HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT C & D COMMON'*l/,tr07" ffiruy*. o t Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prciect l{ame: Burton @ Vail change to approved plans DRB Number: DR8030552 Project Descrlption: change to lighting (duplo<)and replace backdoor, paint to match e)(ist Participantsi OWNER OTTO SIORK tIC L2l29l2OO3 Phone: 860 24RD GRAND ]UNCTION CO 81505 License: APPLICANT Victor Mark Donoldson t2lZ9l2OO3 Phone: 970-949-5200 Po Box 53ff) Avon, Co 81620 Licensel CONTMCTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1212912003 Phone: 760 HORIZON DR GMND JUNCTION CO 81506 Licensel 108-4 Prcject Addrcss: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL . tocation: BURTON @ VAIL 288 BRIDGE ST Legal Description: Loh A, B Block 5A Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108241002 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPRoVED Second By:vote: DateofApproval.ollo4lz0m Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO 0ec-ZZ-03 ll 16lam Fron-T0tllrl 0F '/tcoMli4ulltTY DEVEL0PIiEIIT s701792452 T-015 P.002 F-44e TOYiN Lot: O+? ffi Application for Design Review Deparbrent of Community Development 75 Souur FrDnEge Road, Vail, Color"do 81657 telt 970.479 "2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Gensal InforhaUon: All proJects rcqulring design review must receive approval prior ta submitiinq a buiiding permii applietion. Please teftr b the submittal r€quiiements for the partiorlar approval dlat is requested. An application for Design RaIew cannot be accepted unfil all required information is received by the Communitrr Development Departlent, The project may also need tq be reviewed by the Town Council and/or dre Planning and Envimnmental Commisson- D€sign lGya€ttY app|Dval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued anti congtruction commenes within one year of the approrral, Description ofthe Location of tfte Proposal: Ptryical Address; (Gntact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: U- 1t t{ame(s) of Owner(s): Fata Ownds) Signature(s): I{anre of Appllcant: t{ailing Address: Type of Review and Fde: E Signs tr C,oncePtual Re\riew tr New Constsuctiontr Addltion E Minor Alteration (mulu-fami lylcommercial) n Min/.rr -Altc.f?tinn (singlefami V/rtuplo<) ! Changes b Appnwed Plans $s0 No Fee $550 $300 Plus 91.00 per squarc foot of total sign are3- For consitruction of a new building or demolrebuitd. For an addltion where square foohge is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes b buildings and site impmvernents, sudl as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, funces and retaining walls, eE For minor changes to buildings and sjte impfovemenq such as, rcroofrng, peinting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls/ etc. For reMsions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Dedgn Revie,.{ Board. s2s0 $20 \y No Fee For Office Use Only: F€e ltid: Check No,i_ By; Page 1 of l3lLULTlO3 gpP- Dac-22-01 ll:52am Fron-T0liltt 0F Vtc0tffUtUil DEVEtOplEilT Buildlno Materials Roof Slding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffib Windows WindoryTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosurcs Srt=rtiruuS€S Retaining Walls E<terior Lighting Other Notes: s1047s2452 PROPOSED MATERHLS [rne of Materiaf 7.<\+ rl ll T-0f5 P.007/0t3 F-ME Color 9xt> ll (lrl ll rf l.teAV. - OYE ll ll lt rlt{ r.t rl (<.) orlw= Du,p<-ry\_*yT r1_tffi( Please specifo the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and atLach a mlor chip. Z) "-@r-+.:.- u1 Page 5 of L3lLLlLTlO3 () ' tr, AF.-h. i ",""#o""*.ffi;,+:;,.;=' lrfdaf ldn' ning [Wl.lI 1.1/{. frd. i'i,eaaHffi Adiustable EyobB ^5',P,A@3 [-rm$,........,... ftgoe r9.-tgz Drop opal Lsns l0tiss) lrdrll lrhr Rin0 {wH): I-ilo' s.d. h^ho Catrlg! # LamD p.,)ni'r7-l:l-ifi;----H 0pen i,ballflDnis0l+t): t.t/4. o.t!. petu El"gi---tq_ a/.; rr j ru 5.0V?rR?0 nar Jg grlll0 w/cloEr n0fl0ctor Prl$c friri f,im (WflI t-tl4' o.d, ?tea,#ffi6;*ffiL Alurnlrun lrtflr PfiEtblrim lUrqFtBl. l-tF o!.pa.ffi-tlIilly ba e c0bt: WH !? 0K fiqnrecd Dmp 0prl Lot|s lojsss) zLtdic trin Rln0 (ffii: 7-l 14, o.tJ. A2),./,#Hffi FrEEnol Leor (lri5r) Mchr tim ftD! W{: 7-lA od, ';.,cr4.lffi# 0pon MlhlTn4t nlr4 WI 7-ll4' o.i. A4ralrffi 0FEl lfleh{ Trim f,iro fttfi): 7,ZB' o.d, pq,aec S----Eg!--eEsE rf f rz tSfi4o/pARJE TC Adlusta e Fogr!$od Eyltall Pbfljr T'ifl iinq NH): t-ly't. od, hx*offi Scoop Wlll lttrstr Mallltrm Fn! 0l!|}|):7.t/B o-d- zllautm*W llegrttrof, Flgsnot l6ls 1ghssl PbglElrim Ring (tlH)i7 1 A. \.t. ptevt3gt-t"r--at H rZlS A1! nrr. J:& Tract Adlplor f,|Ef iD Tfitn fiing (WHl: ?-r A. ot| Acretrgllgf lg-----a.t!T. nq's''!r!l8t!1t{ I I rdr uxXlte so |d $trr,ldyi |)iF l{s-lal A LNnp Rsilortil lAtsrp) nodis lrh Ring (l1t[:7-tl.. 0:6,'Aerffi#'l0tc[t n iclot c0l0c CL, G0 or gK B t|mp R!floDtor (tuzrFl Ftunrra n;ng 0,1p;7-ya' o.d-'fuMtlffiffi Wall Wa6Mtomllghl flisic hh Rinr tWHt; I.Ur, Lt ?utuaffi,,'ffi Altr.ltto LEns (gtBlsl [lclli.Irrn Bln! {W}l): 7-7l[' od. Vrla+ Calalo! | bmD ff agrot8od llDrtitE tsns Phglc lrtm Riq ll!fi); t 1 t4. nd p1!,,t -4 '-ffi3# ir.."]T Itliudrblo EFtrtt l"ftil Trim nmo {n }0; t.?/0 o,t Aue fhfoo | lrrlrn ;.' [oTE: cefl bc {lm€o i5' ar, rotera 3to fu tr rdD ij|{ lr!4t[ i-V{. o.o. 4a.!ryl-=EE-- a.r; 'sqfr,y E lk cotof wH or B{ R! sct0r Fidsho8: CL (Snnrlar C,oar) cD (Spctular Goid) BK (Spodrlar BhcfilPfdlic Tflm pdng lyitt d, o .0. fuatt *1E!- FTp e,a"I 3 lrt llslsd tor rat loBtllont Drop opal lrn3 (ptaslic) o iltcanu€scenl K Jenes D.$h ql Arcir, Eng i neel. i n9 tronsul r€nrs C"@-Z4e-eSZl VoIh grntol t pup+ fu<t!r{ Cmt&|ior Itroorr roorroo ui,ffiffii---y Hl, ir Aocl:lctti (ratr.tOOl crtslol f P.[ 2?'ftat0c Rt onlyl t2T+ir Cti .t2ffi $6s( ___3_A! Itrlnl lor usc r n Hfl 8) F4st!_q!E_[I!v$ry) R78 f,emodel -,i,...r*Ior* F7 lcu 0onstruc$on Call Toll Free for frcc desisn ,rssisr;rnce! P,@@2,'5, Superb color rendering! Uesple nP,y{ dcvelooments ln lluoresccnt and HID rjolvnli ghts, inDandescenl fixlura$ are slill the moslpopular choicc in recessed lighting. And it's notsurDrisi[0. lncandescefl | light murces oro;vide unmalched color rendcring propurtics. .. and conlrol. ptus. whetheril's an A, an R, a p B 0r cn tR, incandescenl lamps are ersy t0 instalt. and a/s available in a range ol wattages. lhlogen lampsare an e8onomlsa! altemaliuet lf your customsrs iike lncandescent liglrting, but sre c0ncerncd about -6n3r0y costs, consider halogen PAR lamps, a$ $fll as thc TBl9. the halogcn lamp thal an be sub$iruled tof tne A19. Iunqslen halo0en lamls Droduce a "whjlei iighl that..nhance$ merchandise and dccor-wilh greakr c;1crgy ellicigncy, Alr lamos lor lhis housino are sold fitgi$l Prease reler to pasos U Featura Adiuslahle Housing Adjusts up to l-3/s' in otastcr lmme to accommo&te difterBnt cciling lhicknesses. 0venlzed Junclion Eor Desi0ned tor Easy lhrough.bEnch citcull rvifrrt!, E;ghl No.j2, 16/"F (75'C) conductors uermilteo in box, Rlgid 8ar Hangers Ihee rigid bar hangers are ior use in 16' to 24' 0.C. urood ioisl or T-Bar consuuclion. nis deslon pcrmits srurdisr installalions rhai are Bss prone l0 sag0i00. BctDuse thc recessed lixtufc can novJ slide anywhErc along (he bar lungcr. lh€y are handy in T-Bar ceilings wncfe cgnlerino 0l thn ftxtufe wilhin lhe ceiling panct is dflsired. 27' bar hangerg (RBHZD arc avallable lor suspended ceiling or 0nrcnter po$itiodng instaltaliorE. velsrllts plasbr Ffilno Adaplable to new or cxislin0 ceilin!s. For eristing ccitinis, tem()ve bar hilS6 and u5€ BRC Rcmoclel Clior. R7 And [7[ Festsm Aiiu$tEblo So8trl Sockel ptats js adiusbble es r8quirod tor dilteEnl lalllos and lrlrn. 7'1E'Hsiohl Housings can be inslailed in 2 r g wrod joist construclion. Thfimal Prllectol Pr0FcF lidur0 ir0rn ovDrhsatir|0il inconect tamp is rnd or, rrilE[ Aniclo 410-66, it insulation is inadv€rlently inslalted ab'f 0r within 3" ot lixtu(e. llimmor Slandard spccif ication gfr urcardesccnl dlmm€6 C8n be used. La0ol8 Bolh housings are UL Lisld inhe U.S. sod Cam& lrym bdims IID B7 is U! Listrd tor hd- lhrough wiring;llnRE lor end-of.run wiring. Tlu flIl3 [im is UL Listed fur uret iomlions All othcr trims are UL Lislcd lor damp locations. RUUD Dsc-22-03 ll:6Zan Fron-I0HN 0F VA|joIr4,tUtUTy DEVEL0PIEilI slg4lgz452 T-015 P.009/013 F-113 UTILIW APPR.OVAL & VERIFICATION Tt,is fonn serues to rerify thatthe pmposed improvements will not impact any existing or pruposed utility services, al.d abo to vedff scrvice availability and location for new consiruction and should be used in conjunction witlr pn:parlng your utlity plan and schcduling insbllaUonr A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, shall be zubmithd to the blloaring utilities for approral and verification. 'elevaUons, Auttrorized Sionature Comments Date qnrEsir 9'. c.384.0257(fax) G;ntads; St :ttt Carringrton 970.458.6860 Ja ;on Sharp 970.3811.0238 E CELHIGHPRESSURE6A5 9, 1.252.1076 (ts,t) C. tac* Rich S'sneros H ;LYGROIIS EI-BCTRIC 9: 1.9+e.s89z (El) 9', ,.Y9.4566 (fax) CL rtacil Ted Hrcky E: CELENER6Y 9. J,262.4038 (fax) C, .rtitds: Kr Bogart970.26Z.4OZ4 Jl. i Oheaf 970,262.4003 E..6LE RN'ER, WATER & S. -NITATIOil DISTRICT 9: J.,t75.7480 (ret) 9i l.r{75.4089 (fax) C .rtad: Fred Haslee C ;MCAST CABLE 9' 1.919.L224 x 112 (tel) e' 1.949.9138 (rato C .1hct Floyd Salazar N,-IEil 1. If the utilily approral & n ,de direcdy on tte form, 2. If a utility company tt j utihqy veriication a' attached letter to concerns with the proposed construction, ile utility ihat there is a problem whldr needs to be resolved. representatlve shall note directy on The issue should fien be detailed in it is the responsibality of $e utility rtlA form has signatures from each of the utility comPanies, and no cornmenb are Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that a .nparry and the to resolve ldentified problems. 3 The do not rellerre the ontaclor ol'the resFonsibility to obtEin a Public Way Permit ftom the D partnent of Works at the Town of Vail. Wiliv locatrbns must be obtainedLefore dioging ln any public right. o. wayor within tie Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Wav oermit and mustle-oLtained er rarqFlv. is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for i'sapproval & re-verifiation if plans are altercd in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted @mment area of this form). E .:velope/s Signature Paqe 8 of t3lLULil03 ll,5?an FrorT0lfl 0F t/A|iom4utTy OEVELOpMEilr PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS . Dsc-22-0tr ,a I-015 P.008/013 F-113 PROPOSED TANDSCAPIruG Bobnical Name Common Naqq Size ECSTiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum RequiremenB for Deciduous Trees - 2" CaliPer Coniferor.rs Trees - 6'in height Shrubi - 5 Gal. Tvoe SSuare Foolgg GROUND @VER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION Phase speciff landscape feattrres (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools' etc.) Page 7 of L3l1Ilt7l03 (*a"rJ) _ry)s>Q/.e oau/(3/v oi) &",e-+U ztertQ&/ - ///ooP4!a? AN€?/X? - b b Bt,1 v"?aa/u,! €atZ'U o ./'Cr//at ,41,.Y7f- ./ \./eH/'5?37t"tq 39e >< li tF\tJ\--- -s- :::.::::::="* "-' '-?tevatg t( )tv ,z'---"\.ll \r\ /t t: 1\| { tl !t 'L-. firot7a,zi-Br1 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolondo 81657 tel | 9704792139 taxj. 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Proiect Name: Burton @ Vail o<terior modifications DRB Number: DRB030533 Proiect Descrifiion: MINOR EfiERIOR MODIRCATION TO STOREFRONT BEING 4 NEW RECESSED UGHT FD$URES,NEW BENCH SEANNG,NEW COLOR FOR FRONT DOOR Paldclpants: OWNER OTTO STORK LLC 11/2412003 Phone: 860 24RD GMND JUNCTION CO 81505 License: APPUCANT VICTOR MARK DONAIDSON ARCH tIl24l2003 Phone: 970-949-5200 PO BOX 5300 AVON, CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCEON COMPANY LLl24l2O03 Phone: 760 HORIZON DR GMND JUNCNON CO 81506 License: 108-A PrutectAddress: 288 BRIDGE STVAIL Location: BURTON @ VAIL 288 BRIDGE STc0 Legal Description: LoE ff Alocf: 5A Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108241002 C,omments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Viele Action: APPROVED Second By: Rogers vote: 5-0-0 DateofApprovalz I2lI7l?003 CondiUons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not aonstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. oo aApplipatrqp.foq,.geqigp $etietx,.'' ,,' ; ,;'ri Department of Conrnqnity Development '. 75 South Frontage Roag[",Vai!, -CdoreOo .8165{ , ,.\ .,I tel: 970.479:2t39 fai: 0?0.47S745e r. r ) i \ ', - . ' u€b: www.ti.vail.iq.us .'; f{+. i :.' . ] r' ' '-. , i,.', :;.'. ? r \i' , General lnformation: , .,.' ,r '., t All prciects requiing design review must receive approval prior to sutmittin6j a3hildfrg refer to lhe $bmittal requirements for tre particular approral that b Equested. Atr +dication torlDe{1n Review cannot be accepted.until all required informatbn is received by the Canmunity Development D€partment. The proiect may al6o nedd to be reviewed by thb Town Co.rncil and/gn the Phnnlng and EnvironnEntal Commission. Design revigr{' at0roval $pses\uirQss a lltt-djpg permit ir iesued and conslruction commences wlthln one yeir of the apfroval. i,., f. - r, r:y. (Contact Eagle Co. Ass€ssor at 970-32&8810 for parcel no.) G J/59( Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E+nail Address: Type of Review and Fee: . Sigrc . Ccruptual Review . ilew Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) . Mhor Alteration (singl+farnily/dufl ex) . Changes to Approved Plarls . Separation Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. Fq construction of a new building or derno/rebuild. Fd an addilion wtlerc square footag is added io any resiJential or mrnrnercial building (irEludes 250 additiors & interior convensions). For minor changes tro buildings and site improvernenb, suclr a, reroofng, painting, window additions, hndscaping, fenoes and retdning walls, etc. Fa mirnr cfiange to buildir€s and site improvernents, $rdr 6, reroofng, pahting, window additl:ns, lardscaping, fien6 d|d retaining walls, etc. For revisions to dans Design Review Berd. already apprwed by Planning Staff or the }fl,eos' 6s% /G\ $20 $20 No Fee For Office U^sg0nly: 2yr/ fFe l%irl: A, v Check No.: lvv I Bv:appication@cite Hannen_ Project We 1 of 12106123103 l'lr'"4 '. a Seka, o Aill 1 !>*,w*J r'-/!* - ^'/t'/'* u/t't't* ' a^l l* 't-on', Jo'/ n ct-*-l'- a-fu'-la' O# -u'ilO"^'r€- ' Sfn'nq l,?{#"tl/1 f;"f7': d*.,i^ re(JJ.llwYyrulv, rt eces,wt ._ , I A y!* r';;ff,1*r hshvA af 1-6PPa lilrW ''. --r' I 0'ni,c -(i'i.lq @ I0n'l\r0mJnJy Applicant: @ st"rp"a survey of property g_--CivitlSite plans Survey Requirements: /.Saweyot swe t stamp and signature { lOate of survey {.l,lorlhanwt /rftoper scale (1 "=1 0' or 1 "=20' ){ }e€al description {,Bas;b d bearings / Benchnnrk /.Spot Etevations{ LahFJ|Fd right of way and property lines; including bearings, distans and curve fnformation.y- Lot Size e Buildable Aqga (elaludes red ha'erd avalgrc€, slones greater than 4006, and ,,fl6dplain) Site Plan RequirementF: SurveylSite Plan Review Checklist Department of Cornmunity D€\,€loprnent 75 Scuth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 w€b: www.ci.vail.co.us 'f hb ch*klist must be submitted prior to Public Works review of a proposed development. phoneNumber: 4-J SZoo b Report (Section B) e Environmenl6; flazafis (ie. 0 0 0 (i.e. drainage, utility, roadways labeled and edge of for both sides of the roadvay shown a minimum of 250' in either direction are shown on the site plan. 0 Fleated (portion in ROV\I in a separate ane) flor, avalanche, Watercourse Trees Labeled pedestrian,9tf...) T from property. l. Access (check all) o Driveway type and o Unheatede Snow storage shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway arenrt area if heated) o All grades, dimensinns, radii are cleady noted on the site plan and conform to Development , p. 1 1 . Steepest Section Drivarvay Grade (not the average grade):_ F6rking spaces and tuming radii are noted on site plan and conform to Derelopment Standards, pp.12&14 _.,/ il_ 0 0 0 0 Gorstuction Site (check Letion of all meter pits are sfrom on the site plan. Limits of d mnstruction fencing is shorvn on the site plan. apprpved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, m per the Manual of raffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to mnstruction. aware that a Rwocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. lamt{t Page 11 ot 12t06123103 The required (Note: Valley f'\/h $/r t'tlh F{t {t- 1il. 0 e e 0 tv. 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 Drainage (check all ) is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. must not be heated) kn e 8 Foot C.oncrete Pan and adequate drainage is maintain€d at all times within the proposed site. har,e been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. A Hydnulic r€port has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) Erosion CoryFol (Qheck all that apply) Dbfurbanged-rea is greater than one half acre. )r6fe Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped. than one half acre has been dbturbed, and proper ercion control dervicc are shorn on the site plan. Floodplain (cfieck all that The projed lies within to a 100 year Flmddain. 'l fi) year A project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain f{k 0 {* Vl. Geological/EnMronm aards (c-heck all that apply) e The projecf liqrrvitf-in a Gedogic/Environrnental Hazad area. (See Development Stan@rds, p. 20) e AH=vqrtfffqort has been provicled e Jbdroject does not lie within a Geologh/Environmental Hazard area. Vll. Grading (check all thbt apdy) e Bbting and propgge{frades/contoum ar€ ptwlded on the site plan. e All disturbed have been retumed to a 2:1 grade. e Al distAl disjudt6 are6 not retumed to 2:1 grade have been Pmfessinnally Engineercd with slope gntdction and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. -Only exbting contours are shown on the site plan, there is no propced grading. Vlll. Pa eck all) e -r'dfresidential and commercial parking spaces mnform to the DevdoplrEnt Standards, pp. 12&15. lX. Retaining Walls (ched< all that e All retaining walls e All retaining walls standards in the Dwdopment Standar6, p. 19, walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped provided within the plans. Afi of ging-walls are phorn on the site plan, with labeled top ard bottom of wall elevations and type corEtrudion. retaining walls are required for this project. i*reck all that apply) Projrr6i-ght distance has been attained and sholrn on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. sight distance has not been attiained. Bplanation why: X. 0 0 Pleme provide any additionat comrnents that pertain to Public Works Review. Additional Comrnents Page 12 ol 12106123103 Applicants SigrEturq PROPOSED MATERIAI-S Tvoe of Material ColorBuilding lrlaterials R@f Siding Other Wall Materisls Fecia Scffits Windo,trs WndorTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Fkps Ftashing Chimneys Trastr Endosures geenhous6 Relaining Walls E<brior Lighting Other Notes: (l ple6e specifi/ the manuftcfurer,s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip' (f .*E R-.kF{ f%ge 6 of '12l061231tr3 Bbtanical Name PROPOSED IANDSCAPING Common Nams Deiduous Trees - 2' CaliPer C.rrriferu.rs Tree - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Souare Footage features (i.e. retaining walls, fenes, swimming pools' etc.) Ouantitv Size ? FROPOSEDTFEES AhDSTfrUBS D(STII.IGTFEES TO BE FEt\rC /ED Minimum Req uirernents GRCU}DCCNER sm SEED IRRICaATION TY?EOF PqeT ot'121C6,123103 UTI L lTY APPROVAL & VERIF ICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility seMces, and also to verify seMce availability and bcation for new construction and should be used in conjunction with prepadng your utility plan and scheduling insfiallatiorF. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, slpll be submitted to the following utilities for approval and ve.ification. Authorized Slqnature Comments Date OWEST 970.384.0257(fax) C.ontacts: Scott Canington 970.468.6860 Jreon Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE CIAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Gontact: Ridr Sisneros HOLYCROSSi ELECTRIC 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.9a9.a566 (fax) Contact: Ted Huslty flCELE}IERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Oontacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Jm Oneal 970.262.4003 EAGTE RIVERWATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contrct: Fred Haslee COMCASTCABTE 970.945.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salaar NOTES: 1. lf the utility approval & venTiixtion form has signatur€s ftom each of the utility companies, and no comments are made dkectly on the form, thri fown wilt presurne that there are m problems and the derielopment can proceed. 2. lf a utility company haiconFems with the proposed construc{ion, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility veritication forrn that rthere is a problem which needs to be resoh/ed. Th€ issue should then be detailed in an attacfred letter to lhe Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is fre responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified proHens. 3. These rrerificatioris do not relbve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a PuHic Way Fermit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diogino in any public right- of-way or easembnt within the Jorvn of Vail. A building oermit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separately. The Developer is required and agrees to $bmit any revised drawings to the utilities for rsappro/al & re.verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature datre (unless othenvise specifically noted within the comrnent area of this form). Page 8 of 12106123103 Date l, (print name),(ro;roo ,l/, Baour^1 a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description),trf fiz,,tee St. l/,+r. JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER provide this letter as written approvat of the ptans aatea ---/&J3/02 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the Broposed improvements include: ufte I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure mmpliance wilh the Town's applicable codes and regulations. I/.!-'2 ' a (Date) Page3 of3/07/17/02 WGA otf, EMmffi[' SI,IIE I! tol t!0 tyotf, c0ilil ,re.e||.tt0 ndfnihr, til tft.ffoi DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 6d€'hi4W BURroil - vAf[ STOREFRONT ELB/ATI 288 BRIDGE STREET. V fficDDEC-s2003 o TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxj. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Buton @ Vail DRB Number: DRB030483 Proiect Descriptionr A 3 square foot hanging sign above the entry and window signage equal to 15olo of the window area. Participants: OWNER OTTO STORK LLC 10/2812003 Phone: 860 24RD GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505 License: APPUCANT OTTO STORK LLC 10/28/2003 Phone: 860 24RD GMND JUNCTION CO 8150s License: ProjectAddress: 288 BNDGE STVAIL Lo€ation: 288 BRIDGE STREET Legal Description: Lot: H#Bbck 5A Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108241002 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall. It12412003 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: COltl0006243 The applicant shall remove all the existing flood light fixtures located on the soffit along the frontage of the store no later than December 15, 2003, and make any necessary repairs to the soffit which are needed upon removing the fixtures such as filling in holes.. Cond: CON0006244 No lightinp has been approved with this sign application. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. o rcilnffi SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Cornmunity Development. I. SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS Name of Business: Building name and physical address; Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Type of sign (check all that apply): bi@)?ts'wPa ,I*i*o,"or refr WqY'b a'S9Wlfeff tr Building identification tr Mural tr Window Sign E Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign tr Other Numberof signs existing: O Sign message: Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign_(attach a colored scaled schematic drawing@t/a"=L'): Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from g^a", 6l' b" Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation d indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of sign (atiach samples): Sign lighting plan: D Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. I a Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. a Attach A cut sheet for each proposed fixture. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed, A. B. c. D. !Freestanding Sign trWall Sion 6angin-9 / Projecting Sign trDisplay Box LDaily Special Board trJoint Directory Sign trSubdivision Entrance Sign Number of signs proposed:E, F. G. H. I. J. K, Vtuf4 Page 3 of 4/0llr0/02 N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPLTCANTS Time Reouirements fne Oesign Reuiew Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Develqpment Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated applicaUon deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/olannino/drb/meetings/default.htm Review Griteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) and'lltle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Desiqn Review Board Meetino Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicanl or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Approval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Page 4 of 4101/10/02 Lr/23/24O3 21:55 303415@O39 Cr PAGE E5 - ). c'em cf,f-t] -Tl *\yj-:p1=-- _-r*- FJ..'- =-+ L t$l.zL : $ttt lA-t'E EOULDEF r:O AOSOZ 3og I + a { q \ (D fr A€5O 19€O €7H S"T|tEE_r 6LrtTE ALLCE'AT it-L\- f;*+rl- )--,.o Fog $ T € a16 003e Bvaoo I'Ul g 6I -€- (D t>+?at'b'|l KNv$ -& sr-L !i.l li oo:lg rra)< 3 gn59E - i'r s lBc \gsg /t 0 f; fi > f, $ $ Tt R I $ :t t-l+I PAGE A4LL / 23tt 2093 21 : 55 3e34X.50939 )z $ t-1i -El { s .'ti-\) fE€r\w-I #Bi$tl ,.IJ F i .-€'t{ ul 6 I ^lr\t- -.rF- | I ll( I lrtt --l-- tr.l I t\ L\J }{/ rr l.t M \t rF- I t- -_': lla,n I 'lYv., | -D +i6 llF I I 3j{...l * N) -t--o (/')a ll nt^ $.)u-+ €,F ad!tx \ lH l-ltiil \ \c\ -M 'rrlz-- \== ,f\Ft--O r' o-j i-+> 0G i on g st I rD ;+ -& alr 4-6'r** Ta',I\7n& Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa.x: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.\rail,co.us brown mqtal window system which will match current mullion locations identically. Paillcipants: OWNER OTTO STORK LLC 860 24RDi GMND JUNCTION CO 81505 License: APPLICANT OTTO STORK LLC 10/2112003 Phone: 10/2112003 Phone: 860 24RD GMND JUNCNON CO 81s05 License: 288 BRIDGE ST VAIL locaUon: Lot: A, B Block:5ASubdlvision: VAILVILLAGE FILING 1 ParcelNumber: 210108241002 C,ommentsr See conditions Prcject Name: Project llescrifiion: Project Address: 288 BRIDGE STREET Legal Description: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz t012412003 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not cons$tute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of ;Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006197 That the applicant shall replace all the windows and the door simultaniously including all the windows located in the dead-end alley space created between his building and the adjacent building to the north. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO ro TOI4'T'M Application for Design Review V/; n Department of Community Development 75 Sou*r Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informaton is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C,ommission. Design review approval labses unless a building pemit is issued and construction @mmenoes withina_, U-#one year of the approval.\" of the Request:$(rt" t^d Location of the Proposal: t-ot: GD Block: 5A Subdivision: Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Phoner Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or $2s0 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. /E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs El Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition fl Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial ) Minor Alterauon (single family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans u{ $20 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: $20 FItE TOWI,I OFVUT Department of Community Development 75 South Flontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us September 10,2003 Michael Sanner PO Box 1498 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Scott Building, located at 288 Bridge Street / Lots C and D, Block 5A, Vail Village 1"'Filing. Dear Michael, The Design Review Board conceptually review€d the proposal to the Scott Building' located a[the above-reference aiOresi. The following were their comments and conoems: . Think carefully about drainage.r The roof from the Rucksack needs to relate both functionally and aesthetically to the entry feature.. They were gpnerally supportive of the concept. A complete applicadon for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core I zone districtwilt need to be submifted for an complete analysis of the proposal. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contad me at 970479-2369' 2a Singr,rely, ,/ I/ll/.- /// rtt/M/lqW-' Allison O6hs. AICP Planner ll Town of Vail {srnnurr^ro I.'1 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us All prolects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please reter to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informatjon is received by the Community Development Department. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lqpses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. r,}f T0II'AI General Informationl Description of thebzw Location of the Proposat: tot@-ebck. fAsuuoiuision' VV flq$E+ I Physical Address: parcetNo.:/bPBz Zoning:o Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:L+Av-atp O ior)u Bt?9- O$ner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: E, Signs }1 Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration , (mulU-family/commercial) ! Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior converslons). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee RECEIUED (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) E-mail Address: AU0rfm o CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS GENERAL INFORMATION The conceptr"ral review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of the proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. Complete applications mubt be submitted two (2)lveeks prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of 1"=20' or larger; Conceptual architectural elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; Completed DRB application form, Written approval from a condominium association, landlord and joint owner(if applicable). II. PROCEDURE Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shallireview the submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of thp zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, the [roject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in Compliance with zoning code requirements, the application and submittal materials shall be returned to the applicant v\,ith a wriften explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. III. DESIGN REVIEWBOARD MEETING REOUIREMENTS For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propefi lines, proposed buildings and building corners, All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB aqenda until such time as the item has been republished. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS D r-l n tr TOIriN OFVAIL Page 2 of 3/0ll10/02 tI ,r*m JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal dacrrintinn\ provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Tswn of Vail Community Development Departrnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvernents indude: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans o\rer the course of the review prdcess to ensure coinpliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page3 of 3l0l/l0lo2 ,,*ffi one year of the approval. Description of the Request: IL+ 'F L Location of the Proposal: Lot:Ct P slock: Physical Address: Parcelfto,2 Zoning: Name(s) of Mailing Address: e Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of ApPlicant: Mailing Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tew Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.479 -2452 web: www'ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit refer to the submittil requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development { project may also need to be reviewed by the Town council and/or the Planning and beiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cqnstrt .) Application for Design Rev G e_ (co 970-328-8640 for Parcel no.) ,'l -JoPclr t*'Lc ? \qot ^ -r,-/'4u, L-2>, LV L^a"(L{- t F (2L- n .