rule prohibiting unlawful restraints on alienation shall be construed in a manner as to make this Declaration valid and enforceable. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 66 SeeliCItr26.3. Unless the context provides or requires tcthe conhary, the use of the singular herein shall include the plural, the use of the plural shall include the singular, and the use ofany gender shall include all genders. Seclion26.4" Sree+ie+?s5-Qpliq4l The captions to the Articles and Sections and the Table of Contents at the beginning of this Declaration are inserted only as a matter of convenience and for reference, and are in no way to be construed to define, limit, or otherwise describe the scope of this Declaration or the intent of any provision of this Declaration. Seetiod6S ln case of conflicts between the provisions in this Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation oflhe-Ass.ocrabon-or the Bylaws, this Declaration shall control. In case of conflicts in the provisions in the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation oflhcAs$oeialiolshall control. Secliou26.6. @ Any interest in property granted under this Declaration shall vest, ifat all, on or before the date ofthe death ofthe survivor ofthe now living children of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, plus twenty-one years. Seclisu-26J' Extribits. ,fl the I necnration are ln Sce!isn26,& @ This Declaration shall be construed and interpretedinaccordancewiththelawsoftheStateofColorado@isio*s ef the '{et nnd not the general eommon larn' (ineluding rernedies) of ien*ne}'-in*eomms*.i Sec1ion26.9. This Declaration is submitted, imposed, and declared solely for the benefit of the Declarant, Unit Owners, e*'ners ef €llnb E*ttteq-First Mortgagees, and their respective successors, assigns, heirs, executors, administrators, and personal representatives. No party shall be deemed a third party beneficiary of this Declaration. [REMAINDER OF THE PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANKI CO_DOCS_A #1526?6 v1{67 Executed as ofthe dav of 20 VAIL PLAZADEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Colorado limited liabilitv comDanv Print Name :-WaklirPrarlo Its:-j4auagef CO_DOCS_A #1s2626 v4 68 STATEOFCOLORADO )) ss.COUNTYOFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2,0S4ZQL by Waldir Prado, the Manager of Vail Plaza Development, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company. Witness mv hand and o{Iicial seal. NOTARYPUBLIC My Commission Expires: CO_DOCS_A #152626 vtl4 69 MORTGAGEE'S CONSENT The undersigned hereby consents to the execution and recording of the foregoing Declaration, agrees to be subject to and bound by the terms of the foregoing Declaration, and hereby subordinates the lien of its Deed of Trust, dated and recorded in Book _ at Page _ as Reception No. in the records of Eagle County, Colorado, to this Declaration and the effect hereof. Dated this _ day of _, 200_. lTrTLEl lTrTLEl STATE OF COTINTY OF On the _ day of 200-, personally appeared before me who, being by me duly sworn did say that she/he is the of By: ) ) ss. ) and that said instrument was sisred on behalf of said NOTARYPLIBLIC CO_DOCS_A #152626 v+4 70 Exhibit A To Declaration LEGAL DESCRIPTION The Property refened to in the Declaration is described as follows: PARCEL