HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT B VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 1972-1979Project Application .i Pr.oject Description: ' '- ;;- J-.f , " .4:'-' il:* . Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ing Administrator departrrrent of cornrnunity clevelopment 1 December L9'/8 box 100 vail, colorar.!o 81657 (303) 476-5613 Pepi Gramshammer Box 506Vai1, Colorado 6165? JAR/gew cc: Kent fiose Re: Parking lrariance at tti Vail Athletic Club Dedr.r Pcpi : f have calculated the square footage for Fitzhughscottrs unit in -uhe vail. Athletic club and came up with a GRFAof -2,101 sc1. Lt, Thj"s results in ilrere being a sufficientreductlon j-n the Parklng Requirement for the valr Athletic clubbuilding, so that the Parking Variance is not required. .It hzrs also been brought to m5' attent j-on thatdelivery vehicles are sLil1 unloading on East l,,{eaclorv DriveThis rvas something that you stated at the plauning & Environmenialcommission meeting would be stopped once you were able to reusethe delivery room in which the launclry facilities are loc,ated.The parking of any type of vehicles along East Meadorv Drivepres_ents a very dangerous situation, especially for the Townof vail buses. This is something we want discontinued. immed.iatelv. ff you have further cluestions on this matter, pleasegive rne a cal1. Sincerely, i'. ,\ -. )*na47].0i'&-:- fJames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator v,_( Lr___ c tq.r 4__ I It - r'I c- It -{---- It>--t 'i fls\./\,-1., r,-) A^t__r_ llOT.ay, f / ,- "\ _ t,, \{6-rA /l-5;: -llt= ?r-)\ (t t )- / ) /..: I ; --r* - t t/6f* r 2,lo t . / -l'_ -.- . tr ' 1 l i I I..il 'l II I I II,t TI-l TI T T.: IIITIIiTIIIIIII:II'r I ,-IIIIIH I MEIVIORANDUM TO: IROM: DAIE: &E: PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEPTEIJBER 29. T978 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB PARKING VARIANCE, TRACT B, BLOCK 5, VAIL VILLAGE lst FILING Pepi Gramshammer, representing the VaiI Athtetic Club has requested the variance as stated above in order to convert a l-car space in an underground garage into a laundry room. The reason for this Variance is that the laudry room has to be moved because of noise and is presently in an inad.equate space, but, moving it involves removing the availability of one parking space required by the lttunicipat. Cod.e Seetion 18.52.100 Parking - Requirements Schedule. The Department of Community Development bas reviewed the criteri-a and findings provided for in section lg.az.oao of the Municipal Code and our eonelusions are as follows: The relationship of the requested varianceto other existing and potential uses andstructures in the vicinitv. No significant impact, see be1ow. The degree to which relief from strietor lateral interpretation and enforcementof a specified regulation is necessaryto achieve compatability and uniformity'of treatment among sites in the vicinityor to attaln the objectives of this ordinancewithout grant of special privilege. Paqe 2 OVail Athletic ClibParking Variance September 29, 1978 Fltztrugh Scott has converted 2 accommodation units and I dwelling unit inot a 3-bedroosr unit for himself aud this reduces the parking requirement by 4/LA of a space. (One of the Accommodation urrits had been counted for parking as a Iock-off from a dwelling unit). The Variance, then, would be for a space equal to 6/LO of a parking space or: 10A.6 square feet (9'x19'x6/10 = l-O2 square feet). The effect of the requested varianceon light and air, distribution ofpopulation, transportation and trafficfacilities, public facilities and utilities and public safety. The Department of Community Development graating of the variance will not constitute privilege inconsistent with the limitations classified in the sarne district. finds that the grant of special on other properties That the granting of the variancewill not be detri.mental to the publicirealth, safety, or welfare, or materiallyinjurious to properties or improvementsin the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for tbe followi.ng reason: The strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of the specified regulationwould result 1n practical difficulty orunnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this tit1e. The Department of community Development recommends approval of this variance with the qualification that no further parking - elemination varlances for the vail Athletic club be permitted. .MINUTES PLANNING &' OCTOBER 10, o*u, ooort*rA,-, coMrlrss roN 1978 Members Present: Staff: Ed Drager, Chairman Jim Morgan Pam Garton Sandy Mi1ls Roger Tilkemeier Gerry White A1len Gerstenberger James Rubi-n The meetj.ng was brought to order by EdJim Rubin suggested we go Item 3 on the Agenda,Mountain School Conditional Use Permit. Drager, Chairman The Vail Jay Peterson asked for a postponement for two weeks because he felt that sufficient notice had not been given. Pam Garton made a Motion to postpone the Vail MountainSehool Conditlonal Use Permit hearing for two weeks (October 24, 19?8). Seconded by Gerry lfhj.te. The motion passed with unanj-mous approval. The next Item was #2 on the Agenda, Vail Athletic ClubParking Variance. Pepi Gramshammer represented the Vail Athletic C1ub.A request to eonvert a parking space into a laundry room was mad.e.The reason for thiF was that the designated. laundry room wasinadequate for the,large heavy duty washers and dryers. There was some concern from Pam Garton about the trafficpattern in the winter and how it would affect the parking spacesavailable if one space lvas given up to a laundry room. Jim Rubin explained that Fitzhugh Scott had converted 2 accommodation units and 1dwelling unit into a 3 bedroom apartment,but this had only reduced the existing parking requirement by 4/10of a space. The varianee therefore rvould sti11 be required. Gerry White made a Motion to approve the Variance withthe condition that no further parking variances would be granted andthat Pepi be assessed 91000 for a parking space as stipulitea tythe Town council. seconded by Roger Tilkemeier. The lvlotion passedby a vote of six in favor of approval-, Sandy lr{ills opposed. w PIIBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS ffiREBY GI\IEN THAT Pepi Qlamgfuamme1, representlng the VaiL Athletlc Club has requested a Variance fron the provisions of Section 18.22.L4O,'parking and Loading, of the Town of VaiI Municipal Code, in order to eonvert a parking space in an underground garage into a laundry room. A Public Eearing wlll be held in accord with Section 18.66.O60 of the Vail Municipal Code before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on October 10, f9?8. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOIYN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVEI]OPMENT Zoning Administrator Published in the VaiI Trail Septeruber 22, 1978-. NOTIFICA"ION LIST:Vail Athletic Variance from Club Parking & Loading Mountain HausAtt: Carl Oppenheim Box 1748Vai1, Colo. 81657 Vorlaufer ApartmentsAtt: Manager or Agent 385 Gore CreekVail, Colo.81657 Mike Palmer Real Estate Cornj.ce Bullding 362 Vail Valley Dr.Vai1, Colo. 81657 Mailed 9-22-78 cEltt TOIlIN OT VAIL APPLICA?ION FON VARIANCE Application Date Publication Date Public llearing Dat Name of Applicant'?czr- Name of -O\lmer if different from Applicant Mailing Address Telephone: {l L5 Legal Descripti ", Filing Yv , * If property Application Section/ of Vail is unplatted is hereby made SU t metes and bounds descrintion as a Variance from the provisions of Exhj.bi-t ) for in order to allow: of, the Municipal Code for. the Town lllldtnSd)^. gl IL Y \/t,ne Ar' ina Zone Distriet. . Signature'of Applicant I APPLICATION IYILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNI,ESS ACCOIIPANIED BY THE FOLLOiVING:4 1. Ilearing Fee - 9100.00 tf - ,.\2. Site plan, floor plan and other documents as required by Zoning hl>0t'.,' Administrator. 'I'' , Llr\ . 3. A LIST OF THE O\[NEitS OF TIIE PROPERTIES rvithin 300-feet in a d"'(lSingle-Farnily Residential, Two-Fa"mi1y Residential, or Two-.Family Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to th"e subject property in all other zone districts. The olvnerslist sha1l include the name of :r.11 owners, ttreir maillng addresses and the Iegal description of the property orvned by each. Thi-ssha1l be ma.de available to be used for the mailj-ng of Notice ofHearing. The proper number of pre-addressed, stamped envelopes sha11 accompany the list. 4'. A descript.ion of the precise nature of the Variance: 1. Before acting on a variance appli.cation, the Planning & Ilttr,'ironmental Commission shal1 consider the follotving factorsrvith respect to the requcstcd variallce: l. Bafore rctlng on I vitt$nco lrtlllllcotlon. rc -,- 2. The Fl:lnolnE & Enyiron$entil .colonlsslon shrll mike the i l:nvlronm(,ntuI C$xuotsston shstl cr)rrsrdcr tto rotro,rrliallllj"" rolro*rog rr.odlngs tctore grantiDg 4 !arlrqce; ,lth rcspr.ct. to thlr rcqucsted vrrl[[c(!: .,lt-rot the Er.ntinG o! thc strlance sl],I not ..rhu rcrrt!onsh!F o! tr,(. rrqu,:sted v*ianco to. ::$.li:iir:,tfl:":r";t::,1:: i:il.1::i:rt:i:::l;i:ltr"othcr-.rxlsttnE or por!-nttal us(,s {nd structurr.s ln tho :;;"";;i: dru."r"., "'"tolt{io d(.rircc ro whtch r(.lt('! rrom thd. strrcr 6F , rn.'i-iit.,'ir.ntlns ol tho v:rrl^nce ',lll not be ' lltcr1\) I n t (. r'p ! { t :r ! l o rr *r(l en(orr.t'n|('nt or n "p..,tr?.1., dotrlncnt:rl to tiic 1tt-rutlc hc:rltt\' sirfc!y' ot'Nr'll:trL" rdsulnttoo.,.s cc,,ris.ry !o rcnr.,v. .o"unrrurr,.,rtlll,u t::T.1":l:]" lnJurtous t'o prul)c.tios or lnrprovcnrcots unlron'rtt1: iii i.."i"*rrt r rrnr: lirr(..i 1n ths, \'i..1,ri,t, tn t|l:-;i,;l"llltr.rtnnco ,s e&rrsnred (or onc or nroroar to &ttrl|| thr! (rhjcct!v('s of thts tltlo 'tlrho[! sr.lnt of tfr,] iJitor,rf nE rr..rsolts:I st(.ct. I llr.t1.t lr'|:!' :. 'l'he ef (r.ct of thd F{'quastail vtrlnnco on lll:hiI nl!, dlsrt.llrlrttr)n of ILII'I|t.rtIr)tr. trirtlsI{)rrtrt t(rn nnd(lc lrcllt!tr:sr Put)l tr !$uttttlc:l nrrd utllt(tr,!.pubttc:ritl,'ty: . Sltch (,!h,.r frctotal rnd r:r'l torln qs tho conntlN:ttont n!ltll(l|bto to tlto l]rolrorrcd filrrl&nco. l. ) Ttro strtct or !lterlrl tntorlr('trrt1.'n ,-lnrl cnforc,'I'r.'nt ol tlro cltt'ct ftr'(l reKutlll t'':l u'tlltq flrr;u!! ln pl .r.' tl(r|rl tltftlr'ttl!y or untr('('t"'rillly.. f'lry:i t c$t hi r.l,;h tp lll(.on..i Is!('tlt !tltlr th(' ol'.,t!t:! Ivos oI thts tttl(!. h.) Th1'rrt nro r'xcotr!lonnl or ostrl\or(llltnry-. clrcuu,,,irtnc,'r ol r'rrrl(lttl"n irpl'lt'c:rtri" t ' Ilrrr:rtto of tllr' r:rr'l,rrr.r' lh.tt (l() n('t l\||Pty It'rtr'r'r { ly l.' olnor ht_(illott tr':r 1n tlri' riltt||r ?i'nr].' c.) 'llr."'trtr'r or lll''trrl ltltrt'trr"t rt l'rrr und crrtorcrnr, nt ol tlv' rrt'r.rjt I l.'rl l,'liulll(l('lr u'rtllfl t"lLIllrl Lho nFl'llr',,n1 1)f llrtvI lr'|ir"r r tr'lt'yt'rl I'y (l'r' "\'rcrs 'rl ollttifllrr',rt'r'r'tl rr llt tllo tronitl (llttlrta!' Vnills Arhleric Club DnRwen ,71 ' Vni[, Colonndo Bl6rT . 11011476]104 November 22, 1977 Mrs. Diana ToughiIl Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mrs. Toughi 1 'l ; In accordance with our conversation this afternoen, and as General Partner of The Vail Club, I affirm that we will work only in the areas of our building which are in compliance with the zoning regulations, and we will seek to resolvewithin ten days whatever zoning problems there may be. If any work is performed in the questionable areaso it'is understood that it is at mv risk. cereiy, , ${lt,K* Scott FS: lw Lr .\t r \-' TO: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The request of the vail club to lease spaces in the Gardenof the Gods section of the p-2 Assoeiation parking rot, has beendlscussed by myself as president of the Associati6n and each ofthe directors of the Association with the exception of Mr. Hillof the Garden of the Gods club, whose letter was a part of theapplication of the Vail Club. l-t *;' The concensus of the Board was opposed to the leasing of anysection_of P-2 parking 1ot and would,-lherefore, d.eny the requestby the Garden of the Gods Club to lease its spaces. "/r-/rz Albert G. White(P-2 Association) PUBL]C NOTICE { t..\ {l{' fi' NOTICE IS HEREBY GI N that Pepi Gramshammer, representing The Vail Club, has applied for a variance from the provisions of section ]18.22. 140 of the tr{unicipal code for the Town of vail in order to a11ow the inclusion of a restaurant without required off*street parking. Restaurant is proposed for building under construetion on a portion of Tract B, Block 5, Va1l Village First Filing. Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Munlcipal Code on October 27, L977, at 3:OO p.f,{. before the Town of vail Planning commission. said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. Published in VAIL S. Toughill Administrator Plerce Brlner & Fltzhugh Scoti Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 3os 476-3038 September 9, 1977 t\ A ,-ll r, v'/ ai *1'" Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of Vail Box 100 Vai'l , Col orado 81657 Dear Diana: For your c'l arification, the areas 'l abe'led Kjtchenettes are not full kitchens and will not be used as cooking areas. They are meant as a wet bar and refrigerator for drink preparation. When The Vail Club appljes for a restaurant permit it will be done as a separate submittal and building permit review. If you require any further clarifjcations please feel free to contact me, Very tru'ly yours, Fi Scott artner - The Vail ClubGenera FS/im a lnwn bdx 100 vail, colorado 81657 13031 476-5613 office of the town manager November 15, L977 that you are proceed-iffifourin that unless zoning approval Fitzhugh ScottPierce, Briner, & Fitzhugh Scott, fnc.Box 2299Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Titz: It is wlth sone interest that I obseived, duringinspection today,tallation for bar I restaurantinstallation in f trust that you are aware own risk in thls matter .. -:: is granted your plunbinglnvestment is ill-founded. Although no plulnhing permit exists for this bar,/restaurantI will continue inspeetions trusting that you will receive theneeessary approvals, as a service to you. Please contact meregarding the "kitchenetteo' installation on the secondfloor in the south east protlon of the building. Sineerely, DEPAR?MENT OT DEVELOPMENT I ITilliam PierceChief Building Official lYp/di o A. G. Ifrr.r. If nrs'r' NA' ONAt. IIANt( llrrrLDrNo DALLAS, 'II:XAS ?5202 November 4, 1977 \j o-[ Iqr. Fitzhugh ScottP. O. Box 2299Vail, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr Scott: You have requested that I allow the use of nine of theseparking spaces for parking by an entity to be known asVail Club to be located a short distance from the p-2 site. This is agreeable to me and I will permit Vail Club touse nine of my 17 parking locations for thej-r parking re-quirements, and by this 1etter so advise you and VailClub of this permission. Yours very truly, 0\,h3\'.-a_L A. G. Hill AGH:md 0 {,,i As you know, I acquired an interest in the parking 1ot,across from the old Valhalla Lodge when I purchased itfrom Kaiser l4orcus. Thj,s is property known as Lot p-2 along with a part of Hanson Ranch Road more fully describedin Exhibit "A" attached. The property is now owned by theP-2 Association. f have rights pursuant to my priorlnterest and the aqrreement of the various ownlri v,/ith theP-2 Association to approximately 17 parkj_ng spaces whichare currently being used by the Garden of the Gods Clubat Vai1, the current name of the lodge formerly known asthe Valhalla. o PLANNING COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: FEOM: DATE: RE: ocToBER 27, 1977 THE VAII,-CIUB REQUEST FOR A VANIANCE IN ORDER TO ALLOIq A PARKING RESTAURANT. Pepi- Gramshammer, representing the Vail Club, has requested a parking varianee for nrne (9) cdrs in order to a1low a 3,224 sq. ft. restaurant and bar in the building which is under construction. The area proposed for the restaurant was originally presented as offiee space for Pierce, Bri.ner and Fitzhugh Scott and as lobby/lounge area. The restaurant requires a total of 27 parking spaees with a credit of 12 spaces allocated to the architectural office or a net additional requirement of the nine (9) spaces In December of 1976, a 16 car parking var.iance was granted in order to a11ow elimlnation of surface parking and the addition of landscaping. The total requi.red. parking for the. project as proposed is 45 spaces. The underground garage is designed to accommodate 20 cars. The proposed and the previous variance is a b67a decrease from the requirement. The applicant states the basis for hardship: "ft will be an obvious hardship for us to operate a hotel and special programs if we cannot provide our guests with meals within the hotel" (see attached application ) . CONSIDER.qTION OF FACTORS FOR THE VARIANCE \SECTION 19.5OO 1. The relationship ofto other existing orin the vicinity. the requested variancepotential uses and structures PAGE 2 PARKING VABIANCE VAIL CLUB The opportunlty exists within the Public Aceommodations Zone for conversion of meeting rooms, lobbies, offices, etc., to restaurant space without adequate parking. There are seven lodges wi.thin the Public Accommodation Zone that do not currently have restaurants. If eaeh of these lodges were to agrue that they needed on-site restaurants and added comparable restaurant space, a deficit of approximately 150 cars eould result. 2. The degree to whieh relief from the strictor literal interpretation and enforcementof a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniforrnity of treat-. ment among sj,tes in the vi.clnity or to attai.nthe objectives of this ordi.nance without.graDt of speci.al privilege - Only one parkiug variance has been granted in a Public Accomodation Zone (Mountain Haus) for existing space to be converted into a restaurant- Three other.conversions have taken place in Public Accommodations Zone where lobbies became restaurants (Tivoli, Talisman and Garden of the Gods Club). None of.these required a parking variance. The Department of Community Development supported the 16 car variance which was granted. in 1976 as the parking could be provided on the site; nine additional cars cou.1d not be accommodated. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportatlon and traffie facilities, public faeilities, aadutiLities, and public safety. _-A restaurant and bar rvith the capabili.ty.of seating in excess of 200 people could crgate trlfjic_ problems if restaurant patrons attempt to park in the limited amourit of underground parking available. There also could be some affect on the public transportation system and the public parking structure o PAGE 3 PARKING VABIANCE VAIL CLUB . 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planning Commissi-on bas spent a great deaL of time studying the parking requirements and surrounding issues in an attempt to resolve all of the problems. In depth study has only indicated how compllcated the issue is and has not provided an easy answer. IYe do feel that the parking requi-rement can'be redueed somewhat; however, we do not feel this ean be properly calculated without assessing parking utili zatlron ' in a normal winter season TI{E PLANNING COMMISSION SHAI,L MAKE THE FOLLOIYING FINDINGS BEFORE GRANT l-. That the granting of the variance will riotconstitute a grant of speclal privilege in-consistent with the linitations on otherproperties classi.fied in the same district,' ff?:,*i,3i"il'lf,"";Jli""f,:l?t;: xlll,ll' o" or welfare, or materially injurious toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the varianse is wbrranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretation aad enforcement of the specified . reguLation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physlcal hardship inconsi.stent with theobjectives ol this ordinanee. b. Tbere are exceptional or extraordinarycircumstances or conditions applicableto the site of the variance that do notapply generally to other properties inthe same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified fegulations would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the orvners of other propertiesin the same district. o -l; 1 *I I I I I I I I I I i I i PAGE '1'PABKING VARIANCE VAIL CLUB FINDINGS: 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations on other properties elassified in the same district. See Item 1 and 2 under consideration of factors. It appears that if this variance were granted, we would be obligated to approve as many as seven additional variances with a total of approximately 150 parking spaces The hardship as outliled is tbe need for a restaurant to serve guests, particularly those that require a special diet. In substituting a smaller restaurant for the architects office, the need for a parking variance could be elj-menated. The 12 parking spaces allocated to the office would al1ow an 1800 sq- ft. restaurant which could seat approximatel.y 12O people which seems ample to serve 4O roorns. 2. Tbat the granting of the variance will be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially iniurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity- A smaller restaurant itself could be beneficial ia that might reduce traffic created. by Vail Club guests. On the other hand, a large restaurant attraeti-ng customers from outsi-de the lodge could have exactly the opposite affect. Cars attempting to park along the sireet and near the gate could have a dangerous impact on a bad corner. 3. That the variance is not warranted for more of the following reasons . a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations . yould l?!_1::"1t. in.practical. difficultv or unnecessary ph1'sical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this ordi-nance. o PAGE 5, PARKING VARIANCE VAIL CLUB We do not find that any physical hardship or practical difficulty has been shown by the applicant. b. There are not exceptional or extraodinary clrcumstances or conditions applicable tothe site of the variance that do not applygenerally to other properties in the same zone. The Department of Community Development reeommends disapproval of the requested parking varianee. ) box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 The VaiL Club, Ltd. c/o lrLr. Fitzhugh Scott Pierce, Briner & Fit,zhugh P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. scott: off ice of the town manager January L9, 1978 Scott this letter is to express the conditions placed upon the parking variance grahted to the vail Club, ttd', the owner ind op6rator of t,ie vail Athletic club. The parking variance applied to the parking reguirements for the ernployee housing uirits located in tle iacitity. Upon the granting of that Variance, the Town Council imposed certain conditions that lfere agreed to by You. The Town Council approved the parking variance above referred to at its regular mleting on December 20, 1977 ' The Vail CIub' Ltd. applied-for a parkiig varj-ance for three cars that woulC have Uien required lor the four employee housiog units l-ocated in the Vail Athletic Club facility. That variance was approved upon the following conditions tha! were agreed to by the appli- cant. (a) There would be four employee housing units I consisting of I ,166.25 square feet, located on the sixth floor of the stiucture. the enployee housing units shall remain as housing for the employees of the vail club, Ltd. so long as the Vail Athletic Club continues in operation. (b) Employee parking for the Vail Athletic Club should be provided on ttrl r'rbarrister Property, and a shuttle service strait be provided by the owner and operator of, lhe CLub at the expense oi tne Cfub, belween the l4cAllister Property and the vail club. (c) Any parking that is now or maY be provided on the Vail Athletic CIuL lit* ir't excess of the required parking may not be used. in the future to obtain anv additi.onal parking \,1 variances ,, The Vail club, Ltd. , il?nuary 19, 1978 Page.I (d) This letter may be recorded to put any purchaser or future owner on notice of the conditions of the parking variance. Woul-d you please have the appropriate officers or partners of the Vail C1ub, Ltd. sign this letter below where indicated and return the orj.gi-nal to me. ResPectfullY, Terrell J. Minger Town Manager TJMls jrn enclosure DATED: vArt cr"uB, LTD. By: TO: FROM: DATE I RE: MEMO TOWN COUNCIL ,l"i DEPARTMENT OF COIUI.fUNITY DEVELOPMENT/ PLANNING COl,Ii'I ISS ION DECEI{BER 19, T977 VAIL CLUB REQUEST TO AMEND PARKING VARIANCE TO ALLOW ADDITION OF EMPLOYEE HOUSING. The Vail Club has requested that their parking variance for 16 cars granted in December 1976 be amended by the addition of 3 additional parking spaces or a total of a 19 parking space variance to a11ow the addition of 4 employee housing ur.its consisting of 1,1-66 square feet of GBFA. Parking required could theoritically be provided on site, but the variance amendment is being requested on the basis of substituting landscaping. Planning Commisslon felt that the Vail Club must enter into a contract with the Town to restrict the use of the 4 units to employees only for as long as the faci-lity exists and that any additional parki.ng vrhich could be provided on the site not be used for the purpose of justifying any additional parking variances. The Planning Commission further requested that actual employee parking be provided on the McAllister site on a long term basis, which has been agreed upon by both parties. PAGE.2 ': The opportunity exists within the PubIic Accommodations Zone for conversion of meeting rooms, lobbies, offices, etc., to restaurant space without adequate parking. There are seven lodges within the Public Accommodation Zone that do not currently have restaurants. If each of these lodges were to agrue that they needed on-site restaurants and added comparable restaurant space, a deficit of approximately 150 cars could result. 2: The degree to which relief from the strictor literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibllity and uniformity of treat- ment among site.s 1n the vicinity or to attain the objectives of thls ordinance withoutgrant of special prlvilege. Only one parking variance has been granted in a Public Accommodation Zone (Mountain Haus) fr:r existing space to be converted into a restaurant. Three other conversions have taken place in Pubiic Accommodations Zone where lobbies became restaurants (Tivoli, Talisman and Garden of the Gods Club). None of these required a parking variance. The Department of Community Development supported the 16 car variance which was granted in 19?6 as the parking couLd. be provided on the site; nine additional cars couLd not be accommodated. l. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities, andutilities, and public safety A.restaurant and bar with the capability of seating in excess of i ) 20O.people could create traffic problems if restaurant patrons attempt '; to park in the limited amount of underground parking available. There also couLd be some affect on the public transportation system and the public parking structure o ; PAGE 3 PARKING VARIANCE VAIL CLUB 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commisslon deems applicable to the proposed variance. The Planning Commission has spent a great deal of time studying the parking requirements and surrounding lssues in an attempt to resolve aII of the problems. In depth study has only indicated how complicated the issue is and has not provided an easy answer. We do feel that the parking requi.r'enent can be reduqed somewhat; however, v/e do not feel this can be properly calculated without assessing parktng utilization in a normal winter season, THE PLANNING COMMISSION SITALL MAKE THE FOLLOIIING FINDINGS BEFORE GRANT I. That the granting of the variance will notconstitute a grant of special privilege in-consistent with the limitatlons on otherproperties classified in the same district. 2.. That the granting of the variance will not bedetrimental to the public health, safety,or welfar3, or materially injurious topropertles or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the varianqe js warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict or literal interpretatlon and enforcement of the specifiedregulation would result in practical dj-fficulty or unnecessary physica.l hardship inconsistent with theobjectives of this ordlnance. b. There are exceptional or extraordlnarycircumstances or conditions appllcableto the site of the variance that do notapply generally to other properties inthe same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforeement of the specified regulationswould deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propertiesin the same.district. c, APP L ICAT I OII TON An d/0 r. coNDtT toilAL U9i_ Ordlnance llo. 8 (Ser ics of 1973) Applicatlon Date QgtSbgr 3-L97J Publication Date '1^u .,,&)'4 -rRr.f lT lP7 1.' FeeHearl Ftna I Deci s ion date f or To,,vn Councl I I i t*ot ' The VaiI Club of (Ciiy) dc hereby request permission to appear before the Vail Planning Commission to request the fol loning: Vari ance f rom Arf icle-, Secii on Zon ing Change f rom_to Park ing Variance Cond it iona I Use Permit to allow Zone.ln ( Add ress ) Phone 476-3039 ( Ap p I i ca n t ) Co'lorado VAiJ For the follovring descr i bed p rope rty:Lot/ t ra ct_, Block Fl I i ng l.lumber Qlearlv stste Duroose andIn response to the Town of inteni of this aooVail 's requirement FTovTde--E-ftlTtTonal licationthat ure neuse.of our hotel guests, participants in a spa and athletic club rti ci pantsfluA(tsthe typ'ica l - touri sts who :wi I I often choose to be on a modifiedr^graFs tnrparticipants in racquetball camps and possibly tennis camps as !l,ell. program, avg forty bedroom-s for rent.e quests will tlhat do you feel s for hardsh i p in this case?the bas i {rrill be an f uests with meals within the hotelprograms if vre cannot prOvide our !?- .THE VAIL CLUB FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONS NOVEMBER 17, 1977 TOTAL RECREATION PERMITTED BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT = .|7,700 MAY DRAI.II NG CALCULATIONS I7,631 NOV. DRAWINGS CALCULATiONS * TOTAL PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION sQ. FT. ALL0t^ltD 2l,48l MAY DRAWING CALCULATI ONS 20, 50] NOV. DRAWINGS CALCULATIONS * l9,4.| 5 TOTAL COMMERCIAL SPACE ALLOWED ?O% OF ALLOI,'IABLE P.A. (2.l,481) = 4,296 MY DRAI^llNG CALCULATI ONS KITCHEN & COFFEESHOP 954 (NOT INCLUDING LOUNGE l^J/BAR NOV. DRAWING CALCULATIONS * ( INCLUDING LOUNGE) KITCHEN & RESTAURANT 3,993 TOTAL FLOOR AREA: 43,477 39,086 40,958 .l 7, 550 * NOVTMBER DMWING CALCULATIONS: RE CREATION SPA RESTAURANT- LOUN GE P. A. I st Fl oor 2nd F'l oor 3rd Floor 4th Floor 5th Floor 6th Floor TOTALS 9,050 5,620 2,980 3,993 3,388 7,.l 50 7,.|59 1 ,719 .l4,670 2 ,880 3,993 r 9,41 5 TOTAL RECREATI0N = 17,550 .-lr, l{l'o .lr,.