HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION COMMON 5TOWNOFYAIL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. Thc application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Rwiew Board- A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional CRFA (250) tr Bed and Brealdast I Conditional Use Perrnit tr Major or tr Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sigrr Variance tr Variance El Zoning Code Amcndment B. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQLIEST Chocolate Factory and Cleaverrs Deli APPLICATION FOR PI,AI\NING AND ENVIROIYMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL tr Amendment to an Approved Development Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (IyPc: )tr Major or El Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (VailVillage) tr Major or E Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Lionshead) tr Special Development Disfict tr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD . Three exterior Dining Tables for Rocky Mountajn qo.rtiotAl the Planning Staff at 479-2138 C. D. LocATIoNoFPROPOSAL: LoT E,Fr9-JBLoCK-!:I -pan'{6 Vail Village lst 49pg6gg. 304 Bridge Street BUILDINGNAME: ZONING: CCl F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S):Landmark Commercial Development MAILINC4ppXggg. 610 W. Lionshead Circle, #100 Vai1, C0 p1161.19. 476-3535 MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE:- FEE - SEE THE SI.]BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQTIIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TIID DEPARTMENT OF' COMMTJNTTY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:- Ck#:- By: Application Datc:- PEC Mecting Datc:- owr\ER(s) STGNATTIRE(S) : NAME OF REPRESENTATWE: Rcvisd 6/96 Fax: 0 8:55:aB 3i26l97 Page 2 of 12 Log:59 YL PROPERTY OWNERSH]P REPO OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS COMPIEX/SUBDIVISION AND UNlT/IOT-BJ.OCK Brandess r Leo - Trustee 1011 SaxonyHighland Park, IL 60035 MII,]. CREEK COURT COND. Ul.lTT 403 Sq,Ft: 153 4 0 3 MII-,I CREEK CT Per Ft : $ Sal-es Price; $0 Date:07/12/9Schedule: 007360 Hilson, Virginia R.,7/Ls/8r 1809 west I,ittletonLittleton, CO I012 0 Trust Dated BouLevard MILL CREEK COURT COND.UNIT 304 304 MILL CREEK CTSales Price: S0 Schedu Ie : 0 0 7 4 7 0 sg. r't: 110Per Ft: $Date: MII,I CREEK COURT COND. UNIT 303 303 MTI,T CREEK CTSaleE Price:Schedule: 007940 Jones, Richard D. - Trustee 23I5 E Florida . St Evansville, fN 477f 1 Red Rocks r fnc . 302 E Gore Creek Drvai1, co 8L657 MIII, CREEK COURT COND,uNrr 101 392 HANSON RANCH DRSales Price: $0Schedule:009150 $0 Sq.Ft! :? Per !'t: SDate: sq.Ftr -l 9Per Ft: $Date 3 Mc Condos L,Ic 230 Bridge StvaiL, co 81657 MIT,I CREEK COURT COND. UNIT 104 392 HANSON RANCH DR Sales Price: $275,000Schedule: 009160 sq.Ft3 E6Per Ft: S31DatezQ6/28/9 MII,L CREEK COURT COND. UNIT 105 302 GORE CREEK DRSales Price:$2Bo,oo0Schedule: 009170 DeJ.uca, Robert & Earbara Box 14 71Vail., CO 81658 Parman, JerryWard, Wayne A. - Friesen, Thomas B,302 Gore Creek Dr 108bvaiL, co 81657 Mc Condos L,Ic 230 Bridge StVail, CO 81657 I-,outhan, Ann B . Box 4966vail, co 81658 MIII CREEK COURT COND, UNIT 1].0 392 HANSON RANCTI RD SaLes Pricer $435,000 Sq. Ft: 85Per Ft: $32Datez!2/21,/9 Sq. Ft . 4tPer Ft! S30000 Datet12/21.i 9 Sq. Ft: Per Ft; ll i., Date: 1t / 03 / I MIIL CREEK COURT COND,UNIT ].0 8A 302 GORE CREEK DRSales Price:$140, Schedu le : 0 0 9l.8 0 MIIT., CREEK COURT COND. UNIT L08B Sg.Ft: l.Oii 392 SANSON RANCH RD Per Ft: $:/iSales Price: 91.60,000 Date:02l14,' Schedul-e ! 009200 ;:' "?'n;:'il'.-Jt f il"'; ff ^*". r{.oz r o HofLer, Gunther J. & Cecile M, 466 Forest RdVai1, cO 81657-5066 Far:8:55:48 326197 Page 3 ol lZ Log:SS 03 /26 / 1997 OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS Page: 2 COMPTEX/ SUBDIvI s IoN AND UNIT/I.oT-BLocK MII,T CREEK COURT COND. UNIT 206 Sq. Ft I L42392 HANSON RANCH RD Per Ft: SSales Price : Schedule: 009210 $0 Date: B. B. & C. Partnership t Cuomo, Bar MItt CREEK COURT COND. UNIT 208 sq,Ft: 97Box 1,895 392 HANSoN RANCH RD per Ft: SVail, co 81658 sales price: $0 Date:Schedule: 009220 Dav5.s, Ross E, MIIL CREEK CoURT COND. UNTT 402 Sq.Ft: 88220 S Clermont- 402 MILI, CREEK CT per Ft: SDenver, CO 80222 Sales price: S0 Date: ========== ::::::i::=33::::==== Gal-vin, Robert W. MIIL CREEK COURT COND. UNIT 201 Sq.Ft: 88Rolling Oaks Farm Rte. .68 202 MTLL CREEK cT per Ft: S32Barrington, IL 60010 Sa1es price: g290,000 Datet0g/06/B Sehedule:009460 Brega, Charles F. & Betty W. MILL CREEK COURT COND.B Brega & UNIT 203 sq.Ft: 851 United Bank Ctr 2222 LTOO Lincoln 203 MILI CREEK CT per Ft: $Denverr co 802 0 3 Saleg price: S0 Date: ::l:3:1::=93::93== ==Prem, Konald A. & Phyllis MII,I, CREEK COURT COND.UNIT 401 Sg.Ft: 11515660 16th PI N 401 MILI CREEK cT per Ft: SPLymouth, MN 55447-2497 Sal-es price: S0 Date:Schedule: 009680 Galvin, Robert W. MILIr CREEK COURT COND.UNIT 202 , sg.Ft: 88Rolling Oaks Farm Rte 68 202 MIL]., CREEK CT pei ft: $32Barrington, II 6001-0 Sales price: 9290, OO0 Date: O9l06/8 Schedule : 009820 Guffey, Betty RUCKSACK COND. UNIT R-l Sq,Ft3 69742 sandy tn unit A BRTDGE sT pei rt: $20vail, co 81657 Sates pric6: 9139,700 Datez06/02/9Schedule: 009832 ==========Mul1a11y, Neil c. & Diane t. RUCKSACK coND, UNIT R-2 Sq.Ft t !46Box 53505 356 HANsoN RANCH RD per Ft: $Be1levue, WA 98015-3505 Sales price: SO Date:Schedule: 009833 lll'.*?'*f ii,'""J. ffilli;,**, r*, 1;iro Fax:e:55 48 3/26197 Page 4 of 1 2 Log:r.r 03/26/r997Page: 3OWNER NAME AND ADDRE S S COMPLEX/SUBDIVISION AND UN I T./LOT-BLOCK Rosenquist, Richard N. RUCKSACK COND. 9f9yr, Jeffrey - Selby, Charles UNIT C-1 Sq.I't: 1111780 south Bellaire street, suite 1 356 HANSoN RANCH RD per Ft: sDenver, CO 80222 Sales price: S0 Date;Schedule! 009836 Rosenquist, Richard N. RUCKSACK COND. P59yn, Jeffrey -. Se1by, Charles UNIT C-2 Sg.Ft: 30rL?80 south BeLl"aire sbreet, suite 1 356 HANSoN RANCH RD pei nt: sDenver, CO 80222 Sales price! g0 Date: ::::g:l::=933311==== Rosenquist, Richard N. RUCKSACK COND. 9!9y", Jeffrey -. Selby, Charles UNIT C-3 Sq.Ft! 1411780 south Bellaire street, suite 1 355 HANSoN RANCS RD pei nt: gDenver, CO 80222 Sa1es price: SO Date: Schedule : 009838 PLaza Lodge Associates, L.,td. One PLAZA LODGETurtl,e Creek Village Ste 606.. UNIT C-l Sq.!'t z 76?3878 Oak Lawn Ave 291 BRIDGE ST per Ft: gDaLlas, TX 752L9447L Sal-es price: g0 Date:Schedule:029284 Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. One PIAZA I,ODGETurtle Creek Village Ste 606 UNIT C-2 Sg.Ft: 6e53878 Oak lawn Ave 291 BRIDGE ST per Ft: gDa11as, lX 752I9447L SaLes price: SO Date:Schedule: 02 9285 Plaza I,odge Associates, Ltd. oneTurtle Creek Village Ste 6063878 Oak Lawn Ave Ste 606Dall-as, TX 7 52]-9 4 471, Sq.Ft: 9Per Ft: $$0 Date: PIAZA LODGE UNTT C-3291 BRIDGE ST SaLes Price: Schedule : 029286 P1aza Lodge Associates, I,td. One PLAZA IODGETurtLe Creek Village Ste 506 UNIT C-4 , Sq,Ft: 533878 Oak Latrn Ave Z9l BRIDGE ST pei ft: $Da11as, IX 752L9447 1, Sales price: gO Date:Schedule:. 029287 Plaza Lodge Associates, !td. One PLAZA LODGETurtle Creek Vi11a9e Ste 606 UNIT c-5 sq.Ft: 1303878 Oak l,awn Ave 291 BRIDGE ST pei nt: $Dallas, IX 75219447L SaLes price: S0 Date:ScheduLe: 029288 Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. One PLAZA LODGETurtle Creek ViLlage Ste 506 UNIT C-6 Sg.Ft: 1203878 Oak lravrn Ave 291 BRIDGE ST per Ft: $Dallas I TN 75219447 I Sal-es price: gO DatelSchedule;029289 ;::"?',,;:'il'"il fi'""/".? lil *"', r*},, o Fax:B:55:4ij 3i26l97 Pi'ge 5 of 12 Logtsg ot/ze/tgg-l Page: 4 OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS eoMPIEx/ sU BD IVI S loN AND UNIT/LoT-BLOCK Dil1ard, David B, & Anna Karen 291 Bridge stVaiI, CO 81657 DowIing, ,Iohn L. 120 E End Ave Apt. l1b New York, NY 10028 P],AZA I,ODGE UNIT R-].29I BRIDGE STSales Pricel $0Schedule | 029 29 L PLAZA ],ODGE UNIT R-2 2 9 ]. BRIDGE ST5ales Prj-ce: S545'000 ScheduLe | 029292 sq. Ft: 3 31Per Ft: $Date:10/27/9 sq. Ft: l3 8Per Ft: $39Date:0L/3L/8 Hoerle, Robert F. 115 8 5th Ave . New Yorkr NY 10029 PI,AZA ].,ODGE UNIT R-3291 BRIDGE ST Sales Price: 9575r000 Schedul-e | 02929 3 Young, Shirley General Motors Copr 3044 W Grand BIvdDetroit, ML 48202 PI.JAZA ].|ODGE UNIT R.4 2 9 ]. BRIDGE STSafes Price: Schedule. 02929 4 Sq. Ft: 14 9Per Ft ! $38Datet02/!5/8 Sq.Ft: 109Per [t: $Date:$0 Woods, Randal I1 .Schmidt, Carol S. 0055 Meade LnEnglewood, CO 801 -Custodian 10 PI,AZA I.,ODGE UNIT R-5291 BRIDGE STSales Price: $lr 306r500 S chedu 1e | 029295 PLAZA TODGE UNIT R-6291 BRIDGE STSales Price: $2,043'500 Schedule 3 029 29 6 sg.Ft: L42Per Ft: $91Date:01,/2e/9 Sg.Ft | 32L Per Ft: $63Date:07/28/9 Woods, Randal II .Schnidt, Carol S. - Custodian0055 Meade Ln Englevrood , CO 8 01- I0 Tang, Oscar L 100 Park Ave New York, NY l- 0 017 RED LION INN CONDOS UNIT R-]. 304 BRIDGE ST Sales Price:schedule: 030291 sq.Ft: 381 Per Ft: $Date:s0 Tang, Oscar L. 100 Fark Ave New York I NY l.0 017 Nourse, Robert E.M. & Aagje M.T. 1417 Indian Creek DrFort Worth, TX 76107 RED LION INN CONDOS UNIT R_2 304 BRTDGE ST SaleE Price:Schedule:030292 s0 sq. Ft 3 329Per Ft: $Date: sq. Ft: 34 9Per Ft. 572 Date:06/3Q/9 RED IION INN CONDOS UNIT R-3 304 BRIDGE ST. Sales Price: $2,550,000Schedule;030293 :::i'i':'-;;1il'.il fi'"o# Ilno"o. r*, fro OWNER NAI,IE AND ADDRESS Fax:8:55:48 3/26/97 Page 6 of 12 Log:59 03/26/I997Page: 5 COMPLEX/SUBDIVISION AND UNIT,/LOT-BTOCK Sq.Ft: 153Per Ft: $$o Date: Iandmark Commercial Development Com RED LION INN CONDOS vl.{ -L t \-- J' 304 BRIDGE STSales Price:Schedule:030294 1780 S Bel"laire Ste 106Denver, CO 80222 tandmark Commercial Devel"opment Com RED LION INN CONDOS UNIT C-2 sg. Ft | 2161780 S BelLaire Ste 1.06 304 BRIDGE ST pei nt: SDenver, CO 80222 Sales price: g0 Date! landmark CommerciaL Development Com RED IION INN CONDOS UNIT C-3 Sq.Ft, 5761780 S Bellaire Ste 106 304 BRIDGE ST per Ft: $Denver, CO a0222 Sales price: SO Date:Schedule:030296 Landmark Commercial Development Com RED IION fNN CONDOS UNIT C-4 Sq.Ft: 411780 S Bellaire Ste 106 304 BRIDGE ST per Ft: SDenver, CO 80222 Sales price: $O Date:Schedule:030297 landrnark Comnercial- Development Cotn RED LION INN CONDOS UNIT C-5 Sg.Ft: 751780 S Bel-Iaire Ste 1.06 304 BRIDGE ST per nt: g Denver, CO 80222 sales price: S0 Date:Schedule: 030298 Landmark Commercial Developrnent Com RED LION INN CONDOS UNIT C-6 gq.Ft: 1011780 S Bellaire Ste 106 304 BRIDGE ST per Ft: SDenver, CO 80222 Sa1es price: S0 Date: ::::i:1::=::31:1= ===Landmark Conmercial Developrnen! Corn RED LION INN CONDOS UNIT C-7 , Sq.Ft: 761780 S Bellaire Ste 106 304 BRIDGE ST per Ft: $Denver. CO 80222 Sal-es price: $0 Date: ::::::i::=3:313l=:== Morton, WilLian T. MILL CREEK COURT COND. UNIT 306, Sg.Ft: L9112 Woodside Rd 392 HANSON RANCH RD per Ft: SDeer Park Greenwich, CT 06830 Sales Price: 90 Date:ScheduLe: 030454 Brown, Jo Ann I'. l,lILL CREEK COURT COND. UNIT 301. Sq.Ft: 17i,l{ain St 392 HANSON RANCH RD pei rt: iStockbridge, MA 07262 Sales price: g0 Date: : :::9:1: := 3 :31 :-1=== = ;;'" ":'*;:'il'."'l ffi li:;*., r{0,' o OWNER NAME AND ADDRE S S Fax:B:b5:48 3126/97 Page 7 oJ r.: Log:5€ oz/26/tggt Paqe: 6 COI.IPI.,EXlSUBDIVISTON AND UNIT/IOT-BLOCK CHRISTTANIA AT VAI], CONDO UNIT 1 Sq.ft:1348 356 HANSoN RANCH RD Per Ft: S Sale s Price: $0 Date: Schedule: 039995 Christiania, I.,td, 356 Hanson Ranch Rdvai1, co 81657 Chamber Corporation Bosques De Ch j.huahua # l. 11.Mexico Df 1. 1700, CHRISTIAN]A AT VAIL UNIT A 356 I{ANSON RANCH RD Sales Price: Schedule: 039996 CONDO Sq. Ft:Per Ft: $0 Date ! 26L s Griffin, Williarn D, - Trustee Box 49L72 Sarasota, FI, 34230-6172 Riley Vai 1- Corporation 228 Bridge Stvai1, co 81557 Colorado Ski Service, Inc, lJox z /vbvai1, co 81658 CT{RTSTIANIA AT VAT]., CONDO UNIT B Sq.Ft: 231 356 HANSON RANCI{ RD Per rt:s1,34 sales Price: 93.100'000 Date:0L/16/9 Schedule: 039997 BRIDGE STREET I,ODGE UNIT lOO278 HANSON RANCH RDsales Price: Sq. Ft. 228Per Ft: $Date: sq, rt: 159Per Ft: $Date: }USchedule;043146 BRTDGE STREET IODGE UNIT IOl278 HANSON RANCH RD Sales Price: $0 Schedule : Q43I47 BRIDGE STREET LODGE UNIT 1O1A278 HANSON RANCH RD Sales Price: ScheduLe: 043148 Colorado Ski Service, Inc Box 2796Vail, CO 81658 Rad Three, 1.,Ic 228 Bridge StvaiI, co 81657 BRIDGE STREET LODGE UNIT 102 278 HANSON RANCI1 RDSales Price:ScheduLe: 043149 sg. Ft: Pex Ft: Date: sg.Ft: 6LPer Ft: $Date: $o $0 Rad Three ' L,1c 228 Bridge stVaiJ., CO 81657 Iloeve l-mann , Karl- & UrsuIa 4207 CoLumbine Dr Apt +5vai1, co 81657 BRTDGE STREET T,ODGE UNIT ], O2A 278 HANSON RANCH RD Sales Price : ScbeduLe: 0 4 315 0 BRTDGE STREET IODGE UNIT 103278 HANSON RANCH RDSales Pri.ce: Schedule:0431.51 sq.Ftt 75Fer Ft: $Date:s0 $0 Sq.Ft: 15 Per Ft: S Date 3 llllu?LrlifiX"J, il'"'J"', Xllnn"on ra*: f ro l Od-6 T.1r. 228 Bridge Stvai1, co 81657 Fax:8:55:48 3/26/97 Page B of 12 Loe .,._, 03/26/L997 OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS BRIDGE STREET IODGE UNIT 104278 HANSON RANCH RD Per Ft: SSales Price:Schedule:043152 Page: 7 COIUPI,EX,/SUBDIVISION AND UNIT,/LOT-BTOCK 90 Date: 104-6 I,Ic BRIDGE STREET IODGEUNIT 105 Sg,Ft: 131228 Bridge St 278 HANSON RANCH RD pei nt: Svai1, co 8L657 sales price: $0 Date:Schedul-e: 0431-53 104-6 Ll.c BRIDGE STREET LODGEUNIT L06 Sg.Ft: 20228 Bridge St 278 HANSON RANCE RD per Ft: $Vai1, Co 81657 SaLes price: SO Date:Schedule:043154 VAil COTPOTATiON BRIDGE STREET I.,ODGE UNIT 112 Sq.Ft: 146Box 7 278 HANSON RANCH RD Per FtI 925Vail, CO 81657 Sales Pricez 9376,200 Datez}j/O?/9Schedul-e: 0431,55 Kaemmer, John - Trustee -Et A1 BRIDGE STREET IoDGEuNrr 220 sq.Ft: 148 2 91 Bridge st 2 7I HANSON RANCH RD pei rt 3 ir.vaiL, co 81657 SaLes price: gO Date:Schedule:043156 Kaemmex, John BRfDGE STREET IODGETrustee-Et A1 UNIT 220A Sq.Ft. 2Q291 Bridge St 279 HANSoN RANCH RD per Ft: $Vail' CO 81657 Sales Price: g0 Date: . Schedule ! 04 3157 Rileyr Ronald H, BRIDGE STREET tODcE UNrT 22L , Sq.Ft: 83228 Bridge St 278 HANSON RANCIT RD per Ft: $vail, co 81557 sales price: SO Date: ScheduLe:043158 Riley, Ronald !I . BF.rDcE STREET LoDGE UNIT 2 2 LA sg. Ft: 6 4228 Bridge $t 279 HANSON RANCH RD pei nt: $Vai1'; co 816st :lili"ili"Eirrun g0 Date: MBW Realty BRIDGE STREET I.ODGE3878 Oak Lawn Ave. UNIT S-1 Sq.Ft:#606 One Turtle Creek Vg. 278 HANSON RANCI] RD per Ft: IDallas , VX 75207 Sales price : g O Date : ScheduLe: 0431.60 :rom: Orv Petersen P/D/S, lnc. fo: Mr, Kyle Webb Moder Architects Fax: Fax:8:55i48 3/26tv, ..rd 9 of 12 Log:5s 710 o3/2d/L997 OWNER NAME AND ADDRE S S Page: I COMPTEX / SUBDIVI S ION AND UN I T/LOT-BI..OCK BRIDGE STREET I,ODGEUNIT S-2 2 7 8 IIANSON RANCH RD SaIes Price:Schedule:043161 MEW Realty 3878 Oak Lawn Ave. #606 One TurtLe Creek VqDaLIas, IX 75207 MBW Realty 3 8 7 8 Oak Lav/n Ave . *606 One Turtle Creek VqDallas , rX 7 5207 Sq . Ft: Per Ft: $Date: BRIDGE STREET LODGE UNTT S-4 278 I{ANSON RANCH RDSales Price: scheduLe : 0 4 316 2 Sq, Ft:Per Ft: IDate: 90 s0 MBW Realty 3 8 7 8 Oak Lavrn Ave .*505 One Turtfe Creek Vg. Da 11a s t fX 752A7 BRIDGE STREET ],ODGEUNIT S-5 2 7 8 IIANSON RANCII RD Sales Price:Schedule:043163 MBw Realty 3878 Oak lawn Ave. #606 One Turtle Creek Vq.Dal1as, lX 7 5207 Sg. Ft: Per Ft: $Date: BRIDGE STREET I.,ODGE UNIT S-7 278 HANSON RANCH RDSales Pri ce ISchedule:043164 <a tr'*' Per Ft! $Date: s0 $0 BRIDGE STREET IODGE UNIT S-8278 HANSON RANCH' RD SaLes Price: S0 Schedule : 04 3165 MBW Realty 3 8 7 8 Oak Lantn Ave , #606 One Turtle Creek Vq. DaLlas , 7X 7 5207 MBW Realty 3I7 8 Oak Lavrn Ave . #606 One Turtle Creek Vq.Dallas t TX 75207 MBW Re a lty 3878 Oak Lawn Ave. #606 One Turtle Creek Vq.Dal-l-as, lX 75207 MBW Re a Ity 3878 Oak Lawn Ave, #606 One Turtle Creek Vq,DaIlas, IX 75207 MBW Realty 3 17 B Oak L,awn Ave . *606 One Turtle Creek Vq. Da1las ' Tx 75207 BRIDGE STREET trODGE UNIT S-9278 HANSON RANCH RDSales Price: Schedule: 0 4 316 6 sq. Ft:Per ft: IDate ! sg. Ft :Per Ft: IDate: BRIDGE STREET LODGE UNIT S-10 278 HANSON RANCIT RD Sal-e s Price : Schedule:043167 BRIDGE STREET LODGE UNIT S-]. ],278 HANgON RANCH RDSales Price :Schedule:043168 $o $0 $o $0 Sq. Ft :Per Ft: IDate: Sq. Ft:Per Ft: IDate: BRIDGE STREET I.ODGEuNrT s-12 278 HANSON RANCTI RDsales Price :Schedule:043169 sq. Ft:Per Ft: S Date ! ;::'#"*f;'il'""01 ffi lln,*os rux, fro BRIDGE STREET LODGE UNIT 201278 IIANSON RANCH RD SaLeE Price: ScheduLe:043171 Fax: OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS MBw Re a lty 3 8 7 8 Oak f,awn Ave . #606 One Turtle Creek Vq.DaLIae, TX 75207 MBW Realty3878 Oak Lawn Ave.*606 One TurtLe Creek Vq. Da1las I TX 75207 Bridge Street Associates, L,. !. C. 2 719 Ridgevrood. crtBloornfield Hi 11s, MI 48302 COMPLEX/ SUBDIVI SION 03/26/r997 Page: 9 AND UNIT/IOT-B],OC}i BRIDGE STREET ],ODGE UNIT S-13 278 HANSON RANCIT RDSales Price: ScheduLe: 0431.70 $o Sq. Ft:Per Ft: Date: BRIDGE STREET IODGEuNrT 202 278 I1ANSON RANCH RDSales Price: Schedule. 0 43L7 2 Sq. rt | !52Per Ft: SDate: Sq.Ft 2 75Per Ft: $Date: $o $0 Bridge Street Associates, L.IJ. C 2 719 Ridgewood CrtBloomfi.eId HiLIs, MI 48302 BRTDGE STREET LODGE UNIT 204 278 I{ANSON RANCII RDSales Priee :Schedule:043173 BRIDGE STREET IODGE UNIT 301278 HANSON RANCH RD Sa l"e s Price : Schedu Ie r 0 4 317 4 Per Ft; Date: Sq. Ft:Per Ft: Date: 29 Bissegger, ArnoId Box Ss-6 315Nassau, Bahanas, s0 $0 ta Bridge Street Lodge Condot Christiania At Vail- 356 E Hanson Ranch Rdvail-, co 81657 Agsoc. ,BRIDGE STREET IODGE UNIT 302 278 HANSON RANCH RDSales Price: ScheduLe : 043175 Per Ft: Date: JO $ $0 Masterson, Robert 2424 S 130th cir Omaha, NE 68144 BRIDGE STREET UNIT 303 IODGE 278 ITANSON RANCH Sal-es Pri ce r Schedule: 043176 Sq.rt1. 97Per Ft: $Date: RD +v Mjs, Ltd. 801 Washington Ste 103 Waco, TX 7870t ceorgi LI,C 356 E Hanson Ranch RdVail, CO 8L657 BRIDGE STREET LODGE UNIT 304 278 IIANSON RANCH RDsales Price: S243,800ScheduLe:043177 BRIDGE STREET IODGE UNIT 306 278 HANSON RANCH RD Sales Price: $650,000ScheduLe: 043178 Sq.Ftt 34Per Ft: $70Date:LLl0i;'- sg,rti 62Per ft:91ri''.,Date:10/10/9 ;::' *:'n;:'il'"".X ffi lll,,"",n r*|ozr o OWNER NAME AND ADDRES S Bissegger, Arnold Box Ss-6315 Nassau, Bahamas, 8:55,48 3/26197 Pagc 1 1 oi 1t Log:50 03/26/r997 Page : 10 coMP],Ex/sUBDIvIsIoN AND UNTT/roT-BLocK BRIDGE STREET IODGE UNIT 30B278 HANSON RANCH RDsales Price; S0Schedule: 0 4 317 9 Fax: Sq. Ft : 51.Per Ft: $Date: Bridge Street Lodge Condot christiania At Vail356 E Hanson Ranch RdVaiL, CO 8L657 Assoc. ,BRTDGE STREET I,ODGE UNIT 309278 HANSON RANCH RDsales Price:Schedule: 043180 sg, Ft : I3 3 Per Ft: $Date: BRIDGE STREET IODGE UNIT 310278 HANSON RANCH RD SaLes Price: Schedul-e: 0 4 3181 Biszegger, ArnoId Box Ss-6315 Nassau, Bahamas, Boomer Propertiee Ltd 1710 Brickell DrFt lauderdale, I'I, 33301 BRIDGE STREET IODGE UNTT 401287 HANSON RANCH RDSaIes Price : $1r250r 000Schedule: 04 3LB2 Sg. Ft ,, 22 Per Ft: $Date: Sg. Ft: 14 6 Per Ft: $85Datet.04/25/9 $0 Cannon, R. Howard Box I0 4 0 7 Memphis, TN 38108 BRIDGE STREET IODGEUNIT 402287 HANSON RANCII RDSales Price: $1r320r000Schedule: 0 4 318 3 Sg. Ft: 108Per Ft:$1,21Date:10/18/9 Cannon, Robert E. Box 8 0 4 0 7 Memphis, TN 38108 BRTDGE STREET IODGE UNIT 403287 HANSON RANCI{ RD Sal-es Price : $1r980r000Schedule:043184 Sq. Ft . 222Per Ft: 988 Date : 10,/ 18./ 9 Valentine, Ros s 1yn 278 Hanson Rd #501Vail, CO 81657 Hi 11r Blanche C. 31. 1 Bridge StVail, CO 8165 7 Parks, Margretta B. Box 14 4 0 Eag1e, Co 81631-1440 BRIDGE STREET LODGE UNIT 501287 HANSON RANCH Sale s Price:Schedule:043185 VAII, VTTIAGE FfLING 1 BIJOCK 5-C LOT I,254 BRTDGE STSales Price:Schedul-e: 008490 VAIL VILLAGE FIIING 1 BI,OCK 2 I,OT C298 HANSON RANCH RD sales Price: S0Schedule:009570 RD Sq.Ft: 272 Per Ft: $ $0 Date: sq.rt: 484Per Ft: $90 Date: C^ F+. E?C Per ft: $Date: iliffF: fr -i F -J: 3r"s ?r r -1. AF: ll' lU .d7-nri1'- T'I l- fIlrE i ,itl {'ti -:--.,a '.t;/;Z+:?" a lrilllh'ir'r, I tr-''- -- I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDT]M File Tammie William srrn, Planny( W March 20, 1997 Red Lion Storefront ImProvements Todd Oppenheimer and I met with Kyle of Morter Architects and Linda the owner's representative on site to discuss the proposed lnprovernents for the Red Lion bgrlding to include, Hugfues" Charlie's vail Gear, Tte chocolate Factory, The club, and cleaver's Deli. The issues we discussed were: 1. The possibility of adding a planter to tbe very corner of the buitding closest to Cleaver's Deli to add defoition and to address the concern ofthe DRB that no net loss of landscaping occw on this site; 2. The possibility of raising the grade of the curb along Cleaver's Deli.shops to alleviate some a.uioug" issues: Todd sari tnei.ainage is eventually supposed_to tie into the drainage design of the (Village Master Plan) I tfrot tftit is thl coneot document, that has yet to be constructed. 3. The biggest issue is that ofhow to save the existing aspen ffe€s on the site and rectify the falling frck wall This involves ree,ngineering the wall and the-installation of some drainage in order to provide the run-off aom tne ioof a plaoe to drain Properly. Thls myst !e accomplishd without allowiug any further encroachment onto Bridge Steet than already exists because this leaning wall; and 4. The very last issue we discussed was the pos.sibilrty of being ub.l: to take the project in its entiretyio the DRB for final review and approval to the DRB with the Chocolate Factory's bay window. Is this considered as GRFA ani site coverage? why is staff considering GRFA, more specifioally residential floor area in this case at all? 7r,-f F1LE COP'| TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 February 2511997 Morter Aichitects 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 330 Departrnent of Community Development ,ry-fr\4rU- 0 7 t D , , D/h,/4((d -ad ) \_ e. 3. Vail, Co, 81657 ATTN: Kyte RE: Red Lion DRB Conceptual Review of commercial storefronts Dear Rick: The Town of Vail Community Development Dcpartment is in reccipt of your application for.thc Design Review Board (DRB). thc puUtic Worlis and Planning Departnent have reviewcd thc submittal and have identified the following issucs: Public Works: l. If any structure is protruding from the current edge of the building plcasc show thc existing and proposcd struciure, as wcll as thc cdge of asphatt, cxisting and proposcd spot elevati6ns ar6und thc building wherc any improvemcnts arc planncd; Z, The ncw down spouts nccd to conncct to a storm drain systcm. Pleasc providc a drainagc plan; Revisc the survey to include the cdge of the building to thcplanter in Kendall Park; The plans show thc planter being repaired. Staff feels this planter should be replaccd' Pleaie contact Todd Oppenheimer at 479-2161 for details; and Is the landscaping being reduced for this area? Planning: l. It appears that square footage is being added with this application as it relates to lhg new Uuy ioi"ao* at the Chocola:te factorf. If the area in_question extends to the floor, then it wiil be considcred floor area and thii application will ionstitute a minor exterior alteration which must be approved by the PEC; Z. provide specifications on the proposed lighting to include the height of the proposed flower baskets; 3. Please submit a sign application for the menu board, and as information, the Chocolatc tp*&"to'ut" r.t ,. t Factory will be required to submit a sign application; 4. On the plau there is a retaining wall that is scheduledfor repair. Currently, this area is-' used as'ski storagc. Will thisiontinue to be utilized as ski storage; and 5. Will the four trees shown on the plan remain? The Fire Deparfinent has no comments at this time. Please bring any c9]grglllles you may have ;;th;bRB-n""-tiog. lf yo' have any questions, please coniactme at 479-2142. Sincerely,e;#nm,*"- TammieWilliamson Town Planner Com Development Plan Ro o utin g Form m! rEB I e Btl Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions o munitv outed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:Tammie Williamson, Community Dcvclopment X 21 42 2/19/97 Project Name:Rcd Lion Conceptual Review of cxterior modifications to commercial storefronts 304 Bridse Street Lots E,F,,G & H. Block 5-A Vail Village lst Filing ject Description:Conceptual revicw of exterior modifications to commercial storefronts Need Commcnts by 2/ | 9 197 1f ourq swxl rre r'- harna{bornoed '"tr' 'Ifflr, repl lotee trr e(6 finq & goposd <lrocto(e a<.rel[ at , 12o* ,-k*-a4t>.t < et) qo ot 1vg, o,4no\\1. ia&@* [/ e.