HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY UNIT 5TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Developme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 30, 2000 Ms, Mary Gorham Colorado State Plumbing Board Investigators Office Fax # 303-894-7692 Re: Follow up to our telephone conversation Dear Ms. Gorhanl Here is the follow-up correspondence you have requested in regards to a plumbing and nechanical permit issued for a remodel located at the Vail Gatervay Plaza Condominiums, Unit # 5 in Vail Colorado. The owner of this rurit is listed as a Chmles R. Lipcon. The plumbiag permit number is P96-0062 and the mechanical permit number is M96-0013. Both of these permits were issued to Colorado Plumbing Service. Colorado Plumbing Service is listed in our contractor file as having a Satc Master Plumbing License of #799. Thc work description for both of these permits is for an interior remodel. Neither permit discloses the fact that any mschenisal equipment was to be installed during the remodel. The inspection history does not show any inspections occurring on any mechanical cquipment. I performed a final inspection for both of these permits on 8129/97 - During the final inspection I would not have been able to verit if any air conditioning system or heating system would be adequatel-v sized to provide the proper condilioning of the interior space, nor would I have inspected zuch s_vstems because it had not been disclosed on the permit description. Please be aware that the final inspection was performed over two and a halfy'ears ago and the only information I have to rely on is the information in our permanent files. These files do not sholv any mechanical equipment being added during the rernodcl. It is customary for thc Town of Vait's Building Department to require cutsheets and rnanufacturer specifications on any new equipment being installed- We would not have required any heat loss calqrlations on a rernodel if there were not an addition being done to the rmit. I trust lhat OIis is the tlpe of correspondence you have requested of rne. Ifyou have any funhcr concerns, feel free to contact me at 9704'79-2142. Serdor Building lnspector/Plans E:rraminer Town of Vail {p *u"'""'o "n"o I ES ign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Gateway Unit #5 Project Description: One-year extension of previous approval for a residential addition Owner, Address and Phone:Vail Apartments, Inc. Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Steve Riden, PO Box 3258. Vail. CO 8165E Project Street Address: 12 Vail Road Legal Description: A portion of Block 5D, Vail Village Firut Filing Parcel Number: Comments: Project#:PRJ99-0177 Building Name : Gateway Plaza Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent \ililson Date: June 16.1999 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\GATEWAY5.WPD CSgn Review Action #fo TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 7 oa,e /L/ 5/7/ ProtectName; I ruil !1 Q=;r-s-tL,.+l rlt>t>r l- n, / Building Name: Project Deecription: tb '* Owner, Address and Phone: \r+r I 14 '"r-,2n, r,=. ,l"s 7-.-rz ddress and Phone: rt1'e' ;-4- F Legal Description:tot?u+erof@ck'5t> SuboivisionV*-l Vril*k,E /i* ZoneDistrict'tDlfzl Project Street Address: / Z J,.+- I -ih,r.'-- Board / Statt Action Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disdpproval !i starRpprovat Conditions: ln-.- ter- .-itu' ;-.,irn *^ --c L- n,Hpr- :.. \ (,() DRB Fee Pre-paid t-; - ,.t ',t NORIvIAN R. IIELWIG, P.C. Attorney at Law 1000 South Frontage Road West suite 2oo-A Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: 970479-9579 Facsimile: 970479-9481 Denver Line: 303-893-1226 September 11, 1996 Greg Moffet, Ghairman Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Gateway Plaza Building Residential Unit No. 5 Dear Mr. Moffet: s[P x8199$ T 0V"t0t\llb,{' DLV' DEPT' I represent the Vail Gateway Plaza Condominium Association. John Dunn, a local attorney representing Knightsbridge Corp. (the owner of Unit 2 in the Vail Gateway Plaza Building), has contacted me regarding a letter of approval that was signed by Leo Palmer nka Leo Palmos on July 18, 1996 regarding approval of a roof deck enclosure project adjacent to Residential Unit 5. Please be advised that it is my understanding that Mr. Palmos signed the approval letter in his capacity as a principal of Palmer Development Co., the developer for the building. As the developer and Declarant under the Association Declaration, it was necessary for Palmer Development Co. to consent to the use of reserved development rights by the owner of Unit 5 with respect to the roof enclosure project. To the extent that Mr. Palmos may have infened in the letter that he was providing approval for the project on behalf of the Association, you should know that the members of the Association have not yet conducted a meeting conceming this project, and that the members of the Association have therefore not yet voted to approve the project. The board of directors of the Association has reviewed and recommended approval of the project, and we anticipate that the members of the Association will, in fact, vote to approve the project at the Association's forthcoming meeting. In the meantime, however, your office should not be under the impression that the Association has formally approved the project at the member level. I 1 September 11, 1996 Page 2 A meeting of the members of the Association will be scheduled to take place in the very near fttture, and I will certainly let you knor the results of that meeting. Please let me knour if I can provide you with any additional information. Very truly yours, oc: John Dunn Don Schaper Charles Lipcon Steve Riden /,-'t - ./ .,,:./ /t ",-.'.. tr1 tfu4t +V- N{man R. Helwig L) I Itrrsrrsr-Et::1:::::: t i illlliiiiiil!!l!I1!lt t i irrrrrgrrrrrlrrrrrrrr i I rlri t1 I rl t I tI iiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiii ilttHlt rilrililr SiiEi;F#; tl ;iiililEl lilti$illrr....rlrtt$lllll ttlltllitl ..........1..-."'ttrttl'lfilt I llttlt ilflrtittiitiitiitiil rillttiitiilllltttltt ,iri$iilii nfllil I E :F+O.'{ ; ttliF F FI Fi a{ n| oo? F z ntt3ll.:;iiii r;13 .:rl'l Et;rttEl lis Iliil s iiiI IIil Ilal il!!!iliil --@ ---O E il ig { rE t' EI ,i J GATEVAY PLAZ,L UNIT 5 lt aolrt| tioxraol loAD YllL, ooloLaDo ll6tz --Il-tD!-LlDl -t-arF --ffi zt9r3 ocvroloo 'llYAdvor lovlttorl arlol tlI rrxn vzvl{ rY.rrrvc $ittilih liil$ii, t! It ll Ir !rttt rlrla ar ti,lf,lll {<<aa N #fit I-r \'\itr IX r II Ilo i il i! i t__ - --@ #-----o ! !r !i il Ii t z d 4 8 L rll{ rd,| dt H'trl9: A \la -tw iI, ffir i .trr -rll lrr i ta::rttr. a !;illlc. lE. alr-ftlllttEtltttltrrr I tt zttrt odvloloo 'lllAcvol lovlxota El'oor ll IINN VZYI{ IVAXIYC r--t--aE-- iiil aI TI d d. =-:rt ilnl d rlEIol tsl b dAIzl fl ?l 5lDIFl @ EIrl o sl El o .l||lEI EIr.l @ El fl EI b rirl 'llI 'lI { zlil 5lFrttE IIc e7i ffi ,J9 rt ocv|oroo 'ltlaoYol loYrlloll Eroot I I J .rtun Yzvld rvlrrvc #iiiiilir iiildli, !l rl l| rl ra!: Ht!.iarffil (t oz I 7 ; d dIl 9Id *iirD: z-'l.\ =_.ut I!I El rlti oo ffi zJtrl ocvroroo 'IIYAoYot tov.lJotr Eloot : I J lrxn vzYr{ rYAf,rYc liiiniii tfiil Fi .llh 2 ).4A J (, I blr.-ltl rr E|tr zi.{{I: ^4, v o *,,,11H,,,J}H{,,,,,,ffi li,t tliiIt,lnrplpeno.lS I t I It A \E\.2 ig:.89F FEI FIF l!FFII7 o F \tF z _l_ ' F{lN D)> rft!fitr ttat ll rl ll I 'iiiiiiii rfiliiiiH GATSVAY PLAZA UNIT t ! | aourE lf,oxlaol loaDvatt., ool.otaDo ll5tz THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PBOPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 8, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a Minor SDD Amendment to allow for changes to the development plan located at Millrace Phase 3, 1335 Westhaven DriveiDevelopment Area A of the Glen Lyon SDD (SDD No. a). Applicant: Steve Riden representing Gregory WaltonPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a Major SDD Amendment to allow for a 485 square foot addition to an existing condominium in the Gateway Building located at 12 Vail Road, Unit Sl/ail Gateway Plaza Building. Applicant: Steve Riden representing Vail Apartments Inc.Planner: Randy Stouder A request for a building height variance to allow for a residence currently under construction to exceed the height limit located at 1339 Westhaven Circle/Lot 23, Glen Lyon Subdivision (SDD #4). Applicant: Bill Anderson representing Mr. and Mrs. Charles HoveyPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a wall height variance and driveway grade variance for the Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 26, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicant: Eric Johnson for Gary KoenigPlanner: George Ruther A change to the TOV survey policy to require an lmprovement Location Certificate (lLC) prior to a foundation inspection when a project is within three feet of a setback line, has a building height within six inches of the maximum allowable, has a driveway that is greater than 10% or for all projects including three or more separate structures.Planner: Lauren Waterton ..Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification, Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information."" Community Development Department Published December 20, 1995 in the Vail Trail. F teveryonetpecvraices\o1 089s.,,!pd MP' (970) 949-4r2r FAX 949-0304 Town of Vail Community Dwelopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 December 8, 1995 Re: Vail Apartments Unit #5, Vail Gateway SDD SDD/l\rfajor Amendment This proposal is for the addition of a glass/roof enclozure adjaceirt to Unit #5 of the Vail Gateway Residence. This enclozure witr increase, approved and built square footage by4S*15 square feet, but does not exceed totrl atlowable squar€ footage of the original SDD. Tbis proposal does not exceed any existing ridge elevations and all materials are to be compatible with the existing structure. u\0 69 / PI tj POST OFFICE BOX 3238 vAIL, CO.81658 . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. rovlmd 10/5/ I 92 IFfr IDPI,ICIITC '(n|Dr!t!lrq! DATE APPLICATION rm SDtctt&Dn'tl4marl!i | :995 The aplrlication wlll. notls Bubnltted, (please prlnt or typet A.APPLICANT UAILING ADDRESS *ouTt+ hl( .c E. F II. D. A. B. E. I. Tht! procadurc ls rcguirod for any proJerhroush rh. spcclar D.vcr.op,.nr or.r"r.uc!