HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION 1990 3 of 3o Project Application Block Filing , Zone - Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner o MonrrnAncH TTECTS Letter of Transmittal o,*:. llp A$AE1 W0 ro: aHl4oNtrY 1uelffi1^,lT PSI9TAN Wfu Proiect: ?g) uo* ?u1D0A- Please find enclosed the followino Dated *.lu.qo *'b'qo 7-b'qo 7.lu'qo 1.lu'1o Copies I.l I I I lsF fu^N!"w;k +l 4tb*lt Ea* A*'A"^'hes- Fat Aanfr; Pflu So^Ild Ele,u"fi*, hltnL 6g''tt' Elou?frir Mt* Remarks: Proiect Application Project Name: l-{-Lr "-'v'\ \-{\- t\ ft<J u\-\\\JV \ ,/"1 't ; "-.:,'i .j ::ji.^Project Description: .u.., Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL \ ",",, Approval \s r$s llf #cirs "I -rA\y €r'-\o o -{Eoz k {fttF +F5o- eJt !$r R*-S\\\\r \uq lF==:\ \I lt \\\ || tllL-_.-rr l-d::--t ll \\-----------r ll ll \ II II Ir__:ti ul I €_\o s'TloE T_o 'F r''.l ertl}*ltSlr d't$sf -tlT-.Is ."ll.) |s.9i sl F)Ls 11rF s' -l-D.il P:I o {d F '--$P9 1''qW r OF7+5R-n \TfF ,ot.1rld' I I --.1+ sr --1- lp --o {...-o F r6-I-t$ --@ $$oF7act$lo =L261$\xiq srqt$ ffi +s5$ lil- @ I I I t I I e I I I I ? ,r,{*r, aluc,Lo aN Extgf.ffi69 e{ntsgf '>v HofO t bJL t/w) AS1F,AL? 6HIMNeYA Ta F{A\,,t 6fl)un eYf, FrNl9H. .1' o tO EAST 840?,107 6t6+,62€ EtEV ATTON Nr*h 4rolo @ e7:1.y't{ @ 6tti.[ttt;ilo''2 A; 1,lu40 Project Application Frojecl Name: , ' I Froject Description: Oontact R€rson and Phone '. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Block bomments: Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sumrnarv: .la-i A Professional Corporation '143 East [,4eadow Drive Crossroads al Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476 51 05 l -r. ELI 'V- Eo Jut 121ggtMonrrnAncnrECTS 0ate: To: JuIy '1 2, 1991 Kristan Pritz Town of Va1l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 tProject: Red LionVail, Colorado Letter Transmittal Please find enclosed the lollowing: Dated 7112191 Remarks: of Set of Elevations of the ttRed tionrr with the revised Planter locations (Planters are drawn as dark boxes). James R. Morter, AIA MORTER ARCHITECTS otfice of communlty d€uelopnent Itl 75 louth lnonlage road vd], color'do 81657 (303) f7e-2138 (36) 4r$2r39 Uarch 1, 1990 -.-\n( \ s-l'S (trr'ru- . ?homa6 A. Braun Town Flanner _fAB/pp Mr. llartin ltullally 288 Bridge StreetVall, Colorado 81657 Dear llr. Mullally: I want to acknowledge receipt of your Letter dated February L4, 1990 regarding the Red Lion proposal . I have provided the Planning Connission with a copy of your letter, The formaL review of this development proposal has been scheduledwith the Planning Conmission for March 19, 1990. Please do not hesltate to call me with any questions that you may have regafding this proposal . Thank you for your couments. gincerely, ' /) ,/ - /Q_4/Lt04U- Project Application l Froiect Name: Project Description: Contact P€rson and Phone t | ,,L,- Jansoq 4te^{Yld s for-c Owner, Address and Phone: ,zt ' .22 - 3/O B+'-l* ,/)f /{4 -f L r ofi '*/ Arehitect, Address and Phone: : ll-egal Description: Lot fx tmk Block Filing 1 i ,Motion by: - Ii Seconded by: APPROVALs-o Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL ,Jarsuo 4-n r n4 flLk Qra t1, t lrJ ?- b/ /,Ar'. I E Statt Approval ,t-itI DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATTON RECE]VED : revised 4/26191 COLORADO I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTIoNI DATE OE DRB MEETING: @ - rnrs App,.t*tff iirlililo, ", AccEprEDLNTrL AI..L REQUr*-o..111o.Rj'I|rroN rs suBMrrrED TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction LEGAT DESCRIpTION: Lot Subdivision attach to this application. If property is descl.ibed bydescription, please providi v Minor Alteration Block a meets and bounds 1egalon a separate sheet and. B. c. D. ADDRESS:- oootti?, o.r* o - tot""ot"rt *r*"r" E. F. G. LOT AREA: ff required,stamped survey showincbt,,s .E tllj $ 20.00I s0 .00 $r.00.00 $200 .00 $400.00 9s00.00 WITSOUT OI{NER' S SIGNATURE ,/7ZONING: L'ontmaR.tpt^ NAME OF APPLICANT: H.NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :LTell\ffiD (t", ..T. K. *SIGIIATURE(S): ."- Gniiii.i-adil;" Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB appi.icahion. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ o - $ 10,000I 10,001 - $ so;000 150,001 -$ 1s0;000 $1s0,001 - $ soo;000 $500r 001 - $1r 000r 000I Over $1r 000,000 APPTICATION 9TILL BE PROCESSED applicant must. provide a curren!lot area. Address: rtNO LTST OF !'IATERTALS NAr,rE oF pnwscr, Srprrw.S--. (Arar?.r;" foanue^/e- /Psro,qrurr LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: I,OT BI.oCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS; DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ffiss JUN 12199il with the design guldelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. The following l-nformation is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING IiIATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaII Materials reguired for subnittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF I,IATERIAL COLOR -nl, CJr\ .