HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY UNIT R2TOI{N OF la'IL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 81,657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIIIEIiIT OF /afEI 6//(5b O Y" V//ryf f coMMIINTTY DEVELoPMET,TT fZ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/AI,T MF BUILD PERM]T PeTmit #a VAII, GATEWAY PI.,AZA 2to1--082-54-002 PRJ99-00?4 899- 005 9 Status. . . coNDosApplied. . Issued. . . Erq)ires. . '.r^.t YuL : ISSUED: o4/13/1999: Oa/22/1999: LO/L9/L999 ilob Address: Locat,ion. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: APPLIEAIiTT BOY!,!8R CONSTRUEfION/COIIT P O BOX 1001, VArt CO 81658 CONTRACTOR BOYMER CONSTRU TION/CONT P O BOX l_001_, VArL CO 81658OWNER BREYO iIOHN , SARJATOGA,NY Description: IMTERTOR REMODEL Occupancy: A3/B2/F-1.NoC in table! T)|Pe Construction: II 1-HR fype II 1-Ilour Tlrpe Occupancy; Phone:. 970-475-2958 Phone t 970-476-2958 BuiLding- --- -> Plan ch.ck---> flrwrstigalion> tfill call----> 530 .00 409.50 .00 3.OO Restuarant Plan Reviet.- -> DRB Fee-------- Rccreacion Fec----------> clean-up Deposit--------> TOT.tt FEES- -- -- .00 100 - 00 250.00 1,392 .50 Total Caf,culated Fee6- - - >1,392.50 Additional Fcr€---------> .oo .00 Totql Pcnit !ee--------> Palm6nE6------- BAIJAII@ DUE-'- - Dept: FIRE Division: Dept,: PIIB WORK Division: 1, 392 .50 1,392.50 .00 It,em: 0510004/L4/L999o4'/22'/L999Item: 0540004/L4/L99904'/1,9'/L999It,bm:' 0560004/14/L999Item: 0550004/L4/L999 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dent: BUILDING Division:JRM ACtsiON: NOTE PI..ANS TO JRM-iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIRM PIJANNING DEPARTTvIEIIIT DeDt,: PLANNING Division:.]RM A,CTiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO PLANNERBWILSON AcIion: APPRFIRE DEPARTT,IEI{|JRM Act,ion: APPR N/API]BLIC WORKS.]RM ACE1ON: APPR N/A trtr**irrtr*t i+i*t *r r**r* i**rr**tr* ****1*tt*,r* See Page 2 of this DocumenE, for any conditions thac may apply Eo Ehis perrn-iL DE CI,ARATIONS r hereby acknorledge lhaL I have read ghi-E application, filled ouc in full rhe inforrnation r6quir.d, co!qr16c.d ln accuraco pLoE plan, and rtato that atl the j.nfonation providad ie rcquiroti is corrccc. I aglcc !o co$ply witsh the informalion and p1ots PIan, to corply rith all Tow'r ordinanccg and stac. Iare, and. bo build thiB Bcructsure according to the Toun's zoning and eubdiwision codcs, dcsign -ewiE approv€d, Uniforu Builaing Codc and othcr ordinance6 of Ehe ?o n applicabL6 Chcleto. TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up spBrov6d srnount data Valuation:78, 000 Add Sq Ft: firrplice Rcstsricccd: Y #of Ca6 Appli.aoce6:*of Gas toEB:#of wood/Pallet: rri.rrrrrt.r*rlrrrrtrr*irrtrr FEE st l{.tARy *rrrirr.t!ri.ritti+ittt|}tttr*ttj}ittt*i**ttrt it Refund REQUESTS FOR INSPEqTIONS SHATL BE MIDE rflENTy-FOUR ltotlRg IN ADI/ANCE tsy SIGI{ATUR8' Pendt, #: 899-0059 CONDITIONS as of 05/04/99 SEatsus: ISSUED******************************************************************************** *************.******************************************************************* Permit, \49e: ADD/AJ,T MF BUILD PERMI,T Applicanu : BOYMER CONSTRUCfTON/CONr 970 -476-2958 Applied: 04/]-3/1,999Issued: 04/22/L999'ro Erq)ire : 10/!9/L999 ilob Address: IOCATiON: VAIL GATEWAY PI,AZA COIIDOS #2Parcel No: 21-01-082-64-002 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Conditi.ons:1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIANEE. 2. AJ-,I-, PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AI.ID FLOORS TO BE SE,,AJ-,ED WITII AII APPROVED FIRE MATERIA].,. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI,I. BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS pER S8C.310.6.r_ OF TtrE 1997 IJBC.4. FTRE DEPART!4ENT APPROVAI IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK EAN BE STARTED. 5. PI,ANS RED LINED WITII EONDITIONS TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvaIIJ, co 81657 970-4'79-2L38 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER WHITE WATER PLUMBING & HEATTNG P O BOX 4290, EAGr,E, CO g1_631 hIHITE WATER PLI]MBING 6( HEATING P O BOX 4290, EAcrJE, CO 91631 BREYO JOHN , SARATOGA,NY Phonel. 970-926-3708 Phone: 970-926-3708 t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMBS PLUMBING PERMIT PermiE, #: P99-0028 Job Address: st,atus. .Location. . . : vAIL GATEWAY PLAZA CONDOSApplied.Parcel No..: 2LOt-082-64-002 Issued..Project, No.: pItJ99-0074 Expires. TSSUED os / 04/Lsee 0s/04/L999 t0/3L/L99e Description: Plumbing for int.erior remode]Val-uation:6, 000 . oo rrrrr**r*!r'r****r*ir*1*'r'rrlrrr**r***ia+******a FEE St uMARy Fl,uEbing---- - > Plan Ch€ck-- - > Inv..tigation> wt11 call----> Rcgluarant Plan Rewien ->Toeal Cal-cuLated 8ee6-- - > Addi.ti.onal Fo€s----- --- - > ToEal PerEit Fac--------> Pafdrcncs---- - -- 90 .00 .00 3,O0 .00 115 -50 119 .50 . o0 115 .50 EALA.IICE DI'E.' -. .OO IIE-M: .O51OO BUILDING DEPART}IENT DCPt,: BUILDING DiViSiON:O5/04/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR Approved per-,JRMIt,qm: .05500__qIBI DEPARTMENT -Dept: FIRE Division:05/04/L999 KATIIY Acr,ion: AppR N/A ,*rr*j***arrria a* * l * ** i I ratr * * * CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C]TECK FOR CODE COMPLTAIVCE. a***t !rt !rtr tt t tt.a t t 'ttttt * r tt t* ti at t* rr ** * *rr a rr * lr** * * *lt r t rt * rr 'tt:lr *, i r* * r tr i * taJ* tr rt, r *t rt i tt t* t* t !rtrtrrlrir* DECI,ARATIONS I hc!