HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION RESTAURANTb+ €,/ , 6k at Vc,,r V,ilr" fr/ I qrut{w rr,/EloFtExr 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0-479-21 38t 479-2 1 39 FAx970-479-2452 December 30. 2008 Phil Long, Managing Partner Red Lion Restaurant 304 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81657 Re: Red Lion Restaurant Sign lssues Dear Phil, I am writing in response to sign code issues that have been identified at the Red Lion Restaurant at 304 Bridge Street in Vail. The freestanding sign with skis, shown in Figure 1, may remain in use per Title 11, Sign Regulations, as a traffic control sign for pedestrians, as well as for signage required by ourrent Colorado liquor laws, as shown in Figure 2. However, the chalk board, shown in Figure 3, is, as you agreed, not permitted per the provisions of Section 11-6-3, Business Signs, Vail Town Code. Title 11, Sign Regulatipns, Vail Town Code, also requires that all signage comply with maintenance requirements, as is the requirement for the signs in Figures 1 and 2. Specifically, the signs must be maintained per Section 11-5-3E, Maintenance, which states that ,?/l srgns, including their support sfructures and related fixtures, shall be kept in good repair; this includes replacement of lighting, repainting when appropiate, and other actions that contribute to aftractive signage. The display surfaces and hardware of all srgns shall be properly painted, finished, or posted at alltimes." I appreciate your help aind patience in bringing the Red Lion into compliance with the Vail Town Code. lf you have any qgestions or concems, feel free to call or email me. Best, fl-- r-R,*) - George Ruther Director of Community Development CC: RachelFriede flh*J I gnJ Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Deign Review Board ACTIOil FOnFI Oapartment of Comilerlty Oevelapment 75 s&*h Fronti0e ftoed, vall, Colo{ado 81s57 tah970.d79,1139 faxr970.4?9.2452 ileb i wvrw.r€ilgoY.tor$ Project Name: RED UON DfiERIOR ALTEMTION Project Description: Participants: OWNER MIAMI FL 33131 APPUCANT PHXL LONG 304 BRIDGE STREET VAIL co 81657 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL DRBNumber: DR8080134 REPTACE PATIO WAI.I SYSTEMS WfiH NEW AND IMPR.OVED MODELS. SAME AS APPEARANCE TOPOFTHE BRTDGE CORP 0413012008 1101 BRXCKELI AVE STE 800-5 Project Address: Legal Descriptaon: Parcel Number: Comments: 04/30/2008 Phonet 970-47G767 6 Location: Lok E, F Block 5A Subdivislon: VAIL VILIIGE FIUNG I 2101-082-5300-9 BOARD/STAFF ACTIOil MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Gillette Plante +0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 05/022008 Cond: B (PLAN): No dranges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes, Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approvaf, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS, Cond: 202 (PIAN): iApproval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Plannen NicolePeterson DRB Fee Paid: +250.00 ffn aa oB Ol:26p PHIL & JEHIIIFER LOHG rs?o1328-ao?4 p. t Ilinor Exterlor Albrations Application for Deelgn Revi€w ftpattneft of Conmudty Deldqpn€nt 75 So(|h Frontage Ro.d, vall, Colorado 816t te|: 9D.479.2128 lu.: 970,479,24.t2 wcb: wsw.'vailgo/.com €cnool lnGorrnrtlcn: All p{ojects GqLlrJng dedgn revievr mtEt reeive spproval trior to subndtting a building pcrmit appihaton Rea9e retlr to S|c g.brnlttll rcqrdrcmcrt tbr thc aarEcul.r lpgroyal llat i! ra+ced. An .pdkaton for D€3lqn Reyi€w c'1rFt bc rccrpEd untl all reqdrcd inbmaton is r€cdved by the Cs nunity Da4vcbp{ncrt Ll€prrBn nL Tfr troject rnay also .r€d b bc rwierv€d by tl|c Toan Councll md/or the PhdrB ad ErMro rErhl Commi$ofi. odgn rwlcw +prfnl tprcr udg a bddng pffit b ia.t .d end cqrtstcthn conmep witlltt oor ycr of thr rpp{ovd. Dccrfrtlo[ d thc R.qrtrtl Pfrq*rlrddr6 3O4 P*r.lllo.: .1l OlOg>5 r.scton drte Propo.A. r* EF efo.*'.-FA Ianingr Owr.(r) Slgrrtun(r)! llrlrdlpdbdl llrilIf lddrs*ttcl Phom: (Cont a Eagh Co. Assessor at 9m-328-86t0 fu par@l no.) lopdr fl4^ Bndnc orrqe4 ) crg rc (o lilrillnglddrnr tP L-x E-nrrllAdd|u: TyF of RcuLw r{d Fr: lJ 5ign3 /trcmc€pt €t Review tl flaw cmEEudiofl tr Aadldon MhorAlffion {md!