HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY COMMON 3Leo Pa1mer Palmer Developnent 2735 lris Ave., Suite A Boulder, Colorado 80304 January 23, 1991 lils. xristen Pritz,!tr. Mike Irlollica Town of VaiI, Planning Departnent 75 S. Frontage Rd. W.vail, co 81657 RE: Easement Dear Kristen and Mike: Regarding your reeluest for an easement over that portion ofvail Road whlch encroaches on the Gatevay property, the Vail cateway Condoniniun Association hereby agrees to execute thegrant of easement which f have included with this letter. It is our determLnation that this easenent is in the bestinterest of the Association. The Association has the power togrant this easement to you pursuant to the provisions of the Condoninium Declaration for Vail cateway Plaza Condonl-niums. I{e wlll agree to execute this easement within two weeks of thef,iLing of the Condoninium Map. very trul-y yours, CONDOI'IINItJU /ltrpalnde We have the ENERGY! -2 ttC'DDEC 1?peO December l-4, 1990 Mr. Mike Mollica The Town of VailConnunity Development75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81-657 Re: Vail Gateway Plaza Dear Mike; As \rre discussed, the following is a revised list of work itemsto be completed which need to be included on the escrow agreenent between the developer and The Town of Vail. - Irrigation System for new planters and repairs to existingplanter irrigation system - $3,000. - Replace existing landscaping darnaged in existing planter - $1,200. - TrelLis on the east side ef the building needs to be completedby January 3L, 1991. &A*) - Rernoval of temporary sidewalk to Vait Village Inn access - S750. - The original budget for the entire south sidewalk improvements down to the intersection was approximately $60,000. If you roughl-y approximate the improvements to the Vail Village Inn access as being 252 of the tota1, Leo PaLmer's cornmittments shoul-d be approximately $15f000. - Removal of asphalt patch along curb and gutter at Vail Road - $750. - Replacement of asphalt patch along curb and gutter at VaiI Road - 92,500. ItnllUU. - 80ut0ER DEs MOINES OFFICE: SAN DIEGO OFFICE: BOULDER OFFICE: OBLANoO OFFICE: 5OO S W, IIH ST SUITE 3OO 77' ALVARADO ROAD, SU]TE 121 3450 PENROSE PLACE, SIJITE 160 3028 IT,IERCY DRIVE DES M0 NES. rA 50309 LA tvtESA. CA 92041 BoULDER. CO 80301 0RLAN00 FL 32808 5'.5124445M FAX'. i151244-7147 61S/637€401 Ltc. B 5S82t Fri{ 61 9/697-8499 30ft440.4220 407/294-7065 FAX: 303/440-4256 FAX:407144-7314 We have the ENERGY!-- - Restriping of VaiI Road will be completed prior to JanuarY 31, 1991.. Estimated cost of $1.,000. o Mike, if there is anything else that weif you have any questions, please do not Respectfully suburitted, ccs Leo Palmer - Palmer DevelopmentFrank Freyer - VaIl VenturesJim Anest - Palmer DevelopmentJack Taylor - Ringland-Johnson-Crowley Todd Ellgren - Ringland-Johnson-Crowley Buff Arno ld - Arnold Gwathnev Pratt Architecrs need to respond to, orhesitate to contact us. Company Conpany IJ0, B{ULDEB t:: CONDOI.IINIW DECI,ARATION FOR VAII-, GATEWAY PI.AZA COT{DOMINIUMS WIIEREAS, L,eo Pal-ner, doing business as Palmer Developlent .-.' corp""V ttt"i"inaelet tuif.a r6eclarant"lr i? the owner of the ;;i;;"perty situaie in tbe Town.of vail' county of Eagle' state of colorad"l-rrri.ii is aescr$ed in Exhibit A attached ["""i"-i"d incorp6".t"a herein by reference (hereinafter referred to as rthe ProPerty") i I{IIEREAS, Declarant desires to establish a condominium ' project undlr the condoninir:n ownership Act of -the state of colorado, for the ;;6;;tt-;d inproveients and.to define the ;il;;,-a""i[i""]-iightt, dutils and rinitations of condoniniu:n ownershiP ; !*IEREAS'Declaranthasorshallhaveconstructedabuilding on the Property, 'ili;h roifaitte slrall consist of twenty-three (23) separately d;;I6.i;a-cond"tiniun units' which units incrude sixteen i*t'a;tilrcial uttii= and seven (?) Residential units (a11 such d-pLtartzea terns shall have the meaning il;ir"$i; in"'"ii'i;-;;;-;;in in rarasraph. 1. berow) ' subject to Declarant's righl-t"-iedesignate suci Unit tlpes and subject- to the right t" "3tli"" ."al"i-aivide the units as hereafter set forttrl and, I{HEREAS' Declarant does hereby establish a plan for the oorr,"i"nip in fee -=irpf. of the Coirdoniniun Units as hereafter ;;i;;e;-=ouj""t to itre easements, restrictions' reservations' conditions, and ofiig"tiott as s"t forth in this Declaration' consisting of the area or space contained in each of the air ;;;;-n;i€s ina the co-owneiship.bv the unit owners' as tenants-ir,-.o6ottl-"i -tft" renaiiring property, hereinaf ter aeiinea and referied to as the General conmon Elements' Now THEREFoRE' Declarant does hereby :9bi"9: the Property to this Declaration-lna-p"lfi"U and declarE tnat t-tre-following terms, covenants, -"othitions, easenentsr,restrictions' uses' reservations, riririi"iion= and duties'Errirr run with the land' shall be a burd""-""-i"a a benefit to Declarant' its successors ;;e-;t;is"s, and any person or-entity acquiring-or owning an interest in aII or i iortion of the -troperty and. improvements that are or fecorne ;,'f,,j;;a Co this pecllration, their grantees and heirs, "*""ofJttr-ianinittrators, devisees' successors and assigns. 1- I i tt I -1- I x. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Declarati-on, unless the contexg oth;ffiTequires, terurs hereinafter set forth shall have the following meanings: (a) trArticlesrf means the Articles of Incorporation of the Association. (b) nAssociationrr means Vail Gateway Plaza Condorninium ar"oiiition]il a colorado non-profit corporation. the ,!rUe"= of which inaff be all of tle owners of the Units. (c) ||Board of Directorsx or trBo,ard|t means the governing body of the Association. (d) 'rBuildinql means the building improvement located on the Property. (e) 'Bylaws.' means the Bylaws of the Association' (f) nConrnercial Expensegrr means all costs and expenses incuiria U@ connection vith the provision of i"""r"""., services, facilities, supplies or other. itens eiciusiveiy to the 6wners of Conmeriiaf Units or otherwise necessary or convenient for ttre existence, maintenance and/or safety oi tfre Corr"i"ial Units or available for the exclusive "=!-iita enjolatent by owners of the conmercial units, as ari.tri""a-l-y tne Biard of Directors pursuant to Section 16(e) bereof. (s) lcommercial Unitrr neans any one (1) of the sixteen (16) uniti-initiafftesignated on the ltip as i coronercial Unit' Aaaitior,.fly, torun"r6iat Unit shall iean any such Unit created bv subdivision or combination of i Connerciit Unit or Conmercial 6i.tit"l-""-i"a""ig"ation of another tlpe of Unit. as a Conmercial Unit pursuant to the provisions of this Declaratlon' (b) ',9g@GtCSgDjE,!r means the General Conmon Elements and the Lirnited Cornnon Elements- (i) rrcommon Expensesrr means (i) all elPenses expressly aectirla to be cnnon ExpenseE by this Declaration or by the Bvlaws of the Association; (ii) aff such expenses of ;a;I;i=i;ti"g, --""ivi-rng,' conserving, nanaging, uaintaining' i"pii"ittq or'replacing fhe General connon E1enentsl (iii) in;"ril"; preniirns toi ttre insurance carried under the tiortf=iotts of this Declaration and deternined to be comon 'nxp"n=." by the ;;r;e;-;;a-ii"t all expenses lawfully deter:mlned to fe Conmon Expenses bY the Board. -2- (i) rcondorninir+rn unitrr means a Unit together vith the undivided interesFG6ceneral Common Elernents appurtenant thereto and the "igh[ to exclusive or non-exclusive use of iirit.a Conmon Sfeients associated therewith, and all other tigfii= "na burdens created by this Declaration' (k)|lDeclarantl.neanstheDeclarantnamedhereinandsuch successor or suc.Gsors as nay be designated hereafter by Declarant by written notice duly recorded' (1) ,'DggI3E3!9!rr neans. this Declaration' together with any supplement or an66Ent hereto, recorded in the office of the ai&i and Recorder of Eagte county, Col-orado' (n) [First l{ortqagetr means.a.first mortgage or first deed of tiult encunfEffiinterest in a Condoninium Unit.' ;f'f""igiS"; shall in6fua. a deed of trust, and .mortgageerr shall include-the beneflciary of a deed of trust'rl (n) "Ejtrs@Eg.A@tr means- and includes the holder of a proni=iory-ffil;;';ilof which is secured by a First fioi€g"g".' ft ais-o -includes the holder of a First l.tortgage. (o) rrceneral common EleFpntsrt means all of the ProJect, as nereinitte@ortions thereof which .i.""tii"t. urrit", and also means aII parts 9f lhe Building or ;;;-;;;iiiti"=,-itprovenents and fixtures vhich rnav b9'within a Unit which are or i.y be necessary or convenient to the support, existence, u.", o""oiation. operation, rnaintenance., repair or #;;t ;i't1e sugaing or any part thereof or.any unit therein' wiin"itt tinitittg-in---i""".atitv of the foregoing, -ttre following ;;ii-;;ttit"t" eeneial connoir Elenents: (i) ?ll "r the rand ind easements which are part of the Property; (ii) alL iJunaations, columns, giiders, beams and supports- of the ilrilil;; tiiit iii 6""r. or yird areas, porches, balconies' Fai;;,-iiieprices, doors, w-in$o1s and parking spaces or areas isuuject to Specific assignnent for individual owner use as f,ini€ed Cornrnoir niernents, is hereinafter defined and provided); ifit-ih"-;t"iior walls of the Building, the main- or bearing r.rall-s within tne-guifaing, the nain or-iearing subfloorinS ?ld the roofs of the Suifdin6i (v) all sidewalks, entrances, exits, vestiuures, and h-tts, ii'ariv, not within any Unit; (vi) all uiiiii:, sirvice and maj'ntenince rooms, ?P199' fixtures' ippir.tu", installations and central facilities for po!'ter, filnt, gas, telephone, television, hot water, cold water, freitiirql or sini]ar utility, service or maintenance-pgrposesi i"a iniif at1 other parts 6i tfre nroject necessary in common use or cdt.teitient to its- existenee, maintenance and safety' -3- (p) rrgEgrr means any agent, employee, tenant, guestt licensee or invitee of an owner. (s) trlimited cornrnon El-e4entgrr means those General Conmon nreniil.s wffie use by certain_owners to the exclusion of the ottt.t", including, but not linited to, certain lifconies, porches, patios, fireplaces, fireplace flues' deck or yiia "r""! ina p"rXi-ng spaies or areas, and are designatgd as 3uch on the Map, ana iniin roay be.further designated elther iinitea Connon- iternents - Coniuercial or Linited Common Elements - Residential. (r)'rT,inited corunon Elenents - conmelc+aIr'.neans tlosl General cornmonof Connercial Elements which Unj.ts only, and are ieserved for the use.by owners designated as such on the MaP. (s) t'Limited. comrnon Elernents - Residen!-ia1tr- means those eeneiai coffi are reserved for the use by owners oi n."ia.ntial Units only, and designated as such on the Map' (t) rrManaqing Aqentrr neans the person-enployed by the Board to pdrhorn tfre rnffig;nent and operational functions of the Project. (u) uEp." means the condominiun map depicting the Property as udri pafrcularly descrlbed in Section 4 hereof , and any supplement(s) thereto. (v) rrownerrr or rtunit ownerx means any individual, .orpdritio@iation, trust.or other 1egal ;fiit, -"i l"i,Ui"ation ii regar entities, which is the record o\dner 6t an undivided fee sinple interest in one or more Condominium Units. (w) ItPro.iecttt or ilcondominjr+ro,Proiec-.tn means all of the eropiriy, ffiing and iuprovenents. located on the Property. (x).'Egpc.*yl|meanstherea}propertylocatedintheTownof viii, county ;? Eagle, State of -colorador -which is further aescriUia in Eihibit i, and upon which the Building is located. (y) ,,@rr ueans aII costs and expenses fneuiila by the A=;ocGtG;G connection with the provision of Lnsurance, services, faciliti.t, ""ppii"= "1 other !t"ts exclusiveiy to the Owners of Residenltaf Units or otherwise neceEsary or convenient for the exLstence, maintenance and/or safety oi tne Residential Units or availatle for the excluslve "r.-iira -njolment by ouners of the Residential Units, as determined by the Board of Direitors pursuant to Section L6(e) hereof. (zl I'Residential unitrr neans any one. (1)--of . the seven (7) Uniti iesifratea "n tfre ltaP as a Residential Unit' Additionally, Resia.tttiuf tnits shall mean any such Unit created Uv suUaivision or conbination of a Residential- Unit or ;!.i;;;;i"r-u"iii, -oi redesignation of another tlpe of unit as a ii""ia""tial Unit, pursuant'to ttre provisions of this oeclaration, and al shown on a supplenental Map' (aa)ilUnittrDeansanindividualairspacewhichiscontainedin an enclosed room or rooms occupying all or part of a floor or floors in the guiiaing. Each Unil-is shown on the Map and is identified thereon wi€tr a nunber. The exact boundaries of a u"ii """ the interior unfinished surfaces of such walls' floors i"a-""iii"gr rhi"fr urark the perimeter boundaries thereof, and where found "fotq-r;.tr wal:.sl floors and ceilings-the interior surfaces of wind6ws and doors in their closed position and interior surfaces and non-structural components.of built-in ;i;6i;;"t titn their darupers in the closed position; and the Unit includes both the poitions of the guilding so described, .rrd "ir=pace so enco^pai."d, together with all fixtures and irptot"tlnts therein Lontained, -but not any General coumon eiErnent= which may be located irittrin a Unit. As used herein, itre terrns trUnit( ind ,tUnitsrr shaLl nean and refer to the nesidential Units and/or the Cornmercial Units as the case may be. 2. sUBMIssIoN To coNDot'{INIuM owNERqHr?.. Declarant hereby conveys ffi;tt to condoniniurn ownership. 3. DMS]ON INTO UNITS. The Project is hereby divided into r"r"r- (7@ and sixteen (16) Conmercial Units, "".ft "i"iisting of a separate fee sinple-estate in a particular Unit, and an alpurtenanl qndivideq f9e sinple interest in the General Conmon Elenents. The undivided interest in the General conmon Elenents appurtenant to a particular Unit is as set forth in Exhibit B attalired hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 4. CONDOMINIIIM MAP. (a) Upon substantial conpletion of the Building,. "TtP p1igt to any conveyance by Declaranl of any Condoniliul- Unit therein, Declaiant sniff cau-te to be filed foi record in ttre County' the Condominium Map which shall contain: -5- (i) The legal description of the Property and a survey thereof; (ii) The linear measurenents and location',wi!h reference to the exterior boundaries of said land, of the i"iiai"g and all improvements built on said land; (iiii Floor plans and elevation pl-ans_of the Building showi-ng tie fbcaii"",'[fr..designation and the linear dimensions oi eacri unit, ""a tn! designation of all of the Linited comon Elements; (iv) The elevations of the unfinished interior surfaces df tne iloor= and ceiU-ngs as established from a datum ;G;;,-;"e-the tinear measurement! showing the thickness of the ierfniter and common walls of the Building' (v) A designation of each of the Units as a Comnerciai imit o. ..-. Reiidential Unit, as the case may be, ;d ;-G;iqtt-tiott of each of the Units by letter or number or conbination thereof. (b) The Map' and any supplement(s) thereto, -shaII contain a Etatinint of an architeci, eirgineer or registered land surveyor "eiifi'ing that ifre Uap tutty-ana accurately depicts the layout, n"i"urir"its ana location of all of the irnprovenents, the dinensions of such units and the elevations of the f100rs and ;;iiGt=, that the Map was prepared subsequent to substantial ."tpi"€i"n of the iropioveneirtsl and that there is no apparent ;;ie;il; -r sign ot iny easement crossing or burdening the Property, except as noted. Declarant hereby reserves unto ttsi:-f ine tn"-Soaia, the right, from tine to time, on or before Septenber 1, Lgg3' or until ihe Declarant has conveyed' C;;.rdir5'Uttit=' representing an aggregate ownership_ interest in Eeventy-five percent (?5*) of the General Comnon ElemenEs ln ihe Condoiiniun broject,'whichever first occurs, without the consent of any ownei Ueing required, -to anend the Map and- ""ppf"t""t(s)-thereto for the -following Purposes:. to conform inE-U"p to'tire actual location of any_of lhe constructed inlrotEn.nts, to establish, vacate and relocate utility ealements, access road easements and carports or parking_spaces and to maie technical or clerical corrections thereto' In i"["ip""ting any- and all provisions of this Declaration or tbe Bvlaw;, subsequent to the recording of deeds to and/or mortgages ;i-A;;e;Gi,* units, the actual Location of a unLt shall be d;;;a-;;ncfusivefy io fe the Property intended to be conveyed, re.erved or encumbired, notwithstlnding any ninor deviations -6- from the location of such Unit indicated on the Map' Woiwitnstanding the foregoing, Declarant shall not have the ;i;ha io anend-tir"-uip witrro,i! the prior approval of the First ioi-ieug""s whose lieni encumber an iggrega!. gt seventy-five percent (75t) or more of the total iiierests in the General tortot rieneirts in the Condoninium Froject' 5.subjeet l: "oTilg :idil3i:::1?:di"g,h"tions, Decldrant hereby relLrves the right- to physically coibine tlte area or space of one (1) Unit ,oi!!.the area or space ;il;;-tii-""-r"r"-"ai"i"ing unitf, or to sugivide a unit into two (z)'or more uniis,: ptovided, however, that said right shaLl terminate as to any Uirii that ii ovned by any person other than DecLarant. Declarint hereby further reserves the right to. t.a"rigtt"te any Corunercial tnit and/or aT{ Residen.tial Unit as a Unit of any other t,n;, lrovided thit saia right shall terminate ir-io iny tnit that is oined by any person other than Declaranl. In the event Declaiant-exercises its right.to "oruitt" units, to subdivide a unit and/or to redesignate a unit, ir iiot""aid, it shall cause a supplenental Map or other "ppi"pti"te document to be recordLh in tne rea1.pt"?:+{-t:,:?I1t o?- nulf" County, Colorado, reflecting such conbination of Unlts, suctr iuUdivisi6n of a Unii and,/or su6h redesignation of a Unit or Units. In the event of any such physical conbining of.Units io create a conbi-ned Unit, sulh conbineA Unit shall also include ;h"-;;ilining of ii*t,.r."'and inprovements and of the undivided interests in-the General conmon Elenents.appurtenant to the U"it" so conbined. In the event of any suLh physical conbining of units to create a single Unit, the owner of such conbined unit shall be responsible for the assessments for coDmon n"p."""J all.ocabll to the Units so combined, as determined puisuant to the provisions of this Declaration, as if for such iurposes only suLh cornbined Units had renained separate''Oeciarant heieby reserves the right to designate^and convey to ini puicnaser oi any combined Unit, as additional Linited Conmon elinLnts appurtenanl tberetor €ttlY walls, floors- or other structural-ieparations between the Units so conbined' or-any - space which wiuld be occupied by such structural separations but i|i tfr" conbination of sulh Unils; provided, however, that such wa}ls, floors or other structural separations or_ suc.h space snarr'automatically becone General Connon Eleuents if the confinea Units bec6rne subject to separate or,snership in the future. The reserved rigf,ts of DecLarant set forth Ln this iiiigrapn 5 shall terninite on Septenber 1, 1993, or until ttre oeclirai'rt has conveyed Condominiun Units representing an aggregate ownership interest.5.n seventy-f+v? percent (75t) of ti6 eeneral connoriElements in the condomlnium Project, whichever event first occurs. Notwithstanding the above, in no event sha1l the total and the total number 5. number of Units exceed thirty-two (32) 'of Residential Units exceed twel-ve (12). CONDOMINII'M T'NIT' PARKING' ENCROACIIMENTS. (a) The General conmon Elenents shall be owned in.common by alf €hL Olrners and shall renain undivided. No Owner shalL assert any right of partition with respect.to the-General CoEnon Eleuents.- faih Ownel vaives any and all rights of partj-tion lerii tr"ia ly virtue of his ownership of an undivided.interest.in thi eeneral Conmon Elenents as a tenant-in-conmon with the other O*te"". This paragraph shal1 not, howeverr.lirnit.or restrict the right of plrtiiion of a single Condoniniu:n Unit among the Owners thereoi, but such partition shall not affect any other , Condominiun Unit. An OwnLr's undivided interest in the General Cornnon Elenents and in any appurtenant Liurited Cornmon Elements sha1l not be separated tron tne Unit to which they are alpurtenant and- shall be deened to be conveyed or encumbered wiin tne Unit, even though the interest is not expressly nentioned or described in a deed or other instrurnent' tlotwitfrstanding the foregoing, Ovners of Condoniniurn Unitg nay lease or rent ftreir resp6ctivi: Units, as provided in Section 11 below, and may separately lease or rent the.parlcing spaces or areas appurteiant to or issigned to such Units, as provided in Subsection 6(c) below. (b) Each owner shall be entitled to use the General conmon nlendnis (other than the Linited Connon Elernents) in accordance wttfr tft" purpose for which they are intended, without hindering, inpeaing ir imposing upon tne iigtrts of the other owners and in acioraaice witi rul6s ind regulalions duly established fron time to time by the Association. (c) Subject to the definition thereof, the l,inited conllon flendnts strai.t be identified herein or on the Map and designated as a Llnited Cornmon Elenent - Connercial, Linited Common Element - Residential or as appurtenant to a particular unit trerein or on the llap or in a aeed frour the Dec]arant. Any balcony, porch, pitio, fiieplace, fireplace flue, door or window which is icce"iiUfe iromr'associated wittr and/or which adjoin(s)'a Unit and deck or yard area identified as Liurited common Elements on the. Map ana designated as appurtenant to a particuLar Unit shal},-without furttrer refeience thereto, be used in connection wittr i:tre Unit to which lt is appurtenant or by Resi,dential Owners or Conmercial owners, as the case may be, to the exclusion of the use thereof by other owners, except by invitation. AJ-so, individual parking spaces located within the -8- Darking areag of the Project shaLl be designated either as a ii;il;t c"rr""-irernent afpurtenant to a paiticular Residential unit and reserved for thl-exclusive use of the owner and the quests of the Owner of such Unit or as a Linited Conmon Element :-c"m"i.iii. At least one parking sPace shall be appurtenant to each Residential unit. The Map shall identify the_partlcutar parkinq space(s) which shall be appurtenant to a particular fi"lialiitili-ntiii. att renaininq lirking sPaces and areas shal-l Ue aesignated as Lirnited Cornnon-Elenents - ConmerciaL on the iip, -wftich parking spaces and areas so designated_ shaLl be ieiervea foi tne 6xciusive use of and regulation by Owners of c"ror"r"ial units. The o$ners of cornmercial Units may at any iine ana from. time to tirne agree that certain parking aPaces.or areas shall be assigned for tlre exclusive use of and regulatlon^ by the Owner(s) of farticular Cornmercial Unit(s). - The Owners of i'onnerciaf Uriils, o'r tn" O$tner of a Conmercial Unlt with respect i; th; FrXing spaces or area assigned for the exclusiire use of ina r"gilfatioi b! such owner, may regrulate the-parking spaces or ii""" {esignated'as Linited dornnon Elenents - Connercigl, may i;;; suctr-pirrcing spaces or areas separately fron their ieJpective i1''its, or may charge a rate for the use of such p.riirrg spaces oi .r"arl rn iaaition, the.Owners of Conmercial tlnits iay- elect to install a gate restricting access to the p"iXi"g ir"u.r of the project;-provided, however, that Owners of i*ria""tial Units shall have reasonable access to the parking spaces appurtenant to their particular Units. (d) If any portion of the General Conmon Elements now encrdathes upon iny Unit, or if any Unit now encroaches upon any other Unit oi upon any portion of the General Conmon Elements, as a result of tne conslruction of the Building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of the Building, a valid easement for the encroachnent ana ror-the maintenance-of the same, so long as the Building stands, shall exist. In the event the Buildinqt' any Unit or-any ialoinitrg ceneral Conmon Elenent shall be partially or totally ae6troyei as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of "orrl"rtation or erninent domain proceedings, and then rebullt, encroachments of parts of the General Conmon Elenents upon any Unit or of any unl,t upon any other Unit or upon any portion- of the General Coromon Elenents, due to such rebuilding, shall be pernitted, and valid easements for such encroachments and the iaintenance thereof shall exist so long as the Building shalL stand. 7. DESCRIPTTON OF CONpOMTNIUI{ tNrT. (a) Every contract for the sale of a Unit executed prior- to tfre iiiing foi record. of the Map nay 1egal1y describe a Unit by -9- its identifying condoniniu:n unit designation, follorved by the, toras rVail Gafeway Plaza Condoniniumi." The location of such Unit on the Properiy shall be depicted on the Map subsequently recorded. (b) Every contract, deed, lease, mortgage, trust deed, wiff)-6r ottt"i instrurnent nay legally describe- a Unit by-its ia""iifying Cond.ominiun Unit-nuroier, followed by the words rrVail cateway pliza Condoniniumsrrr in accordance with and subject.to itt. Coi,a"niniun Declaration for Vail Gateway Plaza Condoninj'uros recorded on , 19 . in Book- at Fage@€r , )' and lrap iGrded oi : , L9--, in go-of- at Page- (RecePtion N"tb- in the office of the clerk and necorde@iorado.n Every such description sfraff be good ind sufficient for a1l purposes to sel1' convey, [i""if"t, encumber, or otherwise affelt not only the unit, but also the Conrnon Elements appurtenant thereto' (c) The reference to the Map and Declaration in any instiuinent sha1l be deened to inslude any amendrnents or supptements to the Map or Declaration without specific reference thereto. 8. TITLE. A Unit nay be held and owned in any real property te-nancy relationitrip recognized under the laws of the state of Colorado, and nay UL held and owned by any legaI entity or combi-nation of legal entities recognized under the laws of the State of CoLorado. 9. SEPARATE ASSESSI{ENT AND TAXATION. EACh CONdONiNiUTN UNit shal1 fe aeenea to be a separate plrcel and shall be subject to_ separate assessment and ta-xation ty each assessing authority and splcial district for all tlpes of taxes authorized by Iaw, - -lircluding ad valorern levie3-and special assessm?n!=. The l-ien for taxes assessed to any condoroiniuu unit shall- be confined to that Condoniniun Unit. Neither the Building' the Property, or any of the Cornrnon Elenents shall be deemed to be a parcel separate and distinct. 