HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION COMMON 6!l- c ADDENDUU TO APPIJICATION ltrc purpose of this Application ie to Amend the reguirenent ofthe adJusted parking fees for Vencura, Ltd. and T.E.A., Inc. in orderto deletc tlre requirenent of ral.sing the parking fee to $81000.00 p€r sgace fron $5,000.00 per space for reEl.dential and 93,OOO.0o per Epacef,or cmercial . tt I Jt C 3-U3 i 4;t tr i r,$ulr!u'ql u: I JUtI+1VU+9 l r( ' l vrrcutr LlD. 100 Park Avenue ZEth Floor l,'ew tork, New York 1001? (212't 3?0-1110 "Ju$t 5, 1992 , torn of Vall PJ.ar:nlng DeparEmencVelIr Colorado Or$t lemen: fhQ undcrslgned hereby authorlzes Jay K. Peterson to make rppllcation for an amended varlance for reduced parking fmr. Vary truly your8, an 471d^;J e. p ' Lorrtlnc C. Hyaler BorPorrte Secratary lCfl:bna cc! Catherine I',,. Wornom t 3,*,ffin^-ey ftrre4ffi. PUBLIC NOTICE 2. NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmential Commission of Sre Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 27,1992, at 2:00 p.m. in he Town of Vail Municipal Building. Conslderation of: 1. A request lor a work session for an exterior alteration for the Vail Llonshead Center Building, located at Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Uonshead First Filing/ 520 East Lionshead Gircle. Applicant Oscar L. TangPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a work session for a major amendment to SDD #4 Gascade Village lo amend he development plan lor the Waterford parcel located at1275 Westhaven Drive and as legally described as: That part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly right-oFway line of Interstate Highway No. 70 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S 33'10'19" W 1447.03 feet; thence along said southly right-of-way line two courses 1) N 52'50'29' E 229.66 feet 2) N 74'38'17'E 160.70 feet; thence departing said southerly right-of-way line N 88'45'57' E 138.93 feet; thence S 40o45'14'W 94.32 feet; thence S 18' 18'36" W 54.08 feet; thence S 01'21'36'W 205.02 f€et; thence S 12'07'36' W 110.25 feet; thence S 28?836' W 164.48 feet; thence N 40'17'04" W 211.16 feet; thence N 49o42'56'E 97.80 feet; thence N 37"09'31'W 95.59 feet; thence S 52o50'29'W 55.10 feet; thence 69.48 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 65.00 teet, a central angle of 61o14'42'and a chord that bears N 58" 55'53" W 66.22 feet thence N 37"09'31" W 118.50 feet To The True Point of Beginning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Applicant: MECM Enterprises represented by Eustaquio CortinaPlanner: Shelly Mello A request to amend a condition of a previously approved variance and exlerior X-alteration, regarding the CCI parking pay-in-lieu fee for fie Red Uon Building, located .- at 304 Bridge StreeuLots E, F, G and H, Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. 4Applicant: Vencura, Ltd/Jay Peterson ily'Planner: Mike Mollica nl, , ,' , ^ \q,r- ./ ^il\ 't$'/$,/llv J q--./ o 4, A request for a work session for a conditional use permit lor an addition to the Municipal Building to house the Vall Police Department, located at 75 South Frontage Hoad West (at the east end of the existing Municipal Building), and as legally described below: A part of the Southeast 114 of Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County ot Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 6, thence North 00 degrees 28 minutes 16 seconds West and along the East line of said Southeast 1/4 ol said Section 6 72.75 he East line of said Southeast 1/4 of said Section 572.75 feet to a point, said point being 110.00 feet northeasterly from the southerly right-oFway line of U.S. Highway No. 6 as measured at right angles thereto; thence North 79 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconG West and along a line parallelto said southerly dght-of-way line 1,+5.50 feet to The True Point of Beginning; lhence North 16 degrees 08 minutes 47 seconds East 78.00 feet; thence North 68 degrees 08 minutes 35 seconds West 428.70 feet; thence North 66 degrees 01 minutes 29 seconds West 152.57 feet; thence South 27 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds West 192.66 feet; thence South 52 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East 36.32 feet to a point, said point being 110.0b feet northeast from said South right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 6 as measured at right angles thereto; thence South 79 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds East and along a line parallel to said South right of way line 585.56 feet to The True Point of Beginning. Except lhat portion conveyed to the Board ol County Gommissioners of Eagle County, and the Department of Highways, State of Colorado by rule and order recorded January 5,1971 in Book 219 at Page 441. Appllcanl: Town of VailPlanner: Mike Mollica 5. A request for a conditional use permit, a site coverage variance, and a minor exErior alteration to allow for the expansion of an existing outdoor dining deck for Sweet Basil Rsstaurant, 193 Gore Creek Drive, part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Kevin ClairPlanner: Shelly Mello 6. Any items tabled lrom the July 13, 1992 meeting. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in he VailTrail on July 10, 1992. o F IL E COPY 75 Soutb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 30J -47 9-21 t I / 47 9-21 )9 Dcpartment of Commanity Deuelopment April27, 1992 Dave Tyrell Bed Lion Condominium Association P.O. Box 3100 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Malntenance and Snow Removal lor Red Llon Property at Lots E-H, Block A, Vall Vlllage Flrst Flllng/304 Brldge Street Dear Dave: As suggested by Jay Peterson, I am writing to convey the Town of Vail's understanding of the future maintenance and snow removal ol the brick pavers currently being installed. lt is the Town's poliry not to maintain private property as it relates to maintenance and snow removal. In the past, the Town has maintained and removed snow from a portion of the Red Lion Building property. However, due to the change in material from asphalt to brick pavers, the Town will no longer be able to provide this service. lt is also important to recognize that the snow being removed cannot be put onto the road rightof-way. Because of this, it will be necessary for the Red Lion Condominium Association to tind areas on the property suitable for snow storage or periodically consider removing the snow from the property. Shoufd you'have any questions, please call me at479-2138. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ./' ) -',//l ..rAL----L- 14 l I I ! ,---- 2t\\-V-!-{ Shelly Mello l) Town Planner v /ab ccr Jay Peterson Larry Eskwith Pete Burnett Greg Hall Ken Hughey Kristan Pritz h,*f+- 'q'd;fiv r,'il- Ud-t''w 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3O3) 479-2120 September 30, 1992 Mr. Jay Peterson L08 S. Frontage RoadVail, Co 81.557 Dear Jay: P1ease consider this an invoice for the Red Lion parking pay- In-Lieu Fee. The amount due by October L5, LggZ is 9l_0,889.0-0,which ir $S,760.00 in principal ind $2,!2g.oo in interest from May1992 through October 1-5 | L992. Your remaining principal balancedue will be $5,840.00. If you pay this off over the next twoyears, your payments on July 1"5, 1993 and L994 wil_l be 93,359.03and $3,2L2.00 respectively. ilr,u ! ('' -.- *j /...-- Sincerely, Steve Thornpson Finance ControlLer sr/jp cc: Kristan Pritz.'/ She11y Me11o sEP- 4-92 FRI 14:10 BECK A}ID ASSOCIATES C"...-rt e:, . r',"f1"..' I tN{| l!.',t r!.r.1 t;:t'. c,'i F.,.'t j 6 it', 11.rq g'! 't-...'.t FAI( NO ^/ /w30394s4335t, L,tot-') P. 01 IE Sepernber i',..,, ,.,.','i, t', ;..1 r,l ;., .,.r '.. t$ .\ i..fi. 4, L9g2 Shelty lfello Town of Vail Cornilunity Dcrycl€Fm€ilt 75 SouEr Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 FAx: 479-2157 Shelly: Fer our phone convueation yestcrday Dwk and Ascociatcs is guarafieei4g q6 fi,t 2 A,spems in questton, one in fn greb t;weeo G nrrcksast and the Red Lion, and onc ln lhe north planter witl be rsplace by October Ui, 1992, Notc that yesterdays silversetiotr wag the filEt that I bad hard of Sc U,ee lmoblem. Shclly, if pomible we q'ill rcPt# rhe Aqpens cadier depending landscqt€rs te*;;osrd;tioo. Thcsc teos *ill trntch ths tost foes in calipcr urd will catry the sEnalard 1 y€ar guaftrtee. Sincerely, ,4,Ua'c- Bill A"ndcrson P$ject Managet Beck and Associates, Inc. BA/di ,r't'"'&',V,CQ c^v .c .' {-' I fiii! + ii Eft' - Proiect Name: Project Descriplion: Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner Project Applicalion Proiect Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Ownei. Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and phone: 5i tnf fil O f fe,ff LtsEal Description: Lot Filing , r."" t-CL Comments: Design Review Board Date Molion by: " €econded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: StaJf Approval Capri [$,OHOV 6 094 hpr; isptea dindb agains, a wav and mcets IP stand.ad 44. It is aaaihblz in tlu nlou.n white, antique grmt and black. Unbrcahablc polycar- btnb glass. r\ 1"' { l&tllsl* Dir.ei.ions U@+zo Light Sources Llght 3ouroe lbr w LlmFgL..D,outlc In!ulaLd Bulb o '| 00 Srnol(ed x compaci I flouregcenl lamp 11 Opal whil6 Specify type of ligfrt source when oldefiV I7 .a City CiE is rtftrd direct$ agailut a wall and mzets IP stand.ard 44. It is aaailabl.e in tlw colmtn white, antique grem and black. Aaylic glzss. tl'K 0 'o io'Dimensions -- Width:300 llepth: .|60 Height:510 Light Sources Llght 3ource llax w L.mF gless Oouble Insuleted Bulb 0 2x60 Smok€d x compact I floursscent hmp 2x1'l Opal whila Specity type ot light source when odenng I g ra -,Project Application Date a./s ,72 ' Project Name: Pioject Description: Contact Person and Phone owner, Address and phone: T'J-( /4 ' t *A-ltso &\ Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block 7sn2 ccT- Design Review Board Date Motion by:l,*L' Seconded "by: 4-O DISAPPROVAL $rmmary: Date: ! statt Approval 7 #s ritl ,$-8 j4,-4 r- '-5 "ij Jl,+-r. v '+d t^!2L.,oJr o ,1 '-6':"tt (+:a/< a? 4Ni ad d4:Lgi2u3 v {i4I r.,r as i H\LAr =N\-+qU-\YE4 5 t. ) 6-{ 1 ?-,J I6tll$3q ss\ E$ t'' t,'' I ilijr ' I :r'f -i ): t t, : r I^Y{- ff: h{-; ;;, Tu &J n^ T {- +rJL +- s /{, U 444t^t-; /t< Rp-,r"< H'q*,^, b /*?, ,,{ | n< ,,*u ,,s,a*. ,* ! ,**ffi," 2,* * .trfu+ f e Af..-( tstL 7 Rrr'0 MAR 4 €9t -PTR\NEfER IE P -rcHtD -,, W ITH ST1)CU) ,,/ EX tsflN@2fr x*A^ft gAl-E l/t"= l' rHE OOT:€ TAMB Ig MA$E ()F 2,tI -"4 Pv.lv i7t5 r?-jr,,^ ttat+t SAME Tl4Af t/'^'5 ,)$E D TZEfd.l {ltlq = a PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October 28, 1991 J"4'tr"{ilXU I a Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kuz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Absent Connle Knight TILE COPI Statl Kristan PdE Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker Mary Dewing Prior to the meeting, an extensive site visit was performed for the review of the Steetscape Master Plan. The following are the notes taken during that site visit. Mike Mollica stated the written report had been based on the conceptual design plans, and expressed that he wanted the Gommission to focus on discussing each sub-area and offer information to strengthen the intent of each sub-area. Kathy Langenwalter expressed that certain streets should be labeled. Specifically, she indicated Gore Creek Promenade, Willow Bridge and Mill Creek Circle should be labeled on the key map. Chuck Crist wats concerned that Willow Circle was excluded from the plan. Mike replied that no changes were envisioned for that area, although something could be implemented in the future. Diana Donovan noticed that, in the key map, Hanson Ranch Road connected through to the east, when it actually did not, and that porlion should be deleted. Kathy and Diana expressed that, on page 1, the Vail Village and Lionshead Urban Design Guidelines should be more clearly stated. Diana believed that all ol the planning documents in the Town of Vail should be referenced. She also mentioned that all of the names of the plazas and public spaces should be checked, as she questioned if Slifer Plaza was also known as Slifer Square. Diana did not believe that using individual store names was appropriate, as they changed frequently. Mike discussed the East Lionshead Circle and Ubrary/lce Arena Plaza sub-area. He discussed inclusion of bikes with vehicular traffic and pedestrians, especially the concem for the bicycles going through the plaza, indicating the plan discussed a dismount area at th€ Library. lt was thought lhe dismount area could contain the area between the two control gates. Kathy did not think bicyclists should be included with the pedestrians. Diana did not believe the dismount area was appropriate, as she did not think biryclists should have to dismount. However, enforcement for speeding should occur in certain areas. A discussion took place regarding what information should be at me bottom of the page within the text. Diana expressed it was difficult to determine what was going on within the text. Kathy believed it was because of a confusion as to whictr subrarea was being addressed, and perhaps the sub-area should be listed at the bottom of eactr page. This would also assist people who receive only a portion of the plan. Chuck asked if the bike racks would be uniform. Mike answered that public areas would have similar bike racks, benches, lights, etc., although uniformity would not be enforced in private areas, He also mentioned that the lighting along East Lionshead Circle wouH be exchanged with 'Village" lights. Color for newsstands was discussed, wih the oonsensus against black. lt was suggested that they be painted green. Kathy stressed the importance of not having to paint the boxes, but being able to use stock colors, and perhaps the colors should be varied to blend with the surrounding colors. The location should delermine the color. Mike explained the trash receptacles. lt was agreed that the design was posilive. When the bike racks were discussed, it was decided that the top horizontal bar should be metal. Kathy felt that this would last longer and be more appropriate for the uss. Diana was concemed with the 10" width, indicating bikes could not stand up in this type of rack, and suggested that a wheel control be investigated. Diana suggested heating the sidewalk along the Library chute, and Mike believed that was a good idea. Kathy was concerned with bikes being on the sidewalk. Diana believed that signage should be used to indicate the