-€n{y/ccnilnrrdC) Mkror Altsrdon {shglefsmlry/d'Jplo.) O|angen to Approtrad Plrn3 Scparrtion 9s0 1{o F€e $650 1300 $2s 120 120 No Fee t',l-;ue- WW@mc*f oe&- Lorn (.etl - q70 376-d+3q Plui $1,00 ps lqudr€ fo6t of total slgn s|ca. For corEftlldlon 0f a r|cw hdldlng or darno/rufulld, For an rdditon ufierc s+Erc botagc ls ldffi b any r€sidenurl or comm€rcid buildirp (hcldes 250 additifir & lnEid'con've'sior6). ftr mlrca dtalucS to buldrEF dtd siE impovEnEnB, sdl a3. rGrcdirg p8itirB, w'xldod ad|fronX [r|&caping, fi:nas and |!tlrdr! wdB ctc. fur mirFr dungps to buldngs d sft! improv!fiEnts. srci es, re'odrEb pliitil!, wlndow actsitbff, lildscapifB, frnces ard Etrining vrNltsl' ctc. For r€virtoG to darE already Agoved b PfarrlrE Staff or the D€gn AFricw gofiL n u -P bqa ;f,pn 28 Oa Ol ! ??p PHIL & JENNIFER LOIJG ?leas.whttit tt*e (3) aryla a/tie awsnis ndel tel az awl't* fl @*tl|rn€i Cofit|€ctor Egnaturq F :\cdlvlFoRi$S\Pdrdkvhndng\0[d foms\drb*mlEr-rlt-&2E'20t'7'doc ts70) 328 -au? i+p.2 ir$lon EXTERIOn AtrEnATrof, s TO BttItDItlGS AXD SltE Il'lpROVEl|CtfTS !ilrllrrrrAt RCQUIR'EUEI|TS Gcnsrcl trdorrndioal Thls applkatim b .Equlr€d for proposalg hvofuitts II {EI qtedof atteratioG and/or site ifipfovem€nts' prmsab b add tartbcaprrE d;;t ,.d;i6 -pprcvat rr*ees $ey invotve tl€ addltlcn of patbs' tuu-i* ru"tut*, gndinp, or the additicn of retahing walb' suer,lrfrA! RtoutlEEEXIE!: q SamP€.|TopograPhicSun€tt tr Satr and Crading Plan* q Latdtcagc Pl6nr o Archltecg.ra l Ekn atbr6' o gxtetfot cotot and mat€tiel sampb and spcciffcatlons' a Archlt€ctudl Floor Pbnsf ; List d"s Phn* and ai-shect(s) to' Pm?ced.!*tt'€s ..- --; frd;'t il ;duohg scn€dti* I a s b vtrirv orvnership ard easementsr o pftotot'ot ti'te a.bbrE slte and adtscent stnslures, JftEr€ ilplhaue' u writ*n approrrat rom a corfiiiti Csciamn, I"ttc*a' ino lotrrt ownet' if applica'e i stu"ponrl c-bgkd Hazatd Repor! if apdizbbr . .-o Ttre Admintsttlbr and/or dRd;d-^;Cfi fie s$mision of ddtbnal dar' drawings' gpecin{a orrs, sanprs ana'o$ri-ln**irar (hdudlng a_ modd) lf deerfled rtc€tsary to detefmine whcdpr a ,.t*r.ffi .fr;ft[-D*6 G'idefnat or if t]re lileflt of th€ propGal b not d€&ly indkrEd. r.For intefhr convdrbrB with no o(h:rhrd|E![le t}E tr-6.ninal reqdrcnerE lnclude-a.compteie sct of *il1rs "rd gdd-noo, puE ?ffiE6 written ar(@al fiom a cordtr inium 6ssoclat'on, lardbrd, ild lo.rt c un€t' if aPftk:abl€' t hrva rerd rnd uldcrrtrnd tftr llow lehd c[btttti'l lquhfirenE odu,sw(d affp8l08 ,- ,- {,r?"//-4, Preo 3 cf !3 May 01 08 09:55a Linda Malabyt 970-984{700 p.1 /t* /i- 0"*"^,r;,,r;,* Atu. 30v Etu tou Sa.'z Vat, &. t/6s7 Vt^7 l'e, ilwa fr' r{r: D*n q V,iU i 3i; -l ,;.* ivl,r"t* * h *l*'/'L /;'* *'ao"aa'a's TTe A W &s a4& uti"&oua' 'Lfitso*AJl +lVfruoo I t:lt, Vnl*c at 'J*e3 a'4 ;z @tfgras ,vS u* )l'b a.'* *5'Atf.a'; D A*- 7l-* 6 V;t'', fl* /i*?&a-wrn* Aaaa+ L aPbEi.y ff,,Zl- Ja'.'aL alxfitap M., y'rrs ntf O-*t*rZ^,t yrrA'l. 5"*u^'t7, /;*h^7ry. SUNFLEX Fenstersystemep SF 80 - Falt-Schiebe-Systeme Page 1 of2 Falt-Schiebe-Systemg Holz-Aluminium - wiitmegedflmmt Die Verlariipfung der Vorteile von zwei unterschiedlichen Mat€rialien macht Entscheidungen zur Materialwahl h6ufig iiberfliidsig. Das Wdrme isolierende Faltsiystem SF80 bietet diese Kombination. Innen verleihen Holzprofile eine warrne Optik und auBen sch{tzen unempfindliche Aluminiumfl6chen vor Wind und Wetter. Einsatzgebiete h@://www.sunflex.deldelprqdukte/faltaulagen/s80-falt-schiebe-systeme/?b<_wtgallery_p... 05/01/2008 SIINFLEX Fenstersysteme: SF 80 - Falt-Schiebe-Systeme Page I of2 SF 80 , '.:i.ti,:'l ' '::F-' : : lr t.. ..,".,,.." ,, ,,,,,,. ".,., ,.....,..i F' alt-Schieb e- System e Holz-Aluminium - wflrmegediimmt Die Verkni.ipfung der Vorteile von zwei unterschiedlichen Materialien macht Entscheidungen zur Materialwahl hiiufi g tiberfliissig. Das Wiirme isolierende Faltsystem SF80 bietet diese Kombination. Innen verleihen Holzprofile eine warrne Optik und auBen schtitzen unempfindliche Aluminiumfliichen vor Wind und Wetter. Einsatzgebiete h@://www.sunflex.de/de/produktelfaltanlagen/sf80-falt-schiebe-systeme/?tx_wtgallery_p. .. 