10. (a) No labor consent or at the Condominium Unit' performed or materials reguest of an Owner of or his agent, shall be furnished, with the a particular ttre basis for the -10- filing of a lien pursuant to law against the Condominiurn Unit orother Property of another owner not expressly consenting to or requesting tbe same, except that express consent shall be deenedto be given by the Owner of any Condoninium Unlt to the Managing Ageht or the Board in the case of energency repairs. Laborperforned or materials furnished for the General Comon Elements, if duly authorized by the t{anaging Agent or the Boardof Directors in accordance with the Declaration or Bylaws, shall be deemed to be performed or furnished with the express consentof each onner and shall be the basis for the filing of a lienpursuant to law against each of the Condoniniun Units in.the Project. (b) In the event a lien is effected against two 1i1 or Dore Condoniniun Uni.ts, the owners of the separate Condoninium Units may renove their Condoniniun Units frorn said lien by palment ofthe fractional or proportional auount attributable to each ofthe Condorninium Units affected. IndividuaL payment shall be computed by reference to the percentage interest in the General Conmon Elements appearing in this Declaration. Subsequent topalment, discharge or other satisfaction, the Condouinir:m Unitshall be reLeased from the l-ien paid, satisfied or discharged.Partial palment, satisfaction or discharge shall not prevent thelienor from proceeding to enforce his rights against any Condominium Unit not so released or discharged. (c) Each Owner shall indeurnify and hold each of the other Ordners harmless from and against liability or loss arising fronthe clain of any J.ien against the Condoninium Unit'of the Owner,or any part thereof, for labor perforned or for naterialsfurnished in work on such Owner,s Condonini.um Unit. At thewritten request of any Owner, the Association shall enforce such indennity by collecti.ng fron the Owner of the Condoniniun Uniton which the labor vas performed or naterials furnished the amount necessary to discharge any such lien and all costsincidental thereto, including reasonable attorneyrs fees. Ifnot promptly paid, the Association nay proceed to collect thesane in the manner provided herein for collection of assessmentsfor the purpose of discharging the lien. 11. USE OF CONDOMINIII,I ITNITS. Each Owner shall be entitledto the exclusive ownership and possession of his Unit. EachResidential Unit shall be used for residential dwelling orlodging purposes. No Residentiat Unit shall be used at any tinefor any business or commercial activity except as follows: (f)the Owner thereof nay lease or rent such Residential Unit forprivate residential or living purposes; (ii) Declarant, or its -11- agents. Day use any Residential Unit as a nodel or sales Unituntil all Condoniniun Units owned by Declarant are conveyed by Declarant; and, (iii) the Association shall have the right, butnot the obligation, to purchase, own or lease any CondoroiniumUnit for a manaeter,s residence or office, and the Association may al-so rnaintain offices, within the,General Cornmon Elements. Each Corn:nercial Unit shall be used and occupied solely forlawful, comrnercial, non-residential purposes in confornity withall zoning laws, ordinances and regulations. 12. USE OF GEI.IERAL AND LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS. Each Owner and its guests may use the General Common Elements and his appurtenant Limited Coqnon Elements in accordance with thepurpose for which they are intended, without hinderi.ng or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other Owners. The Association may from tine to tine adopt reasonable rules and regiulations governing the use of General and Linited Conmon Elements. 13. THE ASSOCIATION. (a) Association Mernbership. The Project shall be adninistered and managed pursuant to this Declaration and theArticles of Incorporation and By)-aws of the Association. Each Owner shall be a menber of the Association and sha1l remain a member until he ceases to be an Owner. Each rnenber shall conplystrictly with the provisions of this Declaration and theArticles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Association. Each nember sha1l be bound by and shall cornply with the ru1es,resolutions and decisions of the Association duly made or adopted in the manner set forth in the Articles of Incorporationor Bylaws. Failure of a member to conply with such provisions,rules, resolutions, or decisions shall be grounds for an actionto recover damages or to obtain injunctive relief, or both, maintainable by ttre Association on behalf of the other Ownersor,. in a proper case, by an aggrieved Owner. In addition, theAssociat,ion has the authority, during the period of anydelinquency, to revoke a delinquent Ownerrs right to use General Conmon Elements and/or to suspend a rnernber,s voting privileges; however, no such suspension shall affect the rights of a FirstMortgagee. Each Owner shall have a number of votes equal to itspercentage of General Common Eleuents as set forth in the Bylaws. (b) Classes of Menbership. The Association shall havethe following classes of nenberslrip: -L2- interest i' " {lliuffiu"rt"3n3fi'I"i:fi:iil:Y'i ii3"i:':'" Class A menber of the Association. (ii) class B. Any Owner acquiring a fee sinpleinterest in a Conmercial Unit shaIl automatically become a Class B member of the Association. 14. BOARD OF DIRECToRS. The affairs of ttre Associationshall be managed by a Board of Directors which nay by resolution delegate any portion of its authority to an executive committeer'or to a Director or Managing Agent for the Association. Thereshall be not less than three (3), nor nore than seven (7), nembers of the Board of Directors, with a specific number to beset forth from time to tiue in the Bylaws. The initial Board of Directors shall consist of three (3) persons as set forth in theArticles of Incorporation and shall continue to consist of three(3) persons untiL the first election of Directors by the Association membership. In the absence of any contraryprovision in the By1aws, the Board beginning on the firstelection of Directors by the Association mersbership andthereafter shal1 consist of five (5) nenbers. Regardless of the number of menbers of the Board of Directors, the terms of atleast one-third (L/3) ot such Board shall expire annually. From and after the date that the nembers of the Board of Directors are no longer appointed by Declarant, as hereinafter provided,in the absence of any contrary provision in the By1aws,Directors shall be classified and elected as follows: (a) The Class A members sha1l elect two Directorsto be known as the Class A Directors. The terro of office of oneof the two Class A Directors shall expire at the first.annualneeting of the members held after the initial election and thetern of office of the other Class A Director shall expLre at the second annual meeting of the menbers held after the initialelection. (b) The Class B mernbers shall elect threeDirectors to be known as the Class B Directors. The tern ofoffice of one of the Class.B Directors shall expire at the first annual meeting of the members after the initial election and theterm of office of the other two Class A Directors shall expireat the second annual ueeting of the rnembers held after theinitial election. At each annual neeting of the members after suchclassification and election by the members, Director(s) elected -13 - to fill tha vacancy of the Dj.rector(s) whose terrns expire at thetine of such meeting shal1 hold office until the second succeeding annual meetlng, provided, however, that the terns ofat least ona-third (1/3) of the entire Board shall expireannually. The first annual neeting of members shall occurwithin one (1) year fron the date of recordation of this Declaratl.on. NotwithstandS.ng anything to the contrary providedfor herein, however, the nenbers of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by Declarant, its successors or assigns, until Declarant has sonveyed CondoninLun Units representingl an aggtegate ownership interest in seventy-five percent (75t) of - the General Conmon Elenents in the Condoninium Project, or September 1, 1993, vhichever first occurs. Nothing contained herein shall obligate the Declarant to offer for sale any or allof the Units developed by Declarant. 15. CERTAIN RTCHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF.gHE ASSOCTATION. (a) The Association is hereby irrevocably appointedattorney-in-fact for the olrners, and each of them, to manage,control and deal- with the lnterest of each Or,tner in the General Conmon Elenents so as to pernit the Association to fulfill allof its duties and obligations hereunder and to exercise all ofits rights hereunder, to deal with the Project upon itsdestruction, obsolescence or condemnation as hereinafter provided and to grant pernits, licenses and easements through any portion of the General .Conmon Elements for util-ities, roads and other purposes necessary for the proper operation of theProject. Ihe acceptance by any person of any interest in any Condominiurn Unit shall constitute an appointnent of the Association as attorney-in-fact as provided above andhereinafter. The Association is hereby granted all of the powers necessary to govern, nanage, rnaintain, repair, rebuild, ad:ninister and regulate the Project and to perform all of the duties required of it. Notwithstanding the above, but subjectto the provisions of Sections 5, L6t 25, 26, and 27 hereof, unless Owners of Condoniniun Units to which an aggregate of seventy-five percent (75t) or more of the total interests in ceneral Conmon Elements are appurtenant and First Mortgagees whose liens encumber an aggreglte of seventy-five percent (75t)or more of the total interests in the ceneral Common Elements inthe Condoninlun Project shall have given their prj.or wiitten approval, the Association shall not be enpowered or entitled to: (i) by act or omission, seek to abandon or terminatethe Condoninium Project; (ii) Association; by act or omission, seek to dissolve the -14- (ii.i) change the pro rata interest or obligations of any individual Condoniniun Unit for the Purpose of levying assessments or charges or allocating distributions of hazard insurance proceeds or condennation awards; (iv) partition or subdivide any condoniniun t/nit; (v) by act or omission seek to abandon, partition, subdivide, encumber, sell or transfer (excluding the granting of easements for public utilities or other public Purposeconsistent with the intended use of the conmon Eleraents) any of the General or Lirnited Connon Elenents; and (vi) use hazard insurance proceeds for loss to the inprovements (whether Units or Conmon Elernents) for other than repair, replacement or reconstruction of such inprovenents. (b) ihe Association shall provide for tbe care' operation, mana€tement, rnaintenance, repair and replacenent of the General Conmon Elernents, except as is provided for herein. Witbout liniting the generality of the foregoing, said obligations shall include the keepi.ng of such General common Elements in goodt clean, attractive and sanitary condition, order and repair, renoving snow and any other rnaterials from such General conmon Elements which night irnpair access to the Condorniniun Project or the Units; keeping the Condominiurn Project safe, attractive and tlesirable; and making necessary or desirable alterations, additj-ons, betterments or inprovenents to or on the General common Elements (c) The Association may undertake any activity, function or service for the benefit of or to further the interests of all, some or any owners on a self-supporting, special assessrnent or conmon assessment basis. (d) The Association (i) rnay obtain and pay for the servicesof a Managing egent to uranage its affairs, or any part thereof,to the extent it deens advisable, as well as such other personnel as the Association shall detennine to be necessary or desirable for the proper operation of the Condominium Project' whether such personnel are furnished or enployed directly by the Association or by any person with whom or which it contracts;(ii) nay obtain and pay for legal and accounting services necessary or desirable in connection with the operation of the Condoniniurn Project or the enforcenent of this Declarationl and(iii) nay arrange with others to furnish lighting, beating,water, trash collection, sener service and other coumon services. -15- (e) The Association n?y pay for, acquire and hold or leasereal property and tangible and intangible personal property and nay dispose of the same by sale or otherwise, Subject to therestrictions contained herein, in the Articles, By1alts and therules and regulations of the Assosiation, each owner and each Owner's fanily and guests may use such Property. Upon ternj.nation of condonj-nium ownership of the Project anddissolution of the Association, if ever, the beneficiat interestin any such Property shall be deened to be owned b1t the then owners as tenants in conmon j-n the same proportion as their respective interests in the General Common Elernents. A transferof a Condominiun unit, shall transfer to the transferee ownershipof the transferor's beneficial interest in such Property without any reference thereto. Each owner may use Property in accordance lrith the purpose for which it is intended, without hindering or encroaching upon the l-awful rights of the'otherowners. The transfer of title to a Condoniniun Unit under foreclosure sha1l entitle the purchaser to the beneficialinterest in such Property associated with the foreclosed Condoniniun Unit. (f) The Association shall have the right to lease orlicense or permit the use of, by less than all Owners or by non-owners, on either a short-tern basis or long-term basis andwith or without charge as the Association may deem desirable, any portion of the General Conmon Eleurents or any CondominiumUnit owned by the Association; provided, however, that no suchlease, license or other permission shall preclude or unreasonably interfere with any owner's use or enjoynent of the General Conmon Eleruents. (S) The Association sha1l notify each First Mortgagee of any proposed amendment of the Association's Articles or Bylawsat least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such amendnent or change. Further, upon the rritten request of anyFirst Mortgagee, such First Mortgagee shal1 be entitled to receive the nost recent annuaL financial statement of the Association, an audited financial statement for the Association's preceding fiscal year, and/or rrrritten notice ofall neetings of the Association and such First Mortgagee shall have the right to designate a representative to attend any suchmeeting. The Association shalL also provide written notice toall affected Owners, in the nanner and at their addresses asprovided in Paragraph 31 hereof, of al1 natters of which the Owners are entitled to such notice pursuant to this Declaration,the Articles or the Bylaws. -16- (h) The Board may susPend any Owner's voting rights'in-the Assodiation or the right of an Owner to use the recreational- facilities of the Project during any period or periods'during which such owner fails to courply with the Association's rules and regulations, or with any other obligations of such Ordner under tnis oeclaration. The Association may also take judicial action against any owner to enforce compliance with such rules, regrulations or other obligations herein or in the Bylaws contained or to obtain damages for noncompliance thereof, all to the extent pernitted by law. (i) The Board of Directors nay' fron tine to time, record a certificate of the ldentity and the rnailing addresses of the persons then comprising thl Board of Directors, together with the identity and address of the lfanaging Agent, if any there be. Such certificate shall be conclusive evidence thereof in favor of any person relying thereon in good faith regardless of the tine elapsed since the date thereof. (j) The Association shall have the right to promulgate such reasonable rul-es and regulations as it deems necessary or desirable to effectuate the intent and to enforce the duties and obligations set forth in this Declaration and the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association. (k) The Association shall have and may exercise any right or privilege given to it expressly by this Declaration or the Articles or Bylaws, or reasonably to be inplied or which nay be necessary or desirable to fulfill its duties, obligations, rights or privileges. 16. ASSESSMENT FOR EXPENSES. (a) AIl Owners, except Declarant, shall be obligated to pay the estinated assessrnents inposed by the Board of Directors to meet the Conmon Expenses. Common Expenses sball be assessed to and allocated pro rata anong the Owners. Each Ownerts interestin and to the ceneral conmon Elements shall be divided by thetotal percentage interest in the General Conmon Elenents owned by the owners of all Units (see Exhibit B), and such product shall be nultiplied by the amount of the assessments to determine each onner's sharel provided, however, if at any time and from tine to tirne the foregoing allocation of theresponsibility for Comnon Expense assessnents shall be or become inequitable, such allocations may be revised by an amendment tothis oeclaration executed by the owners of Condominium Units to which an aggregate of seventy-five percent (758) or lnore of the -t7- total interests in the ceneral Common Elements are appurtenant and First l,lortgagees whose ]iens encumber an aggregate ofseventy-five percent (75t) or more of the total interests in the General- Corlnon Elements in the Condominiun Project, as shown bythe records in the Office of the CLerk and Recorder of EagleCounty, Colorado. (b) Notwithstanding anytbing to the contrary containedherein, Declarant shal1 have no obligation to pay the estimated assessments on Units owned by Declarant irnposed by the Board,but Declarant agrees to pay Lo the Associallon a sum equal tothe difference between the nonthly cost of operating andnaintaining the Comrnon Elenents ai'ra tne anount of fund3 payable by the other Owners to the Association. This obligation of Declarant to subsidize the operations of the Association shallterrninate when Declarant relinquishes its entire right toappoint the Association's entire Board. Subsequent to the occurrence of that event, Declarant shall be obligated as anyother Owner in reference to Units then owned by Declarant to pay the estiroated assessments inposed by the Board to meet the expenses of the Association. (c) Further, notwithstanding anything to the contrarycontained herein, the Owners of Conmercial Units shal1 be solelyresponsible for the pa]auent of any and all Conmercial Expenses,as deternined by the Board pursuant to Section 16(e) below.Sinilar1y, the Owners of the Residential Units shall be sotelyresponsible for the palnment of any and aI1 Residential Expenses, as deteruined by the Board pursuant to Section 16(e) bel.ow. Any expenses incurred or anti-cipated to be incurred by the Association which are determined by the Board of Directorspursuant to Section 16(e) below to be Cornmercial Expenses orResidential Expenses shall be allocated among the Owners of the Cornmercial- Units or Residential Units, as the case may be, prorata in accordance with their respective ownership interests inthe General Common Elernents in reiation to the ownershipinterests in the ceneral Conmon Elernents of all of the Owners of Comnercial Units or of all of the Owners of Residential Units,as the case may be. (d) Assessments for the estinated Cornmon Expenses,Connercial Expenses or Residential Expenses, as the case may be,shall be due monthly, in advance, on the first day of eachmonth, or at such other tines and at such other intervals as the Board of Directors may determine. The Managing Agent or Board -18- of Directors shalI prepare and deliver or mail to each oltner an itemized annual statenent or budget showing the various estinated or actual expenses for which the assessments are nade. Contributions for nonthly assessments shall be prorated if the initia1 ownership of a Unit connences on a day other than the first day of a nonth. The assessments made for such expenses shall be based upon the requirements deemed to be such aggregate sum as the lrlanaginq Agent or Board of Directors shall frou time to time deternine is to be paid by the owners to provide for the palment of all estinated expenses growing out of or connected with the naintenance and operation of the General Conmon Elenents, which Eum may include, among other things: expenses of management; taxes and special assessments, until separately assessedl prenluns for insurance of the tlpes and kinds provided for in Paragraph 24 hereafter; landscaping and care of groundsl connon liqhting and heating; repairs and renovationsl trash collections; rtagesi water and sewer charges, and any utilities that are not separately netered; legal and accounting feesl capital expenditures nade by the Board not exceeding $10r000.00 in any one calendar year (unless a greater amount is approved by owners of Condominiun Units to which an aggregate of seventy-five percent (75?) or nore of the total interests in the General Comnon Elenents are appurtenant andFirst Mortgagees whose liens encumber an aggregate of seventy-five percent (758) or more of the total interests in the General Conrnon Elements in the.Condoniniun Project); expenses and liabilities incurred by the Managing Agent or Board of Directors under or by reason of this Declaration; deficits remaining from a previous period; and other costs and expensesrelating to the Conmon Elenents. Further, it shall be mandatoryfor the Managing Agent or Board to establish, out of such nonthly assessments, a contingency or reserve fund for therepair, replacement and naintenance of those General conmon Elements that nust be replaced periodically. The omission orfailure of the Managing Agent or the Board of Directors to fix the assessnent for any nonth shall not be deeued a waiver,nodification or a release of the Owners frora their obligation to pay sane. (e) The Owners recognize that it rnay be difficul-t to determine whether and to what extent a particular iten is to be deemed to be a Common Expense to be borne by all of the Ownersor a Conmercial Ercpense or a Residential Expense to be borne bythe Owners of such Units. Accordingly alloeations of whether aparticular expense is a Conmon Expense, Connercial Expense orResidential Expense shall be deternined by the Board ofDirectors, which sha1l endeavor, to the extent practicable, in -19- good faith to identify such itens as being either CornrnonExpenses, Commercial Expenses or Residential Expenses (or, tothe extent deerned to be nore tlran one, to alloclte the'poitionthereof to be assessed as comnon Expenses, the portion to treassessed as corrmercial Ex;lenses and the portion-to be asEessed.as Residentlal Ex;lenses). Any detenoinalion nade by the Boardof Directors pursuant to this section 16(e) shalt bl tinat andj.rrevocable, provi.ded such deternination shaIl have been nade ingood faith and without any wilrful disregard for the rights ofand without any intent to discrininate against any particular Owner or any group of Owners. . _ (fl . By the determination of the Board of Directors pursuantto Section 16 (e) above, the cost of naintaining the Linitedconmon Elenents shall be a connon Expense, cornnercial Expense or lesidential Expense, or nay be apportioned anong any sucirdesignated expenses, or nay le cirirgea to the Oiner3 having theexclusive use thereof as a special issessment, pursuant toSection 1? below. Notwithstanding the foregoing, tlre cost ofcJ-eaning, naintaining, heating and air conditioiing the Linited Cornrnon Elenents - Cornrnercial shall be deened a CornmercialExpense. (S) Any owner or First Mortgagee may, pursuant to CoLo,Rev. Stat. Ann. Section 38-33-107, as fron tine to tineanended, inspect the Associationrs records of receipts and I extrlenditures at any reasonable tine during convenieirt weekdaybusl-ness hours and, upon ten days, notice to the Board ofDirectors or Managing Agent, if-any, and upon palment of areasonable fee, not to exceed Fifty Dollars (gso.Oo1 . Any Olrneror First Mortgagee shall be furnisLed a stateuent oi accointsettS.ng forth the anount of any unpaid assessments or othercharges due and owing fron such Owner. t!9 riqht during any calendar year to 1eqy and assess againstall of the Owners a special assessment foi such common purposeor purposes, in accordance with this Declaration, the artlLtesor Bylaws, as may be necessary to keep the project as a firstcLass Property. There shall be no special assessnent totalingover Ten Thousand Dollars (9101000.00) in any one calendar yearwithout prior approval by the owners ilwning ln aggregateseventy-five percent (75*) interest in the ceneral ConmonELements of the condominiurn project, and First l.[ortgagees whoseliens encrrnber an aggregate of leventy-five percent- listy ornore of the total interests in the General cournon Elenents inthe Condoniniun Project, except in the event of an euergency.Such special assessnent shal1 be borne by the Owners inaccordance with each Ownerrs interest in the General CounonElements and shall be due and payable as deternined by the Board 17. SPECTAI, ASSESSUENTS.Ehe Board of Directors shall have -20- of Directors. Further, the Board of Directors shall have the right during any calendar year to levy and assess against anyparticular ouner or group of owners (such as, withoutlinitation, the owners of all Cornnercial Units or the owners of all Residential Units, or the owner of a single unit) a special assessment for such purpose or purposes, in accordance with this Declaration, the Articles or Bylaws, as nay be primarily for thebenefit of such Owner or owners and/or their Units. Such special assessments shall be borne by the benefitted Owners in accordance with each such ownerts interest in the General common Elenents in retation to the ownership interest in the General coDmon Elenents of all the benefitted owners and shall be due and payable as deternined by the Board. 18. CAPITAL ADDITIONS; ALTERATIONS; T}IPROVB'ENIS. TITCTEshall be no capital addit,ions, alterations or improvements, ofor to the General. or tinited connon El-enents by the Associationreguiring extrlenditure(s) in excess of Ten Thousand DoLlars($io,ooo.oo) in any one caLendar year without prior approval by the Owners owning an aggregate seventy-five percent (75*)interest in the General conmon Elenents of the CondominiunProject, except in the event of an emergency; the linitationsset f,orth above shall not apply to any expenditures made by the Association for maintenance and repair of the cgnmon Elenents asset forth in Paragraph 15 hereof, or for repair in the event of darnage, destruction or condennation as provided in Paragraphs 25 and 27 hereof. 19. ASSESSl,lEl.It RESERVES. The Association shall require all Owners, other than Declarant, to deposit with the Assoclation an amount equal to three (3) tines the anount of the estinatednonthly assessments chargeable to their respective Condominj.r::nUnits, which sun shall be held by the Association or Managing Agent as a reserve to be used for working capital . Each Oqrner,other than Declarant, shall provide such deposit no later thanthe date of such Owner,s acguisition of title to such Owner'sUnit. Such an advance paynent shall not relieve an Owner from naking the regular nonthly palment of the nonthly assessments asthe sane coues due. Upon the transfer of his Unit, an Onnershalt be entitled to a credit fron his transferee for any unusedportion thereof. 