HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT E-H RED LION 1990 1 of 3I =BEGKI AND ^SSOCTATES, tHC.II Best copy Available AprLI 27 , l-990 VaiI Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 82657 Dear Council Members: The general construction process at the Red Lion would be operated and staged sirnilar to the other core projects that Beck and Associates' has done in the past. As with the Plaza Iodge, Bell Tover, Ranslrorn, and the Slifer Renodel at Gore Creek Plaza, we would have a staging area that isoff-site. our trash removal would be coordinated with the off- time periods in the Village. early mornings if possible. We have received prelininary approval from the Town of VailPolice Departrnent and Building Department to use Hanson Ranch Road. west and east bound which would reduce the traffic through Check Point Charlie and Bridge Street. We will not be parking on Hanson Ranch Road for extended periods of time but only for off- loading or loading. Again it is our intent to do the bul-k of these items in the early morning. Because of the location of the addition in comparison to Bridge Art-rget and Hanson Ranch Road, the need for construction fencing woufd-5e ninimal . We feel that the need for fencing on the roadi themsetv:s u'ilI not be necessary. Although the entire construction process will take L0 to L2 months to complete, $re feel that with an early May start theexterior of the building could be substantially completed by August L. We will be working 5-6 days per week, 1"0 hours per day, in order to get as nuch done during the off-season. This overtime schedule has been approved by oscar and Frankie Tang in order to facilitate the tining of the construction schedule. We feel the additional cost of the overtime wiII help offset the inpact on the core. cErrlEF,/lt cor{raac70as P.O. BOX 4030 vatL. coLoRADo al6sA (3O3' 94*rS(n \ I VaiI llown CouncilApril 27, 1990I Page 2 As ln ttre past, re will continue to be eensitive to the Core's epeclal needE while naintaining our construction schedule. Slncerely,6; Bill Anderson Vice President Beck and AEsociates, Inc. ; 84,/di Attaclment: ConstructLon Schedule cst Vail Department of community Development VaLl Police DepartnentVall Department of Public Work6 Bron oo dess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL. COLORADO 81657 April 13, 1990 Town Council Members _fown oI var-_L 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vai1, CO 8l-657 Dear Courrcil Members: On behalf of the owners of the Bridge Street Building,r{e are opposing the proposai under consideration toraise the height of the Recl Lion Building. A rough out-line of the proposed structure has been erected on t.heroof of the building, alertinq ,1e about the upcomingproject; however, no notice sras sent to this Association. The sending of such notices to r:eighbors is, I believe,a requirement. Ahe Bridge Street Condonrinium ;lsscciation is strongly opposed to any amen,irnent that r,.,ry be grar,ted to theproponent wj-rh regard to disrupr--ion of view cor.ridors.if variances of this sort are gt:anted now and in thefuture, the village will slosly Lcse its charm andsunlight. If we cantt see the mountains, r"/e may as weJ-i work in New York or Chicago. Irie urge the Council to Ceny any pori:icn of this andtuture proposals that contradict Vaii- Ivlaster Plan guide-lines concerning building height and vj-ew corridors. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, REAL ESTATE (303) 476-14s0. DENVER TOLL FREE 893-31 01 RESERVATTONS 1-800-222-VAtL . FAX (303) 476-3188 Craig Gr CMG ,1\9b$ "-$t;-.Martin J. Mullally 288 Bridee Street Vail,C0. 81657 Vail Town Council Yail Municipal Building Yail, C0. 81657 April 16. I990 Dear Sirs, I an tiling an appeal to request tbat the Council fully reviev the decision of fhe Plsming and EnvironmentalOommittee regardiag the remodeling of the Red Lion buildmg. Yvonne Mullally {l-*-^-- rfl..//'-d, Martin J. Uu$ally ru"rt nflorullally, M.D 3SS Eft{tge Stre+t Vail, C0. S165? Thomas I. Steinberg, h{.D. lSt W. MeadowDr. vail, C0. 01657 Aprit 16, 1990 I halre liv+d iti the upp+r lev+ls of the Rucksack building on Bridge Str++t f+r ma*y y+ars. 0n Feb. 2S, March 19, and Apnl 9 of this year I attrnded tfi+ Planning and Environmental Commission meetings of the Town of Vail. I attended these m+etings because of the proposed raising +f th+ Red Li+n Euiliting roof, wfiich would eseentially lotally elrminate the unobstructeri lEO degre+ vier.r of th+ ski ar+a and mountains u'lrich rre have nowfrom our h*me. I vias asbounded by tlre way the Planning Commission functi+ned; rrrore specifically the r+lationship betw*+n Diana DoRavan, th+ torrrn planners, ancl in the cas+ of lh+ Red Lion, att*rn+y Jay Feters+n and architect |im M+rter. The ab+ir+-mentioned people in Planning Commissiodt meetiags appar to function as one big happy family. There are no substantive differences in their opini+ns and +ne gets the very definite oFinion that the proposed proi+cts ar+ "done cleals" r+hen prop+sed and the Planning Commission is iust going through the motions to make everyttring legal. This was true not only in the case of the Red Lion, but also in the discussion of otier proposed pr+jects by the Planning Commission that I witnessed. The ioterplay at Planning Commission meetings that I attenited betwe+n Diana Donovar, the tor,rm planners and especially Jim Morter and Jay Peterson was nauseating. Ther+ is a total lack of a profesri+nal attitude by all concerned f+r the supposedly very impsrtant job that they are effipswer+<l hy the Town of Vail to d+. They actas a mutual admiration smi+ty wittr many self-serving compliments relling one another what a go+d job they all are doing. The +r+ssover +f the division c'f lab+r and ttr* sirnilarity of ideas at tlre Plannilg Commission rneetings that I attendetl was so gr+at tfiat it was oft*n tlifficult, if not impossit'l+, to determine 'wtro was representing r+trq to say nothing of wfiat the real issues were. A stranger walking into the meetings that I attended would g+t the very rlefinite impr+ssion that Jay Peterson was determining poticlr for the Town of Vail. Iliana Donovan,as Cfrairp+rso* of the gqmqtissionJgnq it in a very heavy- volte. an tolerates critical o lnannef Fefy from citiz+ns that tlte to Frop4#d pf+lects a.dsersely affect. Her attitude tor,vards thE public in expressrng thetr optnions ln trany cas+s bofders on ridicule anil iflsult, even with long- standing residenb and business people of vait. sh+ app+ars to have her mind made up and a decision marle even before a proposed proiectcom+s up for consideration. Tbe Tor+n Plann+rs tha.t I had tfie most expssure to at the m+etings, Hristan Prite and Tom Brarrn, were 'rnly trying to push the proj*cts tlrough as quickly as possihl+.ir attitud+ rirss lhat srnce the letter ol tfie, law oI the Town ol Vail was not . not witfistanding th+ many that are usually in every proj*ct and are usually granted iri a routine manner by the Flanning commission. Perhaps the name of tfie planning Coffimission should h changed to ttre "Commisssion to Grant Variances" inasmuch as yarianc+ requ+sts appear to granted as requested. Regarding specifically the R+d Lion e:<pansion: l. Th+ Planning Commission me+ting on tlre Re'ct Lion Project were h+ld on Feb. 2S, March 19, and April g, of lgg0. The proiect was apprsveit at fte Aprit 9 sessi+n. 5o, in a period of only six weeks, a rery major proiect affecting mariy peopl*'s vielals, sunlightand natural light to say nothing of the extremely significant impact of a massive new high building in ttre very center +f vail, was pushed though anil approved by the Planning Commission in a very quietafid fast manner. ?. Adjoining property owners were not notifiecl. I knew notlring of the prolect untit I saw the arcfiitecturai elevations up on the Red Lion roof at the end of January and made riur olrii inquiries t+ the Town oI vail. As +f April g, after th+ pr+pos+r3 proi+ctwas passed by th+ Flanning Commission, the part-time resi,$entwh,r liv+s below me,'wfio would be v*ry severely impacted by tfr+ R+d Lion proiect, still had not be+n notifi+d. This occured in spite of the fact that ttte Rucksack building is physically connected to th+ Red Lion buflding and th+ +xpanstCIn and roof-raising of t"he Red Lion is only a f+rar feet from wlrere we live. 3. Jay P+terson stated that the Or*ner's Association of the Mill Creek Court Builiting, immediately t,o the south of the Red Lion and another building severely impacted by tie new Red Lion, had approved the project. This is nothing but a blatant lie. The oumers of the units in the Mill creek Builcting were, as of April g, lgg0 not even a+tifi+d of the proj+ct and to thi$ day most of th+m are not even aware of t"tre prsposed raising of the Red Lion Building. The same can be saitl for all of the +th+r living ard comm*rcial units in th+ core of vail adversely aff+cted by tfre project {. The architBctural elevati+ns were put up on Jan. ?2, lgg0 and taken dov,rr Jan.25, 1990. During tlris tine flo one from the Town of vait ?iewed thenr from +ur living quarters. @ 5. Four m+mbers of the Vail T+wn Council bri+fly viewed tlre elevations on April l0- 1990 only froni sur deck. They dirl notcome inb our Uritrg quarters where tle totally obetructed ciew is even dramaticafly $orse. In ad,Jition, b+cause the elevations had been up for several days, the most important ones had be+n blovrn down by the wind, thus not giving a true picture of the sev+re adverse impact on the Rucf.sack building. 6- Jim Morter, th+ architect pushing the Red Lion erpansion, has said ttrat it does not greatly affect us. Jim M+rter has never be+n in our quarters. Hor^/ would he know? I{either has Jay Pet+rson. unfortunately, tre slick models +f the prolect that they show at th+ Flanning Commission meetings do not show tfie mountains aad sky that rt'e have totatl;'r lost and the greatly diminished sunlight cnd nahrral light. 7. Several varianc*s ri/+re quickly granted, including a rnodificati+n of th+ unain view corridor lrlo. l. to acc+mdate flre new Red tion eurtcing. Major vana[ces lch as these were iust pass+d as a matter of course. Little consitteration was given to tlle hug+ mass +f tlre pr+posecl Red Lion addition sticking up in fte cenber +i Vait tiltere hundreds of thousan,ss of tourists pass iust a few feat atoray every y+ar. g i!"u.h of tbe +nly thre+ aforementioned planning commission meetings, the Red Lion issue was last on ilre agenda. At each of th+s+ m+etings p+pt+ had shown up to voice their opposition to the Red Lion project. At the-Apiit s meeting, many pple in oppsiton had shown up. The Red Lion proiect was not actdre$ed unul 7 pm. and was approred at l0 pm. Needless to say, many people could uot stay unill tltis late hour b+cause of prior committrn+nts- At all ttrl+e me+tings fte late time of discussion greatly reduced the opposition to the Reil Lion prolect Was the fact that the Red Lion issue was alvrays last o'n the agenda only coincid+fice or tntentisnal? It made a kemendous impact on tlte opposition's input to the project. 9. The Rucksack Brrilding is a laf,dmark in vait; indeed its the only originat building o'n Bridge Street trat has not been remodeled. it is rtre oblect ot many photngraphs from the Mill creelc and 6ore creek Drive sid* by tourists. Being buri+d in tf,re shadow of ttre Recl Lion will forever etiminate this uniqueness. - l0- Fraakie Tang the dev+lop+r of the proposed Red Lion addition, called m;.r r,rrife and mys+lf to meet with her. she;equested we sign a document stating ttrai she '$ou1d eliminate six fe+t +f theYfrJHr part of the new addition wlrich would Preserve some of our view of Golil+n Peak from the corner of our liting room if we l""ould cease our opposrtion b her proiect. we refused to sign tfie docum+nt. She essentially told us "tough', and that sh+ would do $/hatecerltre waateo; '+ritb no consideration r,vhatsoever b+ +ur total eliminatiou of view, sunliglrt, and naturallight €) i t'. lt r* rny unrl+rstaniiig tt ut the Tovrn council tras cat+Il-*r the potential passing ol tre R+d Lion pr+jectatits April lr, tgg0 m++tirrg. Again, why the tig firirr| io rairi-r+d a Frsi+{it of tlris significarc+ an,J rnagnitu,x+ thrrrugh in a pericd of +nl;'r ss$en v+eeks with many highly questionable procedures to get it to ttre T+run founcil t* start with. Many p*ople wlro ar+ gr+aily adversely affected by it hase +nl,v verlr r+cp-ntlF h+arr,J a.hut it and some still harre n+t heard at'+ut it at. all. To the b*st +f my knowle.lge. th+re has been no mentron of it in the eith+r vail paper astrie fri:m the officia.l fnwn nofices. Conkast tlris tn fJle public controversy over th+ ^.i&D buildirrg several years ago. li. Already, with tf,r+ B+d Lion project not even finally appr+ved yet th+r+ is much legitimate talk of several other buildings greatly increasiug their heights to th+ masimum in Commercial Core I of Vail, with consequential negative impacts on view corrid+r Ho. I and natural light and sunlight in the m+st prominent part in the Torrm of Vail. Do w+ really want high-rises in the heart of Vail? I *toultl like to tbink that tftere are etlical consid+rations in a governmental matter of this kitttl. Hawever it app+ars that ethics in this case have talcen a back s+at ta expediency by certain pe+ple frr profitability, as tfiey attempt to push tlrough an e:<tremely sensitive project in tlre very heart of downto$*rr vail in a quick and quiet manner. It is obvious that t[ey are attemting to minimize public atlention, ttuhich I am sure Br{'LUd b+ consirJerabte if it t*ere public knor,vledge of the prop*,sed proiect. Thank-y*u for your lime and kin<t consideration of tlris matter. P,s. Tou harr+ my Frmission ro copy nris tetter aryour -tK!ffi'fl1*o**u*, you d*em appr+priate. frZ 4/so rt. oil,,iX/ /0 4ait,a1f1"/ pta)oJ a\ 1"0:;i.i ,b1.Th- Vi;l 7;*" st iJf"ro,tnor' j,f A. ons"/is),uJ /aqsrywl cts flu /Ar*i, i'^');rrtan TfarseJ'il::t|3yr/,r.7,riy, 'i^L )/ i: 71,,, b"h,--,^^fr-, [:y;; ! t,,r rij f;1,? i,1," ;, ]:,:l " i: i# :::ti;;,. ratcepfiona I 5p"" I o rJ p,,tcfarss o^ fi-- po^f a+ fl+TOV Sincerely, ariln J. Mullally, M D 6] /a r;*,/ /ff, D*o" Dt. S/",n/"y: 1 n, u,rt/tai yo, 'h;, /"for Lu*o,. f. h1,.1,erf /r'/L .s"fitSorfro; io /n./i1 *.n/)" frt*, ,a l/aif a,J,'f u.at 1<.a2a*,!. d/htr T Jo .ro Ly heaT p*p/n - n' /, /o, A s" /1 - e-r,plenqf'i, ;i''/r",|;ior-*j:' ,;;f'::'{l ,ta(,t s, A.r,ie ,U|frntc,tt ftarE), --- T ^t T)" t,;ff p]1*(tqa it, /r)/ J,r,,1 lU, f,ir>f \ 'vo f,;c4sa<s ho '' I Luaf op*- Ct/},^ l/oil ,Sr*, I u Clrit'*t /?at f]o J ir<t D't'; $)n<. Lvq' , q /fn. )c*t t'|'1 \r Lolro. Lofv fh"f /# S^son ,'f'mrr, L' );o h- SlrroV, Foont ti lnt boY'*-''f ,\ 1b Et L nn ,u'f. tr^* 9*4 **^ L'o'n Rtfo'r*,ff it Lt'ow /o r"f" J. fu" 2*b futon fi. A/2," oLctr t) 14" )41rt/ 6.tk B",tJ,;r. Lqi I I'l a eoc*frr-i m&ro( STtftn ti /los- Jn4s - T)nnr,,uer ho I+. 7la Vtuire f, wat) ha; J ? s,<;^ l,r$-|, ouJ.1 <,,!a roor_., al f,_ L,lr.. [d7rr\n"e r?4./t,/dfu r. 1.,,t" ,/ dllazqozel 3' ts"'lioL A: O. Box125o cV"il, A"lo'*lo gftEs Aprll 9, 1990 To: The Plannlng Comlseion Town of Val1 Vafl' C0 From: Marge Burdick ?.O. Box 1268 Vai1, C0 81658 I an l,rritlng conc erni.ng the proposed add lt lon to: The Red Llon InD Apartm€nt 304 Brldge streetr:tdll' Co 81657 Mrs. Oscar Tang ' ouner Mort er Architeets' archltect The blueprlnts and model were just sho$n to me and I was told the GRFA of th"";;;p;;; "aaartron ls 9'127 s'F" well under the allowed 11,i;;:ii-;'r' The rnasslng 1g attrac+ : ;; ;iy- ;;"; i1,.1 -9 :,T'il*":r' :"{ol" "l'r; " :lffi ":: " ttree unlts Proposeo Frankle Tang tne "t'"tni-t'"t t'2a1 gooil taste ln design' which pleased me' ;;'d;;; rotttt-"t {n this proJect steog from the fact tbat ;t;;-;;;r< ana-l- built the Red Lion i"i*r" isoz, and that aPartment was ny none' rhis plan brings a proud t"tT9-:t- :-:"1ili:":::: :; l*"' irr. pi."*t owoer of the apartneot aoo I resraurant seen ro ;"-;;r;';; "eLl with one aaother i'o the corporace plan of ti" itt"t it tttt restaurant and the nen ;;:;;;;; ot .t " aPartnent ' It nas brought to my attentLon that 1 srralt- aDourt of space on ttre tront,'nl;;h*;;t elde of the bulldlng ie ftrit reer r$* totr. ti s e fmFrn ; Erq Pt i:l,i i :, itl: o frrot mshammer, nnc. $u Teleohone: 303/476-5626$rd Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer 1990 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 April 9, Planning Commission Town of Vall 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 8f657 Dear Members of the Plannlng Comrnission: vail has become a very successful- skl resort. wetre constantly workingto lmprove our too.n and mountai.n, and it is a wonderful place. Norrr isa critical time for us, and ne oust take the right steps to maintainthe unique qualities of our town and control the grorrth of the Villagethat everyone 1oves. As many older buildings in vail village are reuodeled, we must becareful to maintain the scale on which the village was originallydesigned. The issue werre talking about today concerns the Red Lionr srequest for varlances to add two stories to their existing building,which would almost double rheir square footage. rf this ls allowed to takeplace, the precedent will be set for the expansion of other buildings,which would add many, many square feet to the Village core. Wheredoes it stop when so many variances are granted upon request? Ilith increased density will come many negative inpacts, in terms ofdelj.verles, parklng and trash removal. These will be long term, nortemporary, problems. For so many years, the Village has been aconstruction zone in the summer. Just when we thought al_l 0f theconstruction was completed, werre starting again! And, let usnot forget that enormous increases in property taxes for all VailVillage business owners will result from such expansion. rf the Red Lion construction project - with 4 stories - is approved,other bulldings will follow sult, and Bridge street will be like ashaft of high rlses, with only a narrow walkway for foot traffic.With increased deliveries, etc., if therets oDe car parked on BridgeStreet and another attempts to pass, there will be no room forpedestrians. I urge you to consider all of the irnplications of the Red Lionrsrequest carefully, so that our tonrr can grow gracefully and functionproperly . Sincerely, Pepi Graurshammer Mnrtln Mullally 288 Bridee Street Vail, C0 81657 Feb. l{, 1990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Direcror/Senior Planner of Com m unity Develop menr Vail Municipal Building 75 S. Frontage Road V' VaiI, C0 81657 Re: Proposed raising of Red Lion building roof Dear Ms. Prutr I have ovned and lived at 288 Bridge Street in rhe upper levels of rhe Rucksack Building for many years in the vinter and also in recent years in the summer- The Rucksack is located imnediately north of the Red Lion Buildlog; indeed the Red Lion is vithin three feet of my home, directly between us and Vail mountain. Only recettly, it has come to my attention that there is a movement underway by the Tang's to enlarge the present, lotrg-standing, one large condominium ofl the upper floor of the Red Lion inro three new units to sell oa a speculation basis. (In spite of tle fact that this has been Bcovn by the Tovn of vail for sometime aad that I live within three feet of the Red Lion. I received no official trotice whatsoever of the proposed actiotr until Feb 12, 1990.) This proposed enlargement vill require very maior renorrations, including raising the present high-point of the red Lion over ten feet. In aildition, there will be another entirely nev Red Lion roof (and vertical supporting lirall) built onty 2l feet from our home. This new roof and wall vill be over ten feet higb and is directly between us and Vail mountain, as is the entire Red Lion roof. old and new. S'e w-ould have then in effect tvo much higher roofs {and one nev *'all) on the Red Lion. All of this greatty would greatly Jut dovn on the sunlight and ilatural lighl to our home and would give us the very definite effect of living in a dark cave and looking into a blank vall only 21 feet from our home. Also, on the Bridge Street side of the Red Lion roof, a nev five to six feet vall is to be built only seven feet from our bedroom which eliminates our viev of rhe soulb etrd of Bridge Street. Ftr all these vears we had a panoramic view over lhe present Red Lion rurol from weil east of Cu.lden Peal. up Vail Mountain to Riva's Ridge. continuing to Lhc vest oir€r the Vista Bahn, and then to a full viev of Giant Slep::. Inlernnlional, ai:d the sauth end of Bndge Street. BY RAISING THE ROOF OF TEE RED LION. THESE PRTCELESS MOUT{TAIN VISTAS ARE TOTALLT, COMPLETEI,Y. IOOT OBLITERATED. I have been in Vail since ir opened in 1962. I fully realize that in marters oI this type, seldom is anything black and white- especially in Vail. But if any situation approaches it, this is surely the one. The proposed raising of tbe Red Lion roof does not diminish, decrease, or restrict our vie*'of the mountain and ski area to the sourh - IT TOTALLY WIPES II0UT. Ihe lang's have very c,rnvealenr,ly left themselves a vjew ccrridor rhrough the proposed new Red Lron roof so rhat rheir viev ro the easr of the tiore Range is preserved from their condominium in the Plaza Lodge. In the early 1980's, a siorilar attempt was made to raise the roof of tbe Red Lion. The project was rejected b;* the Town of Vail due to vigorous opposition by myself gnd orhers. Sjhen the Tang s r'enlpleted their condoDinium on the roF floor of the Plaz'r l.odge tn l9BB, rhls greatJv decreased our v,es/ ro the v;esl. Again, this r"'as drme withour anv prior r:otification vharsrever to us by the Tovn crf Yail. Four years ago, the A & D building was constructed iararediately 1o ihe *or1h of us on the southeast corner of Bridge Street and Gore Creek Drive. Previous to this, there was a single slory building there, and ve had an unobstrugted I'isr,' to the north, including the Clock Tover. the mountains to the north, northeast, and norlhwest, Bridge Streel, and Gore Creek Drive. The A & D building has essenlral.ly totally elimrnated these vrews. The A & D building was burlt q/ithout anv prior noilfication to us whatsoever by the Tor/n of Vail. This builcling is actual.lv built ro within I6 inches of our building, and its rnof{iae actually overhangs our building. I have been advised that the A & D building is iltegal according to the statutes of the Town of Vail at the time it cras built. Enough is Enough! When rve bought this residence l2 years ago, we had unohstructed views to the north, south, east, and c/est. The north and wesl have already treen taken away Now, for purely monetary garn by certain mdrvl{ua1s, the irreplaceable mountain view to rhe south is agairi being threatened. It is impossilrle for me and my familv to even begin to undersland how the Tovo of Vail could be so insensitive that it would even seriously beein to consider the proposal to raise the roof of the Red Lion vith all the adverse effects on us and many others in the heart of Vail Village purely to satisfy the greed of a developer when it does nothing else for the Tor/n of Vail. At this point I do nol even like to think what tolally blocking the mountain view would do ro the Rucksack and other properry values tn the area. You can be sure that this blatantly selfish and totally insensitive proposal will be fought by me and many others by whatever rneans is necessary to stop it. Enclosed are photos taken from our home when the architectural plans and elevations were put up on rhe Red Lion roof the week of Jan. 22. 