05/0112008 ^tD Mtrtr@'/df APPLTcATToN wrLL Nl A" blf rynCrt'/"u" I T mmtwunnlY for 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 CONTRACTORINFO COMPLETE UATIONS FOR & Materials Contact Office at 97O-328-864O orvisit **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************** D tt -oz-t I BUILDING: $ 5OOo,'oo TOTAL:$ 5.OOO.6o number) 2lo t OaLS3OlL Fitins: L[Niy Q of work: y'lpgOtferrh )ptt6 5'ow*:5 ut t* - v Work Class: New ( ) Add ( ) Remodel( .) nepair4{ Demo ( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior pQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial 9Q RestauranlElp Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ONo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: L : Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wmd/Pellet ( ) Wood Bu : Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves pQ No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes F :/even/oneforms/bldgperm I Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restrict€d Delivery is desired.I Print your name and address on the revers€ so thal we can return the card to you.I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on lhe front if space permitrs. 1, Article Address€d to: SCET{AIGER q)NSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 18167 avol{, cp 81620 2. Article Number (Trdnsfar trcm setvice label) E Aqent I IE eaorussse C- Dat6 of D€livery | D. ls divery address differcd ftom item 1? lf YES, €nl6r delivsry address below: Yes EI No 3. S€rvlc€ Type E Certitied Mait E Express Mail E Rogist€r€d XR Return Receipt for Merchandis€ E Insured Mail E c.o.D. 4. Res'frict€d t),alivsry? Fxtra Fee) E yes PS Form 381 1 , August 2001 7002 1000 0004 6980 6568 Domestic Raturn ReceiDt B. Rec€ived by ( Pnhted Nane) Depar lment of Communily Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2152 www.ci.vail.co.ts April18,2003 Schwaiger Construction P.O. Box 18167 Avon, CO E1620 Re: Building Permits not picked up: 802-0130 Red Lion, add sound wall To Whom lt May Concern: A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that lhere has been no recent activity with the above listed building permit. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section '106.4.4' requirls evidence of construc{ion piogress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit' As per Uniform Building Code Section106.4.4, your permit has expired. tf no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the fite will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits returned. You will be invoiced for the plan check fee if one was charged. SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL ?00e 1,800 BuCI\ b180 bSbs Feel free to contact me al97}47g-2142 or Lynne Campbell a1970479'2150 with any questions.t% Charles E. Davis Chief Building Official CD/lc & *n*toruo TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 oroilr"r r oF coMMUN,r" orurroo,rt # ofGas Logs: 0 [tJh^ tft,-t+. t of Wood Pellet: 0 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: Job Address: 304 BzuDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: ll/28/2001 ParcelNo...: 210108253003 Issued. . '. lll28l200l ProjectNo : Expires. .: 05/27/2002 APPLICS!flI TRI COI]MTY FTRE EXTINGUTSTTER11/28I2001_ Phone: 970-625-4533 OWNER P.O. BOX 309 RIFTJE, CO 8155 0 License:109-S RED LIOII CONDO ASSOC 610 W. I,IONSHE.AD VAIL, CO 91657 License: tL/28/2o0L Phone:475-3535 CONTRACTOR TRI COITNTY FIRE EXTINGUISLIEPTL/29/20lL Phone: 970-625-4533 P.O. BOX 309 RIFLE, CO 8165 0 License:109-S Desciption: UPGRADING HOOD SYSTEM (REDLION REST) Valuation: S1,100.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGa"s Applianccs: 0 FEE STMMARY Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Inv€{iigatioF> wi[ call_> Total Calculatcd Fa!'s--> Additional Fccs--_-; Total Pcmit Fcc----i Payments--*-------- - RAI.ANCE Dl rE-------. $4 o . 00 Rsduarant Plan Revlew-: S10 - 00 DRB Fee----- $o . oo TOTAL FEES-------;' s3-00 90 - 00 $0.00 9s3.00 ss3. oo sss.00 s108.00 910e.00 90.00 Itemr 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L]-/28/2O0t DF Action: AP OK PER MIKE V IN FIRE DEPT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME$IT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTR"ED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAI-,,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIIFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 I]MC, CHAPIER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Condr 25 (BLDG|. ) : GAS TERMINA,TE AS Condr 29 (Br.rDG. ) : THE 1997 Cond: 31 APPI-,IANCES VEIfifED ACCORDING SPECIFIED IN .806 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, .A,CCESS TO I'MC AI.