HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY COMMON 1^-e a4.27, ,ft: lwir ui vail ComrfiiiiiitY 0svel t' .- .o ,QJ 4n'kt- Arcbitectl t Circle lMcst ArchiEcts, P.C. P.O. Box 4392 Voil CO 81658 Tol.303-4794503 Fax303-4764183 / izatioo must bc in writing. This drawing copy may bavc becu rcFoduccd at a size diffe.tcnt than oriSioaily drawn. The archit€ct and ocrncr ass- ume no r,csponsibility for usc ofincoucct ecala Diawings ara not to bG scaled. Not publishod all rights rascrvcd. ryi""t Palmos Bar l-otN, Block 5D Vail ViUsgc lst, South Frontagc Road at Vail Road, Vail, Colorado SheetNenr: Propoc€d & Existing Plans Date: 2-1694 SlelNruDcr. .. Genenl Notes:riro ; All constrrction o follow the Town of fu -/ Deparhcnt and Town of Vail Firc<'- Dcparementrequircments. .tl/ /, .4"1 -, _=/ /"/-, Approved rq $r[inittod E ztoz'!/ ro--r't Approvg4\tlotod tr 7.";1/ '':.-':' i /--./H:z,-/P _Z /-:,': . "" ',(r't 1 z' .'l' (l' j'sl ?21 ,-(/.!' ;' '-- -:L:rl,a' r-?%Ptr3D SlrLrir4 T€i bE a*AHo fri 7vee, \\ '''? yt;tla1 L I. troftn o-c -rr \-fJ I t-t ; r],t lr-'\_,- P-'(.il( : ai/+ r-'l t...a li I !--.2.-r-2,./ti/-.'- /. FltitftlLt DrrPA.t! EFiHAril, ts"Y ,J'J 't :.:,-::7+t:.:t \ r. I fto?azW ?-*u t r 6tr g t'-or Ptan 'j: ,, l Vi'lii:ty ci Pcl"il 1..;;. liti (ci lv U.i C. fi:: i::i:elr;.i: df Si'anl;IiE 0l a porli'iit 0r al r.;:rl:c:rticns shall lioi be conslruEd t0 be al of, any vioiation of any ol th8 nv- other ordinancc of the iurisdi upon planl, buitding official " ln" seid All constuction to follow 1991 U.B.C. uniform fire codc, and NFPA13. Thc schitcct is not rcspoosiblo for cvaluating cxisting life safety mcchancial ryst"ms (smoke rclief, ventilarion, fire potcction). That ie bcyond the scopc of the rorviccs [r#l rcquircmcnts b thc cxbting drawings tom the T 7-<3 A1-1 \\\' .\".' \Fq_.-.'.iro_ _. /.' \a_ i '+ ill; IJ I It a t- I i l_ Architcct: Circle West Architects, P.C. P.O. Box 4392 VaiL CO E1658 TeI.303479{503 Fax303-4764183 Circle West Architects. P.Cexpcsslydisclaims anyresponsibility ftom any uoa6cizod uso of thcso plans, drawings, and notcs. Any author- ization must bc in writing. Tbis drawing copy may havc becn reproduced at a size different than originally drawn. The archit€ct snd owner ass- ume no responsibility for usc of inconcct scale. Drawings are not o be scaled. Not published sll rightg ttscrved. ProJcrt: Palmos Bar I.ot N, Block 5D Vail Villagc lst Soutb Fmntage Road at Vail Road, Vail Colorado Sheet Name: Ercisting Plau Detc: 2-rG94. \.-'{oPe V K}>.i.^""ik*-)}..io'$ra*-] Yt',..,,,., -,',i. "..,"".{X XX i @o"X',t-fffi. \ ll'- I I lra.'.i\\/ x,\ i\x"X'".. i \?^S(r\.,Sj '.I "Q$--"\i \W';. sr{oP 5 ;" --- i |."*.'iXD*^ / S*C, \i' | \N,-___.lzl I r r\\- {// r t.o.r!rtcat - - - - - - -:- -::-:I:: - - -: -'i.il-f$iir\.:".- - -l - z-:-:: .-r\ffiN 'r,. . |,/| ':.H t',)CXr - \ ' it /\___ | ,;41 i!>at;\.@ '.., . .,4 ,,4''./ i /.,r\ar/t\r,..'r{il /i'i ''',,...'.t 'r-'tt',,,X X,..f o lia r, a,\l'io:;i al a a a rt ri I,roP 7 I tt.c'- I I -l a'-, tral la'.lO tra' a. -a llr la. tl'.4 lrt' -ii, €" Apgfr$t' ,r-8.&- s11iEz-zsI lA\ r 1l'6 il .L il>. ;..'.:i' t.''{P,:. ', : .li o rO It tr?oua a4* ?r,'41fitctJf , ?p-frp'DqHDrf * F+/fff|'ilf, *:..-:':--- rLyt l, 9aag-,-:,,,: ' Jo lfitlA,l*J,Circle Wcst Arcbitccts. P.C. t P.O.Box4392 Vril,CO t1658 Tct.303-4794503 Fax303-4764183 Circle We$AEhiEct& P.C.cxprors$ disclaimr any rcsponribility from aoy unatborizod usc of thcoc planr, drawinge, and notes. Aty authm ization murt tc in *riting, This drawing copy nay havc bear raproduccd at a eize diffcrcnt than origimly drowu. Thc erchiteot and owncr ass- ume no rcsponsibility for ugc of incsroct ccalc. Drawings aro not o bc scaled. Not publishod all rights E&rvcd- hojcct: Palmoc Bar L,otN,Block5D Vail Villago ls! South Frontage Road st Vail Road, Vail, Colorado SbctNroer Door Elevationc berz-tg i,! I i ffi^#"'d-il$dh CF VAiL | , Zlt t|l-!f'-zt v ?w6E Ba'Lr q fob;bt4no fr ' Fte9, + $ 63oof w.'e,.nl o /p-"-,1 no/-'n o\-.t Ar.tlr.rc CircbVtcrt AtrbitlcB, P.c. P.O. Bd.43Y2 vsil, CO t1658 Tcl. 3034?94503 Flx 3034764183 ,^o ) ,.L/ F.of( I br-o PtvltsQ q?*1r|4t .. to1\v ?*r24,Aq teAltva tr Tbwa m!i_ I t6.t l'.otl ll. tbr 11. Circlc Wclt Arclih.ls. P.C,.xF rr.ly discldtr|s lry rlrpooribiliv fioo rly ulrtborircd rlc of tt |c ala!|' dnf,iDg!. ud no&r. Aryrthd- irllioo eu bc ir x,riti.8. Tbir dnwim cooy ooY:ilH"ffit cigioaly dnwD. TbG rtltitcct ard o{/rct rri. nDc !o Frpootiulity f6 urc of lococcr ralc, Dtawin3a src not to bG Bctlod. Nor publirhrd all riShtB tlsctvlq. ProJccrr PsLlro! Bar lrt N, Bloct lD Vril Vilhgc lrt, South&ont!g6lold' .r V.il RolA V.i[ Col6ldo SherNrn:i hlmo'r Bar Pr0Po6!d &cxiiint &rtilthyor* Ihi.: l2.r do3 Sh.ciNrpt "' A1-1 f-.tt \r .! L\-'- !Z-\Cn(i ^rVO n SfrD /a t- t(' e9.-l -Ar-: Vv,tbftJq th\f,+'4 | / gt at'-o' FN'I"ltr)U 11t4.nla 1D ?|/-1htr ' Fr{rirf lUq or4A " epqAu, 1?,.tb, 1r. tL. 20.73 rll|--tF-d T.{l,t* " ". +{ r'l 'l- t *t't t, rrg: T;-: j. t - q$r-rtgi.' a: -n;---'pl'tlrf -, ffi:i-{,4*-i1 iF. ar ,'\:j {t ilr.J 'i -'ltr+ -c*Fil;i!$gg1$g1$$gng;at*F B i*;fi*"$u F, Fu i v 6r!!d, F_ E $F gEtgig-F !'r: 3-€t"r o 'a r :l f:t \lfa . .'t . f.t) l,i .. MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM; Hoily McCutdreon DATE: January 71,1994 RE: Palmos meeting - December 20,1993 Overwiew Those :n attendance included: Pam Brandmeyer, Kristen Pritz, Mike Mollica, Dan Stanek iMike McGee, Gary' Murrain, Holly McCutcheon, Dieter Menzel, and Leo Palmer. Conditions which must be met prior to coming to Liquor tsoard included the following: 1) Gary was concerned about inside seating - current seating exceeds the occupant load. No srore than 49 seals are allowed inside Palmos. 2) Mke McGee stressed that an E' egress must be maintained at all times and that no other tenants may encroach into the 8, egress area. 3) In order to comply with parking requirements per Mike Mollica, the two parking spaces which are ctrrrentl}r obsbrrcted with a chain link fence and decoration storage must be deared and opened. 4) New diagrasr outlined in red, signed and dated must be submifred to Holly McCutcheon to become a part of the modification of liquor license package. Pursuant to a conversation with Matt Cook todal', the following is an additional requirement: The State Liquor Enforcement Division will not accept the lefter as signed by Tim Whitney referencing waiving section 51 paragraph D of the lease. The letter must be incorporated into and become a part of the lease and also must reference exdusive right to serve alcohol. Once these conditions have been met and approved by the Fire and Building Departments, the applicant may proceed with obtaining approval from the Locd Licensing Authority. t tF^ .,f 7'. L tign Review Action F;tn TOWN OF VAIL i,l/. c/4Category Numbel Project Name: Building Name: Project Description; Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVGontact, Address and I Legal Description: bt N Block 5-) Subdivision Va.J t./)-/-Zone District Project Street Ad dr.o, It Jn --? R "rJ " Cornments: Board / Staff Action Molion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval a Disapproval $.slrARRroval IConditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid -s *vot 4{* a revised s/A/sL, coroRADo "' ' FRI'rnr+ t g llt$ I. DRB APPLIqAEION _ TOWN OF \TAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEI\JTED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPIJTCATION TTLL llo]l BE ICCEPTED ITNAIL .eJ.L REOUTRED INTORUATION rS SUnfiITED****ttttt* PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: EI TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200. OO,l -[rqinor Atreration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) y' Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: D, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision rf property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F' \r- LOT AREA: If required, st.amped survey showi-ng applicant must provide a currentIot area. NA.IVIE OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: H.NAME OF APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : Lwt$tDWl 4lL. Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: *srGr{ATURE (S) :Mailing Address:z'tlt tPts A!?,rtoe .tvfie *.goov9'g phone Condominium Approval if applicable. $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000r 000I Over $1r 0001 000 * DESIGN RE|\TIEW BOARD APPRO\TAT EXFIRES EPPRO\TA! UNI.ESS A BI'TLDING PE$IIT IS J. K.DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table be1ow, ,Eo , / Lensure the correct fee is paid. nn & //tilq 4EEE PAaD.. 3 -y'L;. // d/ | / FEE scHEpuLE: [h I # lg'c"l ONE YEAR AI'TER FITTAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCIION STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITSOUT OT|NER'S SIGNATI'RE 1 e Rn nn s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 IS vPRE-APPLICATION MEETING :II. A pre-application meeting with a menber of th6 planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional subnittal requirernents.Please note that a COMPTETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting subrnittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, UuitAing lines and buildingcorners. AlL trees to be removed rnust be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meet.ings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minj-mum of two meeti-ngs before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail t.o appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that. discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their itens removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The fol-lowing items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development DepartmenL staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylJ-ghts and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such a. proposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent.for or manag'er of any adjacent condominium association .stating Lhe associationapproves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfa11, fLood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study rnust be submitted and the or,rner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential- construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding,. andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding wa1ls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves t.he application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building perrnit. MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 10, 1994 A notilication of approval ol a minor SDD amendment to allow for the addition of an airlock entry to the Gateway Building/Lot N, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing/l2 Vail Road. FIf F SSffI,Ek r r"rr 5c ,i'i+ I I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: Leo Palmer/Palmos Development Corporation Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Leo Palmer, owner and developer of the Vail Gateway project, located at the southeast corner of the main Vail four-way stop, has requested a minor SDD amendment in order to modify the building with the addition of an airlock entry. The Vail Gateway (SDD No.21) was initially approved by the Town Council in 1988. This is the first request for an amendment to ths SDD since its initial approval by the Town Council. The minor modification request involves the addition of a 60 square foot airlock to the main entry into the Gateway Building. To construct the airlock, the applicant has proposed to add glass doors, which would be identical in appearance to the existing doors on the building. The new doors would be located approximately 5 feet out from the existing doors. The new airlock doors would be flush with the existing wall line of the building and would not change the footprint of the existing structure. According to the applicant, "the basis of the airlock is to make the open atrium-like space more comfortable from a temperature standpoint." II. AMENDMENT PROCEDURES Section 18.40.100 (Amendment Procedures) of the Municipal Code stipulates the following for minor amendments to Special Development Districts: "Minor amendments: Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in Section 18.40.020 B (attached) may be approved by the department of Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the department of community development." ln addition, the Municipal Code also stipulates that the Oommunity Development staff shall inform the PEC of the stalf action on the request for a minor SDD amendment. III. STAFF ACTION The Community Development Department staff believes that the applicant's proposed modification to the Vail Gateway Building, as described above, would be consistent with the Design Criteria outlined in Section 18.40.020 B (attached), and has approved the applicant's request to modify the building as described. We believe that the proposed 60 square foot airlock entry meets the 5% maximum allowance for nonresidential floor area. In fact, the airlock meets this standard when calculating just the retail and commercial spaces (exclusive of the common areas). Additionally, the staff does not believe that the applicant's request would alter the intent of SDD No. 21, nor would it have any negative impacts upon any of the adjacent property owners. c:\pecvnemosbatsway- t 1 0 ZONING unit owncrs if authorized in conformity witb all pcnincnt rcquiremcnts of thc condominium association's declara- tions and all othcr rcquircmcnts of thc condominium B. "Minor amcndment (Staff rcvicw)" shall mean modifi- cations to building plans, sirc or landscapc plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of thc approvcd special devclopmcnt districl, and are consistcnt with thc design critcria of this chaptcr. Minor amendrnents may include, but not be limitcd to, variations of not more than fivc fcct to approvcd sctbacks andlor building footprints; changcs to landscapc or sitc plans that do not advclsely impact pedcstrian or vchicular circulation throughout thc special dcvelopoent district;.'or changes io erJss floor area (excludinc rcsidcntial usis), of 'notr" ..Ctqi9, t,hgn {ivc pcrcent.of thc aieiggg squire footagc of.. . ict"ii, -"ini,.,' d.iil-"ti areas ?ii-dtei nonrcsidcntial floor area. !'' ---..-. mean any proposal to changc uscs; incrcasc gross rcsidcntial floor area; change thc numbcr of dwclling or accommodation units; modify cnlargc or cxpand any approved special dcvetopment district (other than minor amendments as dclincd in Scction 1t.40.0208.) D. "Underlying zone district" sball mcan thc zone district existing ort thc ProPerty, or imposcd on the Property at the time tbe spccid developmcnt district is approved. E. "Affectcd property" shall mean proPcrty within a spccial development district that, by virtuc of its proximity or relationship to a proposed amendment requcst to an approved dcvelopment plan, may be affcctcd by re- design, .density incrcase, change in uscs' or othcr modifications changing the impacts, or character of thc approved special dcvelopmeut district. (ord. 2l(198E) 0 l.) t'Major amendment (PEC andi or council review)" shall (vril !2.29-89) 382.10 b,'i=?'Al$.dl VrlLCO tl6lt t l tO3.D40! tu 30!{t6al3l EE. h.!c blrtrntto 6frd&dra A1'1 lI dcdl6 b iirllor rb. Tq dvdl EdrSqt f pr6.drdtNCvr! FE t'.r{!4dFCrid.t A|ldrrn dnbfol|'r l9l U.l.c. ^l| dhddbb. i6d!N *il!!t Jn Lr !.!r n4!ie.db r ..ub!n[r! at|f, s. tos.f Vil AI6r.&ci6 bh. t sldGrtat s!r!q{tm- r e.blirba bt lm., vrd.!a th&E Fr 6rL &a6.lnof r'r.hDF rr*!t&d rBitd b rb dn&[ !'rnF n6 O. tm ofv.! luildjlt !i Er D.F oEn! b L in ql&t Ed rnr or b r!. ry ri adndFid n@Nd.d Tm otvd hiEiar ud FE D.c.rd 6.!.r b *i@ ta.rFFilCFIF.a a.dr b li. v.ilCrrt trildita.r?,Ew*'rV ?tt>tw- ?-r 'z,v'; -q 1a-eEp_b.tt:__ i., :.-4a .trf. t,A7. a* Itp":tLl'a iA'1aY *19. \ 4 Arc.hitcc-t: Circle West fuchitectg, P.C. P.O. Box 4392 Vail, CO 81658 Tel.303-479{503 Fax3034764183 Circle Wcst Arcbitoct& P,C.cxprossly disclei ms any responsibility from any unattoizcd use of tbesc plans, drawings, and Eotes, Any author- ization must be in vdting. This drawing copy may havc been reproduccd at a size different tban originally drawa. Tbe architect and own€r ass- ume no rcsponsibility for use of iocort€ct 8cale. Drawings are not to be scaled. Not published all rights rescrrcd. Project: Vail Gatewry Doors Irt N, Block 5D Vail Village lsl South Frontage Road at Vail Road, Vail, Colorado SheetNann: hoposed Plan & Elevation &!li 12-1693 Shcet Number: ,$ ??.@bg UF),j gdJz Ta klA'1cf.l Ex l?ftrjq. fr9 lr-o oi ; tl , All construction to follow the Town of Vail Building Dcpartnent and Town of Vail Fire Departemcnt requiromeuts. All consnuction to follow 1991 U.B.C. All consEuction lo be in compliance with smoke and heat vent requiremene as estsblishcd with the Town of Vail and Uniform Fire Code. All construction !o be in complianco with sprinkler requircments as Gstablished by Town of Vail and Uniforzr Fire Code. Notification of any changes or additional requiremcnts to the existing drawings ftom the Town of Vail Building and Firc Dcpartments o be in writing and sent out to the own€r and architect prior o construction. Town of Vail B uilding and Firc Depadments to show in ynittcn fomr approval of poposed doors to the Vail Gateway Building at 12 South Frcntage Road. a J 'tt? (|'c*? ftVl. 3'tvA%. ALr, i-i\BDi^{Agt 10 Yil&p4 #\b1. fiu7r7Pltag />(/ ,-"[\2z\---t'\/ l-1\ | ,4" t lt-or A1-1 The Vail Gateway Building, located at 12 South Frontage RoaG Vail Coloado would ]ike to add doors in tte north / west entsy to create an air lock or vestibule. These doors wonld be ide,ntical in 4pearoce to the existing doos md would be located approximately 6'4' ftom the existing doors. The rloors would be within all existing sebacks and not exterd beyond the building line (see drawings )- The basis of the air lock is to make Oe open arium like $pace more comfortable from a temperature standpoint sxtz = bo f tr I :\t/'Ii. \ \\i '"',.,.. t.. ;S '::':'.. \ I o.< o t+l-j- hi il llliii' (o. uP lr. ot .|,o !i! j.-. .-.-+.-rl Architcctl CircleWest Architcch, P.C. P.O. Box4392 Vail, CO 81658 Tel.3034794503 Fax 303476-4183 Circle West Architccts, P.C,exprcssly disclaims any rcsponsibility ftom any unathorized use of thaso plans, drawilgs, and notes. Any autlor- ization must be in uniting. This drawing copy may havc becn rcp,roduced at a size difforent than originally drawn. The architcct and o*'ner ass- umc no responsibility for usc of incorrect scale. Drawings are not to be sctlcd. Not published all rights rescf,ved. Prolecft Vail Gaoeway Door$ Irt N, Block 5D Vail Village ls! South Frontage Road at Vail Road, Vail Colorado Sheet Nanel Exisring plan Daie: 12-tG93 Sheet Number: \Y -':.i \ \\.."t",1,. ), -a , ra.CoX'. a t'-r trl' a'-t r rt' t'-o tr.. \ a' -, aral lt'. | | lra' a a -a o o;r i. *-.-.r- al el.'lrr+- ! ,: I s]{oP 5 a || a t \r I l *\tt'-t tra. IrroP 7 -gl ra. -o.I t2, LO.al' -a I tr' I N__-_zZl r a a.o,tt?rG t ta'- to tra. a' ., lat la' tt. -a lra' FX|5l',i--Ct i/S"r il-6ii A1-2 'ic'n o,f,. Tt*p9firevised LO/5/92 (please prinL or type) DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAI.. DE\TETOPMENT DISTRTCI DEI/EIJOPMENT PI.A}T I. This procedure is required for any project that would gothrough the Special Development District procedure The application will not be accepted untir all informationis submittec. 2A PAurttos /nt-' Xl'+'a*'14 ?' os o3 A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS B.AppLrcANT, s REpRESENTAT rvE Crk-v€ pHoNE 411-o5o3 c.PROPERTY OWNER(S) or{NER (S) STGNATURE (S) MATLTNG eppness PA 2135 tA5 Aw. ttiotle 4 9lolt+l(L pHonrfjgt)44Lq15!_ D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: .c Al{--WAO r-,or-[er,ocx_5D suBD rvr s r oN E. STAMPED' ADDRESSED ENVELOPES oF THE NAMES oF owNERs oFALL PROPERTY AD.]ACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ALIST OF THEIR NAMES AND MAILIT.IC I,OPNESSES. _ il . fr,A,1 F. A TITLE REPoRT To VERIFY owNERsHIP AND EASEMENTS. O /f oo|sSz II. Four (4) copies of the following information musL be , lsubmitted: l/Z /q/ A. oet.ailed written/graphic description of proposal,. ' @ B. An environmental irnpact report shall be submitted tothe zoning administrator in accordance with Chapter18.56 hereof unless waived by Sect.ion 1"g.56.030; exemptpro jecLs,. C. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meetthe demands generated by the development without. undueburden on available or proposed public facilities; D. Existing contours having contour intervals of not morethan five feet. if the average slope of the site istwenLy percent or Less, or with contour intervals ofnot more than Len feet if the average slope of the siteis greater than twenty percent. E. A proposed site plan, at a scale noL smaller than oneinch eguals fifty feet, showing the approximatelocations and dimensions of all buildings andst.ructures, uses therein, and all principal sitedevelopment features, such as landscaped areas,recreat^ional faciLities, pedestrian plazas andwalkways, service entries, dri_veways, and off-streetparking and loading areas with proposed contours aftergrading and site developmenti A prellminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch eguals fifty feet, showing existing landscape feaLures to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as outdoor recreationalfacilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elementsi Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floorplans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one fooL, in sufficient detail to deternine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation,locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. III. TIME REQUIRXMENTS A. The Planning and Environrnental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each rnonttr. an application with the necessary acconpanying material must be subnittedfour weeks prior to the date of the meeting. B. . The developer must. begin initial construction of thespecial development district within three years from the time of its final approval, and continue diligently toward the compLet,ion of the projecL. If t.he special development district. is to be developed in phases, the developer must begin construction of subsequent phases within one year of the cornpletion of the previous phase NOTE:It is recommended that before a Special DevelopmenL District application is submitted, apre-applicat.ion meeting shoul-d be set up with a member of the Department of Community DeveLopment. ' IV. FEES RppJ.ication Fees are as follows: F. G. A.v. B. a. Establishment of SDD : b. Major Amendments: Minor Amendments: Application fee paid: $Date $1,500.00 $1,000.00 $ 200.00 Check # If t.his application requires a separate review by anyIocal, StaLe or Federal agency other than the Town ofVail, the application fee shafl be increased by9200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot limit.ed to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermit.s, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsibLe for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplicat.ion fee. If, at the applicantts requestr 3nymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha1l be paid by che applicant. Applicat.ions deemed by t.he Conmunity Development Department to have significant design, land use orother issues which may have a significant impact on thecommunity may require review by consultants other thattown staff. Should a determination be nade by the townsLaff lhat an outside consultant is needed to reviewany applicationr. Community Development may hire anoutbide ionsultant, it, shal1 estinate the amount of e AdJacent property owners to Vall GaEway Buildbg, located at 12 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colsado: VailVilageIm,Inc. 100E MeadowDrive Vait, Cotorado 81657 Duglas &KarinaSt!*el 369 Westlake&€€kRoad Edutad$' Colorado 81631 Deprment of Transpoft adon f6the stabof C-oluado 4Z)l East Artmsas Avenue Denver,Cotcado 80222 t $q[ ss.o JAN 5 ADJACENT PBOPERW OWNERS LIST. VAIL GATEWAY BUILDING Colorado Dept. of TransPortation 4201 E. Arkansas Avenue Denver, CO 80222 Douglas and Katrina Sterkel 369 West Lakecreek Road Edwards, CO 81631 VailVillage lnn, Inc. 100 E, Meadow Drive Vall, CO 81657 r f af l+ - noilc.d cLrr 0.rr Sl'q {. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance ilitn Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on .lanuari 10, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' ln consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendment to a previously approved. development plan and a conditional use permit [or !oy1 Type lll employee housing -. -. units at The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick Road/a portion of the SW 1/4,Sectionl4,T5SR81WoftheOthP.M',TownofVail,Colorado' Applicant: T' Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H' Cole Planner: ShellY Mello 2. A request for a malor amendment to sDD #4, Area D, to allow an expansion tq.thg . - Glen Lyon office Building located at 1000 south Frontage Road wesvLot 45, Block K' Glen LYon Subdivision. Applicant:Pau|M.DeBoer,representingCa|umetFedera|Savingsand LOan Planner: ShellY Mello 3. A request tor a worksession to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage ROad EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vait Vit-tage 7th Fiting and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion ol the l-70 right-of-way' Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center Planner: AndY Knudtsen 4. A request for a minor subdivision located at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, VailVillage 3rd Filing' Applicant: John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr./Robert Tyler Planner: ShellY Mello S. A request lor a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifical/tocated at igg Gore Creek Drive/Part ol Block 5-8, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin clair and Tom Armstrong Planners: Randy Stouder/Shelly Mello 6.A requeSt for an approval of the masler plan tO allOw for an expanSion and renovation of thd Town ot Vait puUtic Works site located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/an unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 right-of-way more specifically described.as an unplatted parcel located north of the l-70 rignt-of-way, immediately north of Vail Village 8th Filing/1289 Vail Valley Drive. 7. L A notification of approval of a minor SDD amendment to allow for a change in building location and buildirig height located at 1335 Westhaven Drive/LotA, Millrace lll Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen Michael Lauterbach Jim Curnutte Town ol Vail Andy Knudtsen Leo Palmer Mike Mollica A request to amend Section 18.69.050 - Special restrictions for developments on lots where the average slope of the site beneath the proposed structure and parking area is in excess of th-irty percent in single family residential, two-tamily residential' and two- family primary/secondary residential zones to allow standards found in this section to apply to the Hillside Residential zone district' +'A notification of approval of a minor SDD amendment to allow for the addition of an airlock entry to the'Gateway Buildingilot N, Block 5D, VailVillage First Filing/12 Vail Road. *t "o*uuLrAHrs, rHc.Bo", =.'P. E1 KRM coNsuLrANTS, tNc, P,O. BOX 4572 vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 (303t e49-9391 FAX 949-1577 TO; "Fa, lox- +?n?- ---............v|u , ra Elb2,,Q - FIELD REPORT DATE: ARHIVE: DEPART: t., . F.,,-\I Z; cJc) LIDON wHrHE@ ATTENTION: P€7EP l.(oL,,l0 Fizl-l].4 3- FAx 47tr- +lb3 PBOJECT: 6-IEEL 6TA/R. FI&,AMi}JG I€, IN PLACg, THE FOLL,hJINCI i.T€Mg lttEee blgcvg-&eo'. 3, THe FxlSTlNq aTAIB LA'hlolfta SEAM Tl-A7 It To tsE €,0T aFF ABoVE THe NEl^J Ff lD.tlS E,El',1'l' *Et+lA A'1' TFle ,EEAe oF ?l.tti Nglrl LANplN4 AHOUL.I' th ,.riUpP.+ffY i?9 hilTH A SHog:i- Tg 5,( 3 4oLUMN BEAPlilq aN THe BEHT l^ito.t? BFAM. +, THZ cdLtJMN A" lllB jxleEr Eup 0tr Tl;g bENT L,llA{lA F_ze,l4 '}lTt 0N Tl+E ID\JCRE,'|'8, SLr'iB trluf.rflr){ll..:a:r9................611 A4'' FRolr4 THE e?qg cF -lVE 6" e\u hIALL B#lcl{ ' T(2 li trLF UNL'eAb Tl.ltg c0LUMN, ,,. AU At)alil{)l'l^L coLLIMNl BpldrfD *,8 AC}$Ff,: BELor{ '9,1 HlhlclEu "B AT THd" €4lUtH cMu kIALL BE'roW, OTI"tEENIFE) $TA,lf;t FHAl,dllqlr,r APFEAes, TA RE AC1EFTTA.?|L"ffi l.!. ts{"JtLT", COPY TOr 4A M P E_RL-L JcusTrl4d-r-t21{- l, rr tg ok ra ADb A NEN l*l/):trtl't BEt?.1, d'te Al"fHE fAP LANrJldq tF Btrts"lNqFg B DdNH 'fHE 'foP oF THE FxtsTiNcq rNe Td 'rnpPlN& . 2. 1't1E Tl'toRf 6"OLIJMN6 BFLON fFl E LOI^I 99T 2t'b g.t *puLH 4A PlFe+ hlBtDEp prgFdfLY iHE gTHNgEeg, Byrey I''le. l3,e"+A d lN THe g{.'$TiN4t lr,i DqbE.&'t0 iuT BFLoI'J liHE sT)f-tE {"TRINqEF.€, MA'f 6E TO ?i;Et $5?-To!tlg tS? TFiB T'Lg sETf:tl4 SED, SIGNED: o / &4/4 , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLEDt Y** * ***** ** ******* * ** * * * * * ** ***n ffi-nuiraing [ ]-Plumbing tr^ Lega1 Description: r.ot1ful Blockjp FiLing TOWN OF VAIIJ CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLICATTON FORM Address: Job Name: Owners l{ame: I,TECHANICALl.+:TOTAL: SSd+fr-? *************************** L, Town of VaiI Reg. No.37l^frphone Number: ?l? -CtAl To!'rn of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: W-PLWBING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: Plunbing Address: contractor: Mechanical contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT TEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: }{ECITANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAT FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ^ RECREATION FEE:ffip cr,eaN-up DEPosrr: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: PERr"lrr n6{Q DATET 1-7D'73 ^Ff.-- "r 100? XL[.r., w-r 'V 'C a!' OUT CO}IPIJETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * ** * ****** ******* * *** l-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Addr ArchLtect: Ctn vWeo '.*r*.P,lAddress: hF yfnZ l/A, General Description: Worlc Class: [ ]-New 1)4-elteration I J-Addltional t ]-Repair [ ]-other , Number of Dtrrel-ling Units:Nurnber of Accomrnodation units:i Gas Logs wood/PellPtggrnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv lt* * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * VALUATTONS **********************f,********** ELECTRICAL: $ O oTHER: t A Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURS: (UmrB"r-Q,ul7Xuc-nJ /uoCI.EAN UP I}EPOSIT NEN'ND TO: fFwx 37 f 8/6{d 75 soulh t?onlage road veil. colo16do 81657 (303) 479-2r_38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlca of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI'4MUNITY DEVELoPI{ENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsters, portable toileti anaworkrnen vehicles upon any street., sidewalk, alley or publicp1?9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n ali Town ofvarr streets and roads is approxirnatery 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilt be strillry enforcld by the Toirn of vairPYliig works Department. persons found vi6lating this ordinancewrl-L be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn tbe event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pubiic worksDepartment will remove said nateiial at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shill not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-L-way. lo review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Yli] llildins Departmenr to obtain I copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. r# o 75 soulh tronlage road y!ll, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 Devel opment Department. oftlco of communlty developmeul BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE !f this peryit requires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval, Engineept's (.PgUtic l,lopks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Departmentreview or Health Department review, and'a review by the 6uitiing Department, the esti.nated time for a total review inay take as longas th!"ee weel(s. All commerclal ('large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow'the above mentioned maximun requiremLnis. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi.denti:al or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned de; artments wrlth regard to necessary review, these projects nayalsv tal(e the three week period. Every.attempt wi.ll be made by this department to expedite thispenni't as. sgon as possib'l e. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Commun'i ty a o ' l_rl Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: GATEWAY LOBBY DATE:9-21-93 ADDRESS:12VAILRE CONTRACTOR: CAMPBELLCONST VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: CIRCLE WEST OCCUPANCY: B.,{ ENGINEER: MCGI{EE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possibk code requirernents in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinancc of the Town of Vail. l. FIELD INSPECTIONS REQIIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC 1712 OF TTIE 1991 IIBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC 3306 OF TTIE 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAY BE REQTJIRED TO APPROVE TTIE REMODEL,IF TIIERE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES AND OR PROBLEMS. o o CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NorE _ copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBSrrE 2lol,pzac1ftso parE sre+ssrs-2l, 1ee3 r ^.^.,,-*, *Tit, -t hn dopsrtment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT trfE T BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT NO. I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DIVISfON 122a34 "flHf.fi fr ff 'g{tlftB o tfr 8$b i-srmnm-m-- PERMIT FEESTYPE 6ROUP G.H,F,A, VALUATION ELECTRICAL $H PLUMBINGNEW ( ) ALTERATIO*(.V) AOOITIONAL () REPAIR DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT - ACCOMMODATION UNITS . ADDITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED TOTAL PERMIT FEES DAN STNAEK uTlo-rnc-oFrcr,n-- J]M CURNUTTE 9-2r-93 9-2r-93 AOMINISTRATOR DATE & sutLDtNG x91gs. NO ADDITIONAL COMM. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan,.and state that all the information provided as required is corr€cl. I laws, and to build this struclure according to the Town'design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi reto. CLEAN UP DEPOS]T TO: OWNER. FOR HIMSELF n L EGAL DESC.=-ffi JOB NAME: OWNER NAME PALMER DEVELOPMENT MA|LADDEESS 273! ltl 4yE ctry BOULDER 803Wi 449-0951 ARCHITECT F;RM CIRCLE I,trEST MATLADDREss BNX 4392 clrY VAIL 81658 pn. 479-O5O. GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM CAMPBELL CoNST. TowN oF vArL REG. No. 391-B ELECTRICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO.LU I\ I KA\, I UX PLUMBING FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NOL;UNtt(AUtUt( MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. 11:43a Sprinkler Permit #l ---.-- 970-479- 2135 (Inspections) Flre sprinkler shop drawlngs are required altime of permit submittal and must include the following. Permlt not be accepted LC,E.T. Level III (min) 1.657 without this . A Colorado stamp. Equipment Hydraulic l$';#ffi:l :" L*""'=-ga^6it3 r Nco M PbffiJ?l' #i'* -'P4q,Dl #!/" Euilding Permit #:-- ' Protection Contractor, 2laLE'2L'qu-g I Fire Dept, Vail WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF 75S.F Vail, AR Contact Assessots Office at 970-328-8ilo or visit Parcel #(Required if no bldg. Permit # is above) -ng ineer: letailea Location of vrork:floor, unrt #, New()Additron ( )Remocel ( )P r-nrir [ ' Fire Sprinkler: $ 3 tOO 9 for Parcel # A-k- ';',-'--- Qpfrn-fit 1 other ( ) iog Namel Fhone: ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bidg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( 1 Muiti{amily i ) Commercial r,lc. of trxisting Dwelling Units in this buildlng:No. ot AccomrncCat on Unrts in this bullding: Does a F re So'' nkler System Exlst: Yes ) No( rloes a Flre Alarm Exist: Yes I COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materaals) Contact and Phone #'s: <*- ;*-{ .r)DFr.: c/rc Town of Vail Reg. No.:'re Sprnkler 'Pko,-., :ontractor Signature: i.!ix+n+f,irx*:f,!i**,rr+,.i,r****r**,rr****+r*iFOR OFFICE USE ONLYT'*(:,.i*rr*'!:ii*i:ti+**:!*++i,r*tt*r'*i'i:i:+i F .,pv(,r,,ci1e,riCrnS,i Srr'kc e!"nr Occupancy Grcupr rlrt-J-iiiliid . li :ti I.-f. o !t HOF 6 ,,4 J&9 froP ? fe. uP | \\]_____-____-zz I \( ":::,.. 