€by acknosl.dgs that I hrvo read thia application, fiLled outs in full tshe infomacion rcquircd. completed an accu.rat e plot Pl.n. rnd etate that all the infornatsion lrrowided as requir€d is cortecc. I agree to conply wit'h the infolEation and plots plan, to c@P]y !.iCh rl,l, Tosn ordinances and 6t.Ea larsr and Lo bui.ld thi,s stlucCurc according co the Torn'B zoning and eubdiwieion codo6, desi.gtr roviev app-ow6d, ItniforD Building code and oth€! ordiltances of Ehe Town applicabJ.e !herc!o. REQUESTS FOR INSPEmIONS SIIALL BE !,IADE TIfENTY-FOUR HOURS IN A.D'\IANCE By OR .AT OUR oFFICE FROM g:00 AI" 5:00 PM TO!{I[ OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMEIfrT OF COMMT]NITY N0fE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAI PERMIT ilob Address...: LOCATiON......3 VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA CONDOS #2Parcel No. - -..: 2101-082-64-002Project Number: PR,J99-0074 o DEVELO Status. -.: ISSIIEDApplied..: 0s/04/L999Issued...: 08/26/a999Expires..: 02/22/2000 PMENT .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M99-0037 APPLICANT CT,IMATE COI{TROL CO OF GWS Phone: P O BOX L042, GLENhIOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 COlillTRACIOR CLIMATE CONTROT CO OF eWS Phone: P O BOX L042, GLENI'IOOD SPRINGS, CO 8160L OWNER BREYO ,JOIIN , SARATOGA,NY *of 6a6 Appliancee: Val-uation: *of ca8 LogE: 970-945-2326 970-945-2326 14,000-00 *Of vloodlPal,l.t: Description: Mechanical for interior remodel Fi!6plrc. Infor[at.ion: RegtricEed: Y FEE SUI4I4ARY *i***********rt****r**r**r+rrr*rrr'rrtirir*r.t Mechanic!I-- - > P1art Ch6ck- - -> Investi.glCion> wilL call----> 2S0.O0 70.00 . o0 .00 .00 .oo 353 ,00 353 . OO Restsuaranb Plan R€view- - > DRg Fee-------- TOTAL TEE6.-.- - Total calculated I'eeB- - - > Additional Fccs------- --> ToEal Perhit. 8o€--------> Palmengs------- BAI,ANCE DUE---. .OO *r**. rr*a**rrrl *aJri*+r*tirtt!| IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTT{ENT DepE: BUILDING DiviSiON:05/04/L999 KATIIY Action: NOTE RouEed to .TRFIOE/24/L999 .'RM AcLion: APPR APPROVEDItem:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT Dept: FfRE Diwision:05/04/1,999 I(ATIIY Act,ion: APpR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIBLD INSPE TIONS ARE REOUIRXD TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIANCE. CoMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701- OF TIIE 1997 irMC, ORsEqrroN 701 0F THE 1997 IMC.TNSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT]RES INSTRUCTIONS AI{DTO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CH]\PTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. GAS APPLIANCES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CTIAPTER B AIiTD SHAI,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFI=; :N SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 T]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC ACCESS TO HEATING BOUIPMEIiIT MUST CO{VIPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 ANDSEC.1O17 OF TTIE 1-997 IJMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.BOILERS SHATI-, BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOII\ITING ON COMBUSTIBLE FL,OORING.PERM]T,PI,ANS AND CODE AI.IALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REOT'EST. DRATNAGE OF MECIIANTCAI., ROOMS CO]{TAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SI{ALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.IO22 0F THE 1997 UMC, OR gEerION 1_004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. 1.z. 4- 5. 6. 7_ 8- ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATTONS I h.!.by tcknorh€. thal f havs read thi6 applicatio!!, fil.led ouc in full the infonEtion required, coup16tsed ar accur.te plot ltlan, artd Ftat€ lhEt r]t tha inf,oruetsion provided as r.quircd L6 cotrect. r agtee to couply wlt'h che Lnfornatiolr and plot' plan, ho cotqtly ribh rl1 torn otdinancae and Btate 1ass, and to build this shruc€ure according to the Toi.n, s zoning and rubdivieion codaE' dcsign :.crrlrr altprovcd. Unl,forn Building code and othe! ordinanceE of the Town applicable thercto. REQUES?'II F,OR TNSPICTIONS SHA.LIJ EE MADE TI{EIITY-FOUR IIOURS IN BY TEIJBPIIONE AT {79-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE PROtil g:00.Ail 5:o0 9M SIGMTqRE OT OWNER OR @I|rRI,CTOR FOR HIMSE'JF N.ND ol{lIER a TOVCN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co eL657 970-479-2L38 Blectrical- -- > DRB F6e Invcst.igat,ion> WiII call----> TOTA! FEES- - - > ilob Address: I-,OCAEiON. . . : VAIII GATEWAY PLAZA ParceI No.. : 2l-01-082-64-OO2Project No. : PRiI99-0074 status...: IssIlED CONDoSAppIied. . : 05/04/L999Issued...: 05/04/L999Bq)ires..: LO/3L/L999 Phone: 970-453-0726 Phone: 970-453-0726 DEPARTN,IEItr OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERIT,IIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELEqIRICAL PERMTT Permit. #: 899-0062 APPI,ICAI{T F.D. TAYLOR ELEETRICAI-, 851 SHEKEIJ IJAIiIE, BRECKENRIDGE, COI{TRAqTOR F.D. TAYIJOR BLECIRTCAL co 80424 co 80424 OWNER 861 SHEKEL