HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION COMMON 275 3outh lrontrge road yrll, coloredo 81657 (303) 47S2138 (303) '17$2139 Ytay 22, 1989 oflice ol communlty deyelopment Ms. Kathy Warren Peel/Warren ArchitectsP.O. Box 3370Vail, Colorado 91658 Re: Exterior alteration for the Red Lion Inn Dear Kathy, The staff has completed a preliminary review of your proposal for tneRed Lion rnn. r would appieciate it-if you would suuinit-ttrefollowing inforrnation by May 31, 19g9: 1. ln inprovenent surxfey for the property showing the propertyIines and location oi the buirclini, aecr areai, and-landscaping. 2. A site plan,showing the property line on the west, north,and south side of the renoAel . 3. A floor plan for the proposed enclosed area. 4. A Title Report with Schedule B to check easements andownership. If there is a condoninium association, theyurust also approve the request in a letter. 5. A statement of how the remodel will effectpedestrianization. rn addition, the staff bas the following cornments concerning thedesign: 1. we strongry encourage the owners to consid.er increasing thetransparency of the roof. we wourd suggest using a grissceiling for the front third of the rooi] We recornrnend thisapproach as rde feel it wilr make the enclosure more rike agreenhouse. The increased light in the bar area willimprove the appearance of the structure from the street. ,L z. We woul.d also ask the owners to consider the possibility ofdecreasing the enclosure in order to increase outd.oor pltiospace. Ideally, we would like to see dining along the-westside of the bar enclosure. our intent is t5 nain€ain, ifnot increase, the outside dining space. 3. I{e would like to see additionar randscaping on the southside of the outdoor patio. Landscaping-could be used tosoften. the stark appearance of the builaing neeting theasphalt. rt_ is also required that you suburit a List of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the Red Lion property. you are responsiblefor giving.us tbe correct nailing addrlsses. we wilr need tireownership information by May 23t LgBg, in order to publish for the,tune L2 PEC neeting. r arso want to nake sure that you und,erstand that if the bar isenclosed, parking fees will be charged for the area enclosed. Thisrs a factor that the owners should understand as r know the budgetwas an issue. As you wilr recalr from our meeting on site last week, the ownerswilL still be required to rnove the wind,ows encr-osing i,he rar area, byJune 15, 1989. You nay include in your request tlre owner,s desire tovoid this condition of approval if ineir ndr "erodel request isapproved by the PEC on ,tune r.2. rf you have any questi6ns auout thestaff comments, please feer free to live rne " citi at 479-213g. Sincerely, \/. I o.r llrrhfr itrfi7 Kristan priiz Senior Town planner KP: lr T \l 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479'2139 June 14, 1989 otfice ol communily development Ms. Kathy Warren Peel/Warren ArchitectsP.O. Box 3370VaiI, Colorado g16b8 Re: Exterior al-teration for the Red Lion fnn, PEC neeting - June L2, L9B9 Dear Kathy, After the PEC meeting on June 12, you asked me to find out if thestaff courd support the Red t-,ion exterior alteration if operablewindows were added to both the north and south elevations of theencrosure- we discussed your question and would suggest that youfirst discuss the PEC and staff cornments with your owner and theoltner of the building. we would like to know what they think aboutthe recommendations rnade at the meeting. we wourd also like to haveactuaL drawings to look at before we give you a final opinion on thisdesign change. In general, the staff-opinion was that addingoperable windows to the north and south elevations wouLd not go farenough to address the staff concerns. We would like to meet with the restaurant owners as well as thebuilding owner in order to explain, face to face, our recommendationsfor improving the design. rf it is at all possibre to meet with theowners, please let us know. Peter Patten also discussed an idea for expanding patio space withKevin, the manager of the restaurant. The concept-would Le to adddining in the area of ttre planter along Bridge Slreet. This is sornerr'rhat difficult to explain in a retter wiihout looking at adrawing. However, if you talk to Kevin, r am sure ne wilr know !,/hatI am referring to. Another very irnportant issue is that you submit the ownership retterfron the buildinq onner to our office by June 26. rf we do not have i:i t ,1 t' this retter in trand, r feel it is inappropriate for you to proceed toPranning cornrnission. The staff arlowla you to go to nlanni-ngcommission on June r"2 due to sorne confus-ion ovei submittalrequirements when.you-originarry started working with the staff. wefelt some responsibirity.for this problem due t6 the change inplanners through_the review procesl. .However, in rny retter dated May22, r specifically asked for condorninium associatioi appro.r"i.---Please address this issue as soon as possible. rf r d;-not receivethe retter from the building owner by June zt, the proposar wirl needto be tabled. r hope you cin understand our re..oning^ "n inir-- -- issue. r also wanted to ret you know that the owners wirl need to sign arevocable right of lray permit for the randscaping encroachrnent onTown. of vail property. This wirl becone a coiraiiion of any approvarfor. the project. rt is also irnportant for the owners to understandthat when seibert circle is relocated closer to the Red Lionbuilding, it rnay be necessary to rework the landscaping proposea witnthis deck enclosure. r-f y"y have any guestions about the cornments in this r.etter, preasefeel free to call me at 479-zr3}. Thank you for your attention tothese items. r hope we can work out a delign thal wilr n. p"=itivefor aII of us. Sincerely, l\l/ | tJ t 4(rrrran lffrl\l r) L\( I t. | ',-r Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP: Ir cc; Peter Patten lnwn 75 south lrontage road. yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479.2138 (303) 479-2.t39 JuIy L4, 1989 !!s. Kathy 9larren P.O. Box 3370Vail , Colorado 81658 Re: Red Lion KP:1r cc: Peter Patten otfice of community development Dear Kathy, I arn writing to confirm our conversation before the council neeting onJuly llth. r wanted to let you know that when you resubrnit plans iorthe Red Lion exterior alteration, r would rike Lo have two weeks toreview the proposal and write the memo before the Planning Conmissionrneeting. The next PEC meeting is on August j_4. Also, it will benecessary that you subroit the Red Lion ownership approval at the sanetine. rf you wish to be on this neeting agendal ptease submit yourplans by July 31-, l-989. If you have any guestions about thisreguirement, please feel free to catl ne it qzg-Ztza. -$.U."!tU Senior Planner :6) coNsrRucnoN PERMIT*ffif, lffi dopartmant of mmmunity developrnent TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT El eutLotnc E pr-uugtnc El rrecrRrcru [ FoUNDATIoN N MECHANICAL tr LEGAL DESC. LOT- BLI(-, RED LION BLDGFILING JoBNAME: HUGHES PRECIOUS METAL OWNER NAMF TOM HUGHES MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. ARCHITECT FIRI' MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu EAGIE IALLEY CAI'ISIIEN ,orr" o, uo,r rru. "o. 238-8 teLE.4l 6-7 7 60 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR F|RM DoUBLE DTAMOND SERVICE rowN oF vArL BEG. No. 134-8 47 6-627 2 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TEI.E. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 911g ocT. 9. 1989 0041 42 r. wPE oF col{sTRUcTloN I ll lll I v v 2. OCCUPAI{CY GROUP AEEH IRM DIVISION 122a34 cENERAI- DESCRIPTIOtI OF wORK : - REMOVAL OF AN INTERTOR NO-BEARTNG PERMIT NO. "--' '- 2o F fJ BUIOING 2,500 ELECTRICAL 500 PLUMEIt{G p MECHAI{ICAL TOTAL 3,000 WPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES EUILDING PERMIT 54 Lnfr E/74 0K# p16 b/,w { PLAN CHECK 35 ELECTRICAL 44 NEW ALTERATION IO ( AOOITTONAL I REPAIR (PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT- - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE THICKNESS OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CtEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 Exr.wALLS | | |USE TAX TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 233.00 JOE NoRRTS oCT. 9, 1989 AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALsr.cur I l*l trr-oTNc-orrrcnL -- - - EATE INTNG AOMINIS'RATOR OATE BLASTING )NING & BUILOING NOTES: IVIAIN IAIN FIRE RATING. oEMo I lxl I hereby acknowledgo that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information ancl plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subilivision codes, design revi€w approyed, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanp{of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO!nrnlTt t-l E"{-0-t\1?I-\f'T l?ih.si..rr"l +c"'11 SIGNATURE OF OWNEF OR CONTRACTOR FOR ]{IMSELF AND THE OWNER.Ur-.r Go. ?t,,<z EPzutlotttcffi=ecrarc*t fl MECHANTCAL D! D X fi CONSTRUCTION PERMIT deprtnrom of community dcolopmont TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISST'ANCEOF TYPEOFPERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION )r . LEGAL DESC. LOT-BLI(-1i FTLTNG n"rgi5 JoBNAME: H.^".\'ts !c., *u*. ,{tLle OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ctw Plt. ARCHITECT FIRTI MAIT ADDRESS CTTY Plt. GENERAL CONTRACTOR '\ |_ ,,zRR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO^ /.. V \J ,i-1 , "t "t, r'TFIF q /(r / { L. \,) ELECTRICAL aqM D" *L[ ]1,,. -^.,...L S.(, TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.r/lJF.tt(,trettJt( P[UMBING RRM TOAIN OF VAIL FEG. NO. UUN I KAUIUK MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRIT TOWN OF VAIL FEO. NO. TELE NLrl E - Wrt rJr rEnMll at, Dc|\Brl r!,II rrlrctol,C | ^l^^p6s m\ a\x-l PERMIT NO. qA I.TYPE OFC!flSTRUCTTOH I I ll| lV Y E OCCUPATICY GROUP A B E H I R X DlvlSlON t22' 31 GE ENIL DESCRIPIION OFIryORK : TYPE GROUP G.RF.A. VALUATION NEW( ) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONA! ( ) REPATR( ) DWELLTNG Ut{tS - A@OU OOAnONU{rS- HEIGHTINFT. - NO.FIREPTACES INSUI.ATION: TYPE THIcxNESTi RVALLUE ADOITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDEO: INITIAL I hereby acknowledge that I halre read this application, filted out In full the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the lnformation provided as required is corecl I agreo to comply with th6 information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure sccording lo the Town's zoning and subUivision codes, deslgn review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher prdinances of the Town applicable tiereto-.f S'^-' C-*l SIGNATURE OF OIYNER 08 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIF AND THE OWNER. I{. rl a 75 south fronlage road Yail, colorado 01657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITTT TIIETOWN OF VAIL TOWN Or VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPIIENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, -ordinance No. d states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , ro"k, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpsterl , portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewair, ;ii;y or publicp1?9" or any porrion rheieot. rhe riehi;i;;;-;n art rown ofVail streets and.Igags is approximateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordi-nance wil] be striliry entorcLo by the iown of vailly?li: works Department- persons found viSratins this ordinancewr.rr |)e glven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not compry wittr -iil-- - notice within the 24 hour time specified,-in"-p"[iic works--Department wilr remove said rnateiiat at trr" exp""Le or personnotl-fie!, The provisions of thii ord.inance ,nili not, beapprlcabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a_way. To-review Ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail- Building Department to obtaincooperation on this uratter. please stop by the Town ofa copy. 'Thank you for your Read and eosition (i.e. , | /^t | ^ ^I n lLl I FqI v |'l I J I uaEe I contractor, owner) \i'(/- ]Ll'lu -11va s^,t :rElZ:lZ- (ati {a r*"at4NS*pec-flBy $EOUEsr (",\r^ ."r* 4'tf-AM CD DATE READY FOR LOCATION: Ieeenoveo CORRECTIONS: JOB NAME MON TUE BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOIINGS / STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND -_=-==-O F,UNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. d rRRH,trruc tr RoucH / wATER Ftna\tr .a. qL.rtrtratr iji{ido;'r,r-iii_rr,rc tr cAS prprNc tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr DD tr FINAL n FINAI ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR - trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL YilF:,]'f cnuen-l tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR ppffisno" PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT lo INSPECTIONTOWN OF L.4,lt lL'l I: REQUEST ' VAIL 'l ra\ a NAME t( \- |\'it''r'"\.' d{\v\e-or+^,r 6W UR D DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TH AM .WAppaoveD ".,1 ' coRRecroNS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERN FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr E- tr FTNAL.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o r9*deowea g/noucx - o tr D tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL D FINAL DATE INSPECTOR Pn$irsnop INSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER \]TUES WED THUR PERMIT NUM ER OF PBOJECT JOB NAME BUftDING: O F-OOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooo NA|LTNG C] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELE tr1 trF tr( F. tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL PROVED coR ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE ,/Z /f,- ry rNSpEcroR FINAL INSPEgTION'S COMPLETED The belov items need to be comolete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box orovided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL BUILDING TEMP0MRY C of 0 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY VICTOR A4ARK DONALDSON . ARCHITECT Box 5C00. Avon, Colorodo 81620 . C03/949-5200 October 11, 1988 Mr. Gary Murrain, Chlef Buildlng Official Town of Vall.Vail, Colorado Hand Delivered Dear Gary: on behalf of the new tenants at theqiiii =''tron and our deelgn and construction team, we sincerely dppriciate your taklngthe tiroe to dlecuss our goafs and your concerne with regardto thiE restaurant operatlon. I bel.ieve that we have a clear underetanding of each others expectatlons and look forwardto completlng this inltial work wlth you for our projected Thanksgivlng (very inportant to us! ) opening. Ae we dlecussed with you, Great Dlvide Constructlon wilt bethe general. contractor and will be needlng to nove as quickly as you can allow wlthin rea€on. My office wlll continue toupdate you with plans and detalls for your revlew and approval. aE the drawings are completed. The contractor will not conmence any new constructlon orstructural nodifications without your approval to go ahead based upon the drawings we will be preparing. Initially, we would like for Web to tear out carpet, remove certain e,rall and celling finiehes and expl.ore the firepl.ace constructionto deternine how to rnake it function properLy with all the approval.s required. We wlll provide the sttuctural details to your office for anystructuraL nodiflcations on the interior ae we have dlecueeed.Mr. Peter Monroe, P.E. will be the structural engineer andwill be availabl.e for any lnquiries fron. you. Gary, please feel free to contact ny office anytine regardingthls project or contact Web at 949-1913, extension #1116. Donaldson, Architect cc: Terry and Jan Ray, et al Great Dlvide Construction lnwn 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlty development June 16 | L987 l{r. Bob Yount Red Lion Restaurant 304 Bridge StreetVai1, Colorado 91657 RE: Deadline for opening the deck windows in the bar area Dear Bob, On June l-6, L987, f explained to you that the staff would bewilling to let you keep the deck windons cl-osed until June 26,L987. It was agreed that after June 261utr, the patio area mustbe opened up and the windov,rs removed. If for some reason youfeel that the construction wiLl continue to have negative - impacts on your restaurant, I vould suggeqt that yorl call peter Patten by June 24, i.987 Wednesday, to arrange a discussion onthe possibility of keeping the deck enclosed. r would not waituntil June 26th to taLk to hin about this possibility if youfeel that you may need to request to keep the windows up.- fwill be out of Town until June 25th. rf you need to talk to aPlanner, please contact peter patten at 476-2000. He is theDirector of community Development and is faniliar with the issueof the Red Lion Deck enclosure. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely. ,,/ \ n fti{a'"Y1 Kristan Pr Town Plann \ 1 L-r itz or Peter Patten 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olllce ol communlly development June l-6, L987 Mr. Bob Yount Red Lion Restaurant 304 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 8t-657 RE: Deadline for opening the deck windows in the bar area Dear Bob, On June 1-6, L98'/ | I explained to you that the staff woul_d bewilling to let you keep the deck windows closed until June 26,l-987. ft was agreed that after June 26tht the patio area mustbe opened up and the windows renoved. ff for some reason youfeel that the construction will continue to have negativeimpacts on your restaurant, I would suggeqt that you call peter Patten by June 24, 1987 Wednesday, to arrahge a discussion onthe possibility of keeping the deck enclosed. I would not waituntil June 25th to talk to hirn about this possibility if youfeel that you may need to request to keep the window- up.- fwill be out of Town until June 25th. If you need to talk to aPlanner, please contact peter patten at 476-7000. He is theDirector of community Developraent and is faniliar with the issueof the Red Lion Deck enclosure. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, (''l^fi,! Kristan Pritz Town Planner cc: Peter Patten Project Application Proirect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owfter, Address and Phone: I / ,.J Architect, Address and Phone: /f"/ ft LegEl D€scription: Lot Filing Zone - 'I Motion by: Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Surf|mgry: E\Staft Approval F.:--.*t- '=(rl'{.m 3 9[o<, -+:tD,a I Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:,';"'," I Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL E st"tt ApprovalTown PlannerIr I ii:)( -jnate' \ 1 | \ lL / &-/ (, ic 6- s^ ! I i?Profect Appllcatlon .i --7 1",| /t' ,\j( u- I Date tL-i.l (-L .,J( r'( t, i 126 trt <- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: cJ FilingLegal De6cription: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL {r*u Approval BY-J R{ {Ic TR t, -iB(-.a rr $f-'lAU*2 il s--.=*_ I I \ t'.:;,. DATE l5 (-..f^\br 'r:'...JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED T J J AM PM CALLER rNSPEcroil TOTN O F FIEEUESiT VAIL FRITUE E penrrar LocATroN FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMMON COMMENTS: E nppRovED EprsneeRovED D uporrr THE FoLLowrNc cdRRecnorus, "H.*rrNSPEcr CORRECTIONS /'i t' { ( -..'DATE Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and o t Project Application o^," s///Ef Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: ,on" o4-2.Legal Description: Lol Block Design Review Board ,^" lf r "-/"tr/' Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL E stati Approval | ,'\ ,, \ . \-,, \, .Lr v{4F)NI 'ftw.N v /vl [' n I 4 a,'f)-7U ' .ll': i I'cil J *a'/ c Jel O/tV Zt),t17go Nadl ?/4 l-'J5a" i, /1 OClhv{/{ dJ th7,i srf * 11v to1 1.io )7&J5,vl ,4nk/taze ' nr.C lL JO I I QnE --l * * gt7-121 7 __rf )t+rq 3619tnt brh"r:r>srrvj +.,,,I\.' I)lgLt)*2/t oNu@) I'3n DATE OWNER OF PROPERTY APPLICATION FOR RTVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAiNTAIN Fence__g_ l{al I,r1 UurtuRE 0N A PuBLic nlGHT-OF-WL Landscapi nE- 0ther NAME OF ADDRESS e or print Red Lion Inn Condominium Association APPLI CANT P.0. Box 3100, Vail, C0. 81658 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: LOTE-h BLOCK 5A SUSO. Va'i1 Vil I age, lst(If necessary, attach description on separate-ifrGE:j Corner lot__g_Inside lot DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURT OR ITEM(S) INTO RIGHT-OF-wAYwrought iron gateAttachp.|ansshowingencroachqe.ni,propertyline,sid, meters' manholes, any.other affecteil aiurtinance in the projeii irea (io icile o"dimensioned) and section(s) as wet't as'elevations (if apbtiiaute). Does structure presently exist? no Proposed date for commencement of construction July 15, 1988 In considerat'ion of the issuance of a revocab'l e permit for the structure above indicated,appl icant agrees as fol I ows : That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basjs is restricted exclu-sively to the Iand above described. That.the.permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in thisappl ication. t. 4. 5. 2. J. 6. 7. 8. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, orfour hours in advance of the time for commenc6ment ofinspection may be made by the Town. his duly authorized agent, twenty construction, in order that proper That the lpRiicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from andagainst all c'l aims, suits, damages, cbsts, losses and expenses in any manner resuttingfrom, arising out of, 0f connected with the erection or maintenance of the aboveidentified structure- That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion' or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys orimpairs the use of tneright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazarl , or the property upon whichthe.encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required foi. uie Ui t'tre public; 9l it lay be-revoked g! any time for any reason deemed sdrfjcient by the Town bf Vaii.That the applicant will remove, at h'is Lxpense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit.That.the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping issociated with the eircroachmenton the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure isnot accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andhave the right to make an assessment against the pr-opeity and col]eci ttre ioits orremoval in the same nanner as general iaxes are cbttbctei.That the permit so issued is not assignable, and is issued so1e1y to the undersignedapp'l icant.10. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this application.11. Special conditions: Date Director of Community oevelopment-Dateulreclor ot Pubttc works gnatu APPROVED: Manager a Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addr$s and Phone: Legal Descriptbn: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Ir t { ,1.., d! t.1 r''t' Staft Approval 75 ioulh frontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllcr of communlly deYelopmont October 31, L988 Mr. Terry Ray 1203 Laranie Street Manhattan, Kansas 66302 Re: Red Lion Dear Mr. Ray: I have received your Ietter dated LO/Z7/gg and the revisedDonaldson drawings dated tL//27/88. The Town of ValL wilLissue the reguested buildinq pemit based upon thisinfornatlon. Our previous concern was related to the viabilityof the design with regard to exlsting requirenents of the RedLion Inn as mandated by the Vall Town Council . The requirementto remove the windows from the deck fron.fune 15 throughSeptenber 15 is still valid and renains in effect. Thisregulrement will remain in effect until otherwise amended orreleased by the Toqrn Council. I appreciate the revisions that have been rnade and your conments assuring the Town that there will be no conflict withexisting regulations. I wish you the best of luck in your opening season. Sincerely, I R"V,-^J Rick SrluranTown Planner ,,?I (*--, r bir l #* : -) ,'.9t,'!. x t3, qF7 =- P,: c | ({tsrtl''( 2-Y't c --L//,/ ,it7- | Lrl \- ttII ItI !i i l IL lt. lli vffi tl ', &" R-o '' tjfiwe .-.e F R.G E P'3Y-ZY 3gAs< ), :ti 'rr (: (j BEST COPY' AVAILABLE Vl a ^. -vZ Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phon€: Coi^n LesatDescriprio^,r^4,Y,&tb ,erocr 5F ,t,r'"g tAtL \JlU,Ad€, ff(qf /1r, 'I'7ana. | ;\/ * Zoning Approvsd: Deslgn Revlew Board t /vr/ DISAPPROVAL /h07tor'l adValE /a^/ filt i? . . ;L, 9 n^'. et|*^cl l4bl _ LIST OF IIATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTIO The following informationto the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall- lr{aterials Fascia Soffits 19indows Ilindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys ' Trash Enclos,res . Greenhouses Other BLOCK is required for submittal bybefore a final approval can Type of MateriaL Color the be FILING Applieant given. t^ I { lrzler0 qryd .$ B.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegccative, LandscapinR l.l; rials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) z\4s \J t4) Corun, n l{gms Quantitv l5*f,'4 2_V8i[_ 6 Size tblf'b+ tb-24Ifr b-b'h+ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Botanical Name ,r&l&dgPmr eM**) It' 'a Page 2 Plant Materials Continued Bo.tanical Name Conrnon Name Slze L(^ {(\ c.) oTHER T-ANDSCAPE FEATURES(Reraining Wal1s, f;;L;;, (Please Speeify) Swirmning pools , etc. ) ttr-, I ti ).s ') '!' a I I I n"t" A llM4u lebl DBSIGN REVIBW BOARD CHECK LIST NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DEscRrpr roN eE-q,fl_lor_!