HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION BUILDING PERMITS 5t v*#'J"ftun*1 Deeign Revienr Board ACTTOI{ FOnFI Department of Community Deveilopme nt 75 South Frontage Roadn Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.,179.2139 far: 97O-,f79.245? vreb: wrvw. vai lgov.ccrn Project Name: THE CLUB SIGN Project Description: Paftlcipants: ProlectAddress: 3O4 BRIDGE STVAIL 304 BRIDGE ST. - THE CLUB RNAL APPROVAL FOR A NEW SIGN FOR THE CLUB" DRB Number: DRB050622 Locafon: owNER |-ANDMARK COMMERCTAL DEV CO LLIZL/ZOO' 510 W UONSHEAD CIR STE 1OO VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT ZACH POVEY AND PATRICK O'NEII V21l2005 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81557 lcgol Description: Lot: E, F Block: Subdivlsion: RED UON INN CONDOS Partel Number: 2101-082-5301-1 Comments: seeconditions Motion By: Second By: Vob: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACilON ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcval: 0Ut7l20O5 C,ond:8 (P[AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlew committee(s). C,ond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become rroid one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007801 Thet prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit to Com Dev exact specs and cut sheets for any proposed lighting. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $55.00 Oesctiptlon ol the f-ocagon of the Proposa lz tot:E, F etrrlr.: Phystcat Addrers: 3a { B + lJt" - Parcel no.z /lO( O8Z SSOlt- (contact Eagle c.o. Assessor at 970-32&8&10 tor parcet no.) CC Cou,iog C'Z Name(s) of Owner(s):*Je .lic llalllng Addrees:Gll 9(t Name of Appllcant:bvl l[alllng Addrees: Type of Reylew and Fee:. Sigrs. Corceplual Hwiew . tl€w Oonstruction. A(Hition . Mhor Alteration (multi -{ami lylcommercial) . Mlnor Afts"ation (single-Iamily/dufl ex) . charEes to Approved Plans . Separation R€qr€st -r. t Department of Community Developm€nt 75 South Frontage Rmd, Vail, Oobrado 81S7 tef : 9Z).479.2139 tax'. 570.179.24s.2 web: www.vailgov.om General Informatlon: All prolects requiring d€sign r€view must recEive appro\ral prior to subrnitting a building pormit application. Please refer to the subninal requirBments for the partidjlar approval that is rEqusled. An application for Design Ftwiew cannot be a@pted until all required information is rccei\tEd by the Community Dewlopment Department. The proiect may also need to be revi€wed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrn€nlal Commission. oeslgn rsview approval lapses unless a bulldlng pormlt 13 lssucd and constructlon oommences wlthln one year ot th€ apprcv. al. Application for Design Revie L..e\;q ( r _,- -- ..l]- V IIr!- I Jw rtf -r^; a r c' D -.L. trrl t l- JL t;"rLrlv I! u or-d.I) .,r i 1,1, Srbdivision:'1'(, $50 Plus $1.00 peisquarB foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ol a new buitding or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition Where squaE footage b add€d to any residential or. oommercial buildirg (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $25O For minor changes to buildings and site improvem€nts, srdr as, reroofing, painting, window additions, hndscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changEs to buildings and site improvsrnents, sr.rcfr a, reroofing, pairning, window additions, hndscapirg, fences and retaining walb, etc.$20 fur revisions to plarB already appmved by Fhnning Srhff or the Design Ravi€w Board. NoF6 Fffieo NOv z 1 ;uil rov'coinq!::v' Owner(s) Slgnature(s): For Offlce Use0nlv: Effi*J'art-q6V r:tl N. The Adminisbator and/or DRB nny require the srbmission ot additional plans, drawirgs, specifications, sampl€s and other materials (including a model) if deemed nec€ssary to determine whether a project will comply with Design eridelines or if lhe intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALLAPPLICANTS Tlme Requlrements Tlr Design Review Board rneets on the 1st ard 3rd WednesdalB of each month. A complete application form and alt amompanying material must be accepted by the Community De\relopment [lepartment prior to apdication deadlines. A schedule of Dffi nFetings and associated applbation deadlines nny be found on the Wodd Wide Web at '" " Revlew Crlteria The prcposal will be reviewed for comptiance wilh the Design Guidelines as set lorth in Title 12 (Zoning Reguhtions) and Title '14 (De\relopment Standards) of the Town ot Vail MunkjpalCode. D€clgn Reylew Board lleeting Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the proiect site to indicate ffoperty lines, propd buildings and buiHing @mers. All trees to be remov€d musi be taped. The applicanl must ensure thar staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior lo the day ot the DRB meeting. The ?plftrant, or their representative, sfiall be present ai the Oesign Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who ha\re not asked in ad|ance that discu6sion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DFB agenda until such time as tle item has been republi$hed. lf the DRB approves the application with onditinm or modifir:ations, ail conditions of appro\ral must be resoh,ed prlor to the issuance of a builcling permit. Stalf Approval The Mminislrator (a member ot the plannirg statf) may review and approve Design Review applilations, appror,e with certain moditications, deny the appliation, or refer the applicatinn to the Design Review Board tor a deci$on. All statf approvals are reviewd by the Dedgn Review Board and any staft decision is subiect to final approval by the DRts. Page4 of 4lMlOUM SIGiI APPLICATION SUBM ITTAL REOUIREMENTS General Intormation This appli€tion is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are a\railaHe lrom the Department of Gommunity Development. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS A. Name ot Business: B. BuiHing name and physi:al address: C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. D. T],pe of sign (check att that apply): . .Freestanding Sign ..Wall Sign .'Hanging / Projecting SQn ..Display Box . Daily Special Board ..Joint Directory Sign . .Subdivision Entrance Sign Number of signs proposed:Number of signs existing: S(7n message: Sign and leltering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing @ 1/e" =1'): Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) trom grade: Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of sign (attach samples): S(;n lighting plan: 0 Indicale type, location and number of tixtures.0 Include height above grade, lumens outsut, luminous area.0 Attach a cut sheet for each propo€ed fixture. Draurings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building ard how the awning will be constructed. . Building ldenlification. Mural. Window Sign. Sign Program. Gas Filled/Fiber Optic. TemporarySign. Olher E. F. G. H. t. J. K L M. Page 3 of 4040 | (X i, JOIHT PROPERW OWNER WR ITTEil APPROVAL IITTER l, (pdnl narne), a joint owner of property located at (addresslegal de$riptbn)30.1S. &tore STrtftTl Yn/L, eo. e4nA fi.1)--n pro\ride this letler as wdtten approval of the plans dated t/ar/os whic'l have been submitted to lhe Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl for the proposed improvernents to be compleled at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I furlher underctand thal minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of lhe review process to ensure compliance with lhe Town's applixble codes and regulations. ,ty'lar (Date) BEST COPI A\{ilUT.E t' Page2of4l04lOU0/. -+ I "l: z.d 66SS-98€- 9 r 4 lqcaJquJu uetJg dBO:EO gO gI ueg tls O3: O8p Bnian Frnbnccht ? 16-386-5S9S p.1 471. ,oo 10 ,"1#d t l'r2 ,.rtt' { d ftnt- *( ,{q '1," P,l;'**,'- {,"8,-r ll*r't< t fcn I *-.4 g,o-rr- nF 9u.w+*rrrJ l'*r te v;! {iv.1s ' \rJ t h \'r*^ I"( {l -llw lptLoWt Y q*r-..\t a, i;;-,::;.-i :E#t:l $ . rsH[+ '.:L;€$l@'ri.: *.-6;Si,i-jfr".i .-::' :i.- 'i .*1,:,;,, P. I7r6-386-559SOct l? O5 O6:56p Erian flFrbrecht s\ ^b{\ \g e("o vv .Fcl f$rot .{t*rY 3= ."-' ? Gs -aa - * c.: s.i\' R_ c:./ ?, 6) 3 e'+ \:>*: \ -+-'\. ? .\(:\\- / \.-\v\ F>R-- --_-s' =i..Q s\*t tt\ I -lqlvrl-4-l ^l.t rl irirt:'F i:- .-'-t r-l't\ ! \i\ At Is eXlnrcnta tl = loLrtu^)ar1Cb 'dtDTrttl DrPrt >,.-'Td7 ofWw Fwt' , $lhor{A ltl =lo 7 rh ld SINGTE FACED EXTERIOR, SIGN BACKGROUND TO BE .25' ALUMINUM NNNTED BLACK .O4O COPPER FACE WBATLPEEN TEXTURED WITH AGED LOOK AND CLEARCOAT .25" ALUMINUM LETTERS "}VORLDS GR,EATEST SKI BAR SINCE 1987" AINTED BLACK .5" ALUMINUM LETTERS "THE CLUB' PAINTED BLACK PAINTED BLACK THE'MOON, STAR.S & MOUNTAINS'ON THE COPPER 2q' 36',----- BULDINC TIMBIRS .2Y ALUMINUM BACKCROUND DAINTED BLACK .O4O COPPER FACE BALI.PEEN HAMMCR TEXTURE .5' ATUMNI'M LETTERS'TI{E C[IN" PAINTED ILACK RAINTED ANOON. STAR,$ & MTXS- ELAEI .25" AIUMINI',I{ IETTER.S AINTED BLACK sign deslgn fabrication installation 331 corporate cir "ti' golclen, co 80401 303-TIa7Zl5 DCSiTNED Bt! DAIE nO3.2005 MIXE 'OHHSON ,O8 ADDRESS: 304 BRTDCE Sr. VA[., COLORADO 81657 Tr{ts sroft oitbH lt Trc rnopERTY oF Ecuftt stcN, tT srN Nor u usED, RIPmDucrD Or MANf; rcflJrlD lY ll{Y trY yllHOUT VRTTIEN CO}6ENT FrOl^ :qt$ gc}t nG c[r$E Gnaxls t?tcrrc ucll REHT3 to rHs Dtstcat rl Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparilnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: New sign for "Blizzard's" deli DRB Number: DRB030552 Prcject ltescription: proj/hang sign for Blizzards Mountain Deli Participants: OWNER TANDMARKCOMMERCIALDEVCO 12115/2003 Phone: 5OO W UONSHEAD CIR #1OO VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Tracy Long 12115/2003 Phone: 297 Hansen Ranch Road Vail, Co 81657 License: Project Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL . . Locatio$ Blizzards Mounbin Deli6A \l&"\ ui\\(*4-r-{r.\iw r Legal Descrifiion: Lot: E, F Blocki Subdivision: RED UON INN CONDOS at ParelNumber: 210108253012 C;omments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Mouon By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovah t2ll8l2003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CONffi06256 light frxtures & conduit must be enclosed Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $56.00 n{ut\ (Di66 i4 o lo\ "ro.n .! N tNt o{* $q +r} 6 t\rA I Z'\ |\-/ $.t I I xotl'l\r;l{xl\r.ttv !flx A|) JI\lil(\l v4l ^fii(r I \l{l \CI i,;og Ett G E I uJ otrotA otroco (! B8 lipf, ui9 (u=trv;9eho-c 91 E'b:E E€.ll(l g'3.!o =E;=g.; E.E 6 f8#: .39 ge .= ,= .=E E.C ,9SE i6 G' (o E F -"'u63g,Y;--Es >Ee:Ei*C. IA Y'.! F !.=''ia*UF E;E Fg SEE EEE o 5.E ,^-o, -:Ei -. F:g'€Hg sqREE E Esgi E TEE 5 €#cfi s.: E€E t 3i ;; EEEE ru 'EBo#, z. q \< o E o |q l/'l ,Ecc CId -o aEC\ EE N'F-.f,f) a Q*) P \-(n.olF /\ HOEEE T\)o4ocD /-t r-5;'t^ ,Y.:: Lor xEr.L O FiITItlNFrlrlql d(U (g .9 E b oe Erufa rUo-oq EI IJ $ (- $N :1 \N :? X/ U nrT ,\rW ..J )iS .^taq, T'It ctt := IE E {u crc, co,F g a! nJU' tr d.u IU o o. o ru GI IA\\\TZ \ EAl!9^E-T-U oo .9 b -! -:e d n bU bq6 d. = F> *:E EE. gE EE&' -'*86 =5 Folh F q >r: 6= 5ol [s,5 g€ €s €6 F$nan D n tioo ttt gt E au E tr IE .9 CL CL o o Eoz th ot- agc cD th v, o, 3o .} o Ecr! o o\r(o @ 6c.{rrl oF\(n |g o o a B q) (, lrJ "gc (J I IA I dt hl r|t r')l sl _l I I .: oz og ag4 i;U 6 \II\\t ;iI IE(too.o o. o 0 o *t GIJo z o,'t+Y q) (L z cnd. (D z. (u E 0) C,| ico ot^f oI Eo olt o (uc 3o o 6 o oz ovlgtttt G(,'6 G4 oo3ctd, e, o o co CL t-|J]hoo $g: E€-:clicO: or: = c, E8E:E l:E:eEtrEroo- sg F=s €EEE E.9 E'F q gT EFE E F,5 eE€;eE fr 9 E;E:T ;*EE e *+:;E', o, .Y o F'= fiEEE; ;s€F$J X_9=E€ U E 5 3e aa AI.9=8s- Egfr;E tF Eg€€E$i !'t.r- I EanEnVq-6 ryll !E or(, xF-,^ ,qE3: --N n gF; E E d-'q ,E,g n iu- C, c! > ;P$€ I.- LL Nqt.. 8*fr E R ffi =OF-r 3 .!u od ? .9rhoo l- _o* o 4.,o .g CLa ,r*m JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted proposed improvements include: 0w' that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Q/w- Prye2 of 4l0l/10/02 ,,*m SIGN APPUCATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMET{TS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Community Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS B, c. D. Name of Business: Blitro--d-> yV\arrrnlr,.tVr bJ ; Building name and physical address; e1? flaar:ran.?.*J"-?$-. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (check all that apply): QFreestanding Sign trWallSign Sfanging / Projecting Sign trDisplay Box trDaily Special Board trJoint Directory Sign QSubdivision Entrance Sign ! Building Identification tr Mural D Window Sign tr Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign tr Other Number of signs proposed: \ Number of signs existing: OE. K \r. k I. J, K L, sisn message: <€€ AkhAal,aeD Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing @1/+"=rl: 64 Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from grade:9;" Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of sign (attach samples)l Sign lighting plan: Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. pi nt&stor.SoF 1;'liueorr.) ?i1.1 Coaa\ M. e\ xLc Pase 3 of4l01/10/02 N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addiUonal plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPUCANTS Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete applicaUon form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the CommuniV Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/olannino/drb/meetings/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in -tltle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desiqn Review Board Meetinq Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped, The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with corbitions o modificatioils, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. StaffAporoval lll The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. J. :ir. ...r ,;a., Page 4 of 4l0ll10/02 Tracy - Here is some info regarding the sign you need. This was designed with the thought that it would be sand- blasted from a cedar blank. Basically, all of the texg graph- ics & borders would be raised. lt would be possible to do this a different way ifthere are budget concerns. That would consist of the sign being 2-dimensional with vinyl graphics. The material would be either cedar or t[n#eenr because we need somethint substantial in order to hang // it, but we could go with a thinner ( l" thick) material as //opposed to 1.5" thick for sandblasted. Sincerely Angelo4 tlze - moteriol - color - cty - COst - sandblasted vinyl / 2-D - @ 6 sq.ft 136"w x24"h sandblasted cedar full color logo black & white text gold/yellow oval background periwinkle outer shape background I pc / double sided $ 788.00 +/-, + tax & installation $ 450.00 - $ 550.00 +/-, + tax & installation Please look this over and let me know how you'd like to proceed. lfyou have any questions or concerns, please contact me. (sign here) Mo /7ry Otr \/AlL DESICtIJ i:l:\tiEW STAF|--- /r,Fi: ;iOVAL \ lr 1os gTAFF Proof and r'-r as submitted p1 w/ changes J lnewproof In order to ensure the best service for our customers, we ask that you complete this pre-production checklist. Please review your proof for accuracy of spelling, colors, size & content - mark yes if it is correcq no if it is not . [l N LAYOUT L] [SPELLINGI n stzE I fl cotoRs II t] MATERIAL I] [ QUAN'TY Alf concepts € designs ore the pro?efty of fGS ond connot be uscd wfthout written consene "f3t c s- '.J inPact traPhks e s8m DEStGNs Up to three (3) layouts / revisions ere included per order. You can be billed for additioml hyouts / rwisicns based on our rate of $ 60.fl) Per hour. Artwork not pmvirled in a preferred format will be subiect to a des@ fee at our hourly rate. Acceped ftmc&' Adobe lllustator.eps (crutc oudines for fonts, use got colon unfess flle wilf De pdnd), Cord Druw (venion 6), Whdoil Metnfile (.wmf), S<r,ruer. (sat) Diirul Pdrting Onty, A&be Photodrop (Fsd), heg titr fuodifrcotiors to dllese rypes of ftes orc tirne cursuming nd win h fused on ur hourf rote.) Pfeose coatoct us ftr deto;h on imoge sLe + rtsot tio.L or aV odrct q)stiotrs yw may hava ,rfsrfit noN: IGS will install all s@s at a r:ate of f 75.