HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY SIGNSProiect Nqme: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Project Application VrK -,Grcrat, // /t-'r\ Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot V,4rz 6ttfaw,4tz Block Filing Commenls: ---i Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval REc'D iul,z e Pg3 App',rcArroN DA'E Jr'\ z-, t3 (Pl-ease Print or NAME OF PRO\'ECT Tvpe) NA}48 OF PERSON SUBMITTING '- y'{,-r ADDPEsS Bo ''/'/. NAME OF O$INER ai't-<te-o fiae- | Lee**- ,UOnn \7?.- OJr, ADDREss lhv STGNAII'RE OF OI{NER I,OCATION OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ST CN/AI{NTNG APPLIEJ,TTON THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAI BY THEAPPLICANT PRIOR TO THE NNQUTSE-EE-IWE SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, $IALL,PRO.IECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. REVIEW BOAFO. SIGN OR AWNING MATERIATB. c. srzE oF oVERALL SrGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO E HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE LIGHT]NG (EXISTING oR PRoposED) t14t<- FI I-,ENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL FEE: $20.$1..00 PER SQUARE FOOr OEcK No. ,)J>$q DAPAID A t/"'vc ) oj 1 4. a vfI Sit.e PlanElevations showing exact locat.ion of sign orawning on the builAinqPhotographs showing pioposed 1ocationCoLored scale drawing Sample of propoged materialsPhe€ograph of sign if availabte Usy""k" Sign AdminisCiator OF SIGN OVER TO: SIGN APPIICAI{TS When applications for signs are subnitted, the followinginformation is required: 1. A compleLed sign/awning application (attached) . 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the signls to be located. 3. A phot.ograph if possible and building elevation showingthe location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign wiII be.(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, paint, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific let,tering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, subrnit, drawings showingexactly how and where t,he awning is at-tached to thebuilding and hor{ the awning is to be const,ructed. 6. Descript.ion of lighting t.hat. wiLL be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing anawning, lighting is not aLlowed to shine through theentire awning which calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may,spotlight only the actual signlettering on the awning., RECOMMbNDATIONS OR POINTERS \ L. Check slgn code - verify sit.e, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPTICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMTTTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, theapplication fee shalf be increased by $200.00. Examples of suchreview, may include, but are not Lirnited t,o: Colorado Department.of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, et.c- The applicanL shall be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are Ln excess of 50? of the appJ.italion fee.- If, at theapplicant,s requestr dny matt,er is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the enLire fee for such re-publication sha1l be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed try the community Development Department tohave significant des.ign, land use or other issues which may havea significant impact on the community may require review byconsurtant.s other t,hat. town staff . shourd a determinat.ion benade by the town staff that. an outside consultant is needed toreview any appJ.ication, community Deveropment may hire an outsideconsurtant, it, shall estimate the amount of noney necessary topay him or her and this amount shall be forwarOea to the town byt,he applicant at the t.ime he fiLes his application with thecomnunity Development, Department. upon completion of the revj-ewof the apprication by the consultant, any of Lhe funds forwardedby the appllcant for payment of the consultanl- which have notbeen paid to the consult.ant shalr be returned to the applicant,Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of r:lre anounL f-orwardedby the apolicant shall be naj.d to the Town !:,..r ,!