HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5A LOT C & D (2)Trr'ttZrTu fijLao / r7l, A"lVuc 'nH,noFroM;Aeat6&,7*uffib /i;u SVai&+ta APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Project #: Building Sprinkler Permit #: - oYs:j are required at time of permit submittal and Permit application will not be accepted TOWt:l0FVln 75 S. Frontage Rd. Fire Sprinkler shop drawings must include the following. without this information: menX lic calcu CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Regist Engineer's stamp or.\C.E.T. Level III (min) Fire Sprinkler Contractor:Town of Vail Reo, No,:Contact and Phone #'s: ]f17 ^ t o > -fo z,l r.A, PLETE VALUATIONS FORALARM PERMIT (Labor& Assssorc Office at 970-328-8640 or uisit www.ea< Hl.*gli;: 'i'# r-t AP:-l ii rl - rr r Contad Parcel# .1 tOt OtX,t IAO/-I I "-- ::""-: t lobNametTi qKT" o S f.K i;JobAddress: AF& ba,,J, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed description of work: {rt/S Bl t- i/e. u-flo -fFo,'o l'/u+ 9t,, E*- Work Class: New 1{ eooition ( )Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buibing:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Does a Fire Alarm Exist; Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************* \Wail\dala\cdsv\FORMS\PERMITS\SPRKPERM.DCrc 07 t26D002 ..*.*..yf)F f,"t / flqrki'?* HOW DID WE RATE WTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (9i0)479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Oeparfnent(s) did you conhcf Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin Planning DRB _ PEC Was your initialcontacl wiih our staf imrnediate no one availabf e ? 3. lf you were required h wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your: project revier/ed on a limely basis? Yes I No slow or lf no, why no0 5, Was this yourfirsttime to file a DRB app- PEC app- Bldg Permit_ tti/A 6. Please rate the performance of tre sffiperson who assisGd you: 54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, avaiability) 7. Overall effectiveness of tre Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 8. What is the best lime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttme? Thank you for taking tre tirne b complete firis survey. We are commited b improving our service. Fhe_lnspectors U2005 12:25:09 PM Snon Boards F05.0013 Plans submifted do meet minimum code requircmenls. 1. Backfrowistoo awarfrom entry isolatlon valve. not claculated per regulations. did not speciff speciffc item. 2. Water supply 4. FDC is 5. Flour indicator Flom: To: Ilate: Subfec{: Plan is denied as 3. Product 6. Insufiicient 7. Hanger details insuffcient 8. No Pressure 9. Connectbn to General contractor specified. Must operate fi'om Fire Alarm Conbol Panel. margin. Vahrc b strom per ERI/llS standards. mt slpvyn. Slprl source of domestic supply. via phono 4/1305 e"r 2//P'7pJ'ioil f,r-'/ /z*'u /(z/" ,.'* z 4t flo - 7z 7Nl v \., -a, /,; t1 J I /'ri AB ")', '- IlrLL "Y' r//L'o -. -- -r5_ir-H'-trrt lAr tsg rilrE GlIl'||lIT EEGI,E|IETrcrr. rtll i-- !t-13 St atl|ra trfE MAIN OFFICF 17264 W.C.Rd I I Ft Luplon, co 80621 oFFnF. .3(fr.1e3 Sa)?t FAX: 303.3fft.9r23 BUslAil@VA[L SFORTS 288 BRIDGE STREET l'ArL, CO 91657 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS & SPECS +'l't z( leoSIEa, "rp N.l.c.E'r.Iv Wfa BARTON 8 VAIL Job Name: Location: Drawing Date: Contractor: Drawing Date:07-23-04 4/ 5/05 71:42 IIYDRAITLIC DESIG}I INE'ORUATION SHEET BI'RTON G VAII 288 BRIDGE STREET vArL, col,oRADO 81657 O7-23-O4 Remote Area Number: 1 AssocIAlED FrRE spRIlilGER sysTEMs Telephone:303.383.5021 17264 WCR 12 FORT IUPTON, COLORADO 80621 Designer: rNTJR Calculated By: SprinkCAD www. sprinlqcad . com 451 N. Carinon Ave . , tansdale, PA 19446 Construction: Reviewing Authorities : VAf L Occupancy: M SYSTEM DESIGN Code:NFPA 13 Hazard:ORD GRP II System Type:WET area oT Densi-ty (gpm,/sq ft) 0.200 I Make: TYCOArea per Sprinkler 25G Hose Allowance Inside 0 Hose Allowance Outside 250 Model: TY-FRB K-Factor: 5- 60 Temperature Rating: 155 sq ft gpm 9pm CALCULATION SUMMARY gpm Required: 792.4 14 Flowing Outlets 98.9 G CITYpsi- Required: SUPPLY water Flow Date of Test Static Pressure Residual Pres At a Flow of ELevation Pump Data Rated Capacity Rated Pressure Elevation Make: Model: ?ank or Reservoir Capacity 0 gal Elevation 0 08 -09-04 106.0 psri. 99.0 psi 1525 gpn 3'0" o gPm 0.0 psi 0 Well Proof FLow o gp* Location: Source of Information: NEAREST TO BURTON AT WATER FI,OW TEST- VAIL VAII WATER DEPT SYSTEM VOLUME 95 Gallons Note s : BURTAN A VAIL Drawinq Date:07-23-04 HYDRAI'LIC CAICULATION DE?AILS 4/ 5/05 71 :42 QTY DESCRIPTION Hydr Ref W Required at 2 3" Grvd 90 E1] 1 Pipe 3" FS RISER MANIFOLD-F.S. 1 3" Grvd Butterfly Valve 'BFV"1 4" x 3" Grvd Reducer 4 4" Grvd 90 811 2 4" Grvd Butterfly VaLve "BFV"1 4" Grvd Tee . 1 Pipe 3" 10x21 Total Loss 1 3" Grvd Back Flow Valve COLT "200n1 Pipe 4" !0x2\ 4 4" Grvd 90 E1l ],ENGTB C Hyd Area 1 r4' 12010' 120 10 | 1200, 12022' 120 28'. r20 20' 120 10' 120 for TO SYSTEM CHART IOSS 15' 12022' 720 IilIDRAULIC Er,olf IossgPm psi 532 532 4.'1532 2.0532 3.0532 0- 0 532 1.8 532 2.3 532 t -7532 2.3 532 9.9532 0.9532 1.8 rD 3.068 3. 340 3.068 4 -026 4 .426 4.026 .t - uzo 3.260 4.260 4 -026 TOIALS 55.7 psi 1?.8 psi 98.9 psi 105.3 psi Hyd,r Ref R1 1 4" Flngd Gate6 4" MJ 90 811 1 4" MJ Tee 1Pipe 4" DIx18 Required at Valve cl 350 Fixed Flow AT BASE OF RISER 2. 'J-20 4.026 50' 120 4 .02620'r20 4.026 725' r40 4.238 OUTSIDE HOSE 12.5 psi 86.1 psi 0.2qn t.7 gpn 12-7 psi TotaL Loss for THRU RISER 532 532 352 s32 532 250 Total toss for THRU UNDG Hydr Ref R2 Required at CITY CONN Water Source107.3 psi static,100.3 psi residual @ 1525 gpm 't82 782 ggn ' SAFETY PRESSURE 6.4 psi NOTE: Water Source has been adjusted to include a change of elevation of3'0" .flow test to point of connection 4tAvailable Pressure of 105.3 psi Exceeds Required pregsure of 98-9 psi This is a safety rnargin of 6.4 psi or 6 t of Supply Maximum Water Velocitv i_s 20.7 fos Job Water Required BURTON @ VAIL Static Pressure: JIQQ psi Pressure: 288 BRIDGE STREET Residual Pressure: \99-0Bj Total Flow: VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Flow: 1525 gpm Safety Pressure: Remote Area: 1 Date/Loc: 08-09-04 NEAREST TO Hose Allowance Drawn ByInside: 0 gpm SprinkCAD Outside: '250 gpm Tyco Fire Products(800)495-5541 ,ffi\gi-9 P S I 140 120 100 BO 60 40 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Flow (gpm) 1800 2000 SIPp]L h 250 gpm I 'lose 20 HYD RET K PACTOR SIZE ID c qYPE # r'rTs Ft Pf PE Pv g VAIL DrawinE Date:07-23-04 4/ 5/05 1.L:42 Hydraulic refprence. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. Flow factor fpr open head or path r.rhere Flow (gpn) = K x -\/PNominal size of pipe. Actual internbl diameter of pipe Hazen Williamb pipe roughness factor Type or schedirle of pipe number of fittings as follows: 90 * 90 deg E[t 45 - 45 deg ElI T - Tee tT - Long Turn 90 Ell SPEC - Fitting other than above or fitting with hydraulic eguivailent length specified by manufacturer.Total pressure (pei) at fittingFriction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = I x 4.52 x (Q/C)^1.85 / ID^4-87 Pressure due to change in elevation where, Pe = 0.433 x change in elevationVelocity pressure (psi ) where: Pv = 0.001L23 x e^2/TD^4 Normal pressure (psi). rrhere Pn - Pt - Pv Pressure loss in pipe rise or drop to an open head. Pcessure at ah open head.elevation froln branch tee to open head-pipe length ffom branch tee to open head.fitti.ng eguivhlent length frorn branch tee to open head. - Pressures are balanced to 0.001 gptrr.. Pressures are listed to 0-01 psi. Rdbition may vary Uy-b.O:. psi due to aecurnulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NrPA 13 edition-- Velocity Presslrres are considered on branch lines and cross mains- Path l#L is frotn the most remote head back to the hrater source-- Later Paths arb from the next most xemote head back to previously defined paths r Pn Pdrop Phead Etav FIPE FITS $OTES: -T AURTON Q VAIL REIIOTE AREA #1 EIOW (Gm{) Drawing Date:07-23-04 4/ 5/05 11:42 PAGE 1 PRESSI'RE BRA}ICH LINE SUIO'IARY TO HE:AI) fior FITS LENGTE FEET SID REF OITTI.ET K FACTOR PTPE C srzE 90 45 ID T IJT TYPE OTEER PIPE VEIOCIIY FITTINGS LOSS PSI/FT TOTAIJ ELEgATION Pt Pv Pn PT Pf Pe Pn ELSV Pdrop PIPE Phead FIIS PATE 1 FROi,I FYDRAT'LIC R,EFERENCE 1O5 TO W (PRIMARI PATH) HEAD 105 26.0 0.20 gpm,/sg ftK- 5. 50 26.0 1" 1 0 l- .049" 0 0 t20 40 0 L4''1" 9.7 fps 21 .6 21,.6 27-62'0" o.2t7 3.5 0.0 0.016'7" 0" 0.0 21 .6 2L.6 HEAD 106 26.0 1tt 1.049|' L20 40 L0'4" 25.1 ?q 0.0 25.7 2.5 22.6 22.6 1.0 2r.6 0010 0 5'4" 19.5 fps5'0" 0 .7 62 -40.20 gpm,/sq ftK= 5.60 52.o 0rt 4'.. 60. REF A3 296.9 3" 3.260" 120 10 33. 0 t.2 0.0 33. 0 0.0 33.0 0000 0 !2'0* 13.5 fps 0n 0.103 12'0'0rt PATH 3 AND 6 K:5I .72 348.9 REF A4 PATH 8 AND 7 K= 10.71 411.5 3.260" 120 10 6'7" 9, 5' 16'0" fps 0.140 0.' ' 34 -2 2-2 0-0 36.4 3.2 0.0 34.2 0.0 34 -2 36. 4 2-2 34 .3 1-000 0 REF A5 54 .5 PATH 2 K= 9.32 465.1 3" 3 -260" 120 10 B'5' 18.1 fps 9r5tt 1?'11" o.r7 6 0rl REF A6 33. 0 PATH 9 K= 5.41 499.1 3 .260" 120 10 0"6'0' 39 -6 2-5 37 .I 0000 0 5'0" 19-4 fps 3 0.200 0' 1-2 0.0 RET A7 PATH 10 33. 4 3" 3.260" 120 10 40.8 6.7?n 40. B 2.8 38 .0 2000 0 10' 10' 20.7 fps K= 5. 41 532.4 18'100 291B" 0.225 ?'0. REF AB 5'11" 55'4' !37,2" .1 fps 0.061 -6'5" 50-5 8.0 -2.9 4.260"532.4 120 10 5000 0 REF If 532.4 gpm PATH 1 t(=7L.32 55.7 psi I BURT.ON O VAIL REMOTE AREA *1 Drawing Date:07-23-A4 LENGTH SEET 4/ 5/05 17:42 PAGE 2 PRSSST'RE BR:A}TCS IJINE SI'!i4ARY TO HE:AI) ELOT| (GF{)PTPE #or FIIS HYD REF K TACTOR OT'ITI,ET PIPE C SIZE rD 90 45 TLT OTHER PIPE [.ITTINGS TOTA]. 1'EI6CITY IOSS PSI/ET EI..EVATION Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS Pt Pf Pe Pt Pv kt PATE 2 I.nOM EYDRAI'LIC 111 ro A5 I{EAD 11 1 26 .3- 0.20 gpm/sq ftK= 5. 50 26.3 REP 20.4 fps 0. 833 0rl 25.8 26 -B '1 .5 2-B0.0 24-0 28.2 54.5 ltt 1.049" 120 40 1" 1.049" 120 40 0010 0010 0 2'0' 9.9 fps 5 | 0't 0.277 7r0ft 0.r 4r0rl 22.5 22.s1.5 0.00.0 22.5 22.5 -4"0.4 4"22.1 24" PATH 4 K= 5.45 5'0, 9 | 0" REF A5 54-5 g1n PATE 2 l(= PATE 3 FROU EIDRAT'LIC REFERE}ICE 1O3 TO A3 34.3 psi HEAD 103 55- 0.22 gpm/sq ft K= 11.20 55.9 1%" 1- 610" r20 40 12,0" 0r' 12'0" 8.9 fps 0.108 0" 24 -9 0.0 24.9 0.0 24.9 24 -9 0.0 24.9 0000 0 HEAD 104 55.0 0.21 gpm/sq ft K= 11.20 110.9 HEAD 110 28.2 0.22 gpm/sq fLK= 5.60 28.2 L4" 1.610" r20 40 1' 1- 049" 720 40 5'10" B r 0* 1.3 r 10" 17. 6 fps 0.384 0" 0010 0 1000 0 26 -2 5-3 0.0 26.2 z.)- 24.1 24,7 0.0 24 -1_ REF A2 15 PATH 5 3 _260" K= 27.37 266.1 120 10 REF A3 266.1 gpn PATE 4 FROM HYDRAI'LIC 3'0' 10.3 fps 32.2 32.29'5" 0.A62 0.8 O.'772'5" 0" 0.0 31.5 PATH 3 t(= 46.36 110 TO 121 33.0 psi 25.8 25.8 25.8 -4"1.0 0-0 0.4 0. 0 25.8 25.4 24" 4 t 0rr 10.6 fps0" 0.246 4r0r 0" REF 121 28-2 gpm PATE 4 (=26.8 psi BURTON O VAIL REI'CIITE ARE.A #1 Drawing Date:07-23-04 4/ 5/05 17:42 PAGE 3 PRESST RE BR;AI.ICH IrIl{E SI'!&ARY TO HEJAI) EIPW (GE {)PIPE #oF FITS IJENGTE FEET ITYD REF OUTI.,ET stzE ID K FACTOR PIPE C TYPE 90 {5 TLT OTgER PIPE l'ITTTNGS TOI]{L VEI,OCITY ross Psr,/FE ELSVATION Pdrop FIPE Phead FIIS Pt Pf Pe Pt Pr' Pn PAIE 5 E'ROM EYDRAI'LIC RSFERENCE 1OO TO A2 HEAD 1OO 30.1'0.23 gpm/sq ftK= 5.60 30.1 1.049" L20 40 4'5' 4 r 0. B'5" fps o.27'7 4" 28 -9 2.3 0.1 28 -9 0.0 28 -9 28- 0.0 28.9 REF 81 3"i 1 03.260" 0 0 120 10 0 3r L1" 9t5t 13'4" 1.2 fps 0.001 0" 31.3 0.0 0.030. 1 REF 12 5'8" 0" 5'B' L2'0" 0' 12'0" 3L.4 0.0 0.0 fps3.068" 030.1 \20 40 0 0 .001 0rt 4.1 fps 0. 012 I{EAD 1.0 1 62 - 6 3' 0.24 gpm,/sq ft K= l,1- 20 92 -7 ? nAQrt 120 40 3\.4 31.0.1 0.1 0.00.0 31.3 31- 3 HEAD 102 62.6 0.24 gpn/sq ftK:11.20 155.3 3" 3.068" 120 40 15'0* 20'10" 6. B fps 0 .031 0' 31. s 0.6 0.0 31.5 0.3 3r.2 3L.2 0.0 3I .2 0010 0 REF A1 1,4" 0' L!4' 3tt 3.260"155.3 120 10 0000 0 6. 0 fps 32 .20.023 0 - 00n 0.0 REF A2 155.3 gpn PATB 5 K= 27.37 PAIS 6 FROM rrrDRAIrLrC RE4ERENCE 107 TO A3 32.2 psi HEAD 107 30. B 0.24 gprn,/sq ftK= 5. 60 30. 8 11.5 fps 0.289 0" 30.7 30.7]_ tt 1.049" 120 40 2'9, 5'0' 7r8tt 30 -1 0.5 30.2 00 0 2.2 0.0 0. 0 30.7 24" REF A3 30.8 gpo PATH 6 (=5.36 33.0 psi BURTON G VAIL REI,IOTE AREA #1 gI€W (cPM) EYD REF OIXII,ET r SACEOR PIPE Drawing Date:07-23-04 4/ 5/05 1"1-:42 PAGE 4 PRESST'RE BRA}ICE LINE SI,MMARY TO EIEI) PT Pn EI.EI/ Pv Pdrop PIPE Pn Phead FITS SIZE rD C TIPE lf oF FITS 90 45 TLtr OTIIER I.,ENGTH E:EET PIPE FII!INGS TOTAL vsl.,ocxrY Pt !,oss Psr,/FT Pf EITEVAIION Pe PATH 7 FROI EIDRJAI'IJIC REFERENCE 108 TO A4 HEAD 108 31.3 1" 0 0 0.24 gpm/sq ft 1.049" 1 0K= 5-60 31.3 120 40 0 REF A4 31 .3 gpn PATS 8 FROM STDRAUI,IC PATE 7 K= 5-35 109 TO A4 3t4" 5'0. 8'4', 2t B" 5 t 0' 7r8'' 31 .7 0.5 31.2 24" 11.7 fps o.297 0rt 11- - 8 fps 0.299 37.'1 31.72.5 0.00-0 31 .7 HEAD t_09 31.4 0.24 qpm/sq ftK= 5. 60 31.4 1.049" t20 40 0010 0 34.2 psi 31.9 31.92.3 0.00.0 31.9 31.9 0-6 31. 4 2Atl REE. A4 31 -4 gpu PeTg I l(= 5.35 PATU 9 FROM FIDR,AUI,IC 113 rO A5 HEAD 11"3 33.0 1" 0.25 gpm/sq ft l-.049"K= s.60 33.0 L20 40 . 34.2 psi 35.3 35.3 35.3 -4.'1.8 0.0 0.6 4"0.0 35.3 34 .7 24" 37.1 psi 35. 11-B 0.00.0 36.1 38-0 psi 00 1n 0 6r' 72.4 fps5,0" 0.329 5r6rl 12-5 fps 0. 335 0rr REF A6 33.0 gpn PATH 9 l(= PATE 10 FROM EiDRAI'I.IIC FEFERENCE 112 TO A7 HEAD 112 0.26 gpm/sq ft l-.049" K= 5.60 33.4 I2O 40 REF A? 33.4 gpn PATE 10 K= 006r' 1 0 5r0" 0 5r5" 0.6 35 .5 -4" 24'' I I Fire & Building I Products Technical Services: Tet: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (000) 79.1-5500 Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 / (800) s23-6s12 Fax: {215} 362-5385 General Descfiption The Series'TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5i6, and 0.0 K{aclor, Upright and pendent Sprinklers d€scribed in this dats sheel are quick response - standard cover- age, decoralive 3 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in lighl or ordinary hazard, commercial occupancies su6h as banks, hotels, shopping malls, etc, The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pend€nt Sprinkler, whdro ao- plicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished coiling. lt uses crither a two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NpT) or Slyle 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed'Es- cutcheon with l/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adiustment or up to O/+ iircn (19,1 mm) of total adjushent from lhe llush pendent position, or a tweoiece Style ?.0 {1/2 inch NPT) or Styte 3b (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- ment or up 10 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adiuslment from the flush pen- dent position. The adiustment previdsd by the Recessed Esculchoon reJduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops lo the sprinklers must be crit.- Corrosion resistant coalings, where applicable, aro utilized ta extend lhe life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond thal which would otherwise he ob- tained when exDosed to corosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tanl coated sprinklers have passed the slardard corrosion tests of lhe appli- cable approval agencies, the tesling is nol represenlallve of all possible cor- rosive atmospheros, Consequehlly, it is recommended that the end u$er be con€ulted wilh respect to the suithbitity of these coatings tor any given corro- sive environment. The etlscts of irmbi- ent temperalure, ooncentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical vefocE, should be considored, as a minimum, along with lhe corrosive nature bf the Page I of I chemical towhich the sprinklers willb€ exposed. An inlermediaie l€vel versions ot the Series TY-FRB Pendenl Sprinklers are detailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are de- taaled in Te6hnical Data Sheet TFP780 WARN,,|,CS The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers de- scribed herein musl be insta ed and maintained in compliance with this documenl as wetl as with the appfica- ble standads of the National Fire Prc- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authoities hdv- ing jurisdiction. Failurc to do so may impat the integrily of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintaln- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper openting condition. The installing contactor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted relatlve to any questions. ffiw TYl131 - TYl231 - w2131 - w2231 - TY3131 - w3231 - TY4131 - TY4231 - Upright 2.8K,1/2"NPT Pendeni 2.8K, tl2"ilPT Uprlght 4.2K, 1/2'NPT Pendent 4.2K, 1/2'NPT Upright 5.6K, 1/2'NPT Pend6nt 5.6K, 1/2"NPT Uprlghl 8.0K,3/4'NPT Pendent 8.OK, 3r4"NPT lilaximum Working Plessure 175 psi (12,1 bad Discharge Coefficieni K = 2.8 GPMipsil/2 {40,3 LPMlbarrr2) K = 4.2 GPtvVpsir/z (60,5 LpMibaru) K = 5.6 GPM/psirP (8o,6 LPM/barrr2) K = 8.0 GPM/psiriz (115,2 LPMibartn) Temperetute Ratings Reter to Table A and B Finishes Sprinkler: Reler to Table A and B Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chromo Plated. or Brass Plated Physical CharacteristicsFrame . . BronzeButton grass/Copper Technieal Approvals UL and C-UL Usted. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. (Feferto Table A lor complete approval information including corrosion resis- tant stalus.) ModeUEprinkler Identitication Numhers <l E F E(|, l't o o .F Data APRIL,2OO3 TFPITI Page 2 of 8 TFPIT' ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE STYLE t0 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON ssu* DEFLECTOR I 1 2.1t4' (57,2 mm) 1 - Fram€ 2 - Buttofl 7t16' (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN 2-v16' (5s,6 mm) SSP DEFLECTOR ' :::+ I €l.-.--l-. llzjtlpt ** i PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 3 - Sealing As6ernbly 4 - Bllb 5 - Compression Screw 9 - ge!9.ctor ' Temp€rature rating is indicalad ofl dellector or adiacenl to/'tjusnrng oritice Seal On hame. *rPipe lhread conneclions p€r ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request- FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SEE/,ES W-FRB ttpRIGHT (W1131) AND PENDENT (Ty1231) SqR//NKLERS 2.8 K.FACTOR. '/2 'NCH NPf 1-9r'16' {39,7 mm) ESCUTCHEON PI.ATE SEATING SURFACE T- 7/16'(11,1 mml NOMINAL MAKE-IN STYLE I0 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON12'+' NPT ssu' 2-U16' (55,6 mm) I - Frarne 2 - Button 7116' (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN 2-3t16' (55,6 mm) SSP DEFLECTOH * #l;;* T- PENDENT UPRIGHT cRoss sEcroN 6 - Defleclor ' Temperalure rating is indicaled on detlector or adiacenl to offic€ seat on lrame. **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request 3 - S€aliog Assembly 4 - Bltb 5 - Comprossbo Screw FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SER/IES Ty-FRB UpRtcHT gy213t) AND qENDENT (rYz2gt) SpRtNKLEnS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 1-1t2" (38,1 mm) TFPTTf Page 3 of I ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE (11 ,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEONln'** NPT l-\ ,t\i'l2-31'16' r i (s5.6 mml T---4' I lrlitl 1-1k', (38,r mm) ssp oerlEcton * ESCUTCHEON PIATE SEATING SURFACE STYLE 3O or lro RECESSED ESCUTCHEON sst * DEFLECTOB 7t16' (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN 1tt (12,7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN ' | 2-sl16.__l (ss,o mm) =i'l,lz' NPT ** |2-28' (73,O mm) DlA. PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT |-Fame 2 - Bulton 3 - S€alhtg A6ssmt{y 4 " Bulb 5 - Comprossion . ScrgYy 6 - Delhctor r Tgmporalurg rating is indicat€d on deflector or adjacBni to orilica seal on frame.r'Pipe thread connecttons per ISO 7/l can be provided on special re{$resl. F'GURE 3 cRoss sEcTroN CROSS SECTION ' 5ER'ES TY-FRE UPN'GHT TYilg|) AND PENDENT ,Ty3231) SPB'NKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, TE iNCH NPT (t2,7 mm) s/4:'t T9Y'II!ffT MAKE-|N ii 2-1t4' (57,2 mm): {-= t ----:------L\l3/4'NPT** !SSP DEFLECTOR i PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT I - Fraflre 2 - Buttoo 3 - S€aFlg AssombV AUCK RESPONSE 4 - Bulb 5 - Compr€ssion sct€w 6 - Detbcbr ' Temperature rating is indicatsd on dell'e6{or or adlacent to orilico s€at on frams.*rPips thread connections p€r lSO 7/1 can b6 provided on spscial rsquesl. FIGURE 4 TY.FNB UPRIGHT (TY4I31) AND PENDENT (ry4231) SPBINKLERS 8.0 K.FACTOR,3/4 INCH NPT Operation The glass Bulb contains a iluid f,vhich expands when exposed to heat. When the raled temperalure is reached, the fluid expands sutficiently to shatter theglass Bulb, allowing the sprinkfer to activate and waler to flow. Design Criteria The Series W^FRB Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers are interded for tire protection syslems designed in ac- cordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Lisling or Approml agency (e.9., UL Listing b based on the requiremenls of NFPA 13, and FM Approral is based on th6 requirements of FM'$ Loss Pre- vention Data Sheets ). Only the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Becessed Escutch- eon, as applicable, is to be used for recessgd pendent inslallations. SPRINKLER FINISH (S€€ Nolc 7) K TYPE TEI'P.BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS CHBOME PLATED WHITE*' FOLYEST€F 2.8 1E NPT PENDENT frY123r) and UPRIGHT [rYl131) 135"F/57'C Orange 1,2,3,5 155"F/68"C Red 175"Fng"C Yellow 200'F/93"C Green 286.F1l41.C Blue BECESSEO PENDENT {TY223rF FigurE 5 135"F/57'C Orange 1, 2,5 155'F/68'C Bed 175"Fn9"C Yello\r/ 200'F/93'C Gre€n 135"F67"C Oaang€ rrtsGbSttEo PENDENT frY2ellF. Figur€ 6 155"F/68'C Red 175"F1t9"C,Yellow 200"F/93'C Green 4.2 1E NPT PENDEI'IT frY?23t) and UPFIGHT 6W3131) 135"Ft57.C Orang€ 1,2 Bed 175"F129"Q Ysllow 200'F193"C Green 286"F/14t"C Blue RECESSED PENDENT frY223r ). Flgure 7 135"F/57'C Orange 155'F/68'C Red 175'Fng"C Yellow 2tX)"F/93"C Green RECESSED PENDENT crY22ilr )-- Frgure I 135"F/57"C Orang€ 1s5.F/68.C R€d 175'Fng'C Yell'our 200"F/93'C Green Page 4 of 8 NOTES: {. Listed by Underwritars Laboraloties, Inc. (UL} as Quick Response Sprinklers- 2. Listod by Und€nvritars Laboratoriss, lnc. br use in Canada (C-UL) as euick Rosponss Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprin- lders. 5. App,oved by lhe City ol l,lew York under MEA 354-01-E- 7. Wherc Poly€slor Coated Sprinklers are noted to b€ UL and C-t L Listed, the sprin- kl6rs are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant SDrinklers.' Insralled with style 10 (112' NPT) or styte,{r (3/4'NpT) 3/4. Torat Adjuslmenr Re- cessed Esculcheon, as applicable." Instafbd wirh style 20 (112' NPn or slyle 30 (u4. NpT) 1/2. Toiat Adiustment Re- cessed Esculcheon, as applicable.*' Frame and Dellector only. Listings and approvats apply to att cotors (Special Orde4. MA: Not Available TABLE A LA B ORATO AY UST'NCS AN D APPROV ALS 2.8 AND 1.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLENS TFPITI lnstallation The S€ries TY-FRB Sprinklers must be inslalled in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: ivorEs Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss ot liquid from the bulb. With the spdnkler held horizontally, a smalt ait bthble should be present. The cliameter ofthe air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135"F87C to 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 286"F/141'C tempeature /3tings, A teak tight I /2 inch NPT sprinklet loint should be obtained with a torq.te of 7 ro 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm} A mdxi- mum of 2l ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of totque may be used to install sprinkters with 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- tained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm} A maximum ol 3O ft.lbs. (40,7 Nm) of torque is to be uEed to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con- nections. Higher levels ot toqu6 may distort the sprinkler inlet and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkleL Do not attempt to make-up {or insuffi-. cient adjustment ln the escutcheon plate by undeh ot ov't-tighlening the sprinkler. Readjust the position ol the sprinklet titting to suit. The Series W-FRB Pondent end Up- right Sprinklers must be insialled in accordance with the bllowing inslruc- tions. Step 1, Pendent sprinklers are b be inslalled in the pendent position, and uprlght sprinklets are to be installed in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe lhread sealant ap- plled lo the pipe threads, hand lighton the sprinkler into the sprinkler titting. Step 3. Tighten the spdnkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Vrtrench (Ref. Figure 13). With reterence to Figures 1,2,3, and 4, the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied lo the sprinkler wrench flats. The Series W-FRB Recsssed Pen- dent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the lollowing inslruc- tions. Step A. After installing the Styl€ 10. 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as appli- cable, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe thread sealanl applied to the pipe threads, hard lighten the sprin- kler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the SPRINKLER FINISH {See Noto 7) K TYPE TEMP,BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS C}IROME PLATED WHITF" POLYESTEF LEAO COATED 5.6 1f2 PT PEND€NT (TY3231) and UPR|GfiT crY3131) 13s.F/57.C Orange 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,2,3.5 155'F/!8"C Red 175"Fng"q Yellow 200"F/98'C Green 286"F1141"C Blue 135.F/57.C OrarEe 1,2, 4,5 WAPENDEiIT (TY323r). Flgure 9 155"F/68'C B€d 175.F 9"C Yellow 20{r'F/93'C G€en RECESSED PENDENT (IY3231).. Fhure 10 135"F/srG OIange 1, 2, 3, 4,5 '1,2,4,5 tvA 155.Fr68"C Red 175.Fn9"C YelloYv 200.F/93.C Green 8.O 9/4' NPT PEND€NT FY4231) ond UPRIGHT frY4131) 135'F/57"C Orangs 1,2,3,4.5,6 1,2,5 r ss"F/68'c Rsd 175'Fr9.C Yellow 200'FrS'C Green N"F1141"C Blue RECESSED PENOENT $Y4m1r Flgura 11 13s"F/src Gr€gn 1,2, 4,5 wA 155.F/68"C Orangs 175.Fng.C Red 200"F/93'C Yellort, FECESSED PEIIDENT (rY423tr. FlguG 12 135'F/5/C Orange 1,2,f,,4, 5 t{/A 155"F/68"C Red 175"F29"C Yenow 200'FE3"C Gl€en NOTES: 1. Lisled by Und€rwritr 2. Ustod by UndBrwritl 3- Approv€d by Faclor 4. Approved by the Lor sensitivity of rscssa 5. Appro\red by lhe Cil 6. VdS Approved (Fot 7- WhelB Poll€slar Co Corrcsion Resistart )16 Laootalotl vs Laboratori / Mutual Resl $ Prar,ention -'d spdnklers. y oI tlelY York details contac aled and Lea !s, Inc. (UL) as Quick qsspons€ Sprinklers. |s, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) a6 Quick R€6pons6 Sprlnklars. arch Corporalion (FM) as Quick R€sponss Sprinklers. Certillcalion Board (LPCB) as Quick Rsspons€ Sprinkls6; howevsr, the LPC does not rats lha thermat under MEA 354-01-E. Tyco Flre & Buildirq Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-il44uFar 31-53428-33f4. I Coaled Sprinklers are nolad to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Lead Coated are noted b be FM the sodnlders are FM Aooroved as TFPI?l Cormsion Resistanl SDrinkle€-' lnslalled wilh slyl6 10 (1lr NPT) or styl€ ,10 (3/4' NPT) g4'torat Adiustment Recessed Escutcioon, as applbatte.* lnsra sd with Style 20 {1/f NPT) or Style 30 (3/4' NPT) 1/2' Total Adiustrn€nl Recassed Escutcheon, as applicabl€. "'.Frams-and D8ilector only. UslingF and approvals appty io a cokrrs (Spscial Oder)- IVA Not Available TAELE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND A,PPNOVALSI 5.6 AND S.AK.FAC|OB SPRINKLERS Page 5 of 8 Corrcsion Resistart Sprinklers. l 4here Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted b be FM Appro\red, the sprinlders are FM Approved Cormsion Resistanl SDrinkle€- sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrenct! (Ref. Figure 14). Wilh reference lo Fi$ure 1, 2,3, and 4, the W-Type 7 Redessed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinklor wrench flals. I Step C, After the ceiling has been in- stalled or the tinish coal has been ap- plied, slide on the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its tlange comes in contact with the ceiling. Page 6 ot I Care and Mainlenaned The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers nust be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with th€ following instrugtions: n orEs Before closing a fire prctectioh system main contrcl valve for mairtrenance work on the tire protaction sys,tem that it@ntrots, permission to shut down the aflected fite protection systenq must be obtainod ftom the proper aithoities and all Wrsonnel who may be alfected W this action must be notified. Absence ol an ascutcheon, Which is used ta cover a clearance hole, may delay the tirne to sprinklet operation in a fire sitaation. Sprinklers that are found to b€ leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Aulomalic sprinklers must never be palnted, plated, coaled or otherwise allered atler leaving the taclory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers tftat have been exposed to corrosiv€ products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced it they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping tlE sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing il with a soft brisfle brush. Care must be exercised to avold dam- age lo the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twisvslippage, or th6 like, must be re- placed- Also, replace any sprinklerthat has a cracked bulb or fial has losl liquu lrom its bulb. {Ref. lnstallation Seciion). Freqqent visual inspeclions are rec- ommonded to be initially performed lor corrosion resistanl coaled sprinklors, atter the installation has been com- pleted, to verify the inte$ity ot the cor- rosion resistanl coaling. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should sullice; however, inslead of in- sp€cling from the floor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- tions should be made, so as lo befler determine lhe exact sorinkler condi- TFPITI 98*114' (15,9+6,4 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITNNG I/'OUNTING SURFACE 2-7ft' c/3,0 2-1l4'DtA. (57,2 mf) CLOSURE lgr6' (20,6 mm) F'GUNE 5 EEN,ES TY.FNB RECESSED PENDENT W'TH STYIE 'O RFCESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 34' {19,t mm) ,4: {6..t rnm) l MOUIIIING ! -' PtAfE j r,ui (3,2 rm) I*-i_*.1 1l2.1la' (12,7t32 ''tml FACE OF SPRINKLffi F|TNNG 2-7tg DtA. (73,0 mm) 2-1t4' DlA. (57.2 mm) CLOSURE F'GURE 6 SEB'€S TYf'?A RECESSED PENDENT WTH WO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOIAL ADJUSTIilEHT SrYLE 2I' RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K,+ACTOR, IE INCH NPT SERIES TYfRB MOUNTING 5r6rt/4' (15,9j$,4 ftm) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTWG MOUNTING SURFACE 2-7l8', qrA. (73,0 .rin) 2-'rl4'DtA. (57,2.im) CLOSURE FIGUBE 7 SEB'ES TY.FRB RECESSED PENDENT MTHTWO-P'ECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL A{'J'JSTMENT STYIE 'O RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOF, I/2 INCH NPT SEFIES TY-FHB 2-7tA'D|A. {73,0 mrn)1Elln' (12,713,2 mm! FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING 2-1t4' DtA. (57,2 mm) CLOSURE t' (25,4 mm) F'GURE 8 SER,ES TY-F N B R ECE SSEO PE N DENT WTH |WO-PIECE 1/2 1NCH TOTAL ADJUSTilEI,IT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 1.2 K+ACTOR, lN NCH NPT SERES TY.FRB T-\ s/Erl14' (l5.S,4nm) FACE OF SPFINKLEF FTTNNG 1/4' (6,4 lrlm) 1tE (3"? In|n) E4' {19,t mm} FIGURE 9 SEB/€S |V.FRB RECfSSED PFAIDEIVT WITH TWo-|P'ECE 3/4 'NCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STVLE IA ESCUTCHEON 5,6 K.FACTON, il2 TNCH NPf MOUNTINO. PLATE SERIES TY,FRS --*t I ,l---'1 |,'l I/ ll TFPITt tion and the long term irnegrity ol the corrosion resislanl coating, as it may bB affecled by lhe corrosive conditions presenl. The owner is responshls {or lhe in- gPedign, testing, and mainlenqnce of lheir fire prolection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as \v6ll as with the applicable slandards of the National Fire Frolec- tion Association (e.9., NFPA 2S), in addition to the standards of any other authorlties havlng jurisdiction. fihe in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- fiacturer should be contacted relativ€ to any queslions. It is recommended that autbmatic sprinkler systems be inspEct€d, tssted, ard maintalned by a qlatilied Page 7 of I WRENCH RECESS {,{AJ}\r't':=l /^-\? n// ./ 11lF'-'A/ | U-Xy' PUSH WRSNCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT wlTH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA F'CURE 14 W.TYPET RECES$ED SPRINKLERWNEHCH 2-VA'. DtA. (73,0 mm) 1f2t118" (12,713,2 mm) FAGE OF SPRINKLER FITTING MOUNTING. PLATE SERIES TY.FRA F'GURE 10 SERIES TY.FR9 RECESSED PENDENT WTH TWO.P'ECE '/2INCH TOTAL AT,Jd,iSTilENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTAn, ilz iNCH NPr 1' (254 mm) 5lAt7A' (ts,S,a lrm) FACE OF SPRINKLEA FITTING 2.1/4'D+A. (57,2 mFl ," - 2-7/8' (73.0 SEFttES TY-FRB FIGUBE 11 SEBIES TY-FRA RECESSED PENDENr WT|H |WO.PIECE 3/4 'NCHTOTAL ADJUST'IENT STYLE 40 RECESSEP ESCUTCHEON 8,O K-FACTON,3/4 INCH NPT CLOSURE SERIES TY-FFS FIGUNE 12 SERIES TY+RB FECESSEO PE VDEruT WInH TWO.P,ECE 112 'NCH TATAL ADJUSTHENT STYLE 30 FECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTAB,3/4 'NCH 'lPf WRENCH RECESS (END 'A' USEO FOR 1/2' NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END'B' USED FOF 3/4' NPT MODELS) F'CURE '3W-NPE 6 SPRTNKLEN WBENCH Inspection Service. Page 8 of I P/N 57 --- XXX _ X - XXX TFPITI TABLE C PART NUMBEE SELECT'ON SERIES W.FRB PENDENT AND UPN'EHT SPBINKLENS MODET./SIN 330 a8K UPRTGHT (1/2'NP1]TYl13t 33'l 2.8K PENDENT O/2'NPT)ry123r 340 4.2K UPRTGHT (1/2.NPT)w2t31 341 4.2K PENDENT (1/ZNPTI w2"31 370 5.6K UPRTGHT (l/2.NPT!w3131 371 5.6K PENOENT (1/z'NPTI w3231 390 8.0K UPRTGHT (3/4.NPT}w4r31 39'l 8.OK PENDENT (3/4'NPTI TY4231 Limited Wanranty Products manufactured by Tvco Fire Products are warranled sble[v to theoriginal Buyer lor ten (10i years against defecls in material and work- manship when paid for and properly inslalled and mainlained und€r normal t se and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyc.o Fire Producls. No war-ranty is given tor products or components manulactured by compa- nies nol affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for prodr.rcts and componenls which have been subiecl lo misuse, improper installalion, corro- sion, or which have nol been irrstalled, maintain€d, modilied or ropaired in ac- cordance with applicable Strandards ot the National Fire Proteclion Associa- tion, and/or the slandards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials tound by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be elthe. repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products'sole option. Tyco Fire Products nelther as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other oblistion in connection with lhe sale ot products or parts of producls. Tyco Fir6 Froducts shall not be responsible for sprinkter syst€m design enors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's represenlalives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIBE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON. TBACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE. OTHER WANRANTIES EXPNESS OB 'M P L'ED. I NCLU D,NG WANB A NN ES ORY, FOH INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE. GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PFODUCTS WAS 1NFORMED . ABOUTTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS'LI. ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FONEGA,/|,G WAENANTY 'SUADE IN LTEU OF ANY AND ALL OF 'I'EFCHANTAB'L'TY ANO FT. NESS FOR A PART'CULAR PUR- POSE- Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the lull product name. Refer to the Price List for complete listi(E o{ Part Numbers. Contact your local distributor tor avail- ability. Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connectlons: Specily: (Specify ModeVSlN), Ouick Rssponse, (speclfy K{acto4, (specity lemperature rating), Series TY-FRB (specify Pendent or Uprighl) Sprinkler with (speciry Vpe ot linish or coaling), P/N (specify from Table C). Recessed Escutchcon: Specify: Style {specify) Recessed Es- cutcheon wilh (specify finish), P/N {specify). 1/2'(15mm) Style 10 Chrome Plqted ......... PiN 56-701.9-010 t/2' (15 mm) $/b r0 Whito Color Coalsd. . . . . . - . . . . . . . - - P/N 56-701.4-0t0 1/2' (15 mm) $yb r0 Brass Phted Pr/N 5G701-2-010 1/2' {ls mm) Slyle 20 Chrorne Phed .. - -..... P/N 5&70$9010 1/2' (15 mm) Slyb 20 While Color Coated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - P/N 56-705-{-010 1/2' (15 mm) Styl6 20 Brass Plated P/N 55-705-2410 3/4' (a'0 mm) Slyle 30 Chrqotg Plared . . . . . - . . . P/N 56-706,9-011s4' (aO mm) Style 30 White Color Coated . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . P,lN 56-705"4.011 r|l4' (2O mm) Sl'4e 30 Brass Phled P/N 56-705-2-0l l 34' (20 ftm) Styl€ 40 Chrqn€ Platsd . . . ... . . . P/N 56-70@S0'1034' (20 mm) Styl€ 40 While Coto. Coated. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 56-7004€10 3i/4' (20 mm) Style 40 Brass Pbted P/N 55-700-2-010 Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinklsr Wr6nch, P/N s6-000-6-387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-85G4-001. TYCA HRE PRODUCTS, 451 Norlh Cannon A\renue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 ^-..- : ENTRA Technical Services: Tet: (80O) 381-9312 / Fax: (S0O) 791-5500 -q-' Customer Servlce/Sales: Tel: (21s) 362-0700 / (800) s23€512 Fax: (2I5) 362-5385 Series TY.FRB - 5.O K.iactor Horizontal and Vertical tidewall Sprinklers Ouick Besporrse, Standard Coverage ModeIlSprinkler ldentitication sive environment. The etlects of ambi- enl temperalure, concontralion ol chemicals, and gaslchemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum. along wilh lhe corrosive nature of the chemicalto which the sprinklers will be exposeo. WARNINGS The Series TY-FRB Sprinkterc de- scribed herein must be installed end maintained in c'mpliance with this document, as well as with the applica- blo standads ot the National Fir6 Pro- tection Association, in actdition to the standards of any othsr atrthorities hev- ing juisdiction. Failure to do so may . impafu the integrity ol these devices. The owner is responsible lor maintain- ing their tire protection system and de- vices in proper owrating condition. The installing contaclor or spinkter manufacturw shoutd be contacted relative to any questions. tumbers TY$3f - Horlzontal TY3431 - Vertical Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved (Reterto Table A for coririrlete approval information including corrosion resis- tant status.) ilarimum Working Prcssure 175 psi (12,1 bari Discharge Coefficaent K = 5.6 GPM/psir/2 (80,6 LpM/bar1z) Temperature Hatings Reler to Table A General Description The Series TY-FFiB, 5.6 K-Factor. Hori- zonlal.and Vertical Sidewall Spf inkters described in lhis data sheet are quick response - standard c-overaqe, deco- rative 3 mm glass bulb ry-pe spray sprinklers designed tor use in light and ordinary hazard, commercial occuoan- cies such as banks, hotels, shoobino malls, eb.Theyare designed fo{ ihitai- lation abng a wallor the side of a beam 119 Just benealh a smooth ceiting. Sidevall sprinklers are cortmoniy used instead ot pendent of upright sprinklers due to aesthetics or bdibino construction consideralions, whe16 piping across the ceiling is not desir- able. The recessed version of lhe Series TY-FRB Horizontat Sidewalt Sorinkleris intended for use in areas with a linished wall. lt usqs a two-Diede Style 10 Recessed Escutcheon with f/2 irich (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustnent or up to 3/4 inch (.| 9, 1 mm) of total adiust- m6nt from the flush sidewall position, or a two-piece Style 20 Recessed Es- cutcheon with 1/4 inch (84 mm) of recessed adjushent or up tro 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) ol tobl adiustment from the flush sidewall position. The adiustment provided by the Recessed Esculcheon reduces the accuracv to which the fixed pipe nipples to the sprinkters must be cul- Corrosion resislant coatinos, where applicable, are utilized to e-xtend rhe life ol copper alloy sprinklers beyond lhat which would oth€rwise be ob- tained when exposed to conoFive at- mospheres. Allhough corrosion resis- tanl coat€d spdnklers have passsd the slandard corrosion lests ot the aooli- cable approval agencies, the tdsling is nol representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it rs recommended that lhe end user be consulled wilh respect to the suitability ol these coatings ior any given corro- Page t of 6 Finishes Sprinkler: Reler lo Table A Recessed Escutcheon: White Coaled. Chrome Plated, or Brass Phted Physlcal CharacteristicsFrame . . Bronze Button . Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly ... . Beryllium Nickel w/feflontBulb.. ......Glass Compression Screw . . Bronze HSW Detleclor Bronze VSW Deflector .. Gopper Patents U.S.A. Patent Number 5,810,263 and UK Palent Number 2,347,624 are ap- plicable 1o lhe Series TY-FRB Horizon- tal Sidewall Sprinkler. tlq Eo E F- E .a tr 6 JANUABY,2OO3 TFPI76 Page 2 ot 6 TFPI76 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 10) K TYPE TEMP.SULB LtourD NATUf,AI- BBASS CHROME PLATED wHlTE.- POLYESTEF LEAD COATED 5.6 1t2' NPT HORIZ SIDEWALL crY33sl) 135"F157"C Orarge r,2,3,4,9 r,2,3,9 155"F/68"(Red l75"Fng"C Yellow 200.F/93.(Green 28€"F1141"<Blue RECESSED ltoRtz SIDEWALL FY3331)' Figure 3 135"F67.C Orange 1,2,4,9 MA 1s5.F/68.C Red 175"Ft79.C Yellow 200"F/93"C Green FECESSED HORIz' SIDEWALL Fvg33lf. Ftgure 4 13s"F67'C Orange r, a 3,4,9 r.rA r ss'F/68"c Red 17'.FnS"C Yellow 2m"F&0.c Green 5.6 1E' NPT VEATlCAL SIDEWALL crY3431) lnstalled Pcndent ot Up.igtn | 3s"F/57.C Orange 5,6,7,8,9 5,6,7,9 155"F/68.C Red 175"FnS.C YoIow 2m"F/90.C Green M"Ft141"C Blue }IOTES: 1. Liste-d^by und€_rwriteJs Labotalories, lnc. (UL) as Quick Responso SFirinkters tor use ln light and Ordinary Hazard occupancies at a - 4lo 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) lop of deflector to ceiting dstanca. 2. Listsd by Urderwrilels Laboralories Inc. for use in Ca-nada (C-UL) as Ouick Res@ns€ Sprinklors tor usa in Light and Odinary ^ ltazard qqcuqancies a! a 4rp 12In6h (100 to 800 mm) top ot deftector ro ceiting disraEca.3'f?gtry?d p,l3:tory^Mutual.R€search_corpolation{FM) as Quick Respome Sp-rinklers fu use in Light Hazard Occupancios at a 4 lo 'l? inch (10O to 3O0 mml top ot deflector to c€ilino distance. 4' ApProved bylhe Logs PrBvantion Certificatlon Board aLPCB) at a 4 to 6 incfi (1OO to t50 mm) top of dethclor to ceiling distanco. TheLPC does not rats thB thermhl s€nsitivity of horizontal sidewall sprinkhrs. 5. UslEd by UrdeMriters Laboiatories, Inc. as euick Response Spiinklers for us€ in Ught and Odinary Hazard Ocerpancies-5. List8d by Und€nuritels l-abodatorles for use h Canada (C-UL) as Quick Fesponse Sfrinklers tor usjin Light and Ordinary Flazard Occupancies- l. SOrorc{ !y faa.ory Mutual h€search Corporalion (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers br use in Light Ftazard Oceupancias. 0. Apptowd by the Loss Preveqtion Certiflcation Boad (LPCB) as euick itesponie Sprinklers. 9, Approved by the City ot New iYork under MEA g54{f -E. t0. where Polyestet coale-d and. Lead coaled sprinklers arE noted to be UL and c-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Lisl€das Corosion Resistanl Sprinklsrs, Where Lead Coated Sprinklefs ar6 noted ta b€ FM Approved, tfie sp nklerB aie FM Appro/ed as@rrosion Fesistant Sprinkl6is.' fnstafled with slyle 10 (112" IIPT) 3i4' Total Adiuslment Recessed Esculcheon..' fnstalfsd with Styte zo lllz' litpT) t/2. Totat Adiustment Becessed Escutcheon.*"-Flsme-and dslbctor only. Littings and appovals apply to all colors (Special Oder). IVA: Not Availabte TABLE A LABORATONY L'SNNCS AND APPBOVALS Design Griteria The Series W-FRB Horizonlal and Vertioal Sidewall Sprinklers are in- tended for tif6 proleclion systems d6- signed in accordance with lhe stand- ard installation rubs recognized by the applicabls Listing or Approval agency (e.9., UL Listiru ls based on the re- guiremenls of NFPA 13, and FM Ap- proval is bas€d on th€ requiroments of FM's Loss Prevenlion Data Sheets). Only the Style 10 or 20 Hecessed E6- cutchson, as applicable, is to be used for reces66d horizontial installations. TFP'76 lnstallation The Serios TY-FRB Sprinklers must be imlalled in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: JVOTES Do not install any bulb Upe srylnkler it the butb is cncked or there is a loss of liquid frcm the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontatly, a small eir bubbte should be present. The diameler of the air bubUe is apptuximately 1/16 inch (r,6 mm) tot the 135'F/5TC h g/92 inch (2,4 mm) tor the 286"F1141"C Empeftture ratings. A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkletiotnt should be obtained with a towe of zb 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,O Nm} A maxi- mum of 2l ft. lbs. (28,5 N'r) of tqque may be used to install sprinklers with 1/2 NFT @nnections. Higher levels of Wque may distott the sprink6t and cause leakage or impaiment ot th6 sryinkler. Do not aftempt to make-up for lnsufti- cienl ddjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over-tightening the sryinklet. Readjust the Wsition ol the sqinkler titting lo suit. The Series TY-FRE Horizontrl and Verllcal Sldewall Sprinklers must be inslalled in accordance with the follow- ing instructions. Step 1. Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are to be installed in the horizontal position with their cenlerline of ivyaler- way perpendicular lo the back walland parallel to the ceiling. The word TOP" on the Deflector is to tace towards the ceiling. Vertical sidewall sprinklers aro to be imtalled in th6 pendent or upright po- sition with lhe arrow on the Deffoctor pointing away from lhe wall. Step 2. With pipe lhread sealant ap- plied to lhe pipe threads, hand tlghten lie sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler filling using only the W-Type 6..Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 5), With reference to Figure I or 2, the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the wrench flats. The Serles TY-FRB Reeessed Hori- zontal Sldewall Sprlnklers mltst be installad in accordance with the follow- ing inslructions. Step A. Recessed horizontat sidewall sprinklors are to be installed in the tlorizontal position with their c€nterline of waterway perpendicular to th6 back wall and parallel to the ceiling. The word TOFF on ths Deflector is tO tace lo, ,ards the ceiling. Page 3 of 6 Step B. After installing the Style 10 or 20 Mounting Plale over lhe sprinkler lhreads, hard tighton the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Slep C. Tighten the sprinl(ler into the sprinkler titling using only th6 W-Type7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 6). With reference to Figure 1, the W-Type 7 Recossed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied lo the sprinkler wrench flats. Step D. Atter the ceiling has been in- stalled or lhe finish coat has been ap- plied, slide on the Styl€ 10 or 20 Clo- sure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over lhs Mounl- ing Plat€ until its flange comes in con- tact with the ceiling Care and Ctlaintenance The Series TY-BFR Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instruclions: NOIES Eetore closing a lire protection sys€m main control valve tar maintenancg work on the tire ptotection system that 2-7lA'Dto.. (73,0 mm) 1 - Faame 2 - Bution 3 - Ssalir€ Assembly 4 - Bulb 5 - Compressbn Scaew 6 - Dafisctor * Temperalure rating is indicated on detleclor or adiacont to orifice ssat on trama.r* Pipe thread conneclions per ISO 7/t can b€ provided on spocial request. FIGURE 1 5.6 K-FACTOR AUCK NESPONSE SERIES TV-FRB HOREONTAL S/,OEWALL (rV3331) SPBTflKLERS Page 4 of 6 it controls, permissionto shut &wn the affected fhe prctection system must be obtained from the prcper authotities and all personnel who may be affected by this aclion must be notified) Absence of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, mav delay the tme lo sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers musl never be painted, plated, coated or otherwise allered atler leaving the factory. Modi-lied sprinklers musl be replaced. Sprinklers that have been expesed to corrosir€ products of combustibn, but have nol operaled, should be replaced it they cannot be completely cfeaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care musl bo exercised to avoid dam- age lo the sprinklers - befor6, during, ancl afler inslallation. Sorinklers dam- aged by dropping, sliiking, wrench twisvslippage, or the like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a crackd bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). Frequent visual inspeclions are rec- ommended to be initially perlormed lor corrosion resistant coated sorinklers, after the installation has beert com- pleled, to v€rily the Integrily of lhe cor- rosion resislant coaling. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suflice: however, instead of in- specting Aom ihe lloor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- lions should be made, so as to better d€termine the exact sprinklor condi- tion and the long term integrity ol the conosion resistanl coating, as it may b0 alfected by lhe coffosive conditions present. The owner is resoonsible for the in- spection, tosling, and maintenahce ot lheir fire proteclion system and d€- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition lo the standards of any other authorities having iurisdiction. The in- slalling contractor or sprinkler manu- tacturershould be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that aulomatic sprinkler syslems be inspected, tested, and mainiained by a qualified Inspection Sorvice. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are waffanied solely to the original Buyer lor ten (10) years against defecls in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal us€ and service. This warranty will ex- pir€ ten {10) years from dale of ship- menl by Tyco Fire Products. No war-ranty is given tor products or compononls manufactured by compa- nies not afiiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or tor products and componenls which have b6en subj€ct lo misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modilied or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the Nalional Fire Protection Associa- tion, ancl/or lhe standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials lound by Tyco Fire Products lo be defective shall be eilher repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Produots'sole option. Tyco Fir€ Products neither as- sumes, nor aulhorizes any person to assume for il, any other obligation in connection with the sale ot products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible tor sprinkler system design errors or inaccurale or incomplele information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PBODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON. TRACI TORT, STRICT LIABILIry OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE. ORY FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE. GARDLESS OF WHETHEH TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PBODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOREGO'NG WARRAN|Y IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OT H EE]IYA B R A NT'ES EXP RESS ON I M P L'E D. I NCLU DI NG WA RR ANT I E S OF MERCHANIABIL'TY AND FIT- NESS FOR A PART'CULAB PUR. POSE. TFPI76 7t16' (11,1 mm) i,,. ** NOMINAL ,i,6, MAKE-|N -T I SHOWN PENDENT ARROW MUST POINTAWAY,-i FROM AND BE PEFPENDICULAR TO THE BACK WALLSURFACE SHOWN UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1-Fam€ 2 - Button 3 - Sealing Assemb,y 4-Bulb 6 - Delleclor 5 - Conp.ession 7- Eiection Sp.tng ScJes, ' Temperature rating is indicated on dellector or adjacenl to orilice seat on frame. " Pipe thread cungctlons per ISO 7/l can b€ pmvided on special request. FIGURE 2 5.6 K-FACTOn OptCK BESPONSE SEBTFS TV-FRB VERT'CAL S'DEWALL (Ty3491) SPa'NKLERS TFPiZ6 Page 5 of 6 5lgx1l4" (15,S,4mm) FACE OF SPHINKLER FITTING SERIES TY-FRB 2-7€',DtA. (73,0 mm) 2-1t4" DtA. (57,2 mm) FIGURE 3 SER,ES TY-FNB BECESSED HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPNNKLER WITH TWa.PIECE 3/1 'NCH TOTAL ADJUSI?II/ENr STYLE I O RECESSED ESCUrCHEON 1/8" (3,2 mm) 3,/4' (19,1 mm) WRENCH HECESS (END 'A' USED FOR I2- NPT I,IODELS) F'GURE 5 W-TYPE 6 SPR'NRLER WRENCH <L--v-< PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSUBE E',IGAGEMENT wlT}I SPBINKLER WBENCHING AREA HGUNE6 W.WPE7 BECESSEP SPR'NKLERWBENCH 1E$n' (12,7r3,2 mm) FACE OF SPBINKLER FnTtNG 2-718'DtA. (73,0 mm) 2-1t4'DtA. (57,2 mm) FrcUNE 4 SERIES TY.FRB RECESSED HORIZONTAL SIT'EWALL SPRTNKLER WITH TWO.PIECE TE 'NCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 HECESSED ESCUTCHEON SERTES TY.FRB 1/8', (3,2 mm)| (ir,zmm) I| 112' (12.7 nunl 1/4' (6,4 mm) Page 6 of 6 P/N57.,_XXX-X-XXX TFP'76 Ordering Procedute 1/2' (15 irun) Style 10 Chrom€ P|ated...,..... U2' (15 mm) Slyb r0 Whtle Colof When placing an ordsr, indicale the {ull producl name. Refer to the Pri6e Lisl for completo listing of Part Nuinbers. Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. Sprlnkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Conneciions: Specify: (Specify Model/SlN), Quick Response, (specify K-tacto4, (specify temperature raling), Series IIY-FFB {specily Horizontal Sidewall or Vertical Sidewall) Sprinkler with (speoity type of linish or coating), PN (specify from Table B). Recessed Escutcheon: : Specity: Style (specify) Recessed Es- cutcheon with (specify tinish), P/N (specify). Sprankler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkle. Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387. Specify: W-!pe 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001. F1N 56-701 -9-O1 0 Coated. -. - . ... . -., -. . - P/N sG?Ot -4-010t/2' {15 mm) Style 10 BrassPlelgd.. -.. --....lE (15 mm) Styl€ 20 Chromo P|aled,........ 1/2' {15 mm) Styla 20 Whit€ ColotCoat6d................ t/2' tls mm) Style 20 Brass P1ated........,.. P/N 56-70t -2.010 P/N 56.i705-g-01O P/N 56.1705-4-010 P/N 561705.2.01 0 TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS,451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsytuania t 9446 IttlCO f TireaBuitdingI Products ^-. - Technical Servicesq Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) Zgl-SS0O EENTRAL-.-- Customer SewIce/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 / (8OO) 523-6512 Fax: (215) 362.5385 9tyle lO, 20, 9O, and 4O Becessed Escutcheons Sprinkler Recessed Installation General Description The Style 10, 20, 30, and 40 Rqcessed Esculcheons are designed for re- cessed installation ol cerlain Tyco Fire Producls (Central, cem, anh Star) pendent and horizonlal sidewdll sprin- klers. They are intended for uge in ar- eas with finished c€ilings or w,ills, and the adluslmenl provided by these es- cutcheons reduces the accqracy lo which fixed piping to the sprinklers musl be cul, while providing a Cecora-tive recessed sorinkler installalion. The two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inqh NpT) or Styl€ 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Rqcessed Esculcheon provides 112 inch (12,7 m.m) of recessed adjushent pr up to 3/4 inch (19,.| mm) ol totat adjUstment lrom the flush Dosition. The Wo-oiece sryle 20 (1i2 inch Npn or stytd 30 {3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon pro- vides 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) ol rgcessed adjustrnsnt orup to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of l,olal adjustment trom the flush posi- tion. The Style 10, 20, 30, and 40 Recessed Escutcheons are redesionalions for Cenlral, Gem and Star bAnds as fol- lows: Style Central Gem Star10 3211 FTOO(1|2\ 208520 3p.1 F70s(1/2) 2a8430 4221 F7O5(3t4"\ 208640 4211 F700(U4) 2088 WARN'NG The Recessed Escutcheons described herein must be installod and main- tained in comdiance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association, in additioh to the standards of any other authorilies hav- ing jutisdiction. Failure to do so may impah the integrity ot these dpvices. The owner is rcsponsibte for rhaintain- ing their iire prctection systern and de- Page I of 2 vlces in prcper opeating condition. The installing @ntraclor or sprinkler manulacturcr should be contactad relative to any questions. Technical Data Approwls Approval informalion, as applicable, for the Style 10, 20, 30, and 40 Re- cessed Esculcheons is detailed in in- dividual pendent and horizontal side- wall sprinkler data sheets that include details of recessed instalhtion. Flnlshes Chrome Plated, White Coated, or B.ass Plaled, {Other colors are avaiF able on special request.) Assembly The two pieces of the Recessed Es- cutcheon are carbon steel. Installation hstallalion intormation, as applicable, for the Stylo 10, 20, 30, and 40 He- cessed Escutcheons is detailsd.in in- dividual pendent and horizontal sid€- wall sprinkler daia she€ts that inctude details of r€cessed installation. NOTE The Style 10,20, 30, and 4O Recessed Escutcheons must only be used w,lh sryinkterc lor which they have been specifically laboratory approved (i.e., UL, C-UL, ULC, or FM). Care and Maintenance Specific requiremenls of the NFPA must b€ performed, and any impair- menl musl be immedialely corrected. NOTE Absence ol an escutcheon. used to cover a clearance hole , may delay the time to sptinkl€r opention in a tire silltation. The owner is responslble for the in- spection, testing, and mainlenance of their fire proleclion system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- menl, as well as with the applicable sbndards of lhe National Fire Prolec- lion Associalion (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having iurisdiction. The in- stalling contraclor or producl manufac- turer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recomm€nded lhal aulomatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tesled, and maintained by a qualilied Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Products manufaclured by Tyco Fire Products are vrarranted solely to the original Buyer tor ten {10) y€ars againsl defects in malerial and work- manship when paid for and properly imtalled and maintained under normal use and service. This wananly will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war-ranly is given for products or components manutaclured by compa- nies not affilialed by ownership rrrith Tyco Fire Products or for prodrcts and components which have been subiect lo misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, JAI{UARV,2OO3 TFP?70 Page 2 ol 2 CLOSUHE _l 1-1/8' (28,6 nm) FLUSH TO 34' (19,1 mn) '. 2-718' DtA. ___*i I7:l n mml t/8. (3,2 mml FIGURE 1 STYLE 'O ESCUTCHEON, 1N //NCH NPT _ 3/1 'NC'I ADJUSruENI 1-15/l6'DtA. (498 mm) THE FAREGO,NC WARBANTY IS NADE 'N L'EU OF ANY AND ALL OTHEB WABRANT/ES EXPBESS OB IUPLIED.' NCLUD'NG WA R RANTI ES TF?77O system design grrors or inaccuratie or incomplete intormation supplied by Buyer or Buyer's represenlalives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE. IN CON. TRACT, TOBT, STHICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING 8UT NOT LIMITED TO TABOR CHAHGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PROOUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILIry OF SUCH DAMAGES. AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS'LI. ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE, OF flIERCHANTAB'LITY AND FIT. NESS FOF A PARTICULAR PUN. POSE. Ordering lnJormation When placing an order, indicate lhe full product name. Refer lo Price List for complete listing of Part Numbers. Conlacl your local distributor tor a\ail- abilily. Recesaed Esculcheon: Specify: Style (specily) Recessed Es- cutcheon wlth (specify linish), P/N (specity). Style 10 112'NPT (lsmm) Chrooie Platsd . . . . .. . . . P/N 56-701-0-010 Whil6 ....... -......... PlN56-7014-0lo Brass Pbtod P/N 56-701-2-010 Sq/le 20 1f2'NPT (1smnt) Chrome Plaied . . -. . . . . . P/N 55-705-9410 WtJi. . -. -.... ..... . ... P/N 55-705.1-010 8.as$ PlatBd P/N 56.7aF2-0r0 Styh 30 3|/4'NPT (20mm) Chro.ne Plated . , , . . . . . . PrtN 56-705-9-011 White . - - - . -. - . . . - - - - . - P/N 56-705.1{t I Brass Plaied P/N 56'705-2-011 Styl6 40 3/4'NPT (20mm) Chroma Plated . .. . . . . . . P/N 56-700-9'010 Whie . - . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . P/N 56-700..f-010 Brass Plaled P/N 56-700-2-010 rephced, at Tyco Fir€ Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, nor aulhorizes any per8on lo assum€ to. it, any other obligation in connection with lhe sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall nol be responsible for sprinkler CLOSURE t 'lgt6' t20,6 mm) j FLUSH TO 112' (12,7 nult') 1/a', (3,2 mm) swLE 20 FICURE 2 1/2 INCH NPT _ 1N 'NCH AD&'9ruENT CLOSURE *-r__-l I 1/8. (32 mm) FIGUBE 3 SIYLE 30 ESCUTCHEQN, 3/4 'NCH NPT _ 1/2 INCH ADJUATMENT r3/16' {20,6 mm) FLUSI1TO 112' (12,7 mml 2-7t8i DtA. (73,0 mm) SrYLE 40 ESCUTCHEON, g4 INCH NPT _ 3/4 INCH ATHUSruEilT mainbin€d, modilied or repaited in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Proteclion Associa- tion, and/or the standards oi any other Authoritles Having Jurisdicli+n. Mate- rials fiound by Tyco Fire Prodticts to be defective shall b6 either repaired or TY@ FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Av€nue, tansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Riser Manifold Figure 513, 513D/513R Gommerciali - NFPA 13 Systems Floor Gontrol . High Rises Residential - NFPA | 3D/13R Systems Tyco Fire Products -- www.tyco-grooved.com 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 - USA ^-. -, /-- EENTRAL Grooued Piping Products Gustomer Service/Sales: Tel: (?15) 362-0700 / Fax (2iS) 362-0385 Technical Servic€s: Tel: (8@) $81-9312 I Fa\: (g0O) 79i-55{X) General ffi*ffinTechnical @o@ S6e FIo Pfotection Submittal Sheet lor pressure ntingland Listing and Approval ihf ormation The Figure 513,513D/513R Riser Manifold provides all of the acoessory equipment for a riser in a singlF asssmbly. The availability of the Riser Manifold in difierent confrguratio ns allows cosl effective riser instalbtion in commercial (NFPA '13) systems, high rises requidng floor control asqemblies, and residential systems (NFPA 13D/13R). vafues. The exclusMe and dedicated flow switch designed for the manifolds has been tested and List€d for use in this specific conftguration by Undenvriters Laboratories, U nderwriters Laboratories of Canada and Faclory Mutual. Installalion is simplified with one convenient takeout for the 1' and 1!2" threaded and 1rlz' grooved versions, as well as one take-out for the 2" threaded by grcoved and the grooved sizes 2',- 6'. The Riser Manifold is approved for installation in either the horizontal or lhe vertical position. The optional relief valve assembly is available for locations which require reliet valves on gridded systams. Riser ManifoHs for use in Canada only are provided with a Water Flow Swftch . that has a Tamper Swilch mounted inside for covor removal detection. Figurr: 513 (commercial) 5130 (residenlial) 51 3D61 3R (residential) styl.rt Threaded or Grooved Sazss: 1', 1W,2',2Yt,!,{ and 6' Agprovalsr UL, FM, and ULC [rxinun Working Pre.sure! 175 psi Standard Finirh: Painled Optlonal Acccrsories Pressurs Relief Vahe Xit (see page 7) Description No.28-1.0 Figirre 1 '1" Threaded Residential Riser Manifold Figure 513D Approximste Trimmed Weight - 7.5 lbs. (3.4K9.) The width 0t the Riser Manilold is approximately 3%'. Nole: ltems 7 & 8 are used on Manifolds for use in Canada only FiguIe 1 - Bill of Material l' Threaded Resi&ntial Riser Manifold Figure 2 1%' Threadetl Residential Riser Manifold Figure 5l3D/513R Reference Figures 2 and 3 Bill ot Materials (page 3) Approximate Trimmed Weight.8.7 lbs. (3.9Kq.) 1247.4 ' Approximat€ thread engagemeflt- liole: Valuss shofln in oarenth€sis are in millimoters ' Approximato thr€ad cngagemeot. llole: valu6 shown in parcnthcsis am in millimeters the wldth 0f the Riser Manifold is approximately 31l.. Note: ltems 16 & 17 are used on Manilolds for use in Canada onlv. 11.25 t28s.81 i uetall No. Descdption N0. Req'd ParI Number ManifoldEodyFxF 976-363-01 2 Potter Waterllow Switch # VSR-SF WPaddle H-416-01 I l/r' Water Pressure Gaugp 971-118-02 4 %'90" litrsel ElDow H-463-075 5 % Close Nipple H-474-12 6 t/i Ball valve 971-116-02 7 Iamper Switch (ULC only)H419-01 I Label (ULC only 976-343-01 r- - + --.i i o.rol il* [lt+.gl - 11.38 [289.1] Male x Male Body 0ption Figure 3 1%'Threaded Commercial Riser Manifold Figure 513 For optional pressure relief valve, see Figure 10 (page 7) Approximate Trimmed Weight - 11 .2 lbs. (5.1Kg.) The width of the Riser Manifold is approximatety 3tli. Note: Ilems 1 6 & 17 are used on Manifolds for use in Canada 0nly. ,i1.':, Male x Male Body option Figures 2 and 3 - Bill ol Material 17i Threaded Residential and Commercial Riser Manifold 12.s0 [317.51 6.2s [158.8] -l '.53 t161 5_50 F3e.7l .Approximate thrcad oDgagemenl Noto: Val es shown in parenthesis are in millimetsrs 's3 [16] ; I Detail No. Description No. Req'd Part NumberCom.Res. MantloldBodvMxF 1 976-339-01 L Potler Walefflow Switch # VSR-SF W 1yi Paddle H-416-02 J ' Ball Valve F101 0 971-116-03 4 ' x '4' x l' Beducing Tee 0 H-469-100-050-100 5 ' Insp. Tesi & Drain Valve F202 w/!4'Test 0ritice 0 9t1-122-04 o SightGlassMxF 0 H-418-100 %' Waler Pressure Gauge 0 9/l-1I6-02 la %'Water Pressure Gauge 0 97.1-118-01 8 %' Pipe Plug 0 H450-025-000 o %'3-Way Globe Valve 0 971-119-01 10 %'x 3' Nipple 0 H-45$025-30 11 'x %'x 1' CaliJornia Tee 0 976-385{1 12 %' Pipe Plug H45G050-000 13 ' Close Nipple 0 1 H-474-16 14 ' Ball Valve 0 971-121-01 15 1%'Close Nipple H-474-24 16 Tamper Switch (ULC only)I H-419-01 17 Label (ULC qnly 976-343-01 Figure 4 1r,f Grooved Commercial Risqr Manilold - Figure 513 For optional pressure relief valvd, see Figure 10 (page 7) Approximale Trimmed Weight - | 1 .2 tbs. (5.1K9.) Ths wldth of the Riser Manifold b approximately 3t '. llole: llems 12 & 13 are used 0h Manifolds for use in Canada Only. 2'Mile x Groove Eody Option r2.501317.51 6.251r58.81 'Appfoximaie thrBad en0agcmant Nob: Valu8s shom in parentirsis an in milllmeturs 'App loximate thread rngEgemenl. trlote: Values shown In parenthssls aro ln milllmelels I s.sol* 1139. IJFigure il - Eill ol Material 1 14' Gmowd Commorcial Biser Figurd f 2' Grooved Residential Riser Manifotd Figure 5130/513R Reference Figures 5 and 6 $ill ot Materials (page S) For optional pressure relief valve, see Figure 10 (page 7) Approximate Trimmed Weighl - 1110 lbs. (5.0K9.) Ths wktth of the Riser Manilold is lpproimately 3%'. Note: ltems 16 & 17 are used on lr{anifolds for use in Canada only. r3.00r3.o{ -*=-<--h| ( \..-Il€--=ri;r 14.38 I36s.3I Figure 6 2',2:/r',3',4', and 6' Grooved Commercihl Riser Manilold - Figure 513 For optional pressure roliel vafue, see Figure 10 (page 7) Approximale Weights and Dimensipns of Trimmed 2'.2112'.3' tigure 5 and 6 - Bill ol Material 2' Groov€d, 2' Threaded x Grooved dnd 2'Ztlz',T,4', and 6'Commercial Rissr Manilold ' Approximate lhread €noagem€nt-t' 13' is the take-out for all slzes 2'throuqh 6' Note: Values shown in DarEnlhesis are in millirnetsrs , 4', and 6'Grooved Commercial Biser Manifolds Size Inches A lnches mm B lnches mm Inches mln l) Inches mm Appx. Width lnches mm weignt Lbs. Kg. 2 'l t.13 135.0 0.88 22.2 r28E 327.0 5.25 139.7 3.50 88.9 13.5 6.1 21lz 1E.]3 460.4 '1.88 47.6 13.75 u9.3 6.3E 155.6 3.50 88.9 Itt.E 7.6 3 18.13 460.4 i.88 47.6 l4.iJU 36q.1 6.25 158.8 3.50 48.9 16.t 8.5 4 20.00 508.0 3.75 95.3 't7.38 441.3 E.36 212.7 4.50 114.3 32.t 14.8 o 20.00 508.0 3./b 95.3 19.25 489.0 9.25 235.0 0.63 182.3 41.6 18.9 Note: ltems l6 & 17 are used on Manifolds lor use in Canada onlv. '', Figure 7 Potter Waterflow Switch Terminal Gonnections Caution: An uninsulated section ot a single conductor is not permitted to be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed t0 serve as two separale connections, thereby providing superuision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged trom the terminal. Figure 8 Potter Waterflow Switch Typical Electrical Connections Local Bell Transformer or 0pen on Alarm Close on StyleB/ClassB End of Line Hesislor SupeMsed Loop (see note) End of Line Rssislor To Addilional Oevices or Return to Conlrol open on Alarm From Control Panel 7 Alarm--\r- Signaling Devico Typical Swilch Action /-'! xt:n* Note: For supervised circuits, see'Switch Terminal Connections'and caution note (above). The ModetVSC and Model VSR-SF have tl|o switches, one can be used to operate a central station, proprietary or remote signating unit, while the other contact is used t0 operatea local audibh or visual annunciator. Testing: The frequency 0l testing for the Model VSC and Model VSR-SF and their associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Standards and/or lhe Authority Having Jurisdiction, but under no circumstances less than bimonthV. Figure g Potter Tamper Switch Typical Electrical Connection Contacb S.P.D.T. (form C) Contacl Rating: 5A@125V AC 2.54@30V DC Contacts shown with Cover in Place Installation tor Models VSC and VSR-SF: Remove the one retard assembly mounting screw. Place the switch assembly over the relard mountino tab. Replace the screw. Figure 10 0ptional Pressure Reliel Valve Grooved Commercial Trim - Figure 513 Relief Valve is lactory set at 175psi (nonadluslable). Note: It the optional pressure relief kit is desired for Figures 3 and 4, an outlet on the riser must be provided, and the conneclion and matorial between the riser and the manifold will ne€d t0 be supplied and fabricated by the instalter. Fiours 10 - Bill of Malerial 0ptional Pressure Relief Valve Kit Detail llo. No. Req'd Part Number 90' Comprossion Fitting 2 H-475-050-038 2 lief Valve Modet FPs3t (ULHf-H-476-01 3 Tubing T)976-419-01 Tubing 2%'andS)976-419-02 Tubing 4' and 6')976419-03 4 l'x }f Reducing Bushing H-477-01 M = Male N.P.T. F= Female N.P.T. G = Grooved Connection 513 Pressure Relief Valve Kit She Figure Part Number Size F(1ure Part Number 513D,FxF(UL,FM)4067 2'5130/5l3R,MxG(ULC)4094 513D,FxF(UtC)4085 2'513D/513R,GxG(UL,FMl 4059 1W 513D/s13R,FxM(UL,FM)4W7 2'5130/513H,GxG{ULC)4093 1W 5l3D/513R,MxM(UL,FM)4058 2'513, G x G, %' T€st Orifice UL, FM)4060 1W 5t3D/513H,FxM(ULC)4088 I 513, G x G, %' Test Orifice uLc)4090 1W s13D/513R,MxM(ULC)4089 2W 513, G x G, r/6'Test Orilice UL, A4)4061 1W 513, F x M %'Test orilice (UL, FM)4055 2k'513, G x G, )4'Tesl Ornice uLc)4091 1W 513, M x Mri,' Test 0rifice (UL, FM)4056 3'513, G x G, %'Test orilice ur, FM)4062 th'513, F x M !# Tesl oritice (ULC)4086 513, G x G, t/''Tesl Oril'rco uLc)4092 1W 513, M x M '# Test orifice (ULC)4$87 4'513,GxG,"Tesl0rifice UL, FM}d065 1W'513, G x G %' Test Orifice (UL, FM)4056G 4'513, G x G, l{'Test 0rifice uLc)4095 1Yz'513, G x G %' Test orifice (ULC)4087G 6'513, G x G, I,'Test 0rifice uL, FM)4ffi6 2'513DFr3R,MxG(UL,FM)4064 6'513, li x G. N- Iest Orilice uLc)40s6 H|3lHff* trhir,"Tf- Ordering lntormation: When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify lhe quantity, figure number, style, and size. (see page 7 for figure and part numben) Availability and Service: Grooved Piping Producls, valves, accessories and olher products are available throughout the U.S., Canada, and intemalionally, through a net$/ork distribulion centers. You may write directly or call 215-362-07(x) lor the distributor nearest you. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for lhe inspection, testing, and maintenance of their tire protection system and devices in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Proteclion Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition lo the standards of any authority having jurisdicuon. The installing contraclor or product manufacturer should be contacted relative to any quesiions. Any impairment musl be immediat€lly correcled. It is recommended lhat automatic sprinkler systems be inspecled, tesled. and maintained by a qualmed lnspection Service. General Notes: lt is the oesigner's rssponsibility to setect products suihble forths intended service and l0 ensure that prsssure ratings and perlormance data is not sxceeded. Alvyays iead and understand lhe installation instructons (lH-1000). I'lever remove any piping componenl nor correct 0r modily any piping d0fcisncies wilhout lirst depresstrhing and draining the system. Mat6.ial and gasket selection should be veritied to b€ compatible tor the specific application. tltc;o / ,ton rontra f Tyco Fke' I I Producta g Products manufaclured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to tho original Buyer for len (10) years against defects in material and lvorkmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by Tyco Fire Products. No wananty is given for products or components manufaclured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject lo misuse, improper installation, conosion, or which have nol been installed, maintained. modilied or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Malerials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products'sole option, Tyco Fhe Products neilher assumes. nor aulhorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of producls or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete informalion supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. FOR INCIDENTAL. INDIRECT. SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES. REGARDLESS OF WHETHER ryCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT TTIE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOreGC,f{G WARRANTY IS''AOE ,N LEU OF AI{Y A'ID ALL OT'ER WARR.ANT'ES E}PRE$S R MPIED. NCU)D0$GWAmrOIfESff MERC IIANTABWTY AN D F M! ESS FORAPARIICULARP''RrcE Cerlitied Company Prinled in U.S.A. 143 :, Series 7O5W Firel.ock6 Butterfly Valve with weatherproof actualor for 300 psi service vrclAuLc. rsA rso smr crRrFrtD coMpaNy PRODUCT DESCRIPTION $ 8 - tI Slzes The Series 705W butterfly valve features a weatherproof actuator housing approved for indoor or outdoor use. lt has a ductile iron body and disc with EPDM disc coating. The body is coated with a heat fused polyphenylene sulfide blend to meet FM requirements and the new coating requirements for the sth edition of UL-l091- For fire protection services, Series 705W valve is UL Listed and FM Approved for 300 psi (2065 kPa) service. Flow performance exceeds UL Specification 1091 anct FM Approval Standard 1112. Weatherproof Actuator Supervisory switches for valves are available 2il2 - 12' (73,0 - 323.9 mm) pre.wired (PW. Supply-side Tap 21{ -6'Sizes Series 705W valves are available with a rL" NPT supply side tap designed to allow direct water supply connection to Victaulic FireLock actuated fire protection valves. See separate drawings below. This is an oplional feature and must be clearlv noted on all orders. Contact Victaulic for additional information on iapped valves. @o pubtrcaton 10.01 DIMENSIONS o nEcsrEaED rutxx|fiof wT u.rc - 0 @pyaGftI2@ \'Et Urc - pE{tEON Us,r r<M Ss.les 705W Se.les 705W wllh Tap "{- NPT l/*t Iri rCoor - H|..,hfllnd|| 4rr tYgt Er tb.Jlq tl irC Dh|rebr hd€rlnt!|l Actd Ol|t Dlr. lnch..fiir|l EioE A Itr E D E G tl J K o il ll P 2'tz 65 2.475 t3.o 3.17 95 9.80 249 1.80 rt6 3.92 rm 2.Ba 171 5.45 134 tn2 170 0.97 2.31 59 4.50 11,1 1.11 37 0.60 l5 1.03 9.1 a.l 76.1 rnrn 3.000 76.1 3.17 96 9.80 249 1.80 45 3.92 100 2.Aa 117 5.45 1-O2 t7a 0.97 25 2.31 59 4.50 114 1.50 38 o-60 1.03 26 9-1 4.t 3 80 3.500 88,9 377 96 10.48 266 2.14 54 4.22 r07 0.o8 ? 3.50 a9 7.6t 193 5.45 138 7.33 186 0.97 25 59 4.50 114 1.75 a5 0.00' 0 0.80 20 4 lm 4.500 lt{,3 ,f.63 118 11.89 302 2.1'l 69 5.O9 129 0.07 z 9.05 230 5_45 138 8.59 er8 0.97 25 2.r9 7l 1.50 lt4 66 o.73 l9 1.22 31 15.3 6.9 139.7 rtrn 5.500 '139.-t 5.88 149 12.82 3.12 79 5.61 143 0.43 6.01 9.98 253 5.45 l3a 8.59 21a 0.97 3.92 1m 4.50 l1.t 20.0 5 125 141.3 5.88 149 12.82 326 7q 561 113 0.43 tl 6.0r t53 9.98 253 5.45 138 8.59 218 0.97 25 3.92 1m 4-50 114 m.0 165.1 mm 6.500 165,1 s.88 149 13.7 4 349 92 6,06 151 1.00 7.20 183 10.92 217 5.45 '138 230 0.97 396 101 1t4 83 1.?5 32 150 38 25.0 1t 3 6 t50 6.625 168.3 5.88 149 13.14 319 92 6.06 154 1.00 7.m '| 83 10.92 211 5.45 134 LO5 230 0.97 101 4.50 1l{ 3.32 81 1.25 1.50 38 11.3 200 8.625 219.1 5.33 135 16.92 {30 4.88 121 7.94 202 1.27 10.20 259 14.06 35? 8.28 210 .r3.30 338 2.05 52 2.66 68 6.00 152 5.10 130 0.18 0.91 52.0 Table continued on page 2- See notes on page 2. ?{66 tEVC Vicladic CoryHfly ol AnlEica . Plane: 1-800-PICKIVIC {1-800-742-58,12) . tax: 610-?50 e&7 . e-mailpnkvt@victauli(.c0.n Victqrlb Conp y ol Ca,'!ada . Phone: 905 884-744-1 . fax: S05-084-9714 . e nail: vhcan#$dautir.com Victeirc turo9e . Phoe:32-9.381-1500 . fai 32-9.38C,1138 . e mell v{sr06vrcbutc.be Victaik Arnf{ica LnlirE . Pt|qE: 610-559-$m . F : 610-559 36$ . e - Bit: vical@vbiaulh.cmr Vicbulic Asia Pdcilic . PhryE: 65 -6235-303 5 . F0xi 65-5235-0535 . o-niail:vhap@yichrtc{on tu ffi Sedas TlXtW Sad.3 7051Y witft Tap tlorddha:hdtdrn 101 ?50 ?. Vahre tnud idbo hSaH wih diac in fldl open poettion. Disc must be pa.tly closed so rhar no pan b protn dhg beyoid end of valve body. 3. l,tidaulic gr6ved end buqerfly vahes are pernlited ftr use wlth g{ooved end plpe (lPS} only. No! permnted for trse wlrh plaln e{d (lPS) pipe. 4. Seriet 76W yalvgs a,e design€d for ambbnt ,reatter condhbns as oppos€<t to sub.rEali,ible se{vlce. MATERIAL SPECIFIGA : Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, and ASTM 4-536. grade 65-45-12, with polyphenylene sultide blend. Dls+: Ductile iron conforming to ASTMA-395or ASTM A.536, various grades, EPDM coated. IXSG coating: . Grade "E" EPDM EPDM (Green colq code). Temperature range -30"F to +230"F (-3,f"C !o +110'C). Recommended for qo|d and hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-fre€ dr and manychemical services. U L classified in accofdance with ANSIINSF 61 for cold +86'F (+30"C) and hot +180'F (+82"C) potable warer service. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES. Stefr Bearlngs: Teflon impr€nated Rberglass with stainless steel backing, Stom Bearlng uts: Type 416 Stainless Steel. TaC Plug: Carbon steel, plated. O-Blng: EPDM Bracket Carbon steel, painted. Actrator: . ?Ve-6"(65- 150rnm); Bronze travefing nut on a steel lead screw, ina steel housing. . I - 12' (20O - 300 mm): Steel worm and cast iron quadrant gear, in a cast iron housing. Arl Wgt Er l.hqfg 80.0 36.3 121 300 Actrllqt Ua. hdEJtnn Series 705W Firelock€ Bunerfly Valve PERFORMANCE ffi chart expresses the frictional resistrnce of Victaulic Series 705w in eqilivalent feeUmetel5 of straighr ms Eilr Flaftr .aF|| VdrGt|!r E$ftFdir I{qd f,hm.i..ld|.hrf, &ncm6e o!|laL.H|J[ ll6hd ohlair'ffianm LtaOtUr Dbrrbrhrhlhr 2rz 65 2.875 73,0 1.6 t65.r 6.500 165,r I 2.5 76.1 mm 3.000 76,1 5 t,6 6 rro 6.625 168,3 3 a0 3.500 5 1,6 I 2m &625 219,1 1l 3,{ Series 705W FireLocko 4 tfi) jt.gx, 11L3 12 3J 10 t50 r0.?g) 273 t7 r39.7 |5.5m t39.t 12 L7 l2 30 12.750 323.9 la .J 1?5 5.563 r.n, e.bdow. For ::r-.l6. 1a. l Crfnr I (h OF)E--T.--i I 34oo ltT.'"I'T'.- 3 Gv Valuec cv \|alues fof frow of watef at +60'F {+ 16'C) witt a fi additional details contact Victaultc. Foinulis tor Clrvdua: ^P=1cy' Q = cvxl& Where: Q=Fbtr {GP[,i AF = Pressr.re t **TFl ll;TEumbt lDrr* I cr llm lh|tdrdntn I lEndr|l I (FnOt i) ll hd.|tnltn I frc$t '# I i31"5 | *' ll 'g'.,r I i.l ro,rmm | ,tr | r'u ll ,:, I if Valve ly open \Elve are sh6vn in the tabl I Cv = Flow Coefflcier hop (PS0 I ll Hr.tnud I ll lm5..1 ll llodrl I Oub.r. I A ll ffilokrtm I |Flt oord ll r*o*n I mcnrsl''soll *lirTwwffi SWITCH ANDWIRING Sup€rvisory Switch 2Vz - 12- (65 - 3fi1 mm) slzes: Serles 705W PW - Two, singte pole. double throw. pre-wired switches. Switches are rated 10A @ 125 or 250 VAC 60 Hz and 0.254 @ 250 VDC,0.504 @ 125 VDC Sup€rvisory Switch Wring A. Pre-wired Switches (1) Switches Supervise Open Valve (2) One s:witch has hvo #i 8 MTW wkes per terminal. Permits complete supervision of leads (see diagrams below). Second switch has one #18MTW wire per terminal. Fhis double circuit provides flexibility to operate two electrical devices at separate locations such as an indlcating light and an audible alarm in the area at th€ valve inslallation. Switch *1 51 Swilch #2 52 { Normally Closed:(z) Btue Sl< Normally Open: (2) BrownI Common: (2) Yeltow (3) A ground lead, #14MTW is provided (green) rOTE: Conn€c[ng lo Cornmoo TerF*€ls fietow Sr and ydlol,v wi0t Ofanqc SriDe - S2), and t{ormatk Ctosed Terminals (Blue S l snd Bue with Qange SLip€ . S2): e.9.. indkard Ugl|t ond alarm ga)6 on unril viatue is fully opened; tr|en inabaroJ llgtl snd ataim go out. Cap off ungsed wire, e.9., 8r6,n and Bltvn ry&h Orange Sfire. Actuator Repair ln the unlikely event of an actuator failwe. complete actuation replacement is required. ALL REPLACEMENT PARTS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO ASSURE PROPER OPERATION OF THE VALVE. All actualors are supplied with a l/z' NPT outlet for conduit connectjon. Care must be taken to ensure water does not enter the actuator through th6 outlet prior to installa$on. Water enlering the actuator will ca6e switch malfu nctions. Tt s producl shall be rBtufactured by Viciaulk ComparD'. All producs to be instaH h accordarEe with clrent Victaulh hstallation/assembly insrructions.\'c|aufc rese.ves *E light to change ptoducr specilrcalixts. dedgns a.d sl,anda.d equip.n€it $ritllou nodce and without k|currlngoblig;dons. , Normallv Closed: I elue witl Sripe 52 < Normally Open: I Brovvn with Srripe I UOmmOn: Yellow with Stripe Series 705W FireLocko Butterfly Valve 175 PSUl2.l Bar Non-Shobk Cold Water UL LI$TED- MATEBIAT LIST l. thndvvtleel Aluniinum 2. llandwheelScrew ta60n Ste€l Irdue ASTM B 584 Alloy CSiltl{X} tff-05-ut Ihreaded D lillENS l0 trlS--WEIGHTS-OUAt{tlTtES lctstf. NPI x NFt HEAD0I AfiltRS . !516 MIDDIISISY ST. . n$iAflT- lt{ 4SlF17() . UM . PH:.1.ffi.734.0221. FIX 't.800.?:!1.65, . nnEittA otlAl oru€ ft: +l 514.7f63/21 . tAt +1.5?4.2$3456 rYtw Lo.cdl 'ln. Urd la Trid €.d D'!h F! - ri!r3 !A', f.l'. Si.. 'f d lt" srlplLa .t fI{. Nt8C0 tilc. w TTCH SERVCTS Pfl: Colt'' Series C2O0 Double Cheek Valve Assebblies Sizes:21/z' - 10' (65 - 250mmi Features . Extremely Compact Design . 70% Lighter than Traditional Designs . 304 (Schedule 40) Stainless Steel Housing & Sleeve . Groove Fittings Allow Integral Pipeline Adjustment o Patented Tri-Link Gheck Frovides Lowest Pressure Loss . Unmatched Ease of Sewiceability . Avallable with Grooved Butterfly Valve Shutoffs . Available tor Horizontal, Vertical or N Pattern lnstallations . Replaceable Check Disc Rubber The Colt C200, C20ON Double Check Valve Assemblies are used to prevent backflow of pollutants, that are objectionable but not toxic, from entering the potable water supply system. The Colt C200, C200N may be installed under continuous pressure service and may be subiected to backpressure. The Colt C200, C200N consists ol two independently operating check valves, two shutoff valves, and four test cocks. For use in non-health hazard applications. Specifications The Colt C200, C20ON Double Check Valve Assembly shall consist of two independent Tri-Link Gheck modules within a single housing, sleeve access port, four test cocks and two drip tight shutoff valves. Tri-Link Checks shall be removable and serviceable, without the use of special tools. The housing shall be constructed of 304 (Schedule 40) stainless steel pipe with groove end connections. Tri-Link checks shall have reversible elastomer discs and in operation shall produce drip tight closure against ihe reverse flow of liquid caused by backpressure or backsiphonage. Assembly shall be a Colt C20O, C20ON as manufactwed by the Ames Company. ES-A-C200/C200N Job l'lame Conlractor Job Location Approval Engineer Approval Contracto r's P.0. No. Representative Anfs product s,doifkntions in U.S. custonwy Lnils and netic are approxinata and aro prov M tor retercnce mly. Fo{ precise ne'F,nrcnents, please contact Anes T*lnical Senfun- Anlps reserves the igtt to clange or ndry product design, consnfiion, s@ifcations, or natorbls without prior note and without incuffing any abliBtion t0 nnke such charws and nodilkntions on Arnes produrls prcviousv u subsequenv sold. www.am€sfirewater,com Conligurations . Horizonlal . Vertical up . 'N" pattem horizontal Materials . Housing & Sleeve: 3(H (Schedule 40) Stainless St€el . Elastomers: EPDM, Silicone and Buna 'N' . Tri-Link Checks: Noryla, Stainless Steel . Check Discs: Reversible Silicone or EPDM . Test Cocks: Bronze Body Nickel Plated . Pins & Fastoners:300 Serios Stainl€ss Steel . Springs: Stainless Steel Dimensions - Weights L___^_ _:l- CZARFG, CilNilBFG Available Models Sutfix: NRS - non-rising stem resilienl seated gate valves OSY - UUFM odside stem and yoke, rosilient seat€d gate valves BFG - UUFM grooved gear operated butterfly valves with tamper switch .OSY FxG - Flanged inlet gate connection and grooved outlet gate conneclion 'OSY GxF - Grooved inlet gate connection and flanged outlet gate connection 'OSY GxG - Grooved inlet gate connection and grooved outlet gate connection Available with grooved NRS gate valves - consult factorla Post indicator phte ard operating nut available - consult factory. 'Consult factory for dimensions Pressure - Temperature Temperalure Rang6: 33'F - 110'F (5"C - 43"C) Maximum Working Pressure: 175psi (12.06 bar) ffi Norylois a registered tademark ol General gectic Comparry. Approvals @,.ff,"@;* 1015 28S6 864.4 For additional approval information please contact ihe taclory or visit our website al www.amesfirewalor.com Capacity UL/rM Cerlilied Flow Characterislics Flow characlerislics collected using butterfly shul0tf valves. See literatue S-Colt-200/300 lor gate valve ilow characterislics .= Rated Flow "=ULTested Horizontal Vertical ------N - Pattem 4tL'(65nn) 300 350 gpm 1140 |330 lpm tps mps psl 0 kPa 96 8it 69 41n t4 0 {il kPa pst 83 12 69 10 558 41 6 28 I 142 00 kPa psi &l 12 69 10 55841 628414200 kPa pst 83 12 69 10558 41 68414200 s0 1140 50 100 t50 200 250190 380 570 760 950 15 4.6 600 2280 900 1200 1500 gpm3/.20 4560 5700 lom15 fps4.6 mps 0 100 2000 380 760 f (80nn) 300 1 140 400 500 gpm1520 1900 lpm lps mps 8'(200nn)* 1000 15003800 5700 N H 2000 2500 gpm7600 9500 lpm15 lps4.6 mps N H N H 209) 2500 3000 3500qpm 7600 9500 1t400 13300 lpm fps mps 0 0 0 5000 1900IC 4.6 4" (l00nm)*** 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 gpm 760 1140 1520 1900 2280 2660 3&0 lom15 los4.6 mDs 10" e5Ann)*** 100 380 lPa psi 165 24 138 20 110 20 83 12 55828400 0 0 kPa psl &t 12 69 10 558 41 6 284 142 00 500 1000 1500 1900 3800 5700 I*lP0frTAlff: lllQUtRE WlfH G?VERNING AUTHOBTTIES FON LOCAL INSTALUTIOil BEAUREMENTS 6" (150nn) -'./-;*L -c\ 4 4"\ -u,J 1\---22I.=a- E4 For Technical Assistarice Call Your Authorized Ames Agent. lktlo! irEns Arnss Fr€ and 1 427 Norti Maftot 8M, Suile flg, Sacramento, CA 95634 ftrfl&, Phn & Deely, lnc. Hw{{F, PhU & Dssly, lnc. fl P. tlarFy Co-, hc. Rltl ItE Joyc6 A0ency, kr. Itmon Sibef Acseialss, lrs. lhls Sah6, hc. 0latn offce) 8$itv$l6y & Associrbs, kn. 8frfuslsy & Assoches, [f,. lfidrneria afietrtg, irc. udmefia Mad€ting, lnc. f|il+nsfu }hrfeE g, hc. Snih & Sb|erBm Co., Inc, UlfuE{ &rnpany Wa.|b lwo$urca Mid{rnlinent lrdfteting S€nhes tid. Sodeilmln & Associates. lnc- Slicflor & fssocfrs llugh U. Cuntulun, t[.tbt Mcclrh & Assoclabs f,ck tlcchh & lssoc'rabs. hc. l|act lrtohh &Associabs, hc. 0l( $a1e3, r|c. PIB& fitetrng, 1fi. Telophone f Fax # 916 928-0123 916 9284$3 973427-2U8 573421426 63t 253-0600 631 253-0303 508 238-2030 508 238-8353 ktb Ind$ldes (Canadd Inc. Itlbtb Beguhr Co. Divkion) Con-Orr Urml Mark€tlng, Inc. 0.C. Sahs CorDoraliofl Inc. 0.C. sah$ Co{poration Inc. GtA Sales Tsam. lwo-ll€dEnbal Salss, Ud. tlydo-Meclr i;al Sales, Ud. J.D.S. Sales Lb. Le Gruupe 8.G.T, tlD. te Go0pe 8.G.T., hc. ilar-Win Ag€n6les, Ud. l,lorthom MBfi anical Sales Paher Entetbes, [fd. M}l Mectunical Marketing Inc. i Mlt Medwbal Mdkeling Inc. WA|mar Mechanical Sabs AMESffi;lE ADivisionof 1427 Norrh Market B ES-A-C20C/C200N 0510 271 Royal Ave., Hawtmrne, iU 07506 368 Wyandanch Aw., Noff Babylon. tlY 11703 51 ihrfolkAtre., Sdrh hstun, MA 02375 Gle|Ifbu Bus. CE-, 2535 lilechflicayile Tpk., Blctun0nd, lA 23223 8442 Ahan ffd., Sfiirufietd, VA 22t 50 980 Thsnas Drire. Ufmhsln, PA 1 8974 9580 Cn'|nly Rd., Clalglc€ C€nbr, ilY 1{032 2728 Cr6lvien Avs., fsnrBr, Ll 70062-188 478 Osysm€ Lano,Itadison, US 39110 m3 ld6tid Df., EimlEiam, ,rL 3521 1 1361 Fcbr Avsnue, iladwile, Til 37210 51S6 old Xry.78, hr$[b,Il{ 38118 4gr5 clEsbin Ave., ctslotb. Nc 28217 702-8 hdusty R ., ldqvrod, R 32750 2861-8 B{*crs m!*hl orive. AHrb. GA C}360 8182 Ougrh Rd., 0t8$'n Fdb, 0ll 11023 1724 Armibge Ct., Adfism, lL 60101 7150 113d Ave. li.W.,Arde, Utl 55303 333 [fft 121 St, tliwarkee. U[ 53226 13755 Bs|d|m k, Da!d, n 75234 | 1132 Sofi Torne Sqlarc, &db 202, St tn b, 0 $123 1450 I'lE 69ti Ploe St. 56 Ar*ny, n 5m21 1 5090 tY€st 1 1 6tl Sr, U8tF, t(s 66ffi2 2200 8tue Creek Df., ilrrn , 0K 79126 2416 Cddel{h il.E, Ah4lrlqlf,, ilM E7107 1738 e ille St€4 ordl0e, CA 92865 111 Sand blanl Arcess M.. thit l-10. Honohjlu. Hl 96019 6S15 Sdrh 194h St, (ent, WA 98032 3028 S.E. l7h Ave., P[dand, 0B 97202 3050 l{fih San tlat6 Phce, Cfunder, AZ 8522 5 311Z/ Utugman Rm4 tlryd, cA 91514 6255 Dexbr St, Comn€rco Ciiy, C0 80022 5435 odh $Brvit Road, B$lingbn, 0nbrh L7L 5tl7 718 Clipper Srs4 Coqullldn, Britsh Cdumbh V3K 6X2 *105130 4h St S.E., Cabary, Alberta T2fl 2A5 1l4m 142 Stro8t, Edfitrobfi, Al!$b TStl lvl Grealer Tomoto Arca 3700 J6eO Hof|E Driw, Sril6 1 , lblifd(, d/a Scolia 831 4H7 P.0. 