20. LIEN FOR NONPAVI.IENT OF AS,SESS!,IENTS. (a) AII sums assessed by the Board pursuant to anyprovisions of this Declaration, including, without linitation,the share of Conmon Expenses, Conunercial Expenses or Residential -2t- Expenses chargeable to any Condoninium Unit, any defaultinterest thereof, late charges, and other costs (including wj.thout linitation reasonable attorney's fees) incurred in thecollection thereof, shall constitute a lien on such CondoniniumUnit superior (prior) to all other liens and encumbrances, excepting only: (i) Tax and special assessnent liens on the Condoniniun Unit in favor of any governmental assessing Unit, and (ii) AfI sums unpaid on a First Mortgage of record,including all unpaid obligatory sums as may be provided by such encumbrance. (b) If any assessment shall remain unpaid after twenty (20) days after the due date thereof, such unpaid sums shall bearinterest from and after the due date thereof at the rate of twenty-four percent (2421 per annum, and the Board of Directorsor Managing Agent may irnpose a late charge on such defaulting Owner in an amount not exceeding One Hundred DoLlars ($100.00)to cover the extra cost and expenses involved in handling such delinguent assessments. (c) To evidence such ]ien the Board of Directors or Managing Agent shall prepare a written notice setting forth the amount of such unpaid indebtedness, the nane of the Owner of tlre Condominiuru Unit and a description of the Condoninium Unit. sucb a notice shall be signed by one of the Board of Directorsor by the Managing Agent and sha1l be recorded in the office ofthe Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, colorado. SuchIien nay be enforced by foreclosure of the defaulting Owner's Condominiqn Unit by the Association in like nanner as a mortgage on reaL property, upon the recording of a notice or claimthereof. In any such foreclosure the owner shall be required topay the costs and expenses'of such proceedings, the costs and expenses for filing the notice or claim of lien and all reasonabl-e attorney,s fees. The Owner shall alsq be required topay to the Association the monthly assessments for the Condominiurq Unit during the period of foreclosure, and theAssociation sha}l be entitled to the appointrnent of a receiverto collect the same. The Managing Agent or Board of Directorsshall have the poner to bid on the Condourinium Unit atforeclosure sale and to acquire and hold, lease, mortgage and convey same. -22- (d) Any encumbrancer holdinq a lien on a Condominiun Unit may pay, but shall not be required to pay, any unpaid comnon expenses payable with respect to such Condoninium Unit, and upon such palment such encurnbrancer shall have a lien on such Condoniniun Unit for the anounts paid of the same rank as thelien of his encunbrance, provided that any First llortgagee htho acquires a Condominiun Unit by foreclosure or by a deed in lieu thereof shall acquire title to such Condoninium Unit free andclear of any lien for unpaid assessments and shall only be responsible for assessments arising after the date upon which such First Mortgagee acquires title to the Condominiun Unit. (e) The Association shalI, upon reguest, deliver written notice to a First Mortgagee of any unpaid assessments remaining unpaj-d for longer than thirty (30) days after the 6ane'are due' as well as of any other default of an owner hereunder knolrrn to the Association which is not cured within sixty (50) days' (f) Declarant states, in accordance with the requirementsof Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. section 38-33-106(o), that it is possibJ.e that liens other tban mechanic's liensl assessmentliens and tax liens, nay be obtained against the common Elements, J.ncluding judgrnent liens and nortgage liens. (S) Each Owner hereby agrees that the Association's lien on a Condoninium Unl-t for assessments as hereinbefore describedshall be superior to the Homestead Exemption provided by Colo. Rev. Stat. Ann. Section 38-41-201, et. seq. (1973, as anended) and each owner hereby agrees that the acceptance of the deed or other instrument of conveyance in regard to any Condoninium Unitwithin the Project shall signify such grantee's waiver of the Homestead right granted in said section of the Colorado statutes. (h) Any recorded lien for nonpayment of assessments uay be released by recording a Release.of Lien executed by one of the nembers of the Board of Directors or by the Managing Agent. 21. OWNERS' OBLIGATIONS FOR PAYMENT OF ASSESSI{ENTS. ThC anount of the Conmon Expenses, Cornrnercial Expenses, Residential Expenses and/or any special assessnent assessed against each Condoniniun Unit shall be the personal and individual debt ofthe Owner or Ouners tbereof at the tirne the assessment is made.Suit to recover a money judgnent for unpaid Conmon Expentes, Cornrnercial E:<penses, Residential Expenses and/or any special assessment, and costs of suit and attorney,s fees, shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing -23- aame. No Owner may exempt hinself fron liability for hiscontribution towards the conmon Expenses, Coumercial Expenses, Residential E:penses and/or any special assessment by waiver of'the use or enjolment of any of the General Conmon Elements or by abandonnent of his Condoninium Unit. 22. LTABTLTTY FOR EXPENSES UPON TRANSFER OF A CONDOMINTUM UNIT IS JOINT. (a) Upon palment of a reasonabte fee not to exceed fiftyDollars ($50.00) and upon ten (10) days prior written noticefrou any Owner or any mortgagee or prospective nortgagee of a Condominiu:l Unit, the AssociatLon, by its Managing Agent or Board of Directors, shall issue a written statenent settingforth the anount of the unpaid Conmon Expenses, Cornmercial Expenses or Residential Expenses, if any, with respect to thesubject Condoniniun Unit, the amount of the current monthly assessment, the date that such assessment becones due, the amount of any assessment reserve on deposit with the Association and any credit for advanced palaents for prepaid itens,including but not lj.nited to insurance preurir:ms, which statenentshall be conclusive upon the Association in favor of al1 persons who rely thereon in good faith. Unless such reguest for sush a statement shall be conplied with sithin ten (10) days from thereceipt thereof, aJ.J. unpaid conmon expenses which become dueprior to the date of naking such request shall be subordinate tothe lien of the person requesting such statenent. (b) The grantee of a Condominiun Unit, except a First tlortgagee who acguires a Condoniniurn Unit by foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure, shall be jointly and severallyliable with the grantor for aII unpaid assessnents against thelatter for his proportionate share of the Conrnon Expenses, Conmercial Expenses and Residential Expenses up to the tine ofthe grant or conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee'sright to recover from the grantor the anounts paid by thegrantee therefor; provided, however, that upon palment of a reasonable fee not to exceed Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and uponwritten request, any such prospective grantee sha1l be entitledto a statenent frou the Managing Agent or Board of Directorssetting forth the amount of the unpaid Conmon Expenses. Conmercial Expenses and Residential Expenses, if any, withrespect to the subject Condoniniuro Unit, the amount of thecurrent monttrly assessment, the date that such assessment becones due, the amount of any assessment reserve on depositwith the Association and any credit for advanced palments forprepaid itens, including but not linited to insurance preruiuns, -24- which staternent shal1 be conclusive upon the Association in favor of all persons who rely thereon in good faith. Unless such reguest ior such a statenent shall be conplied with within ten (10) days from the receipt thereof, then such reguesting grantee-strall not be liable ior, nor shall the Condoninlun Unit ionveyed be subject to, a lien for any unpaid assessnents against the sub]ect Condoniniun Unit. The provisions contained in this paragraph shall not apply upon the initial transfer of the Condoniniun Units by Declarant. 23. MORTGAGING A CONDoI{INIIU I,NIT; PRIORITY. Any Owner shall have the right from time to tine to nortgage or encumber his Condoniniun Unit by deed of trust, nortgage or other security instrument. The owaer of a Condoninirrn unit nay createjunior mortgages (junior to the 1ien, deed of trust or other encumbrance-oi the first rnortgagee) on his Condoninium Unit on the following conditions: (1) that any such junior mortgages shall always be subordinate to all- of the terns, conditions, covenants, restrictions, uses, linitations, obligations, lien for conmon expenses and other obligations created by this Declaration, the Articles and the Bylaws; and (2) that tbe mortgagee under any junior nortgage shall release, for the purpose of restoration of any inprovements upon the rnortgaged premises, aLt of his right, title and interest in and to ttre proceeds under a1I insurance policies upon said prernises which insurance policies were effected and placed upon the nortgaged premises by the Association. such release shall be furnished forthwith by a junior rnortgagee upon written request of the Managing Agent or one or nore of the Board of Directors of the Association, and if not furnished, nay be executed by the Association as attorney-in-fact for such junior mortgagee. 24. INSURANCE (a) The Association shall, on behalf of the ownersi (i) keep the Building (including all of the Units and all fixtures therein, but not including furniture, furnishings or other personal property supplied or instalLed by owners) insured against loss or danage by fire, with extended coverage(including insurance against loss or damage by vandalism or malicious rnischief), in approxinately the amount of the maxinum replacement value thereof, deternined in accordance with subparagraph 24 (a) (vii). -25- (ii) provide and keep in force, for the protection of the Association, its officers and directors, and all the O$ners and First Mortgagees, general public liability and property danage insurance against claius for bodily injury or death orproperty danage occurring upon or in the General Common Elements, in linits of not less than one Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) in respect of bodily injury or death to any one person and not less than Five Million Dollars ($5,Oo0,000.o0) for bodily injury or death to any number of persons arising outof one accident or disaster, and in linits of not less than one Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for damage to property, and if higher linits shall at any tirne be customary to protect against possible tort liability, such higher linits shall becarried, provided such insurance can be obtained from reputable conpanies at reasonable cost. (iii) worknen's Conpensation and employer's liabi.lity insurance and all other simil-ar insurance with respect to enployees of the Association in the arnounts and in the forms nowor hereafter reguired by 1aw. (iv) The Association nay obtain insurance against such other risks, of a sinilar or dissinilar nature, as it shall deem appropriate with respect to the Condorninium Project. includingplate or other glass insurance and any personal property of the Association located thereon. (v) All policies of insurance, to the extentobtainable, shall contain waivers of subrogation and waivers of any defense based on invalidity arising from any acts of an owner and shall provide that such policies nay not be cancelledor urodified without at least twenty (2o) days prior written notice to all of the Owners, First Mortgagees and theAssociation. If requested, duplicate originals of a1l policies and renewals thereof, together with proof of palments of premiums, shall be delivered to all First Mortgagees at leastten (10) days prior to expiration of the then current policies. A11 casualty insurance shall be carried in blanket form naming the Association as the insured, as attorney-in-fact for al1 of the Owners and First Mortgagees, as their interests nay appear, which policy or policies shall identify the interest of each Ovtner (Oemer's name and Condominium Unit nunber designation) andFirst Mortgagee (vi) The naxinum replacement value of the Building, without deduction for depreciation, shall be determined by the Association prior to obtaining any policy of casualty insurance -26- or any renewal thereof by neans of one or more written appraisals nade by competent, disinterested appraisersl however, appraisals need not be obtained more frequently than at three (3) year intervals. Copies of such appraisals shall be furnished to each owner and each First Mortgagee of a Condominium reguesting the saroe in writing. (vii) owners nay carry other insurance for their benefit and at their expense, provided that the liability of the carriers issuing insurance obtained by the Board shall not be affected or dininished by reason of any such additional insurance carried by any orirner. (viii) Insurance coverage on inprovenents and fixtures installed by an owner and furnishings, including carpet' draperies, oven, range, refrigerator, wallpaper, disposal and other itens of personal property belonging to an ouner, andpublic liability coverage within each Unit shall be the sole anddirect responsibility of the owner thereof, and the Board of Directors, the Association and/or the Managing Agent shall have no responsibility therefor. (ix) The Association sha1l notify each First l,lortgagee, within ten (10) days after the occurrence of any such event, of any lapse, canceLlation or uaterial modification of any insurance policy or fidelity bond naintained by the Association, and of any danage, destruction or loss that affects a material portion of the Project, and shall notify each affected First Mortgagee in the event of any damage, destructionor loss that affects a naterial portion of the Unit which is encumbered by such First Mortgageets mortgage. (x) A11 policies of insurance shall provide that the insurance thereunder shall be invalidated or suspended only in respect to the interest of any particular Owner guilty of a breach of warranty, act, ourission, negligence or non-complianceof any provision of such policy, including palment of the insurance preuium applicable to that Owner's'interest, or whopennits or fails to prevent the happening of any event, whether occurring before or after a 1oss, which under the provisions of such policy, would otherwise invalidate or suspend the entirepolicy, but the insurance under any such policy, as to theinterests of all other insured owners not gruilty of any such actor omission, shall not be invalidated or suspended and shall remain in full force and effect. (b) At the reasonable discretion of the Board of Directors, the Association nay endeavor to secure insurance as described above separately for the coumercial Units and for the Residential Units, in which case the premiuns on any such separate pollcy shall become a Corunercial Ex;lense or a Residential Expense, as the case nay be. 25. DAMAGE OR DESERUCTION. fn case of damage or destructionof the Building or any part thereof by any cause whatever: (a) ff in the reasonable judqrnent of the Association, the proceeds of insurance shall be sufficient to pay all the costs of restoring the Building, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the Owners) shall cause the Building to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance for that purpose. (b) If in the reasonable judgrnent of the Ass6ciation the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the Building, and if the excess of such costs over the anticipated insurance proceeds, is Iess than ten percent (108) of the maximum replacement value last deternined under Paragraph 24, then the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall pronptly cause the Building to be repaired and restored, and the difference between the insuranse proceeds and the costs of repair and restorationshall be a Conmon Expense, comdercial Expense or Residential Expense, and pald as as determined by the Board of Directors, to be assessed provided in Paragraph 16. (c) If in the reasonable judgnnent of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the Building. and if the excess of such costs over the anticipated insurance proceeds is ten percent (10*) or more of the maxinum replacement value last determined under Paragraph 24, then (unless within one hundred (1OO) days after the date of such damage or destruction a plan for repaLring and restoring the Condoniniun Property shall be approved by the oetners of Units to which seventy-five percent (75t) or nore of the total i.nterests in General conmon'Elements are appurtenant and First l,lortgagees whose liens encuuber an aggregate of seventy-five percent (758) or more of the total interests in the ceneral conmon Elements in the Condoniniun Project) the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall execute and record in the County real estate records a notice of such facts, and thereafter sball sell the Building together with reasonable easements for ingress and egress, if required, as designated by the Association, free and clear of -28- the provisions of this Declaration and the Map, which shall wholly termj.nate and expire with respect to such Property upon the closing of such sa1e. The proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of such sale of the Building collected by the lssociation shal1 be applied first to the palment of eipenses of the sal.e, and then divided among the orrners and paid into separate accounts, each representing one (1) Condominiun Unit. The insurance proceeds shall be divided according to such owners' respective percentage interest therein as shown by the insurance policies, if so shown, otherwise according to such Onnerst interest in General Conmon Elements. The funds in each account (without contribution from one account to another) shall be applied by the Association for the following purposes in the order indicated: (i) for palment of the balance of the lien of any, First Mortgage on the Condominium unit; (ii) for palment of taxes and special assessnent liens in favor of any assessingentity; (iii) for palment of unpaid conmon expensesi (iv) for palment of Junior liens and encumbrances in the order of and to ttre extent of their priority; and (v) the balance renaining, if any, shall be paid to the ouner. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed as liniting in any way the right of a First Mortgagee (in case the proceeds allocated under(l) above shaLl be insufficient to pay the indebtedness secured by his lien) to assert and enforce the personal liability for such deficiency of the person or persons nesponsible for palment of such indebtedness. If within one hundred (l-oo) days after the date of such danage or destruction a pJ.an for repairing and restoring the damaged or destroyed Building shall be approved by the owners of Units to which seventy-five percent (75*) of moreof the General Common Elernents are appurtenant, the Association (as attorney-5.n-fact for such Owners) shall prontptly cause such repairs and restoration to be made according to such plan. AII Owners shall be bound by the terms of such plan, and the difference, if any, between tbe anount of the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration strall be an expense of the Owners and shall be assessed and paid by such owners inproportions to their respective percentage interests in the General Common Elernents. (d) Nothing contained in this paragraph shalL be construed as imposing any liability whatever on any First Mortgagee to pay all or any part of the costs of repair or restoration. 26. OBSOLESCET'ICE. (a) If at any tine owners of Units to which seventy-fivepercent (758) or more of the total interest in the General- -29- conmon Erenents are appurtenant and First Mortgagees whose liensencumber an aggregate of seventy-five percent (7SZ) or more ofthe total interests in the General Coumon Elements in thecondominium Project sha1l agree that the nuilding has becomeobsoLete and shall approve a plan for its renovation orrestoration, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for theowners) sharl prouptly cause such renovation or restoration tobe made according to such p1an, and the costs of the work shallbe an expense of owners ana snitt be assessed, and. paict by th;--ordners in proportions to their respective percentage intlrestsin the General Cornmin Elernents. (b) If at any tine the owners of Units to whichseventy-five percent (758) or nore of the total interest in theGenerar connon Erenents are appurtenant and First Mortgagreeswtrose liens encunber an aggre€tate of seventy-five percenl 1zsZ1or more of the total interests in the General common Erernents inthe Condoninium Project shall agree that any portion of theBuilding has become obsolete and should be so1d, the Association(as attorney-in-fact for the Owners) shall prornptly record inthe real estate records of the County a notice of Eucn facts,and shall sell that portion of the Building, free and clear ofthe provisions of this Declaration and the Map, which shallwholly terninate and expire upon the closing of such sale. Theproceeds of such sale shalI be collected, applied and divided among the Owners by the Association in the nanner provided inParagraph 25. 27. CONDEMNATTON (a) If at any tine or tirnes during the continuance ofcondominium ownership pursuant to this Declaration, al1 or anypar!. o{ the Project sha1l be taken or condernned by any publi.c-authority or sol-d or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or inavoidance thereof, the provisions of this paragraph 27 shallappty. (b) A1l conpensation, danages, or other proceeds therefrom,the sum of which is hereinafter called the trCondemnation Award,tlshall be payable to the Association. (c) In the event that the entire Project is taken or condemned, or sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, condoninium ownership pursuant to thisDeclaration sha1l terminate. The condemnation Award shall be apportioned arnong the Owners in proportion to their respectiveundivided interests in the ceneral connmon E1ements, provided -3 0- that if a standard different fron the value of the project as awhole is enployed to neasure the Condennation Award in-theneg-otiation, Judicial decree, or otherwise, then in deteminingsuch strare the same standard sha1l be enployed to the extent itIs relevant and appJ.icable (d) In the event that less than the entire project is takenor condemned, or sord or othenrise disposed of in lleu of or inavoidance thereof, the cond.ouiniurn ownlrship hereunder shall notterminate. Each owner shall be entitled to a share of thecondominiu:l Award to be deternined in the forlowing manner. Assoon as-practicable the Association sha1l, reasonably and ingood faith, allocate the condennation Award anong coipensation,danages, and other proceeds, and shall apportion-the lnounts soallocated among the Owners as follows: (i) tfre total amountallocated to taking of, or injury to, the General CornrnonElements shall be apportioned among the owners in proportion totheir respectl-ve undivided interesis in the Generai cornnonErements, (ii) the total amount arlocated.to severance danagesshall be apportioned to those condoniniun units which were iottaken or condenned, (iii) the respective amounts arlocated tothe taking of, or injury to, a paiticular Unit and/orinprovements an owner had nade wittrin his own unit shall beapportioned to the particular Condoniniun Unit involved., and(iv) the amount allocated to consequential danages and iny othertakingg or injuries shaLl be apportioned as the Associati6ndetermines to be equitable in the circumstances; If anarlocation of the condennation Award is alread.y establ"ished innegotiation, judicial decree or othenrise, thei: in allocatingthe Condennation Award the Association sba1l ernploy suchallocation to the extent it is rerevant and appiicilte. Anydistribution of the condennation Award naae pirisuant to thissubparagraph slralf.be made by ehecks payable jointly to theOrdners and their First Mortgagees. (e) The Association shalr as soon as practicabre deterninethe share of the conderonatlon Award to whilh each owner isentitled. such shares stralr be paid i.nto separate accounts anddisbursed as soon as practicablel provided. tirat in the event ofa complete taking such distribution shal} be rnade in the saueFanner as is provided in paragraph 2s of this Declaration. (f) The Association shall give tinely notice to each FirstMortgagee ol the conmencenent oi any cond-ennation "r "rii"""i---domain proceedings and shalr notlfy said First Mortgagee in theevent of ttre taking of atl or any nateriaL part of the General.Connon ELements. -31- (gl In the event a partial talcing results in the taking ofa conplete Unit, the owner thereof autonatical_1y shal1 ceasi tobe a menber of the Association, and such Owner's interest in theGeneral Comrnon Elements shall thereupon terminate, and theAssociation, as attorney-in-fact for such Owner, nay takewhatever action is necessary and execute such docunents as arenecessary to reflect such ternination. Thereafter theAssociation shalL reallocate the ownership and assessment ratiodetermined in accordance uith this Declaration accordl_ng to thesane principles enployed in this Declaration at its inceptionand shall subrnit such reallocation to the Ovmers of renaining Condoniniuro units for anendnent of this Declaration as providedin Paragraph 30 hereof. 28. OWNER,S MAINTENANCE REspONSIBftfTy. Each Owner, at his own expense, shalJ- naintain and keep in good repaS.r andcondition the interior of tris Unit, including the supportingwalls (including materials such as, but not lirnited to, plaiter, gy-psun drlmall, paneling, wallpaper and paint), wall and floortile and flooringr that nake up-tle finished surfaces of theperimeter walIs,-ceilings and-floor= within his Unit, inciudingdoors and windows, both interior and exterior. AIJ_ fixtures,equipnent and utilities instaLled in a unit sharr be naintainedby the Owner from the point at which they enter the Unit.llowever, any fixtures, equipment and utilities in a Unit thatserve one (1) or more other Units shall be General ComnonElements, and may not be disturbed or relocated without theprior written consent and approval of the.Association. Anowner's right to repair, alter and remodel the interior of hisUnit is coupled with the obligation to replace any finishing orother materials removed with siuilar or other types of mateiiarsof at least the same quatity and to repair any dinage to commoneLements or other Units caused by such repair, alteiation orrenodeling-at such ownerrs expen3e. An Oirner'nay do nothingthat_sill inpair.the structurll soundness or integrity of aiyBuilding or impair any easement or conmon elernent, without tleprior written consent of the Association. 29. pURATION OF CONDOIIINIuM OWNERSHIP. The separate estatescreated by this Decl.aration and the l,[ap shall continue untilthis Decraration shall be revoked, or until its provisions shalrterninate as provided herein. - 30. AI.tENDMENT AND TERMINATION. Any provision contained inthis Declarat,ion may be anended, or aaailional provisions may beadded to, this Declaration, or this Declaration and condornin-iunownership of the Condoniniun project rnay be terminated or -32- revoked, by the recording of a written instrunent or instrunentsspecifying the amendnent or addition or the fact of ternination and revocation, executed by the Owners, as shown by the recordsin the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle, CoJ.orado, of Condominiun Units in the Condoroinium erojectrepresenting an aggregate ovnership interest of seventy:fivepercent (75+,, or more, of the General Cornmon Elements in the Condominiun Project and First Mortgagees whose liens encunber anaggregate ownership interest of seventy-five percent (758), ornore, of the General Co'nrnon Elements in the Condominium Project(except that no provisLon of this Declaration reguJ-ring theapproval or consent of rnore than that nurber of Owners andFirst Mortgagees may be amended without the consent of at leastthe minlnu:n nunber of owners and First Mortgagees whose approvalbr consent is required under such provisionl;-and provlded-thatso long as Declarant continues to own one (1) or more Condominir:n Units, no rights of Declarant contained in'thisDeclaration may be anended or nodified without the consent ofDeclarant. The consent(s) of any junior mortgagees shall not berequired under the provisions of this paragraph. TheAssociation shall at least ten (10) days prior to the effectivedate of any anenctnent to this Dectaration notify all Firstl.tortgagees of such anendment. 31. REGTSSRATTON BY OWNER OF II{AILING ADDRESS. Each ownerand First Mortgagee shal1 register his rnailing address with theAssociation, and except for nonthly statements, notices forannual and special neetings, and other routine notices, allother notices or denands intended to be served upon an Ownershall-be sent by either registered or certified nail, postageprepaid, addressed in the nane of the Owner at such registerednailing address. Alr notices, denands or other noticei intendedto be served, upon the Association shall be sent certified mail,postage prepaid, to the address of the Association as designatedin the Bylaws of the Assocj.ation. 