-ls 21-,-.,i jnarrr. tors I o o o o oo HF=HTECFESIGNSkf-rkIrilrrt SIGN DRAWING P.O. BOX 2688 . VAil, CO 81658 . 303.949.4s65 . FAX: 3O3.94s.4670 t/Atp 6ncur.\[u,, p,nS ,--r --- / \/'l'" I I I l I j I l I i W€gr 6ttr4'PhNJ No.4 turdonJ 3S 6nuv*gt/b.*A* u tft- hrl rlb\* pl*-.rrt rr+ ./coNTACr .r4c./rJi scxe ru/A eaoqe (li-ozzi FAX :l Project Application o^r" 2-L- I / Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Hral /z , zon"S0-O- '/1lJ,nt/,r (o &a 3d/ Archilect, Address and Phone: Block k/ Design Review Board o^r" --2'6-U 1-o DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval __ E 47?8604 5 I TH/ltELs0ll --I_-_ sffi So; Fttnr Fd:( f : Phorle: (hrm4ta: ffiffi f-:- lages to fbllcH Elr28t9l lZ.g8.-. v t-c' 1 " i Sf\4lTt'l, Nl E US9NI S 9AT I 5 ; 1441 W.46lhArrq / Unltg / D6n,rs . Cslo[udoS02'|l 3O3/d33-6985 . Fo(477{6o4 AsDf ; AfTfam Fuqwfln*b: ft) A$e evawd fuL f4il;&z 8(ee*,tAr{ N IN(JD\) re) n fi1ry664o4t$W^r,/'^{D^) e, fr q\TfuFyqftu,Efr"( rdrnrfff}aJ ( D)ffitr Ap ftWX-flL Frar*r4 fffi d\)'\-'r'- frut- fo1r,ffidh,t) -tt{A^,v4 W,.) r,aLw,lh +ffiP \rn hLftDlTtNq Tffi', I ffitett€ F6*r- Hrb'N[qr2f,l4ffr{ 6 11# @€r'r,ffi -* 1tffiltuX-fft$ a4AI5 W Ht^t lr'r1rr- g'ttil)qt@ 14fr4q..- -*+ F ff fc"hv (w q+s c'<r,cc - \a)p+2 qw{w lj_ -'Ftilf'ffi, , 15"",''"lfrfi.il soH{t} t{ a, f U|1F{ n H,E rlHtJfo E{ UT re FI FIFI E I l *-*h -+fI+* rrrt.. | 'f' r .1:. :'.. ri: ss # I _l $ ,r,\J/ I t 'a :o --o \ --- tr' I :lr\ ffi s TL bt sg. RI {*\] $t r\l 'HtuJl r*-:l '_-J t? \.-., K '.-{l- |-...'Ptr- iLH] lL-'--tll-JL! -.--'i 'r_((? ai 4778604Jl't I lH/NELs0lt rJl F- dl r rU $o troo trruo [n J tr Efi ois E;s "5o f;s;deEzb8 Frt! TILE 75 souih fronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (3G') 479-2139 January 16, 1991 llark OatisSnith, Nelson and Oatis L441 West 46th Avenue, Unit 9Denver, Colorado 8021I Re: Gateway Signs office of communily development Dear Mark: You and I had discussed a deadline of January L4, 1991 at 1-O:OOA.M. for you to provide the Planning Departnent with all theinfornation on the Gateway Signs. As today is Wednesday, JanuaryL6, 199L and I still do not have any information, consider thisletter notice that the iteu has been tabled. In order to schedule the itera for another DRB neeting, pleasegive me a ninimum of two lreeks notice. The attached DRB schedulewill show you the neeting dates. Please call- me at (303) 479- 2138 if you have any guestions. Sincerely, COPY "fu-fu Town Planner AK/Lrd enc. 5I'IITH/HELSON ffiffi 1.1^^,_..r._.-^4 F ffi i sA4 lfr,fl''*lfr fiFff;-H"P,*' t s E MA.FnJuD+Er-Jt I ( E- l s) f -''b*.f] E 47746 5lt I THlNELS0tl | 2/5 t /99 l7r0S P.l0ofpp&lcAElol DAIB rr..._ i.t. laE0 o4t lltr/lrrrna r?ll,{fl!t6{ (Phrtr Prlnt oE tfl?olTrlIE OF PROi'Eg[ XA,|E Ot F;REoI SuDtrrT[rNc lbrtr Oatta, ._, rnolt8Ji*lggi__ lunlEs tlr}E Or Ia.ll(ilrrgE ot Ot|rE* losATtgtr eF DEFCnID'lltorr oF PRoJEq! Tryq IOrrtrffiHG rHFoRlrATrost r8 BEctEgEE FoE EUbHrbrAL Dr THE lll_!_.rgA!_q lmoR ro rue nsauDaEEffi-FiHio0rru-isronr -nfii-opsron tEVIEt{ Doftnb. l. rlEseRrslroN orirE_stoltllt@!{q (IEE!,gTItrrDtNC, rfrlrJ,pRoJEctlNc, Et6l , tNeuubp srcr rirserce. omfEB PROJIgI vaj I * l)csign to I'ollcnr ISN OR Ar{t{lt{c $AlEhItL Gold IFef Gr slgD oF ovERALt 8lgtt. glzB _ Urldel3SqudreIegt_______.__..., OP IIETTERIHC lltD tf6o D. E. NEIGHT OF DESCRIEE I Ebet8I6N ABOT'E ORTDE rllsmt$o lflfisTlNo oR lRoPo,tEDl __-.!hge_-...._ F. G. tt. IJEHcrtr oF DUsIllESS FnoilrABE (Frl -? - -. - coNDourNrutt tgsoclATtgN rppnovttJ -ltrrrcH I $2o.0o FEE pArD _-- crlDcr( t /1, -l Elte lran,. -J- EldvrtlonE EhonlnE iltact lcoatlon of ElEn 6r / avnlnE oh the bulldlnSf. --J-- PhgteErrphE shoulng propored locationt. -i' - Calcrodl ocrle drrvrinE5, j-- 9rnplo of ptsposed batorlAlg6. -,.