ditference between bike and pedestian paths. Diana addressed the bus turn-around in front of the proposed Performing Arts Center, and believed it should be addressed in case the center was not developed. She suggested landscaping along the hillside, with no presumption of a Performing Arts Center. The Vail lnternational access plan was also discussed. The PEC felt the V.l. access should be from the Frontage Road. Diana felt the path behind the ice arena should become more noticeable. She did not think most people knew it existed, and suggested signage for he area. This might also assist in the bike/pedestrian separation which i5 a goal. On page 13, fourth line from bottom, the word 'bike'should be deleted. The West Meadow Drive sub-area was the next to be addressed. Kathy and Jim Shearer expressed their disapproval of pavers crossing just in lront of the hospital emergency entrance. They asked the bus stop be moved from this area, suggesting it be moved to the east to clear the drive. Mike explained it was located where it was for the benefit of handicapped persons using the hospital. Frontage Road, other options be considered. He did not want the applicants to promise something which may not be able to be delivered. Kristan responded that il the Colorado Department of Highways (CDOH) did not approve the additlonal lanGcaping, then 10 evergreens (6-10 teet) would be installed south of the Westhaven Apartment toundations. Shelly added that if the CDOH approved only a part of the landscaping on the Frontage Ftoad, then 10 trees would also be required to be installed at Westhaven. Ned agreed to coordinate the specitic number and location ol lhe trees with the Town. Shelly volunteered staff's efforb to help coordinate the approval process with CDOH. Jim Shearer asked what Kevin McTavish was wanting performed. Ned believed, based on conversations he had with Kevin, that the main @ncem was that thers be a trsatment on the comer between the Gosgrifl parcel and Millrace. Shelly proposed that, when the application came before the Design Review Board, a joint landscaping plan would be required at that point. Mark Smith had difficulty with that provision, stating that the bank could not be responsible for a property owned by another parly, and that condition tvas not practical. Kristan said staff would try to get together with Kevin before the ordinance was finalized. Jim questioned if it would be a problem to obtain the necessary easement trom the Westin. Jerry Mulliken indicated it probably would not, but he did not know at that time. Ludwig Kuz asked if lhere were any setback encroachments associated with the project. Shelly answered the only encroachment was for roof overhangs, as they were less than 60 feet from the Westin. Ludwig also wondered if the grade would be raised for the units, Ned said it would be raised approximately 2 feet. Shelly elaborated that the roof ridge would be changed if necessary. Shelly asked if the Commissioners wanted the ordinance to call out the specific GRFA for the project, and if stairs and mechanical should be counted or given the set credit. Kathy asked that the currenl GRFA definitions be used, with no credits given except for the 300 sq. ft. for each enclosed garage space. Afler a discussion of the landscaping, Chuck Crist moved to approve the request lor a minor subdivision to Millrace lV - Special Development District No.4, Cascade Village, generally located south ot Millrace Condominiums and west of The Westin Resort, Vail, and more specifically described as follows: A part of the SW % NE1/e, Section 12, Township 5 S, Range 81 W of the 6th principal meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as follows: Beginning at a point whence an iron pin with plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S 42"50'19" W 669.34 ft: thence S 85o€'14" E 89.84 ft: thence S 57"25'30" E 169.46 ft: hence S 32o59'30" E 141.47 tt: thence S 65"31'36' W 95.04 ft: thence S 69'01'36" W 103.02 ft: thence N 23'24'09" W 319.09 ft to the point of beginning. Ludwig Kuz seconded the motion. lt was approved by a vote of 6-0. 11 Kathy Langenwalter moved to reeommond approval ot the request for a m4or amendment lo I Millrace lV- Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, to approve a developmenl plan, generally located south ol Millrace Condominiums and west of The Westin Resort, Vail, more specifically described above, per staff's memo, and with the following changes to the conditions of approval: 1. lf the CDOH did not approve additional landscaping along the South Frontage Road, that a maximum of 10 would be planled on the Westhaven Apartment parcel; 2. The south and west property lines be better buffered, a water leature be investigated, and the north and west be looked at and reviewed by he Deslgn Review Board for a&litional landscaping;3. Staff revise the GRFA ligures to reflect use of the cunent definition of GRFA, with credits for garages only. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. lt unanimously passed, 6-0. 5. A request for a wall heioht variance for the Chester Residence. Lot 19. Block 1, Vail Villaoe 1st Filino/395 Mill Creek Circle. Aoolicant: E.B. ChesterPlalner: Kristan Pritz This item was tabled lo November 11, 1991 per the request of the applicant. 6. A reouest to extend for one vear the October 22. 1990 PEC sits coveraoe r/ariance to allow construction of a 60 souare loot alrlock at the Szechwan Uon Restiaurant. 3(X Bridoe StreeVLol H. Block 5A. Vail Villaqe First Filino. Applicant: John S. Ho/Szechwan LionPlanner: Jill Kammerer Jim Shearer moved to exlend for one year the October 22, 1990 PEG site coverage varian@ to allow construction of a 60 square foot airlock at the Szechwan Uon Restaurant, 3M Bridge StreeULot H, Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing, per staff's memo. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. lt was approved 5-0-1 , with Kathy Langenwalter abstaining as she represented the applicant. ln the interest of time, item 1't was next considered. 1 1. Fleview of a minor modification to the oreviouslv aooroved wall heioht variance for the Samuels Residence. located on Lot 11-8. Bloc* 7. VailVillaoe First Filino/224 Forest Road. Applicant: Bernard Samuels/KathvLanqenwalterPlanner: Mike Mollica Kathy Langenwalter explained the changes, and indicated the change was due to a minor topographical discrepancy. She stated there would be no more than a 16-inch modification, The Commission unanimously upheld staff's approvalof the modification. 12 t Proiect Name: ,1/eu/ Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Projecl Applicalion Ltr,'rs,huni.rtt oanl ia /a3/-fo fu(K ,'t Archilect, Address and Phone: Legaf Descriptio n: Lot 4 , Btocx .')J17 / / t/ t] rrnn t/'nt( h//l'/o, /t! , zone CC / /lt ,,Vlrk,Comments:':t/'Z:'S:?, 6zr Htr' 4r?tz,fttst<.- a//ts> ebaut r'/z daar-f)1h., k)oef L /, rt be- l/u{'1/ ., vh: ,/1,/1?,'.40 W fu t++/" Design Review Board / t a 771/7frapv o^r" JQ:il9/A hn$zt ( tly':J/2m./'L Morion by: tical '-/a"'b a Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL vD 4r;*l"Jii btr/s' /t,:a r.z..t vrttt. fi.It ,:trt:n, ,rr, D statt Approval TYPICAL DETAIL Malmum 60 tl to transformer us€ #12 wire lurnished and in- stalled by slectical contractor :;tr;:t-''Ai) "BAnE-BUD" tao€ .|20 4 o J t, I 10-31-90APPI,ICATION DATE 3IGN/T'NINO IPPIICIIIOf, (PleaEe NN'IE OF NN.IE OF ADDRESS PrLnt or TlPe) PRG'EgT PERSON Szechwan Lion Restaurant SUBUITTIN6 Kathv Warren PHONE 476-4sO6 NtilE OF Oh.INER John S. Ho (Owner). David Huanq (Masr.)PllONE-475=43Q3- ADDRESS 304 Bridee Street. Vail , C0 816ll SIGTIAURB OF O'IIER See DRB lication IPCATTON OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF PROJEqI Sisn painted letters, 3 ft. total: and a menu di l-n THE FOLIPWING INFORI.IATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBI'IITTAL BY THE AppLIcANT PRIOR To THE REQUESF BEIN6 SCHEDUI,ED BEToRE TltE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTTON OF THE SIGN/AI'INING (FREE STN|DING I{AI,IJ,DESCRIPTION OI' 'JllU Dl'('N/AwtllNr.' irsErJ e ritu! r/*'! 'r 'inorncrtnc. ETc),-rncr,ubn srcN liEssAcE.-..lh-iThe sisn is black inted letters, 8" high on the tr3qsom--Panel abov d B. SIGN OR AWNING IIATERIAL See above c. sIzE oF ovsRaLL SIGN, SIZE OF L,ETTERING AllD IDGO -.3-sg.-ft- IIEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADED. F DESCRIBE I,IGHTING (EXISTING OR PRoPosED) Transom slass panel Menu box is F. G. H. will have concealed continuous lights; I..ENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (TT) CONDOMINIUU ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACHI pArD_ cnEcl( I - 920.oo FEE i DRB APPITICATIOf, DATE APPLICATION RECEI\IED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: October 15. 1990 0ctober 31 . 1990 *****ITIIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL AI,L INFORI{ATIONIS SUBI.IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION UEETING! A pre-application neeting wlth a planning staff nenber iEstrongly suggested to detetmine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is cornplete (rnust include all Ltens requl.red bvthe zoninq adninistratorl . It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about addltional subnittal reguirenents. Please notethat a COMPI,ETE application will streanline the approval process for your project by decreasing the nulber of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL eonditions of approval must be resolved before a buildingpernit is issued. Application will not be processed wLthout Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Airlock entry addition t.o t.he Szechwan Lion, including signage and nenu box. B. c. E. IOCATTON Address OF PROPOSAL: 304 Bridee Street Legal Description Lot Block 5A Subdivisisn Vail Village First Zoning ccI APPLICANTs Szechwanlioq lgEleClg!! D. NAI{E OF APPLICANTIS Address:304 Bridee Street Phone q5 4W REPRESENTATI\TE: @ P.0. Box 1202, Vail, C0 81658 NAI.TE OF Mailing Vail c0 816s7 ltailing Address: NAI.IE OF OWN SIGNATURE (8 Mailing Add Phone 476-4506 John S. Ho Ovner Davi 304 Bridee Street, Vai1,c0 81657 ger ) Phone 476-4343 I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: NAI.IE OF PRO.TECT: STREET ADDRESS! LIST OF I,IATERIAI,S Szechwan Lion Airlock Entry, Menu Box and Signage l,oT__E_ BIpcK 5A SUBDMSION Vail Villaee First 304 Bridee Street DESCRIpTION OF pROJEgIt The addition of a wood frarne and glass airlock entry with the restaurant nane painted on the transom glass above the door. A new wood frame menu box located in the plant.er south of the entry. The following infornatLon is required for Eubnittal to the Deslgn Revien Board before a final appraval can be gilren: A.BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall l{aterials Faseia Soffits WLndows ttindow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF UATERIAI, Rubber Roofing COI,OR Gray Wood Red Fixed Glass Clear Wood Red Wood/G1ass Wood Red Met.a1 To rnatch adiacent material Wood Frame Menu Box Red Painted Si o EXISTING ENtRA,NCE PROPOSED AIRTOCK PIANTER RED LION INN oe iu Fi KS zl9 o$ ss A:F {v Aux \L I l- ol $FFo- ft sr $3 ru $-\T ( tr. t L- T ( tt- R \ \i\ s I ul\l\ F 0t 1 -o + j I.+ $ N tr R3 ) ({\ {, I' \- {eM> \-;tleez .l -l l !t IrIF-1 !- rl R vz s il, \L \ !- F i -N 9t f$R -rflu =\!s\.:{\s ulf -i z-\ i j2t i"ti?J,ti l/fl\) ^r/-FILE COPY PEC Minutes Lo/22/9O Meeting Jim Shearer stated that he was inclined to be in favor of theproject. tle suggested a possible rdindow on the north elevation. Sid Schultz explained that the slmetry would not be egual without a rrindow on the 4th floor and the 4th floor condo was not theapplicantrs property. Jin felt that the 4th floor balcony should be conpleted and askedthat windows be included. He tiked the landscaping on the Frontage Road. Sid felt it would be hard to agree to put a window in someoneelsers unit. ConnLe Knight felt confortable with the project. Diana Donovan explained that the original proposal read as a separate structure and she did not feel that it read that way aspresently proposed. She liked the trees on the Frontage Road and felt they helped the plain wa11. Kathy warren stated that she was concerned with the open balcony before. The addition of balcony railings helped. She did now see the hardship of the non-conformance and felt that technically, the ohrner did have development rights. Dalton stated that he agreed with Jin Shearer. He would like to see the 4th fl.oor balcony extended to match the upper balcony. A motion to approve a height variance per the staff memo with the follotsinq conditions was rnade bv Connie Knight and seconded by Jin Shearer Conditions: 1. 4th floor balcony extended to rnatch the 5th floor balcony above. 2. Approval conditional upon the condorniniurn association approving the landscape improvenents to the Dlanters aloncr Meadow Drive. O o VOTE: 7-O IN FAVOR 13 PEC Minutes lo/22/90 l-teeting o Item No. 4: Kathy lfarren removed herself frorn the board aEr she rtasl representing the appllcant. ,fill Kannerer described the variance reguested explainlng that the appllcant was proposing to construct an 8r-orr x 7'-6t' airlock with a gross floor area of 50 sq. ft. for the Szechwan Lion Restaurant. JiII reviewed the zoning considerations, criterla and findings related to a variance, compliance with the Urban Design Guide PLan, Urban Design Considerations, and relatedpolicies in the VaiI Village Master PIan. The staff reconnendation was for approval of the exterior aLteration requeat and the site coverage variance. The staff believed that the constructLon of the airlock would add visual interest to the recessed area off of Bridge street and would irnprove the general appearance of the area. Staff recomnended the applicant provide additional softscape landscape in the project area to rnitigate the removal of existing hardscape landscape. Kristan Pritz showed a picture of the pocket park adjacent to the restaurant entry and Jil} pointed out the airlock would be located in approxirnately the same Location and wouLd project into the pocket park approximatety the sane amount as the existing awning. Kathy Warren, representing the applicant, poin*-ed out the improvenents that would be in the pocket park as a part of the Red Lion remodeling project. JilJ. explained that the staff and the Browns, owners of thethe project. The Tangrs onlydrain to the south. A request for a site coverage variance and angxterior alteration in the Conrnercial Core I in order to allow construction of an airlock entry at the Szechwan Lion Restaurant. 