HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D LOT N O GATEWAY 1988 REDEVELOPMENTvd.\ Vi\hq Ci\cnt t Gloch- SD Cot N Vai t 6rh*et1 ,lHt tatt r?r-oq,sbprnrrt petiti.l nate ZONIN*G oR.DINANCE PETITION FO e) RME OR A}IEND}IENT TO THE OR BOTJNDARTES I. PF'r\IIF c.!|A .TANGE ffi';i;;-i3i This procedure i r". i"i- i"IJiiE.i"ilin"".Ii3.fi:."i5"iH:;,:il:";: A. NA..\IE OF pETlTf0NEn___lgg_&1r.L_lalmer Devetopnr ADDR-ESS p.O. Box 1497, Boulder, CO g0306 NA],18 OF PETITTONER,S REPRESENTATIVE Peter Jamaraooaess 108 s. r.o"rrgfu west, /130g,Vail, CO the zoning ordinance plioNE 449-0951 B. D. E. F. A lisr subject all property addrcsses. PtioNE 476_7154 Iadjacent to the c' ^ NAI4E 0F 0liNER (print *!H srciraru*o=/a oL ty ^/'( ADDR.ESS t d "I_ll" names of owners ofProperty, and thcir ,Jri,ig 4rt-PEoNEts76-f/1_g LOCATION OF PROPOSAtr ADD-RESS 12 Sourh Fronra LEGAT DEScRrprro,i_IJt'5, brock 5D _:,$1oo.oo - pAiD ottflolff /4/r% (ovER) -eLiiion form for -u"nf zoning ord or Requesr tf "rr.-r,g" i' no|i;:ri*. II. Four (4) copies of the following infor:lation: A' The petition shall include a surn:nary of.the proposed revisionof the regulatio"",-"i'a-conplete dlscription oi the proposea. changes ii di=!;i;; ii,rno..i"=-""a-"-ilp inrjicating tf,e.existinsand proposed distri.i-T::u--i-"-- Giil.n. rnusr subnit ,"rir-len arcr/orgraphic rnaterials ,tuii"g ai,u .uuron, for request. .fIf. Time Requirernents The pranning and EnvironrnertS+. co:rciri ssion rneets on the 2nd and, 4thffi3:Iit"f":i"1"^:$li.rl";*i tion'is-L'.,,.".ssary acconcanv i n sirs' Fol1o'ains tr'"-pi"";ti"i!g. Hff*"::::ii"9;*,::::""*::"#r.-. il"'*T:";I'*: ;:,,*':"i::il;,:F*:il:il1,"..r.. borindary chanie 'i,Applicati"" ttspecial Development Disti;t Development Plan D. Existing contours having contour j-ntervals of not more than fivefeet if the average srope of the site is twenty percent or less,or with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if the ar'erageslope of the site is greater than twenty percent- A.proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals'fifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions ofall- buildings and structures, uses therein, and all- principal sitedevelopment features, such as landscaped areas. recreational facili-ties, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, driveways,and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed. contouriafter grading and site development; A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inchequals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retainedor removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped sitedevelopment features, such as outd.oor recreational facilitres,bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian prazas and walkways, water ieaturesand other elements; Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, ata scale not smaller than one-eighth equats one foot, in sufficientdetail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interrocirculation, locati-ons of uses within buildings, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed development. III. Time Reguirements The..Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4thMondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanyingmaterial must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting NOTE: It is reconrnended that before a special developrnent district applicationis submitted, a review and conment neeting should be set up wiih theDepaxtnent of Commun ity Developrnent. t tI t\. Date of L /25188 APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAI., DEVELOPMENT. DISTRICT DET/ELOPMENT PLAN This procedure is required for any project that would go throughthe Special Development District procedure The application will not be accepted until alt information is submitted. A. NAI{E OF AppLICANT Leo Pa1-mer, n"1*t O.".l.n*"a . ADDRESS P.O. Box 1497, Boulder, CO 80306 PHONE 449-095r APPLICAIiTT I S REPRESENTATIVE Peter Jamar onnr|".ro,, I. B.NAME OF ADDRESS 108 S. Frontage Road West, /1308, Vall, C0 PHONE 476-7r54 c. N AUTHORIZATION OF SIGNATURE ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDP€SS 12 South Fronrage Rd. Easr PHoNE t174-{/1 8 D. I,EGAL DESCRIPTIO t N, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Flling a-,rQ e ge.+t t-,'Lof o A List of the name of owners of all property adjacent to theSubject property and their nailing a-ddresses. fI. Four (4) copies of the following information:A. Detailed written,/graphic description of proposal .-8. An environmental impact relort shall'.be submitted, to the zoningadministrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof unless wiivedby Section 18.56.030, exempt projects; C. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the dernandsgenerated by the development without undue burd.en on availableor proposed public facilities; E. FEE $r00.00 l.lntnrnlu F. (0vER) )l.LL-},n /'ll J A lr 3 74nora(,ilrry'xl't n,tb cF V.6. lnun llA 75 roulh frontrgc road udl, colorado E1657 (303) 4?92138 (303) 479,2139 January 30, 1991 I,lr. Leo Palmer 2735 Aris AvenueSuite A Boulder, co /abcc: Larry Eskwith Mike Mollica Jim Wear otlice ol communlty tlcvelopmanl 80304 Rei Ea3€neDt lgreenent for Left f,and Turn Lane on Vall Road3 cat€way Bulldllng Dear Leo: I am writing this letter to verify ttrat a left hand turn lane lras a reguirernent of the Gateway developnent. The left hand turn lane l-s called for in the Environnental Inpact Report prepared by Peter Jamar Associates, dated January, 1988. The left hand turn lane is also referenced in a traffic inpact analysis prepared by TDA Colorado, Inc., dated February 2, L988. The SDD ordinancefor the cateway project specifically references the Environmental Inpact Report as being part of the special developnent districtapproval. The specific design for the left hand turn lane was prepared by the Town of VaiI engineer' Greg HaIl. This specific design reguires that vail Road encroach slightly beyond the existing Vail Road encroachment on the northwest corner of the Gateway property. our department must require that the attached easement agreement be executed and recorded before a final certificate of occuPancywill be released for any portlon of the Gateway building. If you have any further guestl.ons, I would be happy to assistyou. Thank you for your efforts to coordinate the resolution of the condominium urap. Qingere}1rn fltsff*l,1ft." Coromunity Development Director .$ichael Whitaker Gary MurrainBuff Arnold .; ?,}o December 6, 1990 Mr. Mike Mollica Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Gateway Zoning ConPliance Dear Mike: Per our conversations, I am docunentlng in this letter issues of zoning compliance such that a Temporary Certificate of occupancy may be lssued for Vail Gateway ln the near future. The following tabulation of retail floor area, gross residential fl-oor area, and parking reguirements is based upon actual uses and surveyed measurements of the building in place. Restaurant seatlng is based upon building code occupancy, which results in about sixty more seats than the actual seating plans. The GRFA numbers incLude several areas with sloped ceilings lower than five feet, and are thus actually overstated. Unlt 7 is a small accommodation unit added on Level 118. Since hte are zoned for 12 units, the added density is allowed. FLOOR AREA PARKTNG Retail Restaurants Shop '11 Shops 14115 Level 118 ResidentialUnit 1 Unit 2unit 3Unit 4 Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7 50 seats 100 seats 200 seats 999 s.f. 1r818 s.f. 2r534 s.f. 919 s.f. 3r626 s.f. 1,902 s.f. 242 s.f . 9t406 s.f./300 31 .35 spaces 6.25 spaees12.5 spaces 25-0 spaces 2.0 spaces 2.0 spaces2.5 spaces 2.0 spaces 2.5 spaces2.0 spaces 1 .0 space 89.1 spaces 25 conpact) -8-8 -8 GRFA GRFA GRFA GRFA GRFA GRFA GRFA Al-lowable GRFA: Parking Spaces 12,040 s.f. GRFA 13, 000 Provided: 92 (57 full size, o Mr. Mike l,[ol].ica -2-December 6, 1990 In terms of completion and appearancer the following items of construction will be in progress, but not necessarily conplete: 1. Exterior guardrail/eguipment screen - Leve1 128- 2. Exterior painting of hollow metal . 3. Slate facing of the two southwest planters. The railings and slate facing on the planters should be in place by the end of ilanuary. The hollow metal painting can only be done on days when the outdoor temperature is over 40 degreesr and thus may not be completed for several months. This is a speclallzed type of coating (tnemic) which I am unwilling to change because of long terrn performance and naintenance nightmares. The landscaping, lattice on east wall, and sidehtalk south to the VaiI Village rnn driveway cannot be conpleted until next spring; and therefore, must be covered by a letter of credit worked out between the Town and Pahner Development I think the above addresses outstanding items. If you have any guestions, please contact me or Leo as approPriate- Sincerely yours, ARCHrrEcrs, P.c. de AIA Rr,a/ad copy to: Leo Palmer -Jeff Nading Frank Freyer PaLmer Development - Ringland Johnson CrowleY LDI.GWA Arnold, Rrc'0oEc - ? t93g PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, lNC. PLANNING. DEVELOPMENT ANALYS]S. RESEAFCH December 7, t9g9 Suile 308, Vail Nalional Bank Burtding 108 Soulh Frontage Road Wesr . Vait, Colorado 81652 . (303) 476-7154 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 Dear Ron: on behalf of Leo palmer and parner Development courpany r wouldlike.to reguest a meeting with the Town c-ouncil to-di3cuss thepossible placement of a tenporary site developrnent sign on thesite of the vait Gateway project. As you are aware tie projecthas received final approvir ind an effort to remove contlrniiationof the soil from the previous use of the site as a gas stationhas been underway for the past several months. Thii work hasentailed the dernolition of the existing building upon the site,removal of-the gas tanks, excavation of the site, ind theerection of a fence and barrier around the site. construction ofthe building will begin at the end of ski season. rn accordance with the ordinance which approved the project, nowork.can begin on constructing the buildiirg until spi-:.ni aue to aprovision which reguires consLruction to c5.merr"e pi-ior-to J"iv iand the project to be encrosed by Novernber r-7. pue t,o the soiicontarnination, which was beyonO tne control of palmer Development, aetual construction of the buildi-ng was unabre tostart as scheduled last Spring. Palmer.Developmentrs request at this time is for the abirity togreg! the temporary site deveropment sign that has been appiovedby.the Design Review Board for the site] rt is our feeli'n'g ttuialthough technically the building is not under constructiofr, [tesite certainry has the appearanc6 of one under construction'"nd,in faet, has and is experiencing construction rerai"a-i"tiiiilvl' The fact that there is nothing indicating to the general pubricwhat is occurring upon the si{.e has crealed confuiion ;;d;aG; ,Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager Town of VaiI December 7, 1989 Page 2 the status of the project and I believe is not in the bestinterest of the corurrunity or the developer. palmer Deveropmenthas indicated a willingness to erect a substantial amount ofseasonal decorations in conjunction wlth the sign and therebycreate an attractive appearance (given the circumstances) at theintersection. Apparently the cornmunity Development Department has interpretedthe Sign code in a manner that does not allow this sign t-o Ueerected. we understand their concerns but berieve this to be avery unigue situation which was beyond the owners control andwould like to discuss the issue with the Council. Please let me know if we can appear. at a worksession and also ifyou require additional infornation. ; ArcP PJ: ne *.II f ?'] :ft /rl. ri- .. .I.lf. . *r 'tE. i {l' t\' , {t d t t.'. " COSORIFF. DUNN-a ,q ABPI.ANALP riioarryr rt rrwq {. rurtt aoo oa ai ?aoxr^c3 tD. P. p. lor aztt \rL, 9oLoRADO alcra (tog) aza.7ttl :1 I IN THE DISTRICT COURT, COT'NTY OF EAGLE, STAIE OF COLORADO case No. 89CV454 AAFIDAVIT CONRAD STERKEL, DOUGLAS J. STERKEL, PHYLLIS D. STERKEL, and KATRINA STERKEL, Plaintiffs, vs. LEO PALMER d/b/a palmer Development Company, and 1ST BAIIK OF VAIL, Defendants. RICK PYLMAN, being duly sworndeposes and saya: L. On or about .Iune 20, 1989was issued to Leo Palmer by the Town ofty located at 12 S. Frontage Road West,attahced. upon his oath, a demolition permltVail for the proper- a copy of which is this 28rrh Further Affiant salth Subscribed and asrorn to beforeday of August, 1989, by RICK pyLMAN. My Commlssion expires: Witness my hand and offlcial seal-. otary Public '- t' .. tsrE ldr Cl|gsn|n, Nobry pg61ig - Tifflffi"ST.1lt't lr?t' . : ROSS DAVIS, JR. ATTORN EY AT LAW VAIL NATIONAL BANK BUILDINC I08 SOUTH FRONTACE RD. W. SUITE ]07 POST OFFICE BOX I9O vAtL, coLoRADO 8 t658 303 -47 6 -24 | 4 FAX 303 -4.r9-0467 June 6, l-989 Joseph C. FrenchFrench & Stone, p.C. 720 Pearl StreetBoulder, CO 80302 RE: Palmer Developrnent/Conrad. SterkelLease Agreement dated Decernber 6, l_98g Dear Mr. French: This office has represented conrad Sterkel and members of his farnilyin connection with the sale of the property and the lease agreementsentered i-nto in connection with tnat ciosiig. r have been iuppl_iedwith the copies of your correspond.ence to Mr. sterkel as werl ascopies. of relevant reports and evaluations relating to the removal ofthe Amoco property.. under the lease agreement entered. into on December 6, 19Bg by conradsterkel , the premises were to be operated and. maintainea as i servicestation up to and including March 3r., 1989. Mr. Sterkel ceased doingbusiness on the premises on March 31, r-9g9 and commenced an orderlyand prompt vacation of his inventory, fixtur"= and eguipment from theleased prenises._ Mr. Sterkel, in accordance with the understanding ofthe parties at closing and confirmed by his conversati.on with JimAnest at the site rernoved a1r eguipmenl, includ.ing doors and windows,from the premises. - They would. be destroyed in connection with thedemorition and their rernoval in fact =..r6d. palmer Deveropmentsubstantial costs of dernolition and rernoval . As.you know the understanding between the parties was that thebuilding would be completely denorished orr'or irout May 1-, r-989 andtherefore there was consequentry no agreenent between my client andParrner Development regarding seluring the pr"ri."= after theternination of the rease and vacatioi or tir* fi"*ir"". Absent anysuch.agreement, it is rny opinion,_ that comprilnc" ,:.ir, rii.-""o-saretyrequirements after terminalio.t oi rease unb ,r"".iion of in" pr"ri"."would be the property owners/randlord riaoir:-iy ana onr:.gation. At-closing your client took titr-e to the.property with fulr knowredgeand awareness of, and subject to, the wrilteir teise to the prernisesbetr,teen the sterkers and Arnoco oir corpoiuti""-"nder which imoco oil Joseph C. French French & Stone, P.C. June 5, l-989 Page 2 had installed and maintained the oil and gas storage and d.istributionsystems which are described in the lrAdditional MiscellaneousProvisions to Lease Agreernentrr as rrtanks and-Iinestt That lease cancellation was recorded on December 9, 1988 in Book 496at Page 62L of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderrs Office withcancerlation effective April L, L989. under the terms of that Lease Amoco oil agreed to remove arl tanks and lines within thirty days ofsuch termination, and Sterkel agreed to make such arrangements and usehis best efforts to secure completion of the work within gO days. Arnoco oiI, in a tirnely manner, hired bonded and approved contractorsto renove such tanks and lines. Such removal included the removal andhauling of three fueL storage tanks, two waste oil tanks and aIIrelated transmissions lines to a toxic waste disposal site in Denver,Colorado as well as the rernoval and hauling to the sarne disposal siteof twelve truck loads of contaminated soil. Those procedures wereobserved in there entirety by representatives of both the Town of Vail Department of Hea1th, acting to insure enforcement and cornpliance withColorado State Rules and Regulations, which are in turn based onFederal Standards, and Town of Vail Fire Department which supervised and approved the means and methods utilized to remove the tanks and l ines . Amoco then delivered, in a timely manner, its verifj-cation and proofof cornpletion of the rernoval of the underground storage tanks,distribution lines connected thereto, dispensing units, and contaminated soils, (except for some minor soil replaced on the sitewith the approval of Jirn Anest to act as a base for asphalting of thedisturbed ground). Ground water tests were also conducted at the expense of Amoco andthose results were provided to you. My investigation has revearedthat neither Federal- covernment nor the State Departrnent of Health hasa procedure for issuance of a certificate of satisfactory completionand that the only action that they take is a disapproval or rejectionof procedures and conditions with a reconmendation of rernedial_ measures that nust be taken to bring the property within compliance. Review of the correspondence indicates that any objection to theguality of ground water tests on the site results in a concern thacthis condition may require a fittration and purification of groundwater that is punped out of the construction site during excavation and construction. My discussions with paul Fairbanks, thehydrogeologist for Amoco OiI , and review of his letter indicates andconfirms that Anoco stands ready to provide, at their sole cost and - Joseph C. French French 5! Stone, P.C.June 6, L989 Page 3 expense, aLl necessary ground lrater filtration and purificationfacilities at the site. They have arso committed t6 provideassistance in the removal of any additional contaminaied. soil that rnaybe found on the property, in locations other than those from whichthey excavated the existing tanks and lines, if such conditions arerevealed in connection with the excavation of the site. Amoco oi1 isnot willing to leave determination as to means and. methods to palmerDevelopment, but has expressed a willingness to have theirrepresentative on site to coordinate the removal of any suchcontaminated soils or waters at the sole cost of Amoco. under the Lease Agreement, conrad sterkel . has in rny opinion,performed his obligations fully as he has terminated business on March31, 1-989, he has coordinated and infact secured the removal of aIr,tanks and linestt within the required thirty day period and turned thesite over to you to commence construction oi or-aLout May 1, rges. r have talked to officials at the Town of vail and they inform thatthey never requested any soils or r,rater inforrnation reports andwere concerned solely that the regulations and proceduies for removalwere followed and conpried with by Amocors contractors. Also myconversations with the Planning Department indicate that on or lboutMay J-, 1989, Palmer Developments eichitects had not yet obtained finalpran check approval , and in fact have not to date paid over gl_2,000 owed to the Town of vaj-l for such plan check serviies,had beendirected to take no further action-on their pJ-an checi procedures. ram al-so informed that you have never obtainel. approval trom the Townof vail of a plan of construction procedures reiating to the usate orthe Frontage Road and Vail Road adjacent to the site] In.rny discussion with Paul Fairbanks he mentioned a conversation 1nwhich he was inforned that the construction loan could not be closeduntil Amoco provided certain certifications and verificationssatisfactory to the bank. Neither Mr. sterkel nor Amoco had beeninforrned prior to May L, L9g9 of the forn and content of anycertifications or reports that would be required by -ny co.,-=tructionlender. when Mr. Fairbanks inquired as to who he snoutd contactdiscuss these requirements with at the construction lenderrs offJ.ce,representatj.ves of Palrner Development declined to provide him withthat infonnation. rn conclusion it is rny opinion that Mr. conrad sterkel is in fullconpliance with the terrns of his lease agreement and his obligationsthereunder and is entitled to an irnrnediaie release of the esciowedfunds- It is my further opinion that Amoco rernoved the tanks, related \- )Joseph C. FrenchFrench & Stone, p.C. June 6, L9g9 Page 4 lines and dispensing facilities in a tirnely manner using experiencedand properly bonded and insured contractors that all removai was doneunder the supervision of the Town of vail Departments of Hearth andFire and that such agencies have expressed n-o objection to theprocedures and rnethods used in such removal . The soils and waterexaminations indicated a minor ground water contamination, a situationwhich has been reported to the cororado Department of Health withinthe thirty day period reguired by statute ina Regurations. Theexperience of Amocors hydrogeotogist is that their recommendation andrequirements wiLr be that new telts be conducted (which have beencompleted) and that a filtration and purification systern be installedand utilized during the excavation process to prevent the discharge ofuntreated waters into the water sysLen of the Town of vair, neither ofwhich should delay construction. Amoco has agreed. to provide at theircost these fiLtration purification services ai wetl as assistance withcontaminated soiLs that are discovered in connection with theexcavation of the property. rt is also our further interpretation of the agreement between theparties that application for and the issuance 6f a building permit bythe Town of Vail for the conmencement of dernolition or excivltion ofthe site entitles Mr. Sterkel to the release of all funds escroweo acthe FirstBank of Vail . If youThank you very rnuch for your prompt attbntion to this matter.have any questions fegl free to cbntact ny office.'/ sincereLy )/ -"""'--2 - '/ ,.1'rt/ "."/-4 ,(/ ....-*'.#^of'#Ro5s(Davi{ridr. RDrgy' cc: Conrad Sterkel PauI FairbanksPeter Patton PalrnerDeveloprnent Go.273{5 lris Avonuc o Suite A. Bo.rtder, CC' 8O3O2 3('3/rlrl9-o951 June 20,1988 Mr. Peter Patton Town of Vail '.t 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Co 81657 Re: Vail Gateway Dear Peter: This will servr) as a notice that I have decidecl to C.elay the conmencenent of this prcject. Due to time probl.ems, I would be unable to meet the November 13, L988 deadline. Therefore, we have scheduled ccnstruction on the project to hegin duri.ng e.pril' 1989. Tenant cccupancy would be laie Octoher 1989- Thanks fcr your cocpera'gion. Sincerely, Leo'.PaImer L,,P: rP TDA COLORADOttNc, Tronsportotion Consuttonls 1155 Shennon Streei Denver Colorodo 80203 (303) 839-{346 Memorondum To: From: PeterPatten, Town of Vail Davidlrahy, P.E. @ Dote: Vail Gateway Traffic Subjech March 25, 1988 At the City Council public hearing on Tuesday, March 15, several questions were raised regarding our traffic analysis of the proposed Vail Gateway development. This memorandum responds to his concerns. It was stated that rather than a net reduction in trips through the 4-way intersection, replacing the Amoco service station with the Vail Gateway development would add o intersection traffic because motorists would simply shift to the remaining Alpine Standard station across Vail Road. On a daily basis, we would agree that the Standad station will receive more business once the Amoco closes. Our analysis examined a PM peak hour when background volumes would be heaviest Before doing our analysis, we checked with Stan Berryman regarding possible plans for expanding the number of pumps at the remaining station. He said there were no plans to add pnmp islands or any other improvements to Alpine Standaxd. We concluded from this that during the peak hour used for our analysis, Alpine Stand4rd volumes won't inctease appreciably because of its limited capacity to fuel and service vehicles. Over time, motorists will either seek other tirnes of the day to fuel their cars at Alpine Standard or choose to fuel at a west Vail or other service station location along I-70. Mr. Steinberg also felt we had used rip generation rates "from California" that were not sensitive to a rcsort community. On the contrary, as we have done on nrilnerous rtsort traffic studies, we synthesized a specific trip generation mte for Vail Gateway development taking into account: 1. reduced auto availability/use by a number of destination visitors who may be patrons of Vail Gateway establishments,Z. the proximity of the project to the free Vail shuttle bus,3. the proximity of the project to the Commercial Core area and the likelihood these shoppers will not make a separate auto trip to Vail Gateway, and4. the prospect of limited on-site parking supply as it relates to captive employee trips, and hence, a reduction in auto use to and fiom the site that employees otherwise would generate. Typical suburban free-standing development vehicle trip generation rates were reduced accordingly to estimate what we believe will be a reasonable expectation of auto traffic generated by this particular development Data from Calrans (Catifornia Departnrent of Transportation) was used to estimate the peak hour percent of daily service station trips. The-service station, being an exclusive auto trip generator (no transit or pedestrian modes of anival) will exhibit characteristics represented in national trip generation publications such as Caltrans. I trust ttris wi[help clarify og,l analysis and our findings as presented in our February 2, 1.988, report. Please call me if you have any questions. - i.- -,o PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING, DEVELOPIT4ENT ANALYSIS RESEARCH March 24, L988 A. Peter Patten, ;rr.Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Roadvail , co 81657 Dear Peter: The purpose of this letter is to sunnarize the changes andrevisions made to the'plans for the Vail cateway Developrnent as aresult of the conments and suggestions nade by the Town Council . The changes and revisions, which we reviewed with you and Rickyesterday, are as follows: 1) PARKING AND FIOOR AREAS. As requested by the Town Council, the parking requirement will now be totally rnet within the underground garage. Revisions to the buiLding design have resulted in stight changes in building floor area and parking reguirements as shown below: USE Retail Bank/ConmercialOffice Dwelling Units FIOqR AREA LL,250 sq. ft. 3,600 sq. ft. 3 r 800 sq. f+-, l-3, 000 sq. ft-. /L2 units TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED PARKING ROMT. 37.5 18 r_5.2 spaces spaces spaces 24 spaces 94.7 spaces 95 spaces 2l BUILDING ORTENTATION/ENTRIES As requested by the Town Council, the building and landscaping have been redesigned to provide a major entrance near the southwest area of the building and to lessen the inportance ofthe northsest corner. Suite 308, Vail National Bank Building 108 South Fronlage Road West . Vail Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7154$ V A. Peter Patten, Jr.Director of Comrnunity Development Town of Vail Ylarctr 24, 1-988 Page 2 3) EAST SETBACK As requested by the Town Council, the east setback has been reduced to 0' for the ground level therefore elirninating therralleyrr effect. In addition, the northeast corner has been[cut-offtr to provide a better transition to the future development to the east. 4) NORTH SETBACK The building face has been pulled back an additionaf 2 feet in order to provide a 17 foot setback for the ground level of the building and to allow the bay window projections to meet the L5 foot setback from the north property line. In addition, the column adjacent to the northwest entry has been pu11ed back 7 feet from its original location. 5) LANDSCAPTNG The hardscape plaza area at the northwest corner of the site has been minimized and the building has been setback an additional l-0 feet on the southwest to allow for a larger plaza and entry area in this location. Also, the planter on the north has been increased in size. 5) ARCHITECTURAL pETATLS The redesign of the building as major modification of the importance of the northwest roof, and a minimization and has resulted in detail changes such southwest area, minimization of the area, an increased amount of sloPed off-set of flat roofed areas. As you know, we will be discussing these rnodifications in detail with the Tordn council and Planning and Environmental Commission on Tuesday. We believe that all of these changes address the concerns which the rnajority of the Council and PEc has raised during the review process. Please let me know if you need additional information or have any questions. Peter Jamar, AICP PJ: ns 75 muth frontrg€ road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T dttlca ot communlty development l{arctr 23, 1988 [o: FROTT: '' Property Owners Adjacent to the Amoco site located atthe 4-way stop Connunity Development Department/Rick Eflman fhis is a notice that there will be a work seesion on theGateray Project (Amoco site) at the Town Council meetlng onTuesday, l.larch 29 at 1:30 plrl in the Totrn Council Chanbeis inthe Vail MunlcipaL Building. $h t |.; o OFCOLORADOSTAfE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 222 South Sixlh Street, P.O. Box 2107 Grand J unction, Colorado 81502-2107 (303) 248-7208 March 8, 1988 Mr. Peter Pat.ten Planning Director Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 T)car Dal-ar I would like to follow up on our recent conversationsconcerning the Town of Vail's building setback requirements alongthe frontage roads. It is very important that existing set backrequirements be strictly enforced to allow future highway improvements to fully utilize the highway right of $ray. Although vte have allowed developers to use portions on our right of wayfor landscaping, it must be remembered that this use willterminate if the right of way is needed for any other publicuse. Thus it is important to maintain setbacks so that some ofthe landscaping can be provided within the development. As you know, we are particularly concerned that dralnage and snow accumuLation not be discharged onto the highway right ofway. The Cascade Village parking structure is an excellent "badexamplerr of drainage and snow being forced onto the highway rightof way due to reduced building setbacks. Snow accumulation atthis slte is being removed from the highway right of way by frontend loaders. Not only is this activity some what hazardous, italso precludes the establishment of landscaping to screen thebuilding. We believe that the l5-foot setback must be maintained alongthe highway right of way and especially at critical majorlntersections such as the 4-way stop, Blue Cow Chute. We alsorequest that drainage and snohr removal receive careful review toensure that our right of way is not compromised. We appreciateyour cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, R. P. MOSTON DISTRICT ENGINEER . D. Perske RDP: rbcc: Moston Dunn Abbott PrZ Pre-Construction Engineer .:r'o)ir lnwn 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado Bl657 (303) 476-7000 February 16, L9g8 Mr. Peter Jamar 108 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado gL6s7 Re: Gateway Dear Peter: The following are concerns andwith regard to the Vail cateway olflce of communlty developmonl issues identified by the staff SDD proposal . 