-.. - Photograph of clgn If Fvrllable I - .IIFPH 4. 5. 6. 81tc Planllevltlone rhovlng .*rct loortlon ol rlgn or avnlnq cn thc bulltllncptrotoirrpha :hollng proposcil locrtloh Colotarl gealo 4rrvlnfgrnplc of proPo3ed nagcrlals Fho-togreph- of- elgn If evallable , 5. -;- S,Sbple ot proPored nauerrtls.. e- shotoEraph.of clsn lf avjable TDPUICIEIOI bAtB __-I)e$- ?1& rqqg |ror/\rxrtrd .lp?r{lsr1rax t * 'iF I tfrlrE oF oI{NER 263 rlosllurt o? I DESCRIDAION OF DRATECI 'fr|E For'rl.ol{INs INFoRI{ATIoN IE EEOUIEUI loh 8uN{flTrrJ Ey CttEAppt rctrilr FruoR 3o TltE REQUEsmsiffi-acl|EpUtEU-infOnS Ettt DFStgn REVTEN FOARD. A. DESCnII|IION oF tttE srcVAnfIHO (Ft!8 88N|DING, ttAttJ, FROJEGTIN6, ETCI, IICtrttDE EIGN UEEEIOE._ __ --ryioderl, I*lFlqr,jllro ,_ ..* l}csign to Etollca,v (Pt.ere ?rlnt or TypolNlfi! Of FRqtEC'! ---- .\'oil +t+.r.'-y ,_ ._ ,tN{E OF p5Rso11 SUE113TT3NC trark Oaris ,.. HtoufJl&IgEL_- IDDREB8 .l 441. gl, ,6itrar.c rrl . ._ !tsqrel ErYtthrlrc ..,., __. , ,p|Iollnl=l|j!fu001l_ i t,fIOCTTIOIT OT PROJECT ICN QR AI|IIINC l'lAI'ERItIr Gold l€af c,SIzE OF OvEn rr.L glGll, SIEE OF LETIBSIIIO Al{D Ip€C (f der :i jgquflgq "A!ErL._ IIEIGIIT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE CNADE I Feeb LIcrmINe (EXI9TING oR PBOFOSED) ,'. None - --.- Fr G. ll. riBHGrH qF EUSI$Etfs 8nONrA68 (rr) -? - - .".-............ eoilDoHrNrult tsEogI,ATIgN .ApPnovil.f {lr'!lclf} .- -, ., - -- s20.oo FEE DArD *--- CI{ECX t - nEourREl,.xarEEllls-.$unltrr,m$ ql rtou /t. -l slte Flan 2 - -T ElevatLons ehoulna cxect looetlon ol slgn or\ a 4??8601 snrrH/NELsoN l2/3oqAglotl TN|E OT DERSON EU$ITTIITIIO IDDREES -. 14dt hr- +rr*lLrr.,o _+q IIAHS OF OmtER eoonrss__Z!5 aleurtgir or locf,Ttol{ of pRoJtcr DEECBIP].IOII OF PROiIECE {Plaace ?slnt or nrpi}NAIIE OF FROI'ECII iiEri.8.lffi liilol*fi3Hl.f, goili"$W"llE,fi HSSS]3"E",III'*,ronNEVIEH EONID. !/99 t7.92 P.09 DlfE hs- 11& teogTFPIiI |rovlrl|rHo rfnFlorrro{ .i. DEFCRrr{ItrOlt 0p tHE SXotrlm{Iilo (qlEq-qTAlrDrlo, t{rr&,FRoJEqrrHo, arel, lNgtrbs srcu rir-aEece. E. .--grGN Desiqn LCI Fo11Ow OR AIININC Oold lcaf I'iAIERIA! sIzE oF OVERAT.L Brctf, gIuE oF r.ETtIEnrNc iltD I4cQ .. _ _ ,. . Under nErclrr oF Er6N ABevE cRrrDE ..8.fY9,1.. - ,. __.,, ___ ,,_ DESCRTBE LtrCITTINC (EXIETINg OR PB9FOSEDI fu TJENGTTT OE BUSINE9S FROI|TAGE (Erl -? __. soltDor{rxrurl AasocrATrox .rppnovit, , , r}TTAcn} ., _ . 920.0o FEE PIID .._ cttEcK t j i '1 I F FOU rREp I'rtrr,ERllt lr _ 8U BHTTTSq_sauL A pFJ,r crft oN Jr. _l slto plan 2. -J- Elevatlons ehovlng €xact locatlon of elEn cr / amlng'on tbe bulldlng3, *J-- Fhotogrrph-q ohoulng prcpored lccatlorra. *j_ Col,ot6d ecrlo drawing5. +- sauplo of proposed t'tgcrlals6. l- fhotoErrptr'of clgn {f rvellable 6 47785 5r I TH/ltEL50ll [Pkrf! Frtnt of sfprlltNlE ot ERoitEci! lzrtl.ga l?.gl P. 08olPPlil$r.rtotl DAt! mc_ Jr, reO6 94o fi on^rrrrrno ppt4Frtrror b h ; ltAt{E ot pDR$ou auanrrrrNc -lhrk oatts _ ''on'_4jlft5ggl_tDmt88 NAIE OT OHNEB 'tlot|f,E0x'l o? ofirEB !' loerTlol[ oP Dndt DESCSIDTrort oP PnoitEst iifirsffi iiil "l*ffiHl'&ili,tHI#osI#ffi 'ffithi",#'*,,o"NDVIRH EOARD.A' 3i8$lliliST gilT:',fi19$6ftlln ffiIi"iTi?"_": $Ar&' -9ICN OR AIIIIINC TIATERIAI, Cold I€f sIzE oF ovEnrl& EICI{, srzE oF ttllln$fo tlfD tF6? lrErcltt oF sror ABovE Gn^DE 8.*g- ..___,., .__ ,_ DESGRIEE &trclnll|G (GfISTiltg OR SnOFoEEDI _ $mL P. G. ll. T.ENCT{! Ot tUilttESS tnot|ItoE (Ff' ?,,,,,_ ..,..-__.__ collDour$rull tg$oglAlllolt .ADpnovAL _____Jl.rlrcHl ,., .__ , ,. t2o.oo fEE PIID ..'.