*ITO: FROM: DATE: RE: PLANNING COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ocToBEn 27, t977 d, DEVELOPMENT '\ .ti ,' ?HE VAIL CLUB REQUEST FOR A PARKING VABIANCE IN ORDER TO ALLOW A RESTAURANT. Pepi Grarnshammer, representing the Vail Club, has requested a parking variance for nine (9) cdrs in ord.er to a1low a 3,224 sq. ft. restaurant and bar in the building which is under constructj-on. Tne area proposed for the restaurant was originally presented as office space for Pierce, Briner and Fitzhugh seott and as robby/lounge area. The restaurant requires a total of 2l parking spaces with a credit of 12 spaces allocated to the architectural office or a net addir,ional requirement of the nine (g) spaces. rn December of 19?6, a 16 car parking variance was granted. in order to allow eli.minatlon of surface parking and the addition of landscaping. The total required parking for the project as proposed is 45 spaces. The underground garage is designed to accommodate 20 cars. The proposed and the previous variance is a 56% decrease from the requirement. The applicant states the basis for hardship: "It wi.ll be an obvi-ous hardshlp for us to operate a hotel and special programs if . we cannot provide our guests with meals within the hotel" (see attached appllcation ) . CONSIDERATION OF FAC?ORS FOR THE VARIANCN (SECTION 19.600 the requested rrariancepotential uses and structures 1. The relationship ofto other existing orin the vicinity. mayor donn uoDson and lne toilovl'tng counctlmembers werr oresent: I Josef Staufer Rod Sl i fer John Donovan Bi I I HeimbachBiil l^lilto Bob Ruder 0thers present pr s lt]7,4 4rl\-i ncl uded: Stan Bernstein, Acting Town l"1anager Larry Rider, Town Attorney Reconsjderation of 0RDINANCE No. 8, Series of 1977, rezoning Lot 9, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch from HDMF to MDHF, was introduced on fjrst readinq. Theproject's attorney, Jay Peterson, and Jim Lamont stated that the ordinance had been defeated at the March 1 , 1977 meeting of the Council and that the Council had approved a motion to reconsider the ordinance at its March 15,'l 977 meeting. Mr. Peterson and Architect Ron Todd reviewed their drawings and reiterated the developer's good faith in voluntarily requesting a downzoningof the prooerty. Kit Abraham presented and read a petit'ion signed by residentsof the adjoining neighborhood reouestjng that the Town purchase Lot 9 andconvert.it into green space. There were many public comments both pro and conthe project and with regard to various zoning suggestions. Mr. Peterson statedthat the present HDMF zoning allowed a total of 2]5 units that could be built on the site, and that Mr. Lazjer was requesting a downzoning to 60 units. Pepi Gramshammer suggested that the Town purchase the property and build aparking lot so that skiers and emoloyees could park there and cross over theI-70 overpass to Lionshead. Councilman Staufer ferventiy expressed his beliefjn the_deve.l.9P."'s right to use his property and praised'the voluntar,v downzoning. Councilman hlilto moved to approve the ordinince and the downzoning; Cbunci'lman Ruder seconded the motionl the vote was 4-2 in favor, with Counciimen Donovan and Slifer voting against; and the motion carried. The Town Clerk was instructedto have the ordinance published in full. ORDINANCE No. 9, Series ot 1977, regarding trans'ient dealers' f icenses, wasintroduced on first reading. Councjlman Donovan exolained the need to clarffyregulations regarding transient dealers, but reouested that the duratjon of thelicense be decreased from sixty to fourteen days. Mr. Rider stated that if thelength of time the license is granted for is shorted, the fee should be decreased as well. Councilman Donovan then moved to approve the ordinance w'i th the timeperiod reduced to fourteen days and the fee reduced to $.|00.00; CouncilrnanStaufer seconded the motion; all present voted in favor; and the motion carried. The Town clerk was instructed to have the ordinance oublished in full. ORDINANCE No. |0, series ot 1977, an emergency ordinance authorizing interim financ'i ng in the amount of $450,000, was introduced. Stan Bernstein exolajnedthat the'interim financing was in relation to the recent Katsos/Lot l0 bondelection, in anticipation of revenues from the bond sale. lJe stated that an emergency ordinance was required because the technical closing date for theKatsos purchase is April 6, 1977. councilman Donovan moved to aoprove theordinance; councilman l,lilto seconded the motjon; al1 oresent votbd in favor; and the motion carried. The Town Clerk was instructed to have the ordinance publ i shed in ful I . RES0LUTI0N No. 6, series of 1977, approving the conveyance of parcel B, vailVillage First Filing, was jntroduced. Jim-Lamont exoia'i ned that the resolution approved the sale oi Parcel B by the Town to the Vaii Rtnettic Club for parkjnqin exchange for an additional easement qranted to the Town and $l .500.00. ! Meet'i nglulinutes/Regul ar 5 April 1977 Page Two Parcel B would not ccilnt in calculations of GRFA. Councilman Slifer asked for an outside opinion regarding the priceo and Councjlman Donovan was opoosed to parking on the parcel. Councilman Heimbach moved to table actjon on the resolution; Councilman Donovan seconded the motion: all present voted in favori and the motjon carried. Action was deferred until the next regular meeting. With regard to the Gondola Ski Shop's appea'l of the Design Review Board's denial of its sign application, Mr. Lamont explained that the DRB had orig'ina1'l.v approved a twe'l ve foot canopy sign, and the applicant erected a 2l foot canooy: the DRB requested that the larger canopy be removed and the original s'ign erected in its p1 ace. Mr. Salloway stated that the larger canopy actually was safer because'it protected from melting jce and reouested that he be allowed to keep it. Councilman Ruder moved to overturn the DRB decision and al'l ow the current canopy to stand; Councilman l^l'ilto seconded the motion; the vote was 6-] , wjth Councilman Staufer voting aga'inst; and the motion carried. lr|'ith regard to the Pierce/Nilsson request for a GRFA varjance for units l0D and l5D, Sandstone 70, Mr. Lamont exp'l ajned that the aoplicants wanted to enlarge their living rooms. Ed Drager stated that the P1 anning Commjssion recommended denial of the requests, despite a letter of approval from the Sandstone Condominium Assocjation; the Planning Commission feared the precedent' Councilman Slifer moved to approve the requests; Counci'l man Staufer seconded the motion; the vote was 2-3, with Councilmen Heimbach, Ruder, and l^lilto vot'i ng against, and Councilman Donovan abstaining; and the motion failed. The Council requested that the P1 anning Commission review how to handle GRFA varjance requests in the future and submit its recommendations soon. CITIZEN PARTICiPAT ION Jay Peterson commended the Council for its reversal jn aooroving the downzoning requested by Bob Lazier for Lot 9 and fori ts openess in granting hjs client's request for recons'ideration. Mayor Dobson announced the Council's decision to rebjd the design contract for the ice arena. He stated that the pavillion aporoach had been abandoned since Recreation Director Pat Dodson and other consultants felt that the approach was not practical , vrou'l d not keep the ice co'l d enough. With no further business, Councilman Donovan moved to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. ATTEST: ] , I i';" ' .i* Ae* f ,' f-n. i . ,o *" n' i"j '- I + nt' Re: Rovston Hairamoto Beck &'Abey January I0, 1,977 I ^r'( t'' t Mr. James F. Lamont Director, Deptartment Community Deve'lopment Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vail, Coiorado 81657 Vai I Athl eti c Cl ub Dear Jim: As requested, I have reviewed the project des'ign for the Vail AthleticClub. Both Lisa Caronna and George Girvjn have advised me of their discussions with you, Gordon Price, Fitzhugh Scott, Terry and Kent, thus,this letter incorporates the thouqhts and reactions from all of us. In addition Bob Roysion has revjewed the drawings with particular interestin the relationship of the proposed project to the Transportation Termina'l and East Meadow Mal I . Our reactions are as follows: 1. The concept of the build'ing is qu'ite good andpotentially a very attractive structure. A1 though the build'ing uses much of the site, its location and mass is workable. 2. The entrance to the bu'ilding is not particularly strong and deserves further des'ign thought. If there js any possibility that the lobby, or aportion of it, could extend through the buitding with a view of the stream tract to the south it seems that this would add substantial quality to the entry experience. 3. The north side of the building and parking area cont'inues to be the most difficult oroblem area of the site. In past reviews, in fact, dating back to March 28, 1974, we've expressed serious concern about the presence of parking on the site becauseof the complexity and t'ightness of the intersection Associates: 225 Miller Avenue Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Robert T. Batterton ASLA Califomia 94941 George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383t900 Robert S. Sena ASLA landscape fuchitects: tand Plannirg Urban Design Park Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Robed Rolrston FASLA Asa llanamoto ASLA Eldon B€ck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA Iouis G. Alley AIA Pdtricia Carlisle ASLA Mr. James F. Lamont -2-January, 1977 of East Meadow l'lall with Gore Creek Road. hle contjnue to resist in every way possible, theintrusion of private vehicles of any quant.ity and consistency'into East Meadow Mall, eithe-rto this project or to the Flt. Haus. Our values are these: (a) The greatest visual and environmental gain to the proposed project and to the total conrnunity would be for the total northsideof the site, from the bujlding to East Meadow Mal1, to be a wel'l planted plaza and landscape space with many trees of goodsize. A building of the size shown simply must have a foreground of trees. planting on_the garage top as shown on the drawings w'i ll achieve neither the scale nor visuai impact essential . The west end of the Mt. Haus is an excellent example of what I mean. The scale_and quality of the building was dram-atically improved by the addition of thelarge trees and landscape of the East Meadow Mal1 plaza. The proposed Athletic Clubstructure is quite a'large building and must have a similar foreground of trees. (b) The proposed sidewalk would restore the appearance of a standard street/sidewalkrelatjonship imp'lying that people must walk on the sidewalk and that vehicles then have the major right of circulation on thestreet. This is exactly opposite theintent of East Meadow Mall. The Mall isto be a shared corridor with the pedestrian able to walk with comfort within the land- scaped corridor. A separate standard section sidewalk should not be constructed. There is reason, however, to explore the design and arrangement of br.ick and asphait so that this intersection does increase inquality and so that pedestrians are'log ical'ly directed to the proposed bridge crossing over Gore Creek. Mr. James F. Lamont -3-January 10, 1977 (c) The proposed pedestrian bridge over Gore Creek should be given high priority by the Town for construction. (d) Pedestrian and bicycle circulation along the northside of Gore Creek is a'lso desirable. It will be extremely difficultto extend such a system along the Creekto the Antholz Site because of the extreme steepness of the bank" In conclusionr our recommendations are these: 1. The building design is good and except for detail refinements and the study of the entrance, it is eminently acceptable. 2. The northside of the site should be free of park- ing structure and parking. It cou'ld be developed as a first class turn-a-round and short term drop off of luggage for thp project. In fact the space could potentially serve as a shared luggage drop off space for the Mt. Haus. A diagram is enclosed representing the'idea. At most, on grade parking for the living units could be allowed. A maximum of 12 cars. This is not recomlended. There seems to be absolutely no reason for Health Club users to park at the site.If they are unable to walk from the parking structureto the Club, they shouldn't be using the strenuousfacilities provided. 3. The Town and the applicant should jointty design the intersection/Mall/access space and perhaps share landscape development costs. I do also encourage Mt. Haus participation, for it may be possible to solve their drop off problems inthis same area. Mr. James F. Lamont Please let me know Cooperation by al'l both the developer Sincerely -4- if we can prov'ide further parties could result in an and the Town. January t0, 1977 reactions or design thoughts. excellent end product for Mr. Stan Bernstein Mr. John Dobson Pierce, Brjner and Fitzhugh Scott Town Counci I Planning Board Mr. Kent Rose Eldon Beck MEl'lORANDUl''4 T0: P'l anning Cor,mission FR0M: Department of Community Development DATE: December 30, l976 RE: Poor R.ichards/Short Swing Request for a Conditional Use Permit, parking, Setback, andSite Coverage Variance, and Distance Between Buildinqs The applicant proposes to construct l2 Condomjnjum un.its,conrpr.i s.i ng approximately'18'000 square feet of grfa,which are made up of a primary unit and three lock-off bedrooms each, to comply with the requirement that at least 50% of grfa be in accommodatior: units, andl4,000 square feet health club facility and 3,700 square feet of architectural office space. The request is for a parking vari ance for l6 cars' a setback variance on the south side of the buiiciing, a separation between building varjance on the west side; a site coverage varjance is also necessary urrless the acquisition of Town property can be sgn5urn,mat€d currently being considered. Each request will be discussed separately below: A. Requ'ired setback is 20'assum'i ng on average height of 45'. The setback at the closest pojnt is l-!, on the southwest coy.ner. B. Required distance between buildings is 20'+ l'of distance for every 3'of height over l5'or approximately 30'of separation. The proposed distance js .|4" C' The required parking is 24 spaces for the units and 12 for the architectural office. There js no requiredparkingfor the health culb. The proposal js to provide 20 underground parking spaces. ,*vv/ Page two u.r.f .Jttrrt L rJw I 9 o D' The maximum sfte coverage allowed is 55%. The proposed building covers approximately 61% of the site excluding proposed acqu.isition from Town of vajl. Conditional Use permits are required for th.e proposed .|4,000 square foot health club and 3,700 square foot architecturar office. CONDISEMTION OF FACTORS FOR THE VARiANCES (SECTION I9.6OO) 1' The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. This is an unusual site as it is the first major redeve'l opment to takeplace in the Village area' The djstance between building varjance is necessarybecause the Mountain Huas is nriii-Ji"ttre east property iine and encroaches on rheapp'l icant's pr'perty. rrre parling viriance is simirar to the 30-car variancesranted ror viilaqe centre in o"a6r i; a]i;";";; j;;;.;lprns. There are potentialysimilar requests is.other projecti u"i p"opor.d for redeveiopment. The setbackvariance is in keepjng with oirreii grinteo'where i uuiiJing abuts greenbett. Thereis in excess of l0b'io eoie-ciu"[,-'ine tocation oi-ti,u iluilding is also compatib.ie illilrtffrrl'hers in the neishbo"rrooo sucr, u, it'r" prorntiin iluus, vor'laufer, and 2' The degree to which relief.from the-strict or Iiteral interpretationand enforcement of a specified-r.grriiirr-ii' necessary to chievecompatibility and uniformity of tieatr.ni u*ong sjtes in the vii.in.ityor to attain the objectives of this ordinanJe iiii'ori grunf-oi'ipeciatprivil ege. strict interpretation of the ordinance would not alrow an economicallyviable proiect on the sitb wrriitr-i.iu.i.ttre arei in iii'ir"r.nt unsigh;y conditjon.A number of variances. from i.tli.t-r.grtuitonr-ina oiiir[.. bewteen buildings havebeen granted in Lionshead and vuit viiiugu. Since the area in front of the Transportatjon center has been closedto +"raffic, it has !.gye]ongO.into a,i3.o. pedestrain area, and it seemsmore desirable to hdo not feet this ro:Y: llnlt:3ljls adiacent to this area ihan.surtiie parking. tnle l1;.Vjlil::,;:;;.l"Yi:iff.: n"ETi,l'ulf;';ll l;il:l:ffi i:,:1,il ;:i;l;;;?i"ilill. 3. The effect.of the requested variance on r.ight and air, distributionof population, ttuntrjJ.iiiion and tiafiic iuiititi.r, pubtjc faciiities,and ut.i I ities, and pub.l ic safety, There are_no adverse'impacts on right and air. The proposed use ofthe building reprer:ll.: u oe*eiie il-iopuratjon wrrich ii in rine wjth proposedsrowth manasenent oi:?":lr irg has, a poliiiu"-irt.;; ;; ririi"ibution or populationin terms of over night guests' The irealth cruo'iourJ h;;;';n inrpact on the transp'rtationsysten as no rrarkjnq is being provided tor tire-taiiiiti"il Due to the close prox.imityof the transportatt'6n center] trris srrouia not be a problem as most patrons will probably Poor Richards/Short Swi Page Three ngo park in the center and walk accross the street. If the surface parking were providedon the site adverse traffic conditjons could be created on an already 5ad corner.The.underground parking for the units should not create a probelm as guests will notneed to r,se a car after arrival because of the location on the bus line. FINDINGS: l. That the granting of the varinace will not constitute a grant of spec i ai pri v i'l ege i ncons i stent wi th the I i mi tati ons on oiherproperties classifed.i n the same djstrict. SEE ITEMS I and Z UNDER C0NSIDERATION 0F FACT0RS. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to thepublic health, safety, or welfare, or materially,.i njurious to propertiesor improvenients jn the vic.i nity. hJe feel the project would have a very positive'impact on the neighborhoodand would not be detrimental to any other propeities in the vitinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strjct or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specifiedregulations would result in practical difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of thjs ordjnance. See descl"lpl]ol qf requested variance -- practical difficulty is createdby the location of the adjoining buiidings and the long narrow shape of the sjte.The parking varjance is desirabi e from an aesthetic stindpoint and consistent rvjththe variance granted for Viliage Center and a number of buildings in Lionshead. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditionsapplicable to the site of the variance ttrat do not apply generallyto other properties in the same zone. See Items I and 2 under consideration of factors, The Departnent of Conrnunity Deveioprrent recommends approval of the requested variances for distance between buildings, parking, setbacks and site coverage. The staff has reviewed the Conditjonal Use Permit request according to Section lB'600 of the Zoning 0rdinance and have the following comments: Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The purpose statenent for the pA zone states that the "district is jntended to provide sites for lodges and residential acconmodations for visitors, together with... ljmited profess'ionai offjces... and private recreation and related v'i sitor-orjented uses Poor Richards/Short Swj . Phge Four 'no as may be appropriately located in the same zone. The proposed health club and architectural offjce are consistent with the purpose statement of the zoning ordinance and the health club takes the Town one step further toward achieving the goa'l s and obiectives prepared by the citizens cornmittee and adopted by the councjl which state: "'A. Encourage the establishment of a broad range of individual andtean programs for a1 1 age ranges -- guest and residents arike.B. Encourage-the development of iecreational facjlities that allow forindividual and team activities.C' Encourage the formation of athletic clubs and groups with a stronginter- and intra-community competition orientei prbgrams to ensuremaximum pariicipation by spectator and athlete oir a-regular Oaiis, Effect of the use on iight and ajr, djstrjbution of population, transportationfacilities, and other puntic tacilities ana-prniii rlcit.ities needi.-' There is no adverse impact on use of light and air, distribution ofpopulation' There is a very positiie impact on public taiit'ities needs in that neededrecreational fac'ilities are bb'ing proviobo uy it,i-privat*-sector which will beavajlable to the public on a fee-bisis, tneie could be an impact on irre transportationsystem; however, we do not feel this is a signifiiant-p"ontem. ttre proposeJ -' office contains approximately the same amouni of squar! iooius. as the existingoffice and we have not experienced any adverse impacts from the existing use. Effect upon.traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotiveand pedest'ian safety and conveniencen traffic fiow and contror, access,maneuverability' and removar of snow from the streets and parking;";;;. we see no adverse impacts on the above factors as on-site park.ing isnot proposed for the health club iacifity. Pedestrian safety should be betterbecau.se the project proposed pedestrian ?tow aiiois itr.-iunir.uped area instead of onEast l'leadow Drive. Effect upon the character of the arealocated, including'the scale and bulksurrounding uses. See discussion of.Pllrpose statement of zoning ordinance. The scale andbulk of the bujlding- is_compatibtb'wittr surrounding bu.ildings. If the nrilJingwere smaller, it could look peculiar beside the MoJntain Haus which is extremelymassive. Such other factors and criteria as the Comnission deems applicab'l e to theproposed use: The environmentar inpact report concerning the proposed use if anenvironmentai impact report is required by Articie to or inis ordinance. No environmental-impact report was required as there is no signifjcantenvironmental irnpact. ['|e would'' however, strongly suggest that fireptices"ue ars-couraged in individual units as vle are developiig"u i.iiJut air poltirtion conoition. in which the proposed use is to beof the proposed use in relatjon to Poor Richards/Short Swinq' Pase Fjve O The Department of comnunity Development makes the folrowing findings: That the proposed rocation of the use is in accord with the purposesof this ordinance and the purposes of the district in which thesite is located- That the proposed Iocation of the use and the cond'i tions under whichit would be operated or maintained would noi be detrimental to thepublic health, safety, and welfire, una wouia not be materialiyinjurious to properties or improvements tn tf,. vicinity. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable prov.isionsof this ordinance. The request is in conformance with the zoning ordinance except forthose items requested as variances. The Department of community Deve)opment recommends approvar of the Cond i ti onal Use perm.its . I PoorVAIL ATHLETIC CLUB December 27, 1916 Richards/Short Swing) : The following scenario js based on numefous conversations, meetings, previous requests for variances over the past four years and npst recenily the letter from Jim Lamont dated July 20, ],976 (copy attached). These requests are arso based on the assumption that the ovrner will acquiie two small parcels of land from the Town of vair as indicated on a copy of the attached survey. The ac- quisition of this property is for the sore purpose of buiiding underground parking and developing appropriate landscaping with the approval of the Town of Vail. This property is not to be used for G.R.F.A. conditional use to permit an architects office and athletic-health club facilitv in the P.A. Zone: The purpose of this Application is to request conditiona'l use to construct a 3700 square foot office and a .l4,000 square foot health club facility as permit- ted under section 7.300 of the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance. The architectural office of Pr'erce, Briner & Fitzhugh scott is in the existing poor Richards building and has occupied this space for several years. The new health club would be open to the public at large (by membership dues) and wouid provide a recreational amenity and health facility for several hundred persons in the Gore Val l ey. Both facilitjes are jn lteeping with the criteria as outlined in the Zoninq 0rdi nance. VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB (Poor Ri chards/Short Swing) RTQUEST FOR PARKiNG VARIANCE FOR t4 CARS_- SECTI0N 7.510: Although it is possible to park the required number of cars by using the roof of the proposed underground garage it woujd, on the other hand, prohibit a strong landscape pian on a very important vjsual corner jn Vajl. Due to the locatjon of the project which is well withjn walking distance of C.C.I., on a bus and pedestrian route and directly across from the Transportation Bui'l ding' the use of the private automobile to and from this area should be mjnimized. The condomjnium port'ion of the building will be operated as a hotel (public accommodations) which further dimjnishes the use of the auto as has been demonstrated over the past several years by other Vail lodging facjljties (i.e., most Vajl guests arrive by bus, rental car and limousine). Poor Richards and Short Swing are also related to C.C.I. both geographically and functionally. The 'l arge green area to the south, the Mountain Haus to the west and the pedestri an area on the north penmits only minirnal access from the east. The project is very much rvithin the limjted automobile access areaof C.C. I. The Town P'l anneS Co'rrtaq*ry- f-a-e,ar.r &ee-t<._, I suggested that possibly there should be no parking on the site. However, the olner wants to provide one parking place for each condominjum, four spaces for the architects office, two spaces for the health club faciljty (managers) and four spaces for.over- 06- flow and tenlporary delivery vehicles. However, the limited access from the east c> .rl\.onr;derably complicates and lirnits the number of possibilities for total underground -b, t Lzl4ttxt- 1 *t ga-a-4--Zparldng*without.erlfiiilluronunFh>tr. The relatively narrow lot, with given\:-.-- sizes for handball courts, parking modules and the water table below the site also Yew'( limits reasonable solutions. The owner feels that based on the above arguments a variance should be approved and that jt would be in keeping with other variancel granted in the u".u. (fn. granting of this variance would be in the best interest of the Torvn. December 27, 1976 .Deccniber 28, 1976 VAII ATHLETIC CLUB Request of Variance from Article 7, Sectjon 7.503 Distance Between Buildings: A portion of the underground parking garage and a porf.ion of one required stainvay falls within the required distance from the l4ountain Haus. The major bulk of the proposed bui'lding is reid within the distance required. The parking garage is less than 6'-0", on the average, above natural grade and does not create a serjous visual or funct'ional problem, wjth the adjoinjng Mountain Haus. If the proposed planting on the parking structure is pennittedrthe v'iew east from the units in the Mountain Haus will be great'ly inrproved. The problems as stated jn the other reques for variances, a'l ong with the desjre to keep the building lvelI under the maximum height al'l ovted, and the large anount of open soace on three sides of the project, the proposed space betleen builrljngs does not create a poor visual problem, as compared to alternative solutions. December 28, 1976 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Request of variance from Art'icle 7, Section 7.50i set back of '1,5 feet. In an attempt to provide the sraxj.mum number of cars under'cover, and with the given dimensions of,the handba1 I courts, parking rnodu'les and the desire of the Town Planner to keep the northeast corner "visually opened" the building falls wjthin 1.5 feet on one corner of the south,prcper{y line next to the large green belt area. This set back js needed only for a 1ow portion of the build'ing. uecember zE.. 1916 VAIL ATHLITIC CLUB 7.5A7 1 Request of yariance from Artjc'le 7, Section 7.5A7, site coverage: ', Ifthetwoparce1sofpropertyB&Careconveyedtoth'eownerthjsvariance will not be needed. The problems of given handball court sizes, parking spaces, and the desire to keep the profile'of the building as1ow as possib'l . onou relatively small site has determined the amount of sjte coverage. The large arnount of open space around the proposed building on three sides will not create a tight visual space prob'lem, jn any even. liiii;';fi iiiiiri:iriiii:ff iir if iii E liiiiriiiiitii:iiiii:liiiiilii : ui ;ilg;3i;;ffiiEiit;iglisrlEEiEi $, €,(} II&,e IiJ&a oaE -;EsDJd& r.lr-.1r.l .F, ?l:l J] .dxupr )rd o,' i'ql l {-ol q (l) (J B E nl\rl ^< ol:lpl wllcj FI\ulUIi)lPt I o) , o al) t OJ A !1,) rl\,, Ic\lb < 3 qJ o, I I I*1 I I (lr > I;t t' ct) g p o ;i€:E:eE € EFig;:[E i s;tEtaEE E s:es ri;; ? i:i; i€: g E '= s i f,'E: EE E ::;<r Ji- tr =:AgEEgE€ E ;iE:E{!E€I ipiE;;f;it E ;;a;:iga: I;;€Easgg! E =""diE:E;[1 ; E xg: $sr FE l ffiecFesEE € 3 (|) ' o Fl F F] r:1 F u 0) F Fl H t< t Y Or.. l\ \J 51F,r i d'! P inO ..2gx/ a /l:-+- | E-driI'-"-L I;.s E€ e€€;:€E,lt() ::Es tn v) ID 'o) o: PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Mr. Gordon Pierce, representing poor ' Richards/short Swing,has requested a Conditional Use permjt to allow an architects office and health club to be constructed on the poor Richards Short S',{ing site, a portion of Tract B, Block 5, Vail Vil'lage lst Filing. NoTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT the applicant is also requesting the following variances: A parking variance for 16 cars from the provisions of Section 7.510; a setback variance on the south, east and west sides from the provisions of Section 7,502; a distance between buildings variance from the provisions of 7.503 on the west side adjacent to the Mountain fiaus; and a site coverage variance from the provisions of Section 7.507, The proposed building r,,ould contain i2 condominium units, an architects office and a publ ic health club facility. . Application has been made in accord with Articles lB and 19 of the Zoning 0rdinance, Ordinance ll0. 8, Series of 1973, as amended, A public Hearing will be held in accordance with section 2l ,500 of the zoning ordinance on December 30, l976 at 3:00 p.rn. before the Town of Vail p.lanning commission whose decision will be transmitted to the Town Council for final decision. Said hearing will be ehld in the Vaii unicipal Buiiding. TOI.JN OF VAIL DIPARIiIENT 0F C0I4MUNITy DEVELOP|,{ENT /'1, 7'' 1 ., ),1/-4a-a_)o- l-vi-/ ( Zoning Administrator Pubiished in the Vail Trail December 10, l9Z6 . cglfsstrror..rr,L UsF peran if 1.3eo f AGaat-''E lb *t5 1. s lO €e< Btc;a . 1.€ot_t)(rf fSvT B(ID(T 'f .$o3 S frff &l qf?-o\ ae TSo J a o APFL tCAT tO t'0ii VAR IAr,.rcE And/or c0Nol Tl0ilAt. usr PEr{r.llT Ord inancc No, B (Series of 1975) cation Date 0EC,. 6. lq1 6 Publication Date bFC- !9-,111€-- ng lrat e-$9C, .19.. -!31b---rlear i no roo*5o- (Applicant) C-o,e. App I i Hearl F16s 1 Decis ion daie for Town Ccunci I Jtr|\J. +, {q1L | {+€J Fl17jd.()c2ti-_-.S(-{).Ir or VAtu- crcss, enone 47b-3o7E -( Staie ) (C ity ) do hereby requcsl perfiriss ion io appear betore the Vai I Plannirrg Cornm i ss ion .1 o req uest the f o I I ov,,i ng : Variance f rom Arl icle_, Secf ion___ Zon ing Change I rorn_to__==_=-=_--*_( ) Park nE Varirnce . t..