=: 5 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. retarning walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or tt Desron Review Board. tr\t..J -'l--btt, No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' ii00 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential ( commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor chanqes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences ar retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences arMi (s n ! il $20 No Fee For Office *"., Ah 55 ur,fi1,cira^f ,r*m I, (print name description) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER ' ;&/ / ,u'{tx il^trt" a joint owner of property located at (address/legal which have may be made to the plans over the course of the review applicable codes and regulations, I further understand that nlinor modifications :process to ensure compliarlce with the Town's j (Date) Page 2 of6-01/18/02 T0l,tNm ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This indudes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** ;d Stamped Topographic Surveyx'A Site and Grading Planx fl Landscape Plan* . p Architectural Elevations*p Exterior color and material samples and specifications. 01. Architectural Floor Plans* # Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures nf Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* ff etrotos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.-{ written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable A Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*'o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the . - . p,roposal is not clearly indicated. lPtease submit three (3) eopies of llymayelalg-noted with an asterisk (*)- ) x*For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Tgpographic suryey: Wet stamp and signature of a licensed suryeyor Date of survey North arrow and graphic bar scale Scale of 1"=10'or l"=20') Legal description and physical address Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4Qo/o, and floodplain) Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relaUonship to the established corner. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphal! along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals x A Ftr h F F ,x D Pase 3 of L2l02lo7l02 o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. o Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent sfeams, etc.). F All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhanels, building overhangs, etc.).- o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer GasTelephone Water Electric 2s Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc. ' iB Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum( of 250'in either direction from propefi. Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of l"=20'or largero Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementsn Existing and proposed gradesa Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.u All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elwations, Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height,D Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that er(it the street in an uphill direction.D Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures,o Proposed suface drainage on and off-site.a Location of landscaped areas.B Location of limits of disturbance fencingo Location of all required parking spaceso Snow storage areas.l Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.D Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Ptan: F\F( &??ut [,^.6ur- -B Scale of 1" = 20' or largeru Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.tr Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. Page 4 of 12102/07102 I D The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its insitallation,u Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larber; 1/4" is preferred o Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. u Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.). D One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. n Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of 1/B' = 1' or larger; U4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor, plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.n If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the nonnal building elevations, show these faces also. tr Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. D All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details, f, Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. u lllustrate all decks, porches and balconies. )tf Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). o Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. u Illusffate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevaUons should ^ coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. 1rE\ exterior color and materiial samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review \_/ Board meeting. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, Jg4-ens_Qulplrt,-lumirc-rF_gfea-A Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE GLC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Buihing Depaftment will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registerdd professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or seto Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensipns, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot o Building and garbge floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations o All drainage and utility seruice line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location a All easements Page 5 of t2l02l17l02 PROPOSED MATERI'ILS Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Color Page 6 of tAO407lOz I PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Common Name Ouantity SizeBotdnical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Reguirements for fandscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square FootaEeTvpe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) Page 7 of L2l02l07loz UTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verifu service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following uUlities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date QWEST 970.38a.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tel) C.ontact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.262.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITANON DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476,4089 (fax) Contacti Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.t224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar xPlease provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed, 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtiliW locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separatelv. Page B of 12/02107102 t NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-apolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encounged. The purpose of a pre-applicaUon meeting is to identify any 4ritical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development reView process for an applicauon. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the develqpment review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A prelapplication meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 97 O.47 9.2lZB or irod riquez@ci.vail.co. us Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying rfaterial must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A srhedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at;http://ci.vail.co.us/commdevlplanning/drb/meetinqs/default.htm For a new residential development, thQ application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Revhw Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Reguirements for orope4ies located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development DeparBnent may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific aeological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sQnsitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the isisuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Developmept staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the propefi to all mapped ll,azards, Reouired Plan Sheet Forrhat For all surveys, site plans, ldndscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must bel24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scFle is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3, Graphic bar scale, 4. Nofth arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan prepaper, address and phone number, 7. Dates of original plan pdeparation and all revision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbdrs. 10. A border with a minimufn bft side margin of 1.5". 11. Names ofall adjacent rgadways. 12, Plan legend. Page 9 of LZ|OZ|0TlOZ Design Review Board Meetinq Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion, Page 10 of 12102107/02 o T0l,|,Nm Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 Sorrft Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 taxl. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us xThis chrcklist must be spbmittecl prior to Public Works review of a propo*d development Owners/Project Namel Applicant:Phone Numben Submittal o Stamped suruey of properfy a Landscape plan u Title Report (Section B)o CiviUSite plans Survey Reouirements: o Surveyo/s wet stamp andlsignaturetr Date of survey o North anow o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) tr Properscale(1"=10'or1"120') B Trees o Legal description o Inbeled easements (i,e. drainage, utility, o Basis of bearings / Benchnfrark pedestrian, etc...) o Spot Elevations o ToPograPhY a Labeled right of way and y'roperty lines; o Utility locations including bearings, distanrts and curve D Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of information. asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown n Lot Size i for a minimum of 250'in either direction o Buildable Area (excludes r$d hazard from propefi. avalanche, slopes greater than 400/o, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: : I. Access (check all) o Driveway type and finished suface are shown on the site plan' o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) o Snow storage areas are shbwn on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of drivewaf area if heated) o All driveway grades, dimenpions. radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepes{ Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade)l- o Parking spaces and turningl radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Sbndards, pp.12&14 II. Construction Site (check all) tr Location of all utilities and ineter pits are shown on the site plan' o Umits of disturbance constfuction fencing is shown on the site plan. o I am aware that approved ttaging and Construction Traffic C,ontrol Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control DeVices, will be necessary prior to construction. o I am aware that a Revocabfe Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction' Page 11 of t2lo2l07lO2 o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, weUands, floodplain, soils) ffi. Drainage (check all that appty)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p, 12.a (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Concrete Pan D I Foot Concrete panq Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site,u Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) IV. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.a Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that appty)s The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan.o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)D The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VL Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been providedo The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area, VII. Grading (check all that apply)o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan.o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade.o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans.o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that appty)o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.tr All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans.tr All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.o No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)a Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standardsf p.12.o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:_ Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to public Works Review. Page 12 of t2102/07/OZ Applicants Signature M iqzr Line voltage (1 &z(('17)\UDttrc( L-.\c-< @ Outdoor Task Wall Lights from Kidtlef , AZ tine Voltaqe (120-volt), WH tine Voliage {'l?o-volt) 6051 Architectural Bronze 1-light, BR-40 120-W Max. (lV) or PAR 38 150-W. Max, (M), 12"hqt.. 6'shade dia. U.l. listed for wet location 605t White llight, BR-40 120-W Max. (M) or PAR 38 1 50-W Max. (M). 12'hgr., 6"shade dia. U.L. listed lor wet location -:1. '-l !tj Tree/Su rface Mount Accent Light Create a soft, warm lighr for inviting night- time strolls when you mount this accent Iight above pathways and landscape. SPECIIICATIONS HOUSING: Durabledie-castaluminum construction- Designed for below horizontal mounting only. Support arm has % NPSM thread. FINISH: Textured Architectural Bronze SIZE: 4Y," dia., 7%" deep, 6%" hgt. WIRING: 30" of usable 150'C 18 AWG wire leads. 12O-VOLT medium base porcelain socket with nickel plated screw shell. 75-W Max. PAR 30 light bulb (not supplied). MOUNTING ACCESSORIES| see the Ordering Guide pages 73-15fol ootional accessories. UL and C-UL listed 'Af,'', 5%' Tree.or surface rnount for down hghl Surface rnounling flange induded applrcalron only. teatures ooen stainless steel s(reen lamp protedion. Supplied with a I5507 AZI mounling bracket and hanger bolls. Mini Accent Draw attention to the beauty of a favorite tree. With thrs compact adjustable accent light, you don't "light," you create effects... as dramatic or romantic as vou wish. SPECIFICATIONS HOUSING: Durable die-cast aluminum construction. 15087 and 15093 use a stainless steel screen and is for down light use only. Support arm has '/, NPSM thread. FlNlSH: Textured Architectural Bronze. Textured White SIZEt 2'/s" dia., 6' deep, 3 %' hgt. WIRING: 42' oi usable #18-2. sPT-1-W leads. QUIC DISCo cable connector supplied with fixture. '12-VOLT oorcelain universal bi-oin socket. 50-W. Max. MR- 16 light bulb (not supplied). MOUNTING ACCESSORIES: See the Ordering Guide pages 73-75 for optional accessories. UL and C-U[ listed a) . l|t'DI 15287 /-l ialZl>'r4au."pEf--' ! r5087/15093 f 4",,JtuP( INEROUND LS 3 3 3 S.T A I N L E S S S T E E L This vefsatile and innovativc light fixturc has been designed, en!ineered and mantrlacitJred in Australia to IP68. It can be floor or ingr0und mounted, wall recessed or !sed in water lcatures and swinrnling pools (refer tS3.33ANS-1- page 25). An integrated l00k of clcan lines .rnd c0nciseness is achieved from Interaors to extefl0rs rn commercial and donreslic applicatl0ns. The integral thernai cutout providcs proteciion from overheating while extra low voltage ensures safety and efficiency. MARINE GRADE 316 1rP68) r::l|---:--- - rI l ': | *l ll\ i ^l =+l:\!+ =r, ott+;ne+u) , ' Fl List o{ features Stainless Steel i\.laine Grade 316 lP68 - Continual submersion to '10 metres {32.8feet) Themal culoul lP68 cable glands Integrated glass and body seal 6mm toughened glass Flush litting Anli{lare louwe Frosled ghss lens (oplional) Easy relamping l0 amp lamp holdef ELV 'extra lolr vollage (12V) Integral lrasformef (opliooal) Slandard 3m (101t)antileach cable iLS333AN-1 LS333AN|-1 only) &dT<rUAl- Q r+'tt'- t .f.olL-D u\t4+{(.BEGA i+ I-A +:,rrut Wall luminaires with partial uptighl ure cast aluminum arm. canoDV and shade wrth uplight slots. uryslal glass with screw neck. Color: Black or white. Lumen Aru-lLsro ir,-";Lamp 6321 5!_ --t zswn-rg --rrgo-- roua ri,+," re : 6ii22P wal t--i2l, -- =- -_ - " ---' - _- =.:=_-_ f vr rLU 860 1o /a 1e1:3ia 12 erzrs-w", --i#-,*. ;#- -,#, ',#":r:-*-t"" y'' '--,.".,iv1-,io;- iut# #i a- -9t.- - Jry]!:erugJlqg_b!1'. r, o eo, . * p" s r-ail :-:a -- I paauw$ THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVFN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearfng in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Vail Town Code on, October 27 , 2003, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a setback variance pursuant to Section 12-6D-6 Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a garage additior!, located at 1956 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 45, Vail Village West 2nd Filing. Applicant David Inrtin Planner: Matt Gennett A request for a sign variance pursuant to Section 1148-20, Window Signs, and Section 114A- 1, Signs Permitted in Zone District, Vail Town Code, to allow for additional signage for Bogart's Bar and Bistro, located at |43 East Meadow Drive, Unit 165 (Crossroads)/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Vlllage 1"t Filing. Applicant A. Luc Pols Planner: Matt Gennett A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6H-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public services use, located at 501 North Frontage Road (SolarVailCondominiums)/ Lot 8, Block2, Vail Potato Patch 1st Filing. Applicant Nextel, represefted by Glen Klocke Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a conditionaf use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utilities installation, located at 545 North Frontage Road (Red Sandstone Elementary School)/Part of Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch 1" Filing. Applicant AT&T Wireless Services, lnc. Planner: WarenCampQell A request for a minor subdivision pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for the replatting of property boundary amendments, located at 2965 & 2975 Manns Ranch Road, Lots 5 & 6, $lock 1, Vail Village 13'n Filing. Applicant Clinton J. Kendiick, represented by Segerberg, Mayhew, and Associates Planner: Bill Gibson A request for conditional (se permit, pursuant to Section 12-71-5, Vail Town Code, and a variance from Title 14, Chbpter 5, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards for All Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an unpaved private parking lot, located at 862 South Frontage Road WesVUnplafted. (A complete metes and bounds legal description is available for review at the Town of Vail Community Development Department). Applicant Vail Resorts Planner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a major "uuoiuilLrsuant to Ghapter 13-3, Major sruiln, Vail Town Code,to allow for the platting of the ski-way tract and four lots at the Lionshead tennis court site and a rezoning pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Administration, Vail Town Code, from Agriculture and Open Space zone district to Primary/Secondary Two-Family Residential zone district to allow for the construction of residential dwelling units on the four proposed lots and from Agriculture and Open Space zone district to Outdoor Recreation zone district to allow for the sfi lifts, tows, and runs located at 615 west Forest Road/unplafted (A complete metes and bounds legal description is available for review at the Town of Vail Community Development Depirtment). Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a minor subdivision pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivision, Vail Town Code, !o al]9w forlhe replatting of Lot 31 and Tracts C & D, Vail Village 2nd Filing; a request to rezone Lot 31 and Tracts C & D, VailVillage 2d Filing from Outdoor RLcreation @ny ariO Lionshead Mixed Use 2 (LMU-2) zone districts to the General Use (GU) zone districi; and a request for a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the operation of a water and sewage treatment plant and a public parking facilig and structure, located at 846 West Forest Road/Lot 31 and Tracts C & D, Vail Village 2d Filing. Applicant Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about these proposals are available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department office, 75 South Frontige-Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientatioh heb in'the Town of Vail Community Development-Department office and the site visits that precede the public hearing. Please call (970) 479-21i8 for additional inf6rmation. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for additional information. This notice published in the Vail Daity on October 10, 2009. ''t ;Tol''m Planning and Environmental Commi tuq 6p-t\ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado B1657 teli 970.479.2L39 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the An application for Planning and Environmental Commission revtew is received by the Community Development Department. The Council and/or the Design Review 8oard. Type ofApplication and Fee: to submitting a that is reouested. required information reviewed by the Town tr tr tr- tr tr tr D Rezoning Major Subdivision Minor Subdivision Exeniption Plat Minor Amendment to an SDD New Special Major Amendment to Major Amendment to an (no exterior location of the { C $6s0 $6s0 $1000 $6000 $6000 $12s0 o ?-(o $6s0 $400 $6s0 $B0o $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 e+ ffiJ\ Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Fhysical Address: Parcel No.: zoningt 4 ilame(s; of Mailing Addressl Oi&ner(s) of Appli (,o 8l5of ,/- -\-i lb3-7- -,,/...,lfdr (I r/t u/"; pl' ^/it " t,'lr')O Applica-tion for Review by the E-mail Add ,-ffi I, (print name description) provide this letter as written ofthe plans dated which have been submitted to the Town bf Vail Community Developnrent Departrnent for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted abore. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minpr modifications may be made to the plans over the couse of the review (Date) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal t I Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications Submittal Requirements This application is required for any proposal involving the construction of a new building, the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes more than 100 square feet of enclosed floor area, or the replacement of an existing building, in the Commercial Core 1 District (commonly referred to as Vail Village) or the Commercial Core 2 District. This application is also required for any project in the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District or Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District, which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club uniB, time- share units, any project whiCh adds more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off-site impacts (as determined by the Administrator). This application is also required for any project in the Public Accommodation District, which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units, any project which adds more than one thousand (1,000) square feet of commercial floor area or common space. or any project which has substantial off-site impalts (as determined by the Administrator). I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Fee: $800.00 - Major Exterior Alteration. l N Stamped, addressed bnvelopes and a list of the property o$rners adjacent to the subjefl \llVr' property, including prdpefties behind and across streets. The list of property owners shall include I\- the owners'name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description I of the property owned by each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. I , .This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. I \f{q'fto" nenolncruains schedules A & B. Nt{X Written approval froni a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. \\,V +( A written statement describing the proposal and how the proposal complies with the applicable\f / adopted master plans arpd planning documents.i* al*" ffi stamped Topog!'aphii survey (Four complete sets of plans). LV.?JPnc2( n\SrrfSnaOsenety+Uf 3 copies) of the existing and proposed building for the spring/fall equinox and .,/ winter solstice at 10:00 pm and 2:00 pm (as determined by the Administratof) q\existing and Proposeil Architectural Floor Plans (Four comptete sets of plans). -liffi*ln Architecturat or massing model of the proposed development to include buildings and major i v x lx@ies asd'ee;ed nsessary by the Administrato# -The scate of if\-----''z the model shall be as ddtermined by the Administrator :, ! n^* . ^a /:' ^1 tt ot^^ T0I4'Nffi N, M, iJ 0 F Existing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans (Four complete sets of plans). .,^/ . *i), SYicinity Plan to adequately show the project location in relationship to the surrounding area /frVln{ N}du.r" A Landscape Plan (Four complete sets of plans). (3 copies) Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevations (Four complete sets of plans). GENERAL INFORMATION I-Page 3 of6-01/18/02 ,osp) t o (,fft tr x ffi ,Hi1"J,$H!.tmtrffiffi ffi tr,::ff :"1'::"iilil'ff;1,1,i:f ':::;:5,," * - oyor/:$"u,ur circulation analysis prepared by a qualified 8.5" x 11" reduced format. iThese are reouired for the II. DETAILEDSUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS Topographic surveyi A Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor& Date of suruev P North arrow and graphic bar scale tr- Scale of 1"=10' or l"=20') * Legal description and physical address gc Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/o,' and floodplain) K Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey P Propefi boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information, Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum oF one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Existing trees or groups of trees having trunk with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof ovei'hangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer GasTelephone Water Electricq Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc. S Rdjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of l"=20'or largera Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed grades Page 4 of6-0lrl8/02 FIP" X Parking needsTassessment professional , .f a(a/i"J{.> V ) ay a All plans must also be submitted (\- Planning and Environmental Commissioi {)/ ts ,F ts ;xl 'tr{l o .b. of F Additional Material: a Existing and proposed iayout of buildings and other structures including deck, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.u All proposed roof ridge ]lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all rdof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.a Proposed driveways, incfuding percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the denterline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.D A 4' wide unheated con$rete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.u Locations of all utilitieslincluding existing sources and proposed service lines from souries to the structures.n Proposed surface draina$e on and off-site.tr Location of landscaped treas.o Location of limits of distr;rbance fencingo Location of all required parking spaceso Snow storage areas.D Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls, A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall lbe provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20'or largQro Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. u Location of existing treeq, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to bei removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being afFected by thq proposed improvements and grading. El indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.s Delineate critical root zories for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate the location of afl proposed plantings. o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its insullation.D Existing and proposed cQntour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations inoted. Architectural Floor Plans: I o Scale of UB" = I' or largpr; 1/4" is preferred o Floor plans of the propo$ed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must $e drawn at the same scale.q Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. o Label floor plans to indicale the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.). n One set of floor plans mrbt be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Ttle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Etevations: iE Scale of 1/8" = 1' or largelr; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation ' drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. Page 5 of6-01/18/02 o o u If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also. Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details. Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies. Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof strustures, if applicable. Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey, Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. D B c tr tr PRE-APPLICATION CON FERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly encouraged. No application will be accepted unless it is complete. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine submittal requirements. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by the Community Development Department by the appropriate submittal date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. Approval of a major or minor exterior alteration shall lapse and become void two (2) years following the date of approval unless, prior to the expiration, a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and diligently pursued to completion. ADDITIONAL REVIEW A. If this application requires separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees that are in excess of 500/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hir:e the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount fonrrarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Please note that only co,ttplete upplications will be accepted. All of the required information musl he submitted in orderfor the upplicution lo be deemed complete. Pase 6 of 6-0 li | 8/02 EXISTING SCOTT BUILDING EXTERIORS th"W"+t 3k',,r*r..,",; n I EXISTING SCOTT BUILDING EXTERIORS EXISTING SCOTT BUILDING EXTERIORS SCOTT BU I LDING ADDITIO N..MASTER PLAN STATEM ENT The objectives of the addition and remodel to the Scott Building (aka Daily Grind) are to upgrade the exterior appearance ofthe front fagade and eliminate the eyesore ofthe existing "alleyway" between the A&D building and the Scott building as well as the space between the Rucksack building at the entance to the Scott building. The current fagade is recessed and tucked behind the A&D building as well as the shed roof wing of the Rucksack building. This creates a very small frontage that is almost in permanent shade. This dark save opening is not very visible from Bridge Street. By bringing the front door out towards the street and by creating a new fagade the building's limited frontage will be a bit more visible. The addition of skylights at this entry will further enhance its visibility during the daylight hours. These improvements are in line with the Master Plan for the Village. Goal #l states that "encourages high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale..." The current 1 story scale is being maintained while the fagade is being upgraded. (Even a two or three story infill would not change the lively scale ofthe streetscape as the width of this building is so narrow.) All the improvements proposed are an attempt to make this current location more athactive as a retail establishment. Retail spaces require a certain amount of visibility from the street which this particular location has only in a very limited amount. Vacant retail shops are not helpful in maintaining a lively village core nor does it help the overall economic health ofthe village. Thus by upgrading the fagade and increasing visibility this building should help to attract a business that witl add to the overall vitality of the village enhance the economic health and vitality as mentioned in Goal #2. Goal #3 talks of enhancing the walking experience. A viable business on Bridge street enhances that experience while a vacant shop such as its immediate neighbor does not. Goals #4 thru #6 are not really affected as open space, transportation and operations do not change from its previous state. ln short the remodel of the Scott Building should help energize to some small degree the village core while not taking away from any ofthe villages charm or character. o ! a lgl< h-ri\ii?!ii I "l _l ll tl 'il "ilII "H "q= Qs-l -3H -<-{-:._ d a Eii\ Ei\ \tl r\. F i"- ('r 'o'r .cz) (, 1 - F 6g =L-)<.i q 5E'l =9€-, d:"5,t FT- =FE9<s 3 Ft."u8 Fa E*E =fdPfi T i II B*rign Review,frt,on Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Daily Grind Project Description: Iron Fence in courtyard as required for liquor licensing Owner, Address and Phone: Daily Grind Coffee Co.,288 Bridge Street,476-5856 Archilect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 288 Bridge Street LegalDescription: RucksnckBuilding Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Fence design, color, materials to match existing Rucksack fence Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: lll4l99 F:\EVERYONE\DRBV\PPROVAL99\DAILYGRD.WPD Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval l) This project is approved in accordance with the attached liquor licensing site plan in order to maintain pedestrinn nccess to adjacent propefties. 