HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION CHARLIES T-SHIRTfl Design Review Action Form TOWII OF VAIL Project Name: Charlie's T-shirts / Vail Gear Project Description: Hanging Sign Owner, Address and Phone: Charlie Stone, 641 Lionshead l[[.ill,476-9737 Architect/Contact. Address ahd Phone. same Project Street Address: 304 Bridge Street / Red Lion Building LegalDescription: (Red Lion Sign File) Parcel Number: Building Name: Red Lion Bldg. Comments: 3.2 square foot sign, 2 sided, sandblested redwood, maroon, blue with "Vail Gear" logo Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Action: staff approved Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: lOl2SlgS F: \E!TRYONF,\DRB\APPROVN-\98$ailgrz.rvpd DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $23.00 f SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION -l t^ ( T{]^l'i/N OFVAIL This application is lbL any sign that is locatcd rvithin thc Torvn of Vail.Spcci tic rcqui rcrncnts arc avai lirblc tiom thc Dcpartt)lcnt of Conrnrunity Dcvclopntcnt. NanrcofBusincss: Ch".,r l.'.-c's SL;- \S Qucstions? Call thc Planning Dcsk ar 479-2 | 28 A. B. C. Builcling nanrc and addrcss: Rc.l Sl*^J.phonc: .l+(. - 7+ lt Mailing addrcss: G.'{;-D Ca B rccs ? Signature of owner: Nautc of pcrsou subnritting: AJ ar-{\*.,.-- h..r-...urlra phonc: lTa- 7737. (lf diil-crcnt thiur owncr) Addrcss: F.Typc of sigrr (scc back for dclinitions): D. E, O Frcc standing tr Wall sign n Other, spccily: Lr. H. I. .t. K. L. /Hanging signtr Awning Sign nrcssagc:G cr.L Sizcofsigrandsizcof lcttcringforcachsignproposcd: 3'r'.{r& X. t*" [{.-*\^ Lcrrgth of busincss frontagc: t G tr+ I{ciglrt of sign abovc g-adc: -l ' Nunrbcr of signs ploposcd: I Nurnbcr and sizc of exisfing signs: I S.. ^ -<. Locatiolr ofcach sign (attach a sitc plan and an clcvation drawirrg or a photograplr clcarly indicatilrg thc proposcd Iocation): M.Matcrials and colors of sign (attach sanrplcs): N.Dcscribe lighting of sign (existing or proposcd): o.FEE: $20.00, PLUS $1.00 PER SeUARE FOOT OF SrcN AREA. a o SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENT$: tr Conrplctc Application. tl A sitc plnn shorving thc cxrict location rvhcrc thc sign is to bc locatcd.tr Elcvation drarvings or photo.s showing proposcd location ofthc sign or Rwning.tr Colorcd scalcd ( l/4"=l') drawing. including spccific lcttcring and dinrcnsions and a photo. it'availablc.tr Sanrplc of proposcd nratcrials. tr Drawings showing horv and whcre sigr or arvning will attach to thc building and horv tlrc arvning rvill bc constnrcted. tr Condonriniunr Association or Landlord approval - attach a lcttcr. SIGN CATEGORIES: l. Frccstanding -A single or niuli-fhced sigr aftixcd to a supporting stnrchrrc. or inrbedded in and extending fronr thc ground and detachcd tiom thc building. -2. Awning or Hanging -Any sign attachcd to a building and cxtending in rvholc or in part nrorc than 9" bcyonrl thc--.. building linc. 3. Wall - A sign attached to, pairttcd on, or ercctcd against tlrc rvall of a buitding or structurc rvith thc cxposcd tircc ofthc sigrr in a planc parallcl to thc ftcc ofthc wall arrd not projccting nrorc than 9" tionr thc lhcc ofthc wall. 4. Disptay Box - A frccstlndilrg or rvall sign cncloscd in glass for thc cxprcss purposc of tlisplaying rncrrus. currcnt ctrtcrtainnrcnt or rcal cstatc listings. 5. Joint dircctory sign - A frcqstanding, fiiurging or rvall sign that lists all thc tcnants rvithin a rlulti-tcnzurt building. 6. Subdivision cntrancc sign - A sign to idcntity a nrajor subdivision, a condonriniunr conrplcx. or group of apartnlcnt buildings having at lcast l 00 lincar t'cct of l'rontagc along a vchicular or pcdestrian way in arry RC. LDMF. MDMF. HDMF. or SDD zonc disrricr. SUGGESTIONS: I . Copics of thc Sign Codc arg availablc frout thc Dcpartnrcnt of Conrntunity Dcvclopnrent. You tnay wish to chcck thc Codc to verifV thf typc and sizc ofsign you arc allowcd. 2. Bc specitic. Vaguencss in the description ofdesign, size, construction nmy dclay thc approval ofyoursig1. 3. A Mcasurc thc frontagc of yotrr business to detcmrinc thc size (area) of thc sign you arc allowcd. Lighting for awnings nray ipotlight only the sign lcttcring on thc awning. Lighting nny not shinc into pcdcstriall or vehicular ways. 5. All individual brtsittcss sigts will be rcvicwed by thc Dcpartrncnt of Conununity Developnrcnt. Ncw sign progranrs or anrcndnrents t0 sign progfarns will be rcvicwed by thc Dcsign Rcview Board. lr:evcryorrc/lirnns/si gns/signapp.ll I 3 r r- L{\ru r L_ t ve'y'(ra_, - \rrr. >l^tv_ q16 ^ fz17 Pu .71h _1137 o vtlt sfclf ooRFof,f,nox4qff.$qfqlye p.o-sox'5010 e,O:cZ DE-f*iL 4 s,,i'v ; 5/'ol S+ah/$<a E{*,d 7' wtbE x !'L" *rt'rt f n, u;-€D - LonPLETE \gniaa*m*,llaBF,