()() Conciiiorrai use Permii 1'o a rto,/AEOt{(gf$ CFFe€: f [I4LII+ O.t-Ain e A. zone For thc iol lowin.o described prcperi.y : J.* l ract B -, B lockl-- F i I i ns N unbcr_JAIL__\[t-ta6E _fifuf_*4uU{C-=--,-_-=.=_-_- Clearly sla-ie purpose and intenl of ihis application I'lhat Co you {eel is the basis for hardship in ihis case? Sislnaiufe oi Appl icarti t -4 -'-n-r---".'-/- Y ffi434 F-.o:T) 7-7-?-T-' SCOTT-I4ARTIN CORPORATION Box I773 Vai I , Col orado 8.l657 December 2, 1976 Mr. Mike Palmer Cornice Building lulanager Cornice Building Vai 'l , Co]orado 81657 Dear Mike: Enc'l osed herewith is a copy of a letter from the Town Attorney regarding our'l ease of Town property for parking purposes at Poor Richards-Short Swing. As per item number four of this'letter the following rules will pertain to you and I will consider you the responsible person to observe these regulations. Before you beg'in to use the one parking space we are wi'l ling to provide you with we need your agreement to the fol lowing: 'l . You will be assigned one park'ing space near the west entry gate. 2. You will be required to chain off your space to guarantee its use by you or your guests alone and prov'i de a key to the. lock to Joyce mbrialtn sb ttrai she can open it if the car is not there and the snowplow is. 3. You a'l one are responsible for 1oss, dannge, fire, theft, etc., of your car or anything on or in it. You are not to use our lot for'l oading and unl oadjng operations' nor shou'l d you or anyone related to the Cornice Building park in front of our gates. If, in my opinion, the Agreement is broken due to your fai'l ure of not obierving tire above rulei we reserve the right to cancel all your parking rights indefinitely. h o Ltr. to Mike Pa]mer Oecember 2, 1976 Page 2 Fi tzhugh Scott FS/jm Encl os ure cc: Joyce Meredith vdim Lamont Town Attorney Gordon pierce APPROVED BY t .; If all of this is in accordance with your underslinding, p'rease signbe'low and return one copy to me. 5i ncerely, DATE T<Lz:ry## Pleree Brlner & Fltzhugh Scotl 1nc, Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 gog 476-3038 Novenber 12, 1976 Mi ke Palmer Cornice Bui l ding l'{anager Cornice Building Vai l, Colorado 81657 Dear Mike: Enclosed herewith is a copy regarding our lease of Town Richards-Short Swinq. of a letter from the Town Attorney property for parking purposes at Poor As per item number four of this letter the following rules willpertain to you and I will consider you the responsible person toobserve these regulations. Before you begin tb use the one parking :Pace- yg are willing to provide you with we need your agreement tothe fol lowing: l. You will be assigned one parking space near the east entry gate. 2. The car that is parked in this space must display on the dashboardthe permit we will provide you with. 3- If for_any reason your space is taken by someone other than yourself,you will report the rnke, color and licbnse number of the car toJoyce ltleredith, If the car belongs to one of her tenants she willhave it moved as soon as possible. It stre can't locate the ownerimmediately you will have to park in the public parking structureuntil we can clear your assigned space. Joyce will do'her best tokeep your space from being occupjed Oy others. However, do notpark in any other space Rn the Lot under any circumstance. please park. efficiently at a 45" angle so as to permit as many other carson the lot as possible. We cannot be.responsible for 1oss, damage, fire, theft, etc., of yourcar or anything on or in it. Ltr. to Mike Palmer i:;:'i'" 12' 1e76 : There may be several occasions when all the cars-inay have to be nnvedfor snow removal maintenance. I'Je wi'l 1 notify you of "No Parking't the day before the lot is shoveled You are not t0 use our Iot for loading and unloading operat'i ons, nor should you or anyone related to the Cornice Building park in front of our gates. Joyce and I are willing to meet with you at your earliest convenienceto iron out any other points regarding your park'ing space. If you feel you can agree to the above points, p'l ease sign below and return one copy back to me. Do not park on the lot until we have thjs Letter of Agreement thoroughlyreviewed. There is no charge to you for parking. If, in my opinion, the Agreement is broken due to your failure of not observing the above rules we reserve the right to cancel all your parkingrights indefinitely. Si ncerel y, Gordon R. Pierce GRP/Jm Encl os ure cc: Jpyce Meredith l4im Lamont Town Attorney Fitzhugh Scott APPROVED BY .DATE lnwn o office of the town attorney November 10, 1976 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 Mr. Fitzhugh ScottPierce, Briner g Fitzhuqh Scott 352 Gore Valley DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Parking on public property -Poor Richards,/Shcrt Swing Dear Mr. Sqott: This letter is to state the aqreement between the Town ofVail and yourself allowing yo,1 to use the Town,s propercyfor private parking. This arrangement was approved by the Town Council at its regular meeting on October L9, 1976.The agreement was as follows: (1) The Town agirees to al1ow you to use thatparcel of property owned by the Town adjacent to the north-ern boundary of the Poor Ri_chards/Short Swing property forparking. (2) The license to use the Townrs property shall colunence November I, 1976, and terminate April 30, L977, aLa fee of $1.00. (3) The property shall be maintained arrd supervisedby you and kept in a neat and orderty condition. No tiash,junk or abandoned vehicles mav be allowed to accumulatethereon. (4) One parking space wilL be provided for theoltner or occupants of the Cornice Building. The arrangementsfor the l-ocatj-on and use of t.he space will be your responsi-bility. If the use of the space icr the Cornice Buj-tding isnot carried out to your satisfaction. you may withdraw appro-val therefor. o Mr. Fitzhugh Scott November I0, 1976 Paqe 2 If this letter reflects your understanding, please sign a copy of this letter and return it to me. Respectfully, Lawrence C. Rider Town Attorney LCR/sjm APPROVED: Fitzhugh Scott MEMORANDUM T0; Lamy Rider FR0vl: Jim Lamont DATEI November 8, 1976 RE: Park'ing on Public Property at the Poor Richards/ Short Sw'ing Property The Town Council on 0ctober .|8, .|976 authorized the use of a portion of Town property adiacent to the northern boundary of the Poor Richards/Short Swing property, The terms of the agreement provide for the property to be used as parking for the Poor Rjchards/Short Swing project until the end of the 1976-77 ski season. Larry, wou'l d you please draw up a lease covering the above terms. AIso includ. u $l .00 lease fee. Let me know when you have fjnjshed' and I will get the necessary signature. The signator for Poor Richards/Short Swing will be Fitzhugh Scott. If you need a map as an attachment, let me know' Thanks. /,0'i* box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476.5613 office of the town manager Ocfober 2J-t L976 Mr. Fitzhugh ScottMiIl Creek CircleP. O. Box 1773Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Temporary parking Dear Fitz: This l-ett'er is to.follow up on the Town councilrs approval 9.f temeo5ary parking on the townrs property ad.jacent tothe North side of the poor Richards/Short. swin| property.At the_regular Council meeting on October 19, iS?0,-ttre-councir agreed to a1low parking on the Townrs property fromNovember 1, L976, through Apri1 , Lg77 Town Manager TJM/sjm "W box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s61s o office of the town manager July 20, 1976 Mr. Fitzhugh Scottc/o Pierce, Briner & Fitzhugh ScottP.O. Box 2299Vai1, Colorado 81652 RE: Poor Richards/Short Swing Development Dear tr'i_tz: Terry and r have discussed the recent correspondence betweenyou and Eldon Beck regarding the red.evelopment of the poorRichards/short swing properiy. Based on the review of bothletters, we have the following comments: '1. We are not supportive of aLlowing additionaldensities to be calculated from iny 1and.scurrently controlled by the Town of Vai1. 2, We are supportive of allowing parking andlandscaping on Town property provided that thedesign meets with Council approval. 3. At this time we do not see a means of justifyinga total parking variance for the propeity. - Therefore, it will be necessary to piovid.e someparking on the site It is extrernely importantthat you justify any parking reductiln in termsof the variance provisions in the Zoning Ord.inance_I would suggest hiring an attorney to pursue thematter for you" 4. We agree with Eldon,s suggestlon that vehicularaccess to the property be located on the eastproperty line for the reasons whish are statedin his June 23, 19Z6 letter. I believe that anapproach similar to that used at the Crossroad.sShopping Center would work nicely. Mr. Fltzhush scof 'Ju1y 20 , 1-976 Page Two o 5. The idea of Locating a bank on the property raises consern in that there is a considerable amount of vehicular traffic generated by such a' use. It has been represented to me in the past , atiscussion that any on-site parking was to be used by the architects' offiees and the housing , units. I cannot support at this time any use that r,vill be a high traffic generator during the daylight hours. It is already evident that the 'presenttrant<sitedoesnothavesufficientparking. for the customer volume it now ac.commodates' 6.Theideaoflocatingarestaurantonthepremises does not appear to conflict wj'th the site' Restauranti typically generate additional traffic during the evening hours; which does not aggrevate the Parking situation- T.Theretentionofyourarchitecturalofficeonthesite does not appear to create a parking or traffic conflict. Sufficient parking should be considered for your staff and vlsitors' Diana Toughill has reviewed the figures in Eldonrs letter. They should be revised as follows: Lot Size 19'938 llt. Haus Area Acquisition 3,694 TOTAL PROPERTY OWNED 23,632 Based on these figures the net GRFA is 18,905' The gross square footage of the building could be, assumlng BO% of the totaf building is GRFA and.2O7o is commercial and service aleas, approximately 35% higher than Eldon's letter lndlcated' GRFA 18,905 Circulation, Service Areas 3,781 A1lowable Accessory Commercial 3,781 Sq.Ft. pROBABLE BUILDING SIZE 26,467 In conclusion, the Town staff is willing to work with you on this project, however, lve cannot support any proposal that will allow ior-ttty'additional privileges that are not enjoyed by other property owners in similar districts. In particular, we cannot supbort-additional GRFA or Commercial space than.would be tyiicarly provided for in publ_ic Accommodation Districts. Mr. Fitzhueh S[tJuly 20, 1976 !o Page Three I nust remind you that by involvj-ng the services of Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abey, we are required to bill you for the time which they spend on reviewing the proiect. We still have an outstanding bill for the last review that was conducted in 7974. IVe have found in past situations that Eldon can be very helpful in reconcilling design determinants of prj-vate interest with publj-c needs. I have scheduled a meeting soncerning the project for 2:00 PM lYednesday, July 21, 1976. If this tlme is appropriate for you, please contact my offiee. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D F. Lamont ector JFL/J k J D uYu ) 'h ^//r/ /-^"-/ 3-7ay //Yo /t {O ffi';Tr:z%m:'4;ffi" 8.-tz-*.2-' H-- Qzc---z2, l.^--r'"-^g.r h L;*! {1'L< 4z'l'L47{ / 18. ?a s- c)a-/-a---'/'478 t Tzfr 4P./b7 <. .4_,.r ,.. /4442*_d/_, J- //^-*"-' fiu v/' //" 7qt+--t 6f +-{z+-a */a-Ae- A//*-z-p4& Ai-d {1327 d-z*-*,'.r.,2't-a--{ -----79Va' = 1 4 {s'2-r/ N.HRYMnKER BONUS July 7, 1976 Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey Principals: Associates: 225 Mller Avenue Roben Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi aSL,L Mill Valley Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robert T Bafterton ASLA Calilornia 94941 Eldon Beck ASLA George W Giryin ASLA 415 383-?900KazuoAbeyASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA touis G. Alley ata Patricia Carlisle ASLA l1r. Fltzhugh Scottillll Creek CtrcleP.0, 3ox 1773Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Poor Rfchards/Short Swlng property lear Flte: Thank you for your thor€ugh and expllclt letter of July 1, 1976.Hopefully, ln our exchangi of lettlrs, we rrave gir"n-i'he-iown a clearstatement of your tntent, and some anilysts of ;he-;rJi iii con,s otyour.project. The flve polnts lfsted oir page z of iour-liiier, ard.conclse stat€menr of goais and s6;i; re ioistaerua"iirriuiiy by theTown. one lssue concems nE yery nuch, and that rs-stilr the parkfng-vehrcleclrculattqn usage rerated-to Eait-rieaid* Fhir.- i cdiiirfiol'io beuevethat the.appearunce of the srte rc best ri rree or-iir;;;il thatEast Headow firll ls far better-riso-irie of cars. Thc oecrgslonal useby servlee vehlcles and the buses mJtt-ba accepted. I rourd frnd rtmuch easter to support an tncreiie in-uuirjing-iqui..-riiniig* tf carswere absent. The Town must no* nake fts decrsron. tcerve drscussed thls Ns much aspossible' and rt s€ems-pFoper for Larri-Rtder io-iiiiuiiifi ile iegai-basls for actlon, and f6r ine ro*n-itiir to present thorr anarysrs tothe publlc boards. & ABTY ,l{r. Terrell tfinger{ I'lr. Janes LarmntHr, Larry Rlder l-lr. John Dobson landscape Architects: l,and Planning Urban Design Park Planning Environmental Planning FrrzlrucH Scorr MILL CFIEEK CI Rc'LE P. O. BOX_ r773 VAI L, COLORADO 8I657 Jul"y 1, L976 tatr g".L '.--t*-t''? Ql'l-r(. btqt*'.,n Re:Poor Richards/Short Swing Property Dear Eldon: Thank you for your l-etter of Juoe 23 addreseed to Terry Minger. I believe that I understand your analysls al-though I donrt neeessaf,- lly agree r4rith aLl of your conclusions. For instance, assunring that the $2.00 per square foot cost of landscaplng ls accurate,I should thlnk the "valuet' would be $2.00 x 71-30 square feet or $14,000-15r000, since we would propose to landscape the roof of the parking shel-ter. Also, it seems to rne that sone parktng would be necessary for any suceessful coumereial use of the property. Certainly, ouroffice requlres at least four or five bpaces for vigitor/clLentparking. If other cororercial- stpace, e.g., a restaurant and/or a bank were permitted on thls site, additional shortjLe parking spaces would be necessarlr. Since the Mountaln IIauE crltically. needs vehicular aecesb to the east entrance of the building whicb perforce lg oyer our -. property, could we !]ot cont lnue to shere thefr entrance to the' Mal-l and thereby li.rnit our parkfng l-ot to one-nray traffic? I shoul<l thlnk that cars enterlng and leavr\rg our parktng lot at the east end of the Mall, w'here Ehere rntght posslbly be a bu; stop, would cause dangerous traffic congestion. T donrt see why the fLnancial beneff,t to the owner of the subJectproperty and to the Town as a reeuJ_t of land tranafer should beequated. -Ihe benefit to the bwner is difflcul_t to eatimate.' The advantage to the Town is surely nuch greater: than the savinginvolved in removing the obl_igatlon to f.mprove the landscapi.ngof the Ma1l. One of the goals of any redeyeloprnent of theproperty is to provlde a facflLty wbtch would benefl.t nor on!.y Mr. Elaon Bech %ts+ \ lnFT' il-<--.,- lll"illi.flilff:' u"'o & AbevD'li 1l ^n'-" MiL1 va1Ley cal-ifornla 94e41 Yp *Dpur 11x1 [t^- B-^- nr-L--r-rar V o El-donMr.Beck Page Two the or^rner of the property but other buslnesses of the Town of Vall- as wel1, and this would have a definitely favorabLe effect on the Townrs tax base. I think our nesotiatLons should move in that direction. I hope the Town n111 encourage us to butl-d a facllity which will not only worR well wlth the Mal1, but will heLp the econony of the Town. If thts involves approving a sma11 ia- crease over the exlsting butl-ding area and a higher than curreotly permltted proportlon of cornmercial space, I would hope that these variances and/or condLtl.onal use pernLts would be granted. Any new construction, because it wou ld el-inLnate dormitories, would substantially reduce the population presently living on the property -- a trend eocouraged by the Townts con- cern for density. I want to cooperate wl.th our neighbor to the west and not restriet his access to the Ma11, but rather provide hlm off-street truck loadlng spaee. I uant to provide a l-irrited nuober of parklng spaceg to servd.-whatever -cornmerc ial. usages are appropriate aod to Buy additional space ln the parking structure if this Ls needed. I'd ltke to know if the Town would approve the Lncorporation of a restaurant and/or !4&) if they shouLd prove f easible in the new f acillty. I hop'6 -to _ o provide as many hlgh rent roons as possibl-e. It ls not ny Ln- tention that these be operated as an independent lodge, but that they be managed in connect ion wlth an existing high quality facility, t.e., Gasthof Gramshaarmer. Al-though I cantt pxove tt without further costly architectural studies, I shoul<l thlnkthat the additional 4,000 or 5,000 square feet of butldlng area uright make the proJect fi,nanclally vtabLe. Whereas, lacking thlspotential, tt night not be econouicalLy possible to replaee the existing facllities or change their use or tbeir appearance r In summary, tt ls ny stncere hope that the Towo wilL benefit for these reasons : -1) a good-J-ooking bullding to replaee an existing eyesore -Z) increased tax revenues ,3) reduced popuJ-ation -4) free Landscaping of a conspicuous site 5) ptovision of off-street loadl.ng for Mountain Haus Mr. Eldon Beck Page Three I am very grateful not only for your thoughtful analysls of our problen, but also for your pronpt response to the questtons ; raised at our meeting of June 15. I hope very rnuch that we ean: continue to pursue all aspects of the problen as qulckly as : posslble. If we can reach a satisfactory concluslon in the xrext fen veeks, I think we could proceed with plans and start constructiotr next spring. If not, wer11 probably lose another year. Sincerely, Fitzhugh Scott FS: Iw cc: Mr. Terry MLnger -/Mr. Jaroes Lamonty' I'k. Larry Rtder Ilr. John Dobson Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey ,lune 23, 1976 Mr. Terrell J. Minqer Town Manage? Town of VailP.0. Box 100 Vai1, Col4rado 81657 f*'c- tzRE: Sefi Richarcirshori Swing propertfes Dear Temy: Folloling i.s my analysis of the above property and the proposal by the0wner for dedication or lease of publit pi^opei.ty to him: Fxistinq Condition: Lot Size = 19,93g square feetMt. Haus Area Acquisition = 3,694 square feet Total Property 0vrned 23,632 square feet Existing Building Sjze - approximately 20,000 square feetcurrently allowed based upon 23,632 square feet = 18,905 square feet . Adjacent Public Right-0f-Hay: l (l) Adjacent to East Meadorv Mall = 3,300 square feet(b) East end of Bui'lding, triangle Shape = S,A:O iciuare feet Pr cpcsal by $,'ner For the Tor'rn to dedicate or lease the ac{jacent property totaling 7,130square feet for use by Owner for parking ana lanastape. He als6 wrtshesto include th'is space as part of the buitoaote area, gaining 5,700 squarefeet of floor space. Approximate'ly 2,000 square feet of the 7,130 square feet would be usedfor_parking, the remai!jns s,130 square ieet wouid be landscaped in i. qullity similar to the landscape of the Transportation Terminhl. Thevalue-of-improved iandscape is probably cjose'to $2.00 per square foot,or $10,260. Arsociates: 225 Miller Avcnuc Harold N. Kob{yrshi ASLA Mill \',rllev Robrfl T. Ll rrerton ASLA Cutiforni.iglgl I Gcorge !V. (iirvin eSt-\ 415 3E.1-?900 Robcfl S. Scna ASLA landscape Architects: land Planning Urban Dt'sign .ltrrk Planning Environnrenral Planning hincipals: Robcrt Rolston FASLA Asri Hanan|o(e ASLA Eldon Bcck ASLA Kazuo Abcy ASLA Louis 6. Allcy AtA Patricia Clrlisle LSLI, l'lr. Terrell J. Ming o o -2-June 23, 1976 ANALYS IS Park i ng Parking is almost impossib'le on the site without the ga'in of the 3,300 square feet parcel adjacent to East Meadow MaJl. Access to parking, if permitted, should not use the East Meadow Ma]l Entrance but rather, should be south of the entrance. The reasons are' several; the pedestrian precinct should be as free of vehicles as possible as a simple policy statement. The intersection is complicated, bus drivers should not have to contend with an extra entering/exiting movement. Eventually the entrance will be completed, serving as a puil-off anci drop-off spot as well as being a bus entrance. Traffic arms may be used. l,le do not know precisely what will happen in the future and it would not be correct to reach agreements and permit private property planning which may compromise the best public access soiution. Therefore, the only access to parking should be 'independent of the Meadow Mall entrance. Probably the best solution to the site is to de'lete parking altogether. Landscape It is physically possible to berm up on a parking shelter and have a good landscape in the 3,300 square feet area adjacent to the l'la'l 1. This type of landscape would become a barrjer between the Mall and the buildings. Visua'l]y the solution'is acceptable, physically the bamier is not good if the buildings are office or commercial . They wouid benefjt from attractive, open access through the landscape. The more that the pedestrian way connects to activities of build'ings, the better the sociai viabi'lity of each. Bui'ldinq Coversse and Use The objective of tne 0lner is to achieve an attractive financialiy viabie building complex. This corner lot is quite visible, it has excellent space on the creek side, its potentia'l as an office/housing unit combination . development seems good. The presence of parking on the lot is "thetail that is wagging the dog'', (Longfellow) and appears to be dictating building amangement and usage. If parking is deemed necessary, it seems best to keep it to the east end of the property. It is worth questioning whetherquality small 1odge. Are small Concl usion If the land sales or landscape improvement lease is accomplished the worth roughly $10,000. there is space on the lot for a good lodges economical ly reai istic? qain to the Town is a Mr. Temell J. Minger Si ncerely, ROYSTON, HANAMOTO, BECK & ABEYn 6./b?,u)4&,br,, Eldon Beck rh cc: Mr. Fitzhugh Scott ,,,Mr. James Lamont l:t"Mr. Larry Rider Mr. John Dobson -3-June 23, 1976 If_the 0wner gajns 5,700 square feet of buildable space, his financialgain wouid appear to exbeed the benefits to the Town. iach party gainsbut not on an equal basis. It is hard to support an increase'in-ouila-able area gained by the acquisition of land ?i-om the Town. This iscounter to current density concerns. I wou]d be inclined to support a slight increase in building area ifparking were deleted and if the design rea11y worked r^rell with the Mall.Then it seems that the ga'in to the T6wn and lhe 0wner would be moreequitable. The Town land of 7,130 square feet would then be visibleand us.able-as qua'l'ity landscape. Offices on the ground floor relatedto pedestrian traffic with accommodations above would work well on theparcel . I reconunend that negotiations mcve in that direction. *'**t*\.t il ,\'/""( t ,Nrt''' \drr" I h lr dt rsltld! xo-'L&32&.....--. '- h{rr r l- 3r' L* r-o'ta t*149--aa"*-P-r--r,J@ i6- 19* 1!t3 Dnn r'eb 4th .'J Junetr 76bE VAIL ASSOCIAI?S. ItrC. ..:rclb a4' !td.d -d ffs ed- d lr trJ 6. b dcrld.d Colorado dtt &aFL-l FITZBUGII SCOTT P.O. Box 1773VaiL, Colorado 8L657OrGa EaelcColorado rtrirr*. rlltrul! 1b q. jrF d$.'!t.Ft,tr.d!.ff.a:-d orE lrrousAtrD rrvl UTJNDR-SD AND ro/Loo------ --!ctrErL d Ft' d |l.id. r.rl b tod FL trSd F y dt --FllitatHrbttr d ed.&!d,t O ttr.a,ldr.0.d, rdd -a rl!.a - L b -r- r-, b ti.a,.-{-ae rbo. darFr y dLdrr4 bl' bd*rt}r.dJttaF--ar-t' ..r-- aba.l-rt--lHrl-e-d l.gle -dtb.dcdr.a.,t* 8€e Elhl,bit A attacb€d hscto and oade s patt he!.of. fitl[lIf r.lt |B oa &|de rt L|ndE d.Fs.-, |l- t-k -. a]-qt itbat atl tL t-tc.e c tfrrio.r a|&a-, tg t-r .i t6 b,..a; - a r> .*tt* ltla, hra|| drh Eit &EEd rt ld'rr .a O.lf y-!rtrA.'q, --Lb-a-l.1rdbt d!i. br$ad r tu rini rb bdftdr! -d aFary. . -tD IlTl lI'D m tOtA tt t td ETb- rrnit rrttb.a -d aGa.e rit |! -!b -. rda F ry d o. 6a Ft! hi8 !.ar. d .d.r fdr.". ^l L d .Jbd lq, ..n|.|l!. aI !c b. lnnr,rr. .di..{ d-..a r'| & Ie b 6. Coi. .!r F..ibD6rt r.aal,rH Fn V {a.Lie{Fu:. tr i?l.L:hi1(J i::-:-;-^;{ '?,:i,:',i,:d ]-_"W,i l. 6uffi fr H;i-dr-*'rhEfi ,h*S9"-Ihf t.Hii,*..r"rlf.--ld F'ts' .C n rtd Fi td .n d ia, <.rrn.. r.. b [. ]r..!16 l|r r'.bFttd Uo!. - rtd, 4th ard JuneJate8 R. f,ertleEt -r.iaiiril. ! ]"6ito i vice priid{r..d *-$ ;**"i,e;li::."* Il:,; . *i.*:HSt-. qr !$d qddd r-L INI ,nxt6,z' VAI L rcr tir aE-. h[,Qtt6 _rr.', I \ EXHIBIT A to a llarranEy Deed d.ted VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., e Coloradothe First Part) and FITZttUclt SCOTIParE). LEGAL TNSCBIPTI(X A oortio:r of Lanal in Tlact 8., Vail Vitlage, First filiDg, E,fil.!d itrr',ler :.ception iiumbe! j63a2 in ihe ?iat Eooi q! Eo.icC{)u;ity dt Pn,Jc 49 n.d Page 50 of tho Eagle Coilnty, Color-lo,Clerk .'n.i ll.cordl:r's records, said prtion of land b"iig i.aa€parii.i 1ar- lf C;s:rii:.r:d as:o1loHsl "r.J;rrii9 .i._ il.,c ':ortheast r:orner of ya!l V{11.9e. FirriFiLi|-rgr L'ir,nce N 7r.:6'D.l"l'a i ljrs:::!ce of 516.I0 feet !lo::9 th!:ioril:erfi'ooriiiry ::::c o: \'ai1 Vir.lrge, First Filin;t :le:.-e5 ll'0i'0;":l .1 .f : j':.::ice of 2i8.93 :r'et to tbe :R:]E ?O:\: aF -:rii:iliil;'-:r !,l,r.ce S 5'26'a2":,1 a \!is:.rrce o! lC0.lC t._'ttr:.:- -.> \: :;.13.i1" ;i .1 riist--r1re of _r8.70 i--.tr i\---s ,.t :::e':i":-.: I j:ii:r.,-- oi 100.l0 _-,:.-t to n !r''nt o:r t,l:.: Sci:l:::.i-v ::glrt-c:-tr}'l: . (r: 3.r. i:.,,r'< :r:1lt if '-rre i! _-oi'rri:::. :f,c --c.::.scs .r:'l:1t'':,. ! r:i'r...1]' ::-_l::-:r-:-:ar:' lir:e -i .;,..e !-..-.< :.31: (11 '.:: ri:: :i it r:,'a 1:' 21.57 4.,..: .r1^:; r 19.l6 ::.' -_i:ii:rs :,r.',: :r ::r'' :lt-, :f:: .:. -' ::-r,!i i::j-lo is ji'l:';L' --:ii-: r'i:sri ':.-'.: :: .:.3 S j''j':l'':.r :j:': ::rj.) .r: 21.:::'-!': i:':::: ): .- '-' cur\',ltllro; (2) an arrc distince of 7I.92 feet alo:rg a lla.!.0 i-ro! r.r!iius r'rrrve io tLe LL.ft .r!1ose central nngle is 29'51'36' nnd r.:rose r\,i)l :).irrs S i i'52'28" E a distan!-e of ?1.1I !.--:tr th.:!1!-e li 79'l;'03" 1l' .r d:".--:ir.'r of i2.98 fcet to the ?:::s Foi\T ^l:r:.;1:.,.I'.G, .rritli:.':,: i{94 s:,r.ire :,'et or.0g5 1-':,r9, ilr!: c! 1:'sa. -j :- {*#**'ffi!= E; re \ ;'" .l ":f6.pe- ry,a>+a?T Wtl'l oT L-,*+--oFf^=.'i7s " -DkJ'52-i- L1l}n^r-T5 | + 1 *ra-:-'. ;.,; I G.-r-r-ae r"-T Re1u?r<:t{C --= +fiavt-z Quop--ou PA ,1*1-.-.11 r-f rt<,-+PemR- Wzi1a\'tl Pno.;-n;l tl 3 t:za{ aT,l,t f^\sar-1n \tJ tt-l- 'i:FaBl-tgrrn F&veE: t->-rtCt61e-z-s- gz),aaD U r,--1,=ig Cor*1-r*- l:2+- 3 ,lrrr c-E B fer",..tfo ia -,- fD<ar<-**^=l F .ac-r*cr e-eqan r-- slau:<_1ae^d I ', b!%%, amifrerfAl-- P*sJ c- Po=1I.,,.-rJ5o'Es - otr ) Pr4urz^ , lo^*af?e-7'r1)'Yrt ,5"Uqpr,rrS +an:aT€- lrfC.e3=n3€..lt Jro'He. €9 33xa<,e AT fge.EQypv\'r ---[ a<rE Al fpr-frz ll$r +1T€- olE-xtbT oOAeE,'.T?t'-1 ao TaZt++*,1*T*ar*E-g B=<rze.antrnl ; Pae$ss,n-Arn{*db\ o 4>-*-.,^21-1q+t.e.g g-Z^$A"cE_. z*l*a -T--( Eac-r -. J | &na i?gQ3 \ o f1 -\\Jr ' -ffi VqH&.3eaa-L_J+a:d, ' A-a'e- ?2,,e-e:E;)T)z*.^ ITI ,t -=F , F.-rt-r.r'Ez1:-E +a- t P,et->-t-l t r-*:3t-f ,;L.^ :^-, TDa-ry-D T<tqtr >'a le-, - V 1 I Cp-'*\1ret@+P.v-m 1J*L Favail -pra>ftr, -1-rq-,.ne14rerut:+rc t <iT\ w+e l^-=trel,Tejt aA<*72-- &t L C+> U-',. tc) \Att1za.r\ b,Z. + E Mrw*'wlk1.A -TrvE_ \_/ % t //U-V4-a.?-4'1-/ ,,..,..','. * - .- .''itOtion or"""'\AlL't" cc.Lq) '. i .ttf'-]. -.- r' *. \i. t- . .-, GENERhL PLAN CORRECTION LIST -i. :i l: Totaf Allowabfe Floor Area..- Uq/.7e|..---.-...Sq. FL Easis for Increase .X Corr€ctions checked below are to be made on plans belore permit is issued. llE approval of plans and specificatrons does not permit the violation ot any section ot the Building Code, or other City Ordinance or St te Law. GENERAL (b) Totat width o{ all openings limited to 25 Der ccnt of the ,rvall l.:ngth rn the story underVatuatron should be $........-...-.....---........... r-.i-lffi, Show job address on plans. Give name of person responsible tor plans. Submit fully ciimensroned plot plan. Give all dimensions orl olot pian. AREA LIMITATIONS AND GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Ground elevations should be shown at corners ot the building and at changes In ground slope. The Iround elevations should De taken at lhe lowest pornt between the erlerrot wall and a point 5 feet oul o. at the prooenv ltne, ii closer. Where the extenor wall ts parallel to and within 5 iegt of a tublic srdewalk. ailey, or other public way, the ground €revatrons should be the elevatron ot the publrc way- The number of 5tories in thrs burldrng cannot be determrned untal thri data as furnrshed. The total floor araa is limited to squrfe feet.Sec:rcns 5C5 and Unobstructed yards ot .....-....-^........ feel snould trc maintained on ..-.....-.....-........-....-.-....- sides of the buildrng for area purposes. Section 506. , Plan Check No.-....-.--..--.-.....-Valuation.. Fire Zone No.. Fbor Area: Floor (Max.)........-....-..-.Sq. Ft- .------Sq. Ft. consideration. (c) All open,ngs p.otected with fire assemblies haring a lire-resistive rating ot one-and.one. halt {three) hou rs. (d) Oucts through area separafion walls should be avoided. lf aliowed, fire dampers on eacn side of the wall are reeuireci. Section 30.102, U.B"C. Standards. A lire.resistive occupancy separation in conform- ance with Table No. 5.8 and Section 503 is r€quir€d between the Horizontal occupancy separations should bs sup. port€d with a structural svstem havrr? eourva. lent fire-resrstive orotectron. Section 503 (d). The burldrng rs limrted to...................,.. sicnes (.....-,--........ .... teet in height) as a Type ..-...... struc*r,re. Section 507 and Table No. 5-D. IYPT OF CONSTRUCfION Type V tlll-N) (lV-N) buildings are not Dermrtted rn Fire Zone No. l. Sectron 1602 (a). Rool coverrngs should be tire r€t3rdant. S€ctron 1603 (a) or 1 704. Detarls or speetrcatrons com. plyin8 wath Sectron 3203 (e) are requrred. -..--------..hours) .-. -. - -.....-hou rs) -...... --....hours) r.' i*-J Provrde Celarls to show that.hcur JreJ seD.rriron warrs snoufO comfly wiitr Sectron 5O5 (c). (a) Extend verlrcalty lrom the foundation to -a point 30 inches above the roof. Shcat No.......1....,.ot.........€.........Shccts 15. '$ii:+t'"", l?" rj I f$,i, ;; ; ; ;;; ;i,l?iltf t6.Openings in exterror (court) walts withtn ...........-teet of propeny tines shoutd be protectcd wlth three-tounhs.hour fre assembties. Sectton ........---.-..... 03 (b). t7.Usable space under the first f,oor except inGroup I (J) Occupancres shoujd be encicseda3 r€guired in Section 1703. l&Fire-resistive constructton ior structurat etementsin ths erterior walts should comoty wrth Foot.note No. I of Tabte I!o. 'I7-A ind Sectron See Section 1702 tor clarrficatron. 19.tsuilding paper shoutd be apDtied to exteriorwall3 as specrfied in Section 1707 (a). 20.Enclosures for tloor openinqs should comolv wrthTable No. 17.A, Sectron 17A6, and Chaptir 30.Details should cle'ariy lndrcate thts. 2t.Structural.. members carryrng masonry or con. crete. wails in buttoings over one story rn herghtshould be protected wrth minrmum one.hourfire protection. Secrron lTOB 22.Nonabsorbent finish and backing tor toilet roomw€lls and floor should confoin with SectionlTll (a). 