2) As with. all applications, landlord/association approval is required prior to building permtt tssuance. DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 (add to permit) ttt|o!x $E RSiiet(rt C'o og 'n -:(o tfi =r) $clo\till,6Oc ?!trt r}t'oIz o !t rtsolqor)Rh.uJtrj ::QhsflNt)|r)ootoEq Qu.rflull thc I'li,nning Staffai 479-:.128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVALI\-!- !.-.-,:-,^L"q" l! :-:" --': U $ ,JAf{ t ,, 1$Sg This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sce the submittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc reguircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council andlor thc planning and Environntcntal Commission. Dcsign Rci,lcrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. '--- A. pESCRIPTION OF THE REeUEST: L LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PFTSICAL ADDRESS: TOriN OF VAIL .., GENERAL INFORMATION n B, c. D. E. BLOCK: .5 h FILIN (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:(- a MAILINC ADDRESS:c?4 t PHONE: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new buildins. $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvcments, zuch as, rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls, ctc. DRBfeesaretobepaidatthetimeofsubmittal. Latcr,whcnapplyingforabuildingpennit.pleascidentiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTown of Vail will adjust the fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBI{IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657, PARCEL #: ZONINC: CL( F. G. tr Addition - S,"o. ^teration - " 0L/ZL/SS lUU 14:03 & 't:"/ ' CDf,f,@ oolI '., 0t/2L/gg F4.t' t78 7SS4 CDffioo Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAI Project Nuuc: Daily Grind Projcst Des€ription:Irqn X'cncc ln courtyerd er rcquircd for liquor liccnsing orner, Address and Phonc: Daily Grind coltce co., 2ss Bridgc strGct' 47G5&t6 Architcct/Contact. Address and Phone: stmc Project Strcet Addrc.rs; Ztt nrilgc St; LegalDcscription: RucknckBuiHing 1410$ FAI S70 @ ooz ParcdNumber: Comments: Fcncc dcri Motion by: Secondcd by: Vdte: Conditions: Town Plauncr: Brcnt Wikon Datc: ln4l9fJ BuildingName: rtcrielr to matcb cxirtiug Ruclrsaclr fflcc hL''Jt fr'/" ^),1' {'ff-" Board / Staff Action Action: Stelf Approvrl 6e {t4 tAEt' l) Thfu oroicct ir eonrovcd in eccordsrcc wittr thc rttrchcd liquor liccnsing ritc plrn in ' ofu.i to'mrintriln'pcdetrirn eccoss to edjaceut prcpertic* 2) As with.ell applicetionr, landlord/arrocirtion rpprcr'al ir rcquircd prior to building pefillfi rttuotrca. r;\EVERYONr,DnSNDROVAII99\DAILrORD.wPD DRB Fee Pr+Paid:$20.U1(*dd to Pemrit) co4,t6-o rr l' Il/\tH,lr: lsfrlatl\,,.IrIl=l0qla r:l-_ 'l0l .*tlrl;lLl'ritr l,: $ trill** .'. ; 00J Av, t tr..Lg {n ,Ut \D E t; ul x lu l|l ) rr .-t IT JL o TIx rll 7 i0$ . ur r: I ! u ,lI t /_ "-$J ql/13/1s99 a9r 25 ', 't oTTii:,.oRK PAf,?E 8T? ,r(w&; J) &,*r' ,;?Yg baL{Ee-- /k rptt/U r.t?t-.rr- L J*;.,f( t> tfu,t-t't t-+ultU ,ur( &w ilv- t a( /sr-t, 'E l,n:/ ("t':a/* }* t t_-- 6 x- 2)L0l /r--fi. .(b,.U,f ,i trtLtrtAali o-. ,[,a1\ &r*{ io\, g+?6url, clL-/ tZt att.t' !6 7'ovct /'Jt- 'r'l Date Receivet JAt{ 2 0 1999 ,ti't-c> 44e/ C' fTc de frg;* n%L (uuh*o-{o/ Sfl. !q eS at, "$, $ ,f$$$$ ri'q'.oo\t' tf o.!t P TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2t38 DEPARII,IEI T OF COMMIINITY DSVELOP!.IENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMBS ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERT'fT PermiE #: 899-0L22 ilob Address: 288 BRIDGE sT Status...: ISSITEDLocatsion...: 288 Bridge Sts, Daily GrinApplied..: 0S/L4/L999Pafcel No..: 2101,-082-4L-OO2 Issued...: OS/26/L999prOjects No.: PRJ99-0L42 , , - Expires..: tL/22/L999 t-'t' v StldAV * RocKY MoIJNTATN wooDwoRKs K\q,"' n d.'Fpnone: 303949-9190 P.O BOX 43't4, VArL CO 81558 )--l l/ r-/ ' ROCKY MOIINTAfN WOODWORKS ' Phone: 303949-9190 P.O BOX 4174, VArr, CO 81659 O1TO STORK I.,LC 288 BRIDGF ST, VArr, CO 91657 Description: Add beam, concrete bar, 3-compartmenE sink & drain Occupancy: 82 B2 Tlpe Construction: V I-IIR Not in tablel 'I:E)e Occup€rncy: Valuation:6, 0oo Add sq Fr: Flilplrcr hforuationr RcBtricted:*of oes AFlrllance6 r l0of ea6 Log6 :#of wood/Pa1bg r rrtt+tl'ftt*i:r!t*tr*t*ttt***!t*tr**tt'tt.ttttttttt'rtt**r**trl**'r FEE SInII|AEY i.+tatt*t.+tt* APPLICANT COIIIRAqTOR OWNER sulldlnE-----> Plan clrock---> Itrvc.ti g.tsion> will, eall----> Los - 00 .oo 3.OO RGatuarant' Plan Ravi6rr--> R.c-lation F.c----------> Clcan-up D€!to6it- -- - - -- - > TtrrAL aEES- - --- .oo Total Calculatad Fees- - ->l,?6.25 Addltional ree6---------> .0O .oo .oo 'L'r6.2s t76.25 L76.25 BAIAICCE DI'E..-. .OO i rr r*a.}tta a r a*r |,ttJ **t***ririr a Division: Division:Division:Division: Item: 05L0005/t8/Le99Item: 05400Item: 05600It,em: 05500 DEET: BUITDINGper- GGlkw- DEPE: PI,AIiININGDebL: FIREDept: PIJB WORK See Page 2 of this Documentr for any condj-tions that may appfy to this permiE DECI,ARATI I h.reby acknorJ.edgre tshBt I havc r.rd chi. applicatidr. filled ouc in plan, and 6CaEs that all bhc inforuaCl,on prorridad. as r.quilad ig corrcct. to cootrly nith rl,l fotrn ordin.ncc. .nd .t.Le 1are, and to build thig cod.., d.tign rcwicr approwcd, lrnitoro Building code and oEh6r ordinsnccd REQI'ESTS FON INSPEqTIONS STIALL BE !N.DE TWENTY-FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCB BY gand Ck.n-Itr D.poait To: Rocky Dlounlaln woodsorkE tttttrtrtt*tat*t*t**tt'rtti!t!rtarttr.ri AM S!o0 PM coEltleted aD acculat! plot inforealiorr and ploL plan. I zoning and rubdiviaion oR coltllRAcroR AND OTITIER ( **********!t!t************************************:t*********:t****:l**************** COIIDITIONS Permi-t *z 899-0L22 as of 0S/2G/99 SLaEus: TSSIIBD******************************************************************************** PenriE Tlpe: ADD/AJ,T COMM BUrLD pBRlfT Atrplicant : ROCKY MOIJIITAIN WOODWORKS 3 03949-9190 ilob Address: Locat,ion: 288 Bridge St, Daily GrindParcel No: 2101-082-41-002 ApBlied: 0s/L4/L999Issued: 05/26/L999 To E:grire: LL/22/L999 Descripcion: Add beam, concrete bar, 3-compartment sink & drain Conditions:1. FIBL,D INSPECTIONS ARE RBQI'IRm TO CIIEC-K FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. TSIS PERMIT, & ACCOMPANYING PLI'MBING PERMIT, ARE TO ADD A NEW, REINFORCED CONCN.ETE COT'}TTER TOP & ST'PPORTII{G COLTIMNS IN THB SAME I.OCATION AS TIIB EXISTING COI'NIER, ADD A NBW 3-COMPARIII{EIrI SINK & RIIN A NEW DWV LIIIB TO TIIB EXTSTING sEYilER, At{D ADD A NBW BEAIllt, BLIMINATTNG AN EXISTING COTUMN 6. SPANNTNG .ACROSS THE SPACE WIIU TEB NEW BEAI.I.3. CONSTRUCTION OF TIIB CONCRETE CI)IITTITER IS rO BB IN ACCORDANCE WITII Tffi DRAWINGS FROM GAI.I.E@S CONSTRU TION,4. ADDITION OF Tffi NEW BEAM IS TO BE DONE IN ACCORDAT.ICB WIIH TIIE RECI3IIIME!{DATIONS FROM TIMCITIIY BOYI..E OF BOYLB ENGINEERING coNrArNED rN A FAX DATED 5/6/99.5. A}IY FUruRE BXPAIiISION OF TIM NI]!{BER OF SBATS IN TIIE DINING AREA BEYOI{D TIIE 39 SEATS Ct'RREI{TIJY APPROVED BY THB TOI{N OF VAIL WIIL FIRST REQUIRE ADDTNG AIit ADDITIOI{AL ITNISEX ACCESSIBLE RESTROOM IN ACCORDAI\TCE WTTII TIIE 1997 UBC AT.ID fiIE 1994 UPC AS ADOPTED BY TEE TOVIN. o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAMT OWNER DEPARTI,IETiIT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT .]OBSITE AT PermiL #: ALL TIMES P99-00s4 288 BRIDGB ST, VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR PEAK T PTUMB]NG & HEATING LLC P.O.BOX 963, EDWARDS, CO 8L632 Phone z 970-926-8!3L Descript,ion: NEW 3-COMPARTflENT SrNK, D$IV, ETC. valuat.ion:1, 000 . 00 *rrt******r|**i FBE SIrlOrAny * * rr r r r r i *r, *,r r OTTO STORI( LIJC 288 BRIDGE ST, VAII, CO 81657 OTTO STORK LI.,C stacus...: IssIlED LOTApplied. . : Os/27 /L999Issued...: 05/27/1999 E>rpires. . : LL/23/L999 Phone: (303) 949-9L9O Total Calculatsed PeeE--->2L.'t5Plulobing-----> PLan Check- -- > Inwe6iigation> 9till eall,----> 15 .00 .00 3. OO neabuarant Plan Revies- -> TOIAL FEBS-----Additional Fee6---------> -oo .00 Total Peruit Fee-----'--> Payuentsa- -- --- - 24.75 24.75 BAIA}ICB DT'B_ - - -*la-l*a***.t**********ir*arrrrr********+r*aii+r* tt*rtitrrta*i*t DepE: BUILDING Division:PAID IJNDER 899-0122Depts: FIRE Division: ItE.M: 051-OO BUILDING DEPARI]TVIENT05/27/1,999 GGOODELL Action: APPR FEEIEEM: 05600 FIR-E DEPARTI4ENf CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAI.ICE.2. NO FEES FOR THIS PERMIT.- FEE PAID T'NDER 899-0122.3. ALL WORK TO BE TN ACCORDAIiTCE WITH TTTE 1994 I]NIFORM PI,I]MBINGcoDE (IIPC) OR THE 11997 TNTERNATIONAT, pLtl4BrNG CODE (rpc). *******i1r*. **r r * ** **ar r****** DECIJARATIONS f, h6r.'by ieknorledge that I have read this applicatign. fillld oug ln full Ehc infomatlon required, complehed an accuraEe plor plan, and state that alL che infomation ltrovided ae required ie correct. I ag!€e to conpl"y with the infomation and plo! plan, to conply with all To$n ordinances an4 Etate law6, rnd tso build lhis slluclurc accordinE tso bhe Town'6 zoning and subdiwision codes, deaigtt review approwed, Unifor4 BulLding code and otshgr ordina.nce€ of the To!,n appLj.cable thereto. REQUB3TS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE T1{ENTY - FOI'R HoIIRS IN.AD\nNeE BY TETEPHONE Nr 479-2L38 OR }.T OUR OFFIeE EROM 8:00 AM 5:OO P SISNATTIRE OF OI{NER OR COIfTR.AETOR FOR HIMSELF.A.TID OWNER uo,Oo" Owners Name: Work Class: "*(? Number of Dwelling Units: z1- Number and Type of Fireplaces: Ga$ Appliances BUILDING: PLIJMBING STRUCTION PERMI r np?rcan 14 ES ContacttheJ:Agle County btsessprs Otrce at g4x328-8640for Parn!# PEqq- OU{?-r**t+ 401-o8z- *l-ayu - \ I .^ --, anF, ^ rA- T0I/'C0[\/I[{, DE\l. DEftrW Y'l"VlYll1tl' UfY' ULI l" C\\r\-,.IJobName: \ rD,.\\\ 6-U Lp/r loueooress: 1gF \(R_r,Ic*- ?-{rzt-_>Burldingv *t,*mg),( Ehctrical( ) -1-.Mechanicat( ) orher( ) '.*oi**-"n: rct C irifl ,u-r#*a,,:sion-\,f fr,fL ,fu= Architect: / / Address: phone# Description of Job:5n Additional ( )Repair (() Number of Accommodation Units: a Gas Logs -/2 wood/Pellet ? VALUATIONS tul4 '///, ?3'*^itffi Ptrr,rre# q'7O -44 | - e12\t- Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GLEAN UP DEPOSTT REFUND Tg: aaELECTRICAL: $lltecremcm d General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electricel Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Tov,,n of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. pnone+ {)6 59€/ TOWN OF 42 WestMeadow Drtve Voil, Colorudo 81657 97il-179-2250 VaiI Fire Departnrent Town of Vail Fire Department Requirements for Asbestos Abatement within the Town of Vail. 'l'he following items are required for work to be done within the Town of Vail. A Town of Vail permit is required per Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1998 A copy of the General Abatement Certificate, and State of Colorado certification. Information detailing the name of the on site project manager, with contact numbers. Estimated starting date and time and estimated duration of project. A copy of written arrangements with the facility operators for any temporary disabling of the air handling systems, fire sprinkler systetn, and alarm systems with the names and contact phone numbers of these individuals. Site plan with details addressing: Waste container storage location Waste load out area location Entry and Exiting details of abatement area Details of entry and exiting plans for the occupants of the strucutre in unaffected areas. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I ALL CONTRACTORS CI.JRRENTLY REGISTERED WTru TI]E TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A. Unlawftl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, san4 gavel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalh alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice: Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereoi or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the p€rson so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Dir0ctor of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense oftbe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hereof shall not be appticable: 1. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurt€nanc e thereto; 2. To deposits of sand" dirt or materials necessa{v for the protection of the public safetv: and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the sirme. may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violatioru, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Publio Works as provided in subsection B hereof and any such person shall, in additron to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided i ion l-zl-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 {1979) Rcad and acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor or 6wner) Position or Relationship to Project: TDWl,l 0F VAIL Departtnent of Commmity Developmcnt 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PENMIT ISSUANCE TIME, FRAME If this permit requires a Torvn of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engineer's @ublic Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparhnont review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this pcrmit .ls soon as possible. I, the undersigned understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and tbat if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: \\ t o"t , 4\ rct\Q1 Work Sheet was nrned into the Community Development Dept. {go"nuoruo MIMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: IOB NAME: DATE: l. 2.' J. 4. 5. 6. PLEASE ANSWERTIIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FORA*PUBLIC WAY PERMNT': Is this a new r€bidence?NoJC Is demolition work being performed that requi;gs the use of the Riglrt-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO__!l_ No-a- NO -V' Is a different access needed to the site other then the existing driveway? YES Noc---\- Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? E. YES NO-A- Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" rc4uired? YES Nolc A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO X %r*o a sA, is a4kins staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? If you answered YES to any of these questions, a *Public Way Pennit" rrust be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. Ifyou h4ve any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Wo*s at 479-2198. ALL TIIE ABOVE QIJESTIONS. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? trfry.f K. crlE ": "j -4 i\!. L2 L99€ 19:52*l P1 I FAX'COVER SHEET FAXNIIMBER: TEI,F^ FAXNUMBER: TDI,E. 8E: NOTES; fvt'{e ?/,, h'il'il- l,': qtb ?ffiq ?s,a ?ft? I I I I 4Grulryry /1.7r',t- IIAIE: il'rrME: l( t '' ;;,r!' . ., ?AGES(incl FFfs Ff 5EJo Eltl oEt { g sFz -o g 0 E aE.ll 5 9EIot 'Eo tl ct E €E:t a ,a 6rr E b!g E C!ct T B E ,€ b d'tt T6€ E Eo EIEt F 5E !a fi ?t X\ l'li>-\'\ -- -\ -),bo)- 4'{ -Y3,$ K V; Y q \l A) F cl" \ J v d \s 9 0 \1 i'ri \l ri 0t .l' f l r-Y I:rtf i ,.zto -Lbg Ad0ii,*j Jhi"0 --'-,,...... lle/\ $s Vv-"r} g\z\,. - ;\oAJ Ev4> U Y, O-rv.'\z- / * S ,ur"A Epsso,...q V^,**^ q -\uva _) $5 - ReOnC yytcr lo,' o_c.o *il'."t *. +. zs{ {f\ q d a[\).x , a- -r -fs,- en e"" ) \\A \ {\-1C' s l/>. * av L.\, b ( (\ \J\qn D/ \-) oo a4 AdUU;ilJr"ruJ llE\roll lo.L uil',1l0'iln0l/10l h. l.-. E \ FI-FNE hT]. : 97M9W al/rrf l?lt4l! .,F n i,r,-.i 'qr. F1ae. 12 L999 LAI5ZFM Pz :r8.id I AX COVER Message:Dere i 5!ei99 H.re ars th€ oFicrt6 tor ihc centrai roof b€gm at ttr€ oa;ly Grind. I herre sizld this beam io span 27.6'. Four a6 cllurnns will be requireo at boti €nd3 to support this m€rnb€r. ' To: (win Cooke I From : Timothy l\,1. 8oy.le ccnrany i I conprny i eo/o Ehg,ncering F x l{urnbcr : 926b399 Frx Nunber: 9704764383 Pages includirg tlirs cover mEe i Subiect Daily Grind Root 8€am gl!ftr PIO C.y* :l:l -- i-- --'"-.- |i1 jli. ir l'-- - l' I I- 1-'' :'' i *- '''-_ | a REplTlSl fi6/&4/ 1999 08:83 REIIUES = = = ilreg =g sicg = = = = = = Aet ivity ! P99-rZrrZt54 Address: e88 FI?IDGELocation: VAIL VILLR F.rareel r ElBl-EBE-4 -LlAgOescriptionl NEW S*tr Qppl icant: 6/ 4/ 19 Type r B-FLFIB $taturs r IaSLlED Eonstr: AC0ltl $T 'JOit IFILING 1 LT]T C BL.K 5TI -TilfN oF vRtt-n cEL0RnDo----c7$ - INSFEtrThI IIURK SHEETS FBR: 6/ 4,i 1999 Occ: T|'IENT SINK, Dt Vr €TC. F,hone I F.AEE 16 AREAI 6REi Ownerr trTTO Contraetor': F'EAK STEIRK LLEItrLIN6 Inspect ion Request Inf o Req ue st oq CHARLIE Req Itehe 0Eeg mation..... nt s r FOLLOI.J Epected... '! Frhone: Utr INSF,ECT}ON Act ion Co nm ent s .4 tttA4 Ah /AI./99 I nstr Nctesr adcl cl It em I OAeBCT trLltB-Ro A6/AL,/99 Insp I ten l SOe4tA FLI4F-Ga Iterr gt0es0 FLf4F-Fo Iter; OSP6TA FLPIE-f{iItear O0e9O FLHB-Fi Itenr 0853S FIRE*FI uh/D. 1.r1" V. etor: CD an out to verl gh/ldat erctor: CD tr i ping 1/Hot Tub aI c,/g U. FA(F I ine 4 t rJe et ,wo"Y, ,[k# Use: t^otc,-E\kSA Fhone: & HEATINF LLC Fhone r 97tZt*986-8131 and sump pP€ 5 6 Lrre Time Exp {(l i* Rf:trT I 3146./e4l1999 O8:E3 RHtrUES ftctivityl 899-tZtl33 Add.resE; E&8 BRIDGE Loeation:3BB tlridge F,arce I : €1rZt1. -OBP*r+Description: Add beam, Appl icant r R0CKY MOUl.l Ownerr tr'tT0 STORK Contractorr RtrCKY lvltrUN Iten OrzrO Inrpaction Histor"y. . . . . Itenr: 'ACIOSO FLDG-Fr * U*/@ I /99 Ipspt NEteE: com$Ie Itenr ACtgSS BLll6*In Itemr CIOS6E BLDti-sh Item: gA67@ BLDE*MI 05/17l99 Insp Notes r LOIIKED I t em : otzr0gur BLll6-F i It en; €tEt53O Ett-D6-T e rZtS/88/99 Insp Not es : cur'Pec c:onPle remove mainta eleimi this T r: I RE*TE F.W*TEMF. PLAN-TE F'LNN-F I FIRE*FI F,t,,-F I -= TLItrIN OF VAIL. CtrLBRRDU=--\':i - INSFECTN I,dORK SHEETS FCIRr 6/ 4/TT)99 F,Htih. I uAREA: JRM 6/ 4/Lg lype: A*CtllYlM Stat r.rs r ISSUED Constrl ACOlrl 5T5t, Dai ly -a0ecnelete bar, AIN I,IOODdtrRKS LLf, AIhl t.loopt,loRKs t s: FOLLtrW peebed.. . Er'i nd Inspcction Reqr.re st Inf o nrat r on. Req ue et o CHARLIE Req Occl Use: V I--HR S-compar't ment s j.nk & drarn Fhone: 3O3949-9 19O Fhone: F,hone : 3rZr3g4g-gl gra Fhone ! UP INSF,ECTIOhI Act i on Comment s Tine Exp COUNTE AT DAILY 6RIND. ALSO t^lflY HY GAL mins ffix;l ,:T;L;A Ar DRrLY GRTND. ALSo\-ltrqFVE\Ar/t^y+qlr sronE or,t E ro LooK nr rDENrI2?:l^,:wFWrRslucl, BorH D0NE LEOS. EK TO F.OUR CONCREEEJ I I mins -' l;ft--_ t- , L ]n 4/\|)"- etor-r cD Actio"r)'\zfgtrR/ fiffnavEtrtcfiR(EcrloN REoD e rr-rppont eolumn paet[r{oilb'e Edr ,nevlnrp,yrQta\s !'illll"*., t AJ ufr':;)' Itorr ena nctiJn' N{ .dCGLfrRErE couNrkR AT REBNR RND FORMWORK /OR'NEIThEfNFORCED trONCRETE alp, C/Octor: CD franrirrg e health dept list al I construct i on mater^ n cl ean exitway ate aI l tt"ip hazards a is good until 6/3/19. c/tr tr/fr. c/o c/g L C/O cln Aetion: AF'trR RFFRtrVED/CORRECTION REOD ials t exst inq cat'pet ing 99 r'einspect ion is required Item: Item rIten: Iten: Iten:Iten:Iterr 00531 ao:i3a erCr533 o0537 04538 oB53c.) o0544 BLD6-F i al C/O {r '{hI reque6ted to be BLD6-Fram ing 3O BLD6-Tedp. C/0 40 BLDB-Final C/O TOWI,{ OFVAIL Depamnent of Con munity Develapment 75 South Fronage Road Vail, Colarodo 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 July 19, 1999 JimHolley Fer.: 477-2518 RE: Initial issues regarding the prcposed fagade changes and additional square footage at the Daily Grind Dear Jim There are several issues that I have identifred with an initial review of the file that would need to be resolved with any application for additional square footage and/or an exterior alteration at the Daily Grind" A more thorough review can be done once the extent of the proposal is presented to the Conrmunity Development Deparfinent. The following are some initial issues: l. Any additional seating beyond the 37 seats cunent$ allowed by the code would require a handicap-accessible restroorn Please contact Gary Goodell or Patrick Hamel at the Conununity Dwelopment Deparfinent regarding this requirement. Additional saating would also affect the parking requirement. 2- The application is subject to review by both the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Board. 3. Site coverage is restricted to 80% of the lot Because outdoor patios are counted as site coverage in the CCI zone district, the lot is over on allowable site covuage. Any addition would reguire a site coverage variance. 4. Any development in the CCI zone distict is guided by'the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and D esigrr Considerations. 5. Signage is guided by Title 1 I of the Town Code. I would invite you to come in and meet with the Communify Development Departrnent for a pre- application meeting prior to app$ing for the minor exterior alteration. Pr+application meetings are scheduled on Thursday afternoons from 1:30 to 4:00 p.rn and representatives ftom vaxious departrnents will be available. Please contact me at 479-2369 to schedule an appointment. The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations and Sigr Code are available for purchase at the Community Development Depa.rtrnent. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions. Sincerely, /tt. /1///Wa4 UeL Allison Ocbs Planner I Town ofVail {p*"not" '"* oo 4@ TOhIN OF VATL 75 S. FRO}TIAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTTVIENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT ALL T]MES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit, #: 898 -01,2L APPLICAIVT COMTRACTOR OIIINER Job Address: Location-. . :Parcel No..:Project No.: G & G ROOFING P O BOX 817, FRISCO G & G ROOFING P O BOX 8t-7, FRISCO OTTO STORK I.,LC 288 BRIDGE ST, VAIL 288 BRIDGE ST 288 BRIDGE STREET 2L0L-OB2-41-002 co 80443 co 80443 co 8r.657 Phone: 9706685552 Phone z 97Q6685552 Descrj-ption: REROOF SAME-BI'R- HOT PEA GRAVEL Occupancy: E}2 82Tlpe ConsErucEion: V l--HR Type V t--HourTlpe Occupancy: Valuation: L4,500 Add Pireplace Info!_tnaLion: ResEricLed:*Of cas Appliancee: Clean-up approved amount date Sq Ft: D #Of CaF Logs:+Of wood/PaIlet.: Building-----> Plan check- - - > InvesLigatsion > l,li I I CaIl----> Reslualant Plan Reviell- - > DRB 8ee-------- Recreat.ion Fee- -------- -> Cle.n-Up Deporit---- - -- -> ToEal Calculated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees-- --- - --- > Total Per1ni! Fee- --- ---- > Payments-------- r95 . O0 . oo 3.00 .00 50.00 .00 LO0. OO 474.75 -50.oo 424 .75 . oo TOTAL PEES----- 474.7s BAITANCE DUE---- 424.15r****r**{rt**i* ITCM: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENI|05/15/l-998 iIRM Action: Apposl1slr-ee8 irRM -A-aib;; EijpITEM: -O54OO PLANNING DEPARTI4ENT ' DEPARTME}fiT Dept,:ACI1ON: APPR APPROVED .]RM-Dept: PTANNING Division: r BUILDING Division: 05/r-5l1-998 JRMItern:05600 FI 4gtr-S+__i APPR N/A DepE: FIRE DiItern: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT vl-s10n: .t- ,( SEatus. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. TOV/Comm. De FEE SUMMARY 0slr.5/1998 JRM AcE-ion: AppR N/AITCM: .O55OO PIJBLTC WORKS05/l-5lL998 JRM Act,ion: AppR N/A Dept,: PIIB WORK Division: *+*r*ra{ * ***ir,* **raa.a**i r***r See page 2 of this Document for any conditsions that may apply t.o this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorrledg€ lhag r have read Lhis applicati.on, filled out in ful.L the i.nfounation required, completed an accurate plot. PIan, and slaEe thaE all the infornation provided as required ir correct. r agree Lo comply uith Lhe infoa-rnat.ion and ploL plan, Lo comply eith all Toi{n ordinances and staEe lars, and to build ChiE EllucLure according to the Tovrn,s zoning and eubdiwiaion codes, design revier approved, Unifoqn Building code and othe! ordinances of Ehe Tonn applicable EheleEo. REQUESTS FoR rNsPEcrroNs SHALIJ BE MADd TWENTY-FoUR HouRs rN ADVANCE By rEr,EpHoNE AT 479-213a oR A? ouR oFFrcE FRoM sr'0o AM s,oo pM send clean-up DeposiE To: c & e ROOFfNG APPROVED 05 /Ls /L9980s/Ls/t9e} LT/LL/t998 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRiSqTOR POR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER of oo ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS PermiE #: 898-0121 as of o5/L5/98 StaEus: AppROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pERIytT Applied: OS/!5/L998AppLicant:G&GROOFING Issued:o5/t5/L9989706685552 To Eq)ire: LL/tt/L998 ilob Address: LOCATiON: 288 BRIDGE STREET Parcel No: 2101-082-4L-002 Descrj-ption: REROOF SAI4B-BI'R- HOT PEA GRAVEL Conditions:1. FrRB DEPARTT{ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANy WORK CA}r BE STARTED.2. FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE.3. CALI, LARRY AT PI'BLIC WORKS 390-4677 FOR MATERIAL STAGING , APPLTcA'r'rol{ l'lusT lllt IrrLLEl) M * * * * o * * :t rt Jf rt rt rt * rlr rt rt Jc * * rt rt rt rt rt :t rt rt rt frLt u, *, -Bulldtng [ ]-J?r..urnbing t I,ARCEL '/l: DATE: s / l4f-gll PEIi}IIT /I OUT COI,IPLETBI,Y OIT IT MAY I'IO1' DE ACCDPTI'I) PERI,IIT INrOIU{A.IJIOI{ it*?ttr**rtrtrilr*:t:irtrt't**tt**lrrtttrt**tt: l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other L _-J ----- ,\ ', l Job I'talte : oailf-9.flg4-: L,egar DescripLic,rr: LoL l3locli-__ Irilitrg sunDtvtstotl: Owners Nane: ort..., -q_t p-*.-i.- Address: R6o ?4 Bd Grand 'Trrncl. i ''n P}r' 476-1694 Architect:Aridress:Ph..-- General DescrIPt!",,' Worlc Class: [ ]-I'lew [ ]-AILeration [ ]-AtldiLiona1 Nulnber of Drvellj.rrg Uttil-s:l{uurber of Accoillnoclatiqtr Units: ll.Uurber a'tl Ty1"re of l,'ireplaces: Gas A1:pliallces- Gas Logs- Wood/Pellet- Ud ,,ri.rtr,\r,r.r + * * * * 'r * * * * rt rt rt * rt * tr rt * rt rt t! * * rt rt * * tt * * * * ,ik * rr !f * it tt it tt * !t !i * !t il 't 't tr J< Jr * rt :t * * J< lr * * * * * :t * VALUA'II ONS tr*tt)t*tt*l!**!ttt!t***trrt* nb BurLDrr'rG; $-r4 , s00. Illg1lll:+l: t-__ fl3#il; l- - Address: Etec{:ricaI Conl-ract-or : Address: Plunrbitrg Cotrtractor: Address: Itechanical Colttracl-or : Address; DUILDING PUIOU'I' }'EIT: .6 | ..l, oldll (JL v<rrr Ar=Y ' 'rvl&ll,lrone Nutuber:668-5552 - I'ov.ttr of Vail Reg. NO. Phone I'turnber: 'l'owrl of Vail Reg. No' Photre Nunber: Towtr of Vail Photre Nutuber: Reg. I'lo. rt * rt rt * * ri ri * * it rt * r. tt * tt * * il tr * Ct * lt tr rt * * * * I,I,I\N CIIBCK TEB: PI,AI,I CIiBCI( FEIT: oFr,'rc]l usE I3UILDIIIG PLUIVII}II'IGPLUI'IBII'IC PBIIMI'I TEB: I,{ECIIANICNL PEIU"IIT I'[lJ: EI,UC'fITICAL FEE: O'I'IIEII TYPE OF FIIE: DRB FI.|E: ALUNTIOI'I HIICIJANICAL PLAI'I C}IECI( FBE: NDCREATION TDE: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT: TO'I'AL I'BII}IIT FEES: DUILDING: SIGNA.IUITB: ZQI'III'IG: SIGNATU1TE: Cornruetrl-s: sQ. rT. & G Roofing, Box 817,Frisco, CO 80443 Job Name; Date: Please ans{ver I following queslionnaire ls this a new tesidence'? ls dernolition work being ;rerlorrned lhat requires tlte use ol lhe rigltt of *oy,'uut.menls or public properly? ts any utililY worlt ltoeded? ls llte cJrivewaY being rePavecl? ls cjifferent access needed lo sile other lhan oxisling drivewaY? ls any drainage work being done afleciing tlro right ol rvay, easenlenls, or publio PrcPertY? ls a "Bcvocable Hight Of Way Perntit" recluired? A. ls tlro riglrt of way, easemenls or public properly lo be used lor staging; parking or lencing? B. ll no lo BA, is a Parldng, slaging or fencing plan required by Conttttunily read atrl allswerod alltlre abovc estions. of ,r\ L L C O I'l]T-t ACTo llstrowl't oF vAlL lrurlLlc wonl(s tvlAY 9, 1994 wilrrq'a "P u BLlc !v/\\' PE['lMl'l'' DEPARTT[/IE1.IT IS REAUIRED 6artJing tlte tteed lor a "Public Way Perntit": YES ,l/ t/ t/ t/ (/ (/ l/ f/EMO{T/\NDUM oo TO: FROM: DATE: nE: 1) 2l 3) 4) s) 6) 7'.| 0) Ng // Develo;rntcttt? Ityou answerod yes to atty of lftese cluesliolts, a "l'uLtlic Way-Perlnit" rnusl be oLltained' "lrublic Way perrrril" "pir'ri.irio'i" ,noy be obtairrecJ at the Pr,rb-lig Work's oflico or at Conrnrunily Devetollureiti. tlyou lrave-any.quuitio,tt pleaso call Charlie Davis' ths Town ol Vaif Conslruction Inspeclor, al479-2158' /- 1.7 PYrtnd Cottlr 6/s Sigtiature i'lItrt Fltoll: IJATE: suoJ licl': 75 soulh lronlage road vail. colorado B 1657 (303) 479-2I13 ot 479-2139 o. please stop by the Town of a copy. Thank you for your oltlcc of comltlurllty devoloptttottl ALL COI.{'I'ITACTOTTS CUIUTIIIITLYL REGISTEITUD I'IITII TIIE ,T'OIiII OT VAIL 'l'ot,]li OF Vr\It FUIIL-IC tvoltlts/COMIJIUt{ITY lliiVELOPllEl'lT l,tARClI 16, L9BB COIIS'1'N.UC'I'IOI{ PAITItII'IG & IJIATEI1IAIJ STOITAGB fn sunuuary, Or-dinance l.lo. 6 s'[ates that it is ultlalrful for any lr"rnol to-i-itLer, tr;rcft or cleposiL any soi1, rocl(, sandr debris'or uaterial., inciuclirrg traslr tlutrlpsters. portable toilets artd rtorl<nerr velricles Lll*ron ally streeb, siclerrallc, alley or pubtis 1:lace or atly pol-t-i-orr thereof . The right-of-way oll all Town of Vail sLreel-s ancl roacls; is :rprproxiruately 5 f'U. off pavetttent. 'l'lris ortlitlapce uiL-l be stric:Ufy etrfcrLced by L[e Town of Vail Pr-rlt.Lic l{orJ'.s Depart-ntettl-. Itefsons found violating tlris ordinance ruill be givcl't a 24 |our wril-t-t:tr noLice to renove said material . III the evelL tlre person so troLifiecl cloes noi- conply wiL[- t[e rroLir.:rs within tlre 2,1 lrour tiure specif:i-ed, t[e Pullic Works Departlnetrf r+111 rellove said naUe1rial aE t[e expetrse of person notit-'iecl . 'Ihe provisiotts of this orditlance shall not' be applicaLle to cbrrst-ruction, urairTl-enance or rePair projecLs of airy sl-reeL or alley or ally tttiliLies in the rigltt-a-way' 'Io review ordinance llo. 6 in ful1, Vail lluiLding Deparl-urerrt to obbaitt cooperal-ion on l-his uratter. (i.e. contracE,or, owner)Proj ect: ot luwn m uit! vail. culor atlo U l05I (303) 4'19-21)tl or 4'19-21J9 UUILDIIIG P[It|\iI.T ISSUAIICE TII'IE FfIAI'IE ululers igtrr':d, ullde l'stand tlre 111 alr check procedure and tittte olllco of cotnrttuttlly tlcvolollttlettt IF Llris ;rclrrr i,t r.r1t1rri|cs il lotvlr of vail l:irc l]cpurhtlent Approva'l ' ii,Uiii"",.';i 1t,uUt ic rf"if,s) rev icr:r arrd a;r;rroval , a Plantrittg lJeparUttcttt revi*,r ,r lleal Ur Uef,ai.i'r6rrL-revjew, att6'a 'evier'r by the llui lding brp""lr"i,t, -itre astlr,,a l"J ti,,,u For a Lo Lal revier.l rrny take as long as tliree weel(s, l All corrrilrr:r.cial (large or srrrall)arrd all rnu'l ti-farnily perrlrits will Irave Ltl 1,'llgrr f.tie a[uv,l t,,,iLiu,'.4 tttaxitttttttt t'equirelncltts..,Resjderttial arrd srrral I lrt.ojects slulul.t tullc a lesser utttuuttb ol' tjrrre. llowever' if residerrtia I cr' sr'al f "t'frr"j".is irnpact t1e vari'us aSove ntetrtiuttetl .ropo.ltitttit tvith t'egard ttl ttecessaty rcv iew' tltcse projects uny atio tat<e tlte Llrriee l'ruell pcriorl' [veiJ,.al.Lcttrpt rvilI be trradc by Lllis dcplrLrrterlL Lo expedite tlris perrriit a9 s.ootl as Possibl e. F I, the f rarle, nt0 Devel oPnett LCouttutt itY Dcpa rtnrcnt . FILE COPY. TOWN OFVAIL D e partment of C ommunity 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 97G479-2452 October 15. 1997 Ms. Kaye Ferry Mr. Chris Chantler cio The Daily Grind 288 Bricige Street Vaii. Colorado 81657 Dear Kaye and Chris: Assistani Director of Community Development Enclosure MMljr xc: Russell Forrest Thank you for the note frqm Mr. Otto Slork dated Septemf,er 2, 1997. Mr. Stcrk states that p;ior to May of 1978, he owne{ arrd operated a restatrrani on the same premises as The Daily Grind, and at th_at time the spacd had 75 seats. As you know, during May of 1978, tlre Town Cbuncil passed Ordinance No. 131 Series of 1978, w6ich created theiown's parking pay-in-lieu program. Based upon lrdr. Stork's leitler of September 2, 1997, indicating that the space had 75 seats prior to 1978, the Torvn will "grarrdfather" the seating, as it relates tb our parkiirg requiremenis. Therefore, 75 seats divitNrl by 8 equals a'creiiit'of 9.375 parking dpacesl This calcutation is pursu.ant to Section 18.521100, Parking - Requirement Schedule, Subsection C,5, Ealing and Drinking Establishments. l.believe that this parking pay-in-lieu "credit'l will enable you to proceed with the expansion plans that we discussed tlris preVious suflrmer. A copy of this letter will be kept in ihe Town's permanent files for future leference. Please keep in rnind that the "grandfathered" parking spaces are a zoning issue and thdt the environmental heallh issues rvhich are identified in the attactred August 26, 1997letter frorh Lydia Stinemeyer, stillapply, It is my hope that this ans{ilrs the questicns you frad regarding the Town's parking pay-in-lieu requiremehts for The Dail! Grind. li you snodto have fur-ther qlestions or ctimmen-ti rtigarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me al 479-2144. *WW /'l Mike Mollica {p*"nur"uo TOVIN OF 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, L\tlorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479_2 I 39 F/4X 970-479-2452 Departntent ol Connunity Developnen I August 26,1997 Ms. Kay Fcrry ond Mr. Chris Chandlcr Thc Daily Grind 2{lfl Bridgc Strect Vail, Colorado 8t657 Dcar Mr. Chandlcr and Ms. Fcrry: Thank you for mceting with myself, Mike Mollica" and Russcll Forrcst on August lSth andAugust 22nd to discuss the scating and bathroom issues in The Dairy Grind. As a rcsult of thcsc mcctittgs. wc havc agrccd to rcsolvc thc issucs in thc following manner: l. Thc Daily Grind will rcmovc any cxccss scats abovc thirty-scvcn (37) on or by January 5,l998. This will bc vcrificd on or aftcr rhat datc by statf. ?' Th" food prcparation spacc that was convcrtcd to scating usc is approximatcly 60 squarc fcctin sizc, was conve(cd from that usc duringthc pcriocl Aprii-ll,tggiiuly22.lgg1,and wasformcrly uscd as a baking/dcli arca. This spac" conu"rsion will count toward any calculation of spacc convcr$ion that affccts scating, such as removal ofthc walk-in frcczcr. 