I,ANE, BRECKENRIDGE, BREYO 'JOHN, SARATOGA,NY Descript.ion: Interior remodel ValuaEion: 8,000.00 FEE SUUIIARY 144 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 1{7.00 Total calculaB6d Fcca---> Mditional Feea-- ----- --> 'fota1 PermiL Fee- -- --- - - > Day[entE----'-- BAIANCB DUE- -- - 147 . OO 75 .00 222 -OO 222.OO . o0 **t*******,r****1***titt*a,rt*** IleBi .06000 EITECTRICAL DEPART!,IENT DepE: BUILDING Division: O5/.04/.L999 KATIIY Actsion: APPR N/AO5/04/L999 KATIIY AcE,ion: APPR Approved per iIRMI!ar!i'.05680 FIBE DEPARTMENT -. -DepE: FrRE Divieion:O5/04/L999 KATITY ACTiON: APPR N/A rr*tr.a a t', ll.l'l *tllt I t * *atat* * !r*|, * a a ia a t i tt i? t tt COIIDITION OF A,PPROVAL 1. FIEI,D INSPECfIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *t*a**ttt*ttl,*tttt*t**tttt***tt*t**!r******ifta*rri****rr**** i * * r* * * t r * * t t * ir t t J t tt * * * * DECLARATIONS I horab!' scknorl.dge tshat. I hav. rrad t,hls application, filLed out in full the infornation required, c@pleted an accurat6 plot plan, and ELab! that all the inforoation provid€d a6 required i6 correct. r agree co co6p1y rith the inforEation and ploc plan, tso eo[pty talgh rll Iovn ordinance€ and Elatse lawa, and bo build this structure according co chc Toun's zoning and eubdiwiaion codc6, doEign rcvier approved, lrnifon Building code and other oldinancc6 of the Torn apFlica.bl. thcreto. RBQT'BIITS FOR INSPBCTIONS SHALI, BE I4ADE TI{EISY-FOUR HOI'RS IN AD1ANCE BY Contacl the Easle Countv Assessors Offce parcet+ 2lOI - OpL - 6(- ooL Date: Job Name: Building({ Legal Description: TOWN OF VAilIONSTRUCTION PERM'' 1{ICATION FORM Permit# B?/- ga,sr Job Address: Plumbing (-)- Lot Block Elecrrical (f Mechanical (4- Fiting_ Subdivision ownersva^e:S%il #A:Yc e,aaress: 4hpr4trul-, / ) y pn*@X5& ^rchitffit: gPlE^ frOfr;,/ xdress: ftI'Lfrri, fct eno"*141.{-t 2 / DescriptionofJob: /ArtTf4,yt- {r';frtaUZA.-- Wor* Class: New ( )Alteration(y' Additional( ) Repair( )Other ( ) Number of Dwelling Unis: / Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances B{,JILDING: PLIJMBINC CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Generaf Contracto' F, E ry'rrUOr , 14, O- *r , '=U1' Townof VailRegistrationtm. 1SZ fE pnone* 6lD. Q 24 Electrical Contractor:Address: FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONI\.i\O: SIGNATURE: 'F- - -+---- ' / -- -- Eqq;oobz , '. TownofVailRegistrationNo. JtlL-E, zzz- vno"e* z/-q<3, A2-ZZ'- Number of Accommodation UniG: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTR]CAL: $ B. Te.,-- OT}IER: $MECHAMcAL$@_ rorAl$W CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: o '; ALL CONTRACTORS C1JRRENAY REGISTERED WTI}I T}IE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COI\dV{UNITY DE\TELOPEMENT JANUARY I. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 92-10: DIPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Uolawfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be li6ere4 tracked or deposited sand" gravel, rocla, mu4 dirt, snow, ic6, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. N6ice; Abaternent The Director of Public Works may notifu and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereo{ or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand gravel, rocks, mu{ dirL snow, ice or any otler debris or material within twefty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice wittrin the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may caus€ any such sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Withiu the immediate area of any consfiuction" maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main" sewer mai4 electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To de,posits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designakd for the dumping or depositing of said materials' D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to fhe notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penatty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fril or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereoi and any such person sball, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be pu"irnuUte as provided in Section 1-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: TO: FROM: DATE: STJBJECT: ,*", 4f K?1f o TAWII OFVAIL Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 a BUILDING PENMIT ISSUAI{CE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval a Planning Depaf,ffnent review ofHealth Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total rwiew may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mdntioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparfnents with regard to necessary rwiew, these prqiects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparerent to €xpedite this permit :rs soon as possible. I, the undenigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and ihat if I fail to do so it may affect firture permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was turned into the Cormunity Dwelopment Dept $ ucvct ""r"nn I o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOBNAME: DATE: MEMONANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I. 1999 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAYPERMIT: IS REQUIRED No -/ PITASE ANSWER TITE FOIJ.OWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TTIE NEED FOR A*PT]BLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is tbis anew residence? YES ) J. 4. 