1. If CCI zoning is to be used as the underlying zoning forthis.project, then the horizontal restriclion" of thepennitted and conditional uses as stated. in the ccr zonedistrict shalr.appry to trJis project. This wourd requirea bank to obtain a conditional ule permit. 2. The proposed uses as outlined in the development planrequire approximately j.O4 parking spaces coirpared toexisting Town of vair standards. - rire deveroiurent proposarshows 75 underground parking spaces and a po3sibre's t" asurface spaces. The staff position at thiS tiroe is thatparking for t_his project rnuit rneet the requirernents perthe Town of Vail rnunicipal code. With regard to the surface parking spaces, ConnunityDevelopment Departnent feer-s they-are not appropriate asdesigned and.that surface parking may not ri-aplropriateat all- on this site. rf you wourd r.ike to pursue surfaceparking, it rnust be redesigned where it is Lonrpletety onthe applicantrs property and does not conflict withcirculation patternl . 3. staff feels strongly that this building should present noencroachment into the view corridor th;t is estlntistred bythe.approved Vair Virrage rnn deveropment. The existing ' design wilr reguire substantial revisions to naintain tfreview parameters established by the WI . " .'-lt ,J we -feer ta the east and lrest .iag"L.e both too high,and believe that the ridge heights shouLd be driven ui itreview considerations as well as their relation to the laveline of the approved Vail Village Inn project thatsurrounds this development. Relationship-of the ridgelines of the.Gateway to the eave lines of the vair Vilr.agernn project is inportant in rnaintaining the consideratioiof stepping up from the corner to the VaiI village Innproject. With regard to building shape and form, we feel that theridge-areas, particulaify ttre eastern iiage form should besinplified into a single-gable with dormeis. This wouldstrengthen consistency with the Urban Design Guide plan.the flat roof form is also an'issue that needs to beaddressed in context with the Urban Design Guide plan. 4. We feel that the driveway width should be increased toaccommodate a pedestrian walkway or that the pedestrianentrance on the south side shourd be rerocated closer toto Vail Road. 5. With regard to.setbacks, we feel strongly that the northside of the building should maintain a-26 foot setbackfrom the property line. This would keep it in Line withthe plane of the approved VaiI Village fnn building. Withregard to the setback on the east side of the property, wewourd encourage the architects to investigate -arrying'tnefirst floor f\rrther to the property line fo encourage apossible architectural connection witU tne VaiI ViliageInn_project. This would elininate any alley way, andwould allow the project to naintain enough squaie footageto pull the north side of the building bick. - 6. We feel that it will be important that this project andthe approved Vail Village Inn project, when Luitt, have astrong pedestrLan connection. we recognize the need for !|e leygfoper of the Wr project to reiate his project tothe Vait Gatelray. We do want to ensure, howeve-r, f,hat thedesign of the caterny arrows this pedestrian connection tooccur. As you can see, the staff has substantiat concerns with thecurrent proposal . we feel that the concept is sound and wourdlike to work with you toward refinenent and resolution or sorneof these issues. rt is our reconmendation that the fornallearing date of February 22 be postponed. in order to allowfuther conmunications on ttris projelt. rf you wish to noveforward on February 22nd, we wilt-not be able to support theproject as proposed. Sincerely, - It,/ t). I(rtt' fW*\J\ -\- Rick pylrnan Town Planner RP:br PETER JAMAR ASSOCTATES, tNC. PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS, RESEARCH January 21' 1988 Ton Braun Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Tom! Attached are the applications and related support naterials forthe rezoning of Lot N, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing (the tAmoco Site"). As you are awarer lre are proposing a zone changefron the Heavy Service Zone Distriet to Special DevelopmentDietrict in order to allow for the redevelopment of the site in a manner which is cornpatible with the surrounding properties and consistent with the Town of Vail's desire to make this site anattractive compJ.inent to the main Vail entry. l{e are excited about the redevelopment proposal and believe that the upgrade of this pronlnent Vail location will be a benefit to the entire corununity. Please Let me know if you need additional information or have anyguestlons. we look forward to working with you on this project. cerely, Peter Jamar' AICP PJlne Enclosures Suite 308, Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7154 TOWN OF VAIL MEMORANDUM To: Dan, Gary & Mike M. & (Jeff or Mike or Howard fron RJC)From: Mike Whitaker, Plans Examiner/Bldg. lnsp.Date: Jan. 15, l-991 Re: GATEWAY TCO requirements TNIS t{AY NOT BE A FINAI. PI'NCE IJIST -A11 necbauisal protrusLoug wbicb bave Dot been Design Review Board approved or staff approved require application subnittal for sucb approval . The nost notable of this appears to be tbe vent foriliebadls wood buruing oven. Ihe wood burning oven wiII not bepernitted to operate until sucb design is approved. Tbe tiles on tbe exterior decks will not be acceptable in thelrpresent application. A design wbicb do€s Dot pe:mit the floating aad spongy type movement of the tiles sill be required. -The dlrop ceiling at the upper 16ve1 of the partcing structuretbat has beea penetrated by tbe l{ake-up air unit and ductwork fotthe Sianese orchid will need to be repairedt to maintain tbe fireratedl integrity of such drop ceiling. Fire dampers appear to bein place at these penetrations, bowever a section of tbe d,uctworkwill require tlpe x sheetrock over the top of such duetworlc.Tbe door to the service arsa andl service elevator for tberestaurants will reguire a door stop to prevent damage to tbedustrorlr within tbe parkiDg atructure. -Any portion of the exterior or interior which is not completeor in any area of public use or access/exit will not be allowed toset up scaffold for working on such. -Work must be continuing on the soffet and facia of the exteriorof the building. -The location of the fire hydrant on the west side of the siteadjacent to the driveway is hindering handicap access around it. The new design was received and approved by Mike Mollica. Theplanter box is cut back to accommodate an acceptable width for handicap access between planter box and hydrant. A new planter box has been designated adjacent to N.w. corner of building next tostairway that was added in place of ramp. TCo is not to be deniedif such is not complete. -A11 exterior work is to be cornplete as per TOV Cornmunity DeveLopment agreements. -The planter box that was removed frombuilding adjacent to S. Frontage Rd. needs agreement with TOV Cornmunity Development. the north side of theto be replaced as per -Work must be progressing on exterior soffet/facia. -The projects common restrooms must be operational and stocked. -Tbe aluctwork for snoke exhaust in enpty tenant spaces must be eonpl€te through the drop ceiling. smoke alarms must also be setto tbe llrop ceiling. The design of system calls for tbe dropcelling ar€a to be utllized as a plenun for smoke reuoval . This has been dleeued not acceptable but a 30 day tine frane bas beenset for conpletion of the smote renoval into the tenant space. -Extensi.on cords are not peruritted to extend through any conmon area for use in any tenant space or other comnon area. h. rl i I'ti a:|'' -Tenant spaces under perrit which are not complete need not havetheir rated connon walls or drop ceiling in place but the fire alarm system, smoke removal systen, and fire sprinkler systen wj.Ilbe reguired to be active with appropriate Fire Dept. procedures adhered to for revisions to such systems to accommodate theirconstruction. -Monocoat or drop ceillng will be required in the mechanical rooms to effectively naintain the rating requirement of the roof. A grace period has been approved for completion within 45 days of TCO. -All fire dampers need to be fixed in place, rated as required. These will be randomly inspected for conpliance.-All access paneLs are required to be rated as required. Thesealso will be randonly inspected for corupJ.iance. -The openings in the East wall adjacent to the property linewhich have been abandoned per their use vill need to be at leastfire safe stuffed in order to naintain the integrity of the wallas per no openings pernitted. This will be accepted only as atenporary situation. The wall will need the openings covered andthe rating of the wall maintained at thesl ardas for final approval . -Certain panels of glazing in condo units are not tempered as percode. These will trave to be changed out prior to occupancy of suchunits. There are alEo 2 panels on tbe west wall of llenant gpacsE l&5 (lt€Dzels) wbich fl-ank a large panel whLcb are botb required tobe temp€red and of whLch tbey are not etahed as Euch. Verl-fication and subgeguent etching nust be done by a tbird party gualified todo sucb, or tbese 2 panels uust be replaaed AgAp. -The corurnon wall in Leo Palmerrs unit to the adjacent condo needsto be drlmalled to complete fire rating. -On the roof, tbe boiler flu€ terrination is requiredl to be atIeast 10 ft. fron tbe iutake for fresb air. -The teruiaation for the kLtcbea €xbaust from tbe Sianese Orchld neeals to be protected fron noisture entering such. -Tbere are plunbing lealcs undler tticbaels restaurant above the dropeeiling for tenaat space *3. These leaks must be repaird AgAp analaII fire rated tiles replaaed Inuediately.-It has been uoted tbat the euclosure for tbe Siamese Orchldrestaurant connereial bood duct is lined rith only one Iayer ofdrlmall on level two. Since a t hr. rating is required for Buchenclosure tbis dloes not constltute an adequate anouat of drlnallfor sucb rating. Ibis sane duct as it ertends tbrough level fourwitbil tbe necbanical room Lg Irot enclosed at all.All other enclosures should be eranin€al for sucb oonplLauce. -A11 doors to corridors wbieh ar€ rated, rat€d stalt doors, or *.- aoo"r to elevators are not per.nitted to le iropped open unless ihey' are oD arr autonatic release to close them interlocted witb tbe firealann system. contractor uust talce initiative to police tbebulldlng f,or continual coupliance. i-'t. .'- t'fl-t\+.'.tv AOR INDIVIDUAI, TENAIIE SPACE APPROVIL FOR OCCUPANCY -Each tenant retail or restaurant space will reguire its ownf inal inspection by the above listed departments ( i. e. : fire, elect, bIdg. )-Any area within a drop ceiling in which pipes, conduit, beams,etc. extend through a conmon wall or an adjacent area or conmonspace shall be effectively fire sealed. The north wall above thedrop ceiling in tenant space #S has penetrations which requirerepair. -A11 electrical boxes within drop ceiting area shall have coverin place. -The landing reguirements for condo doors to decks has not beenestablished. -Michaels Restaurant is proposing temporary landings for one door onJ-y to his deck seating area. This nay be acceptable as long asthe landing is attached securely. -Tbe duct enclosure for the Siamese Orchid within the serviceentry at the rear of the kitchen has not been constructed properly. The sheetrock is reguired to not break at the same place and thisarea must be fire taped like the rest of the duct enclosure. -An additional exit sign is reguired within the Sianese Orchiddirecting emer€Jency exiting to the north dining area and to the subseguent single door to the exterior. .J."L TOWN OF VAIL MEMORANDUM To: Dan, cary & Mike M., & JeffFrom: Mike Whitaker, P1ans Exarni-ner/B1dg. fnsp.Date: Jan. 2, L99L Re: GATEWAY TCO requirements TIIIS !{,AY NOT EE A FINAI/ PUNCH IJIST -Any portion of the exterior or interior which is not completeor in any area of public use or access/exi-t will not be allowed toset up scaffold for working on such. -Work must be continuing on the soffet and facia of the exteriorof the building. -The location of the fire hvdrant on the west side of the siteadjacent to the driveway is hindering handicap access around it. The new design was received and approved by Mike Moflica. Theplanter box is cut back to accommodate an acceptable width for handicap access between planter box and hydrant. A new planter boxhas been designated adjacent to N.W. corner of building next tostairway that was added in place of rarnp. TCO is not to be deniedif such is not complete. -AI1 exterior work is to be complete as per ToV Community Developrnent agreements . -Work must be progressj-nq on exterior soffet/facia. -The projects cornmon restrooms must be operational- and stocked. -The ductwork for smoke exhaust in empty tenant spaces must be complete through the drop ceiling. Srnoke alarms must also be setto the drop ceiling. The design of system cal-ls for the dropceiling area to be utitized as a plenum for smoke rernoval. Thishas been deemed not acceptable but a 30 day tirne frarne has beenset for cornpletion of the snoke removal into the tenant space. -Tenant spaces under permit which are not complete need not havetheir rated common wa1ls or drop ceiling in place but the fire alarm systen, smoke removal systen, and fire sprinkler systern willbe required to be active with appropriate Fire Dept. procedures adhered to for revisions to such systerns to accommodate theirconstruction. -Monocoat or drop ceiling will be required in the rnechanical rooms to effectj-vely rnaintain the rating requirement of the roof. A grace period has beer, approved for completion. -AlL fire dampers need to be fixed in place, rated as required. These wil-l be randomly inspected for conpliance. -AII access panels are required to be rated as reguired. Thesealso will be randomly inspected for conpliance. -The openings in the East wall adjacent to the property line which have been abandoned per their use will need to be at leastfj-re safe stuffed in order to maintain the lntegrity of the wal1as per no openings permitted. This will be accepted only as a temporary situation, The waIl wiLl need the openings covered andthe rating of the waI1 maintained at these areas for final- approval . -The commercial cooking exhaust hoods all penetrate the droppedceilings. These must either be dropped or the rated dropped ceilings extended over the top of such. Michael's Restaurant has o been given an approval of fire sprinklers (4) to be set within thedrop ceiling in l-ieu of cornpliance extending rated ceiling over thetop of such hood. This is the only hood allowed to do such. -Certain panel-s of glazing in condo units are not tempered as percode. These will have to be changed out prior to occupancy of suchunits. -Al1 ceiling tiles that are part of a one hour rated assernbly ora two hour rated assernbly need to have verifj-cation of theirrating. Such verification shalL be confirmed by Jan. 2, L99l- at5 pm or TCO for the buil-ding will be revolked. -The common wall in Leo Palmerrs unit to the adjacent condo needsto be drywalled to complete fire rating. -On the roof, the boiler flue terrnination j-s required to be atleast l-0 ft. from the intake for fresh air. -A door stop is regurred in the womens bathroom. -On Monday 1,2/3I/90 j-t r^ias noted that the water closet in the nens restroom was non functional. Repair ASAP. FOR INDIVIDUAIJ TENANT SPACE APPROVAIJ FOR OCCUPANCY -Each tenant retail or restaurant space will requi-re its ownf inaf inspection by the above Iisted departments ( i . e. : fire, eIect, bldg. )-The restaurants will have to have their respective Type I Hoodducts enclosed prior to operation of their equiprnent. -Any area within a drop ceiling in which pipes, conduit, beams,etc. extend through a common wall or an adjacent area or comnon space shall be effectively fire sealed. -AIl electrical boxes within drop ceiling area shal-I have coverin place. -The landing requirements for condo doors to decks has not been established. -Mushy tiles on exterior decks need to be stabilized. -Michaels Restaurant is proposing temporary J-andings for one dooronly to his deck seating area. This may be acceptable as long asthe landing is attached securely. PART ONE - THE DEVELOPMENT PIAN Palmer Developnent proposes to redevelop the site of the existing Amoco Service Station located upon portions of Lots N and Ot Block 5Dr Vail Village First Fi1ing. The land is currently zoned Heavy Service Zone District and has been the site of a gas station since the early days of Vail. The station has been nanaged by a nunber of different operators over the years and is currently operated as an Amoco Station with I gas pumps' a car washr and 4 service and repair bays. In addition the stationsells snack and sundry items such as popr ice, candyr dnd other f ood iterns. The site currently is totally covered by building and asphalt and access to the site for vehicles exists at a point on the east endof the site off of the South Frontage Road and along the entire r,restern property boundary adjacent to Vail Road. There is nospecifically defined pedestrian access to the site. The proposal being nade at this tine is to redevelop the siteinto a mixed-use developnent containing retail, officet comnercial , and residential uses. The overall intent is that thesite can be redeveloped in such a manner that results in a highlyattractlve building and site vrhich is a rnajor focal point ofVail.. Since the site is located at the main entry for people arriving to Vail and forrns an inportant first impression of vailfor nany visitors, it is important that the site be irnproved and'to the ext,ent possible, become an extension of the character ofVail Village. As depicted on the site Plan, the proposed development would consolidate the existing poorly defined vehicular access points into one location off of vail Road. In additionr the large arnount of surface parking vrill, be elirninated with virtually allrequired parking accornmodated uithin an underground parkinggarage. Short term parking spaces will be provided upon aportion of the site along Vail Road. Pedestrian access to thegite and along the sitesr perineter will be provided as shown andwil.l serve to provide a link to the approved VaiJ. Village Inn expansion which abuts this property on its south and east sides. In order to provide a pleasing ielationship with both theintersection of Vail Road and Frontage Road and with the proposed surrounding development of the VaiI Viltage Inn' the building hasbeen designed to have the greatest setback off of the intersect.ion (or northvrest corner of the site) and then step upin height from that point from one to four stories. oriented towards the intersection will be an interesting and inviting arcade which covers an int,erior retail area on the first level.In addition, an area has been set aside near the intersection forthe placenent of landscape feature. a sculpture, fountainr or other suitable It ls anticipated that the first floor retail level wiLl providean interesting pedestrian experience along the north and $'estsides of the building and serve as an extension of the existingVaiJ Village Conmercial Core. The second level of the proposedbuilding will consist of a mix of office and residential ipacewith the third and fourth levels consistinq of residential usealso. A summary of the proposed developnent is as follows: Lot Size: 241154 square feet. Floor Area: 12'000 square feet (1O 41000 square feet aD 4rooo square feet lV 13 dvrellinq units 7t{ Buildinq Heiqht: As indicated upon the developnent plan. Setbacks: As indicated upon the development plan. AP{r rJ q-I {e4ata 4 n^(Xad Jsc- ckd"-- l/*1,-,r"d *t5 Retail: Retai l/Comme rc ial : Office: Residential: loo a.*--'1( ?3 s\"Arf , PART TtiO - IMPACTS/MITIGATION In accordance with the Town of VaiI requirements regardingpotential environmental inpacts of proposed projects, thefollowing section discusses the proposal in terms of changeswhich might resr:1.! rlue to the proposed development upon the site.Also discussed are the relationships of the proposal to various Town of Vail plans, goals1 and policies. Hvdroloqic Conditions: Hydrologic conditions associated with the site will be inprovedas a result of the proposal. While no current hazard has beenidentified or existsr the potential of the current use of thesite as a gas and autornobile service station certainly ranks highon the list of land uses which can result in the pollution andcontamination of both nat,ural water courses and ground rrater. Leakage of underground tanks as well as surface runoff ofcontarninants such as gasr oiI, and transmission fluids aIl couldpotentially contribute to inpacts upon hydrologic conditions.The elirnination of these potential sources from the site wilt bea benef i.t. Virtually all drainage upon the site will either be collected asa part of a roof collection system. Drainage from the parkinggarage will be designed in a manner which will collect all siltand oil drippings which might occur. Atnospheric Conditions , rPotential impacts from the proposed development upon atmosphericconditions will result nainly from the additional 13 fireplacespranned to be incruded wirhii rhe buitdffifiaEeathat the wood smoke trom these fireplaces will contribute to theair pollution which Vail currently experiences periodically throughout the year as a result of the inversions that occurwithin the Gore Va11ey. Fireplaces will be constructed andinstaLled in a manner which meets Tovrn of Vailr €lnd State ofColorado standards for emissions. Due to the rernoval of the gasoline pumps the funes which are aninvisible but objectionable environmental hazard will beeliminated from the site. This will be a positive inpact uponthe atmospheric conditions upon the property. Geoloqic Conditions: As indicated on Town of vail hazard maps, the site does not tiewithin any potential areas of geologic hazards and no changes orimpacts to geologic conditions will occur as a result 5f theproposed developrnent. Noise and Odor: Noise and odor impacts associated with the proposed developmentwill be ninimal and should be inproved- over the culrentconditions upon the site. Removal of Lhe gas and service stationwill be positive with regard to this aspeit or the site and itsrelationship to the proposed Vail village Inn project. Thereduction of the rarge number of surface pirking spacei upon thesite' as werl as the elimination of ttre totarry aulomobileoriented use of the site will dramaticarly reduce boEh'noise andexhaust associated with the use of the sile as a service station. The proposed underground garage wirl be mechanically exhaustedand venting will be located in the nort,heast corner of thestructure in an area which witl have the reast amount of neqativeinpact iiflrls:tsjris*s The scenic value of the property will be enhanced as a result ofthe development proposal . The current use of the site as agasorine and service station is visually unattractive both dayand night and the visual improvement of Vail's main entry is akey objective of the redevelopment of the property. The proposed redeveloprnent wiLl resutt in the establishment ofboth a streetscape and architectural quality which ls fitting fora location with the prominence and irnportance of this site.- rtis inportant that this location be upgraded to provide a positivefirst impression to the travelrer aiiiving to Vail. cuirentlyrand especially in the eveningl the impreision one gets at thefour-way stop is not nuch different. thln one gets at nany otherexits along our Interstate Free$ray Systen. -The proposll willhelp to change this visuarization oi vlir and create tire interestand excitement which is fitting for our major 'gateway,r. At the time the vair Virlage rnn special Devel.opment District wasforrned it was recognized that the distant views- to vail Mounlainwhich are experienced upon arrival. at the intersection of vail Road and the south Frontage Road are pleasant views and shourd 1,o!_be-totally eliminated by new developnent. The massing of thevail vill.age rnn is such Lhat views Lo the upper portions ofvarious ski runs does exist. since the vai] Gateway iite ries inthe foreground of the proposed expansion of the vail village rnn, heights and rnassing have been established which are lower than those specified for the Vall Village Inn expansion and therefore the nassing of the proposed bullding respects the spirlt of what ig desired in terms of the distant views. The massing of the proposed builcling and the relationship to the approved Vail i Village Inn are demonst'rated in the following eh I Land Use Condit.ions: The land use conditions upon the site are significantly affectedaa a result of the proposal . Not only does the proposal resultin a major inprovenent in the type and character of land use uponthe site but the planned redevelopment also serves to implement amultit.ude of goals and policies of the Town of Vail includingthose incorporated into the Vail Land Use PIan, Vail CommunityAction P1an7 Draft Vail Village Master Plan, and vail Retail Study. Tle plimary change in land use contempJ.ated by the proposal isthe elinination of the classification of the site ai nHeavy Servicen. Uses currently designated for location within the Heavy Service Zone District include the follows: l. Ski lifts and tows;2. Accessory dwelling unit for service personnel;3. Animal hospitals and kennels, dog kennel;4. Automotive service stations;5. Building materials supply storesi6. Business offices;7. Comrnercial laundry and cleaning services;8. Corporation yards;9. Machine shops;10. t-lotor vehicle sales and servicesi11. Repair garagesiL2. Repair shops;13. Tire sales and services including retreading and recapprng i14. Trucking terminals and truck service stations;15. Vehicle storage yards.16. Warehousesi and17. vtroodirorking and cabinet shops. As indicated previously the proposed Special Development Districtwould consist of office space, conmercial and retail space, andresidential dwelling units and is intended to be an upgrade and enhancement of this area. It is the applicants feeling that thistype of land use is much nore positive for the community than theexisting heavy service classification. It is intended that theunderlying Zone District would be CommerciaL Core One. Several Town of Vail goals and policies indicate that theredevelopment proposed wiLl be a positive change in land use. )t\ Vail Connunitv Action ?lan: Conmunity Action Plan contains broadtype of development being proposed: The the goals which encourage 1. 2.Upqfgd^i-nS _ and remodeling of structures.-+.g.lEiFrn'.'.ifrFf6VdmEnts should be encouraged; revitalization are 6E-\7e.i-1;* New growth and continued success essential to the and site The community should stimulate andwlthin the core areas. t.tnDrove amorance Vail Land (Jse PIan: During the tand Use PIan process goal statements vrere developedwhich reflected the general consensus of the public and are to be used in the revie\{ process for new developnent proposals. Goa1sapplicable to the proposed redevelopment of the Amoco site arethe following: 1. Vail should continue to grolr in a controlled environment, rnaintaining a balance between residential ,comnercial and recreational uses to serve both thevisitor and the permanent resident. 2. The quality of the environment including air, r^rater andother natural resources should be protect,ed as the Townqrovrs. 3. The quality of development should be upgraded whenever possible. 