32. RESTRICTfON ON TIMESHARING. No Owner of any Unit shallglfgr to_seIl any interest in such Unit under a ilTimesharingr or[Interval ownershiprr plan, or any sinrilar plan without.thespeci.fic prior written approval of tfre Ass-ociation, whichapproval is subject to cornpliance with all applicaile zoningordinances, rules and regulations. . 33. EXCEPTIONS TO.TITLE. Title to and ormership of eachunit is o<pressly subject to the uses and restrictions and thereservatlons by Declarant stated in this Declaration, as well asarl of the exceptions stated in Extribit c to this Decraration. -3 3- 34. ACCEPTANCE OF PROVISIONS OF ALL DOCUMENTS. The conveyance or encumbrance of a Unit sha11 be deemed to includethe acceptance of all of the provisions of tbis Declaration, theArticles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Association, andthe sane shall bind each grantee or holder of such encunbrancewithout the necessity and inclusion of such an express provisionin the instruuent of conveyance or encumbrance. 35. MTSCELLANEOUS RESTRICTTONS AND OBLTGATTONS. (a) No Owner and no owner,s guests shall do anything or cause anything to be kept in or on the Condoniniun Project whichnight result in an increase in the premiuos of insurance obtained for the Condoniniun Project or which uright causecancellation of such .insurance. (b) No Owner and no Owner's gruest shal1 do anything or keepanyttiiirg in or on the condoniniun Project which wolta 16 inviolation of any statute, rule, ordinance, regulation, pernit orother validly iurposed reguirenent of any goverrunental body. (c) No noxious or offensive activity sha11 be carried on upon any part of the Condominiun Project nor shall anything be done or placed on or in any part of the Condoninium Project which is or nay become a nuisanie or cause embarrassmept,disturbance or annoyance to others. No activity shall be conducted on any part of the Condominium Project and no improvements shall be made or constructed on any part of the Condominium Project which are or night be unsafe or hazardous to any person or Property. No sound shall be ernitted on any partof the Condominiu:n Project vhich is unreasonably loud orannoying. No live arnplified music shall be allowed on any partof the Condorninium Project. No odor shall be enitted on anypart of the Condominiurn Project which is noxious or offensive toothers. No light shall be ernitted from any part of the Condominium Project which is unreasonably bright or causes unreasonable glare. (d) No unsightliness or waste shall be perraitted on or in any part of the Condoniniurn Project. Without liniting thegenerality of the foregoing, no Owner shall keep or storeanything (except in designated storage areas) on or in any ofthe General Common Elenentsi nor shall any Owner hang, erect,affix or place anything upon any of the ceneral Common Elenents(except for decorative itens within his Unit); and nothing shall be placed on or in windows, railings, or doors of Units, whichnould or night create an unsightly appearance. -34- (e) No animals, Livestock, reptiles or birds shall be kept on any part of the condoninlun Project, except that donesticated dogs, cats, birds or fish nay be kept in a Unit, subject to all governmental aninal ordinances and laws and subject to rules and regrulations prouulgated by the Association or the Board in regard thereto, provided that they are not kept in any Residential Unit for any cornmercial purposes. An owner ls responsible for any. danage caused by his aninal(s) and shall be obligated to clean up after his aninal(s) on the CondoniniumProject. No aninals shalI be allowed to remain tied or chainedto any balconies, patios or other parts of the condoniniumProject, and any such aninal(s) so tied or chained may'be removed by the Association or its agents. (f) No signs or advertising devices of any nature shall be erected or maintained on any part of the Condominium Projectuntil the plans and specifications showing the nature, kj.nd, shape, height, color, materials, and location of the sane shall have been subuitted to and approved in writing as to harnony of externaL design and location in relation to surroundingstructures and topography by the Board of Directors of the Association or an architectural courmittee composed of three (3)or more representatives appointed by the Board. The Board shallpernit the placing of at l-east one (1) sign of reasonable size and digmified forn to identify the Condoninium Project and the Condoniniun Units therein; So long as any Condorniniun Unit owned by Declarant in the Condominiurn Project renains unsold, no Owner shall be pernitted to place any sign on the CondominiumProject or on his Unit or on any Building advertj.sing his Condominium Unit for sale or lease. (S) No Owner and no Ownerrs guests sha1l violate the rules and regiulations adopted fron tine to tine by the Association, whether relating to the use of Units, the use of General orLinited Conmon Elements, or otherwise. The Board nay impose afine, not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($2OO.0O), on any Ownerfor each violation of such rules and regrulations by such Owner,his fanily, tenants or guest. For any subseguent violations bythe same person, the Board nay iupose a fine, not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars (9SOo.OO1 . (h) If, due to the act or negligence of an Owner or such Owner's gnrests or family, loss or damage shaLl be caused to anyperson or Property, including the Condorninirrm Project or anyUnit therein, such onner shall be liable and responsible for the same except to the extent that such danage or loss is covered byinsurance obtained by the Association and the carrier of the -35- insurance has waived its rights of subrogation against such Owner. ?he amount of such loss or damage may be collected by the Association from such Owner as an assessnent against such Owner, by 1ega1 proceedings or otherwise, and such amount(including reasonable attorney,s fees) shall be secured by alien on the Condominiun Unit of such Owner as provided hereinabove for assessments or ottrer charges. (i) Determination with respect to whether or not aparticular activity or occurrence shall constitute a violationof this Paragraph 35 shall be rnade by the Board of Directors andshal-l be final. 35. RESERVAITONS. Declarant resdrves tbe right to establlsh easements, reservations, exceptions and exclusions consistentwith the condominium ownership of the Project, and for the bestinterests of all of, the Unit Oirmers, including the Declarant, inorder to serve the entire Project, during the period in which Declarant has the right to appoint the entire Board ofDirectors 37. NITMBERS AND GENDERS. Whenever used herein, unless thecontext shall otherwise provide, the singular nu:aber shallinclude the pIural, the plural the singular, and the use of anygender shall include all genders. 38. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Declaration shall bebinding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Declarant,the Association and each Owner, and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each of then. 39. SEVERABILfTY. Invalidity or unenforceability of anyprovision of this Declaration in whole or in part shall notaffect the validity or enforceability of any other provision or any valid and enforeeable part of a provision of this Declaration. 40. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings in this Declarationare for convenience only and shall not be considered inconstruing any provision of this Declaratj.on. 4l-. NO WAMR. Failure to enforce any provision of thisDeclaration shall not operate as a waiver of any suctr provisionor of any other provision of this Declaration. -3 6- IN WITNESStnJ-s \3. day of larant has executed this Declaration I Palner Developnent conPany instrument was acknowledged , State of Colorado, , L99O, by Leo Palmer, d/bla STATE OF COLORADO \ - )ss' coUNTY or\=ss\R )_\ The County of of Development Company. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL I'IY COM!4fSSION EXPTRES : EAL. Notary -37- JOINDER OF LENDER The undersigned, beneficiary under the Deed of Trust dated,,fune6, 1990 and recorded June g, 1990 in Book 531 at page 95, all inthe office of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle countf, for itselfand its successors.and assigns, approves tf,e foregoingDeclaration for vail Gateway elazl-condoniniuros, iffe6ting thelroperty encumbered by the Deed of Trust. and agrees that noforeclosure or other enforcenent of any renedy fursuant to theDeed of Trust sharl iupair, invalidatel super-se-ae or otherwi.seaffect the covenants, ionditions, restrict-ions and easementsestablished by that Declaration. Dated: V t^ a^O , :.eso I]NITED STATE OF COLORADO CITY A}ID COUNTY OF DENVER ASSOC By:Title: ss. instrument was acknowledged before ted Bank of Denver ational Association. Witness ny hand and official seal. 14rse3 1990, by of /decpaln -38- o EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PART OF IOTS N AND Or BLOCK 5-D, VAIL VILLAGE, FTRST. FILING, TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGTJE, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICUI,ARLY DESCRIBED, AS FOLIOWS: COUIiIENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNSR OF SECTION 8, TOWNSTTIP 5 SOTITH, RANGE 80 WEST OF TIiE 6TH PRINCIPAL }iERIDTA}I, THENCE SOTIIH OO DEGREES 23 I,TINI]:IES OO SECONDS EAST AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECIION 8,36.98 FEET; THENCE SOUIH 79 DEGREES 46 UINIITES OO SECONDS EAST 25.44 FEE1T TO THE NORTHWESE CORNER OF SAID LOTN, WHICH IS AIJSO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGfNNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUEH 79 DEGREES 46 I.{INIIIES 00 SECONDS EAST AIID ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT N, AND ALONG THE INTERSTATE HrGlrWAY NO..70, 175..OO FEET' THENCE SOUIE 10 DEGREES 14 MrNtrtES 0O.SECONDS WEST L47.43 FEET,. THEIICE NORTH 79 DEGREES 45 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST L47.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE T{ESTERLY LINE OF SATD I,OT N IIIIICHIS ALSO THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF VAIL ROAD' TIIENCE NORTH OO DEGREES 23 I.IINiITES OO SECONDS WEST AND ALONG SAID'WESTERLY LINE AND ALONG EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAy LrNE, 150.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POTNT OF BEGINNING. /exhibita I E:XIIIBIT B PERCENTAGfu TNTERESIS IN GENERAT COMMON ELEXT{ENTS Unit R'1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 c-1 c-2 c-3 c-4 c-5 c-6 c-7 c-8 c-9 c-10 c-11 c-L2 c-13 c-14 C:15 c-16 TOTAI, Percentacre Interest 03.344 06. 086 08.483 03 .o7 4 12.138 05. 3 68 00.810 0L.677 01,791 01. 145 02. 511' 02.611 02.544 03.799 04.870 03.635 03 .789 05.857 02 "326o7 .4L9 oL.447 00. 588 13.488 100. ooo /$*ribitb a EXHIBIT C EXCEPTIONS TO TITLE 1. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND RB,TOVE HIS ORE TIIXREFROM SHOI'LD THE SAME B8 FOT'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREX{ISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JrtLY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 2. RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANATS CONSTRUCTED BY THE. AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, L899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 3. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITIJRE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE, BUT OMTTTTNG RESTRICTIONS, IF ANV, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGTON, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN TNSTRWENT RECORDED AUGUST 10, 1962, rN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 4. UTILITY EASEMENTS 10 FEET IN WIDTH AFFECTING A PORTIbN OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING. 5. ENCROACHMENT OF ROCK WAIL AND PLANTER ONTO ROAD RTGHT OF WAY . AS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP OF VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA RECORDED rN THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, 6. TERMSI CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AND VIETT AGREEII,IENT RECORDED DECEMBER 22, 1989, IN BOOK 520 AT PAGE 167. /exhibitc We have the ENEBGY! <-Q Rtc'0 OEC 121s90 December 10, 1990 Mr. Mike Mollica The Town of Vail Community Development75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 Re: Vail cateway Plaza Dear Mike; Enclosed is a copy of a letter which we j-ssued to Leo pal_mer regarding remaining iterns to be completed. at the tirne of requestfor Tenporary Certificate of Occupancy. We had a conversationwith Mike Whittacker this norningl and he indicated that thePlanning Departrnent wanted a schedule for the cornpletj_on ofthose iterns. The following is a summary for your information: $$ Landscaping - June 15, i_991. Q) rrrigation System - June 15, 1991-.t# Precast slate & misc. improvernents for added site retaining . walls - January 2l_, l_991_. Q T."lJis.on easl side of buitdins -Eft-; .rr--il Snx-crf Q,l South sidewalk extension off propeff-- Ternporary sidewaLk to be worked out with Greg Hal1 at thePublic works Department, to the north side oi the delientrance. - December 19, L99O.- Permanent south sidewalk down to the intersection, perschematic drawings issued by Dennis Anderson, requires asignificant amount of engineering to be conpleted, andr.^roul-d be scheduled to beqin at the Town of Vai_1rsconvenience, but more thin like1y May 1, 1991-. The finalscope of the work wouLd affect the duration and cornpletion @)r<)s< tr date.Unit #5 guard rail and rnechanical screening - March 1, l-991.Chirnney caps - January 15/ 1991. Wood fascia and soffits - January 15, 1991.Cedar rail at balconies - January 1, I99)..Exterior painting. The final coit of high performance painton a]l exterior holtow rnetal, steel, etc. will be cornpletedin the spring, approxirnately May l-, l-ggL. }(. ui=cef faieoui work not covered above.' \ - Restoration of existing planter to Frontage Road, includingstone repair & backfilling planters - December 21, 1990. DlnIIUU. - BOUTDER DES MOINES OFFICE: 500 s.w. /TH sT., surTE o0 DES MOINES, A 50309 5 r 5/244.4500 FAX 515i244 7117 SAN DIEGO OFFICE: BOULDEF OFFICE: ORLANDO OFFICE: 7777 ALVARADO ROAD, SIJ ITE J 21 3450 PENROSE PLACE SUITE 160 3028 MENCY DBIVE LA MESA CA 92041 BOULDER. CO 80301 OFLANDO, FL 32808 619/697-8401 3A3l44D-4220 447129+7065 LlC. B 5S8277 FAX 303/440-4256 FAX:4O7129+7314 FAXI 6131697€499 - Restoration of plantings in existing planter along Frontage Road - ,tune l-, 1991.- Rernoval of developer sign at intersection of Frontage Roadand Vail Road - Decenber 14, 1990. We appreeiate your cooperation, and if there are any questions,pl.ease do not hesitate to contact us. RJC is extremely excitedabout the project and wiLl continue to work closely with the Town of vail. Again, we appreciate your cooperation. $J.ncerely, We have the ENEBGY! -aJp rN/dj cc: Leo Palmer - Palmer Development Jin Anest - Palmer Development Buff Arnold - Arnold ftrathmey Pratt Arcbitects Jack Tayl-or - Rlngland-Johnson-Crowley Company Toil<l Ellgren - Ringland-Johnson-Crowley Courpany OHNSON.CROWIJEY COMPANY We have the ENERGY!.- December 3, l-990 Mr. Leo PalmerPalner Developrnent 2735 Iris Avenue. Suite ABoulder, CO 80304 Re: Vail Gateway Plaza Dear Leo: As we discussed at our rneeting with Gary Murrain, with the Townof VaiI Building Department, the develoler will be required toprovide a l-etter of credit to cover L5O? of the cost of work vet !o bg cornpleted on the overall project prior to the fown of viilissuing a Tenporary Certificate-of-Occupancy. The following isa list of iterns rr'hich will not be conplbted-at the tiine RJC-requests Temporary_Certificate of Occupancy, and the estimatedcosts associated with that work. LandscapinS - $7 ,747.o0Irrigation-systein - b,e(d.oo zQePrecast sl-ate and mifcellaneous'irnprovements for added siteretaining walls - $s,ooo.0oTrellis on east side of building - $1O,OoO.OOSouth sidewalk extension of f pr5perty-: $ecc{& tAfr'Unit #5 guard rail and mechani.cal scieeri-inS - $l_5,o0o.ooChirnney caps - $3, 5oO. oo Wood fascia,s and soffits - $fO,ooo.ooCedar rail at balconies - $1.320.00Exterior painting - $20,OOO.OOMiscell-aneous work not covered above - $fO,oOO.OO The total anticipated cost for architectural i.mprovement workrernaining at the tirne of request for Tenporary bertificate ofOccupancy is $BZ,S6Z. As we understand it, the Town of Vail willreguire a letter of credit in the arnount of t50E of the abovecosts. cary did nention that they preferred a letter of credit.I do not know if this means that Lhey wifl accept a bond, youmay want to contact hirn directly concerning this. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 1 2, X 5. X.*.'t( ,q. b4. D_JOHNSON-CROWLEY COI,lPANY rff{ = 5o, T! r,I r.r.- '- . F7'' 7o1:sntff]- Frank FreyerBuff ArnoldJack Taylor tuf*l#Palner Development- Vail Ventures- Arnol-d Gwathney Pratt Architects- Ringland-Johnson-CrowJ-ey CompanytRJ[, - SOULOER DES MOINES OFFICE: 500 sw 7TN sT surfE 300 DES MOINES I^ 50309 illr2a.i:..:lr, FAY 5j5 ?ri.7r.r7 SAN DIEGO OFFICE: 7'7 AIVARAOO RCAD SUITE 12I t-A MESA. CA 920.r' 619S9i.8.r01 Lrc B 598?77 FIU: 61 91697-8493 BOULDER OFFICE: 3-'5I ?ENROS5 PLACE BO,-oEn. C0 80301 303 914220 FA\ 3i3'.r.r0-a?56 ORLANDO OFFICE: SUITE '6: 3028 MEFCY DRIVE ORLANoO, Fr 32808 407i29,1,7065 Fli(: 407/291.7314 Respectful 1y subrnitted, JAI'ES T. AI{EST* DAVID S. ROLFE iADMITTED IN COLORADO & WYOMINC ANEST &ROLFE, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW RtrB DFC 1 ''r^a I95M EAST MAINSTREET PARKER, COLORADO 80I34 303-84t-9525 Facsimile 303-Ml -9661 12, l99o 479-2157 December VIA FAX: Mike Mo] 'l ica Town of Vai I Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Va'i l, CO 81657 Re: Vail Gatewav Plaza Temoorarv Certificate of Occuoancv Dear Mike: I just got off the phone with Gary Murrain regarding the Tenporary Certificate of Occupancy issue for the Vai'l Gat€wayPlaza. Gary indicated that I should discuss this matter with you and fortunately I was ab'le to speak with you about this proposa'l .I assume that you''l I send the'l etter to Larry Esquith. This letter will serve as a brief proposal for purposes of funding the remain'ing TCO items. I would propose as to the itemsidentified in Jeff Nading's Jetter of December lO, 'l 99O that thecost of those items be specifica1 1y segregated from the construction loan at United Bank of Denver. I'm enc'l osing a copyof Nading's letter for your reference. Peter Armstrong, the vice presi dent of commerci al 'l endi ng, wi 'l 'l veri f y that adequate f undsare avai"lab'le to take care of the identified items. As a sidepoint, a substantia'l amount, of these items will be finished in thenext 30 days so the actua'l remaining items are much less. To insure the performance of these remain'ing items and to give the town of Va'i 1 adequate assurance and comfort, I would propose that our arrangement with United Bank of Denver wou'ld require that the funds be separately identified and that the Town of Vail would signoff on any final disbursement of these funds to RJC. Therefore, these segregated funds cou]d not be used for some other aspect of the construction or development needs. The provision allowing the Town of Vai I to sign off wou1d provide the Town adequate assurances. In addition, the Town would be given the authorjty to draw on the funds if the work was not completed. Furthermore, the extent of these items is fairly smal'l as compared to the entire construction budget and the town has the further'leverage of notgranting final Certificate of Occupancy unless the items are completed. This project is very successful , a]'l of the condominiums have been so'ld and the re tai] space js 1OOX leased. From a business point, of view it would not make a lot of aense notto f i ni sh the remai ni ng 'i tems to jeopardi ze recei vi ng a f i na]Certificate of Occupancy. . Mi ke Mol 'l i ca Town of Vai 1 December 12, 1990 Page 2 I believe that this is a workable solution and provides thenecessary safety to the Town. It also provides an expedient wayfor the developer to obtain a certificate of occupancy without thecomplication of an letter of credit and further fees which wouldbe charged by United Bank of Denver, not to mention additionalcommittee reviews and delays. I would appreciate if you cou'ld contact me at your firstopportunity. If I'm not availab'le, please contact Leo at 449-0951or Jay Peterson at 476-0092, Thank you for your cons'i deration and attention. Sincerely yours, ANE$T & ROLFE, P.C. JTA/ jr Encl osurecc: L€o Palmer Jay Peterson, Esq. Rt[[ DEC ? 19sb December 6, 1990 Mr. Mike Mollica Town of VaiI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Vail Gateway Zoning Compliance Dear Mike: Per our conversations, I am documenting in this letter issues ofzoning compliance such that a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for Va11 Gateway in the near future. The following tabulation of retail floor area, gross residentialfloor area, and parking requirements is based upon actual uses and surveyed measurements of the building in place. Restaurant seatingis based upon building code occupancy, which results 1n about sixty more seats than the actual seating plans. The GRFA numbers includeseveral areas with sloped ceilings lower than five feet, and arethus actually overstated. Unit 7 is a small- accommodation unlt added on Level 118. Since we are zoned for 12 unj-ts, the addeddensity is allowed. USE FLOOR AREA PARKTNG 9 ,406 s. f. /300Retai I Restaurants snop rl Shops 14/15. ' Level 118,.;..1 ',. ResidentialUnit 1 Unit 2Unlt 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6" : unit 7 -xikt^cn 11 ru 'l'; 1 00i 200 seats - B seats - B seats - 8 31 .35 spaces 6.25 spaces12.5 spaces 25.0 spaces 2.0 spaces 2. 0 spaces2.5 spaces2.0 spaces' 2.5 spaces2.0 spaces 1.O. space 89.1- spaces 25 compact) 1 i i '. I ' :'!',,t (ti ';i ). g99 1 ,818 2 t534 919 3,626 1,902 242 s.f. ^E s.f. s.f. GRFA GRFA GRFA GRFA GRFA GRFA GRFA -12,040 s.f. GRFA Allowable GRFA: 13,000 ','1 Parking Spaces Provided: 92 (67 full size, v Mr. Mike Mollica -2- In terms of completion and appearance, theconstruction wilL be in progress, but not December 6, 1990 following items of necessarily complete: credit nlac?+!# Exterior guardrail/eguipment screen - Level 128. I Z. Exterior painting of hollow metal . ItA' 3. State facing of the two southwest planters. M The railings and slate facing on the planters should be inthe end of Januarv. The holl-ow metal paintlng can only be done on days when the outdoor temperature is over 40 degrees, and thus may not be completed for several- months. This 1s a specialized type of coating (tnemic) which f am unwilling to change because of long term perfgrmance and m: i nf cnanr.e ni crhf rnaroq , '(maintenance nightmares. The landscaping, Iattice on east wal1, and h to theVail Village Inn driveway cannot be complet fntil-next spring; worked out +4 and therefore, must be covered by a letter of between the Town and Palmer Development I think the above addresses outstandlng items. If you have anyquestions, please contact me or Leo as appropriate. Sincerely yours, ARCHTTECTS, P.C. RLA/ad copy to: Leo Palmer -Jeff Nading Frank Freyer Palmer Development - Rlngland Johnson Crowley :- ),! . . itJg0. - .,a , #sr''; APPI,ICAEION DATE atclr/tn$rNc aPPrrrclrroN 7-30-90 (PIease NN.TE OF NAI,TE OF ADDRESS NA}IE OF OWNER 27 01 Print or Tlpe)pRg1tECT Vail Gqtewa Arnold / Gwathmey / Prat t pERsoN sUBl.rIgrIN6 arihitects, p.C. PxoNnl76ry 1000 South Front.aqe Road West, Vail, CO 81657 Leo Ralmer/Palmer Development Co.ONE_ ary ADDRESS Iris Avenue teA ulder co 80304 3IGXITONE OF IOCATION OF DESCRIPTION OIf,ER PROJECT nEa e Road t Vail R OF PROJE T THE FOLIOWING INFORilATTON IS BEqULBP FOR SUBI{ITTAI, BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A.DESCRIPTION OF TITE PROJECTING, ETC), and projecting. SIGN/AWNING (FREE STAND:NG, WALL, INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. wall, gr-ass, awnlng, B. wood. c.SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF I.ETTERING AND I'GO 72 s.f . HEI6HT OF SI6N ABOVB GRADE g' to t g' see elevat DESCRIBE LIGHTING (stlE61DU'!lG OR PROPOSED) see Exhi-bit "B" D. E. F. G. H. f,,ENGTH OF BUSTNESS FRONTAGE (FT) 38s' CONDOI.TINIU!.I 920.0O FEE ASSOCIATION APPROVAI., IATTACHI CHECK # Sii,e Pian nievations showing exact location of sign or awninE on the building photo6raphs showing pioposed location Colored scale drawing Samnle of proposed materials Phoiograph- of sign if available PAID I 2 3 4 5 6 Sign Adninistrator i .., I tJ l F4FLER, COUOfiAOO AOt 34 os-gr1-gges FAr( 300-841€€el LAWOFFICES JAMES T. ANEST ATTORNEYATLAW May 29, 1990 ' 'C59O ECg' MAINSTFEET p I A , ofl'tt ,4rk N' A I Rf t, tt z tt F tr trw-- ^'f^lt' I fl)jPl/\*'uf' ADMTTTED lN },/ \Co(oRADo & V\fYoM|No I Su"an Sanlan Town of Vai] 75 $outh Frontage Road WestVa'il, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Gatewav Plaza Dear Susan: I am enclosing a copy of the agreement which has been signedby Amoco Oil Company. l wi1 'l send you a fulIy signed copy afterI receive the signatures by Mr. Pa1 mer and the Represenlat,jve at Un'i ted Bank , Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. JTA: kaE Enc I osu re ;y o w0 turAY 1 4,991 May 10, 1990 Mr. Mike Mollica Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81 657 Re: Vail Gateway Parking Developnent Dear Mi-ke: Per our conversations, I am updating in this letter the parkingcalculations in my letter to you of December 6, 1990. This updateis necessitated by the occupancy of Shop 7 as a potential bar/expresso bar with an occupant load of 50 seats. The following tabulation of retail floor area, gross residentialfloor area, and parking reguj-rements is based upon actual uses and surveyed measurements of the building in place. Restaurant seatingis based upon building code occupancy, whi.ch results in about sixty more seats than the actual seating p1ans. The GRFA numbers includeseveral areas with sloped ceilings lower than five feet, and arethus actually overstated. As discussed, Unlt 7 is an accommodationunit. USE FLOOR AREA 8,271 s.f . /300 PARKING 27 .57 spaces ,.- 6.25 spaces 6.25 spaces12.5 spaces25.0 spaces 2.0 spaces2.0 spaces2.5 spaces2.0 spaces2.5 spaces 2.0 spaces 1 .0 space Retail RestaurantsstroF-7-- Shop 1 Shopstevel 4 /15 18 50 seats 11.:5<r^ seats 100 seats 200 seats -8 a -8-8 ResidentialunTE-T--- Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unlt 6Unit 7 (Accomodation 999 s.f. 818 s.f. 534 s.f. 919 s.f. 626 s.t . 902 s.f. 242 s.f . GRTA GRF'A GRFA GRF'A GRFA GRFA GRFA t, 2, 3,'t, ,4 Unit ) 12,040 s.f. GRFA I l Mr. Mike Mollica ltay 1 0, 1991 Page 2 Allowable GRFA: 13r000 '/A, Parking Spaces nrovidedzKg/67 ful1 If you have any guestions, please call me. Sincerely yours, ARCHTTECTS, P.C. RLA/ad eopy to: Dj-eter Menzel Leo PalmerBiIl Bergman size, 25 conpact) DATE: OCT. 26, l99O LEGAL: LOT: N BLOCK 5D FILING VAIL VILLAGE lST. ADDRESS: s. FRo NTAGE RD. AT VAIL RD. OWNER: GATEWAY PHONE # ARCHITECT: ARNOLD,GWATHMAY,PRATT PHONE # ZONE DISTRICT: SDD PROPOSED USE: PROPOS D USE: MULTI ,,L LlNn.- /-Kf A lJx;* #l: loz4 March 2, 1990 +2 -- tYb? # j : 75'?b +1 = ?>2 # s -r 3i3/- #b> t?2a -:=- tbbs'l { Mr. Gary Murrain Mr. Mike ltollica Department of Community Development Town of vail 75 South Frontage Road West VaiJ-, CO 81657 RE: Vail Gateway Dear Gary and ltlike: The following tabulation of use, floor area, and resultant parking reguirenents is submitted for your use in reviewing the plans and__ spdcifications submitted for issuance of a building permit for Vail Clteway. I have also included the gross area for each floor level, including both the inhabited areas and the structured parking. USE FLOOR AREA PARKING Retail RestaurantDining Room ResidentialUnit 1 Unit 2Unit 3unit 4Unlt 5unit 5 13,580 s.f. / 300 - 3,000 s.f. | 15 s.f./seat 200 seats / I zL Ll 993 s.f. GRFA i,g'tt s.f . GRFA 2,523 s.f. GRFA 937 s.f. GRFA 3,399 s.f. GRFA 1,890 s.f. GRFA rl, s55 4 45.27 "pu""= / 25 spaces / 2 spacesl 2 spaces2.5 spaces2 spaces2.5 spaces2 spaces .