'r t; \\42l I Architectu Circlc Wcst Arcbitects, P.C. P.O. Bor 439 Vail, CO 81658 TeI.303479{503 Fax303476-4183 Circlo Wcst Architc€ts, P.C.exprcesly disctains any rcspoosibility from auy unathorizod uso of those plans, drawings, atrd lotes. Atry author- ization must bc in uriting. This drawiag copy may havc becn reptoduccd at a sizc different than originally drawn. The architrct and ow[er ass- umc no rcsponsiblity for usc of incorrcct scalc. Drawings arc not to bo scalcd. Not publishcd dl rights rcscrved. ProJoct: Palnos Bar L,ot N, Bloct 5D Vail Villago lst South Frontage Road at Vail Road, Vail, Colorado SlelUlencr Existing Plan her 2-16-94 l'.1 lrl' l'-t t 12' t'-O tr.' al'- r I tra. )r.j ""1rr, l'..\\ a'-, ara'l SlsP 3 o ?: ,(1,,'-.. ?x 'r:'..\l I ; ro it I'.t'- al-lrf.'l!r+- a. ,-i o!-i ral lt'-a tra. +- ,/\ 3 !l t/:a I -l ,r\,; ./ a'-, I tr' - tt\ 'F- l.o.Trtrc^t ll'. lO lrl' a. -r tt, ta. t!'.4 l/l' A F3P R# TOWI{ OF Vil,ii_- ,// aY U^AL*. -..-... DAr r$i..- . ,:{'rsFF+.- :,,"' i . * - .#'.t..t.{".<.* }c.:in 2-q- ..t)ttfi,-ffi','': -",1a ?UrlAlt/'l, Archltecft " Circlc Wcst &chit€ctg. P.C' P.O.Box4392 Vail, CO 81658 Tel.303-479-0503 Fax30347641E3 Cir,clc Wcst Arhiccta P.C.exprcesly disclaimr anyrcsposibitity fiom aoy unathqizcd usc of thcscplans, dnwingc, snd not€& Any nrthor- izatim must be in writinS. This drawing copy may havc becn repoduccd at a size differeut than originally drawu, Tbe architect and owuer rss- ume no rcsponsibility for use of i-ncqrect scale, Drawiags arcuoto be scalcd Not publishcd a[ rights r€sgvcd. hdac Palmos Bar L,ot N, Bloct 5D Vail Villagc lst South Frontagc Rord et Vail Road, Vail, Colorado ShcctNucl Door Elovations Drerz-tg p ffi.#\d,nr# ftl nf \,J -' 'i lY \./ I ',. rr'..- tll-ct .. D,\rr.z.:<-1..-. --?%leseo %i Dt o*4980 i 7vag, )(s1'€/r Plan u il fcril of Vall 0ovsloomonl i Itv i\l I--Frlcrfluq DarP,b D ZPHAIIJ. of ' Fr|bTlHa f,dnA4la qrilt.,]' :General lrlotes: All consbuction b follow the Town of VailBuilding Departmcnt and Town of Vail Firc Departcmcntrequirements. AII cotrstsuction !o follow l99l U.B.C. ' All constuction to be in complianco with smoke snd heat vcnt t€quit€menb and sprin&lcr Fquirwrents as cstablishcd witb the Town of Vail, l99l unicm building codc, uniform firo codc, and.NFPA 13. Architect: Circla West Architerts, P.C. P.O.Box4392 VaiI,CO 8165E TeI.303479-0503 Far3034764183 Circle West ArchitEcts, P.C.exprcssly disclaims any reeponsibility ftom any uaathoizcd usc of , thcsc plans, drawings, aad nolos. Any authc- ization nust bc in nriting. This drawing copy may have bcen reptoduccd at a size different than orUinally drawn. The archit€ct and owner ass- ume no rrsponsibility for use of incortcct scalc. Diawings are not o bc scaled, Not published all rigbts rs€rvcd. PJ"ju"tt Palmoc Bar lot N, Block 5D Vail Village lst South Frontage Road at Vail Road, '' Vail" Colqado Sheet Nerne: Propocod & Existing Plans I)ate: 2-t694 SDcctI$nDsE -. '---'t-- Flro LJ i-r- o,tproved !l;"il c,j nr-.'-l tr trCtr DncOo nOcoYE 'ho nAra/o fu r9 0' /\J"oho b/o Validity ci Set,3C3 (ci 19 l"hs ir!-uanc9 0r gfanling 0{ a $etiilii 0r h I cl plans ant i'iicati0ns shall nct be ccn$truod t0 bs for. ot an ls cod6 based upon plans, specifications and other\ nt thc building olficial from thersaftor rsqui of crrors in said plans, sp€cifications TL4-qq oAov lpild 1 Hallh Wlb-" ,1;iroval of, any violation 0J eny of tns cFovisi} .11 of any other ordinanc! of the jurisdication. T I f\-"'-t--t tt I I a lrrat Lttf ttjct P DATE! z. zr -14 NltJsE ,t (?**r) {et|rrl zrrggt '39X,?i Xlll-:1il:3$"F3ifl" ffi$rcoPl PERMIT # OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERUTT INFORMATTON ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical t l 4tr, Lega1 Description: Lot Job Address: lZ ,J aro"r-5D ,irtus \4 ,uuorurrro*, U owners Name: VtW nW ' Address: lL g . fao^tlv P{,AlLt en. 4lA- 6e n Archltect. CtVoA; U6 N./.,$\TfuO Address: ?aTr lu-T-Wrv?'Z Wao pn.411-onz ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New {-aft.tation t l-Adilitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: 4"- Number of Acconmodation Unitst l .- BUfLDING: S PI,I'MBING: $ Address:9?, Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: A1g-+T MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: T coNTRAqIOR INFORMATTON ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR oVoz Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: 55 - PLT'MBING PIJ\N CEECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI.,AN CHECK FEE: - RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'}IBING PER}TIT FEE: ].{ECHANICAL PER}TIT FEE: ELECTRICAII FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ?5- WT9AIIe-q,irzL BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN I'P I'EPOSIT REN'ND /r.*-t ?b4 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE o^rE 2/18/s4 &l6l0wuqb0 (rntolaa'ls rlg v 65eTPERMIT NO, department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Bn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHAN PLUMBING FOUNDATION ROAD !! l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ t tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IR M OIVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : A-DD WINDOW'S GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES \q JOB NAME : I,,IICHAEL r S ADDITION PLUMBINGNEW( ) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL ( ) REPATR( ) ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES F|RM BUFF ARNoLD, ARCH. MAII^DDRESS48 E BEAVER CREEK ctry AVoN, C0 PH.845-8117 x8x ($20-PREPATD) 100.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRI TOWN OFVAIL REG, NO. IO2-S 47 6-437 4 TOTAL PERMIT FEES DAN STANEK 2/2I/94ino-nrdoFrrfnr-- -orT-e - - 2 /21/94 NG & BUILDING NOTES: F|RM RESoRT SERVICES rowt.l or vntt- Ree. Ho. 177-E 949-6013 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge thal I have read this application, filled out in full the information requir€d, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informalion provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with ihe intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: icable thereto. RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. O$rners Name: Architect: General Description: 7 trsTmfly ca*r*t wii.i# pntrlu +lTOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLTCATTON FORM Address: Address: DATE: nFt,R -p* . o ^ t APPLrcArroN I'{usr BE FrLrrD out "o"ffi lJ 1994 uAy Nor BE AccEprED.T x***************************** PERMTT TNFORMATION * *************** * *** * * ***** * *7l KJ-Buildins [ ]-Plunbing (J-Electricat [ ]-Mechanical [ ]_Other Job Nane: Block Filino qTTRr\ rrrr c rnT\r . P:n./7/-{J53 lKF tTeauarC* {7/u/ rln.#.f?//z I{ork Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: $*"" and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ Jf******* t.,**** ffi**************** VALUATToNS ***** ******************* ********* i[J"'31il3: W fiffiI*::*r.,+3-- :rrTt:^ r^rJurtgrnG: I MECIIANICAIT: $' -'-vIr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * jl * * -cqryTRAgToR INFORMATTO:f Eeneral contractzrr: rt,,./,, (l-)2,. z.-+-, - -., - .- TOTAL:W CqNTRA9TOR INFORMATION *** **** * * * * * * * * ************ Phone Number:._....._- Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLT'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELE TRICAL FEE: OTHER TypE OF FEE:*l:*Lac DRB FEE3 -35' od f5, ac l-ETFE-lry GROUP T -- VALUATION BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:Cornments Reg. NO. * ************ * * *****************FOR OFFTCE USE ************ * * * * ******* **** **** !.own o{ vait Res. uo. SJSFPhone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE; CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: CLEAN I'P DEP,OSIT REFITI{D ni*e ,(ro/rt R-TIAU s-1- Rob€rt L ArDold Atciitc.t, P.C, P.o. Bor 25t? A,{t E Bcrrtt ,,, : ,,,:."1,j (303) t15'ut?r., (303) 845.E829 n Plan Review Based on the 199L Uniform Codes NAME: GATEWAY MICHAELS DATE: 2-21-94 ADDRESS: 12S.FRONTAGERD CONTRACTOR:RUSTYSPIKE VAIL,COLORADO ARCHITECT:ARNOLD OCCI.JPANCY: B ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IIIR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cndes, The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BtrORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. STRUCTUAL ENGTNEER MAy BE REQL]TRED TO APPROVE WINDOW FRAMTNG IF TIIERE IS A}.IY STRUCTUAL PROBLEMS, BEFORE FRAMING IS APPROVED BY TIIE TOWN OF VAIL BIIILDING DEPARTMENT. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. dopsrtmont of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ntrtr FT tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL JOB NAME: FIRM PETER KOLIOPOULOS MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOLEDO GLASS ,o*"oruo,arac.;; 4Jil 443-8282 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE e11s JANUARY 20, Lss4 Tlbl,OVLUq)D Dt Drr .eB \q+q 6574 t.wPE oFcoNsTRlrcTroN | [ t rv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M DfvfstoN t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : ADDTNG TWO DOORS FOR A VESTIBI]I,E PERMIT NO. zo F BUILDII{G 1000.00 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES VIHR B,A,R,BUILDING PERMIT 35.00 \{Id t ''s t'\N\ \\ PLAN CHECK 23.O0 ELECTRICAL NEw( ) ATTERA1ON ( ) AODtTtONA[iiuQX REPATR(PLUMBING OWELLING UNIIS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW EOARD 20.00 PP CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT EXT wALLs| | |USE TAX WILL CALL 3.00 TYPE OF ELEC. H€AT SOLAR GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES A1 nn -DAN ITANEK_ L-ZO-J+_ lno-nvc omcr,rl- E-ATE - _MIKE MOrIrqA _ _ _r-20-% _ INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NE€OED: Y N INITIAL sr cur | | | BLASTING ]NING A BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lillel completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informi agreb to comply with the iniormation and plot ptaq1ffi'p laws, and to build this structure according to the \Town's z _1qyi=e_w_ glrp_r9ye_d_, _U_n if qrm B u i I d i n g Code a n d othe r ! rf i na nc CLEAN UP'DEPoSIT T0: - \l-ffi AND THE OWN J out il\ fl ly\Witl ?9i9 rll the ir ided as r T o rformalion required, 'equired is correct. I rdinances and state RliPqP-9:.ie"f, lu*: owN EF(.1 /-,(5 ':z'' "''''': UW? HTMSELFI coNTl LE- I "(-- Oro* oF vArL coNsrRuslroo PERUIT APPLICATION FORMoaTe: | ,ll.?t APPLICATToN uUsT BE FrLr.aD our co!{Pr.BrEr,Y oR IT t{Ay NoT BE AccE **************trr ************ PERUIT INFOnUATTON *********r******************. ing [ ]-ElectrLcal I l-MechanLcal I J-Other Job Address: lZ lRfC'0.1611 1 6 PER}TIT * leer ffisf 5D General Description:t-i' work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteratton g)-Additlonal [ ]-Repalr I l-other ^ )flrnber and rlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appllances_ Gas rogs_ wood/pellet_ It****************************,**t** -V|IjUATfONS ****!r**************************** iurr.,oruc' t Lr ''f t iW orHER: Rr.,IruBrNG:v/lf*************************** coNrRAqIoR INFORUATTON *********************rt****!Eeneral Contraclorz FIAoSXWVtA!"hfnt co(Iro,lnpp. Town of Vail Beg. _NO.--Address: ZtaI tp\e,\ Phone Nunber: 4M-OT Electrical Contracto=, W Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address:_ : phoneNurnber: Nunber of Dwelllng UnLts:Nuuber of Accommodatlon UnLts: Plunbing contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vall Reg. NO. Plrone Nunber: Meclranical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR orrrcE usE ****************r************** BUTLDING PERI.IIT FEE: PLUIiIBINC PERI'IIT FEE: !{ECHAIITCAIJ FERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI. FEE: OTHER SYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 35-BUTTDTNG PIAI{ CITECK FEE: PLI'UBTNG PIAN CHECfi FEE: UECIiAI,IICAIJ PIAI CHECK FEE: RECRE.ATTON FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES: g_ BUTI,,DING: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNAI'T'RE: ConnentE: TO: Town Council Pam Brandmeyer Kristen Pritz Mike Mollica Dick Duran MEMORANDUM o Mike McGee Jeff Atencio Dan Stanek Chuck Feldmann FROM: DATE: RE: oHolly McCutcheon ffi December 16, 1993 Palmos modification issues Overr/iew of meeting - Thursday, December 15, 1993 *;';;;;;1;;;;="u;**;;A;ffi il;;;1=ilffi ililifi ;; Departmenf Dan Stanek and Chuck Feldmann, representing the Vail Building Departmenq Holly McCutcheon from the Town Clerl{s Office, representing the Liquor Board; and Peter Koliopoulous, architect representing Palmos. Backeround: Dieter Menzel, owner of Palmos in the Gateway Building wishes to add additional seating in front of the establishment in the "atrium,/mdl" area. Mr. Menzel has set up portable, decorative railings in which to enclose/control the area. In additiorU Mr. Menzel wishes to modify the existing glass windows in front of Palmos to allow for glass doors which would swing open and remain ajar during business hours to give the atrium seating a less confined, more "open" feeling. Discussion: <>l Mike andDan agreed that a pathway offin*is slightlywiderthan the width of the main mtrance doors, must be maintained throughout the length of the corridor. Therefore, the railings were reconfigured to conforrr. In order to comply with the open seating requirements there must be an allowance of L8" chairback to drairback So, tables that would fit in the reconfigured area must be z{hair tables, with possibly three to four set up on the left side of the main entrance to Palmos and one 2-drair tible on the right side, allowing for corrpliance with the seating requiremmts. Mike also suggested that the railings be fixed/anchored down so that they could not be moved. Electrical requirements indicate the need to relocate the manual fire alarsr pull station. The current pull station would not be accessible with the additional atrium seating and railings. The pull station must be relocated to a position somewhere near the main entrance doors. Peter will come up with a proposed location. It was agreed that the sprinkler system in place currently was sufficient to meet the needs of the increased seating in the atrium area as long as the atrium fuel load requirements are met. Mke agreed to approve the atrium seating provided that the configuration is in compliance with Section 1716 of the Unifor:m Building Code. Peter will submit the final drawings for review and approval. Mike and Dan will require that the atrium restrictions be clarified with Leo Palmer, the Association, the Management Company and the tenants of the Gateway. Discussion then began with regard to the front windows of Palmos. Both the Fire and Building deparhnent represmtatives could see significant problems in accommodating this modification, in addition, it would be a costly alteration in order to comply with building and fire codes. I suggested that we break the modification into two phases. Deitey's number one priority seems to be the Atrium seating issue, and it was agreed that we proceed with that issue first. When and if the atrium seating is in place then we would work on dealing with the window modification. I asked Peter to provide me with an updated diagram showing the proposed atrium seating as altered by the department representatives today, which I will indude in the Liquor Board modification package. With approval from Fire and Building Departments on the atrium seating the next step would be to proceed with obtaining hpproval from the Department of Community Development. Planner Mke Mollica will review the parking issues. When and if Community Development gives its staff approval then the modification would be brought before the local liquor board and upon approval from the local liquor board forwarded to the State of Colorado for final liquor license modification approval. I asked everyone in attendance to be present when we meet with Leo Palmer and Dieter Menzel on Monday at 10:00 A.M in the Community Development Conference Room. Dan asked me to call and remind him on Monday morning. -2- I a FIL E COPY TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soutb Frontage Road Tail, Colorado 81657 10t -47 9-21 3 I | 47 9 -2 1 t 9 March 18, 1993 Department of Commanity D ea eloprnent Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer Development ComPanY 2735 lris Avenue, Suite A Boulder, CO 80304 Re: Pedestrian connection between the Vail Village Inn and the Vail Gateway Building Dear Leo: Mike and I want to thank both you and Joe Staufer for working together to create a solution for the pedestrian access between the Vail Gateway Building and the Vail Village lnn. We realize that both of you had important concerns that needed to be addressed. We were very happy to hear that you were able to work out the concerns and allow for access. As you know, our department has also been interested in providing safe pedestrian access between the two projects. Your combined efforts have definitely helped to solve this problem. Thank you again. We arc very pleased with both projects. The redevelopments of both of your sites have added immeasurably to the quality of our community. Sincerely, l) l 0"t {trhnh't Kristan Pritz Community Development Director ItuL Mike Mollica ht -t'L-. Assistant Director of Planning \o tf ,'fr;{ iL-. ??ztu g U1=/iJ pezya Uy'fl6F{ ?-Jl,tfitrJq, Iutrr uf Vall Cumrnunltv Dsvelooment Ptan Btld , Health Ftr6IV , I ./\onroved n VILI'"n nU'tlritqd,.-.l=I ,eD beq. Arctritect: Circle Wcst Architccts, P.C. P.O.Box4392 VailCO E1658 Tel.303-479{503 Fax3034764183 Circlc Wcat Archiects, P.C.c4nessly discleims any responsibility from any unathorizcd usc of those plans, drawings, aod not€s. Any author- ization must bc in writing, This drawing copy may have bean regoduccd at a size differ€nt tha! ciginally dra*n. Thc architect and owner ass- umo no rcsponsibility for uso of incorrcct scala Drawings are not o be sc.ld. Not publiEhed all dghrs rescrvcd. holec& Vail Garcwuy Doos lnt N, Block 5D Vail Village lst, Soutb Frontage Rood at Vail Road, Vail Colorado Shcet Nernc: Propoaed Plan & Elcvatiou Ihte: 12-tG93 Sheet Nurnber: A1-1 I t An.It'a lr +- All constnrction to follow thc Town of Vail Building \;j.i,rr;jttj..i D,rrrni+ Dcparment and Town of Vail Firc Depafiementrrquirc."s. :,i: li; ,S'"',j.; C. All construction !o follow l99l UJ.CJi:ir i..j:r:i? ir lliniiiS f i a tr,;jri, :t a'?ta\:?t 0f !,-,|?n:i ar:c,!,-i j,;;_..ti);, ! : ne jl iti [,e ffnrtl.uud io bg a i:;;"ilii 1or. oi an Auconstrucriontoboitrco'nptianc€;iffikfrt'tDdt{i'j?:ii:: ti nrty 0i tire pil'iii:3:r! 0f tiris: cgc' ventrEquirmen6ascstabrished;tb'*ffi. rffi'lill;',iliJt#i;fiiiliilll'jJ; ;il'_;T:il,ii.11anduniformFirecodc. nol-preient tne burrding oitiiiat tronr iner*it*'iuquiiing *,.corrccrion of errors in said plans, specilicationiind othe,All comtuction to bc in compliancc fibfiinklcr rtquircments as established by Townof Vail md UpifTm,Fir€ tuo. f LO-qq Notification of any changos o additional rcquironents to the saisring drawhgs ftom thc Toum of Vail Building and Fire Dcpartmonts to be in writing aod scnt out to thc own€r aDd architect pri6 to construction. Town of Vail B uilding and Fire Dcpartments to show in vdtten form approval of proposed doon to tho Vail Gateway Building at 12 South FroDtlge Rood. Town af Vaif -vzt cle*? 1ei/i?, qvA%. *lL HTOLIAZE-1o P1lft,i F*'ts1. FuEvXltqJ I I $ ril I t4rtlt'oil OFFIfrffi ffOPY f . It " l*I ;i. _'. 'i..; '\ /"'1O\. I "'.. '\.. #,\.,.-- !'\),..-..., i H I\.'\-4FEL''o'?''o'-.I '\'\..)...,,.. ,'-'.,.' p -ir \, \ i -a.r\ i:.. \ I L I o'-t.tt lt.-a't/ !r'-rr rr.. ;l I iie il,r;-l I I i l.:' bt .I ro :r! Arctitec't: Circlc West Architccts, P.C. P.O.Box4392 Vail, CO 8165E TcI.3034794503 Fax303-4764183 Circle West &chit€cts, P.C.exprcssly disclaims any responsibility frrom any unatborized use of theso plans, drawings, and notes. Any author- ization must bc in vriting, This drawing copy may have been rcproducod at a size different than originally drawn. The architect and owncl ass- ume no responsi bility for uso of incorect scsle. Drawings arc not o be scaled. Not published a|l rights rescrved. Proiect: Vail Gateway Doon l-ot N, Block 5D Vail Villagc I st, South Frontage Road at Vail Ro8d, Vail, Colorado Sheet Narne : Existing Plan DalEi tz-te93 Shcet Number: '.l\\/ )\,\ ! - \\xf- vl'\ !*Q \i.. '\>Jl '._ - t-- z-l-'\ _'\.-' . l.r' x ,' .O tr.' i l-\X**?.'^A)" )$.:;... sr..P6 iu]HoP a I l.rl____ tt'-l 3rt._ | I .t:'\"zi\,'ruQl*z[\ Y"t$"". : ,{op I i l.t -' '.r.'",,,X.. "i;\X €)''*2{t.,r ii| '\\.. .i'.. \/\t ,i /:\ '\.. | '\#{.. iiNJ ,,, 'sF' I Ht , 'i '.\\' ,"V' '/ l/\ ti,,'. il i----:;; WX.>Av^r,)\Je9,)', T-, i a.r'-Fl ol ;Iil /7g\ , ;ii i \-----l/ i i t\--l r I,t \ I !t | {,.r \1,4/ 1t, II I/ :\llrtt;yltrl| ./t :i ,..-o' ,/ l, ,'-r r,.l [ ^ [ ,'..,o,,.. a.o.?ttrGlt o 1-- I t_ a t o a' -r rl, ta. tt'.a lra' ,., ,(,, FX t:5T iiJq I aOt' e ;1.61 A1-2 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMEING FOUNDATION 12 VAIL ROAD NOTE - COPY OF REC'D APR PEBMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE L3, 1992 -zldtD?ZbVDOO PLANS ATTACHED DATE q;i'*t*i \r.fflP 00537I hn depertment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF P€RMIT TYPE OF PERMIT trnn B!n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL BNAME: VAIL GATEWAY GUARD RAIL NAME DAVE HANNAre- MAIL ADDRESS cfrY VAIL ex.479-0874 FIRM DESTGN SERVTCES PO BOX 2374 vArL 949-0217 PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrRm A.T. SMITIT CORP. 103_BTOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 845-7s32 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOI,I 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ll Il E tv RAIH M DtvtstoN I 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - INSTALL GUARD RAIL AT NORTHEAST r|A: z F BUILDING 4,000 ELECTRICAL PTUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES Uf, 1HR B&R 0 4 ,000 BUILOING PERMIT 85 I$:-N$Ty PLAN CHECK 55 ELECTRICAL NEW() AITERATION ADDITIONAL () REPAIR (PLUMBING OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO NO FEE REOUIRED CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT r00 ExrwALLsl JNoNE- |USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF HEAT SOLAB GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 240 DAN STANEK APR 15, 1992 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N INITIAL .r. crr I lx I ,ILDII{G OFFICIAL OATE I"IIKE MOLLICA APR L4, L992 INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES:r^r^,"o I I I hereby acknowledge thai I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review aDDroved, Uniform Buildinq Code and other ordinances of the T-etrrrasolicable thereto.review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances CLEAI.I UP TO: A.T. SMITH CORP. PO BOX 333 AVoN, Co 81620 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE.OWNER, 'lr'. it t i irl \oproved 0rnrod Vslidii.'/ ol Permit Se':.3Ll-; (ti19 U.ff C. I,i: j:,:,i"!aficg cr grar'l;;l! 01 ; }g;;1ii nr enot0val 0f Flans j.. ,. .. ,,;.iiiclis sh;!l :ttl iii.: c0!-'siiuid t0 bt a trtrrnil _10t. 0r ri,,..i .;v;! 0f, any viir.llicn 3l any ol lno p{ovisions of this .,: :: any other otdinanco 0t the iurisdicaiion. The issuanc€ ;orrection ot err*ro, igf g$ ntartSydW$ Pj.?,1r1, srolitlcations and Flre tr !,J Plrn q tr D Construction Drawings Septenber 17, 1993 Issue for pennit GatewavLobbv Remoddl LotN,BbcL5D VaitVillage lst" SouthFronuge Road atVailRoad Vail" Colorado Ornen Palner Development 2735 his Avenue Boulder,CO 80304 Tet. 303-449-0951 Athitect: CLcleWest Architects,P.C. P.O. Box4392 Vail, CO 81658 Tel. 303-479-0503 Fax 3034764183 Shuctural: KRM Consultants,Inc. P.O. Box4572 VaiLCO 81658 Tel303-!X9-9391 Fax303-949-1577 General Contractor: Campbell S"lg1d:-y'"Totvn of Vaif #:?'ffiHOECOPY ut. il oArF. 4-zZ-e/3 E|ot.tt*|'t to CCAIrrl Er.rttt l,trc)Eu.9&j 1' g3-a rr,l . All stair railings strall consist of 1/2" tempered glass with 1 1 /2 dia. polietrcd brass handrailing. AII stair handrailings strall confrErwith 91 U.B.C. Arcftiiect: Circlc West ArchiEcts. P.C. P.O. Box 4392 VaiLCO 81658 TeI.303-479{5O3 Fu3034764183 CirdcW€stArchiEctr, P.C.cxprcesly disctaime nqrrcposibility fim asy unathorizcd usc of thocc plans, &awilgr, ard Dote& Any authc- izatim must bo in vniting, Tbis drawing c:ogy nay havc becn rcproduced rt a cizc diffcrcnt than drawn, The architcc-t and owner ass- umc no rcsgnnsibility for urc ofitrcoEect scalo. Drawings arc not to bc rcalod. jB.r(r.r.r Oooa-ta B3aiaht. t u-& r^., rLr:r ! I f Not pnblished dl dghtr ' rtgcrrrcd. Shrcfrrnl: KRM Coo8ultsnts. Inc. P.O. Box 4J72 Vril, CO 81658 Tcl.303-9494!91 Frr-303-99-1577 horcct: Galcway t obby Rcmodel LotN, Block 5D Vail Village lsg Soth Frontagc Road at Vsil Road. VaiLColmado Shcct Nrnrc: Puticl FlooPlao Deb: 9-17-93 Issuc fc pcrmit ShcctNnnbcr: 1-1: !, F\oo3 cl- t r?C-1r ,r,alr Dl*. ?or,rt$€g bA4a5 r$lr0iraru All stair railings slull consist of 1/2" tempered glass with I 1/2" dia. polished brass handrailing. All stair handrailings shall conform with '9f U.B.C. Architect: Circle West Architects, P.C. P.O.Box4392 Vail, CO 81658 TeI.303479-0503 Fax303476-4183 Circlc West Archiects, P.C.cxprossly disclaims any rcsponsibility ft,om any unathorized use of thcso plans, drawings, qtrd notrs. Any author- ization must be in writing. This drawing copy may have been reproduced at a size different than originally drau,n. The architoct and owner ass- umc no responsibility for uso of incorrect scale. Drawings are not to be scalod. Not published aI rights rescrved. Shuctural: KRM C.onsultants, Inc. P.O. Bor 4572 Vail, CO 81658 Tel.303-9.9-9391 Fax.303-949-1577 ProJect: Gateway lobby Renodel Lot N, Block 5D Vail ViIIage lsl South kontage Road at Vail Road, Vail, Colorado Shect Nsrne: Stair Elevation Dler 9-r7-93 Issuc fcpermit Shect Nurnber: lF'--,-<-.a*-rrt\ fEarf gSgo ql^5r.i3J; I rti : '|- r) '..$-... :4 ,5 Ert}f r r{4 .^, .l I L(, To t€tnl.H. ; t_**--) IA T / wA"-'4r*t... _ f,rc:=--- r.4 E\.- lc2t-11lza,r. t. r.- 4 'I'l ..1 A. T /\-.r\rJol.rtr .rt-r'--*--- *--:--.- '.- -:-- Fr. . I ro r'. q| i. ---,4 tl I I I I I --- --! I Ii 1 ..... -,*. -.J t ._..- -, t- 31,r.t(, g6tol ft Rt,r 4tH. -tl grint 1l I I Il i tt. +. l. ) T*\,r# f{ i} F v,".: i-" A1-2 si t! f4 I s oofroaa 0€ t rOLl--1 rr. gt,rf'flh 6oiFr? . T / fr-66 1. -'-! Ar.chitect: Circle West Archiects, P.C. P.O. Box 439 Vail"CO 81658 Tel.303-479{503 Fax 303-4?6-4183 Circle West Archibcts, P.Ccrpressly disclains any tesponsibility fmm a[y unsthorized use of thcso plans, drawings, and lotes. Any autlor- ization must be in writing. This drawing copy may have beon rcproduccd at a siza diffcrent than originally drawn. The architect and owrcr ass- umc no responsibiliqr for uso of incorrect scale. Drawings are not to be scalcd. Not published all dghts rcscrvcd. Struchral: KRM Consultanc, Inc. P.O. Box 4572 Vail, CO 81658 Tel.303-949-9391 Fax.303-949-1577 Project: Gatc*ay lnbby Remodel Iot N, Block 5D Vail Village lst, South Frontagc Road at Vail Road, Vail, Colorado Sheet Nant: Stair Scction Drler 9-t793 Issuc for permit Shcct Nurnber: 'I q ::F -s- $ _.$ff a o trt(.LJlerlb 'Co ?ltr.rrl. .ri te+tat* qtar! Crrrf.t{r+!L To ?c.x.r*|. AII stair railings shall consist of 1/2" tempered glass with 1 | /2. dn. polished brass handrailing. All sair handra ilings shall conionn with ,91 u.B.c. +"+ aeg ,taoer. o314s2-4- ,\tD,l. frr.r !*6f Dlert t+rrr,Oerg 8@a gtrtf. ,t^ *aorrFvt^r^f{ to wt/l,a)A. Ei3*CO ,5^rr'ilf'/r.s$ Qttr"'". fi,ar*qeert .rus€r. ;i't c'd -rt : -ra l-Ti; a_t{5 J'Fu= I (:t:J:f+"',: /:,,7 Ar4|..l .li i lrrrdj i.,.,"i' r.'! I F3 ffi F'} f*) \.d!"i, []""1'.o *l il/ ,-1 T- \ii ii" -:', l.?. ' t a t f/uArrotarr. .'t t anaa./.4:*,/.'/ ..- .// -,rt r/._.HJ. -.f-F--, T.5. Aa L1 l{, ,rA// ./: --',,4 ,.1_ / 2- -/a - 'rc, r8rl,l EEEE ,/ \. DAT A1-3 rrl\ olF C+itfr..ri rtrtftt. c,t a t t, F; t, ; .l t Er. t togt-1Q J T I r. *r,arF.r Er-. t tr tt.lltratr All stair railinp shall consist of 1 /2" tempered glass wi*r 1 | lt' di^. polished brass handrailing. All stair hanlrailings shall mnform with 91 u.B.c. Fl.orrrgg Frc€- tAlrtoLr4\L 9ca u.l.G, or,i.o.v. e\rlr_otoa.c"ait{ir- \.r I 6 $'PPgry,#Vffi:""t \.#i'.i ilF \u' w"rl; 1-4: Architect: Cirelc Wcst ArchiEcc. P.C. P.O. Box 4392 Vait CO 81658 Tel.303-479-0503 Fax3034764183 Circlo Wcst Architccts. P.C.cxprccsly disclaims aay rosponsibility ftom any unathorized use of thcsc plans, drawings, rnd notcs. Any autbor- ization must be iu writing. This drawing mpy may have beea tpoduced at a size differe nt than originally draqn. Tbe archit€ct and owtrer ass- uno no rcsponsibility for usc of incorect scale. Drawings are not to be s$lcd. Not published all rights r€served. Sfunctural: KRM Consulfqnts. Inc; P.O. Box 4572 Vail" CO 81658 Tel.303-949-9391 Fax.303-949-1577 Ptojcct: Gaawoy l-obby Romodel L.ot N, Block 5D VaiI Village lst, South Frontage Road at Vail Road, Vail, Col'orado Shcet Nanrc: Stair Scction Dc&r 9-t7-93 Iceuc for pcrmit Shect Numbcr: ,aa:.,.. ,:: g A!. . to?r- rttttr ' ? ,LarrOr...r\, el. + l ot'-q" Architcct: Circlo Wost Archih4ts, P,C. P.O.Box4392 Vail,CO 81658 TeL3034?9-{Ii03 Fax 303-476-4183 CirrleWest Archibcts, P,C.cxporsly disclaims aq' rerponsibility tm any unatborizcd use of thcca plaor, drawings, aod notcs. Any authc- izatioa nust be in writing. Thie drawing copy may have bear repoduccd at a size differ€nt than originally drawn. The architect and owner asc- umc no responsibility for usc of inconect scala Drawings are not to bc scahd. Not published all rights rcscrvcd. Shuchml! KRM Consultatrb,Inc" P.O. Box 4572 VaiL CO 81658 Tcl.303-949-9391 Fax.301949-1577 P\!ojGct: Gateway Lobby Remodel LotN,Block5D Vail Village lsl South Fr@tagc Road at VaiI Road, VaiL Colorado Shcct Narnc: Stair Soction DlE!. yL74.3 ksue for permit Shcet Nurnber: qAIteO LlrrClltora^llt O3.r( rdral tz.. .l.F 'i. ',a o AfL.95{.Bre\. | | €vtad €u. tl4t-r,', A{F} P mffiV,-, -} Dlr./ /l€.1 J. A1-5 l. : * d I F o E I I c t u)*vw g eL ,fta! $€ '.= \i9\b ?9 i^t .o IE l-'l' I Arc.lrltect: Circle West Architects, P.C. P.O. Box 4392 Vail" CO E1658 TeI.303479{503 Fax !i034764183 Circle W€st Architects, P.Ccxprcssly disclains any rcsponsibility fron asy unathorizcd use of lheso plans, drawings, snd not€& Any author- ization nust be in writing. Tbis drawing copy may : have been reproduced at a sizg differ€nt than originely drawn. The arcNtect and owner ass- ume no responsibility for usc ofincorract scale. Drawings are not to be scaled. Not published all rights reserrrcd. Sbuctural: KRM Consultants, Inc. P.O. Bcx 4572 Vail. CO 81658 303-949-9391 303-949-r577 Lobby Renodel N, Block 5D Villagc lst, R,ontoge Road Vail Road, rul, Colorado Stsuctural FirstFloor Dne: 9-t7-93 Issuc for pcrmit Shcct Nurnher: sl-1 7 Flni*.d Fbor EL + 106' 7' t3l-8 " \$i{'ii{,/.i'l'{l% llzt ,l' :: 'w-r- '.'-\-s'r.l >;i3 i'l.$a^\'i\".,\N N\' 7 i-N rrrt\ t\ \N q AL lill\\I N fll R:ewove ,J}tD eZm,tre--2 Cove3e BELol,i BM, BRA, IF REOD TO INSTALL ERcr. e .(tewe ANy veer SIE7L tilTA4r\) PocllET EX9TG. t,lrffi AeouT tuLtD (rr xor AureEloiJAND. P€ovlDE NEh/ Bea, E - SE,x b" * ot_but/ ll-t/r" 4*4', H.A.s. -i- r-\- \ n Jr.r .-k.*| 1 ,f .".,'i; f r-i * |tr \., D i I t \1 ,r ff,: +" NEI^I- 0rl cllNc, f5AB oN ls Dpx 2L ct1. GT1-g.L foeu 6eii.e4NF, 9LAB N/ .*4s e anEr. NAY 't ucax:.b yt/ t/e'6, a" DouB.i,E - NU'TTED' A.B. lr" ctP E4/- (2) 4;'F r,,tt -i-'lz cAPEM -= (e) -t/2" d trieu -arr.rs tszr.=*3/,n EEYoNb Archiiect: Circle West Archib.rs, P.C. P.O. Box4392 Vail, CO 81658 Tcl.303-4794503 Fax303.4764183 Circlc West Archiects, P,Ccxpcsslydisclaims any rcsponsibility ftom any unathorizcd use of thcco plans, drawings, and trotes. Any author- izatbn must bc in writing. This drawing copy may have been reproduced at a size different than cnigindly drawn. The architect and owner ass- umc no responsibility for use of incorect scale. Drawings are not to be scaled, Not publicbcd all rights r€seaved. Strtrctrel: KRM Consultants, Iac. P.O. Box 4572 VaiL CO 81658 Tel.303-949-9391 Fax. 303-949-1577 hojcct: Gateway Lobby Remodel IrtN, Block 5D Veil Village ls! Soutb Frontagc Road at Vail Road, Vail Colorado McuLtbEXAT4, 3TEELCUT 3TUDA E.AN NEN BEAM (*jt* n- 6tub l.tAt_L,EASE ro de*e ilt I 4't 2 2Ll ? Et' To New eodi-era, t- EoL'rF- tE!6t1, T33r?*/ru E.xeT6, covc.{ Decp , curAe li-olcntEo 1l2tt eea LK b',r8". NtoxlZ BM (+'' rrroel 'Q1,a-r1; 6i^;;il ErP. ruc+t.e - -1 -ll.lstgg ONLy, NEt, A- A lo2'-l --J sl/e eAck AN FIIN \u'"/'b,Beer ilx +"rrb"' /e" 4x4" FxF, efgtc. cauc. sl-48 H/ /AN4H. P RffiV,N ffi O g- e,n'"1' O Arrchltect: Circle West Architccts. P.C. P.O.Bor4392 VaiLCO 81658 Tel,303-4794503 Fax303.476-4183 Circlc WcBt ArhiEct& P.Cexprcesly disclaimc any rcsponsibility ftom any unathoizcd uso of tbosa plans, drawings, and notes. Any authtr- ization must bc in writilg. Tbis drawing copry may havc bccn rrproduced at a sizc different than originaly drawn, The arcbitcct and owner ass- ume no rosponsibility for usc ofinconect scala Drawings are not to bc scaled, Not publishcd all rightr Consultants.Inc. P.O.4572 v co 81658 Tel.I r5'17 l.obby Rernodel . Block 5D lsq Soutb Frontagc Road at Vail Road, Vail. Colorado Ehcrf&ner Section / Elevation I)atu 9-17-93 Iesuo fonpormit Shecl Nnrnber: ffi-t 91uE- 6€YOE D ,NEl..l 0" LANDINq 9LAB EEYAND v--.1- -Trtt't Itl 1l o*€I , )1 DFI\^/ALL - 4, f!*ttsta'tw L--l',o3!o'/ l- --l -r--1 i - L-1 1 L-r 17: t- -- -t'-----' ll +# 9E!(et rirFpt'[#\rT: '%F^l!'toi'i=rn^'- .rige,aeOatrr- f,>t9 au q+'-crt O I -,.' "-!. \ r , _. t *,."| .*l . ,"' l't *; ,,q-: i..\\ T\ ,q 3 i i\s L ,".iv .eLiit$Y \\\\'N zl ALI ilrll\\ 1'c ,N /lllI ;:.. i,ilta 't+h: h,li,,,///, hf. ni) 1'4 , o ,rt'otlb {-i n& l-/qea sl-3 I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Ek pluMgm.rc n rouruoRrron *or= -1r", o, gg12 r2l3l92 PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE e\o\orzLaq6 0o \aaL -l g.r$6-\n-. pERMtT *^^lh :"*"$db'6 !. lmtlfiilllz dopartment of community dovolopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT WPE OF PERMIT Ei ffi fif BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL t'/ C\X \l FILING VAIL VTT .AGE I ST JoBNAME: LoBBEN srrrDro sALoN NAME ERIK..LOBBEN *, ^""*.J40 sTEcl CTTYDENVER P;133-9500 FIRM I{UTTON ARCHITECTS GENERAL 567 -9222 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 'ee - 3qb{ PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lV V 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - REMODET. HATR SAT.ON sPAf:Es 111 F, II? tl'atr'S&\fv... PERMIT No' -- '" z tr J BUILDING 25 .000 ELECTRICAT 4,000 PLUMBING 5 ,000 IN THE VAIL GATEWAY BUILDING MECHANICAL 3 .000 TOTAL:37,000 TYPE GROUP G-R.F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES II lHT B BUILOING PERMIT 399.00 ll4t33, $trrr \\) iED) N el -'f$.'I--TS \-rg PLAN CHECK 259 -OO ELECTRICAT 72 -00 NEW ALTERATION (7J AODITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING 75 .00/Pc=I9.00 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIBEPLACES MECHANICAL 60.00/Pc=1s .00 RECREATION FEE THICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD -O- (NOT REOUI CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 250.00Exr.wALLsl | |USE TAX FOOF TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES tt44.DD DAN STANEK I/8/93 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: Y N INITIAL sr cur | | I J|LD|NG OFF|C|AL DATE _.ll!r cuRNUrfE _r2/tLLJ92 _ _ )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appli( completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all agree to comply with the information and plot pla :ation, filled out in full the information requir the information provided as required is correc n, to comply with all Town ordinances and st gJeW rts zon i n-9. a n $qu bd i vi s i o n/co_d.es, des ed, :t. I ate ign ELF ,d ,*rrrcrroN's colrpLETED q' Tbe ltens below need to be conplete beforeglvlag a pernl.t a flnal G of O. Please cheek off ln the box provlded. FINAI. PLUIIBING DATE: tl n FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: DATE! tl M FINAT ELECTRICAL DAIE: Z- lO-q j r-l tAJ FrNAL BurLDrNc EAsr srpE: wEsr srpE! DATE: ) -fA-95 TEMPOR.ARY C OF O DATE: t1' | | CERTTFTCATE OF OCCUPAI{SY LITNDSCAPINC DUE DATE: . FILE NAI.IE: NOTE - COPY OF PEBMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE pLANS DATE rN oN JUNE 12, 1992 +\O\O8'Z(.at{ooD +4.w& 'F,;"h IN SLOTCONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION VAIL ROAD 00551 5 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRTOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT TI E} gg T BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOT N BLK-_.......