HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION COMMON 1lnun 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 26, 1986 Dick Brown 178O BeL Alr StreetSuite 106 Denve:, CO 8O2Oz Dear Dick: The Red Lions flfth and final installment is due on December31, 1986. The amount due is $?,880.00. Please use this letter as a reminder to remit a check to the Town offices at your con- venience. Sincerely, zJ /="*4 Rich Parzor{l{d Finance Contfoller 8F/njr llflI 75 south frontag€ roed Eil. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Oicb Bnown l7S0 BeL Ain Stze-etSuite 106 Oenvett, C0 80202 Oean Oicb: Thz Red LLont a $ountlt 31 , 1985. Pleate ute thia due ia i7 ,88o. oo Ozeenbzn 19, 1985 inata.Llment ia due on Letten aa a +enLndett. 0eeenben Thz anount SlnczneLg, Rich ?anzonb.o Finance Contnollen- RP lm jn 75 soulh tronlage rosd Yall, colorEdo E1657 (303) 476-7000 The Red Lionts third installrnent of the Torvn of Vail parkin[-f ei-o'as due Decernber 3]., 1984. Pa-]'ment has not been r"l"i"Ea as of tl'ris date for the amount d'e,- $7 ' 880 ' 00 ' i,i""t" iernit a check to the Town of Vail to bring, your account current. Your upmost attention is requested in this matter. Thank You. SincerelY ' Zl "4-"-/t. - 4-.'Rich Parzonko Finance Controller Selby and Associates L08 S Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr, SelbY: RP/nj rcertified mail Januar,v L7, 1985 (o"o6poo funcsT i )rcE deoutt lrest ,/2Xo tszzlta lr lutt6,/o6 /tcr>,tue< (o goto& 75 3oulh irontage rord Yrll, color!do 81657 (303) {76-7000 Selby and Associates 108 S ETontage Road West Vail, CO 8f657 Dear !lr. Selby: This letter is a reminder Vail Parking Fee installments 1984 for the Red Lion exPansion. from the offLce of rich parzonko December 7r 1984 that the third of five Towrt of will come due on December 31, lfhe amount due is $7'B8O.OO. Sincerely, Rich Parzonko Finance Controller RP/nJr 79,1-otrlh Jrontege .o.d lEll,,€l.9r'do.Oi657 (393),..7F?0oo :rom the office of rich trrarzon)<o April 17, 1984 Sineerely. --.ich Parzonko Finanee Controller :*!i : r,. --:-,:SeID!.. and Assocj.ateslAB S Frontage Road Westvail, co 81657 Dear Sir: :i:-'-*vy reccrds indicate that the Town of vaiL has not receivedyour second installment of your parking fee in the amount of$*;:88t2 due on oc-tober 15, r-sgs. please remit a check in th.is :5,:11_-t"_ll.1tS trour amount current.. ptea€e carr-;J ft y";nave any questiona ccncerning this matter. RP/mjr ofllcc of communlty dcyclopmanl November 21, 1983 Jeff Selby Richard Brown Charles Rosenquist f,Mark Garrison Selby and Associates 108 South Frontage Road - lr|estVail, Colorado, 81657 Dear Sirs, This is a remJnder that the second insta'llment of the Red Llon parking fee ,is due on December 31, 1983. The fee for tggg is Si,S8O.OO. Thanks, Si ncere'ly, Jim Sayre JS/rme il,,* ('i; w ,/ j ,)"" 0oi . e., r\7/ \.* .!r* $ \ il'" o $39,400 In installrpnts hfter date., for value received, I of the Torar of Vail'at the Office of the Finance at Vail Colorado Vait, Cotort November 17 l9 82 promise to pay to the order Director, MuniciPal Building Thirty-nine thousand, four hundred with interest of a& p.r..n$., unnuln The f irst instal'lment the second installmnt the third instal'lment the fourth insta'l]ment with the entire unPaid Dol lars, on the unpaid balance,payable in yearly December 31 ,82 December 31 of $ 7,ggq __ due and PaYable on of $ljggq- due and PaYable on of $ 7,880 due and payable on December 31 of $ljg99-- due and payable on December 31 .balance due and payab'l e sn December 31 ,83 , ,84 ,85 .86 IT IS AGREED that if this note js not paid whe4 du.e or declared due,hereunder, tlie principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate ot ib-pincent'per annum, and that failure to make any payrent of principal or interest w[ei-Ou" o"'any aetauti under any 'incurbrance or agreemen! gecurlng_tlit-1:l:^. stritl caus" thE whole note to beconre due at bnce, or the 'interest to be counteo is-principal, at the option of the holder of the note. The rnkers and endorsers [irEbi i"["rifii "iive'prisentnent for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment inA-of proielt,-ana agrle io any extensioir of tire of payment and partial payments ueiore,'at oi irter milu"iiv' iia-ir thii note or inteiest thereon is not paid itren aue,ror suit is broughl, agree to pay all reasonable costs of collection' lncltrding reasonable attorney's fees. {rhr--- ffiy-qA,LB,tML tu ($\g bYn b 1.ttg <aUApie,r.t A' llrdoLd,avWat S instal:lments as follows : ^\L'{fulzrs -' d,h&&a',W :7 75 iouih trontag. rd. Y!ll. colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 department of community development Novemben 19, 1982 Jeffrey B. Selby Richard N. Brown Charles H. Rosenquist c/o Mark Garrison Se1 by and Associates 108 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: Enc'losed find the revised parking fee promissory note for the Red Lion commercial expansion. The due dates have been changed to reflect the phone conversation I had with Mr. Gamison last month. Thank you for your cooperation. . Si ncerely, '/t4i/t Jim Sayre t' '/ Town Planner JS:df Encl . ',39,400 .rl ltlstallms6f5 ,if i:ilp d i r', " f tfte TOwn r{ Vail'at tl;e "t Vall Colorado fl;t .rit Iuq rr,r.li viri t 0f f icr: of the iina:ir.:'i ilovember 17 tY 41 I promis.e to PaY to the order Director, MuniciPal Building y,1,.h,) Thf'r.ty,-n1ns thousand, icur hundred D01 l.1rs, ',e flr3t installment of $-!880. - 're second r instdl l nent o;' ".1 7 , il80 , ith Interegt of ten percetrt per ann'lm :rstallments as follons 2 ' 'i: th{rd in tallment of $ "?rQQg- ':.: fourth inPtallnent of $--7-gqq - .,;h the entire unpaid.bl'! ;.-.:ce due and on the unpaid ba'lance, payable 'in yearly due anrl payable on -!9!!ILe-f *3J-----*,ez due and payabl s sn-- Decenrqer 31-*---,83 ' due and payable on..*-DJ!ryL?l RA :1li pa.yabl e on -Eglq-e-L tL *'.,.-- -.-----' :16 due and paYable on.*gecembelj-1 rl'IS AGREI0 that if ihis nute is not paid whr:rt due or declared due,hcirlu'iJr'r', ,.iio-o"tl,ciiral ahd accrur:d interest thereon shall draw interest at tne rd1'D ui t;-#;;;t'i""-in,'r*, *na lnii tiitrii.e to make anv pa.vrr.ent of principal or itri':' '' ' rl*i-are'ir'urv-Jur..,iii u, J, ,^ uny incurbran;e or agre."menL cecur{ng this ,1'r;3 , 'iiif,-iauil thb uhol; ;-;;-l; letottre au*".ti: i:nce, 6r the inlerest to i:'u co''t:'ir;ed-,ffiii:;r; iffifi;i;;-;;-l; teto,,e au*:":i,-*n"e, 6r the,inrerest to i:.u co',r:ifed i"iriiiiiif ,'ii ifru-opiin,r oi the hp'lder ri' the not.e. The 'n'tkers dr'j rr:ic'::':;irf's ,,^^c -^.,^-,l l,' i.' t',1-^'...,'"+^;;t {f," nai, , llt- Dr,r:..r4; . litri. i':g on lloi: '../llicrrt;r'Ai';;i#ir ro' wiiue' pt'i:ir:ntment ,;lcl cf.protest. lnd alree tc any ,e)l ir;i'80f SeVefE.llly !\'aive pI'ilirrntment' Ilflr Pairi' 'i:lrt' pFiii'::*i'--' !trr ,,;;;-;i i"i["ii.-."d aryee tc ar*.ex{pnsioi: ''i' iiine e1: '".'v1'3i1t and partitl palit'ierr'l's .,iiui,i,""il a,. i;,i*r :,1,'li:iti,-Jna-irifirrii ',::i: i"-i:::1.:r..l.il-ll H,i:::,?3:1iri-t"ii"lr"il ,''it"'i,;, 'i,gii't, if.."i[o piv,',' jts{'n'rb;;'ru':r"5 of ccl :":tion' i;;i*;i;i I*ut',,inli * 'r '. i*inav ' s"? Jeff Sr rby I)ATE. . J, -. -_ er 1lr Ing nol-fl. I Ir\: ''r'ri\';' r t"1rr."r '' paiti, 'l:llt' pf.l::,r:(,;.. lit:iir:g On noi.: J': Ri chard Br"cv;n BIST COPY AVAII.ABLE [,; il .- ltoir-:nq-[Tst - > \, luun Jeff Selby Red Lion Inn 294 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Selby: Below is an outline of the appropriate section of the Municipal code concerning the parking fee, and a suunary of our agreetnent of how to apply the law to the Red Lion rernodel . t, Section 18.52.100 Parking Requirenents Schedule box lfl) Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 ' Use Eating E-n-d Drinking Establ ishrnents department of community development November 25, 1981 Park ing Requirenrent @o seats, based on seating capacity or building code occupancy whichever is greater. 2, In the case of the Red Lion I have applied the occupancy standard for the bar addition. 3. Bar space is assessed at $31000 per parking stall. The occupancy standard for the bar addition is forty. Using the above I'Require- nents Schedule' the parking fee for the new space is $12,000, or4spacesx$3,000. 4. One parking stall was elininated by the Red Lion renrodel . I understand that this stall was used for a residential unit. Parki.g for residential space is assessed at $5,000 per parking stal1, so the Red Lion is being assessed $5,000 for the loss of this sDace. -l'lo neaCf z - rt/2s/8r is due, payable space is not fee bar 5.Fee Schedule. At this point a $17,000 parking over a five year period=:assuning that the new nodified in the coming yearfs. 6. Date Due Amount First Fifth Novernber 24, L98I $5,400 (paid) Second Fifth Novenber 24" L982 3,400 Third Fifth Noveniber 24, 1983 3,400 Fourth Fifth Novenber 24" 1984 3,400 Fifth Fifth Novernber 24, 1985 3,400 However, in the event that the new bar space is modified a Portionof the fees already paid will be given as a credit towards a new parking fee, and the fee schedule will be modified to reflect the future renodel . The $5,000 assessnent for the loss of the residential space will not be allowed as a credit towards any future parking fee. For example, if in the next year the Red Lion remodels the new bar space,'a credit of $2,400 (the anount already paid minus one fifth of the residential parking fee) will be given towards a revised tot.al parking fee, Six bar seats l.rere removed in the current renodel . One thousand eight hundred dollars (.6 x 3,000) will be given as a credit towards the total parking fee due in any future renodel of the Red Lion. In the event that no renodeling is done in the next year, the total parking fee due will be reduied by $1,800 and the fee schedule adjusted accordingly, 1 oo oo VI box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development The Red Lion Inn I'tr. Jeff SelbY Irtr. Charl es Rosenquist I{r. Richard Tofel 294 Bridge Street Dear Sirs: on July 15,,1981 this department sent the Red Lion a bill for $10,960--the parking fee due u, " t"rirlt of your expansion' 'Ihis amount is still due' payabre to the Town of Vail . Ttris letter outlines the nunicip"l gogg concernj-ng inl parking fee and Presents the application of the law to t-he Red Lion expansi on. The purpose of the parking fee is outlined under the chapter of the nunicipal code entitled ,,off -street Parking and Loading". It reads "In order to alleviate progressively or to Prevent traffic congestion and shortage of on-street ir""iirrg ^""rr, off-street pal.king and loading facili-ties sha1l be provided incidental to new structur^esn eniarg"t"ttts of existing dwelling units, ac- conmodation units, neeting rooms or conventj.on facilities to a new use'.." (Vail Municipal Code 18.52.010). The Town Cormcil exempted two areas frorn on site parking requirenents - -Vai 1 village and Vail Lionshead. within these exempt aTeas, ProPerty ouners are requiied by law to contribute to the Town parking fund' The appropriate p"rr"g" reads: "At such time as any Pxoperty 9T9r or other aPpl icant- proPoses io deiefop or redevelop a parcel of-piopirty within an exempt area...the. owneT or ipplicant sfraii pay to the lown the parking fee.." (Vail Municipal Code 18.52.r60.8.). The Red Lioniparking fee is calculated using the following inforcnation: one space is equal to 500 square feet of floor space within the expansion. Each space is assessed at $3,000. This $5,000 figure_was established for coirnercial space only by the Town Council on May 7, 1980' The Red Lion commercial expansion is 2,980 square feet' 9.933 parki.ng spaces are required as a result of your expansion' (2,980 divided by 300) A .,t' ti j"?lo oo Red Lion -2= The parking fee due for comnercial addition i5 $29,800 (9.933 x $3,000). Your expansion plans wi-ll elininate a oDe*cal' garaSe. This places an additional burdLn on the public parking structule. The loss of one residential parking space is assessed at $5,000. The Town council has ;ffito-o:fided the fee per space for residentiar spaces. Ttre couunercial parking fee due is $29r800. Date lue Amount First Fifth April 14, 1981 $ 5,960 Second Fifth APriI 14, L982 5,960 Third Fifth dPril 14, 1983 5,960 Fourth Fifth APril 14, 1984 5'960 ' Fifth Fifth APril 14, 1985 5,960 The parking fee due at this tine is the first fifth plus the $5,000, or $|O,SOO. The Town of Vail expects the Red Lion Inn to conply with the law, Kindly send a check for the amount due within one r+eek of - receipt of this letter. ? ot lntln s box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Red Lion Inn l,lr. John Mella 294 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Red Lions Expansion Dear Mr. Mella: Ttre Town of Vail is now collecting the parking fee. The parking fee is assessed on the basis of new or additional developnent in the connercialcores. This letter outlines the law concerning the parking fee and presents a schedule for the payment of the fee. (See Vailrs zoning code: 18.52.100, 18 . 52 . 1608. ) The Town Council has set several different parking fee forrnulas for different llPes of developrnent. b M")' 19c{r th" T^,.h r-^"ncil lowered the gryg}g! parking fee rate for two years to encourage developers to begin work on tfi6ir expansionor alteration plans. The commercial rate was lowered from $5,000 to $3,000for each 300 square feet of expansion. Eating and drinking establishrnents are assessed differently. They are assessed at the rate of $5,000 for every l0 seats of new seating capacity, The Town Council did not lower the residential parking fee, and it renainsat $5,000 for every parking sta11 requi.red for new developrnent. (See ordinancefor details.) The connercial parking fee may be paid over a five year period, but the residential fee must be paid in one lunp sum. Payrnent of the first fifthof the comrnercial fee is due at the tirnE the construction permi.t is issued. The second fifth is due one year after the pernit is issued, the thirdfifth is due two years after the pernit is issued, and so on until thefifth fifth is paid. A schedule of your parking fee paynents appears on the attached page. )o department of community development July 15, 1981 -- Rcd Lion Inn Parkinc L-.o Total Commercial Parking Fee Due: $29,g00 Datc Due Amount First Fifth April 14, 1981 g 5,960 ' Second Fifth April 14, 1982 5,960 Third Fifth April 14, 1983 51960 Fourth Fifth April 14, 1984 51960 Fifth Fifth April 14, 1985 5,960 We also understand that your expansion plans will eliminate a one-cargarage. You are being assessed a $5,000 fee for the loss of this spaee. The parking fee due at this time is the first fifth plus the 951000, or $10,960. Once your Plans for the residential units on the second floor are confirned, your parking fee will be reassessed. Receipts from the parking fee are channelled into a special fund designedto help solve vailrs parking problems. we appreciate youa contributionto this fund. ' Sincerely, i,3 oo ol department of community developmentbox 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 July 15, 1981 Jeff Selby Current s Jewelry Box 1528 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Currents Jewelry Parking Dear Mr, Selby: the Town of Vail. is now collecting the parking fee, The parking fee is assessed on the basis of ne!{ or additional developnent in the comnercial cores. This letter outlines the law concerning the parking fee and Presents a schedule for the paynent of the fee. (See Vailts zoning code: 18.52.100. 18 . 52 . 1608, ) The Town Council has set several different parking fee forrnulas for different types of development. In l{ay 1980 the Town Council lowered the corunercial parking fee rate for two years to encourage developers to begin work on their expansion or alteration plans. The corunercial rate was lowered fron $5,000 to $3,000for each 300 square feet of expansiorl. Eating and drinking establisfunents are assessed differently. They are assessed at the rate of $31000 for every l0 seats of new seating capacity. The Town Gouncil did not lower the residential parking fee, and it remains at $5,000 for every parking stall required for new development. (See the ordinance for details.) Ttre couunercial parking fee may be paid over a five year period, but the residential fee nust be paid in one lump sum. Payment of the first fifth of the comnercial fee is due at the tine the construction perrnit is issued. Ihe second fifth is due one year after the pennit is issued, the thirdfifth is due two years after the permit is issued, and so on until the fifth fifth is paid, A schedule of your parking fee paynents appears on the attached page' rt Currents Jewelry Parking Fee Second Fifth December 3, 1980 2Ba ' nrira fiftn Decer&er 3, 1981 288 Fourth Fifth December 3, I9g2 298 Fifth Fifth Decebner 3, 1989 288 Ihe first two fifths are due at this tine, or g576.00. Receipts from the parking fee are channelled into a special fund designed. to help solve Vailts parking problens. We appreciate your contributionto this fund. Sincerely, IO Total Comnercial Parking Fee Due: $1,440 Date Due AmountFirst Fifth oeEEffiA; s, rsTs S-.2&d 75 soulh lronlage rd. . vait, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 30, 1982 Jeff Selby Red Lion Inn 294 Bridge Street Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 Dear Mr. Selby: o department of community development RE: Parking fee for Red Lion Remodel I have fjnished ca1 cu'l ating the parking fees for the.Red Lion Inn remode'l ' ite-rut"s for calcutiting it,is tb" hav6 changed sf ightly since we discussed thjs before. The n'aior ihange is that for restaurant expansions the fee ii ialiutated on the-basis oi square feet instead of restaurant seats' This is i specia'l rate established by the Town Council for a few restaurant expansions ippiouia U.tween lgZg and 1981.- This formula gives restaurant owners a reduction iii'ttt" parking fee. It has, for example, reduced the parking_fee for the enclosure of itre Red Lion d6ck. Thus'ali the calculations below will use the following basic formu'la: 300 square feet of retail expansion requires one park'ing stal'l ; each stall is assessed at $3,000. The method in calcu'lating fees and credjts is to evaluate whether the space creates a parking derand-according to the "Parking Requ'irements Schedu'l e" in Section 18.52:100 of the Vajl l.lunicipal Code. Storage areas' kitchens' vestibules, boiler rooms, toilets and the like are not assessed a fee or a credit. Bars, office space and retail spaces are assessed. Last year we made an agreement about a refund for the garage.space and.the renrovil of six bar seais. Due to the change of rules I am giv'ing creciit .^^for the space occupied by the seats. The parking fee paicl last year' )J'4UU' is being given as a credit. of 460 square feet to den -2- el30l82Red Lion Feeo ,^| 999 sguare removal of feet 345 square feet of office Flrst Floor t) Renpval of gagage stall, g5,0OO (See letter of Noverber 25, lggl) ?') New retail space 3,107 iquare feet* 3) . tilew enclosed patio 992 square feet* Sunmary First Floor 409e (3107+se2) 1433 (credit) e666 _ Second Floor llo charge .- - *Fjgures Ruoff-tJentworth -- Total basement ll14 Total first floor 2666 3780 Tota'l iilr Parkins Fee -3- e/30/82 3,780 square feet 'ls a 12.6 stall parking requirement iz.o * $3,000 = $3/,800 ($g,ooo is the fee per stal'l) $37'8oo 5;000 Fee for removal of stal] for garage $42'800 Subtotal -3,400 Credit from last Year's fee ,$39/00 Total Fee Due . , - -at--Thls fee can be paid, without interest ;''oY€Y a five year pe.riod. -(1ne council is now cnargins igZ inte"est per-innum--however, you-nade'your application before this rule was changed. ) Schedule of Payments: - Date Due - Amount -. r'r{':'i!.! .:':''-.:: i::i- Paymnt I -___-;;- I 0ctober'15, 1982 $ 7,880 ' 2 0ctober 15, .|983 - 7'880 3 0ctober '15, '1984 7,880 4 October 15, '1985 7'880 5 Octlber '15, .|986 7'880 If you choose to pay over a five-year period, please sign attached promissory note. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to cal'!. 5irc.erely, .% P{-? -JIM SAYRE Pl anner JS:br Encl. In ol at ',r 39'400 inst.rl I n,.:n l: a ftcr d.tL:'.r, Lliu forln ol' V": il a I Liie Vail Colorado The first installment the second insta'llment the th i rd i nstal I rnent the fourth installment with the entire unpaid l;,, ri , Cri i,,li,; October ,1-r*l-99-2 t for v,rl ttrr 0i'ftctr ci'i r'{.:(:(..i ved , I pr'oin i';r- tlir: i: iriancc lJii'cctt;i to 1t;:.y t'o t'1',a strir:i' Ir,,,,.i-i^r1 Or,-'I.l.:"..,t lrJ'l l'- tlrul trul l\.r'i.j -T-lriv:linc-IhousandJou r.-[udred--- wi th i ntere r, or@;-r,".9 per annur.rr instal Iments as foll.ols : Do1 |ars, on tlre unpaid Lralancc, payable in ycar'1y payabl e onof $l&9--- due and of $:,,,agg_- due and of $-Z-ABO- due and. 0ctober 15. 'l 982 ' payab 1 e onj11og"r*l,5,Jgg3-, payab 1 e otl_11414[sp_!!,-]!g{-r of $:'.,aqO__ due and payable on ndtoher 15, 1985-, balance due and payable on October 15, 1986 i t,..l:f'ri -- ':: IT IS AGREED that if this note is not paid when due or declared due.hereunCer, the principal and accrued interest.thereon shal 1 draw interest at the rate ol 1B pbrcent'per annumr and that failure to make any payment of principal or interest wheir due or any default under any incurnbrance or agreement securing this note sha'l 'l cause the vthole note to become due at once, or the interest to be counted as principal , at the opt'ion of the holder of the ncte. The nakers an'l endorsers herbof seVeril 1y waive presentment f or paylllent, protest, ttotice on nt:npayltlent and of'protest, and agree to any extension of.time of paynient and partial pay-menEs befOre, at or after maturity, and if this note or interest tllereon ls noi p3 lil when due,.,or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of collect'ion' including reasonabl e attorney's fees. DATE. *6c t\,9- department of community development 75 south lrontage rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) {7&7000 Since PETER JAMAR Town PJ:br Encl . January 4, 1983 Brad Quay'le c/o Red Lion Lounge 294 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Brad, This letter is to .inform you of the procedure that wjll be fo'l'lowed by the DepartmentofConrrnunityDeve.|opmentregardingi.|1ega1']gls.Starting.im-;[i;i;it; we witt sir"iciiy-uah"". to.ine pr6cedures outlined within the Vail Municipa1 Code wi,iin "ttit. that it'is"unii*iut to display any sign within the town without .ut"iuing-iown ot Vail .approval ' vi9l1!igns are subiect ii-p""l]tv'i"a76" ii""l'lia'*li"*iit-nesin'issuins summons for illesal sisns' In the past we have relied on a cooperative spirit in having t-i9lt'ih3! Igl" illeqa'l removed withoui'iin" o" p"nitty. The'proljferatjon of chalk boards #H;i;;iv-iilpilv-;o;il; ind'the '!pu.i.J iiipruv or these sisns bv.several businesses r,.s ,"ruit";:;-;t;";"iition'io stricti.v -enforce the sign code requ.lations. These types of s.igns are_noi allowed-. Each restaurant and,/or ;;";;";ii;n.a'u-iiu"'!;;";; io6i-aispruv oox in which to post menus' current entertainnent, specia'l s, etc. (see attached 'infornnt'ion ) ' If you have any questions regarding. exactly the type and nunber of signs you are alowed, or-ii-vou fi;i; rit" to-ii,pry to the Design Review Board for a display box, pleaie contact me' Thairk you for your cooperation' I hope you have a happy and a prosperous New Year' Pl an ner ,a i lnun 75 routh tronlrge rd. Y!ll, colorudo 81657 (3O3) {76-7nOO department of community development November 19, 1982 Jeffrey B. Selby Richard N. Brown Charles H. Rosenquist c/o Mark Garrison Selby and Associates 108 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, Colorado. 81657 Dear Sirs: Enclosed find the revised parking fee promissory note for the Red Lion commercial expansion. The due dates have been changed to reflect the phone conversation I had with Mr. Gamison last month. Thank you for your cooperation. . 5i ncerely, /4i/t C-*Jim Sayre tl Town Planner JS:df Encl . Vai'l , Colol November 17 l9 82$ 39,400 In installments'after date, for value received, I at the Office of the Financeof the Tor,rn of Vail' at Vall Colorado Thirty-nine thousand, four hundred to pay to the order Municipal Building Do1 l ars , promi se Director, with interest of ten percent per annum on thd unpaid ba'lance, payable in yearly installments as follows: The f irst insta'l'lment the second instal'lrEnt tJre third instal'lment due and.payable e1 December 31 due and paYable sn December 31 due and PaYable on--ggcemlgt 1l due and payab le on December 31 payabl e on December 31 of $1,99q__ of $ jrggg- of $ 7,880 ,82 ,ffi' ,84 ,85 .86 the fourth insta'llment of $-7,qqg-- with the entire unpaid.balance due and --.Jeff Sel bv IT IS AGREED that if this note is not paid when due or dec'lared ar",n"""rna"q, ttie princ'ipal and accrued interest thereon sha1 I draw jnterest at tne rate of iA pbrcent'p." "nnut,'ina tfrat fai'l ure to nnke any payment of principal or interest w["i-au. o"'uny detault under any incurnbrance or agreement securing tltit-19!:-, ihall cause thi who'l e note to beconre due at bnce, or the interest to be counteo as principa'l , at the option of the holder of the note. The nnkers and endorsers ;;"E;i';;Gririv wiivi'presentn'ent for payment, protest, notice on nonpavrnent ina-oi ptoi"it,-und agree to any.fxtensio-n of tine of payrnent and partial payments Uefoie,'at oi 6fte" riluiiii, ii'if'-it this note or intei'est thereon is,not paid wnen due,ror suit is broughi, agree to pay all reasonable costs of collectjon' including reasonab'le attorney's fees. OATE. Richard Brown 'Charles H. Rosenquist o departm€nt of community developmentt5 soulh fronlage rd. r.ll, colorado 81657 {303} 47&7000 November 16, 1982 Edwin G. Whitehead 15 Valley Drive Greenwich; Connecticut 06830 Dear Mr. lJhitehead: After reviewing your letter of November 10, 1982 concerning the address for the res'idential unit above the Red Lion Commercial spaceI have decided that 297 Hanson Ranch Road is indeed appropriate for the space. . The motiviation behind the change in address was to faciljtate the response of emergency vehicles. Many of the currently assigned addresses in Vail are an administrative nightmare, with as many as five addresses assigned to different condominiums within the same building. However, your present address seems to be justified given the conffguration of the building. Sincerely, /;ery .Ilm Sayre Tovrn. Planner JS:df 1 Project Application Date O projectName: Al:d *Nt; 'd4i 4^3t'' r itq *l 6di:J Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and phone: {,t/ f L.f L/41 t">t-=l Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,\""uApproval .!t tirbTy/v.il a LGA,tatw tw- t.grffil nr,ocrl9;L t,iLrrocUlrtuVrL!.W @ _ DESCRIPTION OF PROJLCI' r- I :i1' 1 N^ML o'; ptrof Lcr L[6A], DLSCRIPTION; The following infornation is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materi.als Fascia Soffits l{indows Itindow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Tlash Er)cl osures Greenhous es Other PLA}.IT !'IATERIALS (Vegetative, Landsc:rping Botanical Name rcquired for submittal by the can be giv r:n: Type of iiJaterial applicant to the Design Rcview CoI or l'iat erial s irrc)uding T::ees, Comnon Narne and Grc'und Cover) Si ze Sirrubs, Qlantity /S rvrsHl ^ (=ae' /6-ro'.-6a{ lr'O'fz4'5 B. ffiFws- ts+teD /6DWlzat ror6,Vtt\ o"ouhA 'rt)Nc \)Nlv \lJJArP trg4f - 't loca-han I I r't t;.t'tAl.s/1 C. l j',:::. 0i' 1';:J.;- cT \,t LE(i/rl. Dl:5Clll l''l l Oli ; DI_SCnIPTION Or PJIOJICT 5/o Thc following infornation is Board bcfore a final approval A. tsUILDING I.iATERIALS Roof Siding Other lfal I Material s Fascia Soffits h'indows liindow Trirn Doors Door Trirn Hald or Deck Rails Flues F1a shings Chinnel's Tras'h Errcl osures Greenhouses Other PLA}IT UCTERIALS (\regetat ive, Landscaping Botanical Name rcquircd for subni t ta I can be givcn: by the applicant. to the Design Rcvier.r Col orType of Material a\G ar 'ba". B. l'hterials irc ludin g Corunon Name Trees,and Ground Cover) Size Shrubs, Qgaltity /?F6---7-\--a /t (9ril\ -----.I---1;----7 ktL tbg \z__:_ uLI(8t 4-t <./\ ,/ ;Q.'4dstd--l UQA) n+?U J} = i^[qra/ r]!],u.1[a I i,Nil September 30, .|982 Jeff Sel by Red Lion Inn 294 Bridge Street Vail n Colorado 8.l657 Dear Mr. Selby: I have fjnished calculat'ing the The ru1 es for calculating this this before. The nnjor change ol department of community development RE: Parking fee for Red Lion Remodel fees for the Red Lion Inn renodel . oo lnwn u utl 75 south tronlage rd. ' vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 park ing fee have is that changed sl ightly since we discussed for resta+'tri expans ions the fee is ca] culated on the basis of i lrstead of restaurant seats. This is a special rate es e Town Councjl for a few restaurant expansionsI and l98l .It has, for Lion deck. the following basic formula: 300 square feet of retai'l expans'ion requires one parking stal'l ; each stall is assessed at $3,000. The method in calculating fees and credits is to evaluate whether the space creates a parking denand according to the "Parking Requirernents Schedule" in Section'18.52.100 of the Vail l'lunicipal Code. .Storage areas, kitchens''vestibules, boiler rooms, toilets and the like are not assessed a fee or a credit. 8ars, office space and retail spaces are asiessed. Last year we made an agreement about a refund for the garage space and the rerpval of six bar seats. Due to the change of rules I am giving creditfor the space occup'ied by the seats. The parking fee paid last year, $3,400,is being given as a credit. This formu'la gives restaurant owners a reduction example, reduced the parking fee for the Thus all the calcu'l ations below will use oo llgor bY Floor Analysls Basement ",i. i, i ii,. ! ),,r,,, $l:gd,ll..fpf , ex i sti ng lgq, Surmary First Floor. 4099 (3107+992) 1433 (credit) 2666 Second Floor llo charge | ) Addition of 460 square feet to den Z) !let{ bar area, 999 square feet 3) Credlt due to removal of 34S Surmary Basement ---345 (credit ). . lll4 Total Basement Flr€Floor l) Remova'l of gagage stall, (See letter of Noverber 2', l{erv retail space 3,107 3) l{err enclosed patio 992 Red Lion Fee -2- ,, oo '.: square feet of office Surmary - Buildingr Total basement Total first floor 3780 Total 3,780 square feet is a '12.6 sta'll parking requirenent 12.5 x $3,000 = $37,800 ($g,OOO is the fee per stall ) $37,800 51000 Fee for remova'l of sta'|1 for garage Red L ion o Park i ng o Fee -3- 9/39/82 't't't4 2666 $42,800 Subtotal 3,400 Credit from last year's fee $39,400 Total Fee Due Payrent Date Due October 15, October 15, October 15,' October 15, Octlber 15, Annunt 1982 $ Z,ggO 1983 7,.890 1984 7,880 1985 7,880 1986 7,880 Thls fee can be paid, witiout interest;t,oyEr a five year period. (The councills now charging'10% interest per annum--however, you made your application before this rule was changed. ) ScheSule of Paygglrts: I 2 3 4 5 If you choose to pay over note. If you have any questions, Slncarely, rllll SAYRE Planner JS:br Encl . a five-year period, do not hes.itate to please slgn attached promissory call. oo v,, r l col ",rQ Q.rober---"L-l-98-2 i(39,400 tn installn:tnls aftcr clirtc, for vtilur-.r'cr.t"i vcd, I proriti:;c L{, 1t,:1r,o t1,u gtrlr-'i' sl' blre Town ol_ Va il at iirc 0if jcc of thc Fir,artce Dircctoi, l''luiricipal Buildin3 at Vail Colorado lhi[tJ:dlC-IhQ[sand, Four flundrcrl - Dol J ars , n with jnterest of €88 perccnt per annum on tlte uhpaid balance, payable in yearly instal l rnerits as f ol I ows : ' the first installment of $Z$99-- the second installment ot $Z;aAO__ t}le third jnst'allment of $-:*AAO-- the fourth jnstal'lment of $:.940-- with.the entire unpaid balance due and due and payable on _0-cleber_J5-,_L982_, due and payabl e on_lg4jgp[gJc_l$:_Jgg3_, due a nd. payab'l e on__-.lQstLober-L5,-Jgg4- r due and payabl e on-jotober-l5,-lg85-'. payab'le on october '15' 1986 IT IS AGREED that if this note is not paid when due or declared due.hereundeq, the princ'ipa'l and accrued interest theieon shall draw interest at the rate ot 18 pbrcent'per annum, and that failure to make any payment of principal or interest wlreir due or any defau'l t'under any incumbrance or agreement securing this note shall cause th! whoie note to belome due at once, or the interest to be counted is principal, at the option of the holder of the note. The nrakers and endorsers herLof severitty wajve'presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpaynlent and of protest, and agree to any extension of .time of payment and partial payments U"toie,'ui or itier mituiity, a-nA it this note or interest thereon is not paid when duerror suit is broughl, agree to pay al1 reasonable costs of collection' incl uding reasonable attorney's fees. DATE. o :^It -Project Application Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone -...,r:-_-_ Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: .' ' ;-i "', APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: AVAI I) 75 louth fronlage rd. rall, colorado 81857 (303) 476-7000 department of community development February 15, 1982 Jeff Selby 108 South Frontage Road VaiL, Colorado 81657 Re: Red Lion deck enclosure Dear I'h. Selby: I was requested to review your proposal to enclose the patio at the Red Lion Inn fron the view of the Colorado Health Code. I looked at the situation rmder the assumption that theoretj.cally, the 114 inside seats and the 50 patio seats could be used sirnul taneously. There are sufficient rest roons when the ground fLoor and downstairsfacilities are conbined. The problem arises when addressing the cold storage situation. There is insufficient cold storage space.at, the present tirne for the current operation. Therefore, we :cannot approve of an expansion of service without a sinilar expansion of cold storage space. We would be happy to approve of the enclosure of the patio after receiving the guarantee of new refrigeration and freezer units. Sub-nitting a proposal of both quantity and quality would be required. Thank you for your cooperation in this natter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, f2+r t nr\rr,r \ e tOe}- A RUT}I COGAN \) Environnental Health 0fficer RC:br cc: Dick Ryan Town Coturcil -/ U t I Project Appllcation Date r Project Description: ;.''R Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL .."1 |, Summary: qlanTown ner f.lii:llt 1)l; t,i{{i,,t:C't -* *_{_"* lll,( )(:K l. lr, |l,](;l,l;(;Al, l)l::.1.!ill"fl()N: t,()l' l)l:S(;li Il''l l(;li Ol; l,ltU.Jt:C'l' 'l'hc fol I or'r i ng inforrnat j on i-r lloard bcl'orc a final approval A. BUI LIJJti(; MAl'TiRIALS Roof Siding Other l,la1l Materi.als Fascia Soffits Windows l{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Raits Flues Flashings Chinureys Trash Encl osures Greenhous es Other rcqrr i19{ for sulrrnitt;rl by thc appl .i (rilltt to thc Desilirr I{r.:yi.1r, clrrr [rc llivcn: Corrnon Name Si ze B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name SHRUBS Type of l'lrtcrtal ^,"t& lAl.l; tot'W^t wocx liirl.li; ()i; I'liO,ll:C'I' LL(iAL DI:SCltIPl'l0N: DI]SCIIIPTION OF PROJLC]' The following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal 1 l''lat eri a 1s Fascia Soffits l{in dows Itindow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rail-s Flues Fl ashings Chirnneys Trash Errcl osures Greenhouses other PLAl,lT I.ATERIALS (\tegetative, Lanc'lscapirig Botani,cal Name Type of l.laterial lht erials i:rc i uding Conmon Na.:re and Ground Cor, er) Si ze required for submittal by thc applicant to the Design llcview can be givcn: Col or 'l'r'r.pc Clrr^r rf, c n,,--+: +,,Yua.rrr.rLj/ D. bvtrrto PAgK Wtow ls thww z5 uI fr oo E e t. TJ nt-t u. Jvember 18, le8l Addendum to Red Lion Expansion - Compliance with the Urban Design Guide Plan With the omission of three additional dwelling units and the subsequent lowering of the roof line on the south end of the building, the following items are revised from the November 1980 submission: A. Pedestrianization - Unchanged B. Vehicle Penetration - Unchanged; now there will be only two d-weffi nt filTE- raTE-er than five. C. Street Enclosure - The new streei enclosure is 18/38 or ;Fpmm;AiFn to I which is the most desirable proportion that is expressed in the Urban Design Guide PIan. D. Streetscape Framework - Unchanged E. $fge!_Edgg- Building facade is articulated as in original submission. South elevation is primarily stucco with wood accents. F. Building Height - Highest new ridge is now l9 feet above street level , 6 feet lower than original submission. G. Views - tmpact on the Hill Street View Corridor is significantly less than in the original submission. H. Service E Delivery - Unchanged except that there are now 2 dwelling [nltE]aifiEF tEEn s. l. Sun Shade Considerations - Unchanged t. APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS oR MOD|F|CATIONS tN COMMERCTALCORE I (CCl) This pocedure is required for olterotion of on exisiing building which odds or removes ony enclosed floor oreo or outdoor potio or replocement of on existing building sholl be subiect to review by the Plonning ond Environmentol Cornmission. The opplicotion will not be occepted until oll informotion is submifted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Mr. Jeff Selbv ADDRESS P.O. Box 1528 Voil. Colorodo 81657 PH ONE 476-0522 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Ruoifflentworth Archilects, A .l .A . ADDRESS 500 Lionsheod Moll Voil Co 81657 PH ONE 476-3051 C. AUTHORIZATIO PERTY OWNER SIGNATU ADDRESS P.O.1525 Voil,lorodo 81657 PHONE 476-0522 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Red Lion lnn 304 E. Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lors E, F, G, & H, Block 5 A, Voil Villoge lst Filing 1J tt';) \ E. FEE $ 100.00 plus l5q for F. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF LOCATION OF BUILDING G. A LIST OF THE NAME OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. ll. Sife Plon - See otioched drowings. eoch property owner to be notified. PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINES AND AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND. OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE Red Lion Expansion Pg. I Whitects' AIA' Pc ZONING CHECK Zone: Commercial Core I Lots E, F, G, e H, Block 5A, 18.24.020 Use - Basement 18.24. 030 Use - First Floor 18.24.040 Use - Second Floor 18.24.050 Use - Above Second Floor 18. 24. 065 Conditional Uses 18.2q. 080 Accessory Uses 18.24. 100 Setbacks I B. 24. 110 Distance Between Buildings 18. 2q. t 20 Height 18.24. 130 Density Control 18. 24. 140 Resonstruction of Existing 18.24. 150 Coverage 170 Landscaping 6 Site 18.24.180 Parking 6 Loading Vail Village lst Filing Existing: Restaurant E Storage Proposed: Restaurant, Storage 6 Bar - Lounge Existing: Restaurant 6 Bar - Lounge Proposed: Restaurant E Retail Commercial Existing: 2 Dwelling Units Proposed: Unchanged N/A N/A Existing: Outdoor Dining Area, 2830 sq ft Proposed: Outdoor Dining Area, 1831 sq f None Required None Required Existing: Main Ridge - 27' Proposed: Highest new ridge - 19' 809" of 13,9&9 sq ft = ll-{191 GRFA allowed Existing: 4,971 sq ft GRFA Proposed: GRFA unchanged Uses N /A Development 20E of 13,989 sq ft = 2,798 sq Existing: Approx. 3,050 sq ft Proposed: Additional 355 sq ft shop entrance plus 220 sq ft on ft minimun pavers at Rucksack land. Existing 2 - car garage eliminated loading and service area unchanged. 808 of 13,989 sq ft = 11,19l_l-!9_l sq ft allowed Existing: -8, 301 bldg. plui '2,830 patio = 11,'l31 sq ft Proposed: 9,437 bldg. plus 1,669 patio = Pg- 2 TABULATION OF CROSS BLDG. AREAS Basement: lst: Floor: 2nd. Floor : Total: Existing 5,710 8,301 4,971 18, 982 Proposed Add. 234 1,136 - 0- 1,370 Total s,944 9,437 4,971 20,352 ) ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO Mill Creek Court Condorninium Associolion c/o Arlhvr G. Bishop & Compony 302 Honson Ronch Rooo Voil, Colorodo 81657 Porks Building c/o Elton Bud Porks 303 Gore Creek Drive Voif, Colorodo 81657 Golden Peok House Condorninium Associotion 278 Honson Ronch Rood Voif, Colorodo 81657 The Plozo Building c/o Mrs. Joonne V. Hill 301 Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 The Rucksock €ondominium Associotion c/o Rendezvous West P.O. Box 397 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Hill Buildins Mrs. Cortlondi Hill 3l I Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 THE RED LION INN MEI"IORANDUM Plaaning and Environrnental Connission FR0M: Connun ity Developnent Departtnent DATE: February 2' 1982 SIJBJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration for an Exterior Alteration and lrlodification in Commercial Core I to Enclose 992 square feet of the Red Lion Patio. I. PROPOSAL: II. COITPLIA]iCE WITTI PURPOSE SECTION I8.24.010 III. The cormercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village colnmelcial area, with its mixture of lodges and comnercial establishnents in a predominately pedestrian enviro;nent. The conmercial core I district is intended to ensule adequate Iight, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the Pernitted- types-of buildings-and uses. The district regulations in accordance with t-frl Valf Village urban desigrr guide plan and desigrr considerations prescribe developnent stindards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preserva- tion ol the tightly clustered arangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian- ways and public greenways, and to ensure. continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distj.nguish the village. Itre proposal is in cornpliance with the purpose section of the Conmercial Core I zone district. COI\TPLIA\CE WITH URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAI.I TO: Itre proposal is to enclose 992 square feet of the exi.sting patio on the west side-of-the Red Lion with glass to enable the use of the area for dining throughout the year. The Urban Design Guide Plan states that dining decks contribute to the liveliness of a busy struit, rnak ing a richer pedestrian experience. The use of the existing patio area for dining throughout the year will enhance the street life along Bridge Street and witl be in confornance with the plan' il. URBA}I DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A. Pedestrian i zation : The enclosure of the patio should not have any negaTfrET@acts upon pedestrian circulation along Bridge Street and should irnprove the pedestiian experience along Bridge Street in the winter rnonths' B. Vehicle Penetration: No change C. StreetscaPe Franework.: the winter will inProve the more street life and visual The addition of people dining on the patio during quality of the walking experience and will provide interest along Bridge Street. The enclosure C ned tlo;-z- 2/2/82 of the deck in the summer, however, wottld elininatc atl open space which has an exciting relationship to the street and provides a qtrong sense of activity for the pedestrian. The applicants ar€ not proPosin8 to enclose the deck during the summer months c-omptetely. They piopose to lenove the glass P"n-"l:, along Bridge Street during the surnmer lrnd re-install tliem in winter. The brrcx planter rsith the aspen and flowers will remain unchangod. D. Street Enclosure: The street enclosure does not change since the glass would bE-G?;;-th;-;xisting awnin g. E. Street Edge_:. The Urban Design Guide Plan states that plazas, patios, green areas are inportant focal points for: gathering, resting, orientin! and should be distributed throughout the Vitlage u,ith consideration to spacing, sun access, opportunities for views, and pedestrian activity- The Red Lion patio as it currently exists has characteristics which nake it a popular space within the Village during the surnmer months, By enclosing the patio during the winter months, the space can be a nuch nore lively attraction than it currently is when it is filled with snow and void of people and activity. It will become a focal point along Bridge Street throughout the year, rather than just for a portion of it, F, Building_Height: No change. G. Views: No change. H. Servicj and Delivery: No change. I. Sun/Shade: The project will not increase shadows on adjacent Property or public property, V. ZONING CODE CONSIDEMTIONS A. Parking: The applicant will be required to per each 10 seats provided. The issuance of a building perrnit. pay a parking fee based upon one space fee would need to be paid prior to the STAFF RECOI.