304 Bridoe Street. had reviewed letters from the Tangs Red r.,ion Building, in suPPort of concern was that the airlock roof Kathy comrnented that the drainage soncern had been discussed wlth the contractor and resolved. Kathy continued to conment that the appllcant agreed with the staff nemo except they did not feeL they should be required to plant perennials in the pocket park planters. Chuck Crist asked what color the building would be and Kathy warren answered lrred.rt She explained that the project had already received DRB conceptual approval as well as approval fron the property owners, the Tangs, Brohtns, and !tr. Rosenquist. 14 PEC Minutes Lo/22/90 Meeting Connie lhight asked why the applicant did not feel it was necessary to install landscapinS. Kathy anslrered that the applicant felt the planters would al-readybe sufficiently Landscaped due to the Red Lion addition Iandscaping requirenents. Jin Shearer felt he would llke to see some type of planting. Diana Donovan felt the front of the building would be uoreattractive than the hardscape that existed presently. She didnot feel the applicant should be reguired to install additional landscaping because the Red Lion should be doing the planting. Chuck Crist and Dalton agreed with Diana. Dalton felt that the Red Lion should be responsible for theplanters. A rnotion was made bv Ludwig Kurz to apnrove the site coveracre variance per the staff merno except that additional softscape landscape bv the appLicant would not be required. The notion was seconded by Chuck Crist. Connie Knight asked why the rnotion was to exclude the landscaping and Diana responded that they felt the Red Lion was obligated to landscape the area. Connie Knight inquired as to whether or not landscaping the area in question was covered by the Red Lionrs expansion and Kristan answered it was, however, the Red Lion would be planting trees and shrubs, but no flowers. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR--IqTHY WARREN ABSTATNED. Item No. 5: A recruest for a rnajor chanqe to existinq developnent Plan apProval for the Vallev. Phase vI .Applicant: Edward Zneimer Andy Knudtsen, in response to the boardts request at the previous work session, pointed out the najor differences between thevaltey Phase VI and Elk Meadows. A section of the staff memo was devoted to this analysis. Andy also gave a brief background of the proposal and a description of the project. The staff reconnendation was for approval with conditions since the developrnent plan resulted in less density and a better site plan than the 1981 approval . t5 PEC Minutes LO/22/90 lileeting Peter Jamar, representlng the applicant, stated that the major change was the access to the southern units due to safetyr/sightconcerns. Other changes included the clarification and preservation of the valley and neadow. He felt that Mr. Zneimer should be applauded for down zoning. The one issue they wishedto discuss with the board nas the hazard nitigation. Until such time as the architecture was chosen for the unitsr they askedthat the nitigation method, whether it be a wall or internal , be left to the DRB. They could live with the condition but wouldprefer to have it left to the DRB. Jim Shearer asked why the north cul de sac ended up west of unit 1. Peter Jamar responded that they felt it might push the lot up the hill too far. Jiu Shearer felt that, if it was possible, he would like to see the cul de sac noved east a little. He also wanted to see some trees in the area between the north and south streets. Andy explained that there was a guestion as to what would and would not grow. Jirn stated he would be content to see pines and aspen. Kristan explained that staffrs position was to avoid a manicured l-ook. Jim Shearer Etated that, in general , he was in favor of the proposal . He liked the revised entrance points for aesthetic and safety reasons. Jim asked if there hras a letter frorn the Forestry Service regarding the relocation of the trail. Andy Knudtsen explained to Jirn that the Forest Service had agreed through phone conversations but that he did not possess a letter. Jin stated that he would feeL more comfortable if the Town had a letter in their possession. Kathy warren felt that condition No. 7 found in the memo ttas confusing and needed to be reworded. Peter agreed with Kathy.the intent was there. He felt the wording was misleading but Kathy warren agreed with Jim Shearer that a letter from the Forest Service was needed and Andy expJ-ained that they did try to get the letter, they just did not have enough !-ine. Peter Janar expJ.ained that the Forest Service had clearly indicated they understood they must move the trail . Actually they were looking forward to noving it. He stated that the applicant would furnish a letter fron the Forest Service- o 16 TO: FROlit: DATE: R8: Plannlng and Environmental Conmission Cornrnunity Developnent Department October 22, L99O for site coverage varLance and an for the O4 Bridge Street, Iot H,Village 1st Filing.Applicant: John S. tlo/Szechwan Lion Restaurant I. DESCRIPTION OF IHE VARIANCE REOI,'ESTED The applicant l-s proposing to construct an 8r-0x x 7r-6,11airlock with a gross floor area of 60 sg. ft. for the Szechwan Lion Restaurant. The restaurantrs entrance is on the east side of Bridge street imrnediately norttr of the Red LLon Restaurant. Currentlv the entrance door opens from theexterior onto an ttrFeilevel tanding. Frorn the landing,stairs lead down to the restaurant. The applicant has indr-SsleA-his desire to construct the airl'5-ck because in the-Tf-nter cold air flows down the stairs into the restaurant creating a situation where it is difficult to maintain a comfortable temperature. The appl!-c_Eq!_leligves thg- constructl-on of- this alrlocr wiii- 6ffiiiation as well as define the@- ttie prbp6sea airlock entrance ivil1 provide shelter from the elements and thereby conserve energy. II. ZONING CONSTDERATIONS Zone District: Connercial Core f Lot Area: L3r957.9 sq. ft. 1., The following development standards are impacted by the site'I coverage variance request: Coveraqe: Perrnitted site coverage in Comnercial Core r is 8ot of the lot area. Site coverage is defined as the rrportion of a site covered by buildinE s, ground level patios and decks.rr Existlng site coverage is 83.2*. The following is a sunmary of existing and proposed condLtions: Site Area:L3,957.90 sg. ft. The additional 60 sq. ft. of site coverage will increase the existing site coverage of the Red Lion by0.4*. A variance is necessary for the .4* increase insite coverage. Iandscapinq: Allowed Site Coverage (80*) iExisting Site Coverage -Cg-3.2*): Proposed Site Coverage (83.6t): Existing Hardscape area:Existing Softscape area:Total Existing Landscape Area: Proposed Hardscape area: Proposed Softscape arealTotal Proposed Landscape Area: 11,166.32 sq. ft. 11,6L9.75 sg. ft. LL,679.75 sq. ft. 2,406 sq. ft. (75.58) 7a2 sg. ft. (24.52l 3,188 sg. ft. or 22.88 ofsite inflll proJectdistrict. The addition sillwiII inprove the 2,346 sg. _782. sq. 3r128 sq. ativ (7s. o?) (25.0*) or 22.4* ofsite of the CCf -the-qa1ee ft.ft.ft. III. CO}.TPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CO}IUEBqIAL EORE_I 18.24.010 Purpose: The Connercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to naintain the unigue character of the vail Village Cornmercial. Area, with lts mixture of lodges and cornmercial establishnents in a predoninantly pedestrian environment. The Cornmercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other anenities appropriate to the permitted tlpes of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail ViJ.Iage Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site developnent standards that are intended to ensure the naintenance and preserrration of the tightly clustered arrangements of buitdings fronting on pedestrian ways andpublic greenways, and to ensure continuatLon of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the VilIage. is in conpliance with the puryose space. rV. REVIEW CRITERTA FOR THIS PROPOSAL The VaiI Village Urban Design Guide PIan includes three elementsthat establish the review criteria for this application. The firet of these is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a nurnber of sub-area concepts, many of which identify potential areas for future development and other inprovements. Secondly, the Urban DesiEn Considerations express ttre large scale, land use Js planning and design considerations, and flnallyarchitectural/landscape considerations which wilL be reviewed bythe oeslgn Review Board, establish the criteria for evaluatingdetailed design conEideratlons of a proposal . The ValI Village Maeter Plan also addresseE specific goals pertaJ.ning to the enhancenent of the walking experience throughout the Village that nust be considered in thisapplication. In addition to the Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan,traditional zoning considerations are also a factor in this proposal . COMPLIA}.ICE WTTH THE I'RBAN DESIGN GUIDE PIAN FOR VAIL VILI,AGE There are no specific sub-areas relevant to this proposal. -ftl fftLThe fol /4laaano;ign considerations are a crLtical element of the Urban Ddsign-P1.an. - They identify the key physical characteristics of the Village and provJ.de the tools to insure new developnent is consistent with this establlshed character. These considerations include the following: A.Pedestrianization: The proposed addition will have linited pedestrJ.an traffic flow because of its impacts on theIocation. The addition wlll add to this ian area withof the Enuill stirl be rrainlainE_E93_ the Red L,fon Restau e-rnerqencL-exjt-. --fl'he airlock does not affect the B. c. sjlej ),r.=!!:rJ--=39 E . iurp-ovements proposed for the pocket plaza recently approvedfor the overall building exterior alteration. Vehicular Penetration: The airlock will crea to the baseme-iit ften the 1a r frigfr enhancing the pedestr space. VehLcular penetration or circulation Brill remqln unchanged-a - Streetscape Franenork: D.street Enclosure: The purpoEe of tbia consideration l-s to mal-ntain a confortable relationshlp between the wldth of streets and the height of buildings. The one etory airlock addition in thi-s--reeesse+-area will hav=C--ffif€6€.-==.=- ensl-esgte,-q f Br I dle -sf, reEtT -rt-6oss-not' tncrrea s e the ffiltne- urtr-raing and does not encroach into the pedestrian corridor. The addition will inprove theexlsting condition by creating visual interest ln this recessed area. Street Edge: Tlrere are no etandard setback reguirements in the Vail E. F. G. H. I. J. Village. Rather, proposals are looked at in relationship to lhe site and development surrounding the site to insure a strong street edge. fne--elX9e!-€dge of Bridge Street will not b6 inpacted bv thls proposall=- Building Heicrhts Building height wiII be increased by one st9ry at the entryEiEa:----:=- - Views and Socal Points: The proposed expansion doescarridors- The airlock willsight frorn either the top or Senrice and Deliverv: not affect any fhe proposed expansiondelivery patterns.will not affect current service and Sun./Shade: There will be no increase in the shadow pattern as a resultof this additibn-beEaus; it G triEhin th? exlisting shadepattern of the Red Lion building. Architecture/Landscag: Considerations : These design considerations are tlpically the punriew of the Design Review Board. The Etaff believes the ccns'tnlegiaq of the proposed airlock ln this space -Eiil!_-Lqq!9ys-theappearance of th:i"e--a=ea-leg aCding "1:tyl_fuiterest to the 6Irac|s; heve n9 adopted y on EEe }lne of 9fionto the lhebrl -t tol')o addition will necessitate the remov,al of 60 s ft. t in CCI . In order renove landecaplng cauae auEt be ehownvail vlllage urban ccl zone district, sufficient applicant or as speclfled in ConsLderatlons. area the by the Design In this appllcatlon the alggnf'-gt hsrdscape Ls decreasing. Therefore, we are not requirinE the@e variance fsr thls appllcatlon. The renoval of the pavers brLngs ttre softscape to hardscape percentages lnto greater cQnfornance with the Town Code. The staff finds that thei appllcation ls coneistent with the vail Village Design ConsiderationE. fn additlon, the application is consistentrrith the goaLs and policles of the vail Village llaster Pl.an. we also feel that the benefits of the proJect outweigh the inpacts of removing the paved area. VII. RELATED POLICIES IN THE VAIL VILIAGE IiIASTER PLAII The following are goals and obJectiveE of the Vail Village Master PIan supported by this proposal: GOAL #1 - ENCOI'RAGE HIGH QUALTTY REDSVEIOPMENT WHILE PRESERVING TUE T'NTQUE ARCITITEETT'RAL SCALE OF THE VIIJAGE IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN ITS SEI{SE OF COI.TI.TT'NITY AND IDENTITY. L.2 obiective: Encourage the upgradJ.ng and redevelopnent of residential and connerclal facilities. GOAL #2 - TO FOSTER A STRONG TOURIST INDUSTRY Al{D PROUOTE YEAR- AROI'ND ECONOUIq HEAI.TH AND VTABITITY FOR TEE VIIJ.AGE AIID FOR THE COMMT'NITY AS A I{HOLE. 2.5 Obiective: Encourage ttre continued up,grading, renovation and naintenance of existlng lodging and conmercialfacilities to better terve the needs of our guests. VIII. h^/V,/?1Q) 6 revlew of riterla and F lngs, CodEl the Depar€E€h appFoTaT-of the requested slte coveraqe variance based ectlon 18.62.060 gf the conmunity Developn6T- upon the following factors: 5 A.Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existl.ng or notential uses and structures Ln thevlcinity. fhe proposed airlock will not irtpact access to or /obstruct views from any adjacent properties. rhis /snall addition will not irnpact adjacent uses or I activities in the area. I The site coverage variance is a net increase of 60 sg.ft. code requLrenents prohibit the construction of theairlock wlthln the existing structure. Slight relief from the strict site coverage requirement is warrantedto acconmodate the airlock. The provision of airLocks is encouraged by the Town of VaiI Zoning Code. 3. The effect of the recrueqted variance on tiqht and aiT, 4istribution of population, transrrortation and traffiqfacilities. Dublic faiilities and utilities. and public safety. This proposal will not affect any of these criteria. IX. FINDINGS.- SITE COVERJAGE VARIANCE That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsj-stent with the linitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental to the public bealth, safety or welfare, or materiallyinjurious to properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. 