@ per marL per hour. lf a lift or crane is required, we will send a written 6timee. PER/WNS It is the sole rcsPonsibility of $e qr:rcomer to be aryarc of, and apply fior any necessary permits or to obain approral from Associations, etc. IGS will provide drewings & specifications to accompany permit applications. PAY*IEI|I: All sigrs under $ 4fl).fi) will be COD. S@s over $ ,{00.00 require a 50% deposh payable by cash, checlq Vsa or f.laster€erd Taxes and shipping are not includd in the prke. vtsA/ Mc #EXP. DATE nMEFnn,,,e We do our best to o<pedite your proiect Custom signs can take from seven to trventy (7 - 20) working days from receig,t of deposit This does not include the time involved in preparint an estimate / proof for your approval. lf you need your signs sooner, let us know and we will do what we can to eccommodatc you. Rush charges may apply. GUAn 'tTEEAll produca / insallations are guaranteed for one (l) year againsr defects in materials under normal conditirns. By 4rning, WU agr€€ b tha bnng & condltit(|g abov€ (siF hcr,e) ,,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparEnent of Community Dwelopment 75 Sor:th Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: Blizzards Deli Signage DRB Number: DR8030232 Project Description: New 3 square foot circular sandblasted wood sign with white text and logo. New window sign in main enrty door measuring 120 square inches of the allowed 180 square inches. Participants: OWNER LANDMARKCOMMERCIALDEVCO 06/19/2003 Phone: 5OO W UONSHEAD CIR #1OO VAIL CO 81557 License: APPLICANT Tracy Long 061L912003 Phone: 476-1755 POB 485 Vail, CO 816s7 License: ProjectAddressr 304 BRIDGE STVAIL Location: 297 Hanson Ranch Rd C-7 Red Lion Bldg Legal Desaiption: l-ot: E, F Block: 5A Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 Parcel 1{umber: 210108253016 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcval= 071L412003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005991 That the applicant construct a sandblasted wood sign with white text and logo which shall measure 3 square feet with the existing lighting to remain. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $53.OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the To$rn Council and/or the Planning and Environmenhl Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s):'fl-, Mailing Address:b/O lr. Lta>.,o/,-ai Owner(s) Signature(s): t<t4 /4)V q70 3s3{ Name of App ti.rntz ful--/dtli, Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: A sisns E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenG, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review 8oarc. No Fee / For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:By:- DRBApplication Date: Planner: No.: ,*m SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Community Development. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Name of Business:-Bu rfu*?5ri.- f{4q-rnrr D"ti B. Building name and pnysicataddress; (29Lo^ O^Ern,^,UN(2.v-, Tl1-4^::I- t ,2Hl;a-l FaA'->C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. D. Type of sign (check all that apply): TFreestanding Sign [tWall Sign fiHanging / Projecting Sign trDisplay Box trDaily Special Board trJoint Directory Sign trSubdivision Entrance Sign Number of signs proposed: tr Building Identification tr Mural D Window Sign tr Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic D Temporary Sign fl Other sign message: 3Lrz-znRD 1 Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing@%"=1'): Length of business frontage: /5 FZf Heightof sign(s) from grade: /O F{ Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of sign (athach samples): Sign lighting plan: u Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.a include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area,D Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how . the awning will be constructed. E, F. G. H. I. J. K. L. Number of signs existing: ^tEcr Page 3 of 4l0lll0l02 N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPUCANTS Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http:i/ci.vail.co.us/commdev/planning/drb/meetings/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in T'itle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desiqn Review Board Meetino Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate properlry lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aporoval The Administrator (a member of the planning staffl may review and approve Design Review applicationsr approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Page 4 of 4/01110/02 PED LION Coupounrur'r A66oclATtoN June 10,2fi)3 75 South Frontage Rd. VaiL'CO 81657 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Red Lion Condominium Association has approved the signage for Blizzard's Deli as long as it conforms to Town of Vail rules and regulations. 610 \Y. LtON6tlU D ClpCtU. 6UlT[ 100 r VAIL, COI.op DO 81657 TEIn: 1A347G3535 o fA& tor476re o TO}VNM JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER description) 1 tt t Raroc-e 1-.rYftt-l k*,r 7 I, (print name)_{r a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed atJhe address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. ,t6/e/al (Date) Page 2 of 4/01110102 ffi*re oo -r.n{ La* 6'$" ";;'' h pinboo $*'nbt g? "r' l Yahoo! Mail - blizzardsdeli@yahoo,com Mailff From: KCNCGPx@aol.com Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 17:36:35 EDT Subject: logo from dags To: blizzardsdeli@yahoo. com Attachment blizzard.jpg .jpg fite Page I of I Qlqge-lryrndo-w $^;u^&( 3h N'^*,to*1,q6' TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW sTArr,- /_::,FicvAL 1-tv.o\oAT- , lrv) ".?f I fllono co\oa stSn t^Jh{t1-2- TZF b\(3c! blizzard.jpg .jpg file, 928x1 105, 158k $TAt 'http : I I ns.f207 .mail. yahoo.com/ym/Showletter?box=Ilbox&Msgld-9 3 3 9 ONJ tA)mD) Attachment ,*)'n -f:[ t t "-J * t-^ 't*'rr**++****!t:l*****t *******:r********'*++tf *r.**+**'|*f * *i.*** * *1r**r* * * * * * * *!t{.* * * * * {. *:t **,r** ***** **{r,t TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement*,i******* *,ltr. ** * * **** **l+ * * * ** *****{r {.***+*!r* ***** *'}*** {.:*:}* i+ 'f :t *****+***{i!r'r.*****f * * 't !fr,* * *** ** * * Statement. tilumber: R030004209 Amount.: 953.00 06/19/ZOO3O4:55 pM Palment Method: Check rnit: iIAR NotaEion: 1053 Blizzard, 6 Deli r.r.C Permit No: DR8030232 Tlt)e: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 210108253016 Site Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ Locat j.on: 297 Hanson Ranch Rd C-7 Red L,ion Bldg Total Fees: $53 .00 This Pa)menE :9s3 . 00 Total ALt Pmt,s: S53,00 Balance : *{' **+**,}'}* ** {t *d' 't******* ** it * * t* * *.* *** * f i ***{.* *'}*** {.r.*** * *****{. rr ** * *r}*** *{. * * 't * * $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current PmtsDescri pt ion DR OO1OOOO31122OO DES]GN REVIEW FEES SP OO1OOOO3124OOO SIGN FEES 50.00 3.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftnent of Community Development 75 Sorith Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa><: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Prcject Name: Red Lion Bldg Pro'ect Description: Rebuild brick wall and take out existing trees to repair emergency main water break. Partlcipants: OWNER I-ANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV cO 04/2412002 Phone: 600 W LIONSHEAD CIR #1OO VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEV CO 0412412002 Phone: 476-3535 600 W UONSHEAD CIR #1OO VAIL CO Malaby@vail.net 81657 License: Proiect Address: 304 BRIDGE ST VAIL location: Red Lion Building f.egal ttescriptioni Lot: E, F Block Subdivision: RED UON INN CONDOS Parcel Number: 210108253012 Comments: Emergency sewer line repair, DRB Number: DR8020111 Motion By: Second By: Vote; Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz 0412512O02 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN)r DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: CON0005250 A sample of the brick must be shown to staff prior to reconstruction of the wall. If staff has any concerns, the planter replacement shall go to the Design Review Board for compliance with the Design Guidelines and Master Plans Cond: CON0005254 Tree on south portion of planter not to be removed. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO TOil'NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An aiplication ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Develbpment Departmlnt. Theprqject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenc€s wathin one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: 30Y Lot:Block: 057f, Subdivision: 5e'4- /;,-, parcelNo.: J/olAg253OlZ (contactEagleco.Assessorat9T0-328-8640forparcet no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:b/o LP, Liordv*d C-"rA-5;a-, rco '";t-I lus7 Phone:7('- 353{ Owner(s) Signature(s)a <-w . 6rc"-n I C.l."u'- tt. Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:L/O tD. /rc,,a,Q,ad A,lol^' Phone:t/?L 3S3S E'mailAddress: milal?@ yail..ttr< 56a,./7L 4 3L 4 y'*c (/Ls2 Type of Review and F€ei tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tg Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) n Changes to Approved Plans n Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 +ZU $20 No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. .J\i6 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:_ By: PO TOI4'NM r, (print na*"1 /-tou t(. , 4 n*ne/ , "md at (address/resal description) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. oYfte/az (Date) Page 2 of IUA2l07l02 oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: South %oftheRedLionBuilding ProjectNumber: PRJ00-0164 Project Description: Replace tar and gravel with fire rated cedar shakes Ownet, Address and Phone: Richard Brown, 610 West Lionshead Circle, Ste. 100, Vail, Colorado 81657 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Master Sealers, lnc. P.O. Box4473,Vail, CO. 81658 827-5550 Project Steet Address: 304 Bridge Street Legal Description: Lot C-l -C-7, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number : 21 0 1 -082-253 -0 1 0 Buildine Name: Red Lion . Comments: Project#: ***PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES - 479-2325* * * * Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date:6/6100 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $0.00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAI"\9N I DRBAPPR.FRM Questions? Catt ]tanning Staff at 479-2t38 f,frf FOR DESI GN / REVIEW APPROVA ,4rPVtzou'ta c L7 GENEML INFORMATION ThiS applrcatto. E fot any project requiring Design Review approval' Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to subhitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requiranenf for the pafticular approval that is requested. The application cannot b-e accepted until all the required information is submitted. lre piojea may also need to be reviewed by the Town Councii and/or the Planning and Environmental commission. b"tign Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is staded' '-ffio T0tt! nFTijw APPLTCATIoN A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:. ,Z z-zzzz'n -2n' '/a 2... Zzz .azr/- 1z'-'ltPJ? s: z-.a R LOCANON OF PROPOSAL:trx, c/ 47etocr,,-/o trLrNG: ./-2.{z L/ e/- -z*4-'ae*a 'n PHYSICAL ADDRESS: C. X-panc et *: F-./az a 4 * f 7 ?({ontact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) n E.NAME OF OWNER(S):,-2./1/-/42a 4.2-e*-."-' ZONING: c/21/r'/:t-z/ / { /-/2.-r.-z/p""""""""p PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): LI G.NAME OF gppylggpsll ---o.-rfra f ,{.a2./J'.a / MAIUNG ADDRES$:a.'e+ /?7 7 a-e PHONE:7z-'Jz 3 ru- €>e Construction of a new building. includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building' ncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvem-ents' sucn :oofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and {-. r.-*E}I\s wa lls' etc' DRB fees are to be paio at tnE-iim6oisl6-----mfral, Later, when applying for a buitding permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the prolect. The Town of vail will adjust the iee according to the project valuation' TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction - $200 Addition - PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArl. coLoRADo 81657' PDrorrrr- rrr,, LANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEVELOP}IENT COMPANY 610 w. LIoNSHDAD etRCLE, SUrrE r0o VAIL, COLORADO El6s7 97(H7G3535 June 5,20{X) Maser Scalers, Inc- Post Officc Box4473 vail, CO 81558 Dear Michael: This letter is to authorize Master Sealers, Inc., to apply forDcsign Review approval conceming the reroo{ing on the south side of the Red Lion Building, Iocated at 304 Bridge Street, Vail. As owner of the comrnercial propeny and as Presi&nt of the Rsd Lion Condominium Association, we applove of your proposal as long as it conforms to Town of Vailguidclincsandapproval. '. Sincerelv.A/\('J*)'.f5-,* Richard N. Brown Owoer/President RNB:Lltilm ':.. a a t a_.. &Ad A./1\/I r''/--I''I LA}IDMARK COIdI{ERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 610 w. LIoNSIIEAD CIRCLE, SUtrE 100 VAIL, COLORADO t1657 97lF{?G3535 June 5,2000 Master Sealers, Inc. Post Offrce Box 4473 vail, CO 81658 Dear Michael: This letter is to aulhorize Master Sealen, Inc., to apply forDosign Rwiew approval conccming the rerooling on tho south sidc of the Rcd Liou Building, locatsd at 304 Bridge Street, Vail. As owtrcr of the cornmercial propeny and as President of the Red Lion Condominium Associatioq wc apprcve of your proposal as long as it conforms ro Town of Vail guidclines and rpproval. Sin;erely, b>E_,_ Richard N- Brown OvYner/Prcsident RNB:Llvl/lm tt d -.1 ^ r I /t-, .l'-"1\/, \ i i I -r)... .... -?n-. v't &4\d Project APP|ication Date o4 8t,', Proiect Name: w">-( s,J Jn. 4 Y6'- t/o)l,Co- 8(7 t,oL-ls Project DescriPtaon:- Contact Person and Phone tLL + n 143 E.fi4<adoc-u 8rc and Ph Archilect, Address and Phone: Legat Descriptio n, tor EFGf l{ etocx 5# ' ritins , ron" CCf Design Review Board Date Motion by: -€Iigrre -. Town Planner ,^r,, q/ufqz 6, or,o,^t -,# r, , 'Jun.25 '93 1?:4? Jun. 15 '93 t3:E? EEI'IEFIY CERP BEEO S.FAXS1SHgcr^r$c TEL S1?-3.:l?-?548 DR^E $PDLTC.ABION - fOM'Or VAIIT, DATE APPIJICATXON RECEIVED: DATE Otr DRB MEETXNG: ****l****r' lEIg APplrctr[tro]f lftf.lf No[ BEullEIL ilir, REoUInSD Jtsroitn{xoN 3 ,. r.-vised ,lllgL corDRADo ,f,lUD 4u;J ,99U ACCEPTEDIS SUBI{ITTED RRo,,rEpL*,r.NEpRl,rAT-I ON : A. DESCRIPTION.: B. TYPE OP REiVIBW: ., .- Ncw construcLion ($200,00) Additlon ($50.00) C. ADDRSSSI D. I.EGAT DESCRIPTI Subdlvlslon ZONING: l0T ARE!.r If requ{rect, stamped survey showlng NAME OF APPI.ICANf IMailirtg Address: FEE SCHEDULE: .yArutTI0N$ 0-$ 10,000$t0ro01 -$ 50,000$ 50,00x - $ 1.50,000 $1S0,001 - $ Sooroo0 $500,001 - $1,000r 000$ over 9Ir 000,000 )(lainor A].teratlonj con""ptual Revlefl ( 920 ,00) ($ 0) Block 3f! If propercy lo aeecriudd bydcscrlptlonr ploase provldeattach to fhis applicatlon, B neet,8 hnd bounds IegBI on a sepilrat,e strcet and E. appllcantlol area. must provlde a currenL H. NAI4E OT APPIJICANT'SMatling Addresg; €9'DDlai.J_tng Ad.dresgrffi. s r,"sr ,. , Phone I. NAI.,IE 0F OWI{SRS: *SICNATURE (S) :Mailing AddreegT Condomlntum Approval lf applicable. DRB E'EEI DRF fees, as shown above, arg to be pald althe tirne of, submlttal of Une appltcatlon. Latesl when Epply1nq for a builgtng pernlt, please ldenLif,y ths aeeurat€ valuatlon of tho proposal. The Town of vall .t- K. wlll adJust the fE6 accordlnE t,o the CabLe belovtr- Eoz1..,,/. eneuro rhs correcr, f,ee is pard. rEE pArDj 6flf^_y/lv/i//f7 Vz'lltglFEE$ 20,00 $ s0.00 $x00 .00 s200. 00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DESIGI{ REVIEII. BOAND E.9PROTTII. E:GTRES ONE YEtrR il'TER TIT{AI, IPPRC)\r[fr UilIJGsg tr 'FgILDIlfd lEnMIr IS ISSUED .8"1D COHSIRUCTI9N IS STAREED. **NO ntFTJICtrltrON lfflulr BE PROCEBSED l{IflIOUt OvlN}tR r S $[G,tYp-rtRE I 'a4 " . NA},IE OF PI{OJECT: LIST OT MATBRIALS t^ LEGAL DE:;CRIPTTON: LOT STREET A.Ii)RESS t EO DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: suBDrvrsroN VU Pirsl' The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING i ETNRTET,S: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other iB. required for submittal epproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design COLOR LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Comnon Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous Lrees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate herght. for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet., .n . sENTr€Y r R e i g$=-b;Lgn ; ?-20-93 ; 3i55P[4 SlfAi{SlSFtrt irr , TRAO INO-i . t+ ,) P_ r0 ituni .eB, 1993 f;:H,.Sitil.Devtlopln.''t Dcpr - lioi; S'"flE;,*' RFI Rra llon Condon{nl.un Un{! tr_3 extrrlar altcrrlLon propoaal il1"*o'*1',1ilTiil"-i?ll'"i1l3'oi"fi f igl"*f SilJlj;,,--3orrhrRacr /r I l;,ir,l,l,rr,1x,1 I 4n,,,uu1a 14;l l,lrt lvird'1.,w l',,,i,(lt*r:rqrn|1 x; y,,1 lillhl' l'' n rx rr l/;:r'l I AX i{(r:r/,1/ri tr/.ltl I't'at llAil - Ttr alqeva adoltLob Are6 ngil - skyllgnt sdditlsn rt MortreR/\,r( f u ff_(" r r: rt the flrat levrl. th. lacond levrl. 