-!D FILING -V*+I' YTI.I*.G.E iPT UOB NAME: TWISTED PINE OWNER NAME JAMES BESTERFELDT BOX 2825 MAIL ADDRESS BRECKENRIDGE 453-9588CITY PH, ARCH ITECT FlRM MAIL ADDRESS c|lY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnm HIIEH TIMBER CONST. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 431-B 453-1234 J',-l'#?Ai flRM BRYANT ELqCTRTC 150-E TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO 949-4r55 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. r, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM OIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TENANT FINISH IN TI{E VAIL GATEWAY A1; PERMTT No. z E J BUILDING 8,000 ELECTRICAL 1,000 PLUMBING PLAZA BUILDING.MECHANICAL TOTLA 9,000 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 11 1r R B-2 0 9,000 BUILDINC PERMIT 135 Atr l--+i;\eg\ \'.tste PLAN CHECK 88 E LE CT R ICAL 50 NEW( ) ALTERATION fl'll1 ADOITIONAL( ) REPAIR( )PLUMBING DWELL]NG UNIIS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - I'1€IGHT IN FT -- NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION I YPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEi,_o*-[---T-- l--DFSIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN UP DEPOSIT 100 PERMITS NEEDED:ADDITIONAL ST. CUT N IN ITIA L T. CUT l\' BLASTING X ARKING ,( DEMO X EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 373 CHUCK FELDMANN JUNE 15, 1992 UILDING OFFICIAL DATE MIKE MOLL]CA JUNE 15, 1992 )NING AOMINISTRAIOR DATE ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicalion, tilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that alfthe information provided as rgquired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town qfiinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Tojlq's zoning and sion codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and oth CLEAN UP To: -L,AN ES TUffiSlGI AND I F1E tE /oF c OWNEB, OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF II{AL IIISPECTIONIS COIPLSTED_ The lteus below ueed to be coorglete beforegiving a pernlt a flaal C of O. Please check off Lu the box provlded. FINAT PLIffBINC DATE: n T rINAL HECEANICAT DATE: IIfPROVEI{ENT SITRVEY RESID, NAt{Er FINAL ELECTRICAL TEMPORARYTC OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCI]PANCY LA}.{DSCAPIIG DIIE DATE: rrtE NA* s cwssl,tciloN PERMIT AttA[fiE depertment of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT LJ PLUMBING! rouruoRrroru q2 S FRONTAGE ROAD Dtrffi BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOr vtrr etrrfAf_+mrn__ FILING ffiFrREspR.NKL' OWNER IIUEPALMER DEVELOPIENT CO MATLADDRE'S Po Box 1497 crrY BOITLDER, CO 4*9-0951 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. i'-l'-'^Hli FIRM rowN oF vArL REG- fro. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR rrnru VALLEY WIDE P & Il rowN oFt//\tL REG. No. 103-P OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAI= BECi. NO TELE. t\.lJ I E DATE - \.,r\_rr r \,rr IN ON MAR rEntvtt | | \., 5, L992 E E r\Er | \rl! \, \-rE Ct| | E -FrrAA O Al, Itl\/fI-Eu )tot ovz@t ooa 0053 4'1 I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IR M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK ; - REPAIR FROZEN AND BROKAN PIPING StAnYl-tr P;nur no' "--- zI F J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING IN THE PARKING STRUCTURE, COMPRESSOR MECHANICAL 30,000 REPLACEMENT ALSO. SEEE ATTACBETPLANS TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II R.B-A 0 30,000 BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK EL€CTRICAL NEW() ALIERATIONX)Q( ADDITIONAL () REPAIR()PLUMBI NG DWELLING UNITS _. - ACCOI\4MOOATION UNITS -,HEIGHT IN FT - .. NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 600 / $lso 1t41335 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: rYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT USE TAX ADDITIONAL PEFMITS ST. CUT D:' Y N IN IT IAL T. CUT x BLASTING x ARKING x DEMO x TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 750 DAN STANEK MAR. 13, 92 UILDING OFFICIAL DATE _ No SLANNER- )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ONING & BUILDING NOTES: trEED FIRB DEPT. PLAI{S & APPROVAL. TIEIJ) II{SPECTIOI{S RXOUIRED ROT'GE AND FIML. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances ofjhe]og|n applicable thereto. AND THE OWN owNSIGNATURE " -r'T 'tt a -ft l:f'{ r t', Project Application Date 5. /r,q2 Proiect Name: Project Description: €+.4#*!*a.eep.{f,4-!heqc ,t -'t-\ A Owner. Address and Phone: Al-c l-*{.r.,t-- Architect. Address and Phone: lz-l' 1 , Cd Y0161 Legal Description: t-ot N , elo"x 5 -)r,tinsV,V)Z4e 1d Zone - ,/7 Com menls: LI-Jh J;J Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: Y'et btt O'uu-t'-- Po Toy too t , tJ a;l Staff Approval ';.i-i ,t rrvlrd ,lV$l Dnl rtDtrerTtor - Eorr o! val!, cotonrDo m MAY 04 lgg2 Dr\?E nP9LrCA[ION nrCei.rnn I DATE OT DRE MEETTHGI itt****tt*actf llprrlotItoH I'IS! roa t! rgctD8tDsltil& f,&rJ rlQsl{o**t*T*ffiJrof, tf tEnlfiBFtD FROJECT ITFORI|ATIONt A, DEECRIFTIONT tg+$d4i'F [xrr:'er+ T'rar .FFfrr,n,+r if#Lfgrr Fdr ldlt'\T^L ra . _ 8. TYPE OF' REVXEH: ,-Ncw Conetruetl,on (i200, O0) _ ,rddltlon (f 80.,00) Q. ADDRES$I D. IEGAL DEFCRIPrIONI I.OT ,,, '-{tnw Artesrtion Conceptuel, Revlew ($e0,00) ($0 ) subdlvleion. d4tl- ,r4r.r+4-e_ ..tcf_ . ., ]l^t"ltlltv ts.descrl-bsd.by o meeLs anql bounde regalctegcriptloh, plea6,e provlde on a separage sheet afrAattach to t hls appllcat"ion. E6HTNG: LOT AREA; trf requlredl stamped Eurvey ehowlrrg Etock F p.,. ,. rPpItCAnt FrHs! pseyide n current1ob erea. tt. F'. I. NA!'JE OF Ma i l lrrg NAI:E Of OWNERS: TST0NAIURI(Bl IMalllns AddreBs iF-3V TtUC*?q'L I'EE ttCH.liDu+"Ej VALUATlON $ 0-$ 10,000 II 10r o0r - $ g'0r 000 !/ $50,001 -$ 1501000 t15o,001 - $ 3001000 $500, oo1 - $1, 000, 000$ Over $1r 000,000 AFPLICANT, S REPRBSENTATtrVEJ ; lt' !( Condqrrnlrrlum Approval if appll-eab,le. DRE FEE: DRB feeg, sF thown abovq; Er€ to tre 1ral,d Atthe f,lme of subrrrltgal of DRB appltcatlorr. Lller,, wlrcrrrpFlying for a bulldlng pernrlu, pleese lderrtlfy eire accurBue valuatlon of the propoeal, Tlre towrr of VaiJ.wltt aOJust the fee accordlng Lo Lhe Lable belcwr Loenoure th6 cort'ect fee le pald.- EEE Erln; f,, ff FEEI 20.00s 50 .00 9100.00 $200,00 $eoo.00 f500.00 I DlEreH Rlvttrt{ BollRD Appaovt! DxElBBe gr|s wrR rrEEn trrrAr,AppRovt! ufitlge A ButtDilrG ttltfir tg tgbuEt rrp coxlSRUcTroN Iig[lE[ED. **tfo rrtarcinr3olt ilrr.L bE Enoergslp rrrBoutr 'nNrRr g srExrrunE I NAI.'E OF APPLICANT:Mal|lng Address: NAME OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT L) BLOCK sq) SUBDTVTSION l/u \<f srREEr ADDRESS: \7 U4y'ir {<} DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUlLD]NG MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fasci a Soffits Wlndows Window Trim Doors DOO ITT-m Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name for submittal to the Desiqn can be given: MATERIAL COLOR required approval TYPE OF K7€-4tP<- ( F,{ of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* rI((JFU)IiIJ I KT,I, J EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for conj-feroustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. . ... r' ..!r.F-{EF lr:5?4.q-, r-i+?!lli," - PLAIiT MArERrn: Botanical Name ao.rno,rQu*. Ouantity S;|ze,! , PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. Tvpe Sguare Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C- LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Pl-ease specify. lndicate heights of retainingwa1ls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of waIls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. o Falrnen Dgrreloprnenl Go, ECt Eox 14El7 . Erd,rld.n Gt| - gtlStl6 @o Mar 04 ps- got|/4{€Fr1 llay 4, 1.99e Itlhc liolllca llbvn of vail CouunLty Developnent 7$ S. Frontage RoadVal1, CO 81657 Dear Hike: Ar preeident of the Vall Gatewsy Condo Aeeociatlon, it is uith ny approval that R. Boy[€r constnnrtion inetalle tro nev exterLot cloorB, red-sood declclng, and Erclt'. exhaust dtuqb at the balcony dacks of unlts 3 & 7 at the Val1 Gatevay Plara eulldinE. If you bave anl queatione, pleaee call ne at the above nuuber. ELncerely, i Palner nevefodFnt Conpany Iso Palfttr CC: R. Eoyner 05.04. 92 02r29 FM F0? r I lJrEl,rl trrPFlr!9g rlrrr I Arctlitgct, Address and Phone: Commentsi Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL ffisIoffiI AVNTNE Town Planner ,tl Date: Fq- Approval teviaed 9/4/9L DRB APPI..ICATTON - TOITN OF \TAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COLORADO NE? MAR 3 fg92 rsrs epplrc*r;i;.;rTifu "" AccEprEDItNlrt ALL REQUIRED INFORMAIION IS SI'BI|ITTEDr********* PROJECT INFOR}4ATTON: A- DESCRIPTTON: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: f,ot Ajaq.l f:Block _f- D Subdivi sion t- L. If property is described bydescripti-on, please provideattach to this application. ZONTNG: a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legaI and NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Phnna NAME OF APPLTCANT' S REPRE ATIVE:Mailing Address: l2- LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a currentstamped survey showing 1ot area. 11.,, -l) r. NA},18 OF OWNERS: *STGNATURE (Sl: 4MaiJ-ing Address: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001_ - s 50,000$ 50,001_ - $ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 * DESIGN REVIE}I BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS * 'Lr FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 s200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 ONE YEAR AT'EER FINAI ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION IS l*rrr^"t J. t< Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe t.ime of submittal of DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a buiJ-ding permit, please identify tfieaccurate valuation of the proposal . The town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. STARIED. **NO APPLICATION TTTLIJ BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OIYNER'S SIGNATURE -v PRE-APPLICATION MEETING :II A pre-application meeting'with a member of the planningstaff is strongJ-y encouraged to determine if any aUditionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibilit.y to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal reguirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOT]CE,REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buitdingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. A11site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approvaL and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked i-n advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have thej-r items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has been republ i shed. D. The following items nay, at the discreLion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (:..e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the buj_lding,. and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must. includefetters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condomj-nium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property i-s located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal-1, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior t'o the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town PLannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For alI residential construction: Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural wal-l.s of thebuilding; andIndicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding wafls or supporting columns. If DRB approves t.he application wit.h conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a buildj-ng pernit d. f FILT COPYI offico of communlty development75 soulh front ge toad Yait, colorado 81657 (3Gt) 4792138 (303) 479'2139 February 13, '1992 Mr. ChaiKulvet Siamese Orchid, Ltd. 12 S. Frontage Fload Vail, CO 81657 Re: August 12, 1991 request for a condltlonal use permlt tor an outdoor dlnlng OeCf at the Slamese Orchid, Vail Gateway Plaza,12 South Frontage Road/Lot N, Block 5D, Vall Village Flrst Fillng' Dear Mr. Kulvet: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the August 12, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your conditional use permit request was approved' The attached copy of the minutis will serve as your record of the conditions of approval' please note that the approval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward comgjtibn, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within one year from approval (August 12, 199'l). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application muit Ue resubmitted lor reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Mollica at 303i479-2138. SinBprely, -)//tt,/, [lytc4Ltt .rrlteklt Amber Blecker Planning Assistant Enclosure FIL I COPY 7i -i-uh Frontage Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t-479-211 I / 479-2r 19 D epaftmcnt of Commxnity D eaclopment July 27, 1992 Mr. Peter Armstrong, Jr. Vice PresHent Real Estate Banking Group United Bank ol Denver 1700 Broadway Denver, CO 80274-0101 HE: Vall Gateway Plaza Bulldlng Dear Mr. Armstrong: Since our telephone conversation last week, certain improvernenb have been completed aL the Vail Oaternray Plaza Buildirg. At this time, Leo Palmer, onrner and developerof the Vail Gateway Ptaza auilding, has futtitted his obligations as outlined in the Developer lmpo.vement Agreemint with the Toirh of Vail. The Town of Vail hereby approves the release of all re-maining funds to Mr. Palmer for the competion of the improvements desc{ibed in th€ DevebSr tmprovement Agreement. This iinal releass of funds is based upon Paragraphs 6 and 9 6t the Developer lmlrovement Agreement, signed by allparties, and entered into on January 30, 1991. Thank you lor all your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, lYA ft#A Mike Mollica Assistant Director ol Planning cc: Leo Palmer Kristan Pdtz Greg Hall Mike Brake a I'IEMORANDUM MIKE HOLLICA MIKE BRAKE JULY 15, 1992 GATEUJAY PLAZA, S I DEY{ALK I I,IPROVEMENTS ALONG VA I L ROAD ON THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1992 TODD OPPENHEIMER AND I INSPECTED THE WORK COHPLETED, BY LEO PALMER, AT THE SIDEWALK IMPROVEI'IENT BY THE ENTRANCE TO THE DELI LOCATED SOUTH OF GATEWAY PLAZA. THE WORK CONSISTED OF FIXING THE INLET BOX, GATE VALVE FOR UIATER SERVICE, SETTLEI,IENT OF THE BRICK PAVERS AND PLACEHENT OF A NEU' IRRIGATION L INE ACROSS THE ENTRANCE TO THE DEL I .ALL OF THE WORK IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE TOWN EXCEPT A FEI' BRICK PAVERS ALONG THE CURB AND GUTTER WHICH HAD SETTLED AND HAD NOT BEEN FIXED. I MET Y{ITH TONY LAI'IB ON FRIDAY JULY 10, 1992 AND TOLD HIM THATBEFORE THE REHA IN I NG GATEY'AY PLAZA IMPROVEI'IENTS WOULD BE ACCEPTED, II/HICH INCLUDED THE IMPROVEMENTS FROM 1990, THAT THE BRICK PAVERS WOULD NEED TO BE FIXED AND AN ASPHALT OVERLAY WOULD BE NECESSARY ALONG THE ROADWAY AREA IMI4EDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE GATEWAY PLAZA. t HAD I.IENTIONED TO TONY THAT THE OVERLAY II'AS REQUESTED DUR ING THE T IME PER IOD OF THE GATEWAY PLAZA CONSTRUCTION AND THE POSITION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS HAD NOT CHANGED. I HAD ALSO MENTIONED THAT THE OVERLAY REQUEST HAD BEEN DOCUMENTED AND LEO PALMER HAD BEEN NOTIFIED. TO: FROl.l r DATE: RE: AS OF JULY HAVE BEEN COI'IPLETED 14, 1992 THE BRICK PAVERS THAT I{ERE INREPAIRED. THEREFORE THE ONLY REMAIIS THE ASP ROAD. NEED OF N ING WORK ADJACENT T REPA I R TO BE A \----..- Ez.a,,eJ *t = + ^o7aq ,l.z<. qL OT l{rll ,-i"-l ff o"_ ",,(/ ,& *-J.H. /"44 ean\<- # tr^*/ # ah-cf-c.i a.L deb,J + 24,>( -& .a&--1 & 4t-,^"*4^ { /za /,/.; f */ u^b/ RJ. @ t,%o,y\ a' TOWN OFVAIL TJ Soatb Frontage Road llail, Colorado 81657 t0t-479-2 I 3 I / 47 9 -2 t t9 D epartnent of Community Deoelopmcnt June 9, 1992 Peter F. C. Armstrong, Jr. Vice President Real Estate Banking Group United Bank of Denver 1700 Broadway Denver, CO 80274 Dear Mr. Armstrong: This is a request from the Town of Vail pursuant to your letter of January 30, 1991, regarding the Vail Gateway Plaza Building lor funds which have been set aside at the United Bank of Denver for the use or credit of Leo Palmer to fund the completion of improvements relating to the Gateway Plaza project located in Vail, Golorado. Leo Palmer has failed to complete the improvements set forth in a certain agreement dated January 30, 1991 , entitled, 'Developer lmprovement Agreement' and executed among Leo Palmer, the Town of Vail and the United Bank of Denver ("improvement agreement"). The Town hereby requests the amount of $4,930.00 for the completion of the improvements. The Town hereby certifies that the improvements for which the funds are being requested have not been completed. Attached to this letter is a copy of a letter which has been mailed to Leo Palmer, evidencing that Leo Palmer has been duly notified of the Town of Vail's intent to issue this written demand for funds pursuant to paragraph 6 of the lmprovement Agreement. Also aftached are appropriate labor and material invoices to support the requested amount. The Town requests that the funds be released as soon as is reasonably possible. Town Manager Attachment xc: Leo Palmer Mike Mollica, TOV &-n'v. Phiril; ot ? T0W\I 0F VAIL 75 Soatb Frontage Roail YaiI, Colorado 816J7 tot -479 -21 t 8 / FAX 301 -47 9 -2 1 6 6 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Department of Pablic WorkslTransportation I.IET.IORANDUI,I MIKE MOLL ICA I.I I KE BRAKE JUNE 10, t992 GATEWAY PLAZA SIDEWALK REPAIR, VAIL ROAD THE FOLLOW ING IS A COST EST IMATE FOR F IN ISH I NG THE WORK THAT OCCURRED ALONG VAIL ROAD DURING AND AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE GATEWAY PLAZA FROM FALL OF 1990 TO THE FALL OF 1991. I. REPAIR INLET LOCATED AT DRIVE ENTRY ACROSS FROM HOLIDAY HOUSE. REPAIRS CONSIST OF REPLACING BACK WALL OF INLET DISTURBED DUR ING THE INSTALLAT ION OF STORM SEWER P IPE. COST INCLUDES EXCAVATION AND RE-COMPACTION. $500.00 2. REMOVE PAVERS AT END OF WALK, ADJUST WATER VALVE, REGRADE AND RE-COMPACT SUBGRADE AND REPLACE PAVERS. $918 . 00 3. 1 I/2" ASPHALT OVERLAY ON ROADU'AY IMI'IEDIATELY ADJACENT TO AND WEST OF GATEWAY PLAZA BUILDING. LENGTH OF 160' X 20' IltDE. $2080.00 4. REPAIR IRRIGATTON LINE'AT MANHOLE LOCATED AT END OF IYALK AND REPLACE SLEEVE ACROSS DRIVEY{AY. $ 1432 . 00 TOTAL $4930. 00 75 Sosth Frontage Road Vcil, Colortdo 816J7 t0 t -479 -2 l t 8 / FAX t0 3 -47 9 -2 t 6 6 D c! artm ent of Pfi I i c l;llorks lTran s p orttt ion June 8, L992 Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer DeveloPment ComPanY 2735 Iris Avenue, Suite A Boulder, CO 80304 RE: Vail- Gateway Plaza Building Landscaping Dear Mr. Palmer: on June 4t L992 I received approval from ROn Phillips to provide an irrigation water source to -the planting ug9 ol- the north side of ift. i.t.ray Plaza Building. The Town ofVail will provide one 3/4" hlgh pressire polyethylene pipe to the west end of the bed' A gate .r"i.re witl be-initatfea at the end of the pipe. Your irrigatlon contractor can connect to the valve to oPerate your system' The Town of Vail will provide a source of water at the gale valve during the growing seisott and will perforrn winterization of the systefr. AII instailatior,, maintenance and repair of the sprinkler slstem downstream of the gate valve, as well as the installation aid maintenance of a]l ptant material, will be the responsibility of the Gateway DeveloPment. Please feel free to contact me telephone number is 4'79-2L6I . Sincerely, if you have anY questions. MY i &e.^,t oppl"l',n"i*.t W, Todd Park Super intendent / LandscaPe Architect TO/dsr cc: !!ike MoIlica 75 South Frontogc Roai Vail, Colorado 81657 t03 -4? 9 -2 t t 8 / FAX 3 0t -47 9 -2 1 66 Dcputment of Public Worhs/Trantportation June 3, 1.992 Mr. Tony LambVail Gateway 12 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Tony: This letter is to document the discussion we.had on June 1, 1992regarding the irrigation system repair on Vail Road south of theGateway. As you may reca1l the irrigation systen was damaged when the brick paver sidewalk was installed. Followlng is thework reguired to repair the system and get it functioning again: 1. Expose and repair broken 1' pvc pipe outside of manhole. 2. Install new 4" cLass 160 pvc sleeve from existing manhole to beyond south edge of driveway. Approximately 40, of sleeveis required. Depth of bury should be 18". The manhoLe will have to be penetrated and patched for the sleeve. The asphalt drive will have to be cut and patched also. 3. Run approximately 50' of class 200 pvc mainline through new sleeve and reconnect on both ends. Fittings should be schedule 40 pvc, glued per manufacturers recommendations. 4. Repair landscaped and paved areas as required. Please call me if you have any guestions or need help locatingthe existing system. I wj.II need to inspect all work before itis covered up. Sincerely, . -^ll..' I t \Wzf dfy"-.-/,, -s- rr4-(-,.\-, rl Todd Oppenheimer Park Superintendent TOldsr cc: Greg HaIl Mike MolIica 7J Soatb Froatage Road Vcil,.Coloroilo 81657 t 0r -47 9 -2 r t 8/ FAX tql -47 I -2 I 66 D e p trtm en t of P ah lic Worh s /Tr ans p ortat ion l(ay 21 , 1992 Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer Development CompanyI /J5 Ir]-S Avenue Suite A Boulder, CO 80304 Dear Mr. Palmer: The Pub1ic works Department inspected the corrective work performed l,rlay 22, 7992 on the walk south of the Gateway Building. The work was being completed in an unsatisfactory rnethod. The inlet will need to be repaired before the walkway can be repaired. In addition, the Town attempted this spring to turn on theirrigation system beginning at the manhole in the wa1k. Thisirrigation system was damaged when the walk was installed last fa11. Prior to beginning any correctj-ve work on these items, the Pub1ic Works Department should be notified. "ffi,,'r,4rA Town Engineer GHldsr cc: Todd Oppenhej-mer Mike Mollica III'1 "4 ; uv\d1* uuL a ;""*-*-a {"t)'/ --W) @ 6^ L,tH*" -r=- / A --t--\ d-x.t4 l-,/-"t.<-/L- (-\ I I L, r I ,U,i ,,^ 7;-- \ ,) f -?1 ,+ ,)t 7f Soath Fronttge Road Vtil,.Colorado 81657 t0t-47 9 -2 r t I / FAX j0t -47 9 -21 66 Dcpartmcnt of Pablic llorks/Transportation May 21 , 1-992 Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer Development Conpany 2?35 Iris Avenue Suite ABoulder, CO 80304 Dear Mr. Pal-mer: The Public Works Department j-nspecled the corrective work performed Nlay 22, 1992 on the walk south of the Gateway Building. The work was being completed in an unsatisfactory method. The inlet will need to be repaired before the walkway can be repaired. In addition, the Town attempted this spring to turn on theirrigation system beginning at the manhole in the wa1k. Thisirrigation system was damaged hrhen the walk was insLalled lastfall-. Prior to beginning any corrective work on these items, the Publlc Works Department should be not.ified. "ffi;',lu Torvn Engineer GH/dsr cc: Todd Oppenheimer Mike Mollica ,r/ ? ? FfLT f-rn n v TUTN OFIAIL 75 Soath Frontage Roatl Tail, Colorado 81657 t0t-479-2t t I / 47 9 -21 t9 D epartrnent of Commanity Deuelopment lvlay 7, 1992 Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer Development Company 2735 lris Avenue, Suite A Boulder, CO 80304 FIE: Vall Gateway pla-a Bultdlng Dear Leo: It was good to see you yesterday at the Design Review Board meeting. For the record, theT9lvn's Design Review Board unanimousty aiprwed your requesr to t-o.at" an evergreen feeat the southeast comer of the.4'way stop. riris approvat is io'ione'ii"e-i.rgr""n tree onty,wih a.height range of approximately 25 - 35 feet.' The location of the evergreen woutd be inthe existing triangurar shaped pranter, rocated on tte Gateray property, immediaterynorthwest of the existing stairs in front of the buitding. rne ohb "iro ibir"o rhat theevergreen could be limbed up to a maximum height of 9 feet above grile. rn" Town Councilwill review the DRB decision on Tuesday, May ii, r992, at their woii< seision. wih regard to the existing Developer lmprovement Agreement that you have with the Town ofyll-l-1":ldJjke to. emphasize thai tfre retter of credit for the cash escrow now totarss/,e/o.00. I is fre foynt intention atthistimetonotextendtnistto.o'|l,t"therequired improvements at least 3 weeks prior to the expiration of thtleier of credil. As you statedyesterday at the DRB meeting, it is your inteniion to immediatety uegin-;;air work to thepaver sidewatk, per Mike f Sie'g tetter to you dated December 26, iget , jo"ared to the southof he G.ateway property. You also statedihat iais your intention to instail the irrigationsystem in the planter north- of the Gateway building nexl week. Again, ,"e ,equest that younot delay the installation oJ th€ irrigation system, as we are very concerned with the healh ofthe plant material located in that pianter. ' - -- --'' I Mr, Leo Palmer j May 7, 1992 P4e2 Sincerely, fuJl. Mike Mollica lhave attached a letter datect Juty 10, 1gg1, from the Town of vairconfirming your agreementto inigate and maintain this ptant6r toiaeo norttr or the Gateway Fda'6uiioing. lf yan should have any gu!-s!o-n9- 9r "ommenb regarding any of he above, ptease do nothesitab to contact me at 47$213g. /t,.lz Assistant Director of planning Attachment Ron Phillips, TOV Kristan Pritz, TOV Todd Oppenheimer, TOV Greg Hall, TOV Mike Brake, TOV rtII I TttE-coPY 75 routh trontrg. rord vrll, colortdo 81657 (30,it) 47$2138 (303) r7S213s January 15, 1992 Mr. Peter Armstrong, Jr. Vice President Real Estate Banking Group Uniled Bank of Denver 1700 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80274-01 01 oltice of community developmenl RE: Vall Gateway Plaza Bulldlng Dear Mr. Armstrong: At the request ol Leo Palmer, owner and developer of the Vail Gateway Plaza Buitding, I am writing to you to certify the completion of certain improvements and to authorize the release of certain funds, as outlined in the Developer lmprovement Agreement with the Town of Vail. Said improvements are as follows: 1.Item D, as outlined in the Developer lmprovement Agreement, reads as follows: 'Removal of temporary sidewalk to Vail Village lnn access." At this time, the Town approves the release of lhe full $750.00 which was allocated for this specific item. Item E, as described in the Developer lmprovement Agreement, reads as follows:. "Sidewalk to Vail Viltage Inn access driveway." Of the $15,000.00 collateral for this specitic improvement, the Town of Vail at this time, authorizes the partial release of monies in the sum of $11,775.00. Item F, as described in the Developer lmprovement Agreement, reads as follows: "Removal of asphalt patch along curb and gutter along Vail Road." At this time, the Town approves the release of the full $750.00 which was specifically allocated for this item. Item G, which reads as follows: "Replacement of asphalt patch along curb and gutter along Vail Road.' At this time the Town approves the partial release of monies in the sum of $750.00. 3. 4. 1l 'c' )I Mr. Petor Armstrong, Jr. January 15, 1992 Page 2 5. ltem H, as described in the Developer lmprovement Agreement, reads as follows: 'Restriping ol Vail Road.' At this time, the Town approves the release of the full $1,000.00 specifically allocated for this improvement. In summary, the Town of Vail hereby approves the totalrelease of $15,025.00 to Mr. Palmer lor the completion of the above described improvements. This request is based upon paragraph 6 and 9 of the Developer lmprovement Agreement, signed by all parties, and entersd into on January 30, 1991. Wlth the release of the funds as descrlbed above, the balance of the cash escrow should now total $7,975.00. lf you should have any questions or comments regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, Ll t /n/ ta./'I-rh r'(v-o'r-t* Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning \lrdcc: Leo Palmer Kristan Pritz Greg Hall Mike Brake 0 I t> { ,m odllllll'// ;r tffil* ry rHdJ\ I\t#Lk, F:;: -" 'o/.'1L*"'-:- f.iii;. -at"----<--z z.':tt-':"tr' !. 't !Jsi'. ../-z - : #YBRAULTc _!1!!_!lr i SIGN N,|'RECf {/tr L fi-il ir;-!r .$ Fr g,4l f?;fff ')(1Ll (.j FEB 2 CTION €t- sr 1. r- ;1(J 0 1. -.7 7at {;i{)-11 7h1-773-:t (::().j l .1? 1-_:..r51 NDN-COML1UST I FLE '10 (}.rt9!L INC. Flr' Ll t? ll(:r I l-l"/ IN E NAFIE VA 1 L. frATt_WAy Irt-A;1 A LOCATION BUILDING New CONTRACTOR HarJ t--rr13 t:.r.ote,rctr orrCALCULATED By J. A. r,lc[]onnel IEONSTRUCTION X COI,IL]US]-IELEOCCUPANCY Far t,. i nrj rtarage DATE 12 Jul 9O VaiI. Col orado sYsTEn + I trONTR. S DRW6. {f I thrur Z a4 7CLG. HEIGHT Varles Rernote Area "F,Gl,, X NFPA 13 LT. HAZ- t[iFFA 231D NFPA 23iCNFPA 13D OTHER -SPECIFIC RULIN6 l' or{D_ HAZ. 6P- X IFigure :-.i. 1. I EX. HAZ. GP. 7 2Curve ORD. - 6F. I DATE 23 {b) hADE EY AREA OF SFRK. OPERA jON DENSITY: AREA PER SFTil i NI(LEII HOSE ALLOWANCE . -I N -HOSE ALLOT^,ANCE - UUT_ I,,IET X I)fiY SPIi INKLERl'lAl{f: Ceri L r..l IsI zE 1/:" TEHFERATUNE RATIN6 DELUGE PRE-ACTIONor NOZZLE I,IOT'EL SSU K_FACTOR 5.6 163 degree 1,'i:-,r.r - ) t) 1|6.lt l.:'l, rl il rl . F-l - Sq- l-t. f:F f1 trPh CALCULAT ION SUHHARY 6Pm REA' D- 4.i1, - :.rt;'.C. FACTOTT USED PSI REO'D- 9t . u7OVERHEAD 1(J{-) AT FASE OF FISER Node UNDERGROUND 14t) UJ A T E R S U P P Y hIATER FLOW TEST DATE & TIHE sTA]'IC RESIDUAL FLOWING ELEVATION FUHP DATA NATED CAFACITY ELEVAT I ON TANK CAPACITY 6ALS ELEVATION IAtELL PROOF FLOr,,t 6Pf.t i (-it-l 9(., .:r)(-r(_, P:; J .--)l GF-11 FSI 6Ph LOCATION - /lt prlr,r r_,i: ;SOURCE OF INFORHATiON s' j te. Varl Frre l)r:,.1rt. tfus .'ITRAC.T N0. -;A E: , VAl Ar€ wAY ADORESS:CoLoR AD [ 8Y 1o,o N'.''., UHAPI1 SHEET IIO._OF : SYSTEI'I N0. o'JE 0ATE; 12 \,uL 90 RsnQrE AREA'pql'PAR.xrr..tq o 6ARA(E- a l- I ri! i ll It' It. t. t. I I ,li;l. .i'..lli,i,l.lt 'il,.ili't; l';, ' l.t.f r :-'l';'Ql rr'-"1 ':',...1 .r '. . l.r|',: l.t: | .Ii ...t .<:lrl. .t- It: jt. I t_ I , 1" I Ili 5l Fj I r-lo'1 colc..rl .: 'ii ;; crrl Ioln i 1", '.ll.il i-1,t:i.':i1i: Il.:i l.::r a'--)' {. tr l !,,f,r \r))- !1 ul -.,oa Oft,t .1]] FnrNrfo t\ U S A ,.rr 9r ol tr|l I qt lrJJZIa o-l3ol Ig FJ I 9 l-4t-o Ho & oo IREOUI $JI-IFI'IIT TAL. VAIL CATEW/\Y FL-AZA - V;ri l. DENSIIY: . 16l t95tl Sq.F{:. -lFarl':irrg Ievel - EL 94'-6,, ^!H;:(:J F'IRE FiiOTEC'I-ION. INC.: l.(:t:i tlest Amlrer._t Avenne . Enq J. ewoocj. Ct:lcrrado eOl lu(:.':)f,) 7ht-7'7iiyrVAIL 6ATEI{AY F.LAZ.A Vai l. . Col orado CONT'RACT S Frepared by J. A. Mclcrnne1 I (f,Ot:) 4,-il_IiS1***t* **tt ** * ** * * rt* * X x X* * * )fi * * ** * * ***ORDINARY HAZARD Occrrpanry - Group I _DENSITY; -16 ic]r 1.5(ili + =,t:tz fcrr DFiy systemwith 25(r 6F.lrl {sr ontside hose streams. FLOW TEST FF,SULTS STATIC. RESIDUAL. AT :.J(:u-l.r) Crfrfl FRESSUI\.E AVAILAFLE A.t- 68.5.: 6Ft"l (:fi[atTErj, r:i /_ 1 :.]-- 1gc/cr i I :. Colo. - Renr:te Area ..F.Gl,, /2" 165 rJeg 55U SF[ih. - t:=5.6 r-)tj:1.7 F.AGE 1 = 1!95U Sq.Ft. loo.00 PsI 9r:). r)r) FSI 99-f,S Fsr Sl-JMl"lARY Otr SFI1 I t.,tri.LER Or_t.t:t=L f-thJs ::1 1r_)l IlJ L 1(1f, 1{:}4 1r-rg 1r:16 107 1(rB 1(]9 110 111 112 1 1:. 114 115 116 rt7 1lB :14. 71 "1. BtJ :::. ftB 19. 1€r 16.90 21- 14 17 .49 15. 4l 14. a: 2?.95 16. ?6 ?1.8(l f 1 . .:*.4 ll.7tt r 6- Fli I t; . -/ t--t Lt-r. -/i 1-'i- 4? I7 -9'.^:. 1/-9:;: L 5i- l.{r 17. 9:j i(:r. J 6 ?r-r- 1{.' 2t-t. L dr ?r-t. I. {l 77.q1 17 .9; 19-:(j 17 - Vi.- L7.9? 1 9. :(l 17- 9:._' 17. .t-l 5.6(-l :;- 6(-) 5. {r( ! :i.6r-) 5- 6{_) 5.6r:) 5.60 5.6r-) 5.611 5.6(j 5.6!:' 5- 6r) l-r.,5Lr I r. trt-l ii. Ar_r :J.6() ir. /rr-l 5. 6(l Frh:F--SSUh-'E AC il._tAt Fj l_ c)t.J tlINIIIUtl FLUr{I.:-I ACTOR :/.u4 !a-r. I '.'/ |l/-t . 7 9 :i l. - (..]: ?1.. 4 l :1.. gt:J ?7.clL 2r5. tlf, :'f qo :16 . J :'l.'r:; - !t 7 1.t. jrJ '-14 . Bti L L-1 . -:..j l-.: . rt 4 IREOtItr SUFT1I TTAI-r r r\r.rrrrrf b|-rrlr'l l | | F - chEArELr t:f/ - j.2- lgg(j :1: o(J;32VAIL eAI€tdAY FLAZA - Vail. Coio. - Rernote Areia.,F.Gt., FA6E 2- Rernote Area "f'Gl"DENSITY:.1r5./t.95ri Sq.F{;- -t/?" t6S deg SSt.t :.lt-"tiri - t =-5.6 4:16- i9 fJt-_pl i3t'. (JO 6F,t1 686.:9 Grrtl 9:.:J5 FSI ,F'RESSURE UNBALANCE IN Loof]S {:I.:49 FsI:ItELUCITY ltl FIFES AO. t.7 FFS lf' " t t'fIREOUf"SIJFIPIITTAL Cf::[-n]t:D r:r7_J:_19?(:r ?t:c-rt-r:33vAIL CrirEHAy F,LAZA _ Vai I|. c"i.;:-,_l r{*rot,= Ar-e3 ,,p.ur.,DENS1l-Y: " t6119i(:) sq.Fr;.-1li; -ii.,: o"e :isu :iFRt,: _ li=5.6Farl':inq ls:vel - EL q4, _tr,. PAGE 3 FFOI1 TO FjL0tll 6Ft'l E0r.Jl.v F'1F.E LfiAI,/F1 fr'-L0SS P5I /F1 DIAIl I I'.I tJ - t)t1 t1- t tt, U {l - (-rO B- O{l 1O. OO O. 4S7Cl {r. Q{t J.t-!- t1O 4- OO l. (:r911 4- OO.. S-rlo PRESSURE SUNMAFY PSI FT 1r1.79 (1171 F'E (,. O0 FF tt-97 PT 11.76 (114) FE o. Or-lIrF 4.37 FT 16.53 (111) FE O.of-l FF 8.72, FT ?5.Q6 ( 16) 114 tr7 fJ 1A. f,g J.9. itt 37.59 22.5S 60.1S 1 . 1r:tl.t'i FI.J4 I - 1(-,:;9 til.J4 I . I (-t-:.9 BNf, L F: ="O fl C1OO T L F=ri F clQ(:r T I F=T F clc)c, T o '1 t sDo tJ 109 1J:DO 0 14 1(:r9DO rl 32. Cr4 22.97 45. O1 !6. 1 !r / I. IJ ?7.91 99. od, I " 1(:r.:g FN4 1. 10tr9 llhiq 1 . 4:i:.(:) Lrl''l4 I . 68.7(.1 El'j-: 1 , I i:!i:.(i BN4 i . 45i:it-t Ft.r4 I.{'rll7ri Ft l.:. L F=O F C 1Or) T L F=rl F Cl.rlt_r 't- t_ fj::ti F C1(-t(j l' l_. F=J F Cl{:!(J I' L F ;*r-, t Clt:!'J T l-::( I t:' i ,i,i r- -- | I I (Jr') 113 116 fJ 1 1(, 1 I f,Du TJ 15 1t oDU 0 19.7(:r ( 116) o. r:!(:' 7.7[J ?1-4t:t (l1i-.) O. r_i(:l 1.68 ::-(:!B (11{:)) {. rl() :.4tr i5.5t ( 1._i) 15.41 (trlu) rJ. ()(j 1 <i'l 1/,. ./: ( 1(:)5 ) (:) - r_)(_, :-i- 1r:| 24. 86 ?5. E}7 5(-t.7:t :16. Bl 77.36 t,.. F' T L f-- T B. Q(-! (1. 1 7t11 pT lA. 49 ( 1 1 8 ){- ur:r FE rl_ O{:} a_ oo FF 1. f,6 ts. r-r0 r:r.6375 f:'T. 16- €g ( 115) {:i- {:rC, FE lJ. Ot:, 8- (-ltJ FF g.1O g-t-,t-' e.l9 17 F.t- 11.9i (11i) (.!- (-)tj F.E rJ- r_r(l Ll . (:x:' FF -:., 1 :. 4 - r..i(-i f - l.4rjlr:, F.l i5- r-r8 (,.rlg) "/ .lt[ FE ri. Qo 1 L - (:t{, pF f,, Bf, F.T t8.91 ( l4) ':|- {_i.:r r-, _ (Jt:! 8 - r:,tj {l . (-rr:t l.i . ! ! (-! li - {-rO 4 - r-, t-,' 7 - tJ t-r 1 J . {_}(,r Q.:I25 FT r't_ t-i - lt,lcP 4. P1 F.E FF t-i-:l-'1f, Fl- f_F, F.F F.T' 1C|5 1(JB o 1(:,:1r:'SD0 0 1 . 1o:,; FI{: 1 . J. ti-t ''; flN i- 9. {:r(:r r:r- l,j}?J t:) " t_t (_! 9- {-!( } fJ_ii{_r (:,-6li,,r:; r ). r:)r-l t:l . {_!t-t t1.9A L t-=11 i- c I o(--' I FT FF: F.T r'r: Irtr i:. o-: 4:r . (:) 1 t_ F- =..r l- [:1 (-]tl I /F Ir{ECluT, sut'HI T I J\L ,/ v{lt- r,rATtj-HAy FLATA - r.,, j I OEttStf V: . lit./ t9g(:, Sq- Ft- -. IFart:ing I evel - Et_ q4'-tr., -j . FLtlbJ I) I r:ifl GFT,I I N lr)ADn '!h. Lj 1. 4i.:ii.) l_rNr. CI:iIATF_D c-r7- I "-.t 99(j : 1 : 0(:]: S, I. {,lt-:r} r:- -- IitrlnlL.|tg -ree ,,[:i[i1,, ,/'.r" l.{:rli deg S$LJ SttF:I.: - l:.=5.6 '' iTrJuIv F*t_.ugs rJ I F.E F.sI ,/F I' Ll:t'J,/F'l FA6E 4 PFiESSIjRE 5UT4HAftY FSI 4 - ,-rjl r). =9?2 FT :: . O:; ( 1 O: )5.ell FH (j.(Jo ?. r-r0 FF :. 53 FT f5-56 ( 15) :5i- 73 1 6 t r.],-iilro :i6. 7? {i 5::.3t 16DD &(i. ltls 11?. 7r lEDO 148.'75o :61.4d I 4txt I 74. B::O . 4.1{r. .'il? 1f, I . l r')trfl 10::e 45i:r.l t!}..t I 1 . I t-r:.'? ['f.l"i I - r:i::;:,r., I]ht 1 ':. 6:4,? Fm6 i. rr.:.4.,) FJ.I6 :; - -!'_'j{l $ lrlll r F=T F ClOrr T t_ F:=O F' Clr1r:r't L F=t-t F C l rJrl 'l F;,T' C 1 r,'(:' L F:-=:l'i fr {:lr}ri l' [ -:T l*1(v:t [: -u t; 1{j(-t F =tli clrJO t l:: - =f. l; [j 1rtr.r I t_ F I I t.: '1. t... I:: T t_ f. t- t.- F I t. t: I 9-.J0 a, tJ$ 9. Cx) -8. +0 r_l- t-rrl a. $o FT FE FI: TJ'T FF- FF F.T' 4 . (:!lJ O- 44(:I:r 5. OO .l . QrJ tt - r:r':! 0_ ?i6fl F.t" I-! . {-'!(:i trl: r:- r-)(.r F[: q - (..ru o- :i?:4 t:.1' :r - O(:l P[. !i - {_!(:t F,[; I I i. r-r(_, (_r.05o4 FT (.!- '.:rO F.t-. j ai_ {,!(_l F.F l. 4 . (,ir-, e. ? j.flg FlT .:r- r-ir-r F[_ 1.4 - (-i(-r F.f:r {''"1- aio Cr":1Fl.j F.T 4 - r'rri $:it: {,6 - {-fi:r Fl- o. l9r:r4 F1- 17.49 ( 1r--)7) . f:'E r:, - (-xJ PF: I.7I 19-2(t (104) u. {:r(l 5- 73 :4.9._1. (101) t!- uu i- 9{r :8-tl9 ( 14) :1- 14. (tr:rr') il - {:r{J r-at r'4-?6 ( 16) {-r - (-r(j (-t.50 :15.46 ( 1:i) {i- oi ,_::- f.4 :ril- B() ( 14 ) (-r _ (:x) l4- 4i :_r:-i- !r'5 ( I (:)::) (-i. {j(-l i:- r-r 1 14 13 I'r It FrT 4:.!1: ( LI) f'l:.- (j. r:) (_! .FiF -14 - .t:, F'T 5ig1- 17 , t.:)f'E. i-r - r1:r F'I: I 7. ::. r: it 4l.ar . :9 l:-.:i- f-11/l | :l (_t rJ ?-z*t';4l;6- ?9 l::T t: i (:|{-iF T1.I 8-a{,19 f ,4 u ? ( - {'ll-t {i[:! - 4 '^: 70-v5 ', a t{i l0,oo,,€l-irt lf .,.," .1-;i1€5 r.i-:llF-l:i ,l/a)c I | ,,,. 1 I L, l,x:r "l :'ttl=' I-'T 7'i;-S-iO ( tt) I'L-- r-r - r_trJ l-.1: 4 - l5 :l'i',on 4'B 4.:.{.,. :t.i I t1.: 3f, :lfFoll_tuFMrlTAL CREATED (j7_-1.f_1eg(-r il: (:rt:,.c,VAIL CATEhtAv FLAZA - Vai1.. Coi;:'_ Renr:te Aroa ,,F.f:I,, DEN$1Tf :.16/1?5',r Sq.f:.t. _t/?. iaS O"g S:jU SFr{},, _ l,:.=5."Farl':ing level - EL g4'-6,, FAGE 5 I}IAH IN '*rtrjt36{'@8 L F=41 /t} F FR? Clr_ro T 4. 155(l F=rjuN: c140 6.:iLirl F_'t /?Gvur.Jt. c140 F*t-oEis r'5I./FT (..t- (J5tjr4 o. 0558 0.04?4 .J:{t4?4 (:r.e4:4 F,T 9r1.69 ( PE a-r. (:x_r FiF I.