* cttlcf, | RFou TBED H|rEnI.AI*q EqBHIF{FA.IIjIE-AIEIIgIII9N /L. -I sltG PIrn2. -J- Elevatlofis ehowlng rlaact looatlon ot elgn or/ avnlng en thE bulldlng3. *J-- tshotogrrph8 ohovlng proporEd locrtloh4. *i_ Colorcd corlo drevlnE5. ;- Sibplo ol propoerd tritorhls6, j- photogrrtilt- of olgn lf avallrUle ! t t2.31/99 t7.Ql P. 57 lpstlef,ttoff DAFB ,_.rC_, ir - 1ec0 flrwrlrrf,o rttJrrcrEral (Plirr! prtnt cr [y?fllr^lrE OF PROjtD,c* 'XerU! oF EEA,sotf suEr{ttTt$E !{arts OatlP ., . , , rTqnUJlJLdIgL.-_- lDmlEs |fruE or oHilBn I {7786 SJllTH/rEL50l{84o I I lporrro& or orsEB DESCRITiTION Or PRO'!g! iiigffiff ili.i"ffi*ilil'&il3"*Hi*Er-SLffi r'S]oii'n#*.,0,REVIEI{ BO'rRD. l. DE8CRrr{tIOtt or Taa sl6|l/tttNtt|oDRoirEqtrFG, srcl , rxcubr srcu (FRBE SIII|DINO, lfAr&,f,EB8tc8._____ !+aruou or D&crit OR Aw1t311s t4;tERlrL t-bld l€af el eI?E OF OVgeA'liJ 8ION, SIEE Of L'EilElERrNc AID IIIOO _ ( nJ:t;r 3 ITEIGITI OF DE$CRtb9 arcil lsovE cuur --9 Ea==- - - t tqflrlNo (uutslrtc oR Dn0FoSED). Fr O. 8. r,EHGItr oF BUgI$ESA TRoNTAGE (rrl ? _ coHDoHIlrIul{ Assoclilrlolt rlFAApVll| .trTrreHl E20.Oo fEE Ptro,--.- cHBcx I q.fi ou IRED ilirE4lArJs 3U nuruF p ff 'rH ApFrr elT {oJ[ ft. -/ slte tlrn2, -l- El€vrltons ehortnq rxact locatton of rlgn or7 amlnq'pn thE butldinEJ. -J.- Phctegrlpha shoulng piopoeetl losatlon4. -; - Colercd ocalc dnving$. J.-- ganplc of ptoporrd haterla1a6. ;....-.. Ftrotogrrph of olgn If avalllbla t 7:09 ADEldlGtIIolf Dt!ts ndcr_ 3lr.1EE0 I rqtrrluff IA rtrDtrqFrrto,I b I _ql_?a!! Prlnt o3 lypsfuNtE ot aRsirEg! i rril{E op pDnsof, EnlHrrDrilG rFd< ctie ,, rnorrrJilL:$a5-_ ADDRE8E . !4dl I,| a6+h -,- ,fg u . , _. ,: _ NN,|E oF OIINEB g,l+crrristsFq_Srorp- pttOrrE 466-5803 StotfttEsr ot oftrEn TficASIOlr or. Dnorres DESenlHIloN oF Pn[tgtst ffi e$li3.IHi"i*fi HI'f; hH,Bffi *S,SLiXXFII+"",8#'*",n*REVIDH BOAND. tr. PFlgnrr+ror oF rtrE ttff/NriltN€ {FEnioiecriNcl Eh1, rnerrDE ErcN ,irrffriTlln"l r{rrrl ._. * Design to Follow B>--dIcN OR AT|ilU{a HAIERIN. cold L€af vait li rl i.ii SI1E OF OVEltiLUfJ 8toil,at9E oF IiE*lERr||c .tttD trcoo HErGnr or grqil ruovB EEIDE - SeqE DSSCRTBE tlffirtrtc (Ext6trn6 oR PROFO$EDI _Nqne .. . _,_,__ liEl|GTll OF BUsIltSss rnoNIAcE (HIt -j. _, _ ,_ _ . CONDoHIHTUII AEEoCIAI!o$ tppnovAlr. _ (rFTlc{l _ ,_ , f2o.oo FEE EtrD _- e$gcl( | .. - R EOU IRtO ueIERl rr 6 SustrrTtEq_nrqF rpFr.r crilIoJ,l I, 9. 5.,t. 5, 6. tlte PIsnElrvrtlons-ahoul4g gxaet looatlsn of llgn eraunInE on tbr bulldlng Dhot,egr€phs ehoulng pioposrd lscatlonGolorcd osolc drrvlnEgtbDlo ol ptoposrd rriterlatsPhotograph ot olgn lf avallable *.*-'-\,. !i 47786 5i I TH/ltEL5otl94o t2/Sl/99 t7 rOg P.95 rPltrilGl*ril Dl!ts --hc-:t.r& 1ts0 lIf, f, /Ftrrro .lttptFrtax .-E , ,l : l t TTIE FOITI.OI{IHO INFOIIIATTOil Ig REOUInID rsl1ieali, niiiot io'-#F&fi"F#1fiP"[?I#X$tl$l#'nllEu*run NDVIEII EOARD. a. DESCRIyIIOT or ltttE StcN/Alrilrlls (tnaa sttrDrno. tfr',l,.FRoJEc:rrNo, gtcl , $rctilbe ero[ *rairou._____.--' ;--'_- _ . (Plcaae lrlnt or 4ypr1DIHE Ot aROIgC! llll{B Ol DEnsolr Eusn$f$to lF|rtr oatiE .-rSoil!.gL!=ESE___ lDmlEs ftdltt!0nl ot DESe&,tDttoN or PROiTBCE tO Fouotrt 6N O8 AiltrNc lttrt8nlar.l Gotd r€af HIHE Or oHilEn clllolr or c. Hgroltf oF grglr AEovE cRrDB -B rbet pEscBIEB tl'cltlllNC (ElilgfINO OR DSOPOEEDI . . lbde .-- ,.. -.. EEHGrII oF BUSIfSE8 SROmAOE (FTl .3._ eo$Dor{rr|rrnN Issoelf,Tlon t.ppnovAl f_. {rTsAEnL,, _ __ , _ , sto"00 r8E PAID _ qxEcK I nsoulREp - l$rEnrAra tusl'|l $4nD .wrrrr rtspl{lsliFrqH H. l. a. 5,{. 5, 6. Elts PIm El3vatlons rhorlng rrtct lccttton of tlgn or arnlnE'oh tbc lull{lm Fhotographa ohovlng prepDEEC lcsatlonColorad rorlo rlsrwlngarDplc ot proFolcd llrterlals Itrotograph- of rlgn lt evallable EIqn AdnlnIstrcto8 9r2E OF OlrERf,tL StG[, EtuE or lElitfIRINc lt{D tttco'___-n_ 647786S4 StttTH/BELs0No l2fst/9a 16r79 P.84 ' lltlrlGtEIflt DIIE ,__peC_ ,ir; .rgsg rlqrtlrrilr. rlll/il,tFirttt _g_r!T! Frtnr or Eypc!|IAIIE Of PnOtEgD - trFrl ,:f+..l=y . . . _ itrrEilFlitroI'.ffi Ti3'Rffi i,?w"#riHffi E$#'.