*lrr{CIh U!ru| be acceptcd untll all lnfortuBion Et t c+vt:e. gt+, M t *.at.R- 3,tEloNE J%:2 3":_j? | 6 B,APPLICII.IT' S REPRETEN?A" 1 ADDRE1S ?:Q -3_2'58 t'AtL,lo pnoN34l3_3lA_ c. PROPERTY OmNER(S!/\otlrrn(r, Etmruttsf (J!fA FAi). I'AILIT{G ADDRESS STAI'PED. ADDRE3SED ENVELOPES OF lHE NATES OF OIINERS OFALL PROPERTY IDJACENT TO THE SUEJECT PNOPER.TI N.rO ILt$T oF tHErR NN{ES AND ItArLrNc eopnnssis. A TITI.E REPORI to VERIFI O$UBRSHIP AIID EASET{ENTS. Fo.ur. ({) .coplee 9f ghe follorlng lnformatioa nust bcsubnitted: Detal.lgcl rritten/grapbi c d€ecripti or, of proposal i An spyl"onruntrl . fuhpact reporc sttall be Eubrlltied toEne_zontng a(blnlltrator ln lccordance rr.t,h Cbapter18.56 trereof untce$ walved ny siiii'on-ralS-e.Oril, eierpcproJ6cts, f1-oqcn epace and r€creatlonal plan sufflclenr ro meett'ne.dcnrndr E€n6rated by the d€vslopmcnt Hlthout, undueDurocn on avrllablc or proposed publlc flcllitlosi Exlgttng contour8 havlng contour lnterr ala of not tnorethan flve fect lt the average slope of tne iffe fct$enty perceDt oa less, or iith contour lntervals ofnot mote than tcn f€et. lf the aueraqo ,Iope o! the sltela greater than tuenty pcrcen!. t p.roposcd alte plan, ee a scalc not amallar than onell9n.9quars f1f.ty fcet, shortng the approalaaterocations and dlnenalona of alt bulldinqs andSt,ructules, ureE therein, and tll principal 6j,Leoeveroptr|ont fGaturea, aueh ag landscaped arear.recrelc,ional facllltica, pedostrlan piazar-anO'ralhrays, rcrvl.c. entrtial oriveraisl -ino-oii_st,.ect parklng and loadlng areas utth proposod contours aftergrsdlng and stt6 developrnent I /*/q f DearMr. Riden tr have reviewed the documents you sent me and have no objection to the proposal toenclose a portion of the deck indicated adjacent to unit #s;vail c,at"*"y Lulairrg v"il,Colorado. Date kilJ| b ' I i.. o Dear Mr. Riden, I have reviewed the documents you sent me and have no objection to the propoeal to enclose a portion of the deck indicated adjacent to Unit #5, vail Gateway Building vail, Colorado. -tUnit# 5 VailGateway vail, Co6ilo Name I ) Du r**.r, Aeeren"iil fftii*'" JOHN W. DUNN ARfIiUR A. ABPLANALP. JR. ALLEiI C. CHRISTENSEN DIANE L. HERMAN R. C, SlEpHElr90N sftcu! couNaEr: JERRY W. HANNAH Txe Vlrl BlHx Burr-orr.rc SurrE 3oo roe Sourx Fnoxaoe Roao Wesr Vltu. Couoaaoo eresz I,IAY 1 TELECOPIER: 19701 47A-47G3 TOV.COil,1l\ll. DEV, DEMEL*.HI:["' AprlI 30, 1996 Ms, Lauren !{aterton Department of Community Development Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Dear Lauren: This will confirm that I wish to receive notice of anyfurther proceedlngs before the Plannlng and Environmental Commlsslon ln connectlon with the appllcatlon of Karl Kehrman andvail Apartnents for a nodiflcation of Unit 5, Vail cateway Plaza. Yours very truly, ABPLANAI.,P & CHRIStrENSEN,P.C. . Dunn kem J-L:1S!g :3:.i3 STELTEil JAFE FiEi Ai€ ,* footags avril$lc to mch* r|rir ponio! aftho do* . of the vril &J 949 a3a4 p. E1 TOTAL P.A1 TXIRX N0.1241 P.00i T9T9$Z?f0r \:If { q7:qtt 9q /77 "n oD b-softb vrll Grrrrey codmiira A.*ddoq E.pt d L hEtry drr ft(Vril Afrtmcrrte lno. o*acr of Unit #j, to cdm a ponin-ofrhe qidirg --oe a.a.arra rdjrcat to tls upper leud of urut #s. I hcw rcdcn Ed oa pmpoo acuoco rnahrrro no objcaion to rhe propod rs FFcrH ro oc, Alrc r hcrcbt elb,w to uro of, rho 4 -'C- 0Lf70 {7t- Crrtarvry Condominiuru Ascooirdion 07/18/96 t3:80 r\r0O.l I'troo B I Encroachment of Approved VVI phase 4 Encroachment of kritial Vail Gateway Submital Enc;gachmg4t of Val Gatgway St2BtBB (; {'fi"' ' ' a'I t'" / i '" )t/ iit F:.i]ijj .: i!q.:::.: :. t i+?i;:j:::i f . i..,r" ,,; :.t t';:::i::;.i.i -r,..,f .';1r, f :l 6 l- 6A2lol EI>l 3l'l filr{t:;li 6 7'l.l<l>l 5lcl Ell el: o I Ii---riltlIrilii'---l i ----.!I----1 I I I Ir\ =l slio Eil-l IuiE3 l t III I lri! II I I I! I di I ilr rfI l,l:I'ItF tEs E8 I ilf, IU IE lF l"lz F II t I H-llIn rr] EIr| s ilE*lF IFItnt<l>l..l lo tl l{ t8 IE lH Ilclz t;r I I tlH IE I i at t H-lEII rl< ill ltIF [! lctz t; l"' I I slliiiliiil: I !rlIE:t!l F-llr| GATEVAY PLAZA UNIT rt touttt laol|llol LoaD YltL. ool.olaDo lr5tz !LaIntEa.,.Q a I i13:.llrl. Itto IElhl lF Il"lz l-r GATEVAY ELAZA UNIT I ! rouTH tl,ollT^ol toAD vArL. ooLof,ADO 1165 7 Errt-tnar,a-ll- ', (r-'*a)''ot\n, +W an=gl 'x*( estrlo7 i -p q'tn€r'lF\ gfr-r:lqgt'arl- €169r frelft .\Avry i;;F[ Z raw-trrlrof.t :tqnfu /r^ rc (*rg q:l ry q w? Fo r6vq ,--* \*o'b =-4rl) tenU=a /rr wa\ .e? %lg? €F q7 '=r4? '?.law q1ra?!^7-0 eq q tuz? s,g+ v4:W 1'".- w\ srulC 'tlgrrfl? 7Aa n: 7rc 'tg€t'{ 'dno?I_ ftryv q.Jrcvl\J/to1 I '/ l.I TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIr,, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 OccupancY: Type Construction: Tlpe occupancy: Valuation: Fireptace tnfofnation: Restri cted i Job Address: status" Location... : VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA CONDOSAppIied' Parcel No..: 2101-082-64-005 Issued' ' Project No.: PRJ96-0077 ExPiree' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #t 896-0105 lSSUED 05/L3/Lee6 APPLICANT R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES. INC P O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR R.A. NELSON & ASSOCTATES, rNC P O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620 OWNER VAIL APTS INC I CHARLES R LIPCON, BISCAYNE TOWER Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Phone: 3039495152 Phone:3039495152 srE 2480. 2 SOUTH FTSCAYNE BL fof t,md/Pa L tet: Rl Multi-FanilY V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour 640,000 Add sq Ft: fof Gas Appliances:#Of Gas Logs: i**f*tr***Jr*f*frlt***irffif,rihffi*Hr**rr*****i*i**** FEE SUl,tllARY *f,h**rrHnt#rt*********i'f,**ffi Bui Lding-> 2,900.m Restuarrnt Plsn RevieH*> .oo Total catcul'Eted t.es--> 5,958'00 ptan chrck--> 1.E€}5.OO DRB Fee---r------> 4OO.OO Additionat Fees--------> 'm Inve3tigation> .OO Rccreation Fcr--------> .OO Totat Pernit Fee-----_> 5,938'00 uitr catt-> r'oo li*lt!3,! --::l ,,1i3:ffi ;:|.lil:'il-r= i ""',S; Item: .05100 BuILDING DEPARTMENT Qep-q!--EVTIDING Divi-sion: 65713/Iieii-DAN --- Action: NdrE DAN PLANS EXAMTNER 05'/20'/1996 DA\t Action: APPR -- - --.--r,a ^ ! - .ii5;;'.05 4 0 0-'p-l,euurue--neFEfliM'Eirh'- _ _ - _ __ _ ---_Dgpt : PLANNING Division : d57l3l1990 oatl Action: NorE ???? PLANNET o5'/20'/L996 DOMINIC Action: APPR See condrUron iirefr;,65-ooo-rlnE-DepenrMellT --_-- -- Depr: FIRE Divr.slon: O5l13l1995 DAN ACTION: NOTE T{IKE EIRE-06'/2i'/it06 5'eTr e li;alona AFFn fire dept approval rtbm:'ossdo-FirirTc wdnrS--- tEFt: FDs wonx Division: A5/1311996 DAN ACTION: NOTE TERRY PWos/22/Issd LARRY_P Action: APPR LARRY PARDEE ****t******t**** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this pernil' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovl,edg. that I have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,t the informtion required, conpteted an accunate plot - ptan, and st€te that art the infofmrtion provided as "lquirJ is corfect. I agrer to compty iith the intormation 6nd ptot pLan, to coety yith al,l, Tolrn ordinances and stlte tavs, and io buiLd this structure lccording to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign review approved, Uniforn Bui[ding Cirde and other ordinances of the Tovn apPl'icabte thereto- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E NADE send ctean-up Deposit To: RA NELSoN HOURS Iil ADVANCE o TUENTY-FOUR ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Pernit #: 896-0105 as of 05/30/96 statust IssuED******************************************************************************** Permit rt?e: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applicant: R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC 303949s1s2 Job Address: Location: VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA CONDOS #5 Parcel No: 2101-082-64-005 Description: INTER]OR REMODEL Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILTNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.5. THE CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPI.,Y WITH AI,L FEDERAL AND STATE ACCESSIBILTY REGULATIONS.6. FIRE AND SPRINKLER PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED PRYOR TO FRA},IING INSPECTION. 7. A].,L STRUCTUAT STEEL AND BEARING WALL TO BE ONE HOUR FIRE RATED8. All stucco nust natch with existing with no sign of repair. epplied: 05/t3/L996 fssued: To Expire: **************************************************************** TOd!{ oF vArr,, coLoRADo Statemnt ****************************:l*********************************** Statemnt Nunber: REc-0149 Amount:5,938 .00 05/30/96 11:58/30/ Payment Method: CK Notation: #11755 Init: CD Permit No: Pareel No: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 896-0105 Tlpe: A-MF ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 2t0l-082-64-00s VAII GATEWAY PLAZA CONDOS #5 ****************************************************:************ Total Fees: 5r938.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIE}I FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WIT,L CALL INSPECTION FEE 5, 938 . 00 5,938 . 00 .00 Anount 2,900.00 400.00 1, 885.00 7s0.00 3.00 TorW oF VIIL Id: ACrP185 *"tU, *.t ueer: aINoL;EN - o3lzsloo Acti\rltte6 As.ocLeted to PRO\tBer: PRrT96-OO7? PIJITUBII$C' PERIIIT Pct*llt l[o : F96- 0052 Agrpllcant : CALORiADo PIOIitBIlfc SERVICB Statur: FMAtrr L,ocation ! VAIL GATFTIAY PLAZA CloNDOg #5 Lina Actiffty Type geq gtatus Irocatiob 1 .896-0A05 A-IIF FINAI, VAIIJ GATETIAY PLAZA CPTqDOS #5 2 896.0089 B.RLEC FINAL VAIIJ GATBI{AY PI.'AZA CONDOS #5 3 P96-0052 B. PI,}IB FINAI, VAIL GATEI{AY PI.AZA COIIDO8 #5 4 lti96 -OO43 B-I|BCXI FINAL DAIL GATSWAY PLAZjA cANDoS #5 5 T96-0139 A-I(ECH FINAIJ VAIIJ GATEWAY PIJAZA CONDOS +5 EDter Llne lilumber: Rlssr|lqtty Screen, Fz=Next 15, F3=Firet. 15, ESC-S<1t Liet TOWN OT'VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, co 81657 970-4?9-2L38 Job Addresa...:L,ocation......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPDIENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT DAIL GATEWAY PI,AZA 2101-082-64-00s PRJg 6-0 07 7 Status...: ISSUED coNDos #s Apptied. .r 0s/.13/.L996 riiued. ..t 05/30/Lge6 ExPires. . : LI/26/L996 ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Perrnit #: M96-0043 Phone: 3039459809 816 01 Phone: 3039459809 81601 APPLICA}IT CONTRACTOR OWNER COLORADO PLI'MBING 45705 HIGHWAY 6 & COLORADO PLT'MBING 45705 HIGHWAY 6 & VAII APTS INC I CHARLES R LIPCON, BISCAYNE TOWER STE 2480, Valuation: SERVTCE, INC. 24, GLENWOOD SERVICE, INc. 24, GLENWOOD SPRINGS SPRINGS co co FEE SUilITARY 5$.00 Rcstulrant Pt8n RevieY--> 2 SOUTH BISCAYNE 25 r 000. 