4. The original theme of the old Village Core should becarried into new development in the Village Core through continued implenentation of the Urban Design Guide PLan. maintained and q 6. Vail shouldin existing Conmercial cornrne rc iaL needs. accommodate most of the additional grovrth developed areas (infill areas). growth should be concentrated in existing areas to accommodate both local and visitor Vail VilIaqe Master Plan: The Land Use Plan adopted November 18, 1985, specified apreferred Land Use Plan for the Town of VaiI. The Vail Gatelraysite was designated within the Plan as being governed by theViJ.lage Master Plan. Although the Village Master Plan has yet to be officially adopted, the draft of this Village PIan contains many goals and policies which deal with the redevelopnent ofproperties within and adjacent to Vail Villager including thesubject site. o llixed use sub-Area is the designation given to the area whichincludes the proposed vair Gateway Building. The plan statesthat: There is a great deal of pot,ential for inprovements to bothpublic and private facilities in the area. Among these isthe opportunity to develop gateway entries to the Village atthe 4-way stop and at the intersection of Vail Road- and Meadow Drive. pedestrianization in the area will benefltfrom infilt development and streetscape improvementsthroughout the sub-area. Significant increasei in theVillagers overnight bed base nay also be accomnodated inthis sub-area." Goars and objectives specified for this area which are applicableto the proposal are: -l_: Encourage high quality redevelopnent while preservingtr:^ the unique aichitectulal scale oi the village- in ordeito sustain Vailrs sense of community and identity. 2. To foster a strong touristyear-around econonic healthVillage and for the comnunity J.. To recognize as a top priority the importance of- nalntaining and enhancing the walking experiencethroughout the Village. T.Eicourage the development of new connercial activitywhere conpatible with the existing character of theViI1age. It is clear that the Vail Gateway will make a positive steptowards achieving these goals and planning for the project hasbeen based upon helping to implenent these goals. Vall Retail Study: The Analysis of Vail Retail Space needs conpleted in June of 1988suggested that, althougb existing approved projects and areasplanned for retail development appear to be sufficient to providethe retail space requi.red to meet the demand anticipated Lhroughthe year 2000, it may not be desirabl.e for development to occurin the areas far outside of the existing core arels. The studyconcluded that, from the perspect.ive of improving the retail economyr the pedestrian flow to locations off of Bridge Street invail Village could be enhanced by new retail areas located ininfill locations. The Vail Gatewai is such a site and will be apositive step towards increasing the pedestrian traffic along Dleadow Drive and the vicinity of the Vail Village Inn. industry and to promoteand viability for theas a whole. Urban Desiqn Guide Plan: The Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village has been an integralpart of the redevelopment of properties within Vail Village over the past seven years. The plan was adopted to guide the design elenents of the various proposed neht buildings or building remodels within the Village. White all of the design considerations within the Guide Plan are not meant to be applicable to the subject site nor are they appropriate' the proposed building has been designed to reflect many of the design elements encouraged within the heart of Vail Village. Design considerations such as the pedestrianization and streetscape franework of the Village have been incorporated into the site design for Vail cateway and will help to improve the pedestrian experience in the vicinity of VaiI Road and East lleadow Drive by creating an attractive retail anchor at what canbe defined as the northwest corner of Vail Village. The introduction of these design elements in this location will also help to extend the design character and quality of VaiI Village out to the periphery where it can be inrnediately visualized by those arriving to Vail and therefore, exhibit a positive irnage of the community and help to announce the excitenent and vitality of Vail. The Guide Plan encourages the study and upgrade of the four-way stop areas as a major entry to Vail and many inprovenents have been made to this area recently in terms of signage and landscaping. Further improvements are contemplated as a resultf the recent sign program and no doubt others will be incorporated into the Town-wide Landscape Improvement Plan currently in progress. The major upgrade and redevelopment of the subject site can onfy help to strengthen the inage of this 6rea of Town and is a strong indication of the private sector I s illingness to participate in the enhancement of the community. Circulation and Transportation Conditions: TDA, Inc. has prepared an analysis of the proposal redevelopmentof the site (see Appendix). The traffic study evaluates current and future roadway conditlons, assesses the traffic operational impacts of the project and makes recomnendations regardingtraffic operations. TO: FRO}T: DATE: SUB.'ECT: vail Tonn Councit Comnunity Developnent Department April 5, 1988 Reguest to rezone a part of l-,ot N, and a portion ofLot O, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing from Heavy Service District to Special DevelopmentDistrict with underlying Conmercial core I district.Applicant: Palmer Developrnent Company This rezoning request has been proposed in order to facilitatethe redevelopnent of the existing Anoco Service Station on thesoutheast corner of the 4-way intersection in Vail Village. The proposed VaiI Gateway project is a mixed use developnentcontaining retail, office, commercial and residential uses withparking requirenents provided in an underground structure. The Vail cateway project, Special Development District No. 2L,as proposed in Ordinance 9, Series of 1988, was tabled by theapplicant at the first reading on llarch 15th. The Town Councilraised severaL issues and concerns with the project. Thedeveloper tabled the project in order to complete revisionsthat would address concerna of the Town Council and staff. Theappllcant has amended the project Ln six areas: 1. Parkincr.requirgme{rls: The parking requirement of 95 spaees is met by the provision of 95 covered parking spaces. 2. Buildinq orientation: EuphasLs has been redirected to the southern entrance. 3.East setback:The allelr has been elininated by the zero setback at the first floor.creation of a 4. North setback: This has been increased to 17 feet. 5. Landscapinq: The landscaping has been increased in someareas. Specific details will be presented to Design Review Board. 6. Architectural deleile: llhe revisions to the building have @changes in the architecturaldetails. These revisions address concerns that were voiced by two or more Town Council menbers. Cornnunity Development staff, alongwith our Urban Design consultant, ,Ieff Winston, have reviewedthe revisions and feel that they are positive additions to theproject. STAFF RECO!{!,IENDATION : The Conmunity Developnent Departnent is generally supportive ofthe concept of this redevelopnent. I{e have listed nany issues and concerns with this project throughout the process, and thenajority of these issues and concerns have been adequately addreEsed by the deveJ.oper. We do, however, still have serious concern with the Vail Gateway building eneroachnent into theview of VaiI l.tountain as presented by the Vail Village Inndeveloprnent. It has been the position of the staff throughoutthis process that this proposal should not encroach into thatview corridor. Without resolution of this issue, the Coarnunity Development Departnent must reconmend denial of this project. I TO: FRff{: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town of Vai1 Design Review Board Gordon R. Pierce, Councjl Member March 29, 1988 Gateway Project I am recommending that thjs proJect have a very substantial look and be verycarefully detai'l ed, i.e., the first level facade should be treated in stone simi'l arto that used on Phase III of the V.V.I. The large entry sky light snow/water/ice problem should be treated wjth heated gutters drained to the inside of thebuilding. Landscaping should be coordinated w'ith the frontage road/highway/Town ofVail entry plan, etc. I wou'ld be happy to meet with you if you would like my comments first hand. GRP/bsc TO: FROU: DATE: Planning and Environnental Commission Cornmunity Development Department February 22, L988 SURTECT: Reguest to rezone a part of Lot N, and a portion of L,@t O, BLock 5D, Vail VilJ-age tst Filing fron EeavySerrrice Dj-strict to Special Development District withunderlying Conmercial Core I zone district.Applicant: Palmer Developmertt Company I. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST This rezoning reguest has been proposed in order tofacilitate the redevelopnent of the existing Amoco ServiceStation on the southeast corner of the 4-say intersectionin VaiI Village, At the present tine the Amoco Station iszoned Heavy Service District. The Heavy Service Districtuses consist of industrial and service businesses. Theexisting Amoco station consists of 8 gasoline purnps and asrnall one-story building containing 4 service repair baysand a car wash. The size of this site is approximately24,L54 square feet. The proposed Vail cateway project is a mixed usedevelopment containing retail , office, conmercial andresidential uses, with a rnajority of the parking beingprovided in an underground structure. Section L8.40.010 of the VaiI Municipal Code describes thepurpose of Special Developnent Districts. It reads asfollows: rrThe purpose of special deveLopment districts is to encourage flexibility in the development of land inorder to promote its most appropriate usei to inprovethe design, character and quality of new developrnent;to facilitate the adeguate and economic provision ofstreets and utilities; and to preseri/e the naturaland scenic features of open areas.I The special Developnent District chapter in the Municipal Code goes on to state that: rrThe uses in a Special Development District must beuses rpernitted by right, conditional uses, oraccessory uses l-n the zone district in which theSpecial Development District is located. rr fn order to meet these requirements of the Special Development District chapter, the applicant has applied torezone this property from Heavy Service District to Commercial Core I and simultaneously apply for Special o Developnent Distrl-ct No. 2l-. This memorandum will addressthe rezoning of the property from Heavy Service to Corurnercial Core f, as well as the application of SpecialDevelopment District to this parcel with Commercial Core Ias the underlying zone district. A summary of the proposed development is as follows: A. Floor Area: Retail: l,L,2oo sf Retailr/Cornnercial: 3,900 sf office: Residential: B. Buildinq Heiqhts: Building heights of the east and west ridges ascalculated by the standard Town of Vail rnethod areapproximately 62 and 57 feet respectively. The peakridge heights are 52 and 52 feet above the elevationof the A-way intersection. C. Site Coveraqe: 1-4,357 sf , 508 D. Parkinq 75 covered spaces3 surface spaces E. Proposed Uses Uses as proposed are to be those uses specifiedwithin the Conmercial Core I zone district. F. Access: Vehicular access to the underground parking wouldtake place off of Vaj-I Road on the southwest cornerof the site. A comprehensive traffic analysis isincl-uded within the development plan. In order to evaluate this proposal , we must first evaluatethe request to amend the zoning frour Heavy Service toCommercial Core I. The Heavy Service District as it isdefined in its purpose section in the zoning code isintended to provide siteE for autornotive oriented uses andfor commercial service uses which are not appropriate inother comrnercial districts. Because of the nature of the .:'.i 4r9OO sf 121000 sf, 13 du uses pernitted and their operatLng characteristics, appearance and potential for generating traffic, all ofthe uses in this distrlct are subject to conditional usepermit procedure. Some of the uses allowed aE conditionatuses within the Heavy Senrice zone dLstrict include animalhospitals and kennels, automotLve service stations,building naterial supply stores, business offices,corporation yards, nachine shops, repair garages, tiresales and service, and trucking termLnals. The Heavy Service District does reguire 20 foot setbacksfrom all property lines, allows a 38 foot building height,75t site coveragte, and requireEr a nininum of 10* landscapecoveraete. Density standards are not applicable to the Heavy Service District, as no residential tlpe use isIisted as a permitted or conditlonal use in the HeavyService District. The Commercial Core I zone dlstrict allows a variety ofretail-, cornmercial and residential. uses, all of rrhich arecontrolled as permitted or sonditional uses on ahorizontal zoning basis. The proposed change frorn HS to CCI entails a roajor changein the allowable uses for this parcel of land. A conpliteanalysis of the merits of this zone amendment is addressedin another section of this memorandurn. II. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL fhere are a number of criteria to be evaluated whenreviewing a request of this nature. The first set ofcriteria to be utitized will be the three criteriainvolved in an evaluation of a request for zone change.fhe second set of criteria to be used in revier of thisproposal will be the 9 development standards as set forthin the Special Development District chapter of the ZoningCode. The third set of criteria wLll be a general conparison of the proposed project to the uiban DesignGuide Plan, as stipulated in the CCI zone diEtrict. A1so, the Land Use Plan should be utilized as a guidet inein any reguest to change zoning. However, becauie thissite is part of the area covered by the Vail ViIJ.ageMaster Plan/Urban llesign Guide Plan, the Land Use plan made no recommendationE for this site. The VaiI VillageMaster Plan, as yet unapproved, reconmends no changes inthe land use of this site. Staff comments include those of Jeff Winston, our urbandesign/landscape consultant. III. EVALUATION OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM HEAVY SERVTCE TO COMI,TERCIAL CORE I Suitabilitv of existinq zoninq The staff feels that the existing gas station is anacceptable use as existing on the corner of the 4-waystop. We do recognize, however, that it is one ofthe few uses allowed in the Heavy Service Districtthat would be an acceptable use in this highlysensitive location. The conditional use reviewprocess would require Town of Vail approval for anychange in use on this site. We have also recognizedfor guite some time that redevelopnent of this sitecould aLlow the opportunity to present a morepleasant and appropriate entrance statement to the Town of Vail . We generalty support the uses proposedat this location. Is. the amendment presenting a convenj-ent, workablerelationship within land uses consistent with Ttre Anoco site has been called out on the UrbanDesign Guide Plan as a special study area and has been reviewed previously as a potential portion ofthe Vail Village Inn developrnent project. Withconcern over the potential congestion a bank couldcause at this location, we feel that the usesproposed for this piece of ground are generallyconsistent with the surroundings uses. Does the rezoninq provide for the qrowth of anorderlv, viable communitv. We feel that developnent of a gateway project intoVail is a sound concept. This concept can providefor orderly and viable growth within the comrnunity ifrevisions to the plan, such as inclusion of a leftturn lane and elinination of parking along Vail noadare incorporated. IV. DESIGN STANDARDS IN EVALUATING SDD PROPOSALS A. B. c. The following are staffproposal relates to thethe zoning code: comrnents concerning how this design standards as outlined in A.A buffer e shall be rovided in ial DeveI District adia to a low dens den zone trict.e buffmust be t free of bu Idinqs or s ctureslandscascreened or rotected atural feaso that erse effects surroundinq areasbuffer zone ofsufficientzetoate theuse fron thevrsual prlva and a a].rlIunother1etenalIe factors. The proposed developruent is surrounded by commercialdeveloprnent on the south and east sides, by Vail Roadon the west side and by the Frontage Road on thenorth side. There is no residential area that thisproject should provide a buffer from. The staff doesfeel stron9ly, however, that the north side of thebuilding should nalntain a Z0 foot setback frorn theproperty line. We feel that the proposed l_O footsetback is inadeguate from the Frontage Road. Thereis an existing landscape buffer between the servicestation and the roadway. This planter, however, isentirely located on State Highway right-of-way andneither the applicant nor the Town of Vail controlfuture development on that property. I{e feel thatthis buiLding shoutd have the ability to provide asufficient buffer from the roadway should thisplanter be elininated. irculati svstem desi the of ficratedttoderation saf from convenl_ence no and exhaust Private streetsnav be tt F t cles for en S.Bicvc traffic uld be cons dered and ded when the site to be used for residential S€t andot B. purposes. As is nany of these criteria, this consideration isintended prirnarily for large scale development. Asit relates to this proposal , the vehiculai access tothe underground parking occurs in the southwesterncorner of the site. There is a comprehensive trafficanalysis that has been submitted as part of the developraent plan. This traffic analysis states thatthere is a 4O foot stacking distance for cars waitingto turn left into the Gateway project from Vail Road. The Connunity Development staff and Public Works feelttrat circulation reLated to this project wouldbenefit greatly by the design and inplementation of a c. left turn lane on Vail Road to serve the Vail catetrayproject. This irnprovement makes sense due to thepredicted daily traffic flow of 810 cars/day into andout of this drivenay. The approved VaiI ViIIage Inn project does contain aIeft turn lane for thelr access point a shortdistance down Vail Road from this project. We feelit is important to circulation at the 4-!rayintersection that this left turn lane be nade a partof the project. The applicant has also designed into the project approximately three surface parking spaces that fallpartially on the applicantrs property and partially on the road right-of-way on Vail Road. The stafffeels that these surface parking spaces are notappropriate as they are designed and that surfaceparking may not be appropriate at all on this site. The spaces are too close to the intersection andwould inpede future road inprovements if needed. tilefeel that if the applicant wishes to pursue surfaceparking, it should be redesigned to be conpletely onthe applicant,s property and in an area where it doesnot conflict with circulation patterns. t ter1ns timumreservatof na eature dra areas eaE].on. vfunct The Conmunity Development Department feels strongl-ythat this buildlng should present no encroachmentinto the view corridor that is established by theapproved Vail Village Inn development. During theVaiI Village Inn Phase IV approval process, much tineand effort was put into maintaining a view corridorfrom the 4-way stop. The eventual and approvedbuilding design of the Vait Village Inn phase IVreflects this effort and presents a wide view fromthe 4-way stop. Although the applicant has notsubnitted to the staff a conplete view analysis, itis apparent from the infornation that we do-have thatthe existing building will require substantialrevision to naintain the view parameters that areestablished by the wr. Yariglyjn ter-ns of housino tvpe, densities,rac]-llt,tes and open space. This Special Developrnent District proposal includes13 dwelling units with GRFA of approxinately 12,OOOsquare feet. With CCI as the underlying zoning, theallowable density on this parcel would be 13 units D. and approxinately 19,300 square feet of GRFA. The use of the units (i.e. rental or condoniniurn) has not been deternl-ned. It is difficult, on a site of 24,OOO sguare feet thatcontains only l-3 dwelling units to apply the criteriaof variety of housing tlpe and quality and anount ofopen space. These two criteria are not reallyapplicable to a development of this scale. Theapplicant has attenpted to provlde some open space bycreatlng a large setback from the 4-way intersectionin the forn of a landscape or sculpture plaza. StafffeeLs that this design forn is very appropriate tothis developnent. int andes Lnto F. E.Priva hbors. with other criteria,be more relevant to The Community Developmentserious concerns sith theproposed development, with of the needs of indiv these considerations are felt Large scale SDD,s. Asto estr traffic terms of sa ationconvenlence, access ts ofattractiveness. The applicant has provided pedestrian entrance tothis building on the northwest corner as well as apedestrian entrance centrally located on the southelevation. The pedestrian entrance on the southelevation is located in the center of the building toallow pedestrian traffic to arrive at the building bycoming through both the existing and approved VailVillage Inn developuents. The approved VaiL VillageInn Phase Mevelopnent was designed in a manner toscreen view and pedestrian accesa from the existinggas station. We feel that it will be irnportant theeventual developer of the VaiI Village phase IVproject anend certain circulation and design aspectsof his project to better relate to the VaiI Gatewayproject. The staff does feel that pedestrian safety would begreatly benefited by providing a pedestrian walknayfron VaiI Road to the buiLding entrance on the southside of the building. The pedestrian access asdesigned conflicts with the vehicular access to theparking structure. Department staff hassite relationship of thethe height, and with the G. o massing of the building. There was much dLscussionduring the approval process of Phase IV of the VailVillage fnn project regarding stepping thosebuildings down toward the 4-way stop. That concept was reinforced in the original SDD documents and inplanning studies completed by Eldon Beck that showproposed building height allowances for the VallVillage Inn area. The architects have recognized this concept and, to acertain extent, responded. We do, however, haveserious concern with the height of both the east andwest ridges. we feel that the height of these ridgespresents an unacceptable encroachnent by narrowingthe wide view corridor to a smaller rrtunnel . rl Lowering of the ridge heights will accomplish twoobjectives in the development of this site. It wouldreduce or remove any impact of this building on theview corridor and it would further reinforce theconcept of stepping down toward the corner. In thepresent proposal , there is approxirnately 5 feetdifference from the ridge heights of the Vail villageInn and the Gateway projects. We feel there shouldbe a substantial step down from the Vail Village Innridge height to the Vail Gateway ridges. This-vouldreinforce previous design considerations as well asthe applicantts own architectural concept. The staff also has a concern, as has been previouslystated in this memo, with the rel-ationshlp of thisbuilding to the Frontage Road. Tlris developrnent planproposes a LO foot setback from the front propertyline. While there is an existing planter thalbuffers this site fron the Frontage Road, thatplanter is located entirely on State Highway right-of-way. There are no assurances that can be rnade bythe Town of Vail or the applicant that furtherFrontage Road inprovements will not impact thJ.splanter. We feel that a 2O foot setback from themain road in Vail is the ninimum buffer that shouldbe allowed. Buildinq desiqn in terms of orientation, spacinq, Il?tgrials, color and texture, storaqe, siqns,Iiqhting, and solar blockaqe. With regard to this proposal , a najority of theseissues relate to the Design Review level ofapproval . H. Landsca of tvnes site in termsI. neiqhborhood. I and eff o Staff feels that the design of the plaza entrance onthe northwest corner of this development isappropriate and presents a great opportunity for development of a landscaped plaza, possibly rrith somesculpture. This plaza area can contribute nuchtoward the positive inage of Vail. The plaza as itis designed is very conceptual and further work will need to take place at the Design Review leve1 . VT. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS A. Uses the applicant is proposing this Special DevelopmentDistrict with the underlying zone district of CCf.As required in the Special Developnent Districtsection of the Vail tlunicipal Code, the uses in an SDD nust natch that of the underlying zone diEtrict.In the CCI zone district, perrnitted and conditionaluses are defined horizontally by buitding l_evel . tilefeel that utilizing CCI as an underlying zonedistrict requires the applicant to structure his usesin accordance to the horizontal zoning of CCI . Thiswill reguire submittal and approval of a conditional use permit for the office uses. For the purpose ofreview of this project, the staff has assumed thatoffl-ce will be an eventual- use on the 3rd and 4thIevels, and see no negatl.ve iupact to these uses. The total size of this parcel is 24rLs4 square feet. Unde.r CCI zoning, this would allow a l-9r323 squarefeet of GRFA and l-3 dwelling units. The applicanthas proposed approxinately 12r000 square feet of GRFAand L3 dwelling units. The density proposed iswithin allowabte density of the zone district. Thestaff does feel , however, that the overall bulk and mass of this building results in several najorconcerns of this developnent proposal . The level ofdensity being requested by the applicant contributesto the massing of the building, and is thereforerelated to those concerns. Parkinq According to standards outlined in the Off-StreetParking section of the zoning code, the uses involvedin this proposal wilJ, reguire from 89 to 104 parking spacesr, depending upon whether or not a bank isinvolved and what the size of that facility would be. The applicant has proposed 75 structures spaces and 3surface spaces. Staff feels that the surface parkingas located and designed is inappropriate. Thatleaves 75 parking spaces to serve this developnent. B. Staff reasonto any feels that this is inadequate and sees no on this site to entertain a parking variance degree, The appLicants have subml-tted a parking managernentplan they feel addresses the ability of their development to serve'their parking needs. Theparking management plan has been included as a partof your packet on this project. VII. URBAN DESTGN GUIDE PI,AN The Urban Design Guide Plan addresses thid parcel of landas a special study area and does identify two sub-areaconcepts that relate to this proposal . Sub-area concepts1 and 2 on East Meadow Drive involve both short and longterm suggested improvenrents as an entry into the communityand to Vail Road. Improvements include planting bedexpansions, an island to narrow VaiI Road, and treeplanting to further restrict views down Vail Road. Thesesub-area concepts also reinforce the fact that this parcelshould be a future study area. other than sorne initial work done by Eldon Beck, thatsuggest building heights for this parcel as well as theVillage Inn parcel and some study done to incorporate thissite into the WI , no special study of this partel of landhas been conducted to date. The Eldon Beck study does show that building heights for developrnent of this parcelof land should reach one to two stories. The Beck planalso shows that the Vail Village fnn development behindthis parcel should be a naxirnum of 3 to 4 stories. Thestaff supports the Beck concept of stepping down to theintersection, but given the heights of the approved VaiIVillage Inn project, we certainly feel that 2 to 3 storiesof development on this site are appropriate. While this proposed development is within the general areaof the Urban Design Guide Plan, we feel that many of theUrban Design Considerations may not be appropriatecriteria vith which to review this project. We do,however, have concerns of several aspects of this proposal.in a general relation to the Urban Design Considerations. The building height and views, in particular, are concernsof this proposal. and issues that do not adeguatelycorrespond to the Urban Design Considerations. The Urban Design Guide Plan building height considerationprovides for a naximum heigtrt in the CCI zone district.This building height reguirement is a mixed height of 33and 43 feet, with 4O* of the buiJ-ding allowed up to 43feet in height. We feel that these height guidelines, coupled with the concept of stepping this building downtoward the intersection, suggest appropriate desJ.gnguidelines for this developnent proposal . The Design Consideration regarding views and focal pointsstates that: trVail's mountain/valley settJ-ng is a fundamental partof its ldentlty. Views of the mountains, ski slopes,geologic features, etc. are constant reminders of thenountain environnent, and by repeated visibility,orientation reference points. rl While the view corridor through the approved VaiI VillageInn project from the 4-way stop is not a desJ.gnated viewcorridor by ordinance, we feel it is a very inportant viewupon entering the community. The Vail Village Inn project responded to staff concerns and attempted to maintain anacceptabl-e view corrl-dor fron the 4-way stop. We feelstrongly that the Vail cateway project must respect theview corridor as defined by the Vait Village InnAuilding. The applicant has responded well with his building designto several of the other desJ_gn considerations includingstreetscape framework, street edge, vehicle penetration and service and delivery. However, we have major concernswith the amount of flat roof proposed. Flat roofs arediscouraged in the Urban Design Guide plan. VIII STAFF RECO!,T},fENDATION Staff generally supports the mixed use concept proposed inthis redevelopment plan and the concept of the rezoning to CcI . Although it nay be considered spot zoning, we feelthat the uses are compatible with the adjacent VailVillage Inn Special Developnent District and areappropriate for this location within the connunity. Honrever, we are not supportive of the uses proposedwithout the left turn lane and elirnination of the surfaceparklng as well as adeguate parking provisions. We feelthat.the general concept of development proposed by theapplicant is appropriate and believe that there is-anopportunity here to provide an exciting and aestheticallypleasing entrance into Vail . The Connunity Developnent Departnent staff has, however,major concerns with the project as proposed. We feel theissues of bulk and mass, height, setbacks, view corridor encroachment and parking are all important issues thatnust be addressed. The staff reconmendation for thisproject would be for the Planning Connission to table thisand allow the staff and the applicant to work together totry to resolve some of these issues. We feel that with adequate resolution of the aforernentioned issues, we couldsupport this project. However, as presented, we feel there are najor Lasues that need to be addressed andcannot support thle project as presented, Although ranyof the uses of the Eeavy Serrrl.ce DistrLct would certainlynot be acceptable in thl-s location, we feel that theexistLng serrrice station is appropriate to this location. We believe that'SDD *21 aa proposed, presente impacte thatare not acceptable. If the applicant wishee to movefomard with thls proJect as proposed, staff reeonmendation is for denial . ,\ .6,{t'o *rt Q^l^ -'- \-- ',,--r 7,t 9-L 7 p[r- b.]