\nlocr DESCRIPT]ON OF PROJECT Prelim FinalApproval Approval Comments Building Location onSite A. Building Considerations' (a 'i Building Configuration Appropriatene.ss with Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Fcrms Use of lrlaterials Choice of Col.or Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideration Disturbance of NaturalFeatures . l\Y Access onto Site Snop fternoval Vehicular andPedestrian Circulation Landseaping Plan Grading Plan Erosion Control Irrigation System Exterior Lighting Retaining Walls Accessory StrucEures C. I'liscellaneous considerations Ot lr<,r CounrcrrLs I :--*_\J 2. -t-;soq3-\ AP\Pf; .o\N/ $q( s--. la IJ$_ 6oJo \5 fi 1t5{} JJ+ a -,zj3 tE, lLl i I I I \ I I I { mo { l $\\z-C\stlrsn $r ro rFTn $=rl .E ffi ry }J N$a5 sJ \)z-rr N\t tr $z F *tlr F U' IIJ = t!",llr:'-.-* \- i.1 ' 'i _ir. _, |/ '.:- t lt /\'--i II il!l th I s r1I' I 3'! C)z5o- tr It I I t I J.i _'j: (l. 00&c! tr $\ * Gt GE tr,l - diJ u.li(J Itdttr 'l t IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OI' EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. f, ( y', tE PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation plaintiff. Vs. TOivN OF VAIL, coLoRADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Council of the Town of Vait: CITATION AND RULE TO SHOW CAUSE AND TO STAY PROCEEDINGS THE PTANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CoMMISSTON OF THE TOWN OP VAIL, GERRY !VHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail: RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREV B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCRE EK CON;f OMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CONDOMINIUN ASSOCIATION. MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CIiRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCI.ATES, INC., THE ETVIPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Defendants. To: Defendants, The Town couneil of the Town of Vail and rhe Town of vail GREETINGS. . You are hereby ordered and direeted to appear before the Honora'le "'//ttt of the Distriet Court of the Countv of Eagle, State of colorado, on the,2?'4aay of {4.-.--* .1981, at l'. u oteloek 4 w., then and there to show eause why the relief requested in the First Claim for Relief of the Complaint herein. against you should not be granted. You are further ordered and--7f,- A direeted, witnin-W days from serviee hereof, to answer in writing and show eause, if any you may or ean have, why the relief requested in the Complaint herein should not be granted. ...1 It is further ordered Town of Vail direct the Town Clerk or any person having custody of the reeords of the Town of Vail to eertify to this Court on or before the date set forth above, ,i'/tzq /f, .1981, the minutes and full and eompleteTtranscripts of the publie hdarings and proeeedings held by the defendants, Town Couneil of the Town of VaiI and the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion and the Appeal upholding the Decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, the exhibits presented or referred to at said hearings and eertified eopies of the zoning ordinance of the Town of Vail, and any and all applieations, petitions, exhibitsr documents, reports, comments, eorrespondenee, maps, memoranda, and any other doeuments eontained in the defendants'files pertaining to the foregoing Request and Appeal. You are further ordered to stay all proeeedings in conneetion with the above matter and to issue no permits relating to the proposed expansion until further order of this Court. Wanda Schmidt, ClerkWITNESS, FttE=H€rN€rE*EEE Court in and for the Countv of of ltz-+,4 .1981. a J*dge++*he District Eagle, State of Colorado, this ,lrn d day wanda scnrnrot, Oterrt CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: prr* (I "+t IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. .f7 C y', r<i' PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation ) )plaintiff, Vs. TOwN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDIC"T; PAUL ) JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Council of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL corvrMISSIoN oF THE TOWN OF VAIL, GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; )RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK coNDoMINIUN ASSOCIATTON, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Defendants. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned and required to file with the clerk of this court an answer or othen response to the attaehed eomplaint. If service of the summons and ' eomplaint was made upon you within the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within 20 days after such service upon you. If serviee of the summons and eomplaint was made upon you outside of the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within 30 days after sueh serviee upon you. If you fail to file your answer or other response to the complaint in writing within the applieable time period, judgment bv default may be entered against you by the court for the relief demand in the eomplaint without further notiee. SUMMONS O; the following documents are also CITATIOT{ AND BULE TO SHOW CAUSE. senved herewith: COMPLAINT, ORDER and GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, 1200 American National Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 534-1200 o PLAZA LODcE, INC., a corporation plaintiff. Vs. TOIVN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, &nd F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CONDO MINIUN ASSOCIATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE. VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIA?ION, IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. .i'z Cr/t / ? ) ) ) ) ) COMPLAINT Defendants. COMES NOW the Plaintiff, by and through its attorneys, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, WALKER AND GRovER, and as ai'ld for a complaint against the defendants, alleges, states and avers as follows: FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF 1. Plaintiff, Plaza Lodge, Ine., is a Texas eorporation duly qualified to do business in the State of Colorado, with prineipal plaee of business in Vail, Eagle Countv, Colorado. 2. Defendant, Town Council of the Town of Vail, is the governing bod-rl of the defendant, Town of Vail, a munieipal eorporation, organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of Colorado. 3. Defendant, Rodney Slifer, is the Mayor of the Town of Vail and a member of the Town Couneil. 4. Defendants, Bud Benediet, Paul Johnston, Bob Ruderr Tom Steinberqr Ron Todd and Bill Wilto, along with Mayor Slifer, are the individual members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail. 5. The defendant Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail is a commission created pursuant to the eharter of the Town of Vail. 6. Defendants, Gerry White, Roger Tilkemeier, Dan Coreoran, Scott Edwards, Duane Piper, Jim Morgan and F. Gaynor Miller are the members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail during the time relevant to this Complaint. 7. The defendants Riehard H. Brown, Jeffrey B. Selby and Charles H. Rosenquist upon information and belief are the owners of Lots E, F, G, and H, Bloek 5A, Vail Village, First Filling, the "Red Lion Propertytt and are the applicants of the rrExterior Alteration Request for the Red Lionn which is the subject of this Complaint. 8. The defendants, Millereek Court Condominium Assoeiation, Golden Peak House Condominium Assoeiation, the Rueksaek Condominium Association, Parks Building, Elton Bud Parks, Mrs. Cortlandt HiU, the Christinia Lodge, and Vail Assoeiates, Ine., are persons or organizations designated by the defendant applieants as "adjaeent proPertyownerstotheRedLionInn'landpresumabl1lasth+propertyownerswhohavean interest in the subject request. 9. The Defendant The Empire Savings, Building and Loan Assoeiation is the holder of a promissory note secured by a Deed ofTrust upon the Red Lion Property. 10. Plaintiff, Plaza Lodge, Ine., is the owner of lots G, H, I, J and K, Block 5C, and other property in Bloek 5C deseribed in Book 212 at Page 185 of the records of Eagle County, all in Vail Village, First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado, whieh property is known, deseribed, and hereinafter referred to as the Plaza Lodge. 11. On Mareh 1?, 1981 at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail the defendant Town Council eonsidered the appeal of the Plaintiff and others from the deeision rendered by the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on February 9, 1981 whieh deeision granted approval of Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion. 12. At said meeting the defendant Town Council voted to uphold the decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of the Red Lion Inn Expansion bv a vote of four to two. Defendants Johnston, Ruder, Todd and Wilto voted for the approval, defendants Slifer and Steinberg voted against the approval and defendant Benedict abstained. -2- 13. That by voting to approve the aetion of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of said request, the defendant Town Couneil exeeeded its jurisdietion and abused its diseretion. L4. That Plaintiff is aggrieved by said action. 15. That should the deeision of the defendant Town Council be permitted to stand' the Plaintiff would be severely damaged and Plaintiff has no plain, speedy and adequate remedy to prevent sueh damage other than the relief that may be obtained in the District Court under Rule 106(aX4) C.R.C.P. 16. That the aetion of the defendant Town Couneit exeeeded its jurisdietion and abused its discretion in the following respeets: (a) The approval violates the Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village, adopted by the defendant Town Council, pursuant to Ordinance No. 16, series of 1980 and Ordinance No. 21, series of 1980. (b) The Couneil approved the action of the Commission notwithstanding the faet that the proposed construction will violate the view corridor from Plaintiffs property described in the Urban Design Guide PIan for Vail Village. (c) The Couneil has failed to apply and afford proper eonsideration to the Protec'live Covenants of Vail Village First Filing, which apply to the Plaintiff's prbperty and the property which is the subjeet of this litigation. Said proteetive eovenants, reeorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174, Page 179, of the records of the Clerk and Reeorder of Eagle County set forth eriteria to be eonsidered in passing upon the plans and speeifieations of construetion in Vail Village First Filing. Plaintiff is informed and believes that the Town of Vail, by express and implied aetion, has undertaken the responsibility of enforeing the said protective eovenants and applying the eriteria eontained thereia relating to eonstruetion. (d) The applieants have failed to meet their burden to prove by a preponderanee of the evidenee before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposed building alteration is in eomplianee with the purposes of the eommereial eore 1 area, and their burden to prove that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations, as required by Section 18.24.065A(3) of the Vail ordinanees. (e) The actions of the said defendant Town Couneil were arbitrary and capr ieious. -3- o SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF t7. Paragraphs 1 throuqh 15 of the FIRST CLAINI FOR RELIEF are ineorporated herein by referenee. 18. That the aetion of the Couneil deseribed herein is invalid because the Ordinanees under whieh it acted, to wit, Ordinances No. 16 and 2l Series of 1980 and the Urban Design Plan for Vail Village do not provide suffieient standards upon whieh the Couneil mav act. THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF 19. Paragraphs 1 through 16 of the FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF are incorporated herein by referenee. 20. Defendants Town Couneil and Planning and Environmental Commission have denied Plaintiff due proeess by eondueting a pre-hearing eontaet at a joint meeting of the said Council and Commission on or about January 13, 1981, prior to any publie or other notice to applieant and prior to any publie hearing at whieh time Applieant presented evidenee all to the prejudiee of plaintiffrs rights. WHEREFOBE, Plaintif f prays as follows: That the Court enter its order herein pursuant to Rule 106(aXa) C.R,C.P. direeting the Town of Vail to shcrv eause why the decision of the Planning nnd Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail granting approval of the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion should not be reversed. That the Court enter its order pursuant to Rule 106(aXa) C.R.C.P. direeting the Town of Vail to eertify to the Court their eritire reeord of proeeedings in the matter of the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, the deeision of the Planning and Environmental commission approving same and the Appeal therefrom to the Town Council so that the Court may rerriew the same and determine whether the Citv Council has aeted in excess of its jurisdietion or abused its diseretion. That the Court order and direet the defendant Town of Vail to stay all proceedings coneerning the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, ineluding but not limited to the issuanee of any building permit. For costs of suit, attorney fees and such other relief as may be proper in the orem ises. -4- Respeetfully submitted, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL WA Building Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 534-1200 Address of Plaintiff: Plaza Lodge, Inc. 301 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 8165? VERIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned Mrs. Joanne Hill being first duly sworn deposes and states that she is Secretary of Plaza Lodge, Ine., a Colorado eorporation, that she has read the foregoing Complaint and that to the best of her knowledge and belief the allegations eontained therein are true and eorreet. Dated at Vail, Colorad o ,n " ig/Oay of April, 1981. Subseribed and sworn to before me and official seal. My eommission expires this /r/day of April, 1981, witness my hand )) ss. ) 1200 American Nationil Bank -5- It-o IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO civirAetion N". q/Cf ||q PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation ) )plaintiff. Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMNTISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. GERRY WHITE, ROGEB TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCR.AEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK coNDo MINIUN ASSOCIATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS. THE CHRISTINIA LODCE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, ORDER Defendants. Upon eonsideration of the verified eomplaint in the above entitled aetion, it is hereby ORDERED, pursuant to Rule 106(aX ) of the Colorado Rules of Civil proeedure, that a Citation and Rule to Show Cause issued eommanding the defendants to be and appear before the Honorabrc Wn L Jon e9 ot JuJq e. tn District Court.of the Countv of Eagle, State of Colorado,dayfl <z/\ --llsl, at Ll o'eloek /4 rvt, and to answer in writing and showfirt/+*w davs from the service of sueh Citation and Rule to Show Cause why the relief requested in the eompLaint should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendant Town of Vail certify to this Court, on or before the date set forth above., 1981, the minutes and full and eomplete transcripts of the public hearings and beeedings held by the defendants, Town a I'r b, i* o of Vail and City Council of the Town of Vail, on the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion' the exhibits presented or refened to at said hearings end eertified eopies of the zoning ordinanee of t}te Town ofVail, and any end all applieations, petitions, exhibits, documents, reports, eomments, eorrespondence, maps, memoranda, and any other doeuments eontained in the defendantst files pertaining to the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion. t rr& DONE AND STGNED TtI.rS / 1 DAY OF 1981. BY THE COURT: ir.'..:. IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO CivilAetion No. 8ie /rt? PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation plaintiff, Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOIVN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDIC:T; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER; DAN CORCORAN, SCO?T EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLEB, as memberc of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK coNDoMINIUN ASSOCLATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE sAvINcs, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, SUMMONS Defendants. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned and required to file with the elerk of this eourt an answer or other.response to the attached eomplaint. If serviee of the summons and eomplaint was made upon vou within the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within 20 days after sueh service upon you. If service of the summons and complaint was made upon you outside of the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within 30 days after sueh service upon you. If you fail to file your answer or other response to the eomplaint in writing within the applieable time period, judgment by default may be entered against you by the court for the relief demand in the eomplaint without further notiee. The following doeuments are also served herewith: COMPLAINT. ORDER and CITATION AND RULE TO SHOIV CAUSE. Dated $ g/l GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, ttffiey for Pl,ain Ferguson, #308 1200 Ameriean National Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 534-1200 IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. I r C t/i /1 PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation Plaintiff, Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Council of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF THE TOI,VN OF VAIL, GERBY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT BDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GO'DEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK coNDoMINIUN ASSOCIATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BU1LDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIO}I. COMPLAINT Defendants. COMES NOIV the Plaintiff, by and through its attorneys, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, WALKER AND GROVER, and as and for a eomplaint against the defendants, alleges, states and avers as follows: FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF 1. Plaintiff, Plaza Lodge, Ine., is a Texas eorporation duly qualified to do business in the State of Colorado, with prineipal plaee of business in Vail, Eagle Countv, Colorado. 2. Defendant, Town Couneil of the Town of Vail, is the governing body of the defendant, Town of Vail, a municipal corporation, organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of Colorado. 3. Defendant, Rodney Slifer, is the Mayor of the Town of Vail and a member of the Town Couneil. 4. Defendants, Bud Benedict, Paul Johnston, Bob Ruder, Tom Steinbergr Ron Todd and Bill l{ilto, along with Mavor Slifer, are the individual members of the Town Council. of the Town of Vail. 5. The defendant Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of VaiI is a eommission created pursuant to the eharter of the Town of Vail. 6. Defendants, Gerry White, Roger Tilkemeier, Dan Coreoran, Scott Edwards, Duane Piper, Jim Morgan and F. Gaynor Miller are the members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail durins the time relevant to this Complaint. 7. The defendants Richard H. Brown, Jeffrey B. Selby and Charles H. Rosenquist upon information and belief are the owners of Lots E, F, G, and H, Bloek 5A, Vail Village, First Filling, the ttRed Lion Propertyrtand are the applieants of the trExterior Alteration Request for the Red Liont?whieh is the subjeet of this Complaint. 8. The defendants, Millereek Court Condominium Assoeiation, Golden Peak House Condominium Association, the Rucksaek Condominium Assoeiation, Parks Building, Elton Bud Parks, Mrs. Cortlandt Hill, the Christinia Lodge, and Vail Assoeiates, Ine., are persons or organizations designated by the defendant applicants as itadjaeent property owners to the Red Lion Innrtand presumably as tne pr'o;)erty owners who have an interest in the subjeet request. 9. The Defendant The Empire Savings, Building and Loan Assoeiation is the holder of a promissory note secured by a Deed ofTrust upon the Red Lion Property. 10. Plaintiff, Plaza Lodge, Inc., is the owner of lots G, H, I, J and K, Bloek 5C, and other property in Btoek 5C deseribed in Book 2L2 at Page 185 of the reeords of Eagle County, aII in Vail Village, First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado, whieh property is known, deseribed, and hereiuafter referred to as the Plaza Lodge. 11. On March 17, 1981 at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail the defendant Town Couneil eonsidered the appeal of the Plaintiff and others from the decision rendered bv the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of VaiI on February 9, 1981 which deeision granted approval of Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion. 12. At said meeting the defendant Town Couneil voted to uphold the decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of the Red Lion Inn Expansion bv a vote of four to two. Defendants Johnston, Ruder, Todd and Wilto voted for the approval, defendants Slifer and Steinberg voted against the approval and defendant Benediet abstained. -2- 13. That by voting to approve the aetion of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of said request, the defendant Town Council exeeeded its jurisdiction and abused its diseretion. 14. That Plaintiff is aggrieved by said action. 15. That should the decision of the defendant Town Council be permitted to stand, the Plaintiff would be severely damaged and Plaintiff has no plain, speedy and adequate remedy to prevent sueh damage other than the relief that may be obtained in the Distriet Court under Rule 106(aX4) C.R.C.P. 16. That the aetion of the defendant Town Couneil exeeeded its jurisdiction and abused its diseretion in the following respeets: (a) The approval violates the Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village, adopted by the defendant Town Council, pursuant to Ordinance No. 16, series of 1980 and Ordinance No. 21, series of 1980. (b) The Couneil approved the action of the Commission notwithstanding the fact that the proposed eonstruetion will violate the view eorridor from Plaintiffrs property deseribed in the Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village. (e) The Couneil has failed to apply and afford proper eonsideration to the Protective Covenants of Vail Village First Filing, which apply to the Plaintiffls property and the property whieh is the subjeet of this litigation. Said proteetive eovenants, recorded August 10, 1962 in Book 1?4, Page 179, of the reeords of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County set forth criteria to be considered in passing upon the plans and speeifieations of construetion in Vail Village First Filing. Plaintiff is informed and believes that the Town of Vail, by express and implied actionr has undertaken the responsibility of enforeing the said protective eovenants and applying the eriteria eontained therein retating to eonstruetion. (d) The applieants have failed to meet their burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposed building alteration is in eompliance with the purposes of the eommereial eore 1 area, and their burden to prove that the proposal substantially eomplies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations, as required by Seetion 18.24.0654'(3) of the Vail ordinanees. (e) The aetions of the said defendant Town Council were arbitrarv and eapr ieious. -3- SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF L7. Paragraphs 1 throuEh L5 of the FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF are incoroorated herein by referenee. 18. That the action of the Council described herein is invalid beeause the Ordinanees under which it aeted, to wit, Ordinanees No. 16 and 2l Series of 1980 and the Urban Design Plan for Vail Village do not provide suffieient standards upon whieh the Council mav aet. THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEP 19. Paragraphs 1 through 16 of the FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF are ineorporated herein by reference. 20. Defendants Town Council and Planning and Environmental Commission have denied Plaintiff due proeess by condueting a pre-hearing contaet at a joint meeting of the said council and commission on or about January 19, 1981, prior to any publie or other notice to applieant and prior to any publie hearing at whieh time Applieant presented evidence all to the prejudiee of plaintiff's rights. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays as follows: That the Court enter its order herein pursuant to Rule 106(aXa) C.R.C.P. direeting the Town of Vail to show cause why the deeision of the Plaru'iing and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail granting approval of the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion shouid not be reversed. That the Court enter its order pursuant to Rule 106(aX ) C.R.C,P. direeting the Town of Vail to eertify to the Court their entire reeord of proeeedings in the matter of the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, the desision of the Planning and Environmental commission approving same and the Appeal therefrom to the Town Couneil so that the Corrt may review the same and determine whether the Citv Couneil has aeted in excess of its jurisdiction or abused its discretion. That the Court order and direet the defendant Town of Vail to stay all proeeedings coneerning the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, ineluding but not limited to the issuance of any building permit. For costs of suit, attorney fees and sueh other relief as may be proper in the prem ises. -4- Respeetfully subm itted, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL erguson, Building Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 534-1200 Address of Plaintiff: Plaza Lodge, Inc. 301 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 VERIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned Mrs. Joanne HiIl being first duly sworn deposes and states that she is Seeretary of Plaza Lodge, Ine., a Colorado eorporation, that she has read the foregoing Complaint and that to the best of her knowledge and r"relief the allegations eontained therein are true and correet. . ,L Dated at Vail, Colorado this /fday of April, 1981. Subscribed and and offieial seal. My sworn to before me this day of April, 1981, witness my hand eom mission expires )) ss. ) WALK+R AND cRov\R :\ll i \ ,' .t -i ri ;' i i'!By: --ii)f,.^.^J!t\-, -5- o Civil Action No.?cu// PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation ptaintiff. Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail; IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ) ) ) ORDER THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER. DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS; DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F" GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. BOSENQUIST, NIILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CONDOMINIUN ASSOCIATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE. VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE fr MPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Defendants. Upon consideration of the verified eomplaint in the above entiiled action, it is hereby ORDERED, pursuant to Rule 106(aX4) of the Colorado Rules of Civil proeedure, that a Citation and Rule to Show Cause issued eommanding the defendants to be and appear before the Honorabrc U/,m /. {rrt OS ot ,fuJqo ,n. / n6 &Distrie_t Court of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on t# l* = 0",* DC, t L,tL, rcA4 * 1 >- o'eloek A , M., and to answer in writing and showlAridwy days from the serviee of such citation and Rule to show cause whv the relief requested in the complaint should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendant Town of Vail certify to this Court, on or before the date set forth above.1981, the minutes and full and eomplete transeripts of the publie hearings edings held by the defendants, Town oo .i. ' ' 'of Vail and City Couneil of the Town of Vail, on the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red tion, the exhibits presented or referred to at said hearings and eertified eopis of 'the zoning ordinanee of the Town of Vail, and any and all applications, petitions, exhibits, dmumentsr reports, eomments, eorrespondenee, maps, memoranda, and any other 'docurnents contained in the defendantst files pertaining to the Exterior Alteration .for the Red Lion. DONE AND SIGNED 1981. COURT: lsl wfrilff'JohlES Judge ,ro H Eay or / i -D I PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation plaintiff. Vs. TOWN oF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of VaiI; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CoMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, GERRY IVHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT BDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN. JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES Ir. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA. TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CONDOMINIUN ASSOCIATION. MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PENXS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Honorable IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. f,111ti79 of the Distriet Court of the CITATION AND RT'LE TO SHOW CAUSE AND TO STAY PROCEEDINGS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )Defendants. TO: Defendants, The Town Council of the Town of Vail and The Town of Vail GREETINGS: You are hereby ordered and directed to appear before the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, then and L981, at //.',t cz otcloek {J - M., there to show eause why the relief requested in the First cLaim for Retief of the Complaint herein.against you should not be granted. You are further ordered and7t.t- direeted, witnin ffidays from serviee hereof, to answer in writing and show cause, if anv you may or can have, why the relief requested in the Complaint herein should not be granted. I. It is further ordered Town of Vail direct the Town Clerk or any person having eustody of the records of the Town of Vail to eertify to this Court on or before the date r ., 1-/ a,set forth above, {iuT ty .1g81, the minutes and full and complete transerBts of the public hiarings and proeeedings held by the defendants, Town Council of the Town of Vail and the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion and the Appeal upholding the Deeision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of Exterior Alteration Reguest for the Red Lion, the exhibits presented or referred to at said hearinqs and eertified copies of the zoning ordinanee of the Town of Vail, and any and all applieations, petitionsr exhibits, doeuments, reports, eomments, correspondenee, m&ps, memoranda, and anv other doeuments eontained in the defendants?files pertaining to the foregoing Request and Appeal. You are further ordered to stay all proeeedings in eonnection with the above matter and to issue no permits relating to the proposed expansion until further order of this Court. WITNESS,+fit-{toi*gR*g#p Wanda Schmidt, Clerk Court in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this / 4 ft day or fun^Z . ner. Wanda Schmidt, Clerk CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT , a-Judg#e District BY: W.,,= -Y f , IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Aetion no. "ft € L/ i / ? PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation plaintiff. Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDIC'T; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Council of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER; DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSiD CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CoNDoMINIUN ASSOCIATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE sAvINcs, BUILDTNG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, SUMMONS Defendants. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned and required to file with the elerk of this eourt an answer or other response to the attached complaint. If serviee of the summons and complaint was made upon vou within the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer oe other response within 20 days after sueh service upon you. If serviee of the summons and complaint was made upon you outside of the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within 30 days after sueh serviee upon you. If you fail to file your &nswer or other response to the complaint in writing within the applicable time period, judgment by default may be entered against you by the court for the relief demand in the complaint without further notiee. \The following doeuments are also served herewith: coMpLAINT, oRDER and CITATION AND RULE TO SHOIV CAUSE. Dated Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 534-1200 GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, WALKER AND GROVER or Pl,aintiff N Ferguson, #308 o IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO CivilAetion no. f,/ 6t/rrQ PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation plaintiff. Vs. TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO, TOIVN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFEB, BUD BENEDIOI; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNINC AND ENVIRONMENTAL CoMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RJCHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CoNDoMINIUN ASSOCIATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SI.VINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Defendants. COMES NOW the Plaintiff, by and through its attorneys, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, WALKER AND GROVER, and as and for a eomplaint against the defendants, alleges, states and avers as follows: FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF 1. Plaintiff, Plaza Lodge, Ine., is a Texas eorporation duly qualified to do business in the State of Colorado, with prineipal place of business in Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Defendant, Town Couneil of the Town of Vail, is the governing body of the defendant, Town of VaiI, a munieipal eorporation, organized and existing ptirsuant to the laws of the State of Colorado. 3. Defendant, Rodney Slifer, is the Mayor of the Town of Vail and a member of the Town Council. COMPLAINT 4. Defendants, Bud Benedict, Paul Johnston, Bob Ruder, Tom Steinbergr Ron Todd and Bill trf ilto, along with Mavor Slifer, are the individual members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail. 5. The defendant Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail is a eommission created pursuant to the charter of the Town of Vail. 6. Defendants, Gerry White, Roger Tilkemeier, Dan Coreoran, Scott Edwardst Duane Piper, Jim Morgan and F. Gaynor Miller are the members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail during the time relevant to this Complaint. 7. The defendants Riehard H. Brown, Jeffrey B. Selby and Charles H. Rosenquist upon information and belief are the owners of Lots E, F, G, and H, Bloek 5A, Vail Village, First Filling, the ttRed Lion Propertyrr and are the applieants of the t'Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion" whieh is the subjeet of this Complaint. 8. The defendants, Millcreek Court Condominium Assoeiation, Golden Peak House Condominium Assoeiation, the Rucksack Condominium Assoeiation, Parks Building, Elton Bud Parks, Mrs. Cortlandt Hill, the Christinia Lodge, and Vail Assoeiates, Ine., are persons or organizations designated by the defendant applicants as thdjaeent property owners to the Red Lion Inn" and presumab:y as the property owners who have an interest in the subject request. 9. The Defendant The Empire Savings, Building and Loan Association is the holder of a promissory note seeured by a Deed ofTrust upon the Red Lion Property. 10. . Plaintiff, Plaza Lodge, Ine., is the owner of lots G, H, I, J and K, Bloek 5C, and other property in Bloek 5C deseribed in Book 212 at Page 185 of the reeords of Eagle County, all in Vail Village, First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado, whieh property is known, deseribed, and hereinafter refened to as the Plaza Lodge. 11. On Mareh 1.7, 1981 at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail the defendant Town Council considered the appeal of the Plaintiff and others from the deeision rendered by the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on February 9, 1981 whieh deeision granted approval of Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion. 12. At said meeting the defendant Town Council voted to uphold the deeision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of the Red Lion Inn Expansion bv a vote of four to two. Defendants Johnston, Ruder, Todd and Wilto voted for the approval, defendants Slifer and Steinberg voted against the approval and defendant Benedict abstained. -2- 13. That by voting to approve the action of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of said request, the defendant Town Council exeeeded its jurisdiction and abused its discretion. 14. That Plaintiff is aggrieved by said aetion. 15. That should the decision of the defendant Town Council be permitted to stand' the Plaintiff would be severely damaged and Plaintiff has no plain, speedy and adequate remedy to prevent sueh damage other than the relief that may be obtained in the Distriet Court under Rule 106(aX4) C.R.C.P. 16. That the aetion of the defendant Town Couneil exceeded its jurisdiction and abused its diseretion in the following respeets: (a) The approval violates the Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village, adopted by the defendant Town Couneil, pursuant to Ordinanee No. 16, series of 1980 and Ordinance No. 21, series of 1980. (b) The Couneil approved the aetion of the Commission notwithstanding the fact that the proposed construetion will violate the view corridor from Plaintiff's property deseribed in the Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village. (e) The Council has failed to apply and afford proper consideration to the Proteetive Covenants of Vail Village First Filing, whieh appty to the Plaintiffls property and the property whieh is the subject of this litigation. Said proteetive eovenants, reeorded August 10, 1962 in Book 1?4, Page 179, of, the reeords of the Clerk and Reeorder of Eagle County set forth eriteria to be considered in passing upon the plans and specifieations of construction in Vail Village First Filing. Plaintiff is informed and believes that the Town of Vail, by express and implied aetionr has undertaken the responsibility of enforcing the said proteetive covenants and applying the criteria eontained therein relating to eonstruetion. (d) The applieants have failed to meet their burden to prove by a preponderanee of the evidenee before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposed building alteration is in eomplianee with the purposes of the eommereial core 1 area, and their burden to prove that the proposal substantially eomplies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations, as required by Seetion 18.24.065A(3) of the VaiI ordinanees. (e) ?he aetions of the said defendant Town Council were arbitrarv and eaDr ieious. -3- ol SECOND CLAIM FOR BELIEF L7. Paragraphs 1 through 15 of the FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF are ineorporated herein by referenee. 18. That the aetion of the Council deseribed herein is invalid beeause the Ordinanees under whieh it acted, to wit, Ordinanees No. 16 and 2l Series of 1980 and the Urban Design Plan for Vail Village do not provide suffieient standards upon whieh the Couneil may aet. THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF 19. Paragraphs 1 through 16 of the FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF are ineorporated herein by referenee. 20. Defendants Town Couneil and Planning and Environmental Commission have denied Plaintiff due process by eonducting a pre-hearing contact at a joint meeting of the said couneil and commission on or about January 19, 1981, prior to any publie or other notice to applieant and prior to any public hearing at whieh time Applieant presented evidence all to the prejudiee of plaintiffls rights. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays as follows: That the Court enter its order herein pursuant to Rule 106(aXa) C.R.C.P. direeting the Town of VaiI to show eause why the deeision of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail granting approval of tJte Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion should not be reversed. That the Court enter its order pursuant to Rule 106(aXa) C.R.C.P. direeting the Town of VaiI to certify to the Court their entire reeord of proeeedings in the matter of the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red l,ion, the deeision of the Planning and Environmental commission approving same and the Appeal therefrom to the Town Council so that the Court may review the same and determine whether the City Couneil has acted in exeess of its jurisdiction or abused its discretion. That the Court order and direet the defendant Town of Vail to stay all proeeedings eoneerning the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, including but not limited to the issuance of any building permit. For costs of suit, attorney fees and sueh other relief as may be proper in the Drem ises. -4- a oO WA Respeetfullv submitted, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL day of April, 1981, witness my hand Building Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 534-1200 Address of Plaintiff: Pl,aza Lodge, Ine. 301 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 VERIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned Mrs. Joanne Hill being first duly sworn deposes and states that she is Seeretary of Plaza Lodge, Ins.r a Colorado corporation, that she has read the foregoing Complaint and that to the best of her knovrledge and belief the allegations eontaineri therein are true and correct. )) ss. ) Dated at Vail, Colorado mls /4 aay of April, 1981, Subscribed and officiatr seal and sworn to before me this My eommission expires -5- civir Aetion No. 7/ c u t t ORDER Oa IN THE DISTRICT COUBT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation plaintiff. Vs. TOIVN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOIVN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDIC"I; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail: THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the PlanninE and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CONDOMINIUN ASSOCIATION. MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Defendants. Upon consideration of the verified eomplaint in the above enti[ed aetion, it is hereby ORDERED, pursuant to Rule f06(aX ) of the Colorado Rules of Civil proeedure, that a Citation and Rule to Show Cause issued commanding the defendants to be and appear before the Honorabb il/"n /. Jo 4es ot fuhe. tn. District court of the county of Eagle, state of cororado, on thle '1? I oryI r)oa -,.1981, at7"-= o,eloek 4 M., and to answer in writing and show n7 ,t tilrcstf days from the serviee of sueh Citation and Rule to Show Cause whv the relief requested in the eomplaint should not be granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendant Town of Vail certify to this Court, on or before the date set forth above.1981, the minutes and full and eomplete transcripts of the publie hearings and held by the defendants, Town .-.. I of Vail and City Couneil of the Town of Vail on the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, the exhibits presented or referred to at said hearings and certified eopies of the zoning ordinanee of the Town of Vail, and any and all applieetions, petitions, exhibits, doeuments, reports, eomments, correspondence, maps, memoranda, and any other documents contained in the defendants' files pertaining to the Exterior Alteration rms /4toay Request for the Red Lion. DONE AND SIGNED OF 1981. COUBT: /s/ wftfffiioNE$ Judge It is further ordered rown of vail direet the Town clerk or anv person having eustody of the reeords of the Town of Vail to certifv to this Court on or before the date set forth above.1981, the minutes and full and complete transcripts of the public and proeeedinqs held by the defendants, Town Council of the Town of Vail and the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion and the Appeal upholding the Deeision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, the exhibits presented or referred to at said hearings and eertified eopies of the zoning ordinanee of the Town of Vail, and any and all applieations, petitions, exhibits, doeuments, reports, comments, eorrespondenee, maps, memoranda, and any other documents eontained in the defendantsrfiles pertaining to the foregoing Request and Appeal. You are further ordered to stay all proaeedings in connection with the above matter and to issue no permits relating to the proposed expansion until further order of this Court. WITNESS,1@ Wanda Schmidt, Clerk a Judgeo$the Distriet Court in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this /4/ Z/day ot O{u,'/ ,:l,at ItVanda Schmidt, Clerk CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT BY: *rrr'Y i BEST COPY 7 IN THE DISTRIC-T COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Aetion no. f/ A hk PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation plaintiff. Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICIT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Council of the Town of Vail; THE PTANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CoMMISSTON OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, GERRY WHITE, BOGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as membens of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MrNruM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CONDOMINIUN ASSOCIATION. MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, CITATION AND RULE TO SHOW CAUSE AND TO STAY PROCEEDINGS ) ) ) ) the Distriet Court of the County of Eagle, State of 1981, at Defendants. TO: Defendants, The Town Couneil of the Town ofVail and The Town ofVail GREETINGS: You are hereby ordered and directed to appear before the Honorable l7-"o- f. l*r---. .t Colorado,W /-l -.7" € c' oteloek y'f M., then and there to show eause why the relief requested in the First Cl,aim for Relief of the Complaint herein- against you should not be granted. You are further ordered andfr -.J- direeted, within ffi days from serviee hereof, to answer in writing and show eause, if anv you may or ean have, why the relief requested in the Complaint herein should not be granted. r IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Aetion No. 3 i4 lzi/ ? PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation ptaintiff. Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, GERRY IVHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUil{ ASSOCIATTON, V. RUCKSACK CONDOMINIUN ASSOCIATION. MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE En{PIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. You Honorable CITATION AND RULE TO SHOW CAUSE AND TO STAY PROCEEDINGS are hereby ordered and direeted to appear before the Defendants. TO: Defendants, The Town Couneil of the Town of VaiI and The Town of Vail GREETINGS: of the Distriet Court of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, on the ,/,fh^v of /4--*4* .1981, at ?'.o orcloek /+M., then and there to show eause why the relief requested in the First Claim for Relief of the Complaint herein against you should not be granted. You are further ordered and-*1 ,f direeted, within1cffi days from service hereof, to answer in writing and show eause, if anv you may or ean have, why the relief requested in the Complaint herein should not be granted. It is further ordered Town of Vail direet the Town Clerk or any person having eustody of the reeords of the Town of Vail to certify to this Court on or before the date\ '. '},set forth above, , /LdT / d .1981, the minutes and full and eomplete transcripts of the publie fiearings and proeeedings held bv the defendants, Town Couneil of the Town of Vail and the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion and the Appeal upholding the Deeision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, the exhibits presented or referred to at said hearings and eertified eopies of the zoning ordinanee of the Town of Vail, and any and all applieations, petitionsr exhibits, doeuments, reports, comments, eorrespondenee, maps, memoranda, and any other documents eontained in the defendantstfiles pertaining to the foregoing Request and Appeal. You are further ordered to stay all proeeedings in eonneetion with the above matter and to issue no permits relating to the proposed expansion until further order of this Court. Wanda Schmidt, ClerkWITNESS, +e#Ngffis,ts Court in and for the County of of /l//ul . 1e81. a &dge=e&*he District Eagle, State of Colorado, this 14 fl day Wanda Schmidt, Clerk CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT BY: t-' IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EACLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Aetion No. PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation plaintiff, Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF TI{E TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CoMMISSTON OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, CERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT BDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Plarning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROIVN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TroN, coLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK coNDoMTNIUN ASSOCIATTON, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Defendants. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS You are hereby summoned and required to file with the elerk of this eourt an answer or other response to the attaehed complaint. If serviee of the summons and eomplaint was made upon you within the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within 20 days after sueh serviee upon you. If serviee of the summons and complaint was made upon vou outside of the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within 30 days after such serviee upon you. If you fail to file your answer or other response to the complaint in writing within the applicable time period, judgment by default may be entered against you by the eourt for the relief demand in the eomplaint without further notiee. SUMMONS I rt fite following doeuments are also served herewith: COMPLAINT, ORDER CITATION AND RULE TO SHOW CAUSE. Dated and GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, WALKER AND GROVER or 1200 Ameriean National Denver, Colorado 80202 (sos) sse-rzoo IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Aetion No. f,t c y't i f PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation Plaintiff, Vs. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM COMPLAINT STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Council of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CoMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. GAYNOR MILLEB, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUTST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- MINIUM ASSOCIATION, V. RUCKSACK CONDOMINIUN ASSOCIATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING ANL LOAN ASSOCIATION, Defendants. COMES NOW the Plaintiff, by and through its attorneys, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL, WALKER AND GROVER, and as and for a complaint against the defendants, alleges, states and avers as follows: FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF 1. Plaintiff, Plaza Lodge, Inc., is a Texas eorporati,on duly qualified to do business in the State of Colorado, with principal plaee of business in Vail, Eagle County, CoIorado. 2. Defendant, Town Couneil of the Town of Vail, is the governing body of the defendant, Town of Vail, a municipal eorporation, organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of Colorado. 3. Defendant, Rodney Slifer, is the Mayor of the Town of Vail and a member of the Town Couneil. 4. Defendants, Bud Benediet, Paul Johnston, Bob Ruder, Tom Steinbergr Ron Todd and Bill Wilto, along with Mavor Slifer, are the individual members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail. 5. The defendant Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail is a eommission ereated pursuant to the charter of the Town of Vail. 6. Defendants, Gerry White, Roger Tilkemeier, Dan Coreoran, Seott Edwardst Duane Piper, Jim Morgan and F. Gaynor Miller are the members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail during the time relevant to this Complaint. 7. The defendants Richard H. Brown, Jeffrey B. Selby and Charles H. Rosenquist upon information and belief are the owners of Lots E, F, G, and H, Bloek 5A, Vail Village, First Pilling, the t'Red Lion Property?' and are the applieants of the I'Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion" whieh is the subject of this Complaint. 8. The defendants, Millereek Court Condominium Assoeiation, Golden Peak House Condominium Assoeiation, the Rueksaek Condominium Assoeiation, Parks Building, Elton Bud Parks, Mrs. Cortl,andt Hill, the Christinia Lodge, and Vail Assoeiates, Ine., are persons or organizations designated by the defendant applieants as tradjaeent property owners to the Red Lion Innttand presumably as the property cwncr'e who have an interest in the subjeet request. L The Defendant The Empire Savings, Building and Loan Association is the holder of a promissory note secured by a Deed of Trust upon the Red Lion Property. 10. Plaintiff, Plaza Lodge, Ine., is the owner of lots G, H, I, J and K, Bloek 5C, and other property in Bloek 5C deseribed in Book 212 at Page 185 of the reeords of Eagle Countv, all in Vail Village, First Filing, Eagle County, Colorado, whieh property is known, deseribed, and hereinafter referred to as the Plaza Lodge. 11. On Mareh 17, 1981 at a meeting of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail the defendant Town Couneil eonsidered the appeal of the Plaintiff and others from the decision rendered by the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on February 9, 1981 whieh decision granted approval of Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion. 12. At said meeting the defendant Town Couneil voted to uphold the deeision of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of the Red Lion Inn Expansion by a vote of four to two. Defendants Johnston, Ruder, Todd and Wilto voted for the approval, defendants Slifer and Steinberg voted against the approval and defendant Benediet abstained. -2- 13. That by voting to approve the aetion of the Planning and Environmental Commission granting approval of said request, the defendant Torvn Council exeeeded its jurisdiction and abused its discretion. 14. That Plaintiff is aggrieved by said aetion. 15. That should the deeision of the defendant Town Couneil be permitted to stand, the Plaintiff would be severely damaged and Plaintiff has no plain, speedy and adequate remedy to prevent such damage other than the relief that may be obtained in the Distriet Court under Rule 106(aX4) C.R.C.P. 16. That the action of the defendant Town Council exeeeded its iurisdiction and abused its diseretion in the following respeets: (a) The approval violates the Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village, adopted by the defendant Town Council, pursuant to Ordinanee No. 16, series of 1980 and Ordinanee No. 21, series of 1980. (b) The Couneil appnoved the action of the Commission notwithstanding the fact that the proposed construetion will violate the view eorridor from Plaintiffls property deseribed in the Urban Design Guide Plan for Vail Village. (e) The Council has failed to apply and afford proper eonsideration to the Protective Covenants of Vail Village First Filing, whieh apply to the Plaintiffs property and the property whieh is the subjeet of this litigation. Said proteetive eovenants, reeorded August 10, 1962 in Book 174, Page 129, of the reeords of the Clerk and Reeorder of Eagle County set forth eriteria to be eonsidered in passing upon the plans and speeifications of eonstruetr.on in Vail Village First Filing. Plaintiff is informed and believes that the Town of Vail, by express and implied action, has undertaken the responsibility of enforcing the said protective eovenants and applying the criteria eontained therein relating to eonstruetion. (d) The applieants have failed to meet their burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposed building alteration is in eomplianee with the purposes of the eommereial eore 1 area, and their burden to prove that the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide PIan and Design Considerations, as required bv Section 18.24.065A(A) of the Vail ordinanees. (e) The aetions of the said defendant Town Council were arbitrary and caoricious. -3- SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF 17. Paragraphs 1 through 15 of the FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF are ineorDorated herein by re ference. 18. That the aetion of the Council deseribed herein is invalid because the Ordinances under whieh it acted, to wit, Ordinanees No. 16 and 21 Series of 1980 and the Urban Design Plan for Vail Village do not provide sufficient standards upon whieh the Couneil mav aet. THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF 19. Paragraphs 1 through 16 of the FIRST CLAIM F'OR RELIEF are ineorporated herein bv reference. 20, Defendants Town Couneil and Planning and Environmental Commission have denied Plaintiff due proeess by eonducting a pre-hearing eontaet at a joint meeting of the said council and commission on or about January LB, 1981, prior to any publie or other notice to applieant and prior to any public hearing at whieh time Applieant presented evidenee all to the prejudiee of plaintiff's rights. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays as follows: That the Court enter its order herein pursuant to Rule 106(aXa) C.R.C.P. directing the Town of Vail to show cause why the deeision of the Planning and lll','ironmental Commission of the Town of Vail granting approval of the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion should not be reversed. That the Court enter its order pursuant to Rule 106(aXA) C.R.C.P. direeting the Town of Vail to eertify to the Court their entire record of proeeedings in the matter of the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, the deeision of flre Planning and Environmental commission approving same and the Appeal therefrom to the Town Council so that the Court may review the same and determine whether the Citv Council has aeted in exeess of its jurisdiction or abused its diseretion. That the Court order and direet the defendant Town of Vail to stay all proeeedings eoneerning the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion, ineluding but not limited to the issuanee of any building permit. For costs of suit, attorney fees and sueh other relief as prem ises. may be proper in the -4- t Bespeetfully submitted, GORSUCH, KIRGIS, CAMPBELL Address of Plaintiff: Plaza Lodge, Ine. 301 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 8165? VERIFICATION STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The undersigned Mrs. Joanne Hill being first duly sworn deposes and states that she is Seeretary of Plaza Lodge, Inc., a Colorado eorporation, that she has read the foregoing Complaint and that to the best of her knowle@e and belief the allegations contained therein are true and correet. fl^ Dated at Vail, Colorado tnis /4 *day of April, 1981. Subseribed and sworn to before me and offieial seal. My eommission expires Building Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 534-1200 this I "7 day of April, 1981, witness my hand )) ss. ) Onn rr. f ergUsOnt 1200 American Na -5- IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO Civil Aetion No. PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation plaintiff, Vs.ORDER TOWN oF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT; PAUL JOHNSTON, BOB RUDER, TOM STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND BILL WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town of Vail; THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. GERRY WHITE, ROGER TILKEMEIER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDWARDS, DUANE PIPER, JIM MORGAN, and F. CAYNOR MILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. BROWN, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQUIST, MILCREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIA- TION, GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDO- IIIMUM ASSOCTATTON, V. RUCKSACK CoNDoMINIUN ASSOCIATION, MRS. CORTLANDT HILL, THE PARKS BUILDING, ELTON BUD PARKS, THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Defendants. Upon eonsideration of the verified complaint in the above entiiled aetion, it is hereby ORDERED, pursuant to Rule 106(aX ) of the Colorado Rules of Civil procedure, that a Citation and Rule to Show Cause issued eommanding the defendants to be and appear before the Distriet Court o su, rt 7 o3o'cloek A w., and to answer in writing and show days from the serviee of sueh Citation and Rule to Show Cause whv the relief requested in the eomplaint should not be granted. IT Is FURTHER ORDERED that the Defendant Town of vail certify to this court, on or before the date set forth above.1981, the minutes and full and eomplete transcripts of the public hearings Court of Honorabre I v Joorn. ot 'fuJq u tn"--7- -;-Tthe Countv of Eagle, State of Colorado, on the /,Y - aay proeeedings held by the defendants, Town :q l ',at i. ';*:.1''s of Vail and City Couneil of tlre Town of Vail, on the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion' the exhibits presented or referred to at said hearings and certified eopies of the zoning ordinanee of tlre Town ofVail, and any and all applieations, petitions, exhibits, documents, reports, eomments, eorrespondenee, maps, memoranda, and any other documents eontained in the defendantsr files pertaining to the Exterior Alteration Requet for the Red Lion. A DONE AND SIGNED TffiS Iq DAY OF BY THE COURT: /s/ WM. L, JONES Judge ) 1981. o tsEEtsE Rnoh,g 9*unrt,ments, 9*r. I56I O S. E. EASTGATE \TAY EEtLEVUE, \TASHtNeTON 9S008 lzotl tct.ttzo April 9, L9B0 I{r. Jarres A. tr\rbix Zonj.ng Adrdnistrator Town of VailVail, Colorado Dear !1r. Rubin: Ti:ank you for sending ma the puiclic notice, a @W of w?rich is attachedfor your clarification as to what I arn viriting about. ' I{yse1f and rry partner l4artin l{u1lal1y ovrn Unit #2 of the Rucksacl: Condcrniniwr. Our condqninir.nn is the top three floors of the building. A year and a half ago ue csmenced a rerndeling progam wherein ue built t\4o bedroorns and two baths out over the roof of the then existlng rtof of Kelton Ga.rdens Real Estate offiee. In the process of getting the building perrnit and secr.iring design review approval for the trc bedroorn tlto bath arldition we also secured the towirts approval to change the exterj.or windows frur a snll eonfiguration to large plate glass wjrrdovs in our kitchen, dining rodn, and llving roorn area. Ttris enabled us to expard our vienr frsn our condcrnlnirln over the roof of the Red Llon Bestaurant so that rrye could see the npuntain including chair l, 16 and 6 as wel.l as o<panding our view of the MilI Cl,eek Oourt and the Gore Bange Moutaias. IIe trave no real ccnplaints with the p:roposed changes with one exception. Ille were told by the Tovtn of Vail when rve did our ramdeling of our windoues i:r our ki-tchen, dining and livlng room anea.s that tlrere would be absolutely no possibility nol,v or ever in the futr.re that the roofline of the Red Lion Irur uould be ercpanded upm"rd. If the noofline is extended upnard it would totally destroy our view and take away bundreds of thousands of dollars in the value of our condsnlnium. Therefore we wish to put you and the Tlovrn of Vail on :record witb this reglstered letter that any change in zon'ing that uoqLd detrjrentaLly result ir1 the destnoylng of our view and lesseni.;1g the value of our eondmiaiwr WilL be resisted vigorously. l, I v 't ', ltr. Jares A, Ribia April 9,, j.980 Page 2 It could very well be Chat I arn getting alarrned over nothing, lolilev€r.the enclosed public notice docunents nptivates me to urite tbis letter. I roii1d appreciate by return nail pu settl{ng nV uleastnesc by statirg that ihe noofline of the Bed Lion Ina wIiLL !6ver.be aItoril€d to tltcneas€ in height thus dsstnoyiag our vie% : EespeatfuDy, Bob D. 8€€b€ . 2 ..r, 4,.. ..J1..1.t,'r- ... -t PUBT,IC NSTICE NOI'ICE IS HERESY GfVEN TIIAT Janes A. hrbin, Zoning Adminlstrator the Tcu'n of Vail, has requested an Anren&rent to Chapters L8.24, Ccnnercial Core I (@I) and Chapter L8.%;, Corrercial Core II (€2) of the Vail lr,irnicipal Code to establi-sh new guldelines and develcpnent standards for the revien of all exterior nDd'ifications ruithin CCI and C2 (tbe Va;J Village and Vail Lionstread Core Areas). Changes are beiag proposed to the follcnrring Seotiqrs: 1. Peraritted and Conditional Uses2. Conditional Uses-kpansion. 3. Conditonal Uses-trbctors Appl-icable4. Setback5. Height6. Density.Control7. Site C.overage8. Iandscaping and Site Developnent9. Parking and Loadlng10. Locatim of Busiless Activity A nw Section will also be intrpduced that describes the procedure that w:tll be folloned in the r-eview of erterior npdifications in Cl and €2. The arnendnents will be presented il cmjunctim with the Urban Design PLans for Vail Village and Vall Lionshead. A Rrblic Hearing will be lreld in accord with Sei.tion 18.66.06 of the VaiL Municipal Code before the Torn of Vail Planning and Ervi:ronrsrtal Conmission at a SleciaL Meetiag on April 7tb, 1980 at 3;00 P.M. Said lleari.ng w"i11 be held in the Vail trftrnicipal Building A ccrpy of said Arendnents cal be picked rp i.u the office of Corrnunity Developrent betc€en tbe hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. l4orday thro:gh Ibiday. - TOIIN OF VAIL DIipARIItEl'f OF CC['[itLlNIIY DEVEOPI@IT A. hrbix Zonjng Adrninistrator To bc, pulclished j.n tbe lail Trail on 3_Zf_g0 *+ Wr* /ui/Zc-, e/;4-/r!a-tr Vi.e8lr*."-r&-rz-zrauzzza -ry*. 4^a-.fta+? 4Lz;"a", a ^Cz+tz/a'rzru4-/ / *d 7HE -rc.2e+aZiq z,adaZ,rt?2,/ 4,a-zz' a., -rt. -4414 2 Vzz / ,"/zia-*zzz .-/- Ttca-*e-' ofn ^Z{ z/L /od .ziaz 11 cLa s-s Ffta"l- T//f fte O L/anl 'fr'rrza-a4*a /47 -rApaf.U- tz/la<tzt y'l- 44-r;a;f JteZ /'-"?-id-e.t {.-; /4, P s, a,rz/. J-.terv /a'za^Z /-tt-."1*t )* ata.rc.L f -ry, A,rI-LZ -eAa'l .a -e'zF ' d&".d-*l)"7 ;* fte42. y'rzrufa-7-z-. 4 ,-'+e f&%a 6t -zlJ-..7 t-, "A--n./72 .5274'X ar -tfu' rz"'L/n<- ..m-ar-124,c- "f-.;aa'azao fr" -t/tz- -'n-4u JsrVat "Zr 4zaiqtzt4- /rr ztz4 4z<tzz'^ / 'rrotL 3/Q- ,4eJ &*z' , tuerz 'zi1z' z-z'/- zz'/+ ,ffi T:';effi ,Zu f-z / zzr,<zz / te eT 2a'i4'ttta.Z (c-z-z' 22a44 a*e/- V -attz *4.4/'? 4 aL.a} ^tz4aJ4zaa-nzz'+zz arc' a-z'rr-&re' Zla-Z e/o'H- 14' 4' 4tZ4 t-y't'.t-.tJ*z-z *ra i./z t-z'ztt-,c2+<'zZt-*'z;Z ;i,*: *7 */z- 4-:.*Z :a'?lzzr a/; -aZ*enz, .l|ayt .-rz2zza -Z+aZ/-t/ ../r" eZ '-rztr -za-a-z't-/Z-t'e/ "'7zd--7 u--rz q+zz..to-/ ., ,t za'I-.2 / .z--r'rr'-zz'+ JZ aZ 24 '?e? ,t*irt-'rZ 4.f2- 4 'zrfu -'?'3-/'1/'44-42?L y' 'znz "]'4+4'r'442)Iu/ '/eore/+zza14) )t4 ?az.L Plozo Lodge, Box GS,Vail,Colorrodo A1:657 - (3O3) 476 -4StO 'rtLht zrzzt zZ fu ; o 4.ra--/z. /*;j dto .j&+ -z-r.fzz-zrzz/'. /-an*o' 4 4'?4'e"- ,tLr4/e./ Zlt ).rn-V,."at-zTr 7 acczzd-Z/ a..(/,a-.y'- .tt'1278/2r 4fq ALa-t 212 g4,/a' 'g'uZJ;-/ 'tzra2 a- ca-rz;zza-rre-reZz- f ea-rz/znzz'urt"t'z-rrz^a'' a-zz/- Canz'ztu-hz-l> a7 l'12 'r'aon, 4 fuy z+Fr-zzo ,74a-ra F L'zb'?z a'u'Za-zzcz' tz'/4 / / 4. t /-.'.a. *,'a-'/Lt-*zzzl J'ztlLaZ I ?/;rz na-ord tZa grta;/' -'/a"Y'd,''/z aU"r/ A,tZ tz-4'/-4/ t t -.r I a.h,*q 4*;- zH-L ^f, ryfffi( tr4.ry€417 'eza /, ,L/ L" ) zl:<./J. % z:-"2 T<<ff .f **/!:j;J azz-a/. -i-t*t t-tt' -z-lo ZdutzaZ 2/'4414' t-zz 4 *rz Z ca-rt'zua{ 'Z/t' A"l 'La-n 4-"t*2 "/'t'at-aez- jaa/ Vkaz'"cn a-' r' ,*^1"- -o**7'e lnr :f** "* W Azr/7* ' ,r;"2 e-z-/ -L/z -t'u-aoz"zL'",n-l'a't-T' o') V-oo- a7 z-+tz- rya*"*<*z T<:* r*' -aZaStz' -a-z i"!2"'"1' 'zza7az 4Z'-'' 'rnaJ-ez'' 4a-ot<' J";r. fcb 7'')S a-r.t*uztd ;; a" fa-rz,n y * -e4trL f '?"/2 /*lla-7* (ne - -r'utl,ztr4 U-ftdh. Ztz' czz'z/'z'rzzf-a'rzclzl &zttt*>a/*-r 4 V* :: 'n-*z ,7:^ E ; *Lz'z o5 &/ /'t-'" -zr'zauzZ ze J44a*2 42/ z" "znZ/ F DfT:'not'^---Eiaza -l-a.*;g 2i'& 'ftfLi -"-"uia-/uz-"I 44;"4-]r'';;$"*azy ,P1-,74' t*"ltz"* -"14 'nfr # ' lr ; ;*f /'rac-z-+caz a'r a-z-azz-a4' z7?zaz?42z-/; -?z7zZ*z+^.:'a kr-a, /'4-uLqzu /t-t7*- 'z-/d 'ryzz-rnz'r'z'424'a/4- / F*a-zz, Z kLzz 8-42-zz-' zT -u 2*rz7 trl' z'tL *3?f -ht-ar/z-, r- tu14' 4 >-/Laz (t'coz ;1 )ru'rze-4ry q//PeHzZ , =zr/*7 /-""""t1 -uzzfu'tz-a-r d*?* 2'2 -/na-7e ' %;2 --",,-ae.n-z ft-.*fy/ u,/1oTo,4 oftr*r- ;-tfu fV 'lL J'u,z'/'*'V o tsEEtsE Rnoh,g 9*unrt,ments, 9*r. I56I O S. E. EASTGATE \TAY EEtLEVUE, \TASHtNeTON 9S008 lzotl tct.ttzo April 9, L9B0 I{r. Jarres A. tr\rbix Zonj.ng Adrdnistrator Town of VailVail, Colorado Dear !1r. Rubin: Ti:ank you for sending ma the puiclic notice, a @W of w?rich is attachedfor your clarification as to what I arn viriting about. ' I{yse1f and rry partner l4artin l{u1lal1y ovrn Unit #2 of the Rucksacl: Condcrniniwr. Our condqninir.nn is the top three floors of the building. A year and a half ago ue csmenced a rerndeling progam wherein ue built t\4o bedroorns and two baths out over the roof of the then existlng rtof of Kelton Ga.rdens Real Estate offiee. In the process of getting the building perrnit and secr.iring design review approval for the trc bedroorn tlto bath arldition we also secured the towirts approval to change the exterj.or windows frur a snll eonfiguration to large plate glass wjrrdovs in our kitchen, dining rodn, and llving roorn area. Ttris enabled us to expard our vienr frsn our condcrnlnirln over the roof of the Red Llon Bestaurant so that rrye could see the npuntain including chair l, 16 and 6 as wel.l as o<panding our view of the MilI Cl,eek Oourt and the Gore Bange Moutaias. IIe trave no real ccnplaints with the p:roposed changes with one exception. Ille were told by the Tovtn of Vail when rve did our ramdeling of our windoues i:r our ki-tchen, dining and livlng room anea.s that tlrere would be absolutely no possibility nol,v or ever in the futr.re that the roofline of the Red Lion Irur uould be ercpanded upm"rd. If the noofline is extended upnard it would totally destroy our view and take away bundreds of thousands of dollars in the value of our condsnlnium. Therefore we wish to put you and the Tlovrn of Vail on :record witb this reglstered letter that any change in zon'ing that uoqLd detrjrentaLly result ir1 the destnoylng of our view and lesseni.;1g the value of our eondmiaiwr WilL be resisted vigorously. l, I v 't ', ltr. Jares A, Ribia April 9,, j.980 Page 2 It could very well be Chat I arn getting alarrned over nothing, lolilev€r.the enclosed public notice docunents nptivates me to urite tbis letter. I roii1d appreciate by return nail pu settl{ng nV uleastnesc by statirg that ihe noofline of the Bed Lion Ina wIiLL !6ver.be aItoril€d to tltcneas€ in height thus dsstnoyiag our vie% : EespeatfuDy, Bob D. 8€€b€ . 2 ..r, 4,.. ..J1..1.t,'r- ... -t PUBT,IC NSTICE NOI'ICE IS HERESY GfVEN TIIAT Janes A. hrbin, Zoning Adminlstrator the Tcu'n of Vail, has requested an Anren&rent to Chapters L8.24, Ccnnercial Core I (@I) and Chapter L8.%;, Corrercial Core II (€2) of the Vail lr,irnicipal Code to establi-sh new guldelines and develcpnent standards for the revien of all exterior nDd'ifications ruithin CCI and C2 (tbe Va;J Village and Vail Lionstread Core Areas). Changes are beiag proposed to the follcnrring Seotiqrs: 1. Peraritted and Conditional Uses2. Conditional Uses-kpansion. 3. Conditonal Uses-trbctors Appl-icable4. Setback5. Height6. Density.Control7. Site C.overage8. Iandscaping and Site Developnent9. Parking and Loadlng10. Locatim of Busiless Activity A nw Section will also be intrpduced that describes the procedure that w:tll be folloned in the r-eview of erterior npdifications in Cl and €2. The arnendnents will be presented il cmjunctim with the Urban Design PLans for Vail Village and Vall Lionshead. A Rrblic Hearing will be lreld in accord with Sei.tion 18.66.06 of the VaiL Municipal Code before the Torn of Vail Planning and Ervi:ronrsrtal Conmission at a SleciaL Meetiag on April 7tb, 1980 at 3;00 P.M. Said lleari.ng w"i11 be held in the Vail trftrnicipal Building A ccrpy of said Arendnents cal be picked rp i.u the office of Corrnunity Developrent betc€en tbe hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. l4orday thro:gh Ibiday. - TOIIN OF VAIL DIipARIItEl'f OF CC['[itLlNIIY DEVEOPI@IT A. hrbix Zonjng Adrninistrator To bc, pulclished j.n tbe lail Trail on 3_Zf_g0 *+ Wr* /ui/Zc-, e/;4-/r!a-tr Vi.e8lr*."-r&-rz-zrauzzza -ry*. 4^a-.fta+? 4Lz;"a", a ^Cz+tz/a'rzru4-/ / *d 7HE -rc.2e+aZiq z,adaZ,rt?2,/ 4,a-zz' a., -rt. -4414 2 Vzz / ,"/zia-*zzz .-/- Ttca-*e-' ofn ^Z{ z/L /od .ziaz 11 cLa s-s Ffta"l- T//f fte O L/anl 'fr'rrza-a4*a /47 -rApaf.U- tz/la<tzt y'l- 44-r;a;f JteZ /'-"?-id-e.t {.-; /4, P s, a,rz/. J-.terv /a'za^Z /-tt-."1*t )* ata.rc.L f -ry, A,rI-LZ -eAa'l .a -e'zF ' d&".d-*l)"7 ;* fte42. y'rzrufa-7-z-. 4 ,-'+e f&%a 6t -zlJ-..7 t-, "A--n./72 .5274'X ar -tfu' rz"'L/n<- ..m-ar-124,c- "f-.;aa'azao fr" -t/tz- -'n-4u JsrVat "Zr 4zaiqtzt4- /rr ztz4 4z<tzz'^ / 'rrotL 3/Q- ,4eJ &*z' , tuerz 'zi1z' z-z'/- zz'/+ ,ffi T:';effi ,Zu f-z / zzr,<zz / te eT 2a'i4'ttta.Z (c-z-z' 22a44 a*e/- V -attz *4.4/'? 4 aL.a} ^tz4aJ4zaa-nzz'+zz arc' a-z'rr-&re' Zla-Z e/o'H- 14' 4' 4tZ4 t-y't'.t-.tJ*z-z *ra i./z t-z'ztt-,c2+<'zZt-*'z;Z ;i,*: *7 */z- 4-:.*Z :a'?lzzr a/; -aZ*enz, .l|ayt .-rz2zza -Z+aZ/-t/ ../r" eZ '-rztr -za-a-z't-/Z-t'e/ "'7zd--7 u--rz q+zz..to-/ ., ,t za'I-.2 / .z--r'rr'-zz'+ JZ aZ 24 '?e? ,t*irt-'rZ 4.f2- 4 'zrfu -'?'3-/'1/'44-42?L y' 'znz "]'4+4'r'442)Iu/ '/eore/+zza14) )t4 ?az.L Plozo Lodge, Box GS,Vail,Colorrodo A1:657 - (3O3) 476 -4StO 'rtLht zrzzt zZ fu ; o 4.ra--/z. /*;j dto .j&+ -z-r.fzz-zrzz/'. /-an*o' 4 4'?4'e"- ,tLr4/e./ Zlt ).rn-V,."at-zTr 7 acczzd-Z/ a..(/,a-.y'- .tt'1278/2r 4fq ALa-t 212 g4,/a' 'g'uZJ;-/ 'tzra2 a- ca-rz;zza-rre-reZz- f ea-rz/znzz'urt"t'z-rrz^a'' a-zz/- Canz'ztu-hz-l> a7 l'12 'r'aon, 4 fuy z+Fr-zzo ,74a-ra F L'zb'?z a'u'Za-zzcz' tz'/4 / / 4. t /-.'.a. *,'a-'/Lt-*zzzl J'ztlLaZ I ?/;rz na-ord tZa grta;/' -'/a"Y'd,''/z aU"r/ A,tZ tz-4'/-4/ t t -.r I a.h,*q 4*;- zH-L ^f, ryfffi( tr4.ry€417 'eza /, ,L/ L" ) zl:<./J. % z:-"2 T<<ff .f **/!:j;J azz-a/. -i-t*t t-tt' -z-lo ZdutzaZ 2/'4414' t-zz 4 *rz Z ca-rt'zua{ 'Z/t' A"l 'La-n 4-"t*2 "/'t'at-aez- jaa/ Vkaz'"cn a-' r' ,*^1"- -o**7'e lnr :f** "* W Azr/7* ' ,r;"2 e-z-/ -L/z -t'u-aoz"zL'",n-l'a't-T' o') V-oo- a7 z-+tz- rya*"*<*z T<:* r*' -aZaStz' -a-z i"!2"'"1' 'zza7az 4Z'-'' 'rnaJ-ez'' 4a-ot<' J";r. fcb 7'')S a-r.t*uztd ;; a" fa-rz,n y * -e4trL f '?"/2 /*lla-7* (ne - -r'utl,ztr4 U-ftdh. Ztz' czz'z/'z'rzzf-a'rzclzl &zttt*>a/*-r 4 V* :: 'n-*z ,7:^ E ; *Lz'z o5 &/ /'t-'" -zr'zauzZ ze J44a*2 42/ z" "znZ/ F DfT:'not'^---Eiaza -l-a.*;g 2i'& 'ftfLi -"-"uia-/uz-"I 44;"4-]r'';;$"*azy ,P1-,74' t*"ltz"* -"14 'nfr # ' lr ; ;*f /'rac-z-+caz a'r a-z-azz-a4' z7?zaz?42z-/; -?z7zZ*z+^.:'a kr-a, /'4-uLqzu /t-t7*- 'z-/d 'ryzz-rnz'r'z'424'a/4- / F*a-zz, Z kLzz 8-42-zz-' zT -u 2*rz7 trl' z'tL *3?f -ht-ar/z-, r- tu14' 4 >-/Laz (t'coz ;1 )ru'rze-4ry q//PeHzZ , =zr/*7 /-""""t1 -uzzfu'tz-a-r d*?* 2'2 -/na-7e ' %;2 --",,-ae.n-z ft-.*fy/ u,/1oTo,4 oftr*r- ;-tfu fV 'lL J'u,z'/'*'V ,(' 'l'olfN oF vAIl, Al'I)l.,1cA't'Ioi{ l"oll coNl)I1'loNAL USi': I'}lili[lI'f App I i c at io n Dat e -_----IJe1_s-'--l-9q-g'I Pubticltion Dirtc ---.-Ury- 9r*16r-23r l9-8-Q public ltcaring l)ate _ Phase 1 on May 26, 1980JhCs-9-?-3!-3-!el9l-{ale-lhiS--Atmter, Name of APP) icant Charles H. Ros"nggrt-t--,-Rt"_[qId-Ir,-Bror'r'. ieffrev B. Selby Name of Orvner if cliffercnt from Applicant a P.O. Bc,x 1528lrtai ling Address Talephone Legal Description: LotE,F,FG]I-, Block 5:A-, Filing vai I vi lfagfi:-- First Filir'E ---:-:i-:"-':i--:::i.-...-:,'--.-;--;i. --r.