I: THAT PART OF LOT O, BLOCK 5.D VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILINC, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 96382 IN THE OFFICE OF THE EACLE COUNTY. COLORADO. CLERK AND RECORDER, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT O THAT IS ALSO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF A PARCEL DESCRIBED ]N BOOK 230 AT PACE 556 OF THE EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO. CLERK AND RECORDER'S RECORDS, SAID PARCEL CURRENTLY BE]NG KNOWN AS THE'GATEWAY PROJECT"" THENCE S79"46'OO"E I78.40 FEET, ALONG THE NORTI]ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT O, TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIIJM MAP TT]EREOF, RECORDED IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE I I, IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER. THENCE, ALONC THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID VILLAGE INN PLAZA. SO9"3O'OO"W 37.6I FEET. TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, CONTINUING ALONC SAID WESTERLY LINE, S09'30'00"W 102.21 FEET; THENCE, DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY LINE, N79'47'08"w 67.05 FEET; THENCE 510"12'52"W 32.60 FEET; THENCE N79o47'08"W 83,93 FEET, TO THE EASTERLY FACE OF AN EXISTING BUILDINO; THENCE THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES ALONG THE EASTERLY AND NORTHERLY FACES OF SAID EXISTINC BUILDING; (l) Nl0'01'09"E 6.41 FEET; (2) N79"58'51"W 6.35 FEET; TIIENCE, DEPARTING THE NORTHERLY FACE OF SAID EXISTING BUILDING, N10'12'52"E 69.82 FEET; THENCE 579"47'08"E 61.46 FEET; THENCE N32'56'27"E 63.51 FEET; S79"47'08"E 70.07 FEET, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 0.335 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. PARCEL 2: CONDOMINruM UNITS 766 THROUGH 794 AND 797 THROUGH 805, INCLUSIVE VILLAGE INN PLAZA, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, I982IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE I1, AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINruM DECLARATION RECORDED NOVEMBER 19. 1982 IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 12. COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 3: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS M, N, AND O, BLOCK 5.D, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING, ACCORDING TO THE MAP TI{EREOF RECORDED UNDER RECEPTION NO. 96382 IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER (CLERK'S RECORDS) DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT, ON THE NORTI{ERLY LINE OF SAID LOT O. WHICH IS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF A PARCEL DESCRIBED IN BOOK 230 AT PAGE 556 OF THE CLERK'S RECORDS, WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT N BEARS NORTH 79 DEGREES 46 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 175.00 FEET DISTANT; THENCE, ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE, SOUTH 79 DEGREES 46 MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST 178.40 FEET, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA, A CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 11 OF THE CLERK'S RECORDS; THENCE, ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID VTLLAGE INN PLAZA, A CONDOMINIUM, SOI]TH 09 DEGREES 30 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 37.61 