7/ 24/V3 A. B. r f!'nd thc prcpoeale^aooaptlble. ill'ii"H.l:"I*1"0,fi30t Brlqsr Et.vEll, Co- 81667 I SCHEDULE ORDER No.: 93008973-c3 DATE OF POLICY: July 01, L993 at 4127 AMOIINT OF INSURANCE: S 2,55O,OO0.00 1. NAME OF INSURED: ROBERT E.M. NOURSE AND AAGJE M.T. POLTCY NO. : 0-998r.-458866 P.M. THIS POLTICY2. THEIS: Fee ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND Sirnple NOURSE WHICH IS COVERED BY 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS VESTED ROBERT E.M. NOURSE and AAGJE M.T. NOURSE 4. THE LAND RETERRED TO rN THIS pOLICy IS rN THE STATE OF COLORADO, couNTY oF EAGLE, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Condoniniun Unit R-3, RED LTON INN CONDOMINIUMS,According to the Condominj.um Map recorded l,Iarch L3, L992in Book 575 at Page 026 as Reception No. 47LL4O, and accordingto the Condorninium Declaration recorded September 18. 1981 in Book 329 at Page 1.04 as Reception No. 225464 and the Amendmentthereto recorded March 13, L992 in Book 575 at Page O27 asReception No. 47t14t. @@Pv STEWART TITLE OUARANTY COMPANY SCHEDULE B POLICY No. : 0-9981-458866 THIS POLICY DOES NOT TNSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE CoMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OR EXPENSES) WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: 1. 2. 3. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT THE PUBLIC RECORDS. EASEI4ENTS, OR CLAII,IS OF EASEX.IENTS, NOT SHOWN SHOWN BY BY THE ice or street improvement PUBLIC RECORDS. DTSCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOT'NDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANy FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SIIRVEY AND INSPECTION OF THE PREMTSES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHTCH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERTAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY I,AW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONSIN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6.Any and all unpaid taxes and assessnents and unredeemed taxsales. 7. The effect of inclusionsconservancy, fire protectdistrict or inclusion in area. r specifj-c watervation or other 8. Reservations and exceptions in Patents, or Acts authorizing theissuance thereof, including the reservation of the right ofproprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his oretherefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect thepremises as reserved in United States Patent recorded July 12,L899, in Book 48 at Page 475. 9. Easements, restrictions and rights-of-ways as ,shown on the Platof Vail Village, First Filing. 10. Terns, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations ascontained in Restrictive Covenants for Vail Village FirstFiling recorded August 1-0, 1-962 in Book 174 at Page 179. Ll. Easenent granted to Gas Facilities, Inc., by Red Lion Inn, Inc.,contained in the instrunent recorded May 1O, 1966 in Book 192at Page 531 as Reception No. 103870. L2. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations ascontained in the Condoniniun Declaration of The Red Lion InnCondoniniuns, recorded September 18, l-981 in Book 329 at Page 104 as Reception No. 225464 and First Supplemental Declarationthereto recorded March 13, 1992 in Book 575 at Page 27 as EXCEPTIONS NI'MBERED 1_4 ARE HEREBY OMITTED 4. 5. ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY POLICY NO. 0-9981-458865 CONTINUATION OF SCHEDULE B 15. 13. 14. L6. L7. Reception No. 471141. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations ascontained in the Bylaws of The Red Lion Inn CondomtntumAssociation, Inc. iecorded September 25, 1981 in Book 329 atPage 392 as Reception No. 22SlS2. Easements, restrictions and riqhts-of-ways as shown on thecondoTriniyn yap- of Red Lion fni Condorninilums, recorded September 19, fger in Book 329 at page 105 as Receptioir No. 225465 indFirst Supplenental Map r-ec5rded March 131 1992 in Book 575 atPage O27 as Reception No. 47]-t4c.. Those Easernents shown on the Condorninium Map of RucksackCondoniniums, recorded Apri), 27, 19?8 in Bo-ok 269 at page 447 asReception No. 165833, wh-ich are'also shown on the condofriniunMap of The Red Lion Inn Condominiums, and as contained in 91se99l! granted to Otto Kuehn, in instrument recorded August10, 1967 in Book 21-1 at page 26. Easenent contained in the Deed from Jeffrey B. Se1by, Richard N.Brown and Charles H. Rosenquist to Edwin c: Whiteheid, recordedSepternber 25, 1991 in Book-329 at page 391 as Recepti6n No.22575L. A Deed of Trust dated June 30 , !gg3 tNourse and Aagje M.T. Nourse, to thbCounty, to secure an indebtedness of executed by Robert E.M.Public Trustee of Eagle Chase Manhattan Personal Financial1, 1993 in Book 6t-2 at page 293 s, Inc. recorded Julyon No. 508870. Jcr FF[_ [ #$p Y Tom Stinberg stated TOv should not be allowing Bmce to dictate what TOV did. Rob Levineagreed. Steve noted the alorney for Boulder had bin working on Amendment I since day one withcML ommittees, and he felt cqnfortable following what Borilder was doing. After discussion, it was agreed tle :rdirunc-e language be changed to read, "An ordinance submifting P ttE *gpqq ehcmrs of the Town of Vail-at-me negutir Munidial Electiqr to be held oiTuesday, the l6th of Noverrber, 1993, the question of whetfr the rown 6f Vait should be authorized to aollect and sperrd the full-rlevenues gmdatea including reduction in debt service durlng f994 andeachsu@uent year [whidr amountdoes notincluderdenue from ad valo.d pro6 taxes] without any irmease in such tax rates and to spand suchievenues for debt service, ^'*idp;lpo"T?o,. Td "up. rtrl prolects, e{fective fanuary i tn+; authorizing the Town coundl to ad;pt annual-budgets and amendmsrtsth€reto to implemmt the approval of-this referred meas,r.e; settitigf"tttt 9" Fil.l U*, providing for notice of^the election; frouiai"g for con:luct of tre election]providing further details in relation to the foregoing.u ' After Council-queetioru abo_ut sales taxes, ski fft dcket taxes, and real estate uansfer tar€s, IimGibson moved P Tpno* Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1993, on first reading with the lang;gedunges as stated above. Bcfqe a vote was taken, tlrcre was discussion about the bendits of making tle ordinance effective Illuary 1!798.5, |in Giboon ammded his motion to further change tte ordinance to have it becomeeffectirelanuary 7,193. Jim Sheas secoruted the amendedmoion RobleVinefelt that could behamful if it gave the percation that there wene e(cg$s nevenues in 1993. After futther discussion about radonale for making the ordinance retroactive, a vote was talcn and the motion passed unanimously, Z-0. IEt No. 8 was Resolutio-n No. lQ Series of 1993, a resolution waiving a restriction on residmtial cudominium rmit#3 at theRed Uqr InnCodonintums to allowa miior o<terior alterationfor the gpansiolt of the residential cordorninium unit The ap,plicant, Jay Peterson was present. JimCurnutte leviewed the description of the leqpest as detaildd in ttre iDPs m€mo datea 1dy ZO, f iS3,to-tre.Planning and Environmentat Comnmiseion (PEC). He stated whm this prope"ty waircdevelopd sevaal )'ears ato, there was a restriction put in the Declaation of Covenants 6r tfrepuP€rty which stated thete would be no exterior modifications whictr increased the GRFA on thisbttilding- However, as de.ailed in the above referenced memo, the C-ondominium Declarat'ron indicated the restiction could not be ammded without the prior written @nsent of the Vatl Town C-ouncil,and, therefore,€ouncil did have the ability to review-the miror exterior alteration requested. If C-ouncil felt the intent of the restriction was not'being violated, they could aplrrove ttre reiotution to allow for the alteration. Tom Steinberg moved to appnove Resolution trlo. tb, Series of 1993, with a seqord frorn Rob LeVtne. Before a vote was taten, noU asked if ttre specifics of mis proposal would apply to any Pot€ntial waiving of restrictiors in *re future. Iim Cumutte aavisea tnat Resolution No. 19, Series of-193, was prepared b be very specific b this request only. Any futtre r€quest worrld have to go thrcugh this same process. Under discussion, it ivas noteh there *,a" "conflict in Section 1 of theResolution. It was agreed b asrend the language in that section rderring to exterior modification. Tom Steinberg ammded his motion bo include the language ammdmeit discussed. Rob LeVine ammded his second. After brief discussiqr about the pro|."fr GRFA and note that a nenr definition of GRFA had been adopcd, a vote walr taf<en ana Ur6 motion passed unanimously,7a. IEn No. 9 was Resolution No. 11, Series of 193, a resolution to offer amnesty for a limited period of time frorr the 15% per month penalty provided in Paragraph 14 Ordinarue No. 31, Series of tnZfor delirquent assessmmb in ttre sooth-CJ€ek Iocal lrnprovanmt District. lvlapr Osterfoss t*d the tide in full. Tom Moorhead erylained there were preiently sevm assessed proierty owners who Fd ftry !9-!ay__ttt"{ asaps-mmb, and they woutd be ceiufiea to Eagle io"i.ty "as aennqumt October 1,1993, He advised there had been sev€ral disctssions with sorne of the froperty ofrte"s within tre tast urcek and they had indicated they wanted to qcme currelrt, but they'had noi reatizea there was a penalty. They rcalized tlrere was inierest, but not a p€nalty. Tom Moorhead noted that Ordinanc€ No. 31, Series of 7912, clanly called for tte p€nalty, araC dsed upon that ordinance, the penalty of 1.5% per rnonth was in €ffect. He added ttratl tettei naa been sent out in Decmrber, 1992, armouncing the Public Hearing in regard to theassesnmt, but ttnt letterr€f€rred only to aninterest P-aFmt, and not to fte perulty payment After opeaking with some of those asseised, it seeuredit-th€re ry!€ aryesty offered, several of tlrerr would ome within cumpliance. He said he had discussed this with Steve Thompson and Steve Barwick, and it was tett Uiis was an opportunity to lring sqng oJ those delinquent prop€trty owners inm orirpliance prior b tfte date of the iertification Passage of this resolution would ilso put these prop€rty owneis on notice that they were not in compliance and that there would be no-question tlat itre pmatty for 1993, as well as f& 199i, would be in e{fect. Merv Lapin moved to appiwe Resolution irlo. ff, Series oI 193, with a eecundG Tom Steinberg. A rlote was taken ani-ttre rrotiqr passed unanimously, Z-0. Ittm No. 10 was a presmtation of a meeting ptarurer dernand analysis for the Vail Valley V.il loiD corDril EElir8 Xc.dry hd{ gtlrS 7. firr GoPY He said that they do not feel that they are adding a significant amount of employees that would warrant increasing the on-site parking. He emphasized that this was a temporary solution and that in the future they were hoping to propose parking that would enable more eflective skier drop-off. Diana Donovan stated that if a bobcat is used for snow, that the asphalt needs to be leveled out. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the planter needs to be brought further away from the fence and tennis courts so that access and circulation are not effected. She would like to see the asphalt between the existing and proposed buildings removed so that landscaping could be placed in this area. Diana Donovan stated that she was concemed that people might drop lheir possessions through the grate on the upper level. Jack Hunn stated that this area would be used mainly by Vail Associates Ski School employees, and that the holes in the grate were relatively small. Dalton Williams stated that he felt uncomfodable with this request without snowmelting in the asphalt area between the buildings. Jack Hunn stated that they have always strived to maintain a safe environment and that ultimately the liability of any accidents rests with Vail Associates. Also, it is certainly in Vail Associates best interest to keep the area safe. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the DRB should look closely at this area and devise a solution with landscaping and circulation. Kathy stated that the asphalt would need to be removed and the new design should address safety and appearance. Diana Donovan made a molion per the staff memo for approval of this request to amend the development plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base Area to allow a building for public restrooms and employee locker rooms, with the recommendation to the DRB that they look at the salety and aesthetic concerns regarding this request. Greg Amsden seconded this motion and a 4-0 vote approved this request. A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow an expansion to a residential unit at the Red Lion/Lots E, F, G and H, Block 5-A, Vail Village lst Filing/3O4 Bridge Street. Applicant: Planner: Aagje Nourse Jim Curnutte Dalton Williams made a motion per the staff memo to approve this request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for an 11 square foot expansion lo a residential unit at the Red Lion with Greg Amsden seconding the request. A 4-0 vote approved lhis request. Planning and Environmgntal Commission July 26, 1993 15 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department rf I. I c0Py July 26, 1993 A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of residential condominium unit #3 at the Red Lion lnn Gondominiums/Lots E, F, G and H, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing/304 Bridge Street. Applicant: Planner: Aagje Nourse Jim Curnutte I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Commercial Core I Zone District requires Planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC) approval of an exterior alteration request prior to the addition of any enclosed floor area to structures located within the district. The proposal includes an 11 square foot floor area expansion ol the second lloor residential condominium unit #3, located on the west side of the Red Lion Inn Gondominiums, on Bridge Street. Under the redevelopment proposal, the existing doorway which leads from the living room of unit #3 to an eliterior deck to the south will be removed. This 11 square foot area, which was lormerly outdoor deck space, will now be added to the living room and used for the purpose of a new television alcove. Additionally, two new skylights will be added to the roof of unit #3 to provide emergency access out of the third story loft. II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY On April 9, 1990, the building owners received the necessary Town of Vail approvals to redevelop the Red Lion Building. These development approvals included a site coverage variance, a stream setback variance, a conditional use permit for an outdoor dining deck, an exterior alteration for Commercial Core I and a modification to view corridor #'l . On April 17, 1990, the Vail Town Council reviewed and approved the Red Lion's request to amend view conidor #1. The maximum GRFA approved through his redevelopment project by the Town Council, was 9,207 square feet. In the fall of 1990, the building permit plans were submined to the Town offices for review. Along with these plans came an explanation by the project architect that further refinement of the floor area calculations indicated that the building was actually 8,714 square leel in size (calculated according to the GRFA definition in place at the time), a difference of 833 square feet under the GRFA approved by the Town. The staff felt that the overall mass of the building should not be enlarged from that associated with the previous approvals and requested that the applicant restrict the use of the remaining GRFA to interior modifications of the building which would not increase the overall shape and size of the approved building. The wording of this restriction was agreed to by the applicant and included in the condominium declarations of he Red Uon Inn Condominiums (see attached copy for specific wording of restriction). As indicated in this restdction, no exterior modification which increases the air space, as shown on the condominium map, or GRFA as defined by the Vail Municipal Code for units R-1, R-2 and R-3 shall be allowed witrout the prior wriften consent of the Town of Vail. On July 20, 1993, the Vail Town Council reviewed the proposed 11 square foot exterior modification as described in this memo and agreed to allow the applicant to proceed through the PEC octerior alteration process, with he condition that il approval is granted by the PEC, the exterior modification restriction contained in the condominium dedarations will be amended to allow for the '11 square foot addition and brought back to the Council for lormal approval. ilr. zoNrNG coNsrpERAnoNs The following summarizes the zoning statistics for this exterior alteration request: 1) Zone District: 2') Lot Area: 3) GRFA: Maximum Allowed: Existing: Proposed: Remaining After Addition: 4l Site Coverage: Commercial Core I 13,958 squar€ leet 9,207 squarE te€t 9,(X0 square feet (calculaled according to today's GRFA definiiion) 9,O51 square feet 158 squar€ f€el no chango in site coverage will occur becauge the television alcove will b€ added to an ar€a of th€ deck already covered by th6 third floor ol the building above. The existing GRFA of condominium unit R-3 is approximat€ly 3,000 square leet. The addition of 1 1 square feet will not necesshde the addition of another parking space. Theretore, no monelary contribution to th€ Town of Vail paking fund will be required as a resuh o{ the proposed building r€mod6l. 5)Parking: IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE ! '18.24.010 Pumose: "The Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village Commercial Area, with iB minture of lodges and commercial establishmenb in a predominantly pedestdan environment. The Commercial Gore I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and o uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of fte tightly cluslered anangements of buibings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation ol the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village." It is the staff's opinion that the proposed change to the Red Lion Inn Condominium, unit #3, would be in compliance with the Pupose Section of the Commercial Core I Zone District as staled above. We also believe that the addition will not negatively effect the scale of the building nor detract from the overall appearance of the building as viewed from the pedestrian levelof Bridge Street below. V. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS PROPOSAL The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan includes hree elements which establish the review criteria for this application. The first of these is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, many of which identify potential areas for future development and other improvements. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations express the large scale, land use planning and design considerations, and linally the architectural/landscape considerations, which will be reviewed by the Design Review Board, establish the criteria for evaluating detailed design considerations of a proposal, The Vail Village Master Plan and the Vail Streetscape Plan address specific goals pertaining to the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. In addition, tradilional zoning considerations are also a factor in this proposal. VI. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE There are no specilic sub-area concepts relevant to this proposal, VII. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The following design considerations are a critical element of the Uban Design Plan. They identify the key physical characteristics of the Village and provide the tools to ensure that new development is consistent with the established character. The design considerations include the following: A. Pedestrianization: The proposed television alcove will have no impacts on pedestrian traffic llow because of its proposed location. B. Vehicular Penetration: Vehicular penetration and circulation will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal. C. StreetscaPe Framework: The proposed building remodel will not affect visual interest and activity along Bddge Street. D. Street Enclosure: Due to the location of the proposed building alteration, beneath a third story cantilevered area, and the relatively small size ol the proposed remodel, it is staffs opinion that the proposed addition will not have a negative impact on street enclosure. E. Street Edge: Staff believes that the television alcove addition to resldential condominium unit #3 will have no impact on he street edge along the Red Lion Inn Building. F. Building Height: Building height will be unaffected as a result ol ihis proposal. G. Views and Focal Points: The proposed remodel does not affect any ol the Town's adopted view conidors. In add16n. the remodel will have no impact on the line-of-sight from either the top or the bottom ol Bridge Street. H. Service and DeliverY: The proposed expansion will not atfect current service and delivery pattems. L Sun/Shade: There will be no increase in the shadow pattems as a result of this addition as it is located within the existing shade patterns of the building' J. Architectural/LandscapeConsiderations: The staff believes that the architectural detailing of the proposed addition will not have a negative impact on the appearance of the area as viewed from Bddge Street. St<yti-gntg are proposed on the north roof which will have little impact on adjacent owners. The proposed addition will have no effect on existing landscaped areas on the property. 4 VIII. RELATED GOALS AND POLICIES IN THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The following are the goals and objec{ives of the Vail Village Master Plan which are relevanl to this proposal: Goal #1 - Encourage high quality development while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. 1.2 Objecrive: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. The proposed television alcove addition is consistent with established zoning and the existing uses in the area. Overall, the statf believes that the proposed 11 square foot building alteration does not detract from the appearance ol the building nor do we feel that lhe proposed building expansion, due to its small size, is the type of exterior modification which should not be approved given the aforementioned condominium restriction. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommendation is for approval of the requested CGI exterior alleration. A review of the relevant Urban Design Cdteria and the Vail Village Master Plan Goals and Policies indicate that the proposal is in conlormance with the applicable sections of these documents. Staff would recommend that the following condition be attached to this approval for an exterior alteration: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed addition, staff must be provided with a copy of an amendment to the Red Lion Inn Condominium declarations, which includes wording authorizing lhe 11 square foot exterior modification of unit R-3. This document will then be traken to the Vail Town Council for formal written approval. The document must receive Council approval before a building permit may be released for the addition. c :\p€cvn€mosMou rse.726 D*{tP- i'v'tQ^# *ff 6044- f'e n 2*F'( uoto 6&7 \,'- Acd- 40 4f'*n''"& 5 a Landmark and Vencura constructed additional on theium Property, which construction has now ed- rk and Commercial Federal as the-,6ole owners andsole recorded agee desire to record a suppl 6ntal condoniniurndeclaration and s emental condominium map ich subjects such inprovements to the iniuru Declaration in addition to makecertain changes to theforth.oninium DecI ion, as hereinafter set The Condominiun Declaration is amended as follows; 1. The Condoninium Map itled Th irst Supplernental Map forthe Red Lion fnn condoniniupC, Lots E, F,., & A, Block 5-A, VailVillage, First FiIing, T of Vail, Eag1e Count1r., Colorado, recordedin Book _ at Page :Eag).e County, Colo Supp1ementaJ. Maprr )described in Sectidnthe DecLaration The Co brninium llap recorded on September 18, Page 105 hereby revoked. Section 2.L7 of the Condominiun Declaration is hereby 3. The following paragraph 3.4 shall be added to Articlethe Declaration: 3.4 Restriction on Residential condominiurn Units.Residential Condominiurn units R-l, R-2 and R-3 shall berestricted to the exterior configuration as set forth on theFirst Supplernental Map. No exterior modification whieh l.ncreases the air space as defined by the First Supplemental Map and this Declaration or GRFA as defined in Section 18.04.130 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail for Units R-1, R-2 and R-3shall be allowed. In addition, Units R-1. R-2 and R-3 shall not be divided or partitioned to create spaces smaller than suchunits as shown on the First Supplenental Map for the purposes ofusing, conveying, leasing or creating additionaL dweJ-ling units. No additional GRFA, as defined in Section 18.04.130 of theMunicipal Code of the Town of VaiI , in excess of 9207 squarefeet, additional residential density in excess of threeresidential unitsr or additional heigbt as defined in Section18.04.170 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, whichincreases the height of the Residential Units as defined by theFirst Supplernental Map, shall be a11owed,*;.'="*--* The restrictions in this paragraph 3.4 shall not be arnended /of t,ll.e records of the c|eqk and Recorder of e, (hereinafter referred '1to as rrFirst it:- Ue deerned to be the Condoniiriun Map or Map 2.12 of the Declaration or any othe}.section of\ 1981 in Book 329 at q'i€a o f fl l" 1u^s+{ l'<ruw.g+eL a> y'rrr',..d 6*-t+T' grii-1<- s+ '. J| o 3 :l-c; crl 3(l {olr \t 'rl F ,12 =dt v fi 0q-_ &q : t*l 1l t\i. rS*o $ux t*u<$n\r. $n: ti$, : 5 C,, '1st: F P 21 c/(L rh.1',I I i ft I *-/ L( t,) \..-.''f) -)Ai\ {J ry ,"..,:-r- I .: IP.l rLleJl-? 5 oFtl{-rtsbIA.safil!-.l{rB l-* @- .2'o I.F. 'l ir iElliiEEl o'll- -.tFi(J,'d .EOPz.J o ff,rtarr'*: ---- - --_' ::---:-(l,zo7 .-: i r- EiT4 d,rFc rl \ c-c; r'C c c n4Pfi{i',.::L:". i, ,^dti ct) &G*,#, eF 6rtr,# tffif4'; i, ?:{6 (tE*;/, 6:7*-'"-!,*--){ | ler * L*#t iit'r il 11 il 1,-1'- -" -' 1l rltill li'--'il' liti il ll" il iFtn"/ f ,,^-rerQ.;, io te* ,-- Landmark and Vencura cons;tructed additional improwements oncondominium Property, lrhich construction tras now bee-n compLeted.the Vencura, Landmark and Commercial Federal as the so]-e owners andsole recorded mortgagee desire to record a supplemental condominiumdeclaration and supplemental condominium map which subjects such improvements to the Condorninium Declaration and in addition to makecertain changes to the Condorninium Declaration, as hereinafter setforth. The Condominium Declaration is hereby amended as fol-Loh,s: L. $he Condorninium Map entitled The First Supplemental Map forthe Red Lion fnn Condominiuns, Lots E, F, G, & A, Block 5-A, VailVillage, First Filing, Town of Vai1, Eagle County, Colorado, recordedin Book at Page of the records of the Clerk and Recorder ofEagle County, colorado, (hereinafter referred to as rrFirst Supplemental Maptr) shall be deerned to be the Condorninium Map or Map described in Section 2.L2 of the Declaration or anv other section ofthe Declaration. The Condorninium Map recorded on September L8, L981 in Book 329 at Page 105 is hereby revoked. 2. Section 2.L7 of the Condominiurn Declaration is hereby revoked. 3. The following paragraph 3.4 shall be added to Article 3 of the Declaration: 3.4 Restriction on Residential Condonriniurn Units. Residential Condominium units R-1, R-2 and R-3 shail be restricted to the exterior configuration as set forth on the first Supplemental Map. No exterior rnodification which increases the air space as defined by the First SuppJ"enental Map and this Declaration or GRFA as defined in Section L8.04.L30 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail for Units R-1-, R-2 and R-3shall be allowed. In addition, Units R-1, R-2 and R-3 shall not be divided or partitioned to create spaces smafler than suchunits as shown on the First Supplenental Map for the purposes ofusing, conveying, leasing or creating additional dwelling units. No addj-tional GRFA, as defined in Section 18.04.130 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, in excess of 9207 sguarefeet, additional residential density in excess of threeresidential units, or additional height as defined in Section l-8.04.170 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, which increases the height of the Residential Units as defined by the First Supplemental Map, shall be allowed. The restrictionsor revokcd without the paragraph 3.4 shall not be amended wiitten consent of the Town of Vail'in thisprior q ll ?f'v'-n'e(og K O11 {" ft,Llnul- f Ec <yp,,'"*l E*^t"r,bt q(t qplu{li ,&{ q(sa , tol c (nded q-)t I ( . co,-4,'/.;,-s oF ovE\-Cji ^ sr/e cerr*tr.eqe Ve.t\re p ef Illjl - cdF fet qp eu{*er olrt.*f olo"F Iii - slreqrrc sd|q'fr r$/^rci*.1 /ll ,-rrneel,f. ?€ di+,^, tryjoler ,tt9.Z/ Pd,?cere:r#S €ql€ +pr' t t{jro - #r;it:,ffinff.e* +e q*.,.t* & t}i ed cru,i&d t € .F . v? ii-f ,v'etJ'tnQ*t0g qPp.\tr.tq5 f<rlrs.6,- O€ *p4'ty z7s{t'*1 i**lX $..{ep+ *uctaeae+2 ei) rtg.i/lt g'rJQ-eF /\sGp€ I -a,' frtt'( =ytfp- TC N!'e.# *pr*-<( e{' PEc Aecrsrant (- fouf '4 €e+a'n& 6 t rcg(./,r\ fzr<;c}fc+se U / rn - {eA (,b,- a6p.,-o(s, {'e,*;J',{"6,* # lR, ,u(n,'ch rr,tl<eisis ^ ,gF,[lrrp->^ R. e - 'fb re'7h.<r rii;tvt +a 6la6g{e qd,af'&ee Crf e{ ' 3- 1*C a,ut r,{at4S rEC ,;f*trgtiirg s{vrsdr *y + (\qrriAcg */f (:. # pt| fo.i3e,p €iq F, t.*dt to 'tr-'11 ,4q41 t =pf 'l 3. 4. ALl windows located on stucco ua]'l planes s}.a1.1 be recessed a niniDum of 3n. State of the art venting 6ha11 be used to reduce negative inpacts (snelI, smoke, etc.) enanating from the sLte. 5.The owner/developers of the residential development on tlris site-shall lgree to pernanently.restrict Gross Residential Floor Area (GnfA), building height and $lililf " **i:i:"":",:li:"@ resErlcEr.on ancr tbe restriction shal1 be recordg{ t{th 6. ?. 8. 9. E-estriction and tbe restriction shal} lle recordPq q]|En the Clerk and Recorders office at Eagle county. VffiDts* Any trees damaged or killed within two years of !'hecornpletion of this project shall be replaced with sinllar size and type tree. The Red Lion logo shall be retained as a part of this redevelopnent iir approxLnately the sane size and location. .il The developers,/owners a-' I[Wo- :lI'i:ili:i,T,$l:*:'il":?1"$liH,::ffis{,fr oil1iiilf3, Tbe Rekord doors (or other tlpe of window systern install-ed) to the Red Lion Restaurant along.Bridge / Street shal.l remain totally open during business bours between June 15 and Septenber 15 of each ye?r. lhese windows nay be opened at any other tine during the year at the discretion of the restaurant nanagement' 10. The applicants shall conplete strearn-bank stablll'zation worx on both sides of ulll creek over the entire length of the Red Lion property. The final design and inpf lnentation oi titere- irnprovements shall be subl-ect €o'review by the staff and-the Design Review Board' 11. The oltners shall agree to participate in , and not reuonstrate igainsE, a spelial irnproveDent district if and when one is fotmed ln the Village' ua]'l tr'].anes s}.a1.1 be .i \,'r ', fl-.t'rr1 1',' '' j i /l C A Pmf ossional Corporation 143 Ea6l Mgadow Drive Cro8$roads at Vail Vall, Colorado 81657 30a/,+76-61 05 FAX 30A/476.{t10 REDTION SOUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS (GRFA} June 28, 1993 Allowable square footage........ --.l..SeOz s.t.,) Existing squars footage: First floor..... ..............5000 s.f. Second f1oor..........,, ...3564 s.f. Third floor.,.. ................473 s.f. r^ ^ -l--:rorAL EXlsrlNG.... .Q9919 ,' -- . ..' r AVATLABLE SOUARE FOOTAGE.... i..ree S.r. )"-",_^-__*.J Existing common area............ ........1266 s.f. MonTeRARCH TTECTS 8a7( "-f)ta;1 t FP-- 4VoTffi$3?sqte&G sFn'n.t$l 2 t fr' qyp7 91(4 q3 o il"|+L ste so.:ervg{ 7 - GPf A - )"{*t''r *":CY 7 a.3rt<r,*p-( +(o( t,,e,{,'i./s *lo{ &P haffi" lncrQ- ss+ ry n**L)g u) k,uN +-{rJ*,"-' o Froor i fiAE.IE t]|'llr EDB NrllJRgE Jun. 35 '9.3 LArg/8 rrvf.tra le/l'rrl PFIL]NE N6. :817 3'ir {l::;r! O, 'J {\I.!. bM SANFAXSISl{scli pc F.,1 'nrcOJUN2Sps Drge of, ApplicatlonDato ol DEC Mictlng ItP&lC^rtON roR trtt8lsion arrt8njLaroNE en xoDtrrr**ffio ilffiEf"cnr! coru I. PlannJ.ng end Envlronrrtenta.I ConunlocLon rovlck da rcqulrgd f,6rtho alteratlon of an exist,lng bullding whlch adda or removesany cfrclo$ed floof atrea gr outdoor ptglo $r Uhe rsplacementof, an exla{:Lrrg lcutLdlng locatdd tn rne CCf otsgrlci.. FOI,LOVIING pEC APpR0VtrIr, TltE PROJECT MU$t DE REvrEytED By TttE DESIGN F^EVIEIT BOARD (DRB) . 