3' Any firturc rcmodcling that incrcases seating of morc than 37 ieats will require thc installationof a handicappcd-acccssiblc bathroom in thc facility, for a total of two bathrooms in the facility. Your coopcration is appreciated. lf you have any qucstions, plcase cail me at970-479-2333, Sincerely,.i r*n \$1eYv- *-\,--l \ Lydia A. Stin.rry", Environmental Health Spccialist IO|fiNAFYAN 75 &tuth Frontage Road Vail, (\tlotado 8t657 970-479-21 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Depart ment ol Comnuni ty Developnenl August 26,1997 Ms. Kay Fcrry and Mr. Chris Chandlcr The Daily Crind 288 Bridgc Strect Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Chandlcr and Ms. Fcrry: Thank y-ou for meeting with myself, Mike Mollica and Russell Forcst on August lgth andAugust 22ndto discuss the seating and bathroom issues in The Daily Grind. As a rcsult of thcsc mcctings, wc havc agrccd to resolve thc issucs in the following manner: l. Thc Daily Grind will removc any cxccss scats above thirty-scvcn (37) on or by January 5,1998. This will bc verified on or aftcr that datc by staff. ?' Tht food prcparation spacc that was convcrtcd to scating usc is approximatcly 60 squarc fcetin sizc. was convcrtcd from that usc during thc pcriocl epriitz, l99i-iuly zz, lggT,and wasformcrly uscd as a baking/clcli arca. This Jpr.. conu.rsion will count toward any calculation of$pacc convcr$ion that affccts scating, such as removal ofthc walk-in frcezcr. 3'^ {ny futurc rcmodclingthat incrcases seating of morc than 37 seats will require the installationof a handicappcd-acccssiblc bathroom in thc faiility, for a total of two bathrooms in the facility. Your coopcration is appreciated. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at970-479-2333, Sinccrcly,.i,-n\Ctf.Yr- Y.'--l \ Lydia A. Stinemeyer Environmental Health Spcci al ist *- -Toq The-Town"Of Memo From The Desk Of Mr. Otto Stork 09102197 Regarding:The Grind Premises at 28E Bridge Street, Co. The purpose ofthis is to state that prior to May of 1978 I owned and operated a in the Daily Grind Premises at 288 Bridge St. The space had 75 seats. owner 288 Bridge St., Vail. t AP OuesQCal the Planning Staffat 479-2138 rawo*orvffiY \r--^, i'*'""1 /^4aKo-* *Mry*(, cENERALINFoRMATToN v / i This apptication is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Qnvirorunqtsl Cocalicsion. For specific information, see the zubmittal requirerneg fr thp.#idf tipproval that is requested. The application can not beinformation, see the zubmittal require4e{p fc the"Si€tdf dppfoval that is requeste<!. I he apphcahon can not De accepted until all required information i's stbmiued. The project rnay also need to be reviewed by the Town Coucil and/or the Design Rwiew Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) PLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIROI\MENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL tr Amendment to an Approved Dwelopment Plan tr Bed and Brealdast Condrtional Use Permit ior or E Minor Subdivision Vriance Employee Housing Unit Major or tl Minor CCI Alteration (Vail Village)tr Major or E Extcrior Alteration Special tr tr u tr tr Si V tr tr tr tr D, Disfrict Amendment Major Minor Amendment to an SDD Pczzet*l B.DESCRIPTIO THEREQT]EST:2 77'/l tt tu> ,Erzzezlt 5 C. LOCATIONOFPR FILING ADDRESS: ZONING: INGNAME: NAME OF OWNER(S):6^4Et5 C,al MAILING oWNER(S)ATIJRE(S):F. G.NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE : MAILINGADDRESS: - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION. ALL SI]BMITTAL ANDTHE F'EE TO THE AGEROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. For Offrce Use OnIy: Feo Paid:- Cld:_ By: Application Date:-- PEC Me*ing Date:- DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 R.ovilcd 6/96 FILEMY 75 South Fronuge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213y479-2r39 FAX970-479-2452 Decernber 7,1995 KayeFerry Department of Community Development Sincerely, - ./,L_Z7--) Randy Stouder Town Planner The Daily Grind Coffee Co. 286 Bridge Street Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: The Class A Hood Venting System proposed at the Daily Grind Coffce Co. Dear Kaye: The Town of Vail Plaruing Deparnnent approves your proposed Class A Hood Venting System at the Daily Grind Coffee Co. It is our understanding that the new Class A Hood will be installed inside of the restaurant and venting will be connecting into existing duct work and exterior vents on the building. Furthermore, it is our understanding that you witl be seeking Town of Vail Building Deparhnent approval. as well as Town of Vail Environmental Health Division approval for the hood. I Should you have any questious or concems with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving rne a call. I can be reached most easily during regular office hours at 479-2138 - tgu*o'uo T. r.vired LOl5l92 This procedure conditional use The application subrnitted. NA!!E OF AP ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS reguired for any project, rmit.. 11 not be accepted until ,i .:. ;; :ln' .:i'.i r.ri.MRt[ 4o$Sli' i" Tr';i, . i irnrlliri n[\l ntPi.if !i"lb:l[{lf .'vohv''1" t' A. B,APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE c-NAME OF omlER(s) ADDRESS owNER (S)(print or type) sr (s) ROPOSAL:l)- PArD fl ?ne cK# elocr.}rirrLrNG lsr OF COMMUNITY of owners of all INCLUDING PROPERTY ames and malling BLE FOR CORRECT tt 4g7t BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENTILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAI. essed envelopes of the nanes cent. to the subject property ROSS STREETS, and a ]ist of n HE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSI RRECT ADDRESSES. ,6.*r (y; PRE-APPLTCATION CONFERENCE : A pre-application conference with a pranning staff member issLrongly suggeste$ to determj-ne if.any aoaiiional information is 1999i9: fg lnnr:-carion wiII be accepred unless ir comprere (musrrnc-ruoe alr items required by the zoning administrator). rt isthe applicant's rdsponsibility to make in appointment with thestaff to find out about additional submittai'requirements. PLEASE NOTE THAT d COTPT, TE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THEAPPROVAI PROCESS NON VOUN PNOJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OFCONDITIONS OT APPR.OVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTALcoMMrssroN (PEc) l'tAY STTPULATE. ALL coNDrrroNs oF AppRovAr. MusrBE COI{PLIED WITH T{SNORE A BUIIDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four. (4) copiies of the following i_nformation must besubmitted: )r. --i1, A description of the precise nature of the proposed useand its operating characteristlcs and measu-res- proposedto rnake the use compatible lrith ot.her propertiei in thevicinity. The descFiption must also address: a. Relationship_and inpact, of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. 4.. J .il Applic -s deemed by the Commun- J, -eveLopment Departmentto have significant. dedign, land use or other issues whichmay.have a significant impact. on the community may reguirerevi-ew by cons{rltants other that town slaff. Should adetermination be made by the town staff that an outsideconsultant 1s needed to review any application, Communit.yDevelopment may hire an outside consultant, it shall_estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her andthis amount shall be forwarded to the Town Uy t.ne applicantat the time he files his application with the CommunityDevelopment Department. Upon conpletion of the review- ofthe application by the consultant, any of the fundsforwarded by t.he applicant for paymenl of the consultantwhich have.not been paid to the consuLtant shal1 be returnedto the applicant.. Expenses incurred by the Town in excessof the amount forwarded by the applicant shal_I be paid tothe Town by the applicant within 30 days of notifilation bythe Town. t.!!..A T llllla fr tt APPIJICAUON - TOWN OF VAIIJ, COI'ORADO oor" o313fi".ffiilfiB:% DESIGN REVTEW BOARD *********rt BE *****ta****I. A.DESCRIP"IO}I: B. New Const.ruction ($200. 00)Addirion ($so.O0) r' Minor Alteration Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON:LoE,@il3_ Block S-A \Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please providLLo this appl_ication. a meets and bounds on a separaE.e sheet. legal and altach F F. ZONTNG: NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: H. -..--.... NAME OF APPI,ICA}i:T,S REPRESEITTATTVE: 3*mEMailing Address: Phone I. .1 . APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WIITEOW O'flNEN'S STGJVA?URA Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRE fees, as shown above,\ are to be paid at Lhet'ime of submirral_of rhe DRB applilarion. -lliei, ,trenapprying for a buirding permit, plbase identiiv Lhu accurauevaluati-on of, rhe p_roposar. The iown of vail wirr adjust thefee accordiqg ro the Eable below, to ensure Lhe correct feeis paid. NAI.{E qF OhtNER (s ) : Mailing Address: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION 4 n ,h in ^n rrv v I rv.Lfuu$ 10,001 '$ s0,000$50,001 -$ 1s0,000 $1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500, 001 - gl", 000,000g Over gl., 000,000 DESTGN REVIEIW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES APPROVAI, IJNIESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STAREED. FEE + /.u, uu $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINAII ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION III t-6u{ {-h4& rr. III. ol A pre-appLicaEion meeting wicfr a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any addicionalapplicat,ion informaEion is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment with Lhe llaff todetermine if there are additional submittaL requirements.P1ease note that a COMPIJETE applicat.ion wiII streanline thereview process for your project. A.In:addition Lo meeting .submittal reguirements, EheappJ.icanc must stake and t,ape t,he pioject siLe t,oinilicate property lines, building fines and buildingcorners. ALI trees t,o be removed must, be taped. AILsiLe lapings and sraking muse be completed piior to theDRB site visiE. The applicant nust ensure that stakingdone during the wint.er is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguires' Lr.ro separate meetings of the Design Review Board:.aconceptual review and a final review. epplicants who fail t,o appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meet,ing date and who have noE.asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their iLems removed from the DRBagenda unLil such t.ine as the ibem has beenrepublished. The following items may, at t,he discreLion of thezoning administ.raLor, be approved by the ComnunityDevelopment. DeparLmerit. staf f (i.e. a formal hearingbefore t.he DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylight.s and simitar exterioJ changeswhich do noL alter Lhe exisL.ing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addirions not visible from any oLher lotor public space. Au the time such a pioposal is' submitced, applicants must include l_eiteis fromadjacenL propert,y owners and/or from the agenE foror manager of any adjacenL condominium associaEionsLating the associarion approves of t,he addiEion. If a properLy is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfaIl, flood plain, debris flow,wetland. eLc. ), a hazard suudy nust be submitted andthe ovrner musL sign an af fidavit recognizing-irre trazarareport prior Lo the issuance of a buiidinq perrnit.Appricants are encouraged to check with a-Tbwn plannerFfio-r to DRB applicacion t,o det.ermine the relationsnipof the property t.o all mapped hazards. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicat,e on the floor pLans the insideface of t.he ex.terior sLructural wal1s of t,hebuitding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior faci of thebuildinq walls or supporting columns. If _PRB approves the applicaLion with conditions ormodificaEj.ons, aff conditions of approval must beaddressed prior ro the applicat.ion- ior a Uuiiainqpermi c . B. D. E. G. ao IIEIIIORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communiry Development Department June 26, 't995 Jn^yscr b-wuui' boh ,4 - A*l- TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 6-o Jur,oz (Do c{.n a 6e','t/)t A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor dining area for the Daily Grind Cotfee Company, located at 288 Bridge SreeULot B, Block 5H, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Barry Florescue (property owner) and Kaye Ferry Planner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The applicant, Kaye Ferry, is requesting an approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an outdoor dining area at the Daily Grind Coffee Company. The applicant has been before the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) twice before with this request. The applicant first appeared before the PEC on April 10, 1995, and again for a worksession on May 8, 1995. In response to feedback received at each of those meetings, the applicant has amended the Conditional Use Permit request from what was originally proposed. The outdoor dining area is proposed to be located in the existing plaza arca immediately to the west of the Daily Grind Cotfee Company, edjacent to Bridge Street (see attached site plan). The plaza area is not owned by the applicant. However, the applicant has entered into a lease agreement with the property owner for the use of the plaza as an outdoor dining area. The applicant is proposing to create two separate areas within the existing plaza. The applicant is proposing to use Section "A' as a'private" dining area. Section 'A" is held under lease exclusively for the use of the applicant in the operation of the Daily Grind Cotfee Company. The use of this area of.the plaza as the "private" dining area allows the applicant to physically demarcate the area, and thus, potentially serve alcoholic beverages to the patrons. The potential for serving alcoholic beverages within Section 'A" is dependant upon receiving a liquor license for the outdoor premises lrom the Local Liquor Licensing Board. Within Section "A', the applicant is proposing to place three, 28" diameter, green plastic tables and twelve green plastic chairs. The applicant is proposing to physically demarcate Section "A" from Section "B" through the use of a chain elevated approximately 36" off the ground. The chain would be atached to the building on the end nearest to the Dai|y Grind, and to a post to be installed by the applicant on the end nearest Bridge Street. The determination as to whelher the use of a chain meets the deck and patio guidelines, as established by the Town of Vail Local Liquor Licensing Authority, is to be determined by that Board. As previously indicated, the plaz a would be divided into two separate areas. Section "A' is for the "private" dining of Daily Grind patrons, as discussed above, and Section "8" is proposed for "public" seating and is to be located in front of the sunglass Hut. According to the applicant, informal public seating has occurred in front of the Sunglass Hut (in the plaza area) for a number F:\sveryone\pcc\mem os\dailyqrd.626 rl oa of years. ln Section "8", the applicant is proposing three, 28'diameter, green plastic tables and u6pe green plastic chairs, The use of Section "8" as "public" seating does not require the review and approval of a Conditional Use Permit request by the PEC. A Zoning Code interpretation (daled January 23, 1993), prepared by the Community Develop.-ment Depariment, addresses the distinction between an outdoor dining deck and an outdooi public seating area. According to the memorandum, (see attached Staff policy on outdoor iisptay ot goods, outdoor dining decks and vending carts, and outdoor public seating)' in part, ("outdoor dining decks associated with restaurants are allowed in certain zone districts witn a conoitional Use Permit that has been granted by the PEC. lt is the staft's position that all approved decks must have delined perimeters (ie: planters, railings, chains, etc.) to demarcate the space.') Additionally, the staff established a position on the definition ol outdoor public seating. Again, according to the 1i23l93 memorandum, "it is the Statt's position that outdoor public, (emphasis on public), seating is allowed as an accessory use on public and private property in certain zone disficts, and that a Conditional Use Permit is not necessary. DRB review and approval is necessary for the seating plan, as well as the design of the tables and chairs that are to be placed ouFide. The seating is to be designated for the public with "brown baggers" and the like welcome to use the area.' Based upon the Zoning Gode interpretation of Janu ary 23, 1 995, it remains Stal?s position illat Section "8", as shown on the site plan, does not reguire review by the PEC. The applicant rvill however, should they wish to place tables within Section 'B', need to submit a completed Design Review Board (DRB) application. lt is Staff's desire frat the applicant submit the completed DRB application as quickly as possible, so as to allow Statf he opportunity to schedule the request on the DRB agenda. II. REVIEW CR|TER|A FOR THIS REOUEST The review crateria for a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. In addition to the conditional use criteria staff has included criteria from the zoning code, the Vail Gomprehensive Plan, and the Vail Viltage Design Considerations, as we believe this will help the PEC in its evaluation of the request A. THETOWI,I OFVAIL MUNICIPAL CODE. The Daily Grind Coffee Company is located in the Commercial Core | (CCl) zone district. According to Secuon 18.24.010 of the zoning code, the purpose of the CCI district is: 'to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The commercial core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development strandards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of fie tighdy clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public green ways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village." F :bv€0rone\pocvfl cmos\d8ilygrd.626 lo Or An outdoor dining patio on the 'Tirst floor" or "street level'shall be permitted in the CCI zone district subject to the is$uance of a Conditional Use Permit in accordance with provisions of Chapter 18.60. For the PEG's reference, he Conditional Use Permit purpose statement indicates that: "in order to provlde the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting ol a condi$onal use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly witr respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their affects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various disficts may be permined subiect to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the developrnent objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannol be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permit shall be denied.' }IENSIVE PLAN 2.4.1 Policy: 3.1 Objeotive: 3.1.1 Policy: Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses. Commercial in-fill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. Private development obiectives shall incorporate streetscape improvements such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas along adjacent pedestrian ways. F'lcysryonebedmemosueilygrd.626 B. VAIL COIIPRE Several elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan indirectly address outdoor dining areas. The relevant elements and sections are listed below. A. Land Use Plan "4.?The ambience of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling and environmental quality should all be maintained or enhanced." B. Vail Vlllage Itaster Plan "2.4 Objective: oa Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedeslrian ways and plazas. outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial in-fill or redevelopment projec{s." ilt. ol 3.3 Objective: 3.3.2 Policy: TI{E VAIL VILLi\GE DESIGN CONSIDERATIOI{S According to the Vail Village Design considerations, "dining decks and patios when properly designed, bring people to the streets' provide opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the lirreliness of the street and making a richer pedestrian environment and experience than if those streets were empty. Decks and patios should be sited anb designed witr due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedestrian activity." CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60 of the MunicipalCode, the Community Development Departrnent recommends denial of the Conditional Use Permit request to allow for an outdoor dining area for the Daily Grind Coffee Company located at 288 Bridge Street, FronvLot B, Block 5H, VailVlllage First Filing, based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. The previous section of this memorandum cites several policies of adopted Town of Vail planning documents that support outdoor dining areas along maior pedestrian ways (i.e. Bridge Street). Outdoor dining areas, especially those located in the Village Core, undoubtedly create a richer pedestrian environment and should be encouraged by the Town where such activitles do not interfere with adjacent properties and uses. Staff, horvever, feels that the design ol he outdoor dining area proposed by the Daily Grind Coflee Company is inappropriate, lt is statf's opinion that the proposed layout of the tables and chairs, and the physical separation of the daza area will adversely impact the use of lhe immediate area. Staff is specifically concerned with regard to the proposed location of the tables in SecUon "A" of the plaza area. As indicated, the tables will be placed up against the wall of the Rucrcack Building. lt is Staff's opinion that the tables will not remain up against the wall as proposed. Instead, Stafl believes the tiables and chairs willbe moved out away from the wall by he users ot the tables, as the location of the tables and chairs as proposed is not the most desirable seating locaton within the immediate area. As laid out. the tables and chairs will be in the shade instead ol the sun F Lrreryonc\psc\memoeHalyord.6aB 2. 3. 4. H:i##i"-lJT:J,:,:1,#"l,li,l',X*,1fit#1"$l'Tf, lJfuoi"* BuiHing to access their trash enclosure. Currently, the Ruchack's trash enclosure is located under the building adjacent to where two of the three tables are proposed. Should the tables and chairs move within Section 'A," inadequate access to the Daily Grind will result. The Americans With Disabilities Act, requires a minimum 4' access way. As proposed by the applicant, a 3.5'access wqy will exist so long as the tables and chairs do not move away lrom the wall, and that the users of the dining area do not push their chairs back away from the tables. The effect of the use on light and alr, dlstribution of Populatlon, tEnsportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and rscrcation facllltles' and other public tacilitaes ns€ds. The proposed outdoor dining area use will have little or no negative impact on the items listed above. Elfect upon traflic with particular reference to congestion, automotlve and pedgstrian satety and convenlence, traffic flow and control' access' inaneuvqrability, and removal of snow from the street and parklng areas. The propOsed outdoor dining area use will have little or no negative impact on the items listed above. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use ls to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundlng uses. Three tables and twelve chairs are proposed to be located within Section "A'of the existing plaza, as divided by the applicant. Statl is concerned about the location and placement of the tables and chairs in front of the trash enclosure for the Rucksack Building. Additionally Statt is concerned with regard to the of the chain used to demarcate the area. Currently the plaza functions location for pedestrians to relax. The placement of the chain, as by the applicant, will cause the plaza to become fragmented. The of the plaza area, in Staff's opinion, will negatively impact the use ot the plaza area. In general, outdoor dining patios enhance the pedestrian experience of the Town ol Vail by providing additional street life and activity. The scale of outdoor dining patios, when properly located, is an appropriate use within the Town of Vail. Witt regard to the applicant's request, Staff feels that the existing physical layout of the plaza area is not conducive to private outdoor dining. lt is Staff's belief that the Conditional Use Permit process was designed specifically for an instance such as the one proposed by the applicant. While it is generally held that outdoor dining could, in fact, be a permitted use within Town, there are areas within the Town of Vail that do not lend themselves to outdoor dining. Unfortunately, the plaza area immediately to the west of the Daily Grind coffee company and the sunglass Hut is one of those areas. Ftorroqf on€\psc\rnemo8\dailygrd-626 ol B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes ol the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be opelated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or ntelfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFFRECOIIMENDATION The staff recommendation for this request is denlal. The reason for the recommendation of denial of this request is based upon the negative impacts of the use on the development obiectives of the Town of Vail and the negative etfect the proposed Conditional Use will have upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located. Staff finds fflat the apdicant's request does not comply with Criteria A l and 4 and that findings B 1 and 2 have not been met. Staff does believe however, that the overall concept of outdoor dining ded<s in the Town of Vail have a positive effect on the Community in general. The Town's goals and obiectives clearly support activities, such as outdoor dining decks where they are compatible and conducive to adjacent land uses. Should the PEC choose to grant an approval of this request, Staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. The applicant should install an outdoor trash receptacle for use by he patrons of the outdoor dining area. Additionally, the applicant shall monitor the area on a regular, daily basis to insure the area remains free of trash and debris. 2. The tables be securely fastened to the ground to insure that they are not moved out of the locations approved by the PEc. 3. The Staff monitor the proposed outdoor dining area situation over the next year. Should problems result, Staff will then "catl up" the approval of the Conditional Use Permit. F:bvoryons\pscvnsmosbilygrd.6a6 (301) e4e.4t2l ,.r r .r_, ,,.. Ln,,.. .,,t. (t. r'v.i. N . iI rvit S .-n-.i=o-rJ*=.nqr N^Iry.*ifr+;?-, FAX 9.19-0J04 Chnin{ TO: FFOM:' DATE: SUBJECT: ot MEMORANDUM Planning Staff - Detzpt,ro -/A-,41-!Y'q Tim Devlin January25. 1993 Staff Policyon Outdoor Disptay of Goods, Outdoor Dining Decks and Vending Carls, and Outdoor Public Seating This memo serves to clarify the staff's position on the above mentioned subjects. 1.) Outdoor Disptay of Goods: Section 18.24.190 "Location of business aclivlty" (Commercial Core lzone district) reads as follows:A. All offices, business and services permitled by Sections 18.24.020 through 18'24.050 shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the ouldoor disolay of ooods (emphasis added by statf). B. The area to be used lor ouldoor display must be directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and be entirely upon the estabtishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. (The same wording is also found in the Commercial Core tl, CommercialCore lll, and Commercial Service Center zone districts.) It is the inlerpretation of the planning stait that outdoor vending carts do not meet the crileria necessary to be considered an 'outdoor display ol gools" as discussed in Section 18.24.190 (A,B) of the Municipal Cooe. Ctjrent-ty,-tne io*n considers the outdoor display of goods to include the display of merchandise such as books, clothing, artwork, elc. Merchants that display-goods outside are required to have the cuslomer aclually come inside the store to pay for the item. This requkement is based specifically on section 18.24.190 (referenced iuove; which states thdt.all business... shall be conducted entirely within a building...' The staff believes that this section of the code is not intended lo include food anb beverage items, and sees potential enforcement difticu.lties.ot requiring businesses and lustomers to condutt in monetary transactions associated with these carls inside the subject establishment. 2)l Outdoor Dlnlng Decks and Vending Carts: O.u.tdool dining decks associated with reslaurants are allowed in certain zoning districts ryith a Conditional Use permit that has been granted by the pEC. tt is the staff'sposition that once an outdoor dining deck nai oeen apiroveo for a specific tocation associated wilh a restaurant, the restaurant operation'may place a service cart on thatdeck (i.e. an espresso cart), subject to DRB approval ot me cart. lt is also the stafl,s I ao position that all approved decks must have delined perimeters (i.e. planlers, railing, chains etc.) to demarcate the space. Please see the "Design considerations, for ine village and Lionshead, as well as the 'Deck and patio Guidelines' that have been approved by the Town of Vail Local Liquor Licensing Authority. - Outdoor Publlc Seatlng: It is the staff's position that outdoor oublic seating is allowed as an accessory use on public and private property in certain zone districts, and that a conditional use permit is not necessary. DRB review and approval is necessary for the seating plan as well as lhe design of the tables and chairs that are to be placed outside. The seating is to be designated for the public, with 'brown baggers' and the like welcome to use the area. 3.) r MEMORANDT]M Planning and Envirronmetrtal Commission Community Development Deparfinent DATE: May 8, 1995 SUBJECT: A request for a worksession for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining area for the Daily Grind Coffee Company, located at 288 Bridge S6eet/Lot B, Block 5-H, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicaut Barry Florescue (prope,rty owner) and Kaye FerryPlanner: George Ruther DESCRTPTTON OF' Trm RJQUEST FILT COPTTO: FROM: II. Fer-ry, is requestine a Environmental Commission inine deck at the Pailv ffnC Coffee Companv. The outdoor dining area is propry immediately to the west of the Daily Grind Coffee Company, adiacent tro Bridge Street (See PEC memo datedApril 10, 1995, attached.) BACKGROUND On April 10, 1995, the applicant requested fiual review and approval from the pEC. upon completing a thorough review ofthe Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan" and tle Vait Village Urban Desip Considerations, staffrecolqmended denial of the applicant's request. Tte recommendation of denial was based on the ive effect the wouldhave on as well as tie use qlastic Fbles aud chairs. Staff does believe, however, th dining deck would have a positive effect on the Village in general. At the April 10th meeting, the ith tbe applicant, their dissatisfaction with the ali DroDoseo tsee draft miautes, dated April 10, 1995). The pEC pio table the request. At the applicant's ihe PEC unani not made modificafions to the tbe same - for the area. and and the same table and At Ec Spril l0th?EC neeting, several outstanding issues were discussed. The PEC asked that the applicanl and staffrtscarch the outstanding issues and be prqrared to respond to the questions at the next meeting. NI. DISCUSSION ISST]ES The questions the PEC sought answers to are as follows: l. The owner of the building has entered inlo a licmse agreemcnt with the appticantfor use of the plaza area. A portion of the plaa area is currcnt$t used as an access conidor to the Sunghss HuL Can the apphcant operttc an oatdoor dining dech in the plaza area andpotentially bloch access to the Sanglass Hut? StaffResponse According to the applicant's license agreement dated March 6, 1995, paragraph 38 states, 'in connection with the operation of the outdoor tables, licensee agrees that; it shall not maintain outdoor tables in such a manner as to block or interfere with the pedestrian taffic along the pedestrian sidewalk adjacent to the improveurents located on the laad or interfere in any way with the access, ingress or egess into or to the improvements located o,o the land or any tenants in possession of any portion of such improvernents". 2. Willthe stau and local Equor licensing authorities allow pedestrian access through the Iicensed area? Staff Response According to Matt Cook an official with the State Liquor Licensing Board, pedestrian access is pennitted through a liquor licensed area. Additionally, the local liquor licensiag boald may approve pedestrian access through a licensed area. The approval by the local board would be contingent upou the applicaut rneetiug the guidelines established by the local liquor licensing board. 