8ox 1445 (ilaiftrgl, 297 Cofli$aw St., Suito 7 (snip0ing) l,loneloo, ]'lE"w Srunsrlcl El C 9M { tancacter S'ln4 St J0}nb, lbwfoxndard AIA 5P7 23 tu Buisson, hnt Rouge, oueb€c G3H txg 86 &s Enlerp|bes *208. Bobbrlard, 0usbec J/G 2T3 1333 Clflon Sl., Winnip3g, l&nitoba R3E 2Vl P0. Box 280 (malling) 163 Pino St (shlpplng), Gason,onbrb P3L lso P0. Bor 28136 (mailing), 1885 Blus H6m Dr., f4, Londoo, onbrio i6H slg t401 Sl. John Str8ct, Rogim, Saskalch€vran S4R 1S5 51 0 Aye M S tr, S6lct0on, Saskabhe{rm S7M 2K9 24 Gurdwara fld., Nepoan, ontario K2E 8Bs Begulator Compny www.arnesfi rewater. co m 501602-8100 601 656-7555 205 879-3,169 61 5 259-9911 901 79$0045 704 525-3388 407 831-4667 770 203-3310 804 643-7355 &H 643.7380 703 866-3111 703 866-23:12 215 4$.7500 215143-7tn 716 741-9s75 716 74r-{810 501602-81(b 601 856-83S0 20s 870-5027 615 259-5111 slr 795{394 704 525.6719 407 sll-091 n0 441-1ffi 1,f0247-9150 14247-6719 630 953-1211 630 953-1067 763 427-9635 ru 427-5865 1rl r/t{400 1t4 771-36f/ 97288E-380E 92888-3&i8 314 894-8188 3't4 894-6338 515 288-018,1 515 288-5049 913 33S{6n 913 339-9518 405 360-6161 405 360-0092 505 883-71m 505 883-7101 Cbco t)€ko Sah.s- ir.tldbr{ 8o$€rs &Assocbtes Itdlabar{h EmtErE & Assochbs PlRSales,hc. Mersd Sahs 8€p 6brs, hc. 714 92r4228 808 842-7900 253 867-5010 503 2384313 480 892-6$0 510 487-9755 fi13 286-7t5 905 3324090 @f 540-5088 4rl3 253-6808 ru 4$-9495 888 208-8927 w2 443-2271 506 859-1107 709 579-5771 418 873-2500 450 434401 0 204 r/5{1S4 m5 693-2715 51S 471-S382 306 525-1986 306 241-6622 6't3 225-9774 711C21-U42 808 8424625 253 867-5055 503 ?35-28e4 fio 892-60S6 510 t76-1595 3m 286-7576 905 3:12-768 60{ s40-5084 403 259-8381 780 496-9621 888 479-?887 s,2413-2215 506 S59-2124 7@ 579-1558 418 873-2505 450 434-9848 2(X ?86-m16 70i 6q,-4394 519 471-1049 306 525-0809 306 244-0807 613 225.0673 . Suite #9 . Sacramenlo, CA 95834 @Ames Co. 2005 916-928-0123 ' Fax: 916-928-9333 Series 717 Ffuelocko Gheck Valves vrcra{mc. ts A{ rso st ctRflfrtD co pA}{y PRODUCT DESCRIPTION @@ 56€ Yctaulic BDlc5non 10 01 tor debils. $ Sizes 214 - 3' Series 717 FireLock check valve is a CAD-developed design that is hydrodynamically efficient. A totally rubber encapsulated disc on 4 - 12' (100 - 300 mm) sizes provides superior corrosion resistance. This single disc design incorporates a spring assisted feature for non-slamming operation- For systems requiring a Riser Check option refer to section 10.09. The 4'(100 mm) and larger sizes are provided with upstream and downstream drains ancl a welded-in nickel seat design. All sizes ot Series 717 can be installed in the venical or horizontal position to provide leak-free sealrng under conditions as low as five feet of head. Each vatve is factory tested to 50O psi (3440 kPa). The ztl: and 3' (65 and 80 mm) sizes are UL/ULC Lisred and 4'(100 mm) sizes and.laroer are UUULC Listed and FM Appmved for services up Io 250 psi (1725 kPa). Sizes 4 -87100-20Omm (6xcept 165,1 mm size) are VdS approved. Grooved ends allctu/ fast, easy installation withjust two Victaulic couplings or the valve may be mounted lo flanged (ANSI CL.150) equipment using either to Victaulic Style 741 Vic-Flangeoor Style 744 FireLock flange adapters on either end. @*@ Bfttceto.l 10.01b &taab,Sizes 4 - t2- ffi@ Typlcal 2t4 - 3' P DIMENSIONS O r uer rb*.ean o,arn @ h' t{PT Doih3trrsn DrEin @?"NPr (odn wnat) Typlcal4 - 8' @IFK+]1k-B--'l -rl J O 1A' NPT Lhrt€an Orain (D 1r'NPI Odnsltrsh D|aln Typlcal 10 - 12' o Ee$Efism|DE 8'(oFv(,Tlt[lc - 0 c(FlmHT2@vlcr uJc - tGfi{IEotxusr, it Approl WELE. LbG tg llor||ln l Itbmetot lnJrrm Actn l Ortdd€ lrLme{E ln.fnn ELoE A B D E K P R 21lz 2.475 13.0 3.88 99 4.26 108 91 3.6 1.6 76,1 rnm 3.000 3_88 99 4.26 108 3.57 91 1,6 80 3.500 88.9 4.?5 108 5.06 129 4.17 106 4.5 2p 4lt6 4,500 114.3 245 152 3.88 99 ?o 3.50 89 2.OQ 5l 1.50 '| 14 3,50 89 85 20.o 9,1 14r.3 'r0.50 6.80 173 1.50 '| 14 4,11 r06 55 538 149 t.08 lor 3.98 101 27.O 139,7 mm 1 5.5m 139.? 10.50 6.80 173 ,1.50 t I4 4.11 l06 2.15 55 5.88 1.t9 1.08 l04 3.98 101 27.O 6t 150 168.3 11.50 292 8.00 203 5.00 127 4_50 tla 2.38 61 6.67 r69 1.73 120 3.89 99 38.0 't1.2 165,1 rnrn 6.500 11.50 ?92 8.00 203 5.00 127 4.50 1l.l 2.38 169 4.73 120 3.89 sg 11,2 8t 2(D 219.1 14.00 356 9,88 251 6.06 151 5.05 124 5.65 144 .55 8.85 5.65 I 'la 5.?5 146 64.0 29.O 2n 10.750 2t3.0 r7.00 432 12.00 305 7,09 180 596 t5l 6.69 r70 10.92 217 171 1m.0 45.4 12 300 12.1fi 323.9 19.50 195 'l,l.0O 8.06 205 6.91 176 7.64 194 64 12.81 925 7.13 196 140.O t t/ds Approved t|?g nEv 0 ViataJk Conpa0y ot lmeria . Phone: 1 800-PICK-\4C (1-8m.742-5S42) . tax:610-?50.9817 . r-mailiprckvic@vi{tautic.com Vicb lac Cmpary 0l Camda . Phnc:905 8/8{.?144 : Far.905 BA!-97;1 . e-{ra:t: viccelil a€rvicldiic aclll Viclrulic Eufope . Pfu!e:32-9.381-1500 . tax: 3?-9-380-1{18 . o,maiti vrceur0@vi{Gdr. be Virliulic Afiprica latiru . Ptnns 610-559-3300 . tar. 610-559.36t8 . e-nail: viirt@vicaiic.c0m Vidarlic Asi. Pacitr . Pt0r€: 65{235 3035 . tfl: 65-6235.0535 . e-rail: vicar,@vict ulic ron tu FLdT' CHARACTERISTI NOTE: Placomenl olcheck valves too close to souces of unstabb nor/v will shfien fie lFe ol dE vatve and polenia{ly fir€y danag€ |he syslem To extend valve llfe. valv€s 3houtd be Instalbd a ,easorable distance downsoeam lto.n pumps. elbors, erpand€fs, redlr:ers (' other similar devlces. Sdrnd piping paactices dclate a nfnin{trn d fMe (5I dmes the qge diameler lor aeneral use. Ob6tic6 berween $iee (3) ard flve (5, diErneters are alkrrabb rrovided $e nov{ wbcity is less rhan dght (8) feet pef s€Emd (?.4 mp5). Distances less d|an ttree (3) djametaB are nol ,eco.nntended a,xl wil viclar€ the Vbiaulc trEduct rl'|r&ry. .i0 5.0 {.0 3.0 t.0 03 0.8 i07 0.6 0.5 !.4 0.3 -sl A. I o-oEo ult,toouttA ?.0 sto a0 l00 |00 60 t,oo to FLOT{ RATE - G.P,T. 2,00 4m 6,!00 t0,000 3nc0 8,!00 20,00! SER|ES 717 - tl0ttofw TER _ AT 6ff (rFC) fiRdre v[\,8 T Y--t I \5gr I t(l s t g /i #tu .t T T TT f,tl -1 T ,I UA //// ,l /f /t lt//T , ffit / MATERIAL SPECIFICA Body: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-1?.2112 - 3' (65 - 80 mm) sizes PPS coated. 4 - 1?' {100 - 30O mm) sizes paintecl black enamet. Bodt Seat: zriz - 3' (65 - 80 mm) sizes PPS coated. 4 - 12' (1 m . 300 mm) integrafly wetded on nickel alloy. Olsc lseal or Coatlng: . Gfade "E" EPDM EfDM (Green color code). Temperature range -30"F to + 230"f (-34'C to +'l i 0"C). Recommended for cqld and hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free aii and rnany chemical seryices. UL classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86'F (+30'C) a4d hot +18o"F (+82'C) potabe warer service. NoT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERr/ICES. "Ser{ices listed are GeneralService Recommendations onlv. ltshould be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not recomrnerded. Reference should always be rniade to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specinc Aasket service recommendatiois and for a listing of sewices which are niot recommended: DlscF:2tlz - 3' (65 - 80 mm) Aluminum bronze confoming to ASTM 8-148. 4 - 12' (100 - 300 mm) duclile irofl conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 55-45-12, fully encapsulated in Grade 'E- elastomer. Shafi:2rlz - 3- (65 - 80 mm) Type 416 s€inless steel. 4 - 12- 0oO - 300 rnm) Type 316 stainless steel. Sprlhg: Atl sizes Type 3021304 stainless sted. Shafr Plug: ztl, - 3' (65 - 80 mm) only: SAE Hex Socket Type conforming to ASTM 4-576, cadmium plated lo mifitary specifications QQ.P-4164. class 3 type 2. 4 - 12' {100 . 300 mm) only carbon steel zinc plared to ASTM 8-633. Plpe Plug: 4 - 1Z- (10O - 30O mm) only; carbon sreel zinc ptated to ASTM 8-633. Thi5rod!ctsha[bemanidactxedby!ic|aulLkco.npany'A|lpfoduc|ssh.[beinsta||edinaccorC,ance\^/ithctmevlctaufcinsta|tatior'a55embtyin5trlbns. victaulic teserves lhe tigtl to clange product spaciticalbes, deslgns and strndard equlpment without notrce and wlhout Inclralng obrgaiions. Series 71 7 Firelocko Check Vafues le-lO'/gchedule-40, FUIIy Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe Schedule- l0/Schedule'40 produot can be "hotdip" plvanized to meet FM requirements for dry systems in accordance with the zinc coating specifcations of ASTM A- 123. Our advaneed formula mill goi alsofers a clean, durable surface. It i paint-rcady for custom color without special preparation. Tube & Conduit Firc Sprinkler plpe products up to 4.5000" in diameter is coated with our new Antibacterial For- mula,'ABP'. In scientific laboratory tes! ABS proved to have superior resis' tance to microbial colonization of pipe walls, thereby delaying or possibly pre- venting the onset of Miffobiologically Influenced corrosion (MIC) wheh the First Sprinkler System is first Meets "Buy American" roquirement aod is available thmugh distributrors in the USA, Canada and Mexico. Schedule-10/Schedule-40 pipe are in compliance with the following: ASTM A-135, and NFPA 13. Bolh pipe ploducts have a working pressurp rating of 300 psi maximum and also mbet the striogent requirement for the following tesls: nl{H2oFlhd) P.s/ tr|^in(a) ]rwn(2f] Ulin In:nm ln: mm Lbs/Pt Lbs/Fc wn Litt us; Kc L,6: Kg Lbs; r,g 2.05 3.M .t' 25 1.H9 1.680x'6 2.5 70 2,470 70 1,120 2,822 t,280 2,940 tJa 2.270 4.36 1.380 35.1 lW 32 2.93 51 2,,til1 2,778 2,894 4.36 51 1,103 1,260 1,3t3 rw 1.6104A 40.9 2.720 3.61 4.0 5.37 44 2,s13 2,872 2,992 44 1,140 1,303 1,357 2' 2.M7 50 52.5 5.13 30 2,300 7.ilJ 30 1,043 3.650 5.4 2W 2.469 5.790 65 62.7 8:6 7.86 19 2,310 11.73 t9 1,048 ilPS lonhrll0. ln: nn ln: nn filin L06.; trt(l00Flhd) Pcr/ r{l,Linel) wltn(z+] 1' 25 1.097 27.9 1.400 2.1 1.81 2.70 3,053 1,385 3,185 1,445 91 2,675 91 1,213 2,760 1,252 2.52 ,t-fc 1W 32 1.442 36.6 1.810 2.7 61 2,319 2,664 61 1,052 1,208 114' 40 1.682 42.7 2.080 3.1 3.04 61 2,664 3,045 3,172 4.52 61 1,2M t,A)t t,'439 4.22 37 2,051 2,U4 2A42 6.28 37 $0 1,063 1,108 2540 3.9 2' 2.157 50 54.8 2,542 1,t53 2,648 1,20t 2W 2.635 3.53065 ffi.g 5.3 5.89 30 2,224 8.77 30 1,M9 2,057 $3 7.94 11.82 3' 3.260 80 82.8 4.330 6.4 19 1,728 1,975 t9 7A 896 2,665 1,zrn 5.610 8.3 4' 90 11.78 t7.53 4.2@ tM.2 19 2,238 2,558 19 1,015 1,16t) 125 5.295 t34.5 17.33 25.80 1,865 a6 1,943 881 7.77 fi.56 'I,832 740 10 t0 6' 150 6.357 161.5 7,230 1,012 2,322 t,053 9.290 13.8 1,951 885 23.03 10 34.27 10 40.15 59.75 2,770 1,256 2,885 1,309 16.490 24.5 2,424 1,1W 8' 8.249 200 209.5 7 7 . Welded Outlets . Hydrostatic Pr€ssure . Side Wall Rupture . Vib,ration Test Listed 16100 S. Lathrcp . Harvey, lL 60426 11350 Norcom Rd. . Philadelphia, PA 19154 2525 N. 27 th Ave. . Phoenk, AZ 85009 @@@ Approved Customer SeNice: (800) 882-5543 Fax 708€3$1806 s5-3 tucof no*co,nt Q Ollied IUBE & @NDUIT Submittal Data Sheet Schedu le-1o',/$chedille40' Fully Listed and FM Apfroved Sprinkler Pipe When youspeciS Schcdule-10/Sclredul640 sprinkler pipe-you gei UL lisred ;d FM Npprwed prodrct. Alrhough th€se products do mt require separate approvals, Schedule-I0/Schedule40 gives you the ertraquality asrurance you denand. Our Sch-10 (l%"- 8")pipe and Sch40 (1" - ZWI ptpe have passed lhe same thorough lab testing as our other listed pipe producc, and recrivc periodic mill inspections from both IJL 8rd FM agcnls to ansure consisteniquality. Stamp HsrB American Tirbe and Pipe was acquired by Allied Tube and Conduit on Febnrary l, 1997. The engineer€d lightwall and standard wall family ofproducts although they have difrerent names are the same in all respects with regard to streng6, weight, bundle count, listings md ryprovals. For example, Dyna-Flow and Super Flo are the same product as are Dyna Thread and Super 40. XL is manufactured with Exterior galvanized coating. BLT is manufactured with Black lacguer coating. @@@ Listed Approved Listed Grlvrnhcd Ptpe Sche&lel0iScheduler0 podrrt can be.hot-dip" grhmized to nrea Ftvt Sqerior Coallng On adrad formuh mill coaing offus a clea4 drable slrhce. lt is rlso paint- rcady ftr cusfln coltr 4plic*iors withon ryecial prcparaion. Tle ir*ennl qufmc ofall black Firc SFbkltr pipc up to 4.5000" in diarnctcr slull be coatcd wi6 Alld Tubc & Conduit tuttmtsrial Fmruls'ABF. {ncryrn ltlrdc Me€S 'Buy &ncdcan" rcquiranenr and is araihble rhough distntrtos in the USA &nada dd M€dco. q{iEcrdons & Approvrl Schedrle-l0lSchedubzl0 lpe ar h corryliance with trc fialloriry: ASIMAI35 drd NF?A 13. Bodr pipe prodrcc lu'r a rvcting peswe rding of 300 Fi rnximum ad .lso qr€cl drc sEiryart ftquinnEnt frr tl|c folloving tesb: Wcldod Odas, Hy&osatic Pl1tss[,g Sidc Ueil Rq4rE, Vih*i:n'lixt u.(llz(lFlld) ftr, r|tl.ilt(2l) $fin121) Wl.l[ lo; mm ln: nn L'6/ft Lbs/Ft Kg/n Lilt Lbs: Ks Lh; Ks fas,' . 25 26.6 2.5 2.05 70 2,4703.05 70 1.120 2,8n 1.2842.93 5t 2,13132 35.1 4.36 2,778 1,26t)4.s6 51 t,t6J 1.610 ia.9 2.720 4.0 2,8n 1,38 2,992 1,357 3.61 44s.37 44 2,513 1.140 2,758 1.242 23m 1.043 30 3t) T 2.6150 52.5 3.650 5.4 5.13 7.63 2.469 62.7 7.86 11.73 2,840 |,197 2,750 1,247 5.790 8.6 2W 65 19 2,31019 ',048 llPt iodmll.D. lU.s.(leoFlll0dl PW wu.n(a') ifl,riler') t{urii ln; mn ln; finn LbsttFt;Kg/n Lbgft: r,g/n Ln Lh; KO Lbs: Kg tDs; 3,053 1.385 2,675 1.213 1.097 27.9 1.400 2.1 1.81 2.70 3,185 1,445 9l 91 2564 1.208 1.442 36.6 1.810 2.7 2.s2 3.75 2,7fr 1,252 1%' 32 61 6t 1.682 427 2.080 3.1 3,045 1,38'' 3,172 1,439 3.04 4.52 1W 10 2,U4 1.063 2.157 54.8 2.M0 4.223.9 6.28 2' tu 2,M8 1,ml 2.635 3.530 5.8966.9 5.3 8.77 1,975 2,0578!$ gB 3' 3.260N 82.8 4.330 6.4 7.94 1r.82 1,728 7A 4.zffi lqE 2 19 70 11.78 17.53 2,665 ,.209 2,558 1.160 2,2 1.015 5.610 8.3 4' 90 7.77 11.56 17.33 25.80 1,943 u1 1,6:t2 7tt0 5' 5.295125 134.5 1,865 846 t0 t0 2,322 1.053 1,951 ffis 6' 150 6.31 9.290161.5 13.8 16.490 24.5 2,885 t,3u) 8' 8.249200 2w.5 7 2,4247 l,TN 2,770 1,256 PmiBct:Sprinklar ContEctor: Locations: s5-4 Commenls: System Type:Engircer:Specificalbn Refererr€: MERIT MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 319 Circle of Progress . Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19464-381'1 Tel 610-327-4000 . Fax 610-970-9282 Fax Toll Free 800-543-7013 . www.meritmfo.com $UBMITTAL SHEETMERIT tlefil Weld-dliser" Tee-Lel' Welding Ouflel Fiilings ' Merit Weld-MiserrM Tee-Leto Weldinb Branch Oullet Fittings offer the user a high shength, low cost irrged thredded and grooved line of fittings specifi- cally designed and manufactured to be installed on schedules S thru 10, , proprietrary thin wall flow pipe and gtandafd wall pipe. Merit Tee-l-ets are forged steel welding outlet frttingc- The material used in mnufac'hire meels lhe cfiemical and physbal requirements of ASTM A 53, Grades A or B, Type E, Tee-Lels employ a loiv weld riolume design to provile br either a partial or full penetraiion weld employing a single pass with mini- mum bum-through and pipe distortion. Weld.Miser Tee-Lets are recommen* ed frr use on proprietary thin wall, schedules 5, 10 and 40 pipe. Threads comply with ANSI 81.20.1 or lSOT/il. They are UL Listed and FM Approved fur use conbrming to the requiremFnts of Bulletin 13 1999 o{ the National Fire Protection Association. When used in fire sprinkler systems, Tee-Lels are rated br 3fl) psi. When used in mechanical systems, maximum pressures are calcuhted usirg criteria developed fuTASME 831 piping code. Send frcr details if requhed. PRODUCT APPROVALS Fa€8@ry g,q!&ooE Systo6r APPROVED ,@ IITIE Tee-Let Welded Outlet Fitting (ULVIZU - EX37&8, FM Approvat Guide Chapter I - Pipe Fittings) Outlet llodel Outlrt PID3 Size(lnchl HerdGr Pipe Siza (lnch) Raled PressuG {psis} Te+Lel Type A (F-Threadsd End) h, t/t, 1 % - E (Sdr. 10. 40)300 1Y.. 'lrt. 2. 2k. 3. 4 % - 4 (Sch- 5. DvnaFlow) 4 (EZ-Flowl 2,4 6 tEZ-Flow) Ts€-Lel Typa C (Groo\red End) 11/r - I l% - 8 {Sch- 10. 40}300 2k-8 h - 4 (Sch. 5. DvnaFlow) T6e-Lsl Type c/R (RoI Grooved End) 114-6 1%-8(AXScrFdules)3m l) Size on size (ie 2 x 2) Tee{ets a|e mt FM Appro\€d 2} FM rated workine prEssu.e when welded on Sch. 5 or nonthreadabb lttrblre[ plpe ls 175 psi. APPRO/AL: CONTRACTOR: PHONE: ADDRESS: ARCHITECT / ENGINEER: r,roTEs: PAGE 1 OF 4 Welding Outlet Fittings Type A Female Thread f0m00a t4r 1-1l'l-E i 0.080- 61 6-200 o.tH1ffi012 1l2t 1-1/| - 1-rl2 i 1.063 0.700 0.500 0.111- 13 r 32 - 40 , 27.0 17.8 12.1 0.08fm5u5 1.1n-2 ,1.063 0.7m 0.flt8 0.171- {t - 50 2't .o 17.8 12.7 0.0E - 50 - 65 27.0 17.8 12.7 0.081005m5 2-1n-E 1.06it 0.700 0.500 0.109- 55 - ?00 27.8 17.8 r?;t 0.08 1007012 3/itr l-t/f-t-rz i1.1?5 0.900 0.500 0.2stt- 19 r 32 - 'n I 28.6 22,9 12.7 0-1210U015 t1n-2 i1.125 0.S00 0,$00 0.2$0- qt - 50 2f .6 2?.9 12.1 0.12f00r020 2-2-1n i1.125 0.900 0.iln 0.2m- 50 - 65 28.0 22.9 12.7 0J2100It25 2-1n-8 1.125 0.Ct0 0.500 0,256- 6i.200 i 28.6 2Z.g 12.7 0.1?l01dl12 I r 1-114-t1n 1.2il 1.115 0.500 0.331 1111X,1e 6t n-49 , 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.151010015 t1n-2 1.250 1.115 0.500 0.331t110015 {0.50 31.8 ?S.1 12.7 0.15101Sm 2..2-112 1.250 t.r{s 9.500 0.320lllME 50 - 65 a1.8 29,1 ta.t 0.1SlUBm5 2-112-x 1.2tr0 1.1!S 0.500 0.314fi1$@5 65 - 80 31.8 ?9.1 12.7 0.141010000 3-f i1.250 1.115 0.500 0.t091110030 80 - 1t!0 31.8 2C.1 12.7 0.1{10106tt 5 - 8 1.250 1.1it5 0.500 0.2S11f10tEB 12S- 100 31.8 2S.1 12.7 0.13 f0120t2 l.lnr t-11{-t1n ) 1.375 1.{90 0.5txl 0:4t2 1f12012 9t s2-{/, i 34.9 37.8 12.7 .01Sf012015 tln-z 1.375 1.430 0.5txt 0.421It12A5 {0 - 50 i 34.9 31.8 12.7 .81s1012020 2-T1n 1.375 1.4$ 0.500 0./t?11112020 50-ffi I 34.9 3?.8 12.f .01Sluzmf 2-1n - S 1.375 1.490 0.500 0.{11111U025 ffi-80 134.9 tl.E 12.7 .01S10'12m0 3 - 4 1.375 1.490 0.5m 0.3891r18gt0 80.100 3{.0 37.8 '12-1 .0181012950 5.8 I 1.375 1./rS0 0.508 C.9891t12S60 125 - r00 34.9 37.8 12.7 .018 f015015 1-121 l-1ft 1.625 1.6'10 0.E75 0.qn 1115015 40 r 40 i 41.3 {{1.9 22.2 ,tn1015040 2 1.ilt 1.510 0.E75 D.4n11I5m0 50 ; 41.3 {t}.0 A.2 ,W1fi5m5 2-1n 1.625 I 1.610 0.E75 0.{t71r1n025 65 I 41.3 {tt.g 22.2 .s?:l1015$n 3.d i1,625 !.E10 0.875 0.4711115fi10 t0 - 100 41.3 43.9 22.2 .gn" 1015010 2- 14 r il 1.625 1.610 0.875 g.1n l'f t50{} 100 41.3 40.S 22.2 ,0221015rF0 5-8 r.625 1.010 0.875 0-ln111560 1/:n-209 41.3 40.9 22.2 .08lE@e 2r 1120020 50 r 102m2i 1t2m?5 1020030lIApill 10200t0 11201!S 1m0050 112rltF0 1120060 112006S 1m0080112m80 200 44.t 52.5 22.2 0.3'l 1026825 21n'r 2-1n 2.215 2.{69 1.125 t.25ll 11259?5 65 r 65 5't.0 62.1 28.6 0.55 2 1.750 2.tF7 0.E75 0.8575D '11.5 52.5 22.2 0.382-112 1.?50 2.tF7 0.8i5 0.82965 U.5 m5 Ut.z 0.it83 1.750 2.05t 0.815 0.82980 44.5 52.5 ?;2.2 0.3S . 4 1.750 2.067 0.875 0.800100 44.0 ,2.5 22.2 0.365 1.750 2.067 0,075 0.?{',12n &.5 52.5 22.1. 0.3{6 1.750 2.0t1 0.t75 0.7i13150 {d.5 52.S 22.2 0,3'lI 1.750 2.tF7 0.875 0.7{3 3 2t15 2.&g 1.125 l.zmE0 5{.0 62.7 2$.6 0.554. 2.2'15 2.469 1.125 1.1501m 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.$25 2.215 2.460 1.125 1.15012S 54.0 82.7 ?8.6 0.526 2.215 2.'m 1.125 t.150150 54.0 &.7 ?8.6 0.5?8 2-215 2.{S9 1.125 1.1511208 5{.0 82.t 28.6 0.523 2.500 3.068 1.500 3.1m80 63.5 77.9 38.1 1,{14 2.500 3.068 1.500 3.100100 63.5 n.S 38.1 1.415 2.t00 8.068 1.500 9.100128 6it.5 77.9 38.1 1.4126 2.fln 3.068 1.500 3J00150 63.5 77.S 38.1 1.4128 2.500 3.06t 1.500 3.t00200 53.5 77.5 38.1 1.41{ 3.000 {.0?5 2.000 5.000100 76.2 102.3 50.8 2.n5 3.txt0 t.0?6 2.000 5.000125 76.2 10?.3 50.8 2.276 3.000 1.026 2.0110 5.000150 76.2 102.3 50.8 2.27I 3.000 t,026 2.000 5.00020* 76.2 102.3 50.8 2.r7 1125030 1125$30 10250fl' 1125r!t0 1025rF0 112$050 1025060 112S060 ilt250t0 11?5$0 1025030 lrP504l rozioro 1025060 rozioro 10io040 rdoso 1B{0060 to40-oro 3r 80r 4r 4r Merit Weld-M iser TeQ-Let Type B Male Thr€ad Standad Welght 181tffi|t0't050 22il06q lsirsfz nliaorr manl l-t/il Ig2x |lt2fi5 20t2015 2212r1 2212\ nl?trq alzosq 2215015 1n20| U12m ltl?,,5 frl?fi5 t3120!0 2012050 l3l58t5 ?tts015 t-Inx lBr l?ttrofl 1ilffi 1tl580 fi1560 raoffi! 13e0D5 r320t3l ltam5 132G0 r3?D60 r32tw ztl5tEo a'*i mhw\ zr5s0l 20t50?5 zfi5m0 2fi5050 Inl560 - ] arI 50r :l ztEtm0 2020025 zUtA0 2'2Uno 2tpm50 2m0050 2!?Uno Note: T6e-lels sr€ manulhclured lo fit lf insta[€d ori |t|e se6rd head€r sizB er. For o(ample, a 1' x 2 - 2-1lf Tee-Let, is lhe.longlt dnal conldrline ofthe 2-112" size. PAGE 3OF4 Type C Gut Groove Standad UVrlght sizo, thal is lhe conlouted shaps on a given Teelet iB mad€ to lil perbcdy on the frsl lbt€d head€r size. on the fftirfg, a slight gap of appro(imably 182'wi0 appear abrig the tcngitudnal csderfme of lhe haad- 1" oullet fitling rn3nubcturcd to fit peftclty on lh€ 2' header sizo listed, nhib leaving a 1/32' gap abng a pefbct ft is requil€d br a 2-1l? heador pip€, then a 'l'x 2-112 - 3'-lb€-lelarould be order€d. Sizs con- Welding Outlet Fittings Tgl I sol&tirn|s a|E erdqFd b rcduce and provide br greater i€xihlily. Merit Weld-M ise r Teeplet Weldi ng Oufl et Fittin gs Type B Male Thread Standard W6ight PAGE4 OF4 Type C Cul Groove Standard Weight 13a502i 2025025 1125S25 1:t25030' 202503t 21258301:n5035 2U5049 2125$40l3et050 2m5050 zt2i050138060 2025050 ?1250SS 1325080 2025080 2r25tS0 1330025 430025 1330000 aHmo tiBm35 2030035 .l330tFc rts0050 1$m60 - 2030060 3r 8ll r 2230fN8 22401{0 'li,,11* 22100t0 A$m60 6r 150 r 2260W0 *do ?zd,035 zn\Mt 2225069 222!m0 223il25 223430 2230p35 2230P ?230160 55 r 65 8ll t?.7 6I.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 303 3 2.tt9 2.635 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.5m80 80 62.7 67^0 76.t 5.0 3.0 30| 3 2.t69 2.6:15 2.815 0.203 0.120 1.500100 80 a.r fl.o 76.2 5.0 3.0 30 1m0 1i{u'|0 t3ttG0 13{Om 1ilqn0 flFom0 2tta0t'4r, 2010050 2010tFo axum 2moE0 20608E9 2m0m0 5 3 2,46S 2.t3s 2.875 0.203 0.120 1.5m1?5 00 02.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 306 3 2.409 2.6:!5 2.875 A2m 0.128 1.500175 80 82.7 67.0 76.2 5.0 3.0 308 3 2.i109 2.635 . ?.875 0.2113 0.120 1.500?txt 80 62.7 67.0 15.2 5.0 3.0 303 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0.218 0.120 1.50080 8S r8.0 83.0 08.0 5.0 3.0 303.1n 3 3.068 3.260 3.500. 0.216 D.lzD 1.50085 80 78.0 83.8 88.0 5.0 3.e 304 3 3.068 3.260 3.500 0216 0.120 1.500100 $0 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 305 3 3.068 3.260 3.t08 0,216 0.120 1.500125 80 78.0 83.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 306 3 3.060 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.500150 e0 ?0.0 a3.0 88.0 5.0 3.0 308 3 3.058 3.260 3.500 0.216 0.120 1.5002& 8B r8.0 03.0 8E.0 5.0 3.0 30/t { {.026 4-260 4.500 8.237 0.120 1.500l{Xt 10{t 102.0 108.8 11{.0 6.0 3.0 305 4 4.026 1.260 t.5m 0.237 0.120 1.500'tari 100 102.0 108.0 11d.0 6.0 3.0 306 4 1.ti25 4.260 45m 0,2fl 0.120 L500150 1S0 102.0 108.r! 114.0 6.0 3.0 308 4 d.025 {.2m 4.500 0.Xt7 0.120 '1.50 200 100 t02.0 100.0 114.0 6.0 3.0 306 4 6.eS D-357 6.625 0.280 0.13'1 1.fl10150 100 155.1t 161.5 1fi8.3 7.1 3.0 308 { 6.065 0.357 6.625 0.280 0.134 1.50?00 100 16$.$ 161^5 169.3 7.1 3.0 30E 't 7.Sl 8.329 8.625 8.922 0.1{8 1.50200 100 203.8 212.8 ?13.0 8.0 3.0 30 6r z|IB I Note: Tee-lels ata manubcfured tro ft size-oif-size, thal is the contc{rred shape on a given Tee-L€t is made lo fil perfuctly on tha first listad hsader size. li inGtalled on lhe second header size marked on lhe fiUing, a slight gap of approdrnately 1/32' will appear along lhe longitudiml centedine of lhe head- er. For e}(smpfe, a t" x 2 - 2-112'Te€{ot, is F 1" outst fitting manuhctur€d io ft perbcfly on th€ 2" header size listod, wtrilo leavlng a l/32" gap along lhe longitudiml oonterline of the 2-112" size. lf a perhcl ft i6 required tor a 2-112' h€ader pipe, than a l' x 2-ll2 - 3' Tes.let would be ordered. Sbe coo- solidatiom are smplo)€d to reduc€ inwntory and provide i3r greater flexitility. Style 75O Reducing Goupling PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Style 750 Reducing Coupling permits direct reduction on the piping run. Designed to replace two couPlings and a reducing fitting, the Style 750 fealures a special reducing gasket for pressure responsive sealing. A steel washer which prevents telescoping of the srnaller pipe inside the targer pipe duiing vertical systems assembly is available upon request. @*@ SGe V|cle0lic publlcstio.r 10-01 br deta&. Extgtgdatecl f6 cta.ig DIMENSIONS hr@xvz m llonlml Slr! hcl|c. mn aFr. wrt Edl Lte, 2_O o.9 ?.o l.o 4.6 ?.1 3.8 3.8 1.7 8.3 t.a 6.3 2,9 6.1 3.8 10.8 {.9 ;.1 .3 15_2 6.9 2Xl50x"5 X 1rDx ,10 21tz X 265X50 x4 x 100 8X6200 x t50 2.3 ro 76.1 mrn '165,1 mm Refer lo notes on page Slyle 750 Reducing coupllngs sl|ould not be used with end raps (r60) in sy<tems wtrere a vacuum may be developed. Conlact Victaulic lor deia s. 2.1 3X80x x 2 50 2'tz 2 50 21lz 65 ,| too 5 125 x 5X4125 X 100 4'lz xlmx 6Xr5:o x x 10.1 llNr. tuq* RB. PSrllt Xsr, Ettd Loldut' t{ 2 -slsX3tl1 2 - 3hX 41lt Viclailic Conpary offt€.ba . Phme: : -800-PICK-V|C {1,800-t{2-58{2) . fax: 610-25{,981? . r-rBit0ictvic@yt.,nuiilmm Vic@lt Co.Ipa,l} of Crrn&. Phone:905 881.744i. Far: Ss-AB4-S7tl . e-mait vi.c$ada@victarfic ;0m Vichrk Eliofl€ . Ph0rEJ2-9,381-1500. Far: 32 -o-3p,0-&38 . e-mlitviceurc@vklaulic.be ViLlauiic Amrim Lolina ' PhorE: 610-559-3300 . F& 610-559.3609. e-naili vical@vidrulic.c0m VichJlic Asia Pacflh . PfttrE: 65-6235-3035 . F0x: 65-6235{535 . e{"il: vi{ao@r,i{huli[,c0rD tu ffi FLOVII DATA Head Loss The head loss across Style 750 Reducing coupling is very small and is essentially the samq as for standard short bod! reduc.ing pipe fittings. Equivalent lengths of standard weight steel pipe are shown in the tAbles- All data is based on water flowing at ambient temPpfature. llomftC SLr hrclEc t||! Eqllv. Plp! L'|Ett S|n Dh, Fisut l{or|in l Slro ltEhes lllls 2X50x X x 3X80x X x 4Xt(n x x x 150 X x x 2rtx2 65X50 X4x 100 rx225X50 lk x 2t0x50 ztax3 65X80 x,lxlm 3X480 x 100 5X6l?5 x 150 X4x rm 6X8 150 x ?m 8X626 X r50 1k ao 1 25 65 80 1 lm 5.9 1.8 ?.o 0.6 1.€ 06 5.5 3.8 't.2 6.0 1.8 6.0 1.8 3.0 o.9 6.0 r.8 6.0 4.5 't.a 50 x x x x 4Xlm x x x x x 2tt 80 1m 150 2.1 o.8 't.9 o.6 1.0 o.3 1.1 3.0 o.9 3.O o.9 2.5 o,8 3.3 t.0 4.6 l :l 2.3 o.t 6.0 1,8 165,1 rryn 165,1 mm MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron contorming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, and ASTM 4-536, grade 65.45.12. Houiing Coating: Orange enamel. Optional; Hot dipped galvanized and others Gask€e (Sp€cify choice.): Grade "E" EPDII EPDM (Green color code). Temperature range -30'F to +230"F (-34"C to +110.C). Recommended for cQld and hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemical services. UL classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86"F (+30"C) . il:.T:;f ffi,(+82"C) notable water service. Nor RECoMMENDED FoR PETROLEUM sERVlcEs. Nitrile (Orange color code). Temperature range -20"F to +180"F (-29"C to +82'C). Recommended for pelfobum products, air with oil vapors. vegetable and mineral oils tvithin the specified temperature range. Not recommended for hot water services over + 150'F (+66"C) or for hot dry air over +140"F (r60'C). 'Services listed are General Service Recommendations only. tt should be notecl thal there are seMces {or which these gaskets ars not recommended. Reference sh6uld always be rnade to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket s€rvice recomrnendations and ftr a listing of services which are not recommended. . Optional: Assembly Washer: Galvanized, cartron steel Bolt$rNuts: Heat treaEd carbon steel, track-head, zinc plated ro ASTM 8-633 conforming to physical propenies of ASTM A-183 minimum tensile 110,000 psi (759340 kpa). Flow Reduclng Flow Expanding NOTES..wb.k]n9Pres.-1reaf'E.dLoadaretoia|.froha||intefnatardextena||os('s.basedon5tandsrdwei$n(ANs|)5tee|r&e.5tanC|ard.o||dcol9r@vedinaccaneti$ victa-ufc ?ecilic€dom. cqact Viclsulic fo. petformance o.r dher plpe,. Maximum wdkng p]essu€ ra-Onj oase:o on lirler pipe size. Maximum E'nd Lo€O raring oiseJonsmalbr pipe size. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD T€ST ONLY; lbe Matimum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to I !,t rimes rhe figures sho{in. l. Alidlratle Plp€ End Separarion and Deneclim figureq show lhe maximum nomrnat range ot movement ava abte at eachjoint tor slanda.d ron q{ooJ€d pipe. Figures for slan_datd cut grooved pipe may be doubled. These ngures are maxlmumt for a,esign and hs-talta(ion puposes these f,gu.es sioufil be reduced by. io% fot % - : Zt(ZO - sO rn|nt, 25% for 1' (1@ rnm) aftt tarqer. O Nunb€i of bolts requk€d equals nunber of houdnO seomeds.iretrt tlread slze boNE a{e ava abte (color coded gdd) -for alt coupling sizes upon request. Cont ct Vlctaulic foa derails. WARNING: Depressurize and draio rt|e Fiping sFlem befo,e attedpting ro Innall, rernove, or adjus any Vrcta!fic piping p.oduct'. Ihh p.odlcl shall+ manirfactlred byvctautic Co.npany. Allpaoducts shal be Instatled in accordance rith curent Vktaulic hsta0rat&r assernbty ingrrclkns Vldaullc feseftes fie rlgtrt to ihange proauci spi:cificllions, designs and standard equipmeflt witfioul notice a; wittoui i4d,.nfng oorigaibnr. Style 750 Reducing Coupling No. l(l.DR Drain Elbow PRODUCT DESCRIPTION No. 1oOR drain elbows are specifically designed for use on fire protection standpipes. The drain is drillecl and tapped for a 1' (25 mm) NPT outlet. Constructed of durable ductile iron all sizes conform to the ratings of Style 77 couplings. No.1o-DR elbows are supplied with grooves or shoulders. These fittings are not intended for use with Victaulic Plain Fnd couplings. When connecting $rafer or luglype butterfly valves direc y to Victaulic drain elbows with Stye 7 41 or 743 Vic-Flangeo adapters or Slye 744 FireLocko Flange adapters, check clisc clearance dimensions with the l.D. dimension of the fitting. @*@ 5€6 VdauIc p|.blicelion 1 0-01 b. d€tib. DIMENSIONS 3H "iff-r'il-t W-,rt P -'l "-" ' J-, CtoE |r- SAt lEllft.. ldrsffirart Erc|i Oucid. lri.D.t!. hdteEnm Actrd 00t!ih ltrar|Cfr hd|oiJhm c.E H P 2'tz 65 2.475 73.O 3.75 70 1.68 {3 80 3,500 48.9 4.25 108 70 2.10 53 2.1 r00 4.500 114.3 5.00 1?' 2.15 70 2.60 8.8 4.0 6 150 6.625 164.3 6.50 165 2.15 70 3.65 93 18.7 MATERIAL SPEGIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron confo{rning to ASTM 4-536, grade 65,45-12 lHl,r:l]lT:",Jil';::"J"indothers This p(oduct sha[ be manufacturQd by Mcraulic Company. An p.odrEts to be installed in accodance.rvi(h cllnent Viclaulc insrattaridvass€mbty instructons- Vict8ullc resewes O|e aight to change producl specitications, deslgns snct standard equiprnent withou nolice and wi$rou! ift:uning oblidalions. . Rfc6rEiltr&rDflflfr(of ucl^uf - o mFyRrefiI203tlcrtujc - pRD{TEDtilus"A.t500 f,EVc Vichulic C0n{6',yotAnF ica . Plp{*:l{&-PlC(-VlC 0-8fi,742-5842) . tal: 610.250 8017 . e.rEihidvhei,atdutic.cotrVid fE Ccfi?dly ofcanada . Plmfi96,884-7441 . Fax: 905,881-9?71 . e{ail vi:crada@vict Ec iuny(liilb Euope . PhorE:32-9.381-'1500 ' Fix: 32{'380-4138 . ersit vicar@ricldirc-be Vhtdrlic trn€ricr Ldim . PhorB: 610-559-3300 . Fax: 610-559-3ffi . e'mail: vica!@thllh.cffn Vidarlie Ash Pacilc ' Phone 55$235-3035 . Fa[: 65 -6235 -0535 . e-mail: vicao@yictrjlk.con tu vrcl^ufrc. 6 Al,t tso gml oRltf ttocuipa y Firelock@ Fittings PRODUCT DESGRIPTION FireLocko producls cornprise a unique system specirically designed for tire p{otection services. FireLock full-flolv elbo\rys and tees are a CAD-developed. hydrodynamic design that has a shorter cenler-to€nd climension than standard fittings. A noticeable bulge allows the water to make a smoother turn to maintain similar flow characteristics as standard full flow finings. FireLock fittings are designed for use exclusively with Style 0O5 FireLock couplings. Use of other couplings or flange adapters may result in bolt pad interference. Vlctaulic Firelock littings pressure ratings conform to the ratings of Victaulic FireLock Style 005 couprngs. Patentad @*@ prblb.ton 10.01 DIMENSIONS '@ ',b No. 0O3 _,0 No. 006 No, 001 3 mrsIEEOrRlo€r R<SrEr {rc - c 203l/|cr tt€ - Pft{IE!{ t,sr, Urclauiic An€t,ca Lnirb . Phone: 610-559-3300 r Far 610'559.3610{ . s.fiEil: yiral@va,, lic.cflr Vifarlic tsir Pacn* . Plwp: 55-6235.3035 . Fu:65{235{535 . e.rEil: virao@yalarlic.com loE+ No. 0o2 Fltdn! Slze rb.00r 90'Elbow ilo. ocl 45' Elbow o. Oz StllghtTee fo.0||6 ld|t||al Dbmer Irdl8fi ! Actlll OuteH! Dhosbr fttc||e!,r!||| cbE Inct|.a tlrt At r, Wllghl E|.h LlcJtg CloE lnrltr n|n ADrrMft Erch ti.Jtg Cl,oE llrdlcs lllll AFr. rYcdd Erh tb.rq lhld(t|rtr "T" hdEa mn Aprr llblghl Estr ltlr 32 12.4 o.a2 o.3 0,1 1'tz 40 1.900 48.3 0.82 21 0.4 2 50 50,3 2.15 70 1.7 0.8 2.00 1.8 o.8 2.75 .70 2.4 't,1 0.88 22 21lz 65 2.875 73,0 3.00 16 3.1 1,4 5' 2.2 1.0 3.00 ?6 3.6 1.6 0.88 22 '1.0 0,5 ?6,1 mm 3_000 76.1 3.00 3.30 r,5 ?.25 2.1 l.t 80 3.500 84,9 3.38 86 ,t.o '1.8 2.50 5il l.a 3.38 86 2,4 0_88 1.2 o,5 100 4.500 l'14,3 1.00 l02 3,0 3.m 76 2.5 4.00 102 8.7 1.00 25 2.1 1,1 125 5.563 l{ 1.3 1 .88 't24 12.6 3.25 83 8.3 4.88 1?1 1.00 25 t,l 150 168.3 5.50 140 18.3 89 11.7 5.50 110 22.1 10.3 1.00 25 I 2@ 8.625 219.1 6.81 173 25-5 1 t.5 4.25 loa 20.1 6.94 176 38.7 r7,5 1.13 1?.7 5.8 tu I FLOIA' DATA IiE Frodrcr shil De na|daclredthu[c a€s€.ves tlE r!]ttr lo FrHod ia*t0ccFilrtlbttd Ductle kon corfomiing b ASTM A-536, grade 65-4$. 1 2 Coadn$ Orange enarnel Hot dip@ galvar$zed vEtauac Corpflry. Al trD(irt' b ba lffid h Eco.&i{Ee with cunert vi:t t {c tEtaldiorr6sefibtt instlcturts. ange Fodlrct sp€c{lcdh|s, ('|sbrE ord sldrd|! €quiE err ll|thotl ndtce d|d fi|od ilcttitg otaiFisltt FireLockc Fittings Style OO5 Firelocko Rigid Goupling with Vic-Plus'" Gasket System PRODUCT DESCRIPTION VicPlrr$ tystem FireLock@ Style 005 rigid coupling has a unique, patented angle-pad design which allows the housings to offset while clamping the grooves. By permitting the housings to slide on the angled bolt pads. rigidity is oblained. The FireLock couplings provide rigidity for valve connections, fire mains and long straight runs. Support and hanging requirements correspond to NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systems. Angle-pad design permits assembly by removing one nut/bolt and swinging the housing over the gasket. This reduces components to handle during assembly: speeds and eases installation on pipe grooved to Victaulic specifications. Style 005 FlrcLock couplings wlth the VicflusTll Gasket System are deaigned and recomrnended for use ONLY on lLe protectlon systems. Vic-Plus Gasket System: Victaulic@ now offers a gaskei syslem which requires no field lubrication on wet pipe systems. The Vic, Plusr* System (patent pending) is dry, clean, and non-toxic. lt reduces assembly lime substantially and eliminates the mess and chance of over-lubrication. ,-9-R*ffi @ @'**'* "f;*Y*"* Exagge.ated fs cla.tty DIMENSIONS @ffi Rated for wet and dry sprinkler systems at 350 psi (2413 kPa) fu 111, - 4' (32 - 100 mm) sizes and 30O psi (2068 kPa) for 4vr 8' (108 , 200 mm) sizes; Schedule 10 roll orooved or Schedul€ 40 cut 6r rolt grooved steel pip€. Style 005 is rigid and does not accommodate expansion, contraction 0r angular deflection- @ I t Refer to noles on page 2. o EG{irESmTnrDEltAE(OFVTCIAUJC - O COF SItt(I200IEIAUjC - 'AWI€Dt{USl PlDe S&e X.t Wo|k Pras!. E PSI'/tP! lLr. End Load Lbr,'/ll Alq,. Plp. End s€p' t ln.rnn e Bo[,|tu| ilo. - Stse lrEl|olrl!|! 0l&ensbtrs llt#mm lprl. lvgt Eo. U6Jtg flo r|.l DLnaLa Inch€dnm Actrl outddc Dbmele. lnd|er/lr|n x z 11lt 3? 1.660 12.4 350 2113 3370 0.05 1,2 2-Vs X ztt.2.15 'to 4.50 1:14 'L8E 1{8 0,5 11lz 40 1.900 18.! 350 2tl3 990 44 t5 0.05 1.2 2 -3lo X 21lt 3.00 4.75 '121 'l.88 148 0.5 50 60,3 350 2t13 r550 6900 0.07 1.7 2-rh x ztt,3.50 89 525 !t3 188 146 '1.6 o.7 21lz 65 2.875 ?3.0 350 2a13 2?70 10110 0.07 2-!s X ?tt,4.00 r02 575 l{6 1.88 1.18 19 o.9 76.1 mm 3.000 76,',1 350 za 13 2475 Tl0r0 0.07 1.7 2-'la x 2tlz 4.13 l05 5.75 146 1.88 148 1_S 0_9 a0 3.500 88.9 2.t13 14985 0.07 1.7 2-rla X 2tlz 4.63 118 '1.88 148 2.1 'l.o 'I00 4.500 't14,3 350 2413 24170 0.16 4,1 2 -1ls X 2tlz 5.i5 146 7'25 184 2.13 54 3,1 1.4 108.0 mm 4.250 l0a,o 300 2068 4?55 14940 0.16 4.1 2 .Ie X 2tlz 5.63 '113 7.25 184 2.13 54 3.1 -t.4 I tl.3 300 2068 7290 32145 0.16 4.1 Z-Vz ll 2Ie 6.BB 175 9.00 229 2.13 54 2,0 'I33.0 mm 5.250 r33,0 300 2068 6495 ?€900 0.16 2. tl2 x 2rl1 6.63 168 9.@ 229 2.13 51 4.5 2.O :139,7 mm 5.500 139.? 300 2068 7125 31715 4.1 2.Iz X Z'lt 6.88 '175 9.00 229 2.13 54 4.8 2,2 6 r58.3 300 2068 103{0 46020 0.16 4.1 2 -rlz X 23lt 8.00 zo3 10.00 254 2.13 54 5.0 2.3 159,0 rnm 6.250 r5g0 300 2068 9200 10955 0.16 4.1 2 -ils X 41lt 7 ,63 194 10.00 251 2.13 54 5.5 2.5 165,1 mm 6 500 155.1 300 2068 9955 {ttz95 0.16 Z-\2 X 211.8.15 2l}1 10.00 254 54 2.5 I ?00 8.625 219,1 300 2068 1t 525 78000 0.19 {.4 2 -s1" X l1la 10.50 267 13.13 334 2.63 ll.3 is8 Ev F Vilauli{ Csrpdty d Arrnica . Pi'qre: I -g$-PlCl(-VlC {I -Bm-742-5842) . F6x: 610-250-8817 . e-mailipickvir@.yidaulic.com Vnnuirc Coqaay tlcauA. nrcoc 955-864-7414 . FaK905,884-9771 . e{la;l: vbcafida@.tvidarlic.con ViCfl.iltc tur0pe . Pttrle:12-S-3811500 . Far: 3?-9.3m-1118 . e-mail: vlceuro@vichulie.br Vrclaulr. Am€raa Laiirn . Pipra: 610-559-3300 . Far: 610,559,3608 . e-mail yical@viebulic.co.rt Victulia Asia Paciflc . PtsE: 65 6235,3035 . te: 65-6235-0535 . e,nFil: vice@victiulilclrn tu MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Houslng: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM 4-395. grade 65-45"15, and ASTM 4-536, grade 65-45-12. Housing Coatlng: Orange enamel . Optional: Hot dipped galvanized Gasket: . Grade "E" EPDM - Type A Vicflus casket System t (Violet color code). Firelock products have been Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and Ap- proved by Factory Mutual Research for wet and dry (oil free air) sprinkler services up to the raled work- ing pressure using the Grade "E" Type A Vic-Plus Gasket System, requiring no field lubrication. For dry services, Victaulic continues to recommend the use of Grade "E" Type A Flushseal6 Vic-Plus Gasket Syslem. Contact Victaulic for details. Bolts/Nuts: Heat treated carbon steel. zinc electroplaled to ASTI\4 8-633; Track head bolt conforming to ASIM A-183 minimum tensile 1-10,000 psi (758340 kPa); Flanged hex nut conforming to ASTM A-563, Gade A. t Standard gasket and Flushseal gasket approved for dry pipe systems lo -40'F (-40'C). Based on"typical- pipe surface conditions. supplemental lubricant is recommended for services installed below 0"F (-18'C) and for all dry pipe systems or sysrems ro be subjecled ro alr tests priof to being filled with water. Victaulic continues to recommend the use of Flushseal qaskets for dry services- The information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publicalion. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. ' FM app.oved fo. servte in 1rJ, - 4' pipe. # UL Listed for service up to 4' pipe only. @UL Listed fq service up lo 3" only. I{OT€S: 5 rele.s to Listed/App.oved Schedule 5 steel sprinkler pipe 10 relers to Listed,fAppaoved Schedule 10 steel sprinkler pipe 40 refers to listed/Approved Schedule 40 sted sprinkler pipc 8l.T refers io Listed steelsprinkler pipe manufadured by Allbd Tube & Conduil DF refers to Lisred,lApp.oved Dyna-Flow 9eel sprinkter pDe manufactued by Allied Tube & Cooduit DT reft.sto Li$ed D)'na Thread sleel sprinkler pipe mantdactred by Allied Tube & Conduil EF refet! to Lisred/Approved Eddy Flow sleelsprlokler plpe mad.factured by Bull Moose Tobe Co.. EL fefers lo Li$ed Eddylke sred spriokler plpe manufacQred by Bull ftrloose Tube Co. ET reters to Listed Eddyhread 40 steel sprinkler pjpe manufactred by EuttMoose Tube Co EZ refc{s lo Lisled €Z-Fbyv steel spriflkler pipe rnarulaclued by Northwest Pipe & Casing Co. FF rcters to Lastcd Firc-flo geel sprinkler pipe mandactued by Youngstown Tube Co GAL T refers lo tisted steel sprintl€r pipe rnanutactured by ltOD Systems, LLC. MLI refers to listed steel sprinkler pipe manufaclured by Whearland Tube Company MF ref6s to Lisred Mega-ahw seel sprinkler pipe hantacruted by Wheatland Tube Company MT retefs to Lifled Mega-Thread neel sprinkler pipe msnufacnred by \4rheadand Tube Company STF rele.s o Listed Ste€dy Flow steel sprinkler pipe manutacllred by AMS Tubc Corporation Steady Thread relers lo Apppro/ed sleel sprinkler pipe rnanufactured by AMS Tube Corporaton TF rcfers to lcx Flow steelsprtnkler pipe manufactured by Tex-Tube Company WLS refe6 to Lisled/Appro\red s!-l sFrinkler pipe manufactured by Whearland Tube Company XL refers lo I i$ed XL or XL ll sleel sp.inkler pipe mantfacru.ed by Allied Tube & Condull Co.p. Rabd lvdling Pr"srurp - PSI Rrbd Woidng Pr€!8rru - PSI Pips Schcdde Sitr ftich!$u-ULC FS Pip! S.NFduh Slt hch.t u.uLc FT 5 rv. - 3 175 FF 11L.4 N/A N/A 300 10, 40 11t. - 1 350 350 GAL.7 |tl-2 300 N/A N/A 300 300 3m MLI 11t. - 2 300 NiA N/A BLT -t1t1 2 300 300 MF 1llt- 4 300 N/A 300' DF 11L-4 300 300 300 MT 11t. - 2 300 NiA N/A DT 11lr 2 300 300 N/A SIF 11t. - 4 NiA 300 11lz - 4 175@ N/A 't75 Steady Thd.11le- 2 N/A N/A 300 EL 11lt - 2 300 N/A N/A TF 3-8 N/A 300 ET ltlr-2 300 N/A N/A WLS 11r. - 2 300 300 N/A 4 -6 300t N,/A 300 XI 300 300 300 Sryle 0O5 Firelock@ Rigid Coupling ltoTEs.wa|d{Pr€6s.rernd€ndLord8re|otal,horno[interm|{de*Ef'|s|ba(b.b'sedoni4dardweigttl(AN5|)dedptc'5|andad.o||oGr||grocl/ldin8ccdr|aoce Vfqs/Ic spccdlqadon!. Cu|lad Vhradic br p€rto.dEnce 0n ofi€r 91p6. !Y ntllilG: FOR Ot{E ll|E FIELD IECI ONLY, tE rartiaurJo|tviatttg grEstre n } bs frJessed ro rfi ddEsrho flgtns stffir, t Fa Hd Mtrn{rrly. Ffri-Gf sqb 0o5 coupfigs ra €GsedfydgH ind 6 not @sdtodale elp6r|sbnko{gl(ihn. a lftmoer of bofs re$ied equ8b nqnlre. of houling s€fFe s, lre||.E tr"!.t 3tze bolts *e rv€llabte lcolor coded gold) h|. r[ cqDItE sEe3 upoo rcq{t€sr. Co rct VictEullc fo. detols. I Sql.Oos €ol9hgE rc VdS md LPt Approvea b 12 gar 0t5 psl). WARi{t{G: DetrlBefibe lnd plplng slgent berqc EtErrFtitg to &Errl. |E,rEUe. 6 adjiGt !ry Vldanlc p(*rg pro(bcrs. Tllir godoci lbal bc marEt6( lrktadc ,eserves rhe I bt Vtct uilc Cqrpra)|. A| F(lEts stal balEialEd h occsdance !,0r cunnt VLtErlc t|t|lldia{EsrerDtlt iEmcddls' !o chsnga prodrrct sFecficatb|s deslgnr nd siandatd e$lipmen t ,tlErt rdct lnd sltn* irE rfhg oblgtrdoi6. Sty{e 0OS Fkelock'Rlgid Orcupling icta lic' PRODUCT DESGRIPTIOITI with Vic-Plusrm Gasket System Style 744 FireLockil Flange Adapter the use of a Firelock Flange washer. Firelock Flange adapters with Vic-Plus gaskets do not require lubrication. The gasket must always be assembled with t}le color coded lip on the pipe and the other lip facing the mat- ing flange. Sryle 744 FAeLock Flange adapter is designed for directly incorporating flanged components wlth ANSICL. l25orCL. 150 bolt hole patterns into a grooved pipe system. Sizes 2 - 8" (50 - 200 mm) are hinged for easy handling with integral end tabs which facilitate assembly. The design incorporates small teeth inside the key shoulder I-D. to prevent rotation. @*@ Sec Victa.trrc pr,bli.aliofl 10.01 lor dslsls. DIIUIENSIONS stte 7{4 Sizes 2 - 8' (5O - 20O mm) ANSI Class 125 and 150 Flange @ -'l z l.- ffiI lloL: Gray arca of matino tace must be free lrdn g6uges, und-ulations or deformities ot any type for effective seanng. lToial bolts required to be sirpplled by installer. Bolt sazes for corwendonal ffange"lo'flange connecfon. Larger bolts are required when Vic.flange adapg b ltililed wllh rvafer.rype vatuet Page VICTAULICO I8 AN ISO 9OO1 CERTIFIED COMPANY VicPftr$tyttem Because of the outside flange dimension, Firelock Flange adapters should not be used on Faelock fit- tings. When wafer or lug- tlpe valves are used adjoin- ing a Victaulic fining, check disc dimensions to assure proper clearance. Firelock Flange adapters should not be used as anchor points for tie-rods across nonf esrained joints. Mattng rubber faced flanges, valves, etc., require Plpo Siz.Max. WoIt Pr's- PSr kFa Max. End Lord Lbs.' N No. Bolts t R€q'd. Boll Slzs 1 lnches Seallng Surfacs lnches/mm Dlnalrsiong hchggrrrllltmrlers Apfl. rYg[. Each Lbs. rS llominal Oulslde Dlam6t!r InJmm AGlual Outside Diemster lnJmm llax. "8" lrln.u,x Y z 2 5S 2.315 1t5 l;i.3a 175 '.1.150 4 x 2!a rii 3.41 6.75 6-00':t'l 4.75 ili o.75'!.:2.'' 1."1 2r,) a1< l:t.a 1 |35 1 x3 2.88 ;.1 3.9',r 'Jil 7.88 :'uo 7.00j :!t s.50 "aa) o.B8 2? 4.2 -1 :l t,l 3.500 t'8, i)t zaL' 1685 ,50c 3.50 t!r 4.53 !l i. 4.44 i14 7.50 1,J: 6.00':5?o.94 )t 4.8 ?.?. -? !ql 4.500 ': l.-1 -r r75 !:,. 'C 21W ! i r.*5 8 %x3 1.50 'i: i 9.942i!9.00 :2q 7.50 0.94 24 1.1 32 5 ::/-r iti:c 4250 1{ig?i!I ltX 3th 5.56't!-i iii 't1.@ ?.|+ 10.00 8.50i;c l.oo "_'a 8.3 l.? 6:i0 6.625 l.!E 3 175 t.t c 6030 z6e4i I %x 3th 7.78 1$t 12.n 3e: l1.m:'r:9.50 l,;l t.m::9.3 .i.2 jrl{)8.625 : iri.; 175'iir,o 10219 ,5.: i9 8 V:X 31h 8.63 2r3 9.94 2]',2 14.63'rt2 13.50 1i,1.i 11.7 5 -l.rii 1.'.|3 :tt 13.9 i.:1 lo noles on Vlctarrlic Company ot AmGrica Pho,E: 1-8@-PICK-VIC (1-8$-742-5842) Fax 610-250-8817 e-mail:pickv jc@vi€taulic.con Victaulic Company ql Canada Ptrcrp:416 675 5575 Fnr 416-675-5565 e-mail: viccana&@vlc|ailk.com Victaulic Eurape Victaulic Ar$4rlca Latltta vistst llc Atra Pic!fic Ptu:T:32-9-381 1500 Phoae: 610-559-3]m Pisfle: 65'235-3035 far 32-9-380-1438 fac 610-553-3608 Fan65.2354535 e-flEil: rkeuro@vichulic.hr e-mait vical@victaulic.com e-nail: vicap@,tkhulic.c0n 6 Registered Tradefia* of Victaulic o CDpyrighl 2002 Vclaulc Plr[ed tr U.S-4. VIC.FLA]UGE ADAPTER TTIOTES 1.The Sryre 744 (2 - 8"/50- 200 mm) desrgn incorporates small teeth in- side the key shoulder l.D. to pre- vent rotation. 2.FireLock Flange adapter should not be used on Ftelock fittings. When wafer or lug,type valves afe used adjoining a Victaufic n ing, check disc dimensions to assurc propef clearance- 3.FireLock Flange adapters should nol be used as anchor poi s fortie- rods across nmrestrained joints. Mating rubbcr faced funges. valves. etc. require tl|e use of a f irelock Flange washe(- 1.Area A-B noted in the aLrove draw- ing must be fie€ from gouges. tm- dulatbns or defo.mities of any type for effective sealing. 