'fhq lpFflertl.on ntl,I not be Bccepged untiL tlt Lnforaltlonrrnd tlrr are rubmlttcd.. , . A. B. c. NAI'IE OT PLI ADDRESS€/A oo OF OWNER(S' (Print or Y BrclrtrtruR'(sl/ . ADDRESS D. E. LOCATION ROFOSAI,: LEGAL DESCRIFTION 100 s0.FEE *X= $2oo,,oo (Irnss rlrAtt pam s.-}oDa. cx *.,?l# 'w ,THE E'EE iTU.Sr SB PAID BEFONP.INP COMMUNXTY DEVEI,OFI,IENT bI.,/DEPARTMENT WIIJL AecEpT YoUR PRopOsAL. / (Eb II. PRD-APPtICATIoN coNFERENcEI A pro-appl.fcafion conference wlLh a plannlns $raf,f nember iss[rongry.EuggosEBd tO doEerrnlne if any adclltlonatlnforfiiaElon 1s needed. No appltcatloit wIIt be accopuedunless lt ts .compret,e (must iirctuae alr iieml reguLlea-uyrhq aonflg admtnierrerdii:- ti i; irrJ-appiicane,ssc$ponstlrirlly to make an appotntment wi-ttr ttre s[aff to findout abouu addltlonal subrndtt-ar require^""[". III' PLEASE NOTE TIAT A COME.I,,b.rE }PPIXCA'TTON WILI{. S.TREMLINE THE' APFRoVAL PRocESs poR-TdEffinoJEcr By DEcB.sAsiHc Clrn'-Hiiuasii-OF CONDITXONS OF APPROVAL TITAT THE PEC rqAi SirPUr,NtN. ALLCONDITIONS OF APPROVAIJ MO$! BE COMPIJIED IIITH NNNONN-I I- BUTLDtNc pERr'trr rs rssuED. THE nOl,l.OWillC-la[isi ns- su-BMrrrno; A. Improvemont survey.of.property showlng pfoperty Ilnesond rocarron of, blrratirg lno ini--i*pi6rLr.ns' on theIand, B. ADDRESSED, $TAtytpED Et$/ELopEs NqD A LIST oF THE Ntr1,1ES oFOWNERS-9T..I!! PROPERTY ADJACENT TO rHE SUB.]ECT PiiCJFBNiY,rHgLUpIl!9'PRoFERTY BEHTND AND AcRoss sTRsErs, TiiE-- - APplrcANT t^trll EE RnsFoNsrBLE FoR coRREcr MTIITTNGADDRES$ES, OF5- ITT, ) FT, ) ATIVE -"< t '11'l [qa- od{oca-/^ts &_rnr G-$ St t} 516t-uOe-r 1gi-nc,Nt)w@ Ancn ITECTS A Protessional Corporation 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/4 76-5 r 05 Robert Hoerle 1158 5th Avenue New York, New york 10029 VaiI Ski RentaL Jack Curtln\ncnrccrs , Pfolessional )orporation 43 East Meadow Drive t;?,""d:ffi:::1L' to3/4 7 6-51 05 \RCH ITECTS Professional rrporation 3 East Meadow Drive ossroads al Vail il. Colorado 81657 3/476-5105 254 Bridge Streetv.ir, coiorado 81657 lESrcopy ffri.rnE Oscar Tang 120 E. End Ave. New York, NY 10028 Landmark Commercialuevef_opment Company ;18.T:;"8#". L arsociares VaiL, Colorado 8165g .RCHITECTS rolessional porahon Easl Meadow Drive;sroads at Vai, Colorado 91657 476-5105 --- ,3t I MonrrR Ancn ITECTS A Prolessional Corporalion 143 East Meadow Orive Crossroads al Vail Vail. Colorado 81657 303/476.5105 MoraEnAncnIECTS A Prof6ssional Corpofation 't/|:} East Meadow Drive Cro€$roads al Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 s0s/476-5r05 Clark Willingharn Praza Lodqe 291 Bridg6 streetVail, Colorado 81G57 Young Motors corp. Grand, Blvd.Michigan 48202 MiIl Creek Court Condominium AssociaLionc/o VaiI Home Rentals 143 E. Meadow DriveVail-, Colorado 8L657 10028 VIonrrrtARCH ITECTS A Prof$sional Cq|poration 143 Easl Meadow Driv€ Crcg$roads at Vail Vail. Colorado 81657 303t4 76-5 103 .tohn Do!.tlirig ? GracY Sguare New York, Nev, York VIoTITTNARCHITECTS A Prof€sElonal Corporation 1i3 East Moadow Drive Cro6|to8ds at Vail vail, Colorado 81657 900/474t-5r 05 Shirley ceneral 3044 W.Detroit, Monr'rnAncnrrcrs -.,qffi w *d : w ffi@ iRARCHITECTS A ProfeFsional Corporation 143 Eart Meador D,ivs Crossroads at Vail vail. Cdlorrdo 81667 303/47+5105 Christy HJI'l 311 Bridge St. Vai'l , C0 81657 Cyranosuargretta B. Parksf.o. sox 373L2ucnver, Colorado gOZ37 boldqlri Deak donaominiurn Association iib--H"n"on Ranch Road' VaiI, Colorado 81657 iARCHITTCTS A Proleslional Corporalion 143 East M€adow Drive Crossroads al Vall Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-t105 H@ IARCH ITECTS A Protesrionel Corporation 143 East tlo8ddw lhv6 Crossroads al \rail Vail, Coldrado 81657 303/476,51 05 _A - THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTYn PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on July 26, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A clarification of the subdivision process regarding payment of taxes. Planner: Mike Mollica 2, A request for a minor amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village for the Waterford parcels in area A, described as follows: That pan of |he SW ll1 NE 1,|4, Sec{on 1a Townshlp 5 Sourh, Range 8t W6t of rh€ Slxth Prlnclp€l Msrldhn, Town of VaJl Eaol€ Couhty, Colondo, dGcaib€d as tnlows: B€glnninC at a Folnt on |€ 6outhsrly rloht{f-way lln€ ot hbrslato Hghway l.lo. 70 whenc€ an lron pn wlth a dsstlc c€p merklng lhe c€nt€r ol 6ald Soctlon 12 b€ars S 3fl0'1tr W 1447,03lest; 'loncs along ssld south€rly dghl-of-uay llne two coursos 1) N 52502Y E 22e.66 hst 2l N 74301r E loo.m h€t: th.noe deF ling Eaid 8oulhorly dght ol-way line N 86"4557 E 138.93 leeq th€ncs S 40.45'14' W 94.32 f€€q lh€nc€ S 18. 1835" W 54.08 fo€r; rh.nco S 0t2t36. W 205.02i€ot; 'tenee S I2|"0736'W 1't0,25 le€l; tt|onco S ?8o28S'W 1e4.48 fo€t: Ihence N,tO "ln'4'W 211.16 t€€t; $enccN49"4256'E97,80bst;thoncsN3f09tsl'W95.59t€et;thenceS5PSO'29'W55.10t6e1;h€nc€69.43lestalongthsafcofanon- ranoer{ cuw€ !c lhe letl having a radius ot 65.m teol a cenlral anole ot 6t'14'4f and a ctprd har bee,E N 5E" 55'53' W 66.22 t€gq lhenca N 37'd3l' W 118.50 bsl To Ths True Point ol B€ginning, County ol Eagb, Sla|e ot Colorado; Applicant: MECM Enterprises represented by Eustaquio Cortina and Commercial Federal Savings.Planner: Shelly Mello a\ A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow an expansion to a residential unit at- the Red Uon/Lots E, F, G and H, Block 5-A, Vail Village lst Filing/3o4 Bridge Street. Applicant: Aagje NoursePlanner: Jim Curnutte l. A request for a modification to the conditional use for the snow dump to allow an expansion of the road located at 1309 VailValley Drive/an unplatted parcel located west of the Town of Vail shops. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen i. A request for a variance to allow a deck to encroach into a setback for a residence located at Lot 14, Bighorn 2nd Filing/3876 Lupine Drive. Applicants: Eric and Susan SipfPlanner: Andy Knudtsen ss 6. 7. 8. 9. A request to amend the development plan for the Gold Peak Base to allow a building for restrooms and locker rooms located at Tract F, Vail Village Sth Filing/tl58 Vail Valley Drive. A request for a lolnt worksesslon with the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board for the establishment of a Special Development District to allow the expansion of the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, and more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land in Tract B, Vail Vitlage, First Flting, Tourn of Vail, Eagl€ County, Colotado, more paniculatly descdbed as f ollows: Commerrcing al tho Northeast corner of sald Tract B; thence N 79"46'00'W atong lhe Nonherly Ine of Valt Village, First Filing, and along the Norlherly linE of said Tract B 622.86 f€€l; th€nce S 06026'52' W a distarre of 348.83 te€t to lhe Southwgst cornsr ot lhat parcel ol land described in Book 191 at Page 139 a! recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in R€ception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Rscolds, said corner als being the Tru€ Point ol Beglnning; thgnce S 79"04'08' E an<l along the Southerly line ol said parc€l 200.00 fs6t to the Southeast cofner ther€of; thenc€ N 62"5E00' E and abng th6 North€rly line of lhat parcel of lanr described ln Boc/,l, &2 at Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in th6 Eagle County Records, a distance of 66.78 t€ot to th€ Nonheast€rly corn€r of said parcel of land; said corner beirg on tho Westerly right€f-rvay line of Gore Cre€k Boad, as plattod in Vail Villag€, Frifth Filing; thenc€ N 27o13'37' W a distarrcE of 77,37 foot afong said W€st€rly right-of-way line ol Gore Creek Road; th€ncE N 8929'?2. W a distance of 12.80 f€€t to the North€ast€rly corner of that parcal ol land described in Book 191, Pag€ 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and fil€d ln Fec€plion No. 102978 In the Eagle County R€cords; thencg Northw€st€rly 26,51 t€st alon the arc ol a 37.50 lsst radlus q.rrve to the l€tt havlng a c€ntral anglE of 40P30'0O' whose chord bears N 530.10'00' W a dislancE of 25.96 teet !o a poinl ot tangoncy; thencg N 73"55'00' W and along said lang€nt 166.44 l€€l; thence N 85'10'21'W a distarrco ol 50.40 te€t to thE NonlMssterly corner of lho i/buntain Haus Parcel; thence S 02018'00'W and along thE saslerly line of said i/kxrntain Hzus Parcel a distanco of 100.00 leet lo th€ Southeasterv corner thereof; thence S 45'.|3'53' E a distancE of 38.70 l€€t to the Tru€ Point of Beginning, containirE 30,486 square feet, more or less. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Tim Kehoe Tim Devlin Vail Athletic Club Shelly Mello Vail Associates, lnc. Tim Devlin A request for a major exterior alteration to allow for a retail expansion at the Sunbird Lodge, located at 675 Uonshead Place/Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. A request for the establishment ot an SDD to allow the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of three Type lV employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specificalll described as follows: A part of Tract 'B' and a part of Mill Creek Road, Vail Village, First Filing, County of Eagl€, State ot Colorado, more panicrlarly described as follot,vs: Commencing at the Nonh€ast corner of Vail Village, First Filing; thenc€ North 79"46'oof West along the S,ruihcilv lir.: i,i t.j S !liehway Ni',. 6 a Jisi;nce of Sa,7.06 i,,el i. il.4 l.Joril:darjl co[ner .rf s;:iC T|acl "8": ttl€nco South 10014'00'West alorg the East€rly line ol said Tract "B"; a distance ot 198.31 feet to the ss o o Southead€tly corn€r ol said Tract "B'; lh€nc€ Nonh 79%6'00'W€sl along the Soulhsrly llne of sald Tract'B'a distarne of 100.00 f€€t to tho tru€ polnt of beglnning thenc€ Nonh 09"10'07'West a dtstancg ot 41.62l€st thonc€ South 88027'11'West a dislance ot 75.21 fdt; ftence South Z7"'tg'g?. East a dtstance of 77 -37 leef,: ftonce Nonh 57o24'o0' East a dislance of 55.11 f€€t, rnore or less to the true point ol beginnlng. Applicant: Planner: 10.A request for a conditional use permit and a landscape variance to allow an expansion of the Vail Associates vehicle maintenance shop located at the NW 1/4 NW 1/4 section 7 and the sw 1/4 sw 1/4 section 6, Township s south Range g0 w of the 60th P.M.A/ail Associates. Applicant: Planner: David Smith Jim Curnutte Vail Associates Jim Curnutte o es ign Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Red Lion Penthouse ProjectDcscription: Exteriormotorizedrollingshutters owner, Address and Phone: Mary Hart & Burt sugarman,9000 sunset Blvd, L.A., cA 90069 Architect/Contact, Addrrss and Phone:Slifer Designs, PO Box 1409, Edwards, CO 81632 Projcct Strcct Addrcss: 304 Bridge Street Legal Description: Block 5.{, Vail Village lst Parcel Number: Building Namc: Red Lion Penthouse Comments: Denial due to the potential precedent set for other applications Board / Staff Action Action: DeniedMotionby: Sccondcd by: Vote: 5-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Date: July Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Brent Wilson 15, 1998 F:\F.VF,RYONE\t RB\A PPROVAL\98\REDLION.T I 7 DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 Department of Community Developme nt 75 South Frontage Rood Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Community Development Fax Transmittal Sheet FAxTELEPHoNENUMBER: 1L('BzzZ - I FROM: 'R iz 6 nt 'i- lr'tZ r ct o .J COMPANY NAME:Scrt.t1L D€s tc NJ DATE: TIME: # OF PAGIS IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER PAGE) RESPONSE REQUIRED: SENT BY: 4 CT. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX #: (970)-479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COiTA,N,TUNUTY DEVELOPMENT PHONE # @7))-479-21.g8 SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: {S *"n"uor r* Qucstions? COc Planning Suff at 479-?-138 C€#retSS{Or:F A P P R O VA L 1'his application is for iury projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Comnrission. For spccific inforntation, scc thc subntittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc ilcccptcd untilall rcqttircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Dcsigrr Rcvicw Board. API)I.ICATION }IOR II Ttt t a - bt4> CENERAL INFORMATION A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: . n Additional GRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcal-fiut D Conditional Usc Pcrmit O Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rczoning El Sign Variancc tr Variancc D Zoning Codc Amcndmcnt A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST tr Anrcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopnrcnt PlanD Employec Housing Unit (Typc: )E Major or El Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration (VailVillage) tr Major or O Minor CCII Extcrior Alrcration (Lionshcad) tr Spccial Dcvclopmcnt DistrictD Major or D Minor Anrcndmcnt to an SDD TOIYN OF VAIL OF PROPOSAL:_BLOcr_f,4__ ADDRESS: ZONINC: I]UILDING NAME: r'\ E.NAME OF OWNER(S); MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: r:. olvNER(s) STGNATURE(S): C.NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: H. FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPR 'O'U'U', ?)O ?zC - 8zza hils. &x STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL RXQUTREMENTS AN'D THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, For Oflice Use Only: ,FccPaid:,{ Lo ' oo ck#:[5]?L ny: Bu VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rcvi.rd 5195 o D El tr ExrERrotLrERATIoNs oR M.DIFI.ATI.NSO IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CC D (VAIL VTLLAGE) planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC) rcvicw is requircd for thc alteration of an cxisting building which adds or rcmovcs any cnclosed floor arca, the alteration of an cxisting building which modifics extcrior roof lincs, thc addition ofa ncw outdoor dining dcck or the modification ofan cxisinrg outdoor dining dcck' or for the rcplacemcnt of an cxisting building locatcd in the CCI District. Following PEC approval, thc project must bc rcviewed by the Dcsign Rwicw Board. I. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-apptication confcrence with a planning staffmember is shongly encouraged. No application can be acccpted unless it is complete. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointmcnt with the staff to detcrminc additional submittal requirements. II. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS . ! FEE: $200.00 - Minor Exterior Alteration (Less than 100 sq. ft.) $500.00 - Major Exterior Alteration (More than 100 sq. ft.) The fec !nus! bc paid at thc timc of submittal. Stampcd, addressed cnvelopcs aofl a list ofthc names and mailing addresses ofall property owncrs adjaccnt to the subject property. including properties bchind and across shcets. The applicant is responsiblc for concct namcs and mailing addresscs. This information is availablc from thc Eaglc County Assessor's ofificc. Four @) conics of the followine: A survey stampcd by a liccnscd survcyor indicating existing conditions on thc propcrty including thc location of improvcmcnts, topography, and natural fcahrcs. A vicinity plan showing thc proj cct location in rclationship to thc surrounding arca. A site plan at a scalc of I " = l0' showing existing and proposcd improvcmcnts to thc sitc. Thb datc, north arrow, scale urd namc olthc proposcd devclopmcnt with its lcgal dcscription shall bc shown on thc sitc plan, A landscapc plan, at a scalc of l " = l0', showing existing and proposed landscaping. Existing and proposed building elevations and sections, at a scale not smaller than onc- eighth inch cquals onc foot, to determine thc general scale and appearanco ofthe proposed development. Existing and proposed floor plans at a scale ofonc-fourth inch equals one foot and a square footage analysis ofall existing and proposed uses in sufficient debil to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, intcrior circulation, and locations ofuses within buildings. A roof height plan at a minimum scalc of one-eighth inch equals one foot. Sun/shade analysis, unless the Adminishator determines that the proposed addition has no impact on the existing sun/shade pattern. \-/. o o E tr u Page 1 of 3. o u o o oo A prcliminary titlc rcport, including schcdulcs A and B, to vcriff owncrship and eascmcnls. Condominium Associati on approval (if applicabl c). Architecfural or massing modcl scalc to bc dctcrmincd by thc Administrator. A dcscription of thc prccisc nahrc ofthc proposal. Thc description must addrcss: L Conformance with thc purposes of thc CCI Dishict as specified in Section 18.24.01 0: "The comrnereial corc I district is intcnded to provido sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Villago oommcrcial area, with its rnixhre of lodges and commcrcial establishmcne in a predominantly pedestrian environmcnt. The commercial core I district is intended to ensure adequatc light, air, open space, and other amcnities appropriate to tho permillcd typcs ofbuildings and uses. The clistrict rcgulations in accordanco with tho Vail Villagc urban design guide plan -d I' design considerations prescribe sito dcvelopment standards that are inlended to cnsure ths maintenance and preservation of thc tightly clustcred arrangemcnts of buildings fronting on pedcstrianways and public Sreenways, and to ensuro continuation of thc buitding scalc and architcctural qualities that distinguish the village." 