-83.27 spaces,/ -7----===_(!L :aces> 63 spaces-1. 9,121 spaces) 57 spacesy 1j26 spaces ! t\ 84#/ full slze spaces required (75*) Compact spaces allowed (258) Full size spaces provided Compact spaces provided Mr. Gary Murraln Mr. Mike lt{ollica -2-March 2, 1990 With the current anticlpated uses, we have nine more parking Epaces than reguired. This should allow for some flexibility in leasing portlons of the retall area to more intensive uses ln the future. 'Gross building areas by floor are as follows: Retail Level 95 Retail Level 1021106 Restaurant/Residential tevel 1 1 I ResidentiaL Level 128 Resldential Level 'l 37 Total Inhabited Area: Parking Level 73 Parking Level 84 Parking Level 95 Total Parking Area 4,218 14,474 1 0, 068 '1 ,985 s. f. s.f. s. f. s.f. s. f.2,s42 39,287 s.f. '4r100 s.f . 1 5, 568 s. f. 10,540 s.f. 30r208 s.f. In calculatlng the recreation fee for the proJect, f had guestioned last spring whether or not sirnilar SDD's such as the Vail Village Inn and Cascade V11la9e had been charged a slmilar rate (one dollar per square foot) on the reguired parking structures- CCf is charged one dollar per sguare foot, but they don't have to provide parking. I would like written conflrmation that those districts were charged on their parking, and at what rate. If any more information is needed for permitting, please contact me. Sincerely yours, D/GWA ARCHITECTS, P.C. RLA/ad MEI.,1 ORANDUM TO MIKE MOLLICA DATE: FROM: HENRY PRATT ?P GATEWAY PLAZA GRFA JANUARY 22, 1990 In response to your concerns that we have exceeded the all-owable GRFA on this project, please find enclosed plans of the upperLevels of the building showlng the GRFA takeoff. The total GRFA of 111556 SF is well below the 131000 SF allowed and has not beenadjusted downward to reflect areas that have less than-5t-O" of headroom (which do not count as GRFA). Thus the 111556 SF isreally more than the actual GRFA in the building. I hope that thiswill erase any doubts concerning GRFA. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to calt me. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT orre -sur,-6--rges r\ o t |ftf;i 004060 dedtment of community dewlopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMTT WPE OF PERMIT n eutLotr'rc fl pluuatNc n elecrRrcal f] FouNoATtoN n MEcHANtcAL fi] xxrf,mq* sgoRrNc LEGAL DESC. LOT BtL FILING ) Joer.rluE, vArL cATEwAy - srroRrNc OWNER PLAI'{ER DEVELOPMENT r|AIL ADDRESS 7OI TRTS i'A CITY co #e-0e51 ARCHITECT FrRu ARN0LDIG!,I4XIE![E-Y lBe!- ATLADDRE'. looo s rlo\T' RI) cfw vArL Pn.6-L147 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rowN oF vArL REG. No. 116-A 440-4220 f:"?t-'^i?lh FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEO. NO. TELE. PERIIIT NO. I.WPEOFCO STRUCTIO I ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I RII OlVtS|o l?2t34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IYORX : - RETENTION SYSTEM FOR EXCAVATION. aIkfJ BUILDII{G 173.000 (sHoRrNc) ELECTRICAL PLUUEING IECHAI{tCAL TOTAL 173,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERIIT 895 cElt ?aeF otr uFl %'6 W PLAI{ CHECK 582 ELECTRICAT NEW O ALTERATIOT.I OOS AODITIONAL REPAIR (PLUMBITIG D*ELLTNG uNrrs - -JlM"ou"oDAtoN uNrrs - MECHANICAL /\\ HETGHT IN FT. A \ NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE ffitcxnEss R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPC'SIT 500 EXT. WALLS ROOF \ USE TAX GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 1,977.00[ JoE NORRTS SEPT. 12, 1989 j-noTnFoFrrc-nr-- -DAE -----_-_.-_\- ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT Y N INITIAL l- | = | -INII'IG ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING A BUILDING NOTES: oeuo I I xl t hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot ptan, and slate that all the information provided as required is correct. I agres to compty with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ review approv€d, Unlform Building Code and other ordin lhe TowIf applicable thereto. SIGNATU AND THE O R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF - There are no currenr facifiriesllnd Ehe ;roo,erry is being urili zed fotparking. The sice is approrimacely 8100 feeE above Mean Sea Level and slopes gently to Ehe soulh toerard rhe creek (see Index Map). Fotlowing rhe decision Eo abandon che subjecc sice, Anoco renoved che sub- surface pipe and Eank scrucEures. fE is our understanding that che site has been sold !o Palmer Development.. Palmer DevelopmenE conEracted Rocky HounEain Consulfants co oversee the Ehe Eank removal and deE.ernine if any subsurface environmengal problemsexisc.. fE is our undersEanding EhaE environmencal srork was requesEed by lhe lending company, perporcing Eo back Palner DevelopmenE wich financing. fc is our understanding Ehat Palsrer Developmenr currenEly has developed plans to const.rucE Ehe ttvail GaEewaytt crhich is a conraercial/residencialinscatlacion. These plans include che vircual renoval of alt onsice soilsto a depth of approximacely 28 feec below grade. A subsurface parking sEructure sill then occupy Ehe space of Ehe current,ly existing soils. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS On April 5 through 10, 1989 five underground sEorage Eanks sere excavated and removed from Ehe subject site. These Eanks, Bogether rit,h approxi- nately 100 cubic yards of petroleurn-irnpac!,ed soils observed to be locaced beneaEh the tanks, erere disposed in accordance witb approved scate proce- dures. Details concerning the ercavaEion and soit saurpling are seen in the April 27, L989 GltS reporr (Appendir B), subroiuted to the CDH on June 8' 1989. Groundsater observaEioo llelt UtJ-4 was destroyed during these renoval acciviEies. Based upoo resulEs observed tlithin t.he excavaEion and groundqrater sampling end labcratory analysis perforoed in Feburary, 1989, additional invesci- gaEions were iniciaEed to furcber define the linits of subsurface hydro- carbons. Fron Xay 30 to June l, 1989, groundwat,er observaEion wells M!{-5 chrough l{Ii-12 rere installed at onsica and offsiue locations. Soil sanples lrere collected at five-foot. depth intervals during cbe soil boring operaEion, and groundraEer sanples !.ere collected following eel1 construct.ion. The nells sere surveyed, and gauged for irater elevagion. GrounderaEer rfas observed eo be approri.oacely 25 feet below grade, aod liquid hydrocarbons itere not, obgerved in any of che 12 wells. Select saoples eere analyzed for volatiLe aromat,ic hydrocarbons (Benzene, Tolueae, Ethylbenzene and Iylenes) and Total Petroler.rn Bydrocarbons (TPH, EPA Mechod 4I8.1). AI1 field procedures were in accordance with approved EPA nethods (Appendix C). Drill log records and coostruction details are found in Appendix D. INVESTIGATIONAL RESULTS Hydrogeotogy: SoiLs encouncered onsice lrere composed almosE. erclusivetyof coarse-grained sands and gravels. This sediraenc is believed to be derived frora the adjacenc. nouaE.ains, and represents alluvial fan deposirstrich minor fluvial reworking, sedimencs are be!ieved co ext,end co depuhs greaLer Chan 200 feeE, based upon Ehe sice Copography. GroundsaEer has been encountered onsiEe, is believed Eo be unconfined, and was measured in each observation well (see Table 1) at approKinacely 25 feet. below grade. Figure 2 shoss Ehe onsiEe measured water ele.racions and che caLculat,ed groundracer gradienE. This gradienc is Eo Lhe souch, floe-ing Eorrard Ehe river. Soil Quatity: Table 2 presents the laboracory analysis resulrs of soil sarap!es obgained during consEruc!ion of observation tlells MW-5 rbrough 12. These results indicace (1) high concentratioos of bydrocarbons in Ehe areaof the previously existing gasoline sEorage Eaaks, ercending fron Ehe cank base to Ehe groundwacer table, (2) significanE concencracions of hydrocar- bons in Ehe upper 10 feeE in rhe vicinicy of observaEion srells l{I'l-6 and 10, and (3) significanc concent.raiEons oL hyd"o.".bons in Ehe upper sar.u- rated zone of obser.raEion sells 0[f-7 and 11. Groundwater Qualicy: TabLe 3 presencs che laboracory analysis resulEs of groundeacer sampLes collected from observaEion l:ells HI{- I chrough !2. Liquid hydrocarbons were not deuecEed in any of these observaEion eelIs, Elevaced levels of hydrocarbons are s.een in observa!ion wells 09t-2, Ol{-3, 0W-7, 0g-8, O1{-11 and 0u-12, and minor hydrocarbon consEicuents erere seenin the rearainiag observaEion srells. Based upon c.he hydrocarbon concenErations, Figr.rre 3 was prepared as a graphic represeoEac ion/ incerprecaEion of the dissolved hydrocarbcn plune configuration. this nap indicates lhe hydrocarbon plume is nosc locaEed au onsice tocatioas. Ic is believed lhac Ehe nsjority of hydrocarbon con- stiruencs dececced within groundwat.er observatioa ne!1s ilW-I0 and MIJ-tl are derived froo an addicional source, and noE froo Ehe subjecr sice. Due co the inoiscible nacure of hydrocarbons, we believe that the dis- solved bydrocarbou constituenrs will reside io che upper five feeE of Ehe eateE table. Risk Agsessneat: Current inpacc of the subject subsurface hydrocarbon plune Eo probable receptors is believed to be linited due co (l) Ehe loct coocentratioo of bydrocarbon, (2) ttre depch of groundnacer at 25 feet,relt belon cormon construction par:rmeters and ucilicy lines, (3) che pre- dooinant use of uunicipal eac,er by residencs of che area, aad (a) the pro- jecced localized elt,enc of the hydrocarboa p1une. CONCLUSIONS Based upon Ehe above invescigations, ere make Ehe folLowing conclusions: t. An unrecorded release of pecroleum hydrocarbons has taken pLace aE Ehe subjecc sit,e. Alehough Ehe source of this release is unknown, i!,is likely a result of (1) inadvercant mistakes performed by rruck drivers filling rhe stacion Eanks, and (2) cusEomers filling cheir auronobile canks, boE.h common problerns associaEed crith service sEa- tions . Z. The time and quancicy of the release inpacued soils moscly in the area of face gasoline tanks and bas irapacued face. cannoE be escirnated, but, il has Ehe previously exiscing subsur- Ehe groundwaEer in the subsur- 3. Hydrocarbons irnpacLing che groundoauer are seen Eo be liniced Eo dis- soLved consEit,uenEs of localized vertical and lateral exuent. l'|e believe Ehe majoriEy of Ehe hydrocarbon plune is located onsite and above a depth of 30 feet below grade. 4. tJe project a los risk le.ret co exposure of the exisci.ng conEaminants Eo currenE recepEors. REHEDIAL ACTIOII PLAN Due ro the pending construcE,ion of Ehe subjecr site, Ehe GHS plans Eo vork togeEher crith Palmer Development during ctre prelirninary excavation phaseof developneot. lJe plan to participate in an innovaEive, joinu CoosEruct,ion/Remediacion progr.u!. lhis program ni11 be divided into uhe following phases: Phase 1: Soil Remediar,ion, Phase 2: GroundsaEer Remedi- aEion, and Phase 3: GroundwaEer MoniEoriog. A discussion of each phase is outlined as follows: PEASE I: SOIL REHEDIATION: Apptoxioacely 171000 cubic yards of soil wilt be removed frorn Ehe subject sice co a depfh of approximatety 25 feec belosgrade. Shoring is ancicipated, and Ehe excavacion will renain open during the balance of che winEer season. Soils nil1 be sorted under lbe direction of onsite environnenEal personnelutilizing an infield phoco-iooizaEion deEecror (fUU) and disposed as fol- lotrs: f,ydrocarbon-inpacted soils: To be Eransported to BEB Construction Con- paoyr for utilizatioa as ralr naterial aggregrete for asphalt. This nate- rial sill be defined as haviog a value of 50 ppm or targer, as neasured iu tbe field sitb aa ENU. 'Noo-ingacted soils: To be transported to B&g Construction Conpany, for utilization as road base oaterial aod cormon filL grade naterial. l{outhly status reports will be prepared by Chen and Associates concerning hydrocarbon-iopacted goils uucil ctl oacericl is proceseed. Upon requesc thr3r rcports will be forcwercd to Ehe CED. PHASE 2: GROIJNDWATER REI'IEDIATI0N: A porrable air sEripping unir. r'ill be pernicLed by Air autfiE -Tonc;ofand insealled wirhin Ehe excauarion, pro- viding for groundwat,er ErealmenE from September, 1989 to April 1990. Due Eo the aerial exposure of the najority of che dissolved hydrocarbou plume, ite anuiciPaEe a near complete renoval of dissolved hydrocarbon consEiEu- enEs. GroundsraEer sanples wilt be colLecEed on a monEhly basis from che pumping systetn for laboratory analysis of hydrocarbon consciEuencs. A reporr of Ehese results will be available to Ehe CHD upon requesE. PHASE 3! cROullDl|ATER HONImRING: prior to Lhe pending consrrucEion groundwater moniLoring we!ls ctilI be LocaEed and construcEed. Quaruerly groundeater samples niLl be collecEed frorn che subjecu observa- tion selLs for one year. Should objeclionable Levels of hydrocarbon be deLect,ed, addicional remediaEion nay be necessary. A final report, of the reraediation effectiveness crill be prepared following the one-year.proposed monicoring plan. Should you have any quescions or coments, qre requesr your reply. srrlc-a Paul E. Fairbanks ilydrogeologist PEF:mph 89228ART0295 Table l: Groundwater Leve! Heasurement s Table 2: LaboraEory Resulcs (Soits) Table 3l Laboratory Resulrs (CroundlraEer) Iader Map Figure ll Plot Plan Figure 2: GroundsaEer ConCour Figure 3: Pluoe (Dissolved) Configuration Appeodir A: I{SDS Sheers Appeadix B: GltS Regort of Juoe 8, 1989 Appeudir C: Field l{etbods Appeodir D: Drill Logs cc: J. A. ADesE - Boulder (2) T. Hesgeoan - Loognonc D. }{. Barker - Ghicago J. C. Klasiug - Chicago K. Brosu - Denver R. A. O'DeLl - Chicagot. J. Buebler - Chicago L. Palner - Boulder (2) R. Davis, Jr. - Vail J. A. Rogers - Overland Park J. Forrest - Connerce CiLy H. J. Sobczak - Cbicago J. Frencb - Boulder G. tJ. SchnidE,/M. S. Jobngon - Tulsa . TABLE I GroundwaLer LeveL Measurements tfell Casi.ng llat er Depth Depth ElevaEionUo. Elevarion 6-19-89 6-22-89 6-22-89 73.2Llru-z 97.82 25.47 25.70 72.12[rf-3 99.03 25.81 26.00 73.03r{t{-5 100 . 23 26 . L4 26 .47 7 3 .7 6ilt{-6 100.05 25.91 26.19t{tl-7 100.43 27.45 27.8r 73.86 72.62 71 .87 1L .72 71.10 fi-8 97.81 25.12 2r.49 72.32 l$t-9 96.45 24.42 24.58ffir-10 97.80 25.80 26.08iln-u 95.99 24.78 24.E999.02 25.0 26.02 73.00 TABLE 2 LaboraEory Analysis Resulcs of Soil Samples CoLlecLed 5-25-89 to 6-l-89 8oi1 !9rine 'Bt-3I-89 6 5-3r-89 ND NDND 0.001 O.OI NDND ilD0.02 0.003 ND NDND IID 0.01 ND0.0r 0.005 0.008 0.007 0.008 0.06ND UD ND 0.0020.009 NDIID ND0.02 0.01ND ND 0.007 0.0010.005 ND ND 0.001 0.0t ND 0.02 ND ND 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.6 ND 0.002 0.02 ND 0.03 ND 0.008 0.005 Analysis (mg/l) .Depth 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 l0 l5 20 25 30 35 5 l0 15 2t) 25 30 35 ND ND ND 0.006 ND 0.07 ltD ND ND ND 0.00r t{D ND ND ID ID ND 0.01 0.03 0.5 ND ND 0.01 ND 0.003 ND ND ltD ND ND ND ND ND NDND }IDND ND I I 310 190 37 48 <l <1 2 440 <1 54 350 370 780 900 I I 180 28 140 <1 <l 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 l0 15 20 23 30 35 1I I Dissolved Aromat,ic Hydrocarbon Coneent, rat, ions in ['lacer Samples, Amoco Service Station #7439, 129 Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado TABLE 3 Ethyl- Total Toluene benzene xylenes nglL Total DissoLved Aronat ic Hydrocarbon sBenzene l{ell No. June 25 1989 Hrr-l u}t-2 t{U-3 lfl,f-5 MW-6 Htf-7 rln-8 u!{-9 l{U-10 ul,-tt ul{-12 June 22 0.4 1.3 15.0 0.3 0.07 0.7 5.2 0.5 I.3 3.2 13 .2 0 .08 0.9 i5 .7 0.03 0 .07 't .3 7.5 0 .05 0.9 6.0 23.1 0.08 0.86 18 .6 0 .03 0.01 I .28 1.13 0.01 0.20 6.32 22.2 0 .005 0 .04 2.7 ND 0 .006, 6.2 0.7 0.01 0.4 o.7 2.6 0 .02 0.5 2l.I 0.01 0 .07 32. r 5.4 0 .03 r.2 6. t 30.7 0.5 2.7 54 .3 0.3 0.2 46.3 i8.9 0.6 3.7 16.0 69.4 0,72 2.16 60 .0 0. r9 0 .03 8 .09 4 .35 0.07 0. 65 L7 .4 73,-7 1989 HH-I ilI{-2 uht-3 Xr{-5 lt$r-6 t{n-7 l{!l-8 l,t},-9 utf-10 r{t|-l1 HTI-I2 Irw-t wd-2 uI{-3 utf-4 0 .64 L.29 16.3 0.14 0.0r 0 .60 0.85 0.06 0 .08 3 .58 I .98 0.005 0.06 2 .60 ND ND 0.91 0. 25 t{D 0 .08 0.80 3.61 0.02 0. 01 3.6 1,6 ND 0.55 22.3 0.0r 0.008 5.31 2,t2 lrD 0.29 6 .69 38.9 0.2 0.04 20.7 10.5 February 24, 1989 1.9 0.3 9.0 10.2 0.4 0.04 t2.2 1.2 2.6 0.4 45.6 29.4 llD - Uot detected at or below 0.001 ngll. detection linit, 0.01 ng/l. Statistically reproducible N I LE6END o oB6ERvAnoN t rErL V ABA tDorv:D trrELr- l:l ABAuDoNiD TA{{K FIELD o rD aoF --:!=t'ScaIe e.-^t.\9 O ,q r.^r -z A$-tr PRevrous A^,toco Sfte- a ha*uuL t\l^J-Z FTh)-. V^u-q I \ AUJ-IL 1 -) .-"\O I \ 6esourur_ ', \r \l y- ( Rovd i- at, Hld.3' \ \ \ O no-s /{r.d - s .--,, I '\_.-) ,i\tr--\ I LASTE OrL l4U- t AMOCO ,ROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT SECTION 7201 Eaat 38th Street, Space 7253 P. 0. Box 3385 Tulsa, Oklahona 74IOz 918-550-4435 Ey 3 PEF a1t -H FIGURE: t - nor PLAN LOCATION: AP\dCO sERVIC.ESTANOA/ d?"39 tz huTn Fpo^rtal,e RoA D uAtL I Loa.otlADO N l.; Le6END oB6€R vAl-?o|^l ..IELL ABa t Dor.fi.o uJeLL AMNDo^I1T! ?AAIK FIET.D TOTaL AROtrATvt I Bri.E+l) FCONl 6oDr- o tthr.3' I PRgvrou5 A^{o<o o ,a eoi{ -!==t' S cale Srre- FIGURE: 3- PLUI4E (urlgorv$) toNF t uERATlaN LOCATION: Ar.\oc, .5ERVTCE STAnO^/ i7{39 tZ guTrl Feo^rtu,g RoaDytrl I eo(.o RADO .03 ,4LJ.go ti'tv' \ I t'{r^l-q . .-\< r(li{t9IU Xrr- \ o .0? tJ.o mw-1 Ard-rr a AMOCO GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT SECTION EY: PEF 7201 East 38tb Screet, Space 7253 P. 0. 8or 3385 Tulsa, Oklaboua 74L02 918-660-443s -t1.7 t, O ftto-r1 , LasuuL ?.7b o 8-rb-€n rt -4,:=i-A'TA,I D, ^aA.FAlvi-# IA' I'IATERIAL SAFETY OATA SHEFT MOco REGULAR LETREE oASOLINE MNUFACTURER/SUPP LIER : Amoco 0ll Comoanv 200 East Randbloi Chicago, Illinois EMERGENCY HEALTH INFORHATi0N: (800) 447-8735 EMERGENCY SPILL INFORMATI0N: (800)'424-9300 OTHER PR00UCT SAFfiy INF0RMTIdN: '(3i2) 8s6-3907 IMPORTANT GOI'IP0NENTS: Gasotine (cAS 8006-oi-9) AccIH TLV 300 Eenzene (CAS 71-43-2) ACGIH TLV t0 oom OSHA PEL I ppm (8-hr. TWA). S opm STEL 'See Supplemental Information Sbction. ppm (900 mslm3).(30 mg/m3), (15 min.) Dri ve 60601 I',ARNiNG STATEI'IENT: Dangerl Extremely flammable. High vapor concentrations can causeneaoaches, clizziness, drowsiness and nausea. Harmful if swallowed :ff i:[n:i: r"::i"]ll:,::ffi ::::.*!.i:ii:nl"i::i.itii,,ir !:_,. * Hl'lis/NFPA c00ES:(HEALTH;1)(F[-,AMI|,ABILITy;3)(REACTIVITy;0), chron.ic heatth hazard APPa\MNCE ANO 000R: clear, bright liquid. characteristic odor. HEALTH HAZARD INFORMTION EYE EFFECT: FIRSI AIO: PROTECTION: EFFE.L I : FIRST AIO: PROTECTION: EFFECT: FIRST AIO: PROTECTION: Hlgh concentrations of F1 ush eyes with plenty pers r sts , None required; however, vapor,/mist may cause eye discomfort. of water. Get medical attention if irritation use of eye protectlon ls good industr.la'l practice. SKIN Prol.onged or repeated contact can defat the skin and lead to iritationancl./or dermati ti s. cl othi ng, Get medical l{ash exposed skin with soap and }rater. Remove contaminatedrnclucling :llogs,.and thoroughly clean and dry before reuse.attention if irritation cievelobs. Avoid prolonged or.repeated skr'n contact. wear protective clothing andgroyes rt prolonged or repeated contact is likely. iNHAL{TiON vapor-harmful ., Hlgh vapor concentrations can cause headaches, dizziness,ctronsiness and nausea. See Toxicology Section. If adverse effects occur, remove to uncontaminated area. Giye artificialrespiration if not breathing. Get medlcal attention. use.with,adequate ventilation. Avold breathing vapor and/or mist. Ifventilatlon is inadequate, use NI0SH/MSHA certifieb respirator which wil'lprotect against organlc vapor,/rnist. ' .AI'IOCO REGULAR LEAO.FREE PAGE 02 OF 04 HEALTH HAZARD INFORI'IATION . CONTINUED INGESTION EFFECT: Low viscosity produc',.. Harmful or fatal if aspirated into lungs. FIRST AID: If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Get immedlate medical attention. FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORHATION . RE\CTIVITY INFORJ'IATION GASOLINEI FI,,{SHP0INT: -45oF FL t{l.lABLE LII.IITS: UppER: 7.6% L0WER: t.3% AUTOIGNITION TEI,IPEMTURE: 495oF EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: 4g.n!t approved for class B hazards (e.g., dry chemlcal, carbonqr0xtoe, halogenated agents, foam, steam) or water fog. UNUSI'JIL FIRE 4N0 EXPL0SION HAZAROS: Extreme'ly flammable vapor,/atr mixtures forrn.Extinguishment of fire before solrce oi vapor-ii strut oti can-criaie an exp loslve mixture in alr. PRECAUTIONS: Keep away from ignit,ion lources (e.g., heat, sparks and open flames).reep conralner ctosed. Use w.lth adequate ventilation. DANGEROUS REACTIONS: Avoid chlorine, fluorine and other strong oxidizers. IIAZAROOUS DEC0MP0SITION: Burning can produce carbon monoxide and/or carbon d.i oxide: and other harmful products. STABILITY: Burning can be started easily. CHEMiCAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES EOILING P0INT: 80oF T0 430oF, Range SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Neglig.ibte, below 0.lfl. SPECIFIC GRAVITY (WATER = 1): 0.75 VAPOR PRESSURE: 9-15 lb RVp (ASTl,t D-323) . VAPOR OENSITY (AIR = 1): 3 T0 + _ ,Al.roco REGULAR LUREE GASoLTNE PAGE 03 OF 04 STOMGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SToRAGE REQUIREMENTS: Store in flammable 'liquids storage area. Keep container closed.Store.away from heat, 'ignition s6urces, and oien fiime-in-accordance with applicable federa'l , stite, or'Iocal regulations. SPILLS ANO LEAKS: "IASTE DISPOSAL: Remove or shut off all sources of lqnition. Use water sDray !odisperse vapors. -Increase ventilation, ii poisiuie.-'Coliiin on anabsorbent material (e.9., sand, sawdusi, diit, clay). Keep out ofsewers and watervays.. l::j9f: and. spilled material are hazardous waste due to ignitability. .uisposal must.be in accordance wlth appllcable feCeral , stite, orlocal regulatlons. Enclosed-controlled incineration ii recomrirendedunless directed othenvise by app'l icable ordinances. sPEcIAL PRECAUTIONS: [Eif"i":o?|r:'l:":oiLdoYili#;il""fli]!. "[3ino!';3+6i"iue,- ON LY. TOXICOLOGICAL INFOR,TATION EYE: Prlmary eye irrltation score 0.0/110.0 (rabbits). SKIN: Primary-dermal irritation score 1.1/8.0 (rabbits). Acute dennal LD50 qreaterthan 5m1/ks (rabbits). practicattv.nontixii-io.'iculi-iip"ii,'r.i 6i-ir,ir-iout.. IN|fAL,{TION: Acute LC50 20.7ng/'t (rats). INGESTI0N: Acute oral- LD50 18.8m]/kg (rats). practical 1y nontoxic for acuteexposures by this route. Excessive.exposure-to vapors may produce headaches, dizziness, nausea, drowsi-ness, irritation of eyes, nose ini throat and ceniiar nervoui sysEendepression. Ir:.lgng;lerm inhalatioq :!qdy of whole un'leaded gasoline vapors, exposure-rerared Klctney danage and kidney tumors were obseried ln nrale'rati. limilarKroney eriects were not seen in female rats or in mice. At the highestexposure level (2055 ppm), female mice hid an lncreasea iniiaence 6i-iiverlumors. Kesutts from, subseguent scientific studies suggest that the kidney 9lrg:.11!-probablv the kidriev tumor response are unrqiE io riiEhiTi iii.-'rn"slgntrlcance of the mouse liver tumor response in ternis of human health isquesti onabl e. Inhalatlon of whole un'l eaded gasoline yapors did not produce birth defects lnlaboratory animals. Gasoline.is.a-complex nixture of hydrocarbons and contains benzene (uo to 4votume,F), i0tuene and xylene. chronic exposure to hlqh levels of Behzene hasDeen shown to cause-cancer (leukemia) in hirmans and otter adverse UtooJ-eifeiis(anemla). uenzene is considered a human carcinogen by IARC, HTp and OSHA. 9lll"M:y"e'.to',xylene and roruene iin-iause irritatiirn to ihe upper respira- .".9Y !il!t:_hiidaclre and.narcosis. Some liver damage and 'lung iirilannationwere seen tn chronic studies on xylene in guinea pi6s but not-in rats. Asplratlon of this product into the lunqs can causeb9 lllal. 4tpiration into the lungs cai occur whlleor Enls procuct. chemical pneumonia and can vomiting after ingestlon OOT PROPER SHiPPiNG NA}IE: OSHA HAZARO COMMUNICATION Gasoline, Flammable Liquid, STANDARD: Flammable liquid.listed by ACGIH. 0SHA. Contalns a AI.IOCO REGUI..AR LE\O.FREE GASOLiNE PAGE 04 OF 04 REGU I.ATORY iNFORI.IATION uN1203. -Irritant. Contains components Contains components'l lsted by carci nogenic conponent. TscA STAIUS: AII of the components of this product are listed on the TSCA Inventory. SUPP LEI.TENTAL INFORI.TATION 9:o]tl: ls.a complel TiIttf. of hydrocarbons. Those major components havingoccupatlonal exposure limits are: Butane (CAS 106-97-8) ACGIH TLV 800 ppm Cyc'lohexane (CAS tt0-82-7) ACGIH TLV 300 ppm, 0SHA pEL 300 ppm Flftyl-!pnfe4e (CAS 100-41-4) AccIH TLV 100 ppn, STEL 125 ppm,0SHA PEL 100 pim n-Heptane (cAs 142-82-5) ACGIH TLV 400 ppm, srEL 500 ppm, 0sHA pEi 500 ppm n-Hexane (CAS 1i0-S4-3) ACGIH TLV S0 ppm, OSHA pEL 500 ppm Pentane (cAs 109-66-0) AccIH TLV G00 pprn, sTE!- 750 ppm, 0sHA pEL r,000 ppm Toluene (cAs 108-88-3) AcciH TLv 100 ppTr srEL-150 ppm, 0sHA pEL 200 ppm(8-hr. Tl,A), 300 ppm Ceiting,-500-ppr'Iid ,in.l--- Trlmethyl benzene (CAS A5551-13-7) ACGIH TLV 25 pprn xvlene (cAs 1330-20-7) AcciH TLv 100 pprn, srEL 150 ppm, 0sHA pEL i00 ppm ISSUE INFORJ'IATION BY: s{4s%h Stephen A. Elbert lilgr. , Product Safety & Toxicclogy ISSUED: SUPERSEDES: llarch 18, 1988 June 03, 1985 This material safetv data.-sheet and the tnfgnqt-ion it contains ls offered to you lngood. faith as accurite. -ult.triie-ii"ilr.i"inv-'iii.iriirii"iint"inea in this data .sheet which we. received frosr sources outsidi our c-onpani. *e-Ueiieve that informatlon to becorrect but cannot ouaranree its accuraiy oi-i[of-'ri!"iisil:'i"irih--ini";i;;t ^-"precairtions tn this-data stiei ,"i-noi-6i iaeir;i;-i;;-;ii indtviduats and/orsituations. It is the-userrs oblisatron ta-iJiiuiti-ini'usi'*rii-piiiuil-iiie'ty anoto complv-vlith all appli.cable iiwi-ini-i:ei"tiiii"s.- Io-siii"r"nt nade in rhis datasheet shal I be constiired as a iiiiiilioi'r 6r recomrnenaitron-ior the use of any productin a nanner that oioht infrlngi-iii;;iil patents. tto-warranty is ande, either expressor impl led. ' --'J !"r r5ee"--' '!v nsr I "rr' I{ATERIAL SAFETY OATA SHEET AI4OCO REGUI,{R LE{L.!I GASOLINE IIAilU FACTURER/SUPP LI ER :Anoco Oil Comoany 200 East Randblp-h DrtveChicago, Illinois 6OG0l Il'{P0RTA}lr COI'IP0NENTS: Gasot'ine (cAs 8006-Et-9) ACGIH TLV 300*lT.l:. (gAs 71-43-2) ACGIH TLV r0 ppm 0SHA PEL I ppm (8-hr. fUA), S-ppr-sfEt 'See Suppleirintit informaiion Siitiin. EI4ERGENCY HEqLTH INF0RMTION: (800) 447-8735 EMERGENCY SPILL INFORIITATION: (8OO)'424.9300 oTHER pRooucT SAFETY iNF0RHATioN: '(312) 855-3907 i3['t;ihT:^,,( rr mr n.,l Oangerl Extreme'ly flammable. Hlgh vapor concentrations can causeheadaches, -dizziness, drowsinesi and' nausea. Harm;ul if swai lowedano/or aspirated into lungs. Can produce skin irrl-,.ation on Prolongect or repeated contact. Use as motor fue'l only. Lonq-termexposure to vapors has caused cancer in laboratory airinalsi HARNING STATEI.IENT: HI,IIS/NFPA C00ES:(HEALTH;1)(FLqumBILiTy;3)(RE{CTiVITy;0), Chrontc health hazard APPEARANCE ANO 000R: crear, bright liquid. characteristic odor. HEALTH HAZARD INFORI'IATiON EYE EFFECT: FIRST AID: PROTECTION: EFFECT: FIRST AIO: PROTECTION: High concentrations of Flush eyes with plenty pers I sts . None reguired; however, Avold prolonged or repeated skin contact.gtoyes rt prolonged or repeated contact is vapor,/mlst may cause eye discomfort. of water. Get medical attention if irrltation use of eye protection is good industrial prac.uice. cl othi ng, Get medica'l SKiN Pro'longed or repeated contact can defat the skin and lead to irritationand/or deroatitis. lasf qlnosed skin wi.th soap and water. Remove contanlnated ll:1l9ln9 :lo9s,.and-thoroughly clean and dry before reuse.aEEenElon t? irritation develops, Yiiltg:tt""tive clothing and INHATATiON EFFECT: Vapor.harnftl: _!1q! vapor concentrations can cause headaches, dlzziness,' droysJness and nauiea. See Toxicotogv-iiciiijnl- FIRST AID: If adverse effects occur, renove to uncontaminated area. Give artificialrespiration tf not breathing. eet meaiiii-iiientton. PRoTECTI0N: Use wlth-adequate ventllation. Avold breathing vapor and/or mlst. ifventilation,is-inadequate, use tltoiHTu5Hl-ii"iiriet-i"iii'"iioi:'"iich willprotect against organic vipor./mist. MOCO REGUI.AR LzuED GASOLINE PAGE 02 OF 05 HEATTH HAZARD INFORI'IATION - CONTINUED INGESTiON EFFECT: Low viscosity product. Harmful or fatal lf aspirated into lungs. FIRST AID: If snallowed, do NOT induce'vomiting. Get immediate medical atiention. FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORI,IATION REqCTI V ITY I N FORI,TATION FL{SHP0INT: -45oF FtrAltt'lAgLE LI}iITS; UPPEi: I .5% L0WER: t.3% AUTOIclliTION TEHPETITURE: 49SoF ExriNGUIsi{ING l,lEDiA: 4g.n!l approved for class B hazards (e.g., dry chemica'l, carbondioxide, halogenated agents, foam, sieafr)'or irater fog.' UNUSUAL EIRE ANO EXPLOSiON HAZARDS: Extremely flamnable vapor/air ntxtures form.Extinguishment of fire before so-urce of-vapor is ifiut ofi ian-criate anexplosive mixture in alr. PRECAUTI0NS: Keep away from ignrtion sources (e.g., heat, sparks and open fiames).Keee container closed. Use wlth'adEquate v6ntilation. DANGEROUS RE{GrIONS: Avoid chlorine, fluorine and other strong oxidizers. HAZAROCUS DECOHPOSITI0N: Burning can produce carbon monoxide and,/or carbon dioxideand other hannful products. STABILITY: Burn.ing can be started easlly. CHEI'{ICAL ANO PHYSICAL PROPERTIES B0ILINC POINT: 80oF T0 430oF, Range SOLUBILITY Iil UATER: Negligibte, betorv 0.12. SP€CIFiC G,qAViTY (UATER = 1): 0.75 VAPOR PRESSURE: 9-15 tb RVp (ASTt't D3Z3) VAPOR 0ENSITY (AIR = 1): 3 T0 4 NO PLANS ,i\ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 12 VAIL ROAD NOTE _ COPY OF IN ON MAR. DATE PEFMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 25, L99L ;ilo\.ogztsgooo;'**}?.',,Sf;"004769 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCEOF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT tr eurrorNc EF rlecrnrcnl I MECHANICAL TtrI FILING VAIL VILLAGE IST JOB NAME:GATEWAY OUTSIDE LIGHTS NAME STEVF STAPTRT MATLADDRESS 143 g I.