1990. The pict.ures are self-erplanatoc;v in regard Io what the proposed cunsiruciton v,r(}$ld qio [o our sunhghr. natural lighr, and view. Thank-yriu for your kind consideration of this ma[[er. Sinpergll', rr ,. r, fl/b#;Yut^'L\"0 Martin Mullallv MM/nbm cc Kent Rose - ma!'or of Vait Diana Donovan - Chairperson cf Planniag and Envirinmental Commission. Thomas de C+ene Peter Jaffe - atty. Neil G. Ir{ullally - alty. Meobers of Vait Town Council ou' PUBLTC NOTICE The Town Council of the Town of Vail wilt consider the proposed redevelopment of the Red Lion Building at their May t, 1990 neeting. Items to be discussed include: 1. Second Reading of Ordinance 16, Series of L990, anending Ordinance J.3, Series of 1983, in order tonodify View Corridor No. 1r and 2. Appeal of Planning connission action approving aconditional use pernit, a stream setback variance, asite coverage variance, and an exterior alteration. The meeting is scheduled for 7 !30 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building at 75 S. Frontage Road. Questions concerning this project can be directed to the Department of conmunity Development, 4'79-2L38. 'i\t s r\ s'-\'*'^o-[\=- ?(es 1 lY( ( Ld RETODEL dr*,.. "r.r.. ("tks'ok % fnnr\in tffu\\dlr1 hR#^tt"' (tr"{S btts+ tll^. G*.o (n*,L',-'L Ra-,^^ o-*rt-(.^-r,n,.-, kJ l'r^+-'-- L/t G.',&o^ !'r /,Ltc. .(' a,\G51 fSR* ([",1^ .\ B..lr.klu PO t "* l]-to LJ'tCc, (t tlssd \JaI Yt t , $ r**r \A ^v\ v* r'1- L9\ t- L.---. c^'^--k D^ t)t-l.,- c co E/65-) Gn l^. \*V" ) o9 <s-.s-< 0'.,r'.. k D-, "^*- JAt(r( o Blts-l /l I '\ , I\,'.cq f U -lqlqr, dr'i,t MiIl Creek Court Condominium Association c,/o Vail Home Rentals 143 E. Meadow DriveVaiI. Colorado 8L657 Golden Peak Condominium Association 278 Hanson Ranch RoadVail, Colorado 8L657 Cyranos Margretta B. Parks P.O. Box 37312 Denver, Colorado 80237 Cortlandt Hill 311 Bridge StreetVaiI, Colorado 81657 vail Ski Rental Jack Curtin 254 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 C1ark Willingham P1aza Lodge 291 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Frankie & Oscar Tanq Plaza todge 291 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 8L657 Robert Hoerle 1158 5th Avenue Ne\.t York, New York 1-0029 Shirley Young General Motors Corp. 3044 W. Grand Blvd.Detroit, Michigan 48202 MonrnRAncHIECTS RED LION NAMES OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY Landmark Commercial Development Companyc/o Rosenquist & AssociatesP.O. Box 686Vail, Colorado 81658 John Dowling7 Gracy Square New York, New York 1-0028 April l-9, 1990 Mr. Jin Morter Morter Architects 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vailvail, co 81657 Dear Jim: The following outlines material I feel is necessary in order toexpedite the final DRB review of the Red Lipn proposal . Obviously the DRB was very positive about the proposal , however,it is in everybodyrs interest to tighten up and refine thesubrnittal to avoid cornplications down the road. As you arekeenly asrare, we have seen many revisions to the elevations,floor plans and site plan for this project. while I have assenbled each of these plans, I would like you to submit a complete set of revised plans for this projgct. f*-aa*i+ienr-i+. L<- *ah& {: +X"'..^ site plan. 4. Add a note to the elevations stucco planes to be recessed -.f"-2L.-"'-1 -.-{--"=-*-* t L.,4 -A hA {- +*'-,.^ 7lr^^< 1,,,<-.,.- *- 9,,.&.^ r tlJ: u L. Indicate dhe relocated lamppost oh the site plan. 2. 3. Provide consistent infornation on all site plans (some irnprovements are shown on Glenrs plans that are notreflected in your plans. This is important €€rs toavoid any confusion during pennit review and final review of the completed projectf,). fndicated relocated Sczechwan Lion menu board on the indicating all3 inches. windows on 5. Provide contour infonnation for ipprovements "#c alongMill Creek (i.e. grade changes to elirninate the step tothe green space adjacent the dining deck). o In response to comments rnade during the DRB encourage you to address the following: 1. Deternine the requirements for intlre restaurant area, and includethe elevations if it is required. meeting, I would $erior railinq aroundthis information ilt *- 2. I would encourage you to consider nodifications to thedeck railing detail on the buildirig. while I agreethat a solid rail detail is not ddsiredrthere may be some niddle ground between the rai,lings you haveproposed and a solid rail that wiJ,ll provide a moredecorative element on the buildingi. I would suggestyou also indicate the planter boxes on the elevations. 3. It would be helpful to see additidnal detail on the benches proposed for the plaza areia. ft appears you _ are c€+r+itiler.iltg new benches, and if so, a bencttr\uith apf.(i"''r"? ncrgr contoured back may be 'a positive irnprovernent. 4. The material list subrnitted three weeks ago should berevised to more accurately reflect] materials andcolors. I would also like to see an actual ccrfsr-material sanple of the dining deck roof cover. As we discussed today, I rdould encourage you to have additionalgraphie uraterial available at the Council meeting on May f. in response to concern about future developments encroaching intothe view corridor. This will hopefulty provide assurances toCouncil menbers concerned about this element of the proposal . Sincerely, Tonr Tow Joe Norris for their comment. It appeared t cil would like You should also present venting information fto susan Scanlan and Joe Norris for their comment. It appeared the Council would likto have a more definitive idea what venting is proposed with thisProject' p.",1"r^.Q ,Md *o lrnIt has tfu been {pLeasure fidr.ing with you and i6r*and on thisproject. The prcfet has cgf,ne a long way anp I hope that you share my,^feeling that we 4 have a better project than we did in January./$-I appreciate your help in respondihg to the itemsoutlined in this letter. Many of these things would not bereguired if I were going to be l"nvolved throirghout theconstruction of this project. However, this additionalinformation should hopefully elininate any questions and issues as the project develops. Braun&ry TB/P9 a a G^.{ r /'ltv z-.,fit* -A,k - *{L.', ',u .-*l'L^. *- /*-Y \* ,-t4,-'4*.9 Jt -- /<l rt +*!*. +* t-'..,^t|.r-- +6n"* Cacn{."c , 6\ rJL -.,\- b*L qr"*- X{V- ^1-^| f.*, J...,^ fL {"rn Sro. "r-l^ qS t{*q1-*f ,-,-^i,+ 4ttL- rd-l\J- + vr'{ "*l oG* n^n(ir*^x^^ Af{"-A (^,..-x Jl lr"!J^-,,^ L,^,Jof."-lru l- te | , A r 'A<'*.Lr y$/ .-U-,.1t v d o,+Itt" -1\JJL a'g,,v''r"f--, ?t-r,-\ &ttz^;,r,-', -A n-1a...s<- or 4, rrt,.r "--,9*t'l .r, ,lr|,@r. {.lF$d.{pL- IANSil\-'r.a\VnP*kv*^ Cr*LAtnrtl) ill,ottJt{ll( *s \ uxd \:tLi- 1. +L*- \t-- t* i,-.A l* ,Jd!hf 46"1o ,v'\.- {- .-,J& Z,*& | *ae'A ,;1" /*r'4}' cra^...,,*<tD $- C$-.''-(-- 1rr^-\..- *[ .r.^^\ "j^^-\ L t\a.k ,l ** 6,* tt O^A t1- 6,.. ,^lfrn J^' 0*/ -t* 4 '*'9' 44** i- ( ek"6\ o X. u:rv.u; e 4W,<\ n,il L n f*L'l-glrY t a .-ul*c,+*ttll-' rJ"* -a /.""/*, ' aI '/ ' (*ol [^t\.t-i"-- +ut'/^- .-.+- ---- ,!i- - *- ii i;i- .'* '1i1- -: rtl,il il "i1l_. _,, llf _ ti--'-*-.''.iil , *- *.*".iii:* .:ij ifi-'tii-*'i:i i"- -'-''=',*frff.-'-. =L-"' f:l '4'r.!.,:l 1 Applicable elenents of this proposal are reviewed within thenenos. The staff can not support this project at this tine. There are a nunber of posltive elenents of this plan that should not be overlooked. Anong these are the streetedge improvements along llanson Ranch Road, the introduction of dining and the wallnray along I'lill Creek, and the fact that development on theslte is not being naxlmized. However, the staff feel.s stronglythat many elernents need refinement. Among these are the newdining and walkway along Mill Creek, the overall nassing and roof forms proposed on the buildlng, and the proposal to completely enclose the existing Red Lion dining deck. staff recommends denlal of this request as currently proposed. Jay Petersen, council representing the applicants, began by recalling the last meeting. To the best of his rnenory the ConnLssion aslced for severat changes at the last neeting. Tosinplify the roof forms, lessen transparency, move the deck to the east and enclosure along the northwest corner. Jay asked that the Commission keep in nind that there are 2different applicants in this manner. one was the cornnercial space owners and the other the private condo owners. Jay felt that in looking at the Design Guldelines, it was important to get activity around the proposed back deck area. He felt that this would not be accomplished without the deck. As far as the deck enclosure, he felt that the rrrekordrr doors lfere a trade-off. Blurs, Sweet Basil and Vendettars itere examples of businesses currently using nrekordtr doors. Contrary to what Tom had said, he felt they were opening tbe deck up rather than closing it. ff this enclosure was a rnajor problem, the applicants were open to discussion. Jay contlnued to explain ttrat he felt the town had lost a lot of reitaurants because of the cost of redevelopment and cornmercial space. Referencinq pubtic input on this project, Jay wished for the Cornnission to be alrare of the feelings of neighboring buildlng owners who were not present. He said that Jack Curtain and the Board of Director of the slifer Building are now in agreement. ilay felt that they had been very sensitive in trying to keep the massing out of view. It was unfortunate that it affected the Rucksack. He felt that the mass needed to be kept off of Bridge street and Hanson Ranch road. In order to significantly reduce the view inpact to Rucksack, they would have to shift the building by 2o-3o feet. Jirn Morter, architect representing the applieants, began to address issues raised by Ton. He stated that he agreed that a 3r6tr walk was not enough. Kathy Warren inquired about the tree relocation. Jin Morter expllined that €he only reason they ltere considering relocating the trees was to allow for the public walkway. It had nothing to do with the building or construction itself. Jin Morter explained that they felt the view down Hanson Ranch Road was very inportant though it was not a fornally adopted corridor. Ile continued to acplain that they would be nore than happy to rrork with Jeff Winston of Winston and Associates. As far as the adopted View corridor, they were behind the Clock Tower and Rucksack Tower and below GoId Peak Building. Jin feltthat it was appropriate to keep the roof of the building steppingback. He showed an exanple of the HilI building and how it was done. Jin Morter explained that he had followed the suggestion of the board from the previous neeting and reduced the glazing with windows. Ilowever, he felt that it lras appropriate to have windows in a llving room. They have changed the windowE in this location but not deleted then. Referencing Tomrs comments on Sun/Shade, they cast no new shade on the Rucksack building. Kristan asked for Jim lrlorter to point out the specific Etructural clranges that were made. ilirn lrlorter pointed the changes out on the drawings. The changes- basically include window deletions, regroupings, mass cJranges and changes on the East elevation. The decks were simplified, windows were changed to punched opening rather than arched openings, and in general , a more Tyrolean look was added to the architectural style. Jin ltorter showed pictures of roof lines and window treatments found on various buildings throughout the town. ExarnpLes of buildings included the Sitznark, the Gorsuch Building, the one Vail Plice auilding, the HiLI Building, Helgas, the Tivoli and the Iodge butlding. These examples showed that the Red Lion buifdinq was both appropriate and found withln the framesork of the Village. Jirn continued to explaln the roof changes on the north and south elevations and the deletion of roof slopes- Regardlng the windows, they made a 30t reduction in nindow trtatnenis. The only place large glass is still in pJ.ace is the living room. He felt he could not reconmend to his client to put " 3r5ri window ln a living room with a view of vail I'tountain- Regarding the suggested roof changes along Hanson Ranch Road, they urade only ninor changes to the elevation. He felt that to bring the lines together would add unwanted bulk. Jay Peterson interjected on the views on that side of thebuilding. He felt this added buLk would block a wanted view. For example, the Hong Nong building blocked the Lazier Arcadebuilding vlew. A VIDEO TAPE OF TIIE SUPER STRUCTT'R8 WAS SHOWN. Yvonne llullaLly addressed the Conniesion with public input. 6he oitns a unit in the Rucksack building. she had a few questions. First she wished to know if the deck in the back required a setback variance. Second, she asked Jin Uorter trow the additionaffects her right to light. She has to lay on her back to seedaylight. Uorter responded that the addition is affecting the amount of sky but not fiqht. Diana asked Tom to distinguish the difference betrseen Light andView. Tom explained that fieht does not specifically mean direct sun light. JLn Morter pointed out that according to Sun/Shade charts, the Red L,ion building only cast shadows on an existing roof. Yvonne asked why atl the nass of the building was on the side of the Rucksack building, She continued to ask why more cement is needed (walkway) along the creek. she also found it hard to believe that they were planning to reloeate 17 year old trees. Yvonne continued by asking whether Rod Sliferrs approval of the project was on behal.f of tbe Condo Association or his persona3. benefit. Jay responded that the approval was per tbe Board of directors. Pepi Gramsharnrner approached the Connission with pubJ-ic input. He stated that he ls at this neeting on behalf of the Village, not speciflcatly this project. He feelE that the Village style and slale is why people visit vail. one building will not kill the character oi tne-Village. However, if you approve this project' it will set a precedence for others. AIso, the sumrner tourist trade is very irnportant to the Village. He feels this trade would be hurt by such major construction in the Village. ft also aeems to hin that a project that requires five variances nust be Iooked at very carefully. we should be careful not to hurt the character of our Village. DaLton Williams corrnented on the unit entrance by the Szechwan Llon Restaurant. Instead of four 90 degree turns, it would be more suitable to leave it the way lt was today. This would save loslng a tree, planter and a cut-up valk. Dalton would prefer- to see the walk fo1low the contour of the stream, meandering, rather than a straight edge. He also suggested the possibility of constructing-a bridge at the end of the walk until the connection behind the Rucksack building can be coupleted. Dalton liked the punched windows. However, he felt they still looked 198ors or bots. He agreed with Pepi that growth rnust be linited. Concernl-ng the Rucksack building, Dalton felt tlrat the Red L,,ionproject vas taking loot of the viens from the unit in the Rucksack. He suggested taking the back corner where tlrefireplace was straight back. This would add back some view of Gold Peah for the neighbor. Dalton was also concerned about the vent fans. He was rrappalledrr by the noise and grease. llore attention needed to be paid in this area. Regarding the front deck enclosure, be was not too concerned as long as it was openedup. He nas concerned witb the existing planter. It looked as though it would faII apart at any tine. Chuck Crist asked if tbe passage between the Rucksack and the Red Llon bullding could be opened up by this proposal and Torn responded, rrNorr. Both buildings were buLlt to existing property lines. Chuck contLnued by conmenting on the vent fans. He would Like to see them consolidated due to the smell etc. He appreciated tbe reduction in windows and felt it did look better along witb the reduction of the nunber of roofs. He asked what the pitch was along the roof and Morter answered, 't3/Lztt. Chuck said that he would like to see flower boxes on every porch. He had no problen with enclosing the front deck. However, he did see a problem with the exlsting planter wall out front. Kathy Ylarren guestioned the June 15 to Septernber 15 requirenentto keep the deck open. Jay responded that he did not feel that the intent was to keep the deck open 24 hours a day. It does not nake sense if it is raining and cold. Also, tbey would like to be able to close tlre doors at the tine the establlshrnent closes. Kristan Pritz conmented that this is a najor concern and should be addressed further. In her opinion, this 1982 condition of approval should continue. Dalton stated that a compromise could possibly be made. They could be required to be open with the exception of inclementweather. This would eliminate the possibility of closing then due to noise. Diana asked if there rtere any restriction of Vendettars or Blurs and Tom responded none. lhe assumption was nade tbat thedesirabllity of an open deck would keep the operation open when possible. Jay stated that they could agree to a conpromise such as Dalton had suggested, 10 Kathy warren continued by agreeing that the mass should be Urought toward tlanson Ranch Road in order to be more sensitive to the Rucksack building. she was also concerned about the fans. She vould like to see the elevation fron the pedestrianrs view fron Hanson Ranch Road staked again and felt the elevation isstill very complicated. Jin llorter asked if she felt so strongly about the-elevitlon that she would prefer to see a cold line with nore bulk. Kathy explained that it seened to her they could pull some of the nass fron Rucksack toward the Hanson Ranch side and sirnplify the roof on Hanson Ranch. Kathy was more comfortablewith the fenestration. She was in favor of the rrrekordrr doors on the Bridge Street deck. She was opposed to the patJ.o dining on Town of Vail property. Sbe would agree to the strean setback only for the sroall building addltion, not for the deck. She could not agree to a site coverage varlance for tbe patio dining. Honever, she had no problen with a site coverage variance for the snall building addition. Kathy had no objectlon to tlre view corridor amendment and would like to reiterate that the planter area in the front needs to be redone. Jay aslred if she felt it needed to be redone or repaired and Kathy responded redone. Jin Shearer took the floor by commented that he also would }ike to see the North elevation restaked. He asked about a right to air and sight. What it inplies. If exhaust comes directly into Rucksack, what happens? Jin Shearer continued by explaining that one chimney would be nore desirable for the senses of srnelL and vision. He agreed sith Dalton that the view from Rucksack could be addressed by deleting the corner from ttre bacl< chinney area. Jin asked if the rock wall found along the streamwalk behind the A e D building was something that could or would be done behind the Red Lion building? Kristan answered that the staff feels that opening the area up to pedestrLans is positive. The staff feel-s tnat the proposed dining deck could be reduced to allow for more of a green area. They would prefer not to use any tlpe of retaining wall. JLn Shearer tiked the wallfiray idea ln general . lle liked the architectural changes on the nost part and agreed with Chuclc that he would like to see more flower boxes. Jin liked the nrekordtr doors and was happy to see that the }ogo would be brought back. He also liked the iact that they were wLlllng to work with ileff Winston on the streetscape. 11 Connie Knight apologized for not making the site visits. She stated that she had no problems with the window changes. she asked how nuch roon there was to the South for a nass shift and Jin Morter answered approxinately several thousand square feet. Connie continued asking if they could shlft the mass in this direction nithout affecting the view corridor? uorter replied that they could e:rpand without affecting an offlcial view corridor. Hottever, ttrey felt the view between Red Lion and cyrano.s was irnportant. Connie then asked if they could redesigm the back corner by the fireplace as Euggested previously in order to open up the Rucksack View and llorter answered that this rould not leave a living area. Connie then asked lf the awning sould be left on the front side of the building and ltlorter replied yes, a permanent awning. Connie then asked Bill Anderson, proposed construction superintendent, if he could bulld without hurting the trees in the back and he replied yes. Diana Donovan wished to reiterate points nade by the other conruission menbers. she agreed that the fans needed to be addressed and that the strean setback should not be increased except for the condo entrance. she didnrt feel there should be an open patio in the back. Glass doors would be nice. The patb area should be inforrnal with no retaining walls. Diana then asked about the height of the planter wal1 out front. llorter responded that the wall behind the new planter would be taken out. Diana felt a two foot pl-anter would not be adequate to keep people safely within the deck boundaries. The deck needed more leplration. -Keeping the awning and logo was great. She did not like the access for tbe condo entrance. ft should not be entered off a public area. Diana was against the North deck enclosure without receiving sonething in return. She would be more in favor of the enclosure if they could cunte the corner so as not to block the vlew around the corner. She felt that the orekordtr door issue (tines for openingr/closing) needed specificrestrictions. She could agree to allowing then to cloEe the doors when the bar closed but not during inclernent weather. Dlana felt it would show great sensitlvity if they could redesign the corner to alLow a view fron the Rucksack buiLding. Diana preferred not to move the line on the view corridor but to . -;,allow Lhe exception of a new picture once the buiLding was ,n-1,\ "''i.conplete. She was afraid of setting a precedence. 'ir-n,.