-/E (_! - (-t.:.6!) FRESSI.JRE SUHT,IARY FST 79.65 ( 9) f,- o_'". : .,lil -- +-l 1r 85.ts9 ( 6) O. (:lcl 5.98 91.87 ( 5) -5. 14 : tI33 =o.77 r '' s9.50 { 4) -r. t]r-t 1. 19 ESUIV FrqE LENlFT F.T FE F,F FT' FE FF FT FE FF FT FE rr F.T I:'F- Fr: FT F'E F.F PT L. F I L F T 7- tlcl 47. (r(:l 54- |Ju 5.17 102.or'J tQ7. l7 7 -23 11,00 18.25 17- Oo 1 1- O(:r 2El- i1t] P+ 4". OO t:r. Q0 41. {-r(:l I 8. t-tt-t (J- {)r:} 18. Q{-l 1 0. u(:) 5:r. (-rt1 65. tr[t rJ. O{:}31 =) I 0 4=6-?..) AT {r8/r. l-. EF?tlLOAFS rr. ?4? F!;I ?i-r. t't rr..S t?2,4 / ( 2) a-1. r:ra (t. y'r5 9f,. 1? ( 1) D- r:,O 9f,.45 ( O) 99.f, FSI FRESSURE A'JAILAELE AT F.|fJDE .:,T'IAXIHUH PRESSURE UNETTLANI:E INT'IAX IHU}4 \.IE:LOCITY IN T:,If}L.S O 4 J/r. :r9 SUBMITTAL SERIAL No:20l-6H-Ot OVAIL GATEWAY PLAZA - Vail, colo- - Remote Area rrpcltt DENSITY:.t6/L95O Sq.ft.-L/2" 165 deg ssu SPRK - K:5.6Parking level - EL 94'-6rl o t_00. o0 Psr90.00 Psr99.34 PSr 7-1992 PAGE 1 STATIC RESTDUAL AT 3OOO.O GPM PRESSURE AVAII,ABLE AT 689,3 GPM SUMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS SPR ACTUAL FIOW MINIMUMFLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE 10L LO2 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 l_L0 111 1L2 1t-3 114 115 116II7 118 28.t5 26.46 25.97 24.7 4 23.22 25.90 23.62 22.16 28. 18 27.01 22.6L 26.38 26.03 i_9.20 23.13 24.94 18.39 22.19 t7.92 17.92 15.35 L7.92 20. 16 20.L6 20.L6 20.L6 L'7 .92 17.92 1,9.20 t7.92I7.92 19.20 17 .92 'LI.YZ17.92 17 .92 5. 605.60 5. 60 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 50 5. 60 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 25.27 22.32 23.1,9 L9.52 L7.L9 2L.39 L7.79 l_5.65 25.32 23.27 16.30 22.L4 21. 60II .76 I7 .06 19.90 10.78 15. 69 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM OUTSTDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAL WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRSD AT O GPM GPM GPM PSr PSI- FPS /t lpE 439.31 250.00 689. 31 97 .51, }IAXIMUM PRESSURE UNBAI,ANCE TN LOOPS 0.093 MAXIMUU VELOCITY IN PrPES 20.18 U 02-27-1992 PAGE 2VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA - Vai1, co1o. - Remote Area xpcl-rr DENSfTY:.t6/L950 sq,ft.-t/2n 165 deg sSU spRK - K=5.6Parking level- - EL 94t-6.1 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 20L6H-01 FROM TO FI.oW DIAI.{GPM IN EQUIV P-IOSS PRESSURE+ PIPE PSf/FT SI,MI',IARY LEN/FT PSI L 8.00 0.L2I7 PT 10.78 (117) F=O F 0.00 PE 0.00BN4 Cl_00 T 8.00 PF o.97 L 10.00 0.4568 PT 11.75 (r-r"4) F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.OOBN4 Ct-00 T L0. 00 PF 4 .57 L 4.O0 L.o9t_8 PT 16.32 (111) F=T F 4.00 PE 0.00BN3 Cl_00 T 8.00 PF 8.73 PT 25.05 ( 16) L 8.00 0.L722 PT 15.69 (118) F=O F 0.00 PE 0.00BN4 CLOO T 8.00 PF 1-38 L 8.O0 0.6456 PT t7.O7 (r_r-s) F=O F 0.00 PE 0.00BN4 C1OO T 8. 00 PF 5. l_6 L 8.O0 0.3972 PT 22.23 (1-12) F=o F 0.0o PE 0.00BN4 C100 T 8.o0 PF 3.18 L 4.O0 0-3532 PT 25.41 (109) F=T F 6.00 PE 0.00BN3 C100 T 10.00 PF 3. 53 PT 28.94 ( 14) L1,4 tL7 1. 1,04a 18.39 LLL ll_4DQ L9 .2O L. l_o4a 3'7.5s l_6 Ll-l_DQ 22 .6L l- . l_o4a 60.20 115 1tS 1,. Lo4a 22.t9 112 t_15DQ 23 .t3 L. 1-O4a 4s.32 1,09 L12DQ 26.3A I.4s2a 71.69 l-4 1O9DQ 28 . 18 1".687a 99.87 113 l_l_5 1. 1O4 L 8. OO O .2:-46 pT 19 . 90 ( 116)a 24.9A F=0 F O.OO pE 0.o0BN4 C100 T 8.00 PF I.72 LLo LL3DQ 26.03 r.452 L 8.00 O.2Lt6 pr 21 .62 (L13)O 51.01 F=0 F 0.00 PE o.o0BN4 CLOo T 8.00 PF 1.69 Ls l_1oDQ 27.Or L.687 L 4.00 0.2237 pT 23.31 (110)a 78.02 F=T F 6.00 PE 0.00BN3 CL00 T 10.00 PF 2.24 PT 25.ss ( 15) L05 108 L.104 L 9.oO O.t"7t-g pT 15.65 (Lo8)a 22.L6 F-0 F o.oo PE o.ooBN2 C100 T 9.00 PF 1.55 102 1O5DQ 23.22 1.1-04 L 8.OO0.647rPTI7.2O (105) O 45.37 F=0 F O.O0 PE 0.00BN2 CL00 T I.00 PF 5.18 -vSUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:20I6H-01 O2-27-Lgg2 PAGE 3VAIL GATEWAY PI-,AZA - Vail, colo. - Remote Area ilpc1rl DENSITY..L6/I95o Sq.ft.-L/2" 165 deg SSU SPRK - K:5.6Parking level - EL 94r-6t' FRO!! TO Ftow DIAM EQUM-LOSS PRESSUREGPM IN\ PTPE PST/FT SUMMARY LEN/FT PSI l-s 1_02DQ 26.46 L.4s2 L 4.00 0.3sa6 pT 22-38 (102)O 7l-.83 F=T F 4.00 pE O.0OBNl. ct_00 T 8. 00 PF 3 . 19 PT 25.57 ( 15) 104 l_o7 L. 104a 23.62 l-0L Lo4DQ 24 .7 4 1_. 104a 48.36 14 1_01DQ 28 .t5 t.452a 76.5L L 9. O0 0. 1934 PT L7 .7e ( t_o7 )F=0 F 0.0O PE 0.O0BNz Cl"Oo T 9.00 PF L.74 L 8.00 0.728l" PT 1_9.s3 (t_O4) F=0 F 0,OO PE 0.o0BN2 C100 T 8.00 PF 5.82 L 4.00 0.4480 PT 25.35 (101) F=T F 4.00 PE O.0oBNL C100 T 8.00 PF 3.58 PT 28.93 ( 14) 1.03 L06 l_.104 L B.OO O .22s3 pT 21.39 (106)O 25.90 F=o F o.OO PE o.ooBN2 C100 T 8.00 PF 1.83 16 1o3DQ 26.97 L.452 L 4.00 0.226t pT 23.22 (1O3)Q 52'87 BN1 "l;3 f, 3:33 FF l:Bl l-5 16DQ 60.20 2.635 L t-0.00 o.0so7 pT 25.03 ( 16)Q l-L3 . 07 F:o F O. 00 pE o. ooFM6 Ct00 T 10.00 PF 0.51 L4 15DQ l-49.85 2.635 L 14.00 O.24r3 pT 25.54 ( 15)A 262.92 F=0 F 0.00 pE o.OoFM6 CLoo T 14.OO PF 3.38 13 14DQ t_76.38 3.260 L 62.00 O.22r3 pT 28.92 ( 14)Q 439.31 F=E F 6.00 pE O.OOFM5 CL00 T 68.00 PF 15. Os L2 l-3 3.260 L 64.42 O.22L3 pT 43.s7 ( 13 )a 439.31- F=E F 6.00 pE o.0oFM4 C100 T 70.42 PF 15.58 1l- 't2 3.260 L 70.33 0.2213 pT 59.5s ( l2)O 439.31- F=T F 14.00 PE O.O0FM4 C100 T 84 - 33 PF 18.66 9 r-1 3.260 L 10.00 O.22I3 pT 78.21 ( 11)Q 439.31- F=T F 14.00 pE O.ooFM3 Ct_00 T 24 . OO PF 5 . 31 SUBMITTAL SERTAL NO:2o1-6H-Ol_ o2-27-J,ss2 PAGE 4VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA - Vail, colo. - Remote Area rrpcL" DENSfTY:.:.6/L95O Sg.ft.-t/zu 165 deg SSU SPRK - K=5.6Parking level - EL 94,-6x FROM TO FLOW DISI,I EeUfV P-IOSS PRESSUREGPtr IN* PiPE PSIIFT suto{.ilhYLEN/TT PSI 6 9 4.260 L 7.OO 0.060l, PT 83.52 ( 9)a 439.3L F=a7/O F 47.oo PE 3.03FR2 C100 T 54.00 PF 3.25 5 6 4.026 L 5.1-7 0.0565 PT 89.80 ( 6)A 439.31 F=3,O2./O F l_02.00 PE 0.O0FM2 Cl_20 T tO1 .17 PF 6. 06 4 5 4.260 L 7.25 o.O429 PT es.86 ( 5)A 439.31 F:E F 11.00 PE -3.14FRL c120 T 18.25 PF O.78 3 4 4.260 L 17.00 O.O42g PT 93.50 ( 4)O 439.31- F=E I' 11 .OO PE O.O0FMl C120 T 28.00 PF t.20 2 3 4.260 L 42.OO O.O429 PT 94.70 ( 3)A 439.31 F=0 F O.00 PE 0.OOFMl C120 T 42.OO PF t_.80 t 2 4.1_s5 L t-8.00 0.0364 pT e6.50 ( 2)A 439.31 F=0 F o.oo PE o-oouN2 c140 T 18.00 PF 0.66 0 L 6.2t5 L Lo.oo 0.0051 pI 97.L6 ( 1)a 439.31 F=T/?GV F 55.00 PE o.oouN1 C140 T 55.00 PF 0.33 PT 97.4e ( 0) PRESSURE AVATLABLE AT NODE O AT 689.3 GPM 99.3 PSI MAXTUUM PRESSURE UNBAI,ANCE IN LOOPS 0.093 PSI MAXIUUM VEIOCITY IN PIPES 20.]-8 FPS HYDRAULTC DESTcN INFOgl|ArtO{ S}|EET NAME VAIL GATEWAY 02/28/92 LOCATtoN]'._._'- Blr.rEDlNG NEI,\I sysTEM No.-IGONTRACTOR VALLEY I^JIDE PLUMBTNG ANp HEATING _CONTRACTCALCULATED AY CONSTRUCTION: oCCUPAJ.JCY Gl CoMBUSTtBLE PARKING GAMGE c NON-COTdBUST|BLE ORAWTNG 199. I rhrrr 7 nf 7 CE I L ING HE IGHT-WIJE- F T. =t6u,o =UJtsat a, F ::11 13: (reae) fl Lr. H^2. oRD. HAz.Gp. El r D z n 3 D Ex. HAz.[J NFPA 23r D NFpA 23tc: FtcuRE 2-2. t.Tlb) J cunG ora.-FpD OTHER tsp"crrytD SPEC|F|C RuLtrs .uADE By DArE _ AREA OF SPRINKLER EERATIoi.I DENSITY AREA PER SPRTNKLER HOSE ALLOTTANCE GPN,: INSTDE -0- HOSE ALLO1IANSE GpM: OUTSTDE 250 cPM FACK SPRINKLER ALLOWANCE r.950 .16 SYSTEM TYPE fl r{ET Et pRy El pELucE fl pFE-^crtoN SPFINKLER OR NOZZLE r.^ v? CENffiTTI--T..n-, c crrlr-rtlE--'.LrL|- -vse _g12g 1/2" N-FAcroR __5.6 .._ TEMPEFAruRE RATING 165 Deeree CAL( su$,t]| r'r_LATloN I ca,r neoulnEo 455.64 psr REogTBED 104-51 AT BASE oF RlsER. (Node 5)AFIY l "C" FACTOR USEO: 6ygg6E1p 100 UNDERGRoLT,Jp 140 JoI)ut E UJF - N'ATER FT OW TFST DATE I TIME 2/28/92 STATIC PSt 130 PSI hESIDUAL PSt qO PST GPM FLOwtN6 4,500 cPM ELEVAT'ON -O_ RATEO gAPACITY AT PSI 1_664119p AT PROJECT SrTE SOL'RCE OF INFORiTATIOilI MIKE MCGEE, VAIL FTRE DEPARTMENT LOCATION PILED--* PALLETTzED STNGLE Fory DDoUBLE Fow D SLAVE P IIULTIPLE ROYJ PALLET IZONIAL BARFIERS PFO/'DEO UJ(] troFU, F6 3o(, STORAGE STORAGE METIOD] tr RACK lurorerrc sroBAGE E toLlD SHELV|NG D OPEN ENCAPSULATED NON- ENCAPSULATEDY(J E 9 aLubutyz P'fn- vo WATER ST-'PPLY GRAPh{ . NUO.N1.85 WATER FLOW:STATIC: RES I DUAL : FLOI{: ELEVATION: 130 90 4,s00 0 PSI PSI CPM FEET I oo 200+J00 ?oo Jooaoo 600600 eoo 700t.too2t00 f LOw G P M. OA T€ 02/ 28 / 92 INOEX "PG 1" PBOP€ RTY Of VAII, GATEWAY PLAZA cc^trory sourH FR0NTACI ROAD AT vArL ROAD VAIL, COLoMDO SYSTEM DEMAND: 705.64 cpM @ 106.5I PSr @ CITY MAIN CONNECTION Form No C5 FCEC R.,. Jvty lg73 SUBMITTAL SERfAL No: 2o16H-o1VAIL GATEWAY PI,AZA - Vai1, colo. - Remote AreaDENSITY:.16/L95O Sq.ft.-1/2" 165 deg SSU SPRK -Parking level - EL 94,-6tr >!-FI,oW TEST RESULTS STATIC RESIDUAL AT 45OO.O GPM PRESSURE AVAII,ABLE AT 705.5 GPM SUMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFI,OWS 02-28-1992 PAGE 1rPG].|l K=5. 6 >- t_30. oo PSr90.oo PSr t_28.70 PSr ACTUALSPR FLOW I'fINIMUMFI.,,OW K-FACTOR PRESSURE r.0L l_02 103 104 105 L06 t07 L08 109 11.o l.L1 1,12 Ll,3tr4 1L5 116 t17 L18 29.7 4 28. 05 28.74 25.37 23.90 27.3L 23.92 22.52 29.83 24.75 23.45 27.54 27.44 19.20 23 .43 26.06 18.18 22.22 L7.92L7.92 1_5.36 L7.92 20.L6 20.16 20.1,6 20.L6 L7.92 L7.92 L9.20 L7 .92 17 .92 19.20 L7 .92 17.92 t7 .92 L7.92 5.60 5.60 5. 60 5.60 5.60 5. 60 5.60 5. 60 5.50 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 5. 60 s. 60 28..20 25.09 26.34 20.52 L8.21 23.77 L8.25 15. 18 28.37 26.36 17.54 24.1,a 24.02 ).1 .'7 6 17.5L 21 .66 10.53 15,74 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEU OUTSIDE HOSE STREAMS AT O TOTAI, WATER REQUIREMENT PRESSURE REQUIRED AT O 455.64 GPM250.00 cPM 705.64 cPM 106.51 PSI MAXTIT{T'M PRESSURE UNBAI,ANCE IN LooPs 0.082 PsI MAXIMT'M VELOCITY IN PIPES 22.58 FPS SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2o].6H_01VAfL GATEWAY PLAZA - Vai1, co1o.DENSITY: .16/L95O Sq.ft. -1,,/2n l-65Parking level - EL 94r-6rr - Remote Areadeg ssu SPRK - 02-28-1992 PAGErPGlrr K=5-6 P-LOSS PRESSUREPSI/FT SUMMARY PST FROM TO FI$W DIAMGPM IN 1. O49 l_. 049 1". 049 L F=0 F c100 T L F=0 F c100 T L F=T Fc100 T L F=0 F c100 T L F=0 F c100 r L F=0 F c100 T T F:T Fc100 T LF:0 F c100 T LF:0 F ct-00 T L F=T Fc100 T LF:0 F c100 T L F=0 Fc100 T EQUIV PIPE LEN/FT 8. 00 o. oo 8. O0 10. oo o. 00 Lo. 00 4.O0 4. O0 8. O0 8. 00 o. 00 8.00 8. O0 o. oo 8. OO B. 00 o. 00 8. 00 4.O0 6. 00 10. o0 0. 1528 o.5798 LLA LL7 a l_8.l_8 l.l-1- r_L4DQ L9.2Oa 37.38 16 11lDQ 23.45 a 60.83 1r-5 118 a 22.22 r.l-2 115DQ 23.43a 45.65 r-oe 112DQ 27.54a 73.t9 14 109DQ 29.83o l_o3.02 113 L1_5 o 1r_o LL3DQ o 1s r-t oDQ a 26.06 27.44 53 .51 28.75 42.26 105 L08 o 1"02 t 05DQ a 22.52 23.90 46.42 BN4 BN4 BN3 4.427 4 o.22t5 o.4392 o.5286 o .4696 8. 00 0 .2975 o. 00 8.00 8. OO 0 .296L 0. o0 8. 00 4 . O0 0. 3097 6. 00 Lo. o0 9.00 0 -2272 0. 00 9, 00 8.00 0 -8657 o. o0 B. O0 1-0. 53 ( 1r.7 )o. 00 1.22 11.75 ( r-r_4 )o. oo 5.80 17.55 (111) 0.00tL.4228.e7 ( 16) Ls-'74 (118) 0. 00r.77 17. 5r. ( 1r.s )0. 006.7t 24.22 (112) o. 00 4.23 2a.45 (10e) o. 00 4.7033.15 ( 14) 2L.66 (116) 0. 00 2.38 24.04 (113) 0. 00 2 -37 26.4r (1r_0) o. 003.102e.5t ( 1s) 16.18 (108) 0. 00 2.04 I4.22 (10s) o. o0 6.93 PT PE PF PT PE Pr' PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT rL PE PF PT PE rI L. o49 BN4 1. O49 BN4 1".380 BN4 1. 610 BN3 t-.049 BN4 L.380 BN4 L. 610 BN3 1.049 BN2 1.O49 BN2 to SUBMTTTAL SERIAL NO:2O16H-O]. o2-2a-1992 PAGE 3VAfL GATEWAY PLAZA - Vail, co]o. - Remote Area ilpc1rl DENSTTY:.I6/L95O Sq.ft.-I/2" 165 deg SSU SPRK - K=5.dParking level - EL 94r-6rr FROM TO FI,oW D]AM EQUI-V P-IOSS PRESSURE4 cPM rN pipe-' isiZm suMMARyLEN/FT PSI 15 102DQ 28.05 L.380 L 4.OO 0.5459 pT 2s.1s (l_02)A 74.47 F=T F 4.oo pE O.OOBNl CL00 T 8.oo PF 4.37 PT 2e.52 ( 1s) l-o4 l-o7 1.049 IJ 9.OO O.254O pT l_8.25 (107)a 23.92 F-0 F o.o0 PE 0.OOBN2 Ct_00 T 9.o0 Pr 2.29 101104DQ 25.37 1.049 L 8.000.9674 pT20.s4(l_04) a 49.29 F=0 F 0.00 pE 0.0oBN2 CL00 T 8. O0 PF 7 .7 4 14 101-DQ 29.74 1".380 L 4.OO 0.5093 pT ?8.28 (t01)a 79.03 F=T F 4.00 pE o.ooBN1 CL00 T 8.00 PF 4.87 PT 33.1s ( 14) 1O3 l-06 1.049 L 8.OO 0.3244 pI 23.71 (l-06) A 27 .31, F=0 F O. OO pE O. O0BN2 CL00 T 8.00 PF 2.60 16 ]_O3DQ 2A-74 1.380 L 4.O0 0.3226 pI 26.31 (1O3)O 56.05 F=T F 4 . o0 PE o. o0BNl C100 T 8.O0 PF 2.58 1s L6DQ 60.83 2.635 L IO.OO O.Os39 pT 28-95 ( 16)a l-16.87 F:0 F O. oo PE 0. 0OFM6 c100 T 10.00 PF 0.54 L4 15DQ L56.73 2.635 L 14.OO O.25s8 pT 29.49 ( 15)a 273.60 F=0 F o.o0 pE O.OOFM6 CL00 T 14.00 PF 3.64 13 L4DQ L82.O4 3.260 L 62.00 0.2367 pT 33.1,3 ( 14)a 455.54 F=E F 6.00 pE O. o0FM5 C100 T 58. O0 PF 15.10 L2 1-3 3-260 L 64.42 0.2367 pr 4s.23 ( 13)a 455.64 F=E F 6.00 pE 0.OOFM4 C100 T 70-42 PF L6.67 11 12 3.260 L 70.33 0.236-7 pT 65.90 ( 12)Q 455.64 F=T F 14.00 PE 0.00FM4 C100 T 84.33 PF 19.96 9 11 3.260 L 10. OO 0.2367 pT 8s.86 ( 11)a 455.64 F=T F 14.oo PE 0.00FM3 C100 T 24 . OO pF 5. 68 SUBHTTTAL SERTAL NO: 2O]-6H-01"VAIL GATEWAY PI-,AZA - Vail, colo. - Remote Area ilpc1'r DENS]TY:.L6/L95O Sq.ft.-L/2" 1.65 deg SSU SPRK - K:5.Parking level - EL 94,-6rr -19922-2qo 6 PAGE 4 FROI'{ TO FI,oW GPM 455. 64 DIA},,I IN 55 o 455.64 5 a 455.64 34 3 o 455.64 I2 a 455.64 l_ Q 455.64 4.260 LF=a7/o FFRz C100 T 4.026 L F=10210 FFM2 c120 T 4.260 L F=E FFRl ct-20 T 4.260 L F=E FFIVII- C120 T 4.260 L F=0 FFML C120 T 4.155 LF:0 FuN2 C1"40 T 6.215 L F=T/2GV FuN1 c140 T EQUM-r,oSS?.. PIPE PSI/FT LEN/FT 7. OO 47.OO 54. 00 5. 17 l_02.00 LO7.L7 7.25 11. O0 L8.25 17. OO 1r.. o0 28. O0 42.OO 0.00 42. O0 18. O0 o. 00 L8. 00 10. 00 55. OO 55. O0 0.0643 PT PE rI 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. U. o\ 6) 5) 4) 'll 2) 1) o) 0604 PT PE PF 0459 PT PE PF 0459 PT PE PF 0459 PT PE PF 0390 PT PE PF 0055 PT PE PF PT PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT NODE O AT 705.6 MAXI}.IUM PRESSI'RE UNBAI,ANCE IN LooPs 0.082I4AXIUW VEI,OCITY rN PIPES 22.58 GPM PSI rPs :':;' S/tr flfea,,rAy 2,9rrqz ..,"f- AaN '/"r 11 qn''AY 2 I €ez 1' nou.^'- floP4i {i t. k*ts r41/ -\ ,f tz Atvrettl J JrrK. pBrensoN t y\ttrfu,^( A ,sctrst /d//t _ .rrro'NEr ar r,rs ,r.."ro*.tff i\::^'! @ "T""ilil:J:',:::::::ii::'* '"""''i"'o"" fo\l JAy K. pErERsoN vA.rr- coLoRADo sr6b7 ,..", Iiijlltt $n9t ' '-'-'-'-'"--' ' ,1 lar..i i I thlI''EI'{.RANDW <r*i#ri'"* | { ro: r,ARRy EsKwrrH, rowN oF vArL .i i,Nlff.$t ilftt :::; ill I;,":;'* HiffiX"#-RE: vArL GArEwAy pr,AzA -1,ffiffit\t ,,t^JIv,-) {1, rrl{t -- .n yr.t/ I _ tJl/,' ' Dear Larry: ' Jt ," bqlLryrb {Attached to this memo are copies of the following proposed docuinentsV H 1. Complaint for Declaratory Relief 2. Ansrirer to Conplaint for Declaratory Relief 3. Answer to Complaint for Declaratory Relief Denver) Acceptance and Waiver of Service Stipulation for Settlernent Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law Pertaining to Petitio Second Claim for Relief vhich we have discussed on numerous occasj-ons. lffiTThe reason for the friendly lawsuit is to forurally recognize the /-d00/ fCD\ subdivision on the Vail Gateway Plaza property, which was originally "-:.-;hl subdivided in l-970. As you are aware, this is a requirenent by Unitedt"J'l Bank which they are requesting to be done prior to the permanent nh\ /financins beins issued. ru$ As ue d.iscussed, r will draft.all documents subject to your approral' 4lr)^of course, in order that the Town not expend any of your tine, except }:'t :^for time spent in reviewing the documents :li"ffii I feel that the Judge will okay our settlenent given the fact that ttres{S{fproperty has been treated as a validly subdivided property for the i6{lYnl 3$lr33.years and that there are no adverse consequences for any otheriOd/tt* f a.u;*r*W ( Leo Parme'l -t%1t$w,'li- (united Bank of a,M nJ* 4. 5. 6. If you have any guestions please contact me at rny office. t DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO civil Action No. COMPI,AINT FOR DECINRATORY RELIEF TOI{N OF VAIL, a Colorado I'Iunicipal Corporation, Petitioner, vs. I,EO PALMER AND UNTTED BANK OF DENVER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Respondents. COI,IES NOW, the Petitioner, the Town of Vail, a Colorado MunicipalCorporation, by and through its attorney Lawrence A. Eskwith, andavers and alleges as follows: 1. Petitioner is a nunicipal corporation and hone rule city ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, existing pursuant to the Colorado Constitution and its Home Rule Charter. 2. Respondent, Leo Pa1mer, was the ohrner of property located inthe Town of Vail , County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more fullydescribed in Exhibit trAtr, attached hereto and made a part hereof,(hereinafter referred to as the rtPalmer Propertylr), prior to ,fanuary31, 1991 at which time a condominiun rnap and condorniniurn declaration were recorded on the Palner Property. As of May L, 1992, the PalnerProperty consisted of seven residential units (R-1 through R-7inclusive) and L6 conrnercial units (C-l through C-L6 inclusive) according to the Condoninium lttap entitled Vail Gatevay Plaza recordedin Book 546 at Page 878 and as defined and described in the Condorniniun Declaration recorded in Boolc 546 at Page 8'77. 3. Respondent, United Bank of Denver National Association isthe beneficiary of a deed of trust dated June 6, 1-990 and recorded on June 8, L990 in Book 531 at Page'gs and is the secured party of afinanclhg statement recorded June 8, 199O in Book 531 at Page 96. Such deed of trust and financing statenent encunber the Palrner Property. 4. On January L2, l-970 the Town of Vail passed Ordinance No. 4,Series of 1970 (suctr Ordinance rras repealed and reenacted in itsentirety by Ordinance 2I, series of 1983) which regulated thesubdivision of land in the Town of Vail, which provided amongt otherthings a procedure for the preparatj-on, processing and presentation ofsubdivision plats and a nethod for enforcement (hereinaftercollectively referred to as rrsubdivision Regrulationsil) . 5. On August 10, 1-973, Vail Village Inn, Ltd., a partnership,transferred the Palmer Property to Continental Oil Company by Deedrecorded August 13, 1973 in Book 230 at page 556. 6. On August 11. L975 Continental OiI Company transferred thePalner Property to Comap, Inc. by Deed recorded Septembet 29, l-97S in Book 242 at Page 43. 7. On August 11, 1,975 Comap, Inc. transferred the pal"rner Property to Delaware Western Properties, fnc. by Deed recordedSeptenber 29, L975 in Book 242 at page 42. 8. On February 27, L97A Delaware Western Properties, Inc.transferred the Pal-mer Property to Comap, Inc. by Deed recorded Novernber 30, 1978 in Book 279 at Page L9L. 9. On lilarch 3, 1978 Conap, Inc. transferred the Palmer Propertyto Continental Oil Corupany by Deed recorded Novenber 30, 1979 in Book 279 at Page l-86. 10. On March 1-0, 1-978 Continental OiI Conpany transferred the Palmer Property to W. Keith Troxel and Judith Troxel by Deed recorded Novenber 30, 1978 in Book 279 at page L87. L1. on Uay 12, 1982 w. Keith Troxel and Judy Troxel transferredthe Palner Property to Top Enterprises by Deed recorded June 1, I98Zin Book 341- at Page O92, correcting a deed recorded in Book 279 at Page 188. L2. On May L3, 1983 Top Enterprises transferred the PalnerProperty to Conrad Sterkel , Phyllis D. Sterkel, Douglas J. Sterkel andKatrina Sterkel by Deed recorded Uay 18, L983 in Book 359 at Page 891. 13. Conrad Sterkel , Phyllis D. Sterkel, Douglas ,f. Sterkel andKatrina Sterkel transferred the Palmer Property to Leo Palner by anundated Deed recorded Decenber 9, L988 in Book 496 at Page 618. L4. On April 24, 1988 the Town of Vail by Ordinance No. 9,Series of 1988 rezoned the Palmer property to Cornmercial Core I andestablished Special Developnent District Nunber 2L for the palmer Property rhich set forth anong other things a full development plan and zoning for the Palner Property. 15. The original transfer as set forth in paragraph 5 andtherefore all subsequent transfers of the Palmer Property may haveviolated the Subdivision Regrulations. 15. No transferor or transferee as 6et forth above were awarethat the transfers as set forth in paragrapbs 5 througtr 13 above may have violated the Subdivision Regulations. L7. The Tolm of VaiI was not aware that violations of the Subdivision Regulations may have occurred by the transfers as setforth in paragraphs 5 through 13. 18. A violation(s), if in fact any occurred, were not to thedetrinent of any transferee or the Respondent United Bank of Denver National Association or to the health, safety or welfare of the Townof Vail. 19. That at a1l tines the Town of Vail has treated the Palmer Property as a validly subdivided parcel by issuing numerous buildingpermits and certificates of occupancy and by further rezoning theproperty to Conmercial Core f and Special Development District Nunber 2L. 20. That the Town of Vail seeks a declaration by this Court thatthe Palner Property be deened to be a validly subdivided parcel of Iand pursuant to the subdivision Regulations and that no violationcurrently exists of the Subdivision Regulations. I WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays: A. That this Court issue a declaratorywhether the Pahner Property is a validly conpliance with the Subdivision Regulations. B. For such other and further reliefproper. judgnoent determiningsubdivided parcel in as the Court nay deen Dated this day of , L992. Respectfully subnitted, Iawrence A. Eskwith, #Attorney for Petitioner 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail , co 81657(303) 479-2LOO o EXHIBTT NAil A part of Lots N and o, Block 5-D, Vail Village, First Filing, Town ofVai1, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly describedas follows: Cornnencing at the Northwest corner of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, thence, S 0 Degrees 23 Irlinutes 0O Seconds E and along the West line of said Section g, 35.98Feeti thbnce S 79 Degrees 46 Minutes 00 Seconds E 25.44 Feet to the NorthweEt corner of said Lot N, which , is also the True Point ofBeginningi thence continuing S 79 Degrees 46 Minutes O0 Seconds E andalong the North line of said L,ot N, and along the Interstate of llighway No. 70, L75.00 Feet; thence S 10 Degrees 14 Minutes OO Seconds W L47.43 Feet; Thence N 79 Degrees 46 ltinutes O0 Seconds W L47.35 Feetto a point on the Westerly line of said Lot N which is also theEasterly Right of l{ay Line of VaiI Roadi thence N O Degrees 23 ilinutes 00 Seconds W and along said l{esterly line and along Easterly Right of Way line, L50.00 Feet to the True Point of Beginning. DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF Civil Action No. EAGLE, STATE OF COLoRADO ANSWER TO CO!.TPI,AINT FOR DECI,ARATORY RELIEF TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, Petitioner, vs. I.',EO PALI{ER AND UNITED BANK OF Respondents. DENVER NATIONAL ASSOCTATION, COMES NOW, the Respondent, Leo Palmer, by and through hisattorney, Jay K. Peterson, and answers Petitionerrs Conplaint forDeclaratory Relief as follows: 1. Leo Palner hereby adnits paragraphs 1 through L4 inclusive and paragraphs 1"8, 1,9 and 20 of Petitionerrs Conplaint for DeclaratoryRelief. 2. Leo Palmer hereby states that he is without sufficientinformation and knowledge to detennine the truth of the allegationscontained in paragraphs 3.5, L6 and 17 of Petitionerrs Cornplaint forDeclaratory Relief, and therefore denies the sane. WI{EREFORE, Respondent Leo Palmer prays as follows: That this court issue a Declaratory Judgment deterrnining that thePalmer Property as described in Petitionerrs Cornplaint for DeclaratoryRelief is a validly subdivided parcel in conpliance vrith theSubdivision Regulation as described in Petitioner's Conplaint forDeclaratory Relief. Dated this day of , L992. Respectfully suburitted, Jay K. Peterson, #4328Attorney for Leo Palmer L08 S. Frontage Road West, #3O7Vail , CO 81657(303) 476-2414 a.1 r) l CERTTFICATE OF MATIJTNG I hereby certify that I placed a true and correct copy of the f,oregol.ng Ansrer in the U.S. Uail , postage prepai.d, on the _ day of, L992 addressed to: Iarry Esksith trown Attorney, Tosn of Vail 75 S. Prontage Road 9testVaiI, CO 81557 DISTRTCT COURT, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO Civil Acti.on No. ANSWER TO COMPI,AINT FOR DECI,ARATORY RELIEF TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, Petitioner, vs. LEO PAI.,,[ITER AND T'NITED BA}IK OF DENVER NATTONAL ASSOCIATION, Respondents, COIIES NO!{, the Respondent, United Bank of Denver NationalAssociation, by and through its undersigned attorney, and ansuersPetitioner's Complaint for Declaratory ReJ.ief as follows: 1. This Respondent hereby adnits paragraphs 1 through L4inclusive and paragraphs 18, 19 and 20 of Petitionerrs Cornplaint forDeclaratory Refief 2. This Respondent hereby states that it is without sufficientinforrnation and knowledge to determine the truth of the allegations contained in paragraphs 15, 15, and 17 of Petitionerrs Conplaint forDeclaratory Relief, and therefore denies the sane. WHEREFORE, Respondent United Bank of Denver National Associationprays as follows: That this Court issue a Declaratory Judgment dete:mining that the Palrcer Property as described in Petitionerts Complaint for DeclaratoryRelief is a validly subdivided parcel in compliance with the Subdivision Regulation as described in Petitionerrs Compl-aint for DecLaratory Relief. Dated this day of , L992. Respectfully subnitted, HOLME ROBERTS & OWEN Patricia C. Tisdale, #9992Attorney for United Bank of Denver 1700 Lincoln Street, Suj.te 4100 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 86r.-7000 By: CERTIFICATE OF T,IAIIJTNG f hereby certify that I placed a true and correct copy of the foregol.ng AnEwer in the U.S. MaiI, postage prepaid, on the _ day of , L992 addressed to: Iarry Eslcwith Town Attorney, Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 DISTRICT COIRT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COL,,ORADO Civil Action No. ACCEPTANCE AND WATVER OF SERVICE TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporatlon, Petitioner, vs. LEO PALIIIER AND I'NITED BANK OF DENVER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Respondents. Jay K. Peterson, being first duly sworn upon his oath, deposesand states: That he is attorney for the Respondent Leo Palmer in the abovecaptioned case and that he is authorized to act on behatf of thatorganization, and that he acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Sunmons and Complaint attached hereto, and hereby accepts and waivesservice of the same on behalf of the Respondent Leo Palmer. Jay K. Peterson, #4328Attorney for Leo Palmer 108 S. Frontage Road West, #307vail, co 8l-657(303) 476-24L4 STATE OF COTSRADO )) ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) Subscribed and sworn to before ne ttris _ day of 1992 by Jay K. Peterson. Witness ny hand ana ofticial seal . .My connission expires on: Notary Public DISTRICT COttRT, COUNTY OF EAGIE, STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. ACCEPTAI{CE AND WAIVER OF SERVICE TOWN OF VAfL, a CoLorado Municipal Corporation, Petitioner, vs. IJEO PAIUER AND UNTTED BANK OF DENVER NATTONAL ASSOCIATTON, Respondents. Patricia C. Tisdale, being first duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and states: That she is attorney for the Respondent United Bank of DenverNational Association in the above captioned case and that she isauthorized to act on behalf of that organization, and that she acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Summons and Complaint attactredhereto, and hereby accepts and saives serrrice of the same on behalf ofthe Respondent United Bank of Denver National Association. HOLME ROBERTS & OWEN By:Patricia C. Tisdale, Attorney for United L700 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203(303) 851_-7OoO day of *eee2 Bank of DenverSuite 4100 STATE OF COI.,,ORADO COT'NTY OF EAGI,E ss. Subscribed and shrorn to before ne this 1992 by Patricia C. Tisdale. Witness my hand and official seal . My conrnission expires on: Notary Pub1ic DTSTRIeI COURT, COI]NTY OF EAGIJ, STATE OF COL,ORADO Civil Action No. STIPUI,ATION FOR SETTLEIIENT TOWN Of VAIIJ, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, Petitioner, vs.. I,EO PALMER AND I'NTTED BANK OF DENVER NATIONAL ASSOCIATTON, Respondents. COME NOW, the Petitioner and both Respondents, by and throughtheir respective attorneys and hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 1. That the Court has full and complete jurisdiction of thesubject matter of this action and the parties thereto; that service has been made upon aLl interested parties as required by law, or thatthe sane have subjected theurselves to the jurisdiction of the Court. 2. That Respondent Leo Palmer is the owner of record of tbefollowing real property: Condoninium Unit R-7, and C-L through C-16 inclusive, VAIL GATEWAY PI,AZA, according to the Condoniniun Map recorded January31, L991 , in Book 546, Page 878 and as defined and described inthe Condominium Declaration recorded January 31, L99L, in Book 546 at Page 877, County of Eagle, State of Coloradoi that Respondent United Bank of Denver National Association is the Beneficiary of a deed of trust and the secured party of a financing statement, both documents being accurately set forth in Petitionerrs Conplaint for Declaratory Relief; and that there are no other parties adversely affected by this Stipulation for Settlenent. 3. Respondent Leo PaLmer hereby agrees to indennify and holdPetitioner and/or the United Bank of Denver National Association harnless fron any clain or claims which rnight be asserted againstPetitioner or United Bank of Denver National Association by parties other than the undersigned Respondents ari.sing out of Petitionerrs Cornplaint for Declaratory Relief. 4. That Respondent Leo Palmer shall bear all costs incurred in connection with this.natter. The Town of Vail shall be responsiblefor its own attorneyrs feeE. Attorney fces for Respondent Leo Palnershall be'paid by Leo Palmer. Attorney fees for United Bank of DenverNational Association shall be paid by Ieo Palmer. 5. That the parties hereto agree to the entry of Findings ofFact and Conclusion of Law pertaining to the conpliance of the PaLmerProperty to the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations as referenced inparagraph 4 of Petitionerrs Courplaint for Declaratory Relief. Dated this day of , L992. Lawrence A. Eskwith, #Attorney for Petitioner 75 S. Frontage Road West vail , co 81657(303) 479-2LOO .fay K. Peterson, #4328Attorney for Leo Palmer L08 s. Frontage Road West, #3O7vail, co 81657 (3031 476-24L4 HOLME ROBERTS & OWEN By:Patricia C. Tisdale, #9992Attorney for United Bank of Denver 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 4100 Denver, CO 80203 .(303) 851-7000 DISTRICT COURT, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COL,,ORLDO Civil Action No. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSION OF I,AW PERTAINING TO PETITIONERIS SECOND CI,AT}I FOR RELIEF TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, Petitioner, vs. I.',EO PALMER AND UNITED BANK OF DENVER NATTONAL ASSOCTATION, Respondents. This matter having corne before the Court upon the stipulation ofthe parties, and the Court having reviewed the pleadings filed herein and being fu1ly infornred as to the facts and issues herein, the court nakes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusion of L,aw: L. Petitioner is a municipal corporation and hone rule city ofthe County of Eagle, State of Colorado, existing pursuant to the Colorado Constitution and its llome Rule Charter. 2. That Respondent Leo Palner is the owner of record of thefollowing real property: Condoninium Unit R-7, and C-l through C-L6 inclusive, VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA, according to the Condorniniun llap recorded January3L, 199!, in Book 546, Page 878 and as defined and described inthe Condouriniurn Declaration recorded January 31, 1991-, in Book 546 at Page 877, County of Eagle, State of Coloradot that Respondent United Bank' of Denver National Association is the Beneficiary of a deed of trust and the secured party of a financingstatenent, both documents being accurately set forth in Petitionerrs Complaint for Declaratory Relief; dnd that there are no other parties adversely affected by this Stipulation for Settlenent. 3. Respondent United Bank of Denver National Association is theBeneficiary of a deed of trust dated June 6, 1990 and recorded June 8, 1990 in Book 531- at Page 95 and is the secured party of a financing statement recorded June 8, 1990 in Book 531 at Page 96. Such deed oftrust and financing statenent encumber the Palner Property. 4. That no other parties have an adverse j-nterest matter except for the named parties.in this 5. That the Town of Vail has adopted subdivision regulations onJanuary 12, L97O and subsequently amended such regulations in 1983.(Hereinafter referred to as itSubdivision Regulationst,) . 6. That the Town of Vail has treated the Palner Property as avalidly subdivided parcel of land frorn August l-6, L973 for allnunicipal purposes such as the issuance of perrnits, certificates of occupancy, and for zoning the property. 7. That it is unclear whether the Palmer Property wassubdivided pursuant to the Town of Vail subdivision regrulations, butthat for all purposes the Palmer Property has been treated as avalidly subdivided parcel of land by the Town of Vail and alltransferors and transferees of the Palner Property since August L6, L973. 8. That the actions of the Totrn of Vail in officially zoningthe Palrner Property and in issuing perrnits and certificates of occupancy for improvements on the Palmer Property, wouLd now estop the Town of Vail from claining a violation of the Subdivision Regulations. 9. That the Town of Vail has agreed that the Palrner Propertyshall be deemed to be a validly subdivided parcel in cornpliance withthe Subdivision Regulations. IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY ORDERXD AND ADITUDGED that the PalmerProperty is a validly subdivided parcel in cornpliance with theSubdivision Regulations as adopted by the Town of Vail by Ordinance2L, Series of L983 as currently anended. DONE fN EAGLE, COLORADO this day of , L992. BY THE COURT: DISTRICT COURT JUDGE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Lawrence A. Eskwith, #Attorney for Petitioner 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail , CO 81657 (303) 479-2r_00 i I i.,ra i ilay K. Peterson, #4328Attorney for Ieo Palner 108 s. Frontage Road west, *3o7vail , co 81657 (3031 476-24L4 HOLIIE ROBERTS & OWEN By:Patricia C. Tisdale, *9992Attorney for United 1700 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203 (303) 851-7oOO Bank of DenverSuite 4100 : l ar lorn of Vail 25 Soutb FroDtag€ RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) {79-2138 PIan analysis based onthe 1991- Uniform Building Code Project Number: Name: PALMO,S CAPPUCCINO BARAddress: 12 S. FRONTAGE RD. Date: October 3, 1991 ConLractor: BERGMANN CONST. Occupancy: 82 ArchitecL: BRENT ALM Type of Const: II-1hr Engineer: N/A Plans Examiner: GARY MURRAIN NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of a1l possible code requirements in the 1991- UBC. It is a guide to select.ed sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1991 edition) with permission of International Conference of Buildinq Official-s. Sprinkler system throughout the building rL NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS L Dining RoomL Back Bar 1 Bathrooms TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDTNG TOTAL ELEMENT B2 ok 648 fnterior finish onlyB2 ok 237 Interior finish only82 ok 170 Interior finish only 1055 Allowed area not checked 1055 Allowed area not checked OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-AMATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wall Noncombustible t hrInLerior nonbrg waIl Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #4Structural- Frame Noncombust.ible t hrExterior Struct Erame Noncombust.ible t hr See footnote #1Floor/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible t hrRoof/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #8StairsNoncombustible None FOOTNOTES:l-) Elements in an exterior waII located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, shall be protected againstexternal fire exposure as required for exterior bearj-ng walIs or thestructural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table L7-A, footnote 14) Fire-retardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearingl-hr waII assemblies. -- Table L7-A, footnote #2 OCCUPA}TCY SEPARATIONS -_ Table 5-B None required ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAI'{E OCCUPANT NI]MBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 1 Dining RoomL Back Barl- Bathrooms TOTAL 43 1 0.7 No N/A N/R 2 1 0.0 No N/A N/R2 I 0.0 No N/A N/R47 1 0.8 No N/A N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Tabl-e 33-A except as noted.Exit width is in feet. and based on Sec. 3303. (b). For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f) FOOTNOTES: HANDICAPPED ACCESS:l-) Handicapped access is required to at least one primary entranceto this building. -- Sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3. 