00 #of Gas Logs:fof tl@d/Pal.l..t: ,00 TotaL calcutat.d Fccs---) 628.W BL Descripti-on: INTERIOR REMODEL Fireptac. lnfomation: Restricted:fof Gas Appliances: llechanicat---) Ptan Chcck-> InvestigrtiorD t'li tt C!tt-_> 125.00 DRB F .00 3,00 TOTAL IEES-_--_ Additionat Fees---> TotaI Permi t Fee---) Paynren t s-------) BALANCE DUE----- .00 6eE.00 .00 62E.@ 628-00 .009,tL rtr.E rrvE- *r*t***rt*r******* .l 2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. accurrta ptot and plot pt.n, Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN? Dept: BUILDING Division: 651i6/lgg6i-cHARLTE- -AeEion: epPR pen oAN CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEqK EQR qQDF^q9MPLIANCE. e6frEEsii6N-Ain-iS nEOurnEo PER sEc. 607 qF-TEE--1-291 uuc.iisifArililoN-i,iuSi cOfiront'l r0 MANUFAcTURES rNsrRucrroNs AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I'MC. 6[s-aFFilIAi,icp-s -SHeu-BE-vENrED AceoRDIb]c-To qUAPTEB e ANDSiilrittEnuillEie-As-SpnerrrED rN sEc. e06 qE-THE-legl tiMc ledffis - tii frEiiiTN-c-s00lFfrEfri-M03r-e6upr.v wl rH snc . s 0 s AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6orr,eR.s-iiFail-se-MduNreo oN FLooRs oF NoNcqyBqgTr-ELE coNsr. IwiE55-rrSrsD FOr MouNrrNG oN coMBUsrrBL, ELqqRI!\lG-.FEfrfrir,FtIN5-eftD--cUDE- aNAl,vSls Mrusr BE PosrED rN MEcHANrcAr, ROOM PR]OR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. ijF.Ei'NldE - cir -MELTHAN I eAl - n66us e0llTn rtlrne HEATINg- qB- Hor-wATER SitTF-tT-sotlniiS--sntil-,L -ee- EOuipPED-wtTH A FLooR DRAIN PER sEc. 2119 0F THE 1991 I'MC. DECLARATIONS I hcrcbv acknontcdge that I hav! rcad this apptication, fil,ted out in ful,t the infornation. required, conpleted.an ptan, aid statc thit ltt the inforertion prcvided as rcqui red is corfcct. I agrle to corPty lrith the rntorFlron ******************************************************************************** according to thc Tom's zonlng lnd rubdivision . Tovn apptic!b[c thercto- AT OUR oFftcE FRolt Er00 A|| 5:00 Pi SICMTilNqloF Effi€N 9R CONINACTOR FOR HIIIgELF AilD OIINER i ;r. I.i ' i I I L I I .':'.. TOWN OT VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Ptumblng-----> Ptan Check-_> DEPARTMENI OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLT]MBING PERMII Job Addresst Location. . , : Parcel No..: Project No.: ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit *: P96-0062 Status. . . VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA CoNDOSApplied" 2101-082-64-005 Issued' "PRJ96-0077 ExPires ' ' I S SUED 05 /t3 /7e96 os /30 /tee6Lr/26/tee6 COLORADO PL,LMBING SERVICE Phone: 9709459809 45705 HTGHWAY 6 & 24, GLEMIOOD SPRTNGS' CO 81601 COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE Phone: 9709459809 45705 HTGHWAY 6 e 24, GLENWOOD SPRINGS' CO 81601 VAIL APTS TNC tCHARLESRLIPcoN'BISCAYNETowERSTE24S0'2SoUTHBISCAYNEBL Valuation:60 r 000.00Description: INTERIOR REMODEL F€E SUI'II.'IARY 900.00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> 2?5.00 ToTAL FEES------ **rtddrt#tr** .OO Tota( Cal,cul,ated Fees--> 1,12E.00 t , tZg. OO Addi t i ona t Fees-----> '00' Totat Pernit Fee------> 1/128'00 PaYrents-------- BALANCE DUE-------> .m Investigation> .00 uiLL caLl,--> 3.00 M Ite.m: ,05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division; 65fto1tsse CHARLTE Action: APPR PER DAN ffi ,r***i*t***frr**Rffi t*t*f **t**ir**f *Jrif r*ic|*fr/r*i* CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ t**********t****t*t***i**rr********trt*****t***i************************+i*****r******r**r***ffi DECI,ARATIONS t hcreby rcknoHl,cdge thlt t havc read this sppl.icstion, fil,tcd out in fuLL the information r pf"^, "'"a statc th;t atl the infornation provided as required. i.s corr"ct' -l "gf:: I9.:9"tP c ptot 10n and t ptan, sionsuHii;;;rptt ;iih-" i [-i;; ""din"n""" and stite [avs, and io buitd this structure according.t-o th: codes, drsign reviey approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinanccs of thc Toylppticabt REOUESTS, FOR I]{SPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENW-FOUR HOURS , cotrptctrd et FOR: B.ri:9197 q)e/1'u-e1 (''x4"ua'' 74-- > t t htb f u'lrt 's; F'f1GH 4 f,REA: CD REPT131 TfiI^JN OF VAIL,. COI.BRtrbT] fig/e9/97 OB:OO REEUESTS FOR INSFEf,TION h,ORP. SHEETS tret i v.i t-y r-.€86-tZt 1fi5 A/i!.q /'J? 1-ype r A-.MF Address: Locat i on ri [oNnos #5 Far'ce I De ser i pt i on i Statr"rs: Ii3$UED Oct:; [-'frone+ : :f]rzr394Q5l.5E: F'hone: F,hnne: 3fr3949515t EonEtr": AllF [Jse: V 1*HR Appl icant r Owner: Cont ract or : INTER]OR RHHNDEL R. FI. NTLSON &. A55DCIATEs. UAIL AF.TS INC R. A, NELSON rt trgiSnCIRT'ES. IND I NI) Inspeet i an Reqtiest Informatian..,, ReqrlEslorl LFIRRY/J, L, UIELE Req Ti me: O1 : ?tlZt Conrment s r AF-f ER Items requested to be Inspeeted.., A12'1196 BLD6-F in*l .- Fhone: 47 1-[t633 3 F'M Act i on lloroment s Time Exp Inspection Historry. .., . ltemr slErslrzr dr.iveway qrade final Itemr OAfi1O BLDG-Foati.nqs./5teel Iten : taAEEO BL.DG-For-rnclat inn/.$teel Item: @OEPO F'LAN-IL-C Si1:e F lan It em : ACIA3E BLD6-Ft'am i ng lA/LA/)A Insnectar: tjF Not es; main rtr"r-rctr-rr.al stee protected, :,r-rbrrrit pr' t'emovP tt'ap anij st*n all penetrations thr' f it'e blo*k al I wal ls shafi neerjs 5,/{3 x ro lA/3q/94 Inspector': D$ NoteE: LETT'ER REtiUIRIi:D STRT OF DOUBLE 5II[[I-ROCH Item: BSTO4O * * Not iln File * n Iten: 0AqtFAl BLDG-Insr-rlat ion l1l48/96 Inspector.: CF Notes: nain struetr-rr'a1 stel It em : fiOgt6ta BLDti-Sheetrcrck Nai I 11/e5/96 Inspeetcr': DS Item; EtOtltSO * * Not 0n Fi Le x * It em I AtaETtA ELDG-Mi Er. It em r Ettlatgo BLD6*Final Iten: OlAS3lA BLDti-Temp. tr/nIt en: OlA331 FI RE*TEIYIF,. C/i.l Item: qtelSSg F,hI-TEMP" tlt) It em: C1ft533 PLRN*TH|YIF . C/A Iten: 84337 F,LftN-FINAL" T,lfr Item: 0BSSA FIRE*FINRL C,/il ltenr tZttZrs3g Ft^,-FINAL filO Itemr 00t544 FLDG-FinaI C/fi Ar:t i on : AF trtl AF F RIIVFt) I & r:oluinns i* r'eqr-r i t'ed to be one lro cposal on hcrw this wr.lt he aconrplish d lripe f r"sm inter"ior wall u f loot- and eonridcr r*al l s t-t$i be f and cei I i.rrgs and conrealed spacee c.k and fire tanecj ACt i ON : ffF,F'R AF.F'ROVED IN6 I^IILL RBCP. I-JONL F,Hlf4ARY STEE;T" IhIL Action: AF:'trR finish vaBor bai't'i er I protected Fer' aHreernent with b, o, Actionr AFFR AFFnOUEII r_t e REPT 137 TNWN AF VAILN EBLORADO PAGE AREAI CDA8leg/i? OBrOB RFOUESTS FOR INSF,E{-'TION IIORK SHEETS FflRt 8/:39/97 - - ---- -:=========-= === ===== = Act ivity: M96-8F43 A/!9/97 Type I B*MECH Statr.rE I I$SUED Constnr AAtrT Address r Loeat.ion**SAIL*6AT€WnY pLf'lZf; CUNE66 {*S trarcel : 31O1-tZlBP-64*UIO5Descriptionl INTERIOR RE:MODELApplicant: trOLORADO PLUMI{ING SERUICE, INC. Owner; VAIL APTS IN{:Contractorr COLORADtr F,LUMBING SERVICET INC. Ecc: Use: Frhone: 38394598t2t9 Fhane I F,hone: 3tZt39459BOB Inspeet i on Request Infor.mation.... Requestorr LARRY/J.L. VIELE Req Tiner Ol:OO CommentE: AFTERItene requested to be Inspected".. OO39O fttECH*Final F,hone: 47 l_rIrBSB 3F,M Art i on Comment g Time Exp Inspect ion It,etr History.,,,. OOEAA MECH*Rough l@/ L7 /96 Inspeet or-: CFNotes: MECH R0UM l{AY NEED TD trOe40 trLMB-Gas' triping 80310 ltlEcH-Heat ingg 0O3AO MECH*Exharrst Hoods 0O33O FIECH-Bupply fiir- OO34O MECH-Mise. 00396 MEtrH-Final 60538 FIRE-FINAL C/O Act i on : AFtrR AF'F ROUED BE SF.RINKLERED Iten l Iten r Iten l ltem r - Itenl rgh, Iten r :,,i, Itemt F!AGE AREAI CD Act iv'ity: tr96-til06a A/'e9/97 Type I B-F,LltlB l'btat'rs: I55UED Constrr: AAF,T Addr.ers l Location r Far ceI l Descrii pt i on : Appl icant r Owner: Contract or: VATL GATEKJAY F.L.AZA CBNDT]S *5 elol-a8e*64-oaF INTERIOR REMODEL COLORADO PLUMBIN6 SERVICE VAIL AF'TS INC CT]LORADT] PLUMBIN6 SERVICE Oec: Use: F h on e : 97O94598O8 Fhone: F,hone r 97O9459SO9 ', .t ,REFT1SI Ttlr^JN OF VRIL.! COLORfrDB Ag/e9/97 OBr08 REAUESTS FOR 1NSFECTION NORK'SHg€.rS FORt 8/u9/\7 ===== ===i=titaiii=-====*=e== ==*= = Inspect i on Request Informat i on. . . . . Reqr1s5tr orr LARRY,zR. Q. NELSON Req Tiner @1:0O ComnentEr AFTERItens requested to be lnspectc"d... Otae90 trLFlB-Final trhone: 471-tI833 3F.Mo"/ifldp?ir'm'.Ti me Exp In:pbction History.... "Iten : AOeIA FLlr'lB-Under.gr.or-rnd Itea r 6OeeO trLl{B*Rough/D. tt, U. @6/19/96 Inspeetor: EF @8/eAl96 I nspect or' : DS Iten r O0ESA trLFlB-Ror-tgh/t^lat er &6/t9/96 Inepectot': CF A8/gS196 Inspector': DSItrnl 06e46 FLlvlF-Gas F,ipingItem: AOe50 FLMB-Fool,/Hot Tub It in ! Q9ebg F|LMB-Mi ec.Itelt OgggCI trLltlB-Final ItOmI OO538 FIRE*FINAL C/O Action: RFFR Action: flPFR Action: Af--'trR ffct ion: AtrFR 5LFS. AIR THST 3F.SI BIZ'l.Fs. AIR TEST DOI{ESTIC F'RESSURE TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2138 lnvestigation> l,li t t cat l.--> TOTAL FEES-_> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit +: 896-0089 Job Address: Location...: Parcel No..: Project No.: APPLICANT WAGNER ELECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VAIL CONTRACTOR WAGNER ELECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995' VArr-, OWNER VAIL APTS INC * CHARLES R LIPCON, DescriPtion: INTERIOR REMODEL EtectricaL---) 630.m oRB Fee Phone: 3039495151 Phone: 3039496161 TOWER STE 2480, 2 SOUTH BISCAYNE BL Status...: ISSUED VAIL, GArEwAv PLAZA CoNDoSAppIigd"' 92/,\1/,\2292101-082-64-005 Issued"'r O5/.3o/.t9eb PRJ96-0077 ExPires": LL/26/1996 co 816s8 co 81658 BISCAYNE Valuation:35,000.00 Total catcutated Fees---> 63]-00 .00 3.00 533.00 Additional Fees---------> Total Per[it Fee------> Paynrnts------- BALANCE DUE--_- .00 633.00 633. m .00 Item: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT - Pept: BUILDING Division: 65716/irtii-cttAnl,iE Action: APPR FOR ERNST G *****r****f*rffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL ********r****** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknoHtedgc that t have read this appticatjon, fil.Led out in futt the information required, conPteted.an pt"n, "ia "t"t. tfrit "tt the infornration proviOea as required is correct. I agree to Gonp I'y vith the infoPmation i;;;tt,itt "tt Tohln ordinances and state tavs, and io buitd this structure according to the ToHn' s zoning and codesr'disign rcvicv approvcd, Uniform Buitding Coda and other ordinanc.s of thc fovn apnticj\e thcreto' AT OUR OFF accuratc Ptot and ptot Ptan, subdivision REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY IELEPHOIE AT HI}TSELF AND OI.INER ,::::i,P"r1;i oF vA* coNsrRucrrt tact Eagle County 970-328-8640 for#:2-tg PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORMD^rE, 5.lftlq0 -, APPLICATION MUST BE I'ILL,ED oUI cotiPLETELy oR IT uAy NoT BE AccEpTEDU f,****************t************ PERtlff fNAORUATfON ****!r*********************i** -[f,]-ButIdtng[yJ-P1unbin9u.]