^^iev A \ ^l ,'- 'o"t{*'(-a1'-ir site from the Heavy Service Zone DistrictDistrict the following inforrnation will and subrnitted bv the subnittal deadline signed by both property owner and $200.00 rl 'ETER JAMAR ASSO.TATES, rNC.'+ob ) PLANNING. DEVELOPN,,IENT ANALYSIS. RESEARCH 'nn . FROII: DATED: DF. In order to rezone theto Special Development need to be prepared (January 25): 1. Application Forms appl icant . 2. Application Fee: I'tE}!ORANDUI'1 ROBERT L. ARIIOLD PETER JAI1AR JAITUARY 14, 1988 SUBI{ITTAL REQUIRET4ENTS A}ID THE SCHEDULE - AI1OCO SITE REDEVELOPI"IENT - Including nschedule B" for easenents, rights iwaYretc. 6. 8. - Floor areas by use - Parking and Loading - Building Height Setbacks - Site Coverage Suile 308, Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road Vvest . Vait. Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7154 Propos Preliminary Proposed Landscape Plan. Prelirninary Building Elevations and Floor Plans. Statistical breakdown of plan including propos graphic Survey - Improvement survev if availab afr/}l'lernorandun to Robert t. Arnold eage 2 fi st ics - AlnosPheric conditions o. ^\r s:Circulation ancl Tra ation characteristics ffiecial DeveloPment District i:i:ti:::i,ip to vair Land use Pran * F.elationship to vtii viitage uaster Plant zoning considerations' =:: - : Relationship to vli-i-virrdse rn1'-sDD k Relationship to uiuun oesrsn Guide Plan # 11. Building llodel.Y.LlaqF' The goal will be to subnit all of this in the best available fornat -?!-tl::iit[--"ta prior to the tvork session on4 ".-iit-I li docurnent contain-ilg-:l}-lhl T::: ::l ^t'..:' : :: r.t :::"iffi I = " i :;':' :;*i'i!-i' " : "ii - * i. n r hen' icheduier ard continue l"p.ia"riii'-i"au"tion" of plans and should be prepared cluring this eer/ e responsibil itY. f:l each iten The next step is to allocateVhe resPon"t"'11:{, +h,-,c6 r"rork i no on the ,/pro j""t '- I sugges!" t1?: urong-ih,ose ^ vrorking on the r'/Ptotect' r buevt'-t - '.o.'oir- meptilq witi-itte Tovrn oi vail vithio:.iott up your recent ryelty's vJltn Ene '.,vJrr vt "- -^^+i6a {-n rrr"rrfv subnit!61 requirements' infgrn-,!le1 '/if, a* ,'# +" rlr L/u. ). t inf o rrnat ion tin the r also. iiSormation into one exhib it s . The rnode.t. lre al so anothe r of our Environrnental Impact P'eporU includin Iiarrative DescriPtion of Pro /[o$.[ r*J"' , uu'*l- A*Jfv t' Rm? MAY 151991 May 13, 1991 Mr. Mike Whitaker - Building lnspector Town of Vail Department of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVa1l, Co 81657 Re: Vail Gateway - Anti-que Pine Flame Spread Dear Mlke: This 1s to update our discussions and rny l"etter to you of December 14, 1990t concerning the wood millwork installed inVail Gateway. Subsequent to that letter, Dieter Menzel has had the material tested. I have enclosed a copy of that report for your information. ft shows a flame spread of 85 which is considerably lower than we had assumed, though sti11 Class III. This should provide firm documentation that this particular paneling method is acceptable for use in the ma1l and in shopswithin the Gatewav. Sincerely yours, ^ffff: ""ryHR* rrEcr s' P' c' RLA/ad Enclosure copy to: Dieter Menzel Leo Palmer l' "' : *' ' I I il I I T I I I I rl I l I I I l l ot ASTM E84.89a SURFAGE BURNING C}IARACTERISTICS 3 Layens of SofdWood Panef With Water Based Stain And Wax (Antiqua:r Ftrre firrniture Polish) orn orte Side Report No. 10450 - 91613 May?,1991 Prepared For: Menzel, Inc Vail Gateway Building 12 South F\.ontage Road Vail, CO 81657 -l a- o't-\'t '.- I -.1--etli-roY I, I Report No 1(X50 - 91613 Menzel, Inc Page ii of ii May 7, 1991 The description of the test procedure and specim_e-n evaluated, a8 well as ttt" ot*"*itions and resulti obtained, contiined herein are true and accurate within the limits of sound engineering practice. Date: May7.1991 ABSTBAtr Test Material: SlnrzersofSolidWoodParefWithWaterBasedStain And-lVar (Antiquar Fine firnihrre Potish) On One sda Test Standard: A.SIME84S9aStandardTeetMethodforsttRFAcE BTIRNING CEARACTERISHCS OF BT'ILDING I|{IfIERIALSI (Ar'IfU AA NI?A266' UBC iliz'l,VL7?3) Test Date: May6' 1991 Test Sponsor: Menzel hrc Test Results: FT.AMESBEADII\DEK = q SVIOBEDEYH,OPE) IDIDEK = 66 v -( /'-- - William E. Fitrh, P.E. No.55296 Date: May7.1991 l, " r I o 1613Repo*No rOC50-9 Menzel, Inc Page 1of6 I{qy ?, 1991 L IT{NRODUCTION This report describes the results of the Asf,tM E84-89as'tandard Teet MEt,hOd fOr STJR,FACU NUNT.TNVC CHARACTIERISTICS OF BTJILDING ulrnnrem (1) , a method for determining the comparative eurface l"t"i"it"tru*"" of U"laiog mqterials. ttris test rg applicablg to exposed r"*u."?,-"r"n ai ."iii"gr oiwalls, provided that the mat€rial or assembly of -"tetirt", by its own-stnrctural duatity or the manner il which it is test€d and intended for use, is capafile ofsupporting itself in position or being supported during the teet period. The purpose of the method is to determine tbe relative burning belavior of itt" t *::t""lrt by obsendng the flame spread along the specimen. Fla-e spread and smike density developed are reporged, however, there is not n-ecessarily a relationship between these two meagurements' uThe use of supporting materials on the underside of the test specimen may lower the flame spreaa index from that which might be obtained if the - specimen could # t ;td without such support... -Ttris method may not be "'pp"op"irt" for obtaining comparative surface burning behavior of some .6tiJ"t plastic materialf... T6sting of "'aterials that melt, 4"ip, 9t dehminite to such a degree that tlie continuity of the flame front is d;t*t;4, ;r"tir i" to#name spread inilices lhat ilo not relate directly to indicei ottainea by testing materlalg that remain in place'" This test method is also published pnder the following designations: ANSI2.5 NFFA255 Htlr?t thb stmdart slwuw fu ud ta mcoswe a.nd dc*ribe tfu pppttia 6 riuriol+ prdwts, t *,'n,zfrlics in rcspottw t,rn"t adftang-under ;o"i;il-i itbr.t";! coditiow otd clwt6 nd be ud b fu *'rib t ipi*iottnftnhc;ardorfinr&thof merytq;vAuct+orawnblia i;hc, Afi-i fin conditims. Eaoevir, rcsul;" of thrtt td mw-he ud u iiZrrrerrt i "f o'frn ** as5g,ssrr4nt whiih t oha irrto account all-of ilE f*i-" *iA"i arc prthutt't b ot as*irxrment of tlre fu hazart of a partiaulnetdun (1) American society for Testing and Materials (ASf,I\O, Cornmittee E-5 on Fire standards ofEs. .lvrlv^ r_ {t-oCfio? I I 1613ReportNo. 10,150-9 Menzel, Inc IL PI.]RFOSE Page 2 of6 I\{4'?, 1991 The ASTM E84-89a (25 foot tunnel) test method ie intended to compare the gurface flame spread and smoke developed measurements to those obtained from tests of mineral fiber cement board and select grade red oak flooring. fire test specimen surface (18 inches wide and ?tL feeb long) ie etposed to a flaming fire exposure during the 10 minute test duratioq, while flame spread over its iudace and density of the resulting emoke are measured anii recorded. Test results are presented as the computed comparisong to the standard calibration materials. The furnace is considered under calibration when a 10 minute test of red oak decking will pass flame out the end of the tunnel in five ninutes, 30 seconds, plus or minus 15 seconds. Mineral fiber cement board forme the zero poirit, while the red oak flooring flame spread and smoke developed ratings are set as 100. IIL DESCRIPIION OF TES'T SPECIMENS Specimen ldentification: 3 Layers of Solid Wood Panel trith Water Based Stain And Wax (Antiquax Fine furniture Polish) On One Side Date Received: April lz,l9FL Date Prepared; April 12, 1991 Conditioning (?3'F & 50% R.H.): 24 days Specimen lTidth (in): % Specimen Lengft (ft): 24 Specimen Thickness: 0.5" Fabric Weight: n/a oz./sq. yd. Entire Specimen \4reighh 55h4c Adhesive or coating application rate: nla MountingMethod: The self-supporting specimens were laid directly on the tunnel ledges with coated side towards flame. $pecimenDeecription: Specimens consist€d of 3 piecee 0.5" thick, 2' wide by 8'lolg wood panel (3 layers of solid wood) witbwater based etain and wax (antiquax fine funriture polish) on one side. .# I I ReportNo 10450-91613 Menzel, Inc Pag? 3 of 6 I\,tay ?, 1901 I I I l TV. TtsSTNES'I'IjTTT Ttre test results, computed on the basis of obsented flame front advance and electronic smoke deniity measurements are presented in th^e following table. In recognition of possible variations and limitations of the tegt nethod, the relsults are iomputed to the nearest number divisible by five, as outlined in the test method. Whilc rc longer a port of this stondord tzst meth,od, the Fwl Contributed Valw has been cornputed, and' rnoy be found' on tle computer printnut sheet in thc Appendis. TestSpecinen flane$prcad nrd€x SadcDeveloped Inder Mineral Fiber Cement Board R€d Oak Flooring 3 Lafrys of Solid Wood PaDel lVith Waten Based Sbh And War (Antiquax Fine firmitrrr€ PolisrldOrOneSide 0 100 0 nla The data sheets are included in the Appendix, These sheets are actual print-outs of the computerized ilata system which monitors the ASTM 884 apparatus, and contain all calibration and specimen data needed to calculate the test results. V. OBSERVATIONS Spotty ignition occurred at 0:1? (minsec) and steady ignitioq at 0:24 with uiaximum fl.ame spread of 19.5' at 8:48. Pieces of burnt wood falling_to the floor occured at il07, cracking at 3:28, floor flaming at 5:32. When the test flame was extinguished, the specimene continued to flame for more than 1min. After cooling and renoval ftom the tunnel, the specinlens w-ere obsenred to be discoloired, charred and cracked.to ?A', seveiely charred to 9' and completely charred to 3'. 'ffi1 rue4ofo lrtry ?, 1991 APPEIVDTX DAf,ASIEEIEI {Hr I' il ASTt't E84 aI TIATA SHEET- Cl ient ! Men:elBate: 17145152 05-06-1991 fl Test Number: B I Fnoject Number! 10450-91613Operatorr EH/RT l flaterial ID: I ' 3 layers of sol id wood panel with water baEed stain and Hax (Antiquax - Fine Funnitune Pol irh) on one side l3g2'xB'x0.5". TE$T RESTJLTS: T | **tretu DATA , I I I I I cALrERArr0N DArA I I I I I I FI-*IESPREAD INOD( SMOKE DEVELOFED INOE{ Time to lgnition Time to Max FS l'lax i mum FS Tiine To 980 F l'lax Temp Time To Max Temp Total Fuel Burned FS*Time Area Snoke Anea Fuel Area Fuel Contnibuted Val ue Unnounded FSI Time to lgnition o{ Last Red Red tlak Snoke Area Red Uak Fuel Anea EI ass Fiber Eoard Fuel Anee 00 t24 (l'l i n : Sec l 08:48 (Hin:Sec) 19.5 tFeetl 0B:23 (l'lin:Sec) l2r)l (deg F) 09:44 (Min:Sec) 51.30 (cubic {eet) 136.8 {Ft*Hin) 61 .7 (zT*Min, 7734.6 ( F*l.tin! 94 84.2t52 =85=65 0O:46 94.69 793? 4301 (Min:Sec) (7Tll'lin )( F*Min)I F*npr- f'- (' I PR0,JECT N0: 10450-91613 o Time & Date: l7:45:52 05-06-1991 g n a16 '{HtzIAB ulFiJ+o 0 n 4{t 60 m lm am 1600 lm m {00 0 I I I tr $, tuTo Eo IL o ltlt3t-( E ttlI E ult- Tl}lE (minl \frNR t! $ss , ElesDtIIriB triwslrssror "trrxt414O,.,,.,, *r+l.+- : I Lilu nNo. of Pagee Iacluding cover= * ._4.EE: Yrz_Z-o, C2 W*r.+.S ! conpanyVls1 r- Borrtrl€r;co gbgol {30s)44S.U092 FAX (303) tl49€73g ft?rtOvzAe dU2 Lltp.l.{v?12(_ ssr}€'r(Docllvdse$€}"laB 195r1f OC 'r.gnog €,rPo 6u}|.r!l m89 ' |xrFrluoSl 6upo1pua6 49 por lumFlqfr'WH I b -?l-9 1tu[24 ?n1i F?rv.vqv Jnwntr'vr?f, "9"!3VtC 2t H. .ffi (att-)'at Q,9 Ldod[E Na"It 91?l1v dv7 Lfio'Nv?1? t\. t. 1 FvC ATr{Utn2 afEBJi -r 87 ',91 13130 ",e4I5 frnuary 25r 1991 ?'] 1gg1 Dlrer tnCtcltr Ycur grrlcronoo ls.thl- lplcc arovldrd F.!1?":ol-ltil-ririinir'*lir-u. provtrdrc tb thr-gcwn cf vrll los taccrdt. Fris Dcrr €ttrwry CondocrlnLum Furchllert I rrsrn! oOde intrspsftrtlon by thr loryn o! Vadl Srgrrll.r I landlnf C6 kchrr rsuaE! rni rlSht lnchrc htEh br provldrd tnrlic orch ii.niti aoor-wfitctr-iociiirr I brlcony. thr-elcorwayr rhculd not be Io*rrrd dur to wrg.rprooflng conridcrlElon6 t,n thlt Nrvar. ofirnitc. Ehrrt landingr wtil br prcvtqrd rr r Pupchllrt tt.ti. thr torn ot Vcll hrr lfrtrd Eo rrlv. EhLt lrnding ngutsenrnt lf Ebr urrlb purehrrrr rprllflclily rcccpEr the exlltlng oondi,Elon. to"rlr r'cnf[ purohilcr, thrr-lorgr hrvr the_optton clthr: to icoipt th. $rr[,fni coaaitlca, or ti hlvr lrndlirgr Pscvldrd rt ac cort to you. I acc.pB ghr rxtlttag conClclon ln llru o! complhocr -ultElDrirgrinhr 330{t end-3301J ot thr Unlfor:s *119119 Cod., I1966'rdition rnd waro. an-y cirlmt rgrlaf? thr loun of Vatll Asnold/cuthnry/Drrtg trchltrctrp ?.€. I 116. tro irlnrr dbr Petrmri Drvrtognrng rtltlag out cl thlr noaconpllln€fr t prcfu lrnClngr br Providrd !o comp!'y ulth lrragra?hr-'- irorr ana-i5oi:-o! chi unrlarin tultdlnf Codrr 1t06 lditlon. thtr lr blndlnE cn thr Duschtatrpl J,tr nrrlgarp lnd tlteta. I dontnl I Uniu *2 roiulfrd,v-' .r, 't t 11* q,t ,l I t TO; RICHARD ROSEN FR0t'll ERNESIO VIS0 t, F€B l5 rgt llr0B FRoll SsR ilurutry zt, 1991 0. ^-t t DATE: FEBRUARY 15. l99l FAX N0. 5&?- 62,8fi7 \r I r, .j.-r,. .ri.r( ,l . i .. VRIL 383 475-92?2 Derr Gotqrley Condlofilnlun Purohaserl A rrcortt eoce lnfrrp_rrtatlon by thr Eown o! vel,.l, rrgulrrr a rmclng'35 lnohar fguar. rnd rlght tnehrr htgh be Drovldcd inslda each \frrnoh door whloh aooesser a baloony. Thc-{661t1aVg should nol bslowored duc to uaterprooflnE corrrlderattonc tn this rcveir ..1ellnate. Thece lardings rtit be DroeLded al-a porrotriili {to;, tlhr Fnun af vell, hll r,tnrd to urLuo thl,c lnn+ll.ng roqutrdeorrt l! _thc urrlt gurchaser _rpcclllcelly-acoeptr' the rxlrltng "oondl,tlon. Iou, at a uillt purohaeer, thergforo,-have the opLlon elther toreoegt thc'exlrttng oondlt,tont or t6 havr lendlhgr grovtdtrd aE nocolt lo you. Pliase -lndlcate your prEf€rgnce ln tho tpac6 provifled bclow. Ac-opy ol thf l rrrgonre wlll bc provldrCl to thr- Eown of vatl torthclr rroordl . t accept the exlsttnE oondltlon ln lreu of oonplteic" )ft" fg1Vr1gnr 330{t end 330{J of tho Unlforrn ButlatnE Cqder1988 rdlttlon and Hrlvr rny clalrue aqralnrt thc rown otVatlr Arnold/€waEhney/Eralt lrohtte6ta, p.C., tnd ' l,eo ?alq,rer dba PaLner Developrtrent arlslng oub o{ thlgnoneompllrrrcEo f ^grefer .lg4dings -be provtdledl to cornply 33_9{i endl 330,tJ-of trrl Unltorn rutlditria{ltl0n. .. . wlth Daraqraphs Codr, 1989 th{s la . blndtng -oirtk6 grltqU}tfh 'lgs atslgnt, lnal rrtetr. ?.Pit i!', / t-ylefaeyrt c ro Name of Purchaser Caterray Condonlnt"n f_-6,_.__ sB z 6?BBaz pn]'is , ag rFEE l5'91 ll:33 , RE$"oil*"ot,t** Decenber 20, 1990 The CitY of Veil RE: Gateway Plaza Smoke Evacuation Systen The ProJect engineer ald Design- Mechanical 1 determin"d' ttiat the cause of the smoke emitting Reetaurant rluring the snqke evacuation test vtae ;;;;;i;; buildinf pressure s't the north entrv area' S lncere IY r Inc. have from Chsi's caused bY & Tosolvethisproblen,weareinstallingtwo-supplyairfans to pressurize this area during "i "t*"it""v' This installation will be cornplete o., p*"ttU et 27-, fggO' Please see the acconrpanying drawing'; /&ryT Stephen E. Meyers President SEM/ l as 5000 $ierling Drive Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 449-20e2 We have the ENERGY!-- December 20, 1-990 Mr. Gary MurrainMr. Mike MaGee The Town of VailBuilding Inspection/Flre Department75 South Frontage RoadVai1, CO 81-657 Re: Vail Gateway Plaza Gentlemen: RJC will be installing an additional supply fan in the lowerma1}, level 94'-6n, as discussed today on the jobsite. Thiswill pressurize the area and enable the srnoke evacuation fan inthe Siamese Orchid restaurant to function as intended. Thiswork will be completed no later than Decenber 2? | LggO. To ensure the system in the Siarnese orchid will work properlyuntil this additional fan is installed, we will disable thedoor from the Siarnese Orchid into the lower level rna1l. Thiswill keep any snoke from entering the nal1 area. In addition, signage will be installed on every retail door withthe following, rrDoor Must Remain Closed At A11 Timesrt. LeoPalner, the developer, has enployed a 24 hour building managerto enforce this requirernent. The building rnanager will alsoprevent any electrical cords from being strung in any comnonarea, ensure all- rated doorways are closed at all times, and ingeneral, police the project. If you have any guestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted, rN/dj cc: Leo Palmer - Palrner DevelopnentBuff ArnoLd - Arnold cwathirey pratt Architects o r."as RJC. oES ['lOlNES OFFICE: 500 s.w 7TH sT. surTE 300 DES MOINES, IA 50309 5151244.4fi0 F AX: 515t244-7' 47 SAN DIEGO oFFICE: BOULDER OFFICE: ORLANDo OFFICE: 77' ALVAFAOO ROAD, SUIIE 12I 3450 PENFOSE PLACE, SUITE 160 3028 MERCV ORIVE LA MESA. CA 92041 BOULDEB. CO 80301 ORLANOO FL 32808 619/697-8401 303t4404220 4071294-765 LlC. B 598277 FAX: 30944S4256 FAX.40 29+7314 FAX: 619/697.8()9 EOUTOER 'osxffirrnnn.fin ASSOCIATPS, INC. 8ffl0 Wfft Colfax Avr. Lske$ood. Colorado 80?15 433-0895 slfET lrf,t. CqLqIATED TIATE st B.,EC[ @ t+i24" 6Lruug6 5*e<- -,.-ze_:-ble__ _-- . -__ --*-De5ro -u E* l11_-_-Cp1:4-?-q e-E- -- *1?3fE1*q,ATtdf5- - . BV .l-..1-o-rt:r-_-\_gs._233 e a?ee*Tlo^l4r( .J-€!.,tzJI2_ _ =+N_ ._- -afr**_. e' t ,Js?€979_:>_--__-- _ . T1 --.-+!te -.. . -ss<.-d-L -----.a:*-c--l- ---1151 ?*c--srs€€--..fJas-o--_-J4lt*H.!_€=-F__-_/^)P*ql{g.f !9*l*/et) E-(}*4=_rt,oY___F-_'y9:,q?___&__E!E-e__)*4_*g_e__.-:I-.o__*._ o(-t€# *-*j#F"!ts *K5FSI -a'i')E - Me€1't!rcP-t?&--r3f, - .-F-L4E--@eeefL .rr "-_l$€___recer)_oF3 4!_t-_ ru e*4e *.1114.-__*PetY elecifically approves. This neans epaces f3, #-:, .rnd #10' nLed to have the rated cellings installed :'' - qonnon $rea carpet or flooring d6es noL need to be instalffi.1,,:, - sxterior painting wilr be part of the letter of credit.. ;:)i. ,t,- signagc-.ryork needs to be cornpleted lncluding restroom r;igturr ;. - Spacee where pernit has been applied for, w.here Gary nbed to have identiflcatlon uork conpleted. Ideittifict,tiql nee{a to ue perfonned with metal tags.. rEsraP 9rr art !rEr. r,s:, r . ,'. ;' ir i ';: ., - .gILlEfIlJS- PAtIf Lrtrg WII.I, frl= PCrI L 9t LllE arELvEMI til Eta*r-. - i .- Signagc-work needs to be cornpleted lncluding restroom r;ignl' ',i:: stah'wcll signs, nechanical and electrlcal room deslgnittlffiSr... condonrlalunr Ldentification numbers, etc. Leo ls hand] -ng , 1i; ' thlc by Eeparate corrtri,tct. .:" i,:- The baee bullding HVAC system needs to be complcte witlr : ri speclal attention to the smoke evacuatlon. AlBo, 61J 1'alv36t .,;,;, oI G&6rofr' of El?'/*(* sh' # r-4 ?.," l'b, t A'fon flP."{* o,'F te*'^ *,rl(S 'B-z/*-: 6od {#*'g #*k"'F Sv-,1,,J ,{ Pr:_Tn :4 ,. i- Door Description Lobby/Parking Gar. Elevator lobby Bsnt Stair Twr L Bsnt Stair Tarr 2 Laundry Room Mecbical RoonChiller RoonJanitor Room Storage Room SCEEDUIJE OF DOOR FIRE RATINCS Number of Door Fire Ratinq Closer Srnoke Seal 001 20 rnin. yes yes OL2 may be elininated with requirement of door 001000 L 1/2 Hr. yes no010 L l/2 llr. yes noO02 1 Hr. yes no004 l- Ht. yes no005 1 Hr. yes no005 1 Hr. yes no007 1 Hr. yes no008 1 Hr. yes no009 1 Hr. yes noL00 1 Hr. yes yesLOz 20 nin. yes yesl-03 20 nin. yes yes104 20 nin. yes yes11.0 20 nin. yes yesl..1-2 20 nin. yes yes10L may be elininated with requirement for door 00111L 20 nin. yes yesL2O no rating but door must swing into roornor change swing or door do direction of exitingL25 no ratingL2L 20 nin. yes yes2O2 20 nin. yes yes2O7 20 nin. yes yes209 20 uin. yes yes210 20 nin. yes yes2L4 20 rnin. yes yes2L7 20 uin. yes yes249 20 rnin. yes yes222 1 Hr. yes yes200 1 Hr. yes yes224 no ratingi no no244 no rating no no2Ot no rating no no226 20 rnin. yes yes229 20 nin. yes yes232 20 min. yes yes236 20 nin. yes yes240 20 nin. yes yes243 20 nrin. yes yes302 20 nin. yes yes 31.0 zo nj.n. yes yes311 zo nj.n. yes yes315 20 nin. yes yes318 20 nin. yes yes349 20 nin. yes yes323 1 Hr. yes yes300 1 Hr. yes yes324 no rating no no Elect. Telepbone RoomElect. Telephone Room Level L Stair #1Public Ski Storage Fublic ski Storage Enployee Unit #1Public Restroom Enployee Unit #2Elevator Vestibule Private Ski Locker HaI1 Closet Hall Closet Dwelling Unit #iLockoff Unit #200 Dwelling Unit #2Dwellinq Unit #2 Accornrnodation #?10 Accomnodation #214 Accorumodation #217Electrical Vestibule Level 2 Stair #2Level 2 Stair #1Hall ClosetHaIl ClosetHall Closet Accoumodation #225 Accornmodation #229 Accornnodation #232Lockoff Unit #236 Druelling Unit #3Dwelling Unit #3Dwelling #4 Dweu.ing #4Lockoff Unit #312 Accorurodation #316 Accomrnodation #319Elevator VestLbule Level 3 stair #2 I-,,evel 3 stair #1Hall Closet /-- J.€ HaIl Closet Eall'CtoEet Aofo@dation *327redJs@odatlon l33oll€ckoff Unit t337 Dn€Ufurg #5iDn€LliryI t5rlsvel { Stair t1Isnel 4 Stalr #2 AIX. &lenator Doors Except Baseuent Ievel It 344 301 326 329 336 340 343 400 41.6 no rating no rating 20 uin. 20 nin. 20 nin. 20 nin. 20 nin. 1 Hr.I Ur. 1 Br. no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no yes yes yes yes yes no no . Unif,orn Buildtng Code References:Corridor Doors:thaft Doors: Occupaney Sep. Doors: nBc 3305 (h) uBc 1706 (b) nBc so3 (c) and UBcand ItBC '[3 O6 4306 *i: RJ[.Phone 3O3-44O-422O FAX 303-4404256 3450 Penrose Place, Suite 160 Boulder,CO 8O3O'l ro: _.I.I)\^f.rJ oF.rt.Afr-- Dats ..\..-?lf E IgO I *t". N\I.6E: /C=+;ZX. nrrsr*-EArNr Gentlemen: We are scnding you via Copics \ our messenger First class mail UPS Express Service your pick up FAX Drawing Numbcr D nln n! tr E Shop drawings ! Drawings n Specifications ! Samples ! Copy of letler ! Brochuresn .................. ........ LJ For approval L-J Approved as submittodI Approvedasnotcd ! Notapproved Ll For corrections notcdI For your use D Description I .FA#-F-EI-EF*-.=h,-; D.ose.la@.-LETTEtr.-.= E-.ffic**EcaLLJbr_.. t.l g5 C^mt'.Er=...F8 !. DEDK5 ...|.ot. g.zo{ T1 e^EArasD{\c@Ee&TcN...(=,r.qs=c'- Remarls E Resubmit Kindly D Return T n For Our Office and Job Use For Final Approval Fo.m ll0o Copies to: Copies ('END o'"|m."fff:"1'3l"; #TIHS 3ilnl^," DEpr.) '-t FIST,D TEST ATID DATA NEPORT - II OILDRAI'LIC T EI,EIIATOBS. olrrl. t2-t7-?O l. cen no. I rcn xtru, GJc- u'r a.f FAeK)Ry xo.EQs,fu-oFFrcE xo. mJ f 2. rjf,(nrtan t/ a t,/ , (o. rNsrAr,LrNc o?Flce D r., u to v, Cd, 3. gorv ltod t /o6 srl,r 4, OPER;ATION: SAPS!S8r,, gtrV prss.EI omr..u<! rnr.E sun.fl couurruerrc ! 5.CAR gLING VtU slides Adjusr€d Stnt Roller Guides Adju8red Eltct r.ubrj.cators EhOt arall Cable Eangltrg Etnl urgnetlc Swltches EKrl platfor:a rcverg(nl Inspectlon station EATCTT Bfet RaLls Ellgt RaiJ. Fastentngs [p(cl Trall cables EKSI slory Doern rJi.nits V(q Tetrinal speed Li-ulr or -..-- bergencl' I.lrit Eftrt NorDal Llrrltg (Also Blnal - Llnl-ts $hen Req.d)Wqt wtrtns w(sl o.8.. car to Nearesr Strlking point CLe.r 8. 'D@R EgUIPUENT El?at Door contact [!ftat Bangiers-&acks El.(c) Re1atlng cables W(ol operarors-closers Eltrl Lubrlcatlon Eltrt Photo E?es d(St safety Edse EI(EI rnterlocks @(tl EDergency Release Elt.rl Retlring cauEKrt Door q,en l. I sc,(,s,.. Closed 3, 2 SecE. Ttrnret ,f I 15t.Ellrt olrerall e,uLetn€ssEntrt Door clbs-Iigbt, Eree Dttt sp lbrust bllers 6. CLcaD E Dr']' Pastenings & Brackets Srritch ( stopl LLEtt-Bottd Buffer-Sgrrlngs Under travel Llght qperable cla A![D ACCESSORIES Ehel Ddt e swltchEi"i lr"r. o c"p""ity pr"t" Eltcl cab condirlon Posl.tlon Indicator Car Statlon Energency Lighting Car Llghtlng Flooring Sl.ll Clearance Fan Squeaks Elininated 9. 7.PIT EKet El'tat' El'(ct EKot Ellet Ellrt Ekcl Eto E}(E EltF @tet Efisl El{rtElrt, EF.xt APR., 1980 SD-200-C 1of 3 -t FIEI.D TEST AND DATA REPORT - "OILDRAULICi E LEr/AfORSi- 10. coRRtDoR EQttrP!{ENT E(n Entrancea Wzt hrahbutton covers Stct 8al1 Lanterns ftltot tositlon rndlcator Eltst starter statlon 1I. GSTER,,AL El?et Paintlns Eltel condult, Duct WfCI couduit covers Ehot cleanrihess E'fE) Pelforuance W(tt crouadlng Proper 12. ;'ACK ElTu Pl'-b uslng splder Efet Backfiu @lel Prce of Plston-Nlcksr 13. rirAcRINE ROO!,I EKlt clean Elcgt Bolts right El-rct Leaks Etot Eose and clanPs El(rt oll r.,evel-car at top floor EILF) straincrs-clean EI(ct oil Lines suPPorted @{al oiI Li.ne raolated throrgh wal.l lE]trl rsolatlon Pads betrreea _-. Itnlt t Floor Ef Gt @ntroller & Rellef valve Adj. ElGt rag valve (Pressure Relief) @(tl gulet Noisy (Porrer unit) Eful uotor Aligned $ltxl B€1t condttion W<o @rn @<rEfc W(a Rust, Pits ) Paqking Fre€ of I€aks ) systen ALr Bled ) Pl.t Channel Supported ) @entravel aa per l,ayout (Top & Bott@) ) 9l8ton in Centar of Bolster If not, ahorrt €ketch belott APR., 1980 SD-200-C 2 oC, 3 i .) f* **"oRArroN - ELEI'AT.R orvrsf ( SEND ONE COPY OF PAGE 3 ONLY TO FIELD OPERATTONS DEPT. } FIELD TES" AND DATA RIPOF5 - - OILDR,II'LIC " EI,EVATC'RS-D^tE: ry/ t? / ?o Dr]lv.J.t-4-LBs. Q /4 t\ EEtr JOB NAI.TE DISTR. OFFICE PASS. F8f,. (hP) (eolts) (uotor nfg.) (serlal {l) pouer ControLler rJ|o. ELlLL!:Ltllrlng D1a9. No.-Cont!o1 Rrses Checkea-L Actual L,ine voltage (at nach. roon ett.) , ltJ (c.! strn4tng ) 22. (anps)(t€dp. rlse) Zra 2_/o(Etarting) (coneract sPd. ) 17. Purp llotor AC emPs:Start rn No. gL Run F\rll g,L Lad 92 tpad F2 g3 - 18. Orerload Relays No._ Chect<ed (sec.--anps) : IRL a-a-TR2 s-a-lR3 s-a- 19. 20. Heater No. - Main fuges or cirsult Breaker Settlng: 9O a.ts Ft1ry' 4 -ga tWe Actual Wgt. In Car T€st Ca! St,ld. r,evellng SP,it. Conditl.on F.P.U. F.P.!t. No l,oaal gp tt a TZ No Load Dortn ?o /z f t\rU load uI)tto *rrJ.ll l6ad Dontr t80 /7- 2L.OPERATING PRESSIIRE T('NNING - Noladgp ,2o Psl nr1l Load up 0 9.' PsI RELIEF PRESST'RE 'f€O DST -t2 g3 14. Pup Moror Name Plate oaxaz*.L!!EJL t 'J loA q 6 15 16. (+to) Aey'e r' /,fco-f ? fllght tlne - secs. Ore floor run Door cl,osed to door oPen FT,OOR Belghts &Pty vP /-4 DN -L/ nrll Ld. sP-r4-DN .',71 23. Stopping accuracy through load range: ! !/q lnches Adjusted W, *--r+4 fr--'u-t:t rxrzez// /22./24 Uge reverse side for comnents. APR., 1980 sD-200-c 3 of 3 ('END oNfl$"'ffi::"1':X"; *Tiffi 3ilffi". DEpr.) FIELD TEST IID DATA REPORf - TOILDR.NILIC" ELEI/ATORS- oort t4y'?tbu t. cAR No.JA to nena,Lt/eou FAcr.crFy no.EB ft37 oFFrcE No. o7/ rnr.E szn@, coeurrunrrc I f2. tnGjI;|f)N f /At/ (o. - rNs:rarrrNc opflrcl a7Y a too3. DttTy 4. OPERATION:saes! * /{6 rpr srlr. cor F "o"s.$. ooeru<! 5. CAR SLING Ehet Slides adjusted EKal Roller cul.des tdJusred Eltct LubrlcatorE Elfot rrail cable EanglDg Eltet uagm€tl.c switches Eltrl Pl.tfora t€vel B(itl In€p€ctlon Station 6. EATCTI ) nail Fastenlngls ) fral1 Cables ) Slow Donn Li.nits ) 8e::n1na1 Speed Li.nlt or hergencl' Lidt Eltrl Nomal Lllclte (Lleo Flaal LLEl.t6 l{hen Req|d} [}tct wirlng O.E. . Car to N€arest StrlkJ,ng Pofult CL€ar Clean & Dr1l' Paatealngs t Brackets tiwitch ( Stop) LLslt-Bott6 Buffer-qprhgs EnAer Travel L{ght Operable ) Door Contast ) Eangers-Tracks ) Relatlng Cables , Operators-Closers ) Lubrication ) Photo Eyes ) safety Edge ) Interlocks ) berg€ncy Release ) Retlrlng CarEltrl Door 8. ,DOOR 4UrPr'rENT Eke GTB @tc EKp B(s W,S P(e.gftn/t+fltt,/aDttEKerffta Ertu Eko Ehs El*ar PIT EI'tet Eftat El[ct Elrot El(sl Eltrr Eker Eltrr Eknl Ektrt 9. . CAB A}IDn/A EJtu' E1s) Eftct Ef(ot Eftetg{tet El'tcl Ehat Ef(r) WGt EKx) 7. Overall g,uLetneas Door Gibe-Tigbt, Free Up thrust Rollers ACCESSORIES Ddt e $rltch NaDe & CatrEclty Plate Cab Condltlon Pos itlon Indicato! Car Statlon &elg€ncy Llghting Car Llghttng Floorlng sill Clearance Fan Squeaks Elininated APR., 1980 sD-200-C I of 3 (SEND *tl ff*":::'lT;"H"llhoilitoo" DEpr. ) FIEI.D TEST AND DATA REPORT -i OIIDF,AOLICi ELEI/ATORS- DATE 11. UACSINE Eltat Ehsr6tct Etot Eilet EXrI Eltct Eltsl 6Krr Painting Condult, Duct Coaduit Cov€ra C1eaal!\ness Pe!folnance Groundlng Proper 10. CoRRIDOR 4UIPT,IENT 13. Ef(et Entrances . EKg I Pushbutton coverEtu/tDq Balr Lantern€ 4 Dtol Poeitlon rndlcator ,y/*fjtrt scarter statlon GENERAJ. El{et Elrat Eltct Eltol EltnlB(rt 12. itAcK. El(et Plunb using splder Elrgl Backfill Elfcl Free of Piston-Nlcks, Rrst, Pita GKol Packing Pree of t€akg Elfal sYst€n Alr Bled Ehrt Pit channel suppoated Eltet Oveltravel aa p€r t ayout ( lop e Bottd) El{at Ptstoa l-n cetrter of Bolster If Dot, ahorn gketch b€ld Rool,t CLean Bolts Tight I€aks Bose and Claups oi1 lcvel-Car at top floor strainers-clean oil Lloes Supported O11 Line Isolated through ua].]. Iaolatlon Padls between Itnl't t Floor EKft controller & ReILef Valve ldJ. B-trl Tag valve (Predsure neuef ) E tr.l Aui..g tloisy ( Power unit) tr4u) uotor A1lgned El(ut Belt cond.ltion APR., 1980 SD-200-C 2 6f 3 of* -*RArroN - Ex.ttttAroR owrsf (SEITD ONE COPT OF PAGE 3 ONLY !O FIELD OPERAiETONS DEPT.) FIETD 1rEST AND DATA REPORT ..OILDRAT'&IC. ELEVAIORS- oicny .