{EADOW DR ctrY vArL PH 6-1063 LEGAL DESC, ARCHITECT MAIL AOORESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. LECTRICAL FIRM RONIS ELECTRIC COMP TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. lO1-E PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I V V 2, OCCUPANCY G ROUP AB EH IRM DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - TNSTAT.T. OITTT,TCIIT T'NP X-MAS T,T.]I|Tq ia.o, r PERMTT NO. - l" L 1\ z tr 3 BUILDING ELECTRICAL I ,000 PLUMBING OUTSIDE BLDG. UNDER OVERHEAD MECHANICAL TOTAL 1,000 TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT -+ C r-i\\.) 4 Ll r67iazY-+ rr. )-( \-./ PLAN CHECK E LECIR ICAL 44 NEW( ) ALTERATION (XX ADDITIONALO REPAIR()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - - ACCOI\,4MODATION UNITS _ -HEIGHT IN FT - -_ NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION' rYPE TH ICKNESS B.VALLUE FLOOB EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE ELEC. OF HEAT OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $44 ERNST EEXXXXT GLATZLE 3125/9L ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N IN ITIAL sr cur I | | BLASflNG | | | UILOING OFFICIAL DATE )NING ADMINISTRATOR DAT€ ONING & BUILDING NOTES: -- PARKING DEMO L_l _|__ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, {illed out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree lo comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher ordinances ol the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOB FOF HIMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT d€partmont ol community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D eutLorr'rc [] pruMenrc NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO DATE TN ON r,En, L2, 9L BE KEPT ON JOBSITE &\b\otrLt4qooo NO PLANS 04743 PERMIT NO. I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVfS|ON L?2a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : DUCTWORK, GRILLS, RXGISTERS, AI''ID FIREDAMPERS, TO GATEWAY PLAZA s TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VAL PERMIT FEES NEW ALTERATION O(X) ADDITIONALI REPAIRO DWELLING UNITS -..- HEIGHT IN FT INSULATIONI ADDITIONAL PEEMITS NEEDED: IN IT IAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES AOMINISTRATOR ING & BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure accordinq to the Town's z and subdivision codes. desion review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordina SIGNATURE OF OWNER AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF trg ELECTRICAL LI FOUNDATION MECHANICAL trI- \ T' \ LEGAL DESC. LOr N BLK___--5I__ FtL|NG vAlL VILLAGE lST JOB NAME: GATEWAY SHOP /I1O OWNER NAME MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM BERGMANN CONST. TowN oF vAtL REG. No. 284-B rere 827-4O07 )rrecrnrcnl CONTRACTOR FIRM LOWN Of VAILJEG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM STONE MEQEANIC4IL TowN qF 'ATL REG. r\Lo. 124-14 IELE. 827 -57 24 / 949-8166 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM rowN oFl4\rL BEG_ NQ. TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 12 VA]L ROAD NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO DATE TT{ ON T'EB. 5 1991 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLANS IN SLOT ;tl6\d-?,&,q@, +.4./!d^^+ 04739 department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Elteutt.orruc tr Ek ElEcrnrcnl E EK MECHANICAL N LEGAL I |DESC. LOT N BLK-___IL _ FtLtNG vIIL__vIrc_!5!__ JOB NAME: GATEWAy SHOp #3 OWNER NAME MARRIOTT OIINERSHIP MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM ARNOLD. GWATHMSY. PRAT MAtLADDiEsi iq00 S IBQNT RD crry VAIL en. 6-1L47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM VAIL VAILEY CSSNT TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. 1O6X-B .rEl E OLO-I I'LA )r,-..r*,.o'FIRM BRYANT ELECT. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. -I5q-EUUI\ I KA\, IUX rete. 949-4L55 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO MECHANICAL FIR IIl|STONE MECH. TOIUN3F VAIL REG. NO. I24-M UUNIT(AUIUK OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TQ\AIN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I lr l lV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION L22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - TENNANT T'TNTSTI TO S}IOP /I1 TN TITE l|n- zotr J BUILDING 10 .000 ELFCTRICAL 2 .500 PLUMBING GATEWAY PLAZA.MECHANICAL I .000 TOTAI 13,500 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II lHR B-2 13 .500 BUILDING PERMIT 149 T 46 $ .( PLAN CHECK 97 ELECTRICAL 43 NEW ( ) ALTERATION (XX ADDITIONAL ( ) REPAIR (PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -.- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL t5 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYP€ THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT r00 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 404 UICHAEL WHITAKER FEB. 5, 1991 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT v ALASTING x PARKING l1. DEMO x rrr-orNc orncrn- trAi-E - MrKE MOLLTCA FEB. 5, 1991 )NING ADMINISTRATOR )NING & BUILDING NOTES; DATE SITOP #3 IS CONSIDERED SECOND FLOOR FOR PURPOSES OF DETERMING AILOWABLE USES. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormalion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the T zoning and ivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordjfiances of the Tofy'a le thereto. CLEAN uP ro: V/Cn bd& zzal TAtn-, co. Pi6s8 AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF o o Plan Revies Based oDtbe 1988 UnLform codles PROJECT NWBER: 2591 ADDRESS: SPACE #3 GATEWAY PI,AZA BLDG. OCCTTPANCY: B-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: II_1IIR DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: NAIVTE: MARRIOTT SALES OFFICE DATE: FEB. 5, T99L CONTRACTOR: VATL VALLEY CONST. ARCHITECT : ARNOLD, GWATHITTAY , PRATT ENGINEER: PI,ANS EXAMTNER; MICHAEL WHITAKER CoRRECTTONS REQUIRED !!he iteus listed below are not intended to be a conplete listingof all possLble code requirements Ln tbe adopted sodes. ft is agulde to aaleeted sections of tbe codes. The followlng is not to be construed to bs an appraval of any violation of auy of the pro- visl,ous of, the adopted codes or any ordinance of, the Town of Vall. Electrical panel to remain accessible at all tines. Artworkshall not be set over this panel . Drop ceiling to be part of one hour rated floor ceiling assembly. Damper reguired for duct to smoke removal eguiprnent locatedin fire rated ceiling assembly. AII registers for ventilation systen to likewise be dampered at drop ceiling which ispart of fire rated floor/ceilingr assernbly. Subtuit fire alarm design and fire sprinkler design to Townof VaiI Building Department for approval . Fire Department approval reguired prior to occupancy. Tent recessed ceiling light fixtures as per UBC 4303. Interior partitions to be either of noncombustible rnaterials,of fire retardant treated lumber, or of one-hr. fire resistiveconstruction. UBC l-705(b) . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. t- ilsPEcrroNrs .'MPLETED Tbe ltens below aeed to be conplete before glvLng a perult a flnal C of 0, Please check off io the box provlded. FI,NAL PLIMBING DATS: FINAL UECHANICALn \\ frrnerr. ll - \ N-\\ \ n IMPROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. NA}'TE: DATE: ip PINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST STDE: FINAI. ELECTRICAI. CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DA'E: ?- q-a-Z LAT{DSCAPING DUE DATE! FILE NA}IE! 1., NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DATE JAN. 71 lqgl c]'lo\cgz@tlboo -.-Volr* t'rotl 04123 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT nTn trrBB BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION _ei cr\ LEGAL besc. LOT N BLK-_--5J- FtLtNG vAI!__vILIAGE-LSlI__ JOBNAME; gATEWAy pLAzA SH6p //13 OWNER N1ir6 LEO PAIMER MAIL ADORESS CITY DENVER PH. ARCHITECT MATLADDRESS 1000 s FRoNT. ROE c,rv vArL PH. 6-1147 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrRu BERCI{ANN CONST. TowN oF \4\rL BEG. No. 284-8 rELE. 927-4007 Qr..r*,.o,- CONTRACTOR F|RM BRYANT ELECTRIC TowN oF vAtL FEG. No. 150-E rFl F 949-4155 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF Vilt lRtG,NO.- MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F|RM sToNE MECHANTCAL TowN oF VAIL BEG. No. L24-M. rEl F 242-50L4 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B E H I R M DIVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - CRPAN ATG' TT.7TT ANTTMq T'P'TM CIIND II I 1 PERMIT NO, z E3J BUILDING 1.000 ELECTRICAL 675 PTUMBING (VALET PARKING OFFICE)MECHANICAL 725 TOTAI 5 ,400 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II FR B-2 5,400 BUILDING PERMIT 76 lr rb(\clS t* R -\t s PLAN CHECK 49 ELECTRICAL 44 NEW( ) ALTERATTON 0 { ADDTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL l5 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIBEPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ruoon | |CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAFHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 284 MICHAEL WHITAKER JAN 8, 1991 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO N INITIAL tr "rr I lx I lilotncorrrcni DAIE - -I'iIKE UOLLICA JAN. 9, 1991 )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKTNG -L--[ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, lo comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, designlaws, and to Durld lnrs slructure accororng to tne I own s zontng ano subdlvrsron codes, ctes review approved, Uniform Building Code and other orJJilances o{ tbg Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TOI BERGMANN CONST. P0 Box 604 MINTURN, CO 81645 AND THE OWNER- CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF nw I{.xFt4hlbv 61A1toA {o FEt.4AllJ . gr+lFT ts ,3 uVCe_6StlP-( 'rO'Af-Y.l\g'Httl UALL /f'5ra:F6xTr.1{r rrr,trl llbl5lw HrU 4'' Du41 B^ct-'(o -ND A?PP,O\W PT-VAHE&-x*w,-c.FLu+l o LIG-t',,,Yt'"t ll- [:.N;=U&t-. tt@ B6 Gtfrntw,-r1 Au&VxAoE Urft{ tHV 'tIMthWriED' EDfil a I.J al' :fHE-n 4tJI ftW| tsLI|,.D |gh topt:." I :,HAfJAilAS g_tcleVkL (frt"' Al.fD "lrHtFauM t4,t H*Httxv 400.2 L fBaylw.btae xHD - r\btq^.lP;tj"l -fe l4ATLtl:* HAfll:ts.WvOtAL.. }, ALL UXVW .fo Bi- PxtH.(eD,YERtrY zotD?. LIITi+ AIALEI , VNrVlFf FLoq.v(.1lw tttlq --BnHu*'' "{Fr-l aI , 1V40? - 13 tl^tL ao BE *ii ?lDL{ET 10 51c.WL of v|fi Cdamnf,l a')\t5i111r4, epAUXueR |tEAtrrfp P-El"lAlN A .HEAT,z--fo vacAlLD 'tuM1tL LXIT;-aAqHTEFtllfi.f ll*) WqatilwEao 3r.5( | L%-Y.VV-, Pbtl \ppffid n Denled B Hnnh E tr Fln u tr^fr&L1ED S-( 0l^1116k WLp oulLgr, l\ttp;/L .(PttHlEre- 7ry6ry19;sYnpf1"cAllaH ]'llTH arrff7v CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRTOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT El eutLotHc I PluMatNc El elecrRtcni I FoUNDATIoN {xl MECHANICAL x eernl{Ar pr,ezl NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO 9116 IN ON DEc 12, 1990 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE e\o\ofL@rlooD _*-- \ ->-/ I ^t -r a'7 :-\ qu4 lll - | I. TVPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TENANT FINISII AT VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA sHoP tf 2. PERMIT NO. - L L z tr BUILOING 4,700 ELECTRICAI 3 ,000 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 1 ,500 TOTAL 9, ooo ryPE GROUP G.R.F-A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II lHR B-2 9 ,000 EUILDING PERMIT 108 Ler r?sLic{t tftl 7,,, /fa ffi PLAN CHECX 7A E!ECTRICAL 5i NEw ALTERATIONIQ() ADDITIONAL () REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS -- ACCOMMODATION UNITS -- HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 30 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT i00 Exr.wALLs I I NONE - |_'------------__--USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 3s9 urcHAEL WIITTAKER DEC. 14, 1990 ADOITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST, CUT x BLASTING Y PARKING DEMO x grLOrpSOFFrC11i - - DAT=E MIKE MOLLICA DEC. 14, 1990 )NING ADMINISTRATOR OATE ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge thai I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town.ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoniqB and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other;dlpinances p, the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO: BERGMANN, WASMER' ASSOC OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF LOT N BL FILING VAIL VILLAGE IST JOBNAME: VAIL 6ATEIIAY SHgP #f, 2 MAI ADDRESS uPoN REQUEST rrnu ARNOLDT GWATIIMEYT PRAf,T unrr-nooness 1000 S FRONT. RD. crrY VAIL px.6-114 ARCHITECT rrnu BERG&IANNI I{ASMERT ASSOC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 272-B 827-4007 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu BRYANT ELECTRICAL 150-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-4r55 LECTRICAL NTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 108-M TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. 449-2092 RM DESTGN MlcHAryIqA! MECHANICA CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, OTHER CONTRACTO Qr* rNsPEcuo*ts .'MPLETED O The ltens belos aeed to gtvlagape:nitaflnal Pleaee check off ln the FINAT PLI'UBING be couplete before CofO. box grovl.ded. DATE: FINAI. I.TECEANICALn DATE: IMPBOVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NA}TE: DATE: FINAI, BU1LDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: IEMPORARY C OF O DATE: L_j CERTTFTCATE oF oCCUPAIICY DATE: LANDSCAPING DIIE DATE! FILE NAME: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IXBPLUMBINGf, rounonrron lm depErtmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Ek autlotNc Ek erecrRrcel E-K MECHANICAL n LEGAL DESC. LOT 6LK_____-__ rune vArL--Y,@GE-fS.r- JOB NAME:PALMER T'NIT OWNER LEO PALUER MATLADDRESS UPON REQUEST CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM ARNOLD, GWATIIMEY, PRATT MAILADoRESs IQ0LS IBQNL RD crrY VAIL en. 6-1L47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Bf,RS{ANN, MSffi, TowN oF vAtL REG. No. 2J 2=B -tFt E R?.7 -LAO7 kff-'^T?n: FIRM RRYANT ET.ECTRTC rowru or vJll neo. tto. 150-E rELE 949-4L55 PLUMEING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR DESIGN MECHANICAI FIRM TowN oF 'AIL REG. No. lo8-M 449-2092 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TEL€, N(JIE _ IJ{JI'Y UF FCFIMI I I(., Etr I\ETI |.,I\ J\.,E DI I tr DATE DEtrc. 7' 1990 Zt1to.?Uo-qooo 04709 r, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR TI DrvrstoN 34 cENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK i - TENANT FINISE @ VAII GATEI{AY PLAZA $.**^. \qq?ERMlr No' zo E J BUILDING 5,150 ELECTRICAL 3,000 PLUMBING 3,000 MECHANICAL 850BUILDING. PAL}IER I]NIT (COMMON AND ROOM)TOTAL 12 ,000 TVPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II lHf,, R-l rt224 12,000 BUILDING PERMIT 135 ft# 5p!, 4,W 4zf PLAN CHECK 68 ELECTRICAL 51 NEW() ALTERATION d]' AODITIONAL( ) REPAIR()PLUMBING 30 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNIIS .- HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL l5 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: rYPE THICKNESS R'VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 199L_ EXT. WALLS ROOF CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT t00 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 399 MTCHAEL IJHITAKER DEC. 12, 1990 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED ST, CUT I*o-ne OFFrgar_ - - oATT t{rKE UoLLICA EEC. L2, 1990 INING ADMINISTRATOR OATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: ANO THE CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and staie that all the information provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Tglyn's zoniTg and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and otherffnances fltne Town applicable thereto. , CLEAN UP TO: _A -, ElltvffisD ax-l&o +tta"tr a/govlD t W4> Ffu;pla HI+Ua FC+1 cetqw. $1PtJLIUre. I5fA$>wI es'rrom aF Sil9--F X( c't-ztt A,f.F, Yw utw*t laP fr 1"in p , oalvllta 11a|rtune nRFoF J1ilI Uh@ 3,r(#rb*'FP lJflT ?Atry)' HA!J-LJAY PLAH uil P-))\9-flc "l-kM.t tl'w,gt bP.6^btuel u/4 /r?)l{?Ii#rth ww|#w vw*? .ll-E$t1, lt'vzvlf f;I;15{. 4" str"lo l-lRt ul"lAY ,s b6D TO I+AVE 9,tDE Pl'IM-b lW Pr-I'{€t 61 wtw,ao nAdLy- cxhrw -. 'lH. P*BP,/FouW Ar+P lx4 l-t6r'fnhE\Tr6H .AZb cP!fr+I)O-!YWVUIVTF.II- --(tt? *.?71tr1+ :7o,A-e)t ,r/+tl tnElh+ j+Rtffi BoP ",:^:: !. lltnt.ng c,r a Jc;;,;:: cr aj;;i."j_,. ,,,..ri;0ris snall not be conslrued to be a permit ir,r, cr a,r' ;iovat-0f,. anyviolation of any of the proviiions ol tnisioaerr 0f any orher ordinance ot thd lurisoicitio-n. iie'ii#itil .r3 ptrmit based uoon Dlans_ soecitinatinnc ea.r "m".-i"i" .i.,, -:ixrv-ui;la- ul?owt+EvEw? ffi ^d#w ll lpuux j lfi?.?5 | ilJ**." I L--J s \9xa- vA+]ITY bA.DU JIT.A l0'lb-10 ST.IEET NO. Ax- ++ VA I L 4 NTf1JAY* or srrors in'sard I .)ATE: 'al'zl@' 'r-P\JY€:" LIN lT -' vL. I tb'-t" (ramuou g.eu) o oThfuutrbttJa l, P?ovff7e psHP tU*P,|'l- f'LV FIYIWYV,fHaLuDlua ALU Pt?l*a AAD 71f1114"9P@U?Er PZ A aaHPLEle&l5TAuuA.TlA+J. ,rx. TuultilHa ,?trt-:;zh Gvv r;'f"Ko\rq/'> 'f | - ro)t et -l'Ha.,ulp,atoH't v'? d 15'6,9 ,(at*t16): Hlfl K-isc z *,\1 (tlHlTO xw ?tt1'4jjrt pEtrp-poct-l +*PPLy * nrJr.t'b broT er r' ! rvffir: ey - FARM I r{ 4-IrF.l " k- ?-1a 4, (il H ng)* '- t^f /.ttten tOtDp get\ATApt+ P.lR&? xtl? ft_,.-_ oF z't lz scr.{ PehPe'8+J 5\Ptul6 1y6nffi Fhulcvlt to nL n470+Ett 4.te9t c 2]-.115 ?3' 4oN4 tat'taea)d' cLxrstc z5'5JU FlUt l+ AoTgi , --..\ {:.$ ri.t'J{ /,4 - ',-'- 1"4.*W;m# trlItF1'-lrJ B -1278 f. ALL LlAlIS W fte :E]a'tw{ul*t'v, :wlww AIJD Phtr+1EP z, Aw v1p?+ 'ro Bg Ue.Etr __ l+ g+eD tH olt+W ltF+lr+.- cotnq 10 bE Ho.no uJa+f V,alAV. 9,t;W*Br?E'ro ht A tCtvdl =reEryiT l?'E&ezo wqrl. a. bHoI^leP rgr;P. 10 R.F.e.EIrvE_zElrfrI"1tc'ntE <tll Hol*PEgt tsf>,--. (<owe pBe4azl6vBt otwee) 9.TaWf saaP lJvATarr AFet __uktd;b_':Io h;E-H,F, 4W, BF- 7WflTBE? ,^T+D.P.AII{fW. 6: yAl.ltT{ -10l'lh1c.l+ a1ft€F LIHIT>J , -(/2+++{evtae VIrlL+* +'a7r.K?l+-J:Aj6 Vvt*-(lo LAH. dH F\er'bV,- kowg lo$e fl&6f Etz W 4''tt+*) l-Ut+luhl, wA A+tD- F&E lB{M :ta Ft}ftcu olll* u+t19. 0, tqlW-ln- W)P4 'fa W Tx.lEED ,.p*wev)+ze a<?vf 44 e**t+wwe -t/+ffiI AL.+ q; dlo** De' 'fo HfiNE WvuzI'fiED' a*P4t46 ?7^|48 fL1*1 tg. L{n fr!.d"t€p avl95 VAf L /4b{v *azt;_P*Ltqvq Ut-ltr d'{ppROVF& tiYfrtLCI (urtftarJ F '..- l- '.', I. t. fro,|tw qePEPJfiF-. Md# or)rw{ L4N. Jxr{ ei'ot- , T1V14 lU U,E'lPia1.]r.L P'Do1tl. 2. hV, ?bvlLL tatEv- PLHoI" 10 hE IYaFY 1.79ovtOE vtotlT Ftt fvFe twv,^IapoF @LlA;l,,. 4. NeLl $qW-+ oa* ?b@Auwt To w,hnv1.4tnlzP- tJ WFnTetudt4o1.1.3-*b ,lt'c.'foM) ?lauaL rr'uJrr. Ll4 1 F\YJUR9 r A.--"HALd' *"g569 cAA*o. H-11 vl/ 4o rs.Jn AllP -151.1 ? PTa Lhllq g-'tl+Avci'W/E61D Ho.H-11-t5 UltooAA11 LAHF flil O..: LlailfOLlET IJ.J8F|\LE_: tlot]n'TaP HD .4220 .(eau+]ED cH eovY) D jt+xvo' ?wvr.€o- cAl{ +to. H-11 Al -= :11 F5 .rFtM AltP. tfa H Al"l LAMP h.FF, sTetg gEc,7t+1w, "u 1 izo17o6, u UtFe, C,o Ats'P' MrVH60 F^r-lP H/VH BREN<6F IZ TraraFz tf ffH t. Zo A/ l?A-a471(Av 14tr--f 6rr \rAtL Ahfvl){, Pxt.-,t'tE;g; ulrrt U Maut 1A,wHoH6 ^rJut uE" Ext{'{ utaHr TIITH HE t'ft'frl,lP -.. HALt LJAY 97e;g& t- I I I I FJDI_ailIWf NlD'ffitEiJ*-onAV-Ej ffi## OWN O (onqoq RacM )VY. 16 NAI. INSPEGTIoNIS COUPLETED The lteus below aeed to be couplete before givlog a pernlt a flnal C of 0. Fleaae check off ln the bor provlded. | | FrNAr PLltMBrNc FI}IAL UECAANICAL DATE: I}IPROVEUENT SI'RVEY RESID. NAUEs DATE: I'INAL ELECTRICAL DATE! TEI4PORARY C OF O llllll DATE: CERTIFICATS OF OCCI]PA}ICY LAI{DSCAPING DUE DATE! CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT DEC. 4, 1990 TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE &tototzteY'ooD 04704DATE dopartmont of community developrnont TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT R ffi ffi BUILDING ELECTRICAL Dn MECHANICAL .{\ LEGAL DESC, Lot N BLK_trq___ FILING VATT. VTI.I.AGE lST JOB NAME: BENETON-ZEREX (sHoP il7) OWNER pay6 BENETT0N-ZEREX MATLADDRESS 172 E. GORE clrY VAIL py.6-7939 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRM AIL VALIEY COSNT. rowN oF vA!! iEG-r{q. 133-s rELE. 949-5309 ).rr.r*,.o. CONTRACTOR F|RM NEW ELECTRTC TOWN OF vAtL REG. No. 110-E rFl F 949-4651 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TowN of vatL REG. No. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM SUMMIT MECHANICAI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I41-M rEl E 945-2491 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NO- r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION | [ llt rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DlvlSlON 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTIOT,I OF WORK : TENANT T'TNTSTI - RETATT. SPACE zo F J EUILDING 5,000 ELECTRICAL Hor6wt PLUMBING GATEWAY PLAZA SIIOP #7.MECHANICAL 2,000 TOTAL 16 , 000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II IIIR B-2 +erOOO BUILDING PERMIT 160 s Fe cdss\.J E s.J \1'161)PLAN CHECK r04 ELECTRICAL 145 NEW( ) ALTERATTON 0o0 ADDTTTONAL ( ) R€pAtR( )PLUMBING OWELLING UNITS -- ACCOMMODATION UNITS -- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 30 RECREATION FEE THICKNESS ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL ST. CUT X BLASTING X PAFKING X DEMO X INSULATION; FLOOF EXT. WALLS ROOF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 539 MICHAEL ilHTTAKER DEC. 10, 1990 ,ILDING OFFICIAL DTATE MIKE MoLLTCA DEC. 6, 1990 INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby ^"xnone?F-(n?Tl"9"#"^{rfr"Eoffih.^. ritted out in futtthe information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply \ivith the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other o;rdinances of the Town applicable thereto. g:g-::-I9' l'1A e' ,furr\"r/P *uttz*' TYt--- laY hl n,?t AND THE OWNER, il* rorrrcrroN,s coupLErED a n The lteoe below ueed to be cornplete before givlng a pemlt a flna1 C of 0. Please cheek off la the box provlded. FINAI PLI'MBING DATE: FINAL UECEANICAL DATE:n IMPROVEUSMT SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATEI til---r- -"% ,rj-Vl, LN W TEMPORARY C OT O l) \c'-- eDATE' A) -\S-q\ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I.ANDSCAPING DIIE DATE: FILE NAME: NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DEC.3, 1990 DATE TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 2\o\otrL@qooo +e^ 6-/+- '!--) r PLANS rN SLOT_>:\ ,a, -t.\ r'1U4 {UJ len department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Dn D E} ffi ffi BUILOING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION FILING VAITITI]JAGE-ISL- JOBNAME: BATTLE UTN. TMDING uerrnooness P0 BOX 2890 crry VAIL pg.827-4I9I FIRM MAIL ADDRESS rlnu JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING r 34-PTOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 827 -5736 GENERAL CONTRACTOR LECTRICAL FIRM 1INITED ELECTRTC rOwH Or vlu ReO. nO. 11l-E 949-41t9 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. M€CHAN CONTRACTOR OTHER TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. LTVPE OFCONSTRUCTTON |[ t rV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI RM DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : t 2a 3 4 TENANT I'TNTSI{ - MECHANTCAI. ANTI yrut(L- 4t Lo lqqc- z tr J EUItDING 1,000 ELECTRICAI 3,200 PLUMBING ELECTRICAL ONLY. GATEWAY PLAZA MECHANICAL 1 ,400 sltoP #6.TOTAL 5,600 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FE€S II lHI B-2 5,600 BUILOING PERMIT 77 & Fs o- R\o*s PLAN CHECK 50 ELECTRICAT 54 NEW ALTERATIOMO( ) AOOITIONAL O REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS _- HEIGHT IN FT. -- NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 30 RECREATION FEE R.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW EOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 USE TAX ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT X BLASTING x PARKING x DEMO X TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 31i MICHAET WHTTAKER DEC. 10, 1990 JILDING OFFICIAL DATE yrKE MOLLTCA -qEc. 6,_1990 _ )NING ADMINISTRATOR OATE CNING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. Icompleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comw with allVgw grdinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Townj codes, design review approved, Uniform Buildjng Code and other ordi icable thereto. CLEAN UP TO! , unform tsu[orng uooe an - --1- Il . - 'Eallle A,ll", t,rad^q l/osTEex?tq? Uail ,C0.6/0T6 OWNER. Ing CTOR FOR HIMSELF lbe ltens below glvlng a pernl.t Pleasi check off rINAI PLI'MBING INSPECTION'S aeed to be conplete a flnal C of 0. ia the bor provided. COMPLETED before t_-l rINAT TIECBANICAL DATE: I}IPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE! FINAL BUII,DING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: IIATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OT OCCUPANCY DArE: {-4 - ?1 I.AI{DSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE NA}IE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT oommunity developmont TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EUILDING LI PLUMBING ELEcTRTcAL ! rouruoarroru MECHANICAL GAreIdAy plAza r+--- a Pr.Ars rN sr,or )i>:>NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATENov 27. lqqo Jto\otzaqooo 0470 a ffifi FILING VAIL VIT,I.AGE lST JoB NAME: lfi.r,LERts sr0cxuAN NAME RON SCLTMITZ UPON REOUEST MAtI ADDRESS clrY DENVER, CO Pp.32-6326 F|RM ERTCKSoN ARCITTTECTS 1738 CLARKSON ST MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL ,o** o, uo,a ^=u. *o. 150-tfl 949-4r55 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI 108-M TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM DESIGN MECHANICAL OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IR M DIVISION t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK TENANT T'TNT SI{ TN \TATT.CATEWAY PI.AZA PERMIT NO. - z EfJ BUILDING z0, 000 ELECTRICAL 7,000 PLUMBING BUILDING. SHOP /I9 MECHANICAL 3r 000 TOTAL 30, ooo TYPE GROUP G,R,F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES I1 IIIR B-2 30, 000 BUILDING PERMIT 285 14# fun afh lrla t&/ /fa & PLAN CHECK 185 ELECTRICAL l1g NEW O ALTERATIONXX) AODITIONAL O REPAIR O PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -- HEIGHT IN FI. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 45 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE'.""JT--l.