*t<t).-a *forpgd cJ+ffi oround Phe bo]ld'nq ,"t lrln<- , -rh?:. tA,,L o-*- Provde drzr.' Date received: :_, '- APPITICAIIfOII - TOIIN OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO gAIp_REgErvED: Feh lo Im?. i.rt A alt lta DBSTCi}I o RE\'1[EI| BOARD DATE OF DRE MEETING: ItRoJEcr rNFoRuarroI\T. r*********I. A. *t***tt**t DESCRTPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (9200. 00)Addition ($s0.00) C. ADDRESS:otl LEGAL DESCRI Subdivision to this applicarion. rf property is desciibed bydeseription, please provide Minor Alteration (920. 00) --g3onceptual. Review ($0) a meeLs and bounds legalon a separate sheeE and attach 't. FEE $ 20.00 s s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00s500.00 .) ONE YEAR AlllER FINAIJ ISSUED A![D CoI{STRUCTIOIiI LtolS E. F. nl-IzoNrNG: Lfrnmerq^a.l ddb I G. NA}TE OF APPIIICANI: Mailingl Phone H.NAI'IE OF OWNER(S): Mail-ing Address: Phone APPrrrCAYroNs wrrJrr NoT BE PRocBssm vrrllotn owNERrs sxG6rall,u&E T .t. Condominium Approval if appficabfe. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as Ehown above, are t,o be paid at thetime of submit,taL of the DRB application. l,iter, whenapplying for a building permiE,-'elease idenbify tire accuratevaluation of the proposar. The nown of vait wit1 adjust thefee according to the table beIow, Lo ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDIIIIE: VALUATION$ o'$ 1o,ooo$10,001 _$ 50,000$50,001 -$ 150,OoO $150,001 _ $ 500,000 9500.00L - $1,000,000S Over $X,000,000 DESIGII RE\/TEW BOARD APPROVAI, E;KPIRAS APPROVAIT IINITBSS A BUXIIDING PERIIIT ISIS STARTED. 1 Block 5'A IiIAME APPIJICANT'S rr. rII. ar rl I a pTg-+pplicarion meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalappJ-ication info::nat,ion i6'needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make aa'appointment with the llaff todetermine if there are additional subtrdttal requiremeuts.please note that a coMprJETE appJ.icat,ion will st-reamtine thereview process for your projelt. A.In addition to meeting suhnittaj. requirenents, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, luifainq finls and buiLdingcorners. ALL t,rees to be removed. must be taped. ALlsite tapings and staklng must be compLeted piior to theDRB site visit. The appLicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the wint,er is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally requirestr,ro separate meetj.ngs of the Oesign Review Board: aconeeptual. review and a finaL review. applicanus who fait to appear before tbe Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled neetj.ng date and who have notasked in advance that discussioi on their item bepostponed., wiJ.J. have their iterns renoved from the DRBagenda until such time as the item ]ras beenrepublished. The foLl-owing itenxi may, at the discretion of the' zoning administrator. be approved by the Conrrunity ,,{,. Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing ' j before the DRB may.not be required): :- a. windows, skylights and similar exteiior changeswhich do not aLter the existing pLane of thebuilding; and b. Building addl-t,ions not visibte from any oElrer 1otor public space. At .the t,ime such a proposal issubmitt,ed, applicants must include lelteis frosradjacent property ourners and/or fron bhe agrent foror mEurager of any adjacent cond,ominium associationstating the association approves of the addition. If a property is Located in a mapped hazard area (i.e, snow aval.anche, rockfalL, flood pLain, debiis flow,wetl_and, etc.), a hazard study nust be submitted andthe owner must sj.gn an affidavit recogrnizing the hazard.repogt prior to thej issuance of a buiiiling perrnit.epplicants are endouraiTed to check with a-.T-own pLanner Ffig-r t,o DRB applicalion to det,ermine the relationshipof the property to aL1 mapped hazards. For al-l residentiaL ccinstruction! a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural wa11s'of thebuilclingr and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site ptan afour foot distance from if.e exterior faci of tlrebuiLding watLs or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, att conaitions of approval must, beaddressed prior to tte appLication-ior a buiJ.ding. pendt. B. c. D. E. F. G. jr .,' I a IJO \wfl 3o4 A. Alt,nnvn cleal' hrn ," r,l IVtad OqF bwn \lum'rn,m Lla/ Fronze o Trash Encloeures Greenhouses Retaining waIls Exterior Light,inq Other LAIiIDSCAPING: Name of 4 B.Designer: Phone: IJXSE OF ITAEERIAIJS O f.IAl'tE OF PROiIECT: IJEGAIJ'OTSCRI PrrOrq : STREET ADDRESS: The following information is Review Board before a final BUTI.,DTNG IIATERIAI-IS I Roof Siding \ Other WaIl MateriaLs Fascia soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door . Hand. 'Flues Trim r Deck RaiLs FJ-ashinqs Chinneys BLOCK 5-l SnBDrVrSroN required for submittal approval can be given: rYPE OF UATERTAI.I to the Desj.gn. COLOR uA'* /o tr, 4' eritl,^J OtlJ. ,- fibA e$shn1 PLAlfr MATERIC: Botanical Name ComnodC,ne ouanrirv ISize* PROPOSED TREES A}ID SHRUBS *Indicate caLiper for deeiduous trees. Minimum caliper. f or. decid.uous trees is 2 inches. fnaicate treigtrt iorconiferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniieroustrees is 5 feet.**Ind,icate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qaIlon. Tvpe Square Footacre GROI]ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRXGATION TYPE OR METIIOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ c.rJAr\rDscAPE r-rrGHTrNG: tf eiterior riqhting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and Loiations on- a leparatef.ighting plan. rdenrify each fixture from rhe Li;hting pLan l? -the space below and provide the height above giade, -r1pe oflight.proposed, lumen output, Iuminous area ana i cuc sheet ofthe light fixrure. (Section 18.54.0S0 ,t) OTttER IJN{DSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swiruningpools, etc.) P1ease_ specify. Indiaate heights of retainin;wa1ls. Maxinum height of witls within the front setback ii 3 | . Maximurn height of wa11e eLsewhere on the property is 6' . D. paD tION CoHnoutltruu ASdocrATroN Tes- ra-e? HoN I r:42 7 Aa4o L I NI'A MALABY f*ott*t=t" February 10, 1997 Town of Vait Design Review Board 75 South lrontage Road Vail, CO 81657 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This letter is in regards to the construction proposat for thc commercial units of the Rcd Lion Building, in Vail Village. The Association Board and all tenants involved, wholeheartedty approve of the design plans that Morter Architect have developed and woukl like to encourage the Design Review Board to approv€ the plans also. We feel that a Spring'97 slart date on the project would be most beneticiat sitrce the Town also has plans to redevelop ttre adjoining Bridge street circle at that time. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, )il**tr $-.-,,- RICIIARD N. BROWN, president RED LION CONDO ASSOCIATION RB:LM:lm ' ,l,J / P.g2 TOVCAfiifW, /JEV, iifr 6i0V LION&ltlAD ClpC[U 6uru too . vNtr COLOQADO 0161? Ttlfi, 303.4?6rt3t . fA['r0].4?66366 o unity I ting FCommDevelopment Plan Rou orm / Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions r%-a.-@t-a*- 4rs*-f 7 Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire ,t Retum To:Tammie Williamson, Community Development X2142 Date Routed:4/2/97 Return Bv:4/9t97 ProjectName:Red Lion Minor Exterior Alteration Project Address:304 Bridge Street Project Legal:Lots E,F,G,H, Block 5-A, Vail Village lst Project Description:Commercial Storefront Modifications, Bay window addition, Retaining Wall Repair Need Commentsbv 4/9197 :{o oRtGfNAL . MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April14, 1997 A request for a minor exterior alteration in the cc1 zone District and a request lor a sitd co""*ge variance trom Section 1 8.24.150, for a commercial slorefront moditication ind an expansion to the outdoor dining decK in !h9 leg. lign euitding, fo.rteO at eOi Bridge Streeylots E, F, G, & H, Block 5-A, VailVillage 1st _ Filing. Applicant: Landmark commercial Development, represented by Morter Architects Planner: Tammie Williamson o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS The Commercial Corel (CC1) Zone District requires Planning and Enviro.nmental Commission leeC; approval of an eiteiioi alteration which'adds square 49,"n" to a.building located with the iisitiit. 'inis proposal includes the addition ol an 8.5 squareJoolbay window (The Chocolate F""t"rvf to tnb soutn sioe oirne ned Lion Building anai.Zn.zs square foot expansion to the existini'dining deck on the west side ot the Red Lion Building' Additionally, fhe applicant is requesting a site co.verage variance- ,ln the CC1 Zone District ' at- grade pitloi anO 6iy windows ire conlidered site coverage and-the-maximum site coverage itto,"eb in the CC1 2one District is 80%. The site currently has 83.1% of site coverage'- fle . piopoieO additions totating -3-t.tsiq-ft. would increase thb site coverage of this site to 83.3 %' or an increase of 0.2/". This proposal seeks to address issues of maintenance and upkeep as it relates to drainage' the retaifini-watt tocaled on Bridge Slreet and the landscape planters. rne aOptig_11t1.ttT::llg:" correct ihe drainage deficiencies on-site by connecting the down spouts to exlstlng unoergrouno Oiainige facilities: The retaining wall is cr-inently in a state of disrepair' The applicant is - . ;;;d;ilgb reptace me eiistin[ retaining wall ih order to correct the noticeable bowing of the wall. The new wall be engineer6d with adequate drainage facilities to prevent the roof run-off iiJm cariing additional Oimage. The proposed wall is t-o be constructed of brick to match the eiirting Uric"f materiat of the b-uilding. ' Inierchangeable ski and bike racks are proposed as part of the building improvements around the entire building. To provide more of an identity to the individual shops on.Hanson .fan9h !oad' the applicant is pro'poiing a bay window at the Chocolate Factory in addition to other cosmetic improvem.ents' ?nd remiining bnops on ianJon Rinch Road, Cjeaver's Deli, The Club and Charlie's Vail Gear ai" r".tiuingiacade improvements, New side light panels and new windows are proposed for ifrL Cnocotite Factory and The Club. All rools ire proposed to-.have copper tlashings with a Uuift-uplascia. The shbps will have new rongue and'gr|ove s_of1ts withrecessed down lights' in"Oise of the buitdin$will be brick and thibay winiows will have a copper base. Addi1onally' The Chocolate Factory and The Club will have a copper rool' I i' -. :,ir' '.1 'itot' The existing landscape planters along the south elevation of this building are proposed to be removed in their entirety. The applicant believes tne eiisting planters iripede pedesl'i?n "-ttiY'JI^ in the general area of tn" "nlpi-iong ianson Ranch Roadltherefore, the proposal is to remove the landscape planters m"i "iiit on t}'e south siOe'oi-tne iit'e. fitis would result in a loss of 85'3 square feet of landscape "r"a along this frontage. ine proposat is to locate one Palmore Ash rree at the corner of ouirOinii6jace"nt to CleavJr's Deli iir a tree grate' The applicant is also il;;ilg an adOitionat fanEscdpe area on the corner of the building and to expand other landscape areas along Bridge Street. The applicanis requestre-suits.in,a 138'3 sq' ft' gain of i;il;;;p; ireiio tne"siie-riainrv "rory eriOii Street, ani a 85.3 sq'-ft' loss in landscape area to ft;iillo;g H"nson nanctindaO. f-nis isi net increase ol53 sq. ft. .The applicant is ...,, proposing ro provide h#;;;p """"9r {t1! neO auitOingadjacenito.Hughe's. The two Village Lighr fixtures on site will be replaced with the "ateiyp" 6t tiinting' Tfe -applicant also indicates additional seating "t"". iion-giH*Jon Rancn Road"'These-seating areas will have to be approved by a conditional use permit at a later date' ; The applicant is also proposing to screen the gas utilities on the east portion of the building' II. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Address: Lols E, F, G, H, BIock 5-A, Vail Village l st Filing Lot Size: Zoning: Use: 13, 957.9 sq. ft. Commercial Core 1 (CCl) Cornmercial/Residential upper f loor Allowad/Reouired Exislino Prooced Sile Coverage: 11,166.32(80%! 11'596.75(83.1%) 11,630'10 (83 32%) ' Landscaping: No nel loss ' Nel lncrease ol53 sq. ll. 548.3 sq. ft. 601.3 sq. tl. Ir. The Town of Vail Municipal code established the review criteria lor a requ_est ol this nature' The "*lnisis of thL review is on ifte propotal's compatibilityw.{!.!lte Zoning Code and the Vail Coiipienensive Ptan, inctuOing the Vail.Land Usb Plan, Vail Village l/aster Plan, Streetscape fvfasibr pUn, the Vail Village U-rban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Design Considerations. A. THE TOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE The Red Lion Building is in the CC1 Zone District. According to Section 18'24'010 of the Zoning Code, the purpose of the CC1 district is: "The commercial core I District is intended to provide sites and.to maintain the unique character oi in* Vait Village Commercidl Area, with its mixlure of lodges and commercia eltablishments iin a predominantly pedestrian environment' The ,l o CommercialCorelDistrictisintendedtoensureadequatelig.ht'air'openspace' and other amenlties appropriate to the permitted type's of buildings and uses' The district regutarion, ,TJCoioance with the Vail Villile urban P"?is.l Guide Plan and Desifn Considerations prescribe site developmenl standards that are intended to "n.ur" in"-ruinien"n." and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements ot nuiioingi fronting on pedestrian ways and public.greenways' and to ensure continuaiion o"t1f'e Ouifding icale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village." Staff ResPonse: Staffbe|ieveslheproposedminorexteriora|terationoftheE.5sq'ft.baywindow addition to tne Cnlcoiale-F""toty and the 24.75 sq. ft. outdoor dining dqc! expansion is in compliance with ihe Purpose sectibn of the commercial core I ; Zone District as #tbJiOove. We also'believe that the proposed.building additions wirf nave-a-fositive ettect on the overall appearance of the building' as viewed from the plo,i"iri"n level of Bridge street and Hanson Ranch Road' However, staff believes that the remodel of landscape areas along Hanson Ranch Road is inconsistent with this purpose slatement' B. VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1. Vail Land Use Plan The following are the goals of the Land Use Plan that are relevant to this proposal. Goal 1-4 The theme ol the old Village core should be carried into new oevetopment in the Villagd core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan' Goal 4.3 The ambiance of the village is important to the identity of vail and sfroulO Oe preserved (sca6, alpine character, smalltown feeling, mountains, natural seiting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental qualitY.) Staff Response: Staff believes the proposed building additions are consistent with the goals listed above, but that th6 rehoval of landicaping will detract from the scale, environmenlal quality, and natural setting of the building' Goal1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 2. Vail Village Master Plan The following are the goals and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan which are relevant to this Proposal: Goal 1 Encourage hlgh quality redevelopment white preserving the unique aicnitdctunt scale of the village in order to sustain its sense of communitY and identity' t, 1.2 Obieclive: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Goal3Torecognizeasatopprioritytheenhancementofthewa|king experience throughout the Village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. Private development proiects shall incorporate streetscape improveme.nts.(such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian waYs. Flowers, trees, water features and other landscaping shall be encouraged throughout the Town ii locations adjacent to, or visible from, Public areas. Encourage a wide variety of activities' events' and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. 3.1 Objective: 3.1.1 Policy: 3.1.3 Policy: 3.3 Objective: 4.1 Obiective: 4.1.2 Policy: 4.1.4 Policv: Goal4 3.3.2 Policy:Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial infill or redevelopment projects' To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space opportunities. lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with green space and pocket parks. - ilecognize the ditferent roles ol each type o-f open space in forming the overall fabric of the Village' The development ol new public plazas, and improvements to existing plazas (public art' streetscape features, seating areas, etc.)' shall be strongly encouraged to reinforce their roles as afiractive people places. Open space improvements, including the addition of accessible green space as described or graphically shown in the Vail Village Mastel Plan and/or Urban Design Guidb Plan, will be required in conjunction with private infill or redevelopment projects. Staff Response: This proposal does not adequately address Goal 3, objective 3,'! ?ld Policies 3.1.1, g.i.B, and Goal 4, Objectiv6 4.1. and Policy 4.'1.4, of the Vail Village Master Plan. The applicant contends that the existing landscape planters on Hanson Ranch Road do not lunction, and impede the pedestrian flow in this area' These areas do not function because they ire not properly maintained by the applicant ind are allowed to become eyesoies in the winter months. Staff believes r^noi"iping ii critical along the south frontage ol this building and should not be suOstaniiatiy reduced. Staif suggested placing several large trees inlree grates iiong tfris trontage to help mitigate the loss oJ the landscape areas. The applican't i. pi6p"ri^g "ndtree onty. rn"e proposal as it exists is not adequate in the way of reilaiement materials on this portion of Hanson Ranch Road' The proposed minor exterior alteration is consistent with established zoning and tn" J"iiiing ,ses in the area. Overall, the staFf believes that the proposed building alterations enhance the appearance of the building. 3. Streetscape Master Plan The Streetscape Master Plan identilies improvements to be made in the vicinity of the Red Lion Building. The plan specifies the need lor additional landscaping along with design de-tails to'enrich and integrate the pedestrian village. Staff Response: This proposal lalls short of meeting the Streetscape Master Plan for this area' 4. Vail Village Design Considerations The iollowing is a discussion of compliance with the Urban Design Considerations and the arch'itectural/landscape considerations expressed in the Vail Village Design Considerations planning document. Urban Design Guide Plan lor Vail Village " Facade improvements, eyesores removed, increased facade transparency, entries simpiified and oriented to intersection.'' " Facade improvements, increased ground floor transparency'" .. Pedestrian walkway defined (by paving, p|anters, |ighting,.benches' etc) to avoid traffic confliits and unify diverse, disconnected building facades." Staff Response: staff believes that the facade improvernents of the bay window and the expansion of the outdoor dining beck is a positive addition to the Red Lion nLiitOing and Vail Village. The proposal does address some of the criteria of the t]rban Design Plan for Vail Village. However, a criticalcomponent of compliance is tie pedestrian walkway's definition and enhancement by the addition of planters, pavers and ligflfing. Staff is of the opinion that this element of the proposal is inadequate and would only serve t0 lessen the pedestrian experience within the Village. o Urban Design Considerations The following design considerations are a critical element of the Urban D;;ig; Ft;n: rnei ioentity rhe key physicat characreristics of the Village anJ iiouiJJ tne tobls to efisure tnii n6w developmenr is consistent with the dstaUlished character. The design considerations include the lollowing: A. Pedestrianization: The proposed minor exterior alteration to add a O"V Ylnd-9*-11d-tl-"^,^, addition to the outdoor dining deck' in conjunction with the commerclal storetront modilications *itt ilt'ptou" the p6destrian experience within,the Village, however, the removal of landscaping in this area will lessen Ine pedestrian experience. B. Vehicular Penetration; Vehicular penetration and circulation will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal. C. Streetscape Framework: The proposed minor exterior alteration and the addition to the outdoor Oin-ing d';cX, in conjunction w1h the commercial storefront modifications, will enhance the streetscape. As a result of this proposal, quality building upgrades, for the individual shopslronting on Hanson Ranch Road wlll De ah"asset io the village, howevei, the removal ot landscaping along Hanson Ranch Road will have a negative effect on the streetscape framework. D. Street Enclosure: Due to the location and the relatively small size ol the proposed . irpioutt"ntt, it is staffs opinion ttiat 16e proposal will have minimal impact on street enclosure. E. StreetEdge: Staff believes that an element of the proposal, which includes a new r"nAscipe configuration on the corner oi eridge Street and Hanson Ranch RoaO, v'iitt better-delineate the street and building edge wliqft.will serve to increase pedestrian activity and interest at the Red Lion Building. .The ptopos"O tacade improverients along Hanson Ranch Road provide a irdng street edge by adding individualcharacter to each business' Ho*,ei"r, ttrls stieet'edge r,rint Oe reduced along Hanson Ranch Road due to lhe removal of landscaPe areas. F. Building Height: Building height will be unalfected as a resull of this proposal' G. Views and Focal Points: The proposal does nol affect any ol the Town's adopted view corridors' H. Service and Delivery: This proposal will not affect current service and delivery' l. Sun/Shade: There will be no increase in the shadow patterns as a result of this pioposaf , as it is located within the existihg shade patterns of the building' Archltectu ral/Landscape Considerati ons: Roofs The roof forms, roof pitch, and roof overhangs with the ornamentation of exposed wood beams and copper flashings, proposed for the shops located on Hanson Ranch Road, are consistent with the plan' B. Facades The lacades of the shops located on Hanson Ranch Road will consist mainly of stucco, wood'and glass. The Urb.an Design Plan encourages variations of these materialtand forms while preserving the basic nirmony ol the Village. This proposal is consistenl with this portion of the plan. C. Decks and Patios This proposalwill slightly enlarge the existing.outdoor dining dejk' The use ot olbxd ind patios is sirongly encouraged within the Village' The proposed deck enlargemeniwitt serve as a people attractor and improve lfr"'iiu"fin"rr of Bridge Street. This enlargement will also enhance the pedestrian experiende within the Village' The minor enlargement will not increase the number of outdoor seating places of this patio' D. Balconies This proposal contains no balconies. E. Accent elements The applicant proposes to apply brick to the base of the entire building and cofpeli'wiif ne'apitieO to tne 6a-y window. bases as well the down spouts o"iid"d to cariy drainage. Copper tlashings, and recessed down lights are proposed for the shops on Hanson Ranch Road in conjunction with modified window ano ooor coniigurltions' The lighting will be the Village Fixrure lighrs and me Hansli'iii^fn n""o shop iightiilo will be recessed down lights located. rn".t 1..6^i"r.ttntt anO irateiiats comply with the Vaifvillage Urban Design Guide Plan' F. Landscape elements While stalf supports the facade improvemenls of the shops located on Hanson Ranch Road, tn"-roii ot lindscape area.to the south side of the ilil];s "no *itnin tn'e virrag; totJ it " nbgative impact of this proposal' Crit"nirv, tnit site has sa8 iq' ft. of landscaping' The proposed . .. .. f"nOi."p" todifications *iriiOO 53 sq. ft'-to other portions of the building anJihJ'site to areas mainly along Brid'ge Street' The applicant is orooosino to etiminate atio'f ih; lindsciping (85.3 sq. ft.) on the south 5il|; i#"';r;iliil;;ft; a iingi" tt"" airinitigation for the loss of rrnO.r"ping. rrreiimlteO opportu'nities. f or. landscaoe area within the Virr"g! ;oiE i. a iritical""rf,'[on"ni'oiin" V"it Village Urban Design Plan'^ conSideration should be givbn to properties that redevelop with landscape iooiiionr. The lack ot taridscape ateas on the south side of the building' oromotes an unbalanced site tirat is out of scale with the adjacent . . . ffiJ;;;p" "iiinJ"r plir. and Vail Village club (aka Serrano's)' which is currently under development. The m{olity of .landscape.t"lgli"i^ - ..,- associaied with this proposal is off ol ihe subject property.' lt ls l.or.ulls reason that the staff cannot support the request lor the minor exlerlor alteration or the site coverage variance for ihis proposal' Staff feels that the existing landscape planiers should not be lost in order to gain additional iite coverage beyond what is permitted on this site' AOOiiionitty, stalf is ofthe dpinion that no landscaping loss should occur on this portion of the site. G. Service This proposal will not affect current service in the Village' lv. Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Oriteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code' the Cbmmunity Development Department recommends deniat of the requested site coverage variance. The recommendation lor denial is based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l.There|ationsh|poftherequestedvariancetootherexistingor potential uses and structures in the vicinity' The requested site coverage variance has a minimal impact in terms of additional squate toot"gu 6n the site. The result ol this request for a site coverage vai'iance will Iltimately result in the loss of both of the tanoscape'ptanGo on the soutli side of the building. The proposal is to mitigatethi! tosj ot landscape planter area of 85.3 square feet with a o 2. single tree which is off the subject property. The Red Lion Building has a totit tanOscape area of 548 squard feet of landscape area_on a 13,958 square feet lbt which is 3.9% 6f the total lot area. The staff acknowledges thb overall proposal would be a benefit to the Red Lion Building. However' the loss of ihe'landscape planters associated with this proposal would be a negative impact to th'e vail Village and fulther, contradicts the goals, policies and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan and the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. The degree to which relief trom the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement ol a specified regulation is necessary to achieve- compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to atiain theobjectives ol this title without grant of special privilege. The site coverage variance is a net increase of 33.25 sq' ft' The Vail Village is an intdnse urban core. Buildings are generally located on the lot lines] Site coverage variances, in some lnstances, have been deemed appropriate in tfre Vittage Core, when they do not negatively impact landscape areas and improve the Village experience. The eflect ol the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. This proposal has no adverse impacts on any of these factors' B. before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant ol special privilege inconsGtent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or wellare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary ph-ysical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to th'e same site ol the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation. would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION f :\everyone\pec\m€mos\redlion.4l 4 Minor Exterior Alteration The community Development Department staff recommends denial of the applicant's CCt minor ext6rior alteiation request subject to the following finding: That the proposal is not in conformance with the -applicablesect'tons of the urban Oeiign iriteria anfm VaiiVillage Master plan Gbils and Policies w1h respect to landicaping and streetscape improvements' Site Coverage Variance The Community Development Department stalf recommends denial of the applicant's site coverage variance request subject to the tollowing findings: .|.ThatthegrantingoftheVariancewi||constituleagrantol.specia|privi|ege inconsistent witfme limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. Thar the granting of the variance will be detrimental to the public health' s"t"ty orfreiiiiei, or r"teti"ily injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation will not <teprive il.," ippri."nt of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other Properties in the same district' 10 I.t t lt I t+?f ilfii 3Itti t Frtrt E i-ee =sE; e( F.' ffiffiL|B ifilhi,-----r"tr'g \:-"-| --l'."-' ir- Ht)L--.z i\ 1\v-.-''' o c , o.z'<.('.cd;E|r|XE H;,< ql il sl $l 1l TI il ri Tt t q o l" IEtL i:IIR| .r.t-eA'' r[rlr$lr It l6- t; t! IT \.- I'\ eY \,I\ :* t\ \l f 41 I I 'il Yli/l / $ | ' /,., ,\fri litilt i$w i;l/ rliiI il ilt.htt!Iiii rFi:itF t3*l$ ts l'i I I I I htt tl$ !l.1" T {l} i lotit! I I I It_ f l_ Tf t !\/lt-\t)u l{ii! l-r ln ls if # ii li iiI;' l':// /',1H$: ii:i 'i[,f CI. f I ',." ll;l li1_''f-;a-l:I*----l:#ftijr-k-- ll tl Iiflfn 9 Ii N li !li; r Lll l Red Lion Commeicial Remodel Vlil Vibs., v.il. Coln do Community Development Plan Rou o ting Form Aonroved Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Mike McGee. Fire Works Retum To:Tammie Williamson, Community Development X2142 Date Routed:4/9t97 Retum Bv:4/lll97 (This is scheduled for Monday, April 14, 1997 PEC) Project Name:Red Lion Minor Exterior Alteration Project Address:304 Bridse Street Project Legal:Lots E,F,G,H, Block 5-A, Vail Village lst Project Dcscription:Commercial Storefront Modifications, Bay window addition, Retaining Wall Repair Need C.omments by 4 / | 1 /97 ,-On {O\r 6n veq 5h4cl 4\l €a'r4nenl'" afd (slrfnfE., af tE cIeY-. i6afr(atc areds wherc teqrodrgoa llre o(rvers lrtrce t r5 necessclr{. 5h .'vr prspo5ed and cxr5ir(-r\ ',spL. Aevahc!']5 I dr6r(uq€ fioiy bf. anne*q) r,\to le, To'run s.l<te,(.I\. No dro.r rvrcie wr\\ \rc al\ov{({1 cr$f rn fo Yt\a pobu'l c\ c\raiuqs Q\or\ sn6nlinq 4tl ccrrn 6-vrr,r$) rht6 t€ li \^ n rgsierng. - 1{oond qo'r @ fo;f g1o\--r - Oo+,n 59o,.-:rs c5 {Y\e. r'c( ttl Srdeo€ 11.4 orrdrs<1 fq.::t be cOcl neC+ed C\\,J) \{hAf rSon FD ? ored 4l .ltqt r-evr onred 4 | ro lql r€tu(n4d 4 | tq1 -iu parltr- co-n?ity Development Plan Rou tnng Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Retum To:Tammie Williamson, Community Development X 21 42 Date Routed:419/97 Retum By:4lll/97 (This is scheduled for Monday, April 14, 1997 PEC) Project Name:Red Lion Minor Exterior Alteration Project Address:304 Bridse Street Project Legal:Lots E.F,G,H, Block 5-A, Vail Village lst Project Description:Commercial Storefront Modifications, Bay window addition, Retaining Wall Repair Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Need Comments bv 4l | | 197 lf\ Date received: a[ll tqq Date reviewed: 4 AD^l ao 8. q,. to, ll. . .., .. .{,, MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April14, 1997 A request lor a minor exterior alteration in the cc1 zone District and a request for a sltditrerage variance irom Section 1 8.24.1 50, for a commercial storefront modification ind an e*paniion to the outdoor dining deck, in the Red Lion-. bl-iroino ro"Jieo it soa rirdge SdeeylotJE, F, c;& H, Block 5-A, Vail villase 1st Filing. Applicant: Landrnark commercial Development, represented by Morter.Architects Planner: Tammie Williamson F:"-: ;3PY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS The Commercial Corel(CCl)Zone District requires Planning and Enviro.nmental Commission (piC)lpprovat ot an eitliioi alteration wnicn adds square t-o9taO9 to a.building located with the ijiJt#t. Tnis proposat inctudes the addition of an 8.5 iquarelootbay*ji99* (The Choco-late F"dt Vl io tnE siiutn siOe oirne neJ tion Building and i Za.zs square foot expansion to the exlstin!'dining deck on the west side of the Red Lion Buibing' Additionally, the applicant is requesting a site coverage variance.'.,1n th9 cs1 zone District ' at- grade patioi anO 6iy windows ite coniidered site coverage and the maximum site coverage if n*eb in the CC'l 2one District is 80%. The site currently has 83'1% of site coverage'- Jle-. ;;ftff ;d;itons totatinl -s-a2slq. ft. would increase th6 site coverage of this site to 83.3 %' or an increase of O.zY". ThiS proposal seeks to address issues of maintenance and upkeep as it relates to drainage' the retaiirinfiwarr tocated on eiiJge Street and the landscape planters. Tne anOtic_11ti:.Pt.f::119-:" correct lhe drainage deficiencies on-site by connecting the down spouts 9 exlstlng unoergrouno Oiai"ii" t""ititi"s] The retraining wall is cdrrenfly in a itate of disrepair' The applicant is . .. proposjng to replace tre eiistin! reiaining wall iir order to correct the noticeable bowing of the wall. The new wall Oe engiilerEA witn a6equate drainage facilities to prevent the roof run-off iiom ciuiing addirionat oir"ge. The proposed wall is t-o be constructed ol brick to match the eiisring biicfi mjteriat of the O"uifOing. ' tnierchangeable ski and bike racks are proposed as part of the Suibing improvements around the entire building. To provide more of an identity to the individual shops on.Hanson .fan9! !oaO, the applicant is probosinga bay window at the Chocolate Factory ih addition to other cosmetic improvem.ents' tnd remiining inops on nanson nincn Road, Cieaver's Deli, The Club and Charlie's Vail Gear are teceVingiacade impioue*ents. N"t siae tignt panels and new windows are proposed for The Chocolate Factory and The Club. All roofs ire iroposed to..have.copper flashings with a Ouift-upiiscii. The shbps will have new tongue and gr|ove s-oftits with recessed down lights' fne Oise oi the buildinf will be brick and the-bay win-dows will have a copper base' Additionally' The Chocolate Factory and The Club will have a copper roof' The existing landscape planters along the s.outh elevation of this building are proposed to be. .. removed in their entirety.'1'ne appficint believes the existing planters impede pedestrian activity i" in" g""er"iirea ot ti" rnbp""iong Hinson Ranch Road, therefore, the proposal is to remove the tandscape ptanters maiJiiit on t-ne south siOe oitne iit'e' fnis would result in a loss of 85'3 square feet of tandscape iiea itong tnis q9ntagg. The proposal is to locate one Patmore Ash tree at the corner of ouiroinj iojace'nt to cleav;'s Deli ih a ree grate- The applicant is also ;.p"ffi;; aJOitionif fantscftlrea on the corner of the bui6ing and to expand other i"i[.c"piir""s atong iliffStti"i. ine appticanrs requestre-sultsin,a 138'3 sq' ft' gain of ffiSc;F irea to tn"-tit.-'i"inri "'ory erioii Street, and a 85.3 sq' ft' loss in landscape area to iffiiltdS ianson Ranch Rdad. Tlis isa nel increase of 53 sq. ft' .The applicant is ..... proposing to provide nanOicap actegs tJme neO BuildingadjaceniO.Hughe's' The two Village i6ft firilr;;;n siie will o" 6pr"."o *itn tne slme rype 6r riirrtingt Tlg 3ppl!"qnt also indicates additional seating "r""" "fong-Flin*n nancn Road.''These seating areas will have to be approved by a conditional use permit at a later date' The applicant is also proposing to screen the gas utilities on the east portion ol the buiHing' II. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Address: Lots E, F, G, H' Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing Lot Size: Zoning: 13, 957.9 sq. ft. Commercial Core 1 (CCl) Use: Commercial/Residential upper floor Atlorred/Reouired Exislino Prooced SireCorerage: 11,166.32(80v") 11,596.75(8iI.1%) 11'630'10(83'3?/") - landsceping: No nel loss 548.3 sq. ft. 601 3 sq' tt' * Net Inorease ol 53 3q. ll. III. REVIEW CR]TERIA FOR A MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION The Town of vail Municipal code established the review criteria for a requ_est of this nature. The "rpfiJiir "iti'ri. reui"r is on the proposal's compatibilitywith.the Zoning Code and the Vail CJfiipienensive ptan, inctuding the Vail Land Usb Plan, Vail Village lvlaster Plan, Streetscape l,rflsde, Plan, the Vail Village U-rban Design Guide Plan and the VailVillage Design Considerations. A. THETOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE The Red Lion Building is in the cc1 zone District. According to section 1 8-24.010 of the Zoning Code, the purpose of the CC1 district is: "The commercial Gore I District is intended to provide sites and.to maintain the unique character oi ine Vait Village Commerciil Area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial "itanri=ntentsi; a predominantly pedestrian environment' The CommercialcoreIDistrictisintendedtoensureadequate|ight,air'openspace, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted lVPes of buildings and uses. The district regulatlonsin-iicoidance with the VailfittaOg-fr-!{tDesign Guide Plan anJ o"ri6n consioerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure irrE .iini"n"nce and preservhtion of the tightly clustered arrangements or ouiioings iionting_on pedeJtrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuaiion o-f the building icale and architecturalqualities that distinguish the village." Staff Response: staff believes the proposed minor exterior alteration of the 8.5 s9..ft' bay window iooffon to tne cnScoiate-r"ctotv and the 24'7s sq' ft' 9y1do9r {rys ggtl' expansion is in com-Jf iin-ce *itn !1; Purpose Sectibn of the Commercial Core I Zone District as statboaoove. we also believe tttat the proposed.building additions wiff nave-i-Joiitive eftect on the overall appearance of the building' as viewed from the plO,iririin ievel of Bridge Street and Hanson Ranch Road' However. statt oefievlj tnjr tne remodelof landscape areas along Hanson Ranch Road is inconsistent with this purpose statement' B. VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1. Vail land Use Plan The following are the goals of the Land use Plan that are relevant to this proposal. Goa|1.3Thequa|ityofdevelopmentshouldbemaintainedandupgraded whenever Possible. Goal 1.4 The theme of the old Village Core should be canied into new oevetopment in the villagJ core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan' Goal 4.3 The ambiance of the village is important to the identity of vail and shou|<lbepreserved(sca|e,a|pinecharacter,sma||townfee|ing' morniains, natural setting, inti'nate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental qualitY.) Staff Response: Staff believes the proposed building additions are consistent with the goals listed auove, but that thi rehoval of landEcaping will detracl from the scale, environmental quality, and natural setting of the building' 2. Vail Village Master Plan The tollowing are the goals and objectives of the vail Village Master Plan which are relevant to this ProPosal: Encourage high quality redevelopment whlle preserving the unique arcnitictural siale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identitY. Goal1 1.2 Objective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Goal 3 To recognize a3 a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements.(such as paver treatments, landscaping' lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian waYs. Flowers. trees, water features and other landscaping shall be encouraged throughout the Town in locations adjacent to, or visible from, public areas. Encourage a wide variety of activities, events, and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. 3.1 Obiective: 3.1.1 Policy: 3.1.3 Policy: 3.3 Objective: 4.1 Objective: 4.1.2 Policy: 4.1.4 Policy: Goal4 3.3.2 Policv:Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial infill or redevelopment proiects' To preserve existing open spaco areas and expand green space opportunities. lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with green space and pocket parks' - ilecognize the ditferent roles of each type-o-f open space in forming the overallfabric of the Village. The development ol new public plazas, and improvements to existing plazas (public art' streetscape features, seating areas' etc.)' shall be strongly encouraged to leinforce their roles as attractive people places. Open space improvements, including the addition of accessible green space as described or graphically shown in the Vail Village Master Plan and/or Urban Design Guidb Plan, will be required in conjunction with private infill or redevelopment projects. Staff Response: This proposal does not adequately address Goal 3, objective 3.1 and Policies 3.1.1: 9.i.3, and Goal a, Obi'ectiv6 4.1. and Policy 4.'t.4, of the Vail Viilage Master Plan. The applicant contends that the existing landscape planters on Hanson Ranch Road do not function, and impede the pedestrian flow in this area. These areas do not function because they ire not properly maintained-by the appl6ant and are allowed to become eyesoies in the winter months. Stalf believes fanOJcaping is critical atong tne south frontage of this bui6ing and should not be suOiiiniiarrv reduced. Staif suggested placing several large trees in tree grates ifond tfris ir'oni"ge to hef mitj'a-te the lbss of-the landscape areas. The applicanr is pi[poringone-tree onty. fnE proposal as it exists is not adequate in the way of teitaie.eni materials on- tnis portion of Hanson Ranch Road' The proposed minor exterior alteration is consistent with established zoning and medxisiing uses in the area. Overall, the staff believes that the proposed building alterations enhance the appearance of the building. 3. Streetscape llaster Plan The Streetscape Master Plan identifies improvements to be made in the vicinity of theRed Lion Building. The plan specifies ihe need for additional landscaping along with design delaib to'enrich and integrate the pedestrian village. Staff Response: This proposal lalls short of meeting the Streetscape Master Plan for this area' 4. VailVillagellesignConsiderations The following is a discussion of compliance with the Urban Design Considerations and the architectural/landscape coniiderations expressed in the Vail Village Design Considerations planning document. Urban llesign Guide Plan for Vail Village " Facade improvements, eyesores removed, increased Qcade transparency, entries simpiitied and oriented to intersection.'' " Facade improvements, increased ground floor transparency"' ,, Pedestrian walkway defined (by paving, planters, lighting,.benches, etc) to avoid tratfic conflfxg and unifii divers-e, disconnected building facades." Staff Response: stalf believes that the lacade impro\flements of the baywindow and the expansion ol the outdoor dining ieck is a positive addition to the Red Lion sJiroing and Vail Village. The-proposal does address some of the criteria of the Urban Design Plan for Vail Village. However, a critical component of compliance is tie pedestrian walkway's definition and enhancement by the addition of plantdrs, pavers and ligh'ting. Staff isof the opinion that this element of the proposal iS inadequate and would only serve to lessen the pedestrian experience within the Village. Urban Design Considerations The following design considerations are a critical element of the Urban Oeiign Ffan] fn"i identify the key physical characteristics ot the Village inO firoviOe the tobb to ensure thii n6w development is consistent wim the dstablished character. The design considerations include the following: A. Pedestrianization: The proposed minor exterior alteration to add a b"y Ying9lld-t11,-, addiiion to the outdoor dining deck, in conjunction with the commerclal storefront modifications *itt i-mprovb the p6destrian experience within.the Viff"g", however, fhe removal bf tanOscdping in this area will lessen the pedestrian exPerience. B. Vehicular Penetratlon: Vehicular penetration and circulation will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal. C. Streetscape Framework: The proposed minor exterior alteration and the addition to the outdoor Oinir.,b Obi[, in conjunction with the commercial storefront modifications' will e-nhance the stieetscape. As a result of this proposal, quality building upgrades, tor the individudl shops fronting on Hanson Ranch Road will be ah-asset to the Village, howevei, the removal of landscaping along Hanson Ranch Road will have a negative effect on the streetscape framework. D. Street Enclosure: Due to the location and the relatively small size of the proposed irprouerents, it is statfls opinion ttiat the proposal will have minimal impact on street enclosure. E. StreetEdge: Staff believes that an element of the proposal, which includes a new f""O*ape configuration on the corner of aridge Street and Hanson Ranch RoaO, r,riitt beteldetineate lhe street and building edge wlic.ft..will serve to incieise pedestrian acfivity and interest at the Red Lion Building. The proposed facade improvements along Hanson Ranch Road provide a 'strdng street edge by adding individualcharacter to each business' ttowe-ver, tnis stieet'edge will be reduced along Hanson Ranch Road due to the removal of landscaPe areas. F. Building Height: Building height will be unalfected as a result of this proposal' G. Vievvs and Focal Pointsr The proposal does not affect any of the Town's adopted view corridors' H. Service and llelivery: This proposal will not affect current service and delivery' l. Sun/Shade: There will be no increase in the shadow patterns as a result of this pibp"."i, iJ it is located within the existihg shade patterns of the bui6ing. Arc hitectu ralllandscape Consideratlons : Roofs Theroofforms,roofpitch,androoloverhangswiththeornamentationof exposed wood beams and copper flashing.s, proposed for *re shops toiateO on Hanson Ranch Road' are consistent with the plan' B. Facades The facades of the shops located on Hanson Ranch Road will consist mainly of stucco, wood'and glass. The Urb.an Design Plan encourages uaiiations of these materialiand forms while preserving the basic harmonyo|theVi||age.Thisproposa|isconsistentwiththisporflonolme plan. C. DecK and Patios This proposalwill slightly enlarge the existing.outdoor dining deck' The use ot Oe'ifs and patios is sir"ongty encouraged within the Village' The oroDosed deck enlargemeniwitl serve as a people attractor and improve in"ii"efir.