#oo,unNEVIEI{ EOARD. l. DEscRrpTro$ 0l -!88_Erot|/lrttrlNo (FnEB STNrDrNgr llAr&.DRoirEqrrrc, ETel, iltcur'Dt giiifi *ir-aroE;--_-:_-' ''"-' oR Niltl|c llltEhrrr.l Goldt Leaf * Design to lbuow Er glag oF ortg8AtJlr EtElt, 5t8E Or LETIIERTXC IND "GO ItErcnr or DESqRTBE itsrcN tDovB onrDE -.,E.Iq, _.. -_ IrtBlllillG (DI(I8TINC oR DFOP0EEDI --_JSni-_._.."_ IJESCfH ef DuErt{fss FnottTAOE (r!] .3__ CSilDOHIUIU!{ASsOgIAItOtt.rFFEovtl{ tlmrcllr ._ ,.__ seo.oo FFE PrrD_ c$Eekf .+=ll. \* "/ FfouInEDJ,\IEERTArI Euhr,llFTjg.Q_l|Jrrr rpplrc^"to.lr t. /, rrte plen2. , t Sl.vrtlobE ghor[ng ilrct lccrtton of Flfn or/ aHrtnE on Ut€ bulldlnE 1. --1-- PhoEogrrphs ahoulnE pioparcd loeatloh4, _ ,1._ Gelored ocBle dEawlnEE. j__ tuplc cl propolrd literlalp6. f- Dhotograph sf slgn lf avallable / I {77861 5H I THlltEL50N rron/lrrrtro rrl'lilATror l2/;1"9s t6t'a P' tJ f,FPlEclflolf urm rhs_ tr r .rqgo, (Flcarr NIIIE OF fti3!"i's:l If,lilt It pEn8oil &rErrT!IrE -ltad( ortts_ InoNg_$ll$j!I__ IDDnl8E I{AHE Or Omr8X, ADDREgS 'ltc}tttunl oe, IncA.rtotr o" oooo.n! DDSCRISIIoN oF Dnoit|]c4 .i I I .'i i h I: li ilF*i!.#lili"l-[3Hl'lloil3"*Hl#*[i!;EffIllh3'n#*,.o0trEVIDII EO'IRD. A. DEECnTDTTON gt EnE atoH./Atwr$6'DRoJEeDrNc. E?cl r rNelrtbg ercx (l!EE !8A$DtNGr rrlr&rltr8tAoE.*_ _ 6N on tFNItfo ilf,tEntrL GoId lJ33f c,8LAE Ot oVEnALL EICll, SIZU or IiEITARINO .IIID IPtrO UryIcr 3 nErcHt or srcil .ltrrvt cRADE ElEst DESCRTES lrGrrrrila {tr(I8TIN6.on pRopgFED}. fibne Fr Or H, $ENtrrH or DUSIlrEgE DRO|tTACE (rT) ,?_-_ _ - _ coNDou$frul{AEEocIlDIollrppnovlL' (lTTrcHl t20.oo FEE ptrD *_ CI|ECI( | Rf; our_Rf, n ilArERllrs Eufrt{rrqEq-HrlH, tFFLrerr.IllN I1. -/ Eltc Dlen,, --J El€vttlonE showlng exrst loortlon el algn er/ emlhg .on tha butldlngJ, J-- FhotogrrDh! shouiht jrioporad locatlon1t -.L-- cqlcrtC agelc drarrinEE. -j-- Bauplo ol Dropolrd lritsrlals6. /- Photograph-of-elgn lf rvnllablo / a 4?786 5t{tTH/[EL50N'l l2/Slr9g l6. JB P.Sz rFlglclltolr DATE _rbr- _?r 1 19q0fiqv|trl"trr r]lFMEtoI Il_r_!a!! lStnt or $|FclUAIIE OF }Rf,TECE -- xil{s or pERSorr FuBr'rrrStn' .rbrk aFtts rno[E_liilr=Egstr_ IDDRIEg Nil{E Ot orffEn rroHrwtr or ottr!*, IOcAfIqN or DnOrtCT DESCRIHctoil oF PnOJEe! ffi."iF,iffi :ilt"fl ISHI'f, Ioii,F#l*ED,lfi g#3$'Il]3,i*,fif*,,* REI'IDII BO}SD. Jt. pEECRrl|Iror| sF rlt8 ttoltrAmtll|a tl|ur.iosuci;H;; iicr, nrcrrDE sr6N or8loiTrTllP, GN OR AIIiltNA HAIERTII, cold Leaf D. E. TEIGIIT OF SIGN AEOVD CR.'I.DE I Fect F. c. ll. DESGnISE tlcnag6 (DltIstINg oR DnOFOsEDl ___Ft' . _ I;f,NcTtr oF 8U5IilEgB FRoltrAoB (tTl -? _ CONDoI{IHII,!| IlBsOCtArIoN .}PPROVAL ,rtTlre{} ..._ ., .._ .; fro.oo FEE DI'ID _.-- cSEeK I tr. -[ sttr Flanz, -- -/ El.vitlonr rhoulng exnet tocat{on of rltm cr7 amlng on the butltllns 1. *..1--- photogrrphs ahoulng pioposed losatloh7. - i ColoE.C acelo drerlngl' .i- geDple of proporeil ratotlaln6. ]- photoEErph of slgr lf gvallable * Design to lbl.lon SITF OF OVERAI.JIJ SICTI, SIEE OT I!*DTERI}IC .}IID tr'OO J- ti 477860 5i I fHlflEL5o 12r,51/98 l7rll I TPPIdtCAlIIfi DIEB ,_nrg- 3lr jeq0 .r' 'xtilB o8 psnsol| suBiltsrrnc Jark ffiip , qrora_l:l&5g[r-_ I lr I IDDREEE -l!41 r'il dSih "r'- l9 . ,- . _ , .- rilrg or omEx DESCITTHITON OF PRO'ECII * Design to Folloh, E!_E-Igll4-lrrNG rrFonr|rTroN tr BEflut4Ep lor tuuttrTAl tt fltnApptircil$ pRroR To !!ttE RlguEEE gBifrii-ecNt8Dtrt!-t-iliiitn! -rirE-omrer nEUIDT{ 80^nb. A. DESCnlt{IIotl oF tlrE 8ro]t/frmt$fo (8R81 ttNtDtHGl wf,r&|EhoJEcitrl|c, srcl , $rcurDE StEn nnasrsE._- __._ ' '__. ,. rrovlrllra..rfnplslrror |fgATlol{ oF FaoirEsr OF f,T}III{C }IATERITI, 61Ct L€af C, EIUE OF OI'ERJTLI, EICN, SIZB OF IJET'ERITIC IIID !T}GO U_rldcr3Fguaret,c+t--".__,._______ _ ,- __ . 8Efcflt 0f gI6N ||BOVE olltrDE I E€euD. E. P. c. H. DE$CRIEE I,IGHTINC (ExIsrINC On PnoPogEDl -$eoe.--'*.- r,ENGrE sF EUSINES8 rnOHtAtrE (rr' J-.