-:-T--DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 250 exr war-r-s | -l Y*t - |USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF HEAT SOLAR WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 884 MICHAEL WHITAKER DEC.3, 1990 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; N INITIAL ST. CUT I l" I tir-ornc oFrrcni - - DATE MrKE MoLLTCA NOV. 30, 1990 )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ory'igances ef thg4own applicable therelo. cLEAN IIP ro: //ift" "/JA<AI SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AND THE OWNEF. 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479-2139 PROJECT NUMBER: LL279O ADDRESS: SPACE #9 GATEWAY PI,AZA OCCUPANCYI B-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON: DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED! olfice of communily development PIan Reviett Based on tbe 1988 Uniform Codes BLDG. rI.lHR NAME: MILLER STOCKMAN DATE: DEC. 3, l-990 CONTRACTOR: BERGMAN,WASMER&ASSOC. ARCHTTECT: ERICKSON ARCH. ENGINEER: PLANS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER CORRECTTONS REQUIRED The Ltens listed below are not intencled to be a complete listing of all possible codle requirements in the adopted codes. rt is a guide to selected sections of the cocles. The following is not to be conetrued to be an approval of any violatlon of any of the pro- visions of the actoPted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1-. All common waIls and partitions to be one hr. rated with either steel studs or fire retardant treated lurnber. 2. Drop ceiling to be part of one hr. rated floor/ceiling assembly. 2. Damper required for duct to smoke removal equipment located in fire rated ceiling assembly. A11 registers for ventilation system to likewise be darnpered at drop ceiling which is part of fi.re rated floor/ceiling assernbly. 3. Submit fire alarm design and fire sprinkler design to Town of VaiI Building Department for approval . Fire Departrnent approval required prior to occupancy. 4. No wood to be used for interior finish on walls or ceiling with a flame spread of greater than 200. 5. Door to back corridor (tloor 1) to nininun z0 nin. rated assembly an per uBc 3309 (c&d), with snoke seal and self- closer. Tbe itens below glving a pernit Pleaee check off FINAT PLI'MBING AI. INSPECTIONIS need to be conplete a fiual C of 0. ln the box provlded. COMPLETED before n DATE: FINAI ilECHANICAT. IHPROVEI,IENT SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: tl [l FINAL ELECTRICAI, DATE:n FINAL BUILDINC EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: TB,TPORARY C OF O DATE: r-/l[/lI i cERTrrrcATE Oq OCCIIPAI.ICY rl LANDSCAPING DITE DATE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF rL I L6190 DATE - PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE &\ot ot'ztrttooa s 6 \u*x B\I\ 04 70 department of community development To BE FILLED oUT coMPLETELY PRIoF To ISSUANcE oF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT xTl $-tAIfl !:--llll EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. JOBNAME: Vail Gareway Shop 8 LOT N BL FTLTNG v'i1ii1139" MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. OWNER ARCHITECT uarr eooness 1948 Blake St. Denver, CO 296-7388 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL HEG. NO. 440-4220 / 47 6-7 0L9 / 47 9-0 ELECTRICAL 150-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-4rs5 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. CONTRACTO FIRM lla ql gn WN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, IELE, r.TypEoFcoNsrRucroN r@rrr rv v I hr. 2. occuPANcY GRouP e@e r rn u DrvrsroN ,@r", o GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORKTenant Finish ,. . PERMIT NO. - n\( u- lpX r4,4D zotr f BUILDING r7,Ouu ELECTRICAL b,l4J PLUMBING MECHANICAL 828 TYPE GROUP G,R.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II-lhr B-2 23 '91L BUILOING PERMIT 243 oo|..t-q-;>. Ics\b\o+ql SJ PLAN CHECK 158 ELECTRICAL 104 NEW( ) ALTEFATTON +\-[) AODTTTONAL( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 15 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F'VALLUEva-I--L--L---OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 EXT, WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC OF SOLARHEAT GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 620 MichaeL Whitaker I2l5l9O ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED Y N INITIAL sr cur | | | __ .rrtDrnG orprctnr DATE - - - Mlke Mollica lIl3O/90 }NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in lull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the IEdrf codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code AND THE OWNER. of the T licable thereto. l* rrrrrcrro*'s colrp,,ErED Tbe ltens below need to be complete before givlng a pernit a flna1 C of 0. Please check off io the box provided. FINAL PLI]M8INC DATE: FINAL UECHANICAL DATE: I$PROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: ELECTRICAI t.s iV i cERrrFrcArE oF occnPANcY -v\ " -oorr: l-15-9/ FINAT, BUILDING EAST SIDE: IIEST SIDE: \ \f.- { \l\\\\Plrs: \-- b\\ I TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: LAT.IDSCAPING DIIE DATE: ETLE NAI{E: *4- NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLANS rN sl,or_)t> 0468 7CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ?l0lo"z@qaoD -t DATEI'IQU-A-L290 dopartmont of emmunity dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT tm Ea )E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL E pluMarNc D rouxoerrort PERMIT NO.r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II Itt IV V 2, OCCUPANCYGROUP ABE H IR M DIV|S|ON t2Zag4 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORI , TENANT FINISII IN TEE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUA PERMIT FEES LEGAL DESC.FILING VAIL VTT.T,ACE I ST JOBNAME: SIAilESE ORCEID (GATEWAY) NAME STAI{ESF oRC|{ID _ MAtLAppREss CHAI KULVET UPON clrY REQUEST bg9-82s7 135, 718.00 BUILDING PERMIT s N * NEW() ALTERATION ADOITIONAL I REPAIR ( OWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIBEPLACES THICKNESS B.VALLUEFIRM ARNOLD, GWATIIMEY PMTT MAI AppREss 1000 s FRONT RD clrY vArL PH 6-LL47 OESIGN REVIEW BOARO GENERAL CONTRACTOR t,.r R{9 FOOD SERVICE TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 2,985 MICHAEL WIIITAKER LL/L6I9O ,rLotNGoFFtcrAa - - * -DATE MIKE MOLLICA II/8/90 ING ADMIN ISTRATOR - - O-ITE ING & BUILOING NOTES: FIRM BRYANT ELECTRIC ,o*" o,uo,r rao. *o. t]]il 949-4155 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM VALLEY WIDE P & H rowN or vlru nec. Ho. I18-P 949-17 47 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ot the I SIGNATURE OF OIVNER OR MECHANIC FIRM DESIGN MECH. ,o*";;;,,- ^.o^o.ffi449-2092 OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. t'- Town of Vail Comnunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 8L657(303) 479-2L38 Plan analysis based onthe 1988 Uniforn Building Code Project Nuniber: L1890 Name: SIAMESE ORCHfD RESTAURANT Address: SPACE 14 & 15, GATEITTAY PI,AZA BLDG. Date: Novenber 12, 1990 Contractor: RJC Occupancy: A3,82 Architect: ARNOLD,GWTHI4AY.PRATT Type of Const: II-1hr Engineer: Plans Exaniner: MICHAEL WHTTAKER NoTElThe code itens listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Porti.ons of the naterial contained in this progran are reproduced from the Uniforrn Building Code ( 1.988 edition) with perrnission of International conference of Building Officials Sprinkler system used for area increase FL NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 1 Dining Roon A3 ok 1343 Interior finish only 1 Restrooms 82 ok 11.8 Interior finish only 1 Office 92 ok 47 fnterior finish onlyL Kitchen(Cororuercial) 82 ok 608 Interior finish only1- Sushi Service Area 82 ok 70 rnterior finish only 1- WaIIs, counters, etc 82 ok l-o1 Interior finish only TOTAL FOR FI"oOR BUTLDING TOTAL ELEMENT 2287 Allowed area not checked 2287 Allowed area not checked OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table L7-A MATERTAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wa1l Nonconbustible t hrfnterior nonbrg wa1l Nonconbustible t hr See Footnote #5Structural Frarne Noncornbustible t hrExterior Struct Frame Noncombustible L hr See footnote #1Floor/Ceiling Assernbly Nonconbustible 1- hr Roofrrceiling Assernbly Noncombustible L hr see Footnote #19 Stairs Noncornbustible None FOOTNOTES:4) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearingthr wa}l assernblies. -- Table L7-At footnote #2 at 5) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space that are not part of athr corridor nay be of:a) Noncornbustible (nonrated) materialsb) Fire retardant-treated woodc) One-hour construction (any material) -- Sec. 1705.(b)t-, OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSA3-82 Ohr offices less than 252 of major use do not require a separation. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex #28 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR A3 and 82 OCCUPANCY: A Lhr occupancy separation is reguired around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 508. EXIT REQUIREI,IENTS:FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTESLOAD REQUTRED WIDTH [ft. ] HDWR CORRTDOR SWrNG 1 Dining Room 90 2 t.8 YeE Yes Out #41 Restrooms 2 L 0. 0 No No N,/R1 Office 0 1 0.0 No No N/R #111 Kitchen ( Cornnerc ia1 ) 3 l- O . 1 No No N,/R1 Sushi- Service Area 0 L 0. 0 No No N,/RI Wa]}s, counters, etc 0 1 0.0 No No N/RToTAL 96 2( 2) 1.9( 1.9) Yes Yes out Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of wa1Is andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (g) Openings are required to be protected. -- Sec. 3305. (h) In areas lthere 2 exits are required, the mininurn separation i,s L/2 of the rnaxirnum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Exit signs are required frorn al1 areas serving an occupant load of 50 or rnore. -- sec. 33L4. (a) Door svingi is baseal on Sec. 330{. (b) except as noted. Doors fron diniuq roon to exterior are recruired to swingr out and havepanic hardware. Occupant load is based on Tab1e 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b). FOOTNOTES:4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 3318. (a). See exception for A-3 occupancies and churches. 1.L) Corridors within a tenant occupant load less than 100 may not reguire a rated corridor. -- Sec. 3305. (g) exc. #5 WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) All wall aucl ceiting fiaish to be approveil by EnviroFnentalItealth Officer from the forrn of Vail.2) wall and ceiling finish rnaterials are reguired to conply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.3) Carpeting on walls and ceil.ing are required to have a Class I flane spread rating. -- sec. 4204. (b) TNSUI.,ATION NOTES:l-) At1 insulation rnaterial including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450. -- sec. 1713.(c)2) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. GI,AZING REQUTREMENTS : 1-) All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For A3 occupancyFloor-1st Occupaacy-Diuing Roon The capacity of tbis area is required to be posted at 90 occupantE. -- 8ec. 3302. (c) For 82 occupancy fn all areas custornarily occupied by hurnans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. Fire Alarll DesigD aDrl trire sprinkler Design to be subnitted to Town ofof VaiI Building Departnent for review and approval . DUE TO TEE LOCATTON OF TEE UI,KE UP AIR INTAKE DUCT AND VENT AT TIIE WEST SIDE OF TEE STRUCTURE EAVTNG NOT BEEN DESTGN REVIEW APPROVED AND THE SPECIFIC DETAIIJ OF TRE ARCRTTECTI'RAIJ IND/OR STRI'CTURAIJ COI{PATABILTTY OF SUCH DESIGN TITE UECIIANICAL DRAWINGS ARE I{OT APPROVED AND NO SUCH WORK SEALT BE COI'T!,IENCED UNTIL SUCH DESTGNrS FTNA,IJTZED AND NPPROVED. Otber ltenl-zed tlechanical Drawiag Requirenents:- Supply air reguired to offise nitb door undelcut for return. - All nake-up air duets in parking garage to be airtight. - supply cleanouts at all change of direction of TlTre I Eoocl duct, - Supply drawiags for l[1pe I Eood duct enclosure, indicating that sucb eaqloEure is one hr. lated, has access doors at cleanoutsfor duct, has ventilation at roof, andl bas niD. 3rr and max. 12r! clearance frou duct to enclosure. See f,igure 2002-1 attached. - crease collection pan required on roof at exhaust. - Distance fron eooking surface to hood nust Dot exceed 4 ft. Supply fire danpers in all ductyort passing tbrougb fire rated assemblies. A perfomancE test will be reguired f,or opelation of al1 mechanical eguipnent as per Ulilc 2003 (k). Tent all recessed ceiling light fixtures withy approved fire ratedmaterial to naintain fire rated assernbly of ceiling. ADJACENT BUILDING, ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE, AIR INTAKES, ANO 1O' ABOVE ADJOINING --. EXHAUST TERMINATION-10' MINIMUM FROM GENERAL 1. NO VIBRATION ISOLATION CONNECTORS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNLESS ACCEPTABLE TO THE DEPAHTMENT. SEC. 2002 (a) 2. PROVIDE ADEQUATE CLEANOUT OPENINGS FOB THOBOUGH CLEANING OF DUCT SYSTEM- SEC. 2002 (c) 3. PROVIDE ADEOUATE MAKE.UP AIR FOR PROPER OPERATION. SEC. 2OO3 (i) 4, PBOVIDE A SEPARATE DUCT SYSTEM FOR EACH HOOD. SEE SEC. 2002 (g) FOR AN EXCEPTION. PROTECT OUTDOOR DUCTS AGAINST CORROSION . SEC. 2002 (a) PROVIDE 18" BETWEEN DUCTS ANO UNPROTECTED COMBUSTIBLES OR 3" MINIMUM FROM PROTECTED COMBUSTIBLES. sEc. 2002 (h) VENTILATED SHAFT. sEc. 2002 (d) 5. THICKNESS OF DUCTS SHALL BE NO. 16 MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD GAGE STEEL OR NO. 18 MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD GAGE STAINLESS STEEL. SEC. 2002 (al 6. WELD OR BRAZE ALL DUCT JOINTS AND SEAMS ON THE EXTERNAL SURFACE. SEC. 2W2(a\ 7. SUPPORT THE DUCTS AS REOUIRED BYTABLE NO. 10.E. DO NOT PENETFATE DUCT WALLS WITH SCREWS, NAILS, ETC. SEC. 2002 (a) 8. SECTIONS OF DUCT SHALL NOT CONTAIN GREASE POCKETS. SEC. 2OO2 (b} GFADE LEVEL. sEc. 2002 0) BOTTOM HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE, sEc. 2002 (b) SEE REOUIREMENTS FOR MOTORS AN D FANS: SEC. 2004 (a) 2' .O' M IN IMUM ABOVE ROOF. sEc. 2002 (j) INDIVIDUAL FIRE.B ESISTIVE SHAFT IS REQUIRED EXCLUSIVELY FOR EACH EXHAUST SYSTEM. THIS SHAFT SHALL BE SPACED AWAY FFOMTHE DUCTA MINIi'UM OF 3" AND ROO F A MAXIMUM OF 12' sEc. 2002 (d) CEILING CLEANOUT DOORS IN DUCTS SHALL BE TIGHT FITTING. SEC. 2002 (c) FIRE-FESISTIVE SHAFT ,SHEN DUcr LENGTH EXSEEDS l9_qF9,s^o.P_ElllNG E^oulPPED 75 FEFI, SLOpE j 1NCH pER FO;r WITH TIGHT-FITTING SLIDING OR HINGED OOOFS HAVING A FIBE-RESISTIVE RATING EOUAL TO SHAFT ENCLOSURE. SEC. 2002 (e) Figure mO2-2 121 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47!r-2138 (303) 479-213s otfice of community developmenl \/\ '$it\ iraid6llK \_-z TO: Chai - Owner of Siamese Orchid FROil: Susan Scanlan, Environmental Health Off DATE: November l-6, L990 SURTECT: Plan Review of Siamese Orchid I have conpleted a review of the plans and eguiprnentspecifications submitted for the Siamese orchi-d to be located in the Vail Gateway. The plans are approved as subnitted with the provided the fo}lowing stipulations are met: (l-) The walk-in refrigeration unit rnust have approved covedjuncture base around the interior and exterior of the unit. (2) There is no ernployee locker area indicated on the plans. Some provision must be made for the storage of employee belongings in an area away from the food preparation or dry storage areas. (3) The TRUE glass door merchandiser refrigerator nust be seal.ed in place or equipped with 6 inch legs or casters. (4) If the drainboards on each side of the dishrnachine are not 36rr in length, overshelves for the drying of dishes must be provided. (5) The drain pipe for the ice rnachine in tlie kitchen cannot run along the floor to the floor sink (#3). (5) This approval does not constitute an approval for the sushi bar. Plans for the sushi bar must be subrnitted for apprcvalprior to construction. (7) The ladies restroom rnust be eguipped with some type of covered trash receptacle for the disposal of sanitary itens. (8) Further specifics are needed on the hot water heater. you have any questions concerning any of these itens please not hesitate to contact ne at 4"79-2]-38 for clarification.rf do f,E[',0 Nov 2 91gg0 ' We have the ENERGY!.- Novenber 26, 1990 Mr. Mike Whittacker Town of VaiI Comnunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 8l-557 Re: Siamese orchid Retail spacevail Gateway Code Revieiv Dear Mike: This letter is confirmation of our telephone conversation onNovenber 26, 1990 regarding the Town of Vailrs code reviewreguiring panic devices on exterior doors from the SiarneseOrchid Retail Space. Per our conversation, the Town of Vailhas agreed not to require panic devices on the doors to theexterior, per the exception in section 3304-C, of the UniformBuilding Code. The door which exits into the building lobbywould be required to be L hour rated with panic hardware. If you find this letter incorrect, please do not hesitate tocontact ne imrnediately. Respectfully subnitted, BRL//dj cc: Buff Arnold - Arnold Gwathney pratt ArchitectsAndi Ditch - Masterplan Oesiln,feff Nading - RJC RJ[. DES MOINES OFFICE: 500 s.w.7IH sT., sutTE 300 DES Mo|NES, rA 503@ 51512444500 FAX:515/244-147 SAt{ DIEGO oFFICE: BoULDER oFFICE: oRLANDO OFFICE: 7777 ALVARAOO ROAD, SUITE 121 3450 PENFOSE PIACE, SUITE 160 3028 MEBCY DB]VE LA MESA, CA 92041 BOULDER, CO 80301 OFLANDO, FL 32808 61S/697A401 s03l$042m 4071?3+70d5 LlC. B sS8277 FM:303/440.4256 FI}.:4071X+7314 FAX:619/697-8499 l** r*sPEcrroNrs The ltene belos aeed to be complete glvlng a pernlt a flual C of O. Pleaee check off ln the box provlded. FrNAr MECuANTCAT \,,^ f -" 4 I COMPLETED before w M FINAL PLI'}fBING DATE: ljt; 1I I rlIpRovEI'cNr suRvEy K/ ( RESTD. NA1IE: DATE: FINA], SLECTRICAI FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: CERTITICATE OF OCCUPANCY rvlI FJi 1,rt L_l ]E I tr [] DATE: hn department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT .\ I!I aE BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION T.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - Pcnanf F'l n'l qh - Rhntq h ,t I PERMIT NO. - ur- ttrLl.r- ( tqq,\ z9 F J BUILDING 20. 000 ELECTRICAL 7-000 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 3.000 TOTAI 30, 000 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES II lItR B-2 30, 0oo BUILDING PERMIT 285 q.fr 57(y er# rhaL PLAN CHECK 10E ELECTRICAL 119 NEWI ATTERATION (Xf AODITIONALI REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS -.- ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 'q. & RECREATION FEE 45 TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEINSULATIONI FLOOR DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 250 USE TAX TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARIlEA I GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 884 M,!CrI4Er_LUr!AKER_ _ _trJ23l9l_ __ lutLotNc oFFtctAL OATE MrKE TUOTLTCA_ _ _ _ _ _rA8l99_ __ ONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I I X I BLASTING lONING & BUILDING NOTES:;il; ll I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other CI.EAf TIP TO:Exlanr*tt,lalgr;'lei *Ytat' lt'tl.' boca3&\/ar, n," 911^<$ FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER, E} MECHANICAL FILING VAIL VILLACE lST JOB NAME: ya1tr GATEHAYStrOPS4E5 NAMF PIETER MENZEL MAIL AODRESS CITY PH, FIRM ARNOLD GIiATHMEY PMTT MAtLAppREss 1000 s. FRONT. RD clrY vArL PH. 6-rL47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR AERGMANN WASNER & AS FIRM TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. _ 827-4007 LECTRICAL FIRM BRYANT ELECTRICAL 150-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANI CONTRACTO F;RM DESIGN MECH. rown or vrru nee. xo. 108-M OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. j INSPECTION' S COUPLETEX} The ltens below need to be couplete before gtvlag a peral.t a final C of O. Pleaee check off Ln tbe box provldeil. tr'INAT PLU{BINg DATE: II{PROYE!{ENT SURVEY RESID, NAilE: DATE: }.INAI, EUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDEs TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: u I g rl rILE NAI.IE \\k\\ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO ocr. 30, 1990 &tot BE KEPT ON JOBSITE o Fz&tlooo PLANS IN SLOT 04666 department ol community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Dtrn va)6 )E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL ]rsc. LOT N BLK 5D lSTFILINGVAIL VILLACE JOBNAME: GAISiIAY PLAZT - SaOP +12 OWNER pqss MRS IUBXXXf,XmtEf, K0URI I'LMER MAIL AOORESS uPoN REQUEST CITY PH. ARCHITECT rrnu ARNOLD GWAEIMEY PRATTI MAtLADoREss 1000 s FRONT. RS crlY vArL PH.6-rr47 GENERAL CONTRACTOR RJC FIRM ror&rrr pF vArL BEG. No. 116:4 rA. 440-4220 | 476-70L9 Irr"r*,"0. CONTRACTOR FIRM BRYANT ELECTRIC 150_E TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. 949-4155 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F|RM DESTGN MECH. 108-M TOU/N OF VAIL BEG. NO. 449-2092 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I l tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DlvlSlON 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK ; TENANT I'TNT qH .6ntr*+ tz PtE{4,II No' - z tr BUILDING 2, 850 ELECTRICAL 1.900 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 750 TOTA],5, 500 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES I1 IITR B-2 5,500 EUILOING PERMIT '71 e(f 4erluf 46 ,/r/. & PLAN CHECK 50 ELECTRICAL 44 NEWO ALTERATION OCE ADOITIONAL() REPAIRI PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS --HEIGHT IN FT, - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 15 RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT r00 EXr.wALLsl {N9NE- |USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC, OF SOLAR t-tEA I GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 286 wooo MICHEAL WUITAKER oCT. 31, 1gg0 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED Y N INITIALr'"r' I lx-]-_ JILoING oFFICIA. DATT MIKE MOLLTCA oCT. 30, 1990 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ]NING & BUILOING NOTES: 1 HOUR CONSTRUCTION OFR ALL IIAILS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CT,EAil T'P TO: ANO THE OWNER, CONTRACTOR FOF HIMSELF C* r'sPEcrroN's ''MPLETED t The Lteus below need to be couplete before glvLng a pernit a flnal C of O. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAL PLUIiBING DATE! FI,NAL I{ECHANICA], 'l L_l DATE: I,MPROVE}TET{T SIIRVEY RESID. NAI,IE: DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING tl mi -,H TEUPOMRY C OF O d LA}IDSCAPINC DUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: FILS NAUE NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DAT&rcfOnT. I ?6, 1990 PLANS rN srorES 04665CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ;Ltolo?zuqo6o 1|vnoLal:t F dopartmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEiY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EJUiBUILDING Fi rlrctRtcRt- M MECHANICAL IItr JOB NAME: UICHAELS AI1ERICAil BISIT0 ll** }'IICHAEI DITCH -MAIL ADDRESS LOT N BLK____ 5D_ FILING V}TL VTLLAGF I qTi ARCHITECT FIRM ARNOLD GWAHTMEY PRATT MAIL ADDRESS I OOO S r.pONT - Rn GENERAL CONTRACTOR r 16_4TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. 440-4220 / 476-7019 CONTRACTOR FIRM BRYANT ET,ECTRIC 150-E TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. 949-4155 TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. I27-P 484-484r PLUMBING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO r. wPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | || tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M OfVfSfON r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK :ln!'l|IAT{T FTI\IT E.tr PERMIT NO, z9 F J BUILDING 62,000 ELECTRICAL 16,500 PLUMEING 21,500 MECHANICAL 33,000 TOTAL IJJ, UUU TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES tI lHR B-2 133 , 000 BUILOING PERMIT 755 cH /1153 ctc# //E ,//il 'fa { A-3 PLAN CHECK 49L ELECTRICAL 241 NEW() ALTERATION OOO ADDTTIONAL () REPAIR()PLUMBING 220 DWELLINGUNI'S - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. -- NO. FIBEPLACES MECHANICAL 495 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 500 EXr wALLs | -{ NoNE - |USE TAX-"., | t L FOOD SERVICE REVIEI 75 TYPE (Jr HEAT wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $2,817 MTCHAEL WITITAKER NOV. 1, 1990 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL l' "r' I lx I ,ILDING OFFICIAL DATE MIKE MoLLTCA oCT. 29, I99O INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ]NING & BUILDING NOTES:'^*"*; I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informaiion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other oldinances of the Town applicable thereto. FOR HIMSELF ?he lteos belou givlng a pernit Please check off FI,NAL PI,UI{BING *-* rNsPEcrro''s coMpLErED t need to be complete before a flnaL C of 0. lu the box provlded.tl DATE: FINAL MECHANICAIl DATE: fl,/r41-II.{PROVB,IENT SURVEY DATE:7. /7- ?O FINAI, ELECTRICA.L t\-. | /'--l- FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TSMPOMRY C OF O 7-fIVlA-.-CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPAI'ICY I I I l,\,:it \ \(\t\\DATEr .r . \ \ \ \'\"\ \ I LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: * [fr[I Oc-i 0,]1gg1 75 Soutb Fronttge Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 tot -47 9 -2 t t 8 / FAX t 0t -47 9 -2 1 66 D c p artm ent of P ublic l{orks lTr mt portat ion October 4, L99l- Mr. Leo Palmer Palraer Development 2735 fris Avenue, Suite ABoulder, CO 80304 RE: cateway Project - Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Palmer: The Town of Vair has inspected the work in relation to theDevelopment-Agreement within the Town of vail right-of-way for yourGatehray Project. The following iterns need to be corrected: 1. The asphalt patclres instalred where the construction fenceposts were in Vail Road. 2. lhe asphalt_patch next to the curb and gutter. The lirnit.sbeing frorn just north of your drive entrlnce north to wherethe Town of vail completed asphalt repair work this summer.The asphalt in-question was installed on frozen ground latelast year and has since lost its physical quaridies. your money for this work was never releasLd as it was brought tothe attention of yourserf and the buirdinq d.epartrnent it tnetime of your Temporary Certificate of occipancy. one other item that needs to be cleared up, is the striping of theroadway. The Town will be sending you an invoice for-the anountof $948.60 for this work. I! y9u have any questions about these items please contact rne at479-2160. Sinc Ac6 Town GH/dsr cc: Ken Hughey Mike Mollica f,FEGnrerr "Ar/, Engineer 75 roulh ltont.g€ road vall, cdordo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 4792139 office of communtty dev€lopment July 8, 1991 Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer Development 2735 lris Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 Re: Gateway Plaza l-andscaplng Dear Leo: I am writing to summarize the July 3, 1991 landscape inspection attended by Mike Mollica, Todd Oppenheimer, you and me. We concluded that several modifications would be undertaken before final approval of the landscaping was granted. These modifications include: 1. The replacement of 3 pre-existing spruce with one 6-8 foot spruce and two nursery grown 3-4 inch caliper aspen to be located approximately in lhe center of lhe north planter. 2. The installation of the clematis proposed in the approved landscape plan, located along the east wall of the building. 3. Installation of a metal pipe rail at the south end of the entry stair. 4. Modification of the southwest planter adjacent to the fire hydrant. Additionally, on July 3, 1991, the Design Review Board, by a vote of 5-0, unanimously approved your proposal lor the Gateway sidewalk, from the southwest corner of the Gateway property to the north side of the Food and Deli curb cut, with the following conditions: 1. Materials used for the I foot wide walkway shall be concrete unit pavers in a heningbone pattern, as specified in the Vail Streetscape lmprovement Plan. 1. luf. lso Palmer I July 8, 1991 Page 2 a 2. Rephcement of the exlsting aspen with a3-112 inch caliper, nursery grown aspen, to ' be located at the north curb cut for the Food and Deli. 3. Ths addtffon of lour l/illage lightrs'wifr hanglng flower pots, to be located at the Food and Deli's notth curb ctt, the Gateway's south curb cul and two located along the Gateway parklng enlrance. We appmciate your expediency ln undertaklng these matters. lf you have any questions oonosmirq ttese issues, please contract Mike Mollica or myself at 479-2138. Sincorely, t.?