- *r,t* Q1*etry,'1r,^ I j{, q-.-JB. Fascia ! ,, SoffLts -.-#'I{indows 'i Rails Flashings Chimneys PI,ANT I.IATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES RA r;L ll a/fr ,-"-- Trash Enclosuresl1 \-fa \creenhouses ,l-o n ftn",(tBtt"/ irL/ ./ LANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name conmon Name ouantity Size* N\ EXISTING TREES TO BE REI,TOVED for deciduous trees, ? Uinirnun eal.,,;.gni f..gtr Window Trim Doors ,' Door Trim lland or Deck Flues f t* e, ti.,l , rt*|t ' *Indicate caliper ;; il;.;;;;; o uin r\D\' $.\\ rll[\ or'nd. P*i #,j\nP*K {'r'W ,'l t. t luwn 75 |orilh ftonlage road x.& colorEdo E1657 (3ql) '17$2138(300) 47$2139 otflce ot commudty dwelopmenl February 28, L99L Mr. Thomas de Coene2-2-L, Ohtemachi Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo lOO Re; Red Lion Building RedeveJ-opment Dear Mr. Coene: I am very i,orry to trear of your dissatisfaction with the recent redevelopmefrt of the Red Lion auilding. After a thorough and extensive review process, the project waE found by the staff, Planning and Environmental Conmission, Design Revies Board and the Town CounciL to be a positive redevelopment for the ViLlage. With the continuing growth of Vail, it is a reality that existing properties are inpacted by new development and redevelopment. ihe-rown does take neasures to protect public view corridors. However, it noutd be virtually inpossible to protect each individual's view from their residence. Tbe staff is currently working with the owners, arclritects and contractors of the Red Lion proJect to develop an acceptable resolution to the problens mentioned in your letter. Howevert please realize that this proJect went through an extensive publ"ic review process, and the public had opportunity to speak_and express concerns at theee rreetings. At the tine of review, Mrs. UuIIaly, an olrner of a unit in the Rucksack Building, expressed concern with the appearance of the fans. At this time' the PLanning and Environmental Commission reguired that the fans berrstate of the art,rr and enclosed within a structure. We have since received docunentation that the fans are considered to be state-of-the-art by industry standards. Please see attached Ietter from Tirnothy nosen oi vait Valley Plunbing and Heating' dated December 14, 1990. ll Thomas de Coene February 28, l99L Page 2 ?le have, as a courtesy, asked the owner of the Red Lion Building, l,!s, Frankie Tang, to consider adding nore screening around thevents. To date, the owner has conpleted the screening of the vents per the Design Review Board approval , except for painting. The ventE will be palnted this spring when weather pemits. Atthis tine, ue do not have a definite anslrer from Ms. Tang onadditional screening. I bope this letter addresses your concern. our departnent triesto ensure that development gsdurs ln a senEitive manner. Pleaselet me know if you have any additlonal guestions. Sincerely,I' I n \ frrfu"HiltKristan Pritz Conmunity Developnent Director Sllabcc: Shelly Mello Ron PhilJ.ips i vArL 'ALL# PLUMBTNff'tihNG. rNc. Decerber 14, 1990 llr. Eryan Brubaker Beek f lssociates . P.O. Box {030 Vail, Coloratlo 81658 lE: neil Lio! Reetaurant Kitchen Exhaust Fans . Dear Eryan: ' I'ye been asked to sumarize the comtruction of the tro Reil lJion Restaurant lltchen bood exbaust fans and aseoclated iluctrork. $ubnitteil belov are a!, finilinge and counente: A. The 15 gauge velded iluctvork bas been extended verticall!, uprard vith existing ilone upblast exhaust fans positioned at the top of the duet runs behinal raterl enclosures. B. The tlorre upblast fans have been serviceil and balanced to run at optimurn perfornance. Tbe fans in-place, vith tbeir vertical ilispersal pattern, reflect the state-ot-tbe-art in stanilaril practices for comercial kitcben exhaust renoval. Greage anil smoke are ilirecteil upraril anrl aray from the Reil lJion buililing anil adjacent properties. . C. Strlct attention has been palil to eounil attenuation and fire rating protection ritb the construction of enclosures around the fans. Coordiuation vith the Torn of Vail Connunity Development Department anil Fire Departnetrt rere crucial to the design, approval anil construction of the enelosures. ... := D. Finally, internal construction of relrteil ductvork, fire rateil iluct enclosures anil Drovisions for duct cleanouts rill allov for a safe, cleanable, aDal serviceable installation. lloreover, code clearances !1 . bave been net in tle positioning and location of the Type I gysteos. :.;.