5 6. Is demolition work being pedormed tbat re4uires tle us€ of the Right-of-Way, easemetrts or public property? YfS_ NO_1 Is any utility work aeeded? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO ./- YES NO -/ Is a different access needed to the site other thatr the eri+ing drivervay? YES f"? *U"nff"}]gg d*" tlrt "r""r the Rightd-Way, easenents, orpublic properg? Is a "Rsvocable3rghtof-Way Permit" rcCufued? YES NO No/ ., 8.A. Is the Right+f-way, guements or public p'roperty to be used for sbFtrg, parking or fencing?YES NO .7 l. FM-to s,\ F;@g, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questiong a'?ublic Way Penuit" nust be obtained- *Public Way Pennit'' applicafions may be obtained at the Public Wort's office or at Community Developrnent If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AlrD ANSWERED ALL TrrE ABOVE QUESTIONS. TOWN OF VAII75 S. FROIITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 9165? 970-479-2L38 'Job Address...:Location.. _ ...:Parcel No.....:Project Number: VATL GATEVf,AY PI,AZA COI{DOS #22L0L-082-64-002 PRJ99-0074 Status. -.: ISSIIEDApplied..: 09107/L999Issued...: 09/07/L999 E:qrires. . : 03/os/2OOo DEPARII,IEMT OF COMMI,NIIY DEVELOPMEIIT NdfE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD ON iIOBSITE AT ALr., TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT permir, #: F99-0010 APPLICAIIIT BON4ER CONSTRUCTION OWNER BREYO JOHIS , SARATOGA,NY CONTRA TOR WOIF FIRE PROTECTION INC.2626 S. PERRY ST, DEN\IER CO 80219 Description: MOVB SPRINXIJER HEADS FOR REMODEIJ lfof Or. Logs: 303-2A8-4296 2, 000 . 00 *Of wood/Prllct,: Phone: Valuation: tt*..ttt***'.*tt**ttlt**ti*t*'r*i******l'r*'l******t*tfe**ttittr FEE gUIrnRy ',trtorrr*rrrrrr*rrr***iirra***iir.**.r***r:.rriiMEchanic'l---> {o-oo ReBuuarar! Plan Rcvicr--> .oo toerr calculau.d Fe6!---> 53.00Plrtl ch.ck---> to.oo DRB F6.-------- .00 Md{tiodal F..6__-_-____> .oornv.lcLEqcLon> ,oo rcfcAtr FEE6----- s3.0o ToErl p6rnit, Foc-_---___> s3.0owill call-'--> 3.oo p.),mcnbB-------- s3.oo BATJA!'CE DUE'---. o0ri ri, rrtr *tr rt tr rraa rrt rt tr* r r * *'l,,,i ii rra!r i t * itil!r!r Filrplacc Info:I|t,lonr Rcstrlcc.al #of cl' A!r!rli.ac..: rr.****itrtatrr iiffi tfi sgi :$ffiIffiffiffi; il::ffi: :$E;ffiffif=."* ;l;il i::, COIIDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1 . FTETJD rNsPBgrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cIrEcK FoR coDE coMpLrAr.IcE. *****+**t********************:t!t**********!t************************************** DECT,ARATIONS r hrrcbrz icknorlQdgc thre r hav. rsad chlE applicatlon, flllcd our ln full th. infon tlon roguilld, qo|lplocrd an acculaee ptogpren, end 'tlc' that rll tsh. LtrforD.t ioh provid.a .6 r.qul,r.d i. corlect. t rgEG. co cgEply vlEh tha tnfornrtlon .Ild plot plrn,to co'qtly xlEh r11 Tot'n ordinrncos .trd Ecece lrtrs, rnd to bultd !hi! ttructulQ according io cn" rorn,. zonlnE .nd .ubdl.vl8l,oncod", d?ilgn rrvdc$ rFProv.al, Ilnlforu BuiLdtng eod. |nd oth6r ordinanc€t of, ghc Torn aFFlicrbl. lhrrAto. RE0UB8T8 FOn rnsEBeIIOSS Emlr 8E r|tDE 1?tErilry_?orrR Hot Rg rN SIoI'NTURE OF OI{MR OR CONTRAC'POR FOR HIIISEIJP ADID OI{IIER BI IALEPHoUE Nt a79-2L1A OR AT oln OFFICE FROtt i:OO A 5:oo pU **t***********!t********************:l*****+!t*rltt************ *,*,**.t * TOV{N OF VArL, coLoRe,DO Statennt* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f * ** !ts !r !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *sLatennt Number: REc-0557 Amount: 53.00 o9l07/99 09:40Pa]rment Method: cIIEcK Notat,ion: #1?03/BoylrtER Init: KMW Permit No: F99-0010 T1rye: F-SPRNK SPRINKLER pERltIT . Parcel No: 2101-082-54-002 I.OCATiON: VAIIJ GA,TEWAY PI,AZA, CONDOS f2 Balance: .00****************************************rl*********************** Thlg Palment Account Code MP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 Total Fees: 53 . 00 ToEal AIJI Pmts: Descript,ion MBCHAIIICAL PERIT{IT FEBS PI,A}I CIIECK FEES WILIJ CAIJIJ INSPEqTION FEE 53 .00 53 .00 Amount 4d. oo 10 .00 3 .00 PUfiq. cctl+ TowN or vareoNsrRucnoN pERM't oflrcAroN FoRM INI'ORMATTON MUST BE COMPLE'IE OR lHE APPLTCATION WrLL BE REJECTTIT Coftactthe Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel# Parcel #'L.- Permit # Job Address: Electrical( )Mechanical e{ Other( ) Filing Subdivision Address:Phone# Phone# Date: Job Name: Building ( ) Legal Descripion: Ovmers Nanie: ^rctnrscc€WW ?9;lfZ+ \ Address: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Alteration(f Additiond ( ) Gas Appliances Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs WoodlPellet OTHER: TOTAL VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $BI]II,DING: PLT]MBING Gcncral Contractor: Tovm of Vail Registration No. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION $ $MEcHAMcAL W>-e_$ 2-.Dr>a -c'o Elcctrical Contrmtor: Address: @ ) tglc-l pn*"* Utn 12.