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR VILLAGE INN PLAZA. PHASE IV CONDOMINIUMS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN THE CLERK'S RECORDS; THENCE, DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY LINE, THE FOLLOWING NINE COURSES ALONG THE NORTHERLY, EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LINES OF SAID CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR VILLAGE INN CO_DOCS_A #152626 v1{A-1 PLAZA - PHASE IV: (1) NORTH 79 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 08 SECONDS WEST 70.07 FEET; (2) SOUTH 32 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 27 SECONDS WEST 63.51 FEET; (3) NORTH 79 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 08 SECONDS WEST 61.46 FEET; (4)SOUTH l0 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 52 SECONDS WEST 69.82 FEET, To THE NORTHERLY FACE OF AN EXISTING BUILDING; (5) SOUTH 79 DEGREBS 58 MINUTES 51 SECONDS EAST 6.35 FEET, ALONG THE NORTHERLY FACE OF SAID EXISTING BUILDING; (6) SOUTH 10 DEGREES OI MINUTES 09 SECONDS WEST 6.41 FEET. ALONG THE EASTERLY FACE OF SAID EXISTING BUILDING; (7) DEPARTING THE EASTERLY FACE OF SAID EXISTING BUILDING, SOUTH 79 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST 83.93 FEET; (8) NORTH 10 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 52 SECONDS EAST 32.60 FEET; (9) SOUTH 79 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST 67.05 FEET, TO THE SAID WESTERLY LINE OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA. A CONDOMINII-MI THENCE THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE: (1) SOUTH 09 DEGREES 30 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 50.91 FEET; (2) SOUTH 80 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 56.60 FEET; (3) SOUTH 09 DEGREES 30 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 7.46 FEET, TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA. PHASES I AND II, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 388 AT PAGE 855 OF THE CLERK,S RECORDS; THENCE THE FOLLOWING FOUR COURSES ALONG THE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINES OF SAID VILLAGE INN PLAZA PHASES I AND II; (1) NORTH 80 DEGREES 22 MINUTES 22 SECONDS WEST 125.59 FEET; (2) SOUTH 42 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 21 SECONDS WEST 46.01 FEET; (3) SOUTH 82 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WEST 49.48 FEET; (4) SOUTH 10 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 02 SECONDS WEST 53.51 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF FORTEITURE OR RE\T,RTER CLAUSE AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIIIM MAP OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA - PHASE V CON'DOMINIUMS, ACCORDINC TO THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN THE CLERK,S RECORDS; THENCE THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM MAP OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA - PHASE V CONDOMINIUMS: (l) NORTH 80 DECREES 02 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 106.72 FEET; (2)NORTH 09 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 16 SECONDS EAST 6.75 FEET; (3) NORTH 80 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST 52.23 FEET, TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT M; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 23 