{!"IENDATI ON The Department of Conmtmity Developnent proPosal to enclose 992 square feet of condition: staff reconrnends the Red Lion patio approval of the with the following ,, nfion -3- 2/2/82 Due to the enhancernent of Bridge Street which would result from the enclosure during the winter months, we feel that the proposal is a positive one. However, we feel that the enclosure would not be appro-priate during the sumner rnonths and would detract from the exciting relationship of the open patio and the street. Therefore, we reconnendthat the enclosure be approved frorn Septernber 15 to June lS and'thatduring the renainder of the year, the glass along Bridge Shssg nust be rernoved and the patio be open to the street. Nothing within the approval , however, should prevent the applicant fron rernoving the glass panels prior to Jme 15 or re-installing them later than Septeurber 15. Failurc upon the applicantts part to conply with this condition would be grounds for not allowing food or beverages to be served upon the patio until such tine as the condition is complied with. l. I I Inttn u ?5 $ulh lronlage rd. uall. cotorado 81657 (303) {76-7000 department of community development January 6, 1982 Sid Schultz Ruof f/Wentworth Archi tects 500 Lionshead Mall Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Submitta'l of 12-16-81 Dear Sid: 0n December 16, 1981 the Design Review Board approved the remodeling plans for the Red Lion; Congratulations!! In the early part of January I wou'ld like to meet with you to discuss the parking fee. Si ncerely , ='1 ,/,,/**' -4,K rur"" L*7'*-----. Town Planner JS:df t L t MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commis sion FROM: Community Developnent Departrnent/Peter Patten DATE: Novenber 30, 1981 SUBJECT: Revision to Red Lion Inn Exterior Alteration Applicant: Jeff Selby on February 9, 1981 the Planning and Envi.ronnental commission approved by avote of 6-1 the Red Llon Inn request for an exterior alteration to the south end of the building. A major revision to the originally approved plan has now been subnitted for approval . Basical ly, the second stoiy addiiion containingthe three condominiuns has been elininated. The new retail porti.on of thepl,an renains, for the most part, the sarne, The effect of the revision is to lower the highest roof line by 9 feet-- fron 24 feet to 16 feet. This irnproves the preservation of the existing rninor view corridor from Hill Street to the Gore Range- The following portions of the Urban Design Guide Plan and zoning statistics have changed fron the previous approval: 1. Vehi.cle Penetration: Reduced by proposing no new condoniniuns. 2. Street Enclosurel The new street enclosure ratio is about 1/2 to 1-- 3. 4, the rnost desirabl e Building Height: 6Teettlbwe;=fran Vlgyg: The impact before. proportion according to the Urban Design Guide Plan. Highest new ridge is 19 feet above street level , the original subnission. of the view corridor is signj.ficantly less than The C ommrln ity Devel oprnent Department considcrs that ther-e is no significant change from the approved plan. Therefore, the planning and Environnental commission needs to revieis the reviscd plan and agrcc or not agrce withthat dcterrnination. at February 9, 1981 T0: Planning and Environmental Cornmission FR0M: Department of Conrnunity Development RE: EXTERIOR ALTIRATION REQUEST FttR THI RE.D LION, App.Iicant-Jeff SeIb-v BACKGROUND Phase I of the Red Lion was approved by the P1 anning and Environmental Commission on June 9, 1980. Approved were twodwelling units and some storage and nevi entry for the Red Lionrestaurant. The Planning Comnrission decjsion was appealed and upheld by Town Council. A. DESCRTPTTON 0F REQUEST Requested is the expansion of the Red Lion to the south property ii!9, Requested is first floor retail shope"alaporox'imateiy 2,980 square feet and three second floor clwell irrg-tnTf,rof---=--- approxiinateiy 3,580 square feet. in aidjtion, tiie bar and lounge'located on t;he first floor wori'l d be rclocated to the basernent ancithe Lions' Den restaurant in the basement lvould be remodeled. B. EXISTING AND PROPOSED USEl. t-1iis ement ExisTfig: Restaurant anC stcrage Proposed: Restaurant and relocaijon of bar/lounge from the f.irst floor 2. Fi rst !:l oor E lsTfig: Restaurant and bar,/1or.rnge Proposed; Restaurant and shops 3. Second F'l oor Exf:sITnti: -Two condominjunr unjts (apcroved in pliase I) Proposed: Three additional condomjnium un'i ts proposed 4. Loft ExT-sting: No current use Proposed: In phase I approvai r,r.rs granted for a 312 square foot jofl addition STATl ST ICS ll_TanCiTrea * 13,989 square feet, 2. Site Coverage: Al'l or'red - 11,191 square feet Proposed - II ,172 Density Control: GRFA AlIowed - 11,i91 6llFA in Phase I oreviously apprcved 3,780 square feet (2 units) GRFA requested 3,SB[J square feet (3 unjts) 3. -\. 7 .I Page 2 4. Height: AI'l owed: 60/" of s jte cor,lerage under 30 feet 40% between 30-40 feet Proposed: I00% under 30 feet 5. Landscap'ing: A] I owed : 2,798 square feet mi nimumProposed: 3,050 square feet 6. Parking and Loading:Existing: Two car garage Proposed: Removal of the two car garage with toading zone to the east of the buildinq 7. Gross Residential Floor Area:A. Phase I - two units aporoved----Square,Eeet 3,780B. Requested - three uniti---------Square Feet 3,580 TOTAL 7,360 D.COIqPLIANCE l,lITH PURPOSE SECTION '18.24.0.l0 Purpose The Commercjal Core I District is jntendecl to provide sjtes and to maintain theunique character of ihe Vail Village Commercial Area, with its mixture of lodgesand commercial establishments in a predominately peCestrian environment. The-commercial core I District is intended to ensur-e hdequate 1.i ght, air, open spaceand other amenities aporopriate to the permitted types of uuitaings ind'uses.The.Djstrict regulations in accordance w'ith the vaij vtllage urbai DesignGuide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site develo[rirc'nt stanrjar,]s thatare intended to ensure the maintenance and preserl,ation of the tightiyclustered arrangements of bui'i dings frontiirg on pedestrian vrays ana pirrrtic greenways and to ensure continuatjcn of buiiciing scaie and architecturalqualities thai distinguish the Vi11age. The cornrnunity Developnent Department cons'i ders thrrt the proposed changes tothe Red Lion buiiding are pos'itive to vail village and do cbnform rvith the conrnercial core i District, the vai't villaqe urban Design Guide p1an, Design Considerations and minor view corridor desiqnation F qqLPLIANCE 'ilITH V..iIL VILLAGE URBAN DESICi{ cUID[ PLAN AND DISIGN CONS i DERATICNS 1.1 Sub Area Concepts of Urban Design Guide l,lan Area number 11 of the Gore Creek Drive/llridge Street area plan states: Limited bui iding expansion,/improvenents;. Increase facacle transparency on south side to strengthen pedcstrian nctivity, with entry to street.Pctentjal expansion of building to south property 1ine. Additionalvertical expansion may be consjdered on south end of building to improvestreet enclosure proportions but must l.esDect clesignated Hill street - Gore Range view corridors. Potential second 1eve1 open balcony deck(sun pocket) to restore activity to street lost frcm'ground fl-oor terrace. )el a, Page 3 The proposed Red Licn addition does have increased facade transparency with the proposed commercial shops and wil i strengthen pedestrian activity in Seibert Circ'le. The building is proposal to be extendedto the south prooerty line and develop a more interesting streetedge. The second floor residential expansion does, in the Community Development Department's opinion, respect the minor view corri dor des'i gnation of the Gore Range. 2. Urban Dejign Design Consjderations Pedestrianization: At Improve Vail meetings discuss'i on of the present and future function of Seibert Circle l.ras a major issue. Relocation of the Seibert Circle fbcal point to the north was sltown on the Vai1 Village Urban.Design Gujde Plan to allovl more sun into this area. In addition, adciitional retail frontage rlas considered desirable to add more l'i fe to Seibert Circle and draw people around to the Mill Creek building. 'ihe proposed conlnercialactivity on the first floor of the Red L'i on will bring nore people'into Sejbert C'i rcle and assist in having them ccrrtinue to thel4j'll Creek Building. Vehicle Penetration: By the removal of iire tt.lo garage spaces there shoulrj be fewer automobjles entering the Vi11age. Service and delivery area can be accomplished to ihe east by Mi11 Creek on the Red Lion property. Street Scope Framelork: The jnfill comnelciaj storefront expansicnof the Red Lion wjl I create net^r comrnercia'l activ'i ty in Seibert Circle and give street life and visual jnterest to the area. Street l-.ilclosure: The app'l icarit's arciii i.rct has denc;islra i;i:il that the proposed expans"ion on the south end ci'the Red Lion building does mcei ihe street enclosure recommended in the Vail Viila.;r: Desicn Ccnsicierations. Street Edge: The proposed addition does have strong but irragular edges to the street as recommended in the Vai.l Vi1'l age Desigir Consideraticns. Buildjng Height: The proposal meets the height requirernents of the Design Considerations. Views: The l-ij"l I Street minor vjerv corriCrr !{as apprryed as partof the Vajl Village Urban Design Guide Pl.rn. A mino'r viev; ccrridor can have soine niodificaticn and lhe Comnuni'Lt,Deve-lopnrent lJcp;,r^tnent considers that the proposa.l has respected this minor v'i ew corridor. Sun/shade -- no impact 3. !.9.ry!19 code Q!tr_3lj&I!-!_i!lt_!- Parking: At the iime of building permit t.he applicant rvi'l 1 fre required to pay the applicable parking space fee for commercial and residential uses. IT Page 4 4. Architectural and Landscape Considerations The proposal complies wi th the intent of the Design Considerations. Detail design issues will be more specifical 1y discussed at a Design Review Board meeting. RECOI'IMENDAT ION : The Community Deve'lopment Department recommends approval of this request subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant agrees to partic'ipate in and not remcnstrate against a special improvement district if and when formed for Vail VilIage. 2, The appficant agrees to upgrade the landscaping along l4ill Cneek and present the plan to Community Development for approval. 3. The app'l 'icar:t rgrees to participate financially in street im;lreu**ontr,e;9. strcet pavers, street iights and the relocated focal poirit ai 3eibertCircle if an improveinent district is not fc,rned. The api:l icant's share would be determjned by the street frontage of property in Scibert Cjrcle and other property ol,+ners in area would also have to agree to participate. j p'c -4-2-g-Br o Peter: Basically, this is cleaning up the 1ot line because the County regulations are different frbn the Townrs. It wil1 el ininate the non-conforming use, and lot 6 is still a legal size. After rnore discussion, Gerry asked for a notion. Roger moved and Duane seconded that the request, 16 revise the eiisting lot line between lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision, 5th Addition be approved. The vote to approve was 6-0, with Dan Corcoran abstaining. 5. A request for an exterior alteration and Podificatign- il-q9lilneT'cial qorg J_1nqt the Sitznark building located at 183 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Bob Fritch. Peter went over his rneno. He explained that this was reviewed at the Decenber 12 work session briefly, mentioning t.hat it was a minor addition, and that the only reason that it was before the PLanning Comnission was because it was an exterior alteration, as ninimun as it is. The staff had reviewed it and it had no effect on any of the Urban Design Criteria really, as the meno stated. The question was did it need a height variance, the staff has determined that it is basically an architectural projection and no height variance is required. The Sitznark is a legal existing iron--confo:6ing structure with regard to height, and the shaft was not going to increase that discrepancy, so that no height variance is needed, and staff is reconmending approval of the Project. Duane Piper of Wheeler-Piper explained that the height was 35t and showed drauings uith norl explanation, The break down square footage, to- this is: mechanical equipnent 298 sq ft., public lobby space increased 178 sq ft, the hallway is extended_to Put the efevatoion the interior space. Upper two floors have storage rootns' 132 sq ft, so total. envelope sq ft is 608. Dan Corcoran noved, and Gaynor seconded to grant the request as stated in the nemo fron the staff srfbject to the following cqndj,tion: The appl icant agrees irnprovenent district if to Participate in the Vail. Village and when forrned for Vail Village. 6-0, with Duane Pipdr abstaining.The vote to approve was or an exterior alteration and nodification in eorunercial Core I for 1 units an East Dick Ryan: Mr- Chairman, and nembers of the Flanning Conmission: This is a request under ihe new procedure that was just adopted by the Planning Connission last sprirg for a new addition to the Red Lion. The Planning Comnission has had extensive nresentation bt the joint ureeting between the planning conmission and the Council en the proposal. Proposed is approxinately 2,980 sg ft of new conmercial space. which wouli be by Seilert CirclL and we feel woulcl be a better connection in Seibert Circle for people to go up there and shop and browse and just nake the area a utuch nore acti_ve ind pleasant space- Also requested is 3 second floor dwelling wtits that woul-tl contain approxinately 3,580 sq ft. The proposal for residential space is substantially undlr the allowed Gross Residential Floor Area for the building. I think the appiicant has been very responsive to concerns of dealing with the site coning up witi- a new addition to the sttucture that is very conpatible with what is propoied'under the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. A1so, the aPPlicant has responded, in the staffrs view, to dealing with the minor view corridor of the Vail Viliage Uiban Oesign Guide Plan. In the ninor view corridor, there can be sone modi- A request PEC-5-2-9-81 fication to this view corridor. I think wetve all seen the presentati.on on the nodi- fication that would take place at the view corridor. I think werve also looked at what sone of the inplications are if the building is nodified in other ways where other private views would be blocked substanti.ally if the applicant continued to 80 with the Gross Residcntial Floor Area that is allowed. The staff has looked at the Urban Design Considerations that the Planning Connission needs to review as far as pedestrianization is concerned. I think it is an inprovenent to pedestrianization into the Seibert Circle area. There is a better connection to the Mill Creek Building noving the Seibert Circle area to the north, which is proposed under the Urban DesiSn Guide Ptan. lhe Seibert Circle which actually have more sun during certain ti-nes of the year and becone an even nore viable place with sone redesign of that particular Area. The vehicle penetration: Potentially there could be fewer vehicles there because there is presently a 2 cat garage where people come to park at the garage and they also tend to park at the back of the garage, so at tines there could be 4 vehicles coning into the core at all tirnes, realizing that they have alnost a Pernanent parking place in the Village. Under the proposal., there would be a loading and unloading zone by MiIl Creek, so that the people who would be using the condoniniums would be able to use that area to load and unload their vehicles, and then they would be required, unless they had sone space that we dontt know about, to go to the parkilg structure, or if they had a rental car, they could return the rental car, because they may not need it until the end of the week or until they go back to Denver, or wherever they nay be going. On the east side would also be the loading area, so that the trucks that would be servici this building would be able to u'se that. The streetscape franework I think we've already talked aboutl in fact, we feel that adding corunercial shops to thdt end'of the street will provide the opportunity for people to actually cone uP there and walk through Seibeit Circle instead of just, what-nany do, look.doun the stTeet and decide that it is not worth going down further to Mill Creek, and I think it will be an inproved opportunity plus, frorn the design vieupoint, it will be a very beautiful entry-into the shops. Street edge and street enclosure: The applicant ias deuronstrated that the street enclo- sure of I/2 to 1 that is expressed in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan is net by this, and that there is some street enclosure by the proposal, but I think if you look at the nodel here today, there is still a very confortable feeling as you would walk down the street. Building height: The proposal does meet the Urban DesiSn Guide Plan for building height' actuaLly the whole bui.lding, I believe is under 30 feet which is one of the main criteria It doesnrt even have to have the other percentage--so to 40 feet where a certain Percen- tage could be actual lY higher. The view corridor: There is some intrusion into the view corridor taking place fron Hill Street. The staff does feel that that is an acceptable change to the view corridor' The sun/shade: There is no inpaci because the sun is coming fron the south and the building is not shading the street or another building. As far as the zoning code is concerned, the najor aspect there would be that the applican would be required to pay the parking fee that has been established for Vail Vi.llage for the new addition bf residential space and for the new addition of the conrnercial space that will be in the building, and would be responsible for paying for the removal of the parking spaces that are in the Present Sarage- o PEC-6-2/e/8L Under the architectural and landscape controls that are in the Design Considerationsof the Urban Design Guide Plan, I think the applicant, as far as the architectural design, has responded to the essence of what is being proposed in the Design Consj-dera-tions, and actually has the design of the building fit the character of Vail Village, and also fits the building that is currently there. The design, we feel, blends in and is very complitnentary to the existing Red Lion building. The recornrnendation ofthe staff is for approval of the request subject to 3 conditions: I. the aPplicant agrees to Participate in and renonstrate against.a special irnprovenenldistrict if and when fo::med for Vail Village. 2. The applicant agrees to upgrade the landscaping along MilL Creek and and present the plan to the Commmity Developnent department for approval . 5. And the applicant agrees to participate financially in street irnprovenents, for exauple stTeet Pavers, street lights and the relocated focal point at Seibert Circleif an iuprovenent district is not formed, and the applicant will share a sinilar amowrtif we are able to get agreenent fron all the property owners in the surrounding areato agree upon sonethirg like a special assessnent to improve Seibert Circle. Itn surethe To*n would also be participating in what improvements would be there. Gerry: Are there counents fron the applicant? Peter: We received a letter; I think all of the pl anning cornrnission nenbers have a copy of this, dated February 3, 1981, addressed to the Planning and Environnental Conmission: Dear ltr. Chairnan and Corrunission members: "With regret I an unab0e to attend your published neeting on February 9, 1981, as Inrst be in Chicago that day. I wish to present to the Comlission., by way of a 15 minute walking site visit, opposition by l,trs. Cortlandt Hill and nyself, Jack Curtin, to the request to nodify the exterior of the Red Lion building in Cornnercial Core I. I respect-fully request you allow a continuance of.your hearing until I nay present collect,ivlyor individually to you tny opposition material . Your schedule, I uderstand, is veryfull, but because of the importance of your decision, I hope you will feel conrpelledto hear the property owners who are definitely affected by any decision you n:ake. I atn at your convenience Tuesday, February lOth on, for ny presentation. Thank you foryour consideration of uly request.tt And signed by Jack J. Curtin with copies to Slifer, Caplan, Mrs. Joan Hill, and ne. Bill Ruoff: I arn Bill Ruoff, architect for the project. Before I go into ny presentatiorI'd like to say that Dick just stole ny thunder. He said all the things I an preparedto'say. I could rePeat thern all and elaborate on any, but Ird like to ask for sone direction from the planning connission. Do you want to hear ne say it all again and point to the pictures at the sane tine, or tnove on to Particulars? Dick gave a rather conrprehensive point by point explanation. Dan: Has the presentation changed any at all, or.substantially frorn what you gave us at our joint neeting? Ruoff: Nothing substantive. At that tine, when you saw this model 4 weeks ago, there vrerenrt any windows on this building, there werenrt any people in the streets, but the Red Lion building itself has not been touched. I canrt remenber, did we have the picture painted on the wal 1? Dan: If there is sonething really different that we did not go over last time, that's PEC-7-2l9l8r rnaybe what we should discuss. Ruoff: No, there is not. We have come today prepared to show you again the sane Pre- sentation that you saw at the joint meeting at the Athletic club. Roger: I think that everybody on our Conunission heard that, and unless there are pe6pte in the audience who came here particularly for this issue and would like to hear it again, I dontt think that is necessary. Peter: Sid just brought up the point that naybe the Presentatj-on should be made in light that, if an appeal is filed, they will have to rnake the sane Ptesentation to the Council. Ruoff: The graPhic rnaterials, the nothing to what was there. If You identify them for the record. Peter: That night be a good idea' pictures and the nodel are identical . We have added would like, in the interest of saving tine, we could Larry Eskwith: If he wants to protect the record, I think you should add to what you thinl you need. Most of the fi;dings have been nade by the Cornrnission, and it has been formd to comply with the relevant ordj-nances. I dontt know if you are going to have to go through the entire Presentation- Sibley: I just want-to nake sure that the exhibits night be used at the time that we are in front of the Council, as this letter indicates night happen, I would just as soon at Least make reference to those specific exhibits that you have up. Gerry: I would just nake one conment, and that is that _the questions that were raised and -tliscussed at that joint neeting should be raised and discussed again right now. For the record. Ruoff: Running down the 1ist. frour the Guidelines, Dick has already done. I can repeat that, I "*tt t.lk briefly about the drawings. We will look at the photo overlays that we have that display the view corridors and how they are affected. I guess what lrn saying, do you tiini< that it is necessary for me to repeat substantially what Dick just went through. Gerry: No, I dontt. I think it is inportant... Roger: If you endorse r.'hat he said. - - Ruoff: I do and have, because- -. Gerry: I think it is inport.ant to rai-se the questions that were raised at that time. Roger: I think it was view corridors primarily were the things I was concerned with anl relat1onship of your drawings to the Urban Design Plan, and that has already been covereo. Jim: Didnrt you have sone photographs at one Point? Ruoff: Let me run through the drawings quickly first, and then werll go through the photographs. This is the base plan. This plan includes all of upper Bridge Street , -a "iorr., Mill Creek and take; in Mill Cr-eek Court and the Christiana, all of the l. ,"rr.unding buildings. The red Line superirnposed upon the blue plan- of the new building is here for referenie to show the red line is the existing wall of the Red Lion as you see it in this photograph. It does not cone out to the property line at present. The PEC-8-2/9/8r DroDosed addition does. These are the 5 elevation drawings which show in considerable iut'"it the proposed changes. To answer specific points in the Guide Lines for archi- tectural detail, articulation, pedestrian scaLe on the street. The top drawing on this side and the one below it illustrate the difference between the stieet enclosure ratio as it exists today with the roof of the Red Lion coning down very 1ow to only about 7 feet, really above the street. The existirg patio there is actually below street level , The drawing iuunediately below shows the sane relationship as it will exist after the addition is nade. The average ratio of width to height is almost exactly 1/4 to I at present. Under the Guide Lines, this is considered beyond limits of goocl conforable stTeet enclosure. What werve been able to do is achieve '1./2 to I, alnost exactly I/2 to I which is considered optimun. The next drawing is really just an illustration of the height statistics on the building The red Line shows the height that is allowed wrder the currently extisting zoning and Guide Lines. It could be a 5 story building, as are alL of the surrounding buildings except one 2 story and one 4 story. the average height of all surrounding buildirrgs in the neighborhood is 3 stories. We're proposing, though, for a nugiber of reasons, the Red Lion addition be kept donn to 2 stories. This also keeps GRFA and other things way under the linit--about 4000 sq ft under the limit on GRFA and a whole story height under on the height of the building. The botton drawing illustrates the principal pedestrian Pathways up Bridge Street, in and out of Bridge Street, and around Seibert Circle as they will exist after the project is finished. They are not substantially different fron what they are today, but we feel that the introduction of interesting transParent shop fronts fron the Red Lion entrance on around the corner into Hanson Ranch Road toward Milt Creek Court building will draw the pedestrians in a way that they presentty do not go. When they come uP, they follow thispathon by Baxter's and The Slope toward the nountain or go over to Cyrano's, but there is nothing to draw thern this way. We think we can close the circle and contain this square, the plaza area. Really, we think werre going to complete it. There are several other drawings that we have here which you saw at the other meeting. We pinned then up and down, and I think we should do so again today for a very brief' review. They are background informat ion, and we use them to answer guestions, if yourll renember, on heights, and what if we did sonething else instead of w\at we did. We spent no time, we didnrt even refer to thern nuch more than to say that we had then the other tine, because they are not of direct interest at this tine. They are the floor plans of the three floors as they will exist after the addition is nade. The basenent which will contain the nite club and contain the noise because there wonrt be any windows that will open out below the neighbors, the shops and the new condominiurns as they will exist on the floor above. Let us just run through then all.. This, I don't believe I did show the other tirne, because I dontt thj-nk we got into it. We had this one up. The red lines show the outline of what the 3 story building.would look 1ike. This is an actual rendered elevation of what it would I' ok like' We think that it is a noot point at this stage, because we dontt really want-to go to that height. These are overlays of the principal elevation of the building. There are several series of dotted tines. They are all a little different from the one you see. But within it, we are able to show the principal alternative rnethods of.Putting the roofs on this building. The reason we chose the one that you see in the final drawings up here, is because we feel it is the best compronise on the issue of view planes and view corridors. We feel that the two low gables that werve shown there are better than any of these. We bring these along, and occaisionally someone asks, trWell, what if you did this instead of that?'r, we can show on these exactly what would have happened if we had done this instead of that and why we chose the one that you see in the nodel . PEC - 9- 2/9/8r o These are sun angle anil shadow diagrans which we refered the last tirne, because, as Dick Says, they really arentt, gennain to our problem because we rre fortunate enough to be on ihe north side of the street. Wetre not casting shadows on anyone' These basically 5}r6ry how the neighbor casts a little bit of shadow on us. And this is a depiction of the actual vj.ew corridor as it exists through HilI street' There is a very lfigtt difference between this one and the angles as they are- shovm on the official form lnap in the Guide Lines. We discovered when we got out there with o,r1. irr rttrr*ent s and ".olr", and measurenents and so forth, that the one on the Torsn ;i;rl;-;Fi-iy aborrt naybe one degree., rt is a very ninor thing. 1ge platted this one fron infonnation r.trich we generat.ed through the project, and it is a little nore accurate because we hacl a little nore tine to dig into it. This is an extrenely accurat calculated projection of the view corridor' The principal exhibits concerning the view cortidor, of coutse, al'e the pictorial ones' Ihe large PhotograPhs. Thatrs it for now. The overlay done in color to enphasize rather than dininish it, ifr"-irp."t on the view corridoi as it will be viewed fron what we consider is probably the most critical point in the entire length of HiIl Street which isnrt very much' That criticar point,-we feel is back here. Itrs actually standing in Jack curtinrs front door, which is ri.ght there. The xeason we feel this is inPortant is because all of the people t"..r.trin; Wall Street heading toward the nountain oI' wherever' Pass this *"y, itiy ian look over their shoulder..is what they'Il see as oppo-sed to the people *"iii"g-ifr.ough ttre street. Only half of then c:rn see it, rmless'theyt.t" got eyes on the back of their heads, so we ieel that this is the nost inPortant one' We do have arso on a snaller ,""iu, a series of photographs showing how it disappears as you wark forward up Hill Street. Ihey ""e srnailer,-*"-did not Pin them up at the-gtler.meeting' we again, just rnention that ihey are here as part of the rnaterial fron which these were enlarged, so that you can see from across the roon. The view of the snow caPPed Peaks of the Gore remains, but what we will cut off is some of. the foregrormd and a big brown tittria" above the ii"gtr"y. It actually corres down by the golf course' - We feel to the visitor and to most peopie it is the snow capped peaks.out there that are the most import.rrt p""t of the vie;. So that is the degree to which we inPinge upon the ninor view corridor in Hill Street' We went a little farther than is required strictly under- zoning and other regulations' W" aii tft" sane kind of study on the two adjoining neighbors upon wfron there is inpact views. And that is the two on either side or Hili street here on the 2nd f100r at the end of the Plaza Lodge is the apartment of Mrs. JoAnn Hill' Across the stleet on the entire 2nd and 3rd floors of this building is the r9sid91c9 of lilrs. Cortlandt HilI' we will have an iurpact upon the view from JoAnn Hill's living toom, and we will have -, irpr"a on 1he view frorn Jack Curtints aPartnent. . Windows over here and the rest of her house al.e not affec*ed. O.K. This'photograph was-taken fron jusl inside' 20" back of the big siiJ:.ng glass door which is the nain viewing point frour JoAnn Hillrs living room, This is *tt"t ri" sees today. The inpact on her view is rather similar to uhat it is in Hill StTeet. Her view now is cut off by the existing chimrey of the Red Lion and the top riootr of the christiana. she sees the peaks across here-and some of the valley and brorin hillside in the foregrormd. our new roof line will cone across here and cut off thdt botton piece right in there about like this' It will still leave the view of the peaks. Now let'I look at the sirnilar thing as seen from Mrs, cortlandt HiIlrs house. Herets the view. The addition will come out this way' The piece of view that is cut off here--none of the peaks are impacted at all' This end of the roof "igi,t t"r" will cut off this piece oi, again, the sane sage brush hill- side opposite the gth e 10th fairways on'ttre gotf couise beside the highway' In brief form, that is the presentation--the points thit we reviewed at the joint meeting 5 or A tr"ut t ago, the naterial that we showed at that tine' PEC L0 - 2/9/8r GerrT: Thank you, Bill. I would just like to nake one cotnnent quickly, the-sane conncnl that I nade at the joint neeting. That is, that I think that you have a rather signifi- cant irnpact on thc view corridor on Hill Street, and that, in terms of the streetlcaPe, that by rnoving what would be the southwest corner of your roof back alout 15 feet, it would be more inviting in terns of taking people around thc corner which is, after all, what your design plan is hoping will be achieved, and would have less of an inpact in terns of a confining street.scape which I think is what the i-upact will be. It wilt be confining i.n terms of Bridge Street. It will extend Bridge Street up a litt1e bit further than I think it should be. So thatrs ny comrent which is the sine comnent I nade before. Does anybody else have connents? Gaynor: I think I liked it the way it is being proposed in the sense that I think that they have, on the south end, done enough design work, both on the roof and the indenta- tions and entrance ways and windows to not create a sguare building on the end, and I like the waY it is ProPosed Scottr If you rnoved back 15 feet, you would have less t}l.an L/2 to 1 ratio, for sone Teason, the nagic nunb er in the Guide Plan. Gerry: I would just comtent that that is a recommended nuuiber. StreetscaPes and view corridors are not necessarily determined by nunbers, alone- Roger: Ihe view corridor is identified as a secondary vj.ew corridor, is it not? Gerry: Yes. Roger: In our deliberations, I think, in the developrnent of the Guide Plan, those were nol considered as prinary factors to be concerned with. I like the design the way he has it. It think a very nice job in addressing the problens in trying to nitigate all of the potential objections, and I think that, based on the allowed GRFA, I think they exhibit a 1ot of restraint. Gerry: Dan, do you have any conments ? Dan: I like the pTesentation. I think it is a nice tleatnent of the site. Duane: I do agree that we have obstructed to a certain degree the ninor view corridor. I feel in this particular case that the improvement to the nore intinate stTeetscape, the sense of views, and the arrangenents of the buildings out weight the fact that we do have a slight obstruction there. I do like the addition, and an in favor of it. Jim: I think the inpact as being shown here is probably the best picture you can get of it. As you go down the alley, the inpact of the building is considerably nore. You rnove about l0 feet doun and you lose the peaks, don't you? Ruoff: Jim, as you walk through now, you begin to lose the view about here. With the addition, you begin to lose it about here. It diminishes until we reach this point in this irla, .ttd itrs gone. As it is now, it dirninishes and you lose it about here. Gerry: My concern isn't with seeing the peaks in total per se. lvly concern is with the sense of space. That the whole concept of space, of course, is what rnakes Bridge Street unique. I think that this goes just a little bit further than it should in t.erms of enclosing the street. I think that both things carr be achieved. I like the building, and I tike the fact. that the building is bigger in that Parti-cular sPot- I like the fact that the road is closed, but not that rnuch. PEC rr- 2/9/81 Ruoff: As with rnost of these things, Gerry, we enddifferent aspects, there is a comprornise in shape of as possible the view. Itls true, on the ratios in here, we have followed the recorunendedguide lines rather closely. It wasntt difficult because it just happeneil to work outthat the 2 story schene here gave it to us. We consciously wantcd io create nore ofa sense of enclosure for the Seibert Circle area, and we feel now that with the roofsloping down, the space isnft contained very well. But this we have already discussedbefore. Tlere is no doubt it is a cornpromise amongst many elenents. Gerry: Are there any corunents fron the audience? lobert Oliver: lvty naure is Robert Oliver, and I work for the Plaza Lodge and alsofor the possibility of representing Mrs. Hill. She is concerned about the things thatyou are talking about as far as the view corridor down Hill Street, and fron the viewfron her aPartrnent. These people are trying their best, and she is still concernedabout the lack of view corridor that is going to come out of her casenent windows andalso that sliding glass door. Just one thing that I caught that you were saying, Dick.I canrt understand why you can say that there is a potential loss of traffic there.You'canrt take one condominiurn and turn it into 5 and add 5 shop spaces and not expecta tlaffic flow on Bridge Street. For soneone who has a shop there, or for soneone who has given their condominir:m to Slifer to rent out every week, that traffic is goingto be much greater. Dick: Well, I think there is a potential for being less tgaffic in the sense thatright now there are a lot of people who come and pa"k in those spaces on a continuingbasis of just pulling in and pulling out using the core area. With the condominiums,at least there is the potential that you would corne in, drop your bags off one day, and you may not need to cone back until you actually leave the site--instead of coningin there and saying, t'Well, I want to go someplace to do some quick shopping.tt you are probably going to get on the shuttle bus rather than walk back to the transportationcenter if you left the car there, or if you have turned the car in. Robert Oliver: That night be true, but you canrt add all that space and sa.y that thetraffic is going to go down. Dick: I guess my feeling is that itrs not going to increase dranatically, and thereis the potential that i.t could go down, just frorn what I see of the use of those spacesin front of the garage now, which are constantly being used by everybody in Town topull in and park, because they know there is a parking space there. Robert Oliver: I think the odds are that it is going to go up. Jin: Yes, you would have to expect more traffic with people having to bring stuff intoshops. l{hat you are saying is that there is space there that people are parking in, and for sone reason, because you are going to eat up' sorne of that space means that you are going to have less parking, But the actual demand of, Iike those 5 shops and 5 condos' I can see is going to have more denand that what you have there now, in terrnsof vehicular traffic. Dick: I think the potential for shops will be 3 snall shops, probably, because thereare only 3,000 sq ft. Ruoff: The potential here is for 3 shops. Jin: Well, whatever, I nean therers got to be an increase in vehicular traffic. I donrt see how you can go from the restaurant and one condo to.... Ruoff: Jin, we dontt feel that there is going to be any substantial increase in..uwrbers in vehicles because these are not food operations, we donrt have food and neat trucks o up conprising between a lot ofbuilding to naintain as rnuch PEC L2 2/9/81 o that have to cotne every day to them. They are snall shops that tend to get shipnents Dretty often, rnostly by frLiglt, UPS, or iornething is delivered to their hone because ii"y;!."-;-:"g trr"i" Earage as an extra warehouse. But, aside from the owner bringing in their station *"g6r, ol".rionally to haul something that he is stoting in his Earage' we see the uPS nan parked here somlwhere today anyway, while he goes to 4 or 5 Places tut", go", to 2 ski shops, and all the surrounding neighborhood. We're not going to brin the UPS in rnore often. 'W" t"y cause hin to park there an extra 5 ninutes while he rwrs into these 3 shops and rnakes deliveries. But we feel' that that is quite^different itor U"ingi"g hin in r*y to"" tines. We donrt think he will do that' 14e think that the existing pattern of ine trucks that park along here in front ofCyrano'sand Gold peak will continue. ione of the points 'th"t *" hive discussed before, go a little beyond tfrii p"oju"t. We did at the work session discuss a little bit sone of the things that ;iii;;pi;" when and if the Seibert Circle inprovements.and inplenented because they conplernent what we are doing. That will help to chanelize the traffic so the trucks then will always park on the same side of thL street, and you wonrt find Burnettrs truck ;i;;gi;g ttre oitrer side, so that if an ernergency vehicle does cone through, he canrt get-ihriugn. These will be improvenents. Again, tle gal:' We all know the history 6f tt" bullding. For ur,any years Marg and Lairy Burdick. lived there fuII tine' It was their nain hone. firey tept'2 cars ii tfre g^t^ge, and they are like all of us' If they had lots of business r"o"ira town, and they;d rr-'ln and- out. The nurnber of vehicular movenents is what wetve concernei with. iilow, I didn-rt have any reason, and I donrt ;hi;i ;y;e else did, but conmon sense, if you think about it a ninute, nay point a direction. An active'couple living here fuli tine, and the tines they bring their cars ;;;-;;;;; every day on tire averag; is 2 or 5 tines a day for each car--is going to exCeed the nunb er of car movements for a condo owner who 'comeS and stays- a ueek' who cones in and out once. I really think the situation for the condos in the building is going to be very sirnilar to what we have at the Plaza Lodge today, because your guestl go ir, "ia o"t. llow itrey wonrt likely stay--who knows? Who knows who is going to buy irroi", how long they;re going to use it. Irll tell you one thing, though, letrs not ;" ;e play thi p"plr r,rib"ri g"r", but let's be realistic about it. The prices for ifri"ii-"i.it'= go in -ttre center oi the Village automatically tell us sonething' That they .t"-g"i"g to-be bouiht Uy peopfe r ith thai rnuch noney. . People with that much rnoney :r, t[" c;okie iar t6 rf.i ifo*,ir on iuncy apartments in-the center of the village, and then spend about $200,000 to decorate it, are really not interested in having slifer stuff it with every coner- and run it like a hotel , because that anowrt of incone ' theytre not interested in, and nost of those peoPle donrt-want tho:e people staying i"-ifr"irpiace in Vail. ihey aren't rented vlry-often. They're gilven away to friends *a f"rily. Realities of eclnonics and hurnan nature pretty well tell us that, no, these are not going to have the frequency of use that the snaller condos in other parts of the connrmitY do. Gerry: Thank You, Bill. Dick: Ird just like to add that there is also going to be a loading area along the east side of the ,ui.lding, too, so that, there witl be the oPPoltuity for soneone coning in there to unload it"i"'U.gt and luggage without actually being parked in the street' Ruoff: And the neighboring poi.nts in the Improve Vail plan comPlenent this beautifully' Gerry: Are there. other conments or questions? Ed Drager: Itn here as an interested citizen. I sat on that sane planning conmission up there for 4 years, and for 4 years I and a whole 1ot of other people worked to get the Irnprov e vail job done to stoP development as a natter of right in the cornmercial core of vail . It has been accomprished,'and I think the developers here have shom a great deal of ="rrritiuity to tire work and the desires and the hopes that we had and one of the "goniring tir:.ngs that we went through was whetherf or not HiII Street was a even::a riinor view corridor at the tine. I think the nodifications here on the PEC rs 2/9/81 Red Lion are going to hurt, naybe shorten up that view corridor, but r think the inprove,nent overall is a very good imProvement. If r were sitting on that side of the tabletoday, Ird be voting for it. Thank you. Gerry: Thank you, Ed. Are there any other conments frorn the audience? Gaynor: Are you going to be required to have parking spaces? Ruoff: At the end of the Tounrs recornmendation, is stated the conditi_on Dick: on page 3 at the botton of the page, they wirl be required to pay the appropriatefee for parking. Gerry: rrto just going to quickly ask Jeff if he is familiar with and confortable withthe conditions of approval? Selby: Would you read those to ne? Gerry: sure' The applicant agrees to.partic-iplt9 1n not renonstrate against a specialinprovemert district if and when formed-for vail village. z. rrre apprlcani "g""u,to upgrade the landscaping along Mill creek and p""."nt the plan t.'b"rr*it| oev"loprenfor approval . 