* ot-gridd" Sileet. This enlargement will also enhance the ;"d;;ilil;;lperiende within the Village. The minor enlargement will not increase tne number of outdoor seating places of this patio' D. Balconies This proposal contains no balconies- E. Accent elernents The applicant proposes to apply brick to the base of the entire building and coppdr-*tfLOe'apifieO to the ba:y window bases as well the down spouts ;;;igfu io Catiy drainage. Copper flashings, and recessed down lights are proposed tor the shops on Hanson nargn !990 in conjunction with rodrie'O window ano Oo6icontigurations' The lighting will be the-V-illage Fixture fignts and the Hanson Rinch Road shop lighilng will be recessed co*n iioftslocated. Thes;accent elements and materials comply with the Vaii-Village Urban Design Guide Plan' F. Landscape elements While staff supports the facade improvements of the shops loc?led 9L n"nron n"nch'noad, meloii or tindscape area.to the south side of the ilidilg "no titnin tnb virrigJ core-is a legative iqPact of this proposal' Cuite.Ify, this site has 548 tq.tt. ql landscaping' The proposed .. .. ra"oicipb modifications *irf ioo 53 sq. ft. to otherportions ol the building *O inelitt to areas mainly along Brid'ge Street' The applicant is orooosino to eliminate att o't the lindsciping (85.3 sq. ft.) on the south $i5;i'iri"iltdi.s ;Jiod a sinste tre6 ai mitisation for the loss of r"nO r."pin g. The'lim ited opportu-nities f or. landscape 3;191 yifll, ll%, - -vittage iorS is a criticalcomionent of the vail village Urban Destgn,rtan' coniideration should be givbn to properties that redevelop with landscape iOOitions. The lack of lanidscape'areas on the south side of the building, oromotes an unbalanced site that is out of scale w1h the adjacent . . .ffi;;;p" "iKin-oer pair< "no vait Vilage ctub (aka serrano's), which is Crrientrii under development. The maioiity ol.landscape material issociaieO with this prbposal is otf otihe'subject property. lt is for this reasonthatthestaffcannotsupporttherequestfortheminorexterior alteration or the s1e coverage vhriance for this proposal. Staff feels that the existing landscape planiers should not be lost in order to gain additional iite coverage beyond what is permitted on this site' ACOiiil"iff', itaff is oithe dpinion tnat n6 landscaping loss should occur on this portion of the site. G. Service This proposal will not atfect current service in the Village' tv. Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of V-ail Municipal Code' the Cbmmunity Development Department recommends denlal of the requested site coverage variance. The recommendation for denial is based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l.There|ationshipoftherequEstedvariancgtootherexistingor Potential uses and structures in the vicinity' Therequestedsitecoveragevariancehasaminimalimpactintermsof additional squaiatootage 5n the site. The result of this request for a site coverage Jaiian"e will iltimately result in the loss of both ol the tanoscipe ptanters on the soutli side of the building. The proposal is to mitigatathii tosi ot ianoscape ptanter area ol85.3 square feet with a 2. single tree which is off the subject property. The Red Lion Building_has a iotit tanOscape area of 548 sqirard feet oJ landscape area-on a 13,958 square leet 6t which is 3.9% 6f the total lot area. The statf acknowledges tnb overatt proposalwould be a benefit to the Red Lion Building. How.ever' the loss of ihe'landscape planters associated wirh this proposal would be i negative impact to th'e Vail Village and further, contradicts the qg.aE' pofrc-iei and objectives ot he VailV1lage Master Plan and the VailVillage Urban Design Guide Plan. The degree to which reliof from the strict and literal interpretation and entorcehent of a speclfied regulation is necessary to achieve- - - compatibility and un:formity of treatment among sites In the vicinity or to atLln thaobiectives of trls iitle without grant of special prlvllege. The site coverage variance is a net increase of 33.25 sq' ft' The Vail Viffage isan int6nse urban core. Buildings are generally locat4 on the lot rinei] Site coverage variances, in some instances, have been deemed appropriate in tne Village core, when they do not negatively impact landscape areas and improve the Village experience. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distrlbution ot population, transpoitation and traffic facilities, public facllities and utilities, and public safety. 3. This proposal has no adverse impacts on any of these factors' The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findingsB. before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege incons'r-stent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting ol the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to ploperties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more Of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary pn'ysical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to th'e same site ot the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement ot the specified regulation would deprive ihe applicant of privileges enjoyed by tre owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION f :\everyone\pec\mEmosvedlion.4 1 4 Minor Erterior Alteration The community Development Departrnent staff recommends denial of the applicant's CC1 minor ext;rior alteiation request subject to the lollowing finding: That the proposal is not in conformance witir the -applicable sections of the urban Design iriteria anO tne Vaii Village Master Plan Goals and Policies with respect to landscaping and streetscape improvements' Site Coverage Variance The community Development Deparlment statf recommends denial of the applicant's site coverage variance request subject to the following findings: l.Thatthegrantingo|thevariancewillconstituteagrantofspecialprivilege inconsist6nt wititne timitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will be detrimental lo the public health' safety or iveiiire", or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the strict interpretation or enforcement ol the specified regulation will not deprive tne apiticant of privileges enioyed by the owners of other Properties in the same district. 10 F illli I iliqi sifl Ill t sIt )i::. \ t { {lifiii*\i i -'--11'L \q ----t'1L'-*JI ,-:1Y )..t J('*$.---r'H-lYx.crl Fl f J,ra\' IIENffis \tJ- >3;in=+;1 = i--t_r- I l Ir- i $ilI tr l;c t: to lz ll P l" t;ll$n ! F t f lltl I ! P tIt{ 1f tf!i $ rl t:{til I flt AI sI-i +I I I Itl rpl fuflr1- t- rl 5i\ o il:e$isf S,tc'.y. Sv\i '". I ffis MEMORAI\DUM Fire Departnenl Public Works Deparfinent, Planning Tammie Williamson, Town Planner Apil4,1997 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Red Lion April2, 1997 Meeting Summary The following is a brief overview of the issues discussed and agreed upon points at the Wednesday, April 2, 1997 meeting regarding the minor exterior alteration of the Red Lion Building. Retaining Wall: Details on the retaining wall were presented to the group. The applicant proposes to leave most of the existing wall in tact and use this as form for the proposed wall. The wall does vary in height and the encroa,chment onto the Bridge Street r-o-w shall not exceed 9 inches at any given time during construction. The Fire Department minimum requirement for paved area is 24 feet. Staging/Excavation: A minimum of 14 feet must be providcd at all times and all materials to be stored on Red Lion p1operty. This will provide a work zooe of 10 feet. During construction, fire hydrant access must be maintained at all times. This will be acoomplished by the installation of hinged portions of fence to open in the event ofa fire. The construction fence erected during construction must be of a material suitable for fransport because after a maximum time frame of 3 weeks to allow for wall improvements and Hanson Ranch Road irnprovements closer to the building for grcater r-o-w clearance, This would require that the fence be movcd back toward the building a minimum of 4 feet. Additionally, any disturbed asphalt must be replaced with infra-red patch-back seal. Drainage: The applicant is required to re-establish the drainage swale around the retaining wall of the Red Lion. Hours of Operation: The proposed schedule for the hours of construction are 5 days a week' from 7 A.M. to 7 P. M. Any defarture from this schedule must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Filc / Tammie Williamson, Planner;t&J April4, 1997 Red LionMeeting Summary Dominic, Mike and myself met with Kyle Webb and Mike of Morter Architects and Linda, who represents the owner of tn" R"a Lion Building to discuss the staff concerns as it relates to the Red Lion minor exterior alteration tentatively scheduled for the PEC on Monday, April, 14, 1997' The issues we discussed were as follows: Site Coverage: Staffhad no real substantive issues related to this request. Landscaping: The applicant feels this entire proposal hinges upon the removal ofthe planters in order to make the commercial storefronts on Hanson Ranch Road more visible and distinctive. The applicant contends that thc planters are impeding the flow of pedestrians, thus the business suffers. Staffagreed to look at a proposal for landscaping that may allow the plantcrs to be ,"-ou"d, however introduce trees at grade to provide additional landscaping in this area of the Viltage Core. The applicant agreed to submit plans for review by Monday 5:00 p.m. Staffiequested that the applicant tum in plans that identi$ the locations for the n*ioo. plant species and the quantity and quality ofthe plants. Staffrequested additional plantings in thc planter adjacent to Club Chelsea. Since the applicant is proposing to provide seating in area that has a previous approval requiring seat, the applicant inquircd about the possibitity of moving the seat in front of the wall adjacent to Club Chelsea's' Staff discussed the lack of maintenance of the planters on this property and in the Village as a wholc. The applicant is looking into the possibility of a comprehensive landscape plan for t}te storefrontJin order to minimize the effects of the lacks of landscape materials. Materials: Staffdiscussed this briefly and the general feeling was that ifthe planters are no longer a _ ,, t part of the building then, the types of materials whether it be stone or brick would ultimately be decided bY the DRB. Seating: If the applicant wants to propose seating plan for the shops, then it should be reviewed and evaluated in its entirety. Also, a conditional use permit is required for the additional outdoor seating. The applicant has not applied for a Conditional Use Permit for the PER to review aod approve/disappfove. So, in an effort to work with the applicant's schedule to begin construction and have the major items such as the retaining wall replacement' stajf looked at the possibility of moving forward with the project as presented. The applicant will indicate the proposed seating and indicate that this item is to be approved by the PEC and DRB at a later date' ,Additional Submittal Items The applicant agreed to have the stamped survey and engineered wall details to staff by Monday at the close of business. -\ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM File Tammie Williamson, Planner;Nil April 1, 1997 Red Lion Minor Exterior Alteration, Site Coverage Variance, Storefront Modifications TheCommunityDevelopmentstaff conductedasitevisitonApril l, 1997 andidentifiedthe following issues with regard to the Red Lion application. Site Coverage: The staffcould fine no objection to the proposcd site coverage variance to construct the bay window addition at The Chocolatc Factory and the expansion of the outdoor dining deck. Staff is of the opinion that the improvements would be an improvement to the site and tlc Village Core. Landscaping: The planters on Hanson Ranch Road should remain. The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan calls attention to the fact that landscaping in the Village is extremely minimal and suggests that every opportunity should be made to enhance the existing landscape elements as well as add any additional landscaping should be encouraged. These planters provide a balance to thc building and once Cyrano's (aka the Vail Village Club) develops the landscape planter theme will be reinforced. Staffrecognizes the practical difficulty that exists as relates to saving the trees on Bridge Street. Thereficre, if the applicant is able to save only the larger trees and plant some replacement tees on the site, staffwill work with the applicant to enhance the landscape elements of the proposal. Staffhas identified several areas on the site where plantings could be placed to act in concert with the existing landscape and further servc to identiff the building. An examplc, would be the planter adjacent to Chelsea's Club. This planter could be a location for the placement of additional plantings. Maintenance: Cunantly the maintenance and upkeep of all of thc landscape planters is a staffconcem. Stafffeels that the landscape planters on the site arc poorly maintained and the drainage is poor within these planters. Staff would propose that the applicant identifu low- maintenance ground cover and planting to add color to the building. Staff is of the opinion that this will be a very effective way to enhance the site. The staffrequests a drainage plan that specifically addresses roof runoffand retaining wall drainage that will result from this proposal. Materials: The staffrecommends that the materials for the proposed retaining wall and planters be stone in order to continue the theme that exists in Kindel Park, Seibert Circle and along Bridge Street. The stone will be reinforced with the development of Cyrano's' Seating: The applicant mentioned that individual shop owner's on Hanson Ranch Road would like to intoduce additional seating opportunities. This is not a component of this proposal, therefore, it will be evaluated by staff at a later date' Scheduling: Staff is concemed with that the number of details to be resolved is excessive as it relates to the proposed schedule of the applicant. The staff memo to the Planning Commission may behurried. Other Issues: Please provide clarification as to what is happening at the base of the bay window at Hughes' and Charlie's. Additional Submittal Items: Reductions of the proposal Stamped Survey Engineered wall details fhainage Plan for proposed wall, roofdrainage and down drainage tie-ins, etc. Iopoulou lBlsroruruoJ uolT pau lir;i l--; itiiilr .qiiHi I il,'it iit tI P 1{ 5 hl+c Iltfi IFlti t 3r$l rLdna + Ii"l-liil -l ffi{ ll ft *lrii$-H =is5 =sEie< SY\ tr I I v xr/rd\mI "'\\"^ty j tjjrru ej:\ft-r ---r-gJ'::5'-1 -J'"/ if---HE\1\\-=--='' ji.,li '1,:.1.jr' ] .:1', l' r,'r,a,il i,l .':' I'l.'j j "JI :.'.'' i.r ,l lli'' ;,i1,,, .: ,:ii;i .t... IIir tg 5{4l ij i;lt EF II 1 o oz<o t\ 3,gr! 'ii\ i,'./-' Y. /a_ .a 9d' tr{i. il ll il $l$l o 1 I iII F7.8/U 'iti / iii' lriiilI5t ii I t t E I I f f, ts t t* TIirlr II it I{tl lp lr .i it Ir I|ti !! l! Fltcl> /,1t'] : att ll('!lFI . lrrf.li\ : -. I i.r.li\liiiJlN. /t--d -.1: ' :r''iii#==ffii,i * :.*SI I t. i aL?7;644 /q)t - 'l =o _t-t =s .\t j7-?7;4V16 | 't/dt =. ,l ' - $;{ I I il .___._, - ,_..t'>.* ITECTS A Profes8ional Corporation 143 EaEt Meadow Drivo Crossroqds at vail Vail, Colorado 81657 970/476-5105 9701476-0710 Fax Letter of Transmittal w, 1.4A31* Guuu,1tJ\\b,^F,\*Tlo-v,' e,a''d.,fullJ'ol Phar fid encloeed the tollowing: Daled Copissq*A9fl 4 rFb /dtbd,acr\. , *** W rpe-qd$s \,ttt\ftp\ar.e&€bArtH. \ a Red Lion Preliminary Review by DRT on 3-26-97 Red Lion Preliminary Comments/Concems of the Development Review Team: Fire Department: Staging of equipment during construction is a critical issue. Ideally the fire deparfrnent would like foryou to get in to remove the wall within a certain time frarne. The Fire Department 5',ggetsed a two-week window for you to get in and complete some work. The Fire Deparhnent would also like to meet to discuss how and when this could be done as soon as possible. Public Works: Public works does not appear to be supportive of an encroachment of 9 inches onto Bridge Street. Need rnore dAails on the wall to figure out the best way to reconstuct. They want to meet after you submit the wall details on how you intend to build it back, Also, how do you propose to construct drainage. Le* ky(e (now LSs\eS idc",*r{"*d rl"0tu,s -(rtr- ^-Not L. is no- ry*-: tua(( dz4^;b f$k. V6s P1a,1r,u,,,:1 Vnuu Wou-{<-s btrtro ,,r,'l( s* dqrp* *fu t€vie^-''-' nrll^- 'lt aqplrc"*tl ?o:s,s1Iu ts e( t'0edne'cl"lvv r br^Yrc'L T(/l'{'f5w a.ef Call the Planning Stafrat 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLAIYNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMAfiON This applicetion is for any project rcquiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific infumtion, sec thc srbmittal roquiromcnb for the patioular approval that is requested. The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted The projert may dso need to be reviewed by tle Town Council and/or the Dcsign Rwiew Board" A. TYPEOFAPPLICATION:tr Additional GRFA (250) tr BcdandBreakfasttr Conditional Use Permit tr Major u tr Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr SignVriancetr Vaiancetr ZoningCodeAmqrdrnent tr Amendme,nt to an Approved Dwelopmcnt Plao tr Employee Housing Unit (fype: -) tr Major or Dl Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or E Minor CCII ExteriorAltenation (Lionshead) tr SpecialDwelopmcntDstricttr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD B. DESCRIPTIONeFTHEpgqgTB5I: Addition of Bay t,ljndow, and additional dininq deck area at the Red Lion Building.-{etGein bf 33.5 sq. ft. of Site Coverage. C. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOTLIfr-HBLOCK-5:A--FILING Vail village lqt ADTDRESS: 304 Bridqe Street 26Nn{6. CClD. E. F. G, NAME OF OWNER(S1, Landmark Commerci a'l Devel oprnent MAILING 4PPPE55: 610 hl. Lionshead Cir. #100 Vail. C0 OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S):o-I t,; NAME OF REPRESENTA Morter Archi te'cts attn:le Webb MAILINGADDRESS:Vail, C0 143 E. Meadow Dr. FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TT{E APPROPRIATE FEE. SIJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQTIIREMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO TEE DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAII, VAIL,COLORADOE1657. -. -..- -: ,').' '"j' 'r-'' i \' H. I J.uLfl{, PHONE. +/ e-rrvr RsYircd 6P6 qucstionst I thc Pianning Staff at 47 9 -2 128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RJVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMAT]ON This application is for any project rcquiring Design Review approval. Any project rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivebcsign Rcview approval prior to submitting for a building pomit. For specific information, scc the submittal rcquircments for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be acccpted until all the required illbnnarion is subrnitted. Thc project may also nccd to bc rcvicwed by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Environncntal Commission. Design Review Board approval expircs one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: Pemnrlal of Cornnercial Sterefrents and General B. c. D. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOTf .F.G.H BLOCK: 5-A FILING:vai l village 1ct PHYSICALADDRESS: 3Q4 lTJlSE !.!rcg! ZONING:cc1 DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: Remodel of Commereial Sterefrents and General Exterior upqrades to the exterior of the Red L NAMEOF OWNER(S):Landmark Commercial Develo MAILINC AI)DRESS: 610 W. LionsVail, C0 81657 476-3535 E. F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME oF APPLICANT: S.I9J: ]IIq MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: C. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Constn:ction ofa new building. $50 Includes any addition where square footage is addcd to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting window additions. landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. tr Conceptual Review - $0 For any application where the applicant wishcs to meet with Desigt Review Board to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelincs. The DRB does not vote on concephral revicws. DRB fees are to bc paid at the timc of submittal. Latu, when applying for a building pcrmit. pleasc identif the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAI., REQUIREMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' E Addition - E Minor Alteration - vArL, coLoRADo 81657. Updated li97 BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails no change LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* pai n+ membrane te mateh copper co'l or no change Rough Sawn Cedar/copper to match/patinaed New 1x6 T&G ' natural paint bronze color no change no change no change Flucs Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses RetainingWalls Extcrior Lighting** Other copper repair/replace brick see attached pati naed paint dOOr tO mateh stucco to match * Please speciff the nmnufacturcr's color, number and attiach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J)' If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of frxhres and locations on a separate ligbting plan. Identif eacb fixture type and provide h. naght uU,lue grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc Common Name Ouantity Sizc* PRoPosEDTREES see Plant list ANDSHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO none BEREMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trecs - 2 inch caliper conifcrous tees - 6 fcet in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Type SquareFootage GROUNDCOVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE ORMETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATU{ES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the &ont setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. /F - Charges - ALIA Owner Policy PRETIMINARY REPORT--TOTAI,-- *TT THIS IS NOT AN II{\rOICE, BIXr AN TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE TEF?RENCE3/b lql The estaEe or interegt in ehe landlhis Conmitmenr and covered herein A Fee Simple PANTNBRSHIP The land referred to in thisfol.lows: COIIDO!4INIUM I'NITS AECORDING TO THE 1. Etfective Date: @ aE 5:00 p.M. 2. Pollcy to be issued, and proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's Policy 10-12-92 Proposed Insured: TBD GUARANTEE vAtL lo. 3e'3 476 4534o NATTONAIT TITI,'E INSURADTCE COMPAI\TY A COMMITMENT SCIIEDULE A our order * v14598 For InformaE,ion Only RED LION COMMERCIAL s100.00 9100.00 ESTI!,I}TE OF FEES. I{HEN REFERRING ouR oR.DER NO. V14598 *r* described or referred toie:in AITD AS DEFINED IN THE INIUM FAGE 1LAND tI TLE ( o OLD REPUBLIC ;, I{AR-2s-9? rEl. 50 FROM,'1 ALT 3. 4.Tltle to the escate or inEeregE covered herein is at Lheeffective date hereof vested in: IJANDMARK COMMERCIAI, DEVEI.OPMEIIT C9MPA}TY, A COIOR..ADO CENEFAL1.."i]-]f:i"{;7';.::; 12. ie deecribed as tF'*.-1"7o_1,- C5, a(a . e1 t ,):f7 .2.C, DECI.ARATION RECORDED SEPTEMEBR 18, 1981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE104r eolrNrr oF EAGL,E, STATE OF C€LOR.ADO.l--t r.++\zG +r g+t. ! J frF!.Esr..-r.-\.- ttcz4t )4.<rt.r 't!-rFd-€nrQ' === F-4trt-a, f-pfft flrf laZ- | r--' tr5cta- €-?g FFr ? *tFa@ 2-7t. PACIE HAR-2S-S|? l€i,50 FROM, LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL tD. 3O3 4"E; 4534 VUALTA COMMITITIENT PAGE 2 SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) our order # v14598 Tbe f,ollolring are Ehe reguirements to be conplied with: 1. Payment to gr tor the account, of the granEorB or mortgagors ofthe lull coneideration for the estate or interesE to beinEured. 2. preper-instrumenc(e) creating the estaee or int,eregE Co beinsured mu6E be executed and duly filed for record, to-wiE: THIS COMIqITMENT IS FOR INFORT,IATION ONIJY, AND NO POLICY WIIJIJ BE ISSUED PT'RSUANT HERETO. THE COUNTY CLERK A}ID RECORI'ERS OFFICE REQUIRES REt'IJRN ADDRESSES ON DOCT'I'IEI{TS SEUI FOR RECORDIIIG I ! PAGE 2 MAF-25-9? !C;'51 FROM. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL tD. 3O3 4?E 4534 !rvALTA COM!4 ITMENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Excepcions)Our Order # V14S98 The policv or poricie' to be issued will eontain except.ions to thefollowing- unleis the same iie-ai.