-rl^i,.,G-, ----[FirrTt)61-:**. t-rnpratt,co .s1t-i'iit -rnctci =r1loun6; <icscri"ption as e: Applicationisher.ebyntadeforaConclitionalUsePer-rnittoallow: Phase l is a rernodel of two existin - a new entry to one of the units and the lower level Lio4rs ps4 Restaurant. Phase 2 is an expansion and remodel along the south ion of the exist onal sDace on tne on the second 'floor 476-OS2 APPI,ICATION \Vii,L NOT I]Ii ACCIJP'I'IiD UNI,}]SS ACCOllPANIF]D RY TIIE FOLLO11IING: 1r^^ ( q.n nn -r q cll'cssed cuvelopc'1. llearing ree - $50.OO 'r $1'40 for IiACll aci 2,ALISTo}.1.I{Eo\TNIillSorTIIEPRopE}ITIBSwithin300feetina. single-Family Rcsiclc'tlai;'hvo-Family Resi6cntial; or Two-Family Primary/ScconriaryRcsiclcntialZorrcDistrict;oradjlrccntto the suirject ptoplrty in aIl other Zone Districts' TheorvnersListshallincludctlrcnlmesofa}lorvnersandthe legal description of tle prioperty orvned by each' Accompanying this list sha11 be llre-adilrc'ssed ctrvclopes along with Certif icates and llctrrrn n.""i.pts properly f i- Lled out to^cach otvner.Tlreseforms.unt,.obtairrcdfr.omtheU.s.Postoffice. 3.SiteP].an,floorplanandotherdo0umentsesrequiredbythe Zoning Administrator 4. A description of the precise nature of the proposcd use' its .opcratin!-.tr."".tcrisiics and mclrsures proposed-to make the l.\. ;;;'.oiplttrrfe with other properties i,n tlrc vicinity. ,X Zone Di st;ict - 7/ ) i,,. "a!,..\ I I RU OFFy'/VENTW ORTH ARCH ITECTS. AtA .. .,{jONlNG CHECK Red Lion Inn rgooz Lots E, F, G, & H, Block 5 A, Voil Villoge IST Filing Zone: Cornmercio I Core I 18.24.020 Use-Bosementl Restouront & Storoge Propced Use: Unchonged 18.24.030 Use_First Floor Restouront & Bor Proposed Use: Unchonged 18.24.040 use-second Floor 2 Residentiol Drelring Unih Propced Use: Unchonged 18.24.050 Use=Above Second Floor N/A 18.24.060-70 Condirionol Uses: N/A 18.24.080 Accessory Uses: N/A 18.24.100 Setbocks: None Required 18,24.110 Distonce Between Buildings: None Required 18.24.120 Height: 35'Mox. Existing: 27!Propced: 30' ot New Loff 18.24.130 Density Control: 80o/o (13,98%q . ft .)= I l, l9l sq . ft. Alloived Existing: 8,180 sq. 91. bro6s) - \Propced: 8,301 sq. fi. (increose { 12l sf . ft.)J 18.24.140 Reconstruction of Exisiing Uses: N/A 18.24.150 Coveroge: 80% (13,989sq. ft.) = ll,l9l sq. fr. Allored Existing : 10,780 sq. ft. Propced:.10,901 sq. ft. I \ 18.24.170 Londscoping & Site Development 20%(13,989 sq. ft.) =2,7913sq. ft. Minimum Existing: Appro<. 31400 sq. ft. Propoced: Approx. 3rO50 plus Addifionol ot Rucksock Building 1g.24. lgo porking'& Looding: Unchonged;rom Existing RED LION INN 304 E. Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81.657 May 5, 1980 Mr. Janes Rubin Zoning Adrninistrator Town of Vail Vail , Co., 81657 Dear Jim: On October 2, 7979 Chuck Rosenquist, Dick Brown and I acquired the Red Lion Inn building and business. Upon a careful inspection of the building we have concluded that there are certain changes which we feel will enhance the property and irnprove the general area along the south portion of the build- ing including the Seibert Circle area while at the same tine ensure contin- uation of the building scale and architectural qualities of the village core. We hired Bill Ruoff as our architect because of his reputation in handling the alpine character and his desire to naintain the unique character of the Vail Village conmercial core area. We are very encouraged by the plan which has been developed and feel that the proposed ir4lrovenents and remodel will greatly enhance the building and the surrounding area. The work which we would like to complete this sununer called Phase 1, is a renodel of two existing second floor residential apartments with the addi- tion of a loft bedroon and anew'stair entry to the northwest corner apart- ment, We are also seeking approval to provide a nevr exterior entry to the lower level Lionrs Den restaurant as welL as sone interior renodeling of that restaurant . It is our desire to leave the existing restaurant on the nain level and as it is today. The area we wish to chage in the sumner of 1981 is the area known as the show-bar. It is our desire to put the show-bar operation into the basenent level. area. We would then Like to expand the building out to the property l-ine and convert the street leveL space into snall retail shops along Hanson Ranch Road. The expansion will bring the shops to the street andthc people. As people cone down Bridge Street the shops will generate interest in what lles ahead and this will help bring people around to the Mill Creek area where they will circulate through to the lt{ill- Creek Court Building area. the additional shops along the southern portions of the Red Lion Inn BuiJ.ding should greatly enhance the Seibert Circle area. The developnent on the second fLoor area will be residential space only and will be intigated into the existing residential space. It is our intent to Page l\lo llr. Janes Rubin !,lay 5, 1980 partition the total space on the second floor into a total of five (5) very luxurious apartnents including the two (2) units we are renodeling this year. As you ca.n see, what we are requesting is relatively small and rril,l greatly' -emhance the area and the building,,--.especially al.ong the south and should groatly help in drawing people over to the Mill creek Court Building. I look forvard to working with you on this proposed expansion. Selby JBS/cd AITACEI{I PRbPERfi OT{NERS fi) THE RED LION INN Mill Creek Court Condoniniwr Associatlont Arthur G. Bishop and Conpany 3OZ Hanson Ranch Road Vail , Colorado 81.657 Parks BuildingI Elton Bud Parks 503 Gore Creek Drive Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Golden Peak House Condoniniun Assoclation 278 llanson Ranch Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Ttre Plaza Building I l'lrs. Joanne V. Hill. 301 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Ttre Rucksack Condominiun Associatlon I Rendezvous West P.0. Box 397 Vail, Colorado 81657 zoNrNG CHECK CON,TO Red Lion lnn taw2 TABULATION Exigting Groes Sq. Ft. Bosement 5710 Fint Floor 8180 Second Floor 5045 GRFA Fq Second Floo, D""lling Unltr_ / a V*1^\h,' X"-* w^l Propoeed Unchonged +12 | E.Fr. +350 Sc. Ft. +312 Sq. Ft.4n1 t\ l, i80 I a',f eo I 316@ sg 3.5st.e, l-88 t,"3-:8 'rj;-fr, I (' Iq 7 --r,le r / -. t /1o.-. Mon+u I Jq (1ssV<ro )t'r'' i v')o']^,,r o-d A ' I * -,. i, ar.q-- o.i..on"2/*^Y, i3-':o^Y/ t --'-; {,1^;; 4 u^:+ B * fA* t^e6- f. o'(-r-'#* o /a'-\\e) F: 6*.' ^ r) 6'tu Ai/'' rtA d-,. U I4 Uoan 0 u', c,/o r '' a". Dua u , P".{lr'l iP*-K Cl- o ,/ o OCl'3* | .- t fiuea/l/q.'.-.' L ot -r t- I tl! ;'tJ t-r i { t.A\l, ,t I t{.t L| c()x li C0:;:j A l1l()l l.:rlitr )lJ^t r. lll'()lli1 ll(t lilll ll ti||.l. ,xr l,'1Al I:,( 'l.l :rll | | tJLNVt.ll. (l )t r.r i\t)r) 8(t2c)6 'l{il.t I'lla)lll :l(r'} l'l'l rl(ifi(, June 16, 1980 E. Slifer, Mayor BColorado 81657 Tu',,,,. ir-,-.J .ll )ll (;f )x |'AUL ri c()ss IIICTI^ND J, WLDGLE Rodney Box 24Vail, Dear Mr Re: Con<litional Usc Pcrmit for tile Recl Lion Inn, Vail, Colorado. SI i fer: Pursuant to the Vail ltunicipaJ. Ordinance 18.60.070 and the sub-paragraphs thereof, this Ietter shall constitute: formal written notice of appeal of tlre Planning and Environmeutal Commissions' decision to approve a Conditional Use Permit to aflow the expansj.on of the Red Lion Inn in two phases. This decision was approved by Lhe Planning and Elrvironnental Commission on June 9, 1980. The appeal is filecl on behalf of Dr. t,'lartin and Yvonne I'{u11a1ly and Mr. and Mrs. Bob D. Beebe, owners of the Condominium Unit R-2 which is located directly north and adjacent to the Ited Lion fnn ancl trlrs. Joann lli1l owlrer of thc Plaza Lodge which is directly west across Bridge Street from the Red Lion Inn. Representatives from both partj,es were present at the Planning and Envi-ronnental Commission on June 9, 19B0 and formally objected to such Conditional Use PermiL' which objections were dully recorded Essentially, t.he ob j ections of Dr. and Mrs . t-lulIally and Mr. and Mrs. Beebe are directed to the loft exparrsion on the roof of the Red Lion Inn. This proposed dxpansion sub- stantially and unnecessarily interferes with their present view of the ski area. Moreover, the proposed loft expansi.on does not real-ly "improve" the Red l.,ion rntr.' It is not visually har- monious an<l conrpatible with bhe surrounding properties. Its only visible effect would be to block Lhe vievr from Lhe Becbe alrd MuIlaIly conclonr.i.niun arrcl t-hus clinri.r'ri.sh thc valuc oll thal: unit. It $ras aPparent that the Pl.anning and Environmental Commission ignored t-he Criter.i;r seL forth in the Protective Cotretrants of VaiI Villaqe, Fi rst Fili-rrg, wl'rich were recordecl on AugusL 10, 1962 in Book 174 Page 179 iir the Iiagle County records. I Usc a i)nssing u1.>on such lrlarrs arrcl Conrmi-tt-ee sha11 consicler : Corrd I Li onal l'agc 2 f c rrni. t The criteria seL forth in thc Covenant. are asfollows: I.4 Criteri.a. In specifiEaEi6Fs the 1.4.1 t-.lta srr j. L;rtri 1.i t:y of tlrn j ml)l-ovenrcn l- arr<ltnatcrials of which iL is Lo bc consbructed Lothe site upon which it is b.o be locat.cd; I.4 .2 the nature of acl j ac<-'n b. ancl neighboring improvcrnenLs; 1..4 . 3 thc cluali. Ly of t:lrc ma Lcr: i a'ls Lo bi:utilized in any proposcd inrprovenrent; and L.4.4 the effect of any pSgposed inrprovejncnt "rTE" -q"EI""f-"E;ny ;-aja .r r*i,jEbor.lng;;;;;;Tpr (Jp(jr Ly, It shall be an objective of The Committee to makecertai-n that no improvement rvill be so simil-ar or so dissimilar to others in the vacinity that values, rnonetary or aesthetic, will be impaired. It is clear from Lhese covenants that the intent ofthe founders of Vail was that the views of existing improvements and properties be protected along r+ith their resulting monetary and aesthetic values. the Pl-anning and Environnental Conditional Use Permit for Mrs. Joann Hill's objection is based on the fact that the Red Lion owners have sought this expansion in two phases. She feels it appropriate that pri.or to any approval beinggranted, that tl're Planning and Environmental Cornrnission review the entire expansion proqram. She contends that the fact that the pfrase one portion-hai been airproved will put unnecessary and implied pressure on the lnembers of the Planning arrd Env.lronmental Conmission to appr:ove tl;e phase tr{o paggJr-am whctr it is proposecl . Furthermorc, Lhr: pr"escnL confiquration of t-.hc phase one expans-ion, gives thc ltcd l,ion Inn a lopsicled clrar- acter, which carn only l:c renrccli ed by exyransion Lo Lhc souLlr cttclof the Red Lion Inn, which could block not only i.1rs. HilI's longstanding view of the Gore Range from her building, tltt also the longstandin{ scenic corridor of the towu of Vail, lJe urge that you overturn Commission decision to approve thethe Red Lion Inn. ff' ^ ,t-O'.Condi biot:aI Page 3 Perurit If you desire atly l.urLher irtfortnation rcgtrrdi.trc; our clients positions in this regard, please feel free to con'tact us at your convenience. Also, we would recluest that you advise us of any town councj-l meeti.ngs,wherc this appeal wilL be discussed and cons.idcr:ed' so that our clients and a rePresen- .tative from our office can be present to present our clienl-s viewpoint and answcr any clucstions. vcqy cc: Bob D. Beebe Mrs. Joann liill Members of the Vail Town Counsil I USe @ .-; . -lL- JqaQ :'-- Project Name: Project Application f-;a^I ^,n qqS t o u--t To -t co R r'l (-"iat'^ J-.-.,Project Description: Own€r Address and Phone: ArchitectAddressandphone: btl( fr^oFt Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Design Review Board 4-i Morion by: 14^/4tf5fi',, Seconded by: -T , .-'' -l ( Juu.,e_ l!;-- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial I I I L, ! OFI,IST lIATDBIALS NAME OF LEGAL DESCRTPTT oN Efgaa- JLor- '5[-. nr,ocx DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Tbe followingto the Design A. ). BUITDING Boof Siding inf ormati.on Review Board MATERIALS: is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color blBV To Lraus prs. . fu* cw l/.Ecea Z:xt'gatto* Other lta11'Irfaterials Tascia Soffits Sindows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Flues Flashings Chimneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Botanical Name PLANT I'{ATERIALS(Vegctative, Landscaping and Ground Cover)- l.Iaterials including Trees, Shrubs , Common Name Size To fflArcar Wruoal?pt gnlr & wd,t f,;r Nota Lwa fu,tgflrrb Ab% Nout B.) 'Aera.t Quantitv ?.2 ,2" t @€a_'@aJ'..lUr,'tren, fll4Arroun Rewx? ?tjtrx (rpouo tqua.A_-t---)+{ c^t- vtl ll1pg' o lltra tu9 -lR4urororg tltlAttotr,r o Plant Miterials Quantity lr'.-Lwne '-: O a office of the town attorney May 9, 1980 ilay Peterson Attorney at Law 108 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L657 RE: APPLICATION FOR EXPAIISION OF RED LION rNN (JEFF SELBY) Dear Jay: This letter is to follow up on our conversation thismorning. As I indicated to you, the Town Council reguested me to contact you or Jeff Selby concerning the application to expand the Red Lion Inn. The reason for the request was thatthere r,'ra s apparent confusion as to the process for review ofthe application, inasmuch as the ordinance and plans for theVillage are. in the process of change. When the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 40 (Series of 1979) it imposed a Moratorium on all applications, approvals and building permits in the Village, When the Moratorium was extended by Ordinance No., 15r (Series of 1980), the Councilprovided that applications and initial approvals may be sought but no building permits woufd be issued. Therefore, any one wishing to start the process until the Moratorium wasfulIy lifted did so with the prior knowledge that the process, ordinances and rules would likely be changed. Therefore,until- a permit is issued the applicant may find that he doesn'tgualify and may have to start again. Any action taken by theapplicant is taken only on an expectancy. Because we believe that the Town Council wilt concur in the recommendations of the staff and the Planning and Envir- onmental Commission and the final results will be the complete adoption of the Vail Village design plan and architecturalguidelines, we have urged applicants to proceed in accordance wit,h the new procedure. By doing that there j-s less risk of not being in compliance with the regulaLions l./hen permits may be issued EIX*" box 100 vail, colorado 8'l 657 {303) 476-5613 Page $,to If an applicant insists that he wants to have his application iEviewed as a conditional use under the ':urrent ,bitittg ordinance, and if the new regulations- are.adoPted pii"t-t" the issuance of a building permit, he will have to proceed to comPlY with the new. ThestaffandTownCouncilwantsJefftounderstand this prior to proceeding- I hope that this clarifys why Jin Rubin requested a l6tter from Jeff stating that he knew and understo6a that his application woutd be reviewed to insure that it complies witn tfte new plans' -rf you have iny goestions, feei free to call me or Jim Rubin' RespectfullY' druU,Le4La{) O &t*,tfi Lawrence C. Rider Town Attorney LCR/cli cc: Jim Rubin' o box roo r yEit, colorado 8t6s7 303.476.561 Vai1, Co. 81657 Dear Mr. Burdick: Tl.::1_"1 !!u lqgSte-footage of.approxinaiely 1840 sq. fr. in the.,*9lls9="t91 ot-the Red Lion, the occupancy ioad for'the lounge hasDeen-set at#5-+eo+le. A sign stating "IIAXI}{ M CAPACITY 123" isrequired under section s301 (J) of the"uniiorm-suiraing coau, to uuplaced near the nain exit frdrn-the loung;:--- - February 2, 1977 Mr. Larry Burdj.ck If you havenot hesitate appreciated. Sincerely, any questions concerning his occupancy 1oad, please doto ca1l. Your assistance in thi-s natter wiri Ue ,.7J+"*a4V'**- ,/James Olsen, CaptainVail Fire Protection District J6lbn DISIGN REVIEilJ BOARD DATE OT MEMBERS MTETlNG: PRESENT: SUBJECT VOTB: FOR: APPROVED: AGAINST: AI]STENTION: DISAPPROVED: SUltltrlARY: o POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PtAgE ]'LIJMEIING./ M ECHAI\IICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL 8-f-t> ir A L^ro ADDRE'' Lt *, | (-( oF [3.-'r n. T h- PZ ff /6a P ,noneELT s-{(. OF BUILDING:ou^\. b " - oF woRK: fl nnw )C noorror'r ! REMoDEL D nepnrn ploNoFWoRK: b-t $ i,tl{ "1 P-fl' o co*\-zvwe-v-sc NG: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBEF ALUATION $ ./4? PERMIT FEE "/y/r( ! brseppnoveoil nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATE 3 e P EFIMITPLIJ MEilNGi / M ECHAT\I ICAL TOWN OF VAIL orrE_{:4ld:_r9ZlL_ JOB NAME the Red Llon Inn OWNER Red Lion ADDRESS Vail, Colorado cONTRAcToR Acme Fire Protection Co.. 54OO lfest Colfan PHoNE 232-8257 o OF BUILDING: oF woRK: F "tw ! aoorlor'r fl neuooel E nepnrn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER 2A SPKITS.MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATTON E 1+r5OO.OO VALUATION $ BEMARKS:REMARKS: \ PERMIT /E{ 17 .5o PERMIT FEE \-/4^o ril${ I orseeenove\i*ou,o / TOTAL FEES: $ AP ^ '-tnre 8, J,s u 7f 1 AiL. rDrt!TLr\r ll I t,lAY 74 *TA'( t'l s?4 I i 0il NA!4:t?. d I-::: DATE OF APPL ICAT IOi'I E LECTR I CAL CONTR{C-|OR S I GNATUAI OF APPL ICAi.J-I BU I LD INS ELECTR ICAL VALUAT IOi.] VA LUAT I Oh! PEFII,lIT FEE APPiIOVALSi &o,oaa,ra s 8L, 'a f NSFEcrroN FEE s 8o TOTAL,,,fr6____7 DATE PA ro 5-t77{* -YrcE rvro ev .-l& ^- * Lefu I q €s'- $\*"*r*--AIi Ci.IEOKE R LDII.IG CFFICIAL FORII IS TfJ B[ POSTED Oi'I JC;J SIT[ DiJRI;.iC COIISTRUCTI OI] 24 }IOURS NOTICE REQUTRED PRfCR To Ii'ISPECTIOIIS DAT E l? U*.t r* DAT E PLUMETING!./MECHANICAL FEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL 4 /24 /74 Red Lion Inn Red Lion Inn. Inc TRACTOR Cipra. Inc.PHoNE 744-352L OF BUILDING: Re staurant LASS oF woRK: E new E noornoru E nEnaooel I nepnrn IPTION OF WORK: Sheet uretal - IIVAC work PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUAT|ON $ 25,705,00 REMARKS:REMABKS: /r- '\ PERMIT FEE ,= *rrJr{ gles.oo \/Y,'l%#6bb Korr*ou=o D orsappnoveo ,n._ 60rorAl FEES: $ / 7.> - oare d-t-7f -i INSPECTIc'N TOWN OF '' FIEOIJEST VAIL oor:. €-t-r91-JOB NAME TIME RECElVED AM PM cALLER QIPRA E ornen MON COMMENTST E pnnrtal LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE ^@THURFRI /-- 30 El epp RovE D I orsnerRovED I nerNsPEcr D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE : . ii r.ri;i :i,;'J:r ..i..., ,'. INSPECTOR -,U PLUMEilNGI.TMECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL f;,,ott*ouro E orsappnoveo ToTALFEES: $ 33 7. {C NAME /+ d cl , 17. ", /?, J L,.,, L' n, / d" /', . /, urnc I f P/ u,,'L,n-,. l-le"t, -,, Llc.-{r.../ pgepg €J7 -552 OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E] ruew Vooo,r,o" X. rrroor. ft nepnln prloNoFWoRK: l'^e ,n./'o\ €.<:'rrtc - od c[ 't'', c*-*'-'''t(o"'-> PLUMBING: NUMBER 123O./MEGHANTCAL: NUMBER t73A-/Ul 1 ,'-VALUATfON$ 't 5,ooc'VALUATION$ JC,,OoC) REMARKS:REMARKS: PEFMIT FEE /€ T, .SCI PERM]TFEE /5.'CC, F ,..& ._hi Frasier & 6ingery, lnc. COIVSULTING EIVGIIVEERS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET EIVGLEWOOD, COLONADO 801 IO TELEPHONE 303 /61-4860 May 6, 7974 Town of VailP. 0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 8l_6S7 Attention: Mr. Jerry AldrichChief Building Official STATENfENT - Billing period March 23 rhru April ZZ, LgZ4 Job No. 452.18 - Plan Check - Red Lion fnn - Code Check TOTAL FIXED FEE DUE THIS STATEMENT A4rto,nt F P^f Wrs .$*o*u7.je c.o.*-:- V aMryr+ Accounts not paid within 30 days from date of statement will be charged INTEREST at the rale ol 10,6 per month of the unpaid batance. I -- ADDBIDUM NO. 1 ADD]TION TO THE RED I.,ION VAIL, COIORAM OFFTCE OF FITZHUGH SCOTI ARCHITECTS,/PIANNERS INC. P.O. Box 1773 Vail, Colorado PRO.]ECT NO. 1357 IdARCH 14, 1974 This Addendr:m is issued to modify, explain or correct the original Drawings and Specifications and is hereby made part of the contract Docwlents. Please att-ach this Addendum to your Specifications and mark corrections on Drawings. SPECIFICAIIONSffiTil_ifsrAl rasnrcArtoNs 5. Materials, add Tteur"7. Furnish bronze cover for two pj"pe columns at ner,g bar". Cover to fit over fireproofing. SESTION 660, CORTON COI'NTER TOPS Actd this sction, attached to the Specifications - Add to Table of contents TC-1. SECTION 7OI, MARBLE 6. FABRICATION C. Ad1 "ft.t this sentence. "For Toilet Rooms B-07, B-1O, 1Og and L09 see Section 660. " sEcTIoN 925, DRYWATL 2. MATERIALS, a. GENERAL, Add "wallboard to be applied. with nails, screlts, aiid adhesive on wood studs, metal suspension system' and over insulation as shown on the clrawings. " 2- MATERIALS, b. GYPSUiII WALLBOARD. Add "Fire-rated x water-resistant, 5,/8 11ed on garage ceiling and walls, wal-ls of entry and at staj.r 1 in the entry, wal1s separating lower bar and second floor. " 2. MATERIALS, c. FAsTgbiERs Add "Screws shal1 be self-tappinq, bugle head tlpe S and type was applicable- " 2. MATERIALS ad.d the fo1l0wing: El-Ei@ ceilins materials -Runner channels, I t/2 inch cold rolled steel, painted -Furring channels, 7,/8 inch galvanized steel -Hang:ers ' #9 gauge annealed wire -Tie wires #16 gauge f. Adhesive -Styrofoam mastic #7 or #11 as distributed by Armspec. Inc. 3. INSTA],I,ATION U. Cf'pSUf,f wer,LgOeRD, 6, after the word nails add, "or screws" Add the .f ollowing: f . slgPsNpsp CAILTNG MgrE\$Fs f.- s"tfend iunners channels from structural merobers or slabs above spaeed at a maximum of 4t-ot o.c. with hanger wires a! the same maximum spacing ' 2. Attach furring channels to runner channels with tie wire-sadde-tied to runners. Space furring channels not to exceed 16" o.c' O 3. Make appropriate adjustnent of channel of lights, diffusers. et cetera, and supply channels. g. ADiIESIVE APPLICATION t. Adhere to walL insulation closely butted, p lunb 2. Apply nastic in spots or ribbons. SECTION 951, ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS Adil this Section, attached, to the Specifications ' add 13 57 spacings to permit installation required supporting fraining SECTION 983, SPRAY ON FIREPROOFING Add this Section, attached to the Specificatlons. SECTION 1540, PLIJIdBING 2. WATER SERVICE "Add c." C. Remove exj.sting r^tater Connect existing building 4. EXISTING GAS SERVICE Add: " Remove two existing and lights in new wall in 5. PTSE ANp FrrlrNGS B. WATER PIPING ss-l change " service sink SH-2 Add "Furnish 4# l-ead Add three in-sink-erator 14. WATER HEATER Onit, water heater; connect circulatingr punP P-4 shorsn. 774O-A2O to 7692.023 with same tri:n pan and lead corners. " Model H-775 hot water dispensers in bar new building: to nevr trot water storage and even. to Table of Contents TC-l. at each sink. tanks. Use Add to Table of Contents TC-I. meter and disconnect existing service to builcling- to ne$ service main. gas lights and gas supply. " "Relocate gas supply pldce of two new electric lights and posts." 2. change (2L" and snaller) to (2" ancl smaller ) Change type "L" copper to type "K" copper. 3. change (3" and larger) to (2'f and larger) 12. PLUI4BING FIXTURES AND TRIM B. PLUI{BING FIXTURE L]ST 8. HOT IIATER BOILER B- Omit tlis itern ana add, "Boiler to be sized for AIIV #l' AFIV #2' and new basebaord radiation. Add D. D. A separate boiler for snow melting is to be fr:rnished complete Ralryaek or equal - SECTION 1560, HEATING VSITII.,ATING sEcrroN 1573 SNOW MELTING SYSTEM 2. PIPE AND FITTINGS AND AIR CONDITIONING A. Omit this fype K copper paragraph, and add new with no fittings buried paragraph. "Glycol piping in slab - in slab, ARCHITECTURAL DRA!{TNGS @rs to redwood deck on redwood sleepers set on gravel from south of Vestibule to west of basement stairs' -Change brick pavers on terrace to concrete. Carpet by owner ' -Brick pavers east of builating will extencl to north of owner's entrance with concrete north to dock area. 1357 A-2 1-. Door schedule, change door No. 2 fron type B to tlrpe A. A-3 l. Door schedule, Change tl"pe of doors as f ollorars: No. 18 from H to J No, 12 from t to M No. 13 from L to M No. L4 from K to L I No. 15 from K to I,' No. 16 frqn J to K No- 22 from !1 to G No. 24 from G to H No. 25 to be type B 2. wall south of bar at, colunns change from DlfP to Plaster paiatect. 3. coat room' provide drlzwall partition around duct in coat roon. 4. Existing itining room and bar; change note frm "drop ceiling to 8 ' -0" j.n " to "drop ceiling to 8'-4" in _" . 5. Existii! dining roon; change note from-"drop ceiling Lo 8'-O'- to "drop ceiling to 8 r -4" _"A-4 1. Existing stairway - remove existing winios and close up opening lrith drlngall partition painted. 2. Revl-se batb, darkrom and giuest bedroom as per drawing 104 attached - A-5 1. Door schedule. ornit doors 37' 38' 39. 2. Patio; change brick pavers to reduood on red\dd sleepers over gravel from south of vestibule to r,eest of basenent stair, change notes on drawing. 3. Lamp posts at entrance and at north west corner of planter - Change note to read "relocate existing gas lamP posts.r' 4. Entrance from street to vestibule for lryiilth of vestihule add note,I'Brick pavers in grout on 6" concrete slap with snow nelting - 5. Entrance onit note, "lt6 x 15-5 col. et cetera." provide base pLates only. 6. Balconies, omit notes " existing balcony to be replaced" balconies will remain. 7. TERRACE ffi;kylights in this area.. et cetera onit Note tBrick pavets in grout..et cetera" and add " concrete 5l:h, carpet by owner. " onit Note Pipe 4" x-strong tytrtical..et cetera" omit Note TS 6x3x37.5 cont. over stl. col..et cetera' Onit Note "MiLl made metal awning..et cetera" Omit Note "w6x15.5 col" furnish base plate onIy. Omit three Notes "W6xI5.5Bl.