{/4* Tom stated that this was an issue to be discussed with Larry Eskwith. L2 a Diana continued stating that she would llke to see the applicants help find a solution to the delivery problen. She would like to see all access to the Red LLon building totally fron Hanson RanchRoad. In response to PepirE conrnents, Diana agreed that thereare some tough decisions ahead for the Courrission. There will be rnany that will nake people unhappy, however, she felt they would be looked upon favorably in the future. oscar Tang, speaking for his wife, stated that they have been accused of being part tine residents. They prefer to live herepart time. His wife has chosen to improve the property. If you want flower boxes, she will make sure they are there. She wouldlove to wl-n the contest for flowers or lights. However, theHills are pretty tough to beat. Tank continued stating that his wife is not a developer. They bought the Red Lion with the intent of eapturing the control ofredeveloping. They have the sane desires as Pepi and feel they are sinply taking a more active role by purchasing and developing the property thenselves. They felt that they could be nore sensitive than just any deveLoper. They understand they are hurting others, but feel they are helping the Town as a whole.!!r. Tang expressed the fact that he would be willing to restrict future development. Chuck Crist stated that he had since cbanged his rnind and would rather not see a deck in the back. He liked Dianars idea of large glass windows. In response to ur. Tangrs connent concerning restriction of future development, Chuck inguired asto the nurnber and names of the other owners and how tbisrestriction could be acconplished. Jay replied that there were two individuals through Landrnarkproperties and the Tangrs. Tang would agree to bind GRFA. fveryttring outside the confines of airspace will need pemission of all other condo ouners. Jay then requested that the matter be tabled. Discussion continued regarding the staking of the property with Jay connenting on the cost and Tom directing the Conmission that if they have any questions, they should reguest the staking. Diana cornrnented-that it would nike her feel more comfortable in naking a decision. lt rlas agreed the entire roof woul'd be staked for the April 9 ureeting. A motion to table this oroposal to tbe 429 neetino with the condition that revised plans be subnitted bv 3/26 was nade bv Connie l(niqht and seconded by Da1ton Willians. VOTE: 6 - O IN FAVOR OF TABLTNG The neetingt was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. 13 o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Town Council Community Development Department April L7, L99o A request to arnend Vie\,/ Corridor No. l- and the revj_ewof the proposed redevelopment of the Red Lion Building. The Planning and Environnental Comrnission approved theredevelopraent of the Red Lion Building at their April 9, l_990neeting. This approval involved: 1. A site coveragie variance to pernit a .ZSZ increase insite coverage. (approved 5-1) 2. A stream setback variance to alLow a t!,/o foot encroachrnent into the reguired 3Or strearn setback.(approved 6-L) 3. A conditional use permit for an outdoor dining deck onthe east side of the building. (approved 7-0) 4, An exterior aLteration to add enclosed floor area tothe building in vail Vi11a9e.(approved 5-2) Commissioner Warren reguested that theCouncil be aware that she supported the project withthe exception of the proposed infill of a portion ofoutdoor dining patio on Bridge Street. The conditions of approval applied to these reguest include thefollowing: L. As a part of this redevelopment, the applicants agreeto point and repair the brick wall along Bridge Street and in tfle area of the small plaza at the north-westcorner of the site. Inprovements to this plaaa mayalso include upgrading existing benches, planters, newspaper box and trash receptacle locations and landscaping. 2. The streetscape improvernents shown along Hanson Ranch Road are considered conceptual, and the applicantsshall agree to work with the staff and WinstonAssociates in refining this design relative to the VailVillage Streetscape Plan. This condition shall alsoapply to the plaza area referenced in condition No. L and the landscape improvements proposed adjacent toMilI Creek. 5. 3. AlL windows located on stucco wall planes shall be recessed a rnininum of 3rt. 4. State of the art venting shall be used to reducenegative inpacts (snell, snoke, etc.) emanating fromthe site. The owner/developers of the residential deveLoprnent onthis site sha11 agree to permanently restrict GrossResidential Floor Area (GRFA), building height anddensity on this sj.te to what is permitted by thisapproval. The Town of Vail shatl be a party to tlrisrestriction and the restriction sha1l be recorded withthe Clerk and Recorders Office at Eagle County. Any trees danaged or kj-1led within two years of theconpletion of this project shall be replaced withsinilar size and type tree. The Red Lion logo shall be retained as a part of thisredevelopnent in approxi-mately the sarne size andlocation. The developers/owners are strongly encouraged toparticipate in developing solutions to traffic, loading and delivery problems in Vail Village. The Rekord doors (or other type of window systeminstalled) to the Red Lion Restaurant along BridgeStreet strall remain totally open during busj.ness hours between June L5 and Septenber 15 of each year. These windows may be opened at any other tirne during the yearat the discretion of the restaurant management. The applicants shalt complete stream-bank stabilizationwork on both sides of MilI Creek over the entire lengthof the Red Lion property. The final design andinplenentation of these improvements shal1 be subjectto review by the staff and the Design Review Board. The owners shall agree to participate in , and not remonstrate against, a special irnprovement district if and when one is forned in the Vil1age. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. AII of these approvals are the authority of the planning Comrnission. The amendment to View Corridor No. 1 requiresapproval by the Council. With regard to this amendrnent, thePlanning Conmission reconmended by a 6-l vote to reconmendapproval . for nodification to this View Corridor. Their supportwas predicated on two conditions: L. That the photo depicting View Corridor No. 1 beroodified to reflect the new Red Lion Building at a time when the expansion is completed. The Cornmissionpreferred this alternative as opposed to nodifying theline that delineates the View Corridor. 2. That the specific reasons justifying this reguest beincluded in the prearnble of ttre ordinance authorizingthis amendment. While the staff was supportive of this approach in amending theView Corridor, legal complications have developed that preventthis fron occurring. As written, the View Corridor Ordinanceprohibits any encroachment above the line indicated on the photo. To allow this developnent to proceed and simply rephotograph theview would be a violation of the Ordinance because the new ridgedoes in fact encroach into the View Corridor. Without changingthe wording of the Ordinance, this approach is not feasible. To change J.anguage in the Ordinance that would allow building encroachnents over the line could create greater cornplicationsfor future development in the Village. The staff feels that theonly feasible alternative is to rnodify the actual line on theofficial photograph of View Corridor No. 1. The staff would recommend that the View Corridor be arnended byallowing this deveJ.opnent to proceed, and after the building iscompleted, a new photograph will be taken and the line depictingthe View Corridor will be relocated and resurveyed to rundirectly above the buildingrs new ridge Line. While this approach does alter the line depicting the View Corridor, itprovides the greatest assurances against future encroachmentsinto the View Corridor. The acconpanying Ordinance outlinesconditions that would be applied to this amendnent. S-L-*- I q lq 4*t^*ald,f'*r- Jl- d-\ \-,.k 5, o *a"+ #- ,b,!sr*,-Lrun3 OsIy' - r* -y+ [ [u.= *l*:.- t"tLk ili 1: :ii I tl.iii i, oI 0r* G,mk f*J",^6' v It+{."/,4 I *1" e*V* CMP. -4\'t.nDzd 5.41.rY &l*h A'--K ?r.. ^ c.dr.,6-- L^- 4A*9" \.,f n/^,ti- \-' .1.,."^ -!. fi " ca^--\r-,\^^r -r[ ( ^*' 5r;rpa'^ | il, fl,l'^^ * I C--' ^\ i1,9-.\ oK "K aK*, &,r^'.-Ls.lr.-- (rr^ ar.. r.-Qrt,-,-'a' -t-t'+'f, ^ t lW *^*+8 * V.-.P,-*t/*, Y ry-"F fl t--'7t'"<4t l/*k a,!,\-c,(5t(rr<- a *7'rcfs d*.k /-,,L 1.- V*-- s-',"^^/t t--k/- at fl-.4,!,-.- t*LU, & (.!t^t &b" -u,v\ iZ.-{ C*fr"j *-fr",r,^ ,.vork-o'r-*-- u*, lL *p^,,1.vu4/-- b1 \:1277 '**7 &".,t; -.v*f j* < i'l l'- Jtlg- *1, ry \-r - '-".-a.Aa-\1r..d'\ ,) A-A,..ry./€' I--t---,r;..'..9) f,:+,S -1+s-) (r7-* -r*rl '''- *) Na'\\(Jt Xr--'vto07 - "' U' ::I .il |? .i *T\/ -.\,-LJ-+rfn>) --*,+fA :--_-. "a u uv i;)-t X^?frv4 "l;" -' - o o I /rar*4, u,<,At / "fr-*J'/. ,.^ ..1\f- [rq dk'^*'4 , Utthl-'1 o/)lAm^."i!tx' . ,# /*r*) o*l-fwr'tua-f r (/ c'l99\k ffi._*r(ftM Aa-D/\l\v bd&-wv--, \l Iresr-ir- wlaa* bu rl O l/i,Scoge-{<a}-*u* Mft Urso,k- (f):- \aoru-\ar wjJu in" r\r,""n +A M {l.a- rr\S ruo,o*r ln rDr-ptrt "\:-/ .. I ' *-l* r\ I6 *lL q t)u- o,r\s uq,*dr S {}€uud odc/' U r-, r\ l-,."'r.-\oiat\ dt'^rrh- "-qry$nk\C4Kf .-dd aI l.f12\ l oI ^l -4^q t**k . a A P rolessional Corporalion 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vall, Colo.ado 81657 303/476-51 05 MonrenAncnrECTS Letter of Transmittal o"'t' F"bruu"y 12, lggo To: Town of Vai l Conrnunity Planning Departrent Proiect: Red Lion Remodel (Condom'iniums & Restaurant) Please lind enclosed the following: t:'1 2/12/90 tL/27 /89 2/t2leo tL/el89 Remarks: Copies 1ea. I 1 ea. 4 4 4 of "Rekord" Type Door Cut Sheets Memorandum Requesting Encroachment Modification or Cl ari fi cati on Photographs with 0verlays Showjng Proposed Addit'ion Total of 11 Photographs Drawings A-1 through A-7 Landscape Drawings Survey Arlin MORTER By: ARCHITECTS A Pfoiessionai Corporation 143 East [4eaoow Dlve Crossroads al Va Vail, Coiorado 81E57 303 476-5105 MoruEnAncnIECTS TO: Town of VaiI Community Development Department FROM: Morter Architects DATE: February L2, 1990 RE: Red Lion Inn Remodef (Condominiums and Restaurant) Responses to the December Lt, L989 Community Development Departmentrs requests are as follows: 1. The existing sun shade analysis has been ad.ded to thesite plan, sheet A-1, with a heavy dashed tine. withthis additional information, the additional shadecreated can be compared to existing shade conditions.This information was provided in the January 29, 1990submittal and reviewed with the Community Development Department on February 5, 1990. 2. All new construction is shown on sheets A-1 and A-2. New construction site soverage consists of additionat space for entry to units 1 and 2, entry to Unit 3 andthe east eating deck. This information was providedin the January 29, 1990 submittal and reviewed withthe Comnunity Development Department on February 5, 1990. 3. Written statements indicating how the proposalrelates to points 7, 1.0 and 13 in the Urban Design Guide plan are as follows: 7, tandscaping has been provided along Mi}I Creek to improve the enclosure of MiIl Creek Court. Tofurther reinforce "gatewayrr to core and MiLlcreek as the boundary, 2 spruce trees, 1 willow and 2 mugo pines have been transplanted near the roadway to further reinforce the trgateway[ con-cept. Wild flowers and a perennial bed have also been proposed to add life and color to thelandscaping. Please refer to the landscape plan dated February L2, 1990. This information as shown on sheets A-L and A-2 were reviewed withthe Community Development Department on February5, 1990. 10. If and when the relocation of Seibert Circleoccursr the owners are prepared to discuss theirinvolvement. At this point, the landscape plan dated February L2, 1990 shows landscaping andpaver layouts in the area adjacent to Seibertcircle. February 12, L990 Page Ttro 13. Currently there are physical constraints notallowing a pedestrian walkway at the midpoint ofthe block between the Red Lion and the Rucksack. A vralking path is provided on the east side ofthe dining deck which can connect to the proposed bridge crossing Mill Creek. This walking path would be a continuation of the path described initem 8 of the Urban Design Guide plan. 4. Ridge and base elevations have been added to sheetA-7. This information was provided in the .Ianuary29, L990 submittal and reviewed with the Community Development Department on February 5, 1990. 5. More detail has been provided to the elevations onsheet A-6. lhe shadows added to the elevations andthe model help to understand the building mass. A Conditional Use Permit for the was provided with the January More detail has been added toA-1., and the ground level plan, MorueRARcHlrECTs outdoor dining patio29, 1990 submittal .the site p1an, sheet sheet A-2. 6. 7. 8. A landscape plan/paver plan is provided in the sub-mittal dated February t2, 1-990. A zoning analysis was provided with the January 29,1990 subnittal and reviewed with the community Development Department on February 5, 1990. The zoning analysis has been revised (February L2, L99O) and resubmitted with this submittal. The Community Development Department reguested a one page documentlisting site coverage, open space coverage, building GRFA and building height.This information isattached to this submittal and dated February 12,1990. GRFA was indicated on floor plans using a spe-cific color for each unit. This was reviewed withthe Community Development Department on February 5, 1990. 9. A thirty foot stream setback variance was providedwith the January 29, 1990 submittal. The surveyorhas provided the stream centerline to survey drawings. 10. Per the site plans and topographical survey dated November 8, 1989, the building corner is 0.3r outsideof the lot Iine. lhis is an existing condition andin an area not affected by this proposal. We have reviewed this with Jay Peterson. MonrenAncnIEcTS February L2, 1-990 Page Three 11. On February 6, 1990 hre requested authorization fromehe Town of vail to proceed. on the application forIocating a stair from a second floor condominium unitonto toltn property and to extend a dining deck ontoto!"n property. We requested a response prior to theFebruary 26, L990 Planning Commission work session. 12. The gas meters are proposed to be relocated fromtheir current location. This is due to the additionof the east deck adjacent to MilI Creek. No otherutilities are proposed to be relocated at this time. 13. Level one (basement), level two (ground floor) andexisting level three condominium plans dated JuIy 23.1984 were provided in the January 29, Lggl submittal.This was reviewed with the Community DevelopmentDepartment on February 5, 1990. 14. One lock-off each for the three condominiums isproposed. It has not been determined whether theywill be rented or not. 15. A copy of the application for exterior alterations ormodifications in Conunercial- Core I, Vail Vitlage hasbeen signed by Chuck Rosenquist and provided in theJanuary 29, t990 submittal. 16. Enclosed is a memorandum reguesting the Town of Vailto modify or clarify the view corridor ord,inance. Aphotograph is enclosed showing the encroachment. 17. The vicinity map on sheet A-1 has been upd.ated andshows Milt Creek, Cyranos, Seibert Circle, plaza Lodge and Rucksack. 18. The current procedures for trash as wetl as serviceand delivery will remain unchanged.. The existingtrash enclosure will be removed and this space wil1be incorporated into a portion of the outdoor eatingdeck. The new trash area is adjacent to the existingtrash area, (re: sheet A-21 , and will be exhausted tothe exterior. L9. A variance application for additional site coverage was provided in the January 29, 1990 submittal . o MoruenAncH ITECTS February 12, 1990 Page Four 20. We are currently pursuing the latest in satellitetechnology. Forms will be submitted once all theinformation has been reviewed. 21. The existing indoor eating area, as shown on sheetA-2, wiII be extended to the north approximately 9'-6rf. The entire west elevation of the new andexisting covered eating deck will open up with arrRekordtr tlpe door. These openings will extend fromfloor to ceiling with heating elements located flushwith the floor. The north and south elevations willalso have trRekordlr tlpe doors from floor to ceiling.No skylights are proposed due to their impracti-cability in this climate with the existing roofslope. !'fith full height rfRekordtr t11pe doors onnorth, south and west elevations, the enclosed deckwiII present an open feeling to the street. ttRekordrr tlpe doors are also proposed for the east elevationof the existing dining room opening to MiIl Creek andthe nelv exterior eating deck. This was reviewed withthe Community Development Department on February 5, 1990. 22. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: a. To address the street enclosure ratio, a streetenclosure section has been added to sheet A-7.This was reviewed with the Community Development Department on February 5, 1990. a cross-sectiondesignation has been added to the roof plan onsheet A-7 as requested in the February 5, 1990 meeting. b. The landscape plan dated February 12, 1990 showsthe landscaping and pavers proposed for street framework. 23. Per discussions with the Community Development Department, the site will be staked prior to the sitevisit. The Cormunity Development Department will in-form Morter Architects when the site visit will takeplace. The building has had poles and wire providedwhich indicated the new height. Photographs areattached showing the building heights. We understandthat we will provide poles and wires showing heights one more time. 24. Cut sheets for the rrRekordrt tlpe doors are enclosed. 25. Photo overlays of the proposed building on theexisting Red Lion building are enclosed. MonrenAncnrECTS February L2, 1990 Page Five 26. No comments have been provided to us from JeffWinston as of this date. We will respond to conmentsonce received. 27. Building area included in site coverage calculationson the survey were provided with the January 29, 1990submittal.A revised survey showing building areaincluded in site coverage calculation is providedwith this submittal . 28. STAFF CONCEPTUAI-, COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSAL a. A model was provided to the Conununity Development Department on February 8, 1990. b. The pocket park was preserved as much as pos-sible. Refer to Ground Level- (entry to Unit 3)sheet A-2. c. A pedestrian access along the stream has beenprovided. The access path has been located notto impact the 1-00-year flood pIain. Refer tosheet A-L and A-2 for the walking path. d. A landscaping plan dated January 12, 1990 issubmitted in this package. e. There is no employee or manager unit proposed atthis point. f. As stated in Item No. 15r w€ are enclosing a memorandum reguesting the Town of Vail modify orclarify the view corridor ordinance. S. As shor^rn on the model, the color of the roof andfacia over the bar area has been changed to con-form with the colors of the project as a whole.ItRekordrr tlpe doors have been provided on thethree exterior elevations as requested and addi-tional landscap5-ng/pavers have been provided tosoften the road edge. The owner of the Red LionRestaurant sent a letter to the CommunityPlanning Department regarding Kathy Warrenrsproposal. A professrona coiporation O 143 East Meadcrr! Drive Crossroads al Varl Vai , Coloradc 81657 303,476-5105 RED I,ION REIIODEI, FEtsRUAB,Y 1.2, 1990 SITE COVERAGE SITE AREA = 13,957.9 S.F. x 80% = 11,L65.32 ALLOI{ED EXISTING SITE COVERAGE = 11,596.75 S.F. I 83% ADDITIoNAL SITE COVERAGE = 297.05 S.F. 2% TOTAL OF EXISTING PLUS ADDITIONAL SITE COVERAGE = 11,893.80 S.F. 85 % OPEN SPACE COVERAGE SITE AREA = L3,957.9 S.E' . x 2OZ = 2,79t.58 S.F. EXISTING OPEN SPACE COVERAGE PROPOSED OPEN SPACECOVERAGE = ),064.10 S.F. 15% BUILDING GRFA ALLOWED GRFA = L3,957.9 s.f. x 80% - 11,155.32 s.f. EXISTING GRFA = 5,231 S.F. PROPOSED GRFA = UNIT *1 IJNIT #2 UNIT +3 1ST FLR. L,213 S.F. L,243 S.F. 2,797 SE. 2ND FLR. 1,453 S.F. 1-,391 S.F. 656 S.F. 3RD FLR. 304 S.F. 150 S.F. TOTAL 2,970 S.F. 2,784 S.F. 3,453 S.F. TOTAL PROPOSED GRFA = 9,207 S.F. ADDITIONAL GRFA = 3,976 S.F. BUILDING HEIGHT EXISTING BUILDING HEIGHT = 31r-0'r {MAXIMUM) PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT = 42.785' (MAXIMUM) 33.9* AREA ABOVE 33|-0" 65.1? AREA BELOW 33'-0'r MonTeRARCH ITECTS = /,361.15 S.F. l7% A Phless'o^;iC 'rnr.irinr O 143 Easl l\,leacow ar,ve Crossroads at Vi.ri? Varl, Colorado 81657 303',476 5105 MoTUeRARCHITECTS Zoning Check for Commercial core r ilanuary 29, L990 Revised February L2, L990 18.24.020 Use - Basement: Restaurant & Storage Proposed Use: Unchanged 18.24.030 Use - First Floor: RestauranX/Bar,Retail, entrance to condominium units above. Proposed Use: Unchanged L8.24.040 Use - Second Floor: Two Residential Druellingr Units Proposed Use: Three Residential Dwel-ling Units 18.24.050 Use - Above Second Floor Proposed Use: Additional tiving Spacefor the three residentialdwelling units. 18.24.050 Conditional Uses: N/A 18.24.055 Exterior Alterations Enlarging entrances toor Modifications: condominium units and enlarge enclosed westeating deck. 18.24.080 Accessory Uses: N/A 18.24.090 Lot Area & Site Refer to surveyDimensions: L3,957.9 s.f. 18.24.100 Setbacksr None Reguired L8.24.1.20 Height Existing: 31r -0rrHeight Proposed: 42.785r (Highest Point) 33.9t Area Above 33r 66.1t Area Below 33' MorurnAncn ITECTS 4oninq Check for Commercial Core IJanuary 29 , 1990 - Revised FeEuaiy LZ, Lg90 Page 1\ro 18.24.L30 Density control: 80? (13,952.9 s.f. ) = Existing: Proposed: 18.24.1-40 Reconstruction of N/AExisting Uses: L8.24.150 Coverage: Existing: Proposed: 11,166.32 GRFA allowed. 5,231 GRFA 9,207 GRFA 80t of ( 13,957.9 s. f. ) =11,156.32 s.f. allowed. 11,595,75 S.F. + 839 11,893.80 S.F. = 85t 2,36L.15 s.f. = 17* 2,064. 10 s.f. = L5t LA .24.L7 0 Landscaping & Site 20t ( Z ,'7 9L. 58 s. f . )Development: Existing: Proposed: 18.24.180 Parking & Loading: Unchanged from existing. Slidinq-foldiis door G.U'9I5 lop hu.-nq - qls6 opplicqble in iituqffon withdui th reshol d tundions Great comfort and large opening to outdoor living area The folding sashes are lust slided aside to a small lateral package. f iving room and outdoor living area are forming a hign quatity living area incorporating the natural environ- ment. Ventilation features All3to Tsashescan be equippedwith an independent active sash, fabricated as tilt-turn, otfering idealventilation in se- cured tilt position. Optimum for dailY use itie active sasn iniJependent from the folding sashes made as side hung or tilt-tuin sash is the ideal solution allowing easy operallon. Advontages und bene{its G U-925 slidinglolding sashes are top hung.' Solid ceiling and overhead donstruation accepl a secure lixing of top frame prof ile. The running railtakes up the sasn welgnl l op- hunq sashes also could 6e gliding in a bottom prof ile without a th6shold. Folding sashes uptc 80 kgs and 9CC mm width are manufac- tured uiing stanciard tilt-turn profiles Good tishtne?s js ?s: PO$$fiffitF i Iundions Great comfort and large opening to outdoor living area The lolding sashes are just slided aside to a small lateral package. Living room and outdoor living area are forming a high quality living area incorporating the natural environ- ment. Ventilation features AllS to 7 sashes can be equipped with an independent active sash, labricated as tilt-turn, offering ideal ventilation in se- cured tilt position. Optimum for daily use The active sash independent lrom the lolding sashes made as side hung or tilt-turn sash is the ideal solution allowing easy operation. Advontogps ond benefits Sliding-folding doors G.U-922 have a bottom running rail, supporting the sash weight salelyon the floor. A sate functio- ning always is assured independent from the stability of ove- rhead construction. Folding sashes up to 80 kgs and 900 mm width are manufac- tured using standard lilt-turn proliles. Good tightness is assu- red due to gaskets around the sashes offering high perfor- mance in tightness, as well as thermal and sound proofing. 