&r.Bs. e JOB NAI'{E DISTR. OFFICE FACIORY NO. 14, P|:mp llotor Na.de Plate Datar qo lao . /of {T n*8 ?PM PASS. PRT. (hp)(volts )t7332- (rotor Efg.) (serlal poner contrort t xo.AP26O'{O wlrlng Dtag.lfo. Actu.l Lin€ Voltage (at Each. roo aw.): /6'CI ( aargs )( te6p. rise) Control Fuses Checked TK15 16.(cr! 8tandlng ) &rtt No. (startlag) (contract sPa. ) 17. PuBp uotor AC htPs: start gL &rn F\rll gr 18. Orrerload Relays No.- Chccked (aac.--augs) :lfRL s-a-lll€ 3-a TIt3 s a 19. 20. geater No.- Haitt fuses or Cllcuit Breaker gcttlng: ,L.t2 g3 /?f ,-p" flN R- tyl"' 21. 23. Stopplng ac Adjusted by: Use reverse side OPERATING PRESSURE RSN$IIIG - No rpad up /7O est zuu Load up Zf-*st RELTEF pREssItRE 34{ ost 22. /c lnches ( rlxrt fst|ral tfgt. In Car Teat Car SEd. Lenellug SPd. Condltlon F.P.!r. F.P.t't. No Load Up /7{IL llo Ioad Do{rr t3f /2_ 2{e *nrll load up /7{/a 2fod r Full Ioad Ddo /fo /3 F119ht'tLne - secs. Qre floor run Door closed to door oPen F[,OOR ueLghlg h1ty w ;/ 6. DN /.O FuIl Ld. uP-14- DN lA through load range: + APR., 1980 for comlrents. DatetLLu7/:Lo sD-200-c 3 0f 3 i---- .-l -': - - q-13-99 THLI It r:' .--. ,:. i- F | €, L.. ot t- .=r t- l::P - €r: DOUER EIEWATNR GOIIPTIIY Fi{, Bor t00€7 6d.hvgr, Colorsdo 8021t tt0sl 77?.1061 .F !r {in)g) 7?t '1{,?7 Dscentber 13, 1?90 Ringlandl J.rhnson and croul,ey 3450 Penrose F,lace #160Boulder, Colorado 80301 EI..EUATORS l Re: Gat€way Plaza Gentlemen: : please be edvised that the e1e'rator equipnrent oh the above referenced pfoject has been nrahufa,?tured and installed t'o conforn to all ttre -reciuirsnents outlirled in the spec.r.f ieations,, as welL as the A.s.M;'!.7'A.N.S.I. AL7.'1 Sffety cod6 tor Elevators, Es- calators and Dumbwaiters an(l NEII qanCicapped '':cohmendations. .A,lsorenolosed is the co,rplcted gti':'cklis,t f,or nspectlon and testof electric elevators. ' ,fLt h.t cCt Constructlon File,j Job File ,"t , / tf, you shouf'd h;rvl any addit.ional qu :tions regarding the same, - ir^{^---, ,.; ^r:, PXease feel f ree t,o contaet us, i. S tncerely, ErEVAr0rioJ.{pA}iy ,,"- __ ,{,i',/ /. . Lockhartuction Manaqcr . :' Elrr '216fi9 / Ddver \ NORTH CEilTRAL SUPPLY, BUILDERS HARDWARE . HOLLOry MEHL MANUFACTURERS lNc. . PELLA WlNDOllrB P:O. BO( 380 . RAPID ClW, SOUTH DAI(0TA 67ru9 . 605€4$5486 r FAX NO: 1-605-34976/2 0scerber 10, r990 Ringland Johnson Croulev 3450 Penrose Place Suite 160 Boulder, C0 80301 lEr RECHvE DEC f 5flS G ateury Plaza Uai l, 00 NC$ Job fC-4330 ATTN: T o dd 0ear Sirr Let this ]etter be your assu taltc e that oPenings + 101 and l20l are indeed fire rated at I l/2 hours. This can be verified bv the I l/2 '\' hour so noted on the Physical label attached to the door' For your teference, the asserbly that te did Provide at these tuo o pen ings have the p0tential to ach i eve a 3 hour rat ing uithout rodif icat ion. 0ne hour ra tings as shoun on the P lans are not gener a I lv available on hollou retal so ue aluays 9o to the ue-LL highest rating (il your case I l/2 hours), Yours truly, }IOf,IH CEIITRAL SUPPLY, INC o*a 5 k ]'lanagerEngineering IIl jr I 7 --=-=.=-=-------r ELECTRONICS, INC. Decemtrcr 17, 1990 Mr. Michael McGee Fire Marshal, Town of Vail Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mike. This lette,r is kt Certitl, fhe Fire Alarnr Systenr. which we have inspcctal and testerl, at Gateway Plaza, locatal at l2 South Fruntage Road. in Vail. Colorado. We have teste<l this Systent. according to the guitlelines dcscritred in NFPA, including the frmctional esting of t00% of the Detectoni. Manual hrll Stations. and Fire Horns, antt the testing frx Trouble'on 100% of the Dt*ices tin each 'Zrne'. We henrby Ce.rtity that the Fire Alarrn Systenr. which Thul Electnnic Systems Inc., has inspectod and tost€d, at Gateway Plaza , localetl at 12 Sorrth Frontage Road, in Vail, Colorado, is functional and operatioml, in accrnJancr: with the appropiate Town of vail Fire Alarm crxles, with the following erceptions : Wnterllow Switclres were nranually 'tripped' rather than achully flmving water. Waterflow Zones are currently connerr:tcd tbr Class B oJxration, as the Class A Adapter for the Fir€ Atsm Paoel has not treen received ( u,iring is Class A. with the 'end - of - line rcsisttns located in the Fire Alarm P*nel ), I will contact you as these itenx are resolverl. Sincerely, Thul Electrrrnic Systems. Inc. MikeThul President P.O. Box 534 Avon, CO 81620 303/94$.4638 Fax 94S1928 t I( --*1+- \ \-- December 17' 1990 R ingland-Johnson-Crovley 3450 Penrose Plaee Suite 160 Boulder r Colorado 80301 Attn: Jeff Nading Re: Gater,ray Plaza Dear Jeff, A6 per the request by Arnold, Gwathmey, Pratt Architects, this letler is to inform you that the 3,/8" tenrpered glass installed at vail Gateryay Plaza meets all safety requlrements. We completed a job at Fuller Industries of Boulder in July.of this year tirat is vely sirnilar to this job. The sizes of both Jobs are itmost identicatl as of this date, ve have not had any complaints or problems vith the 3/8" tempered g1ass. If I can be of further assistance, please give ne a caLl' Yours very truly' Steven Branch D. Ja ad Manager GIASS SHOPr-s r o P 3015 Bluff St., Boulde& Colorado 80301 FAX (303) ,f42-8803 (303) 442-8800 'I ot DEe l2 '99 l0re1 ., i +-" J' .' '- FRondu otttt'L** 'tffi, PAGE 94 Dacrmber 10, I99o !lr. ltike ttol].lca|lbc lo*rr of VaLlGorounity Derrolopnent?E South Frotrtasl Roaal9ai1, co 81657 - net VaLt Gateway plaau Ilear lfl-lt€t Ensroged re a cop_y of a lctter wbioh we ieeued to rco palfier I_"9al11ry_IglalTllg-*trTr t9 !e c@prctod at rhe ttne ef iielrcrtEor- Tsporary certlficate of occuprney. we had r ssnversstionnith [tlce lrh-ittaclcer thie norning] an& tre indicated-dnat €rrE-P-lanning Dcpartnent ratrted a ccruEiure f,or the coupietl.on or-tlro'€ ltema- The fol]otdnE le a sunDaET for your- tnror-naaien: l. IErd.scapinE - itwre l'sf 1991.2. frriEatLon Syltm - itilne 15, 1991,3. Precast srat€ * 11ce, _ llrproirenente for add,ed al.te retal.nLngwalls - January 21, 1991:t[. |rrellic on east elde.of bulldtng - ilune 1, 1991.5. South cldenalk enteneLqn off pr6perty,- {epggra_rV sid:rvalt to bc norted'ouiuith CrcE HaIl at thrI|uDtrtc woilgs DcFartnent, to tlrc nogth llde oi thE dellentrance, - Deaenber 19, 1990.- Pet:mancnt ssut$ sfuletal*, dmn to ttre intefscction, pcrscheoatic drawl.ngc lssued-by Dennlg Anderson. ieiiii-isi aatgmif-icant a4ogn! of enginiering to be Eoryieiid, andnould be eahednlcd to beEin gt tf,e Tovn sf tatltsoonvenierrce, but more than likcly Uay l, 1991. The fLnal icgpe of tlre work rwuld affect tf,e dhratte$ and conpletlondate. !. 9ltlt fs gruard rall andl aechanlcal screenl,ng - lrarch 1r 1991.7. cnj.mney saFE - ifanuary 18, 1991'.8. llood fascLa and aoffLt3 -'January 15, 1991 .9. Ccdar rail at baleonles - itanuary l, 1991-lo- E*terior palnti,ng.__Trre finat eoit ot-irigrl perf,onance trntnton arl extsrior hollorE DeJal,-gteel , etci viri ue-ccmetEted- _1,_n the_sprinll, approxirately'llay l, 199I.at'. slscorlsneour trork not covered abgve.- :ffi::T:*:t."f lililt,glTr-S-::"u:"*:h3fli, ll5l;:'* ENESOFEE D f.w. t.tlt 8t. *tr nll8l|ltE,rAgm trt ura{ofl:5tillll'|f r[o:Eoffitzt*ttf,r[}t$, *rlE tEUtH,G'gTltfltr|.ottEart,t*ltsrar ' GrboorffirfirrF smtfiY!otl.gEi,d{mll+jfi|l*lE$||. l0ur0ti louE0esmo*'|ffi,louslonlaaaaaEl*S.OA' DEC t2 ,94 lSrg2 FRotfdutf ' ott t ttl *ru tp HtffiYl Pn6E 05 - f,eetoration of plartings Il existing pranter arorrgi FrontagcBoad - ituni 1, 1991.- R€noval otr developcr 91gm at lntereection of Ftwrtcgc Rotdand Vlll Road - neaenuei 14, 1990. lfg appreciate ysur cooperatLonr and !.t there are anypleaee do not hesitate to contect us, pJc i€. anrt"'afrpleaeeare yflrlF- cgolreratl.onr and Lf thefe aEe any questione,not.hesitate to contact ua. R\te is extrefrely exeltedabout the Brejest qna viII contlnue to worf oroseiy-ififr-ifieTown of Vail. Sgain, we appreclate your coopcratl6n. Slnoerely, -mol|lEf couPrtrc .rr/dJ cct Lao Paher - Paher Develqpueot . fi.u Arcst - Ps,her Developuent Duff Arnold - Arnold frattE€y prscg Aa{ihlt€cts .I*ck Teylor - nrnglard-JohncorGmtcley Gongmuy Todd Ellgrcn - *tngl*nd-Johlsoo{rlnl€y Go,ryaay l00Ltrl I -l December 17, 1990 Mr. Gary Murrain, Chief Buildlng Official Town of Vail Department of Community Development75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Vail- Gateway - Petroleum Mitigation Dear Gary: I have enclosed the original fax of a survey report conducted by Rocky Mountain Consul-tants, Ine., docurnentinq thelr on-site testsconducted last week. This should address your concern for publicsafety regarding the presence of potentially hazardous vapors priorto the vapor and groundwater recovery system becoming operational. Sincerely yours, TT ARCHITECTS, P.C. L.Arnold, AIA RLA/ad Enclosure copy to: Town of VaiI Fire Department - Mike McGee Palmer Development - Leo Palmer Ringland Johnson Crowley - Jeff Nading 'i*r'. ),?/L3/98 ROCKY I'ISUNTEIN TAHTS and groundwater rL>coverJ These systems should bc CONSUL ; aaz rlitc CnglneerS . plannerR o .srtrvc\,{:tlS December 14, 1990 |t|r, Leo Palmer .Palmer 0evelopment Company 2701 Iris Avcnue, Suite A Boulder. Colorado 90304 Re: survey of Gaso'l lne Yapor at vall Gateway, corner of yall Roao and theFrontage f,oad, Vai'l , Co'lorado 0ear l4r. Palmer: This l.etter presents the resultr of our survey of gasol Ine vapor5 in andaround the above-referenced site. rhe survey-was ierformed by Nr. Tomllesemann of our f lrm. l'1r. Hesemann has over- l0 yebrs of expellence lrrenvironnental studies, and has been working on tiri s slte slnce the gaso'l inewas first discovered. The work was conducted on Thursday, 0ecember-13, .l 990. It is our und€rstandtng that the vapor recovery systems were not operrting during the survey.operational in the near future. rhe weather at the time of the survey was cloudy, cold (25 to 30" F), hJithllght snow. construction. activity was very higi durtng the survey.' Anorganlc vapor lreter (ovl'l)'and a conbustibie Gis Indicitc'r (cGl1'were used,BoLh insLruments were calibrated at the slte. Two types of readings yrere tahen during the survey, generar eurvey arrd sltespecil"lc. Genera'l sur'vey readings were taken by plaiing the neters on theground surface or floors for about 30 seconds and notln! the mdximufii readingson the meters. slte speclflc readlngs were taken by p1 iclng the meters ovei'or__in specific structures, such as floor dralns, thb annului around pipes in wai I s, the el evator shaft. and the stal r wel l s. The survey_readings rre surmarized on Table I. The surveJ began on theexterlor of the structrJre by taklng general readlngs at le Ioaations equa'l ly spaced around the'l 1mlts of the original excavatlon. The OvH reattings'rang-ed IIg.m 1!g 3,6 ppmr the CGI readlngs Here zero at all tocations. The highei OvH readings were obtained near operating equtpm€nt. Genera] survey reidingsin the parking area vari ed frsm 3 to 3.9 ppm, These values are general ly ' IndustPtal Sclentific, ltcdel 580-E wlth a l0 sv. lemp. Ca] tbrrted rlth rel.o !tr rnd PsO pFn I sobutyl ene . ' Industrial sdtEntiltu, 6del itx-zsI. gsll5psred l|!th Z5t tEL (Lorar erploslvr Llnttt prntEne-At r 6ni, iggftV.tvtoynt-ain C_onsultants, tric, BESrcQPI ffii!:i,j:,i"'.1ffJ"'l:$["-ti],"t9[:Lb'%1l,ii,?x?il,8!SJ'?:iufr", 665 6sse AVAI1&E t?/13/ea Jr,.t RECKY I.IDUNTFIN CENSLILTFNTSo l'lr. Leo Palmer December !4. 1990 Page Two above readings outstde the structure. However, there wele tlirtlnctive glue and paint odors in [he bulldlng. The ortgln of the odor is mqrt likely thematerials treing used for construction. No gasoline odors were noticed ifl the parki ng garage. Speclftc readlngs taken In the elevator shaft, stair wel1s, around pipes andfloor drains ranged from 3.6 to 12 ppm 0n the OVfi and zero on the CGI. The highest 0vil readlng (12 ppm) was obtained fron a floor drain on the lowest parklng level . There were no distinctive odors above the dra'l n. There was no no[iceable sheen or other Indication of gasoline. Ihe elevated OYM reading is probably due tq e glue, solvent, or palnt that a worker cleaned frorn hir orher tools and washed down the floor draln. General _survey readings taken on the lst, 2nd and 3rd floors of the bulldlng ranged fronr 3.6 to 4.5 on the 0Vtl and were zero on the CGI. The glue andpalnt odors were noticeably rLronger on these leve'l s of the structure. ln sumnary, the survey did not reveal any lndlcatlons of gasollne vapors 1nthe structure, Ovl'l readings were in a range that tre yrould conslder normal for a building wlth a hlgh presence of glues, paints, and other volaHle organlcs- The one elevated OVM reaoing obtained from a f'loor drain is probably theresult of a worker cleanlng hls or her tools. The lack of detectrble gasoline vapors, even though the vapor extraction system was not operating, is apositlve sjgn thrt vapors are not likely to be a problem ln the structure. aE3 Thank you for selecting RMC for this work. comments, pl ease cal l . S I ncerel y, ROCKY HOUI{TAIN CONSULTAHTS, INC. If you have any questlons or ffi# Tom llesemann, R. G. , C . F. G.5r. ProJect Hydrogeol og'l st Reviewed byl ' "."'.' \. i.) ,.r..'!, Dbn tl. Deere, P.E., P.G. Prl nc i pal Ttl; sp Attachment DtPT l9/ 16/VAr LSURV . LTR BESFCOPT ryAMSr fliiii.iryg lirL _a *.1'7'-' ,'r4! ,i-rrti! i : I t?/13/sa 5*aL R0CKY |40UNTAIN C0NqULTANTSI aa4 l 'SUiliAnY 0F VAIL GATEI{AY - !-0cA'l l0r{ GENERAL SURVIY IIEADI.NGS : EXTERIOR OF BUIIDING AT GROUI{O LEVTL I.OTTSI PARKING LEVIL MIOOTE PARKIT{G LEVEL UPPTR PARKINC LEVTT isT tL00R zNO FLOOR 3RD TLOOR SPICIFIC SURVEY READINGSI 8OTTOil OF ELTVATOR SHAFT BOITOI4 OF STAIR }IELL FLOOR OMINS Af{D PIPE ANNULUS rAEtE 1 ovil tflo c6I riloIcAToR REtOIilSS VAIL, C0L0RAD0, DECET'IBER 13, 1090 0|/H RtA0tr{G (PPlr) l-3.6 3 - 3.9 3 - 3.6 3.4 - 3.6 3.6 - {,5 3.6 - {.5 3.6 - 4.5 I{AXIHUH LIt % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 4.0 3,6 - le We have the ENEBGY!-<>lu nEi , leeo December 4, 1990 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail Community Development75 South Frontage RoadVai1, CO 8L657 Re: Vail Gateway Plaza Dear cary: As.we discussed, the following items needed to be cleared upprr-or to issuance of Tenporary Certificate of Occupancy, 1. Enclosed is a letter from Design Mechanical indicating thatin the event both the retail space and malt smoke detectorsand evacuation systems are act-ivated simultaneously, thernall will have precedence and the retail evacuation systernwiLl be inactive. This will be accomplished and coordinatedbetween the alarm and the control subcontractors and wi1l bereviewed with yourself and the fire rnarshall during ourbuilding inspections. 2. Enclosed is a letter frorn Arnold Gwathmey pratt Architectsindicating that Michaelrs restaurant door will be providedwith fire protection. This is being accornplished with adeluge sprinkler system at the doori, and lgain,,wilt bereviewed during our building inspections. As we discussed,because of the negative air pressure in Michael ,s space,the,possibifity of smoke passing into the corridor is notanticipated to be a problern. If you have any guestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully subrnitted, J\vi D-JOHNSON-CROWLEY COMPANY lng rN/dj nInf,rtllUUr - BOULDER :.: .: : DES M0INES 0FFlCEr 500 s.w. 7TH sT., surTE 300 DES MOINES, IA 50309 515/244-4500 FAX] 515i 244'7147 SAN DIEGO OFFICE: BOULoER oFFlcE: oRLANDo oFFlcE: 77N ALVARAOO ROAD, SUITE 121 3450 PENBOSE PLACE, SUITE 160 3028 MERCY ONIVE LA MESA CA 92041 BOULDER CO 80301 ORLANDO, FL32M8 619/697"8401 n31440-422A 447'29+7065 LlC. B 598277 FM: 303/440-4256 FAX:40784-7314 FAX|619/697€499 ident We have the ENEBGY! --D IT IFllUU. - EOUtOEB November 23, 1990 lvlr. Leo Palmer PaLmer Developrnent 2735 Iris Avenue, Suite ABoulder, CO 80304 Re: Vail Gateway Plaza Gentlernen: As we have discussed RJC has established a goal of December 10,l-990 for project substantiar cornpletion and Tenporary certificiteof occupancy. The following is an overvievr of tne anticipatedscope of work.on the base building to be cornpleted after thatdate, and.projections for anticipitea completion. This listdoes not include condorniniurn fin-ishes and- retail improvementswhich are being cornpleted under separate perrnit. 1. ceneral Conditions.a. The Town of Vail will al_rnost certainly reguire theDeveloper to post a bond guaranteeing performance ofremaining items such as landscaping, -tieIIis, etc.The bond will need to be in plate frior to the Townof Vail issuing a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy.b. Recording of the condorninium map will need to becompleted. 2. Sitework.a. The layout and design changes for the new location ofVail Road has extended the schedule of site concretegrading, etc. approximately 30 days, The site concretewiIJ. probably not be cornplete onsite until the week ofDecember 10, L990.b. As discussef in our previous letter, the landscapingand irrigation work will have to be deferred until iextseason. RJC has provided the owner a deductive alter-nate to elirninate the landscaping and sprinkLer workfrom RJC,S scope.c. New details for the site retaining walls on the westside of the buil_ding, including piecast, slate facing,etc., will not be completed untit the week ot I2/!7/5O.This delay is due to the road change, and the redesignwhich RJC received during the week-oi November 1Zth.d. The trellis on the east side of the building iscurrently not in RJC's contract. RJC needs- furtherdirection on how to proceed. If RJC is authorized toproceed, depending on the availability of rnaterials,the work would not be completed until-spring of L99i.. DES TOII{ES OFFICE: !fi s.w, 7Ir{ sl.. surlE $0 DES uorNES. rr 50309 5r51?.1a.{5t10 SAll D|€OO OFFICE: BOULDER O;FIC€: ORLANDO OFFICEI 77t ^lV Mm FOAD. SUlTe r2r 3a50 ?CfiROSt ptlo€, S{tG tO eE MERCT oR|VELAirES.CAl?orr EOULDti. Co8finl OCLANoo. Ft 32t08SrPF!7.t4or 303 a:!-a?z0 3:_129.r.7065 Llc :5982i: fA\ 3{3t14S!?S .i\ rt0:29.1.73r{ fal f i 9169r€r ?-1 We have the ENEBGY!..aD 3. 4. Concrete.a. The precast coping at the site retaining walls will not - !: conpleted untiL the week of December 17, 1990.b. The prelirninarily proposed south sidewalk work wiLl notbe able to be incorporated this season. RJC suggestsspring L99L start. - Stee].a. RJC has not been authorized to proceed with the workand additional cost for unit #5 guard rail andmechanical screening. As we understand it, this guardrail is indicated on the current Design Review Boirdbuilding program. We anticipate a 60-day durationbetween the date RJC is authorized to proceed and thedate the work is conpleted.b. The chimney capg are currently on hold. RJC is pricingan alternate solution to the metal fabrication details-shown on the contract documents. RJC will needapproxinately 30 days frorn the date we are authorized toproceed, to cornpletion of the work. These chimney capsare indicated on the current elevations and the O-esig;lReview Board building progratn. Carpentry.a. The wood fasciars and soffits completion is anticipated - during the week of December 10, 1990.b. The cedar rail- at the balcony cornpletion is anticipatedduring the week of December iO, 1-990.c. The mall columns and rnillwork is being perforrned byanother contractor. RJC has no control- over thescheduLe of that work. Thermal & Moisture protection. a. Some of the niscellaneous caulking on the site andbuilding witl not be totally compieted. We anticipatecornpletion during the week of Oelenber L7, 1990. Doors & Windows.a. The south stair upgrades are currently on hold.Harding Glass and RJC are reviewing piicing on currentscope. If RJC is authorized to proceed without prj_cing,anticipate completion during the-week of December 17th. Fin ishes .a. Drywall work in units #1, #3, #5, and f6, is apparentlyon hold. The Town of vail has indicated that thestructural steel is to be drywall protected before thetown will issue a Certificat6 of otcupancy on theproject. RJC_and Fenimore Drywall have approximately2-1,/2 weeks of . sheet rocking, - not incluai-ni f inishini,for the remaining condorniniums. If we are authorize6'to proceed in all condorniniums, I would project aDecember l-0, 1990 completion. 5. 6. ., {f. It tFllUUr - BOUTDER b. Acoustical -ceiling in the parking decks nay not becornpleted due to underslab restaurant irnpr6venents forSiarnese Orchid.c. The retail finlsh acoustical cellings will be lnprogress. Anticipate conpletion on the retail unitscurrently under contract, by the week of L2/17/9O.d. RJC suggests the comnon area carpet or flooiing not beinstalled until the first week in January. The statusof the ongoing condominiun finishes and retail finisheswould probably damage the rnaterial beyond salvage, andwould be almost impossibl-e to protect.e. Exterior painting is projected-to be completed duringthe week of December 10. 1990. 9. Specialties.a. Signage work is being perforrned by others. We assunethe applicable pennits and Town oi VaiL approvals arebeing taken care of. 10. Mechanical.a. Retail tenant finishes including duct, registers, andgrilles, including rated diffusers, will 5e ongoingthrough the rnonth of Decenber.b. The snow nelt systern will not be up and running untilthe week of Decernber 10, 1990.c. Fire protection revisions for the retail tenants willbe ongoing through the rnonth of December. 1L. ElectricaI.a. The revised detail and fixture selection for the uppernall lighting is anticipated to be cornplete the weekof December 10, 1990.b. The site outlets and power ant,icipated to be completedthe week of December LO, 1990. We hope this overview is helpful. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted, rl4e have the ENERGY! -<rt COMPANY cc: Jirn Anest - palrner DeveloprnentBuff Arnold - Arnol.d Gwathmey pratt ArchitectsFrank Freyer - VaiI VenturesJack TayLor - Ringland-Johnson-Crohrley CompanyPeter Armstrong - United Bank of DenverTodd Ellgren - Ringland-Johnson-Crowley Company ntnvlrIIUUr -tll SOULDTR -JOHNSON-CROWLEY .O 'O uD anv confusion as to the construction of tl'.t"'p;;;;;;e iestaurant space on Level This opening will be designed to meet the reguirements of Uniform Building code section 3305h, Parts 1 and 2 as applicable' If you have any questions, please call' Mr. Mike McGee Fire Department Town of VaiI 42 West Meadow Drive Vail, Co 81657 Re: Vail GatewaY Dear Mike: This tetter is to clear the EntrY Door No. 558 118'-5'. SincerelY Yours, Robert L. nr.A/act copy to: Arnold, ARCHTTECTS, P.C. Ringland Johnson Crowley, Jeff Nading Palmer DeveloPment Michael Ditch TOV - GarY Murrain October 1, 1990 r)tj DEc163 'e@ wt48 DN o aza Pw and nall gnoke the nall will ft* SM: ct October 1, l99O Todd Ellgren ningland,fohnson Crowley 3450 Penroee Place, Suite Boulder, eolorado 80303 RE: GatewaY Plaza smoke ConpanY 160 exhauEt Dear Todd: In the event that both the retall 6pace detectore are activiated sinultanlouEly' have precedence. S lncerely, -/-ffi_d.%_ 'Fr / ./-/ Steve }leyerd Presldent 5900 sterling Drive Boutder,GO8030l (303) 449-2092 FAX (903) 449-8799 PAllx|NG JTTALTSS dSG PROP TED YAE, CATE IY DEY'ELOP}IENT Yeil, Coliltdo Prcpar*d for FrhrrlrcvdryrgrtCmeqf Bsddlr, CslsrEdo Prcprred by _ 7D[ Colcadotr" ll55 Stprnu Strcrt " Daw6r* Colaado t0201 r I FEbrurry lt, IttE TSA Surrmary of Findlngc Propoccd Dr:velopment Puking Code Rcgulremcnt$ lfired Usc Elfect S€*Eonrt Variatlons Ihrigtr and $pretimal Corcid:ratiurs Cot*lurion T,TELEOF COilTENTS APFETIEH Yrrit Daily Ens Ridarhtp Ul.tfialt Arliust;d Perking &rilrnd A-l A-2 TDd FIRKINC ASSEIEUEHT YAIL GATETAY Yaill Cotrrdo Thlr ptklng esEcEsmeot r€ptrt is a csnpsrdium to thc rrrti,a tradfic impect a$€sstrrcnt rcport by TDA Cotorsdo lrr. ls rectgvctoprnrrrt rf fir axisting vail Yiltage Amoco station parcel lnto a cornmerclaVrcsidcntlet trnd rrsc cansbtlng of spn=idty rctail $op+ E banlq olfice rpec+, and 13 rcgidencc tihits. Sunouyd F&rdlrqr A parklng suppty of betrrecn 7Z artd 79 spares, Il propcrly cornFertmentalizcd and managed' €lsuld ratirty alt hrt prk d:mend nerdc of thir proposrd mixed rse dcvelopmem, During tivc to Cx montfis of th+ ycrr, fiiE supply will br rmre then edrqust+, Mearurcs rcetletlry ccrtsin zsrcs d ttrc prrklqg sfr-usture can b+ rahred E rF€dcd to optirnire rr*e. Dlring ths Chrrlctnrs and sprlng btrgk g€io15, *h*rr rrtil dcmrnd tlically psls, rornc n+Errrr€a mey bc nccdcd to hrlf Gn$ure cnttoffirr perldng ndr arc rua nebty nct Ttrc vertttton brtsaen lz art 79 +rc{4 Ir dirwtly rcletcd to whcthff rresidenti sprce* *ill be for pcrmanGnt rGddentr r lodgin8/csridortrhiunr rs+.-fe hlgtrcr rcquirnmmt bcing for p€rmanent rcrldcnt dedgnatlon' The ringl+$trh multi-level artrngemant of tre proposed sbdnc FrlttstS supply facilltater compliancc rultfr erggestcd parling mensgcrrrc{rt pollcie* ffopcl ncrrt*ornr Tttr Ydl Gate*'sy d+velopment wlll bc in tte southeast cdrlcr of thc matn hErtectlm of Yail villag+-sorrth Frontage Ro.d and yall Rsd- Thc projcct lr p..p,i..d 1s 1p1g46{l} ltr?bo squarc fcct of +ueielty rctell shoFr 3rg{x} rquarc fr€t of bff*Ltg +seq f,900 rgrrar€ lcct ol offlcc lprcc, end er the upprr lcyGts, lz t*e'b+drmm tPrrBhmtlcg dst'ttnlum urlts at t00 ctltlrrc fcst csch rnd onr 3- bcdroom pcntlxrusc tnit at lr5fl) c{rratc lcst. Ttrcrc wlll b+ two scerurlol lrrdytd for rhls a!!a!*martr onc vltrc u: lZ gnrellcr unitr arc consldcrcd to bc.fulJ-tlrnc rceidcndgl mitq errd e escorrd vhcrc tihcy *qrtd bc str*t-te-rm lodging fecitltlcr ls dcrtination vtsltor urc. -1-TDC PfltbgGodr RaqJfrcnffitr The Tosn of Yail has esteblishad parklng requirements ls nr'rv dcvelopments. Ttr+*c agply to indtvidual land user ard lneludc parking fr alplopcr. Parking ratios xhich appty tg land rrses included ln the projrt arc dp*n ln Tahla l. The rurnbs si petktng spactr ts thr rr{ufucd amotlnt lJ uach lrdu* *trc *parate ahd indlvidual. Tsbh I PAnKTNC REQI IREHE!|TS PER ZOSIII{G FOR YAIL GATETAY DEVETOPMEIIT Lend Uge Arnount Bank 3,900 afOIlice +'904 dRetail 1t,200 sIRcridrntlal l2-2 bdrm l-3 bdmtotlng lZ-2 bdrrn l-3 bdm Parklns Batio l:20O sf l;?50 sf ll?''l-14 fiilHlor 2:l mit Spaccr m 20 lE ?4 2 t2 2 TEtrI vith Racldsrtlal trrc lll+ ' Tstar *ith Lodglng rxr ?2 QI 9) ffigRegul,rtlon*(l) Due to rcrinrrnentr ln thl proponl, ttrc alloretion ol rpacc tes clangcd lrtn tbst ihorn in th€ 2/2/EE trallic impact analysls, l.*1 rnit or if nrestrr th.n 500 d $€fi 2rl mit, (.4r1 rnlt + .l;t60 d) (msrlmum of lrl trnit) Ubd llrEtftct A rcport rccrrrfly p$Ush€J by tlrc Urban Lgnd Imtitute addecsrc t'le Lt8lte ol slrsrcd Frkltts ln mirsd ure devdopmcnt* Flrdlngr slrov fiat indlvldral laftd use perL{ng rcqniremerrtr etc nol additive lo'r g mixcd dcvclqprncnt Nationvidc data colhctrd lrom ftee ttarrdlng rrsr arrd mlxcd un drvdopment ollen a srnmry oI haurly perhing acc,umrrlrtion for tariq,trs tand u*a. TNr *ror+s thc timee in owrlaP af drtnslld fr parkirq by Isnd rm. No rg+cttic pErlthrg ecerrrnulatiqr data for bsrdc is includcd tn thc I,ILI findlqgr. For this snsllrls, it ir rsrmcd $8t th€ bsnk esrkin6 nrcdr *ill bc almllar to tiorr for rufall u* during rect<Crp md afllce urc dring th€ rcckc{d& R€tail ogereiltrr eharactcrtstlc to Vail Yiltrg,c ditter somryfiet frorn nationsl avcragft bcceucc of the rcsort neture of tlx vilLrgc' In -z-TDd Yail Yillagt, the pcalt rctnil hours ol oparatlon are from 2 to 6 p.m. vith fev shops typically aFn past ? srr 8 pm, Rdat|Ilg rhes€ estimntts and thc ULI tindlngs to thc Yeil Gaevay devclapment Dfolcct \re can estimate the p+ak part<irg demand. {Sac,tpptnair A-1 for tabulation of peak prrkirg demand.l Uslng thc Torrn sf Vail puklng requir€ments for cach ust, and ovcrlapping the rr:€q t*o pealc parkint timcl trc lowd a,r ehowrr tn Tablc 2. T*Ie2 P/iRKIIIG ESIIift{TE PSR, HTXED TJSE A!{,\I,YS PEA!( IIB{E PERIOD Scckdays (Z to 6 pm.l Satsdays (t to: pm.) ESTIHATED FEAK MIXED I.'SB DEIIAI,ID (as rcsidcntial) (nr lodeind 79 6l 72 53 ffi perkins reguircm:nts, Urban Land lrrstiarte Parklng Accrrmulatim Crrrvr4 and spedfic retail characterfutlcr of Yril Tillage. TIEG rutirnsta oI peat< prrkfu dernand rcpressnt e fcdtction frcm code requlre- matts oI 2+S end 2?96 fot rerldcntlal and lodgbg r.seq reap*ctlvdy, tor thc peak u.* gcrbd ot 2 gm. to 6 9.<n. ueet<days dtuing typicaf rrint€r seassn dayr. ScmrtYrrirtire €hslsrrristie sl g rrffit atGa, l}rtrc rc high t?tcdr& end lurr lceloru. For tatl, fltcre arc tyo hlgb s.assn$ sinter and summ*. Data troffi l9t6 Yeil dally hrs ridrrshlp tApFndil) cmiirms frc wintcr pcak vbltatlorr s+arcn oeclrrE lrom Lrte Novemb* (Ttranksgiving) through tate Mardr (sprirg brca!<), tgithin tfiat perlod, teo cffiGmc peaka occru: thc rcck betlreen Chrirtmar and Nerr Yrarts and tie l*r*eak sprJng lrcf,Ir IrI Jara trfarch DelJf hrc riirlrctup jc conrldercbly loxer during thp pcal $rrnmcr r€lson (early JuIy tg tatc Arrgust), Thtr rettcsts lorcr occ{rprnqr tFrcls tfuq4! tlt+ srnrmcr ard inrcas+{ araitabitity of prlyatt autor for eunmer vi.ritsr+ To ummsritc, flrerc ar€ appfolirtrttcly savcn monthg oI modcrrtc to lrlgh p8fktng demard and fivt mcnths of lmr drmild for vlfltoc parldn8. Thl* direstly rolaEs to $c nr.rnbcr of recldmt! srrd visitoff in yail ar diilcrrrrt tima$ ol rhc yrar and lhr avaltebllily and use ol pdvate auto* I l i'. f1 -3-TOd ThG pc'd( darnEnd for parking sfiown in Tabls z ir cxpected to occur on typical whter t+assr days. Providing a parking supply to nEGt tbc ertrerne peak demand tot thrcc rrecrt in December and March wsrld bc gugtionable glven lle cost of bctovgede strwttlred p{rt{ing. For the few tlmcr erdr year thlt demEr$ may be 8r€atcr tlxn supply, " tr".