-E1ectrica1g/1-r,reehaniba1trq$F; Job Name: Legal Descriptions rc# etuci_ -rtfrnt- ,rr"r"rrr._, owners Narne: q Address: tri+: Architect:S"rwev sq*sr Prcr\ Address:Prltc.'\3z3A vA\[r^ s[6{ prr.&i]-*J_ ceneral Description: It,work crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t r-Aalclitionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Aceomrnodation Units: PERI'IIT # Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *****************************a** BUTLDING PERMTT F8E: PLI'!{BTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERIIIIT FEE: EI.,ECTRTCAL FEE: OjrHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFICE USE ***** ***************** *** ****** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK F'EE: PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:}IECHANICAL PUA,N CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI'IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNATIIRE: It,EArr lrP DEPOSTT REFI|I{D trO:[-.A- utdsrq S A&{oL,OOLo 13+6r ^{r<ll, ',Al rrr-r fO r., n-<f irr u,a4 ? H f. P I'Dtaq"rr* s4oo 'Avou- f rr. $toZO I o R.A. NELSON o &essoctATEs, lNc. October 30, 1996 Dan Stamick . Town of Vail Bldg. Dept. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Gdteway unit #5 - Fire Protected Steel Dear Dan, In reference to our walk thru of Gateway unit.#5 on 10/29196. All eteel an'd columns will be:' A. Wrapped with 2" mineralwool S;A.B., Fire Attenuation Blanket tor 1 112 hour rating or- B. Wrapped. with a double layer-of 5/g"'sheetrock. This should address any concerns you may have for the fire rating Please call me with any questions. rN?70-949-4379 major structural of this structure. '' PO. Drarer 5400 ,Avon, Colorodo 81620 .970-949-5152a Hydraulics Summary All-State Flre Protection, lnc. 6045 E. 76th Ave, #12 Commerce Gity, GO 80022 (303)288-3901 S heet Designer: Qolc By: Dote: F.P. / 0.K. F. P. ,/ D. K. 10-22-96 System Information _Hydraulics Design Criteria_ System Type: tJet Density: Lz Gpi4/ Remote Areo: 4 AS Sprinkler Coveroge: 2O, x2O' Design Stondord: NFPA 13R, 1994 ed. Hozord: (NA) Figure: (NA) Curve: (NA) Sprlnklers / Nozzles_ Monufocturer; Cent.al Model: Residential Optima Concea I ed size: 7/L6't 0rifice - 1/2" NPT K-Foctor: q.2 Temp. Roting: 160 degnees F Project Information Gateway Plaza Unlt 5 12 South Froniage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Controct No: 96047 Building: Unlt S System lD: Remote Anea Ref. Drowing No: FP - t ol 2 Construction: Combustible Occuponcy: Residential 7a *1 Authority: Uai I Fine Pnevention Hydraulics Information Demand... Spr Req'd Pres: Spr Req'd Flow: Add'l Flows: Hose of Srce: Totol Flow: Totol Pres: Stotic Elev: Supply... Dote: By: Water Flow Test Stotic: 100.00 pS t Residuol: 80.00 PSI Qty Flowing: 3000.00 GpM Elevotion: 0.00 Ft 62.90 PSI 76.06 GPM 100.00 GPM O.OO GPM 176.06 GPM 64.29 PSI 0.00 Ft Time: (NA) PSI (NA) PSI (NA) GPM 176.06 GPM 4LO2.67 GPH Pump Data Roted: 0.0 PSIe 0.0 GPM Boost Pres: (NA) PSI Dischorge Pres: (NA) PSI Dischorge Flow: (NA) GPM Combined Stotic: Residuol: Qty Flowing: Avallable... P) ss.se Psre F) 64.29 Psre Margin... Pressure: 35.60 PSI Flow: 3926.61 GPM Dynomics Corporotion 770O Summory Sheet =oo- efoop4 Remote Area #1 System Demand.. Spnink ler Demend 62.90 Additional Flows Hose et Sounce Total Demand 64.29 PSI e 76.08 100.00 0.00 PSI e 176.06 GPM GPM GPM 6PM Water Supply..Static 100.00 PSI Residual 80.00 PSI e 3OO0.0O GPMElevation 0.0O PSI 6lgme Dynamlc! Corporetlon 7700 Supply , Donrnd Oraph Margln Pnessune 35.60 PSIFlow 3926.61 6PM n a-l-- 350 Wator Flo\^r(GpM) . .SIIBMITTAL SERIAL NO:23801IY1 10-22-L996 PAGE 1 Remote Area #1 Gateway Plaza unit 5 12 South Frontage Road VaiI , CoLorado 8165? Al-l-StaEe Fire Protection, Inc. 5045 E. 76trlr Ave, #12 Cormerce City, CO 80022 (303) 288-3901 FIJOW TEST RESULTS I{ater SupplySTATIC 1OO.OO PSIRESIDUAL 8O.OO PSI @ 3OOO.OO GPM CITY PRESSURE AVAII.ABLE AT 175.1 GPM 99.89 PSI ST'MI{ARY OF SPRINKLER OIITFLOWS ACTUAI., MINIMT]MSPR FLOW FI,OW K-FACTOR PRESSI'RE 101 17 .00 17.00 4.20 1_5 .38L02 20.48 17 .00 4.20 23 .78103 L9 .49 17.00 4.20 2L.53104 r_9 .09 17 .00 4.20 20 .66 TOtrAIJ VIATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 76.05 GPM OI'TPI,OWS AT 20 1OO.OO GPM TOTAL !{ATER REQUTREMETiTT 175.06 cpM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O 54.29 PSI !4N(IMI'M PRESST'RE I'NBALANCE IN IJOOPS O. OO PSI II'IA:(IMUM VEI.,OCITY FROM 52 TO 53 13.25 FPS ST BMITTAI SERIAL NO: 2380HY1- Remote Area #1 GaEeway Plaza Unit 512 South Frontage RoadVail , Colorado 81657 LO-22-L995 PAGE 2 Pipe Fittings Equiv FricLion PressureSize & Length Loss SumnaryIN Devices Ft PSI/FI. PSI 0.811 L 0.33 C=150 PT 15.38 (101) F=E F 3 .00 PE -0 .14DR T 3.33 0-2232PF O.74 0.8L1 L 14.00 C=150 PT L5.98 ( 54)F=T,E F 7.50 PE 0.00BN1 T 21_.50 0.2232 PF 4.80 PT 2L.79 ( s3) Location From To 54 101 Flowin GPM 0 17.00 o l-7.00 5453 55 103 57 LO4 o 57 o s3DQ o 19 .09 r_9 .09 17 .00 35 .09 0 .8L1 DR 0.811 BN1 1.055 BN2 0.811 DR 0 .811 BN1. 0.811 DR 1.05s BN2 2 .009 FM5 F=E F=0 F=T, E F=E F=T, E F=T F=T PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF IJ F T 56 55 53 52 50 51 Tt F T L F T L F T L F T t F T L F T L F T 0 .33 3 .00 3 .33 L.25 0.00 L.25 5 .75 10 .50 15 .35 0 .33 3 .00 3 .33 4 .50 7 .50 12 .00 C=150 o.2766 C=150 o.2755 C=150 o.2496 C=150 o.2874 C=150 o.2874 0 .33 C=l-50 4 .504.83 0.31s1 3.75 C=l-50 7 .60 11 .3s 0.0875 5.75 C=150 15 .20 20 .9s 0 .003s 20.66 (104) -0.14 0 .92 2t.44 ( 57) 0 .00 0 .35 2j..79 ( 53) 0 .00 4.08 2s.87 ( SZ1 21_.s3 (103) -0-14 0 .95 22.3s ( s6) 0 .00 3.452s.80 ( 50) 23,78 (X02) -0.14 L.52 25.L5 ( ss) 0 .00 0 .9926.t5 ( s1) 2s.79 ( 50) 0 .00 0 .07 t9.49 19 .49 55 102 20.48 20.48 52 50 L9.49 F=28 Location From To FIowin GPM SUBMITIAL SERIAI NO: 23801IY1 Remote Area #1 Gateway Plaza Unit, 512 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L657 to-22-t995 PAGE 3 Pipe Fittings Equi-v Friction PressureSize & Irength Loss SununaryIN Devices FT PSI/FE PSI 2.009 L 12.08 C=150 PT 2s-86 ( 52)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00FM5 T 12.08 0.0241 PF O.29 2.OOg L 5.7s C=150 PT 26.t5 ( 51)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00FM4 T 5-75 0.0431 PF 0-25 2.009 L t2.25 C=150 PT 26.40 ( 27)F=E F 7.60 PE 0.00FM3 T 19.85 0.0431 PF 0.85 2 .009 L I .75 C=150 PT 27 .25 ( 261F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00FM3 T 8.75 0.0431 PF 0.38 2.009 L L2.92 C=150 PT 27.64 ( 25)F=28 F 15.20 PE 0.00FM3 T 28 .L2 0 .0431 PF L.zL 2.423 t 52.50 C=150 PT 28.85 ( 24) F=T,2E F 35.00 PE 0.00FM3 T 88.50 0.0173 PF 1.53 3.260 L 4.s8 C=120 PT 30.38 ( 23)F=0 F 0 .00 PE 0.00FM3 T 4.58 0.0062 PF 0.03 4.260 L 10.17 C=L20 PT 30.41 ( 22) F=2E,BV F 25.60 PE 0.00FM3 T 35.77 0.0017 PF 0.06 4.250 - L 10.?5 C=120 PT 30.47 ( 2t)F=0 F 0.00 PE 4.65FR3 T 10.75 0.00r-7 PF 0.02 4.260 L 35.08 C=120 PT 35.15 ( 20)F=0 F 0.00 PE 15.53FR2 T 35.08 0.0079 PF 0.29 4.260 t 12.83 C=120 PT 51.07 ( 13) F=E/E,T F 29.60 PE 0.00FM1 T 42.43 0.0079 PF 0.34 27 26 25 24 23 22 2L 26 25 24 23 22 2L 20 s]_ 52DQ 35 .09o 5s.s8 27 s].DQ 20.48 o 76.06 a 76.06 a 76.06 a 76.06 a 76.06 o 76.06 o 76.O5 a 76.06 13 20DQ 100.00 a L75.O5 13 a L76.06 10 SUBMITTAT SERIAL NO:2380HY1 Remotse Area #1 GaEeway Pl-aza Unit 512 South Front,age RoadVaiL, Colorado 81657 LO-22-t995 PAGE 4 Flow Pipe Fit,tings Equiv Friction pressure in Size & tengEh l-,oss SwrunaryGPM IN Devices Ft PSI/Ft. PSI 4.260 L 6.67 C=120 PT 51.41 ( 10)176.06 F=T,BV F 28.00 PE 2.89FR1 T 34.57 0.0079 PF O.27 4.260 L 1.08 C=120 PT 54.57 ( 7) 176 .05 F=0 F 0 .00 PE 0. O0MA T 1.08 0.0079 PF 0.01 4.260 L 0.95 C=120 PT 54.58 ( 5)L76,06 F=E,DCA F 6.80 PE 0.00MA T 7 .75 0.0079 PF 0 .05 4tr Ames Mod. 2000ss - Double Check Valve Assembly 12.0012 psi l-oss allowed for existing conditions 4.260 t 7 .25 C=120 PT 66.64 ( 5) L75 .06 F=E F 5 .80 PE -3 .14MA T 14.05 0.0079 PF 0.11 4.260 L 17.00 C=120 PT 63.51 ( 4)X76.06 F=E F 5.80 PE 0.00MA T 23.80 0.0079 PF 0.19 4.250 L 42.00 C=120 PT 53.80 ( 3)175.06 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00rvtA T 42 -00 0 .0079 PF 0.33 4.155 I., 18.00 C=140 PT 54.13 ( 2)Ll6.O5 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00ItN2 T 18 .00 0 .0057 PF 0 .12 6 .275 L 10.00 C=140 PT 64.25 ( 1)L76.06 F=T,2GV F 48.00 PE 0.00UN1 . T s8.00 0.0009 PF 0.05 PT 54.30 ( 0) Location Frorn To 710 a a EXISTING COMMEI.IT: 45 a 4 1 Hydraulics Summary All-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E. 76th Ave, #12 Commerce City, CO 80022 (303)288-3e01 S heet Designer: Colc By: Dote: F. P. ,/ 0. K. F.P. ,/ 0.K. LO-22-96 System Information _Hydraulics Design Crlteria_ System Type: t^tet Density: Lz GpM/ Remote Areo: 4 AS Sprinkler Coveroge: 2e' xZO' Design Stondord: NFPA 13R, 1994 ed. Hozord: (NA) Figure: (NA) Curve: (NA) _Sprinklers / Nozzles_ Monufocturer: Centra I Model: Residential Optima Conceeled Size: 7/16r, orif ice - !