{" A-6 west and south elevations -Existing balconies to remain -omit terrace doors, windows, skylight, styuctural frarning (except base plates for future). and awning. A-7 North elevations.T GIEEffiors, windows, skylight, structural framing and awning - A-B l. Elevation 1, employee men's dressing room - north "Change rnarble to corion - Z. E1"""ti;", employee menrs toilet east. Change marble to corion. 3. E1effi;6, ernployee rnents toilet west change marble to corion- 4. Elevatio" li, employee \{omen t s toilet - east, change ma.rble .to corion. 5. El"""tion f.3, change marble to corion- 6. E1d'atio"s-24, 25, 2G, 27, 28, 3L, 32, change marble vanity tops to corion A-9 ELevation 11, Existing ilining room - east. o 1357 A-10 Change B'-0" soffit height to 8'-4" 1. Elevation 4, conservatory west. omit opening to existing stair. Opening to be drywalled. A-11 1. Sections 3,/11 and 4/11 change 6" conc. slab /snowmelting and brick pave-rs to redwood deck. 2. Sections 1,/1f thru 5,/11 establish roof elevations - 3. Section 3/11 revise concrele beam per drawi.ng. A-12 1. Revise Section 3/L2 aE elevation II0'-11" as shown on drawing 105 attached. 2. Section L,/12 onit reference to tenace enclosure. 3. Section 3,/12 first floor ceiling change suspended acoustical ceiling tile to drywall painted. 4- Section 4/I2 arr.i,L note, "Brick pavers in grout". slab is concrete with snow melting. A-13 1 . Section 2,/13 onit f 1ue to I|WH. 2. Section 2/13 size of 20 x 2o flue liner subject to change. 3. Section 3,/13 & 4/13 change brick pavers in grout to redwood tlecking. A-I4 1. section 1,/14 ornit section excePt front wal1 and plartter wal]-. 2. Section 2/L4 omiE section 3- Section 8,/14 omit section. A-16 1. Omit. sections 7/L6, 8/L6, 9/16 Efr Detail I4/L7. change note L/2" drln'aL1 on 2 x 4's @ 16" o-c- to "Acoustical tile soffit drop on metal channels". Detail I4/L7 change note, "Acoustical tile to match existing on 5/8" drlryall w/mtl furring strips ancl clips" to 'rAcQUg.. tile on conceaLed suspension system, See specifications ". Detail L4/I7 change 8t-0" djrnension to floor to 8'-4tt to floor. Detail I3/I7 change no!e, 'new acous ' tile to match existing on 5/8" drlry'rarr w'lrntl furring stipn to "Acous- tile on concealed suspension systerr,- see specifications". A-18 1". Change Section 8/18 janb to 1/Le ieanb. 2. omit details L/LB, 2/lt8, 3/L8, 4/L8, 5/18, 6/18 and details 14,/18 thru 22118. A-19 1. Detail 7/I9 to be revised. 2. Plan 3,/19 dimensions to be field verified- 5-t 1. Fielii verify dimensions on basement foundation pl-an. 5-3 1. Area of sundeck to be lollered for snow melting slalr- Revised drawing will be issued. 5-4 1. Detail drawing for location and elevation of 8 x 16 ti-nber beans will be issued. l4-1 1. Relocate exhaust fan - 4. Drawing to be issued. 2. Revise ventilation to boiler room. 3. Relocate Aliu- 2 in basement as shown on drawing 1o2 attached. 4- OrRj.t large piping for hydromic heating and use a nanifold with 3,/4" pipe circuits as required. M-2 1- Revise ductwork frorn AHU- 2 as shown on drawing 103 attached " 2. Connect ceiling unit heater for vestibule to exj.sting piping from present entry to run off existinq boiler. 3. ornit 3/4 HWS and 3,/4 HwR to cuH-2 unit on second floor' Room to be heated by existing boiler- o '1357 M-3 l. Relocate air handling unit #2 to basenent anil revise tluctwork as shown on drawing I04 attached.? .]lrii+ nrlrinsl unit heater #2 and install high out-put basel,oard under bench, to operate from existing boiler. Relocate existj.nq baseFard frorn existinq livi-nq roon in conserrratorv. 3. Bath, darkroom and quest-bedroom to be revised. Drat ings will be issued. M-4 1. omit boilefroon piping diagrarn system to be revised. per building conditions. 2. omit Section A-A. AIIU #2 relocated in basenent. 3. Cabinet unit heater schedule. tuit CUH-2. l,l- 5 1. Onit snow rnelting in patio area from south of vestilnrle to west of basement stairs. 2- change piping at entrance and stairs to 3/4" copPer. 3. Change piping at east entrance and delivery Eo 3/4" coPPer. 4. Omit all drains in patio area. P-l 1. Onrit. sewer to street. sewer to be connected to existing building sewef. 2. Add freezproof hose bibs, one south of vestibule, one west of stairs to basement. 3- omit hot urater heater and supply hot water from two nel, storage tanks heatecl by existing boiler. P-2 1. Revise lavatories as follows: Woman's restroom change L-l to L-2- Menrs restroon to be I,-l. Second f loor bath change 1.,-1 to L-3. 2. Change urinals in men's testroom from U-I Eo tJ-2- 3. Bar plunbing plan, add 3-hot water dispenserst see plr:rrbing this addendum. E-1 1. Eleetric site plan, revise main to builtling and. panels as directed. Provide new panel to meet requirenents of building. 2. Change two west "Y" type fixtures to revise existing gas lights - 3. Qnit waterproof outlets in planters, provide empty conduit caPped at planter for future installation. E-2 l. Add ground around water meter. See sheet P-1. 2. Provide eleetrie snow melting coils. E-3 1. Provide plugrnold fu1l length of bar above counter - 2. HoId purchase of tlTte.Mf . fixture. Fixture may chanqe. F-4 1. change controls fdr air hanclling unit #2 to basernent - '- - 2. Bath, darkrooln and guest-bedroom to be revised. Drawing will be issued. E-5 1. Electric one-line diagram; OsriL service to be installed to meet buildi-ng conditions. 2. Revise panel schedule to meet building conditions. 3. Terrace electrical plan. ornit infrared heat units. Install wP outlets. IGr.4xAO UP -_'t14.xlB UP x?d -J 2o^8 uP lex14 LocATloN oF bHu-zBASS.\,iENT - _ v4.,__ l._6.rajh'=2 fE\.-cttc'= ZE\l . euc-st <51- {.'lp C)IH-J Vzorza . 7trwf ft ----Tl'll Illl l-'ir5AHu-z I o._____:__I ?t\ IEl3 .fl oo*ro f;f-----1 .,J i ,,1-{-..-l F -q;= DN ll' '-zzxz4 -REtocATE D - ---a'-,.t tdALL > :_i<)s..i ADDlTioFg JoBir\35-I 3 -5*t{- .sxdpc Atlp- l It3 ;l I --l I I I 30 xlo ,fo ot (Jif'7r0 =,1-€Ao{rolrl<z.*2.3.<od() .v,()lUtr (J& II Fo C) u>.'= (5 :T1N. tr ll--'o. Irl() lr.*frS 24xtz DN 4oxa4 uP + D F.E'E L!OK T\[)t}iT}:]:TJOBt!\35-l 3-S--?r+ =CALE,ry PtA N ${}3 o I o-FFtcE gEEtIZHU.cFl SCoTI _ ARCHTTECTS/PLANNERS. tNC.Eil[ -' coioriibd'Bidt ' ' 4'= l"o" tr.eD LtoN souttrcil'tJoBtrtBsT ,'i-=-r+' l[14 48114 o 135 7 sEeIIoN 660 650-1 CORION COUNIER TT}PS 1. SCOPE Effiirenents of Division 1 apply to work urder ttris Section. b. lVork included: I. Scope 2. General 3. Material 4- InstalLation 2. GS$ERAL L-F-t'fty counters in amFloyee n6drs toilet rood B-I0' eapLoyee ruentg tol-let ro@ BO7' [anrs reatJcoo 1O9r ltonen I g ta9g3s6 108' 3. MATERIAI ;- Vanity-tops and bor4s shall be one',trliece "Cotrian' lretllyl llethacrylate as nanufactured by E. I. du Pont de Nelours and Co' b. Color and pattern to confonn to rnanufactrrer's stanrdards as selected by . the Architec+,. i4. INSTAI.I,ATICI a.ToPsshallbefielclneasuredanitf,ittof,iel.tdj.nerrsions. b. Sutmit shog draings before fabrication. c. Fr:rrulsh all brackets and required suPPorts ' d. Installation sh.Ll be in a workmanlike nanner ' e. Replace alr chi$r€d, cracked or dlaoaged pieces du6 to installatim or shipping. o 1.SCOPE 4..RE{-tr:irements of l.357 951-1 sEcTIoN 951 ACOUSTICAL CEILI}IGS Dlvlslon 1 apply to work under this Sectlon, l{ork Included;1. Scope2. General 3. Shop drawlngs anil samples4. Mater'la1s 5. Installation6. Replacemenb Unlts :2. GENERAL NOTESffigs. Determine rocacion of recessed. f lxtures tframe out r^iith channels for support of fixtures as dlreetedby Electrical Contractor. Determlne location of grllles, access panels, ducts, frame openlngs of proper size. b. Sheet metal Cucts, plplng, conduit work, wj-ll be done 1n advance of acoustlcal work. Provide required hangers,furrlng channels, supports, cI1ps, fastenings, cement,trim and accessori-es. No hangers shal-l go thru ducts. c. d. Install work ln strlct accordance wlth manufasturertBspeclflcasions and as specifled herein. Recelve, store and protect materials 1n dry area untll- used. e. Where wood, drywall and acoustical wonk come ln contactwlth each other, cooperate wlth other Contractors 1n erectlonof channels and furrring. a. Submlt samples of tile for approval . Submit shop drawlngsor manufacturerts llterature of suspensl-on syster:n. 4. MATERTALS --TITewhlte flnish, 12 x 12 x 3/4", concealed spline and adheslveapplled standard ti1e. Tj.le will be suspended on a lndlreet concealed lP spllne andadhefive applied as shown on the p1ans. o b.Suspension Systemffis, 1-1,/2 inch 2. Concealed spline 1-1,/4'r withrlght angles. 1 ? q7 oq'r -2 col-d rolled stee1, painted. flat sp11ne supports at fasteners3. Hangers, #9 gage annealed wire subnlt type of 4. Tie wlres #16 gage. 5. Metal Closing Molds Channel, white match t1le. 6 Provlde for 25 t7\e wlth tab for removal where required. Adhesive Fffi:lsh as per manufacturers recommendatlons for applying to drywa1I. INSTALLATION 4.GeneraT: Tcoustlcal Contractor w111 be held responslble for lnstalfatii-on of ahngers and sha1l provide hangers, lnserts or other devlces requlred for proper abtachment of suspenslon system, Refer to heatlng and ventllatlng drawlngs; provlde adequate support for ceillngs below large ducts. l^Suspenslon System @ ehannels from structural members or sla-b above spaced at maxlmum of 4t-0'r o.c., wlth hanger wlres at same maxlmum sPacing.2. Saddle tie concealea spilne fo runner channels wlth tle wlre 1r-0?' on centers Lnd 1nstall flat spllne at rlghi angles to splines. 3. tnitatt tile in pattern selected and symmetrlcally about center lines of areas. Jolnts shall be tlght' straight 1n.a11gnment wlth exposed surfaces flush and leve1.4. Provlde netal channel or angle at junction of celIlng wlth wa11s, columns and other vertlcal surfaces for suspenslon system. 5. Cut and fit unlts neatly and tightly around openlngs, permanent equipment and constructlon. Do speclal frarning necessary to accomodate ducts above cell1ngs and to receive flxtures, access panels and gr11les. 5. Frarne and fur around ducts as required. Frame for dr.'nn nai -l i noqs: vP vv++ 7. Seal joints around electrlc outlets, ducts, pipex extending thru acoustical treatment, wlth elastlc calking conpound. B. F.emove defesti_ve or damaged units and replace with perfect unlts. No touch up with enamel or palnt will be aliotrred on damaged tlle. o 4. Scr"lbe to walls and beams. 5. Mlten corners at sofflts. 6, REPTACEI{ENT UNITSffi nanufacturerr s standard one box to Owner so tlrat after explratlon Owner may replace damaged r.nlts. o 9. Indicate tlLes removable for access to valves, damperst. etc., by placlng cadmlun-plated colored. oval head screws as dlrected by mechanlcal trad.es, Archltect, and where lndlcated on mechanical drawlngs. Adhesive Applled ,'-' il-fnEEall-unfis stralght and true, ln an even plane, pattern as appnoved.2. Apply five spots to each unlt, press lnto posltlon'' lnstall leveling spllnes 3. Cut out for light flxtures, dlffusers etc., so that flanges cover openlng 1atr7 95t-3 carton. Furnlshof guarantee 1357 9e3-1 SECTION 983 SPRAY-ON FIREPROOFING 1. SCOPE a. neqrriretr,ents of Division 1 apply to work under this Section. B. Work fncluded; 1. Scope ' 2. General 3. Materials 2. GENERAL A. Protfd" sprayed on fireproofing. 4. Installation 5. cleaning B. Fibers shall be cafco Braze-shield Type D-c,/F fireproofing fiber aanu- factured by U.S. Mineral Products Co. - specified herein - and cornparable materials as manufactured by Air-O-Therm Application Co. Inc. r Keene corp., or approved equal. Contractor must submit applicator ancl product and variations to Specifications for review. C. Prgguct Qualifications: I"lanufacturer of material shall have approval for applications specified. Such approvals are to include those of the pertinent municipal builcting authorities and insurance rating boards - Manufacturers shal1 provide laboratory test data to these authorities for approval. Manufacturer 'through licensed applj.cator, shall submit to the Archj-tect, State Inalustry, Labor and Human Relations Comrnission approvaL of fiber bei-ng applied and proof of acceptance by Wisconsin State Insurance Rating Burea- D. Contractor shal1 submit manufacturer's staternent as to density required to achieve the 3-hour fire rating. E. Contractor shall be licensed for this work by rnanufacturer of the fire- proofing materials. Work sha1l be executed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's specificati"ons and instructions- F. Contractor shall examine all work by others which is to receive the v'ork of this Section. Comnencement of work constitutes acceptance of all base surfaces of this work. G. Work by Others: Surfaces for application of insulation and base attach- ments for the sustrrension of pipes, ducts, conduit, lights and other mechanical devices shall be installed by others prior to conmencenent of work covered by this Section. 3. MATERIALS A. Bonjling Adhesive: Non-required for Type D material. B- Fiber shall be a factory controlled anil formulated mix consisting of 100% inorganic mineral fibers containing no asbestos, no free crystalline silica' or asbestos-contarninated vermiculite, combined with 1008 inorganic binders- Fiber shall have a thermal conductivity (K factor) of not greater than 0.29 and NRC of o.90- Fiber shall be supplieil to job site in seafed paper bags, properly marked and labeled, to show the inspection of Underwritel's laboratories, -. - 1357 983-2 Inc. Architect reserves right to remove and test sanPles to determine adequate density. Patches shal1 be replaced by Contractor while equiprnent is on job site at no cost to buyer. If inadequate density is shown, add.itional fibers must be apptied to bring coatlng up to staildard. Hand tamping not required unless reguired by ULI by test. C. All clips, hangers, clamps, supports, sleeves and other attachments to be base surfaces are covered by other sections of these Specifications ' aIe to be placed by other contractors prior to conmencenent. of work covered by this S ection. D. Components of material shall be inconibustible and fibeis straIl be non- asbestos type. After drying mixture shall be unaffected by moisture or con- densation. 4, INSTALLATION A. Surfaces shall be riqid, clean and free of dirt, conditions that would prevent adhesion. Cleaning of this Contractor.. Freezing weather applS.cation shall recanunendations. grease, scale or other surfaces shall be d.one bY follow nanufactuter's B. Apply naterial using manufacturer's approved equiPment - C. No primer required for Type D. Apply only to as much surface as can be sprayed uith fiber while priner is still tacky. App1y material to reguired thickness at required density and tanlp. APply material after hangers are installed, D. Overspray of clear incombustible sealer to all surfaces applied under thj-s contract r,rill not be required for Type D material. E. Where sprayed fireproofing occurs in areas not exposed to vier,t in finished building or covered with other materials, sprayed finish is acceptable. Ithere fireproofing will be exposed to view in finished building, finish material with float or roller or by tamping to prOduce travertine apPearance - After finishing at exposed areas all surfaces. other than Type O material shall receive overspray or sealer of incombustible primer and adhesive. F. During applj.cation it shal1 be this Contractorrs responsibility to proteci adjacent surfaces and equipment. If required, seal roc'trt to prevent fibers from leaving area- | 5. CI,EANING A. After completing of work sweep or floors, ledges, upon which fiber has patch all danaqed at eas. otherwise clean all adjoining waIls, been d.eposited. Remove all debris and ,. ;\. :lc.c..FtTzitUGhscoTT_AscH|TEcTs,TPLANNEFS'lNc.vA|L'coloRAoo8165'303/476.3038 A. Brlck Pavers and dralns have No. L, Archltecbural Drawing' B. Dralns have been ellmlnated' Drawlngs M-5/4, ]TEM A-2 Aprl1 29, 1974 Mr. Knud 0. Rasmussen Frasier & Glngery, Inc. 2840 South ValJ.ejo Street Englewood, Colorado 80L10 Re: Red Llon Inn Plan Check for ComPllance wlth Uniform Bulldlng Code' Dear l4r. Rasrnussen I The followlng lnformatlon ls ln answen to the plan check' dated Apr11 3, 19711. IfEM A.], been el1m1nated. See Addendum A-5/2. See Addendum No. 1, ArchltecturaL Provlde weep holes at 24tr O.C. atong terl:ace wall to draln lnto exlstlng Planter box. Insulating foam to be used at approprlate- thlckness wlth bronze coverlng aeJusted to f1t. See-"AhOenaum No.1, Sectlon 983, Spray on tr'lreProoflng. ITEM A-q Bu1ld1ng lnspector has approved the wlndows due to two door exlts rrom rooirr-pto":-aritL aoor 28 1s moved to north wal'] of the guest "oo* 6pitlng onf,o ballway leadlng to stalrs' Apr11 29, I9T4 Page 2Mr. K. 0. RasmussenFrasler & Glngery, Inc. Re: Red Lion Inn Plan Check for Compllance wlthUnlform Bulld1ng Code TTtrM A-q O, U" or 25 on sheet A-J change elevatlon marker fromelevatlon 99'-10" to elevatlon 99r-11'r. At door 24 on sheet A-J change elevatlon marker from elevatlon 10]r-6r' to elevatlon 101 r-lft'. AdJust other walkway efevatlons accordingly. ITEM 4-6 Bulld1ng lnspector has approved entny to street provldlng anexlt gate 1s located at west walL of patlo opening onto landlngof stair No. 2. TTtrM A-7 - ,l1m1nate double actlng notatlon on sheet A-!, see Addendum No. 1, Archltectural Drawlng A-3/l . B. Provlde lmpact reslstant gtass at door 16. C. Doors 12 and 13 sha1l be s1ng1e actlng doors, swlnglngin the dlrectlon of exlt travel . D. Approved by bull-dlng lnspector provlded a slgn 1s supplled acconding to Sectlon 3316 (a) ITEM A-B Terrace enclosure has been ellmlnated see Addendun No.1, Architect;:.ural Drawlngs A-5l7 , A-6, and A-f. ITEM A.9 A. On Section 3/I5 addrreach slderrto note n!-I/Z" plpe ra11 wlth 4 walI flangest'. B. See Addendum No. 1, Sectlon 951, Acoustlcal Ce111ngs. Aprll 29, L97\ Page 3Mr. K.0. RasmussenFrasler & Glngery, Inc. fie: neq !10n rnn Plan Check for Conpllance wlth Unlform Bulldlng Code TmE t ,l '1 nr r.|l'r .tt - -l- v Accordlng to Table No. 33-A the hallway deslgnated as upper-hall and lower hall on Sheet A-2 supplles an occupant load of1!, therefore; not requlrlng a l-hour flre ratlng. ITEM A-11 Dumbwaiter to be used 1s Enerey D-lunbwaiter,Model 432 wlth U.L. approved doors. ITEM A-12 Accordlng to Sectlon 104-C we are addlng between 25% & 50%to an exlsting bu11d1ng, therefore; not requlred to brlngexlsting bul1d1ng up to code. Exlstlng ce111ng 1s acoustlcaltile on gypsum board on 2 x L0rs. ITEM A-13 Provlde grab bars at to1let compartments of women?s restroom and menrs restroom on Sheet A-3 accordlng to Section 1711. Provide telephone at telephone area on Sheet A-3 wlthin 48" of floor according to Sectlon 1713. ITEM A-14 A. Speclficatlons Sectlon 781.3 (f) and (e) shall substltuterrConservatoryrt for the word ItSundeck.tt B. On Sheet 4-17, deta11 I/I7 change extruded aluminumrafter bar spacing to 7 spaces at 1t-11-1,/8"+ wlth a mlnlmum thlckness of 7/3211 tempered gIass. TTEM A.1 q Move sprlnkler system alarm presently located 1n Offlce No. l-, to area deslgnated as lower hall. April 29, L9T4 Page 4 Mr. K. 0. RasmussenFrasler & GlngerY, Inc. Re: Red. Lion Inn Plan Cheek for ComPllance hrlth Uniform Bulldlng Code ITEM A.16 Extt slgns andclrcult as Per ]TEM B-1 Gratlng 1n Detail 4, Sheet A-13 shall be placed so as to prevent bl_ockage due to 1ce bu1ld-up. Approval by bulldlng lnspector wlth deta1l to foIlow. exlt 111umlnation shall be on a separate Sectlon 3312. Concrete llntelwlth approprlate ITEM B-2 beam has been connectlons replaced bY as per shoP wood cross beams drawlngs. A. R Connectlon of B see note Sheet Toenail B x 16 concrete block. x 16 lnch wood beams to steel column, s4. lnch wood beam to 2 x B plate anchored to ITEM 8.3 See Addend.um No. 1, Sectlon 1540.5 B. If you have further questlons on the above please call' Very truly yours, t t'"..' ir- /, . ^ .,/ \ ,- ,/,fr,Or/{//dtz) AraI{ Snowdon CC: J. Aldrlch - Bulldlng Inspector W. ,facober - J. A. Hyder Constructlon L. Burdlck - Ownen S. Chavez & D. Barker - RlcerMarekrHarral & Holtz D. Jarol - KKBNA KORdw Enclosure ctvt! ENGIN€ETING / LAND SURVEYING Knud 0. Proj ect / SIOR}JI DRATNAGE rI STRUCIURAT Manager frasbr & Eingerf, lnc. C.OTVS ULTIIV I; EIVGIIVEER S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREE| ENGLEWOOD. COLORAOO 801 10 TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 April 3, 7974 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of VailP.0. Box 100 Vai-1, Colorado 8165 7 . Re: Red Lion Inn Plan Check for Cornpliance with Uniforn Building Code Job No. 452.18 Dear Mr. AlCrich: In accordance with your request the plans and specifications for the subject project, as received February \4, -I974, have been checked for-cornpliance with the Uniforrn Building Code, 1973 Edition. We enclose herewith the following: Project Data Sheet - General Building Data Prelininary Report Part A - Review for Occupancy, Type of Construction and Exit Requirenrents. Part B - Review for compliance v'rith Engineering Regulations. Under separate coyer, we have transnitted nalked.!p P1-ans showing location'of all the Code violations cited. We will rnake our final plan check as soon as we receive the corrected plans' If you have any questions, please contact us at any tine. _ Very trulY Yours, FRASIER q GINGERY, INC. / InANSPoRIATIoN / WATER & SANIIAIION RED LION INN Our Job No. 452.18April 3, 1974 PROJECT DATA SHEET GENERAL Architect:Structural Engineer: Mechanical Engineer:Electrical Engineer: Soils Engineer: BUILDING DATA Addition to the Red Lion Use: OccupancY: Type of Construction: Nunber of Stories: Fire Zone: Floor Areas Basenentlst 6 2nd Stories Covered Terrace VALUATION Basenent (TYPe I)2640 S. F. e $20.00 Balance 4s70 s.F. c $57.00 Covered Terrace 1140 S. F. e $12. 00 Pernit Fee: Plan Check Fee: Fitzhugh Scott Architects/Planners, Inc' KKBNA, - Consulting Engineers Rice, Marek, HarraL € Holtz Rice, Marek, Harra1 & Holtz Inn, Vai1, Colorado Restaurant E Owners Quarters B-3 Basement - TYPe I Balance - TYPe V- I 2 Plus Basernent 3 2640 S.F. 4570 S.F. 1140 S. F. $ 52,8.00.00 169,090. 00 13,680. 00 $ 235,570.00 $ +go. ss $ 318.75 o RED LION INN Our Job No. 452.18April 3, L974 REVIEW FOR OCCUPANCY, Conmentary as to Codeis as follows: ITE}I A- 1 PART A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT REQUIREMEI{TS Conpliance, and supplenental observations, Roof drainage frorn 602 of the total structule is onto the patio area which is provided with a snow melting systen. A. On Sheet A5 seven drains are shown in the patio area' 0n Sheet M5, three of these drains are collected into one 2-inch dianeter pipe and four drains collected into another 2-inch pipe.- in view of the total area of roof runoff plus patio area, the si ze of these pipes is que s t ionab 1e . B. on sheet M5, above Z-inch pipes are noted as connected to foundation perirneter drain- ti1e. Since function of^perimeter drain tile is to prevent accummulation of water at found- ation wa1ls, intrbduction of all roof and site runoff water to this system appears to be a questionable practice' ITEM 4.2 on sheet A-5 and mechanical drawings no drainage is indicated for the Terrace area. Weatherprooling of this area is dependent on proper function of motorized awning systen as specified in Section 1070 .of the Specifications. ITEM A.3 In Detail 5, Sheet A16 and Detail 16, Sheet A19 steel pipe columns are shown as fireproofed with 'ra-inch ipi"ay -.on fireproofing!'. Type of fireproofing is not speci fi ed. In Detail 5, Sheet A16, the %-inch fireproofing- is shown as clad witir ZZ gauge bronze covering. To the best of our knowledge, tfre 6n1y fireproofing material which will provide the-r6quired 1-Hour ilrotection at only k-inch ihi.kness is "Albi-C1ad". Since this rnaterial is depen- dent for its fire retardant properties upon tle-ability to expand to several tines its briginal volume and upon its tuiease of inert gases for surface oxygen deprivation, the nanufacturer shouid provide certification that the material will function in the metal clad application detailed' Deternine if specified shop paintiirg of these columns should be deleted. A. B. o 202 as shown on Sheet A 4 has 52" x 16'r windows asand in elevation on Sheet A-6. Section 2, Sheetsi11 to be approxirnately 67 inches fron f1oor.are not in compliance with requirernents of Section t ITEM A-4 Quest bedroon shown on p1an, A11 indicates These windows r404. ITEM A-5 si11 Detair 12, sheet A2l, applicable to Doors 24 and zs on sheetA3 is not i-n compliance with-Section ssOs-h whereunder 1-inchmaxirnun differential at threshold is required. ITEIU A- 6 As shown on sheet 45, access to street is constri_cted to gr-0'by patio cheek wall at stair. per section 70s, ninirnurn 20 ft.unobstructed access to the street is required ior B occupancies Subject to review by Building Official. ITEM A- 7 A. Door Nurnber 16 is shown on Sheet A3 as a pair of singleacting doo_rs,, on sheet A5_as a pair of doirble acting doors,in door schedule, Sheet Ai, as i fype J (dutch aoor?; ana-on elevation, Sheet 4'6 as a Type K-door.