{D SIAPTER EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 AND OF TIfi 1997 IMC. ro cmprJl ar,ro OR CTIAPTER 8 OF SHALI-, TIIE 1997 IMC, sEc . l- 017 0F (BIJDG.I: BOILERS SIIAIJIJ BE MOIJNTED ON I"I-,OORS OF I{ONCOUBUSTIBLTE CONST. ItlrlLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOT]NTITIG ON COMBUSTIBI,E FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDC|.): PERMIT,PLAI.TS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTTON REQITEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG!.): DRAINAGE OF MECI{ANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED IVITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF EHE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tlre information required completed an accurate plot plarl and state that all the information as requird is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town '-\A.4# TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE IJ//V[IOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Prpvide Mechanical Room layout drawn to scale to include:n Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue. Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationo Heat Loss Calcs. z+, /o Heat Loss Calcs. ?\ ^<a-c Equipment cut/spec sheets fn|l _ U A \) t 97O-479-2t49 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Contact Offrce at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit f@R.e j7.3.. -2, lob Name: 1) (() €D [,r,J I?n=-no*,.'=- Job Address:-3oV 7re,xe-e =r Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: fifr?,r-irF fP: -s g:.re"". zz. r.r. r- 2r,n -\;-AaN AeN( i k'-. H€r../ Work Class: New ( ) Additioi L( ) AlterationQQ Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( )Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: single-family ( ) Duptex ( ) Multi-famity ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant tQ other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in tf is building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buiHina: NoffYpeof FireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Peltet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood i urning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE V TION FOR MFO ECHANICAL PERMIT (tabor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ t lOddt CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor: Tfr 6"*t €,er z*-,^k-*u,= t €e-s Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 2zzt- dzs:As=-< ,..- -z/--.-'-;.,'--. *{.****:t *************t***FOR OFFICE USE ONLy**'*************************r* F: / everyone/forms/ mechperm U..^\ U,.(l-.* t$ DEPARTMENT OFCOMMLINITYDEVELOPMENT O NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B0l-0341 t0 /26/20Oa Phone: 97O-475-3975 L0/26/200L Phone: 970-476-3975 FEE SLMMARY Tot&l Calculated Fees-> Additional Fccs----->' Total Pemil Fce-----> Payncnts_------> BAI,AIICE DITE-:> : ISSUED: 10/2612001: 10/29/2001: 04/27/2002 # of Wood Pellet: 0 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 owNER TANG, OSCAR 600 sTH AVE NEW YORK ITT l_0020 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR MASTER SEAI.ERS P. O. BOX 4473 vArIJ, co 816 58 Lricense : 571 -B APPLICAIqT MASTER SEAI.,,ERS P. O. BOX 4473 VAIL, CO 81658 Licenge t 577 -B Job Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location.......: 304 BRIDGE ST ParcelNo....: 2I0108253007 Project No . : Status . . . Applied. . Issued . . . Expires . . . L0/26/2O0L Phone: Hb* Ir. gTH FLR Building-> Plan Chcck--> Inv€stigalion-> Will Call---> $2ss.00 s0.00 s3.00 $0.00 5423.75 s423.75 s0.00 9423.75 1423,75 $0.00 Restuaranl Plan Review-> DRB Fee-------------> Recreation Fee-------> Clean-up Deposit-----:' TOTAL FEDS-----------> Approvals:Item: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARFMENT t0/29/2001- JRM It.em: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARTME!{1f t0/26/2O0L ao change to the material or ITEm: 056OO FIRE DEPARTMETiII| Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS Action: AP Act.ion: AP color Same for same - no PAGE 2 CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL as of 10-29-2001 Status: ISSUED****'l't*******+***f*t*******!t**+***'t*t*********+****t*+ittt****:t*+***** Pernit Type: Applicart: JobAd&ss: location: PrcelNo: Dcscription: RE.ROOFABOVEBAR Conditions: Cod: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS COMPLI.ANCE. ADD/ALT BUILDPERMT MASTERS 970-476-3975 304 BRIDGE ST 304 BRIDGE ST 210t08253007 Applied: l0l26l2ffil Issued: l0l79l200l To Expire: 0412712002 AIL ONLYSAMEFORSAME vAL rs REQIJIRED BEFORE A}ry REQTJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE See'pege 2 of this Document for conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclmorrlcdgs tlat I have read statethall the irform*ion as reoui ordi+mm urd state laws, and to build is structure according to the tovms zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other of the Tor.vn applicable thereto. I RXQIJESIE FON.INSPECTION SHAI,I. BE 8cd Oll; llc@r To: N/A TWENTY-F1OUR ITOURS IN ADVANCE BY 479-213t OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:(x) AM - J PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE LETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ++ General Contractor: ./tfiz. frrrfu*4 't'-c Town of Vail Reg. No.:r>7- 4 Contact and Phone #'s: 7ga -€7a/ Contractor Siqnature:'"""."-W - COMPLETE TIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTNCAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL:$ 2l ac€. ec? Nssesnrc Otrice at 970-329-8640 or visitaJ lob Name: 4 //2 4 t+ Z-zv JobAddress: -7a.t/ tfzz+er,r' ,{-r. c Legal Description ll tot:Block:Filingl Subdivision: ?zz.t2 u^z<<acl 'hoyB #" Fr- -n,--,o"tn AddtesVa,? .za/-2tJ ;7 Phon"?za-7 r-t Architec(Designer:Address:Phone: Engineen Address:Phone: Detailed description of w '' a /' -iT!, Ei f ,frn;2ii 7-Z ., "{,8 ?;; WorkClass: Neyv() Additioril( ) Remodet( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other({ Work Type: Interior ( ) e*t"tioii4 eoth ( I Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) - Typeof Bldg.: single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) commercial ( ) Restaurantg{*n"rO No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: I4fvpe of Fireplaces Exist ances ( ) GQs Logs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Nofl-vr gf Fireplaces Prop liances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burninq (NoT ALLoWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: tes (-f- No(j Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yei llV 11o 1 1 ForParel # Contad **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy************************************** n*z F:/everyon4fo rms/bld gperm li E;I iri ::,itt ti r:i llr ii;5lt Iirr ;;i lli Ii] iii' ;ti'.l"r tt4iiil, tf rit iiit ili! ;iij'i.ifil $rfl|'a 'i;l ;,b:|: JlH 'iiti '1ry iff iF irlf 'rili i;, t'rtllr i:.i, -"j''ti # rrli :ii:l :il fft .irli il ,i;ii :4i t^ ''7i I .:t' ,i{ ,tj: 'll r :::;. :t:' t: lj ': :,. Olign Review Action F{n TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: nt\.? Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: legal Description: Lot //5.4 subdivision Project Street Address: ,.j 5 GommentE: Zone District {-( -a Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval . E] Disapproval== gfst tlpproual vote: t/ // DRB Fee ,*-r^,0 # 3O* .{o DRB IIPPLIC]ITION - IOWN'Or \/AII,, DATB APPLICATION RECBIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** THIS APPIJICATION WILL NOT BE I'NTXI. ATL REQUIRED INFORMATION********** '!r ACCEPTED / IS SUBMITTED ;ru ,iIPI" I.PROJECT TNFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: n TYPE OF REVIEW: New Const,nJct,ion ($200. 00) Addit,ion ($50 .00) ADDRESS: 3c:4 t3,e,o"t *fQttT ,A Minor Alteration -"on"uptual Review ($20 . oo) ($0) D. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and fJ. G. H. LOT AREA: If required, sLamped survey showing N]\},IB OF APPLICANT , TU applicant must provide a currentIot area. Phone 4/7C - 7("2( NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: ,J. f\. Phone r.NJ\}4E OF OWNERS: IISIGNI\TURE (S) :Mailing Addressl Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DP'B FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlnc of submit,tal of DRB applicat,ion. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuat,ion of the proposal. The Town of VaiIwill adjust, the fee according to the table belowr^ to ltensure t.he correcE fee is paia. FEE scHEpur,E: Ypahq' .''.... "lA----'.VALUATION FBE$ 0-$ 1o,ooo $20.00 w $ L0, ool- - $ 50, ooo $ 50 . oo $ 50, ooL - $ 150, ooo $100 . oo $150,00r."