-b"".0 parking contrqt plan wurld be appropriate, one clcment of tft plan woutd b. to ..quire offiec efld/s lqrrit gmployeer to pertr off- site, carpool' o{ r.Fe bansit drlng the christmas and sprt4g brcek wcerks, D€t{gn rnd Opratimal Cmdderatiqu For a rnixek usc parkirg arraDgerilgrrt lo york, parkng spaccs rau.st bc pooled fcv ust. Effactlve sbning, marking and othcr commrnication systems shoutd b€ irif,c:potat+d h parklng uea drrign to irrtorm htrrqumt rrtl$ of thc r,rdt approprietc routin5 and perkirrg locatlons. Thc *vallablc Plrking lor tfris projEct has only ant cntri gd erlL Unless otlrtrrbc dircetd, Parktrrt Fetrons wtll utiltzc thc fhst parlcing rgace avalhbt+ ttrat ts close to a door sr drvator. To arcourage approprlrte uec of t*e part<ing spece in ttrie proicctr slSnlng *r'tltrn tiie Elrscttrc can inform both Infrcqrrent and rcgular userr of rfirre to parl' TJ* ryper Javcl shouJd be resarvcd lor retaif end benk €Lrebrn€re ficnr rpprorlmatcly l0 a.m. to t p.m., the ioterrncdiate lcval rc*rrrd .fa offlce Frlr€ns rrorn E &[r. to 5 Frn., nrrd a porticn of thc lovcr lcvcl rc*rred fcc or a'rigncd to cn-slte rcridcnte 2e hor.ns a day. Non-,realdr*rt vlgitsr cguld thcn usc ssy availebtt pu*lng rprrrs ailnr E pm. arrd btrur I a.m. m lhc flrst hml tlrd clLr 6 p.m. arrd befse I a.m. on the lntcrncdietc lcscl of perking Fa managcment of the offtcc and hsrsing pstrom pr*lrrt on site, a mcrtfily c seasotttl P!*ing *icker rnssrtcd in tfie car nould tdcntlfy thc usar and aUsrr a pEdditt m€rragcr to detqmijra if vahjclcr erc FErk"d in appropriatc qpacee, Cmchdnrr fhis anarysrs includcs tvo rcnerlor for jntcrldEd u.rs ol rfre YrU GstB\rry devdoprnrnt. Thc firrt, utilizing the lrorsing units as full-tima rcaidrndal rarl*, wanld suggcst a nerd for 79 psrkhs spaaes to meet tlryleal pealc d+mand. ?he semnd ccrnariot utiuei$g, ttra trorsing rs vacaticn BD. lod$nB fecilititg vrx{d .: iii! &t i: -4-Tlr€ srrg,g€st a n€ed fov 72 parfting spaees, tf propcrly managed t}is elpply shruld satisfy all brlt a handful ol high activity occasions thro,rghout the yeil' In t}ere instanccq special steps ca{r be taken ln advance rrith emptoy* parking to help eDrr.ae rcnldenB and sustomers sill be grovidcd with adeqtrate on-sits gnrking auppfy. -5-:TD4 . L { gt .l dI I i f h q r\-cf\ O- Lflei .l.-\:. tJ) Slc<cq.l <IGIAI\t- F >. tL'tErD -cr6'',- O caE -g G =Q :;- nz ut!E>J.b' -J<F'EL) Z. F(C-<C r_J OtlE H r-l 'i1 z 4u, =,qc {/J : €>- EJF=z{1 -f q€oiIt. r',lra>o ;.-r<i .{ L) sr J :r.-L';o-(; {<{ o(}oulnNN,F - LLI<., 8US RfOERS {Thousonds) Bl<nt Apprnnrx A-1 i,Li r/ S*cifrc grii ftrit Orar'retnstblirg 0errr{ ry i.ani Ure I tixr 0f Dry - L'fiFf, of Sarces fr Vail Gria*y - tgfl{ rrH Hn{ re[ ?H 39t {ff 5H 5'[ ?H 8H 9t .; ,l ,i il lEfitS - r U5.9e 0lfict &!ril tmidertirt tE{DfltS - | Sn*ee [tticr tbfril t ftnft rr kidenthl mn sr LoQirX ffin. rffil rst 6$1 gtt fi g Rr sfi I Er 6r :i5gr EGi €sr 651 65t H isr lst ?5r €8f tgrt5r Htr 6$ sH 6S1 6$ Bt ?8t Eir !il t8t rsdl !{ lftf$ ilaa' 35 lB tt ei tssr 30 3s {4 6aat{4 3S arJI _J! ir rE .- 16 rs !8 el ....8 et e! __s65 71 69 rs tt n ?6 ti 13 €3 se-et tE *3 -l e ! .,.,1 le il u lf F .__llsr 6+ e, 66 6t n 68 S A. il {f -ii tll r/ tgectfic 9rit Retril Clrnstrrir! firlins lh.rd ry ud U5r I thr of Dry - fl'Jrtnr of Susrr fsr Vril Srtnry * $f, flfi f{Itt lH eH 3pt ff, 3fi 6fi ?fr 8pr ttf, i i i iat : Sn5l$l * ! th.n 0ffis lrtrithiffitrl SflIIffi - | $ar lrilcr t Br* ktdl rs trtlttirf TUIH. rt Lodgirg mn- tff t?r ttr tff fit iil s ai Jrffi 6tt 77r Ed 9Er 9il tB B In Ett $rt3t 16 Tft ?tt nr II ?Et 8tt s !+t tFr fitt 5786t{2A?1r9.8 a $ :! s 38 3t n e3 16 -l? l9J!.. $_4Jt_g_4 er F_8.. 16{{t95ts5s5t5t6rirFil?E -..- --u 1? tt l! .,lg ..lr_ tt re 13 Jl _ll _ _r{s rt 16 t7 t9 13 tr 5t {a n-r- rr TIlr' , ""{4, ., . 't--+{;t. a TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSE of the PROPOSED VAIL GATEVAY DEVELOPMENT Vail, Colorado ,31 Prepared for Palmer Development Company Boulder, Colorado Prepared by TDA Colorado Inc. Il55 Sherman Street DenYer, Colorado t0203 February 2, l9E8 TDI O Contcnts PaRe Existing Conditions I I 4 5 I "a-!. List of Figures Figure Page I Vicinity Map z 2 Existing AM and PM Peak Hour 3 Turning Movements 3 PM Peak Hour Project Tralfic Volumes 7 4 Year 2005 PM Peak Hour Turning Movement E at Vail Road/South Frontage Road Tabulations I Change in Site Traffic Volume TDA TRAFFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT VAIL GATEVAY Vail, Colorado Summary of Findings IVe have assessed the potential impact of redeveloping the existing vail village Amoco station parcel into a commercial/residential land use consisting of specialty retail shops, a bank, office space and 13 residence units- For our design day analysis (typical day during the mid-February to late March high winter season), we estimate the proposed development will tenerate about 350 fewer daily trips and about 40 fewer peak hour vehicle trips than the existing service station /car wash. Since all vehicular access to the proposed vail Gateway development would be via a vail Road access drive, vail Road could experience about 3i more peak hour vehicle trips and south Frontage Road about 80 fewer peak hour trips as a product of re development and closure of the existing south Frontage Road access to the Amoco station. This shift of traffic volumes accessing the Amoco parcel will impart a minor benefit to the four-leg Vail Road/South Frontage Road intersection because demand for the heavy southbound to eastbound left turn will be slightly reduced. Left turn demand from this and the eastbound-to-northbound left turn, coupled with the proximity of the I-20 eastbound ramp intersections, will result in peak period congestion even after planned traffic signals replace the existing four-way stop controlled intersection. Although reduced volumes 8enerated by redevelopment of this parcel would not dramatically effect intersection operation, closing, consolidating, and relocating the access to this parcel will improve opera- tion at the south and east approaches to the vail Road/south Frontage Road intersection. Existing Conditions The proposed vail Gateway development will be at the main intersection in Vail Village-South Frontage Road and Vail Road, see Figure l. This intersection currently is controlled by stop signs at each approach. Traffic counts taken in March, 1986 show the predominant turning movements are -t-TN^d .1 SOUTH 0tPS 'lex b\ VICINITY I,IAP VaiT Ga tet'ag FICURE 1 .!Fr I /=a North. between south Frontage Road and vail Road to the north (Figure 2). Traffic volume on vail Road south of the frontage road is considerably less than the other three legs of the intersection. The four-way intersection experiences delay at numerous times during the high winter season primarily as a result of skier traffic travelling between south Frontage Road and the crosely spaced diamond interchange ramps of I-70 on Vail Road. S. FhOX?AGE 6tz I -)2Or+-l7r! ,ar I tit' \ I z faT-S. v^[. tD. Source: Vail Interchange Report Draft, Fig. 6 Figure 2 EXISTING P.M. PEAK HOUR TMFFIC VOLTJME The existing Amoco station on the site of the proposed devetopment serves Iocal and interstate motorists with eight dual product fuel pumps 06 dispensers) and one self-serve car wash bay. Mechanical repairs and vehicle maintenance are provided as well. The station has one access drive to south Frontage Road and unrestricted access along the vail Road trontage. Based on annual, peak season, and peak three-hour fuel sales data provided by the service station owner, peak day volume Eenerates more than 1300 vehicle trips during the l5-hour day. 'The three-hour peak demand period accounts for about 400 vehicle trips- This typically occurs between 3 and 6 p.m. Data provided by the Institute of rransportation Engineers in the publication Trip Generation would suggest this g-pump station would generate about 1060 vehicle trips per average weekday. on a typical fair weather day, the car wash will generate another 100 vehicle trips, for a total average weekday volume of about 1160 vehicle trips. Based on trip generation -3-Tft ^d studies by the california Department of Transportation (caltrans), service station peak hour volume is about lz% of the daily volume and the peak hour of activity occurs during the early afternoon. An estimation of future trips generated by the proposed redevelopment of this parcel is discussed in the following section. Proposed Development The vail Gateway development will contain lzrooo square feet of specialty retail shops, a possible(l) 41000 square foot banking space, 4,000 square feet of office space, and on the upper levels, 12 two-bedroom apartment/ condominium units and one 3-bedroom penthouse unit. All vehicular access will be to undertround parking. Access to parking wi.ll be on vail Road at the south edge of the property about liO feet from the south Frontage Road intersect.ion. Applying trip generation rates from the Institute of rransportation Engineersrrrip Generation publication would suggest the sum of individual land uses proposed would generate l30i daily and 153 p.m. peak hour vehicle trips on an average weekday. These estimates are based on studies conducted at suburban sites having little or no public transit service and usually an abundance of surface parking available. vehicle trip generation in this Vail viltage settint will be somewhat less than the ITE rates for several reasons: The development will draw largely from the surrounding Vail Village commercial and resident base rather than diversion from I-70. With limited on-site parking available, a number of retail, office and bank employees residing within Vail will either walk or use the free public shuttle bus rather than use on-site parking spaces needed for short term customer or visitor use. l. 2. @bankspaceinlieuofadditionalretailsPaceasa "worst case, scenario. Retail p.m. peak hour trip generation rati is about two-thirds les sthan bank trip rate. -tJ-TD'A 9. The retail space will largety fuction as an addition to the existing 2901000 square foot commercial core area of Vail Village. Many shoppers will have already parked in the Village or Lionshead parking garates. 4. A sizeable number of winter destination visitors arive in vail via courtesy vans, limos, or scheduled or charter buses. These Itransit-captiver vistiors will either walk or use the free shuttle to visit Vail Gateway and other Village attractions. vith these travel characteristics in rnind, we have factored the respective free-standing suburban trip generation rates by retail - 60% bank - 50% office - 80% residence -70% D"5 az4'. Accordingly, the Vail Gateway development would gene.ate ttg*aaly vehide tips of which 91105 in, 50 out) would occur during the 4-i p.m. peak hour. 4"t DY t57 ,.)4. These vehicle trips will distribute over the local roadway system according to place of residence and access to the regional roadway system (I-20). Vail Road south of the project serves only local abutting properties. Meadow Drive and Gore Creek Drive intersect Vail Road but each is a restricted auto-free zone. south Frontage Road is the major collector in vail, linking East and west vail with vail village. vail Road north of the site accesses I- 70 eastbound and westbound ramps. Assumed peak hour trip distribution for the proposed projects is: \hr** .h ,; .a 4\ .' .s")o n !' i!t' \n ' ,'r /b L1 ' tf,ii Vail Road South VaiI Road North Frontage Road East Frontage Road West Total 10% 27% t6% 27% 100% ffi'-sl The subsequent section discusses the net impact of distributing these trips over the prevailing roadway network. -5-TDA Anticipated Tralfic Conditions Table I depicts the change in vehicle volumes as Vail Gatewqay project replacing the existing Vail station/car wash. a result of the proposed Village Amoco service TABLE I Site Traffic Volumes No. of Units Daily Trips P.M. Peak Hour In Out Total 20 20 t7 Existing Development Amoco Service Station Amoco Car Wash Proposed Vail Gateway Retail Bank Office 2-bedroom condo 3-bedroom condo Proposed vs. Existing Figure 3 illustrates how 8 pumps 1,064 66 62 128lbay 100 6 6 L2subtotal I,164 72 68 i40 12 ksf 4 ksf 4 ksf I2 I 304 420 42 40 6 t7 2 40 34 810549ll2 Subtotal ---8m -T T-0 --TS /7(t' 71.. ?ri /57 Net Change -354 -27 -lE -45+ tlt .a ft3 +)7 the net change in 4J fewer peak hour site trips would be distributed over the proposed access system. IVith all access to Vail Gateway via Vail Road, the section of Vail Road immediately south of Frontage Road would experience an increase of 38 vehicle trips as compared to the existing case. South Frontage Road, on the other hand, would have 45 fewer vehicle trips east of Vail Road and 35 fewer vehicle trips east of the parcel. This change is a direct result of closing the existing South Frontage Road access to the site upon redevelopment. Local street operation was tested for future buildout of Vail Village. The future (year 2005) background volume was derived from the "I-70 Main Vail Interchange Draft Report, December 15, 1987." Traffic assignments were based on reassigned 1986 trafJic volumes associated with the proposed construction of button hook eastbound I-70 on and off ramps near the Vail Associates shop as recommended in the interchange report. Mainline (freeway) growth for this twenty-year period is estimated by by the State Highway Department to be 58% over 1986 volumes. Considering the -6-TD^d s. -l Z tg I FRoNTAGE Rp. * L {-:' ^l'l,iF-l'lr-il 10 ^L -l ; t-25 AM0C0 SERVICE I I - !F eT^Tlnf\l; t-25 AMOCO SERVt'.Fl; .?lfT?X,, rl A. EXISTIN(j B. PROPOSED C. NET CHANGE U VAIL GATEWAY DEVELOPMENT (9s Trips) 8 -18 F R ONTAGE P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUME FIGURE 3 -TM CHANGE IN .f o relatively builtout nature of Vail Village with respect to the Vail Valley, we have dlocated 20-year growth at the main Vail interchange as follows: o 50% increse to turning moYements to and from South Frontage Road and the ramPs. o 20% increase in through traffic along South Frontage Road and Vail Road south of Frontage Road. Figure 4 lllustrates year 2005 peak p.m. hour turning movements at the YaiI Road/South Frontage Road intersection with the proposed project volumes included. 55s J,J I 265 768 R71\I II J)5 J VAIL RD. Figure 4 YEAR 2OO5 P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLTJME The p.m. peak hour was selected as the most critical for design purPoses. since it includes afternoon skier trafJic peak activity and a period of rel'atively high project traffic demand. As this intersection is slated for traffic signal installation in the near future, our traffic operation assumed eight-phase, fully actuated signal control. Average intersection delay for the design condition was computed to be 36.41 seconds per vehide which is considered Level of Service D operation. This level of delay is usually considered acceptable for design purPoses in urban settings. At other times of the day and during off peak seasonsr average detay will be correspondingly lower. . ILT.S. FRONTAGEFRONTAGE 194 -8-TDd I Left turns into the site were investigated for left turn storate requirements. For the year 20 design year, the left turn demand oI 30 vehicles per hour conflicts with an estimated 328 northbound vehicles per hour. For unsignalized traffic control, this would sugSest a storate length of 40 feet for the left turn into Vail Gateway. The access drive is about 150 feet south of Frontage Road. Hence the left turn storage for northbound Vail Road to westbound Frontage Road at the tralfic signal would have about 90 feet available, alter transitions, for left turn storate. This would be space enough for four autos which should be sufficient for the estimate peak demand of 65 left turning vehicles per hour. Condusion Redevelopint the existing Amoco service station site into a planned retail/office/residential development will result in somewhat fewer daily and peak hour vehicle trips generated by this parcel. Closing the existing South Frontage Road access drive will help reduce conflicts and potential delays at the four-leg Vail Road/South Frontage Road intersection. Locating the sole access drive for the proposed Vail Gateway develoPment at the south end of the property will enable lett turns into the site to store in a separate lane out of the way of southbound thru travel on Vail Road. The net effect of each of these traffic operation changes that are part of the proposed development project will be improved traffic operation for vehicles passing through the main Vail Village intersection. 7 ,/- , ,+" s t- "'tteu z',' 6 c: ' ur,7 '/ /tu's ttto ' ' UStn'G :-oZ 4 b? F4'raa\ fr& ,ts r.r?-e.' .t* 7 &1'cZ QP E?nonC y',(L--/rf/.- 41e€ 4 '47ts 74K€ 7 5+-," < aace,r+t /i:,it * .-,,-.. ---- - 'l_ S'ort'/,/ 6. \))o t Crou. a 5427-ts iL L) t 5 1Pt€ utvle LevJtPc. Siz€ €vJw G!g-DT6{- *a<<'iuz+e ( 9B .uo</,tl ao't lle-e,c' AF e74 & u,,ro . 11./ tfi 8€ F,.: { <429 3 IF aUaE a) <&7 -9- $s TDA I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I ?uc -PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING, DEVELOPMFNI ANALYSIS. FESEARCH March 10, 1988 Vail Town Council 75 S. Frontage Roadvail , co 81_657 Dear Council Member: The folLowing report describes the redevelopment proposal for the AI'{OCO Service Station site. The rnain body of the report contains the initial plans subrnitted in January. Since that time, revisions to the plans have been made as a result of both Staff comments and concerns and Planning and Environnental Cornrnission requests. The section titled Suoplement contains updated plans and development statistics and reflects the most recent plan changes. Hopefully this will help to facilitate your review of this proposal . Peter Jamar, AICP PJ:ns Suite 308. Vail Natronal Bank Buildrng 108 South Frontage Road Wesl . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303J 476-/154 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I VAI L GATEWAY SPECIAL DEVEI,OPMENT DISTRICT APPLICATTON AND ETWIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Prepared For: Palmer Developmenl P. O. Box 1497 Boulder. Colorado 80306 Prepared By: Buff Arnold / Ned Gwathmey Peter Jamar Associates, Inc. Architects, P. C. 108 S. Frontage Rd. West 1000 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, Colorado 81657 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-7154 (303) 476-1147 JAI{UARY 1988 REVISED MARCH 9, 1988 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABTE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART ONE - THE PLAN Developnent Statistics PART TWO - II,IPACTS/MITIGATION Hydrologic Conditions Atmospheric Conditions Geologic Conditions Noise and OdorVisual Conditions Land Use conditions PART THREE - APPENDIX Traffic Inpact Assessnent LIST OT FIGURES Figure 1-VicinityltapFigure 2-SitePlanFigure 3 - Floor Plan - Lower Parking LevelFigure 4 - Parking/Cornmercial LevelFigure 5 - Plaza Comnercial Levelt'igure 5 - Floor Plan - Second LevelFigure 7 - Floor plan - Third LevelFigure 8 - Floor Plan - Fourth LevelFigure 9 - Northwest ElevationFigure I0 - North ElevationFigure 1l - West ElevationFigure 12 - East ElevationFigure 13 - South ElevationFigure 14 - View From 4-Way Intersection SUPPLEMENT PAGE L2 t2 13 13 13 21 25 26 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 t5 l6 l7 l8 I9 20 39 I I t I I I I I t t I I I INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to present information regarding a development propoEal for a part of Lot N and tot O, Block 5Dr VaiI Vlllage Firet Filing. The lot is currently zoned Heavy Service Zone District and is proposed to be rezoned to Special Developnent District. The report ls dlvided into the following sections: o Part One - The Plan - Describes the developnent proposal and the existing condition of the site and sur roundings. o Part Two - Impacts/Hitiqation - Contains an evaluationof potential irnpacts of the proposal and sunmarizesthese aspects of the proposal . Descrlbes the relatlonships of the proposal and various Town of Vail Plane and Studies. o Part Three - Appendices - Provides supplementary info rnation. I I I I I I tlrt== r llI )t- I ,-.,-n *ry1@I -+J-I rr --aE VrcNW[,lAP rorc 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I PART ONE - THE DEVELOPUEM PI,AN Palmer Development proposes to redevelop the site of the exieting Anoco Service Station located upon portions of Lots N and O' Block 5D, Vail Vlllage First Filing (see Figure l, Vicinity Map). The land is currently zoned Heavy Service Zone District and has been the site of a gas station since the early days of Vail. The etation has been nanaged by a nunber of different oPerators over the years and is currently operated aa an Anoco Station with 8 gas pumpsr a car wash, and 4 service and repair bays. In additionr the station sells snack and sundry itens such as PoPrlce, candyr dnd other food ltems. The site currently is totally covered by building and asphalt and access for vehicles exists at two points: one a shared entry wtth VaiI Village Inn on the eaEt end of the property off of the South Frontage Road and the second along tbe entlre western property boundary adjacent to Vail Road. There is no specifically defined pedestrian access to the site. The proposal being made at this tirne is to redevelop the site tnto a mixed-use developnent to be called Vail Gateway containingretailr office, cornnercialr and residential uses. The overall.intent is that the site can be redeveloped in such a manner that resulte ln a highly attractive building and site which is a rnaJor focal point of VaiI. since the site is located at the nain entryfor people arriving to Vail and forms an inportant first impression of Vail for rnany visitorsr it is irnportant that thesite be improved and, to the extent possible, become an extension of the character of Vail Village. The schedule for the redevelopment antlcipates denolition of the existing structure commencing irnmediately upon the close of thecurrent ski season and construction beginning innediatelythereafter. Occupancy of the retail and corunercial portions of the building is scheduled at the start of next ski seaaon. Therefore, it is intended that the site will be totally redeveloped and upgraded prior to the 1989 World Alpine Chanpionships and will help to present a very positive image atVailrs rfront doori. As depicted on the Site Plan, Figure 2' the proposed developnent would consolidate the existing poorly defined vehicular accesspoints into one location off of Vail Road. In additionr the large anount of surface parking will be elirninatecl with vlrtuallyall parking acconnodated wlthin an underground parking garage. Short ternr parking spaces will be provided ulrcn a portion of thesite along Vail Road. Pedestrian access to the site and along the siteer perineter will be provided as shown and will serve to provide a link to the approved vail village Inn expansion which abuts thls property on its south and east sides. F 8 as $ I (\l fi, I MS%ll Y) Ytffil7 t=lrl)-J-Ll/.l /'--.(-\-t l|\-LLLtl: t . t. Iz trl ffli \ , t iffit Jr rlffil € l|Tfff|ll z->r-..lI'l-T-T-T-1r I I -r. I \ IEFTH| \id/ || lt tLLLiit \ -,/il ilFffilll llffii \-t..tHlfmt (. )EllllllFll-l--J--Jl | \ /7-\3llltsFr.!lll -{ , l EIIIIITilFFHi \.7-t!}lr.JJ{5l-Ll _;<lf fftl-l--r-Jl | / \-ilt IIFFAM)tllillffil (7. -"f ll lrrFl I )- llftfilL \-/rtTT_T_TrDt /- , J t-LLl-ttll ll+H{l r;f\_._lrr.Ev}<-/ l'y'' 'tr'/l/l//iti,i --rl il ll .---'i\l\lr,,, i )1,rl \ li .\ lt \lt\iiliiiIII \T-1_ rT- |- l-|_ |- - _ _-1 ^'o\Lllliiijt-t ---- --:---.7 i._r'r.-i_-_-:;jrN ii.).,(l-ti iii t'.r. '1.,,' I Li;ttt'-^- -v:-->ilJ--_1''J---=-.^i: --\n, -\\\, .,,' .-' ,'4., i ---zn ta-eopfll- iL/ -'y'' /_'_j .,1 i 1,,ii,t ;: \ .:i ilitul | *t-ii----^-;' i-L, i <1 -$ii :i:ri.+,tly*! 'it '1"' gi 'r ' { ii- I_L/ 6rl- I iE> r^. #1 ,n, .:fi iiI ilr" ;-; *i < i )iliI I ll--) L-'' i 't-l (:i i I1 iitr-' i ,\!'i ili' [: ''i, =ii] "iiiI lltL,. I ., r | , t'l ltI tli__, i_ \,t .. ilii lL!" ------ t-----'--:rl ti | -----T;.- | -..r-,f ---'- r' "i iil- r lit I', i ili---- | r- -lil Irr iti r '. lii iIIIIIIIIIII -IET f-T fT--] rT-r ' rmtlt,llrll IE|IV'\/'V+-1, iffi/ , _J- rllt,/ltlF+ .z' Al t---1 tE/' i-J I ]- --r lH+.,' 'VlI--i iffi// ,-.r {-:l l_- i lffiz!) 'l I f--j iffi\--t ,4t I i IFFF,'*i (j i 1- -i lFVgrll'li I r---J rl 1a <jlif -r lltrl \Jll I llrr----r{__l lill ,rl i I iT- ii <'---1, rl ll,. rl \ ' l.__i il\l t'dr I rii -{ \--1 lltk:"-'^\{u-t- trr. i -'\r | 7'u*t."-aj\\. F! -'... i\. Ea t\ .i,'\$E '/-o ,! E\ttf;l t 'tr ).. vr i -r, \rtr t\-Z \\ \1 | Itl:'/ i...: ,r, fh/iv_-____. I I' rl r,. t' lrl;ilIIIII I I I I I I I I I I I I t In order to provide a pleasing relationship with both the lntersectlon of Vail Road and Frontage Road and with the Proposedsurrounding developnent of the Vail Vi11a9e Inn' the building has been deelgned to have the greatest setback off of the lntereection (or northwest corner of the site) and then step uPin height frorn that point frorn one to four stories. oriented towards the intersection will be an intereatlng and inviting arcade rhich covers an interior retail area on the first level .In a<ldltion, an area hag been set aside near the lntergection for the placement of a sculptureT fountainr or other suitable landscape feature. It is anticipated that the street level retall shops will provide an interesting pedestrian experience along the north and weat sldes of the building and serve alt an extension of the existingvatl Village Conmercial Core. The second leveL of the proposed building wlll consist of a mix of office and reeidentlal space wlth the third and fourth levels also conslstlng of residential use (see Figures 3-8). A summary of the proposed development is as follows: Lot Slze: ELesEls: Retail: 24tL54 Bguare feet. 121000 square feet 4r000 square feet 4r000 sguare feet 13 dwelling units 12r000 sguare feet Buildinq Helqht: As indicated upon the developnent plan. Reta i\/Conmercial : Office: Reeidential: GRFA: I Setbacksr As indicated upon the development plan. Site Coveraoe: 14r350 sguare feet. I I I I Park inq: garage and developedof parking provided. Parking will be provided within an underground parking along VaiI Road. A Parking llanagenent Plan will be to serve as a guideline for the operation and control spaces. A total of 80 parking sPaces will be I Proposed Uses: Uses are proposed to be those uaes specified I wtthin the Commercial Core One Zone District. It-rl, l! -I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I F=--r' -- " -:-t :r-- .- . ---- --:,t I !:=.:--l Farftip a_--. ,- _ ___ Lower Parkng Level frrc3 lT- - I L"ftgli -rl I ;tIrl l-tl l-li l-xrl l"-ll l-:ll-lt t_! l--rl l--ll l:=lL-li l- PaftiE/Cormerclal Level et 9s FbEe4 I I I t t lT_ lt -t \ t \ I I I I I t I I I I t I T I I I Plaza Conrerclal et 1O2 \ I \ 1\t\l\ \ \ t-anOscag Featre ea€&g ftontage Road Hgre 5 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tr )) at- Second Level e| 117 Fgtre 6 I I1_t- Thlrd Level d,127 Fgtc 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I Roof Gaden Fouth Level el, 137 HSrc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART TWO - rMPAqIS/TTUTIGATION In accordance with the Tonn of VaiI requirements regardingpotential environnental irnpacts of proposed projectsT thefollowing section discusses the proposal in terns of changes which night result due to the proposed development upon the site.Also discussed are the relationships of the proposal to various Town of vail'plans, goalsl and policies. Hvdroloqic Condit ions: Hydrologic conditions associated sith the site will be inprovedas a result of the proposal . While no current hazard has beenidentlfied or exiatsr the potential of the current use of thesite as a gas and automobile service station certainly ranks high on the list of land uses which can result in the pollutlon and contamLnation of both natural rvater courses and ground water. Leakage of underground tanks as well aE surface runoff of contaminants such a6 gas, oil, and transnission fluids all couldpotentially contribute to inpacts upon hydrologic conditions. The el.imination of these potential sources fron the site will bea benefit. Virtually aLl drainage upon the site will either be collected asa part of a roof collection systen. Drainage fron the parking garage will be designed in a manner which will collect all silt and oil drippings whlch night occur. Atnospheric Conditions: Potential impacts fron the proposed development upon atnosphericconditions will result nainly fron the additional 13 fireplacesplanned to be included within the building. It can be expectedthat the wood snoke fron these fireplaces will contribute to theair pollution which Vail currently experiences periodically throughout the year as a result of the inversions that occurwithin the Gore Valley. Fireplaces will be constructed andinstalled in a manner which meets Town of Vail and State of Colorado standards for ernissions. Due to the renoval of the gasoline pumps the fumes which are aninvisible but objectionable environnental hazard will be el.iminated fron the site. This will be a positive impact uponthe atmospheric conditions upon the property. 