3. The applicant agrees- to participate financially in stxeet. inprovenentse'9. street pavers, street lights and the reLocated focal point ai Seibert Circle ifan irnprovenent district is not fonned. The applicantrs share would be deternined bythe-street frontage of property in seibert circre and other pxoperty o$mers in areawould also have to agree to participate. selby: on the final one, it would not be of the situation where ld be the only propertyowner in the area. The appticantrs share would be deternined by street e"oni.g" propertyon seibert circle of all property owners contributing, is that torrect? Gerry: Thatrs correct. selby: r think we can live with arl those reconunendations. Gerry: You are aware that these are conditions for approval , if approved, it wouldbe approved on those conditions. selby: Yes, I understand. Those things nay not be kn own until such ti,ne as inprovenentsare cornpleted' but I would assutne that those conditions would go beyond the-perioa inwhich we irnprove the property. It seens to me that we nay get down the road here ina yeat or 2, and everyone will say, 'Letts upgrade Seiberi Circle in that area;, andwe would be requested to corne in at that time to contribute funds toward those inprovementI have no trouble roith that as long as it is an area wide understanding with otherProperty oMlers, Dan: r would move to _aPProve the request for an exterior alteration and modificationin conurercial core r for the Red Lj.on building per the staff neno and as p."i"nt"a today. Gerry: I1le have a notion for approval by Dan corcoran. rs there a second? Roger: Yes. I second. Gerry: second by Roger Tilkeneier. A11 those in favor? scott Edwards, Roger Tilkemeier,Gaynor lrliller, Dan Corcoran, Duane piper, Jirn Morgan. And rtn against because I don't like that one section of that one building.Motion passed 6-1. li,\l.lL 0l: l,lroJEcT Lt(;AL DUSC|iI t]'tON: LIS'l' OI l't\11:ltl ALS Lioo Lorlt4LBtocxfih -nr-r*" l!r- \U,W f1g+T - DESCRIPTION OF PITOJUCT The following infornation is Board before a finaL approval A. BUILDING I"IATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials Fascia Soffits ltlindows l,Jindow Trin Doors Door Tri.m Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Chimneys Trash Elcl osures Greenhous e s Other PLN'IT trtATERlALS (Vegetative, Landscaping Botanical Name rcquired for subnittal can be given : by thc applicant to the Design Rcview Col or B. Ground Cover) Si zeQ.uant it_)' 4_-_= 4(ft4)OL'A) 6----7--\ 4',lJel) , Ilaterials including Corunon Narne wlt tbu- o'b'- Trees, Shrrrbs, and Type of Matgrial c. olltEtr l.ANrlscAPE n:At.uRES (Retaining Walls, Fences Swiruning Pools, ;l *,,: L I'rAt.lL f rcH OT T'ROJLCT r|'tvJ[il{ |JOAt(U Cltljctl LlsT o LEGAL DrscfrrplloN LorE.F.eA wocqpll r* A. Building Considcrations Prelin, FinalApproval Approval Bldg location on site Bldg Configuration Appropriateness with Neighborhood Height Mass Roof Forns Conrnrent s Use of Materials Choice of Color Energy Efficiency \B. Site Consideration Disturbance of Natural Features Snow Reioval Access onto Site Vehicular and Pedes-trian circulation Landscaping Plan Grading & Drainage Erosion Control Irrigation Systen Exterior Lighting Retaining l{a1ls Accessory Structures c.Miscel I aneous Considerations - D.Other Corrunent s FlNAL API'IIOVAL IJatc Si8,n a t. ur(, ,,,,,,,,' v vi- ", Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application ^l4zo l\ Ota.,,rJ:"<^ Vb\ Orvner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot (jt,(zf. ,"'o"* ?A , ,u,^n -F.GY , r"""$a) Uill, Comments: APPROVAL Design Review Board ,^," lz //6/tr DISAPPROVAL CP ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE RED LION INN Mill Creek Courl Condorninium Associotion .c/o A,rthur G. Bishop & Cornpony 3Ol Honron Ronch Rood Voll, Colorodo 81657 Porla BuildinS c/o Elton Bud Porks 303 Gore Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 81657 Golden Peok House Condominium Associotion 278 Honson Ronch Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 Thc Plozo Building c/oMrs. Joonne V. Hill 301 Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 Thc Rucksock Condominium,Associotion c/o Rendezvous Wesi P.O. Box 397 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Hill Building Mrr. Cortlondt Hill . 3ll Bridge Street Voil. Colorodo 81657 \,-'d:1.' ,,f, J- we'? BuY ts'L/ o lnun Jeff Selby Red Lion Inn 294 Bri.dge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear lib. SelbY: Below is an outline of the approPriate section of the l-tunicipal code concerning the parking feen lnd a swrnaly of our agreenent of how to apply the law to the Red Lion renodel . l. Section 18.52.100 Parking Requirements Schedule box lfi! rail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 ' Use Eating in-d orinking Establishnents department of community development November 25, 198I Parking Requirenent_ - _ :- _6e space per each t0 seats, based on seating caPacitY or building code occupancy whichever is greater. 2. 3. In the case of the Red Lion I have applied the occupancy standard for the bar addition. Bar space is assessed at $3,000 per parking stall. The occupancy stand-ard for the bar addition is forty. using the above rrRequire- ments Schedule" the parking fee for the new space is $12,000, or4spacesx$5,000. One parking stall was eliminated by the Red Lion rernodel' I wrdeistand that this stall was used for a residential rmit' parking for residential space is assessed at $5,000 per parking stall, so the Red Lion is-being assessed $5'000 for the loss of this sDace. 4. fee bar 5.Fee Schedule. At this point a $17,000 parking over a five year period=:assuming that the new rnodified in the coning years. nea rf -z- Lt/2s/81 is due, payable space is not 6. Date Due Anount First Fifth Novernber 24, l98l $3,400 (paid) Second Fifth Novenber 24, 7982 3,400 Third Fifth Noveniber 24, 1983 3,400 Fourth Fifth Novenber 24, 1984 3,400 Fifth Fifth Noveniber 24, 1985 3,400 However, in the event that the new bar space is nrodified a Portionof the fees already paid will be given as a credit towards a new parking fee, and the fee schedule will be modified to reflect the future rernodel . The $5,000 assessnent for the loss of the residential space will not be allowed as a credit towards any future parking fee. For ex:rmple, if in the next year the Red Lion renodels the new bar spacer''a credit of $2,400 (the anount already paid ninus one fifth of the residential parking fee) wilt be given towards a revised total parking fee, Six ba" seats r,{ere removed in the current renodel . One thousand bight hundred dollars (.6 x 31000) will be given as a credit towards the total parking fee due. in any future renodel of the Red Lion. In the event that no renodeling is done in the next year, the total parking fee due witl be reduced.!l $f,AOO and the fee schedule adjusted accordingly. the Town Attorney is now drafting a pronissory note, which I will send to you next week. I hope that this is satisfactory. If you have any questions or problens, call rne, Note that $5,400 has already been paid. Yours. t]/4--^. -<- -4--- JIM SAYRE Planner JS:br o\ vail. colorado 81657 1303} 47G5613 Red Lion Inn Mr. John Mella 294 Bridge Street Vail, €olorado 81657 Re: Red Lions Expansion Dear Mr. Mella: The Town of Vail is now collecting the parking fee. The parking fee is assessed on the basis of new or additional developrnent in the commercialcores. This letter outlines the law concerning the parking fee and presents a schedule for the paynent of the fee. (See Vailrs zoning code: 18.52.100, 18. s2. 160B. ) The Town Council has set several different parking fee formulas for differenttlTAc o€ darrornnnanl , In l.{ay 1980 the Town Council lowered the qommercial parking fee rate for two years to encourage developers to begin work on TEEir expansionor alteration pLans. The commercial rate was lowered from $5,000 to $5,000for each 300 square feet of expansion. Eating and drinki"ng establishnents are assessed differently. They are assessed at the rate of 9J,000 for evely l0 seats of new seating capacity, The Town Council did not lower the residential parking fee, and it remainsat $5,000 for every parking stall required for new developnent. (See ordinancefor details, ) the conmercial parking fee may be paid over a five year period, but the residential fee must be paj.d in one lump sun. Paynent of the first fifthof the corunercial fee is due at the time the construction pernit is issued. The second fifth is due one year after the permit is issued, the thirdfifth is due two years after the perrnit is issued, and so on until thefifth fifth is paid. A schedule of your parking fee payrnents appears on the attached page. department of community development July 15, 1981 box lOO Red Lion Inn I'urking .t-"- i'a To.tal Commercial Parking Fee Due: $29,800 Date. Ilue Anount First Fifth April 14, 1981 g 5,960 ' Second Fifth April 14, 1982 5,960 Third Fifth April 14, 1983 51960 Fourth Fifth April 14, 1984 51960 Fifth Fifth April 14, 1985 5,960 We also understand that your expansion plans will elininate-a one-cargaaage. You are being assessed a $5,000 fee for the loss of this space. the parking fee due at this time is the first fifrh plus the $5,000, or $10 , 960 . Once your plans for the residential units on the second floor are confirmed, your parking fee will be reassessed. Receipts fron the parking fee are channelled into a special fund designed to help solve Vailts parking problens. We appreciate your contribution : to this fimd. $incerely, o DISTRICT COURT EAGLE COUNTY STATE OF COLORADO civif Action No. 8ICVT19 Ll. J I.wl lvIqr((,AI\, .lIIq. 18. F; GAYNOR'MILLER, as members^ of the Planning. and,:Envirorimental' t.'j 23'. GOLDEN PEAK HOUSE CONDOMTNTUM ASSOCratroN,'f gnn$r;n*r'T,-: 24. v. RUcKsAcK coNDoMrNrur{ astoctotio"; - '|f; BgSTzs- MRs. coRTLANDT HrLL, l$24. v. RUCKsAcK coNDoMrNruM AssocrArroN, ifi BIST..ggPr1'. ff Coinmission of the Town- of VaiI, . : ]r., . ., _.'+i ,rt .- . -t,,:19. RICHARD N. BROWN' 'i.. '1 ..1:' i ',n i. " 'i: 20. JEFFREYB. SELBY' .: , .;;.;1 ,,,--:jil;',-il r.i:1 :';', 2L.cHARI,EsH.RosENQUIST,..'-"-i''i'..:':.-:-',':-:. 22. MILCREEK CONDOII1INIUM ASSOCIATION, 'z7 r-..;*,;16;'-*^*"-";;*";;.,*-. 26. rHE PARKS BUILDING, l at trltflll trl{l FiI AVAILABLE27. ELToN BUD PARKS, -t tiro.,.*., .. - 28. THE CHRISTINIA LODGE, "' : ' nlrih{i::';!h{rir!'|"{ttri} 29. VArL ASSOCTATES, rNC. , 30-THEEMPIREsAvINGS,BUItDINGANDLoANAsSocIATIoN, . . ,l , a' . Defendants- - Plaintiff was reDresented by ,John L. Ferquson, Lhe Tol.rn of Vail by Lawrence c. Rider and the defendants, selby +"o Brown and nosenguist.by Miles Cortez, Jr. The Court heard arguments on the MotionPrevious Orders on June 3, I9gl. The Court havinq consiclered the motioL^-,-t ---u L'\= rrrutJ-ons and arguments'.ofcounsel, does hereby order that the defendants motion to vacate. '.::.:'::'ofApri12o,198I,andthat-oortionoftheorderof,April 14, 1991, reguirino the 1,own to stay furttthe buir-ding permit,.be and the-=r-.-"r-:] r,"rther procee$ings on qrrq En€ same is hereby vacated. It isfurther ordered that the rernaini-.! rs,rcrrnrng portions of the Order of _aerif 14, 19g1, shall remain in full fc.rrce and effect. rf the plaintiff desires to pursue further activitiesto stay the actions of the defendants who were the recipients ofthe buir'ding permitr herein, they shall be required to proceedpureudnr ro'Rule 65 0f the col0rado Rules of civil "."":a;". " DONE and SIGNED in Chambers, this l6th day of June,tunc, June 5, tggl. BY THE COURT: I wm. L. o-. TRANSCRIPTION RED LION 1NN NBMODNL Design lleview Bolrd Marclr l8 , 1981 PATTAN PIERCE PATTAI{ _lln B_llFlur_ir Lt,s i{oirD o}J P/r-'l'TAN: J)il1l-'[1$illi1Li .. S li 01\rI)O1'{' ...The Red Ljon Renrodel is a" project proposed under tlre Urban Design Guideplan as...has been under review, , , extensi,vc review since November, &h. , ,and thc Planni-ng Commj.ssion saw the project, ah, several rvecl.,s ago and rec.oinmendecl approval , Ah, the decision of the Planning Commission was appealed and approvedl.ast evening at Town Council, lih, rvhich allorvs Lhe project to go in front of thr: Design Review Board at tllis time. Ah, I'd just liketo rna.l<e,r a couple of c'omments o:i, ah...$'e are dealing ivitir sornelvha-t of a ne ' Li';sign Revierv Board here,a;rd I'd like to give them .just a c.ouple brief conuents on the background of the Urban Design Guideplan, and t'hc'' r-or,'iews what uucl.er the Oui.dei:1an Ilcvi-ew Pi'i.rr'i'iir-r-res. IJm,if vou guys rvant to turn to, 1,.,, i,age Trvo of t-]re Urban Desigin Coirsidet'at jorrs, theLeft hand side olrtlines the coi:r,;iderationsthat are tzrherr at F-l.annirtg Coi;rlri-ssion, ancl ,of coirrse , .at a Counci.l.. appeal . Ah, those considerat iciis rvei"e the seven tha,'c 52s11 sssthere: pedes t r iar'izt:, r iou; r'ehi cie penetraiion; str"eet -scirpc f ramewor'}< ; street enclosure : stTeet. edgc-.; btrild j ng heiglrt anri vien's; and also, of course, zoni-ng cc.rdc .iterrns. The , ah. . .tl:at has been considered ancl. dec.ided uporiby bolh P1:rnni-ng Cloiuniss;ion l"n11 Council. T<sr1ay ,thr: pI,ojccL wi. l1 rrtrcl<:.rp1o 1;hc l-1i,,;:i-! ir;n Ilevie\:r Boai:cl , ah, l'c:'.'ic\r', rvhi ch pt'inrar': i v involves the considelations on the rigirt hand side and the arc'.hitectul:..r1 landsc'.ape considerations. And those c.onsi deral-.i crns are: roof s; ah, f acades , ba 1 conies ; cieclis; and pa.t ios; accent elemcnts; and 1:rndscapc cleinents I and service. Selvice? Whatever tirlrL mav .bc: , An;rv'11u , t,tr,. Rouf f rvJ 11, n"h, -.o 'Lltrougl"r thr: pres,;ent:r.tion in that oidcrr aIt<,li' 1-her i.n L,r'oilr.rctarv limarks on uscs ancl s() on , :lnd , n h , thc lrlilj 1s not ex1.r'ctnclllr I ilnlted t,o r.'cviervinll onI,v thosc i l<:nis ; houc:'. ct' , thc ::r.,.v lew sl:orrl.d be concrc:ntt'at r:il ott those: i.tems . in r'i:sponsr) i.o Lhn.t, if I nrrr.5', .i :.',s;t.., UnclL,r: iltc iilirirt-' Dtisi r:.rr r',,h c l"r- i'l: s:,1:'$ " ',: j,.t\';s", thn {.' -.,; tlot Linrict thc u.r'chitr.:c i.'.:'':r,1 !'.u.i.d<:"li rlr:r; Thlr {. ' s l.' i j:;lr l flrr: rr i i't"' tltlt: r,; i. ii.'i i:ls Lcon cxhirus-ite.l ir i. I ili.$ ])o i t] 1. , BEST COPY AVAII.ABLEi i;:L r...r <r- .!.n:it,! i,,i /-;r-iLY:;;.r Oli. . ')'blrt. r'.1 ir.r'i f i e-';A.l.r j flhl;, th*nk you I o, 'a^ {.t Dcsign R<ivicw lloard Red Lion Inn Rcmodel Page 2 RQUFF:Thanl<'s Craig. Thank you, Peter. I guess if..this system is alittle new to a1l. of us.It's the fj-rst time I have presented one in CCI or CC2 with these slightly different, ah, aorganizational. criteria. I am going to usethe book, and just go right down the lirreto each one and talk to how we have addressedthose considerations in this project Good, those are the photographs of the buildingas it is today for reference. Ilie have a set of d:rawings here of the existingbullding that we can use for reference at anytime because this is, ah, an addition. Brieflyit is an extension to the south for a slightdistance of tlie old Red Lion, addition of asecond flooir on the present one story part onthe south. 'l'he bui ldlng preseutly. . .therestaurints iu the buildingrihat I'n sure you aall familiar with,are not affected. Werretaking the ber-r/loirnge,that wc have a1)- spent many hours j-rr there, that's at street level . no$i, rr'c aa1-l gc;i.ng to move it dov,'n to thebasenrent. The vacated street level area willthen be turned into sma11 shop space, r'etail,/commercial classificzrtion. Ah, it breaksnaturally into three small shops. Just let me finish the loft space and.that's its natural configur.atTonl---f6p-Tfoorwill contain about 3,00O new square feet, andthere wilf be an addition of three apartmentsto the ti.vo that piocurrentl.y ex:i-s'{. on 'bhe second f1oor. That's briefly tlie program. From ihnt I ttri-nli we c.ai1 mor.'c directly intothe <lesign considerations, The first oneof which is roofs, Let's go to elevationsand, ah, rve can look at them and at the r,, mode1, and I think we can rather plainly see wha1. rve are doing. Ah, the text in the bookaddrcsses the desirable pitehes and overh.angsand so forth. \te feel that since this is anaddit:i on and an addltion to one of the mostsuccessful a.nd cer-tainly one of the ntosthistolic and best known buj,ldings in Val1, theIlod Lion out' f irst restaurant and solrl morepostcards thil.n any otlter p1ace.in Tou'n a.ncl allthis that rve know, our approneh is pretty cutand dr'1r, Il"e are not tarnl:eri.ng with thcm inany vrly. We started on this design conrmissionconsi(lering the Rridge Sbreet Faca.de of the Red Lion as almost sacred in Vail's mythology,if yotr rvi1l, Yon all. knorv rvhat I meun by th:rt. \Ve 1.hi nl< it loolis goocl . \te thi nl< i.t shouldstay. Our aclci j.t ion j s an a1;i.r:rul)t to trl<e of fj.n thlt; i. cl i. t;nr, t.It e n :f j ncl sornc-l1;lii rr11- conrpa.ti'r.i> l.ewith i1; to go irround tht: cornc-.r: rvj,th. So, our 1] ll s\vcj.r' to :.rrlrlrcs;si ng; 1.lrc r-oof pt.ol:f r:]nr i s slmpJ y 1.o cx f,r:ncl Lhc r:oo f vocel,rul:lry tlrlrt.exisls jn th<: licci l,ion l.octay to the rrelv prr:t';pitclr, or slopc iJ, y'orr rv'Ll1; rn&lcrj.al--, ilt's [)res()111. 1y bu i .1. t. -rr1r 11rlrvc..L 1' oo'f , a.l. rva.\,s; ltn ss bcen lr ncl so wi.,l..l 1.hr: r-r crv ouc ltr,'; ovc rlul.nir:s; clcta.iI s o.l', irh, llt, c51.y111;ccl , lilr, l.)<:lnr:;; rtr-.}tho.f Jltrc i lr , \Ytl ' i'c .irtr,; l. <:1y1;y i n11 l.lic t's i r; l; i rr11 rlt-'i;ii. j lrr :Litti tl;,i rr1.g Lirr.tit lr'1..1. 1.lrr-' w:l\/ lrr'()nncl . -q(), 1v!i;r l1 1',',i1 51r1.' ,rt iit,i' r,lrrVlt i, ilitl; ill lrr;.,:, tvr'1 I t.l ll()[)() l'i)il | .l I i,] ;;ri; \\'r' il:I\.(' rf:;lti.. 1 a- This is a proJect with only three elevations.It's not a triangular builcling; it's becausethere is only .bhree that are effective, andif you can see the west elevation, which isthe Bridge St::eet side, here is the front door.Loohs different from tvhat it does today.The present one, if you remember, is thatglass box, whlch I think is kind of nice butwe don't hor,v to extend it into what we've gotto do around the corner. So wetve gone backto the rest <if the idiom and put in adifferent entrance. It,s locitlon is thesame. The new parts, the addition, is fromhere over. From here back is totally unchangedThe four sides around in the baek and isnot part of the project, so it's not shownhere, How...BiI1, if f may interr:upt? Ah, therewas a proposal to do the modifications tothe other side. IIow. . .how cl.oes that tiein with rvha.t 's happening here? Alright. In Phase I? Yes, Phase I. Do you want to address it or shoulrl I? IVe11. . . Pha-s:e I . Ok. Phase I Last year a certain amount...a great amountof interlor remodeling on the second floor. some in the basement and some exteriorremodel-ing in the creation of a "mini-par.k,,over at this corner, sort of across fromDonova"n's, $rent through the process all theway down through approvals by all the Towneonmissions; Design Review Board. It rvasbloeked by Court action by a nqighbor whodidn't like it, based upon hi-s well foundedknolvledge. That was the man rvho finally carneto. Torvn sone1, j-me this year. He had ncver seen it but he blought action against i.t.It rvas stopped, delayed long enough so that thework coul-d not be done last year rvithj-n tho seasoniil. colistrai.nts. So, it di,dn't getdone. The rvork, ah , contained in tvhat wc ' l.ecal1i.ng Phase I that was approved last yearhasn't been started yot. But it r.vill... It lvi1l. be donc' :rnd llt 1;he same eonstnrctioncontrn.ct as rvhlLt vie nl'(.-' l4oing to conr,; i clc.r"todiry, Ilorvcrrer., f or: I),::s;ip n Rtlv j.crv J.Joar:d's ,consid<-'r"l'li orr j t's asl thotrgh tlrr:ro rvor.otr ht:lvv rlcL[.r_:rl linc r.ig*ht tlrrorrgh lr<.:r-c. ]JolhinJl ha.1r1r<,rri:iI j n l:crr-.. WhlLt you .lookt:r-l :r,L .1.;rsl, 5/olir \,,'::r.; tlt)lr(: ltl, 1;hat, ctrd i I l,;llr_r',,,,ir i. rt Lbr.,l;i: il Design llevicw Board Red Lion Inn llemorlel March 1.8 , 1981 Page Three ROUFF: DRB MEMBBR SNOWDON" ROUFF: SELBY: DRB MEMBER SNO\'/DCN. ROUFF: SELBY: BOUFF: DRB MEMBER SNOWDON ROUFF: DNII IIEMREN SNOIVI)ON? ftol.]lrF: s * ]- drawings but in effect, ah, already is, atleast on paper, a1I the way through buildingpei'mit. This you haven't seen yet .The contractor will now do the trvo parts atone td,rne. That is the p1an. Alright. llle were talking about roofs. Thisls existing roof. and around the buiLdineand on up to here. -G?*nerv roofs are all the same pitch and all the same detaiL. So.since it is an extension of an importantexisting building, we know of no otherappropriate, dh, ah, road to take. And, ofcourse, that,..in this kind of a case it'swhat's recommended in the Guide11nes.. Can f ask one general question because itrelatcs. . . Please.Yea, y-ea. Ah, and it does relate some'"yi:at even thoughI don't want to exand on the subject in thequestion of views. Was there a study donein changing the dlrection of which the roofsah. . . -'. Ah... Ah, you know just because from a viewstandpoint we snr,v that we had very longroofs going to the south, and we just questioned.as a group what it looked at to have those gofrom ea.st to 'i','e s't. or visa versa? Yes. We feel tha"t we have probably looked atevery technically fea.sible roof configurationpossib1e for this building and some that wewere able to prove weren't possible. Tokeep the profile of the building as 1olv aspossible, this project was voluntarily kept . well belorv the alloq'ed li.nits in CCI. It isonly two stories in a three story district.I don't have to...this is highly unusualin, ah, Vail derrelopment histor5r. But in an ef fort to lceep tire prof ile lorv,for a 1ot ofreasons inc.luding a lot of the other designconsideriitions to acltieve the street enclosureratios, ah, preselve views 5r"n all directions and for n1l directiorrs. . . in all directions forall paltios and. so forth, a dccision n:ls nndeby the rler.t:i.opel oarly thal; it *'oulcl bc a trvost.ory lruiJ rli ng. r\lt, muclr of this L . . j. 1l we s1.and aloirnd the niodri.l., it's easj cr Lo sc.o; itrstltree dimt'trsionir..l . Irlom the air, if 1'911 1y6'1'sa red tai.led harvk ' ()f il rob j.n or: sonrcih:i ng, yttttr cl sctt' tiL:'r"t 1t-loks L r.lie :r. f ol dcd pl.a{.c t:oof ,and yr>tr'cl s.;ir,y "Ifcl. 1 , Llrirt isnt L a very alrpropr.-i.tr lc thing in lltc mi ddl e of Vail . " Becaus:e tt:chnicalll' .1.hal:rs-r ry[;11 i t is. On thcother hl.nd ure. fccl. tltilt s.i.nce hnu'ks ilnd i"ollinsclotr't g1cL :r vot e ;.ittd ()ur v j sltt>r's :rncl c i L izt:nri rlr-l lrul. 1. l:t.:y lri.'c ctl.r'thbrtnncl an<l .l j ve j 11 1:lr(.) :,; I.r'oc t.s; , lts 1 otrg nr; noirortv r:xce:lrt Lbc b ilris cir n sili) t li:t t. t'oo ll corr I'i r1u r.'1t.1- i on , i. l riitclttt' i-. ll::r-r;,.: tt:r1, il i I f r.t'r l'iCo . So. o:lt' r'.f'.llc;t'1. wlt;,i 1.{i, lrlr, i':jiv"ir:1 i'rii (r l<-rvli. l: i,j:.i;-i i, ltitt. ilrlli;r.q. i' Design Revierv Board Red Lion Inn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page Four ROUFF: DBB IUEMBER SNOIVDON ROUFF: DRB I'ETIBER SNOIfDON" NOUFF: DBB IVIE},IBER SNOI{DON. ROUFF: i:Design Review Board Bed Lion Inn llemodel March.18, I9B1 Page'Five ROUFF: ffi DRB hIEIUBAR SNOIVDON' ROUFF: people and try to keep them within theestablished vocabulary of the Guidelines, and the theory that rnost people are not over24 feet ta1l to peek over and see what theroof lool<s like back i.n the middle. It'spunched down in the middle to keep, ah,profiles 1ow. The existlng Red Lion ridge,right here above the blg, beautiful,oldgraphic on that -- the medieval red lionprancing across the banner, which is thesacred center of Bridge Streetthe highest point on the buildinE-ls- about three feet higher than our nev; ridges. So that was a device to keep the bulk down to what we thought was appropriate' for the. space and other concerns. Ok. that's it a lot of things besidesroofs. Oltr onIy. tiro-Liglt{- ou t}rat wErs that if theroofs were cha.nged that you would get somevariation and a possible alleviation of vj-ews from a distance over the top versusthe one long line establishecl by having theridges go northlsouth. Ok. We have...they \{reren't part of thissubmission, ah, rn&5rfg we should have broughtthen. I{e've got them on reeord. They. . . because this subject, ah, basically effectsah, profiles and impact on views...this was ::evi.cwcd extenslvely by Con,.,mission irnd Council.I don 't have 'Lhose with me l,c,da.y to showyou,but really'we went throirgh an unusually exhausti.ve exercise of trying every combina.tion we could tbink of that wa"s cor patible withthe structur:al system and I. . .we did actuallygo into, go into the abstract to see if wecould find some that were better but thenwe found one or two but couldn't figureout-I6fr-to buil-d them. An east/rvest roof ...DRB IUET{BER SNONIDOJ{? ROUFF: The coirs.i_d...a1va5's within tireconstl'airlts tha.t tve put for ourselves. IYemust continue wi'bh the 3 on 12 roof pitclr estairlishecl by the existing building. There'sno ot]Ter roof you could use on here, and the det ai. l s, but that rvas al l . l!'lli.rlilillglil (Tilkerrir-ricr?) If that rvere t,urnccl and u,ent 1:he othcl rvay,yon'd erld up wi1;ir a .trough betu'cen Lhepresent 1'ool, and the netv rocf is on oast/ivest accer-rli and \',;or-11d never me.l.t :ind thcrr: rvoulcl be.l lrorriblc snori' trap. 'Ilris one Jaccs tire soutl) rnd that v:rrtl tcd rroo.f t:ott f igut'u t ion ,even tlroLrl';h i, t isn 't 1.he lrcs; L i.n tho mountlins,. has tho r-rppor.'l-unity to, . ,1;o 11<.lt sun lnd nre1t the siunrv otrt of thcr:e, and I l.hink if yort did :i [: t;ht: cl (;lt*r' ll'ly , yorl I d i.;c i nvi L i ng problcrns l;ha1. "rou'd ttct,or l.ri': ;i.lll.e t,c.r so1ve. Design Rcview Board Red Lion Inn ltomoclel March 18, 1981 Page Six ROUFF: # Gables at 90o, the other maln choice. There were two. I,Ye tried one which extended thi"s slope up to zrbout here and Lhen down Ab , that got us way too high. Also fi66-Tfr6 facade the nelv gabled end was larger and from a proportional point of view, architecturally speaking, it began to dominate the old front. This we did not want to do. The west facade,ah, as around the office v/e've gotten in the habit of call-ing the "sacred" part ofthe Red Lion, imposed design or program thatis not to be touched. We haven't touched it but rve don't want to inadvertently touchit by buildlng a refl-eetive element of the same general configuration which because of it'sproximity to and access size begins to dominate it so that the old front becomes secondary. That put us back...rve backed off of that one. The other alternative rvas, ah, let's tTy a smaller gable frorn this corner out and back there. Frankl5', that could have been a ::ather suecessful one consirlcring NEIli TAPE with an estr,bf ished nrinor view corridor. So, we kept looking for additional solutions that did a tretter job on this. lite examined, ah, ridge configurations at 9Oo, in other words at north/south, which rve finally ended up liith. The basic al.ternatives the:re were a single one like that. Architecturally it worked very weLl. From a ma.inteirance point of vi.ew, ah, a comtnon sense point of view j-n snorv ccluntry, that was the best roof for the building. It looked good in the, ah, the south elevation, ah, less prone to leaks and that klncl of thing. Iilowever, it's ridge was higher than we thought. appropriate. Again, appropriate under the constraints placed by view consi-derations and particularly the designated t'ierv corridor. So we broke it in half and put tlo up. That got us rvell down belorv the cxistilr!{ -_' basically as lorv as we coul.cl get. YouTnow you can carry the same appr'<-rlrch r:idicul-ous . The bui lding isu ''t ETg enougF-to take So,that iu short is the route that w6-T6ff6E6d in exploring roof shapes, Yea. Dozens of minor variat j'ons. You l<norv to see if there was anythitrg t:lse and so f or t h . lTut that ' r; ltotrv we got tt'itc-'ro tt'e are, Ol<? Next , overh:rngs. In thi s clse , I thinli I 'rre altlei.L<ly saicl ir11. that needs becansc ovct'ltilttgs are only thr-- eclges of the roofs af ter 1'ottget l)iist the rva,l1. The dc"ta j.ls of ortr' ()\'ol": hanlls are extent in errt--r')'Llting; rve JttsI l i f tcd off the detail,s of t-ho exisi.i.ng bujlcl intl . No chatrsc. Ancl adeptecl tht:m ttl our pl.rrtt . ( Attcl-"Llo:y' looh J i.l<c: whlrt you soc on thc builditig. ).1 Design Review Board Red Lion Remodel March 18, 1981 Page Seven DRB MEMBER SNOIVDON?Thatts probably pretty consistent all the way down tlrrough the facades. the facades. ROUFF: Yea. You know Iive already sta.ted the basic premise, and with this kind of an addition, it's mainly a matter of, you know, continue the eqtablished vocabulary,and I guess maybe it makes it easier to judge whether we did or didn't or how well we did. {-Tt DRB r\rEi{BER Jilkcneicr'ildur .PCter'Patten: DRB I\lEltBER ]ilkeneier iLl"!-11!IBII--L9:fSwq_9".) lVe11, I tlrink, yotr kr.ror'.' like !-ou saicl, the f irst l)41'1. was pretty cousistettt with ti'irlt happens ri11 the ivay thr:ottgl-r but I think it you cottl ci cxplain , llt , 1'ou knott', basi cal15' go through thc: f ac.adcs. t'hat prrts go rvith conlnlcr"c i 41. witlt ' . ' IIOUFIJ:Sure. Surc. Compositi.ons. You know the ratlos,agai,n, my explanation of the roof shapes rea11y appli.es to this heading of "composition" a1so, and it's why the one you see is here. It was the best expression on the facades that we could come up with of the roof shapes whieh rea11y kind of determined mueh of the exterior confi.guration. A special effort to this south f acade, whi.ch f ace-.s on the Hanson Ranch Road and wil1, ah, contain that1itt1e stretch and bring it back to the same space ratio as the. rest of Bridge Street, we vrere after.scale of elements in here, and ah, the highly articulated thing to keep the elemerrts smal1, pedestrian scale. Our nerv commercial front starts from after the entrance here, vrhere we're going back to what was the original Red Lion outdoor cafe configuration, before lt rvas extended around the corner, the part that rea11y has never worked vcr';v rve1I, anri ltever been used. Ws're going t'o tzrke 1t off and go back to the part that the original one that, ah, was always very successful and still is. The next eonsideration,stepped roofs. \Te have a nrrmber of ttrem here. Again, they'rejust piclied up from the area, the . existing, where they werdTT?eacly used. Itm sounding like a broketr r:ecord. \{e. ,. Pet er ? Yes? llle can't hear whatrs goiug on up here rvith your convet:satiou back there. {".} DRII ll[Ill]Ell (Snorvdon ) nn, bal conics rcr] ates to rvhat lrnd things like , ttrrt. I t.hiult tlut:'s wlrct'e our general concern i r; n.t tlr i s Point . ROUTF. YCN. bIiB l,llllflllLll (suowclon ,) 4nr1 bo,r,. . . ao Design Review Board Red Lion Inn Remoclel March 18, 1981 Page Eight ROUFF: DRB'MEMBER PIERCE: ROUFF: DRB MEMBER ROUFF: DRB MEMBER PIERCE: PIERCE: DRB MEMBER SNOI{DON ROUFF: DRB I{EMBER SNO$'DON ROUFF: oo Hey Craig, because this is...this procedureis a 1itt1e new to all of us, what I had inmind was to run dorvn the formalj.ty ofaddressing all of tbese as we cou1d, and thengo back and f have a point or two that arenot contained, ah, a couple of points thatare not contained here that I rvant to talk !o ygu about, and get out into the general __I thluk we can keep from getting bo[ged clown,and we must not skip any of these, ii, tolcl . Is that ri-ght that we sanrt...I think that itis evident,basieall.y, that these items areall Yea. You know the answer to a.Imost all ofthem is "Hey we continued the existingvocabuldry." It's all we could do. I don't know... .ftrs goi.ng tci g;c-r right through materials.colors and everyl"hing e1se. I don't...I personalJy don't see the needto go through eaeh and every one j-n tremendousdetail . No...No I think naybe, ma!'be the biggest, bigges going to read the headingsthe other appties because.. ...our genelal questions of how everythingrelates back to the street and the connectionback to the street. , . Again, extendj-ng the established vocabularyis the only rational and the only possible one under the headj_ngs of materials. Ah, ilr.rdbaslcally not quitL. irue construetion, wecan come back to as much of it as evident; howsnorv and rvater is handled. and I have to f o1low here because I don't know thetn by lreartyet e it he.r .; Materials. The sanie answer, continuingthe existing vocabulary, The same rvith col.or..Transparency, ah, hcrc the guideLjncs gct intoah, mattcrs of propogbion, ah, oh, ]'orr lin crrv witrdorvs at street ler,el. The;' rva.nt nti)re. Shop rvlnr!o'u's and so f orth , a.i: cl we l'(.-. u 1l t, tli i nk we Itavc ac-hirlvei:l that. Lo:itci, you krrou, n,e were desig,;ning l,his ilnd say ,'TIey thi s iseasy. \fe ju,'^t f o.Llorv the gliclel. j.ncs. 'flrc:v f it ,jus]: l ike thcrr rr,'e:fo rlr-a1,n for: our bu ilcling he re, " On t.lre shop 1cve1 . our ratio o1' question... Alright. I'm and say that Lra.nsparcn t lr reas of &t strect levcllis, I don' L lirrotv lvlrLrt, about 'double that nc have otr t.hc ;-,rc:cond .ll<lor, ilncl tlrat's so1.l. o Iwhat thr:v:ri'<: ta.Ihirul abont in here. l\lc 1. lrinl<i.t provel; rt'ltir '1}1,,0,,,., :.!.i.e pl'. t, i.tr vaIi.4. iqr-:thiult i L rvorlisi .f -i lri,. Noiv, tir , wi-nr{ow:l. Si i 1. 1 ho.i pr;lrt :i.lj<Lrrc r-;1 1'<,rc': L lr.trt-l ,.qri f o;. l,lr. 'l'lrcly' r'cr a"l L v'illtitr l.iir: .i -;.1.r , i.r; str11;t;r.:r:t'rli i.rr l.lrc_r oI oo guidelines, ah, that, ah, hover around L.8". As grade line goes up and dorvn, you'vegot to geL off it a litt1e now and then but witlone or trvg exceptlons that we wanted tointroduce, ah, to avoid too mueh monotony,that's it. They average that. They worl<, Head heights. They all run around eittrer6?8" or once in a while a ? footer, if it'sappropriate so that to avoid continuous 1ines. Ah, minor rhythurns are established wlthinelements. Here's a little that rrokesout. ft's very symetrical .--lGT6's a iitrlepiece. I wish I was pointing to a model .This articulation shows the entrance to thedownstairs night club will be riglrt off thestreet her:e. Right off of Hanson Ranch Roadand dorvn the.stairs. This area is our sort ofmiddle shop area-. This one goes around thecorner to show up again on the B::idge Streetside, I{hatrs on the Oh, the creek side? Yea, the creek side. Thank yorr. I should have started there.I .sta"rted in the mi-ddle. If we go back.the other way.bhis elementgoes arou.nd...lve have introduced just immediately around the corner...that's alarge bay rvindorv. This is one of the things,ah, that rve felt was needed. The presenteast elevation is lather blah. ft's b1ank,and yet it's ver5z prominent as you approachfrom the east up, ah, Hanson Ranctr Road. Justa bi-g, long stucco iva11 rvith a door in it andilot much. It looks 11ke a back end of a buildinwhich it r.r'as wl.retr Vail startecl ancl that wasthe creel< and out beyond that were the deer andantelope and those people. There wasn't anybody ont there then. So, we"ve introcluceda big bay that ol)ens ir:to Lhert shop that 'svery close to n,here the people walk by theco.rner to givr: the feeling of , ah, a eonrmercial/retail type place tlrere for people walking up,to introduce thcnr into the nature of thisbefore they get to it , and 'Uo rel j_cve that . Now, tho :iecond f 1oor. Our nerv pa::t is , ab ,basical 1v f rom helc out . Alrigh t , i.t ' s .j ust &11 eXpl'cr3si.on oI the aparl.rnc'nts irbove. 'l'hctralconl' on one. il'indol t.rc.atment , agai.n ,repet i 1 j otr of tire cxi.si. i1g1 . I{er<-' is a "V--sIapcclindcl'rl:irt ion on 1.ltc rvtlL tlrat is tile presrrnL entranc() f o thc trirsta'i rs altlrrtments. Il, rvi11 remaj.n .lrnd r,,,e'.1. I lr:us:c it: . The existintj staj rswil,1 u,.ttt' i. li l'lc ttp, 1l1l i ttst.clt"d of i.n Lo Mllr'fle :tuclI-,irrry IJrtlcl ii:l<rs trltarl,mcnt., jrrto a r:orri.clor lvhi.r:h rvi ll l;Gl'v{} 1.lrcil l'o1"rrror apirr'1.ntcn L n.rtrlt.he thlci: n()w ola):;, rvi Lh [.lrc f i l'o osctt.l)i.r s,; i irj. r' r.rn 1. hc ot.lror siiclc. ,. I Design Review Board Red Lion fnn Rcmodel March 18, 19Bl Page Nine ROUFF: DRB MEMBER SNOITDON: ROUFF: DBB MEMBER SNO\{'DON: ROUFF: ao Design Rcvj.ew lSoard Red Llon Inn Rcmodel March 18, 1981 Page Tcn BOUFF: l ffi oo When we get to landscaping, we'11 see mostof what the rest of...we'd put a -- extendeda fence here, open to the top. It needs more.. some more trash enclosure area.. It isn'tlarge enough now. We are enlarging that.Agaln, within the batten on board fence-typeenclosure. Then, you'11 see, as indicated onthe rendering here, as heavy...a very heavyplanting. Hey, and for once, werre not trrushing for the biggest and tallest sprucesyou can get us to buy because we don't needthem here. IVe want 1ow ones. We don't wantto put in ones to block our rvindows on thesecond floor, So, the...as you'll see thelandscaping attempt was to get 1ow, dense&h, &h, foliage that wi1 1 scr:eer some of theservice activities that go on. Alright. The suggested use and, ah, theinterplay of different form of bay windorvsand, ah, windows of different types, I thinkis prett5' self-evident here" Sometirites wekid ourselves about having prc-sented you wltha catalogue of all the differerrt types thatwere suggested_ in here at one place or anotherin this . C)ur ef f ort was to trreak it upand keep a highly articulated facade at, ah, ah,pedestrian sca1e. Doors. Werve rrsed a variety of door-types.Our doorrvay, , .ou-r new cloorlvay tcr the i:estauranta.h, we envision a, ah, a heavy, solidrestaurantie-l-ooliing door. The shops, werregoing to, ah,'srrggest transpar-ent doors.I donrt rvant to talh airout the sirop debail;I'm going to address that subject aeparatelyin a minute. Trim. Here ri'e go agaiir.the same as the existing You know, trim is Ah, decks and patios. Ah, rather importantpart of the, &h, guidelines and, ah, there isone and our new part, as I touched on ezrrlier,is really nothing more 1.han putting backthe o1d to its or:iginal conf iguration. \ire'vegot the exist i np;, highly succdssf ul cl:i n j.ng deck across the front. That's all there's room for on the bui1dl.ng, and all tve've doneis, ah, finish it off again in the samematerials and so forth so that it will once agai.n term-Lnatc jus-;t past the entranr:e. Ah,again, as l.() it's o::ientiltion and alI thlttit is in existence. It's one of the trvomost snccessf u1 itr Ton,n, I dorr't thi.nl< tny-tlting more bt? saicl aboul; j.'b. Balconics. \Tr:'r.c got a lot of balconi.c:; onhere. lVe ltavo, u.lt , . . l,ltcr:e nrc existingbalconics on tlre l:uild j rrgl along thc fr'ont here We wero f aced u''i.l.h a ciroice of cloj ng wlrtt wedid on al. I of t.ltcs,re o1,lr<:r'eleniont.s:rncl ".i:ry"i!el 1, u, (-. ' .l I {.:ilir 1.116' e.\isi; i ns :idi orn rn<l croul.'itttrt: .i 1:. " II{,)I'c w(' t.hr-lulTLt1, t;}ur1, rvlu,; uo{, al)pt'ol)r'i.ilt.o , lr.ttci wt) r:onr;i:i ort:;.1 y v:rri <:rl l t'ortt j- i: (lit il.r'n (l ir:i.::rrr:o. 'l'lri r; Lrlr I {..oit\r, thirr orrr-. iitlil. l,]r ir; Lrrrr,r irrirl lr.l l. orr l.lrt: iil iti:rc {i t.r'cr'1, 'l oo Design Revj,ew Boarcl Red Lion Inn Remoclel March 18, 1981 Page Eleven ROUFF: or slde exj.st now. They're rather large ones,and they are, again, a batten-on-board type.They look good withln their context and titeold sacled fron'1 . We havenrt touched thatbut when we got around to the new par.L andwe went through the exercise to see what itwould look 11ke if we continued those around,well with the number we've got and different P|""g and shapes and this, ah, ah, arhythmieal ,highly articulated facade, they look kind offunny. They rvere heavy and some of the wordagein the book reall"y te11s why they gormonotonlous. So, we thought ok. Iyerre into . a different function around here. Commercial-and resj.dentia.l as opposed to primarilyfood service function here, other things arechanging in scale as we get farther aroundthe corner, so rve went to some of the, ah,other balcony et>irsiderations. I don't knowwhat you call this thing that's sarved out of averticle two-b1's or three-bys and put on.It's drawn rath,.rr accurately i-Lere, ancl j.t isone of the suggel;1,ions. We tljcd and plat,etiwith all of theni, and, in our opinion, r,.,e likedthis one bost oit the building. lfe haven'tdone that with all of them. Here's a 1itt1etiny one. T dori,t knorv, maybe it's a fakebalcony. You crLir hardly step on it. We hadto get a windorv j.n here in a narrow space thatmet building codc requirements for aceess andso forth, so we took it down to the floor. We didn't want a balcony there so we t)ut alitt1e, ah, wrought. iron railing bit thatprojects out about it. It sort of looksbalconyish but, ah, you cpen tllose door.s, you can. . . rvel1 , f. gu *.:.'-s s yort can staild there. It ' sonly about 18'' deep. It's not intended asas a balcony func:tion. Itrs primarily adecorative element, So we and that became our sou'bh and east balcony theme. There'rso many around tire building that we'vereally thought this one needed some variety inthe baleonrz treatment. It's variation on Number' 1 in the l-Jook. Accent elements. $e rellIv haven't gone into very many accent e1ements .except n 1ittlepl.ayful Lleatmcnl. arouud the door to thcnightclub , to crrrphasize i.t 's nightcluLr i shnessor non-retail/eoirrrnerci&1. character, to helppeople find j.t artd not tt'*nder lnLo a 1'&r'nshop or somethir:!1 next door bjr mistalie. :\girin, becausc rvc f c:e1 i,ha I under. thr.' headi nlT u(..cc t c.l.ements, there ai'c .$o nrauy f i.ne oncs lrnrl dominatei ones , ).:1.1;e the , ah , Lh , the nrrrlu I ou the ft'ont, thr. r't-,.d stt.ippec! arvning antlthese thinlls on I,his fac.ade wl'rlc.h rve n'irnLto renain -ltl.wa-l::l , 1;ltc rlontinate Jli:Lcade ns i-1; has aln'ays bcetn, rie avoi<led them except for.those l c\r, )'ol,t'vt: :';cten s() f at: ir.s being o11Ihjs br"ri.l.cling lcrl t]r]:r..o1rr:iate. Landscll)il clentel t.s , Ah, pav j.ng ancl so .f c.i'th.Llrrrlcr Llrc hc,:lrcl i.uq. , , ()r" 1,hc 1;i:r-rirLrrrr:nt ofItnrd sur f uc'.(.rs unt1r.:r' .l.lrucls;capitri';, u.gai.n, is trtrctiy ti,ilil djcri.:r t.ctd lrOi.r:. 'I'i:.tj:,lr_l sh()lrr.l <:ornc: ':::)r ' '' - oo right to the street front and the pavementgoes up to them. It's kind of like, ah, wedj.d over aL the first VVI thing. Co rightdown to the street as it is esiablisneO"afongBridge Street, especially on every partelcept along the pJ*aza Lodge where there is atie rail. The pavement comes up to thebuilding. The plan is to take an area inclose to the building and do it in a paver.That paver has not been selected. It rvi11 bethe one that the Town is shortly going to....have you made a selection of a bown slandard?When that was our ag;reement from thebeginning and Jeff \{inston and you guys tveregoing to pick a. couple you vyere going- to useand this was golng to be one of the iirstones to put them in, and we're getting aivfulinterested because we want to builcl a ,,mini_ Parkt'. _a f erv weeks. we ive- gotto get some TT-TEey are setecteA. Yea. We'1I get it to you You know I have to answer to you when yousay r'lflrat are we using?', and I sily "f bon'tknowt'. because that's one rvhere tire a.greementwas the Tor.vn will te11 irs werre going'-to usethe first of th e Town standards. The extentof it is shorvn on the plan to a ljne (tj-;;will use unless there ls a chaEpe that couldbe- brought about should the Torvn, before thisJo!_i!_finlshed, ah, decide to impliment theguideline suggestions for improrrements fronlthe Sibert Circle alea. dorvn across lr,lill Creek,rvhich is a whole nother matter, not ot'r" "o,r".a"n,not part of this project other than the Tovrnasked us and rve.a1I agreed that "Hey, if thesecould be done together, swe1I . r' It;'s slipped intime due to the Town budget cuts occaslone<t bylorv snow and everything, so the originalschedule thnt the Torvn had hoped to do i L onis not i.n 1imbo. The other pirt of lanclscaping,if , you wil1, is the €ireen g::owy part. ife'vegnly So! one place wjth diit to plant anything.It is along lfilt Creek on the east si.te anct..l J9u,'rre alrearly coverecl that harren't vou, Bill?With respect to the 1ow shrubs and ... fes, ,I gave the ob.jectives and horv tve rvct.c: cloingit and what*but .to neet 1.he requit'enlcnts unclertl:e zoni-ng orclinance f or submission . thi s i s;the landscape plan bv our latrdscape nr.clt j.tcctsin more deta il than shorvn on oul" pfcs(:ntnt iondrar,vi.ngs anci mode1.. Ah, here i.s yor_rr. pl.:utt:material and coun'l- l.nrl ah, 1;ha.t, s str-a.i ght ()ut. Is that rvall<u;ay bacl< there the existing ruaLllvay? It's configrrration is, Cra.:i.g, Lrrrt ib sholvs... j.t has a paver, t:n. i.t nol. Ah, our. inl.crlt ir; t<,rre1'rJ.ace tht-. cxi,st in,l lllrVcl ancl oxl,encl tlrc ' brti 1<li n11, IlttI i-t's l. lr<, r-riini.r clr,rv:ll.cd pii-ri. i nl o.f 1. htr lv;LLlttray t. lr:r I r:.,i1.srl,r.; '? l' t I.j lo Design Rcview Board Red Lion Inn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page Twelve ROUFF: Peter Patten ROUFF: DR-B MEI{BER (Tilkerneier, ) ROUFF: DnR MEItBlilt SNOI{DON: ItOUIF: DNI} TINT{BIIII SNOIYDON; lir_){lrF: I oa ah, rather tight back here. The property line is the edge of the existjng pavement. We're reusing this entry so you knorv werretight. 