- $ 500,000 $200.00 $5oo,0or - $1, ooo, oo0 $4oo. oo$.Over $1,000,000 $500.00 PROCESSED WITIIOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE rr.. 1 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVNIL EXPIRES ONE YEAR :T.TTER TTNAT, APPROVAI, UNLESS A BUTIDING PE&MIT IS ISSUED EXD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WII..IJ AE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot LI BlocK <. // Subdivision I If property is described bydescription, please provide aLtach to this application. zoNrNG, (-( l- NAI,IE OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS BLOCKLEGAI, DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: LOT SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following Review Board A. BUILDING rmation ise a final required approval TYPE OF for submit.tal to can be given: MATERIAL the DesignINI befo Roof Qi di nrr Other Wall Fascia SoffiUs Windovrs Window Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand Flues MA IALS: terials or Decki Rails FlasbJ.ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses - Ot.her Yretlcr" tls f, B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Desi"gner:phone: PLANT MATERIFLS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Greenhouses __Ot.her Yretlc"rkr B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Desi"gner: ' ' i' z ( ?Lrrcxn op nnrs,;rt Dx.rc-) CZ) Common Name Ouant,ity Size* *Indicat.e caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun caliper for trees.Indicate height for coniferous PLANT MATERIAO PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantity Size*co.*on C.. EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS qnn SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footage c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow tbe number of fixtures and loiations on- a separatelighting pfal._ Ident,ify each fixture from the ti;hting planon the list below and provide the $rattage, height-abov6 - grade and type of light proposed orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walIs, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) P1ease specify. Indi;ate heights of retainin!wall-s. Maximum height of walls within the fronu setback i63 feet. Maxinum height. of waLls elsewhere on the properryis 6 feet. MODEL M7O CONSTRUCTION HEATER ANSI 283.7-1987 Constr Htr For Either Indoor or Outdoor Operation -a o FEATURE o Completely Self-contained o Rain Protectdd o Wind R o Attractive o No Electrical 1000/0 Safety Control 40,000 BTU Input Rating o Gonstant Pildt . Propane Gas Each Sunglo A270 heater casts a 12 to 15 foot circle of surJt-like radiant warmth-outdoorsl Properly filled, a S-gallon propane tdnk will operate this heater approxi y 12 hours. These instructions phould be fully reviewed before operating this heater, Retain these instrubtions for future reference. Form EB-136 Gn 1/87 Printed in U.gA. 1040 W Seventeenth St., Costa Phone: (714\ 548-2245 FOR YOUF SAFETY Do not use this lpeater in a space where gasoline lor other liquids having flammable Yapors are MODEL M7O CONSTRUCTION HEATER ANSI 283.7-1987 Constr Htr For Either Indoor or Outdoor Operation Retleclor Radlant Emitter Gdd Pilol Lighling Hole ldlo/o Satety Conlrol Heater Head Ba3e Plpe/Hose As€mbly Port Decoralive CoYer Post Sockel A3sembly Propane Regulator P.opane Tank (not included) Chaln Assembly 341h" Dla. 10,, op Cleersnce I V 2tl" SHc Cle*ancc 12' I I I V W.lghled Bae Form EB-136 G-11/87 Printed in U.S.A. Inctallation, OperatiOand taintenance Instr*ons tor Sunglo Infra-red Space Heaters. . .AJIS 283.6.1 987 IIISTAILATION Prior to assembling your Model 4270 Propane Sunglo Heater, the following should be reviewed. Compliance with the following should yield satisfactory heater operation. This instruc- tion should be retained for future reference. 1. The Sunglo Model A270 Propane Heater is intended primarily for the temporary heat- ing of buildings under construction, altera- tion or repair and for outdoor usage. 2. When utilizing this heater indoors, ade- guate ventilation must be provided. The recommended minimum building ventila- tion rate is four (4) CFM per 1,000 BTUH of installed heater input. 