/2r NpT K-Foctor: 1.2 Temp, Roting: 160 degnees F Project Information Gateway Plaza Unlt 5 12 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Controct No: Building: System lD: Rel. Drowing No: Construction: Occuponcy: 96047 Unit 5 Remote Area $2 FP-2o1 2 Combustible Res identi al Authority: Uai I Fire Prevention Hydraulics Information Demand... Spr Req'd Pres: 72.35 pSI Spr Req'd Flow: 70.85 GPM Add'l Flows: 100.00 GpM Hose of Srce: 0.00 GPM Totol Flow: 170.95 GpM Totol Pres: 73.69 pSI Stotic Elev: 0.00 Ft Supply... Yllater Flow Test Stotic: 100.00 pSI Residuol: 80.00 pSI Qty Flowing: 3000.00 GpM Elevotion: 0.00 Ft Dote: Time: By: Pump Data Roted: 0.0 PSle 0.0 GPM Boost Pres: (NA) pSI Oischorge Pres: (NA) PSI Dischorge flow: (NA) GPM Comblned Stotic: Residuol: Qty Flowing: Available... P) s9.so Psre F) 73.69 PSre (NA) PSI (NA) PSI (NA) GPM 170.85 GPM 3478.53 GPM Margin... Pressure; 26.21 PSI Flow: 3307.69 GPM -.Ao- efoo eo- Remote Area #2 System Demand.. Spnink len Demand 72.3E PSI Additional Flous Hose at Sounce Total Oenanct 73.69 PSI e 70.85 100.00 o. o0 e 170.85 GPM GPM GPM GPM Water Supply.. Static 10O.00 PSI ReEidual 80.O0 PSI e 3000.00 GPM Elevation 0.OO PSI Slgma Dynamlc! Corporallon 7700 guFply / D.nend Orrph Margln Pnessune 26.21 PSIFlow 3307.68 GPM oS6 WaterFlon(GPM) SIIB!,IITTAL SERIAL NO:2380IIY1 t0-22-L996 PAGE 1. .RemoEe Area #2 Gateway Plaza Unit 512 SouEh Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8165? Al1-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E. 76th Ave, #12 Conunerce City, CO 80022 (303) 288-390L FIOW TEST RESULTS Water SupplySTATIC 1OO.OO PSIRESIDUAIJ 8O.OO PSI @ 3OOO.OO GPM CIIY PRBSSI'RE AVAILABI,E AT 1?0.9 GPM 99.90 PSI SI,MMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAIJ MINIMTIMSPR FI,OW FLOW K-FAqIPR PRESSI'RE 20L X.8 .15 17.00 4 .20 18 .58203 18 .l_8 17 . 00 4 ,20 L8 .75204 17.00 17.00 4.20 16.38205 Lt .52 17 .00 4 .20 17 .39 TOTAL WATER REOUIRED FOR SYSTEM ?0.85 GPM OI'TFIOWS AT 20 1OO. OO GPM TOTAI, TIATER REOUIREMENT 170.85 GPM PRESST'RE REQUIRED AT O 73.59 PSI MAXIMT'M PRESSURE I'NBAI,AI{CE IN LOOPS O.OO PSI MAT(IMI'M VEI.,OCITY FROM 33 TO 44 12.91 FPS SIIBMITTAI SERTAL NO:2380iIY1 Remote Area #2 GaEeway Plaza Unit 512 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8165? Location Fl"owin From To GPM 45 204 o 17.00 0 17.00 46 205 LO-22-L996 PAGE 2 Pipe Fittings Equiv Frict,ion pressure Size & l,ength l-,oss SununaryIN Devices Ft PSI/Ft PSr 0.81L L 0.50 C=150 PT L6.38 (204)F=E F 3.00 PE -O .22DR T 3.50 0.2232 PF 0.78 0.81L L 9.7s C=150 PT t6.94 ( 45)F=E F 3 .00 PE 0.00BNI_ T ]-2.75 0.2232 PF 2.85PT L9.79 ( 44) 4544 4634 3433 t7 .52 L7 .52 L7 .52 0.811 DR 0 .811 BN1 2 .009 NC 0 .8L1 DR 1 .0s5 BN2 2 .009 NC 0 .811 DR 0 .81r- BN1 l_.055 BN2 F=E F=T, E F=0 F=T F=T F=0 F=E F=0 0.s0 3 .00 3.s0 L2.50 7.50 20 .00 5 .00 0 .00 5 .00 0 .50 4.s0 s .00 4.75 7 .60 12 .35 s .00 0 .00 s .00 0.s0 3 .00 3.s0 6.00 0 .00 6 .00 7 .25 2t.20 28.45 C=150 0 .23s9 C=L50 0 .2359 C=150 0 .0028 C=150 o.2529 C=150 0,2382 C=l50 0 .0218 C=150 o.2s20 C=150 o.2520 C=150 0 .0700 IJ F T L F T L F- T PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF t7 .39 (20s) -0.22 0 .83 18.00 ( 45) 0 .00 4.72 22.72 ( 34) 0 .00 0.01 22.73 ( 33) L8.75 (203) -o.22 1.26 19.79 ( 44) 0 .00 2.94 22.73 ( 33) 0 .00 0 .11 22.84 ( 32) 18.68 (201) -o.22 0 .88 19.34 ( 41) 0 .00 1 .51 20 .8s ( 42') 0.00 1 .99 44 203 a 44DO o 33DQ o 33 32 18 .18 17.00 35 .18 L7.52 52.70 L F T L F T L F T 41 201 L F T L F T L F T 4142 a 18.15 o 18.1s 32 42 o 18.15 F=T,2E/T SITBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2380r{y1 r O-22-tgg6 PAGE 3Remote Area #2 Gateway plaza Unit, 5 X2 South Frontage RoadVail , Colorado g1G5Z Location Flow pipe Fitt.ings Equiv Friction pressurein Sj.ze & Length Loss SunrnaryFrOM TO GPM IN DCViCCS Ft PSI/FT PSI 31 32D0 52.70 2.009 L 57.83 C=150 pT 22.84 ( 32)o 70.85 F=E,GV,2E/gI ,T,28 E 70.7O pE O.O0NC T 138.53 0.0378 PF 5.24 30 31 2 .009 t L3 .92 C=j_50 pT 28 . OB ( 31)O 70.85 F=E F 7.60 pE 6.03FR4 T 21.52 0.0378 PF 0.81 50 30 2-009 L O-SO C=150 pT 34.92 ( 30)a 70.85 F=0 F O. OO PE O.O0FM7 T 0.50 0.0378 PF 0.02 52 50 2.009 L S.7S C=150 pT 34.94 ( 50)O 70.85 F=28 F 15.20 PE 0.OOFM6 T 20.95 0.0378 PF 0.79 51 52 2.009 L t2.08 C=150 pT 35.73 ( s2)0 70.85 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00FMs T L2.08 0.0378 PF 0.46 27 51 2.009 L 5.75 C=150 pT 3G.Lg ( 51)o 70.85 F=0 F 0.00 PE o.ooFM4 T 5 .75 0.0378 PF 0 .22 26 27 2.009 L L2.25 C=L50 pT 35_41 ( 27)o 70.8s F=E F 7.60 PE O.0OFM3 T 19.85 0.0378 PF 0.75 25 25 2.009 L g.7S C=150 pT 3i.L6 ( 26)0 70.85 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.ooFM3 T 8.75 0.0378 PF 0.33 24 25 2.009 L L2.92 C=150 pT 37.49 ( 25)o 70 .8s F=28 - F l_s .20 PE O .00FM3 T 28.t2 0.0378 PF 1.06 23 24 2 .423 L 52 .50 C=150 pT 38 .55 ( 24')a 70.85 F=T,28 F 36.00 PE O.OOFM3 T 88.50 0.0152 PF 1.35 22 23 3.250 L 4.59 C=120 pT 39.90 ( 23)o 70.85 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00FM3 T 4.58 0.0054 PF 0.02 3 SIIBMITTAL SERIAI NO: 2380HY1 LQ-22-L995 PAGE 4Remote Area #2 Gateway Plaza Unit 512 SouEh Frontage RoadVail , Colorado 81552 Location Flow Pipe Fit.tings Equiv Frict.ion pressurein Size & f-,ength Loss SurnnaryFrom To GPM IN Devices FE pSI/Ft pSI 2t 22 4.260 L tO.L1 C=120 PT 39 .92 ( 22)O 70.85 F=2E,BV F 25.60 PE 0.00FM3 T 35.77 0.0015 PF 0.05 20 2t 4-260 L, 1O.?5 C=120 PT 39.97 ( 21)o 70.85 F=0 F 0.00 PE 4 -66FR3 T 1_0 .7s 0.0015 PF 0.02 13 20DQ 100.00 4.260 L 35.08 C=120 pT 44.65 ( 20)a 170.85 F=0 F 0 - 00 PE 15.63FR2 T 36.08 0.0075 PF 0.27 10 13 4.260 L L2.83 C=120 PT 50.55 ( 13)0 l-70.85 F=E/E,T F 29.60 PE 0.00FM1 T 42.43 0.0075 PF O.32 7 LO 4.260 L 6.57 C=120 PT 60.87 ( 10)o 170.85 F=T,BV F 28.00 PE 2.89FR1 T 34.67 0.0075 PF O .26 6 7 4.260 L 1.08 C=120 PT 54.02 ( 7)o 170.85 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00MA T 1.08 0.0075 PF 0.01 s 6 4.260 t 0.96 C=120 PT 54.03 ( 5)a 170.85 F=E,DCA F 6.80 PE 0.00MA T 7.76 0.0075 PF 0.05 EXISTING 4n Ames Mod. 2000ss - Double Check Valve Assembly 12.00 COMMENT: 12 psi loss al-l-owed for exisE,ing conditions 4 5 4.260 L 7 .25 C=120 PT 76-09 ( 5)o 170.85 F=E F 6.80 PE -3 .l-4MA , T 14.05 0.0075 PF 0.11 3 4 4.260 L 17.00 C=120 PT 73.05 ( 4)o 170.85 F=E F 5.80 PE 0 -00MA T 23.80 0.0075 PF 0.18 2 3 4,260 L 42.OO C=120 PT 73.24 ( 3)o L70.8s F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00MA T 42.00 0.0075 PF 0.31 L 2 4 .155 L 1-8 .00 C=140 PT 73 .55 ( 2'to 170.85 F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00tN2 T 18.00 0.0053 PF 0.11 ...-f.'- SUBUfITAIJ SERTAL I{O:2380IIY1 lO-?Z-tggG pAeE 5R€mote .Ar€a *2 Gateway P1aza Units 512 Sglrth Frontage Roadvail, CoLorado 81657 Irocatlon Florv Pipe FitLings Equiv Frict,ion pressurein Size & LengEh Loss SunanaryFrstr To GpM IN Devices Ft psl/Ft. psl 0 1 6.275 L, L0.00 C=140 PT 73.66 ( 1)o 170.85 F:T,2GV F 48.00 PE O.OOnN]. T 58.00 0.0009 PF 0.05 PT 73.7L ( 0l Hydraulics Summary All-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E.76th Ave, #12 Commerce City, CO 50022 (303)2SS-3e01 S heet Designer: Colc By: Dote: F.P. / O.K. F.P. / O.K. 8-27-96 Sigmo Dynomics Corporotion 7700 Summory Sheet 77a/,6.2t|Jrc6T t-{1- 111#olqBsT Project Information Gateway Plaza q'rt s 12 sourh FronrasJHtll Vail, Goldrado 81657 Construction: Occuponcy: Authority: Uai I Fine prevention Controct No: Building: System lD: i3?i1$,' f,6m[rJ5{igts*hltJ|.\ Res i dent i al Hydraulics Information Spr Req'd Pres: 75.48 PSI Spr Req'd Flow: 76.62 GPM Add'l Flows: 100.00 cpM ose of Srce: 0.00 GPM Totol Flow: 176.62 GPM Totol Pres: 76.88 PSI Stotic Elev: 0.00 Ft Supply-.. Water Flow Test Stotic: 100.00 PSI Residuol: 80.00 PSI Qty Flowing: 3000.00 GPM Elevotion: 0.00 Ft _Pump Data_ Roted: 0.0 PSIQ 0.0 GPM Boost Pres: (NA) PSI Dischorge Pres: (NA) PSI Dischorge Flow: (NA) GPM -Combined_ Stotic: Residuol: Qty Flowing: Available... P) ss.8s Psre F) ze.ea esre (NA) PSI (NA) PSI (NA) GPM 176.62 GPl{ 3244.32 GPM Margin... Pressure: 23.01 PSI Flow: 3067.70 GpM System lnformation _Hydraulics Design Criteria System Type: uet Density: tZ GpWseerN(LER. Remote Areo: 4 AS Sprinkler Coveroge: ZO' xZO' Design Stondord: NFPA 13R, 1994 ed. Hozord: (NA) Figure: (NA) Curve; (NA) _Sprinklers / Nozzles_ Monufocturer: Centnal Model: Residential Optima Concealed --,":l';, 11i':",::":":dFffi Temp. Roting: t60 ff, _SFp ;, ,ssa !?wn =.A.L et.| .Apa Remote Area #1 System Demand.. Sprink len Oemand 75.48 PSI Additional Flows Hose at Sounce Total Demand 76. BB PSI e. 76.62 100.00 0. o0 e 176.62 GPM GPM GPM GPM Water Supply..Static 100.00 PSI Residual 80.00 PSI e 3000.0O GPM Elevation 0.O0 PSt , ., Slgme.Dynemlcs Corporellon. 7700 Supply , Demend Graph o blo-r- Water Flor (GPM) t SUBMITTAL, SERIAL *O,rttry:. RemoEe Area #1 Gateway P1aza Unit, 512 South FronE,age RoadVail , Colorado 81-657 All-StaEe Fire ProtecEion, Inc. 6045 E. 76th Ave, #12 Conmerce City, CO 80022 (303) 288-3901- FTOTI TEST RESULTS Water SupplySTATIC 1.OO. OO PSIRESIDSAL 8O.OO PSI CITY PRESSURE AVAII.,ABLE 08-25-1996 PAGE 1 @ 3000.00 GPM AT 176.6 GPM . 99.89 PSr SUMMARY ACTUAI, SPR FLOW OF SPRINKLER OI'TFIOWS MINIMWFLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE 101 LO2 103 LO4 17 .00 22.95 18 .39 18 .28 17 .00 L7 .00 17 .00 17 .00 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 16 .38 29.87 L9.L7 18 .94 75.62 GPM 100.00 GPM L76.62 GPM 75.88 PSr TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTFLOWS AT 20 TOTAI, WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSI,RE REOUIRED AT O !4ATIMT'M PRESSURE T'NBALANCE TN LOOPS O.OO PSI I,TAI(IMT'M VELOCITY FROM 27 TO 5]. 