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 105.76 FEET, ALONC SAID WESTERLY LINE, TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT M; THENCE, ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT N, NORTH OO DEGREES 23 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 50.05 FEET, TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED IN BOOK 230 AT PAGE 556 OF THE CLERK'S RECORDS; THENCE THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES ALONG THE SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY LINES OF SAID PARCEL: (1) SOUTH 79 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 147.36 FEET; (2) NORTH 10 DEGREES 14 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 147.43 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v74 A-2 Exhibit B to Declaration TABLE OF ALLOCATED INTERESTS TO UNITS Type of Unit Percentage sh*xe-sf Inlerestiu Common Elements Percentage $h*re eflnterest in Common Expenses Vote in the affairs of Association I. TolalAllscated Intcrests-af-Vail Plaza Club Ilnits_(See Exhibit B-l Jor each Club Unit's Allocated Inlcres!) 41.27 41.27 41.27 II. Vail Plaza €€rdominilrmPan]fbou se Unit 3.57 3.57 3.57 III. Employee Housing Unit 3.00 3.00 3.00 IV. Hotel Unit 20.41 20.41 20.41 V. Total Alloealcd Iutercsls-of-Commercial Units 1.00 1.00 1.00 A. Commercial Unit 3 (Spa Retail)r=$s8JE0E +*08JE0E {-8S8Jg0g B. Commercial Unit I 3,6€6J6636 3S636J6636 3S€6J6636 C. Commercial Unit 2 +ffi45282 4#45282 4WA5?82 VI. Parking Unit r3.61 13.61 13.61 VtI, Mpagemgpt Unit 4.09 4.09 4.09 VIII. Loading Unit 1.34 1.34 1.34IX. Catering Kitchen Unit 1.73 1.73 1.73X. Convention Unit 1.89 r.89 1.89XI. Servicelurt 4.36 4.36 4.36 XII. Spa_Ilnrt 2.38 2.38 2.38 XIII. Restaurant_Umt 1.33 1.33 1.33 TOTAL 100 percent 100 nercent 100 percent B-1CO_DOCS_A #152626 v1g Exhibit B-1 to Declaration CLUB UNIT (See Attached) CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 B:l-1 Club Iinit No. CluLUnil Desisnation No. ChLunit5suare Eoqfase-Pursrlantlo the Plans Yalue Factors Equivalenl Souare Footase Percentaee-Undivided Interesiln-Common Elements lot I tab 0.?5 957 O.7O31o/" IJA )1,205 0.75 9M 0.66460/o ru r.604 0.75 t.203 0.8846% t2tA 4 r.831 0.85 1556 | -l4450/o 12tn s19 0.85 441 O.3244o/" 20t 6 1,276 o.11 983 0-7225o/o 2U 7 1,t gg 0.77 ott 0.6783o/n 2I!I |,604 o.11 t,235 0.9082% )11 I 1,407 o.77 1,083 O.7961o/o ?aea 10 1.004 0.85 853 0.62750h ?23n l1 403 0.85 343 0.2519o/o 2244 n 401 0.87 35t 0.25780/" ?248 Il r -487 0.87 r -294 0.9513o/o 2.25A t4 403 0.87 351 0.25180 225n 15 l -441 0.87 1.2s4 0.9?te:/,,! 227 A 16 t,43 |0.7s I "0?3 0.78920 ?2n n 47l'o-7s 359 0.76tr6% 30f 18 WA 0.87 r-il0 0.8t63% 3t0A 19 696 0.95 661 0.4862Vo 3r0n ?A 814 0.95 lLt 0.5686o/" ilr ^ 1^1U 0.95 1.245 0.9t58% 3I.2 1)1.853 r.00 1,853 1.3626V., Iti t1 LA49 t.00 1.740 1.2795Vo 314A A lttt2 0.91 1J40 1.0586% 3l4F tl 4&7 0.9r 443 o.3259V" 31 5A 26 1JL3 0.43 f;U4 o.966301, 3158 ,,1 402 0.q3 t1a 0.2149V" 31_6 ?a 1.743 1.00 1-743 1 .2817o/o 3lt ?"9 1.143 1.00 1.143 | -2817 0/n 318A 30 4!2 0.90 362 o-26600 3l8B 31 r4[0.90 1.291 O-9537o/" 321A 32 r.301 0.71 1.002 O-1367o/" 32rB 11 451 o.77 347 o.2554"/" 40t u 958 0.95 ql0 o-66920/" 492 1S 1,273 1.00 1,273 0.9367o/" 40t 36 1,7 45 1.00 1,145 1.28320/" 4A!J.L LJ45 1.00 L2l5 8.6783o/" CO_DOCS_A #152626 v41 B=l-2 Club llnit No. ClublJnil