12 I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I t I rj{i APP does not lie no changes orresult of the Geoloqic Conditions: Ae indlcated on Townwithin any potentlal inpacts to geologic proposed developnent. of vail hazard napsr the site areas of geologic hazards andconditions will occur aa a &ise-dLollsg: Nolse and odor impacts associated with the proposed developnent wltl be rninimal and should be lnproved over the current conditlons upon the site. Removal of the gas and service station will be positive with regard to this aspect of the site and its relationship to the proposed Vail Village Inn project. The reduction of the large nunber of surface parking spaces upon the siter as well as the elimlnation of the totally autonobile orlented use of the site will dranaticallyr reduce both noise and exhaust associated with the use of the site aE a service station. The proposed underground garage wlll be mechanically exhausted and ventlng will be located in the northeast corner of the structure in an area which will have the least arnount of negative inpact. Visual Conditions: The ecenic value of the property will be enhanced as a result of the development proposal. The current use of the site aE a gasotlne and service station is visually unattractive both day ind night and the visual i.nprovenent of vailrs natn entry ls a key objective of the redeveloprnent of the property. The proposed redeveloprnent will result in the establishment of both a streetscape and architectural quality which is fitting for a location with the proninence and importance of this site. It is important that this location be upgraded to provide a positive first lmpression to the traveller arriving to Vail. Currentlyl and especially ln the evenlngl the impression one gets at the four-way stop is not much different than one gets at nany other exits along our Interstate Freeway Systern. The proposal will help to change this visualization of Vail and create the interest and excitement which ls fitting for our najor "gateway' (see Figures 9-13). At the tirne the vail Village Inn Special Developrnent District $tas forned it was recognized that the distant views to vail Hountain which are experienced upon arrival at the intersection of Vail Road and the South F rontage Road are pleasant views and should not be totally elininated by new developrnent. The nassing of thevail Village Inn is such that views to the upper portions of various ski runs does exist. Since the VaiI Gateway site lies in 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I the foreground of the proposed expansion of the Vail ViIIage Inn' heighte ind naeslng have been eetabliehed which are lower than thoie specified for the ValI Village Inn expansion and tberefore ttrs naeling of the proposed buildlng respeets the spirlt of rhat ia deglred in terms of the distant views. The masslng of the proposed building and the relationship to the approved vail Vtttage Inn is demonstrated in the following photograph' Figure 1.4. 14 ,a. .l: I ,;. Northwest Ebvation VBur Frqn The Farway Stop Fgl.re I T F- .:t-r is fi €z E $ $ F E F E- ,n'r,t-[',-ilft ; ,$' i.t _1, l- i i] i)',r.,[ t= ia]-l_(,lj i; li',_i / ,v--=l-:, l--, r/ // <L +lt !l ri | |;,' ,ir.,t\lL_ii _i ,-il J* \-; 1L-.-r-r--i,--L'- ,'tl -1 | /.? ll , t.E r_r* \: I ,, _t li - -il- I t--l*-l* \<(;ri i; til' $-t.- iL -l L -'i 4 lF---'---:n I s:' rlt :H'.|i I {:\r[--jg# I '+,fi[-:[ffi L:+'r!=___t{$l I,n{iii i l( i )"ii=1-Fi;,1vtjiL -,'---l l, l .o-ll --rr-l rl I,,_l;l i; li iir---r ,,izl \-'rL- -li-; \ii \\"! T, tF-t'--l 'i( '\,. | ,T/ 1lf -l t- -i t t'\ Xr(-ill ;' l1r\ \k-{ll_,t_J\-r\----f--rr-.t-i n| ,ltill t,'ll;| .l ll---'--Jtt I | ''t\ r l, --1t-l 1t, I ll -- -.: -ll :l ;l :ii i i IIIIITITIIIIIIIIIT ri;i, :i. - EIt"* iE r-vl,/ i,, /V-l(_j_ \lrJ l\ | \,. L--} I':: ri | ( .1,.r :. \'ii t\i\rt\ I L- .E+t(U sl [rJ +tao = ,oIEr(U ;F $ r1ll 7=lrlL-l ,hllr-r \ ( rtll Iir vlit--t i f ,.'tt ll /- I )Sjji: l<( _ __,'|.=\n-"i I I --ti Li _r| /z1- _llffi iii iii Lr i.-Ll],''t-ulJti r--l trr--.l-t- --*t, I I tFWl IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII East Elevatkrn Fbrc 12 Souh Elevation Fgre la / IIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIII I T n il VAI- GATEWAY - VEW PROFILE Pi ASE lV from NORTH-WEST I I T I I I I I I I I I I T I Land Use Conditions: The land use conditions upon the site are significantly affected as a result of the proposal . Not only does the proposal result in a major inprovement ln the type and character of land use uPon the eite, but the planned redevelopment also serves to inplenent a multitude of goals and policies of the Town of Vail including those incorporated into the Vail Land Use Plan, VaiI Conmunity Action PIan, Draft Vail Village Magter Plan' and vail Retail Study. The primary change in land use contemplated by the proposal is the elirnination of the classification of the site aa "HeavyService". Uses currently designated for location within the Heavy Service zone District include the following: l. Ski lifts and tows;2. Accessory dwelling unit for service personnel; 3. Anirnal hospitals and kennels' dog kenneli4. Automotive service etations;5. Building materials supply stores;5. Business offices;7. Cornmercial laundry and cleaning services;8. Corporation yards;9. Machine shops;10. uotor vehicle sales and servicesill. Repair garagesi 12. Repair shops;13. Tire sales and services including retreading recapping;14. Trucking terninale and truck service stationsi15. Vehicle storage yards.16. Warehousesi and17. Woodworking and cabinet shops. and As indicated previously the proposed Special Developnent District would consist of office space, conmercial and retail sPace, and residential dwellinq units and is intended to be an upgrade and enhancernent of this area. It is the applicant's feeling thatthis type of land use is nuch more positive for the comnunity than the existing heavy service classification. It is intended that the underlying zone District would be Commercial Core One' Several Tonn of Vail goals and policles indicate that the r redevelopment proposed wlll be a positive change in land use: I VaiI Comnunltv Action Plan: The Comnunity Action PIan contains broad the type of development being proposed: t t I 2l goals which encourage I. 2. 3. I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I New growth and revitalization are essential to the continued success of Vaill Upgrading and renodeling of structures and site inprovenents should be encouraged; The community should stinulate and improve ambiance within the core areas. Vail Land Use Plan: During the Land Use Plan process goat staternents itere developed which reflected the general consensus of the public and are to be used in the revietr procesa for new developnent proposals. Goals applicable to the proposed redevelopnent of the tunoco site are the following: 1. Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environnent, naintaining a balance between residentialr commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the perrnanent resident. 2. The quality of the environnent including airr water and other naturaL resources should be protect,ed as the Town g rows. 3. The guality of development should be naintained and upgraded whenever possible. 4. The original theme of the old Village Core should be carried into new deveiopnent in the village Core through continued inplenentation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 5. Vail should acconnodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (infiIl areas). 6. Comnercial growth should be concentrated in existing comrnercial ireas to acconunodat.e both local and visitor needs. Vail Villaqe ltaster PIan: The Land Use Plan adopted November 18, 1985r specified a preferred Land Use PIan for the Town of vail. The Vail Gateway site was designated within the Plan as being governed by the Village l,laster Plan. Although the Village llaster Plan has yet to ne ofiicially adoptedl the draft. of this Village PIan contains many goals ind poticies which deal with the redevelopnent of propertles within and adjacent to Vail village' including the subject site. 22 I I I t I t I t I I I I I I I t I I I itixed Use Sub-Area is the designation given to the area which @posed vail cateyray Building. The Plan Etates that: nThere is a great deal of potential for improvements to both public and piivate facilities in the area. Among 9!t9se is Lhe opportunity to develop gateuay entries to the Village at the 4liay stop and at the- intersection of Vail Road and lleadow Oiive. Pedestrianization in the area wiII benefit fron infill developnent and streetscape inprovenents throughout the sub-lrea. Significant increases in the vtllagers overnight bed base rnay also be accommodated in this sub-area.t Goals and objectives specified for this area which are applicable to the proposal are: I. Encourage hlgh quality redevelopment while preeerving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustiin vailrs sense of conmunity and identity. 2. To foster a strong tourist industry and to promote year-around econolnic health and viability for the ViIIage and for the community as a whole. 3. To recognize as a top priority the importance of naintaining and enhan-ing the walking experience throughout the Village. 4. Encourage the development of nevt comnercial activity where c6rnpatible with the existing character of che Vil lage. It is clear that the Vail Gateway will nake a positive steP towards achieving these goals and planning for the project has been based upon helping to implernent these goals. @: The Analysis of VaiI Retail Space needs completed in June of 1988 suggested thatr although exiiting approved plojects and areas pfinned for retail development appear to be sufficient to Providelhe retai!. space requlred-to meel the dernand anticlPated through the year 2000, it rnay not be desirable for developnent to occur in the areas far outside of the existing core areas. The study concluded that, fron the perspective of lmproving the retail economy, the pedestrian flow to- locations off of Bridge Street in Vaif Viilage loutd be enhanced by new retail areas Iocated in infill locitions. The Vail Gateway ls such a site and will be a positive step towards increasing the pedestrian traffic along l,teadow Drive and the vicinity of the vail Village Inn. 23 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I @: The Urban Design Guide PIan for Vail Village has been an integralpart of the redeveloprnent of properties within Vail Village over the past seven years. The Plan was adopted to guide the deeign elernents of the various proposed new bulldings or building remodels within the Vlllage. While all of the design coneiderations within the Guide Plan are not meant to be applicable to the subject site nor are they appropriate' the proposed building has been designed to reffect nany of tbe deeign elenents encouraged within the heart of Vail Village. Design considerations such aa the pedestrianization and streetscape frarnework of the Village have been incorporated into the site design for VaiI Gateway and will help to improve the pedestrian experience in the vicinity of VaiI Road and East Meadon Drive by creating an attractive retail anchor at what canbe deflned as the northwest corner of Vall Village. The introduction of these design elements in this location will also help to extend the deslgn character and quality of Vail ViIlage out to the periphery where it can be irnrnediately visualized by those arriving to Vail and, thereforer exhibit a positive imageof the comnunity and help to announce the excitenent and vitalityof Vail. Ehe Guide PIan encourages the study and upgrade of the four-way stop areas as a rnajor entry to Vail and nany inprovenents have been nade to thts area recently in terms of signage and landscaping. Further improvements are contemplated as a resultof the recent sign program and no doubt others will be incorporated into the Town-wide Landscape Inprovement Plancurrently in progress. The najor upgrade and redevelopment of the subject slte can only help to strengthen the inage of this area of Town and is a atrong indication of the private sector'swillingness to participate in the enhancernent of the community. Circulation and TransDortation Conditions: TDA' Inc, has prepared an analysis of the proposal redevelopmentof the site {see Appendix). The traffic study evaluates current and future roadnay conditions, assesaes the traffic operationalimpacts of the project and rnakes recomnendations regardingtraffic operations. The traffic study found that the shift in traffic volunes accessing the subject site will result ln a rninor benefit to theVail Road/South Frontage Road Intersection becauge demand for the southbound to eastbound left turn will be slightly reduced. Alsor the reduced volunes generated by the redevelopnent proposal and relocating and consolidating the access to the property will improve traffic operation at the south and east approaches to the 4-VIay Intersection. 24 PRELIIIINARY TRAFFIC ITIPACT ASSESSITENT 26 TRAFFTC ITIPACT ANALYSTS of the PROFOSED YAIL GATEYAY DEYELOPMENT Vail, Colorado Prepared for Palmer Dwelopment Comparry Boulder, Colorado Prepared by TDA Colorado Inc. I155 Sherman Street Denver, Colorado 80203 February 2, 1988 TDA Cqrtents TDA I I I List ol Figurcs Fig,ure Page I I vicinitv Map ' zI ' T;':T;H::J,'**"*' 3 3 PM Peak Hour Project Traffic Volumes 7 I ; Year 2005 PM Peak Hour Turning Movement 8 I I I Tabulations I I Change in Site Traffic Volume I I I t I I I I I TDA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t TRAFFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT VAIL GATEVAY Vail, Colorado Summary of Findings We have assessed the potential impact of redeveloping the existing Vail Viltage Amoco station parcel into a commercial/residential land use consisting of specialty retail shops, a bank, office space and 13 residence units. For our desitn day analysis (typical day during the mid-February to late March high winter season), we estimate the proposed development will tenerate about 350 fewer daily trips and about 40 fewer peak hour vehicle trips than the existing service station /car wash. Since atl vehicular access to the proposed Vail Gateway development would be via a Yail Road access drive, Vail Road could experience about 35 more peak hour vehicle trips and South Frontage Road about 80 fewer peak hour trips as a product of re development and closure of the existing South Frontage Road access to the Amoco station. This shift of traffic volumes accessing the Amoco parcel will impart a minor benefit to the four-leg Vail Road/South Frontage Road intersection because demand for the heavy southbound to eastbound left turn will be slightty reduced. Left turn demand from this and the eastbound-tenorthbound left turn, coupled with the proximity of the I-70 eastbound ramp intersections, will result in peak period congestion even after planned traffic signals replace the existing four-way stop controlled intersection. Although reduced volumes generated by redevelopment of this parcel would not dramatically effect intersection operation, closing, consolidating, and relocating the access to this parcel will improve opera- tion at the south and east approaches to the Vail Road/South Frontage Road intersection. Existing Conditions The proposed Vail Gateway development will be at the main intersection in Vail Vitlage-South Frontage Road and Vail Road, see Figure l. This intersection currently is controlled by stop signs at each approach. Traffic counts taken in March, l9E6 show the predominant turning movements are -l-TDA ,. SOUTH "l\Jl qt VICINITY I4AP VaiT Gatewag FIGURE 1 TDA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I between South Frqntagc Road and Vail Road to the north (Figure 2). Traffic votume on Vail Road south of ttre frontage road is considerabty less than the other three legs of the intersection. The lour-way intersection experiences delay at numerous times during the high winter se.uion primarily as a result ol skier traffic travelling between South Frontage Road and the closely spaced diamond interchange ramps of I-70 on Vail Road. I Iaar tott G rtT.'s. .6 6tt t Ll ro.<-lr.l ,.{' source.. Vail Interchange Report Draft, Fig Figure Z EXISTING P.M. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUME The existing Amoco station on the site of the proposed development serves local and interstate motorists with eitht dual product fuel pumps (16 dispensers) and one self-serve car wash bay. Mechanical repairs and vehicle maintenance are provided as well. The station has one access drive to South Frontage Road and unrestricted access along the Vail Road frontage. Based on annual, peak season, and peak three-hour fuel sales data provided by the service station owner, peak day volume generates more than 1300 vehicle trips during the l5-hour dap 'The three-hour peak demand period accounts for about 400 vehicle trips. This typically occrrrs between 3 and 5 p.m. Data provided by the lnstitute of Transportation Engineers in the publication Trip Generation would suggest this E-pump station would generate about 1050 vehicle trips pcr average weekday. On a typical fair weather day, the car wash will generate another 100 vehicle trips, for a total average weekday volume of about 1160 vehicle trips. Based on trip teneration s- FnoxtacE nD- -3-TDA l. 2. I t I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I studies by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), service station peak hour volume is about 12% of the daily volume and the peak hour of activity occurs during the early afternoon. An estimation of future trips generated by the proposed redevelopment of this parcel is discussed in the following section. Proposed Dcvelopment The Vail Gateway development will contain l2r100 square feet of specialty retail shops, a possible(l) 41000 square foot banking space, 4,000 square feet of office space, and on the upper levels, 12 two-bedroom apartment/ condominium units and one 3-bedroom penthouse unit. All vehicular access will be to underground parking. Access to parking will be on Vail Road at the south edge of the property about lJO feet from the South Frontage Road intersection. Applying trip teneration rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers'Trip Generation publication would suggest the sum of individual land uses proposed would generate 1305 daily and 153 p.m. peak hour vehicle trips on an average weekday. These- estimates are based on studies conducted at suburban sites having little or no public transit service and usually an abundance of surface parking available. Vehicle trip generation in this Vail Village settint will be somewhat less than the ITE rates for several reasons: The development will draw largely from the surrounding Vail Yillage commercial and resident base rather than diversion from I-70. With limited on-site parking available, a number of retail, office and bank employees residing within Vail will either walk or use the free public shuttle bus rather than use on-site parking spaces needed for short term customer or visitor use. l. Analysis assumed bank space in lieu of additional retait space as afiworst case" scenario. Retail p.m. peak hour trip generation rate is about two-thirds les sthan bank trip rate. -4-TDA I I I t I I I I I I t t I I I I I I T t 3. The retail space will largely fuction as an addition to the existing ?901000 sguare foot commercial corc area of Vail Village. Many slroppers will have already parked in the Village or Lionshead parking Sarates. 4. A sizeable number of winter destination visitors arrive in Vail via courtesy vans, limos, or scheduled or charter buses. These ltransit-captiven vistiors will either walk or use the free shuttle to visit Vail Gateway and other Village attractions" Vith these travel characteristics in mind, we have factored the respective free-standing suburban trip generation rates by retail - 60% bar* - 50% office - E096 residence -70% Accordingly, the Vail Gateway development would generate ElO daily vehide trips of which 95 (45 in, 50 out) would occur during the 4-5 p.m. peak hour. These vehicle trips will distribute over the local roadway system according to place of residence and access to the regional roadway system (I-70). Vail Road rcuth of the project serves only local abutting properties. Meadow Drive and Gore Creek Drive intersect Yail Road but each is a restricted auto-free zone. South Frontage Road is the major collector in Vail, linking East and Vest Yail with Vail Village. Vait Road north of the site accesses I- 70 eastbound and westbound ramps. Assumed peak hour trip distribution for the proposed projects isl Vail Road South Vail Road North Frontage Road East Frontage Road West Total The subsequent section discusses the over the prevailing roadway network. 30% 27% t6% 27% 10096 net impact -5- of distributing these trips TDA I I I I I I Anticipatcd Traffic Cmditions Table I depicts the change in vehicle volumes as a Vail Gatewqay project replacing the existing Vail station/car wash. result of the proposed Village Amoco service I I I I I I I T I t I t I TABLE I Site Tralfic Yolumcs No. oI Daily Units Trips Existint Development Amoco Service Station 8 pumps 11064 Amoco Car Wash I bay 100Subtotal I,164 Proposed Yail Gateway Retail Bank Office 2-bedroom condo 3-bedroom condo Proposed vs. Existing P.M. Peak Hour In Out Total 66 6? t28 6612--n -E T4o- 12 ksf 304 20 2A 40 4 ksf 420 17 17 344ksf 42 ? 8 l0t240549L6112 Subtotal --10- -Ti -m -95 Net Change -354 -27 -lt -45 Figure 3 illustrates how the net change in 4-i fewer peak hour site trips would be distributed over the proposed access system. Vith all access to Vail Gateway via Vail Road, the section of Vail Road immediately south of Frontage Road would experience an increase of 3E vehicle trips as compared to the existing c.rse. South Frontage Road, on the other hand, would have 45 fewer vehicle trips east of Vail Road and 35 fewer vehicle trips east of the parcel. This change is a direct result of closing the existing South Frontage Road access to the site upon redevelopment. Local street operation was tested for future buildout of Vail Village. The future (year 2005) background volume was derived from the II-70 Main Vail Interchange Draft Report, December 15, 19E7." Traffic assignments were based on reassigned 1986 traffic volumes associated with the proposed construction of button hook eastbound I-70 on and off ramps near the Vail Associates shop as recommended in the interchange report. Mainline (freeway) growth for this twenty-year period is estimated by by the State Highway Department to be 58% over 1986 volumes. Considering the -6-TDA I, I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I A. EXISIIl'|G B. PROPOSED CHANGE I -18 IN P.M, PEAK HOUR VOLU|"IE FIGURE 5 -TM C. NET CHANGE -7- I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T t I I relatively buiJtout nature of vail village with respect to the vail valley, we have allocated 2O-year growth at the main Vail interchange as lollows: o 50% hcrese to turnint movements to and from south Frontage Road and the ramPs. o 20% increase in through traffic along South Erontate Road and Vail Road south of Frontage Road' Figure e illustrates year 2005'peak pm. hour turning movements at the vail Road/South FrontaSe Road intersection with the proposed project volumes included. 555 i,J I 265 768 246 +-f 1105f' 35s VAIL RD. Figure 4 YEAR 2OO5 P.}I. PEAK HOUR VOLIJME The p.m. peak hour was selected as the most critical for design PurPoses since it includes afternoon skier traffic peak activity and a period of rehtively high project traffic demand. As this intersection is slated for traffic signal installation in the near future, our traffic operation assumed eight-phase, tully actuated signat control. Average intersection delay tor the design condition was comPuted to be 36'41 seconds per vehide which is considered Level of Service D operation. This level of delay is usually considered acceptable for design purPoses in urban settints. At other times of the day and during off Peak seasonst average delay will be correspondinglY lower. FRONTAGE -8-TD/ I T I I I I I I t I I t I t I I I I I Left turns into the site were investigated for left turn storage requirements. For the year 20 design year, the left turn demand of 30 vehicles per hour conflicts with an estimated 328 northbound vehicles per hour. For '.r 4nrignalized tratlic control, this would sutgest a storage length of 40 fect lor the lelt turn into Vail Gateway. The access drive is about 150 feet south of Frontage Road. Henst the left turn storate for northbolrd Vait Road toi' westtornd Frontage Road et the trattic signal vottld have aboqrt 90 fcef availabler atter transitionsr for left turn storage. This would be space enough for four autos which should be sufficient for the estimate peak demand of 6J left turning vehicles per hour. Condusion Redeveloping the existing Amoco service station site into a planned retail/office/residential development will result in somewhat fewer daily and peak hour vehicle rips generated by this parcel. Closing the existing South Frontage Road access drive will help reduce conflicts and potential delays at the four-leg Vail Road/South Frontage Road intersection. Locating the sole access drive for the proposed Vail Gateway development at the south end of the property will enable left turns into the site to store in a separate lane out of the way of southbound thru travel on Vail Road. The net eftect of each of these traflic operation changes that are part of the proposed development project will be improved traffic oPeration for veNcles passing through the main Vail Village intersection. -9-TDA I I I t I I I I I t T I I I t I I I I SUPPTEITIENT The following plans and exhibits represent revisions nade duringthe planning process for this project and reflect changesrequested by both the Departnent of Conrnuniby Developnent andPlanning and Environmental Comrnission. These plans were reviewedby the Planning and Environrnental Comnission at their March g, 1988 Hearing. A sunmary of the revisions made and the infornation which iscontained in this section is as follows: FIoor Plans: The Lower Parkinq Level plan hasadditional parking. The number ofprovided has been increased from 75 to The Farkinq/Cornmercial Level plan hascovered loggia on the southwest corner The Third Level plan has been revisedoffice space, reconfiguration of UnitUnit *307. been revised to indicatestructured parking spaces 90. been revised to indicate aof the building. to indicate ellnination of*306, and the addition of The Fourth Level plan has been revised to indicate theelimination of Unit *401 due to consideration of the view co rr idor. Elevations: The North, East, West, and South elevations have been revised inorder to reflect the elirnination of Unit *401, the addition ofthe loggia, revision to roof pitches fron l0l12 to B/12t and thereduction in roof heights. View Studv: A revised study has been included which depicts the current viewfron the Vail Road/Frontage Road Intersectionr the proposed Vailvillage Inn expansion and its irnpact upon the view, and thecomparison of the view inpact of the Vail Gateway both asoriginally proposed and as modified. The site andaddition of landscape plan the loggia,has been modified and reflects theadditional landscaping, a planter I I I extending around the northwest corner of the siter and the - elininatlon of the Eurface parklng spaces along Vail Road. r Revieed Floor Areas and Parkinq Calculationsr t Floor areas have been revised for each use and parking calculations revised as follows: I I I T Retail: Bank: Of f ice: 10800 s.f. 36 parking spaces required 3800 s.f. 19 parking spaces required 3750 s.f. 15 parking spaces required 13 Dwelling Units: 13000 e.f. 26 parking spaces required TOTAL 96 parking spaces required 90 parking spaces provided I I I I I I I I I I I T- Parki€ Lower Paftrg Level tlf- I I'* I I I I I I I T I I I T I I t I fp Trastt =---- -- o.oo F (t,o O) P o E Parkip Parklng/Conrmercial Level eL 95 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I t I Third Level d,127 Rocf Gaden Fowth Level el, 137 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I East Elevation SorJill Hevatkrn W ,2\, It --Jit,\l)' -(./\ mhe nmosd-416e Egsq{4e f_@-l€4?f.d, 137 6] L'-.i rol€/d_iln_ Sewrd l*ev€lgt{Z @el,1o2 _Pafins4q9!'8trercjd L€\d ettF I I I I Vew Frun Val Road West Elevation IIIIIIIIIIITIIIIIIT FE FE$z o.E o ct) P.Ioxl! ffi ffi rt if t I 161FI -l t: I I t T I I I t I I IT III I '.Encroachrnent of Approved VVI Phase 4 Errcroachment of Htial Vail Gateway Submital Encroachment of Current Vail Gateway Submite rhma...rtr.[ ffiffi#F-.:.'4"IM *:t'ffi LARGE SCALE DRAWING, BLUEPRINT LOCATOR ?ro l, ,yr, rrA gy LnPdccrr? e P lAf,) WE \AVE IhE ENENGY: .d-*a_o RJC. t0ut0€R Rtc'0AU621 p89 August t, f989 Fnench and Stone, p.C. Attorneys at Law 720 Peanl Street Bou1den, Colonado 80302 Attn: Mr. Joseph French Re: Vatl. Oateway Gentlenen; Thls ls to conflrm our quotatton of $56,000.00 as a budget forthe costs assoctated wlth reftlltng the- excavatlon for f,rre vattGateway proJect. As we undergtand lt, thts ls the costassoclated wlth flrllng and abandonlng the excavatton ln theevent the developen does not proceed wlth constructlon by acertaln date next oprlng. If, you have any guestlons, please donrt hesltate to contact ue. Respectfully subnltted, RINGLAND-JOHNSON-CROWLEY COI,IPANY cc: Leo Palmer J1n Anest DEs 10 Es 0tflce ||6 2i0 gt., surE to trtsr 0€s mms, |or{A tE65 5t$45{|2t s 0E00 ottEe t7t ttvtmo n0., grllE fll u rEs,r, c 00.1 t1ct97.t 0l rf, | 3|1520 UIUIDER OFRCEg!0 PEmo$ Pt., sJm rao oJtocf o ra0lg{ro{20 ,l JN/gS zta Gene W. Schmrdl AND \{'ASTE r,rf MOer,rlNfDrreclor-Grounowater Mtnag6m€at Amoco Corporation / lu | tsasl Jutn Streel (5Dace /l5Jl Post Otfrce Box 3385 Tuisa. Oktahoma 74102 Envrronmenlai and Energy Clnservatron Envrronmenial Alldrs and Salet,, Deoanmenl 9r8 .660.4424 June 8, 1989 GHS 89-772 Mr. Hynn Eakins CoLorado DeparEmerE of HeaLch 4210 East llEh Avenue Denver, C0 80220n b Subjecr:Amoco Service Stacion #7439. 