3. Proper clearance from combustible mate- rials must be maintained at all times. The minimum clearances are as follows: Top'18" Sides 24" Below 84" Combustible materials are considered to be wood, compressed paper, plant fibers, plastic, plexiglass or other materials that are capable of being ignited and burned. Such materials shall be considered com- bustible even though flame-proofed, fire- retardant treated or plastered. Adequate clearances should be maintained from glass and painted surfaces to avoid possi- ble damage. 4. Heater must be placed on a level and ade- guate footing. 5. The gas manilold supply pressure must be 11" water column with a UL listed regula- tor. Any replacement regulator must be UL listed. The minimum inlet pressure to the regulator from the tank is 5 PSI and the maximum pressure is 150 PSl. 6. The heater should be inspected before each use, and at least annually by a quali- fied service person. a. Gas jets and burners must be kept clear of dirt and cobwebs. Flow of combustion and ventilation air through the perfo- rated portions of the heater must not be obstructed. b. Any cleaning agent used on the heater should be of a non-combustible and non-corrosive nature. c. The stainless steel emitter grid normally does not require cleaning and should never be re-painted. The reflector may be cleaned, but never painted. Other portions of the heater may be re.coated only with a high temperature (1,200oF) paint. 7. The hose assembly shall be protected from traffic, building materials and contact with hot surfaces both during use and while in storage. The hose assembly shall be visu- ally inspected prior to each use of the heater. lf it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear, or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to the heater being put into operation. The replacement hose assembly Part #80011-2 may be obtained from manufacturer or sales representative. See parts list. 8. Replacement parts may be obtained from the manufacturer or your local sales representative. 9. Installation and use of this heater must conform with local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the Standard for Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI/N FPA 58-1986. 10. The 4270 Sunglo Heater is designed to operate with a standard five (5) gallon pro. pane tank with quick connective coupling only. The propane cylinder must be arranged to provide for vapor withdrawal of the propane gas. 11 . Tank connector fitting must be maintained in good condition. A leak test should be performed with soapy water whenever a new tank connection is made. NEVER use a match to test for leaks. The replacement tank adapter fitting Part #90019 may be obtained from manufacturer or sales repre- sentative. See parts list. 12. Propane tank must be turned off whenever the heater is not in use. When the heater is to be stored indoors, the connection between the LPgas supply cylinder and the heater must be disconnected and the cylinder removed from the heater and stored in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Standard for Storage and Handling of Liquefied Gases, ANSI/N FPA 5&1986. 13.The 4270 Sunglo Heater has been designed with several safety features. These include: 1ff)90 safety shutoff control, raised heating element, weighted base, and tank quick connective coupllng. Any modi- fication to the heater not described in the installation instructions may compromise the safety of this appliance. Of special concern is the following: 1) DO NOT shorten post length; 2) DO NOT bypass thermocouple safety device; 3) DO NOT operate heater without a reflector; and 4) DO NOT remove filler from weighted base. ASSETIIEATER DDEL A27o Step l. Remove Pipe/Hose Assembly from Post Package and thread pipe end onto heater head base. Use 2 pipe wrenches at least 12" long to tighten pipe to heater base. lf teflon tape is noi provided, gas pipe sealant should be used at this joint. Slide Pipe/Hose Assembly with heater attached into the expanded end of the post and secure heater to post with the four screws provided. NOTE: Post label should face front. Step 2. Secure "U" and "L" brackets to heater base with hex head bolts, tspacer nuts, and lock washers provided. Secure socket assenpbly to "U" and "L" brackets as shown bblow using the square head bolts, lock washers, and acorn nuts provided. Install chain kit onto "U" bracket using holes "U" Brackel Acom Nut b. c. Insert hose through the hole at the base of the post socket. Slide post down inlo socket. Slide the Decorative cover up around the