- ..,.;,:J:holn tbat these coments serve to sunnarize.the itevelopnent,of the Red tion's..,-,- ' ..: : ,jS"' ":.s;[agst systens. Please call if you have any questious or eonrnents. '. Sincerely, , Ttrotby iI. losen Project llechanical Engineer TR/Dc , cc: lrlin Berge, llorter Architects Shelly ilello. Tom ot VaiI P.O. 80X 2048 AVON, COLORADO E1620 (303) 949-777r FD( (303) 949-1973 ffirrFED.,25tseo n ru (tfi)5 rsJ! CITICORPoCMB/d|',I( Crt b.nfr ,\tr. 2-2-l,orffil Ch,yocb.ltutArnfr) 'hom,6 de cocne Maruging arecld February 19,1991 Mr. Kent Rose Mayor of the Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Co 81657 Dear Sir, As the owner of Rucksack Unit #1 I was appalled and chocked by the recently completed construction of the Red Lion Building roof. - I cannot believe that the north face will remains as it is, with its offensive, noisy, grease dripping fans, and poor quality construction. The result for me is the total loss of mountain view and a substantial reduction in light reaching my unit, coupled with the noise and smell of the exhaust fans. The latter at t-his point is thc object of my most pressing complainr Being a long time enthusiast of Vail I have trouble in continuing to promote Japanese inves$nents to the Vail area in view of what seems to be a short sieited ittitude of some of the Citi planners. I would appreciate yorrr comments. CC: Kristin Pritz Head of the Planning Div. Managing Director December 13, 1990 Shelly Me11o Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 RE: Red Lion RemodeL - Kitchen Exhaust Fans Dear Shelly, The encrosures for the Red Lion exhaust fans are per review andapproval by the Planning Conunission, Vail Town council and theDesign Review Board. A location change of one hood was broughtto the attention of the Corrnunity Development staff, andsubsequently was approved by the Design Review Board on November7, L990. You will be receiving a letter from Vail_ Valley plumbing inresponse to the state-of-the-art venting. If you have anyquestions, please give me a ca11. l6c0 OEc I 7'9tr MonrenAncH rrEcTs Sincerely yours, /Y^1 r) ^UWLWaArlin C. sergle, ata A Profe5siona Corocral or' 143 Easl Mea.or ! .rl CrossroaJs at Va Va l. Colorado B ltisl 303 476-5105 VAIL VALLE o Y PLUMBING & HEATING. INC. EIT DECo€so Decenber 14, 1990 P.O. BOX 2048 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (3O3) 949-777r FAx (303) 949-1973 l,lr. Bryan Drubaker Seck & Aesociates P.O. Box 4030 Vail, Colorailo 81658 RE: Red Lion Restaurant Kitchen Exhaust Fans Dear Bryan: I've been askeil to sumnarize the construction of the two Red Lion Restaurant kltchen hooil exhaust fans and associateil ductvork. Submitteil below are my tinillngs and couments: A. The L6 gauge velded ductyork has been extended vertically upward with existing tlone upblast exhaust fans positi.oned at the top of the duct runs behind rated enclosures. B. The done upblast fans have been serviced and balanced to run at optimum performanee. The fans ln-place, with their vertical dispersalpattern, retlect the state-of-the-art in standard practices for connercial kitchen exhaust renovaL. Grease and snoke are directed uprard and avay from the Red L,ion building and adjacent properties. C. Strict attention has been paid to sound attenuation anil fire rating protection sith the construction of enelogures around the fans. Coorilination with the Tovn of Vail Comnunity Developnent Department and Fire Department were crucial to the design, approval anil construction of the enclosures. D. Finally, internal construction of weliled ductwork, fire rated duct enclosures and provisione for duct cleanouts will allow for a sate. eleanable, and serviceable installation. lloreover, code clearances have been met in the positioning aud location of the Type I systems. I hope that these connents serve to summarize the rlevelopment of the Re<l Lion's exhau$t systens, Please call if you have any questions or eomnents. Sincerely, /-AA7 E-za"7e--- Tinotby J. Rosen Projeet l{echanical TR/DC cc: Arlin Berge, SheIIy llello, Engineer llorter Architects Town of Vall 'j FILE C o OP lnwn 75 south lrontage road YaiL colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3ffr) 47$'2139 April g, t-99L Mrs. Frankie ?ang Vencura, Ltd. L00 Park Avenue New York, NY LO017 Re: Roof Vents at the Red Lion Dear Mrs. Tang: oflice of community danelopmenl On behalf of the Design Review Board, I am writing to reguestthat you consider revising the existing design of the roof ventson the north side of the Red Lion Building. After visiting thesite during our last regularly scheduled meeting on April 3,L99l-r the Board feels the appearance, in particular the l-0-12ilgap in the botton of the access doors, is,,jrot what we understoodit to be. Attached is a copy of what the Board approved on November 7, L990. In this elevation, there is no indication thatthe fans would be visible to the adjacent properties. Please understand that we are in no way requiring you to rnakechanges. However, we would strongly reguest that some form ofscreening be installed t.o improve the appearance of these units frorn the adjacent properties. Should you have any questions, please contact Shelly Mello in the Town of Vail Conmunity Development Departnent. Thank you againfor your consideration of ttris natter. Sipcerely, l,ktb6e,^Ifed Gwathney Chairnan, Design R sM/abcc: Design Review George Lamb Arlin Bergie, view Board Board Members Morter Architects --J I (5 7$$t.l I !