23.Shower stall walls should be finilhed with a hard,nonabsorbent surface to a h-erght ot 6 feet.Section 1711 (b). 24.Doors and panets of snower and bathtub en-closllre shoutd comply with Section lTll (c) 25.Parbpet walls not less than inches inheight are required. Section 1709. 26.Eave. overhangs and similar architectural pro.jections shoutd compty wtth Section 1710.' 27.Metal roofing (siding) shoutd be bonded and Srounded in conformance wtth the locat eiec.trical code. S€ction 1715. ?.a.Projections beyond the ext€flOr watl shoutd con. -form with th€ least restrrcttve ol the foltowrng:(a) A point one.third the dtstance to tne prooenv line trom an extenor $,att. Sectron 50.1 (b). ' (b) A point one.thrrd the dastance lrom an'as.sumed veriical plane iocated where tre-resrslive protection of openrngs rs trrst re.quared due to iocatron of propeny. Sectton .:::l-*:lil- ::::::::::: ::: - E.Envelope certtngs snou;d satrsfy the followins _condrtrons lSecrron 4303 (b) 6.1:(a) Should not be used to provrde ir16 p161ggq1alr beam and girdeG 3upportrng more than onelloor- (b) Columns should be rndrvidua y tire protected.(c) Duct and ou et ooenrngs a.e irnlrred to l0Ogquafe Incnes In each I0O seuare teet olcciling area and shoutd bc pfotecred wtthapproved tire damDers.(d) Etectrical outlet boxes should be ot steel andnot great€r than 16 square Inches In area. ?n Gypsun) bcJrd certrnqs rn Contunctron wjtn t€srstrve issernb,res Snourd be supponedintervals not erceedtng I6 Inches. ttemTrblc No. 43.C, lrfe- at 25. Final partitron layouls and detarts should be sub. mitted prior to tnstallatron to tustrtv comotrJncewith occupancy, tire.reststtve, structurat, . !exit requirements. Justifying test data in conformance wrth Sectioo105 or an ICBO research recomfiendatton rs rcquired for Rooms in which rubbish (linen) chures terminaie should be separated trom tne remarnoer oi thebuilding with a one-hour occupancy separatron. Section 3003. Openings into rubbish and linen chutes should not be located in required errt corndors or stair.ways. Section 3C03. SPECIAL OCCUF.qNCY RESU1REMENTS Group B B-3 Occupancies shoutd be ot tesistive constrpction if located Or aboye the first story. Section one.hour iire- in a basement 702 (b). 8-2 Occupancies with an occupant toad of 1OOOor more should be rn Typg t. , or t one-hour buildings. The assembiy room snculd nct be rn a Dasement if it contatns tnis high occupantload. Section 702 (b). The main entrance should lront direcfly uoon orhave a 2o-foot wide access to a pubirc wav atleast 20 feet in wrdth. Section 7O3. Lignt and ventilation should comply with Section 705.{ Aone-hourf ire.resistiveo""ufr l!Ii.r"o--u*r',cr,E'tt' teguired between the boiler or central heatrngplant and the rest of the buitding. Seciron TOgi Exterior openings for rooms containinE a boiterOr central heatrng ptant should be OrotecreCwith three.tourths-hour f ire-resistive assem blresthat are fixed, automatic, or seif-ctosrng it to- cated b_elow openings In another story oa rf iessthan lO feet from other doors or wrnoows rnthe same buitdin8. Section Z0g. Group C 42.Blildings housing Gfoup C Occuoancies shou,dbe ot one-hout frre.resistive coftsiructrcnthroughou!. Section 802 (a) and Tabie No. 5-C. Use of rooms should be ctafified. Note th3ttooms havtng an occupant load of r:1ore tnanl@ and rooms used tor ktndergarten, trrst. or Second grade cannot be tocated above tne tirst Story -above grcde except tn Type I consrruc- .tion. Sectron 802 (b). A one.hour tire-reslstive separation is reouiredbetween laboratories, shops, storage rcons.Inese areas snoutd a'so be se0arated tromother classrooms. Sectron 802 (b). O-ne requlred erit 3houtd tront darectly uDon, orhave a zo.foot wide access to, a puDirc Hav atl€ast 20 feet rn wtdth. Sectron BO3 (a). Sanitary fJcilrtre3 ehoutd be provided in ,tc.o,a. ance wrth Sectron 8Q5..l Lrght and ventrtatron should compty wittr Scct;l} 805. Shcct No,.....?......ot .......f..........Shc.tg 44.^ffi ilt'rffi* ll""n'n l':; ii"l'",-;: I ;;prant and the fest of the burldrng. Sectron g0g. Group D 49.G1oup.O, Diviston I Occuoarrcres 3houtd be of Type, I or ll constructron unless comptytng wtth the Exception in Sectron 902 (b). 50.Group O, Division 2 (3) Occupancies should beof one.hour fire.resistive construction through.out. Table No. 5.C. 51.Light and ventilarion should comply with Section 905. 52.A one-hour tire-resistive occupancy separation i3tequired between the boiler or centrat heatingplant and the rest of the burlding. Sectron 90gl 53.Erterior openings for rooms containing a bolierOr centfal heating plant shoutd be protected with three-fourths.hour rire.resrstrve assembtiesthat are tixed. automatrc, or selt.ctostnc iflocated beiow openrngs In anothet story o-r ifless than IO feet from orner cioors or windowsin th€ same building. Section 9O8. Group F 54.Motor vehicle service stations shoutd be of non. combustible or one.hour fire.resistive construc.tion. Section ll02 (b). 55.Storage areas in excess of iO00 square teet in connection with wholesale or retali sales shoutdbe separated trom the pubiac ar€as by a one.hour fire-resistive occuoancy separatioh untessthe building is equrpped throughout wrth anautomatic fire.extrngurshrng system. SectionI102 (b). 56.LiSh-t and ventilation shoutd compty with Section1105. t/J +h shclr bc tak"n frc,*r'oo{rrdc, 57.Exhaust ventilation at or near floor level is re.quired by Section I 105. 58.A one-hour tire-resistive occupancy separation isrequired between a boiler room or central heat- in-g_ plant and the rest of the buitding. Section 1108. Group H 59.A Group H Occupancy more than two stories inheight or having more tnan 3000 square feetabove.the first floor shoutd be of one-hour fire-.resistive construction throughout. Section1302 (b). 60.The following rooms shoutd have wrnoow areasas specified in Sectron 1305 {a). one.half otwhich is openable. 5t.Mechanical ventilating system in bathrooms should provide 5 Pr< 'ro/a arr change drrectlyto the outside. Secrron 1305 (a). 62.Windows from _............................ ..........,. shouldnot be considered as turnishing required tightor ventilation since they do not open to a yaid.court. or street in accordance wrth Seitiont3c5 (a). 63.Courts bounded on tour srdes with walls should be at least l0 feet In tength. For ccurts morethan two stc es In heltnt. the requtred wroth should be tncreJsed by one toot and the re.quired lenSth by 2 fect for €ach addrtronal story. Section t306 (c). &.lbitable foomg in celtars are not artoocd. ie]Thabitable room". detrnrtron rn Sectron ai9|The intent. is to prohibrt such 1994s 1q -p-" torTncd wrth retainrn{ walls. 65.i;;; i'i;' ;il;;"; ;;iii;;' l;;i JfiT*'f,?1":;Section 1307 (a). 56."iiil;';;t;fi;;';;;i;i;i' iJ:lH?"'il square feet. Section 1307 (b). 67.A_.toilet ro_om shouid not open drrectly into akitchen. Sectron 1305 (b). E{.EFr,6.r: 68.tg::i:fftrr.d!:,,ins unite shourd compry with 69.A on€-hour fire.resistive occupancy separattoni5 required between a borler room or centralfteating plant and the rest of the buitding_Section 1312. 7A.Ev€ry dwelling unit and guest room shooid have cgmfort heating tacilities as spect{ied in Section 13l l. Group J i;. ShcGt No......1......of........0..........ShccB 7t.Group J Occupancies are timited to 1000 (3000) square feet in floor area and one siory in height. Section 1502. 72.Exhaust ventilation ooenings in a garage are re,quired by Section 1504. 73.Garages should not open direcly into a room used for sleeping purposes. Seciion 1504. 74.An approved noncombustible mateflat is reouiredfor garage floor surfaces. Sectron i504. AsDhat-tic concrete does not compry, EXIT REQUIREMENTS 75.An occupant load sign is reguir€d in ctassrooms,assembly areas. etc.i havrng an occupant roadot more than 50. Section 330f (f), See...-..-.-..- 76"Conforming erits ara required trom the areas beloy, a3 specitied in Section 3302 (a). ........................ 77.Exits should have a minimum separation of one-fifth the perimeler of the room or area serveo.Section 3302 (c). Note that ..Derrmeter' rs along.the outer boundary ot the rcom or areaserveo. -.-..-...--. 74.No Doint in the building shoutd b€ mcre than 150 (200) teet from an exteflor errt. hor'zontai€rit, enciosed slairway, or exit passaqeway. measured in the direction of travel. Sectton 3302 (d). 79.Erit doors should swing rn the directton ot egress. Sectron 3303 (b), See doors 80.Double acting doors are not allowed where serv. Ing n trtbutar! occupant load of more than t00. Sectron 3303 (b). 81.Exrt doors should be openable from tie ,irr..re wrthout the use of a kev, soecr,tl knc.w,ec,ic. !,rcffort. Sectron 3303 (c). Note atso rh,lt ltusn bolt3 or surlace bolts are grohrbrted. I \ -r' I &.Exit door3 should be arfinimum size ot 3' x 5'8" wath a mintmum door swing ol 90 degreei,t'lction 3303 (d). .........,........- 8:t.The net dimension (clear width) at doorwayslhould be used in determrnang exrt widthg tequired by Section 33O2 (b). Section 3303(d). In consideratron ol door thicknesses, panrc hatdware, door swing, ete., the requrred errt :::::: :1t: ::l :::i::Tii_ lil ilil 84.A floor or landing not more than 2 inches below the threshold ts requrred on each slde of an erit door. Sectron 33C3 (h). 85.Ooors should not Droiect more than 7 inches into the requited corridor wrdth vihen furly openedot more than one-half into the reourred corri-dot width when in any posrtron. Sectron 3304(c). ......,........... 86.Revolving (sliding) (overhead) doors are not per. mitted as exit doors. Section 3303 (r). 87.Erit doors should orovide immediate access to an approved means of egress. Section 3303 (g). Eriting through another room does not comply. 88.A landing or tloor that is level ot not more than 2 inches lower than the thresholcl is recuired on each side of an exrt door. Sectton 3304 (h). 89.Corridors should have a minimum wrdth ot 44 inches. Section 3304 (b). 90.Cortido.s serving nonambulatory persons should have an 8.foot minimum rridth. Sectton 3318 (c). 91.Oead end ot corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 teet. Section 3304 (e). 92.I'Valls and ceilings of corridoG should be of one. hour tire.resistive construction. Section 3304(0. An architectural section througn the cori.dor is necessary to determine now this is accomDhshed. 93.Exterior exit balconies cannot project into an area where protected openings are required. Section 3304 (f). 94,Interior openings into corridors should be pro. tected as set forth In Table No. 33.8 and Section 3304 (g). 95.Openings located between the end of an exterior exit balcony and the nearest starrway should be Drotected as reouired tor corndors. Section 3304 (g). 96.Stairway should havet minimum wadth ot inches. Trim and handrails should not prolect more than3[ inches into the requrred wtctth. Section 3305 (b). 97.Ris€E on Stairways should not exceed 7 r,/z anches and runs snould not be less than lO inches, Sectron 3305 (c). 98.Landings on siairways should have a drmension in the direction ol travel cquat to the wrdth o{the stairway but need not exceed 4 feet. S€c'tion 3305 (f). 9S'.Basement ponron ot starrways should have an aogroved b.lrfrer where continuous to uoger floors in an exrt.encrosure. Sectron i305 (g). @.Vcrtical dastances between stain^,ay landings arc limited to 12 teet. Sectron 3305 (h). lol.Eidrails should be placed not less than 30 inche3 nor more than 34 inches abdve the tread. Section 3305 (i). Two handrails are re, quired where $tairways cxceed 44 Incnes in width. ro2.Guardrailg for stairs, balconies, and landincc- 3hould conform wrth Sectron I71-1. Note t . ,marimum clearance between intermedtate ra..' ir 9 inches. a l03.Openings in erterior walls within IO feet of arterior stairways should be protecteC with self.closing three-iourths-hour fire-resrstrve a5- semblies. Section 3305 (k). 104.Enclosed usable space irnder interior stairvrays should be protected on the enclosed srde as required for one-hour fire.resistrve construc- tion. Section 3305 ( l). 105.Noncombustible exterior stairs are required. Sec. tion 3305 (m). 106.Exterior stai6 should not pro,ect Into an area (yards or courts) where wall openings must be protected. section 3305 (m) lo7-One stairway should extend to the roof- Section 3305 (n). lt must be in a smokeproof enciosurein buildings ove. four stories in heighr. Sec- tion 3309 (b). 108.Six.foot 6-inch minimum headroom clearance for stairways should be indicated on pians. Sectron 3305 (o), Note that this is from a plane rangent to the stairway tread nosings. 109.Ramp slopes should not exceed one loot in .----- feet. Section 3305 (c) (d). lto.Surface of ramps should be roughened or of a nonslip material. Section 3306 (O. Itl.Stai.ways should be enclosed as specitied in Section 3308. (a) One (two)-hour fire-resistive wails are t' ' ouired. - I (b) Only €xit doors are allowed to open inro exit enclosures. (c) Doors should be labeled one (one-and-one' half).hour f ire assemblies.(d) Exit enclosures shourd include a corridor on the Sround floor extendrng to the e(terror. . Fire.resistiv€ construction should be as .e. quited for the exit enclosure. including pro. tecled openinSs, Only exit dcors are per- mitted to open into the corridor.(e) An approved barrier is required at the g!'cund floor to prevent people from accioentiy con. tinuing to the lower level.(f) Usable space is not allowed under the stairs. Lt2.One erit from the buildrng should be a smoke- e,rPo-t- 3! -cl.? s-u L9 90 ll p !y,l g, w I t h^ S e c t io n 3 3 0 9. rl3.OpeninBs into exrt courts less than 10 f€et wlde should be grotected with labeleci 45.mrnute irre assemblies. Sectron 3311. (e). Aiso see exr! court" defrnitaon In Sectron 3301 (c). Ooenrnes more than lO feet abgve the coun flocr aie cx€mpted. tl4.No openings other than required exrts are oer. mitted in e:it passageways. The passaeeways 3hould be of -.. ...-... ....-..... .hour frre.reststrve constfuctron. Section 331I (a). I15.Exit illumrnation and signs should be provrded in conformance wrth Sectron 3312. l16.Aisle (cross arsle) In audrtonum snould h: Iminimum wrdth ot -...-.. Sect,ci, 33r3 (b). Section 3313 (e). { Main and side exrts in conformance wrth Sec. qion 3315 are requrred lor 8.2 (1) Occupancres. S€ction 3316 (a). Corridors of Group C Occuoancres shoutd have awidth required by Section 3302 ptus 2 feet. butnot less than 6 feet. Secrron 3317 (a). Each floor above or belcw the grouncl floor levelof Group C Occupancreg shourd have no less than two exit stairs. Sectton 3317 (c). Exit stairs servrng an cccupaDt ioad of more than100 in a Group C Occupancy shcurd have aminimum elear width ot 5 feet. Sectton 3317(c). Erit doors cannot be more than 2 feet narrowerthan the required corrrdor widtn in GrouO C Occupancies. Sectron 3317 (d). Exit doors from schoolrooms shouid swrng inthe direction ot egress. Sectron 3317 (d).- Rooms of Group C Occupancies used bv OuDilsand located below grade shoutd have 6ne ixrt leading d-irectly to the exteflor of the building. Section 3317 (e). Panic hardware is required on exit doors servingrooms cantain,ng rnore than 100 occupants and in corridors of Group C Occupancies. Sec.tion 3317 (f). Every room in a Group O OccuDancv shoutd have access to at least two regal means ot egress. Section 3318 (a). Doors trom bedrooms and wards ol Grouo D occupancies and all exrt oDenrngs where non. ambulatory patients are housed should have aminimum clear width of 44 inches. No oro-jections in this width are a owed. Section 33I8(b). Panic hardware is required on exit doors serving more than 50 occupants In GrouD D Occuoanl cies unless there is no tatch or tock. Section .EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM An approved autorflatic fire.ext,nguishing system in the ...-....-...... ..... is reeuired. Section 3801. This inctudes blind soaces en. Closed wholly or partiy by cornbustrbie con. 3truction. U.B.C. Standard No. 38.160 (k). Dry standpipes are requrred in burldrngs :h'.. or more stoies in herght. Section 3304.. Wet standpipes are required as specified in Se6. tions 3805 and 3806. Fire'extinAu ishing system prans should be sub. mitted to you to determine complrance wrth applicable burlding, plumbing, and fire codes. FIREPI.ACES AND CHIMNEYS Chimneys should compty with Section 3702. Fireplaces and barbecues should comply with Section 3704. Flt{lsH woRK The interior wall and ceiling finishes should be specified and comply wrth Tabte No.42.3 and Section 4203. Gypsum wallboard (interior lath and Dlaster) can.not be installed on weather-exposed surJaces. Sections 4705, 4710. See Section 424 for delinition of weather exposed sunace. Skylights should comply with Cha pter 34. Plastic skylights are allowed only under the conortionsspecified in Section 5205. t42. 148. 149. tct Shect No,......L.....of........-6-.........shGctt 140. Glass and gla2ing shoutd comply with Chaoter54. Type and thickness of gtass shoutd be specified, at-r) +1,ti. G!-r\z... .\ 1T, Glass and glazing in hazardous locations should comply with Section 5406. STRUCTURAL Every.sle€ping room betow the tourth floor should have one oDenable window or erteriordoor contorming to Sectron 3320 for emer. Sency exrt Or rescue. FLOOR, ROOF CONSTRUCTION. COVERING. SKYLIGHTS, ROOF STRUCTURES The space between wood tloor construction anda Suspended certing betow shoutd be divroed into areas not exceedrng I0OO square feet. Sec.tion 3103. Attict of combustible marerrat should be dtvrdedinto areas not erceedrng 2500 (75e0) square feet. Section 3205 { b). Soil classification in conformance with Table Nc. 28-8 and pounds ger square foot soil bearing value used in des'gn shouia oe specitied on plans. Section 2803 (a). an approved tabricator. lnstallation of high strength bolts. The loundation investrgation report mentioned in plans wa$ not included rn data forwarded to us.It Should be submrtted for revrew. Special inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required tor the following work: (a) Structural concrete where the desiqn is based On an ultimate compressive strenq .l in ex. cess of 2000 pounds per square inth. (b) All welding except where done in the shop ol 33r8 (f). Roof drainage should be conducted under thepublic stdewalk. Sectron .3206 (e). Overtlow drains having the same size as roof orarns and on Indeoendent dtatn lrnes are re.qurred. In lrcu ot :r.s 3,,,?.tr3w scsDcers three times the sr:e of rcot ctr:'|1s shoutc be Instaledin parapet watls. Overftow system shosld haveinlets located 2 inches above the iow pcints ot the root. Sect,on 3206 (c). The a88regate area of pentnouses and oiher roof 3tructures cannot erceed 33t/r qet cent ol the Supporting roof area. Sectron 3601 (b). All masonry or concrete elements resrstjng seis.fiic torces should aualrfy as rernforced ele. menls. Section 2314 (k) 3.t32. 133. Precast concrete wall oa nels h./t ratio of 36 (25). Sectron are limited to an 2622 (tl. Wcod members mJy supDort loads frorn mascnry or concrele only under the condrttons specrfredin Section 2510. Struclu.al calcutatrons shoutd be subrnrttgc t3 iustrly the adequacy ot the sructurJl s!s:c:-lIn feststtng sersmrc and wrnd loads, and suo-porting de3d and live loads. This includes foundations. 153.Juitityhg calculationsu detail3 should be pro- vided for 154.Roots shall be desipned for snow loads of ....h5.-.-----...-. pounds per square toot. S€ctron 2305 (c). 155.The rool should be designed for uplift wrnd ores- 3utes wath due consrderation for lateral suooortof compression flanges of tlerural members. 156.Floor load should consider a 20.pound per square loot partitron load. Sectron 2302 (b). 157.Marquees shouid be desrgned tor a 5o.pound per square foot live ioad. Table No. 23.A. 158.Garages for the storage ot grivate pieasure cars should be desrgned for a minimum 2000-pound Yrheel load. Section 2302 (b). 159.Live load signs are required. Section 2309. See 160.Gluedlaminated lumber should be tabracated in accordance wlth Sectton 25i3 (c), A certaficate ot anspection should be submttteo to you. Sec- tion 2513 (e). l5t.Allowable stress in glued.laminated members over l2 inches in depth should consider a depth reduction factor. Section 2513 (a) 4. 162.Cross grain tension in wood is limited to approxi- mately one.third the allowable stress in shear. Roof and floor ledgers should be iustified for this tension resultrng from a 200-pound pef lineal foot horizontal force specified in Sectron 2313 in combinatron with dead loads. both causing eccentric moments. 163.Bolted connections exposed to the weather are limited to 75 per cent of the allowable load under protected conditions. U.B.C. Standard No. 25.l7ll (c). 164.Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls should comply with S€ction 2313. 155.Plywood grad€s should conform with Table No. 25.C. 156.Justification is required that sutficient slope or camber is available to assure adeeuate roof drainage after long time deflections. ln lieu of this, roots must be desiqned tor possible ponding ot water. Section 2305 (D. t67.*ilr on stressing m€thod and hardware along with iustifying data are required on prestressed concrete work. This data should be sucmrtted end approved pnor to orderrng ot rnateflal. Note thit all tendons should comply wrth Sec' tion 4303 (e) 3. for tire.resistive purgoses. . . Welding data or details fot steel deckrnq usel a diaphragm should be provided. Inforrnatro,' ' 3hould comply with a speciiic ICBO researcn tecommendation or test data gubmrtted In com' pliance with Sectron 106. 158. 169.Details should be provided on roof (floor) dia' ghragm connections that indicate how the shears are transferred to venical shear'resistrng elements. Connections should be iustrft€d wrth 3tructural calculations for compliance wrth al' lowable values. 170.Nailing tor gypsum board (lath, sheathing bcard) used structurally on shear waris snourC be specified and comply with Table No. 47'1. 17r.Shear walls utilizing gypsum board (lath, sheatn' ing board) cannot be used to resist ioads rm' gosed by masonry or concrete walls. Footnotel. Table No. 47-1. t72.Railings should be designed to withstand a 20' pound per foot horizontal force. Section 2304. L73.Ceiling ioists should be designed for total load of not less than 10 pounds per square ioot. Section 2304. t74.lnterior partitions should be justitied structurally tor strength and detlection criteria specrfied In Section 2312 (b). t73. with a specitic lcBO research recommenoairon or justifying test dala should be submrtieci In comoliance with Section 106. t76.Wood members entering masonry or ccncie'^ , should comply with Section 2509 (f). ) L77.Plans should indicate that foundations exre,rd b€low the frost line. 178.Provide complete specification in coniormance with the design for ldditonsl Cortectiot|6: lha.. rhartt arc | grrt ot li. glanr ..d rhrll .amrin .d.chad th.rato. Cotn€tionr 13.!ov. inaifrlad rill b. qoBrpliad with. , Foflr 2003 rrnlaonaNDUM /a./tl ) /t{ i fit:i'*.'a{ { / ' l4-n*'r J*t--jL/ rl4,/24 {t LIVINGSTON AND ASSOCIATES . CITY AND REGIONAL PLANNERS TO:Gerry White, Temy Minger Larry Livingston Town of Vail: Development Projeet Rating System DATE: february 26, 19?6 -:fr{" 'r 4f/ +.5 t' ,+5 n .#/ FROM: SUBJECT: Gerryrs suggestion that the Town have a system for evaluating growth impacts of development projects has a lot going for it. The following rating system is our first attempt to do this and is specifically intended forVail , We have taken account of both the positive impacts and the negative impacts of growth, awarding points for the ones we regard es positive and penalizing for the negative impacts. The weights we have assigned each factor could be questioned, of course. You will note that we have not included traffic generation per se because it is a bi:product of other factors (resident,/visitor population growth) and because traffic, in turn, generates other impacts (air polllrtion, noise) that are included in the rating system. POSITIVE FACTORS Publio Serviees/CostF Factors Proximity to existing development .Availability of access streets Availability of water suppiy Availability of sewer service Proximity to schools Proximitity to outdoor recreation facilities Public safety vehicle response time Bicycle/pedestrian access Maximum Points +3 .#-/ 40 cor_D sTrrEtrT. sAN FRANCISCO, CALITTORN|A 94133 . (415) 986.4579 .l.l o Gerry White, Terry Minger Page 2 Socio-Eeonomic Factors Low-moderate cost housing opportunities Diversified employment opportunities Recreation opportunities E d.uc ational/cultural opportunitie s Environmental Factors Seenic resources preservation Native vegetation preservation Wildlife habitat preservation Project DegiFn Factors Natural open space preservation Scenic views preservation Harmonious building forms/materials Parking minimized/concealed Harmonious landscaping Service/storag'e areas screened Traffic eirculation Pedestrian circulation Maximum positive points r.l3- +10 *2+4i #,7 ';: r,' #f-\ -n- I *6) *s{ +s/ .r/ ae t/ *s/ L25 O Gerrl' White, TerrY Minger Page 3 NEGATIVE FACTORS Resident population increase Overnight visitor increase Day visitor increase Environmental Factors Avalanche/tandslide/fl ood hazard Air pollution Water pollution Odor Noise I{ater supPlY needs Waste treatment needs Drainage needs tr+? -tt- 1e ..? r:{r' -+ if 100Maximum PenaltY Points <#- @ APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANICE And/0r CONDITIONAL USE PERMII" 0rdinance No. B (Series of l9i3) Da teApplication Hear i ng Date Final Dec is i Pub I i Hea r i cation ng Fee ,l aate [ie-/. 44 <A oc\ 0t'€) Varu 'Phone 416-loTa(5rarer (City) do he reby request permission to appea r before the Vail planning Comm iss ion to req uest the fo I low ing: ( ( ( on date f or Town Cou ,.i t 4^--,,, l7 (X) Conditional Use Permit to allow 4fflCES P. t.Zone, wi ng described property:Lot,/tract _, Block purpose and infent of th is app I icationl TO Variance f rom Arf icle_, Zon ing Change fromParking Variance Section to tn For the Filing Clearly f o I lo N umbe r state (App I icant) \ (State) What do you fee I is the bas is for hardsh io i n th is case? g n a T u re Frtzd,tla* ScoX o Plerce Brlncr & Fllrhugrh $cotl lnc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 8165730347&3038 June 20, 1975 Jim Lamont TOWN OF VAIL Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim: Enclosed herewith is a copy of a statement for design review fees that you have sent to us. It is one of many, many, many, that you have sent to us and I have responded accordingly with a letter stating why we shouldn't have to pay this fee. I would appreciate it very much'i f you would talk to the ap- propriate people in the Town and get jt stra'i ghtened out. I know that Gene Smith is one of the Dersons I have written toin the past. Thank you. GRP/jm Encl osure Ttr?u Plerce Brlner & Fllzhugh Scott Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-3038 March 1!, L9T5 Town Councll- and the Plannlng Commlssion of the Town of Vail Gentlemen: Is 1s our understandlng that the Town Council and the Planning Commisslon are consldering the 1egal lmpl-lcations of a change 1n the zonlng of the propertles whlch adJoin the new parklng structure. 7\As owners of the (Short Swlng and Poor Richards) Claude Martln and f would l1ke \rery much to show members of the Councll and the Planning Commlsslon through these two buildings. The sooner thls can be done the better because after the skiing season is over they become largely untenanted. We would be gldd to arrange for a tour at your convenlence. trtly yours, 1-.rrnL, en^f {.1r.u6r r tJv\J l, u FS: db t'MEMOMNDUI",I T0: TO}ll{ COUNCIL FR0M: PLANNING C0MMISSION RE: PLANNING COMMISSION RtCOiii'lENDATION ON APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ADDITICNAL OFFICE SPACE FOR PIERCE, BRJNER AND SCOTT - POOR RICHARDS tsUILDiNG Vote !tt1j1_d-lg_Qg14:$_9.1_: Against -Hanlon For - Wright Abstain - PierceHeimbach Abbott l.li 1 +att I I LU !.fpLo_s_qL by_Applican!: Pierce, Brjner and Scott have proposed to convert an add'i tional 750 square feet in the Poor Richards Euilding to office space for the use of addjtjonal arch'i tectural office space. The presentation by Gordon Pierce jndicated that the space proposed for conversion is presently being used for storage and would thus not be reducing accommodation spacein Lhe area. Further, the owner does not contemp'late, now or in ihe future, re-establishment of the dormitory use that had existed in this portion of the bu'i1d'ing. !_e!gug-_19ryU.:!fq_!fjlelg__q!_d__t!$!gg: (Please refer to attached copy front tne /onrng urdtnance) l. The Plannjrrg Commissjon is divided in their feelings about conversion of the dormitory space to office space. The members who voted against the Conditional Use Permit feel thai the proposed use has an adverse impact on the developmeni objecijves of the Town, whjch is maintaining the balance beiween commercial and residential uses, There 'is a long- stanCing opinion that acconrnodation space in this P.A. zone should not be in any way reduced or changed. This po1icy is based almost entirely on the fear that CCI and this zone would become entirely cornmercial, thus removing a l"easonable balance betvreen the two uses. The Planning Comr+ission members who voted for the Conditional Use permit feel that a demonstrated compatible use for the space is better than no use at all of the space. 2. The proposed use would have no detrimental effect orr the light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, etc. 3. There is a change that the proposed use would result in jncreased parking and traffic in the inrnediate area as the existing space'is being used oniy seasonally, if at all. 4. Granting of the Conditional Use Permit might enccurage the cwner of the building to improve the shoddy exterior appearance of the building and parking area. This improvement could be a requirement as a condition for granting the permit. a Page 2 l'lemorandum to Town Counc'i I February 4, 1975 Additional Comments - The Planning Commission fee'l s that the only,acceptabie ffiorthissiteisconsiderationbytheCouncilforrezcning the site to CCI thus eliminating the possibility of-precedent setting for converting if'" i*iining p.A. sites in the-adiacbnt areas to ali commercial The Planning Conrn'ission members who voted for that the decision presented by the maiority is other residential cr accommodat'ion areas have the adjo'i ning Commercial Core I area. the Conditional Use Permit feel discriminatorY in that manY been converted to commercial in ti ng rman Planning Commission o 0FFIGE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT - ARCHTTECTS/PLANNERS, rNC. p.O. BOX 1773, VA|L, COLORADO 81557 (303) 4763038 .January zI, Lg(t Mr. J. LamontDlrector of Dept. of Community Development Town of Va1]Vail, Col-orado 8165T Dear J1m: I am requestlng that the rtCondltlonal Use permltrr requestfor our offlce ln the Poor Rlchard.s bulldlne be taken off fho Tnr"rn Maal-{nn aanrAa +^-{ -1-+urrs J.vwrr lrqsurrlB agenda tonlght. I would appreclate it verymuch 1f thls request could be on the next Toum Meetlng agenda. GRP: cb Deparqfnt of Labor rno gmptoyeffitt Dlvlsoln of Labor 200 East 9th Aveste Donver, Colorado 80203 ATTI{: F. l,l, Shepherd, Sonlor Safety Inspector Dear lh. Shepherd, I l4vq been requested by !