2. A. B. o C. That the variance LE rarranted for one or more of thefollouing reasons: 1. The strict literal lnterpretatLon or enforcement of thespecified'regulation would result in practlcaldlfficulty ar unnecessary physical bardship l-nconsistent wlth the obJectiveE of this title. 2. :Ihere are exceptions or extraordLnary circunstances or condl.tions applicable to the same site of the varl.ancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesa[e zone. 3. The strl-ct Lnterpretation or enforcenent of thespecifled regrulatl-on would deprive the appllcant ofprlvlleges enjoyed by the owners of otlrer properties inthe same district. X. STAFF RECOI.I!{ENDATION staff reconnendation is for approvaL of the The rET[1ew of evant, U the Vail Village l{aster the construction of this airlocl< areato this recessed area off of Bridgeof the area. The Ls neqliqible.prrvrlege es or uses.site t wouldrtheallcant as the alrlock mustto allow for safe Plan coals show that the proposal is Ln conformance vith the applicable sections of these documente. or of the--d6gsss the restaurant. Iicant provide additional softscapein the aFa-tit-n-itigatefthe removal o{ existirfg r , -.J \. proposed e:rpansion will have no n tlve cts on the The staff believes that. - - r.---:=------l--witl-Edd visual wl surrioundirrg area and theThe site coverage variance Ls andStri )s*trtt - lands recommends ,#u . t9r.o?' o o tI \ \ \ \ \ . ro.3J30' (loez3'16" colc,l = 35.2t' (34.64 Colc.l sEr lrr{c caP!.3.2!503 .-- RUCKSACK CONDOMINIUMS 3Er ?ril a clP!!. e!oo6 -1' l!o'e s7z.€ba"fr9.OO'- 'lTa?heo &wllvnl l-]E|'l Alt'o#- u% RED LION IN COI{OOMINIUMS uooD. lltE|-, lnd corciErE 8L0G !.t fln lor oFrtane ltt9J t.C t.at.l h, -f". ,.q 7. n jta.oo'R.IZ.OO' ssl trlr I crt Lt l4.6ot |.s ?55oG a ' €g.{Coo' ,lt€istarc n'45.OO' L. 23.65' A .3O'o?'18' R . .t5.(x)' L . 35.?2' a .45.28'!5' sEt Plll6c ? L.i ?1306 ,ltartl,al tc, ?o R . leoo' colc, tL.lao4' ! ' 76'34'55": -:'- o EXISTING ENTRANCE PROPOSED AIRTOCK --1, ,/ fft'{i{ /' ' / ir' f lF *';'-' fi ,t, I )Y r\ ' )\) '\-----'/ ,r,. Jq, Y 1*// b $^fl' l G, nfil rrb vu ',f,ut(.,:m ..Nl',Al' Y ^lJ Jd+ili'r!" '/'7 /,/ / =S=- TNna/',r/u",\ 'qi,hft | \'f r{ \l : iooto 4"= lt'aPLAN VIEW Y*"=w / ,t^.f, /-0"#'*a:r65 \TV\Es.k\lI\.>, a$ I i {._ i N. F {t\l .J-'v Alltxtr {. ot $sFD-IIII[ ftt \ z-$r zttl ffi t\ s-\T zI z IUrllN,1, ( F- N \ t- \L ( I ,$f J \tl\$ F 01. 1 =oe I I i i.) o $!L N s \3 ) (\ Ct aM2 \-4;;-7 ilI-l "{7* $id\LIL\y F* \IIE srL =$t\ = \trN *r5*L+ --- \) i +.l'o,zil =zil( /\ /\ \/\ ..' Al,q cft b{; eil 6-' d/'/d4 -ffir9'7' Urql*- Drr"* +?!za ' J,zufu nal Cr*V"a/ / 'Ah-u $- "-'-. ,l rs[ sEP 241990 Date ofpplication :gepteeler 2a,-!!90 Date of PEC ltleeting-&to!9l-?3r--1999 EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VILLAGE APPLICATION FOR OR MODIFICATIONS VAIL I. Pl anning and Environmental Cormission review is required for the alterationof an exist'ing building which adds or removes any enc'losed floor area or gy_t{oor patio or the rep'lacement of an existing building L0CATED IN THE CCIDISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT-MUST BE REVIEl,lED BY THE DRB. The application will not be accepted unti] all information is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLiCANT Szechwan Lion Restaurant ADDRESS 304 Bridge Streer Vail. C0 81657 PHotiE 476-4303 B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE p.e1lWarren Arctit".ts ADDRESS P.0. Bo* 1202 Vail. C0 81658 PH0NE 476-4s06 C. NAME 0F OI,INER(S) (print or type)John S. Ho (Owner), David Huang Ltluqegg!) SIGNATURE( ADDRESS Pl-l0NE 476-4303 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL; ADDRESS LEGAL l,ot H, Block 5A, VaiL Vil1age First Filing 304 Brid PAID cK#BY Szechwan Lion Restaurant ,-',.s\E. FEE /' $'100.00 ) THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEt,l YOUR PROJECT. BEFORE THE C0I'S'IUNITY DEVEL0PMENT DEPARTilENT I{ILL A,tuCl4 A&'qrkdgalelzz 2588 oroso dr. p.o. box 3370 voil, co, 81658 303'476.4506 APPLICATION FOR EXTERI0R ALTERATION IN COMI'ERCIAL CORE I, VAIL VILLAGo APPLICANT: SZECHWAN LION RESTAURANT This request is for the addition of an airlock entry to the existing entrance of the Szechwan Lion Restaurant. Currently the entrance door opens from the exlerior into a landing above stairs leading to the restaurant. In the winter the cold air flows dolm the stairs into the resraurant naking it diffi- cult to maintain a confortable temperature. The proposed airlock r':i11 allevlate this problem as well as defining the restaurant entrance. By introduclng a building feature more to hunln scale and with architectural interest, the proposal is in conformance r.r'ith the purposes of the CCf District as set forth in Section 18.24.010 of the Zoning Ordinance. Also, as encouraged 1n the Design Guidelines Section 18,54,050 C. 9., the airlock will provide shelter f rorn the elenents. ' nflz 6ut/ /'/ .- ' r i@4 /toh PmT"ddraz'z-qo f{? tE bt?/a azarft. /11'/'*a n z, '' dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects Because the airlock will create an inviting place of restaurant and soften the high plain wal1s adjacent enhance the street enclosure and street edge. Ttri s proposaL does not alter the existing conditions ization, vehicle penetration, streetscape framework, and sun/shade. entry to the basenent to it, the proposal will in regard to pedestrian- building height, views, The proposal is compatible with the character of the neighborhood and will inprove the appearance of the Szechwan Lion entrance uhile providing a buffer between the interior heated space and the exteriot. , . ", 1(t6tr,qzu.t/ t /;rtr t, z( /Lz-V/,,,/t ,rr' ,V'/ij -/tfit' - '4'ax/ lhT .faotq j r,r/ f4 z) /trlpt th ' '/- / _ ti:1r,,,, /s")f jr/, pt1fu'il,*ary " lVr)rurlrn nt. J..t,4i;,q --i7t,,lt-tr-hJ o -1/ina7r tztl'l fir/:/'2.->t C )fuJ , Ce./ y'2y'L. .ttl,ctf, o ,Jturt.zz,y // ,trrrrutd a rceQ-'nc/k -z7k*y' ' I.This will A. Application Ou! '" APPLICATION FOR A YARIANCE procedure ls required for any proJect requestlng a variance. The applicatlon not be accepted until all informatlon ls submitted. NAI,IE OF APPLICANT Szechwan Lion Restaurant ADDRESS 304 Bridce Street Vail. CO 81657 PHON E3@9L B. D. NAME 0F APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE Peel/Warren Architects. Kathv Warren ADDRESS P.0. Box 1202 Vail-. CO 81658 PHoNE 476-4s06 C. NME 0F 0blNER(S) (type or prlnt) Jotrn S. Ho (CIo"er), Da' Vai1. CO 81657 PH0NE 476-4303 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 304 Bridee Street LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N L0T_ I|_BL0CK__54_FILING@@g cK#FR0M Szechwan tion Restaurant BEFoRE THE CoMMUI{ITY DEVELoPMENT DEPARTMENT tllLL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. E. FEE ( $IOO ./ PAID THE FE}XU51- BE PAID October 22, 1990 o APPLICATION FOR A S]TE COVERAGE VARIANCE APPLICNAT: SZECHWAN LION RESTAURANT This request is for a sit,e coverage variance to alrow the construction ofan airlock entrance for the Szechwan Lion Restaurant. The exterior dinensionsof the airlock are 8r-0t' x 7'-6t' r+ith a gross area of 60.0 square feet.This additional 60.0 s.f. of site coverage will increase the existing site coverage of the Red Lion by o.47. as shown in the following calculations: dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects Site Area: Allowed Site Coverage: Existing Site Coverage: Proposed Site Coverage: 2588 oroso dr. p.o. box 3370 voil, co. 81658 3c.3.476'45c,6 13,957.9 s.f. 8O% of 13,957.9 s.f. = 11,166.32 s.f. II ,596.4 s.f. = 83.12 11,656.4 s.f. = 83.52 The prcposal adds an airlock entrance which provides shelter fron the elementsthus helping to conserve energy. It also creates and interestlng architecturalfeature vhich lowers the corner of the building to a nore huuran scale. The 60 square feet of enclosed space will not impact adjacent uses or activitiesin thi.s area nor does it reduce the area of landscapiog, The airlock will have no negative effects on light and air, distributionof population, transportation, traffic facilities, util-ities, and public safety . dovid m. peel 2588 oroso dr. kothy wcjrren %l,.?!lf,tt? orchitects 309.476.4so6 NA},IES OF OI{NERS OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SZECHWAN LION RESTAURAM Mil-l Creek Courr fi Landnark Comercial Condominium Association Development Conpany c/o Va11 Hone Rentals c/o Rosenquj-st & Associates 143 E. Meador.r Drive P.O. Box 686 Vai1, C0 81657 Vail , C0 81658 Golden Peak John Dowling Condominium Association 7 Gracy Square 278 llanson Ranch Road New York, NY f0028 Vai1, C0 81657 Shirley Young Cyranos General Motors Corporation Margretta B. Parks 3044 1{. Grand B1vd. P.0. Box 37312 Detroir, MI 48202 Denver, CO 80237 Martin Mu11a1lyl,lrs. Cortlandt Hill p.O. Box 611 311 Bridge Street Minrurn, CO 8L645Vail-, C0 81657 vail ski Rental 3}it;lril:tffi:"".. Jack Curtain Vai1, C0- 81657254 Bridge Street Vail-, C0 61657 Craig Granlund Brandess-Cadmus Real EstaEe' Clark tlil-linghan 281 Bridge SrreerPlaza Lodge Vai1, C0- 91657291 Bridge Street Vai1, C0 81657 Margaret Burdick P.O. Box 1250* Frankie & Oscar Tang Vai1, C0 81658Plaza Lodge 291 Bridge Street Vail-, CO 81657 Robert Hoerle 1158 5th Avenue Nev York, Ner,r York 10029 EXISTI: K ENTRANCE PTANTER PROPOSED AIRLOCK RED LION INN ;;*,v' G, '+ " -- l''aPLAN VIEW Y4 = ir. u\I 3 \t z_Fvx+ J. o z.z. I L- ,l -,' ll lllt'|./ ilill-.. rlL ri il I li- - --------'---'- - z\nJz o$ $H I N-F+ {\r o$Ix \L +. oi $pFo-$ru ftt {. z-sr :ZN ffi $$ N-\r o ( T t t- t ( l oo :F F. t .,' ,L_ ,\\ t u { SCHEDULE A Application No. V14351-2 'For Infornation Only - Charges - ALTA olrner Policy 92,765.00 $20 ' 00Taxcertit:-roto,-,-- g2,z85.oo With your reroittance please refer to v14351--2. L. Effective Date: November O3-, 1989 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: t'ALTArr Ownerts Policy $11450,000.00 Forrn 8-1970 (Anended L0-17-70) Proposed Insured: FRANKIE TANG 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Comnitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: EDWIN C. WHITEHEAD 5. The land referred to in this Cornrnitnent is described as follows: ;:XB3HIil:TOTTT'"I"I"HR-$;'*^ , 1981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 105 Ar{D AS DEFINED IN TIIE CONDOMINIW DECT,ARATTON RSCORDED SEPTEI{BER L8, 1981 Il{ BOOK 329 AT PAGE 104, COUMTY OF EAGLE, STATE Or COIpRADO. ALT0"oMMrrL{ENr v PAGE 1 ! ALTl"oMMrrMENr rt SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) Application No. Vtcssr-z The following are the reguirements to be conplied sith: 1. Palzment to or for the account of the grantors or uortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. BVTDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT TIIE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF IITE TOWN OF VATL TRANSFER TAX ITA\TE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRA}fiTY DEED FROM EDWIN C. WHITEHEAD TO FRANKIE TAIIG COIWEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. PAGE 2 a ALrt coMMTTMENT SCHEDUT.E B-2 (Exceptions) The policy or policies to be issued wirl contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the sane are disposed of to the'-satisfabtion ofthe Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions l. through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments irot yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessrnents against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SA},IE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 1L, 1899, IN BOOK 48 A? PAGE 47s. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 1L, 1899,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS I{HICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER Ci,AUSE; BUT OMITTING RESTRTCTIONS, IF AIiIY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CoNTAfNED IN INSTRITMENT RTCORDED August 10, L962, IN BOOK 174 AT PACE 179. 12. THOSE PROVTSTONS, COVEfIANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTTONS, !{HICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINITJM UNIT DESCRTBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIT!4ENT RECORDED Septenber 18, 198L, IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 104. 13. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OVER PORTTONS OF SURTECT PROPERTY GRANTED TO GAS FACILITIES, INC., IN INSTRU{ENT RECORDED MAY 10, 1966 IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE 53 0. 14. EASEMENT FOR MATNTENANCE AND RASTORATION OF A BALCONY OVERHANG IMPROVEI{ENT GRANTED TO OTTO KUEHN, IN INSTRInTENT RECORDED AUGUST 10, 1967 IN BOOK 211 AT PAGE 26. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PIAT OF VAIL VILI.AGE, FIRST FILING AND THE RECORDED CONDOMINIW MAP OF TIIE RED LION CONDOMINII'US. Application No. V14351-2 PAGE !. L SCIIEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) application No. vrerSf-Z 16. A PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AIID EGRESS OV8R, T'NDER AND ACROSS TTTE PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF }IAINTAINING, REPAIRING AI{D REPIACING THE MECIIANTCAIJ EQUIPMENT oR ADDITTONAL EQUIP!,IENI I,oCATED oR To BE LOCATED oN THE ROOF OF THE PROPERTY AND TO TIIE MECHANICAL EQUIPI,TENT IN TTIE ATTTC SERVTCTNG CERTAIN COIII{ERCTAL UNTTS, WHrCH EASEMENT SnALL BE APPI'R?ENANT TO THE OTIIER UNrTS IN THE RED LrON rNN CONDO!,IINIIII{S, AS RESERVED rN WARRANTy DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25, 1981 rN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 391. 17. EXISTING I,E]ASES AND TENANCIES, r- Arra coMurrMENT 5 PAGE { MINNESOTA TrTrf !