- coNDortrHrur{ AsSogIATIOn.APPnOVAII - frTragu}, -- - 92O.oO rEE PAID cttEcK I REpUTRED HAaBrNSlilrFl'rrTTpq_HArrLrEEhCrTrgI I1. -J, Sltc Flan2. - .:f El.vaglong rhoulng Gxacg locetton of slgn or / avnlnE gn thi bul,l{lng7. - /-* Dhotoirsph$ shorring piopoccd locatlonr. --.1--- Colof€d Gerlo drerring5. i .. BsbFIq ot propoged batGrlals6. i- Photograph-of algn lf tvalltblc ta\\, Elgn ldntotBtmtor t r75ss t7.a4 ?.t2 LDD&tcllf,l0ll DAIG __nds- 31 . +0e0 rllfulrflrf,o r,pf&rclEro{ f,bDnf56 l|rlt8 OF (Elrr$ r:Int or TtpclgrHE Of FnOJDca - vr arfi-,Ef ,., Hf,r{E OF FEnson su111rr1rlc I'hrk Oaris _, pHoNrJliblgflj|_ -......I4CI1{- Tnth nve- ---aq .. .-.,-. ..--- -. ._. OWr|ER flotltEtt o? ofxErt lncrtron or rnosrcf-- ,vj*lq+."*t' :- . , t :, ;? DEgeRlFTtroN OE DnOtEClI --wq4qf l.*tari.ng ., - EBE FOIiol|rNC rr|FoRHrTroH t8 BE0]II8E0 Fon Bu$lrilrlr. Br TllE ,rPPr,lICtt{I FRtoR EO TttE REoUE8iI EErIO ECllEoUlsD l880nE EtrD Dttl6tl nEvl$t{ DotRD. A. DESCRIIiIIOII 9F !S[E FROJECITXO, Ef,Cl , Erotl./Atfllltc IIIC'ITDE EItrf, (FIEE sTNrDInC, t|}tr&, 'IEBBACE. * Deaign to trollorg CN OR AI|NINO }IAIERIATT cold t€af SIiE or oVERALIT EIOU' EIUE OF IA*!8BIN6 ilID tlo60 _.. t,nder 3 .Squofe_Ieet_-..._-- I Feetf,Efcltt oF DESgNIBE SION ABOVE GNT"DE I.'I6Nr$lc (ElcGTIilg on P&op0SEDl ---NenE---.-- .,F. a. H. r.EllcTtt oF DusINBss rnol|TreE (t'lt) CgNDolttHIUtt A8$oCIf,TtON lFDsOvAti & 9t0,00 f8E DtrD - ctlDclt I RFOXTRED. IL -l Eltc Drrni. -T Elrvatlons showlng dxrcc looltlon of llgn or / avnlnq on th€ bulldlng3. .." - itriii6i"rptr" rbcclnE pioparrtt locatloni. -.-'- csloreil essla alrrvlng5. .- SaFpls Ct PfoPoDed lrttcrlalll 6. J-- Fhotograph-oColgn If avlllalrle Slgn Ad',lntr.l sr'q6* i' - lr I Project Application ou," /?-zl- ?etf/ Proiect Name: lS ccfc'rs Proiect Description; Contact Person and Phone Architect. Address and Phone: Owner, Address and Phone:z23s /.. S.,k A , 8,-r+, co tA 3a{ Legal Description: L etoct 56 ,p;1;ns Design Review Board Morion by: fu* rl seconded or, " L*rU.d 2-o Date DISAPPROVAL l- z-q/ Town Planner D Sratt Approval a' | |o i_t gN/lrrul No f, P PLI Cttroil (Plea$ Prlnt or l$D3) -:-.-i ^' brb'\tlr.rtn I/.a i | (:al-awaw PERB9N SUEMITTING -MarqaraLfeJ.rell PHONE-34.2:.8?03-- olllfEg E-43,h.Q€.iJ-- httttu i 0..1990 A?PIJICAIIION DAIE I ?-] z--qo Nil|E OT IDDREEs NAttl oF lloltllun!. Ot tocATloH oF O'TEN PROJECtr 0302 DEECRIHTIOH OF PRC'EC'IT rHE FOL,IOWINO INFonillTloN IB nEppIRED FOR BpEl'tIllTAt BY rHE elFr,iient pRron ro 'rnr ruqussFEffi-scttEbulED EEFoRE THE DESTGN REVIEI'' BOARD. l. DESCRIPTION OF TllE ErtrN,/A1{llrNo (-IIEF-!TNDIN0' vlAIJJ', ino,trcrrlto, g[c], rnclltDE ErcN UEBSAGE'- --- l.BICN OR AI{NINC I'ITTERIAI, G.SrZE Of OVER.trl,l, 8fCN, Et,E }ETTERINO Al{D IOGO Siqn face - l5u ry3=L/2' OF I D' E. TIEIGHT OI 9IGN ABOVD GNADE -- 58]+ DE8CRIBE LTOHTTHC (EI|ISTINC On PROPOSED) NeIIe_--. - uare foot) (see Al) lvqe sife - ,]-1l4". cap,heiqb.t - ------.-----"-- F. G. ll. taNcTll oF EUSINEEB rRONltCE (Ftl CONDoI{INItil AESOCIATIor APPROVAIJ - , TAITACHJ -_--f20.oo rEE PtrD--*- cHECK*-- FSOUTEE D UATERTAITS . BU FUIfIIE D"..III trF APP"." CIT ION 1. -J- Sltc Plan2: -: ElevatlonB shortlng ettact location of Elgn or alnlttg on thc. bulrding -rrai r.rFr+{Ar.i o iri' uJtr I rr.,1990 A?PLICAIION DAIE JaE]Z=.9IL- ! l.FN/lq!,l No - rD Dlr GA,4TOH Prlnt or Fl1re) PnOJlgT. -,---, Vail Gatewav,-.,. . . PERsoN suEMIrrINo @PHoNE-4,4ft.030L- O}INER (PIalrc NAITE OF NAt'tE 9F ADDREEs NA}|l OT ADDPE9 fto$ttun!. Ot IPCAtrION OF DBBCRIITTION orl!B PROT'ECT OF PRqtEef Mixed uge retail-3Lnd resilifntial I$"olKH.lll#ffiTn' HHolS,F#*fiEo,lfi l,8HBB'II}""-E"Ig'or* o" REVIET{ BOARD. l. DEECRIDTTON AF THE SrGN,/AllNrN6 (q+!F-g-TAtlDlN6' llAlr" Fnousc$no, ETc), rNcIJubE srEN llSsEAcE - FreeEtanding,.- si <'n massa€re, (<ec BJ ^'k l.EICN OR AI{NINA UATERIAI, C. D. 8. HErGH! OF EION ABOVE CRADE . s8" + - - -. -DE8CRIBE LrGHTrl{G (EtlrSTrNc oR PROFOSED) 4s'ne . - .