2') If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the max slope isL:L2. -- Sec 3307. (c) Provide a landing within 1 inch (1-,/2 inch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The minimum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches. -- sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel distance in this buildinq is 200 feet.. -- Sec. 3303. (d) AUTOI,T,ATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS :If there is 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall" be supervised by an approved central, proprietary, or remote station serviceor a local alarm which will give an audible signal aL a constantlyattended location. -- Sec. 3803. WALL AND CEII,ING FINISH:l") WalI and ceiling finish mat.erials are required to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are required to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(bl INSULATION NOTES:1) All insulation mat.erial including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450. -- Sec. 1714. (c) 2) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. 1713. GLAZING REOUIREMENTS:1) AII glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) t ADDITIONAL REQUIREI'{ENTS :for 82 occupancyVcntllrtion ie required in aI'I' portions of, the spaae oacupl.d by bunanbclage. Lnd sbaU provide aatural ventllatloa by E€aDa of erterl,or opcaingeritb ra arca aot legg tben ll2O of tbe total floor area, or cbel'I bc providedrltb necbaslcally operated ventilatiag aysten. ftre necbanieal syrtcn sba1lprovLde fivc cubic feet per uinutc of outgido air par Ocaupaat.Bathrooa tbaU bawe a setrnrate erhaust syatu tbat riII provide 5 air changer per bour. ALL RESTAURANTS OR FOOD SERVICE OPERATIONS SHALL BE REVIEWED BY THE TOWN OF VATL ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICER FOR COMPLIANCE TO WALL AIiID CEIIING FINISH, AITD EQUIPMENT APPROVAI. A $75 FOOD SERVICE REVIEW WILL BE CEARGED TO SUCH PLAN CHECK. In ell lralt cugtmarily occupLed by bunana, provide natural orartificial light and ventilatLon. -- Sec. ?05. (a)e(b) HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTE: Section numbers listed below are from ANSI AL1"7.L - 1986 TOILET FACILITIES:1) A 5' diameter unobstructed turning space is reguired in the toilet room. -- Sec. 4.2.3 c Fig. 3(a)2) When water closet is not in a compartment, the clear area reqluired is:a) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a side approach.-- Sec. 4.L6.2 & Eig. 28b) 48 inches wide by 66 inches deep with a front approach.-- Sec . 4.L6.2 d Fl-g. 28c) 50 inches wide by 56 inches deep with both approaches.-- Sec. 4.L6.2 & Fig. 28d) Slde bar is required to start within 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wall. -- Sec. 4.L6.4 & Fig. 29 The rear bar is reguired to be 36 inches 1ong. -- Fig. 293) Vlhen water closet is in a compartment, the area required is:a) 56 inches deep by 60 inches wide with a grab bar at the back and oneat tbe side. Door is at front or side. -- Fig. 30 (a) orb) 66 inches deep by 36 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. -- Fig. 30(b)d) If a floor mounted water closet is used, the depth dimension shown above must be increased 3 inches. -- Fig. 30(a) & (b)e) Side bars are required to start within 12 inches of the back waII and extend Lo 54 inches from the back wa1l. -- Fig. 7.56a & 7.56b The rear bar is required to start within 6 inches of the side wall and be 35 inches Iong. -- Fig. 30 (a)4l The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. -- Fig. 29(a)r(b) &Fig. 30 (c) , (d) 5) The top of the seaL on the water closet is required to be 17 to 19 inches above the floor. -- FiS. 29(b) e Fig. 30(d)6) Urinals are required to be stall type or have an elongated rim and bewithin 17 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.18.2 & Eig. 29lcl7) A cLear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front. of the urinal. -- Sec.4.18.38) Accessible lavatories sha1l provide a clear area under the lavatory of 9) r0l ?9 i.nehes. -- Sec, 4.!9.2.I e Fig. 3L & clear area of 30 x 48 inchee ls requlred ln -* Sec. 4.19.3 & Fig. 32 ThQ botton of mirror l-s regulred to be wlthln:- Sec. 4.19.6 t Ftg. 31 |' front of the 40 inches of Iavatory. the floor. Fl,altLfthnurt: l/urttt) - (/utt"^vr-/dv &lrzu, - rt/,o*dafril*t /uufo *"^' ,afun ,Aad -.thry,fnaph.n Molt sbtt#,, {agtl, 7 II JOB NAME:PALMO'S CAPPUCCINOBAR l0l0u9l CONTRACTIOR: BERGMAI\rN CONST.PERMIT#5115 CONST.ZONE 4 ADDRESS:12 FRONTAGE RD. NO. OFIJNITS 0 PLANNER MIKE NEW SQ,FT.0 TOTAL $48,000 PLANS CHECHER DAN PEN,MIT TYPE ALT ELECTRICAL $6,000 USE TYPE COMM MECHANICAL $2,000 REC.FEE RATE 0.00 PLTJMBING $5.000 { OF GAS APPLINCES $0 RESTRICTED NO # OF CAS FIREPLACES $0 # oF wooD sTovD 0 BUILDING $476 PLAN CHECK $309 ELECTRICAL $108 REC.$0 MECHANICAL $40 DRB N/A PLUMBING $7s CLEAN TJP $2s0 PL[]MB.PLANFEE $19 OTHER FEE 7t MECH.PLANFEE $10 $+€87 0 I ,3(tU 75 Soutb Fronttge Rotd Vcil, Colorado 816J7 t0 1 -47 9-2 1 t 8 / FAX t|t -47 9 -2 t 6 6 D c p artm e n t of P ab lic llork t lTran sp orn t ion 'Fr.or.-*t '*f vvZ December 26'- t99t Leo Palmer Palmer Development 2735 fris Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80304 RE: Sidewalk improvement at the Gateway plaza. Dear Leo; ft was brought to my attention that you would like to have thebond monies, for the above rnentioned project, rel€ased. TheEngineering department would not like to reLease the bond moniesat this time due Lo the following reasons: 1) The preparation of the road subgrade did not adequately meetTown of Vail standards. There r^rere visible soft spots within thesubgrade prior to placement of the asphalt. At the time ofconstruction the contractor placing the asphalt was brought awareof the fact that the subgrade was inadequate and that if hecontinued placing the asphalt that the bond monies will not bereleased until the roadway can be inspected next spring after theground has thawed ouL. rt is possible Lhat the soft spoLs wirr'heal' themselves and no furLher work will be needed. 2) Part of the concrete work that was performed by the initialsubcontractor ( second attempt ) was left uncovered forapproximaterv three days after the pouring- The Town of Vail hasconcerns that the initial curing of the concrete was not adequatedue to the freezing eemperatures that occurred during those samethree days. An attempt to cover the concrete did occur on thefourth day but only plastic sheeLs were used and not insulatedblankets, Any prudent concrete contractor knows that newconcrete work performed during cold weather needs to be coveredwith insulated blankets. Therefore the Town of vall woul.d liketo obsarve the concrete work for a time period to see if thereare any failures. 3) The work performed on the storm sewer inlet was not completedto the Town of Vail satiefaction. More particularly, the backwall of the inlet was not rebuilt after the future 12" Btorms€wer pip€ was installed. Next spring after the ground thaws outthe back wall of the inlat box will need to be rebuilL before the Town of VaiI wiII accepL the work performed. December 26, L99t Page 2 4) The Town of Vail has concerns with the brick pav€rinEtallation work. Located on the southerly end of the sidewarkthere is a water valve located approximately in the middle of th6sidewalk. This water valve was not raised to the approprlateglgdg trrior to placement of the brick pavers therefore creating a'dlsh' affect r^rithin the walkway. The waler valve could hiveeesily been raised prior to the pracement of the pavers creatinga much more acceptabl€ finished product. It would be preferablito Hait until next spring after the ground thaws out to redo thiswork. These ar€ items of conc€rn in regards to the sidewalkimprovements, if you should have any questions please give eithermvself a call at 479-2169 or you could contact ereg Ftirl aL 479-2L60. har 7/ict ro. Th 4 Mi Pr t" M nk You, hael Ject S. Brake E ngi neer copy to: Greg HalIft*t'lica Pete Burnett msb./€lw .sidewal k FIL I COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vtil, Calorado 81657 t0t -479-2r I I / 47 9-21 19 D epartment of Community Dca elopment May 12, 1992 Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer Development Company 2735 lris Avenue, Suite A Boulder, CO 80304 RE: Vall Gateway Plaza Bulldlng Dear Leo: On May 12,1992, the Vail Town Council reviewed the recent DRB decision which approved the installation of one live evergreen tsee, with an approximate height ol 25 - 35 feet. The Town Council, by a vote of 5-0, unanimously approved a motion which stipulated that the evergreen to be located at the northwest corner of the Gateway property, not be limbed up, as allowed by the DRB. The Council further requested hat you work closely with the Town of Vail staff (Todd Oppenheimer, Town Landscape Architect) with regard to your selection and location fol the evergreen so that the tree will fit into the planter. lf you should need any lurther clarification of the Town Gouncil's action, please feel free to contact me at 479-2138. Sincerely, 1L./* l'f,u;_ Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning cc: Ron Phillips, TOV Kristan Pritz, TOV Todd Oppenheimer, TOV Marty Jones 7 FILT [nnv TOWN OFVAIL 75 Sotth Fronttge Roail Vail, Colorado 816J7 t 0 t -479 -2 I 1 I / 47 I -2 1 1 9 Department of Commanity Deoelopm ent illay 7, 1992 Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer Development Gompany 2735 lds Avonue, Suite A Boulder, CO 80304 RE: Vall Gateway Plaaa Bulldlng Dear Leo: It was good to see you yesterday at the Design Review Board meeting. For the record, the Town's Design Review Board unanimously approved your request to locate an evergreen tree at the southeast comer of the 4-way stop. This approval is lor one live evergreen tree only, wih a height range of approximately 25 - 35 feet. The location of the evergreen would be in the existing triangular shaped planter, located on the Gateway property, immediately norlhwest of the existing stairs in front of the buitding. The DRB also agreed that the evsrgreen could be limbed up to a ma:<imum height of 9 feet above grade. The Town Council will review the DRB decision on Tuesday, May 12, 1992, at their work session. With regard to the existing Developer lmprovement Agreement that you have with the Town of Vail, I would like to emphasize that the letter ol credit for the cash escrow now totrals $7,975.00. This letter of credit is due to exoire on June 15. 1992. lt is the Town's intention at this time to not extend this letter of credit, and we would urge you to complete ths required improvemenls at least 3 weeks prior to the expiration of the letter of credit. As you stated yesErday al the DRB meeting, it is your intention to immediately begin repair work to the paver sidewalk, per Mike Brake's letter to you dated December 26, 1991, located to the south of he Gateway property. You also stated that it is your intention to install the inigation systgm in the planter north of the Gateway building next week. Again, we rsquest hat you not delay the installation ol the irrigation system, as we are very concerned with the health of the plant material located in that planter. '.r-i?tr.! 1 !.:! Mr. leo Far"tl I\lay 7, lg92 Page 2 \s Sincerely, /l/- Mike Mollica I have attached a letter dated July 10, 1991, trom the Town of vail conlirming your agreomentto lnigab and maintain this flantir bcaeo nornr or u,e oaterai Craza'iluirohg. lf-you should hSve any guestions or comrnenb regardarE any of the above, preass do nothesitate to contact me at 479-213g. lt,u; Assistant Director ol planning Attachment cc: Ron Phiilips, TOV Kristan pritz, TOV Todd Oppenheimer, TOV Greg Hall, TOV Mike Brake, TOV o a j?f{'$ila:i !iitgg, 75 So*tb Frontagc Roail Veil, Colorudo 816J7 t0t-47 9 -2t t t / FAX 30t -47 9 -2 1 6 6 October 4, 1991_ Mr. Leo Palrner Palmer Developrnent 2735 Iris Avenue, Suite ABoulder, CO 80304 RE! Gateway project - Vail, Colorado D e p zrtm e nt of Pab lic IAorks lTrtnsportation Dear Mr. Palmer: The Town of vail has inspected the work in relation to theDevelopment Agreement within the Town of Vail right-of-way for yourGateway Project. The following itens need to be corrected: 1. The asphart patches instarled where the construction fenceposts were in Vail Road. 2- The asphart patch next to the curb and. gutter. The l-irnitsbeing frorn just north of your drive entrlnce north to wherethe Town of vail cornpl-eted asphalt repair work this sunmer.The asphalt in question was instalred on frozen ground lateIast year and has since lost its physical guati{ies. your money for this work was never relelsLd as it was brought tothe attention of yourself and the building department it tnetine of your Temporary Certificate of occrlpancy. One other roadway. iteur that The Town needs towiLl be be cleared up, is the striping of thesending you an invoice for the arnountof 5948.r Tf yott have any questions about these items please contact me at479-2L60. Sincerelv.lrl '7 t lt/),tq-fl.t{{res tfitt Town Engineer GHldsr cc: Ken HuqhevilFFror-crca Dan Stanek I Project Application Date E -zt-Et Projecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone EAJ owner, Address and Phone: / t. / oL"^'n, 444- O q g Architect, Address and Phone: Lega|Descriotion:Lot-.B|ock/'Fi|ingfZone- Commentsi Design Review Board Date ? -2 /-"/ D ISAPPROVAL Summary: z- -' E Stair Approval ,f TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDT.JM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departrnent August 12,l99t SUBJECT: A request fo'r a conditional use permit for an outdom dining deck at the Siamese Orchid, Vail Gateway Plaza, 12 South Frontagc Roadfiot N, Block 5D, Vail Villagc First Filing. Applicanl Chai KulveVSiamese Orchi4 Ltd. Planner: Mike Mollica L DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining deck at the Siamese Orchid Restaurant, located at the southwest corner, and on the ground level, of the Vail Gateway Plaza Building. The Vail Gateway Plaza Building is in Special Development District No. 21, which requires a conditional use permit to add an outdoor dining deck. The surface area where the dcck would be located is presently colored, scored concrete and the dining area would be located along both thc south and west facing elevations of the restaurant. As proposed, the outdoor dining area would include 10 tables, which would accommodate up to 32 people. The conditional use permit is requested for both summer and winter use. The dining area would consist of six 4-top tables and four 2-op tables. Five of the 4+op tables would include umbrellas which would be solid burgundy in color. No advertising is proposed for the umbrellas. Also proposed around the southern perimeter of the dining area would be a rope fence, approximately 3-lt} feet in height. The fence is a State requirement in order to serve liquor on the premises. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The Town of Vail T.,rrmng Code does not stipulate the need for any additional parking spaces for outdoor dining decks. None of the other zoning or development standards would be affected with this proposal. T tliCRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of section 18.60, the community Development Deparunent recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impac{ of the use on the devetopment objectives of the Town. The underlying z)ne district for thc vail Gaeway plaza is the commercial core I Zone District As stated in the Municipar code, the purpose of the ccl Zone District is to: "maintain the unique character of thc Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments, in a predominantly pedesrian environment. The Commercial Core I disnict is intended to ensur€ adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriatc to thc permitted types of buildings and uses. The design considerations prescribe site dcvelopment standards that are intended to enstu€ the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities. " The staff believes that the proposed outdoor dining deck fs the siamese orchid would be a positive addition o the vail Gateway plaza Building, and would funher the goals of the ccl zone district, as staEd above in the purpose section. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. It is ttre staff s opinion that the proposed outdoor dining deck would have no negative impacts on any of the above-listcd criteria- 2 o o\^ Iv. 3, Effect upon trafiic with particular reference to congestion, autornotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traflic flow and cnntrol, locsss, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The staff believes that the proposed dining area will have no negative impacts on tramc flow and control, acsess, maneuverability, ctc., in that the dining deck is proposed entircly upon a pedesnian area (i.e., sidewalk). We also belicve there is adequate pedestrian and handicap access from the parking garage and south entry of the Gateway Building, around to the main entry, locarcd adjacent to the 4-way sop. A minimum of 5'-0' in width will be maintained for such acoess. The concrete surface on which the dining deck would be located has a snow melt system built into the consrcte. Hence, snow storage and snow removal during the winter season should not be a problem. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding tlses. Staff believes the proposed outdoor dining deck would have a positive effect upon the character of the immediate area. We believe it will enable restaurant patrons to be outside which, in turn, will add activity to an area which historically has not had much outside activity. rily'e believe this outdoor activity, in conjunction with the brightly colored awnings, will ndd intercst to a corner of the Gateway property which has, to date, only been used for loading and delivery. FINDINGS The Plannine and Envfuonmental Commission shall make the following findines before granting a conditional use oermit: A. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of this Ordinancc and the purposes of the district in which the site is located- B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operatcd or maintained would not be deuimenal to the public health, safety, or welfare or matcrially injurious to propcrtics or improvements in the vicinity. It C. That thc Foposcd use would comply with cach of the applicablc provisions of this Ordinance. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends app'roval of the applicant's rEquest for a conditional use pcrrrit, as we believe the findings in Section tV of this memo have becn mcl Staff recommcnds the following condition of approval: 1. Because it appears the placement of thc dining tables along the west facadc of the Vail Gatcway Plaza Building is very tight, the staff would like ttre opporhrnity to meet with the applicant on-site to determine if the northern- and southem-most 2-top tables should be eliminated. Staff would prefer waiting until the 4-top tables are located on- sirc beforc rcaching a final decision whether to eliminate the p'rcviously{escribed 2- top tablcs. c\pcc\ncnoc\orchid,tl2 ?(-/ - nrft.*- n W."'*4, f 4 /r"+/"-{', /dlrc .5-O 4 l.''. II oa tu+'*t f':-'l- ua*-tca +' ftX - zo'tP& (e) F - z{ nev ia) --Ffre-AexEw.FlqF -d-wzrzaaLEI?- t(v'*lLle9 ' s$rg flg t$s ffl ng $s St- oq lJl I J=-r|-lHLt u IJ $ q $ $ R\ \l Ilf7-, $r o' Ir !t--' -- "Il [VO_> 1WL w s N J'lJ dii> fs--{- ----'tr: r$sgtu5K\Ni" lL NNt\N E:l{r I Nl l\'1 a i ___?* /:\ @,gzuIztrmt;4railAY 6-- :lz9o'TvolrrtEe-wtt€'ca;' - \ o,,*n'Ez:,tE1 -'# 1U;, ,fr"* r,-apa/f er 7c+<n $n-oll'tf 3. Review of a staff approval of a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 22' Garden of the Gods, Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th FilinS/365 Vail valley Drive. Applicant: Margaret HiII Marital Trust 4. A reguesL to arnend a development plan approved by Eagle County for Phase III of the Spruce Creek Townhouses' 1750 S. Frontage Road west/Spruce Creek Townhouses at vail. Applicant:Michael tauterbacb/Carl Dietz 5. A request to amend Section 18.58.020 - Fences, Hedges, walls and Screening of the Town of Vail Zonlng Code Supplemental Regulations regarding enforcement of covenants restricUing fence heights.Applicant: Tostn of VaiI 6. A request for a worksession to rezone property from frimJry/Secondary to Low Density Multiple Family, generally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, more Particutarly described as; EggI--&: A tract of Land containing one acre, more or lesffi'cated in the South l/2 ot the south East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularty described as follows: Beginning at the NE corner of the Sw L/4 of the SE 1/4 of sala Section 11; thence westerly along the northerly 1ine of said SW l/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' [f a distance of 16?.80 ft. to a Point: Thence southerly along a Line 15?.80 ft. distant from and parallel. to tbe east line of said Sw 1/4 of the SE t/4, a distance of 200.00 ft. to a Point; PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\IEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wlth Section 18.56.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 12, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Bultding. Consideratlon of: 1. A reguest to amend the condltions of approval for Phases II and III of Vail Polnt relatlng to revegetation of foundatlons, 1881 Lions Ridge toop.Applicant: Steve Gensler/vaiL Point Condoninium Association 2. A reguesL for a najor anendment to Special DevelopmentDistrict No. 4, Cascade Village, to change the conditions for development for Area D, Phase IA, GIen Lyon Office Building. Applicant:Calumet Federal Savings & Loan Association of Chicago/Pierce, Segerbergr SPaeh /1N/',Lf 7 )L Q'tAB Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200'00 ft. distant from and paraltel to the north line of said SW l/4 of the SE l/A Lo a point on lts east linei Thence easterly on a line paratlel to the north line of the Sw 1/4 of the -Sn flq of Seltion 11, a distance of 50.95 ft.. to a point: Ttrence northerly and parallel with the west line of the east L-ia;i in.-se {/4 of iaid section 11, a distance of 200'00 ft. to the point of intersection ltith the extension of the north tine -of the SW L/4 of the SE l/4 of said Section 11; Thence westerly on a deflective angle left of 95-21'00" along the exLension of the north line of the SW 1/4 of the sE 174 of said section 11' a distance of 50.95 ft' to the NE corner of the S!{ 1/4 of tle SE 1/4 of Section 11, being the point of beginning. Ps!SgI-..g: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. I, according lo the recorded plat thereof. 8. Applicant:Erich and Lily Schmetzko A request for a front setback variance for the Tupy n""i.iJ"c"r 1,ot 33, Buffehr Creek Resubdivision/190l Chamonix Lane. Appficant:Leon Tupy Applicant:Pinos del NorLe Condominium Development C, Northwoods Association 1n 11 A request for a major amendment to Special Distiict No. 2, Pinos del Norte' Building Condominiurns/600 Vait valley Drive. A request to amend Chapter 18.04 of the Municipal' Code - Defi;itions; to add a new definition for employee bousing unit, and a new definition for batbroom. Applicant: Town of Vail A reguest to amend chapters 18.10 - Single-F4ill District, iA.ff - Two-Family nesidential District and 18.13 - Primary/ iecondary Residenlial District to allow employee housing units as a Conditional Use- Applicant:Town of Vail A reguest to anend chapters 18.14 - Residential cluster oi"iff"t, 18.16 - Low bensity Multiple Family District' f g.re - iaedium Density t'tultiple Family District, 18'20 - iigh-p"n"ity rlutitple-Familv District, \8t2? - Pubric ;;6;tr*;a;ii6n o:-stiict, L8-24 - commercial core 1 Distriet' iA.ZA - Commercial Core 2 District, L8.27 - Commercial Core 3 oistrict, 18.28 - Conmercial Service center District' 1e.Zg - Arterial Business District, 18.34 - Parking, 18'35 - Public Use Dist.rict, and 18.39 - Ski Base/Recreation oiiiii.t; to allow imployee housing units as a Conditional USe. Applicant:Town of Vail l,t 12. A request to amend Chapter 18.58 of the Municipal Code - Supplemental Regulations to provide speclfic development/ zonlng standards for employee housing units.Appllcant: Town of Vail 13. A reguest for a conditional use permit for an outdoor dining deck at the Siamese OrchLd, Vail Gatenay Plaza, 12 South Frontage Road/Lot N, Block 5D, Vail Viltage First Filing.Applicant: Chai Kulvet/Siamese Orchid, Ltd. 14. Any items tabled from the JuLy 22t 1991 PEC meeting agenda. The applications and information about the proposals areavailable for public review in the Conmunity Development Department office. Town of VaiI Corununity Development Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on July 25, 1991. ;tr.t T of Appllcatlon JUL 1 619910ate Date m? I.Thl s use The A. APPLICATION procedure is required permit. application will not be of PEC Meetlng FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERI.IIT for any proJect requlred to obtain accepted until all informatlon ls a conditlonal submi tted. 2, ,/\ NME OF AppttCAW jthmese &cttip , LTh ADDRESS I z .:;A, FF6NT49F Fp - I/AIL ,co,gt66-? B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE C'ga i KU L U€.7 t-'t??- 3?B Q'lhl'a *42 -ooz1/?zS 7/Ncuf, (7. FfiutDER cv:. 8o3 o c.NAI'IE 0F 0!JNER(S) (print or or,lNER(s)' SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS Pd 9o x t 4q 1 pHoNE-Effiz-@xt{./: p(/hE FHL /h6r< ?€v€i/ 6/P4'/ANT 6(NLVVR, C6' td3o? PH0NESjS:!.-19J E. FEE $roo THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTI.IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT }IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A'list of the names of owners of a'l'l property adiacent to the subJect property INCLUDING IRoPERTY BEHIND AND ACRSSS !;rnEefS, and their mailing aqgryllg!1 THE APPLICANT hIILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OI.INERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.|ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORI'IATION IS I{EEDED. NO APPLICATION }'ILL- sr eccEirro uNLEdS'ri-ii-coitCirir (uusr TNcLUDE ALL ITEr'ts REQUIRED_BY_THE_Z0NING Aomir'risrnnionl. IT Is rHEAppLlcANi's REsnoNSIBLlry r0 I'IAKE AN AIPOINTI''IENT WIri iHE JrNrF rO_TTI'ID OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBI4ITTAL REQUIREI,IENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION }JILL STREAMLINE THE APFROVAL.PROCESS FoR youR pRoJEii ev-IEeffiSrne iir Numern 0F coNDlrloNs 0F APPROVAL THAT ,THE PEc I-1AY STIPULATE: ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I'IUST BE COMPLIED I.IITH EEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISs'IIED. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL: LOT N BLOCUS2_TTIj.NG-III-L VfLUgE FM?V sssp6s /R ,fo. ffaarzaee Ep.- Ayir # ( l- .,/ /panll b hl- cK #:tW ev -Ca*io'u eF"'4q'lz (0vER) Y& r! U,wtiftrutr nf (DrrupunrU @umn (Df liluil fruililing iBrpurtmrnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISST/ED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BTJII.DING CODE CERTIFYING THAT A'T THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THTS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPTIANCE WITHTHE YARIOUS ORDINANCES OFTHE TOWN REGULATTNG BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. AND OR USE. 7.o THE BFST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE, Name VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA Use Classification Croup B-1 B-2 B-3 Btrilding Permit No,4299 Typc dba Construct ion II I-HOUR Owner of Building LEO PAIMER PALMER DEVELOPUENT Building Address L2 VAIL LOT 5-D VAIL VILLAGE lsr NoVEMBEB".L, l99l The building official nra.v. in * riring, suspcnd or rcvokc a Ccrri- ficarc of Occuparrcl issucd nndcr the provisitrnsof rhiscode rrhcn- cvcr thc cerrificarc is issued in crror. or on the basis of incorrr:cr infornration supplied. or rvhcn it is dcrernrincd rhat tht huilding or stnrcrrae or portion thcrtof is irr violation of anv ordinancc or rcgulation of rhc lirun of Vail or anl of rhc provisions of thir Datc Gary Building Oflicial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE NO PI,ANS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 12 S. FRONTAGE ROAD NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE IN 0N NOV 5, L99L 0051 97 departm€nt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Dtru T rF-;lJtA]I BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. JOBNAME: PALt()tS BAR ELECTRIC MA|LADDRESS 2735 rRrs /lA s11y BOULDER pH449-0951 FtL|NG vAIL__GaIEW4I__PLAZA_ ARCHITECT FIRM BRENT AIIDM BERGMANN CONST. MAIL ADORESSvArL 476-2726CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 76-2726 ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR FIRM BRYANT ELECTRIC rowru op veru REC. ruo. 150-E 949-4r55 PLUMEING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. MECHAN CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP otvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : t t rvv ABEHIRM 122a34 MOVING EXISTING FIXTURES AND SWITCflES PERMIT NO. \J \J \.' I ' I z tr a BUILDING 1p, 000 ELECTRICAL {, PTUMBING LOCATIONS, ADDING OUTLETS AND FIXURES MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.F,F,A VALUATION PERMIT FEES II 1]1R B-2 0 I0,000 BUILOING PERMIT Nl/JE =lsV) a 0s \(.J PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 180 NEWO ATTERATIONX)O( ADDITIONAL O REPAIR()PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS -. ACCOMMODATION I]NITS -- I]EIGHI IN FT. - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION F€E INSULATIONT TYPE FLooR _ I EXr wALLs I rooj l *rr- OF HEAT DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ r80 ERN$T GLATZLE NOV 5, 199I. ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N IN ITIA L sr cur I lx I UILDING OFFICIAL DATE CNING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING x ONING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read lhis application, lilled out in f ull the inf ormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thal all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town' review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi AND THE OWNER. t-l NAT INSPBCTIONIS COUPLETEtr) The {teus belos need to be couplete before gtvlng a pernlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off ia the box provLded. FI,NAI PLI'UBING DATEItlFINAT UECEANICAI" DATE: N1PN.OVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAME! DATE: l I'p*T- m CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TSMPORARY C OF O DATE: LAIIDSCA?ING DUE FILE NAI{E: \S\\S CONSTRUCTION PERMIT departmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EFgurlorr'rc fl pLuMerNc [] rlectRrcll I FoUNDATToN f MECHANICAL D LEGAL DESC. JoBNAMF: CATEWAY PLAZA RAILING NAME LEO PALME-R DEVELqPMENT MArLAooREss 2735 IBIS AVE clrY BOULDER, C0 px F;LING VAIL__YILLAGE 1!r ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu R. BOYMER CONST. ,o*" o, uo,,- "ro. "o. I52-B 949-8737 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL HEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT rrnu MONROE ENGINEERING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9119 lli Oli SEP 16' 1991 $Q k*ltft PLANs Er.or 005089 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WOFX . ADD' -Exr-ER-r-0fr. {ati ii{t' To--ffirTs-llz- PERMIT NO. zIF a BUILOING 18,000 ELEClRICAL PLUMEING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALTJATION PERMIT FEES II B-2 0 18 , 000 BUILOING PERMIT 225 N. $w l- $ qJ PLAN CHECK 146 ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATION (XX ADDITIONAL O REPATR()PLUM BING DWFLLING UNITS -- ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHI IN FT. -- NO, FIBEPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION:T H ICKNESS R.VALLUE ]{oN+ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 50 CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 521 DAN STANEK SEP 29, 1991 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED ST. CUT UILDING OFFICIAI DAiE MIKE MOLLICA SEP L7, T99L )NING AOMINISTRATOR DATE ONING & BUILDING NOTES: - PAFKiNGolo -- - -L L"j- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordina of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAI.I UP TO: rtTJfu,TT stGf ANO E OWN€R. CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF /1 U DRB APPLTCATION - tOnN O8 rrArl, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DA?E OF DT{B MEETING; frevieed. gi4igi. COIOR.ADO eT ocl 1 oleer I. r********* TETS }PPLTCATION TTI.L NOT BE ICCEPTED uNTIL AI.r., REQtrIRED INFORUATIOI| IS SITBMTTTED****t***** PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRrprroN: /t t$+r ' t'f fytsrtqr FfifiFF Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGA], DESCRIPTION: Subdivision R TYPE oF REVTEW: rcD 9a7! to {F-r-p dyr- Vrc/AF-i. New Construction ($200 .OO) /rqinor Alteration ($20.00) Addit.ion ($50.00) c. n If property ls described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and LOT AREA: If reguired, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current NAI,IE OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: H. NAME OF APPLICANT's .REPRESENTATIVE; \nI.I.r Tr<-. ft>QPMailing Address: I.NAME OF OhINERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: $ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION !T. K. $ 0 - $ 10,000 $-amor$ 10,001" - $ s0,ooo a{B-en)' $ 50' 001 - $ 150, 000 -$100.00s200.00 $400.00 $500.00 $150,001 - $ 500r000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000$ Over $1,0001 000 * DESIGN REUIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES OIIE YEAR .ITTER TINAI APPRO\TAI. UNI.ESS A BUU..DTNG PERIIII IS ISSI'ED AlfD CONSTRUCIION TS STARIED. r*NO APPLTCAIION WIJ,I. BE PROCESSED NITEOUT Ot,iNER' S SIGNATI'RE Block \ al LEJ/ t4 ( t LJJL CJE' IO u5H Jt4> 4ALg444 L4 (lJLtJL ( t-. r4t .-Rltd zlLgle| -,ortr5t Ft DRB APPIJICAITON - TOIfi{ OF VAIL, DATE APPIJTCATION RECIIVED: D}TE OF DRB MEETTNG. COISRADO I. tlaalrarta SttF rppltclTtotf ilLt tfog EE tcclDtEDmnlE lLt tlourRtD tlrtoru|rllotf rs tulttrTTEpaaatala... gRoJECr rNronlilFro}|s t. DESCRIPTIONT E.TYFI OF REVTEW: _ llc$ Conrtructlon AdCltlon Ttrnor Alteration Conorptual Ervlew Gt D.I-,IOAL DE8CRIPTIONI Lot ADDREES: UONINCI Blotrr SubdIvlaton It proprrlt le delcrluea byqoecrlpttoh, plaa3r provldaattach ro thir applloatlon. a meets and bounds l€EaIon a EeDtrat€ Bhest and E. F. iI. X. lrtr AREAT ff requlrcd,rtanpgd 3urv3y shoulng appllcant nult Frovide a currentIot area. H. G.NAI{E OF APPLICAI{tr|llalllng Addrerrt Fhone NAI{E OTIrtalIlng AddnrrrAPEIJTCN{T I S BEPRISENTATIVE I I. .SrculEEEE(81r tt,e 3rlt Phone Condonlnlur Approval 8b'#tlt applicabls. PR?-TTE: DRE fees etr pald at_the tine et Jmuancg of abulldlng Derrrrl.t. FqE EcttEDtllFt VAI',I'AEION $ o-E lo,ooo91oro01 -$ 50rooo$sorool-S rro;ooo 9150,001 - $ 300,000 S5O0r00l - Slr0oorooOE ovrr S1rooo,o00 r[a I 10.00 $ 23.00I t0.00 f100.00 S3oo. oo st0o. o0 thone NAI{E Ol OWNER!'T rro rPFlrtolarotr irrr! B! ?Boc!s!!D trrf,ou[ oitttRtt etot|rrun! l':NAME OF PROJECT: I Lrsr oF MATERTATsU required fo approval can A. BUILDING T.TATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits lfindows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai]s Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREEI ADDRESS: The following informatl-on is Review Board before a final SUBDIVISION i"I be given: TYPE OF },[,ATERIAL DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT: COLOR Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Nane Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduoue trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous t.rees is 6 feet. ETOGT As President of the VaiI Gateway Plaza Homeowners CondominiumAeeociation, I hereb,y give.approvaf to R. Boymer Construction Co.'. :f,s: :shange out.the existing windor,rs on the North, South and West ., r 1wf- |s. t'o those s_h9w:shown in t.he new elevation drawings. These windows, .rill. be eupplied by the owner and ins , : .Coopt:ruction. installed'Uy eoyrner ..t' Ag I 8ee itr these ne'uv pictul of Lhe buil.dinqiand actuilflv Please fefeel frere Eo.' .'Ptea contact Bob Boymer at 949- prcfure wJ-ndows url- -L -l only ennance une Joolr 949-873? shorculd. y9u have ,.i :. r:of therbuilding;and actul-fty match those obher windows with .,' any questions and/or should you need toinf,ormation.reguest additionql T.o \ l\ \ l\ N N m \ Yr./a, oI /," -'-/-'--t - lorzT*] zvzva,-fwrJ E/ / %/ot!