{r. Fltrhugh Scottquallflcatlone of Plerce, Erlner and Scott"purposer of your lnfomatlon. IIn sumary, I velleve thrt the destgn talent md constructionIn budget fcr ltt clienU In ny tonure wlth the Tffi of Vall I have had frequent contnt wlth varlous mambers of the flrm lnvolvlng a wlde ainge of proJocts. As yan nay krrow,tte Town of Yall has cxtens{ve regulatlons gsvernlng design ind constrtc-tlon. _&rr zonlng ord{nanco is one of the most compilcatei ln ttu Ro€ky Hountaln rq$on. The prlnclpal and assoclates of Plerce, Briner and gbttt have bean exceptlonal ln their eblllLy to deslgn attracfive structuresulthln the confines of tne ngnlclpal Lodes. The proJects range frm s{ngle-famlly resldrcccg to conpllcated n$ltl-storled emnerclal and resldentiaibulldlrgs. The firs ls h{ghly resp€cted for the hlgh quallty of deslgn assqciat€d rlth {ts proJects in ths yall arsr, The Torn of YalI has used thc flrm for archltectural supervlglon on a s.5nllllon dollar transportatlon centcr thlr past bulldirq'season. lJe exper- lcnced vlrtually no dtffleslty tn iln construcilon of itre prsJect or lilour rorklng relatlonshlps wlth the firrn. o .lanuary 10, 1975 to cs{ilnent af the professlonal Archltmts and Planners, for flrm posscsc€s tha organlzatlonal depth In expertcnce to provlde a quallty product wlth- ln thlr ilatt€r, please contact ny a If I can bo of furtler a$slctrncs to youofflce. Slncerely, .lanes F. Lanont OIRECTOR OF COSIIJI{TTY OEVELOP!{EI{T cc: Leonard H$rnock Superlntend8nt of School sSchool Dlstrlet Rl 50Easla, Colorado T0: Pianning Commiss'i on FR0l"1: Corrnunity Development DATE: January 9, .j975 RE: Staff recommendationfor additional office Richards bui lding MEt'lORANDUTI Depa rttnent on application for Condjtional Use Penmit space for Pjerce, Brjner and Scott -- Poor I p t't ! ItThe Community Deve'l opment Department staff recomnrends that the applicaticnfor a conditjonal Use Permjt for an addjticnal 750 sq. ft. of office spaceby Pierce, Briner and scott in the Poor Richards buildinq be aporoved iorthe fol lowing reasons: 1. The existing use of an architectural office within the structure has demonstl^ated that it is a compatible use wjthjn the area. 2. The incremental djminishment of dormitory space is insignificant as com-pared vrith the aggregate of available housing in the immediate area. 3. l'he minimal decrease in housing on this site does not set a precedentfor cther bui'idings in the area as the use was in ex.istence pr.ir.,r to tlrp adnnl-inn nf fho nnr,r >nnirrn nne{ jyt_vtt t tly trt u tlexisting use. the nel,i zon'i ng ordinance and is only an expansio* of an 4. There is no additional parking required for the expanded use; hovrever,the zoning ordinance is deficient in that it does not provide for thecumulative effect of minimal change withjn a specific building or project. consideration should be g'iven to grant'i ng approval with the condition-that addit'ional parking will be provided for any other changes grantedwithin the buildinq. 5. Condjtional Use Eranted used as a subterfuge for /it for specific organizatjons therefore cannot be other uses or buildinqs. o' APPL ICAT ION FOR VAR IANCE And/0r COND I T IONAL USE PERI'J I T t973) (we ) (S*a1'e) dc hereby request permission to appear before the Vai I Planning Commission to request the follovring: ) Variance f rom Article-, Section to ?_7 / /, a. ) Zon ing Change from ) Park ing Variance 2() Cond ii iona I Use Permit to a I low In 41, zone. For the fo I low i ng scribed rop e rty: Fi ling Number Clearly state Lot/ t ra ct_, B lock purpose and i nient of th is application 0rd Inance llo.8 (Series of App I i cation Da je Hearlng Date Counc I Hea r i i ca n t ) What do you feel is J'he basis for hardship in ihis case? S ignature icant o o CEOF FITZHUGI{ SCOTT - ARCHITECTS/PLINNERS, lNC. P.O. BOx 1t73, VAll, COLORADO 816t7 (3o3),+76:}038 January 2I , 1975 Mr. J. LamontDlrector of Dept. of Communlty Development Town of vai] Vai1, Colorado 8165T Dear Jlm: I am requestlng that the rrConditlonal Use Permlt" request for our offlce 1n the Poor' Rlchards buil-ding be taken o-if the Town Meeting agenda tonight. I 'rrould appreclate it very mush lf this request could be on the next Town Meetlng agenda. GRP: cb .;iir luwn box 100. vail, colorado 81657 l3o3) 4765613 January 9, '1975 T0: PLANNING COMfiISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF RECOI'IMENDATION FOR ADDITIOIIAL OFFICE RICHARDS BUILDING I.IEMOMNDUM DEPARTI4ENT ON APPLiCATION FOR SPACE FOR PIERCE, office of the town manager CONDITIONAL UsE PERMIT BRiNER AND SCOTT - POOR RE: The Corrnunity Deve'lopment Departinent staff reconrnends that the applicationfor_a conditionat use permit'for an addition;i i50 ;q. -ii. oi-oiii;;-;i;;;by P'ierce, Briner and scott in the poor Richards buiiaing be approved iorthe fo'l 'lowi ng reasons : l. The existing use of an architectural office within the structure hasdemonstrated that it is a compatible use within the area. 2. The incrementa'l diminishment of dormitory space is insignificant as com-pared with the aggregate of available hoirsiirg in the immediate area. 3. The hinimal decrease-in housing on this site does not set a precedentfor other buildings in the area as the use was in existence irrior tothe adoption of the new zoning ordinance and is only an expansiqn of anexisting use. 4. There is no additional parking required for the expanded usei however,the zoning ordinance is deficient in that it does not provide for thecumulat'ive effect of minima] change within a speciiii 6uilding or pio:ect.consideration shou'td.be given to !ranting ipplo"ii.*iii, tte conditionthat additional parking wiit be piovided-for'iny othtr changes grantedwithin the building. :I "r.. I TOI FROM: RE: DATE: MEMO TO1IN COUNCIL PLANNING COlIillISSION POOR RICHARDS - CLAUDE CONDITIOI{AL USB PERM]T NOVEMBER 5, I9't4 IIAETIN -and PARKING VARIANCE At their meeting on October 24, 7974, the planning Commissionconsidered a request by Cld-ude J. Martin (represented byGordon Pierce) for a conditionai use permlt and parkj_ngvariance, in order to al1ow p::ofessional business officesin a PA zone. The Poor Richards building would then becometotally office space, wr'th Vail Associates'occupying thenew space. Vail Associates would provide parking for someof its emplcyees, and it was proposecl to provide parkingto the fu1l extent on their own property (approxima.tely 3O cars); green area would.be on the Town property,A variance for fourteen spaces is necessary. Some members of the Commission felt there should not bea change of use from Public Accomrnodations to Commerc,ial ,however, the reason for the.request for a change is becausethere is no demand for public accommdati.ons of the typeoffered at Poor Richard.s After extensj.ve diseussion and revj-ew, a motion was dulymade by Dudley Abbott, second.ed by Bill Hanlon, to approvethe conditional use permit, based on the followin6J findings; (1 ) That the proposed location of the use is in accordwith the puxposes of this ordinance and the purposesof the district in whj_ch rhe site is locateci (becausethe property is presently bO% office space). (2) That the proposed location of the use and the eonditionsunder which j-t wcuLd be operated or maintained wi1l notbe detrj,mental to the public health, safety, or welfare,or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity (because the present use - dorm space -j,s more detrimental than office space). (3) That the proposed use will comply wi-th each of theapplicable provisions of the zoning ordinance. A vote was taken as follows: Abbott - in favor; Heimbachand.Hanlon - agai.ns.tl Pierce - abstaiginEl-Ttroie votingagal"nst the motion were opposed to the change from pA toCommereial and felt other optj_ons were available to theowner, Therefore, it is recommended to Town Council thatthe request for a conditional use permit be denied. nm r2- oFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT - ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS, rNC. p.O. BOX 1773, VA|L, COTORADO ar657 (3o3) 476303a November B, 1974 To the Town Council, Vall Dear Councll persons: rf a conditlonal use and parklng vaniance 1s granted to'uhe scott-Martln corporatlon which would penmlt us to lease poor Rlchardsfor commerclal usage - the scott-Martln corporatlon w111 cooperatewlth the Town and pay for 1ts share of the paving of any parklnglot on 1ts property and the landscaplng of surroundlng ireas baJedon any plan approved by the Town and at any tlme when the Townis ready. Further.more, we w111 take lrnmediate steps to palnt poor Rlchards and do other work to lrnprove the appearance of the bullding. Falthful l-y yours, cott-l{artin Corporatlon fla ugh Scott, Presldent=rtr*|fi,S= )tpo0 b.3b 'r,iiJ '.i. Iii!. Jirrrl.lary l{1 , 197'+ Fub luar'; I $-20 , l(] l4 ;{t,.lnEh l:?4 '[ r.a ve I i,]os t t {rTO i , ,:)' -\ 4.0 nq 'a i) $ l Sil ,00 340 ,0** l?,1 .C0 ..*JJ*.-l]{l- $6? t .6e T:r!s f *r* ls ,; lc i:riar 1o isiuarlcs o"f a bulldlng ps!-nlt for elther''trS f €:r'r$drt l in'; ilr. .1 !iCltlon, lf y':u have s$y quels*lans +* thsse {r1-: ,.1 .r:*ii. I rril I irr: heppy t* revier* *herE rllh yeu. :'r:i;r'5 tru I v , 1 .)!Jii LIF VA lL ];ienr $" fouglriil i'.. rsr-,\ x r.i ArirnlniEtr;trrr .1. ': "./l,t ,,. X rr \ \*/'L rrr". ;'-.r', i ',i.Sf i,i.;:i ' i " i ': ,, .-: i i' i "i;"fr r tr, rri:r..\'l f ..,!. i,'/-f r'ii i r ,..i, 1;,il {:liJir j.ioa r , ,Lrr I : ii nc I r::;c (.t lii&as$ lil* nn lnv+ice for yor.rr fee for consultant dee i "i;nrrjv i€ih, r,erv I ces on ilocr il ichnrds./Shsrt 5br irrg througjh $.fdr€h l974 as r;r'c'.:lijed fcr In Seir::*lcn 15"700 of the Zaning 3rClnancs. The fol- i {-,d i ri-Lr sufir:iary .i s liesed on nn iiourly rafo nf 54{.*1, 0ro-rrt?ea share ,"": f i'r';rve I tl$r& an <.i trnvel ensts. li* te ileetinr Tirie Trgvel Tine Arouttt 1i liR, PIiUL UUFFf,lAil OFF} CE $F Fi iZIIUGII,,.^., 1''7-:Yt tJ. lii.J/, Lt | 1.- -.VA!1, COLC. J16'] o Numbsr tii:ili lu $TATEfulENT box 1OC vail, colorado 81657 SCCTT OATE:APRIL 9, 303.476-s613 1974TO: .<b 3fr $Je have.debited you r account as follows: ' !ES!Gl,! l1[Vl!:!.'l FEtS THiTOIIGH I4ARCH 1974 _62i,-89 - JUST A RIMINDER --- LETTER OF EXPLAIIATIOIi ENCLOSED PLTASE T{/\KE CHECK PAYAELE TO: TtlE T0k'h 0F VAIL THAI{K YOU ! L -,'fr?r=,,-', lx ru '/ r, o.'- " frAt',r J -",' "ii l*',t", , ' 'u /::aro k\. \...t,[ - >.-e#:il,r r-?t1 r;rN '!;lti I .r lnmu box I oo Daie JanuarY 18, 191 4 FebruaiY IB-20 , 1974 March 197 4 Trave I Cost Yours tru lY, T0rtlN F VAtL vail, coloratl o 81657 303.4?6'5613 Amount $ 160 .00 f40 .00 120 .00 5l .88 lG-: $67 I . 88 April 9, 1914 Mr. Paul Huffnran Oti i"" ot F i tzh ugh Scott P. 0. Box 1113 Vail, Coloraoo. Oea r Paul: Enclosed please find an invoice for your fee review servi ".' on"Foor nichards/snort Sw ing provided for i n.i"ttion f: '700. of the Zon ing lowing sumnary '!-iused on an.hourly rate of oi'j tiluul time an'd travel costs' for consu ltant des ign' '^14 asth rough l'l a rcn tY 'oioinin"u. The fol- $40.00' Pro-rated snare Meeti.ng T,i me 4.0 8.5 3.0 Travel Time Tota I Thisfeeisduepriortoissuanceofabuildingpermitfor:itherthe remode I i ns ";' ;;a iiion. r t . Vou have ?TI :.::.tt ions on these bharges, l wi.l I fu-n"pPY to review them with you' w4vJv+ry S. Toughill s Adn i n istratorZon i ng ;E oF FITZHUGH SCOTT - ARCHTTECTS/PLANNERS, lNC. eO. BOX r7rc. VAllr COLORADO 81657 (303) /t7G3038 May 23, Lg7/4 Dlana Toughill Zonlng Adnlnlstraton Box 100 ValJ., Col"orado 8L657 Dear Diana: We recelved a letter (see attached copy) from your offlce on Aprll9, 1974 to the attentlon of Paul- Huffman. Paul 1s no longer wlth ourflrm and perhaps because of thls transl0lon I personally was not advised of your letter untll thls last week. Although the zonlng ordlnance suggests a consultant deslgn revlewservlce, 1t doesntt mentlon a dollar value and furthermore, we hadno ldea at the tlme of our varlous meetlngs wlth the town that we wenebelng charged for a consultlng servlce. I think that thls should have been polnted out to us especlalLy ln1lght of the fact that we were rrexplorlngrr varlous ways 1n whlch to accommodate the towns masten plan. If indeed we had a trRealrl project that couLd be bu1lt wlthln the zonlng ordlnance and asked forassistance thls charge would seem more 1n order. Perhaps a meetlng ls 1n order wlth the developers, the Town attorney,and our offlce so that we can brlng thls matter to a faln concluslon. Very tnuly yours, Gordon R. Plerce GRP: ck F. Scott - Developens C Martln - DeveJ.opersG. Snlth - Town Attorney cc: oFFlcE oF FlrzHUGll scorr - ARcHlrEcrs/FLANNERs, lnc, P. o. Box 1773, vAtL, coLoRADo 81652 (303t 17&3038 September 6, IgTU Mr. J. Lamont Town of Vall-Va11, Colorado Dear Jim: The Town has not responded to rny letter of May 23, 1974,(See attached copy). Perhaps 1t would be betier-io" yo,lto fo11ow up on this than Dlana. Very truly yours, < P-^-""-t Plerce / e'o- - w I { FFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT _ ARCHIIECIS / PTAI|NEBS. INC.varL. coLoRaDo 8 t6st 303/176-3038 Aprl1 l{, 1974 Town of Va1I Va11, Colorado 81657 Short Sw1ng,/Poor Rlchards Development Va1l, Colorado ProJect No. 1519 DATAr Exlstlng Condltlons Slte area: Zoned:Exlstlng B1dg.: Poor Rlchards Total Present use: 20,000 sq.ft. or.4591 acres Publlc Accomodatlon Dlstrlct Professl-onal offlces = Lodge accornodatlons =Clrculatlon & mechanlcal = Parklng: 38 cars (surface)' 2,500 I3,4/.U 2,430 18,350 sq. ft . GRFA sq. ft gross sq. ft. Proposed Bull-d1ng Slte area r Proposed zoning: 2 0 . 000 sq . ft . or . 4591 acres Hol.lf or cCt (perferred) Proposed uses; (ineludlng the Condomlnlurns (Max. GFRA) Professlonal offlces Plus some c olnmerc 1al- Health Spa MechanlcaL & Clrculatlon Par"klng r None exlstlng Poon Rlchards bul1dlng. = 16,ooo = 8r000- 9,000= 4.000 37,000 gross sq' ft. 8,750 gross sq. ft . 9,600 grojss Aprll 4, 1974 36fiF^*^rt"r rr-tr* 1. *7.200 7.300 7.400 7.501 *7,502 rl7. F03 7,505 Permltted uses: Lodges (aceornodatlon unlts) to 1005 of oRFA Pwelttng unl-ts,uP to 50S of ,0Rl'ARetall dnd arninil, ,rp- to 20fr of total groBg floor Br€8' Condltlonal uees: Professlonal" and buEl'ness offlces AccessorY uses: Swlnmlng Pools Lot area and slte dlnenslon o.k.1 nlnlmum slte area shalL be 10'000 sq.ft. Setbacks: Assume an average bulldtng helght of 35 ft'I a mlnlmum setback of 15.6 ft. ls requlrec' The proposed bulldlng (at oer"taln areae) ts 4 ft' from ProPertY I1ne. Dlgtances between bulldlngs : Assume the average helght of the two bu1ldlngs ls ?5 ft. then the dlstance requlned between thern ;;";i;-,ile-ii. --nctuar dlEtance between proposed udrtatng equal- B ft. Helght: Allowed = 45 ft. lppr:oxfmate helght propose6 - J! ft' Denslty Control: 'All-owed GRFA ' I5,0OO sq.ft. Proposed 0RFA' t6'000 sq.ft' x7,504 ItProposed bulldlng ls 1n varlance to zontng. o Page 2Aprll 4, 1974 COMPARATIVE ZONING ANALYSIS 0F POOR RICHARDS,/SHoRT StlIllg--8nO.lBCT. (Cont.d) 30% fandscaPlng requlred \6.5% landscaplng ProPosed. Parklng & Loadlng: Parklng requlred = 77 cars Parklng Provided = none Loadln[ requlred - It 1s posslble for a loadlng area to u" il"orria"o between the Mt. Haus and Poor Rlchards bu11d1ng. to 10fi ofl gross ft. area *7.506 Bulldlng Bulk Control - 1n v1olatlon at Poor Rlchards whlch has BOt wal1 face wlthout 10r offset' 7 .507 Slte coverage: Requlred = 55f, Proposed = 53/" 7.508 Usable OPen SPace : 1/4 GRFA of 16,000 = 4'000 sq.ft Actual proposed bulldlng coverage - 10r690 sQ'!t', subtraci tirls frorn 20,000 sq.ft. of slte area leaves 9,310 sq.ft. less requlred setbach area = 5r910 sq'ft'' of usable open sPace. 7 ,509 Landscaplng and slte developnent: 7.510 2. Hlgh Denslty Multlple Fam11y Dlstrlct (alternate proposed zonlng) o.luu Permltted uses: Dwel1lng unlts LodgesRestaurant&retall 'uP Condltlonal uses: Professlonal offlees 6. 300 *Proposed bu11d1ng ls ln varlance to zonlng' Page JAprll 4, 1974 0oMPARATM ZoNING ANALYSTS OF POoR RTCIIAR!-5 SHORT SWING PROJECT(CONI.d. ) 6.400 Aceessory uses: Ir6.503 Swlnmtng pool Lot area & slte dlmenslons o.k. Setbacks: Assume an average bulldlng helght of 35 mlnlmum setback of 20 ft. 1s requlred. bu11d1ng 1s (at places) wlthln 4 ft' of 11ne. Dlstance between bul1dlngs: Assume average helght of two bulldlngs then the dlstance requlned between them 25 ft. Actual dlstnace equals B ft. Helght Maxlmum = 45 ft., o.k. Denslty Control: Allowed GRFATI-2,000 Proposed GRFA=16r000 Bu11d1ng Bulk Control: See P.A. Analysls Slte coverage: See P.A. Analysls Usable Open Space I See P.A. Analysls Landscaplng & Slte DeveloPment: See P.A. Analysls Parklng & Loadlng: 6.504 t 6.505 *5.506 6.507 It5.510 See P.A. Analysle ItProposed bulldtng ls ln varlance to zonlng' 6.501 x5,502 ft., a Proposedproperty 1s 35 ft. equals 6, 508 6.509 I raqe q Anri l 4 'l O7A't 'J | ' COMPARATIVE ZONING ANALYSIS 0F P00R RICHARDS/SHORT SWING PROJECT (Cont.d.) 3. Commercial Core I Distrlct (Proposed zoning) The proposed bullding would conform in every way except forthe parklng requlrement and the offset requlrement at theexlstlng south wall of Poor Rlchards building. We feel theoffset requirement can be solved wlth projecting balconies.It is also the request of the developer, that in order to #;iHX: 13"*Hi3:e.qualities of the site, that a parking ,, fr o Rol'5;tt"t Hrtt'tittll.ti.: Bcck & Abey March 28, 19?4 Mr. Terrell J. Ivlinger' Toryn Ir,lana3-er To','m of Vaii P. O. Bo:< 100 Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: Design llevicrv Poor Richa:.cisr/Short Stving Dear Telr;r on Marcir 22, 1974, Jim Lamont and I met with Gorcron pierce ancl paul I{u{fman concerning the desigr and iand use of the poor Richarcls/short Srving project. _ Follorving is a sumurary of our meeting: 1. Tire visual quality of the project. as shorvn by the model and dlawi:rgs, is good. Althotrgh ilre plan is conc:ptual at this time, it has potential of refinement into an excellent group of buildings. Thc plime elements oI success are: (a) Reasonable heigtt. An averagc of about 35 feet rviilr the highest portion near the Mt. llaus. This follorvs exactly cur- previous recomlnendations. 0D) Roof form effectively continues ilre scale and quality oI the '/illage. (c) The variety of builcling set-back and qr:ality of landscape space moving into ilre corrrplex is very goocl. (d) The grouping rvi1lbe an excellent clustcr as seen flom the new roadrvay at the east end of ilre terminal. It also 1v!tl v,,61li ivell r,vitir thc pedestrian change of East Meaclorv MaIl. o Len Crcelrc lrrcltitects: Principals: Associ:rres: J' l'lanninE Xobcrr liclt5ton FAst-r\ Parricir Carliric ASr,.r. Iugcoe R, Kunir ASIA 5o Crcrl Srrerr Urban l)csign A53 llanamoro AS L.rr Louis C, Al lcy, L r.. hirecr A tA Robcrt T. Barrerton San Frar1i i:.< s Park Phnning Sldon Bcck ASUr, llarold N. Kcbryashi ASLA Gcorgc r&,. Ginin Caliirr.nir lr i i I I [uvironrrrcn tal Plrrrning Ka]uo y'"hcl,ASLA (4t5 ) t ,".at', i o inger o MarMr. Terre[ J. l,{-2-ch 28, 1974 sorne valiances rvill be requirecl. These should be cleterrninecl by staff. One variance which I support is that of permifting the building to be closcr to the properiy line ilran nori'ar set backperrrits. Thc gtin is a lorver builcting. The lorver buiiclilg does not Lrlocil viet's of the crcek trces or of the vilage. Thisis a valuable cor:sideration. The most difficult topic of this project is parliing. I have taken the position consisteirtly that no,re lt the propert-ies along Bast Meadorv l,Iall, including Wedel Inn, tire Mt. I{aus, or this pl.operry, should have parking on site. This corner in particr:Iar is critical for the follorving reasons: (a) Parking access can only be at the tight radii of the newroad. It will be adjacent to the end of ilre pedestrian mall, close to the auto bricige, and add an eilement of auto movement ivhich is in comrrlete conflict with the functional quality of ilre perlestfian mal1. The mall should have onlv the mini bus tra{fic and peclestrian. andbike morrernent. The ariditiorr of a ,lriio" private drivervay at tliis logatlon wiil be, in my opinion, ex_tremely hazardous and unsighily. (b) 'The northeast eorner of this proposed building grouping {ilt 5. visrplly prominent to ali passing tovnipeoplL,driving or.u.alking. The best appearhnce will be ftat otquality la:rdscape ertencing right up to the building rvals.The developei: lras agreecl to this, in fact, may bJtvillingto share in mall developrnent costs adjacent to tne builcring.Tf we can trurl'tracle a welr landscaped corner for the vie.rvof a paricing lot, I arn heartily in favor of such action. t -'/t' Messer-s: Lanront, iicse, Dobson, pierce 2. 3. (c) In conclusion, the Town shourd not permit parking on thissite. 4. HDMF zoning appears appropriate for the property as long asspecial restrictions are altached. rhe zoning shoulcl not permitfuture remodelings which woulci defeai the cu-irenily proposect qrurrity. I o tI i.l \ .r;r anra ,y-l'Fr49{4F /n,qf)C/4 4 &t /4 7/ j4e-.-.-r-.irir.Jari€{1t- 6'*ldrc- (, -Direetor -of ?ianrilng' Taahrv', Tonn of Vall- ValI, Colorado Short Swlng/Poor RlchardsVali, Colorado ./-7\?#t gled' ' ftl:iuttt\ftu"n"P DeveJ"opment Slte area: Zoned:Exlstlng Blcig. : 20r0C0 :q.ft. or .4591 acres PubLlc Accomodatlon Dletrlob Poor Rlchards = I ,750 sq. ft..Short Swlng '-,9.600 sq.ft. m^+^1IL, I/CLI Present Use: Parklng: PROGRAM: Area uses: L8,350 sq.ft. 2'560 sq.ft. Professlonal offlces L51790 oq.ft. Lodge accomodatlons 38 cars (surface) Condornlnlums +8.e€€_tq-f€? 4o-'nn'Professlonal olflces -i-2-;{€O-sq:.f'F /hd sdf/ S,?, tr/ Tota1 Butrldlng Area - -{Q4€€-e6'St-' 17t rTo ProJect No. !5i9 5,2 Fl (i,+'r\. ,1,'J. : .'- -J...",.,L .) ,l( -c- t r: t-J. l :. -{{: :1 .{ l :.',,t-'/'/.4'',' / ( r t | .2,) -, ,. '''.|'/-.Il -) \-l C. .r-] 4 '':* |,/'ZU/f.rrz( {'irZ ,, . )1"r,. ,i.t, e ,. d', (t , ij,l , . ffiFzi (2) t,\, . ,.(/1.,, | ('"'',, ,6.(.'il'ln ' '-'' -in /? C) t: " it'*-rn'r /' ?ei) (.rpnruc!&-f/ {.(c. ov . - ;1.;..ll,i;.t, . i' A ielrrctli,tt _.t.1:.1 ,,') t' / t. t - /t /r'c/ 'f" gb-r/-t,-a/ tr o t rl o (a_ 7,**oz "/,$'rf- { a,l" {+^-".'i: r an/(-'/ c,,/(-, ) -: {/' ":-' i' S,F c'L /$,i:,t 6rn', ). fiOr,:: ) 6' ': :, a 'i', "; o {1).**.*. c i.-i, {. r'A"-0. &o ft /gpq- 4 /&r e {-/-r*r*.y' 61+-, o ,'/ {r7. €aS . /;r-r = 4Z5O i',.€, {.L4(<i'r"t-. 1rt 1i g,f' ) /, 5/.,/ ;t', g*) . i-i ,''l 'Y"-', ,?cl ,f0rl 4,) f(!er-<-t -{r- tt e...1:, , ..i(,t -/tJ,' .\.' )-4- e. -C\;'t/ It.f ,l I I I i {," Il,; ) a /gl,7,1 2 tr. i;t,, '5a,:;' , , ('l g/+'il,tt.::' ={'/ / u ./-/ ,*- t t,k e- {,,/-'rLt .", t (J,,{'.(,n. ; t, a,/e-.,' ,l ,-/ ,, ,t //-i',La. r. , r. i ,t- , r.'n' ,, j L; " ' ?,t -""'.l ,ti 'ii;t.,'t /,.,/ 22. I(n el4- a ,4(7tl ! ,/ z<rac €rt"*il , 4|107,rl'l St-',rj,.c.- 5a(e ,{ , r;-"rl . ,'.. / -n r.t I .t ;:'r* {1.'t,: /t o. :-'.2(-' O,{'.' (.' 6/.,<", (r" t t-/ / 71;r.( "'l'iT . ,.. '?t- lt-,oy', .;'i*f_.-.. d Jr'1i"/;t ) a 4 ,,'/ri'--{/,'d-.(tt o Royston Hanan:oto Beck & Abey Mareh 8, 19?4 Mr. Terrell J. lvlinger Torwr Manager Torvn of Vail P. O. Box i00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Poor Richards/Short Srving - Design Revievr Dear Terry: ' Ir{eetings \\'ere held in the office of Fitzhugh scott on Februar;r 18, 19?4 and February 19' 1974 regarding potential redevelopment of the Poor Richards,zShcrt Srving site. At various times the participants were Fitzhugh Scott, IvIr. l!{artin, Blair Anrmons, Paul Hoffman, Gordon Pierce, Jim Lamont, Terry Minger, and myself. The purpose qf the meetings was to review architectural concept and aid the Orvners in reaching a development decision from the many options available. Meeting of Fei.ruary 18, 19?4 1. The building mass at the proposed level of development was too large. There would be significant visual impact from the Interstate and from the frontage road. Viervs of the Village and trees along the creek l'ould be affected. The current presence of the creek would be lost. 2. It was suggested that: (a) Tire developer accurately draw the proposed bulk over the projection of a slide to see the impact and the scale of building with the Mountain l{aus. (b) That a lower and different roof line be explored. (c) That a less dense development be explored. Re- tain more the scale of the two existing buildings I:odscape Architects; Priacipals: Associates: ft Rt"nnine Robeit Royston r/rsl-,t Patricia Carlisle ,tsie Eugen€ R. Kunir ASLA 50 Green si.crr llrban Design Asa HlnarnotJ ASLA Louis G. Alley, Archirect ,rtl Robert T. Batterton San Franiisco Parli Planning Eidon Beck,rsr-,r llarold N. Kothyashi ASII ceorg€ lv. cirvio Calilo:nia r+ r i i Environmental Planoing Ka:uo Abey ASL| (415) 397-0594 ,. Mr. Terrell J. It{inger -2- o Mar o ch B, 19?4 . or slightly exceed their height and bulk. 3. On-site parking rvas not included vrith the development. This can be supported if the project is of reasonable scale and reasonable in site coverage. The best community planning is to delete parking from the site. Access to parking crosses the fulure pedestrian rvay and a drive way connection at the tight radii of the new access road is not good. The loss of quality and potentiaL hazards to the Town are sigrrificant if parking on the site is permitted or required. 4. The conclusion reached at this meeting was that the design proposal would not receive the support of me or of the Town staff. The developer agreed to give the design further thought. Itfee!ing of February 19, 1974 Significant modifications had been made to the plan since the meeting of the day prior. Comments as follows: 1. Drarving's were sketchy but building rnass was improvecl. The scale, land coverage and heights were all reduced. 2. It was agreed that the development could consider a "no set back" relationship along the north property line. 3. Suggestions: (a) Greater variation in roof form and building mass suggested. Buiiding should not be linear in appearance which reinforces the direction of the Mou-ntairr Haus. Significant step back as the building reaches the east. end of the property is essential. (b) Consider a larger hip roof form at the r.vest end. The highest peak perhaps one level higher than the Poor Richards' peak, extending over the Poor Richards structure and the new addition proposed. This rocf alignment would parallel the east end of the lt{ountain 11as-s, (shcrt end) not parallel with the north side (long face). This type roof form adds bulk where needed, permits appearance of trees along the creek Mr. Terrell. J. a Marc-3-h 8, 19?4lr{inger higher than the building, and would be consistent with Village roof scale. (c) The quality of opening at the east end requires sensitive design. The opening should not be tunnel like, rather plaza like in character. 4. Commercial or restawant use rvas discouraged. Apart- ments, condominiums and offices seem *'orkai:le. Parking rvas not shorvn on the site. My position will be consistent that parhing should not be permitted along the sor.tth side of East l/Ieadow. It was concluded that the direction of development was reasonable. Fuliher design work willbe performed after additional testing of the project economics. E 6. a That was ai1. Sincerely, fON. gA,f&IOTO. BECK & ABEY '-k"Tru> Mr. Jim Lamont I\tr. Keirt Rose Mayor Dobson Mr. Paul Hu-ffman Mr, Blair Arnr.rons January 21, L974 Royston Hanamoto Beck & Abey Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town Ma-nager Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: Torvn of Vail - Design Review Poor Richard and Short Swing Property Dear Terry: On Friday, January tB, 1974, I met at length, in San Francisco, with Blair Ammons, Developer of the above property, and with paur Huffman of ilre office of Fitzhugh scott. The project was revievred in detail and the Town Plan discussed in respect to impact upon the property. The fotlowing items were discussed. 1. The property has unique site conditions in that it is suruounded on three sides by Town ownership. The relationship to the Mt. Ilaus and the locations of the two existing structwes also are unique and, unless both structures axe rerrtoved, result in inevitable set back variances. It is my reaction that because of these unique conditions, the Architect be permitted to e>cplore as creatively as possible a building arrangement that does not necessarily respect set back conditions. This permission could be granted only if the developer agrees to install adequate landscape on property owned by the Town if in any space adequate landscape depth does not remain on his property. The effect of set back re- strietions is the forcing of large rectangular building rnasses, only slightly smaller in mass than the Mt. Haus. Large build- ings side by side become very heavy in appearance. I believe that if the set back conditions are eased a clustering of buildings, greater variation in size, and more successful solution to scale can be achieved. 2. The building mass can be larger, both in height and width, near the Mt. Haus, and then decrease in scale by stepping downward gO Green Steet Saa lrancisco Crlifoflria 9{l r 1 ltrs) lt7-os94 Iendscape Architects: fno"r"n,n, Utban Design Park Planning nnvironrnenral Planning Principals: Robert Royston FASL Asa Hanamoro ASLA Ildoa Beck asr.A Kazuo Abey ASII Associates: Patricia Cadisle ASLrt Iouii G. Alten A.tchitect AIA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Eugene R. Kurit AsL\ Robert T. Batterron George W. Girvin o Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town of Vail - Design Review Poor Richard & Short Swing Property -2-L-2r-74 to the east. I suggest that an alpine roof line be developed and that the mass appearance be constant on the north, east and south sides. By this I mean the building Sroup should have con- . tinuity around the eastern end, not have two distinct I'ends" and a distinct "front" and "back". The architecture should respect thecornersitecharacteristics.Ifurthersuggestthatif possible the building project become a cluster of buildings, village like, with a centraf "space" rather than a central "cor- ridor". I believe that Paul HuJfman can elaborate on this part of our discussion. 3. Surface parking should be avoided. The building is literally surrounded by the pedestrian precinet or creek space, and surface parking or a second garage level becomes a barrier betrveen pulliic spaces and the proposed office spaces. 4. The condominium and office uses proposed seem reasonable. I have no response to the proportioning of uses. 5. The project was to be a single one, not phased. This makes variation in roof height possible and an averaging of height rather than preeisely restrieting heights of single, separate buildings. 6. The entrance to the underground parking is very difficult. It' requires signilicant excavation and construction on Town land and in effect "acquires" the land east of the building for private use. The design shown does not yet solve the problem I suggest that the Town seriously consider not permitting park- ing on this site, The access has significant impact on the Iand and a diJficutt connection to the public road at the bridge. Much more study is needed of the parking, access, and service access. 