28.12 FPS SUBMITTAIJ SERIAL NO:2380HY1 Remote Area #t GaEeway Plaza Unit 512 South Frontage RoadVail , CoLorado 8l-657 08-25-1996 PAGE 2 Location From To 54 101 a FiEEings & Devices F=T F=E F=E F=T F=0 F=E F=0 E=o/T F=E F=T Equiv Length FL L 0.33F 4.50T 4.83 t 14.00F 3.00T L7 .O0 L F T L F T L F T ! F T L F T L F T L F T EricCion Loss PSI/FT C=150 0.2232 C=150 0.2232 Pressure Sununary PSI l-6 .38 -0.14 1 .08 1-7 .32 0 .00 3 -792t.tt Flow Pipein SizeGPM IN 0.81_1 r.7 .00 DR. 53 54 0.8110 17.00 BN1 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF L F T L F T 53 52 52 51 51 ( 101) ( 54) ( s3) 57 104 o 57 o s3DQ a 18 .28 1_8.28 17 .00 35 -28 0 .811 DR 0 .8Lr_ BN1 1.055 BN2 0 .811 DR 0 .81L BN1 1 .055 NC2 0 .81_1 DR 1 .055 BN2 1 .055 NC1 56 1_03 a 56 a 52DQ o 0 .33 C=j_50 3 .00 3 .33 0 .2553 t.25 C=150 4 .50 5 .75 0 .25s3 3.75 C=150 0 .00 3 .75 0 .2393 0.33 C=150 3 .00 3 .33 0 .258r. 8.25 C=150 0 .00 I .25 0 .2581 12.08 C=150 7 .60 19 .58 0 .5201 0.33 C=150 3 .00 3 .33 0 .3890 3.75 C=150 7 -60 1r_ .35 0 .1081 7 .7s C=150 0 .00 7 .75 1_ .0049 18.94 (104) -0.14 0 .8s 19.55 ( 57) 0 .00 L -47 2t.t2 t s3) 0-00 0 .90 22.A2 ( s2) 19.17 (103) -0. L4 0 .86 19.89 ( s6) 0 .00 2.L3 22.02 ( 52) 0 .00 ]-o.24 32-26 ( s1) 29.87 (102) -0.14 1.30 31.03 ( ss) 0 .00 t.23 32.26 ( s1) 0 .00 7 .79 r_8 .39 18 .39 35.28 53 .66 55 102 o 55 o slDQ o 22.95 22.95 53 .65 75.62 27 F=0 SITBMITTAL SERIAIJ NO: 2380HY1 Remote Area #1 Gateway Plaza Unit 512 South Front,age RoadVail , Colorado 81652 tocation Flolr Pipein Size FTom To GPM IN 26 27 2.009 o 76.62 25 26 2.009 - o 76.62 FM3 24 25 2.L57 a 76.62 FM3 23 24 2.635 o 75.62 FM3 22 23 3.260 o 76.62 FM3 2L 22 4.250 a 75.52 F!43 20 2L 4.260 o 76.62 F'R3 13 20DQ 100.00 4.260 o L76.62 FR2 10 13 4.260 a L76.62 FMl 7 10 4.260 0 L76.62 FR1 5 7 4.260a t75.52 MA 08-2s-1995 PAGE 3 Fittings & Devices F=E F=0 F=E F=T, E F=0 F=2E, BV F=0 F=0 F=E/E, T F=T, BV Eguiv tength FE 10 .25 7 .60 17.85 8.75 0 .00 8 .75 12 .58 3-50 15-08 42.08 15 .10 57 .18 4.58 o .00 4 .58 10 .17 25.60 35.77 10 .75 0.00 10 .75 35.08 0 .00 35 .08 L2.83 29.50 42.43 6.67 28 .00 34.67 1 .08 0 .00 1 .08 L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T t F T T .e T L F T L F T L F T L F T -FricLion PressureLoss SunrnaryPSI/FT PSI C=150 PT 40.0s ( 271PE 0.00 0 .0435 PF O . ?8 c=150 PT 40.83 { 26)PE 0.00 0.0435 PF 0.38 C=120 PT 4r..21 ( 25)PE 0.00 0.0456 PF 0.7s c=L20 PT 4l-95 ( 24',)PE 0.00 0.0176 PF r-.01 c=120 PT 42.97 ( 23)PE 0.00 0.0062 PF 0 .03 C=l-20 PT 43 .00 ( 22)PE 0.00 0.0017 PF 0.05 c=120 PT 43.06 ( 21)PE 4.66 0.0017 PF 0.02 C=l-20 PT 47 .74 ( 20)PE 15.63 0.0080 PF o .29 c=120 PT 53.65 t 13)PE 0.00 0.0080 PF 0.34 c=l-20 PT 54.00 ( 10)PE 2.89 0.0080 PF 0.28 C=120 PT 57 .t7 ( 7')PE 0.00 0.0080 PF 0.01 F=0 SUBMITTAT SERIAL NO : 2380HY1 Remoee Area #1 Gateway Plaza Unit 512 South Frontage RoadVaiI , Colorado 8165? 08-2s-1995 PAGE 4 Sumnary PSI Location From fo 55 Flow Pipe Fittings rqdiv Friction Pressurein GPM Size IN 4 -250 MA Lengeh FT d. Devices F=E,DCA I-rOSS PSr/Fr 0.95 C=120 'PT 67 .Lg 6 .80 PE O -00T 7.76' O.-OO80PF 0.05 t 7 .25 - C='120 PT 79.24 ( 5) 5 .80 PE -3.L4T 14.05 0.0080 PF 0.11 L 17.00 C=120 PT 76.21 ( 4) 5.80 PE 0.00T 23.80 0.0080 PF 0.19 L 42.00 C=120 PT 76.40 ( 3)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00T 42.O0 0.0080 PF 0.34 L 18.00 C=140 PT 76.?4 ( 2') F=0 0 .00 PE 0.00T 18.00 0.0058 PF 0.12 L 10.00 C=140 PT 76.86 ( 1) F=T,2GV F 48.00 PE 0.00 T 58.00 0.0009 PF 0.05 PT 75.91 ( 0) I, F EXISTING 4tr Ames Mod. 2000ss - Double Check Valve Assembly 1-2.00 COMMEIiIII: l-2 psi loss allowed for existing conditions a r75.52 45 o L76.62 23 o L76.62 a L76.62 L2 o L76.62 o L76.62 4.260 MA 4.260 MA 4.260 MA 4. r-55 I'N2 6.275 I]N1 F=E F=E Hydraulics All-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E. 76th Ave, #12 Commerce City, CO 80022 (s03)288-3901 System Information _Hydraulics Design Criteria_ System Type: ilet Density: 13.SGpM/spRrNKLrR Remote Areo: 4 AS Sprinkler Coveroge: 2O, x2O' Design Stondord: NFPA 13R, 1994 ed. Hozord: (NA) Figure: (NA) Curve: (NA) _Sprinklers / Nozzles_ Monufocturer: Centna I Model: LF Size: 3/9,, onif ice - 1/2" NpT K-Foctor:3.0 Temp. Roting: 1SS degnees F Summary S heet Designer: F.P. / D.K. Colc By: F.P. ,/ D.K. Dote: 8-27-96 Project Information Gateway Plaza Unit 5 12 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 81657 Controct No: 96047 Building: Unit S System lD: Remote Anea $2 Construction: Combustible-Ha* Occuponcy: Res idential Authority: Uai I Fine Prevention Hydraulics Information Demand...' Spr Req'd Pres: Spr Req'd Flow: Add'l Flows: Hobe of Srce: Totol Flow: Totol Pres: Stotic Elev: Supply... Water Flow Test_ Stotic: 100.00 PsI Residuol: 80.00 PSI Qty Flowing: 3000.00 GpM Elevotion: 0.00 Ft Dote: Time: Byt Pump Data Roted: 0.0 PSIe 0.0 cPM Boost Pres: (NA) psl Dischorge Pres: (NA) PSI Dischorge Flow: (NA) 6PM Gombined Stotic: Residuol: Qty Flowing: Available... P) 99.92 PSre F) 6s.s6 PSre 64.37 PSI 55.01 GPM 100.00 GPM O.OO GPM 1S5.01 GPH 65.56 PSI 0.00 Ft (NA) PSI (NA) PSI (NA) GPM 155.01 GPM 4023.15 GPM Margin... Pressure: 34.35 PSI Flow: 3868.14 GPM %;u4o4tJtz6.7 c.-vL tv#ot a3S? =oo- g =.'0 Eo. Remote Area #2 System Demand.. Spnink len Demend 64.37 PSI Additional FIows Hose at Source Total Demand 65.56 PSI e 55.01 100.00 o,00 e 155.01 GPM GPM GPM GPM Water Supply..Static 10O.OO PSI Residual 80.00 PSI e 3OO0.OO GPM Elevation 0.00 PSI Slgme Dynamlcs Corporallon ' 7700 Supply / D6m.nd Gr|ph o bto SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:238-0HY1- Refiote Area #2- Gateway PLaza Unit 5 l-2 SouCh Frontage RoadVaiL, Col-orado 81657 ALl-State Fire ProtecEion, Inc. 6045 E. 76th.Ave, #12 Codrnerce City, CO 80022- (303) 288-3901- FLOW TEST RESUIJTS 08-25-1996 PAGE 1 l{ater Supply' STATTC 100.00 PSrRESIDUAL 8O.OO PSI @ 3OOO.OO GPM CITY PRESST'RE AVAII,ABLE AT 155,0 GPM 99.92 PST SUMIVIARY OF SPRINKIJER OUTFIJOWS ACTUAL MINIMT'MSPR FI,OW FLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE 20r_ t3 .77 13 .50 3 .00 2]-.07202 13 .94 13 .50 3 .00 2L .59203 13.50 13.s0 3.00 20.25204 13 . 80 13 .50 3 .00 2t.L5 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED EOR SYSTEM 55.01 GPM OIITFI,OWS AT 20 1OO. OO GPM TOTAL IIATER REQUIREMENT 155.01 GPM PRESSURE REQUIRED AT 0 65.56 PSr I,IAXIMT'M PRESSURE I'NBALANCE IN TOOPS O.OO PSI IJTAXIMT]M VELOCITY FROM 47 TO 202 7.29 FPS SITBMITTAT SERIAL NO :2380HY1 Remote Area #2 Gateway Plaza UniE 512 South Frontage Roadvail , Colorado gLGsT 08-25-1995 PAGE 2 Frict.ion Prbssuretoss SunmaryPSI/FT PSI c=l_50 PT 20.25 (203) PE _'-O.220.0958 PF 0.72 c=150 PT 20.7s ( 41)PE 0.00 0.0317 PF 0.53PT 2L.28 ( 42) -L,ocatiOn From To 4t 203 :Q 42 4L a Flow Pipein SizeGPM IN 0 .884 r.3 .50 ...DR 1.l_09 r_3 .50 BN Fittings & Devices F=E F=E Equiv Length FT 0-50 7 .00 7 .50 9.75 7 .00 L6.75 L F T L F T 43 44 42 204 o 4zDQ a 43 o 44 a 13 .80 1-3 .50 27 -30 27 .30 27 .30 0.884 DR 1 .400 BN 1 .602 BN 2 .003 BN 0 .884 DR o .884 DR 1. r_09 BN l_.400 BN 1.602 BN L3.77 13 .94 27 .7L F=T F=E F=E F=0 F=T F=E F=0 F=0 0 .50 7 .00 7 .50 1.00 0 .00 1_.00 10 .00 0 .00 10 .00 4 .00 9 .00 13 .00 c=150 0 .0993 C=l-50 0.0329 C=l-50 0 .0106 C=150 0 .0200 T. F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T 0.50 C=150 3 .003.s0 0.0997 8.00 c=150 8 .00 r.5 .00 0 .037s 2 .83 C=1-50 9 .00 1r_ .83 0 .019s 6.00 C=150 0.006.00 0.0065 0.50 C=150 3-00 3 .50 0 .1016 PT - 2.1.15 (204\ .PE -0.22PF 0.35 PT 2L.28 ( 42',tPE 0.00PF 0.60 PT 2L-88 ( 43)PE 0.00PF 0.23 PT 22.1L ( 441 PE 0.00 PF 0.04PT 22.15 ( 45) 45 47 202 49 201 o 48 a 47DQ a 13.77 a L3.77 2t -s9 (202) -0.22 0 .36 21-.73 ( 47) 21-.07 (201) -0.22 0.74 2t.s9 ( 49) 0 .00 0 .03 2L.62 ( 48) 0 .00 0.L1 2L.73 ( +21 0 .00 o.26 PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF L F T L F T 4948 47 13 .94 46 F=E SITBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2380HY1 RemoEe Area #2 Gateway Plaza Unit 5 12 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 08-2s-l_995 PAGE 3 Locatiori From To 45 46 Flowin GPM 27 .7t 32 4sDQ 27.30o s5.01 o 55.01 a ss.01 o s5.01 a ss.01 o ss.01 a 5s-01- o ss.01 a 5s.01 Pipe FittingsSize &IN Devices 2 .003 F=E BN 2 .003 F=0/T NC 2.009 F=2F./T FM4 2.O09 F=E FR4 2 .009 F=T FM3 2 .009 F=E FM3 2-009 F=0 FM3 2.L57 F=E FM3 2.635 F=T, E FM3 3.260 F=0 FM3 4,250 F=2E, BV FM3 Equiv Friction Pressure Length Loss SunrnaryFT PSI/FT PSI 13.00 C=150 PT 2L.99 '( 45) '11.00 .PE 0.00 24 .00 0.0067 PF 0 .1-5 L4.25 C=150 Pr 22.L5 ( 45) 10 .00 PE 0.00 24 -25 0.0240 PF '0 . s8 4.42 C=l-50 PT 22.73 ( 32) 30 .30 PE 0.0034.72 0.0235 PF 0.82 L3.92 C=150 PT 23.55 ( 31) 7 .60 PE 5.03 2L.52 0.0235 PF 0.51 t.zs c=150 PT 30.09 ( 28) l_5 . r.0 PE 0 .00 15.35 0.0236 pF 0.39 10 .25 C=150 PT 30 .48 ( 27) 7 .60 PE 0.00 17.85 0.0236 PF 0 .42 8.7s C=150 PT 30.90 ( 26) 0.00 PE 0.008.75 0.0236 PF 0.2L L2.58 C=120 PT 3L.11 ( 25) 3 .50 PE 0 .00 15.08 0.0253 PF 0.41 42.09 C=120 PT 31.52 ( 24) ls .10 PE 0.00 s7 .18 0 .0095 PF 0.54 4.58 C=LZQ PT 32.06 ( 23) 0 .00 PE 0.00 4 . s8 0.0034 PF O .O2 10.17 C=120 PT 32.08 ( 22) 25.60 PE 0.00 35.77 0-0009 PF 0.03 32 31 28 27 26 25 24 31 2g 27 26 25 24 23 22 t F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T 23 2L 22 a ss.01 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2380Hy1 OB-2S-tggG pAcE 4Remote Area #2 Gat,eway Plaza Unit 512 South Frontage RoadVaiJ-, Colorado 81657 LocaEion Flow Pipe Fict,ings 'Equiv Friction pressure- in Size & LengEh Loss SurwnaryFrom To ePM IN Devices Ft pSI/Ft pSI 20 2L 4.260 L' LO:75 C=120 PT 32.1t ( 2L)o ss.01 F=0 F 0 .00 PE 4.66FR3 T 10.7s 0-0009 PF 0.01 13 20DQ 100 .00 4.250 L 35.08 C=l-20 PT 35 - 78 ( 2O'to 1"55 .01 F=0 F 0 .00 PE 15 - 63FR2 ' T 36.08 0.0062 PF O .22 10 L3 4-260 L 12.83 C=t2Q PT 52-63 ( 13) o 155 .0L F=E,/E, T F 29 .60 PE O . O0FML T 42.43 0.0062 PF O.25 7 10 4.250 L 6.67 C=120 PT 52.89 ( 10)O 155.01 F=T,BV F 28.00 PE 2.89FR1 T 34 .67 0 .0062 PF 0 .2! 5 7 4 -260 L 3_.08 C=120 PT 55.99 ( 7) a 155 .01 F=0 F 0 .00 PE 0 .00MA T 1.08 0 .0052 PF 0 .01_ s 6 4.260 L 0 .96 C=120 PT 55 .00 ( 5) t Ia 155 .01- F=8, DCA F 6 .80 PE O . OO ^ /)''/ ,MA T 7 .76 O. OO52 PF 0. Os ^A/ ' l'fi"lEXISTING 4ttAmes Mod. 2000ss - Double Check valve Assemblv 12.00 Pl'r^rou h COMMENI: L2 psi loss all-owed for existing condit,ions - '-' /",fr/" 4 5 4.250 L 7 .25 C=120 PT 58.05 ( 5) o 1ss.01 F=E F 5 .80 PE -3 .L4MA T 1_4 .05 0.0062 PF 0 .09 3 4 4.260 L 17.00 C=120 PT 55.00 ( 4)155.01 F=E F 5 .80 PE 0.00MA T 23 .80 0 .0062 PF 0 . L5 4.250 L 42.00 C=120 PT 5s.15 ( 3) 1s5 .0r. F=0 F 0 .00 PE o .00MA T 42.00 0.0062 PF 0.26 4.L55 L 1-8 .00 C=140 PT 65 .4L ( 2'l 155 .01- F=0 F 0 .00 PE 0 .00 t N2 T 18 - 00 0 .0053 PF 0 .1_0 L 6.275 L 10.00 C=140 PT 6s.51 ( 1) a 155.01 F=T, 2GV F 48 .00 PE 0 .00uN1 T 58.00 0.0007 PF 0.04 PT 6s.ss ( 0) .. ..t ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION. INC 6045 E. 76TH AVE.#12 COMMERCE CITY. CO 80022 GATEWAY PLAZA T]NIT 5 SPRII\TKLERIIEADS /A. CENTRAL RESIDENTIAL OPTIMA CONCEALED / ,/ B' CENTRALMODELLF '/ "- /''-""' 'o''o't -s '/oo'u/-r/- .fS,z:-z- ACCESSORIES A. TOLCO FIG. 2OO TRIMLINE ADJUSTABLE SMVEL RING HANGERS vArL rI-BgP-R?#ff)EHr PIPE A}ID F'ITTINGS A. TYPE MCOPPERTUBE B. SOLDER JOINT COPPER AND BRASS FITTINGS EY: Title: l?nte: lw"mfl,Di[fffr Town of Vaif OFFICE COPY "il-*olgn Review Action rfi TOWN OF VAIL Category Number '-t l\alo 9;-t :.',.- Project Name: Building Name: Projecl Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ?.---_.. ArchitecV,Oontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot r-r Block Project Street Address: Comments: r Boarafil Staff Action Molionby: ,ii' tt Seconded byl' ,4,., i te ,-,,.: p'Approval I Disapproval I Staff Approval Vote: ..5-l\ Conditions: /. ,t/t:/ l, ,:t ,;r '.r',.:a.f .