2 PaGfloDoonsby Lift'8tlde Fold-Away Fold,AwaySchemes T7 321ff- 330 W7 ffiT WT7 trffi w7v w7 ffi 770w 761 743 : T 8chene54t \ u', r,f i ;c.r't v. !LLv\.l\ , r.t. O !-l t/"(i i52.'t v f Y ;c;, q Jr' Tv .j-) tr{ 00 I.t- t, I at-t r .l rrldrd C|tn ,\\'i"'.\\\\,\'\ \ \... '\.'\. Ufh+"Jt\\\r.i1r.\F.ra-/rFra 'i \. '\ \ t, \-, t, \,. t, .. \ ti \ \'\ '\ \ '',.'\i\rr'\r'\.. \, rJ:ti"} t,\ \ \3-{.,T15 . \ \.'t, \J'r \ '.,, ', '\,'\ \, \. \, \.. ,t \ \, '\\.\ \J-L-L'\\,\\t'i - -i 13l!6'[16.04 2 !i1'Ul[Ctt{tf tfi.-\[ h'"fff ttjm t1$H l-i f A,D)i00:1 7' ,_-fri)'r.,lll A:i__ I ll5 La.,F{E<-'-li'/ ,-ii ilii jl ii rf )) ,onii xa*ffifi,s t9v L='vituiil,!ffiiilil ^gllql],t/l $', cl. j -(,, ',{ Y t4\( n'vi .ttlrl /J 4 IlA. \ tI \ Lr ' lL' j't] !u{.J. r.l,LU\ N li\L. '.3 ilr iel.x}--f,-i'.t tif ls7lsl I {r t-li.,L' v \t I-l i/8'[u,za]tf--5-J ;/g' [-aE.+J 4 F: h t ,4 t '1r+.aej '1 0 tl tl\L// 2 li4'0ti,f;irtf ifl.|{,fi fi"-Til flJl0 li0lf RIGH T .JAI.IB E [,IJC K XNC. 13rl/(.t/i,) bUso't J. ZLLUL.I\ I l\{.. qi \"(-, -i li{'[8155] '-2 VA' rLSS,gtt -J ri{'[02..x. |'".,' 5 J 443 "hri 'lnltl I lfi'fl,1t':ililYifl.liifrj [r#5 tlifif iiufl zA.lt \\rttlIt \\Itiltl 1, /Ai/l..t I4 // 1I t--J - -"- u*o'B 'JLDii'IG STIL[S L l/ I I I I I t Et4 E rf) .3 t/4' liLt! -z tfi'[51,e6 -:t t,tl'[Ez'"& \d fi+*1 [i.'lc.2 lit' 8tLffi\il i0i.0ilifi 0ffiffi iili..0 iifit BiFOLDIi! G STILIS t ,. A Professrona ilairparrat oo 143 Fasi f.,leado!! Dr'lve Crossroads al Va l Vai . Colorado 8161,7 303.176-5r05 t MoruenAncH TTECTS MEMORANDUM DT: February 6, 1990 TO: Vail- Town Council ATTN: Kristan Pritz FR: Morter Architects RE: Red Lion Remodel We are reguesting authorization by the Town of VaiI toproceed on the application for locating a stair from asecond floor condominium unit onto town property and toextend a dining deck onto town property. The attacheddrawings A1 and A2 show the location for the stair and.deck. It is understood that this is only a request to proceed onthe application and not for acceptance to place the stairor deck on to$rn property. We would appreciate a responseto these reguests prior to our February 26, LggO pLanning Commission work session. / -_ A Prolessronal Corporal on 143 East Lleadow Drive Crossroads al Varl Varl, Colorado 81657 303r476.5105 o DATE: TO: ATTN: FROM: RE: MorueRARcH ITECTS MEMORAI.IDUM February L2, L990 VaiI Town Council Kristan Pritz Morter Architects Red Lion Remodel We are reguesting the Town of VaiI to modify or clarify the view coiridor ordinance. This nodification or clarification is to a110w for encroachment into the view corridor which is less than the encroachment created by the Golden Peak House in the background. A photograph is enclosed showing the encroachment. AB/sj ,'-' 'January 29,1990 Mr. Arlin Berge Morter Architects 143 E. Meadow Drivevail , co 81.65? Re: Red Lion Dear Arl in, PLease ca]l if I Sin cerel y, w\,^. Per your request we have reviewed the irnpact of the proposed expansion of the aboveproject into the Town of vair view "ortiaor as defin-ed iro. ui." point #1 on thestai-rs of the vail Transportati'on cr"t"r. The east end of the proposed ridge linei""rIST.li*"J:"_j:f::.T;:,*1ti;i rhe wesr end or the proposea riase rine proposed ridseline, as shown on rhe """rlll3'lll3; lr"iil ;H:t"i";:ii"J:.:l:*r,does encroach into the view corridor -urri .t no time does t.he protrrsed riage lineexceed the height of the ridge of tnr- cora"., peak gouse :-rr--in" distance. can be of any further assistance on this prolect. {Vfe Valley Surveying, Inc. \rUN: G"q"--a'e+s\ Dan Corcoran. p. L. S. Presiden t 41199 Highway 6 & 24, Eagte-Vail Post Ottice Box 1230 Edurards, CO 81632 303,949- | 406 o A F r ol.-.ssi.r r.rl Cc'poration 143 Easl l,lcadcw Dr vc Cros:rords al Val Vni , Colorado 61657 303/476 5t C5 MonrenAnc,nt TTECTS Letter of Transmittal GIIJ{u 3 i 19go Date: January 30, 1990 To: Communi ty Devel opment Department Project Red L'ion Inn Remodel (Condominium & Restaurant) Please tind enc ose d thc iol cf ir,-l Oated Ccpies t/29/90 L/29 /90 rl29/90 r/29/90 1./29/90 r/2s/e0 r/23/84 rr/08/89 2/29/90 t/29/90 Ren,a,RsL/29/90r/29/90 tl2e/s0 r/29/90 1 1 I 4 1ea. Responses to the Community Development Departrnnt's Responses Letter from Eagle Va1 ley Surveying, Inc. regarding View Corridor V'iew Comidor Xerox Applicat'ion for Exterior Alterations or Modifications in CCI signed by Chuck Rosenquist Zoning Check for Commerc'ial Core I Revised Drawing Package A-1 through A-7 Sheets 2 & 3 of Exist'ing Red Lion Floor Plans and Bui 1d'i ng Secti ons Site Plan and Topo Survey showing S'ite Calculations Plans showing GRFA - Sheets A-3, A-4 & A-5 Red Lion Restaurant - 30' Stream Setback Variance Red Lion Condominiums 30' Stream Setback Variance Red Lion Restaurant - Site Coverage Variance Red Lion Condominium- Site Coverage Variance Red Lion Restaurant - Patio Conditional Use Permit ffibw C. Berge,fAIAArlin MORTER By ARCH I TECTS ' A Profes.slo.ral Cil i.rr.lt on 143 Eas! N.leac.,r/ i-'f !,1 (lrossroads: at Va Varl.0o orado 51F,.:' 303 476 5l\r5 MonreRARcH ITECTS Zonj-nq Check for Commercial Core I January 29, t99Q 19.24.020 Use - Basement: Restaurant & Storage Proposed Use: Unchanged 18.24.030 Use - First Floor: Restaurant,/Bar,Retai], entrance to condominium units above. Proposed Use: Unchanged 18.24.040 Use - Second Floor: Two Residential Dwelling Units Proposed Use: Three Residential Dwel-ling Units 1-8.24.050 Use - Above Second Floor Proposed Use: Additional Living Spacefor the three residential- dwelling units. 18.24.060 Conditional Uses: N,/A 18.24.065 Exterior Alterations Enlarging entrances toor Modifications: condominium units and enlarge enclosed west eating deck. 18.24.080 Accessory Uses: N/A 18.24.090 Lot Area & Site Refer to surveyDimensions: L3,957.9 s.f. 18.24. L00 Setbacks:None Reguired L8.24.L20 Height Existing: 31'-0rl Height Proposed: 42.785' (Highest Point) 33.9% Area Above 33' 65.L? Area Below 33' o o MoruenAncnrECTS Zoninq Check for Commerciat Core IJanuary 29, L990 Page Two 18.24,130 t8.24.L40 18.24.1s0 t8.24.I70 18.24.180 Density Control: Existing: Proposed: Reconstruction ofExisting Uses: Coverage: Existing: Proposed: Landscaping & Site Development 3 Existing: Proposed: Parking & Loading: 80?(L3 ,957 .9 s. f. ) - 11.,166. 32 GRFA allowed. 5 ,231 s. f. ( Calculatedfrom inside of waIl. Nodeduction was taken for storage or mechanical. ) 8,517 less ca1 r Lessfor 3 N/a 80* of ( 1.L,156.32 Lt ,573 .4 11,854. 9 L3,957.9 s.f.)s.f. allowed. s. f. = 83t s.f . = 84.92 20% (2,791.58 s. f . ) 2,384.5 s.f . = t'leo 2,103.0 s. f. = 15. 1% Unchanged from existing, for 3 unitss.f. for stora ' A Professional Corp0ra'lon o 143 Easi t\,1eadow Dr'lvc Crossroads a: Va l Vari, Colorado B1657 303 476-5105 MonrEnAncH ITECTS To: Communitv Development Departmeit FRSI: Morter Architects DATB: January 29, L990 R.E: ned Lion Inn Remod.e1 (Condominiums and Restaurant) Responses to items L, 2,4,6,7,8,9, 10, 13, !5, !6, !9, 20 and 2L af the December 11 , 1989 reguests are as foll-ows: 1. The existing sun shade analysis has been added to thesite plan sheet A-l- with a heavy dashed line. withthis additional information, the additional shade created can be compared to existing shade conditions. Revisions dated January 29, L990. 2. A11 new construction is shown on sheets A-l and A-2. New construction site coverage consists of additional space for entry to units 1 and 2, entry to unit 3 and the east eating deck. Revisions dated January 29, 1990. 4. Ridge and base elevations have been added to sheet A-7 . Revisions dated January 29, t990. 6. A conditional Use Permit is attached, dated January 29, 1,990, for the outdoor dining patio. More detail has been added to site plan sheet A-1 and the groundIevel plan sheet A-2. Revisions dated January 29, 1990. 7. Landscaping and paver information has been added tosite plan sheet A-L and ground fevel plan sheet A-2. Revisions dated January 29, \99O. 8. A zoning analysis dated January 29, L990 is attached. GRFA is indicated on floor plans using a specificcolor for each unit. These colored floor plans are attached and dated January 29, t99Q. 9. A thirty foot stream setback variance is attached and dated January 29, L990. 10. Per the site plan and topographical survey dated November 8, 1989, the building corner is 0.3r outsideof the lot line. This is an existing condition and in an area not affected by this proposal. 13. Leve1 one (basement), level two (ground floor) andexisting level three condominium plans dated JuIy 23, 1984 are attached. o 15. 16. MoruenAncnrrECTS Community Development Department January 29, 1990 Memorandum page T"!.Jo A copy of the application for exterior alterations ormodifications in commercial Core I, Vail Village hasbeen signed by Chuck Rosenquist and is enclosed. A very small portion of the proposed ridgelineencroaches on the view corridor. please refer io theletter and xerox from Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc.dated January 29, L9g0 A^variance application is attached. dated january 29,1990 for additionat site coverage. The current-sitecoverage is 83%. Vtith Red Lion Condominium add.itions,the site coverage is 83?. t{ith Red Lion Restaurantadditions, the site coverage is g5*. With Red tionCondominium and Restaurant additions combined, sitecoverage is 84.98. please see attached survey whichhas existing site coverage outlined in red,. iate ofsurvey is marked in red - January 29, lgg}. AII information has not been received or reviewed atthis time regarding the proposed satellite dishes.Variance forms witl_ be submitted once this informationhas been received. and reviewed. The existing indoor eating area, as shown on sheetA-2, will be extended to the north approximately9f-6rt. The entire west elevation of the irew and ex-isting covered eating deck wiII open up with aI'Rekordrr tlpe door. These openings witt extend fromfloor to ceiling with heating elements located flushwith the floor. The north ind south elevations wi1lalso have I'Rekord" type doors from fl_oor to ceiling.No skylights are proposed due to their impracticabil-ity in this climate with the existing roof slope.With fuII height rrRekord'r type doors on north, southand west eLevations, the enclosed deck will preient anopen feeling to the street. rRekordt' tfpe-doors arealso proposed for the east elevation ot-Lhe existingdining room opening to MiII Creek and the new exterioieating deck. L9. 20. 21. - A Professionat Cofporation O 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads al Vai Va I, Colofado 81657 303 476,5105 REVISIONS TO THE RED LION RESTAURANT IIRITTEN NARRATIVE FOR SITE COVERAGE APPTICATION FOR A VARIANCE A ]ist of the names of o\^rners of a1l property adjacent tothe subject property is attached. The property currently has 82 percent site soverage. lhisapplication raises the site coverage to 84 per-ent. Theapplication for the proposed Red Lion Condominiumsr entriesadds 1 percent more for a total site coverage of g5 percent. The proposal is for an eating deck on the east side of thebuilding, . along Mill Creek. It wil_l create needed exposureand activity to Mill Creek, and is consistent with lnd indirect response to the Town of Vailrs d.esires for thisarea. The exterior changes to the east facade of the buJ_Idi-ng,landscaping and a brick surfaced deck will transform thecurrent rrback of Red Lion[ into an area of interest, colorand a place of destination. A walking path wiII be provi-ded adjacent to the eating deck as requested by the town ofVail, and it will be incorporated into the town's long termplans for Ylill Creek. No areas are affected negatively regarding }ight and air,distribution of population, transportation, triffic facil-ities, utilities and public safety. MonreRARcH rrECTs ' A Protessional Ccrporatioo o '143 Easl Meadow Dlve Crossroads at Vaii Vail. Colorado 81657 303,'476,5105 MoruenAncH TTECTS REVISIONS TO THE RED LION CONDOMINIUMS WRITTEN NARRATIVE FOR SITE COVERAGE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE A list of the nanes of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property is attached. The property currently has 82 percent site coverage. Ihis application raises the site coverage to 83 percent. The application for the proposed eating deck at the Red Lion Restaurant adds 2 percent more, for a total- site coverage of 85 percent. This proposal improves the over-a1l entry circulation for the project, providing appropriate separation and defini-tion for each entry. No areas are affected negatively regarding light and air, distribution of popul-ationf transPortation, traffic facil- ities, utilities and public safety. The only physical changes are more defined residential entrances. - A Prolessional Corporatron a 143 East Meadow Drve Crossroads at Va Vail. Colorado 81657 303/476-5105 A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent tothe subject property is attached. This variance application is for the provision of a nelustructure within the 30t-0'r stream setback. The two new areas within this setback are the exteriorstair from Unit #2 and the extended entry to Units *L and1*2. These areas are shown on drawings A-1 and A-2 with re-vision dates of January 29, L990. Both elements are not inthe 100-year flood boundary and are not any closer to thecenter line of MiII Creek than the encroachment of theexisting structure. No areas are affected negatively regarding 1ight and air,distribution of population, transportation, traffic facil-ities, utilities and public safety. MoTUeRARCH ITECTS REVISIONS TO THE RED LION CONDOMINII'MS WRITTEN NARRATIVE FOR CONDO 30' STREAII,I SETBACK APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE A Protessional Corporatron 143 East Meadow Df ve Crossfoads at Varl Vali, Coloradc 8165 / 303,476-5105 MoruenAncnrECTS REVISIONS TO THE RED LION RESTAURANT WRITIEN NARRATIVE FOR RESTAURANT 30' STREAIVI SETBACK APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property is attached. This variance application is concerning the provision of an eating deck within the 30r-0tr stream setback. Over 80% of the existing structure is within the 30r-0" stream setback. The proposed eating deck and walkway are not in the 100-year flood boundary. There can be no deck if it were re-quired to be outside the 30r-0r' street setback. fhe deck will hetp transform the current I'back of Red Lion"into an area of interest, color and destination. The deckis proposed in conjunction with a walking path as requestedby the Town of Vail and will be incorporated into the townrs long term plans for Mill Creek. It is consistentwith, and in direct response to the Town of Vail's desiresfor this area. No areas are affected negatively regarding light and air,distribution of population, transportation, traffic facil-iti.es, utilities and public safety. rt A Profession al Corporalion 143 East [,leadow Dr]ve Crossroads at Varl Vail, Colorado 81657 3031476"5105 MonrenAncHrrECTs REVISIONS TO THE RED LION RESTAURANT WRITTEN NARRATIVE FOR A PATIO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A CONDITION USE PERMIT A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property is attached. This Conditional use Permit application is for extending the proposed patio across the property line onto Town of VaiI property at to MilI Creek. The deck will create needed exposure and activity to MiII Creek. It is consis- tent with, and in direct response to the Town of Vailrs desires for this area. The t'back of building look" currently predominant alongMiIl Creek will be transformed to an area of interest, color and desti-nation. If the deck cannot extend onto town of Vail property, it is impractical to have a deck and the "back of building look'r will remain. The deck will be constructed in conjunctionwith a new walking path requested by the Town of Vail and additional site landscaping on the owners property and Townof Vail property. No areas are affected negatively regarding light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facil-ities, utilities and public safety. l A iir!tf!: io itl Cr,r{lrrnlior ./'- MorurRAnt-"i-iI r i..,.- i-r MEETING MINUTES DATE:January 10, 1990 PRESENT: Margretta ParksBill Post Dave DowelL Andy BoazKristan Pritz Sue Scanlan Jim MorterArlin Berge REGARDING: Red Lion Remodel Action Item 1. 2. Morter Architects stated that the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the reloca-tion of the trash collection for the Redtion Inn Restaurant, and find a solution to everyonets satisfaction and benefit. The To$tn of Vail has expressed to Morter Architects the desire to centralize trash and develop Mill Creek with an eating Terrace and walking path. The Red Lion Inn Restaurant desires to open up to MilI Creek and in doing so, would like to share the trash collection area used by cyrano's. That ara is owned by the Town of Vail, and is being leased to Mrs. Parks. Dave Dowell stated that cyranors has con- cerns about sharing their current trash. area. In the future, cyranots may also wish to open up their restaurant to a deck off MilI Creek. Unless they put the deck above the trash enclosure, they would also be looking to relocate their trash axea to a common area. Note: current plans for revisions to cyroanots show a mechanical room, not a deck, above the trash area. creta Parks stated that she has felt over the Past 27 years MllI Creek should be opened up and utilized. J. 4. MEETING MINUTES January 10, 1990 - Page TWo 5. Morter Architects confirmed with Andy Boazthat the amount of trash developed by the condominium units should be no greater than 58 of all trash developed on the Red Lionsite. (95t commercial, 5t residential).lncreasing the size from two units to threeunits should not change the 952/52 raLio. 6. Recycling of trash is worth review and apossibility. Kristan Pritz and Sue Scanlanstated that the town is not at a point forrecycling at this time. It was noted that BFI will pick up glass separately, yet itwill require its own storage area. Abailer for paper was also pointed out as apossibility. It was also noted thatrecycling may require a large trash area due to separation of items. It was determined that the Red Lion Inn Restaurant lrill require a small on-sitetrash staging area even if the major trashcollection is moved to a central point. Morter Architects will review trash concerns with architect Sidney schultz, and examine architectural alternatives for bothproperties. 9, Morter Architects will provide Bill Postwith a copy of the Red Lion remodel drawings This constitutes our understandinq of the meeting. Ifthere are any additions and,/or corrections to these minutes, please notify Morter Architects immediately. All Participants Erankie Tang 'Jan RayBill Anderson 7. 8. cc: a_ INTEP.-OEPARTMENTAL RiV I EI{ PUBLIC HORKS Revjetred uy: 6'rc{f tra"L,l OateConr,ents: V / (onarn "( ho''' 1"> tu4 tL 4/nrr .^I; +L )"."(i +o * 'f A 4'l/ -l ,u.tt , L"t . r, t uhlr^ pra1:x,,:7t Pu'u"o *.,. 'rrrr$rrI PROJECT: DATE SUSI,IITTED: COI".I4ENTS NEEDEO BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: A)o/ lL DATE OF PUELIC HEARING /11r"4 C,,ec fc*. I,:l'r4.t" ' "15. g ' /g^ A,'^4 (onc-o)^ e'vFI RE DEPP.RTI4ENT Reviewed by: Cornaents: LoaJi..^ or(C*.!ol .0 POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Are4 oa il-r.,,^- 'P*"f F.*; Revier,red by: Comnerrts: Revi ewed .by: Co;;ents: Date '':'r. .iji Date o6Y wa,w PROJECTI DATT SUSI,IITTED: C0l.t'tlgilT$ NEEDEO 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PRO 4 POLICE OEPART]4ENT REVI EI., DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING /" f::_ -::/ / -t. onoo I Azz/-<z47 @s z a$ .-:"*7 ry',=-:::;;rau.i-z /,* Teen<^,*r't *& '&u-J "' r:n{.'ffi,,fi%aLE-77-,i *7'7o Erzazzt'--'+'t' <sT J''' aYz' 'Pa'e,7o-us ' "G'zyJ /&rvz /// o , ?)-./r /a,at1ft eo*'-*"' - ' )' , *.p_- 2,/aq-2'€b/ t eZ*A lewz7z*rv7cJ ry fTvm @e4 6 A"- f/*' z 422/.cz-t' Revieued by:Date Comnerrts: Revi ewed Cor,ents: 'djr' by:Date t TO: Arlin Bergre, Morter Architects FROM: Corununity Development Department DATE: December 1l-, L989 RE! Red Lion Inn Remodel Condominiums and Restaurant Staff has reviewed the two requests for the Red Lion Inn buj-lding. Enclosed is a summarv of additional information that is needed as soonas possible: /^\Q, The sun shade analysis should show the existing andproposed conditions. It is irnportant to note on the drawing how much additional shade is created by your proposal . \-4 The site plan should indicate all new constructlon. Please show Cyrano's and the Plaza Lodge. The Town of Vail has street survey information which could help you inconpiling this information. 3. Please write a statement indicating how the proposal relates to points 7, 13 and 10 in the Urban Design Guide P1an. #7: Mil1 Creek enhancement. Tree planting along creekto increase visibility and screen building backs to improve enclosure of MiIl Creek court. Tree shrubclusters near roadway further reinforce gateway to core in Milt Creek as the boundary. #13 Mid-block connection covered frorn Bridge Street toVillage Plaza #10 Seibert Circle. Feature area paving treatment. Relocate focal point (potential fountain) to North for better sun exposure Fall/Spring, creates inereased plaza area and backdrop for activities. Separated path on Nortb side for an unimpededpedestrian route during delivery periods. /-7\( 4) on the roof plan drawing please list all ridge elevationsVs weII as base elevations. 5. More detail is needed on the building elevations in order to understand the buildinq mass. A Conditional Use permit will be necessary for theoor dining patio. More detail on your site plan is ed for this area (Iandscaping, sidewalk, railings etc. ) . 100 year flood plai-n should also be shown. A landscape plan/paver plan must be submitted. t,6 ) outd need The €\ 1?\V-,'will must .8) A zoning analysis should address existing and proposed GRFA, site coveragle, conmercial square footage, height andbasically all the zoning standards listed in CCI. GRFA should be indicated on your floor plans using a specificcolor for each unit. It appears that a thirty foot stream setback variancebe necessary for your construction. Stream Centerlinebe indicated by the surveyor. @) Does the proposal encroach on the adjacent property to-EFe North? It appears that the existing building already encroaches slightly onto this property. l-1. You will need Town Council approval- to proceed throughthe process as you are proposing improvements on Town of Vail stream tract. L2. What is the proposal for relocating utilities alongMill Creek. I L3.) Floor plans for the basement and the ground floor should-lc6 submitted. L4. Are there any lock-off units proposed? \{5., Title report and signatures of the appropriate ownersfor each proposal will be necessary. Even though a specific ol^/ner may be proposing improvements on a portion of thebuilding, the entire group of owners rnust sign off on each applicatj.on. -.