=posed of ro rhe sat,isfaction ofthe Company: 1. standard Except.ions 1 Ehrough s printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxea and assessmenEs not yeE due or payable and specialagsessmenrs not ver ce*ified ro Eh; i;a;;i"r, " of tice. 7 - Any unpaid Eaxes or assessments against, said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any, 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE 11] E,XTRACT AND REMOVE I|IS ORE?HEREFROM sHouL'D rHs sAt"le ii pornrp to piuirnirE oR rNTERsEcr THE pREMrsEs H"$r:;yED rN uNrrED srArEa pArENr REcoRDED .vuly rz, -iil;;'rw soor 48 Ar IO - RIGIIT OF IVAY-FOR DITCIIES OR CAII.ALS CONSTRUSIED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEHtl88-rlttii ti"E"HlTo-i* uurr'D srAiEa-inreur REcoRDED-JJiy rz, r.'ee, 11. RESTRI TIVE CoVET,IAI\TTS r|HIcH Do NoT coIfTAIN A FoRFEITI,RE oR REVERTER cIAUsE.BUf oMrmrNc RESTRrsrroNs, -ri ar,ry, gesei-oll'Rlggr coLoR, REtrcroN, oRil83l"Ill lltFiHi 1;rlorrainro rru rrsmuunrqr iscoRosD ;;s";-id, ts6z, rNfi [12J THoSE PROVTSTONS, COVBNAIITS llq--gotrDrrroNs, EASEMENTS AtlD RESTRrqrroNs,\'/ eJHrcll ARE A -BgRDEN ro-i"G-ioirool,twru,t uNii'oescnrsED rN scHEDUrrE A. Asiflru"*'[i*I*ru9il-5xgflii LssL, ru eoox-i,zr 1i-eaor| ts-r 3-i.'*_ 51 s ->--' e e4_ Z:-.--l - -,r€-sr-€ qaid) z, lBf ez13. EASEMEITT AI{D-II-GIIT OF NAT OVER-PORTIONS OF SUB.'ECT PROPSRTY GRANTED TO GASFAerLrrrEs, rNc', rrv rusinutiHt neCoRDso-MAv-io, 1966 rN BooK 192 AT pAGE ]'{. E.AS8!.IENT FOR-MIINT8I\TINCE AND RESTORATION OF A BATCOT{Y OVERHANG TMPROVEMEIrr:rffi lS.orro KUEHN, -irJilsmrneErtr REcoRDe; eueusr ro, 1e67 rN BO9K 211 [15.JEASEME!ITS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTR,ICTTONS AS SHOI{N OR RESERVED ON THE\-'z xgcoRDED pL'AT^gr'vAri vrir,aci, FrRsT rriruc aro firs REcoRDED coNDourNrtrl-..3l*a5t"#::rut:tff,"-* rpr ' s- S.-zppr--e. *^-.*\A,\,,.4e, 16. ExrsTrNc r.BAs;;ffi-#drffi!l=- r+s.-r s.'c) L s'r:3 a!- n'-a<,.'s z.c_. PAGE 3 PAGE ltAR-25-€'? I l€i:Sr FROM. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE VAIL ID, 3 vALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUIJE B-2 ?E 4534 PAGE 4 . TIIE SECURED PARTT, nl.,./----+.r,.' r>-.-rrfF ,fb 034o (Exceptions)Our Order * V14598 17. A DEED OF ?RUST DATED Nowember 03, 1977 FROM RICHARD N. BROWN, CHARLESH' ROSENQUIST AlrD iIEFFREY B. SELBY TO THE PUBIJIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTYFOR TIIE USE OF THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUTTDING AI{D LOAN ASSOCIATION TO SECURETHE S1'TI'I OF $4SO.OOO,OO, AI{D AI{Y OTHER EMOUNTS PAYABI,E U!{DER THE TERMSTIISREOF. RECORDED November 14, t977, fN BOOK 262 \T PAGE 251. NOTICE OF CO}TTINUA?IOIT OF LIEN OF DEED OF TRUST AGREEMENT IN CONNECTIONI{ITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED MARCH 29, 1985 IN AOOK 410 AT PAGE 1.0. {AFFECTS EASEI"IENT ON tOT E, BLOCK 5A VAIL VILI.ASE FIRST FILING} ].8. TERMS, COIIDIIIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF SECT'RITY AGREEMEIIT A}ID PLEDGE OFpARII'IERSHIP MTERESTS RECORDBD Novembet 06, 1986 IN BooK 4sr AT FAGE g?G. { 19/}^P!lP_oF TRUsr DATED ilanuary 09, t9g? PRoM raND[qARK co!,ErERcrAL DEvEIJopMEt-iT\-/ coMPAI\rY, A coLoRADo GENERAL baRnmnsgrp "o rHE puBr.rc rRUsrEE oF EAeTJECOI'NTY FOR TIIE USE OF THE EMPIRE SAVIITGS, BUILDIT{G AND IOAI.I ASSOCIATION TQSECIRE TllE SrrM or $2,155,855.00. Al,tD Alry'oTHER AMOITNTS pAyABtE t!tD8R. TttETERltls rlIEREoF. RECORDED January 20, 1992,-rN BooK 45G AT PAGE 254. (AFFE TS CONDOMINIUM UNITS CL, C2, C3 AIIID CA FINANCING STATE}'IENT WITH CENTAAIJ BANK OF ASPEN,RECORDED T{AREI{ ?, 1988 IN BOOK 480 AT PAGE 48. (AFFECTS A PORTION OF CO}TDOMINIT'!{ UNIT C4) 21. TERI{S, COI{DITIONS AI{D FRovISIoNs oF ASSIGNI,IBN AGREEMEIM RECoRDED March O?, 19Es IN BooK 480 €erc> O.: T!t\J tl- GLr€-a<e+:€ro fl r ft l.f Z. r ;-, _E_(tcrr- S-75 .k- e*<,-=:' l''ctOF REAL ESTATE LEASE At{F (AFFE TS A PORTION OF CONDOMINIUM T'NIT C4) PAGE 4e. L.4tfii, r'trJc Pr-'ra-:r €re Trt- "\-r:' 'r- z'7.)L-{a<r=^ t, oo*' :rr o--:1 tu'-F ?tG-ct-r\^ro'c---ls. OF fiL -r' 6.\-rr- cttF €r-rt-rvP-< r\f'-{-.6€!-a'r^'-'x-R c.<'<-e@'o.isc llS/z'slt.l;' r.-' sc,$l+- 5'so '+? 2**€ I Lts ta.^.-Pn?-, tz ltz.l^' t*-J Boc)E- sLg t't p+€rE .335, ,zl r f rs rc'J Bq)ov- cuz-L* P@ ?-1 1 r+v-*ro =/t f ns '.FJ Bc>c)v-- (ic-('l F+ ?a€.E YZ_\. .r..\.fF | ?-r Cr4Ft.hr,e<.*,o -l<> ,, lr= lle r L- acroFf'a r_-s_-->- r;ft --r .l tf ar- fHrs-\C.-g'Y'<> , ,t?a""[.z.€*LFF6 to/z ' Joz t..--, *d)€ (- --:nl Z 6.r- Fx--s L(_ ,t, CZ, *-2'i\ r.rt€\o'.\ , {.rr€z^c-gcrt- F.€ir--r.G-€-..ro, lo/z , IZz rtF-r E.rrJrc- 5-r -z a-.; no-,.,V- CZ. PAGE l,lAt-25-9? t6'E2 FROM, LAND Tt TLE GUARANTEE vArL tD, 363 4?E 4Sg4 PAGE 5 A) ]}:.;*i:ct real properEy nry be tocar,ed in a speciat iaxins B) A certificate of raxes Due liscilg eaetr Eaxing jurisdiccionmay be obLained from the Counly Tieaeurer o, ifre CountyTrea8urer,s aut,horized agenE. C) The inform.at?l-f.narding special disr,rier' and Ehe bound,arieeot such dierricEs may be-obfained rrom-itri-eoara ot id;rt---' ;:S:::::ners, rhe c-ounr), eiJrr< "no iicoiae;;;, che counLy tAND ilto" cuARANrt compANy DISCIJOSI'RE STATEMENT Required by Senate BiIl 91-1{ Required by Senate Bill 92-1dl A) A CertificaEe-of Taxes Due risring each taxing jurisdicEionshalt be ob.alned from rni counev-ri"iiui;;-;; Ehe coun.yTreasurer, s authorizea ajent. Town of Vail Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Thiq letter is in regards to the construction proposal for the commercial units of the Red. LionBuilding, in Vail Village. The Association Board and all tenants involved, wholeheartedly approve of the design ptarx that Mort€r tuchitdt have developed and would like to encourage the Desigrr- Review Board and the Planning Commission to approve the plans also. ' Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, /) t ./) //***V.S-,^.1,-- , nrcfnnON. BROWN, President , RED LION CONDO ASSOCIATION 610 \0. tloNdtll D CIpCH, 6UIT[ 1OO r VAIL. COLOA DO 81657 T&[: 10]4763535 r fA& 30}4765.1(:6 )-- 3.21.97 Red lion Building Remodel Town of Voil, Minor Erderior Alcrotion, CCI Descriplion of Proposol: The prqcr,d mdiftcations are poy'. of an clrcmll eturior upgrade to the ground level sorefrqrts qt lhe Rd Uon building. The ndifrcrilions ore intrlr,dred to give a& storcfrcnt its wn vnique idaliy and rwflinevthile prwiding a a nlinvity amug the storeFonb drol is nol cunerily plerllua a wnmon plate of moteriqls qnd <nlon, Ov*all, the prcfer;t is inwdd a vpgrode the ground lavd of the Rd Lion to the lqd of the neighbo$d and the hirly rcatddilion of theRd Lion Perrfiouses. Ihe firsl issue is a bay windor addition to lhe Rxky Mwntain C-heolole Facbry that will en<rclurctge fvrth* pdatrian intsaclion wilh rhis slotrfront. Tha othq thra rdail storq on thk bvilding horc bay win&ws and this oddiliotr conlrhuec thk rhythm. Further this &ort diminotq lhe wnqt quning with ct more pennanent rwfline thqt will not deqiqote as rupidf, Overcrll, an improra nanl trr lhe Steets cope of Honson Ranch Roqd and the adioe*Seib*tCircle. Ilre sec,ond issue is o planl* lo be removd ond conv*ld to der;k spaceol /re Red Uon RastrauunL This vpgrade is part of a rwonslrudion proc€rs for the axisting bri&verr,err rdaining wolls /rot axisl surrounding lha Rd Uon Bvildlng. This partiaiar ara is currantly a nqt-fvnclional phnter boxthat morc optly fvnctians os on oshtroy in ih currenlstoh', As pod of the rwonstrudion prcr;ells, we arc rdistributing plant*s in olhq locqtions qf d're site wilhnonelloss inlondsenpdarer,, Thendgainisse,aulplan'erswrrfi otqall incrrlsd qvolity v*sus the previws plant*s. The third issue is Elling in arrrr bdov,r existing bcry windwrs to add ,he dtamctq of a brick bose b thebuilding. This infrll is putdy cosmdic and intar,ded to improve lhevisual charurcrer of building os wdl os prwide c mcrre dwribb matqiol al the ground [evd. VoilVilloge Urbon Design Guide Plon lssues: A. Pedeshiqnizotion: Ifiis odditiondroounoger inlqoctionbawerrrthepdatrionond lhe building by increasing theindividuol idalrtity of thestorefronb. B. Vehicle Penelrolion: No decraose os stordront is cunwilly a recess in lhe building. C. Slreehcope Fromewo*: Prcvidea a mqe animatd and human scoladSheetscope wilh individuqlizd stqdrqrts, but does nol furthq qclose lhe sherrl. D. Stred Encbsure: M decr€os e os storefront is cvnatly a rcreos ,n the building orrd o recess frorn he shat. E. Street Edger No cAonga F. Building Heigh No Cfionge G. Verrs: No vietrys ore affr.td by this nodiftcqtion. H. Sunshode Anolysis: Not rquired byTOV staff. Currqt shqding plon k shown on sile phn. l. Service ond Deliwry: No clronge ). Roohr Proposd roof will mqt$ the pit& and matarials of the existing Red Lion Building. K. Fqcqdes: As with olh* bvildings surrounding 5er'6erf Cirde and throughwt the Vllage core, brywindoars qre standqrd frrltures as well as part of lhe charqcter of theVlhge. t. Decks ond Potios: Iheprqposed palo modifrcrllion increqses the areo of patioby 24.75 sq. ft. with no loss i,n hndscoping. ihe mat*iols will motch dre axisdng crrtditiotts, M. Bolconies: M chonge N. Accent Elements: Beom wrops and similor darlrelrr* will he re-faced lo makh existing conditions, O. [ondscope Elemenfs: The nd goin is so,rer,:al plonlers witfi overall incrassd quality v*sus the praniws dont*t with no loss in landscaped qrq, Compofibility with the chorqcter of the Neighborhood: Tha wqalldesrgn rc conplaely within lhe ehqmcter of the neighborhd. Many of lhe same ar&itsrural fentures of lhqe odditions are prdoninont on many buildings throughwt the ndgh&rclflood and the!/rlhge core propq. Complionce wilh Mosler Plon, Strcelscope plon, elc.: fhis vry mincr modifrcation k cunpleely in crrnplioncc with thqe docvmenrs qnd is dqivd frqn their intqtiqs. -; i 3.24.97 Red lion Building Remodel Town of Voil, Minor EteriorAlter<rtion, CCI Description of Proposol: fhe prqosed modifications are part of on orer.all eyleriq upgrade to the grwnd lercl slorcfronh at the Rd Lion bu'ilding. fhe modifrcqtions are intendd n give eadt stordronl its wn vnique identity and rooflinewhile proiding o continuity omong the storefronh thal is nol atnantly preserlit viq e common pahle of mat*ials and colors. Ovxall, lhe pra'ir,tt is intelndd to upgrade the ground lard of the Red lion to lhe le.d of the neighbotood and the fairly rer,er* addilion of the Red Lion Pen,fiouses. Ihe ffrsl issue is o bq winda * addition b rhe RcrlV Mwntain Chocolate Fadory thotwill ancourrrge furtht pedestrian rnterqction with this slor{ront. The oths three retoil stores on this building hcnrc boy windorc and this additton continv* this Aythm. Furthq this efhrt diminotes lha cunent owning wilh o more permonarll rcrifline thql will not deleriorate as mpidly. Overqll, an improva nant to /re Strsets cape of Hanson Rondt Road and the odjocenlSeibeil Circle. lhe sacond issue is a plont* n be renrorcd and converted to deck space at lhe Rd Lion RestouronL This vpgmde is parl of a racqtslruclion procos hr lhe existing bick vqteer retoining wolls lhd e,xis t surrounding lhe Rd Lion Bvilding, ihis particular area is cunenily s non'funclional planter box lhat mue apty fvnctions as an oshtray in its cunql stqte. /6 pad of the rxonstruction procEnsr we are drstributing plantqs in othar localions ot /re site wilhnonelloss inlandscapdorea. ihenelgainissu*al planl*swithoverall increasd qualiy versus lhe previous planter's. The thid issue is frlling in area below exisling bay windows to add the charactq of a brick bose lo the building. This infill h pvrely cosmetic ond intendd to improve the visual charactq of building os wdl os provi& a more durable matxial at lhe ground level. VoilVilloge Urbon Design Guide Plqn lssues: A Pedeshiqnizotion; Ifiis addition encourctgr inleradion belween he pd*trion ond the building by incrasing the individuol ida:/iity of the storehonts. B. VehiclePenelrotion: Nodecreoseqs storehontiscvrranilyarecessin thebuilding. C. Skeetscope Frorrewo*: Providq d more qnimotd and human sr;old Skeehcope with individualizd snrefronLs, buf does nol furlher enclose tfie sheeL s D. Street Encfosur€r No decreose os storeFonl ie curtantly a recess ln the building and o rer.ec,s from dresheeo. E. Street Edge: l*Jo cAonge. F. Building Height No CAonge G. Veur: lrlovianvsqreafferiredbythisndiftmtion. H. Sunsho& Anolysis: Not rqui'rd byTOV staff. Currant shading plan is shown on sile plan. l. Service ond Delinery: No cAonge J. Roofs: Proposed roof will nal& the pitch and matqials of the exisling Red Lion Building. K. Focodes: As with otha buildings sunwnding Seib*t Circle and throughwt the Vllage crre, baywin&ws are snndqrd fstures os well as part of the chamaq of theVllage. L Decks ond Pofios: Ifie propos ed patio modiftcalion increoses the area of potio by 24.75 sq. ft. with no loss in londscoping. The mat*ials will match dre ocisling conditions. M. Bolconies: No cfionge N. AccentElements: Beorn wmpsandsimi/ordsnents willbere-fqcedtomalchexisfi'ng conditions. O. londscope Elemenis: fhe nd gain is sa'aul plodbn wlfi overall incrqsed qvaliy v*sus the pranious plant*s witfi no loss in landsapd areo. Compotibility with the chomcter of the Neighborhood: The ovqull design is complady wilhin lhe d.rclracter of the neighbqllood. Mony of the same orchitqtvralfsotures of th*e additions are predominonl on many buildings throughoul lhe neighl,clltcrd qnd lheVllage core prqer. Complionce with Mqster Plon, Slreetscope plon, elc.: fhis vxy minor mdifrcation is complelely in ampliance with ther,e documqh and is dqivd frqn their intqtions, Accent lighting crn a wide wiety of landscape lghtm6 efiectq ircluding sllhouettlng; shadowing or deflning Smooth lineq clean attractirn design, and die cast aluminum conshnrctlon ryfi durable fu nctlonal ff xtur"s, .UN'I' IrIUfLl'tNti o lbmpered glass lens r UL list€d. Threeyear llmlt€d wananty' GENERAL SPECIFICATIOMI e &st aluninum construction o Flnish: Black or Bmnze. long lifo Cmtt4oat"prot€ctiwfnish Irozs EfTll BL8t6 For Fixturr 81 O{TAI0G N0. CATAIOCNO. DESCRIPIION Lanp not includod unless noted. DESC PTION FINISII SHNOUDS INCLUDND *Lamp included rtloto: Shrouds rcquired with R hrnps. SIIBOIJDS[,ENS IAL lon(Shmud Bhck lbmp€red Glasg Ibmoered Glass 0IA*9 Shortshrflrd Btack hr Fixture 84 C{fTAmG N0.DESCRIPnSI ' llI-L L.nr Shmud Bmnd &mpeled class {I!S Short Shrord Bmnze lbrneered Glass t!!-_L lanl Shroud Bmnze 1bmeered Gtass4.Hf Strort Shrord Bmnze 1bmierii Giass- i.A! Lou Shroud Btact Temnererf Glass+A-S Short Shroud Black i\,lbtnpexql class C@@ 1-( ).S e( ).s l{ )-r e( )-r When ordering; customer qecify finlsh; bomplo l.(A).S All l2v ff-xturcs come with a low wlhge connectoq less transformer and arc used with low mlhge sfshnr ,S 'ii :4 52 HADCO Accent lighting cur a wide wriety of landscape lighting efiectg including silhouetting; shadm'ing or defining $noo0r lines, a clean attra+the deslgq ard die cast alumlnum constnctlon make durablq functional ff xtures GDNE&{L SPDCIFICAfl0I\'II o Cast aluminum conshuction. Flnish: Block or Bronze . . Iong life 6'nftcmJ" prohctirrc flnish . Tllreel'ear linit€d r lbmpered glass o U.L. listed See page 69ior nounting accessories ffiffi &mrncHo. DEscnrprrol.l Lamp not includod unl$s not€d. Ilor Fixtnre Bl E,ATAIOC NO.DESCIUIITION lbr Fixtme 84 CATALOG lito. SHROUDS INCIIJDED *lomp Included sNoh: Shrouds required tvith R lanp$ stlBot Ds 0 r( ).s 4( )s l-( ).r &( )r When ordering customer specify flnish; bample t (AlS All l2v flxturcs come with a lo$'wltrge cotnecto4 Iess transformer and are ued wih lov rolh6e ryhm colon/-LSI{S ltrnnered Glass 52 HADCO DESCRIPTION Black .i1bmD€i€d clrss Itr t5, e. C' Accent lightlng cui a wibe rrariety of landscapd llghtrng efrects, including silhouettiq; shadowing or deflnlng Smooth lin clean attractiw deslg4 and die cast alumlnum construction durablg fu nctlonal ffxturcs. CENERAL SPECTFIEATIOI{S r Oast alumlnum constructlonr Flnislu Black or Bronzo. Long life CYaftcort''lprotectirmffnish I . lbmpered ghss lens r UL. listed r 'llueeyear timibd leananty See page 60 for mounting accossorics ffiffi CATAI.OGNO. DESCIUPTIOI.I Ilor Eixture Bl eATAJoc l.ro.DESCRII'IION LH-L [on{ Shroud lbmDer€d Gbss IbrFirtnre 84 ed0{tnc }0.DESCRIPTION +AS Sltortshrud Btr.t( ,i. fbmp€rtd c!6 .: SRROIJDS INCIIJDED *lamp included t*!loh: Shmudr requlred with n hnfE, SHROUDS Lanp not included unle$ not€d LEMI 0 *tr-9 Short Shroud Bmnze Triinedbhss 14-! I.onl Strroua ghcti tbmp€r€d Gla$, r( )$ +( ).s 1.( )-r &( ).r When ord€ring customer specify nnbhi Eomplo l.(A).S All 12v fl.ytures come wih a lolv r.oltrge connectoq l$s transformer and 0rc used wlttr lowulh6e qpbn i$ fi 52 HADCO li' Accent lighting cal a wide variety of landscape ltghtlng eltects, including silhouetting sludowing or defining Snooth lines, a clean attrartirr design, and die cast aluminum construction matte durable. functional fi xtur€s. GENEBAL SPECINCdTIOI\S r Ca.st aluminum construction o ['inish: Bhck or Brcnze. long life Claftcoat" pmt€ctive flnish .tiN'I' Lrufl'I'lNu r Tempered dass o UL. listed o I'hree-ymr limitcd SHNOUDS NCruDED *lamp included #ltlotr: Shrouds required tvith R lampr, srlsouDs 0 il: c0 lbrFlxtureB4 CATAI0GNO.DESCRIPTION tll:!, [on{ Shmud Bmnze ,lbmnered Glass4-H.$ Sho* StrmuA Bmnze 'lbnnirid Giiss {.A-! I.ons Shmud Blaak Gmeired clilq4.A.S Shori Shmud Btack .r'lbmpered Giass 1( )-s 4( )-s r( )-L 1.( )-r When orderin6 cuslomer spccify flnish; Examplo l.(A).S AII lzv nxtures come with a la{ rDlt ge connectoq les transformer and are used with lormltage slrtent Sce pagc 59 for mountinglaccessories ffiffi Ilor Fixture Bl CATAIOGNO. DESCIIPIIO}I lamp not included unle*s nohd. DESCRIPTIONCATAIOG NO, 52 nADC0 e To: Vail public works departrnent From: Mendel-Allison Construction Co Date: November 21, 1995 Re: Club Chelsea remodel During the course of our construction work at Club Chelsea Mendel-Allison Constructiotr will adhere to the codes and city ordinances imposed upon us by the Vail public works dept. We understand that there will be no trash dumpsters or materials staged on the streets adjacent to Club Chelsea. We also are aware that only authorized vehicles are admitted in this area and that we will load and unload our trucks from between the hours of 7 to 8:30 A.M and 3:30 to 4:00 P.M... and at no other times will our vehicles be in this area. If any other concerns should arise during the course of this project, please contact Chris Evans at our Avon office, phone 865-0466. We want this project to be as pleasent as possible for those involved. cc: Chris Evans John Perftins 0 TOWN OF VAIL . PROMISSORY NOTE Date-l$s\'@beI2l19g: Property eddress Club Chelsea Project name JA. Chelsea- Inc. dba C 304 Bri4re Street, Unit C-l , Vail, Colorado TOTALFARKINGFEE $I8J54,50- In installmenb after date, for value received, I promise to pay to the order of the Town of Vail at the Offrce of the Finance Director, 75 South Frontage Road, Town of Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado 81657: ForF EiSt Thousand Onc Hun&ed Fift.v Four and 50/100 (548-154.50) Dollars Total Parking Fee* Down Palrmeirt $-9,6309!! with intercst of ten pcrceirt per annum on the unpaid balance, payable in yearly instrllmenG as follows: First installment including interest of S-le[|Q]- due andpayable on--Ihyemhet2l-1996-. Second i&ltrcnt including interest of $-12*!5lJ)L due and payable on November 2l- la97 . Third irstallment including interest of $--lAll3,0?- due and payable on Novernber 2l . 1 498 . Foruth installment including interest of $-l2.l!LQL drc andpayable on November 2l- 1999 ' It is agreed that if rhis note is not paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principal and accrucd intcrest thereon shall draw interest at the rate of 18 pelceirt per annum, and that failure to make any paynreirt of priocipal and interest when due or any default under any encumbrance or agreem€nt s€curing this note sball cause the whole note to become due at once, or the interest to be counted as principal, at the option of the holder of the note. Thc makers and eirdorsers hcreof severally waive prese,lrtnent for payment, protest, notice on nonpa)ment and of protest, and agree to any extension of time of payment and partial pa5ments before, at, or after maturity, and if this note <irr interest thereon is not paid wheir due, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs ofcollection, including reasonable attomey's fees. *Note: lto peoalty for prepayment ofprincipal per Town of Vail policies- o PARKING FEE INITIAL PAYMENT PORTION FINANCED INTEREST RATE YEARS FINANCED DATE OF DOWN PAYMENT PAYMENTAMOUNT PAYMENT DATE 1112'1195 1',U21t96 11t21t97 11121t98 11t21t99 $48,154.50 $q63O.90 $38,523.60 1Oolo 4 11n1t95' $12,153.07 PRINCIPAL $9.630.90 $e,300-71 $9,130.78 $10,043-86 PAYMENT# Down pymt INTEREST $3,852.36 $3,022.29 $2,109.21 TOTAL PAYMENT $9,630.90 $12,153.07 $12,153.07 $12,153.07 1 2 3 4 $48-154.50 $10.088.68 $58,243.18 PKINSTC.WK4 a5D uDr,I iOV.COM[4, DEV. DEPI September 27,1995 Ms. Susan Connolly IUs. Lauren Waterton TortlVail Community Development Depa*ment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail'CO 81657 Dear Susan and l,aure4 Judy joins me in thanking you both for the time and effort you've put in on our application for Club Chelsea. We certainly have not iraended to be diffifult, only to get our questions answered. The helpftlness of weryone at the meeting today went zuch a long way to expedite what is a confusing and tustrating prooess. As to tlte square footage calculation for the Parking Fwd - we have, of cours€, done the calculations, but we w€re aszuming that the Planning De,partment took responsibility for these calculations and would use their own figu.eg not ours. This is something that could easily have bsen communicatd but we just didn't know If we had knowq I would have brought you our figures - it would have been to our benefit to do this. But mainly I wanted to e)cpress or gratitude foryour tirne and help - so, MANY TTIANKS, ilEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Red Lion Building File Lauren Waterton November 13, 1995 Parking Fees for Club Chelsea Club Chelsea received a building permit to remodel the interior of the basement space of the Red Lion BuiHing. The space was formerly occupied by the Szechwan Lion Restaurant. Because Club Chelsea will be using additional floor area not occupied by the Szechwan Lion, an additional parking fee is required. Club Cheslea will add 384 square feet of seating/public area, increasing the parking requirement by 3,2 spaces. The current price for a space is $15,660. Therefore, Club Chelsea will pay $50,112 into the parking tund. 0\ub0rwt ntt .'tolign Review Action Fen TOWN OF VAIL Project Name:_ Bdlding Name: Proiect Description: owner, Address ano pnone: Ktrla-rf NOvf sr- ArchitecilContact, Address and Phone: Legal Desoiption: Lot - Block-Zone District Prdect Streel Address: Cornmentg: seconded by' feCt +\iv"f\<-t {ARRrovat (Corna.^t) '- Motion by: tr Disapproval a Staff Approval Conditions: t\,., DRB Fee Pre-paia fiLC. OO r=+ !.Yr,.. rgg$ I. A. c- t)- I. X uinor AlteraLion ($20.00) -Conceptual Review (90) QF OWNER(S) : OWNER {S] SIGNA?URE ' Mailinq Address: Block 6A a meet,B and bounds legalon a separaLe sheet, and aLtach Phone Phone APP&TCA?TO]VS W ,IJ NOT BE PROCESSED WTTflOt/'T O?INBR' S STG ATUNA Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB r.EE: DRB fees, as shown above.| are Eo be paid at tbeL.i.rre oi: s'-rbTiLt.3t ot.Lhe uR::.app1:latioa. LateE. $rhenapplying for a buiLding permif, plbase jdentify Lhe accuratevaluaLion_of Lhe proposal . The fo$rn of VaiI will adjust. thefee according Lo Lhe Lable belorir, to ensure Lhe correc! feeis naid. #,if,' REvl B'ARD ApprJrcArroN - rovfN oF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: a!lil*aitttrl M, UEV. |)E,PI, 'n1lDF nF E|fitTl|l^t. New Const,ru;rion ( $200 .00 )Addir,ion ($50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAI, Subdivision If properLy is described bydescripLion, pldase provideto t.his applica Lion. ZONING : NAME OF Mai 1i nq APPLICANT 3 Addres s : FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION f v + rvruuv$ 10, 001 $ s0, 000$ 50. 001 $ 1s0, 000 $1s0. 