1,[e can't do anythlng there excepttake this area which really just has grass on it and hardly anything else and do a reallandscaplng Job all the rvay down to here, where we could, where we had some wal-l space above rvithout windows or things, YeVwe'veintroduced things that can grow high but mostof it is designed to femain under approxlmatelyan eight or nine foot height so lt doesn't get above window si11s at all. someday. Roger:, did the Planning Commission, ah,dissuss and resolve concerns about delivery or access to the new retail soace? Yes. Yes, rather throughly. And they acceptcd what's proposed? Yes. Yea, under this new organj:zat:ron I hadn'trealized j.t had co4e"_el!.ilg--who ever_ laid the book out af-d-iT-nfiTTt. One column is theirs and the other is yorrrs for things in CCI and CC2. I believe that's the end of the formal list,is it not? No, I'm sorry. Thj.s is sti1l under landscape heading. Paving rve have touehed on. Retaining wa11s,we have none. No need f,or any, Ah, lighting and sj.gnage. l{e have lndicated, ah, a couple of decoratj-veah, outdoor street lamps in tire elevations here, along tlre Hanson Raneh Road side. \{e thinkthe height is sort of scaled to what we feel is .appropriate in the space contained. It's an adaptation of the ol.d l{ellls back gas 1amp. The Tov,'n has establish a That is right Il|rould this be tlrat? been revieling, trying togeneral lighting pattern, Peter? something that would tie into Yes. We; have shol,n tlris as the location that we woulcl suggest- zr.ncl woul.d 1:ui. here if the 'l'nwnrq rlr rrorrr ovor;rlI Iir"lrtinp SChc.,nle is.r alrrr ! t'l\ not settlcd by 1.1:e time rve havc to pnt therm in , Wh:rt u,e rvrrnt to rlo ancl i n1,cnd to drr is to rrsr:. ah, the light,ing fixtures atrcl st> forth ,thll; ar:c eivcutuit1ly -* you knr:w \!o rl'ejrrst a 1 it l. l.e altcacl ltt:r'c. as rve are on l-lie developncut of tirel pavi rr11 treatrnent agrt;i rI , attd again, rrn f ot'trrnirt.ol.y, thc ]')ro{dress on t;h i'r; is de.l ayccl l.ry 1.hc buciJ1ol. cirbsjs;9, I'd Ijlic to say bhal, 1. lr is i s rvlur {t wo irl'c pr:o1;r.r:;j ug i I I.lttr 'l'o\'; 11 c.:lnt {: ciLtt'.lr ttir ivi 1-ll urj. I clon't l.it j.ttk t.htrt. t"J Design Review Board Red Lion Inn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page Thirteen ROUFF: DRB TIEIIBER TILKEMEIER: ROUFF: DRF MEIIBER (Snoivdon ) DRB IIEIIBER TILKE},{EIER : ROUFF: IiOUI'F: l)lilt vnllBlil1 ( Snorrclon ) !l{}t,}.b.: li # flh %."f ao Design Review Board Red Lion fnn llcmodel March 18, 1981 Page fourteen ROUFF; DRB MEMBER (Snowdon?) SELBY: BOUFF: to rvill happen, and what we want to do, and theTown's designers would like it , i-s go backand treat the lighting scheme all the wayaround Rridge Street and down Hanson Ranch Road so that that may very well change. Ok. The last item is signage? Would that besomething that eaeh shop owner would comein with individual applications and... I think it's best if that be addressed at alater time. Yea, again I woulcl J-ike to reserve signagefor this thing I rvant to talk...I want to .ba1k about the treatment of shop fronts. Signageand everything is a separate, ah, matter. So to run out the prescribed uraterial hereah, servioe. We have touched on it alreadyand, ah, while the details are not alikethe only possibil:i.ty we have is' .because service rrrrist remailt a.Ic,n[-TE6-6Estside whe:re it is now. That j.s the presentrestaurant service and trash collection areafor the entire building. We are, as I saidearlier and it shows in the plans and model,extending the area -* the present one is notlarge enough to keep everything inside. Wecan come out here far enough to make it, rvhatcertainly ought to be, big enough. After that,if it -* it will hold it. If it ends up outsicleit's a manager of people problem we can'thandle but it is the high stout fence-typefollowed by an indoor cover flrooil that can be used as receivjng ancl also s;tacking of boxes anihowever they want but whatever they do in there,it.wi1l be indoors. Access is to remain as it iras always been alongthis paved walk from the street. So, ittsreally a no change situation except a largerenclosure around the area from unsightly parts and the screening by landscaping. That is the end of the Iist. Now, this matter of everything about the shopfronts. -Our intent is to treat' these in the same way as Vaj-1 Associates used lvhen they did the One Vail Place Buildi.ng, if you remember. All their shop spzree ou the f j.r'st floor was reserved for the teuants to design their own wlthin controls that rve'11 t-all< about. They bui.lt it. Thcy put up blank rvirl. 1s, .just$ dryrvall on 24" studs, tc.mpoLarv rval1 anclpaitrted ouf like 1.ire' r:est. As the5, were leirsed and the tenan'bs gloL lcucly t;o go in, theywent in :rnd r:ut tl:crrr orrt and built tltcntsc.rlvestheir clwn shops. 1i separ:olc firogram rvasi estabLjslred and thr,: feascs that rvcrc si[Incdwil:h thcsr: people 1,ied it up so that tht--r'o s'as no quL-strir-rn irbout horv it wns clone. Tirc-:]' lrndthe brolrrl choice ol rrsi.ng 'l'orn lla.s:rd<1 ilsthcir tlrr:; i ;1ur-'1. rrrrrl I'ol lou.,i.n1'; l.-sl;liiiTa-tj() jj('t: oI l jttlo rlrr itlelini:s t-hr. l- hc r{c:r; j.11n<-.cl us trppr0llt'.i :r t.rl f o'r t.]r():;c,l . 'l'ltr')n, [.lt<-'5r lr:rtl ll.l I thc frc:crlrinr 1.o wr.-.r'h'i,iiir hinr rvilhin i1., \{c l,hi.nl< d"\TJ oo that by and large the results are fairly good, and rvhat we are intending to do is repeat that process, whether or not we use Tom Hasada oeslgner or nor as the designatedI,personally as arehitect on that one, if we're going to do it, would rather have Jeff Selby select another designer for those. Um, I'm not sure I'm capable -- I get in ruts like I think all of us do sometimes and I'm in an idiom and do it --we'd like to say rrOk, these designated shop fronts are areas where we want as much variety as possible." I like the idea of someone else coming in and doing it. \tlte will have to prebcribe the, ah, limits. We have had to show suggested shop fronts, and rve've thought up different kinds liere. Otherwise, it' hard for us to explain the building and give the impression of what it's going to look like to you and to eve::ybody else rvho has to look at it including Jeff and the neighbors but rve v'oul< like. . .we lvould 1il<e to suggest, if you can handle i-t, that in your approval you exclude the actual drop fronts in the areas as designated here wher:e shoir -- I dontt want you to disapprovc, I want you to somehow... I don't think we can do that... I 'd l ike to me.ke a suggestion, Bi.l1 . we eould... Ivlaybe what i f thprr r".hmri in and rvant what you present. . . Want to handle each one as a I thinl<. . . to change it from change? lley...hey I think... I think J'ou, you've got to telI us how itrs best to haudle. I thi.nk. . . If you're comfortable rvith that approach which i.s tbat you lihe i.1. the wa]t it's presentet here but j.f rve want to devjate from that througl a program which l,ve woul.cl coordinli;e overa11, using 1:erhaps tlre methorl whi.ch Bj.1.1 has said, and I can Le1l yort now we wonrt get doln to rvhere it rvj.11. . . j.t rvj 11 be atrvthing ottrel' tha.n a coc;rdittatcci efforI because Irm sute we'l. I choose thc tenants r.rirr'1y on and thtlyr I1 rvorl< 1:hrough this const::uetion process but i.t rvl1.l lte. . . Anrl undol l-hat 1:r'occ s s 1.n lo 1,,e11 wi tlt ]t.Lri owrr Iti $h1: . r: irclt shop olvner comets f or a.pprovirl, . IO Design Revlew Board Red Lion Inn Rcmodcl March 18, 1981 Page Fifteen ROUFF: DRB I'{BIUBER SN0hIDON SELBY: DRB iIE[fl]ER SNOI\'IION ROUFF I SBLBY: ROUFF: DI1B IIET1BER SNOIVDON ROUFF: DIIB }IETIBER SNOI{DON SELBY: tlOUFF: SIILBY: * oo Basically, I think we have to reviewthe building as it's propos.a t"re a.,.t'lYes, thatts wi.thin o.r'" g"ounas-of ,natfind acceptable and j.f t[e ;h;; Jrnu"*to keep it that way, fine. ff lney wantcome in with a modi.fication of what sir y wattf Ltl looking, then they ... That'Il work Then they come in ag a change. I dontt think anybody objects to reasonable I think thatt s f ine. I think Bill, s jusl. .!i,trying to make, sure,rthat every""e urOutls l.rr,,r,that people -- when people conre n""il-i"'-,,i,,r t.,request a modificaiion to the front und ot ,,t' f.acade for thelr,store and signae;-"p;i";,, f ,the reason behind that is th;; -;; thinkthat, that...yoU know,. entering into tha1, relement of theit own characterfsiic &Dd i:lr/., ,o*l _sh-oq design has a signifi-oant benef i I rand I thi.nk that that's wiat *";r" I think that,s the that pror','-" method.No, ok. general don'{- know if we wan.t to get intoreaction or if Bill has more I noticed there are comments from the floo/. One. f mean therers a gentlemen here. Ah, ok. I wantecl to ta.lh aboutto tel1 you --- rve haven't Aonesomething we hope to accomplisli.We're going to lrave to work. weowners, with you so... this sepall I it yet, l l We havetr ' r and the slrr,;/ ,b .IIOUFF: SELBY: ROUFF: sl.tt,tlY: tltit] ill;IIllEn SL'LI]Y: rtotr!.F: TJIiLBY: I dontt thj.nk anybocly has a problenr with l,f,r Alr:ight , gJoocl . Srvel1 , then your.1l approv(.what you see and everythi"g'.-j,r"t handlr:tla change? Right That leaves us rvith al1 the frecclom we ne_'r:rl Thatts rvhal. \\'e ... lVith the unclerstarrrii rrg th:Lt changcs rvj, 11 lrr.presented. Any changos to the exterior... Oh yes. \!'r:l1, they rnust. bc Yos, and l.hr-.5r rvi,11 be. 1,lrtt rvilI bo trtrtr.t., ao Design Review Board Red Lion Inn Remoclel March 18, 1981 Page Sixteen DRB I,IEMBER SNOWDON ROUTF: DRB IIEMBER SNOWDON SELBY: DRB MEIIBEE SNOWDON DRB I\{E}IBER PIERCE: DRB iTEMBER SNOi{DON DRB I{EI\{BER SNOIVDON SELBY: ROUFF: DRR IIEIIBER SNOIVDON: (Tilkemeier.. ) /-\ oo But I nean just so this---so that there isin the record thc fact that thi.s is a ... aprototype, if you rvi1I, and that we shouLdexpect ir:dividual shop owners. That's eorrect. That's horv we'd like youto look at it and approve it or consider ittoday That's the end of my formal presentation. Ok. I think...I'm sure there are probablycomrnents:fromthe Board but I think we couldalso field any comment from the public, if therrare any comments to be made, before wereact to everybodyts input, I guess. I[emight as rvel1 get the public out of the wavbefore we react Is this a prelj.minery app.roval? No. I4Ie have. . . everything is here. YJe meetthe requi.rements for final , although theseare not worl<ing drawings. I just rvanted . . . Working drawings are going to take theshadows off of her:e. That's all. Right Mr, Chairman, I'!t lr,fax Gar'::e.Lt, rep::esentingJoanne llill of the Plaza Loelge, is it nowthat you'd like to hear from, ah, her? Yes, if there is any comment from peopleon the floor, which there are a few people like .by all nieans go ahead and ah...f donlt itrint<theyrll corunent so... I'or a moment I thought there lvas someonebehlnd me. Not quite like last night In the begi.nning, let me ask if I might bepermitted to ask tlris Board if it is.in it'sopinion, st j.11 bound the pur:pose ancl objectivesas set for:bh in tho Orclinance 18540]0? I thinl< rve ' d have to I cion ' t l<now i. f rl,r:wor.rld r:cn1Iy ]qn9i,,: y.:irx 5 thirl_ Oldinance j.s. , . . . .Torvn Attor:ney a:rrl Wel1. . . I thinl< t:hc situat.i on we htl'e in regard to thcatr, l,o tlrc l)esi g;n lidvicw llolrlcl , ah, j, r,- ltlareit wlrcle lhtt Va.i,1 \r j 1.1.:r!te llr:bitn D<:..^.i gn Considcllr.t.iorrs a.r: r-- rnautllt.ctl l.ly orcli.rrlrllcr). . , Ci;tn yorr I.ti.l.li r:rrt:lt{.. nli l(r}, b], 11,r,,,,t,'. Lri.;"r'y? ,lur,;1. s i t. ttp :i 11: ' ;.ll.i rr.'i-l' , ',i _1 .\i;i\ I'l'lt to Design Review Roard Bed Lion Inn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page Seventeen DRB MEMI]DR TILIffMEIER: SELBY: ROUFF: SNOITIDON I DRB ilIEIIBER BOYD: ROTIFF: DRB MBIIBER BOYD: ROUFF: DNB hIEMBER BOYD: llAX GARRETT: DRB }IBIIIBIR SNOI{DON }IAX GARRETT: .SELBY: }I,lX GARRETT: . .:r Ui ttiil:ii TI l,tiIilLtIIlt: i l_lt.ti- lt.\ il.]-N # lo Design Ileview Board Red Lion Inn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page Eighteen DRB MEMBER (Tilkemeier?) MAX GARRETT: DBB MEMBER II{AX GARRETT: LABBY ESKWITH MAX GARRETT: LARRY ESKII'ITH: Ii{AX GARRETT: LARRY ESIilVITH: IIIAX GARRETT: LARRY ESI{IIIITH: Ordinance 18 being the general guidelinesfor the Design Review Boaril process. Ah, the ... Yes. Ah, the Ordinance 18 is entit ledDesign Revievr and 1854010 is, ah, entitled "purpose", and I'11 say 1854 is DesignReview and purpose is 010, and it just slmply statcs that the objectives of theDesign Review Board shal1 be as follows, andit uses the word "shall" which is a mandatoryword as referred to ln the Code, and B pr:ovi.desto ensure that the location a.nd conflgurationof structures are visually harmoniouswith their sites and with surroundlng sitesand structures and do not unnecessarily blockscenic views from existing buildlngs ortend to dominate tlre tolvnsc?.pe or the naturallandscape. Now my inquiry, sir', is, ah, inthe light of the, of the original remarks thatwe are here today to consider. only thoseelements I isted in the Vail Village DesignConsiderations entitled Arehitectural LanclscapeConsideratj-ons, on Page Trvo f If I may... On Page Two i, I want to be... Exeuse me... Let me finislr and then I'11... Sorry. On Page Trvo i, I want to not offend theBoard by trying to discuss rvith you somethingI may have already been forbidden to discuss,'which is this oldinance whi.cir I just read apart of. I'm through, sir. T[ank you. It's my fee1ing.th4t, ah, asfar as tlte design guidelines are concerneci we are dealing rvith the specific designguidelincs which are set forth in this Urban Design, ah, ah, Consideration Pircliaplc herebut I also think that the Board can consi der' and possibl.y shor.rlcl consid<;r thc prr::pos;cl clause of the Ordinance ancl L'ralance it a1;gi.trstthe design considerations ns rvell. You't'r)not l<lok j,ng aL any one sireci-f j.c thl ng irr doing your .job as a l)csign Revierv llorrd. l\'hat you al'c deri ng is a t.tcnrpl-i nJ; 1;o baLance thr.r varj.ous, uln, um, purposc, urir, clauses and 1-lte vari ous clcsign gr.r'i clel. incs 1.hat are set Iof tihin the orclinnlce itucl in 1;hj,s Vail V^i 1lagtr Urban Der;ign l:)lltt, tud I , and f sec no ;rr"oltlernwith fliv j n!:.. sonr(:r ct:trsiclorut j-on to a.l 1 thr',sirthiugs, ltnri t. ltr-'tt on Llallrucc rr:rl.,i.ng your <ic.r:i siott as to u,lrc1. lrcl th i sr plrrl: i crr I :,i.'r pro.i <:c.t rlor:s i.n to Design Review Board Red Lion lnn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page Nineteen LABBY ESKWITH: MAX GARRETT: DRB MEIr{BER SNOWDON: LARRY ESKWITH: DBB },JDMBER SNOI'fDON: LARBY ESKIfITH: MAX GARRETT: DRB IIEI,IBER MAX GARRETT: DRB T{EMBER IIAX GARRETT: Ol fact meet overall with the deslgn guide.lines and the purposes which have been set forth. I take it, I{r. Chairman, that I then can discuss Mrs. Hi11rs or rather PLaza Lodge's vierv out of the owner's apartment., where Mrs. Joanne Hill resides, as it's being affectedby the proposed structure? If the property does apply, f'm sure it's been dlscussed under the various differentlevels and... It has been... it has been discussed... and can be discussed at this Roard leve1 Sure, I thinh you can consider it, Craig. Fine, Fine, th:lnk you. I ju.s1; didnrt want to of f end anyone. Ah, D4V I a"sl< Mr'. Bill Rouff at thir; time to bring forward the photograph that's made from the ...the living room o-f , ah, the owner's quarters in the Plaza Lodg'e? Thank you.say it very much. Gentlemen, this is the photograph thatrs been taken from a window in the living rood area of the Plaza Lod-ge of the ownerrs apartment, audj-t demonstrates the vierv of the Gore Range that that apartment affords, that the viewer vihen they Locii out. . . Is that the culy view they have? No,they ha.ve this view from, ah.. two other windows, Ife l1, a s1iding Coor window and then also from another windol in this same apartment. Nor,v the third floor has views of the Gore Range but this is the owngr's apartment and al.so all of the other second floor viervs alre gone already except for this one. apar'l-ment also Part of the there is a third floor... there js a thild floor that j-s a guest quarters but it hits no palt of her .., it is not anypart tlf h<+r, z1ir, living quarters. Now, rvith that j.n mind and yor-rl pllrtr)ose in mind that rva:; cnaci.cld when tht) ToNn, ah, olganizecl yottr eonrnriLtee , I rvottld then ask , ah , hlr. Ilottf t to coutc fonvai'd, if he rvould a.t this t; inttl , and let 's denrons;tr.at'e-:, i.f you tvill sir, hotil the. . . I{elp nre rvith l.}ris. . . which way does tlt js nciw , now rvait , 1t)ave i 1. tha l" ivay . That is il v j r:rv tirkcn .f rorn thc-' cotrtt:r lv -i ndorv. l)() you wirn t. rrit: l;o bt: tcctrni.cit I ? 'Ihc:rc j s ;r sl j.cl j ng glass; dc>or', n ir,itrdow ltttcl a r?.i.ttclow. L L is 1:ltc een [,trt' J'r:ncst rr-t, i on otr [,hc ci.t.l; {, f acrclr: o I ltcr' f s thcl owner's third floor? ROTIPF: oo @ Dnr'tlgn Review Roard Rod Lion Inn Remodel [lttr<;h 18, 1981 Itttgrl flysily ITOUFF: }I{X GARRETT: IIOUf'F: SID ROUFF: SID: IIAX GARRBTT t:tour.r: \!.\X GARNETT ttCItrr,F: 1!i'\X 6;\ttiititT itor!!-F: :.i,:\x cARnt.t,l,,1' apartment. The area containing her combination living room/dining room. This is takbn from a window that is at approxima"tc center of that areiL, looking across the street toward the east, showing the existing Red Lion, over the roofs. the Gore Ilange. Now, as I explained earlier in my presentatjon,the rational behind, ah, roof configuration and why it is, I[e'1Jflipan overlay on this which will show you how the roof configuration, a double plate that you see, infringes upon !hi-s vierv. The overl.ay is purposely laid in heavily wj-th color and temper and so forth because a,h, we just dicln't want to put ourselves in the position of having anybody come along and say "Oh , rve fudged and mj-nimized it . I' So, we went overboard. It's much stliongel' actually then it is in reality. We've gone the other rvay but the outline is accurate. So, I thinl< that, 2h, it is clear to the Board -- you can see that the -- what is tlrat, a sort of an avacado color on toP? What did it saY on that tube, Sid? I was indlcating that -- indicating that color there with this color to match sort of the green color of the siding thatrs there now, and that' s just indicated. . . 'Ihose are marker pen approximations of the colors that a::e ther:e. It is a warm, greyish color gravcl r:oof that tve inteud to maintain. Tirat color is fairfy c1ose. The green is a 1ittl.e lighter and less weathered than the real one and it is rvhite stucco. But it's matching exlsting? Yes, right. We1l, I just simp15' rvanted the Board to have no questions of rvirat the roof l.itre rvould be'. Cutting off the view would be this line that I'm indicating that runs into.'. . Yea. ...runs into the chimney eitlrel side. chimney on On thc-' morle l that is the f il:st rldge here. dirc'ctly under mv Iinger in the Plaza IixiE6-ilcr-c atrcl the vierv -- you know if yotl were lrcre Now, Mr. R<>uff , bave w€l not, over a periocl-of time, ntacl<; a genuine'ef fort -- you have and a1so, ah, tr'h's. IIil1 and myself -- in an attcnrpt to i:r5r to al .l-eviirte the extent oI tlrat allsorptit:n nttd impael,i.on of her view? Ycs s ir , rvc havcr . Anrl , rrlt, ltllvtr tre u()lil(] 1ll) rui t; it rl<;ttto ol"ltcr ir'l l cr.nlrl.cli l.{) r iiit, t lrirt-r t.lt:t.1. ivltii 1 y()u $ce h()rct lo ",\ Design Rcview Boardir-/ Red Lion Inn Ilemodcl March 18, 1981 Page Twenty-One MAX GARBETT: ROUTF: LARRY ESKWITH: DRB MEMBER (Snowdon. ) LARRY ESKIVITH: DnB MBMBER (Snowdon ) MAX GARRETT: LARRY ESKIf ITH: DRB MEIIBER (Snowdon MAX GARRETT: LANRY ESIflVITII: We... Just to...I don't know if we should getinto other alternate p1ans, Mr. Garrett, becausthat is not what has o o which is what you areof here by the Design seehing approval Review Board, today? is being at once ivhat they arethi.s plan and tl:at's the onereact to. We are looking at one plan whichpresented, . . I don't want plans I lVe11 , Mr. Chairman, I assure you that I don'twant to do an!,thing that I shouldn't do infront of you bui I rvould 1j.1<e to ask, wouldit not be the purpose of the Roard to. j.n the light of its 1B54OI0B, encourage ttrepreparation of plans tha.t wou1d impact a viewsuch as the one as seen here in this picturebetonging to Pl aza Lodge dLn the ownerrsapartment, the least? Um. .. I think that was discussed as part. . . as partof the presentation that they did investigateother roofs -- other roof fci:nrs-; and theycame up with.this a"s being the least, ah,having the least impact. That's exactly why I wanted to bring itout, Mr. Chairman, because that's not correct,and I thought possibly that you folks mayhave that attitude or not attiLude but opinionbecause tbere are several othel proposals thathave been rnade to us by the applicant thatrvould impact the...the vierv considerably lessthan what you see here today, and it's myjudgement as an officer of plaza Lodge and alsoa practicing attorney that this language of :l 8540108 places the burden on the a.pplieantto bring in the least impacting plan,and thatit is your obligation and responsibility tosee that that rvould be rvhat rvould be presentedto you and that you would consider, Consequentlthat's tt'hI, I rvoqld submit to v6u at tiris timethat tve should go into those other plans thatlrave becn presenterl to pJ-,aza l.,ocige. If I nriry r:espond to ttraL legally becllr.rse fthinl< to a ccrtaj_n extent 1t is a lefial.question. I thj_nk tvlrat you are here fortoday j.s to tal<e l-he pla.ns which hav<l Lrcenpresctrt.ed lo !'ou An d , rrur , rrt i,1. j.ze thc Ur.banDesign Guidclincs thaL you hlve befor.c vtrir, inaudible...not otherproposing isthat we will o o -,'*"\\-t l)r;si gn Itevj.ew Board Itcd Lion fnr.r Remodel Mrrch 18, 1981 l)rge Trventy-Two LAIIRY ESKIVIT}I: DRB TII}IBBR TILKEMEIER: DRB IIEIIBER SNOI{DON: MAX GARRJITT: DRB IIEI\IBER SNolyDoN: }tAX GARRITT: SELBY: ,, lunoldon) : I tm concerned, because utilize the purpose scction as wel1, um,make sure that this p1.an either does or doesnot in the _upon balancing a1I thevarious guideTiln66 and purpos. 61nrru"s, whetherit does or does not meeb those clauses. Idon't think we shoulcl be in a position todaywhere we are revlewing other plans or otherideas that might be available. T think, ah,the appJ icant has laid a design before you. ' I think your job is to act upon the design in the same manner, Larry NE1V TAPB g:.:*n taP t, approval pljor to our revieiv, an sitthe.Plannirrg Commission also so I'm veryfamj"liar viith a11 of the gyrations that wentinto this and, ah, with the alternatives thatwere preseilted to the p1annlng Cornmission andtlris is tirc- plan the Planning Con-rmissionaccepted as the most practical ancl the leastimpactive i-n order to accomplish the goa.ls ofthe Urban De:r:ign F1an. Ok, so your, youl. objection is basicall5zyour client is olrjecting that roof plain atthat view? Is that your one and onlyobj ect ion? That plus the fact that I would ask thisreview.,.Design Review Board to assume theresponsibi.l .i ::)/ that has been east upon itby the Ton'ir':-; oldinance'to see that she isimpacted the 1east. You knowI don't think it says the Ieast. /I don,tthink the l east has anythi.ng to do with it.r... 'ltte11 , that is that slre is not unnecessarilyimpacted, then 1et's put it in terms of the... It11 Just rn;rlie a quick commen't,that is tlrat flreCommission should understand tha"t we hal'eworked in the past il'ith lr{r. Gairett and hisclient and will continue to work rviththeffi.6e-?uTure ancl if there's anything thatevolves out oI any of those di-scussions -- --*-*--Mr. Rouf fobviously corue baCl< witli any changes, an-r'i;IiTnethat rvas other than what \\'as presented toci:rybut all we carl presient is rvhart I s bcfor-L- ]-outod:r5' a"t thi.s t ine . It{r. Gtrrett 's rcferc.nc6sto possible other desigus are scirc'nlcticor conceptun.l cha.nges thlrt 1\'c are looking atthat rve a.re uot at this time prepaled topresent thosc-r to you for' 5,our apploval because we have not Ilut rvr.'r re i n iro positJ on t.o revierv Lhem, e:ithcr'. Ok, I thjnl',... ITc.l. 1 , ilm I. . . oxc:uso rne, p;o lllretcl I rS ,]i !. rL to Design lleview Board Red Lion Inn Remodcl March 18, 1981 Page TwentY-Three DNB MEMBEN (SNOWDON ) I{AX GARRETT: DRB MEII|BER ( Snowdon trtAX GARRETT I DRB MEI\iBEB (Snoldon PATTAN (?) SELBY: DRB IIEIIBBR SELBY: NTiB trtEI,IBRR nnti .1.1[),1]lnR prIRCE :$L,l"tlY : Lil:!l-I:-s-li\rU]l!) SIiLDY: Dlill tlI:,lll]lili PIT,lllCl,l : ) oo We1-1, I was just going to say is that, ah, if that's the comment from the public, we were going to then go into ollr reaction to the project. Wel1. mav I ask am I then prevented from showlng- to the Board any of the alternatives that the applicant has presented to, 4h, the objecting PartY? That's not applicable.at this point' no. In other words, I'm not able to do that? Right because, again, all we can...a11 we have ttre ability to react on is what has been approved by the Boards before us, not necessarily what the process they went through or what ... especially if they were not presented in a Previous meeting. I'11 add to that and say that the applicant ha.s submitted these plans for Design Revierv Board under those submittal deadlines and submittal requirements and has not changed the application, ah, and jndeed they have presented thj.s plan for rcview, and any major change, ah, in the application would haire to be republishecl and rcviewed again on a clifferent basis under all the Design Review Boald Guide.'.excuse me, all the Urban Design Guideplan' and so I woul'd just reiteriate that. Um, Design Review Board real1 can only review this proposal that's in front of us Is it, is it the Commission or is the Board's desire to wait until sornething like that is finalized instead of going through all the possibilities that ekist and prefer to consider ivhat's here? Is that loutLe real preference? Is tllat your... Itm sorry. . . preference to cousider just wlrat for approval . . .and not all the. . . ..a11 we can look at is what Yorr're are I .: .i ! ?t i :.: 'i:{ :. i t ti ,; .; :j Is it your rietve askcd A11 rve can , ...what you What you srrbmitted is wtrat we retriew. Thatrs' ItIhat has beren subrni.tted If any an5'lhi.ng chan;4cs 'back for aucrl;her recluest That's right. in the past? If rve then we lvonld come Is ttrat ltow you woulcl prefer to handle it? Yes. oo Yes. We review this as this application' lii'*"airication to itrwe r:eview as another application. So vour preference is ' ' ' is the final ' the ;;r;;-a';;;;;;-ttrat have been submitted to iiiil-u'i,;;-;; ii'" on"" that vou want to consider? Today Thatrs right. Those are the cnly ones we san consider todaY. ok. Alright, now may I move to one other point and I'm tlrrougn, " i *ty be.permitted? Under decks and patios, I woul-d submit to the' ah' ;;;.5;sign Revierv Board that the' ah' iiii"ir""-pi""ii"'t-irt"t the south end of the building' and t'iiio"eht r hacl it in mv hand" ' Which one are You looking for? , The guideline Plan' 11' Number 11' Do You have the guideplan? Yes, excuse me-' That' ah'.here it is right here. Under tnt: Uifto Design-Guideland" ''iiiJ.pru", ah, Number 11 ' applicable to subarea concept Gore Creek Drive/Bridge' Street providee flrat ttre soubh end of the ["lioitb, a potentlal second, leve1 open balcony, deck cl""*""ptt1:"t.:h?*}d be placed there to restol:e activity to the street lost from ground floor terrace ' li1 :11:' tt ;;;;c'"""-tfi" Hill street/Gore 'Range vrew corridor must nl-respectbcl'T9.r ask that yotl as a Design Review BbardT consider that portion of the Urban o""i*^-C"iclepfan in cousidering these submittetl-pi"n" wnittr cio not respect that vierv .ottitri" and do not.possess the natio or d-ec,k o*-t*t<;ttecl ];o. in the Urban il3lii""Luiil-prl"'^ -ata with that sir' unless anyone tr*" unv*q;*";;!'"9 "l -T3: those are all the poj-nts tnat'i wish to submit except that *v""iitl"t-is- orriectllg "":iferouslv atrout the porc:rt"r'*t i^poc'ting and takjng of the vast'nrajoritY of her v-iew' Thank )'ou ' And I cll1 it hor view; she nwns all of the stocli of Pl.aza l'octge' Tn" '.' so - ah ' it 's opcrltecl o" u'tiioStitr"t but^it is a 1oo% owncd "ottr.rtatit", anO lr'lrs' Joanne Hill owns t:J it. Thaul< You l.orv i tr tI me Thunli Yott verv mttch to p rcscnt 'for Your courtsev and a1- nrvself . I oo Ue'sign Review Board neA [,ion Inn Rcmoelcl March 18, 1981 Page TwentY-Four DRB MBIIIBER (Snowdon?) SELBY: DRB MBMBER (Snowdon?) SELBY: DRB MEMBER (Snowdon?) SELBY: MAX GARRETT: LARRY ESKWITI{: hTAX GARRETT: }IAX GARRETT: Dlitl trlE\lllER ( Suorvdott IIAX GARRI|TI': DRR lt{El$llliii (Snosclotr ) r.,,]r^r.:.;i:;:-n--.: i.i . or Design Review Roa.rcl Red Lion Inn Remoclel Narch 18, l98I Page TwentY*l'ive DRB MEMBER (Snowdon') DRB MBMBER PIERCE: DRB I'IEI,IBER (Snorvdon ) oo Ok, is there any further discussion fromthe floor prior to proceeding with ourdiscussion? Comments from the Board? I have one comrnent and I think that, um,I think that it's the Board's role at thispoint to determine whether or not this design unneeessarily impaets the view from Mrs.: IIi1l's apartment. Now T think the second thing is, of course, is to reviewthe design as presented, and I'd like to address both of those points of my, um, oWnpoint of view. I find that any buildingthat's built in the city, downtown atea, 1sgoing to effect some vi.ews. The Plaza Lodgeinterfers with my view of the mountain inthis direction and that direction depending on what size it is. I{thich size the buildingis and how far away from it I am and whereI am when I'm looking at the view. I findthat this proposal does not unnecessarily impose restrictj-ons on the rrj-ew from UIrs.Hill's apartment,and I also find that thedesign is eompatible with, um, the VailVillage Design Considera"tions and have noobjectj.ons with j.t at this time I think I would tend to agree with you atleast on the vierv question slmply becauseit does not obliterate the vietv; there i-ssti-1l" view remal-ning, and she has not totallylost it. I think if. ah. if she was tototally lose the view to the east, then I thinkit rvould be, ah, the ha.rdship tha-t, um, shouldtake more consideration but the faet thatbasi.cally with the least looking atthe photograph presentation, ah, basical.lywhat slle's 1o..;5ng is aview of chimney stacks belorv and the very base of the Gore Range. Shers not losing. the view of the actual Gore Range itself, and, ah, so based on thatI thinl< rve do have to consider private vlewsitherers no qucstion about that, but, ah, Ithink if rve sai.d nobody was going to blockanybody's vie\'/, theye wouldn't be change inthis Town, and I don't think t-he Torvn couldsurvive without having some ki'nd of changeoccur. Um,so I think we do, you know, to resp(-'ct aird resl:ect to the individual owners totalce their, urn, their vielvs into consirlerationbut I think we also have to look at the overall impact of what' is potent j.al1y-rvhat's in Lherights of tlra.t property olvner, that they can do rvith their l)roilerty; what they are doingI thjnl< is a very minor impact on, ah, onthat prop()rty corirpared to rvhzrt they coul.d do and lvhat. is within the jr: lega1. rights on thatpropo)'t,Jr. At lcast that's my unde'rstandingis that tltcy l:rve the potential to go up 35 ' to the pl'ollerty 1ine, um, increase their squ[r]'e f ootage srrrbsl.aut ia.l.1y more but t.hcy have cho:ien rlot 1.o, So, I think rvitlt thtt 1 €'st. l';.t i n{. in nri lrcl , um, irncl th<; Jliret Llta t they clid noi. o1r1.i t,ora.l.e tho view, I think thc viclv ques t. i<rrr I'r'om rn5' rilri nioti , iri , ah , bt-' j trp; &nsrvr:r'ctl trv {.hr: (l1rs ign <.r'f tlrl btr i. 1rti rt11 . i tlt j n *.-F to Design Revic.w Board Red Lion Inn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page 'Iwenty-Six DRB MDI\{BER (Snowdon?) ROUFF: DRB IIEIIBER (Snoivdon .) ROUFF: OO looking at the building as a whole,I thinkthat if ttre Planning Commj.ssion has respondedto the questions of delivery and access to theshops, that would be my only questionis make sure that thatrs being maintained andwe aren't addi.ng congestion to that end ofthe strect. I think architecturally, um, itsresponded very well to the, ah, guidelinesestablished, um, and I have no objections.I thlnk I would, ah, well we're bisically onmaterials. Itrs a matching situation, sothat we don't need to have nraterialsin front of us to review. I think i-t's aquestion of, of the consistency in materials.Um, I would like -- f have one thing rve didnrtgo over was, \ryas basically, at least f clon'tthink we went over in any great depth, wasjust the site work and how, how it mightbe related directly to the street as you goaround the bu11ding. , f know you were changing,you're tea"ri.ng dorvn the stone fence that'sthere and replacing,; .some wa11s, ah, on theba.sically, tire west side and as it goes aroundto the east Maybe I just didn't catcheverything but I donrt know if that was goneover in any depth. How i;b was going to goaround, Lie in and go around Sej_bert Circleor is that l<ind of left open until the Townrealizes what they want to do? Letrs go back to the site p1an. Now on thesite p1a"n, eontrary to public sta,uemenr made last night, this does not show SeibertCircle moved , it shorvs Seibert Circle wirereit is and thj s is taken in alnost a photo_graphic blowup fron the page in the, ah,Vail plan for this part, that indicates thatthe Town is thinking about a move here. iyetried to respond to the probability that theTown rvi11 eventually redo Seibert Circle.Ah, therefore, we have through the deviceof, ah, solid line for one and a dotted linefor the oLher both clearly ldentified on thedravringJ as snch, indjcated Lhe existingand thc' proposed area of a possible revision.lVhat we tried to respond to rvas *-- heck, wedonrt know rvhich we're going to live with.There's a probability we're going to live forshort t j.rne with the existing one then it rvi1lget morzed over here. So, we iried to evolvea p1an... But that is something rve'dsee as a separate item. Sor rve trj.etl to evolve a pl€tn that would workwith i1. as is but our pri.rnary effort was towork it rv j th the probtble ltew one becauseat that tirne it was a strong -- f bhink itrssti.l 1 a sl rong probabi1ity. At thnt time wedidnrt knolv bherc \\'il. s a slol suow yeirr: andthat i.t's: p.rotrlrbly 11oing to be deferred fora yeat'. 'flrrr.t's all. 'l,he schcme .i.s |o c<_rn1;ain1.he plvclr; bchi.nd t.he nt:rv t.lrj.ng, tvhatcver i.t mtty'LuIn otr1. tto llc lvttcn l_lrc T,owp geLs a.rguncl to ior i s nb 1o to conrpl r't<: 1. lrc ctei;i11n of i.L's a . ''l lo Seibert Circle on itts property, so that wewould be compatlble with it either way. Ah, !V waV of j-nformation, ah, the thought behind 1l.i" necessary, I thi.nk, to understand whythis configuration, and not any one of clozensof others, ah, one of the things that theguidelines addresses in movj.rrg it over ischannelization of pedestrian traffic acrosshere so that vehicular has more turning spaee.As it is now there are times when some-Oiitybird violates the law and park by.a no parkingsign, and rve have cars and trucks parked hereand lrere. both sides blocked,and i-trs dangerous.and emergency vehicles can not get tfrrough, ifone had ever needed to at that time. trvhen it'stltis rvide and when this is moved over, two _things happen: elimination of thab possible,but should it happen, very serious condj_tionregarding vehj"cles; and a channelization ofpedestrians on this side, closer to the shoofronts, as it is farther down Bridge Street. But as, as far as rvhat's existing. This isexisting bricl< and this is the existinEstai.rcase ? Yes. Tlre nerv starts he::e where we would thenbuild another clreap rvalL to nratch that oneand this is tlre higher: 1rart. . . .and then tl"re brick wou1d. . . . . .th j.s is the bigher part, a_ncl this isthe tc-rui nat ion of the deek, a1:itr:oximatelywhere i t u'as bcfore the 1g?4 addition of wherethe salon rvent onto th<: buitding. And thrtn the cxisting rvl11 that is runningwould bo tlrlien out and this would be tiedinto the road .. - Yea, it 's ,shorr.rr, It's an overlay here. It rsa light I inr:. 1'he prt_.scnt profiie. IVe,llTeuse t hr' <:xi.st i ng bnsenrent in that shape sothat tlrc njfitrtclrrb clt.op clorvnstairs will besti11 i11 u l.ounrl cor.ncrr,,cl room. The pari ofthe n('u' ltt.ti ldin;y tlt:rt, e.\tencls out beyoncl thatrvil l bir :; l:ti-r grr flraclc]. Ok, I .itt:rt. \\'it::,^ll rt sul.c rihat lrappened asi.nt.r.r irr: lrr.'l rvc<.n l ho chrrr1Ic ln tiri rvall.s andtlr-tt ilril t'id ol t hr: r-rxi:,;t i ng g.aIls. 'l'hc- iix:r.'t -- t lt.,r.e ,s ti ct rl .inrcrnsioll or locationof t,his I irrc lrr.,'iluse .tlritl: iS, ah... Ticct i n rvi t_h wlt:r t t'r,er thc Town . , . Rj ilht. 'l'be 'l'orrrr, l.he lloln's plan has to(lclrtts:; t htrt. Ol<, t.ltit t. tvas: y;1r,' rlnl.f 6flrgr question . a..\ ,.!Design Revicw Board Red Lion Inn Remodeil March 18, 1981 Page Twenty-Seven ROUF}: DBB MEMBER (Snowdon ) ROUFF: DRB I{EMBER ROUFF: (Snowdon ) DRB MEMBER (Snowdon', ) ROUFF: DIIII }li.}lllliR ( Snorvdon? ) lloL l'1.: DRB !ftjllItUn (Snorvclon.?) ROI,'FF: DnB IIUIJBER (Snorvdou .) Design Review Board Red Lion Inn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page TwentY-Eight ROUFF: DRB MEMBER (Snowdon') DRB MEMBER TILKEMEIER: DBB MEMBER (Snowdon ) DRB MEMBER TILKEMEIER: ROUFF: DRB MEMBNR TILKEMEIER: oo So it. . . for now floats to meet the Town's design when it evolves. Roger, Vou have anY comments? Ah... You've seen this several times. Yes, tbis is the fourth time I've heard the presentation and seen the drawings, and my reaction today is, ah, is exactly the same as it was the first time. I think the owners of this property and the architect, ah, had a monumental task in front of them, ah, because of the location of the building and 1ts prominence rvith respect to, ah, those of us who have been in Vail a long time and I've been here siuce 1962. Ah, there were certain things tlrat rvere developed in the Urban Design Plan that j,dentified the fact that Bridge Street was good and rvhen you turned the corner tlrirrgs didn't happen the same .tay they did on Bridge Street, and that the interest level died at that corner and at Seibert Circle, and there was no reason for people to, to be attracted along Hanson Ranch Road... That's exactly ri.glrt. , Roger ' Um, except for those that had to go that way to get to theii accommodations. So the ehalge thlt ri'as made to the architect, and practically as a request or at least as a result of the development of these design considelations and there were a 1ot of us that rvot'l<ccl on those design consideratlons and spcnt ri'eeks, ah, trying to come up with a guide 1i tre t hat rvould help ascomplish the goals tlrlrt. rve rvanted to accornplish' This p1an, in the tintl analysis, has taken that property ancl come rts close ns I thj-nk anybody could humanll' come to addressiug all of the issues in the Ulbirn Design P1an, rvhich,included nalro\r'i nll 1-he street and nraking it into more of a lirril:in scale, and in that process we dicl inf linl:'c s;li.ght1y ulrott the vierv. Now this \ri <-.rr <:<.)r'!'i.rior u'as identilicd as a minor view cr:rrirlor rrot as a ma.jor vi.erv corridor, rvhich &llorv('d t hose of us thrlt. 11:rve the priviledge of si 11i n{ rrn t}rc Plantiirttl Commission and Dts t11rt licv ierv Borrrcl Lo 1tt:t'lraps pay less :rt.t tllt i()il, lo tltc v itlrvs tlrlrn if it hltl bt:<'tt :l nr;.r.i i.r r' \'ir'\\' c()t'l-i clot' bt.tL I think evcr'!' l)cr$on rrrd cr.cr';i lro*rd thiit f .ist.cued to this Pj&ve drrc r:onri i rlr:t'at i on to tlic rri.ews that werc- belng !6 [1i111.trrl rtlrrltt, rlnil in tlre f j.nal aualysis I ttrirrli I lrtrt th i s p1att, that still prov j.dcrt e sl.,cct.acu'l rrt' \'ic\i' o{ tttc I}i gtrorn f rom Mrs. lli 11 ' s ir;lrrl Ltnent , tnsrvt,,rs 111. th6-ducst i on's in thc bcst. i:ossil:lt-'wnt,. I donrt thj.ul< tha't there r s l1 lre Ltc.t' >-o l.ttL i on to the problt:nt. o @ do you hnrre ttry r.:omnrcnts? It iIVc rr: l i lrouclccl . DnB l'llll\,lRllll ( finorvcl<r n'/ ) li i "lt?St,,rr,. , Oo Design Review lloerrd Red Lion Inn Renoclel March 18, 1981 Page Twenty-Nine DRB MEMBER (Snowdon?) DRB MEMBER PIERCE: LARRY ESK1VITH: DRB MEMBER TILKEIIEIER : LARRY ESK}YITH: DRB MEMBEP TILKEI{EIER : DRB MEMBtrR PIERCE: PETER PAT'I'EN DRB MEMBER PIERCE: PETIR PATTEN PETER JAMAR DRB MEMBER PIERCE: slsorf t)oN lr:1!,i \lt:!!tli::li I)1 F:lit,Ii : -'ir '{ .- r : I)lilj ]llr.lillIln ( Snorrtlon ) '6 .tt,,to We11, if therers no further discussion. I move that Exeuse me, before a motion is made I'd liketo state something. I think that if you'regoing to move in favor of the design, it isnecessary to make findings: No. 1 that youfind that it complies with the purpose sectionof the Ordinance, which is Section IB.b4.01O:and that it complies wlth the Urban DesignGuidelines. If you are going to disapprovethe project, I think that it's importantthat you move to find that it does not eomplywith the purpose section and does not comply'with the Urban Design P1an. Ok, what, what is the, again, the sectionof the Zoning Ordinance? Section of the Ordinance 18.54-.01O. .010, ok. Ok, I move that the, ilh, final approvalbe granted for the Red Lion fnn Addition inthe fact that it does comply with, um,Section 18. . .Ordinance No. 18.b4.010,Section 8... Section 18. Section 18.54:010, um, the purpose portlonof the Ordin:rnce and it also meets with the, um,Vail Village Design Considerations, datedJune 1.1, 1{)BO. We have onc addition,,, ...one other. condition, um, BilI Andrews, theassistant enginerer has not approved the sitepLan and still bas sonte problems.., . . , that the engineer-i ltg, ah, department ofthe Tori'n of Vui I grant approval- for, um, portionof this subrnit-t{.1 that Basica111, i t (lonls rvith roof ?drainage Prlor to bu i I d i ttg pcrmit . Roof cllni n*p1t'', cons i (l('l':11 I()nribt' ttl.r \. i iiu:. I lt.r l UeCeri:;it t'i l1' 1;rt1 Our trrt't:lrltrictrl ll:c clt tt ' L r;rtlrur i t () r' \rllatcver. \Yhatever t lrrrl. thoy l'ut vo , I thi nl< slroul cl1.hl1.'t't: ir rdcl j t. jon an(l notto rlo n'i t.h us but. . , <lrru'i llfTs areu't f inished yet. t ll()m , scc-ol't(l? t '," .* 1 . . {v,: ,.4\,.u" , Ol( . 1s t lrc r.c ;r t& .i'.7 } : q Design Review Board J Red Lion Inn Remodel March 18, 1981 Page Thirty pRB MF4BEB TILKEMEIER: I,Il second the motion. DnB MEMBER (Snowdon?) Ok, there has been a motion as noted, ahfor'the final approval of Red Lion fnn Remodel. The motion was made by BillPierce; second by Roger Tilkemeler. Anyfurther discussion? Ufi, all those in favor?(ayes from the board). Opposed? None. lr lo Thank you very much. I'd Like to make one pertinent eomment would 20? IYell, has 1.8.4090 b'een amended? or,.. ' Excuse me, f'11 leave it to Larry at this , f ttn not aware... amended about 6 months ago.- Can I get the. SELBY: PATTAN SETBY: MAX GAREETT: PATTEN : IEABRY ESKWITH: IIIAX GARRETT: LARBY ESKWITH: be that the decision of the Design Review Board can be appealed to the Town Council . if it's in writing to the ... I,ARBY ESKIIITH: PATTAN (?) ...to the Town Manager. .A DRB MEMBER PIERCE: 20 days, I think it is...ry 6to18 I believe you'd bettercheck that DRB MEIIBER (Snorvdon ) Ok. the next item on the agenda... . '-'f!!ry"!4!t*.+i----- lit'.\$L,flPl' PEC 2/s181 - 'l VAIu PLA,{"11,'ld & E,'lVIrl0,,lilt,lTAL CJt{'4lSSI0,'l 2-9-Bl o CHAIRI4AN:The next item on the agenda is a request for an exterior a'lteration and modifjcation in Cormercial Core I for the Red Lion Building, to construct three additional dwelling units and shops at 304 East Bridge Street. Applicant: Jeff Se1by. Staff Corments. Mr. Chairman and members of the Planning Conrnission: This is a request under the new procedure that was just adopted by the Planning Cormission last spring for a new addition to the Red Lion. I think the Planning Comission has had extensive presentation at the joint meeting between the Planning Comnission and the Council on the proposal. Proposed is approximately 2,980 square feet of new cosrnercia'l space which wou'ld be around by Seibert Circle and would actually, we feel would be a better connection in Seibert Circ1e for people to go up there and shop and just browse and just make the area much more guieter space, pleasant space. A1 so requested is three second f'loor dwelling un'its that vlou'ld contain approximately 3,580 square feet. The proposa'l for residential space is substantia'l]y under the a'l'lowed Gross Residential. Floor Area for the building. I think the applicant has been very responsive to concerns of dea'l ing with the site, of coming up with a structure, a new addition to the structure that is very compatible wjth what is proposed under the VaiI Vil'lage Urban Design Guide Plan. Also that the applicant, in the Staff's view has responded to the dea'ling with the minor view corridor which is ln the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. In a minor view corridor there can be some modification to this view corridor. I think we've all seen the presentation on the modification that wou'l d take place at the view corridor. I think we've a]so'looked at what some of the implications are if the bui'lding is modified in other ways, where other private views to be blocked substantially if the applicant continued to go with the Gross Residential Floor Area that is requested. The Staff has looked at the Urban Design considerations that the P'lanning Comnission needs to review as far as Pedestrianization. I think it's an imprcvement to Pedestrianization in the Mi'll Creek Area, coming into the Seibert Circle Area. It's a better connection to the Mi1l Creek building. I think with the moval, moving of Seibert Circle to the, to the North which is proposed under the Urban Design Guide Plan, Seibert Circ1e will actually have more sun during certain times of the year and become even a more viable place with some redesign of that taking place. The vehic'le penetration, potential1y there could be less vehicles there because the, there is presently a two car garage.where people cff|e and park at the garage and they also do tend to park in back of the gara!