5.Firelock Flange adapt€r gaskets must always be assembled with the colorcoded lip on the pipe and tlle other lip Facing the mating flange. MATERIAL SPEGI FIGATIONS Flange Housing: Ductile imn conficrming to ASTM 4-395. grade 65 45-15, and ASTM A. 536, grade 65_45-12. Coating: Black enamel O optional: Hot dipped galvanized Bolts/Nuts: Supplied by instauer 6.Flange Washers: FireLock Flange adaoters reouire a smooth hard surface at the maling flange face for etfective sealing. Some applica- tions for which the vic-Flange adapter is otherwise well suited do not provide an adequate mating surface. ln such cases. t is remm- mcnded that a metal Flange wash' 9r be inserted bet\4een the Firelock Flange adapter aM the madog nange to provide the neces- sary s,ealing surface. T)pbal applicaions where a Fhnge Wash6 shoutd be used are: A. \ry'hen mating to a serrated flange: a standard flat tlange gasket shoub be used adjacent to thc sc{mted flange and then the Flange Washer is insened between the Fkelock Flange adapter and the flange gasket- B. When mating to a wate. valve: wh€.e typical !'dlves are rubber lined and partially rubber faced (smoolh or noi). the Flange Washer is placed belween the vatve and the Ffelock Flange adaoler. Gasket+: O Grade "E" EPDM - Type A Mc-Plus Gasket System f fviolet color code) . Firelock products have been Listed by Underwriters Laboratories lnc. and Approved by Factory Mutuai Research for wet and dry (oil fi€e air) spdnkler ser- vices up to the rated wo*ing C. Wren maling a rubber faced nange: lhe Flange Washer is placed between the Firelock Flange adapters and the rub- ber faced flange. D.When mating AWWA casr flanges to IPS flenges: the Flange Washer is placed b€- tween two Fi.eLock Flanges. The hinge poin6 must be od' ented aptroximately 9o" to each other. lf one flange is nota Firelock Flange adapret (e.9., flanged valve), tl|en a standard nat flange gasket musl be placed adjacent to t}|at nange and the Flange Washcr insertcd between the fliange gasket and the Firelock Flange adapter. E. When mating to componenls (vaves, strainers, etc.) where the component fbnge tace has an insent follow the same aF fangement as in Application 1. F, When mating to a Series 708-W Butterfly valve, Style 714 may only be dsed on one side of lhe connection. lhen qdering Flange Washers, alwals specify ptoduct $yle (Style 744) and size to assue p.opet Flange Washer'E supplkf . pressure using the Grade "8" Tlpe A Vic-Plus Gasket System, requiring no field lubrication. HingeBushtng:2-8' (50 - 200 mm). Electroplated steel. ' I Supplemental lubricant is recommend' ed for services installed at cr continuous- ly opcrating below O'F Cl8'C). NOTES ' Workir€ Pressure and End Load are total, frorn all internal and extemal loads, based ofl standard weight steel pipe. standaad roll or cut grooved in accordance with Victaulb specincadons. Contact Victaulic fo( performa.ce on other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONE TlMt FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be inqeased to I % limes the figures shoffr. St),le 74.1 Fielock Flange adapters provide rigidjoints when used on pipe with srandard fott o. cut groove dimensions and conseque ly aUow no linear o. angular rno/ement at thejomt. WARNING: Depressurize and drain lhe piping syslem before anempting to install, remove, or aqiu$ any Viclaulic piping products. Ttis producl shall be rnanufactured by Victaulic Cornpany. All products to be installed in accorctance wilh curent VictaLrlic installation/assembly instruclions. Viclaufic .eserves lhe right to change product specifications, deslgns and gandard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. 10.04 - 2 ^-. - .- Figures: 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 820, 825, 827, 830, 719, California Tees, and Street Ehows $izes: 1/2" - 2rl2" tarinrn Uorllng Fres$re: 800 Series, California Tees, and Street Elbows: 300 psi Figure 719: 250 psi Approrals: UL, and FM ,tolrc: See Fire Protection Submiftal Sheet for exact Listing/Approval information. IanulaDtu]e Sourte: lmported llatarlal: Ductile lron, conforming to ANSI 816.3 (Note: Figure 719 Plugs are conslructed of Cast lron) Tlread: N.P.T. EENTRAL Grooved Piping Products 0rdering Procedure lhloriig Hornattm: \Mren placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please speciry the quanlity, figure number and size. Avall*lllly and $enlc!: croovd Piping Products, valves, accessories and other products are available throughout the U.S., Canada, and intemationally, though a nelwork of distribution cenbls. You may write dircctly or call 21$362-070O for the distibutor nearest you. - r|lllGare andI I Maintenance I -The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire proteclion system and devices in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Pmtection Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The installing contraclor or product manufacfurer should be contacted relative to any questions. Any impairment must be immediately corrocted. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualifi ed Inspection Service, Threaded Fittings Tyco Fire Products -- www 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue.Pennsylvania 19!t46 -- USA Customer Service/Sales: Tel:5) 362-07O0 / Fax: (215) 362-5385 Te€hnical Services: Tel:-9312 / Fax 791-5500 Generalr Technical Description Data @@ ffi1ii.ii',ilt'i*' pressure fatilg arld ListingI . and Appror/al inl0rmation l 'i Ductile lron threaded ftftings (with the exceplion of Califomia T{es and Street Elbows) conform lo ANSI 816.3. They are higher in strength' and more conosion resistanl than cast iron fittings. The additional sbengttr is provided by the ductile propedies making up the ftttirrg. This is acrrmplished by adding magnesium while the iron is being poured into it final cast shap$. This provides an advantage as thi fiftings are nol as susceptibld to leaks or cracking and they are also lighter than standard casl iron. Caution: tnsbtters vho hdre nnt asod Hrlls'#Itrl:! #:rr'i r,FL Far nsra | | ari onare driager lhan na p@a aod a tlgmenlnt the fining can crcatc and cause dznage to pipe lhrceds. tn ' .-genenl, lhota ,s about one-halt turn ditterence helwean cast ircn ahd Apply Teflon Tape or high quality ductilc iron tittings. Applf fetlbn laps pipe joint compound on the male ot high qadfity pipe ioint conpgund on pipe threads and tighten two to the nale pipe threads and ttgffion ivo three turns beyond hand tight. to thrca tuns beyon hantl tight. lf (See caution in first column) yau ara nsitry an automatlc make-on machine, please erenlse cautlon In sefrtng par nachine to lhe proper panmeterc prior to tighrening tittings onto the male pipe lfueads. No. 21-3.o Size Inches Inches B Inches Part Number Weight Lbs. 8ox otv. Iz lYs 86206 o.24 240 .h 1%s 86205 0.40 120 1 11,13l'o 86200 0.64 1lt 'l3lt 11ls 86201 0.95 40 'lIz 1151.n 13/rs 86202 1,24 30 21lt 11la 86203 1.74 20 21lz 1e/ro 86204 3.28 10 l--"-I rTr-{ | l-iiF+L_H* Figure 8'15 Reducing T6e Figu.o 811 9Oo Elbow l-^lffi Figure 812 90" Reducing Elbow Figu.e 613 ,15" Elbow Figure 814 Te6 ! ^ -lrffilLli i'11IH_[I? llr (- Size lrrhes A B lnct€s c lnd|es D E lnci€s F tnm€s Part Wt Lbs. Box otv. 3h xtlaxlh lVra 13/re 'lllt flr sla 86235 0.46 95 rAxVrxl 1rl:r.ltln 11s 7la 1la t'lra 86755 0.68 65 1x1l2x1 11lz 13la 't1tz l3/re 13/re 86236 0.70 55 l x3ltxlz 1It ltln 13la 5ls 13is 86756 0.63 80 1 xsLx3lt 13/r lthc 11l:l.11llrc zl.rle 86757 o.68 65 l xxltxl 1!z lrl.t.1lz ,le tsr/c 86237 o-77 55 1 x1x1lz 1l!11lt 13le e/ro el:r 13ln 86238 0.66 65 l xl xtlt 'l3la 'l1a 11l.o ''116 11/rs 1lc 86239 0.73 60 1 x'l x11lt 'l rr/ro l rr/ro 1e/ro 1 'la 86240 0.97 ,[5 1x1x11h 1ltllr 113/n 75lt 1la 1!e 7la 86241 1.14 35 11h x 1 xIz 1t?ro 11h lel:r 'ta e/ro 1 86242 0.81 50 1llcx1x3tt 1rlrc 13la lsla 111rc 86243 0.90 50 lr/lxlxl lsl:r,llr^'| 1t/rt 1t 13/:e 96241 1.03 45 1tlrx I x1%lrlt 1r%o 13h 1l/re t ri6 86245 1.10 40 1l*1x1llz 11la 11i/ro 11el ta 13l'?,11lc 11llo 86246 't.43 30 11hx1thx1lz 11t 11o ,1ln 1 86247 0.87 45 llhxlltxth lrht 'ltl:r 15ls 3h 3h 1r/rs 86248 0.96 45 11hx11hx1 1e/re 19:c 1111lr th rla 1 86249 1.10 40 11hx11ltx11l ltla 17la 1r3/ro 11110 1131n 11lro 86250 1.50 30 11ltx11hx2 2tla 2 lrha 111lo 11lc 86251 2-00 24 1lhx1x1lz 'l7ha 15l.r 111fi0 ,,ls 5ls 1Ia 862s2 0.97 40 11hx1x3lt 11lz 13lc ltlt 3lt 'l1s 862s3 1.14 40 11hx1x1 lrlc 1lz 113/ro th '-r 16 11ls 86254 1.14 30 11zx1x11lz 115'1[l1Vrs lrsha 13ha 1la 13l.o 8625s 1.52 30 T]/zxlltxIz 11ha 15/ro 1r1/r l1/rs 5/c 1%86257 '|,03 40 ,l1hx1lhx3lt 1Iz ltl:n 13lt 1+13/re 86258 1.10 40 11hx11ltx1 15lt lel.r,1!3/rs rle rla 11ls 86259 1.31 30 11lzx'l1hx2 2Vc 1r lr lt ls 11lt 86260 1.94 20 llzxlthxtla 1ln 171lc 1rr/ra 1'lc 86261 1.14 11hr11hxtlt 11h tt2 13lt th 3lt 'l%r 86262 35 11lzx'l1zx1 15la 15la 1t3/ro 7ls tla 1!a 86263 1.38 30 11hx11lzx'!.11"11tllo 1r3As 'l1a ltlln,11ls ltha 86264 1.50 30 1!zx11hx2 25l.r 2tha 11l-o 11l:o 11h I'DZttc 2.@ 20 2x1x2 2 21lt 11lz lelll 1'tz 86266 2.18 15 2x1ltx2 2\t 2'te 21lt 11lz 11lr 11lz 86267 2.31 15 2x11hx1lt 11lz ltlr 3h ltls 86268 1 .50 30 2x llhxtlt 15/r 'llz 11s/ro 1a tlt ltls 86269 1.61 25 2x1lzx1 1rh 15lc 2 1 15/ro 86270 1.65 20 2x1!zx1!z 21ln 1151.n 23ln lsha 131rr 1tlrc 86272 2.O3 ?o 2x11lzx2 2,h 2tls 21lt 1lz 17ha 1Iz 86273 2.37 15 2x2x1lz lrlz 'lIz ltla 3h lsl.l ffi222 1.50 30 2x2xl,lslo 15la 115/re rla 71s 86223 1.67 20 ?x2xl 13lt ltlt 1 'I 15/ro s6224 1.91 20 2x2x1'lt 'lrls 11a 21la 11ld 1Vs 17 hc 98225 2.O5 20 2x2x11lz 2rlt 1lt 1Vc 1'lz 86226 2.'11 15 2x2xVlz ?Jlc 2'lo 13lt lrla 11l.o 86227 3_67 10 2llzx2xtla 131.,t'la 25tr 11h 86274 2_22 Si26 Inches Inches B Inches InctFs D Inches Part Number Weighl Lbs. Box otv. th xtlz 13/re lthe slt 86342 0.33 160 l xtlz 11lt 13h tl:r 86210 0.44 110 1 xl/t ltle ltl.o 1rlru 86211 0.53 90 ltla xlz 15/ro 1!z tla 86212 0.al 75 lthx3lt lrl.r'15,h tlt 1tlre 86213 0.75 60 1lltx'l 1elrr 1r1l'e 1 86214 o.77 55 lrlzxslt 11lz 13lt 3h '13lrc 86221 0.95 45 11lzx 1 15A 1t3/ro 11lc 86215 nqo 40 11lzx ltlt '1r3/ro 11a 11ls 13/ro 86216 1.14 .to 2 xslt 15h 115ha 't^1%86217 1.39 30 2x1 ltlt 21lt 2 lsl.e 86218 1 .s8 25 2 x11lz 2 2tl'e 11tt 1r lrc 86220 2Q 21lzx 2 23ls 2tlc 11lt 11la 86262 3.01 't5 Size Inches A Inches B Inches Pan Numb6l Weight Lbs. Box Qty. xls 86780 250 1,1 86781 0.33 150 1 1'la 86280 0.,18 90 1lt 15ln Ye 86281 0.73 50 1lz 1r lrc 86242 0.93 JC 2 'lt1llr 86283 1.55 t8 2tlz l tsilre 1 46782 2.70 12 Size lnches A lnchos D Inches Part Number Wei0ht Lbs. Box otv. 1la 86340 o.33 't 50 ,lt 15ls 86341 o.50 90 1 11lz 86230 0.85 60 111.'l'1,11l,e 86231 1.30 35 'lliz 115/ro 13/ro 86232 1.63 24 2 1!z 86233 2.63 12 2"t,a 1elre 86234 4.55 8 -2- Size Inches B lnches Weight Lbs. Figqre 816 Redudng Coupllnq Figure E25 Extanslon Plece Firrure 7tg Cast lron Plug Flqu6 827 Hex &Fhing Figure 830 Brass Seat Udon Figut€ 817 Cross Fbu.e EtB Sltaight Cooplilg Figuro 820 cap Size lnches A lnches Part Number Weight lbs. Box otv. 1lzx11lz 11lz 72751 0.20 300 1lz x2 72980 0.27 250 3hx l1la 11lz 7298'l o.22 250 th x2 2 72942 0.31 200 Siz6 Inches A Inches I Inches 0 lnches D lnches Pad tumber Weidfi LDS. Box otv. 1 lrtc 1!z r116 ltl:r 86284 o.97 45 11h 13h 1.h hs 11llo 86285 1.59 25 1th 115/rc l t6/re I rta 13llrc 86286 1.89 20 2.2th 211.lz 11lz 86287 2.93 10 lrt x 1!/4x 1x I 1t/tg lel:n 86289 1.25 30 'llzx1'/zx7x1 1t/re 'l6h 1 te 115/re 86322 1.48 24 2x2x1x1 1%11lt 11l.o 86291 2.84 10 Sizg lncies A lnches Parl l{umber Wsight Lbs. Box otv. 7 x!/z 11n 72726 o.22 2E0 '| xYr 1lt*72762 0.18 280 11hx1 'l Yrc 72763 0.31 150 11ltx1 11lt 72757 0.53 100 lrlzxllt 11lt 72764 0.35 100 2r1 1%72759 0.75 80 2x 71tt 13/c 72761 0.69 80 2x 71lz 1%72775 0.62 80 Size lnches A Inches B ln€hes Part l{umber Wench WotSht Lbs. Box olv. r%%a 72779 11t o.18 360 3h ltle 72775 ltls 0.26 200 I ltlt tlt 72755 | ,t6 o.44 110 'lllt Vts 72754 2 0.54 75 llz 23llo th 72753 ?1h o.71 60 2rls 11lt 72752 2.h 1. t5 30 2th J 3h 72758 3t/r 2.29 18 Size lnchos A lnchss B lnches Part llumber lryeiotrt Lbs. Box 0v. tlz 17h 86207 0-4v 110 th 2 15llr,ffi275 0.66 80 Zrho rt/ro 80276 1.08 50 11lt 21lz 'tlit 86277 1.54 35 71lz ?slc 13io 86278 2.O3:25 2 3t 15/e 86279 3.15 18 Sfze Indhos A Inches Part Number W€ioht l_bs. 8ox atv. rlc 72776 o.15 500 1 72777 o.22 3@ l3/rs 72824 0.33 180 1\t ltln 72756 O.5,t 't10 lNh 1%728a2 0.6E EO 2 11lz 72823 0.96 45 21h 13h 72425 1.80 25 Sizo Inches A lrnh€s Parl Number Weight Lbs. 8ox otv. 't7 l5/ro 86292 0.10 s00 .h lrtt 86293 0.18 300 1 1lt 86294 0.28 200 1\t 13h 86295 0.50 110 'l1lz 1rln 86296 0.70 80 2 1!z 86297 0.90 45 Skest Elbowq Califgmia Tees 1- which have nol been installed. maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of producls or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplele information supplied by Buyer or Buye/s representalives. A Inches 5Pe Inchos A lnchss B lncnes lnches D Inchts Part Nu mbor Weight lbs. 8ox olv. 1x1lzx1 1Iz 'lt 42000 0.95 50 lxlr(1 1lz 3 42@1 0.95 45 Limited I Warranty ' Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are waranted golely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in matefial and workmanship when paid for and propedy installed and mainlained under normal use and service. This wananty will exFire ten (10) years ftom date of shipment by Tyco Fire Produqs. No wananty is given for products gr components manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for producls and componenls which have been subject lo miFuse, improper installation, corrosiorl, or General l{oles: lt is the Design€r's responsibility to select products suitabls lor thG intendod ss ft}e and to ensure that pressute ratings and petlormance data is nqt exceedsd. Newr remov€ any piping component nor corrcct or modily any piplng defciencbs without lirsl depressuri4ng and draining the system. Matsrial and gasket sGleclion should be verilied to be compatblo|or th6 specilic applicationj IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO F]RE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDERANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. THE FOfrEEO,NE WAEfrAilfi IS IIIAI/.E IN LIEU OF ANY AI{D ALL OTHEN WABN,,ilTllEE EXPNESS OB IilPLIED. IIICLUDI IIG WAfr RNN ES OF MEnCilAnTAErUrY AflB Hrr//ESS mB A PABNCAAB PUBPOEE. -tttltEdlFlou' Cmtroll TYco Flre 'ptducE Pdnled U.S.A. 10{1 Signs For sprinklerl systems & devices Manufactured by: Central Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, on Ceniral's ldenlification Signs Fre designed to provide information to the end user about the sprinkler sybtem and it's components. Thoy are available with a variety of wordfrrg oombinations to meet the signirig requirements of NFPA 13. The five basic types of signs fre as follows: Type A - Control Valve Sign Type B - Multl-purpose Text Signs Type C - Cold Weather Sign Type D - Fire Alarm Sign Type E - Hydraulic Galculatioir Sign The Signs are constructed of [8 gauge steel or aluminum with a . porcelain enamel or printed mylir facing respectively. The signs hdve comer holes or slots for easy attach- rnent in the field. Sign Type B is available with the following text options: Main drain Open sprinkler control Open sprinkler drain Test valve Triangular main drain Water motor Water motor line Air control Air control valve Air line Alarm test Alarm line Antifreeze system Auxiliary drain Gontrol Control valve Drain Drain valve Entire system From city main In ihis building In this section Inspectors test Main control ldentificatlsr Signs n rechnical Model: Sign Style: Flat,rectangular Standard Finish: porcelain or mylarSize: Type A- 9'x 7' TypeB-6'x2" TypeC-73/r"x1%' TypeD-9"x7' TypeE-5"x7' Weight: Type A - 4.5 oz. TypeB-0.5o2. TypeC-2.002. TypeD-4.0o2. TypeE-1.5o2. pI|nstallation The ldentification Signs are pro- vided with %' diameter or larger holes (or slots) in the cornem for easy attachrnent using standard hardware chain, wire, plastic lock tibs, or light gauge metal slrap (not induded). io,244.0 Slgn - TypeA The blank spaces on this sign may be utilized to provide message flexibllity. Simply add combinations of sign Type B and Type C as desired. Sign - Type B Sign - Type D Hll#Ht?,,, When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity and type. Hardware for hanging is not supplied wilh the Sign. lt must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and intemationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to b€ defective in material or workmanship within a pedod of one year from date of shipment. Please refer to the currenl Price List for further details of the waffanty. Gonvercion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 'l pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. Slgn - Type C FRONT @1 995 Centfal Sprhkler Company PrtrH b U.S.A. ^-./-, - :!=:!==csuR .-F Central Sprlnkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215)362-5335 Sisns'l Slgn - Type E BACK -.2 - F$-0Nr TechnicalData Al 73"F (23"C) and 50% relatve hurniditv Chemhal hasis @ Deffirly Apllox. | .5.g/rm3 Solor 8sd o*ing lime Apprp(.20-30 min. _ . _ Clring lime Alptox.2 mn/3davs . Shorc A Hsdn6s 40010).. 50 ___ HoYeflcr$ cagabilily Amrox- 5% ht|tlesc€|d Acliv.tio'l Agomx4@ru!ES- Erya|sioo rate {urcstriclad}: th to 3-5 times oriqin€l rclurne Tc{peraIre,esistarEe (cubd} -{0'F to 212"F (-.40"C to 100"0 A0plcaton b|ry€|abrs 4l"Fto 104"F (5'C to 40"C) Suhce Dumbg dldret?dslhs (ASrr E 8{-S) Flame Sgead: 0 SflEke lq€loglent: 5 Sourd tanslnbsion dssifi cslion 6.9rH E gl-99) 56 fuomreb SB0 EYalualior Scrrioe, Inc, klort !b. 5071 GCihnia S-bE F e ilarshal Ustim tlo. 4485- 1200:108 Gily rf llew Yo* 16\ 326-96-M Vol. lV T€oUd in accoralance wllh . U- 1479 . ASTM E 814 . ASIlvl E 84 F$-ONE High Performance Intumescent Firestop Sealant hstallatm instrpliorts lof F$OilE Producl description. Inlumescent (expancis *,h6n expose{t l0fire) firestop sealant that h0lps proted combustible and non-comb$libh peneka- tions for up to 4 hours lire ratinq hoducl feafures. Smoke, oas anLl willer resishnl after mateial has cured. Conbins no halogen, solvenls 0r asbestos. High fke raling pmperties. Water hased, easv to clean Areas ot application. Steel, copper and EMT plpes. Insulated steel and copper pipes. Cable bundlesI Closed or vedod plasth pipes. ]{VAC p€oekations For r6c wiur. Concrete, masonry, dry{all and wood tioor a$semblies. Wall and flmr assemblies rated up to 4 iBws Exanpbs. Seallru around plastic pipe penetmlions In fre rated colstructbn. Sealirs aroaod com&Ftible arxl nonfimbustibb percEalions in lire rated constructjdl (t4 = c : i_: ?e alatest prMud intomntion : www-rls.hilti.com Olodering infwnation see page: 30 l. Cleal oDeniln. 2. Pack nked S.ADDtt F*OIE. 4. Snnnk FS-'tlE. 5. Lffye cqnde4d 6. Fden identifr- wool (t rcqdrcO wl wdlsnni*d lar catbn plate (it48lw/5. rcstrired. mmffiffiffis @ffiffitril IntcrnalbDally tesbd a|ld aD0m{ed ,"@-*ffi 00sritU 1. Clean tho opening. Sud*ss to wnbh FS-oNE win be rypli8d siDub be cleaned 0t lo6e debG, dir! dl, moisture, trost and vrar. Struclures supportjng penetrating items mlst be insblled in compliame with local bdldie ard electrical stan&ds. Applicatol o{ it?slop sod.]n 2. hstall tlE prescnbed backlillirg mateiai gpe and &plh '10 oblain the d€sired rating (if requireo. Leave sutttient &ptl lor @plying FS-oNE 3. Appliration of firestop s€alant Appt FS-oNE 1o [E requ'red depth in order t0 obhin lta deslrcd flre rating. Mak6 sure FS-01.8 cutacts all sulaces to Drorde maximum adhesion, For applhation of FS-0lt use a shlrdard cauidng gun, foil pac* gu[l, buk loader and bulk gun. Wib FS{IG buckets, Grar:o l}!e sealant pumps may lr Lbed. iconlacl BmD manufa€{urcr tot proper sBbcnon). 4. Smoothirq of firestop sealant:To complete tlp seal, hol lmrFdiatety h giw a smooth appearance, Excess sedanl, prior to cu ng, can b€ cleaned dmy fmm adjacent surfac€s afil tools with wal8r. 5. L6ave comol€ted seal undisturbed tDr 48 fnum. 6. fur mainlenance reasons, a perDtratbn seal cflld be permanenlly ma*ed with an dentificatbn plate. In such a case, mark ltts idsnlili€alion plale and hsten it in a visue pocition next to $F seal. Eli:e aDdn approlr$. ClEck tEt ttE perBtalion hs been sealed acoding lo tre Secified draerkE h hb ti- Fre Resistarrce Direetory or t$lti Firest@ [kflel. For lunher advbe, please contacl Hilti custonF, se.vice. 8€ler to Hihi pnducl librature and UL firc resbbnce dred0ry tor s0€cifc 'applk;alion delails. l{ot td ltse.... High rTnvement expansiofl iints. U renflater. 0n materials v{here dl, plrsticiien or solvenis may bleed i.e. irnpregrated !smd, dl based seals, green or partially wbanAed rbber. h arry perBtralion oltEr t\an tf|se specifca$y descibed in this mafijal 0r lhe test repods Safet p]lcauliotls. B€lore hard$ng, r€ad SE prodd and li4algrial Safeiy oah Sheet for detaihd use ald heafir l{snnatbn. Keep od ol reach d children. Wear suitable gloves ald eye prulectbn Storage. sl0re only in lhe original packagirq in a lc{ation orolscted lrom nroidue at temDoratur€s b€tmsn 40'F (5'C) and 86'F Bo'C). 0bserve a\pi.atbn date 0n 6* prc*agilq 16 I l.cleanq@inq ,,#!tiffil*, gN|6-0NE. 4snc{diFs.wE t"#ffi, tmYo*- 48lars. eqtire4.EI[sI[" srtlng Uvca through inn0vation & educati0n I Hilti Firestop Guide 2003-2004 ! 1-800-87s-&n0 I www.us.hilii-coin Gabinet Model: Sprinkler Head Cabinet S$le: 3, 6 or 12 head Standard Finbh: Red enainel Mfgr. Source: Nondomestic Capacity: 3 sprinkler heads 6 sprinkler heads 12 sprinkler heads Dimensions: 3 head - 5' high x 7W hr,gx 2W dep 6 head - 5" h$h x 14" bg x 3lzr" deep 12 head - 5" high x 14%" lorB x f deep Weighl: 3 head - 1.5 lbs. 6 head - 2.3 lbs. 12head-4lbs. Sprinkler Head Central Sprinkler Cornpany 451 North Cannon Avenue. Eil [l:11'01-* n Technical Central Sprinkler Head Cabirlets ate constructed of a melal enclosure with a hinged cover designed tQ provlde on-site storage of an emergency supply of spdnkler lieads and a sprinkler head wrench. NFPA 13 requires a represenlative number of each type of sprinklef head used in a sprinkler systen to be stored in a cabinet on-site to allow fur immediate removal and replacelnent of spdnklers which may have operated or become damaged. Central Sprinkler Head Cabingts are manufactured of heavy gauge steel with knock-outs to accommodate either %' or %' N"P.T. threaded sprinkler heads and arq painted an attractive ied enamel; They are available in three (3), six (6) or twelve ('12) head capacity. 3,6 & 12 Sprinkler Gabinet [o.28-O-o nnstarrationf,I Centralfs Sprinkler Head Cabinet is designed with two %s'diameter holes loi wall inounting or direct aftachment to the system riser with a strap-type hanger. The Cabinet should be installed at or near the system control valve and must be stocked with an adequate supply of spare sprinklers and a spdnkler wrench. The stock of spare sprlnklers should includo sprinklers of each type and temperature rating as are installed in the sprinkler system, in the following quantities: Sprinklers ln System Spare Sprinklers Required under 300 300-1000 over 1000 6 12 24 The Qabinets are designed to accept both % and li N .P .f . threaded sprinklers. For lf N.P.T. sprinklers, leave the removable knockout in the hole. For /r" N.P.T. spdnklers, insert a screwdriver blade from the fronl top of the shelf and under the near bottom part of the knockout annular ring. Press the screwdriver handle down to remove the knockout ring. The hole, with the knockout ring removed, will accept a 74" N.P.T. sprinkler. @1994 Central Sprinkler Company Pri ed in U.sA. The Cabinet, wrench, and stock of spare sprinklers should be inspected at least quarterly. The following items should be checked: 1. The Cabinet should be readily accessible, and nol exposed to a conosive atmosphere or temperatures in excess of 100"F/38"C. 2. The stock of spare sprinklers should include an adequate number of each type and lemperafure rating. 3. The stock of sprinklers musl be in good condition. 4. A sprinkler wrench of the appropriate type must be included in the Cabinet. - Central Sprinkler Gompany 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Larlsdale, PA 19,146 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Gare &0rdering Maintenaoe lnformation When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity, model, style, capacity, and slze. Sprinklers, wrenches, and hard- ware for hanging are not supplied with the Cabinet. They must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and other products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada, and intemationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any producls found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from date of . shipment. Please refer io the curent Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. Hd-cab.2 Flre Dept. Gonnection With wall plates ahd breakaway caps Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Product Descriptlon The Model 86,4 (straight paftem) and fvlodel 868 (90' pattern) Fird Deparlment Connections (FDC) bre 219" xZW x4 single clapper. siamese-type connections. They are designed to provide a supplemerftary water supply connection for autohratic sprinkler systems of all types, as reguired by NFPA 13. Both straight and g0o pattem Fire Departmenl Connections are cadl brass with brass clapper, brass swivel couplings, and a brass hinge pin- The words ?UTO SPKR'and "F.D. Conn.' are cast in iaised letters dn the body of the Fire Department Connection. The clapper design allows for one or both inlets to be pressurized dfring operation. Fire Department Connections are generally installed 18" to 5l above finished grade, however local co{es and standards may contain specibl requirements with regard to specific location. YUall Plates The Wall Plates are constructed of corrosbn resistant aluminum alloy with cast-in raised letters. The raised letters on the round Wall Plate are 'AUTO. SPKR.'and "FIRE DEPTI Caps The breakaway Caps for the protection oI the 2%' inlets on the Fire Department Connection are supplied in heavy-duty plastic or cast aluminum alloy. They can be easily attiached to the swivel lugs of the Fire Department Connection using the eye bolts supplied with the Caps. E;ilTechnicalt lData Model: 86A (straight pattem FDC) 868 (90" pattem FDC) Size: Outlet - 4" 0o2 nn) N-P.T . Inlets - 2%' (64 rnml N.H. Std. thread Approvals: U.L., F.M. Maximum Working Pressure: 300 psi Standard Finish: FDC - Rough brass Wall Plates - Red enamel paint with raised letters painted white Caps - Red plastic or red enamel paint Weight: FDC (straiEht) - 7 .8lbs. p.s ks) FDC (90') - 9.3lbs. F.z ks) Waff pfate - '11 oz. (s12 grams) Cap - 3 oz. (85 s'e,ns) Mfgr. sourqe: Non-domestic Dimensions: Wafl Pfate - 9%" ptam4O.D. Straight Fire Dept. Gonnection CONNECTION," lUo. 2t-7.O The breakaway Caps for the inlets . are used to prevent damage to thp threads and to keep foreign objelts , frorn entering the fire department conn€ction piping. Caps should bp replaced after Fire Department Connecfion use or if the Caps ard damaged or missing. Gare & Maintenairce The straight pattem Fire D.elcartment Connection is by attaching to a hodzontal 4" N threaded pipe generally through an exterior building wall. 9ff paftem Fir€ Department Connection is installed by attaching to a vertical 4' N.P.T. threaded generally fueestanding in a yard applicatiofi., The swivel inlets are 2.5"-7.5 American National Fire Hose Connection Screw Thread per 1963. All Fire Department Connections should be regularly inspected to insure proper working condition. 1. Connections should be readily visible and accessible. They should not be obstructed by vegetation or equipment. 2. Caps should be ]n place and the 2%' swivels should enjoy freedo{n of movemenl. Hose threads should be c,lean and in good condition. 3. Vedfy that the check valve id the ft re deparlment connection piping is not leaking. @1988 C€ntral SFhkler Company Pdnted h U.S-A, Wall Plate . Round Cap - Breakaway a EENTRAL -r-7 Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Gannon Averrue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (21s) 362{700 FA)( (215) 362-5385 HIilHTH?,* When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify lhe quantity, model, and size. Fire Department Connections are not fumished with wall plates and caps. They must be ordered separately. Availability and Servlce: Central sprinklers, accessodes, and other products are available lhroughout the U.S. and Canada, and intemationally through a netwoirk of Central Sprinkler d istribution centers. Yoti may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-07fi) for the distributor nearest you. .Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Cornpany will repair and/or replace any products found to b6 dofective in material or workrnanship within a period of one year fmm date of shipment. Please rofer to the cunent . Price List for further details of the warranty. Gonversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm I foot = 0.3O48 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. 86.0 Fig. 58 -Threaded,Side Beam Bracket Sfze Range - 3/8" rod, pipe sizes 112" thru 4. Material - Carbon Steel Function - Practical and eco$omical bracket used to support piping Fom wood, concrote or $teel beams. Features - Unique design all{ws rod to be easily threaded into bracket. Ofbet design permits Unlimited rcd adjustment. Center mounting hole will accept 3/8' end 1/2" fastener bolts. per NFpA 13: 1f2'thru 2' pipe requires 3|/,8" fastener, 2112" lhru 4. pipe requires 1/2" f,astener.* Approvals - Undenrvriters' Laboratories Usted in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL), and Factory Mutual Engineering approred thru 4'pipe. the Fig. 58 with fusteners as shown in taHe belor. Flnlsh - Plain Pipe Size Qty. iFaEbncrType ilatedal Z 2 #16 r 2 Drirre S<:er*s Wood2 1 3/8 kg Bolt Wood x 11/, l-.ag Bolt Wood x 2 Lag Bolts' Wood x I tek scre9Js 14 gauge x I bk screw6 16 Frf#FAl-t|r|!t" tts1o{HiFtso I f.ctlilt . 1375 S.nprob Aa. . Corola, CA 92079 . Ph 951-t37-5599 . tar: 95 1,737.0330 O|rlodF. Sodcc . 8!0,?8e5266 v||lb&,,.@a Fig.98 - Rod Stiffener Sizo Range - Secures 3/8' thru 7/8" hanger rod matorlal - Carbon Steel Functlon - Secures channel to hanger rod for vertical seisrnic bracing. Flnish - Electro Gafuanized Note - Available in HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Oder By - Figure number Fig. 99 - All Thread Rod Cut to Length Slze Range - Secures 318" thru 7/8" rod inf increments llaterial - Carbon Steel tlaxlnnrm Tanperature - 750"F Flnlsh - Plain Notr,- Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Staintess Steel materials. Oder By - Figure number, rod diameter, rod length and 6nish Dirnensions . Weights Rod Slze llax. Rec. Load Lbs. For Service Ternps 3/8 610 540ln 1130 10105/8 1810 1610 3t4"tn 2710 3770 24m 3360 Fig. 100 - All Thread Rod Full Lengths Size Range - Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" rod in 10'lenglhs llaterial - Carbon Steel aximum Temperature - 750'F Finish - Plain l{ote - Alrailable in Electro-Galrranized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Figure numbe6 rod diameter and finish Dimensions . Weights Max Rec. Load Lbs. For Serulce Temps650.F 75{t.F Rod Slze Approx- wtJ100 1t4 3/8 ffz "22360 510 4420 7140 10370 1 11t. 1\e 240 610 1130 215 540 1010 12a 53 5/8 1810 1610 U314 2710 2420 1?37/8 3770 €00 169 4960 8000 11630 Otrrcrtflar.atct'fE t cilttt . 13i5 S8ttTg.r Ave. . Coroq. CA 92879 . P6: 951.73?-51{l . t'r 951.t3?.0f3$ Qlb|tlr Slrrico . 000.f86.5266 rtru,lob4cct UL Listed Strobe Hom Dimensions: 9-1/4" h x 10" w x4" d Voftages Available: SASH -24 (14VDC! sASH-l20 (120VAC) Environment lndoor or Outdoor use. Weatherproof backbox is included with both models. Termination: Separate terminals for horn and sbobe. Finishl Red with wtrite lettering. SASH-24 Stock No. 1000555 SASH-{2O Stock No. 1000560 The SASH series is a mullitone horn/strobe combination designed for use as an audio visual indication for automatic sprinkler systems. lt can be installed in conjunction with or in place of water motor gongs. SPRINKLER ALARM STROBE HORN/SIGN coMBtNATtON SASH-24 SASH-I 20 Strobe lntensity, dBA and Current Ratings l/lodel SASH-2,0 Input Cunenl sAsH-1 20 Input Gurrent Typical Anecholc dBA at 10 ft. Tone Amps at 24VDC Amps at 115VAC At Nomlnal Input Voltage HI STD HI STD H!STD Hom 0.040 0.023 0.050 0.040 99 93 Bell 0.014 0.012 0.040 0.038 92 87 llarch Time Horn 0.040 0.023 0.050 0.040 99 93 Code€ Hom 0.040 0.023 0.050 0.040 99 93 Code€ Tone 0.028 0.017 0.442 0.038 95 90 Slow Whoop 0.048 0.026 0.050 0.040 99 94 Siren 0.036 0.023 0.045 0.040 98 93 Hi/l-o 0.020 0.014 0.041 0.039 93 88 Strobe Candella 't17 15 Strobe Current (Ithe stobe ard ardible operate on the same circuit, add the sbobe cunent to the ton€ cunent.) 0.088 0.060 Potler Eliedric Signal Company .Craig Road, Sl. Louls, MO, 63146-4161 . Phone:800-32$3936/Canada 888-882-1833' www.potterslgnal.com MKT. #885OO(x - REV D MFG. #5'O 1076 - 9/0s PRINTEO IN USA PAGE I OF 2 POTTETT The Synbol ot Protection SASH SERIES SPRINKLER ALARM STROBE HORN'SIGN GOMBINATION SASH.24 SASH.I 20 sAsH-24 STROBE AND HORN POWEREO BY THE SAME CIRCUIT * SASH-24 STROBE AND HORN POWERED FROM SEPARATE CIRCUIT + SASH- 120 OPERATED BY WAT€RFLOW SWITCH WIRING INFORMATION CONTACTS CLOSE ON A|jRM D'JVG. #1076-l +AUD_ PRINTED IN USA PAC'E 2OF 2itKT. *96tt0004 - REv D MFG. #5401076 - SO:t /-APPIJCATION WILL I{OT BE ACCEPIED IF I'{COMPLETE OR Project #r 0s-: o/va Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 974-479-Zt3S permit submittal and not be accepted T. Level III (min) Protection Contmcbr- TVWN0Pytn Contact We at97h328.,8ffi or Patel a. Parcel # (Requinad i JobName Burton G val ' f sr*l-6lh JobAdress: 288 Bridg-9 St. Vail CO - 'iz LEal Description fl Lot f,f er*;$11[ntins'Subdivision: l,/&il V ; I I Ovners N"r"t grrraor, G v 3iffi4d4€...Phone:. " ---'= - Hl ifiF-ftfl uelcretr Lwtrlon or woft: (1.e., floor, unit #, bldg, ryypruV6d = t t, rtt fLoo', Ell -&z---2*o,o- Deti|iEo descrlption of work: . InstaLl flre _---i;,ffi' Work Oass: New ( ) Addil Type of Bldg.: SinStof"; No. of Exlstlng Ovvdtin@ l{o. of Accornmodatirn Units in this building: X 7g Does a Fire Alarm Exist: yes r x) No(Does a Flrc Sprinkler System B<ist: Yes ( ) No (x ) COMPTETF VALUATIONS FOR ALARIT pER"ilrT (labor & FIre Sprinkler: $ eSOO. OO OFFICE USE ONLY************t******************rr***** f:/everlry$furmgrykpern EEVED 2 2 2005 Fire Sprinkler @ntractor: ATSS Inc. Tom ofVail Reg. No.: 303*383-5021 fficD JUN g te005 .\ i -.u'.''*,r,{ %',''h o,* -n : ' 'i; , .-*! BON?ON g VAIL i Drawing Date:07-23-04 FIDRAT'LIC DESIGI I}IFORUATION SSEET i BT'RTON O .VAIL 288 BRIDGE STREET vAlL, COTORADO 81657 Drawing Date: 07-23-04, Remote Contractor: ASSOCIATED FIRE SPRINKT.ER SYSTEI,TS 1,'1264 wcR 1,2 FORT LUPTON, COLORADO 80621 Job Name : Location: Area per Sprinkler Hose Al-lowance Inside Hose Al-Iowance Outside 6/22/05 10: 9 Area Number: 1 Telephone : 303 . 383. 5021 130 sq ft o gpm 250 gpm Make: TYCO Model: TY-FRB K-Factor:5.60 Temperature Rating: 155 4 4qi'.fi1 /\ -rC1 " ) Occupancy:M Reviewing Authorities I SYSTEM DESIGN Code:NFPA 13 Hazard:ORD GRP II System Type:WET Density (gpm/sq ft) , 0.200 CAICULATION SU},IMARY gpm Required: 567.5 14 Flowing Outlets si Required: 80.6 G CITY CONN WATER SUPPIY VJater Flow Date of Test Static Pressure Residual Pres At a FIow of EL eva t ion L,ocat Source Pump Data Rated Capacity Rated Pressure E levat ion Make: Mode]: ST TO BURTON Tank or Reservo /.r----.: r-- nLcrPd r-r Ly \r ElevaLion 0 Test 08-09 98.0 90.0 126'1 3 r 0" r gal04 si si o gpn 0.0 psi WelI Proof Fl"ow o gpm of Information:TER FLOW TEST- AT VAII VAII WATER DEPT SYSTEM VOLUME 69 Gallo VATL TIP.r DrPARTATENI 4;i'z/ ":-t Hdr_r!ry + $"t? Notes:n{prt uurj nE ouut{iti:du u/,/lRosrc{, lppraried es r*ii6d gf lrr. 'tA / 4 /-/ "z/ 'lc: 'to 4'Z-/// wlE d=4P//84'-'7'' E VAIL qrt DGSCRIPTION Hydr Ref W 3" Grvd 90 Ell Pipe 3" FS RISER 3" Grvd Tee 3" Flngd Back Flow 1l'r x 3' Flngd Redu Pipe 4" Lcx21 Hydr Ref 4" F1ngd 4" MJ 90 4" MJ Tee Pipe 12' Hydr Ref R2 Water Source 99.3 psi NOTE: Water Source has3'0' flow test t Ava;ilrbt'e Preggure of lflrl,e ig a aafety l.Axirnum water Velocity 2 1 1 o 1 1 Drawing Date:07-23-04 EIDRAT'I,I calculatxof DEIIII.s EIDREUIJC I.EN€ES C ID at Hyd Area 1 L4] 120 3.068 10'120 3.310 15'120 3.068 6/ 22 /A5 'IfiW(tpD 418 418 418 418 $oall,s 5,1 .2 pli Pri Psi Pri tos9 P3i Required F'OLD-F. S. 3.0 1.3 J.Z R1 6ate Valv 811 DIx18 Cl Required at .,'722U" 50 Fixed Flow Total Loss Reguired at tatic, 91 .3 psi .9 psi. of 16.3 Ls 77.2 Total Loss for To SYSTEM alve FEBCO r'880 C1IART LOSSr 0'120 4.426L. t20 4.260 Total Loss for THRU RfSER 7.5 psi 418 14.0418 0.0418 0.0 1{.1 pei 418 ?5.8 pai 418 0.1418 3.2418 1.1418 0.5 250 gpm t[.8 poi AT BASE OF RISER 21 t20 4.026 60'120 4.026 20' 120 4-026 3000. 140 12.578 OUTSIDN HOSE foT THRU UNDG CITY CONN residual G 1267 gpm 658 80.6 658 gpm 96.9 16.3 elevation of SAFETY PRESSURE been adjusted to include a change ofpoint of connection E:rceedg ttequired Pressur€ of 8O.6 pei psi or 17 t of Sr4ryly fps Job BURTON @VA|L 288 BRIDGE STREET vArL, coLoRADO 81657 Remote Area: 'l Water Static Pressure: 98.0 psi Residual Pressure: 90.0 psiFlow: 1267 gpm Date/Loc: 08-09-04 NEAREST TO Hose AllowanceInside: 0 gpm Outside: 250 gpm Drawn By SprinkCAD Tyco Fire Products (800)495-5541 Required Pressure: Total Flow: Safety Pressure: 80.6 psi 668 gpm 16.3 psi P s I 300 450 t .' BARTON E VAIL iDtawing Date : 07 -23 -04 I.EGE}ID 5/22/05 L0:9 HYD REF HydrauJ.ic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. K FACTOR Flow factor fgr open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/PSIZE Nominal size of pipe. ID Actual interndl diameter of pipe C Hazen WiLliamE pipe roughness factorTYPE Type or schedtle of pipe # FITS number of fittings as follows: 90 - 90 deg Ell 45 - 45 deg EU T - Tee LT - I,ong Turn 90 Ell SPEC - Fittinf other than above or fitting with hydraulic equivatrent length specified by manufacturer.Pt Total pressur€ (psi) at fittingPf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf = I x 4.52 x (0/C)^I.85 / ID^4.87Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pv Velocity presisure (psi) where Pv = 0.001123 x Q 2/ID^4Pn Normal pressure (psi ) where Pn = Pt - Pv Pdrop Pressure loss; j,n pipe rise or drop to an open head. Phead Pressure at an opeo head. ELEV elevation frcim branch tee to open head. PIPE pipe length from branch tee to open head.FITS fitting equivalent length from branch tee to open head. NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.001 gpn. Pressures are listed to 0.01 psi. Addition may vary by 0.01" psi due to accumulation of round off. - Calculations conform to NFPA 13 edition. - Velocity Pressures are considered on branch lines and cross mains - Path *1 i-s from the most xemote head back to the water source. - Later Paths ate from the next most remote head back to previ.ously defined Daths " BARTAN G VAIL REMOTE AREA #1 Drawing Date:07-23-04 6/22/05 70:9 PAGE 1 PRESST'RE BRA}ICH LINE SUr.r'|l'Rrr lO BEAI) EIoII (GP!r)PIPE #oF FITS r.ENG|rg FEET ElI' NEF OI'ITI,ET K FICTOR PIPE srzE 90 {5 ID 'II LT C fYPE OTSER PIPE \TEtOCITY FIIIIITGS r,OSS PSI/FT TOTAL EI.EVATION Pt Pe PN Pt Pf Pe Pn EI.E\I Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS PIIIH 1 FROM FTDRAULIC RE!'ERENCE 2 IO W (PRIUERT PATE) HEAD 26 -O 0 - 20 gpm,/sq ft 1 . 049"K= 5.60 26.0 L20 40 6t 0' 2.0t1 B'0" 9.7 fps O.zLL 0' 2L.9 I.1 0.0 21, -9 0-0 2L -9 2L.9n? 2L.6 -4" lll 24" HEAD 3 26.1 0.20 gpm/sq ftK= 5.60 52.L 4r0't 1L.3 fps0,, 0.20r 4 r 0u L'10" 23.6 23.60.8 0.80.0 22.8 22.8 -4n1.0 4" 2t-B 60" 714" 1.380" 720 40 0 REF 20 '7 .4 7r,, PATH 2 1.380" K= 5.33 79.5 I20 40 7 .2 fps 0. 439 0" 26.4 12'0' 13'10'.A A 5.7 0.0 REF A1 30. 6 3tt PATH 6 3.260" K: 5.3? 110.1 120 10 0000 10'0" 4 .3 fps 0.0r2 0tt JZ.1 0.1 0.0 32.4 0.0 32.4 REF A2 51.1 PATH 4 AND 7 K= 10.71" l'71.2 3' 3 -260" 120 10 L2'0' 0rl !2t lti 0 0 0 6.6 fps 32.6 32.60.028 0.3 0.00'' 0.0 32.6 REF A3 88.9 PATH 3 AND 5 K= 15.50 25o.7 10.1 fps 0.060 6rt 3* 3.260" 1_20 I0 9'0' 18 ' 10" 2'l ,10" 72',0" 0tt 12'0" 13'0" 28'3' 32.9 7.1 0.2 34.8 1.1 0.0 35. B 5.1 0.3 32.9 0.0 32.9 34. B 0.0 34 .8 35. 8 0.0 3s. 8 2 0 0 0 REF A4 62 -7PATH8AND9 3.260" K: 10.54 322.2 120 1O REF A5 63. 0 PATH 10 AND 11 3.260" K= 10.52 385.2 120 10 12.5 fps 0-089 0r! 14.9 fps 0.124 9" REF A6 32.4 PATH 1.2 K= 5. 15 4L"l .5 3' 3.260" 120 10 n 0 1 11" 16.2 fps otq,fr n 1AA 10,4" 0" 4r.2 41 .21.5 1,.10.0 39.5 CONTI}ITIED 42.7 paL i BURTON E VAIL RErrrc{IE Angtr fl Drawing Date:07-23-04 6/22/ 0s PRgSSURE SU!4'|ARY L0: 9 PAGE 2 BRANCS LINE rO EBAD ETOTI (crDr' *or FIIS LENGTE FEET ElD REF OUTI.ET SIZE ID K EASEOR PIPE C TYPE 90 45 PIPE VELOCIrY Pt Pt Pn EL,SV T LT FIIEIIIGS IOSS PSI/FT Pf pv Pdrop pIpE OTBER TOTAI, EIJEVATIO}T Pe Fn Ph€ad FITS PATH 1 FRCf,.i IIDRAI'LIC REFERBICE 2 !O W (PRIUARY PATH) CONTINT'ED REF A7 14'10' 9.5 fps 42.'1 4 -260" 0 0 4L'1.5 120 10 0 0.039 1. I13'2"28'0" 14'10', 6-4 4 .238" 0 0 95, 5' 0. 030 3.5417.5 140 Dr 0 115.9' L'0" 0.4 REF W t117.5 gpn PATB 1 PATII 2 FROM HIDRAI'LIC REItsRENCE 1 !O 20 56.72 54-2 psi HEAD 1 4 r 0t 5 t 0* 9 t 0' 24.3 0.4 23.9 0.21" gpm/sq ft 1.049"K= 5. 50 2'l .4 L20 40 REF 20 27.4 gpm PATE 2 K= PETTT 3 FROM EYDR.AULIC REdBRANCE 9 TO A3 0010 0 10.3 fps 0.232 0" 24 -3 24.32.r 0.00-0 24.3 - 4tt 24" 26-4 psi HEAD 9 28.7 0.22 gpm,/sq ftK= 5.60 28.7 1rl 1.049" r20 40 1' t "tit 2t otr 16'7" 10-7 fps 0.253 0" 26 -2 4.2 0.0 to.z 0.0 26.2 26.2 0.0 26 -2 1000 0 HEAD 8 29.6 0.23 gpm/sq ftK: 5- 50 58.3 7\4" 1.380" r20 40 4' 20 6r0. r0,2" L2.6 fps o.248 0" 30. 4 1.1 29.3 29.3 1.3 28.0 0 1 0 30.4 2.5 0.0 60* PATH tI FROM HXDRAT,LIC REFBRANCE 5 fO A2 HEAD 5 30.4 0.23 gpn,rsq ftK= 5.60 30.4 1.049" r20 40 0010 0 3'10' 11.4 fps5'0,, 0.283 o t 1n n n rrv 30.1 30.1 30 - 12-5 0.0 0.s 4"0-0 30.1 29.5 24" REF A2 3O. 'l gpn PlTll tl f,=32.6 psi5-33 i EDRTON A VAIL REIIO'!fE AREA #1 Drawing Date:07-23-04 f OT I.ENGTE PTPE FITS FEST 6/22/05 10:9 PAGE 3 PRESST'RE BRA}ICH IJIIIE SItrO,IAR:T IO HIAD fl.Olf (GDr{) ETD REE' OUTI.ET srzE 90 45 PIPS FISTINGS TOTAL \IEIOCITY I,OS8 PSI/FT EI.SVATION PI PT Pf, Pv Pe Pn ID TLT K FECTOR PIPE C TYPE OTTER Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS 0" 0.0 30-4 29.8 24" PAIH 5 FR@I SIDRAI'LTC RdFERENCE 7 TO A3 HEAD 7 30.6 1" 0 0 3'10" L1.5 fps 30.4 30.4 30.4 -4"0.24 gpm/sq ft L.049" 1 0 5'O* 0.286 2.5 0.0 0.5 4"K= 5.50 30-6 r20 40 0 8'10" REF A3 30.6 gpo PATH 5 (= 5.33 PATE 5 TROM NIDRAULIC REFERENCE ,tI TO A1 32.9 psi HEAD 4 30.6 0.24 ggn,/sg ft K= 5.60 30. 6 1-1.5 fps 0.286 0n 30.4 30 - 42.1 0.00.0 30.4 1.049" 720 40 5 t 00 7t2tr 30.4 0.5 29.9 0010 0 Atl 24" REF A1 30.6 gpn PATH 6 32,4 psi PAIE 7 FROM EIDR}(,ITC RES'ERENCE 5 TO A2 HEAD 6 30.7 1' 0.24 gpm/sq ft 1.049"K= 5.60 30-7 I20 40 0010 0 2'2" 5r0" 'l ,2, 30. s nq. 30. 0 -Att 4tt 24" 11.5 fps 0.287 0" 30.5 30.52.1 0.00.0 30. 5 REF A2 30.7 gptn PATH 7 K= 5.37 PATH 8 FROM HIDNAI'LIC REEERENCE 10 TO A4 32.6 psi HEAD 10 30.9 L* 0.24 gpm/sq ft 1.049"K= 5.60 30.9 I20 40 2010 0 4 r B" 9 | 0tt 13'B' 11. 6 fps 0.29r 10' 30.4 30.44.0 0.00.4 30.4 30. 4 0.0 30.4 REF A'30.9 gpn PATH I K=3{.8 psi 1 BUR?O.II O VAIL REU TE AREA *1 Drawing Date:07-23-04 LENGTH EEEtr FI.oI| (GPDi)PIPE *oE. FITS 6/22/ 0s PREgSURE sr,lo,tARY 70: 9 PAGE 4 BN"A}ICH I,INE TO HEAD EID REF OITII,EI K EACTOR PIPE srzE 90 45 ID TLT C TYPE OTHER PIPE VEIOCIIT FTITINGS IOSS PSI/FT IOTAL ELSI'ATION PI Pt Pf Pv Pe Pn Pn ELEV P&oP PIPE Phead FITS PN,TE 9 FROM EYDRIULIC REFERENCE 11 TO A4 HEAD 11 3!.2 1" 2 0 0.24 gpn/sq ft 1.049" 1 0K= 5.60 37.2 t20 40 0 z'ln 11.7 fps9'0' 0.29711'1. 10" 31.1 31.1 31.13.3 0.0 0.00.4 31.1 31.1 REl' A{ 31 .2 gpn PATE 9 f,= 5.3O PATH 10 EROM AIDRAI'LIC REE'ERENCE 12 TO .e'5 3t!.8 psi HEAD 12 31.4 0.24 gpm/sq ft 1.049" 1 0K= 5. 60 31.4 120 40 0 4'6' L1.8 fps 9'0n 0.300 13'6' 10" 31.4 31.4 31.44.\ 0.0 0.00.4 31.4 31.4 REF A5 31 .4 gpn PAIE 10 K= 5.24 PATN 11 FRO,I EYDRAWXC REEERENCE 13 TO A5 35.8 psi HEAD 13 1" 2 0 0.24 gpm,/sq ft 1-049" 1 0K= 5.60 31.5 720 40 0 3' 20 9r0rt L2.2" 11.8 fps 0.303 10- 1.8 31.3.'7 0.00.4 31.8 31.8 0.0 31.8 nEF A5 31.6 gpn PATH 11 K= 5.27 35.8 psi PATB 12 E'ROM ETDRAULIC REE'ERENCE 14 TO A6 IIEAD 14 0.25 gpn/sq ft 1-049"K= 5. 60 32 .4 1"20 40 30 0 .1 fps 0.317 1'3" .4 33. 4 33. 4 11'0' 17'g* 5.6 0.0 0.00.5 33-4 33.4 REF A5 32.4 ggm PATH 12 K= 5.15 39.5 psi ItttCO f rir"&Buitding- I Products ^L - ,- : EENTRA Technical Servle*: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (80O) 791-5500 -,r-F- Customer Servlce/Sahs: Tel: (2r5) 3624700 / (80o) s23-6512 Fax (215) 364-5385 Serfes TY',FRB - 28r 4,4 5.6, and 8.O K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Reeessed Pendent Sprfnklerc Quick Response, ttandatd Coverage General Description Th€ S€ri€s TY-FRB, 2.0, 4.2, 5i6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendenl Sprinklers descdb€d in this data sheet are quick response - standard cover- age, decoratave 3 mm glass buh type sptay sptinklers designed tor use in light or ordinary hazard, comfiercial occupancies such as banks, holels, shopping malls, etc. The recessed version of th€ Series TY'FRB Pendenl Sprinkler, where ap- plbable, is int€nded for use in areas wilh a ffnished ceiling. lt uses sither a two-pisc€ Style l0 {1/2 inch NPT) of Styl€ r|{) (3/4 inch NPT] Recessed Es- cutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to fl4 inch (19,1 mm) of lotal adiuslment trom lhe llush perdent po'silion, or a lvyo-dece Style 20 ( 1 l2 inch NPT) or Style 90 (3/4 inch NPT) Flecessed Escutche6n with 114 inch (6,4 mm) ol recessed adiust- ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of toial adiusiment lrom th€ flush pen- dsnl posilion. Ths adlustment provided by lhe Recessed Esculcheon r€duces lhe accuracy to which the fixed plp6 drops to th6 sprir$(lers must be cut. Corrosion r€sistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized !o extehd the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- tained when exposed lo corrosive at- mosphe.es. Although cormsion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed lhe standard corroslrn tests of th€ appli- cable apptoval agencies, the tegling is not r€presenlalive of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended ttst the end user be consulled rvilh respect lo ths suitability ot thsgc coalings for any given corro- aive onvironm€m. The eftects of ambi- ent t€mperature, concentration of chemftnls, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the conosive nalure of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An inlermediate lev6l vsrsions of ths Series TY-FRB P€nd€nl Sprinklers ar€ detalled In T€chnical Data Sheel TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are de- tailed in Technical Data sheet TFP780 WARN[,'GSIte Se,t€s W-FRB Sprinklers de- suibed hercin must be ineF, ed end maintained in compllance with this documenL as well as with ttg WIca- Ue standards of the Natbnal Fird Pro- tection Association, in addition to the sfE,ndard' of atry olher authorities hav-iw jutisdictian. Failure to do so may inpair the integrity ot these devicas. The owner is rcsponslble tot maintain- ing tl76.ir firc protection system dnd &- vices in proper openting condition. The irctailW @ntacff or spinkler manutacturet should be contacted relative to any q.rastions. #ffi TY1131 - TYt231 - TY2131 - TYABI - TY3t3r - w3231 - TY4131 - TV4231 - Upright 2.8K, 112'NPT Pendent 2.8K, 1,2'NPT Upright 4.2K,112'NPT Pendent 4-2K, 1r2'1{PT Uprlght 5.6K, |/2'NPT Pendent 5.6K, 1r2"NPT Uprlght 8.0K,3/4'NPT Pondant 8-0K, 3/4'NPT Haxlmum Worklng Prsssure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Goeffi,cient K = 2.8 GPM/psiriz (40.3 LPltlbarltz) K = 4.2 GPlriUpsirrz (60,5 LPM/barr/2) K = 5.6 GPM/psila (80,6 LPM/barn) K = 8-0 GPM/psitE {115,2 LPM/barriz} Temperature Ratings Reier to Table A and B Finishos Sprinkler: Refer to Table A and B Recessed Eseutch€on: White Coated, Chroms Plat6d, or Brass Plal€d Physic.l Characteristica . Bronze Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB, and NYC Apptoved (netr to riule e or coiritete approvat information including corosion resis- tant status-) Frame . Button . Brass/Copper l'a!IoIteFo E @ 6.