\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suite 105 Aurora, CO 80014 zs t-4336 l8l0 30th Street Boulder, CO 80301 444-4tQl 200 Norlh Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 5l 2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 21 2 North Wahsafch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-1821 CommitmentTo Insure lssud hrcagh the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32t-t 880 8821 E. Hampden )urre I uu Denver, CO 80231 750-1223 8333 Greenwood Bou leva rd Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 l20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 217-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite 150 Englewood. CO 80112 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemile Denver, CO 80237 69 4-2837 I.A}ID ?ITLE GLIARANTEE CCMFC|\IY l08 South Frcntage Road W P.O. 8ox 357 Va il. CC 81658 476-2251 3030 S. C,ollege Avenue Suite 20 | Fort Collins, CO 805 25 482-901 5 710 Kipling Sfreer Lakewood, CO 80215 232-311 1 3609 So. Wadsworth surte | | 5 Lakewood, CO 80235 98 8- 855 0 I tyYU granr Jtreel Suite 220 Norlhglenn, CO 80233 452-01 49 I 9590 East Main Sireel Parker, CO 80134 84 | .4900 | 08 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO B 1658 176-2251 LAID TITLE GI.lARANTEE COI4FANY To lnsure ALTA Commitment- 1 970 Rev. MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0F MINNES0TA, a Minnesota coporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits m issue its policy or policies ol title insunance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate 0r interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment ol the premiums and charges thereior; all subject m tre provisions of Schedules A and B and to fie Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of fie proposed Insured and fre amount or tre policl or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this fommitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance ol such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and lerminate six months after the effective date hereoi or when the policy or policies committed ior shall issue, whichever first omurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Comoanv. TIT:EN CONDITIONS AND STRJLATIONS 1. Jhe term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defuct, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail h disclose.such knowledge to the Company in witing. the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent te Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such krowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowldge to the Cornpany, or if fte Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of arry such defect, lien, eicumbrance, advene claim or ofier matter, fie Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitrnent accordingly, bui such amendment shall not relieve tire Company fmm liability prwiously inorned pursuant to paragmph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such paftie included under the definition of Insured in the form of poliry or policies committed for and only for actual loss incuned in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faitr (a) to comply witr the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminae exceptions shown in Schedule B. or {c) to acquire or create fte estate 0r interest or mortgage frereon covered by this Commitmenl In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A lor ttre policy or policies committed fo and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Cwerage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed lnsured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expresly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or righs of action trat $e proposed Insured may have or may bring against fre Company arising out of the status of tre title to fie estate or interest or the itatus of tfre mortgage thereon covered by this Commirnent m-usibe based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions fromt:u"n' above rererred to' this commitment is aM fl:ofkfti[,,':,1#ii;:;xlrmul,iJ;nf.,:J;J,?::", 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspeclion of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for servic es, laborormaterial theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment lN WITNESS WHEREOE Trtle lnsurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. TITII INSURANCE COMPAI.IY OF MINNESOTA Authorizd S@to,y TIM Forrn 2582 !,:,tttp"ln-, q . i-LAND TrO&E cUARANTEE oo"PANY Representing Tit1e Insurance Conpany of Minnesota TI{ANK YOU FOR YOT'R ORDER Decenber Ll, 1989 Our Order: V14598 BIITER: SEIJLERI I..ANDMARK CO!,TUERCTAL DEITIEIOP!{ENT COI{PANY, COIORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP ADDRESS: 4[OR:TER ARCIIITECTSv cAr,r, Eo PrcK uP 1. Attn: ARLIN PTCKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al{ PM - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy PRE],I}ITNARY REPORT - - TOTAL - Vlith your remittance AtrO couMrTMENr o SCHEDULE A Application No. V14598 s100. oo- sL00.00 please refer to Vl-4598. 1. 2. Effective Date: November 23, 1999 at g:OO A.M. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrAf.TAr Ownerrs Policy Fo1m B-L970 (&nended t-O-17-70) Proposed Insured: 3- The estate or interest in the land descri.bed or referred to inthis Conmitrnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. TitLe to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeflective date hereof vested in: I, IANDMARK COM*MNCTEL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A COLORADO GENERAL\.\ PARTNERSHIP..\ 5. The land referred to in this Conmitruent is described asfgDousi _* _ -" t.. eouDoMrNru* uNrr+L, c2, c3, AND c4, THE RED rroN coNDoMrNrIrMs@ouoouriruu MAp THEREoF REcoRDED sEeTEMBER l-s,1981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 105 AND AS DEFINED TN THE CONDOMTNII'M DECLARATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 1.8, L98t IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE104, COIJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE ...,, : '-: " alrf couurr!tENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Reguirenents) Application No. V14598 The followlng are the requirenents to be conplLed with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or nortgagors ofthe full consideratLon for the estate or interest to be l-nEured. 2. Proper Lnstnrnent(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: rHIS COMIIIITIIIEIflI' rS FOR INFORMATTON ONLY, At{D NO pOLICy Wrr,L BE ISSIIED PT'RSUAICT HERETO. PAGE 2 "tl coMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. V14598 The poricy or policies to be issued witl contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to the satilfaction ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptions L through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said. land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRTETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND RE}'OVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECoRDED July 1L, l-899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEIINITED SEATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 11-, :.Sgg,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTATN BUB OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF Al[Y, BASED ON NATIONAL ORIGIN, As CONTAfNED rN INSTRUTIENT BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. L2. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, WHICH ARE A BT'RDEN TO THE CONDOMINIW TJNIT CONTAINED IN INSTRIDiTENT RECORDED Septenber 1 04. A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE, RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR RECORDED August l-0, 1962, IN EASEIIENTS AND RXSTRICTIONS, DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS18, 199L, rN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 13. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OVER PORTIONS OF SUS..TECT PROPERTY GRANTED TO GASFACILTTIES, INC., IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED MAY ]-0, ].966 IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE530. 14. EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND RESTORATION OF A BALCONY OVERIIANG IMPROVEI,TENT GRANTED TO OTTO KUEHN, IN INSTRTJMENT RECORDED AUGUST tO, L967 IN BOOK 2l_LAT PAGE 26. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGEf FrRST l'ILINc AND THE RECORDED CONDOMfNfI'M MAP OF RED LION CONDOMTNIUMS. PAGE ALro coMMTTMENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. V14598 16. EXTSTTNG TEASES AND TENANCIES. l-7. A DEED OF TRUST DATED November 03, 1977 FROM RICHARD N. BROWN, CHARIESH. ROSENQUIST AND JEFFREY B. SELBY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR TIIE USE OF THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUII.,,DING AND IJOAN ASSOCIATION TO SECT'RE THE SI'I{ OF $45O,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTHER A],IOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER TI{E TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED November L4, I97'I ,IN BOOK 262 AT PAGE 251. NOTICE OI' CONTINUATION OF LIEN OF DEED OF IRUST AGREEI4ENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED UARCH 29, Lg85 rN BOOK 4l_O AT pAcE 1_0. (AFFEcts EASEMENE oN LoT E' BLocK 5A vArL VILLAGE FIRST FTIING) 18. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF SECURITY AGREEMENT AND PLEDGE OF PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS RECORDED November 06, 1-986 IN BOOK 451 AT PAGE 876. 19. A DEED OF TRUST DATED JANUaTy 09, 1987 FROM I,ANDMARK COMUERCIAL DEVEI0PMENT COMPANY, A COLORADO GENERAI PARTNERSHIP TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COTJNTY FOR THE USE OF THE EMPIRE SAVTNGS, BUILDING AND I,OAN ASSOCIATION TO SECURE THE STJM OF $2,]-55,855.00, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED January zo, 1987, rN BooK 456 AT PAGE 254. (AFFECTS CONDOMTNTTTM UNITS CL, C2, C3 AND C4) 20. FTNANCING STATEMENT WrTH CENTRAL BANK OF ASPEN, N.A., THE SECLRED pARTy, RECORDED I,IARCH 7, L98g IN BOOK 480 AT PAGE 48. (AFFECTS A PORTION OF CONDOMINIW UNIT C4) 21-. TERMS, CONDITTONS AND PROVISTONS OF ASSIGNIIENT OF REAL ESTATE LEASE AND AGREEMENT RECORDED March 07, 1998 fN BOOK 480 AT PAGE 49. (AFFECTS A PORTION OF CONDOMINfUM UNIT C4) PAGE 4 IIlo't1-9 o rr*k,A /ta^-< ffi ..a"ca.S A.//)fuTr/**- 4* a*44 z-,r/ 4" 'it,a2efrlr"4 t' ;t RICIIARD N. BROWN 6ur?t 106 r?to EOTTTII BET,I,AIRE STNBET DENVER, corJoRADo aos?s(308)?5a-68?o n ^ J,.1 t7 f oL7 e-.7, / 1, I lVn/ // / , n. /fu,^-.__/ ( 4 //!-/ -V-t-"tz--t /-4-'"t-<- ,i' ';t' lnwn 75 3ou$ hontrge rord y!t. coloredo B1OS7 (30:t) 47s-2r38 (3qt) 4792139 Ylay 22, 1989 oflha of conrmunlty dmlopnrenl Ms. Kathy Warren Peel/Warren ArchitectsP.O. Box 3370Vail, Colorado BL65B Re: Exterior alteration for the Red Lion Inn Dear Kathy, The staff has compreged a prelininary reviev of your proposaL for theRed Lion rnn. r wourd appieciate it-lf you woul& sutriit-tnefollowing inforrnation by t[ay 31 , 1989: -\-\ L. An improvement suryey for the property showing the propertyIines and 1ocation oi the building, aicf areat, and-Iandscaping. A site plan-showing the property line on the west, north,and south side of the renodel.. A floor plan for the proposed enclosed area. 4. A Title Report with Schedule B to check easements andownership. If there is a condoninium association, theymust also approve the reguest in a letter. 5. A statement of how the remodel will effect' pedestrianization. In addition, the staff has the following cornnents concerning thedesign: 1- we strongry encourage the owners to consider increasing thetransparency of the roof. We would suggest using a glissceiring for the front third of the rooi, we recommend ttrisapproach as we feel it will nake the enclosure nore like agreenhouse. The increased light in the bar area willinprove the appearance of the structure from the street. ,',, i 2. We would also ask the owners to consider the possibillty ofdecreasing the enclosure in order to increase outdoor pitiospace. fdealJ-y, we nould like to see dining along the westside of the bar enclosure. Our intent is to naintain, ifnot increase, the outside dining space. 3. We would like to see additional landscaping on the southside of the outdoor patio. Landscaping could be used tosoften the stark appearance of the buildlng meeting theasphalt. rt is also required that you submit a tist of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the Red Lion property. you are responsiblefor giving us the correct rnailing addresses. we will need tleownership infornation by Itlay 23, 1999, in ord.er to publish for theifune 12 PEC meeting. I also want to make sure that you understand that if the bar isenclosed, parking fees will be charged for the area enclosed. Thisis a'factor that the owners strourd understand as r know the budgetwas an issue. As you wilr recaLl from our meeting on site }ast week, the ownerswllI stilr be required to move the windows enclosing fhe uar area, byilune 15, 1989. You may include in your request the orrner's deEire totoid thls condition of approvar if ttreir new rernodel request isapproved by the PEC on June 12. rf you have any guestions about thestaff comments, please feel free to give me a cal.l at 479-2138.! ,, I Si.ncerely, \/ | fl.r {lrnhn l4rrf+ Li Kristan PritzSenior Town Planner KP: Ir 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479,2139 October 13, l-989 oflice of community deyelopment Mr. Terry Ray 555 Westport Road Kansas City, Missouri 64111 Re: Red Lion Inn Restaurant exterior alteration appli.cation Dear Terry, r have been the planner working with Kathy warren on the Red Lion rnnRestaurant renodel . on october 23, 1989, Kathy presented a request tothe Planning and Environmental Commission to table the remod.el untiLFebruary, 1990. Her reason for this request was that she thought thatdue to the new ownership in the nea f,ion Building, it may be norefeasible to come up with a better d.esign solution for the Red Lion Inn.I have enclosed her letter to the pLanning Commission. unfortunately, r have stilr not received official letters fron theowners of the Red Lion Building approving your application. For thisreason' I must ask that you subrnit letters of approval frorn the ordnersof the Red Lion Building to our department by llovenber l_0, l-989. rf rdo not receive these letters of approval , r inust ask that you withdrawyour proposal. r was under the impression that the owners agreed with the proposal.since that time, it has come to my attent.ion that a new arciritect, JimMorter, is also working on the fuifaing and perhaps even the restaurantspace. r would appreci-ate your help in clearing up thi-s matter.Please call me at 4'79-2L38 if you have any furth.er questions. Sincerely*r ) \ ( l,\ -ll^lrL.,. V.