Desipnation No. CluLUniiSquare nqalaseiuIsuantlo the Plans Value Factors Eqrtitalsxl Square Footaqe Percenraeelhdivfuled lnlerestinlonnon F lements 405 3E ug t.00 1,737 1.2773Vo 40(39 998 1.00 998 0.7339% 491 40 1.745 r.00 r,745 r.28320 4A 4L lJ10 r.00 r -710 1 .25140/n 4254 42 t-602 0.87 1,-19,fi r.0281%" 425n 4t 452 0.87 393 0.28920/" 50t 44 1,703 t.00 1"703 1 .25230/., 502 45 1.744 1.00 1-744 1.2824l,/" 50:46 rt90 0.90 l,[f=1 0.8537V" s04A L7 ldct 0.90 1,432 1.0529V" s04B 4E 380 0.q0 342 0.2515V" 5I)i 49 1.763 r.00 1-763 1.29610/" 506 fl)r.7r5 1.00 1 -715 | .26ll'!/0 Total s6J23 4r.27o €fu$-{J*i*++e' 3+S l+2 *7 2S3 2.+2 3+8 tl+ 3e7 303 302 3S{ 348 3+1 346 345 3& 334 112 4{g 4&9 CO_DOCS_A #152626 v1! Ch*b Desiel+"+io n-No' +,' 3 4 5 6 ,1 I I {s 1+ +2 13 "14 +5 16 14 18 19 N +e*ee**ee sh*re_of eemme* gleme*t{ .5S65 6689 .674& 52€ ''-984s098 ,#7 ,6)* .#2 59S? s985 $088 ,6gss .6428 5947 J&#} s6g4 ,#{ #9+9 ,s573 B:1-3 Pereenttes*here ef€emmtmM €065 s6s9 #72.4 #€ #084 .599$ #1 s+13 '#?s982 5985 s088 s088 .6rQ$ #sw 3#Z "s6t)4 #2+4 3949 #93 :r'etu-in-ths *fr*irs-sf ,{s*e+is+irrs s065 s68+ $7X## #08.d s098 #1 s+13 < ttt 5902 s9$5 .6088 s08* ,#18 #+1 #8+;l ,4694#t4 3g+g ##? €ft*b$*i+Ne. .10tP 4$7P ,1S6p .r0S 4S3M 40+ 442+ 441+ MQ 439 €6 427 5S+ 5S6P 5g5P 5S4P 503P 5&2 50{+ *7 54+ 5{5 60t+ 6fiLP 603P 6S4P 6$5 606P 6+1+ Desien&+io n+io' 2+ 1.1 23 21 35 46 an x ?9 3S 3+ * t5 14 35 36 &7 33 39 4S 4+ & 43 44 45 46 +7 48 I 5S P+reffi+eEe share-ef €en*men Bleme*ts J+S3 l=3$66 1";666 3+96 *89? #104 $958 ffiw2 .,6955 5533 #5.13 .ssg4 JQ64 .ges l-rs38 +ss;l+ r=+$tt4 34{9 LS99S +061-s s076w6 s4,98 + tt74 ,8450 s402 '66+7p930 {-356$ 4+,27V" P$een*age-$h&re e{-€smmen S'XP€*S€S 9+S3 4Js66 l-2665 'g486 *8+3 g+tt4 5958 s308wz 6956 ,55JS #5r3 s034 3tJ$4 '96Ae t=2838 I-05;17 l.-r554 3S# i-$99S *s6+s Jts?6 s296 lJ,498 t-++74 ;8450 s4s3 rW7 +J93e t*569 4+21!%, Ye*ein-the *f*irs-ef *ssoeiafie* 9+83 t=2066 ffi 3'96 *8+? 'J1-91s9ss H08w? s956 '5#S J5"13 *0*f ,7964gffi ffi t8# {+59 315 LS99S#t{ ss76 ,8396 ffiwl s450 *4$3 ,66+7g93g 4#6tl 4+ArykTOt'^t CO_DOCS_A #152626 u44 B:l-4 Exhibit C to Declaration EASEMENTS AND LICENSES OF'RECORI) Permitted Exceptions RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TIIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY I2. I899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B] RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCR]M]NATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST IO,1962, IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE 179. RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN VAIL VLLAGE INN, A COLORADO CORPORATION, JAMM LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND VAIL VILLAGE INN ASSOCIATES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP RECORDED JANUARY 3,1983 ]N BOOK 35I AT PAGE 324. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 09. 1983 IN BOOK 367 AT PAGE 833, CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENTS BETWEEN VAIL VILLAGE INN. INC.. A COLORADO CORPORATION AND F&L VAIL VILLAGE INN PARTNERSHIP, A COLORADO CENERAL PARTNERSHIP RECORDED JULY IO, I984 IN BOOK 388 AT PAGE 86I. DECLARATION OF PARTIAL VACATION OF EASEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID EASEMENT RECORDED JULY 25,1985 IN BOOK 420 AT PAGE 741. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS RECORDED FEBRUARY 04, I988 IN BOOK 478 AT PAGE 377. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION CONCERNING PARKING WITHIN SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 6 RECORDED JULY IO. I984 IN BOOK 388 AT PAGE 856. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION OF EASEMENTS RECORDED DECEMBER I 7, 1992 IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 908 AND AS SHOWN ON ALTA/ACSM SURVEY PR,EPARED JULY 26. 1996 BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYING. INC.. JOB NO. 854-5, EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILINC, EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC.. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, I971 IN BOOK 222 AT PAGE 32I, AND AS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED NOVEMBER 19. 1982 IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE I I. EASEMENT GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC.. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 2r, r 983 IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 397. CO_DOCS_A #15?626 v4!c-1 THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO A CERTAIN CONDOMINIUM LTNIT, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, I982, IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 12. EASEMENT BETWEEN VILLAGE ]NN PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NON.PROFIT CORPORATION, VAIL VILLAGE INN, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION, AND F & L VAIL VILLAGE PARTNERSHIP, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP IN DOCUMENT RECORDED JULY IO. I984 IN BOOK 388 AT PAGE 862. EASEMENTS, CONDIT]ONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED CONDOM]NIUM MAP OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, ]NC. IN INSTRIA{ENT RECORDED JANUARY 2I, 1983 IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 396, ENCROACHMENT AND ROOF OVERHANG OF VILLAGE INN PLAZA PHASES I AND tI ONTO ST,tsJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE BY EAGLE VALLEY SURVEYINC, INC., JOB NO. 854-5, DATED JULY 26, 1996. NOTE: EASEMENT AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID ENCROACHMENT WAS RECORDED JULY 10, 1984 IN BOOK 388 AT PAGE 86I. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AND VIEW AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 22, 1989 IN BOOK 520 AT PAGE 167. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED APRIL 14, 1992 IN BOOK 577 AT PAGE 628. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RECORDED APRIL 23, I992 IN BOOK 578 AT PAGE 368 AND RERECORDED APRIL 30. 1992 IN BOOK 578 AT PAGE 996. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DEED OF EASEMENT RECORDED MAY 1 8. I994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 62I. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4{c-2 Exhibit D To Declaration UNITS SUBMITTED TO VAIL PLAZA CLUB Pen+hsuse-Clr*b Uai+$+Ll-) 60+P &2+ 6$3P 6S4P 6S6P 6g+P €|r*b$esisn*+is* 44 45 46 +7 I 5S Penfhe**+€l*b C&rb$esiene*ie* {J*its.fuen+iruetD 505P 506P 408P 503P sg-{P 36 35 z+ 38 # O*e-Bedrssm €lu${Jnits-{43} *24t 3rs 30+*2 303 3+8 345 346 E+7 34$ ,lg+ €lllb-Besi****ion OneBedroem-Clr*b €{*b$csisne+ion Usi*{eontim*ed}5 .{0t x 4 4g3 2,5 + 4S5 24 ++4/J1}30.l$ 4tg +9 I 142 {A 6 4g$ J+ 15 44.9 30 {4 582 g .