--,, t ,, t- iF:-.,i' 1-;ttl-,i , t r ,.-.,,tit;-.J Town Planner oate: 7f l/ c)<. DRB Fee Pre-paid THTS |TEiI MAY EFFECT YOI'R PROPERW. PUBLIC NOTICE NOnCE lS HEREBY GIVEN fiat the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 28, tr995, at 2:fit P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. Faessler Realty Company - Conditional Use Permit. 501 North Frontage Road WesUPart of Lot I, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Larry Storms of SASI, representing Faessler Realty Company Planner:Randy Stouder A request for a maior SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A parcel ol lad h Tracl B, Vail Village Frst Filing, Tolvn of Vail, Eaole County, Cdorado, oonmencing el lh. Nodh€ast corn€r of said Tract B; th€nc6 N 79'/t8'00" W along the Nodherly line ol Vail Vnlage, First Filing, and along the Norhsrly line of s€id Trscl B 62288 fe€t; lhence s 06"26'52' W e dislanoe ol 348.83 t€€l lo lhe Sorlhw€st comer of thal percel of land described in Book 1 91 al Page 1 39 ss r€corded January 1 0, 1 966 atd filed in Reception No. 104178 in the Eagle Counry Records, said comer also being the True Point ol Eegiming; thenoe' S 79"04!8'E erd along the Southedy line of sajd percel200.00 f€€l loth€ Soulheasr comer theoof; thence N 62.52!0' E .nd along lhe Northerty line of |hat percet of land desoribed in Book 222 at Pags 513 aE recod.d h 1971 in the Eagle Cou y Reoord6, e distance of 66.78 t€el lo th6 Northoaslerly comer of said parcel of lend; said oomer being on tfie Westerly right-of-way line of Gore Creek Road, as platl€d in Vail Village, Fitth Filing; ftenoe N 27'133?F W e disrance ol 7r.37 leet along said Wesledy dght-ot-way line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89"29'22' W a ds'tanc€ ot 12.8O test to the Northeasledy comer ol thal parcel ol land described in Book 191, Page 139 as r€cord Janusry 10, 1966 and filed in Receplion No. 102978 in lhe Eagle County Recods; thence Northwostedy 26.51 fe€l atong thg arc oI a 37.50 feel radius cuw€ lo fio lett having a ce rat angle of 4ff30!0' whce c*rord bearc N 53'40'@" W a dislance ot 25.96 tE€l lo a poinl ot lang€ncy; thence N 73'55O0' W etd along seid tanger 166.44 feel;lhonce N 85'10?1" W a disrance of 50.40 fe€l1o lhe Norlhwesletly cotnet ot the Mountein Haus Parcel; thence S 02'18OO W and along the easlerly line of Eaid Mountain Haus Parc€l a diElance of 1 00.00 fe€t lo the Southsssterty oomer fiereot; rhenc€ S 45"1 3'53' E a didance of 38.70 leet lo lhe Tru€ Poinl ol Beginning, cornaining 30,486 square ,€el, more or less. Applicant JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a Vail Athletic Club), represented by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay Planner: Mike Mollica A request for a minor SDD Amendment to Special Development Distict #21 to allow for an interior remodel to Gateway Condominium Unit #5, 12 Vail Road/Lot N, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: KarlKehrman Planner: George Ruther 2. ,s Fta€ryone\psclno{c€8\081 495 @N,to '" {6 ruurN ur vHrL fuH-0Ev ID:303_47n-rO"' -I -rcvirrd L0l8lt2 JUL 24'95 11 :15 No .005 P.01'i"-'. i t DAIE APPIJTC.AT I ON RECEIVED I. (plcaae pf,ht or ttFe, A,EPPLICANI IIAII,I}fG TDDRESS A?frLTl\a'-r'Tf, */v< -GrF c$*aL.t 'Lttct ^r1 6(e c^are @veuoue@.?'7Gl-..4- B.APPLICNIT' S REFRESEN'TTIVE -|-;k ,2Y90 Ttta*-i, Pt, ?tt? f eounesslat fukc ?o4t yl,.L pHore,,4?-€l5J._ PROFERTY OXNER (SI mla(E' Srcunnr(8, PHONB D.LOCATTON OF PROEOS}L: SIREEI TDDRESS: lr!rcr-lalocx.llp_suanrvrsrou VlrL Urul+a l+r . E- stAttlsD. ADDREg3ED ErvELopEE og. rHE NAtrEs oF oflNERs oF Lllb-f|it' ALL pRopERTt An.rAgE r m rnE suBJEcr pnoeerry Alo iLIST OF TITEIR t|ttiEs AIiID I'AILING ADDRESSE8. T*7. F. A rrrr.E REFoRT ro vERrFy ort|ERsHlp AlrD EAsEr[ENrs. l?orl ?7j - rr. Four {4) coplas of rbe folloring lnfobnation nust b€ C2OVsubnltted: . oA, Detalled yricton/graghic description of ploposal, B. An envlrounental tnpact report 6h!.ll be subnitted totle_zonlog adllnistlat.or f-o accordance lJith ChapEe!18.56 bereof unlc6g waivcd by Scctton re.si.OjOi-iiernptproJoCts, C. il open sptce rnd recreational plan eufficie$t to d}eetthe denands gcnGraCcd by the deirstqp,n6ng nithoui uniuebrirden on a,'rilleble or irodo"eo toiir. eaetirrlear --- D. Exiating contourg havlng contour intervrls of not nor€than flve feet if the .veraEe 6lope of the site lstrenty percent or lesr, or iitn contou. ioterva.Ls ofnot oore tha4 ten fest lf the tvarase slope of ttre etr-cte greater thro tf€nty perccnt. E. + proposed elte plan, at a seale not s$aller than onetoch Gqurls flf.ry feci, shorlng the ,pproxinatelocatlons and dtnenaioira of eli bulraiirga -;a-- atructures, usog thorein, aDd alt prlnciprl sitedevelopnent featurea, suih ae landicapcd- areas,recreatlonal frcilities, pedestrian piazas tnO'ualkrrays, aerelca €ntri.t driveuays, and orf_stlgetparktng and Iotding ereas rlth proposed contours aftergrading and sltc developnont; (gor) ?7t-tcts tlP'- J.f 36 t-'"'l 1rr'*iC D': f//'r bY I kL>,fr5ry #fll': 7/L{/?5 , @_ fuuN f.Jl- vHiL cuM-BEV IDt303-479-2452 JUL 24'95 11:16 No.005 P.02 a 91r500.00. $1. 000 . 00 F. t"'"t'ffiil :S:i:"!i,li"l:"li :#il;(t"ff;A"" IarrdlclP€ - featuies to bc retaioeo or rcaoved, and . shosloE propored landsc.plng tnd landscaPed 31t€ -davelopnant' fcatureS, tuch es outdoor recreatlonar facilttios, blcycla Pathsr tralla, podestrLan plazat and xalkray!, ratcr ieaturel and othcr €lercnta, a G. PreliBinary bulldtng cl€vltlon!, sectlonsr and floorptrul. rt a 89ale $ot rEstler than onc-eighth cqurl3 ini i6ot, ln rutflcleat dctrtl to detcrrttre flool arca, orost rcildcntlll floor areE' lntellor clrculttlon, iocatlons of usca rlthlo bulldinEs' and the g€naral scalc and aPpearanco of the propoted d€ve'Iopnent ' III , f I|IE REOIUIN$'EITS The Planolnc 8nd Envlrottnental eomnlssion neetg on the ind and itn-nondrta of each lotlth. ln lP'pllcallqrn rlth th€ n€cesgrry ncc6tpanying taterial nutt.be subnttted four $Gcke prlor to thc dtte of ttre eetlng. The developer.mrst bogln lnitial conecructlon of ths apeclal devclopnsat digrrtet r.lthln three y€ara frd t-ne ttne of tti flnal rppsgval, and contlnue dlltgently tonard the cooPlotton oi the Proiect - rf the special dencloD'nent distrtct 13 co be deve loped ln phraas, the deueloper nust bagin constructl'on of subscguent phe6cs sithln- one yElr oi ttre co@letlon of the prevlous Phaa€. It It rsco nendcd thrt bqf,ore a gPacial Dev6lopoant Dlttllct apPlleatloo lt ruhrltt.dr I pre-apbusatloa ncctln! atrould b€ tet up rith a. hafter of the DoPlrtlent of Cotaunlty Developnent. A, B. A.v. B. c. NotE! IV. FEES lppllcation Ee,eE lla rr follots: a. E3t.ab11! rcnt of soD : b. Hajor lncndDents: I g. Ml,nor Anrndnents: ^J I a 2nn no Apprrc'rron ree pald: ;;N-o^r"Jf14f!Z"n "* r{ffiortr* --.-''- lf thts appllcatton requires a separate revler by anv local, Stale or Federal agency other thrn the torn olvrll, the appllcatlon fee shall be tncrealed by S200.00. Exanglcs o! guch r€vierr, may J'ncludc, buc are not llnited toi Colorado Departfien! of High$ay Access P€rrnlts, Arnll| Corpg of EngLnecra 40tt, €tc. rhr .pptrIcant chall be rc8pgnsible for plylng any publishtng fect ehlch are in s(ceaa of 50t of tho appllcatlon foe. If, at tbe applicantr 6 request, any &atter i3 postponed tor hearlng' eauginq ths satter to' !€ re.{}ubtt3had. thenr thc enttre fee for such re-publicrtlon Ebrll bc patd hy the appllctnt. lpplicailont dccned bl the connunity DeveloPDont D€parttnent to havc slgmlflcant deslgn, land use or other tggues rtrlch ttat have a slgniflcant lapact on the coonunity 8at requlrc rcvLer by coneultant'e othe8 llrat tosn ataff. ghould a detgrolnation be eade by the tonnstgff that an outslde conrultani ls nesded to revlor eny rppllcatlonr Cgrnnunlty Develo}oent !.y hire tn outetilb congultintr tt shill rltlhf,tc uhs a[6unt ot t. I TO: FROM: DATE: STIBJECT: MEMORANDT'M Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 28,lggs A request for a minor SDD amendment to Special Dwelopment Distria #21 to allow for an interior remodel and srterior fenestration changes to the Gateway Building Condominium Unit #5, 12 Vail Road/Lot N Block 5D, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: VailApartrnents,Inc./LeoPalmos, Vail GatewayPlanncr: George Ruther NESCRIPTION OF TEE REOUEST wee a amendment to S Gateway Building. The oroposed remodel to Unit #5 includes the addition of 610 so. ft. of GRFA to the interior of the condominium unit. as well as minor chanees to thc exte;or fenestration of the and west elevations of the N. BACKGROUND Special Development District (SDD) #21 (Vail Gateway) was approved by Ordinance No. 9 in 1988. The purpose of adopting SDD #21 was to allow for the rezoning of the property from Heavy Service District to Commercial Core I (CCI). CCI zoning was adopted to allow for a mix ofuses on the property and to allow the development to exceed Uuitdng height, as otherwise prescribed in the Heavy Service District. Public benefits realized through the adoption of Ordinance No. 9 include, among other things, a pedestrian walkway on the north and west sides of the property, as well as substantial landscape improvements to i:he intersection. section 5 of ordinance No. 9, Series 19E8, provides dwelopment standards for SDD #21. According to the approved development standards, the density allowed in SDD #21 shall be twelve dwelling units consisting of not more than 13,000 sq. ft. of GRFA. upon review of existing floor plans for the structure, seven dwelling units sdst within the building, consisting of I1,999 sq. ft. of GRFA. Therefore, 1,001 sq. fr. of GRFA remains available within the development. F:bvttl,ottc\pccvnamclrfcwry :dd I I was established at the time of of the no additional as a resrlt of the minor amendment. A site visit to the strugture, ho!rygugyealgd-that-tyg ofthe required parking spac€s have been convertid io storage_+reas. -cr@ionwith regard to parking. Itr. AMENDMENTPROCEDURE Section 18.40.100 (Amendment Procedures) oftle Town of Vail Municipal Code stipulates the following for minor amendments to Special Dwelopmurt Disricts: "Minor Amendments: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in section 18.40.0208 may be approved by the Department of community Dwelopment. All modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised dwelopment pkn. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the Deparunent of Community Dwelopment. The Municipal code further stipulates that the Community Development Department Staffshall inform the Planning and Environmentat Commission (PEC) of the action the Staffhas tiken on a Mnor SDD Amendment Request." According to the Municipal code, a minor modification to an S.D.D., section 1g.40.020@), is defined as. to site or that do not alter the basic intent qld-Sharacter-Sflh9--lp-ptqved-lpecial-dg/elopmen!_0istria. anO are consistent wittr ttre desien criteria of this chapter. Minor amendments mav include. but not be limited to, variations ofnot more than five feet (5') to approved setbacks and/or building footprints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the special development district; or.changes to gross floor area (excluding residential uses), ofnot more than five 5%) ofthe ry.STAFFACTION Staffbelieves that the ft. of GRFA and minor to SDD #21 as describ€d. Staffbelieves that the minor amendment modifications to sDD #21 do not alaerr the Criteria believes the F:\wcryonc\pocvnanm\gacnray-sdd amendment would not have has requirod that the /1'(?-on.n'ruo L DeE- ,.,, r! Ity4l tzrtpe-trgI €o--,al q l. T-rc.o^o-tE*s h Tle_g l\on=er > Z.Lsdou,. +v eEJ|eu-J vk4 i T7^*- baa I I-lereg O.^L) -uzpfui-=o-t )/t,JL?-rt-olo, \6=t--'- F:bllql5\pcsl6lma\ldlrt8y.rdd 3 a I-liDl-l llrf r-lrrl f] EIt-l I iI l-TiliEi lr:z 1""'.........--i s--ri ri:zl sq 3 Ift g oL s- sEFtql ili------i------- 0s/22/95 0e:55 rfNO.08?6 P.002 i_-_-.l (N oc + ffr f,f-1a7 r,f l-:.F:08/22/s5 0e:55 Jn]( N0.0876 P.003o =r d fr F fi IgI ff,s l$ jijijiji TOTfl- P.6 zo 4r||ar{ t,ot =trll7 II aoa P.005I No.oere08/22/9s 09:55 I rfI EItl2 g = E rl] E trrCI'r'{ o EFFtrt qz,-a-l '}II Io ta s--NS rl, :d : r E v,E,H, ;i:J,*{f1hr* I o t'uNnT 5 P. 004O.* No.oB?608/22/9s 09:55 a Augfust Xh.e /Nzwirrflow 22, 1995 teway as Condoniniun refl-ected on Associationthe attached approves the attached drawings. of the vail Condoninium Association fOI/.CO[4tVl, DEV. DEPI HI0 ,/ttn .rry1yg3. i'0t dJII (97,o) e4e-4!2r N.] A MES FAX 949-0304 OST OFFICE BOX 3238VAIL, CO.81658 Planning & Environmental Commission Town of Vail I l l South Frontage Rd. W. Vail, Colorado 81657 July 24, 1995 Re: Proposed interior finish of Gateway Residence #5 DearMembers of the Commissioq The proposed interior finish of Gateway ptaza" unit #5 involves removal of 2 steelsupports on main level (veris with structural Enginee$. Tenant finish on remainder ofmain level. Upper level flgo.r, abgye,living room,-is to 6e removed t"oitr ritf, StructuralEngineer). Newfloor will beaddedformaster'bedroomandbe.d+r. winao",rinlivingroom will be added for more views. Existing small windows in master bJ"no u.u +r tobe removed and arch top windows w_in be rellaced with smailer arch top-roinoo*., uuouunew floor line. side window in bed #3 will also be removed. Tenant finish on remainderofupper level. See plans. Very truly yours, Steven James Riden AIA . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. I DearMr. Riden, I hsve rwiewed the documents lou s€nt me and bave no objection to thc proposal toqdoee a portion of the deck indicated adjacent to unit #5, vait Gateway Building, Vait, Colorado. '7/ Vail Gateway t97O) 949-4121 FAX 949-0304 Planning & Environmental Commission Town ofVail I I I S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, Colorado 81657 August 14,1995 Re: Proposed office/greenhouse and deck addition of Gatewav #5 Dear Members of the Commission -4FThe proposed 9ffice or greenhouse addition of the Gateway Plaza Unit #5 involves the expansion of EF sq. ft. onto the existing deck. The roof line will match eldstirg roofline. The office will not block any views of other units. The odstisg slidiry glass-door and adjacent window will be replaced with a larger window to allow-light tJ tne fiving room below. u,L"l.l}tIt,dl]j vArL. co.81658 Best regardg ames Riden AIA . MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS .''i:r00'ir 't "' 'ae,l?'ttt9f!5 A?!S:r 3C4n498trt9 ,rno'',,. f.ro:zr sa/n/n $pril3, ffnf t'p'-. t# ttrlurr 2?O1, Irls ,ruo. SrL!€ Aldr.ldetr tlol'oFcp ao3o+ Deaf Isr agards,to ?drr faraLLy- I lrrne been l-u,gEtlr€tad on bebal.f o! Vai.f irtFh ftntHtslng uaLt 5 so it yill b€ iraTaIe. la .li sco^saed, lou agE€ed Ehat the unusedguL!&[lg, rhl,c.!. ir arproxlrrately 900 €quarYa1L tEBrEBrsrr:Ea vftU-iespccr totrre rrer*, s CHARI,ES R- LIPCON Affinsy At I.rP ' s?lt0 Oc El*ryrc lbrur z S$6Bbcqrc Bhd.lb4 Flefla 33ttlftttrnEtSalffid.lrrd*# (30tr, 37:}30t6 Fs (30f) l?ffii2sd - Its is t.o )rad thet sa to ncr$ go rbrad 4ondl,t:!.'.!lr for uta lor PA- A2 ,-e go be clone ltr thcor double door couldprorride betten accee€ ut, rornc dEasinEg tounj.fora aad cslforrn- Tlrey rlll elao allorco be lrlovbd closerOf 6or;'!!E€e shen tshE Ffl-}lrg t hogc a.Il, la t All $Abb, yorr .na rrror f arnilztsea4'eactr aElr^ef tle Iaei t:EB f uas I vail . Pl*rg€ give rl? Eguare footege lor th!* fctre could bc uaad byya1l aflBrEBrsrrE^B sLEu legpc€l' to Eh€ ljaEtt'rl.t- Ftrlttetr. you egarccd tlrat a sew eibE InrE, i"rr agatasr firrE' th! sf'svator -o a!Erf tlre a1*renca?. its _lbc lrBss€at tl-Ecr Bob Bolmer le rorrr6rl-rco tbe riadalnr t6 ttDr- therr willblf,-bar r,o tbe othcr rl.rdan t.q Eba hril{thg vi.udx dnet thc hrlld!.ng errtranceSogt_ttrer srr€ tlalr€ -. better aFEeaff.DEc.drarJ46r cre =aady, thsy tr1ff ff;I6"of r€uld, apgaecial,€ l.:our el.ginfurg thLe 1beck.to me to J.ndicatie cbe aFprolal of, the.B5ro6ir,Ciga ko t}lcse it€!rs.-- 3ou for your eSrlnrornl .:nl b'eI* and faxlng tt{tirt*iy Coodonlaiun tr€ri trul3r t our;,q/ CSIELE9 R. tfFCiUeI.r.t-it!' ra'd wtsvss-?wr or 's5:t,hrcDdl'1 u s=rtlt{3 r.rsuJ gt:Er S66l-a6-lnf dcportmcnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Ef autlou'rc! elecrRrcll N MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT e=NsL*\\\\! pr-uMerno \I rounoarroru - Dt2 varr, noen VAIL VILLACE lST B NAME: LIPCON DECK .,,, MIMI, FL CHARLES LUPCON 403 N MASHTA ARCHITECT p1pr, trXXmD [f,NXEOHNjf. R. BOYMER CONST. towll Op varu nee. tO. 152-B 949-8737 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. ELECTRICAL PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL HEG. NO. TELE. Nor E --* U(JPY Ur- rrEr{Mr I ru nE KEr.| uNJUEnrrr pLAl,lS IN SLOT \o pArE A.eLtlNE 2, 1ee2. )tOtoVzttq^?!1_ .,^ 00bF r. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I tVV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABETI IR M DIVISION t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - lnn |' FY'r!'DTnD nFrrL AI\Tn DT'I$nlt!'c t 1 PERMIT NO.-,: z9F Bt 6 BUILDING I6 , 000 ELECTRICAL PTUMBING , DOORS TO REPAACE EXISTING WIMOI{S, T MECHANICAL ADD GUTTERS-TOTAL l6 , 000 TYPE GROUP G,B,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II R 0 16 , 000 BUILDING PERMIT zo5 6 ffiv4 8f,v * h v e h PLAN CHECK 133 ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION (X4 ADDITIONAL O REPAIRO PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUEINSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARO/nnr n^T6.nEa1\ CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TYPE OF GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 438 H;Ar soLAR I wooo DAN STANEK JUNE 4, 1992 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT x BLASTING x ARKING t DEMO x rurr-olnG orrrcnr- - DArE - MrKE MoLLTCA JUNE 3, 1992 ONING AOMINISTRATOR OATE :ONING & BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information rEquired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design R. BOYMER CONST. P0 BOX 1001 vArL, co 81658 CLETN UP TO: FOB HIMSELF . K* coNsrRucnoN pERMtr h+/.Jrmffi/ l-"'*' department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Ek eurLor-rc Ek e lecrntcRl N MEcHANICAL Ehpt-uMerNcX rouruoettorlrl NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO g11g Iil Oil MAR. 7, L99L BE KEPT ON JOBSITE J 11.;1 6Q?-t-d'lOoS NO PLANS 004755 LEGAL DESC.FtL tNG VAIL__VILI4€E__IST_ B NAME; GATEWAY !88 #3 ARCHITECT MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrRu R. BoYMER CoNST rown orver nec. Ho. 152-B 949-8737 LECTRICAL FIRM BRYAIiIT ELECTRIC ,o** o, uo,,. ^rn. "o. 150-E 949-4Lss PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM WIIITE WATER P & It 949-648r MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V z,OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TENANT FINISH IN GATEWAY PLAZA. PERMIT z tr :l BUILOING 52,000 ELECTRICAL 2,000 PLUMBING 13,500 MECHANICAL TOTAI 6V ,5OO TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A VALUATION PERMIT FEES TI lHt R-l 0 67,500 BUILDING PERMIT 493 trq[ -vJ +la \,1 SJ cC )oD ty.' A-[ ,.'hLa*td PLAN CHECK 247 ELECTRICAL 44 NFW() ALTERATION( ) AODTTIONAL OUOX REPAIRO PLUMBING r40 DWELLING UNITS -. -MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT -- NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE:r:a-I--_-L--.I-DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CL€AN.UP OEPOSIT 250 EXT. WALLS -lNoNE - |USE TAX BOOF TYPE OF SOLARHEAT TOTAL PERMIT FEES $rllxx 1,174 _ MrcnAEL WXLTa&EB_ ry\R. 3,_1991 _ JILOING OFFICIAL OATE _ l{IKqulqllrcA l*{AR. 7, 199!_ INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL BLASTING )NING & BUILOING NOTES: 'o"*_ | l *ALL FINISH AS PER ORIGINAL APPROVED nErr^ | I i'-"'" I lx I PRINTS. I hereby acknowledge lhat I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormalion and plot plan, lo comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design of the Town applicable thereto. OR FOR HIMSELF fn* r*sPEcrro*rs cor.rPLETED The lteus below need to be eonplete before glvlng a perml.t a flnal C of O. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAI. PLUUBINGt_l DATE: FINAL UECIIANICAL DATE: IHPROVEMTNT SURVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: EAST SIDE:IJEST SIDE: tl M?' m FINAL BUILDING TEMPORARY C OF O FINAI ELECTRICAI. I.AT{DSCAPING DT]E DATE: \\ FILE NAI{E:'.. I ,(D Project Application o^,"Q411,lqal Project Name: Pro.iect Description 1L€A Contact Person and Phone 2(be- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: ut l2-' , etocx QQ , p11ing x/ v, tq(, Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Summary: fl Approval