( 7oq .l''. .i:'"frir.) ;: ",'ir'i'- T"' 1',, n;.'i, 4 I Ff[ t ICOPT lnwn 75 3oulh front ge rord Yall, colorado 81657 (300).7e2138 {3Gl) 4792139 otlice ol communlty development February 28, 1991 Hr. Thomas de Coene2-2-L, Ohternachi chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 1OO Re: Red Lion euilding Redevelopment Dear Mr. Coene: I am very sorry to hear of your dissatisfaction with the recent redeveJ-opment of the Red Lion Building. After a thorough and extensive review process, the project was found by the staff, Planning and Environnental Cornmission, Design Review Board and the Town Council to be a positive redevelopment for the Village. With the continuing growth of Vail , it is a reality that existing properties are inpacted by new development and redeveloprnent. The Town does take measures to protect public vier,r corridors. However, it woutd be virtually irnpossibte to protect each indivldual's view fron their residence. The staff is currently working with the owners, architects and contractors of the Red Lion project to develop an acceptable resolution to the problems mentioned in your letter. However. please realize thal this project went through an extensive public review process, and ttre public had opportunity to speak.and express concerns at these rneetings. At the tirne of review, Mrs. Mullaly, an owner of a unit in the Rucksack BuiJ-ding, expressed concern with the appearance of the fans. At this time, the Planning and Environmental Cornnission reguired that the fans berrstate of the artrrr and enclosed within a structure. We have since received documentation that the fans are considered to be state-of-the-art by industry standards. Please see attached letter from Timothy Rosen ot vait Valley Plurnbing and Heating' dated December 14, 1990. t Thomas de Coene February 28, 1991 Page 2 l{e have, aa a courtesy, asked the owner of the Red Lion Building, Us. Frankle Tang, to consider adding more screening around theventg. To date, the ouner has completed the screening of the vents per the Design Review Board approval, except for painting. The vente wIll be painted this spring vhen weather pernits. Atthis tlne, we do not have a definite answer from Ms. Tang onadditlonal screening. I hope this letter addresses your concern. Our department triesto ensure that development occurs in a sensitlve manner. PLeaselet ne know Lf you have any additional questions. Si.ncerely, K'*,*A*1Krlstan Pritz Connunity Developnent Director S!/abcc3 Shelly Mello Ron rhillips .. I vArL 'ALLE? pruMBr*ff1t?iiNc. rNc. Deeenber 14, 1990 P.O. BOX 2@8 AVON, COLORADO 81620 €03) 949-7771 FA)( (303) 949-1973 llr. BryaB Erubaker Eeck & Associates P.O. Eox 4030 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Reil Lion Restaurant Kitchen Exbaust fans Ilear Bryan: f've been asketl to sumrarize the construction of tbe tvo Red Lion Restaurant kitcben hood exhaust taus and associateal aluctrork. Subnitted belov are ny fin<lings anil connents: A. The 15 gauge weldetl iluctnork bas been extended vertically, uprartl vith existing dome upblast exhaust fans positioned at the top of the iluct runs behind ratecl euclosures. B. The dome upblast fans bave been serviced and balanced to run at optimun perfornance. Tbe fans in-place, vith their vertical ilispersal pattern, reftect the state-of-tbe-art in standaril practices for connercial kitchen exhaust removal.. Grease and snoke are ilirecteil upraril and aray frou the Red Lion buililing antl acljacent properties. Strict attention has been paiil to souad attenuation and fire rating protection rith tbe construction of enclosures around the fans. Coorilination with the Torn of Vail Connunity Developnent Departnent and Fire Departoent rere crucial to the design, approval and cotrstruction of tbe enclosures. Pinally, internal construetion of veldetl ductrork, fire ratetl tluct enclosures and provisions for duct cleanouts wiII allov for a safe, . cleanable, antl serviceable installation. lloreover, code clearanees bavebeennetinthepositioningaarl1ocationoftheTypersysteng.,. Real lJion ' s .. -.,- c. ..Jrhope tbat these coonetrts serve to sunnarize.tbe ilevelopnent'of the i;iff'';:,'t,"'etrhaugt eystens. Please catl if you bave any guestions or eonnents. Sincerely, /aaar7 Eou,,/e- Tiaotly at. Rosen ProJect llechanical TR/pc cc: Arlin Berge, Sbelly llello, f,hgineer llorter Arehitects Tovn of YalI eecx ry..$:g.J#Es, rNca . vAtL, coLoRADo 81658 q!,iil,jr_:i. ZitOSffiTnt or'rmaNSnnrTTAL tr n E Samples n Specifications (303) 949-1800 'o-To.{. U* ^--b.r*l -q* WE ARE SENDING YOU I Attached E Under separate cover via-the following items: tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter D Prints E Change order ""V /nt /q o JOB NO. "t/o*L'-- RE: 2"J L coPtES DATE NO.OESCRIPTION I I "t l"lQ o 4lq lq" P{{ lir,.. g={q.ro+.