@ tr co(LJo I Mode/tprinkler ldentitication Numbers Technical Data Page I of 8 APRIL,2OO3 tFPtTt Page 2 of8 TFPITt SURFACE i 7/16'(11,t mm) . n ** NOMIML I STYLE 10 or 20 BECESSED ESCUTCHEON ssu* DEFLECTOR 7t16. (lt,r mm) i'IOMINAL MAKE{N WFENCH FI-ATS.AI 2-78'(73,0 mm) DIA --i t - Flams 2 - Button SSP DEFLECTOA * PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 3 - sga|ng . - 4 - Bulb 6 - Dofrociot r Tempgrature raling is indicabct on dafledor or adiscenl toAssoobt 5 - Conpr€ssbn 7 - Bushi.q orifice ieat on lrarnelsc'ew *'Pipe thaead connectiong per ISO Z/i can be provided on special requ6sl. QUtcK nEsPoNsE sERtEs v-FRB upaffiuffhy AND IENDENT (rwal) spullrKlrEns 2.8 K-FACTOB, IN 'NCH NPf ESCUTCHEON PLAIE SEANNG SURFACE SSP DEFLECTOR ' 7116'(lt,l mm) ,{OMINAL MAKE.IN STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED, ESCUTCHEON ssu* DEFLECTOR 1t2.'* NPT PENDENT 7116' (11,1 mm) IIOMINAL MAKE.IN WRENCH 2-3t16' (55,6 mm) FLATS UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 6 - Defledor i Temperalur€ rating b indicabd on defiector or adiacent io orifice seal on frame. **Pipe thoad connEctions p€r ISO 7/l can be pro\rided on special roquesl. =l;I*,;--r-- t-Fame 2 - Buuon 3 - Seding 4-BulbAss€mbly 5 - gompr€ssiod Scren FIGUBE 2 o[,t,eKRESPTONSE SEilES TY-FRB UPRtcnT (TYzrgt) AND qENDENT (Typgr) Spn NKLERS 4.2 K-FACTON. IE /l|,CH NPT tFPl7r Page 3 of I 1E'*' NPT 7/16' (11,1 mm) hPMINAL MAKEiN STYLE 10 or 4 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON ssu' DEFLECTOF 7t16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKEJN 1-18' {38,1 mm) ssP DEFLEoToB' 2-?l16' {55,6 mm)WRENCH FLATS_d€&,, I2-74' {73,0 rffn) DIA -- #l ffi".;. 1-- PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 6 - Dofiector r Temp€rature raling is iMicated on dellector or adiacent to oriflce seat on frame.€ Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can b€ provided on sp€cial request. F|'GURE 3 I - F arne 3 - SealirE 2 - Button Ass€tnbly 4-Bub 5 - Cgmp.gssixl Screrv ourcK nEsPoNsE sEn'Es N-FaB uPRtGt{f (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY323t) SPR//NKLEBS 5.6 K.FACTON, U2 'HCH NPT ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEA'IIAIG SUFFACE STYLE 30 or.m BEC€SSED ESCUTCHEON WRENCH FLATS 2-718' (73,0 mm) DIA ----! 3/4'*t NPT DEFLECTOR T- I I 2-5lt6' (58,7 mm) ssP DEFLECToR' PENDENT BECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT 2-1t4' {57,2 mm) CROSS SECTION 1 - Frarre 2 - Butto{r 3 - Soaling As€mbly 4 . Bulb 5 - Comprsssbo Scaeir 6 - Detbcbr NGUNE 4 r Tsmp€rature rating is indicabd on dellsctor or adiacent to oritice s€at on frama.*Pipe lhread conneclions p€r ISO 7ll can be provided on spacial Gquest. ourcK FEsPo,vsE sEBrEs w-Fna UPR|GHT (Tv4t3t) AND PENOENT (fY423t) SPBNKLEBS 8.O K-FACTOB,3/4 1NCH NPT ll2" 112,7 mm, iIOMINAL MAKE.IN i -T lli r-gno"i (39,7 mm| iit__*l__ ==n: I -#til;;-t- Operation Design The glass Bulb contiains a fluid which expands when exposed lo hoat. When lhe rated temperalure is reached, lhe tluitj expands sutficiently to shatter lhe glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler lo aclivale and water to tlow. Griteria The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers are intended for fire proteclion syslems d€signed in ac- cordance with ths standard inslallalion rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency {e.9., UL Listing is bas€d on lhe requiremenls ol NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on lhe requirements ol FM's Loss Pre- ventbn Data Shoets ). Only the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutch- eon, as applicable, is to be used tor recessed pendent installalions. SPRINKLEA HMSH (See Nole 4 K TYPE TEMP.BULA LIQUID NATUBAL BFASS CHROIIE PLATED IVHITF" POLYESTEB 2.8 tt2' NPT PENDENT ffYr23l) and UPSIGHT [rYr 131) '| 35"F/57'C Orange 1,2,3,5 155"F168'C Red 17gFn9"C Yellow 200pFlgg"c Green 286'F/t41"C Bus FECESSED PENT}ENT fiY223tr Figure 5 135"F87"C Onnge 1,2,5 155"F/68'C Red 175"Ff79.C Yellorv ap.F/93.C Green BECESSED PENDENT (TY223t r. FlguG 6 r35.F/57"C OrarE€ 155"F168.C Red Yellow 200.F/93.C Green 1tl NPT PENDENT FY223r) and UPBIG}IT crwr3r) ra5.F/57.C Orarqe 1,2 t55.F168"C Bed 175"F 9.C Yellow 200"F190'c Green 286"F/141'C Blue 135.F/57C OrangB RECE|'SED PE DET\F (rVeegrr Flgurc 7 155"F,b8'c Red 175.Ft7VQ Yellow 200.F/93"C Green RECESSED PENDENT fivze3r)"* FiguE I 135"FE]7"C OrarE6 155"F/68'C Bed 17s"Frlg"C Yellow 200"F/s.c Green Page 4 ot 8 TABLE A LA BON ATORY Lls77lil G S AN D AP P ROVALS 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS TFPITI Installation The Seri€s TY-FRB Sprinklers must be installed in accorcliance wilh the follow- ing inslructions: NOTES Do not install any bulb type sp nklet it the bulb is cncked or there is a loss of liquid from the butb. With the spinklel l7€ld horAonta y, a small air bubble should be Nesent. The diameter of the ah bubbte is apprcximately l/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135"Ffi7"C to 932 inch (2,4 mm) tor the 286"F/141'C temperalure ntings. A leak tight 1 /2 indt NPT sprinkler loint should be &tained with a torque of 7 to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,a Nd. A maxi mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nn) of torque may be usect to insta,l sptinklerc with 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 ineh NPT sp nkler joint should be ob- tained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 3O ft.lbs. (!ro,7 N|'n) ot loque is tobe used to install sprinklers wilh 3/4 NPT con- nections. Hlghet levels of torque may distort the spinkler lnlet and cause leakage ot impairment of the sp nkler. Do t|pt attempt to make-up for insutfi- cient adjustment in the escutcheon plate by und6r- ot ovet-tightening the sprinkler. Readjust lhe position ot the sptnkler fitting to suit. The Series W-FBB Pendcnt and Up- right Sprinklers must be installed in aceordancs with the follo$ring inslruc- tions. Step '1. Pendent sprinklefs are to be installed in lhe pendent position, and uprighl sprinklers are to be installed in the upright position, Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkbr fitting. Step 3. 'l'ighten the sprinkler into ths sprinkler litting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler w'ench (Ref. Figure l3). With reterence to Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4, the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied lo the sprlnkler wrench flats. The Series W-FRB Recessed Pen- dent SprlnkleE must be instatled in accordancs with the following inslruc- [ons. Step A. Aft6r Installing lhe Style 10. 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as appli- catll6, ove. the sprinklor threads and with pipe thread sealant applied lo the pipe thr€ads, hand tighlen the sprin- kler into the sprinkler litting. Step B. l"ighten the sprinkler inlo the NOTES: 1. Usled by Uoderurit€rs Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quic* F€sponse Sprinklars. 2. Lisled by Underwriters l"aboratorhs, Inc. tor use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Hesponso Sprinklers. 3. Approwd by Faclory Mutual Rasearch Corporation (FM) as Quick F€sponse Sprin- kl€ts. 5. Apgoved by the City ot N6rv York under MEA 3g-01-E. 7- Whers Polyesler Coatsd Sprhklers are noled to be UL and C-UL Usled, tle sprin- klers are UL and C-UL Usted as Conosion Eesislant Sprinlders.' fnstalfad with style 10 l1l2' NPT) or styte oo (3/4r NPT) 3,/a. Totat Mustment Ro- cessed Esculcheon, as applicaue-" InstAfl€d wilh Style 20 (112" NPT) or Style 30 {314'NPT) t/2'Totat Adiustmenl Be- c€ssed Esculcheon, as applicable."' Framo and Defleclor only. Listlngs and approvals apply fo aI colo's (Sp€cial Odor). MA: Nol A\raihble TFPI?I Page 5 of I SPFS{KLER FS{FH {Se€ $Dtc 4 t(YYPE TEUP,BULB LNU|o NATURAL ARASS c]rRomE PLATEO wfilTe" PIOLYESTEN LEAD COATED 5.6 1ft NPT PE I'E{T FY:81) and uPaElr (TY3r31) t35.F/t "C OIangts 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6 1,2,3,5 155 F/68'C Red 175"Ftlyc Yelbw 200.F193"C G|€en 286.F/r 41.C ! B&Ja t35"F/SrC OrangB 1,2,4,5 l'l/A ncgts,sr5ED PEIII'C T frY3zfir Flgu|! I 155"F68"C F€d 175'FZg"G Yelbw 200'F/grc Gr€efl 135"F/5rC Orange 1,4,3,45 1,2,4,5 lVA RECESSED PENDE T GY32|rr. Fbur. 10 Rsd 175.Fn9"0 Yeflow 200"F/90"c €re€n 8.O st4 PE DETT [w423r] r|ld UPRIGH' (ry4r31) 't35"F/5rC Oiang€ 1, 2, 3, /t,5, 6 t,2,5H€d 175"F/79.C Yellow axt"F/cfc qr€€n 286"Ffl 41"C Blue RECESSED P€M}EIT Gvenr F|gu'c 1! 135"F/5rC , GrBen 1,2,4,5 N/A 155"Flr68'C O€nge 175.Ft79"C Bed 200'Frgfc YelloYf RECESSED PEtrDEIIT (rYlerr)- Flg{]t 12 135"F/5rC Orange 1,2,3,4,s N/A 155"F/6E.C Bed 175"F1l9pC Ye|low axfF/93'c Green MITES: 1- Llslod by Undarwil6.a trborator a Ustad by Undamdors lrboratorl 3. ApFon d by Faclory Mutual R€sr a- 6pptoved by the foss Prevention hc. (UL) as Quicl Bsponse Spdnkhra Inc. tDr use in Canada {C-UL} as Arick 8€spons€ Sprinl(hts- h Corporation (Fl0 as Qolck Rospon€e Sprbtlors. {fcalbn Board (LPCB) s Ould( Rasponse Sprbldsrs; tumvsr, tt|o LPC do€6 mt rato the lh€.mala- 6pptoved by the foss Pr€vo. ion I sonsiflvity of t€cassod sprintl€|s. 5. Apprci,.d by t|8 City of New \blk 6. VdS ApFowd (For (bta'ds conlacl MEA 354-0t-E FiIe & BugdilB Pnd.|ctB, Enscfi.de, ttbthedands, Tel. 31-53.424-4444/Fax 31€3-ae8$m). T.lArhec FolFstor Coaled dd fed sprhlders ars noted b be uL atd c-ul Lislad, lhe sprhklers are uL and GUL Lisled a8 Lead Coated Spftllors are not€d b be FM Approned, lhe sprinldars are FU Appaotrsd a aCorodon Rosi6ta]lt Sprhklers. Conodon Resbtanl Sprintlers.' tnsfalsd wilh Stylo 10{1/2'NPT)- hsreled wirh styl6 20 (y2' NPT)"' Frame ard Defioclor only. Listir{ l{/A: Nor AvsilEble r Sh/,le 40 (3[4' NPT] fi/4' Total Adirstrpnt Rscassed EscrJlc*l€on, as apdbabb. r Styla 30 {3lt' NPT) l/f Tobl AdJus|ment kssod Es{{rtd|€on, s applbabb, and approval$ apply b eil cobl€ (Spschl Ord€0. TABLEB LABONATOBY UST//i{GS AND APPROVA'.S 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACrOF SFnNrilEnS Step C. All€r lhe coillng has been ln- stalled or lho finish coal has been ap- pli€d, sli{r€ on ths SlylE 10, A), 30, or 40 Closur€ ovor tre Saries TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its llange c.omes in contacl wilh the ceiling. sprinkler fitling uoing only tho V! 7 Rec€Esed Sprlnkler Wrench Figue lil). With reliarence to 2, 3, srid 4, the W-Type 7 Sprinkl€r Wronch is to be thB sprinkler wronch tlats. Type (Ret rre 1, Page 6 of 8 Care and Maintenance The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be maintained ard serviced ln accord- anc€ wilh the tolb,ving instruclrlons: ,VOTES BeIorc clositg a tire protectian system main control valve tot maintenance wo* on the flre prctection system that it controls, pemissfo.n to shut down the a{fected tirc proteclion system must be obtained frcm the prcper authort es anct atl perconnel who mdy be aflecled by this action must be notified. Absenca of an escutclteon. which is usect to @Yer a clearance hole, may deley the tme to sprinkler operation in a tire situation. Sprinklers lhat are found to be leaking or exhibilir€ visible s(]rs ol corrosion must be replaced. Automatie sprinklers musl never be painted, plated, coaled or olherwise altered after leaving the tactory. Modi- li€d sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combuslion. but have nol op€rat6d, should be replaced if they cannol be completBly cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing il with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age lo the sprinkl€rs - before, during, and atter installation. Sp nklers dam- aged by dropping, slriking, wrench twisUslippage, or lhe lik€, must be re- placod- Also, replacg any sprinkler that has a cracked bdb or lhat has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. lnstallation Section). Frequent visual inspections at€ rec- ommended to be initially pertormed lor corrogion resistant coai€d sprinklers, after the installation has beon com- pleted, to verily tho integrily of lhe cor- rosion resislanl coating. Thereafter, annual inspeclions per NFPA 25 should sutlice; however, instead of in- specting ftom lh€ tloor level, a random sampling ol closo-up visual insp€c- tions should be made, so as lo better determine the exact sprinkler condi- TFPITt 5i8ilr{' (15,Sr5,,1 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLEF FITTING IgIOUNTING ST'RFACE CLOSURE SERIES TY+FB F'EUNE 5 SEF'ES TY-FNB EECESSED PENDENT WMl |W&PIECE 314'NCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT EIYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTON, '/2INCH NPT CLOSUffE SERIES TV-FFB F'AURE 6 SER'ES TY+RB NECESSET' PENDENT WITH TWO.PIECE 'N NCH TOTAL ADJUST'TENT STYLE 20 NECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K,,FACTOR,,II2 NCH NPT 51811/il' (15,9r$,'l mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING MOUNMNG SUFFACE CLOSUFE F'GURE 7 SEF'Sg W-FRB RECESSED PENDENT NNTH TWO.PIECE 3/4 'NCH TOTAL ADJUST'IENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K.FACTOR, 1/2 'NCH NPT SERIES TY-FRB l!4:lg1-q-qrl 3r4' (19,1 mm) 2-7t8" OtA. {73,0 mrn)lnitt (12.7t3,2 614 FACE OF SPRIM(I.EH F]TNNG 2-114' DlA. --1(57,2 lr{n) , ! ['OUMNNG SURFACE GLOSURE FrcUNE8 SFFIES TY-FFA NECESSET' PENDENT WTHTWO.PIECE 1/2 'NCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 NECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOB, 1/? NCH NPT SEBIES TT.FFB TFPITI lion and lhe long term intsgrily ql lhe corlosion resistant coaling, as it may b€ afi€cted by the corosive condifions preSent. Ths owner is responsible for thf in- sp€ction, l€s$ng, and rnainlananCe ot thelr fite prolec|ion system anq d6- vicas in complianco with this docu- msnt aE well as wilh th€ appliqable statdatds ol the National Firs Prdtec- lion Associ.rtion (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to lh€ slandards of anv dther adhornies havhg iurisdkxion. ine tn- stalling contraclor or sprlnkler ryrFnu- tacfiJrer should be contactGd rdatit e to any questbns. It is recomm€nded that autorTiatic sprinkl€r systems be inspecled, l€sbd, and maintained by a quallfled Pege ? of I 2-78' (73O5ArU4' {l5,M,4mtn}2-1,4'Bte.. (572 |l{n)FACE OF SPBIM(LEA FI'Ni|G fi8' (32'lm} SERIES IY+RB SERIES TY-FRB NECESAED PETIDETTT WM{ TWO+,ECE A4 NCHTOTAL AOJUSTNEXT STYLE 10 RECESSEO ESCUICHEON 8,6 K.FACTOR, 'E NCH NPT HGURE9 2-74' D|A. * f/3.0 tr|ttt)ln*tn (12,7132 rwn) FACE OF SPRIM<I.EB F|TTlt\,lc SERIES TY.FR8 F'G,,IBE IO SE R' E S TY-FP9 FECESSED PEII'DSA'T WT'I |W(WECE 1N '/i,CHTOTAL ATNUSTTTENT STYI-E M RECESSED E*TITCHEON 5.6 K.FACIOE, If2 'NCH NPT 5r8+lA' 05,#14 nYr) FACE OF SPRIN|(I."EN HTN G 2-78' (B,O 2-1t4' (572 STYLE & RECES9EA ESCUTCNEON 8,O 'GFACI1'.R,3/4 NAI NPT lEin (12,75?3 mm) FACE OF SPRFT(LER HTIII{G 2-7tr' D|A_ O3,o rm) T--r-lrot Mllttc ST',BEACE F'CURE '2SEA'ES TY+RB NECESSET' PENDENT WTIH TW(>P'ECE 1E NCH TOTAL N'JI'STUE'T| STN.E 30 BFCESSSD EA C UTC']E O N e.o K-FAC7on, Sh ,/l',CH t'PT CLOSJffi SERIES TY-FNB l.ln€'(27,0 mm) WRENCH RECESS {ENO A'USED FOR 1lr NPT TrcOELSI WBENCH REcESS {END'B'USED FOR 314' ttPT iioDEL$) FT6iURE '3I#.TVPE6SFR|'''KLEN wn6tfiH FtG,,tnE t4 W.TYPET NECESSED SPB/ifl'fJ-ERWRET(CH wREl{ctl FECESS (ffi ./;r' lllL f ru"/ PUSH lftREl'tclr IN TO ENST'RE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRn||(LER WNENC}IING ANEA Inspectbn S€rvice. Page 8 of 8 TABLE C PANT NUilBEN SELECNON SERIES 7Y.FR8 PENDE'{T AND UPN'GHT SPRTNrJENS TFPITI P/N57_XXX_X-XXX IEMPERATURE FATTNG 135 135'F/57'C 155 155'F/t8"C 175 lTgFngc N axPFaS'c M 286"F/141'C Limited Warranty Products manufaclured by Tyco Fire Products ars warrant€d sol€iy to the original Buye. for ten (10) years against detects in material and work- manship when paid br and properly installed and ma;nlaifxrd urder normal use and service, This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date ot ship- ment by Tyco Fke Producls. No war-ranty is given tor products or components manufaclured by compa- ni6s nol atfillaled by ownership with Tyco Fire Producls or lirr products and components which have been subject lo misus€, improper inslallation, corro- sion, or which have not been inslalled, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance wilh applicable Standards of lhe Natioml Fir€ Protection Associa- lion, and/or lhe standards of any olher Aulhorlties Having Jurisdiction- Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be debctive shall b€ eithor repaired or replac€d, al Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products nelther as- sumes, nor authotizes any p€rson lo assume for it, any other obligation in connec{ion wilh the sale of ptoducts or patts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsiblo for sprinkler system dqsign errors or inaocurate or incomplete inlormation supplied by Buyer or Buyer's tepresenta|ves. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY, FOR INCIDENTAL. INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO I"ABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI. ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE, Ordering Procedure When placing an order, irdicate the full producl name, Refer to the Price List for complet€ listing ot Part Numbers- Contact your local distributor for av-ail- ability. Sprinklor Assemblles with NPT Thread Gonnectlons: Specily: (Specity ModeUSlN). Quick Response, (specily K-fac-tor). (specify lemperalure rating), Series TY-FBB (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler wilh (specifo typ€ ot finlsh or coating), P/N (specity from Table Cl. Recessod Esculch€on: Specify: Slyle (specfy) Recessed Es- cutcheon with (specify finish), PN (specily). 1/2' (ls mm' SVle 10 Ghro|'|e Pld€d . . . . . . . - . P/N 56-n 1"9.{ll0 1/4 {15 mm) Sryb lO Whlta Color coat€d.. -........,. - -. PlN 5&ml.{-010 V2' { 15 mm) Slyb 1o Erass Pht€d P/N 56-701-2.010l/2' ( 15 nm) Slyle 20 chmme Ptated . . . . . . . . . P/N 5s.705-s-ol0 l,/2' (15 mm) S!,b ?O Whil6 Color Coal€d . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . P/l'l5FZt5-4{t10 t/?' (r5 nr!) $$em Bras€ Plaied P/N 5&7092{lio 3/4' (20 mm) Slyle 30 chrome Plaiad .......-. P/N 58.71'5-9{l t 3r4' (20 mm) Style 30 ll,hit6 Cobt Coatod. . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . P/N 56.705.+0llEl' (20 mm) Slyle 30 Br6s Plated P/N 5S70$2.0113/f (20 mm) Syb 40 Chrorno Plaled . - - -. - -.. P/N 5&700+OlO3,f' (20 mm) Slyb 40 While Color Coalod . . . . . . . . . . . , -, - . P/N 56-7{lG4-1110g4' (20 mrn) Style {OBrassPlaH Plil56.70(}24t0 Sprinkler W]€nch: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wr6nch, P/N s6-Om-6-387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 . TYCO FIRE PRODI CTS,451 North Cannon Avenu€, Lansdale, Pennsltvania 19446 ItUCA f rire&Buitding- I Products -Customcr Servlcersaleer Tet (21s) 362-0700/ (80O) 523$512 Fax: (215) 362-538s 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 Series TY.FB - 5,6 K-Jactor Horizontal aqd Verticai tidewall tprinklers Quick Resporbse, Standatd Govetage General Descfiption The Series W-FRB, 5.6 K-Facloi, Hori- zorfal and Vertical Sidewall Sprihklers described in this data sheet a.e quic* respoffie - standard coverage, deco- ratlve 3 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light and ordlnary hazard, clmmercial ocarpan- ci€s such as banks, holels, shqpping malls, etc. They ared€signed tor instal- latktn along a wall or the side ot a beam and just beneath a smooth ceiling, Sidewall sprinklers are commonly us€d instead of pendent or uFright sp]inklers du€ to aesthetics or bdilding construclion considerations, where piping across lhe ceiling is not Cesir- able. The recess€d wrsion of the Series TY-FRB Horizontal Sidevrall Sprinkler is Intended lor use in areas with a finished u,all. tt uses a two-piece Style 10 Hecess€d Escirtcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adiustment or up to 3/4 inch ( I I, I mm) ot total apiust- msnt from the flush sidewall po+ition, or a lwo-piece Slyle 20 Recessdd Es- cLrtcheon n ilh 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of roc€ssed adjustment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of tolal adiustmenl lrofn the fush sklewall posilion. The adjuslmenl providod by lhe R€cessed Escutdheon reducos the accuftrcy to which lhe tixod plpe nipples to the spririklErs musl be cut. Corrooion resislant coalings, where applicable, are utilizsd to extend fie lile of copper alloy sprinklers bqyond that which would olherwise bd ob- tain€d when €xposed to corrosirre at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- lant coated sprinklers have pa$sgd the stardard corosion tests of the dppli- cable apprwal agencies, th€ testing is mt represenlative of all possiblq cor- rosiv€ almospheres. Consequeltly, it is recommended that lhs end usbr be consulted vuith respect to lhe suitElbility of lhese coatlngs for any given qorro- Fage I ol 6 sive environmenl. Th€ ett€cls of ambi- ent tgmp€rature, cone€nlration of chembals, and gas/chem ical velocity, should be conskJered, as a mlnlmum, along with lh6 conosiv€ natur€ ol thg chemicaltowhich th€ sprinklers rvill be exposed. lyAFVn'rcs The Se es TY-FRB Sprinklers de- sdibed lt€.rcin must fu inshlled std maintained in compliance with this fucumenL a welt as with the apflica- bts star?dards ot the Natianat Firc Pro- tection Ass@iation, in aMition to the slandg'/ds of any other authorites hav- ing jwisdictbn. Fallurc to do w may impab the intagrv of tlrea devicas. Tlp owner is rcsponsible lor maintain- ing vices in proper operating condition. The installing @ntac/p,' ot spdnklar manulacturer should be cantacted relative to any questions. TY33:}.| w3431 llotizontal Vertlcal Appromlg UL ard C-UL Listed. FM, LFe8, and NYC Approved inCrerro iiori Atrcofrpreti aiprovar information including conosion resis^ tant slalus.) ilaxlmum riYorft ing PEssure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coettblent K = 5.6 GPM/psita (80,6 LPM/bartn) Temperature Batlngc Reter to Table A Finlsh€i Sprinkler; Reter to Table A Recossed Esculcheon: White Coat€d, Chrom€ Plat€d. or Brass Plat€d Physlcal Charact€rlstlcs Frame . ..... Bronzegutton . Brass/Copper Patents U.S.A. Palern Number 5,810,263 and UK Palsnt Numbor 2,347,624 ars ap- plicable to lhe S€ries TY-FRB Horizon- tal Sidewall Sprinkler. (t ort eFIt Eo .9ootc coo- o ,t- ilodeUSprinkler ldentilication Numbers Teehnieal Data JANUARV,2OO3 TFPI76 Page 2 of 6 fFP176 SPRINKLEF FINISH (S€e Nob 10) K TYPE TEIIP.BULA LIQUID NAruRAL BBASS CHROIIE PLA1ED WHITF- POLYESTER LEAD COATED 5.6 1t2' NPT HORIZ SIDETIIALL frY$it1) 135'Fi57"C Orange 't,2,3,4,9 1,2,3,9 r 5s"F/68'C Red 175.FnS"C Yallow 200"F83'C Green 286"F/i41.C Blrc RECE$SED HORIz. SIDEIYALL frva$l)' Flgur 3 135"F157.C Orange 1,2.4,I IUA 155"F/68"C Bed 175'Ft79'C Yellow 200.F193.C Green RECESSEO HORIZ SIDEWALL 135"F67"C Orar€o 1,2,3,4,9 ]\t/A 155"F/t8"C Fed {w33:rrF. Figure tl 17S"F?9"C Yellow 200'F/93"C Green c.b 1n' NPT VEFNCAL SIDEWALL (rY3m) Inst lled Perdent oa Updght '| 35"F/57'C Orango 5,6,7,8,9 5,6,7,9 145.F/68.C Red 175.Ft79"C Yellow A)0'FIS"C Geen 286Ft141"C Blue M)TES: 1. Ustod by Undetwdlers Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick F€sponso Sprinklers for use in Ught and Ordinary lhzard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch {100 to 300 mm} top of d,otlgclor lo ceiling distanc€. 2. qsted by UrderurlieF Laboratolies Inc. for u6e in Canada {C-UL) as Quick Rssponse Sprinklgrs br use in Ughl and Ordinarylhzad Occupancios at a 4 to 12 inch (100 ro 3O0 mm) top of daflecror b cBiling dstance. 3- Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporatbn (FM) as Qui* Response Sprinkters lor use h ljgbl tlazard Ocqrpansies at a 4 to 12 inch (l00lo 30O mm) top of defl€ctor to csiling distance. 4. Approved by the Lo$ PrevBntion C€rtitication Board (LPCB) at a 4 lo 6 inch (100 to 150 mm) iop of detl8ctor to ceiting distance. The LPC (b€s nol rate the lhermal sensitivity of horizontal sidevall sprinlders. 5- Listed by Undewtiters laboratories, Inc. as Quick Response Sprinkiers for uss in Light and Odinary ]lazad Occipancies. 6. Ustod by Ulrderwdlets Labotalories tor us€ in Canada (C-UL) as Qubk Response Sprinklers tor use in Ught and Odinary Hazard OcdJpancies, 7- Approvod by Factory Mutual Ras8arch Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers br uss in Ughi Hazafd Occupancigs- B. Approvsd by tha Loss Prevonlion Certilication Board (LPCB) as Quic.k R€sponse Sprlnkters. L Approved by lhs Cily ot New Yo* under MEA 354{1-E. 10- Whero tu['ester Coared and Lead Coared Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Li6tsd, the spdnklers a.e UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Flssislanl Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated Sprinklers are not6d to be FM Approved, lha sprinkleF are FM Approved as Conosion Resigtant Sprinkbrs.' hstallsd wirh Stts 10 (1/2' NPT) 3/t' Totst Adiusrment Becessed Escutchooo.* Inslallad with Styl6 20 (1/2' NPT) 1/2'Totat Adiustment Recess€d EsqJteheon.*' Frame and dellector only. Lislirgs and approvals appty to all colors {Special Order). IVA: Nol Availabl€ TABLE A LABORATORY L'SNNCS AND APPROVALS Operation Design pro\al is bas€d on tha requirements ol FM's Loss Prevenlion Data Sheets), Only the Style 10 or 20 Roc€ssed Es- cuicheon, as applicable, is lo be used for recessed horizontal installalions. The glass Bulb coniains a lluid which expands when exposed to heat. When lhe rated lemperature is reached, the lluid expands sutfbiently to shalter the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkter to activale and waler lo llow. Critefia The Series TY-FRB Horizontal and Verlical Sidewall Sprinklers are in- tended lor fire prol€clion sysl€ms de- signed in accordance with the sland- ard inslallation rul€s recogdzed by the applicable Lisling or Approval agency (e.9., UL Listing is based on the re- quirem€nls ot NFPA 13, and FM Ap- TfPt76 InstallaJian Th€ Series TY-FRB Sprinklers rfust be inslalled in accordance with the follow- ing inslruclions: ^,otEsDo not it stall ary bulb type splnkler lt the bulb ls cacked or ifiere is a loss of liqtid hom the bulb. With the sqinkler trE.ld lptizontary, a small a bubble should h Nesent. me diameter ot the aft tuWle is apprcxtmetely Vl6 inch (1,6 mm) lor tha 135'F/57C to 3R2 ittd, (2,4 mm) lor the 286"Ffi41"C temperaturc /atitry. A leak light 1E inch NPT sf/:inkler joint stlould be obtained with a torque ol 7 to 14 ft.lhe. (9,5 to 19,O Nm). A maxi- mum ol 21 fr. lhs. (28,5 Nm) ol totque may be used to install l/2 NPT anneclions. WqrE may di€.lo,n AE sprinklqr and canse bakage or impairfirent of the spfinkler. Oo not atte@t lo make-W tol cient adjustment in the flate hy un&r- or oventightenlng the sryinkler. Readiust the posiuan d the s'rinklet frtting to suit. The Serlos W-FRB Hortzontel and Verfical Sldetiell Sprinklers r4usl be in$alled in accor&nc€ with the flollow- irE instructions. Step l. Horizontal sidewall sprfnklers are to b€ installed in the horizontal position with iheir centerline ot water- way pe.perdicular to the back $,all and parallel lo the ceiling. The word TOP" on lhe Denedor is to tace towatds the ceiling. Verlbal sidarall sprinkl€rs arei to be instatl€d in th6 pendent or uprioht po- sition with the arrow on the Ddtlector pointing eway trom th€ wall. L Step 2. With pipa thr€ad sealdnt ap- plied lo lhe pipe threads, hand lighlen lhe sprinkler into he sp,inkbr fitling. Step 3. Tighen lhe sprinkler into |he sprinkler fitting using only the W-Typ66 Sprinkler Wrench (Ret Figure 5), With relerence to Figur€ 1 or 12, lhe W-Type 6 Sprlnkler Wrerch is to b6 applisd lo lh€ wrerFh flats. Ths Serlca TY.FRB Recesscd Horl. zonbl Sldeyall Sprlnkbrs must be inslallsd in accordanco ynith the iollow- ing insfuclions. Step A- Recessed hodzodal siiJ€wall spdnklers ar6 lo be installed in the horizontal posiuon with lieir eenlerline at tvaterway perpendicular to thb back wall and parallol to lhe ceilin$. The word "TOP'on the D€llecbr is to face towards tfte c€iling. Step B. After installing tho Slyle 10 or 20 libunting Plate o\rer lhe sprinkler threads, hand tighlen the sprinklerinlo the sprinkler fitting. Strp C. Tighlen the sprinkler inlo th€ sprinkler f.tting using only lhe W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 6). With reference to F€ure 1, the W-Typa 7 Fecessed Sprinkler Wrench iis to be applled to lhe sprinkler wrench tlats. Step D. After lho csiling has been in- stalled or th6 finish coat has been ap- plied, slide on lh€ Style 10 or 20 Clo- sure over lhe Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push lhe Closure owr the Mount- ing Plate until ib flang€ comes in con- tacl wilh th€ ceiling Care and Maintenance The Series TY-BFF Sprit*lers musl be mainlained and serviced in accorcF ance wilh the following inslructions: ,votEs Betorc clasing a fhe Wotection systam main cantrcl valve for maintenancg work on the fire protection system that PagG 3 of6 with ts of I i ' '-_____---i-i J I | 7n6. iiiI i (ri.t mm) , _! L_ CENTERLTNE i tlCtMlMAL i' i oF SPFNKLEB I MAI(E-IN I iwArEBruAY l-- r-ru -j Ii F8,r 'nm) I II l* *- z-slo' -l' (55,6 mn) srYLE I EsGt[cHEoN tOorm - a * PLAIE SEATING i necesseo ll I suFFAcE i EscLncHEoN - Fl-ffi 1 - Fran€ 2 - &rtbo 3 - Seararg A6sBm!ly il - Eih 5 - Cofipr666lon ScEr.r 6 - D€i€otor ' TempefaturB ratlrE i6 indkaled on defloclor or aqac€nt to orifice seat on franF.n Pipe thread conneclions per ISO zl can be provided on sp€cial rsquest. FIGURE 1 5.6 K.FACTOR OU'CK RESiPONSE SEBIES TY+nB HCTR,trONTAL STDEWALL (TY33g1) SPetNXLEnS Page 4 of 6 it contrcls, permissian to shut dawn the affected the protection system must be obtained from the proper authoritles and all personnel who may be affecEd by this action must be rntified. Absence of an escutcheon, whieh is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers lhat a.e found to be leaking oi exhibiting visible signs of corrosioi must be replaced. Automatic sorinklers must never be painted, plaled, coated or otherwise altered aller leaving the tactofy. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been expos€d to corrosive products of combuslion, but have not operated, should be replaced if th€y cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler wilh a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care musl be exercised to avoid dam- age lo the sprinklers - before, during, and afler installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, $rrench lwisvslippage, or the like, must be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinklerlhal has a cracked bulb or that has losl lquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation SeGtion). Frequent visual inspectbns are rec- ommended to be initially performed for corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, after the installation has been com- pleled, to verify the integrity ot th€ cor- rosion resislant coating. Thereafter, annual inspeclions per NFPA 25 should suffice: frcwever, instead of in- specting from lhe tloor levet, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- lions should be made, so as lo better delermine ihe exact sprinkler condi- tion and the long lerm integrity of the corrosion r€sislant coating, as it may be affected by lhe coffosive condiiions presenl. The ownet is responsible for lho in- spection, legting, and maintenance ot thek fire protection system and de- vices in compliance wfth lhis docu- menl, as well as with lhe applicabte standards ol lhe National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having iurisdiction. the in- stalling conlractor or sprinkler manu- faclurer should be conlact€d relative to any questions. It is recomrnended that automaticsprinkler syslems be inspected, tesl6d, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. Limited Warranty Producis manufactured by Tycs Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years agaimt defects In material and work- rnanship when paid for and properly inslalled and maintained under normal use and service. This warrantv will e)(- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war-raniy is given tor products or componenls manufaclured by compa- nies not affiliated by own€rship with Tyco Fke Products or for producls and components which hav6 be€n subioct to misuse, improper installation, coro- sion, or which have not been inslalled, meintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Slandards ot the Nalional Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the slandards of anv olher Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be detective shall be either repaired or replaced, al Tyco Fire Products'sole oplion. Tyco Fire Producls neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume tor il, any olher obligation in connection with the sale of products or parls of products. Tyco Fire ProducF shall not be responsible tor sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incompleto infiormation suppli€d by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIHE PROOUCTS BE LIABLE. IN CON. TBACT, TORT, STRICT LIABIUW OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OH CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFOHMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILIW OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS'LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. ,'ADE IN L'EU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WABEANI,ES EXPEESS OB I'' P LIE D. INCLU D"IG WARB ANf I ES OF HENCHANTABILT|Y AND FIT. NESS FOB A PART'CULAR PUR- POSE- TFPI76 ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SUBFACE ttz.'* NPT 7t1€ {1r,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE.IN ARROW MUST POINT AWAY FROM AND 8E PEFPENDICULAF TO THE BACK WALLSURFACE =-T! -T t 2-3l/16' (55,6 rrun) ti+l I\t ! ._ _t SHOWN PENDENT SHOWN UPRIGHT cRoss SECTION 1 - Frarne 2 - Button 3 - Sealiog Assembly 4-Bub 6 - Oetlector 5 - Cqmpression 7- Fleclon $ring Sca€w ' Temperature rating is indicated on dafl8clor or ad,iacont to orilice seal on framg. "Pipe thread conneclions per ISO 7ll can be provid€d on special rgquest FIGURE 2 5.6 K-FACTOR QUICK RESPOA'SE sEarEs w-FBB VERTTCAL SU,EWALL (y%?t) Sp/BrflKt EFS TFPI?6 Page 5 of 5 WRENCH R€CESS IEND 'f USED FOR t/2. NPT IIODELSI FIGURE 5 W.TYPE 6 SPNT{KLEB WRENCH WRENGH BECESS\'{w'n ww {:: PUSH WFENCH IN TO ENSUBE ENGAGEMEiTT wlTH SPRINKLER WFENCHING AREA F'GURE A W-WPE7 BEC€SSED SPBINKLERWRENCH MouNrNG I SURFACE - 5ll8*1/4' (15,9l$,4 nr.n) FACE OF SPBINKLEH FTTNNG 2-1t4'DtA- (s72 mm) FIGURE 3 SEBIES TY+RB RECESSED HOBIZONTAL S'I'EWALL SPN//,,KLER WMl TWo.PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ATN',E;TT'ENr STTTE'O FECESSED ESCU7CHEON 1/8 (3,2 rnm) 3i/4' (19,1 mm) MouNrNG I SUBFACE - 2-7ia'DtA. (73Omm; 2-1t4'DtA. {57,2 mm) F'GURE 4 SEN/ES TY-FRA RECESSED HOR'ZONTAL S'DEWALL SPBTNXLEN WTftT TW&P,ECE II2 INCH IOTAL AINUSTilENT SrYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEOIT 1P!118' {12.7t3,2 mm) FACE OF SPHINKLEB FITTING SERIES fi.FFB tJ8' {3,2mm)I {u'emm, II 1/2'112.7 mml 1/4' (6,4 mm) Pagc 6 of 6 TFPI76 P/N57-XXX-X_XXX TABLEB PANT NU'0BEN #LECTK'N SEf|'ES TY.FNB H(,fi,trONfAL AND VENT'CAL SIDEWALL SPR/ffKLERS Ordefing Procedure When placing an order, ifdicate the lull product name. Befer lo the Price List br compkets listing of Part Numbers. Contact your bcal distributor for avail- ability. Sprinkl€r Assembli€s wlth NPT Th.ead Connectbns: Specify: (Specify ModeUSlN), Quick R6spons€, (sp€city K-factor), (specify tomperalure rating), S€rias TY-FRB (sp€cify Horizontal Sidewall or Vertical Sldewall) Sprinkler with (specify type of finish or coating), PN (specify from TaHe B). Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Sryle (specify) Recessed Es- cutcheon with (specify linish), P/N (specdy). Sprinklsr WrEnch: Specify: W-Typ€ 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387. Specify: W-"!pe 7 Sprinklsr WrerEh, P/N 56-85G4-001. lf2' (15,|m) Slylc t0 Chtomo Plat€d ......... 2' {r5 n|n} $yb ro White Colo] Coafod......-.-. -. -... 1/2' {15 mn) Styl€ 10 Arrls Plal€d. -......... 1A' ll5 mm) Slyb 20 ChrofllaPlebd.....-... l/2' (15 mm) Stylo 20 lryh|g Cob.Coated,,..,,...,..,...rE {rs ryr) Styls 20 8r88s Phied..,.,....,. P/N 5d.7{x.9-Or0 P,iN sli-7Ol-l-olO P/N 5&701.2-010 P/N 56-705€{110 PrN 5&705.4.0tO P/N 56-705.2-010 TYCO FIRE PFODI CTS, 451 I'lorih Canmn A\renuo, Lansd8le, Pennsylvania 19446 ItttCO lrire&Buitdins' I Products Technlcal Sewices: Tel: {800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 ^-..- =:,EIITEI/rEII I rfn. i_ Custoner Sewicetsalca: Tet (21s) 362-0700 / (800) 523€512 Fax (215) 362-5385 Style lO, 2Or 3O, and 4A Becessed Escutcheons For Atfromatie Sprinkler Recessed lnstallation General Description The Style 10, 20, 30, and 40 Recessed Escutcheons are designed lor re- cessed installation ol certain Tyco Fire Products (Central, Gem. and Star) p€nder and horizonlal sidewall sprin- klers. They are inlended ior u6e in ar- eas with finished ceilings or walls, and the adjustmenl provided by lheso es- cutcheons reduces the accuracv to which lixed piping to lhe sprin(brs must be cut, while poviJing a decora- tit/G recessed sprinkler inslallation. The two-piecc Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (U4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon provides 112 inch (12,7 mm) ol fecessed adjuslmenl or up to 3/4 inch (.19,1 mm) ol lolal adjustment trom the {lush position. The two-piece Style 20 {112 inch NPT) or Style 30 (U4 inch NPT) Becess€d Escutcheon pro- vides 1/4 insh (6,4 mm) of recessed adiustnent or up lo 1/2 inch ( 12,7 mm) of total adrustmenl trom the flush posi tion. The Style 10, 20, 30, and 40 Recessed Escutcheons are redesiqnations lor Central. Gem and Star br?nds as bF lows: vices in proper operating condition- The installing contactor or sprinkler manufacturct should be contacted relative to any questions. Technieal Data Approvals Appro\.al infornalion, as applicable, for ihe Styl6 10, 2q 30, and rO Re- cessod Esculcheons is detailed in in- dividual pendent and horizontal skie- wall sprinkler data sheets that include details of recessed inslallation. Finbbes Chrome Plated, While Coated, or Brass Plated. (Oth€r colors are avail- able on spscial requesl.) Assembly The two pieces ol lhe Recessed Es- cutcheon are carbon sleel. lnstallation lnstallalion intormalion, as applicable, br ths Sryle 10, 20, 30, and 40 Re- cessed Escutcheons is detrailed in in- dlvidual pendeot and horl2ontal sid6- wall sprinkler dala sheets that include details of recessed installat'nn. NOTE The Style 10, 20, 30, and 40 Recessed Esculcheons must only be used with spdnklee fot which they have been specificatly lebomtory approved (i.e., UL, C-UL, ULC, or FM). Care and Maintenance Specilic requirements of the NFPA must be p€rtormBd, and any impair- mcnl must be immedialely corrected. NOTE Absence al an escutct]F-on, used lo cover a dearance hole , may delay the time to sprinkler opention in a fhe situation. The owner is responsible for lhe in^ spection, testing, and maintenance of lheir lire prolection syslem and de^ vic€s in complianc€ with lhis docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards ol the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addilion to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or product manutac- turer should be contacted relative to arry questions. It is recomm€nded lhal automatic sprinkler systems be inspecled, tested, and maintained by a qualitied lnspection Service, Limited Wawanty P.oducts manulactur€d by Tyco Fire Products are warranled solely to th€ original Buyer for ten (10) years againsl detocls in malerial and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and mainlalned under normal use and service. This wananty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given lor products or components manufaclured by compa- nies not afflliatdd by own€rship wilh Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subiecl to misuse, impropor instailation, corro- sion, or whi6h have not been inslalled, Gem Star FTOA(112'I 2085 FTO5(r/2) 2084 F705(3/4) 2086 F70O(3/41 2088 Style 10 20 30 40 Central 321 't 3221 42.1 4211 WARNING The Racessed Fscutch@ns desdibed heroin must be installed and mein- tatned in empliance with thb docu- ment as well as with the applicable stendards of the Nationa! Firc Prctec- tion As9ociation, in addition to the standards of any other authoities hav- ing jurisdiction. Feilurc to do so may impah the integity ol these devices. The owner is r*ponsibte for maintain- ing their {ke protection system and de- Page 1 of 2 JANUARY,2OO3 tlP?10 CLOSURE FLUSH TOg4'(19,1 mm) j 2-718'DtA- i (73.0 mrn; ---.*l 1A' (3,2 mm) HGURE I STYLE 'O ESCUTCHEON, IT2 INCH NPT _ 3/1 NCH AINUSTITENr Page 2ol 2 FLUSH TO 3/4' (19,1 mm){3,2 mm) HGUNE 4 STYLE i'O ESCUTCHEON, 3/4 ,llfcH NPT - 3/4 INCH ATNUSrfrIEMT THE FORECO'NG WARNANTY IS ,EADE 'N L'EU OF AT{Y AHD ALL lFP770 syslem dgsign erroni or inaccurat€ or incompleto informalion supplied by Buyer or Buyer's rgpresentatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE. IN CON. TRACT, TORT. STRICT LIABILIW OR UNDER ANY OTHEB LEGAL THE. ORY FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES. HE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILIry OF SUCH DAMAGES, ANO IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS'LI. ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. OTH E N WANRA N':'ES EXPNESS OR I PI PLI ED, I NC LU D ING WA R R ANTIE S.AF UERCHANIABILITY AND FIT. NESS FON A PABT'CULAR PUN. POSE. Ordefing Intormation When placingan order, indicat€ the full product name. Refer lo Pric€ Lisl fot complete listing ol Part Numbers. Conlact your local distributor for avail- abilily. Recessed Esoutcheon: Specily: Style (specify) Recessed Es- culcheon wilh (specity linish), P/N (specify). Styb 10 1/z'NPT (tsllml Chrome Plated . . . . -. -.. P/N 56-70r-9{110 ItVt te ....... . . .. ..... - P/N 5$701-,1{rlo Brass Pbbd P/N 56-701.2.010 Style 20 II2'NPT (1smm! Chrome Plaled , . . . . . . . . P/N 56-7{15-9{10 Wfrile - , . . . . . - . - , . . . . . - P/N 56-7tXt.4-01O Brass Plared PIN 56-70t2{10 Styh 30 3rfNPT {20mm} Chrorne Plated ,..,.,-.- P/N 5$705.9.O1f WMe. - -.............. P/N 5$7054-0ll B.ass Pblad P/N 56-705-2-0l l Sryb 4{) 34'NPT (2ftnrn) Chro,r|e Plaled -......-. P/N 56-70F9{iO Whit€ , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 56-70G4-OiO Blass Piat€d P/N 56-700-2-010 maintainad, modified or repair€d in ac- cordarEe wilh applicable Standards ot the Nalbnal Fire P.otection Associa- tion. andlor the standards of any other Auihoriiies Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyeo Flre Producls lo be defective shall be sither r€Daired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- sumes, not authorizes any person lo assume for it, any other obligatbn in connection with lhe sale ol products or parts ot producls. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler CLO$URE I 13/16' _ t (20,6 mm) FU'SH TO ,E' (147 n,n.l f/3,0 mm) (33 mm) F'GURE 2 STYLE M ESCUTCHEON, I/2 'NCH NPT _ 112 INCH AINUSruENT t-t---T---fllll- 'z;1'i3t'--! .^:q-. crosuRE r-l---i-r-- T FLUS|| TO L __ 2-7S. DtA. -_--i 1/8. 1n'02,7 mml ' p3.0 mmi (3.2 mm) . FrcUNE 3 STYLE 30 ESCUTCHEON, 3/4 NCH NPT _ 1/2 INCH ATNUSruENT t-r916'DtA. (49,2 mm) TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 t'lorth Cannon Avanue, Lansdate, PenrFytvanb i 9.t46 I I Fire & Building I Products T.chnkal Sewic6s: Tel: (8fi)) 381-9312 / Fax: (8fi) 791-55fi) r<- Customer ServlcelsalGs: Tel: (215) 362-0700 I (8{n) s23-5512 Fax: (215) 362-5385 ilodel G1 &Sprinkler Guards Hodel Gll9l & G4/53 Guards with Shr-elds Series TV-Bt VY-FRBt TY-LI and TY-FRL tprinklers General Description Tn€ ilbdel Gl & G4 Sprinklsr quards (Ret. Fipre 1) are designed fdr use wlth specific types ol Series ry€, TY- FRB, TY-L, and TY-FRL Sprinkleis that may be local€d in areas that mako them susceptible lo mechaniQal or physical damago. Table A pr4vides compalibility detaib. Th€ Mod€l Gl/Sl & G4lS3 Sp{inkter Gualds wlth ShioHs (Ret Figure 2), in additbn lo providing proleclioq trom mechanical or physical darfage, shleHs the sprlnkler trom water spray of higher olevatlon sprinklers (e.9., rack storag€ sprinkl€r Installaiions). When th€ G1/Sl and G4/S3 are used wilh the Serios ry-B, TY-FRB, TYL, and W-FRL Sprinklers shown in Table A, the assemblles form Upright hter- medials Let/el Sprinklers intondfd tor uss in tire sprinklor systems designed in acco.dance wilh the standard inslal- lalion rules recognized by th€ applica- ble Lisling agency (i.e., UL Listing is based on NFPA requirements). The Gl ard G4 are a redesignatibn for th€ Gem F938 & F937, and the Gl/Sl & G4/Sg are a redesignation fcir lhe Gem F9381G76 and Fgi!7lQ-75. WARNNGS ftte Mel Gl & @ S$inkler Guads and GUSI & G4/SS Sprid<ler Gqards with thields deseribed hercin mtst be insta ed amt maintained in coopli- anc€ with this documenl as wqll as wifa the aplicdbte standards df the National Fire Prctection Associetion. in eddilion to the standads ol any othet authorities having iurisdittion. Falhrre to do so may impair the integ- ity of tl7€,se devic€.s. The ow@r is rcsponsible for maifiEin- ing their ffre Noteclion system anq dd- vid.