*,Ttuhrg Mary Dewing Phnnirg Intern labcc: Mike Mollica Mke Whitaker Todd Oppenheimer oi .a 75 routh frontrge road vall colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47S2139 otffce of communlty development June 10, 1991 Mr. Peter Armstrong, Jr. Vice President Real Estate Banking Group United Bank of Denver 1700 Broadway Denver, CO 80274-0101 Re: Vall Gateway Plaza Dear Mr. Armstrong: At the request of Leo Palmer, owner and developer of the Vail Gateway Plaza, I am writing to you to certify the completion of certain improvements relating to the Vail Gateway. One such improvement is the installation of a trellis on the east elevation of the Vail Gateway Building. The developer improvement agreement between the Town of Vail and Leo Palmer indicates a total completion cost, for the trellis, ol $10,000. An inspection ol the trellis, on June 7, 1991, revealed that the trellis has been installed according to the approved drawings. However, two conditions of approval are listed: 1) The frame ot the trellis must be painted to match the window trim of the building.2I An area of stucco behind the trellis must be repainted where white paint has splattered during the construction process, and two stucco patches where former duct openings were located need to be repainted. At this time, the Town approves the release of $9,000 to Mr. Palmer for the completion of the trellis. We request that you withhold $1,000 to cover completion of the two conditions listed above. This request is based upon paragraphs 6 and I of the Developer lmprovement Agreement, signed by all parties, and entered into on January 30, 1991. a r or ewsnlt rqwlgtfr€ Sum,,9ea86 do td hffiF.,b ; .:r' . ..; . :r,,..: i. : t J .. o 'I0!{: Mriior- modiilcation to Vail Gateway - alter ed flue cap scree:ls to straight sides ' .Jr a APPLICATIOII OATE: DATE OF ORB ilEETII{G: ' DRB APPLICAT1ON t 'a... r*nrTHIs APPLICATION HILL NoT BE ACCEPTEo UNTIL ALL INFoRMTIoN I5 SUBIIITTED*r** I.PRE.APPLIcATI0|,|.MEETING:':,,.;.,.,:....' Aore.applicationneetingwith.aplanningstaffmember.isstronglysuggestedto. determine ir arly"Jifiilli"i'i',it'"fiiiiiji"]:-lFg:1t.;11 eitl;,:'ill1;5tll-*rl;;:13:i.deErmine if any adslE'iurru r'rr.lntrcLru. ii.ii!-iliri"eA U!,'the zoning adrninistraior).;i;;; ii is coirpl'ete (must inclu{e a!'l rt is the appiicanti! ililn;;biiiifio ilil"'l:1int:*-:'l.Iltl :lf il?lt"l3r{ll1Il.'iolli:ffill;:lli"ffiiilii";iili;#:: -i;r.l_ie-1g5.rfut a '0MPLETE apprica' ; tion will streamiine tfie approval'procet'i'ii" your proiect by decreasing the number of conditions or apirouif lirat the'gRB ,tiv'ill'priit!' -nlU conditions of approval must il ;;;;i;;d before'i luitains permit.ls issued' " : B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address South Frontage Road at Vail Road, Vail' Colorado B'lock 5D 4 ^+ Legal Zoning Oescri pti on Lot C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT: Leo Palmer dba Palmer Development Company tel ePhone. 449 -0951 Architects' P.C. Filing P.O. Box 1497, Boutder' q9-!0306 D. E. AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATIyg; Arnold/Gwathmev/Pratt 1000 South Brontage ad West, Vail , co- 81 65Jtelephone 476-1147 S i gnature Address Box 'l 497, Boulder,coY0306 tel ePhone 449 -0951 F. DRB FEE:The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested' FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00$100.00 :. $200.00'$300.00 stake the site be removedvisits the Address NAI'IE OF Address NAI'IE 0F $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150'oo0 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - s1,000'000$ Over $1'000'000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSiONS TO,THE DRB: 1. In add.ition to meet'ing submittal requiremdnts' the-applicant must to indicate ptopliiv"ii;;";;;'i"liiing cotn"r;'. lr9el that will should a,lso be marked. This work tuii'u" completed before the DRB . site. Z.ThereviewO"o."r.for'NEllBUILoINGSwillnormal'lyinvolvetwoseparatemeetingsof the gesign Review Board, so plan-on'at least tito meetings for their'approval' 3. People who fail meet'ing and who republ i shed. to aooear before the Des'i gn Review tiu"'hoi asked for a Postponement Eoard at their scheduled will be required to be Project Application o". 3'll:? I Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone , --- t1 Owner, Address and Phone: A2tr F*&<r. Architect. Addfess and Phone: LegafDescription, t-ot N .arocr 5b ,rninsV,V,;./{..re ld .7tr. Comments: Design Review Board s^,. 1'/('11 Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALffi;-\,q----/ Staff Approval o,. t:ii ''0 Project Application t2'3t'70 Proiect Name: Project Description: gcatsat-Ferlc{r-and€boa€ Qwner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: l-sgal Description:Lot { ,Btoct 5} .rit,nsV.V)//- o J4 ,zonte-/ Comments: Design Review Board Dale Mation by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Statf Approval i f: RI[l0F-C 2 81s90 MEMORANDUM TO : Mike Mol-llca Town of Vail- Conmunity Development FROM: Buff Arnold DATE! Decenber 28, 1990 RE : Vail Gateway Please find enclosed the elevations showing the alteration of theflue cap screens from tapered to straight. With the minor nature of these changes,/additions, we reguest astaff approval. /ad o'1.,,r'- I Project Application Date t2.21.70 Proiect Name: Project Description: Oontact Person and Phone owner, Address and Phone: L . " /'*4.-r-.' Architect,Addressandphone: 13^/( An---(J tnA-tt<n/a Lesal Description, r-ota N I O , erock .5-h , ririns V, Ulz;& l* ,7on" Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval TO: Town Council FROM: Conmunity Development Department DATE3 November 13, 1990 RE: VaiI Road Sidewalks Over the past several weeks, staff has worked with Leo Palner and Buff Arnold regarding a sidewalk connection from the Gateway to Meadow Drive. The DRB approved a design for the sidewalk on October 31, 1990. BeLolt is a detailed description of the review process. 9/L?/9O Applicant subrnitted project for DRB meeting on LO/3/eO. 9/L9/9O Plans sent to Jeff Winston for his review. 9/27 l9O staff net with Dennis Anderson, Buff Arnold, Todd Oppenheimer, Leo Palmer, Jeff Winston, Mike Mollica on site. Applicant agreed to redesign sidewalk and table to Lo/L5/9o. lo/2/9o Revised plans submitted to T.o.V. based on field meeting on 9/27/90. LO/|-LO/L2 Ongoing work with Arnoco and Gateway regarding the median. IO/L2/9O Meeting with Mike Mollica, Andy Knudtsen, Greg Ilall with Buff Arnold and Leo Palrner. Agreed on curb locatlon which would allow a median. Lo/Is/go Staff met with Ron Phillips to describe sidewalks and median. LO/LT/9O Project went to Design Revierl Board for approval. DRB requested several changes and reguired that the applicant bring it back on the 31st. Lo/3L/go Final approval by DRB. 12-Zl- 1o 'T o.\./. P,-,tt*.^r,rr>t PePf. firrnr. VlAv.6 {n1LLtcA FE: V*ru 6utcwwl - (!*r-rt ,*.r C+nru ce: D*s- (th& T*€ lxtrgc*ZO 9rZ4n'r16165 AX 1? AN'o AXl?.1 SHot^: eltArv66 w€ Ae€ ?eoPotrru G Ar T+e Vr," G*r"ew p1 6re - Ne HAve TreuDeD po T ao PROVIDE AEN4POR. Ar.Y 57NIP-5 AT T++E greT EIVDotr tt16 NAILTI+ DnCg,oqT . lpbfefrA rpE r,oar-rL p Ltf'E To R'ovtog A tV)'O?tp€,Ab 6*okrr\op oLqv-z rruG Axll. | . Ne MRoE TH r, €HnNc6o06 'f o ft ep_o (aLelt4 tN 6E T-Ttr,.rL * .Tt }i4E.LgAPPgov*u F?ow T*6 ADJAe$,r-( ?rz-opE?Tto-cA'NrEfl . ?wffi, ckLL lF yov ft4ve ANycQ utiTr o^,9, 5*t SueerraAEZ Nt j /al)L, cfrg aH @7(mrttu a.ft+t& fraure es) a p_4+f€,a uHFl dx6 I1VO oH +xbE hHD !*tru., BI+twtAa {ae 4p ?v\l{1f} HT.tL AT 6,,A$OVE +PPER UALKI,JAV fA? *.pLArIrEk.N 3o^ AFa./E LO)\I€R LJAIJII,JAt' 9ifl PAILIA4t ao I4XTLU dtllEW lAazvJAY burvDttl4 4trf6LJA.YpFtvgflhY Ji;. ***ffi-<l IJU{' yAl' - fi '=LlAtKLIAY pr-a.N - 'H0g.111 F,1?'1ff*^ur +/8#I$#..f/'fffi.i,'-Nhf PsaEcflov p7 _ Ftcr- p-TPPAH 1 L ^PJEt"IAYArKtJny DATE: 17-71-1 O SI{EET NO. AX. 11gf rr*{ oo v v | ??ePQ-t'( #a.pes-(Y LI}JE {Hfi,raj.tuafrr,ptpE F}\tUfrA (pe,rt{t ) ZATEL.IAY BUTLDW-Y- - PLAFI - .HoF--fH EA€T EAD Etr t^JxurilxY -lf ltt c1t-Ptr <- HOVTft 3l*{{ APru{ 1?. H.?O va.lL .KDDVD vh6 eHD Axlakl AY FAIVIAA ATar w"IH tllxthY DATE: l7-7t-10 sI{EET NO. Ax -11,1 VAIU LNA,JA'{ DR"NE!]AY o 1vF{vpv^21 /a942A16-i,f#*#"I€#ih?,tla He(- To g_H4?A!-_ vtzu;non 'fo OLEA?-Wtlua tese9 ?Wpee'rY LUE ^tbTtr+dDl> *tu?ae sWAl/V ,tt4 pvL cu'uvvvtIIFfR lDEl.lAt14 WtOTttU P.q-k- -' \A '\?lv++ ao RTM.AIH \o \ ,'sfr$f VtJ\ Fl.?0 HaRT+f tpiet -;p'gxtgll4a ,/ *tt-tT tz RLMAI H vv.l. TL\N - rAa ?ORA?A ^twVJ xtA PRtvgt^lti lt lr= la'-e[ OATE: l7-lJ- 10 SI{EET NO. DV*aG vAlL A\TLIJAY AW?A?,ARY /aIWIIALK ALogA vAlL F_aAP --,I "N|J64? mi'0 0EC 1 41990 ffifiWtw, rgilAY $ ,JL EN79?F -BUtVOtt+&E6L"H,-t FF-fru{r|+i $ !*IEf,-*t:rto$ 2F ./IFA'IAHI'AHq ---EnzvY.D nA']"rb a:0sl^byE'':--36.0 aa-pLy-EElEUtYng|v\v{xoHhtM J!'Flp 6Le?eo ufiH IP€X9+ .g!u.x.5ttJ,caqhzuge - Jrfr', V,AIL "0& EffiofrFrffi,@(Af\oJ10s h0ff,t*a ftF€ t41DF.r*11 -.- w.'- -lr.6al yL,/ 10,;,x1r I.a',LxB W= nO,t'bl 5+*$$ FLAI-JTTR FLAN -.tY.x .rt u.'eeAc.atlPb .'Ie.'vstr5 L*?h ^'tllrraltclrJt ,%t+Fzl Ho. N{9(' 12 , t7 .lo l\ --ta.o vAlL- AAffVUA'r rr- .tf rt "r , 1.{i' ,'rt, r\.t'-I.r l,. ,a rli.9-'', .tt'' a a r I' tgo3i., e.a t'r:i. t J-\ ,, .-.- .ir '-t-rv I ll \,r T-o tz-APPLICATION DATE OF ORB DRB APPLICATIOII DATE:l4-no MEETII{G: NTFGC To Rffrtorree fatarsi THIS APPLICATION IIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTTL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTEDTffiT .RE-APPLICATION I.IEETING : r prc-appllcatlon meetlng with-r planning Staff member ls strongly suggested to ,etermlne tf.any aooiiiiiiai-intorintton is needed. No appllcatlon wlll be accepted ,nless tt ts compled'iil;i i;;iil;-iii llems required.by-the zonins adminislrator). t'iI-tf,i ippiiiint.i.iiiponsiuttiiy to nake an_dppointrnent with the staff to find ,,lt'iuJiii iftiiioilit .suumittat requirernmts. Please note that a G0MPLETE gPPlica' .iin-*iii itreimline'l[" app"oval'process for.your proigg! by decreasing the number ;i;;aiir6ni-of "pprJvar-ihol-itre-oRa may st$ulatit. -ALL cbnditlons of approval must ,;';ili;;d--ueiore' i uuitaing Permlt.ls lssued. o]ilr?}. TOCATION OF p{o?itnu, (lDfrrrv oF vAtLr' \. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:V,rrG 6r.iret^,. Cre-f,Er,s rroiLlF Lla. r..r ar.1 . rpraH I c, HA.ro 3*c5. Mdress Legal Descrlptlon 9^ttti oF Lotg,;!_4_51-31 Block FuinsYAs-Ul11$ ltr' Zonrns sVp :. NAtfE 0F APPLICANT: P*c'};ee- Dev9.,pfuit$-1, (gvqpap:- Address ?,Ot Bo' t411 tBrl*otit-, Co . 6or0G klephone 3fr*"51 tC telephone {lC- tl{7 ). Ml'lE 0F I Address :. MI'IE OF O}INERS: APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : L€O Signature Address telephone 4M-mft VALUATION $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $15o,ool - $ .5oo,ooo $500'001 - $1'000'000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IHPORTANT. NOTICE REGARDING .ALL sl te. 2. The review Process.for Ntl'l of the Oesign Review Board' l. In addition to meetlng submittal requirementS, the-aPplicant must stake the site to tndtcate p"operiv"itnii inO-Urifiing-iorneis. Trbbs that will be removed should also be marked. This work muii"Ui-completed before the DRB visits the BUILDINGS will normally involve tvo separate neetines-;ili;-d'ii iiait tio meetinss for their approval ' 3. People who fail meetlng and who republ i shed. to appear before the have not asked for a F. DRB FEE: Thd fee wll] be paid ht the tlme a bulldlng permit is requested' FEE '$ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 ' 00 SUBMISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: Desisn Revlew Board at thelr scheduled ioitpone'nent will be required to be '.,':1.... Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and fhone Project Application /l'30 ,7 a Owner, Address and Fhone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description:t-otl fJ .Btock 5b .p111no V,V."4 Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL [.*u Approval .t -"a FROM: DATE: RE: Please f and flue This inf DevelopmVail Gat With the staff ap /ad e MolIica wn of Vail ff Arnold vember 28, iI Gateway nd enclosed cap for the m B MEMORANDUM Community Development 1990 Shop 14l15 the elevation showing the added intake grill above referenced project. rmation riras requested by the Department of Communityt for issuance of a buil-ding permit for Shop 14/15 at way. minor nature of these changes/additions, we reguest aroval. a.. ' a r.o Rrru)v 2 81es0 APPLICATIOIT OATE: tr/cs DATE OF ttR8 ilEFTIIIG: " DRB APPLICATION ' ' .T''THIs APPLICATION }IILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION 15 SUBI1TTTEDTffi PRE-APPLICATI0N I'IEETING:' - -.' -''' -1' A pr.e-apprlrallsn-Teelilg.Till:-tl:lli'g.'*ll^Ii'il H"iiHtlH.ltliT:':.*l.?::;il3'1i":li"J:itill;i'f i#il!i'i":::leliE ii'iii;ii:1,iiii"lil***:lffii:H'.ii i: :|ilpil;"iil;i iililft';ii ii"iii-rec"ir9aj1_gtre zonine ad'ninisuator). , .-.i +h +lra c+tff tn finiit';:.d; ippiiHii;! il$;";iiiiiiy-6 i,ili-ui-dppgil$":Jlt :l:,i:ilr,::,1::1ll.'ioiii iiliiiiiiir''i'iiiiiii-iii,]l'.i.iiiil -pteile-not^tlJ,i-:9llfl]E.llpl*l:- :' ' ll;"Tii ffi;iliffi il:-;il";i1ilil'iir.vour proi:tt ll-9::i:::i:g !*i*':ii"l.liiitil!]T'fi";uir-ii"i'ir,e'bne-riv-iliiruratb. -ALL conditions of aPproval Bust Ue iiiotuea befo.le'i uuildlng permit.is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIOII:t'tl'nor modiTication to vell-Gatewa '..r._.i. ..{---e. .SrS.";,..l *t'gt ri lJ, , and 8. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Vall, ColoradoAddress South Legal Description Block Zoning 5D Fil ing C. NAIIE APPLICANT: Leo Palner 4ba @ Mdress telephone. jij:S1 Mdress MTTIE OFE. F. Signature Address I DRB FEE: VALUATION $ 0-$ 10.000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - sl,000,000S 0ver $l'000'000 The fee will be Paid at the telephone 449-0951 time a building perrnit is requested' FEE ;o $ 25.00 $ so.oosloo.oo r. $200.00'$300.00 I|,{PORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: l. In addition to nreetinq submitta'l req.uirement::-tht'1!!licant mu:! stake-the site to indicate p"oilili'iri!!"'iii-i"iiding co"n"rs.. Trees that will be removed should a.lso be marked. This worr itiii-U"-cotpleted before tjre DRB visits the . site. . ' Z. The revien pro".i, for'NEH BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetlngs of Ure Design Revier 8oard, so plan-on at least do meetings for their.approval' 3. People who fail to appear bgfqry the Design Review Board at their scheduled . neeting and who fiir"'lol'aifeO for'i postlonement h'ill be required to oe republ ished. Boul,der, D. MI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEilTATIVE:Arnold/Gwathmev/Pratt Architects, P'c' t [oo south0r]ont"s"Road West, Vail 8161-Z telePhone 47 6 -1 1 47 I Project Application aate /O'3l' 7O Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description' r-ol$ NIO ,slock 5D ,p1;;6g Comments: Zene - Design Review Board o^t" /0'31 '70 Motion by:/,l- Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL4-O Date: Town Plan ner El Starr Approval r F'l J fi/tws ll4ocL(ca October 26, '1990 Mr. Jeff Nacling Ringlantl Johnson CrowIeY 3450 Penrose, Sulte 160 Boulder, Co 80301 Re: ValI GatewaY Stucco Color ARCHTTECTS, P.C' Arnold, copy to: Palmer DeveloPment Jlm Anest Dear Jeff: per meetings with Leo and Rlchard Foy, the exterior stucco color ti" 6""" cianged to "r,a Habra X-39 ltirador'" I discussed with Leo the fact that there would be additional cost a,,a_pos"rbly some time delay associated with the change. He said to pioceett wj.th the revised color. SincerelY Yourst rl ,vi{Llt*,* October 19, 1990 Mr. Mike Mollica Town of Vail Planning Departnent 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Vail Gateway Plaza Dear Mike: on october 15, 1990, we submitted an application for the October 31, 1990, DRB meeting. In that application' we proposed several changes to the above referenced project, rn addition to those changes, we would like the changes listed below to be reviewed at the same meeting: 1. At the area we propose changing stucco to slate tile' (see submitted application) we would like to change the palnted sheet metal roof to copper which will be treated to appear naturally weathered. to same sna 3. As shown on the attached plan, we would like to change the material on the two southern-most planters from drystack stone to Chinese slate, to match the slate on the building. At the northern-most planter we want to eliminate the drystack wall but keep the planter as a planting area cut out of the slab in the same shape as the planter. No landscaping will be eliminated. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Enclosure : ',. -tf r\ I -\,' .\ .\ r**THIS APPLICATION IilILL hIiY'BE APPLICATION OATE OF ORB APPLICATION DATE: ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**:}I* i,IEETII{G: PRT.APPLTCATION MEETING : A pre-application meetlng with-a planning staff member is-strongly suggested to determine rf any.diiiiiiiai'tirforinarton"is-neeaed. No appilcation wiil be accepted unless tt is compliie (must i1r9'!y9g ari ii.lii-requirea.uv'tnt zonins administrator)' Ir is the appttcaniii iJiponiiUiiitv ti iitd-ai',-dppointnrlnt with thi staff to ftnd out about aadtttonilltffiiaili-;ilJi""*tnli' pteiie note that a C0MPLETE applica- gon wtll streamli;; iil-ippiovai'p1o9esi-i6r.vour.proJgg! bv decreasing the nuntber of condi6on, or .pirJrir-'tfiii'irr"'bns-ily'ittiuiatb. -ALL c-onditrons of approvar rnusr be resolved before i'building permit is lisued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: € TILE ol-J Address t"gal OescriPtion teit-Lt-e-8lock -,5L Fil ing\A'c Urq4€.-hr' - Zonlns 5 PP C. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT: Address D. M}IE OF t Address telephone +41',cf.t1 AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATIYEz hlIi,+v / cwntuuet /Prz*tz rtec*rzcc7 9 telephone 4'lL:ll+l E. MME OF OI.INERS: Si gnature Address tel ephone F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the tlme a building permit is requested' VALUATI0I! . FEE $ 0-$ l0,ooo '$1o.oo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $25.09i.so,oot-$ tso,ooo $5o.ooitso,oor-$.5oo,ooo $1oo.oo isoo,oot - $l,ooo,ooo $2oo.9qi Oier $l,ooo,ooo $30o.oo II{PORTANT. NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS.TO TUi ONg: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the-applicant must stake the site to Indicate p"o'piiiv"iir"i'-i"J-iuii;;;;;ffi;is. rrbbs that will be removed should also be inarkbd. This work i'iil"Ui-i6tpieted'before the oRB visits the slte. Z. The revlew process.for NEll BUILDINGS oi-ttre. Deslbn Reviiw Board, so plan 3, People who fail to appear before the republ i shed. uill normally involve tt'lo separate meetings oii'ii iiiil tiro meetinss for their approval' Desiqn Review Board at thelr scheduled poitponement will be required to be it[i..'5'!33iFll;-i iI3EFI'+?3['3;' ---[-' The following Board before A. EUILOING fattt ot MATERIALS 6al-tw L information i s ieqtiFealor submi ttal a final aPProval can be fiven: rJrru UrltrAGF \rt. by the applicant to thid COLORMTERIALS: TYPE OF MATIRIAL Roof Sldi ng .0ther t.lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts blindows lJindow Trim Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deir Rails F'lues Flashings. ChlmneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther .,= '=:;eeA ,6 6E ZfrfrFEF : ZilffiE;;PotL-ner\e oF STYjY*.]'._-^'la--1.. ci 7<ca rzzncnEO a-eUrr.lr016) 6crAT€ sTocco - trtL STuLco To OF '5To & lO?Ot STucc o 5ro. r+ 101of, PL. oft1tto JilP. jt, t119 B.LANOSCAPING: Name PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED of Designer: . Phone: Botanical Name Corunon Name Quani ty Si ze* €.G for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers' (over) *lndicate cal iPer F-i-i,';Wff' ***ftT[ts APPLtcATloll ]IILL NoT I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETII{G: APPLICATI0N DATE: lH |5. l9?o - - DAIE OF DRB I,IEETIITG: DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTTL ALL INFORMAIIOI{ IS SUBI.IITTEO**I** A pre-application meetlng wlth^a Planning staff member ls strongly suggested to'de'tlfo,i[['ii-ini aajiliinai inroriratton is needed.. No appllcation will be accepted unless tt ts conrpl.di-iilliii iiliil;-iii tiemi-requtred.by'the zonlns adninistrator). ii'ii-1,J iipiilini;i i'Jiponsiutitty to nnke an ippolnhrent wlth the staff to-ftnd out'iUoui abilttonat-suunrittal requirements. Please note that a C0I'IPLETE.!Fpllca- iiin'iiii iiiiimiini ltre approval'process for your Proigg! by decreaslng the nuntber 6i ioiiiiir6ii'of apirdvir-ihat itre'oRg may sti.-pulatb. -ALL c-ondltlons of approval rust be resolved before'a bullding permit ls lssued. e12A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: C:;raTE\^/AV ,Eiz.A - , B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL; Mdress hEtr5 oF Legal Oescription Lota -$-jo - Block Zoning Fi I Ing V^. V,...rr.c,E lg'-5D 0. Mdress l{Al'tE 0F tl REPRESENTATIVE : ArFF A€^toLD/^/eb dnvAnlMbY/ ila.tG^l Teerf Mdress Spo €o'.rnl Eo.nxas Pa.+ Wry ,-V4u - telephone alg.Jtltt E. Ml'18 0F OIINERS: C. l{Al'lE OF APPLIGANT: TZlraere- Dl.re:r-qpprPif Gil"'lp/.rgV telePhone 414- ctt'-tl APPLICANT'S Sl gnature Address F.. DRB FEE: telephone VALUATION The fee will be pald at the tlnre a bulldlng permlt is requested. FEE I o- $ lo,ool - $.50,001 - $150,00t - f50o,o0l -| Over 10.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 $ lo,ooo$ 50,0oo$ 150,000 $ ,5o0,ooo $ 1,000,ooo $l,0oo,ooo TMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE [}RBI 1. tn addltlon to meetlng submlttal rgqulrements. the-aPpllcant must stake the slte 6 i;ei;ifi propirii"irnii"iii-uuiidinb-iorneis. Trbes that wlll be remoYe<r should also be narked. Ihls work ruii.Ui-i6mpieteO before the DRB vlsits the sl te. 2, The revlew Process for NEbl BUILII|IGS wlll nornrally lnvolve tj1o separate meetittgs of the geslgn Revlew Board, so plan-on'it least tlo meetlngs for thelr approval' 3. People who fail to aPpear before the Deslgn Review Borrd at thelr scheduled iiii-ting--ino nrri frivi'hii'aircea ror i postFonement will be required t0 be republ I shed. L 1J I Vl l'lJ\ | LlllrrLJt . .?F. PROJECT: ,AL DESCRIPTION:/]REEI AOORESS:,dESCRTPTION OF P The followlng lnformatlon ls-requlred-for submlttal eoird before-a flnal aPproYal can be flven: A. BUILOING MTERIALS: TYPE OF I'I,ATIRIAL Roof Slding g €lst€ 0ther t{all Materials Fascla . '' Sofflts. llindows l{indow Trim Doors Door Trlm Hand or Oeck Ralls Flues/crrrmr.refa Flashlngs . Chimneyl rcra Trash Enclosures ;.;TTDBE cAr{oPtet by the applicant to the 9esign Review 6a*r.i t^.r,f €iiAdE-6 NAnIgS- COLOR *f !h'r\tr./Egro * lo?lo BLTga*tt.l ffi eot-r> SrrgN- t ffigrE€L I \}-@.\ a9rou-o €'Hr,l,tATcH 'FCrlrEX.40." l4\{grl'lS}||uoCJL /r rt r t' srol.re veilEire. CltrtJee€ ?LAT€ i -lJ!1EgD-$dts- r'l --rqoo3wogF rs''b t'' ,* C"o^= ("== *^,,") '',-"t",,. -* 3##Hf 'a"#ifjff*l t-lA6TEEL 0ther B. LANDSCAPING:Nante of l(l;t, , CEEA\R- Oesl gner: phone: LA \A4.1 T'oLIE MAr?I{ "}EMt-961-dt€. PLANT }OTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTIHG TREES BE RET.IOVED Botanlcal Nante 6prg<|r.trJ5 E.bl€r/Lv\^ltc . To -$an€- Cornnon Nantq FrAee+{ALLtS3E!LC9r-2.,'685E!J-AiE. Sl ze* tl3- *twu--'----..r- al3 c-a.J. IPLK- 5 4A\- ?ffi- @LorPg<,- C|.EoAn€t@.P!.4,- |ly.ll:fiE, ..--.--(!^$.tcli.4- r€ffi|,._-.-.i- CL€?NATI€' tlndlcate caliper for declduclous trees'lndlcate hetght for conifers. (over) o ^5.t Proiect Application Date /o' /s, ?o Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: ' u f. f Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description' t-ot N , srock 9-h , r'rrns V, l/t*a-e 14 . ,on" Commenls: Design Review Board Dale Molion by: - Seconded by: . APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner Ir,"u Approvar t )i IU' Project Appllcation 7, /7,70 ^,n Owner, Address and Phone: I " € (a* Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal Description't-ot N ,Btoct 5}r ,r,ri^gV. lI//- e l* ,zone Comments: Design Review Board 1-O Date DISAPPROVAL Town Planner E Statt Approval ^-It SDSrp l otseo DRB APPLICATION tlATEr oATE oF oRs ileffttic: APPLICATION I "'iTH IS UILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATIOI{ A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Lot-!$- Block 9D Fll ing L-" Address tel:ehone' 4339:st - 0. NANE 0F AppLICANT,S REPRESENTATTVE: reuiS'f ffidrprfr''f ,/rcrtf Atacrrrll?z telephone tflb'lW ZoninE c. NAIIE 0 Address E: NA'I.IE OF Slgnature telephone ?qa1gr Address .@,.)o4 F. DRB FEE: Ttre fee wlll be paid at the tlne a building Permit ls requested. VALUATION . 3 O-$ 1O'OOOi10.00r-$ 50i000 s:.50.001 - $ 150'000 $150,001 ' t .500'000 i500,001 - $l'000'000$ Over $1.000.000 TMPORTAI'IT IIOT1CE REGARDING ALL 5UBMISSIONS l. In additlon to meetlng submittal requiremdntl:-tht'lllJlcant must stake the site to indicate p"op.riv iinei ana uuilding corners.. Trees ihat wi'tt be removed should a.lso be inarfiO. This work *iii'UE-totpleted before the DRB visits.the . site. 2.TherevlerpFocessfor.NEl.tBUlLDlNGswlllnormal.tylnvolvet}Joseparatemeetlnqsof the Design neview-soaio, so plai";'ii i;il-iiro'itiiitings for their.approval' 3. People who fa{l to appear before the oesign Review Board at their scheduled . rneting and who fitl'fii'";i;'ror'i ioitponetent will be required to oe rcpubl i shed ca. Qlb9l !EE_ $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ so.oo $100.00. $200.00'$300.00 TO THE DRB: O u;u gEP uar tuYrl .rr ta ORB APPLICATION I . 7?F\* r*r'TTHIsAPPLICATI0NI.IILLNoTBEACCEPTEDUNTILALLINFoRMATIoNISSUBI|ITTED*f,fi* I. PRE-APPLICATI0N MEEIING:' A pre-apprication rrtqetllg.Yi!!.1 pllging-':i:l^i*oil li"illllllil.illiT:':.nl"ff;ii3'i;"H;".lfflil;"i'iiiri#iiilji"l:'llig:1t--* lgtl*']l$;]tl],li.'i;::*:i.ffii:S'ii ll :lil'i:$"i;fii iisil!!';ii iiel;-!;1151*i"l':'il'1f,: :il+?'i:'?ffi)'it'i:"ll ];,ii:ili:: }l:;ili;ifil'"il ;i!;".*,lin':r:'lJl'l l[fi,i]+1"13,I:11,ll..,:o:li lllililfil,.'ffifi;i"iidi##;: -i4i:-*::.tlX',:.::lli::t'iB'llffi;, : lll"Tili :tililiffi : iffi"il;;"1;"il$il ?ir.lill.i""i iil :Lli:i:::i l? :3;,lY11'Ill;"ffii !i}#ffi; lrrl app"ovar'prycesi-ior.your-proiell bv deceastns me numDer of conditions ot apprd"ir-i[li'irl":PRq ;iy ;tii'uiutl' -ALL cbnditions of approval nust Ei riloi".a beforie'i uui'lding permit,ls issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address goriT\{ FtE.2h{rAl€-,eD. fsr YA\\'- Yar'' tvA\\-, €F\p'' Legal Oescription Lot-!I- Block ED Fiiing Lx - Zoning C. NAI4E APPLiCANT: Address D. MI'IE OF APPLI CANT'S te'lephone.jffi-e3Sl - Address t^ *^. Yu'^rrrlc,t" ee't^re'tf I >fi\bi&Tlephone eflb-lW E: NAIIE oF ouneR!, t#o lztst-rrEre Signature F. Address The fee wi'|l be $ o-$ lo.ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 1.50'000 $150,001 - $ .500'000 $5oo,oo1 - tl,ooo'ooo$ Over $1'000'000 stake the site be removedvisits the 3. People who fail meeting and who republ i shed. to aooear before the Oesign Review rrav"'hoi asked for a postponement Board at their scheduled wiii ue required to be REPRESEI.ITATIVE: telephone ?B.ori, -%@+ paid at the tlme a uui=ii'iig pirmit is requested' FEE $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 50.00 $100.00. $200.00'$300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO,THE DRB: l. In addition to meetinq submittal requiremdnts, the-applicant must to indicate p"opliiv"iiil!"'lii-uuiiii"s-i-inu1:.^]t::: that wi 1 I should a.lso be marked' This worr must'Ue completed before the DRB . site. 2. The review O"o".r, for'NEll BUILDINGS will normally involve h{o separate meet'ings of the gesign Review Board, so plan'on-ii i"ust tivo meetings for their.approval'