3. Have the tenan* ofthe adjacent retail shops been adequately notifred ofthe appticanfs proposed Conditional IJse Permit request to place an outiloor dhing area immcdiately infront of their raail space? StaffReslnnse Staffhas notified the retail shop owners of Max Alexander's, the Srmglass Hut, and the Ruclsack ofthe applicant's request and the date ofthe public hearing. Stalfhas pnovided eaph of the reAil shop operators with a copy of the April 10th PEC mernorandunr, draft minutes from the previous meeting, and the proposed site plan, Additionalty, staffspoke at length with the Manager of the Sunglass Hut regarding the proposed request. b-1 4. Has the Tmn bf Vail Fire Deparfirent and Public Worhs Deparntent raianed the proposed phns,and grantcd an approvol? Staffprovided a set of plans and the PEC memo to both the Fire Deparfinent and the Public Works Department. Eachhas Sant€d a verbal apprwal. Public Works, howwer, did request rhdithe applicant be held responsible for the removal of trash and debris from the area. IV. STAFFRECqMMENDATTON As this is a worksession to fiuther discuss the applicant's prqnsaf a staffrecomnendation is not providcd. StaJf will belproviding a recommendation on this request at the time of final review before the PEC. FilYcryodFcEhrlDodddlyf rdj([ t) MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Commynity Developrnent Department April 10, 1995 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining area for the D_aily Qrind coffee Gompany, tocated at 28g Bridge streevlot B, B-tock s-H, vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Barry Florescue (properg owner) and Kaye FerryPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The applicant,.Sryq Fptry, is requesting a conditional use permit to atlow for an outdoor dining area at the Daily Grind Coffee Cornpany. The outdoor dining area is proposed in the existing plaza immediately to the west of the Daily Grind Coftee Company aajirceirt to Bridge Street. ihe Plaza area is not owned by the applicant. However, the applicani nal entered intoa lease agreement with the property owner for the use of the plaza area. The applicant is propo$ing to locate four, 28-inch diameter, green plastic tables and slxteen thgjrs_in the_existing plaza. The tables and chairs are for the exclusive use of the patrons of the Daily Grind Coffee Cornpany. The applicant is also proposing to locate seven, 28-inch diameter wood planters in fie plaza. The seven wood planters are proposed to be placed along the weslern ed-ge of the plaza area where the brick pavers meet the asphalt of Bridge Sreet The planters will be placed in the spaces between the existing benches and the thre-e trees on thesite. Additiorally, two planters will be placed at the end of the brick paver walk leading to the entry.ot the Daily Grind (see attached site plan). The planting and subsequent maintenance of the planters will be the responsibility of the applicant. The purpose of the wood planters is to delineate_ and physically separate the proposed outdoor dining area from Bridge Street and the sunounding uses. Thf physical separalion is required by the local liquor licensing board since the applicant has requssted a local liquor license to serve alcohol on the outdoor patio. II. RELATED REVIEW CR]TERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The, review criteria for. a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail MunicipalCode. In addition to tlte conditional use criteria staff has includ6d criteria from the zonini code, the Vail Comprehensive Plan, and the Vail Village Design Considerations as we believe this witt help the PEC in its evaluation ot the request A. THETOWN OF VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE. The Daily Grind Coffee Company is located in the CommerciatCore I (CCl) zone district. According to section 18.24.010 of the zoning code, the purpose of the cc j district is: 'to provide sites and lo maintain the unique character of fie VailVillage commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The commercial core I disfict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to $e permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development stiandards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of he tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedesfian ways and public green ways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish he village." An outdoor dining patio on the Tirst floof or'street level'shalt be permitted in the CCI zone district subject to the issuance of a conditional use perrnit in accordance with provisions of Chapter 18.60. For the PEC'S reference, the conditional use permit purpose statement indhates that - - 'in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, speciired . uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this tide and with respect to their affects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limltations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the. conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications lor conditional use permit shall be denied.' VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ' Several elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan indirectly address outdoor dining areas. The relevant elements and sections are lisled below. A. Land Use Plan "4.3 The ambience 0f the Village is lmportant t0 the identity of Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town feelihg, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan leeling and environrnental quality should allbe maintained or enhanced." B. Vail Village Master Ptan "2.4 Objective:Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses. b c. 3.1.1 Folicy: Commercial in-fill development consistent wifr established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouiaged to provide activity generalors, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvemenE. Private development objectives shall incorporate streetscape improvements Such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas along adjacent pedeatrian ways. Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and slreet life along pedestrian ways and plazas. Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial in-fill or redevelopment projects." 3.3 Obiective: 3.3.2 Policy: THE VAIL VILUAGE DESTGN CONSIDERATIONS According to thb Vail Village Design considerations, "dining idecks and patios when properly designed, bring people to the streets, provide opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness ol the street and making a richer pedestrian environment and experience than if those streets were empty. Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedestrian activity." The existing plaza area where the outdoor dining area is proposed is tucked in an alcove between the Rucksack and the A & D Building. currently, three benches are located along the westefn edge ot the plaza where it abuts Bridge Street. The proposed location ol the outdoor dining area is protected from the wind and receives sunlight during the afternoon hoursr Additionally, the proposed outdoor dining area will noinegative-ly impact the pedestrian flow on Bridge street since no encroachmeht on the sueet c-onidoi is ' proposed. ilt. Upon review of Section 18.60 of lhe Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the Conditional Use Permit request to allow for an outdoor ctining area for !!" P3j.y Grind Cotfee Company located at 288 Bridge Srreer, FronULot B, Btock SH, V;itViltage First Filing, based upon ithe foilowing factors: A.Consideration of Factors: 1. Relatlonshlp and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The previous section ol this memorandum cites several policies of adopted Town of Vail planning documents that support outdoor dining areas along major pedestrian ways (i.e. Bridge Street). Outdoor dining areas, especially those located in the Village Core, undoubtedly create a richer pedestrian environment and should be encouraged by the Town where such activities do not interfere wifr adjacent properties and uses. Staff, however, feels fhat the design of the oufdoor dlning area proposed by the Daily Grind Cotfee Company is inappropriate. lt is staff's opinion that the proposed layout of the tables and chairs, and the physical separation ol the plaza area will adversely impact the adjacent retailshops to the north ol the Daily Grind. As proposed, the tables will be located immediately in lront of the sunglass Hut retail shop. By placing four tables and sixteen chairs in this location, as well as locating lhe additional landscaping along Bridge Street, statf believes that pedestrian views and access to the Sunglass Hut will be impeded, lt is important to note that the access described is the only access to the Sunglass Hut. Additionally, the placement ol the tables in the proposed location will create the appearance of a "privale area". The appearance of such an area may cause pedestrians lo feel as though they should not access the Sunglass Hut through the outdoor dining area as it would be an intrusion into a perceived private space. Lastly, the guidelines lor creating outdoor dining areas where alcoholwill be served, established by the local liquor licensing board, discourages general pedestrian flow through the designated area. The intent of creating a separate area lor alcohol consumption, in part, is to keep patrons from leaving the premises with alcohol and to avoid conflicts between pedestrians and dining patrons. Tire eflect ot the use on light and air, distributlon of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilitles, and other public facilities needs. The proposed outdoor dining area use will have little or no negefue impact on the items listed above. Effect upon traffic with particular relerence to congestion, automotive and pedestrian salety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal ol snow lrom the stFet and parking areas. The proposed outdoor dining area use will have litde or no negative impact on the items listed above. 2. 3. 4.Effect upon the chancter of the area in which the proposed use is to belocated' Includlng the scale and bulk of the propoied use In relation tosurrounding uses. Four tables and sixteen chairs are proposed to be tocated on the existing plaza. According to,the site plan submitted by the applicant, no tables are propoied irnmediately in front of the Daily Grind. Instead, the tables will be lobatbd in front of the adjacent retail shop to the norh. statf is concerned about the location andplacement of the tables and chairs in lront of the adjacent retail shop's space since the ptacement of the tabtes and chairs wiil imfede pedesuian itowind visibility to the adjacent shop. staff is also concerned with the lack of adequate trash removal in the area. According to the applicant, the tables will not be seMced by wait stafi. Therefore, patrgns oJ the Daity Grind wiil be teft with the responsibitity of maintaining the outdoor dining area and keeping it free of trash and debris. ]he proposed outdoor dining patio will enhance the pedestrian experience along Bridge street by providing additionat street-tife ano iedestrian aciivtty. The scale of the use, is appropriate for the size of the plaza and its location on -Bridge Street. However, the plastic tables and chairs are not compatible with sunounding outdoor dining decks. lt has been the Town's policy to have wood or wrought iron tables on outdoor dining decks. lt has been the opinion of the pEC and staff that wood or wrought iron outdoor dining furniture enhances the . appearance of the pedestrian areas in general. FindingsB. The flannin9 and Environmental Commission shall make the lollowing findings before glanting a conditional use permit: That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes ol the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and lhe conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Statf recommendation for this request is denial. The reasons for the denial of this request are based on the possible negative effect the proposal will have on the adjacent retail shop to me Pr.th 9t the Daily Grind Coffee Company as well as the use of ptastic iabtes and chairi. Statt tinds that the applicant's request does not comply with criteria A. 't & 4 and that Finding B. 2 has not been met. Staff does believe, however, that ihe overall concept of an outctoor dinirig 1. 2. 3. C dec* in his area, if modified, would have a positive etfect on the Village in generat. The Town's goals and objectives clearly support activities such as outdoor dining ieckiwhere they are compatible with adjacent land uses. Should the PEC choose to approve the applicant's request lor an outdoor dining area, the staff would recommend that the approvalcarry with it the following conditions: ' 1. That the conditional use permit be granted for one year only. This would allow the Town the opportunity to review fre potential impac;ts the outdoor dining drea may have had on the adjacent uses in the area. 2. That the outdoor dining area be maintained free of trash and debris at all times by he applicant. 3. That all tables and chairs be wrought iron or wood and that the Design Review Board review fte proposed outdoor dining furniture and landscape planters. 4. That adequate pedestrian access and visibility be maintained at all times to the adlacent retail shops. 5. Thatthe operation of an outdoor espresso machine be prohibited. FXd/eryonc\prclm.nos\Dsilycrd.4 t0 : FEE-27-9s t) "t_U rt-t EXHJEIT bPJDdF :;T-P., EtT /?rb'lu'r'"Y If:. :."- , ,\ . . .:-':-. r.--'".i'::;l': ' r.l r.. I ' $$.t.r!ilI rr+'+' . r,,:(- , ' :il.. . ..: i 1' iltlii f,;]ilIllo lili rlti*q[' I lgl +;leetr .:;r [-1;1i; /'J't i! tII -r :.'r+! l.rds4l&r.l tr 5 1ir- '- r;rr- fi ti z*'^---" i " "'r, n'--" i- | ! I !i$l i; ll ii lir .l t rti I /.il|ll J 7IJ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303479-2138/ 479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 Departnent of Couuunity Developnent March 29, 1995 Kayc Fcrry The Daily Grind Coffcc Co. 288 Bridgc Strcet Vail, CO 81657 RE: Conditional Usc Pcrmit for Outdoor Dining Dear Kaye: Thank you for your Planning and Environmcntal Commission application for the proposcd Conditional Usc Pcrmit for outdoor dining locatcd at 288 Bridge Stcet Upon preliminary rcvicw ofyour application" staffhas identificd scvcral conccrns. Thc purposc ofthis lcttcr is to ioform you of stafPs conccms with your proposcd plans. Bclow is a listing of staffs conccrns: t. Tbc plantcr boxcs proposcd appcar to bc tcmporary in natuc. You may wish to pursue a morc pcrrnanurt appearing solution to thc dclincatibn of thc dining area issuc. 2. Thc tablcs shown on tbe sitc plan appcar to bc drawn out of scale. In our carlier discussions you indicated thcrc would bc four tablcs, cach'28" in diamcter. If in fact thc tables are drawn out of scalc, plcasc accuratcly show the size of the tables on thc sitc plan Ifthe tablcs arc drawn to scalc, thcn you will necd to addrcss pcdestianlhandicap access through the arca to thc cxisting rctail shops. Again, according to thc dclineation and dining area requircmcnts cstablishcd in thc lcttcr providcd to you by thc local liquor liccnsing board, adcquatc pcdcstrian flow must bc maintaincd witb the proposal. 3. According to thc plan submittcd, thc outdoor dining arca will bc locatcd on property Dot owned by the Daily Grind Coffcc Company. Thcrcfore, plcase provide a lcttcr of approval of the rcqucs! as submittcd, from thc owncr of record for thc propcrty you are proposing to place thc outdoor dining arca on. ll 4, As discussed during our previous meetings, the plastic tables are uot an acceptable material in the staffs-opinion. You may wish to rcvisc thc proposed plans to incorporatc wrought iron or possibly woodcn tablcs into the plan. Again, in the past, thc planning Commission as wcll as thc Dcsign Revicw Board havc not lookcd fivorably upon thc usc of plastic tables for outdoor dining. The concems listed above arc for your information only. You may, or may nof wish to act upon any of the staffs concems. However, plcasc bc aware that as cuncntly proposcd, staffwilt not be ablc to provide a reoommcndation of approval to the Planning Commission for thls rcquest. - If you wish to revise your plans iio address sevqral of thc concerns listcd above, I will nccd to sce lcvised qlaol fo1-$e proposal by no later than 5:00 pM, Monday, April 3, 1995. If you are unablc to mect the dcadline establishcd, please do not hesitatc in givinj mei call. I will be morc than happy to csiablish a diffcrcnt dcadlinc if ncccssary. Again thank you for the Planning and Environmcntai Commission Conditional Usc pcrmit application forthe proposed outdoor dining deck at the Daily Griud coffee company. If you have any questions or coogems with rcgard to thc information addressed in this llncr, ", "lrt"ys,ple5e do not hesitate in giviug me a call. I can be rcachcd most casily during regular office horus at479-2138. Sinccrcly, .fJ*'+-(,*',ra Georgc Ruther Town Planncr f:bcoryGIc[q\fcrrt 330 :O l, -&nwtgt aI Z. t@***/P, -l-o-b.|.--t -f>alt--1-paJ, .tulJcrt I t -t4. ..nftet' 1.'i. tr F !t [ fi$PV. that this would be the most appropriate change to this property and should not be used for . anything else (i.e. a bus turn-around, a truck turn-around, or park, etc.). -'. Bob Armour made a rnotion to approve the proposal request lo rezone the property to Primary/Secondary as per the slaff memorandum. Jefl Bowen seconded the motion. The request was unanimously approved v/ith a vote of 6-0. 3. A request for a conditional use to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Daily Grind located at 288 Bridge StreeVLot B, Block 5H, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: The Daily Grind Coffee House Planner: 'l George Ruther t' George Ruther made a presentation to PEC. The applicant is requesting a conditional use to place an outdoor dining patio to the west and in front ol the Daily Grind, in the plaza area. Because of liquor la\,,,s, there is a'requirement to separate the pedestrian way from the outdoor' dining area when alcohol is to be served in the outdoor dining area. The applicant needs to physically separate the pedestrian way from the outdoor dining area. The applicant proposes to place seven wood planters on the plaza site to separale the outdoor dining area from lhe pedestrian way. Staff reviewed the Town of Vail (TOV) Municipal Code, The Vail Village Comprehensive Plan, and the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. The Vail Village Comprehensive Plan lecommends placing outdoor dining areas where appropriale. George stated thal statf believes there is a possible obstruction from the pedestrian area to the Sunglass Hut. Also, statf doesn't like the placement of the lemporary planter structures, and would like to have moie permanent planters. The applicant is proposing to serve alcohol on.lhe ouldoor dining area. The outdoor dining deck may prohibit pedestrian access to the Sunglass Hut. Staff also has a concern about trash disposal for lhis area. Jim Hoza, with Public Works, had placed a trash receplacle in the plaza area to help collect additional trash in this area. Since the applicanl questionpd why a TOV public trash receptacle is in the plaza, the applicant would like to see it removed. As of today, Jim Hoza was removing this trash receptacle. Staff believes that if this conditional use permit is approved that one of fie conditions would be lo place a trash receptacle on site. Another concern to staff is the type of materials to be used for the chairs and tables. The tables and chairs are made of plastic. Staff feels that wrdught iron or wood tables and chairs would be more appropriate for the Vail Viilage. Statf ls recommending denial of this request Kaye Ferry, the applicant, stated that they used the planter material that the statf suggested. She suggested that thdy could use a chain to separate the outdoor dining area from the pedestrian way. she also staled that cudin-Hill is using the same material for their tables and chairs as she is proposing and feels it is very confusing as to what is or is not acceptable and common around town. Greg Amsden asked if the Daily Grind has a lease for the space in front of the Sunglass Hut. ' Kaye Feriry stated that the lease includes the area from the Rucksack to the front of Max Alexander's store. Pl.ining.nd Environ|nanlr, Cgmmbsign APrl 10, 1995 tl;nu:?l Greg asked if there wqre any concerns from the Town Clerk's oflice or if there would be any concerns from the local liquor board. '-':-----:" Holly Mccutcheon, Town Clerk, stated rhat from the State of Colorado point ot view they would want lo make sure that there is access to the Sunglass Hut, and that the local liquor fic6nse board would review how the Daily Grind will control the access and separation of serving liquor in- 1 an outdoor area, and hov this affects adjacent shop owners, especially the separation of th-e. outdoor dining patio and the access way to adjacent shops. Greg Amsden asked Holly McOutcheon what the State of Colorado would require to get a liquor . license. Holly stated that they would require something like a short fence, also someone watching (i.e. wait stai0 to control having the liquor stay on the licensed premises. Kaye Ferry said there would be no one monitoring the consumption of alcohol on the premises on the ouidoor dining area but there rvould be someone inside the Daily Grind. She slated that there is no consislency from one restaurant to another and stated that other restaurants in Town did not have anyone monitoring the consumption of alcohol on the outdoor dining decks. Mike Moltica asked the applicant il this proposal had been discussed and communicated to the adjacent shop owners. ,The major change ol placing a barricade and blocking some of the access to the adjacent shops and visibility to the shops could be a major concern to adjacent shop owners. Kaye Ferry stated ihat four more planters rryill-be added for separation from pedestrian way and very fel people walk through this area now. Mike Mollica again asked il the applicant had asked adjacent shop owners about the proposed request. Kaye Ferry stated that she didn't feel it was her position to ask the adjacent shop owners and felt that it vras not her responsibility but was the responsibility of the landlord. Greg Amsden staled he had tivo major issues; the first was in regard to the alcohol consumption control in the outdoor dining patio and the delineation and separation from the seating arealserving area from pedestrians going into the adjacent shops. The second issue is the materials of the tables and chairs. Kevin Deighan stated thht unlike Pepi's, Los Amigos, and the Hong Kong Cafe, the ditference of the outdoor dining areas are that these restaurants serve the outdoor tables versus getting the alcohol from inside to lake outside (as the Daily Grind is requesting). Kevin supporti the idea of the outdoor dining patio but will not support anything that impacts the blocking oi access to the Sunglass Hut. He is coricerned that a minor would have lo walk through thislrea to gain access to the Sunglass Hut and the Sunglass Hut is entitled to having their own entrance. Kaye Ferry slated she felt that was not possible given the lease that she has with the landlord and the space leased to her. Kevin Deighan also stated that another concern is lhat there witl be no place for skis, bikes, etc. to be placed where they are now once the Daily Grind blocks off this area. Plaining e'|d Environnentd Conmbsign ADrit r0. 1995 O Kaye Ferry stated that people would place these things there anyruay. lt's not her property and she has no control of what people do with their skis, dogs, bikes, etc. -.- Bob Armour asked the applicant to clarify whether she stated lhat the Daily Grind has been using this property for four. years. lf this is so, then the Daily Grind has been using this area without a. conditionalusepermit. Kaye stated that she has had no control over this. Once customers leave the shop, she cant tell customers to leave the area. She thinks Barry florescue (the owner of property) owns the . benches etc. Jeff Borven stated that before the Daily Grind was in this space there were no tables and chairs in this area. Kaye said that the owner of the building must own this area. Greg Moffet stated his main concern is making sure the Sunglass Hut has access to the pedestrian area. Kaye again slated that the owner, Barry Florescue, is going to take care of this issue. Bob Armour agreed somewhat with what Kevin said. The location of the table and chairs at Curtin-Hill are directly connected to the front of Curtin-Hill, whereas the location of the tables and chairs at the Dai! Grind would be considered to be remole frorn the front of the Daily Grind. Other reslaurants in Town have better access to their outdoor dining decks. Bob also stated that he doesn't like the plastic material of the tables and chairs. Jeff Bowen slated that Pepi's and Vendetta's have someone watching for removal of liquor anytime anyone is in the oulside dining area. Jetf also stated that its important that a fence or some kind of separation is important for liquor license purposes. Although there are all sorts of ditferent types of tables in the Village that are varied and made of plastic, he is violently against this type of material use lor lables and chairs and would not vote in favor of this type sf material. Jeff suggested that a wood or fiberglass-covered wood table and chairs for outdoor drinking and dining is more appropriate and necessary. Jetf also stated that the PEC recognizes that there are two other retailers in this area. He also stated that it is evident that neither have been contacted. He feels that it is important to contact adjacent shop owners. Jeff will not vote in favor of blocking other adjacent retail shops. Henry Pratt stated lhat he felt that a more formal fence or separation is required. He also has the same concerns regarding notification of adjacent shop owners, material of the tables and chairs, etc. Greg Amsden stated he is in favor of an ouldoor dining area. The applicant needs to definitely show more delineation of separation and/or fencing. The applicant needs to close in the outdoor dining area so that customers stay on property while consuming alcohol purchased from the Daily Grind since this request is for more of a private use and not public anymore. Greg Amsden stated that the Design Review Board (DRB) will want more than iust plastic tables and chairs. He also reiterated that people need to have direct access to Sunglass Hut and the other retail shop. The applicant needs to make sure the other retail shops are not bloc*ed. The PEC needs more factual information and lhe applicant needs to refine the plans showing a more defined delineation of 'space. Plannint r]||' E yirooncnrC Cammb:io|rll'i to, r9-o5 M;nut?E io Kaye Ferry doesn'l kr.row if the access can be changed to the other retail shops. There is only 300 square feetof arFa on the plaza. She stated that the shops have no other wayto access' these retail shops: Greg Amsden stated that he felt the adjacent retail shops will want unblocked access to their shops. Greg asked vthat are the legal ramifications? ls this an owner issue? Greg Moffet stated thbt a landlord has a stake in this property. He would tike to hear from the landlord as to what the chain of command is for the area outside the shops. Jetf Bowen asked if qll the adjacent property owners are notified. Mike Mollica stated that the adjacent property owners are contacted but not necessarily the retail shop owners. Mike stated that this request needs to be taken a step further and felt that the adjacent retail shop owners should be notified. Kevin Deighan asked if Tom Moorhead could clarify ol how adjacent property owners and retail shop owners are notified. Horv does it nork? Kaye Ferry stated that she doesn't know how they get to lease patio area when everyone else's leases are just up to their door. All she rents is the patio from Barry at the A&D building. The lease for the retail shop for the Daily Grind is with otto Stork. Kaye also stated that the benches would still be in the patio area. She also said that the liquor board requires year-round ledse to have a liquor license, although the outdoor dining deck would be used only part of the year and not year round. Tom Moorhead came into the meeiing and staied that the Town gives property owners notice because we can verify ownership. Since we can not verify retail shop ownership, vre do not notify them individually. Kevin Deighan asked Tom Moorhead if the retail shop owners have the same rights as property owners when you leape the space. Tom Moorhead stated that the rights would be whatever is in the lease. Greg Amsden asked lf it is the responsibility of the landlord to maintain that all retail shop owners have clear access to their retail space. Tom Moorhead stated that the issue of access and other issues are between.the landlord and the shop owners. Greg Amsden.suggested that the applicant propose to table lhis request at this time. Kaye Ferry maintains that it is still not her concern or problem to notify adjacent shop owners. That it is the landlords responsibility. Mike Mollica srated that the statf will make sure that lhe Town notifies adjacent shop owners before the next meetipg. Henry Pratt stated th4i he would also like to see how the liquor board feels about access to adjacent shops throu$h the outdoor dining area. He also asked if the Fire Department would Phnning &rd ENironmend ConrnEsign tflil 10, 1995 lriiulEs { have comments regarding aaaarr. 'George Ruther stated that \ryhen staff receives a more delineated site plan for this request, he will " " - send it to the Fire Department for their commenls. Jetf Bowen made a motion that this proposalbe denied. Bob Armour seconded. Kevin Deighan wanted clarification. Kevin didn't want ine applicant to go through this whole process again if the proposalwas denied now. The vote was 2 for denial and 4 against denial. Jeff Bowen made another motion that the request be tabled tor two weeks or for an adequate amount of time so that the applicant can submit an adequate site plan to slaff so they can have "a"qr"t. 1me to review the'rlvised proposal before the next meeting. Greg Moffet seconded - the motion. Unanimous vote to table this request with avote of 6-0. Mike Mollica expressed to the applicant that she would need the new information to staff by Monday, April 1 , 1gg5 to attow stitf adequate time 10 review it before the next meeting, . 4. A request for a worksession for a major SDD amendment to allow for an expansionto. . the dten Lyon Otfice Building located it t OOO South Frontage Road/Area #4, Special Development District #4, Cascade Village. Applicant Glen Lyon Partnership represented by Gordon Pierce and Ken O'Bryan Planner: Randy Stouder ' Greg Amsden Stated that the applicant requested to have this iten labled until April 24, 1995.. Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this request lor trffo weeks or an additional period ol time.if. the PEC agenda is substantial and that it would be an undue burden. Bob Armour seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0 with Henry Pratt abstaining due to a conllict of interest. 5. A request tor minor subdivision to amend the localiori of the platted building envelopes located at 1374 and 1378 Sandstone Drive/Lots D & E, Briarpatch. Applicant: Jim Guida Construction lor Briar Patch LLC Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the slaff memorandum. Jim slated that Jim Guida was present to represent the owner for any questions from the PEC. Jim stated that the bottom line is that tast minute changes were maO'e tb the plat that did not quile match the DRB approved plans. The building envelopes were slightly shifted and so the building permit plans.did not inatch the approue-d ptat. ifre proposed changes would add 48 square feet to the size of Builcting Env6bpe D. Building E would be shifted to the northeast. The 15'wide easement would ieed to be shifled beciuse of the building envelope changes (per the statf memo). A minor subdivision application is the only avenudthe Town has to make changesto an approled plat, although most of the criteria does not apply. Statf recommends approvalwith the condition inat tne new plat be reviewed by slatf before signature by the chairman of the PEC. Bob Armour stated that 7-112 inches is not a big deat. Jetf Bowen made motion to approve the changes per the memo with the condition listed ln the Pbnninl e d EJwironnentd Commbgiotl Atrl r0. 