+t-\\\)t\l\\\ltf Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:1r cc: Kathy Warren dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects 2588 oroso dr. p.o. box 337C voil. co. 81658 303.476.4506 October 19, 1989 Ms. Kri-stan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vall , CoLorado 81657 Regarding: Red Li.on Inn Application for Exterior Alterations or Modificationsin Cornmercial Core I, Vail VilJ.age Dear Kristan; As president. of T.E.A., Inc., Ehe owners of the Red Lion Inn, Terry Ray has asked me to request t.haL their exEerior alteragion applicarion be t.abled by the Planning and Environmental Commission until February 1990. This requesc is being made because a port,ion of the Red Lion Building has recently changed ownership. Since the new owners are inEeresEed in remodeling, Mr. Ray feels thaC the Red Lion Inn has an opporcunit.y to work with t.hese or,rners as well as Mr . Brown r.o enhance the res uaurant area . By tabling the current subrnittal, the various parties will have time to assesstheir needs and devise plans during the winter. The Red Lion Inn could then obtain the necessary approvals by the end of the ski season and cownence con- struction at that time. We feel that this ti.me frame (being able to construct, during the off-season) would minimize public disturbance and be desirable to the Town. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours /rLb,,** Kathy en, AIA truly, cc Mr. Terry L. Ray, President. T.E.A., Inc. o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: The Planning and Environmental Commission Conrnunity Development June 12, 1989 A request for a major exterior alteration for the Red LionInn, 304 Bridge Street, Lot H, Block 5A, Vail Village FirstFiling.Applicant: T.E.A., Incorporated/Red Lion Inn rq8I I.THE PROPOSAL This request was roved withbe allowed fr remainder of thei In 1982, the Planning and EnvLronmental Commission approved anexterior alteration for the Red Lion. The proposal was toenclos@ of existing patio on trre west side ofthe Red Lion. In the sunmer, the applicants proposed to rernovea portion of the windows in order to rnaintain an open deck. Duadfu-u,r.tsrt: obl,L{\\0md, The present proposal wouLd provide a permanent enclosure of thedeck. The existing removeable windows along Bridge Street wouldbe replaced by operable windows similar to the rraccordian wood windowsrr in place at Sweet Basils. Blurs, and Vefi?lEElFiatiil[Fetiffiaapproximately twelve inches to sixteen inches to allow for the new windows. When open, the proposed window systern panels stacknext to the structural colurnns. tion that the enclosure ass al treet must be s to l-: O . The windows wills per 6-provide security when the The applicant is requesting that thethe winter. tl" +u *'^ tho.X\o.a ttdu.+ "0r{t,ei*..\- fu.hiw tr,rus SHY The a licant nro OIiIS W 1-L: OO restaurant is not open. windows be allowed to be The design includes a new pocket garden and seating area to thesouth of the existing outdoor patio. pavers will replace theexisting asphalt. @tn" applicant is also requesting an extension on the deadtine toremove the winflows to,allow tine for the review of the remodelrequest. - t0rrt1*.\ - ttp\dlQ . The Planning commission has been asked to review this requestagain due to the fact that the existing removable glass windowswill be replaced by permanently installed le wiaddition, the owners-Effisklnffio alPplevaLlLf-tbc oriqinal exteriof altera the it fn the windows be cornpletely removed along the Bridge Streetelevation during the surnrner. IT. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTTON OF COMMERCTAL CORE T A. L8.24.gLo Purpose: The Cornmercial Core f district is intendedto provide sites and to maintain the uniquecharacter of the Vail Village ConmercialArea, with its nixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predoninantlypedestrian environment. The Commercia] CoreI District is intended to ensure adequatelight, air, open space, and other amenitiesappropriate to the permitted types ofbuildings and uses. The district maintenance and preservation of the tightlyclustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public ltreenways, andto ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguishthe Village. This proposal does not comply fully with the purposesection of Commercial Core I. The staffrs concern is thatthe design of the enclosure does not go far enough to enhance the rrunigue character of the VaiI Vi]-laqg a-4'qa1t andtfu;{ffi;w#y pedesrrian environmenr. x |latt I6tnoeq IIT.WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PI,AN FOR VAIL VILLAGE The following guide plan sub-area concept relates to the southside of the Red Lion adjacent to the outside dining patio: L0. Seibert Circle. Feature area pavingtreatment. Relocate focal point (potentialfountain) to north for better sun exposure(fall/spring), creates increased plaza area and could be the back-drop for activities. Separated path on north side for uninnpededpedestrian route during delivery periods. This proposal The applicant outside diningwill be add relates proPoses deck. very positively to the sub-area concept.-to landscape the south side of the consists of a alt d e regulations in q prescribe site developnentthat are intended to ensure the on which rt Circle s relocated, the proposed -ffit landscaping will integrate into the design which calls for alrseparated path on the north side for an unirupeded pedestrianroute. tr IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESTGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VATL VILI,AGE A. Pedestrianization: f1 This.criteriars enphasis is to rrreinforce and expand thetlguality of pedestrian walkways throughout the Village." The applicant has explained that the exist brick silIwillximately one f. Accord e applicant, it isnecessary to rnaintain a low interior wall for the hot waterbase board heating systen and to comply with coderequirenents for height of glass above the floor. Thestaff understands these design requirements and alsobelieves that it is very positive that the brick sill isbeing lowered by one foot. However, it is not acceptableexisting sliding glass windowssouth sides of the deck area.appropriate a closed. eleva Given hindsiqht, theapproval of l-982 haswhich were tici anning C Siderations We also believe that transparency of thefor a portion of the enclosure nore like area will to thewill w staff believes that the had staff that the rernain on the north and e windows window deck. ortor1 Red Lion Inncts on Bridqe Streethe staf a. We look a ques as anutilize the vail- village Designto improve this situation. Itopinion that this pentran eck sEructure of esErtan zaEron side of the deck also be added to the north and touthelevations.s will for a ter opennesswill meet thq or ntent of the L In order\to improve upon the situ r.lra--+ncerrc or- ff-EEongr.yr the Bridge Street 'mT { rrrrihrVd&*hl$\dr:sW 8{+Hsto! it would be positive to increase theroof. We suggest using a glass ceilingroof. This approach will nake thea greenhouse. Ttrg-jrfrom the as well as enhance pedq B. c. Vehicular penetration : No inpact. Steetscape/Framework : The streetscape/framework criteriaimprove the quality of the walkingcontinuity to the pedestrLan rrays. irnprovements are encouraged alongadditional open storef sto walkwavs: One is incr anl secffiIil This proposal positively effects thewith the addition of the landscapingthe outdoor dining deck. The bencha very pleasant space for pedestrianunattractive. framework by making thepedestrians. D. Street enclosure: No impact. E. Street edqe: londuc'pq- tD\i+i0lQ- l) nris criteria encourages buildings in the viltage Core to'rrcreate a strong but irregular edge to the street.rl llThe street edge is not changed due tq the remodel . We do 1I believe tha-" the ili I inprove the overall appearance of the Bridge Street" elevation. F. Buildinq heiqht: No change. c. Views and focal points: Not applicable. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION staff recommend= C#Dtf the request. The proposal does not\_ _-,/ As stated under the pedestrianization criteria, staffbelieves that the north need to matchthe design of tbe3e5E e evaE,lon.The the use ap ch sys so add to streetscapevisibLe to focuses on ways rrto experience and give Two types of theivitof key locations al walking experience on the south side of and landscaping creates use which is now very dining area more L. 2. conply with the applicable exterior alteration criteria ofpedestrianization, street frarnework, and street edge. werecomnend the following changes to the proposal: Floor to -ceiling operabte uindows should be used along thenorth and south elevations. At a rninimurn, the design-details of these windows should match the proposed westelevation window treatrnent. A portion of the roof should be gLass in order to addgreater transparency. We would suggest an approach sirnilarto the design used by Vendettars, Up The Creek, or theUptown Grill. The Red Lion deck has the potential to be a deck that crreatlvenhances-the pedestrian expEliencE. sEEE-appreciates-the -owner's interest in naking this dining area rn6re useable andpermanently enclosed. we also think the pocket garden and bench l I I fn.t ted*MN ffiS.* are very positive streetscape irnprovernents. However, in orderto agree with those es, staff believ in the propoial . fn_respect to the ownerrs reguest that they be allowed tomaintain the enclosure of the deck during Lhe review process, recomrnend that the owner remove the exi.sting windows by June1-5th per the L982 approval . It was made cI currowner that this co Even if thisrequesttpro-esses will take ows will netoor cons believe that arEEiffiEnts we \NU\ ix $Edrm-'n{r@rffi- ltrN\!-u ft,,q,$k#*frffi;H{S*fr}ffiehfr,:$^'d er=,ft* .It1E p,l"\"qtd^-t\'!Lu- iyuS'@ b',' }foopt[^* u + 0*n $ovr Wlt' D-k{.4'd-1tmru ffi+hffi ffi*m#*kffiW$^'f'SAft *.s.f,ffi 4 fl,;{\'l t.gKP.ff5,0- h\dq ico/st U t ba rupos,'bh{a--t APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I, VAIL VILLAGE APPLICANT: RED LION INN T.E.A., fnc., the owners of the Red Lion Inn, are applying for an exterior modification in Commercial Core I of Vail Vi11age. They wish to replace the existj.ng fixed glass windows along Bridge Street r{ith permanently installed operable windows and to create a landscaped area south of the pati-o. The pro- posed accordian windows are similar to those in place at Sweet Basi1, Bluts and Vendetta's. The existing brick si11 will be lowered approximately one foot to sixteen inches above the f inj-sh floor. It is necessary to maintain a 1ow interiorwall for the hot vater baseboard heating system and to comply vrith code requirements for height of glass above the f1oor. When open, the proposed windov system panels stack next Eo the structural columns and will provide unobstructed openings twenty percent. (20%) greater than the existing system. Between June 15 and Sepcember 15, the windows will rernain fu1ly open during the hours of operation which are from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., daily. The windows will be closed to provide security when the resEaqrant is not open. As per the 1982 staff memo regarding the enclosure of the Red Lion Par-io, the proposal is in conformance with the purpose of the CCI District as speclfiedin 18.24.010. The proposed window system ui1l enhance the streetscape framework of Vail by allowing the Red Lion Inn to be open Lo Bridge Street on nj-ce days throughoutthe year rather than only between June 15 and September 15. Because of thelarger vindow area, che Red Lion vi11 also be better integrated wiLh the pedestrian way vhen the windows are closed as r{rel1 as open. This additionalvisual i-nE.erest and acLivity wi.11 heighten the pedestrianrs experience of street. life as outlined in the Urban Design Guide Plan's Design Considerations. The seibert circle area will be enhanced by replacing the existing asphaltpaving on the south side of the patio with a pocket garden and seiting area.Thj.s will soften the existing harshness of the area and will define a pedes-trian way a1-ong the Red Lion rnn toward Hughes precious Metal Design. As per the vail Village urban Deslgn Guide p1an, a separated pedestrian rout.eis pranned in this area. This proposal will certainly improvl the pathwayo! the pedestrian, the streetscipe- framework, the street edge, and appearanceof Seiberc Circle. This proposal does not alter the existing condiEions is regard to vehiclepenetration, st.reec encloseure, buiLding height, views and sun/shade. The proposal is compatible with the character of the neighborhood, and willinprove the appearance of ttre Red'Lion fronEage along Brldge Street. since the Planning and Environmental conmission approval for the window replacement cannot be obtained before ltay 22, 1989 and the lead time of the system if six weeks, the or.rner requests that ehe Tovn of vail work with themto create a satisfactory time schedule for this project. 75 3oulh Iront8go rosd vall, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 oltlcr ol communlly developmenl October 31, 1989 Mr. Terry, Ray 1203 Laramie StreetManhattan, Kansas 66302 Re: Red Lion Dear Mr. Ray: I tuy: received your letter dated LO/T7/B8 and the revisedDonardson drawings dated LL//I7/B}. -The Toern of vaLr wirrissue the requested builAtng pe'rnit based upon inisrnrorrnatton. our prevrous concern Has rerated to the viabilitygf tttg design with regard to existlng requirements of the RedrJron rnn as rnandated by the Vail Town counclr. The requirementto rernove the windows iron the deck fron June rs throufhSeptenber 15 is stil} valid and renains l_n effect, Thisrequirement wirr rernain Ln effect untir otherwise amended orreleased by the Town Councll . I appreclate the revisions that have been nade and yourcomrnents assuring the Town that there wilr be no coirrtict wittrexisting regulations. I wish you the best of luck in your opening season. Sincerely, I Iki.t \4,-'*] Rick Pyhnan Town Planner lofzs/f,7 l'?c-c Iten No. B A request to continue the Red Lion Restaurant exteralteration application indefApplicant: T.E.A., fnc../R Kristan Pritz explained that she had handled the exterior alterationproposar for the Red Lion rnn requested in June, L989. she stated thatin general , the staff does not support tabling an item ind.efinitely andwould rather an applicant work within given time frames. However, ifthe PEc fert that an extension of the request was warranted, she said.the staff would have no major argument due Lo the special circumstancesof new ownership and the potential to arrive at a better designsolution than originally proposed. I(qth)' warren.represented the applicant. she explained that a portionof the Red r,ion rnn Building had recently changed ownership and sincethe new owners were interested in renodeling, the president of r.E.A.,rnc. ' owners of the Red Lion rnn, wished to take the opportunity towork with the new o$/ners to create an overall plan to enhance therestaurant area. By tabling the submittal , Kathy explained, the ownerswould have time to assess their needs and devise prans during thewinter. This would enable the owners to obtain approvats by the end ofthe ski season and proceed with construction througn tne ofi-season. After discussion between Kathy, the staff and the board., peggyosterfoss suggested that the item be tabred to the first planning andEnvironmental commission meeting in February, i.990. sid schultz agreedwith the suggestion. Peggy further stated that she was in support ofthe request as it would give the owners a chance to work out anItoverall solutionrr which is what the board would hope for. Peggy osterfoss rnade the motion to tabre the exterior alterati-onrequest to the first PEC rneeting in February, L990. The rnotion wasseconded by Sid Schultz. Vote: 3-0-L, Kathy l{arren abstaining. The meeting adjourned following a worksession on ai_r quality. o dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects 2588 oroso dr. p.o. box 3370 voil. co, 81658 303.476.4506 lo Pec- \5} \,llod .