7. The project should have quality, plaza-like entrances on both the north and east sides. These both seem important as "front doorsrt. Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town of Vail - Desigrr Poor Richard & Short -3-L-2L-74 B. Ownership of the strip of land beirveen this property and the Mt, Haus is not clear. It appears to be public. Is this coruect? The use of this strip for bus parking should terminate rvhen the Transportation Terminal is completed. Do you agree? 9. It was suggested that fire safety be confir.med. Is aecess re- quired on the souLh side of the property? ' 10. There is no provision for condominium recreation on the site. Mr. Ammons said he has agreed to participate with the Town in recreation, fee or some other way. 11. A site survey was not available so it was difficult to assess the relationship of the buildings to the existing trees. This wilt be supplied soon. A11 in aI[, we had an excellent meeting. I advised that the first step now was to receive favorable staff and Planning Commission reaction to significant design freedom rega"rding building set backs. Perhaps the Council should react informally to this concept. Alt parties are after a top notch end product, and this I support whole heartedly. Sincerely, Review Swing Property tldon prb O}I. HANA {&. ' W^.7ffPABEY cc:. trtim Lamont Kent Rose John A. Dobson, Mayor Paul Huffman Blair Ammons I Dl OFFICE OF FITZHUGH scoTT - ARCHTTECTS / pLANNERS, tNC. VA|L, COLORAOO 816s7 303 / 476-3038 January ;..5, ]-g7u Mr. J1m LamontDlrector of plannlng Town of Vall Slte area:Zoned: ,Exlstlng B1Cg.: Total Present Us Par:k1ng: PROGRAM: Area uses: Poor Rlghards = B , T5O sq . ft .Short Swlhg = 9.600 sq.ft. 20,000 sq.ft. or .4591 acresPubLlc Accomodatl0n Dlstntct 18,350 sq.ft. 2,560 sq.ft. professlonal offlces15r79O sq.ft. Lodge accomodatlons 38 oars (surface) Condomlnlums TotaL Bulldlng Area = : Val1, Colorado !-i.glt !"lnglfoor Rlchards DevetopmentVa1I, ColoradoProJect No. 1 DATA: 18,000 sq. ft . II . UUU 30,000 oq.r \r, )o PROGRAM: (Contlnued) Deslgn Conslderatlons 'Professlonal offlces located to the north -Condomlnlums located to the south -Pedestrlan walkway through the mlddle of the slte (north-south) connectlng the pedestrlan walkway north of the slte wlth pro- posed Vorlaufer Park Brldge. -Bu11dlng masslng relatlonshlp to: 1. Mount.ain Haus2. Proposed parklng fac1l1ty -Scale relatlonshlp to north pedestrlan walkway. -L1ttle or no dlsruptlon of south slte contours -No vlslble parklng -Create a vlsual access from the proposed Va1l entra nce noad lnto the park ar"ea by openlng up the south-east portlon of the slte. )l January 15, 1974 Permltted uses: Lodges (accommodation units) Condominiums Retail & dining CondltlonaL uses: up up up to IQ)iA to 50% to 20% Professlonal_ and business offices. The definition of rrAccommodation Unitt? and. r'dwe11ing unitil does not a1low the meanings to be interchanged. Therefore a condo- rnlnium is not a lodge or accommodation unlt. For example, with a total building area of 30,000 sq.f.t only t5,o0o sq.ft. could be dweLltng unlts and the remalnder must be accommodation unlts. Total area & Slte Dlmensions - o.k. Setbacks : -assume an average building helght of 36 setback of 17 ft. is requlred, all new additions must comply wlth new zonlng. ft. rnlnimum expansion or Devel-opment Standards )o Page 2 Zonlng Analysls Concept No. 1 and No. 2 (Contlnued) -Expansion of the upper floor of elther Poor Richards or Short Swlng 1s 1n vlolatlon of the zonlng (Sectlon 7.502) because of the close proxlmlty of the exlstlng bulldlng to the exlstlng bul1d1ng to the property llnes. A varlance must be requested. Concept #1: the new addltlon complles wlth the front and setbacks. Concept #2: nequest a varlance of 7 ft. for the front sebbacks. Dlstances between bulJ-dlngs (o.tt. 1 -rnay have to ask for varlance to constructlon lobby bridge between Short Sw1ng,/Poor Rlchards. Helght ,o.k.''(is 45 ft. a maxlmum helght or average helght?) Denslty Control -80% GRFA of 20,000 slte sq.ft, ls 16,000 sq.ft. or l-8,000 gross sq. ft . - o.k. Bulldlng bulk controL o.k. Site coverage 55/ o.k. Useable open spaee o,k. 1,/4 open space of dwelllng unlts but not less than 150 sq.ftper uni-t. 17,7QO total sq.ft. ; 4 = 4,J00 sq.ft. needed Landscaplng and slte development o.k. )o Page 3 Zoning Analysis Concept No. 1 and No. 2 (Contlnued) Parklng and Loading (Artlcle l-4) 75% of requlred parklng shall be located w1th1n structure. Interpret thls to nean wlthtn bu1ld1ng setbacks requlrements. No parklng at all on the front setbacks. Varlance must be requested. Parklng Requlrerynt s B condomlnlums = 16 cars Professlonal offlces 300sq.ft, /car of 8,900 sq. fb. = 30 cars Total 46 cars T5/' of 46 cars requlred wlthln bu11d1ng = 34 cars One l-oadlng benth nequlred ' ParklnR Variances Requested -Only 30 cars maxlmum can be parked underground. A varlance of 4 cars ls requested. -A varlance to bull-d part of the parklng structure wlthln the front and slde setback areas. -16 cars are requlred to be parked on the surface of the s1te. A variance of no surface parklng 1s requested on thls s1te. The 16 cars can be housed tn the new parking fac111ty whlch 1s less than 300 ft. away (ref. artlcle 14.400) )O Januany 15, 1974 Concept No. 1 Renovatlon and Addltlon of Pbor Rlchards and Shor"t Swlng Sq. Ft. Analisls RESIDE}fTIAL OFFICE SPACE 5,720 6 '950 12 ,07 0 I tlvv 4 'gza L2,072 I,)OU 'r R?o -2:.4 {,390 2r4oo 2.108 4 '508 Poor Blchards Remodeled New Addltlon Total Short Swlng Remodeled New Addltl.on TotaI Remodeled = 12 '320 New Addltlon = 4.872 Total L7,L92 Poor Rlchards Rernodeled New Addltl.on TotaL Short Swlng Renodeled New Addltlon TotaL Remodel-ed New Addltlon Total 4,960 3, 939 g, BgB )o Pnc"e ) lann aanf Tn 1vvrrvvy v rrv . Rqlovatlon and Addltlon of Poor Rlehards 4!d $IAr,!--swi!g (Contlnued) Corrldor & Lobby (A11 new addltlon) TOTAL NEW & REMODELED BLDG. AREA i \\\ \$\,w /*" \'"l,ii'# ( I \Hi l',i "i '"td'st,\ \ 4$ir\rs xl nr?\ \ il*.] {0 UI gl o F' OY N ti \.r {1It?. o-b 't.:-F*\.-\rn r_ _r-gd Frn.1 \tl- fll-s/ /v+ r'f ' 'tlt il/AiAi r' l-ol< @t/ "t (* IAio,o /3/ s\. ' rN-o:a j t "*+.' ffi-|',r )")N i[,#l ,' I ''.\il|"i I 'Al 1 t Itilii'l!lr llltill I lt$/'/ ,t / Fdll \\ \. t : f-^ ti al ,NI /o" (\ oo'4'ot , t' I \,r t al o b' )I ; ,l// i t,.t1 *'J ,* ,s \5 'o (j ,l i .t-1l r{5a t r f"l .i tg fI ;H q"i,$ r H r r fj'ulfi$ rilr; [ [; ;tlrf l o -l;"i95F- i{ iLi r $dlt'! s i "i["i q 1* 'r 5dll;r l{frJj3s j:J3oo J t+ J s I d) 9ogt! 0r o 4 ut ?i1rq- ul DO w5cJ >, '!i p: : af(+_ F- 0 F J v-c F { o x. '4 r svrA 0\./ :!,d"q,:A-Ut,9 l-r A't "t,;^F;r \'/ al r? o 4 Fr 6 df * rlf-o s "E 'H- i ,[ $- b-: .; d ,- li.igotoT Ii -il + $"; trJcltLisIrlfi? *"Fil1-13 qi ,. d-{[": j t[$ P,:'nfu{J$oi I t/lH 6 o tt' d ^{t'|. 4, e rt\L, I'. Ff Fi :'i g g r " t['b F ,i "J tr-; o,! 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Fa+; C!-zlrDrle,rr:lA,e- \zbT- lTo ,EE C{P.A}?TE-D W)Ob+t eo L ^ - ^ q ( 4oO F=,:1, oT -T1{=_ 4ry odA Af{e ++k- l?o,e@, ft'tlavP& brztire J-fi tL g>'a=:pr2,.n vnArnl{lrrrtt,'\/ \ ,^--:1(=) \t-zor><--o \ivT -ebLie##eLA oka-g TtrPff\ =;rrt w*1" o-A-r1,),u-- \ (e ) na <zt4r.rtf7dx-rry: c'A!+n r<lft J(+J c-r-tPqb-aT: tJa.z *ze<nA+ I I -2 2 J-- ---a^) t-Fla-1 / tl ,t-.lJ.- t J.- rrr' \,/ \-4}--- 'F^PlaCIq 1-6T- ia ? o - p.wu c>- lN SPEc't-tor-rI -,-!-.+'J,-i't\}(Paae I*= (E6grrzee-,a$.1 pF'r Jo=-t ,tt.r",: t 2 {,--ALLg,i?- 6urr^n n C o*rt r.?rUMi'lnlC-MEcu..,rt if;1 r- I Foolrntc-, I Founralon I -FfaivlNe( FtNau H P^r<p^u ocATloN: rtil ,! t'-:t' ,. i,-/ Req. tra1''ruc-- u THeefrocx D VENeET< O Roor A t-7Ljl I'-ARTIAL ILO(ATtON: O FZ.r<.1,a'- Lo6,a.Tlor{: ttf:Fr<€ kA,l I Ve *1t.,qtont I !{eo1xc D Hooa+ n BVa<1,o,u Localror't: ?ouet+ ?Taxvne: Frxra.r- fJoauer< Mor.rlr,i ll E /^<1,e,r. Locqront aT\oNi- !- Frzr -, , " // r-. ,:- -'U r'lu '-F.1a T7m i,' UOtuveNl+: lr' ilii $ArrRovev !it; I a StViA??Rou.E?tr .fsrNri"scT n J./' UoeeeclroNg Vzv, +I 1.t/A.iC ; I _3 /titL ? A /ft/I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of Applicant to PLAN CHECK VALIDATION ruHITE - INSPECTOR WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - A.PPLICANT I D EgC R.1ffisez nrucr:o sneerl MAI L ADDRE3S MAIL ADORESSVa1l, Colorado LICENSE NO.3 Hoyt Constructlon 476-5827 ARCHITECT OR OESIGNER MA|L AOORESS 476-3038 LICENSE NO. Colorado C-3924 Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott p.O. Box I7T3 ENCINEER MAIL AOORESS PHONE TTCCXSE l{O.5 Ketchum Konkel Barrett Nlckel Austln Denver Colorado 6 None 7 Public Accomodatlons 8 Classofwork: trNEW trAODITION flALTERATIoN NREPAIR trMOVE !REMOVE offlce space and increase slze of exterlor wlndows l0 Change of use lrom Sleeplng rooms change of use to offlce space 1l Valuetionolwork: $ 4.500. OO SPECIAL CONDITIONSI Slze of Bldg. (Totall Sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklefr Required E\/es lNo OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: OTICE SEPARATE PEFMITS AREYEoUIRED FoR EIETAHAIE TEHMI I5 AHE-NEQUIHED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERIVIIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTHUCTION OR WORK TSSUSPENDED OH ABANDONED FOB APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM-MENCED. I- llEREqY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THIS4ppLLcATlqN ANo KNow rHE sAME ro ee f nuiAi\icj Cb-nlnecr.ALL_pRovrsroNs oF LAws nruo ocorrunrltEs -o-bVEFrir-t.ic rnrsIy?E,.9F woRK wtLL BE coMpLtED wrix ws e-rHe1 s-iedrriEoF_EE_qr]t oR Nor, THE GRANTTNG or a peCuli'dbE5 r.rorpBEslll4q ro ctvE AUTHoRtry ro Vtor_ATtoi ce-lr-cEi_ rnepRovrsroNs oF aNy orHER srATE oR ubtel lAiri' {EcUiAr r nv ocoNsrRucrIoN oR THE penronuerute o-i col's-r-n-utrtoN. src{MtuE,r oF co}fFacrotroqJr(,rHoR,z]o aGENr LoArE CAN,ARY _ AUDIT GOLOEN ROD - TEMP. FI LE I rFFlcE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT - ARCH TTECTS / PLAI{ N ERS. tNC. VA|L. COLORAOO 81657 303/476-3038 October 25, l-972 Jerry L. Aldrieh Bullding Offlcial Town of Vail-Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Jerry: In reference to your plan check letter dated October LB' 1972 for the office remodeLing 1n the Poor Richards Buildlng' we are eomplylng 1n the following manner. Item f. Have complled - see revlsed set of drawlngs Item 2. Exlstlng plumblng stack and water connectlonsln existlng wal1 behlnd lavatory shown on plans Item 3. See drawlngs - we w111 fireproof 1inte1 over slidlng doors on south ften 4. See orlginal drawlngs attached to renodellng plans (clear span) Item 5. We w111 add 5/8tt drywall on east wa1l of offlee supply and furnlsh a t hour rated flre door Item 6. Existlng bath rooms are vented Item 7. Exlts for habltable areas are one exlt stair from maln corrld.or and windows 1n each room (Ref . U.B.C. Sec. 1404 ) Item B. See revi-sed drawings ftem 9. See drawlngs Page 2 Please flnd enclosedpermlt and the plan a check covering check for $43.50. October 25, 1972 the cost of the bulldlng rdon Plerce GP: cb Enclosure -- L- tt;.i::',,;t -. (-.,;.,!,::,:,: -- t- -', ^.'! \ | a.. tJ ! t:.., .r-,.: /,;.:i\;i rtci','c !, C<,ic,"",...'; r:i!;;'i I : ' )l:, .,, .-,, - ;lr'lJr-::..t lirCil Orl l;;,.u .:i.Jy,: i-- -,. LS t..l ,.'./i:. r;/ 'i,'i..-. ;.,;l:-..: r-. S...i:.;.ir !,./'i,5,r):;-; ;:'.. , i,-_ ,. .--' t,, , Vai r I/j...j.r..:.r.,.r, :i,:r:J; Ir.1-.i-,.:-;,. ilO:ic ';l3t-t iC Ll .: arr i i- C.l:SC:'ir!C li r-..LL .^.:: !a..'-,- Ii-i1L,r .tr.ij-lJ! D v! UrJ{L i r:-liLr, .''.-:r1- \r n 'l t vJt4 .;.':.lj,if.r.i.ilj', ; I -'. ','r j -i ' . ; i: ,. -: - c:.i: u. b. . L_- r.(J ;^lt: i)::' .1, : .- a : i. 1- 5 a ,1_,'.i .- - 'i-r" a Q' *U Lr, -: ::i:ci fCi.:ila ',--,:ic j.x,:: ci\'(:rl,ti';:t ii; ":..; ill:,.:;i:tl C jl:.'----.--;-'.- a;ll:l-:i:: Iils bc,u,.::*ds.i'f i'i:le jj o 3 -L:ti a,.ovJ-,.loacli,:i:cl p:.-r:;fer--i]. as i,.;,.1o:.;';l oc [:-.] i, .:;*ciie.jp1,,r-t. l.i,c i,;c;lii..;rr it:.-..d ciir.ttcsii):.$ c-.: a;i i:,riii;:i::;s, ir..ir;.c,\,c^i..:-t;{i, eaS.ji:iC'ri[{j .],:] r i-;:':tijri -Oi'-'..'i:y i;, ct.:.rir.lrCi.) C; k::-*r1., it,t it:.c tlii f '-LC 1: Oi)C r'ri:lai 1'\:S :,\/ C;t' C11 C::r: pir:i:ie r--S il;i: €tS S::C-r.l.l . 1.1 -,r l-,-' :-..' ,^-,4 =,rlwL L(J te !iii!u j.e:: fcnce cJris Eructioit. Cl:rri:lc:L::l i"L' t-i9 i{c;El:;:;,i:t co'i.-:,: j' (,f V:.:...i 1 Vili:._; -,- , ,'.::s; .-:cl-ii c'rfiia:: lt,::j.i:i, i;:'ie i-;:i,:.,:S.i:,,,jt:L-i.).:r r):. ;i"r:: SOu.:i., -; i."--.:.: c.f iJ. ;i. ,.'-i-..11:tt;.-;,r i:,.;. i l,-.i., l:.:i:' 1..-,.:i ._:..._,i l; i.1.:; ,_;,_,!- j:.,.ci <iue;:c; cf Scciioi: t, Tc'. lsi,i:., -i i;1..,.:Li, )i;,.,.r11rr- $0 r.i,:s.l; ; i.li,.::tl:;v;:sut;1y ,.r1-o..,.1 i:1:: ii...:;i-;;-,;l--., i i,.i:, i,f !i-!.:- / j-.-).-...,.i., ., it::1j-l-,11 , r:i:1.J.Cl l:L'.-:i ;.'ii:,i f,irr- SCu.;-:t;"t.', l"ig:.:I * j:*i..,1;-., , i1.,: Ii--::i-rvi:'r Li:r. f. 'a c{:.-s:t:-:':cc: ,f f 9t:1 . .'5 ;-r,,,:: ; ci-li.:;:cc e.:1 c.i, i;":- .tcii of 9J"irii:ii;tt ii C-:.siailcc rii 2!.,C.1;) ierli .rr, i:i.i i-l-'.,.(: :. : ' ;:''rt.-;. ^:1; ; .:;i..1-icc c-: i:i: i:.'r'.:-cr ic it.-rr. .:,-l: c:= l,:" J,:-, ij.-)t, :_ cf 20il . ilC iect i ci:,.:;,:ct: c;r !-r. .;'-:.:'-._e lo ;h,., :i;-,iic a; A5" 3,- ci:',-r:il:..ncs ci i$0.,i.0 fi:e;; 1,-;'-;ii::,:.t,i:1 .-iil.j,:i.j:o il.:r::ii,i;)4"2j ? -j*tr e .ij-siar:ce cf :lC.C.,l .e;::; :::r..:.ic.,J c.:-r i:.il ._.1;i* L'*;1i.t c,f .i:utit':.t' i. rjt-i;t.:ce ..-3 .cut.Uv L.-,_.t, f:;3i. o;. :-d, i:r,e i:::uJ p.:,i:i-'.; of i;cg;i;;lit-nJ; c.:rr:;_;a,.-:if,i; 0 . 453 ei:rtrs, ;lio:: 0cfobcr 18, l91Z l,lr. Gordsn PlorecOfflcc of Fltrhugh Scott Vcl l, Coloredo SubJtcf: Ptan Chock for Offlcr Remodrl Ing Doar Gordon: A plan chsek of your prtpor.d offlco rprrci rtysalod thc fol-lorlng lfcmg rhlch srurt br corrected by rovteud plans or o d don lur: t. Rrvrrlr rtlng on corrldor cnd offlcc oxff doorr. ?z llo" pIurbIng for rsIecoicd Iavafory.tt Shor llntcl drtatlr for norfh and eist openlnga.1, Shox dctol ls for lbove I loor beorlng.3. Shsr onr hour f lru-resltflve raparaTlon fron off lcoto hlbltol arca (H);6. Shon rnechrnlcsl vrntlng syftcn fsr brfhroorag. 7 . thov rxlfr for hcb I tfb I c rrco.8. Shor lrndlng detrl I for north sllallng doors.9. Shor I lghtlng cnd vrntl latlon for raifh dfttcr. (F-?) lf you hrvr fnrthrr qutctlona, plaa*c dcpl rtnrn t. Yourt tru I y, ?OTTN OF YA I L Qo- Jrrry L. Aldrlch Suf ldlng 0tflclal Itt sontrct fhe bul ldlng 0 ) c'; -','!'o'"^"',AppLIcATIoN FoR EUILDING PERMIT J'\-'- ---=-THE :'"fN OF VAIL licant fill in this section onl : i Building address Date of 3 pplication arne P ddre ss City Name BUILDING INFORM.A TION Addresscityrbl A lteration Type of occupancy A rea of Lot Na. of roorns No. of wate r No, baths clos ets No. of Farnilies A ddition-/xu,,uiJ, ESTIMATED COST .1 oF coNSTRUcrIoN =/40:- New Tel. No. O J{ <E in .lr Address City TeI. No. E Iock DIMENSIONS Total floor area (sg ft) Subdivi.sion ( Ci rcle correct classification) 1. Type of construction I, II, III, IV, V ?. Occupancy grouo (Materials & Labor) COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE T-nEF.]- INSPECTION RECORD (for Departrnental use only) Fo d a() do +)tr q,) c Ic C) n k ut u o +)() c) (' H rd ltl +J- a1 I I I Id' d o d F-r 1J(, Ft u)o Elr C) .F' d t-l tl dl t*\lirtu o c) .:l/ fi"[cl {f} r.i l,)Ord +r()e, C 'r{trd<i 0r o+r (o ._l\tl \ffi -,,|ol -l d l.rt B d tr fl o fit (n & ooo .y'. .aJ o tr d lr cJ o o n c.) H '-{{orVo F.'l tEl F,1 z-r-r li ir H;d 4l)A"z'I zy. 7.&zv<; a ,..1 o L"L,, INSPECTION APPROV,A L FOUNDATIONS (,} d tr F.t lr ('l ($ h 0)k n, 1Udt1 q) 'r'j .J Ll Hl]1 ;: .-{ (orJ !.]c) o o (u (D q) do tr ${ rJ a tro {-r IHc ,rO u*1.. v tdg €r'god(J bo r.l F t': rd o+r alv; >.O trph0) (! a\ x.>;;' rr -1 €al(g-r; t.'n*'a)<.5.o z F t,t zFl Zf-t JH F.l {) Fl.< {n q) FI i'l FRAMiNG FIN^ L ROUGHo E) f'l FINA L ROUGH Fri FINA L ROUCH FIN,A L P e rrnit Pe rrnis sion is hereby as 6 cr.r+r gr t VBUILDING PERMIT t vail, colorado b "*" J,rj." P -G J Vaii Br;ilding Inspector n6g In accordance with the C ornrnitte e, subject to Protective Covenants, /' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Euildine Code. Type of C onstruction Contractor g rante d C lr*lo YlA * r{ r* to cr"rr{rr,rrc.{- a /- stoty -chry ..rrl; -"^--+/.- {tk"f, d*, n? ,n ddres " 'U)oi f A-/, provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in compliance with the 1964 roup ,{, .l,pproved INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use OnIy) INSPECTION .u-OUNDATICNS ,\ PPROV.A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNr'TURE FRlMING bo d ')gl FINA L ROUGH(.) C) Inl FINI L ROUGHF 0,FIN.A L ROUGH_uo d I I a 5 FINI L Rovston /'l Hairamoto Beck & Abev4J' twr, January 10, 1977 Mr. James F. Lamont Director, Deptartment Town of Vall P.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado Re: 81657 Cormunity Development Dear Jim: {9 requested, I have reviewed the proJect design for the vail Athletic 9'!ub. Both Lisa caronna and Georgb Girvin trivi aavisel-me-of theirji99us;jgns.with you, Gordon pric6, Fttzhugh sioti,'ierry-aio rent,f,nus' tnls retter incorporates the thoughts and reactioni from all ofus. In addition Bob Royston has reviervEd the drawings with particularinterest in the relati,oirship of thi pioposea proJeci"to il," i"..'ip""iittonTenninal and East r4eadow l.iail. Our reactions are as follows: 1. The concept of the building ispotentially a very attractive the building uses much of the and mass is workable. quite good and structure. Althoughsite, its location 2. The entrance to the bul'lding is not particularlystrong and deserves further design thought. Ifthere is any possibi'tity that th; tobby; or aportion of lt, cou'ld extend through thi-butlUingwith a vierv of the stream tract td the south it- seems that this would add substantial quality tothe entry experience. 3. The north side of the building and parking areacontinues to be the most dlfficult brobld area ofthe site. -l!-past reviews, in fact, dating Uiit toMarch 28, 1974, we,ve exprissed serious coicern -- about the presence of paiking on the slte because0t the comp'lexity and tightness of the intersection tandscape Architects: Principals: .dssociares: 225 lVfiller Avenueland Planning Roben Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley urban Design Asa Hanamoto Asr-A Roberr T. Batle;on ASLA californi;94941hrk Planning Eldon Beck ASLA Ceorge W. Girvin ASLA 415 3g3r900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA . Iruis G. A.lley AtA htricia Carlisle ASLA I ,I ' .<l l'lr.James F. Lamont -?-January, 1977 of East iuteadow Mall with Gore Creek Road. Wecontinue [o resist in every way possible, theintrusion of prlvate vehicjes bf'any quanflty anci consisteflcy into East Meadow Mail, eithei.to this project or to the Mt. Haus. Our values are these: (a) The.greatest visual and environmentai gainto the proposed project and to the total cormunity would be for the tota'l northsideof the site, from the buildino to Easr i4eadow I'ia1'1, to be a well plaited plaza and landscapg space wlth mhny treei of goodsize. A bullding of the siz-e shown similvnust have a foreground of trees. p'lantinl on-tlre garage top as shown on the drar,v.ingiwil'l achieve neither the scale nor visuaiimpact essential . The urest end of the Mt. Haus is an excel'l ent example of what I mean. The scala_and quality of the building was dram-atically inrproved by the addition of thelarge trees and landscape of the East Inieadowlial1 plaza. The proposed Athletic r]]ubstructure is quite a large buildinq andmust have a similar foreground of trees. (b) The proposed sidewalk would restore the appearance of a standard street/sidewalkrelationship implying that people must wa'lkon the sidewalk and that vehicles thenhave the major right of circulation on thestreet. Thls is exactly opposlte theintent of East Meadow l4-all. The lrlall isio be a shared corridor with the pedestrian able to walk wlth comfort within tfre land- scaped corridor. A separate standaidsection sidewalk should not be constructed. There is reasonn however, to explore thedesign and arrangement of brick'and asphaltso that this Intersection does increasb in auality_and so that pedestrians arelogically dlrected tb the proposed bridgecrossing over Gore Creek. sE$1 t : : zbtj s a lsxst ' - i:.1.'&1i. ll, r t. i cnmruttrl rErAarcret tc VIIL CITD CDEIIIXIIIIS tr8tl CF O|IENXI .tv u--:!-l-.'81;l L.rlb. . tr. . . Fclarrtidr .i. . . .tLEtlnltlrt1g a'.4 endcrnln i rt! liaF ...... ..i tEscriptlcrr of Cmdolntq tlrit - Ur . . : Acecr'lndattqr onlt! . ;.... F3rn of O{rErlhtp, Al tan$U tty rd PEll Inseparabilltlt of a &dorinlur Orlt. . S,-'Darata Ariracs{E rt r$ Trratlm of h 9 ,10' lt:12-13 .'ltl5 :- 16 L1 .18 l9 20 2L;22 :23 ".:' 2l i'1' 23 t26 l9 t9.; 29 30 31 32 l3 :t{ 35 t5 Erlrlblt Bhtbtt ':. i.'a' a rt rl' :'-': r . 't.. f ?f,',, ,);, _Fx,_w ii,$r' ."t I F f," tJ[t- I.ri' I | 1. j# :'. lt.l lfti t.d ccnrrno n oltoantt.t,: L -.tL:,E' :iir '; ': i'' !.t. .Connr, n trgrnrrl. r..n. .rp.aa.a o! dt rr: rr'if,f toi , :11i111:trltlon-, oltsrt-lcn, rn.d rrargorirt qr urr tror.ct. ffi.rti ,ovnrd by thc Arroelrtlsnr' rnd ttn- tltoetrttontr.taltrlrrnt:5i'ilrfiD.cl.r.t:on, thf Arttglfr -cl lncirpor.ttotr, rytrrq rna mlff rnilrgulrttonr o! th. lraoel.t,lonr tuir rnd ciriim diby thr lr.octrtlon, , eonttructlon, .d6lrlont, iifFit-j : t.nt., lrpr1r, rrlotaarne., oFsrllon. tn6- rfglrorant -of-t.ta;i -:.i-. ; at..!.nt,r .r€ prop.rtl ovard by th. lraocl.ttoot +lrnfuOrDlnt.$l crrf j_o{r. :.. r ol grounorr coalon ltgh3lnt, trrrh rnd grsbaE5}colltctloarFrecrrr , 3 a" ? cclon_ rrt.r rndt r.r.! cbasg.rr hf rt .rd. ..ceCdlttrB lrrt +lrnigo-, .i::: :- . coEEon r|t.r rnat rafa! cbasgatr hg rt artd ..ce€6tttR Id j l:l!^ t_.!.I obu,grr,toar_ _rnd- lrrbtttttil lncurtllrl $. I i ,, !.1. 'Conrrr!n tlgrntrt. r.ana arptaaat ,o! a?'!alrt i Aeinr or rio";;-;.J udiit-'i,i ;;.-ffi;;;-#i;-f #,'i.fit Dccl.rrrlon .nd tb_G'-lrr.lcl.r of -lncgrDorrtloo:.- rril,:. tllrrI i! ! :'.','.Tiir, " "i" r' iT f"','." t;i. ."rt" rt"l*rg. : r glil;3ri ;nffii x' tha i' rirl '.-.: d c rrr r I on _ o r' r r rlln-rti; - iil ;ils:;; i' ri'.I-.rJ, s-;r.l-# "j{ t trnkrlrg t'tndr8 r rf rlatfiabla corta rnd rtgrarlr rllrtlr- to f crrrrron_ or- rrr.onaDrr coatlng.nct, Efarrtr, Frltil crplull.i rrr. '.j lJnllng tundsr rfr!. t.bl. corr. rn-d-trpranr-rtlrttq- to ildf*rri. I { t rrnktlrg tundts r rf rrQfiabla cort. rnd trpra.|r rllrtlr- to irdFctrE|r.t.f. .rrE.nrr-r co':non. tn'|arnca arp.nrrr, tnel|dlnga but:Dot,lLl*td torjir III! rnq oth?r h.tlro tn.s!.nc. gr.rltrt.rnd;ir|.lnr lorir l1.r;i: Drlrrv r.n.ur rnc. poltctr rhlcb Dollet, ln dattt6n to, $|.rlnr,.iJ.:. publtc tt.bl:tryr rhdl corrr rll rort on cillot.rltt ntr lir$rrl l oi .:.- :'+J.:_, publtc tt.bl:lry, rhdl corrr rll rort on Cillot.tltt ntr Ji + 3h. r.l.tr snd ptoltlty orn.d by or rrttttrlnaa.'t, lht Ar;;.i cortr .rnd otrl igrttortt drclrrrd iO br cotrn .lr.irrt b,:* .i ol t.h_l. | !.cI !r.stoa- or th. lltrrrl Ind .ny itdlfiOniti.".Y :!: :l:1"::rl-i?f:l.rr^.r.! ccron .rrrn...^ by- orn rrj-ol roj t loni"l"rlont?af ':ia? . ,-1 ".f,l pcrc.nr of t,h" rotrlirllocrt.d rot.i !n the'frroflefloar.;,1 i .rprn3fr rhlll b. pttd ln trount. and a! ttri. llrt.tftrl 3.9.1. t.ar tndtrldu.lrr h.rc lnr(trr_ {rltnrd, rnd 1+C&i ril l" GcS-.rimt taltt'- ' loot 'rrtua.t fla T,T'ffi vbteh, toq.that rtrh th. lnt.r..t ln :hr doloo lf -rnt{bg9urtrnrntBo ruch unlrr'. ldrnrttl.r rh. coadclntrn urrl t,.;A- ,, !* S'',-"]iS [;.ir... iFti l; Ind i,? i:.:*:!$ r-. t.t.r. l!h. rrrct boord.rl.r ll .|rlndlvld$ rlflgreruntt rrrlth. lntrrlor uallnlrhrd rurfrerr;.ot r{f rrtlr$toofli rnd 'ttJ.2. ttra rrrct bos[drrlrr ll rvii c.ll lngr rhlch rerl thr 9ori..trt boonau l.ali tb.r.lound .lom rucb rrllr. lloorr. rnd crllhxr. fh lnt rtrucrur!l rrg.rrt tcnl but- loi tb. cilbtirat, tofit ot c.ll lngr urlclr rrrl thr p.rlratlt Do€ntlr l.lJE lD.saosF\lnd, *ln.ra ltl 'i lound llong ruch rrlll, tl6orr, rad c.tllnlr' (fr lnt,rdiltr rc-rtrcrrilol bullt-tn ll!.el .e.f rtth th.lr !lurrlln r#clomtlifcltltga rnd : -rlndovl rnd Ccori ltr thrlr clor6 porttltar rfl rnr llltrlrtrirl rtrri -rprer unir-inciuori roii-ii.-i6-r-ti"'ni;iAtr'. -fr'tri1"c-ii:aliiilu.i, ,i i!h. .lr .paca to rncot?mrrltr rnd togrghrr ttlh rll iltrtur.r rna '.i lrgrovrncntt th.r.l[ cont.ln.d bst no! rnt irllrrl cdtlcn rharntr !. ;fiii['il;"il ''i;ii;'Hiiifira-oJil,l-ipifi "*tr. -* -rJ- '-'g '.t.lr!. lt contlgsou. untlr fur nblnrd.:{t' l,h. rorn.ri} '{r {' : l. , jorn.f rt ..;lrpput''; n_ brnrrr{ .'lPput'; !: !\ rt lonr +1 ,'- b;:ilE inInltr.S #. ..r.'l' :?. l.lr!. lt contlgsou. unllr fur nbtnri.:ril Bh. prn.rr} , tbcrro!, ruch ccrbtnrlton oi snltr rhrtl rlr4" caui*[-rltrrppur-;:- rt.nrn.- lnt.r.rtr l^ th. ccblnrd'unltr. '{t!. tthucturr\rfuorirt tonl +1 =t.nrn., lnt.r.rta ln tb. cablnrd' Un lt r. 'fti. brtsran ruch unltrr oa rny agac. yhtohftFul aErusEsSlf llPafaE lgfll DgE EE,f Egl C'IglfLE aE lil{ 9f ltrlSll.rilfr r 54.J.rr... < :b.con. I f rltol co@n rt.!.n!r rggurt.atit tct,luch e6ltt nrd ftnltr.f + ll , thcrrrttrtr ruch unttr rrr l-rgrrrtdr tbia thc lntrrrl-ir rad',]. i'.i ii r t J -iJ -i- irr J -ccrcn . I m.ntl .eptrt i."'inl ti.id : iiii,Friii$to th.lr csbtn.tton rhrrl b. rh.r.oupon H*Hr i.IFffi 6F;r, ,t 1.10. .&trtta'd c'6con .lso|lta' rierr .llOrrCccnn .Iarrnl.'idrrrgnetrd tn lhl. Daclrs.tton and on tbl'r.9G ra.tr|l!f ad tir:urr$ '. by llvrr thrn.ll 3hr ovn.rr o! th. lnrtlrl,turl$-It rpr0Gt|,nltl' '!h.i tlronr d.rk rnd th. elorrrr, rt ahoen on tl| ;r!fl1i. lra=lJll trd cauon:tr ":.l.rnGnt. rrrrrvrd tor urr bq rnd rt th tl taftt{oo og th. torrd.E. j f'r :{'*i" '$}r '" 'r3.t t. 'trnrglng .tg.nr' r..nr rh. irntrflt'rnyf rarploy.g uv.,.', ', th. Arroclrtlo.| to lan|(l. th. ?soltc! tnl accosaaact rttl dtt.ctlonl* "th. Arroclt!lo6 to rrnrgr th. ?sotac! tn'i accosaaact rlcb dtr.ctlonr,* 'rot th(. trroclttlon o! olrnrrr rctlrn tnroql ttq. fnlrd.le.lny gtollr'-r. rior rl rrnre 6ott rgrr.r.nt ]|a!: brrr r Srrr of lo rtrt'I|' than lhraaf ...yeot.r rrtl b. tilrrla.bl. by .tthat gerryf 'rltltCirt !r.r{f -bnd fltbouL*' -'r prJ"re..rr r! ta hatloa trer on no lor. t|||i t0 lqrt_no$.!r. ':'' ' ':4 |' i.. .i i-,= S . +'' 1.i 3,tt. 'ltga' lftnr tha rtp o! lrgal 'lt: tupptrlrnttd tndr. :..'rE.nd.ct, ltlad lor trcord rltb th. gl.tt .r$ 'l.collar ot la91.i'. stCounry' Colorrdor to d..ertb. tb. Protral. ,Ii. l.P*ihrll ah9lcgfthr EroJfc!, rnd. ttr co.f or.iDt Drrtr to{&l.rtlt ahofArl l..rt .thr;. .lortovlnEr tlli bounttrry- d"rcrlDtloa otftbe ProJ.str*ll .!h. Iocria .*-tlon o! lfl butldlnir rnd cthrr.lproralrosr.tl.t.onF3{t} tb.-tloor; irnd erll thlcinirr ird lul lolng rlrqrtlooi la l' eoadorlnlur unltr byr' : tlon o! lf l buildlnir rid cthrr.lprol.lratr.tl.t.onFS{t} tbr-tloor.; ;'rnd erll thlcinirr ird lul lolnr rlrqrtlooi ll l' eoadoalnlur unltr b/r' -rnrabc!' (!l loD.r.l crcron rl en3lr mdila) llrtt|d.Glron rlrrrntri ' 'lth d..crtgsto! or e.. lrrtr.rto,r. "1$i ,ij-+ i, tF :$q.+, $ ii t. | 3. 'tortgrga.' tr.na attt Dasloa 1gstattty rf9: lr I rotEJi ; - brte.on .uch e ltr ' oa rny .9rc. vhtob Fuf CSo o€eltt.d 6L tucb'! l-tBructurrl lrp.?tBtcnt but lor tba cilbtlrat,lotl o! rucl.,im I ta. trh.ll'F l- b.con. I f rltol co@n rt.!.n!r rggurt.atit tct,luch e6ltt nrd ftnltr.f + ll , thcrrrttrtr ruch unttr rrr l-rgrrrtdr tbia the lntrrr-lr rrrd'.1 ii:lhltrd rr{ grnrrrl ccrcn rlmrnti rpF|rt.nltr! to-eQ[1 unlligrlor'$ r,:to th.lr csbtn.tton rhrrl b. rh.r.upon a*Hr i.Fffi .dF;.. ,t ;l t.l o. .&trlt.'d cocon orli'iltr' tii. 'aro.adGCFn .la.rn!. t ,-... drrrgnetrd tn lhl. Daclrs.tton and on tbl'r.9G ra.lr||ryad tor rurr* ;].;by llvrr thrn.ll 3hr ovn.rr o! th. lnrtlrl,turl$-Itrpr0Gt|,nlrf' '!hr{ 6 grg.r ur€ra r ro.tgr9. o.-i- toi'rriiiftrrr-er?-i ir..lier .qrurt-orj.-iitit t rr .reJrltt lneirurrnt rncurorrl{ { SDdo.lD tqh- udt...r'i I!.rr .rpr.rrtq- r trrsrntrg. ot rortgrgl.r {-loEi ' ralEfr.torltt.rorrarqrrt.. or .3? D.!c.nt of thr lotta acaat': ..th rllb taa!. tbcrortErglrr'. oa 'Ct- grrcrni ol thr rottt.taatr' ..rh rllts r.a!- tbc.trrtg.9..a rapraa.attDt tB l..rt th. F..calbit 9.rclptf,ap ot, tbeot.. ol unlt ..t.t.. thrt rr. rubrogl .tq':.ottgloa.r; "rJ?llatvotrr ol unlt. fat.t.. thrt rra auDtfct .tql.ortglf,rr r rjnflltrrortgrglo' r..a. tD. rortg.goa undat; lu€i,SDltturait ublcb tg.rrEount .rd :.loal, rnlor of rll aucf, ..llattlrrDSr :lnc,rrrDtrltf condorrntur up$' ;i-. -S ;, * ;i$'iil.' 3. ta. thtt' r.rnr tha rfcord or!.rd""rbathrriar ot lorp.rlon. or rntftlrlr ct thf lar at4l1. tttle tO rny condo lalua rnlrlrlch lr a taCt -ol tba Dtot.ct. Ircledlng Gontlact a-rllrar, bu rrcludlnE ttirf - brrtm ruch- ltt.rort'letrlt . rl' mcrrtty tor th serfonricr cti ra obfg.rton. 3n.$.r:-..i:.a*arPt t.,I.,,'l "::t,i .i!'r: . ,,3 ': ' i', ii 'r: 'irni{ ." , { l+ I l3: ffi ;1", t: t li:- 'l.', JT+is.#'.,d*,{*, r'i*i:; .ff, --i,', T : {r -rrrf (]IYI l. :i' 'i-'Sq*,Hs i f ;t$ h\hrn """ ,ir fi :i$ { ,Ft t'.': Club Condon Intun Altocl!ttoi, lnc. ln ecCirrdancr rlth th. Provlllont ot lt. Art r .- lct oli tneorporrt ion rnd lytrrr rnC Q.lr r: thr cdlor'6o io^profif c ,rporrtton Act'. ?.ch Grn.r ilett ur r fraurr ro long rr hc.'rhc, or it lr. ln ornar. Anv torl trP?earlh*.1 gatc?ntaga ofiJi...ir'.' ",,'i ^. dLrrorttv of onnarr' ol"5? orreilt of tha'Olrrlrl'h?. tha, or r t ll. ln ortnal. Any tor! lrPrlarrntF.l F(rrrrs"rJr".irrrio ='., -'r'r es terorltv of orrntrr' of:'5? Prreilt of th'' Olrtlrr' rhetl ni.an :ttorrlOJnrr! r e p r . t . tt t i n g l l t lrrrp thr''gralctlbrd o€rccnteqe rf th. Itot.r rttoirt.d eotal: tn tha tsloclatlona rr: tha iotcs ln-tt'.' Agsocfrtlon rh.ll b. rllocrtrd to arcE€ondcrt'ttt[:unlB rr .ar r^r' h {n trhrrrtf n- rit^rh.d 'hLtrto, l} frfOglflltllrll' tlons, or .-'.,pji.h.iir. Erch .uch nap: rtrall :bc {r1r{: tog - rccord . p-.lor ..o t'.r' conelyancQ of the condorlnlurn ,bnlflt rlEvn .th6r.on. ' iach su,'h r,r 'p Bhrll cont.ln the crrsMer?G of 'f..1tqtl1irrd gro-iach su,'h x 'p ehrll' cont.ln the crrsMer?G of 'f,1tqtl1irrd gro- flgelnral .,rq Incar or llernm.l .rchl lagt or botllts"cr!tlltlng. t'hat.ih. Ho1, 6,rht"trntlrlly drplct3 thr loc.llon r1d tft lxt? I !c.ngl.l -ard lvrrtlcil me,rsurcneitj o( -thc unlt., th..,unlt darltfrat lonl r l$lld tnl '.'deslgnations, crillngr .c constructrd, tha rflrrrl-ono$t tbr -,,nriiis;a.r fioori rni thrt luch lro ur orloe?it lEbralflanB '"to;.'1 ttaDs, tt,e =xlBiIng phyrlerl boundtrltl: o! .lchff.tPrtltaftllt iarv-.'c.nr:, ,^:-: shal I ,-be- ionclusively prrrured t+ tsa+ft| - bo$tii!.lr I ';"Dr.c1eri, rt ',,servci Lha rlqht to rarnd tit iapa' tllr jttaailf;,':tttl1 E'"to , th.t :;rr 'tra a': or rru b|, sub'nirrrd ;; i;"-;'fii.i;;;ji ir,i-iJF.G-cono-oitiiur Orrcrshrp A.r by thc rccording o( thc Dcclarrtld*...nd tlrpl. .Ihfitor"", is ,t^ccribad in Erhlbtl- 'l.t . | ;. -isl' .l' . :..' i +'* .i ; 4iFf ,;. ::. t, :" 1.t5. rrll .Fgllcablr portlon. o!'drflnlttoni.rr''iontr.tn.9 4lt .r .et f or ! h ln .!rhlb t t B, rttrch.d -,hctrtor l+ tqgprrrfn.lr J *--r i' - ,.'i.l.15. 'rroirit' oGtnr the conitonrinfih proprr$fi.l'nsludtfi itahd ln<r lnrprovencnt3; lllrtng thc nenc vril Club eondoalnl urr llturb. ln ih. T.',n or varl, County-ot Elqle' ttrta o! Colorq$i rhlch hrr.bocn unflnishe.l floora rnd thrt 8uch tlrP.lraa Pftga!ub8te|lr1?rl conrplttlon of thc |rnProgalengr. ,.,:: I4lflh Ii \.i ';{, ' ''t, ,iq,tt " iX: . -'iS 'i{, +l id1'|. : t:. - iil ." 1.15. ^Il .Fgllcablr portlon. o!'drflnlttonj,.rr'',cont-lnrit $it - Colorad.r p. rrsed -jtatrtcr Seetlon 38-3!-103r rnrll r?Pl y .to thll .' Dcctararir,., end thr proJeet "rcrpr !a lod tf f dtor, chrn{rd ,bI:..lndir;rIr,l t,'f tn:tton eonLalnad tn thlr Daclrritl@-: .:i ..', l 'ff{ I .