-4, Address: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbinq Contractor: Phone # Address: TownofVailRedstrationNo. FqR_eOtO Phone# Mechanicaf contractor :@ Address: rownofvailResisfrationNo. b53-S pnrl"* htb .Ztr fn-2-U FOR OFFICE USE Date Received BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: sEP 0? s99 IAi*srLvranIIHAIDD,BArratqAfocgDAI'E lcErrL&ffifixrm(v.Ilrrrrill EIrsI$vLCAilADA YIAIACEM.E SobBofnrcr FrxNo,r 479.9119 RE:een /gurp €lrslg.es; JohDrcyo Brq6ti,|,$qmYry $0mr, Trarcrc 6g Davis AgronrsloNAlorcrATl(rr ifrrf,ItE$J|TLlVIlfi GuNLtu{BurLD!\r} trT" 16 1000 s, nn0{rr68 lo|oTtfr vA[" CoGcnrm ll6gr AFil6,1999 lt Elrg!|Et orq {1616{6 FtlGlodl& Q,$ a|&rrlr &lrrt&rlfie$rdrr'Lcn DrrSob; hrnraat to your rcqu€sg I rffisb a paSe &ola tbe Cdmbiun Dcclratior fu Vril OrFc|ay Plrzi Cqd@iduu (rboc'ing Artbh 28 tD.foo$ md tbc cdlnaty of tic rtcail Firrt Anodud to &at D*fur*tisr (crcl'dini ril1ltr!€ pagee). tho Fint Aoodmnnt hrc b!c{l ttcod€d, tut wc hew not rrocivld r rcaqdod cdtrybflok fr,m tha Ck* md R$sd!r. Artiolc 28 of tbr Dcelantioq rtfcrcnols an Ocrnnda "rilbf m makc inffiior dtt#ioar. lbers ir no otbcr provioiw of thc D€ahntiorl roquiriaj |uly c(rf,Erot o approval by thg 8s$qirHon for intcrior Eltcroti@r to r unit Ttre Fimt Amrudmcnt grlas ttc Offiriar of adjoinins wib lhc riSht to fiukc rsttitl dtmticrs to bmrurlry oo&mon elempots to plrpfoalty ooorbba unitc, rpin without rcqutdng s|ry cqnraE grooiatio apfovat m conE€dt. Bercd m tboco fictg, m ryprowl of tl|c rrrooictioa ir rquird frr thc x/ost b ba droc to Mr. BfiFIdr mitr. Plcrrc call ac if I om ba of frrthcr iilifinoo. Ilmk yott. Vcry tulypruc, umei,rnevmsaDAvlsi+€\ I [nlqrryAi,'l****.f*/ 9/A 'rpYe sllL gLt aL6 EESAVAT t UV:rrA la:60 (sn3) 66. 90 'Edv (S) In thc ev€nt_r grrthl tq|chg rrrults ln tha talctns of,I corrylcle mtrr thr onnlr rhrreof au€onatraiiri--rriiir E"i;: ;;br a mnber of thr A'ocratron, ana-ruotr.ord#;i rnt"ir"t-i; ;t.€cnsral cornon Eleb€ntr Bhall iharrqron trrnfnair, rnd thelsroclatlon, r! ?ltlfT{-fn-trot Cor-rucb-gwnlr, *V mr."rlrat*var aetLon_Lr naceesary end rxecutr .uct-Cici"rntg aE arenacissara/ to mflrot ruclr tr:rutnatlon. rnoieaitir turl'roalrtron chau raallooatr tai omcrrr6-ile-;it.E'nent ratlodEtcrulned Ln accordrncr ulth tnrs oeciaritiin ielorain6-t"-trrc!?l. prrrcrp-rr|, .Dplov€d F thli oaeiiiit{on-it-Iir- rndEptr"n-"rnc ihalr rubnlt sucb-reatlooirlon to.trrr-diniru-Ji ;aili;il;condoolnlun unLtr tor rurrrcnmt-ot urri-o."ii"itron o" provldccLn Parrgrrgh 30 h.r.of. ,a. . - Each Owner, at hlsowrr expcntc, a "oiia r[I "ii-". ffi :"1*r, ffi.i$r"ff, l r,r,,#,"rnn ralle (lncludlnE ugrrrlats guc,b- aa, lut not ilniisa--i6,rli#t"r,f{peun drlrrall, panctlng,-waltpagci ana pahi),-rirf and floortllr ud noorrns thrt ;;te u;-Eirr chietsa--iuitilc- or thep.riD.tcr watre, -celrinj- ini-tioor. wftiif" rrf"-ralrt, lncludlnqdoo* end sindoie. -bgth-tniliror eno sr{iiror.- eir fixturor,equlprnent ana utiiitrae r;irarrlo ro a unrt ,hau E"-rliiiiii*cbv tbe owner fTgJ tho e"rnt-il-ufii"li trrJi;-eni]i-ir,. untt.!?yiv€r' any. f,ircEur-eer- lqurDur-r_ri ana u{riri-{i"-rn'a unlt th.trcFvs gne (11 or Dor. otf,rr-unrta rnau re c.nrrh comonElenentr' rnd nav not bc elrtG*a di-iarocitlr-iitnout treprlor.srlttcn coirrrnt.e"a-rpprlval of tlrs Arrociation. tnOnnrrrs rlght to r.epair, afii.r end .nodrf Wre-fnierlor of hLrItntt r.r eoupr.d !l!l !$ gplistrii" t"-rliriJ,I iily-ri;i;i,,s-;otbcr rnatoriars r.Don.d niur irurrar or olher ty*. ot Datcrtarrof at reaEt tr:_io*l .C".ifty ;"d to r.pelr any daneEr to cstuEoncleuents or other-unr€i a.nicd-Dy rucn-ranatil iiEer"tion orroodetlng .r ?:"I_gr"g,i lipriir. An dwacr'nry cro nothlnqrthrt uirt inparr.the rtrucruril ;;;d;;.;-l!-riliiy"*y or anyautldlnE.or inpatr-ini-iiili;; ;" oontron orrnrnr, ri*rour tlreprlor wrttten Loneent-ot t[r-Iirocfaifon. .,".13i_ rf:,iifii!.i*;il"o*thtr Declaratton ?1alr r" iev6itil-"i-finI-Jr-itiJi"vretonr shalltcraLnate ar provldra niiain.----- -- , 30' !trm{nlrJln=Ennurr.r-ltrorr. Any provrrion containcd Lnth ls Deel arat 1on nay-Ee-anEEET-or aci riloni i;;ovi; i;il;i;.add:d to, trris Decriratron,- oi-irric ocJiiiitrJn-iic conaonrnr'aoun|f,ahlp o! rbc condouinl,irn erojitt-nit-G-t;;_f;t.d sr ., 't.,;,' l'.r +43S4$ S-!a6 P-477 Oll31/9t t6t17 pE te OF 4t $rcll !t: 9/€ 'znYi glIL ?LT OL6 -32- gug^v-EJ ? cvsri aa:60 (snJ) 66. ?0 tdv I I EIRI}TAN'DFTDMENT TO CoNDOMnIII$DRECIAR TtoN VAIL GATEWAY PI"A:ZA COITDOMINII'M8 ThfuFirrtArncndacattocondominiumD*lntdonforv8ilo'rtgwayPleza Condominir'nr (tUi, ,,erJilrrrtf ft titC. ofoctivs sr of $G ls dry of Fcbnrary' 1999 rod constituer * ,rtr0"ds;l-i-'tit-cooeo-inft* Doalration foi Vril Gstswoy Phra condoEinium! orpa o"oi# ri, rqln, uro-gmrdod lanuary 31, 1991 in qook 546 et Prgc g?7 inS€rusl psecrtyrrilis-oiifi. gouit' of gdc'St'le of bob'do (thc'Doclrtrdontr1 U/IIT{ESSETH: wllBREAs,tboDgolratioocttatcdrDd.tofiDcdcortaincovcargrtacooditlorr' rutbtiosr end cascncoie ronGv*ic{uur.v Phze condonlnirmri tud WIIEREAS, the DcclEeSoD diil not taitirlly pmvido t {q-Igg-Ott* of sdjrsflt condoodni'n u'ir 1o ;ffi'iliili ittitt r,r-iig-prut"n otr-cr?ste rdfilcr tberrila; od $IHBRBASltbc Otrto'rt dcdre to amcnd tbc D*lrredm in odcr to pmvidc nrch r rtghq rnd WI{BREAS,FtiluaEtto&cdo30ofthc.Dolrrason.t,bsDclmtioonal'bcco rncndod uy rhe rcoo,n$s #;*6g- ir"cun.ct tircavoi tho rnpndmcot crccn$cd by tho ocm!il, s'hewn by fl" i;,f,r$ffioffi?15ob-fr";i R*"rdcr of tho cognrv of Bsslc' col*&tq or cmoomu1il.fnfi i, tho codoilhtum Plrlq{ rrP#"g an ggttcs'ta o*ncore htcrc3t orroJti-i"lp"tt-t tzSxlT t"* of thl aosral Csnrtor Etomtra in tho condontriun llojct sd Fbs Mortgrgod *d;fu; srcumbcr s qsFfrirr oqncrlhif i!fidrrt of rerr.onty-arc G;?5%), -c-nor", or tbg Gco,gril conrnoo BlcrncoE in the CstdminiusPnjlst NOW, XIBREFORE, thc Dcclrration ir hcnsyrnardcd ar ftlloun: l. Dab$dqn* Any cpitrllzcd tsn urcd hcroln witbout dcfinitim shll haw tho runiry a$ribcd to it inthclhclantion' l' wail or P'titio itc*ttcco adJoining co"ffitrn U.uit-9-ry "9q-.