$ Pxet(,n1. +_- Dor.: n Rpezk ,,*-*i= eJo."L4 53, g f a7^": \ 41"" e tot< THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval D Approved as submitted E Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections ! Resubmit-copies for approval n Submit -cooies for distribution X Return -corrected prints E For review and comment tr ! FOR BIDS DUE 19_II PRINTS RETURNED AFTEF LOAN TO US "='E o*p1_ 4-* l-?* Lt*l b-+ ,I S..,,r S eue"5-tP-rll h-Tlhz< \ A /.0 7--'''""*- -ts{-"-=-< d*fq coPY T0. eFoNcr &?,@l'T.o,Db.. r/h!r olr?r Toodd pto{Erotl FqEE r.!G2a.63a0 ll enclosurcs arc not as noted, kindly notily uc at A Prolessional Corporation 143 East Nleadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 i/lonrenAncnrECTS Letter of Transmittal Date: l4ay g, 1gg0 To: Town of Vail Conrnunity Devel opment 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Mike Mollica Proiect:- Red Lion Remode'l Vail, Colorado Please find enclos€d the lollowino: 5/7 /90 1ea Drawings: A-6 & A-7 Remarks: Arlin Berge' AI MORTER ARCHITECTS o Proiect Application o^t" 5' 2'7O nl/t Proiect Name: h-?a( K -Lov-- Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: \*"- n n tq Lesal Description'totL-E4lil-, etocr 5-A , p;1;nn Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: /- n ( Seconded byi DISAPPROVAL Town Planner Date: E statt Approval oa f"/- /,*- 'Def)Q ,7'76 Mrt- ?n*+{4./ ,'; o A Professional Corporalion 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 [vlonrnnAncnrECTS Letter of Transmittal oau:4o AFptu Rqo ro: connuNtTy ?6)ewft1eNT f+lgTAf''l eHL Ptote'* Phfi tlu-: pgrroo* Please find enclosed the lollowing: Dabd Copies I UfPNEn usT 0F nEtgPWg fte M Oo4 pttortpr Remarks: NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF PR Roof Si di ng 0ther llall Materials |.,|ood Benjamin Moore 1011 LI)I UI I'lAILKTAL) tG vai-l-[irlage-rirs t Filing ihc evicting two (2) condominirrm rrnits ahove thc Red linn Reqtarriant and rppl ace them with thrpe (i) cnndom'i um un i ts. The following information is required for submittal by the applicant Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Des';n Review COLOR Match txi stin Beniamin MooFasci a Soffi ts lJi ndows l.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Cl ad Wood PelIa Standard W[ite StuCco-Match Existing Wood-Ben.iamin Moore 1011l'lood or stucco lvvs:"F-li:' " ' '' Wood & Glass Standard I'lhi tllte tucEo-Natitr Existing hrood or stucco H:?:;BF:iiTin-Moore 101r Wood or Metal Standard llhi te Metal Benjamin Moore 1013 \Hana or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther rt r^l\t / A : Match Exi sti Match Adjacent B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: I end fleqi gns hY F'l I i qnn q4q- l Tnn l':tni-!y- I _-_ Common Name Green Ash 2% - 3'i Cal . PLANT i'IATERIALS : Botani ca'l Name PR0POSED TREES Fraxinus Penn'itanica EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for deciducious trees. Indici'r.:.. i jht for conj fers . /n..rnr) *lndicate cal i per . PLANT IIATERIALS: (con't) SHRUES Potentillal Potenti I I a Potenti I I a P'inus Mugo Viburnum Lentago F ru c tog[gllgglqQ1rk e s' Fructosa Goldstar' Fructos a Common Name Nannyberry Vi burnui m-RETf6FTiE-byt<es PotentillaffiiiltF- Potenti i l a llat'i ve Potentilla o .5 t4 Size _ 4 - 5' B & 5 qal 5 qal 5 qal 5 gal 5 gal 5 gal 5 gal 5 ga1 5 ga1 5 gal Muqo Pine Lead Pl ant Gol d Fl ame Spi rea 11 Andorra Juniper Hancock Coral berry___ :L- Mountain Mahoqanv 2 Red Snowberry Isanti Dogwood Native Ninebark 5 24" - 30" 6 SgalAmorpha Canescens Spirea Bumalda'GolSli-erng, . _ Junl perus Ho ri zontal i s' Youn:!@!pggb' Symphori ca rpos Che!gp-L!_I__Ug!.90 c-f Cercocarpos Montanus Symphoricarpos 0rbicul atus Cornus Sericea'Isanti' Physocarpus Monogynus l5 ll Rosa Woodsi i Native Rose 5 ga'l Robus Del iciosus Lonicera Japonica Ribes Al pinum GROUND COVERS SOD SEED Thimbleberrv 2 Al oi ne Crrrrent 6 Va ri et.v -.slhardy.-pe rcnnials--.--. -.- --. .--. Rlrrpgraqq Mi." ' Wilrl Flcurer. (rncuntain mix) and high altitude native mix grass seed 5 gal 6 gal 5 gal -a+prco#O0-+-f- -apppex-+gs+.-f= c. 'THER LANgscApE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimrning pools, etc.) Please specify' o 4": /E;3i --;' .-** i 1fr., Ju^L*^ sy \b/vr l* 1.. u*A.\ JLl- I"r.tT*r l* /vr.rAJ,., L.*S- pr"[**'- lnltn 75 goulh lronlage road vell, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 47e-2139 oflice of communlty development April L9, L99O Mr. Jim Morter Morter ArchLtects L43 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at VaiI val-l , co 81657 Dear ilim: The following outlines material I feel is necessary in order to expedite the final DRB review of the Red Lion proposal . Obviously the DRB \.ras very positive about the proposal, however,it is in everybodyts interest to tighten up and refine thesubrnittal to avoid cornplications down the road. As you arekeenly aware, we have seen many revisions to the elevatj.ons,floor plans and site plan for this project. while I have assembled each of these p1ans, I would like you to subrnit a complete set of revised plans for this project. In addition, it would be helpful to include the following: 1. Indicate the relocated lamppost on the site plan, 2. Provide consistent inforrnation on aL1 site plans (some improvements are shown on Glen's plans that are not reflected in your plans. This is important so as to avoid any confusion during permit review and final review of the cornpleted project. ) . 