- ,""r ri. .,ja *,_ ,i. .: t ..J!..{. soNpo!.rjiLs.!._$gg. F .n iR, ;i. 3:;, i + :,i- iTl:e r,!.,:rs rrrv " bc f I tcd f cr rccord ln vholc Qil ln' :tra?tt ' : t!€". Dr.c1eri, rt ',,servci Lh. rlght to rarnd tlrr iaPt' tllr itFrfif;;:tttl1to e4),, i 'rn, t hc c rtr rccord I nc to tlr. rcturt l€e rtlln Stf a4ltg! Chr . . co'lrtt,,,.tn , inprot.rcnta rnd to lat&ll.hri vrclllr -Ia$ll idltocatf.s31'|n,,tr, acierf, .!old rarcnc'r!lr l|rd cn-rleti,Da'|tftBl*_afaaat " s. ur..,,,rrro" $ *"*Or"rr' *rr -'*=r+ :j' # #ffi.1f,ur.:.._:.--i; rJN \T. r,vFrrvr.r.,F r.JF| vN.,. -,r,.?8..f, . :, .,1$ .,ii.i-= ffif l.;-*. s. t. rr€ rarl DroDerry aerertbrdltn; lrril bltiEtAil. 'rl$sPplFf,. r. ; i;E rlal Pr\rPsrly crsll-E.rtFs4.arr r D.a.s.!!{E 6f_!.. -.--|f,it-u|lFrcr.r..!. a1 r the lairoirrantr th.rto8 rLr -lr r tlfy 'tlvlAlF;.tlto fec eimpl- prtatd ei lr rct fortb lnlihr'rtttcbr!- Docrtfl.lon'e ! condorniniur, UntLrr lrhtblt '8,' rt ruptlorntrc f,gl1 :f!r-1[lr]'tlra:. zrch ruch .-.rrrtr rhrll conrlrt of !h. irPriltcty tlfilgrtltr{flfilt |nd the un,t iv i'lplt lntarrlt la and to , thtr;.q .'rc t g4 f blf al#€,-.bthc un,t iv i'lplt intarr!t la and to , thiri{.'rcf rlllencntq rF'Durtentnt to auch unlt la raE .rlo?tl rupplenente'i , rnd In peragraph !2.!- gfr,. a_4..+*5.?. Th. unlLr rr. resLrletad !b riartr, lully set.forlh In prr.grrph. 30.1 lnd tGrl crdcPtj th rpccMc.r'l 1 y ldcntl f tad ln Erhlblt, '_8: ot, on 35r ir9r connercrrt unltr. ?hc cor|lerclrl snlta:.at?.EG caac lgErfor codnercial purpose! rnd uscr. ,;il ${ e* l.ffO 5. 3 . Thc cnt lrr Projcct, or .n!t grrt 'tfr&coti' rri'.btror tlne to ttne a; a lodge or hotGlrt.lccordlng -!! ttrd,|.lror tlne to tlne a; e lodge or hotGlrr lccordln9 -ta roa!,l ,,.r rhc B'ard rly dct.rrlnc fron .t." t.tiJJ $ .9: I *i, {r-s 'tt Ii \.i{, ' ''t, ,i+,.lr ..- ,lit !., {.i, . : - id'- "fF+. -:: .t #r, I *r: ",,:i*n t.r , -++'fY t 'n 1li:.- I *' l.fl, {-{-, r!r- t ;.i ,.,i.+ .i, :i-::- , :I tL !.r. Evary contrre! lor .r. r-ii. ot,jl".inio;,i rrlttrn prror t6 th. ltltng tnr icord;,, . !.y lrgilly drrcrlbr a condo,ntnlur un ,: rrlttrn prtor to tha llllng fnr rrcorc ol tt!|.,l.aa jor -' ! . !.y_ lrgil: y darcf lb. a conalorntnlur unlt by +ltr'..tahnrt i. ,,, dcatgn.rton f ol lortd by Lir naarr .Uell Ciuo . Coddarn1+ i- locrtton of such cOndonlnlcr unl! tn th. prolttt rhrll,. t a locrtton of tuch condo lnl,cr unlt ln tha prolt€: thru b:,i. :: on th. naps sublos'rmtlf ttl.d (or rrcord. * I ,ii*,r, ,i iF. ;: ... 3.3. Ev.ary contg.ct, drad, tt.rc, ocrd lC ;tii"e..f , 4 _ rllt,. or othoi tal:rurrhr j.i f.e riir-iliciiur-5i.l . 1+ unrB !y -r te td.ntllytnf untL d..lgnrtton lollo16.b'.\. i,:- lli?.-lTil'tn tT:l-rc-!?ji9!^_t-9--th1 l-llq t4 rygtld!'y-. ,. r Declerrtlon.' te.fy rueh dircrlptlon rtett fr _foOC-igrd 11 ,.i t9t- alt purpo!.a to lrllr Conv.y, trrnatar, frrc rntirl i ^o; . . " !tt.c! not- only tha unl!, but rlfo g6a, gcnrrd.r.conrh-.rd *r, irl rh. ltnrrcd coircn irrili'tr-iid;;;.;; ir,"lit?.i--fff;ri lg.l i1.1,.;, tlon .hrll b. cohatturd tg lncludr r'nonrrcturirl rr{Yt+. i' lngr.ra rn,l rgrlf E to rn o?ncr,r unlti urr tl! tha..€anl:;' .-. ': '- .Iatnentr, and utc of d.attoatOd llrltcd .coomon;dUtfti.-'l'- " : :\ t : *'- tt |, '. ! '- ; $"-"-u\ .i +'' 'Bf .- ^rcff}.Jtt. .'.1 t- ::*. i.. _t BtsOl'.]"C .;, :, , ' '#.l'8.r. -irtu\\J*$F i il t: r..--{.r'.. nll\re'* :. j :'f,IKJ-: 4 ; i ::...'.lF""t- .t :,. " J. .i : 5.?. Each Oyn.r rhrll orn thc rrnd l,vl(,.d ;l :. 2^, Ac,cg.nrrpA?toil UrttE - u!. rnd occupi: !o!l ;rm, r-n.ffi r r on-"- i r -t i r.- ;i;'.; ;;,itf;;; T :; Orolnrne"s of the tofn ol ValI. Sr long || tUCh. Ortl ;- { ': ". ', 3t.3. A ylolltton :ot the Ororr'i ur: Oracr. rhall s'rbJret thr-- Ornc r to I drllyArroelrtlon of ttr.. tllcr e retc coff I un i t.t tonuittfhrlcr.6 : ?\ a i..:' th6 tna rr ltltr by ': i::; . lct.d' rough l5 rh; i untt. "ntrl 'r l' un lt. .-th? l?'lh1.;o! 9.9lnt 'Yatachft11acrlrf f1' {1. tl,', nidal3ttt." I'l;,&fr;= aran tt'"lnd.- t I !.6. rhc rrf.r.nc. ro lha rapr or p."r*it{iliii*n :i i i'l.nt. rhall be Crrred to lnctudr rny tupplmrntt'..ind':'r r to th. ||!p3 or Drclrrrtton ulthout- rgriittc:rrltftn |- : rrrrr srrF unstytrjSq aIaI]qEE|ln|lBIr, -, tntrrrrt in and to rny n.r .ddltlonr of qcnolll. rnd: lk ll . cloncntr rs s?r lorrn in gereqreph tz.t; - 1ffi, l-:l;_ ,c . . erstnrne?s or fne Tofn ot vatl. Sr lonq tt fUCh.Ordln€ .nd th! r"srrlct,on! rG: !o!th tn thlr pir rq r'if,t lI.. r!!I thr torn, the prov tslonr or irrii p..G;i;t--Jrrlr -iJ , t .Aceornmod.rr ion Unlt_r,. r. ldcntiti€0 in trntlfffil*f i f**; i sA.l. rhe .rde:modrrton nnrr. conaorrifif,f,iEj:'j!'r tha ghar t tcrt- tantrl lrrt.t f o b. rrr.d 4i- irro..tr.r,' !.r th. sh.rr terr'' rfnt.l r.rx.t to b. usrd 5l'tfioorri drtlonc avrilrblr to t.hr gcnrral pubttc. .i:Ltftr . +ii*.. 54.2. An Gm.rrr p.rron.l ure o! hk uril*:ratll ori*,,. 54.2. An orrn.rrr p.rron.l ure o! hk urilt*.:r-iltl ol. f.-' to l{ tlays durlng tha r.rronll pcrlodt of ,.Otoo-. r ft ; j . ::f:t -l:-'I--i'd-^l1^f.n !t-.-,:'s l"t -11!! -t!tstr*t:Et, ,ri.- ttrlr leagoaal pcrlod tt hrrclnaftcr rattr* . ,i' tOrncrr3 oorttrnrl rrrr' thrl I hr arf lrrf rr.f. 'Orncr'a porronal nra. tbetl be dqflncd rr . '. +.j . or nonply i.rg 9 ucat: ol t'he orner or t.llng t .a,:*. Dalxct during thc l.rrorrt p.riodt rafartrd I -.: .f.: othcr than ncccraary reprlrr rhlch cmnot br j,J. th. unl.t unrentebti. .Oceupancy o! r ,unlt.--l*$i!oOct +i|; iii5 t."TLtJ"t'u o?,to, :*'' horrvrr rr; r hrtffiiiffi i fiFF drf ly rental ratt;.r.tor tit ,ontt rt th. tlr! .i ;-: rr3arlnent, bh.n'9ald, 'ahrll ba d.poalt.d lriji.' tlrc Aslociatton lqr uh tn upgrrding end.,ffi. olrarntr. , i, ts : :. .I ;rTR . i t4r '{ 'tr.rr, . .ft. ,. ;: 5r,l.l.,: tllr. rurs aeecruad..ageli- Irtton of thc Orfllar r r , !:rronel urc rulrfi ia coaltllote a lhn gr lhit onncr.r unrt, rrlri$llrth: irs l:r1$f..t,l: iiiif . :l .i:it* ''11:'I . ,.i' , .0r1, " :!. .il*stf;-^t' l,l i .1',,,1 i'', -i' i; .l:,.1 ,,,. -t- ;I .. W,.: ;;l fi, 'dl, t ! i Ii I *f ; l i i :re ilt $ii -- ^.,\tl\l i a nEsT w'! t ,.4 --i'.rr rdE 3 iiltiuns f " ;': ., .l? i ten rhrll b. Gvtdnnce.: Dy yr itrcn'notiir p'.r? : lan rhlll b. Gvlcnnc"J !y er i'rcr,'notitr pr rcrd ot r?cord,rl . : :th ln p.rrgrlph /1.1. Thc ,itn fhr:l- be. tnlotibrd r!:art'c : ;-.arr;regtr 2i.2.' :- 5 ;ltstr r!,.r r.r.r : i !- -'tE --1sr..i.t. th. ^rrociatlon,. cHiut.i.; i n(o$brd r! s.t'.,f.ifr !,€flttorcc thr 'n et vrll th.rn:t tha lt.nrt$itLonr thrt dl r' :h rn- orcc thror . I 'r6onrt ,se rr!trictlo.r 3h.: I qilr t6:'lfo*n et Vrll thcr::' . tnforcl Ehe r?strlctlon b:. tntotr[tliltr.i. rnl thr ltrnpr(.'!..d. f or hrrrundcr. t! thr torn- anto6rt-jitor: : l ',1I rccelv? tha !rrndr colle cr_?,J ff f . f o" r.-,.1 ', It: i rttgrt ion rqrut tt rron,it,hltlrcri': ' , rn, tll pert of rtr raulEd to t[l t'rcori:: ', .l errlfd Sueh Dartv lta court corft:ti crrltnt of throt r t I rrrrrd to tbt ?r|ratl.r nt i.?ri' : - , rn, |r: pert of rtr raulErt to t[l trl+atl,t h{ t:furty, thcco,i: : ', . l errlrd sueh party l tr court eerrE'ltClrthrr ,rftt, i"iron-rrr . ... r.re1.r'fees tncutred. #ffit:$-f ;g t,;,.?'. r re?s rncurreo. f{,ffftsrlg t. :::c Tlrun .h!t I hrva th. rtghg €UfJr'qBitiy!n rnnurl'r rhr Aslocl.rion .Gtting for*r lrilr.lmr if I pirrontl urtrn! AsEosl.l lon .crrrn9 torth a-r9p.ttrna(t,ll| atontl utahigh D..lsonr tor rll Accorodar io+it$kt -S,-:ia t-ur{h.!.r.r.'-:-ll, A!.LUN^BrLrry 4Jr- r^*';mf"o{r ;; : A :sndonintsn urrlt nay be netdl-ffirnid rtrr rn1l r"el,.r'-al-e or t:nrncy rGl.-t_snslip r e ctigidlfu. utrdrr,jrtrdar,.th! layg ofo? thlr Diilere-cf Colorado. SubJact to tt,c prdtlc;ndonr:riun unr tr rhell oe f-rrrlt9'Slah&ra. . ilotrlth- NEr.rF.-*, AlLsN^BrLrry 4r.4#[j$ :l : 'rt for egoingr no tirne ther:ng gii s-.aI: b. 6r'rr.!ti-{ '."'- .f.r rr.l :ie lotelotn{r no tlne !hr!:49 gil dlE"tf r tor'r of it|tanrals-.aI: bc oe!rrrrtt.,{, noa r}rrl tlltiebndoltnlun untt b. .. J inong th.. ovner. i\lrcof . A#Ctl. . ,L . ,ncr. E-.ErCor, #?#ry6,f,t,,I .: . .L 4 '2 i / . r.xj Byl.r.s of trrc Assucirrton, .iE*Jij tul..! ina -iii"ir- ; : : : !:.. Aglgc: ailon. l. :,1r:..4l.^q.F:t .ri:r. ; ^ri- tee"" or !ent,rl esice'enr .T;ffi; iit' co"uortnr-'irres!ly subJecr to rhe pto. i ; lon r'olltEli brclrrttfon, ittr : :!:.. Astoc:ailon. I i.&:{lii$il *,, ,I ,., r. :,- 1l}-!L$r.y oltlgN po'1 I H r ui u H r r . *{ffi;'Y. -rH, " rn-.'iridr:ai .:r .p.c. unii, tor.ffiffil;ffii,.t:)'I in'.ercEt ln th" cosoon rlclcniri.rir:ui unl!, DhaIt br lDlcpar$.rl ;'.\ i-\T! AS9ESSIIE}iI A"\D TAIA-::i!s5iil_E- tn-. .::r:i!::uA uh1!, Ohalr br lOfCpaf$!'.;:.eir c! rncu:rcered 3nr!r rr. cot€fttln$tlfltr OF Crlocf&r'trlc-- :i-Si:. I , : ri !n'- rhoti otve rrrltt.n irotlcci Gts;lffiIoiitlltitrreiror of ; I : . r', r : : i ii. "l:d: ::. : :i.' ::t . *'ry*sirdrr-tl#,ii:-{:.tt' i4'.F.:' :"c.-, lrr tr prcvtdcit by 1iv,- ro [ddFrchffiiltrtdrt rrrcFd ' -' .:, rbge.-hlE rith rht -undlvldaitTfnslittfltririthr dinrrd:::,'' e..eriert_tt lppurrcn.nt therlto, rhdfilglt!-irlliffipr;; ;, -. I T;'F, ;iT:','.'.i""1'." l"iff 'll, llfrffi,lff#Sr..:S !*E ;*sEi*=ffiB'.Gi..'-' tEffi:gffi'#:,.:;Pi: r ;rnertl c.Jttron elencntr rhell bc .:'': ''':ot rndthr ct ..rs uf .the /:ondoEiniun unitr and rr : any 'br.Ir:g rny rct ion tor. plrt conrnon. al€lent6. r a.r t! . ! 4 I ?i ,1 Subs equ€ r\t tothe I.pE , no l.rbor{rr r unl! vi:h the19.hts, hls co,. t r;t 1l lng o( ! I t!n.uni! of rny otber I ,jt h. rervtceB or ! h rrFl ass cach o! ovnc!'! ,lnit at s he ra in corrtain€d aparegr.!h I '1 . 12. c'lliDrHIN!Url _d .F.F '.'r 3' ffi'ff,ti rf;!: l*L rt ehell perforn thc '8.' r2.6. Th : Orrncr. If I nortgrgee nai'ofn ctpense. I3. CEFl'IFICATE There ehal l .,".E8: ,i +' rngth. 'ttar. ontsin : :on at ed o? KT,ffi IS LTEN R S tNt) t. coGplatlon of the laprovtur rf orlGd or nr!.rl.lr tutnirhldr.nt rr rt cha rcgualt ofjtha ,E or rubcontrsctor rh.lt ba o;rti?, hll'brSfs for:. nltlrl. it *i.. Hrt' .t; \', rl$lor ,r poqa en Iorchncnf end h rl I lti.t do.lcon:tdrrd t conortil I o.rr nIr.tor.-$hcr pi ;'FS; -"*- rioeirrlhcrrr lnrt tha gen.rrl conrnon.4lalantllar rho did not €rp(!r;ly conrrntalr. Each ouner rhell dotha! Ovners rnd !ha ArtoC.riling from the clrln o! anl'lvnar or propcrty oYncd byith icorinon tlam?nts tor con Bt roc tserYlccl, or cther FroducU i r.!:rt[rt theto cr,fitqusrtrlfy rr$. hold ..ron ftbn rnd ra rgabltt the rrocl l$on or;,.pcrrd$co ot*porrti4sln rnit orncr'r consent or rrqueat.i: i. rubJcct to the reserved rijhr! unllhc ionrrh ln. 'l r" ahall.;lclt6 1nt nr in I ant ,s;19entr. inlun Ag.nt "td th.. rt ltth ! rtrtifitr rit .hotcl) rhall be 9o!arnrd ar ret torth h.rr hav! ttr audltrd r:rt.n€nt Diat oP to rccordcd ( ron htbtr ' 'i. J, f?,' aach lr- , InY iItr irt . - t, In t taurc thc I rvr , ' 'l:'-' .! 'i s$ffih}*g i It,)t t t T ' LIsr?(rr ln f.yer 9r .ny prrt.ln Eartrng Eolrron] rn gooofaith tr.qer.Jle.! ol t^rar .l.ps.d tt[cr thc d.rtl ttrtrro!i :,ftr ilrrtsuch C?:.,if ierta rholl be reccrdad on orr btfurr !0 Ciit t[tcr ll. r.:, r-! p urrlTs foR l{ArNTfN . ir1-lr ---:-- r;"-T *.11.' . ?hr oencrr !h.lr h!v. .r," irji"oribrrsjref;L rT:;Grr?rci<': )) th. irnrglng tgent or Borrdt, tc tityr. f'eccifto lectr h\Flt { tdcntr'-., r:rJ the rddr.sseB ot rhe ,^r"ona thcn ciegr'lrnq li n.n!9en( r. r'ody (niieerorr i^J bri iccJrl 1-dlrtr.i""r-irr 'irtri:-"attc". of thr f.r:ra; rig lg?nt, lt rny. Sucll CGEtr{lCttr rhell.br CCnclurlcrcv:d.nc| ther.of In t.vor of eny pcrlon rllytng'. tbliron l ln lood unit t r i:: t in! to trn! during rcrsoneble trcif r if .:br lfrrerurry I Bt L1"Y for th. r.r1nLen.nec, rlpalr, or r.pl .c.Eeng- cf lrly riC td$r grnfrrt. cor!.o n el"re",re thcrein or a:ccrsiblc thricfrolra .i{tucb,;i'*Ght;.ro!cor!.&. n et"re",te thrreln or a:ccrsiblc thltcfrd.r .,igug[,;i[llhi.ro!access srr:: b€ lnncdirte, hofcver, for llkt n{i arasgrndi rlpilrrt hareir. : .i oEd€r to prrv:nt darn!g. to tht 66lnqrf- rldlrnfr ,ortc ancih. r !::rit. i. .*.i l1i ft .*cih.i !:rit. i, #i$ it. i t4. r llanse. te thG tnterior or rny $.. fi, "l;"i.lf."rritnsf:oft th€ rT,a:ntenance, rcpair, er.rgcniy -rrprlri oi rrbleecrrnto: rn-v r' :i.e co:Bspn clcocnts or rs I reault- o&ldrccn;t. repilrso: rn:i tr' --i.e co:Bspn clcocnts or rE ! rCault o&tdrccnct. reptlrsr':rhi; ai.::ier uni.t shall be a connon crprnllcCdiff oi tli orirr!,pr:ui:e'. :r(,'rever, that t! such dartrrngc- fr*druftd bt neqllqcnt ort-.:Li(,rs r.'- ot rn or1ss, Derberr oi ornl€lrftrnliy. -ot'guirt, o:p'.o1 er. ::rit€., I iccnsce, or tcn.nt of {Omd1. ttri rGt:'Olnct('.rrrr\!r.. :.,,rLq?, r rctntte, or tcnant of {ptnCfl; tt"n tucl: otnefs',:ll l,'. .-.-.rponsible tnd Iteblc f or ell of cl€b itiegl. fll aanrEedrnFrc!'ei..-'-s shrll be reltored ..Jb.trrtlrl,lftto{thi:.raac.tor.ditionin r.h:-. ..rey r:Irtfd prtor to )-h. eraili. Eitt-iilltin"n..,rEpo-::, .::J rEpraeelajri3 ot t,hc co||l!ton al]Dntl, ,hathot. locrtrdr.,slcr ( i irj:rr6a,of unlts (unle6s ncccsrltllrd:by tha atjllgrncc,Dlsuse, .: tordbur rcr of rn gynrr, in rlicllctri--ru i-.ii.n..E.:a:l ! ' c:argcdt}'o -uch ovn.r) r rhall bt th_ cclrnrerpral| oif rttol:t:€',,r:e:6. #- ; i. .:.{l;!. , rbnjarp.|tfl ..,.f i| *B .!.: :. ."'; 1-<.1. ,o.5ir,o..n.:rce purForGr, .n or.oli'.hall b. cblliatri! tokeeq -. i: .rood rrDrrr rnd co-naitron th. tu*Drtrnr irrii,l.'ch. 'r.-i?rr-t-s 6uch rlf:but,nol linlttd to, pl rJl I rl;ri yptsr itv vlll.i?! !r:s 6uch. rrr. but,rr.ot lrntt.d to, pllF:trll,ilprsr.isi rfii, ?::.il1..., - r.ails.rlhr.. prrnr,. srlr rnd iroo4trri:jiri.f.-tioorth iruincr rn.-; Jd rn9 rh.. rub-t:oorlhS), rhl.ch rrlt bD rt&J tnti;re .iuittc.rot rht perirn.tft vrllt, e.illngrf rna ttiorf.frllbln. hlr utllt,lncluc::rg : ntcrlor rur!.crr ot un-rt- doorr H r-tfro.ii.- -- ili rrirr,P:?a5, vry€8r eilndultr, or .yr:.r. (rbl3bitos.$ concen: ard appr0vrl of thr Board o! D1 t.rlgbc- torr couplrdr.t.rllll- "t".i{,"o tr. ':$fis; aasarnent or hlr.rlitalrent. ['ach Oyncr rhall Icoltnon clalcnlr .ppur!antnt to hl! un i t ln cond 1t ion. 15. }iAINTqNAICE UP THE EOFTON ELEII?N?S. The conttluctlon, rdditlon., -altrrrtlohr;.-i, i nrlnten!nca, replreaEent. and oporrtlon ofba the -' . 3 po n s t b i I I t :r tnd th. rrgrnrc ol lr -t'|lj, I . .-.rlai '.:iI' 'i".'t! !y3 t.tp thrclean. and , ,.&si, +-. 1 .:.:. 'i: r' !5.? 'i fll ': ':1. connon erpanfo of all of thc eondotlnlun untri!h this DCclrrrtlon. Such vofl doar t Ovnr I i,n t ted6dnitrry : cotlpl l rnca # -- PrOr I a tonrrPh.lE.l,'.orrd th c.'r.ot baer': Prr|}t rrPh. PaoPor.lroPoarl It ch tcrg.rlon fn rc- i -u.*t approvr:. of tha Oun.rB. t1 .rl- -:.*r?.@u.i{. : -u., Each OvnGr sh.l I coDply rt tb.:l,he.tion, tha lrtlclaa ot lncorpor.tlodr rnd prttllrtion, and tbr Rulerr nrgulrLtodt, d-cirionrl f:rdAssocirtion 13 the 3rac 'lay bc ltrlully 3i*ItrdtiEe to tlrc.. Fallurr to €oDply rtth tiy lOf tgrounds foE an rction to r.cover rutt dua -to$trn eg rel ief , or both, vhl,ch rct ton rhall ..bc malatrlnrt,l eth" t{rn.3lng Agent tn thc n|,!. o! Elt rsrocidlon,Ovners cr, ln I prop.t craa, by In rgqritiad Or conpl,ying O.ner thrll, p!y to th. ':errrl -cn&rrclng t, ' l:r c non- Iipl I ence el I Jrttorne:r fcsl tncurrcd ln connlclJon v!!h cAlorcc uhether or,T .not auit ir brought, if th" rnforclng Farty iprrv.Fr 1l ure byE,.rheII rn no-f;.'thc Assoclttlon cr W.ny Ovnr! io:;an!ol:. ilotgl IQvQnt b? dc.rGd I yrlvrr of tnalttgha lil en!thcreafrer. | 8. ArrHDierT oF norrga;ecr nrva glvrn tnalt prlor yrtc bJ- lns'-rrrrlan!(tl duly rccorded, rhlch, I a.l. thlr D.clrr.tlon .hrll liro t of i67 pelcent O! th! Ornarr rnd.l laatti:f?nortga;ecr hrvr glvrn thrlr prior yrlttanvagl Dda arclrr1 ll !^" "11- givcn. Thc appror.la of Junlor roitg.ttaa. under .-ha provlrlonr of thir DGclrr.gton.if,.. ' : 1c- | 8.2. l+rtth.trndins thr prorirldf di p. &.ndment cotiact tog a t.-.hnlcd. arfot ior Gttrtiher.of D.y bt'iladogtcd by thr Orntta"lta lCov ltrd Irnd th. f trit rortg.g..r .hrll be-: dr od {o tr6.ndnent t!3i curolrtlrt totrl ol at t ailr,! 6l pet.lthar: (r|}.7lrea th.lr rrttt.n rppio?all.r-'grorll.lr or (bl lirrr lrtlrd to .ubal! a,r.fDoaro:t'o ill.lr or (bl lirrr lrtlrd to rubal! a,rrrlor such rn llrndrlnt rlthln l0 deyr.:lltigiven. *7t:.: :- -;. , fr-. "* i: " *l ifi'ls.t. fir rriocratlon rry rorgirftulirettons, add boadortn lo. unltr to tb. Ero,dctruch condcolnlsr rrtttr r! Oenarr tn. tbi fuand ldditlon "ah.ll r.qulr. u.ndr.rit ol-- t cordance vlttt rrgulrrn.nt! r.t lorth hrrdri, +-*- ^ : ? :'r!;:' 18.{. lOBrttbat.ndlng rnlr ot.h.r protl!toito tha contlalt' unl... rr l.rrt 6? p.Ecriit dt .t,hafrnd 57 parcant ol th. O,uncrr of th. condoalnlun l thclr p.to! urlti.n rptxovrlr th. ArsoclrLlon rlell -5.,{ ? \'. rjrs' L;-"l:,-9- :,1: ..! eo .P gunerE\ I I ol are 18. | .3 lbandcrr or terninat.a tha Projactr PurPos(.:; t itne 'J 'r ,- .r rt! 1 na, <larage, ..rrelng oat of ona occurrance, , d i rec ;- ,,i ! lt9,1.:f. plrte .:, tr.rt ( I '1 r, i --drff$ry 4 , lll,:t I \Jvr - re.r.r. io, .". ., "',"$,$#"hJ rhr 18.a.2. ch.ngc thc pro Eatr lnrctt3t.ny c.nJ.rnl:riun rlril t for th. purpo3. o!: (f ) Jaqt of or or of charge:' or rlloclting dlrtrtbutlonr ot haz.rd ln|ufconde:-n;tron lvlgds, or litl deBarrlnlng thc p con 18.t.lJ . by ..ct or orlrrlon, rbrtdon,!r pdlvld., encunbti, ecll, or trentfcs thc coraon al usa of col,Don al nd tr tQlntua unlt ln th€ coa$n itltlon or rubdlvlde any ' "lr.,.rf "".i hazard Inrurance n.o..t*, i..i'$S . ..ght a.+' r{ giltnI o. r . ta UEC ntttlo lnautlnce PrOctiOl -tor ;Jgalaa tot:,tnycondor.::run prcpiEty (uhether to snits 6r to couon f trtJnte)i'.foioth.r '.;.nn thc !repelr, rcplrccnrnt r o-r -RrGOnt!ructton{ of rpcfrcondo;'Irrun proiicrtt; rre!pt et providcd by a!.tutt l$carciofsdtrs!.,' :; rl }osl$.!o rba unitr or aorEon clcD.nra Of ,t,!a li-UrcC;i,or erlng thr eoolotr rlrlrntr radilnd lns.-rin9 rhfiraocljtlon, cech trrbo r otAgcnt, rnd ..ehi{rlt Or.n.r. Sueh ganard itl ll!brliry clainGof onc- lnrurrit rtrlnfi9Gn.r.i llrbillGy th.urrnc. rh.tl,- br 3nthrn S:,400r000;covrrtng rll clrbr loroccurrrncr, .r-F or othcc Alri 19.I.li: rrotbn.D.a conprnrrtlon laror rl-:..f ldcl lty cov.rqr. -Igttnrt,i .tctr o[ rarpont Artoct l Project- shal.l ncil.. be dccocd | !ran.t!r rithtn tbr rcariclause :or I r ... I trr , g I 'E, i8.l.5t uec hazard Inrurance proccdr:tor''lo condor . ,: I um propirty (uhe ther to units 6r to couon lrtoth.r '.;.nn thc !repetr, rcplrccntnt, or ftcgnatruittcondorl1:rn, propcrtt; rre!pt et providcd !y atatutt both. ie { .;}, i.itr' t ' . The loerd or lrrn19ln9 tg.nr rh.ll obtrf nliinrl.$e tntiin.:er: cbfllrrablc, the foIlOulng lnturrncrri i. ', t+ ;.,'len: cbf llrrablc, the f olloulng tilurrnc:.,g i ".-f , I I .l .l*' tirr inrurrner.ivtttr trtrrrdrd' L".r* lc tr,. ..,:er: cbfllrrablc, the foIlOulng lnturrncrri i. ', l\g ;.,'lJ. . 't .li ;:F r$:s.l.f{ tirr inrurrne..'vtrh rrr.nd.d i"".Jicr'i#rt.nd.r6- :i.i.t? rrrl lnrurtne.. vtth Utandad {toe. tag Oitfr t.idar6'aIl :r: r' endotr.nent. vrndellrn rnd nrllclour '!lrchl.f .r'andorra-n"ntE, rnaurlnqli thG anttr. condootnt:n Irproyat.att ltieludfng '; I urn:: .,:re, f urnl.ahlngr or othar g.rron!l pBopaflt ?abDpl{fd bt$cr .rnaral I 'cl by uclt tun.r.t tog.th.r rttb dl fe rrtc.l'tlutgttn!. *. eont! jn'.1 :hcritl In rn erount -qurl to the tull trpllecinl v-ttbr.'vlthoLr- deductlon lot drprcctrtloa, rnil rbtchi rhrll."6ntrlt rttrncard nortgegl clrgrr ln !rvor o! r;ch rortg r9- of:r cdhaoo futiuratrniarc nortgagl elrgrr ln lrvor ol r;ch rortg r9- ol1 r c$doo t{lurunlt rr,;ch sr!I4 prseldo tb.t th. 16rr, 1t rry, thcrtihCrti rhell: brpry!t,ie to ru€[.rortg19.. rr ltr 1a--rrttC rty rpgrrri rubJicti:oiet.r ro Lhcafur. pipint grovl.lonr in trror of tb. lrioclrtlonherc:r.a:'.er .et. forth ln paraireph 2jl ., I i'{ iSl f.lEt. .:i I fri; .i L* i"i.,re.l.2I corpr.h.n.tvr g6frcy dt sjnrlir tfl.udi{ir in8ur i r....r in rucf lhlir .. !h. !o.id_o! -olrtctorr.trt. ltil t!.d_:.t6- for hd-.41inc f b.longlnt ro os adrlnlrt.Bad i.s;.' I l.'l' ,I Tfiffi rhlch f ldel tly bord or lnrurrncr lurt nur thc I Ar reErttinrncd lneur.d rnd rhtll br r. lttan ln tn entiunt rrut provld. p!'otact,ton rhlcb lr ln no rvrnt lrr. lhan,onrtlEas th. larurtdtr aatlrrt.d .nnurl oparrtlog; arrarver, end vhtch:ah.ll brvr rddrdr ln connrct loi! ur9e, ln epproprlttt ladotrrncnL to tha_ poltq tcrlo rervc Ilthout .corlp.ar.tton I! thc polf* rcuf diicbvcr voluntrerrl I -;,.tr q-. luch "c. 19.1.6. rBly d! !crt!l na. 1e.2. Atr D-dttct.r of 9.n.rrl rrrtifrty rriicontlln eriv.r! of aubrog.tton and yrlrrrl O! ant.datcolnrurancc or of ilnvrltdtry rrlrlng lror .rnt .ctr dtrnd rhrll provlda .thrt ruch gollctrl nry hoi_. br eertcrl.,-l -,,^*-.- --r- -r-: i.trnttllly'n&rrlrl ,tthout ri lrrrt rO cryi;.*it[.trntl!lly nodl!let ylthout rt l.r.B l0 drtr{'tltt.r tof thc lnrurtdl lrrelrrd tng br!grg..a. Dupllgala or19poltcier and rrnrv,rlr thoEaof or cartlticrtrr.ol- lnrurr Sl rccrorr ,b.8ad on .llnrurcd, rlth proo( of gt'lrnanta of prralurl rhrllJbr' dr!-lrtlortgrger3 rr l.are l0 dry. pilor to rrplrrttbn.t!. :bt :tpollcler. Th. lntur.nc. rhlll ba c.rrlad ln,ttlintrt lorAr.octrtlon rr tha.lnrurtl, .r rttorn.jr-ln-tre? tgi.ffi.nd bcncfrt of rlt of th. condoll,niur unt! Ornata, fblcpollcier rhrlt ld.rrtlCt tt.. lnt.r.!c of rrct ,.londorolnlunpollcler rhrll, ld.rttlCt tt.. lnt.r.!c of rrct ;.coirdotctnl|by unit, by nnabcr. re.3. lrch rrrr, prtor !o obttlntns . lFl**F,ior rrn.val, thrrro?1 ttre goera .h.lt obrjin ;tr-rdtttirt l!:y!.nc" :o'Fsly_cr othrtal!e o! .!h. luT ^q.?1!,e!1.{t-'.ntlr. condoolnlrn lDpror.!.nt., yllhout d.drgllot.lot rtrgtor th. purpora ot datarrlning rhc arrount :at .tiC lilUtirttcctcd purrurnt to tha provlrlonr o! llrttr :toturtaef;r: poltcier and rrntv,llt thorrof oi ccrtl!icrirt:ot- lnrur thc Asroclrtlon rlrrll ralntaln flr. fnrur v.lvrrr ol rubrogrcton, tnd provtdrd furtti.f::titt, tlit' ru!ficlcnt to pr.trat th. rppllc.tlon olT,&-a+: + -$tr#19.1. Unlt orir.ra l.y crrry oth.r lardladqfrnd rt thelr .rp.nn, grovldtd thrt.ll rnci jtdll th. clrri.rr trrirtng iiruiin[i-oltl]n"a- or:d,n -ro.' .rtf.ct.d or dtolnlrbrd b1 rrrron of rny rrRl ;ddlte.rrlcd by .ny unltr6rnc. .;{#Jf i; .cd by .ny unltrioun.r. .:.,?#il{ tir:;-19,5. tnrurtnir Gotrr.g. on furnlrhtiii. im t0. rssEssraEvr ton co|tFcr ExprNsES. 20. r . llt Ornfr. ihrll or obllgrrrdrgrclrl rr..r..antt l.goaad by th. lotrd rlo:lirp.n.cr. ?h. rr..r.rantt ah.tl ba rrda eccci{lttnBarr.t tn rnd to thr grnrrrl collon al.lartt |!aprr.grrph 32.3., lta ltttt.d corron al.raota:.rr gcn.rrl cocxt tl.ranta, rnd Or.n.ra h arlttfarhrll not b! rubJ.ct to .n!' rp.ctttc chergri..irrcprlr or r.Int.nrnc. iharrol. tonthllr r.rllimtrdaqu.t. r...rva lgnd lsr lrlntrnlncrl r.9r{Br.f b.alr. '', rs lhael.nt lo cnr-hr I f.rod fl- COvaf- Pa r tonr arriae .hrl I or tub-t to .llof rll:togcthar to .l I curran?lng th.th. ur. Dl lcy ort Ornar turanca. f t r.of !h.lrElon,to b. rg rrPh.c larat, cl ruta i t rnr ol pn! l lcdrract . t,at lon. ot "-li"t {,rl .{l;n i{. 8+ri{ii{i}t .*Y :'1, 'l lt-* 5 s ,5.t s. 'f rr tor r. " ,-,. I at-+ hly:rnd:; rgn :at-+ Grnrr r r'1. dod lntetnd.. 30t tb.s.ot :i lor !hr'!ludr rn i : i . .F .t' .. t/+i .- --t ;* t -h$'ffi on th. ftr.t day ba tnpor.d in the Eo.rr3. Addtt lon.l th!ll fl. dur tn tdvtner Spccr.rl rsscttt!anta thrl Idrte€ "rtabllrh.d by the proc"c r.' c s, rnd ptnaltl.sa! ?st ri'l lshad froE tlFa it dcr r . "ddly ot '|rebc prr'rlted. rfrall br aa oth"rl ;ll',1. Aar.a!ftcntr ghall bc bttrd uPcn rrgui: r rent: of lhc Arrgcrrtton a+ thc lrrrn.*1nq Lo I lrlQ ln lha laroO Il th. oYn.rrhlF ol r condonlnl f ron Dtclrrr!1r. q'omriansll on a d .tscrfr"n! Fi!lci!, thG rallganttrt ! go pr. ie tcr the !'ryt!"nt of rll esttlat rd I rr if,rlhrll not Orncrt . tro.r..-r::1!: rhall ln all rrgui: r rent: of lhc Arrgcrrtton a+ thc lr Borrd i rrall detCttninc trorn tln e tc.:;tlna.,bc pa:t r,y ,lI of thc condonlnlun 'JnIt O9rcll, '.:, .'l .-li . rtad u rt .Ilrtr .$.': .rtlt|r ;:j { -: ud a rl .'; rl:i t"l-i l.i j .'i ri .i ..- i r*! 7t1 r.i !i :;:' d' -lI t.i . f,i*' '.4 s '*- i.. '. .4. ?ha oniBrlon or lellureor ra : ; r rtattroant for fny prr iod modi f. ': i')n, or I ralca80 of thepry t l- " :: dn, P. 1.. i, Cct!.ttron rs!esgnent!lrte; " an 60 dtyB rfter the thC :: r ,,trant,f irtt iconvrYr _!!l.rroN9 ?o_F tAYHrxr Q ... . Thr trlounB of tha crrnmon..(ar9anaat conri : ::. ju:r, unlt rh!ll bi the pcrtofrll Ind I l1:rz. i z:;af rit^ ns--r r.rr lr- -r^--a.,| atA-i}lrn€r i- e!eo{. !{o Ovnar aly ba rra[ptad trol Ior .: E c,hara o! thc c6npD rrgrnrrt .by rttvtrncn: : I dny o[ tha collon alrnanta of byiis :'..'. th. 3orrd and x.nrtlng..lg.nt ahrlb,llil, r.J rllr Dronpt actlon to eoltact rrryJunrnyJu c thl re rgonrl-b,lIil;. r.J rllr Pronpt actlon to.eolrehains .:npald tor rott thrn l0 dry iraaaan.nt .rh rehains .:npald tor rott thrn l0 dryl rltar tha.th"r,;r. If th. rsrratr.n! l. not plld ulthln I iidetr i lor pryrrnt:llyr rlBcr thr alu. i date, '.rre !r3ce raanL, glu3 a ltta chllga of no th.n' l0 p.rc.nt 9f r:;e asseranant, plur eottr Ind agtaontbllor - '. ':Jit 13,fllcd, rhrll bc eyrllt lo tb.!n,rii.1. eh.:l bcl! inlarar! f rdt lha.daBa ot"d irdglont. lorol ,: ;..rc.ntibc: rnaua. 6ult to, racovat ''.i'-'nt lt ntr,rh.lI b. rrlnt.lnrblai rl I ir. tu londoilntrnl Unlt f,-'. su!nB r. or 'lorc-' cl os :: " c!.. condoiln lrnunit's ,rnpaldof title :o.rcgu Itlt 22.A5 SOCIAT ll t ltr tor htrr. h.!.tha [aa or ao1oy- : rfit ot'blar h.r ot- dcl r' I I e: ,lle- 2;. !. l.I ?tPen6es rnd ahrll c,)n tt l t tncunb: rnc!t, conoonr. ., r urn unarc.pL f r-,r eIl h9 l|rt ltti and,,llnt drdlncloding ell ._ | oblll + -f.i " ..; - -lA' .'Ei-..rE: S'' l#l:;, . -',!h1t ,,,, .li, '',lii,,,;.1i, '', Y' ;| ':i i :'&: .1i i ,. F, ',$' ; :i,; iarOd ta9rlnrL .rclr "ldurl 'drbt ot thr' tru6: ,if r +*.H l't olr h d t'.s llcn rrr..$.nt rrttlng torth tha atncgtlt ol f r'rch rlrrPald indabt- rdres,i, thf |rounl of tha accru.d tnt.rGat rnd Jrt. ch.!get thcr.on,.the nanra of thr Grncr of tbr contoninlr^! uaS.. rnd thr lcArl d?-.rcription o! thc eondonlntua unttr Sucf, notlbr ol llcn rhrll bc rlgne'J by ona ot thr nrnbcrr of lha Eoardio! Dlrretotr or by onr of:the offie.rr ol tha trroctrEton gf by tha Hrnaging Ag.nt on b.h.l!ot the Arroclatton rnd rhell br rreorded ln the.ottic. of thr County-Clcrk and nrcord.r. Such tlan .hlll .tttch.diC Ur r!!rctlvc !roir rthe dur detr ol thG rrr.rtlan! cnitl a.Il lftraat.nt aunr, rlthr bc teqi.rirrd qo ply tfro-ioati, iiirarit,'r4 lttprgrryrt fcrr lncurrro, . .j lntGrert and othrr ch.?g.r !her.or|,' hrvr batn (tlly prld..r_* 22,2. Such llen rr1 b. .ntorcld ui tfr{lfor.cl6rurr'ot thli ; ;def!ultlng Ornar'r eondoalnlu'n unit by.lbailrroclrtion ln llIc. ..rrnner .r I rortgrgr on rell prop.rty, uporL.thr rrcordlng gl .il ,' "not ice ol cleh ol lhn. In rny auch proceadgEa, ttta oyn.r rh.ll, , ,: tfi,T'ffi auch e ncurDrltFe t lhtll h!1'a a I lan on 3uc[ lDllr-3ot tF- r .tunt Prloj. {o( rh? r.n. rlnk tt th. I lrn o! hlr Eortgrga.'.Qr; inqu$rncr'rilirou{ ; ,.the nec"r.lt,t ol b.elng ro r.cord r notlcr ,oEsf{1fl|! ruch tlrn.1. -. upon r.qu.rt-.ct r rortiegcr o! r condorlnlri llll,'!- ** rt.oct.ltorf ; l,rhalI rrport to t'rch Eoatgrg.. rny drtrulC. r!$li hia-i!]pl b.on corfdi .iT i. lurnrshed to th. ;anrglng lg.n!..c! lo th. loa{g. o!,,Dktctorr notlcl-.: ;ol iJcr, ror!9r9rrrr. .ncu,obr.nc..:.: . ,# -,.ffiiB # ., i ; ? *_422.1, tlt. r.eord.d tl.n rry br rrlrrlrd ftr rreorCtng r; lrlrrre..- .i '*of Licn rlgnrd by onr of th. l.rbalr of tba Boartl ol Otcrctorr or Dy'. provided by ruch lncunbrrncrf. lqfuvldctlc rulh li?n, t\e BorrC ofDircctcrr or tha llrnrglng tg.nt ahall pfrgrrq[r urttt.!r net rtr tf rtp.n""i i.iilf" rlth irrprct to r'ucn un.lt, -"4-a: r,l^M'li!:r i ' i.uch e ncurbrrtFe r thrll h!1'a a I lrn on rucb Saltr'Jol'tif rnpunt prld:. ' rto( rh? r.n. rlnk tt th. I lrn o! hlr Eortgrga.'.Qr; inqu$rncr'rilirou{ ; ,.ot che r.n. rlnk tt th. llrn of hlr oorttrga-',lhe nocrralt,t of bavlng !o racord I notlEr,0 vl:hrn eO Cryrl grovldrd, borrvri, th.t'tauc 'taoclaEton:; :bmn corrdl.. f9 t rhrlt h|v?-i ; tllurnlshed to th. lianrglng lg.nl..c! lo tha lol *t r .^1. -^r.-r.^- l. rrr.f \- -rar :'. .Dltictort not tcr : j lrsoclaLlon ahall ba cntitl.d !o Mc€lvai drtftlg toraclo3ur...:The : .Associ.tton thrll hrve thr Foucr to bid on thl coadc,rlnlur rnl! lL: i r !or (ilin9 tha'lirn, rnd ln tni orrn: of torlotoiuri procrrdlngr,= . ,Itl adr! itlonrl colta, .ll rrprnrat, and trrro{tblr rgtornay.r ta.rj .ln:ur.cd. lh. Orn.t of thc coodon i 6igrn ||ilt b.lnq forfctorrd, , .-.ha:l b? rcqulrcd to psy ro tha lrcocl atlon tlr nonthiy rrr!rtn.nr': ^ .ltor tr,e condortnlur unlt durlng fh. p.rlod Ot$toraclOaurrp rnd.tF.' ; i ,tD5Uslolarrn ll|rlla .taYt Ln! IpVtf Eg l,lcr 9Ir E !, 1-(JIr{J'Jrsl rr luJI irnLE aEi. t }!oreclo.urr dl othar lrgal lrtr lnd to'acqttlir and-.;hold, ltarr,'- ! .iDort9,rle, vota tha votrr !ppurtanrnt to'.conrpr or 6lhrwlrc d.!lj - ;irr.-h th. tama. .,',;H lft'. ,. );. .I i. -..fi. J,: i ; .i::.3. lt!' Bollgrg.e holding r Iirn gl {et<irrt oai condonlnlutu. , .i unit n.ay pryr. but 'ahrll not br regulrrd :to pdye rryisnp.td coloolt j ;i of Licn rlgnrd by onr of th. r.rbalr of t[. Eolfd ot tlli€.ctorr or by;. :{rn of tlcrr of ttrl f,r.octrrlon or by !b. lrnryllgr 19 rali,.-o n bohrt! oS - +theAssocl.ttoa. , ' : .t lHi ,,. i ; of roch lorlgtgrrrt oacurabr rncac".:; ... ":-;. ' ralver rnd rf lauar rny Hoaaatard -. rlgh!.,t! t3sessn.nta. rr3 dua. th. arount of .nt.f t :i 2i. l. ,ldDon rrllr.n ."ourri tor e itrt*at olovner or hlt' rgrnt, prorgritlvr rortgrgrt.tolL prcrl-lGr.L, l,rertEr;L.v-. -v.tl-r-r.rvF 7.rrlof . ccndoalntltF unlt, th. lraoclatlon crl. ttf lanaglturnlrh r rrltr.i .trtan.n! of th. rrcgnt tt Int' 23. arpenarr, tha |'rtortnt ol tha currant laalLllatl, crd 1: 'q : j :f t' t,r & I t !* -t l- sub. r ' r:.t. to thc rlghtr, o! _ thr Frrrcn?Erqucrt l ng ituc-h- Stagibrnt,.'t A rcas,-'nablr trrvlc. ltt lor lurnrrhtng Eb. siatrrlrqf,.;gt Accoirn!, rtidet:. , . red lrrn tirg. to ttE. by the ld|rd, ..rhrllSbd prld tto th.Ars, . r ron by.!hG prrty raqu.rttngith. {t'rtrr.ntlfii; , F,T :i; - .,,? f.i 4::.,.?. Erctpt for e tlrrt_'rort9.9oc tlli ..iur? ori dcrd 1n I lru o!.- torr0orgrl,!o: . .surr osi dcld tn I lru o!, torl€,orrrrtr iInI .grente{ of 'rl .:on l. - ..run unit rhrll be Jolntli, and ! rrv*lllffi-tablr vlth thr;er.t i'.: f or rll rrnprld rrre rrrrntl rgltnrltt h!ffitnlor lor htri Fr.', . I ! ionat r .harc of th. c@rloo .trprna.r .dt tdj$lttt t ln. o! tht;-9r' t conr.t!nca, yirhour gr.tsdla.ito tFr Ssntrrrr rtgbt toir?. ...: rro"r rb. er.nror rh! rnountr r?: .H|*;n!rl rfl:ror.,{ : . r. T:r. -grovt.Ionr art lorth tn fhtr f,rrgltph 2! rlrll notirrFi , . '. .. Lhc lnltrrl ral e. rnd cOtlrayrnqra olF.,th. @natoilntrr. unltr,rFi I . ,- ., Lhc lnlt i.t trl er rnd colwryrndu olFittrr- @hat6lhtur, unlgr';tn!"r !, D.cllran!. lrch Drclrlrnt'a gt|ntra,}|h!11." ttla lfrf _lro*:I r r: . I i '- y tor. tll cornnon erpan.ar ..!o thq drrl.;D! eonvtyrnca oa to AI r ': I i'-y tor. all connon erpenaar,.!O th( 1trt1.;Dda'. 'r. agrccd spon by Dcctirrnr:F r..j*.H rlof tg.g.,i-ona uhlch., I F a i- * :x'* ; ,f; .il ..v t, j" {i !, -t ::" -1 .t:# .if" !?t toJth ln gtrrgreph 21 21.'t.1. ?ha (rt'n.r ot. :^.is cr r,er eondonlnlun unitl provldfdr lbbrcvlf; tl ftort-."i., ie8, ltrnt or .ncunbrancrt fhrll';llrryl bf; 5 r ior rnd prcarount I ltn ot tha broclralon :tot rall '.: th. !arrn., eond ltlontr:i3qlriraCrf rallnr'.ar lonr, .aC obl19rrlon. untfr tllr Dlct rrArtrcl.,s of lhcorpor.t!,on .nd lttrtr, tt! p Jsnior encuobranea{a) ahrlt talatafr tOt Fr Fcrt9r,,.s ( Juntor to r Ilrrt rortirEl any r ir,prov.nantt upon thc aaciJl|-lad . r19hr , t ltttl..bnd lit.r.rt ln rd tc.itirrur!r'-.c pol ,c1.. o.rrlrd by tht-lrroctrt sucF, r el .rrt -,rbrlt be turnlr]rrtt foithellh by-if::,ertt r f n r.qsaa! or th. trroclrtloni"tld $,-..r9rrn,'c, auc{tr-<!rl.laa lry ba artcrrta#ry i!'io;;-.,: in--rr;i1 I ii- any condatnat lon 'or Grru rt .ff.ctl: "::* :'",.