post. d. Secure regulator to end of hose and tighten connection with a wrench. e. Secure reflector to top of heater head. Use flat washers above and below reflector holes. f. Set tank into place and secure with safety chain. g. Slide lock ring back on tank fitting to insert regulator adapter fitting. Step 3. "L" Bracket - -ol* Replacement Parts List Item Part No. Descripllon 1 7@17 Nut, /r-20 Hex SS 2 7@24 Washer, 7r SAE SS 3 10261 Reflector, PH 4 70006 Bolt,lA x Yl Hex 5 70033 Washer. % SS Inter 6 27WG Assy, PH Emitter Grid 7 7@25 Clip, #C7429€A-1 8 30225 Shield. PH heat I 30202 Pan, PH Head. 10 70005 Screw #8 x % SP SS 11 3020+1 Cylinder, PH Perf (7000) 12 27W7 Assy, PH Burner Pltd 13 70030 Clamp, 1" 't4 35001-31 Orifice, #31 DS (Nat) 35001-49 Orifice, #49 DS (LP) 15 35012 Adapter, Oritice{a 16 90002 Control,7000 MRLC Nat 90003 Control.7000 ERLC Nat-24V 90004 Control. 7000 MLC-LP 17 80005-1 Nipple,7e x 1-7e Blk 18 80025 Bush, %x TaHex,Zn 19 70001 Screw. E x1/2Zinc 20 27018-1 Assy, PH H Base 27018-2 Assy,24V PH Head Base 21 90031 Thermo, T46S18 22 80031 Tubing, AL-%x14L 23 90021 Pilot, Natural #27919 9@22 Pilot, Propane #27920 24 90015 Natural Pilot Orifice 90016 Propane Pilot Orifice 25 27017 Assy, PH Pilot Shield 26 27025 Assy,7ffD Handle 27 30213 Channel, PH Pilot Hole 28 7@2O Screw, #10 x 1/r SS 29 30299 Cover, PH Pilot Hole 30 80026 Tubing Fastenerloao V\{ S€l€nt€enlh Sl., Cosla M€!a. CA 92627 ?ho .: 1711t 518-2215 A27O Parts List 1 60008-1 Lighting Instructions 30280 Post, A270 Silv-4s" L z7cf,,g AssY, A270 PipelHose 4 80011-2 Hose, A270-32" L 5 70011 Nut, 7s Acorn 6 70013 Washer,3/a Lock 7 7OCf7 Bolt, % x %L-SQ 8 70028 EYebolt, 3/16x2 dNut I 70012 Bolt, %-16 x 17t 10 70017 Nut,7s 'f 1 27016-4 ' AssY, A270 Base'SPun '12 30279 Bracket, A27O"L" 13 70029 Hook, 1%" S 14 70027 AssY, A270 Chain 15 3/J,278 Bracket, A27O"U" 16 27}gg AssY, A270 Dec Cover 50006 Molding, ToP Hole 18 80015 Conn, % x SAE 19 27019-3 AssY, Reg-Quick-Disc 20 90019 Fitting, Hansen Disc 21 90018 AdaPter, LP Fill-Hansen 22 27cf,/2-2 AssY, A270' Socket IHFRARED DYT'ANICS lBA W S€v€nle€nlh st , ccata M€34, cA 92627 Phone: (714) 5rl&2245 I TEST FIRI]IG HEATER Test fire heater, following the lighting instructions on heater post. Leak test all gas connections with soapy water. WARNING: White smoke may appear around the emitter grid during the first minute of the initial firing. TROUBLE SHOOTING Problem Posslble Causes Pilot won't light r Kinked Hose. Over filled Tank (locks up regulator)r Emptv Tank (new tanks shipped empty). Blockage in gas line or pilot. Pilot won't stay lit o Bad thermocouple. Corrosion of thermocouple contacts o Bad Valve o Wind exceeding 15 mph Limited Warranty and Seryice The Sunglo Model 4270 Heater carries a 90-day commercial or one-year residential factory warranty All heaters are stamped with ihe date of manufacture. In most cases, your dealer or sales representa- tive will handle the warranty procedure for you. lf there is no sales representative available, the heater head and regulator may be returned to the factory for repair. Warranty is limited to repair of heaters at the lactory or replacement parts. Infrared Dynamics will not be liable for any other expense to the customer, except as stated above. See Standard Warranty Form WT-112 for full details. Hansen Quick Gonnect For your safety, your Sunglo Model 4270 Heater is eguipped with a UL listed quick connective plug. This feature allows you to make an easier, quicker and safer connection to your LP gas tank without the use of a tool. An LP gas tank equipped with a quick connective coupling or coupling adapter is required for this unit. A fill plug adapter will be required to fill your quick connective coupling tank. See your Sunglo dealer for further details. To Light Pilot Rotate control knob to "Pilot" position. Firmly depress knob for 30 seconds while lighting pilot through %" dia. lighting hole above control. Pilot should remain lit. To Turn Heater On Turn control knob to "On" position. To Turn Heater and Pilot "qrfi" Turn knob to "Pilot" position. Depress slightly and turn to "Oft" position. Wait 5 minutes after complete shutoff of heater before relighting pilot. Turn "Off" gas tank when heater is not in use. Allow 1% minutes to purge air through pilot atter connection with a new tank of propane gas. I I I I I I I II I