---------- ErZD OF OVERATIJ EICH, EIUE OF I.,EII|IERINO AltD IOGO Siqn face - 15" x 9-I/2"\\ squere foq!-)---!see ll) tvqe si?e - ,]-1 14". cap-lreiqtlF - ---. F. C. tl. TENATH OF EUtirNEtS fRONTA6E (tt) collDoBlNru{ AssocrATION APPROVATJ - --tATtApHt , - ', - 0ao.go rEE SAID - cllECK il FFOUTEED IAII4RTAIF IUBI-IIfIIED WITH APPI.,"CATION l. --A- glts Plan2. - ElovatlonE shoelng exeat location of ElEn or atrnlnE on the bullding3. -.-- pnotoirapfrs cbordng ptoposril loeatlon 4. --X- color€d sgele draulng!. : Sanpre of proposed natarlals5. ;-. Phologreph-of-rlgn lf avallebls PiOJEC' RECORD . .-a n n-^ , 6;.1-\ ";d!UUEITILIYUU PROJ ECT : TEMR)RAFy -fAf;,K| r.J Q Alcat l coMMUNtcATloN ARTs INcoRPoRATED tlt2 PEARL STREET BouLDER, coLoRADo Botot lot {4t s:c2 FAx: lca +40 zo96 COVERED VALET PARKING <. a^, 5rqu HcE *MryqE NorE : A<eso eltAl.JqEs DlRE3nc> J ;iii.,ilEC1clgg0 PNO.|ECT RECORD RE ' PARKING FEES Up to 1 Hour s4.00 Up to 2 Hours s8.00 Up to 3 Hours s14.00 Up to 4 Hours $20.00 Up to 5 Hours $25.00 Up to 6 Hours s32.00 OvEr 6 Hours s38.00 Retellvallds on : 54,00R.ri.u''nt V.lidrtlon. SlL00 ' :- \ tt I t-----t tI Ill - rr Il l Retellvallds on =s4,00 I l I Il RlsL'r'ant v.liddlon : 58.00 ll I. tt tt 'ltt tt Itl tt tJ - :tll ll.tl'--: -- ; ' ' i I i ,rt ll tttlII tlilil,::fitl N lt tlflll:Hll tliltl glsI[[nlItlttlIil --'' +nfi , , ,\Y, ln = lto'l' COPIESTO : : . : , . COMMUNTCATION A RT5 INCORPORATED II12 PEARI, STREET BOULDER, COLORADO 8O]02 3O] 447 8202 FAX: 3O] 440 7096 fr[c'D []tc 1 819 PARKING FEES Retail Validation = $4.00 Restaurant Validation = $6.00 Up to 1 Hour $4.00 Up to 2 Hours $8.00 Up to 3 Hours $14.00 Up to 4 Hours $20.00 Up to 5 Hours $26.00 Up to 6 Hours $32,00 Over 6 Hours $38.00 74PsNq QnPaEe Stqu If4" : lt' g,+LE PRO'ECT RECORO O nm DEc 1 s leeo r 3lj :. i : :i't, . rAl s r coPrES To , , '. : : i ;: collMUlr cATl ol{ ARTS lt{coRPoRATED 1112 PEART- STREE',T'. BOULDER- COLORADO 80302 303 447 8202 F-AX:303 44A7096 I F.l4l':lqEAenqE ,l f- ,\-- Fee Pa'id Appl i cat'i on Number SIGN APPLICATION Date Name of Proiect \)F\L(a.a5E\r$.Y Name of Person subrnitting -TbDbEL!-{2?FxL Phone d--l(.--7O[? Locati on of Proiect \) ACL- + 3oCtf.\t. V?.\5\-A€JE_rZSQ5, Description of Project !r.aO&299- information is re<l for submittalThe f o'l l owi ng to the Design Sign submittal Review Board bef fee is $20.00. a finql approval-. lt,fi by the acanff Si k4L pp1icant ven. \//,rL'u/A. Sign Material B. Description of Sign c. size of sign 4l X t\ Length of Frontaqe (Ft. ) Comments D. MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan X;'. orJwi lii"sfifii>ng emct I ocati on3. Photographs shoXljng proposed location4. Actual sign lI4{5. Colored sialE-dffiinq6. Photograph of sign -,T-- Approved for DRB Submittal oilapprovea for DRB Subm'ittililf- ----- AJ a"4 *r- f *O re r..r (p Sign Administratorn:/ >on ca.* Lb c4"fr4-tn .RdG. Phone 3O3-44O-422O FAX 3O3-44G4256 3450 Penrose Place. Suite 160 Boulder.CO 8O3O1 ro: ks*)s\* -v+41*-o"t", 5f ?l(% .. rob:,UAtL*GAJEr.,lJrkY . Re: ..--.... For Bids Duel ... ......... Shop drawings DrawingF Specifications Samples Copy of letter Brochuresg_+RucF\oNJ trn Tn!! p for approval/ !\pproved rs submittcdf Approved as noted! Notapprovcd D Forconcctionsnoted D For your use D Description 3-r.a xt A.PPLrcAtloN ..... Remarks en . .....S[.C".N 'ADt(trr.\L=rrg&IOf-1*. Gentlemen: We are sending you via Copi€s $_our messengerU Fint class mailN UPs! Express ServiceD your pick up! FAX tr Drawing Number t ! D Resubmit Kindly D Return tr tr For Our Office and Job Use For Final Approval Form 1100 Copies to: ....... Copies ) {$ t'\ \\\r \d4 tn:cCDAW wrrx-- .,tar** fuu $eau trT T I I I I t l I t o ffia;;i:"OcSrtgFI--r or{"o/ } \I Ft>-r-CF A'.:'i{A{f 't#At l'*-(O "- -r.