€r so that, at times there cou'ld be four vehicles RYAH: PEC 219181 - 2 coming into the core at all tjmes. Realizing that they have a' almost an appointed parking place in the Village. Under the proposal, the, there would be a loading and unloading zone by M'i1l Creek' so that the peop'le who wou'ld be us'ing the condomjnium unjts would be ab'le to use that area to load and unload thejr vehicles. And then they would be required' un1 ess they had some space that we don't know about, each time to go to the parking structure or if they had a renta'l car, they may return the rental car because they may not need it ti1 'l the end of the week or untj'l they go back to Denver or wherever they're going. The' on the east side would a'lso be the abi'l ity to have a loading area so that the trucks who wou'l d be servjcing this building, would be able to use that as a loading area for'loading and un'loading goods for this building. The streetscape framework, I thjnk I've already talked about thc fact that we feel that the adding of the corunercial shops to that end of the street would provide the opportunity for people to actually come up there and walk through Seibert Circle, instead of iust, I think' what many do is get up and look down at, look down the street and dec'iderwel 1 nothing worth go'ing down further to Mjl1 Creek, and I thjnk it will be an improved cpportunity, p1 us from the design I thjnk a very beautiful entry into the shops. The street edge and street enclosure: The applicant has denonstrated that the street enclosure of at'least 1-1 /2 to 1 as expressed in the Vail Village Urban Design Gujde Plan is met by this, and that there is some street enclosure by the proposal, but I think you should look at the model here today, there's still a very comfortab'le fee'l 'i ng as you would wa1 k down the street. The building height, the proposal does meet the Urban Design Guide Plan for building height that's expressed as a formula. Actually the whole building, I be1 ieve is under the thirty feet, which is one of the main criterias,so that it doesn't even have to have the percentage of thirty to forty feet where a certain percentage could be actually h'igher. The view corridor, I think I've a'l ready talked about. There is some intrusion into the view coridor taking p1 ace from Hill Street. The Staff does feel that's an acceptable change to the view corridor. The sun/shade aspect: There is no impact actually' because the sun is coming from south and it is actually not blocking the, of shading part of the street or another bui'lding. As far as the zoning code is concerned, the major aspect here would be that the app'licant would be required to pay the parking fee that's been estab'l ished jn Vail Vil'lage for the new addition of the residential space and for the PEC 2/el8't - 3 GERRY: RUOFF: GERRY: PETER: and would be respons'ible for paying for the remova'l of parking spaces that are in the present garage. The' under the Architectura'l and Landscape controls that are in the Design considerations of the Urban Design Guide plan, I think the applicant, as far as the architectural desigry has responded to what the essence of what is being proposed in the Design Considerations, that actua'lly have a building fit the character of vail vi'l'lage, and actually fit the building that is currently there. The design, we feel blends in with and is very comp]imentary to the existing Red Lion bui]ding. The reconnendation of the staff is for approva] of the request subject to three conditions,lthut th" applicant agrees to participate and not remonstrate against the special improvement district if one is formed for vai] village;2 That the applicant agrees to upgrade the landscap'i ng along Mi'l I creek and present the p'l an to the community Development Department for approva] ; and 3 the applicant agrees to participate financially in street improvements, for example street paving, street lighting, and relocating the focal pojnt of seibert Circle if the improvement district is not fonned, then the app'l icant would share simi'l ar amount, that if we were ab] e to get an agreement of all property owners in the surrounding area to agree on something'l ike a special assessment to improve seibert circ]e and that I'm sure the Town would also be participating in whatever improvements would be there, so, it wou'ld be the recornnendation of the conrnunity. Development Department is for approval of this request. Are there conments from the appl'icant? Dick, you might want to read this. Do you want me to do it? Bill why don't you wait and we'll read into the record that we have received one letter. Go ahead. Yea, we received a letter, I think al'l , wel'l the Planning Cormissioners may not have rece'ived it, dated February 3, l98l addressed to p'l anning and Environmenta'l conmission. Dear Mr. cha'irman and commission Members; "llith regret I am unab'le to attend your published meeting on February 9, 1981, as I must be in Chicago that day. I wish to present to the Cormission by way of a l5 minute walking site visit, opposition by Mrs. Court'l and Hill and myself, Jack Curtin, to the request to modify the exterior of the Red Lion Build'ing in Conmercial Core I. I respectfully request that you a'l low a continuance of your hearing until I may present collective'ly orindividually to you, my opposition material . your schedule, I understand is very full, but because of the importance of your decision I hope you wil'l feel compelled to hear the property owners who are defjnitely PEC ug/a-' - 4 oo February .|0, on, for my presentation. Thank you for your consideration of my request. Very truly yours, Jack J, Curtin, cop'ies to Rodney Slifer, ' Richard Kaplan, myself and Mrs. Joan Hill (Plaza Lodge owner). GERRY: 0K. RUOFF: Thank you, I am Bill Ruoff, Architect for the applicant for the project. Before I go into my speal of presentation, I'd'l jke to say Dick just stole my thunder. You said a'll the things I'm prepared to say. I can repeat them al'l and elaborate on any, or I might ask for some direction from you, the Planning Cormission. Do you want to hear me say it a'l 'l aga'in, point to the pictures at the same time, or move on to particulars, because Dick gave a rather comprehensive point-by-po'int. DAN: Has the presentation changed any at all, or any substantial'ly from what you gave us at our joint meeting. |rJe're still looking at the same building, aren't RUOFF: Noth'ing substantive. At that time, when you saw thjs model , four weeks ago, there weren't any windows sn this bui'lding, there weren't any people in the streets, but the Red Lion Building itself has not been touched. I can't remember, maybe you could, did we have a picture painted on the wa1 'l ? DAN: No I don't remember either, I didn't notice. DAN: The presentation isn't any different, or what I'm getting at, if there's something really different that we djdn't discuss last time that's naybe what we ought to go over. RUOFF: No there is not. [.Je have come prepared today to show you again the same presentatjon that you saw at the joint meeting at the Ath'letic C'lub our weeks ago. R0GER: I think that everybody on the Town, on our Cormission heard that and unless ' there are people in the audience that are here particularly for this issue and would'l ike to hear it aga'in, I don't think it's necessary. PETER: Sid just brought up a point, and that is maybe the presentation shou'ld be made with, in 'light of that, if an appeal is fi'led they have to make the same presentation. Proceed. RUOFF: Peter does it have to be word for word? I didn't bring my tape recdrder. PETER: It just mostly to iust go over again the various exhibits, and then later on we'll have it for the Council if we need it. GERRY: I think that's sufficient. RU0FF: The, yes the graphic materials, p'i ctures of the model are identica'| . l,le have added nothing to what was there. If you'd like in the interest of saving time, we can identify them for the record. PETER: Uhm, that might be a good idea.RU0FF: It took a'lmst 40 minltes. Maybe we ought to get to just discuss the things that were guestioned PEC 2/9/81 - 5 ? ESKI.IITH: SIBLEY: ? SIBLEY: GERRY: RUOFF: GERRY: ROGER: ? RUOFF; GERRY: ROGER: JIM: RUOFF: last time. Can't we just enter some stuff. You know, I mean if he want to protect the record I think you should add to what you feel you should need to protect it, but I think most of the findings have beem made by the cormission and that the, it,s been found to comp'ly with the relcvent ordinances. I don't know if you would have to go through the entire presentation again. I just want to make sure that the exhibits as might be used at the time that were in front of the council are, in fact, the councils. As this letter indicates of mine, I wou'ld just assume at least make reference to those specific exhibits that you have up and the other drawings that we have. So that, Certa i nly. I think it would be good I would just make one coment and that is that I think that the questions that were raised and discussed at that joint meeting should be raised and discussed again. Right now. For the record. The substantial points, running down the Iist from the guidelines, Dick has already done. I can repeat that or we can, I then I agree I w.i't 1 go through' talk briefly about the drawings, we wil] look at the photo overlays that we had, whjch display the vjew corridors and how they are affected. I guess what I'm saying, do you feel that it is necessary for me to repeat substantial'ly what Dick just went through. No I don't. I th'ink it is .important I think if you endorse what he said. All right if you can support I do, and then, because, I think it's important to bring out, right, once again the questions that were raised by the conrnissioners at that time, and we can start with whoever wou]d I i ke to start. I think it was view corridors primarily that were the things I was concerned about' and the relationship of your drawings to the urban Design plan and that's already been covered. Oidn't you have some photographs at one pointl Yes' I will. Let me run through the drawings quickly first and then we'll run through the photographs. This is the base plan. This p'lan includes al'l of upper Bridge Street and crosses M'ill creek and takes in l4ill creek court and the christiania, a]l the surrounding buildings. The Red Lion superimposed upon the blue p'lan of the new building is here for reference rrv 1l tl6l to show. The Red Line is the exitring wa11 of the Red Lion as you see it in this photograph. It does not come out to property ljne at present though. The proposed addition does. These are the three elevations drawings which show in considerable detai1 the proposed changes, and they answer rather specifically the points in the Guide Lines for Architectura'l detail, articulation and a, pedestrian sca'le on the street. The top drawing on this side and the one be'low it, i]]ustrate the difference between the street enc'losure ratio as it exists today with fh. 'lo*, with the roof of the Red Lion coming down very1ow to only about 7 or 8, only about 7 feet really above the street. The existing patio in there is actually below street level . The drawing irmediately below shows the same re1 ationsh'ip as it wi'l'l exist after the addition is made. The ratio of w'idth to height, is the average ratio of width to he'ight is almost exactly a l/4 to 'l at present. Under the guide'lines., this is considered beyond the limits of good, comfortable street enc'losure. Uhat we've been able to do is achieve one of 112 to I, a'lmost exact'ly 1/2 to I which is considered opt'imum. The next drawing be'low is really just an i'llustration of the height restriction, pardon me the height statistics on the bui'lding. The red line running up to this he'ight, shows the height that is a'l1owed under the currently existing zoning and guidelines. It cou'ld be a three story building as are all of the surrounding buildings, except one 2-story and one 4-story. The average height of all surrounding buildings in the neighborhood is three stories. We're proposing though, for a number of reasons, the Red Ljon addition be kept down to two stories. This a'lso keeps GRFA and other things way under the limit, about 4,000 square feet under the ]imit on GRFA and the whole store height under on a hejght of build'ing. The bottom drawing i'l'lustrates the principal pedestrian pathways up Bridge Street, in and out Eridge Street, around Seibert Circ'le as they will exist after the project is finished. They are not substantia'lly different from what they are today, but we feel that the introduction of interesting transparent shop fronts, from the Red Lion entrance on around the corner into Hanson Ranch Road, toward Mil'l Creek Court building will draw the pedestrians in a way they do not go. They come up, they follow this path on by Baxters, the S'lope tourard the nountain, or hit the shops here go over to Cyrano's, but there is nothing to draw them th'is way. lle think we can close the Circle and contain this square, the whole plaza area. Rdally, we think we are going to complete it. There are several other drawings that we have here, which you saw at the other meeting. tle pick them up and down and I think we should do so again today. YLC Zl9l6t - ? RUOFF: For a very brief revjew. They are background information and we used them to answer questions if you wi'l I remember on a heights and what if we did something else instead of what we did. Certa i nly ' 0K. }Je have here, we spent no tirne, didn't even refer to them much more than to say we had them the other time because they are not of direct jnterest at thjs time. They are the floor pl ans of the three f1oors as they will exist after the addition is made. The basement which will contain the new night club and contajn the noise because there won't be any windows that wi'l I open out be'low the neighbors. The shops and the new condominiums as they will exist on the f'loor above. llel'l let's just run through them all. This is a picture, I don't believe I did show this the other time, because I don't think we even got into it. l'le have this one up at Red Lion to show the outline of what the 3-story building would like, would'look'l ike. This is an actua1 rendered elevation of what it wou'ld]ook like. l,le think that it is a moot point at this stage, cause we don't rea'l 1y want to go to that height. These are overlays of the principa'l elevat'ion of ttre building. If you, there are severa'l series of dotted'l ines. They're all a'l ittle from the one you see. But within it we are able to show the principal alternative methods of putting the roofs on this building. The reason that we chose the one that you see in the model , and in the final drawings up here' is because we fee'l it is the best compromise on the issue, we1 1 really only one issue is at stake here and it is view plains, view corridors. l'Je feel that the two low gables that we've shown there are better than any of these. We bring these along, occasiona'l ]y someone asks what if you did this instead of that, we can show on these exactly what would have happened if we had done this instead of that and why we chose the one that you see in the mode'l . These are sun angle and shadow diagrams which we only referred to the last time because, again, as Dick said' they're really not germain to our problem because we're fortunate enough to be on the north side of the street. lle're not casting shadowi on anyone. These basically show how the neighbor casts a little bit of shadow on us. And this is a depjction of the actual view corridor as it exists through Hill Street. There is a very slight difference between this one and the angles as they are shown on the official Town Map in the Guidelines. l,le discovered when we got out there with instruments and cameras and measurements and so forth that the one on the Town P'lan is off by about maybe 1 degree. It's a very minor thing. lJe plotted this one from informatioir which we have' which we PEC 2/9181 -8 generated through the project, and is a litt]e more accurate, cause we had more time to dig jnto it. And so, this is an extremely accurate ca]culated proiection of the view corrjdor. The Vjew corridor: the principal exhibits concerning the view corridor, of course' are the pictorial ones. These blown-up photographs. That's it for now. Not today, it was a few months ago' before we November or December, the over'l ay done jn color to emphasis rather than diminish it, the impact as jt will, the impact on the view corridor' As it wi] l be viewed from what we consider is probably the most critical point' in the entjre'l ength of Hil'l Street, which isn't very much, that critica1 point we feel is back here. It's actually standing in Jack Curtin's front door - curtin & Hill, which is right there. The reason we picked thjs as the most important because a'll of the people traversing l{al'l street heading toward the mountain, or wherever' pass this way, they can look over their shoulder and thjs'is what they will see as opposed to the people wa] king through the street. 0n1y ha] f of them can see it, un'less they have eyes on the back of their head. so we feel that this is the most important one. Ne do have also, a smal]er scale' a series of photographs show.ing how jt disappears as you walk forward up Hill street. They are sma'l ler, we did not pin them up at the other presentation, we again iust mentioned that they are here as part of the material from which these were enlarged so you could see them across the room' The view of the snow- capped peaks of the Gore remains. But we wj'l I cut off some of the foreground and big brown hil'l-side above the h'ighway. It actually comes down by the golf course. That part we feel that the visitor or most people jt's the snow-capped peaks out there that are the most important part of the view. so that is the degree to which we impinge upon the minor view corridor in Hill Street. l,le went a'l itt'le farther than was required strictly under the zoning and other regulations in this Town and we djd the same kind of study on the two adjoin.ing neighbors upon whom there is impact on views. And that is the two on either side of Hil] Street. Here on the second floor at the end of the Plaza Lodge is the apartment of l'lrs. Joanne Hill. Across the street on the entire second and third floor of thjs bui'lding is the residence of l.lrs Court'land Hil'l . }Je wil'l have an impact upon the view from Joanne Hill's living room and we will have an impact on the view from, I forget what christy uses this room for, the room at this corner -That's Jack's apartment. Jack.Curt :in's apartment- ,0h wait a minute that's what it js. It'S been remode'l ed So much' Irve PETER: RUOFF: ?EC2/s/81 - e o GERRY: GAYNOR: o only been up there once since it's been done, just to'look at Jack's place. Yea, this is, now the windows over here and the rest of her house are not affected. 0K. This photograph was taken from just inside, maybe 20 inches back of the glass of the b'ig sliding glass door which is the main viewing point from Joanne Hi'l l's'l iving room, This is what she sees today. The impact on her view, 'is rather similar to what jt is in Hill Street. Her view now is cut off by the existing chimney of the Red Lion and the top floors of the Christiania. She sees the peaks across here and some of the va1 ley and brown hillside of the foreground, Our new roof line will come across here, cut-off that bottom piece right in there about like this. It wil1 still leave the view of the peaks. Now 'l et's 'look at the similar th'ing as seen from Christy Hil'l 's house. Here is the view presently. Down onto the 1ow parts of the roof here. The addition will come out this way. The piece of view that is cut-off here, none of the peaks are impacted at all. Th'is end of the roof right here will cut-off this piece of, aga'in the same sage brush hill side that's above the b'ig cuts opposite the 9th and'l0th fairways on the golf course wh'ich are, we al'l know are beside the Highway. In brief form that is the presentation of the points that we reviewed at the joint meeting three or four weeks ago. The material that we showed at that time. 0K. Thank you Bill. I wou'ld like to just make one corment quick'ly, and the same coment I made at that joint meeting, and that is I think that you have a rather significant impact on the view corridor on Hill Street, and that in terms of the streetscape, that by moving the, what would be the southwest corner of your roof, which 'is western roof, back about 15 feet it would be more inviting in terms of taking people around the corner, which is after all what your design plan is hoping it wi'l'l achieve and would have 'less of an impact in terms of a confin'ing streetscape, which I think is what the impact wi'll be. It will be confining in terms of Bridge Street. It wi1l extend Bridge Street up a litt'le bit further than I think it should be. So that's my cornent, which is the same corment I made before. Does anybody else have sorrc corments about anything? I think I lfked it the way it's being proposed in the sense that I think they have, on the south end have done enough design work both on the roof and indentations and entrance ways and windows to not create a square building on the end and I liked it the way it was proposed. If you move back 15 feet, then you would go, you wou'l d have a 'less than 1/2 to I ratio which for some reason is the magic number in the Guideline. SCOTT: PEC 2/e/81 - 10 GERRY:I would just comment that that is a recorme o nded view corridors are not necessarily determined by That view corridor js identified as a secondary number. Streetscape and numbers, a1one. view corridor in the,ROGER: GERRY: ? ROGER: GERRY: DAN: GERRY: DUANE: GERRY: J IM: RUOFF: GERRY: is it not? Yes Minor view corridors In our de'l iberations I think, in the development of the Guide PIan those were not considered as primary factors to be concerned with, and I liked the design the way you have it. I think its a very nice job in addressing the problems and in trying to litigate all of the potential objections and I think that, based on the a1lowed GRFA, I think they exhibit a lot of restraint. (CHANGE TAPE) Dan do you have any comnents? I like the presentatjon. I think jts a nice treatment of the site. Duane Really, I do agree with you. l.|e have obstructed to a certain degree a minor view corridor. I feel in this particular case that the improvement to the more intimate street sense of views and the arrangements of the buildings outweigh the fact that we do have slight obstruction there. I do'like the addition and am in favor of it. Jiruny do you have any comments? tllell I think the'impact that's been shown here is probably the best picture you can get of it. I think as you go down the alley the impact of the building is considerably more. I mean you on'ly move about l0 feet down and you 'lose the peaks, don't you? Jim, as you walk through now you begin to lose the view about here. l,lith the new wing you wi'l'l begin to lose it about here. tJe1l say, yea it diminishes until we reach this point or thjs area, then it's gone. As it is now, it diminishes and you lose you about here. My concern isn't with seeing the peaks in tota'l pey'se. My concern is with the sense of space. That, that the whole concept of space, of course, is what makes Bridge Street unique, and versar, and I think this goes just a little bit further than it should in terms of enclosing the street. I think that both things can be achieved. I like the building and I like the fact that the building is bigger in that particular spot. I ]ike that fact that the road is closed, but not that much. As with most of these th'ings, Gerry we end up all compromjsing between .. a lot of different aspects. There is some compromise in shape of bu'ildings RUOFF: rEv al>l o1 - rl GERRY: OLIVER: DICK: OLIVER: DICK: OLIVER: oo to maintain as much as possible the view. It's true, on the ratios in here, we have followed the new recormended Guide1 ines rather c1ose1y. It wasn't difficult because it did happen to work out the two story scheme here gave it to us. l,le conscjously wanted to create rpre of a sense of enclosure for the Seibert Circ'le area, and we feel now that with the roof sloping down, the space isn't contained very well. But, this we have all discussed before. There is no doubt it is a compromise amongst many elements. Yea, Are there any corments from the audience, questions? My name is Robert 0liver and I didn't introduce myse'l f before but I represent I work for the Plaza Lodge and a'lso for the P'l aza building and I'm representing Mrs. Hi11. She's concerned about the things your talking about as far as the view corridor down Hill Street and, of course. more primarily mostly because of the obstruction of the view from her apartment. What's going to happen, these people who are trying their best but she's still concerned about the lack of view corridor that is going to come our of her casement windows and also that sliding glass door. I, just one thing that I caught when you were saying Dick,-and this is me, I can't understand why you can say that there is a potential loss of traffic. You can'tchange onecondominium and turn it into five and add five shop space and not expect the traffic flow on Bridge Street. For someone who has a shop there or someone is giving the condomjnium to Slifer to rent out every week, that traffic is go'ing to much greater. I think there is the potential for being less traffic in the sense that right_ now I But the odds are greater, I mean there a lot, there's a lot of people who come there and park in those spaces on a continuing basis of just pulling in and pulling out of using the Core area. Why with the condominiums there is at least the potential that you cone in, drop your clothes off, bags off one day, and you may not need to come back to the to actua'lly the building until you actually leave the site, instead of coming in there and driving in and say I want to go lomep'l ace for, do some quick shopping and you probably are going to walk down there and get on a shutt'le bus rather than walk back to the Transportation Center if you left your car there., or turn the car in. l{ell that might be true, but you can't add all the space and say the traffic flows going to go down. I guess my feeling is that it's notRYAN:going to increase dramat'ica'l ly from the PEC 2/9/81 -12 OLI VER: J IM: DICK: RUOFF: JIM; RUOFF: from the, there's the potentia'l that jt could go down' Just from what I see the use of those spaces that are in front of the garage now which areconstantlybeingusedbyeverybodyjnTowntopul.|jnandparkbecause they-now there's a parking space there' Ithjnktheoddsareit'sgojngtogoupparticularlywjtha].|the shops Yea, you would have to expect that you're going to have more traffic with npre peop'le having to bring stuff into shops etc" I think what your say'ing is that there is space there that people are parking in and for some reason because your going to have, your going to eat up some of that space maybe you're going to have less park'ing' but the actua]demandof,likethosefiveshopsandfivecondominiums obvious'ly'i s going to have more demand then what you've got there now in terms of Ithjnkthepotentia.lfortheshopsisgo.ingtobethreesmallshops probably, because there's only some 3,000 some odd square feet of Yea, the potential-here js for three shops' yea, wel runut.r"rl ffi:}"'s got to be an jncrease in vehicular traffic' I don't see how you can go from the restaurant and one condo to' ' 0h, Jim, we don't feel that there is going to be any substantjal'increase innumbersinvehic]es,becausethevehic]esthatserve'thesearenot foodoperations,wedon'thavebeertrucksormeattrucksthathavetocome everydaytothe.Theyaresmallshopsthattendtogetshipments'sure they get shipments pretty often, most of them by UPS or occasionally by freight or some delivered to the'ir homes cause thg\^e using their garage as an extra warehouse and they have to get their own car in there' But aside from the owner bring'ing in a. station wagon occasionally to haul sonething that he.is storing in his garage, we see that a UPS Van parked here, somewhere today anyway while he goes to four or five places here goes to two ski shops and a'l 'l the surrounding neighborhood. Ne're going to bring the UPS van in more often. l'Je may cause him to park there an extrafiveminuteswhi.|eherunshjs,intothesethreeshopsandmakes adelivery.Butwefeelthatisquitedjfferentfrombringinghimin. manymoretimes.|,|edon'tthinkhewilldothat.}|ethjnkthatthe existing pattern' the trucks that park along here from Cyrano's and Go'l d Peak will continue. Some of the points that we discussed before' they go a ljttle beyond this project. l,Ie did at the work session discuss a little bit, some of the things that wi]l happen when and if the seibert Circ] e improvements are implemented because they compliment what we are doing' PEC 219181 - '13 GERRY: RYAN: o That will help to channe'l ize the traffic so the trucks, then will always park on the same side of the street and you won't fjnd Bj'l 'l Burnett's Van b'lock'ing the other side so that if an emergency vehic'le does come through he can get through. These will be improvements. Again' the cars' we all know the history of the build'ing. For many years Marg and Laffy Burdick lived there full time. It was the'ir main home. They kept two cars in the garage. They were like us. They had a lot of business around Town they'd run in and out. The number of vehicular movements is what we,re concerned with. Now, I didn't have any reason and I don't think any one did, but cormon sense-'if you think about it for a minute may point the direction. An active coup'le'living here fu]l time, and the times they bring there cars out and in every day on the average js two or three tjmes a day for each car, is going to exceed the number of car movements for a condo owner who comes and stays a week and comes in and out once. I really think the s'ituation for the condos in the building is going to be very similar to what you have at the Plaza Lodge today' because your guests come in and out. How long, the length of stay - who knows? l^lho knows who's going to buy those, how long they're going to use it? I'll tell you one thing though, let's not go and play the paper numbers game,but let,s be realistic about it. The prices for which units go in the center of the Vi]]age automatically tell us something' That they aregoingtobeboughtbypeoplewiththatmuchmoney.Peoplewiththat 9o much money in the cookie jar t6 slap down on a coup'le of fancy apartnents Ma in the center of the vi'l lage, and then givenabout $200'000 to decorate it are realiy not interested in having Slifer stuff it with every come and run it like a hotel , because that amount of income they're not interested in and most of those people don't want those people staying in their p1 ace in vail. They aren't rented very often. They're given away to friends and family. But, realities of economics and human nature pretty welt te'l 'l us, no these are not going to have the frequencyofusethatthesmallercondosor.|essexpensiveonesinother parts of the cormunitY do- Thank You,8i11. I,d just like to add that there is also 90'ing to be a l0ading area a10ng the east. side of the bujlding too, so that there will be the opportunity for someone coming in there to un'load the'ir bags and luggage without actually being parked in the street' And the ne'ighboring adioining points in the Va'i.I, Jmprove Vail Plan compliment this beautifully' and wil'l' RUOFF: PEC 2/9/81 - 14 GERRY: Are there other corments or questions? from the audience? Ed Drager. DMGER: I'm Ed Drager and I'm here as an interested citizen. I sat on that same Planning Cormission up there for four years.,and for four years myself and a whole lot of other people worked to get the Improve Vai1 iob done 'o stop deve'lopment as a matter of right in the Corn-nercial Core of Vai1, and it has been accomplished, and I think the developers here have paid a great deal of sensitivity to the work and the desires, and the hopes that we had and one of the agonizing things we went through was whether or not Hill Street was or was not even a minor view corridor at the time. It won out as a minor view corridor. I think the modifications here on the Red Lion are going to hurt, maybe damage or shorten up that view corridor, but I think the improvement overall is a very good improvement and jf I were sitting on that sjde of the table today I'd be voting for it. Thank you. GERRY: Thank you Ed, Are there any other corrnents from the audience? Gaynor: GAYN0R: Are you going to be required to have parking spaces or- RU0FF: Yes, it's in there- It's at the end of the Town's recomnendation, it's stated in the conditions DICK: 0n Page 3 on the bottom of the page, they are required to pay the appropriate fee for parking. GERRY: 0K, I'm just going to quickly ask Jeff if he is familiar wjth and comfortable wjth the conditions of approval. SELBY: Would you read those to me? GERRY: Sure. -The app'l icant agrees to participate in and not remonstrate against a special improvement district if and when formed for Vail Village. Z. the Applicant agrees to upgrade the'landscaping alon.o Hill Creek and present the plan to Corrnunity Development for approval. 3. The applicant agrees to participate financially in street improvements e.g. street pavers' street ljghts and the relocated foca'l point at Seibert Circle if an improvement district is not formed. The applicant's share would be determined by the street frontage of property in Seibert Circle and other property owners in area wou'l d also have to agree to participate. SELBY: 0n the final one, it would be basical'ly, it would not be a situation where we'd be the onry property owner in the area, would be, the applicant's share would be determined by street frontage property on Seibert Circ'le of all property owners contributing, is that correct? GERRY: That's. correct. ? i Is that the understanding of your recommendation?.' ; Pgc 2/9/81 - 15 SELBY: I think we can live with all those recormendations' GERRY:If,youknow,youareawarethatitwouldbeaconditionforapproval. If approved, it wou'ld be approved on that condition' SELBY: Yea, I understand. Those things may not be know unti'l such a time as improvements are comp'leted, but I wou'l d assume that those conditions wouldgobeyondtheper.iodinwhichweimprovetheproperty.Itseems to me that we may get down the road a year or two everyone will say 1et's upgrade the Seibert Circle, jn that area, and we wou'l d be requested to come in at that time to contribute funds towards those improvements. That's fine' yea, I have no troub'l e with that as long as it's an area wide understanding with other ProPerty owners. GERRY: OK DAN:Iwouldmovetoapprovetherequestforanexteriora.|teration and modification in Cormercia'l Core I for the Red Lion bui'lding per the staff memo and as Presented today. GERRY: Motion for approval by Dan Corcoran. Is there a second? ROGER: Yes. I second. GERRy: second by Roger Tilkemeier. A'l'l those in favor? scott Edwards' Roger Tilkemeier, Gaynor Mil.|er, Dan Corcoran, Duane Pipe' Jim Morgan. and I'm aga'inst because I don't like that one section of the of that one building, so. SELBY: Thank You very much GERRY: Motion passed and that's the end of that' o o Dcte ofJelicofion tvu/e0 APPTICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS oR MODtFtCAT|ONS lN COMMERCTAL CORE 1 (CCl) l. This procedure is required for ollerotion of on existing building which odds or removes ony enclosed f loor oreo or ouldoor potio or replocemeni of on existing building sholl be subiect fo review by the Plonning ond Environmeniol Commission. The opplicotion will not be occepled until oll informofion is submitted, A. NAME OF APPLICANT Mr. Jeff Selbv ADDRESS P.O. Box 1528 Voil, Colorodo 81657 PH ONE 476-0s22 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE RuoffAentworth Architects, A.l.A. ADDRESS 500 Lionsheod Moll Voil Co 81657 PH ONE 476-3051 C. AUTHORIZATIO PERTY OWNER SIGNATU ADDRESS P .O.,8o]}/1525 YoiI,lorodo 81657 PHONE 4764522 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Red Lion Inn 304 E. Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lois E, F, G, & H, Block 5 A, Voil Villoge lst Filing I fi Ar ^.1|l'tv 'J ,,1 qb \oo' E. FEE $ 100.00 plus l5f for F. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF LOCATION OF BUILDING G. A LIST OF THE NAME OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. ll . Site Plon - See ottoched drowinos. eoch property owner to be notified. PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINES AND AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND. OWNERS OF ,ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE o ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE RED LION INN - Mill Creek Court Condominium Associotion c/o Arthur G. Bishop & Compony 302 Honson Ronch Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 ,./,PorV,s Bui lding c/o Elton Bud Porks 303 Gore Creek Drive Voil, Colorodo 81657 Golden Peok House Condominium Associotion 278 Honson Ronch Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 r,The Plozo Building c/oMrs. Joonne V. Hill 301 Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 The Rucksock Condominium,Associotion c/o R.endezvous West P.O. Box 397 . Voil, Colorodo 81657 Hill Buildino [z Mrs. Cortloiat Hill 3ll Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 V et' C /'' t fi," ': ,'*"f Qa/a soa iJ.x 6{ ,"J, {Ly vt/ / n- /l,l ^(L"'oc(L'L'',5./ ft-L-. fror 1 J"f-l Sa T3ol Red Lion Exponsi ono Pg'2 o III. RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PL,AN l. The design of the proposed Red Lion exponsion is the result of o sfrong ond purposeful effort to respond to both the spirit ond the letter of the Voil Villoge Urbon Design Guide Plon. 2. To understond the opprooch token in fhis proiect ii is necessory to consider the noture ond function of Bridge Street. Bridge Street hos olwoys been the most successful pedeslrion woy in Voil. The covered bridge is its beginning, importing o wonderful sense of enchonimeni ond prornise. As one odvonces up the sfreet the sense of promise is odmirobly fulfi lled by the comfortobly pedestrion scoled spoces of the streei cnd its livelyness ond excitement sustoined by its confinous porode of colorful ond individuolisfic shops ond restouronts . Unforf unotely, the "end" of Bridge Street hos never quite fulfilled the prcnise of its "beginning" ond "middle". The very successful streetscope of Bridge St., its neckloce of shop ond resfouronts, breoks obrupily iust post the entronce to the Red Lion Restouront. Here the comfortoble sense of street enclosure begins to leok owoy to the left where it sort of trickles oround the corner loword nothing in porticulor. Bridge St. deserves o more fiiting "end". Whqt could be more oppropriote fhon o smoll, sunny plozo with the some pleosont feeling of enclosure os fhe rest of the street, cornpletely ringed wiih the some kinds of smoll shope ond resfouronfs? Sornething with o reol sense of t'ploce " . Fortunoiely, neorly oll the pieces needed io moke this cqne true olreody exist. Seibert Circle is "olmost buf not quite" whot it could be . Only fill in the gop on ils northeost ( Red Lion ) side ond it wi ll become complete . 5. This is precisely vhot the Red Lion Exponsion is designed to do. ,Al I the ingredients of the recepe for "how to do it" ore contoined in the Voil '3. 4. Red Li xponsion Pg. Villoge Urbon Design Guide Plon . The two most signif icont concepts frrn the Guide Plon which occornplish this ore: o. Street Enclosure: By roising the Red Lion south woll to 2 onEo height ond moving it oui to the pr-operty line, the present rotio of 1/4 to one (bod) between Red Lion ond Cyrono's is l/2 lo one (optimum). b. Streetscope Fromework: Interesting smoll shop fronts continue from Red Lion entronce oround the corner to their noturol terminus ot Mill Creek opposite Cyrono's . This increoses focode tronsporoncy ond strengthens pedestrion octivity wifh entries into ihe streef where none now exist. 6. Bridge Street Sub * Areo Concept #l I in ihe Guide Plon oddresses specificolly the Red Lion property. 'lt reods os foliows: ll . Limited bui lding exponsion/im provemen ts , Increose focode tronsporency on south side to strengthen pedestrion ociivity, with entry to street. Potentiol exponsion of building to south property line. Additionol veriicol exponsion moy be considered on south end of building to improve sfreet enc losure proportions but must respecl designoted Hi ll slreet - Gore Ronge view corridors. Potentiol second level open bolcony deck (sun pocket ) to resforeoctivify to slreei lost from ground floor terroce. The Guide Plon Mop of the oreo designotes the site of the proiect os "lnfill Exponsion Opportunity - Within Estoblished Constroints". 7 . On ly one oreo of difficulty wos discovered in following the directions of the Guide Plon. The Minor View Corridor from Hill 5t. is presently defined on its bottom side by ihe existing roof of the Red Line, Therefore, ony exponsion whotsoever to fhe south side of the Red Lion must necessorily offect this view corridor. Deiermining the lowest feosible roof line ihus become the overiding design limitotion which led to the use of two porollel ridges os indicoted on the design drowings, Only o flot roof could be lower, but it would - story enc los ure chonged fo Red Lion Expcnsi on Pg. 4o be orchitecturolly unocceptoble in this port of the Villoge. 8. .lt wos felt thot the moior improvements ochievoble by exponding the Red Lion ond their positive impoct on lhe very lorge numbers of people who frequent the Bridge St./Seibert Circle oreo worrenfed f oleronce of the negotive impoct of portiol encroochment into the Hill St, minor view corridor which impocts signif icontly smoller numbers of people. 