(a, -t ;4 !'1,l.4Ilt- ,-: t r_/ I t\ t rt r! iIlrl, vLl .;. \./ re'u, FOX & HORAN ONE B R OA DwAY NEW YORK, NEW YORK IOO04 ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW TELExI Septenber 13,19 91 TELEFHONE: {2r2).€o.48oO TELECOPTERS: (ar2) z6 9-e3 A 3 (zrz) 709-Oa4a Express Mail 1,1r. Bob BoymerR. Boymer Construction Box 1001Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Knj-ghtsbridge CorporationUnit 2Vail Gateway Condominium Dear Bob: Enclosed is the letter agreement for the added Guardrail_and Exterior Door work which has been signed by lfr. Johnstonon behalf of Knightsbridge Corporation, together with a checkf9r $41410.00 representing pal'ment of the fagle doors($1,L53.60) and 50t deposit ($3,25G.401. I would appreciateyour keeping me informed as work progresses Sincerely yours, 'i,lo"; Marion P. Ruberti, Legal Assistant MPR: s Enclosures o*" 4'/o' ? / Proiect Name: Project Description: g*tFklth.,ne Owner, Address and Phone: Anltcal-*Altb*e€f. Address and Phone: Lesal Description: I-ot /r/ , eroct 5D , rt,,ns V'V&o\i--!{,, Zone - /-\/ Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded bv: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner ft,",,Approvar I ,'J-'4 / :(1e'' a,-o -t6f ao1%a n^riGRANT OF EASEI,TENT THT (here VaiL, South to as -1- 45650.8 8-560 P-179 OAy'J6,/91 J5:51 FG I OF 4 JOHNNETTE FHTLLIFS EAGLE COUNTY CLERK, COLORADA 0,C6F E"AsE!{dlT is nade and entered into this '/ day of -. 1991 by and between the Vail Gateway Iatlon, Inc., a colorado nonprofit corporation tkif|uer feferred to as rrthe Association") and the Town of a colorado nunicipal corporation, whose address is 75 Frontage Rd. west, vaiI, co 8]-657, (hereinafter referredtrth.e Townrr) WHEREAS, the Association owns that certain real property described on the attached Exhibit A, which property is hereinafter referred to as the rrRoad Parcelrr. I{IHEREAS, the Town has requested an easement on that parcel for purposes of public roadway, ingress and egress, utilitiest drainage, signage, maintenance and any other PurPose consistent with the aforementioned purposes (ttthe Easementlr) - WHEREAS, the Association deens it is in the best interest of the Association to grant the Easement to the Town. ITIIEREAS, the Association has the power to grant the Easement to the Tovrn pursuant to Section l-5(a) of the Condoninium Declaration for Vail Gateway Plaza Condoniniuns recorded January 31, 1991 in Book 546 at Page 877 Reception No. 443O2O' of the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Ea91e County, Colorado. Now, THEREFoRE, in consideration of the paynent by the Town to the Association of Ten Dollars (9ro.o0) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of w.hich is hereby acknowledged, the Association does hereby grant, bargain, seLl lncl convey unto the Town its successors and assigns, an easenent over, upon, and across the Road Parcel for the following purposes: A. Public Roadway.B. Ingress and Egress.C. Utilities.D. Drainage.E. Signage.F. Maintenance, including cleaning and snow removal . G. Any other purpose consistent with the aforenentioned purposes. REC 20.oo D0c o.oo oq'l )' r'^ F THE EASEIENI granted hereby shall be deened to run with the land described herein in perpetuity, shall be a burden to any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property which is described herein and their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. THE TOI{N agrees to indemnify and hold ha:ruless the Association, its successors and assigns, as vell as all ownersof Vail cateway Plaza Condoniniuns against any loss or damage, including liability for personal injury or property damage, which should result fron, arise out of, or be attributable to, tlre use of the Easement by the To',tn, its eropLoyees, agents andinvitees, or any third persons, including the general public, except for any loss or danage attributable to the negligent or intentional actions of the Association or its nembers. IN III!NESS WHEREOF, the Association has hereunto set its hand, and has hereunto executed this Grant of Easenent on the day and year first above written. f President Approved and accepted by the Town of VaiL. TOWN UUNI 4563oA 8-560 P-179 OA,/16/9J J5:5J PG2OF4 oF vArr-,, A coLoRADO -2- rIIt.. I , '-T""r ts .,-}1 County of Eagle State of Colorado county of Eagle ) )State of Colorado ) acknowledged before ne I L99L by Leo Palmer as Condominium Association' Inc., a ) )i ss. ss. Colorado _nonprofit corporation. My conmission expires:-1 Notary Publ 2e lSq TP":i3$n; C5 F- .,,a The foregoing instrunent was acFnowlgdged before ne thisbv aty ot - Anht'n , 1991 ay Kant B' R'osc as Mal4ay u of the Town of Vai1, a Colorado.municas Mastr u of the Town of Vai1, a Colorado - corporatlon. My cornmission o<pires: ^/\n:lraql &. Kazla' . ' Nota{y Public i.. '. ', :.,i 456304 8-560 P-179 o8./16/9J 15:51 FG3OF4 /easement -3- II I I I I rtl a; )c, - t. EXHIBIS A VAIL GAIEII--AY PI,,AZA RSIAD },L\INt A part of tct N, Block 5-D, Vaii Vil"Lage, First Fiiing, Tomrof Vail Eagle County, Calorado, rnore particuLarll' dessribed asfollorrs: BeginnLng at the northE/est cL-rner cf said Lol: N, thence S76"46,00i8 along the north line of said Lot F, a Cistanee of 10.60 feet; thence S13o19,35nW a d.istance cf 7.87 feet; thence S3o29'11'?l a disf,ance of 13.64; thence S4oC?'$5'fli a distance of 97.LO feet to a poini iln the '*esterLy lot line of said Lot N . shlch iE also the easterly right-of-way line cf Vail Rcad; the:rce NOOo23'00xll and along said westeriy lct iine and. alcirg easterlyrlght-of,-way line 120.0? feet to the Point of Beginning,containing 562 square feet or 0.0i3 acresj rrore cr Less. SOUTH FRONTAiE ftOAD ( N.O,W: VARIE'} N 79 1 46' OO- ttf I I I I I It II to(|rD 'a.t! ,f9.,. I i s 7go 46'oo" E 4scrJoa s-56(' p-179 ,J8//i6,/91 t5:51 p640F4 R. EOYHER CONSTRUCTION Box l00l vAtL, c0 8 t658 (303)949-S737 llarch 29, 199 | Town 0f Vail Community Development 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vall, C0 81657 Re: Request for Vall 6aleway, Unlt $3 . Guardrail Addition/Exterlor Door to Replace Existing Wlndow Dear l.l ike l'1o l l ica, _ - o- For the Town's approval please f ind enclosed the following drawings: ll: Exhibit "A" 9lan of I l8'5" Elev. 2). Exhibit "B" South Elevation 3). Exhibit "C" Easl Elevation Due to the minor nature of the changes, we are requesting a Staff Approval A4/A9/9L 14r A6 ., 3834458sL TEL I PALMER DEVLoPMtIb Pr\6E tJ 2 A9g /rr49-ODE t FelmerDcvrlopm+nt Go,,?US lrl. Avfnur'. lullr A . lt{ld.ir Olo Fooo{ tpril 8, 1991 Mr. ltlke Molllca Town Flanner Town of Vail Cgmmuntty Dcvclopment Departnnent 75 $outh Frontqge RoadValIr Colarsdo 81637 Pleaee feal have any q $lnuerely, I-,so PAlher Palmer Davel ht Conpany Dear Mike: A! Prosldent of th€ vsll Gat€wf,y ltonoownera ConqloninlunArlocLatlon. I do hereby glvc rFproval to R. Boytnor Conalruo[ion Company to add a maEter hodroon bxeerlor door to unlt *3, the Llpoon roeldancr, ae weII ae a guard rall Lo the thl.rd fl.Eor eaet qrrd equth deck areae. It wae agrecd ct trhe cloaing sa).o of rrnll; #3 on Mareh 7, 1991, that the-honeownera, Mr. and-ltre. Charles Lripconl would be allowsd agcgsg to and uga cf bhc eaEt attcl eouth deck arga on the thlrd floprr extetlpr to thatr unlt, AII bultdlng nat€rllJ,B and colorewlll mqtch exi.sting eilUerior deslgn. f,ree to contact Bob Eoymsr at 949-8737 it you ehould BELionB and/or ehould reguire additlonal lnformablon, 16,01 LF/haa ra allvEt \ ;Jgt. llr.,i, ht i( Y iggt A. pre-appllcatLon reetlng rlthetrongly suggested to def,ermlnelnfonnatlon ts needed. No appl a plannlng ataff uenber leJ.f any addltlonal EF'€_lenl|+g ?d$+E$:€te:+- !}* tr -tbe_l:tglresponsLblftty to uake an appol.ntnent wilfr the ataff to flndresponBtblrlty to Dake an appol.ntnent wout about addltional subnlttll recrul.renttal regutrenrente. Pleage notethat a COHPI.,ETE applLcatlon wlll itreanrline the approvalprocess for your proJectProceaB for your project by decreaslng the number ofcondltlons of approval that the DRB uay stlpulate.uay etlpulate. ALLcondltlons.of approval rouEt be ieeolvea before a bulldlngpetmlt ls lseued. Appllcatlon will not be proceesedwlthout ownerrs Slqnature.wlthout ownerrs Slgnature. A. PR().'ECT DESCRIPTIoNI I trmAPRB F Rtc: A,''.: DRA IDDITICITION DATE APPITCATION RECEIVEDS DATE OF DRI.. }IEETING! *+f**rHrs APPLrcArroN llrlrr NoE BE ACCEPTED UNTIT. ALL tNroRHATroNIS SUEHITTED*IIiI r. PRE-APPI,ICATION UEETING! IOCATTON Addrees OF PROPOSAIJ!B. Phone D. Halllng Addresst E.NN{E OF OWNERS! aroNrrruRE(8, r ualllng Addrees: F. G. lEE $'10'ooI 25.OO $ so.oo $1OO.OO 92oo. oo $300. oo $ 10,o00$ 50,ooo $ ]'5orOOO$ 5oo,ooo $1, 000, 000 $t, ooo, ooo '' t Legal Descriptl.on Lot -j-bl- Elock 5 $ Bubdlvlslon -Jj-l=f-- zonlns JIalIlt Lrr llalllng rrtt !I UAII .L i Address: NAI{E OT APPIJCANTIS tTttAlrrr rFt-- '-r<:<l4zl enone@ Condonl.niun Approval lf, appllcable. DRB fEE! The fee trlll be pald at the.tlme a bulldlnooermlt Le pald for. ]IALUAEIgU 4' o- $ lOrOOt -$ 5OrOOl - $150,O01 - $5oorool -$ over I ; II. IUPORTNIT NOTICE RECARDING AIJJ EUBI{ISSIONS TO THE DRBS A. In adilltlon to rneetlng Eu-,.ailLrrr. regulr€nents, theappllcant uust etake the elte to lndicate propertyllnes and bulldlng cornere. llreeB that vlll be rernoved muet alao be narkid. Thle work uust be conpleted before the DRB vlslts the slte. E. The revlew procesa for NEW BUU.DINGS rlll notnally .. Lnvolve tuo-separate rreetlnge of the Deelgn Revlew':Eoardr go tlre appllcant should plan on at least tno reetlnga for a flnal approval . C. Appllcantg who fall to apgear before the Dee-lgn Revlerp^ Eoard at thelr achedulsd naeting and uho have not aalceofor a pbstponenbnt n1ll be'rcgulred to be rapubllshed. D. At the dlscretlon of the zonlng adnlnletrator' the fotrlowlng Ltens 1nay not have to be presented to the Deslgn Feview Board. Iheyr houever, have to be presented to the Plannlng bepartuent for aPproval! !r l{lndowa, akyllghta anil slultar extsrt'or changes: . that do not-alter the exletlng plane ot the bulldlngl ,and b. Bulldlng addLtlone that are not vtewed- from any other lot or publlc EPace' whlch have had letters eubmltted froir adJoin-lng property or'rnera approvlng the.addltlont and/or approval fron the agent for, or DanFger of 'a condonlnlun assoclatl'on. E. ' You may be reguired to conduct Natural tlazard Studies. on youi propeity 1l.er EDotl avalanche, rockfall, debrls flou, ne-tla;dEr-etc). Iou should check nlttl a Toltn D-l 6qh.ir. lraf rrya' trr.anoai { rtat - ". .rlflR 19 ',::E 10:3i *l'101:0 co 9A TNDEUNITY ACREII{E}IT Bsfs TNDEI.U{ITY AGREEI{EN! ('Indeunlty Agreauentr) , datad March ?5, 1990, ls betu€en N,{oco OIL CO}lPA}fy ('Indeunltotnl , a I'tat?land cotTorltlon' and UttITEt, BAIIK oF nnlrvrn, NA?roNAL AssoctAtroil (tuntt:d') and L,Eo PAT.$ER, d/b/a PAI'ISR DE'VEIFP!,IEN! CoUPANY ('Pelurt') , rtEcl!4rifl A' Unlted lr ualtlng a loan (tha 'r,oan') in the Eoount of approxfurately $6,4001000 to Palucr f,or the puryo?e of flnahcin!- tne acquiiltlon of I6d for and the construction of a retaii-condonlniure project known ag Vail Gateway Plaza located at 1.2 gouth Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado (thetProJect') . B' Indeffiitor, or one of lte qfflllatea, has orrned and/or opcrEted a gesollnc arrrulcr rtatlon on the land on wnl'cn tni troJect tilI be locatrdl (the rland'), whLch Innd 1g belnE soid to Baluer and lr dcrerldra ln Extrlbtt A sttsqhGd bercto. c. AB a condttion precedent to Falner'o acguieit{on ol the Land andl to United raaklng tlro Ioan and to protict. Paltner and United, Palnrr and Uiltod requlre that Indeanltor anter into thla fndennlty Agreeuent, ACBEEilPTT In conaiderat,ion of tha fongoing and other good. and valuablt considerltlon, thr rrcelpt ana euffiolendy of, whlclr are hereby Bcknowlodged, Indernnttor, Unlted and PElner agre€ ae foilowgr 1. Indc&nitor hereby egrasB to lndeuntfy, dafend and hoid har:rnlrar Paluer and unttad and th3lr aEcnta, stf,lllatre, officura, dlrectorc end lnployoes (c,1] og such entitl€s and personr brlng refcrred to herein lndivldual+y _acan 'rndenntft;d Parcy' ani collectively aa tha trndennifi'ed Partlca') frou and agalnst: (a) any and all liabillty, claiul, d6!0andsr' injunatlvr icllrf, coota, expensaa. actlong and cauaea 6t aitton whateoavei (lncludinE wlthout llnltation lcgat f{.e and disburEeuenta, and cocia and.expenser lncurred in-inveetigatlng or drfendlni agalnet any lttlgatlon or olaiu. actlon, eult, pioceeding or deuand of any hlntl-or charact€r) to whlih any tiraennified prrty uay br aubJcct inrofar ae they sriee out, oi er rclate to (t) qny aetuql or aU.Ecd contarainatlon of the Land dr adJicrnt or nelghboring land by, F.a'i'iAFr l9 '9O iB:l? HN0(jO CLtb or th. pros€nce or relaas€ on or lnto tha land or adJacent ar nelghuoilnqt land ofr any hazardous or toxlc aub3tanc*, or pctioleun, -qaeol.lnc or dieeel fucl , lncludlng wlthout iiuiiatloir 6ruae oil or any fractlon thereof, (colleetively referrrd to hereln ae tHazirdous Subetancer'), (11) any aiiiEcA inJury or thrcat of lnjury to health, eafety.or the... enviionnen€, ir (ltt) any actuil 6r atloEcd noncolrpllance with anv federsl state and local cnvlroruq€ntal statutas' ie&uiattonJ, orarnancra or any pemlts, approvale or.Juclclal or's,ieinistietlvo ordars leeubd thrrtunoel, glvtng rige to ilaUiflty under any federal, ttate or l"ocal envlronuental ecatutee'or ordlnairces, lncludlnE v.tthout Ilultetlon the Cprnprth.nalve Environ:nintal Responaal cortpenaetlcn end itillil-ti-lct of 1990, the Hazr;dout i{at.itatr franoporeation e,o[, tfre-Clean l{ator Act and thl Rcaourca, Conaeryation and n."l.r*rl. lCt, att ae anended ffOn tiue to thoa, or under any ""runon iary ciaiu, inc).udLnE wlthout llultatlon claime tor tnJunctive rellei, paroonal injury or danaEe tc propsrt]'-or nalural Besourccc ci eor or ant clairn by any govsrnu€ntal or prlvatr Fsrty for reuedlal or Lguoval coete, natural reaource harnagcg,'prolarty da:oaErl, damagae for plmcnal ln]u1.i!11.,9I othei cOata,-expcneor or dauage' or any claio for in1unctlvs ieri*-iiiEine irou any atteg6a fn1ury-or threat cf injury to health, safatf or tha Lnvtronrornt ietlting to the Iand or adJaceic or n-aigtrlorlnE land; and (b) any anq all coftc, exiinsec and Ioiecr lnlurred by anf Indcldrifi€d Patty ln order to- eliuinate, loolate or othenrlrr control or reuovs any contaroinatloir ot the land by a ltazardoue Eubrtance' The f;;&;GS-inaelrnity shalt bL ttnaing upon rndernnltor r*hether or n6t aiy contaulnation by or prelcnc. or ral6a3o of llazardoue-gubstancos was ciUeed by fnderonitor, whether or not indaionltor has ]tnowledg{, of 3uch contaninatj.onr preaence or reltafa, vhether or not euch contenlnatlon, pre3enee or ieieare'uae torcaccable or unlorcseeabl€ or rehether or nct su.tt contauinatlon, priaance or relealr lg dleclosed ln or acXnoufeaged by ani i"port, docunent, ebudy or lnfornatlon obtalned 6y or-sr6ilttia oi provlded'to Pa1uer or Unltsd' eXEenf*f*l euch lndcronity ahall not be blnding upon ilffiT[H-to tho extant tfrat 1a; any contanlnatlon by or pr66enc€ or relsase of HaZardOir'SubltancQa rcletce eolely ta the acts of Palner, unltcd or any other perton or entlty,' othsr than lnderqnltcr, lto affLl-tates of any of tbclr *gont8 or contractcrc, ariatng subaequsnt to the date that Palmer acsulrce tltle to the iend or-(b) the eourct of any euch coritanination by er prssohcB or rcleaae of any Haaardoug gubstanccc on oi int-o iana adJaoent to or nrlgnborlng thr Land llii or ia antirely outelde thA LEnd and nor- related to any activity ncu or pirvloualy conducttd cn ttra r.,and' -2- .-ilr-rR z'J 'gJ 18;38 Atlt)CO Co P.E 2, Thoee coste, dauagaf , llabll,ltt€a, }o!Bses,cialas, er(penses (lncludlng uLthout liuitation reaaonablelegal. fees snd dlgbursqn€ntE) for whlch the IndennlfledFarEl.g arB lndennifled hercundu fhaLl be telnbursabla aslncurred vlthout any r€qulfeuent of, wattlng for the ultiuateoutcolle of any titigation, claln or othor prccooding, andIndennl.tor shalL pey auch coeta, atq)6ns€s, datraEss,llabllltiee, loeeee, claluo, expenele (includinq withoutti:ritatlon lcEal f€€s and dieburEeuente) as incurred byPFIucr, Uillt€d or other Indcanlfl.d Party uithin 15 days afternolLc€ itenlzing thc auounta lnourred to the date of guchnotice, In additlon to any renedy availabl* for fallure ,-o perlodlcelly pay ruch amounte, guch suounto Ehall thrrraftrrbear lntcroet at tha rate of fivc prrcrntaEc Foihtl abo./-Unlted'g publlcly announced or publlihld prJ.ue rat€. Paynantby Palber, United or any othcr Indennlfisd Party ehalL not bea condltlon precedent to thr ohllgatione of Indeonitor ,.rnder thla lndeunity Agrcen3nt. 3. Any notlcc to be given tc any party purnuant tothlg Agreerncn: shall ba ln writ,lng and nhall bo hsnddellverrAr e6nt by overnlght courlrr, or sant by registered orc€rtlfi€d nailr rnturn rocelpt requeatad, poetqga prepald, addreseed ae tollowg: (a) rf to Ntoco: N.IOCO OIL COMP^IIY 600 g. Cherry EtrecB, $ultc 911 Dsnver, Colorado 80222Attn: D. Krlth Erown (b) It to Unltcd Bankr Unlted Banl"- of D€nv€r National AarocLatlon 1700 Broadway Dcnvcr, Colorado 80374'00{3AttEntions Real Ectate Banking Croup (c) If ro palrncr: llr. Lro Falner 2701 Irie Avenuc, Sulte A Bouldrr, Colorado 80304 Any notlce elrall be drtned effectlva s'hen handdellvercdr or ons day after tlscly doIlvery (aa evidenced byreceipt fron the ovrrnlEht courl6r) to an overnlght courierfor n€xt day delivery to enother party, or thr66 dey6 efterthe gane ie depoalted s{th thr U.S" Poetal Eenrlce. Any party -3" r.iFR ai5 '98 1t-1: lig ;{1"!OC0 F.7 $ay.chang€ Lta or hls addr.ss for the givlnE cf notlce bynotice hereunder. 4. IndeDnltor aclmowledEse that (a) this IndahnityAgraenent hae becn nrgotlated and dellvered ln the State ofcolorado Rnd ggrorf that thle Indennlty Agreeuent Ehall begoverned by ancl construed in gccordEnce nlth the lewE of theStBte of Celorado. Thia Indeunlty Agreeuent ehall lnure lothc bcneflt of the partlee hcrrto, all lndcnnlflcd Partles andall such partiee, r*epectivo suocsasors and arslghs.Indeurritor walv.J any ace€ptance of thle Indeuniiy Agreenentby thr Ind€nnLfled partiee. 5. The failure of any fndonnlflcd Party to enforceany right or renedy hcrcunder, or to pronptty enfbrce any euch:ight or reuady, ehell not congtltuta- a wuiver thereof norgive riae to any €EtOppCl against such perBon, nor exouee theIndennitor fron lts obllEatlona hereundar. Any waiver of Euchright or resedy buat bs ln wrlting and signad by the party tolre bound. Thle Ind€nnity Agrecucnt 1r eubJcct to enforcohentat law and/or egr:ity, lncludlnE without iinitation actione for dauagae and,/or rprcific perfomance. 6. ThiE Indennlty AEre€s€nt shalt be deensd to becontinuing irr neturc and ghltl"-reuain in full force end effectand shall eurrrivr any exercisa o! any remcdy by UnlLod undrrthc Coctulentr governing, evldanclng or rccurtnE ttre Loan,tncludlng sithout I:i.nltatlon forEclosure of the toan (or daadin lleu thereof), €v6n i!, aa pErt of Buch forccloruri or dccdln llcu of for€sloautre, tha IFan a$ount Le aatigfied in full. CCRi,o INDEUNITOR: AI'IOCO OIIJ collPAHY, a Mqryland corryoratlon Districc Manager Leo PalDer, dlh/a Pal.nrr Drvelopnrnt Conpany I'NITED BANK OT DE}TVER NATIONAL ASSOCIATIOT{ By: -4- PrcCIdrnt F,.Ea9 'gcr 19,39 FnCCO CU EXHIBIT A (Attechrd !o and fornlng a part of the inacnntty Agra€!€nt, daied t'tarch-23, 1990, inonq An'oco-oll conpany, United Eanl( of nenv6" National essociltlon and L€o PaInBr, d/b/ a. Palner Developucnt couPany) A Dart, of, lots N and o' bioot( 5-D, vaLl vtilage, r'lrit fl'llnE, Totm of VslI' County or Bigie, itate of coloiido, rore partlcularry deserlbed ag followe: councnolnE at the NorthwBlE corn'r of Sectlon t;-i;wn;nlp 5 eouth, rangs 80 trast of ths 6t'h piincieat ilerldlan,' thenoe-s o D€gr-€e?,21,-^ tttnutei o0 geconds E and along thB wost rrno ;; ;iie Sectl.on 8, 35.es Feett thenoe S ?9 ilgru.F 46 iltnutei oo geeoqlqa 8.25.44 Feet to Lrri norttrvut cornc oi rald l,ot N, whlch le alao thr true point of Beglnning; thincr ilnti"iil"g-i-g-D"grees 46 l'{lnutee 00 gaoondd E i"a -fong-the Uorfh llne of said ,i"'ot N, and ,ifong tni rntlrrtst. of Hlghway No' 70, x75'o0 reeti Th€no€ I 10 Degrees 14 ltlnutei 00 Seconde w 1{7,{3 Fr.it thance N 79 Degreeg 46 Hlnuter 00 scoondB w 147.36 Fc.t to a polnt on rino-*erturti tine of said lot N vhlch iE algo iii. ii"t"rry ifght of tray llne ot Vcll Roadr lhence N o bogriit Zg ltliutrr 00 Grconda W and "fonq eaia weiterly llne end along EaaEerly nfgh€ of way r.inE Lso.00 Feet to the Tnre Poini of leglnnlng. snrcluar A-I NP '99 16132 FRor'titdaw'"tLi':*c ulrrrlir"'ft ui uLrwLnv t nltld Bg|t of Denver t+adonsl Ariociation Unted Eenh Centcr 'l700 Broadway Dorw€r. furado Bm74t tcptEnc: (S) 861€11 Unlled Bank Aprll 10, 1990 ilR. I€g_Pelucr, il/b/a ?aluer DeveIoIrEGnt CcupanyItrs. tllllan Palner ??01 IrLs Ayenue, SnLte aBoulder, Colorado 8o3o4 Deat l{r. aDd lts, palner! ^ _SulrJect to tbe oondltlons set fortb beLotr, IlniteilBanlr CIf Denver lrational Assoclatlo[ (tbe r8ankr) c6mite toDEI(e a oenstruction loan (the ,l€atr'i to you lc6llectively, th.__-Pgrrorerr) for a retddl urd conioninirrn iroJect focatiain vait, cotorido known as tui vail eaECrcry-e1iz1^-,4rr vq.+r, r,eJ.e5aq.e fi:ngwll f,g Eaa vaf,I saEeltay pl.aaa, aaprevlously descrl5ed to t*rc Banh (the ,projecgei,'.t PNGE 6? as f,olloss: !{axinrm I,oa$ tDourtl 96r4001000 fnterest Rate: t-L/Z perCentage pointe abgrrc thepublicty announced or Bubli$ed piine rate of theBank, adjustable thg diy of any Lhange Intereat Falments: lontbly l{aturity Date: one yrat af,ter tbe cloelnq of theLoan, or such earller deta upon shLcb a pirnanentIoan Eesurecl by tbe kojcct is firrrded. tts Bor:rssernay elect to er.tend tho laturity data of thc Loan foran.additlonat one yrar period uion 60 days toio*wrilten n_otice (th- 'NoEice of ixtensiJnit i;-th"Etnlr oh the condltlons that (1) thert shaif e:riet noav€nt of default of any cLrcunstaace that rith thegiving of notice or thE pasarge of tfue, oi-lotU, - would sonetj.tute an rnrrnl of default unier arry oi tnedoguments evld.encing or gccnring the Ipan; (ai tU"principal auount outetandlng under th: tpin'ef,aii-notexceed 93,000r00or -(t) po-rrouer abal,l heve paid theBank an additional loen tee ln thl anount oi flai ofthe tben orrtstanding prlneLlnl ltlou$t ot thc i;an,(4) a final certificate of occupanoy for the Prloiirctshall have bgen lesurd, (5) th€-prolcct euatt UJfreetrom all liens and onein5rinces cxc6pt those-il ga"o"of or approved by the aank ln vlitln|, (6) atl ci-the _:' "tiiru'?*'iil3r *ttlf;'t oF DE'*\ER . I€o Palner, d,/b/a Palter Devel-opnent Coatpany . fillian Palnerll. l.o, 1990 PR6E O3F.5 retail spacc tlren undcr leasr in the Project- Ehall be ilu;i.e-by tery4t=-iccoptall: !? tlre Eanlr sho shall HH.*i#;*:x giilv;I'ti"'3l#l'l3ft'ti:lt, affi",lton-rn anotnti-iaceptarre to {*re Bank'. iil --a"iro"er srrai-i-tavi-afrtvlrG-d to tbe Bank iviaenci satlsfeiforv io-tne Bank (based uPotr.past puir"i-"nE ;a ieaii,""lre P-roJectionsl tlat-tbe-annrrarlzed rentai-payaente irm t'ne tGnants lcEB oreiatirrg expenees-iir tUe Proioet vlII equal at- i;;t ii5t of trte-anount o!-tFa Snvzrc4ts u4fl?T lleil;; ana tii r"i="rlei;ba11 h"y' dellvared to tbc Bank on or Uerocl-[UI-aite of the t{otice of, 8:cten61on il'ipii"isai-;i-itte p"1ect acecptablr to tb€ BanB piepiiea bI ?n .pi=aiiei a99:PJ*'Ie to Ute Eank wbo iE irot affiliate-a- in eny way vith the Eotrtrowcr' =[oili"s-"-ioa" to vir[L-rat]'o for the Prcject .-G;i;i"a"a-wrti""t-i-gara to lll ":11:n:tr ctber inan the real property) rro great'r tnan 7Dt' eorBlttsent Fees $5{,000, of ublcib $?t500 4fll,!" nonsefundable and payable rrllon- accePla1ce ol Errrs ;il;it*en[ i"a iis]s-oo ot ritcu gnal'r u9.nav,p!1-fron the tlrst advance of th€ Lgatri the Co@lUDenE l-ee c-Jna€iiui"i "c#taeiatron-ror th3 Banh fsspirrrg 3lrlr ;;ffiitd;a-""d ioi irranEing for funds to be available to nakr advrncer of thc laan ctosing Date; Uay 15, 1990, or.tuch earlier date .rroon wfricn the Bclrmir bar satirflEd ell of -theiliiiiii"! ;t i;L'tb belov, tr rive dave' Prlor*i-iiim notice thereof is glven to thc Banlt Tine is of the csEenos vitb respect to all.dgidlines requite.nents condinta- ir,-tnis- cml,tuenlf -ltl-tllt#;;i;iil-"rrp#;-urtte*t the rsal I'g cloeed 93 -t-f,P"I:I:iil=ii s o . - - ri-fi;"*;r . ai* . T,ot. 9l?:9 i. - P9- la*^**11-b:1fuiihll"ilrr-gitiJi il-ir"iuilv -ner"'uriel 119 Rt"?At-:1I]i; ffi pncpiia-pdrtfon of, th3] Co@1to€nt Fce as I'lguidated and not ea a PenaItY. |rbe Eorirqter shau' pay all 9rD- gnecc in connestion *, tfrts connitueniana tnE lian,.shctber 9r l9t-tbi 1::nliJ'J"il-iici"aind-titl"t rirotlla- to-91 ltl tll-lecs ror the iiiFl' "ppiiriar-ot-trre-irojeet prop?rtf -(or corls of inaipena-e-nt apprat-f ii t r - tu6. f cci :11-31?|1"'31??H ::,*"#ilt';;I;;;i;-;ne-[f,ii' staff i recordlnE' fltlns andt tgi"triiion- tEi.i docrrnent ppparatlon feeg; turntey ertrteneeai tttle insusanc€ cia"qiJ-"na lreilfursi loan disburscnent fecsi ai"t -in-id;t#; f,eee-in tne inersr{ oi $sco per loonth; oopylns 4PR 19 '98 -=-:: :::o ltr. Leo Palner, Ub/a Faluel Developnent. til]ian Palner 11 10, 1990 Pag€ 3 o Conpany PNGE S4 Gr.pensesr lotn and ce'mltugnt fcgg; cogtr of csnrultantcretalned by the Bank in conneatlon vlth r(binieterinE theIpant feeE of any engi:reer or other professional retalnad bythe Bard< ln connection witb tbe Iparli aogtc of ppeulurc oneurety coDpany bonclai and tlle out-of-PoclCet expattse3 of Stnlrln edninirterlng the Lsan, All expeneec ascertrlneble tbrouEhthe date of the closing of the Isan sbalt be patd at tbecloclng of, the toan. ltte Bank,e obligatioqr to cloee tbe Ingn il rubJect to(1) dellveEy to tbe Bank-of rvidmco eatlsfactoqf to th- Bank and tte corrnsel tlrat actlvttlcr or aorrditiong tlrat have oceurired or are occurrinE or that cxiet or have exicted onl under or about the Project ptoperUy rill tot give rlee to aayliability, dlanages, cgats or expensee nnder any federal, stateor local environrnental etatutee or ord,inanees, o! rrndrr any coneon law clain or any clain by any llovernnental or privatepargy for renediaf, or renoval aoEta; natural respurcc dauaEce, Frolprty danages, darnages f,or peraonal injuries, or othercogtq, exlrcnses or danages ot any clair for inJunctivc teliefarising frcu any alleEed inJurlt of tbreat of, lnjurry to bealtb,safety or the environme,nt relatinE ?o thc Projr6*, Irr€llcrBy or arry adjacent er neiEhboring land, (?) Eorrower obtainlnE allnecessary approvals of the plans end speoifiaatioae for ttrehoject and (3) execution ana Aetivery to the Eanlc, Ln fornand subetance satiefactory to It aad ltg counsel, of thefollowlngl (a) a loan agireeoent containingr, uithout lhLtatl.on,the follottlng tems and cendit.lons: (i) a covcnant proht"bitlng the ineurrtnce of any add5,tlorral debt or the gtving of anyguaranties (other than as dlrclolrd on tlraBorroFcrtr D.c.Dbcr 31, 1989 ftfi|nol,alttaeeh€nt3) or tbe corweyanse,of or thcgrantlng of 'arry rcurLty intereet ln anyproperty the vrlue of rhich elceedr $1oor000r lndividually or in the aggregate,by ttre.Eonwer, or cithcr of: you, withouttbe prior witten eonccnt of tbG gantt (ti) a covena$t Segulrlng tbe Borroser to aSrplyall of ttrc procerde (net of urual and sustonanT clocing costs and Cbnniesl.ons) receiv€d ,feoa the eale of {;be, sondsriniurls 1n the ProJect and any othor anoutts recetved on accorrnt of purcbas,e aontrnetsrelatlng thertto terard the outrtanAlng balance.of tbr lpan; NPR I ,94 16 r 34 FRoo I CcIgpnny PR6E 65 IJeo Pgloer, d/b/a Palucr DeV.Ielruant. Lillian Palnerlo, 1990 (b) (s) (d) (e) (itt) a covanrant rcqulrlng dcllverl'-by tX€ Eorrorter of qtra'rtrlly leas€ status reporEs acerptablc to tlr :BailR on cll real r8t'ate projLcte ncr olr Uslbtftrr owncd.by the Botrover or oltbor of you, ahowlng b3r project and genant thr-total sPace 1?18edt itre'groee rcrrtal rat6, conccsElons, it any, and f,,bc tc-a of the lease; end' (tv) a eovenast rc+rlrlnq tb: delivesy.btr the Borrouer'of qdartcrly oasn tIry gtatcnents accepta.ble to tUe tantr tor thl Boffffier and euch'otber flnrnolal I'afornatian as the Eank naY r$rsonably rcqulret a pronS.ssory note to etrtdenee thc roaDt aleeda of tnr.at, rcrtgaEce, areignnrrrtc of rente, collateral aseiEnnenis, rcsurlly agrggnents.ltil flnancing statenenta erlatlnE- first llclrs fllt'h reepect f.o thc collateral lleted ln gcheclufe I attiched hereto, to lcstrrc repayuent of t$e Loant recelpt and approval by ttrr gank of tbe ttenE listeE on gcb6Eule II hrritor to be provideo at tlre BorroHcrtl e-gense; an Lndcunity aEteenent trqr I'nocq gtl gdp*ny relatlng to-phistcal corrditton ef Ulc land undertying tirJPrejeat cnd rn opinLon of the senerai c5unscl of-looco oll eoupany sltb iespect to tbe autborltatlon, validlty and enf-orecabiltty of tuclh indeimity agreenetlta. (f) suclr other dodunentr and cdditlons to doounente as the Balk Ea-ir rraconably requlre. Thls cormitnent lr not acrlgnablt by thc llolsotrea thout tfre-prioi nrltterr congcnt of-tlrr.Btnh. . fgrtbert .lt i: a-nd aErced tbet tbe Bank hrr lrlusd t'bia t@Ltuent Lely for tbe benetit of the loirrsr€I,.itl$ n9- ?tbir P?I:?l-orshall have any lnterest in or clai-u to tbie coruitnent proeeeds <rf thg r,oln' Br acceptlns thiE Omltnrnt, th3 Bolz'ower luthorl,zes Bank te nafe-ybiiever lnqulries it conslders neceggafy altd roprl,ate for parposeE of evaluatlng thc Borrooertc arfcial etateoentl and credit-stindlrtE' NP lLeg:rJ t'r3,L. r'...,t5ofn Lr uEr\vLK Ir. I€g_Palucr, il/b/a paluer Dwel,oSuent ccrry)anyUrs. Lillian Paluer lg)111 10, 1990 Pagc s I€ gry urltten reprcsantatlon to the Banir aorcernlngtbe f,lnancial condltion or oredit-rtlndlng o! citber theBorrftter or any cuarantor brov.a to bG falee or nieteadiBorrftter or any cuarantor trrovaa to bG Verl tnrly yours, Uadersiginea herehy achofll-s, lccepts and agrreee toterss and oonditions ofletter: conpany PF6E g5 Borrftter 9r any cuarantor trrov.a to bG falee or nielea{ing lna$y aatcrial.respect, or i! the Eanh ieacgnably deteEtlne;tlrat Lts posLtio'n ln the Loan l: tbrrrtcnod blireegoqr of anedverse ehange in tlrc financial oonCtrtlon or eredit-ctanrtlnEo! eitlrer the Eorrofler or any CiuaraDtor gr in tbe conditlon-of,tlre Project or tlre RrcJect propgrty, thc Basltrt obllgatloa torat(e th€ loan.uay, at tbG gantrig option, be cancellei And the Eank ray retaln the comitnon! F.a. If this aonuitoent la acoeptlble, ptrot*e e*eerrtc bettrenclosed co-pies of thlE 1ett6r and return the,u to thc Ban*,togeth€r with a ctreclc peyable to tlc Bank ln tlre atortnt of thepcrtlon of tbe eouuitnenl frc Dayabh upon acccptonG€r tghlscounibent vill expire at EtOO-p;I., Dsnver tlu-e, on lprll 16,1990, lf the Bank haE not recelved tbe rigned accepAnbc and ' the required po*lon of the @mitrent Fee prlor ta t,bat tlue. Fa f April _, 1990 : Aprll _r l99g FPR 1B '99 t6r35 1. Thr IEan sh'Il 51 g3€trr|d by tne folldrlnE leteral I '*oL The Arcbltest for the ProJeat' eritfce-in-cotoraao, is asnold' Drt.d:-April 10, 1990 ;;;-' 'iio-Parnir, dlblt Palmer GveloPnerrt ConElanl' atro Ltlllan Paluer (a) the sroJrct proprrtl; (b) all leatcE, rcnt!' l'seuee and prolitE fron tc) all fixtur" and Pcrtonalty inrtatrIed or to in the Proiestt (dl a $500,000 a+rtificate-ot depoeit to be Barrk (ress any anott"lg applted to t'he raan) t PA6E B7 Projectt lnstatrea d by tle BOney Dank. Ringlard 3" licensed to lrchi.tecte. (e) Bortrouer's lnt'rEEt-il.t}" purclrasc f o= the condornu roin-lii tn'- - ry:j- i:t*1nl-?1t"3"il:*cts for ERe ssrrqomJ-rrrr'rtt "' w- - "friff be beld by the;6;iL-i"rii-i"g ther:to, vbicb I z. TIre cencral CoaCractgr tgl the Project is iinoE""-crotleY co' of Colortcq' 4, The rroJect certificate of OccuPancY Eiiore February 1, 1991' ehall be acrrPleted tberalor rbal]' have '. sho nurt be Gvutlrey/Fatt and a tinal been lssued on or r-1 ' otfu,l.u,,it9* t lill*.r., [B$. \tr r,,Erlvrrs o geherls;tE jII Ee, Cobsifls-tiqn,..IeaLcotr4itF$nt Datecs April 10, 1990Iorl L€o Et1!et, d,/b/a Falner Dc|rclopnent c€nFEny anilr,llllan Drlucr Except ehere noted rs not appllc$Ie (]B/^', r thg folloring docunents sill be rcgulred La conncctlon vltb the , Excopt as othett*lse noted Caalr uugt be turnlrhed to the at lsEst ten daXrs prior to tbe Closlng D6t3: 1. ITTFU.RAI|CE- BOr.{Dg _1.01 Eorrower UiIl provide evldence of theGenerElTontractor's fhbfliry lnsuranee frqr an lnsuraneegarricr acceptable to tbc sanfr tn a[ount and fotm acceptable to tbe Bank. _1.04 An archltgct's prof,e;Flonal llabtlitytnsurffi ppliey with rrepe€G to t}re ProJect lroll an laeussn6g carrier acceptablc to the Banh obtained bI'theArchltcct, in Euch amount dt DaJ, be requtr.d by tD6 BanJr.rf cbe trehitect nairrtaine blanket profesionel liebility insurance ia an aDount eatisfactory to the BanB, gvidence of sucrb insurance nay b€ dellvered to tha Eanlc in lieu oftlre policy. _1.o3 ?lorker'e cocqnnsation lnsurance lrorl botlrthe Borrover and tlre General Contractor anC aucb otlbet lnsurance as nay be requtred by appl.lcable lan. -1.0{ (a) All-rick ineurEnce on tbr Luproveuentsin the Project Ln anounts equel to the fu1l replecementcoEt tlrereof (without dldrction for deprecictlon) as such replaceuent coet shal1 br dsterulned ennually by an expert Eelected and paid by tbe BorroFer and Approved by tbeEank. Such lnsurance shtll be written ln such a Dtnnerthat in the event of tro3s, tbc rneunt of coverrge affordedto thc insureds strall not bl reduced or dLaj.nlrhod byreaFon of tbe appticrtl.on of e.ny co-lncurancG or Ulreragealauoe. Such all-rlek lnrurancg ahpll al.so1 during.tbe sourse of any constructlon or rrpei.g of any iuprovruents, Pn6E 08 rr-1 nPR tg '94 16:44 - FRoo PNGE 91 be o$ arl-rislc bulrdertr ritfi, loot conPl*3d-Y1l-urr tlorr- reporting totra or-;tuer torn ippr6*i"c pi'!h: T*: ultlr a aleductibre noG t" orat"a-irtgoqor stret! otber anount l8 ieii€d to ln tritlnE bY tbc Bant' (b) tll'list fn:uran€f orr tbc fufalebiadg' ffi ffi ,#:H#*;:5il#f#Si*rd{E'ij'u""'1 Borrow3r rot,tsc'iilti.-#oilit;;[iit cucih proPer'tv ir' in telfporary etorage;u;l-*o-tlc' r'rJf ect a*/ ot -l'n transit' in aoount" "qo"t-ti-lfi.-iurr-ileii6ent cq-6t tbercof ?iiiu'.*i-aaaictioii idi aeF :"iigro1) rf r:11:Tblv detctzined rv trr!'5aitl -s["u-arr-rrix tnsur-ance rhrfr be Eecured at the titl tnc Bororcr firrt acElfgeg an ir,"Ganr"-intereilin iucu prol)rr-Err ar'd sball be saLntalned rt all ti.ses tbereafter' sryirml_!? *H:"[*:ffi lt:'lu'3ff ;il"itl;'t#*-"'F-ovi&-" Pertanant PlgPo*{. il"-' ifi-risx f-on naulne Sl Dank rc rortEagee' 1-06 Upon cornpletlon of corretrtlctiort-of the projeF, i'ILdi valuolirrsrrranee nollcv on arl of tbe inprovenente in'irtl*iil:E;ji$El 106! bY I'ert:Is covercd brrthe atl-riek #;.iA-in-iDofiip-9f noi less-tban 100t ;t H ii! iiEir"annuai sro33 rrn€ir lncone ar .ctc:mined by tbe ranx ress iili-ule-lno,lnt-Jt tn. annu"l rsduction in operatlng coits-11,[i soofA-rcsolt lt tbe tnprovcnents rere unoccupiad as a iilifi-.t"slcl-d.trgc or deltnrctlon' as detemined bY tre sanlr' L.oT ourins thr cour,sl of aonetnrctlgn and after tae ?F65eii-ir*"-GElr-o""eli.+, I ninlnun of $51000'000 ;;bil;e-ir"gi. iiiit-p6ilc rirliuty insuSaucc. end propertv darrEe i""dafua ir-r a+ aileunt equar to the 'proiect-coet ieeE unlnrurablc 1t3[tt' t'ou I! the Drojec€ 'land lE locatrd-ip tn area trrat f, i.Ii, ii i-J-in-if,i artr=",_identlfl.ctl by-tJre secretary ot c"ilfos. 1ii9 t19ua1 ucvilonncnt er. a-flood trazard arsa aDCl f;nhi.b flood-lnsuranoe hae bcen nade avaitabte ruaei iiic"iiitfonif rfooa Ineurance tct of 1968, iia"A insurance ior ttrr tern g! tlo IFln' 1tP t? th' naxinud ttuit Jr-ii"Jiigi-lvelianre under the Act, on the inprovenentt "ni il';[a-P="Jcc1 anc arl.prreonal prop€r'ey locarcd on thc E i-j.E-fua-ana €xc.' Lirurance lf tbe Eank so determines' If-? .NPR 10 '90 16r45 FRol PFGE 62 1.09 Borronet sbatl grovlde the Ean Ytth aetual cooleET:f-il; poii;i;-t;qnrji"F utner Srgragra8h: !r il' i : Il=Hii : li"mFr,*;.iti:"ffi Hilq-"#3.':H:gi:u. and a Etandard "i*tgug*;i-rndorsssnt' Ehe lnsururce ilii&iil;g.ti=a under Frragrapnp 1'o5 anc l'06 sae to i.ncrude trrc etandail;;fi4#e'i crrdorsrnent' - IF inaurance rcquired undeq Daragralttll f'91, 1'o2r l'03' 1'0? end f.Oe are-to uc erriocnEcd iy i cc*lllcate or certif,lsates of, ins"=inss of tf,l-tnerrrancl-carrl'r or carriers- ltr pifiiG;;d-t;ttri-iCat& or lnsurNncc urEt Affir;-; certi?i""iron tuat tbr ras wllr not be carraelred ot -"tlil;Iil dt"..d ultbo'i et react clxty iEoi a"yir adrra:rcs notice to tbe Er$It' 1.10 Eoiler inrurancr pglicy nantne-th3. Denls as toes Fafci'iioil"n incuranca earkicr icccptabl? !.o th' ilil. Afuahins tiie-Jtandiia *Tgffi:"f;t:l* *o niovidinE for ten days' 'notlce tc canoellation. 