^-/rta: ) The view analysis shoul-d show the approved view corridor l Jr.s^ the parking structure on your overlay. The photo doesnot appear to be taken from the correct location. I believeyour proposal encroaches into the view corridor. I have enclosed a copy of the view ordinance for your information. The surveyor and architect will need to do a field check onthe view corridor and proposed roof to determine the encroachment. I think there may be a slight encroachment. L7. A vicinity nap should be subrnitted showingi creek,Cyranots, Seibert Circle, Plaza Lodge and Rucksack. 18. A specific proposal for trash as well as service anddelivery should be developed. At this ti.me, my understanding is that Cyrano's does not wish to allow the Red L,ion owners to use their dumnsLer. A varj-ance application will need to be filled out forsite coverage issue (2o) Two satellite dishes are proposed. You will need toYI.II out applications for the two dishes. You may also needa height varj-ance for the satellite dishes and a variance to have more than one dish. Commercial Core I, Urban Design issues should be addressed for the restaurant remodel . 22. Urban Design Considerations: a. Under street encl-osure, you should describe theratio. Normally architects sho\^r adjacent buildings andthe proposed building in a cross-section to determinethe ratio. b. Under street framework, detail should be provided on what you are proposing for this criteria -landscaping, awning, pavers etc. Service and delivery should be addressed. 23- The site should be staked to show all areas of expansionat the ground level . In addition, the proposed buildingheights should be shown in sorne manner. Often times thearchitect uses a series of poles and wire in order toindicate the new heights. This work should be conpleted two weeks before your work session. 24. Please provide a cut sheet detail on the rrrekordrr doors. 25. We are reguesting a photo overlay of the proposed building on the existing Red Lion building. Facades on the West, South, and East should be shown. 26. Jeff Winston will be reviewing the proposal and will rnost like1y have conments on the design of the project. 27. Please show building area included in site coverage calculations on survey. 28. Staff conceptual comments on the proposal include: a. A model is needed as soon as possible. It is very difficult to understand the visual impact of the roof and the nass and bulk of the building fron the elevations. b. The pocket park area should be preserved as much aspossible. c. Pedestrian access along the stream must be provided. It will be better if the walkway will not encroachinto the 1-00 year flood plain as a flood plain modification reguest would need to be approved to al1ow for construction. d. A landscape/paver plan is necessary especially dueto the site coverage variance request. We would like to understand what landscaping is being removed and what additional landscaping you are planning to include. e. We would like to discuss the possibility of addingan employee or managers unit in the project. f. ft appears that there nay be some impact on the viewcorridor. If this is the case, the building will needto be lowered. g. We want to see the restaurant remodel include aredesign of the roof over the bar. This part of theproposal looks very weak in comparison to the rest ofthe building. It is positive that you are using thefully operable doors. I have attached staff comrnents onthe previous Red Lion Renodel for your benefit. AIso, as stated before, the question of what happens to Kathy Warren's proposal must be resolved. The staff will not revier,,r two proposals for one space at the same time. 29. The proposal wil] not be published for a public hearingat PEC until items 1-, 2t 4t 6t 7, 8t 9t 10, !3, 15, !6, L9, 20 and 21 have been submitted. I,AJI'? vqdFd 'l-.tn*s- dro Oblsfe YlqN aV A Prolessronal il.T',.orat c- o- MoruenAncri rrECT:; November 27, L989 TO THE RED LION CONDOMINIUMS submitted The appli- PEC appro- Improvement Survey A1 - Site Plan A2 - Ground Level PIan A3 - First Level Plan A4 - Second Leve1 Plan A5 - Third Level Plan A6 - Elevations A7 - Roof PIan View Photograph The drawings as listed above show aII revisions proposedfor the Red Lion lnn Restaurant and the Red Lion Cond.omin-iums. A11 revisions for the two applications have been combined in order for the PEc to review changes to the RedLion structure as a whole. Revisions to the Red Lion Condominiums are to constructthree (3) condominium units above the Red Lion Inn Restau-rant. The proposal is in conformance with the purposes ofthe ccI Dj-strict as specified in 18.24.01-0 and complieswith the Vail Village Urban Design Guide PIan as follows: 1. Pedestrianization - change the existingrent status. 2. Vehicle Penetration change the existingrent sLatus. The proposed revisions do notpedestrianization from its cur- - The proposed revisions do not vehicle penetration from its cur- 3. Street-scalre Framework - The proposed revisions donot change the existing streetscape framework fromits current status. The open space has been recon-figured at the ground entrance to Unit *3 (RE: A2lGround Leve1 Plan), y€t retains open space and landscaping. 4. Street Enclosure - The proposed building's height and mass are stepped back from the street, in keepingwith the height/width ratios discussed in the VailVillage Urban Design Guide Plan. MoruenAncutrECTS REVISIONS November Page 1$o RED LION CONDOMINTUIVIS 5. S!.reet.Edge - The proposed revisions do not changethe existing street edge. The building retains astrong but irregular edge at the street. 6. Buildinq Heights - The proposed revisions meet allreguirements for Commercial Core I. Refer to d.rawingA-7lRoof Plan for percentages above and below 33 r - gir shown graphically. 7.Views - All the major views discussed. in the VaiIVillage Urban Design Guideline plan, as well asItminorrr views from various points, have been success-fully dealt with. The enclosed photograph ad.dressesthe staffrs major concern regarding views. Otherphotographs can be provided. Sun/Shade - The stepping-back of the proposed buil-ding's height from all property lines minimizes thebuildingrs impact on sun and shade. Refer to drawingA-1lSite Plan for shade analysis. These proposed revisions bring the Red Lion developmentinto a scale more in keeping with adjacent properties; pro-vied accomodation units which are currently desired in VaiIVillage; and maintain the existing desireable street-scape. TO THE27, t98g 8. A Prolessronal Corporanon 143 Easl i!'leadow Dflve Crossroads al Vnrl Vail, Colorado 31657 303 476.5105 MonrenAr+cn trEcTS MEETING MINUTES DATE: November 15, L989 PRESENT:Peter Patten(Part time) r",Kristan PritzArlin Berge REGARDING: Red Lion Remodel Action Item 1 z. The design of the Red Lion Remodel must comply with urban Desi-gn guide Plan. Compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan would also be desirable. The Vail Village Master Plan should be adopted by late December 1989. Review of the drawings.reguired for the No- vember 27, 1989 submittal is as follows: SURVEY - The survey as sup- Inter-wtountain Engineeringa. looks good requ.ired as 1-. Lot Area , 2. Flood with additional information follows: Shown 3. Site Coverage - To determine site coverage, it was agreed that the building filled in with the dark blue, the area enclosing the stair to Unit * 3 at the north end of the site, outside edge of retaining wa1l of the concrete Porch at the north end of the enclosed Porch, and the area filled in with light blue to the outside of retaining wall at the entrY Porch. Addition- al areas to be included would be a patio deck on the east side and the entrance alteration to units *1 and *2. A VICINITY MAP at 1rr = 50' was reques- teA. b. MonrrnAncnIECTs Meeting Notes November 15, 1989 Page T\llo c.SITE PIAN - The site plan should show all improvements and landscaping. It was suggested the brick pavers should be provided at the south property line where there is currently asphalt up to the commercial" units. An eating patio would be desirable where the wooden shed is currently located and opened up to Mill Creek. The addition of this east eating deck will be a plus and not a negative when looked at relative to site coverage. d. GROUND LEVEL PLAN (Grade aceess to Yr-: +^ \VTIILS' FTRST LEVEL PLAN SECOND LEVEL PLAN THIRD LEVEL PLAN EXTERIOR ELEVATIoNS (1 or 2 J. SUN SHADING DIAGRAM A model will not be required for the Novem: ber 27, 1989 submittat. The model should be completed two weeks prior to the work session. Morter Architects stated that they are allowed Ll,000 GFRA and are currently in the 9,500 GFRA range. Morter Architects was requested to confirm the 11,000 GFRA number. A f. 9. h. ROOF PLAN (For determiningratio of building height).of determining building reviewed and the method upon. Sheets ) the 60%/40? The process heights was was agreed 3. 4. i MonrrnAncnIECTS Meetinq Notes November 1-5, 1989 Page Three 5. Morter Architects stated that the current design has 34% of building height above 33' - 0'r. The calculations were deter- mined per methods agreed to ( see item 2.-i. ). 6. It was agreed that moving the trash across Hanson Ranch Road and share with Cyrano's is desirable. It was suggested to get this agreement in writing. 7. The planning department stated that it would not be uncommon to 90 across the pro- perty line for a deck. This is in refer- ence to the deck facing Mill Creek. 8. The planning department would like to open retail along MiII Creek. In doing this, there would have to be access around the Red Lion Deck for pedestrian circulation. They would also like to have access from the alley bet!.teen the Rucksack,/Red Lion and reconstruct a new bridge where the old one r^Ias removed. Asphalt in front of the retail shops should be replaced with brick pavers. 9. The planning department feels that the cur- rent roof over the Red Lion eating space along Bridge Street is not in character with what they are trying to achieve. They would like a glass (more open) roof system.. L0. The planners look favorably on providing lock-offs. If the lock-offs are restricted for rentals per the city's requirements, it can help on the site coverage variance. 11. only three living units are being designed. This is less than the number allowed per site area. 12. Morter Architects were provide with a photograph showing the vj-ew corridor. ttlortei Aichitects will document the view corridor with photograPhs MA o MoruenAncHIECTs Meeting Notes November 15, 1989 Fage Four 13. Morter Architects stated that they have metwith and are in contact with the building department regarding any building code issues. 14. A title report must be submitted which willverify ownership and easements. This constitutes our understanding of the meeting. Ifthere are any additions and/or corrections to these minutes, please notify Morter Architects immediately. , ' cc: A11 Participants Frankie Tang Jan Ray, ilim Morter I ."t.'p J\=-,/\t S'\ (, (o St-\.- /1A*l^-' ?(as 1 l\( d/tJ Mill Creek Court Condominium Associationc/o Vai] Home Rentals 143 E. Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Golden Peak Condominium Association 278 Hanson Ranch RoadVail, Colorado 8l-657 Cyranos Margretta B. Parks P.O. Box 37312 Denver, Colorado 80237 Cortlandt Hill 311 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Vail Ski Rental Jack Curtin 254 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81557 Clark Willingham P1aza Lodge 291 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Frankie & Oscar Tang P1aza Lodge 291 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Robert Hoerle 1158 5th Avenue New York, New York 10029 Shirley Young General Motors Corp. 3044 W. Grand Blvd.Detroit, Michigan 48202 )".MonrrRARCHrrECTs RED LION REMODEL NAMES OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY Landmark Commercial Development Companyc/o Rosenquist & AssociatesP.o. Box 686Vail, Colorado 81658 John Dowling7 Gracy Square New York, New York 10028 'il.rdt.k lLto?o ,J rcc ?.tl Lt\ D l.r.- t "'l , (t ytss! (r..0-*.\t^^,. ,.'.- t. L.-- c^-""k D'^ c Co !rG5a Our*.l4',r^ (',t'ks'1,'E % hnr{in N\u\dlq I'R,S^:L.(tr"{S b\iq$t U6$n }Su$r.rhL)\ {sr!,(u! Bttq. {ll^. G^^ro ('.o*- L.,-'L {L ro--A-^,-t-(o-J,^-, l-'--{ t"r-+'- LvL (1.',41^ Sr Dr+tC, -<' 8'\G5-1 l^kT^ ft/\-.,1^ r\ ri t 2nd Revision q%f-'4d s/a/q o @ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section L8.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on ltlarclr 19, L990 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: *\n .z L. A request for an exterior alteration, stream setback r\Z variance, view corridor arqendment, site coveragle variance, /fr\ and conditional use for a deck enclosure and new outdoor' I patio for the Red Lion Building.Applicant: Frankie Tang and Landmark Properties 2. A Work Session on Air Quality 3. A request for a side setback varianee for Lot 6, Block 2, vail_ village sixth Fi1ing.Applicant: Clinton G. Anesf Jr. 4. A reguest for a conditional use pernit to expand a proposedparking structure for the VaiI Val1ey Medical center on Lots E and F, Vail Village 2nd Filing at LSL West Meadow Drive.Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center 5. A request for a Special Development District for the Gardenof the Gods on Lot K, Block 5, Vail Village Fifth Filing at 355 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Garden of the Gods, ltrs. A.c. Hill Fanily The applications and infornation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the conmunity Developrnent Departnent office. Town of VaiI Connunity Developnent Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on March 2, l-990. a PRESENT: REGARDING: t,, r , tn5&n-Kristen Pritz Jim Morter -Arlin Berge Red Lion Remodel MorurRi\rci tii'[r* ts MEETTNG MINUTES DATE: October 26 , 1"989 Vail Community Development Morter Architects Morter Architects Action Item MA l-. Kristen Pritz informed Morter Architectsthat Kathy Warren is currently doing workfor the Szechwan Lion and for the Red Lion.Tt was suggested that Morter Architectscontact Kathy Warren in order to interfacethe projects. Morter Architects feel thisis a good idea, but do not want to submitthe Red Lion condo Units with the (Kathy Warren) Szechwan Lion and Red Lion submit-tals. If Kathy Warren's proposals arerejected, it will hold up the process onthe condo submittal and that would not bedesirable. The desiqn wiII .be coordinated - ,,with separate submirt;Is . hl ria^^ rtilL{ r+a4& f(P{44d}, L€{] ,tt Morter Archirects srared thar .h." ;YB,q ffiffi,"i'o been asked to do work for the Red t-,ioi Res-tr..OWrt f,*totaurant (interfacing with the Red Lion Con- lhUW <ios ) anci were not aware that Kathy warren glt* ,had been commissioned by the Red Lion v owner. Morter Architects will contactKathy Warren for review of her involvementto a]leviate any possible conflict. Kristen Pritz informed Morter Architectsthat Kathy Warren has done research on sitecoverage. Kristen felt that what Kathywarren is proposing may require a varj.anceto the 20%/802 site coverage. Kristen Pritz felt that height calculationscan be determined from the existing conto-urs at. the boundaries of the building andinterpolated through the building. .) I.a KP MorunnAncnrtcrs MEETING MINUTES DATE: October 25, t989 Page Two 5. Morter Architects stated that the Red Lion restaurant would like to open the restaur-ant area to MiII Creek with and eating deck and wou1d like to bring in more light tothe existing eating area. Kristen Pritzstated & site coverag Decks are part of the 80?, yet the planning department does encourage the decks. Kris-ten also felt that the planning department would like to have Mitl Creek cleaned upwith a path going through the h'est side ofthe creek. Morter Architects felt the area could be cleaned up, yet access throughthe area may be difficult. 6. Parking is calculated at $5,000.00 per space at a ratio of 1.5 x 500 square feet. Commercial is calculated at $3,000.00 per space. W fd.turq @dL. ^ T|V dr6ry6bny(oto'JI7. Kristen felt that there are no view cor-rj-dors affected by the Red Lion, yet will check this. 8. Per suggestions from Kristen Pritz, correc-tions to the October 23, L989 schedule areas follows: work sessions should be anticipa- 8, Lgg022, L990 Final approval February 12, 1990 orFebruary 26, 1990. (Providing thatthere is no major public objection. ) Town council appeal (possibility) March6, 1990 or March 20, L990. DRB may require two (2) meetings for review. a. T\do ted: First work session January Second work session January b. d. MorunnAncHIECTS MEETING MINUTES DATE: October 25, L989 Fage Three This constitutes our understanding of the meeting. Ifthere are any additions and/or corrections to theseminutes, please notify Morter Architects immediately. ccr All. Participants Frankie TangBill Anderson A Prolessronal Corporal,on 143 Easl tu{eado!,,/ Drive \ Crossfoads al Vn I Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-5105 MonrenAncH trEcTs MEETING MINUTES CORRECTIONS & ADDITIONS Per a telephone conversation of November 6, 1989 between Kristan Pritz and Ar1in Berge' the following statements are in addition and/or corrections to the october 26, L989 Meeting Minutes and should be attached to those Meeting Minutes. L. To item *1, add the following: Kristan stated that the planning staff's opinion would be to submit all Red Lion proposals under one application and not seParatelY. 2. To item *5, correct the sentence - Kristan Pritz sta- ted that she did not feeL a variance to site coverage would be considered unreasonable regarding exterior eating decks to read as follows: Kristan stated that the site @ -supeorta:*e. She emphasized the remodel's impact on -landscaping, public access and outdoor dining space. She also stated that these impacts would need to be reviewed along with any variance request. 3. To item *6, add the following: Kristan stated that the parking code for the town of VaiI should be reviewed for parking reguirements. cc: Kristan Pritz Frankie Tang Jim MorterBiIl Anderson . January 29, Site Covera 1990 o ge Application DuO PEC I'IEETING OATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Exl .;RN311eetl I' This procedure is.required fgf ln{ project requesting a variance. The applicationwill not be accepted untir ail inioi-malton is'suu^itieo. A. NAME OF APPLICAilT THE ED LIoN IN,IJ ADDRESS %* p?aD& fi?497 Vhtv, cnsogwo Bttss+ pHoNE_4,1G-H"ab B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS VAIU ) cow?Apo Btbs+puonz 4Ht-sto7 C. NAME 0F Ol.lNER(S) (type or prin LAMttru+ co Si ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL PH}NE 4+b- 3241 ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION E.FEE $IOO PAID 9K LZ*fi_ FROM .11\e pap /roF) -THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTI{ENT ttl.ILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. adjacent to the subject property and thei r mai'l i ng addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. e,+,LoT€,h, 8L0cK 6A__FILTNG Flgrf nUrb F. A 'l ist of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS !TN'ETTS, THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLI FOR CORRECf II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l^lITH A PLANNING STAFF FIEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0.:OETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIoNAL INFoRMATI0N IS NEEDED.-lio nppltcATI0N wILL BE AccEPTED uNLEss IT_IS-COMPLETE (MUST INcLUDE ALL ITEMa REQUTRED By THE z0lrNGADMINISTRAToR). IT Is rHE AppLicANT,s REspoNSrBririi-ro MKE AN App0INTt,lENrI,IITH THE S.TAFF TO FINO OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTNI NrqUiCir,rEIrJ.'_-'':'- PLEASE ltoiE rxai A coi'iFlETE AppLICriII0N wiLL sr;iEAt,itINE Titt AptRcv/.1 'pRccEss FoRY0uR PR0JEcT BY DECREASING-THE NUMBER or conorrroni oF nppnovAL THAT TnE pLANNnic AND ENVIR0NMENTAL c0t4l4tssIoN MAy sTIpULATE: nr_r_ Coruolrt0Ns 0F RppRovnL.-r.'Lrst nE I I I. FOUR A. COMPLIiD I,JITH BEFORT A BUILOING PERJ,IIT TS iSSUTO'. (4) C0prEs 0F THE FOLL0l.lrNG MUST BE SUBI4TTTED: A l.lRITTEN STATEITIENT 0F Tllt PRECtsE Hltune 0F THE VARIAilCE RtQUtSrEo Ailo Tltt REGULATION INVOLVEO. TIIE STATTI.IEI{T HUST ALSO A[)ORESS: OVER o Vari ance o2- 3. The effect'of the variance on light and air, distribution of populatiorr, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - ZA'stampedby a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existinq improve-ments, including grades and elevations. 0ther elernents vrlrich nrust-be shor.lnare-park'ing and.loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at'least l" = 20' sholing existing and proposed bui l di ngs. D. A1l preliminary bui lding elevations and floor p'lans sufficient to indicate the dimensjonsr general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and profosed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify.ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-farnily development vrhich has a hcriieo,ri,crsrassociation, then written approval frorn the association in support of the Projebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additiona't material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modjfications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. Time Requi rments The Planning and Environmenta'l Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minjmum PEC publ ic hearing. No incomplete appl ications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated subrnittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays . al l accompanyi ng materi alof 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the des'ig- Patio Conditional January 29, 1990 I. Use Permi t This procedure use. permit. The appl ication Restauran t APPLICATION FOR COIIDITIOITAL is required for any project will not be accepted until I 0ate of Appl icat.ion UsE PER|'|IT flt['0 .]liil i i 1Srr.; require,l .to obtain a conditional I for al'l inforrnation is submitted. A. NAI4E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS HonE :t16-ap NAI4E 0F AppLrcANT'S REPRESENTATTUT v}?T* [g-4rrecrt ADDRESS Hot'tE-f7{o-.iJof- .?NAME 0F ollNER(s) (print or type) LANDttp,pp Ol1lNER(S ) : 'SIGNATURE(S ) ADDRESS c. H}NE 4i76- szot e+ PR0POSAL: LEGAL- LoT_g,h_BL0CK 5A FTLTNG B. D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS E. ,FEE $100 THE FEE I4UST ACCEPT YOUR PAiD BE PAID BEFORE THE PROPOSAL. cK #J.k* By eep tt}N ' DEPARTMENT OF COI4MUNITY DEVELOP|4ENT l,JILL F. A 'l ist of the^names of owners of a.l I property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS iTNEiTi",THE APPLICANT l^lILL 8E RESPON'IALE TOR CONNECi II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE adjacent to the subjecr pl^3!ertv and their mail ing addresses. OI.JNERS AND CORRECT ADDRISSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I^IITH A PLANNING STAFF I,IEMBER IS STROIIGLY SUGGISTEDT0 DETERI'IINE lF ANY-A0DITIoNAL INFoRNATI0N ls r'reroeii. '-rub' nppr-rcnTI0N tlILL8E ACCEPTED UNLESS_rr rs C0MPLETE (r'ruSr-irucl[or-nri-irilii nequiRED-sy' iiE-zoirir,{c .;,, .ADr'llNIsrRAToR). II-.ll I|1IAPPLIcANi'a-Re sConirsLiii io-r,rnxe qN App0rNTr4ENT . .