2. Thc proposal substantially complies with thc Vail Village Urban Dcsigr Guide Plan rcgarding: A. Pcdcstrianizatiorr l. Scrvicc and Dclivcrv B. Vchiclc Pcnctration J. Roofs C. Strcctscapc Framcwork K. Facadcs D. Shcct Enclosurc L. Dccks and Patios E. Sueet Edgc M. Balconics F. Building Hcight N. Acccnt Elcments C. Vicws O. Landscapc Elcmcnts H. Sun Shadc Analysis i Many of thc above items should be addrcsscd by graphic mcans, such as skctchcs, modcls (including ncighboring buildings), photos. ctc, 3. Compatibiliry with thc cbaractcr of thc neighborhood. 4. Compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan, Sheetscapc Master Plan and other relevant documents of the Vail Comprehcnsive Plan. The Administrator may dctcrminc that additional matcrial is neccssary for thc rcview of thc application. ilI. PLEASENOTE TTIAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE"ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMAT]ON MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. . l+- ;l tr Page2of3,' accompanying matcri;l (as describcd abovc) must be acceptcd by the Corununity DcvelopmeniDcpartmcnt by the appropriate zubmittal date' B. Applications for minor exterior altcrations or modjfic.atio-ns of an exisfing building' involvingnomorcthanl00squarefeet."yb.*b*tttedatthercquiredtimcofthcmonth for gannrng;d Environment"l Commision (PEC) rcview. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described aiovej must be acccpted by the Community - .. Dcvelopment Departnrent by the appropriate suur:rittat date, which is a minimum of four (4) wceks prior to oc oatc orthc Pec putlic hcaring. lncomplctc applications (as dctcrmincd by the planning staff) can not be acccptcd' V. ADDMIONALREVIEWANDFEES T A.Ifthisapplicationrcquiresaseparatereviewbyanyloca|,S111eo1^Fcdenlagcncyothdrthan thc Town of Vail, the application foc shall bc increased by s200.00. Exarnplcs of zuch rcvicw. may include, buiarc not limited to: colorado Dcparrncnt of Highway Acccss Permits, Army Corps of Enginecrs 404, etc' B.Theapplicantshallbercsponsiblcforpalnganypublishingfccswhichareinexccssof 50%ofthcapplicationfee.rgattncappticanfsrequest,anymattcrispostponcdfor. hcaring, .*riig th..uttcr to bc rc-puLiisn.a, tn"n, the cntire fcc for such re-publication shall bc Paid bY thc aPPlicant' c. Applications dccmcd by thc community Devclopment Departrncnt to havc design' land use or othcr issues which #y have a signidcant impict on thccommunity may requirc rdtY * by consultants in addition to Town itaff. Should a d6crmination bc made by tbc Town staff that an outside conzultant is needed, the Community Dcvelopmort Dcpartmcnt may hire thc consultant- Thc Departmcnt shalt cstimatc thc amount of moncy neccssary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be fonrardcd to thc Town by thc applicant at thc timc of filing an application. Expcnscs incurred by thc Town in cxcess-of the amount forwarded by thc applicant shall be paid to tbc Town by thc applicant within 30 days of notification by thc Town.Anycxccssfundswillbcrstumcdtotheapplicantuponrwiewcomplction. o IV.TrME BEqUIREMENTS #il il;,il;il;;F;ffit or Scptembcr' A complctc.apfliclion l1T;1a *t I t Page 3 of 3 t^llNDoruS il.l l,$SeeOBr>errl{ N/ Extzz-tOe- kci*Ut t€1 SHurres &-osE-b vl-€kJ THESE KIINfug.b" ARE Atcrr Sr+i trRot4-rc1E Srreg_6Lrr a.e-e- lN 14. Br>e@A + ^touLt:. H^VE poLukt(. ty_lj6p_p4 ALSO Arc-N vtE),.1 Pnorrr youR HoMr rRoM rHr ELETV|ENTS,.. SUN, WIND, HtAT, CO|-D, AND VANDALS. nsolroii Shutters are a unioue Eurooeln- 'tvle erterrcr :-Lnerbr Ine uttl'nate I\ In. iow tre']tn'er:. ,)oe'ateo '-om 'rg p.16g rv a Sjn u:ioto'or n;)nua, gear:\,!lerr insoiroil shune.s can be aciiusteo tor:otai iight controi-.,,rDen. \jenteo ,.\ rth a un cL,. beaded iignt iiltenng ihrouS,n. or iotai ioom darkening. Tough interiocking P\ C or aluminum slats iorm a protective barri- er agarnst the elements. ';t)lroii <huiteyc;i Cotrfl :o acver evea!, 11,ndolt .no ).1iiL\ :ocl /NSOtROLT Security Shutters tarunrr.lc SIMU Motors and Controls \nE+tad o(' 3c(-?," vlo >t tl-ialtt '30*", t+ uill enir W atstak- d.',.iivt tn a u; i tt r u:1,'i rtet\ii_Yl in1 u", i ti,r U-1,'irte \ilv.v", reNr g 304 Ittsrr+p & luz R-AIN pE^ctj-coLoRE-> HAI{FRAIL, r.dEl^/drLD |!KF- TO m /\ HAN>RA| t/{axrz &r4grNiagrorv{o vwr*l THE FRoxrr aorzZs,itJi"" wrp<t_3).HANJDRA{ t_ Nout_> ExW-AtD trRTt4 _fiE ntu__HaqtffuE- uNtt\t(T -THa S1-NRS. o Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Projcct Name: Red Lion Penthouse hoject Description: Add wrought iron to stairs, change text font on awning owner. Address and Phone: Mary Hart & Burt sugarman,9000 sunset Blvd, L.A., cA 90069 Architect/Contact. Addrcss and Phone:Slifer Designs, PO Box 1409, Edwards, CO 81632 Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 304 Bridge Street Block 5A, Vail Village lst BuildingName:Red Lion Penthouse Motion by: N/A Secondedby: N/A Vote: N/A Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: June 17,1998 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved FTEVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\REDLION.6 I 7 DRB Fee Fre-Paid: S20.00 o Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frowage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97G479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 Community ro: YtovLY ?LrtY 6 p_ COMPANY NAME:9ctFev D€traNr FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER:4ze - 6Lze 0pexr ,r-WtLloN De FROM: DATE: TIME: # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDING COVER PAGE) RESPONSE REQUTRED' No SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX #: (970)-479-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PHONE # (970')-479-2138 SPECIAT COMMENTS AND NOTES: {o: tr {i*"*uo'o"o i. ..-l t 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303' 479-2139 olfice of communily development September 17, 1991 Mr. Robert W. Galvin 1303 E. Algonquin Road Schaumburg, lL 60196-1065 Dear Robsrt: on september 10, 1991, the Town council reviewed your letter, received september 10, 1991, conceming the proposed adclition to the Red Lion Buildirq. At that time, tre Councit reviewed the approved drawings for tlre 3.3 sq. ft expansion. lt was the consensus of tregroup that the DRB decision was appropriate and that they would not ,calt up, the item. Attached are copies of the original proposal and the approved proposat at the Red Lion thatyou were concemed wilh. The original had dimensions of 9 feet-6 inches x 2 feet for a total of ]9 sq: !: not 200 sq. ft. The approved deslgn is 40 inches x 12 inches, for a totat ot 3.33 sq. ft.' nol40 sq. ft' The approved expansion iJoetow the eave line and does not affect the viewconidor. I appreciate your concem and response to Ure original submithl. The Town staff shared your concerns with the original suOmittat regarding fie subsequent distance betweenthe Red Lion and the Rucksack Building. However, our conooms wers addressed with therevision that roduced the area of the expansion from 19 sq. ft to s.33 sq. fl In rssponse to your concem regarding the compliance of the h.rilding with the Town of Vailzoning code, the building is in compliance with its approved plan. o-n November g, 1991, anlmprovement Location Certificab (LL.C.) was approvbo by ilie Town. l.L.C.s are requiieo tor 1 m{ority of construction projects in ths Town.'An l.L.C. provides information regarding building and ridge locations. lt also gives Ure height of thi ridge. At that time, stat+veified lle^b_ui! ridge height with.the proposed ridge helght. The maxlmum ddge height was 8,214 ft.U.S.G.S. The building ridge at the time ot tne t.i.C. was 8,214 ft. U.S.6.S. Reestablishment of the view conkJor is currently taking place. Because the original view pointwas destroyed when the Village parking structure wasrenovaled, and the Red-Lion exteriorrenovation is complet€, lt is now neoessary for a surveyor to reestablish this point. '.('F-'' ---*itr . Mr. Robert W. Galvln September 17, 1991 FEge 2 , Plsase contact rnB at 303/479-2138 should you have any furher oonqems. I hope this irilottristlon addresses your conoems. Sincerely, W".1 ft\dr{r Shelly ilelb Town Planner t& Enclosurescc: Town Council Ron Phillips Kristan Prttr Jlm Lamont Jim Morbr lrlorbr Archltects Sep. 12 '91 14:12 @g t"tRTER FRCHITECIS P.2 ^i txb a.rv#neilJ lilnr*e,t, TE_ 36-4ft;-6718 FFt-g d-'t $HFz n P fi T Hfl;IFl 3qFm @ xlp ;ITo:f 'lv,Ittllololz lElrrIFlo lo.It I RED LION REMODEL VAIL, COLORADO E-)fi FE@<lrslF..'l>-:lZ "l , l(,)Irnlololz l(tIrrlFlolo',IF I ?""v+ rrt= FTIIr$ d-r -TIlfiI 3Strz( =.D a\ ;$3 AS Eil Tri:!\oz -r 0t td j3 iRfFr r+$v m RED LION REMODET vArL. coLoRoDo -a: m ilq trs\I-l I I Es { J u\ s ss F J zoF {!FJ. trtFm =oz cR : t5 \sl\) m ut { mFm =oz RED LION REMODEL vAtL, coLoADO Dara 9/3/91 Pag€ 2 Xc^: Roil Pr|r1t,,, , atolr lTll:p Rte'i sEP t 01991 ' ElDt@Dor l0r l99l Mryor Kcn Roro Tovat of Vdl 7J Soutb Frontr3c Road Yril" CO 3166? Do* Mryor ud Tom Coutrcll Mlobttt! It brr cmo to Dy rotildm tirr fu DcdF tcvtcr Born brr ryprovod r nlmr rddlrloo to t! nad Ll,on Buildtag. Tbo Btlr Vlltrgc Hoocornpo A$ooiillqi -obJo.rd 10 rhc--PFPod. 'ddltioo a Dr!- ;frtod t .dli*iogl m.;;;'Jvfi; il-E rF r-lvrgx reDlicdibtr rlrtod July 31. iiit.- Pt "tc rac-uuitrcoicntr to the Dclgr Rsviow Borrd' I hrys bc.[ lolltied rhrt thc orl$ml rgpllcrdol for a Ano 4uere- fqt rddltlo wu nducod b rtzs to no -rid;-iio, '!r.red"d aDnJtg_rion, dnwing dsssd $opnnror 3, l9t. rnr rpixovcd by thc Dcrl3tr REvlGw Doeru' Thc B|tt vlllrgo ll,oncowACr A|toctaloo b veiv ouocraed thrt the u{or cr- ;;rh"-b dii"irOl-Lrr_r-_ilitid;-b"F,, i"-!!ru cocr ror conform m iu ronirt ud DRE rDDmyd,[ *, ri-eintliitnil, coaccrapd tar rtrc r*panrion nry hrvc crcocdcC lri- rpgovcd ttight llmilliou I would uL thc Torn cqmdl to .odl rp" tbt nhor rddttlou th11 ru-rpgqyod .b1 ;tt -Etg" $tb*l Eot'[-;iiwrotrit { P?l' I r* t+et tbc Tosr oouncll rrvics g1rt emcoE! ytrl rtgr-rdid-'nrtd dioinilrng uc ripco rprcc borwccn tlc Rsd L,loa rnd tho hchrcl Bulldh5 wg'lquttt|h$lh0TowloornclleodbDth|ttb!RcdLiolEutldtng|rlncon'hrililE idrh pAor "oifrg"fr--i.iiln ltili t rpprovrlr. Atro, q|r roqueet thn D11tcrr groctuld rfrfr'-#fitft btd-tttt coniio. llnitrtioor bc complctcd ptr"t'i" Jjifkrl"g rt" nii;o,ti.t*rft oi tm DRB doclrior 30 irmt tlc mlmr rdditio[. ROIEFt W. CALVIN |.OI 3/|rr AlJCOt{O|Utl IO D lcH^rrt|Lrie. tul ol! aqro|e.r nc !r !o ymr dhgorlttou ud flad|lgr ngardlng therclllmld you plcacc aotify rDtttsrl. Roberr W, (hlvis But Vtthgo Honcgtrcn Afros' Fun Ofilcc Eor 2il8 vdr. co t1657 RWG:ch Attrohnclt j EQrrlrt'rrtl a lE lrtrO EaltBr rtti al rr G [e|r!fiflh3nrtisl rtrir l|!l_r |ic Eaua fir t$Flra{trr|g rBl r||lr r|r[Dr.r {rltrr|t rilt ol ,rrFt ' 'tr|gailf 'lil to -f.trI 813rf, ffltr _rlqll FDI rrotlrPllrt rtlr orutrfil|ilf r|rnffr Fnr| rtA.l, ol 4f!t||.{I l]I|'ffi.| IlAil . -lt!?Eu lll?trllliltr!_ $-!f+!Ir!_ lt -f r fr,ndSlm. ]lllarl!|f ills ||'Ir|P p!| ttrIqil |3tfl t rcEr|crmo|tl trtB|ilr| trll?nq uEfl ttr rltr ts rl|flqf {r tulDffrratrtcaco .ar;lll trl retglfErrry ffi-B qi r.wr.lrF rr* mfl ot prrot fi^tt ffiTilnhffit fl r||ntril ri,i .Lo+iltffirhru:dffi-.T:#T#'ffiffiutlttrrt rt rtr fi t&rfEBoa BrGl| to .a{ifllilc tlflac|IrsftlDF-?Feia r|S rIE gI tit-lErrPlil tlfltlrtftf !q[ rl s||Euoa [|dl| tO .tlrrac* __ _!t:r tll!!fiIrfl trtpErot*h, fr sarrBs rEnnfl-r-ni-.r|q uolfslEr wTf Frg rqt te unt$rs.a t[ rtril oI&*^T#ruiu,ejffilrTlFffi ,-r_Hiifr dEffi i . d,!lrl$'l#3#tr#fl _Iil||rntF{l coltTDpr Draao,r. qg ili1 rirrcmc |frc r1-ri ' st ffi ;,ilts.&t.flH'lr$iiiffi$'Hlg r|ttlsff, Filcl rrl^e3 rtttE .r.q .. -..,. ltSt"*rsrs{rl fff?! ofirsfioct r?rlrartr Drll rrrcecrr-rinri-iilltnrrrTa,arfrii-liiirEiD||t{ |.irr- riir-- riia-co-i-aE ) 0@e-Ltfr o o , , )M-4\A/u'-1^ - , '?. . ;.. rrrtsitiiP.t'flF r j n ' I Proiect Name: Proiect Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ,,o"r 6-P( ,ru,nn ,""" L'0 | APPROVAL Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: E statt Approval o e. o,41. e I o3 ! 48 F ltt '{.l,let.I.OltoiLA C('HGl'rg FOl o lorn of, Vall,Drrllr Frrrlrw BoudEholly tfallo, Flanncr7E Eauth ,8tcntrlrr tcrd hlogtv*Llr Cotorado alEs? ScDtmbrr 4, 1gg1 Drer Dasl$r Ravlaw Eaard Henrbarti Ttrc Bert vlileds l{oueoinara At:oolatlon wLahcr toclprrsr ttt eondoln lbtrfdlrrt thc Rad Lrlon - Clranlc toefflrovad nlanr. It Ls our oon6c"n that th6 DnoDogad addltlon fultharrlsttrl,ot; end cnerrqlctisa qpsl tha opsn Elraer !6Fatitl^Dc thc Ssd Llon and Fuolraaah bul,l,dlnsi. Ilrrthrr, the addltLonlnorcrras thc dFFrfrnt bulk and Eaar of th6 bu!.tdtnfoeuelnt the tcal€ and troportlortrl of th6 gr'avloualr anmovaddocltn to b6 lnaPpnoprtttrly *ltarad. f,hc ccals and nocDortlon of thc riad Llon ereenalon hes brau a, rur.reount oon66!tt of mrroundlnd mrtdsnaaa and D!op31y o$nit!. Of aqual coao6ln lt th6 toDeretlon and oD.B tDeocr bctwecn buLldlnp. [h. Datrtlotcd addLtlon dl,ntrntclreq thp {Frlltattvc rslatlonahb of ell of thcforcdpluf aaathctle flctonr. llhc llanrcnsrr AarooLitlon haE rrnLoua eonocfntlctafdlnS thc FtahlF of, thc Ead !l,on EulldtnJ Fc|frsdlnf tta oonfornanoe to prlor aonlnl rad daalgn rfirlfi l,gDrovtlt, Dag0lclrlErly rt lt reletas to vcrlllcetlon of bulldltU hsldrt. Ilp Hsmaownrrr Asroeldtlo[ rbhsp to 61nc |i!.atcrrcrutlnl to thla rDDtrlcetlon. Sc lcquctt that ths DaclBt Flvlsw loard tablc thlt aattsr pandlng ths outosna of e tofo dctatlad mvlcw of thr ltro$oral. Ha ur:c th,€ D€ltdn Rtrtatt Board to rlvr norB d6tal'1cdttudy to tltrtt lnoplal. Would you D edvlr ur rt to thc aat,lon talrrn onthls arllllLcatlon, ' E rt VtlLrlc'llamornrra A:aaclatlon Foet Oltlos Eo* 288TaLl, Colorado 81367 R'F o revised 6/$/9L DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO 8-12-el ,,' '' AU8 1 41991 9-4-q 1 r'rs APPr,rcArr;l;;Titt "" A..EPTED ITNTIL .N.L REQUIRED INFORIIIATTON IS SUBI.{ITTEDrrrttt**** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: Modification of Nnrrh ulail - Unit 2 - Red Lion Condominiums o DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucLion ($200.00)X Minor Alteration ($20.00) D. Addition (S50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: 304 Bridoe Street. Vail. C0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot e--f-g.-b- BLock -5ll Subdivision Vail Vi lIage If property is described by a meets and bounds legal description, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. ZONING:CC1 LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current. 13.957.9 sq. ft. NAME OF APPLICANT: Retaserv Corporation Mai I ing New York Address: 100 Park Avenue , , New York, N.Y. 10017 PhPhone (212) 370-1i10 H. NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: @Mailing Address: 143 E. Meadow Drive. Vail - C0 8'1557 Phoge (303) 475-5106 NAME OF SIGNATURE (S Mailing Phone T Condomin ?oval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submit^tal of DRB applicat'ion. later,when applying for a building perrnit, please identify the attuiate valuation of the proposal . The Town of vail- will adjust the fee according to the tabl-e below, to ensure Lhe correct fee is Paid. FEE FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ o - $ 1o,ooos 10,001 - $ 50,000 s50,001 -s 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 9s00.00 \ %,orro r*to*ss/ APPLICATION I{ILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER,S SIGNATURE E'r)fi FL t-r+:i#l-g d-rt.tTIlfiI T$LZ 7 D :$\ ;$3 j3 FR7m 3rn nt ns Eil ni=\ou +$ iq @ :l=..'l>:lzo'l t ltttlr'rlololz lel-tl l5 lo. l- RED IION REMODEL VAIL, COLORADO I t. |I:l dq trs\ J--l Es { J E s sI F J zoF -{-F -Frll- FN =oz at J t5i \fl\) trt v,d mFm =oz RED LION REMODEL VAIL, COLORADO oara g/3/91 Pag6 2 F*"+ Proiect Name: Project Description o a Project Application Q-.k , a- 4oLG*'f cl,oirs e-'1sJ< oJ",*.