001 $ 500, 000 $500.001 - $1,000,000$ over $1.000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAII B:KPIRES APPROVAL I'NIJES S A BUI'JDING PERIITT ISIS STARTED. FEE D ZU. VU $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEJAR AFTER FINATJ ISSI'ED AI\TD CONSERUCTION p[D LION CcrHnoun'rru}4 Agooqmon l.ilAY-:141p€ TU€ 1l :"f?ffLA8Y l'la,g 14, 1996 lin- KgLz Ae.bb , e4tc4 A+ehiJLec.t-t 143 e, A{c*dow OaiveVsiL, CO 81657 Dea+ KgL.e;: ftlit 2,e.tLet, i-t Ln ze-ga*.da Lo Lhz corr.l*xncfiiott p+opotal 4o+ thetroii)L eoun-Lqasrd. bztnee.* the- Red. LLon &u)A.d|*g and Ruelzao,e-h- Ad-Ld)-ng in tt+e vilQagc- Ale h.avc- a-zvlened, gsun plart+ and. q,pp4ove og the p+oje-c-X, aA LongaA thc- Tow+ epp4ove--s a/--to- t0e etou.2d a,stl tha,t +c Lhucz be no Ln-te44e"4,?-nce ui.tht Cltt-b Clre-/-:)e&'tl bv,ALne.4A uhan tha7 +eoperl Lh).4Spaiwg du-il,ng Lhe s-veninga o.nd *J&L lzh?- ne*tlden*i-aL and" comme4ciaL uni-t+ 04 bof-L 6ui.td,ing4 be a.eeeaAi-bLa a* a.U. LincA.Itlc dl-vo sAh thaL 4 lou-d o-4uipne-*L i-a Xo be u.+cd, thz-L noi-bo2evel-t be. he;pt, *t- o ainiaw-| lA a.-m- lo.t- the con-lLde4a.tiotro$ the +etld.en*io,l uni*+. AL4o, pLe.a,tz cooa.d.inn*e- *o)-^ea**,i-vi-tio-+ ui-th *he R"ed. Lisn p.uatnrrA.ant nd,negarnenl irl- conAi-d.e^a1-ron 06 ULebL pqttt sn/t, f hdnlL Aoa v e4.g muett. RIC+{4.Rg rr. 8R0u$r, ?+ea+d.en'- REg trOH COJiTOO ASSOCTATTOTJ 610 Vt LIONd)I1IAD Ctpctr, 6ufffi 1oo o v^lt. LlOLC)pr\DO 8 155? lllJ: 1014?63535 r fLf, ]014?tr%6 AI'I LI D* o 3l|ag+!+?€+536€' o P.e1 I'AY_14-96 TUE 63:2A Pfl L II.{BA IIALABY gBq+ 4?6 +6366 3a3 4?6 0TB2 P.9l 'IUCKSACK MAY 14, 1-S96 RUCKSACK COT{OO ASSOCIATION 288 SRIDGE ST. vArL, coLo. 81657 .fO MORTAR ARCHITECTS: THg RUCKSACK CONDO ASSOCIATIoN Is avel\E Of fHE-REB LION PROJECT SCHEDULED TO BEGIN THIS $PRINC. 'CiJI.S.iNUCiION IS.OK AS LONG AS IT DOES NO',l'. AFFECT TI{E BUSTNSSSES LOeiiE0 rN 99$-BurLDrNG' THE STAIRS ON TI{E SOI'TH SISE }IEED TO BE I(EPT CLSAR S.O THAT THE REsTDENTLAL Or,NERS HAVE cLEAn acCeis'io fUsfn UNITS. Also' No cosTs REGARDTNG THI' pRoJEcT ARE TO ei-fxaUnnnD BY TIIE RUCKSACK CONDo AsSOCIATION. IF rl{E TOI{N O[' VAil espnoVss TttIS RS{oDEL' THEII OUR CONDO ASSOCIATION UILL AS ]fELL. SINCEREL,Y' dt*-'l?*-..----- cHUcK SOSENQUIST VICE.PRE5IDENT A Protessional CorDoralion o 143 East M€adow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colofado 81657 s70/476-5105 FAx 970/476-0710 MonrenAncn TTECTS s.24.96 Louren Wolerfon Plonning Stqff [ioison Town of Voil, Community Dwelopment 75 South Fronhrge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81652 Re: Red Lion Penthouse,/Club Chelseo Entry Louren, I wonted to eloborote on our discussion yeshrdoy morning regording the Red tion Penthouse/Club Chelseo Entry modificotion plon ond its srotus in th. opprovollrocesi. This is not q frivolous prgiect. lt is ort of necessity of the success of Club Chdseo, ond its enfry configurotion the Town of Voil hos proriously opproved. The entry oreo fro the Nouse's condominium is currently ihrough the Club Chelseo owning ond in turn through o Club Chelseo bouncer on ony given etrening. W.e lrore done o<tensive studies regording vorious options os we always do oni hove come up with 6e only occqtabh conclvsioi. The design which we hov" pr"r"icd to you. we hove mode efforts lo sove the tree(s) in vorious woys, none o[ which l'm sure the stqff hos considered in their review of this proiect. The site wolls which ore rquird in ony possibh configuralion ore required by the uniform Building code (section mozl +o b" tr[po*"d by foundofions 4-0" (frostlinel below fie ground. The conffgurotion os selecfed will u'tilize contilen er"d site walls 6" below grode neor the remoining lorge Fir tree in ef[o* to 3ove its root shu cture. Any configurotion p sove both hees hos required o pier foundotion b frosdine ta nqr lhe rcrlt sfructure of the more Southern lrw, in turn eliminating iE chance of sunivol. Also. of nob, the more Northern hee is dominoting the hro hees currenily, ond it would flourish if its sicl/y-counterport were rernoved os proposed. The rernoining kee woulJ not oppeor lo be "holf o tree" if the Southern hee were removd, os the enclosed photos displcy. The.design thot we hove proposed is o win/win situotion for Club Chelseo, The Nourse Fomily, The Rucksock, ond The Town of Voil. !_Ve ore proposing sorerol heolthy substontiol hees os replocenrent for o single sick tree, ond giving o focelift io a privitely ownd, gtblicty ut;tizd .*";k,*'.*,'*. MonrenAncnrEcTS Red lion / Club Chelseo Poge 2 Morler Architects is olwuyr seorching for the besf solution fro ony design probl"nr. In turn, we conrider o multitude of iszues for hryond whot is obviously opporcnt in ony design thot we submit br Town of Voil opprovol. I only wish $oi I hod token tha time prwiously ho axploin b fie Stoff how we got to where we ore, ond thot we did not orbitrorily decided to rernorre lhe hee in queslion. lf I con provide you with ony odditionol inbrmofion or onsw€r ony queslions zuch os fiose outlined obovq pleose give me o cqll. Kyle H. Webb AIA MORTER ARCHITECTS cc: Robcrt cnd Ahx Nourc€ Richod N. Brovn / lindo Moloby llay 24 '96 14:14 BOMBAY CO.,TEL 81?- Ronsnr E.M. Nounsr I4!? TND!A'1 (jl|EErf DBIYII Fonr Wonrrt, Tsxls zeroz Ittey ?4, 1996 Mr. Kyle H. Wcbb Mortlr Architlcts 143 grst Meadow Drive Vail, Colo'rrdo 81657 Dcar Kyle: Wc rrp wridng thir lettcr in rwpooie to your rlcphonc pll ye*erdny indicating the Town's oonocrr about approvrl of projcct for renovation of thc R.cd Lion/Rtrcksack courtysrd and th$ Entratrccs tro Club Chelsea and our residence. Sinoo wc ars closplf involvsd in this situation, we would lih to prarnt some bsckgrounii information In lmking for an urswer, wc havc nlen into rcmunt we live in tro othcr3.a mixcd use arlea tlrat demandc rca,conable that will hopefully bc trkat inlo sccount in a final decisiort. I A few months agc, Ctub Chclsea opened in downsair{ spacc b.Jow our rcsidcncc in the Rd Lion building, Immodiab{f, it bocame clcar fiet cmwds lining up for thc Club complete{ bloclmd t}rc cntranoe to our home. Thc Club's awning alrc coler{d thc path to our strirs. In effect, thc entrance to our honc b€a+ blockod by people and maGrid for scvcral horur wery night, a sit{ution thst no hommwner would find acce,ptablc, espcially not sincelhoner in the center of the village arc v€ry cxpensive. It war clftr that some solutiar'. was nocdd- I THE o 34? ?548I I I P. I our homc without im@ing thc Ctub rnd, et nrnc time, We know that Club Chdsea nods our entrsnoe to run we haw tricd to redesign thc courtlard in r way that impmvcs thc sppcsranoc of thc whole rree. Wc profcrsional expertiw qnd a lot of cffort to providc a busincss, so Itccss to brought that thc Tcwn, itg commercial Ensntl urd iu rcridents ell rgrc is attractive. Wc rrc providing e majority of the funding. f]d'J 14 ' 9b 1.4: L:THE BOI"IBRY CO. ,TEL 81?-54?-?548 M.T,Nourrc P.?oo I I I I I I I I I We undcrstrnd thc Town hrs cxprtsscd conoem about {e rcmoval of e tree. Herc again, we hgvc uicd o apoommodatc py providing s€vcnl replaccmcnt trrcs in thc ncw design. It h Fot posdblc, howevcr, lo resolw tnrr tooe$ sihtatiott without renovfi of o'ttc Stoc and we should not be expm'tcd to invcst a large emoun{ of money in I project thst still lcaves us witlt thc origiml rccess nrcbflem, We hopc the Town wiil rccognize tbat, in trying to *f"" a difficult problem, one that we did not cr?atc, our goal has b+ett o find a solution wherc everyone wins. In all rcqpcts, urc b{iwc that wc have done ec and, thereforc, $rongty urgc that the lbwn approv€ this Foject, F.1"fr/il///,{* Robcrt E.M. Noune t4AY-t4-96 383+4?6+6555 o F. B1 IlrouARD N. Fno]'gN EurtB lO3 l?ao s('utH 83Lt AtFs ETtf,Da DBN*tRr CoLgrlDg aot'l (tos) tsl'tlto l a"g 23, 1996 l,Ut . Rg|,c Uebb Mol.te.,z A4chj.l"oei^ t43 E. l'{eadqq, Oa.Lvc- va,ia, co 81657 Dc*+ KgLe: t ha.vz brzl.ft L*Lourllod' &a,L t.lt,c;lo L'; e pot+Lblli.*-u .tJl.d.t' t,le Noun.^q ettt)L4uo-s s'nd' eouLilgan'd' p+oiee'+ bc*wo-s'i *he Re'd ti',ort B*ibding and tlue Ruchao,'tz a,il-tiins nq-g io& b* a-pioovod 6,wc' to thz +esnova'|- o$ a ttLea- aA Llue, Eae*oa beV&d *h.e d,e-c.i.lLorv, Ae *hiA ttsno I uouLd. 2)h,e- Lo voLee mg tuppoa'L lo* tltz P+oiec't' Lo pzocoed at p+opq-\e-d - L*" iA ny wvrd,|en-{'*and.Lng tha.L CIab elr'el-Ac.o-'* anning $ta'L o'llptt'ovcn b! *hz Red LLon A+.socia.tie& $aand, and. xh.e Town a4 va'i.l' $on tlLo- enhu.tuccrme.tl,t r.'5 LLe- c;ommerce)-a'.L Apo;ee- Th)a c;p!ttt'ovs"0- by 6oth pa-n*Lo+, ),nnd"vea.-len-te-g 1q+gog t; tahe- LnLo con'Ai-du,6tiotl Lhe +cti;d.ontlnL un)-t- a6ove. *Jz.e CtJLb and. thc. Lnp*cl i* rttou'{d h,nve' Nc)-tJte,a. paa,l! eould $oan.seo *hz Line.t ol po-trLonA eorLve4ge' Lhenebg 'tLoihiwg 1-tLu ps.^aa,go 6o+ tha a-e*Ldcntiag *ni*. fbencl-o+e., I d.o be]6c-ve d, ne'st 2nS^"rwag 6ott' *'he ne,tldenliol u'tt't-t i-^ nix oltLg & l'e.cQ.4'5i/c1, but t -q.LAo be-lieve t}ra't' a' 545'000 Lmp+ovunen1-to thnt eaes- iou,Ld, on4g eilunce. bu.LLnQ-L Ln ths.-L {-n'e4. and, *he- -suttstou,ttd)-ng eomma.+oia,.lL Ap&ccA. A.4 a. egmncl:.r).a2 ou,nQ.L o{ both LLe Queh-Suefu *wd Red Liort Bu"i}'dingt t en l.rL&y ottta.4z o4 bsti Aa.6od-a2tion' .+ $inanc)a.I- e-ondiAlon 4 and I ttruow -*lw'i nei*hen a& oci.q.LLort wou}-d. bg *hzm*e,Lvet, 6e abLe Lo al|s4n 4*cL ast <npzovetnen*,, whiclt lnevi.to.bl-g m&-SL be add+eA*ed +n tlLA $u*wle-- Thc vppon*tttti*g gi-vcn a't *'ho p4Q'tQr*' wi't'lt' th'e te-+Ld-en*,+al atituer; pa1'ang Lfue-bultt o$ the pnoic.c* 3.o-1a, al[oa.d-l s!! paA.LLe+ lti,r,q- Tewn, -tf!r- /ce*a)L Lenan*.t, t'/";e 4eALdei*Al gze.a.t bene(iA.a. t q.n e$tdlLe 0ha-L a tn'ee doe-t nc-e.d- Xo be- notnoved., bu&. i* i's n! undea*tandi,ng *hs.L L?ta.+ onl. LzeQ- wouL.d be +ep0.aezd bV [oun o*hca.+. Civen the- &bave- 4ac,t(j4^, L at+ongl.g wLgL th47; tlLe- app+ovaL lo+ thi4 p+oie+L bc- zc.t*hmiALed a'nd' cane'6u,t con*Ldea.a.t-Lorv {ort a!2 pa;*Lc,l 6e SaeLa+ed Ln. ti L w.& be o{ $ttttthcn heLp o+ 4 gaw nezd' my alLetr'd'anec" a'L *ng meeling.5, Flea-se don'L tLe,li-tio./ee Lo ca2]. me sL 3A3'758-5174. pLncortclg, /..) V-r-L.- l< . [5*,-.-1,-- RICHARO lr. 8RO0JN, OQne4 -r\vttr rErvlJ T}IE RUCKgACK 28S BRIDGE 8T. VAIL, COLO. 8165? COMMUNTTY D81'S LOP},IENI TOITN 08 VAIL ?5 5OUTH gRONTAGE RD VAIIT, C0. 3l'657 luNE 4, 1996 ;fNCgASLY.Wl"^J :I{UCK RoSENQUI$T dITNER TO IIHOF1 IT I{AY CONCERN: THIS tEt"ER IS TO CONF'IRI{ THAT THE OHHER^S ANII MA}J&GEilENT OF THE RUCI$ACK STORE sTRONGLY sUFPoRT rng-inosOSED RED LION REMoD$I" iHt ug1Cr pLANTER eETieEN THB trilo BU1LDING9 IS,FALtING APAR'f' arrO itrs AREA BEttttlD rT Ig A l{AI{coUi-PoR KIDs DRIIII$NG A}'lD DorNG DRUGS. YE HAVE IiAS COIvIiI"IITIIT$ NgOUI THIS FRI}I{ THE TENANT$ U}TO LIVE UPSTAIRS. {S--E_NUS[LT OF I'HIS THE ARSA HAS..ALUAYS EqEN LIT,IERED urTH BEER. cAI\r$ AltD OfHsR iRASH. uE THIIK ITts A GFEAT IDffA TO E'Ix Ug rft6 poCrcer p.trR.K. peitrCUr,nRLY SINSE IT lfoN'T cOST TT{E TN(PATSRS A PENNY. TOTRL P.El uJ ru -l L'rr:J rr ' r r nst {e I tU.Ir I r-r drq| 'I4.JtFHUTI : tsEIbt tsF:HLILts ' 'hf // elf€a 304 Bridgc Sireer'Vnil, CO 81657 ' 970'476-5600 June l, 1996 Design Rcvicw Board Vnil, Colorado Dear DRB Ivlernbers, I havc seen the plans for lhe new Brictge Sreet cntrance to lhe losiderrlial rrnils nbove tho Red Lion. Thc architect, landlord and resklcntial owners havc done I comntendable job in crgaling Bn entrance uticir is a yast inlprov|mpnt ovcf the existing one, both in firnction and irr look. Thc look and fulrction of ths oflrri$ee is of greit concern to mc as it ebuts the newlyrodone €ntraoca to Club Chcfsca, of which I am bat ovmer. I urge you ro npprove the plan as subnriited. Tho new eltrancc is a positivo addifion nncl benelltq nll sutrounding property, both irt tcrrnsof (rwner access and bcnutiflcation of tlie entire afea around it. Post-if- Fax Note 7671 ,-qtah IWr{1tu 7"ry64 Fom Co./DoDL L'o. Phons t PhOrre r, t'z't q7. O?tO Fax I r rrr v\Jr_t\, vtl/ I'r.xr rEX FlRcf{l TEcIso ittT o fnn ]lu, JIJ P.@. OI IJ T,UIIVL May 30, 1996 Iauren Wrtuton Planning Dcpartmcnt Town of Ysil Community Developma{s 75 South Frotttage Road Yail, CO 815s7 Dear N{a Watertor\ This lettr is rcgardiqg the Nou$e family potrthouse cntry re nvation st thc Rpdl.ion. As a Vail Vill*go Core pmpcrty owner I s'ould iike to o$ro ;s rry srpport fo'r tho uew effry projcci. I uuderstand the ovembddng task thc Topr of Vail hc in keeping it's business ownerg, residarls, and grcsts happy, bowevcr, the:olution prwided by Morter Arclutectc affords positive results for all. I Mr. and Mn, Nourso would have a btarrtifirlly deeiped prinate cntry to their horns. * Club Chelseawould retain their swn sommerciel entraffl fiiequerued by pttroqs cnd gu€ste. * A tree of questionablc boalrh would be removed (an inev rtsbility) ot{y to bc repl.rccd by four healthy trecr + The Vail Village arrd it* property owncn would only bet e6t from an irnprovan€nt of this cdibcr, all prwidcrl at no €apense t r them. In closing I would like to reitcrate the recd for such an imp'ovomcnt. It malccs gcase for all panies cqtcernod and provides a nect srrry separation batwcen busincssos and private residcnces in the Villagc Cc re and also provides both putier wtth the priwcy thcy tightly deserve. Sfucerely, h9". Shirtryafoury Yrcc hetidcntl qi€ortal Molors Cotpofilgotr l^*'- cr Martct DcvclopDc|lt TOTft- P.@ BEGA B c Surface moun'red wall umlnaires provide an eificiont \i/ash oi llght f rcm a completely concealed source and have a very slallow C . projection lrom the wali. Tempered whlte 9lass. Capt.ve socket h:to si-.-.:css D s'!eel screws. Color: Black or v',hite. Lumen A B 2290P Wall @E 1 7W PL 7L 4 22e1P wa|] 6B 1 13W PL 400 t1900 3t/rc Lan'rp Suriace mo'Jnted wall luminaires which have a very shallolv projection from ihe wall, Die casl a uin:nurn louyers with temoered white olass. Colort BIack qr whLte.t^l Lumen A B C 2091 P walr @D 1 13\^/ PL 900 11 4 Ze/rc 27 _"r ftlf coPr FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Steve Thompson Mike Mollica August 12, 1992 Red Lion Redevelopment - Parking Pay-in-Lieu Fee Pursuant to a decision by the Town Council on August 4, 1992, the Red Lion parking pay-in-lieu fees have been increased. The parking fee for the restaurant expansion was originally calculated at $3,360.00. The increase now bdngs this total to $8,960.00. The parking fee for the residential expansion was originally $15,000.00. The change in the parking pay-in-lieu fee has increased this fee up to a total of $24,000.00. lf you could please prepare the proper documents for signature by the property owner, Oscar Tang, I will foruvard them to Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang would prefer to remain on the same amortization schedule that is curently in place, with a final pay-off date on 7115194. lf you have any questions on any of the above, please give me a call at extension 2138. Thanks! enclosurexc: Kristan Pritz/w.enc. I I .: ProPerty: 304 trldgc Strcdt LoC E,F,G,II, BIocK 5A, RED LION RESTAT'nANT thrce hundred I 3.350fotal Park5.ng Fee Vail Vlllage let ValI, Colorado, JuIv 3, r 1990. PRdt"t o "l"l;::ti,l3.Ell ii"*i,",fn lnstallaents after date, fof va1uE rece!.ved,order of the lown of Vail at.the Otflce of theBuilding at Val.I, colorado, wlth lnterest of ten percent peryearly installnents as follows: Threc thouserld Par ee Down Paynent $672 .00 the second lnstalhaent of the third lnstallnent of annum on the unpaid balanci, payable in g 847.99 due due The first lnstallnent of g 84?.99 and paYable on 07ll5l9l and PaYable on 07lr1l92 g 847.99 due and, payab,le on 07lLsl93 the fourtb Lnstallrnent of $ 847.99 due and payable on 071L5194 7f.4. ^rt is ?greed that lf, this note ls not-paid when due or declared duehereunderf thg prlnclpal and accnred interest thereon etrair-iiiw-interestat the rate of 1?_p=::lr__F:I lllun, and that failure to iir"-"ny-p"1-"ntof principal or.lnterest when due-or any defaurt under ani-tncii[rln". o,agreenent securing this note shaLl cause the whole note tB Ulcone-aue atonce, or the Lnterest to be counted as-principal , at tne opliorr--ot tt.holder of the note. rhe aakers and endorsers hereof "ev"riirv-*ril*r"presentnent for paldrent, -protest, notlce. on nonpalm"nt-ina-ii'piliestr. anaagree. to any extenslon of trne of. palroent. and plrttat p.ym"ni"-iJiore, at,or af,tet rnaturity, and if thls notC or lnteresl tlrereoir is-nol pilar,rrr"ndue, or suit ls b-r9ugh!, agree to pay alJ. reasonabte co={s iii-"iii!.iiJii,lneluding reasonable attorneyts fees. 7(-70 Date Tlre onaere lgrcc lncressg :[e uadeproject (Juty b co Paywlthin any tlro ). lncrggse ln the Coooercl,al years fron the lssuanca of Core I parklng fea rfa bulldlng perulc for rald tblg t 7-;.,-.*- . lown 75 routh lronlrgG ro!dvl , colorado 9i657 (303) 479.2138. (303) 47e.ZlS9 Pcrult No. 4454 Red Llon Restdentlal Exterlor Alterstlon, JulyParklng Fee Analysls for Reeldentlal Expanslon r -' '-----olllco oI corrrnurnlly tlavclopr:rtrrI * 3, l99o 0nly Exls ttng: Whltehead Unlt Caretaker Unlt Total Proposed; Unlt I Unlt 2 Unlc 3 Total GRTA 4,E6Fe . f . 566 s.f. 5,237 s,f,, Requlrcd Parklnc, -fpocea - 2,954 2,945 2,5 2,5 2.5 =-/ . ) EPaces Toral Proposed Requlred parklng Tora1 ExlstJ.ng Parhlng 3.0 apaces x f5r000 - f!,5,000 rotel resldentl.al parking (ee \." 7.5 4,5 3. O- x \oar = # z<, aoi,, . r':. 304 Loc f I t Prop*rty:RED Erldge SErecg ErF,Grll, Block 5,1t, Vatl LION Vlllage ler PROJECI RED l,toN nESlD. EXr'. t'|;nttrt tro.4hJ\ Vail , Colorado,July. 3 . J990.. for valuE received,.the gfflee of the $ i5,000r@ fn installments after date,ord€r of the Town of, Vatl ;tBuJ.l.dlng at Val.I, Co1orado, !$tcan thouaand---iEu' t)olJ.ar*, Down Payment rt is agreed that-lf this note is not paid when due or tlec:.Larod c1.:rrhereunder, the prlncipal ancl aceruea fi[eie=t,-fn"tuon strirr aii" j.rrr...rat the rate of 19 percent per annum, and that failure tc malre aly p;,...iof prirrcipal or.lnterest when clue or any default urrder arry j.rrcrrnrly-irrr i.agreentent securlng thle not,e shall caus6 tr:e uiiof e note to tr",r,,',,.,'.i,,,oncE, or the interest to be counted a" prtncilai, aE gre opt,i.op of i::...holder of the note, The makers and end-orsers'hereot aeveral. l.i, r.r;1 i..,76ipreEentnent for paylent, protestn notice on non[uyment alrcl oll pyrlrgnl;i...agree to any extension:of tlme. o$-paynent ano piri:f"f pui,*",iIr. irerrrr:.r.. ll^ufl:3t^T?!yltl:^.11p. If this'1oif! 6r inteie"L-'rh"r"oir. is irorj poirl r.:.9ue, or.sult is Lroughr, agret to pay arr reaso"#i;-;;.iili""i.,rJnt::i ilncluding reasofile-atiorieyas teisi The ounera ogree lncreese le made with interest of ten percent per annum onyearly. instalLments al followi:- The flrst instatr.ment of s--l-,'ffi_ crue and payarrre o' the second installrnent of g 3,7g5.65 due and payable on tlre thlrd lnsrallnent of $ :.Zg:.Os due arrd payable oir the Spurth lnstallment of $__f,ZgI.lg:_ due and payalrle on Y: oscar and rankl 'Tang f prornise to pay to l:1,":Finance DJ.rect,or:, . l.l,.lri i.i. .., the unpaid bal.alrce, ;r;.ty;rb).r, .,. 07 /t5l9L a7ltSl\tt 07lt5l9) 07lt5l9h Core I parltlrrJi fae ll r:rrItl a buildlup, 1:*r'nrlc f ,lr t:lt lt: to pEy wlthin any lncreaee 1ntvo yeare fron the Comraerclsl the lssuance of 3CAr An o I luwn ?5 $rrlh Irootrgo lod otllc. ofcommsnlly derdopnrnt r.ll. color.do tt35t FA)|'"'213E (38).t$2139 ?crulc No. 4454 .Red Llon Rcsteuren! E:rtcrlor Altcratlon''Jtily 3' 1990 Parklng Fec Analysle for Rerleurrai E:cpaueloa Oaly Ncv Deck Encloecd (reatlog erea only) Parklor EDaccg'-Tli- flaance tecords cnil founil the GxIBCIDg cacloccd covlred by prcvious parktng fccs. thesc fcea l.12 parktng requlred x 13,000 - $3,360 total fce. * The etaff chceked thc dtolng area lras bcea havc all been geld. t.t7 x \ow = #V?&,o: Oo O* c"*a\ 'Arr*! tr^ lsc t.a?.ara;l\.<--ru* r. \. (, A :b. /, -Lr.+1- ^ f*;Z-<* A Tar..'-.., T-t ./r"R orsv*a- - -Z .44 Vfa-"f*-/ / ry o\.4- u.*ht; .a* o,^t V ,--*lX / .r'\-a&u* & fu. PFC /z*.r-^ >-/Ee-s&4 s-o &L( ^ / *-./-t a/*)Ac,^ Tfd ,* AT, '?/ /1,7o , hr* i* -b4-"-( 1.zs,7l ' tr6,s f /,s /, = o.?zot X j, ozo -; { z, /62's:1,1 b6Jg a,6o1,rJ 'ry6"^""t @A g,'120t x 7, ooz, 2,153) Y, car ntb z bil3 # ?, iso,**-___-/ e,z'lb'a9 ${fM G'.W a fEc dF I"^. l1/ 177( 8P ,:4-.4 .1 ,/2, ?/ ?sb f /zoo = 2,4s33 x 3,av6 =. /*4 ft f''./ ah Af."/ a, /fr(. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Depanment DATE: July 27, 1992 SU&JEGT: A request to amend a condition ol a previously approved exterior alteration, regarding the CCI parking pay-in-lieu fee for th€ Red Lion Building, located at 304 Bridge StreeuLols E, F, G and H, Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Vencura, Ltd/Jay Peterson Mike Mollica I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Jay Peterson, acting on behalf of the owners of the Red Lion Building, Vencura, Ltd., is requesting that the Town amend a condition of a previously appoved exterior alteration in the Commercial Gore I zone district. Dudng the spring of 1990, the applicants received the necessary Town of Vail approvals to redevelop the Red Lion Building. These development approvals included a site coverage variance, a stream setback variance, a conditional use permit for an outdoor dining deck, an exterlor alteration for Commercial Core I and a modification to View Gorridor No. 1. Subsequent to fre Planning and Environmental Commission's review of the above requesb in 1990, the Town Council appealed the decisions ot the PEC and called up the redevslopment proposal lor review. On May 1, 1990, the Town Council reviewed the PEC decisions. Dudng the review of the exterior alteration approval, the Town Council added an additional condition of approval. This condition specifically stated that the applicanl would be required to pay any incrementalincrease in the Town's pay-in{ieu parking fees that may be established within two years from the time a buibing permit is issued for the project. As indicated in the attached mlnutes ot lhis meeting, this additional condition of approval was accepted by the applicant's Iepresentiative, Jay Peterson, at the previous Town Gouncil evening meeting on April 17, 1990. lt |3 thls oondltlon of the exterlor alteratlon approval wlth whlch the appllcant ls requestlng to be deleted. On April 2, 1 991 , the Town Council approved Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1991 , on second reading. This ordinance specifically amended Section 18.52.160 of he Vail Municipal Code and set the parking-in-lieu fees for Commercial Core I and Commercial Core l1 at $8,000 per parking space. Subsequent to he approval of this ordinance the parking pay-in-lieu fees, for development within Commercial Core I and Commercial Core ll, were set at $3,000 per commercial space and $5,000 per residential space. The result in this increase in the parking pay-ln-lieu fee, for the Red Lion Building redevelopment, resulted in an additional fee of $14,600. The fee calculated under the 'old'system, totaled $18,360. The fee calculated under the 'new'system, equals $32,960. I II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The etafi does not havs a formal recommendatlon of the applicants request b ddeto Oordilofi No. 12 of the exbrior alteratlon roqu€st for the Red Lion Bullding. lt is the stafPs peffion that beeuse Condition No. 12 of the exterlor alteration approval was a condifpn spedncary dded by the Torvn Council, that fie Councll should make tfie decbion to either €f,pr'wo or deny the apflicanfs requesi. aiPEBtErrcdnFrrt T?7 l-J t\ TO: FRO}T: DATE3 RE: Town Council Comunity DeveloPnent April 25, 1990 Appeal of PEC decisions of Red consideratl.on of ordinance No. Corridor No. 1. NEVISED Lion redeveloPnent and 16, amending View The first of two.separate l-teus to be reviewed by the council ls i recall of the pfairninq Coumissionrs approval of the Red Lion ie-evelopnent. rne licfiground infomat-lon -o1. trr]-s-I:s:::t-i:^- eio"ia"a-on the April tzttr council uemo ""9 !!:^!lt:: ::c-I:uos'bne nodification to this proposal',that was agreed to bv the The second item pertains to amending vail village view corridor No. X. The acconpi"iing rDemos provide background infornation on this request. In-;;'r;;rE-to tfie councilrs-di?cqssion of this anendrnerit, the staif irai r"qo"sted additional 1nfotmation fron th;- "ppiilani ana tris OiscuiEed the vl-ew corridor with Jeff tlinston. 