-,iI.'ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDiTiOITNi IOEMiiiNi-N|iJiJTNEMENTS. I ,' . . ,. PLEASE NOTE THAT A,!9E!!5IE APPLICATION WILL STREAI,ILINE THE APPROVAL PROCTSS :'FOR Y0uR PR0JEcr evlEcREAstNG THE NuMBER 0F coNDiiiolii oF nppnovAl THAT THE rPEc MY STIPULATE. ALL CONOITIONS 0F APPRovAa-Matii'aEiolpLrED wrrH BEFoRE ABUILDIIIG PERI4IT IS ISSI]ED. '' - -. ' ---'-, : '. OVER o II.Four (41 copie! of the following j.nformation: .'4. t.!"::::tti?l :I_g:-!rg"lge narure of rhe proposed use anilil: :31 .i11: g_: ll :"c rtii,ti" ", *"-ffi =*!; "#;"";:IiJElr"iE #i"th: ::. compatibr. with oir*i'piop"Hi;;il il:Ti:I"il":i. "'"t;l;:::":l3i f;*?Y*?:-Pf:::::9-geveropment sr !!s sire, inclr.rdins,' ^;. *l:gl:nl*-o::]:f'.,l::l!iiri;';;;iffi: ilJfi.":ff;"illi5l;, H:i*:=:pen space, - r anascip;;' J;;;:#e ;iiiii.::;;,8i"'ilin "features. IIf. Time requl-rements . | -. : : .'c' .Prel'iminarv bu.i-rding prans and elevations sufficient to iaiicatethe diqrensions, geniril .afpearance, scale, and interior plan of, ,.r aII buildings. .,- :. D' ',Anv addir'!onal mareriar-1::*::1Ty,for the review of rhe agplication\.i.i: ." determinea ny Ure-Zoning Ad,rninistrator..'.. ... 3h. -Planning i*d_llylronmental Cornmission meets. Mondays of each month. *'-Jinffcation with thematerial must be sr:bnitted -fo;" weeks prior tomeeting. on the 2nd and 4thnecessary accompanyingthe clate of the rt ll tr-- f ?'\ Condo Site Coverage uanuary 29, 1990 A.PPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE ffi0"t,l.tl 3r1i!0 I' This procedure is. required f9l 9nv project requesting a vari(.rncc. The .rppl ic.itionvrill not be accepted untii ail iniorrrraLion is'subrnitieJ. A. NAI.IE OF APFLIC^IIT ?:ETf\sJfu rcKfuer'i|rcN AOORESS IOO PAFtr AVENUE o PilCr{E NAI'IE OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S RIPRIiSENTATIVE VAIt,' c.NAl,lE 0F 0llllER(S) (type or pri nt ) Pltout kolV+t -slog Ztz.Il?: b31tU Si qnature ADDRES S O. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL AooREss__24_*@!D6E__srpaef _ LEGAL DEscRrprroN rotnlo l*-_ E.FEE $IOO PAID cK # _L+,L_ F R0r'r_)f&U,r!1 l*lAg2--_. BEFORE THE COI"IMUN ITY DEVTLOPI,IEI'IT DIPAIITI.IIIIT I,I.! LL ACC[']T F. A 1ist of the names of orvners of all property adjacent tc thc subject pi.operry ItICLUDIfIG PR0PERTY BEtlIllD AND ACR0SS 3fnEffS-, ur,,:j their nrailing a:ldresses. THE APPI-ICANT tltLL BE RtspoNSIBr"E F0R coRRIci t,lAtLING AujL)rits5[s. II. A PR[-APPLICATIOII CONFERII{CE l,lITH A PLANI{ING STAFF it[I.lBER IS STROIIGLY SUGCi.STtD TO ]DITERi'IIIIE IF AIIY'AODITIOI,iAL INFORIIATIOII ]S NtT.I]ED. ili-) AtIPi- ICATI(III I.itLL t]t:ACctf'}TtD ullLIss IT_is c0l'lPLtTE (ttusT IncLUDE ALI- It'Iiis tiiilrri{tD I]y 't'tii: z0iinialADI'IllllSTRATOR). IT IS TllE ApPt-ICANT'S RISPOIISIBILITY T0 ttr\l:I All hPP0lilTt.ti:iiIlllTtl Ttlt STAIF T0 FIIID ouT ABOUT ADDITIoNAL SUBI,uTTAL REQUI;lr.ilLilts PL tASE ll0lt tilAi A COi'iFLiTE APfl-lCrilI0N liil-L ST;ii;,i'ii-ltii TiiI Ai'inC'iAt- pn0CtSS F0t? YOuR PROJtcT BY-DicRIASiNGIHE NUnBER oF coNDITI0ns oF Appn0vAr. TtiAT Tlr] t)i.AtiiuiicAflD El'lVIR0tll'lEtlTAL^qql4l:!l!S1Ory MAY sTlFULArg. -nll-CoHoirrorrs r)f Apl)ftoVAi.-nr.,;r i:r COIIPIIED I,IIT}I O[rORE A BU]LOING PERI.IIT IS-iSSUi'ii, IIi. FOUR (4) COptES 0F TilE F0LLCtl.liliii HUST BE SUBt,ltTTID: A. A l{RlTftll STATtl'ltNT 0F lrI prtictsE tiATuRE 0F Ttit vp.RIAllct RtQuisr[0 1.,f, ltJt RtGULATIOil IilV0LVt0. Til! STATEl.liltT HUST ALS0 ;lilCRtSS: 1. The relationship of the t'e,questcd variance r-o'other crl:;r. lng or poreAi,Jl uses and structures in the vlcinliy. 2, The degree to-which relief from the stric! or'llterrl {nterpretntion and ;':l, :lj'fii?:li,?,i l,'!::l[;;1,':fl:l;'l?l,l',il'ii;i'ill,;!,i,ll'l::liti;'iil,,'nl'inrti,rnc nf thic tit:lC rrithOut gfarrt Of Sli1.,;ral pr ivilcqevrqr'L vr trl'L'.'. tqt lrt tytrurc , . .,;. , .,; ,. iii,; .VER ,,.i 1;t.ii:1.: ''' TIIE TEE NUST BE PAIO YOUR PROPOSAL. z) 37p-ttto o i-{ (ti., t}l4i -?{t .31t t Vari ance C- 3. The effect'of the variance on light and air, djstribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - ZO, stamoedby a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existjnq imorove-ments, including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must-be shownare-parking and,loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas and ut'i lity and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' shorving existing and proposed bui 'ldi ngs. D. All preliminary building e1evations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale a.nd use of all buildings and spacesexisting and pro[osed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify.ownership and easements F. If the proposal is 'l ocated in a multi-farnily development which has a hcmeolti,crsl association, then written approval frorn the associatjon in support of theproje'ct must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the appl ication as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. Time RequirmentsIV. The Planning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays 'all accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- tt lJv'&Date of fl ication ffil'D LRttt g Date of PEC I'leeting APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. P1 ann'ing and Envjronmental Commission review is required for the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio-or the replacement of an existing building LOCATED IN TllE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOI,IING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIII,IED BY THI DRB. The appl ication will not be accepted unti'l al'l information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT PaoNE_47b:_Ho7b._ B.APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIUE MOaf,C(L A(LHNECT'NAME OF ADDRESS '(Pd>SebADg AT t/AlL. PHONE 4)A-Eto{ sgzw6ut 3t^ SIGNATURE( t, <' /'r*rltrrnk (|ffi 47a' fi''rL /t tt r..r-t ry' f;'< o<'t-"1 ADDRESS bok ?s?1Obb ' ?lc(1A?o N. WotDN ;c'4/P/Es #/.4 NAME 0F 0!{NER(S) (print or type) ///c'rd i 1gg0 c. ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Lo+t e,\ l tVv 6locF 5'A' PH}NE 7S !'S 2 7() , uAlv vu#&e, /,, ADDRESS E. FEE $] 00. 00 PAID cK# THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,lILL REVIEl,l YOUR PROJECT. II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGISTED TO OETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION t,lILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE_ ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO I1AKE AN APPOINT- MENT t,lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION t^lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCTSS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY-TEER-ETSING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PTC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COI4PLIED HITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSTM" THE FOLLOI,JING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location of 8Y building and any improvements on the land. B. A list of the names of owners of a'l 'l property adjacent to PTOPETTY INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS' ANd addresses. THE APPLICANT |rlILL BE RESP0NSIBLE FOR C0RRECT Ithe subiect their mailing I4AILING ADDRTSSES. OV ER 3€:116s116 rt Date or epptication-l i fLljJ- Date of PEC Meeting APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alterationof an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the rep'lacement of an existing buildjng L0CATED IN THE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DR8. The app'l ication will not be accepted until all informatjon is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ThE P€D UON INI..J ADDRESS 3o+ bP{D6e pnonr 47{s-+t +b B.APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTUE I.IALTL& NdH bCX? !27 '(p4>5?4A49 AT t,/Att- VAtr-PHONE 4)U-aWr NAME OF ADDRESS c. .p/I)z>ltt/U-k , C-alo PH}NE 7S!-{27a l-ots e,\1tVv &LooF o'l..^, v\lL vltJA& D.L0CATIoN 0F PRoPoSAL: LEGAL Ftpt{ (l)l\rb ADDRESS E. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIE|.l YOUR PROJECT. t t^4pArD r,fr'rlf7crc# c4-L By I BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,/ILL II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I,IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATiON WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMiNISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINT- MENT l'lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I,JILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT AY-D-ET-REASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUM" THE FOLLOI^IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property I ines and location of building and any improvements on the land. B. A list of the names of owners of a'l I property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their ma'i1ing AddTeSses. THE APPLICANT I.IiLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. OV ER t ccI III. Four (4) copies of a site plan contain'ing the following information: A. -The site p1 an shal1 be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleOf I,, = 20' SHOWING EXISTINC AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SITE. Avariation of the sheet size or scale may be approved by the Community Deve'lopment Department if justified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed deve'l opment liITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N shat'l be shown on the site p1an. C. The existing topographic character of the site including existing and proposed contours. This condition will only be required for an expansion area where there is a change of two flet of grade. D. The existing and proposed landscaping, patios. E. The location of all existing and proposed buildings, structures, and improvements. F. .A title report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT.AS SPECIFIED IN I8.24.010. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES l^lITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN REGARDING: l. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape FramewoFk4. Street Enclosure5. St,reet Ecige i 6. Building Height7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE AS SKETCHES, SIMULATiONS, MODELS PHOTOS, ETC. ADDRESSED BY GMPHIC MEANS, SUCH (INCLUDING NEIGHBORING BUILDINGS), IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MAJOR CHANGE TO THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES ARE NOTED IN SECTION 18.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOl.lN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRiTTEN OR GMPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTMTOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIE|.| OF THE APPLICATION. VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEl,lED SEMI-ANNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF MY OR NOVEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PRELIMINARY REVIE|.l SESSION WITHIN 2I DAYS OF THE SUBMITTAL DATE. A PUELIC HEARING SHALL BE HILD I^IITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEt^l SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEl4l. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEl,l SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION I8.24.065 A5. //t l-.. Date of Application-!1f tlf [ 1 Date of PEC Meetinq gstaserN 6vpN^+iow ,l SIGNATURE(S ADDREsS loo (avV Avenur- APPLICATION FOR EXTERiOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. P1 anning and Environmental Commission review is required for the a1 terationof an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building L0CATED IN THE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVITWED BY THT DRB. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS loo PAgr4 AvtNUE NeN Yoep r NeN yoetr loo t? pH0ruE_(2!d_Fo.__ll1e NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATWE NMEL AgC+1fiC6' ADDRESS l*1 EeI Ytlfuout WtW - CP4,*?N5 R VA,L PH0NE 13ob) 47b5tos B. C. NAME 0F 0tlNER(S) (print or type) 00t?PH}NE (712) 3+o -lll) LotO e,*r4'lrv hlw\E-F )vAtL VlwAbe D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS 36+ W\1be 5T?^LT . E. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAIDi{{' REVIEW Y0UR PR0JECT. pslo r,l4f1 cK #gaj-_ sy_ftArieE1-l(-_lAt&- BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,JILL II. PRE-APPLICATION .CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DITERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION iS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I,IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED By THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT ]S THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY'TO MAKE AN APPOINT. MENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUEMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJTCT BY-TEER-E-ASING THE NUMBER OF cONDITIONs OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STII'ULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED l,lITH BEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSNED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location ofbuilding and any improvements on the land. B. A list of the names of ov{ners of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing AddTesses. THE APPLICANT l,llLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. OVER \ccr III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A.- -The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleOf ],, = 20' SHOWING EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE SITE. Avariation of the sheet size or scale may be approved by the Community Development Department if justified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development WITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION sha'll be shown on the site plan. C. The existing topographic character of the site including existing and proposed contours. This condition will only be required for an expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade. D. The existing and proposed landscaping, patios. E. The locatjon of all existing and proposed buildings, structures. and improvements. F. .A title report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDEMNCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT. AS SPECIFIED IN'I8.24.0'IO. B. THE PROPOSAL SUESTANTIALLY COMPLIES l,liTH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN REGARDING: I. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape FramewoFk4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edge6. Euilding Height7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY GMPHiC MEANS, SUCH AS SKETCHES, SIMULATIONS, MODELS (INCLUDING NEIGHBORING EUILDINGS), PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPL]CANT IS PROPOSING A MAJOR DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGE TO THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN CHANGES ARE NOTED IN SECTION 18.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE I.IITH THE CHAMCTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOl,lN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI.ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GMPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTMTOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEt,l OF THE APPLICATION VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI-ANNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF MY OR NOVEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEI,I SESSION WITHIN 2I DAYS OF THE SUBMITTAL DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEl,l SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REqUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEI.I. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEl,l SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION I8.24.065 A5. -. -i Apptication Ou,"l Restaurant 30' Stream Variance January 29, 1990 PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE B0uru3ipsc I' This procedure is-requilgg fgt any project requesting a variance. The appr icationwil I not be accepted unti I ar r in'roi-maiion is 'iuu,nitiei. . A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS - puonr. 4ea-llo?tb B. NAME 0F AppLrcANT,s REeRESENTATTUE vlglel MHlTkja ADDREilS -- VAltL ) c.otAeN)o Blbs+ pHoNE 4?,6- stpf D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL E.FEE $IOO PAID THE FEE MUST 8E PAID YOUR PROPOSAL. PH0NE_l:l&:3!al_ 9x rJ+5\_ FROM Tf\6 P{D (,tor..) BEFORE THE COTIIIIUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTFIINT l,l.ILL ACCEPT adjacent to the subject property and thejr majl ing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. A list of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS-, THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MET1BER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTIL)T0.TDETERMINEiFANY'ADDITioNAL TNFoRMATI0N rt rueinEo.-nb npprrcATr0N NrLL BEAccEPTED UNLESS IT_IS-C0IIPLETE (l4usT INCLUDE iLr- iirrqs-RIQUTRED By TllE zgt'trNGADMINISTRATOE)._ IT IS THE APPLicANT's nrspoNsisrliii-ro IIAKE AN App0rNTnErrI'|ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDiTIONAL SUBI'lIrrNr- NEOUTNN,TENTS.'--":..'_ PLEASE NOTE iirAT-A-lgiliFLEIg APPLiCTiII0N t^iiLL sTiiEAi'iLItiE TuI ripfncVAL pRccEss F0RYOuR PROJEcr uY DEcREASING-THE NUtiIBER on cototrtolrs-oF-nppnovAl THAT TftE pLANlritc AN0 ENvIRONMENTAL_c0MMIssI0N My snpulArr. -aLl-Cotoirror.rs 0F AppR0vAL r,rusr BE F. I I I. FOUR compLrr0 wITH BEFoRE A BUTLDING pERMIT rs-issUff. (4) COPIES 0F THE F0LL0I,,ING f.tusT BE suBMrTTEO: A WRITTTN STATEI'IINT 0F TllE PRECISE HetUne 0F THE VAntAl|CE RIQUESTE0 AltD TllE REGULATiOI{ INVOLVEO. THI STATEI4TIIT HUST ALSO AOORESS: OVER 1 Application out"O PEC MEETINC DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I' This procedure is.required fgr gny project requesting a variance.wlll not be accepted untir art inioi-rnalion rs'iro*ilieJ. . A. NAME OF APPLICANT The appl ication ADDRESS PHONE B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPL ICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE PHONE c.NAME OF si Ol^lNER(S) (type or print) ADDRESS PHONE D.LO.CATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS E. FEE $IOO PAID THE FEE MUST BE PAID YOUR PROPOSAL. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT ELOCK FILING cK#FROM BTFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTIITI,IT I^I.ILL ACCEPT F. A list of the names of owners of a'l 'l property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS bTRLETS-, THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf adjacent to the subject property and their mail ing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l.lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STROIIGLY SUGGESTTOT0 .:DETERIIINE IF ANY'ADDITIoNAL INFoRMATI0N Is NEEDEo. -rub nppllcnn0N t,ILL BE ACCEPTED uNLEss IT_IS COMPLETE (MUsT INcLUDE ALL tTEMt REQUTRED By rHE zonrflcADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLiCANT' s RESPONSIBTIiif -To MKE AN APPOINTI,IENTI.IITH THE 5TAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTNT- NEqUrRrr,rErurS. _-'-:--- PLEASE Hclir tirnr A co;'iFLirE AppLicArI0N tiiLL sTiiEAi.iLIfii ritt rirpRCVIL pp.ccEss FOR YOUR PR0JtcT BY DECREASING-THE NUI'rBER 0F coNDITI0Ns 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANnnl6 AND ENVIRONMENTAL-COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. NIT COIIOITTONS OF APPROVAL MUST BIc0i,'Dt-lrD l.l ITll ri 0Rt i 3!ll! l1!'iri r.crrr,rr r,: r..'ii::n- Condo 30' Stream Setback Application outuO Vari an ce PEC MEETING DATE ffiI}LRi,i 3r1s9o I.This }lil l A. APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required f9l lnI project requesting a variance.not be accepted until all infoimaiion is submitled.The appl icatjon B. D. flUNb,Tbwtr o€ v{tv / NANE OF APPLTCANT (6A'C?-V CO?PO?+ilIoA ADORESS - H0NE (zl2) 3+o-nto NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PHONE (aos) +ilo- etot C. NAME 0F 0HNER(S) (type or print) ADDRESS IO PAPF AVZNUr- \ PHoNE (2t?-) 31o -lilo LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Lots e,4,X,bv 304 baooe 5rwer btAC.V 5F tvhv vtU.M, tFtg+t 6oePoPA'T|oN ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTfrLALOCK I'A _FILING FIBsT FIUINA E. FEE $IOO PAID cR #JU+31- FRot4 F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject properry INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS SfR'eetS-, ana tf'uir majting aidresses. THE APPLICANT l.lILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECf MAILING ADORESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l^lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBTR IS STRONGLY SUGGISTED TO.:DETERMINEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT_IS COMPLETE (MUST INcLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZOIIIIIGADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO I,IAKE AN APPOINTTIENTl.lITH THE S.TAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRTIITITS. --i.. _ PLtAst ltoiE riiRl A cc'iFLtrE AppLicAfI0N tiiLL sT;iEAi,iLItiE Titi AfpRcvtL pR0cEss F0R YOUR PROJICT BY DECREASINGIHE NUI'IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TIiAT THE PLAIiIIIiIG ANO TNVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION T1AY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I,1U5T BE t(it Y.'I DEPARTMENT Ne I,I.I LTHE FEE MUST BE PAID YOUR PROPOSAL. BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L ACCEPT II I. FOUR A. COMPLI ED I^IITH EEFORE A BUILDING PERI,IIT IS ISSUFD. (4) C0ptES 0F THE F0LLOHING t4usT BE SUBflITTED; A WRITTEN STATET'IENT 0F THE PRECISE HRtUnE 0F THt VARIAilCE RIQUISTEo A|JD TltE REGULATION INVOLVEO. THE STATEHINT HUST ALSO At)t)R[SS: l. The relationship of the requested vrriance to'other ex{:tlng or potengt.l uses and structures ln the vlclnlty. 2.The degree to which relief frcrn the sthe strict or llteral lnterprotttlon rnd ,' ,' enforcement of a specified regulation ls neccssary to rchleve ccg611611ltv and uniformity of treatment among sites ln the vicinily or to dttrin the -' objectives of this title without grant of special privilcAe. OVER Vari ance J 3. The effect'of the variance on light and air, distribution of popu'l ation, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and pubiic safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - z0' stampedby a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of all existing imorove-ments, inciuding grades and elevations. Other elernents which must-be shownare,parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscgped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at'l east'l " = 20' sholing existing and proposed bui'ldings. o D. A'll preliminary building elevations the dimensions, general appearance,existing and proposed on the site. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmenta'l Commission meets of each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the p'lanning nated submittal date. E. A preliminary title report to verify.ownership and easements F. If the proposal is'tocated in a multi-family development r.rhich has a homeorr,,crSr asscciation, then written approval from the associatjon in support of theproiebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional material necessary for the review of the appiication as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modificationsr an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. and floor p1 ans sufficient to indicate scale a.nd use of all buildings sn4 spaces on the 2nd and 4th Mondays . all accompanying materi a1 of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- t o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. Vt-4351-2 For fnformation OnIy - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy iZ,765.OO 52o.ooTaxcertit:-*oro,-',-- g2,7's.oo With your remittance please refer to Vl_4351_-2. 1- Effective Date: November OL, L9B9 at g:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAn ownerrs policy $1,450, Ooo.OOFonn 8-1970 (tunended 10-17-70) Proposed Insured: FRANKTE TANG 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Cornrnitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: EDWIN C. WHITEI{EAD 5. The land referred to in this Cornmitrnent is described asfollows: CONDOMINTUM UNITS R-1 AND R-2, ]ITHE RED LION INN CONDOMINII'MS]I ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINT{JM MAp THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18.].981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 105 AND AS DEFINED TN THE CONDOMINITIM DECIARATTON RECORDED SEPTEMBER L8' L981 rN BooK 329 AT PAGEl_04, couNTy oF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 av ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-]. (Requirements) Application No. Vt-4351_-2 The following are the requirements to be cornplied with: 1. Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors'ofthe fulL consideration for the estate or interest to Eeinsured. 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERUS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVTSTONS OT THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFTED. 4. WARRANTY DEED FROM EDWIN C. ViHTTEHEAD TO FRANKIE TANG CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. PAGE 2 ALTA COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. V14351-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the sarne are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: 1- standard Exceptions l- through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments iot yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurer,s office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said l-and. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAITTE BE AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES OR LODB TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES PATENT RECORDED July 11, l-899, IN BoOK 48 AT PAGE 475. ]-0. RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR UNITED STATES AS RESERVED ININ BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE ITNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JuIy 1L t 1899 r ]-]-. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONIAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT oMITTING RESTRICTIoNS, rF ANY' BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGIoN, oR NATfONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN fNSTRIIMENT RECORDED August LO, L962, IN BOOK ].74 AT PAGE 1.79. 12. THosE PRovrsloNs. covEirANTs AND coNDrrroNs, EASEMENTS AND RESTRrcrroNS,wHrcH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMTNTI'M UNrT DESCRIBED rN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRTTMENT RECORDED September L8, 1981, IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE104. 13. EASEMENT A}ID RIGHT OF WAY OVER PORTIONS OF SURTECT PROPERTY GRANTED TO GASFACILITIES, INC., IN INSTRWENT RECORDED I,TAY ]-0, 1966 IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE530. 14. EASEMENT FOR I'{AINTENANCE AND RESTORATION OF A BALCONY OVERHANG IMPROVE},IENT GRANTED TO OTTO KUEHN, rN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 10, L967 IN BOOK zLLAT PAGE 26. ].5. EASE}4ENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FfLINe AND THE RECoRDED CONDOMINIITM MAP OF THE RED LION CONDOMINTWS. fit \rA o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. VL43Sj--2 16. A PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS THE PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF MATNTAINING, REPAIRING AND REPLACINC THE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT OR ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT-LOCATED_Otr_TO_BE_L'OCtrTE-D- O-N----THE ROOF OF THE PROPERTY AND TO THE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IN THE ATTICSERVICING CERTAIN COMI,TERCIAL UNITS, WHICH EASEMENT SHALL BE APPURTENANT TOTHE OTHER TINITS IN THE RED LION INN CONDOMINIUMS, AS RESERVED IN WARRANTYDEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25, t-981 IN BOOK 329 AT pAcE 391_. 17. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCTES. PAGE 4 p- 7/, /??o 7r hJ/.*, J/ wg C^arl'"' T/'" /'4" ;U"**? c /r,L //, /r,^'r-u*f h 4?,^ ? /ry,427*Lh'/-'-rr,."^ e U "+' dv Fr^ 0 U ^i-/ -,1/r a efrrt4;( /* ryfu, bL %*h;'y''a' /1/ v,r,u nU,'h nlt?1 t**l-<na O "L P*( 7-,.^ /?u t-'uf,,u./,-4 fla4444 o Via overnlght Mail February 91 1990 Town of Vail Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road westVail, CO 81657 nE: Red Lion Expanslon/Consent to Applicatlons To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned, as owner of the resldential unitsIocated at the Red Lion Condominiuns, hereby consents to theapplication being subml-tted by Landnark Development Companyand/or The Red Lion Restaurant. RETAserv Corp., a Del-aware Corporation By: U€r te 2800 I+p,,9]'srnlqht Mar! .r February 9, L990 Town of, vallPlonning DeparLmerrt 75 S. Frontage Road ltest.Vatl, CO 81657 RBr Red Lion Expansion/Consent to applicaf,ior:s fo Whom Ic May Concern; The undersigned,, as owner of the resldential units ', tocated at the Red Lion Cond,onriniuns, hereby consents to the- appllcat,lon bclng submltt,ed ny landrnirk Dev6topment Companyiaqd/or The Red Lion Restaurani Rl?A8erv Corp.,I Dalaware Corporat,lon By: r!J.v1J ttu.vl.9 I .v4 (l BEST COPY AVAILABLE I I : I ,-i ,Pt^-( / raqg Av6nue, Febnrary 8, 1990 Iorrtr of Vail Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road WestValll C1t 81657 $O T|ITODI IT }IAY CONCERN: rtlb undersJ.gned as general Conpany hereby consentE to Reta s6ffi. Corp., the RedDevelolnent Company. Slncerely, partner of Landmark Connercial Development aL1 appllcations being submitted by either Lion Restaurant, or Landmark Conmercial I Januery' 5, t9g0 ,.'-. Krtctan: Prlts Town of, Vatt 75 Sout! Ffontagc Road Vatlr Cplorsdo 91657 ( conflroretr.on that Kathy W*rren,, lsto your recorile . Deat Krletan, ,ftrta lcfter ra ae prenlnted bythl* edluatment 304 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado 81657,3O9t476-7676 : the prevloue subftlttal for the Red l.ton, hereby wlthdrawn. Thank you for naktng -i1- --\.t a-'J-Best coPY Available,.'ii -. ( tr ts I I I I I I d z cc:', et. It Irt 1Z aYi E -:- tr 27' sol +a i -. I .-3 \ i_ :rl 5: 'r, .-3 ( : ,.:I. ;.i !.3! ;r f? 3 i-r t zs - vEi 52't ri- E 9+ i .1 F S^x. '-{ fio s 5nro*; 3X o a,5 5t*: g- ir ,- t 2i: EJ JI - !l' ta |:Xx!;t E I ri =; 3 i -; :. F ig ii ii :;=t ii9t ; ::3: i; ;lziisi "iili;ii iiiiiii ry;i;$il ll3fr F{b F sfifE tII t o? It o, 6|| o € tr 14I q .Y !t0 6Ilt\ R 13 x i t,t Ia *fIL I.t 5 O g) zi !, :i(r, l; r'ti .i.- 5 I ca tl K.t, Irs{ t ,,ti, ,t L. .. ... -::..'..-, .. . .:.j; :::_;i:= :::: -. : :-_: l"-*r::r;'.- "'l j: ri '!t4t2trli Tf,| : d ,'r*flr r.ttr itclLtd n. lfu||n,(t!.lr: et H. fic rcrEu I rt i. , t9 a6, Satby rrd rr-d Chasl- t. ,.'b, .-^ -*4- "rerJil_ . -_ .-!.:xltr:l 1t ,.{ttt tf ltrtl! 0lY. it Fr: h l0 ll u n.tt hd J.ffr:'Gy l. .t rlE T,{r. of Vill.t+.{f, t!.Ela d dE (rty and . htt d '!.-f' g r?tt . irrb c+t'n, TIE lr.tont iroruhr.r..r CaAOt AO Crrl-erdrr. :r&rrr al Unlrr* barcj.rt Daraf(Farfac.tripany, r cajordq c,nrat ,.rtrNtrrr+ -- ri i, rh.r ktrt.rrd'rr\ r. tTfO GoE?l ,allrllr, Sultr loti i '; batac. -r.'lor.ao aotl2 'i .'".' Errt --aL Ic,*fA 'i' Jri 'l..' i.i e rynluo-nLJ.l?(dcl_ E gh CurFty - Doc t; atl1c{t?6 4-Q q) 5 >.s3*s ^ -Y'=V> Lc?tlcr ?fllA DEED , ka rht. a, .r ltovlla.rr 15, btnn ErIx c. ffinEGrD 1989 t. ?lffifl{fdtil *'- RETA 3erv r Corp. r I Dcllrlre Corporrtlon at tli cwry rr lELl *.3a taaal d"tra lrot ttraIllllttttt. ttt.t ot rrlt li iat irnr! ,trrr tn,3S !t ur' n o aan *s,ir*il:*h *\s'l** rrd tt|ta rl 100 Prrk Avc ''i'#*,_L Stolc Doe, Fec ato,o0o.o0 r sqona lr. tlr-l.ld Frtt af tia ll?at rt#lrffi-i:iwrffintriffi,, rl- Irli.r r rrrt t r-.r u|rlg Fr t R_2, RtD tJE|| It|I ocfllncllc -- _Imir rl alt rd r|r1d.. r{ |a11larrer ra F1ltru!.rnffin i#fr.d:,#?H:!fr';ri. rr, 'rre ri. lrta |'t tlrt rh b.trlia rl acalbd..rltt ttr_ tlrtrrtar. ||ita fi -ta l.'tr afi, Fri:fi d'JjH'nf'*ff#:Effi F3'':*C&'WSsl.-,im=.rtF. ilrrt .t rtro ttr rr rm inirr ri ri Oi ti.r?-idl-# xfit- r"r*r; ma*e##ffiffi ,*dl !H lTfi+"3Llrr Fr. r-. .rr trr rl c1.." t.r.. iqr; ri."i. ri.ir] Ei,,., -rr. I tf,r., tr.a. mr-itr dffimffiffie ri- dl drovrd }.t.li.d t.trtr- ll.,+:*'$fl ryffi t:Wssni#trtrt'H*rh *t,.lL'tttt* l*ftd. ri. r.la trt * ttr-iiirt iri-ti'ffi]e rh t i tra !.t rrr rr -Jrr.. rtnr aq cl N! 0,1 bE -O 8d r ;toi> eil I r,l id td 8. oFOra IF "jOFrano, Io tr,l F D ttl;tjt ab I '.1 %Cr.rt.t t. ,.S.. rrf ; D ta. I It|. f-.i|rt tnt.rtrt - -H.{J btlr r - l|t. -, ,F| -c l!t. llg8lt . r Etnllr c. IIIIE{EID It cr.liillr anl... n\. . t \ t,.lt l, Jlq!. ? t ,a .d ,ltct.t -t. t..r qt2t CoFt nrlsmrtt lto - ta tht tdrfc r.G-{ ,,*:h vt{g Best copy Available J I EXHTEIT'A' 4t{3{/ H.-5tA tr-l/b ltlcllA! l.-t:4r, 2. !I9!1-9F PnoPRtProR ot_A r/ltr| oR roD! ro urrRAct ^lrD na|otr! nrs oR!rHERrrRou sHouLD rH! 3!!! ai rotno-m irlrtnerr on nrrr.nsrct-ra-iiacselAs RtsrRvED ril sdrrrD saArra perim-nr6i6ro .roty ri,-rrii,-ri*rcox .s ATPAGE {79. --, 'e", ^N t Rrcfia oF rAy FoR DtrcttEg 0R cNrA&s corslngqrrD !r tar AnzfioRr?t or tnEurrrgD srArns As RasERvrD rr urircD-srir;i pitrrn REaoiid;-;uii u, rscr,rx Boor 18 At PACE {73. 3' RrsrRrerrvE covENltlrlt-wfltcg m t'o! coxr^nf A Fontttrma oR RF lt1rrr ctrplt,lur ol{rtuNc R!stRreltg',!r-,I! xrr, rr.rm or r^c!;-coi6i,-iiuoror, onIlTIoIlt ontcrr{, rs,eonrrirro n ixirarnruu mcoiDiD-iiiEull ro, IrG2, rn800K 17{ At PAC! 179. 4, I|gsl llgvlsrors, covENNTlr lrfD corDrrtgrs, ElaEiuns ArD nrEsrnrssroils,l|Hrclt ARr A BUnDEI AO rnr co||mrnrrux ulfrr'DEsculcD rrf icrbFE-i;-ii'corfiArNED tN rlflrrnrrilrH:r rucoRDrD s.Dt.!b.r ia; taat; iii rodr rre Ar plc!10a. 5 ' Etslxwr lI'fD RTGHT o? rAr ovln poRrTrom or suu Eer pnoprrrt cRllrrD to crsFAcrLrrrEs, rNe,, tN lNstRUxEm RlconDrD xlr lo, rcce ri-roor rrz Ar plc! 53 0. 6 ' aAsEtrENt FoR ltlrlfrEr tfcE ArrD REsronl?ror op A Brrcon ovrngrurc rilpngvutElsGR.nlfitED To oTTo KuElIN, Ir rlf!ilnoxElilT RECoRDED tgcust' 10, 196? nr gooR 211AT PAGE :6. 7, EASETEIfIS, REsERvATrols lrD rulttRteltoNs llt gHurr oR RrslwED or r|!RECoRDED PIAT ol vAtL vltrtlc!, lrRsr rrlttrc Al|D fit! RlconDlD cot|milrxntrllAP Ot tHl RED LIOr col|DottlIttttis. B. A PIRPEIUAL EASEI{IXT FOR mcRltt AtrD gtRlt! ottlR, qfDlR lltD Acnost tttt PROPERU FOR FURPOSES OP tlttElrrrrc, RlP^rRtlfc AlfD EEPtlcilc frE XEcrnr{IcAL EQUIPTnTT OR AODXIIoXAL EQOIPlTlnt' l'OCtllD OR tt' BE IPcttED OX rHE ROOF OF THE PROPERT! ttfD TO TBt ItECEltfTCf,I, IQI'IPIIIITT TT THE AfIIC sERVrCrlfG CERTATH C€tOGnerA& tttftlls, rf,rcr lrsEl@ll snN.L Bg l9FttRgixtm m fltE (rrHER Ut{trs rr tHl ruD Llolt Dtlt cc,tlxturlolct, lg nEglS\tgD rx rrRR ltTr DEEt RECORDED SEPrEI{IER 2t, 19at rx Boor 329 m Pl6t t91. 9. . txlstrxc LelsEs AND TElfltrclE. I'G .l (t d i I I I I I a I aI I II rEl .Tt dr 'Co xt s, ffiH lf:*-Ot-;--.r.!. ri-. rr- r.crrcr -!L-',rf* .9 EFE-lJ I THf S DEED . k(b tht. i, ., l{ovttr.rt, 15. blfn ErIr| c. ffirrE[rD 1989 -g Il,1!Jau fi> -3qf 19 La ilur>d-.(I tr,l 6t\o-o OJ Or. FTolJFFit JT b $ra r.ld F"v ot dia fl?ri rr.li lrl_ts|! t r! --tl F.r' or tt ci Ft, tta rclt,t a..rf ta t .ri,crarl.{t r! cqrrrrtd, h.r'b"rrtrr.. rllrr, rrr r,i ii,nrlri.'rr rl_d5 ftiiiI5jiilirr,n. ,.n.ctitry td crtltrl. rato rtr rrlrt ittr-* ib d,i;;.1i;fii.i _.lg- tnr. .ll or ,ltlatrf cr.rtu tdc:,,,tr or- HA! ef 'rd. irrit,.rritrIjl'' '- .1.. lrD.r - rtnrt i.-|" lttlE n-l t R_2, tl|D l.Illl Dll crGiIIIIrS . tl[lrf,r r3 rrr .lr rl arrrutr .l Ldrtfrrr ri atF r|r'!aa lt...'ia blrrr|tL .? ti rFrr Fr.tilrr. dD'l nrslrl,dr }! ?.r"rt'r. r-lil"-ai, rrt,*.r. rrii, iilL frrfra ttf,aor, r, rll r|r |3tita. rtarr tl oInrff..r. cr.rr al rhd ra.rr-rrr d..rx xta rri ri fri iffi-jr,.rrrrre ra ri irE iii.i] ii.l r. ttrh !.trJ|!t Fitr|!. rtrt ri trtattrrrr i;;r;;:' -'rc r.r re ro q,D lr! trta lnltF rh -.t|t|!, rt -G?tt-. -rltt l|f llnf,Gra. Irt. fi rtaFty.fl|ttr F t F.r. hl. h.tn ag rtirr trt*..trt ti. rir iw-ii iir-^flrrt^F.r. L rt-.rr; tt. t tn. rFrrrrr,ia -lil.r".r.... .r.. ..rrrrc. ra. f4rrq rf fr 6 j;.?;i| |'r xta F.t,,, tfr lcrl ,rr. rtr Ltr! dtrlrr, th.l lt tht :t- or rtrr;r.li ifci rr-r-E-iri-;;3. rr t. rtt rtr.a.f tf Frrrr. _orioFq!.. r. ot 'd. r... r?rcr. -r-sr. a r*iirii-ii.i. ;-i,r,;iiii; i;'i;.-i"'a-.;ill r, ir rdtlltt. lull F." d trlel rrrtrirr tr flr. trrt;. iii ii-il1 dr n t; rrr-rd rr. rr-riinllc. rftlrt th. r- r.r f?.r rs crrr? r .la i.d; d:dr;;;;; ilii,r. rirj. i. i*-..iliJ* affii$ffi, w !la.F --.-r b.llid F-tri tl !" !4i ti tEt-t._F-r.tG.f ..:a Ftr.t tto..c.l fi. itr Lh dttrtr. ... , all tt a!t|r r -r irr.| triu tr ctitiil r rr ctrtr- rrr f!!r-r rr rd dr.-r. h -ta F.ty.t rh. I d Ji.tl ri r r cfi.f'r r[rfl r,tr: rt.-riirr:-.* rrii -riril E'ri;r,';. '.un r $.rlt1d.' : rh. !.. cf rlr rqr. frtt f etieCo r iti-ijiil' -t,,ll.'t"'t lrl4ot. itx r.la ;ttt .l rt llttt rr rr rru*r |.t th t l d Ft tb -.1 F f I'tr -i tt f..i.ltt Inrn-t r *It{d ba-r. - - ia. -t ilottlh: l!1, 1999 . b ECnlH C. ||IrlErEN, It c-lttlar a||lraa G'.rr'!r lr .t'It Jltribi.l .t cl.a rt. f.3 ::.:',- S ffi,i*ry:,-'$,ifri!*ifo *\H** }|.) b 8qar:a ,r8llj rco rl N-3 ilsc-o 8d at li.cxtrt .f EEll $aar tn t.t thr9t?rtttlt. !t tttrlfl rcr trnt0 tr t[,ltD F,un F o cEtr .l ttatt at $n&'r{fdf;l -,,- RETA sary, Corp. , I Dcltrrrr Corpor.tlon i50,000.o0, Srotc Doe. Frc arrrr or -i-l-c;;FiiT.-=-C.r$t tf t...S..,rf 1, at. q t.r rlil^ !(Ftrrrf||r|rr Ftt . r- *l:!siit. H vt{sl Best copy Available I l. ! gH" oF pRopRtEToR o? A vtttf oR t o! To txt'^c? lt,D nE'ow ar! or!THERrrRor{ sHouLD -rHE srx! rr roqrD m pgxrtrrrr on intr.nsrcr'-rnr-iirrasl{As RtstRvED rx udrrrD stATls pr$rn nrconoro Jury ri,-iii-,-nr-rooi-ri-r]PA6E 475. r 2 ' Rrc8t or nly FoR DtacttEs on cmArs corsrnuclrD !r rf,r AumoRrrr or ,tr!urfrrED s?ArEs As RESERVID tr urtrED srArls pATEnr nsconoio.ruii ii,-iice,IN BOCIX '8 AT PACE I?r. 3' nrstnterrvE covExtf,rg mtrctt F rcr! cgt.ar tt| A roRrlrtuRr oR nwrxttn ctrgtt,lur orrr?tNc REsrRtc"totf!1 I? rxr, llsED olr ucl, cotoi, nrLsoroi, oi- ---' r{lttot{AL ORrCrN, Aa cornArHlD rr tNst"trtlxa nrcoiogo euiuri 10, lict, ttlBOOK 174 At Pl6t 1?9. 4. IPq! rygvlslo{9r covE}r^rRs lr|D coNDraroxsr Elsrulrrts ArD RlsrnrlelroN8,wt{rcH IRE A tuRDtN ?O ?fi! cormrtxru{ uilt8 DlscRtlgD ttf scEDott l, l3coNtAlNED rll rNstRltilrl|lr RICoRDED g.pt.rb.a lt, 19t1. rl| Dot tzr ri prcll0{. EXHTBIT'A' 5. EAltE!{Drrr AND RrcHT oF rAl ovtR poRrtors ot su!it!e! mopllrt cn f,rED re clsFACTLTTIES, INC., tN llrgTRtt(ExT Rfc-oRDrD r^t lo, 1t66 llf loox rt2 lt Dtc!tl0. 6. Ef,sEt{Elrr FoR HArHrENAtfcE AxD ngsmR Trox oF A B rcolrt o\nrRgArrc rxplovn{Err GRAI{rED TO OTTO KUENI{, Ilf IXSTRIfiEHT RACORDID AUCUS? lO, 1967 tX EOOX 2r1AI PA6E :6. 7. EISETENTS, RESERVA?IONS AlrD RrSTRtetIOl{s lS tHOtOt OR rusERlrtD Ort 1T! RECORDED PIIT OP Vlll. VlLII6l, PIRS! tILttfC AND tHt RICORDID ColfDoHrrtglt ltAP ot tHf, ntD LIor cc,Noollltflnilt. 8. A PERIDTUAI l SEttEll? loR tlctllts lltD IGRltt ottl, utlDll N|D rCnOSt trc PROPIR?Y FOR PURPOSES Or rAtl|TArrl||c, RrPtlRtltc ll|D ng?lrcnrc n|l rEcxN|rctLEQuIPrENToRlDDnIot|At.rngrnonl,clflDonTollllcA.rEDoN TltE ROOr OF tllE PROPER5i[ tl(D to trE [Eqtnrtcu, SQrnn'lll|ll lr tEE A1|:lrc SERVICING eERTAIN COTOmC[f. gftTli, t|f,ICA ErSalE|l SEILr BE ^PPUFr!J|NI tO tHE CTTHER U{ITS llf Tr|r RlD LIOF rxtt coxDotctlgttg, l3 nlSEnIIED Ilt mnntltlir DEeg RECORDED SIPIETBER 25, 19!l Df loox t29 tl Pl(;l 391. 9. . IXTSAING I.Ef,SES ^rID TETII|CIES. rrla36, l, !llj 1.'-llb lllllllS't lc t qt,l'ti L u r.' I I I 6 e MINNESOTA TTTL,E l\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-0211 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurors, CO 80014 75 r -4336 l8l0 30th Streel Boulder, CO 8030 | 444-4tOl 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-225s 512 Wilcox Cdslle Rock, CO 80I04' 688-6363 212 North Wahsatch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-48?l GommitmentTo Insurc lssudilmtghtln 0ffin of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32t-l880 8821 E. Hampden Suite | 00 Denver, CO 8023 | 750,4223 8333 Greenwood Bouleva rd Denver, CO 8022 | 427-9353 '1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite 150 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemile Denver, CO 80237 694-2537 LAilD TITLE GIARANTEE CC)f\4FANY '108 Soulh Frontage Road W' P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8l 658 476-2251 3030 S. College Avenue Suile 20 | Fort Collins, CO 80525 482-90r 5 710 Kipling Streer Lakewood, CO 80215 232-31l. I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite I | 5 Iakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 | 1990 Granl Streei Suite 220 Northglenn, CO 80233 452-0149 I9590 East Ma in Street Parker, CO 801 34 84 t -4900 108 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 1/6-22s1 !1,. ,.:.! .tiz itltilir, .i:ll 1, .-'j: I :lf:. -1970 Hev. MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE C0MPANY 0F MINNES0TA. a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance. as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or refened to in Schedule A. upon paymenl of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions o{ Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and StiDulations hereof. This Commitrnent shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount or the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the tjme of the issuance of this Commitment or bv subseouent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary t0 the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such polic.y or policies is not the fault of the Company, CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1 . The term "mortgage". when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any detect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim T|T:E !\ or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitnent other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of fie proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knoivledge to the Company. or if the Company ottrenrvise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other mattel the Company at its option may amend Schedule B 0f this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability prwiously incuned pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only t0 fie named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and 0nly for actual loss incuned in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or lb) t0 eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or {c} to acquire or create the estate 0r interest 0r mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject t0 the insuring provisions and the Conditi0ns and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of fre proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this C0mmitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions 0r rights 0f action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest 0r the status of ttre mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject t0 the prwisions of this Commitment. STANDABD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also sublect to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey a nd inspection of the p remises would disclose a nd which a re n ot sh own by the public rec ords. 4. Any lien, or rightto a lien, for services, laborormaterialtheretoforeorhereafterfurnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first a ppea ring in the pu blic records or auaching subsequentto the effective date hereof but p rior to the date the proposed insured a c qu ires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEREOETitle Insurance Company of Minnesota has c a used its corporate name and sealto be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA :/.. 7i 1, r '\ "4t\1..,, i '-.I , Authoized Signatory TIM Form 2582 ;i. -.' -4 .-€ z 'i ''4 l''', I,AND r r fre A"PANYGUARANTEE Representing Title Insurance Company of Minnesota TIIANK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER December 11, 1989 Our Order: V14598 :BllYSR,r SEI,T,FR: ADDRESS: I,ANDMARK COUIIERCIAL DEVEISPMENS COI.TPANY, COIJORADO GENERAI., PARTNERSHIP RED LION COITIMERCIAL A I|ORTER ARCHITECTSv cALr, To prcK up Attn; ARLIN PICKED UP FOR DEIJIVERY AI,I PM ALToO"oMMTTMENT SCI{EDULE A Application No. Vl-4598 For Information Only RED LION CO!,!I,!ERCIAL - Charges - ALTA Owner PolicyPRELr!''rNAR:Yi8fiI"- - El33:33 With your remittance please refer to Vj.4599. L. Effective Date: November 23, L9B9 at g:OO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: nALTArr Ounerrs policy form 8-1970 (Amended l_0-i_7-70) Proposed Insured: 3. The estate or interest in the rand described or referred to inthis Conunitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: r,ANDl'tARK coMl'IERcTAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A cor,oRADo GENERAL PARTNERSHIP 5. The land referred to in this comrnitrnent is described asfollows: coNDourNlul[ UNITS cL, c2, c3, AND c4, THE RED LION coNDoMrNltrus AccoRDrNG To rHE coNDoMrNrII'{ I'{Ap THEREoF RECORDED sEpTEMBER 18,1981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE ]-05 AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINII'MDacraRATroN RECoRDED SEPTEMBER l-8' l-98L rN BooK 329 AT PAGE1.04, COttNTy oF EAGLE, STATE OF COI_,ORADO. PAGE 1- t. SCHEDUI.,,E B-1 (Reguirenents) Application No. V14598 The follo'rLng are the requirements to be cornplied with: 1. Plyrsrt to or for the account of the grantors or nortgagors ofthe f,ull conEideratLon for ttrd eatate or interest to belncured. 2. Propar instrument(s) ereating the estate or intereEt to be J.nsured must be executed and-du1y filed for record, to-wit; flllB Co!'!Ur1!IENT Is FoR INFoRMATIoN oNLY, AND No PoLIcy WILL BE IssuED PUNBUANT HERETO. ALTol"oilMrrrrtENT o PAGE 2 ALroO"oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)application No. VL4598 The policy or poricies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefolJ-owing unless the same are dJ-sposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: L. Standard Exceptions l- through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFRO}! SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAs RESERVED rN uNrrED srATEs PATENT RECORDED July LL, j-999, rN BooK 48 AT PAGE 475. 