-*9.- +r"{:- .r,n rrrhe *I[;;"rdl;toHliliff"ffi ;frj^ss,H,$*[Tr*':1,'ffi\nH'#ilf*ffi df;lJl;ffi;ffi;d"te,:l3,giT*l?'ffi 'Hffii$tlL:ffi:lrffi ili"ffifr '?Hfi i'ii-'F;-o;."'t',1g':tffi*tffirgHt8l ntcgnEyr GtEctrrcs| !)rD5ruq vr "r*'a it-Jf8n* of intmreoiry welb Or pCttitiOE;iG c""d"ni"ium Pmjcte. Atry-tyth TP]1-"1^- ^!--,i,,.. rhrrain rh.nll not rcsuire tho;lffiSffi il'T.,Iilffi i'fi "dilq'T;'*+T1:1fu-*m11E3lffiffffi #',i:Hffi fi,;'ffi ffi.p"!;id.;..,*r"*-*'";:tfl *'tr:loonmnt Ot tb6 At8ocusqs er rtlJ e$lgr v'r"Lr'' - Af;ffii"ii* Uoif, Or ths cteatiO6 Oftddi"g wrlll or par{tioru ryq1 {".l|t -,r-ri-* ^r rhr lranrnrrqnr bdwcen $sh[H#l#H fr,lffiif .ffi:ffi,ff-;;a iri.*["" "r $o boun&ry bdwcen $sh z. Ary orrno thrt o*P '. 90 udv9/t 'tova etlL gLV 0L6 SUEAVET !3 EraEA ZA:60 (AnJ,) 66. Cofrdomintnnr UniE ar fiswn on tbe MaP or rfrct ths itrt!ffist in tho Comon Elcmcmlr' tbo iltG tbhtt o. tne psp*rtrgc lsesmient obliggtion of ruclr Condomlniun Unit* lto fffoiios-e*ri"io* rfatt rytf to uy actioiu trkm puffit't to thl6 Sectisn: a.Aqywod(rrnrlgakgrpursffittotldrScctionsrllcornp.ly*ltb.I rpplitohlo codor, lawi ln! rtgulrtim$ and *ratt bc nrbjcct to the Otl6f oblrintng an fowucntd p$rits ruquirod for ruch worlc. b.lhcowrrcrrrndatatingndrqro**rallpmr|dcacopyof,nyqilddl plans and rpcciffcrdonr for mmc to tho A$o-aildoni Providsd, hou'ovu' that appmvrl of ramc by tho Arrocietion tr not rtquircd c,. Th€ o'srn r rrdcrt*ing lucb wo* rhalt procccur 8ilnc so ot lot to inEftrc witb my othcr Orrmcds quia eqioymat of a Condominirm.Unit' d. Tho Owucr ud€rtaking urh wott rball obbin a[ rcuoDsh 8d ogtlodiry itlturucc cot Ef4ga 4rrdiag tomo (wtict Ordrg coltltt slion-maybo ia bullddr rirk i61fr; !. * tfr.V nlats i dCondmtUiuir roGaq S "fri"f 16dl inchrdo all hauancc ;6rl1fub. *tik by thc Owncrundgthcprwteimr of ib cstttffi$doncqtsast o6c66flab)' iiirtraion-*itf,o11i titrdnd* iauil1rv iff"ed (irslrdhg omactual-ti$iliry) cnctieil fiuine tho oii*o ofo*rtu"n* with liabiliflirunracc lhltr of mt ls thm $1,000,000.00 p€r ocsrlrlopo rod *t brr tben $2,0001000.@ ii tbc aggrqsFtc, g6d shatl narac the Asroqiation rnd'tbc'other O,11a3gj l-.aOUoiiiioiir*Ol unec anyippfcaUtc innmncc potiaios. { gcnifia*c of lnsursco *iO.nr"ing tto ln$rnocc rrquitca bV ttris firagnph rhall bo prrovidad b the Associltim' , a All pEnrcnf b b6 nod. to lbc g'n nl Gostffbr md/or ruboontretul D€rbrnitrt nrch wo,rt *rii * lrrdc arbj*t to thJ Orarfr reccigt of a valid weivcr of ';il,"t '; d; ;ghil*ittt *rpoat to wortc-comrptctcrt a1d p6rd for ln euch Paym6iq srd thc dmc *rll pmvi[s eopic; sf nte,h wrivsr to tho Anociadon f, upur compt*io of tbc urort tnd ireruas oJ e final or rmsorditi@d stifiom of occrpucy'tom thoTorvr Of Vttl rogldiry $nc, thc O$mer lhdl pmvids e copy thcrsof to tts Assooiatioa 3. mwcnins_Lry. thb fumcrduent wiu bc gorruncd by rad inurrrstcd in aaoordrnpo *ith thc lrrrr of thc Strts of Colordo. 4. Countaprrtr. Thir Amerrfuat nry bc Sce,rttd. in counc'qpart coptcr *hidu urhm trtrn toge&cr, will svidcnoc thc cotin rgrccm'€ot of thc partioa 5. Carrflictr FdnrFcq lr<rrrmentr, Tbb AnGn&Dcnt het$y Tp"""d* rnd contrOlr o,r* .ny con@ ncchratlon In aaes of conflict bc[wcm the Dcctrrrlion g3 amcoocc -nersuy'*a ne Artialos aad tllc Bylawe of tho Association' tbc D*larelioD, ar ascode4 &all co.trot rrftr*rrpndfcrry 9/9'AO!'A eti/, |Lv oL6 ESeAr/A.t I UYt,r gz:60 (EnJ.) 66 . 90 lIdY APR 06 '99 (TUEI 09:23 Y'EAR I TRAVEE8 970 416 Trtl PAcE. 6/6 loudPu.n+tnqrfilt lrelrrl prq*nr uo rrr$rdtsl '$oFq uc$pJ|l $a[ F 3 Atp e$ uo trn'u$'seunf,rss panoe*e e|r3q lcaford nnF4tropdo-c oql,{ eddlg irutoc r"i6 dq1lo trotu:o'(591) pard eag nffl3 rsJo pe,,,q o*rJ*; iltE dfr - nq.n"* ".! afrtn.Faftngq^I ''rld Pq? pcfortl ffi #HEffi ffiiffiw;efisilffi;xff '*' 'uopilsleg ilD Jo 1rrd ts mrodurl P'tog pe+ardnu eq.EUEanq l1sqr tueuPrnrsv cFlL,- Icq[Io Prrs tilqt llrg u1 pwgrSur{cutt rryunr uogrrstoec.qr r**ertfr i'lc, ot t{ttcl rdr rrpag'isa sB r&ctq 'strdltlF(I '9 @Lta-qLtl@Lt LEgle eP"rolo? lle^ JoTI/e? Eul dd€|qs a p ? o Ja eo )? 2P 6O??rU'a E l =u1 'Eq,roulEuro cl6oq LSSB OAVdO1oz',1tv^ d vzv1el J.vrn=ty9 =?N=CI9=U OrSHg ,Q.,L?I a ? * /Y ?l 11 .{s,r"ft tL+I*?w lt /:l'm ::$fi,ilf1;-ts + FffdE:ffipv,iei;ffi0FFICECOPY W"*$ffi *sr""ff"SSW Lt-* zt fi n4J rztr'r+l Le*zt fl rr+l|l4r*e .l+e +ffi"b *-{:rrt6 +$ff h t /. 7,1 fl 'J.r"lAA o 996?L o iIp6rt0n€ bW' aF o*r*tNq #rc* 91 bxt*1r*4yJ tLrbl 6Ytqttq illaxal fTtP grq."Y"' *iqtva x o"frolvl StWs vl tz yt1 vflT\t l, -f . BREYO REgIDENCE GATEIUAY PLAZ,A 2 vAtL,coLoRADo s1a51 rgJ."* '%."9 ,-:. 14965 3ir1 ffi$,Lt''ts ffi,ffi tr boglc a€lncqlf'A,lnc. l4.V a neaaou dr.ao...aad. Btpppk!