< {- f,'u=,n-ss contactpersonand rn"^" Don I'J[n,k - t/76 - 76aZ Owner, Address and Phone: :.)"f n,---i- *, ' q LO.9 <- , /n Architect. Address and Phone: Legar Descriprio n:tot {{ . eroct< Sl , ,u,nn ''L I L,'*', ( U,(oP< , zone C:C --r Commenls: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL , t/ / ,, / rt4u>-f t -z tt u t *t ay'.t",- u 1-- #A- f,u bL, c -*tr Ef stati Approval a Rrc'D[{AY 2 |td 304 BRIDGE ST. o ${11, CO 816t7 TELEPHONE. (3o3\ 47 6-7 62t Design Review Board Town of Vai 1 Re: Attached Application The Rocky l,rlountain Chocolate Faetory is requesting approval to place a table and 4 chairs outside the entrance to the shop at 304 Bridge str€et. tle wish to do this to appease the owner lilr. Gray from the Swe€t Life next door who has repeatedly asked us to make sure that our customers ar€ not sitting at his tables which are outside his shop, Since we cannot possibly monitor our eustomers wh€n t?r€y leave our store, we wish to offer them an a'lternate glace to eit. P]ease see hed photographs of the table tocation 'l acement. Aank you, f\S.-rJJ2r.-- Don Ylhite Own€r 1 (\!t'l {,1 ,iiDr ..tIr; d Ii o DRB IP DATE APPTICATTON RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: EErs .BPPrr*rffi#lliL, ", accEpEED ITNIIL .err. REQIITRED MFORMAIION tS SITBUITIED I.PROJECT TNFORMATION: *t******** A. DESCRIPTION: PLICAIION - SOISIS.OF VAIL, o revised 9lllgt COLORADO REf/'Dtt.v Z S Bfll CI. tps B. c. D. E. F. G. evr Construction ($200.00t 4[_uinor Alteration ($ZO.O0) Addltion ($s0 .00)ceptual Review (90) ADDRESS: TEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision BIock a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and If property is described bydesqription, please provide attach to this applicat,ion. ZONING: Lot L,OT AREA: If reguired, stamped survey showlng NAI{E OF APPLI applicant must provl-de a currentIot area. H.NAI{E OT APPLIMailing Addre REPRESENTATIVE:CANT' S ss: Phone I. NAI{E OF *SIG}TATURE (S) : MaiJ.ing Address: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicabLe. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of ORe application. Later, whenapplying for a bullding perm5.t,, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailwiII adjust the fee according to the table below, towrrr acrlusE E,ne lee accordrng t ensure the correct, fee is pald. ,t. K. FEE SCIIEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10r oo1 - $ 50,000. $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $1501001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ . Over 51,000,000 * DESIGN NT\'1TE}I BONRD .APPROVAI-I EXPIRES .EPPROVAI.. T'NI;ESS A BT'U.DING PERMIT TS SEARTED. FEE $ 20.00I s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 s500.00 OIIE YEAR AFTER TTI{AI. ISSUED AITD CONSTRUCTION IS **NO APPIJICSIION I|II.I. BE PROCESSED 1 wrTEour OIINER' S SIGNATT'RE II. A pre-?pplication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionarapplication information ls needed. It is the alplicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the slaff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a coMpLETE application wilt strearnline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ATL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines, Uuifding fines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed nust be taped. Al1site tapings, and staking must be eomplet,ed plior to theDRB site.visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the r{inter is not buried by snow. B- Ttre revielr process for NEw BUTLDTNGS normarry requlrestwo separate meetings of the Design Revl_ew goard: aconceptual approvaL and a final. approval . Applicantsshourd plan on presenting their dLvelopnent proposar ata minimum of twb rneetingi before obtaiiring finaiapproval . c. Appricants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their schedured rneeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item be. postponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The foltowing iLems may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal heariirgbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not vislble frorn anyother lot or public space. At ttre time such aproposal is submitted, applicant.s must includeletters fron adJacent property ovrners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacentcondomlnium association stating the association , approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.i anolu avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debrls flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study muit be'submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardrepgr-t prlor. to the issuance of a building pennit.appricants are encouraged to check with a-Town plannerprior to DRB applicatlon to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. Eor all residentlal construction: ar Clearl.y indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural waLls of thebuilding,. andb. fndicate with a dashed line on the Fite plan afour foot distance from the exterior faci of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, att conOitions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of-l Uuitding permit. PRE-APPLICAT tProject Application Project Name: on" 7/r z/ f . .1,",'-, f L' k projectDescriprion, irrs'/"'t'/ y' y'ol(, o-,/ /(o r/o.,t ... f..r/..,Q'a',J. Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: .//jtl xkr,,,*e /*,, ,/ P / Lesal Descriptio n: tot ,l-j , an* 5 I - , r,r^s V. /;l/tf lSt , zone (€T comments: 77* /, / L'"n {/c- Design Review Board '//o^e -7//2.,/q \ Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL ot./ ' rn s' /rr. J ,/ < /o a. ,./. ,/- . Statf Approval From -' hilt'brmd FaxTrt t-_4. : Th€ Srreet Life Restaur"C". PFTONE No. : 11'4 26tl47B Rpr.26 1993 2:15PM PAL 7ilz I'o*7,'O{apt- .. '- 1 ,,,,,rr. '.. 't t- v tijJ ?ta | --7 (caW al. [a.i/,*, ffitk{ifu#wr C\t t/4easc / ef t'ts Utu &/1 fTa*t I t f De*r tu lrft- n,eJ &.t^-()*r"**-5l; I f-l cJl lor o{cltuPn /r1- /t/--' revisrd 9/Al9L - TOWU Ot V&II,' COLORIDO DATE APPI,ICATION; RECEIVED : DATE.OF DRB IMEETING:. -**..***L. EEIE TDEIJICJf,IIOI TITI|I, N(y! EE ACCEEIED UllltlL iliL AIQUInED illrOAUA![ION I9 SUBHIItttD' ir.***t**t* N: DESCRIPTIONT Jlftoupet for 7 tables,,?4 chairF,FqL3 umbrellas fof publie seatina aleFg-SE$Son Ranch Bd,.a.llacent to, MiII ergEh, rebles and chairF p,t ro{ itqn-or qo,gd construct4on. The sr,,reet r.tfn lri,Ll naintein,..qJ-galLll-ness of .,.flIlea. Drawlng is 1/B" scale,E. TYPE OE REVIEI| T -New Construction (9200.00) -Minor Alteration ($2i,00) i egAttlon ($50.00). Concept,ual Revlew ($0) d. .[DDnEggt HanBon Rangh.soad next to Thg sneet Llfe, D. ITEGAI DESCRIPTIONT l.,ot **_ Block $ubdlvlrton a neets and bounde legal on a separate shect and ZONING: If property ls described bydaacrlDt,lonl pleaec provide attgch to thlr appllcatlon. &'OI AR&A,; If rcqulredl appllcant 0tamped gurvey ahowlng lot area. must provlde a current nnns or tPPLrclNI:Dtalltng Addreeb:Tnvtne" CA 92714. ., ._ P B. NEME 08 }FPI/ICAIII,$ REPRFSENTATIVE: ShANNON FIVNT $. I .,t. I K. I Nl!{E OR OWNERST *glcNf,trgnE(91 : _MatJ.lng' A{t(treEB t Approval lf appltcable. $ 0-$ 101000 i $20.00S lu, 001 'e 50, 000 | E 30 .00 $ 50r 001 - $ 130, ooo i $roo. oo 91$01 001 - $ S.00, 0oo ' $2oo . oo $5001001 - $lrooo,ooo $4oo.oo$ , Over $1r 0001 000 $500.00 DFB F_EES DI$ f€es. aB shown abovef are to be pald at,tho_ttqe of eubmlttal of DRB applicatlon, L-atar, whenaPFIylnE tor a bulldlng permttl- pleasc ident,lfy theaccusa9c'valuatlon of, the proposal. The Town of, VallwtII rdlust the fea according to the table below; toe$Bura'the coureot fee lo pald.- 'EE PAID: 8 . ESE.E$ETtr9Idii' I "' ,thluetron EEE ONE YEAa. ArTtn tINf,Ir I33eEp Jr{D g9HsSRVSl!ilg$ rU otur{EBf e glcHf,Eun!SIFTOP8BT }hSCESSED I fl ,a5 19E'J 2: 16Pt I 1' ;L-'f?:#-ll H I o Retum to INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING J,^:- &-?*.- COMMENTS NEEDED BY:fuAr. Commenls: ri,h.d tl/gQ A*{ {rr,fil / fr' ^ r/n/rs O ,fa (K,('^- fl/r' L1) Betum to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:&'*l /" DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: S"--./ l.'A ( a---'.,*'r* &-,^ q +a) hta.r/s r"-{ cn / 7 vr.-t'/,, d ala ,7 5 4r"..t4r'| L t:':, Y*fu'" # Ky'l--/u/i: ..-/ vy s ! -_-/. fan /.<t- Jr.,.-.ntv rtuo Caa*Va7- 4Pz'tA,ssq^- /.,2)-C Zfu,vf , "L ^P{ .,t, UP-",,(41 , W.t/ F," u, il /' 4'r^-'r) /" V1r tir -,sC Crz-. qr-< drE.-..ro/74 ? o#,--f: /e'73 Gomments: fi,tz-r.- Revia'ved {^F PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: Retum to own Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW i.rcuu r\iAY 2 5 { t99t DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING-- J.,^!. w-& COMMENTS NEEDED BY: <lr'x--rr,v-' . |ri.d llryCA J-**.r,* 7 ir .--l ,/y syJo. PUBLIC WORKS U -,Iv-/.* /<t - J^,"-.-1,.-,- r ^--1e . Co-.. qr-. l.n...^o 1 ,r/L-n 1 ?F >O <r ;l r1^-.Reviewed w, Qy l)"1\ o o^Y", 4f .(,lqs r/n/ rs/)*{ {" /'d / P- tu'. t.\ r r^e s.,ee? Lr rc Pr$Un'"d In3 PtftE po' ; 71,1 !$17476 .s 199f, 2:16Ffl P!B? l':'i:-tt Ha 1r sG&_ ,/j T 1 jv'-' ' -/t -/-t{ -/-'tr;#-- /. / iiq4E[,- d{(fr#F}r|' rra- .. Project Description: Contact Person and Phone "-t Project Application o^," L/r t/ q t Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: I r(/'., , rU^r d. l, . d , I g Lesat Descriplion: lor fl , arocr< 5tt , rrtins V.Uil(rf l* ,7sns (cT <,1 n t , commenrs: -'l}'- l/. J L,'*r 3oa E.nl1lr\(,,-.-* Design Review Board ,^," tf tt/f t DISAPPROVAL p Summary: 6,,4pproval t- &t'a 1, i TYRRELL RMI.TV SUNNDGE AT AVON PHASE ll o G2O1 1061 V. BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 1982 AVON, COLOMDO 8{620 j Rtc'D MAY 2 4 tggl MEMO May 15, L993 To; Kristen Pritz From: Dave Tyrrell Re; New doors at the C1ub, Red L,ion Inn. Enclosed are two types of arrangenents for new doors at the Club.Of the two, the owner prefers Option 2 (wooden frane with glass inserts). The Club meets code requirenents (two doors, each 3'0"). However,our insurer wants to see a larger opening for egress. We areproposing a 5'0" opening. The secondary exit will remain at 3'0". The insurer has discussed this with Mike McGee, and he is in agreemenc. Ife request "staff approval". lle would like to effect the change before the end of the nonth. I wiLL be on vacation. PLease feel free to conrnunicate !,tith Andrea Koski of my office at 949-1858. Thank you for your consideration of our request. q\n'1\q) o v ryluupF ruF$H|, J.lrv 4fit.nv *r e I Tt+ia-s r;Erp' /offl_?Il t I / Atr*l I i _I *-t IT l1 I I -w4- a'ftDuta* hUtLDtr+A , \/A;, ca A{ttsl'.o'l Oar a ?. t93 L@r3t A4AA fx5r5us".ies P,4 EJ<ta'11 ,b+^lHt lH/' Hb EC Y/\lt_r 4a Hpqe F.f'Pw?- aLogg? 'ffiSf,tr.r^Fe -?A,l? ar..HV Faepa. ry eL "e.hf{Er ftz")en E,Lt|tE'lFl'@ I va.ntl'-'' attAaco TYJffnHc, Al,.ll'11N42 F'*; -?Arl7 aF -H?, ?e28e. -fi/aae/nrrru Fl-tT-taY ftEPUan Z\tbfit1bAh]HlN42 lorTu@i' IFTPaLo6F ;1: .7AJ7 aF__VIV Vaale _u/ aAbe nNEL y4"=1'-', slgqca Fftf FY-.i-g;,; ftv?Uan buluptFl1" I'' lLr 4o. o DRB APPLICf,llIgN .' TOIIN ,$-tfYi *****trat* TAIE IDPI.IC.f,trTON HTI.IJ NO8 BE ICCEP!&D Ullrtr& a&L REQUIRED INFO$'RIION I8 SSBIIITTED********** I.WI l. DESCRIPTION: Red L_ion Bujldinq, The Club Will redesign their entrance, constructing new front door frame and installing new double dooJs. Proiect will improve egtess as sug.g.ested by Vail Fire Dept. and improve appearance of entrance. B. ITPB OP REVTEW: , N€w Consgructlon Addltion ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: 304 Bri4ge- St- . Vail . c0 816$7 - ,, , D. IJEGAL DE$CRXFTIoN: tob Fr5-.6-! Block 5-A gubdlvtclon ViL1- Vil'lage, lst lilrng If property ls described by a moets and bounds legaldeegrlptionf please provlde on a separagB sheet andattach to thls appllcatlon, E. F. Gr ZONING r Cormercial /Resi denti_a1 IrOT AREA: If, reguirod, BtampGd turvey ehowlnE NAI.'E OF APPI..ICNII; must provldE a currentappu,cantIot area. Mg{Ilng Mdress:c1o Srre]] Real81690.. , ,-hone -303-g4q-1Rq8. H. I. Kr NAI,IE OFMalllng AFPIJICru'ITt 5 Pbone 303-949-1$,58 NAI{E 08 OI9NERE: au when ]r""o st4lst. o8 \rtrItr, corsRhDo ($200.00) X *Mlnor Alteratl.on ($20.00) - Conceptual Revlew ($0) DArE APPLIcATIoN REcEIYqq: ,, - - ry'::o ' DATE 0F DRB MEETItrlg; fl,nr lrtA TSIGXATURE(8): Mall,lng Addrees: I Condornlnlun Approval lf, apipllcablo.BP') DRB FEEI DRB feee, as shown above, are to be paldDRE FEEI DRF fee8, as snown above, are Uo De pard the tlne of eubmlttal of DRB appltgaglon, IJatgr, -ATNION IIILI. DE PROCESSED tfIEBOgA OWNER'8 SIONATUBE \'J.t REPRI9SENTITTVE: @erBox 1982. Avon. C0 81620 q..ri.lttr brand fax transmittal memo 7671 sItR[&D. .a TYRRELL RenI.rv 'RE0UJUL t6 1995 SUNRIDGE AT AVON PHASE II . G2O1 1061 V. BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 1902 AVON, COLOMDO 81620 ,June 30 , L993 Design Review Board Town of Vail, 75 S. Frontage Rd., WestVail, CO 81"658 Re: Proposed changes to entrance of The C1ub.304 Bridge St. Dear DRB, The Red Lion Condorninium Association herebythe attached changes to the entrance to TheBuilding, 304 Bridge Street, Vai1. The changes are approved by the Associ.ationapproval to begin construction. reguests approval of Club at the Red L,ion and we await your Enclosed is Red L,ion Condoninium Association check #2692 in the amount of $20.00 for the required fees. Very truly yours, TYR,REIJIJ REALTY Association [RL, club] e1L Manager t ,^," il f lo,hL Project Application ,'2", .- ..''.' _ a,l--aj' -t# j t-Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect,Addressandphone: lli\tt k,f [fV tlnllC-f F Comments: F ( l,t+ FnLegal Description:Lot\', I,u/rl t Block ?/{ ,Filing Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: A PPROVALFnh-( ) ('hn'Ptt-.tl' / \ / \ /\ / | | ,t I DISAPPROVAL D Statt Approval '+li a TOTTN AF VAIL 75 3outh lrontige road vril, colotado 81 657 FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAI.,, SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX PHONE NUMBER: FROM: DATE: I -.'rrrME: I/ inu-O-v'\- # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENTS (NOT INCI.,UDING COVER SHEET I. q RESPONSE SEN? BY: TOWN OF TOWN OF REQUlRED? FAX PHONE NUMBER: REGULAR PHONE NUMBER: '^* od,otps,t +tN \4{b..^r ; t^/4/ ilowtt-' O pW ap1r,ef ,ito+",nl Js" 1D Streasape-' d-* r @'lfi[nwde n\Dre- plndn'uy Wds w. W [ il4 futA'a fu*a;|,'@ttWAe @ tJq A {ea* | slreqs&tL' W^rh VAIL VAIL L 47 9-2L57 303 ) 479-2100 @ (^uM/ aa['',un7 CULL if uW V"a4s Paving Systems Even t}ough theee grr.idelines are an eesential atep in improvingVail'e Streetrcape environment, they are certainly not the laat atep in t}e proceee. firis Plsn does not provide the level of detailed desigrr that ia needed for constmction. Engineering, detailed desigrr and conetruction documentation must be completed before the recommendatione contained in t}is docunent can be put into place' Vail'e mountain eetting producee climatic conditione that greatly ehorten the life of many typical paving materiale. this haE reeulted in many different paving Bystenl8 and ins0allaCion techniquee being attempted - with mired results. It hae become obvioue that eome paving syatems, auch aa concrete, do not hold up to vail'e alpine climate. other typee of paving materiale, euch as aephalt, do not fit in with vail's character and diatinction as a world clasE reeorL The recorr,rnendationa that follow euggeat paving materiala that are not only durable but are also compatible with Vail's character. There ie a wide range of paving materials which are suitsble for vail lbese include: r Concrete unit pavers on a graveVeand eub-baee ' Full depth brick pavera on a concrete aub-base . Natural etone on a concrete slab (sandstone, granite, etc.) . Some types of stone'compoaite paverg Concrete unit paver€ are proposed ae the primary paving unit because they can bo produced in Colorado, inetalled without a concrete aub-base and have Proven durable in Vail. Concrete unit pavers can be eaeily removed to allow for eubgrade repairs and can be replaced immediately alter the work is finilhed. The primary paving unit for the Magter Plan area is recommended to be the 4'x 8" x 3 1i2" (+/-) rectangutar paver (the dimensions may vary with manufacturer). The pavera are typically eeb on a eand/gravel baee. The deaign for the sub-baee PAVING IN TIIE RIGET.OF.WAY I :. Vail Strectrcapa Magter Plan Page 90 .at : l .: ? "1 I : - .: ItIJ L I'1 I | .