€.s in proper operating condltion. The i,lg,talling contfactot or menutec- turer should be contacted relalive to any qtestbnE. Page I ol 4 7echnieal Data Apprcv?ls UL and C-UL Lisled. FM Approved. (Hefer to Table A) Fini3h€s Red Painted and Anc Chromale PtryElcal Clrtracl€ristic6 Welded assambly fabricated from carbon steel Design Criteria ln accordancs wilh the requirements of &e NFPA, sprinkler guards shall be listed. Guards are only llsted fur us€ wilh specif ed sprinklerq th€retorg, lhe Gl, G4, G1/S1, and G4/SO must only be used wilh the S€ries TY-B, TY-FRB, TY-L,.and W-FRL Sprinklers shown in Tabl€ A. lnstallation The Models G1, G4, G1/S1, and G4/Sg are to be installed as tollows: Step 1. The Gl, G4, Gl/Sl, or G4/S3 is to bs mounted on tlrc sprinkler after the sprlnkler has been installed in ac- cordance wilh ils app$cable teclnical data sheet. Step 2. With the Clips looso, tirst spread the two halve ol the Sprinkler Guard iust €nough to pass by lhe sprinkler deflscbr lrom the siJe. Then, on6e again sptead lho lwo hahres ol tho Sprinklsr Guard just onough lo pass ovgr the sprinkl€r'thr€ed 6lief" or "w]enchlng aru', as applicabb, portion of the sprinkler. (Refer lo TablB A, as well as Figuros 1 and 2,) St€p 3. With lhe Sprinkler Guard posF tioned on lhe "thrBad rolief" or 'wrenching area" porlion of the sprinkler, as applicable, engage lie Clips and then slide th€ Clips unlil lhey JAltuARY,2OO3 Glrsl G4rS3 TFP78O Page 2 of 4 TFP78O SERIES SPRINKLER TFP stN GEM stN STAF stN SPRINKLER TYPE SPRINKLER K-FACTOR r.rouMnNG LOCATION GUARD i,PDEL (APPROVALSI GUARD WITH SHIELD MODEL (APPROVAT S) w-B TY3151 G7570 Updght 5.6 Thread R€lbf Gl {12}Gr/Sl (1,21 TY32s1 G7571 Pendent 5.6 Thread Reliet G1 (r,2)l,r/A w4851 o7560 Upnbht s_0 {1/r NPT)Ihread Reliet G r (1,2)tllA TY4951 G756r Pendent B.o (t/2' NPT)Thread Relief G1 (1,4 l.l/A TY4151 G7590 Updgfrt LO (3/4' NPT)Thr€ad Relbt G1 0,2)Gl/Sl (r,2) TY425t G7591 Perdent 8.0 (u4' NPT)Thread Beliet Gl (1,2)N/A TVg]s1 G757f3 HSW 5.6 Thread Reliet G4 (12)iUA Tygr{E1 G7575 vsw 5-6 Thread Reliel G4 {r}TI/A TY+BB TY1131 G73ID Upnght 2.a ThEad Ralbf lVA TYl231 G7331 Psndent 23 Ttuead Beliet N/A TY313r G737t Upright 5.6 thrcad Belkrf Gl (r,2)Gllsr 0,2) TY323l G7371 Pendenl 5.6 ThrBad Reli€f cl (1,2)I\UA TY4t31 G7390 Updght 8.o (3/tf NPT)Thr€ad Felt€t Gr (r"2)Gvsl (1,2) TY4UI.l G7391 Pendent 8.0 (3rl4' NPn Thread Relbt Gl (13)rvA TY&131 G7378 HSW 5.6 Thread Reliet G4 0)tvA TY3431 G7375 vsw 5.6 Thread Reliet G4 (1)iUA TY.L TY3l t l Q311r s1800 Uprighl 5.6 Wrcnch Area TY3211 G3112 s1801 PE rd6nt 5.6 Wrerch A€a lvA TY3:t11 G3113 s t803 HSW 5.6 WrenchArca l,t/A TY,BI l sl805 Updght 8.0 {1f2" NPr}w'ench Al€a c4 (2) TY/rc11 sr806 Psndsnl 8.0 (rit uerl Wrcnch Arsa N/A TY4111 G3t0l s1810 Upright 8.0 (3/'|: NPT)Wr€nch Area c4 (2) TY4211 G3102 s1811 P€rd6nl 8.o (3/,f NPT)Wr€nch tu€a IUA TY+FL TYl121 G8973 sts79 UpnSht 2.8 Waenct Area G4 tl)lvA t\1221 G8971 s1880 P€ndent zs Wrench Atea G4 (rf ryA w3r21 Ci8974 s1864 UpflSttt 5.6 Werrh Area G4 {1) TY322l e972 sr865 Pendenl 5.6 Wrench Ar€a G4 {1)avA TY3S2i G8946 s1878 HSW 5.6 Wrench Area G4 (11 tvA TY4121 G8174 s18€6 Upngtd 8.O (3/4' NPT)Wrendr Area G4 (1 Tf{221 G8172 sl867 Pendent 8.0 (3/4' NPT)Wench Atea ti/A APPEOVALS & NOTES:1. Lbtod bV Underwdtets L€boratorb8 tnc.2. Atprovad by Facbry Mutual Fesearch Corporation. WA llol Appl'tcabh tor noted sprinkter. - l'lo SlN, tistlng orApproval TABLE A _ LABORATORY L'Sfl.IVGS AIVD APPNOVALS seal against the Base lo complete lhe installalion as shown In Figures 1 and 2. To help assist with the slidino of the Clips the Guard tnstallation T6ot may be used as shown in Figure 3. In addi- lion, pliors can be us€d to frcililato the final sealing ot the Clips. /\,OTES The Clips must sedt against the Base in orcler to be considered fully seated and In or&r to @mptere the installa- tion. The G',G4, Gl/Sl, afi c4/53 may bel*ated in any position relative to the swinkler frame arms. SPRINKLER THBEAO RELIEF ENGAGED BY BASE PLATE SPBINKLEB WBENCH ABEA ENGAGED 8Y B,{SE PLA1E 2-78',DlA. (73,0 mm) GUARD CUP (ENGAGEO) Model Gl Guard tlodel G4 Guard Shown with S6d€6 TY+RB SDrlrklet Shown with S€&s TY-FRL Snnkbr NGUREl MODEL Gl AND G4 SPN'NKLEB GUAFDS _ D"'E''US'O'VS TFP78O Care end Ittaintenance The Models Gl, G4, Gl/Sl, and G4/S3 do nol requiro any regularly schedulod mainlenance; however, propor inslallation ol the Sprinkler Guards should be verified during the annual visual inspeclion ot the sprin- klers. The owner is responsible for lhe in- speclion, tesling, and maintenance of thBir fire prolection system and d€- vices in compliance with this docu- menl, as well as wfth lhe applicable standards of the Nalional Fite Protec- lion Associafon (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition lo th€ slandards of anv other auihoritie8 having iurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or 'sprinkler manu- tacturer should be contacled relative to any questbns. ll is recommended lhat automalic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualifled Inspection Service. Page 3 of 4 Limited Warranty Products rnanutactured by Tyco Fire Producls are warranted solely to th€ original Buyer for ten ('l0l years against defecls in malerial and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and servic€. This warranty will eY- pire len (1 0) years from date of ship- ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given lor products or (101,6 mm)(120,7 mm) BASE 2-718 DtA.r*f F-?r;;;,;GUARD CUP (ENGAGED} SPRINKLEB WRENCH AREA ENGAGED BY BASE PLA1E I --t GUARD\ SPRINKLER | | r\ THAEAD RELTEFI' - ENGAGEO BY - w- BASE PLATE 1:='? Modet Gl Guard Wlth Model Sl Shleltl 2-7t8'.DtA. (73,0 mm) CLIP {ENGAGED) Model G4 Guard With Uo(hl 53 Shield Shown with Series TY-8 Srinkler Shol#n with Setus TY-L Sprhkler FIGURE 2 NODEL C|/S' AND G/'/53 SPN'NKLER GUARDS WTH SHIELI'S _ DIMENSTONS Page { of 4 components manufactured by compa- nies not affiliated by own€rship with Tyco Fire Producls or for producls and components which have been sub.iect to misuso, improper irstallation, corro- sion, or which have nol be€n inslalled, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of th6 Nalional Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any olher Aulhorhies Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be detective shall be either reoaired or replaced, al Tyco Fire Products'sole option. Tyco Fire Producls neither as- sumes, nor aulhorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligalion in connection with lhe sale ot products or parts of producls. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinklet system desi$) errots or inaccurale or incomplste information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's represenlalives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON. TRACT, TORI, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE. ORY FOR INCIDENTAL INDIRECT. SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL OAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED AEOUTTHE POSSISILTY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL ryCO FIRE PRODUCTS'LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE, TFP78O Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor {or avail- abilily. G'l Sprlnkler Guard: Specify: Model G1 Sprinkler Guard having a (specify) finish, PIN (specify). Fed Psinled P/N 56-938.1"001 Anc Chromal€ P/N 56-938.9.001 Gil Sprlnkler Guard: Specity: Model G4 Sprinkler Guard having a (sp€cify) finish, PIN (sp€city). RBd Pai €d P/N 56-937-1-00l Znc Clvo|nais P/N 56-S37-9{01 Glrsl Guar.l wlth ShleH: Specify: Model G1/S1 Sprinkler Guard wilh Shield having a (specity) finish, PiN (specM. Bed Painbd P/ll56-938-1S6 Znc Chro|r|ate P/N 56€38-9-066 G{S3 Guard wlth Shleld: SpeciS: Model G4/S3 Sprinkler 6uard with Shield having a (specify) linisb, P/N (specify). RedPai sd P/N 5S937-1-{166 arc Chrdnals P/N 50€37-9-066 fHE FOF|EGOING WABRANTY IS ,TADE 'N L'EU OF ANY AND ALL OTHEB WANRAITIIES EXPRESS OR WITH SPRINKLEB PROPEBLY INSTALLED, CAREFUI.IY SPREAD BASE PLATES APARTANO FIT OMTO SPRINKLER AT APPROPRIATE MOUNTING LOCATION PEF TABLE AAND FIGURES 1 o'2 MODEL G4 GUARD WITH MODEL 53 SHIELD & SERIES TY.I. UPRIGHT SPBINKLEF STIOWN FIRST CLIP FTX-LY ENGAGED CLIP INSTALLATION TOOL {SHtppED WnH rUIfl INSTAIIAnON IooL APPUED OVEB GUARDS) ADJACENT BARS, PRESS SECOND CUP TOWARD BASE PLATES UNTIL FULLY ENGAGED FIGURE 3 INSTALLANON PROCEDUBE A PLIER MAY BE USEDSWIVEL CUPS OVEB ADJACENT BARS AND SUD€ TOWARO BASE PLATES UT.TTIL SNUG TYCO FIRE PFODUCTS, 451 Noitr Cannon Avenue, Lansdate, psnnsltvania t9.146 Sprin ler EscutGheon'4O1 Manufactured by: C€nlral Spdhkler Company 451 No,th Cannon Avenue, Lahsdale, PonnslAania 19446 Uil::l,"Ji *Frechnica Tho Conhal Two-Piece Adjustable Spfinkl€r Esortcheon b designbd to enhanca lhe appearance of peirdent eprinkl€rs when insblled belor celllngs. The esortcheon provifles a docorathre cbgure of lhe annuldr spacs beftYe€n the spdnkler aod the ceilhg. The Two-Piece Adjustable Spdnkler Escutcheon is of a tehscopflng typ€ design lhat prqvld€s br ? of fieH adlustment, theroby as-sr,rdng a good fit against the ceiling. lt b available in two thrfad siz6s and thr€e standard fnish4s. Additonal special finishes are avaibHe upon rEquest $rhich rEquire addilirnal ordering time and a special palnt cfiarge. Model: 401 Style: Two-PbceAdiustable Escutch€on Slze: W pzr nml or Yt' 1ts.t mn1N.Pf . Standard Finishes: Brass, Chrome and whib Depth: Minimum: 1W ptanml Maximum: 3W ?s.t mn) Diameten gtp:, 2W dia. 67.15 nvr') Skirt 31f dia. (aa.er"n, Welht 2.8 oz. es.l 9rr';,) Unstallation The Tuo-Pbce Adjustable Sprlnkler Escutcheon is held in lhe proper position by behg sandwl*rd be- tween the face of the r€ducing coupling and the wren(*r boss on the spdnkler. Inatallation Soquence: Step 1. Thefacaofthe reduc{ng coupling on the drop nipple should be a nwrfils,l 2W (ttf ) belcw th6 finished ceiling surface. Step 2, Prior to Installalion of the sprinlder, tum the esantdreon anp onto the sprhkler lhreads. - Step 3. Hand tight€n the sprinkler and cup into the reducing coupling on the drop nipple. Step 4. Wrench lighten the sprinkler to the recommended torque uslng the proper Central Sprinkler Wrench. Step 5. After th€ ceilhg is in place, align the escut€fioon skirt with the sprinkler and press it up and owr the escutcheon cup until the oubr edge of the skirt me€ts the ceilng surface. Cross Secflon - Two-Plece Sprinkler Escutcheon - 401 0rdering lnformation Orderlng Informadon: When placing an order, inclicate the full product name. Please specifo the model, slze and quantjty. Avallabllity and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available throoghout the U.S. and Canada; and intemalionally through a netrvotk of Central Sprinkler distibulim centers. You may write dlrecfly to Cenbal Sprinkler Company or call (215) 362- 0700 for the disfibutor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will r€palr and/or replace any produc*s found to be defectfue in material or workmanship within a pedod of one ysar hom the date of shlpment. Please refer to the cunent Price List for further details of the warranty. Conversion Tablo: 1 inch = 25.400 mm Conversions are approximab. @ 199? Central Sprinklsr Comparry Prinled in U.S.A. CENTRAL .r- Central Sprlnkler Gompany 451 llorlh Cannofi Arrenlle, Lansdale, PA 19d46 Phone (215) 362{700 rex (irs)'gor-sses 401'1 Submittal Data Sheet Schedu I e-1.O"/Sche6u ;6{O' Fully Listed and FM Approved Sprinkler Pipe Whco you ryeciS Schedule-l0sctredrle-40 sprinkler pipe yort gcr UL listcd and FM appmved Fodtrcf Annugh lh€sc products do not require separate rpprolal$, ScMule-I0/Schednlc40 givo lou tll.sua qurlity assrrrnce you dentnd. Our SclFl0 (l7f - t') pipc rnd Sch+0 (1" - ztl") pipe lnvc pcsed the sasr thorough lab testing rs our otll€r lisied piF FodEls' urd rcoeiw pcriodic oill inspcdions fmm bodr lrl and FM agens to ensre coraisteot quality. Grtvrrhed Ptpe SdrcdulelffSctpdrle40 po&c can bc 'td{ip" grh,ariad to nrd FM. SrFhr CdttoB Or aAaoced fmmh nrill coalirg ofcrs r cbal drSlc srfe. lt is olso prif- Gady f6 odo.n cohr eeplicdios widrcryt specisl F€pcalfur Tlr idqml Elr&cc of all Had FiE SFinklFr pipe W to 4.50qf in diamcr.r slsll bc coaied with Allicd Tl$c & CedritAmtsdqial FgIn r %Bf. Ancrlc.r M.dc Mceb Trry Amaican" I€qtutr|ed r|d b fftaibbb 0rujgh distrhtrs in fu tlSA Cildrh rd lii€xico. SpcciE *ires & Approvrts Scbc&le- l06chedile40 fipe ae in ccrplim wi6 fte folleniq: ASIU Al35 dd NFPA 13. Bottr pipe podr.ts luve a r,ortiq plcorc ding of 3,m psi |r|rxinum rnd alm lH tr sningld rEqdrE rEnt fr 0|e bllowing bsb: ffH&d Odlerc, If:dngtic htso|Ie, Si|c Wrn Rt4dre Vibralid fis. Slamp lbr. American Tube and Pipe was acquired by Allied Tube and Conduit on Febnrary l, 1997. The engineered lightwall and standard wall family ofproducts although rtey have different names are the same in all respects wiih regard to strength, weight, hnmdle cormt, listings and approvals. For example, Dyna-Flow and Super FIo arc the same product as are Dyna Thread and Super 40. XL is manufactred with gxterior galvaniud coating. BLT is manufacored with Black lacquer coating. @@@ Usted Apprwed Lbrd ft(lc0mhd) fts/ wU.in|z|] wt'.in(zr'] u!,tlll 2,940 ',.334 2,8n 1,2&) 70 2,47070 t,t20 2.05 3.05 1.fig fr.6 1' 25 2,894 1.313 2:178 1260 51 5l 2.270 4.36 1.380 35.1 u e513 2,87?tt4 1,1/10 1,303 1.610 $.9 2:720 3.614.0 5.37 2:t38 1.242 2,300 LAs 5.13 307.6:J g)3.650 5.4 T 2.ffi7fi 52.5 2,640 1,197 19 2,310,9 t,M8 2W 2.469 5.79065 62.7 8.6 7-86 1t.n m.(l?oruerl Ptd trl^n{nl nrifreo frui ln; nn ln; nn Lbs/Ft Kdn KAn L LE Ks L,A; ra Lbs: 1.097 27.9 2,675 1.2t3 1.8'r 912.70 9l 3,053 1.385 1.400 2.1 1'. 25 2,760 1,252 2,664 1.208 1.442 1.81036.6 2.7 2,319 1.052 2.52 6t3.75 61 lw 32 L172 1,lt!N) 2,M t.xN 3,045 1.381 61 6l 1.68' 42.7 1W 40 2,442 1.108 2.640 4.n3.9 6.28 2,344 1.$3 37 2,05137 gin t 5t) 2,618 1.m, 5.89 3{t8.77 30 2,542 1.153 2.635 66.9 2,67 933 7.94 19,1.82 t9 1,975 8ffie0 82.8 6.1 2,665 1.2tN 2,2 t.015 1.78 197.53 19 2,558 t.160 1 7 5.610 8.3 1,9€ 881 5.295 ',34.5 7.77 17-33 10 10 1,tr!2 1,865740 8tt6 23n t,053 23.(E 1034.27 10 6.357 161.5 9.290 13.8 z,ns 2,8851.26 I.W!) 16.490 21.5 7 40.15 59.75 2,424 T,'M Sprhklor ffiacior: Localivrs: s5-4 Cofiments: SFtem TID€:Engis:Specifcafon Rederence: IFEBGO'REDUCED PRESSURE ASSEMBLY Physical Properties Sizo of Mainline Max. Working Pressu]s llyd|ostatb Test Prsss. Temperatu€ Fange End Connectiom Materials Main l/alve Body Coating Shut Off \hlves Trim Elastomer Discs SprlnS Installation Views 2tlt',3, 4''16',8', & 10' 175 PSI (1200 KP4 350 PSr (2lo0 KP4 320 F to 1400 F (0o C ro 600 C) FlangedANS! 816.1 Glass 125 Ductile ilon Gmde 65{5-12 Fusion epoxy coated lntemal and €rlernat AWWACsso-q' NRSi ard OS&Y Fsilient wedge gate valves AWWA C509 Bronze EPDM Stainless steel U.g. Psidtl r,b.4'969,636. U.s. Pabnt tlo. 6,107,868 U.s. Pai.nl 1.1o. 5,385,168 . U-S. Plbnt l{o. 5e26,4rt U.s. Pd.nt No. 5'3t2l03 . U3. Prls|t t1o.5,500,r76 MODEL 88OI' REDI'CED PESST'RE ASSAIELY lshosn h F licd o.f..ddonl UODEL 8SY88OII REDUGED PN€SSURE ASSEIIBLY lslrown lr rtontard olhntrlii'nl qldgd C..f-rgIta.n5 Standafd odanEfon (Model 880%]809 * Note-Model 880 does not irrc{rde groorcd end coupling. Recommended minimrrn clearancos frorn permanent stn ctrrcs for eas€ of t€sling a'td mdnienancs ar€ shown on abow drawiqgs. Vsrlical odeniatlofi (lrodel SglV) i Adaptor suppfied wit| E&N onty. Detail 10" Dlsc Assembly Materials of Gonstruction IIEU DESCRIPTIOII IIATB]AL ITEII DESCBIPTIOII MAICRIAI.|rEU D TCFWTON MATENIAL I 2zl L2 23 L4 25 3 al a a.t 12 5 5.t 6 6.1 6.2 63I I 9.1 10 10.1 tl Eody CoY€rt'c|Ef CRlrg C€pscDr llsx l'&.* Er(D6rrt'o||Ph Cow 2! Cl|ock S.!t lling G€ilet Arrl E|lhhgsl|hoPh Strfig Pil ncial*U (,ip lbfph Cotl6r Chod( Di!ft 8cr Dirt Dbk lloH6r(10', Dbf Rciafr.r (tO', CrDscrs (lo'l l-o.d Ptr Sp.irg SlGrr Ekb Sop Js|| Ntd Sp|bg ld Chacf SpthgFOhck SP'hg AJde A506 GR 65-.*5i2 As36 GR 65-45F2 EPDM ASTM DP(m Plat6d Sfe.l Plded Sleel ss Asr6GR65.l|.rilz 8584 Aroy c8+(n EPDM ASru D2O'b 8584 Aloy C8360O A[6lal Rasfl ss ss ss EPDMC6dGR,/*5lldlqrerss*n ss ss ss ss ss ss Aloy Acalal R6Etl Alh,y Rubber/Fabric Acdal R.sh ss ss PHed Stoel Plded St cl Alloy ss HDPE AnoV ss AsO6 Gn 65-.1$12 PH.d Sted Plated Sieol PlM Sn cl Mr|o ASTrt Dtlm AA(t E!4 3S tcstd R€atl ss Acotal R63h AIoy FDA EPDM 72 UprSD.hg Rctnr t zt 8u!filE€pr. Stem13 Pivot Boartrg'14 FIgEB G8ket'15 Bedhe Sooksr 16 ih Jam I'lt l7 tYb$er 18 FlaEo Bolt 18.1 Fld|g€ utm RVCove 20.1 Slcdsc|E' 2O.2 Gask t4 R.V. Body 2. Cry6r Bolt B Ebo{,24 Rt Mlg8dt 24.1 Warhsr - Rl, E RV rfig Eolt27 Lrg. Dbphnagm U Buh{r 28.1 Florysorfi E RV Sprhg 30 Srem - Fn 3l Mdr G|ide- n, 3r.r O-Rlng - Rl, g2 Sed Dbc - Kl, EPD ^sn D2O00gl t.owcr Guido U SsatDbc 34.1 O-Rhg 06 O-tling 35.1 aa*-rrp Rhg 38 RetaiEr 38.r S[p Rhe 3g FloY llrbshrr .O Ball\talvs 11 NhFb 42 Gde lralvs Acald Resiir Atoy FDA EPDM Acdd ReEh €PDM AST Dzm(I Aloy AcdResh Aoa Foafl A[ty Brass Alruw^ cs{rg EPDM ASTM [}2(xN €PDM ASTU 02000 Alloy SAE f|lldr{rb Hoar 38 Adador Plate AIF,ygT Sm,Diapbragm lltlla ASIft D2000 4t &dd|@dft|irg Anoy/|3.r Bult'read Fitlilg AXoy,15 Gad<sr 45.1 Gdrol 47 llut 50 SsEirg Lir. 5l Str€€l Ebor., Aloy 50 ld.r incdion Pbts Alby62 Otiv6scrcw SS 70 Cbnp (8801/)Au lrA cfrb Model880/880V Standad Orientation l,lolE Tha llodel 886t b shippod in fh6 standad (N€lrape) orbntdon as shryn above. Modet 88O do€s not hclude groowd ord coupling. Model8&)V Vertical Orientation NRSSideView Relief Valve Detail F.tro{ shbpod on dg[* slde (6hown) ficld r€G!€bl€ to bft'!i('g. Dimensions US. - lnchcs EIE OS&Y NRS OPEN F G It ApDrudmd. Net Net. NRS OS&Y {r$s.) (LbaJ 2th.lIle Zslt 24th 4r5lro I*le 1 6it/a 1 6Yr 6r/r 8lz 31lz 13s/.vh 2Vl+219 220 l2tlz %tlc 24l:h stc 12rlc 22!t 16F/r 6th Tlt74rlt8lz3eh ?Th 280 AO Vlt1$/z4rlz14t7\e 8L 6?rr 14tla Blh lTlt 31 320 350 3Th185/r 9r/r6lzVlz1632th32thSeAo18?c 30% nh 48{t 530 63/r3Vlz9/ro36Yo78tlz 23tlz 37th 24rlt {lt Stlt Nh I O/r 4'lth 81 O 88O 10.n 4Ilz 17112 2V lz il8 2Vle 10 1'lIz la249,|iI(FL t350 lrlS{, l/l€tlc - llll lpprq|n*a llgt Net ilRS OS&Y E E OS&Yslze A B c D NRS oPEN F G H J K L tr (xgs.t (k$.) 65 317'5 654.1 616.0 125.4 320.7 416.9 4?2,3 158f 130.7 88,9 346.1 7e/,.2 fft2.2 S:t.3 99Js 317.5 654.t 628.7 138.1 327.0 ffi5-2 422;3 158.8 139.7 953 358.8 1842 717.6 127,0 131,5 l(n 355,6 70&O 6795 166-7 365.1 5q).6 450.9 ITTA $2A 114.3 393-7 18,,2 787A 145.1 15&8 150 406.4 819' 819.2 2175 {n.4 785.2 A17.g 2032 1905 139.7 473-t 2413 W.2 n7.7 2&.1 2(n 469.9 9525 323.9 242.9 sgAg 958.9 6313 ZJi.O ?9,23 fir.S 527.1 2G0.4 1054.1 367.i1 399.2 4n $3.4 10795 l{135.1 292.1 d9B5 1219,2 6t}85 M.0 247.7 Z}3.2 609.6 M1 l/,52 61L3 67t.3 Weilrhfs do not includo rbo'B or @fidrat valve setter- Notg: Dirrnnsbns sltogn an rpninaL Allowancos must be mad6 for rbtrnd manu{acturing to{erances. Reler to Speclffcatlon Sheot SS fts fof detaits on vahre setler. Application Heahh Hazard Flow Orientation Staridard orlentation is inlet flow vertical up, outlet flow verticd down. Vertical ori€ntation is inlet and outlet flow vertkal up- Options tr \Ialve Satter with MJ x MJ, MJ x Fl- or FL x FL endstr UUFM OS&Y Rlll Gate Vhlvestr Relief Valve Air Gap Drain Funnettr WVe $trainer Agency Gompliance (Slns 2tz"-1o") . ASSElStdl0i3l o ANSUAWWA(C511-89) . GAIVGSA (864.4) .UL' r FMt o cUL r Approved by tlrc Foundaton for Cross Connection Control and Hydradlc Res€arch at th6 Unh,erstty of Souhern Galifornia. ' Le&s qate not FM aoooved. Less 6ato not UL lidtid unless instdled with UL nstedgded valv€s. A= _B Model 88O/880V Flow Gurves 2112" 2il 300 3n ,150 4rl 1000 1200 1400 8rl A -6 I 3000 10" A, 0 5m rmo ls(x) 2000 2s00 3{xx, 3500 40@ 4500 50(X) GPM The 6' and 10' flow curves (B-standard orbntation) include th6 FEBCO vahre settor model 61 1. 6u +18n16;14412;'3ie 1 =18pt6 =14313E:tro 4 ^16f14;r2t10d3fE 2 ^20-o 18g16il, ET 4 ^20Iro 812je 8q-0 o18eitg# !88or4 2 400 600 800 GPM o 50 100 150 2m GPII 1000 1500 ax]o 2500 GPM 50 100 150 200 250 30{, 350 'to0GPM mO 30O ,l{n 50O 600 700 GPM A-Vertical orienl,ation (model 880V) B-Standard odeniation {model 840 ard 880V) Sales and Scrdce Site:www.apxvalves.com E-Mall: lnfo@eprvalyes.com SPX Vatves & Controls is an ISO gA0l Ceftifred Company nation about our worldwide leations, approvars snd certifications, and local representatives, pteag€ visit our web site. B -A B- *:A -A- -B,- VAIVES & GONTRO1S 38r 6 Sodh Wllow Avenlre Flssno, Calito.rda U.SL 90725 Tel (5591 4ill -53d1 F?x (559 441 -ejol SPX |/!/vas & Coatrcls rc*r{,es ths ght ,o incnrwraE ow tatlsr'. &slgn amt material changes witho.n notie or obligaion Detbn featurcs, mate ab of construdion ard dimensional ddtd, I d*rM in th',s butlatin, ere provided for your information mfuaN should not be relied upon U{l,hs€ cotrti'|'ldd in witing by SPX Vatves & Con'rok. Cedified drawings ero availabte upon requesL ssSld 7/03 P,inled h lhe U.sJ\. O zoaxl vrffxt rc. E l|t F0 st &mr[Dct|fl{Y Series 717 FiseLocke Gheck Valves PRODUCT DESCRIPTION @@ ScVtaaic nrblcdoo ,{l.{Xb d€ttb. Series 717 FireLock check vatue is a CAD-develo@ design that is hydod)namica[y efficienl A totalry rubber encapsulaled clisc on 4 - 12' (lm - 300 mm) sizes prorides sttperb co.rosion resistance. Thb single disc design incorporates a spring assisted feature f6 non-slamfiing opera$on. Fo s)Etellls requiring a Riser Check option refer to section 10.09. Ite 4' (100 mm) and larger sizes are provided with upstream and downstream ckalns and a rr*elded-in nickel seat design. All sizes of S€ries 717 can be installed in the vertical or horizontal posilion to provide leak-free s€aling under corditkrns as lour as five feet of head. Eacfr valve is facto.y tested to 50O psi (3440 kPa). Ths I t/2 and $ (65 and 80 mm) sizes are UL/IJLC Lbt€d and 1' (100 mm) sizes and larger are UUULC Listed ard FM Appmved for s€rvices up to 25O psi (1725 kPa). Sizes 4 - 8/100 - 2m mm (except 165,1 mm size) are VdS approrecl.Shcs 2l,t - 3' ym,,yilfl ffi :'""gtri"HiH##*:lx'1"''l'Tl?'Ji:'w.x.;ng'i:"#'#"ff"9":"5"43'ffi T#l:* b dddc. Aaa a - 12' DIMENSIONS O 'r'NF'f upltr.n D.*r O $ NPr lhmdr.m tt*r@?]Frp*ry'.t1 Typbd a -8' ffi@ TyCcd 2!t - C' ffiW O u. a{tT r-b$|en t|rdlO}f FT oori.rrdt t*.h Typbd l0.12. c n€06tEE0 lRrocnd( 6 rE Atr - o ctrtm{' rn6 r/lct^lrc - tRmD tulL tlooln lDl .b. h-trn fD9{s.IttE,t!3 3.6 1,6 4.5 20 76,1 nm 139.7 mm I 165,1 mm 21lz 4t 1m 6l 150 5t r25 9.t 17.2 38.O 17.2 vilruli€ caryqtydAmiea . Ptr'tr l{GPIC*-VIC {r.800,7.{2-5842t . tar:6't0-?50-8817 . e-nijt:ti{kyic€)yt|adt.rlltlyrda{ic Cmpery ol Cada . PhoE: 95-8&t-?14{ . Far: 9O5,OO4-9'74 . s{itil: ri't ada€lictrjic.iln Vida I trqe . Ph$E:U-9-381-I1X] . fiq: lE-9.380-1438 . e-ma : i,Gr@lttaraDe Yr|drt ArxriE Ldiia . PtsE 61G559-3300 . Far. 6 t 0-559-3$08 . e-nait vicareathrticdrn Vlrtnulic Asla Prilir . PhqB:656235-S35 . Far 65-6235-0538 . e,nEltr vicap@vaa.dic..0.n tu NOIE: P*dcsnerl of check vat'€5 roo cJo6a to lorrceS ot uriabte ffo^, sfl sl|cEn the ffe of th€ Flvc an.t potctlNbly may (brntge tr|e sFlem. To ex|e.|(| valE ffu. vCEs stnrb b€ h!|dgd a roasooaDb &a{|ce d.||instedn Eqr| purps. €boi,s, €reqrters. reducaG d dnea dnf,ar d€tlces. SoLnd tttrE trEcticesd.rgle r nHm|rtr of fr,g {5} rines fte Fpe {ri.!EEr ftl gener€l ure. Ottlfllce6 bctr6€n dr€c t3) drd five {5t d'l|el.'sre *Ebb p.d,bed Ate ifl \itbcly k b6s rt|dt ett* 6) ft€r F s@nd {2.1 ntps}. Digsnces bs6 tEn 6ree (3) .llaftre.s {e r|or r€comm€ ded ard $i rloble the \,lctlulk produat *aaranly. MATERNL t0l0 l0 l0 a0 u6. A. -t r.tx 0-g;'qr6t?uJ 165ts81.Prlo- t2 sl t0 l0 at rto s 1,!01 flo FLOTIRATE-G.P.N Body:iron conforming lo ASru A-536. grade 65-45-12.2t12 - T (65 - 80 mm) sizes PPS coated. 4 - 12' (100 - 3m run) sizes p6ir{ed btack enanEt. Body qeat 2U, - 3' (65 - 80 mm) sizes PPS coated. 4 - 12f (100 - 30O mrn) integrally w€lded oo nickel alloy. DlBc S+al or coadng: 2fi {|0 tflo 1t0r 20,101tr06 $m . cradc'E" EPDI EPDM (Green cobr code). Temperature range -30'F to +230"F (-34'C lo +110"C). Recommended for cold and hot water s€rvice wirhin lhe specified Emperattre range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil-hee air a0d many chemical services. UL classilied in accordance with ANSUNSF 61 for cold + 86'F {+3O'C) and hot +180"F (*82'C) polaue warer service. NOT RECOMMENDED FoR PETROLEUM SERVICES. 'Servic+s listed are General Sefvice RecommendatiorB only. lt shoukl be noted that thefe are services fs which these gastets are not recomrnended. Reference $|ould ahxays be made to the latest Vtctaulic Gasket p€lectim Guide for specific Aasket service recomrn$dations and fs a listing of services vrhich are not fecommended. Dlscs: 2rlz - 3'(65 - 80 mm) Aluminum b(onze codoming to ASIM 8-148. 4 - 12'000 - 300 rnn) drrtile iro.l co.tftrming to ASru A-536, grade 65-45-12, tully encapsulated in Grade -E' elastorn€r. ShafL 4/, - s (65 - 80 mm) Type 416 gainless $eel. 4 - 12' (1m - 300 rnm) Type 316 surinless sl€el. Spdng: All sizes Type 302/304 sriainless steel. Shaft Pfug: 2rlz - 3' (65 - 80 mm) onfy: SAE Hex Socket Type conforming to ASTM A-576, csdmium plated to militafy specificatbns QQ-P-4Im. dass 3 type 2. 4 - 12| (100 - 300 mm) or$y carbon steel Arrc plaled to ASru 8-633. Plpe Pl+g: 4 - l2' (1O0 . 3OO mrn) only; carbon steet zinc ptated to ASTM 8-633. nis [Ildrcl Cu! be maruhclu€d by VEt4dic Company. AI Foducls shal be in6 le{t in accordance lrrth ctrrerlt Vlcrrdc hsdarbnl63senSly ininE ir6. \rbtaac res€w€s O|e {(l ro cl|arEe p.odEt specftado.ts. designs and itd,,|d{d equFncrl uttbu.rdhe arn wltrtf ircr'rhg oblQatbm. SERFSTI? - RdICTATB _ Arafr(rfgIIftIHIXIIEtl v r t,T t tII SZ lA r*8: ?t #"q I ,trl $/J I V /€l i ] ttl I t IJw+/ //I J ,fi / l /./x_I ff I I I +t / Series 717 Firelocko Check Valves tu PRODUGT DESGRIPTIOIII @*@ SoV'lcht priacdkn t0.01 fr. dar*. Prtrnl P.ndlng Sty{c 720 Groored Endr The Victaulico TestMas- tere ll Alarm Test Module lncorporates the test func- tion and rapid drain func- tion for wet sprinkler systems into a slngle unit. The unique two vafues-in- one gtobe desigr provides a test port with integral orifice and a drain port within the same unit. The TestMaster II is constructed of corroslon resistant bronze with dual polycar- bonate sight glasses and has a working pressure of 3ffi psi (2065 kPa). Slyla 720 Thrurdd Erxb TestMaster Il is available with etther NPT. BSPT female threaded ends or with grooved ends. The integral %' orifice i:s factory fitted. r7rtp" size avai}able optionally. Style 720 Test- Master II can be irstalled eitier facing left or right. The Style 720 TesMaster II can be supplied with a Pressure gauge pon taP- ping. Thls requtrement must be specified at the time of order. Style 72A TestMasteril ll Stylo 720 wldr Fressura Rctrefvalvt The Victaulic Sryle 720 TestMaster II Alarm Test Module with NPT or BSPT female threaded ends ls available wlth a pressure relief valve set at 175 psi (1206 kPa). It can also be supplied with the tapped gauge pon, upon request. NOTE:The Style 720 wit} pressure relief valve and StyCe 720 with pressure relief valve and gauge port are UL Listed and FM Approved only. Alarm Test illodule vtcTAt uc{lsA tso 900r CERnHED CflgAxy Vlctaulic Compafly ol Arneflca PhsE: 1 -8&-Prc{-VC (1 {m-t42-5844 Fax. 610,2i0-881 t Fmail:ptly-@vidajlic.cdn Vtekulic Compatry ot Canrda Pt[xn: 905-884 -74{1 far; 9&5 .884 .9l i 1 email: vk:cau&@rbtalic.cdn . Vktaute Guropo Ptfip:32-9-Xll -1500 fac 32-3-380-{438 E-miL vicsro@vadarlic.b Vlataullc Al'r€tics Lafi'la Vlctaulic Asia Paclfis Pnoie 6l$55g.33ul PtwE. 65-645-3035faI:610-55S-3qB far:65{i235-$35 e-mtitvir€vilanlic.cmn e.mil:d:ip{rrhaiic.ccn 2980 R.v. D t Regist€red Trat€nDrl ol Vl6ta!{t o Co9) grrAm YtE{t Prlted ir U.S.,l' DIilENStOtUS SMc 720 Grooved End3 sqde 720 Threadad Endi r-'--lr-*;tI-ll;r STYLE 720 GROOVED ENDS AIYLE 720 THREADED ENDS STYLE 720 WIIH PRESSURE REUEF VALT'E IIIATERIAL SPECIFICATIOilS Body: Bronze fntemals Bronze and copper alloy. except spring is 316 stain- less steel Valve Bonnets Bmnze Sight Glasses: Polycarbonate O-rtngs: NiFite Gland Nut Copper alloy Indicator Pin/Plate: Carbon steel, zinc plated llandwheel: Malleable iron Open/Shut t"abel: Aluminum Valve Sets: EPDM Options: lbstMaster Il can be specially ordered with the body tapped 7r' NPT for a pressure gauS€ connecflon. frfice Sizes: Standard %' Optional: Ot'/a' Stt||r ru sfth Pr.ssrrfe Retirtvalvo Pressure ReliefValve Option Relief Valve %' hessure Relief Valve, Wafts Resulabr Modet FP 53L 175 psi - Fittings: Bronze ibows and hose adapters. Ihain Hose: Reinforced plastlc. r.'l Plpo Ske Dlrnenslons Inchef/lt{ itr}rdcr3 Aeprox. Welght Each LbsJts l|ofitr|l Di.amcbt lnchg3rrrm Actrd Odsftla Diamater lncl|esrlnm A B c D E F G H I J 1U.1.660 1?a 6'.1 2.90 ;:.! s.47ii3 6.43 2.ffi 3.25 3--; 3.50 !.; 6.7'i.il'tk r.9m 38.3 3.65 'a:i 3.06 5.11 :'a:.: 6.51 2.68 G:] 3.r5t;4.ZO t3l 8.9 2 2.315 '$.:i 3.65 t3 3.06 :rf; 5.11 6.5riIi 2.68 1'tE s_{ 1.ZO tc,= 9.3 .i.z 1.3'15 3.00 ii> 234 6l 5.41j'i!6.43 ':!-::i 2.68it 3.25 1;: 3.00 ?r:3.')1th'1.660 3.@'i6 2.38 tii) 5.47 6.43 2.68 3.25 i3 3.00 ii.7.O :1.2't16.r.9@ 3.63 :)i 2.38 u!0 !:.1 o.5l 2.58 d8 3.75'i5 3.50 ss 10.5 2' 5C 2.315tt.t 3.63 ?.38 5:j 5.,17 6.51ln:2.68 3.75 '-a 3.50 lo.0 ,!.r\ I ?l |.l t5 .'l:.: 3.m la, ?.38 fr(l 5.11 6.43ii1 2.68 t3 3.ii 3,90 $-c a6 4.95'1:5. r:; 4.00 lct a> 3.m r6 8.3 :i [: 1V.1.660 3.00 ia z.38 .i.t 5.41 il$6.43 :31 2.ffi 68 3.25 iiJ 3.90 <i3 05 4.95 1/5. i:i 4.m :ct6 3.00 )5 8.0 th r:,-. l_900 3.53 2.38 5.,{7::s 6.5r:itr 2.68 a.z ti t.o9 l:l i s:j 4.95 r?:..':i 4.00 !c i.5 3.50 11.5 i.7I.L 'Nda ilable 2.315 3.63 234 5.17 6.5r'ti;:t*3.75 !_,: 4.09'ti;:!,iit 4.95 'l l,; 13 ,l.OO : ii'i-r]' 3.50 lr.. 11.0 i.ti 10.22 - 2 Th|s p'odEt sha b€ marnacMed by vctaulic compony A[ Fxoduc6 to be nstafl€d h accordarEe rdn c|.rr€f,n vrclsrtc htal€tirydsembty ,]s&ucteEvlaiurc rcre.ves me ng |o change produc! spec,fcat|ons. desryrs ad {6nd&d eqrFner* w{rrct norice arr(' wfio(4 r|cu,ng ouidlidts 175 lb. WWP Bronze Angle Valves Fire Protection Valve o Screw-in Bonnet r Integral Seat r Renewable Disc 175 PSUIZ1 Bar l{on-Shock Gold Water C0NF0RMS T0 MSS SP-80 . UWLC LISTED* MAIERIAL IIST PAffI SPECIHGANOI{ Had$fied t&rt 3m Serios Stainless Sbol 2. ldentificatim Plate Aluriflum 3. Handrrfieel Aluninum Comnprcial Alloy C3&tX) 4. Stem Silimn &utze ASIM B 37l AlbyCd}S0 5. Pading Gldd 9. Disc Holder Nut 10, Disc Holder -.19. qaly. Biarze ASIM B 6218 s8a Altsy C$6m t?t{'|.df dt e.ltt [.1.. ? 1t0 T-fln-w Ihreaded I.:Dt-W ilPI r NPI Dar.|rskns liir. l B ll w.llh Bcr L.irflr n lr. m ll. n. li. lr lh X!. lh dL lb. DIMEIISIOTIS_WEIG HTS-OUANTMES l!+ 32 2.19 56 6.13 156 2.19 56 3.71 l.69 1 t0 2 50 2.8 s7 725 51 6.7255 3.'tS 8r fr8 3,19 81 t6.t3 7.9 9.87 I * 5116 t g.dtrl' ldBTltl-tfitrf[t d dire. .@@ &urze ASru B 62l ASrM B l6t/ ASTM B 584 AlloyCSaLil(l() Alloy C65l$ dSS Washer rtt 4tl 2.38 60 7.t9 tq 2.38 60 5.51 2.52 1 t0 il6c0 r'C, w0RlD HEc0OUAiERS . l5l5 MODT[0$Y St . A$uff, t|l {661F4r10 . USA . pH: r,Sn BlOZt lECl{ Sf,mrlCf,S Plt !.808.116.4226 . fA( lfinA4lEs,. tl,tTlnt{Ano At OtflCE ftt +t.S7{2g5.!22t . rA,\:+t.Std-ffi3(56 wrr|fllm.cun 250 psi CWP lron Body Gheck Values Fire Protection Valve . UL Listed FMRC Approved . Double-Door . Wafer Style ' Rubber Seat . Spring Actuated UYULC LISTED . FMRC APPROVED MAIERIAI.LISTPART SPSIFIGATIOTI 1. Bory Ductile kon ASTM A 536, &ade 6145-12with Bt FN 4. Hirge Pin 5. Stop Pin Staiirless Ste€l 3 U) 2.63 67 5.63 .l'F .188 5 3.8?5 98 1.688 {3 r78 6.1 2.?t 4 l(n ?.63 6t ?.7s rs? .525 t6 1.7s lzt 3.063 78 {49 8.8 3.995 125 3.?5 83 7.56 i92 .8r3 2t 5.5 1r0 3.625 92 mlE lf rd lf ri.!!,lS ?3l *VP, tu:ryrral odf - Pr0I ETNNIS . Sflnt bdld k |tC ctocre, clir*dbfg rwc't€ flow rhn rd lrdsr l|a6rr. . tsiltl$drLd,r gn*!t, !.irs.Nr.t .ds{cbsr t25 $rE!5 . mt !E !d C 'rlg. lodr b i..a.d, . Xt f. hf,.a h f.|l hdrst||| rd ;rlkl lhcr rlh lFEd lu, Kt/t|.900.w libfer SUle I|l}lE Tviio oisc ClEck yahes can be iGlalhd funofttalk or h tlt verti:al Fo6itim with fhtfl up. GAlrllol& for horiromal flrny applk*iorc, ttB \,alw n$t be kEtalbd with disc hil{e pin in $e wrtid psitiofl to insure Foper operation. wl${l G 1, lhese are ml lo be used as steam vatves 2. Vahfs are mt io be used near a reciFdatir{ air co$p.esso( 3. lastall 5 dpe dalEE s rinitrum downsrean from F|nP disctE ge tr elbows to aroid flo,r t tub.re. tlory sraqlhetE's my be reorired in e)dene cases. 0n Flmp disd|arye. ilE prefuifed clEcl vakes ae irline spling loaded, swing d€s$fi vrith le!€r ard weight or lever atd spting. 7. Hl{€ Pin Retainer Ste€l 9. Sbbilization Sohere Buna-N ,@ iIl8COltlC. WCRLO HEADflJA[ltRS . 15t6i,1DOlf8{.RY Sl . ttl$lAR! lN 16516-4t40 . t SA . PH:1.8m.2$.022, 1TCH S:S/lCfS Et 1.88e.4,16 1226 . tAx: l-8il231.0557 . lNl-ffl{AT|ollAitrfiCf PH: +1 5?{35-3Zi . FAX: .1-5t{.295 3455 wwliv.lxDco.@m tE llttr- 61fl60st cfR'Ifm c(Ipr||r Series 7O5W Firelocko Butterfly Valve with weatherproof actuator for 300 psl service PRODUCT DESGRIPTION The Series 705W buterfly valve features a weatherproof aduator housing appfot/ed for indoor or oltdoor use. lt has a ductile iron body and disc wittr EPDM disc coatir€. The body is coated with a heat fused polyphenylene sullide blend to meet FM requirern€nts and the new coating requirements for the 5th edition of UL-1091 . For flre proreclion services. Series 705W valve is UL Usred and FM Approved fot 30O psi (2065 kPa) sewice. Flo$, perfonnarEe exceeds UL Specification 1091 and FM Approval Standard'1112. Weatherproof Aciuator Supervisory switches for valves are availa$e 2tl2 - 12' (73,0 - 323,9 mm) pre-wired (P!V). Supply€lde Tep 211- 6'sb.s S€ries 705W valves are available with a lli NPT supply side fap designed to altotr/ direct waler supply connectiori to Victaulic FiteLock actuated fre protection vahres. See separate drawings belor'r/. Ihis is an optional feature and fiust be clearly noled m all orders. Contact Vctaulic for additional infofmaton on tapped vatues. @o &eVraLrlh pub&6fd| 10.01 6r d6l*. 8 - t2' Sb.r DIMENSIONS tlooh.lItirrdrldr.h! r<--M lj"t+- a 705W wllh Tapsarl,r3 705w 2lz 65 3 m 1 lm 725 6 150 I zn 9.1 ,t.t 139.7 rrn 165,1 |tm Tablq conthued oo page 2. see not€s oo page 2 a EGSlmlR|€oicvETAlG -o dPtmll 20qr r*tx|lc - proEoatus 4.1 9.1 tt.3 11.3 9.8 a.a 20.0 9.1 52.O 23.5 VitJlic Cflp ,dfi:rka. BuE. I {X}PICK-V|C i1-ffi)-7{2-58a2} . Fe6l0,25GEglI. r-nait:pirtvice!.Uauticxdn Vtcblt Cornp{y ot C^dhda ' Phors ll}5.884-7111 . tar $5 8S1.9771 . e-nElt: vix adc,vict lc aodllftauib fmpe . ptmo€:324.381-lyn . ]u: 32,9.380-4438 . e nul; nceuo@vr&rlic.be Vidaiib A|Isica Laliu . PIE E:61&559-3300 . Fai 610-559,36m ' t.mait vbat@vi.brificron Viclaiit Asia Pjcit|c , Ptwr: 65$235-3035 . Far 65.6215.0535 . e-nBil: vicap@vidarlic.mm tu DIMENSIONS ' On ceotealine. G B T I i?Itl-ftc -J - <- H- SqLs |+M Seri6 7CtU, wtth Tap Atrf, htE|. 80.0 36.3 12' 3tn t Contacl of Canada Lrsting6. 1.Topfev6I.o|atbnt,valve5'itbrecornenC|edfatserie5705wbeh5talbdwithvii:lau|icsty|e0'zefo"f|ex.,sr'em5FkeLoclors!'leHP.70Ri9idcorJpkqs'|'Vkl.'u fleribb cooplings 6re used. rddifirtal s.rp9on may b€ requked. ?. Vslve |'|rt{ not be hslabd widr disc h ful opeo po$tlr|. Disc must be pady clrsed so *|al m p6rt is p.ot udtlg b€ford €rxl ot va}re body. 3. \rroadic goor,Ed errd burerfly valves de pemitred fd us€ Bi6 goov€d €nd pip€ (lPS) onty. Not pe.m'ited for rrse wiln pbio end 0P5) Fpe. ,t. Series 7O5W valv€s a.e cles{ned for amtierl v/sa|her cordnbns as opposed to srbn€rdbb se(vte. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Bodyl Drlctile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-'15, and ASTM 4-536, grade 65-45-12, coated with polyphenyene sulfide blend. Dlsc: Dt ctile iron corformir€ to ASTM A-395 or ASTM A-536, various gradet EPDM coated. Disc Goating: . Gr.de "E' EPDm EPoM (Green color code). Temperature range-30"F to +230'F (-34'C to +110'C). Recommended for cold and hot water service within the specified temperatwe range plus a variety of dilde acids, oil-tree air and many chefi$cal services. UL classmed in accordance with ANSUNSF 6l for cold +86'F (+30'C) and hot +18O"F (+82"C) potable water service. NOT RECOIV|I!4ENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES. Stem Bearings: Tenon impregnated Rberglass wnh $ainless steel backing. Stem Bsarlng Nuts: Type 416 Stainless Steel. Tap Plug: Carbon steel, plated. O-lllrg: EPDM BrackFt: Carbon steel, painted. Aotualor: . 2rlz - 6' (65 - 150 mm): &onze traveling nut dr a steel lead screnr, in a steel l}ousing. - 8 - 12' (20O - 300 rnm): Steel worm and ca$ iron quadrant gear, in a cast iron housing- t A Series 705W FirelockG Butterfly Valve PERFORIIIANCE The chan expresses ltle trictional resislarEe of Vlctaulic Sefts 705W in equivalent bet/meters of straight pipe. CvValu6 cv values for flolv ofvuatef at +60'F (+16"c) with a fufly open yah/e are sholvn in the taHe belo$r. For additbnal details cmtact viciadic Fo|mula! for CV Valuea: AP:1cr' Q = crxJG llVlrere: Q--Flow(GPM dP = Pressure Drop (PS0 Cv = FIop Coefilcient E$fr F..ahdnF W[&. ESnrhffmld Uancbt hahst|n ActCq|bfr hathcL|,|[ odhalrEg[r fru(H. h.!hdcln 2'lz 65 2.815 ?3.0 5 1.6 r65,1 6.5(D t65.t I 2,4 76.1 mm 3.(xx) ?6,1 r50 6.625 16s,3 I 80 3.500 46,9 5 t,6 I zx) a-625 2r9.1 tl 3.4 1 'r00 4,500 Ilr1,3 72 3.t 10M ro.t50 273 72 3.t 139,7 |5.5{X) 13!t 7 72 a7 12 300 12.1fi 32t,S la 4.3 125 5.563 tit.3 Series 7O5W Firelocko Bunerfly Valve SWITCH ANDWRING Supsdvts$y Sritch 2% - f2' (65 - 300 mmt sEes: Serlrs 705W PW - Tulo. Engle pde, double throrr, pre-wired swtches- Switches are rated IOA @ 125 or 250 VAC 60 Hz and 0.254 @ 25OVDC.0.50A @ 125 VDC Sup{visory Swilch $llring A. Pr#wired Switches (1) Svfitches Supervise Open Valw (2) Orb switch has two #18 MTW wires per tefminal. Permits cornd€te supervision of leads (se€ diagra.ns beloitfl. Second swirch has one *18MTW wke per terminal. This double circuit provides nerbilily to op€r4e two dectrical dei/bes at sepaate locatims $ich as an indicadr€ ligi and an audibb alarm in the arpa at rhe valve anstallation. Swilch #l 51 Switch t2 52 l&rTE. Fon'lecfng to Cdrrrlq| fernfiab (Yelqry Sf srd Yelc,r'vft O.s||ge SgFe - SZ), snd o|rtury Cb6ed TermiEb {BtF Sf 8{d Elue wih OrarEe Sf.tse . S2); e.9., lidb o. lghr dd ddm s.F on rr|d G1"e is k{y op€oed; fieo i.iii:da ligtn 8rd ol6rn go ont. Cap of lrused wie, e€., 8rd{,r ad B.oun rlttr eegp Srho. Act|alor RsFair ALL REPLACEMENT PARTS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM IHE MANUFACTURER TO ASSURE PROPER OPERATION OF THE VALVE, All ac walef are $pdied with a r/2' NPT orJtlet fo( cordrfr connectbn. care must be taken b ens|-re not entef the actualor firough aris otdet Fb to inslallalion. watef enEfing the adualf will Switch rnalfunctions. Coanp6lry. AI Foaf8rs lo be lE|6&d h accadarEc n t'| currertr yElatllic insralatirt assdnbly iisltudflls. prod(Et specincarhns. designs rrt saanddd equFfieir !*uE|, noahe o.d vr I|, hquriE obfigelions. lhts Foduct sl|ol ba manadactrred V|cl ic r€aE \res the algirrc I Normally Clo6ed:(2) Bhtesl{ Nofmally Open: (2) BrolmI Common: (2) Ydlow , Nomally Cbsed: I Blue with S&ipe 52 < Normally Op€n: I Brown with StripeI Common: Yellow wilh Slripe (3) A grourxC lead, #14MTW is pro/ided (green) ttaEtEo.| Gtuau: Series 705w FireLocko B$terRy Valve 400 lb. WWP Bronze Ball Valves Fire ProtectionValw . Standard Poft r Two-Piece Eody o Blowout-Proof Stem r ffE Seats 4m PSI/2I.6 Bar l{on-Shock Cold Water iIATERIAI IIST sFECrtrcAnoil 1. tlandle Nfi Zinc Plated St€el 2. lhdle Zinc Plated Steel Clear Ouomate Plastisol Coatsd 3. tucking Glard Brass ASTM B l6 Alloy C360{Il 4. Packing 5- Stern $[cm BruPe ASn\,| 1371 Alloy C6gm or ASTM B 16 Alloy C360$ E Ball Bnss ASTM B 16 Alloy C360{10 oTASTM B 124Alloy C37/6 7. Seat Bitrgs e Body Bsue ASIM B 584 Alloy C844{n or &ass A.SIM B t24 Alloy f,fr,O C Body E Oiece &uue ASIM B 584 Alloy C$4{n or Bnss ASIM B lZ4Ab Cr/m D lil El{ sr 0its-wEtc HTs-ouAilnTEs Oi[€|tsionsffi u. ls. DE 3.94 394 | m .50 ly. C2 3.41 gl 231 59 4.m llg l.m 25 1.65 .7S 1 10 lk 6 3.75 S 231 61 6.75 17t 1.8 32 253 t.tg 2 l02 50 4.4t 3 3.'t3 79 6.75 171 1.50 38 366 1.06 I t0 T-5S0 Ihreaded T€D NPT x NPT l|rcst oll ey 60 8or -9 10 t0 l5 allt | 25 ?.88 R 1Q6 52 4.69 ll9 .75 t9 lfi .57 5 C) tllsctl llf- wofil"o HIADOUATftRS . 1516 r 00UBUiYSI. . €IXM8I, til {€6t}4 0. t SA . Pfi: l.flt0.r3{.@7 Gft S€n4CES Rt 1.888.96.a26. tlU: 1.8m.23t657.ltlTtn AIot{AL oFl([ ftl +l.t{:S.3?21 . fAI:+t.5742S.3155 wu,!v.nibc0.c(nr 175 lb. WWP Bronze Globe Valves fire Protection Valve r Threaded Ends r Rubber Disc r Scrsrv 0rrer Bonnet lt5 Pslflal Bar l{on-Shock Gold Water UL LISTED* iIAfiRIAtUST sPECtHCAII0fl Aluninun Sr*nless Seel {t'l 3. Slsr I hdms Gnlphie hpregnated (l\hn Asbosb6! 6. 8UlI€t Bronze ASIM B 584 Alloy C84{00 ?. Body &oue ASIM B 584 Alloy CBiH{n 8. Sat Disc EPDM Rutrber 9. Seat Scrs$,Sttinl6s Steel 10. k*llldcr $pet Brass D ltEltstoilHvErc lrTs--truAilImEs DrardoasItsr A B $hid[ Bd l|r0fh. rr h. rr. h. n Lb. n!. ofir qr lklt I 2-q) $ 2.75 ru .{8 22 t0 tmtt r0 2.u) 50 2.75 70 .45 .20 t0 lola t5 ?28 58 3.U . ?s .68 _3t t0 60Yt 8 2.n 58 3.12 '79 .14 .34 l0 60 tir ltr -a t3'qtaLa.r II{a rTr&u. IPT r lfi Brom A,SIM B 584 Allery C84{n r ASIM B flb Alloy G81tlfil Brrtze ASIM B 584Alloy CffiO or ASIM B 16 1 E 3.12 79 1.50 n{ 1.68 .79 5 6 NIBColl{C. u,OBto tltADOAftIEnS . l5l5 ttooLR Fl SL . et\l{AfiT. r{ 16616-|7O. USA . Ptt l.&0.23t.{t2T, Ttclf $n C$ n+ 1.808116.122f . fAX l.m.zlfiE 7 . ffltrwl(}'|At(m0€ Pft +r-571,?fEl@1 . tAt +157+253155 w'{rrtrcorq|t Riser Manifold Figurc 5{3, 5l3D/513R Gommercial - NFPA 13 Systems Floor Gontrol - High Rises Residential - NFPA f 3D/l3R Systems Tyco Fire Produc{s - wwt r.tyco{root/ed.com 451 l{orth Gannon Avenue, Lansdele, Pennsylvania 19446 - USA CLrsbrr€r Servhe/Salas: Tel: (215) 362-0700 / Fa:c (215) 362-5385 Tednical Services: Tet (800) il8l-93121 Fax:, (800) 791-5500 EENTRAL Brooued Piping ProducGs General Description @^@ ,:ffiffitff# t1,.z pr€esuro nlin0 arxt Usting and ADlrqat infonnatorl The Frguro 513, 513D/513R Rber Manifuld proviles all of the accessofy equiFnent for a riser in a single assernbly. The availability of the Riset lllanllold in different confi gurations albun coet effective riser instalbtion in aommercial (NFPA 13) systems, high tE€€ requiring fioor control assemblbs, and resid€nlial syBtems (NFPA 13D/13R). The threded erds of the 1' and 11,!f bodi6, the lhreaded by grooved ends of the f bodies, and th€ groov€d ends of lhe l}6' - 6' bodi6 alh,rv fur an easy transition to sither check or conhol valves. The exclusive and d€dicated flow sritch designed for the manifolds has be6n tested ard Listod fior us€ in lhis sp€cific configuralion by Underurilers Laboraiories, Underwriters taboratories of Canada and Factory Mutral. Installation is simplified with one convenient lake.out for the 1' aN 112' threaded and 1rl2" groolred versions, as well as one take-out for lhe ? threaded by grooved and the grcoved sizes 2'- 6'- The Riser Manifold ls approrcd for installation in eithar the hsizontal or |he venical position- The opdonal relbf valve assembly is available for locations which reguire relbt vatves on gridded systems. Rber Maniblds for use in Canada only are provid€d wilh a Water Flos, Switc*l that has a Tamper S,vitch rnounlad inslde for cover remo\ral detection. nTechnical Figurs: 513 (cdnmerchl) 51 3D (resldential) 513D613R (residsnthl) Stylce lhreaded or Grooved Sires: l', lW, t, 2W, 9, 4' and 6' ApproYalr: UL, FM, and ttt0 naxhn|nr Worklng kersurci 175 psl Standad Flnkfi: Painted Optiond lcccarorice: Pressure Reliet Vah,c Kit (see page 7) No. 28-1.0 3.63 192.21 -]Figure 1 1" Th.eaded Residential Riser Manifold Figure 5l3D r ' .63 [161 BOTH ENDS Approximate frimmed Weight - 7.5 lbs. (3.4K9.) The widlh of the Riser Manifold b approximately 3tl'. ilote: ltems 7 & 8 are used on Manifolds for use in Canada Only FigurB 1 - Bfll of Uaterial 1' fiiroaded Besidsntial Riser Manilold Flgure 2 1%' Threaded Residential Riser Manifold Figure 513D/513R Referenc€ Figures 2 and 3 Billot Malerials (page 3) Approxlmate Trlmmed Weight - 8.7 lbs. (3.9K0.) The width of the Riser Manifold is approximately 3f. Note: llems 16 & 17 are used on Manifolds for use in Camda 0nly. L_ I 9.7s 124711 'Approxi,na& nfiad en0eg6mcnt. llote: Valuos shom ifi par6[ hesis an h mlnimetec ' .63 [161 4.fi' n14.31 1r.38 1289.11 'Approrimate lhr8ad ongagemenl. llolr: Valurs shorn in parenthesis are io mil$m€trrs - .38p.n r 0.00 125!.1 2.W v3.21 10.00 42541 it-- oetail No. oescripfon llo. Feq? Pan Number ManronBodyFxF 1 97S363-01 2 Potter Wabrllow Swnch t VSR-SF t/Paddls H-416-01 3 Y.' Wahr Pressure Gauge 971-11&02 4 H-463-075 5 Yr'Cloce ilhpb H-474-12 6 %. Ball Valve 971-r'rF02 7 Tarnpsr Swftch (ULC only)1 H:419'01 I Label (ULC onl 976-34&01 1125 128541 Male x Male Body 0ption Figure 3 1r# Threaded Commercial Riser Manifold Figure 513 For optional pressure relief valve, see Figure 10 (page 7) Approximate Trimmed Weight - 1 1.2 lbs. (5.1K9.) The width ot the Riser Manifold is approximately 3%'. Nole: llems 16 & 17 are used on Manifolds for use in Canada 0nly. 14'38 t36s.3I Male x Male Body option Figures 2 and 3 - Bill of Malerial 1!