12 S. Froncase Road Vai I Colorado; Notificacion of Hydrocarbon Occurrence The Arnoco Groundr.raEer Hanagemenr SecCion (GUS) trereby nogifies the Srageof colorado of rhe eristence of subsurface peEroreum hydrocarbons aE. E.he subjecc siEe, in accordance with newly adopced Federal Underground SLorage Tank Regulat ions . Decails concerning subsurface E,esting are ouElined in che at!ached report. currenc,!y, che GHS is perforning addicional analysis Eo assess che exEent,of the hydrocarbon plume. We ancicipate completion of the investigaEion by JuLy 7, 1989, rhere we will chen evaluaEe remediacion alternacives. lh9uld you have atr)r questions concerning Ehe above, please conEact rle at 918-660-4435. ht+4{ Paul E. Fairbauks PEF: Pb 89159ART0245 At tacbnenc cc: D. ll. Barker - ChicagoJ. Forres E - Corumerce Ci t,yJ. C. Klasing - ChicagoJ. A. Rogers - Overland park G. lJ. SchnidE/H. S. Johnson - Tulsa .iuH i:j 1933 o Gene W. Schmidt Orreclor-Grounowater Mtntganrant . April 27,. 1989 t.tl Amoco Corporation 7201 East 38tn Street (Space 7253) Post Office gox 3345 Tuisa, Oklanoma 74102 Envrronmg613l an6 Snergy Consewatton Envrronmental Atlarrs ano Safew Depanmeni 9r8 - 660-1424 cMs 89-605 Mr. Janes Ares E Palmer Developmen! Company 2701 Iris Avenue, Suice A Boulder, C0 80304 Subjecr: funoco Seryice Scacion ll7Q39, 12 Souch Frontaqe Road. VaiI Colorado, Site AssessmenE Resulrs The Araoco Groundwar.er HanagemenE section (clts) is preased Eo present thissi!e assessmenc reporE concerning subsurface investigacions oi hvdrocarbon consEiEuenEs aE. Ebe subjecr site. The prelirninary invesrigarion o,as per-formed by chen NorE.hern, rnc. during ch! rernovar of onsice undergroundstorage Eanks, and included c.he following: 1. field analysis of excavar.ion soil; 2. soil sampling; 3. sanple analysis for hydrocarbon coastituenis; 4. review of groundnaE.er condi!,ions. BeEweeu April ll and i3, 1989, five 'nderground storage Eanks were uncov-ered aud renoved (see Figure 1) ia compriance crith stire notification,sa-ugling, and constrrrcEion procedures. rt sbould be D.oEed that .che statecurrently endorses anI enforces code of Federal Regulations (cFR) part 2g0of Tirre 40, Tec;hnical Staodards and corrective Aciioo B.equirenenE,s forormers-and operitors of uodergrouud storage Taoks, Based. upon thedecection of petroleurladened soils in ercavat.io! A, additional soilseere reEoved fron rbe sidewarls and taok base (see Figure 2) uacit fieldreadiags (utilizing an El{u pbotoionizaEion deEector oi pto) nere belosf09. Soil sanples were then collected (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7., g, 9, antl l0)aod analyzed for peEroleuro consEiEuents. sarnple no. 3 was collecced. frosrstockpiled soils, which appeared uncontaminated.. ApprorioaEely l00.cubicyards of petroleuro-ladened soils and t,he sEeel ranki-pere disposed bysEate approved procedure. Based, upon analysis resulEs (Table l), additioaal soirs eere removed fronetcavaEions B and C (see Figure 2) until pID readings eere below I00.Approrimately 50 cubic yards of peEroleum-ladeoed soilr "e.e properly dis-posed. cleao soils and imporred soils nere utilized for *cavarion Lack-filting. A liniced a.ounr of peEroleum-ladened soil was urilized as fill o rnacerial in rhe upper 2 fc of the excavacions Eo provide for an asphalcbase. Based upon-Lhe daEa presenc.ed in this invescigacion, additional rernedi-aEron rs npr ancicipaced. Ic is our underscandin[ rhat the sice rrillundergo consErucEion acciviries. I're ancicipate only liaited residualhydrocarbon consEiluencs ryirhin the subsurfice. ll9"l9^ygY lave any queslions concerning Ebe above, please conEacr me ar918-660-4435. Table 2 presents liquid perroleun appears ro. be in Paul 8.. Fairbanks Hydrogeologisr PEFlrnph 891l7ART0l21 At Eachmencs cc: D. M. Barker - CbicagoJ. A. Rogers - Overla.qd park J. ForresE - Comerce City G. fl. Scbnidr/lt. S. Jobnson - fulsa groundwsgg; gauging results of February 27, Lgg9. Nolras encounrered in any of the erells and Ehe gradienc a rles t,erly direccion. o TABTE I Dissolved Aromatic Hydrocarbon ConcenErations in Soi! Sarnples, ,, hoco Service Scarion +7439, Vail, Colorado TocalTocal* Dissolved Ethyl- Total peEroleum Aronaric" Soil Beazene Toluene beniene rytenes Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons . SanPle # --.---- April 11, 1989 1q1 2ir,,440 '522G 6 Boz, tto Ap,ril 13, 1989 8 ND }tD I{D UD <Ig ltD lrD lrD ND 99' l0 lrD ilD lrD lrD t25 ND ND ITD UD r Not detected at o? below 0.001 ng/1. Statisrically reproducible, dececrioa linic 0.0f ngl1. ' * E?A llethod 418.1 .- -' :, ':: ' t o TABLE 2 .. Croundtlatir Elevacions Amoco Service Station lll439, Vail, Colorado,', February 27, l9g9 gJetl Elevarion of i oeprtr Depch",r producE GroundnaterNo. Top of Casing to product to Warer Odor? Elevacion I too.53 32.50 slighr 68.032* 98.70 31.87 None 65.833* ' 100.10 32.80 yes 67.304 101.88 34.30 yes 67.58 ' * The metal protective cover nas nrissing. The annular space. between the necal casing and the pVC casing tlas full oi *acer. VAIL V ILL.AGE ATOCO STAT I ON I2 SOUTH FRONTAGE E\ =\I -- f z EI =l-l - lgaE^r D C 6Rov/rDtJATZ.n 0898r/a71a/{ wetJ- At t-.1 Ao solu 5aerpr-L LocAilo^r5 ( r r5 a, co'\Potci. or 5'iccro ^=-) oRrL'to^rq r- EXc^v,qrrOej EQr..er.A- 6Jqu ExarlATroat SeR rlertrr CONCRETE CANOPY AAo.,C ORcvNtt4 F--rrl l-- -, -a\ E{cAve}a,r: ^ MU-' ,----? - t I -FT'- At^ rl exav4n*U I i lx\,r rt r-1 VAIL VILLAGE A}1OCO SJATION =1q31;> a.'^, '-J =>\^r\a/-3 i2:\4 !\ VAIL --i'4-aq BA.V4! $ ?n:J\:" j€Ci,' C^/ L€GE^J b e 6fuvlt>rtag.R A'L9 0B9?t/a71w weu- VAIL V I LLAGE AHOCO STAT rofl 12 SOUTH FRONTA6E o FRE{UdN U}JLEAtrES (GoLb)' [ *z unsre orL TANK WASTE OIL TANK CONCRETE CANOPY ,ay-3 o --5-.------''...-- "nrti-Z?ap HV-2t,,lLLAbED (irLvlt) :i\ (4 rPoo 5a'r') ( 4rPoo 1^t'\ VAIL ROAD OrO APFco<gA(^'Lt FbuRE [ : ]iieVror\ Ex)Sld6 U,uDeR6Rou^r\ jrrRqae -FANK5 AA gcg lJ R o vN D urotaf tr 4 N^'c e A z^t7 u.. ., oi, | :i' ! J',$^:5"# g'.: t{ ltr '!lc, l ( TI -l - c HV-t STATE OF COLORADO colorado oepartment of H€alth Hazardous Malerials and wast€ Management Diviglon 4210 E. 11th Avs. Donvsr, Colorado 80220 {303) 331-11806 WYNN EAKINS G€ologist Solld Waste and Incldonl Managsm€nt r:l ED a:tt C Unrepaired Leaks ean Be Costly G.[oDs c![o|E Orllonr GdlonsPar par prr p6r Slz. ol L..k Hour Day llo| h y.rt On€/tf,ro drops p6r second .05 1.2 36 4its fntermittent stroam 0.9 21.6 64.8 ITt6 1/16 fnch stream 3 72 2t6O 25,gm 1/8 inch stream 10.2 244-g ?U4 08128 3/16lnch stream 11 336.9 10107 121294 1/4 inch strgam 38.8 931.2 27936 9t5232 As lhis table indicat€s, there ts no such thing as a sma t6ak. Over a period ol months or years, th€ co6l ot aven thg smallestproducl l€ak cen be very expensivg, bolh in tsrms ot lo6t gasolino and damaga to th€ gurroundlng groudwater tablog. CD r:-!I ROSS DAVIS, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW VAIL NATIONAL BANK BUILDINC IO8 SOUTH FRONTACE RD. W. SUITE 307 POST OFFICE BOX I90 VAIL, COLORADO 8I658 303-47 6-24 | 4 FAX 301_479_0467 June 6, 1989 Joseph C. French French & Stone, P.C. 720 Pearl StreetBoulder, CO 80302 RE: Palmer Development/Conrad SterkeLLease Agreement da!,ed December 6, iggg Dear Mr. French: This office has represented Conrad Sterkel and members of his farnilyin connection with the sale of the property and the lease agreementsentered into in connection with thal closing. r have been luppliedwith the copies of your correspondence to Mi. sterkel_ as wel-l- iscopies of relevant reports and evaluations relating to the removal ofthe Amoco property.. under the lease agreement entered. into on December 6, 19gg by conradSterkel, the premises were to be operated and rnaintained as i servicestation up to and incruding March lt, l-989. Mr. sterkel ceased doingbusiness on the premises on March 31, l-9g9 and commenced. an orderryand prompt vacation of his inventory, fixtures and eguipment from theleased prernj-ses. Mr. Sterkel , in a-cordance with the understanding ofthe parties at closing and confirmed by his conversation with JirnAnest at the site renoved all eguipmenl, including doors and wind.ows,from the prernises.. They would be destroyed in connection with thedenolition and their removal in fact savld parmer DevelopmentsubstantiaL costs of demolition and removal . As you know the understanding between the parties was that thebuilding would be completely dernolished on or about May 1, l_989 andtherefore there was consequently no agreement between iy client andPalmer Development regarding se-uring the premises after theternination of the lease and vacation of tie prernises. Absent anysuch.agreenent, it is my opinion, that cornpliince with fire and "ir"tyrequirements after terrnination of l-ease anb. vacation of tne fi"*i=e=would be the property owners/1and.lord riabirity and obligatiln. At _closing your client took title to the property with fur-l knowredgeand awareness of, and subject to, the wrilteir teise to the prernisesbetween the Sterkels and Arnoco Oil Corporation u-nder which i,rnoco oil Joseph C. French French & Stone, P.C. June 6, 1989 Page 2 had installed and maintained the oil and cJas storage and distributionsystens which are described in the l'Additi-onaL MiscellaneousProVisions to Lease Agreementrr as rrtanks ernd linesr.-- ---.- That lease cancelration was recorded on December 9, 1988 in Book 496at Page 62L of the Eagle county clerk and Recorder's office withcancellation effective April 1, L989. uniler the terms of that LeaseAmoco oil-agreed to remove al-l tanks and l.ines within thirty days ofsuch termination, and Sterkel agreed to rneike such arrangements and usehis best efforts to secure completion of t:he work with:-n:o days. Amoco oiI, in a tinely manner, hired bonded and approved contractorsto remove such tanks and lines. Such removal included the removaL andhauling of Lhree fuel storage tanks, two waste oi1 tanks and allrelated transmissions lines to a toxic waste disposal site in .Denver, colorado as welr as the removal and hauling to the same disposal siteof twelve truck Loads of contaminated soil. Those procedures wereobserved in there entirety by representatives of bolh the Town of VailDepartment of Health, acting to insure enforcement and compliance withcolorado state Rules and Regulations, which are in turn based onFederal standards, and Town of vail Fire Department which supervisedand approved the means and rnethods utilized to remove the tanks and1ines. Amoco then derivered, in a tinery rnanner, its verification and proofof completion of the removal of the underground storage tanks,distribution lines connected thereto, dispensing uniti, andcontarninated soils, (except for some ninor soil replaced. on the sitetrith the -approval of Jirn Anest to act as a base for asphalting of thedisturbed ground). Ground water tests were also conducted at the expense of Amoco andthose results were provided to you. My investigation has revealedthat neither Federal Governrnent nor the State Dipartrnent of Health hasa procedure for issuance of a certificate of satisfactory completionand that-the only action.that they take is a disapproval or rejectionof procedures and conditions'with a recommendation of remedial-rneasures that rnust be taken to bring the property within compliance. Review of the correspondence indicates ttrat any objection to thequality of ground l'rater tests on the site resutts in a concern thatthis condition rnay reguire a filtration and purification of groundwater that is pumped out of the construction site during excivationand construction. My discussions with paul Fairbanks, thehydrogeologist for Amoco oil , and review of his letter indicates and.confirns that Anoco stands ready to provide, at their sole cost and - a Joseph C. French French & Stone, P.C.June 6, L989 Page 3 expense, arl necessary ltround water filtration and purificationfacilities at the site. They have also committea to provideassistance in the removal of any additional contarninated soil that maybe found on the property, in locations other than those from whichthey excavated trre exisling tanks and lines, if such conditions arerevealed in connection with the excavation of the site. Amoco oil isnot villing to leave determination as to means and methods to palmer Development, but has expressed a willingness to have theirrepresentative on site to coordinate the removal of any suchcontaminated soils or waters at the sole cost of Amoco. Under the Lease Agreement, Conrad Sterkel , has in my opinion,performed his obligations fully as he has terrninated business on March31, 1989, he has coordinated and infact secured the removal of al]tttanks and linesrr ltitfrin the reguired thirty day period and turned thesite over to you to commence construction oi or-alout May 1, l-9g9. r have talked to officials at the Town of vail and they inform thatthey never requested any soils or water inforrnation reports andwere concerned solely that the regulations and procedures for removalwere forlowed and cornplied with by Amocors contiactors. Also myconversations with the Planning Department indicate that on or lboutMay J., 1989, Palmer Developments Architects had not yet obtained finalplan check approval, and in fact have not to date paid. over $l"2,oooowed to the Town of vail for such plan check serviles,had beendirected to take no further actj-on-on their plan checi procedures. ram also informed that you have never obtainel approval irom the Townof vail of a plan of construction proced.ures reilting to the usage ofthe Frontage Road and Vail Road adjacent to the site. In my discussion with Paul Fairbanks he nentioned a conversation rnwhich he was infortned that the construction loan could. not be closeduntil Amoco provided certain certifications and verificationssatisfactory to the bank. Neither Mr. sterkel nor Amoco had beeninformed prior to May l-, L989 of the fonn and content of anvcertifications or reports that would be required by any co.r3tructionlender- when Mr. Fairbanks inquired as to who he should contactdiscuss these requirements wi{h at the construction lenderrs office,representatives of Pal-mer Deveropment declined to provide hirn withthat information. rn conclusion it is ury opinion that Mr. conrad sterket is in fullcompliance with the tertns of his lease agreement and his obligationsthereunder and is entitled to an irnmediate rerease of the escrowedfunds. It is ny further opinion that Amoco removed the tanks, related -: oJoseph C. FrenchFrench & Stone, p.C. June 6, l_989 Page 4 lines and dispensing facilities in a tinely manner using experiencedand properly bonded and insured contractors that all removai was doneunder the supervision of the Town of vail Departments of Health andFire and that such agencies have expressed n6 objection to theprocedures and methods used in such removal . The soils and waterexamj-nations indicated a minor ground. water contamination, a situationwhich has been reported to the cororad.o Department of Health withinthe thirty day period required by statute lnd Regulations. Theexperience of Amocors hydrogeologist is that thei.r recommendation andrequirements will be that new telts be conducted (which have beencompleted) and that a filtration and purification system be installedand utilized during the excavation process to preveit the discharge ofuntreated waters into the water system of the Town of vai1, neith6r ofwhich should delay construction. Amoco has agreed to provide at theircost these filtration purification services ai well as assj-stance withcontarninated soils that are discovered. in connection with theexcavation of the property. rt is also our further interpretation of the agreement between theparties that application for and the issuance 5f a building pernit bythe Town of Vail- for the commencement of denolition or exciv-ation orthe site entitles Mr. Sterkel to the release of aI1 fund.s escrowed. acthe FirstBank of Vail . Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this matter.have any questions fegl free to contact rny office. ./..-----] If you cc: Conrad Sterkel Paul FairbanksPeter Patton Sincelety Qn{*^7 office of communily development lnwn May 25, 1989 l|al 75 soulh frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47!t-2139 Peter Jamar Peter Jamar AssociatesVaiI National Bank nuilding, Suite 308108 South Frontage Road WestVail , Colorado 81652 Dear Peter: A! oul May 15 rnterdepartrnental meeting, we discussed the realignmentof vail Road at the west Meadow Drive intersection, as per yourletter of May 5, r-989. while acknowredging that tnis pioi"lt nu"been depicted on the urban Design cuide-plin for a number-of years,there has never been.overwhelming support for itrs inplernentationfrom some Town of vail departnents. -r retieve the conclusion fromMonday's meeting.was that the project requires a rot of additionalanalysis before it.is actually felsible ind that the project neeas tobe planned and designed in conjunction with future irniroi"*"r,ir-iothe west Meadow Drive corridor. specifically, there ias disagreernentover whether or not an offset may be the besl solution to the-roadrealignrnelt or perhaps even a lelger offset than shown on the urbanDesign Guide plan. rn general, there.r/ere.l?!-of questions and obviously not too manyanswers about project specifics at this stage of the pioject,sdevelopment. Furthermore, r have heard that there arl financialdifficurties with the ski Museum,s proposed rnoved into the v"ii-village rnn building. r.,eo's money rnay-be better spent at this pointto help the ski Museum move so that we have a vacairt site to "oirwith on the west side of vail noad. Due to the rnore than fulr plateof capital .iruprovement projects planned for 1.999, it would bevirtually. impossible to do the required design work and construct theroad.realignment this year. However, personirry r feel that the road.rearignrnent project can be a valuable one and cln acconplish the o , '.9 intended purposes of lesseningstop, as weII as enhancing the Road to Lionshead. If I ian be S.incerely, A. Peter Patten, Jr.Director of Conmunity Devetopnent traffic down Vailfuture pedestrianof further help, Road fron the 4-waycorridor frou Vailplease let me know. PP:Ir 42 we3t me.dow drlye trall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 tlrc dep.rlmenl IlEMG,AI{DT'!{ . FRONT. RD. E. AS PER YOTIR REQUESI, I CPNDUCTED AN INSPECTION OF TIIE AMO@ SITE L€ATED Af 12 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD EAST, AT APPROXIMATETY 13:00 HOURS THIS DAIE. IIIE RESULTS OF' MY INSPECTION ARE AS FOII,OWS: 1. ITIE BIIILDING IS NOT SCURED TO PREVET*T T'NAUTHORIZED ENTRY. SERVICE BAY DOOR.S ARE GONE. ITIE OPENINGS DO HA\/E A STNGI,E BOARD NAILED ACROSS TIIE OPENING. IN SCI,IE EASES NAILS ARE STICKING IIIROUGH$IE BOARDS. MORS TO TITE RXST ROO}IS HAVE BEEN BLOCKED OPEN BY WHAT APPEARS TO BE A PIECE OF SCRAP PIPE AND A PLASTIC WASTE BASKEE. TNTERIOR DOORS TO TBE STORAGE ROOI{S Do NOT CLOSE AND ARE NOT LOCKED. 2. TRASH AND DEBRIS WERE FOttND r,yING ON lrrE FLOOR, ON r[IE SHELVES AND ITANGING IN \ARIOUS @NFIGTJRATION TTIROUGH OTII lHE STRUCTURE. IN ADDITION, A PII,E OF DEBRIS AND TRASH, TIRES, PIPE AND MISCELI,ANEOUS DEBRIS WAS FPTJND ON TIIE $(TERIOR OF' IITE STRUCTURE. WOOD PALI.,ETS, TIRES, I.IQUID CONTAINMS, AN AUTO}OTIVE BATTER,Y, TRASH AND II{ISCELLANEDUS DEBRIS WAS FOUND IN TIIE BAY AREA. IN ADDITION, TIIE COVERS TO HOLES IN TIIE IT,OOR OF TI{E BAy AREA WERE NOT IN PLACE, PRESENTING A HAZARD TO AI{YONE WALKING IN TITE BAY AREA. 3. WHAT APPEARS TO BE RESIDUE OF FLA![r,IABI-,E OR COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS WASlotND oN ITIE @,OIND OUTSIDE lItE STRUCIURE, ON 1ts8 FLOOR OF THE BUII,DING IN TITE ATTTC, ON TIIE BAY FT,OORS ATiID IN TIIE AREA USED FOR SToRAGE. AEROSOL CANS Wm,E rOtND LYING ABOUT ON THE ELOOR, A PLASTIC CONTAINM OF WIIAT SMETLED SIMILAR TO GASOLINE WAS FOUND ON A SHELF, SEVERAL FIVE GALLON MEf,AL CANS @NTAINING WHAT APPEARED TO BE OIt, GREASE, AND/OR FIAII4,IABI,E OR COMBUSTIBI,E LIQUIDS WERE FOUND IN VARIOUS PCRTIONS OE THE BUILDING (ONE ST'CH CICNTAINER, IN IIIE ATTIC HAS @RRODED THROUGIT TIIE SIDE WALL OF THE CONTAINER), AND I{HAT APPEARS TO BE AUTOIIIOTIVE BATTERY ACID PSSIDUE WAS TOI'ND IN CTJOSE PROXI!,IITY TO A SPILLED LIQUID ON A COT'NTtsR TOP LITTERED WITH PAPER AND TRASH. . Ar.too sIlE5 -. PAGE 2 INSPECTION 4. A LIGHT FIXTURE O\ZER II{E AREA V|IIERE TttE FUEL PtIvlPS WERE L,OCATED APPEARS TO B8 FALTING OFF ITIE CEILING. ONE GLASS WINDOW PANE HAS BEEN BROKEN AND IARGE PIECES OF BROKEN GTASS REUAIN IN IIIE IIR,AI{E. LITTER, PAPER, TRASH AND DEBRIS WERE FOUND TYING ON ITIE FLOOR OF WHAT WAS T{IE OFFICE. SEVERAL EMPTY BEER AND WINE BOTTLES WERE FOUND LYING ABOUT TIIE SIRUCTURE. 5. IIIE IOTDING STAIRS TO llIE ATTIC WmE FOTND IN THE DOI'IN POSITION, SEVERAL STEPS ARE MISSING, lTtE POINT OF ATTACHMENT AT TITE TOP OF ITIE STAIR APPEARS TO BE BROKEN, NO HANDRAILS WERE PRESENT, AND ITIE AIvIBIENT LIGTIT WAS INSI'IIFICIENT TO SM WITIIOUT ITTE AID OF A FLASIILIG}N. TITE ATTIC AREA IS NOT FIRE RATED, TS TITTERED WITH TRASH, TIRES, BROKEN BEffi BOTTIES, DEBRIS, INSULATION, PAPER, AUTOITTOTIVE PARTS, LIQUID @NTAINERS AND MISCH-,I,ANMUS ITEMS. A MAT WAS FOI'ND TYING ON T'IE ET..OOR IN SUCH A WAY AS TO RESEUBLE A BED ARR,ANGEMENT, POSSIBIJY USED BY A TRANSIENT PERSON OR PERSONS. 6. TIIE WATER AND ELEETRICA].. SER,VICE APPE,ARS TO HAVE BEEN TURNED OFT' OR DISCONNECTED. 7. TIIE AIR,ANGEMENT OF TIIE DEBRIS, TRASH, AND REMAINING @NTENTS OF ITIE BUITJDfNG IS SttCH TIIAT A FIRE WOULD RAPIDLY SPREAD, IN\/OLVE SEVERAL PG,TIONS ff' Tr{E BUTLDING, POSSIBLY TRAPPTNG ANy PERSON OR PERSONS SLEEPING IN rItE UNSECURED ATTIC, INTERTOR OIT'ICE ARBA, STORE ROOMS OR REST ROOUS. A FIRE WOTLD OTITE POSSIBLY INVOL\IE MATERIAL,S SUCH AS ERASH, PAPER, AND COMBUSTIBLE DEBRIS AS WEI,L AS FIAMMABLE OR CICMBUSTIB.,E LIQUIDS OR RESIDUES, POSSIBLY IIRES AND @MBUSTIBT.,E ELEIMNTS OF ITIE ACTUAI, STRUCTURE. @NELUSION lllE LoCATION OF I'I{E BI'ILDING, THE STATE OF DISREPAIR AND ABANDONMEM, TIIE AMOI'NT AND ARRANGEMENT OT CO!{BUSTIBLE AND POSSIBI-,Y FT,AI0.{ABLE FUF,S INSIDE TfiE BUILDING, TllE PROXIMITY TO THE VILLAGE INN COMPI,EX AND PREVAILING WIND CONDITIONS COMBINE TO POSE AN UNREASONABLE THREAT AND RISK TO TI{E HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF TI{E ffiNERAL PUBLIC. IT IS TIIEREFORE, MY OPINION 1TTAT TIIE A}OCO STTE, SPECIFIEALLY TTIE BUILDING LOCATED AT 12 SOUIH TRONTAGE ROAD EAgf, BLOCK 5D, LOT N AND PART OF O, TqtN OF VAIL, EAGLE @ItNTy, COLORADO, VtHreH RECORDS OF TIIE EAGIA @UNIY TAX ASSESSOR SHOW IS OWNED BV LEO PALMER, C/O PALII{ER DEVELOPIIENT @MPANY, 2735 rRrs AVEMTE, SUITE A, BOULDER, COLORADO, 80302, IS AN UNSAFE BUILDING AND A PUBLIC NUISANCE AS DESCRIBED, DEFINM AND INTENDED BY SEC1TION 2.201(8' OF {ITE 1985 EDITION OF IIIE UNIFORIi{ FIRE CODE, AMPTED BY 15IE TOWN OF VAIL, SPECITICAI,LY TOWN OF VAIL !,['NICIPAL @DE SECTION 1 5.02, AND SHOUIJD BE SUB'ECT TO ABATEMENT PROCEEDINGS AS PRESCRIBED IN TTIE UNITORITT CODE FOR TIIE ABATEIIENT OF DANGSROUS BIIII.DINGS OR BY OTIIB' REMEDIES PROVIDED BY I,AW. 42 wort m.ldow drlvoy!ll, colo?sdo 8161i7 (303) {76-2:100 tlre dopertmont May 18, 1989 \zq,IL1989 Leo Palmer Palner Development Conpany 2735 Irls Avenue, Sulte ABoulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Violations of Uniform Fire Code Dear Sirs: -.Durlng the past two weeks, I have observed what appears to beconditlons constltuting a fire hazard and warrantinglnvestlgation at what was known as the Amoco service statlon slte,located at 12 South Frontage Road East, Block 5 D, Lots w and partof O, Vall, Eagle County, Colorado. On llay 16, 1989, I contacledGary llurrain, Town of VaiI Chlef Building Offlclal, and madeinquiry into the status of ttre proposed tonstruction. I erasinforned the constructlon start date had not been established. . Gary Murraln requested I conduct a fire Lnspection of theslte. r contacted the Eagle county Tax Assessorrs office and wasadvised you are llsted as the ownei of that pa.rcel . I conducted an lnspection of the site at approximately 13:00hours, May 16, 1989. I took photographs to docurnent myobservations. The following conditlons were found to exist: 1. T,IIE BTIILDING TS NOT SECT'RED TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY. SM,VICE BAY D@RS ARE GONE. TTIE OPENINGS DO HAVE A SINGLE BOARD NAILED rcROSS TfIE OPENING. IN SOME CASES NAILS ARE STICKING fHROUGH ITTE BOARDS. MORS TO TTTE REST ROOMS HAVE BEEN BLOCKED OPEN BY V'HAT APPEARSTo BE A PrEG oF scRAP PrPE AND A PrJAsrrc wAsrE BASKBT'. TNTERTOR DOORS TO IIIE STORAGB ROOMS F NO! CLOS N.ID ARE NOT LOCKED. 2. TRASH AND DEBRIS WERE FOUND LYING ON Ti{E lT,ooR, oN THE SHEIJVES fu\D HANGING IN I/ARIOUS CONFIGURATION trHROUGH OUT TTTE STRUCTURE. ePalrner Developnen Anoco Buildlng 12 South Frontage Page 2 onpany Road East IN ADDITTON, A PILE OF DEBRIS AND TRASH, TIRES, PIPE AI,IDIIIISCELI,ANEOUS DEBRTS WAS FOUND ON TIIE EXTERIOR OF TIIE STRUCTURE. wooD PALLETS' TrREs, LrQurD @NTATNERS, AN AUToMorr\zE BATTERY,TR,ASH AND MTSCELI-.ANEOUS DEBRIS WAS FOT'ND IN TITE BAY AREA. INADDrrroN' rrtE covERs ro HoLEs rN TflE ItLooR oF TIIE BAy AREA WEREI9I rN PLACE, PRESNTTNG A IiAZARD To ANyor,lB WALKTNG rN TnE BAyARE,A. 3. IIHAT APPEARS TO BE RESIDUE OF FIAI{IIIABLE OR @!{BUSTIBLE I.,IQUIDSwAs FoUND oN THE GRoirND oursrDE rrtE srRUcrIJRE, oN TrrE FLooR oF TttEBUTLDTNG rN lHE ATTrc, oN llI{E BAY rliooRs AND rN TIIE AREA usED teRsrG'AGE' AERosoL eANs WERE FouND rJyrNG ABour oN rrrE HLooR, APTJASTIC @NTAINER I,ABELED REFRIGERANT OIL wAS T0UND oN A SHELF. SEVERAL FI\TE GALLON METAI, CANS CONTAINTNG WHAT APPEARED To BE9I!r @usE, AND/OR !T,,ArVMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE LTQUIDS WERE TOIJND IN\TARTOUS P@TIONS OF TTIE BUILDING. ONE SUCH CONTAINER IN ITIE ATTICHAs @RRODED rr{RoucH THE srDE wArL oF rt{E @NTATNER, AND VIIIATAPPBRS TO BE AUI'OI,IOTI\TE BATTERY ACID RESIDUE WAS FOIJND IN CLOSEPROXIMITY TO A SPIILED LIQUID ON A @UNTER TOP LITTERED WITH PAPERAND TRASH. 4' A LrGHT FD(TURE ovER lxIE AREA tfHERE ITIE FuE puMps WERELOCATED APPEARS ro BE FALLTNG oFF trtE cErLrNG. oNE crJAss wrNDowPANE WAS I,EFT BROKEN AND I,ARGE PIECES OF BROKEN GLAss REMAIN INlIlE FR'AI'!E. LITTER' PAPER, lRAslt AND DEBRIS WERE FOUND r.,yING oNTllE FTJ@R @ WHAT wAs lrlE oFFrcE. SEVERAr., EMpry BEER AND wrNEEOTTLES WERE FOI'ND LYING ABOTIT TTTE SIRUCTURE. 5. TTIE FOLDING STAIRS TO 1IIE ATTIC WERE FDUND IN TIIE DWNPosrBroN, sEvER'Ar srEPs ARE MrssrNG, IIIE porNT oF ATTACHI"IENT ATTTIE TOP OF THE STAIR APPEARS TO BE iTNOTNU, NO HANDRAILS WEREPRESENT, AND IIIE AMBIENT LIGHT !{As INsttFFTcIENT To sEE wrTHoUT TtrEAID OF' A FLASHIJIGTTI. TITE ATTIC AREA IS NOT FIRE RATED, IS LTTTERED TfITH TR,ASH,TIRES' BROKEN BEII_BOTILES, DEBRTS, iI.TSUT,EUON, PAPER, AUTOMOTIVEPARTS, LIQUID CONTAINER,S AND IIISCELIANEOUS ITEMS. A MAT WAS EOII,ID LYING ON IIIE ET,OOR IN SUCH A WAY AS TORESEMBLE A BED ARRANGEMENT, POSSIBLY USED BY A TRANSIENT PERSON ORPB,SONS. 5. TTIE WATER AND ELECTRICAL SRVICE APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN TI'RNMOFF OR DISCONNECTED. 7. rr{E ARRANGEMENT s' tllE DEBRrs, TRASH, AND REMATNTNG @NrENTsOF TIIE BUILDING IS ST'CH THAT A FIRE T{OULi NEPTPTY SPREAD, INVOLVESEVERAIJ PCRTIONS oF tItE BUILDING, POSSIBLY TRApprNc ANy paRsoN oRPERSONS SLEEPING TN TIIE UNSECURED ATTIC, INTERIOR OFFICE AREA;STORE ROOMS OR REST ROOMS. A FIRE WOULD OUITE POSSIBLY INVOLVEI'{ATERIALS sUcH As TRASH, PAPER, AND coMBUsrrBLE DEBRTS As wELrJ As o t Company Road East Palner Developrnen Amoco Building 12 South Frontage Page 3 ALAII,IABLE CR, COMBUSTTBLE LIQUIDS OR RESIDUES, POSSTBLY TIRES ANDCOMBUSTIBLE ELEMENTS OF THE ACTUAL STRUCTURE. Artlcle-3_r^Sg:!f9n 3.101 of the Unlform Fire Code srates,'l?:":3.101 Any person operatlng or maintainlng anyoccuFancy, premlses or vehicle subJect to thl; code whoshall permlt any flre hazard to ex-ist, on prernlses undernls control or who shall fail to take immediate actlonto abale a fire hazard when ordered or notlfied to do sobv pne drief or hls duly authorlzed. r"pi""""liti". sharlbe guilty of a misde*""'rroi.n - @NCLUSION THE L€ATION OF TEE BUTLDING, TITE STATE OF DISREPATR ANDABANDONMENT, TTIE AMOUNT AND ARRANGEMENT OF COMBUSiIBLE ANDPOgSrErrY EIA!&IABLE FUETS rNsrDE rHE BUrLDrr-rG, T1IE pROXrMr['y ro trrEVILLAGE TNN COMPLEX AND PREVAILING WIND CONDITIONS COI"IBINE TO POSEAN UNREASONAtsLE IITREAT AND RISK gO lIrE rrEAr,ri._SAiNrY AIIP WEI,FAREOP TTIE GENERAL PUBLIC. The Town of Vail Municipal Code, Sectlon 15.02, Unlform Firecocle, 1985 edition, _ArtrcLe i, sect,ion z.zo4 rur,-r!e"ir.l-irr!--=lssuance of orders for enforcement of frre prri"i"tron raws and thesafeguarding of rtfe and property fron flre whenever the chlef orduly authorized representitlire fincts_in any b,rirei"g or on anypremises, combustible, hazardous or dangerLus accumuratlons ofrubbish; or unnecess.rry accunurations oi """t"pap"r, boxes oi-arryllqnrv flarnrnable materLars wtrictr'-are so situatid-as to endangerllfe or-property; or shall find the effectlveness of any atticeeparatlon or aly fire separation wall is reduced. . -Therefore, in accordance with Town of Vair Munlclpal codes.ectiur 15-02' uniforrn.Fi_re code, 19g5 edition. eitrcrlr z.iot-wt, -sg r""rlses located at tz souih'rrontage Road East., Block 5 D,Lot-N and part of-O, Town of Vail, F.Sl6 County, Coioriao, AIELZ,ls hereby decrared to be "t u"JJfi, uuitahg uy'irrrtu" of ttreconditLons found during the course of rny fispictfon. Inaccordance wrth Artlcre 2.204 lal, you ire Greby ordered to abateall llsted hazards_by repatr, ietriuiiit;lid;-J&olirion, oi ---- removal withln 10 days oi receipt of thls noiice. Falrure togonpfy may result in the issuanle of a sumnons to appear InMunlclpal court. -upor_a flndlng of grulrtyr you-wili-be subJect topenaltles provided by law. Your ooperatlon in this natter wourd be greatry apprecrated.rf you desire more Lnformation or wleh to drscriss thlse'ir",rerr--- ],ou ray oontact rE by calllng (303) 4?9-2250 during normalbuslness hours. r .':':i 'i Palrner Developmen ..-;:; Amooo, Bulldlngi "" la south Fronfage Page 4 '- Slncerely, o t Conpany Road East Flre ltafshal ,Val,l FLre Department ,' cc3 Gary l'lurrain, Chief Buildlng Offlcial -- 'Errcroachment of Apprwed VVI Phase 4 Encroaclvnent of Htlal Val Gateway Submital Encroachment of Current Vail Gateway Subnftal