- PROPOSED COLORRAI{GE willvarywitlraoilgtypeandthetypeofvehiclethstwillbeusingtheroadway. Detailed soils testing and loa4waylngineening will be necessary to determine the appropriate roadway section for each area as it is impmved' Streets that will be handling bu8 or truck traffrc on a continuous basis will require, at a minim.um, a geotextile under a high capacity gravel aubbase or a_ concrete ,r.l * a sub-ba8e. once again, the fina] deaign for this type of roadway will depend on the eristing soils' The paving pattern for tlle pedeetrian streets in the village core and for Eaet Meaiow Drive will be ae shown in Figure -' The primary fieB win be a basic i"r.iogborr" desigrr with a double eoldier course at the edges of the right"of-way, and reiular, perpendicular banrls along the length of the gtreet' The bancle and *far* **"" ,"iU allow for pavint to be phased by creating potential beginning/end for the paving syst€m. The soldier course will also aerve to separate thJ pub5c right-of-way paving from the range of materialg allowed on private property. Duringthe public review ofthe proposed atreetscape options, therelvas conaenau8 that the paving treatments in tll Vittrge area should be siople rather than intricato. lherefore, a eimple paving pattern is proposed, one which woulil not compete with Vail's .rttiquu a"chitecture and that can be constnrcted in phases' Recommendations for a specifred color mix are being made to establish a starting point for the final detailed d".ign- The actual color mix may change once a final design is submitted and reviewed. Ttr. r"ng" of tints for concrete unit pavers is almost unlimited. Given the scale of this project, special 'vail Blends" could be produced specifically for the Town. Thie would give the Town complete flexibility to develop a color mix itr"t fit, its needs. Given a phased construction, there ie a real opportunity to perfect the color mix before large scale installations are done' For the primary commercial areas, the Village Core and Eaat Meadow Drive, tlle proposed color iange is a charcoal crey with a reddish/black accent. The mix listed Llow uullzed Claylite Inc.'s colors (a Denver manufacture of concrete rurit pavers)' other manufacturers, local and out-of-state, can also produce similar colors. Page 91 Vail StreetacaP Maeter Plan o The proposcd mir for the pedeotrian ar'eas is ag followo (Ftgur - J Charcoal 6O% Arapahoe Blend 30% Brown 20% The soldier course banding is proposed to be entirely in Arapahoe blend pavera. For bug laneg and services and delivery areas, the color mir ehould be darker ao tha0 tire marks and oil will not be as apparent' The herriogbono pattern ie also recommended in theee areas. The recommended color nir ig: Charcoal 70% Arapahoe Blend 20% Brown 1O% while there was public consensus that the paving design ahould not compete with the Vil|agesetting;therewasalsoconcernthatthepavingtreatmentEnotbecome *orro-tor,o,r.. ihe color blend which is propoeed for the primary paver will provide a rich foundation for the streetscape character. However, a limited amount of acceni paving will be needed to add interest to the street surfsce' There are a number of key areaa in the village that, because of their importance or uniqueness, are proposed io ,e"eire special paving treatments. Thie Maoter Plan has designated the following areag for epecial paving treatment: . The Children's Fountain r Siebert Circle o Slifer Plaza . The intersection of Bridge Stree! and Gore Creek Drive . The intersection of East Meadow Drive and Willow Bri{ge Road ' The bus etops at the Vail Village tnn' on Eaat Meadow Drive' . Lionshead bus turnaround . Vail Road/\4lesl Meadow Drive Intersection tt is best to refer to the individual gub-area plans to aee how the paving design for these focal pointe is handled. the range of the accent paving mat€rialr include: ACSENIPAVING I - I j Vail StrcetacaPe Maet€r Plaa Pege 92 n ) tl j j q I) i -Jp : J : J T ,tl : r Granite paving blocks: Either in preassembled sets or individual Paving units. '.sandstonepaving:Sandstonecanbecutintoavarietyofshapesand eizee and isnot limited to the inegular or square "slab6" that are most often eeen. o Other shapes of concrete unit pavers: The industry is now producing awidevarietyofshapesandsizes.lnordertomaintaincontinuity, only the rectangular paver, the scored rectangular paver' the square paver and the "cobble-style" paver are recommended (eee Figure -)' o Full-thickness brick pavers: Rectangular or square brick pavers, which must be set on a concrete subbase' All ofthese accent materials have the required durability but are proposed sparingly duetohigherperunitcostsandtoac,hievetheobjectiveofkeepingthepavement deaign simple. oneoftheprimaryareasofconcernhasbeenthequestionofhowshould.pavingon pi""t" p-p"*i"., that are afiacent to the right-of-way, be integrated into the ,t ".to"p" d"sigrr. This particular problem ig limited to areag ofvail where private properti"s front directly on, or very nmr the right-9f-way, euch aE the Villagg Core or 'p"rt u".ao* Drive. the initial paving design shrdiee for thege areas showed a fange of treatments - from no limit on the type and color of paving allowed; to requiring privatepropertyownerBtouseonlythosematerialsusedintherighLof-way.When these concepts were presented at tire initial public meetings, it was obvious that the mqjority of ihe public felt that the property owner should have eome flexibilit5r in how to treat the streetscape which is a{iacent to the right-of-way, but that a certain amount of contml was desirable, and necessary' In response to this, a set of recommended paving materials and colors has been developed for the streetscape Plan. Because of the range of materials- and colors allowed,theprivatepropertyownerwillhavemorethanenoughflexibilitywhen paving areas adjacent to the rigbbof way' The approved paving materials include: PAVING ON PRIVAIE PROPERTT Vdl StreetrcaPc Magtcr Plan Page 93 ) Cowrete Unit Povers Natuml Stone Brick Pavers Color Three basic shapes ofconcrete unit pavers will be allowed: rectangglar, equare (d' and 8" square) and a mixture of square and rectangular shapea that give the pavers a look of random llag stones (Figure J. While there are many other shapes of concreto unit pavers curTently being produced, it was felt that the three basic shapes listed above were most in keeping with the character of Vail, The concrete unil paver industry is still evolving and new products are constantly being produced. It will be important for the Town to reevaluato the list of approved pavers from time to time to respond to new products. There are variations of Lextures and frnishee which would be allowed for each ofthe shapes listed above. The most common is to add a score joint to the basic rectangular pavlr, to make it sppe&r to be a 4" square unit or "bush hammer", giving the surface uu qupolishd "g,r'rrtritti' Lx'\. ()urt $l1rriu, $lh$t tltulrrtorrtr tu$y h0 llgvslrrpul tlrnt nay also tx approprirte, but these would need lo bs roviswed urd rppruvul uu u crlo' by-case basis. Thermal finish granite or sandstone would also be acceptable paving materials on private properties, These materiale can be cut into a variety of shapes, but once again, Equare or rectangular shapes would be preferred. lt is important ihat these materials be laid on a properly desigrred aub'base. Concrete eetting bede are strongly encouraged due to the presence of truck traffic in most, areas. Sand/gravel setting beds should only be. used where no vehicular traffic ig anticipated of if it is specifically r€commended by the manufacturer. Rectangular or square, full-thickness brick pavera get on a concrete sub-base are acceptable. Because of the wide range of colors available in brick, it is not possible to specify exact color ranges. Generally, the color should attempt to match those suggested for concrete unit pavers. However, other colors may be acteptable, such ag if they mahhed the brick used for the building and tho proposed color did not conflict with the approved etreetscape colora. The color range of paving materials for private property is broader than that for the public right-of-way. The colors specified below will provide private property owners with a palette of materials that will be compatible with the righi-of-way improvements and will blend with most architectural styles and treatments. Once again, it has beenl 1 Vail Strtetacape Mast€r Plan Page 9{ necessary to speciff color using a specific manufacturer's standaril selection' However' an equivalent producc; ryil"il;e obtained ftom other manufacturcrs' For concrete unit pavers' t}e following colors are recommended (baged on Claylite' Inc.'s standard color sYstem): . AraPahoe Blend . Charcoal . Ci..t*"f, Arapahoe Blend and Brown mixtures For Sandstone Paving: I o i- IrJ l l 3 . Red (muted shatles) . Bufr For thermal finish granite standard colors) . Carnelian . Sunset Beige . Rockville Beige . Rockville White (colors baged on the Cold Springs Granite ComPany's As the color of natural stone will vary with the source' eamples from the quarry shoulil il'.on-t"a for each specific installation' Public Art The contribution of public art to the life and vitality of the- ltreet' ie -widely acknowledged- Art can n;;"td" iocal points' t'"t* i"ttt""t antl impart a level of llH;;tr;"*;r**H,S:h*mr;';:HiTtrii""fl,iiH:ffi for Vail waa recos- 2e1.*':t::"^:::;;;;; received fromthe public during &#tind re-eJorced by the positive cornments recerveq 'u'r r'r!v rsP-- the design Proceas' As this is a Master Plan' specific :"*-:""3i:t:ls for locations for public art are not possible. pact' i"ai"if,oat piece of a* enoJd be carefuIly eit€d eo that it v.tl Rrnetrcang Mastar Plrs Pags 96 INA.SE NSCEPTACLES BIKE RACKS design ahould be dietinctive and clasgical. Thia criteria haa led to the gelection of the Ilaeeic wood garden bench ehown below' Labeled photograph of approved bench The eelection ofthe wood garden bench above has eatabliehed a atyle and material that ahould be carried r,i.?Lit il " other site firniahinga. The traeh recePtacle shown below has been ,"l".tld to coordinate with the wood bench. In addition' it hasbeenchosenfor"ort,dt"ubility,eaeeoftnaintenanceandaclosedtoptokeep out the enow. Thie a*ig" i" "i-iiu "nd it could be manufactured by the Town Public Works etafl Labeled photograph of approved traeh receptacle' The bike rack ehown below is baged on a deaigrr developed with tle Town etalT' It ie anticipated thst it ;iu be fabricated by the public works etalf in lengthe to fit each location. : I I I I J Vail StrtetraPc Mester Plan Page 9? I I ilr l I I IJ I l J TREE GRATESATTD GUARDS MISTCELI.J\NEOUS ELEMENTSI Tree grates are recogunended for street treea when they are us€d in an urban 8et[ing, such as the Village Core. A number of manufacturers produce this ait€ nmenity so the Town ig not limited to the product shown b€low, Labeled photographs of approved tree gratedguards A number of miscellaneous site elements would typically be included in a Btreetscape plan such as decorative bollarde, fencing, phone booths, bulletin boards, kiosks, etc. At this time, moat of theee eleroents have not been identified ae being needed in the study area. One element that has been requested ie a clustered newspaper 'liqpenser. The proposed desigl ahown below is a continustion in detoiling and etyle of t}e recommendatione of the bench and trash receptacle eelections. The actual newspaper diepeneere are etandard itemr that are purchaoed from privato auppliers, painted and clust€red into tho desired configuration. the Town hrblic Works ataffwill be able to adapt the firtureg to the neceesary apecificationa. ATA$DARD PAPER DUIPAMIERII PAI}fTED EIACI( l "l Vail Streetacape Mastcr Plan Page 98 \, -, fi I,l I. B. If property is described bY description, please Provideattach to this application. (S200.00) y Minor AlteraLion ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) a meets and bounds lega1 on a separate sheet and E. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, aPPJ.icant stamped survey showing 1ot area. must provide a cu rrent NAl,tE OF AppLIcANT; 0scar & Frankie Tanq Mailing Address: 120 E. End Avp- New York. NY Phone 212-Ala-^ F. NA}'18 OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE: 143 E. Meadow Dr. MORTER ARCHITECTS Phon 476-5105 Mai1inO., Address: NA]"18 OF Osear & Fr ct srGNAruRE (S) Mailing Ad Phone J, I{ Condominium proval if aPPlicable. ensure the correct fee is Paid- FE tr q.HtrNT]T.E. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittaL of DRB application' LaLer, when -ppfyl"g for a building permit, please identify the i'ituiut" valuation or irrL proposal. The Town cf Vaif will adjust the fee according to the table belcw' to $ 20.00 $ 50.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 WITBOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE VALUATION $0$ 10,001s 50,001 $150,001 $500,001q nrra r - $ 10,000 - $ 50,000 - $ 150,000 - $ 500,000 - $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Jrevise<I 6/18/9! DRB APPLICATION _ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO sc r-"-, '; i'J\ DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: Y-r'.1-U I 10- 16-91 tt******** THIS APPLICSTION }TILL NOT BE ACCEPTED T'NTII, AI.,L REQUIRED ITAOR!.ATION IS SUBMITIED l****i**** PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: The Rpd I inn Remndol-Lanrlcnafiing TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucL ion Addition ($50.00) n ADDRESS: 304 Bridge Streef LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT E-F-G-H B1OCK 5! Subdivi s ion Vail Villa *NO APPLTCATION WILL BE PROCESSED NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: LIST OF I'IATERIALS LOTI:EG-HLOCK 5A 304 Bridge St., Vail SUBDMSION Vail Vil?age tqr DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:eve] . The fol.lowing information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Olher WaIl Materials Fascia Soffit s Windows Wlndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittalapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design LANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Comnon Name Ouqntitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordeciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht fqlcgniferous trees is 5 feec. PLANT MATERTAT-,? BoranicaL Name ao*ron tln"Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS Amelanr.hier 4lnitolia SrryieeberrJ. 3 4_5, EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qaIlon.of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is Tvpe Ann ua l Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD EFFN TYDtr OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL lJood Benches - as ro c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walfs, fences, swimmingpools' et'c.) pLease- specify. rndi6ate neighis-oi retainingwalLs. Maximum height of wi]ls within tn"-rro.i setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 5 feet. o Pho to. Concrete Pavers -Vail Cob oI -Y-Y y\hd,jd$ar d,A^Mft 4f ffil* '*!'fu'{oo bra,,r?- tn \luk'v ^t n -0 , I\4e\ - Wn r-L,t owvq- ,4y -1Pots' lAkA u ld:/$A,rQA 61y,{lrL/e VX Yla*,rre U al'lxnttf, Vs1'-r-4 t I- I/1rp.(O \N\*dtklW / rc.e aJ{<) Put* fi\t/a^"k .tIST OT MATERIAI,S ,NTI,IE oF PRoJEca! . r.gcai DEscnrprroNr - DEseRrprroN oF pRoJ.EqFi The followlng infornatLon LeReview Board before a fLnal A. BUILDING }IATERIAI,S! reguired for eubnlttal to the Deelgnapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COIOR Roof Sidlng Other l9all llaterials Fascia Soffits Windows l{indow Trhn Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.I,ANDSCAPING: Name of PI.ANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES ffiH tl tlndicate call.per for declduous trees. ferous ,i ) Designer: Phone: 'for conltrees.ies. indicate heigtrt PI.ANT I.iATERIAI.!!3 PROPOSED SHRUBS *Indlcate sl.ze 5 qallon. ouantlty Size*I ls'bba6zc/dfi'I 5+t4dn of proposed shrubs.l.tLnLmun size of shrubs l-s GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Cornrnon N?ne -rr Ifr(- c.OTHER I-,ANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalning walls, fences, ewirunlngpools, etc.) Pfease specify. fndlcate helghts of retainingwalls. Maximurn helght of walls wlthln the front setback is3 feet. Maximum helght of walls elsewhere on the property h5 , is 6 feet. + OM ar\^rffio dtr,r,rorl Avd/Flnae W)r^r() Wla ,, 60?'Mdw'l*fu,,J4N.&A,'" ?,o?* ''.-.-'...,....-..*.*..*.- o tFl-l-l-lJ frgXruOV 1 ,.,,^. v t99l @P1 'th'F 4"'A" ,lunc\ ,Ad cAar 'buw+h Stdn