1) The applicants have provided a cross-section of the viilage from tbe-parking structure to ttre Golden peik iouse. tlis wai done to demonstrate whether "tty oiftl" properties would encroach into the view ciriiaor it irrey were redeveloped within the 43 foot heigltt linit. 2't Jeff l{inston u)s the-lead consultant invo}ved ln lii*ritning ihE village view corridors' '7eff has i."f"rta tnis-pioject ind concurs with the staff iecomenaationl- -fie reiterated that the pulpgse of lhis vietr "oi"iaot was to naintain vlews of the t"""tai"' itre clock Tower and the Rucksack Tower' it *"= his feeling that the llne could hqve been drawn at the Gold;n Peak House ridge and the "uit.tiv. or ttrts corridor vould be net' The pi6po"ta n.d iiot, ridge would not dininish any itew of Vail lfountain. ' o tBOu: DAIE: BE: Town Council Connunity Development Department April 27 ' L99O The appeal of the Red L'lon redevelopment approvals and ordinance No. 15' ,The councllrE review of .tlre-Red-1i""!'tii.ir=--irve (s) .separate reqpests' assist the councti Ly outlining each i.=p"nai"g to these requests'O O a If tlre Planning CornnisEionrs iiuJa !i .t'" T:*-!ii*:+'^approg!e oiarnanlit uas aPProved bY a ;;;F;;"e or d-enY 9I9iT"T:';; ;ffiii""a in ilre aPril 17' A slte coverage variance to permit a this proPerty!= =il"-"o*teragL' . Thit;;;";;'bi i e-r vote' A Dotlon to liri= r"quest is necessary' redeveloPment ProPosal.ihl; Gnio ls intended to ;1h;;;tLons necessary in .25t lncrease ln recnrest gas upnotdt or overturn approval of these four requests -is+{ rrn thelE A stream setback variance !o 111?t a 2 foot encroachment into fi!-i"euirea go-fool stream setback' rhis resrrest was'tiiii"i!E-1t-:-t;l-t'ot"' A motion to iiilri-Ei-o*t"ttottt-ilrrs request is neces'ary' A conditional use permit for an outdoor dining deck on the east side of 'd;-i; iiot'-suiidinE' This reguest was apProved by "*i]o'""tEl I tt'*ion-to uphold or littl-"i" this ieguest is necessary' An exterior alteration to- add en-closed floor area to the Red r,ion auriiiii. -rrtit-="qo"-t was aPproved by a 5-2 vote with 1r llniitio"" t= ottlllr'ea in the April 1?th, leeo aemor;;il-i; t!r9 Town council' A 12tn condition to be ffi;e to trti" approval vould regulre the owner= .o pui-Iii in"t"tent-ai-Incit""t ln Parking fees that t"y u"t"itiliiIita-titrti"-i"o years'fron the time a buirding p!ilii-i='issuea 'ior-ttri-s project' A notion to uptroldv;''";;";"in tnis request is necessary' the on 4-2 No. 16 of Vj.ew Corr No. 1. Ihis ioll=lt*iii3i-'"iai"g' 1-1?li:: 15 sith 2 recolrnena6a conaitionsNo. 1990 rnenorandr:m, is necessary' I I( - _.- I IIINUTES VAIL TOI{N COUNCIL MEETING MAY 1, 1990 7:30,P.lv|. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TO}IN OFFICIALS PRESENT: at the necessary. Kent Rose, Mayor Lynn Fritzlen Jim Gibson Merv Lapin Robert LeVine Peggy 0sterfoss Tom Steinberg, Mayor Pro Tem Charl ie l'lick, Assistant Town l4anager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk ilay 1, 1990, at 7:30 vote, to the condi ti on uld A regular meeting of the vail rown councir was he'rd on Tuesday,p.m., in the Councit Chambers of the Vai.l municip.i s;ii;i;;. The flrst item on the agenda was approval of mjnutes of the Apri'l 3 and 17, 1990,meetings. Rob LeVine moved to approve the ninutes as preJentla, wittr i a;;o;d--ggmjltg from Lynn Fritzlen A vote was taken and the vote pass6d unantmouiiy-S-0.At this point in the meeting Merv Lapin was absent. Item number two was Citizen Participation. There being no Citizen participation, the council moved to item number three. Item number three was an appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commissiondecisions regarding the redeve'l opnent of_Ehg_GLL'ion bui'l dlns (Conditional useperm1E'5treamsetoa@eragevar.|ance,ancTExterior alteration). Kristan Pritz injtjated the diicussjon by'calting the council,sattention to an April 27, 1990, memo from Community Deirelopmenl in regard to theappeal of the Red Lion redevelopment approvals and Ordinance No. 16, 5eries oi iSgo.She stated five separate motions eventually would be made to deal with variousconsiderations before the councjl. To be lonsidered prior to the reading ofOrdinance 16, 1990, were the following: 1. A site coverage variance to permit a .25 percent increase in thisproperty's site coverage. This request was approved by a planning Commisslon 6-1 vote. A motion to uphold or overturn tiris request-wou'l d benecessary. 2. A stream setback variance to allow a two foot encroachment into therequlred thirty foot stneam setback. This reguest was approved by a 6-1Planning Cormission vote. A motion to uphold or overtuiir th'is rlquestwould be necessary. 3. A conditjonal use permit for an outdoor dining deck on the east side of the' Red Lion building. This request was approved-by a 7-0 Planning Conmissionvote. A motion to uphold or overturn this request would be nedessary. 4. An eXtefiof alteration to add enr]nced flnnn rrar fa fha Dart t {e.n A motion to or ove Cormission's approval of these four, the Council shou'ld condition their Series of 1990, a modificatjon of a recommended approval of the View Merv Lapin arrived at 7:55 p.M. Kristan further specified that if the planning requests were to be uphe'ld by the Town Councii approva'l upon the passage of 0rdinance No. 16, View Corridor #1. Kristan stated that the pEC -/ o I I Corridor anendment by a vote of 6-1 in favor, with two conditions. She furtherstated the Ordinance e{as approved by a 4-2 Council vote at the first readlng inApril, and a motion to approve or deny Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1990, wiltr iworecommended conditions as outljned in the April 17, 1990, memorandum, w6u'l d berequested. Kristan advised Counci'l to focus on the appial of the entire project inconsideration of each of the variances and the conditibnal use permit that'weiebeing requested in order to complete the project. The first area to be discussed was the exterior alteration review criteria.Included in this was the discussion of the urban design guide plan and-urban designconsiderations which included the following: a: pedeitriazatibn b: vehicularpenetration c: streetscape framework d: itreet enclosure e: street edge f:bui'lding height g: views and focal point h: service and del .ivery i: Jin/shade j:architectural and landscape consideration. All details were presented as describedin the March-19th, 1990, memorandum from Cormunity Development to the plann.ing andEnvironmental Commission. Information in regard io the Stream setback varianie toal'l ow a two foot encroachment into the requiied thirty foot stream setback wasdiscussed next, with reference to the Marih 19, 1990,-memorandum. neview criieriafor each variance and the conditional use permit were presented for Council cons i derati on . The thlrd item to be considered was a conditional use permlt for an outdoor diningdeck on the east side of the Red Lion building. fhe folunih item was a slte coveragevariance to a'l low for an entry on the east siie of the Red tion.'xrislan'"ipiiin"athat at the PECrs regu'lar meeting, April 9, 1990, approvals were given.on tlroseitems. PEC conditions of qRrrovii pir the April-17lir staff remo For tte p"ojeitincluded: 1. As a part of this redevelopment, the applicants agree to pbinl anarepair the brick wall along Eridge Street and in the iiea of the-smalf piazi to tnenorthwest corner of the site. Improvements to this Plaza may also inc'l ude upgradingexisting.benches, planters, newspaper box and trash recepticle locations andlandscaping. 2. The Streetscap! improvements shown along Hanson Ranch Road areconsidered conceptual and the appficants shall agree to wirk with the Staff andt,Jinston & Associates in refining this design re]itive to the vai'l Vi'llaqeStreetscape Plan. This conditjon sha'll allo apply to the plaii #"a reierenced incondition #1 and the landscape improvements prbboled adjacent to Mill creek. 3. A'l I windows located on stucco wali plains sna'l t'Ue receised a minimum of threeinches. 4. state-of-the-art venting shall be used to reduce negative impact(sme1.'1, smoke, etc.) emanating from lhe site. 5. The owners/aei"iopers [i-if,.residentlal development on this site shall agree to permanentiy restrici gto"tresident'lal floor area (GRFA), building height and density on ihls site t6 what jspermitted Uy !tt:: approval. The Town of Vail shall be a iarty to this restrjctionand the nestriction shall be recorded with the Clerk and ilecoider,s office in EagleCounty- These restrjctions on GRFA density and height must be acceptable to theTown Attorney as subnitted by the owner ani approvei before recording. 6. Anytrees damaged or killed,withjn two years of thb completion of this pioject "nijt U"replaced with similar size and type-tree. 7, The iled Lion logo stritt-ue reiiinedas a part of this redevelopment in approximately the same size and location. g, The developers,/owners wil'l be encouraged to pariicipate in developing solutioni totraffic, loading, and delivery prob'lems in viil viliage. 9. The'Relord ior. oit"rtype-of window system jnstal'led) to the Red Ljon Restiurant along Br.idge itr""i,shall remain totally opened during business hours between June l5 and 5eptember'15of each year. These windows may be opened at any ottrer iime during irre veit-it tfr"discretion of the restaurant management. 10. Tie applicani sha'l r-compriie -- stream-bank stabi'lization work on both sides of Milt'breei over the-a;lire length ofthe-Red Lion-property. .The. final design and implementation of these-imp"ou"r"ii"shall be.subject to review by the stafi and the Design Review Board. Ii. Theowners shall-agree to participate in, and not remonsirate against, a spec.l ai - Improvement Dlstrlct, if and when one is formed in the vil] ige. rz. ttreowners/develo?91 : agree to pay any incrementa'l increase in pirking fees that may beestablished within two years from-the time a building permibttS ii.r.a-for-[f,i'r"project. (This condition was accepted by the applicint's represeniiiiu",'.rif'-Peterson, 1t llre previous Town councll evening meeting on lprit ri,-iggo.) -i3. Appnoval of thjs exterior a'l teration, varianc6s, ana ionaitional use are continqentupon the council giving final approvil to Ordinince No. 16, s;rje;-;f-iggo."'"'" Krl-stan explained that-the PEC also recommended approval of the View CorridorOrdinance with the followlng conditions: 1. That the photo depicting View Corridor No. 1 be modified to reflect the newRed Lion Bu'ilding at a ilme when the expansion ls comp'leted. TheCommission preferred this alternative as opposed to ddtfyi;g in. fine thatdelineates the View Corridor. .f -2- O..,r ..... t t That the specific reasonspreamble of the ordinance justifying this request be included jn theauthorizing this amendment. '.., ,.!r.Gsrr-r---b thqse minutes. are 2. At this point in the meeting discussion turned to ltem five which was ordinance No.16, series of 1990. second ""iaind,-in"orJi.nance-".Jroini'ordinance No. 13, seriesof 1983, in order [o modify view Eirriaoq No. 1; and setting forth detairs inregard thereto. Mavor. Rosl read the tit]e in iurr. K;i;i;^ stated the currentremodel fa]ls within the height attowea in the ioning'.oa.-and that Jeff winston hadstated that in comins up witi ttre original ti;"-a;;;iaitll the consjderation was topreserve the vjsual connection betweei the parking strrci'l"e and the mountain and tomaintain the views gf tlr: rornt"inl-iiie c'r ocktower, and the Rucksack rower. It wasJeff !{inston's feeling that tne rine-lould have u"6n-Jt""n-at the Golden peak HouseRidge and-the objective of thjs.otriJo" would have bten met. The proposed Red LionRidse would not diminish any vjew of viir morntii;: -i;"";;ard to the height of thebuilding, the applicants trai proviued-i cross section of tfle Village from theParking structure to the Golden peii-House. This was done to demonstrate whetherany other properties would encroach :nto the view_lo.riaor, if they were redevelopedwithin-the.forty-three-foot treighi ri;it. Larry Eskwith d.iscussed whether thenonconfornjng height of the Go1ien Peak House wis tegai and referenced 1g.64.090under.the'zoni.ng code, restorations.--Al"o, rar"v point.l"irt a section onstructures and site improvements and statea that-a'noniontorming use cannot becomemore nonconforming through a remode'l . However, the Golden peak House could be bui.ltback to its exjsting height so'l ong as the "r"i oi ttr"'root tr,"t was nonconformingwas not increased in area or heighl through a remoaei . ie stateu that this decisionregarding the Red Ljon would not-create a problem. Kent Rose stated he believed the amendment to the view corridor did not go againstthe intent of the ordjnance_or ttrJ purpose of itris-rp..iii. view corridor. RobLevine questioned Item No. 4 and thi s[ite-of-ttre:a.[-u"niing on the roof andreceived an explanation about the stacked .hirngv "r""ni"r.itt. Jay peterson,representing the app'licants, Frankie and 0scar ii"s, pijE.l"l"a additionalinfonmation from indjviduali within-ttre-community.-',:im-lrori"r, acting as archjtectfor the project and Oan corcoran, iieia engineerl spot<e on'behalf of the project,with Dan corcoran stating that ai a prc meilber "t tl'" iir" ul", corridors were firstdiscussed in the Town of-Vail, he had-discussed the procJis used in designations,their.history, and their intent. His opinion "". irrlt-irtJ-int.nt of the viewcorridor was being met- Further discuslion iror-tt,"-arii.ni" included Ella Knox andGordon.Brittan, who spoke.out against the granting of these variances, thecondjtional use permit and. the ihange or the modiiication-in tne view corrjdorordinance' Sp-eaking f9r lhe qlgjec[ were Oscan Tang, oiina Donovan and Jaci-iurtin,representing Mrs. Corilandt Hill. At this tlme, Merv Lapin.moved to uphold the Planning Commission decision to allowthe exterior alteratjon based on thl ititf r"rorinauil uii"u April 17, 1990, and'incorporating conditions_1 through 13-ii previously stated, in his motion, withamended conditions as follows: 1' Amend conditlgn ! to say this agreement shal'l be submitted by the owner andapproved by the Town Attorney before a building permit is reieased. -' 2- Amend condition # g to state if a central trash area is built in thevillage, the owners would agree to use the train ricitity and,iw;it-ueencouraged', changed to 'rwi I i partt ci pate i n. i'-'-" ' - 3.ions # 12 and l3-as previousl sta 4. condltion rl ryqs added to state, "The proposed addition of the encroseddeck-along Bridge street wiil hive a giasi roof and be as t;;;r;;;;;;-;sposs i bl e. This motjon was seconded by peg Osterfoss, a vote was taken, and the motron passedunanlmously, 6-0 in favor.- --!rY'r' In regard to the stream setback variance to allow a 2 foot encroachment into therequired 30 foot stream setback, Peggy ostertoss moved-io-grant this varjance touphold the Plannjng commission t"cof,ilnaatjon to ipprou., 6ased on the fact this wasnot-granting special privilege, was noi detrimental'to the-heafilr, iiietv-inJ '- welfare of the community, ani ihere were extraordinary iircumst"nces in that the RedLion building is already located within-the stream tract setback. Jim Gibsonseconded this motion. A vote was taken ana itre motio;-;";;;e-"riniio"rivl-o-0. o-Bridge Stredt E,F'G,Hr 8lock 5A, LION RTSTAIIRANT Vetl Vlllage lst I 304 Lot REDProperty: S 3.360 TotaL Parking Fee In lnstallnents after date,order of the Town of Vail atBuilcling at Val1, colorado, "R*tat o Vall, Colorado, Julv 3, r 1990. f,of value received,the Offlce of the _I pronise to pay to theFinance oirect-orl uuni-ipal Ttrree thousadd thrce hundred slxt ee Down Palment $672.00 the second lnstalltgent of S 847.99 the third installnent the fourth lnstallnrent of S 847.99 of $ E47.99 '7- /- 70 Date the oraers agr€e to pay any increase ls uade wlthln tuo with tnterest of ten percent per annunyearly installnents as followsr The flrst lnstallnent of S 847.99 11ais, on the unpaid balance, payable in 7f.4 lncrease ln the Coonerclal years fron the lssuance of and paYable on 07ll5l9r and payable and payable and payable on 07115192 on 071t5193 on o7lLSl94 Core I parklng fee rfa butlding perult for due due due due rt is ?Ereed that lf tlris note ls not paid when due or declared duehereundert th? prlncLpal and accrued interest thereon strair-araw-iiterestat the rate of tB percen! per annu:tr, and that failure to uirJ-iny-lapentof prlncipal or.lnterest when due-or any defaurt under any j;cunirirr". o,agreenent securJ.ng this note shafl cause the whole note t6 licone-aue at -on9?, or-t!-e interest to be counted as principal, at the opiiorr-Jt-tt.holder of, the note. The nakers and endorsers hereof "e.rerifiv-witv.presentment for p1ry:!t, ^protest, notlce. on nonpalment and oi'piJ[est,. andagree to any extensi.on of tlrre of . palalent. and partiat paltmenls-leior", at,or after rnaturity, and if thls note or interesl ttrereoir it ilt pifa "i.""fue, o5 suit, is brought, agree to pay aLl reasonable cosi= oi-.-ofiection,including reasonable attorneyrs fees. eald thtsproject (Juty 6 ,0). -;t rv" ' lowtl Exletlng: l.lhltehead Caretaker Tolal Propoeed I Unit I Untt 2 Unlc 3 Tocal CRFA 4,6-65-s. f . 566 a.f. 5'237 a,E. 8P sce I lark{ng Requlred Parklnr 2.5 epoces2 errecee 4.5 spaces 7.5 4,5 3,0 -t- 73 |ouih trontrge rold. yrll, coloradg 91667 (30it) {?e2108. (30E 470.213e PerBlr No. 4454 ' - -----otllco ol contnrunlly dnveloprrrnrrl _-' Red Llon Reeldentlal Exterlor Alteratton, July 3, 1990Parklng Fee Analyels for ReELdenttal Expanelon Only 2,5 ?,5 2,5 15 $15r000 total resldentJ.al parklng foe Unlt Unlt zrg54 2,945 2,942 8,741 Toral Proposed Total Exlstlng Requlred Parklug 3.0 apaces x $5,000 - 304 Lot C a I Brldge SEreeu E, F,Grll, Block 5A, Vatl LIONPropnrty: RED i5, 000rotal eaiEing-FEe In installments after date.order of thE Town of, ValL atBuiJ.ding at Vail, Coloraclo, Vlllage lsc PROJECT RUD LLoN RESID. EXf , l,ttRf.tJT tt0. i45l, Vail, Col.orado,JuIy 3 1990 for value recel.ved, f promise to pay to t:1,.::the Offlee of the Finance Directirl:, l.l,,rrii r-...-, Ftfteen thousand Do 1..1. a rr'; ,ocal Parxing Down Payment with interest of ten percent per annum on the u'paicr bal.arrce,yearly lnEtaLlnents as foLlowi: The first lnstallment of S 3,785.65 d,ue and payabJ.e on 07 / l5/9)' the second lnstallnent of $ 3,795.65 due arrd payable on Q7 /15l9t tlre tlrlrd installrnent of $ f ,ZgS,gS due arrd payabte orr ()t /llll],t the f,iurth lnstallrnent of $ f .Zg:.gS due and payable o. 07 ltllgh L---- y3 0scar and rgnkl 'Tang rt iE agreed that if this note is not, paid when due or dec:lar:ect clr.rrrhereunderr the prlncipal and accrued lirteresL tt.r"t.on atrall il::ar.r jni..,,at the rate of 18 percent per annum, and that failure tc rnal:e ir)l' l)i,,..iof principal or.interest when clue or any default urrcler nrry i.nc:rrnrir,-r,,',agreentent securing thls note shall cause tlre whole note t.o b?r.:crlur,r rlr,,oncE, or the interest to be counted as prlncipal, at tlrc opt-.j9rr of i::..,hoLder of the not'e' The rnakers and end-orsers'hereof sever:a1li, r.ri\rr/c.PreseliLnent for payrnent, -protes!, notice or1 nonpaynrerlt a,)cl oI. n11(.rdn1;i.-agree Lo any extension of tine of payment and pirtiar pa-yrner)t-.r,:'lrc:I,-rr:.r. :.:^uf:3"_I?lulltyl and. 1f this not,E 6r inrerert, rr,er"oir. is rrot: pai.rl i.t.due, or.sult is brought, agree to pay all reasonable cos;ts of cr-r.l..l oi;i iincluding reasoryr.ple attorieyrs fei:sl the o.,orcre agree lnc::a "".s e ls nade any lncreaee tntvo yeare f rom the Comme rc 181 lhe lssuance of Core I por:l<lttJi 1sc, l[ 1:rrltl a bul1d1ng 1:etnrlt f r,lr tlrl,: co Paywlthin Oscarby: DELI\ I,INU f1O)Ul-t9L / -,.OVJ-.{t 9-t t 9.)J|ll"_.gr>V lU..lV nU.UU.f f .Ur)a t lnwn tS roshliod.eo rord r.ll. oolor.do El85t (3a)fi$2138 (16) ft92r3e ?erolc No. 4454 ,Red Llon Restaurant E(terlor Alteralloa''Jtily 3r 1990 Parklng Fee Analyete for Reeteuraot Expaastou Ooly Nell Deck Enclosed (eeetlng area only) Sq. Ft. r35 offii. ol comrilr{ly deidopnenl Parklng Soaccs 1.12 1.12 garklag rcqulred x * The ecaff, cheched the dlnlng area hgs been have all been pald. $3'000' $3,360 totel fce. fluaace reeords gnd found the ellstlng cocloscil covered by prevlous parklng fees. Ttreec fecg MINUTES VAIL TOI,IN COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 7, 1.990 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vajl Town 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT:Kent Rose, Mayor Tom Steinberg, Mayor Pro Tem Lynn Fritzlen Jim G'i bson Merv Lapin Robert LeVine Peggy 0sterfoss None Ron Phillips, Town Managen Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: There was no Citizen Participation, the first item on the agenda, Next was a public hearing on the 1990-91 parking policies. stan Berryman gave an 'i ntroduction to the hearing stating the Parking and rransportation Advisory Committee had met several times to discuss recommendations for these policies. Arnold U1 levig then gave an in-depth presentation regarding the proposed policies and the reasoning for the changes from the current practices. He then he'l d aquestion and answer session with CounciI and the public. Trevor Bradway felt thepolicies were discriminatory against Village workers and those who had paid into theparking fund for parking spaces in the Village Transportation Center. Josef Staufer commented that making employees (who get off work at 2:00 a.m.) park in Ford Parr was unfajr. There was some discussion regarding emp'l oyees getting off at late hours, and why coupons worked well before and some people hated to get ri d of them, Much discussion by the public and Council ensued regarding pros and cons. Rob LeVine made a motion to table the item and send it back to the Advisory Committeefor further review. Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. Jim Gibson stated he wantedto pass the program with the following conditions: Iift restrictions on the Village parking structure parking; parking free at Ford Park; and other modificatjons to be made as the program went a'long. He felt this was a step in the right direction. Mayor Rose explained why he felt it should go back to the commjttee. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, with Lynn Fritzlen and Jim Gibson opposed. RonPhillips asked Council to specifically name the items they felt the Advisory Committee should review. Lynn Fri tzlen felt the added stress on employees becauseof the parking and housing situations was bad, and the plan could help by providing a pass specifical1y targeted to Village employees. Rob LeVine thought the Village Transportatjon Center could be shared by a first come, first served basis by accessor price; include the coupons at a reasonable rate; and there be one pass with norestrictions for $750, that the person could come and go as he pleased. Mayor Rose remarked since the aud'i ence felt the blue parking passes would promote more cars in the Village than the coupons, he felt a combined window sticker and coupon program was good and would work. He added he did not think there should be any summer charges for the Village park'ing structure, and was not sure differential nates on everything in the Village structure was proper. Jim Gibson thought a blue pass should have "a number of times used" and notrrnumber of days." Peggy 0sterfoss comnented the audience wanted to have the ability to do what they wanted and parking where they wanted, and paying more was not an issue. The third item was a Consent Agenda of the fo'llowing jtems: A. Approval of Minutes of July 3 and 17, 1990 Meetings B. 0rdinance No. 19, Series of 1990, second reading, an ordinance modifying Section 18.13.080(A) of the Municipal Code of the TOV regarding density contro'l for the primary/secondary zone district (Applicant: Town of Vail) C. 0rdinance No. 24, Series of 1990, second readjng, an ordinance making supplemental appropriations from the Town of Vail general fund, capital CounciI was held on Tuesday, August 7, 1990, atof the VaiI Municipa1 Bui1ding. Eagle Val1ey fund, special parking the real estate transfer tax fund,for the Town of Vai1, Colorado; appropriations as set forth D. 0rdinance No' 28, Series of 1990, second reading, an ordjnance amend.ing theplan document of the Town of vai1 employees' pension plan; and settin!