$ 507 34 & 6$5 48 +7 T{ry€-Bcdroom e|rrb+*i+3{l+) 2+7 212 307 3#! 334g& Clt*F$e*igns+ie* T{fo4€dr€os4:lub Clrrb$esien*ti€rr Uni+rfee*+intret$&7 33435 325.r5 43#+ +2*1 4+ * :, I 44- +6 Three$edrosm(]t*{ni*+(s} 4S6P .197P 44++ 4#p sS+P €I&b-gesisa{+isn 23 &2 2+ 38 4g CO_DOCS_A #152626 v14 D-1 Club Unit No. Gtub-lJnit Desionation No.Club lJnit No. Club-Urit Desionation No. 108 L 3{5A 20 114 2 3t58 2Z 118 3 3{6 28 1214 4 317 29 t21B 5 3184 30 208 0 318B al u4 7 3214 u aa I 3218 3:t ?22 I 401 34 2234 lo 492 35 2238 17 rl03 36 2244 12 404 37 2248 13 405 38 225p.M 405 39 22fia l_tt NI tlO 227A 10 42t 47 2278 fi 4254 42 308 18 4258 !A 310A 19 501 a 3{08 29 502 45 311 27 503 .10 312 ?2 504A 4t sl3 23 5048 48 314A H 505 49 3{48 25 506 50 TotalGlub Units = 50 CO_DOCS_A #152626 v4!D-3 It Exhibi!-D:1- T9 Deelaralion CLUB ESTATE UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN CLUB UNIT {See Attached) CO OOCS n gsZeze v+ n o Club Week Yaluc Factor Undrvided lnterest in Glub Unit 7 0.80 2.78% z 0.80 2.78o/o 3 0.80 2.78% 4 0.80 2.78% 5 0.95 3.30o/o 0 1.00 3.48o/" 7 1.05 3.657q I 1.00 3.48o/o 9 1.00 3.48o/o 10 1.00 3.48T" 11 1.00 3.480 12 1.00 3.48o l.it 1.00 3.48Y" 14 0.70 2.430 15 0.01 0.03% 16 0.01 0.03% 1t 0.01 0.03% 18 0,01 0.03% 1_9 ol 0'35."1e 29 OJ 0.35% 21 OJ 0.35%u 0l 0,35% 23 OJ 1.A4o/ouOJ1.04o/o 25 0.60 2.O9o/o 26 0.70 2.43o/on0.60 2.O9o/o 28 0-60 2.O9o/"n 0.65 2.260/o 30 0.60 2.09o/o 31.0.60 2.09o/"u 0.5 1.74o/o 3.1 0.5 1.J4%u 0,5 1.74Vo 35 0-5 1.,74Ye 30 0.275 0.96% 3Z 0.275 0.96% co-DocsJ #{s2626 v4 D oo Club Week Value Factor Undivided lnterest in Club 38 o.275 0.96% 39 0.275 0.96% 40 (L1 0.35% 41 0.1 0.35%a 0l 0.35% 43 OJ 0.35% 4 0,1 0.35% 45 0l 0.35'/q !t0 0.90 3,13% 47 0.80 2.78% I 0.80 2.78Yo 49 0.80 2.78Yo c.H."1.514 5.260/" N.Y.H.*1.964 6.83% All Estates 28.77 100.00% -C.n.= Cnristmas n-tl.V.tt. = tlew Vear' fne CluU Weef assio unUiviAeU interest TOTAT CtUB UNIT$ = 60 CO-oOCs-l *tsZ6ze "l D Document DeltaView on T March 08 2005 11:47:44 AM ://co docs a115262611 ://co docs a115262614 Inserted cell ?**o 2006 BudgetforVail Plaza Glub (l Common Expenses (Entir€ Proiect) Utilities Exterior Building Maintenance/Repairs Hallway Maintenance Stairwell Maintenance Elevator Maintenance Public Restrooms Lobbies Garage Access Areas Landscaping Ski Valet and Storage Pest Control Securily Cable Television lnternet Trash Services Reserves Miscellaneous Total Project Common Expenses Vail Plaza Club Expenses Front Desk Reservations Telephone General & Administfation Payroll Taxes and Benefits Maintenance Housekeeping Launory Management Fee Housekeeping Amenities Taxes tnsurance Reserves Spa and Parking Fee Linens Miscellaneous Total Glub Expenses Club Unit Allocation of Common Assessm€nts Vail Plaza Club Assessments Total Assessments/Expenses o $ o 't,664,647 453,460 '120,000 60,000 30,000 60,000 120,000 60,000 12,000 75,000 15,000 152,21e 45,000 30,000 18,000 100,000 100,000 D o q o o 200,000 150,000 65,000 200,000 184,000 125,000 350,000 12',t,OOO 215,000 70,000 150,000 70,000 250,000 '171,000 40,200 120,655 $ 1,285,694.81 . $ 2,481,855.00 $ s,767,549.8'1 #152347 Y.6 ?a""r"o 2006 BudgetforVail Plaza Club O Club Unit PatidCritaaie lnterest of Common Expenses Common Expense Liability Club ** l Assessment Total ** Assessmsnt 108 O.7037o/o $ 21,922.55 $ 42,439.72 $ 64,362.27 114 0.6646%$ 20,704.45 $ 39,957.87 .