\KD October 19, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Regarding: Red Lion Inn Application for Exterior Alterations or Modificationsin Conrnercial- Core I, Vail Village As president of T.E.A., Inc., the ovners of the Red Lion Inn, Terry Ray has asked me to request that their exterior alleration application be tabled by the Planning and Eni'ironmentaL Commission until February 1990. This request is being nade because a portion of the Red Lion BuiJ.ding hasrecently changed ownership. Since the new owners are interested in renodeling, Mr. Ray feels that the Red Lion Inn has an opportunity to work with these . o$rners as well as Mr. Brown to enhance the restaurant. area. By tabLing the current submittal, the various parties will have time Lo assesstheir needs and devise plans during the w-inter. The Red Lion Inn could thenI " I r" obtaln the necessary approvals by itre end of the ski season and commence con-struction at that time. We feel that this time frame (belng able to construct during the off-season) would minimize public disturbance and be desirable to the Town. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours trulv. Kathy en, AIA truly, cc Mr. Terry L. Ray, President T.E.A., Inc. o lnwn OcLober L3, 75 soulh trontage road Y8il, coloredo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$2139 1_989 office ol community development Mr. Terry Ray 555 Westport Road Kansas City, Missouri 641-11 Re: Red Lion Inn Restaurant exterior alteration application Dear Terry, f have been the planner working with Kathy Warren on the Red Lion InnRestaurant rernodel . On October 23, 1989, Kathy presented a request tothe Planning and Environmental Commission to table the remodel untilFebruary, L99O. Her reason for this request was that she thought thatdue to the new ownership in the Red Lion Building, it may be morefeasible to come up with a better design solution for the Red Lion fnn.I have enclosed her letter to the Planning Comrnission. Unfortunately, I have still not received offi-cial" letters from the owners of the Red Lion Building approving your application. For thisreason, I must ask that you submit letters of approval from the ownersof the Red Lion Building to our department by November L0, 1989. If fdo not receive these }etters of approval , f must ask that you withdrawyour proposal. I was under the impression that the owners agreed with the proposal .Since that tirne, it has come to rny attention that a new architect, JimMorter, is also working on the fuitaing and perhaps even the restaurantspace. I would appreciate your help in clearing up this matter.Please call me at 479-2L38 if you have any further questions. Sincerely., {'sh^V'thrKristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:1r cc: Kathy Warren dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects 2588 oroso dr. p.o. box 337C voil, co. 81658 303.476.4506 October 19, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Regardlng: Red Lion Inn Application for Exterior Alterations or Modlflcations in Commercial Core I, VaiJ. VilJ-age Dear Kristan; As president of T.E.A., Inc., the owners of the Red Lion Inn, Terry Ray has asked me to request that their exterior alteration applicatlon be tabled by the Planning and Environmental Comrnission until February 1990. ltris request is being made because a portion of the Red Lion Building has recently changed or.rnership. Since the ne\r onners are lnterested ln remodeling, Mr. Ray feels that the Red Lion Inn has an oPportunity to vork with these ovrners as well as Mr. Brown !o enhance Lhe restaurant area. By tabling the current submj-ttal , the various parties wil-I have lime to assess their needs and devise plans during the winter. The Red Lion Inn could then obtain the necessary approvaLs by the end of the ski season and commence con- struction at that time. We feel that this tirne frame (being able to construct during the off-season) would minimize public disturbance and be desirable to the Town. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours /-b"** Kathy en, AIA truly, cc Mr. Terry L. Ray, President T.E'A., Inc. dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects 2588 oroso dr.p.o. box 3370 voil, co, 81658 303.476.4sO6 October 19, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of VaiL 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Regarding: Red Lion Inn Application for Exterior Alterations or Modifications in CommerciaL Core I, Vail Village Dear Kristan; As president of T.E.A., Inc., the owners of the Red Lion Inn, Terry Ray has asked me to request that their ext,erior alteration application be tabled by the Planning and Environmental Conmission until February 1990. This request is being made because a portion of the Red Lion Bui-lding has recently changed ownership. Since the new owners are interested in remodeling, Mr, Ray feels that the Red Lion Inn has an opportunlty to work with these o\,rner s as well as Mr. Brown to enhance the restaurant area. By tabling the current subnittal, the various parties will have tine to assess their needs and devise pLans during the wioter. The Red Lion Inn could then obtain the necessary approvals by the end of the ski season and commence con- st,ruction at. thac time. We feel that this time frame (being able to construct during the off-season) would mj"nimize public disturbance and be desirable to the Town. Thank you for your consideration in this natter. Yours Kathy en, AIA truly, cc Mr. Terry L. Ray, President T.E.A., Inc. li9acD\ v // F.'"7n 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479.2138 (303) 479-2139 June 14, 1989 otlice of community development Ms. Kathy Warren Peel/Warren Architect.sP.O. Box 3370Vail, Colorado gl_6Sg Re: Exterior aLteration for the Red Lion Inn, PEC meeting - June L2, 1989 Dear Kathy, After the PEC meeting on June L2, you asked me to find out if thestaff could support the Red l,ion exterior alteration if operablewindows were added to both the north and south elevations of theenclosure. we discussed your question and would suggest that youfirst discuss the PEC and staff comnents with your owner and theowner of the building. we would like to know what they think aboutthe recommendations made at the meeting. we wourd also like to haveactual drawings to look at before w" give you a finar opinion on thisdesign change. In general , the staff opin-ion was tnat iaaingoperable windows to the north and south elevations would not go farenough to address the staff concerns. we wourd rike to ureet with the restaurant owners as welr as thebuirding owner in order to exprain, face to face, our recommendati-onsfor irnproving the design. rf it is at alr possilte to rneet with theowners, please let us know. Peter Patten also discussed an idea for expanding patio space with {gtin, the manager of the restaurant. Thelconcept-would Le to adddining in the area of the planter along Bridge Slreet. This issomewhat difficult to exprain in a letier wiihout rooking at adrawing. However, if you talk to Kevin, r am sure ne witl know whatI am referring to. Another very important issue is that you subnit the ownership retterfron the buildinq owner to our office by June 26. rf we do not have e' this letter in hand, r feel it is inappropriate for you to proceed toPranning cornmission. The staff arlowli y-ou to go to planni-ngconnission on June 12 due to some confus-ion ovei submittalrequirements when.you.originarly started working with the staff. wefelt some responsibirity.ior this probren due t5 the change inpLanners through_the review procesl . .However, in rny letter dated May2?, r specifically asked for condoniniurn associatj-oi ipp."""i:---Prease address this issue as soon as possibre. rf r da- not receivethe letter from the building owner by June 2r_, the proposal wirr needto be tabled. r hope you cin undersland. our r"."oning'on this--issue. r also wanted to let you know that the owners wirl need to sign arevocable right of way perrnit for the landscaping encroachnent onTown. of vail property. This wirl become a co-nai€ion of any approvalfor. the project. rt is also important for the owners to und.erstandthat when seibert circle is relocated croser to the Red Lionbuilding, it may be necessary to rework the landscaping proposed withthis deck enclosure. If Y"l have any guestions about the comments in this retter, preasefeel free to carl me at 479-zL3a. Thank you for your attention tothese items' r hope hre can work out a ae-sign that will re po=itivefor all of us. Sincerely, t) I 0 r l\nt'anTrBKristan PritzSenior Planner KP:1r cc: Peter patten t ALTA CBMMITHENT sC:HETIULE A Appl icati,rrr N'r. V1l07tr Fc,r. Irrf armation Onl v - E:har'ses - ALTA tluner Fol icy ll3[:31: l,lith your nemittance pl ease ref er to Vl207{t. 1. Ef f ective ftate: Hav 14' l98S at 8: Ot1 6.1'1. ?. Pol icy to be issrJedr iod proposed Irrsuned: "ALTA" Oulner" s Folicr Form 8-1?70 (Anrerrded 10-17-7O) Froposed I nsured: 3. The estate or interest in the land described or'referred to inthis Eommitment and cc,vered henein is: A Fee Simple +. Title to the estate or interest covened herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: LANtrHARK COHHERtrIAL DEVELOPHENT I:OHPANY, A EOLORAEIO FENERAL PARTNERSHIPI AS T0 UNIT$ Cl' C2' C3 AND C4 ANtt EDt^lIN C. I.JHITEHEAE A TO UNITS RI ANg R2 5. The land referped to in this Corrmitrrent is described asfol I otrls: CONBOI.IINIUM UNITS C1, C?, C3, C4, Rl ANEI R2 THE REII LIBN CONNOHINIUHS ACCORBINCi TQ THE CCINFOIIINIUH I"IAP THEREOF RECEIRDETI SEPTEI'IBER 18, I9B1 IN BIf,OK 3?9 AT PA6E 1O5 ANB AS NEFINEqI IN THE CCINNOHINIUI'I trECLARATION RECORI'EN SEPTEMBER 18, 1PET IN BOOK 329 AT FAEE 1O4, COLINTY OF EA6LE, STATE OF CCILORATIg. PAGE 1 ALTA COHHITT'IENT SCHENULE B-1 {Feqr.rir'enrents) Appl icatir:n N'r. V1:O70 The f ol I c,rrins ar€ th€ re.ruir€m€nts to be comrl ied urith: 1. Pavment to or' f or' the aq66r:ht of the er'arrtc,r's c,r nrsrtgagc'rs ofthe full consideratic,rr fc'r the estate or intenest to be insuned. 7. Proper instrument{s) creatine the estate or' inter'est tB b€ insured nust be executed and duly filed fon record' to-trrit: THI$ CO]'IHITI"IENT I'S FBR INFORFIATION NNLY, ANN NO FCTLIEY WILL FE ISBUEB PURSUANT HERETCI. THE CCIUNTY CLERK ANTI RECORNER$ OFFICE FEAUIRES RETURN ABDRESSES ON NOCUf.|ENTS SENT FOR RECflREINGI! FAGE 2 ALTA CI:!I'I HITT'IENT SCHETIULE Et-z (Enceptians ) Appl icaticn Nr-'. Vll07{} The policv or policies to be issued urill contain exceFtions to the fol louling urrless the same ar'e disposed of tc the satisfartirn oSthe Comeanyl 1. Standard Exceptions 1 thrnrlgh 5 printed nn the cnver sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not ]r€t due c,n pavabl e arrd special assessments not y€t certified to the Treasur€r/s office. 7. An'r unpaid taxes or assessments asainst said larrd, S. Liens for unpaid ulateF and seuen charses' if arr"". 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETCIR I:'F A VEIN fiR LTINE TIJ EXTRACT ANN REMflVE HIFj TIRE THEREFROI,I SHDULTI THE SAI"IE BE FLIUNT' TI] FENETRATE TIR INTERIiECT THE PREMI:3E5 AS RESERVED IN LINITEIT E;TATES PATENT RECOREED.lul'r 11, l€r:?p, IN ErCtrf,l:48 AT PAGE 475. 10. RICHT CIF tlAY FOR nITCHES BR CANALS CONSTRUE:TEI' ErY THE AUTHCTRITY OF THE UNITED STATES A5 RESERVEB IN UNITED STATES PATENT REI]trRTIELI Julv 1I' TgT.1,7' IN ECIOK 48 AT PAGE 47Ei. I,1. RE$TRIITIVE *OVENANTS WHICH TIO NUT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR FEVERTER CLAUSE' BUT OT,IITTING RESTRIGTIONg, IF ANY, BASEII CIN RACE, COLOR, RELIT]ION, OR NATIONAL ORI6IN' A5 CI:INTAINEN IN INSTRUHENT RECCIRNEB AugI.Ist 1(I' TEI&2, IN BOOI( t74 AT PAGE 179. 1?. THT'sE PROVI$IONS, COVENANTLI ANB trONBITIIf,NS, EASEHENTS ANTI RESTRI|jTII]Ns, I.IHICH ARE A BUREEN TO THE CONNOMiNIUH UNIT TIESI::RIBEN IN 5I]HEIIULE A, A5 CONTAINED IN INSTRUHENT REL:ORDEB Sertember 1r3' l?S1' IN BBtrh: 329 AT FArriE t04. 13. EASET.IENT AND RIGHT BF I,.IAY SVER FfiRTII]NEi gF SUBJECT FRNPERTY FRANTEB TI:I SAE; FACILITIES, INC., IN IN$TRUI'IENT RECCIREEE HAY 10, 1966 IN ECItfI{ 192 AT PAGE 530. 14. EA$Ef'IENT FCIR I4AINTENANT]E ANE RESTORATION t]F A EALCONY CIVERHAN'J IMPROVEFIENT GRANTED TCI CITTCI KUEHN, IN INSTRUf'IENT RECC'REEEI AU6U5T IO, T?67 IN FOOH 211 AT FAGE 16. 15. EASEI"IENTS, RESERVATIONS ANT' RESTRICTII]Ns AS SHOI^IN ER RESERVEE ON THE RECORBEB PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING ANN THE RECOREEN CONOOT4INiUH I.IAP T]F THE RED LICIN CONB'f,HINIUI'I5. PAGE :{ ALT'A EOHHIT'MEN'I' 5T:HEBULE B-I (E:,:ceptions ) Appl irati,rn N,r. Vl:jtl70 16. EXISTING LEASES ANTI TENANEIES, 17. A EfEEtl DF TRU5T FATEIT Novemher tlt3, LCt77 FROil RIEHARF N. FRCrt^lN, IHARLEFH. RfiSENGUIST ANTI JEFFREY B. €iELEY TLI THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE UF EAIJLE CELINTY FOR THE USE OF THE EHPIRE SAVINI:iS, EUILDING ANN LOAN ASSI:ICIATII]N TO €IEI::I.IRE THE SUl"l OF $45(r,Crcto.ocr, ANB ANY C'THER AI"|nUNTS PAYABLE UNnER THE TERMEi THEREC|F, REtERnEn N,:vemher 14, L?77, IN B0fit{ tA? AT PAtiE t51, NOTICE CIF CSNTINUATIBN CIF LIEN C'F DEEN BF TRUST AEiREEI"IENT IN I::ilNNECTiFN IIITH SAIn DEEtr C'F TRUST WAS RECORITEB l"tarch 3?, 1?i15, IN BESli 41t) 61 pp6= 10. (AFFECTB EABEMENT fiN LBT e' BLfiCI{ 5A' VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILINCi) 18, TERMs, trCINNITIONS ANt' FRCIVISIONS gF SEEURITY AGREEI"IENT ANT' FLETISE CIF FARTNERSHIP INTERE$TS RECORtTEft November. O6' l':/EG IN F[rfil'i 451 AT PAI3E Er7(,. 