1995 Minu|es (303) 949-4121 FAX 949-0304 ?:. t.tJl1 .j,t :- i,-:: ,, li.. '/l MEMBER OF AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS Ir MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department lo TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: FILE rJriPr April10, 1995 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining area for the Daily Grind Coffee Company, located at 288 Bridge StreeyLot B, Block 5-H, Vait Village 1st Filing. Applicadt: Barry Florescue (property owner) and Kaye FerryPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The applicant, Kaye Ferry, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for an outdoor dining area at the Daily Grind Coffee Company. The outdoor dining area is proposed in the existing plaza immediately to the west of the Daily Grind Coffee Company adjacent to Bridge Street. The plaza area is not owned by the applicant. However, the applicant has entered into a lease agreement with the property owner for the use of the plaza area. The applicant is proposing to locate lour, 28-inch diameter, green plastic tables and sixteen chairs in the existing plaza. The tables and chairs are lor the exclusive use of the patrons of the Daily Grind Coffee Cornpany. The applicant is also proposing to locate seven, 28-inch diameter wood planters in the plaza. The seven wood planters are proposed to be placed along the western edge of the plaza area where the brick pavers meet the asphalt of Bridge Street. The planters will be placed in the spaces between the existing benches and the three bees on the site. Additionally, two planters will be placed at the end of the brick paver walk leading to the entry of the Daily Grind (see attached site plan). The planting and subsequent maintenance of the planters will be the responsibility of the applicant. The purpose of the wood planters is to delineate and physically separate the proposed outdoor dining area from Bridge Street and the surrounding uses. The physical separation is required by the local liquor licensing board since the applicant has requested a local liquor license to serve alcohol on the outdoor patio. II. RELATED REVIEW CR]TERIA FOR THIS REOUEST The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. In addition to the conditional use criteria staff has included criteria from the zoning code, the Vail Comprehensive Plan, and the Vail Village Design Considerations as we believe this will help the PEC in its evaluation of the request. A. THETOWN OFVAIL MUNICIPAL CODE. The Daily Grind Coffee Company is located in the CommercialCore | (CCl) zone district. According to Section 18:24.010 of the zoning code, the purpose of the CCI district is: ol oo 'to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village cornmercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment., The commercial core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, openspace, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The distr,ict regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site derrelopment standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tighuy clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public green ways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that dislinguish the village.' An outdoor dining patio on the'first floor" or "street level" shall be permitted in the CCI zone district subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with provisions of Chapter 18.60. For the PEC's reference, the conditional use permit purpose statement indicates that . "in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that fiey may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their affects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in fte various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town rnay prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permit shall be denied." VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Several elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan indirectly address outdoor dining areas. The relevant elements and sections are listed belo$,. A. Land Use Plan '4.3 The ambience of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town teeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling and environmental quality should allbe maintained or enhanced." B. Vail Village Master Plan "2.4 Objective:Encourage the development ol a variety of new commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses. lo 2.4.1 Poficy: Commdrcial in{ill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian nenryork throughout the Village. 3'1 objective: physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3'1.1 Policy: Private development objectives shall incorporate streetscape improvements such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.3 Objective: Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. 3.3.2 Policy: Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in cornmercial in-fill or redevelopment projects." C. THE VAIL VILI.AGE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS According to the Vail Village Design considerations, "dining decks and patios when properly designed, bring people to the streets, provide opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of the street and rnaking a richer pedestrian environment and experience than if those streets were empty. Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedesfian activity." The existing plaza area where the outdoor dining area is proposed is tucked in an alcove between the Rudksack and the A & D Building. Currently, three benches are located along the western edge ol the plaza where it abuts Bridge Street. The proposed location of the outdoor dining area is protected from the wind and receives sunlight during the afternoon hours,, Additionally, the proposed outdoor dining area will not negatively impact the pedestrian flow on Bridge Street since no encroachment on the street corridor is proposed. III. CR]TERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denlal of the Conditional Use Permit request to allow for an outdoor dining area for the Daily Grind Coffee Company located at 288 Bridge Street, FronULot B, Block 5H, VailVillage Fkst Filing, based upon the tollowing factors: A. ol oo Consideration of Factors: 1. Relatlonship and impacl of the use on the development objectives ol the Town. The previous section of this memorandum cites several policies of adopted Town of Vail planning documents that support outdoor dining areas along major pedestrian ways (i.e. Bridge Street). Outdoor dining areas, especially those located in the Village Core, undoubtedly create a richer pedestrian environment and should be encouraged by tre Town where such activities do not interfere with adjacent properties and uses. Stafi, however, feels that the design ol the oudoor dining area proposed by the Daily Grind Coffee Company is inappropriate. lt is staff's opinion that the proposed layout of the tables and chairs, and the physical separation of the plaze area will adversely impact the adjacent retail shops to the north ol the Daily Grind. As proposed, the tables will be located immediately in front of the sunglass Hut retail shop. By placing four tables and sixteen chairs in this location, as well as locating the additional landscaping along Bridge Street, staff believes that pedestrian views and access to the Sunglass Hut will be impeded. lt is important to note that the access described is the only access to the Sunglass Hut. Additionally, the placement of the tables in the proposed location will create the appearance 0f a "private area". The appearance of such an area may cause pedestrians to feel as though they should not access the Sunglass Hut through the outdoor dining area as it would be an intrusion into a perceived private space. Lastly, the guidelines for creating outdoor dining areas where alcohol will be served, established by the local liquor licensing board, discourages general pedestrian flow through the designated area. The intent of creating a separate area lor alcohol consumption, in part, is to keep patrons from leaving the premises with alcohol and to avoid conllicts between pedestrians and dining patrons. The etfsct of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreatlon facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed outdoor dining area use will have little or no negative impact on the items listed above. Effect upon traftic with particular reference to congestaon, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and conttol, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parklng areas, The proposed outdoor dining area use will have little or no negative impact on the items listed above. 2. 3. lo Oo 4' Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, includlng the scale and bulk of the propoiec-use in relation to sunounding uses. Four tables and sixteen chairs are proposed to be located on the existing plaza. According to the site plan submitted by the applicant, no tables are proposbO immediately in front of the Daily Grind. Instead, the tables wiil be located in front of the adjacent retail shop to the north. Statf is concerned about the location and placement of the tables and chairs in front of the adjacent retail shop's space since he placement of the tables and chairs will impede pedestrian flow and visibility to the adjacent shop. Staff is also concerned with the lack ol adequate trash removal in the area. According to the applicant, the tables will not be serviced by wait staff. Therefore, patrons 0f the Daily Grind will be left with the responsibility of maintaining the outdoor dining area and keeping it free of trash and debris. The proposed outdoor dining patio will enhance the pedestrian experience along Bridge Street by providing additional street-lile and pedestrian activity. The scale ol the use, is appropriate for the size of the plaza and its location on Bridge Street. However, the plastic tables and chairs are not compatible with surrounding outdoor dining decks. lt has been he Town's policy to have wood or wrought iron tables on outdoor dining decks. lt has been fie opinion of the PEC and staff that wood or wrought iron outdoor dining furniture enhances the appearance of the pedestrian areas in general. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before glanting a conditional use oermit: 1. That the proposed location of tre use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or rnaterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ol the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Statf recommendation for this request is denial. The reasons for the denial of this request are based on the possible negative etfect the proposal will have on the adjacent retail shop to the north of the Daily Grind Coffee Company as well as the use of plastic tables and chairs. Statl finds that the applicant's request does not comply with Criteria A. 1 & 4 and that Finding B. 2 has not been met. Statf does believe, however, that the overall concept of an outdoor dining of oo deck in this area, if modified, would have a positive effect on tre Village in general. The Town's goals and objectives clearly support activities such as outdoor dining decks where they are compatible with adjacent land uses. Should the PEC choose to approve the applicants request for an outdoor dining area, the staff would recommeid that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the conditional use permit be granted for one year only. This would allow the Town the opportunity to review the potential impacts the outdoor dining area may have had on the ddjacent uses in the area. 2. That the oudoor dining area be maintained lree of trash and debris at alltimes by the applicant. 3. That all tables and chairs be wrought iron or wood and that the Design Review Board review the proposed outdoor dining furniture and landscape planters. 4. That adequate pedestrian acoess and visibility be maintained at all times to the adjacent retail shops. 5. That the operation of an outdoor espresso machine be prohibited. Flsveryone\prd\rncmsDafl ycd,at0 6 EXHIEIT bP..lD( F Oo /7t/uP# .{- D rU.n :;TR E7T i- -- - -''-..- ;--.--= ::=F;- l nll J :l :;l I I.,.I il 'l..' I'l I ...1,l .l I.:.1 'l , h.-ll) . t'l{l,I i' j'.. :, ': .:r ':I':1. i 't r"?' t"llttr f l,r.-rlr.i,l f*-ffi ##$ ffi*.'l ffi** ,i$d:;it:' : ,l:, r 'ffilJ#' '' :'h\l{{iii '. ffiffi 'i fiui $.lffi' il$*" ++ffi*i,. , l, II lr lo ...jr'" .-*-1.11;:: '*' ... rl rs*-.!:$!r4 " - a-.A*, j --.r'. -.,,.'-r"i .l-'' rcil, ol ol iId[x I IrJ TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departnent of Comnunity Developnent March29,1995 KayeFcrry The Daily Grind Coffee Co. 288 Bridgc Strcet Vail, CO 81657 RE: Conditioual Usc Pcrmit for Outdoor Dining DearKaye: Thank you for your Planning and Environmcntal Commission application for the proposcd Conditional Usc Pcrmit for outdoor dining locltcd at 288 Bridge Street. Upon preliminary rcvicw of your application, staff has identified scvcral conccms. Thc purpose of this lcttcr is to inform you of stafPs conccrns wilh your proposcd plans. Bclow is a listing of staffs concqms: l. Thc plantcr boxcs proposcd appcar to bc tcmporary in nahrrc, You rnay wish to pursue a more perrnanent appearing solution to thc dclincation of thc dining area issue. 2, Thc tablcs shown on thc sitc plan appcar to bc drawn out of scalc. In our earlicr discussions you indicated thcrc would bc four tablcs, cach 28" in diasreter. lfin fact the tables are drawn out of scale, plcasc accuratcly show the size of the tables on thc site plan. Ifthe tables arc drawn to scalc, thcn you will need to address pcdestrian/handicap access through the arca to thc cxisting rctail shops. Again, according to the delineation and dining area requircmcnts cstablishcd in thc lcttcr providcd to you by thc local liquor licctrsing board, adcquatc pedcstrian flow must bc maintaincd with the proposal. 3, According to the plan submittcd, thc outdoor dining arca will bc locatcd on properly not owned by the Daily Crind Coffce Company. Thcrefore, please provide a lcttcr of approval ofthc rcqucst, as submittcd, from thc owncr ofrccord for the properly you arc proposing to placc thc outdoor dining arca on. I lt' I lo fJ*,.?-R*:t* Georgc Ruther Town Planncr oo 4' As discussed drning our previous meetings, the plastic tables are not an acceptable material in the stafPs opinion. You may wish to revise the proposed plans to incorporate unought iron or possibly wooden tablcs into the plan. Again, in thc pas! the Planning Commission as wcll as thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board havc not lookcd favorably upon thc usc of plastic tables for outdoor dining. The concems listed above are for your information only. You may, or may nol wish to act upon any of the staff s conccms. However, pleasc bc aware that as currcntly proposcd, staff will not be able to providc a recommcndation of approval ,o 16s planning Commission for this request. Ifyou wish to revise your plans to address sevcral ofthe concerns listcd above. I will need to see rcvised plans for thc proposal by no later than 5:00 PM, Monday, April 3, 1995. If you are unablc to meet the deadline establishcd, please do not hesitate in giving mc a call. I will be more than happy to cstablish a diffcrent dcadlinc if ncccssary. Again thank you for thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission Conditional Usc Pcrmit applicatiou for the proposed outdoor dining deck at thc Daily Grind Coffee Company. If you have any questions or concerns with regard to thc information addressed in this lettcr, as always, plcase do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can bc rcached most casily during regular offrcc hours ar479-2138. Sinccrely, f:leorgc\clalfcrry.330 F11/286lIicens e / 0227 95 | 2 ,t E'ICENSE AGRSEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made as of tne bYL day of March, 1995, by and between 285 BRIDGE STREET, INC., a Colorado corporation ("[,icensor") and THE DAILY GRIND, INC., a Colorado corporatTon ( t'Licenseet'). wIrrvEssETE: WHEREAS, LLcensor is the owner of certaln real property more particul-ar1y descrlbed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, located at 286 Bridge Street, Vai1, Colorado, which Property includes land (the "Land") and certain improvements; and WHEREAS, Licensee operates a restaurant/coffee shop at 288 Bridge Street, VaiI, Colorado, which restaurant/coffee shop is adJacent to the Property owned by Llcensor; and WHEREAS, Licensee desires to utlltze a portion of the Land owned by Lessor for the purpose of malntalning tables for outdoor restaurant servl-ce in connection wtth the operation of its restaurant; and WHEREAS, Licensor is wiLllng to allow Lj.censee to so utillze a portion of the Land expressly for and llrnited to such purpose upon the terms and conditions contained hereln. NOW THEREFQRE, in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00), the payment of nonthly ticense fees as set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows: l-. The recitals contained herein are true and correct. 2. ticensor hereby grants to Licensee and toLicenseers guest, invitees and employees, theright, privilege and permission, subJect to theterms, conditions, covenants and representations contained hereln, to enter into and upon a certainportlon of the. Land, as more particularly delineated on the site plan attached hereto asExhtbit "8" and made a part hereof, and only as tosuch delineated Land, sole for the purpose ofmalntaining tables for outdoor restaurant servlcein connection with the operatlon of its restaurant. 3.In connectlon with the operation of the outdoortables, L,Lcensee agrees that: a.It shall approvals obtaln aIIfrom anyauthorithaving necessary permits orand aIl governmental Jurl-sdictlon over the sanltary conditlon, Licensee and the area e area adJ acent utl]-ized thereto. 4. d. Llcensee shall, at least two (2) times per day, sweep, broom clean, the entire area underlicense to Licensee. and the area immediatelyadjacent thereto and remove all debris fromsaid area. e. Licensee sha1l maintain llabtllty insurance Lnconnection wlth the operation under thts I.,icense in such amounts as may be reasonably approved by Licensor. All such policies ofinsurance shall name Llcensor as an additionalinsured. f. Licensee shaLl take no action to rnodify oralter the character of the Land or theimprovements located thereon without theprior, express written consent of ticensorwhich may be withheld for any reason byLicensor. The License hereLn granted is revocable at anytime, for any reason by Licensor provided thatLicensor gives LLcensee fifteen ( 15 ) days' writtennotice prlor to the date that such revocation becomes effective. Licensee shall pay to Llcensor on the fist day ofeach nonth during the L,icense Perlod set forthhereln, as a condj.tion precedent to the within- the irf Vai Lt shatl not malntain outdoor tabtes in such amanner as to block or interfere wlthpedestrian traffic along the pedestrlan sl-dewalk adjacent to the improvements locatedon the Land or lnterfere ln any way wlth theaccess, ingress or egress Lnto or to theimprovements located on the Land, or anytenants in possession of any portJ-on of such improvements. 5. e a,.L ,lp ! .., Fi:a ',,'.'.'y'l.'" continuatlon of this License, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars (S300.00) for each month of theterm of thts Agreement. ThLs ticense shalt cotnmence March L, 1995, andunless sooner terminated pursuant to the termshereof, or{Extended pursuant to a written agreernent exectrted by all- partJ.es hereto, shal1 automaticallyterminate on September 30, l-995, subject to thecontinued pa1'ments required under Paragraph 5. above. 7. Licensee will not clain any damages from L,,lcensorin connection with or on account of any i.njuries ordbmages arislng in or on the above descrlbedProperty whi.le being used by Licensee, its guests,invitees or employees pursuant to this Llcense, andLicensee further agrees to indemnify and saveharmless Licensor from aII claims, damage's, suitsor actions l-n connection with the use of theProperty by Licensee, lts guests, lnvitees or emplOyees. 8. Licensee agrees not to erect or cause to be erectedon the Property, any buildings or structures,whether permanent or temporary except for outdoortables to be located Ln accordance with a site planreasqnably acceptable to Licensor. parties hereto have hereunto set thelr day of March, 1995. 6. -fN [/rtf fwESS WHEREOF, hands and seaLs on this SI,GNED, SEALED AND DELIVEREDIN THE PRESENCE OF: Witnesses: TTCEIVSOR: 285 BRIDGE STREET, INC.. A CoTotado corporat1.on the lq'" LICENSEIE: THE DAILT GRI|'D, INC., A Colorado corporatton lvamet '': r_,_ EEE.-27-95 14pN l.?:5_F Pll P. A6 Loba a, b, and bheb perb of Lob c lylrrg Norbherly of bhe foLlowlng deeerlbed Llne t Beglfrnlng ab a polnb oh bhe Easberly llne of..eald t'rob c whence-bhe N6rbheagL sorner of seld Lob- c bears Norbh 0d09' 00" nesb.7.60 feebi bhence soubh 89"35',22" Nebb a dtsbance of ii.sr ieebl bhEnee'soubh 0003,02" wesb a dlabance of 2,14 feebl [rru.,"" NorLn ggoss'58" wesb a dlebance of 59.47 feebl bhence-- Bouth 0003,02" Wegb a rllebance of 12.41 feEbl bhence Soubh 73o fltfA. Weeb il dlsbance of 36.91 feob bo a polnb on bhe rleeberly llne of said I,oL er-gafa potnt belng 32.53 feeb Eoubherly from bhe Norbhweab aorner ot gitd'Lob c i+'neaeur-ag along bhebhe Norbhweab aorner ot gitd'Lob c i+-neaeur-a$ along bhe Weeberffi*ng thereof I aLI belng tn@loclc 5-Ar)-Vatf Vlllage' {trsb fiffng) accordlng to bhe iecortttulifrfbhereof ' EXIIIEIT ,'R" Legal QeesrLptlon of the Frqpertv EAGT,ECOUNTY OF S'IATE OP COLORADO )Wid*ir fr O i': a1 t..". l'/t2. 'l' rl I.ff ,.,i1' . t:: ,i ,.". '7: r'l illx rlt n I.(i\ $ r,l! $.l tr t-u 6\ !i'=l lri Ic 'Ilt;lii nr'ri I .-( -.0 ; I ','- b.J .ri ., . Irm .f-Y-r, ll tr5 ur. . :J- 0l -c e. atl ..1 Prinreil by Mike MoL l ica From: Pam Brandmeyel:|Fo: Mlke Molaica We've Just now rece1wed an 'lrrcbmpt6t'e"appaicatLorr for a modifLcatlon bfpremiaes ( Lo l-!_rcaud€ Ctre out.Gldle deckarea 1n front of t.tre shop) fo.r Lhls1lquor license- I belleve you ttad somereservat'iorls when t.his was d1sc[]€6edrron the streeh. ].ast Frlday- Do you want to s€t it' for. DRT? Or bov,! toproceecl? Trre earllest. 1t' can domebefore LI-A lrroul-d be Aprl.a 12t,h,i ourrre)<t regu].aray rchedu1ed alquod board':ll:. T:l:: /Q:15 :' \Ll€ Vt'+we -,u -*r/ ,.1 l<q e To v -lf--' 5:5Lpm s/rc1+s t\JOf I>4 o Arfr24J/ul ?t+-t c '','es.r,: " /-r'-t1 4 tl-> lfLze= TD - t, t>s-rolr'l+A nLr-t., ?le.treA< -X 6vtu&- 5Quh,-eE Lene- 1;ft 7wt "J Project Application Prolect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: ,.^" (-{ { Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL ner. ) E Statt Approval $n-- (/4 fi4f,(o il V#- %"rAL \N\\Fb{, ^Q{itfrt,n1\.Deiilry\A /t7 coHHHE GOAnFANM 1,6 WvJ /61".as" ttZ"rdt 1 I I, IJ i I Y WJj rs,t4u-\ +**.**+z+-* iWBaroBakm}'o L.4"' \ c-rgs.Jlrt r.trf' 3-7f, APRIL 20, l??3 TO: l'lR. CHRIS CHANTLER THE DAILY 6RIND FROFI: LARRY AST RE: I{ENU DISPLAY BOX WE WILL FABRICATE AND INSTALL A ATTACHED DRAI4ING. INtrHES (,5 SQUARE FEET) I]R LESS. APPRtrXIT4ATELY 9" HIEH X 9" hIIDE. MENU DISPLAY BOX AS SHOU.IN IN THE THE FRT]NT SIDE NILL BE A5 SHOWNI WHILE THE BACP; WILL ONLY CONTAIN THE TOP LOGO AND TEXT (N0 MENU DISPLAY). THE DISpLAY IIILL BE CCINSTRUCTED FRtrM 3,/4" I"IDO AND HAVE A PAINTED BACKEROUND AND VINYL CIIPY AND LT]GT] DESIGN. INSTALLATIT]N I4ILL EE DONE ON YOUR EXISTINE HIGHTECH S'6ruS- Quality at Budget Prices 0!Y/ ---_ 6la'a u^A*'rg. frlll ' Ma*,e 74vt++o %/,r /bnv lwr+'dfupy+a rT LY 6RIND" tdILL BE 72 SQUARE ,.? -i.f{gEACH MENU DI5PLAY AREA WILL ,-Cd\d{lbf," \ /r" -.AtvA ^.(t u POST. T]VERALL SIZE T]F THE DI5PLAY BOX WILL BE 3(," HIEiH SQUARE FEET. THE SIZE OF "THE DAILY GRIND" AN BE !4" NIDE! .5 ,e4THE EACKERtrUND trBLOR NILL BE TAN; THE LOGO AND BORDERS WILL BE GREEN, AND THE TEXT WILL BE BURGANDY. YOU WILL SUPPLY trAMERA READY ART WORK FOR THE LOGO. THE PRICE hIILL BE FT]R SINEiLE SIDED t' . PLUS TEWN OF VAIL SALES TAX. IF YOU DESIRE, WE WILL APPLY FOR THE PERMIT, SUBI,IIT SAMPLESI AND ATTEND ANY DESIRED TBI4N OF VAIL I,IEETINGS. OUR RATE FT]R THIS SERVICE IS 1i5(] PER HOUR. REEARDLESS OF ANY OUTCOME. WE t,lCIULD REQUIRE A DEPUSIT OF $?5Ll TO COI,II4ENCE THE PROCESS. INSTALLATION I{TLL EE MADE WITHIN THREE IdEE}iS OF RECEIPT OF CAMERA READY ART, AND YOUR GO AHEAD. AtrCEPTED: THE DAILY BRIND P.O. Box 2688, ValJ, CO 81658 o Production Center: 910 Notfingham Rd., S-2, Avon, CO 81620 Eagle / Sumrnit Counties: 303.949-4565 r Aspen / Glenwood Springs: 303-945-6695 FAX:3O3.949467O w) APPLICATION t s r GN/.trw{ rNG APP r.,r C[TroN (PIease NAME OF Print. or Type) PROJECT G,<tu NAI'IE OF PERSON SUBMITTINS C}//A6 (2/&il'T/TVZ PH onn.p.z ^trurs*#!reO ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS SIGNATURE OF O!{NER 7) 1247-t/M ,a.GetNl)TOCATION OF PROJEC'1 faCNAr'&r*e, DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT --,'6/.?6:4-: 6,xrs zz/& ; r2e'zta't 6a-q4D. THE FOLLOWING ]NFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAI BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REOUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE S]GN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN MESSACX. SA€ B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL C/f4 Jn& c.SIZE OF ovERALL sIGN, sIzE oF LETTERING AND LOGO 3O', gTG{. D. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE E. DESCR]BE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) F.LENGTH OF'BUSINESS FRONTAGB (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: $20.00 PLUS $l-.00 PER SQUARE \Site PIanElevati{ns showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available PAID V. S $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN CHECK NO. 22 I7 DATF- 'I ,/1 A ---v Sign Administrator OVER TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signsinformation Ls required: are subnitted, the following A completed slgn,/awning application (attached) . A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sj.gn, as foll.ows: (a) CoLored exactly as sign wiII be.(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (metaf, wood, canvas, paint, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific letLering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exactly how and where t,he awning is at-tached to the building and how the awning is to be const,ructed. 6. Descript.ion of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not. allowed to shine through the ent.ire awning which calLs undue attention to the business. Lighting may spotlight only the aclual sign Iettering on the awning. RECOMMENpATTONS OR POTNTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, heighL etc. 2; Be specific. vagueness on design, slze, construction may delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL 8E REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency oLher than the Town of vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but. are not, limit.ed to: Coforado DepartmenL of Highway Access Permits, Arny Corps of Engineers 404r etc. The applicant shall be responsibLe for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 503 of the application fee. If, at the applicantt s requestr dny matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by t.he applicant. Appticat,ions deemed hy the Community DeveJ-opmenL Department to have significant des.ign, Iand use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may reguire review by consultants other that town staf.f. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an ouliside consultant is needed to review any application, CommunitylDevelopmenL may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the \amount of money necessary Co pay him or her and this amounL shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant, at the time he files his appl-ication with the Comrnunity Development Department. Upon conpletion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of Lhe funds forwarded by the applicant. for paymenL of Lhe consulLiint which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by t.he Town in excess of l-he amount forwarded by the applicant sha]l be paid to the Town by Lhe applicantwithin 30 days of notif ication by the To\,rn. 1 2. : t lnwn 75 soulh lrontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (3ffr) 4792189 offfce of communtly development August 26, 1991 Mr. Chris ChanllerMr. Craig ArseneauDaily Grind Cof,fee Shop 288 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Daily Grj-nd Menu Boald Dear Chris and Craig: On August 21-, L99I , the Design Review Board approved the permanent location proposed for your menu board. The board rras to be fastened into concrete adjacent to the Rucksack Building, but onOtto Stork's property. It is to be parallel to the RucksackBuilding, and no lighting is proposed, nor approved. One condition of approval was that the Department of Community Developnent must receive a letter of approval from Otto Storkbefore the menu, board is moved from iLs existing location to its new pernanent lbcation. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please caII if you have any questions. Sincerely, cc: vail Police Department. , "r' t Project Application Qt ztH*Bo )6 .oi,Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: - s7*6 r-i s (/.a^*(" .L Zff P/L\->L/ // Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block OfJt opl( -8, Design Review Board Date Motion bv: d-a+"/l s""onouo r, Ht-**Al APPROVAL4-o %n*-*f DISAPPROVAL / Tow. Plan ner Y/'r / r r E statt Approval Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: (o< "*t"^JJ, Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Filing Design Review Board Dale I "r'L'''-r- Ataf'oa (4 DISAPPROVAL 5-*A) Summary: APPROVAL o^," o/1'77,* tt Staff Approval tr' O I Tom SiLverman Prosecuting AttornFy Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road vai1, CO. 81657 ffiS AU0 0 Elssl August 8, 1991 Dear Mr. This letter will serve as confirmation of our meeting with Ttte Design and Revies Board regarping the attachnent of the nenu board to the building. The Design and Revii.ew Board ltas not comfortable wibh the proposed meLhod of attachment, hovever the chain is acc-eptabLe until ve resubmit a new proposal prior to August L2, 1991 . Ttre next nreeting of ltre Design and Review Board is scheduled for Au$ts! 2l' 199L. At this neetingr The Daily Grind will present a proposal that will satisfy all pa.rties concerned.; Wb vil1 keep you advised as to any further developnenbs in the near futurei Yours Sincerelv: Chris Ctnntler Craig Arseneau cc: Betsy Rosolack ' a.t - uss nirOtggt (Pllale NAIIE OF IINIE OF IDDRISS TN|E OT IDDRES rtsrrrgnl Ot lpcrTloll oF DESCRIlrIIOlr J.+y/Ng E. EIGN OR I{NINC I{ATERIAT, IPPII ItoN/rrxrNo lPDt.tclllroN 'rtlD .l I ,;o C,TTION 5{tdPERSON SUBHITTINO omlER 5E/2, -5w57 PBOJEqI DROJEqI a vtJ ez c. D. E. EIGN ABOVE GNADE LIGI|IING (EXISIING oR PRoPos so1 :'/a{ 'fufut* 4a f-'' BUsINEss l:BOli-elGE lETi - 1- f-ljENCTTI wrE Folr.o$rnolrxFoRttArron rB EgE+*EDEEqg#$B133iB*E"nffio"rron IPPLICAI{T PRIoR llo llHE nEQuEsT BErN6 EsllEl',ur'dtu Dr'l REVIEW EOARD. EIGN/AI|NING INCTUDE SIGN tT*a- D. G. $. I. DESCRI ON PNO.TECT OF TIIE ETC), t 4 i*i#ll"d:"rrir rn_":i?,w!::;, ::rEn'r.. lunlng E'.. LrrE -r----'-? oo"ca locetlon 2' 4 lli::il':::':'::l3i,E'oz;E FEZ-ii " l: = *'J.3;,:i"":l'3il1 ii':ililt,. t tl,.. :i.. :a "-' t. to' lor ttOf lPPIIcltIAS fDrn rDtrltertlonr 3cr rtgar m tEDaltt'dl, tlr tollwtlE-tntsrnltlon t3 lr{ulrrds l. I Gsq,l.t C dgn/rmlq rttt$Ertlon (lttrebdll' ?.lrltrplurrbgutngtbrrndtocrtloarirntbrrtgrntr-to Di locrtrd. - !. I Sotognpb tt lolrlDlr rrll DlrtlttDg rlwrtta rbovlagl b-Jiceitf'on sr ilr grogorll rlEin. l. I terl.it trrrtng n!,tcb trtrtlr tbl dlrlgrn cl tbr rt$r, u tcllourl i'li:it fi::llii"lfr:rll.:'i" rren (nrrl, iooa, clnvtt, 91tnt rtc.l -- - -iuotog:iptr oi ilrn 1l rvallrble';il;iiia-rrii:rtig ttt'l. lt:! rtzr' 5. t! ln rralng tr proporcd, nrbult lnstngr lboutnE .xtctly lou'eil inri. ttri rralnc tr rttrcbld to tlr Dullding ."aTE"-ii.-trnrni lr io D. conttlud-ra. 6. Orsertltton o! ltghttnEsat ulll De ured !t conJrurctlon irtl-€lc rign^9r itaras'- -It 9-r*orln; ltt rrains, ugb;il; -fr at!-;tioura io-rhlnr llrbuEh ttr rntlrr rund;l;irEi cairr utrlut rttentlen tgJbt Duslnc$. rls#i;; ili'r*irgnt-onri-tlr rctual rtsrn trttcrlng on tDr lslrl'Dg' l. Gbrck rlgin code - vrrl!I-!+::.ttlebt '--e'3. DG rpretttc. vrryoqrl-91 1;1ft"il.zt' coDt's'rcnJo= tly -- alrll tlc rpprotrll o-l tslll-lrgn'!. -it;;i!t tsoirlegr ol Durlnrtr' IEE:lE2o.oorgEEcr'soltlElrl!&t8EoulrlDll!!r'trEol IPPIJCITION. (a) (D) (c) (d) ; J I If thls rppllcttlon Federal rgency othcr tncrcased by $200.00.llmlted to! Colorrdo Englneers {01, ctc. rcquircs a acparate review by any local, State or than the lovn of Vall, thc appllcatlon fee shall be EratrE lcE of luch revl,ew, oay lnclude, but ue note DepaltrEnt of Bighray Accese Perrnlts' Army CotPs of Ihc appltcant thall bc reeponsiblc for paytng any pnbllchtng fces *hlch ere ln Gxcess of 50t of the appllcetlon fee. If, at the applicant's request, any natter ls postponed for hearlng, causlng the nattel to be re-publlsbed, then, the entlre fce for cuch re-publlcatlon shall be paid by the eppllcant. Appllcatlons deened by the Comnunlty Develognent DePaltnent to_.have a-lgnificant desJ.gn, land use or othc! jlgsues rhich 4aY have a significant tnrpact on the comnunlty rnay rcgutre revlew by consultants other than town stlff. Should a deternlnation-be nade by the toun ltaff, that an outside consultant ls needed to revlew any appllcatlonr the Cownunlty Development rnay hire an outslde Consultant, lt Shall estimate the amgunt of rnoney neiessary to Pay him or her and thls amount shafl be forwarded to the Town by -tfre ippficant at the time he flles hls applicatlon witb the Conmunity Development Department. Upon completion of the reviect of the application by the conlultant, qny of the funds forwarded .by tl,e a|!:.icant for payment of the consultant which have not been pald !o tlte ctnsultant shall-be returned to the apptlcant. ExPenses lncurred by the Town in excess of the anount forwarded by the appllcant shall be Paid to the Tor,,n by the applicant wi.thin 30 days of notlfication by the Town. o (** "//lrzzzt*22-z-' 7, () ,+ za/r 6 '/ /ru 2zr*tz/tzZ'€, @ rr" 2.=y Grzztzu;€72 ta) 2.r*' CD Eu€ 7d 3; P--onc-t, i$ .-r.-,uzrl[} tiu O-J-s -zTa|St .l{ tl$. tl'1: i $q$r ; \ -$ :] idr.'l '' [':'$:' ;l{,) iir - -f.' q -tt (\ .A q'aL.i't_ .,r.k . t' 'Irl | .. ...-,1 i.9.ll-.::.--;'-'*--':: It ll ,i f'i:t (! \ $ lr' r . i,*.tu: i inn "il;i-. i4 i1{,!- *H:4n:'ltlb :l.4Fit:]ro i li j;lI ii ; it,:iY,-.i _ ii i ii 1#l, (b ii rfi I ll ]5'i'- || t il l |, r', i r''r i I I I I it f''t"r'-rr t :lt "'l"i I i r i,l i'l$ll i I I | | i q i l l i iii riitl I Lllli i'r+ Lr :j:l i.i ill_[l lti i ;iii I I 1 t I t. I I L rll' lL'.ll. | | rl .l 1r.t('$ I I-t- i -r t-t i;p d*::' lsr -i- i$[,1 t\tl-- t- ! 