9. One point of posiiive impoct from the p'roiect which is not covered by the Guide Plon is eliminofion of noise pollution ' At present, when loud bonds ploy in the street leve I bor, especio lly with the windows oPen I o number of the neighbors hove hod couse to comploin. The proposed design moves the bor to the bosement ond ploces o l0t' solid concrele slob over it. effectively conloining ihe noise . .10. Bridge St. Sub - Areo Concept #10 in the Guide Plon specificollyoddresses Seibert Circle . lt reods os follows: I0. Seibert Circle. Feoture oreo poving treoment. Relocote focol point (potentiol fountoin) io north for better sun exposure (foll/spring), creotes increosed plozo oreo ond ore the bockdrop for ovtivifies, Seporoted poth on north sides for unimpeded pedestrion route during delivery periods. The Town of Voil is currently moking design studies to implement the Guide Plon suggestions for Seibert Circle ond Honson Ronch Rd. to its crossing of Mill Creek. The Red [on Project designers hove worked closely with the To,vn of Voil's designers to ossure thot both the privofe ond public proiects work togeiher os one unified oreo improvement. lt is hoped thot these two proiecis con be considered togeiher, becouse eoch is dependont upon the other to ochieve its full effectiveness ' P.ei Lion lxponsion Pg. 5 U IV. COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED ITEMS FROM THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A. Pedestrioni zoii on: Use of feoture povers olong retoil shop frontoge ond between shops ond proposed focol point (see item l0 of Urbon Design Guide Plon for Bridge St. ) leods to unimpeded pedestrion route, especiolly during delivery times. lnteresting ond colorful shop fronts encouroge pedesfrion movement from Bridge St. into Honson Ronch Rd ond on toword shope in Mill Creek Court Bldg. Vehicle Penefroiion: Current potterns of vehiculor use wi ll remcin unchonged except for more oitroctive ond effeciive seporotion of vehicle ond pedestrion poihs. The Urbon Design Guide Plon colls for norrowing of Honson Ronch Rd' os it crosses Mi ll Creek to creoie o more posiiive sense of eniry into the Seibert Circle oreo from the eost. Continuoiion of the pedestrion woy defined by povers to the eosl side of Mill Creek will enhonce this concept' Streeiscope Fromework: The existing south foce of the Red Lion (Honson Ronch Rd.) consisis mostly of low blonk wolls. semi-opoque windows, ond goroge ond fire exit doors seporoted from the street by o seldom used dining ierroce ond low stone woll. These feotures hove o negotive impoct on the quolity of the wolking experience, especiolly when controsted wifh the exciting experience of o wolk thru Bridge St. which now ends roiher obruptly on the eosi side iust post the entronce to the Red Lion reslouroni. One of the most imporiont feotures of the proposed proieci is thot it will extend the highly successful Bridge St. ombionce oround the corner ond into Honson Ronch Rd. io its noiurol ierminotion oi Mill Creek. D. Slreet Enclosure: Between the preseni Red Lion bldg. ond Cyrono's the roiio of overoge building height io distonce seporoting buildings is opproximotely 1/4 to one, which imports olmost no sense of enclosure. The proposed proiect will chonge this rotio to olmost exocily l/2 to one. which provides the most comfortoble sense of sireet enclosure ' B. c- Red Li xPonSron Ps.6 E.Street Edge: Smoll irregulorities in the building focode ond intimotely scoled individuol shop fronts creote visuol interest oi pedestrion level. Chonge of moteriols from stucco of street f loor reinforces pedestrion scole ond further defines ground leve I commercio I frsn upper leve I residentio | . F. Building Height: Highest roof ridge of proposed oddition is 25' obove streel level, two feet lower fhon moin roof ridge of exisfing Red Lion. Yf.:, The view thru Hill St. ioword the eost is designofed o Minor View Plone. The north - south roof ridge of the proposed oddition to the Red Lion will form o minor encroochment into this View Plone. Accomponying morked phoiogrophs illustrote the extenf of this encroochmeni. Service & Delivery: The existing common service entry to the Red Lion onEo G. H. l. building on the eost side will be further screened by oddition of o Sun Shode Considerotions: The property or public righis-of-woy. retoined. lt will be slightly enlorged ond fence ond heovy plonting . proieci wi I I cqsl no shodows on od iocent Rec Lion fxp:nsion PS, 7o V. ZONING CHECK Zone: Commerciol Core I Lots E, F, G, & H, Block 5A, Voil Vi lloge lsi Filing 18.24.020 Use-Bosemenr Existing: Restouront & Storoge Proposed: Resiouront, Storoge & Bor-Lounge 18.24.030 Use-First Floor Existing: Restouront & Bor-Lounge Proposed: Restouronl & Retoil Commerciol 18.24.040 Use-Second Floor Existing: 2 Dwelling Units Proposed: { Dwellins Unirs 18.24.050 Use-Above Second Floor N,/A 18.24.065 Conditionol Uses N/A 18.24.080 Accessory Uses Existing: Outdoor Dining Areo, 2830 sg. ft. Proposed: Ouidoor Dining Areo, 183 I sq. ft. , 18.24.100 Setbocks None Required 18.24.1l0 Distonce Between Buildings None Required 18.24.120 Height Existing: Moin Ridge -27'; Loft -30' Proposed: New Ridge - 25' 18.24.130 Densiiy Control 80% of 13,989 sq. ft. = I l, l9l GRFA ollowed Existing: 3,690 sq. ft. GRFA Proposed: 7, 100 sq. ft. GRFA (increose of 3,410) 18.24.140 Reconsfruction of Existing Uses N/A 18.24.i50 coveroge 80"/o of 13,989 sq. ft- = ll, l9l sq. ft. ollowed Existing: 8,301 bldg. plus 2,830 potio = ll,13l sq. ft. Proposed: 9,341 bldg. plus 1,83 I potio = 11,172 sq. ft. 18 .24 .170 Londscoping & Site Developrnent 20o/" of 13,989 sq . ft . = 2,798 sq . ft. minimum Existing: Approx. 3,050 sq. ft. Proposed: Addit. 355 sq. ft. povers ot shop entronce plus 220 sq- ft' on Rucksock lond- 18.24.]80 Porking & Looding Existing 2 - cor goroge eliminoted looding ond service oreo unchonged- lt i Existing proposed Add. Toto| (, D ..l Doremeni: S r7l0 234 S rg44 : , ?sl Fld'or: B,3Ol I,MO 9,341 2nd Floor: 3,813 j,g3'4 7,747 Totol: 17,824 S,ZO1 23,032 o Red Lionifnsion Ps. B 4. Exterior Modifications ReviewJeff t,linston, Gage Davis Associates December 3, 1980 Red Lion Inn A Rationale for ProJect 1. No mention of the real rationale which is the creation of new condo units, new bar downstairs, new shops and improvements to the restaurant.*It is "do-hble" within the prov'isions of the Guide Plan, but the Guide Plan is not the rationale or justification. I do not think Se'lby's only-motivation is to create a better environment on Ser'bert Circle. It just may be that Selby's objectives cou'ld be accomplished in a manner that wou'ld be consistent with commun'ity desires to upgrade the Seibert Circle. 2. Graphic demonstration of street enclosure ratio? 3. Shou'ld point out in submittal that by definition a "minor view corridor" allows some modification. In item #10 (p.a) suggests that Town is currently doing designsfor Seibert Circle. Not true but not Ruoff's fault. Clarification: the Town's response to this and all other applications is to authorize brief design eva'luation to determjne how the proposal might affect e'lements of the Guide P'lan - as a means of giving meaningful comnents about the project, and to make suggestion which might al'low Guide Plan objectives (or even additional ones) to be achieved. 0n page 5 of submittal, items A & B: Is applicant proposing to also do, or participate w/Town in paving for pedestrian routes, namowing Hanson Ranch Rd., etc? 0r merely showing that what he's doing upuld be compatible? Urban Design Considerations seem to be met adequately. Wish to see graphic demonstration of street enclosure an4 sqlr/shade.I peFsonal ly fedl the one and encroachment alone 7. Do feel a significant concern to be studied is the roof form - the degree to whjch it appears to be additive and out of character with the building. It is a district departure from the existing roof shape of the building. This issue is really best studied in model form and is a subjective one at best. One of the neasons that the "justifjcation" statements are not serving the project we11 is jf the justification is as stated, to improve Seibert Circle it may well be that cutting back on the building program wou1d allow a different roof with better Vjews issue is adequately documentEd. view is nice, but not a major or keyis not justification for denial. 5. 6. Itt Page 2 overal'l results (enclosure still there, but more consistent roofscope, less vievr encroachment, etc.)I personally feel that a stronger case is the fact that cument zon'ing wou'ld al'l ow nuch more significant expans'ion, but that it has been scaled down to be in compliance w/the U.D. P1an, and still has one or two minor impacts--which need to be consldered in the tota'l context. Where is the improvement survey that is required? Stl]l feel the south end the pedestrian scale next balcony on the 2nd 'level necessari'ly a PC one. needs some reconsideration to strengthen to the buj1d'ing--overfiang, set back or perhaps. This may be a DRB issue not 9. 10. Overall the building seems to have been very careful'ly and taste-fully considered, and has many aspects that would be very positive contribution to the Core Area. If the PC finds deficfencies I would encourage that every effort should be made to encourage and channel the applicant toward modification that are an acceptable compromise--and avoid approaching work of this quality in a negative way--or attempting to discourage the applicant from any of the elements of his submittal. Red L;or$nsion Ps.2 III. RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN '| . The design of fhe proposed Red Lion exponsion is the result of o sirong ond purposeful effort to respond to both the spirit ond ihe letter of the Voil Villoge Urbon Design Guide Plon. 2, To understond the opprooch token in this proiect it is necessory to consider the noture ond function of Bridge Street. Bridge Street hos olwoys been the most successful pedestrion woy in Voil. The covered bridge is its beginning, importing o wonderful sense of enchontment ond prornise. As one odvonces up the streei the sense of promise is odmirobly fulfilled by the comforiobly pedestrion scoled spoces of the street ond its livelyness ond excitement sustoined by its continous porode of colorful ond individuolisiic shops ond restouronts . 3. Unfortunotely, the "end" of Bridge Sfreet hos never quite fulfilled the pronise of its "beginning" ond "middle". The very successful sfreetscope of Bridge 5t., its neckloce of shop ond restouronts, breoks obrupily iust post fhe enironce to the Red Lion Restouront. Here the comfortoble sense of street enclosure begins to leok owoy fo the left where it sort of trickles oround ihe corner toword nothing in porticulor. Bridge sl . deserves o more fitfing "end". Whot could be more oppropriole thon o smoll, sunny Plqzo with the some pleosont feeling of enclosure os the rest of the street, completely ringed with the some kinds of smoll shopo ond restouronts? Something with o reol sense of t'ploce " . 4. Fortunotely, neorly oll the pieces needed to moke ihis corne true olreody exist. Seibert Circle is "olmost but not quite" whof it could be . Only fill in the gop on its northeost ( Red Lion ) side ond it wi ll become complete . 5. This is precisely vhoi the ingredients of fhe recePe Lion Exponsion is designed fo do. Al I the "how to do it" ore contoined in the Voil Red for Red Lion tU""" villoge Urbon Design Quids Plon. The two most significonf concepis fron the Guide Plon which occornPlish this ore: o.SfreetEnc|osure:ByroisingtheRedLionsouthwo||to2-story height ond moving it out to the property line' +he present enclosure rotioofl/4toone(bod)betweenRedLionondCyrono'sischongedto l/2 to one (oPtimum). b. StreetscoPe Fromework: lnteresting smoll shop fronts continue from RedLionentronceoroundthecorneriotheirnoturolterminusot MiIlCreekoppositeCyrono's.Thisincreosesfocodetronsporoncyond sirengthenspedestrionoctivitywithentriesintothestreetwherenone now exi st 6. Bridge street Sub - Areo concepi #ll in the Guide Plon oddresses specificolly the Red Lion property. lt reods os fol iows: ll. Limiied building ex ponsi on/im provements ' lncreose focode tronsporency on south side lo strengthen pedestrion octivity' with entry fo street ' Potentiol exponsion of building to south property line' Additionol veriicol exponsionmoybeconsideredonsouthendofbui|dingloimprovestreet enclosure proporfions but must respect designoted Hill street - Gore Ronge view corridors. Potentiol second level open bolcony deck (sun pocket ) fo restore octivity to streei lost from ground floor terroce ' The Guide Plon Mop of the oreo designotes the site of the proiect os ,,lnfi ll Exponsion opportunity - within Esfoblished Constroints" ' T.Grlyoneoreoofdifficultywosdiscoveredinfol|owingthedireclionsofthe griigPlon.TheMinorViewCorridorfrornHillst'ispresentlydefinedon its bottom side by the existing roof of ihe Red Line. Therefore' ony exponsion whotsoever io the south side of the Red Lion must necessorily offect this viewcorridor.DetermininglhelowestfeosibIerooflinethusbecomethe overidingdesignlimitotionwhich|edtotheUseoftwoporolleIridgesos indicoted on the design drowings. only o flot roof could be lower, but it would tKec Ll oll L^ be orchitecturolly unocceptoble in this port of fhe Villoge ' It wos felt thot ihe moior improvements ochievoble by exponding fhe Red Lion ond their positive impoct on the very lorge numbers of people who frequent the Bridge St./Seibert Circle oreo worrented ioleronce of the negotive impoct of portiol encroochment into the Hill St' minor view corridor which impocis signif icontly smoller numbers of people ' One point of positive impoct from the proiect which is not covered by the @ulfls Plon is eliminotion of noise pollution ' At present' when loud bonds ploy in the sireet level bor, especiolly with the windows oPen' o number of the neighbors hqve hod couse to comPloin ' The proposed design moves the bor to the bosement ond ploces o l0" solid concreie slob over it' effectively contoining the noise Bridge St. Sub -Areo Concepr #10 in rhe Guide Plon specificolly oddresses Seiberl Circle . lt resds os follows: '10. Seibert Circle . Feoture oreo poving ireoment ' Relocoie focol point (potentioIfounioin)tonorthforbettersunexPosure(fo||Aprins)'creotes increosed plozo oreo ond ore the bockdrop for ovtiviiies ' Seporoted poth on north sides for unimpeded pedestrion route during delivery periods ' TheTownofVoiliscurrentIymokingdesignstudiestoimp|ementtheGuide Plon suggestions for Seibert Circle ond Honson Ronch Rd' to its crossing of Mill Creek. The Red lion Proiecl designers hove worked closely with the Torn of Voil's designers io ossure ihot both the privote ond public proiects work together os one unified oreo improvement' lt is hoped thot these two proiects con be considered together' becouse eoch is dependont upon the other to ochieve iis full effectiveness' 8. 10. Red Lion Exponsion Pg. 5 IV. COMPLIANCE WITH sPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED ITEMS FROM THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS A. Pedestrion izoti on: Use of feoture povers olong retoil shop frontoge ond between shop cnd proposed focol point (see ilem l0 of Urbon Design Guide Plon for Bridge St. ) leods to unimpeded pedestrion route, especiolly during delivery times. Interesting ond colorful shop fronts encouroge pedesirion movement from Bridge 5t. into Honson Ronch Rd ond on toarord shop in Mill Creek Court Bldg. B. Vehicle Penetrotion: Current potterns of vehiculor use will remoin unchonged except for more oilrociive ond effective seFlorotion of vehicle ond pedestrion poths. The Urbon Design Guide Plon colls for norrowing of Honson Ronch Rd. os it crosses Mi ll Creek fo creote o more positive sense of entry inlo the Seibert Circle oreo frorn the eost. Confinuotion of the pedestrion woy defined by povers to the eost side of Mill Creek will enhonce this concept. C- Streetscope Fromework: The existing south foce of the Red Lion (Honson Ronch Rd.) consists mosf ly of low blonk wolls, semi-opoque windows, ond goroge ond fire exit doors seporoted from the streei by o seldom used dining terroce ond low sfone woll. These feoiures hove o negotive impoct on the quolity of the wolking experience, especiolly when controsted with the exciling experience of o wolk thru Bridge St. which now ends rother obruplly on the eost side iust post the entronce to the Red Lion reslouront. One of lhe most importont feotures of the proposed proiect is thot it will extend the highly successful BricJge 5t. ombionce oround the corner ond inio Hsnson Ronch Rd. io its noturol terminotion of Mill Creek. D. Street Enclosure: Between the present Red Lion bldg. ond Cyrono's the rotio of overoge building height to distonce seporoting buildings is opproximotely l/4 to one, which imporis olmost no sense of enclosure. The proposed proiect will chonge this rotio lo olmost exoctly 1/2 to one, which provides the most comforioble sense of streel enclosure. o Red Li on Ex a ponsion Pg. 6 E. Streef Edge: Smoll irregulorities in the building focode ond intimotely scoled individuol shop fronts creote visuol interesl ot pedestrion level. Chonge of moferiols frorn stucco ot sireet floor reinforces pedestrion scole ond furfher defines ground level commerciol frsn upper level residentiol. F. Building Height: Highest roof ridge of proposed oddition is 25' obove street level, two feet lower thon moin roof ridge of existing Red Lion. G. Views: The view thru Hill St. toword the eost is designoied o Minor View Plone. The north -souih roof ridge of the p,roposed oddition to ihe Red Lion will form o minor encroochment info this View Plone. Accomponying . morked photogrophs illustrote lhe extent of this encroochment. Service & Delivery: building on the eost The existing common side wi ll be reloined . service entry io the Red Lion It will be slightly enlorged ond H. further screened by oddition of o fence ond heovy plonting. t.Sun Shqde Considerotions: The proiect will cosi no shodo,rrs on odiocent property or public rights-of*voy. t! ZONING CHECK Zone: Commerciol Core I Lots E, F, G, & H, Block 5A, Voil 18.24.020 Use-Bosement 18.24.030 Use-First Floor 18.24.040 Use-Second Floor 18.24.050 Use-Above Second Floor 18.24.065 Conditionol Uses 18,24.080 Accessory Uses 18.24.100 Sefbocks 18.24.1l0 Distonce Between Buildings 18.24.120 Heisht ,|8.24.130 Density Control 18.24.140 Reconstruction of Existing Uses 18.24.150 Coveroge LO4Oh,fa'rila- CW-vaf'll1fio 18.24.170 Londscoping & Site Developnent Pe. 7 Villoge lst Filing Exisiing: Restouront & Storoge Proposed: Resfouront, Storoge & Bor-Lounge Exisfing: Restouront & Bor -Lounge Proposed: Restouront & Retoil Commerciol Existing: 2 D,lrelling Units Proposed: 5 Dwelling Units N/A Existing: Outdoor Dining Areo, 2830 sq. ft. Proposed: Outdoor Dining Areo, 183 I sq. ft. None Required None Required Existing: Moin Ridge -27'i Loft -30' Proposed: New Ridge - 25' 80o/o of 13,989sq. ft. =-ILI9[-9BEA-s.llercd (increose of 3,410) N/A 80o/" of 13,989sq. ft. = Il,l9l sq. ft. ollowec Existing: 8,301 bldg. plus 2,830 poiio = ll,l3l sq. ft. Proposed: 9,341 bldg. plus 1,83 I potio - 11,172 sq. fi. 2oo/o of 13, 989 sq . ft . = 2,798 sq . ft. minimum Existing: Approx . 3, 050 sq . ft . Proposed: Addit. 355 sq. ft. povers ot shop entronce plus 220 sq. ft. on Rucksock lond. Existing 2 - car goroge eliminoted looding ond service oreo unchonged. Lion Exmnsiono 4\ \''o 18.24.180 Porking & Looding o- TABULATION OF GROSS BLDG. AREA.S Red Lion Exponsion Ps. 8o Exisiing 5,71O 8,301 3,813 t7,824 Proposed Add. 234 1,040 3,934 5,2O8 Totol - 5,9M 9,341 7,747 23,032 f Mrs. oorllanrtt rrint Sll l3r'idgo Slrcrrt Vailo Colorildo {tl$itz tr'ebruary 3, 1981 Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr:. Chairman and Commission Members: With regret I am unable to attend your published neeting on February 9t 1981, as I must be in Chicagothat day. I wish to present to the Commission, by way of a 15 ninute walking site visit, opposition by Mrs. CortlandtIlill and myself, Jack Curti-n, to the request to modifythe exterior of the Red Lion building in Commercial Core f. f respectfully request you a11ow a contlnuance ofyour hearing until I rnay present collectively orindividually to you my opposition material. Your schedule f understand is very ful1, but because of the importance of your decision I hope you will feel com- pe11ed to hear the property owners who are definitelyeffected by any decision you make. I am at your convenience Tuesday, February 10th on,for my presentation. Thank you for your considerationof my request JJCldi cc: Rodney E. Slifer, Mayor Bichard Caplan, Town Manager Peter Patten, Senior Planner Mrs. Joan Hill, PLaza Lodge Owner February L6, 1981 Mr. Richard Caplan Town Manager ' Town ot vii. r 75 South Frontage Road lVestVaiI, Co1orado STOSZ Dear Mr. Caplan: In compliance with Vail Municipal Code Section78.62.O7O, Mrs. Cortlandt Hill and myself, are appealingthe Planning and Environmental Commission'decisibn togrant variances for the Red Llon Inn expansi.on. Thevar,iances were approved February g, 1981 Mrs. Hill ownes the Hill Building located at 311Bridge Street. We are partners in Curtin-HiLl Ltd., 244 WaLl Street and I am an owner of the commercialspace in the Mill Creek Court Building occupied byArthur G. Bishop and Company. As adjacent prope.rty owners we feel the variances that were granted areabsolute detriments to our neighborhood. Please notify me of the date I may present mvmaterlal to the Town Council. Very tru151 yours, Mrs'. -ebrtlandt T. Hiil -- Jack Curtin : :fn , -1 icJU / Ctl-."i hi.k Ryan, Director of 'community DevelopmentJeff SelbyBill Ruoff ' Mrs, Crprll:rrrqId; F&il! &II E3riqlgtc S$irce4 Vcril. {)o[srr*drs flI{ii67 l'larch 20, l98l Mr. Richard Caplan Town Manager Tovrn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vai l , Col orado, B'1657 Dear I4r. Capl an: In compljance with the zoning code Section 18.54.090 Mrs. Cortlandtttill and myself are appealingthe Des'ign Revievr Board approval of the Red Lion expansion design. the design tlas approv€d by the Board on l'larch l8th. Mrs. Hill ovrns the Hill Building located at 3ll l3rictge Street. lie are partners in Curtin-Hill Ltd.,244 l,la'l I Street and I am an ownerof the commercial space in the Mill Creek Court Bujldino occupied by Arthur G. Bishop & Co. As adjacent property ewners ne feel the design is improper for the neighborhood. l,ie request thc council review our request at their council meeting on April 7th or May 5th. l4rs. Hill cni'J myself urill be out of tor,*n on the coi::rr:il's l:ipril 20th meeting date. Thank you. {ar.#s-"ht+s_ cc. Dick RyanJeff Sel byBill Ruoff BS'.)j' i Verv trul v vours . Lhl"#G::'#lvks" Cortlanc$t T.Cortl r- GARRETT, LETBETTER & PAYNE lNcotr Po'lA T gD AT'TORNEYS AT LAW 7I 5 HOUSTON CLUB EIUILOING HOUSTON, TEXAS 77OO2 March 24, 1981MAX GIRF€T' T()M R. LEI!'ETTER GE€'IIGE PA Y NE AFEA CODE 713 224.2715 Mayor Rod Sli.fer Town of VaiI P. O. Box 100 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mayor Sl"j.ller and Councilmen: This letLer will constitute Plaza Lodge, Inc.'s noticeof its arppeal- of the Design Revierv Boarc's clecisj-on on l4arch18, 19SL approrring the Red Lion,s Remodel., othervr.ise knor,rnas the "Dxtericrr Alt.eration RequcsL For The Red Lion - JeffSe1by". This appeal lvilI be to the Town Council and Lhedate to be set for such appeal hearing shourd be cornmunicatedto the following: I"1r. Roger Noonanf Attorney at LawGorsuch, K-irgis, Campbe1l, Walker & Groves1200 American t{ational Bank Bldg.Denver, Colorado 80202 I"1r. l-Iax Garrett, Altor:ncy at LarvGarretto l,etbetter & Paylts 715 llouston Club BuiLdi.ngIlouston, Texas 'l'l 002 Pl.aza l,odge, f nc.P. O. Box 68Vai.l-, Colorado 81657 Mr. Jack Curtin, et a1 254 aridqe Sti:eeLVail-, Colorado 81.657 I\tr. Riclrar<l tl .l'{r. .Ief f rr:y B.Mr. Charies H.P.O. Box l52BVaiI, Colorado Brorvn Se1by Rosenqu j. s {: 81657 MG/bd Certificti No, ltOB CC to abo.,'e l.isi:.- ***saliht$r,$i!,*b$ria!,rr5*., 3 B 6159 B/RnR F' / -i oo ,E\lw4c<- wbtflorrwl,z w'LEttJ 7ve n^b J"ff Ui'ftru $ rb4 IAn^ A VArtLn^afL {-- f*ri*ft. trc vttw-hha q tt^* E*1- ra'h^^i- un^r;.l^ ai nt-. W4,hrv tA nlwr trt*-b t^^/r;rk , W C*^/ fD tUL actb,u'{--?vwf. {"lt i.b 'ran'rlt-o titt,.,; 1t,r- Vto*tiur attrar- eil^4cnart^ ,lm^l tl,* Auil.?liu^lb Wf n^r- ranhra,tu- * iutrtt*hj.r-.T io h,itt fh;rdL %1111'\ ,\ iA +D eF4lc PWM +vilau*ai*of ot^ 9ei+zwt a;rl*. ft fal t*1 Urfie, h"rt Toltx* d/rirc+1/;,c', .4r&l ,a4- Dv a- a^^t'u*rLtr Ib* untt4 ta<- At;-tta,tlr u;n qznvn*vi,hfu4'tru h ruvl+ t1*- gd"Qlt Uhtl- Z. Ao4rtilrc- aa^rau.+Att;n 4 +twt u^dowr*< tat$ ? 1. Zf'trtLtl rc;,//t tuq uvr +t-brwilal hr*lf Ir"1 a,1^fYiru n"f,nrhor Vu*,t e?r;4n" 41v^A +61/tr* tt*d;l*,ohtu. +. ffio^ + ioTlqrat ftnr Pa'^;t eawry 4oous d)4,;fu fo'Sr;ha/f e;ih-. Ptt +vltui- v"rt'trt Pait @. cln,rfrtuhi""4 tkTr,rn^* tr*t]du4- h flA,b art&tJJ- 6n/,ur ut t> a,r,rtrrrytg Wbt /u,+q h dtlcrtutg lnmt it^t f,wonil-' ,n;$rt ditr4t 4 14.oo fi^-Aw;&W** - a4 ^ tl fuhr**;If* ea*nu'a'h &aut tl^L We\.A^/, b Wiltt- Wr* vtlA^;ttr, t^Aty* ,Jla^) el'il flAu- alrictfiw, (av .tt+,r. "l*'frfuA "ru.) +" la4 ,*t^t r*rl. 5. 61^ p+ 5 4 +dowilltf , ifz,^r 4 ,ltt : 1+ sn'rnt^'t WM1 l" yaan 4'tt wlTow.tt ;^, ?4 fuI,lt',Iht: w*a t llnt, wD/**+i2l ,+)v. 7 vft^rt lil"t ln "l t4lt:nLl6t u{xt4 +lAtruq V cir$u/Y)fu-'7t 46, l/rn,./i Utbm\dy bl^*tdt4ah;r^t ztttt* t" Lr- wrtt 4&\, Iiltrln lr+.-- 1@ AA^ ^vilr't ^"og ?tklt e*a'tttun- I:at^l*alt U,i-t Ih4tL lr affil obaua*','t<,a. J fry 4 1r1^* vtrt*, it wit'-tlrutwt L *1^i *@ry d)Ld *'ervklt nil'44 a'l.r; th dfn{,}ahtA (e, a'*ia4 . l> Srr* n &pfu*.i tiuea,tL b trt- -/b;4id t+ tt- wt $rrt* - h^. at'A'r* ta t^/uo)h *a %Wh I? In, ,'adihiz u*l tut t1 altau$ar wn tUttn;t*4.LT tq a- drtlw4* *yuW ("*" +1'* a!+v1 rrr1 yt- 4 t1r* t t t l^r1 'Tht LZrr.At-' th F^JI'J txuf **gn| vu t^^Etl-L k b u.,A t's A- +urbr\c:-l*t ctr* e^t lcAf. '1, oo 6w n F* ftrat;) 'fu*t tl^."A;frtfao*^" *r^tt^*ctuwh er vat TNif fLu- Ncrf hfiJL L 3 i{ n-- y;t}r;a+Un ii u -,}*tcl , b lr*Y't'M- ">r:t etlf C,fut it ,,,r* t ttnlt tu- fa^,t e^,|+nia torr*- a-tt l't^t VM1'Au4 fvp tt b'l pLLw ^- nfu1"nr h*tt br.ilw ottzvt/cl iwilh (urtl*u*< +fitt lw<t rut v.rtL enWVt*A fiu*1*-, ttrt l4it^t +4.watv+,o't, 4,tt). f1"4 r @u cca* il a/Det'+I 7w",rr^ry Pnklr il, 1* 'fl^tt 16"d,1 .Itutrl/"l ilJau, t^rAHA v^aL +fil&-,r*I 4faa.+t t) Wt fW it t^ro l4r' adl-i lnnL It Ir- r^^ Wl'u'rtt- wl tt,L [D.T'\tu^, a^4 *iU Lu trlt dv h^ra wl:nev u;/tf,a'ttr- utl^"'il^ \A'-t''| fa nuqu-*'l tnJ i^It'* ttb-L eJv'rto$, 8. ru[.r+r- tb t* l q. ,lfr]t Fl tta+ qn'fl^, .tr*4 htl.A 7'aYF'_ Vr-cllruvr&k*,,t:',ir lD th,'ulftau^ lt-- {v-ttilrrLi^ ao*lt- ,',hf t, il^t to*r\th\' tvvrl^^ur^i , -t' t"dt- w hilu"1 i tt^* t^l I;ard, V*4r, 'lU;. IrL L fft4 ,slu.- \^fbr,;tr+pa\ r- 7C M, [o. *rru,rell- tl&tr';lJ"Lf ye'4 hbv,ArL b*",rr!1 Mv(* ari4 WLtufitu{, tu4 l"u l/t^^tt1 ;4W4t t1^^t ;rr-"dJ b+ uq,t erbfh;L o Tttow"rryu,e' E tilartA t ^14rr*-1* l+Art aayfa;louklal* 'b tfr* be.Au4,,n?te+1 -ff"f Clt*r,^^*C FA* tit,h;-f htn*l "uoli{**;" t14t **'t- M Hl4te.*- hHLarFJt Wt ryItd,rqfi^ a- W Tl -,hr4u^fhi I' dnur-^ai4 tt*.1/.2.a"^^tt 4tlr* dtlrrra /t\ 4 lAt, -W /*=--O f-***n Ca yr.ezu,t or-- /.*-.-,ne o,r-r.--^( L C)-t* utmhn. ' QLdrt'- /l:t c- e/4. -<,t1a.1 Ls?t.1:.4-. . ./ evv Cr€.,r-te -,-e.'e h'ncaa.-- *7 TC" d-.p /l g (p,r-t*r..-")-^' .,fU n 'ro a - !/ azaa/' tt-11' e"4'. o 'ia--e-L/'r-:-' ry &"*6?e9 ,'y'*4 d*,-,'*--),,,* frGEr* ,)utt- c,Jt-*k- c.an",uzt.tr.L t /-4 t *Lo.-'- \i1-" tt .Jft fi /--*. ,-?.--- ' !'o n -U,' *-- -"/. u:,:,.(f 4,z*hls $ .t-n-- ''^{orE;-L /-/,-"--( 4 ftd^teT */; :.r IN TIIE DII;'TIIIC'I' COUIIT D''I NN) FOII TIIE.COIIN'|Y OT EAGLI AND STATIi OII COI,OIIADO civirAction vo. tl cu t | 7 . PI.AZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation. ' ) ) : Plaintiff, )Ys. i ) TOWN OF Vn IL, COLOR.ADO, ) TOWN COUNCI, OF TIIIi TOIVN OF ) VAIL, IlOD\Ey SLIFEii MAyO3. A!.rD ) RODNfY SLIFil]t, BUD llEl'{t)IC'l'; PAt'L ) JOHI,ISTON, tsOIl F.UDitP,, TOl,1 ) STEINBERG, nO-\ TO'D, At{D BILL )l lttILTO, os menrbers of the Town . ) Council of tl:e Town ol V.r.il: )1 TltE.PLANNI\G n \"D Etivl:,r.oNMENTAL ) coi\lMlssroN oF THE TO1VN OF VAIL, ) GERIIY WHI'l!, P.OCDIi TILI{El'riEIER, DAN COIICOF"AN, SCOT'I EDlirlRDS, DUANI-l Plf Ell, Jiir'l i\lCltCAN, and - F. GAYl{Oit l1iLLEP,, ts rncnbers of ) the Piannjng nnd Xrvircnmental ) Commissiorr ol the Torvn of Vs!i; ) RICIIAR|) N.'dItO\l'N, "lLiFFFt lty B. ) SEL9Y, CHARL:S 1{. ROS,ENQUIST, , ) : IIILCP.EEi( CONDOI'llNiUl'l r\SSOCIA- \ TION, COLL\5N P!-{i( !iO-rtsE CONDC- , MINIU},,i ASSOCIATiON. \" F"UC](SZ\CI{ ) CONDOl:1.\lU)i Al;S0CL\i'lOIl, ) iUF,S. COil'lLi\ND'1' I:il,l,,'I'llE i,n III(S ) BUILDI\G, liI,TON IJL1D P r\i:.iiS. Ti!E CiI J1.]S'II)IIA LO DTJIl. V AIL ASSOCl/r'fEtl. I.\ C., T ! i!l lil{PI il,I SAYINGS, IIU]LDINC AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Delcnclants. MOTION TO SUSPEND OR STAY BUILDING PERMIT 'l \I. ) ) 't c0Mts l{01''l the Plajntiff by its attorneys Gorsuch, l(irgis, canrp- bell, l,lalker and Grover and respectful lJ/ nloves the Court to order the pefcndant Toun of Vail to revoke, rescjncJ,-suspend or stay the builcl - ing perntit issued pursuatrt to the [>ltcfior Alteration llequest for the Red Lion (irere'i nafter "lled Lion Iiequest") r.nd as grourrds therefore vou'l d s horr tlre Cou r t. 'l . As al)cgcd itt tlte Cotnplain1. lrerr:jri c,rr I'iar.ch .|7, lgSl tlrc -l'oun of Vail dnr ied lhe al)pcdl of plii inl: if1, iirrtl rrthcr.s fr-orrr tllc ducj- sion of tlte Plarrrtittcl artil [:rrvirorrnrerrtir I Corrruiss jon approvirrg thc licd l" i on lie r; ur-'s t 2. That Plaintiff commenced this action in a timely manner on April .|4, l98l within 30 days of said decision as required by 106 (a)(q) c.n.c.p. 3, That on April .l3, l981 , as shown by the affidavit of Les streeter whi ch i s attached and made a part of thi s moti on, the city Manager of the Town of Vajl was personally not.i fied that the Pl ai nti ff wou'ld exerci se i ts ri ght of appeal to thi s court under the rule and would file this action. 4. That on April 14, 198'l at approximately l:.|5 p.M. the court issued its citation and Ruie to show cause and to stay pro- ceedings. Said citation is directed to the Defendant rown of Vail and the Town council of the Town of vail and states, inter al.i a: "You are further ordered to stay a1l proceed-ings 'i n connection wi th the above natter andto issue no permi ts to the proposed expan-sion until further order of this Court.', 5. That the Town of vai I has advi sed pl ai nti ff that on or about 8:30 A.M. on April .|4,'198.| it issued a building permjt for the Red Lion construction notrvithstanding the actu.al knowledge that Planitiff's time for appeal had not run and despi!e knowledge that Plaintiff was prepari ng and would exercise its right of ap- peal by filing th'is lawsu.it. 6- That Plaintiff belives that the issuance of the build- ing permit rvas expedited or advanced because of the knowledge and anticipation of this Ialsuit and in violat'i on of plaintiff ,s ri ghts on thi s appea) . 7. That as this motion 'i s being prepareci no construction has comrnenced, but Plaintiff is informed arr d bclives that constuc- l]on j.s schedul ed to conrmence on Monday, Apri 1 20, l ggl . B. That the ordi nances of the Tor+n of vai I requi re the Torvn to inspect construction as i t progresses. . That the performance of such inspections, approvals ancl other requj recl sLi pervi sion by the Town would violate the citation issuerj by this court, and requirc that the building perrnit be suspendcd or stayecl . 9. That Vai I ordi nance I8.54.030 requi rcs dcsi gn approval o by the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail as a prerequisite to construction. That such approval is subject to appeal to the Town Council of the Town of Vail, which appeal in turn is subject to the provisions of Rule 106 (a)(q) C.R.C.P. '10. That the Pl ai nti ff and others di d i n fact appeal the Design Review Board's decision and the Town Council denied that appeal on April 7, 198.l. ll. That the P'laintiff has 30 days from April 7, tg8l to file an appeal from that decision of the Defendant rown council and that Plaintiff does in fact intend to do so. 12. That the i ssuance of the bui l di ng permi t by the Town of Vail is an abuse of the Town's authority and a violatjon of Plaintif f 's rights. lll{EREF0RE PLAINTIFF PRAYS: That the Court herr:in directing the Town of Vail to withdraw, or stay the bui I di ng permi t for the Red Li on ex such other relief as the Court may deem proper Respectful ly GORSUCH , KI R !{ALKER and G ter its order cind, suspend sion and for the premi ses . bmj tted, , CAMPBELL, LK t/ o L. Ferguso 1200 3089 5Ul 8lB l Tth Street Denver, Col orado 8020?. 534-1200 en res pan in )u GIS ROV L-// I U IN TIItr DISTITICT CC!UITT IN AND FOR TITE COUNTY OF DAGLE AND STATD Of COI,OP.ADO Civil Action No. - F. GAYr.'*OR ivlll,LEF,. as members of the Planning and lin vircnm ento.i Cornmisslon of lhe Town of Vaii; RICI{N RD N. tsROIiN, .TEFFRIIY B. SELI]Y, CIIARLES I{. F.OSENSI;IS'I. MILCII 5 ll( C ON l-\3 -''i I i'{l U :';l r\SSO CIA- TION. C;OLL\I]N PEAii }IOL;SE CONDO. SAVINGS, BUILDING N ND 5OAS ASSOCiATiON. Defendants. PLAZA LODCE, ll{C., I corporatlon. ) ) Plaintif f' ys. TOtt'N OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL OF'TI]E'IOWN OF ) vAlL, RODNEY St tFEIt. MAyOR AND ) RODNEY SLIFEll., BUD B:NEDICT; PAUL ) JOI{NSTON, EO3 ItgDi:3, TOll ) STEINBERG, 3O-\ TOID, ANI-) SILL ) WILTO, as rnernbes of the Town ) Council of the Tovrn of Vail;) TIIE PLAN\I.\G AND 5N\']R.ONMEI{TAL ) COMMLSSION OF THE TOWN O!' VAIL, ) GERRY MITE, ROGEF" TTLKEMEIIIR, ) DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDITAIIDS, ) DUANE PIPER, ,1i]4 l\lOItcAN, and ) ) ) ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT_--.0.F* LES STN-EETER t{t\tu},i ,,\s;SoclATioN. v. RUci(sACt( ) coNDoi\liNluN Assoctnl'lo:{, ) Jllls. COI{TLANDT i{rLL,'l'Ht-'-, p.^itl(s ) tsUlLllNG, nL'iON BLrD Prl.l'.i(S! ) TliE CI'lnlS'ilNIA LODGE. Vr\lL ) ASSOCi.{Tri:i, i){c., Tt{s Etc'lIF_E ) ) ] ) ) C0l''lES ll 0l,l the Affiant Les Streeter, and, being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: T.hat on April .|3, lgBl at approxirnately l0:45 A.M. he accompa- nied l'lax Garrett, an attorney f or Pl aza Lodge, Inc. , to the of f i ces of the Town of Vail and at that tjrne and place he and 1,1r. Garrett met !^,i th Town Manager 14r. Richard Capian i n the presence of Col I een Kl i ne, the Town Clerk. That Mr. Garrett advj sed Mr. Capl an at that time that Mrs. Joanne Hi1), thc owner of Plaza Lodge, Inc., was preparing and would file a lar^rsuit on behalf of Plaza Lodge, Inc. challenging the actions of Town of Vail in connection wjth the Red Lion Request. ;And that the l awsu it wou l derstood that the P'lai nti suit. d be filed as soon as ff had unti'l Apri I 17 possible. , l9Bl to fi It was un- le that Further Affj ant sayth not. Dated this 20th day of April,198] . re me ttri r-b th day of Apri I , .|981Subscri bed and l,li tnes s l4y Commi sworn to befo my hand and of ssion expi res o taly a IN THE DISTRICT COURT I}I AND FOR TI{E COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO ,. 'k*:::,rn^the u,sr.cr L,'un e;i',"ii,jili]''sk'cloin and fo' APR z 01981 K",M*q {-Bp,{r - Civit Aetion Nr. f /e nt? PLAZA LODGE, INC., a corporation. Plaintiff. ys. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, TOWN COUNCIL O!- TI{E'|OWN OF VAIL, RODNEY SLIFER MAYOR AND RODNEY SLIFER, BUD BENEDICT: PAUL .-TOHNSTON, BOB RLIDER, TOU STEINBERG, RON TODD, AND Bii,L WILTO, as members of the Town Couneil of the Town oi Va.ilr THE PLANNI\G AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION OF'I'HE TO1l'N O5 VA!L, GERRY i{HITE, ROGER TILKtl,lEiER, DAN CORCORAN, SCOTT EDTVARDS, DUANE PIPER, JII{ t\lORCAN, and F. GAYNOR N{ILLER, as members of the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail; RICHARD N. tsRO1\'N, JEFFREY B. SELBY, CHARLES H. ROSENQL;IST, MILC]?.EEI( CON L]OTIINiU M ASSOC]A- TION, GOLDEN PE-U( HCUSE CONDC- MINIUI,{ ASSOCIATION. \" RUCI(SACK CONDO\1IN]L]N ASSOCiATION, \IRS. CORTLANDT FIILL, TIIE PARKS BUILD]NG, EL'ION BUD P A;iIi,S, TI{E CHIIIS'IINIA LODGE. VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., TI{n EIIIPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LO.\N ASSOCIATION, ORDER Defendants. This matter coming on to be heard upon Motion of the Plantiff To Suspend or Stay Building Permit, and the Court having considered sa id Moti on and the arguments of counsel herei n : DOTH ORDER: That the Town of Vajl is hereby ordered to suspend or stay the building permit issued pursuant to the Exterjor Al teration Request for the Red Li on, unti I further order of th is Court. Done and Signed this r4flth day of April, .l981. BY THE COURT: /'s/ wMt. r-;:'"l0slEs JUDGE IN TTIE DISTITICT COURT LI.I AND FOR TI{E COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OI.' COLOITADO civir Action No. tl c U I l7 . PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation . ) )Plaintiff, ivs. i ) TOWN OF VArL, COLOF.ADO, ) TOWN COUNCU, OF TI{!] TOWN OF ) VAIL, ROD\EY SLIFEIT MAYOR AND ) RODNIY SLIFER, BUD l]EN3)ICT; PAUL ) JOHNSTON, tsOB F,UDnR, TOll ) STEINBERG, RO-\ TODD, AI.{D BILL )' WILTO, as mem'cers of the Town ) Couneil of the Town of 'r'.s.il; ). THE PLANNI\G AND EI{VIS,ONMENTAL ) MOTION TO SUSPEND OR STAY BUILDING PERMIT cot{MtsstoN oF THE TowN oF VAIL, GERltY $'llITE, ROGDIT'ilLK!MEIER, DAN COITCORAN, SCOTT EDi\'ARDS, DUANE PIPER, Jit"l I\{CIIGAN, and )- F. GAYNOI1 I\4ILLER, es mernbers of ) the Planning and lnvircnrn cntal ) Commissiorr of the Town of Va!l; ) RICI{^ RD N" BllO\i'N, JltFFlllly B. ) SELBY, CHARL'S H. ROSENQLTTST, I{ILCREII( CONDOI,IiNIU lvl ASSOCIA- TION, COLDSN PE.ql( HOLTSE CONDC- MINIU},,i ASSOCIATiON. V. 1]"UCI(SACK CON DO \1I.\ ] U N ASSO CIA1]O I{. 11F"S. CORTLi\ND'I' I:11,L, 1'lll: PAP.I(S BUILDING, TI,'|ON IJUD i)AR.I{S. T}IE CII liiS'IJNIA LOi]GIi. VAIL ASSOCINTI]S. INC., 1'110 :1]{P:ilE SAVINCS, BUILDINC AND LOAN ASSOCIATIO'r", Dcf enclants. c0MES N0t{ the Plaintiff by its att0rneys Gorsuch, Kirgis, canp- bel'l , lnlal ker and Grover and respectf ul ly noves the Court to order tlre Defendant Tor,{n of Vail to reyoke, rescind, suspend or stay the bujld- ing permit jssued pursuant to the Exterior Alteration Request for the Red Lion (hereinafter "Red Li on Request" ) and as grounds therefore woul d show the Court: l. As alleged jn the Conrplaint herein on March 17,'l 9Bl the Torvn o1'Vajl denicd the appeal of plaint.iff antl otlrcrs front tlre decj- sion of tlie Planning and Environnrental Ccninrjssion approving the Red L i on Requcs t. o 2, That Plaintiff commenccd this actjon jn a timely manner on Aprll .|4, l9Bl within 30 days of said decision as required by 106 (a)(+) c.R.c.P. 3. That on April 13, l98l , as shown by the affidavit of Les streeter which is attached and made a part of this motion, the city Manager of the Town of Vail was persona'lly notified that the Plaintif,f wou'ld exercise its right of appea'l to this court under the rule and would file this action. 4. That on April ,l4, 198.| at approxirnately l:15 p.M. the. court issued its citation and Rule to show cause and to stay pro- ceedings. said citation is directed to the Defendant Town of Vail and the Town council of the Torvn of vail and states, inter alia: "You are further ordered to stay a1l proceed-ings in connectjon with the above matter andto i ssue no permi ts to the proposed expan-sion until further order of this Court. " 5. That the Town of Vail has advised plaintiff that on or about B:30 A.M. on April .l4, l98l it issued a.building permit for the Red Lion construction notwithstanding thc actual knowledge that Planitiff's time for appeal had not run and despite knowledge that Plaintiff was prepari ng and would exercise its right of ap- peal by filing this lawsuit. 6' That Plaintiff bel ives that the issuance of the build- 'i ng permjt was expedited or advanced becaus{1 of the knowledge and anti ci pati on of thi s l awsui t r.nd i n vi ol ati on of pl ai nti ff,s rights on this appeal. 7 , l'hcrt as thi s mot j on 'i s bei ng prepi, r-.ed no constructi on has comnenced, but Plaintiff is informed and lii:'l ives that constuc- tion is scheduled to.or*.n.,, crr Monday, Apri I 20, 198'l . 8. That the ordindncc:i of the Town .'i yai 1 require the Town to inspect construction as it p'rogresses. .l.h;rt the performa'nce of such inspections, approvals arici other required supervision by the Town wou'l d vicrlatc the citation issued by -this court, dhd require that the bui'l ding permit be suspendecl or staycd. 9. l'hat Vail ordinance .t8.54.030 requires design approva'l by the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail to constructlon. That such approval is subJect Town Council of the Town of Vall, which appeal to the provisions of Rule 106 (a)(a) C.R.C.p. :10. That the Plaintiff and others did i Cou rt as a prerequi si te to appeal to the in turn is subject n fact appeal the Design Review Board's decision and the Town Council denied that appeal on Aprl 1 7, '1981 . ll. . That the Plaintiff has 30 days from April 7,'t9BI to flle an appeal from that decision of the Defendant Touln Council and that Plaintiff does in fact lntend to do so. 12, That the issu.ance of the building permit by the Town of Vail is an abuse of the Townrs authority and a violation of Plaintiff 's rights. [,tl{EREF0RE PLAIf{TIFF PRAYS: That t herain d j recting the Town of Vai'l to wi or stay the building permit for the Red such other relief as the Court may deem ' Resp GORS l,llALK b Jo Sui 1200 818 lTth Street Denver, Colorado 80202 534-1200 he th L p ec UC ER ter its order cind, suspend sion and for the prem'i ses. bmi tted, , CAMPBELL, en res pan in Su GIS ROV v draw, ion ex ropef tfu 1 1y H, KIR and G o IN TIIE DIST]TICT COLIItT IN AND FOR TIIE COUNTY OF DACLE AND STATE OF COLOIIADO Civil Action No. PLAZA LODGE, INC., a eorporation. ) ) Plaintif f, ) )Vs. ) ) TOI{N OF VAIL, COLORADO, ) TOWN COUNCTL OF'TIlE'IOWN OF ) YAIL, RODNEY SLIFEIT, r4AyOR AND ) NODNEY SLIFER, BU,D 9:NEDICT; PAUL ) JO!{NSTON, BQ3 RUDE3, TO}1 ) STEINBERG, nO^\ TODD, n ND BILL ) WILTO, as membes of the Town ) Couneil of ihe Town of Va.il:) THE PLA:{NING AND ENYIRONMENTAL ) C0MMISSION OF Tli[ TOiVN OF VAIL, GERRY t{HITE, ROGEIl TILKEMgIEn, DAN COITCORAN, SCOTT EDlfi\RDS, DUANE PIPER, JI14 i\{OltGAN, and )- f. GAYNOR irilLLER,, as members of ) the Planning and invircnmental ) Cornmission of '.hc Town of Vail; ) RICIiASD N. tsIl()l.JN, .rEFFR]iy B. ) SELI]Y, CHAJII,ES H, ROSENQI;IS'I, ) MILCF.gli( CONDCl,1lNIU.';1 r\SSOCIA- ) TloN, cioLDtN PE\r( 9OL;S[ CONDO- ) . lrl I r*lU l.'r ASSOCIATION, V. !1, U(l lis ACl{ coNDolriNr uN ASSOCIA'!'IO :{, rI}TS. COIiTLANDT }'I!LL, 1'iII] PAIiI(S tsutLDING,liL'iON BUD PAIl;(Sr ) TIiE CIIRIS'iINIA LODGE. Vr\lL ) ASSOCIATEIj, INC., T1]E E;dPIR,D ) SAVINGS, BUiLLTING AliD IOAN )ASSOCI^TION, ) )Defendants. ) C0i4ES l'l0b! the Affiant Les Streeter, and, being f irst duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: That on April .l3, lgBl at approximately l0:45 A.M. he accompa- nied Max Garrett, an attorney for Plaza Lodge, Inc., to the offices of the Town of VaiI and at that time and place he and Mr. Garrett met with Tor,ln Manager 14r, Richard Caplan in the presence of Colleen Kl ine, the Town Clerk. That Mr. Garrett advised l'lr. Caplan at that time that Mrs. Joanne Hill, the orvner of Plaza Lodge, Inc., was preparing and would file a lawsuit on behalf of Plaza Lodge, Inc. challenging the actions of Town of Vail in connection wjth the Red Lion Request. AFFIDAVIT-----T.E-_ vl LES STR'ETTER o And that the lawsuit would be filed as soon as derstood that the Pl ai ntl ff had unti I Aprl'l 17 sult. Further Affi ant sayth not. Dated this 20th day of April, 198.l . t possible. It , 19Bl to file liraS un- that 't Subscr,l bed and sworn to bef o llitness my hand and of My Commi ss i on expi res re me ttricb-th day of April, '1981 ota t luwn box 100 uail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 April 17, l9B0 Bob Beebe Beebe Realty Investments, Inc. 15610 S.E. Eastgate Way Bell evue, Washington 98008 Re: Letters dated April 9th and llth Oear Bob: I am in receipt of your letters of April 9th and'l'lth. I find it extremely difficult to believe that anyone working for the Town in- dicated that the roofline of the Red Lion Inn could not be expanded upvlards. The present height in the Commercial Core I area is 35 feet which means that al'l buildings could be three to three and one haif stories in height. This is not saying that every building wil'l be this height, but this is the he'ight that is allowed. As far as the Urban Design P'lan which is al]uded to in your Aprit 11th letter, the part of the Red Lion designated as a potential expansion area is on the south side of the building and a maximum of two stories in height. This plan has been discussed by the Plann'ing and Environmenta'l Cormission and the Town Council, but has yet to be formal Iy adopted by elther group. (I have enclosed a copy of the plan for your review) I appreciate your concern for wanting to protect the value Qf your investment, and we will make sure that you are notified of any proposed changes to the Red Lion or on any other abutting propert'ies. This, however, does not preclude the possibility of the Red Lion or any other building from considering changes similar to the one done to the Rucksack Bui'ld'ing. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Sincere'ly, department of community development fu*^ CI^ f,Oames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Encl s. lnwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 TO: : R]CHARD CAPIAN FROM: .fIM RUBIN DATE: June 24, /^t/.RE: Red'Lion department of community development 198 0 Inn Appeal Hearing Date I have set the hearing date for the appeal of the RedLion rnn for July 1, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. in the VaiI Town Council Chambers. This Notice is being sent tothe people listed below, which should serve as suffi-cient notification. cc: Cox and Goss Bob Beebe ,foann Hill,Jeff Selby Chuck Rosenquist 1;. Ii*-- JONATHAN C. S. COX PAUL G. GOSS RICHAFD J. WEDGLE LAW Of l: lcE oF COX & GOSS A P NO F€ S SION AL COITPOBATION SUITE 6OO. OO MADISON STNEET DENVER. COLORAOO BO 2OO TELEPHONE (303) 3S3-O800 July 3, 19 t]0 VaiI Town Council c/o RodneY E. Sli-fer, Mayor Box 24B Vail, Colorado Re: Conditionaf Use Pel:rni Vail, colorado Dear Mernbers of the Town Council: t for the lt.ed Lion Inn, PursualtttotheVail,Municil;Jcordi.nanceIB'54'090 and the sub-paragral>hs thet:eol. , t-lr is IcLt-er sha l. I constitul-e formal written notiie of appeal of the Design lieview'Board's decision to approve a condit-ional Llse I']ermit to allow the e*pinsion of ii-re hed Lion Inn . T5 i s clccis i on was approved by the Desi.gn Review Boarcl on Jurrc 18, I9B0 ' This appeal i.s f i Ied ori l-rchalf of Dr ' t'lartin and Yvonne MuIIalIy and Mr. and I'lrs - Bob D - Beebe ' owners of the Condominium Unit R-2 which is located directly north -andadjacent to the Red Lion rnn and Mrs. Joann Hill owner of the pliza Lo6ge rvhich is directly west across ttridge street from the Red Lion Inn. Represenl,atives from both parties were present at the Design Review Boarcl hcaring and formally objected lo such Conditional Use Pcrmit beirrg issued Theobjectiorrsofourc]ientsrveresetforthwitlr specificity in oirr letter datecl June 16, I980' appealing from t'he Planning and Environnrentat conrm j ssion's decision to also ippr""" tl-re Conclit.ional Use Pertnit of the Red Lion Inn. Those oLjections anrl concerns of our clicnLs are specifically inlorporated by reference herein as though fully set forth' Irr aclclit ion , our clients f eeI that the Des.ign Review Board approveci the Condit-ional Use Permit of tbe Red Lion Inn, contrary to their objectives as set forth in the VaiI t'tunicip.rl coie 1B - 54.01-0, spcc.if icaIly sub-paragraph B wh ich s ta l-os : "'Io ensure that tlrc Iocation and configuration of structures are vi'sualIy harmonious with their si tes and with surroudnirrg ditcs and structures, and do nob unnecessarily block 9ca!rcl-i{lcrvs-iroaffifto Uuifdfitis- oi"Ccnilto tomi natc the to"n=calrc oL--tttc' r'ta Ltrre I I.rtrdscape ' " vait 'fown ci,,"ir Page Tr^roJuly 3, I9B0 AIso the Design Guidelines set fort.h in VailMunicipal Code I8.54.0.70 sub-paragraph R states: "In residentiaL areas, location andconfiguration of builcl irrqs shouldmaximize thc privacy of iurroundingdleIlings and shoulcl j.ntrude into i.heirviews to the nrinimum extent feasible. " I,Je urge that you review (-lnd reverse theDesign Review Board I s decision to .-rl)r)t:ove .the conclitionalUse Pernrit for the Recl t,ion Irrn. Very truly yours, cc: Bob D- Beebe Joann Hill Members of Town Council Certified-Return Receipt Rcqrlested PGG/bal t Cornuri r;s iotr 5.qrro.r:crcl t:lrc Cri tr't .iir Co\t(rnant:s of ViriI Vi IJ.a<1t:, Fit'sl- August I0, I962 it) llool:174 l'.rgu MEMORANDUM TO:TOWN COITNCIL FROM: LAURENCE C. RIDER, TolfN ATTORNEY DATE: RE: 25 JUNE 1980 APPEAL OF DECISION BY PEC GRANTING APPROVAL OF PHASE I, BED LION INN EXPANSION The Town council has received an appeal of the PEC decision approving the expansion of the Red Lion Inn. The appeal was tiled by an attorney representing Dr. and Mrs. MulLally' Mr' and Mrs-. Beebe, owners of condominium unit R-2 north of and adjacent to the Red Lion Inn and JoannaHill owner of the PLaza Lodge, west across Bridge Street from the Red Lion' Tbe appeal alleges that the approval of the expansion violates tbe prttective Covenants for Vail Village First Fili-ng, in that it: (a) interferes with their view;(b) does not imProve the Red Lion; (c) is not visually harmonious witb surrounding properties; and (d) diminshes the value of the Beebe unit because of the blocked view. The appeal also states that since the expansion is to be done in two pnases, that it would be better to view both phases to- gether.- since Phase I makes the building look lopsided, Phase II will have to be approved to balance it out. Unless there are ecif ns in the Covenants that authorize e o enlorce e restrictions in the Llov ve no autnor en EaEInE a decision on t 1 66'F aF both phases together i.s a.practical one and not 1egal1y required. If application is made must be reviewed as5i one part of the projeet, that applieation submitte-cl. On the othei hand, an applj-cant who divides up a proJect into pbases takes the risk that approval of one phase does not mean that subsequent phases will be approved. The criteria that should be used to review this application were sent out in the Memo from the Department of Community Development to tbe Planning and Environmental commission, dated June 6r 1980' I would ea11 your attention to that Memo since your decision will be based on this criteria. 0r seL forth i l'r tlrc Plot:t:ct i t't: f ili.rr<..y , wlriclt \'.'ere r:(''c()r<lr'<'l otr 1i9 in Lhc raElr: cotltlt)' 5L;s'1rl'tls .i a oo llinutes of the June 9, 1980 Planning and Environmental Commission Meeti - Members Present Roger Tilkeneier Gerry White . Ed Drager Jin Morgari Sandy Mills John Perkins Dan Corcoran Staff Present Larry Eskwith Dick Ryan Peter Patten Council,. Members Present BiII T[i1to Ron Todd Jdn Donovan came in in the niddle of the Red Lion presentation. Paul Palmateer came in for a few minutes. 1.) Approval of the Minutes of May 27, 1980 lfeeting. Sandy Mi1ls made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 27, 1980 meeting. Ed Drager seconded the motion. The Vote was unan imous. 2.> Conditional Use Permit to allo-w the expansion of the Red Lion ' Inn in two phases Dick Ryan explained the application and then asked Bill Ruoff to make his presentation. Bill said Dick had made a tborough presentation and if it was satisfactory, he would just answer questions of the Board and audience. Dick said certain issues had to be addressed aud asked Bill to make his presentation.. Bill Ruoff shocred a drawing of tbe proposed plan to the Board and several members of the audience went up to see it also. The Board asked questions of Mr. Ruoff. Gerry White mentioned that he had recei.ved two letters of protest on this matter' one- from the Plaza Lodge (Mrs. Joanne llitl) and one from Mr. Beebe. Mr. Ruoff said that Mr. Beebe will not have his view impacted by this expansion and he wishes he would have contacted him or Jeff Selby several montbs'ago and they would bave been abl-e to answer all his questions. Mr. Ruoff said he feels the mini park is a real improvement. They are asking for approval of Phase I only today. PEC Minutr"--.rrrl e, 1980 o Page Two Mr. Ruoff said Phase Two bas not even been defined yet. It wilL be on the south side and needs more study- -He guarantees Phase I will not look like something unfinished waiting for Phase If. They hope to get started on Phase I tbis summer and have it finished by faLl. An attorney for Mr. Beebe asked some questions. Ee explained that Mr. Beebe has the third floor condo iu the Rucksack Building. Mr. Beebe seemed to think this expansion would block his views from his living and dining areas. Ee.said he is also substituting for Mr. McDermott who represents Mrs. Joanne llill who also wanted her concerns voiced. She is upset with the pbasing of this project- She would like to see all of it done or none. She doesnrt like the roofline in phase f. Jack Curtin speaking for Christy Hill said they have concerns about the two phases al-so. Mrs. Hill met with Mr. Ruoff tbe day of the meeting and also did some measuring. Phase I doesntt effect ber andwould not mind if it were approved. However, they don't like the idea of approving both phases. They feel each should be handled separately. Phase II they feel will affe-ct-them and they hope by approving Phase I today it does not give a blanket approval to phase II. Jack also said there are several probLems that he feels would have to be addressed before a building permit should be issued on any phase. The problems are where building materials will be stored, where the fence will be, and if there wilL be adequate space for fire trucks etc. to get througb. Jim Morgan- asked about the reduction of GRFA. Jeff Selby said that portion will be retired until Phase II. Dick Ryan said increasing the GRFA would have to be done with the approval of Phase II and if Phase If were not approvedr they would still have to come back to PEC for any changes not approved under Phase f. ft may have to be incorporated back into phase I, but it would have to come back. Sandy Mills asked what the extra space will be used for between Phase I and Phase If. Jeff Selby said it wil-l probably stay as it is now for storage. It definitely will not be for seating or kitchen. Gerry lfhite said it is his understanding that the Board is only looking at and approving Phase I today. Dick Ryan said that tbe view corridors studied in the Village Core Studies were not from one building to another but more from the streets etc. There is not defined view corridors in Mr. Beebers case. Dick Ryan reiterated that the Board will only be approving Phase I here today. Dick also said that the problems of storage and fencing will be addressed by the DRB and Building Departments. IVr PEC Minutes--June 9' 1980 Page Three Gerry lYhite said be realizes that the view corridors discussed in tbe study were from street leve} but he does think that other view corridors must a1so be considered and anyone objecting must be heard if their complaints are legitimate. Ed Drager made a motion to approve tbe Conditional Use Permit to a11ow expansion of the the Red Lion fnn Phase I. Roger Tilkemeier seconded the nrotion. There was more discussion. Jack Curtin asked what happeDs if the Board approves tbis and the Building Department cantt find a solution to the storage problems etc. Larry -said no building permit can be issued until a solution is found. sandy Mil1s asked about the extra room being added. she said she feel-s there is a visual impact. Dick Ryan said he thought she was referring to the cut out for a deck on the south end. Sandy said she feeli a view is lost to the Rucksack Tower. Jeff Selby and Bill Buoff said no. craig snowdon asked the Board to have the staff send DRB any conc;rns they would like DRB to look at when seeing this proiect. Jim Morgan asked if Phase I will definitely happen in this building season. Jeff and Bill said Yes. Tbe vote was taken. Everyone but sandy Mil1s voted for hpproval. sandy voted against because she does not like the ehange in the roofline and does not feel the change in the apartment is warranted. She feels there are some view impacts. She does think the nini- park and the entrance are good. A short break was taken before discussion of item #3. 2.) Conditional use Permit to a1low expansion of the lower level Dick Ryan made the Staff presentation on tbis. He said is basically a l22O square foot addition to tbe south side of the building to alleviate the crovrded conditions in several departments. He mentioned that ttre Design Review Board had been invited as tbey had turned down the proposal at their meeting on June 4. Gerry l{trite abked how far away tbe new Library' is. Diek Ryan said it is one to two years away. The ?own can not alk for anymore bond issues untiL they have the permanent financing for the Parking Structure. Dick said tbe present library contains 160O square feet and he feels that once it is iracated, it will be used wltb or without this addition. conditional use Permit to a1low expansion of the lower leveltti. TO: FROM: DATE: BE: MEMORANDUM o PLANNING AND FNVIRONMENTAL COl,llvtISSIoN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DBVELOPMSNT/JAMES RUBIN JUNE 5, 1980 EXTERIOR ALTEBATION REQUEST FOR THE RED LION INN A. ) The Red Lion Inn has requested an addition of encl-osed floor area as described below which requires them to obtain approvalof their request according to the following guidelines. Althougbthis application for this project was submitted prior to thepassage of the New Ordinances, we are revj-ewing it under the new. procedures, since the procedures are now in effect and theapplicant was ar,vare of the probability that they would be ineffect when this application was submitted The Bed Lion fnn plans to proceed with their expansion in two phases, with Phase I being the only one being reviewed atthls time. Phase II is planned to be submitted for review inthe latter part of August. Phase I includes two additions of enclosed floor space: I2L square feet on the first or ground 1eve1 , whieh is to becomea new entryway into the Lion's Den Restaurant and a 31-2 squarefoot loft addition whieh is above the second f1oor residences.'Also included in Phase I, but not involving the addition of enclosed floor space is the addition of an exterior door andthe conversion of about 150 square feet of storage space intoa sma1l office for Red Lions Inn use on the North side of the second floor, an addition of one window on the East elevation and the addition of windows, a bal-cony and a stai-rway on theIfest side (which faces Bridge Street). Al-so incl,uded in theapplication is the conversi.on of the rock garden next to the Rucksaek into a Public Park with brick pavers and bencbes. B. ) EXISTING AND PROPOSED USE BasementExiSiiE: Restaurant and StorageProposed: Unchanged First FloorfnsTmg: nestaurant and BarProposed: Unchanged Second FloorExlsifiEl---fuo Residential Dwelling UnitsProposed: Unchanged Third Floorlffilfne: No Current UseProposed: Addition of Smal1 Loft Area "' Red Lion--6-5-80 Page Two C. ) STATISTICS 3.) square feet square feet 1. ) IleightIttowea: 6o% of site coverage under 401 between 30-40 feet Proposed: IO07 under 30 feet 2.> Density Control IoT-l[rea::TTF-69 square feet' GRFA Allowed--IL'191 square feet GBFA with Loft Addition--3,?80 square 30 feet feet 4. ) LandscapingITlowed: t,798 square feet minimum Proposed: 31050 square feet 5,) Parking and Loading Site Coverage Allowed: 11r 191 Proposed: 10r901 Small Unit Large Unit TOTAL (The 1,265 squareuntil Phase II) Existing: Two car garage Proposed: Parking Requirement is .797 greater because of increase smaller unit. Gross Residential Floor AreaExisting 583 4 1462 5,045 feet net loss of ofin a spacesize of 6.)Propqsed 1,38O 2 r4OO 3,78O D.)COMPLIANCE I,YITH PURPOSE SECTION: L8,24.O1O Purpose The Commercial Core I Distri is intended to'provide sites and Area. with its mixture of lodses and commercial establishments in a predominatelv pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate 1ight. air. open spaqg- and othei ameni-ties appropriate to the permitted ty!e-E--Q-t--bg!!q1g tenance and pieservaiion of the tiEhtlv clustered arranEements- of buildinEs fronti!g on pedestrittt wavs and r:ub1ic greenwavs 4{td-togns[fe continuation of buildine scale and architectural qualities and uses. The District rezulations in accordancq with the Vail TillaEe uroanlesisn Guide ptan and oesisn Considerations preEcribe aite development stanclards that are intended to ensure the main- _ Net Change +797 -2,062 -I t265 GRTA will remain unused that distinquish the Vi11age. "wt Red Lion--6-5-80 Page Three I The proposed Phase f expansion of the Red Lion Inn complies with aLL aspects of the Purpose Section E.)COMPLIANCE WITH VAIL VILLAGE I'RBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS IN NG THE \\I ING: 1.)Sub Area Coneents of Urban Design Guide Plan Number 12 describes a future Mid-block connection to MiIl Creek and a pocket park created on Bridge Street. The proposed expansion does include a stairway connection to Mil1 Creek and the pocket park on Bridge Street. The park will be public but stairway connection will not really be public due to private residences. The through connection will be pursued when.substantial alterations are proposed to either building face fronti,ng on the connection. No other sub area concepts are considered 1n thls proposal . Urban Design Considerations2.' a. ) Pedestrianization on Bridge Street enhanced by Pocket Park with Seating Area, which is aiso the first step in the pedestrian eonnection through to Mil1 Creek Court b. ) Vehicle Penetration*-No impact. c. ) Streetscape Framework--Improved landscaped area by pocket park and i.ncreased exposure of commercial activity of new entryway. d. ) Street Enclosure: Improved by new Entryway- The Height of the Loft Additlon only extends above the existing rldge line by three feet which should not have any impact on Street Enclosure. e. ) Street Edge: New Entryway and park adds to the Strong but Irregular edge of Bridge Street f.)Building Height: Conforms completely with Height Requirement. Loft Addition provides a mix of buildi.ng heights (which is specifically mentioned as desirable ln Height Section. g. ) Views: No major of minor view corridors are impacted by this proposal Future submittal-s from this and other applicants should include analysis of visual impact-sketch, photo simulation' or model of building in its i.mmediate setting. An application form rvhich contains this requirement is being put together at this time. ) Fffi Red Llon--6-5-80 PpEe Four h,)Sun/Shade: The three foot height extension over the present roof line should have no impact on the existing sun/shade conditions on any Public Right of IVay. 3. ) Zoning Code Considerations a.) Density Control: The proposal is ?411 square feet under the GBFA maximum for the site. b. ) Landscape Area Beduction: The unimproved rock area is being converted into a pocket park which is still a Landscape Use and which we feel is an improvement. No other landscape area is being removed or altered. c. ) Parking: The .797 Lncrease in the parking requirement would require prepayment lnto the Parking fund of $3985(which is the prorated share of the $5'000 space. ) 4. ) Archi,tectural and Landseape Considerations a. ) Roofs b. ) Facades c. ) Baleonies d. ) Decks and Patios e. ) Accent El-ements f. ) Landscape Elements g. ) Service These are primarily the coneerns of the Design Review Board and will be addressed by the applicant in thepresentation to the DRB. Based on preliminary reviewt however, we do feel that the Phase I expansion sub- stantially complies with all of the specific items meutioned above. F. ) RECOMMENDATION Community Development recommends approvaL Red Lion Expansion aecording to the plans The Department ofof Phase I of theas presented. ) &d \h* tsEEtsE Rnolrg gnunrtmemts I56I O 5. E. EASTEATE VAY BELLEVUE. \TASHINGTON 98008 (zoe) z+z-r rzo [iay 15, 1980 [[r. Jares A. Rubin Zoning Director City of Vail Vai1, Colora& 4J-:657 Dear ilfr. Rrbin: This will serve as a fo11ow r4r to our telephone conversation this nnrrring. I understand you are as of this date sending IIE a copy of the arctritectural dnwings outlining the raislng of the roof of the Red Lion Inn. lVe are willilg to nake available our Vail tsne so you can go into it and see hovr the view is going to be changed j-n the event that the Tcmn should al1orry the raising of the Red Lion's roof. I suggest that the architect for the applicant put a llne on top of the rnof strovrring the exact height. I also suggest that you haag wrc red :reflectors frcrn the line and then go over to our house and sit at or.rr dining roon table to see horr much of the visv is destrcyed. Ctaig Snovdon has a key and is authorized to let you in. We a6ain wish to state that uie axe absolutely optrrcsed to any ralsiag of the roof of the Red Lion Inn. We also request again to be notified of all neetings concenring the r:aising of the Red Lion Irut's roof. bC"4-- DB: jlo @i lilr. fraig Sncnsdon 7," tstr I56IO S. E. EASTGATE WAY o trts Itr- Rnoltg 9^unrtmemts BELLEVUE. WASHINETON 98008 (zotl t+t-ttzo CBTIT'IID MAIL - RETTIRN RECEIPT RTjESiM April 11, 1980 ldr. Jerry h:bin Planning Director Tlqm of Vail Vail, Oolorado 81657 Dear Mr. Rubi-n: The other day I sent you a letter of utrich you bad not had tine to respond to. However I am sending a second letter restating Ir$7 concenr in my first letter. A copy of the enclosed ne$'spaper article entitled "Inprovenents for Vail Village to be Renewed" appeared in the April 4 edition of the Vail Tlail. There is one sentence i.n there that strikes hore, "preliminary arctritectr:ral plans state that the Red Lion Cyranors . . . buildingg could be e>qranded". When ue renndeled and added turc bedroons and two bathrocxt's to our mndcrninir.m above the Rucksack we had to secure 1) a building perroit and 2) a Design Revlew Board approval to erpand and change the windows in our condoninium ttwt fac'e the rmuntain and overlook the top of the Bed Lion Inn. Ttre renpdeling of the wildows has greatly expanded our visr and added significant value to our condorninium wlrich has been appraised at nearly $750,000. The appraisers have ildicated that our visp as a result of the treatrcnt of the whdoqc that uas allowed by the Tbvm of Vail for us to renlrdel has greatly ilcreased the value of our condsniniun. 19e have no objection to the expansion of the Red Lion provided that the rpofline does not elevate higher than its present height or does not i:r any $ay change our existing vitr. We wisb to go on record as requesti-ng to be notified of any irr{rending cbanges that vuould a-ffect our view or any cbanges to the exterior of the Red Lion. We are 1,50O miles avay and use the condqninir.ur only in the winter tine and thus are at the rercy of the Tovn of Vail iaforrning us of vdrat is happening to our view. That .is why this letter arrd the previous letter have been sent to you certified mail, return receipt requested. Page 2 snow j-s on the roof we vis,v tbe npuntaj.rr over untouctred virgin snow whictt has fa11en on the roof of the Red Lion fnn and this enhances our spectacular view of Vail Mountaia' l{hen r,,e pr:rchased our wj.nter hore frcm selby, Rosenquist & kown they assured us with great vigor that: 1. ,|Ye could rgrcdel and add two bedroors and two baths onto the existing structure and, z. IVe coufd rsrndel the window of the existiig structure to take fu-11 and better advantage of- the viqry "as the r.dofling of ?e Bed Lion fnn was f1xed',. O,i view could never be destroyed ffil would not a11ow any building to be built higher tba-n the existing roofline' our architect, craig snowdon, who superwised the rermdeling, represented us before the Design Review Cormittee. He explained to the-conmittee how ue were going to change the exberior of our hone and its effect fr"om those utto view our hone frorn att algles and frqn the streets be1ow. Ttre Design Revietrr Connrlttee a.s lvell ".-in" Fr"""ing Staff indicated to CYaig Snowdon the Town rvanted to pr.otect and insure the integrity and chanacter- of one of its npst fancus and wel-l lorounr tanOnrartcs, thu,s the enlarging of the window and obvious external change was weti scrutinized. In addition I personally - have long distance prrlne carr records showing ruy phone ca11s wtrich included calls to the Tor,vn of Vai1. Ttrese call-s r''ere initiated over the changing of the wj-ndorvs and the guaranteeing of our view by the Tloln of-vail. It was j-n oqr opision there was no n.6d for 's to go to the trou6le aad e>rpense to enlar'ge our windows to take a.dvantage of the view if at a Iatev date it was going-to be era.dicated by the evalu.tion of the roofline of the Red Lion Inn. lVe r,lere *"*.d tbe Red Lion Inn's roof vould not be raised and our view of Vait Mountain would rernain forever' I wrote a letter on Aprit 9, April 11 to li[r. Janres Rubin, a @PV of ttttictt is attached. He qui.ci<ly .."ponded to nV letters--on-Apri1 17 and enclosed a copy of the ,r.* pffiluo lou* design- for the village area dated April S, 1980. lye onl"y r*-il ;dorniniun-jn the winter tirne and we are 1,500 ,if""-"r"V frcrn Vail itself. -It becones very obvious bgcluse of the great distance ttrat we are jll an r:nfortr:nate position of not being able to f on the site to protect our interests. \Te -are interested i-n securing connitnents frm the Town of vaif inat the origisal connr-itnrent received frorn the Toim of Vail is not eoing t;be alteredl Otrr condorniniun has been appraised at nearfy $1,OOO,OOO ii value. 1Ve have no objection to the Red Lion Inn undertaking ary new renodeling or adding oi ad+itionll sOr,ure footage provided that the roofline a.s we see it frcrn our concl0rniniurn is not distulbed as shown on the nap as figure o*ro"t rr. In addition we vpuld like to have figure nrrolcer 12, the futurgmiOOioct connection to Mi1l Creek Court area, erplained indetailtoirs.Ttreonlyr,rraythatyoucangettoMillCreekoourtfrrcrn Bnidge street .,*r1J.L-gr"i"c op o.ll steps to the second 1evel and walkijrg to tf,e ba.dr of the builEj:agl tnen golng dovm our steps and across a new bridge that nrsL be built. I Ite are opposed to this and u'ould like to liarow if you plan on condarning our property to use that right of way. Please recogpi-ze f:rcn 1,500 miles auaylt vnuld appear to us to be a very sca::y situation for us to be involved in. ,dc: li{r. Jares Rubia P.S. E:closed are copies of letters dated April 9,11, a^ud 17. 1.. i -tstrtrts t tr G,d"ltg 9*unrtrnemts, 9rr. f 56r0 s.E. EASTGATE \(Ay BELtEvuE, \rAsHlNGToN 98oo8 (zool 74t-3t20 April 9, 1980 illr. Janes A. Rubin Zoning Ldninistrator !ov'n of Vail Vail, Colorado Dear LIr. Rubin: Thank you for sending ne the pr:lclic notice, a copy of u'hich is attached for your clarification as to ufuat I am writing about. llyself and my partner Martin Mullally own Unit #2 of the Rucksaek Oondoniniun. Our condcnii-niun is the top three floors of the building. A year and a half ago \rre comnenced a rencdelilg program wherejn ue built two bedroon's and two baths out over the roof of the then existlng roof of Kelton Gardens Real Estate office. fn the process of getting the building perrnit and securilg design review approval for the trvo bedroom tllo bath addition we also secured the torvnrs approval to ctrange the exterior wjldows frqn a srall configirration to large plate glass windows in our kitchen, dining roon, and livilg room area. This enabled us to opand our view fron our condorniniun over the roof of the Red Lion Restaurant so that we could see the nor.untajl ilcluding chair 1, 16 and 6 as well as e>qlanding our vierv of the MilI CYeek Oourb and the Gore Range llountains. I'ie have no real- conplaints with the pncposed ehanges with one orception. We were told by the Town of Vail wi.ien v,e did our respdeling of our w"indous in our ki-tehen, diailg and living roorn areas that there uou.ld be absoluteJ.y no possibility nol, or ever in the future that the roofline of the Fed Lion Iru: would be epanded r-pward. If the roof}ine is exbended rpward it qould totally destroy our view a:rd take away hundreds of thousands of dollars ia the value of our condorninir-un. Therefore we wish to put you and the Tbwn of Vail on record with this registered letter that any ctunge in zoning that vould detrirrentally result fu the destroying of our view and lessenirtg the value of our condaniairm will be resj-sted vigorously. I Janes A. hrbi:l 9, 1980 z It sould verXr well be that I aru getting a,larrned over nothing, hcmeventhe mclosed public notice doqrrents nptirrates re to rmite this letter. I "q[q alrpneciate by retu::"n uail you settli'g rgr uneasioess by stat.lngtbat the roofliue of the Bed Lion rnn wirt neven be atlowed to increaseln height ths destrcying onr viem. Dts:J1o cc: l[r. Martin Mu1la11y 0 rd' tsEEtsE Rnol,g grunrt,ments ill I56IO S. E. EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE, \TASHINETON 98008 (zoc) lvlay 1, 1980 yfir. aoOney E. Slifer IvIr. John Donovan 14r. Scott Ho1rnan Ii{r. Bill Wilto Dr. Tcm Steinberg lvls. Paula Palmateer Ivlr. Ron lbdd Itr. Ed Drager L{r. John Perkins IUr. Jim Morgan 1,4s. Sandy Mi-IIs l'4r. Dan Corcoran [4r, Gerry lllhite l,{r. Roger Tilkqreier IvIr. Fritz Glade li4r. I-ewis [leskirnen [4r. Iftis Sivertson' I{r. Craig Snordon ladies and Gentleren: We purchased oilr condcrniniuu, the pyranid tourer of the Rucksac,k Building, h Janua^:ry of 1978 fr"crn the otners of the Rucksack Building, Selby' Rosenquisl & Barown. Sdne 30 different postcards and placqnats that we have been able to secure indicate our condsniniun is one of Vairl's rnst photographed landnarks. In Septenber of 1978 we added tuo bedrosns and tuo baths out over the roof of Kelton Gardens Real Estate firm toryards Bridge Street. At the sanre tj:re we were rennd,eling we enlarged every windog in the existing structure, as well as adding a *indow for lighting, escape puryoses and also for its vieu' frcrn our pyramiO tower. A11 windous on our 1gi.11 1ivjlg 1eve1 were erpanded to the ngr<nnnn possible size for the purpose of taking ful1 advantage of one of the nrcst spectacular viev,s of Vail Mountain in Vail. Ttris visr extends frcrn the far west side of Chair 1, all of Chair 16 aJ.1 the way over to Chair 6 and east. lbcrn oqr kitchen, dining roqn, living rocrn, and from one of the new bedroqrs we ca.n take in thls velry gniqr:e and closeup one of a kind view of Vail li{ountain. Our view overlooks the noof of the Red Lion Irut. ltre present heigbt of the Red Lion Innrs noof is just perfect' I'then Gti^\-ffift 747-t|20 box 100 department of community development vail, colorado 81657 (303).476-5613 April 17, .|980 Bob Beebe Beebe Realty Investrnents, Inc. 15610 S.E. Eastgate l.lay Be11evue, l,lashington 98008 Re: Letters dated April 9th and llth Dear Bob: I am in receipt of your letters of Apri'l 9th and llth. I fjnd it extremely difficul t to believe that anyone work'ing for the Town in- djcated that the roofline of the Red Lion Inn could not be expanded upwards. The present height in the Commerc'ial Core I area is 35 feet which means that all bui'l dings cou'l d be three to three and one half stories in he'ight. This js not saying that every building will be this height, but th'is is the height that is allowed. As far as the Urban Design Plan'which is alluded to in your April ]1th letter, the part of the Red Lion designated as a potential expansion area is on the south side of the building and a maximun of two stories in height. Th'is plan has been discussed by the Planning and Environnental Corrnission and the Town Council, but has yet to be formally adopted by either group. (I have enclosed a copy of.the p'l an for your review) I appreciate your concern for wanting to protect the va'l ue of your investment, and we will make sure that you are notified of any proposed changes to the Red L'ion or on any other abutting properiies. This, hovlever, does not preclude the possibility of the Red Lion or any other build'ing from considering changes similar to the one done to the Rucksack Buil ding. Thank you for your consideratjon on this matter. Sincerely, A n -,\ /'l'^^"A t''^o<.-'-- lOames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Encl s. Page 2 snorv is on the roof we visv the rpirrtain over untouched vlrgin sorp wtrictr has fallen on the roof of the Red Li.on Inn and this enhances our spectacular view of Vail Mountain. When r,rc purcha.sed our winter hcrre frcm Se1by, Rosenquist & Brown they assured us with great vigor that: 1. We couLd rsnrdel and add two bedrosns and tuo baths onto the eedsting structr.ue and, 2, We could renpdel the windour of the existing slnrcture to takeful1 and better advantage of the vi€iqr "as the :roofline of the Red Lion Innla5 llaqd". orr view cour@ffiI u,ouJ.d not allour any buitding to bebuilt higher than the e<isting nooflirte. Our architect, Cbaig Snowdon, wtro srryervised the rerndeling, retrlresented us before the Design Review Cqmdttee. He eplained to the cornrittee how we were goiag to change the exberior of our hqre and 1ts effect frpm those r,vtro view our hqne frcrn all angles and frun the streets belor. Ttre Design Revieur Cqnnittee a.s uell as the Planning Staff indicated to Ctaig Snowdon the ltorvn wanted to prctect and insure the integrity and character of one of its rcst fanrcus and well lmoun landrBrks, thus the enlargj.ng of the wirtdow and obvious external cbange uas well scrutinized. In addition I personally have long distance phone c+11 records showing rry phone calls wtrich jlcluded callsto the Town of Vail. Ttrese ca1ls lrere lnitiated over the chaaging of the windows and the guaranteeing of our view by the Town of Vail. It wa,s in our opiaion there was no need for us to go to the troubLe and e>rpense to enlarge our windovas to take advantagp of the vienry if at a later date it was going to be eradicated by the evaluatlon of the roofline of the Red LionInn. We were assured the Red Llon Inn's noof uould not be raised and our view of Vail Mourtain would rernain foreven. I wrote a letter on April 9, April 11 to Mr. Janes Rrbln, a @pV of rdrich is attached. He quichly reslrcnded to nry letters on April 17 and enclosed a erpy of the new proposed urban design for the Village area dated April 3, 1980. IIe only use our condqninium in the winter time and we are 1,500 niles away frqn Vail itself. It becmes very obvi-ous because of the great distance that we a^re in an unfortunate position of not being able to be on the site to protect our interests. We are interested jl securilg cqnnitnents frqn the Tlovn of Vail that the original ccnmitnrent received frcrn the Tlown "?of Va11 is not going to be altered. Our condoninir.m has been appraised at nearly $1,000,000 in value. Ile have no objection to the Red Llon Inn undertaking any nes/ rerodeling or adding on additional sqlrare footage prcvided that the r",oofline as e see it frcm our condcmi-nium is not disturbed as slrovn on the rap a"s flgure nurber 11. In addition we uouJd like to have figure nunlcer 12, tlrre future nidblock connection to Mi1l Cleek @urt area, explained in detail to r.s. The only way that you can get to Mil1 C?eek Court frffi Bridge Street $ould be going up our steps to the second level and rr'all<ing to the back of the building, then going dCI^'n our steps and acnoss a new bridge that rmst be built. a rue3 IYe ane opposed to this and would rike to loa[4, if you pran on conderming orrproperty to use that rigbt of vray. Please recognize fron 1,5oo mltes awayit would appeax to us to be a very sca^rr situation for us to be inrrcrved in. ,E"t '''- PnB:J1o cc: Mr. Janes krbin P.S. hclosed a"re copies of letters dated April 9, 11, a.nd 17. - PLANNING AND ENVIRONMEN]AL CCI.IMISS:ION MEETING Febnrary 9, 1981 3:00 p.n. STAFF PRESENTPRESENT Gerry ltlhite Roger Tilkeneier Dan Corcoran Scott Edwards Duane Piper Jirn Morgan Gaynor Miller 1. Approval of ninutes of meeting of Jinuary L2, LggL, Dick Ryan Peter Patten Betsy Rosolack COTJNC IL REPRESENTAT IVE Bud Benedict Scott rnoved and Gaynor seconded that these ninutes by approved. Vote was 7-0 in favor. 2. -Approval of minutes of neeting of January 26, 1981. Dan noved and Roger seconded that these ninutes by approved. Vote was 7-0 favor. l' t*e- fron January 26 neeting). Peter: I was able to meet with l,lr. Luke between the last neeting and this one, we went over and looked at both topographic surveys--the e.arly one and the one that was done,I believe last year. As far as trying to compare the tt.,'o suryeys to see if there wasa slope changc, that was inpossible to do because the early survey was not adcquateto be able to conpute slope on the site. I did take Mr. Lukets recent survey and re- analyzed the slope. I did a slope analysis mysel!, and it turned out that Mr. Luke would be allorved 2 units on the property rather than one. I inforrned him of that fact, and'it did not change his wish to get a variance to construct 3 turits on the property. As nost of you know, we were able to look at the site today. We took 5 of the planning commissioners and Bud Benedict from the Council out to the site and we did a conplete inspection of the site. As far as the staff reconmendation on this, there is no change. To repeat, we still feel strongly that, of course we would allow 2 units which is aliowed. llie feel strongly that the best solution in the development of this property is to developit in accord with the adjacent lot, where there is a buildable area, and finally Itdlike to quickly go through and read off the findings which the Planning and Environnent Cornnission nust nake before granting a variance. Before any variance i.s approved, the three points that the Connission nuit fi.nd are: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent t.,ith the lirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or naterially injurious to propertics or inprovements il the vicinity. 3. 'lhe tlre variance is warranted for one or nore of thc fol lorving reasons: a. The str ct or literal interpretation and .enforcernent of che .specified regulstj.on ,'.uould rcsult in plactical diffiiufty or unnec,essary physical hardship j.nconsistcnt, with the objectives of this title. PEC-2-2-9-81 3.b. There are exccptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicableto the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties inthe sane zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would dePrive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propertiesin the same district. The Planning Comnission must nake all of these findings in orcler to approve the variance,and, in conclusion, our reconmendation remains as the original neno states, denial , Gerry: Thank you. Would the applicant like to nake sone cornments ? Mr. Luke: Ycs, please. Irve been here now three tines, and I thought that we had. madethe rninutes of the neetings fairly c1ear, but I don't see any addressing of the problernby the Planning Commission. I'n going to state it one more tirne for the record., andthatfs it. Low Density }frltiple Family equals north sicle of lot 3 equals 1,ot 4 , 3.7units. Sarne topogrsphy, and I believe you gentlenen have seen that today, an<l Irm sorry,but Irm getting a Little bit impatient because Irve been here 3 tines and not.hing seensto be happening. If you deny this today I would appreciate under the constitutionalprocess the reasons why you are denying it. I have and they are part of the ininutesof the neeting and I should not take the tine of the group to reiterate for the thirdtime, and I l'ri1l not. If you would like some reiteration, I would be happy to presentit to you. Thank you, Gerry: Thank you. Conunents from the planning Commission? Dan: As I recall ' the Postponenents and the reguests for tabling were on your part,not the planning cornrnission. We were inore than willing to take a vote the first tineyou were here . Luke: That is not true, sir. In talking to Mr. Patten, we had. to narly the originalsite pJ'an Process which as you know is the site plan, to the survey rvhich was Mx. R.W. Consultants, July 1980, rnarry those two to see if therc was a consi,<]crable difference"Now. The rocks have,been thrown on rny land by you :ld the State. liow nany of eachI do not knorv. I told you thi-s three'weeks ago. This has not been <iec ided. because !f91e- ar9 scar places nry trees, there are also no lichen moss, ca1 1ed noss rock. Now,Ir11 be happy to go into it, Irve into it three times, and ali I get is bottles andbees. Nobody has ever answered one questi.on. Irrn a little bi-t tired. Dan: You said that the rocks on your property substalttially changed the topography,and that's why there is a difference. -r irguld with yo,, *'d expliinecl to yiu-whyif your lot was surveyed properly, those rocks would not affect your topography. you obviously didn't listen to that.- Luke: No, you havenrt checked it out. Dan: 0h, yes' I have. Irve been out to your lot 5 tines in the last two weeks walkingit by myseLf, and with the Planning Cornrnission today. Itrn a licensed land surveyorin this state, also, I know what is required on topography. LYI:: linu. I'ly point sti!.l rcmains, ancl r have not changed. -I belicve the mj.nuteswill reflect this and this history, it ,irr be forever in perpetuity. Jherefore, rwill rest and I want to know what-the appeal proceclures ""i. ^I have an idea that Itnrbeing denied ny three units, Gerry: Mr. Luke, you havenrt been denied three units. Any other comments ? ;i !: !r'-scott: Ird like to move that since the applicant has not satisfied thc requircments PEC -3- 2-9-8L of the ordinance in requesting a variance, that the variance Roger: Second. Gerry: To the Town Council. Luke: And then what is the ied. 30 days? Gerry: I donrt know Luke: Ithinklhave Ir11 be back with you Gerry: No, you would Luke: Pardon ne? anybhing about it. to appeal within 30 days as I recalr. you might check that anclin l0 days. Thank you very much. appeal to the Town Council. :.ij.' o be den 99Tyt Motion by Scott Edwards, seconded by Roger Tilkeneier. A1l those in favor.(All voted in favor.). unanimous. And I would renind you, l*{r. Luke, that you have10 days to appeal to Town Council if you would like to. Luke: l0 days. Is that for appeal to the Town Council? legisJ.ative process for the State of Colorado? Is that Gerry: r said that you rr,ould appeal to the Town corurcil , if you wish to appear thedecision of the planning Conr:nisiion. Peter: Mr- Luke, the appeal procedure is for you to submit in writing to the TownManagerrs office, if you would like to appear on their agenda if you would liketo appeal this decision. One other thini, the presentation that you nake at theTor+n council nay not be different than wfiit you rtarr" pt*r"rrt*d here. Luke: Is that 10 days from today? Peter: Yes. Luke: Do I appear here 10 days from today? Peter: No, you will not, just submit in writing. Luke: You don,t know the rules of that? Mren do I appear? Peter: Sir, again, you subrnit in writing to the Tourn Council within 10 days. Theywill schedule you on a regular Town cotniit meeting. you wirr.be inforned. 4. A request 5 and 6, Gerry: Corunents frorn the staff? Peter: Yes' This is.the site nap out in East vail, lots 5 and 6 are the ones concerned. !11' B9rs9n is requesting that the existing 1ot line be abandoned, and that a new rotline be dra}rn, a very minor change, and rirr tet-tir-"-pi"i, trru-r""ioni-;"; ;;: Borgen: Itir asking that this conmon corner uctw""rr'rot 5 and lot'u o"',no]r*o 12 feet ;:r:l:."""' rtrren this singre r.arnirr fo3e. ""' f:ll,:.g; gi;.roir 3s*,F,a a Jeiachea ., r!-ii th( J.i;ir: PEC-4-2-9-81 Peter: Basically, are different fron 6 is still a 1egal this is cleaning up the Townrs. It will size. the lot line becaus" .t?*.y rcgurationselininate the non-conforming use, and lot After nore discussion, Gerry asked for a notion. Roger moved and Duane seconded thatth-e request to revise the existing lot line betrceen lots S and 6, Block 5, BighornSubdivision, sth Addition be approved. The vote to approve was 6-0, with Dan Corcoranabstaining. !.- -A-requgst for an exterior alteration and rnodification in connercial Core I andheight variance or"creek Drive. Applicant: Bob Fritch. o rvver's\! cL! rc Peter went over his nerno. He explained that this r.ras revlewed at the Decenber lZwork session briefly-, nrentioning that it was a rninor addition, and that the only reasonthat it was before the Pr aan:.ng"con*irr ion was because it bras an exterior alteration,as ni'ninum as it is. The stafi had reviewed it ancl j-t had no effect on any of theurban Design Criteria really, as the meno stated. The questi.on was did it need zrheight variance, the staff has determinecl that it is basically an architecturalprojection and no height variairce is recluired. The sitzrnark i.s a legal existingnon-conforming structure with regard to height, and the ,hurt "r" not going to increasethat discrePalcr, so that no heilht variance is needed., and staff is recornrnendingapproval of the project. Duane Piper of wheeler-Piper explained that the height was i5r ancl showed drawi_ngswith rnore explanation. The break down square footage to this is: mechani.cal equipment298 sq ft., public lobby space increased 17g sq ft, the hallway is extended to putthe elevator on the interior^space, upper two -floors have storage roons, 132 sq ft,so total envelope sg ft is 60g. Dan corcoran moved, and Gayn or seconded to grant the request as stated in the mernofrom the staff srtrtlject to the following conJitior,: . . The applicant agrees to participate j.n the Vail Vil1ageimprovernent district if and wlien formed for Vail Village. ,The vote to approve was 6=0, with Dtrane pipir abstainlng. 6; A st- fgl _?n exterior alteration atrd nodification in Corunerciir.l Core I foreReon 04 East Bridge Street. Appticant: Jeff Selby. 1ding., toco-ffij 11ing ts and additshops at 3*:l-*f*,_^ll":-!*::lln:'11d nembers of the Ftannins comrtsrior,, rhis is a requestunder the new procedure. that was just adopted uy the*eranning conmission last ,ff;;for a new addition to the Red Lioi. The Planning cornnission has had extensivepresentation at the joint-neeting between the ptlnning-po*ritrion and the coulcilon the proposal. Proposcd^is approximatery 2,lclg0 sq Ft'of n", conrnerciar spaccwhich would be by seibert circle'"nJ-*" febr ivoutd tr" u t"tiu. connection in seibertCircle for pcople to go up there and shop and browse and just nake the area a nuchmore active and pleasant space. Also iequested is 3 seiond floor dwelling unitsthat would contaj.n approxirnaiely s,5g0 sq ft. The proposar for residentiar spaceis substantially under the allowed 6ross Residential Flior Area for the buildi.ng.r think the appl icant has been very responsive to conceins of dealing with the sitecoming up wi-th a new addition to tire stiucture that i.s very compatible r+ith what isproposed under the Vail village urban Design Guide pran. ilso, the applicant hasresponded, in the staffts view, to dealing with the rninor view corridor of the VaiIVillage Urban Dcsign Guide plan. In the ninor view corridor, thore can be some mod.i_ PEC-s-2-9-81 The view conidor : There is soneHill Street. The staff does feel oa of fication to this view corridor. I think werve all seen the presentation on the nrodi.