/i Threaded Rosidenlial and Commercial Riser lVlanifold ' _63 t16l 5.50 tl3e.4 'Approximate lhread sngagement !lo!e: Valu* shown in Daronthesis afe in millimeters i Delail No.Description No. Req'd Pan NumberCom.Res. ManifoldBodyMxF I 976-339-01 a Potter Waterllow Swilch f VSR-SF d l1/r' Paddle H-416-02 3 ' Ball Valve F101 0 971-11&fi| ' x r# x 1' Beducing Tee 0 H-469-10{}05G100 5 ' Insp. Test & Drain Vafue f202 w/%'Test orilice 0 971-122.04 6 sightGhssMxF 0 H418-100 Yr' Iirater Pressure Gauge 0 971-118-02 7a 7r' Waler Pressure Gauge 0 971-118-01Ii/d Pipe Plug 0 H450-025-000 I %' 3-Way Globe Valve 0 97r-1r9-01 10 ,/.' r 3' llipglg 0 H-459-025-30 1'x ,['x 1'California Tee 0 976-385-01 12 % Pipe Plug Ms0{50-000 13 ' Close Nipple 0 H474-16 14 ' Ball Valve 0 971-12r-01 15 1rd Close Nipple H-474-24 16 lamper Switch (ULC only)H-419-01 17 Label {ULC only 976-343-01 Figure 4 lrr'6r00ved Commercial Riser Manilold - Figure 513 For optional pressure relief valve, see Figure 1 0 (page 7) Approximale Trimmed Weioht - 1 1 .2 lbs. (5.1K9.) The width of the Riser Manifold b approximately 3%'. Note: ltems 12 & 13 are used on Manifolds for use in Canada only. Figure 4 - Eill ot Material 1', 6r0oved Commercial Riser Manifold Figure 5 2' Grooved Residential Riser Manifold Figure 513D/513R Reference Figures 5 and 6 Bill of Matedals (page 5) For optional pressure relief valve, see Figure 10 (page 7) Approximale Trimmed Weight - 11.0 lbs. (5.0K9.) The widlh ol the Riser Manifold is approximately 3%'. Note: ltems 16 & 17 are used on Manifolds tor use in Canada 0n1y, 113s.4 'Appm)dmate thread engagemont. l{oto: Values shown in prromh€sis are in millimetols 'Apploxirnto lhread cngagemenl- Notc: Vdues shown in parenthBis ars in n{llim€ters t- 13.00 830.4 ^_-{-lbll-rltl f Male x Groove Body option 14.38 1365.31 Detail No. Description No. Roq'd Part Number ManifoldEody6xG 976-399-{!2 2 Pouer Watorflor Switch t VSR-SF w/ 17i Paddle H-416-02 3 ' Ball Valve F101 971-121-01 4 ' Insp. Test & Drain Valve t202 w/ %'Test Oritice 971-1U-U J $ignGhssMxF H-418-100 6 %'Waler Pressure Gauge 97t-tt6{l 7 Yr'Pipe Plug H-45tr025-m0 8 Yr' 3-trvay Globe Valve 971-119-01IY.'x tr Nipple H-45902$30 10 ' x ld x 1' Reducing Tse H-46$1 00-050-1 00 14' Pipe Plug H-45G0s0-000 't2 Iamper Switch (ULC only)H419{1 13 Label (UtC onv)976-343-01 :igure 6 2',2W,3',4', and 6' Grooved Commercial Riser Manlfold - Figure 513 For optional pressure r€liel valve, see Figure 10 (page 7) Approxlrnate Weights and Dimensions of Trimmed 2', 2%', if,4', and 6'Grooved Commercial Riser Manitolds Frgure 5 and 6 - Bill of Material f Grooved, 2'Ihreaded x Grooved and 2', 2tlr', 3' ' Approximate thread engagcmsnt.*' I f is tho hke-out lor all sizes 2. thr0ugh 6' l,lot!: Values shom in pacnthosis are in millln0ters and 6' Commorcial Riser Manifold Size Inch0s A Inches mm B lnches tnn c Inches mm l, Inches mm Appx. W(|th Inches mm woBnt Lbs. Ks. 2 1t.13 t35.0 O.EE 22.2 IZ.EE 327.O 5.Zb 139.7 3.50 88.9 '13.5 6.1 2lz '| 6.13 /t(io.4 1.EE 47.6 13.75 34.9.3 6.3E 155.6 3.50 88.9 16.6 7.6 3 't6.13 160.4 1.E8 47-6 r4.3E uia.1 u.25 158.8 3.50 88.9 1A.I 8.5 4 20.(Xl so6.0 3.75 95.3 r7.3E /t41.3 U.3E 212.7 4.50 114.3 3:l.l 14.8 6 z0.(x) 508.0 3.75 95.3 l9.zb 489.0 9.25 235.O 6.63 182.3 4t.6 18.9 Note: ltems 16 & 17 are used on Manitolds tor use in Camda only. Figure 7 Potter Waterflow Switch Terniml Connections p-,.**Caulion: An uninsulated section 0f a single conductor is nol permitled to be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed to serve as two separate connections, thereby providing superuision ot lhe conneclion in the evsnt that tho wire becomes dislodged from the leminal. Locd Eoll Translormsr or Signaling Devbe Figure 8 Potter Waterflow Suritch Typical Electrical Connections Style B/Chss B End of Line Hesistor CKt (se€ nots) Close on Alam Supenised Loop (s6c note)Typlcal Switch Action openon "/-'' rrorron Alarm { . Ahrm From Control Panel ToAddilioml Devices or Rsturn to Control Note: For supewised circuih, see 'Switch Terminal Connections and caulion note (above). The Model VSC and Model VSR-SF have two switches, one can be used to operale a central station, proprietary or remote sionalino unit while the other contact is used to operatea local audible or visual annunciator. Testing: The trequency of lesting for the Model VSC and Mortel VSR-SF and their associated protective monitorino system should be in accordance with appllcable NFPA Standards and/or the Authodty Having Judsdiction, but under no circrmslances less than bimonthly. Figure g Potter Tamper Swihh Typical Electrical C0nnection Goniacls $.P.D.T. (form C) Coohcl Raths: 5A@125V AC 2.54@30V DC N.c. v + ,\ com. Contacb shom wfri _-Y Cover in Phce .0. r \- Inslallation for Models VSC and VSR-SF: Remove the one retard assembv mounting screw. Place the switch assembly over the retard mounting tab. Rephce lhe screw. Figure 10 Optional Pressure Reliof Valve Grooved Gommercial Trim - Hgure 513 Rslief Vrlye is factory $et at 175psi (nonadjostable). Note: ll the optioml pressure relief kit is desired tor Figures 3 and 4, an outH on ths riser must be provided, and tne cmnsction and materhl between lhe riser and the manlfold will need to be supplied and fabri:irted by the installer. Frguro l0 - Bill of Matcrial Prsssure Reliet Valve Kit M = Male N.P.T. F = Female I'I.P.T. G = Grooved Conneclion optional Ftoure 513 Pressurc Belhf Valve Kil Size Fgure Pan llumber Sizo Fgure PA Numbcr 1'513D.FxF(UL,FM)4067 t 5l3D/513R, MxG (ULC)1094 slsD,FxF(UtC)4085 2'513Dr5l3RGxG(Ut,Ft)4059 1W 5130/513R,FxM(Ul-tM)467 2'5130/513R,GxG(Utc){osl lW 5130/5l3R,MxM{UL,FM)4{F8 2'513, G x G, 'r',IBst Ori cs uL, FM)4060 1W 5130/5138,r-xM(ULC)1088 2'5l3,GxG,!trTeslOrfiic8 uLc)/|{n0 1W 5130/513R,MxM(ULc),{t89 Tfi 513, G x G, 'f fest 0rifice FM)4061 1W 51 3, f x M 'f Tost OfithG (UL, FM)4{F5 *t 513, 6 x G, 'lf Iesl Orltho urc)t1091 1W 513, M I M ,a- Icst Orlfice (UL, FM)4056 3'513, G x G, l{'Test 0ntice UL, FM)4062 1W 513, Fx M X Tesl Ormcc (ULC)4086 r 513, G x G, rf Test Orilbo urc)4092 IW 513, x M i6 Tosl Orilice (ULC)40E7 4'513, G x G, r,. Te6t Orifice UL, FM)4065 1W 513, 6 x ti !4 | esl orfflc8 (uL, FM)4056G 4'513, G r G, ,t Test 0rmce uLc)40s 1W 513, G x G rit. Tesl Oriflce {ULC)il087G 6'513, G x 6, '/1 Test Oritice ur, FM)4066 ?5l3D/5l3B,MxG(UL,FM)4{l6if 6'5 l 3, G x Ij, '4' I est 0rttico ULU 4096 HI 3lH'if,, E hir,',:'ff' Orderlng Information: Whsn placing an order, indicalG the full product mme. Please sp€cily th€ quantly, figure numbor, style, and size. (seo page 7 tor ngur0 and part numbers) Availability and Service Grooved Piping Prducls, valvos, accessorles and 0lher products are alnihble ftmughoul lhe U.S., Canada, and inlomationally, lhrouoh a neluork dlslribu|ion cent6rs. You may write direclly or call 2 l *362-{n00 tor th€ distribuhr nearesl you. Care and Maintenance The orner is responsibl€ for the inspec{krn, testing, and mair enance of their fira protection syst€m and devicss in accordance wilh lhe apptlcable standards of tho Nalional Fire Protedion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addltion to the standards of any authority having judsdiction. The installirE contractor or produc-t manufacturer should be aontacted relalive to any questirNs fuiy impairment must be irmediately corrected. It is recommended that automalic sprinkler s)rslems b€ insp€cted, tested, and maintained by a qualified lnspectbn Se'vicc. G€fleral flotos: n is ti€ Deslgnds csponslbitity to selEct prcducb suihH€ bt u$ isterdrd s6rvlcc and to t'|s{rs thd prossurc ll|ings and 06rlomancs datra is ml €xc68ded. AtmF nad end undetstdxl thr insblhtion Inslr*ctons {lH-10m). itev0r remoy0 .lry Cpiry componoflt nor conect or modlly any 0ipino dofd clss wilhout first dopfessurizing and dralnln0 lh€ system. at€rial and Cask€t s€lcction sho0H be w.ifu lo bc compalibt6lor ti€ specifc applcafion lqgg lrawcontot I ryco rne- | , Producas g ProducG manufactlred by Tym Fire Producb are warranted solely to the original Buyer for tsn (10) yesrs against defecls in material and wor'kmanshlp when paftl for and pqoperly installed and maintained under nonnal use and service. Thb warranty will eleire ten (10) years florn dal,e of shiprtsnt by Tyco Fire Products. No wananty is given fior prcduc{s or components manufac{ured by companies not affiliated by ornership with Tyco Fire Products or for prcducts and components whic*r have been subjecl to misuse, improper installalbn, co.rosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordancc with apdicablo Standards of the Ndional Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and/or the standards of any olher Ar.rthorities Having Judsdictbn. lvlaterbls found by Tyco Fire Prcducts to be defective shall be either repaircd or roplaced, at Tyco Fire Produc-ts' sole opfion. Tyco Fire Prcducts nel0ler assurn€s, nor authorizes any person lo assume for it, arry other obliggtion in oonnection with the sale of products or parts of @r!c!s. Tyco Fire Prcducts shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design enors or Inaccur€te or incompleb infomation supplied by Buyer or Buyeds representadves. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE. IN CONTRACT,TORT, SAICT LIABILITY OR UNDERAl,{Y OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEOUENTI.AL DAIIIAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT UMITED TO LAAOR CHARGES, REGARDL€SS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMEDABOUTTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EOUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. TIEFffiffiWARA'ITYfsNADE N I.H' tr A'TII AM' ALL OIHER WAF,?A,rIESEXPrelS(N,rc'ED NCLUDTIGWAtFA,{lreff IERCIIA'ITAEEITY AIE FNIEg{s FOR A PNftrcX]AN? HJrclOSE CenifBd Company Pdntod in u.s.A. 1-03 t c]It,|.n. s $r rso g0t ctRlrcD cofiP$Y Firel.ock@ Fittings PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Firel-ocko prodrcls comprise a unique system specifically designed for tire protection sefvices. Firelock full-flow elbows and tees are a CAD-dweloped, hydrodynarnic design that has a shorter center-tGend dimension than standard fhrings. A nooceable bulge allo rs the water to make a snDother tum to maintain similar flow characteristics as slandard n-dl tlov fittings. F*eLock fnings are (bsigned for use excltE r/ely with Style 0O5 Firelock coudings. Use of other couplings or flange adapters may resuh in bofi pad interference. Viclaulic FireLock Frttings pressure ratings conform lo the ratings of Viciaulic RreLock Style 005 couplings. Prtenled (lrr ) 0rG)\-t'' /\- \:/<tP Sa€ ViclEuic ndicatton 10-01t deirib. S! ,|o'mfl 9(r Abor tlo.IIB a5. [bou llo, OIE Sbdgt T.. G 0(5 c|p lloElrd obne0lr hdr3 rn Actri Osllde Dh|tEbr kEn dhn C!oE hcncgtltt lp.rsdci Alu|lg CroEHptn AFL rx.|rm EdlrbJE cbE hcn rttl Alrr U.lglt Erdr fbcilg ltLhr.! H|.| tr! ADrr lfel$l E4h 1\1.660 12.4 0_82 21 o.3 o.l 1rlz 40 1.900 18,3 o.82 21 o.4 0.e 50 2.315 6{t.3 2."t5 1.7 o8 2.N 5l 1.8 0.8 2.75 t0 2.4 l.l 0.88 22 o_6 o-3 2'lz 2.875 73,0 3.m l6 ?'t 1.1 57 '|.o 3.m t6 3.6 1.6 0.88 22 1.0 0.5 76,1 mm 3.000 t6,l 3.@ r.5 2.6 2.1 l.l m 3.500 88.9 3.38 86 t.o 2.50 54 t.a 86 2.4 0.88 22 o.5 4 16 4.500 '114,3 .t.oo 102 a7 3.O 3.00 t6 5.0 2.5 4.00 1V2 8.7 3,9 1.00 2.1 l,r 125 c.50J ltl.3 4_88 121 12.6 8:t 8.3 3.8 ,t.88 121 15.7 t.t t.oo 4,1 1.9 1fi) 6.525 r68.3 5.50 140 18.3 8.3 3.5{) 89 5.50 lao 22.1 10.3 r.00 25 ?.7 200 8.625 219.1 6.81 173 11.6 1.25 'lo8 20.4 9.3 6.94 38.7 17,6 1.13 29 12.7 DIMENSIONS "1 c:.-bE .in g E "-b No. 003 -.0 No.006 t{o.@l o EGErEn@rR|oarxof ucT u.r - o coFy*fiTam\ETArJc - tnflE)t{ us Viladic Cooprry d ArEta . RprB: l-ffi)-PlC[-VE {I-&0-712-5842) . Fu:610-2$.0817 . e-reitpickvic@*hulic.(lm Vdrrllt Cfipary 0f Cau& . Pl.dne 905-881-71,1,1 . Far: $5-88,1'9t71 . e-|!t6il rirau&€]vi:trr|lic.cqnydfllic €u00e . Piroe:32-S'381-15m . fdi 32-E,380-1438 . s-mail: vtceuo@vatajlic.i€ Viclailic Arxrica lati.a ' Pi]orE: 610-559-33m . Far. 610-559'1608 . e,mail: rkal@viclaulicJofi,yrhlla tsii Pacilt . Ph0fie: 65-6235-3035 . f :85'6235-0535 . e-mail: vi{a0@eictaulrr:.com tu FLO'II DATA ffiEhrlfr|tt ot llotrLtJ obncu h.l|.!ron 21lz 76,1 mm datE lisEd ls b69€d upon rile gressrre (lop of MATERIAL SPEGIFICATIONS Flttlng: Ductile iron cmforming ro ASru A-536, grade 65-45-12 :-#ff#tlh"ffi;m*. Ihb p.odtrd shd be ]llanufrctr€(t by Vcraufc Cdrpany. A! p.odEfs lo b iEllbd h ,ccd.t nc€ elrh curent vtclaac lrirrblbt€€:cniut| fts||ltclirls,laEl€ulc rls€nes tfle tENl lo c,r'nge p.oducr sp€cnc€tbni desig.r3 and $andrd €quigrEit witho{ri ndte ttd t|thour hc|'fig ob*Flons" Firelocke Fittings lrlxrr- srt| r50st cl|rEoqlp|xY IUo. l(l.DR Drain Elbow PRODUGT DESCRI @*@ Ss Vlci.utrc F*adon 1O0t h. d.l*. {ffi0 _,lH=T--f --rl CbE k-- N0. 10-DR drain elbows are specificaly d€signed for use on fire protection standpipes. Tf€ drain is diilled and lapped for a 1- (25 mm) NPI outlet. Consructed of durable ductite iron all Szes coflform to the rdtings of Style 77 couptings. No.lGDR elbor/s are supplied wilh groo\res or shoriders. These fittings are rrct intended for use with Victaulic Plain End couplings. When connecting wafef of lug-type butterfly vahres directly to Victaulic dain elbows wilh Style 741 or 743 VrE-Flsngec adapters or St)ile 744 FireLock! Flange adapters, check disc clearance dimensions with the l.D. clirnensbn of the fitting. n|i{SAr ('us DL[.|.' hdrcdm 21lz ? 80 4lm 4.2 2,1 8.8 a.0 2.1 18.7 8.5 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS HBuslng: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12 FltLrg Codngs: Orange enamel Opdonal: Ho{ dip ga\ranized and otf|e s. nts profud sfta be nEnrtacMed by yrcfarlic Cqnpar|y AI p@d{rc35 io be tpaied h accqdrnce lnlh curErt Vrcrruf,C irgaldlon/lssembly inllnrcliqE. Vtclaulic r€so,r,6s fE rlght lo dange lfod|Er speancadorB" deslg|s and fand€rd eqrtxned lt rorl mfice rfit sfhqf iEu*rg oblgatbis. . eE66lEIE0n OEtnXtr rEt|]|ltr -. Vdark fin*a tntjla . PlEne 61G559-33m . far 610-559-36& . e-fiEit vi€al@vilarictorh Victarli lsb Pacfl . Phsr:65-623t3035 . tat: 65-5235-0535 . e{Mil: yimeyllfldh.csn tu Styles 92O and 92ON Mechanical.To Bolted Branch Outlets PRODUGT DESCRIPTION victaulic Mechanical-Tc Outlet provides a direct branch connection ai any locaton a hote can be ctG in pipe. The hole is cut oversize to receive a 'holefinder" loca ng collar which secrres rhe ouuet in positbn permanently. A pressure responsive gasket seals on the pipe O.D. Cross-type connections can be achisr€d by dilizing two upper tbusings of the same style and size, f,rith the sarne or differing branch sizp conrEctions. NOTE: Sgde 92O ard Style 920N housings crnnot be maled to achieve a cross connection. Style S20 and Style 920N MechanicEl-T oudets are available with grooved or temate Syeaded outlet. Specil' choice on order. Units are supplied painted with plated bolts. Galvanized lE sings are available. supplied with plated bohs. All sizes of Style 920 ard 920N are rated at 500 psi (3450 kPa) lrjorking pressue on Schedute 10 ard 40 ,-arbon steel pipe. They may also be used on high density polyethyene or polybutybr€ (HDPE) pipe. P{essure ratings on HDPE are dependert on the pipe rating. Contact VicrauliCfo iatings on offrir pipe. Styb 920 and 020N are not ]3cotrmended tor uss on PVC plasfrc plpe. Siandard piping practices dictate that rhe Mechanicat-T Styhs 920 and 92ON ftusn be klstatled so that tfte main and branclr connections are a true 90' angle when permanently attached to the pipeline surface. lGl @.*@\-/ .."il*g/aHo|r to.ot br d.t }L. &eMotNEl tuprealJtEElrW SU.. 920 and m|'N IIIIATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS o RE06lciEo rRlDsf,Sx tr vEtAur - c mfiFcflT m WTATJC - rAfiED fi U6l Housingrcoating: Dnctile iron conformirB ro ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15. anct ASTM 4-536. grade 65-45.12. with ofange enanEl coatir€. . Opllonal: Hot dipped galvanized Gaskel: (Specrfy choice') . Grade'E EPDM EPDM (Green color code). Temperatre fange -30'F ro +230rF (-34"C to +f T oqc). Recommended for cold and hot watet service within the specified temperatufe rarge ptus a variety of dihrle acids. oil-free air and many chemicsl services. UL Classfied in accordance with ANSI/NSF 6l for cold +86'F {+30'C) ANd hOt +180"F (+82'C) NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES.. Grade 'f nfirlle Nitrile (Orange color code). Temperature range -20'F to r180'F (-29'C ro +82'C). Recommended for petroleum producls. air with oil vapors. vegetable ard mineral oils within the specified temperatue range. Not recomrrEnded for hot water services over + 1 50'F ( +66'C) or for hot dry air over + I 40"F (*60"C). -Services listed are General Service Recomrnendations only. h should be mted that there are services for whbh these gaskels are not recomFlended. Reference sl]ou||J abrrays be rnade to fte larest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specilic gasket service recommendations and for a lisilirE of services which are not recommended. BoltstNots: (sryles 920 and 920N) Heat reared carbon steet tnc plated to ASTM B-633. rack-head confo{ming to physical propenies of ASTM A-183 minimum tensib 1lo,tr}O psi (758340 kPa). Viclaul'cCUTDFUdAnHica.J4BE.r.S0-PtCt(.VCfl.900,r12-5S14.F:6t&25O.BBt7.e-rDil:pirtvbs*dauttxdn Vfuliu|f, Co{rtflty 0l Cdlada . Pirs 905.88{-?411 . Far: $5.8t4-9?7t . e{rit: vi;cansAevicU.dt irm$cldrlEtl'q|e . Phd€:'z-938'l,l5o. fa: 32-9-380,$38 . e-oBiLymn@,liiada.be r4chrlic ArE aa Ldi€ . Pa|dE 61G559.1S0 . far: 610-559,36$ . r-nait: vical@vkhrtic.mflr Vida.,lh Ash PfrlE . PtsE:65$Z15-185 . Far 65-6235{515 . e-mait: ric4€\,thlh.cmr tu Yr (al 't5 SEE Bl|lXB.rodr||q d hdFa nul x x x x x x x z 5{!i f-z--'1r6tril1 '#K#1 ffi slyhr 920 {d 9:r0N Yctoovad Ouurt l'-z--1fT-r-r I lr-] Ii'ol^w,lffizrD{-----Kt* l{El\'/ 'i E5 Styhc 9'l0.nd tA0l{ flFonnlc lh|tqd€d Ou{d 3.2 1.5 1,5 % (a) m l% (e) t 32 lY? (a) | 4{) 3.2 '1,5 1.6 % (a) l5 rk) m x x x x x x X x x x 3.3 1.5 3.7 r,8 1A 4.6 3.8 1.4 4.6 2.1 5.0zi 6.4 2.9 | (t) r (a) 20 21h lal I 6t x x x X x x x I ,( x x, x x 'lzl15 % {a) 20 1 (a) ?5 3VaX2lnx50 t-rr I (a) 1% I (a) a0 1% (a, 12 1 rr. {a} 32 b' 1'A (a) 10 2 (a, 50 1% (8) I 32 {b) 1V? [a] I r0 tbl mmx x x x x x x x x x r3 180 M)fE: $tyh 9in and $tylag!0l| lboslrq! c.nnol ba mrlod to rclrbve crore connectloara. !i@*|a tEse nfl size Sb&ffif, garN prodrEts rsir.te arunfrl d68r€nt hole sire dEoGWI lhe S 9m i. repl8c6. h. prope. ,nstaladoo. lrs6 cauion lo asstr'e tte propsr size hole h lrepa,€d b. tE sp€cmc Cze etd sq||e us€d, Fek|e b use tllg p{Dper hob slze co{to resld kr i** leokage and Properly damage. 3.2 1,5 3.6 l.a x x x x x X x X x x 1.9 1.9 2(a)t 76.1 mln corri.x.€d on page 3. See ndesdr psge 3. 1'1/.(al 32 f i/") {o mmX x x IrEk Pllat PSI tP. I Styles 920 and g20N Mechanical-Te Bolted Branch Outle6 DIMENSIONS NOTE: Style 920 and Styb 920N housings cannot bo mated to achbve cross connectlons. 2'l,- (ai I 76.1 rEn (axb) X 76,1 mm {a)i5) saE 8ur| X Bntth llonhrl hch.E&tC tr |t fE+|.-:1'Fl q'iWK#1 ffi Styh3 920 erd g )l| w'crooved Outhl t -Y-_--}{ |._t-_-r{ttt-llT-r--r I lr-l Ii'pA:olW'ix -'-'}{lt l@l\zi [5 Sbrbs 9rI0 .nd S20N wrFem.h Thr€adsd OutlEt 1'/u (a) 1 40 ?(a)l x3x80 I 32 11& (a) 4G 2 (al 50 1r{ (a) I a0 2I/:l 65 3(alt 80 4{a)t 'rqD 10€,O mr$ X x X x 5X 't 25 X X x 165,1 mm X x x 2tl. taj 1 8X2IN I x X X X x3 x 8.8 {,o 8.8 a.o 4.8 5.1 2.3 8.4 3.8 8.4 3,8 3,4 3.4 8.4 3,8 8.4 3.4 150 xft€se rEw slze Style 920N pro&El' reqi:e a (l.[e,ent lEl€ sire ttr@l lhe Styl€ 92O il,ephces, fd pfopq i.rstatalbn. Use ca({iJo tg assrre tie proper ske hob 6 p,qpqBd lbr the speclfia size and s$& used- fbil('c lo lrse *E propet He size corld r€srd in Itm barsgs ad p{oPerry dSnlage. 139,7 mm x x x x X x x 159.0 mm X x x 1V7 {a} I 10 tb! 2lal1 3,4 lo.0 1.5 11.6 5.3 21h {al I 65 r0.1 4,6 X 76,1 mm {axb) 21t, i.al 109,0 mm X t6.1 mrn {aj(b) X 76.1 ntm {axb} 3 {a) 80 X x x 5.7 x x llsL Uoft PEas, PSI k9! 5D 50 l{oTEs "Ccnler ofRn to engagcd Ff,e erd, lemala rtucaded oubl ohty (DinE{F sbrrs apgoxirnate). I Availabte wilh Eaoved or ternale treided qf€t. SpeciFJ cholce on ora,ea. t Center ot n$ to end oa fifling. t Fernale l}Iea(bd oUbA are avail abb lo NPf and ESPI specili{xitions. (a) Brnisb Standard f,emab dpe ttreaded osdel b avataole as fsled, Speclry.BSPI' clgsdy m o.der. {b) For 76.1 mm dTeaded q,{t€t spec- lry 2tt BSPT chaity oo orde.. Styles 920 and 920N Mechanical-To Bolted Branch Outlets @ I FlCI,l' DATA Flol^, Est data has shown that the lotal he€cl loss b€rween poinr ('l) and (2) for rhe Style 920, gmN and 929 Mechanical'To fittings can best be express€d in lerms of the pressure difference across tfle inlel and brancll. The pressure diFference can b€ oblained from the relationship below. E)$ggcated fot Clarity CvValues Values for Row ot water at +60'F (+'15"C) are shown in tlE table at rigH. Formdas for GV Velues: AP:1cr' Q = cyx JaP Where: Q =Flow (GPM aP = Pressure Drop FS0 Cv = Florr, Coellicient Pbr Ser APPROVED PRESSURE MTINGS The For provljed below is based on the htest li$ing and approval data ar th€ dme of publicarion. als are subject to change and/or additions by tfte approrals agerEies. Contact Viclaulic on other pipe and the latest listirqs and appfovals. nuh Slzr Plr. Scl€ef! Act||rl O{SHr Dbnltar hcn ar|tftr u"Utc F* /?'6 '150 ?.875 . 6.625 73,0.16&3 't0, 10 400 2755 4m 2155 400 2755 lz- 4-]e 2.875 - 4.500 73.0. 11{,3 300 ?065 300 300 2065 1-4 . 100 2.87s - 4.500 r3,o-r14,3 s,F 300 z06: 3m 2065 300 2t55 NOTES:rete.s lo lisred/Approved Sch€dile l0 s€el sprlnkler pl refers to LisledlAgqoved Schedub {0 steel sp.inthr oir )e. l0 refers to ListedlApproved Schedub {0 steel sp.inthr pipe. pF re{ers to Lisred/Aooroved Dyra.Fbw sre€l sprnrbr pfre rbrufaclrsod by ArErican Trte Cortpant. 9F tefer$ to Listed/Apftrciied S..Fer-Fb sleel sp.i.*hr pipe narrufoclred by A[ed Tube an<t Conduh Cdpo|-dbfl This prodrct shal be manldaclufed by vblauic cofipaoy AI prodlctt to be irEtaled h sc4oadarEe wrlh cqrent vtclaulic instalbtbrvassectty if6Eafitoars vEtad|c rserves ti€ ri€t{ to charEc producl spccikadorrs, dcsttts gnd stlrdard cqipfi|erl w{horl noticc 6nd wdhan irErrriflg obtrgalbns. Styles 920 and 920N Mechanical-T* Bolted Branch Outle6 MERIT MERIT MANUFACTURING GORPORAflON 319 Circle of Progress . Pottstown, Pennsyfuania 19464-3811 Tel 610-32ru0fi) - Fax 610-970-9282 Fax Toll Free 800-543.7013 . www.meritnfg.com $UBMIIIAI SHEET Hefil Uleld-illiser" Tee-letr Welding 0ullel Fiilings Merit WeH-Miserrr TeeLeto Welding Branch Outlet Fittings oftr the user a high strergth, low co€t brged thread€d ard grooved line of fttings specifi- cally designed and manutactured to be inslall€d on schedules 5 lhru 10, pnopdetary lhin wbll flov pipe and slandard wall pipe. Medt Tee|-ets are brgred steel webing outbt fitdngs. The rnatedal r.ts6d in manufactur€ meets the €fiemical and ptrysft:al requiremenb of ASTM A 53, Grades A or B, Type E, TeoLets employ a hr weld rolume design to provide br eiher a partiat or full penehation weld empq/ir€ a sirgle pass witft mini- mum buft.thmr€h ard pl)e distorlion. Weld Mber Tee-Lets are r€comm€nct-. ed br use on pmprietary trin wall, sclr€duhs 5, 10 and 40 pipe. Threads conply wi8r ANSI Bl-20-l or |SOT/1. They are UL Lisbd and FM Appro\€d br use onbrming to tlte requir€ments of Bulletin 13 1999 of fie Nationat Fire Pmtection Associatinn.l/l/hen used in fire sprinkler systems, Tee{ets are Iat€d br 3fi) psi. When used in mechanical systems, maxinrum pressuros are calcuHed using criteda daeloped br ASME 831 piSring code. Serd br detaib if required '@m"APFROi'ED PRODUCT APPRO'ALS Tce-Lct Utelded Outbt Fitting (UL VIZU - EX3788, FM Approvat Guirte Chapter I - Pipe Firings) Outletllodel Outlet PlDe Stse(lnchl lhader Pbe Sh.(lnchl RaLd Flessur€ (Psls' Tee-Lst Type A (F-'ffreaded End) lrL Vt, 1 !A - 8 {Sdr. 10. /ml 3{n 1Vt- 114. 2. ?14.3. 4 ', - 4 fsch- 5. tlvnaFbtr) 2 4 {Ez+bfl} 2,1 6 (Ez+bfl) Tes-Let Type C {Groov€d End) lVt-8 l% - g lscfi. 10. 401 300 2h-8 h - 4 (sch. 5, DvnaFlor) T€€{el lype C/R (Ro[ Grooved End) 1%-6 1/r-8(AllSdtedules)s00 Sia on size (ie 2 x 2) T6*eb e|e not FM AppE\rsd 2) FM rad yrorl|m Df€ssur€ M€r w€lded on SctL 5 or b t75(ie Appro\red 2) FM raH yro*lng pf€ssure lghlrue[ plpe b 175 psl. PRO'ECT: ARCH|TECT' EI{GIT{EER: GONTRACTOR: PHoNE: ADDRESS: APPRO/AL: NOTES: PAGE ' OF 4 Merit Weld-M iser Tee-Let Weldi ng Outlet Fittings lype A Female Thread PAGE 2 OF 4 - 61 6-mB 0.04l!05lll2 1nr tlll-tln 1.ffi3 0.7O 0.5m 0.171- 13 r 32 - 40 27.t 1?.8 12-t 0.08tGels t1n-2 1.m3 0.700 0.500 0.171- {0 - 50 21.0 17.8 12.f tr.0810ffiu0 2-2-1n 1.963 0.700 0.56 0.171- 5|I - 6 27 .8 lT.E 12.t 0,08106025 2-1n-E 1.063 0.7m 0.500 0.1m- 65 - A0 21,8 17.8 12.7 0.0810fr012 Vf r 7-1l1.tln 11'i 0.Sn 0.iln 0,m0- 19 r 32 - {ll 2E.6 22.9 12J 0"lzfo70f5 t1n-2 1.12t 0.900 0.5tp 0250- illt - 50 ?8.6 22.9 12.7 0.12tm7020 2-2-1n 1.125 0.St0 0.5m 0260- 50.05 zA.D 22.9 12.1 0.1210m045 2-1n-8 1.125 0.300 D.5m 0.256- ffi - m0 2s.6 22.9 12.7 0.12f011,912 1r 1-Ilt-'.ln 1.250 1.1{S 0.5m 0331Ittmlz U | 32 - 40 31.8 ?9.1 72.7 0.1t 10l0flf 5 t1n-2 1.250 t.t{s 0.500 0,331I110t15 4i'-50 3r.8 Zg.1 12.7 0.lrtmOme 2-2-112 t.250 1.1{5 0.59t 0.fl01110020 gt-s 31.8 29.1 12.7 0.15f0l0fP5 2-1n-3 1.250 1.145 0.5tb 0.311t11m25 E5 - 80 31.8 2S.1 12.7 0.14t010000 3-rt 1.2st 1.1€ 0.5m 0.tm111tF80 80 - 100 31.8 25.1 12.7 0.1410'tc060 5 - 8 1.250 1.1{5 0.t00 0.29rlllffi[ 1?5 - ztxt 31.8 ?S.t 12.7 0.13 f012012 1-1/rr 7-llr-7-1n 1375 1.{90 0.s10 0.132fi1n12 32 r :n - rn 34.9 3?.t 12.7 .0131112015 1-112-2 t.3m t.r90 0.5m 0.&l1112015 40.50 34.9 37.8 '2"7 .01Sts(2020 2-2-1n l.l?s 1.490 0.5m o.el1112026 50 - 65 3rt.9 gr.8 p.7 .019f012925 24n-S 1.375 1.490 0.5m D.tll1112025 65 -S0 34.9 37.8 72.7 ,txgtt12G0 3 -it 1.3?E t.{90 0.Etxt 0.t80fi12m[ 80 - 100 iH.g it7,8 12.7 ,01tlmaFt 5 -8 1.375 f .itS0 0.500 0.389fr12tE0 135 - Z0t! 3d.9 37.t 7?.7 .018 181501i l-lfzr tln 1.648 1.610 0.t7t O.lnttt5015 alt r 4s d1.3 {ll.} n-2 .Wz1f15ta0 2 1.625 1.510 0.875 0.1771115020 t0 /t1.3 {11.9 n.2 .nn1.625 1.610 0.875 0.fn65 41.3 {t}.9 n.2 .0223-f 1.625 t.610 0,875 0,m80-100 41.3 4{1.9 22-2 ,VA if 1.025 r.510 0.075 g.4n 1$ 41.i a0.s 22.2 .VZz 5 - 6 1.625 1.610 0.t75 0.4n7?5-ZW ill.3 ilo.g A'Z .An2 1.760 2.06t 0.S75 0.05750 'l/t.s 5?.5 22.2 0.38z-tn 1.750 2.067 0.n5 0.82965 '11.5 52.5 222 0.383 1.?50 2.067 0.875 0.82980 4{.5 52.S n.2 0.30a 1.?50 2.057 0.815 0.800100 {4.5 t2.5 22.2 8.365 r.75tt 2.fi7 0.87t 0.2t312S {4.$ 52.5 22.2 0.3,16 1.750 ?.tF7 0.Sr5 0.7{3r50 4[.5 5U.5 n.2 0.3{8 1.7t0 2.067 0.E75 0.743208 44.5 52.5 22.2 0.3{2-1n 2.215 2.469 1.125 1,25065 54.[ 62.1 28.6 0.55t 2.n5 2.tt69 1.125 r.2008|l 51.0 62.7 28.0 0.551 2.215 2.85 1.125 1.150lllll 5{.0 62.7 ?8.6 0.525 2.215 2.169 1.125 1.150125 54.0 62.7 28.6 0.526 2.215 2-{5t 1.125 1.t50150 Sr.0 6?.7 28.6 8.528 2.215 2.i69 1.12i 1.1t1an $.8 62.7 28.0 0.523 z.fltr 3.06E 1.500 3.10080 6t.5 n,9 38.1 t.{1| 2.5tp 3.068 1.500 t.100100 53.5 77.5 38.1 1.r15 z.sm 3.068 r.$0 3.1m12X 63.5 77.9 ilt.l 1.1126 2.5m 3.056 1.500 3.100150 63.5 rr.9 :18.1 1.112I 2.$n 3.m8 1.500 3.te0zfilt s3.5 77.9 38.1 1.41| 3.000 4.02s 2.000 5.0m100 76.2 102.3 t0.8 2.n5 3.0m t.r26 2.il'0 5.000l?n 76.2 102.3 $0.8 2.770 3.0m 4.026 z.me 5.0rxt158 76.2 102.ii 58.8 2.nt 3.000 t.0?5 2.m0 5.000an 7t.2 142*3 50.8 2.27 10150,10 2- tA r 11150{0 1fi5lFa 1115059 11120020 2 rfl2n0?0 50 r 1tr20025 1120mi 10n0iF 1r209:t0 10200t0 11m8igl 1020rF0 1120t80 10201F0 1120060 10a00m rtan&l tf125025 2-1t2r't125m5 6:i r 102$0iilr 'tt?5txt0 1025t!r0 1160{0 1m5$0 1125180 10a$m0 1125060 1025080 11ZltnoloaimC 3 r- 88r 10258{0 1e2560 rme060 10250t0 tOfOOO 1x- lr 10in|E0 10a0060 ro6oso Merit Weld-M iser Tee-Let Welding Outlet Fitti ngs Type B llale Thread Standard Wolght Note: TeeJets are aEnufaclured to fit size-on-Etse, thal is lhe contourod shap€ on a giwn Tes.Let is rnade to fit perfuctty on the nrsl lbted header size. lf installed on the second header sizo matksd on the fitting, a slighl gap of approxima-tely 1132" witl appear along the lrniitudinat cenlerline ofthe hea+ er. For exampfe. a 1'x2- 2-1l? Tee+et, is a 1'outtet fitting rnanubctured to ft perfectly on the 2" haader size listed, thite having a 1/32'gap along fh8 longitdinaf cenferlino of the 2-18 size. lf a perlect fit is required for a 2-l12" header pipe, then a 1' x2-112 - 3'Tefht nmuld be ordered.-Size con- soladalions are empktyed to reduce in€ntory and provide br greater fiexitility. PAGE 3 OF 4 Type G Cut Groove Srandard Welght A I8l l 1310012 1310015 1210020 1tniln5 131tXE0 r3t2012 1fl2015 121202t 13t2tP5 13r2050 1315015 1215020 fit50e5 13t5S30 13I5050 1320020 1*0M5 t;t200:il, 1ipfit3s 1320S0 1320t8! 132ffi0 20100t2 2t10015 ?tl!020 4n0025 2t1060 m1m12 zot?015 201?Jri0 fr12125 2012tF0 ?01t015 2015t120 2d5m5 2815030 2015lF0 202m20 4t20025 2020030 zffim0 ?02e050 2Mmo 2020m0 mwz ??10r15 n1wo 22't002s t210050 lnmfi u12015 2212020 u128?5 n1206,0 n15015 mwn 2n5W5 221580 2?15r!50 1r 25r tlnx 40x 1-114, 32r 1-114-t.1n 3r-{$t1n-2 40-50 2 - Z-1n 50-65 2-112- 4 65 - 100 5-8 f25 - 280 1-114 n2 *1n 40 z-2-1n 50-65 3-4 8$ - r0rl 5-8 125 - 206t7n {0 2 50 2-1n 653-{ 88.100 5-6 12f - 2txt z 50 2-t12 65 3 80 4 100 5 125 6 r50I 200 1.049 ?6.6 1.tli|g 26.6 1.049 2S.6 1.049 28.6 1;049 fi.6 1.368 4.7 1.368 s4.7 1.368 3{.7 1.368 3{.7 1.368 31.7 1.610 4g.g 1.510 4tl.9 1.610 48.9 t.fl0 rl0.g 1.610 4B.S 2.A67 62.5 2.067 52.5 2.057 52"5 2.067 52.1 2.06'I t2.8 2-967 52.$ 2.067 52.5 1.315 3i1.4 1.315 ixl.4 1.315 ilit.4 1.31E 33.4 r.315 3X.4 1.660 42.2 1.500 12.2 1.S60 *2.2 1,600 ,2.2 1.610 4Z.Z 1.txlo 4S.3 1.$0 ,18.3 1.900 tl$,1 1.900 {8,3 1.9tt0 {8^3 2.376 60.3 2.375 6B-3 ?.375 60.3 2.375 60.3 2.315 60.3 2.37t 60.3 2.375 60.3 2r. 50r 3 80 3 E|} 3 80 3 80 3 00 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 s0 3 80 3 80 3 8B 3 80 3 s0 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 3 80 0.133 1.5003.4 300.133 1.5003.d 300.133 1.5003.4 300.tit3 1.5003.4 300.13:t 1.5003.C 300.10 1.50t3.6 300.1{B 1.5003.6 300,1{n 1.5003.5 30t.ltg 1.5003.6 300.140 1.5003.6 300.115 1.5003.7 300.145 't.500 3,7 At0.14s 1.5003.7 380.1t5 1.500t.7 300-1t5 1.5003.7 380.1tf 1.5003.9 300.15{ 1.5t 03.9 3B0.15/t 1.5003.9 300,15'1 1.51103.9 300.15{ 1.5003.9 A00.15{ 1.5003.S 3ll0.154 1.5003.9 3S llerit Weld-ltl iser Tee.Let We I di n g O utlet Fift i n gs Type G Cut Groove Stendad Welght PAGE 4 OF 'r Iype B llale Thred Standard lvolght Nols: Toe+b ars marR bc{Lrsd to size-on-sizs, lhsl b lha cor[o{.rred shap€ on a gar€n Te-t€t b mad€ b fit perbcuy on he first Isted h€ader siz3. lf ineblb{t on E|g secord haader 6r. For ffimde, a 1' x 2 - 2-1ft marl€d on lhe fifling, a sld gop of appruimalety 1/32' wll eppear along lhe longib&ral enbdtoE ot tF ]rca+ -ei, is a f outlst flfng man$acfrrBd b ft peIbdty on ths 2. head€r sizo listed, $lil6 bvw a 1/32' gap alorE ora bogmi&rd conbrf,m of lhe 2-sizs. lf a peIbd fil ls r€$ird frr a 2-19 hsador plp€, then a 1' x 2-112 - 3'Tee-let rvould bo ordsred. Sko aon- t32flfr5 1il'm t3rtos Itc560 It?5G0 rt?5ltl 1W5 1t€tsa rittls fiilGe t3$0000 13018! 13{O{l 134ffi r3fl5t ltat00 202502s 21?5S25 2025CI tl250t0 26810 2125040 2m$51 215050 2&5060 21:5060 zlAilEC 212!90 2tt3002t 20000$0 203003t 203060 2ts0fi0 2W0 204n{0 20t0s0 z-lnrFr 20{t060 280S0 2t[ffi0 20flm0 mffio fr lt|| r w 125C35 @60 wp ?,f'/m,?s 2230$8 2230035 2230050 t22SE60 izzlm8o 2llt0{0 | x 100 r 224rffi0 amffic z?ilm0 ?26m[0 225m0 amst 8r 88r tr?or 2-1n t 2.il5SE5 8D 6i2.13 3 2.,159a0 $ gt.1| 3 z.rmr00 80 v.7n 3 2.'169lzn t0 v.76 3 2.tl$0175 80 62.7t 3 2.'Sgzfp tB 6ir.13 3 3.m830 80 78.0*1n 3 3.S0E5 8t ?8.04 3 3.068100 80 78.05 3 3.06E125 8S 7E.E0 3 3.0[tr6t' 80 78.0E t 3.00E?m 80 Tg.iaa+n61G' 100 102.06 4 a.@61?S ltxt I0?,06 a /t@6 150 tm 1e.$t I a.@6?m 100 t02.05 | 6.005150 lHt tt5.BI | 6.06528 t0! 1S.0t 4 ?.9E12S ltIl 2ts.8 2.535 2.tt567,0 TA.?2.685 2$rn61.0 18.22.fit5 2.tt567-0 76.22.635 2.875tr.0 76.22.635 2-0t567.0 76.22.635 2.8?5t?.0 78.23.2m 3.500m.0 88.03.260 3.50083.0 88.03.260 t.500m.0 88.03.260 3.500E3.0 88.03.260 3.50t18:r.0 08.03.260 3.5m83,0 E8.et.260 /t.5fl1 100.0 11i1.0f.2fl1 t.50r0E,0 114.0fr60 fsu100.0 11r.0f.260 t.500108.0 114.06.35t 5.625181.5 168.36.57 0.625161.5 108.3t.t20 t-6ft52t2.tt 213.8 0.203 0,r2D 15005.0 3.0 300.2m 0,120 1.5005.0 3.0 800203 0.120 r5m5.0 3.0 800.2ts 0.120 t5m5.0 3.0 ilt0.203 r.12t l.sm5.0 3.0 300.203 0.120 t.sm5.0 3.0 s00.?16 t.12e 1.5005.0 t.0 300.216 0.t20 1,5m5.8 t.0 300.?16 0.120 1.80a5.0 3.0 300110 0.120 1.5D5.0 3.0 3! 0.215 0.120 1,t005.8 3.0 300.216 0.120 15005.0 3.0 r0023f 0.t20 1.5m6.0 3.0 300.23t f.r20 15006.9 3.0 30t231 t.tm 1.5ilE.0 3.0 iHte.2$ 0.120 t.50n.e 3.0 300.28t 0.1t4 lsm?.r 3.[ 300280 0.134 1.50r.1 3.0 300.322 0.t4E r.t08.0 3.0 30 ro{ddbos ar3 effpbyed to rEdi,rce ard prorrldo tr grsabr nodbtrty. tu PRODUGT DESGRIPTIOIII Style 744 FireLockil Flange Adapter t}te use of a Firelock Flange washer- Firelock Flange adapters with Vic-Plus gaskets do not require lubrication. The gasket must always be assernbled with tlre color coded lip on the pipe and the other lip facing the mat- ing flange. Style 744 Firelock Flange adapte! ls designed for directly incorporatin g flanged componenB with ANSICL. l25orCL. 150 bolt hole pattems into a grooved pipe system. Sizes 2 - 8" (50 - 200 mm) are hinged for easy handling with integral end tabs which facilitate assemb$. The design incorporates small teeth lnside the key shoulder I.D. to prevent rotation. q@@ DritErrsrotus sBile Tail gzes 2 - 8' (5O - ?0O mm) ANSI Cl8ss I25 and I50 Flange -'lzl.-ffi-1 ffill ilu ii H{ l|C.: G,ay area d nrariig hce mtrsl be fr€e fom gqiges. unduhtlons d dclcnitbs of any lyp€ to. Efiedive se6fog. Vicrqftns Slstem Because of the outside tlange dimension, Firelock Flange adapters should not be used on Firelock fit- tings. When wafer or lug- type valves are used adjoin- ing a Victaulic fitting, check disc dimensions to assure proper clearance. Firelock Flange adapters should not be used as anchor points for tie-rods across noruestf ained joints- Mating rubber faced flanges, valves, etc., require So€ \6etrib girbicalin lO01t &{rls. fTolal bolrs.equied ro be suppthd by irFt8llea. Bolt sizes b. convenrbnat SrEFc8ahge co.rEctbo. Laager bans .Ic requied nhen \4c-Flange adapter is ufized witrl wef€r-Bpe v!fuet with VicPlusil Gasket System 2-f Sla. Plp. Slze Iar. Wort P.r3. PSr kPa XaL End Losd Lbs.' tl No. Bolts tR.q? Ao Sizo t lnctr63 S€alr|g Surtaca lnchodnm Dfttl.r|3lorc hchssrrrli&neasre AOrx. wgt Eacti LDs. tg Nomlnal Ostslde Dlamai!r lnJmm Ac{ud Or|Glde Dlam€Gt lnJ|rim mu.mn.w x Y z 2 -it! 2.315 .i1.3 '| 75 tz,3,j 775 l.:10 4 .t.il(?Yt z3a !fi 3.41'i!6.7s 6.OO 1.75 0.75 j.,r z.l 2l+.|',2.47 5 175 1135j.j50 4 %x3 2.AA ,.i 3.91 'J: 7.88 .:tx) 7.m 5.50idj o.88 i7 4.? 3.5{X) iiit.9 r75 ;?!{; 1685 4 96X3 3.50 8S 4.53 &44 7.50 .'31 6.@ o.94 ]4 1.8 z.? 4 4.5m t15 I ar'* 27W i tiii I %x3 4.50'i:4 5-53!{:9.9,1 ?5: 9-OO:t)7.50 ':91 0.91 1.1 :,..L 5.563 175 i-ja{ 1250 l8t2,"t 8 V.x 3h 5.56 6.71til I t.oozl,10.oo &50 .t !6 1.OO 8.3 6 6.625 175 ::r_!3 603(1 2G*.1:.r I YrX 3}{6.63'iit 7.74 1-'ri 12.@',O5 1l-00 il''l 9.50j,l l 1.00 9.3:|'. Ijljc 8.625 -li1!.-i 175 1.rjc ro219 d54.:5 I Y.X 3h 8.63 9.94 2!2 14,63 1lZ 13.50 '.i.t I 11.75 l.r 3 13.9 3.1 Io mfes 0n VICTAULIC'A |s AN ISO 9OOI CERTIFIED CONPANY Vletrullc Company oa Am.r{oa Prsc: l-8o.Ptct(.vrc (r.80-r{2-58{2) Far 61G250"88 1 7 e-ft il:oi*vic@vicla.dic.com Vlciaulic Company of Canada Ptbne 4l6-6r5-5t5 F x:116.e?5-5565 e-rnait viccd|ad@vichiirtfl n Victaulic Europe Vialaullc Amctka Lat,na Vlotrulk Asl. F.ci$c Prun32-9-3fi.r5fi) PtffE:610-559-1300 I'tuf,: 65-?35-3035 tax: 32-9-380-1.138 fa* 610-559-36fi tac 65-235{535 e-fihi}vifew@vi(iflh.b e-nail:vical@vitrjlic.dn e-mall:vinp@r,ict lt.com O R€gi{eted Trtde.nart olVciauic o copyrEtn ?ooz vk ro|ic Prin€d h U.5-4. UIG.FLAIUGE ADAPTER NOTES iTATERIAL SPECI FICATIONS l.It|e Sryre 741 (2 ,8"/50 - 2m mm) d€s€n iEorporates sn|all teetr! h- side tt|e key shoulder l.D. to pre- venl rotalion. 2. Fhelock Flange adaprer should nci be used on Firelock fmirgs. wlren ta€fer o.lug-tt'pe vafves ar€ used adjdnhg a Vkaaulic fitting, check disc dirnensions lo assure prdper cleaaance. 3.Fkelock Flange adapters shoub nd be used as arEho( ooints fcr tF .ods across nonreslrainedFints. Mating rubber faced flaJEes, valves. etc. reouire the use of a Fireloc* Flange wastier. 4. Area A-g noted h f|e above draw hg musl be fee kom gouges. un- ddatbns q defqmities of any type fo-€ffeclive sealjng. S.Fielock Fhnge adaptef gaskets musl always be assslbled wfi lhe color coded lip o.l the pipe and the odler lip fachg lhe matk€ fhrEe, Flange Housing Ductile fon conformlng to ASTM 4-395. grade 65-4 5- I 5. and ASTM A- 536. grade 65-45-12- Coadng: Black enamel O q)6onat Hot dipped galvanized Bolts/Nuts: Supplied by instaler 5. FlarEe WastE{s: Fnelock FlarEe adapters .equre a slnoorh had surface at the fi|ating tlange face tor etreclive sealing. Some applica- Uons fo{ wtich the Vic-flange adapter is olherwise tdell suited do nol provide an adequate rnating surface. ln such cases. it b fecqn- .nended that a melal Flange wash- er be tnsened b€tween the Fi.elock Flange adapter and the maring Range to Fovide the neces- sary sealirE swface. Typic€l applcatiqE whqe a Flange Washer sho(lld be used are: A.When mating lo a senated llange: a iandard flat flange gasket shqild be used adjacent lo O|e s€nated turEe and ttlen the Flange WastEr is ins€rted b€rt reen the FieLock Flange adaptef and the nange gasket. B. When moting to a wEfer vake: where t}pical valves are rubber lined ard partialjr rubber faced (srnooll| or mt). lhe Flange Washer is placed b€tween rhe valve and the Fkelock Flange adaDler. Gasket+: O Grade 'E" EPDM - Type A Vlc-Plus Gasket System t (Vtolet color code)- Firelnck products have been Listed by Under!,r,riters LaboEtories Inc. and Apprcrved by Factory Mutual Research for wet and dry bil fr€e air) sprinkler ser- vic6 up to the rated working C.When rnating a rubbe. faced flange: the flange Washer is placed between he Fielock Flange adapters and the rub. bei faccd fl,ange. O.When rnathg AWWA casr nanges to IPS nar€es: the Flange Wast€f is placed be- tween two Fkelock Flanges. The hinge pcints mus be ori- ented Eppfoxlnately 9or to each ollrer. U one nange is no{a Fi.eLock FlarEe adaptet (e.9.. fbngFd vatue), then a standard flal flange gasket must be placed adjaced to lhat flange and the Flange Washer inserted b€{ween lhe fiange gasker and t|e F-eLock Flange adapl.er. E. When matiog to cqnponsts (vatues, strainers, erc.) where the cqmpooed nange face has an insen: folbw tt|e sarlE ar- ,angernent as h Applicstbn 1 . t. V{hen mating to a Serbs 708-W Bulterfly vahre, Style 744 may only be used on one Side of the coonecoofl. WIEd o.dedng Flarye Wa$q' always s8cty prdua s$e (SW 744) attd size to assre Fopq Flange Wajw E supplid. pressure using tlre Grade "E Type A Vic-Plus Gasket System, requiring no field lubrication. HingeBushlng:?-8- (50 - 200 mm). Electroplated steel. t Supplemenral bbrkam is reco.rmend- ed fo( seNices instaled at d codao{rols- ly opqa$ng bdor{ 0'F (-1 8'C). HOTES ' Wo.ki€ Pressure ar|d End Load are lotal, frorn all in|ernal aod external loads, bss€d on gandard weigh sreel pipe, standard rol of cut qroo\€d ir accordance wilh yrdaufr Tecificatixrs. Contact VEtaulh fd performaflce m other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY; te Maximum Jo&n Worktng ttess!.e may be increased lo 1i{ times lhe figures shown. SVle 7il4 Firelock Fhnge sdafters p.o\iide rlgbjdns when used on pipe wnth srardard fo d cur groow dirnensixrs and consequentbf aflow no linear or angLdar nrovemer)t al lhei)inl WARNING: Dep.esstize and drain the pipifg systed b€fore attcmpting to instafi, rernove, o. adjust any Vidaulb piping prodrJcts. This producl st€[ be mandactred by Victaukg Company. A|| p.oducts to be in$aned in accqdance with cunent Vrctauk hstallation/assernbty instrucrioos. UEtaulic reserves lhe righr to change product specifications, designs and standard equiprnent yuiior]t notice 6nd wilhorrt horring obtigstions. 10.04 - 2 tu PRODUGT DESGRIPTIOil Ala\/raL{c pd0cttjon l0.ol 'of d.bi., The No. 67. VicG-End II. End of Run Fitting ls the fast, easy, economical way to end a branch line. The fitting insta s easily with standard Firelockru cou- plings and allows direct SEE Nomhal hcl$6 'lEll CioE lnclreslmm Appfox. Wdgnt E .$ LbsJL! Eqdr.rlsnt Foet r'*6166 otPhr '11/t X thNPF 32 X :i tiP I x TTiiT-x :c riPr x iTFt-x -': i.ii'! 2.38 ail 0 ./j 2.4 s.t 2.38 s': 1.4 Caj ?-a 2.38 1.1 t.n z8 rt.9 1Y2 x t NPT.it x i5 5ji"rx*Ifr-x -? i.JFl x iliFT-x ;il j'if'T 2.fi 1.6 4.: 2.9 2.50 iln 1.6?i 2.9 2.50 54 t-o ii7 2.9 2 X %NPT tC X !i fil, ! x *IFi-x ;ili':i'I x iiFi-x ?,i r'iPl 2.75 ?o 1."t 1.O 2.75 :a 1.7 ii ti 1.O 2.75 i(r lr3 4.O zYz x kNPIti: x :j |rPr x %TFi- X ZS t,:f ! x ITFT--]( 2,. fitT 3.@ 2.O 5.7 ;.; 3.@ 2.O .!.9 5.7 3.(ni5 2,O 5.? t7 head connection, sprigs or drops, Available in 1V+, 11y'2,2 and 21&' (32 - 65 mm) sizes, the fittings can be supplied withlk,t+ or l' (15, 20 or 25 mm) female threaded No.67 Vic6-End Il End of Run Fitting (NF[) outlet @SPT option available). The 90" reducing oudet fit- ting is U|-4.JLC Llsted and FM Approved for a maxi- mum rated working pres- sure of Sfi) psi (3450 kPa). DtMENStOilS, PERFORMANGE IIATERIAL SPEGIFICATIONS Ho$lng: Ductile tron conform- Painted Orange Enamel ing to ASTM A-395, g.ade 6t D Opttornl: Calvanized - hot 45-15, and ASTM A-530. grade dipped.65-45-12. Outler Npf O @onal: BSPT Ittl3 ptlducl $ar ba mdlJlacrrred by v|cradrc Company. A! producrs lo b. ir$atted h rcco.datce tft crrrars vbtautic hst ajdtb,Jsefbly insoudbns' v|clsulic tEs€n65 |he tigtt io cha.Ee pro{t c{ specfitcltixrs. d€.*yE ard starytsrd equlp|nert ldia|.| rdic€ srd yd0|dt Nt|rfratg obttlartoals. vlcTAuLtG- l{t AN lso gmt cERTtFtED COUpAmr Vkta.Jllc C!ryFarry of Ath€.tca Ptxis l-800.PlCK,Vn 0.&n.?12-5812) tar 610-250S17 FrBil:oictvir€virlajlt.cofi Vactar$ic Comgany ot Canada Plwe: 416.675,55t5 Fax: ,116-615-5565 e-rrBil: viccam&|evidai icJom Vlctaullr Euroo€ Vi"t.uFc Am€dca Latina Vlctaulic AEla Pacific PhserS2-9-381-l5m Phnn: 610-55S-3300 Phorp: 65-6235"3035 far 32-9.380-1138 Far 6l&559.3618 Far:656235-0535 &fiBil:vicg-I@vi:hric.b€ e{rEil:tdcal6}victiik.cqn e-mail:v*moaidaitrdl| 3209 Rev.g o RegBered Ira<lefia* ot Vrctatlic o CoF,tng}n Zx)r vitadc finr€d h usa. vclAt uc' rs $t t9 cnr cImFEo cflprfY VicP*nS S lst em Style OO5 Firel-ocko Rigid Goupling with Vic-Plus" Gasket $ystem Firelock'Style m5 rigid coupling has a unique, patented angte-pad design which aflovvs the housings lp offset while clamping rhe grmves. By permitting the housings ro stide on the angted bott pads, rigid-ity is obtair€d. The Firelock coudings provide rigidity for valve connect-rons, fire maifts and long straight runs. Suppon and hanging requirernents co.respond to NFPA 13 Sp.inkler Systems. Angle-pad design permits assembly by removing on€ nut/boft and swinging the houEng over the gasket. This reduces components . lo iEndle during assembly: speeds and eases installation on pipe grooved to Victaulic soecifications. Style 005 Fhot-ock couplings with the Vlc+lusTM Gastet St6fem arc deslgned and Ecomrnendod ;or usc ONLY on fira prolecdon syst6ms. $cPlus Gasket Sptam: Victaulict now offers a gasket s]61em which requires r|o field bbrication on wet pipe systems. The Vic- iPlusrM S)rslem (patent pending) is dry. ctean, and non-toxic. ll reduces assembly tirne substanlially and eliminates the mess and chance of over-lubrication. Q-9""P @@**H:*!:'*eublicadon 10.01 tor dotans. Exaggeratcd td cla,ity DIMENSIONS F__Y____] l*_2__.1l6^al '/-m\ruryw Rated for wet and dry spdnKer syslems at 350 psi (2413 kPa) for 1v. - 4' {32 - 100 mm} sizes and 3m psi (2068 kPa) for 4vr 8' (108 - 200 mm) sizes; Schedule 10 rdl grooved or Scl€clule 40 cut or roll grooved sleel pipe, Style 005 is rigid and does nor llo6lCOMr hcl|.|/!r|n AFr' Xlr Ea L!.rrS 1.2 o.5 0.5 't.6 o.7 1.9 0.9 1.9 o,9 4.5 2.O 4.5 2.O 4.8 2.2 5.5 2.5 2,5 11lt 32 11lz ,10 50 2tt, 65 80 76,1 mm accornrnodate expansion, contraction or angular deflectbn. 108.0 rm 133,0 mrn 139.7 mm 159.O mm 165,1 mm to r|otes o|r page 2. a EGtm)firae||f,(€ryrlanlc - o coftnrr{I2Glrclalt - m|Io||usl 3.1 l.{ 3.1 1.4 125 6 lStl I 200 r1.3 fi3!EVF ah, nF Ed stF Ilntrrr 2 - tle X, 21lz Vnllrli Cql?art ot Arnerica . Plur: l-8fr)-PlC(,VlC {l -0m-ta2-58{2} . F.r 610.250.8817 . e.rnaitprrkvir@vi(hulrllxn Virradic C!fllary {t Cn,rda . Phrp:905-88{-744,1 . far: 95-884-9774 . e+Eit: vhcdudr@victallE cqn ViladE Errofe . Pho.e:3?