1.11 Perfom^ncc end llen Uonas approv3d by the Eank verlrg sG eengrel contractot' t.lz Ferf,ornalrce and ll'n bords coverlng ce-tsln contra-to;;="= ih;-il"j.ot il€stEsateil bv the Sank' a. Affif,oFryEYs' oPIFTP{ z.ol An oplnlon 9f t'bc Folrcwcr'3 at't'orllcIE' datcdEi;-;ttd d"e-"ii-tte- cr*rt'g Da!€r . ln eotl rna ;il[;L-tatiitJ"tarr to thc ran* *nd ltc rttorneyt' ;;;;il6g-;ucb regar nattcrs^aE tbs Eanli- 9rtq. r!? attonreyr r"y refiirer--laifuOing nltlrout listtatlour an oplaioa t'batl (a) ahe loan rE s€uetrt alrd al'l docrusat'f regulrcd trr"leui,-as cxrsitrd and dellvlTed ry-tbe Bo*ower to tne'iaii, "r.lirra antt bfudrry- olr]fs.atfcn: of tbe Borrove", "r#"-rd;.b!| ln aecorclenee ultu tbe1r. tans. (b) rhe et ecutlen and.d:+Y:T!: 9!-!!t. I*tt aqreipent inC tnd-a$unents requirrd tbcrcrur6er -a''4;ilffi;Iili "i"u';f til-tiai'ac+ions regulred tbicabv ;iit-n";-"inffi.iliirr or be !.+ corntravcntion of any lew, ;;a;";-rure or rcEiulatlon appllcaurc to tlrr Boriro$ur or' to tbe lrnosleclge of suslr'attonryr, anlr othrr agrraa€nt gr lnstn&ent to uhiclr the Boncow.r'ii a ba*y oT by +i€+;G-ffiil;t-i'-tiila;; ;-icct€d, ril.l r[r-not reeult in tui lieition ofanv-llen, atra4r: or encunbranco of any_ nature on the eroiict or arry. oiber ecllateral f,or th' Isan ogror tban as ptrift*a by thc loan agr'$3ttt' trI-3 tif rD.eo o (c) 'llbere le no natcrinl actlol, au-it 91 lega1 proceeding'einCing or, to tbe hnos5dgc of sucb atto_ncys' ti;;Gil,i'iil; -6 thA *nontraga or rrlob attornryc Ls tbere arry bdais tncrefcr) tEalnet tDe EorrffreE or Jle"tiiii inv or tr,li= plopirtv,'anc tbr BorrouEr tr aot i;-G;;ilit-ilit'u- ="Jplct- [J inr iiacr, sslt' injunctlen' aJoree or deoand';-f ili corrrt-or EsrtirnDentar iutlrority' o (d) slre EonrsYer laq obFftt.d a$.-qgY?tr?9l!11 pcndt* .$-o9nie"_t!_;Sg:q$_ l::"tlt^**,:T*1 :I.1"iloi""t; tne-n-orrosir-Uit obtainc{ thr approval ol t}re iiij.ct' lf-iu- lr"lrte-cturct ggniror eJT*!!:.:_=1_:]iii{ect'li--eru-fuditeaturir oontrol eonn-lttr*p and lll liaSi-enEitrEs niving ttrr rtsb! to rrvl'tlt ?ld ryql1!-qepr;jeca; t'ui congtnr6tion or-tbe^F"j?dr l! !?l"jru"t*do^,'l-.r{-a, }rr tha b'lahi end socclficationE herBtOt0lgacc6rafire to tbe Dlanr arrd spcclf detlvered to tbe Banl, rrl1l cmPrLmply vit'h _a11 such^ Pera'itr, Ansenaa and epprovarir anit thr'pioeomd-*i 9t ter i;ce rifi ci,&ery wrtrr rtl. apBricrptc lanfl use and zonlng lavt. 3. Bq$rs. strRvEYsl ENcnTEq$?. RIPqR[9 '3.01 ALI plaar and stGclflaetlons, .atctrltect't eratdilga iita-otner itens relrt-lng to lghe ProJect' 3.oz An iultrov(Eent EurFvcI' ol tbt l'|ioJcgB p"oe"tty-ii-i siti"t"vEn-i""rittul: tE tbr Bantc, co'slylus ilil reitrlieoents f6r ruwryr atstchcd bereto' 3.o3 soLl rcpor"tr on tbe FrgJgotr prgp?rrcd}y an accept.Ell' r"if=-"neittiii, -tq.etU"c vitb an oplnion frou a ti;;;.g-engineer--if;a in ircfritect tlrat tlrc loundatlon aeEiqneC roi trrJproiceC will b. adeguat -for tlr' roLls ;c-ilil;; # tttE-iioicct and.har Srcn deelgned 1n aaEoraance-slth tfie rec6mcndatlcnl contalned in tbr soils ;;"o;tl -rni-seifi-r"port iliir conll:n that tbe lend in trr-e-ii":ec€ i. not coitanlnated by aTty hazardous $rbetanlec or envigonuarrtal. PoUstantr' -3.04 lll eoginertlng rqrortl on thc ProJ'at' {, EnpcEr[g, JEffiEFtrES 4.O1 A flnal lnrdget ter conrtnrctLon of the Projediireiualng-i- iotrsa[Ie -of all verlc ltersortcd to l"iE-ini coplca ;i tb"-illatc$ invoiccr rogether ul.tlr cvidenae eatlsCailofr-to-Uri-S5nk ol the piyasnt tbc3cef ' 4.o2Adetlilcdrc'beduteforeonstructionoftjperojeff II-4 nPR 16 '98 16r46 '-'b Pn6E 04 5. lTqI;Er.tFlxEs !___-_=r-3.01. A-nortgagr titlc ingurance aomitEentrsau"l by E titre_tnEririnae-coilany_acccp€blc to tbe Eanrtin the anount of_the-r.ii'n;ld;i;g fce tttre to tbeEoject in the h:T"I-"! 3aj-ct;iinry ro excepttons to!i!1" acceprable to.rhe Bu*;-;d;iltiig-[I-'riiI[ tu" 'reed of trust seeurins rd-ib";-ile. d_;r. iiqirllir Folldl,l*::.-lt?0) subjecr iErfioEirrlnt of rh,e insurancepre'ru' and recordlng 9i thc-diiar or-iruirr-Erilirng *,,"standard surwev execitionJ-lrdr"luding su€h cndorseu€ntsas the a.nt tai r"q,riii.- 3r-"*l=:::ir=q ji#3.H""ffi 3::.:H:itg:?:.:tis.the llroject properEy ---^--5.o3 -ggtl:tg gopfsg of atl eas€Eusnts,ctnrenants, eondltions aad i*irictio$s and rilifuentsaffecting the project prp.r*il-- ^ .-5'o4 rt and to the entrnt requi.d.by the Bahk,f€l'sur.Frce egir€ehents r.n "no,rti" arrd frou tiiieronpa'iesacceptable to the_Ban}_,. wUicti-igreeE€nii "liif -ilant theBank direct accese rfgi,ti-to -tiE-iefns"reri. 6, ceNslRuerIoil cqlrlnrct _:'-6.91 gxesuted conitrructLon contraat uttb theceneral Contractor. -.. 6.az LiEt of, na[3r of all eupplierc,subccntracr,ors and supprilre Ji "un"oniiaA;#, yho are toptovlde naterial or ser:rricei tor-a contract price irrexcegs 0f $101000 and a oe3criptLon of tbrir reryicec. p:-rmf;:l,lilfii:.H lll,ffiHi'SlTolff 'g,rll!*.1{,""contracts wlth the aorrwri-tc-lEe Ernlc. 7. ARCEITECT -7-o1 slgned agracbent bctyeen the Borroser andan arshitect 1icensed tE pri"tic- fa coroiiao.---' arcrriEE-ctlill"i{q$hltP:rfi *iHE:"Tdl'rI}{o}'.n*Perfiahent r,enderrs conuiineri€, E' urry. trI-5 APR 10 '96 t6t47 FRO llo PNEE S5 ?.03 Architecb'r crrtlfl'cate and @nsc$t t€ conoitllfrii- l"u'iiili"t-I.-tn; _n"* of, t1e Aralrltect' s ;ililiei-;ith-tlri Borotnr and all Pranc and specifleations. 8. EEIR$rrsr rr"gnusFs' trqF' 8.o1 confirurtlon ttrat applicrbll zonlrrg ordinEiGs Pelilit construdlon ef the Proi'cE' s.oz Errldcnoc of corpltertce vittr rny-r'grrlattgns r.npooEETi';y ;;';"n'eNrtri iAGn"v rittr Jurlidlo.lon over the Project. 8.0s suitalnE perults authorlcinE coilt'nrction oC tfriFoiect in lts entlrctY' 8.04 Evldcncr of rvallablllty ot utLlltlrr' E.05 Erriclenor of rpprwal of-tlrc Pryl"+ and the etancElilpl"fiiiiili;"r trrclitor bv al1 archltrctutrtt E3i'dioil-"onirr["", and rlr erher entitiee (including ;iffiil iili;;[ffi iiiirEip.it.i:r, dlrtrlcte anc_.alr other etovernmenral cr ;;;I;F-"-tdtri e.rrrltlrr) hrvinE the iignt te rgnicw and apPrstre tbe sa'De' s.@ 9.01. Sarrk'l rtandar{l fotu e*scut'd lY lheeorro6liiii"i*"itio;ffid tig"iiure (e) for dlsb'rseornts undcr the Ioan' 10 ' col.{ry)ulNlu!{' tlo, tt{ENl'rE 10'01 CondolnLun d€clantlett fo{ thr ProJect approoea-a ii'fi" ;il;barcrs.oe tbe condorninlrru: andl any other Person or EiiiEv-bt"rng trre right to aSprorn the sEnc. 10.0? Bmesvtrrt'r a*ociation rctiolrc of tncoffaliii-.tra bylaue .ppro""i-Ui-tle purctraeers of the eondopinit "" *.i-*iJot}t"f F=ton oi enttty brving tbe right to aPFEove the tu!'' -10.03 condoillnlun uap for the Ptojcet' 11. LBASE pgclruEttlg -L1-o1 Standard lsrlc for3![ fo:r Gbc tsoJect' ll.oz AII exeguted treaseg currcntly ln ef,lect' lr-5 - NPR iZs 'J6i19"" ,rriE8ft ur ',Lr*LK _ _11.03 Estoppel certlficatsa lron taeb tenantsu;ncer €xistittg leases ac tbe fank uay requlre. _11.0{ subordlnatlon, llon-Dlrturbanae andAttortent.Agreensnte .anont die-gb*orrer, tha aeir[ cnasuch tenante under exieting leases as thi Brlrk layrequire. 12. usEli$sEgls _ _12,01 All purchaee contri€tr for th*ceDcrodlnlutrE, togetlrer vith all rdde$dr and auendrentstbereto. _l2.Oz AIl BETeesents, plans and otber doouDerltsrelatr-ns to tbe parlcifis ric'iiiiiil-r" rG iill.cI-.na tnoperation tbereof. 12.03 A1l othet agreeucnt:, plans and otbertlocunEnf,E retating to-tf,l "i.i#ien or Drlntenance ot theProJeot as the Bantc tay naionalfy teguest, =__12-.0'0._An qrdated appral8al of thc proJect acceptable to the aarUc tn toh ana substance, sf,otrinE avalue f,or the nroject of qrot 1ees than gg,Soit,olio i{5 [edellvercd to the Banh no latcr tfrarr ,fun6 i, r6so1r . Pn6E 96F.14 II-7 FPR l0- '99 16:48 6sR!-rs.ggEgulFElrEms! The follorrirry lntornrtion ir requircd to be insrudedthe iuproveuent surtrey lor the projcc€; '*f A, omplct_e legrl. deeariptlon of tbe progertysns'flj.ng the lGa€tb of ltogrrty linec rxaot toenc-hundlledttr ol a foot wlth ill anglel exast tocne recond. lll erae rnC currlrs tbat ara gartgt t{S prgpgrty_linn bounilary. rbatt shos tf,cIenEth snrl bearlqt of the ars'ehorC, ttre centralarrglc, the radlut-of tbc arc seqaeni anil the - - leryth of ?lre aro. AIt braxlngg cbelt betelrtLve to true nottb,, ard. soale of dittanceschould be ind,tclted, llTte location of all egemrntE in place or ofrccorq showing the book attd page nnuber sf allrecordaal eagormt3. all ensroaitrrents, tha dhenslonr of IIIluprovoene {rtuiroyerentf includi nuitalnqs,fenens, uallgr porer ll.ner, teleplrcnc llhes, - etc.), and inClcation of etl setLacl< diEtaniesgf inpro.vcnentg at the polnts nearest the l.ot 1llp* 1lf zonlng.ordinanccc or eovenantr reguiresetback fro[ I Atlf.lrat point, tb€ rurvey - ehould rhou dlstthscs trou ttrai point alc-o1, all ctedicated prrblic streets and alleyrIrrsvicltng acc.sr-to tbc propcrty (rhowing naneaof Etaeetr and rldtb of, gtreets rnd alleys). If thc tutrey cougrrieee norc tban cnc parcel, Fhon ilterior ltnee aDC faets sufficlrirt tolnsure contiguLtl rnd prwlde i-perfreiei-d,escrlption exoept 1n casee of platted lOts. t certification, qa!9d ylthin the prcvious 60days, ln eubaturtlalty the follovi-ng foml PB6E O7 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 5. - 'l , being a aursGfror (ozfessi.oia:. Jsiai:-ct]iir"r=tte ln whlcb landt .ie eit'a_ted), do,hrrcby cerilf|-ib (nanrBorrorer), unlted Benk of oeiicr ttatlonar aesooiatioi ataf Borrorer), Unlted Benk of Oe;+cr fatlonil tO (nanr nane of tltle :lrrsurancc couluny) and to such parties' nelr;,and aaelgn6, a6 foltoryst -1- nPR l0 '90 16149 '*b (f) this sur*ey yat lndc on the Esoundaecor.riing to the fislal aotec tet, fortb?ttrr "ffexterlor ggrnira asdl bourrdary llncr Ugff;pentedr lndie trme, aorrect and aesurati ar to tfre log*aifelarld er6as of the subJrct Drop.rty and tJr.e loeatLon ofbulldllngs and i"rproviurnt6"thrrs6n, lf inyl --: . - (b) t-his suwry shorr ths Location of allrlghts of yay, earc,uentr anrl othcr siul.lEr ilBttere ofr-ecord of ln placc atfrotlng tbc propeEy, rnd, inthe case of, recorded easu.ntrp that-thei are igeatedper thc lcgal daccriptlen Ln tic rrnordcE easrrpnt; {s) there are Do otcroacihnents eitber rayactrosB tbc bourda4/ llner o! thc arbjcct propefoyexcept as ehosn o, n-th!.t ruruayt _ . . _(d) ingirese.and egncrs to ure property forvear_c!€s _are provicled by (nanr of etreet) , thc aaneDelng a Cedicated pubuc rlght-of-tayt (e) the Location of the bproveuent€ on thg :ubjcct pfopgrty ls i-n rccordaaci uttlr arl ippri-anfeIarti regulatlng the locatlon ol lqlrovencntCen tnesrrblest propcrty, all agpllcablc liwe ccntatnlnguinlmuu setlaack provirL-ng, and oovenants urdrestEictlonE of rrcgrd, lf rnyl . (f) tbc rubjcot prop.*y 6oes not Ei+r:"ee anyadjoinlng property tor drllnaio, egrrese ana ingrissor any othct Purposa, PNGE 88 - (g) tbe cubJest prqrrrty contatna and $) no part o! tbe subJcct propcrEy ie in enarea that the U.8. gcctctar? Ol EoucinE and UrbEnDevelopnent has tdcatilied rr a tlooa Eezard arca. Itegr'3Ecrscr suJnrayor or*otrltional Englneer, acg'Egt of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ruI PLUMBINGn rouruonlor.t ffiEE BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL nrro.u #, LEGAL DESC.FILING VAIL VILLAGE lST JOBNAME: pALM9lS CAppUCCINO BAR NAME PETER MENZET. _ MArLAppREss 12 s FRONTAGE RoAl clrY vArL hl9fi-9L32 OWNER ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESSw GENERAL CONTRACTOR 827 -4007 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL HEG, NO, TELE. PERMIT I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ASEH IRM DfVfSION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : -INTERIOR TENANT FINISH. TYPE GROUP G.R,F,A VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT ,+dI 7s /$r9 ll4L334NEW( ) ALTERATIONXXX AODITTONAL( j RIPAIR( ) DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT ll.lSuLATlON, ACCOMMODAIION UNITS - NO. F!REPLACES THICKNESS F-VALLUE ST, CUT BLASTING x PARKING x DEMO X MECHANICAL L0 tt4L335 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 1 ,362 GARY MURRAIN ocT l, 1991 ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE OR CHANGES TO THE BUILDING OR TING IS APPROVED. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, ljlled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the infflrmation protided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plol plan, to colnBly vtith {f Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to,{![p Tow^nls fonifg alld subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and olhFr o Town applicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF-O{II|I\I€R OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTMSELF CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE rN oN ocr 16, 1991 d-\o\DtrLbtl,ooD NO PLANS *wffrc ffi,005155 hn department of community dwelopment TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT I surlorNc t] EX elecrRrcnr !T MECHANICAL tr L2 r, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ||r t rv v ABEHIRM l?2a34DrvrsroN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : -WIRING TO TRATTIC CONTROL GATE RMIT NO. \,' I' \:' I \' \' z tr ) BUILDING ELECTRICAL 800 PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R,F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES g&xx.BUILOING PERMIT ,4 $- C) r\)i"oo- s$ 1I B&R 0 800 PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 50 NEWO ATTERATION (XX ADDITTONAL () REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. --.,. NO. F!REPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION F€E INSULATIO 19T _ EXT. WALLS TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSITI {NotlE t USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF SOLAR WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $so ERN$T GLATZTE ocT. 16, lggl ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED Y N INITIALr'_",Y' I lx l__ ,ILDING OFFICIAL OATE INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASIING )NING & BUILOING NOTES:ro:I,no I .loeuro _ | lx I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of^the Town applicable thereto. SIGNA ANO THE OWNER. FOR HIMSELF VAIL LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK- p111p6 VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA )oeNAMi, carewnv rnaFrrc cATE OWNER NAME LEO PALI.{ER MAILAODRESS 2735 IRIS AVE BoITLDER, CO 449-095ICITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VI\IL BEG. NO ii,l"#?3: ,,*u HWT ELECTRTC rowN oF vArL REG. No. l2!:E 949-4061 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR F IRM TO\A'N OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE DATE IN 0N JI]LY 17, 1991 KEPT ON JOBSITE ato\ogz@qooo NO PLAI{S 004?7554A,nYIer PERMIT I NO. deprnment of community development TO B€ FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TYPE OF PERMIT n Dtr Inxtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION 12 VAIL ROAD l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I |VV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H I R M DIVISION L22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - ADDING SPRINKLER HEAD TO EX$STING TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION LEGAL OESC.FILING VAII GATEWAY PLAZA ruaup. BENNETT SCIiLPTIIRE GAILERY'""--' MECH. Ef,trHrRlIID(WORK rurur BENNETT SCUPPTURE MAILADORESS 4505 GREENSTONE CITY PLACERVILL. Ofu. NEWO ALTERATION ADDITIONAL () REPAIR () ST. CUT gLASTING l( PARKING X DEMO x INSULATION: GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES MICHAEL WHITAXER JULY t8, 1991 LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 0N hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, d€sign IGllrATURE OF OWNER OR CO review approved, Uniform Building Code and ot TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 277-B 949-47 67 OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. 3Ar. rrfsPEcTroN's ootTPLETED The lteus belos aEed to be cooplete before gtvlag a peruit a flnal C of O, Pleaee check off 1n the box provlded. rffAI PLU{BING 'jt , DATE: tl u FIML T{ECIIANICAI. DATE:t:II{PROVEMENT SI'RVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: DATE! .CERTIFICATE OF OCCIJ?A}TCY DATE! I.ANDSCAPING DUE DATE: $W\\ n oo* ilsPEcTrof, ,s CoMPLETEX) fbe lteoe belos need to be couplete beforegivlag a perult a flnal C of 0. Pleaee check off Ln the box provlded. 8INAJ. PLI'MBING FINAI MECEANICAI. [i 1T l CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPANCY DATE: I.AT{DSCAPING DUE FILE NAI.IE:\\\ _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE6l2l9L t\o\o?Z-@96oD ! 6i; coNSrRUcnoN PERMTTn"ffiy 1,.,-.", depertmant of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE DATE 00494 4NO. TYPE OF PERMIT E gun-ornc I t J ELECTRICAL LlE uecHanrcnt I r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IRM OIVISION r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : sHoP /113 PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP G.B.F.A, VALUATION LEGAL DESC.FILING JoB NAME: vArL GATEWAY Snoe lrp lf NAME TERRY FONTANA/ JEANNINE "o,rooo*rra Box 694 ?_ ff! PLUMBINGALTERATION O($ ADDITIONAL REPAIR DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. F!REPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS F-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: FIRM OI,INER/ TERRY THON MAIL ADDRESS ARCHITECT DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT FIRM RERCMANI{ CONSTRITCTTON rOwru Or vatt- Ree. ruo. 284-8 827-4007 G ENERAL CONTRACTOR TOTAL PERMIT FEES MICHAEL WIIITAKER 6/28/9L 6128 / 9r ADMINISTRATOR OATE rrnu BRYANT ELECTRIC ,o"r* o, uo,a r=n. "o. 150-E 949-4155 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO,PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according lo the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and oli'eryances olplownrapplicable thereto.v/ ltwt -frrfZ2,->t-rX_ SIGNATURE O ANO THE OW OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTO @ TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO CONSTRUCTION PERMIT LJ PLUMBING! rouruolrroru Dt2 vnrr, noel NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE p41s rN 0N JrrNE 28, 1991 f toto?z@qa,D f,Ef,$TXJTX PT,A}IS IN SIM +","-*+ ft*slt 004941 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT )a )E )8 EUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL pEsc. ,ot# FILING JOB NAME: BENtrETt SCIl;1ruRE cAr.r.FRy OWNER NAMF BENNETT SCUPLTURE INC. MA1LADDRES5 4505 GREEN STON crrY PLACERVILL, p€A ARCHITECT F;RM ARNOLD' GWfrTHUEY' PRAI IOOO TRONT PD MAIL ADDRESS clrY vArL PH 6-L147 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM BERGMANN CONST., CO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 2AI|-R TELE. 827-4007 ]r..r*,.o,- CONTRACTOR BRYANT ELECTRIC 150-E TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-4155 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIVN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL HEG. NO. TELE. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I t tV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A8 EH IRM DIVISION 122a34 tiltEf t?iTf $il'Ste'#9lf :E:f, EemrcAFsERV RMIT NO. \ z F- lJ BUILDING 5,500 xT!.trF ELECTRICAL 1,000 PLUMBING MECHANICAL 2,000 TOTAL 8, 500 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II IHR b-z D 8,500 BUILOING PERMIT 104 Sx\i- tc\oa id +e( PLAN CHECK 67 ELECTRICAL 4l+ NEWO ALTERATIOMX} AOOITIONAL I REPAIRI PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS ACCOMI.4ODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL 30 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO,FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 EXTwALLsI IN.NE- |USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. OF SOLAR HEAT WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 345 }TICHAEL WIIITAKER JUNE 28, 1991 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I lx I IrLorrue orrrcr,lr-- '- - - DATE MIKE MOLLICA )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ]NING & BUILDING NOTES: ;;";,* | | I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Coqq and other ordjlances of tbfFown applicable thereto. ; ; rctz gi!il-.f Dz-y"si{mEAs ; rc" li?il-'f DzYesi bt F trJ+ +e AuJ@,Alte,\ .l a,I le I t t I I I I lie t I t I T t t t t CERTIFIED TEST, ADJUST AND BAIANCE REPORT ;gn utott\e$ APRIL 22, 1991 PRO.,|ECT ADDRESS C,ATEI.IAY PIAZA I-CII N BLOCK 5D, VAIL VILIAGE \AIL, COIORADO 81657 ARCHlTECT ARI{OLD G^lAItlMEY PRAIT vArL, m 81657 ENGINEER oSBAUGH/MILLER ASSOC., It{C IAKEI,OOD, AO 80215 HVAC CONTRACTOR DESIGI! MECTIANICAL, INC. BoULDER, cQ 80301 NEBB TAB CONTRACTOR IAVmENCE H. FINN & ASSOCIATES, Il{C. ADDRESS 372 EAST }611I S'IR.EEE GREELEY, OO 80634 $$nn$'###" ii ergs l;ff***Hltlond Envlron mdrtll CERTIFICATION PROJECT GATE:!@Y PIAZA ADDRESS I.crI N BIOCK 5D, VAIL VILIAGE VAIL,COTDRADO 81657 THE DATA PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT IS AN EXACT RECORD OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ANO WAS OBTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEBB STANDARD PROCEDURES. ANYVARIANCES FROM DESIGN OUANTITIES WHICH EXCEED NEBB TOLERANCES ARE NOTED THROUGHOUT THIS REPORT. THEAIR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN TESTED& BALANCEDAND FINALADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEBB "PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR TESTING_ADJUSTING.BALANCING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS'' AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. NEBBCONTRtrgIgp IA!{RED{CE H. FINN & REG. NO. 2389 CERT|F|ED BY 1/'//r, I t *, HyDRoNrc DrsrRrBUroN sysrEMS HA Iawrence H. Finn, P/E. :N TESTED & BALANCED ANO FINALAU,USTMENTS HAVE (r* T a St,.i/bo.l I I I I I I BEEN MADE IN AC@RDANCE WTH NEBB "PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR TESTING_AA'USNNGBAI.ANCING OF ETWIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS" AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. NEBB CONTRACTOR REG.NO. 2389 SUBMTTTED & CERTIFIED BY: NEBA CONTRACTOR H. FINN TABSUPERVISOR Lawrence H. Finn REG. NO. l,Latlonrl Envlrgrimontal 8dJ|dng Burtru R€gorl tlot Valid Udaa! ga.npod tvlth NFAA ar.tifi.rtL!6 Sarl TAA 483 AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT I LocATloN MEG{. Roor,lI UNIT DATA Make/Model No.N.Y. Br0vER/24 Type/Size AF / 24t',rD Serial Number F6697-100 Arr./Class tI'lDI / I D ischarge HORIZONIAL Make Sheave MAUREY / TffM Sheave Diam/8ore 5"/ 2 3/L6" No. Eelts/make/size 2/BROt^lNIt{G/ih<80 No. F i lters/t y pe /s ize B/DISP/24x24x2 *FTLTERS/WPE/SrzE 4/DISP/L2x24x2 MOTOR DATA Make/F rame U.S. ELEC.,/2547 H,P./RPM 15 / r74s Volts/Phase/Herlz 200 /3/ 60 F.L. Amps/S.F.46 / r.Ls Make Sheave BRC[${ING Sheave Diam/Bors 15 1/2"/t5/8" Sheave t Distance 32" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 2t255 20045 Total S.P.2.0" Fan RPM 2269 Motor Volts tt'lltrL-t'200 2LI/2r2/2t2 Motor Ampe Tt Tz Tj 46 45/46/46 Outside Air cFM 2L25 2400 Return Air CFM t9r30 17645 TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Discharge S.P.1.5" Suction S.P.-.5rt Reheat Coil a S.P. Cooling Coil a S.P..I8" Preheat Coil a S.P. Filters a S.P..3" Vortex Damp. Position 90r Out. Air Damp. Position EC€IrcMIZEF CYS,E Ret. Air Damp. Position Ecol{olt{IZER CYCI.E REMARKS: N.S. = Ircfl SHCI$J TEST DATE TAB 1-83 O CoO/'lCrl., ,€BB lts Nrllol|ll Envlronmantrl BrLndng Euruu n@d nbl Valil Ur*$s Srnod wlfl NEAB C.nificldon S..l GAG & JRSREADINGS BY .l 4/L2/sL PAGE r or 23 rrfi, NrEIBB O 1 -lL-'' lr*O.,raT C'ATEI'IAY PIAZA VAIL I .ocnrlgp RooFI'P AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT SYSTEM/UNIT SUPPLY,/RTU-I UNIT DATA Make/Model No.CARRTER,/4881EOl2510 Type/Size t.c. / 12 r/2"r.D. Serial Number 349060887 Arr./Class lrtIDI / I Discharge VERTICAL ECrfI[T"I Make Sheave BRC['it{ING,/FIXED Sheave Diam/Bore 7 1 /4" / 1" No. Eelts/make/size 1,/BRC['{NING,/A5I No. Filters/type/size 4/DISPOSABLE /2Ox2Ox2 MOTOR DATA Make/Frame CENII]RY/PAs6Y H.P./RPM 2 / 1725 Volts/Phase/Hertz ?08-230-450/3/60 F-L. AmpslS.F.7-6-6-3.5 / L.Ls It,}ake Sheave BROI^IT{ING / A,B] Sheave Diam/8ore 4 3/4" / 5/8" Sheave € Distance t7 3/8" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 5000 4411 Total S.P.I-0" Fan RPM II3O Motor volts r r'fz-rra rl 208 2IL/209/2LL Motor Amps Tl T2 T3 .,6.8/6.5/7 .0 Outside Air CFM N.S.3042 Rerurn Air CFM 0 0 TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Discharge S.P.N.M. Suction S.P.-.r0" Reheat Coil a S.P. Cooling Coil a S.P. Preheat Coil a S.P. Filters a S.P..6u Vortex Damp, Position TO.IE Out. Air Damp. Position l00r Ret. Air Damp. Pcition lff,I.tE I aeuanrs: N.s. = t{or sucn^l}l I $ | ,aw DATE 4/2/sr READTNGS BY cAG & JRs | ,o, *.'" Gtcotrrglt t*n ra lttood Envltoomcnttl Sdrnclng Burt u pAGE 4 r 23 R€oo.l t{ol Valid Unbss St n9.d iifl t{E88 C..lilkiio.r S.rl a I ueree o ; _- .-']L..- .f! P*O.IECT GATE1IAY PIAZA VAIL I LOCATION RooFroPt AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT SySte nA/Un tT SUPPLY,/RT[J-3 UNIT DATA Make/Model No.CARRTER/48DrE008510 Type/Size E.C. / 12 V2" r.D. Serial Number 3490c05I17 Arr./Class DI'JDI / 1 Discharge VERTICAL TTIOII,I Make Sheave BRCI'INII{G/FIXED Sheave Diam/Bore 7" /L No. Belts/make/size I/BRO0NnC/A48 No. Filters/rype/size 2/DISPOSABLE/2}x20x2 MOTOR DATA Make/Frame A.o.S&1I1Ivf56 H.P./RPM r r/2 / L725 Volts/Phase/Heriz 208-230-460/3/60 F.L. Amps/S.F.5.2-2.6 / L,L5 l/lake Sheave BRCIO,IING,/Ant Sheave Diam/Bore 4"I 5/8" Sheave t Distance 15 L/8" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 3005 3089 Total S.P..65 Fan RPM 985 Motor Volts rr-r?.rrtr3 208 2tI/2L2/2r2 Motor Amp6 Tr Ta T3 5.2 .8/4.2/4.7 Ourside Air CFM 3005 3089 Return Air CFM 0 0 TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Discharge S.P. qn Suction S.P.-. 15" Reheat coil A s.P. Cooling Coil a S.P. Preheat Coil a S.P. Filters a S.P..15" Vortex Damo. Position t€tIE Out. Air Oamo. Position l00r Ret. Air Damp. Position l,Dl{E I REMARKS: t ,a t TESTDATE 4/2/sL FEADTNG5By GAG & JRs I rAB io-*t- @Wotr,ffil6lla! 5^^lUo lEnvlronrnrntll BCandng Burlcu pAGE - c 23 R€po.r No{ Valid Unb!6 $rnoad rift NEBS Certfrcatirr Soal o AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT I o rr"-.7 GATEI^JAY PI,AZA VAIL s vsre u/u tt t1 SIJPPLY,/RT\J-4 I I LOCATION R@FIoP UNIT DATA Make/Model No.CARRIER/4BDlE6B510 Type/Size FC / L2 I/z"r-D_ Serial Numbe r 3490c05112 Arr./Class r[iDr / 1 Discharge BCrTICI4 VERTICAL Make Sheave BRc|lilUric Sheave Diam/8ore 7"/L" No. Belts/make/size l/BRCmllNG/A48 No. Filters/type/size Z,/DISPOSABLE / 20 x20x2 I I I I I I lo I I I I I I REMARKS: I I | ,=r, oArE 4/2/sL READTNGS sy c*G & JRS Ndlrnrl Enyl,onm.ntrl Brlmclng Bur.ru pa6g 6 66 23 Raoori tlot VrId (')Lsa Slmood wa,h t€a8 C.niic.tlrr Seal MOTOR DATA Make/Frame A.O.SMrlrr/F56 H.P./BPM r r/2 / t725 Volts/Phase/Hertz 208-230-460/3/60 F.L. Amps/S.F.5,2-2.6 / L.Ls Make Sheave BROit{ING,/ADJ Sheave Diam/Bore 4" /.5/8" Sheave € Dirt ce L6 7/4" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 3410 3270 Total S.P.A1l| Fan RPM t083 MotorVolts rrr2-r'rr.r.208 2L0/2rr/209 Motor Amps Tl T2 T3 5.2 4.9/5 -O/4.8 Outside Air CFM 3410 3160 Beturn Air CFM 0 0 TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Discharge S.P.,69" Suction S.P.-. 18" Reheat Coil a S.P. Cooling Coil a S.P. Preheat Coil a S.P. Filters a S.P..12" Vortex Damp. Position l0t'lE Out. Air Damo. Position 100r Ret. Air Damp. Position tsrE I ,n".*. @ Cogtttta r|EBa 1a Ile;.i GATET{AY PT,AZA VAIL AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT SUPPLY,/MJA-I-1SYSTEM/UNITII LOCATTON GARAGE t UNIT DATA Make/Model No.STERLIING,/CS-3OO Type/Size F-C- / B 3/4"r.D. Serial Number r799-90-4 Arr./Class U^nLl I Discharge HORIZONIAL Make Sheave BRG^INING,/FIXED Sheave Diam/Bore 12" / 3/4" No. Belrs/make/size 1/rr{REE-STUR/G53 No. Fihers/type/size A/wxsH/Is 3/4x19 3/4x1 I I I I I I ltl I t I I t I BEMARKS: N's' = l{crr sHovst'l t $. I TESTDATE 4/3/91 READTNGS By GAG & JRS l{rtloort €nvl.onnr{rhl Brhnclne &jr.ru pAGE 7 oF 23 fupon Nor VelU Unl.s6 Slrnpod *itl NEBB C.dncetioi S..l MOTOR DATA Make/Frame A.O.5I,111TI,/562 H.P./RPM 5 / 3450 Volrs/Phase/Hertz 208-230-460 /3/ 60 F.L. Amps/S.F.12.6-6.1 / L.L5 i,lake Sheave BRC{NIltc,/ADl Sheave Diam/Bore 4 3/4" / 7/8" Sheave t Di$tance L4 L/2" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM N.S 3375 Total S.P..35 " Fan RPM 1366 Motor Volts rr'f z-rrz r:208 2I0/2L2/209 Motor Ampe Tr Ta T3 12.6 5.9/5.4/6.0 Ourside Air CFM N.S.3375 Rerum Air CFM 0 0 TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Dischargs S.P.,2tt Suction S.P. l Ell -. IJ Beheat Coil a S.P. Cooling Coil ^ S.P. Preheat Coil a S^P. Filters a S.P.n?rl Vortex Damp, Position tot{E Out. Air Damp, Posilion 1008 Ret. Air Damo. Position toblE t rAB.€3 @W0r(rGggltqt o AIR APPARATUS TEST REPORT 'S ,*OraaT cATEfiAY PIAZA vArL SvSfenA/UrutT SIIPPLY,/MUA-1-2 LOCATION ROOIIOP UNIT DATA Make/Model No.ARES/4OONESS-SE2OE2E Type/Size F.C. / 15 r/2"r.D. Serial Number 93768 Arr./Class D{,IDI / 1 D ischa rge HORIZOMAL Make Sheave MAUREY,/FIXED Sheave Diam/Bore L4 L/4" / L" No. Belts/make/size 1,/GOODYEAR/A69 No. Filters/type/size 3,/DI SPOSABLE / 36 " x28" x2 TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM 2600 2530 Total S.P..38" Fan RPM 683 Motor Volts rt r2-rtz rr 208 2LL/zrL/209 Motor Amps Tr Tz T3 3.4 3.3/3.4/3.3 Outside Air CFM 2600 2530 Return Air CFM 0 0 REMARKS: N.S. = r{0T SHC[,it\i TEST DATE READINGS BY l(il Nrtlonrl Envlronmdrtll Brlrnclng Bualau R.nod Noi Vdld Urlcas Sra|nood r(h NEBB C..lifc{llrr Sool MOTOR DATA Make/Frame MAGNEIH(^A58 H.P,/RPM | / L725 Volts/Phase/Hertz 208-230-46A/3/60 F.L. Amps/S.F.3.4-3.4-t.7 / L.25 lfake Sheave BROV|NmG/ADl Sheave Diam/Bore 4 3/4" / 5/8" Sheave € Distance 20 r/2" I I I I I I I i.ril' I I TA8 1-83 OWll@rs TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Discharge S.P. ..25 Suction S.P.-.13" Reheat Coil a S.P. Cooling Coil a S.P. Preheat Coil a S.P. Filters a S.P.13" Vortex Damo. Porition tu{E Out. Air Damp. Position l00r Ret, Air Damp. Position t0itE 4 / 3/9L PIGE 8 or 23 r--,-r, I ii o t AIRAPPAMTUS' NrE lBrB rESr REPORT I ---lL.- "l ,r6rral GATEImY PIAZA VAIL SVSfenl1/UrutT SLPPLY,/MUA-I-3 | .o.ottoN RooFIoP I I I I I I l( ul I I I I I UNIT DATA Make/Model No.ESSICK,/400L5I41'rOF Type/Size F.C / 15" r.D. Serial Number 4c74366 Arr./Class DiDr / I Discharge HORIZONTAL Make Sheave MAUREY,/BUSHED Sheave Diam/Bore ILL/2"/r3/I5" No. Belts/make/size I/GATES/iA65 No. F ilters/type/size 4/hnSH/15 3/4xI9 3/4xI TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Total CFM N.S 3718 Total S.P.r.49" Fan RPM 825 Motor volts rr'lz.rrz'rr 208 Mnty2Jr Motor Amps Tr Tz T3 14.8 )7.942.3/)2.7 ourside Air cFM N.S.3718 Rerum Air CFM 0 0 I nervrnnKS: N-s- = tircrr sHotriN I .-\II resr DATE 4/3/9I READTNGS gy GAG & JRS MOTOR DATA Make/Frame BAI,MR / I84I H.P./RPM 5 / 1725 Volt5/Phase/Hertz 208-230-460/3/60 F.L. Amps/S.F.14.8-14.7 / r.Ls ftiake Sheave MAUREY / ADJ Sheave Diam/Bore 5I/.2"/LL/8" Sheave € Distence 2L" | ,"*. e OoFF?r, aGBB lB dlo|Ll Envl.comcnllt B.tlndng Eu|...|r pAGE 9 or - 23 R.po.f }bl Varid Unlgss Slemp.d wltl NEAB C.ftificsiirr Soal TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL Discharge S.P.n6 'l Suction S.P.-. 63 Reheat Coil a S.P. Cooling Coil a S.P. Preheat Coil a S.P. Filters a S.P.13" Vortex Damp. Position tU.lE Out. Air Damp. Position l00r Ret. Air Damp. Position lo{E I lr, I I I t t t I AIR OUTLET TEST REPORT PROJECT GATEIAY PLAZA VAIL SYSTEM SF-l OUTLET MANUFACTURER REMARKS: *1 )HEATII.JG *2 ) HEtftrNG *3 )COOLING TEST APPARATUS SHoRTRIDGE FLOTIH@D Irlr t t t t I t I CFl,t CAI$iOT BE LOhIERED, FAIiI IS Ot{ IOtV SPEm. CFM CAN}ICT BE INCREA.SEDI FAN IS ONI HIGH SPEED' CFI.4 CAlrNYf BE INCREASED AIfY HIGHER. r TEST DATE 4,/3,/ql TAB 1 1-8il {ou rorm raa 1}76) @ffi|!|,|r€EBrs READINGS BY GAG & JRS Nallonal Envl.onmentrl BrLnclng Burosu Rspod nbr Vatid Unloss Srrno€d with NEBB C.nificrtion Sc.l AR€A S€RVEO OUTLET OESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL REMARKS NO-TYPE slzE AK MAX MAX VEL OR CFM VEL OF CFM MAX c@L I\,'N( I]FAT SHOP 9 t @ 24x24 230 230 140 175 170 F?BZ-I *2,3 srloP 9 24x24 230 230 120 1?0 172 F"B2-I SHOP 9 24x24 230 230 185 164 164 FPB2-I srxcP 9 @ 24x24 230 230 I25 r55 160 rPBz-I srloP 9 5 24x24 230 230 175 160 155 F?82-I 1150 LI5O 824 821 IUTAL srloP I t CD 24x24 215 215 235 2rt 264 FPB3-2 *l SHOP 8 I 24x24 215 2I5 150 2I3 lbb FPB3-2 s{oP 8 CD 24i24 r65 r65 lBs 159 202 F?83-2 slroP 8 24x24 2L7 2I7 270 222 276 FPB3-2 sIoP 8 5 CD 24x24 r00 100 80 r05 123 FPB3-2 sr{oP I CD 24x24 218 218 190 2L6 269 F?83-2 1130 tt30 1126 1400 ISTAL $roP 7 t CD 24x24 460 460 390 448 328 F"B4-3 *2 sHoP 7 z CD 24x24 460 460 .255 455 333 I?84-3 $roP 7 CD 24x24 480 480 320 470 3s5 FPB4-3 r400 t400 r373 1016 TqTAL prce 10 oc 23 AIR OI'ILET TEST REPORT SYSTEM SF-I TEST APPARATUS SHORTRIDGE FITfiTrc@ ' ?r*orr., OUTLET GATEI^IAY PI,AZA VA]L MANUFACTURER I I I I I l'r I I I -lt REMARKS: *l)fPB CSilROLS oN DAIPERS ARE INACCESSIBLE.*2)HEATII{G CFM CAI{I{CrI BE IOV{ERED, FAI\ IS ON I!T{ SPEED.*3)HEATING CFM CA}TNOT BE INCREASED, F"AAI IS OTiI .HIGH.SPEED. TEST DATE 3/26/9r READINGS BY GAG & JRS llallontl Envlronmenlll Srl.nclng Butlau Fl€oorl tlol Valid Unless Sta.no€d with NEBB Csrtrl|cal|oo Soal TAB 11-83 (oH Form TAa 13-7q @ Oopyttfl. NEBS 19{$ "ua 11 o. rt AR OITLET TEST REPORT SYSTEM SF-I TEST APPA RATUS SHOKIRIDGE FToI,ilTnn REMARKS: *I)HEATII.IG cFI.,IcAI.niST BE INCREASED, FAI\I Is cE.,I HIGI SPEm. *Z)FPB CSIIROiS ARE IMCCESSIBI,E. CX'TT,ErS 1-3: .WERE SEN FOR IOTAL OUTLET MANUFACTURER AREA SERV€O OUTLET DESIGN PRELI M INA RY FINAL R EMARKS NO.TY P€5 tzE AK }4AXc@L MAY Hifr\T VEL OR CFM VEL- OF CFM s&.HH\ SIAMESE ORCT{TD I L2xl2 473 i'14 310 690 591 F?84-I0 *2 SIAMESE ORCHTD a CD 24x24 475 475 l-40 293 252 FPB4-10 |)IflMEqE ORCTIID J CD 24x24 475 475 130 370 225 FPB4-10-s*ilIj-' CD 24x24 225 225 130 228 181 FPB4-10 1650 1650 r58l L249 TqTAI SI.AFIE.SE ORCTIID t O 74x24 435 435 200 409 348 F?84-11 *l 8*ffffB"2 CD L2xI2 235 235 385 239 203 FPB4_II 8ffi*tBu 5 @ 24x24 235 235 100 228 194 FPB4-II 5r.AMt;ijE ORCTIID E CD L2xI2 500 500 300 499 424 FPB4-II 8i8frEu 5 CD L2xI2 500 500 290 475 404 FPB4-II blJrMt;sE ORCTTID b CD L2xl2 60 60 0 65 55 FPB4-I1! AMtftE ORCfiID 24x24 235 235 110 246 209 FPB4-11 2200 2200 216r t837 TUTAL SHOP 3 t CD 24x24 250 250 r35 246 240 :F?B2-I2 SHOP 3 2 CD 24x24 250 250 180 260 255 FPB2-T2 500 500 506 495 IOTAL frr ;s TX,JE TO I\X]ISE PROBI;EI\4S. 3/22/er READINGS BY i.'I I I JRS & GAGTEST DATE TAB 11-8:l (otd Fdm TAB 1176) @ cotrlerr{ t|EDa lsait t{atlonal Envlronmcntal Bllsnclog Bureau B€fro( Nol Valid Unloss Stampad wfth NEBB Ccnilicdlio.| S6al proe 12 o,. 23 AIR OLILET TEST REPORT SYSTEM SF- TEST APPARATUS sHon'rRrrnF: Frfi4rdcnn .$enOleCf C'ATEI'{AY PrAzA VAIL OUTLET MANUFACTURER I I t I t I I I I I'l I I I I REMARKS: *l)ourr,sls ARE rNAccEssrBLE, TorAr coor,rNc Frow l.lLS MEASTRED t[rr]l IRAVERSE, HEATING FIOI,{ COULD NCrI BE MEASLJRD. *2)ourl,sls wERE t{crr pRopoRTroNED rN oRDER ro AcItrEVE I'tAx. ArRFT.CI,I DUCT TIIE SPACE. TEST DATE 3/Zg-2q/a1 TAB 11-8:t (old Fo.nr TAa 19761 @ Oo9yfiqar, NEBA l$o READINGS BY JRS & GAG Ndlonal Envl.onmeotll Balanclng 6ucau R€po.i t{ot Vatid Unl€sr S6nood with NEBB Ce.rification Seel AR€A SERVED OUTLET OESIGN PR€LIMINARY FINAL REMARKSNO.TY PE srzE AK USL luan VEL OR CFM VEL OF CFM S5'.HffiI MEiIZEL'S t @ LZXLZ 350 350 300 362 3s1 F?B2-13 MB{ZEL'S 2 LZXJ-Z 350 350 280 351 340 FPB2-I3 MHIIZEL'S 3 CD L2xI2 350 3s0 345 355 344 F?B2-13 lln{ZELIS CD L2xI2 350 350 355 350 340 FPB2-13 I400 1400 1418 1375 TOIAL METIZEL'S L CD [2x]8 600 600 445 570 590 FPts2-I4 MS{ZEL'S 2 CD 9x6 200 200 t3s 195 202 FPBz-I4 Mm,lzEx,'s 3 CD )x6 200 200 140 180 187 r"B2-I4 MAilzEL's 4 CD L2xI2 400 400 260 410 426 F"B2-14 1400 1400 1355 [405 TC/IAL SHOP 5 t @ 24x24 500 500 *1 *I t?83-15 $toP 5 2 CD 24x24 s00 500 *1 *1 r"B3-15 slroP 6 3 @ 24x24 500 500 *1 *l r"B3-15 1500 1500 r400 TSTAL sHoP 2 t CD 24x24 600 600 375 439 462 F?82-.| 6 *2 SHOP 2 @ ?.4x24 400 400 340 398 427 F?R2- l 5 t000 1000 837 889 IUXAL 13PAoE-oF ZJ AIR OLILET TEST REPORT sYsTEM sF-l TEST APPARATUS llgfrRrDcE Fr.cr,|tnoD IPROJECT GATEI{AY OUTLET MANUFACTURER t, !c t, I I I t t t t t t t t t I REMARKS: *I)TIIE FLD( DLJcr FoR TTrrs REGTsTER [ouLD rior Frr oN rr{E DTFEUsER. Tnrs 165 CAPPED DURI}IG TESTING IN ORDER, TO READ TI{E I'OIAL CFM OF 1TIE BOX.