$. alrt ,: I lrqtfillnott,d'i"t i 1. tnlOr L:..,rgCa 9vCd by tDor: .lt j€,, I portion el th. traj..gq - . i.a . "-t60-day drrlnqu-ncy 3n tth. Orn.r ot*.ot.fl!1 tatfat hgld. t ,l !* ), i, .a tr :.{l .:..-,rir.i.;'*i" if;11! 14i !'i i, t't. '.! i. :t, -{_e:l. {,' :+ -t i+ . -ii'. : I t :' i a "it I :i ,"t il $ ,r 5. lt* ttd! t. -t : .tr I i*.!1 'ltt ,I ?; F *. *f:q , 4 '& 3t r:,4irli'{; t": t- r) rrd I DO nlr j : {--,"'latttlnt{#ie tar!r d. od It. t. gfcl rrid fr,Itlonr. frrrroi. rnlnagr{Fani of gon tg 9rl'l!('r rhal li.rt ln prov id.d .' ': t' tcf l'_l )r ccnrt / tut Ittolnly ln '-he r | l?h 3hG troj.cr. ta ':!r r. f n pro.lfrr.lfd ibr !hY*. -.: - 5 :t . roc ! .t;ton, lLy tt*trDrlr and r!tilnr - lip,r tt, rnu{f el: ^.rnd I rr i tr rd bt f rcr:r r i?ht rd pcrrd. r r.t ,o tnlrri :nrtior I ron rIt eor sllo.l n, f5.t.a. lllprlr'lnd'rrr"nta' rr otad tt 'tDa ruecrrdlng prr tnpra /entnt(al tg a6aSrattrtlt thf lra!. st.rlrt rd prlor to tb dargre _tlth ..c*i!qr t ta 1., r.l couon aloaitr brvlnf'.ubrt.ntllllthorlrcnt.l bouttCrrlaa .r b.tor.. l,i . ..i.. ' E:_ 19.1.3. tir grocrrdr ot r"y flii.r d rhrl rvrilaol. to thr Artocl.tlon lor th. purlpl? r.con at ruc! lonr or,tlplrcerrot utrlaaa.theloE!9ag.ar rgrri nod t6 rrbrrlld ln rccord. ae.- 'ct Lh hrlflnattaf. 25,i. tf cerua lty, thl ihF r') /in"nt (al t!rct, to a{ch -1t- d .ra.tl ot d.tttuc t lo c|3c{t 3 Inrrrrtncr grocrldt. It rrttt cl.hrtl b. rpglkd by Lh. lfree rtcoarqruct loar rnd lhr, lrl ii_'f.d i',.lrrrirtj I + ., '' '\:ia it.,.,* '", . -l'- i: l: -7. -Fil"ffi t. r llP.f, ctnctllatlon orrny ln.er.nca pollgt or tldrllty bondAtr('clrr ion; tnd a. rny groporrd rctlon thrl th" r'ortg.ga !O tha Ovnrrr' trroelltt.rn. Ii. 25.nFq JN- r5.1. ?hta D.el.rrtlon dott brr.rrv"cdbl. .grolnta.nt ot rn agtorn.t-Proj;ct upon 1tt dfrtrucBlon ot 6rargconr!rrrctlon or lta ob!olaacfnca rnd co ndor I2t.l.l..tltlf to.ntlrprcrrly raala aubJ.et Lo lhaacc.ptrnca by tay'.trrnt.a of avcy!nc? lsoa tha'rDrctrrrnt ot con3r r ruta a9?o lntaant of th. 15.1.?. lll ot thr ornrrr h end appoint Etta Atfoctattoa ihrtt trurnrrr|r, Plrer, rnd rtard lor thr Psrporiupon ltr 6rl!.9r or dartructlon. or obYtdad. ?hlt povar ct rttoro.y lnrldIrrblIity of ant *naf . ?5.1.t. lt .ttorn.y-tn-!rrt Pras )(!ent anJ aacrttary o! l3l oth?rrgcnrs, rhrll hava tull .nd corglata au t.o 'nak., .rrcutl rrd drltvrr lny conlnsrr'$.ntr rlth rrtp.ct to tha lnBrrrrl rlr 1,6'1 6gp nacratrrt artd approFrllta ro Q r nn t ?J. *?_'**.ij'i:r' .ot Lb 'araaB ratto l- l€|' t t l-. yhli}t I ll-. vd tlri;br 'iar,{tr r .' :l.t lrti.at. [pry t]e 1vt$'r.dirl vltlr t,h tllr .ltof " r a: ra_ !..q I a i, : '1' I .. !1ue tacnt enC rc; air rttd taconl$frcLtln. '.'- .i. i :''.tl! th. InE..;'an3., procadl tra,$ta'rf ?lctati?,tr r,hc r11pr. vr.i.nt rt), Ind. It t lff fifror.nt'r.qglr , t(. .! not D.r. !hrn 6t gtrcant lot tlra tot.l.,:: ct thi eo1dcFihrun unlil ln .!hlr ?rgJrct, n ' ,lnaga ar drttruction ,fhrIl ''De gronptly t'',e,, bt' the Arrociatlonr'. a3 attgrnGfln-lreg -$*'$ : rl r:r'rd !f,J rrcon3t r rrctcdi t*i".erro'crrtlcni r .t.t'. r i.Jr" , rnd P.r'rer, i rr lQlOr natrJ n-f .s!., rnd rrr:' :rtlotl ot 'ilie lipiovii.ilir)".', ?rir?n.FF shri I not bt .bltld d,rf{nl a!h' I rn3ur.nrp and tha Fro( Ur o! i:rpeCl-r! lrrl' ! !- rIl o! th. Orn€rt and ".tlrtlr Cdridontl l ua ! unr : '. . i.I . su:r .Fclrl r3r.rr|n(nt.-ithalf ba l. co,.1 rr'-r iccording to crch O'enerlt lnltrrrl i.':''' chol l b? du. rnd p'ryrblr villrln 3f'deyr rroi, c: .i.hd relra es rr! tor th ln |. ha tlot rcrr'1 .\ '.,1.i. T::? Atroclri ion rhell h-rvc lil I auth :,: '' ! ul t:,. +','.1 " a', 1' al: t- ; P. : _.:' '.' ; a7 : !a tr.lc ' :. .I ; h|v.to ctute I I rtant Irtod of fi;:' r tr rrdo rrprlr I rcttn! lnc lulllngllred! rno r i.g th!nt to Dc n " lPtnle a Coa6onr rr Ltten ry, flthtrtcratlon t i-' ( lUChr i p! clrl |*__ r.9tr l.f l)' to Pry lo; not tcar,t ol th"n.y lrr r. ? rrrrll bo-t , 16 . th. Prltot3;.t.c I rt!{ OYn .4 tha lntsrrnce p!oc . .. r.1, 'i1," llrllrr,,ont pro'rldtd f gf hrrri 6li br a-.:l- Or:r.r rnd r lJcrr on i,s coldor le'!un- uol.:r- gr:rar and t llan on h,6 coltgoF lnlu&- ulllr',:l coLlt-..rd ar ir provtrled Jn rbla Dael ary- brtt()n. lnihal I hrvctt o? rn)' . nt r lShin 3e !o bcnt Ourartuant to .rs tt::: .e..,'-ln-!rct, to cruta th? !|Pltr of !,v?rn6:,' ..1 'Jtlng ri I ote;thg-d,r:llr,9 thr f tllufc C '.brt thc condotrl n I 'rt? unltl t t:? Arroelrtlon? tt rttotrl. ,tl t ' rn+. rl] Dthfr cf,ttr rid gtero:rlble rtJgt'. ": !16 rh" rrla ot ruchlondllrnlurby thr A! roc l.t I on, li,".a t.J, 1 '* Fr)'r.nt of tha bllt ror tg 19. , Fa F.y'r"nl of unpt tdCFrrc, Grpanrcl Inttlro,- l at ionl 'q?or plyn ent ol junlor li trc ordrr oi rnd I a coE ollfc!a. .f I lfnr rto tbetrr bet ancr rcrrtnlng. rl -t 5: r Psya"ht oI :|la3 thd - f ,vrr of rni art.Fat a.-:,at rv clptnS. o( frlct lnosnbr ! io. ,, ,i.' tl .br.t-j,':' ", * ,4 *+ { i.* s.-fls$itL .s+iss $t $i Eb S,f il1$ l* .: &$ F} a1-. ills.q[. Fr F., $'iF.H-. .i ir't, -$s ., !,hG ('!n .);\rilUi| U.'rl: O*1r.r. f...tht tn.drr'l(. proci..J3 erc tnruf!dotqrd lrI l,vlaeni. 1r), rnrl tt,-;dtarlr ll rra than 6i p.rrrd,l al ] of =1rre conJc.nlnr. jn u.r1lli l lclnr,,r 1 .rrt o! rl i of -=1r,r Condc.rInt.,"' u"iiii-- 25.1 . : f tfc()nttr, I t::t?,) flFlr I r rch l;j ti. si:- ?,:' i. a. !" i.'rr{.;t :?- - ,lr:t..,rt .rr,,: ^ 7. paScf |1t of t Ft . i rrt o..,r r ?$ll t thg. ,, t r: 116l qfparr and r reonr! I ,Jct to'1. - '-'-I . l.:1.1. f.t! trrcrr t. lueh dtsrppr,rvlt'.1rn rh.rl I lorthilth rfco!d . nor ir. riit , ngt.ctr, rnd ugon thr racocdlng of ruch notte.prerldrnt inJ afofatrry cr ltr othcr- drrty tutl ::tiI! rer.r.intng lirrrntirr rhrll bc rola Uy rrrcig t!. ;'rr,,'rslonlpt -thl-r prrrgrrpt, .r riLD!nf,tht. 0vnr. r, frrr,tnd clrir oi tt,. p,,r"irroniD.clrr.t t, r, ttra .hpr, lr!lclOr of incocpcrr!ltArre altr4,'", tot ^rlonmoo arpanatt !hrIl no: bal n')t lncl,r.r rr,t lrndr tha p!o1.cg thall hp rrt,anr provr4., ln ptrrcraph :i.l unlrtl ,! llrtt pcrlod t: i : !O CoivryrnCr try thr A.socirLtc.r. -i ii.a.!. 'Tha lrtDci.tlcn, rl .',!itfotthvillr apply rtd dltburra f16 the totrl3CCgUnl., ylthout:c6nt"lbr!t i^n lr,,r a-- -3ccgunl., yithouC:Conlflbgt ion frun, on. ac:qogFrr!l.l '-.r full fryF?nt o! rh. ltcn o! .ny fti!h. ccn,lornlniun lntt rrprcrcntrd uy iacn I?hcrrrf: e r I cach I'Jch rciouh: rhrl I - bt rupp!tionad a.iiu;t! of 'tha groc.ratt obt,.lnrd tror! tbrprop.rti. Srch apgor!lo'|!anr ahrl I b. b.'rd sunlt gr:,er's lngarrat tn tha glnrrel CoGrDn Itundt or rach rccoun! ulBhout iontrto*liion !rc.otbcr. slal I br sa.d rnd dlrburmd by th. A..OCI1n-(rct, f cr the l.r!f purlDr.6 tnd l; th. .rdjlr. oln pl!13r. ,t. 25.1r1,, ltrir ! thouoh t-ln pl!13r. ,t. 2S.J.lrr ltril ! though 5. Z';.5. lf r ctau.lty lost occurr rnd tt prrrnd lf r pl rn tot rrconrtrucllgn ii rdoDtcd...ardoptcd. yl aft. 1( -2 ..1.2.;i ?he lnrurtnc. ,at::.Eentcollrcte.) :/ the krocletlon, rnd ruch ?rocaidtlht Atrc-,c:.tt tor lCCoEding to rrsh cryner'a lntacOEtlOn ?le:renta, " Ind luCh dlvldrd prr)ctrdrraPlrr?... a:counttr arch rueh acrou!1t teprracondoFrni,in unltti !rch l,rch tccount rhaIl brAttoclrti(,1. rnd tbrll b. fu!th.r ld?itl!r.d bf tdclignr: !.-'. !nd ttla n.r!a, of tha Ornpc. provlricns cf ru:b. plrn.cf ru:b. plrn. { ':i 2' . 5.1. ' lny lrrt.r$Gnt rrdr tn coni.hrll. !r. ! coanoh r.rprnrt rnO riai pio ,rtlOrnar'r lnr."r.at ln ttir genrrrl co*n' elrrrorrhall be C.r r lnd thcn rlI cl th. iOvrr.r. ..1r.],t b? nound'by,*provlricns cf ru:b. plrn. t ';*, : ,. 5.2 . ?hr lt rocl rr- lon rhrl I hrv e.rnC. povss, .t rtlornay-ln-frc:. to ctura !haol_ lopr,rven.!ntr utlng ltt of trro lnrJrrr._r pronotylttrrtar..Jing !ha frtlIra g! rn Ornar roAgaraa$en'-.. f or co or ltp.n!at ahtt I notPerlod cf lnrurl|rc. tdJuitE.nt rnd rrgrtr eb. i|:t ii. rF .! i ".r . ''i ri ,{I ,,1 {.t!r.$ -l ?- ,.1tl ..1..t :.] i?i:i R.t t .-: :he Ir:ac|: Orncr rnl t I ler, or, his c lnlun unit rnd nrt be' an ! eollectcd r3 r s pr,1'rlCed !* thlr beclarltion. fa i ce: iv!d,; f ron the eale of rucl, firlor. ln1u,n,.iuntt ahall be' ii3Lrrtrd by the Assoclarlcn. rr$garncy tn_-!lct, for tne'i.)8€s .nd 1n th! r rr,e ordar as. !i'pfovidedr.jn parrgrrph ;: d, l iet8 1 thrsugl. 5. .' i* . ': * j' . - t : Si"F$1w NIh\'J, ; nr'- 'Y .i it' 2r.r.!: :he rrr?s-icr,. Dr, urdc& !or her!lt1 rh!ll bc a -.rr-|: f'renrr r^{ | I lo, .'. it. conlrlnl.rn uttit rnd rner f,c fi r:rd r.?congtructlon rhal I ibe p erpcnsc, Phetbcr or not. theirf !'tni:,ja). and raConstfUCi icn. 2,-.6.2, The Assocl.tlon, er td.tr ! r9:,'- anC porar to tall th y conr.nt.d i. ;"i.Hii+til rr'.rt iivr ':.rl I €'i: i: r . add; 1 i:-:, \'t5'rcto; the Asroci6'-rc'^, ta e :t*nay- I n- f rct, shdll have I:ut(. rtght and po'.er t,' sell tneficondoninirrn untt of rny I "lusrng o! tr!l ing t3 pa,. ruch rrlcgsncnt rithin the tlrne $. In tueh c.se, tns Assc.c j.rt jon rudl cruse to be rccorded rlhat tha condoftlni.':r u:: iL of th" daltngt,.:tt Orn?r shall be I'-:re Atroclrtlon, S,r:h r.ie 'n.), h by.. eny trgulerl? utcat - ', :'rthod. TnP d.l lr]q'r€nt Ovn"r rSll- be tlgulrrd ro ply ts I i -:.':'.o-"._.-tl: :9".... :l_d e1p1'::.^'-13:. !Jtll-ci_t]_" i'!1;31, ; ,,at tllc :r!te of l8 FercpnL pe:' r{fi on thtl anou,.t ot_-the: e rd .'l1l other costr and reasor{b{r .at'.orncy f ees. 'Th,. i I d!s.' i':. : f , T'!p Ov:',rrs reprerentlng tt le.* 6t prrccnt. of Lha totrt {. ..r ,' votaE rnay rgree that the g e l14at ' Coanon,..f let'entr rre i. :i.tr Er !Uqt LrIE gr.rEE'rr SrJEtr(rrt^..rRIil||rt3flL|| are ! 'j; ,:^.C ddogt a plar f cr tbe:r teneur!$trd reeohrtructlon. . the I )o Hl,o:t !,Jt l:,r:.t EErrRr.+lFflJ .liEgrJntsaucLlqn. . r||E tr ib€ apprcved ty a: leas. 5? parcrd[ of ,thf l{rrt rnortgegces # i'a: rh., ttn.- of tn€ rdoprion of tCtSFlra.r ij$f . . 2:.5.1. If a plan for tl.ithe r a, nc:lct cf ru(h pl!n .brll ttr ' ,,n i' ' F- .' !" -'. 5;c:. l'-: t 'a.' ;.' ' -.e lsr6c: at ion. Sueh aah orav tl{ ;-::p:hoO . The dellnq'lert Otner'rhitl-.a: iotl t!'" ccatr rnd etpcnset .!bt {llt.t thc rr:F ot 18 pcrcenf.per rdd* On,t ,;:ng Or t.:1lng to F!y auch I:r: arr(h cnte, th" Arsacllt lon' '"5at- tlrt ccndon:iniun unit of thi 1 Th€ t; ro:es rr.y .grGG ln uriclaf thtteilc r-hat tbc t e rhould be rold, arcnt th€ tllr.tlr rrcordrd llitr rhrllibr{.. tl erlv OredFt to p.y togt ntg ictr, ?iunt of . thtS' .lccr. -?ha.,{ au I ar.d a:.i oBh€r coa!E .nd:,r ar.d al.i oBh€r coa!E .nd:, rce sottrbli - at ie r:ved: l:c'l th! rrlc of thr condtnliton. -tc o ndtlrl itt on . "u-r'sed bf :he A3soctrtion, lt rttaiC ln ltire E tir.a ofdtr es Irtt Pro A Ibrti.nll .;) lr; 2 5 .t,t; .'.." .I*j: l:.?.Il It, ruch gltn tr.adopr"cord r notice rafllng lofth 3t r..: r i : :9 .df rueh nollca by .tie '' ci agsr€aant au3t hava tha vrlttln ' I t; h311 I tE3t rortg.gr.a.iOf ra , I e ucl* pl tn. ' .ii ri r,.:. '. .. ,r l!,s oihar duly luthortr.d olf lc*}.i6r.i. . rcld 'b,y iha Arroclttlon, rr rtElaft:I'.:... -,. rs tftr rnd; clrrr ol tha provh I ' . I - rr, ghe ltlgtr" the Articl"r bt Incor l*i. lhir ral.r procced*h.lf$ip;i 2t.1,a2. ?ha r.l{. proccedr ahrll..';c Fas rr €J crch Oyncr 't tnrrrrrf-ln,11:' "I ; $::',, ji il.r . +. Si'i1 ,11 'r- i.-g' l :;i: i-;.' "!r:.1 , -1ti:"t :ri ' iffi?tr; i6 "{. "' -rs; iiftt .ctl, en( I t r|F(l st rr.s lvrrvv ?r, '-hti ;i"ES; {. 25.''.i. trl. l.aosrrtron' rr iii$rnly'Ot- c rnd dtgbur sc bhc tot!l lriount o! .rch .lfPlrrtfj -Aconiribttt lo,l f rolfi o.ta lccounL to anoti'rr.il9t .tntJ tj in tn. 3oilrc ( r dGr ar tl .grov lJad ln Plr.grlPn I al ?mtnt s, and su:h accountt, cach t uch luch rccount ah!ll furthcr ldentified of lhe Ovn?r ' through 5. tddrcss, Tha raP! r a t. .nd thr ltaP3 3hrll aannar In.l !3 la untll trrmtn!t.d 2 5.1 or paregraPh 2 29.ILE P ollnluto .rLr.-fa cFaltfd ' bY lnla unt ll thtr D.clarrtlon lildet tn P.rlglrPh it cf, th rrnndr r;d .t tr Prut I la D.cI rrat [on. * .{ -rr- .'ii:n...r oinlun unil ovner! 1;- iita irne proporttlonr el th Iili*tti tn tt'c grnrirl-dorcn irnrntrilrnd rlii -r;;:;i=;;i ;; i;;":;;;iJi.-iicipt i.iqtr r, qr.nvrvance ot unit. A conv"yrncr of il conldootn-lrn 'uit], thdl, tlunit. A conv"ylncf ot l: coooo|!rnrllr sr ;;;;i..'o*ii"fi ip ot tni' Erensorrr, bGnrtlc:''l :r't iiop..tv essoclatcld ri$t *i condoarrrlul.$*t convevrt 26. ASlglI\TlotJ'8 nIGHt T9 rc r Th! Ar-roci ltlon'tty rtgutrr rnd trolilTl6r g!"' bcl thr condoninrum unit Orierr-r.rl-ProP'rtfllrc .prrron'arv drrDo!? ot ttt. irarliby rrti or othorrl rr' :T;i.;:i'i;- .ir; ;;* -p-'o-piiiv rhrlr b. '*tt' b-v^ I,r-1 iirii*y isioclatod rtth $t condtoalrrlulsglt convev; {B*,.: 27, REGrsrRArIoll o? lr rliic ADDnESS. ffi i ' Each ovner shell rrg&rrr hlr t"lr ri'f-Frt o t ii'r ti tlon' lnd nottc.t ot -a-.t-ino t lnt"nded to b' 'cEre43h!l i be perscnel ti' dclllrrrd or 3eng '!' Dlrr ' c-c ' ratdrasscd tn th. nrti & tn' orn'r 'i tuch lr9ll ,lr 38. r\o undargr"i[c e.lrrng 9'r'9' ir irtl-ft' rad ?roJ.ct. rt ri td.itlllrd or. th. H'P' r' ' 9lll'r'l' NorvtBh.t.rdine ru€tl -iillrnrtlon o;. 1nv ^!r*gl{.;;;;; ;;i a, ;c r,ro t ns,-9rr-r,9-1dPh. t .nd -l'^!,.- -:h' lxcr r oiiot t'o brcenorr iir-lli?l rnd rt 'nyGlr' tn'Qrt! Illlia iir - i - ;;;;i'il;-;iii rr'. c i rrr- rd--rr--oicrt Colorrdo, Dry d.cr.rl' tillrirr,'g 9'!rNo'ilrr rtsFd{ :i "i ii;hF ";tri- l;lill,' il;.'"T.,.'1s.1"'[r'iii "i j,i*:' ";:trt l;811,' il:'.'"T.,ffi .li' F L!io.n(r t f or th. Atroct attor. .:rd lt' .9lr-'ll r' Pt t: ip."i io. t h e A. tocl.t tod. ,:ryJ i'' "f i -.-"# i, :!30. les" ' :' 10.1. rh. rilt.of;;-'1t h.r.bt rr.itrlitco'iii H. i {, tr; D|F.i l [r ,ifE I !'- i' "{ r!{{.. il' :r1'li --r"+fi ' t 1i gE$\.$', fi,' ,*i X***tl,4 t-,i ,'.F :+d . i f ..r -i:..i :.: ' r ra3!J"ntl.i u3{8 end rrtitrd utdat lrct !.!?!:l: al,:' derrgnrtrd' ccnr'crclrl unttl fnd rrrtFr ijI6 t r!:dings . th.r :hrn brrlldrng shoul on Urr ttrpr rSllt;ba rJns:!u;iec on thl PEoJrct .i".pc by r reiorfly fg!. S!\t st: uc:i:r e of a titpor.ry charlctalt trrlhtritlt de! a,-i:ed arr.9!, bernrlor othrr outbutfAtng ah.fp? ba' ur c ! t: pc t,.r 5s -;.ta or itorrd on any Portlon of tlht tlcJ t l r.€ e t::r( ! t?fiporerlly or prrnricntly.l rrcegf irl- aPr rutii:'r!r'.' tor ! !1red.Pcrlod of tlD. btz jth. AsEaltlatton thrt the Assocl.tlon rly heve lrlntlnrnca buildlt$t dn th F.e3r jrn:rr.: ureB rre tbotr rlloved by rt?l lcrbl lilgnlnl 1 ;'!.cr:s)cFs of thlr Declrrrt ton liElilng 'rrrlal.n'.ll\ u!!1r,.; ii: n( r- ,l;rrLec to th..pEovlsrons-tn itrlr. grrrgrSr f0r i '. ses as p :: ( re eltoued;by eppi iceblc zonlng i andf, to 9h . I rr..'-..: .r rppl rc.ble &nin9, including ruldcatl0l u*!r: arquanl r': ct.d' or .!i unlttr: 1" - tch !.y': ..l : n9 tn9 lo.dllngber.l.pt. laa r'" Of.rrrd to I Ol ' I'na'1:- r' ',rtr.ocaaii::' tu tCtr'nOf't '': '1 l-r. : . xotuith3.-r;dinq env orovlrtotl' ietrf*{cdntic.::':ary, :' rnall be trpiceriy 'prro!rrlblr, fc:;!Ihr-Do ' t :" -! -.?*-',1'i-1" ::,SJi d9e;i|.s a:"..' emplo1r.cs, to'ratntiti durtng: i*:e-{i-ta'oq.-:r.i ;ir: -- "ntri. uloJruci., poirion or ihr ?tijtlt lr orc .:,o..5e, s-.'', frcllitlea rs 1n th. rolt oplnlon dfithtr Da(:r' r arsci.: ly tequiredi e.:rv.nien!, or lnctdrnttl; to''tha:r' ! 4JSCia: :y !equrregr c'J3v€r|l?IlEl 9r llrs(qlris.at! stt'L : r(,' anc -. .'. e cr rentel of condoninlun $alta, tnclI6ltttt, ) ii.'a:.r: . butinata of!rca, atcriga a!"a, llinri' lod srle: o! : .. , Pal)tlng ,s..s, rnd 119htln9. €1. f." 1 ! ." t. f- 1. i; i' i. iLi i'oi'ic. lro eninal 6f en'1 lind rhrll'bt rr:r$ brrlr. if.c l.o:, .-:, .r.'aPt that a dog, ct.!r or Otheqflalf li,]l ill, i ;"iill fr":"1;'.lld. rcaurrt ron'u*' ff ) ii..a:.t: . butinata of!rca, atcriga a!'.a, lttnai', lo.{, No '!or glle,' 'for rGitr' or 'for !..;'ij!,v o.-.: lays of rdtarliting rhrll bc l.tDtr int pJr: :l th! lio o rd c 1 sf,:'. I bt ,. rctedr..'1[Irc.d or p.rllttad to rrErln tbr iihalI tl.. irolcc eiiar3el dCj-:li,'r;:denlr6l i rrtt'on ol t"he PrcjccB arcapt- forreg:lar . .sits frol tic publ ic. llotrt tlrrt cove-.an: bl.Li!oa'- l$P ! eJer:, s or dri14:kl-nd Yhrtrvrr .hall br s rhall noti appl'' to tbr burt ' s , .nd ,'ccnttr us'. ion Ind talat ^,+-rt tt ' an)t r, of tha Daclrtrntt lrlt tt.'!uJrsrit.'.: -g'r .. .-Ff,-l::'.!r: -r{ :r l dur:ng ::-.e arla .:and , r.ntrl porlod ot PafJrct.;llrrrltrfror ti':. to tlaeri rnC of th" trrocl and lssrgr.s. irr tutthrrencr of ttr polttf lclth. :,.i:it iill .*ll- 3a I lr. 't{! lo 3c.5. tto nuls.nbGr rhall bc elur? er rr-'tlvlLy rhlch It thr agursauhtch lnterf€rtt'Yt!h th: grret!up?c['or ,re, of thr ProJact bt/ lta faaelcc!rieal or elfci-roalc dirturbrncar*chd.I be uacd rn, .'y lLi.]"ii""?l1i'.',i?:ET'iffi.'..tn I c:-an .nd rlnttrry cond iflonr .-atdtdo is5ut r 9!rb.9" rh.li .ba allovrd to .ccuaul ltr tdor i aty t.rirt. hi olnrr$thrtl parrit .ny Lr. ol btl$trltibr t -l ----..iki^l^r rIt! l--,-r.- lh- ?at. ..l.t'rrrr r!-dJerrgbbl j .rirt. hi oyn.r*th.ll parrit .ny Lr. ol bta $trlt:Lor coruron al en anlt#ailcb rlll lncrlrrr th. rata oi,El nrProjrct. Th! Ar.)€lrtton !!y rdop! lylaut r|rd rultarrl lt rve io ltltencnt rnd -lnJunct ton of m,lrrlclr.i [nart. rtrhrelr ..{, r Fe r-'.:t.i iany \r-' lc.rlly _i'.rc.pq'io].c!. j by ithc :-udlngr I e rCIel.-, -20- 5 ;. 3 T i tlr to tunt wndrrblp 'ol rrch- 'tiitdcr{cltrl unft'rrl| ,uu :. " i - ii iirJi'.rir -iiiirvit ronr "l at,, !cr!+. ll rl.l S-iiiir,-iz.' :r, + ,':;i#$+.:S,;:.fl 31. l. p'eeirrrnt'\.t.fl.l tr't' tffiri |6r:'frirbrfrhi, roer or r.tocrt. ....r-nlii -t..r-rt lofo , blc|Ptfgnt : :P.."ni ri i.. i- ittr tnr conoo. in t,l -ora.r t-rb!ri{. t$i:?"ttJ ilit--int.ittE'i or rtl th. coado'ln:d'-drtt;;;i";;;,- 1;--ordi. to. t.rvr tb. .ntt!$Tg: ti:'r ''jr Ar 32.2. }|ocal:httand in9 rny oth't I Fno irnDlt"d ro tbr contriii rri tnii Dlclrrillo Iniorporatlon or Bylrrt of lha l'toclfl Ltr' ; i;; ;'; ;- ;;;ici i. -iti - tg r tr, - d ut t e.', -'g^.lE.ni ini"ugt ehr pcrronr -tteaid in the:rrtlalr{ot lncoF;- - f,if,.$* . i=, ..*-Ht.i,of, ; {: r-'':i ili ' f:'I :tlgE, t -rr-:$tlt. Sft_ i. jr, tz. g.gNERA! Rts?nv^?r0r,Hs . _.& t+#;3., ,,i Titlr to 'urd o'nirrblp 'ol rrctr--ibitrdd{cltrr unlr iil -$ ',,+i:.$.{Fffi'i,fft it# X,'frffi ; 'ri{T 10,6. ftn.rt rh.ll be rrlFn3ibI'j for th!irct: f ernil jes rnd Lhr rcBlont o! thalr gu'st"". .tq]{l :I ritt:a or'aadr of'ttri ProJrct or- .ny peit hltr ordinanccc, andt rrqrrletlont ol !Il goe'rfia .hdlli be P.r-r .$ll ia t rrr , Jurt3di.tlon rhltl br obt.rv.d. f, , ' 10.8, lutal rnd r.gulrtlon. nry br relptr{$Ur o r r..rtt,l "i""t'.', "?f, *Tt;:l:li, l;1 .n f.T :ff iie .Fl:iilfrii l i;iaeo - cotaon . rluritu Provldcd ' hot'Y-rri cnG'o f '-hrl! h rvlng 1t ;* I iii i it t.i"TT'Lr i' iT'L''jit" Ii -i ii = il'i i';-";-f "' ;og' c94r s ? ! if I I .ucb rulcr rnd rcaulrt-ioni ln.f f bc t r,rntr!:'d to Orarrl f:lor !o.lhc t,lle Lh.t th.y b.cooa .ll.ctlvr. 3o.9. ftclDt lot thor.. hprovrorrflr; $Deel!r.ntr no ertrrlor grlntln!r chrnqat-, or decorlttnq to rny butldlngil no lrrrlng.^r--^-- .l.i r'x. f lrr-d to or olrcrd upon thrlnt?nna 3h.11 b. ffucd to or P;;;i;;; "ny p.tt 3htr.of, br--rrgorcd;onrOo!, of tny ParE EntE!ef, ('r_ -r'Yv'E.iiid." -r" ?"ic.r, bedg.r,. nllr, rn{1tl;3^;;;;;";'tri'i.[".., -i,.ag.r,' rrllr, rnrti.otbcr rt!ucturrr- 3hrll'r Dr connenced, .r.ct"d, i1-'ili"i.1-":Jr- unirr' ^tr't'i,r-"i-^t- +f -,1r:f.tll-litio^J shoelng th. nrtur.r I-1hd' th3 hrighir, iatcrtrtr;cttions shoelng tha nlturat Ilhdt fillrr ntlgn-'l ' "rcF""'i;;;ii;;, -. na -iip'"' i""li- "i"i o i ;a'n' :ln ! b.r'-l le-T. 1|"i::1-:liJij."il"",";;;'#pr;;i""li-"i"i oi ;.rn. rrre-rr tirir bern .cbnirrld to :t.-"*!::"i^.1r.:*iaiC"- :",,:i,""""""T,t"tf*.T1" -f"il"?t';!:...';r-1T;:i Lll i g,I'i Xi = i"Jl. r.i' "ll'n .i r Ji r"l g uuct'ir-o l l^ :l: t'^?r 1:: lv:lli;;;;'Ji ;i"..-:';;-i';i-ii ". cu;i' c"'l-icit coaq r r;t ce' o I uv ?,i'Frp----,---.-. rrr' ih. lrrnc.l rtlon 'tit th€ -Connl'!t!a.Al roc r.t ton r I Et AE Gn\Erssur.r \.L''.'- ie. ;;;-,;;' -ifr" : C"hrt,!!,iir.ntetluc dtsignrt.at by thc ArtocJ'l .- ,. 1.. ...r. { ll. AssEss!,lE\T RSSERVES. ' ', ri *i ?he Alaocirtion rlY raqulrc an Orn l:dcpor[L Yi Ehii;th e?he A!aocirtion rly raqulrc an Ornlr tci 'l'PorlE Yl EnJ';lne l!8ociation rltlrout fnicr'".t,'up to chr'-' :t!t't tl; -1*J-11 ?f *l:crtlnattd Donthr!' "o"ili-i.ij.ra-cnt, vnlca roa rh'lI bri bcld by th' --- ;::-;i -- r...i ri' r' ?rt.rlr to .br urrd' loril l'. ".-i "t' i Ji"Ji:'tli lii ae I ne re e n t - r t :r l. :!t*!:- i:lrlocir!lon or'tht ian19rng Ag'nE- 'r''" rr.s5Y vork I ns e rp r t rl' o t - Ji't .i-'-iriitneuli-. ?{n':t^; i^": Tll::" E,r:*; :: : H. f# " T,i.r'-'.l"-ini; P:i:;|. h +-i .nit L!r rv1 -1* 9".1'^: -I3; ;i; ;; - i ;; - ; re u i i"oit-iiv i.lhr n C'.r .rl$ :f t-t h lI a Jta!ttant ;;;;j";'i;.iioi. rnlch .Eouot rhrlt$b lrenifiircd t o., 3he lccount of th. !Erntat.;:r , i crlls, doorr,ny rlndov}faort-urrl sh eltli bt 'f!" i' :ir 5 il a. il ! : ii.! ar i.l ''J t'i -.1 , ,r {..1 ' ,.5-'j:-f i Jj$4 r epl aernrrnt aCiir ;r cOn,$1 lAl tn sg tny Les 'd t Ef A}| s I ar:rir.ial Board i ,:' t F ,l -+ r.leccad b.y ttrc tn9 thr::Par iod of ;-l e rer:e:.ring dlrcc!ors ln th? .vant of I vlcrdctt Proje;L JevrlopEaai rnil r!:c. thc pcrlod ot:r.le sh!]l tcrhlnere on t!-e cerltcrt of (l f ,'conj...]n:um unitt h!v? Daen 3old Uy Dcclrrrhllpercr-rt of the unitr hrve ba.n co:lyaycd-tb:.uly€.!! r! ter thG !rrrt unit 1r ccnlryOd, :Otr(l : pur ch rrrrr , ( 3 )--. !lh. d.rrjltt!r.d tnt..!J|.'!Jsv.-v.fryrit..no by thc D.clrrrnt to tha AatocIttlo rl tbr r'!rricd of d.eelcJprelr: .nd t.lr l,t ecrpltlc. Durlng tbeh lod of dtv al oFlent end sal .', thr tonthlii or pertodlc': rrr.rrfani!hrlI f. brred upon th. arttclta o! tba4l t rhlcliii*tave bccnd.plct.d .: rrlt,y of ndo lnlunI gh.n alc.crlbcr I rnant rI d avalgptn: nt andrtc rhrn :l0 of tha{ ,non tha rI r?r 7 5 or ,l for corr;t' .rptnrcrril' eort i,| rclud lngitrrr rrbrvcll e! -'i rt r rhrle th.rro! ': rlr{lar-. t&'*itti',r arf i.bc?a.ntl'. ar ',. :*'{ ':: t -L i n e l. L l sr trirtbrl t trt hr to Jrct rd-ito tffi;hvef:th! a.cb.;3uch'lntafrrt undl*lat.d al alantrrler*,rd.l*id..!:'of rdcl tnlur Drcl|r.- i&:I otTSEh.rtrr$. be ild il{rlnE unlt ^ ir prclrtdcd ii -piirgiipii -i -ri'!E,;L €rpr(:r- rercrvttton of tha rlEhtt trrtrrell:.b rt olsrnl !hout?Fth.n'rnd ncces: : : l', of ln rrPrats crcl urton or lhi contfiGt rdced, :r lhrlr lnetruacnt .rcludlng or :t rcf'p eny).ca;!n[tothe: ijcndoninlbn unlt, lncl.rdlng both t.nd t"p appurranaat undtvld,rc tntaral! la ccnve. .'- . e rhalli.f rr,- ln rrre grtn!al thlln a:,.' io th. l'$lvidluai rrr rpJcG fnl!rtl,ppu!'.e !.lant f ec rbplr j,n.-ercrt in rndin t::s Pro)act ra ret !'Jrrh on !rh 32.3.3. gsart contrletr dccdrlrus'. ji1l,, or ol,hrr in;t!uhan! nty lagunlt ^ ir orcivtdcd ln raraorroh I y{l tlon. . condonlniun orn"rlhip purrrlrnt to tbl!of the Project tb!l! bc lrken or condor EolC or othrrd,rc dtrposrd of ln ltau PRot'rsro'rs of thl! p.rrgr.pt 33 rhrtt rgp'..' 33.?. , lll; colpcnsetlon, drrn.gal..t.- ._+ .t.n i-r ..f, ;::. rilit, 'E'22' :i ..^ - $t '{' ;t I ! t { I t ; ''ll? *i :i ','I-tf'lron, tht lun o! rnioh tr herrlnrltor c'lt'd th' {Contl{rnrtlon :frcm, thr run c! rnioh tr h.r.1nrlttr e'lt'd tnr {Con6tinttlof i ,iinrd,' rhrll bc aryrllll. to thr Ar'oclrclon' it{ tr#' "d I I .+' -i,Ttffi ::;:frlH$'i;'iioiil.iiilii'i-Gr; iiiiii,roi otb.rP-tr', .thrn rn liii"iiiii-sr,r' cot.rnnrdi r'yrrd, thr lrocirrtcn rxll erylot, lBi! f etlocrtlon ro rh. rrtJni'it lr rilr"rnt,.rnit epltcr{lo. .lDlrttl ;i;;-;i-;;Frcronrc e;ii.ii ;;.itE ircl. uv cr-rcr1}ir.blr fclntlv ro th. rupecrrvr or"i-rr--i,ir ilirr-i..e.5iti:.*ififrer-gl*Jreord' . ; it.ro, rn.r r ec r.r.ff. lif I t#' rr .+j | , +{ 33.3. 't ,,#'ana tr. proJ.ce 1r t,.l.n or J6ndeilnrdi- or "+ : r- rord, or'orh.rvr'. ,t:dj':':-:i i: lli: ""i.1-:#,;;'li!li'$5ln[i i .,rirold. or orh.rytr. ot eo..o or rn rrru '. "ilrlifo'"'fiii'i {i;i;iii f .4_condoainlurn ovl.rrrhtF' gu.rurnt go th13-De' urpn rpprov.l by rr rrfii-ii"-p.i".ii-"c -in. ofnlr! rnd rt.llr..t 67 .;. ffi:il ^:i. *^t*;,';::J:i:','.t" "1'""1'Jf;11:':&ifT.iiilt rli : i: ifu ri;i*"d.:l:ll.;l;f ili';:".'i."'&'*ll'".i.1i1.'-lig'iilil'-ili!:;il! | .trndlr<t rtlStrrr'id-iiori tni vrlur oi enr rrojrii li.r. rhoh i. ';r- ^-^r^r..r r^ ....'iiith. cond.Ehrtlon Arrrd ln tlainrlOtlrtlonr; ' j:.ii erptoyca to re uuil; th. Cond.tonrtlon -Arrrd ll t!i.i n'lotl-rllonr ; ';',Edrct.r d.cr.a, 91 iitr.'i'itt*-..*; ^t 6-.-.^'-Llnlf *$:1,:!::: i5;, i-;' :::#ll;l:i".'"?nT'i..'J:i.lil" -;:;;q'iiri"io - ii -ff troS'tn ghe' :i;;;;;;;;"; il fi.;ii;;;i; ;-a;ndimetloa ^;&d lf rrrtrdv .rtrbr t rhcd r n nrsot rltiiil-iii G t.t aiiiil, o,a ot-b$'l1g,:l::..11 lH 1 ",'.t "!:11".;.!l ilt'.Ti,'li.o' iT $. o.'i'i.T.' " i lt gti tifi r; - iil i "!,rppl lcrblr. on rhr Sirfi 'oC'Ebe PrlnclDlr r.t !or6f.ln ,thtr rupl i ,J- ;it'.;'r.p;'t I Ii. , "ir,i-lrroctrt.lori rr ioon rr prrdllcrhlr lhrll -" drscrrrnr th! rn.r. ifll-f,i-C-o-nalnnrtlon; lvrrd to rt|!n r|cn-Ornrr- '.i.tI rntrtrro. suc:' rilio',:flf ,o! fLto..'j3rt^.t":tttlt}.t:g:l:itli" ;,ct'bur..d rr lccn .. iii'"irliiii; i; i!; tdl-otoir- rrlp erovltlcd ln -': ;;il;;;;;.;h is.r.r, iiii-i-it'roueh 3. .s! ir{ {l . - ' , , ;* ;!1.a. rl f ili thln th' 'ntlrt:rtrojrcr ir'-!rkrfFor. -eon- :;ir drr.nrd, or tord or odiit"ili-6liporra or;tq lilf :1.*-.tni:11:l:t' 'i.drr.nrd, or totd ot odiitJiit-j'ciii"iial Js.1in li.r qf. os ln^!v9ldrno.' i'{ ;;;;;;i,- ttc -condo"rtirin -wnii-irrp trerruortrr rhrll'rot t'rntnre'' - r' ii,.r,-ir'i.. .h.tt b. .iiiirer 'toi inrir ol lh. cori"iitton lv'rdltl'. i-!-br drt.rEln.al ln thr'i;ifit"c r.nnetr -tt) A' 'oon 'l-' P-r-'ct ic' lhe Arroctrtron, rrriii-Uii--l'nO -tn iooO. frttn' rnrlg.rltocrg-. th. -4 cord.mnrrton n,.ra trli-.i"cd;;^;;rlt",-aliiiii, oi.crn.r rton*lL f"rnd .h.ll tpportton :ilircoit'i ro.llrocrerd3P !-tl.l$ :f 'l:.,lgug ::if .;:'i:.".?t""t'="t"J*T'.i,lL"'lii,'t1ii-iiJ:Gtii -^"-'i.:lp:::f ti' ".I.r.iinc. d.n.3.. rtiir-ti iipoitionoc to-rho.. urtr.-ilhteb u._rr not- l t!k!n or cond.nn.d, jiitir li-._-r.-iprcttvr- rnouner rf;Dcrtld to. tlr. : B!kln9 o! or ltrtury'ii-;. girttculir unlt- or lterov'rlnut:or Do'-h' rn ()r.ncr hld rnrd. rrtiin hir or h.r -ovn. unlc rhrll br$nF f! lorrra to , ::;.:".*tiil ;ii*.i's."'*l' . *:, 1L;l;'pi,r,"ffiiiifi liii .li i, i a3tlbltthcd ln nalotllttolll luorcru qrss!!' r'r'r ii ii" i i iii - c ;; coffi;re toa- r-vrr d, .t h ! lr T!.h-151 ,.. t-,, erlly',rh.ll rrl:" lirt.r.rt -. ttf,rnll thr - h.C.r.rry to 1 :." n -Sbrtl r-.i i-; :., rdl;lo.1ll.t.r' r r'{ cd. tbr, arra ..', loa;lrr$i..rhdl . +..1 cilnfilnlo. g :rtl&r :+ ' : '* { .{! Ily!,rrat, r;r, rlPon '..r. ' .r' of sr !l .. nltcrllt l''.r, , , BE$T COPT AYAIIJW"E ' "rr1-'1.1t lori F':les Ind Pr:ri:rlat r,.nt..: I ne or 6'lcu.rrbrrno!r without !.h€ ','rS nf O{1r, i,rn tn tl,.. I 'tit.rlir.,nt :taf ,'nlse,ret ,, ';ibe b I rtrlln,r n('cear I t i cclut I r,n,'f co,r i'f tri ,dJo-: ".i-. $, rlt li. ' ..,/1:- r 'he .ri".crulrr r:,,fr!,('.. ltr.r tl i n, Iudr: l,' hP l)ta ' t t:Y ' r n,.to r 'htil l 'r: i ty lhsllon, lttd , cli$a., eonvc',1dce,y. iii eaeothe t+XC::r h.VefD I ' J6. lpn t, t l€s rr t f or L.,:{ t " It: e .rn,l til ,'; €culed thig _-, iqR{. 'lr:E !,;m .1 The a G!na!!! i ndl Scott-f{.i Genrral At:4st: tr)' t ' " 2aSceretlrt.i'. . ,.. * Ts'.sTiTE Or. r: ,:., tj. ) I' *'.:'l'n, . ,,, qtis ! nstru,nrn i was acknoylr$-.'1.,;' "' :tiqri-d- --_, le8{i by .:i ii-FETi,r, nr f,i;'FEffi:ErTl;-f"ffiraliorrr, Pa rtDG! ('i '.1'h. ::i,'t tJt!rt_tr Partnprsltip, Gcna!!i T. : :$..i. { ;.' a ,i f; .ji -"- i -7 E" ;-'- r :,L' - !! . ' .!. (fecttdi'i dE,,'* rrtiF'iect rifittrc : t:,1 : .l r...i'r- l-s"'t a !, 1I {I I ri *t. ;1 ei fntr.-t, 't, ;4., i4.! tk .|. '-1. j: l :i '-. I t tIH ! 3rrA': r I :::i- c i s:lr.l.:r.{ 4,. ar,! f ! '--,l l "d ' !." -rr a !. .i t.?rci{1'r0'. - t | '.r ll7, t' :1t tr :it th? , <'l r8. 'tqir rrt 3 .r t' I re' r.ft:t? !4:itt" J'rly l: l.lticr.' r.'.: ) rd. -" :.f ? !g tnt,tf :rli s,$ I . F o! ftv+rt.? .'l au'1a, c!lof, rclrglo^r t teof d |.-r Au?'rat 1 '| tl.l ' ^?itE:,t i. ll. )re t' ih? prra'c99, rn : )l.gflllI''t( '.|lrL eUlF '.' lrert. !. .'rl C..r l or r,l odt rraat t ctrntr :th.r .ot , e lrf t0 . a,! tr.t t raotli r. tratca ia{all I r. rrEa c+rt n f lhf raot?f{a P Dt - l,AlA: i')r F ,'fiD r{ lll l rlrttr i :; . _i tLaglL g"':,:itPf t(|r ,)P ! l.'!': LAi! *N !. " Ft r,gcLAPArT ,.i :!j, t 'i i i ,:: : iiJ,:..rd, ltr-. rliioif:;,rai.r'r!d ss; c -,n.1rrln I it I rc. d&ed fLiCrnrrrrdldrdilt:. :,.,; .t !:ij' { ti .tl ';::' 'll. r. urlllAt.orlrtl ln. trci..ft tl July ll. 1t17. t.!i!t;',rly:t9, tttr. tr l| ? r an r-?, tnlua lt.F pr.. drtrd Aprll lo. of b'rlldiig oFt'!greprnd !? .ta.rt ac, tttaa. t I't eranr* t r?.91a corrnt r + r lg F O{ -lry ltjr otr rha ? a cotil t?t f.,.:-:. j '. n: 1 r -- t ,.,:; ";t IttJ l.r,1h 29? 11 t1q1rnC rs t -')r.r oD. thaEn9in.?rt,|l r tutllt s. ,^JJr.. a a 9a I thorr '^Svrrctt'1 , ttnl 1r br Offr:e. aj , taln+a' aut.J a. '. i,t. p2f.l ta ?trrt f .:li:. .! f i.. +'. I i.: tt rf* BESf c0flY AtlAlt-fislj Onlt [unb"r t a 3 I 5 A B c F F l0l 102 103 l0r !05 105 107 108 203 20{ 305 206 209 2r0 2lr "'2L2 .-r2l ! - tlr 306 309 lr0 3ll !12 !r. :o' tl0 :11 1 ; typo otit.,Unlt T Connnarc lrl Cc'nnerc I ll Comnrcrclti Conrmrrc 1ti Cornner C ial RestdcnLlrl Res Lden tlr l Ac.:onnodltton Unlt-, Acconrrodriton Untt. IAcconnodltlon UnLt i A!.cornmodtt iofi un t t ' Acrnnrnodrtlon Un lt Acconrnodatlon ttn t t.' Acconnodltlon 0r,l t, Ac.un Lri,- uhlt: Un lt: f'sr: lor unit' 0ntt: -Onltl . Enlt! ori fnft -.lrHl!lt rl.- TO CoilD(ritrtut Dlctar t r VAI! CLUI ColElttl iorscnrliior o? coilooilrrr ond ls lilrd ?rrc.n trg. .3rt0! .0t tt? .0?2 3 3 ,013t2 .02 02 t .03t t9 rl!935 . o1! 02 .ot}l51 .iettr .020r7 ;0r 92s .'oor r r .00? I ? .00t 2 9 .008 r 0 r00t25 .00 E{ { :., ..{ 7,23t r,l9 c9 it t.ll .ui ,929, .rto'; A(' A: Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac AC Ac ;81 .8{ Ac Acc(J ilon lon' lon lon conno$tlon eorndtlon ton ,Ion on A A 0nri, Un lg, onl€ unl t .T: unr(.S; ontttF Onlt.i 'EnlC oni.i unr! unr! bnit ,:r lrn tC 0nlt i7t oE2. t1 .1i '=,ti :1.0 A Ac Ac 00t02 .00 7 91 .00ta l .00?7 | 0r036 ioorcr ( snplotl !ou.lntl r"""rcN&iot otlt Acconnollilon onlt t znnlol$i sourlog) Accorfftlon 0ett { Enrplotti, rourinit r."o-dllroo tarl r 3fl PHTTEN ' S Roger, Dr. Gaynor: Scott: Duane: Ron: Johnston : Bud: Ruder - Gerry - Wilto FROM PECITC JOrNT REVTEW SESSIoN l/rsl8r VAIL ATHLETICNOTES CLUB l. Alley Proj.ect Staff Recorunendation - keep alley oPen Bud: 3 questions: l. reations of businesses arormd there as lelates to storage- trash (John 6 Diane Donovan opposed) 2. Drainage - interio:r roof drain to Wall Street 3. Firebreak - proposal would inprove situation Steinberg, Wilto 1. keep access thete, do a small shop with street level totallY open 2. alleyway unusabl e as it - no incentive close it off passageway or reave to do anything with it look into leaving street level open fix up alIey, agree with Steinberg, rnake a goodconnection doesn't like seasonability of use, agrees with Ton concerns of trash, drainage, fire - doesntt feel negative about project - Likes Tonls concept satne concerns as Bud, if addressed to satisfaction o.k. If open - contract on naintainence' etc. alley needs attention, likes project - afraid of tunnel effect (inviting) ? F j-re screen important likes Tonrrs idea with comrnercial space involved offset on Bridge Street side - no flush,