- B. Door Nurnber 16, which is designated as a required exit,is a pair of leaded glass doois. Whil-e Section 5406,Exception 2,-does -not require inpact resistant glass whenleast dirnensiol of glass -is no greater than 1g-inches,it is our opinion that for a telaea glass type exit door thisshould be construed to rnean the leasi dirneniion of theLeaded glass pane1, and, therefore, would require use ofinpact resistant glass Subject to ruting by Building Official. c. Doors 12 and 15 are shown on sheets Ai and A5 as doubleacting Herculite doors. per Section 3S0Z-b, double 1g!i"g doors shal1 not be used where occupant road exceeds100 persons. D. specification 8i0.5.a.4 provi.des that Door 12 shall havecyclinder lock on exterior side and thunb turn on bottomrail on interior side. section 3503-b requires that autonatic flush bolts be used.Manually operated -bolts prohibited. see also section is16-a. ITEM A.8 The enclosed terrace has an occupant load of 76 persons for outsidedining space. OrU exits shown ire one door intb the origin;i --- structure and sriding glass doors to the exterior. per riure ss-Rtwo exits are required. Per section JiO3-f, sliding doors nay not be used for required exits ITEM A-9 Exit signs should be provided. A. On Sheet Al 5, detail of Stair Nunber 2 does not designate handrails on each side as required by Section 3305-i. B. In Section 5, Sheet A13, soffit of Stair Nunber l should have 5/8-inch gypsurn board extended frorn partition belowto toD of staiis-unless acoustical tile shown is fire-rated. Acoustical tile is not specified. ITEM A-10 On Sheet A-2 corridor frorn Door Nunber 11 to Door Nunber 8, designated on plan as Lower Itall and Upper Ha1l, should be a one-hour rated corridor as per Section 3304-a and 3504-g. A. A11 door openings to be as per Section 3304-h. Glazi-ng at Offices Nunber 1 and Nunber 2 require wire glass per Section 3504-h. B. On Sheet M-1, fire dampers have not been provided at 4 duct penetrations of corridor wa1L. Dampers required as per Section 4506- i- 5. ITEM A-11 Neither dunbwaiterfor required 1 Hour ITEM A- 12 Subj ect to should be provi s ions ITEM A.14 Sheet A15 nor specifications provide doors per Section 1706-b. detai 1s rating on of Insufficient infornation is available to determine type of constructionof the existing structure. Detail 13, Sheet A17 would indicate Type V-I unlesi acoustical tile shor+n is detail is fire-rated for Type-V-I classification. Proposed construction has been assurned to be pernissible under provisions of Section 104-C. ITEM A-13 A. B. ruling by Building 0fficial, on Sheet A3 toilet facllities in compliance with Section 1711 and in telephone area of Section 1715 should be inplenented. In Section 781 of the Specifications designation of area of skylight installation reading "sundeck" should readt'conservatoryrr consistent with Sheets A1 and A4. On Sheet 44, skyligh't franes shown approxinately 3'-5tl on center. Design should conform to Section 5401. Subceiling shown in Section 2, Sheet A-17 is specified as "Plexiglasil and found to be in conpliance with Section 5205. C. -3- 0n Sheet M-1, sprinkler system alarmin Office Nunber 1. This is a fully ' basement. Alarn should be located as38.I55 U.B.C. Standards. o is noted to be located enclosed office in the provided under Sect,ion ITEM A-16 In Detail 4, Sheet A13, grating is provided at grade level overfresh air intake shaft for combustion air. This grating is subjectto blockage by snow and ice. Dependent upon efficacy of patio snownelting systen. Subject to approval by the Building Official. ITEM A.17 Exit signs and exit illunination should be on separate circuitper Section 5312. -4- 11 RED LION INN OUR JOB NO. 452,L8April 3, 1975 PART B FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS ITEM B- 1 On Sheet 54, the continuous concrete lintel bean 7 5/8" by' variable depth, is noted to have 2 - #6 continuous top bars hooked down at ends. As shown on Detail 5, Sheet A11. These top bars are at roof soffit spanning only 5r-4rr between beams. We question whether it was the designerts intent to have these top bars run continuous at a leve1 directly below the wood bean bearing blockouts. ITEM B-2 Connection of 8 x 16 inch wood beams to above noted concrete lintel bean has not been shown on Sheet 54 ordetails on Sheet Al1. Details 2, 7, and 8 on Sheet A11 show bearing of above beams at upper waL1. Nailing, bolting or other connectionsnot specified, A. B. Specification 1540.inches and largeriron with inproved 5.8.3 calls for water piping below grade 3to be ductile iron. Town of Vail requires ductilepernajoints for 24 inches and larger rFlcE OF FIIZHUGH ScOrT- ARCHIIEoTS /' PLANa'IERS, lxo. VAIL, COLOnADO 8165t 303/476'3031 Apr1L 4, 1974 Town of Vall Vai)-, CoLorado 8L657 Short Sw1ng,/Poor Rlchards Development Va11, Colorado ProJect No. 1519 DATA: Exlstlng Condltlons Slte area; 2O,OO0 sq.ft. or .459L acres Zoned: Publle Accomodatlon Dlstnlct Exlstlng B1dg. poor Rlchards = 8,750 gross sq.ft. Short Swlng = 9.600 gnoss sq.ft' Total 181350 gross sq.fb. Present use: Pnofesslonal offlces = 11500 sq'ft' Lodge accomodatlons = 13r420 GRFA , Clrculatlon & mechanlcal o 2.430 sq.ft 18'350 gross sq.ft. Parklng: 38 care (surface)' Proposed Bulldlng Slte area z 2O'O0O sq.ft' or '4591 acres Proposed zonlng: HDMF or CCI (perferred) pnopo"ud ""esr"(fncludlng the exlstlng Poor Rlchards bulld1ng.) Condomlnlums (Max. CFRA) = 16,000 Pr"ofesslonal offlces Plus gome. conmerclaL = 81000 Health SPa = P'000Mechanlcil & Clrcu1atlon = 4'000 37 " 000 Erross sq. ft . Panklng: None AprlL 4, 1974 Pase IbbftFnfinrrvs zoNrl,tc nt\tnrvsrs or poon nrcHnnps/sHonr swrNo pnolPct' 't Pubtlc AccomodatloL Dlstrlct' (Present Zonlng) 17.200 7. 300 7.400 T,5OT *7,502 17.503 *7.504 7,505 Permltted usea: Lodges (accomodatlon unlts) to 1001 of oRFA owelttng unltsruP to 501 of,0RFA Retal1 and dlninl, ,.p- to 201 of total gross floon Bre.e Condltlonal uses: Professlonal and bueineEs offlcee AcoessorY useg: Swlnmlng poolo Lot area and elte dlmenalon o.k.e mlnlnun slte area shari be 1o,0oo sq.ft. Setbacks: Assume an average bulldlng helght of 35 ft'r a mlnlmum setba6k of 16.6-ft. ls requlred' The proposed bulldlng (at oertain areas) le 4 ft' from ProPertY llne. Dletanseg between bu1ld1ngs: Assume the average helght of the 35 ft.then the distance requlred eouals 21.6 ft. Actua1 dlstanoe uilrtorng equa). I ft. Helght: Altowed - 45 ft.' Approxlnate helght ProPoeed ' 35 Denslty Control: 'AIIowed GRFA - 15,000 sq.ft. Pnopoaed oRFA' L61000 sq.ft. two bulldlngs 1s between them betvteen ProPosed ft. *Proposed bulldlng 1s ln varlance to zonlng. Apr1l 4, 1974 PaEe 1b6fiiafranrvr zouruc ntqni,ysrs op poon ntcHanps/sHonr swruo pnolqcr (Present Zonlng) r'l ,200 Penmltted uses: Lodges (accomodatlon unlts) to I00! of ORFA Owelllng unltsrup to 50/ ot -ORFARetall ind dlninb, uP to 201 of total gro88 floor 8!€8. 7.300 Condltlonal usee: Professlonal and buslnesg offtsee 7.1{00 Accessory useB: Swlmmlng pools 7.501 tot area and 81te dlmenslOn o.k.e mlntmulit glte area shalL be 10,000 sq.ft. *7.502 Setbacks: Assume an average bulldtng helght of 35 ft. r a mlnlmum eetback of 16.6 ft. ls nequlred. The proposed bulldlng (at certaln areag) ls 4 ft' from propertY llne. 17.503 Dlstances between bulldlngs: Assume the average helght of the two bulldlngs ls 35 tL.then the dietance requlred between them e[uafs 2L,6 tt. - Actua1 dlstanee between proposed bulldlng equal 6 ft. fl7.504 Helght: . Atl.owed = 45 ft. Approxlnate helght propoeed - J! f,t' 7 .505. DeneltY Control: AIIowed GRFA r 15r000 sq.ft.' ProPoeed ORFA'l'6'000 eq.ft. *Propoeed bulldlng 1s 1n varlance to zonlng. Page 2 Apr11 4, 19711 CbfuilneiTvi'zowrrvo nualysrs or poon nrcnmos/snonr swruc pnorncr (conb.d) *7.506 Bulldlng Bulk Control - 1n vlolatlon at Poor Rlchards whlch tris 8Of wall face wlthout 10t offset' 7 .507 Slte coverage: d$ffiF = 55." 7.508 Pr:oposed - 53fr Usable Open Space: 1/4 GRFA of l6rooo = 4,ooo sq.ft Actua} proposed bulldlng coverage - 10r690 sA'lt'' subtract thls from 20'000 sq.ft. of slte area leaves 9,310 sq.ft. less reqrilred setbaot area = 5'910 sq'ft' of usable open space. Landscaping and slte development: 308 landscaplng requlred 46,5f landscaPlng ProPosed. Parklng & Loadlng: Parklng requlred E 77 cars Panklng Provlded = none LoadlnE requlred - It ls possible for a loadlng area to-t" ilroviaeit-letween the Mt. Haus and Poor Rlchards bu11d1ng. Dlstrlct (alternate proposed zoning) 6.200 Permltted uses: Dwell1ng unlts Lodges Resiaurant & r"eta11, up to 10f, of gross ft. area Condltlonal uses: Pr:ofesslonal offlces 6. 3oo 7 ,509 7 .510 2. *Proposed bulLdlng 1s ln varlance to zonlng' qD Page 3Aprll 4, ]-974 CbllFene,irvs'zoNrNe eNer,ysrs or poon mcnanxts/${onr swrNc pnolncs(cont.d.) 6.ltoo Accessory uses: Swlnmlng pool 5.501- Lot area & slte dlmenslons o.k. *6.502 Setbacks: Assume an average bu1ld1ng helght of 35 !t., a mlnlmum setback-of 20 ft. 1e requlred. Proposed bul1dlng ls (at p]-aces) wlthln 4 ft. of propenty llne. 16.503 Dlstance between bu1ldlngs: Assume average helght of two bulldlngs 1s 35- ft. then the dlstance requlred betueen them equals 25 tt. Actual dlstnace equals 8 ft. 6.504 Helght Maxlmum = 45 ft., o.k. x6,505 Denslty Control: Allowed 0RFAr12r000 Proposed 0RFA'16r000 *6.506 Bulldlng BuLk ControL: See P.A. Analysls 6,507 slue coverage: See P.A. Analysls 6.508 Usable oPen SPace: See P.A. AnalYsls 6.509 Landscaplng & Slte Development: See P.A. Analysls It6.5L0 Panklng & Loadlng: See P.A. AnalYsls *Proposed butldlng ls ln vanlance to zonlng. Page 4 Apr1l 4, t974 C^otrlFtnlirve'zoNrxc ar\tnlysrs oF poon nrcHenos/snont swrne pnolgcq (cont.d,) 3. Commerclal Core f Dlstrlct (Proposed zonlng) The proposed bulldlng would conform ln every way except for the parklng requlrenent and the offset requlr'ement at the exlstlng south wall of Poor Rlchards bu1ld1ng. We feel the offset requlrement can be solved wlth proJectlng baLconles. It 1s also the request of the developer, that 1n order to preserve the unlque gualltleE of the stte, that a parklng vanlance be gnanted. I t* ,ao o 11T7 5t,=o- Pranr cv c,t Ac'a=+ ! Frrctbr & Eingery, lnc. C O N S U LTl IV G EIV G I IV EER S 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 8OI IO TELEPHONE 303 /6T.4860 May 6, 1974 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of VailP.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Red Lion InnFinal Plan Check Review Our Job No. 452.18 Dear Jerry: In response to our Prelininary Review, dated April 3, L974,the architect has responded by letter of April-29, 1974together with submittal of his Addendum No. 1, dated March 14, 1974. With reference to above documents we findas follows: Items A-1 and A-2 Approved subject to Building Officials assurance thatsurface drainage of these areas is diverted fron publicproperty as per Section 3207 (e), Iten A-3 Approved Iten A-4 Subject to stated approval Iten A-5 of Buil"ding Official Approved Iten A-6 Subject to stated approval Item A-7 of Building Official Approved crvrt ENGTNEERTNG / rAND suRVEytNG / sronu DRATNAGE I STRUCTURAI / TRANSPORTATION / WATER & SANITATION o lchMr. Jerry Aldr May 6, 7974 Page 2 Iten A-8 Approved Iten A-9-A Approved Iten A-9-B Fire rated acoustical ceiling not board should be extended at stair Iten A-10 specified. 5/ 8 inch gypsunsoffit as per our notation. provided that theof exit by horizontal We concur with the architectrs statenenthallway is not considered a second neansexit fron the Lion's Den area. Subject to approval by Building Officia1. Iten A- L1 Approved Iten A-12 Approved Iten A-13 Approved Item A-14 Approved Iten A-15 Subject to approval of Building Offica1. In our opinion, placenent of the alarm should be outside the protected area. During operating hours, it is possible thatno personnel will be in basement. Iten A-16 Subject to approval of Building Official as stated. Iten A-17 Approved o ichMr. Jerry Aldr May 6, L974 Page 5 Item B- 1 "; Approved Iten B-2 Approved Item B-3 Approved We believe thisproject. , Pl.ease our plan check of the subjectif you have any questions. Very truly yours, FMSIER E GINGERY, INC. concludescall us %afu Knud O. Rasmussen, P.E. KOR/dw Bnc. I I, FF|CE OF FITZHTTGH SCOTT-TFCHTTECIS/pl^r{r{tRs, ||tc. VArL, COLOnADO !1657 303/4?6-3018 Apnl1 29, 1974 Mr. Knud O. RasmussenFrasler & Gtngery, Inc. : 2840 South ValleJo Street' Englewood, Colorado 80110 Plan Check for Compllance ".iJ.thUnlform Buildlng Code Dear Mr. Rasrnussen: The follow1ng lnformatlon 1s ln answer to the plan check, .rdated Aprll 3, r97q. ITEM A.1 ' A. Brlck pavers and dralns have been ellminated. See Addendum No. 1, Architectural Drawlng A-5/2. B. Dralns have been el1m1nated. See Addendum No. 1, Archltectural Drawlngs Yl-5/tl . ITEM A-2 Provlde weep holes at 24ttO.C. along terrace wall to draln lnto exlstlng planter box. ITEM A-3 Insulatlng foam to be used at approprlate thlskness wlth bronze coverlng adJusted to f1t. See Addendurn No.1, Sectlon 983,' Spray on Flreproofing. rTEM A.4 Bu1ld1ng lnspector has approved the windows due to two door' exlts from room, provldlng door 28 1s moved to north wa1l of the guest room openlng onto hallway leadlng bo stalrs. .d Eace t. l/ir. K. 0. Rasrnussen, I'rasler & Glngery, Inc, Re: Red 'L1on fnn Plan Check for Compllance with ITEM 4.5 At doon 25 on sheet A-3 change elevatton marker from eLevatlon 99|-10r' to eLevatlon 99|-11rr. At door 24 on sheet A-J change elevatlon marker from elevatlon 11I'I [lvl A- O Terrace enclosure hasural Drawlngs A,-5/7 , 10fr-6rr to elevatlon LOl'-Iltr. AdJust other walkway elevations accordlngly. ITEM 4-6 lnspector has approved entry to street provldlng anls Located at west wall of patlo openlng onto J-andlng No. 2. Bu1ld1ngexlt gate D. Approved by bu11d1ng lnspector provlded a slgn 1s supplled accordlng to Sectlon 3316 (a) ITEM A_7# .. A. ELlmlnate double actlng notatlon on sheet A-5, see Addendum No. 1, Archltectural DrawlnS A-3l1 . , B. Provlde lmpact resLstant glass at door 16. : $. Doors 12 and 13 shalI be slngle actlng doors, swlnglng '' { ra l l-ra zl { r,raz'{- { nn arf av{ # }sctal C. Do .1n the dlrectlon of exlt travel. been A-Q r A. 0n Sectlon 3/I5 add rfeach slde[ to vtlth 4 wall flangestr. see Addendum No.1, Archltect- note rtl-1,/2tt plpe rail ellmlnated and A-/. B. See Addendum No. 1, Sectlon 951, Acoustlcal Ce111ngs. 4 Aprll 29, 1974 Page 3Mr. K.0. Rasmussen Frasier & G1-ngery, Inc. Re: Red Lion Inn Plan Check for Compllance wlth Uniform Bulldlng Code ITAM A-10 ITEM A-11 Dumbwalter to be used 1s approved doors. Accordlng to Table No. 33-A the hallway deslgnated as upper- hall and lower halL on Sheet A-2 supplles an occupant load of lp, therefore; not requiring a l-hour flre ratlng. Enerqy Dumbwaitei'rModet 432 wlth U.L. ITEM A-12 Accordlng to Sectlon 104-C we are addlng between 257 & 5A/" to an existing bulldlng" therefore; not requlred to brlng exlstlng building up to code. Exlstlng ce111ng 1s aeousblcal t1l-e on gypsum board on 2 x 10rs. Provlde grab bars ab tolIet compartments of and ments restroon on Sheet A-3 accordlng to Provlde telephone at telephone area on Sheet of floon accordlng to Sectlon 1713. ITEM A.14 A. speclflcatlons Sectlon 781.3 (f) and (g) shalt substltute ttbonservatonytt for the word rrsundeck.tt B. 0n Sheet A-17, detall I/I7 ehange extruded.alumlnum rafter bar splclng to 7 spaces at 1t-11-1,/8il+ wlth a mlnlrnum thickness of 7/32" tempered glass. Move sprinkler sYstem to area deslgnated as woment $ re stroom Sectlon 1711. A-3 wlthln 48" alarm pnesently located ln Offlee No. lower halI. 1", , I April 29, I9T4 Page 4 Mr. K. 0. Rasmussen Frasien & GingerY, Inc. Re: Red. Lion Tnn'Plan ChecLc for ComPllance wlth Uniform Bu1)-d1ng Code IIEJ,I A-16 Grating in Detall 4, Sheet A-lJ bLockage due_ to lce bulld-uP. wlth qetall to folIow. A. B. Connectlon of I x 16 lnch wood beams to steel column, $ee note Sheet 54. Toenall 8 x 16 lnch wood beam to 2 x B plate anchored io concrete block. W. JacoberL. BurdlckS. Chavez D. Jaro1 - - Buildlng Inspector - J. A. Hyder Constructlon - Owner & D. Barker - IlicerliarekrHarral KKBNA & Ho1tz T.l-'FV A-'l 7 Exlt slgns and exit 11Lum1nat1on clrcult as Per Sestlon 3312. Tr:tRM R-l Concrete llnte1 beam has been replaced by wlih approprlate connectlons as per shop rrEt4 B-2 shall be placed so Approval by bulldlng shall be on a separate wood cross bearns drawlngs. ITEM B-3 See Addendum No. 1, Sectlon 1540.5 B. If you have furthen questtons on the above please calL' /\f\. T Al/l'1^1^\J,W. u. flf\r^ J-vrr as to prevenu lnspeetor ADDENDUM NO. 1 ADDITION TO THE RED LION vArL, col,onADo OFFICE OF FITZHUGII SCOTT ARCHITECTS,/PLANNERS INC. P.O. Box 1773 . Vail' Colorado PROJECT NO. 1357 MARCH 14, 1974 This Addendurn is issued to nodify, explain or Correct the orig'J.nal Dra\tings and Specifications and is hereby made part of the Contract Documents. Please attach tl'ris Addendu:n to your Specifications and mark corrections on Drawings. SPECIFICATTONS 5. i{aterials, add ltem"7. Furnish bronze cover new bar". Cover to fit over fireproofing. sEcrroN 650, coRtoN couNTER ToPs for two pipe col-r:mns at' Add this saction, attached to SECTION 7OI, MARBTE 6. FABRICATION c. Add after this sentence. see Section 660. " the Specifications,Adil to Table of contents Tc-l. "Eor Toilet Roorns B-07, B-lO, 108 and I09 SECTION 925, DRYWALI, 2. I,ATERIALS, a. GENERALT Add "Wallboard to and adhesive on wood studs, metal susPension shown on the drawinqs . "2. MATERIALS, b. GYPSUI4 WALLBOARD. Add "Fire-rated X water-resistant, 5/8 ffiUe insLalfed on garage ceiling and walls' walls of entry and at stair 1 in the entry, wal.ls separatinq lov,ter bar and second be app3.ied wJ-th nails , screlrs 'system, and over insulation as 2. MATERIAI.S c. FASTENERS Aald "screws shall be self-tapPing ' bugle head distributed bY ArmsPec. Inc- word nails add, "or screws" tlpe S and type was applicable. " 2. MATERTALS add the following: ElGffi ceiLing t'taterials -Runner channels, I I/2 indn co}d.rolled steel, paj.nted -Furring channels, 7/e i-nch galvani.zed steel -Hangers, #9 gauge annealed wire -Tie wires #16 gauge f- Adhesive -Styr"f"t- mastic #7 or #11 as 3. INSTAI,I,ATION b. GYPSUT,I i,IAILBo}RD, 6, after the Add the following: f. susPENDgD cArLrNG MATERIALS 'l - srrsnenrl .,, rliEIF channels from str'uctural menrbers or slabs above spaced' . at a maximum of 4'-0" o.c. with hanger wires at the same maximum spaeing. 2. Attach furring channels to lunner ehannels with tie wire-sadde-tied to runners. Space furring channels not to exceed 16" o'c' o 13 57 3. laake appropriate adjustment of channel spacings to permit installation of lights, diffusers, et cetera, and suppLy required supporting framing channe].s. 9. ADHESJ\rE APPLICATION 1. Adhere to wal1 insulation closely butted, plunb and even. 2- Apply mastic in spots or ribbons. SECgION 95I, ACOUSTTCAL CEILINGS eSpecifications,addtoTab1eofcontentsTc.1. SECTION 983, SPRA' ON FIIIEPROOFING Add this Section, attached to the Specifj.cations. SECTION 1540, PLUI.IBING 2. I'ATER SERVICEGa--- C. Remove existing water meter and disconnect Connect existing building to nevr service main. 4. EXISTING GAS SEIS/ICE existing servLce to builtting. . Add: "Remove tvro existing gas lights and gas supply. " *Relocate gas supply anit lights in new wall .in place of tlto new eLectric f-ights and posts.tr 5- PfPE AND FITTfNGS B. I{ATER PIPING - Z.- Ctrange-Trt" and smaller) to (2" anal smaLLer) Change type "L" copper to tyPe "K" copper. 3. Change (3" and. J-arger) to (2': and large::) 12. PLUMBING FIXTURES AND .TryTMB. PLUTtsING FIXTURE LISg Add to Tabl-e of Contents TC-I. Ss-I Change "service sink sH-2 Add "Furnish 4# Iead Ailil three in-sink-erator 14. WATER HEATER. . ornit. lrater heaterr connect circulating purnp P-4 shown. 774O.O2O to 7692.023 with sane tritn pan and. lead corners. " Modet H-?75 hot water dispensers in bar at each sink- new building to nelt hot ltater storage tanks. Use AIR CONDITIONINGSECTION 1560, IIEATING VENTIIATING AND B, HOT WATER BOII,ER B. Onit this i-tern and add, basebaord radiation. Add D. D. A separate boiler for snow rnelting sEcTroN 1573 SNOTd I4ELTING SVSTEM 2. PfPE AND FITTINGS "Boiler to be sized for AHV #1' AIIV #2' and new is to be furnished conplete Ralryack or equal. fype K copper paragraph, and add new paragraPh. with no fittinqs buried in s1ab. "Glycol Piping in slab - ARCHITECTURAL DRAI{INGS A-1 -Change brick pavers to redwood . from south of Vestibule to $rest -Change brick pavers on terrace -Brick pavers east of building concrete north to dock area. deck on redtvood sleepers set on gravel of basernent stairs. to concrete. CarPet bY owner. will extend to north of ownerrs enttance with A-2 L. Door schedufe, change door No. F]T f. Door schedule. change type of No. 18 from H to J No. 12 from L to M No. 13 from L to M No. 14 from K to L No. L5 fron K to L' No. 16 from .T to K No. 22 from M to G No. 24 from G to H No. 25 to be type B rernain. 7. TERRACS . 1357 2 from tlztr)e B to type A. doors as follows: . et ceteta .et cetera" and add "concrete slabr carpet 2. Ilta11 south of bar at columns change from D9{P to Plaster pa5.nted. 3. coat room, provide drywal1 partition around duct in coat room- 4.Existingdiningroomantlbar;changenotefrom.'dropceiJ.in9to 8'-0" in " to " drop ceiling to 8 t -4" i. _"S. Existii! d,ining room; change note from-'idrop ceiling to gt-Otr ' ', to "drop ceiling to 8'-4" A-4 I. Bxisting stairway - rernffi existing window and close up opening with dr1ma1I partition painted. 2- Revise bath, darkroorn and guest bedroom as per drawing 104 attached. A-5 1. Door schedule. Ornit doors 372 38, 39. -(D patio; change brick pavers to redwood on redwood sleepers over gravel Yrorn south of vestibule to west of basenent stair, change notes on drawj-ng - 3. Lamp posts at entrance and at north west corner of planter. change ngte to read "relocate existing gas lamP posts-" 4. Entrance from street. to vestiSule for width of vestibule add note, "Brick pavers in grout on 5" concrete slap wilh snow melting. 5. Entrance omit note, "W6 x 15.5 col. et cetera." provide base PLat'es only- 6. Balconies, ornit notes " existing balcony to be replaced" balconies will by owner. " omit Note Pipe 4" x-strong typical-.et cetera" ornit Note TS 6x3x37-5 cont. over Stl. co1..et cetera. Omit Note "tutill made metal awning..et cetera'l Omit Note "w5x15.5 col" furnish base Plate on1y. Omit three Notes "W6x15.58M" A-6 West and south elevations -Existing balconies to remain -omit terrace doors, 'rrindows, skylight, structural franing (except base plates for future), and awninq. A-7 North elerrations - :Orni-L- tetrac" d"ors, windows, skylight, structural framing and awning ' A-8 I. Eievation 1, entployee lnen's dressing room - norttr "Change marble to corion Omit Note skylights in this area. Omit Note "Brick pavers in grout. 2. 4i]t6" 4, em-oloyee men's toilet east. Change marble to corion' 3. EI@;?, employee menrs toilet west change marbre to corion' 4. r,f.""ut-tt ff, employee women's toilet - east, change marble to corion' 5. Elevation 13, change marble to corion - 6. Elevations 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, 3L,32, change marble vanity tops to corion' A-9 Elevation lI , nxisting ilining roqm - east- 1357 . A-10 Change 8'-0" soffit height to 8'-4" 1. Elevaticn 4, conservatory etest. Onit opening to existing stair. Opening to be drpvalled. A-11 1. Sections 3/11 and 4,/11 change 6" conc. slab Vsnowmelting and brick pavers to redwood deck. 2. Sections 1,/11 thru 5,/11 estabLish roof elevations. 3. Section 3,/11 revise concrete beam per drawing. A-12 1. Revise section 3/12 at elevation 1Lo'-1!" as shown on drawing 105 attached. 2. section.1,/12 omit reference to terrace enclosure. 3. Section 3/L2 fj,rst- floor ceiling change suspended acoustical ceiling tile to dr1'wall painted. 4. Section 4/L2 an.i-E note, "Brick pavers in grout" ' Slab is concrete with snow nelting. A-13 l. section 2rl13 omit flue to HwH. 2- section 2/!3 sj-ze of 2O x 2o flue liner subj ect to change' 3. Section 3,/13 & 4/13 change brick pavers in grout to redwood clecklng. A-14 1. Section 1/14 ornit section except front wa}l and. planter wa1I. 2. Section 2,/I4 omit section 3. section 8,/I4 omit section. A-16 1, ctnit sections 7/]-6, 8/L6, g/LG A-li Detail l4/i-7. change noLe !/2" clrpral.l on 2 x 4's @ 16" o.c. to "Acoustj.cal tile soffit drop on metal channels". Detail I4/L7 chanqe note, "Acoustical tile to match existing on 5/8" dr1'walI w/mt1 furring strips and clips't to "AcQus.; - tile on concealed suspension system, See specifications ". Detail l4/L7 chanqe 8'-0" dimension to fl_oor to g'-4,' to f1oor. Detail L3/I7 c}tange note, "new acous- til-e to match existing on 5,/8" drywall w,/rntl furring stip" to "Acous. tile on conceaLed suspension systen ' see specifications" ' A-18 1. Change Section 8,/18 jamb to 7/L8 Tarob- 2. Omit details 1,/18, 2/r8, 3/L8, 4/I8, 5/L8, 6/lA and details L4,/18 thru 22/1e. A-19 1. Detail 7/19 Eo be revised. 2. Plan 3,/19 djmensions to be field vexified. 5-1 L. Field verify dimensions on basernent founitation P1an. 5-3 1. Area of sundeck to be lowered for snow melting slab. Revised drawing will be issued. 5-4 1- Detail drawing for location and elevation of 8 x 16 ti$ber beams will be issued. M-l 1. Relocate exhaust fan - 4. Drawing to be issued. 2. Revise ventilation to boiler room. . 3. Relocate AHU-2 in bas eslent as shown on drawing 102 attached ' 4. onit large piping for hydromic heating and use a manifold wLL}! 3/4" ni no r.- i rr':rri l-s as required- M-2 1. Revise ductwork from AHU- 2 as shown on drawing I03 attached. 2. Connect ceiLing unit heater for vestibule to existing piping from hr.aq6nJ- pntrv to run off existing boilef.t r!ev..v v.. e- I. 3. Omit 3,/4 HwS and 3/4 HWR to CUH-2 uni.t od second floor. Room to be heated by existing boiler. o 1357 I M-3 1. Relocate air handling unj.t #2 to basernent and revise ductwork as shown on drawing 104 attached. 2. Olait cabinet unit heater #2 and. install high out-put baseloard under. bench, to operate from existing boiler. Relocate existing baseloard from existinq livinq room in conse!.uatorv. 3. Bath, darkroom and quest-bedroom to be revi-sed. Drawings will be' is sued. M-4 1. omit boilerroom piping diagrarn system to be revised per building conditions. 2. Orait Section A-A. AHU #2 relocated in basement- 3. Cabinet unit, heater schedule. omit cUH-2. M-5 1. omit sno\.r netting in patio area from south of vestibule to west of basement stairs. 2. Change piping at entrance and stairs to 3/4" copper. 