*zFPB' col$rRols ARE TNAccESSTBLE ro ANUST ArR Fr-o{s. I -;f, I TESTDATE 3/28-2g/gL READTNGSB' JRs & cAG Nltlonll Envlronmcntal Bali|clng Bu.eou R€ro.l Not VaSd Unbsc Stdipad wlth NEB8 C.ditc.tion Sod AREA SERVEO I nffi.1$$-mraBi'76) '+-1 o norlD DUCT Pn0T TrrBE ;ih ll dib rESr nEPoF'r -a-'6PRoJECT GATEI&Y PIAZA VAIL SYSTEM/UNITSITPLJI/SF-},TPB:-U locartoru/zoNE sHoP 6 AcruAL ArR TEMe. DUcr s.p. '78" srzE ?r'ifi so. rr. - 257 ' I rpm 5618 cru 1500 lre,n 52a5 cru .LAQQ-- oucrlREQutREolACTUAL (SEE REVERSE SIOE FOR INSTRUCTIONS} REMARKS: rEsrDArE 4/L2/9I READTNGS BY c'AG & JRS ffiHAg* FORM TAA 12.76 @Cooyrlcht. NEsB 1976 NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL BALANCING BUREAU REPORT NOT VALIO UNLESS STAMPEO WITH NEBB CURRENT CERTIFICATION SEAL pa6s 15 sp ?? O FAN TEST REPORT |,,*"L=uo r** u*" FAN DATA FAN NO. EF-1-1 FAN No. EF-I-2 FAN NoEF.-3 Location ROOFIOP TX,EVAIOR SHAFT ROOFIPP Service SIAMESE ORCHID MIOIAEIS PIZZA PA}IE Manufacturer BATLSY BATLEY DAYIObI Model Number BI2OO-CA-UB 8I24s-Ifi-t]B 3c276-A Serial Number 558561-00 558533-00 NR TypdChss Bt/r BI/I CH.II / 1 t\,lototr i/hka/Sw I4ARAT!{ON/OPEN MARAIT{OIVOPN,I DAYTOT$/OPns ilolor H. P./RPM/Frame 5 /L740/ I84T 5 /1740/ L84r 3/4 /1725/ Es6 Volts/Phase/He.tz 208-230-460/60/3 208-230-460/3/60 LL5-230/I/60 F.L. AmpslS.F.13.8-13.2-6 .6/I.15 13.8-13.2-6 .6/r.rs tL.2-5.6/L.25 itotor $l|€aw Md(dtr,lodet BRg^]t{ING/ADI BROI,'iI{ItiG/ADl BRc)!il{nIG/AN Motor Sheave Diam./Bore 63/4"/Lr/8"6I/2"/Lr/8"3 3/4" / 5/8" Fan Sheave Make BRChIT..IING/BUSHED BRC[ihII}IG,/FD(ED BRCI{NIbtG/FD(ED 1,$Sheave Diarn./Bore 6L/2"/L3/t6"8 l/4" /L 7/L6"6" / 3/4"'V No. BelB,/Mrk€/Size I/BRqdr{rNG/854 1/BRC[{Nn{G/A63 7N.s/4L26 Sheave € Distance 18 L/2"21 3/4"5 l/2" TEST DATA DESIGN ACTUAL OESIGN ACTUAL D€SIGN ACTUAL CFM N.S 4439 N.S s301 r575 Ll90 *l Fan RPM r807 1370 1078 S.P. ln/oul -2 - 6" /NNl -?, -7" / -31"-l -7"/\tM Total S.P.2 -6tl 2.-61" Vottage r'rr1.rrz r: 208 )"ro/2Io/208 208 2L2/zLL/285 lls 'lt8 Amperage T, Ta T.13.8 t/8.3/7 .6 13.8 9.6/9.6/9 11-2 8-5 REMARKS: I I t N.R = l{OrI READABI,E N.S. = NCn SHCIINI *I)CFI',I V'IAS LEFT IOT4 AT TTIE REQIJEST OF TTIE gdNER. 4/3/9L BEADINGS BY GAG & JRS Nallonal Envlmnmenlll Bllrnclng 8urlru R€porl tlol Valid U.lsss SEfipad witl NEAA C€rlillcatlrn S6d lt.r, oor. PG€ 16 oF 23l;ffi*",* ' r<=#1 |*tFlBh I o FANTESTREP'RT '<tsll-I -=L -.r-.-ffbJEcT *tr-o" oto"o ,rort, FAN DATA FAN NO. EF-1-3 Model Number Serial Number 558632-00 I/2 /L725/ 56 115-208-230,/1 F.L. Amps/S.F.8.6-4.3 / r.2s BRO!{I'IING/AD] 3 V4 /-V8Motor Sheave Diam./Bore 3/t3/16 Sheave<L Distance TEST DATA OESIGN ACTUAL DESIGN Voltage r r'fz ,rz r' Amperage Tt T2 T3 I I t I t REMARKS: N.R. = lillT READABL,EI N.s. = Iipr $rcffr{ !I N.M = TiDT MEA.SLIRABLE I d, | *r, oere afi/9L READTNGS BY GAG & JRs l;ffi".,",," Natlonal E nvlronmcnlal Ballnclng BurlEu Reoort Not Valid Unless Stamo€d with N€Bg Co.lilicalbn S€al "no. 17 * 23 ?5 roudt hontrgc rold rd. colorldo t1657 (3Gr) 47$2138 (3Gt).7$2r3e July 10, 't991 oflle ol cormuntty drslogtrenl Mr. Leo Palmer Palmer Development 2735 lris Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 Re: Gateway Plaza landscaplng Dear Leo: This letter is to confirm your agreement to take on the responsibility of irigating and maintaining the Gateway Plaza landscaping, including the north planter located adjacent to South Frontage Road. A commitment was previously made in a letler dated May 2S, tSgO to Gary Murrain from Jeff Nading, Johnson, Crowley Co. You reconfirmed this agr6ement during the July 3, 1991 landscape inspection. We appreciats your cooperation ln this matter. lf you have any questions, please contact either Mike Mollica or mysetf at 479-2138. Sincerely, l-4,ae- (?t-J',tq Mary Dewing Planning Intern lab cc:Todd Oppenheimer ,^r, Cf7/ q/ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI rNstcnoN REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL B FRAMING n BOOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr C tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED (nerruseecroN REeuTRED otrcrii8 4 leel February 1, 1991 Mr. Gary Murrain, Chief Building Officiat Town of Va11 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, eO 81657 Re: Vail Gateway East TrelLis Dear Gary: This 1s to confirm our telephone conversation that combustiblematerial can be used in the constructlon of the interim east walrtreLLis. The VaiL Village Inn parking lot comprises a yard inexcess of 40 feet per Paragraph 1705d of the Uniform Buildingcode. since the plan 1s to remove the trelris when and if the vailvillage rnn is redeveloped, no future potential hazard will exist. Sincerely yours, Y/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C. Robert L. Arnoldr'AfA RLA/ad copy PaLmer Development Ringland Johnson Crowley to: t I ilLt c0FY Ti;-',"o luwn 75 3oulh frontagp road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3rxl) 47$2139 otfice of communlty dwelopment August 12, 1991 Mr. Peter Armstrong, Jr. Vice President Real Estate Banking Group United Bank of Denver 1700 Broadway Denver, CO 80274-0101 Re: Vall Gateway Plaza Dear Mr. Armstrong: At the request of Leo Palmer, owner and developer of the Vail Gateway Plaza Building, I am writing to you to certity the completion ol certain improvements, as outlined in the Developer lmprovement Agreement. Said improvements are as follows: 1. ltem B, as outlined in the Developer lmprovement Agreement, as follows: 'Replace existing landscaping damaged in the existing planter." Al this time, the Town approves the release of the full$1,200 which was allocated for this specific item. 2. ltem C, as described in the Developer lmprovement Agreement, as follows: "The installation of a trellis on the east side of the Gateway Plaza Building." The Town had previously approved the release cjt $g,OOO for the partial completion of this item. At fris time, the Town approves the release of the remaining $1,000. 3. ltem l, which reads as follows: 'Gateway landscaping.' At this time, the Town ol Vail approves the release of the full $7,750 for the completion of the landscaping. In summary, the Town of Vail approves the total release of $9,950 to Mr. Palmer lor the completion of the above-described improvements. This request is based upon paragraphs 6 and 9 of the Developer lmprovement Agreement, signed by all parties, and entered into on January 30, 1991. The balance of the cash escrow should now total$23,000. ,r tL" r '. Mr. Pebr Armstrotg, Jr. Atgust 12, 1991 P4e 2 ll you stnrld have any questons regarding any ol he abovs, please do not hesitate to cgttact rn€ at 479'2138. glnce16ly, tU*l'4lA Mil€.idollica Assistafi Dirgctor of Planning t&c$ Leo Palmer " Kri8ltan Pritz lnwn 75 loulh trontage road vall, cdorudo 81657 (30:t) 47$'2138 (3{xl) 4?}'213e otfice ol communlty dwelopment July 18, 1991 Mr. Peter Armstrong, Jr. Vice President Real Eslate Banking Group United Bank of Denver 1700 Broadway Denver, CO 80274-0101 Re: Vall Gateway Plaza Dear Mr. Armstrong: At the request of Leo Palmer, owner and developer of the Vail Gateway Plaza, I am writing to you to certify lhe completion of improvement J, as outlined in the Developer lmprovement Agreement. ltem J is more specifically described as the guardrail and screening for the mechanical equipment along the upper level deck of the Gateway Building. At this time, the Town of Vail approves the release of $15,000 to Mr. Palmer for the completion ol the above-described improvements. This request is based upon Paragraphs 6 and 9 of the Developer lmprovement Agreement, signed by all parties, and entered into on January30, 1991. lf you should have any questions or @mments regarding the above, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, /'4J. 14& Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning lab cc:Leo Palmer Jay Peterson Kristan Pritz I \ PalrnerDeveloprnent Go.2735 lra3 Avetrrr. o Suite A r ECT -iul 1 Blgs{ Bould.r, CC' AO3O4 3(}3./449-()951 Mike Mollika Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8l-657 RE: Work for the final CO at Vail Gateway Dear Mike: This letter is written reguest for the town of Vail to sign offon item number ir of the Developers rmprovement Agreenent - thegruard rail screening for mechanicat - the work his been complet-g9: Please inspect this job and forward the townrs approval tothis office so that we may request the reLease of funds frouunited Bank of Denver for thiJ particurar item. rf you have anyquestions, please give us a call. Sincerely, PALMER DEVEI.',OPIIENT CO July L5, L99L Leo Palmer LP:nkp @r-6V24 t/nr( 6^*.-^) a hwn June 10, 1991 75 loulh trontrge road Yall, colorido 81657 (3{13} {7S2138 (3qr) 47$2139 olfice of communlty development Mr. Peter Armstrong, Jr. Vice President Real Estate Banking Group United Bank of Denver 1700 Broadway Denver, GO 80274-0101 Re: Vail Gateway ptaza Dear Mr. Armstrong: 111-o?Et rt '1'1L - 6721 At the request of Leo ,^r#noand developer of the Vail Gateway praza, I am writing toyou to certify the complelion ol certain improvements relating to the Vail Gateway. One sJchimprovement is the installation of a trellis on the east elevation of the Vail Gatewiy Building. The.developer improvement agreement between the Town of Vail and Leo palmei indicatei atotal completion cost, for the trellis, of $10,000. An inspection of the trellis, on June 7, 1gg1, revealed that the trellis has been installed according to the approved drawings. However, twoconditions of approval are listed: 1) The frame of the trellis must be painted to match the window trim of the building.2) An area of stucco behind the trellis musl be repainted where white paint has splattered during the construction process, and two stucco patches where lormer duct openings were located need to be repainted. At this time, the Town approves the release of $9,000 to Mr. Palmer for the completion of thetrellis' We reguest that you withhold $1,000 to cover completion of the two conditions listed above. This request is based upon paragraphs 6 and g oi tne Developer lmprovement Agreement, signed by all parties, and entered into on January gO, 1991 . Mr. PEbr Armstrorq, Jr. June 10, 1991 Pqe2 lf you shouH have any questions or commenE rogardtng the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 47$2138. Sincerely,' lnQn ftl#;- Mike Mollica $enlor Planner t&oc: Leo Palmer Jay Peterson Mike Whitaker Kristan Pritz JAY K. PETERSON TELEPHONE 1303 ) 476-0092 FAX LINE r3031 479-0467 .,:,1'f APR g lggf J.qy K. PprnnsoN ATTORNEY NT LIIV SUITE 3O7 VAIL NATIONAL B.ANK BUILDING IOA SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAO WEST 1'A.II- COIO&ID,O Er6Ez April 8, l-99L Mr. Leo Palrnerc/o Palner Development 2735 Iris Avenue, Suite ABoulder, CO 80302 Dear Leo: Mike Mollica from the Town of Vail , planning Department has contactedme regarding the trellis, which was supposed to be instarled on theeastern portion of the building. As you know the Developerlsrmprovement Agreement called for that to be instarled on or beforeJanuary 15, L99L. From a technicar standpoint we are in viola+-ion ofthe Developerrs Improvement Agreernent and the Town of VaiI could callupon our cash escrow in order to complete that portion of theimprovements. r think the Town has been more than fair in arlowing us to go morethan two and half months without getting the job done. r wourd hopethat this could be installed irnmediately in oider that we are nolonger in defaurt under the DeveLoperrs rmprovement Agreement. If you have any questions please contact me at ny office. Sincerely, terson Mollica of VailTovrn Inwn 75 soulh trontege rcad vail, colorado 81657 (3Gt) 479213E (3Gr) {7}2139 olffce ol communiry development PIan Revieu Baged onthe 1988 Unif,orm Codes PROJECT NUMBER: 62891 ADDRESS: Space 15 12 VAIL RD., VAIL GATEWAY PLAZA OCCUPANCY: B-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: II-1HR. DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES NAME: FONTANA JEWELRY DATE: JUNE 28 | I99I CONTRACTOR: ? ARCHITECT: OWNER ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listingof aII possible code reguirements in the adopted codes. It is aguide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not tobe construed to be an agproval of any violation of any of the pro-visione of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. L. Al-t electrical work to be completed to Iatest NationalElectrical Code. 2. Town of Vail Fire Department ApprovalSysten and Sprinkler Systen prior to any nrran i nrr 3. Storage room walls are required to behour fire resistive assembly rating, 5/8"sides of wa]L. reguired of Fire Alarm occupancy or business metal studs with a one Type X drywall on both vt A PART o , IPPIIqIIION IOR ooumlnrlul/lom|Eou8E P&lI BEYIE (chapter L7.22 vall llunicipal code) (PLEASE PRrNT OR TYPE)A. APPLICANT Leo Palmer dba Palm UAII.,ING ADDRESS Boulder, CO 2735 Iris Avenue Suite A pITONE (303) 449-09s180304 B.APPLTCEIITIS REPRESENTATI\TE JAMES R. WEAT ADDRESS PHONE 1303) q4q-1d33 C. PROPERTY D. 8. F. CHECK # \\R\ d ornan,s arorrArunE PHoNEJS-03J_449$-11 UAILING ADDRESS 2735 Iris Avenue' Suite A; Boulder, co 80304 IPCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS 12 Vail Road, Vail, CO 81657 - oF IPTTBIOCKl:DSuBDfvIsIoN-Jaj-UHl-ase-FILING-lsL o APPLTCATTON FEE $1OO.OO IIIATERIAIJS TO BE SUBUITTED: 1. Tlto mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivl'sionplat shall be subnitted to the Department of Connunity bevelopnent. Ttre plat shall include a site nap with the followinq reguirenents: a. tire tinal plat shail be d=e';rn by a registered surveyor in fnaia ink, or other Eubstantial solution, on a reproducible mediurn (preferably nylar) lrlth dinension of twenty-four by thirty-six incbes and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one lnch or larger with nargins of one and one- tralf to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other eideE. b. Accurate dinensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all llnes, angles and currres used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks' alleys, easenents, Etructures, areas to be reser:ved or dedlcated for public or common uses and other inportant.features. A11 cunres shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius' central. angle, arc Bcored distances and bearing. All dinensions, both ll.near and angular' are to be dete::nined by an accurate control suntey in the field which nust balance and close within a linlt of one in ten thousand. c. North arrolt and EraPbic scale. d. A systenatic identification of all existing and propoaed bulJ.dLngs, unl,ts, lote, blockE, and nauesfor all streets. e. An identification of the streets' alleys, parks, and other public areaa or facilities aE shown on the plat, lnd a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easenents as shown on the plat and a grant thereof tc the public use. Areas resenred for future public acquisltlon shall also be shown on the plat. f' u:i'::1.il:";I ff:";:3:::u,::;,i:E: :l;li$i:*8'. flgure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be r' thoun in thlE nanner ar well. qt. A description of all eurrrey Donuments, both found andeet, which uark the boundaries of the subdivision, anda description of aII nonunents used in conductlng ttresurivey. DtonuDent perimeter per Colorado atatutes. TwoperLneter Donumenta ehall be establlshed as uaJorcontrol monunents, the rnaterials whiclr shaU bedeter:mined by the town engineer. A Etatement by the land suriyeyor explaining how bearing baEe was deternined. h. G. t. A certiflcate by the registered land eunreyor asoutlined ln chapter 17.32 o? thts tttle as to theaccuragy of the sur:vey and plat, and that the sunreywas perforred by hin in accordance wlth ColoradqRevised statutes L973, Title 38, Articl.e 51. J. A certlficate by an attorney adnitted to practice inthe State of Colorado, or corporate tltle-insurer, thatthe owner(s) of record dedJ.catlng to the public thepubllc rl.ght-of-way, areaB or facllitLes is shownthereon are the owners thereof in fee sl.nple, free andclear of all liens and encunbrances except as noted. k. The proper for:n for filing of the plat wlth the EagleCounty clerk and recorder. 1. Certifl.cate of dedlcatlon and ownership. Should thecertl.fLcate of dedlcatlon and ownerehlp provide for adedicatlon of land or improvemente to tfre public, aIIbeneficiaries of deeds of trrrst and mortgage holders onsaid real property will be required to sign ttrecertificate of dedication and ownership in additton tothe fee sinple owner thereof. n. Signature of owner. 2. The condominft:m or townfrouse plat shall aIEo Lnclude fl.oorplans, elevatione and crose-sections aa neceeEary toaccurately determLne individual air spaces and,/oi otherownerships and if the proJect was buLlt substa'ntially theaane aE the approved plans. 3. A copy of the condonlniun docunents for staff review toassure that there are naintenance provisions included forall conmonly owned areas. APPROI/AL PROCESS, REVIET{ CRITERIA Upon recelvlng two coples of a conplete subnittal along withpalrnent of the appropriate fee, the zonLng adrninistrator shallroute one copy of the site nap to the town engineer for hisreview. The zoning adrninlstritor shatl then Eonduct this reviewconcurrently. The town engl,neer shall review the subnittar andreturn couments and notl.fications to the zoning adninistrator whoshaU transnit the approval, disapproval or aplroval withrnodifLcations of the plat withln iourteen day!-to the appricant.The zonl.ng adrrrinistratoE shaU eigm the plaC if approve-d- orreguire.nodifications on the plat for aplroval or-ieny approval<iue to inconsistencies with the originalty approv€d plan-6rfallure to rnake other required nodlilcati6ns-6f tfre !fat. FII,TNG AIID RECORDING The zonLng adllnistrator ehall be the finar signature regulred onthe plat so that the Departnent of conrnunity D6velopuent-sitt ueresponsl.ble for prcuptly recording the appr-oved pIaL sitb the Ea?I:e- County CleTk and Recorder. Fees for recording shalt bepaid.by the applicant. The connunity Deveropment D6partrnent villreta:'n one Dylar copy of the plat for their records and will.record the renaining nylar copy. H. -_ 1<-U*fS rT#g"f,*"' *f ' Associ ation 1700 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80274-0101 Telephone: (3O3) 863-6052 ,*-_,/,.!,r l t pgt S united Bank Peter E C. Armstrong, Jr. Vice President Real Estate Banking Group January 30, L99L Town Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado AL657 Re: Gateway Plaza Condominiuns Dear Mr. Phillips: rhis is to certify that the United Bank of Denver has set aside the sum of $56,950.00 for the use or credit of Leo Palmer to fund the completion of inprovements relating to the Gateway Plaza Condominiun Project, Vail, Colorado. such improvements are as indicated in that certain agreernent dated the 30th day of iranuaryt L99L entitled Developer Improvement Agreement by and among Leo Palmer, the lown of Vail and United Bank of Denver (trlmprovement Agreementrt). Should such improvements not be cornpleted by Leo Palmer, as set forth in such Improvement Agreement, the funds, or the remaining balance of the funds not already expended for improvements pursuant to such agreement' will be made available directly to the Town of Vail as reguested for conpletion of the work. Requests from the Town of VaiI must be accompanied by the following: 1". Evidence in the forn of a copy of a letter, mailed or hand delivered to Leo Palner, that Leo PaLmer has been duly notified of the Town of Vail's intent to issue said written demand for funds pursuant to Paragraph 6 of such agreement. 2. A statement signed by the Manager of the Town of Vail stating that Leo Palmer has not completed the improvements as set forth in such Improvement Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth therein. The arnount requested to complete the improvements. Appropriate labor and material information or invoices to support the requested anount. A certification that the improvements for which funds are being requested have not been completed. ? 4. 5. Town Manager Town of Vail January 30, 1-991 Page 2 No funds will be released without written instructions frorn the Town of VaiI pursuant to the terms of the Improvement Agreement. This cornrnitment shall expire on the date when the Town of Vail accepts all inprovements as eomplete as set forth in such fmprovement Agreement, or when United Bank of Denver has fundedthe entire sum to Leo Palmer and/or the Town of Vail for completion of such irnprovements. In no event shall thi* colmitment extend beyond June 15, L992.. United Bank of Denver hereby a€trees that proper venue is the Eagle county District Court for any disputes arising frorn thisletter or from the Developer Improvement Agreement as described above. United Bank of Denver tional AssocLation Title:,<4- The undersigned hereby letter. 1991 arrdlilrk !aakr tlnitcd gg€tlolr asll'Fl.olt B!AS, tlre DevelsPef,, as i. condilton ol-ipproval of thr ,?*ttlllfl -9o$f"ln{6 nae indillutti} canea the "conaoror-;itunuaP')cishce ttl entcr {ato a- pe'i*roier-inprc*sent Agre€e€rrt; and 8r-!lre- D+vnlop+r _i,r obtlEarrd to prsvide €€crJrlEl,.oreufficlen$ in ihr Judemenr 'or-rrru-iom to nake reasonablcl*oe $or complrtlon ot ceEidn-luiiovenn.nts eer fortlr ilffi:.*f"; +t, ut|{Te4 Banh las cgrcec ro hold rhe eash escron .crbo}intaad conalriorrs asiset iorttr trireii.- ,-+g.DevoLopci nlihts to prov!.da collateral td quaranteaof thi* agrrbment, rncrudtnt consr.ru&i"" -"i-uri--ii*.*_ iaDravcoeDc,i ly nc*irs of u,i-foii"cinq, oper aqtt:'3 t(' artabllsh a ca€b e$oros acSAUnC atrn a. qotlaf aqoHht a$.$+t forth b€l€td, guch cr*hnt Elall Srrovtde eEcrrriry tor-ttre- *oiioiii,rg, -- $,ranouEsFtf,r .* lrrjEaEiofr sfgtif, for nonPlaatels and rrlralrr to exisr,tnoPlant* rr-rl,Eat-ion systau - - --- S Rcplace eristing lqndscaplnodauaged in the exiating.btafrrer c0g8 3 / 0oo. o0 Ihe install.ation of, e trslligon tbc-eaat.slte ol $tc cateuayPlrze Bulldltrlg E:J4ffi -^.t/4.*4 /,th;, : !eT9v-al of t@Folarry sidoralk ta . * sid€tdallc Drive$8y tt $+s?$oo- oo' ^&2**1 fr llr'1 I 5.'t'1' to vail viu.lqa. trnn tccegs \,zzg,"! 6/?'d ll ,ii' rI .f$ ': .ls :Ii ..r-& {{t ,o 6,,9'a !,!r -u- -- . -. -V r(J++.rrEoif & '91 te'99 UUr.Ep. HK oF DEr.g.tR vkt|. co. t.* R#eat al of tgrnI-eutt*; ;i#T"ti*il"ilcns curb Fcr Plenh .end rpecl?lCati-rr6. Ita, thr lcyetopi ind -A-"-,io,il:.#ilTf?"fr;E-ii Juaa 1, ff$evaf:r ro ?all rrtilage tnn AccdrlDrlvffay mryl#.S :il$ $Jl';3.f,'"nu *"o lf_flacefr* of acpirclt Datch alonqsurb ard Eurt€a aiJ"q-viii;""a-'' Br-etrlplng of Vall Road lha oeveloper hcraby-qr?i?,.at its sole co*r aad b,aLl asuipncffi .aia -attrifai -ilccemry te pilrr,eD o! bsfcrc rhe fotrowiis-lliier'.- fimeap'ifiUi ixrlgrtloh Systcn for rrevSiiftll'ffi gIffSiTrl;#tsi i${' $nfeeg orJ,attuig tandscapingdtnqcd ln *e Existtne irlf,ter Tlta-thstellacion of a trelltsff"Il"dtft;it* ot trtr catewav '8uly l, lgg1. ..ti'i ;.;i.L|^.".,,,...r;.;i},J::SEi " i,..r.t,ji.ii..i..rii,"ilune.lr tuil tS Hrf 1, 't,.. .'3'd ilt:fi 'U SlhH-c 6,F2b't, IE. AE $Jr 1ff1 t' Ersrc0PY rvff.tst SH lgSg;i"in*;.,f ff *"ii*," n$-attipirg of Vatt to*d Gateray laaclecaFitaE currd' nifl,/srrar.ulnE for 14gs6sn1sq1 . +{#,* ^r,p,,rA ;.r ,s '9t l,': l.|..!|ITE[, Efr!{ r.F l{ ."rl .f,.Jtr.ll ir,- p.a4a r.. J^ Gntruay landecaplnE :., " Artfd n.il,/scfa€ning fcr l{echanlc,rl June 15; 1991. Uay 15, 1991 lcatlons fited in an;f. tbrito ahd 'i. .ltl q hr odf,ice ;3 rhall oompleCe,a9 . li€ted' irrovc,cooe corkranllk€ tuanner, aIIaccordance sigtr a1l Blani lrraof 'tlto Connunlty llvefopnlni in coaprianci iiin rne ronouint, AlL- lacrs of thc Unlhd istot.E of. lmerica, state of colotsadocF th€ tdrfi of uail. rnd f* icct.;ective-ageneics, .ri,r*$bedepaclal dl.rrlcce anqZoi "riv:.ii-&iltrr*r..':H^-:yt:-- 9::i!nir--_9t"rlng*r . lrap€, epeoiricat,ions.v ...rs. u:Ergus, . Glfalrr rrgF I uap€, epeoif{cat,ions.f::::l::, 1.1,t :*e; TiurFI "un'oiii*a by'rire o*icioplr-to be:llT:yg bL,"ly, " of, . bhe abovc:iselrjnJ.d--;;i;;"nenrareattrics. llr sltd t;rk-iifarr-ti-aone undc,:.rar rlcl(r vctrrs ana.tl DO COne Undl€r th€ inspectiOn. BI L liS-"1-rh€, sactira*ian- -o r-*i-roui"i"i i ""i ", ^ii,i roun 3ll::i33 3g:?1itr;tl:?:$ :ilti:irt^F*.iil Til; r'j= uliil:::::::9..:ef:l1l gli*icis- "i-Iiiiiel--iii'.Iiil;; ;: ;ftiircspaaelvc lntrrclt^.sJ'P€ctc'IYa t ngrra3t nay epDfar, , arrcl shall not be aeeug.acouplece ury1l lpprovd ati aiicptro .l* .tonolered bu rharrrd - acccptrd as coupl,eted, by Lhe:!o!rrr o! vrtr coniririitrT oevcr"pr"ii'_n irr.il;[--ffi "[ouiil worlc.E neFarttmnt. -Tho Eotal eetlnratedof 956r980,00- ??1n^ll_,ylll: 11i ro do "il,-voii'J*i;;";i-1#;f;; coat of s!i4 t{otk efid {$prtJveneflt$I!r orlEtoraf sueh f6t at 9€CurGhlrrtn, lotrs: . snd guardnt,cc pcffotbefr,(:r: ofthS Drrvelolrer agrccs to provide irs obligations ar satr:ccurily anrl collp.reial crsh cacrog accounb In tbetrd Irgount of $56r9[io.0o Lo be hel.dslrq:.i. previdc ths security lortf Bhcrr ls a def,ault, irnder Bant<r. as escfot{ agentloents set forth Sbavi by thr: thsby thr D.v.l€prf, . tht Developcr Day {t Eny tlns substLtuta, f,h€ coltateralrlly eet forrh-arrovc. ioi-.ar-ir,ui-il* ar +otti.teiii a€ceprabraTovn to su.rvanLe,c _ 1rr.1 F1i [iliur -;dil i,rtrin-oi.-iiJil- irjgrovascnr$rd !'o hereln and r,hc peci;osq;nEe-Ji;' r.r*-i*,.E J'j-ili!-hgr€s{rehtr!€rryrtan€e bv thc totrn-of, arternative coll.tsr"i unarr be at thaeol.e diacr:otton. ?hrl Born; br ltable or resporls shall nolr. Dor resl'otlsiblelo",,:ll*ll . aay. -ot't-icer or eurployecl:l llf 14ia:l!, tess or--eilil;t33":i"li:f:*Ie,::-*i_-:;:l ;ii.,lildT"Iili; $HLH, Tl?gi,rr ,- v*,\.e-r .^rr!' Lq- Erre worx !i-p+$:.fi€d Ln thig Agfeenent priitcornpletion drnd ecceptancc of tiii'saroe, nor shatl-thrE_ Eown, nor '3'd uu3't '8 sEl,rHr sg:'T T6. ag NHf6/9'A ffistc0PI AVANTS,E lq oa 'gL 1.?tw, lnrirsa mrrx or nryvgq vAlL co. any i$J of ag by tn TOlfir f(rtan Torlfr colat aLl' rh{" l6ilDt&g the. Toda th3rabi tortb dtilo tritHtotb.n.nof e{shguch to cuch one the and Ic ie autual].y ct auch laFEotoocnt. right 6/2'4 'F,?rra :.: 'l'"r ' . -r$i r. '!r rri , 3.c-er Or ca9loye. thefrof, ba tt*ble for any perSOnE or proprft* ..'riir..i .pJ riaf9n gf tb. nature of, .said rrork, but af1 ,'of -ftla ".;'" Gr.+s dratrl and afc heraby assuned by the Devslqp*1.. ha.Doveropes heueby :rEreee co Lndeanlfy and. holdl hamloeE the'&lXl AllV af lte crli I aorea , rcran{.c anll onr.rl anraqc qrrr I srr{"gny af Lce ottl6cre,nnq.,^_q.l{ ?F-lcE ofllccrer- .aEents and. eraployaes aEainst anyj, cJ.alr4r cla[a{r.r, or llablllz.tes to nhlch thc fonn o* eny such4olilFsTl: a9€fiier or cu-ployres nay !1994 tubJect to, '.-lneofar; ' Ltt9!-r9398r. clalas, dimaira. or ttautllties- ,qor aitlolrr" fi'ths$ofl that asts€ but ot- or are fasea-upon ari^thsreofl tbat arls€ out of - or are based EI}5h ariy pdrfeiqlce. Dcveloper hsrouldet; and tbe Developer fhrli reisi*ib [hetr;*,'end all l.gql or oqh€r cxporsei icasonalty ineusrcA.* :i*i --3"Ti:1. Tl:3 ln::fflg"ttlg, :'. -qi51.1r-dFs anf _ . flstr-'i li'":., , connecclon tlfth {nueilttgalirrE on eac*ndii:E any suctr-;ltb l3cfr ]f----------------1ur-lftY pf fqlFn- qfrlE tndenntty frovis:ion rbilr.d?nagc, ltahilt?y o' acr,toi- tfrls tnae!'nttf proviEion ilifi,ri;:'tton ta a',ty orhcr t.{.abillty. nhlch th€ D€velitpbr ray have..t c is Dutually agreed thag the DeVclopcr aay lFFly to' chr:tiithe ToHn shall authorize fof partial r€laf,g€- of thc ...rr{EDe TdHn sha].L authoriue fot partial relafi,ge of thc;daposltrd rith UaiteC Bank for eaci, caLegory oi-lryro"enenu'!ry,ae fi?|. tulprovenanrs are consrnrs?ed in ionpliai-a" iiitrrE And ApCdlf,tCatione le refarianced har.p-rrndar rrrdl- rnnqrrr"-anl ' t 'y irand epccificatlone ts r.ferensid fieretna"" ana-i""dpie* '.ui ,i,:. Blt tPI . of, e$a8pl'er [pon ccmpletlon and acceptancetlu trrll{r to be }orgtructed oi tha €eEt slatr o? rtrcaf glor000.oo €hrtl be releasia iioia ehe asc=or o"oo[ili--i# {f-cer or aagloye. theFtof, ba tlable for upon the ?own of vqll crilten aurf,orizitl.on, i. rt th6 1!c$xr Aete:Einrl that any of, such iaprouenalrie aaDl+ted hermindes are nor eonsrructad tn cornpltriEi ulth tts'a$c tpeclFlssglona !5ct torrb heralnr . tt- +!ax_r f,uflll3h ttq:i l*t of spectfic 4eftci.encie6.ind ehari dc s,tiiiea Et",li!h!pfd .cotlaterll to lnsqre tuch complience. tf. th;tarnlna8 that tbe DcveLepcr vi.ll not canguruci any or att ofrdvitHDntt in accofdanoe r-ibh atl of the +peclflcatiinE end tlnis.s_sct_fortb hotcln, rhe fown bay give f,he neveronii -"riC[";q' re* resEg rr9Ecarrr Erle 1'6yp 66y gf.vg Gne DevelaFcA wflttanend-unleae,iy'ch lnprovanenrs are ionffeiea bv irre aiiis as ssraFove or stthin a iiqronenri- piiioa-iiaii "[iu-?Iitr-Ii ui,atiJi* "tr|nft^"*-**:11l,*l-i1 g!. ^ ro"h J.nprovenenrs, tha roln , diy' f,roa the caafr esiror accouht such iunae-"- niy [; il;=dH.tr the unflnl.shad i.tprweuents but not ln an inount- Etrer+tanount ar g6t fcrth op;rosite the crteEory'iiiita-amve tnde such inprorreuents srr coupretad,. unitel gant-{av rrlc&sei .rFon rritten r.guest and.iepresentation ry dnl-iocr, -thi[ _9l9,!orp.leted. - Unite8 Banrc shalt nlt * olifErlia=verrrtr thar sudb work ls co&pJ.ete, but ettatl -fund I .-TTg. Devel0trrcr Harrafits atr rrork and uatetiar for a period ofBr efter acceDtance of alr vork reierred Bo ir,-rrtrr-aqreenant brsr1 J.f guch !r6rk is trocgtcd, on -ioun or irali -rani or roadof-eay- l. '3'd Utlr 'U 53l,Hl TS:'T T6. EE NUf ,"arahi-m-'9i3t'2r--z-rt{ffi.e6oirisrvrp. .*njea lsr *'+ .r.:?gr, .s$ri oF Dod,Ee wrr.. L^o. |[tl paftler halatg nqtuAllu.t4rr-. ]rr-] ]r.l- ,---____-.1 n #:, l1#lFlfiHl"*1fl 'ff.X'fi "I#:"?g'ff il',,H[,l;$l atl p*t$l-unrrdo.ttt- ?--- ..rD*g'gt r I 1"1::o,3xl.tlfff-!"-li !oo$ !r r.rrs rsx€erreDt,.r3. i1 l*^:'.3?{fir.r";a;i ffiiil ;tfffi*"Effi3&oi' _lffifiprlo'drtrten a.'ur"i{hiffi ;i-db To*, tbe day srrd y*ar fir*trrl \ u8tmq lrllr oF trEtre€R HATI ryr ev*Iop^6,..gqFrwenent tgrraanenr rras schroilcdEirtHt ot *i-.:t${t,:!.-: --_, tl91 by tso pallef . I ry hE!\d and afflcirl adil, r.z/ '",.t/;t:'. (.7' 'ffiffi PALIWR DE'LI]PF€I{T tfcorlfit tor{N o? vAt! Bv: 'U SEIHI 2S:?T T6. E€ NUf ^'.5t1*J s t a3""9[L5Ffr*' oF DElfvEF-'' pn -iF IIE0.S$(-Of . l&r€Evrrn CO.B.'sr '.;; :t '.;€erEt 4 ss.l ) ) .t+'l .q Fi colonrEo EMIS slpnrDo ry iaad &rC ofiteisl ffil. alrglr66r sji ht*,ler ss. ny hrnd and ofllclal rrl1. amd,erlcn ercr)lrra onrtl&mcrlbb! gnlwlusai.Jw Udted &nl of hotrgr, Ni. lTOBmdmt llenvel, Co. Mf ,.";d,! ! .ir: :r rl i.. -'3'C-SU-.'U S3,Hf ZS:FT T6. S€ l.Hf -$s If you have anyyou. Ihank youthe condoniniurn Sinqerelyn ffJ6,*Yift "Comnrunity Developrnent Director /abcc: Larry Eskwith Mike ltollicaJin Wear FIL T Michael Whitaker Gary MurrainBuff Arnold COP Y lnwn 75 louth fronlage road vall, colortdo 81657 (3(x|) 47$2138 (303) 47$2139 tanuary 30, 1991 l{r. Leo Palner 2?35 Aris AvenueSuite ABoulder, Co 80304 offlce ol communlty developmenl Re:Easement lgr€emsnt for L€ft gand TurD Lrane on Vail noad: cateway BuildiDg Dear Leo: I am writing this letter to verify that a left hand turn lane wasa reguirement of the Gateway development. The left hand turn Iane is called for in the Environmental Impact RePort prepared by Peter Jamar Associates, dated January, 1988. The left hand turn lane ls also referenced in a traffic inpact analysis prepared by TDA Colorado, Inc., dated Februarv 2, 1.988. The SDD ordinancefo-rJ'-fiFEffi ences the Environmental Impact Report as being part of the special development district approval . The specific design for the left hand turn lane was prepared by the Town of VaiI engineer, Greg Hatl. This specific design requires that vail Road encroach slightly beyond the exj-sting Vail Road encroachrnent on the northwest corner of the Gateway property. Our department must reguire that the attached easement agreement be executed and recorded before a final certificate of occupancy vill be released for any portion of the Gateway building. further guestions, I would be happy to assistfor your efforts to coordinate the resofution of map. ';l^ , Ff-l"/ -L-Lfn qtra*^-tT bc hat-af CcrfeL ,?/5I GRANT OF EASB,TH'TT ->-f h THrs-cBANT oF EASEIiENT is nade and entered into this *6 day of t+br''o' t , 1991 by and between the Vail cateltay Condominiun Assobiation, fnc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation (hereinafter referred to as |tthe Associationrr) and the Town of Vai1, a colorado nunicipal corporation, whose address is 75 South Frontage Rd. Iilest, Vail, CO 81657, (hereinafter referred to as rrthe Towntr). WHEREAS, the Association owns that certain real property described on the attached Exhibit A, vhich property is hereinafter referred to as the rrRoad Parcelrt. WHEREAS, the Town has requested an easement on that parcel for purposes of public roadway, ingress and egress, utilities, drainage, signage, rnaintenance and any other purpose consistent with the aforementioned purposes (trthe Easernentrr). WHEREAS, the Association deems it is in the best interest of the Association to grant the Easeuent to the Town. WHEREAS, the Association has the power to grant the Easement to the Tor,rn pursuant to Section 15 (a) of the Condoninium Declaration for Vail cateway Plaza Condoniniums recorded January 31, 1991 in Book 545 at Page 877 Reception t{o. 443029, of the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the palnnent by the Town to the Association of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, ttre Association does hereby grant, bargain, sel-l and convey unto the Town its successors and assigns, an easernent over, upon, and across the Road Parcel for the foJ-lowing purposes: A. Public Roadvay. B. Ingress and Egress.c. utilities.D. Drainage.E. signage. F. Maintenance, including cleaning and snow removal. G. Any other purpose consistent with the aforenentioned purposes. -1- d; wtzl 941-ttSt Tl{E TO![N agrees to indennlfy and hold harmless theAssociation, its successors and assigns, as well as all ordnersgf Y"il Gateway plaza CondominLuns aiainst any loss or danage,including liability for personal injriry or pr6perty damage,which should result fron, arise out-ofl or Le ittrirutabie'to,the use of the Easement by the Tovn, iis enployees, agents andinvitees, or any third pelsons, lnciuding tire |eneial public,gxcept.for any loss or danage attributable to ttre negtigent orintentional actions of the .fssociation or its members. rN l{rrNEss Y$HEREOF, the Association has hereunto set itshand, and has hereunto executed this Grant of Easeurent on theday and year first above written. Approved and accepted by the Town of Vail. County of Eagle l state of cororado i "t' TOWN OF VArr.,, A COLORADO MUNICIPAI-, CORPORATTON By: Notary h*blic -:-*r.rih\o';',1 .. . Tl"r€oregoing_ins$,runent was acknowledged before methis.$$ day of$\S.rsS\__, tggr Uyi r,eo patmer asPresident and James T. Ane=E-tNsacretary-of vail Gateway plaza.. *condoninium Association, rnc., a cororad6 nonprofit corpiratior.,. -.\- r{y cornmission ekpir"", .s\\S... \ a\\ ,",:.i::.?:.;,i{c:,r VATL r, President -2- o Corurty of Eagle I) ss.State of Colorado ) ,as corgroration. . Uy sorunission ex;rires: The foregoing instnrnent sas acknowledged before me this.-..* day of _, 1991 by:of the Town of Vail, a colorado nunicipal Notary Public -3- It I I I I ,?l -/-Fd.t oI d.ri3ntt EXHIBIT A , VArL GATSYIAY PITAZA reAp-l{&.$it A part of L*t N, Block 5-D, r76ii Village, Flrst Fiiirrg, towrrof Vail Eagie County, Calorado, rnore particularll' described as follows: Beginning at the northwest crrrer oi said Lor: N, thence S?6o45toonE alci:tr the north line of said Lot !,r, a distance of 10.60 f,eet; thence S13o19,35n!{ a d.istance cf 7,S7 feet; thence S3o29t11'l{ a distance of 1"3.64; thence g4oC7'C5"H a distance ofg?.LE feet to a point on the uesterl-y lor- line of said Lot N whLch iE alsc the easterly right-of-say lj.ne cf Vail RaaGi thence NO0o23'00rrI{ and along sald westeriy }ot i:ne and alcng easLerlyright-of-vay line 120.0? feet tcr the Point of Eegi.nning, contal.ning 562 s.{uare feet or 0.013 acres :uore cr Less. sO{/TH FRONTAGE RCIAD ( R.A.W VARIES} rf} Nv > ! ir I I I I I I Lo*o *ti** i g 79" 46'OO" E N7?o46'AO"W INIER - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT;VAIL GAIEWAY COMMENTS HEEDED BREF NESCRIP]ION DATE SUBMITTED: BY: OF THE PROPOSAL VAIL ROAD ROADWAY WIOEIiI}{G EASEMENT PUBLIC UORKS MIKE BRAKE 3/13/81Reviawed by Dote: Cornrnents: 1) AFTER REVIEMNG THE GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM VAIL GATEWAY COND0lrtlN[JLl ASSGOAil0N, ltlc. TO T0t'tt{ OF VAIL I DO NOT FORESEE ANY PROBLEITIS V{rTH THE DESCRIPTIoN OF THE EASEiIEhIT-2l I Wfl.JLD UKE TO HA\E lHtS GRANT 0F EASEMENT RLED r/{lH EACLE COUNTY F.S SOON AS POSSIELE.3) | Irr0-rLD ALSO UKE TO HAVE A C0pY OF IHE F|LEO EASEIdENT RRE DEPARTITTENT Rwiewed bp comments: Dote;