-forth detaj'l s in regard thereto. E. Ordinance No.29, Seri es of 1.990, second reading, an ordinance amending theTown's Police and Fire pension pian document suSject to approval bysixty-five percent (65%) of the Town's Police and Firemen; and setfingforth details in regard thereto. F. 0rdinance No. 30, Series of 1990, second reading, an ordinance amending thetrust agreement pursuant to the Town of vai1 employees' pension plan; indsetting forth detai1s in regard thereto, G. Resolution No. !8, Serjes of 1990, a resolution authorizing certajn Town employees and officers to sign checks drawing on an operating account to be opened by the Town at the FirstBank of Vail and further authorizing certajn employees of the Town to make deposits jn said account. H. Resolution No. 19, Series of 1990, a resolution authorizing the Town ofVail to rent a safe deposit vault at the FirstBank of Vail and authorizingcertain officers to sign a lease therefor, to terminate the lease, to surrender the box, return the keys, and release the Bank from any liabilityin connection therewith. Merv Lapin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. There was no djscussion by Council or the public. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Lynn Fritzlen was out of the room atthe moment. Next was Ordinance No. 25, Series of 1990, second reading, an ordinance anrending Special Development District No.23, the Vail Nationa'l Bank Building, and settingforth the details'i n regard thereto. Mayor Rose read the full title of theordinance, Mike Mollica stated the only change made since first readjng was under Section 4.E. A new paragraph had been added. Larry Eskwith then discussed Vail Associates' waiver of right of reverter clause which Jim Gibson had questioned at the first reading. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, gave background information regarding the parking situation, and did not feel the ordinance's new paragraph 4.E. was fair. After some discussion by Council and Jay, a motion to approve the ordinance on second reading with the additiona'l language was made by Merv Lapin. A second came from Rob LeVine. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, with Tom Steinberg and Lynn Fritzlen opposed. Fifth on the agenda was 0rdinance No. 22, Series of 1.990, first reading, an ordinance amending SDD No. 7, commonly referred to as the Marriott Mark Resort, andthe development plan in accordance with Chapter 1.8.40 of the Vai1 Municipal Code; and setting forth details in regard thereto (714 West Lionshead C'i ncle, Lots 4,7, C, D, Block 2, Vail-Lionshead 3rd Filing) (Applicant: M-K Corporation - Kaiser Morcus and Marriott Corporation). The full title was read by Mayor Rose. Jim Gibson made a motion to table thjs item until the September 4 evening meeting, per the appl icantrs request. Rob LeVine seconded the motion. Kristan Pritz explained what rezoning the applicant was trying to change to and why. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Next was 0rdinance No. 27, Series of 1990, first reading, an ordinance amending Chapter 18.04 of the Vajl Municipal Code by the addition of Section 18.04.035 Bnew Pub; and amending Section 18.28.030 of the Municipal Code to add Brew Pub as apermitted use in the Conmercial Service Center zone district; amending Chapter 18.28.040 of the Vail Municipal Code by the addition of Brew Pubs that sell beer wholesale and Brew Pubs which sell fifteen percent of the manufactured beer or alefor off-site consumption as conditional uses to the Commercial Service Center zonedistrict; amending Chapter 18.28 of the Vai'l Mun'icipal Code to provide certainrestrictjons jn the operation of a Brew Pub; and setting forth details in regardthereto. The full title was read by Mayor Rose. Andy Knudtsen gave brief background information on the request. He stated three changes to the Code which had to happen regarding this request for a brew pub: 1) it had to be defined; 2) Council had to nrake a brew pub a use by rjght; and 3) they had to state specific projects fund, Cormunjties for Drug-Free assessment fund, Vail marketing fund andof the L990 budget and the financial plan and authorizing the expenditures of said herei n. -2- items for conditiona'l use. After some discussion, Andy then answered questions ofCouncil. Merv Lapin then made a motion to approve the ordinance, which Jin Gjbsonseconded. Larry Eskwith suggested combining the two conditional uses shown in theordinance into only one. Merv then amended his motion to approve the ordinance andto combine both conditional uses into one, and Jim amended his second. A vote was, taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. l, Seventh on the agenda was an appeal of the PEC decision to approve requests for anJt.r exterior alteratjon and'l andscape variance in order to construct an addition to the,4( 'ffi;ii.::,?0"!:;:,1'3;5,?:l:" (0"" Lancelot Restaurant). Kristan Pri tz gave background information on the exterioralteration request and explained why staff recommended approval with two conditions: 1. The applicant must remove railings surrounding the patio from November 1to May 1 of each year. 2., The applicant must participate in a project involving the property owners and the Town's Public Works Departnent in an effort to resolve drainage problems adjacent to the Bell Tower Building. These drainage problems are a result of theundirected drainage off of the building. Staff does not feel that the app'l icant should be required to provide the solutjon individually. Hotvever, staff feels it isfair to require him, as a property owner in the building, to participate and pay forhis fair share as deemed by the building association. Any drainage improvements necessjtated by the deck enclosure shall be addressed by the applicant in the Design Review Board submjttal and bui'l djng permit plans. ' Kristan then reviewed the landscape variance request and explained the reasoning for the request, She stated the staff recommended approval of the variance, and reviewed the Planning and Environmental Commission's vote fon appnoval of 5-2. Kristan answered questions of Council. Peggy Osterfoss felt these were good ideasfor the area. Tom Stejnberg commented sho aqreement wilic rToss maqe a motl0n upno addition to the Bell Tower Build'i ng, finding that the grant'i ng of th'i s variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege, and was substantiated by the Vail Village Master Plan which encourages a wide vari ety of activitjes, events, andstreet life along pedestrian ways and plazas, and including the conditions requ'i redin the staff memorandun dated July 23, 1990. The motion was seconded by MervLapin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Peggy Osterfoss then made a motion to uphold the PEC's decision to approve a variance request to reduce the landscaping to increase the Lancelot's deck. She stated the granting ofthis variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege, and was in compliance with the Vai'l Village Master Plan, and inc'l uding the conditions that the landscaping be added between the two bui'l dings, and bench/possib'l e boulder/Aspentree be added to the Gore Creek Promenade greenspace as mitigation for the reductionof the landscaped area. Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Next was an appeal of DRB approval of the proposed residence at 3010 Booth Creek Drive (Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Village 1lth Fi'ling) (0wner: George P. Cau'lkins,Jr.). Shel 1y Me11o gave background information regard'i ng the request. Eliot Goss, an architect representing the Caulkins, presented the Council with drawings of the building in question. Kristan and She'l ly then answered questions of Council. Werner Kaplan presented to Council for their review photographs of resjdences'i n the neighborhood, stating reasons why he was opposed to the building of the new home next door. Harry Frampton, a neighbor, requested Council overturn the DRB decision because he felt the Swiss style chalet in a contemporary neighborhood was totally out of p1 ace, plus the house needed a garage. August Grassis and Byron Rose, ne'ighbors, supported Mr. Framptonrs statements. Pepi Gramshammer felt the house wasfine and should be approved, that everyone should have the right to build his/her own home. George Caulkins read aloud a letter he received from Rod Slifer in support of the chalet style as far as real estate price was concerned- After much discussjon by Council, staff, and the public, Merv Lapin made a motion to uphold the DRB decision with the conditions the shutters be done in a solid colon, a landscaping plan be incorporated on the open area, and a two car garage be put on the property. Rob LeVine seconded the motion. Ned Gwathmey stated how the DRB had come to jts decision. A vote was taken and the motjon passed 4-3, with Mayor Rose, Tom Stejnberg, and Lynn Fritzlen opposed. Mike Cacioppo gave reasons why he was against the Council's decisjon. -3- '! At this time, Counci1 decided to take the'l ast two items out of order to expeditethe last item a member of the public was waiting to address. Therefore, action onproposed lease between the TOV and the Eagle County School District for a playgroundat the Red Sandstone Elementary School site at 551 North Frontage Road was'neil. There was no discussion by council or the public, except to delite the staff recommendation that the lease be conditioned on the School District renewing theTown's lease on the elementary school gym. Merv Lapin made a motion to appiove thelease agreement, which was seconded by Jim Gibson. A vote was taken and the motionpassed unanimously 7-0. Discusslon regarding an appeal of a DRB decision on the Wittemyer residence whichincluded a new detached garage and gondola building and a revised front entry (338 Rockledge Road; Lot 1, Block 1, vail valley 3rd Fiiing) (Applicant: Mr. wiltemyer) was next. Mike Mollica remarked this item, which had been approved by the DRB, had been cal led up by the Council. He presented drawings of the plans and a scale modelof the detached garage and house. Mike added it had been a unanimous decision toapprove the plans by the DRB. Ned Gwathmey, chairman of the DRB, gave additionalinformation regarding the plans and DRB's reasoning for the decision made. Johnl,littemyer also added background information. Ned ihen answered questions ofcouncil. Lynn Fritzlen made a motion to uphold the DRB decision, which peggy 0sterfoss seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-1, with pterv-Llpin opposed. There being no further business, this meeting was adjourned at 12:15 a.m. ATTEST: Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman L Respectful 1y submitted, Pamela A. Brandmeyei, Tofin-fTEFk -4- I I ri-,!c AN ORDINANCE AMENDING S THE TOldN OF VAIL TO CORE I AND COMMERC(98,000) pER SpACE; AND I,IHEREAS, the Town Councll wis Commerclal Core I and Commercial )LJ ORDINANCE Serl es N0. 6of 190T- ECTION 18.52.160 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF SET PARKING IN LIEU FEES FOR COMMERCIAL IAL CORE II AT EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. hes to increase the parklng ln lleu fees for Core II to reflect inflation and the increased costs of constructing parking spaces. Nol4l, THEREFORE, be lt ordalned by the Town councll of the Town of vall, Co lorado: 1. Sectlon 18.52.f60 B (5) of the Munlclpal Code of the Town of Val1 is hereby amended to read as follows: I 18.52.160 B (5) The parklng fee to be paid by any owner or applicant is hereby determined to be eight thousand dollars ($8,000) pen space. This fee shall be automatically increased every two (2) years by the percentago the Consumer price Index of the Clty of Denver has increased over each successive two (z) year per.i od. 2. Section 18-52.160 B (S) is hereby repealed in its entirety. 3. If any part, sectlon, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this 0rdinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validlty of the remaining portions of this 0rdinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this Ordlnanie, and each part, sectlon, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regard'less of the fact that any one or more parts' sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalld, 4- The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this 0rdinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vai'l and the lnhabltants thereof. 5. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municlpal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this 0rdinance shall not affect any right whlch has accrued, any duty lmposed, any vlolatlon that occurred prlor to the effecfive date hereof, any prosecuilon commenced, nor any other action or proceed'i ngs as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision heneby shal l not revive any provision or any ordinance prevlously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. tt ' 6' Ar1 byraws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, lnconslstent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such lnconslstency.tl]t repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resorution orordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. 7' Thrs ordinance shail become effective immediately, with an excep6on forproJects which receive final Deslgn Review Board or planning and Environmental cormissron approval by May 1, 1gg1. sard projects wit be eligible to pay theprevious parking ln lieu fees sholld a bullding permit be recelved by November l,1991. i II'ITROOUCED, READ, AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING thts h,rrt" , 1991, and a public hearlng shall be held nt6 day of on this ordinance onthe: d,d day of ((vit i ' 199r, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers ofthe Vall Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered publ ished ln ful I thls _l q.4_ day of ATTEST: ' 7na^ef.,, 1991. INTRODUCED, READ, AND APPROVEb v .=......- "1.' ..4. . AND ORDERED PUBLISHED or Ar?at , 1991. ON thi s SECOND READING &'vL aav ATTEST:; ; t t '[iel4 ),,b, il u"';/ nwn;r ww+ I f'f \o,Z*t ft t44' A request to amend a condition of a previously approved exterior alteration, regarding the CCI parking pay-in-lieu fee for the Red Lion Building, located at 3O4 Bridge StreeVLob E, F, G and H, Block 5A, Vall Village First Filing. TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.IECT: 1,77'12 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 27, 1992 Ary. Applicant: Planner: Vencura, Ltd/Jay Pelerson Mike Mollica I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Jay Peterson, acting on behalt of the owners of the Red Lion Building, Vencura, Ltd., is requesting that the Town amend a condition of a previously approved exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone district. During the spring of 1990, the applicanb received the necessary Town of Vail approvals to redevelop the Red Lion Building. These development approvals Included a site coverage variance, a stream setback variancs, a conditional use permit for an outdoor dining deck, an exterior alteration lor Commerclal Core I and a modification to View Coridor No. 1. Subsequent to the Planning and Envlronmental Commlssion's review of the above requesb in 1990, th€ Town Coutrd cisions of the PEC and called up the redevelopment proposal for revie Town Council reviewed the PEC decisions. During the review of the ei f,-?pproval, the Town Counciladded an additional condition of approval. This condition specifically stated that the applicant would be required to pay any incremental increase in the Town's pay-in-lieu parking fees that may be establishsd within two years from the tims a building permit is issued for he project. As indicated in he attached minutes of this meeting, this additional condition ol approval was accepted by the applicant's represenktive, Jay Peterson, at the previous Town Councilevening meeting on April 17, 1990. tt ls thls condltlon ot the exterlor alteratlon approval wlth whlch the appllcant ls requestlng to be deleted. e Town Council approved Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1991 , on second retrtliiifrfhiS-ordinance specifically amended Section 18.52.160 of he Vail Munlclpal Code and set the parking-in-lieu lees for Commercial Core I and Commercial Core ll at $8,000 per parklng space. Subsequent to the approval ol this ordinance the parking pay-in-lieu fees, for development within Commercial Cors I and Commerclal Core ll, were set at $3,000 per commercial space and $5,000 per residential space. The result in this increase in the parking pay-in-lieu fee, for the Red Lion Building redevelopment, resulted in an additional fee of $14,600. The fee calculated under the 'old'system, totaled $18,360. The fee calculated under he 'new' system, equals $32,960. I - ,_-* II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The stafl.does not have p lormal recommendation of the appllcants request to delete Gottdltion No. 12 ot the flbrior alteraton rcquest lor the Red Uon Builtfng. lt ls the staffs posldon that becaus€ Condltion No. 12 of he exbrior alterailon appmval was a @nditon spedflcally addo0by the Town Council, that the Goundl shouH make the deeJslon b either approva or deny tte applicant's request. clPEdrEx)B\fiEDUOtt?27 oI t7o,- re -*€ N ,:: -&. "*i+.n .eE*<- .* l],t* | g? "//*t4/"* 4e^ d4, b)z e rsc) "/r4/ 4 * reft'*tl " f'{o, .o"e4,4 "/fn A # Iv1;ta- {\ 5''tl-a".$q tod[-ra^- Ero MAY 1 31992J.tY IL Pp:rBnson .ATTORIIEY AT I,ITW SUITE 3O7 VAIL NATIONAL BANK BUILOING IOA SOUTH FRONTAOE ROAD WEST VAIL COIORAIN Aff67 TELEPHONE (303) 476-0092 FAX LIN E t3031 479-0467JAY K. PETERSON Uay 12, L992 ?\.s\t Ms. IGistan Pritz Town of Vail, Planning Department 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 RE: Parking Fee for The Red Lion Inn Condominiums Dear Kristan: Pursuant to our past conversations I am reguesting that the parking fees for The Red Lion Inn Condominiuns be placed as an agenda iternbefore the Vail Town CounciL. ff you renenber, we had agreed that ifparking fees increased during the two year period following our approval , we would pay such increase. It was our assumption at thatpoint in time, that other people coning through the process would also be asked to pay the increase. Since that tine, however, two app)-ications have been approved without such reguirement and I amtherefore asking relief from our condition in the interest offairness. PLease notify me at your convenience when the Tolln council desires to hear this matter. Sincerely, a tt ravired g/i7gr .IPPLICIIION I. This procedure is requiredvariance. The applicaLion information is submitted. O b,n JUN 2b €ea Application Date- MEETING OO"W FOR r VtRIrltCE for any project requesting awill not be accepted until all A. NAI4E OF APPLICANTVencura. Ltd. (formerLv RetaServ-) ADDRESS 100 Park Avenue, Nev York, NY 10017 pHONE 2L2-37O-LLIO NA!{E OF ADDRESS APPTICAI\IT' S REPRESENTATITfE Jay K. Peterson SulEe 307, ValL National Bank Buildi NAME OF ogsNER (S) ADDRESS owNER(S) (r or print)Vencura SIGNATURE (S) 100 Park Av New York. NY 10017 PHONE-49J.LLL!II- D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT--J.LI*G- and It BLOCKA FILrNG First ADDRESS 304 Brid FEE $250 - 00 P^rD b THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the nanes of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional inforrnation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is comptete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI,ETE APPLICATION WILIJ STREAI{LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT T}TE PLANNING A]'ID ENVIRONMENTAL COMI4ISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE' AtlL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT MI'ST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF TTTE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NAIURE OF ?HE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGUI,ATION IWOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST AI-,SO ADDRESS: B. c. 1. The relationship of the reguested variance to other existing -or potentiaf uses and structures in the vicinity. ;. rrrfegree to which rerief rrolne stricr orliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achieveconpatibility and uniformity of t,reaLment amongsites in the vici4ity or to attain the objectivesof thi.s title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, tran-portation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your request complies with Vail, s Comprehensive p1an. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least Ltt = 20' stamped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor including locations of all existingimprovements, including grades and elevations. Other elements which nust be shown are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at feast 1', - 20, showingexist.ing and proposed buildings. A1l preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site A prelirninary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners, associationl thenwritten approval from the association in support of theproject nust abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as det,ermined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as deternined by the zoningadministrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the designated submittal date. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if constructionis not comrnenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separate review by any 1oca1, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofVail, the application fee shall be increased by$200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot l-imited to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee, If, at the applicant's requestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha1l be paid by the applicant. 'f., B. D. E. A. B. A.\t c.a ,t I apprrcatlns deemed by the communitlevelopment Department. to have signiflcant deslgn' J.and use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the corununity nay require review by consultants other that. town staff. Should a deternination be made by the townstaff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Conmunity Developnent may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount sha1l be forwarded to the Town by tbe applicant at the time he files his application with the conmunity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultantstrall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by tbe Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall. be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. o NAI,IES OF AETACEIIT PROPERTY OWNERS t. ltlll Creek Court Oorrdoniniun Aesoclatl,onc/o vail Home Rentalt 143 E. lteadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 2. @Iden Peak Condoniniun Aeeociation 278 Eanson Ranch RoadV{liI, Colorado 81657 3. ld[r.'gretta B. Parks P.O. Box 373L2 DGrwor, Colorado 80237 4. Cortlandt lrlll 311 Bridge Street Vail , Colorado 81657 5. clarl( l{lllinghan Placa Lodgn Condoninirrn Ageocl.ation 291 Bridge Streetvil.l , colorado 8165? 6. Rucksack Condoninium AEsoel.ationc/o landnark Conmercial Developnent Conpany crlo Rosenquist & AsEociates P.O. Box 686 VaiI , Colorado 81558