-fication that would take place at the vierrr corrj-dor. I think werve also looked atwhat some of the inplications are if the building is nodified in other ways whereother pri.vate views woulcl be blocked substantialiy if the applicant continued to gowith the Gross Residential Floor Area that is allbwed. The-ltaff has looked at theUrban Design Considerations that the Planning Cornrnissi.on needs to review as far aspedestriani zati-on is concerned. I think it Ir * improvernent to pedestriani zationinto the seibert circle area. There is a better conirection to thl Mill Creek Buildingnoving the Seibert Circle area to the north, which is proposed under the Urban DesignGuide Plan. The seibert Circle which actuatly have nore sun during certain times ofthe year and becorne an even more viable place with sone redesign oi that particulararea' The vehiclc penetration: Potentially there could be fewer vehicles there becausrthere is presently a 2 cat garage where pcople cone to park at the garage and they alsotend to park at the.back of the garage, so at times theie could be 4 vehicles corninginto the core at al1 tirnes, reatizin! ih"t th"y have almost a permanent parking ptacei-l tttg Village. under the proposal, therc would be a loading and unroacling zone byMill Creek' so that the people-rt'ho would be using the condominiurns would bc able rouse that area to load and unload their vehicles, and then they rvould be required, .unlesstltuy l"a sone space that we don't know about, to go to the parkilg structure, or ifthey had a aental car, they could return the rentil car, because they nay not need i-tuntil the end of the week or until they go back to Denver, or_'*h"""r'"r ;i.r"t-;; be going. on the east side would also be the loading area, so that the trucks that would be servicithis building would be able to use that, The sireetscape framework I think werve alreadytalked about, in fact, we feel that adding conmercial s-hops to ttrat ena "r trt" street $]J nrovide-the opportunity for people to actually "om" up there and walk throughSeibert Circle instead of just, wirat- rnany do, look'.down the street and decide tharit is not worth going down further to Mill Creek, and r think it will be an irnprovedoPportunity pius, f1o^ the design viewpoint, j.t will be a very beautiful entry-intothe shops. Street edge and street enclosure: The applicant has denonstrated that the stxeet enclo-sure of I/2 to I that_ is expressed in the vail Village Urban Design Guide plan isnet by thi.s, and that therc ii some street enclqsure by the proposui, but I think ifyou look at the nodel here today, there is stil1 a very comfirtiure ieering as you wouldwalk down the stTeet. Building height: The proposal does neet the urban Design Guide plan for builCing height,actually the whole building, r believe is under 30 feet which is one of the rnain criteria:It doesntt even have-to. have the other perceirtage--50 to 40 feet where a certain percen-tage could be actually higher. intrusion into the view corridor taking place frornthat that is an.acceptable change to the vj_ew corridor. The sun/shade: There is no impact because the sun is coming fron the south and thebuilding is not shading the street or another building- As far as the zoning code j-s concerned, the rnajor aspect there would. be that the applicantwould-be required to p1y the_park:'.ng fee that iras been established for Vail villagefor the new addition of rcsidential spacc ancl for the new a<idition of the conunercialspace that wj.ll be in the building, and would be responsible for paying for the renovalof. the parking spaces that are in-ihe pr"r"nt garage. ,-- j,:. - t l]'" PEC-6-.2/s/8t Itnder the architectural and landscape controls that are in the Design Considerationsof the Urban Design Guide Plan, I think the applicant, as far as the architecturaldesign, has responded to the essence of what ii Ueing proposed in the Design Considera-tio_ns, and actually has the design of the'building fit-the character of Vait \riltage,and also fits the building that is currently there. The design, we feeL, blends inand is very complinentary to the existing Red Lion building. The recornmendation ofthe staff is for approval of the request subject to i conditions: 1: The applicant agrees to participate in and rernonstrate against .a special improvemendistrict if and when formed for Vail Village. 2: Ttre applicant agrees to upgrade the landscaping along Mil1 Creek and and presentthe plan to the Conmunity Developurent departneni for appioval . 3. And the applicant agrees to participate financial1y in street improvenents, forexample street pavers, strect lights and 'the relocated focal point ai Seibert Circleif an inprovement district is not formed, and the applicant rvill share a sinilar anounr,if we are able to get agreernent frorn all the prop""iy owners in the surrounding areat-o agree uPon sonething like a special assessment to improve Seibert Circle. itr ,.1tethe Town would also be participaiing in what inprov"r"ni, would be there. Gerry: Are there corulents frorn the appljcant? Peter: ltle received a letter, I think all of the planning comnission nenbers have acopy of this, dated February 3, 1981, addressed to the Pianning and EnvironnentalCorunission: Dear Mr. Chairman and Corunission menbers: I'With regret I am unabtle to attend your published rneeting on February 9, 19g1, as Inust be in Chicago that day. I wish to present to the -ornmission, Ly *"y of a lS ninutewalking site visit, opposi.tion by Mrs. Coitlandt Hill and nyself, iuck Cuttin, to therequest to nodify the exterior of the Red Lion building in Corunercial Core I. I respect-fully request you allow a continuance of your hearing intii r nay present collectivlyor- individually to you tny opposition naterial . Your schedule, I understand, is veryfull, but because of the importance of your decisi.on, I hope you will feel compel ledto hear the property ouners who are definitely affecied by'-ty decision you ri.". Ian at your convenience Tuesday, February lOth on, for my presentation. Thank you foeyour consideration of rry request.rr And signed by Jack J. curtin wi,th copies to stifer, caplan, Mrs. Joan Hill, and rne. Bill Ruoff: r an Bill Ruoff, architect for the project. Before I go into ny presentatioIrd like to say that Dick. just stole ny thunder.- He saicl all the tiings I aln prepared !9 t"y. I could repeat then all and elaborate on any, but Itd like to ask for soruedirection frorn-the planning conrni.ssion. Do you want to hear me say it all again andpoint to the pictures at the sane time, or move on to particulars? Dick gave a rathercomprehensive point by point explanation. Danl l{as the presentation changed any at all, or.-substantially from what you gave usat our joint neeting? Ruoff: Nothing substantive. At that time, when you saw this rnodel 4werenlt any windows on this building, there werenrt any people in the Red Lion building itself has not be6n touched. r canri iemenber, didpaintcd on the wall? Dan: If there is something really different that we dj.d not go over weeks ago, there streets, but the we havc the picture last time, thatts PEC-7-2l9l8r naybe l,rhat we should discuss. Ruoff: No, there is not. We have come t oday prepared to show you again the same pre- sentation that you sarv at the joint meeting at the Athletj.c Club. Roger: I think that everybody on our Conrnission heard that, and unless there are people in the audience who came here particularly for this issue and would like to hear it again, I don't thi.nk that is necessary. Peter: Sid just brought up the poi.nt that maybe the presentation should be made in light that, if an appeal is filed, they will have to nake the same presentation to the Council. That might be a good idea. Larry Eskwi.th: If he wants to pnotect the record, I think you .should add to what you think you need. Most of the findings have been nade by the Conmission, and it has been found to comply with the relevant ordinances. I donrt know if you ar:e going to have to go through the entire presentation. Ruoff: nothing identify Peter: Rrlolf.: ,.;I .do and have. because. I think it is The graphic naterials, the pictures and to what was there. If you would like, then for the rccord. tlrc model are idcntical . We have added in the interest of saving time, we couid ' : r r'r'-r,r3li ., I li'r r:,:. . :-, ::.. - .. . ,, - a.,, .,questions -tiiat were rai.ied at that time. I wds concerned with that has already been i l-dJ;i F.1,., . :. -- Sibley: I just want to rnake sure that the exhibits might be used at the tine that we are in:front of the Council, as this letter indicates might happcn, I would just "is soon at.'least make reference to those specifj.c. exhibits that you have up. Gerry: I vrould just nake one co ncnt, and that is that the questions that were raiscd and discussed at that joint meeti.ng should be raised and discussed again right now. For.the record. Ruoff:. Running dowa t-he list from the Guidelines, bibk has already doire. I can repeat thirt, .I qan. talk briefly a-bo-ut the. dra,wjags,. We will -19o.\ et the phblo oVerlays tha.t we.,:have that display the view corridors and how they_are affected. I giieds what Irm saying, do you think that it is nec-essary for me to.rcpiat substant-j.ai1y irhat Dick just wort through. .i. -- .. i,j. ,;: - - -:o, - -:-';", i'Gerry.: - No, I don't. I thin-k it- is important.. . Roge!:...,It you cndorse whac. he s4!d.......,;",. -,. ::..:.,:.. l-::- : -., . ,_ro'r, l: , errr to raiseinportant the Roger: I think it was view corridors prinarily were ,tfri ifrings and relationship of your drawings to the. Urban Design Plan, and covered. i,.:; i:... .. i,.: --i:r .. _,,., iin,. Ji rj ij.i. _<ual:;i;.: .Jim: .,Bidn't you have sone photograpirJ af one poinif - RqRf.l:, Leg,.;r1c rttn-ttrrougfr,,\h.e {rawj,ilgp flH*Sk1X,.f+r,s,t,r ggr,p then IS.iJl .Cq,,t\rough the, .,.p\qtoBrnplts. l'his is the. base plan-... f'hij illarr .i.nctri..teS aIl of uppcp, Bridgc Strcct sqd..cr;o5st's }lill Crc'ek and;L1k-q5 iir ltitt, Cic'cf Court.+iirl tlc Chri5ii-4n'a,. aIl of thc sqrp'orurding llril{ipg5. Ihe lc<l Line suplrimposcd i.rp-oir the bluc ptbn'iif thc ncw building is hcre for rcfclcnce to shor,r thc red line is thc cxisting wa1l of the P,ed Lion as you sQQrr*:t i4 t{is .pltgto$r*P.\ii,,rlt, Jlgff, l?:tr.rc.9r[r,-e,] pu.,q,,lo ol.b".i]r.fqqplt{ f,ip.e' art,I,rrqsgnt . ,Tlp, ..' PEC-8 -2/e/8L proposed addition does. These are the 3 elevation drawings which show in considerabledetail the proposed changes. To answer specific point-s in the Guide Lines for archi-tectural det.ai.l, articulation, pedestrian scale on the street. The top drawing on this side and the one below it j-llustrate the difference betweenthe street enclosure ratio as it exists today with the roof of the Red Lion coming downvery low to only about 7 feet, really above the stTeet. The existiag patio there isactually below strcet 1eve1 , The drawing immediately below shows the sarne relationshipas it will exist after the addition is nade. The average ratio of width to height isalmost exactly L/4 to 1 at present. Under the Guide Lines, this is considered beyondlimi.ts of good comforable stTeet enclosure. lVhat werve been able to do j.s achievel/2 to 1, almost exactly I/Z to l which is considered optimun. The next drawing is rea11y just an illustration of the height statistics on the buj.ldin8the red line shows the height that is allowed rmder the cuirently extisting zoning andGuide Lines. It could be a 5 story building, as are all of the lurrounding buildingsexcept one 2 story and one 4 story. The avcrage height of all sumounding buildingsin the neighborhood is 3 stories. Werre proposing, though, for a number of reasons,the Red Lion addition be kept down to 2 stories. This also keeps GRFA and other things way under the limit--about 4000 sq ft under the lirnit on GRFA and a whole story heightunder on the height of the building. The bottom drawing illustrates the principal pedestrian pathways up Bridge Street, in and out of Bridge Street, and around Seibert Circle as they will exist after the projeci.is finished. They are not substantially diffcrent fron what they are today, bur wefeel that the introduction of interesting transparent shop fronts frorn the Red Lion entrance on around the corner into Hanson Ranch Road toward Mi11 Creek Court buildingwill draw the pedestrians in a way that they presently do not go. When they come up,they fo1low thlspathon by Baxterrs and The Slope toward the nountain or go over toCyranors, but there is nothing to draw them thil way. We think we can close the ciicleand contain this square, the plaza area, Really, we think werre going to complete it.There are severaL other drawings that we have h-eie which you saw at the other rneeting. We pinned*them up and- dolrn, and I think we should do so again today for a very briefreview. They are background. inforrnation, and we use then to ansl,iex questions, ifyourll ternernber, on heights, and what if we did something else instead of w\at we did. W-e spent no tine, we didntt even refer to them much more than to say that we had themthe other time, because they are not of direct interest at this timl. They are thefloor pLans of the three floors as they will exist after the addition is nade. The basement which will contain the nite club and contain the noise because there wonrtbe any windows that will open out below the neighbors, the shops and the newcondorniniums as they will exist,on the floor above. iet us juit run through them all. This, I dontt believe I did show the other tine, because I donrt think we got int.o it. We had-this ole uP. The red lines show the outline of what the 3 st.ory buitding wouldLook like. This is an actual rendered elevation of what it would look like. We thinkthat it is a moot point at this stage, because we donrt really want to go to that height. These are overlays of the principal elevation of the building. there are severalseries of dotted lines. They are all a little different from the one you see. Butwithin it, we are able to shorv the principal alteinative methods of putting the roofs on this building. The reason we ch-ose th-e one that you see in the final drawings uphere, is because we feel it is the best compronise on the issue of view planes and'view corridors. We feel that the two 1ow gabtes that -werve shown there are better thanary of these. We bring these along, and occaisionally soneone asks, I'Well, what if:"you did this instcad of that?", we can show on tllese.exactly whai would have happened'if we had done this instead of that and why we r:hose the one that'you see i.n the rnoclel. '' i ' iJt , : ; i , :-,.r;1, tiili .J(\irji .,rul i (r : iri :, PEC - 9- 2/9/Br These are sun angle and shadow diagrarns which we refered the last tine, because, as Dick says, they really aren rt germain to our problern because werre fortunate enough to be on the north side of the street. Wetre not casting shadows on anyone. These basically show how the neighbor casts a little bit of shadow on us. And this is a depiction ofl the actual vi.ew corridor as it exists through Hill Street. There is a very slight difference between this one and the angles as they are shown <in the officiai Toun nap in the Guide Lines. We discovered when we got out there with our instrunents and caneras and measurenents and so forth, that the one on the Town plan is off by about rnaybe one degree. It is a very ninor thing. We platted this one from information which we generated through the project, and it is a little more accurate because we had a little nore ti.me to dig into it. This is an extremely accurat calculated projection of the view corridor. Ihe principal exhibits concerning the view corridor, of coutse, are the pictorial ones. the large photographs Thatts it for now. The overlay done.in color to enphasize rather than dininish it, the impact on the view corridor as it will be viewed frorn what we consider is probably the moit critical point in the entire length of Hill Street which isntt very ntuch. That critical poini, we feel is back here. It's actually standing in Jack Curtints front door, which is ri.ght there. The reason we feel this is important is because all of the people traversing Wall Street heading tor,/ard the nountain or wherever, pass this rvay, they can look over their shoulder..is what they'll see as opposed to the people walking through the street. Only half of thern can see it, unless theyrve got eyes on the back of their heads, so we feel that this is the nost inportant one. l{e do have also on a smaller scale, a series of photographs showing how it disappears as you walk forward up Hill Street. they are srnaller, we Cid not pin then up at the other- neetitig' we again, just nention that they are here as part of the rnaterial from which these were enlarged, so that you can see fron across the room. The vj-ew of thc snorv capped peaks of the Gore renains, but what we will cut off is sone of the foreground and a big broirm hillside above the highway. It actuaLly comes dor,,n by the golf course. We feel to the visitor and to most people it is the snow capped peaks out there tltat are the most inpor:tant part of the view. So tlrat is the degree to which we impinge upon the rninor view corridor in Hill Street. We went a little farther than is required strictly under zoning and other regulations- We did the sane kind of study on the two adjoining neighbors upon rvhon there is inpact views. And that is the two on either side of llill Street here on the 2nd floor at the end of the Plaza Lodge is the apartment of Mrs. JoAnn Hil1. Across the stT,eet on the entire 2nd and Srd floors of this buitdj.ng is the residence of Mrs. Cortlandt Hi11. l{e will have an inpact upon the view from JoAnn Hillts living room, and we will have an inpact on the view from Jack Curtints apaxtnent. Windows over here and the rest of hei house are not affected. O.K. This photograph was taken from jus! inside, 20'l back of the big sliding glass door which is the nain viewing point from JoAnn Hillrs living roorn. This is what she sees today. The impact on her view is rather slni-lar to whit it is in Hill Street. Her view now is cut off by the existing chinney of the Red Lion and the top floors of the Christiana. She sees the peaks across here and some of the valley and brown hillside in the foreground. Our new roof line will corne across here and cut off that botton piece ritrlrt. j.n there about l.ike this. It will still leave the view of the peaks. illow letts look at the similar thing as seen from Mrs. Cortlandt Hillts house. Here!s the vicw. I'hc addition will cone out this way. The piecc of view that is cut off here--nonc of the peaks are irnpacted at all. This end if.the roof right here will cut off this piece of, again, the sane sage brush hill- side opposi"te the Sttt C tOtir fairways on the golf course beside the highrvay. In brief'form, iirat is the presentation--tlre points thit we reviewed at the joint neeting 5 or 4 weeks ago, the material that we showed at that time. PEC r0 - 2/9/8L Gerry: Thank you, Bill. I would just like to nake one conmcnt quickly, the sane connenl that I rnade at the joint meeting. That is, that I think that you have a rather signifi- cant impact on the view corridor on Hill Strcet., and that, in terms of the streetscape, that by noving what would be the southwest corner of your roof back about 15 feet, it would be more inviting in terns of taking people around the cornet which is, after all, what your design plan is hoping will be achieved, anrl would have less of an impact in terns of a confining streetscape which I think is what the inpactwill be. It will be confining in teilns of Bridge Street. It will extend Bridge Street up a little bit further than I think it should be. So thatts rny corunent which is the same conment I made before. Does anybody else have cornrnents? Gaynor: I think I Liked it the way it is being proposed in the sense that I think that they have, on the south end, done enough design work, both on the roof and the indenta- tions and entrance ways and windows to not create a square building on the end, andI like the way it is proposed Scott: If you moved back 15 feet, you would have less than L/2 to 1 ratio, for some reason, the rnagic number in the Guide P1an. Gerry: I would just connent that that is a recorunended nurnber. Stxeetscapes and view corridors are not necessarily determined by nunrb crs ,- aTone . Roger: the view corridor is identified as a secondary view corridor, is it not? Gerry: Yes. Roger: In our deliberations, I think, in the development of the Guide P1an, those were not considered as primary factors to be concerted with. I like the design the way he has it. It think a very nice job in addressing the problems in tryj.ng to mitigate alt of the potential objections, and I think that, based on the allowed GRFA, I think they exhibit a lot of restraint. Gerry: Dan, do you have any conments? Dan: I like the presentation. I think it is a nice txeatrnent of the site. Duane: I do agree that we have obstructed to a certain degree the ninor view corridor.I feel in this particular case that the inprovenent to the nore intinate streetscape, the sense of views, and the anangenents of the buildings out weight the fact that we do have a slight obstruction there. I do likc the addition, and an in favor of it. Jim: I think the inpact as being shown here is probably the best picture you can get of it. As you go down the alley, the impact of the building is considerably nore. You nove about 10 feet down and you lose the peaks, don't you? Ruoff: Jim, addition, you in this area, as you walk through now, you begin to lose the view about here. With the begin to lose it about here. It diminishes until we reach this point and j.t's gone. As it is now, it dininishes and you lose it about here. Gerry: lr'ly concern isntt with seeing the peaks in total per se. My concern is with the sense of space. That the whole conccpt of space, of course, is'vrhat nakes Bridge Street uni.que. I think that this goes just a little bit furthcr t,han it should in terns of enclosing the street. I think that both things can bc achieved. I like the building, and I like the fact that the building is bigger in that Particular spot. I like the fact that the road is closed., but not that nuch. .i,, , .. , PEC Ll- 2/9/81 --. -.Ruoff: As with rort ofT"se things, Gerry, rve end uo "fi.rrrng between a lot of different aspects, there is a compromise in shape of building to naintain as much as possible the view. Itrs taue, on the ratios in here, we havc followed the recownended guide lines rather closely. It wasnrt difficult because it just happened to work out that the 2 story scheme here gave it to us. We consciously wanted to create nore of a sense of enclosure for the Seiberf Circle arca, and we feel now that with the roof sloping down, the space isntt contained very wel1. But this we have already discussed before. There is no doubt it is a cornpronise amongst nany elenents. Gerry: Are there any corunents from the audience? Robert Oliver: tr{y nane is Robert Oliver, and I work for the Plaza Lodge and also for the possibility of representing Mrs. Hill. She is concerned about the things that. you are talking about as far as the view corridor down l{ill Street, and fron the vj,ew fron her apartnent. Thcse pcople are trying thej.r best, and she is still concerned about the lack of view corridor that is going to come out of her casement windows and also that sliding glass door. Just one thing that I caught that you rvere .saying, Dick.I canrt understand why you can say that there is a potential loss of traffic there. You can't take one condominiurn and turn it into 5 and add 5 shop spaces and not expect a traffic flow on Bridge St.reet. For someone who has a shop ther:e, or for soneone who has given their condorniniun to Slifer to rent out every week, that traffic is going to be -much greater. Dick: Well, I think there is a potential for being less traffic in the sense that right now there are a lot of people who come and park in those spaces oir a continuing ba-sis of just pulling in and pulling out using the core area. tllith the condominiums, at least there is the potential that you would come in, drop your bags off one day, and you rnay not need to come back until you actually leave the site-_-instead of coning in th_ere and saying, 'tWell, I want to go someplace to do some quick shopping.tr You are probably going to get on the shuttle bus rather than walk back tg the tTansportation center if you left the car there, or if you have tumed the car in., Robert O1 iver: That might be true, but you can't add all that space and say that the tJr-qffic is going to go down. , . r.i j Q+gk: -I _guess rny feeling is that i!:t nqt going to,irrcrease dranatical_ly, and thereis the potentj.al that it could go down, just fron what I see of the use of those spaces in fr.ont of the Sarage now, which are constantly bei-ng used by everybody in Town topull in and park, because they knorv there is a parking space there.-,-. i. ir^*.^. -.r ...... : Rplef-t Ol.iver: I think the odds are tlra_t it is going to go up. .:r i: .littt: Y.eq, you would have to expect nore traffic with.people havin&-to.bring stuff into s.l1ops,.. ltthat you are saying is that..thele is space.there that peop.leriare parking in, an4 fo.r some reason, because you are go.rlg to eat up .some of that space neans that you are going to have less parking. But the actual dernand of, like those 5 shops and 5 QQndos, I can see .is going to. have nore..denand that what you have :there now, in t errns g.f vehicular traffic. -' : j, .-:ri:. .:'Dick: I think the potential for shops will be 3 surall shops, probably, because there qlg-pnly 13,0Q0 sq ft" , r.:.:. ::.. j.;. -i.r,,. - . ioil ii'r .:i,::' i:. :".' ,.:.' - .'t':. ! ' i:i iil;:': :-. -Rr:ofJ: The potential. here is for. 3 shops. .:(. i. -;;r.:. ., t a'l'r.'., .i: :. ..,, --..,..1 . , ll:itr" :: . tit;i: .,(lll('\.,.. .. . .li{',it.il!g.ll, vhatevqr., I,.me?J\ the.rcl's.ggq,t9 be an inefease in vehicular traffic. : I dpnlJ S-eS lro.w. ygU ga1. go, f Lorn, {he, rgp.tgqrgnt . gtrd. 9ne s:altdp to. . . . Ruoff: Jim, we dontt feel that there is going to be any substantial incrcase ia..rrUubers in vehicles because these are not food operations, we donrt havc food and neat trucks PEC 12 2/s/8L that have to corne every day to then. Thcy are snall shops that tend to get shipments pret.ty often, nostly by freight, UPS, or sonething is delivered to their hone because theytre using their garage as an extra warehouse. But, aside fron the owner bringing in their station wagon occasj.onally to haul sonething that he is storing in his gatage, we see the UPS man parked here somewhere today anyway, while he goes to 4 or 5 Places here, goes to 2 ski shops, and all the surrounding neighborhood. }llerre not going to brir the UPS in more often. We rnay cause hin to park there an extra 5 xninutes while he runs into these 3 shops and rnakes deliveries. But we feel that that is quite different fron bringing him in nany more tirnes. We donrt think he will do that. We thi.nk that the existing pattem of the trucks that park along here in front ofCyranotsand GoId Peak will continue. Sorne of the points that r,re have discussed before, go a litt1e beyonc this project. We did at the work session discuss a 1itt1e bit sone of the things that wilL happen when and i.f the Seibert Circle irnprovernents and irnplenented because they conplenent what we are doing. That will help to chanelize the traffic so the trucks then will always park on the sane side of the street, and you wontt find Burnettrs truck clogging the other side, so that if an emergency vehicle does come through, he canrt get through. These,will be improvenents. Agai-n, the cars. l{e all know the history of the building. For many years Marg and Larry Burdick lived there full tine. It was their nain home. They kept 2 cats in the garage, and they are like all of us. If they had lots of business around town, and theytd r:un in and out. The number of vehicular novements is what wetve concerned rsith. Now, I didnrt have any reason, and I donrt think anyone else did, but conunon sense, if you think about it a minute, ntay Point a directj.on. An actj.ve couple living here full ti.me, and the times they bring their cars out and in every day on the average is 2 or 3 times a day for each car--is going to exceed the number of car movements for a condo owner who cones and stays a week, whc cones in and out once. I reatly think the situation for the condos in the building is going to be very similar to what we have at the Plaza Lodge today, because your guests go in and out. Now they won't like1y stay--who knorvs? I,lho knows who is going to buy those, how long theytre going to use it. It11 te1l you one thing,.though, let's not go and play the paper nunbers game, but let's be realistic about it. The prices for which units go in the center of the Village automatically tell us something. That they are going to be bought by people with that rnuch noney. People with that nuch noneyjn the cookie jar to slap dorr'n on fancy apartnents in the center of the village, and then spend about $200,000 to decorate it, are really not interested in having Slifer stuff it with every coner and run it lj.ke a hotel , because that anount of incone, theyrre not j.nterested in, and most of those people don't want !!g!9.people staying in their place in Vail . They arentt rented very often. Theyrre given away to friends and family. Realities of economics and human nature pretty well tell us that, no, these are not going to have the frequency of use that the snaller condos in other parts of the commwrity do. Gerry: Thank you, Bil1. Dick: Ird just like to add that there is also going to be a loading area along the east side of the building, too, so that there will be the opportunity for someone coning in there to unload their bags and luggage wiLhout actually being parked in the street. Ruoff: And the neighboring points in the Inprove Va1l plan complenent this beautifully. Gerry: Are there other conments or questions? Ed Drager: Irn here as an interested citizen. I sat on that same planning comrnission up there for 4 years, and for 4 years I and a whole lot of other people worked to get the Inprove Vail job done to stop development as a matter of right in thc conmercial core of Vail . It has been accornplished, and I think the developers here have shown a great deal of sensitivity to the work and the desires and the hopes that we had and one of the agonizing things that we wcnt through was whether ox not l'lill Street was a even:.'a ilinor view corridor at the tine. I think the nodifications here on the 7 PEC L3 2/9/8L ^,v Red Lion are going to hufi maybe shortcn up nent overall i.s a very good improvenent. If today, Itd be voting fol it. lhank you. thaFvaew Lru"', 0". I were sitting on that I think the improve- side of the table Gerry: Thank you, Ed. Are there any other comnents fron the audience? Gaynor: Are you going to be required to have parking spaces? Ruoff: At the end of the Townrs reconmendation, is stated the condition Dick: On page 3 at the bottom of the page, they will be required to pay the appropriate fee for parking. Gerry: Itm just going to quickly ask Jeff the conditicns of approval? Sclby: ttiould you read those to me? if he is faniliar with and comfortable bri.th Gerry: Sure. The applicant agrees to parti.cipate in not remonstrate against a special itnprovernent district if and ivhen formed for Vail Vi1lage. 2. The applicant agrees to upgrade the landscaping along Mill Creek and present the plan to Conmunity lJevelopnenfor appror,'al , 3. The appl icant agrees to palticipate f inanc j.ally in street improvement.se.g. street pavers, street lights and the relocated focal point at Seibert Circle j-f an improvement district is not forned. The applicantts share would be deterrni.ned by the stTeet frontage of property j.n Seibert Circle and other pxopef,ty ownelrs iri a.rea would also have to agree to participate. Selby: On thc final one, it would not be of the situation rrhere lrd be the only property owner in the area. The applicantrs share would be deternjned by street frontage property on Seibert Circle of all property owners contributing, is that correct? Gerry: Thatr s correct. Selby: I think we can l ive with all those recorn-rnenrlations .-..:. Gerry: You are aware that these are conditions for approval , if approved, it would be approved on those conditions. Selby: Yes, I understand. Those things may not be knorur until such time as inprovements are conpleted, but I would assume that those conditions would go beyond the period Jn which r.re improve the property. It seems to me that we may get down the road here in a year or 2, and everyone will say, 'rletrs upgrade Seibert Circle in that areari). and we would be requested to come in at that tirne to contribute funds towar:r1 those i.npiovemenI have no trouble with that as long as j.t is an area wide urderstaading with other Property owncr.s. Dan: I would lrove to aPprove the request for an exterior alteration and nnodification in Couunercial Core I for the Red Lion building per the staff nemo_pfd as presented todal'. Gerry: l{e have a notion for approval by Dan corcoran. rs there a second? Rogcr: Ycs. I second. Gerry: Second by Roger Ti.lkemeier. A11 those in fav6i? Scott Edi.rards, Roger Tilkeneier &rynor l.liller, Dan Corcoran, Duane,.piper, Jin llorgan...,.. . - .- : ' --1' ; And J'rr against because I dontt likb that one sectiri'ii..of that one'birtlding.Itkrtion passcd 6-1. .r.'|: ,.. : . " . ;,.. ); i' !.i:1' ,, ,.. : t. :ri i l;r.. t ir;r,.'. I thiUl.: tl' :,,'.lirlc:itJc}::: rr' '' oa IEI{ORAI{DUM T0: Planning and Environnental Commission FR0M: Corununity Development Department DATE: February 2, L982 slEJEcT: Public Hearing and consideration for an-Exterior Alteration an4 Modi.fication in Conmercial Core lose 992 s on I. PROPOSAL: ar enclose 992 square feet of fr6-Gi-abte the COI"IPLIANCE II'ITH URBAN DESIGN GUiDE PL.AN A. Pedestrianization: The enclosure of the patio should negatfr6-ifr[fET3-Iffi pedestrian circulation along Bridgc inprove the pedestrian experience along Bridge Street in B. Vehicle Penetration: No change the existing Patio use of the area for on the west dininffioughout II. tne year. coMPLI$!C.E .WIIq*PURPOSE SECTION 18. 24. 010 The conmercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintai-n the unique character of the Vail Village conmercial afea, with its mixtule of lodges and connercial establishments in a predominately pedestrian environnent. The connercial core I district is intended to ensule adequate light, air, open space, and other anenities appropriate to the perrnitted. tyies-of tulriings-and uses. The 4istrict regulations in accordance with tG V.if Village urban design guide plan and design consideratj-ons prescribe developrnent standards that are intended to en,suTg naintenance and Preserva- lhq tightly c).ustered aiang so lding scale distingui.sh the vi1lage. The.proposal is in comPliance Core I zone di.strict. with the purPose section of the Comnercial III. The Urban Design Guide Plan states that dlning decks contribute to the liveliness of a busy street, making a richer pedestrian experience. The use of the existing patio area for dining thrlughout the year wj.I1. enhance the street .life aloni Bridge Street and will be in confornance with the plan. il. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS not have any Street and should the winter nonths . c. 9t=e"!-:S-lL.--IIIggI!,:"the wintcr rvill inqrrovc the morc strect life and visual The addition of PcoPle dining on quali ty of thc waIking cxpclictrcc intetest along llridge Strect' The the patio during and wil I providc gn6I6 5urc of of the deck in the sunmer, an exciting relationship to Red Li however, would el i"minat e an the strcet and provides a a parking would need operi space r+hich has strong, scnse of activity to enclose the deck ono 2/ Z/82-2-I for the pedestrian.I icants are not proposi-ng during th er nonths conpl etely - ong Bridge Street clt"irin e SUnner 3.IIO f€- l The brick aspen an oweTs wl iemain unchanged. D. St"eet Enclosure: The staeet enclosure does not change since the gJ.ass woulT-G-iiEEi-II6-&i st ing awnins. E. Street_Edge: The Urban Design Guide Plan states that plazas, patios, green areas are inportant focal points for: gathering, resting, orienting and should be distributed throughout thc Village wi.th consi"deration to spacing, stm access, opportunities for vj.er^/s, and pedestrian activity. The Red Lion patio as it currently exists has characteristics wh.ich rnakeit a popular space within the Village during the sunrner rnonths, By enclosing the patio during the winter months, the space can be a much nrore lively attraction than it currently is when i.t is filled r.ri-th snow and void of people and activi-ty.It will becone a focal point along Bridge Street throughout the year, rather than just for a portion of it. F, Building*Height: No change. lJ. V]"eWS: NO Cnangc. H. Sgrvic.e anjl Delivery:- No change. L Sun/Shade: The project will not increase shadows on adjacent property__-.--':.:-: or puDllc Property. i T:*-ZONIN6-C€DE-EONSIDE.RATIONS A. Parking: The applicant will be required to payper each 10 seats provided. The fee issuance of a building pernit. STAFF RECONII,IENDATI0N fee based to be paid -) upon one space / -t:_- t' t"" / .The Departnrent of Cou lrunity Development proposal to enclose 992 square feet of condition: staff reconunend s the Red Lion patio approval of the with the followi.ng QI *"Ol -s- z/zlez l. Due to the enhancement of Bridge Street which would result from the enclosure during the winter months, we feel that the proposal is a 6ro sit ive onc .d not be appro- g during 'the suruner months re ations t t the losure be th renovcd and the e approval , however, sh the street. Nothinbe w1 The refore, 15 to Jtme 15 we reconunend and that remo Lng s Dr10r to Jme or re-installing them later thanarlurc upon e appllcant rs pa 5-comply with this condition would be grounds for not a1 lowing food or beverages to be . served upon the patio until such tine as the condition is conplied with. box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476.s613 department of community development T0: Dick, Peter, Peter, Jim FR0M: Auth(LtU RE: Red Lion's Enclosure of patio DATE: February 2, 1982 At the request of Peter Jamar, I performed a fieldvisft at the Red Ljon Inn in regard to the enc'l osureof their patio. I spoke to both Peter Anerson and Tim 0aks, manager and chef respective'ly, concerning two implications of the additional 50 seats: restroom faci lities and food storage capacity. Between the upstairs and downstairs restroom facilities, the Red Ljon Restaurantwill meet Health Code regulations. This does not include the additisna) people present when the bar is Tn-use at the same time as the restaurant. At this time, the kitchen does not have enough cold storage space for the food required for the present seating capacity. Therefore, additjonal refrigeration units will be necessary, to accommodate extended service. I would like specific recommendations from the Red Lion as to the quantity and quality they wil't instal l. TRANSMITTAL TO Town of Vail - Communitv Dev. 75 5. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Rucff rfeirtwsilth ArchE8ecis*x#l?iAIA RECORD DATE November JOB NO. #8002 JOB TITLI Red Lion Inn - Patio Enclosurd We Are Sending: For Your: The Following: coPlEs Herewith (X) lnformof ion ( Prints (X ) Shop Drowings Requisitions ( Under Seporote Cover ( ) ) Use () Action () Letters () Specs() Cuts () Photogrophs() Photostots ) () () DESCRIPTION REMARKS Fees List of Adjacent Property Owners 4 copies of Site Plan E levation s Floor Plan and Elevations Sid Schultz RUOFF/ WENMORTH ARCHITECIS, AIA CoPies of Above ( ) Tronsmittol OnlY( ) To: t- -- a 11 l23 t 81 APFLICATIOl{ FOPi/: FOR E):TERIOR iLTEF;'TIOlrS OR 1'rCDIFlCaTfO:\rS lli COI"r]'5ERCI-p-L COF.I I (CCf ) I. This procedure is required for alteration of an existing building which adds or renoves apy enclosed floor area or outdocr patio or replacement of an'existing building shall be subjec-u to review by the Planninq and Environmental Ccnnission. . ?l-re application r^'i11 r)a-y be accepled un-"il all information is subrnitied. A. I;.ILM.E OF APPLICFI'T Jeff Selby ADDP.ESS 108 S. Frontage Rd, Suite 307 Vail. Colorado PHONE Aze-oqrl NA"I'IE OF APPLfCa,tr*TrS REPRESE]'ITATi\E Ruoff/Wentworth Architects, AlA, PC ADDRESS 500 Lionshead Mall Vail, Colorado 81657 _PHONE 426,-305t c.AUTHORIZATION RO TY OWi'- STGI{ATiJRE ADDRESS 108 S:rontage Rd.Vaif , Colorado PHONE 476-0522 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Red Lion l4n (Patio. Enclosure) j04 E- Rriclgp Strept V:il, Cotnrartn .LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots E. F, C. t H- Block 5A. Vait Vitlage Firqt E. FEE $100.00 plus 18c for each propertl' owiler to be notified. r. T}IPROVE]r'IENT SUR\EY OF PROPERTY SHOI,JTNG PROPERTY LINES AND LOCATTON OF BUILDING AND ANY I]'IPROVEMENTS ON THE LA\rD. G, A LIST OF THE NAME OF Oh'NERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY .4"\D THEIR ADDRESSES. II. Four (4) copies of a site plan coniaining the following information: A. The site plan shalL be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale of L" = 2O'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be aPProved b1' the Community Development Departnent if justified; :'''-ri .:: ; -- :. --,' :. Red Lion lnn - Patio Enclosure November 23, 19Bl tll. As stated in the Urban Design Guide Plan, dining decks "contribute to the liveliness of a busy street, making a richer Pedestrian experiencerr. The existing dining deck on the west side of the Red Lion already has the characteristics of a good dining terrace: elevated above the street, separated from the street by a landscaped planter, and Protected from sun and wind by an overhead awning, For many years Bridge Street has been enriched by the sight of diners under the brightly colored awnings and umbrellas on the terrace. However the terrace can onty be used for serving lunches during the summer and when the weather is warm enough during the spring and fall. Even during the warm summer months the evenings are usually too cool to serve dinners outdoors. tn the fall the umbrellas and awnings are removed and during the winter the terrace is usually filled with snow. By enclosing the area under the awning with glass the patio can b.e uied year round for outdoor dining. ln the summer the glass will slide open; in autumn when the temPerature drops the glass panels will slide closed. The terrace will look just like it always has except for the additionat dark framed qlass. lt will have essentially the samd feel as the glass elT-EEiEi-fi-G?inin9 terrace of the Arlberg Room at the Lodge. lv. compliance with specifically designated items from the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. A. Pedestrianization: Pedestrian circulation will not be affected by enclosing the'dining terrace. The sight of people dining year round on Bridge Street will actually create a more lively atmosphere. B. Vehicle Penetration : Current patterns of vehicular use will be unchanged. C. Streetscape Framework: Brick planter with aspens and colorful flowers will be unchanged along Bridge Street. D. Street Enclosure: Street enclosure is unchanged since the glass around the terrace is in the same line as the existing awning. E. Street Edge: The brick planter defines the street edge and will not be changed. F. Building Height: Roof structure of the terrace enclosure is in the same plane as the existing awning. G. Views: Unaffected by new enclosure. H, Service and Delivery: Unchanged. l. Sun/shade: The project will cast no shadows on adiacent Property or public rights-of-waY. V. ZONING: 18.24. 150 Coverage: The enclosure is around part of an existing dining terrace which is already figured as coverage. Total coverage allowed for site: I l, 191 sq . ft. Actural coverage: 11,1t6 sq. ft. 18.24. 170 Landscaping: Unchanged .ta t t z-4i : )L -/ '. ADJACEI{T PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE RED LIOI{ INN Mill Creek Court Condominium Associoiion c/o Arthvr G. Bishop & Compony 302 Honson Ronch Rood Voil,. Colorodo 81657 Porks Building c/o Elton Bud Porks 303 Gore Creek Drive Voif, Colorodo 81657 Golden Peok House Condominium Associoiion 278 l''lonson Ronch Rood Voif, Colorodo 81657 The Plozo Building c/o Mrs. Joonne V. Hill 301 Bridge Street Voil, Colorodo 81657 The Rucksock Con,ior,inium Asociotion c/aRendezvous West P.O. Box 397 \foi1, Colorodo 81657 Hill $uildins Mrs. Cortlondr Hill 3l I Bridge Street Voil, 'Colorodo 81657