3. Chanqe piping at east entrance and d6livery to 3/A".coPper- , (y omit all drains in patio area. P-l l. omit se$re! to street. sewer to be connected to existing building sewer. 2- Add fieezproof hose bibs, one souttr of vestibule, one west of stairs to basement. 3. Omit hot water heater and. supply hot lrater from two net, storage tanks heated by existing boiler. P-2 1. Revise lavatories as follows: I,Joman's restroon change r,-l to L-2.' Menrs restroom to be L-l .' Second floor bath change L-1 to L-3. 2. Change urinals in men's restroom frorn U-l- to U-2. 3. Bar plunrJring plan; add 3-hot water dispensersi see plunbing this adCendun. E-l 1. Electric site plan, revise rnain to buiLding and panels as directed. Provide new panel to meet requirernents of builitlng. 2. change two west fixtures to revise existing gas lights - 3. Omit watelproof outlets in planters, provide empty conduit capped ;tf nlen+or for future installation. E-2 1. Add ground around. \.rater meter. See sheet' P-1. 2. Provide electric snow melting coils. E-3 1. Provide plugmold full length of bar above counter - 2- Hold purchase of tlpe Mf. fixture. Fixture may change - E-4 1. Change controls for air handling Unit *2 to basernent - 2. Bath, darkroom and guest-bedroom to be revised. Dravring will be issued. E-5 1. Electric one-line diagram; omiL gervice to be installed to meet buitding conditions . 2. Revise panel schedule to meet building conditions. 3. Terxace electrical pIan. Omit infrared heat units. Install wP outlets. -:t- rrr O r l{xlB uP Ut- ZOxS uP 14x3o |-.-l t2xl4' tgrt+ _LO<.ATIO$ oF \HU-?- =a66llF D .- l^JALL BASEM E }+:i' '=2 @. tio ,.R\!C-g . F3. 2.9<6r--Rtlc-5 JU\Q bI t,,Itr -! lt-ZotZO =Itc)@ift -i i ll ,'itl Hr5lHrJ-z I o l:elc5l= -J @o--44xaoH -1 '..---- | 5,z- ---- l. !d -- =\4 8x22 SN -22x24 :5 X: CA I r= F., I '\.\ \lt- i-.r i-l -J :\ADD \FlOh: 2?x'.B 48x24 UP \rr tr[ FfRF PAMTER lArS rl6g*\?-r51 " t\ lr\ 28*27 I -l I I,l ,nT 24xtz DN t\ ,coo(f J I I ). q. -a\t <icEC.Ld<4'> ?7l>d,-\aFo -!-. I It-' o U} C5 :T.l N.lF LLI ErJ- bCALE _ PLAN /4ttl-o" 4ex24 uP d d RED t-\O!1 ADEIIf\3\JCb\!135' 3-5-f+ il #'1ll :I r!-I I o t -MEcHAlllcAL PLAN V4'- 1''9" N.oprrrci* !l f \ a EE.LoSAT,o N e! EcALg.\-' o 135 7 660-1 1. SCOPE a. Requlrenents ot b. Work included: 1. ScoPe 2. General 3. Material 4. Installation 2. GENERALffi-olG'rty counters toi].et rom 807, men'g 3. MATERTAT sEgfroN 660 cgRroN cot NTER -TOPS pivision I apply to ',tork under this Section' in employee men's toi-let rocm B-10' restroom IO9, women I s restroon 108' annl arrraa wtlrnan I s shall be one-Pj.ece "Corian" t'lethyl MethacryLate du Pont de N€urours and Co. conform to manufacturer I s standards as selected by ;ro-ity t"ps and bowls as manufactured bY E. I. b. color and Pattern to the Architect. 4. INSTAIJATION ;-"F5-h-"I1 be fielil measured and flt to fie1d dinensions. b. sulrnit shop drawi.ngs before fabrlcation c. Furr.ish all brackets ana reguirea supports ' d. Installation sha1l be in a workmanlilce manne! ' e. Replace all. chipped, clacked or damaged pieces due to installation or ' shlpping. SECTION 951 ACOUSTICAL CEILI}'IGS 1.SCOPEa- -Eequl-rements of Dlvision 1 apply to b. Work fncluded:1. Scope2. General 3. Shop drarriings and samples4. t4aierials 5. fnstallatlong. i"pi."ement Unlts 2. GENERAL },IOTESffigs.Determine]-ocat1on'ofrecessedfixtur'es, frame out wiih channels for support of fixtures as ciirected by Eiectrical- Contractor. Dete:'rnlne location of grilles, Anness nanel s- drrnts. fr"a'.ne oneni nrrs of nrooer S1ze.e"'! vIJvr-+ b. Sheet metal d.ucts, ptplng, condult r{ork, wJ11 be done ln advance of acoustical lvorlc. Pro.ride required hangers,furrlng channels, supports, c1ips, fastenlngs, cement,trim and accessorles. No hangers shall go thru ducts. c. Tlle will be suspended on a lndlrect concealed -? spJ-ine and adheSlve applled as shown on the plans. d. InstalL work 1n strlct accordance with rnanu.facturer's speclficaslons and as speclfled hereln. Recelve, store and proteci, materials ln dry area until used. e. Where vrood, drywall and acoustlcal work come ln contaetvrlth each other, cooperabe wlth other Con'iractors 1n erectlonof channels and furrring 3. SHOP DRAI{i}IGS AND SA}IPLES Submit sarnples of tiLe for approval . Subnit shopor rnanufacturer's literature of suspensi-on system. MATSRIALS drawlngs rTri I 6 Ihffie L"nrn i n c ^rr.rhi 1. a F'iniclh 1) :nn l'ed stpndp-r1s}Jl?+{ve C!. ll work under thls Section. Celotex, Fissured, bevel-ed eCge, vinyl x 12 x 3/4", concealed spli-ne and adheslve +{'t ^l, -!-LC .. Suspenslon Systemffis, I-I/2 inch cold rollec steel, palnted. 2. Concealed spl1ne ;.'-l-/4" with flat spli-ne supports atrlght angles J. Hangers, #9 gage annealed lvlre subrnit type of fasteners.4. Tie wlres #16 gage. !. Metal Closing Molds Channel, whlte match tile.5 Provi-de for 25 tile wlth tab for removal where requlred. AChe sive1. Furnlsh as per manufacturers recommendatlons for applylng in d't" rrr.a 'l 'l I}JSTALLATlON a.Generafl- Tcoustlcal Contractor ',,t111 be held responstblefor 1nsta11atfl.on of ahngers and shall- provide hangers,lnserts or other devlces requlred for proper attachmentof suspens'lon system. Refer to heatlng and ventilatlng drawings; provide adequate support for ceillngs below large ducts. Suspension Systemffi channeis r-rom struciurai members or sl-a-b above spaeed at maxlmum of 4r-0ri o.c., wlth hanger vrlres at same maxlmum spaclng.2. Saddl-e tle concealed sp11ne to runner channels wlth tle wire 1r-0'r on centers and install flat spline at right pngl es to snllnes. 3. fnstall tile 1n pattern selected and symmetrlcally about center l1nes of areas. Jolnts shall be tlght,stralght in alignment with exposed surfaces flush and l-eve1.4. Provlde metal channel or angle at Junetlon of ceiling with walls, columns and other vertlcal surfaees for suspension system. 5. Cut and f1t unlts neatly and tlghtly around openlngs, permanent equlpnent and constructlon. Do special frarning necessary to accomodate ducts above ceilings and to receive fixtureso access panels and griJ-Ies. 6. Frame and fur arounci ducts as required. Frame .ior droo cei 1inns. 7. Seal jolnts around electric outlets, ducts, plpex ertending thru acous""j.cal treatnent, wi-th elastlc h calklng compound. B. F.enove defective or damaged. uniis unlts. No touch up wlth enanel or on dpmaoed tt1e. and repiace with pe=fect paLnt r,vll1 be allowed .. t o Adheslve Applledl. Install unlts stralght and true,pattern as approved. 1357 95r-3 c. l. Indlcate tlles removable for access to valves, dampers, etc. o by placlng cadmlum-plated colored oval head screlrs as dlrected by nechanlcal trades, Archltect,' and where lndicated on mechanical drawlngs. ln an even plane, a.Box ls consldered. 2. Apply flve spots to each unlt, p?ess lnto posltlon' 1nstall leveling spllnes ; 3. Cut out for l1ght flxtures, dlffusers etc.' so that flanges cover openlng4. Scrlbe to walls and beams , 5. Miter corners at sofflts. 6. 6.REPLACET,ENT UNITS 'r. ,. manufacturerrs standard carton. Furnlsh one box to Owner so that after: explration'of guarantee Owner may replace d.amaged un1ts. a 13 57 983-1 SECTION 983 SPRAY-ON FTREPROOFING 1. SCOPE A. Recruirements of Division 1 apply to work under this Section. worslgludg!= 1. Scope 2. General 3. Materials GENERAT Provide sprayed on fireproofing. B. Fibers shall be cafco Blaze-Shield Type D-CA fireproofing fiber rnanu- factured by U.S. Mineral Products Co. - specified herein - and conparable materials as manufactured by Air-O-Therm Application Co. Inc., Keene corp., or approved equal. Contractor must submit applicator anil product and variations to Specifications for review- C. Product Qualifications: Manufacturer of nateriaL shall have approval for applications specified. Such approvals are to include those of the pertinent municipal building authorities and insurance rating boards. llanufacturerg shall provide laboratory test data to these. authorities for a-oprova1. Manufacturer, through licensed applicator, shal1 submit to the Architect, State Industry, Labor and Human Relations Cornnission approval of fiber being applied ald proof of acceptance by Wisconsin State Insurance Rating Burea- D. Contractor shal1 submit manufacturer's statenent as to density required to achieve the 3-hour fire ratinq. E. Contractor shall be licensed. for this work by manufacturer of the fire- proofing rnaterials. Work shall be executeil in strict accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and instructions. F. Contractor shall examine all vrork by others which is to receive the work of this Section- Comnencement of l+ork constitutes acceptance of a1l base surfaces of this work. G- work by Others: Surfaces for application of insulation and base attach- ments for the suspension of pipes, ducts. conduitr.lights and other rnechanical devices shall be installed by others prior to conunenc elnent of r*ork covered by this Section. 3. MATERIALS @ Non-required for Type D materj-al. B. Fiber shall be a factory controlled and formulated mix consistingf of L00? inorganic mineral fibers containing no asbestos, no free crystalline silica, or asbestos-contarninated vermiculite, combined with 1009 inorganic binders. Fiber sha1l have a thermal conductivity (K factor) of. not gleateI. than 0.29 and NRC or 0.90- r'iber shalL be supplied to job site in sea]ed paper bags, properLy marked and labeled, to shorv the inspection of Underwriter's Laboratories ' 4. Installation q r.l a:nirrr 13s7 oo?-t Inc. Architect reserves right to renove and test samples to determine adequate densj.ty- Patches shall be replaced by Contractor vrhile equipment is on job site at no cost to buyer. If inadequate density is shown, ad.citi-onal fibers must be applied to bring coating up to standard. Hand tanping not required unLess required by ULI by test- c. A11 clips, hangers, clamps, supports, sleeves and other attaclments .to be base surfaces ale covered by other sections of these Specifications, are to be placed by other contractors prior to commencement of work covered by this D. Components of material shall be incornbustible and fibers sha1I be non- asbestos type. After drying mixture shalt be unaffected by rnoisture or con- densation. 4. INSTALLATION A. Surfaces shall be rigid, clean and free of dirt' conditions that vtould prevent adhesion. Cleaning of this Contractor. Freezing vreather application shall recorunendations . D. Overspray contract will Apply material using manufacturer I s approved equipment. c, No primer required for Type D. Apply only to as much surface as can be sprayed '"rith fiber t^rhile prinrer is still tacky. APply material to required thickness at required densj-ty and tamp. APpIy material after hangers are installed. gtrease, scale or other surfaces shaI1 be done bY follow manufacturer's all adjoining walls , Remove all debris and of cl-ear incombustible sealer to all surfaces applied under this not be required for TyPe D material. E. Where sprayed fireproofing occurs in areas not exposed to vi ew in finished builcling or covered vrith other materials, sprayed finish is acceptable. where fireproofing will be exposed to view in finished buiLding, finish material with float or roller or by tarnping to produce travertine appearance. After finishing at exposed areas all surfaces. other than Type D material shall receive overspLay or sealer of incombustible primer and adhesive - F. Durj.ng application it sha11 be this Contractor rs responsibility to pf,olect adjacent surfaces and equilNrent. Tf required, seal room to prevent fibers from leaving area. 5. CI,EANING F. Mter co.pleting of work sweeP or otherwise clean floors, 1ec1ges, upon which fiber has been deposited ' patch all darnaged areas . o TOWN OF VAIL RECREATION FUND FEE CALCULAT IONS ProJect 0wner Add ress lst FLL 24 Fcr =- {-- 5-93b.2f, e6t. -ei. - rAar<U.I s' x tota I Final Due Bas grnagi':zqr21 3 3 Y.37. ""8'(l.o t9 77, t z-on" ,'( LI .TOTAL FEEV= 16.5 K 32, 53,f{ G= &x .r7 =t7.3 K Z?. ? Per Da te -@'-.-*-- 3A78,5 Fee a Sq. S.t lo qll AUG 2 21s74rNsipEsGru FrEeuEsir rOWru OF VAIL DATE TIME REGEIVED JOB NAME AM PM CA,LLER E orren MON GOMMENTS: TUE I panrteu LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED .rn-Liii'.1 FFr l/',.,,nur pna APP ROV E D ffl .AJ UPON THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTTONS: CORRECTIONS florsappRovED ! nrrNsPEcr DATE 1,t DATE ZZ /'*!u',!, ;;""i' JoBNAME rNsPEcfrNc " #..rEsr TOWN OF VAIL rr\... r i ',.-t i'J TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER AUG 2 21974 fJ orsea MON COMMENTS: TUE WED E penrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION .---..\(::IUR peerRovED E otsappRovED tr uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr e rNsPE"*#t tiEL"Esr DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL flotnea -1.ac , ilpanner READY FOR INSPECTION TUE LOCATION FRI Elaps+oveb I upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRnEcnoNs: CORRECTIONS florsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr Project Na SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT T0lrll.+ 0F VA I L nll JUN 2? 1974 Inspector . L. Hlland Top bars over beams 283 & 289 placed 16r' oc added relnf. for 12'r O.C. Added mlsslng #5 bar bottom beam 287. Added 2-mlsslng ars ln beam 283. 6/20/7 \ CONCRE 5/2r/7 \ LOCAT ION PPROV 2nd Level Conc. Re1 PRECAST: ADDITIONA REMARKS \ RRECT CLlEllT ;f. A. Hyder Construction 4850 .r--ffi.|r€F..at, DFnl?ar, CoIo. 80216 PROJ RlI JuNg? 1974 l{0. - BY RC & EFL POURED o TEST TEST DATE EREAX DATE BREA|( tr,-1 /?sk; 5/\31fA_ 5/2o-5/27-6/Lo l{lX 0ATA 3oO0 psj 3 | ltCltES rELLY EALL CEI{EIIT TYPE TiIOD GTVFIN AtR CoITEIT 4"s TEi{PERATURE LBS. GAL. L8S. L8S. 02. F IIIE AGG. TYPE OF BREAKSTRESSWE lGHT L8S/CU. FT. rto-lIrx concr. 7-day 7-day 4-day 8-day cM* cM* cI4 ** cM *** cM*** 3110 ps 3150 psi 3710 ps 4067 psi 3943 psi 88,000 89, 000 105r ooo 115,000 11I,500 143 143 143 143 L43 ITRL I 2 5 3 4 DEFECTSHIOTH SYIIEOLS: C||-COTICAL TORTAR BREAK CA-COIItCAL AGOREGATE BREAK Y -SHEAR BREAI( cc: 3 - client I - Jerry Aldrich Clnief B1d9. Official Box 100, Vail, colo. I - Avon IDTL I - rile THESE TESTS WERE MADE ACC0RDING T! LSll{piinllbi-on drHrn nppLtcnBLE AGENcY TE:sT tiiihdb. iHti lnsonntoRY cANNoT s!- Bi.- i'pon$-siir ion Anv INTERPRETATIoN ql-llF. ilsi"niiirLil BY oTHER THAN LABoRAToRy PTRSONNEL. Lincoln DeYore Testing Lrb 0. llorr i s P. E816s7 LlilCOLn DeY0RE TESTlle LABORIT0RY : i: oRAi]C sFRiki,r. i.i)L'-) PUcgLo' 1()lo_ ,r ,::.- r SPllxGS rvO.COIICRETE TESTS f hi ir1 CLlEllT J. A. ltvder Co-nstrucij.on- 48 IROJI BY RC & EFL p9URED 5/L3/74o.80216 It)| TEST OAT€ BREAK DATE 5/2Q - 5/27 - 6/LO BREAK c EIEilT WITER LBS. GAL. LBS. LBS. 02. ' I IIE AGG. COARSE AGG AOHIX HIX DATA 3000 Psi @ 28 daYs KELLY EALL ilclrEs | ilclrEs cE[EflT TYPE r{oT Gr\/FrN AlRCotfrElfT 2.L t TEI{PERATURE 56 TYPE OF BREAKSTRESSTE IGHT LBS/CU. FT. Porto-Mix @ncr. 7-day 7-day 4-day 8-day cI,I * cM* cM ** CM*** cM*** 2500 psi 2460 psL 3040 psi 537 psi 3661 psi 70, 500 69,500 86, 0OO 1O0,000 103 ,500 142 14L 141 L42 L42 HRL 7 8 11 9 10 SYtlE0LSr clr-coil lcAL T0RTAR EREAX CA.COTICAL AGGREGATE BREAI( Y -SHEAR EREAI( cc: 3- Client 1 - Jerry Aldrich Ctrief Bldg" Official Box 100, Vail, Co1o. I - Avon LDTL 1 - File TTiESE TESTS WERE MADE ACC0RDItiG T0 A!Ji'l' i'i i r. -nbi" b-n'oin rn np p I t cnB LE Ac EN cY TE-sT i,riiirdD iHrs l[sonntoRY cANNoT BE-':i- ipij iir rLE''ibn [i[f ttrtrRPRETATr0N 9! -l{!'ilii"nislti"s'BY oTHER THAN LABoRAToRY PERSONNEL. OeYore Testing Lab D. llorr i s P. E.81657 Llll00Ltl DeY0RE TESTI[G LIE0RIT0RY C C-ORA!--O SPRlx65. COLO Pr-'€BLO. COLO' QOCx SPITXGS. fYO.COIICRETE TESTS ri .,- Jr$N 2 ? 1'!?4 CL IETT U TEST TEST DATE EREAI( EREAI( i0. BY t-ltll? alr\ lrf x DATAIF S-vt rI. looo Drt a tf trp corErT LBS GAL LBS LBS 02. WATER FIiE AGG. cornsE AGo. ADlt I X SLUIIP 3 IiqrEs trc[EsI(ELLY BILL CEIIEIIT TYPE A IR COIITEXT TETPERATURE o-3 ras oF 6nx|2n cYtIIDER 1{0. WE IGHT tBS/CU. FT. TOTAL LOAD STRESS TYPE OF BREAI( REI|ARXS G-lt 1{It raIt 1{O 1{O 1{1,lt1l-l alrooo alr@o t0rttto toroo0 torooo llto rrt rl3o rlttol Fltrtt pl l|:l9 rl €|r etq.* elF. cll. sortFlrtr ffi.t-!r1t al m..er[l tl 14.fi1 tElI t0.UIDTH DEPT}I sPtll LOAD IIODULUS OF RUPTURE DEFECTS SYIIo!Sr cl-corlctt r0nTlR BREIr CA.C0IlGlL I0OREOATE BREAI( V -8llE^l trtil afr t - ClltatI - Jrrrr rldrlshcbhl tldf. otftclrl,Yrllr GDlc. llttt I - llil r#ltI-llb THEI]t TEITS WERI MADE ACCORDING TO ASTil, PiiA, ACI OR OTHER APPLICABLE ACENCY TIST IITTHOD. THIS LABORATORY CANNOT BE R[. SPONSIBLE FOR ANY INTERPRETATION OF THT TEST RESULTS BY OTHER THAil UBORATORY PERSONNIL. tc 100 Lincoln DsYore Teoting Lrl COICNETE TESTS LlXC0Li DeY0lE TESTIIG LAB0RITORY coLoRAoo sPR[aGs, coLo. Fgeg|-o. co!o. nocK sPlrx63. lYo. "rr"ot-oevoRE TEsrrNG LAB.RAT.RP SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VAII, Terf ef ?Yar t ,: /ir-n , 1'' t z'.7t- ,r./.toJ 'Al >,/ 4q4 ru JUN A? F74 ( /zr TrcA* oslz.TnL,./rsro e !3^ 1'.-:Z'c t<, \'' a 91II!.ASONRY: "it- Q./ %, .7tn7 L-?"'F fe{ o4 L att*4e*-s fatu-/ eroj ect rnspector Lne- orrections RequileQLocation I Approved -tp/|ytOz4 Tr,.,.t z TrJti{ o is</ 7-ru,/tg1o c 1,.^ - <-t' </4< x 3/ /h., T.[g 6 s'53- t, ' zTttt /. IT]ONAI. o I N s P E#'lbKt' L'nJ.,.rEs r DATE TIME RECEIVED N OF VAIL floruea ,Fi,r--, lpnarrel. -- IJ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRIMON COMMENTS: El*ppnoveo fDo'sAppRovEDt- E upon rHE FoLLowrNc cofineenorus, CORRECTIONS :,i E ner NsPEcr t1/ INSPECTOR Rtr t{ov 5 1974rNsPEciloru F|EGTUEST E ornen MON COMMENTS: / t,\ / TUE E pnnrtnu LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR 'rx) f ->.- {AM PM -'-./ fi eerRovED fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS I otsaeeRovED f] nerNsPEcr DATE ]a:N(^\,J 7+ PART ''A'' GENERAI TEST DESCRIP. TION UNDER. GROUND PIPES AND JOINTS FLUSHING TESTS t*r*orro*'s MATERTAL & TEST urtiror, ru lr'v a b ls74 SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. WATTR SPRAY SYSTEMS ,PROCEDIJ'RE UDON COMPTJETTON Of WORII, INSPECTION A-IID TEST8 SHOULD BE MADE BY CONIRAC?OR'S REPRE8ENTATNE ANI, WIINESSAD BY AN OTXNER'S REPRE8ENT.A,TWE. AI.I. DEFEqIE SHOULD BE CORRECTED AND SYSIEM LEFT IN SERVICE BEFORE @NTRACTOR'8 T'EN FINALLY LEAVB THE JOB. A CER1IFICATE SEOUI,D DE NLLED OUT AND SIGNED BY BOTH REPRESEII?ATIVNS. CEPIES 8flOULD BE PREPAREI' FOR IMIPECf,ING AUTBORITIES, OWNER AND COIITE]ICAOR. IT IS UNDERST@D TIIE OTVNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S SIGNATURE IN I'IO WAY PREJUDICES ANY CLAJM.A.GAIMT CONTRACTOR FOR FAULTY MATERIAI, PooR WORKJT,IANSI{IP OR FAILURE TO COMPLY WlfH INSPE TING AUTIIORITY'S REQUIREI'ENTs OR I.OCAL ORDINANCES. ACCEPTED PLAI.IB ALVES AND CARE OF TIII6 NEW EQUIPMENI IF NO. E]OLIIN WITII STAIIDARI) IF MI EPLIJN FLUSHING FLOW PUBLIC WATER E TLUSIIED BY (COMPANY) HC|W WAS FIUSHING NEW UNDEROROUND PIPING FLUSHED ICCORI'ING TO BY (COMPANY} STM.PPED OR BACT'3D IN ACCX)RDANCE HYDROSTATIC gfANDI,RD TANK oR REsERvorR fl EiD. Buft E STANDART' TANrG REaERvon EI OF CSNTROL NoE rI() tl NoE Non NOE EAS A COPY OF INSTRUCIION AND MAINTENANCE CHI'RT BEEN LEFT AT PL$IT TF NO. EXPLAIN yes Ex YEs D x YEB D TEAKAGE YES T-l rrnn puul E opsr pnn E YEs E FFE PUr,@ El FLUSHING: Flow the requbed rate untll mairls are clesr 15 hdicrted by no collection of torelgn materlal ln hrrlaD hegs at o{rtlets Fuch as hydrarns and bloq/-offs- Flu6h at flors not l6es than ?50 GPM tor 6-inch 9lp€ and srnaller, 1000 GPM for 8-lnch, 1500 cPM for lo-lnch. ?000 cPM for lz-inch. Where eupply cannot produce 9tlpulated flo* rate, ottaln maximum arailable by uslrg prop€rly sized dtscharge ctevic€s. IryDR(XITATIC: Hydrostatic test should be made at not less thao 200 PiSI fo! two hour6 or 50 PSI above static pressure in excess oI 15O PSI. Differential dry-pipe valve claPpers should be left open during test to prevent damage. AU above groud pipir{i leakage should be stopped- LEAKACE: New pipe laid *ith rubber gasketed iolnts should, il the wolkFanship is satisfactory, have no leakage at tle loints. Unsstisfactory amounte ol leakage usually tesult from t*isted, pinched or cut gasket6. However, Eome leakage might result lrom small amounts of grit or 6mall imp€rfections. The amount of lealage at lhe joints sbould not exceed 2 querts per hour per 100 Joints irrespectively of pipe diameter. The lealage shorld be dlstlibuted over all joints. lJ such leekage occurs at a fenl ioir{s the installation should be con$idered un6atisfactory aid nece$ary repairs made. Ne* pipe laid with caulked lead or lead-substitute jolnts should, lf the workmanship is satisfactory, have little or no leahrge et the joints. Any ioint having leakage or mole than a "slight drip" or "weepiilg" ahould be repalred. Lealage shouLl not exceed 1oz. lliquid m€asure) per hour per inch ol plpe diaheter ler joint. The leatag€ should b€ distributed over all ioint6. lf such l.akage occur9 elbost €nti.ely at a few ioints, the irstallation should be considered unsatislactoryard rEcesaary repairs made. PNEUMATIC: Establish tlo psl air pre6sure aril measure preasure drop v,hlch ehould llot exceed I l/2 PSt in 24 hours. Test ptessure tankF et normal \tater l€vel ard air pres6ur€, and mea6ure air preEsure drop $,hich should not exceed 1 l/2 PSI in 24 hou!6. PART ''8" - UNDERGROUND PIPING TO YE8 DIF NO. E)@LAIN JOINTS Ray.7169 aRrDrlntsd Y ooNN. To FLANGE &ssrcor D oppw pes Il HYDROSTATIC TEST I.EAKAGE TEST HYDRANTS coNROL VAI.VES REMARKS PARTS A & B SIGNATURES LocATtoN TEST9 REQUIRED SPRINKTERS OR SPRAY NOZZTES PIPE AND FIITINGS AI,ARM VATVE oR Ftow INDICATOR DRY PIPE VATVES DETUGE & PREI.CTION VAwES TESTING PART'C" SIGNATURES PART "C'' _ SPRINKTER & WATER SPRAY AEOVE GROUND PIPING (FILL OUT SEP^8^TI EART "C' FOR EACIT RI8ER} NUMBER INSfALLED ATER CONIROL VALVES LETT WIDE OPEN DATE LE FT IN SERVICE I 3 HYDROSTATIC TEST OF AIL PNEUMATIC IEST OF ALL DRY PIPING OPERATION TESIS OF ATL EOUIPMENT I'IMUM TIIIE It) OPERATE TIIROUGH TESf PIPEALIRM DEVICE Tlr|E TO TRIP TTIROUGH TEST PIPE PNEUMATIC EI ELscTRIc E VAIVE OPERATE FROM TIIE MAMJAL TRIP ATTD,/OR REMOTE COIANOL dTATIONS FOR TESTING DRY PIPING PNEUMATICALITY TESITED EQUIPMENT OPERATE PROPERIjY FOR YE3 YES ATER SIrPPLY TEST PIPE: nEEiIIIUAL PBESSURE U'!TH VALVE IN TEST PIPE I,EFT IN SERVICE WITA ALL OONTROL'VAIVE8 OPBN. r N siPE#, oflt i$t=&tl= = t DATe 3 c)...., ,,'' TIME RECETVED !i: : ,) -AM pM E orxen fl pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION 'Wb'sAPPRovEflnppRovED ,E nerNSPEcr DATE rNsPEd}toN FIEBUE€iT VAIL DATE TIME RECE!VED JOB NAME AM PM CALLER TOWN O E ornen MON COMMENTS: I pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE AM@) 5-./D(nppRovED E orsappRovED ' E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECToNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr =IQ C: INSPFCTOR ^ nlr QED{Drlt' rNs"=t,oN tLS:'J:3t :.,' TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECE JoE NAME "Yi'1PM ,/ CALLER E ornen MON GOMMENTS: E penrrau READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION FRI ? O,J AMiFM .\ ruE i APP ROV E D D orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr XJ uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORREGTIONS 1 \ ', .- ?.+ .i+ r.!.*{}\,rr, a; i. }.L.ii-sair'! i,Fil' oo ,*=otloru TOWN OF RTL SEP 61974 F|EEUEST VAIL onre 5 '.Sep z+ J9BNAME l*,- { ,.-.,..-, TIME RECEIVED iO.,rc, 6fi)ey CALLER frorrten F,:= /ia..1,. ,r,.--, fl pnnrrnu O; .JTi;'.- H.-=i! r$;)^!\ READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR LOCAT]ON MON COMMENTS: [eeeRovED D otsAppRovED - tr uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nErNsPEcr D^TEfu o C JuLtTpT4 CL IEIIT TEST TEST DATE EREAT BREAI( lt0.r-1216? 8Y eouaeo 6/2U71;;;;-W?tr L.r e 28dryr tnd Ie. 3lO illX DITA S-W, th.. 3./4. eqg. cEHEilT L8S OAL LES L8S 02. HATER - F I IIE AGG. OOIRSE AG6. ADiltX SLU}IP I rc[Es rrcltEsI(ELLY BILL CE}IEIIT TYPE AIR COffiEIIT TEI{PERATURE r.r tr69 oF 6"Xl2n CYUI|DER lt0. WE IGHT L8S/CU. FT. TOTAL LOAD STRESS TYPE OF BREAK REIIARXS nf, 19 to 2L ,7tt la0 140 1{0 6 ?to0 6t000 f1000 lll0 lrl.ll{o 9rl IICO rrt clt cli. clifi Forto-tlt CsE. 7-dr!' ?-dry la-dry BEAI| ilo.wt0Tll DEPTII SPAII LOAD IIODULUS OF RUPTURE DEFECTS r0Ls ,,.-,0*''A|. IIORTAR BREAK CA-COXICTt TGOREGATE BREAI( V .SilEIN BREAT t - Cllrnt@r r' rry Aldrlchr Chlrt 81df,. of,f,lclel to* Loo, lfrtl 81537 nEtdllr cO[38. Lincoln DeVore I - IVGE IDIIr coilcnErE TESTS LIIICOLi DeYOIE TESTITE LAEORITORY co|.oRAoo sPRtNGs, coLo. pu€BLo. colo. R OC X S PiINGS, fYO. CIIEXT J.A. Ilyder constE 4850 Jackson St. . DV 8021'--6 PROIECTRED tYON CAFE . VAiI 0362 TEST TEST DATE BREAI A-L2L67f{0. BY POURED DATE gX611 7{, 14** & 28-days CEIIETT L8S. GAt. LBS. L8S. 02. F IIIE AGG. rATER AoHt x COARSE AGG 6/2a, 7/5, 7/L9 Truck No. 5lo l{lX DATA 5-L/2 sk., 3/4" agg. I(ELLY EALL CEIIEI{T TYPE ltcHEs iltcfiEs A IR CO]ITEIIT TEIlPERATURE TYPE OF EREAK r{E tcnT LBS/CU. FT. 7-day 7-daY 7 /1-9 28 day 1.4-day I4-day cM* cM* c\,1 cr4 c!4.** 67500 12390 Psr 69000 12440 Psi 95000 13380 Psi 97000 ilalo osiBtooo lzgoo psi 140 140 140 140 140 t9 20 2L 22 23 DEFECTSDIPTH CT-COTICAI XORTAR BREAI( CI.COTICAL AGGREGATE BREAI U -SHEAR EREAX cc: 3 - c]-ient 1 - JerrY Aldrich, Chief B1dg" Box 100, Vail 81657 I - Pmrto-Mix Concr" 1 - Avon LDSL Official Lincoin George - ./;,' DeYore Testing Lab D. llorr is P. E. COXCRETE TESTS L IXCOLI OevCRE ), ^ , t;.t. 'r.. ,. 1..- TESTITG LAEORAIORY plEt|^ ,, I :'t tr .. ' i irr;{:.i *Yii, RU il0v 36€74rNseecloN r t OF VAILX:W .( FIEGIt,EsiT VAIL D ornen flpnnral. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: orn@ APP ROV E D I orsaen RovED E nerNsPEcr fl ueon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTIoNS: CORBECTIONS '\ f J-"i-- - E, - Zc- A-lov z4