't : i. I t i't $ Itr -F tl )r .,i;' tllt.ii.ll iill'll-'i tll!'l tt d 6 ce'c.q aL'H \a,41' " q rl' ,f l, aroN/ltltrNo lDDlJrcllrloll IID RUe 1 21991 ltllrg oF DERson EuEtfIITINg, C3r'z rS " CUrStt;zrf€l,onz f7{ - S7- rDDEss Eq ,r2t04 t5 NIIIE OF OT'NER TDDN,ES ttorllst! ot omrtn DESSRIHTION OF PRq'EgI r--->: rocrrron oF PRosEqt F EGa' 5e zr - s t s3"TKH'Ili"il[3TlI'$oi3,iHI*P"E3l"iI3I'33i3"8'ffo,,,nn REVIEII EOARD. t. DESCRTPTIoN OF 'lllE ErcN/AltNrNG (IBIF-ITNIDTNG' lfArJ" inornctrxc, ETcl, tNcluDE arcN llEssAcg GrilDeP tuodD B.SICN OR ATWING I'IATERIAL Szzz/4 z,</*ilDOrt-t r2a c. srzE or o\tEn'al,t 8rGN, arzE oF t'ElrERrNG tlID roco D. E. NEIGHT OT EIGN AEOVE GRADE DESCRTBE trGnTrNC (EXrSrlNc oR PROPOSED) fe'e' 12-'0, s ? 2- ,.- taNclH or DuBTNESE lnoNrACE (lTt 4' / t' gONDoUIltIttlt ISSOCIATIoN IPPROVAL -'IrTAeHl FEE: l2O.0O PLuS f1.00 PER SQuABE rOoT OF SIcf, ABEA' PAJD_y:-Jil'- 81tr ?Ian E. G. tl. 1. ---2.-- 3.-l.-5.-6'-.- rsnlng on tlrc color-il lcalc ;i:;ti'rilr rhorl'nE -r.r!ct locatlon of rlEn or rrmina on tlrG bulldtngii'ii'Jl'iil#';h;Gi-lioporca locatlon calarlil rcalc OltrlnE 9n iiii*,$"':l':tl ?i'liliit'. <.,;.1 || :t 'l) a o lf thts eppltcatllon rcqulrcs I rcparate revl.eu by any local, State or Fsderal agency other than the lorn of VaJ-l, thc eppllcatlon tee chall be lncrcaced by $20q.00. Exanqrles of cuch review, nay lncluder but are notellnltcd to: Colotrdo Departrent of Blghway lccess Perndts, Army Corps of Engl.neers a0{, ctc. lhc rpplicant rh;ll be reaponslble for paylng any publlshlng fees uhlchere in excess ol 50t of the eopllcatl.on fee. I,t, at the appllcant'sere in excess ol 50t of the elpllcatl.on fee. I,t' at the appll.cant's reguest, any natter Ls postponed for hearlng, causlng the flBtter to be by requesE, any Dat,Ser 18 lrostponed tor nearlng, cauarng Ene maEEel Eo De re-published, thgn, the entlre fee for such re-publlcation shall be paid bv the appllcant.appllcant, lppllcatlons deened by the Cmrrrunlty Developnent DePartment to have rignl.ficant desiqn, land use o! othcr lasuea which nny have a slgniflcant lnpact on the cor{nunlty nay requlre revlew by consultants othet than town staff. Should a deterrnination be rnade by the toun staff that an outside consultant ls needed to review any egpllcatlon, the Conununlty DeveloPment may blre an outsj.de consultant, lt shalt estlnate the amount of, money neiessary to paylhim or her and th.ls amount thall be forwarded to the Town by the appJlicant at the tirne he flles hls application with the Conununity Development DePartment. Upon eompletion of the review of the application by the consultant, aDY of the funds foruarded by the aiiUcant for -payment of the consultlnt whlch have not been paid to the c-onsultant shall be returned to the aPplicant. ExPensee lncurred by the Town j.n excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant sha1l be Paid to the Town by the qpplicant nithin 30 days of notlfication by the Town. -. ;'-. -- :.1 '.' '^ ' "o'I tor ttGN fFPjUlGllllg tbrn rggllcrtloar 3cr rtlar rrr tuDaltt l, tDl tollrtsg'tltcnstlon 13 rr{5lse63 l. l| eoegl.t l rtg4/rhtDt rlpllcrtton (rttrcbr0l ' 3. I rttr Dlur rrbsrtag tbr tffgl locrtloa tltt tbe rlgn- 3r to DL lcertrc. !. I ltbotoEisrFb tt rnlrlDlr rltll DullltDg rlrvrtlm Goutry tri foeitfSn cr irr grogomt .lF' f . I rerlrdl 6nrtag rLlcb trtrtlr tbr frrlgn c! tb. 319n, 13 tollsrtt (e) Golorrll cxactly.r! tlgn rlll br'i;i t'ii;ftl ;rt,liriir-i6 Dr urd tn rlsa (rrtrl' ro-a, Glllvtt, galnt rtc'l -- - -(c) err--6gree! 9i i+gn lt rvrllrblr' iai -F;iiittriiertie 'tvl' rnd tlzr' ll.il,iTls'.*i 3il!?!'!ii Sffi -s':iHlllil:'.fiild6tinil Dou lll-etarng lr ic D' Eont--strer'' *itli"ti;Llid'il:ii*Tiii*h{#:#,,ilp!,rr;iil;-rigbtfng tr aot-rlloPdl t1 ii[iil'.""iiii-uirE[ eriri unfgr- rttrntt'on to t'br Durlnus. r.rgntiii F;;tttrfut-oarv tbr reBurl rlgn l.tt.tlng on tbr tLT,lnE' l. Ghtelc rlgra coile - rrrlt1|' lltrr,trlgbt r--c' e. l. rDecltrc. ils$Fi::l t?+rtt "llLzt' ccar'-rlct^1oa rav -- alfii tbr el'trrovel -c-l troEa tt'F' t. '-.r-fu- troitrgr ct Dsrtnur' tEE: I l2o.oo rgEtlGrltto[ tlr IIt& E tlculrED llt !E: IDC Ol - rgtuclrlolf' 3. 5. Re: Daily Grind Ma5cLl_glg, received approval entrance way. This was neverplaced on a free standing sign.in Section 16.25.010 c. The staff overlooked the fact that the menu board was freestanding,while wait.ing t#,e- the owners to apply for a different permanent. Dosition . *-:r permanent position. DRB denied requestof DaiIy Grind property because of the No further applications have been submitted. In the meantime, Lhe menu board is placed in various locations, includinq the front of Lhe property next to the street. June 199L, staff wrote letter to owners requesting that the menu 5o-ard6e fastened to the left of the entrance (the location appovedby the DRB in 1989). This was Lo be accompl-ished by June 12th at 5:00 P.M. This was not done, so Craig Arsensau and Christ Chantler were cited. Yf,?,, t"''-llu, to fasten menu board to left of done, buL instead menu board was Free standing siqns are prohibited n/ -1.. [. ,,L*"'('I \" -, [^ n\L,L c r ..-la-{' .J/4., " J r I\^ | ))U":f ' '' J r ri LY i, tl I-ib /t.. { /" l.4t , t'\ I,r,fb1t1 tl Lr:r, f ti')' r\V;rll ,'r y p i'0fL' fil ,*rr""r*opAl cou'r tN o*o ro* r*ttuN oF vAtL, STATEOF CbLORADO, THE TOWN OF VAIL BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO. Summons No. MUNICIPAL COURT NOTICE TOWN OFVAIL fc";1 ,r*,|enau The within case has been set as follows: The Defendant or his Attorn€y may requesl ONE continuance and have it be granted. ARRAIGNMENT BOND FORFEITURE HEARING : DISPOSITIONAL HEARING : MOTIONS HEARING PRE.TFIAL PRE.TRIAL TELEPHONE SHOW CAUSE HEAHING TOWHEARING TFIAL SETTING OR DtsPoslTloN TRIAL TO A JURY OF SIX' TRIALTO A JURY OFTHREE' : TRIALTOTHECOURT : OTHER FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR THE ABOVE.INDICATED SETTINGS MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A BENCH WARBAN FOR THE ARREST OF THE DEFENDANT. Officer Town Prosecutor Phone (303) 479-2129 M M M M M M M M M Defendant's Attorney Phone No. 'JURY: A vvrilten dsmand and $25.00 16€ must be trndsrod to th€ clerk ot lhe courl wlthln 1 0 dayg trom €nlsrlru e plea. THIS IS THE ONLY NONCE THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE CONCERNING THE ABOVE SETTINGS. 75 S. Frontage Hoad P.O. Box 186 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 47e-2129 bolow I promlso to app€ar on above dats (s) and lime(s) and I hersby c€rlity thal I sow€d this sottlng sllp to th6 abov€"named by delivgdngr'mailing e cooy ol oamg lo him oarsonallv in th6 Town ol Vail. on ,#,i'1 rJ)l@l =rC9 C.r =t !ttI tt ET rii lll' Hil1!, ffiii ilIi' 3l EEI' #t EHI EE] Egsi ft!rjE FH :'!:ffi,.n'rrn -rYr|{r Y Sl 81}tl rH'*e murirqpAL cou'r rN oro ,or rillo*N oF vArL, STATE OFCOTORADO, THE TOWN OF VAIL BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO. Summons No. The within casa has been sel as tollows: The Defendant or his Attorney may request ONE continuance and have it be granted. MUNICIPAL COURT NOTICE TOWN OF VAIL ARRAIGNMENT BOND FORFEITURE A,t1,tsl l,Fql ]v il tv M M tv M HEARING : DISPOS]TIONAL HEARING MOTIONS HEARING PRE.TRIAL PRE.TRIAL TELEPHONE SHOW CAUSE HEARING TOW HEARING TRIAL SETTING OR DISPOSITION TFIAL TO A JURY OF SIXT TRIAL TO A JURY OF THREE' TRIAL TO THE COURT OTHER FAILURE TO APPEAR FOR THE ABOVE.INDICATED SETTINGS MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A BENCH WARRAhFOR THE ARREST OF THE DEFENDANT. Officar Town Prosecutor Phone (303) 479-2129 Defendanfs Attorney Phone No. By signlng below I promlle to appear on above date (s hereby acknowl€dgg r€colpt ot thts no ce. -lf. ./ Parenvcuardian 'JURY: A filtt€n domand and $25.00 f.o mu3t be tlnd€rod to th6 clork of th€ court within .l O davs trom entering a plea. THIS IS THE ONLY NOTTCE THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE CONCERNING THE ABOVE SETTINGS. 75 S. Frontage Road P.O. Box 186 Vail, Colorado 81658 (303) 479-2129 l, E E E E a-lltb (31@l =rl(0 c\r =t RIN a1t al EElr iHl rFl EEI ERI bElt-rI hE urEFH (lr -,rr)"' Ctrf r.)r,-- A7'l r t, " '\ . / 4 ^ ,.J--/,, L-' \ I r- l, -/ C ,r..-{tc' - '--r,/ ", l-, [). o,^r,, /Ltr".^. .., - . i / i,/: ).,.. 1,_ (.rt.,t. , ,t*. lt r ' / ,1!E-J li* ", z.( .i.- ./- ,,: . '. /ir.1' , , )1 .i ; "*i/,.-- -,,.," 1' D,r-g '/ -. / -) '' 0 ' A .''t ci r 1./ b t /+<' f l? t. . t^ i> 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (3{Xr) 47$2138 (3{Xrl 47$2139 June 25, l-99O Craig Arseneau andChris ChantlerDaily Grind Coffee Shop 288 Bridge StreetVail, CO 8l-657 RE: Daily Grind Signage. Dear Craig and Chris: oflice ol communlty development Ottcapr Several times in the past few weeks we have noted that you have moved your freestanding menu board out by the street. hte have asked you to move it back closer to your cafe door. On June 20thI talked with Craig and he assured rne that it would not be movedfron near your entry again and that you would subnit anapplication to the Design Review Board for another method ofhandling your menu board. We must tell you that if we find thesignage rnoved out towards the street again without approval , wevill have no recourse but to cite you for the sign codeviolation. The staff certainty does not like to let issues getto the point of a citation. I hope you understand our concern totreat you and other businesses in a fair and reasonable manner. Please help us out and keep the sign in the approved location. Thank you very much for your cooperation. We look forward tohaving a neltr application from you. Sincerely, Planning Technician BR/pp .- 1"i.' I Projeci Name: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: t1 Project Apptication Filing / /e,d'" d( 1l^| ,{-1/? ( - s-Fr u ry/ rfto r -1 /{tt Do,G,,^,^," ' o/ ' lr,/? 0 S,o, Proiect Description: le,'" /o<a-tt<tt rt \ Design Review Board DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL E Statr Approval a .tr4Er,.s{R"n/t ' ol"t t, .J 'J .$s^&ffi ,^""-^^*-GL^\ a J c---A'.)S-ln- \>I* Gn- ^-kt-.f8"{) -bp"9{ 9\,v.^.-.O^l-cca-a\ -x^r Qu_ffi Lbx -- r't :*.o(q\J"* .: ,fTrrErs{R"hJt oK I6l (-. '1, NN.TE OF PROJECT NN.IE OF PERSON &iffiBAUosr1gs_ tt 3, 6, | 4 f-.x APPLICATION DATE 8IGI/ATNING APPIJICIUON s-30-io (Please Print or Tlpe)D4/'/ C:j:e/-t snBt-lITtrNG av4r/7-18/< PHONF, ADDRTSS ;r€rt- 2eterdz. 5Z l/ ,/ NAI.{E OF OWNER Cgrets c:,t?t-ft.< ,HONE 476' 5-75*6 ADDRESS EIGNITT'NE I,ocATIoN oF PRoJEct 2r-?- Eeuzar '>t- ESCRIPTION OF PRGTECT - 4EYZZ .&arza D THE FOLIPWING INFORI,IATION IS REOUIR"ED FOR SUBI{ITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDUIJD BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTING, ETC), SIGN/AWNING (FREE STN,IDING, I{ALIJ, INCLUDE SIGN I{ESSAGE. 2a6'e,t /?"c'v'/ t4 -2754 tneD . ./ H rtD/-- Ftl /.o/t-zo7r'7B. / SIGN OR AWNTNG /'e >.- HATERIAL B.lSf a.4/.,,<_..< 8F Z€ZZazt ztttY t,/t7d /) (a4//PzzZ- rilffi A. 7 ry C. SIZE OF OVERALT SIGN, SIZE OT IJTTERING AND I'GO HEIGIIT OF DESCRIEE STGN ABOVE GR,ADE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) 7A " ,t/tGr/. ,t r/ !\30'tUot' # ul-) lc:nZ-firt/G Ottt;lt'n/ (aDt D. E. F. G. H. t* frJY, / CONDO}IINII'}.! ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH} ./ $2O.OO FEE PAID y' CHECK * - - 1. 2. T,ENGTH OF BUSTNESS I'RONTAGE (rT) 3. 4 Site PIan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building ./, . ,. -Photographs_ showing Proposed location a'u 7 "-colored scale drawing sarople of proposed materials PhotoEraph of sign if available5. 6. AdnGGtrato;Sign t4 "G\) q1 \ --a-. ^ g\* ?'-.'P"."A *.-h \& x^'^*.-''.^'=Gt'^\c)-E-/1- -;>)a C. '. ?ctrJ&^-) CWa$ *--4, -bRpK 2q,*= a^Lcra^4\L -^^ €-.--.d: N &-gt -ffi- LbX = =^,t- :- ,"e([U.".^^#^.J .-A ry\6 -- fue_it\+"^.ar*-#t''- y\-*- oe"Glj, nWS"- -LJ - r- -- ------ - \J .--) , r i^ t o/ t7/ (U /r &ol'A.f n t'W* / /a s^,Tn It - 1?n ttJ - 3c) " D'- L{'l Br*rr/ - l8 u Hr" u)31',, ,.'i t- tl! li I tr l!l i la ,o _d. l-i',i, .... |: 0'- )". r !,-'|0(l 'yor) d !!l F,l'_; I ett -t Al 'ldold:l ,Jr I..1r|lI.r. I Nl I rlt It:l hlilluI tl,t I I I ',:,\-,': CI ri) F-s -7k?as9/ ll HAND DELIVERED JI'NE 6, 199I 75 roulh honl.ge road vdl, cdaado 181657 (3dD 47S?r38 {3(xr) 4792139 office of community development June 6, 199L Mr. Craig Arsen$au andMr. Chris ChantlerDaily Grind Coffee Shop 288 Bridqe StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Daily Grin{ Signage Dear Craig and Chris: In March of 1989, you received approval to fasten your menu boardto the left of ydur entrance way. This was never done, but inst,eadyou have placed your menu board on a free standing sign. The Townof Vail prohibit.p free standing signs. You will note that they areprohibited in Sebtion 16.25.010 c (enclosed). On August 30, 1990, you requested approval to place the menu boardat the front of your property in a barref. This proposal wasdenied by the Design Review Board, at which neeting they recomrnended ot.hef solulions to you. We have written qnd caIled you nunerous times requesting that you move your menu bdard to where it was approved Lo be fastened to thebuilding. To date you have pot received approval to have a free standing signand we are requS-ring that your menu board be fastened in the approved locatiortr to the left of your entrance until you receiveapproval from thE Design Review Board for another location. The board must be perpanently fastened by Wednesday, June 12th at 5:00p.m. or we wil-l be forced to cite you. for your cooperation in this matter. t/ou a-.- EE= ED r-- PROHIBITED SIGNS Chapter 16.26 PROHIBITED SIGNS $ections: 16.26.0f 0 Designeted. f 6.26.010 Designercd. . The following signs shall not be permitred, erected or main_tdined in the Town of Vail:n. Sjq$ with.visible rlgylnC, revolving or rotating pans or tvisible mechanical movement of any descriptioi or other )apparent visible movement achieved by elecrical, electronic or mechanical means: B.Signs with optical illusion of movemenr by means of a desivyr.r,sr rrrultl",rr ur uruvslugllt oy mcans oI a oeslgn 1 : : f l.pJ:::,Lt_s. :_ p1,r_: 1l * p a b I e of revirs i b le pe rs pe c t i v-e, Igiving the illusion.of motion or changing of copy;C. Signs uLith lights or illuminations whichThsh, rbu", ,o,"r", :,""'"1*l* )j::l': *::*, ;-; a**u-"& r .l,r";,i \use intermittent elecrrical pulsatffi 256-24a D. I SrriiEiSIlEEl butbs used in connection with commerciat premtses tor commercial purposes, other than traditional holiday decorations; E. SicT yti"h:Uqpsraqprqi-estq-d_U0ages, emit any soundwnrcn ts rntencled to attract anention, or involve the use of live animals;t. llnt sign (together with its supporting struiture) now or he reafter existing.which. 9r0_d.fs-q! por rnirm f ave bger.r vacared. advertiG?i-IffiGss, productor semce no.longer p_roduced or conducted upon thl prem- rses upon which such sign is located. If rh; sign oi signstructure is covered or the identifying symbots or lettcrsremoved, an exrension of rime may be grinred by the signcode adminisrrator upon good ciuse ior such exrension berng shown. (This provision shall not apply to pe rmanenr srgns. accessory to businesses which are open only on a sea- ;,qnal f1;is, nrovided there is clear inrent io continuc opera-tron oI the business): (vail 7-l l-89) o {r .- t&'l.,tt' PROHIBITED SIGNS Any sign or sign structure which: l. [s structurally unsafe; or 2. Constitutes a hazard to safety or health by reason of inadequate maintenance or dilapidation; or 3. Is not kept in good repair; or 4. Is capable of causing electrical shocks to persons likely to come in contact with it. Any sign or sign structure which: I . Is in violation of the provisions of Title 16 of the Vail Municipal Code; or 2. In any other way obstructs the view of, may be confused with, or purports to be an official traffic sign, signal or device or any other offrcial sign; or 3. Uses any words, phrases, symbols or characters implying the existence of danger or the need for stopping or maneuvering of a motor vehicle; or Creates in any other way an unsafe distraction for motor vehicle operators; or Obstructs the view of motor vehicle operators entering a public roadway from any parking area, service drive, private driveway, other thoroughfare. J. Any sign which obstructs free ingress to or egress from a required door, window, fire escape or other required exit wayl K. ttlegal nonconforming sign, as defined herein; L._a&Eglgge$ertising signs or any other sign not pertinent'and ciEarfy incidental to the permitted use on the property where located. (Ord. la(1e82) $ lh.) H. 4. I G. Siens not pcrman or attached to thg ground or\ to any structure exceDt lor wrndow slgn oraryl I 256-25 (vril7.2Gt1l lnwn n oflice ol communlty developmenl75 south honlFge road vail, color"do p1657 (303) 47S,2130 (303) 47S,'2139 L January 8, 199+ I I u jan o!fe reet o 8l- /l e Shop 657 Craig ArseneaChris ChantleDaily Grind C 288 Bridge stVail. Colorad Re: Daily crinp Signage Dear Chris and braig: Your new awninglis up and looks very nice. However, the sign overthe door rernainp. You npy have only one sign--either the awningor the sign ovQr the door. I spoke io Craig yesterday and was assured the wooden sign over the door woul-d be rernoved irnmediately. I must warn youjthat if, in the future, the wooden sign is up orthe menu box has been moved frorn the area to the left of the frontdoor, the Town lwill have no choice but to cite you. We wouldrather not pursire this course, but Daily Grind signage has beenunder discussio[ since November of ]-989, and the hassLe isunnecessary. Ptease help us out and abide by the sign code. Thank you for yoUr cooperation in all matters related to signs forthe Daily crind. Sincerely,nnPl i56,ksekJ,_.u Betsy R6solack PlannidgTechnicfan , : :j "D* -szr <.--2A/hA/, +_l I I \, \'\r \,r I .g?tF JS -7t f3'' !7 to? Vr-1 4-'1 -t d 't-'--t----'-' - - *-'+'-"-- ^to u 4o, Sr 7a *ft-an-tt ,D' r o,tl"*4 irv{. /,(.r -----s .'L ---*eJ-r,/flt|l:o 0' tt6&. -T-g a s'7b tdr J T'\raDo, lv (: ''^4'l 3f,,"ffu * i} 'az,c ha "-.0?r{t; ui.9 d\+ ..t.; s irtdl "l .lM t' l :jit t: ..r.j i ei:, -+ . '..-..-; ,,lt-.+lltl i.s r,e{ .I , -i I I (t tl! ,i k \) + -t ir''iti r,fS?,' ,X*$ t ilf- s, I' ) r i'i;i $'\ ):i, -, , tlt. tit ,'11 il iiry dfi ,i h --t IulH t \t4 Fr o st\Fs { *:t,\t !i-ll -..-- --. ir r- I I' .lt Jt-o IIFlii' i -:l l Ti L, letno r.u- !((J v,Yo:fE t, !. , 1)( . *S t'b.J UJo uL-o SIGN APPLICATION Qppt;cation Number out" I ''4e '7O 'lrtl D Fee Paid Name of Proiect >)274- information is required for submitta'l by the applicantThe fol lowing to the Design 5'ign subm itta A. Sign Mate Review Board before a final approval can be given. I fee is $20.00. .----> ft i rial Saz- y''razo ( ' I OO t\ Name of Person Submitting (>zer. /f-,rzzDzze/ Phone *Y-5YS-1. Location of Proiect Description of Project B. Descript'ion of Sign .--> _ Se-e- ./tto7-o' C. Size of Sign , ^/1', x,1 ?ofr,e-uZ4?uf C. /'Zev'/3ue Et41z.4!-r*- /8/,( /, 1. Si te Pl art iE- €2J> d auR ?oiz,-rz/ 6rrs-r-cu 4ttfu j7 '>'o .2tt7 APPLI CAT ION >ad Sign Administrator 2. Drawings sEowTnsE'act location \ -.-3. Photographs showing proposed 'location v/ 4. Actual .sign__._....,___5. Co'lored scale drawing - 6. PhotograPh of sign u-"'' Approved for DRB Submittal D. Length of Frontaqe (FtJ D'isapproved for DRB Submittal Sign TAmifistrator DELI i/. i;'.ar,3 RTJCKSACK $ Cr )- Fu o - lt1tr,lu (hnas-., - i\roK Tie orc, elzrNo r o/s r y'y t '*t*- ' ^.1 S t r --''' r,lb t,L"h'7,- c L*"' ' lp ' tt ,t '!*v[rttt' +.t't-"1 *' "{ / ,,t t) " Y,X(v /.t r),1\. 71o n /x 0 ,.'" .. /i' ,o-h "lY- r,,'l> t /.I u"! f- ii rL' 2r Ta OVQ.' li,;.-,, , N $ *b \n iltiri\ ) : \t N/N $ A\ t',L-a Fee Paid p1 i cat'i on Number SIGN APPLICATION Date /O '3O 'tr? Name of eroiect 7ue -D*t,<f GretriD Afcz- GouTrru? _, _- Name of Persdn Subrnitting C'rtb'S "nno-r*rn Phone *Vd 'STSV Location of Froject A or &ua.\tr Descript'ion of Project ' The fol'luwing'information:is requ'i red for sLtbmittal by the appiicant to the D:sign Review Board before a final approval can be given.' Sign submittal fee is $20.00. /: \. |.-tr.r.i ,, 4*')A. Siqn Materia'l cl/oaD 4r{D l*naN \ltt" -, -; L, B. Description of Si gn . :-&*reD €eA ?t-zrsaePi,<) G ' ', Da',tr., Gr; r,/ n, I - u/ 4 L f ------._--ftc. size of slsn 2*' x 36 ''-('' Afu^r*-l tb D. Length of E. Comrnents -4 >'. /'/),,/ MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. SitePlart f2. Drawings showing ev.act location X3. Photogiaphs shoi'ing proposed locE'Il6n4. Actual sign _ &n6tDteez) .,4 S.t, /- Gzo"nrlc/7(JL) Sign Administrator 5. Co1 ored sia'l-dra-w'ing'--Jq -6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved fot" DRB Submittal .?-,f- f dc;sZ*zre,tat7 ErZezzdr' frmcza zp ,g+r .Q,e'txa ,s7- S*- Sign Administrator tl 4t,ktd _lr Pro,ect Descripti6n: Contact Person and Phone Proiect Narle: ' Project Application Dn ,., Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Com ments:t, Zone - or.(. 3 n>l Deslgn'Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: ssT COP\ AltN..tsE DISAPPROVALAPPFOVAL Summary: L,,l fi',-2_. / 1.tk\ c .4^ t:;.2-.7 - olLe-<. lf olc' h., t i l A- C-ze-aA__w Town Planner I Statt Approval IU rEE44tblt9abbr4blE F.u,!!trti I ut,1Lr lr\ I J I Lll- ht-t II \,\-rIXt t '11Jr APPLrcArroH DATE al t l-!o- 8J$Ir/ArN r FB,.ll:f I1r gir loll P (Ar " .{lLlr:g: rr jr,t: or- T1,1ir..) ,,ltAHn ol: l,R(tJt:c-r SIGHAT$RII OF O[:tiUR i/,,i:ATi t.,li' Ol' l,I',i,J rli I' DE$CRIFTJCIN Of, rngJncT rs+L$rE$&a: ii-Ereg4g@=b4M9, 6t&u oR +wrtfrtci-ntAr-'FnlAr, FR.or.{r-Alt- ,4e' 2'-0" Re ltql r-oF : finlGll.r' o! sIclt ABovE cttADE F. G. H. D};sctt.lIJll,IGllt,]}lG{ExrsTINGoRPnoPosED)@ I.fIIG'I''I OII BIISINI|SS FROHTAGE (F'r) cOllt'ol'lllllUH a8$0CIATION APPROVAIT, JAt'tlCttl_,__ $2 O. o0 r'1,1.;rt'rO ..-A<.-- CHECK f -,,, F r: .!!; I ! tli D..+HA.TF8 !-" i Pn I'l -b filevatione ehovlng exiet locatlon of rlgn or awnl.ng on ths bullding 1 Fhotographs ahowlng proposed locatlon Colored ecaLs draving Sample of proposed rnatertals Phatbgraplr of slgn if avqilable filgn Adrnlnisbxator :.,!- i I :': : I 1: : ; ., .: i I ; ,l I 'ri ,, II , rl: ' ai 1 . , t. , ' t, l :l : ,i :' .1 i . '. r ,l" i-: .: ! I ,: t ,l {r- "'"?r ' I Ial I l: n:1, ,: "' : ':. ,, t-. r I ! :,. j*': : i: i :l .- .'l lt ,.r' .f# ,r ; 'i ., t' ,: l:'i .i. iiiillr ,i .; ' : ,!l !l .. rl1 "' ii '; :,. a ;. I j. .:i 'ri ;. I I ', ' l- ,l' I ,' ' 'j ,l li ;ipr-\:i$80t,. oYl Jl , 5I'i"- i, oi:-l!;r i,,t:..rl,,i,r:j4-,JT : I .! | i. .. , "-11* I " :i i r. ' ii 'i : i :1 ' ;,;ii:,",!,i iil.i :. :-':l'Li:l.ff.il , '':' 'li ii. ;r;ifrryi"i*,n" 'l n ir-| i' ,*ii+;{tit I i'i: t ' i: lr . . .' {n. I '- r'.,\;J' -1.lir.tt -ii r'; Z.-l *i t : ''i , :ii,,i...: Lrtt ; "iTT I I(j' i I I I S tS 422-9417 TEL N0.3034229417 - 0lr -':,tf'l N0v.19,90 15:11 P.02 I I I'i I I I'l I I I I IItl+ i I I I I i I h I I I I I I I I I n.{ t {.t vi f. I i I I Irli t;ri I i -'fli Mi Lri Lv'i 1i I I I '{}iei i \i rd t l|iltl. c-{ rd d- .T ti *tt ,*'h"l*i . "d" riutl i il1, i*ier e *i*i e 'u& rd rd. t' j "$4 I I I I I i I I IatEFr I I I i I I I I i I t{/4t- ts 422-941? l5 t''303422e417 tu'eo 12:11 P'01 i'ERICAN AWiIIHG COIIPANV ^cuobn o[ OOIOiIDO if1!!|4 fiA ltrOW6ltlil ftrrr, tr* fry}tod Eder,0obtdt0ogaffilct'.?! 0 l-At( # (.303) 622-V1Ll I'A)( fiAlllrtTTAL Sr tEEr 'ru, 8",*sti1 P cr sc> la c,k FRCM: 5Jt{ lEd lvtafsb r$TE: Ir f5/qn Hlrbcr of pager tp foUs, trrlrdirg csver sheet L ;s Slraa/l ff;fe fiocu ^l{ of ;o n rD e- 7 th-*uJ aboul ' ;.r".o-J;o n of }an; ?J o n i' S'e .'.' bcat*'a5 Bo"\oc" :Yh {o, tn d*'th".oJ'& $rn{ugs $hoS o"J11"r :" GA a-zd u-fir_. SrldgE S{cet.F : i-tcl.< il '\/i/rc i);.i IF ' ;,.r {I.l ',{.tr l azf, 8R,rb(E srREprr Vlrt, Lor-oRAbD WILL SI,IUbGE -- I J,' 7 j= / ,/ /a S i 6 ,N r3o X DAILY CO]F]Ftrtr Co" o'Al'tct<rcAN A!.tNlNG connAil? " ED MAfi,SIF BffiAN ]EAKtr]RY \M I ucAlJl0FEu +5',./,r1 ^CKEf.^l' - _Eplr 2t t 1 < s . .: ') '@ !toLL"s<E'|.'- sn*l'tE- PAva+. * roan JaqARE- FoorA('e : 2,lJ-sq.FI; 'JTGNNAIIER su"KEllE'l +l-q1.,eae644}t' " - @ 50 : u.' ;,'l . Project Application f Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Zone --- Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Town Planner Date: E star Approval .-. _/Nl, DAtuj 6nwo tu 7Sg &otOC,+tf - l...tULA L -Lt<ttLuore r^J ALL C*nPt+tcS ^fr \ UOFFEE Dpvsr-oPMENT Gnoup C^qrAI-oc Posters + Publications + Audiovisuals Promotional ltems + Market Research Posters "Coffee Anytime, Annrlace" A "Coffee: The World Cup" This colorful 28t x20r poster shows where in the world coffee is produced. Ready for framing and hanging. No. PI5O2 "Celebrate Coffee" This fullcolor, confetti-filled poster shows different styles of coffee. Very festive and great for promoting coffee's versatility. l8t x24r. No. PS1O6 V A series of color posters, each depicting a different season, shows how coffee fits any climate. Each is 18rrx 24rr. Set of four, No. PS1Ol Individual posters: Winter, No. PS1O2 Spring, No. PS1O3 Summer, No. PSIO4 Fall, No. PS1O5 It -r. j,{ a ft,l ttCofree Branch and Beanstt A poster-size reproduction of this catalog's cover fea- tures a fourcolor illustration ofa coffee branch and growing area, bordered by roasted beans. No. PS1lO Cover Art: Carol Schwartz Md,rket Research Market Strategr Study of the Whole Bean Cofree Industry This 1985 survey identifies consumers' attitudes toward specialty coffees and trends in consumption. You can use this information in deciding what specialty coffees to stock and how much to keep on hand. Summary of the report No. MRflO6 Detailed report, No. MR{IOZ CDG College Research Summary What influences college students to consume more coffee? How can you tap this important market segment? This summary of two CDG research surveys conducted on college campuses answers those questions and many more. A must-read for any coffee company interested in the young adult markel No. MR311 Consumer Attifudes Toward Vended Cofree Knowing consumer attitudes will help you target your market and increase your program's effectiveness. Get the facts from this 1988 survey, an update of one conducted five years earlier. No. MR3l6 Iced Cofree: A Shr{y of Market Potential Findings regarding preferrfd formula- tions and attitudes toward ilced coffee appear in this summary of FOG's national iced coffee taste tdst. karn more about iced coffee's pdtential for increasing sales and attracting new drinkers. Summary of reporl No. MRSOO Detailed report, No. MRB1O nr> *xxf$S'rl A Iced Cofree Arvarbness and Usage Studyl This 1987 survey offers alwealth of information about the usq and aware ness oficed coffee bever{ges among consumers. Includes stadstics on consumption and athibuft ratings oficed coffee. I Summary of reporl Nol MR312 Detailed report No. lVf313 w Suruey of Specialty Cofree Retailers Whether you've been in business 10 months or 10 years, you'll find something of interest in this nationwide survey of specialty coffee retailers. Includes information on annual sales gains, topselling coffees, popular promotions, and much more. No. MRif 15 A Review of Coffee Consumption in the Workplace Need more information on coffee's market potential in offices? This survey of coffeedrinking of8ce workers answers many questions about consumption patterns and includes consumer ratings ofcoffee and service provided by OCS companies. No. MRi|14 w 1l r\.- '.t,i-"t QOl ication Number Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION The fol lr.rwing 'information .is required for to the D:s'ign Review Board before a final Si.gn submittal fee is $20.00. sL;bmittal by the appiicant approval can be given. Date Name of ProiEct?ue DPrtf 6ErnD Cdfu Location of Descri pti on Project *@ of Project /'o/.r.1/ anz'<Ez Phone /176 -5{56 A. Sign Material .F*t nl t- /a I 4 I B. Description of Sign S/.-c-7-at-/ - c. sjze of Sign */r I u 4 '/z Erzet'oE . ., r,/ .4'+' v' * /z turzfltl/{ D. Length Cf Frontaae Gt.) R4E' E. Corrcnents 6ered{ sz ?t ara Hzs 3 ? rZ-- €zGut€ait: Zzzts ,s ,z - 7t- J4,2t*a> Cs,e*taF 7*ts t-s tt'o7 ,4 szan/ ^ . MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Si te P'lan , /-2. Drawings sfiffing-exact location2. Drawings showing exact location >- 3. Photographs showing proposed location 4. Actual sign _5. Colored scale drawing >f 6" PhotograPh of s'igri .< Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal Sign Administrator .f trf t - Q /L\ 41- "-"' '.: -l , 't,' lt..'- sl.* tt*'", #-]':ti 1 - br e' 7* F ':- " v't li,, l Iu|;J, Lal.) n- "'"'"') \ 9z=e: ,4nz<<c2 Sign Administrator O o(2r/\cd _ q6-f qs 5$3 t.rL B \-a ( I ot+o S+be1c ry Proiect Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL M starr Approval,.\ l:-')r.r-''a.t-.,' -APP I i ceti sn ;t'Gber -r^.i i.|l-ll ?attrt^.1Jlbra ArrLIL.ll L Urt I 1o.o c Fee Paid 0a te Name of Project a. -: .:! Phone !f6- !3/aQ ', Name of Person s.ubrnitting </tTT 9IlAnNS _ Location of Project 2A6 bFtWrE 5-fq<e€r Description of-.Project _(A)F t*t,rp pnorr, tAE The fol lo',ling infornaticn is required forto 'uhe Des'ign Re'rierv BoarC beicre a final Sign subnit"al fee is S20.00. subnitta'l bY the apprcvai can be applicent givee- A. Sign I'laterial w@D B. Description Of Sign <**rnel a.---rl*- - 14X 30" 5l6xj C. Size CKEAI\E Cot /",P,EP *CK4,t<-c,tJN-rD. 14" xfu" ofLengih Frentaee fFt.) 25'-L"i !-:,t-D. E.Coileents 1. ?. 3. 4. 5. 6. Si te P'lan Drar'ri ng s str-6Tii-g ex3ct l oca''-i on Photogi:phs sho';ri ng proposed 'loce-.r on Actual sign - ' Colored scale ora''rtng mft PhotcgraPh of sign Y t)RB Subni tta I )<r for [)RE Subnitill S i sn rcnr nisiiE6i Approved for Di sapp:'oved ..'!i:' 5.=,!o--, Adnlnls grato!'\ 7 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE November 12, 1985 00223? Itn department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ntrn Dntr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LrcAL }lesc.FILING $go+f R'ldo aoeNRft'te' otto Stork Roof OWNER NAM E MATLADoREss 2605 Davos Trail ctw PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR F;RM G&GRoofing TOIryN OF VA|L REG. NO ]r.r*,.o.- CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO \,-:", F tR tvl TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO TELE. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I l I V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A8 EH IRM DlvfsfoN 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Fam/.rrra av i c* inn nnnf inetal I nat^r PERMIT NO. - z tr BUILOING 5 -250 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING no alteration in appearance MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING FERi/iIi 56.50 ,t$\,o u \f. \osl\S \rolv -;, (-,t \, ?z PLAN CHECK JO,tt ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION AODITIONAL O REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100.00 EXr *ALLS I I I USE TAX TYPE OF HEAT ELEC, SOLAR wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES a++-+ 143.: Gary Murrain lL/7/85 AODITIONAL PERMITS ST- CUT NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ,rLorNG oFFtctAa DATE Rick Pylman INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Bq{ding Qode and other ogdinan;:gs ot the Towrr applicabte thereto.Jnrrorm tJutdtnq uooe a R= tr Q= ti=sN\\ \sctG\r-\ \ SIGNATURE oF oWNER oR4ONTRAoToR FoR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. e-Q\$\\D REQUEST VAIL -lrU INSPECTION TOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr tr trXFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr F/NAL tr FINAL TIryPPROvED ]ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 12/3r/8s 002323 dopartment of qommunity dovelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT TI! I m! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL D.r". LOr ELK_:__ - FILING JOB NAME: 0l d Del i OWNER NAME UIIO )tO fK MAIL ADDRFSS CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM MAII ANDRFSS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. Qrr.r*,.o. CONTRACTOR FIRM Electric Co. Assoc TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REq. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM rowN oF vAtL REG. NO. TELE. lha r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll fir rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A8 EH IR M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF \A'ORK : - Tnctn'l I inn oloctr"ir hacohnarrl PERMIT NO. - z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL t Enn PLUMBING MECHANICALheatprs 1q00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BT,ltD|NG.PERMIT v '-\ $nhs +N 3S PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL ?5 nn NEW() ATTERATION O^) AODITIONAL ( ) REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UN|TS _ ACCOMMODATTON UN|TS ___-q HEIcHT lN FT. - No. FtREPLAcEs ^ ,flU MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT EXT. WALLS ROOF USE TAX TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAFHEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES 35-00 Ernst 0. Glatzle lI/25/85 JILDING OFFICIAL DATE INING AOMINISTRATOR OATE INING & BUILDING NOTES: - PARKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provid€d as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATUFE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. .J &..,i i to lt( 'fi t.tl * Co A- C::L.-- fu,rl^lt-6*-^ a <fortL-'sut ..f ;l ,t ; f,y',-i 1) / 6'a>,f )''i t sr<- U nlL-'& , ! ( - StLv tra.*t: ,,r . . .; i: .".,- I C ,;tl, t .: f-.rfJ.l : z-\_ -r - \r L_,J 7a^-c I t_ t.+'':q;f- 7/.i,1-'/ S ou, If]ttt '' .i A /."rs * t-t -/ 4.ec....r r l I ?.zC- 73'3 I t'I',i-fcvy '2rf-,.ztp_3rJ-/ I t1 zz-"- ,/ r tt ,f /. ( o'|: r of ,i ,/-, i , i .].. ,i,',, n./. ) J ,''i /, ., - !. -4L,/-/ Lrf | ,r:' t, { lt I i efl/L'r- / i t: t .t /'..