€ q,tq vall, .alarado 9l6a1 21at416 -2110 rnwfr& T+Lp d tJ IYFI '4r9rVi," V:Ybnr i rl Q, C-o XA Wt to t-l t l lzx11 fW zlr r6Yz*ft- FI+4LE- Ta #WntJ F?afr Peefi 1a ?tpoy- BREYO REgIDENCE GATETUAY PL-AEA 2 YAIL,C,OLC|F,,ADO ,Ab91 b ogle qtglr'cd!? 1 ng, lnc. l1? .. m4deu dr, ctreaarei ds slp?plng cq,tq Ytll, celo?ade al65-1 314/41b-2t10 REPTI3T TOXII OF VArL, COLORADO PA6E ti AREA: GGOlltllzW 98:44 REoUESTS - IilSPECTfl UORK SHEETS FORI t/Lr/2Q Activityr 499-OO59 lllltz0 Type: A-llF Ststus: ISSUED Constr; AllF Addreser Locatlon: Parcel: DeecrLptJ-on: ApplLcant: Ornerr Contractor: YAIL gATETAY PLAZA CUT{DOS 12 zLt t-t s2-64-OO2 TNTERIOR RE}IODEL BOYITER COIISTRUCTIOil/CONT BREYO JOHII uoYlrER c0lrsTRrJcTlon./cottT Occ: Phone: 976-476-2934 Phone: Phone: 970-476-83S Uee: II l-HR Lnapection Request Inforuration. . . . Requeator: B()B BOYIIER - LATE Alt 8eq Tiie: IABrbrn Connentgl GALLItene reguested to be Inepe'cted... OO6IO BLDGi-Ft'nel Phone: 39A-9239 PnTLLTPE COUIiTOIS 390-2357-UHrT 2 Action Connente Tile Exp InepectLon llLatory Iter: . O@3e BLDG-FreningOBlnlgg Inepectorl JRltIter: .O@3O Bl.DG-Ineulatl.on A9162199 Inepector: CDllotes: no npor€! inepections c,u,' Aeti.onr APPR APPROVED JR}l Actlon: APPR APPROVED to occur until a sprl-nkler perult Le obtal-nedpetch a.Il fl.re prooflng of gtructralsteel Iterr o{ilDb0 Bl.Dti-Sheetrock llail 6910A/99 Inspector: ART Acti'on: APPR Partial ae noted: lloteg: APPRUYED UPPER LEVEL H/REOUIREIiEIIT TO PROVIDE THE PICTURES OF THE REPATRS TO TNE STRUCTURAL FIRE. PNOTECTIOII TO THE BUILDIIIG DEPARTNENT., DEntED AppnoyAL uF LUHEn }'LOUR UITrL ALL rrALLS, CErLrllES. AIID UTID}:R 'I'IIE STAINS IS CO}IPLIiTED AIID A RET}|SPUCTIO}I }.UOUESTED. O9169199 Lnepeetor: CD ActJ.on: APCR SEE IIOTEllotee: REST Oh' UilIT HAS BEEII SHEETROCKED GORRECTIOIIS: -TNSTALL IIONE FASTEIIEITS THERE SCREH HEADS HAVE PEIIETRATED THE PAPER _TTEFASTEII BUTT JOIHTS TIIERE SCRETS ARE LOSATED (;LOSEN THAII 3./8I TO HDGE UF HALLBOARD ' .I.HIS IS TIIROUTiHUUT THE UNIT l,terr tMlrTO BLDG-ltiec.lter: I&IEJO BLDG-Flnal Iterr 00333 PLAn-TEtlP. ClOlter: (|o534 FIRE-FIIIAL CIO REPT13I TOril OF VArL, COLORADO PAGE A AREA: JRlloItLLlz@O 98144 REBUESTS - IilSPECTII tt0Rr SHEETS FOR; L/LI/24 c==a=F!!t=====i!3:g=========€=3============:================-==============-======= Actlvtty: P99-6O24 LILL|Vi Type: B-PLllB Statue: ISSUED Congtr: AAPT Addregel Locatlon: Paroe,l: Descrl.ptlon! Appl't-cent: f,lrner: Contractor: VAIL GATENAY PLAZA CUilDOS 12 ZLOL-0A2-61-092 Plunblng for interJ.or renodel NHITE UATER PLU}IBITIG & HEATTNG BBEYO JOHil IHITE I'ATER PLUITBIIIG & HEATIIIG Occ:Uee: Phone: 970-926'37o,8' Phone: Phone: 97A-926-3?0A lnepectLon Requeat Informatlon.... Requeetor: BOB BOYIIER - LATE Alt lleq TLrcl OEz$10 Connente: CALL Itera requeeted to be Inepected... OO29O PLIIB-F1naL Phone: 390-9239 HTTLLTPE COUnTOTS 39f,-23s7 -UltrT 2 Actlon Connente Tlne Exp InepectLon HLetory Iterl @2lO PlliB-UndergroundIterr W22O PLItB-Rough/D.f-V..Wf L5f99 Inepectorr JRlt Iterr OOTJD Pll|B-Rough/lfater'OEf L5199 Inepector: JRlt ', 6Af3Of 99 Inapector: JRll Itelr'.@24O PLIIB-Gas Pl.ping Iterr' Oo,25O PLItB-PooI./Hot Tub Iter: W26O Pl.ltB-ltiec. l'terc W29O PLItB-Finallterr @534 FIRE-FIIAL ClO Actlon: APPR Actlon: APPR ActLon: APPR 10' FT HEAD APPROVED APPROYED UI{DEN PRESSUNE APPR HUI'IDIFERS 't!g .. |iEFT13I rtllll,,,o!' !ArL, CpLUITADO.OL|IL|VOS/& .IigIII REOUESTS - I}|SI'ECTII UAHR SHEETS FOR: L/TLIaO PAGE 9. IREAr JRll --------ia ltLvltyl ll99-OO37 L/LL/2O l'ype: B-ItECH Statugr ISSUED Conetrr AAPT Addreqsr LocetLbnr VAfL GATEUAY PLAZA C(,ilDt]S *2 ParoeJ.r 2tgt-9,B2-6,4-(ot 2 Occ: lleeoriptl.onr lleahani'ca.f for i"nteri.or renodelAppllcantr CLIIIATE CONI'ROL CO OF GlfS Phone:(lvnerr BREYO JOHII Phone: Contractorr CLIIIATE COilTROL C(l UF GfS Phone: Uee: 970-943-2326 976-943-2326 lnepectLoa Begueet Infornation..,. Hequertor: BOB BOYIIEB - LATE Alt Req TLr€; IDBIOO Connents: CALLItere reqgeeted to be lnepected... OO39O IIECH-FingI Phone: 3J9I}-19?J3!J PHTLLIPE COURTOIS 39O*2357-UITIT 2 Aetlon Colnents Tire Exp -;- InepeetLoo ffLrtory... . . ftelr qfrXN tECH-Rough .. OglSOl*, Inepector: JRll 'notee: UfflCO SYSTEI{S lllrtglL4199 Inepector: ART Iteu:Iter: Iterr Itecr,Iter:lterr IterrIterr Aotion: PA APPROVED 3 OUT OF 4 Aotlon: APPR See llotatl-on re:ApprovalIloteg; ATR CLITIDITIOilTilG SYSTEII AIR TUBES ARE LTSTED BY .ETLT TIIE LISTTRG IIDICATES THE TUBES ARE TO BE INSTALLED AT A |IAXINUU LEIIGTH TJF 14 }'EET. SOTIE TUBES TO THE BATH }ItJOTI EXTEHD TO A LEIIGTII UF 45 FSET. YERIFICATIOH IIAY BE REOU1RED BY THE TOI'II TO lilSURE ADEOUAT.E OPERATIOII. W'225 FIRE-SPRTNHLER XOUGH W24O PLItB-Gae Piping OO31O ltECll-Heatlng UD3Zle [ECH-Exhauet Hoodg OOSP ItECH-Supply AJ.r OQ34O ltE0H-lliec. OO39O IIECH-Final oo53a FlnE-FnrAL Cts Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Breyo Residence Project Descripfion: Replace Deck Surface Material Owner, Address and Phone: Mr. John Breyo, Gateway #3, 12 Vail Road, Vail 81657, 476-5150 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:R. Boymer Construction, PO Box 1001, Vail8t658 Project Street Address: Gateway #3, 12 Vail Rord, Vail81657 Legal Description: Lot N, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name: Gateway Motion by: NiA Secondedby: NiA Vote: N/A Conditions: Town Plannel: Brent Wilson Date: July 2, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: STAFFAPPROVEI) FIEvERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98 \BREYO.702 DRB Fce Ple-Paid: $20.00 o Qucstions? Call rhc Pllr::nirtg Staft'a: 479-212$ APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION Thi.s application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw nrust rcccivc Design Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For spccific information, sce thc subnrittal rcquircnrcnti for thc particular approval that is rcquastcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd i n fornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Towrr Council and/or thc Planning and Environltcutal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. A.lPTroN oF THE REQUEST: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: I-Or:-$rL- PFrySICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: FILING: (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) B, c. D. E. ZONING: TOlflNOFVAIL MAILINC ADDRESS: F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S): PHONE: O\YNER(S) SIGNAT URE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncrv Construction - $200 Construction of a ncrv building. E Addition -$50 Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any residcntial or commcrcial building. S20 Includcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvcmcnts, such as' rcroofing, painting. rvindorv additions, landscaping' fenccs and ritaining . walls. ctc. WdrnorAltcration - DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc timc of submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pcnnit. pleasc identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Town ofVait rvill adjust the fec according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVTMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL. COLORADO 8I657. o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:BUILDING MATERIALS:CQLQR:* Roof Siding Otlrcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door'l'rinr l{and or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Pleme specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc l8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcasc indicate thc nunrbcr offixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identifr cach fixture type and provide the hcight above grade, lumens output. luminous area. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixfures. ' - " Updatcd 6D7 iJUH-tra-tA AE t EiE Ptt Protscl Nrms,: PrEiecl 9epcription: ea-t9re.{ac$alr O*|rcr, A{t{tr$r tad Fhorrc: A/chno4 Addrils atrd Phcng: Deslgn ReYlcw Board Mollon by: Soconrhd ty: DISAFPROVAL'APPROVAL Summrryl Ict Blt B^'+r^ .- on/. ,- Bqi too t. , Vn;-/ .,.- - -,.,,, .,,..-- h;*--,4de, S*'^""*''Town Pldnngr azTItghttr+,dt$n .lI t II I /'l?r $te $iq Iri $rli f?H-l Ir}i $$i i B5:tE!ll.r.-;l Irl!;:[,. ,ili i l::l , ,,1} 't I.i1 i1'':J I i' I:lI _t i't 'ilrl lld gt:cgt e6-€l-Hnf o $l z.R t $lrrtt $ffifi ml $+TlI.Ih E t {*rt In t t, ii I+ /i?r Igt *€[ i$6I[{F'}A ir*i It$i ;$t{ r$tg $Ht I' 'i I ,l:_t I I u t'n-G Bnt a Di I}:Eti gs ]iq $ s J ltd at:2t g6-99-Nn.c s.vlrrd Lqlilgz DATE APPI.ICATION NECEIVED + B. ADDRES S-Baf c.gnoPERTr Ow|tER (s I oflrER(81 8rormutl(sf AI g- rptLrcf,trott loRt{ ton SFICII. Dr!Drsr*rcr D-;;ro-",Gffi;riirklPrl'tlt Fil , ^,I. fhlc proccduro le.il;"fi-;#-;;u;i"i"3:l:il"f$,.Bl"r;i:1":":*fu;':u cnP r Thc rppttcrtlon irlll not b€ lcccptsd untj,l rll lnfornctlon1! rubnttted. lplaase prlnt or typ!, A. o*ttr.*. HAILING ADDRESS z 3. pnoxe ]4Tlz::El5 l uaueSAg=AJZ)_ D, G! mlSl-nr.octgiflsuBDrvtsron_ VFnrL Vrr-r4_4 I rrr lllslPlr ADDRESSEO DNvtrlopEs or TBE NnrqEs oF oi{NERs OFALr pRopunrr hD.rAcENr ro nri susJricr-'iiiiiiuiix aroo n&rsr oF mEtR NAHES AND $nrt,rNc nnpneiiill"' F, A TI TT.E REPOR? I'O VERI FT OI,NERSIIIP AND EASEfi,ENTS . II. Ioyr.-(!l .coplcs ot the folloulng tnformerlon.nrust begubrnlttcd: ,t. Detallod vrltten/graphlc doscrlptlon of propoaal; B. An cnvlronnontrl ,lrnpacE rcport shitl bo rubmttted tohhc ronlno attrntntrt'rator-iii-accoiJ"nee wr*r ciipfcr-lO.56 herdof unless "ifrea"ui-s"iiion rg.se.030r exemptproJoctcl c, An op6n rrys!-!$ recrlailonsl plan sufflclent to rn6etrhs d€mands gonorar.d ui inC-Ae-veiipment wi[iijri-r;il;burden on avillnrre or-iripisJd'iufri" facttttteg, D. Exlstlng contouF havtng contour lntorvals of not nor€than fivo fslt tf ttro aierate-iiopl "r the Dlre toti€nty porconL. or le3a, or "Ith c'onL.rur tntcrvile-ofnor fliore than ton feot lf the avarage alope sf itle-iftelt groater than t$onty perc.rrt. --' E. A pfoposgd elto ptan, !t r scile not Emalter then onclnch equalc tlfry fe;t, srrorinq-ti." approxlnltelocartond anrt dtmenaio;"-;i ;ii iuiroii,g, i"i--a.tructurca, ursr ther6tn, an.l !ll ;rfncipai-'ifuedevelop,n€nr fi"ty:gi, a"i:t i" liidlcapea ercaa,rocroatlonel facilitlas, pedeotifin plrrzae rndrarftwaysr rorvlco enrrt;s; a;t;;;;ir, ruo ogr_orr;or.p6rkrng and loadrng ar€as'urrh prJiosea contours aiiergradlng ind rlto deuelopmentr A;ra !t ILtNc ADDIDSS ^o'<- B/? n/n*1:,. fa ?"/r/H9NE 3or-J>J-3b/€ LOCAII0N oF pROpOSALt STNEET AD0RESS ! ftr,mt ffi d, UMVfrt1 k'\ la'aft^t*^V