19. A NEEI EF TRUST EIATETI .Jarruar.r. Og, 1987 FRCIIl LANEII'IARI{ I::I:IMI",IERI:IAL BEVELEPI'IEN]" CfiHPANY, A EOLORABO FENERAL PARTNERSHIP TO THE FUBLIC TRUETEE C'F EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF THE EI,IPIRE SAVINGS, BUILBINCi ANB LI:'AN AIi$CIg161'O* "'SECURE THE SUf'l OF $?'155'855.00' ANII ANY I:ITHER AMTIUNTS FAYABLE UNTIER THE TERMS THEREOF' RECORDEIT Januarv !fJ, t9&7, IN BOBH 45& AT PAGE 154. (AFFECTS CONBCIFIINIUJ'I UNITS EI, C2, C3 ANN E4) 20. FINANCINCi STATEHENT I.IITH CENTRAL BANKI OF ASPEN, N.A., THE $EC:URED FARTY, RECORrEIT Flarch 07' 1?88' IN BCIOl{ 48O AT PA|3E .:i48. (AFFECTS A PORTION OF CfiNDCIMINIUH UNIT C4) "1. TERI"IS, CONNITIfrN:3 AND PROVISICINS TIF ASSIENI"IENT OF REAL E!:TATE LEAS:E ANTI A6REEI'1ENT RECflRnEIT Harch O7, l?ES IN Brl0kl 4€rcr AT PAGE 49, (AFFECTS A PORTItrN OF TONEOMINIUT,I UNIT C4) PAGE 4 QtinM'n Dr\\q,'s o Pr{ tir^' vY/- ryA \\ rD 1 url-tqn uri\\ b-piM,5 fnC,\ %:WffiM'ffifuq^q , pllhl,^n"u4\r/ Sru*t* nD\ {0- prior'\ Uu* ,$'ffir^ {,rn\ r{, ..^r*\ o0ruCt-r ,,ol,Jo tondDco?iofl- UD t\rubl 5d: J'ra-+r d.,j \\"\ + t$d* \ $q'r. uu\n&ps aan*\i-2 iwrqrNR,+\.o.- o* fttudrq t dls ,r\ nlCIal. rr,mC,th- orrAqm\on r( tL u,,in&ol lllar"\d, \oiLb t'd!- i\ rlg n\\ s\dA u ,- Dio,,rrc UrL rou( , o o- ombfum 1 tDi'ilo,x {roN \ Ud ry^+Tul4-ffi1.b8'lhmft^[,ffHid c hnrr 6lo+tn+ <obc ir q D,D!0Iin* pnl\ +,J/r-uotAlr darA o a8- o -_-La \+ >E-EF- <=-F- -? FFi {€fr' \ v- da *tr+A He+ -<3].cFz =7, *\ *Ed- Y==€ '?E' n- i-L %F E';. ._-t , a< ( A-_fi -+#7, *.\ -e *> i: roFc38'SF' ;f.-.e ', -l- {+-'t d= ud:dt 6G -=.8-K- -ts o 4-=€g F6-"tra 5iv<- ,t'Qrcl,\J AasCtr+ ?FfbryN {/e;o + -B)-P =-{ t2__ E- =52, CF IYo?F7(2-v I ry^ 5pcu on Sndffi t\ noq&t ba- @Uf ru\ {€!h .uw{ig r*uC\otrha{NbL arL,rurrh$6d 5t uc{'Titd\o,..\u 0,rr U*iu l\ru.*r,*q n i\ b& - d.L [fr0rr0-,0r^,0dTt- -{o}qi{ ,ir }Ltkrnpr dMt \5 \.!Iq-lDdql- par.\d, \ku {u sar JAt\[ wo1l!-os UridX<- 1t lidL d^- qaNltoA S'qN&-&',.$$W,nqn#b'UtM UA^/trlfU nJilr*\u cti\"g N' u\0J\0.u,'\cd. (.iar b+ oil\Dr r\^\d-h- can \CI,ry{i{ \t$- Pr{ vra\L \Ls\au'd/\r* S,t iloild be- ffiY'q't,t'\ ='"q1t. o\ mtdk titA n {axr . q\\ 3 , nd, ,Na{qbqL N\inim\w\ :ln[\fu[d^N bq- a- ff.,t ca{T-oot.\'>< (}wL .. urr\. rurA\. ,i!0. *\olina $odd'tl, t\wL * \s o_U{,qhU fiqrArt \i!za 'druu ( \*.g {\uor Io it ij: , '; ;; :,,iiti APPTJCATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COI,IMERCIAL CORE I, VAIL VILLAGE APPLICANT: RED LION INN LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OI{NERS: Yail Village Filing 1, Block 2, Lot A - Blanche C. Hill 311 Bridge StreetVail, @ 81657 I,ot B - Golden Peak llouse-Lodge 278 Hanson Ranch Road Vai1, C0 81657 Lot C - ldargretta B. Parks. I Cantitoe [.sne . Englevood, C0 80110 LotD-Kindelco, Inc. c/o Christiana L,,odge 356 E. Hanson Ranch Road Vail-, C0 81657 Edwin C. Whitehead 15 Valley Drive Greenwich, CT 06830 Vail Village Filing 1, Block5A, Iot D - Otto Stork 2605 Davos Trail , VaiL, C0 81657 V€il Village Filing 1, BlocksC, Lot G - PLaza lodge Associates, LTD. .' H, I, c/o C.S. l{illinghan and K 3(D Crescent Court, 7th Floor Lor L - fffi: I lilo"'o' . 311 Bridge Street Vail , C0 81657 Yail ViLlage Filing 5, Block 5A, Iot I - Mi1l Creek Court Condominium Association c/o Vail Hone Rental-s 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite N-9O Vai1, CO 81657 APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE r, VAIL VILLAGE APPLICANT: RED LION INN T.E.A., Inc., t.he or+ners of the Red Llon Inq are applying for an exterior nodification in Commercial Core I of Vail Village. They wish to replace the existing fixed glass windows along Bridge Street with permanently install-ed operable r^rindows. and to create a landscaped area south of the patio. The pro- posed accordian windors are similar to those in place at Sweet Basil, Bluts' and Vendettat s. The existing brick sill will be lowered approximately one foot to sixteen inches above the finish floor. It is necessary to mainlain a low interior wal1 for the hot r.rater baseboard heating system and Lo comply with code requirements for height of glass above the floor. When open, the proposed window system panels stack next to the structural columns and will provide unobstructed openings twenty percent (2O&) greater than the existing system. Between June 15 and September.15, the windows will remain fu11y open during the hours of operatioh which are frorn 11:00 a.m, to 1:00 a.m., dai1y. The windows will be closed to'provide security when the restaurant is not open. As per the 1982 staff memo regarding the enclosure of the Red Lion Patio, the proposal is in conformance with the purpose of the CCI District as specified in 18.24.0I0. The proposed r+indow system will enhance the streetscape franework of Vail by allowing the Red Lion Inn to be open to Bridge Street on nice days throughout the year rather than only between June 15 and September 15. Because of the larger window area, the Red Lion will also be better integrat.ed with the -pedestrian way when the windows are closed as well as open. This addi.tional visuaL interest and activity will heightcn the pedestrian's experience of street life as outlined in the Urban Design Guide Plan's Design Considerations. The Seibert Circle area r.ri11 be enhanced by replacing the existing asphalt paving on the south side of the patio vj-th a pocket garden and seating area. This will soften the existing harshness of the area and will define a pedes- trian vray along the Red Lion Inn tor+ard Hughes Precious Metal Design. As per the Vail village urban Desigri Guide Plan, a separated pedestrian routeis planned in this area. This proposal will certainly improve the pathway of the pedestrj-an, the streetscape frameqork, the street edge, and appearance of Seibert Circle. This proposal does not alter the existing conditions is regard to vehicle penetration, street encloseure, building height, views and sun/shade. The proposal is compatible with the character of the neighborhood, and will improve the appearance of the Red Lion frontage along Bridge Street. Since the Planning and Environmental Comnission approval for the window replacement cannot be obtained before l{ay 22, 1989 and the lead tine of the system if six weeks, the owner requests that the Town of Vail work with them to create a satisfactory tine schedule for this project. o APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATTONS IN COWERCIAL CORE I, VAIL VILLAGE APPLICANT: RED LION INN T.E.A., Inc., the owners of the Red Lion Inn, are applying for an exterior modiflcation in Commercial Core I of Vail Vi11age. They wish t.o replace the exlsting fixed glass windows along Bridge Street Lrith permanently installed operable windows. The proposed accordian wood windows are similar to those in place at Shreet Basi1, Blurs and Vendettats. The exlsting brick si11 will be lowered approxinately one foot to sixteen inches above Lhe finish f1oor. It is necessary to maintain a 1ow intericr na11 for the hot water baseboard heating systen and to comply with code requirenents for helght of glass above the f1oor. When open, the proposed wj-ndow system panels stack next to the strucLural col"umns and will provide unobstrucled openings twenty percent (202) greater than the existing system. Betueen June 15 and September 15, the windows r.ri11 rernain fu11y open during the hours of operation which are from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., dai1y. The windows will be closed to proyide security when the restaurant is not open. As per Ehe 1982 staff meno regarding the enclosure of the Red Lion Patio, the proposal- is in confornance with the purpose of the CCI District as specified in 18.24.010. The proposed wi.ndow system will enhance the streetscape framework of Vail by allowing the Red Lion Inn to be open to Bri.dge Street on nice days throughout the year rather than only between June 15 and September 15. Because of the larger r.rindow area, the Red Lion r.ri1l- also be better integrated with the pedestrian way when the windows are closed as well as open. This additional visual interest and activity will heighten the pedestriants experience of street life as outlined in the Urban Design Guide Plan's Design Considerations. This proposal does not alter the existing conditions in regard to vehi.cle penetration, pedestrianization, street enclosure, street edge, building height, views and sun/shade. The proposal is compat.ible with the character of the neighborhood, and will improve the appearance of the Red Lion frontage along Bridge Street. Since the Planning and Environrnental Corrnission approval for the wlndow replacement cannot be obtained before llay 22, 1989 and the lead tirne of the sysLen if six weeks, the owner requests that the Town of Vail work with them to creat.e a satisfactory tirne schedule for this project. I Date o$plication----,lprrl ZL !991 Date of PEC Meeting May 22, 1989 I. Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alterationof.an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed f'loor area or 9Y!9gqt_O.aio or the replacement of an exist'ing Luilding LOCATED IN THE CCIDISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT-MUST BE ilEVIEI^IED BY THE DRB. The app'lication wiI'l not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT Red Lion Inn APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE ADDRESS 30a gridn" Str."t vail. C0 81657 PH0NE___4IS-tSIS_ B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S ADDRESS REPRESENTATM Peel/Warren Architects, Kathy Warren P.O. Box 3370 Vail , CO 81658 PHoNE 47s-4506 C. NAME 0F OI,INER(S) (print or type) S IGNATURE( S) ADDRESS (Terry L. Ra , Presidenta 304 BridsE Street Vail co 81657 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS 304 Bridge PH0NE 476-7676 L9L H, Block 5A, Vail Village lst FilingLEGAL Street. //,-/rfx crc # 1168 BY The Red LionE. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEt,J YOUR PROJECT. PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l.lILL II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMTION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l,.|III-BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS-COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THEZONING ADMINISTRAT0R). IT Is THE AppLlcAr'rt's nrsFor'riierLITy T0 MAKE AN AppoINT- MENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENi5. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t,lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESsFOR Y0uR PRoJEcr av-TEeREAStNc rHE NUMBER 0F coNDrfior'ri or nCpnovel-rHni---' THE PEc MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONs 0F APPROVAL r'ruti sr coNplieo wrTH BEFoREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSM-. THE FOLLOWING MUST EE iUBMTTTED: ---- A. Improvement.survey of property showing property lines and location ofbuilding and any improvements-on the land.' B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDiNG PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their ilai'iingaddresses. THE APPLICANT tIILL BE RESPONsTBLE FOR cOnnrci-rqniline noontlsEs. OVER III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following A. _The s'ite plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24,,0f l" = 20' SH0WING EXISTING AND PR0POSED IMPR0VEMENTSvariation of the sheet size or scale may be approved byDevelopment Department if justified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed developmentl.lITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N shall be shown on lhe'site p'lan. c. The existing topographic character of the site including exjstingand proposed contours. This condition will only be reqiired for-anexpansion area where there is a change of two fiet of jrade. D. The existing and proposed landsc4ping, patios. E. The location of al 1 existing and proposed buildings, structuresand improvements. I . F. .A tit'le report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GMPHIC FOM A PREPONDERANCE0F EVIDENCE BEF0RE THE PLANNING AND ENVIR0NMENiAa col'titssron moicnrtne THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE }JITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT- AS SPECIFIED IN 18.24.0I0. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES I,IITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGNGUIDE PLAN REGARDING: " 'l . Pedestrianization2. Vehicle penetration 3. Streetscape Framewofk4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edge6. Buitding Height7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY GMPHIC MEANS, SUCH AS-SKETCHES, SIMULATIONS, M0DELs (INcLUDING NEiGHBoRING suriDrNcii, PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE 18.24.220(8). C. THE PR0P0SAL IS COMPATIBLE tltITH ccr i nformation: x 36" at a scale TO THE SITE. A the Community MAJOR CHANGE TO THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN FOR CHANGES ARE NOTED iN SECTION THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUESTHAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN I,IRITTEN ON ENNiHTC TONU. VI. THE ZONING ADI4INISTMTOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEI^I OF THE APPLICATION VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVINGM0RE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET 0F FL00R AREA ARE ONLY REViElvED iir'lr:nrlnunili. rHEvNEED T0 BE SUBMITTED BEFoRE THE FouRTH MoNDAy 0F I'rAy 0R NovEMBER. lrE peiH0LDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEW sEasIoN wITHIN 2l DAys 0F THE sueMiTinr'onri.- nPUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD I.IITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIIW SESSTOII.APPLICATIONS FOR.THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT NOOS ON NENOVES NNVENCL0SED FL00R AREA 0F NOT M0RE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET MAY sE sUBMiriEo'ni-ine REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL cOMMISSION nevliw. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIE}J SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION .|E.iq.065-A5. -..- (* DorJ eNqd&l/{ _ - ftltp*l N16g. - 6mo zOa-V ,4t/)- A/Ar aruz'g{. 77 rzr<Z(4 A/. /tht,za1{ L.,i.v.aSc,(/d dJ -. ac{ ,frNruT/- /- a4r-T zezlc.T Lza K 47 tr 4-f "ry'gzat' 1rn 'W-t-a&uz4( ry- fu4 7, ,pTzzvene4 - 7aa7 4leZ' A1O 6l ?/4A'/4 - /UolS€ fful)z7l -b64a4t6 /re(& - A)/ar a6r.{s rX*J f+Z- dt4-/ tu -gf7tL/Z- aUz-trrZ", dt/ fialaavS - fi,+rzzfA5 ft-**- 4€"+il-T z-&a 7126,/ -,/rtap. -/ m /4eu\ur/*t - fSCc 6&z .du,,2rtt4" O .rVc{ - alO>v4 ;r). &/6 - Cata6vT ,*o fian fZ/ct@ F OaZf ftTzr,q 4/trc --- f€*sa&uffi t? seTa+l,A ei?,/t /"/- -- fu*- ty' 'rftaa /,fy$ 6n/ t//.+Q,6zh Qt-xs ? E* t-ro-.) y.z- l/tuadnlS 6w olu +-6/ru I? /-v4aZ2saasg' lrq ZrzaueZauis /{ . 9at>az7 1/ /z c"6 rdazaqaz/ Me