-'..' ; .^ /l4* -l'L lair'J I.'l : 1,1 I .-, :': '3 / I\j ; .. ": e. irl , {-. I !wiJr '{t, 4",,{,., .- / z-zc'-) 3 3-} ' k* l( ,Lrt t, /'-tot, 'i L,)(/ )LLLaL.<.- j'j /t/ s-C:, I ,sr; ,- f, u, //r. ,/'t .iu"*lJ \' // /,L t/ " r ft.- Ci-?7g4._z-,;t/L t",, 11/,bc.,^u/ /r 6L.6-71"2, e / .5 4 -4t )4.t -.2i7 , /u ,*:/7"1 -|, /4* ,,fo,n f,:tr tz z-€- ).'i A-g, i-. O -) / r**. / DRB APPIJICATION APPIJICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *****THIS APPLICAUON WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALIJ INFORI,IATIONIS SUBMITTED***** I. PR8-APPLICATION UEETING: DATE A. pre-applLcatLon meetJ.ng wlthstrongly suggested to determlneinforrnation Ls needed. No ann'l a planning etaff menber 1slf any addLtLonal responsibiltty to make an appointment wiltr ttre staff to fout about additional submLttal requirements. please note It ls the applicantrspointment with the st indout about add A. PRO.TECT DESCRIPTION:hz/,*ao / tuo# 5+t6€, F/pnL Dtr laapuuf fuus Au €/rE, Uo /4e@*r7oa/ 47y ga{t (?oo SF t ( lh gft.WfarzAL ,tM/F/aAf/a, IOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Add,ress 226 bPaVrog <{. ul*rW Legal Descrlption Lot _ Block Subdivision Zoning trru.la vI Mailing Phone 4A.1443 APPLICANT I S REPREsENTATTvE: (.AU.U anau€/lr} Address: NN,TE OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (8) s F. G. CondonrLnium Approval if appllcable. DRB rEE: The,fee will be paid at the tine a bull4inqoermit 1$ paid for. FEE $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 50.oo $r.o0. oo $2OO. Oo 9300.00 B. D. sut ft J00Address:Be11 1 NAI.{E OF Mailing 1F":7 roi \'l-]_J rl Fi'.' I' v c\Y i,\' /! o\( {",.h'\ {' \'/ , nlt 'u' \{ 5-> ' U J-! '.!'--r \ l il, \ \.r Clc5c c( OcT t 91se0 that a COMPLETE application will Jtreamllne the approvalproqgs? for your project by decreasing the nurnber- ofconditions of approvat that the DRB niy stipulate. ALLconditions.of approval rnust be resolvea Uef6re a buildingpernit is issued.. Application will_ not be processedwithout Ownerf s Signaturer .. { VALUATION $ o-$ to,ooo 91or0o1 -$ 5O,OOOs 50, ool_ - $ 150, OO0 $150.o01 - $ 5O0,ooo $500rooL - $l_,ooorooo$ Over $L,000,0OO ,' l^ l,J- '-h,1-P( ^-o'' ) '-/u' .,r' 'k'.u'^' g{", - urtt/J1 il It lao rF/cert a */6, I , LJOoIuJ') .1 | ?'0' tJt-: B€C lt <'t4L II. IMPORTANT NOTTCN REGARDING ALL SUBMISSTONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addltion to neetlng subrnittal requirements, theappllcant :nust stake the site to indicate propertyIines and bullding corners. Trees that wi}l be removedmust also be narked. This work nust be conpletedbefore the DRB vieite the site. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS wilt nornallyinvolve two separate rneetings of the Design ReviewBoard, Eo the applicant should plan on at least twomeetings for a final approval. c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Deslgn Revl.e!,- Board at their scheduled rneeting and who have not askedfor a postponement vlll be reguired to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning adurinistrator, thefoJ-lowing items rnay not have to be presented to theDesign Review Board. They, however, have to bepresented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and slrnilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additlons that are not viewed from anyother lot or public space, which have had letterssubnitted frorn adjoining property ownera approvingthe addit!.on; and/or approval from the agent for,or manager of a condominium association. E. You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studieson your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debrisflow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a TownPlanner before proceeding. Kenney Architscts, P.C. 7950 East Prentice Ave. Suite 202 Englewood, C0 80111 se-t'=rirL5/z ?fe;ffiau;-=a ZZ t<':. E -rit-_::!f2>2 gr vAtLv-= /2J2,?t'- A: -;;2-,4a /,'-€r-\ l1t Q;c \ Q'o' h:"'*=:E *--E ,t/ r-ct-a't 5Z = -l':t-:.1 (-in:- 2Y'-nz >).3o4n v€cr4- a.a:Ce st 44 A+4A \ I rolulqo rvfDT&,v,lr* twlev\Jt ry^/ft\at*;"E I-F v'ze& W,attV,. ?.eDJi? 1tc l@z W-+az*-(kLftA t g1.u-1t-tc) NWJ 4t'a+ Nalt {\JL tsa$?l? .o{)$ 5r \:\. i!9:}*iltrll FeEfr.FlZ &HnzPrz tx,Xf laL) ?r.egt5|oN atr 4y1?'-/ 7,s ,h-ltre b:o i'- ?er mI',. A€ Cab (ZreJ?fa-Z FCl?P.rgzra.---l r-'l I \--_ o+=----2= ;--^-- T\= - :r -G, A?frox Lbatr't ?.tdle e*1?Af Vexrntxto P ' ;-;l 5.'r :i.::{.,'I .|-"1 :,,:: l&r0 wvtm rparTf!. @PRe 19,-=r-€= {Ze- FtraY \/tEtGS? gcT- r B-98 THU ARCT I C Ih|DUS IESTRo wAr.r(.rN cootf Rs Ar.lD FRtrzERs FAX COVER LETTER 1o/ 18/90 Carl Swensdh s.e: EOutstAN BAKTRY FRoM: DAVID CLISSET FAGES INCI,UDING COVER LETTER 7 MESSAGE:HERI AAT THE PICTURIS REQUESTED REGARDiNG THE COPELAND CONDENSER UNIT, STAND & COVIR ON YOUR FREEZIR WALK IN BOX. l At'| ALSO SENDING SOMI 11o ffid P.g1 DATE: TO: OTHER SPEd{S FROM COPELAND. THE MODEL # FOR YOUR UNIT IS CTAB-O3OO-TAC THE OTHTR INFORMTION YOU NEEDED l^lAS REGARDING NOl5T LEVELS DURIN|j 0pERATtoN 0F THt C0MpRESSoR/COTOfnSER Urulr, THE MANUFACTURER HAS GIVEN US _ rNrsS[alt!!_gt_BE!!LEl!q[ A q$!!._]_{u_or._IJIE_!ll1I_!!_.4!l_01$I.rNG. THE * _ 0PEIATING NqISE LEVTL IS 74.5_db _lllITHoUT 0U3 CqVER, USIIG 3 PHASE.Pol^lER. IF I.'E CAN HELP ANY FURTIIER PLEASE LET US KNOW. AIICTIC |NDUSTFISS. lNC. r 8207 N W. ?{th AVE. . rAx (305) 883-465r PHoNE (800) 325-0123 MtAMl. F1A.33166 . Phone: (305) S83-5581 .! rr l-r rJ -J a I'r I E: -= Low Operating Cost Extra Heavy Duty Features/Options Large Fleceivers Fan Guard , BX Concluit Pressure, Switch 3 $iervice Valves 'Form90-119 tIIIP'rrFi'i"t!,r rtixlt'! :f ,r7il ',llqf$I*".c'Eii!;sJ.t!cii iii, rl (!oro IE Io. Efl FoJ LQ.-.aAr :o Copeland CFC Solutions The full line of cortdensing units described in thls broclrure givo you the best product selection for use of available refrigerants with the lowest atmospheric impact. Copeland is comrnitted to the continuous development of compressorp and condensing units lhat will help keep our envidrnment safe, Copelametic Value Advantage Direct Suction The Copelametic Difterence Slow speed molors and lnrge bearing surlaces reduce mochanical slresses by running al lower rpms and spreading the bearing loads over a wi{er area. Dlrect alr cooling maintainB consistanl, safe operating tempetatures. The ribbed cdmpressor crankcase is eflectively cooled through direct conlaCt with the surrounding air. The external mounls mean lhere are no internal springs or tubes to break from the effects of on/off cycling. Dlrecl sucllon and low coftpression clearances mean more gas is puntped per slroke, v{ith lower power input. Dual servlce valves allow laster system diagnostics with subsequently lower rePair cosls. ) Dual Service. ) Results ln: Low motol temperalure$ ' ,: Energy efllcienc fT $st;ffi- Ttr! sery!c_q!lq'l!!}f,**-l i roqo Ccioelaod Corporaticltl Prmt.d ,n U.S.q. Cog4rond Crrporelicn S:i ."y. Crlo {5365-.tl I,ow Compression Clearances External Mounls Extra slrengt & durablli ) o Performance Data R-5O2 Low Temperature Qapacltles (BTUH) sUbcooling. The unit modol numbers abovs d4note conslruclion wilh fan guards and bx conduit. The sebond digit of lhe moctel number will change on unils ordeied without either. . |J f-.1 -.r 4 - 2,4 Notes: Capacities It:1I.I r|IJ '{HL:fIE IhIDIJS -rR , IEq are raled at 65oF relurn gas and 5"F Pres.sures are listed in PSIG (#) and reflect sucllon pres.-iJre at the Compressor inlet Temperatures shOwn are t:-€ corresponding Saturation temperatures, Salura- tion ;ondilicns al lhe evaporator will be higher due to pregsure dtop in suclion line,) ) Amblenl Unlt irlodelNo. t ,P.00F -50F .100F .?50F :200F -250F -300F .350F -400F 31.1tr 26,7*22.8#rE.8#r5.8#t2.l#, 9,2*0,5#4,tf 90"F c c7AB"0r00 6320 s600 +?50 44c0 3870 3400 3040 2600 c7AB.0r50 1 V.1r000 s850 8720 7'?W 6780 5S30 5140 4380 3650 c3AL-0153 I Vt 1t450 10250 1r'.91 4000 7030 5950 5000 4040 cTA8-0200 14600 19200 r2000 1r"I?00 '9670 8490 7350 6300 5390 cTAB-0300 3 25600 224m 19600 1',,7100 147@ 12s00 10700 9170 8030 cSAL{503 5 34300 30s50 275@ 2.t7Co 22000 19200 17100 14700 r?500 c301"0603 6 44100 39900 36000 3Zm zzw 25200 22100 19200 16600 c3D1.0602 53500 48000 42800 3et?no ?3600 294co 25600 221W 18800 c708.0750 I h 62400 56200 50400 45100 40100 35400 31100 27Iffi 23400 cTDB-1000 c 84900 76400 68500 e:',10 -A2@ 47800 41900 36500 3t400 c30L-1500 )111600 r00500 90r40 80400 71300 62900 55100 48000 41500 TVplcalC-Llne Unit I HIJ t t-: L5 o r{Er- | I rl I t-.1 lJLlgi I ES t--k'4 Amp data for CAV models is shown for lhe highest curront conditlon which is at 208 voll. Operating voliage range . , . plus 109o, minus l@,6 includ' ing 208/230 volt (187 to 253 volt). Contact Copeland for data on models rated for 50 herlz. 't- H o ) $pecifications/Electrical Data ) Speclflcatlons Electrical Data Urtlt ModEl Numb€l c cTAB-0100 cTAB{150 c3AL{r53 cTAB-0200 cTAB-O300 c3AL-0503 c301.0603 c3t)1.060? c7D8.0750 c7D8.1000 csDL-i500 Notes: "Elec" code is a part ol lhe nr,bdol number. "M/C amps" is minimum circuil ampacity value developed for U.L Thls value has a calculated salely laclor and can be used for wke sizing. All lhree phase models use sirlglo phase fan motors. OveiallDlmensiqng (lapches) Llquld Llne ValvE {lnJ Suction Ling Valve (ln'l Recelv€r Capacity 90o/oFull (Pounds) Appror. Welghl (Pounds) Alr Flow CFM Lenglh /idrh Helght Net $hlP cTAB-01@ 33.5 lo.0 19.0 3/8 Ft 5/8 FL 2l 170 190 1625 l(4,.-0100 cTAB-0150 33.0 20.0 19.0 3/8 FL 7/8SVW 2l 180 200 1625 |(AL*r.o150 oSAL-0t53 33.5 ?0.0 r9.0 3/8 FL 7/8 SWT 21 240 260 1508 EAD'{200 oTAB-0200 33.5 t0.0 19'0 1/2FL 7/8 SWT 21 250 270 1508 84V.4200 tr c74B0300 '39.0 10.0 29,5 I12FL 1-1l8SWT 56 390 460 40s0 lAHr.0310 c3414503 39.0 o.0 30,0 5/8 FL 1-3i8 SWr 56 450 520 3102 MRAr-0500 c3DL-0603 44.0 i6.0 3t.5 5/8 FL 1-3/B SWT 08 580 630 3102 2DA''0600 c3DL-0602 44.0 96.0 31.5 5/B FL 1-318 SWT 68 580 630 3102 30A3.0600 CTDB-0750 44.O 36.0 31.0 5/8 FL 1-3/8SWT 68 600 670 4000 3DB3'0750 c7DBr000 39.0 66.0 36.0 7/8SWT r-3/8SWT u 810 940 7984 3DS3-10@ cSDL-1500 40.0 66.0 36.5 7/8SVrI 1-5/B SWT 84 845 1005 7884 4DL1-1500 208.1.6p El6c. Code M/C Amps Max Fuso .CAV 11.5 t5 .CAV 15.0 20 .cAll 18.4 25 .CAH 17.3 25 230-t-60 Elec, Code M/C Amp3 tlax Fusa CAV 1t.5 15 -cAv r5.0 20 .CAB 13.4 15 .CAB t4.3 20 .CAB 23.3 30 .CFB 38.8 60 208/2303-60 Elec. Cod6 MlC Amps Max Fuse TAC 7.2 15 .TAC 9.?15 .TAC 11.4 t5 .TAC 10.1 20 .TAC 17.8 20 .TFC 3r.9 45 .TFC 40.4 AA -TFC 37.3 50 'TFC 43.8 70 .TFC 6r.3 90 -TSC 83.8 125 460.3-60 Elec, Code M/C Ampg Max, Fuse .TAD 4.2 IF .TAD 5.2 15 .TAD 59 r5 ..IAD 8.2 l5 .TAD 93 15 .TFD r3.?15 .TFD 15.2 20 .TFD 17.4 25 .TFO 22.s 35 .TFD 27.9 40 .TSD 42.1 60 575'3'60 Elec. Code Mic Arnps Max Fuse -1AE 4.3 15 .TAE 3.9 tG .tr{E 62 15. -TFE 11.7 l5 .TFE r1.4 20 .TFE 15,0 20 .TFE 15.7 n .TFE 24.8 35 .T$E 32.2 50 ,., / >.1 t ./'J \)'*---;zz- ^/ s U .J 0:l {p ts k i't:::;.:ili :: ':r:l;l ;1 ffi$."a. \\ u!I i$i $i$ }us : b'r t $$i$i o'" ; t. \niIEal,\ s\vl tt\t\ r'.\ll .l; [$t, \ U o o 3 llp' c"nTzcrs-: '.-r I'co7r/n* GAIVANIZE;T? 5t e'r u /, , a^fi ll L,'(t ', ' / ,z€ \ '\\ArNq' t' t ... nHJ- B6-g T -l-30IT6Z= "!" rn^ Decernber 15, Mr. Buff ArnArnold Gwa 1000 SouthVail, Colora Re: The Ot Dear Buff: The applicatBuilding hasadditional be scheduled rninimum, the hwn n I. 2. 3. 4. l|al 75 lronlage road vail,81657 (303) 4 7000 lines Signat A list addres A vicin tylsite rnprov ts onBuild y Associates ntage Road o 81657 Stork Building proposal e of the property owner. f all adjacent property owners and their mailing S. on for an exterior alteration to the Otto Storkbeen accepted with the understanding thatterial will be required before the proposal willfor formal Planning Cornnission review. At afollowing infornation wiII be necessary: survey of the subject parcel showing propertyexisting improvernents. ofllce ol communlty development how the building expansionadjacent structures. plan showing the relationship to existingthe A & D, Rucksack, and Casino Urban Design Guide plan Criteriaranework, street enclosure, 5. ja writt{n response to the(inpactb on streetscape fetc. ) i isite sp{cific informationwould i$terface with the I I I I I L I on two 6. ,.i Tihile it is requegted, sto schedule Please do noclarificati happy Holida rely, P1 u Sincere /l /trc$u\ Thomas Senior TABrbpr J-y that additional information will beittal of the material listed above will allow us meeting date with the Planning Comnission. besitate to contact ne with any questions or concerning this application. My best for a A. Br out. $nnl ication Date of PEC Meeting APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. Planning and Environmental Cornmission review is required for the alterationof an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building L0CATED IN THE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEI,IED BY THE DRB. The applicatjon wil'l not be accepted until alI information'is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT -Tifo M4< Bo<e uul ADDRESS \/' tt-, ( aun- I I({8 PHoNE-€iJ:fril B. NAME 0F APPLICANT's REPRESENTAiTVT_EOESRT L. 4Rrl6.p ADDRESS lgOO Scr. FRoUrtrrRoro \Vasr \' rt, Cot reaoe I l(9-7 ._PHoNE Ll76- tlt7 c. NAME 0F 0l^lNER(S) (print or type) O-rrO 6:roct< s TGNATURE (S ) ADDRESS D. LOCATI0N 0F PR0p0sAL: LEGAL Tter oc l*ots C 1\8.rc.5:4s/ar.ttr. 1t ADDRESS 268 BETPCE STNEET q Ya 1 By E. '-/A'E. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEl.l YOUR PROJECT. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l,lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I,.IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLTcAIlT,S RESPONSIBILITY'TO I4AKE AN AppoItT- MENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRTMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I,IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESs FOR YOUR PROJECT BY-DMREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULAIE. AI=! CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFOREA BI]I!-DING ',ERMIT IS ISSIIID. THE FOLLOI.III\IG I4UST BE SUBMTTTED: __ -'-'-- A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location ofbuilding and any improverrrents on the land. B. A list of the names of own\rs of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PROPERTY\EEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailingaddresses. THE APPLICANT t{IN BE RESPoNSIBLE F0R C0RRECT MATLING ADDRESSES. BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVILOPMENT DEPARTMENT l.lILL I)V ER I : -.--t \ \ a (, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Commercial- sthat we wanttirne, we feelthe horizonta and personalstore fronts and Environmental Conmission Development Department 28, 1988 of an administrative decision Lab Bridge Street Photo Lab, t Photollant: regarding Bridge fnc. Section process 18.6 .030 the zoning a Environmental Conmission in accordance with this chaptei. There are ser{erat ski and boot locker rental facilities withinthe ccr zone district, one in the basement of the Golden peak The Bridge street photo Lab is a new business that is locatedbetween the gucksack and the A & D Bui1ding. The shop is a120o sguare foot space and the proposed. principat use of thespace j-s- for- a retail filn developing 1ab. As an accessoryuse. to the p$oto lab, the applicant wishes to utilize a poriionof the space for commerciar ski and boot rocker rental . TheCommunity.Deteloprnent, Department has denied the applicant thisuse. rt is our opinion that the permitted and conaitionar usesfor first floor or street lever oi the commercial core r zonedistrict do not allow this specific type of use. A camerastore and photographic studio is an allowed use in CCI . A skishop is also allowed, but there is no specific allowance forcommercial s$i and boot storage and lockers. of the Vail Municipal Code detaits the appealadninistrative actions. Any decision rnaal lystrator nay be appealed to the planning and Ilouse, in th4 basement of the Hill Building, and in thebasement of the walI street Buirding. Theie uses have beenapproved and are allowed as an acceisory to a ski shop and aspersonal service business on the basemeirt or garden lEvel ,The cornmunityf Deveropment Department feels th;t the use ofstreet level retait space for conunercial ski and boot rockersis not consiltent or sinirar to the other conditionar orperrnitted usls allowed on street level . Maintaining ski andboot storage for enployees of the business or even ternporaryski and boot storage for customers of the business would be-interpreted als an accessory use to the photo lab. The staffdoes not feel , however, that seasonaL rocker rentals or weekryor monthly locker rentals is an accessory use to a photo laband should not be a pernitted use on street level . storage is certainly a guest service and a useo encourage within the core areas. At the sanethat.it is irnportant to recognize the balance ofzoning controls in vail VilJ-age. Office spaceervice uses do not provide the dynamic retaii theIthat we feel is inportant to the character of ViLlage and basernent lev trseE in thedynanics ofthis tlpe of and Photofacility.storage fac encourage th ( onshead areas. These uses are allowed on theand second floor. fn order to rnaintain thesere areas and at the qame tine naintain the retaiLe first floor store fronts, we would encourageuse, lf it is truly an accessory use for enpl6yeescustomers, not as a long term comnercial rintif .f?"f that long tenm cornmercial ski and bootrties are not appropriate for first floor andPlanning Cornnnission to uphold our decLsion. I o ,[oto *", et 81657 BRIDGE STREET P 288 Bridse Stre ( vail, Coloradc> \ (303) 476-7366 November 18, 19 TNC. partment of Communit.y Develoement r 657 Towrr of Vai l, Va i. 1, Colorado ( Dear Kristan er Bridqe Street to Latr. Inc. is a new business, primari ly focused on provldins quick, hiqh qualitta photo finishinq andservice to residents and ctuests of the vai I valley.In orderto provide bettdr service and conven i ence for our customers, we have decided tto instal I a smal I facil ity for storage of skisand boots in ouf retai I space. After nearltl completing construc-tion on this eroiect, $re discoveretd that Vail has zoninq restric-tions prohibitir[q ski storage in shops on Bridge Street. We feel that ski sf,oraqe r.rould be an imrrortant factor in our success as a business ar[d r,rrculd also benefit the quests of Vail, as well as all othdr shops and restaurants in the Vail ViIIaqe. Our experience dnd market research indicates that the primarv attraction of a "mini-lab" such irs ours is convenience. Con - venience is the sinqle most important factor influencing a custo- mer's decision to utilize a l-hour photo lab. We have therefore: attempted to malie Bridqe Street Photo La[r as convenient and accesible as possible. The location on Bridge St.r€iet hras a major consideration in this respect, steps from the Vista-Bahn and conven i ent to many restaurants and shops. The only major iDconvenience td; visiting Bridqe Street Photo Lab, or indeed to shoprrincr Bridqe Street in qeneral is the difficultv of f indincr a secure place to leave . awkward ski equipment. We seek to a}leviate thi.s Sroblem by creatins a very small storage facility in our shop. lrle have builL a$ eiqht-foot square rack for hancrins skis and poles and a small oner-by-ei<lht foot set of shelves for boots in the very back of ouf store. In aII. this construcCion represents only 5t of our total floor area (120O square feet). Much thouqht went into this desiqn to make it ef f icient and unobtrusive. We inLend to offer ski s toracte for our t:ustomers, either free or at minimal cost while their film is being pr<>cessed. In addition we r,rxruld like td offer ski storage during t-he dav and overnight at reasonable cdst for anyone, whether a photo-finishinq custo- ner or not. We feeL the chance to ski do$tn, drop off €q uiPment and film with u$, then peruse the other fine shoes and restau- rants of the vall Villaqe unencumbered bv sear while waitinq for photos to bd processed, would be wel comed bv many visitor5 to Vail. tf ithoht this convenience we feel we will lose manY potential clients. Proprietors of ottrer shops nearby agree that our ski storage,should benefit them as well by increas i ngtraff i c: Other research events further suggest a need for ski equip- --page two-- me_nt st,oraqe on Bridse Street. First, there are other shops currently offerinq .sim iLar service ( Le.VaiI Ski Rentals). Employees have told us they are often filled tcr capacity and have waitin<; lists for lonq-term, "seasc)rl-pass" storaqle. Before we learned of zoninq restrictions, we received a number of eager calls respond i ng to our own small classified ad in Ehe "VaiI Dailv." PasE experience also suqgests that the few coin-operated Ski lochers scattered around the Villaqe are often filled to cEpacity. Even if a space can be found in these lockers. thev offer little security for expensive ski qrear, and offer no op- t ion for boo t storage. Without a doubt there is a great demand for good, convenient, secure storaqte for ski. equipment on Bridsre Street - fn summary, we feel. Ehere are many reasons our small stora!,e area rnrou I d benefit not only us in our unique business, but also other businesses nearby, as well as the quests and residents who frequent the Vail Villaqe. Frankly, we can think of no reason whV shi storaqe should be restricted on Bridqe Street. Because of the vital i mportance of the convenience factor for our busi- ness, we request special consideration in this matter, or, better yet, removal of the ski storage restrictions from the zoninq codes altoqether. We Lhank you in advance for your time in considerinq our re- quest. /^ /)*9ffoa"p-- >ri f U*,r.',k Board of Directors, Bridqe Slreet Photo Lab, Inc. Peter felt t[re staff could deal with the landsgape p1an, and fBryan suggeslted 3 aspen and 3 evergreens. cruidlt igreea.--- ( , Bryan moved lto anprove the request subject to the approval bythe staff ofl a fiirascape plan'thit inciua.a-5 "=o." of, 2,1diameter andl s eversrelns-6, hi9!-";";iil;;.- "lin" secondedthe motion aha the vote was 4-O in favor. 2.I of a staff decision ncernincr a est toocatestorage in a photo in CornmerC al Core I.Appe11 Bndge Street photo Lab . The staff felt that it was irnportant tobalance of the horizontal zoning controls in Vailer to rnaintain a mix of use, and also to continuees of the first floor store fronts. that he would not volunteer free storage, and,ose people who were not using his phoio labnot as long terrn. Viete said that Lhis woutd notadninister. peter stated that he aia not-ieeitorage could be classified as an accessory usecode. perrnitted of the 20H specific type of Peter Pattenthe Bridge Saccessory usthe staff to recognize thVilJ-age in othe retail d Sirnons stated would chargesetlrices, bu be practicalthat the skiper the zon Viele r,ras notwithout changvery con Sid moved andstating that ( comfortable withall of Bridge al . Peggy seconded spot changes to the zoningStreet, which would then become to uphold the staff decision,not be an accessory to the photo L Scott_Simons, owner of the store, agreed with peter. Hestated that he had decided to drop the request, but felt thatcustorners of their store and otheis could-leave their stcis. IIeasked if it {ourd be a problen to arlow this type of short termstoraoe. ::t:l-:=l.u ]i.or,= if it was his intention ro wirhdraw anyrequest for $ki storage for people who were not Simons,customers' arid simons said that was correct. peggy asked ifsimons wouldjcharge his customers to reave tneir-iiis, and-- !1T"1= repliid_thit he would charge. peggy stated that she was 1::' 1n--flvor of. a paid concession, and felt that charging a teeI9urd then clnstitute a business. peter ernphasized tliat-iiurmons yele q9 charge for ski storag:e, this then became aconnerclar slqi storage and was not permitted on the first flooraccording to lthe zoning code. is use would C PEc Mrls nlzB/BB lab. The vcr]te was 4-0 to uphold the staff decision. 3.re amend Special Devel ent District 4 Area DaIla mtcro-brewe office e ansion, parkinstruce qnd residential unl-cs for a condit aI use pe to allow a rnicro-ew the Glen Lvon fice pro1iclen Lyon Of ce Buildin Inc, andr t r? 't! F ( t o 75 south lrontage road yait, colOrado 91G57 rebruar{ioholt'l9Ba olflce ol communlty developmenl Mr. Doug NelsonFar Reaching Horizons Box 1778Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 Re: Liqht and signage at Vail cifts and T,s Dear Mr. Nelson: Y?:l:t$.V..abou! 5:30 pM, I observed.many signs and. a blinkingIrght tn the windows of your Vail Gifts and T,s Shop at 2ggAlldS9 Street. f went in to tell the employees that theblinking liqht and the excessive signage-weie not allowedwithin the Town of Vail sign code. ur. Tony Rosales, Directorof Sales, took the message and said he woul6. give it to you,the owner of the shop. He added that you wer6 in vail airaasked_T"-!" slay and wait for you. Since I had an appointment,f couldn,t wbit. Today, r called your Breckenridge office and talked with Ms.consie Hum, Director of operations and exprained the situationto her. she seemed to understand, and said she would ask youto call me. r have enclobed the portions of the sign code that pertain toyour signage. Prohibited signs, secti5n L6.26.oro c. states: Signs with lights or illurninations which flash, move,rotate, scintilLate, b] ink, flicker, vary in intensiiy,vary in color, or use interrnittent electlicat pulsati6n. Section L5.20.220 Window Signs, paragraph B states: l. Size, any sign or signs attached or applied to theinside surface of any exterior window-wirr ue liuritedto a coverage.of 15 * of the total window space.Fu4ther,.no sign will cover more than j.0 sguare feetof any window space, indow space is considered to be the total areasingle window.pane or series of window panested by nullion of twelve inches or leis. Section L6..220, paragraph D, states: of , each window frontagewithin the prescribed ntage on street or majorof two signs. Interpret the sign code, you nay have ttro sindow signs, the15* of your windole space. The nay contain sign orsize limits for eachpedestrian rray with a the light by ltonday,guestions, please do D. total of wh,light must PIease February 15not hesitat Thank you f Enclosure cc:Vail Gift Ms Consie Mr Tony ,o./_ t_clan will not exceed removed. the excessive signage and5:00 Pl,!. If you have anyo calL. your eooperation. and T's Hum sal es signage .t v.OGifts and T,s on Bridge ,0""a, vait: 2/LO/88. Betsy Rosolack observed a blinking light and rnany signs in the windows at 5:35 PM. She went into the store and talked with Tony Rosales, Director of Sales. Betsy explained that thelight and the amount of signage were not allowed under the Townof Vail sign code and askea tfrat they be removed. Tony saidthe owner, Doug Nelson, was in Vail, and that he would likeBetsy to talk with hirn. Betsy had an appointment and courd notwait for Mr. Nelson to return. She left a note with Tonyexplaining the situation and asking Mr. Nelson to caII her atthe Town Planning office. Tony Rosares gave Betsy his card andwrote Doug Nelson,s name on it. 2/LL/88 Betsy called the VaiI store and was told Mr. Nelson was inBreckenridge. Betsy called the Breckenridge store and spokewith Consie Hunn, Director of operations, explaining thesituation and asking that Mr. Nelson phone her (Betsy) back.Consie understood and said she would give Mr. Nelson the message. .^j .,:.i EAR REACHING T{ORIZONS Tony Rosales, Urectorof Sales Box 1778 BrcckeruIdge, Colomdo 8U24 /\ 3O3 453'a519\\n,r"G r\',c\(-er''r 2/25 BetEy shades and window.place, Eaid what Barb, the manager ylro *rl rr"*t door in thetore. She said Elra had not received the letter,d go next door to eee if the letter was there. Shettre impresEion that two signs could be in eachI told her only a total of two signs coul-d be inttrat tbe bllnklng light nust be renoved. Barbwould talk to the owner or other nanagera to seewanted her to do. 2/25/88 cal.led the Breckenridge store at 453-6519. lfhetary who answered Eaid she souLd have eLthery Rosales or Consle Hunn return the call the nextdaf (2/26/88r. c ^/.A,/ . 8"--L''n'-!,1. */on '/ yt-s -( s-/ I pL 4&/ /U, /U / s"h /-J *.4/ L /<- or'' s/,t ,-.,o-tJ,{ f ,b /'; /:- 2R'4a 7t 4o tJ/ z///t 'j,t-) u,''-- Ju-,- L- !-lf fu-,1-q '&, : th Ftl-T, l"li - llharses - ObINER P']LITV - _ TETAL vEur renri t tan Effective Date: 'Psl irv to t,e iesued "ALT*" SurnerrE Fol i Fonm 8-197t1 (Amende Prspesed I rrsured i The estate nr inter this Uotnmitment artd A Fee $impl€ Titie Lc, ii'ie c: late effsc'Live iiat..: here u;Tn *fl-jRi" 1. 2. 4. * *. I -A. fhe I and referred . f oi l,rusl THAT FART OF LITS E , FILINfiT CTIUNTV tlF FOLLOH$! COHT,IENCING AT THE FIRST FILII.JIJ; THEN$g SfrUTH O fIE'7.6$ FEET; THENCE SAUTH S? EtE OF 13.76 FEET Til Tl.lEN[E 5i]L'TH {t PAEE 1 I i. : . .i. . ' f'.-. 14 ITT4ENi. {.,:,* A :." COI'4 SCHEEULE Qpp,,;]'e cat i on No.-i.' Ftn Inf snrrati on a I fr.1 r-i."I - Ct^^ r'\rr please refer to Vt1455. l'{*vember S?' 1?87 at SrOO A.P'1. and rrop,lsed I rrsur€d ! 1(t - 17-79 , vl14$F frnl v st in the land c0vered here i n c'r ref€rrd'ddeEcribed isl r'r' i ir'f EF.€st E,rvered her'e i n i F at thet: v*sted inl irr this tr*mmitment is dessrihed as AI.Jil B, BL**I: 5-A, VAIL VILLAIJE FIRSTE, GTATE *F COLEEAN$, NESf,RIFEF A* THEA.FT C$RNER f'F LET C, 5 0-{/ i"tINUTE€t Orl SE':CNDS €: 35 MINLITES 2? FECCINBS FrriiiT OF AEliINl.lIl.JG; VAIL VILLAL.IE" EA',iT A FIEiTAN']E I:IF WEFT A EIISTANTE EA,:;T A NISTANI]E OF14 iliI'JUTE= 3g E:ECi-]l{B$ App-'lirati'rn N*, V11455' ':.,!"' l.J.fi.J i-trtr I; THEi{iJE E;iluTH 7' tiE$FrEE.5 14 I4I|{UTES le, €:Fr:r:rNrrg t^tEsT A nIgTANr:ErlF 15.34 FEETI TFiEN|::E NTiRTH 1i5 fiELlftEE:J 45 |'III'IUTEE| 44 €;sr]:*Nil5: hIEST A NIITAFIITrlF 4. iil FEETT THENTIE StrUTH 73 trEijREE::; 14 I4INUTE::: 1/jr Ll=illlN[ls ttEgT A trI,:iTANr:EBF 46.73 FEET; THENCE NL-IRTH li. tIE$iiE=:J 45 I"{I:"JI.ITEI:I 4.4 SE*I.IFJNs HEST A NIiTANI:E BF 7,Ot] FEET; THEi{r:E SilUTH 73 IiE$REEE 14 t4ll.lLlTEr:i 1,3 :5ESrI!.JFA }JEST A ITISTANT-:FfIF'}7.T1 FEET T'] A F'OII'.]T TIFI IHE EAST RII:HT-SF-I,,IAY LINE I-]F BFIBGE $TREET; THEt'if,E *N Al'J ANi:iLE lr:i THE RIEiHT tiF 10? nETjREEB 1? HINUTES ?g SECT'NE* ANtr ALL]NG SAIE EA:iT RII.:HT*I]F-I,IAY LINE ANN ALBI'JI:i A C:URVETfi THE RIIiHT HAVII.JG A,IAEIIUE; I:IF 1:.T1.07 FEET, A TENTRAL ANGLE BFl EEEREE* 57 I-III.JUTES 43 5EI:I::I.JE5, AI.,I ARL: TIISTANIE flF 4,45 FEET; THENCE NEIFTH 73 TIEGftEEE 14 I"IINLITE9 16 SEf,t]NNs EAST A TIISTAN|::EI]F 3&.91 FEET; THENCE NI]RTH {' TiEfffiEE5 {'3 HII.]UTES CII sEcttNns EA$T A TIISTANf,E BF1I,4i FEETi THENIE s'JUTH E? TIEFREES =.i I.IINUTE:i 58 EErBI]B3 EALqT A FISTA!.Ir:E OF S'.47 FEET; THENCE NrlftTH {r liESfrEEg {r3 I4INUTE:1 0: rjEfBl.ins EAIT A I|ISTANT:E trF3.14 FEET; THEI.II:E NUftTH E? TIEiJREES 3= I'IINUTE'.:: 33 SECNNNS EA:]T A BTETANL]FBF *?,75 FEET Til TH5 TRUE PI-JINT IJF FE|SINNII-JG, F,AGE 3 trSMT,IIT S*HEDULE 8.1 {Requirements) to he trEFrFl'ied urith! af the grant'lr3 c'r mt'f'tgagc,rs ofestate cr i rrterest tq tre the estate rr interest t* be dr.rly filed f*r rec'lrdr tD-urit! I]R INFORPIATISN IINLY, ANB NA PilLICY I,IILL qrlirements e €,CCtUIrt 'l r, l:'lF th€ cr'eat i ns uted and 3.FE ISSUEII ANE FECCIRTIEFS SENT FtlR fiFFI*E REi]UIREii RETURN RECORTIING I I FAGE rf, 'lr rlfiPll'l ITI'tEtJTAL (E:tceptisns)8ee,$i{ati,:'n Nr_'. v1 1455 i Pol ic'r on F,rlicies t,r be issue,J uiI l ci,ntairr e:{ceFt i r.rris t,: thecruinB urrlsse .Lhe sa]rr€ ar'e disr'risd r.f t,l the satigfatt:.,:n ,:,f Irtnrparrtl Starrdar'd Er.:cr-'rti'rrrs: 1 thr'*r.isfr .1 printed rir the c*v,or shEst. Taxes afi.J asseiiisiTr€nts rr*t 'ret ,Jue crr pai,ahle an,J speciala.Es€ssm€nts ris'k 'tetl cer.tii:ied t,: tfis Tr.,raEur.er"a c,{f it.E, Arrv unpai'l ta:.r€s or.l u.*ru=u*r"nts agairrs.t sai,J I an,J. Liens f c,r unpaid u.rafer' a.nd siptiJ*r {harses, if an.r, RIGHT itF FTfrFfriETTIIR; riF A VEIN GR LI:ITIE TA EXTRAET AI..I[I REI..'{CIVE HIs $.C:E THEREFRfiH SI.iIf,ULTi THF SAHE BE FBLII.IT| T* PEI.JETRATE ffR INTE,C:5trt::T THE FREHISESAS RESERVEO IN UNITEtr ETATES PATENT REI::NRIIED JU]Y 1?, 1I:IP9, IN BRBI{ 4E ATPA|jE 475. RI6HT trF I.IAY F']R TIITI:I{E-::; AR EANA:-F {-'*I.JSTHUCTEF EY THE AUTHfiRITY DF THtrUNITEII STATE:J A-q REFERVEII IN 'JNITETI 5TATE5 PATEF,T RETI]RNEB,trJ].r 1?, 1F9..:/,IN Erlrlt{ 4Er AT FAi:iE S75. RE$TRIf,TIVE I::'JVEI'JANJTEi LII{I':H BL:] N*T I:*NTAII.J A Ff-IRFEITUFE TR REVERTER l]LAu5E'' BUT BFIITTIi.IL'i fiE::TFiiITI*I4g' IF AI.IY- BA:]EN I:IN RAL:E" CCILT|R, RELIGINN, FR NATTTINAL rf,Rii:iii';.' A::: r:*i\jrAI:.lE! I:.J il.JrjTRul"itrl.IT REL:*EtrEn Arjgrrst 1ff , l?.1?, IN EBEIN 174 AT F*cE i7P. Arf,REEl{Etir BETi.iEEii ,.tii, l ::,ir::it-.,rIFEti, INr:., A cnLrlftAt'n r:'lRFrlRATIotj FITZHUGHStrrlTT, -iH. &;';i: ::,:T:i ji;L:;,;-;i : ,1,': l-l*RE FULLY tTEScRIBEB IN [t0trLlllEl'lT RECI|RBEB AUGUST lO, i,:.:.1 il..i !rlr:_rl:. li i AT FAfiE ?C, TERlls' cfii'Jff:i:::;iir Aillrr Fntrul:iI*l..iiq rR i*tEl,t*RANnU$ BF LEA*E r:rpTIoN ATiREE!'4E!JT REEfiRffEB riE;rl4;ril 3rfi, fi,*{' IN FrlflH. gt5 AT PAFE 473 ANtt ptEt"tt|RANnUH trF 6IFTOF LEASE trPTifi\i AiinEE;.lEIlT REf,I:TRDED r"!ARCH 13, 1,:?84 IN EflfiH Ge1 AT pAtiE g6g ANtr A5SIGI.]I"IENT =F LEN::.; Ai,ii| AT:::I'fI'JI"IENT *F LEASE *PTIfiI..I AI:jFEEI'IENT FfiR THE FURFI]!iE LTF EiEi:UIiiI{':: REF.AYI,IEI'.IT 8F INEIEFTEII.,!E.;5 RE!]nHEIETI EEFTEI"IBER ?1., 19F4IN BI]']H 3P5 AT FAEEITI$ ANTI RERE!:IRNETI FEBRUARY 6" 1PF4, IN FI:I|]I.:434. AT FAIJE 34 10. l*i. The {ol l the 1. 6. 7. ?. It tt. 4P4EE TENAN*IES. ,. .:' diI rl