3. Indicated relocated Sczechwan Lion menu board on the site plan. 4. Add a note to the elevations indicating all windows on stucco planes to be recessed 3 inches. 5. Provide contour inforrnation for improvements made along MilI Creek (i.e. grade changes to eliminate the step to the green space adjacent the dining deck). In response to comments made during the DRB meeting, I would encourage you to address the following: L. Determine the requirements for interior railing aroundthe restaurant area, and include this information inthe elevations if it is required. 2. I would encourage you to consider rnodifications to the deck railing detail on the building. While I agreethat a soLid rail detail is not desired there nay be sone mi-ddle ground between the railings you haveproposed and a solid rail that will provide a moredecorative element on the building. I would suggestyou also indicate the planter boxes on Lhe elevations. 3. It would be helpful to see additional detail on the benches proposed for the plaza area. It appears you are considering new benches and if so, a bench with a nore contoured back may be a positive irnprovement. 4. The rnaterial list submitted three weeks ago should berevised to more accurately reflect materials andcolors. I would also like to see an actual colormaterial sample of the dining deck roof cover. As vte discussed today, I would encourage you to have additionalgraphic material available at the Council meeting on May 1, in response to concern about future developments encroachlng intothe view corridor, This will hopefully provide assurances toCouncil members concerned about this elernent of the proposal. You should also present venting information to Susan scanlan and Joe Norris for their comment. It appeared the Council woul-d tiketo have a more definitive idea what venting is proposed with thisproj ect. It has truly been a pleasure working with you and Aarland on thisproject. The project has come a long way and I hope that you share ny feeling that we do have a better project than we did inJanuary. I appreciate your help in responding to the itemsoutlined in this letter. Many of these things would not berequired if f \,rere going to be involved throughout theconstruction of this project. However, this additionalinformation should hopefully elirninate any questions and issuesas the project develops. Sincerely, / \ r.A,z..--L\fTom Braun Town Braun TBlpp I I I I i'" I r N() g oz pI ; $ 5 T L. F u F a UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB LoT3[[,3+[._BL0cK 6-h FILING VAIL VII,IAtE, (TwT T|upa ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be rnain trurrk lines, nust be approved and verified by the following accompanying site pIan. Authorized Siqnature I incs or propos ed utilitics for tltc Da te Mountain Bell I -634-3778 llestern Slope Gas llarry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael LavertY Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eag'l e Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict Oavid Krenek 1^tz^zcl NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit front the Town of Vail, Department of Public l'lorks and to obtrin utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torvn of Vail. A building pelmit is not a street cut perni.t. A street cut perrnit rnust be obtained separatelY. This form is to verify servico availablity and locaticn' This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Lb{a /e<n- *-r-?'tr-, 4- ra- * For nctl cons I please fill oui atlached sheet. ?o UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICT\TION- SUBDIVISION JOB ADDftESS The location of utilitics, whether they lines, must be approved and verified by accompanYing site Plan. l'lountai n Bel l'l-634-3778 l.lestern SloPe Gas llarry MoYes Public Service ComPanY Gary Ha11 Hol v Cross El ectri c Assoc. Tid HuskY/ltichae'l LavertY Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagl e Va'l 1eY t'later and Sani tat'i on Di scri ct David Krenek be main trunk the following I ines or ProPoseuutilities for tlte Da teAuthorized Signatufe fu?t'4Pe"- For ncw cons t tl- ltflaplease f il I oui attached sheet' 7-/z-1o j:tAS0 NOTEI These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perrnit fron the Town of VaiI, Departrnent of Public l'lorks and to obtain utility Iocations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Torrrn of Vail' A building permi't is not a street cut Pernit' A street cut perrnit tnust be obtained seParatelY. This form is to verify service availablity