(Lrc#s!;,-#jsx' t 1-? Proiect Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: uttqrrco 7b s/r. /\ro BAcxt/6ilrtN4 ts A.LL.d>Qe-fJ, Design Review Board o^," 4, s /r o Seconded by:G^" &*l Abtfo,^* / DISA PPROVAL<-D A \/O htta)^rt.J -st rr4lr Summary: 3) .*uar,Ks /t, /2, t t4 r vr t n"ct nr TilE SAntf Stalf Approval I l+r. dorr..t l{traL Cra'rr{ tA'TcD ?tl,(rrao, Sttcc: futa.l'rVlra rvt{l}? Gtgr,lette tt f Ft rrulJ lYtr 14a.t-.6rves I erYtvaau lraoy AR €A OF slc^Aoe ATrLTEP _rd eua*s Exhihit B <dDp '{td' ^,oo'' 2t(4 wAtE*t+t" O WiliaD BY DB- g ,w,A'r?gA-q 9ra19s69.4WP 70 Gl4V2 EXHIBIT .8" ./. / (, Project l),tJ tu-A. )/ ^cl /)'t'7 a 'v\oateot@., PEC DRB --Ftr s7-,zi: Town Council ,.,.:,..":.'::.: er::code: .::.: ::.. :.. . , ..'., *':it qN/.X"-1.- pra- i ec{; aar ,1 /tlu>Lt vr-tr t.)Itx_U"//// tl/-'l1 ,r.tzt- ';- J\_ k,* ry- = :]: ]:], ::: ::: ::'::].] t at't<" !:!: ;4 :',:' tZ<t-t< / 5 ' !rz'V.rl* ,.t -7 4,,#,."11,.1 o [/ a-, ra-fi"au tr o/12. 2<t. /'io rt-, &A- l.*J /h--.-/-< rn) . <*{_z a /t+4f ;/N- *.- rl*.i* I| .>z I 1 ' ,Lt+(<€ r! *u**+" "l k-'a"*A-'--- d K :p{";;t-. n-a'\ \^rM.l- 5th$l( --2 :' vt',''l'1 |L.IL U t LwP6* Pt^+ga;z'z(</r ,. u-T 4r/u4t4-LD ,,)* / ,f il!x;i;;:;."f9(::: ;-:-.,'i'-*n :-.----. '-- - . '\1 ,\'st",fl;uv-* [^lf _ k^-l;"4^ ]oL f t';,tY fq ".L ,,-.{ | | , ,tM 6o"L /; + [ l',r. * e't*k,l"u'L- ,t 0v 4\ bv 5) t^,o 1^r'-,.rLrto1 t j\T4 ^11"""t1i^w h,^> ) ilgr^.,1,o-hn tl ,i F-J' ,j*/;^r b' *'^'yJkl^ ,114 -,*-.."*,^^l--lV^ / fllu^'/...*--:-;2 !,*t? ^i 1n;,lt' 0/" rl 1\ ,*r h1 LrJ N r a-I) t *P 9c/'- l urbt^ j *ffi,!t4l,ls';,il h ,tt) r4 t/t4r^t- u '4 i* " o SIGN PROGRAM FOR GATEWAY FL AZA LOT N, BLOCK 5D, VAIL VILLAGE IST SOUTI.{ FPON TAGE POAD AT VA I L ROAD VAIL, COLORADO o VAIL GATEWAY SIGN PROGRAM This submission is for the approval of a sign program for the Vail Gateway project at South Frontage Road at Vail Road' Approval of shop signage 1s on a general basis. _ Each tenant will b!- subrnitting lndividually their specific sign (wlthin the parirneters oi thts program) after obtaining owner approval in writlng. Flnal approval is reguested for the two building name sJ'gns, reading i'vail Gateway" (Exhibit t'c")- Please find the following enclosed for your approval. 1. Exhtblt rrArt I 112 x 11, list of signs/sguare footage totals. Z. Exhibit r'Brr 8 112 x 11, typicat paint/slass sign, eection/lighting. 3. Exhibit 'crr I 112 x 11, building name sign- 4. Exhibit t'Dt' 24 x 36, north and west elevations. 5. Exhibit t'8" 24 x 36, south elevation VAIL GATET{AYEffiEoffiM \,^ 10- *"s- t J. j *- '.r$ \ t ( (_\ '-{ ..,iJ H oy,l;."$}J" ^v.d S,-i-R '1,)'-1,;^$($ N\t ,,y'" \"*)"4 ;\'F u* gn # shop # Sign Type Slgn Size Malerials _I- waff Eign 3 s.f. Glass, Vinyl or Paint 2 wall Sign 3 s.f. Glass, Vinyl or Palnt 3 Wall Slgn 3 s.f. Glass' Vinyl or Palnt 4 WaIl Sign 3 s.f. Glass, Vinyl or Paint 5 wall Sign 3 s.f. Glass' Vlnyl or Paint 6 wall Sign 3 s.f. Glass, Vinyl or Paint 7 WaII Sign 3 s.f' Glass' Vinyl or Paint 8 V{aII Sign -.3 s.f . Glass' Vinyl or Paint 9 wall sign -6--E;T. Glass, vinyl or Paint 10 WalI Sign 6 s.f. Glass, .Vinyl or Paint 6JP Awning 3 s.f . Fabric w/rabric Lettersg^ Awning 3 s.f . Fabric w/Fabric Letters(f& Awnlng \ S s.f. Fabric w/Fabric Letters 49, Awning \9\3 s.f. Fabric w/Fabric Letters r S rrojeclins q=p*FA\ r,/r? wood/Paint 16 Bldg.Nane cast Llntel 10.s x @zl s.f . Stone TOTAL: 72 s.f. -V Total Sign S.F. = 72 < 77 s.f. x 5 = 385 (total buildinS ,n { \ f rontage ) )rd .\t-' 1 ,.pt' \$s \ +.- '.*v ,, n h'f 'P' \t \vt'i- ( .- , ) ,/ u') ,? ^/\ ,i' d Filivo.($sr /+5f$q'* Ttd\"S. * .,It '{ M\ N{,,t,,}.^ W),, -F, ^ Q(^.&'slir[ffi]s:o$*-iT j Cq, EXHIBTT "A' ;\ ) *' u"rp/"' sY .r+ 'r v-,rr.,^f$.;q\.,&+' j v o*$;s rh g. llglHx3t \7 PtA),Lo t-.2 --'- u rr{..fi' h I r Iv F I ll tlll .pxvw-/ It tl [-, o \t,", < YrS Ll ) v- aa'P aLa#Ay ?zvthvWjDH tr l$ s ll n s -t O 3 l- l-g -xut $ F -J ofE- ./ ./ ./ ,/ \__4fr B lllr_llt/-----nf* a) trJ b=-{ I ( j ,/ ./ ,/ ./ ,