1.0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI^S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTI{ORITY OF THEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED July l-l-, Lggg,rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11.. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIoNS, IF ANY. BASED oN RACE, coloR. RELTGION, oRNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAfNED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August l-0, l-962, INBOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. L2. THOSE PROVISTONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEIT{ENTS AND RESTRICTIONS,WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINTIIM uNrT DESCRIBED rN SCHEDULE A, ASCONTAINED IN INSTRITMENT RECORDED September 18, 1981, IN BOOK 329 AT pAcE Lo4. 13. EASEITIENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OVER PORTIONS OF SUR'ECT PROPERTY GRANTED TO GASFACTLTTIES, INC., IN rNsTRUl,tENT RECORDED MAy l_0, t-966 rN BOOK 192 AT PAGE530. ]-4. EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND RESTORATION OF A BALCONY OVERHANG IMPROVEMENT GRANTED TO OTTO KUEHN, IN INSTRiJI,IENT RECORDED AUGUST l_0, l_967 IN BOOK 2L1_AT PAGE 26. ].5. EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VTLI,AGE, FTRST FILING AND THE RECORDED CONDOMINTUMI.IAP OF RED LfON CONDOMINIWS. 9. PAGE A L T of" o u l,r r r M E N T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. V14598 16. EXTSTING LEASES AND EENANCIES. 17. A DEED OF TRUST DATED November 03, L977 FROI{ RICIIARD N. BROWN, CHARLESH' ROSENQUIST AND JEFFREY B. SELBY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF THE EMPTRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND IOAN ASSOCIATION TO SECURE THE St'M OF $45O,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABIE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED November L4, 1977, IN BOOK 262 AT PAGE 25L. NOTICE OF CONTINUATION OF LIEN OF DEED OF TRUST AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED MARCH 29, L985 rN BOOK 41_O AT PAGE t_0. (AFFECTS EASEMENT oN LoT E, BLocK 5A VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING) 18. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF SECURITY AGREEMENT AND PLEDGE OF PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS RECORDED Novenber 06, 1986 IN BOOK 451 AT PAGE 87G. 19. A DEED OF TRUSI DATED JanuaTy 09, ].987 FROM I,ANDMARK coMMERcIAL DEVEIJoPMENT COIi{PANY, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLEcoItNTY FOR THE USE OF THE EMPTRE SAVINGS, BUTLDING AND I_,,OAN ASSOCTATTON TOsEcuRE THE sIlM oF $2,!55,855.00, AND ANy orHER AI,IouNTs pAyABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED January 20, r9g7 | rN BooK 456 AT pAcE 254. (AFFECTS CONDOMINITT'' UNrTs ct, c2, c3 AND C4) 20. FINANCING STATEMENT WITH CENTRAL BANK OF ASPEN, N.A., THE SECURED pARTy, RECORDED MARCH 7, l_988 IN BOOK 48O AT pAcE 48. (AFFECTS A PORTION OF CONDOMINIUM UNIT C4) 2L. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ASSIGNMENT OF REAIJ ESTATE LEASE AND AGREEMENT RECORDED March 07, l-9BB IN BOOK 4gO AT PAGE 49. (AFFECTS A PORTION OF CONDOMTNTUM UNrT C4) PAGE 4 +- SCHEDULE A Application No. VL435l--2 -For Infornation only - Charges - ALTA Owner Po1icy $2,765.00 $20.00Taxcertit]-toro,,-- 92,785.00 With your remittance please refer to V14351-2. 1. Effective Date: Novernber 01-, 1989 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrAr'TArr owner,s Policy $1,4501000.00 Form 8-1970 (Anended 10-L7-70) Proposed Insured: FRANKIE TANG 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Cornrnitrsent and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: EDWIN C. WHITEHEAD 5. The land referred to in this Connitnent is described as follows: CONDOIIfNIIII-I UNITS R-1 AND R-2, rTHE RED LION INN CONDOMINIII,ISTI ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 1981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 105 AND AS DEFTNED IN THE CONDOMTNTI'I'I DECIARA1TION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, ],981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 1O4, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COT,ORADO. -ALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 1 if. SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) Apptication No. V14351-z The following are the reguirenents to be cornplied with: 1. PFlment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe f,ull consideration for the estate-or interest to be insrrred. 2. Pfonrer instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured nuet be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EIIIDEDTCE SATISFACIORY TO THE COI'IPA}{Y THAT THE TERl.tS, CONDITIONS AND FBOVISIOilS OF THE TOWN OF VATIJ TRANSFER TAX EAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. T'ANRJf,}ITY DEED FROM EDWIN C. I{HTTEHEAD TO TR,ANKIE TAT{G CONVEYING SUS\'ECT mopBHrY. ttFlrB ALTA COMI,IITI.TENT PAGE 2 t ALTA COMMIT SCHEDUI,E 8.2 (Exceptions) MENT Application No. Vl-4351-2 The policy or policies to befollowing unless the same arethe Conpany: issued will contain exceptions to the disposed of to the"satisfaction' of l-. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments irot yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer,s office. 7. any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREF'ROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNI?ED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 1L, L899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. ]-0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July L1, L899.IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. ].1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANIS WHTCH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE; BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATfONAL ORIGIN, AS CoNTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED August 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. l-2. THOSE PROVTSIONS, COVEiTANTS AND CONDTTTONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRTCTTONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIT'M UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED Septenber 18, 198L, IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 104. 13. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OVER PORTIONS OF SUB.TECT PROPERTY GRANTED TO GAS FACILITIES, INC., IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY ].0, 1966 IN BOOK 192 AT PAGE 530. 14. EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND RESTORATION OF A BALCONY OVERHANG IMPROVEMENT GRANTED TO OTTO KUEHN, IN INSTRIII{ENT RECORDED AUGUST 10, 1967 IN BOOK 211- AT PAGE 26. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOI{N OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PIAT OF VAIL VrLr_,AGE, FrRST FTLTNG AND THE RECORDED CONDOMTNTIIM !4AP OF THE RED LION CONDOMTNIUMS. PAGE \ ,I\' SCHEDUI,E B-2 (Exceptions) Application No. Vt43St-2 16. A trERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR TNGRESS AND EGRESS OV8R, UNDER AND ACROSS THE FROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF MAINTAINTNG, REPAIRING Al{D REPLACING THE }'ECITANICAL EOUIPMENT OR ADDITIONAL EQUTP}TENT IOCATED OR TO BE IPCATED ON THE ROOF OF TIIE PRoPERTY AND To TIIE I'{ECHANICAL EQUfPMENT IN THE AITIC SERVICING CERTATN COI,IMERCIAL UNITS, WHICS EASETIENT SHALL BE APPURTENANT TOtHE O(ItlER UNrTS rN TH8 RED LION INN CONDO!,IINIU].!S, AS RESERVED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25, L98L IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 391, ].7. EXTSTtrNG I,EASES AND TENANCIES. l!=:=r!! PAGE iI ALTA COMMTT}tENT o a IAND *ril,"GUARANTEE OMPANY Representing Title Insurance Conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Dece$ber 11., 1989 . Our OJder: V14598 BUYER: '$EIL,ER: I.,ANDMARK COMMERCTAL DEVEIfPMENT COMPANY, COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP ADDRESS: LION COMMERCIAL A RED . y',toRtER ARCHTTECTS* CALL TO PICK UP 1 , Attn: ARLTN PTCKED UP FOR DELIVERY AM PM MINNESOTA TtTLEf\GommitmentTo Insure lssued throt'qh the 0lfte of LAXD TITLE GLJARAI{TEE CCt\4PAi'j''' ALTA COMI{ITMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. V1.4598 For Information Only RED LION COMMERCIAL - Charges - ALTA Owner PolJ.cyPRELTMTNA.::TBIIL- - 3133:33 With your remittance please refer to V14598. 1. Effective Date: November 23, 1989 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy to be issued. and proposed Ineured: rrALTArr Ownerrs Policy Form 8-1970 (Arnended l-0-17-70) Proposed Insured: 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Titl,e to tbe estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: I,ANDMARK COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHTP 5. The land referred to in this Connitnent is described asfollows: CONDOilTNIUIT' UNITS CTI C2, C3, AND C4' THE RED L]ON CONDOMTNIUMS ACCORDING TO THE CONDO},IINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18, 1981 TN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 105 AND AS DEF]NED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECI,ARATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER ].8, ]-98]. IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE104, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 A L r ^q o M lr r r M E N r a SCHEDULE B.1 (Reguirenents) Application No. V14598 rhe f,ollouing are the requirements to be conplied with: X. Palnnent to or for the account of the grantors or rnortgagors ofthe full coneideration for the egtate or interest to be inEured. 2. Ptroper instrunent(s) creating ttre estate or l-nterest to beinsured must be executed and duly flled for record, to-wit: THIS COHMITMENT IS rOR TNFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WrLL BE ISSUED Pt,RSUA!{T HERETO. PAGE 2 A L T oO" o M M r r M E N T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) The policy or poricies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefoLrowing unress the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Company: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THERETROM SHOULD THE SAI.{E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July LL, L899, fN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. ]-0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JuLy 11 , l-8gg,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. RESTRTCTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATTONAL oRrcrN, As CONTATNED rN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED August l-0, !962, rN BOOK ].74 AT PAGE ]-79. THOSE PROVISTONS, COVENANTS AND CONDTTTONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRTCTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTATNED rN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED septenber 18, 1981, rN BooK 329 AT PAGE104. EASEMENT AND RTGHT OF WAY OVER PORTIONS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY GRANTED TO GASFACILTTIES. INC., IN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY ].0, 1966 IN BOOK ]-92 AT PAGE 53 0. EASEMENT FOR MATNTENANCE AND RESTORATTON OF A BALCONY OVERHANG TMPROVEMENT GRANTED TO OTTO KUEHN, IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST ].0, !967 TN BOOK 2],],AT PAGE 26. EASEUENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRTCTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI.,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING AND THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF RED LION CONDOMINIUMS. Application No. v14598 8. 9. 11 72. 1.3. 1E PAGE A L T AO" o M M I T M E N T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. V14598 ].6. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. L7. A DEED OF TRUST DATED November 03, L977 FROM RICHARD N. BROWN, CHARLESH. ROSENQUTST AND JEFFREY B. SELBY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TO SECURE THE SIJI{ OF S45O,OOO.OO, AND ANY oTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERI'{S THEREOF, RECORDED November 14, t977, IN BOOK 262 AT PAGE 251. NOTTCE OF CONTINUATION OF LIEN OF DEED OF TRUST AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED MARCH 29, 1985 IN BOOK 4].0 AT PAGE 10. (AFFECTS EASEMENT ON LOT E, BLOCK 5A VAIL VTLISGE FTRST FILING) TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF SECURITY AGREEMENT AND PLEDGE OF PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS RECORDED Novenber 06, 1.986 IN BOOK 451, AT PAGE 876. A DEED OF TRUST DATED January 09, 1987 FROM LANDMARK COMMERCIAI-,, DEVEIOPMENT COMPANY, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION TO SECURE THE SUM OF $2,].55,855.00, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED January 20, 1987,IN BOOK 456 Al PAGE 254. (AFFECTS CONDOI{INTUM UNITS C\ , C2, C3 AND C4) FINANCING STATEMENT WITH CENTRAL BANK OF ASPEN, N.A., THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED I'IARCH 7. ]-988 IN BOOK 480 AT PAGE 48. (AFFECTS A PORTION OF CONDOMINIUM UNIT C4) TERMS, CONDITTONS AND PROVISIONS OP ASSIGNMENT OF REAI, ESTATE LEASE AND AGREEMENT RECORDED March 07, 1988 IN BOOK 480 AT PAGE 49. (AFFECTS A PORTION OF CONDOMINIUM UNIT C4) 18. 19. 2t. 20. PAGE ALTA COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. VL435t--2 For fnfornation Only - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy $2,265.00 $20,00Taxcertit--totol-- 92,785.00 With your rernittance please refer to VL435l_-2. 1. Effective Date: November OJ_, l9B9 at g:OO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed fnsured: rrALTAn owner, s policy $1, 450, ooo . ooForIII B-l-970 (Arnended L0-17-70) Proposed Insured: FRANKTE TANG 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to int,his Cornrnitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: EDWIN C. WHITEHEAD 5. The land referred to in this Cornrnitment is described asfollows: CONDOMINITN{ UNITS R-]. AND R-2, 'ITHE RED LION INN CONDOMINIUMS'I ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIW UAP THEREOF RECORDED SEPTEMBER 18,1981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 105 AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINITJM DECLARATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER L8, 1981 IN BOOK 329 AT PAGELO4, COUNTY OF EAGLE, S?ATE OF COTORADO. PAGE 1 _t- tALTA COIi{MITI.[ENT SCHEDULE B-]- (Reguirernents) Application No. Vf+fSf-z The fol.lrowing are the reguirernents to be eomplied vith: 1. F-ayftent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors oflhe full consideration for the estate-or interest to be-insured. ' 2, Proper inEtrument(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. 8VIDE$CE $ATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERI'IS, CONDITIONs AND PROT|ISIONS OF THE TOWN OT VAIL TRANSFER TAX ITAVE BEEN SATISFTED. 4. I{ARRAIilTY DEED FROM EDWIN C. WHTTEHEAD TO FRANKIE TANG CONVEYING SUEJECT FROPE-RTY. =i== PAGE 2 ALTA COMMTT SCHEDULE B_2 (Exceptions) The policy or policies to be issued willfollowing unless the same are disposed ofthe Company: MENT application No. VL435L-a contain exceptions to theto the satisfaction of 1' standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6- Taxes and assessments rlot yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said l_and. B. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LoDE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMTSESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July LL, 1899, IN BooK 4g AT PAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 11, 1999,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI,AUSE, BUT OMTTTING RESTRICTIoNS' IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGIoN, oR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIJI',IENT RECORDED August 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE ].79. 12. THOSE PROVISIONSI COVEIiIANTS AND coNDITIoNs, EASEMENTS AND REsTRTcTIoNs, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINII'Ii UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED September 1-8, l-98L, IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE104. 13. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY OVER PORTIONS OF SUBIECT PROPERTY GRANTED TO GASFACILITIES, INC., IN TNSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 10, ].966 IN BOOK ]-92 AT PAGE 530. 14. EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND RESTORATION OF A BALCONY OVERHANG TMPROVEMENT GRANTED TO OTTO KUEHN, rN TNSTRITMENT RECORDED AUGUST l-O, 1967 IN BOOK 2t l_AT PAGE 26. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTCTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VATL VILI,AGE, FIRST FII.ING AND THE RECORDED CONDOMTNIUM MAP OF THE RED LION CONDOMINTUMS. PAGE "o A L r of" o M M r r r,r E N r I SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. va43s1,-2 16. A PERPETUAT EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS THE PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF MAINTAINING, REPATRING AND REP],ACING THEI€CTIANICAL EQUIPMENT OR ADDITTONAL EQUIPMENT INCATED OR TO BE IOCATED ONItrIE ROOF OF THE PROPERTY AND TO THE TIECHANICAL EQUIPMENT rN TttE ATTrCSERVICING CERTAIN COII{MERCIAL UNITS, WHICS EASEMENT SHALL BE APPURTENANT ToTHE OAHER UNITS IN TIIE RED LION INN CONDOITIINIUI{S, AS RESERVED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25, 198L IN BOOK 329 AT PAGE 391. ]-7. EXI$TING IJEASES AND TENANCIES. PAGE To3 FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Coumission CoununitY DeveloPment l{arch 19, 1990 A request for an exlerior alteration to make additlons to the Red Lion Buitding.Applicant: Frankie Tanf and Landmark-Properties ^- n"scnrprror er pnoposJq$Mw,,tffi,lt,r,a.{Do htti; {eou aa t{'"}r Y\,lqq0 The redevelopment of the Red Lion Building involves nodlfications to ground fl-oor corn'nercial space and a najor renodel of tbe uPPer flo5r residential space. ThL uain el.enents of this plan are: ^nr 6.) Tbe deveropment of three condominiurns totarin q gzo. tuitaQb)e'd' -..^nff\Wtt \J square feel of GRFA. The property currently has one )Ur"' condoroiniurn with 5231 sqluare feet of GRFA' fn Modifications to the existing Red T.,,ion deck enclosure \--l on Bridge Street, including the enclosure of 100 additional square f9q!,,of-pa!i:-""F the north ena of__t)finh,;il ; i ;;- 8"Zi =- r-p*+ @' L:"lP dod'r |t** t s- +o Foy'' ts..\ f+ 'tffi^f'#'#'Modifications to the Red Lion Restaurant to includ" ^'fr)&aifrdining patio on the east side of the building along ttd"Iul Mill Creelc. :l:'uil:'i:ffill :: l':"*i'"I3l.IiL#:: r{i'' cree" 6kKK',s r.rrt:r\.r. 6dll/1$ This proposal entails the revien and approval of five separate ^ryWiequeits-by the pii"ning-corurission. inese request include |-,r,;e @fola$U;foltowingt &{ 1. Exterior arteration. 'ffii, ,Nrdar\,AKt4aL2. A stream setback variance for a snal1 building W+WUAaddi.tion, dining patio, and public walkway' I(ffi*:o 3. A slte coverage variance for a small building addition and the new dining Patio. 4. A conditional use pe::nit for the dlning patio' 5. ttodification to adopted view corridor *1. (vantage loint frorn the stepi of the parking structure over VaiI tittage to Vail Mountain. ) Applicable eleDents of this Proposal are revieued relative to the criteria found in each of these requests. While each nust be considered on their own nerit, it is important that the Planning conruLssion view this project as a whole when evaluating the proposal . This exterior alteration nemo will cover each of the najor elenents of this proposal , and wj.Il also address the requested uodification to the view corridor. The other 3 menoranduns provide additional detail relevant to tlrose specific requests. EXTERIOR ALTERJATION REVIEW CRTTERTA The vail VillaEe Urban Design Guide Plan includes tbree elements that establish the review ciiteria for this appllcation. Tbe first of these is referred to as The Guide Plan, shlch includes a nurnber of sub-area concepts. These sub-area concepts identify areas for potential developnent and improvements in the Vlllage. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations cover large scale land user/design issues. Finally, architecturalr/landscape considerations provide infornation on the detaiLed design elements of a proposal. In addition to these three eleuents of the Gulde Plan, traditional zonlng considerations are also considered as of this review. The three accoropanying memoranduns cover najority of these zoning issues. one additional zoning consideration has to do with parking. An onal parking demand s proposal would be net lment lnto URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PIJ\N l{ill Creek walking path, west side Mill Creek. Path conpletes llnkage fron Pirateship Park and nountain path to Gore creek Drive. a part the This proposal includes a nalkway alonE Mill Creek over the length of thl R;d Lion frontage. Ultiroately, thJ-s sectl'on of the Patbsi}l connect rith ttre path constructed on the back side of the A s D building. ft is a long range goal to irnprove pedestrianiiation in this irea to itrengthen the role of the !ti}}-Creef building as a part of the Village. The proposed nalkway is 3r6tr wide. trris width is unacceptable for r{hat w111 becorne a significant walkray. The staff would like to see thls elenent of th6 plan revised to include a walkvay between 6 to 8 feet wide. Seibert Cl-rcle. Feature area paving treatnent. Relocate focal point (potential fountain) to north for better sun e)q)osure(fall/spring), creates increased plaza area and/or backdrop for activities. Separated path on north iiae for uninpeded pedestrian route during delivery Periods. The applicants have stated that the owners are prepared to discuii their role, or involvenent, in the relocation of Seibert Circle lf and when those discussion begin. The staff believes this sub-area concept has nerit, however, there are currently no plans to initiate the relocatl.on of the circle. ItoProvement lroposed for the Red Lion bullding will not inpede or prevent the ip-design of seibert Circle. . /sub-area No. 12: Future nidblock connection to further tle I / Mill creek court to eore area. Entryt'/ reinforced by pocket park created on Bridge Street. Of all the sub-area concepts outlined in this plan' this sub-area could provide one of the nost inportant inprovements to the vilJ.ag-. This connection existed at one tine. Unfortunately, a ground leveL addition to the Rucksack building elininated this pedestrian corridor. Irnprovements to the Red Lion Building do not change the existing situation. ft aPpears that the redevelopment of the Rucksack building nill be reguired before this sub-area concept could be inplernented. I'RBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATTONS , ,/-fseuS:i."i+i*l./t .^.il(€Lfftf i\ rntroducing another segment of the Mill creek vallnray.is a l\:0V-t' very positive step in expanding the Village's pedestrian\'i'*: ' syslero. However, the staff feel.s strongly that this 0), iiprovernent should be redesigned to provide a path 6 to 8' feet wide. -"' , r./Vehicular Penetration l-/./ Three condoutiniuns sill clearly generate nore traffic tban the one existing condoniniun. However, it nust be-Sginted outthatzoning-onthispropertypemitsuPto@Inthis respect, inpacts of vehicular penetration are not as great as theY could be.