and location' This shorrld be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan oncl sclreduling installations' ! o APPLICATI0N DATE: Aprjl 2, 1990 DATE OF DRB }4EETII.IG: DRB APPLICATION Aprjl 18, 1990 *****THIS APPLICATION l'lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a p'l anning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application wil'l be accepted unless it is complete (must include a'l I items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment wjth the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N: Revjsions.tg,__the Red Lion Restaurant are to construct an additional 9'- 0" of Bridqe Street patjo, installation of "Rekord" type doors on the north, south and west elevat'ions of the Bridqe Street patio. and remove the trash enclosure at the east elevation which would open the east elevation of the dininq area to M.ill Creek with "Rekord" type doors.B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 304 Bridqe Street Legal Description Zoning CLI Lotc--L_g.--h__ Block S-A Filing Vail Vi llaqe Fi rst Fi I inq C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: The Red lion Inn Address 304 Rri rtge Strept , Vai I , Cnl orartn tel ephone 476-j676 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: trnr.rer Arnhirpcrc Address 143 F- Meadow llrivp - Crnqsroadq 0 vajl telephone a7E-5101 E. NAME OF OWNERS: S'ignature /.--a x/ Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION I Q'3 Gnrc Crpck firi ve, Vai l , Cnlnradn telephOne A76. 3?0I The fee wjll be paid at the time a bujlding permit is requested. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .5oo,ooo $5oo,oo1 - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In additjon to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indjcate property lines and building corners, Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings , of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement wiil be required to be republ j shed. LIST OF I'IATERIALS I'IAI'lE OF PiIOJECT: LEGAL DESCRI PTIOII : STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTIOII OF PR The fo I I oli ng Board before A. BUILDING Filing : Revis-ions arp to construct an additonal g'- 0" of Rridge Street patio, installation of "Rekord" typp doors nn the north. snrrth and west elevations of the Rridgp Strpet patio, and remove trash enclosure @ east elevation to open dininq to l4ill Ciinformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Desig-n fle'rier't a final approval can be fiven: I4ATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding 0ther l.lal I t'lateri al s Single-Ply fnr rnnf deck/canVaq trim Tn 'latCh EXistipg N/A Fascia So ffi ts l,li ndols l,li ndol Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails ftues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LAIIDSCAPIIIG: Name PLAIIT I'IATER I ALS : PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE RETIOVED of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name picea punqens T0 None N/A Wood & Glass Llnnd Wnod or Metal Gr 'l rrani zpd Iron Land Des i qns bv El I i son 949- 1700 Common Name Ouani tv 5 ize* Co. Spruce 6-8' for coni fers. (over) *lndicai,e cal iper for deciducious trees.Indicate height .PLANi IIATERIALS: (con 't ) SHRUBS vi hrrrhtrm lpntagg 'frus!6q,r Laf herine Cy'kg5l fructosa. qoldstar' fructos air,norpha ' ca;re s cen s.'.... spirea bumalda' goldflamel juni perus hori zontal 'i s 'younslctot[,-q0.opacLaj- sympho ri ca rpo s che n-ap-l$J-hn n.cock cercocarpos montanul symphorjcarpos orb'i culatus cornus seri cea ' i sa]n!'.l-d Pltrys9carPus mono gynus l.ii1i.l ; 1, rosa woodsi i robus del i ci osus lbhlcera japonica GROUND COVERS katherine dykes +o{€rc.tiU-E-o0 ldstar iotenti I la 5 native potenti'l I a 14 mugo oi ne J.part nl ant go'ld f l ame qni rpa 11 andorra j rrni pgp .? . hancnck cnra l berry--4-- mountain mahogany ---2-- red snowberry 3 . i santi dogwood 7 nati ve ninebark 4 potenti 'l 1a I potenti 1 I a potenti 1 I a pinus mugo S[Di,:i SEED .. '- ': .t ... -. Common Name nannyberry VihrrrnUirn Si ze 4-=-5,' E & B 5 qal 5 gal 5 gal 24" - i0" --S-gat- -s-{al- --S+af- -s-gal- 5 gal 5 gal 5 gal- . 5 ga1 q gal --S-+ai- -5-4af-- ..approx 500 " f approx 500 s.f. nali va r nco 7 +L.:-k1^k^--r, 2Lll lrllrr rFrrrr I v Varietv of hardJ4 PerPnnials h l r rp gra ss-Jd:r----... wild flowers (mountain mix) and h'i gh altitude native m'l x grass seeo i_ i't ,r. i- ' C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls'fences, swlmming Pools, etc')Please siecifY. Best copy Available fitC'0 APR , ,,':r:,.;,.-r APPLICATI0N DATE: Aprit 2. 1990 DATE 0F DRB MEETIi,IG:Apri I 18, 1990 DRB APPLICATION *****THJS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No applicaticn will be accepted unless it is complete (must include al'l 'items required by the zoning admjn'istrator).It is the applicant's responsibil'ity to make an appointment wjth the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion wilI streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditjons of approval must be resolved before a bujlding permit js issued A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: Revisions tO_ the Red Lion Condoniniums are to remove the'bx.isting two (2) condnm'inirrm rrnits ahove the Red lion Restarrrant and replace them with three (3) condominium units. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 304 Bridqe Street Legal Description Lot e, f, g, h Block Address 143 E. Meadow Drive - Crossroads G Vajl Fi l jng Vai l Vj l l age First Fil'inq Zoni ng ccT C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Retaserv Corporation Address 100 Park Avenue. New York. New York 10017 teiephone(212) 370-1110 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Morter Architects tel ephone476-5105 E. NAME 0F 0WNERS: Retaserv Corporation F. DRB FEE: VALUATION .t Signut , Address 100 Park Avenue, New York. New York telephone(Zl2) 370-1110 The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 5o,ooo 50,00i - $ 150,000 150,001 - $ 500,000 500,001 - $1,000,0000ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB:IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL 1. In additjon to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indi cate property'l ines and building corners. Trees that w'i ll be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings . of the Design Revjew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 4.The following items no longer have They, however, have to be presented to be presented to the Design Review Board. to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and simi]ar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Bujlding additions that are not viewed lryT qny other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and,/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding \ A Prolessional Corporation 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 ffilJ APii ; lr lveu 1 i.!'Letter of Transmittal DaE: To: April 2, 1990 Town of Vail Design Revjew BoardAttn: Tom Braun Red Lion Remodel P.ojecl: Please find enclosed lhe following: Datsd Copies 412/90 4/2/90 Remarks: Lion Condominiums Rer'ndel DRB Submittal Lion Restaurant Remodel DRB Submittal Red Red I 1 MORTER ARCHITECTS a't ) lown 75 roulh frontage road Yail, coloredo 81657 (303) 47+2138 (3qr) 47+,2139 JuIy 13, L990 Mr. Jay PetersonSuite 307Vail National Bank Building 108 South Frontage Road WestVaiI , CO 81657 RE: 6 Fa4 LLon Restrlction on GRFA, olfice of community developmenl iltr twr Density, and Height. Dear Jay: I have received your restriction on the residential condominiurnunits at the Red Lion Buitding dated July 5, 1990. I am writingthis letter to confirrn our understanding concerning the wordingof the agreement and when the agreenent will be recorded. My understanding is that the restriction will be incorporated intothe condominiun declaration for the Red Lion Condominiurn project. The condominiumization must occur before a temporary certificateof occupancy will be released. From our discussions, this appears to be acceptable to you and the onners. The specific GRFA in the restriction will be left blank and verified when the condominium plat is created. At this time, ny GRFA number is below what was originally approved through the exterioraLteration process due to measurement refinenent by Arlin Bergeof Jirn Morterrs office. The total GRFA on the building permitplan is 8?14 sq. ft. Please allow adequate tine for the condominiurnization to avoid problems with the tirning of the tenporary certificate of occupancy. I also want to emphasize that the naximum roof ridge is approvedat 8214 ft. This ridge elevation will be checked at the franing inspection for the project. -a' Jay PetersonLetter, Page 2 I also shecked with the finance offlce to verify that theexisting Red Lion deck has been counted for parking fees. Fromtheir records, the parking fee has been paid. The orrners of the Red Lion Restaurant wlll only be charged for tbe seatl-nq spacethat is added on the north end of the existing deck. fn respect to the residential units, f have credited the ownersfor the existing penthouse unit owned by Mr. Whitehead and thecaretaker unit. Any additional GRFA contributing to the parking requirement has been counted in my calculations. I have attached the list of conditions of approval fron the Town Council minutes and View Ordinance anendment which the owners,oscar and Frankie Tang shaLl be reguired to meet. Theseconditions have also been attached to the building perrnit. I am sorry for the confusion on wbether or not the existing enclosed deck required parking fees. Thank you for your promptattention to the rnatter. If you have any further questionsplease feel free to contact ne at 479-2L38. Sincerely,t). I n,l4(rrr(.lvrn V *\l\tr)lqj\ l\l tfKristan Pritz - Director, Conmunity Developnent Departnent KPlpp cc: Arlin Berge Jim Morter Oscar and Frankie TangTerry RayBill Anderson a