$, . P-q,-6--6-?,-q?. 118 0.8846%27,558.17 $ 53,111.70 80,669.87 1214 1.14450/.654.90 68,747.38 104,402.28 121B'o.32440/0 10,106.12 19.606.65 29.712.77 208 o.72250/0 43.432.46 940.69 21 0.6783%21,131.25 40,702.42 61.E33.67 218 O.90820/.28 39 54,600.81 82,8%..20 tzz o.79670k 24.819.80 47.899.E0 72,719.60 zzJ|\O.6275o/o 19.548.67 37.724.20 57,272.86 | zzJ6 o.2519yo $ 7,847.50 15.139.32 $ 22,986.82 o.2578%$031 31 $ 15,387.50 $ 23,418.81 | zz+6 0.9513%29.636.09 57,330.85 86,966.94 ??p_4 zz36 ,1,??.7_gli1:_ O.9219o/o $- - .,...8-10-,3-:l ;3-l$ 28.720.19 .$. . .1-q,-3_97''99s 55.345.37 ?-3,,4:1.9'q:1 84,065.55 o.7892%24,586.15 47,403.43 71,989.58 227B,0.2636%2.00 15.883.87 24,O95.87 ana 0.8163%430.40 49,140.73 74.571.13 310A 0.4862%15.146.71 .89 $ 44,432.60 ?,1 nEl 0.5686%17.713.74 u,249.60 51.963.34 311 0.9158%28,530.15 $ 55,097.18 oz / -JJ 312 1.3626Vo $ 42,449.42 81,901.22 124.s50-64 JIJ SiaA ',-, - 1,?-l -s--5-'1:. -, 1.0586% -$, " " 9"e-'F,,q,,9.-e,$ 32,978.84 937.51i*ii At . , ll.Q,Z9-8".0€ 96,762.51 rJ t+E)0.3259%$ 10,152.85 $ 19,606.65 759.50 315A u-t ooJ-/o $ 30,103.39 075.41 178.80 31sB o.2749Vo $ 8,564.03 16.628.43 25,192.46 316 1 .2817o/o $ 39,929.13 77.185.69 117.114.82 317 1.2817%$ 39,929.13 77.185.69 117,114.82 1 #152347 v.6 I-Frojected 2006 Budget for Vail Plaza Club * Note: Club Unit Allocation of Common Assessments is 41.27% of the Total Project Common Expenses. ** Note: To allocate 100% of the Vail Plaza Club Expenses to the Club Units, first divide each Club Unit's Percentage Interest of Common Expenses (Exhibit B- 1 of the Declaration) by the total interest of lhe Club Units in the Project (Exhibit B of the Declaration), then, multiply lhe resulling percentage by the Total Club Expenses. Club Unit 108 Percentage Interest: O.7O37o/o Total Club Unit Interest in the Project: 41.27% Total Club Expenses: $2,4e1,855 Example: $2,481,855 lO.7 037 I 41.271=$42,439 *.* Note: To delermine a Club Estate's allocated share of Comrnon Expense Liability and Club Assessment, multiply the Club Estate undivided interesl in the particular Club Unit on Exhibit D-1 of the Declaration by the Tolal Assessment in this Budget for the particular Club Unit. Club Unit PercEntaqE lnterest of Common Expenses Common ExpEnsE Liabilitv Club**Total * 3184 o.2660'/"$ 8,286.77 .lE ee? n7 $ 24,170.64 | 3188 0.9537%$ 29,710.86 $ 57,330.85 87.O41.71 321A'O.7367o/o o lz,v3u.ou $ 44,177.02 ?7\1?7._6|?.: JZ tO o.25*o/o o /, Y3O.C+$ 15,387.50 $ 23,344.04 401 O.66920/o $ 2O,U7.76 $ 40,206.05 61,053.81 402 0.9361%$ 29,162.56 $ 56,338.11 s5,500.67 | 403 1 .28320/,$ 39,975.86 $ 77,185.69 .4-7 4A4 trtr 404 o.67830/0 $ 21,131.25 $ 47,899.80 031.05 405 1 .2773'/"$ 39,792.05 $ 76,689.32 116,481.37 406 0.7339o/o $ 22,863.37 $ 44,177.O2 $ 67,040.3s 407 1 .28320/0 $ 39,975.86 $ 77,185.69 4 4-7 .1A4 EE 427 1 .2574o/o $ 39,172.10 $ 75,696.58 '114.868.68 425p.1.O281o/o s Jt,uzo.oo 44 70R,tO vJ.ozo.oc 4258 o.2892%009.52 17.372.99 26.382.51 501 1.2523%$ 39,013.22 .21 114,213.43 502 1.2824Yo 'lo oRn o?77,1 85.69 117.136.62 0.8537%26,595.53 51.374.40 77 0AO O? 5044 1 .O52go/o 32,801.26 $ 63,287.30 96,088.56 5048 o.2515o/o 7,835.04 15. 1 39.32 22.974.36 1.2964Yo 08 77.930.25 1 18,317.33 JUD 1.2611y.$ 39.287.37 $ 75.944.76 $ 1 15,232.13 Total:41 .27000/o $ 1,285,694.81 $2,481,855.00 3.767.99.8'1 #152347 Y.6