-g 381-1500 i ta: 32-9-3&)-1138 - e-nail: ytarc@trbulrcie yrdarlt }rlldia tali:ra . Pho'|e: 6tG559-3300 . Far 610-559,3608 . s-nuil: vicat@|irtnulic.cofl llid&i- Asia PadE ' Plsn0 65-6235-:035 . far:65-6235{535 . e-nrail: {icec.t'ibhtlllc.con!tu MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Hou3lng: Ductile iron conforming to ASru 4-395, grade 65-45-15. and ASru 4-536. grade 65-45-12. Houslng Coatlng: Orange enamel . Opdonal Hot dipped gatvanized GaEk€t: . Grade'E EPD . Type A Vh*lus casket System t Mobt color code). FireLock producls have been Listed by Underwriters Laboratories tnc. and Ap. prov€d by Faclory Mutual Research for w€t and dry (oil free air) sprinkler seMces up to the rated work- hg pressure using the Grade'E" Type A Vic.Plus Gaskel Sysrem, requiring no fldd lubrication. For dry seMces, Victaulic continues to reconynend the us€ of Grade "E' Type A Flushseal. Vic-Plus Gasket Syslem. Contact Victaulic for details Boltsrlluts: Heat treated carbon sreel, zinc electroplated to ASTM 8-633: Track head boft conforming to ASTM A-183 minimum tensile 110,000 psi (758340 kPa): Flanged hex nut conforming to ASTM A-563, Grade A. I Standard gasket and Flushseal gasket approved for dry pipe systems to -40"F (-10'C). Based on-tyticsl" Fipe surface conditioni ejpplemental lubicant is recommended for services inqalled below O"F C18'C) and for all dry pipe s)6terns or s)6tems to be subjected to air lests prior to being nlbd with water. Victaulic continues to recommend the use of Flushseal gaskets for dry services. The informafion provided belo$, is based m tf|e tatest listing and approval data at the lime of publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies. Cmtact Vicraulic for performance on other pipe and the lalest listings and approvals. ' FM approved td servhe h lrft.4'Cpe. r UL Listed forservCe up to 4'plpe onty. @UL Listed toa s€n/ice up b 3'only. M'TCS: 5 .elers to Usled/ApFroved Schedule 5 sred sp.hkler ftre 10 refers ro Lisred/Approved Schedub t 0 sed sprinkl€r pipe 10.€Jers to LlledrApp.oved Schc&te 10 sre€t +dnlder t&e BLT refers !o Lited steel sp.i*Je. pipe manslacnred by Afed T|.be & Cooduit DF .elers !o Ljsted/App.orred Djrrta-fbl, sleet sp.ln*b pipe rmr|,Cacll|cd byA$ied Tlbe & Condut DI,efers to Lbted Dyna ltread sreel sp.inkler pF€ nta.rtactr€d by r{lbd Tube & Condlit €F ders ro Ll*ed/Approved Eddy Flo'v sr€et sprhk er plpe rndltactred by BuI iroG€ TtDe Co, EL .€fe,s lo Liged Eddyite stEel sp.in*ler plpe marut4trcd by Bdt Moqie lube Co. ET r€t€rs b Liged Eddt{tread 40 s{eet spridd€r pipe manlfuured by BuI iloose Tube Co.E ra6e's b Llsed EZ.Flove steet sp.int er lhe rnan|Jadtr€d by Noatiwe't plp6 & Casii€ Co. Ft ..ters io Lla€d Fieflo red sp.hfhr fiE lnan Edrert by Youngstorn Tube Co. GAL.7 .€fe6 lo Lisred $eel sFinfkr pipe mandaclued by IDOD SFerrE. [C, MLT,ef€.s lo Listed steel sp.infb pipe r€nu{Ecured bt tttEdta,rt Tube Co.rp€{ry MF reters ro Ltgted M€6-Flo,y reel sp.ir*le. plpe o|.(f,acr.r€{t by Wheodand Tube Conpany Lfi .eters ro lisied Megs"lhread geel sp.inkle. plpe maqtac-lrrcd by Wheathnd fntE C,ompafit STF .e{e.s ro Llned 9eady Flgw sled sprlnl&r pip€ manfddrred by AMS Tube Cqpo(a orl $e.d)' llread reters ro Apppo.ed {eel sfrHrler pipe manuf.dqsd by AMS Tube Cqpordion TF .ererslo Ter-Fbr sFel sp.inkle. plpe mandrctred by Ter.Tl6e Cor4|6ny WLS t€te.s 10 Li9ed./App.o,red steel sprhfkt plpe rnarufddued bt Whea|tand lub€ CqrFrriy XL rBfers lo Llsted XL or XL X sreet sprlnkl€. pipe mand.ctreit by Albd Tube & Coduit Co,p. Rlbdh.l(hE P|t!{n-Pg nlhd[ortng Pnrurc-Pg Hp. S.nadrh SIalrn..I'L ulc FI nD. Schadri. Slu kEls tI-tfc fl lVr-3 l?5 t75 175 FF 1'lt - 1 N/A N/A 300 lO, ,tO l1lt - 4 350 350 GAL-7 1tt. - 2 3@ N/A 5-8 3m :t00 3ff)MLT 3m N'A i't/A BLT 300 3m N/A MF l1lt ^ 1 300 N/A 300' DF lVr -,1 3m 300 3(xl MT 1rh-2 300 N'A N/A OT 111.- 2 3m 3{X)N/A stF 111. - 1 N/A N'A 300 €F 11lz - 4 l75e N/A 175 Sready lhd.\!t-2 N,IA N/A 3o0 EL 1\t -2 300 NIA N/A Tf 3.8 N'A N/A 300 ET 1\.-z 300 N/A MA wLs 1'lt - 2 300 300 N/A 4-6 300t N'A 300 XL lV..3 3{X)3{)0 3{n Style 005 Firelocko Rigid Coupling ||OIES 'Ur(It&tg ProEJte d End 1€d tt tdul tsDdl hE nat 6rxt ene Dl b.ds, bcedqr grodrftt'ydgh { !l9l st€c, dpe, g!ida.d elq cdgaoo\6d h !qcqduceul0t Vtstrac spdcm" Cqm Vbaufr fd F ort|rnc€ qr dficr Flr. WARIIB{G: FOF O E TqG flELD fESl O}ILY. 0E Msrl'tlm Jon $rttt€ Presue nry be irsE6ed t I L rirEs t€ fO!,€ srrorn.IF ffi lr3|ale.r onat. thebcf g!,le dli coopllqB {! lslddy rlgb atd do D[ @ tod8berpflrid/co'|rlcfo.r e lacmb€r d bols .eqJt€d 6q$ls .urber of lulshg s€glrF.tE.lF- trcd !tse bd3 re arolblle (coE coded go5) kr at codng rbcr t+|oo |tqE t. Co.rrct t/EdJc b. d€sfa t rye (m caf|ingE rc VdS aut LPC ApFo\isd to 12 A'r (r75 Frl. W n DG: D.p.lsxte and d.h fieFll||g 3Ferrlbcto,e €Uarnf|'lg5 ||!ri. rs€rr, ca4lEc rrt Vba{ft plpl{ p.o(tEs, lnb FodBGr shol b€ mdrrftctird by \4craik CorF..ty. AI r.l(lrt! sh.I be iEfold h affid{tce r, t curert t/kLr..c bafrtl)t{ss6e{tly trgt ctio,rs- \rt$ar.c tessvEs lle ridFl b clr.nge Fodrd spcdtatlo.rsr d6lgt|9 lnd slJ|.brd €$rip.nefl rd'|ou rdiE ard rtlt|n tronitg obSgadqts. Styb m5 Firelockc Rigid Coupling Threaded Fittings TENTRAL Tyco Firs Prcduc{s - t! A,w,tyco-grooved.com LE 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 194/t6 - USA customer Service/sales: Tel: lztsl nzanoi t Fax (215) 362-s3ss CfOOveO Eii-ing prOdUCfS Tecfinical Sewices: TeL (8(X)) 381-9312lFax:. (800) 791-5500 General Technical Florderins I+flProcedureDescriptionData @o llderhg Morffin: When phcing an order, indicate the full produci name. Please speciff the quantity, figure number and size. lualltUlitt artt| Scillctr crmv€d Piping Products, vafues, accessories and other prcducts are available throughout lhe U.S., Canada, and internationally, thojgh a network of distibution centeF. You may write dirccdy or call 21S362-0700 for the disfibutor nearest you. ^-./-',- SGo Fre Pmtrclion Submithl Shool fot pr6ssu18 ra[ng and Lis$r€ and Aoprov"l intormation Ouctile lron threaded fittings (with the exception of Califomia Tees and Street Elbows) conform to ANSI 816.3. They are higher in slrength and more @nosion resistant than cast iron fittings. The addltonal strength is provided by the ductile properties making up lhe fifring. This is accomplished by adding magnesium while the iron is being poured into it final cast shape. This provides an advantage as th€ fittings are not as susceptible to leaks or cracking and they are also lighter than standard cast iron. Caatlon: lnstallep who have not used tlucllle lron lhreaded tlltlttgs hetore shaald ba tnstncteil that the tlfrtngs ,re strcngertfranthe plpe ud wer- ,lghl''rring ,he ftlrlng oan aealo led/6 and cause danage ro ptps lhreaiE. tn geoenl, thcre is aboa, one-halt tan dittersnce hancon '5st ima awl duclile iron tittings. lgp| felon bpe or hlgh quality plpc lolnt conpoand 0n the nale ptpethreads and tlghlcotwo totlreetunrs tqod hailfght. ll you are aslng an automatlc nale-on machlne, pleasc cxarc,se crluthn tn safrlng Wat nachtnctolhe pmpcr panneten piwto tigmnlng llilings ontothe nala pipc flr'f/&. Fl$rcs: 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818, 820, 825,827, 830, 719, Califomia Tees, and Street Elbows Slzes t/z' - 2tlz' tarinuD Uofklog Pressure: 800 Sedes, Califomia Tees, and Sheet Elbou,s: 300 psi Figure 719: 250 psi Approvals: UL, and FM Ioto: See Flre Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing/Approval information. tanufrcbrc Sorrca: lmported f,aterlal: Ductile lron, conforming to ANSI 816.3 (Noie: Figure 719 Plugs are constructed of Casl lron) Thread: N.P.T. f 171 Installation,J Apply Teflon Tape or high quality pipe ioint compound on the male pipe threads and tighten two to three tums beyond hand tight. (See caution in frst column) Gare and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the inspec'tion, testing, and maintenance of their fire proteclion system and devies in accordance with the applicable strandards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to the strandards of any authority having jurisdicfnn. The installing contractor or prcduct manufac*urer should be contacted relative to any questions. Any impairment must be immediately conecied. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintaln€id by a qualif ed Inspection Service. No.21-3.0 Size Inchss A Inches B lnchos Part l'lumber Weight Lbs. Box otv. llt 1l/c tl:c 86206 o.24 240 3h 1s,Aq 3h 86205 0.40 120 I 1!z rTro E6400 0.al 70 'llt 1.h 11ha 86201 0.95 40 1lz 1151*,l Vrc 86202 124 30 2 2th 11lz 86203 1.74 20 21lt 2111ro ltl:o 86204 3.28 t0 LffiFlgu.o 815 Reducing Tos Flgure 8l I 90" Ebow l-^lffi Fbure 812 9f R.ducing Elbo{t Figure Al3 45" Elbon' FEUro El,a T6. t_a_j I tt I I I I tt I t Size Ir|d6 A I rures 0 r InctFs Purt urt t-bi Bq 0y. thx'hxrh ltl:e Ttl.r 1It tlt tlc 11lto 86235 0.46 95 thxth x 1 1rl*.1'l:o 11t tla rr/ro 86755 0.6t1 65 1x1lzx1 71lz 't%7lz lVre r%e lVre 86236 0.70 55 l xthxlh 1h 'l t/ro lVr e/re -ta l3/*86756 0.63 80 l xthxttt 1t/r 15l,r 1rllc rI,a 1t 1t 86757 o.68 65 lx%rl 1lz lrlt ,fl2 lYre llx ''tla 86237 o.7f 55 1t1x1lz 11tt 1lt 1%e/o tlr ltln 86238 0.66 65 1x 1 xtl.1Yr 11t lrha fll.r rI:c 1t 86239 0.73 60 1x1x1r/.7111,o 1rr/rs 1e/re 1 'lt 86240 0.97 45 1x1x1lh 1131rr I r3/rt 1fla 1V6 'l!t rlc 88241 1.14 35 lthxl x1h 1r5/rc 1U.l e,frt rlt tl.r'86242 0.81 50 1lh x 1 x1t lrllr,13la 15lc rllrl,1Irr 86243 0.90 50 1%x 1x I lel.r,1!z 1lr/t rh rYrc 1 86244 1.03 45 1tht1x1th tlsh l17rt 13lt 1rlre 1 11,o 86245 1.10 40 1rhtlx71h 11h 11'lrc 1 rYr 13/rc 11la 'I r,Ae s6246 1.4:t 30 'l1hx1l/t;rlz 1la lYr lels Itl:o "lc 1 86247 0.E7 45 11lix11hxttt ltl.r'1rl: ,15/c tlt th | ,ta B62,fa 0.96 45 11rr l%xl 1t/t 1s/rt 1fl/r 1o 1t 1 86249 1.10 4 11tx11hx1l.'t\c 11t 11%.1Ll:o lrtl:r 1rlr 86250 1.50 30 11hx'l1h'2 ?,lc 2!t 2 17l:o 1tlrc 11ls 86251 2.@ 24 11hx1x1h 171't l6/re 1fl/ro ll/ro -la 1!/a s6252 0.97 40 112 x 1 xtlt 1!z 1th 11t th rrllr'13,he 86253 1.14 40 1thx1x1 15h lrlz l rlr 1a 71lz w254 l.l.l 30 1lzx1x11h 115/$1r3ft0 lEha ltlrr 1!t 1r,fit 86255 1.52 30 11lzx7'hxlh 1t,]tr 15llt 1r',hs 11lro 3lc 11a 86257 1.03 40 1thx11ltx3h 1!a 7t Ir 1th 3t lVra 86258 1.10 4{) 11hx7Itx1 15lt 1%e l rYo ,h 1t 11t 85259 1.31 30 11hx11hx2 Ztl,c 2!c 2 111rc 17he 1!t 86260 1.94 m 1rhx11lzx1h 11ls Ttl.r 1111lc rlllr,1!o 1'la 86261 1.14 35 llhxllzrrh 1lz 1Yz ltlt 3h tlt lrhc ffi262 1.?3 35 11hx1thx1 t5/r 1'la 1R/rr ,lt 1!t 86263 1-38 30 11hx1Izx1I'113/t lrY*11t 1rlre 11t:e 'lthc 86264 1.50 3{' l1hx1thx2 2the ?lrt 2 1%o 11ln ltlt 86265 2.00 20 2x112 21h 2 21lt 11h 15/rc 11tz 86266 2.18 15 2x1thx2 2!t 2tlt 2!t 11tz lrlt 1lz 86267 2.31 t5 2x11hxth 1'tz 77iltr 1th tl.'Vra 15/rs 86268 1.50 30 2xlthxeh ltlc ltlz 1151,e 1c .h 1th 86269 1.61 25 2x1'hx1 ltlt 15lc 2 ,lc 15hc ffi270 1.65 N 2\11hrllh 21lo l19ro 2ths 15l:n lVn 17lr c6272 2.O3 20 2x11hxz 2t!t tk 21lt 1lz 1!z 86273 2-37 't5 2x?x'h 1,lz 1Iz lrlt rh tlt ltlu s62?2 1.50 30 2xZx'li 15lo 16h 115/16 zlt rla 1%c6223 1.67 20 2xZx'l 13lt ltlt 2 1 1 76ht 86224 1.91 20 2xZx71/.17lt lrle 21lt IYc 11tt 11,:tr.8622s 2.05 20 2x2x1'lz 2 2 2tl:n 1It 11t 1lz 86.U26 2.11 15 2x2x?th 2tlc tlc 23lc ltlt 1r!a Trllc'86,227 3.67 10 2Izx2xtlt 'l3lt 1%2.k 6la Itlt s6274 2.22 15 Slzc lnches A Inch€s a lnchss c Inches D lnches Part llumbsr weiglil Lbs. 8ox otv. th x 1lz 13lln lVe 5ls -ta E6342 0.3:l 160 1x1lz 1th 1%t/ro r3/rs 86210 o.44 1to 1xi/r 1%Ttllo rtlrs rh 86-211 0.53 90 llltx'iz ltha 1Iz %66212 0.64 75 llhxtlt lrl.a 15/r tlt 11l:o 86213 0.75 60 lthx 1 lthc 1ltlr \a 1 86214 o.77 55 7'lz xtlr 7t12 ltlt th 13/rc 462?1 0.95 45 11hx1 15lc lrYt 1a 11lo 86215 0-99 40 'l1lzx 1!t I r3lre 11lt 1%l Tro 86216 1.14 3tt 2 xtlt 15ts 1r5/re lls 1%a@17 1.39 30 2x1 13h 21lt 15/rr 86218 1.58 25 2 x 11lz 2 2tlr'1lt lrlo 86220 '1.67 20 2!zx2 21lt ?tlt 11t lrle 86262 3.0r t5 Si?e Inches A Inches B lnchos Parl l{umbor Wei0ht Lbs. Box otv. th ,la tlt 86780 o.22 2g \t I rln 86781 0.33 't50 1 1h lYre 86280 0.48 90 1It 15he 5h 86281 0.73 b{, 112 17ht ll,/rc 86282 0.93 35 2 1n/rc l5/re 86283 1.55 18 2Iz 115/ro 86782 2.74 12 Size lnch6 A lrEh€s B Inch6 Pan umber Weighl tbs. 8ox qy. 1z 1'tt eha 86340 0.33 150 tlt 15/re th 863.t1 0.50 90 I 1Iz l!,lrr 86230 0.85 60 1!t 731+11/re 86231 1.30 35 'l1z lrsho ltlr 86232 1.Gt 21 2 2111 't1z 86233 2.63 12 2\z Zfllt 1elre 86234 .t.55 8 Slze Inch€s A Inches B lnch€s Part Numb€l Woight Lbs. Box otv. 'bxlh Ittt l1lrs 86772 0.38 240 1xr/:1ir/ro 86228 0.38 200 I xYr ltlt 86229 0.53 110 Figure 816 R.ducing Coupling Frgure 825 €rten9ioo Pi6cs Fr$rr€ 7tg Crst lrco Pbg FiguE 8il7 lt x guCrang Figur6 830 Bra6s Sest unbn FrgurcatT Cross Figuro 818 Str.hht Cosp[ng r-i--1H Frgrure 820 cap gze lnches A loches Part ilxmb€r W6i0ht Lbs. 8ox olv. llzx 11lz 11h 72751 o.20 300 IzxZ 2 T298/J o.27 250 tltx lrlz 11lz'729a1 0-22 250 thx2 2 7?982 o.31 200 Sizo lnches A lnctEs B lnches c Inchss D lrrches Pall llomber Weight Lbs. Bor otv. 1 1th lrlz t3/re r'/rt 86284 0.97 45 1h 11t 1%71llt 1!t 86285 1 .59 25 11h 1r5/ro '| r'lrc 1t/ro ltt: '86286 1.89 20 2rlt 2!t 1!z 112 86287 2.93 10 11hx lrhx 1x1 1fl/rc 'lsl$llt 86289 1.25 30 'l1hxl|/zx1x1 I rYro 15lt l Vrs 'l rslre 86322 1.48 24 2x2x1x1 2 ltlt 11lt 1llo 86291 2.U 10 gze lnches A Pad tlumb6r Weight Lbs. 8ox otv. l xIz 1Iu 72726 o.22 2W 7 xtlt 1!r 72762 0.18 280 1%xl 1tlro 72763 0.31 150 11lzr 'l 11lt 72757 o.53 100 11hx1th lttt 72764 0.35 100 2x1 ltlt f2759 0.75 EO 2x11h lelt 7?761 o.69 80 2x1!z 13h 72775 0.62 80 Slze lncheg A lnches B lnchos Parl ilumbor Wrencil Wsight Lbs. Box otv. 1Yr El'l 727t9 11t 0.18 360 ,lt 15lc t/ro 72n8 lrle 0.26 200 1 11t eh 72765 1n/*o-44 110 11lt 2 thc 72754 2 o.54 75 1Iz 2tlrt tlt 72753 2!t o.71 60 2 Ztls 1Ic 72752 Ztlt 1.15 30 21lz 3 tlt 7n5a 3Yr 2.29 18 Size Incfios A lnchos I Inches Pan llumber Weight Lbs, Box otv. lz 1r lc lYt s6207 0-17 110 tlt 2 l'l,o 86275 0.66 80 I 2thc ltlll E6276 1-08 50 11tt 2!z 'tYro a6277 1.9 35 112 tla ltAe 88278 2.03 25 2 3%ltlc 86279 3.15 18 Slze Inchos A lnches Pad l{umber Weight Lbs. Box olv. rlz 1h 72n6 0.15 500 th 1 727n o.2 300 1 lVra 7Z&4 0.3it 180 lrlt lslts 72756 0.54 110 1l/z 1th 724n,0.68 80 2 1lz 72823 0.96 45 21h Ttlt 72825 't.80 25 Sizo lnch3s A lnch6s Part l{umb6r Iw€ight Lb6. Box olv. 1lt t5/t 86292 0.10 5@ ?h 1th 86293 0.18 300 1 lrlt 86294 028 200 11lt lYr 86295 0.50 1t0 1Iz lrllr 86296 0.70 80 2 1th 06297 0.90 45 Str€lt Elbors lr-l--f rEl-,+ LH Limited Waranty, Products man ufactured by Ty{o Fire Pmducts are warranted sflely to the original Buyer for ten (10) yesrs against defects in materfal and wortmanship when paid f{r and prop€rly installed and maintained under normal use and sewioe. This wananty will expire ten (1O) years ftom date of shipment by Tyco Fire Producls. No wananty is given for products or components manufaclured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Prodlcts or for products and componenls which have been subject to mi$use, improper installation, conosion, or t0 tc conprtuc bf lhe specilic apdicatod. Califo,nir T€cs G6mnl Xotts: lt is lhe o€clgne/s{i6mre| rolts: ll is t|e Declgneft lss0oatslility to sdecl pnducts suitath lor thc ina61d0d sawic! ald to ensun that 1l|6su1e f'[ngt and pedomancs data b not excGeded. l,l€ttGl romovo arry plpiag componsnt no. con€c.t or modify arplpiag componsnl no. con€c.t or modify any glping.bficioncks wittFut first doprossuriling and dmining tho system. Ualodal ard gaskot sd8rtion rfiouH be vodlild whiclr ha\re not been Installsd, maintained, modilied or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fir€ Protection Association (NFPA), and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Matedals found by Tyco Fire Products to be def€ctve shall bo eitfier repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products sole option. Tyeo Fire Producb nelther assumes, nor aulhorlzes any person to assume for lt, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or pads of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsibl€ for sprinkler system degign enors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buye/s representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTMCT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEOUENTLAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSS'BILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES,AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILIW EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. HE FANEEOINO WABAAilTT E MADE ITI L'EU OF AIIY IIII' ALL O|HEB WANNAilTIES EXPNEES AB 'NPUEI'.IilCLAUilE WARB,,TMES OF NEBCHATTAB'LM fiID FITT,ESS H'B APAENHIUN PUNPOSE. SirB lnclbr A lnches B In6€s c Inchcs Pan lFrnb€t w€i0m lbs. Box otv. l x1z lYz tlt e 4?003 0.70 80 lx1 1Yz 3t 3 42M2 0.90 GO Siz. Inches A loch€s B Incies c lnchGs D Inchls Parl l{umb€r weigm lbs. Box otv. 1x!.lrxl 1!z lls 3 tlt ,+2000 0.95 50 lxlrl lth tlt 3 tl.4200 t 0.95 45 tqCOlrn " cm,a I ryco rnetPtoducE Prinled U.SA. 10-01 Style 75O Reducing Goupling PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Style 750 Reducing Coupling permits direct reduction on the piFing run. Deggned to replace two couplings and a reducing fir$ng, the Sryb 750 features a special reducing gasket for Fresere resporEir/e sealing. A ste€l washer which prevents telescoping of the slnallef pipe inside Sle la.ger ppe during venical systems assembly is available upon regue$. @*@ S..\r'kbdicp|ifc.b.r lo-ot t datab- Ex'gpe','3€ aq cwq Iix. Uorl( Fr€& PSrlf. T.L EndLdll3'I DIMENSIONS A!rr.|gt €dl Llr 2.O o9 I llo*|!lSE hdlatttl X x X x x to 2X50x x x 2.1 2.r ltlz 40 50 21lz 65 2'tz 3 &) il t00 1E 1 lm x2x50 finX2 x50 5X,l125 x tr x6x 1!o 3.8 1.7 3.8 1,1 8.8 t.o 6_4 3.8 10.8 4.9 41lz Xra) x r@x x x x x x x X x r50 200 @H I Ecltrmln|0Br.f,(Gscrt|lx - c @mfi&lrTr{ltc - ralrED Us 76.1 mm 76.1 nrn 165,1 mm to notes o.r page 2. P:.ljgy** "*ling6 sfpdd ml be used Bih end cap6 (1601 h sy$6tns vii€r€ a v6cuun rE be d6doped. Co. act Vict6ulk '$BE yFarlt 9o,ttrttt 0l Fetica . ttFr€. I €OOm*-VtC 0 -8fi-7{2-5$42) . Far: 610-?5{{81t . e-mai}pidvir@r,ic1adb.&m Vrcuu[c C{rnofly of Qna& . Pttrlt: 905.t8,1-?4,11 . Far: S5-ff4-9274 . e-fiuit vtreBfievtta|la i(rrl Vll4llic frroee . Ptrp:32-+381-15fl1 . fd- 32.9 380-t138 . Fmait: ffe1'o@yici lt-be Vida,fc Asica tdina . PisB: 610-559-$ . fa5: 5t0-559.36{g . e.naii *d@yabriJotrVin a tui. Pdb . F,tsE: 65{?3t1035 . Fer 65.6235-0535 . e-rmit viap@vktutk-com tu FLCN'VDATA llead Loss Tl€ head loss across Style 750 Reducing couping is very small and is essentially lhe same as for standard shcrt body reducing pipe fittings. Equivalent lengths of standard $/eighl steel pipe are sho$m in the tables. All data is based on water flon ing at ambient temDerature. lffiS&r hclrr ||I! Eqdv. PlF L.rtg||l S|t|. Dh Fe.lir Ishd SiaId.. !m Eqrfv. Plr.lag0t S|!, tll&Hm 2X50x X T I,E 1k ,to 5X1125 X r00 I 25 50 m 'r00T 125 x50 x x X x X x x X x 2.7 o,8 1.9 0,6 1_O o.3 3.0 o.9 o,E l.'l rx?75X50 50 2k 65 80 1 lm 8t) r(x) 5 125 11/ 40 x 2.O o,6 1.9 o6 5,5 1.? 6.O 1.8 6.0 t.a 3_0 0.9 4.5 l.a 165,1 rm 2X50x x x x I 3X80x x x 2h x 65X x x,trlm 4.6 l.l ,t.6 l,a 2.3 o,1 5X6r25 X 150 r50 x x x\ x x Xilxlm 165,1 mm Flonr Reducing Flow Expanding MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Houslng: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, and ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. Houslng Coatlng: Orange enamel . Opflonal: Hot dipped galvanized and others Gasket (Specify choice'): . Grade'E" EPDM EPDM (Green color code). Temperarure range -30'F to +23O"F (-34'C to +110'C). Recommended for cold and hot water service within the specified lemperature range plus a variety of crilute acids, oil-free airand rnany chemical se|. ices. UL classined in acco.dance Wth ANSUNSF 61 fo cdd *86'F (+30"C) and hot +180"F (*82"C) potable water service. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES.. Grad€ 'T" nltrlle Nilrile (Orange color code). Temperoture range -20"F to + 180'F (-29'C to +82'C). Recommended for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the specified temperature range. Not recommended for hot water services over + 15O'F (+56'C) or for hot d0t air over + 1 40"F {+60'C). 'S€fvices listed are General Service Recommendations onlv. lt should be nored that there are services for which these gaskets are not recomnrerded. Reference sh6ub always be made to lhe latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service recornmendalions and for a listing of services which are not recommended. . Opllonal: Assernbly WastEr: Galvanized. carbon sleel Eolts/lluts: Heat reaEd carbon sreel, track-head, zinc plaled to ASTM 8-633 conforming to physical properties of ASTM A-'183 minimum tensile 110.000 psi (758340 kPa). M)TES ' Wblhg Pt6srto and End Load are toaal, tom oll internal and erternal bads. tr6ed on gnmdd $reqtt (ANSI) sto€t pt'pe, gsnda.d rd or cut g.ooled h acco.dance yJith Vrla_ulc sp€cificdiorE. Co.lacl ytctaulc td p€rformance dr dh€r fipe- Mlxtn|''r vioalir€ paessrre rating based o|| bager Fpe sire M6ximum End Load rating b6sed on s|'lafl€r plpe ize. WMNINGj FOR ONE TIME FIELDTEST ONLY, tE Marimu.n Joint wo.ting Ptess6e may be incteased lo I '/' dnss tie figqes shor.vr- |A||fbbPFeErdsePa.BriIondDenediIrEUres5hot^,themaximumrromina|'an9eo.dovefEfaVanabbareach,ointto.slsndardro[grooEddpefigtlresl$n. dardcU|g..oovedFipehaybedoUbr9d'Theef$xesa.erna'iiffrs'fdde$9nandhsl,brntfpoEes'EsergUl€5shot'|dbeted!cedby.5o96b!i'|.3'l{an.); 25% b. f (1@ mn) artd la.gE . C Nurnb€r d bols reqJied equatg rurnber d hoar,iing scqncrlslreut ttread sire bols re aGiabb (colo. coded q6|d) Fo. all coop'E stses upofl requesl Co.{acr t/rcladc fo. detarls. WARNIiIG; Dep.e6suke a.6 drain trE pitrir€ sysleo betore alempthg to kHa[. remore. o. rdjusl sny Vtctaulic pur€ p.oducts. lbis paodtrd shal bo rnaMactred by Vlctauli{ Compsny. All products shall be iostalled in accordance wllh cunet Vi{:taulic itst3llisridVass€obly instructions. Vrcli6ulc resgves lhe tilhl to char€e p.odocl speciFcations, desil'rs and strndard equiparcnt viitltout notice ond wlhod ,ncurring otqldiorG Style 750 Reducing Coupling Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger Size Range - 1/2'thru 8'pipe lllaterlal - Ca6on Steel, Mil. Galvanized to G90 specifications Function - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled wrtiwl nut design permits hanger adjustmenl afler installation. Features -. (1/2' thru 2') Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and prctect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting nut trom separating with hanger. Hanger is easily installed amund pipe. . (21h" hru 8'Spdng tension on nut holds il securely in hanger bebre installation, Adiusting nut is easily renxr\red. Approvals - Unden rriters' Laboratories listed (1/2" thrd 8) in the USA {UL} and Canada (cUL} for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approrcd (3/4'thru 8'). Conbrms to Federal Specifications WW-F|-171E, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP€g, Type 10. fiaximum Temperature - 650"F Finlsh - Mil. Gahranized. For Stainless Steel materi- als, order TOLCOfl Fig. 200WON. Order By - Figure number and pipe size @@ Dimensions .Weights Pipe Rod Size tal. Roc. Approx.$ire Inch Metrlc A B Load Lbs, Lengrth 400 11.00O 11400 1? 1f, 1lz 2 IP 3i/8 8mm o. 10mm iJtl, ?hU4 3r8 &nm o. 10mm 3!. 2VzI 3,8 &nm or 10mm 3% tL 318 8mm or 10mm 3!l, 318 8mm or 10mm 3,hgg 8mmor10mm 4tz 13 14 15 zth 4002\a 4003im 27 N 34 10rnm gL 4V, 6m1&nm 5'L 4 8fi) 10mm T"h Syt flro 7h 3/83383'1, 3/8 35 66 73 136 10mm 73h 5 12mm 9'/. 6%l2nun 10% eL 12mm 13% 8't, 43,85 1t26 rt2at2 1000 1zfl) 1250 1250 1/2 lrts[J e il{GH FpC 2ltt ?|tnttf uircH ptFE *bho|lcd rntlctrfr9 f.ciht . 1l?5 Sflnl6et Arc. . Cqqla CA 9288. lh: 909.717.5599 . far S9137.03:10 Cidoo.r S.!ra. . 800.786.5265 wtar,Wocqn Fig.65 and Reversible Fig.66 C-Type lBeam Clamps 3/4"and lrlr" Throat Openings @ @b Function - Recommendsd for ftom $teel beam where {lange thi:knese does not Featurec - All steel 3/4'(Frg.65) or 1%" (Fig.66). eliminates structural defcien- dee associaled with casting typd beam damps. May be used on top or bottom flange of the bea(. (Beveled lip allows hanging forn top flange where clearance lis limited.) May be installed with eet scrfl in up or doln position.J Ofbet design permits rmlimit€d through the clamp. Open engagement. permits inspection of thread Approtrab - Underwrites' and Canada (cULl. Factory Listed in the USA (UL) Engineering approrred. GonfofirF to Federal l4rut/-Fl-171E, Type 23 and Manutaciuners Standardization SPS9, Type 19. Bceeds requirements of lhe Nalional Fird Protection Associafion (NFPA), Pamphld 13, 3/8' rod will suppofi 1f2'thru 4'pipe, 1/2 rod witl suppct l/? thru I' pipe. Flnlrh - Plain ilote - Available in Electro-Galvlanized and HDG fnish. Oder By - Figure number, rod Fize and finish F8.65 tubnt t4,570,885 i llax. Rec. Appru- Load Lb.' WtJl@ 610 1130 1130 Rod 8Le A Rod SkoAACD 28 55 55 7t16 I 9/16 1't, s16 11,- 3r0 1'lr u4 1'ltz 1lz 3t4 15r0 1tz 3t4 I 28 55 55 3/8 tn 5'8 Max, Reo. Approx. Load Lbs.' 610 1130 1130 f^C[.,It . 1375 SAI4PSd{ AYt" . C0n0N4 CA 928t9. Pl+ 951.t37.559S . lAx 951.?]?.0330 dlsR F stluftt . sm.rB6,5z66 ,r*,,lc4.{[f ' MsDc lods hr dE rF with 6ot Ecr6r'v idt up or dotvo pGition, DlmensionF .Weights ' lia)(, loa& br demp with s€t screw irl up or dtr{n peition. Fig.58 -Threaded Side Beam Bracket Size Range - 3/8' rod, pipe sizes 112' thru 4" llaterial - Carbon Steel Function - Practical and economical bracket used to support piping ftom wood, concrete or steel beams. Features - Unique design allotvs rod to be easily threaded into bracket. Ofbet design permits unlimited rod adjustmenl. Center mounting hole will accept 3/8" and ll2 fastener bolts. Per NFPA 13: 112' thru 2' pipe requires 3,/8' fastener, 2112" lhru 4" pipe requires't /2' fiastener.* Appmvals - Underwrites'Laboratories Listed in lhe USA (UL) and Canada (cUL), and Factory Mutual Engineering approved thru 4" pipe. 'Note - Additionally UL has listod the Fig. 58 with fastenerc as shoivn in table belor. Finish - Plain Note * Available in ElectreGalvanized finish. Order By - Figure number and fnish Dimensions . Weights Pipe Siz€otv.Fasten€rTyp€ilaterial @ 6'@ 2 -!r1r 2l.{ Bob0bfr.*hlrFla{ hdlFh.Fi.lfFt 2 2 21h-4 2 1 #16x2DdleScrfls 3/8 tag Bolt 1/2 LaS Bott Wood Wood vvbod i-l{E€f ttsToahdrF 2 2 z 2 3!z 4 4 4 1/4 x l Ya Lag Bolt 1/4x2lagBolb' 1l4x l tek screws 1/4xltgkscresrs Wood Wood 14 gauge 2.Jfr12ff*clwr |.,f ftir2 bcEh Dimensions . Weights Pioe Rod Size SLe A a ^ Hax.R€c. ApFox. " Load Lbs. YYIJ100 112lhtu 4 U8 ' No pr+dilling required 2 '*!lr tICrl$.Sctrntrl&,loqr'$afl*to* Hr Rtt 8o[ I I'}l Fra iI9 Tn I h.*t t'lgF lft.tl|rr||r.x.i{ f.ciRy.l3t5 Sa|t?6d|A,c. . Co.or!|. CA e8]9. Pt} 95t.r3t.5599 . faE 951.t37-033} O|.locr 9e.'tc . 800.786.5265 *Dgthb4cut Fig.98 - Rod Stiffe{er She Range - Secures 3/8" lhru I/8" hanger rod taierlal - Carbon Steel Functlon - Secures channel to lianger rod br vertical seismic bracing. Flnlsh - Electro Galrranized Note - Avaflable in HDG finish ol Staintess Steel materials. Oder 8y - Figure rumber Fig. 99 - All Thread ff.od Gut Sizc Ranga * Secures 3/8" thru 7l8' rod inf increments Uaffil -Cafton Steel liaximum Tempcrature - 750"F Flnl*h - Plain Note - AvailaUe in Bectro.Galvanizod and HDG finish or Stainless Steel matdrials. Order By - Figure number, rod diameter, rod lenglh and finlsh to Length Dlmensions .Wehhts Rod SEe [ax, Rec. Load Lbs. For Scrvice Temps 3/8 1n 5t8a4 2710 21m7t8 3770 3360 610 1130 1810 540 1010 1610 Fig. 100 - All Thread Rod Full Lengths Ehe Range - Socures 3/8'thru 1/8'rod in 10'lengths llaterlal - Ca6on Steel llaximum Temperaturc - 750'F Finlrh - Plain l'lote - Ar/ailable in ElectroGalvarlized and HDG finbh or Stainless Steel mateiials. 12 m 5:la 123 169 zu 360 510 1t4 3/8 1n 5,8 iilr 7R I 1It r% T . t3tss$prorAre.. Corfii CA p8?S.n! 961.731.559). fsr 951.t3r0 0qs.E| sira. . tm,7fi.5465ru*!o&os 240 610 215 310 1010t13tl 't810 2710 1610 2424 3770 3360 DATA HDYHDI-L Specification Table HDI/HDI-L FIDI/HDI.L HDYHDI.L HDI HDI \ AndrorSlze In.Iht|lh\ (mm) tlt (6.4) ,1" p.5) tlz 02.n th tr5.e) th (1s.0 4,i: bit dlameterr In.,1,,lt "1, oln I h",,r sU. d$th of ofirbed. {l andor lengtrh: hole depflt In. (mm) 1 (25) 1'l* (40) 2 (sl) Ih (65) lf/rr (81) (n: useable fuoad lsngth ln. (mm) ,h, (11) th 05) t%. (1n ,h e4 1'lt (34) lhrea& per in.m 18 t3 11 10h min. baso matorial Uhloess IrL (mm) 3 r/6) !lt f/e) 4 {104 th (130) ff/. (162) T; mu. tightening brgue fi tb {Nm) 4 (5.4) tt 04.s) n (2e.8) 37. (s0.2) 80 t108.5) 1..For Hlltl metchod tol€rance carbld€ tipp€d drttl btts, s€€ sec{on 10.4.1. 134 Hiltl Product Tochnlcal GuidE 2001 . Hllfl U's.r 1€m€79€000./ www.us.Nttl.6om . HlltlCanada: 1{00.3634489 / www.ca.hihi,com Gombined Shear and Tenslon Loading (#)'u. (ff)"'='o (Ref. Section 4.1.3) Anchoring Systems 4.3.5 HDI I HDI-L Drop-ln Anchor lr*dr h [Int At00 Dsl (13.8 MPa),|(l00p3i{27.6MPa}flno psi {41.4 ilPa) TGrBbr htklo Shoar hftm Tomhn efiNl Shoar lb (kM Tsdon h ft10 Shcar lb (kNI HDFL lt0t ml-r HDI -L tl H0t-t HDI H0l+HIII HOFI lrr ( 6.q 15( i9 |16 t 8.9 $o ( 8.q rro{8.q aroflo0 2270 {r0.r}mflr.1)25m01.0 x5! (14.0)3150 04.q 2Dtr2.0 2m lr25) th ( 9.$3S{ t5.&35 tr5.8)38$0 07.11 !r50 {r7.11 r8flg-q 4160 trg.S wwa mE2r)6,8,Ql4 *fip44 5m$.4 dr[Pa4 vz w-n a{Ie { rs.q 1{r! (r9.9 mfl6.71 m6.n xs (3r,8)n{{31.8)r50 {37.4 n50t31.4 gr5(41.4 s0?5 ({r.n rmn fiL5)rrm(.45 s/r (15.9)?5S(334 1r[r] (41.q | 166 {52.0 13fln {5r.q fit6 (56.1)r5a$6_n V. [9.1)lm[ { 44-q r55e {69,0)rffio[n.3)mpe.q u50(ss.0)22mp7.9 Carbon Steel HDI Loads in Goncrete Garbon Steel HDI Ultimhte Loads in Goncrete ilolo: Ihs dlimab sfiear and allowable shear edtps are bsed 0o the use of SAE Gnde 5 bolls, 6 = 85 ksi, F,r = I 20 ksi) wllh lhe ercepton of he 1 /4" HDTHDFL in f'c = 6000 psi c0rcrete which is based upon he LEe of a SAE Grade 8 bolt 6 = 120 ksi, Fa = 150 k*i). 1 . TIE bhhted shear ard tensile values are for anchds installed in sfrEt0ral lbhtwebm corErefie havhg tlE desisnated ultirnate comprassive Sreqb at fie tme 0f insbllhtim. lbe concrele must comply wilh ASilrl C 3:t0-77. 2. The bhJhied $Ear and lfisile valuos ate for anclss irsbned l'|mugh 20 gauge inbrmediate deckiru inb stuctural lightwebht concrets haying the desgnaled ultimate strergh al ttE time 0f irEtalhlirn.'lhe concreb must c-omply wih ASIU C 3:10-2. Anclnrs lyere IHH in tlp vall€y 0f $e flut0d dcck 3.lte dlouabb vdJes are based on tlp us€ of SAE Grade 2 bolls lNf,afled in ttE arf,hors- 4. Bascd 0n udrq a sdeg fuctor ot 4 Stainless Steel HDI Ultimate Loads in Concrete lbb: The dtintste ard albwable shear ualues are bassl o the use ol Type l8-8 bons. l'litlti Ptod'tl Tecfni(d Gulde 20Ol . Hllti U.S.: 1 -800-87$8m0 / wwwl6.h0ti.com I l-lilli Cd|ada 1 {m{63-445t} / r',,ww.cat$lli.com Itrr&l h.tord 2{Il0 psi {.|3.8 MPa)4m0pd {27.6 MPa)flno Fsi (41.4 MPa) TsSr hftN)Shear bffi)T.|Bhr lbftNl $Far h {kll}Tensbn Dftm SIM btkM HIIFT 0l HDI.L H0l .L tot-L HDI lt0t-L rr. ( i4 m{ 2.4 flw s0(8.0 c0 Fo rn{ 2.9 5r0 eq E5( 2.Cl 045 G4 ,s( 3.t ?s( 3.q ?B{ 3.1}i0( 11) rr. ( 9.q m{ {q s{4s F(1.0 s({.q tfl5t nq fir5{5O r25a { 50 rzfl{5.0 rl8!( 6.q 13flr { 6.q r5o{ 5.4 r50 { 6.4 th $Lrl fi20{ rq 1rz0 {5.q rnn ( 6.71 rro {6.4 17F{79 176 0.9 zrr5l 9.$19|0 (f,q a$(r0.4 23S(r0.4 m01.11 anflr.0 qr fltq 1O5l &4 25O 0 |.1)290(13.0 3450{r{5}3nrtr6.0 Jr50 fl6.n rft {r0.r)sll0l.ll 38?5 (17.4 16{r8.1}5mt2?.4 5565124.8)mPl$ ilots:Ihe dlimaE $ear and allowable 6hear ydws are Garbon Steel HDI Allowable Load in Lightweight Goncrete+' fud|or sizs h.(run) Andtof a$stdled h 3q[ psl (20.7 MPa] lL H. Go|}cftto t fnchor hsta[ed lhmgh Sted oeclcry inb ilm pd (20.7 MPal u. WL Corcn{d TeEln D (kill Shoar & {kil}Tnslon b ftM shGar h (kN) HDt-rft ( 6.4){65 {2.1)3'fl' ( 1.5)sflt 12.4',1 sts (1.5) HDI-r/r ( 9.51 755 (3.4)940 (4.2)0ilt (3.9)1t}t0 (4.0 HDf - r/z (12.n fl3s (s.0)1700 ( z.6l 1ilto (4.e)1755 (-/.8) HDI-s/e (15.9)1'165 (6.s)2835 {12.5} HDI-3/I {19-1}m?!t €.2}:t6&t n5.4) lnchor size in (mm) ,om pd G7.6 MPa)6fi0 psi {41.4 MPa) Tembn b (kN)Shear b (ki,l)Ienrbn l$ {kN)Shcar D {kN) SSHDI-1/r ( 6.4)rso ( &6)2M (10.4 25r (13.r)?ffi (10.4 &SHDl-:lr { 9-5)4170 (18.51 Arw (213)s8f,r (26.0)rffir (21.9) SS HDI- t/z 112.4 7:t50 (32.71 110'$ (49.1)slfr (42.8't 1t0{0 49..| SSHDI-r/r 05.9)ilFilr (45.9)1&)rll,(80.2)rsfm (67.21 1flXO SS HU-r/r (19.1)t5:1,il1 {68.a ZEw (es.o utl{t (89.5}tm Sbinless Steel HDI Allowable loads in Goncrete Andnr sire in (ntm) 40m pci {27.6 MPa}6m0 psi (41.4 MPa) Tension b ftN)Sltett b {kN)Tenshn lb (kN)Shcar h {kN} HDI-tlr { 6.4}'180 ( 2.0 6m | 2.n 7N ( 3.3)600 ( 2.4HU-r/r t 9.5)r0r0 ( 4.6)IEn { 5.5}1460 (6.5)rzsr { 5.5} HDf - r/2 (12.4 t8't ( 8.2)27fl {rZ4)2110 (10.4 nffi (12.3) H0l-5rr (15.9|ffin (1r.4 i1510 (20.1)3770 (16.8)'1510 (20.1) H - r/r 09-1)iBcr (17.q 5580 {21.8)smo (22.4)sflt (24.8) 135 Anefioring Sysfiems AnchorHDI / HDI-L Anchor Spacing and Edge Distance Guidelines {seeAnctrouring fedrnologry SecUond.Lg Inflrcnce of Anchor Spacirg and Edge Dbtance t^,tu And$r h. Sbt {mml ,lt (6.41 tlt p.5) th (2n tlo (rs.8) tlt (19.r) h-" . h: (mm, I (2s) Itlr (40t 2 {51) th {6q 3|l. (81i h-., = standad emMment dep0l Anchor Spacing Adjustm€nt Factors Ed96 Dlstanc€ Adjustm€nt Factors 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Amlnr Spaciru Adfustnett Factor {t^}8 -Achdsdng s'i' = Z0h- & =3.5h* c*l cl' 2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 Edge Dishnce Adjustment Factor(f""fJ =&tdedgedi$ilce = Z0 h* = 3.011*" Lo.d Adlust||ail f€ob|s 6ncno. Spact|g) t^lred l4||rfrnod f"ffs (Edts Disfrn6) fi Te|lsh/s|EtrLo*farshr,l-SlEar, f, Sprcfrg 8 hoEn) Irchd llhn|?tcr H$Dinatcc Gh.tmi ||drorDknFbr Aochob|lch 'lt "tt It It ,lt lt ,lt th t,ttt rlt ,lt lz tlt tlt 3 (76).&!.50 3 ( 76)t.0 .m 1.0 55 4 1102).m .50 4 n02).91 .8{''85|'tz n14l .79 .58 lth {1141 .9E .85 J6 .71 5 nzn 30 .tl .50 5 nzn .s0 -80 1.0 .a .65$/r (1401 1.0 .75 .55 8lz t140).95 .9t .70 6 ns,.50 6 {1 1.0 .87 1.0 .n 7 t172 1.0 .71 .57 th n6t .91 .m .84 .55I.87 's7 7 fl78)4 .91 .n lzi 1.0 .77 8 t200)1.0 0 1.0 .83 0 .88 s {229).96 .94lt l27s -s8 r0 {254)1.0 1.0 12 10 s". = 20]l*, s" = 3.5 tt- f^=ffi3I: -0.r7 hrs,,>srqn ci = 2.0 h-, c, = 3.0 hE L= o.z *+o'rfue>c>c* cd= 2.0 tL,q"= 3.0 tL. fw= rL35 *-0.*fuco>c>c- 136 Itlti ftodrt Techn*d Sids a00l .HniU.S,:1S0&87$8000/wwr.us.Mti.com.Hilticanda:1-8@36$.4458/e/u.calilticom @Pqf,fHB,- osYsu-I, -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITGH OSYSU-i Stock l{o. 10t0106 OSYSU-2 Stock No. t010206 UL and CSFM Ustod, F[ Approved, NYIIEA rdccepted, CE Marked Dimensions: 6.19'1- X 2.251/V X 5.88"H 15,7cm L X 5,7cm WX 14,6crn H Weight:2lbs- (0,9 kg.) Encloeure: Cover - Die-Cast Finish - Red Spatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Zinc All parts have corrosion resistant finishes. Gover Tamper: Tamper resistant screws, Optional cover tamper kit available. Gontact Ratings: OSYSU-1: One set of SPDT (Form C) OSYSU-2: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) I 5.00 Amps at 125f25OV AC 2.50 Amps at 30VDC resistive Envlronmental Limitations:. NEilA tl and NEilA 6P Enclosure (1P67) when used wlth appropriate watertight conduitfittings.. Indoor or Outdoor use {Not for use in hazardous locations. See bulletin no. 5400705 OSYS-U-EX for hazardous locations.). Temperature Range: -40"F to 140"F (-40"C to 60"C) Gonduit Entrances: 2 knockouts ior 1/2" conduit provided Servlce Use: Automatic Sprinkler One or two family dwelling Residential occupancy up to four stories National Fke Alarm Code NFPA.13 NFPA-I3D NFPA-I3R NFPA-72 GEIIERAL 11{ FORTTIATION The OSYSU is used to monitor the open position of an OS & Y (or.rtside screw and yoke) type gate vafue. This device is avaibble in lwo models; the OSYSU-I, containing one set of SPDT (Form C) contacis and the OSYSU-2, con- iaining two sets of SPDT (Form C) contacts. These switcftes mount conveniently to most OS & Y valves ranging in size ftom 2" to 12" (50mm to 300mm). They will mount on some valves as small as 112" (12,5mm). The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require a special tool to remove. The tml is fumished with each device and should be leff with the building olner or responsible party. Replacement or addltional cover screws and hex keys are available. See ordering informa- tion on page 4. OPTIONAL COVER TAHPER SWITCH A field imtallable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate removal of the cover. See ordering information on page 4. TESTING The OSYSU and its associated protective monitoring sys' tem should be inspected and tested in acordance with applicable NFPA codes and standards andor the authority havirxg judsdkXion (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more fiequently). PotFrEbctrics:bnal Company '2081 Craig Road, SL Ldris, MO,63148-4161 . Phon6:8nG32$3938/Canada 888{84-183. wv.w.po8ss(fat,oom PRSITEO IN I,ISA Ir(T. f8E20(g - REV P 12n1 PAGE 1 OF 4 OPqltm,,,osYsu-l, -2 OUTSIDE SCREWAND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH FlG. 1 SMALLVALVE INSTALLATION - tr2'THRU 2112" (12,5mm THRU 63,5mm) SIZES THESE SWTCHES MOUNT CONVENIENTLY TO MOST 2' TO 1? OS & Y VALVES. THEY YVILL MOUNT ON SOME VALVES AS SMALL AS 1/2'(12,5MM). J-HOOKS MAY BE REQUIRED ON VALVES WITH LIMITED CLEARANCE. CLAMP BAR CARRIAGE BOLT SLOTTEO MOUNTING HOLES MAY 8E USED FOR RNE AOJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET ERACKET DwG. ,979-J STI\II VALVE INSTALLANON 1- Remove and discad 'C" urasher and roller fom the tip rcd. 2. W'rth the valve in the FULL OPEN position, tocate lhe OSYSU adoss the valve yoke as far as possibte fiom the valve gland, so that the tip rod lays against the non- threaded porlion of the valve stem. 3- Loosen lhe lockirg saerv that holds the trip rod in place and adiust the rod ]e@th (see Fig. 4). Wtten adiusted properly, the rod should e)(Gnd past tre valve screw, but nol so far that it contacts the damp bar. Tighten lhe locking sorew to hold thc Eip rod in phce. NO|E: f |rip rcd lerqth 'c excessive, loosen the locldrE screvy ard ramoye fte fb rod ftrom the trip lever. Using pliers, br€ak ofi the 1'(23nm) long notched seciion (see Fig. 5). ReiBstall tb md and repeat Step 3 procedure. 4. Mount lha OSYSU loosely with the caniage bolts and clamp bar supplbd. On vahres with limited clearance use .J-hooks suppli€d indead of the caniage bolts and damp bar to mdlnl the osYsu, 5. Mark the vafue sbm at the center of ihe trip rod. 6. Remove the OSYSU. File a 1/8'(3,2mm) deep groolre cenlered on the mark on th€ valve stem ulilizing a 316' (4,8mm) round, norFtapeGd file. Rourd ard smooth the edges of the groove b pt€vent damage to the rrah/e pad<itB and to allo,v the tip rod to move easily h and out of lhe groove a€ the vahre is operabd. 7. Mouni lhe OSYSU with the tip rod cenbfed in groove. 8. Final adiustnent is made by loosening 2 scteffi (see Fig. 1) and slkling the OSYSU on th€ bradct. Adus0nent is conecl vuhen switches arc not divated rvft lhe ldp rod seated in the valve glem groorre ard that the sr'ritcfFs adivate wften the tip rod mores out of the groow. 9. Trghbn ih€ adju8frnent scrert,s and all mounling hadmre. Check to insure that the rod mores qd of the groove easily and that lhe swilcfies adivab wihin one lum when lhe valve is operaled frorn lhe FULL OPEN bu,ards the CLOSED position. ]{OTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FULLY TO DEIERMINE THAT THE SIEM THREADS DO NOTACTIVATE THE $/\'TCH. THE St^,rTCH BEINGACTIVATED BYTHE STEMTHREADS COULD RESULT IN A FAISE VALVEOPE'YINDICATION. PRINTEO IN T'SA PAGE 2 OF ,aMKT. T6E2OOO4 . REV P 72n1 osYsu-f, -2 OUTSIDE SCREWAND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH 3'' THRU 12,' USE CARRIAGE ON INSIDE OF IS SUFFICIENT CLdARANCE. (76mm THRU 300mm) VALVES BOLTS. BOLTS MOUNT YOKE, IF THERE BRACKET CLAMP BAR CARRIAGE BOLTS(2 REOUTRED) ROLLER GROOVE YOKE VALVE STEM TRIP ROD SLOTTED MOUNTING HOLES. MAY BE USED -FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET. DwG. #979-4 LARGE VALVE INSTALLANON 1. Wilh ihe valve in the FULL OPEN posilion, locate the OSYSU across the valve yoke as far as possibb fom th€ vahre gland, so thal the trip ro{ lays against the non- threaded porlion of tfie valrre stem. 2. Mounl the OSYSU looGely wi$ the caniage bolF and damp bar supplled. 3. Loosen the bddng scfew that holds lhe tip rod in place and adjust the rod length (see Fig. 4). fr'/hen adiusied properly, the rod should extend pasi the valve screw, but not so far lhat it contacis the damp bar. T(rhten the locklng scrw to hold the fip rfd in plae. IIOTE: lf fip rcd length b exdessive, loosen the locking screu, and remore the Irip rod ifrom the tip lever. Usftlg dbrs, break ofi the one 1" (25fnm) loog notcfied sedbn (Bee Fb. 5). Reinstrall bip rod dnd repeat Step 3 proc+. dure. 4. Iira* the valve slern at the center of th€ trip rod. 5. Remo\re the OSYSU. File a J/8" (3,2mm) de€p groove csrde,sd on the maft of lhe vatue stem utilizing a 3/8" (9,5mm) round, non-tapered file. Round and smooth the edges of lhe groove lo prevent damage to lhe valve packing and to alow the tsip rod to move easily in ard out of the groove as the vahre is op€rated. 6. Mount the OSYSU loosely with the trip rcd centeEd in grcorre. 7. Final adjustryent is made by bosening 2 screws (se€ Fb. 2) and slUing the OSYSU on the b|d(et Adlustnent b oofl€ci when switcfies are not adivatcd wilh tte th rod s€aed in the vah/e slem groove and lhat lhe srvitcfles a.livale within one tum when the vah,e b operated from tle FULL OPEN tourards the CLOSED pqtli<n, 8. Tlghten th€ adjustment scre s and mounting hardware. Check to insure lhat the rod moves out ot lhe groove easily ard that the switdles aciivde wilhin one tum when lhe valve is operat€d from the FULL OPEN toryads the eLOSED position. I{OTE: CLOSE THE VALVE FUI.LY TO DETERMINE THAT THE STEM THREADS DO NOTACTIVATETHE SWITCH. THE Sl/r,lTCH BEING ACflVATED BY THE STEM THREADS COI.|LD RESULT IN A FAISE YALVE OPEfl INDICANON. m$. fi82{tut. - RE\t PfnlFRtr{TED IT{ USA PAGE 3 OF 4 @PqHfHB,,,,, osYsu-I, -2 OUTSIDE SCREWAND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITGH PARTSFIG.4DllrlENS|ONSFIG.3 lf-drEi--lil m F*Jtl BREAKING EXCESSIVE ROD LENGTH FIG.5 SWTCHTERTINAL CONNECTK)NS CLAIIPII{G PLATE TER]ilNAL TYPICAL ELEGTRICAL CON}IECTIONS jry- CAUnONT An uninsulaGd lsciioD ot 8 singb condu{rof shouH nol be looped around lhe Ermaraland sefve as t$lo s€perab coflt€dions. The wirc must b€ severed, therEby pDviting $Jpewi- sbn oftie connedbn ln tha avent $at lhe wire beco|fE6 disbdged forn under lha bninal. ORDERING II{FORIANON IODEL D€SCRPn()|T sTocKlto_ OSYSU-I OuBi&Screw&Yoke-SuporvistrySr/vitch(Singtsst{ibh) 1OlO.tO6 OSYStl2 Orlbl& Scrfl &Yoke-,SupeMsory S,vitch (Oor*rte swfrch) 1010206 - Cowr Sqsr 5.[903i!l - Her l<ey br Cover Scr€ws and lnstathlion Ad.lwffilents S2$cf,fi? - Oplioml Co\r€f Tanpcr SwtEh Kit OoOOi3t For FessurE r€duce.tn3 vaht8 iDsialHbo kjts 0f requireo oonbct vatvo manubdurer- No{c^nt.|G DEV|CE Er{o of LINE RESTSIOR t sG. t979-r Contacls shosrn h noflnd (vdv€ open) condition. TYPICAL SWITCH ACTION oP€x var/€ FosI|oa,r clos€D ta[!E posrllr. ro suPEn/lsoF cnqrfi OF COI{TROL PATEL PRINTEO IN USA DwG. t979-2 PAGE 4 OF ' MXT. $a2000a - REV P 12n1 @PqfnH**,, SASH SERIES SPRINKLER ALARiI STROBE HORN'SIGN coMBrl{ATtON SASH-24 SASH-I 20 UL Llsted Strobe Hom Dimensions: 9-1/4' h x 10" wx4" d VoltagesAvailable: SASH-2A (24VDC) sAsH-l20 (12O/AC) Envircnment lndoor or Ouidoor use. Weatherproof backbox is included with both models. Terminaton: Separateterminals brhom and strobe. Finish: Red with white leftering. SASH-24 $tock No. 1000555 SASH-|2O Stock l{o, lO005S0 The SASH series is a mulfitone hom/strobe combination designed for use as an audio visual indication for automatic sprinkler systems. lt can be installed in conjunction with or in place of water motor gongs. Pofr€tEleculcsiignal Company. A)8f Craig Road, St Lori6,llo,6:t148"1161 r Pt|or|.:8{n€2$3936/Camda 86&884-1E33. mw.po{ief3igml.cofil Kr. t8850dx - REl/ O t FG. *3|tl1076- qr00 Sbobe lntensity, dBA and Curront Ra$ngs todel SASH-2,f Input Currcnt sAsH-lm krput Current Typkal Arrechob dBA at l0 ff. Tone Amps at2,|VDC Amps at lf5VAC Al Nomhal Input Vottage HI STD HI STD HI STD Hom 0.040 0.023 0.050 0340 99 93 Boll 0.014 0.012 0.040 0.038 92 87 llarch Tlme Hom 0.040 0.023 0.050 0.040 99 93 Code{ Hom 0.o40 0.023 o.050 0.040 99 93 CodeiTone 0.028 0.017 o-o42 0.038 95 90 Slow Ulftroop 0.048 0.026 0.0s0 0.040 99 s4 Siren 0.036 0.023 0.045 0.040 98 93 HiJLo 0.020 0.014 0.041 0.039 93 88 Sbobe Gandella 117 15 Sbobc Gurrent (f the stobe and audibh operab on lhe same circrit, add Oe stobe ctmort b the bt€ dnrer*.) 0.088 0.060 PR}TIED II t'SA PAGE I OF 2 @Pq#HR-SASH SERIES SPRINKLER AIARi,I STROBE HORN,SIGN COMBINATION SASH.24 SASH.I 20 SASH-24 STROBE AND HORN POV9ERED BY THE SAME CIRCUIT sASH-24 STROBE AI.ID HORN POWERED FROM SEPARATE CIRCUIT SASH-120 OPERATED BY WATERFLOW SWITCH WIRING INFORMATION +STB- DruG. #1076-l ++AUD- ,+ AUD -. 92 CONTACTS CLOSE ON ALARU + H N PRII{IED F'I I..|SA MKT. *8850004 - RE',r/ D MFG.13|01076 - 9&l @Pgltm,,SASH SERIES SPRINKLER ALART STROBE HORN'SIGN coMBtNATtON SASH-24 SASH-i 20 UL Listed Strobe Horn Dlmensions: 9-1/4' h x 1O'w x 4" d Voltages Available: SASH-24 {24VDC) SASH-I20 (120VAC) Envlronment lndoor or Ouldoor use. Weatherproof bacftbox is included with both models. Termination: Separateterminalsfor hom and sbobe. Finlsh: Red with white lettering. SASH-24 Stock No. 1000555 SA$H-120 Stock No. 1000560 The SASH series is a multitone horn/strobe combinat'pn designed for use as an audio visual indication for automtic sprinkbr systems. lt can be installed in conjunction with or in place of rvater motor gongs. rut Elcca'rc Signal Company '2@1 Craig Rod, St to.{s,lro,6:}t46.f16t . Phone 80032$S36rcanads 888€82-18it3. wu.p&fdgmlrom PRIIIIED I{ T'SA uxt- lt8soo+ - n:v D l|fc. tgFto?8 - gog Strobe Inbnslty, dBA and Gunent Ratings todel SASH-2,0 lnput Gunent sAsH-l20 hput Curnnt Typical Arechoh dBA at l0 ft Tone Anps at 2,|VDG Amps at {15VAC At |lominal Input Voltage t{l STD HI STD HI STD Hom 0.040 0.023 0.050 0.040 9S 93 BeS 0.014 0.012 0.040 0.038 92 87 ilarch Tlme Hom 0.040 0.023 0.050 0.M0 99 93 Gode€ Hom 0.040 0'023 0.050 0.040 99 93 Code-3 Tone 0.028 0.o17 0fr42 0.038 95 s0 Slow YUhoop 0.(X8 0.026 0.050 0.040 99 94 Shan 0.036 0.023 0.045 0.040 98 93 Hl/l-o 0.020 0.014 0.041 0.039 93 88 Strobe Candelh 117 t5 Strobe Curent (t the stobe ard audible operdls on tho sarrF circrat add te stobe cured to lhe brE crfisrt) 0.088 0.060 PAGE I OF 2 @ffi SASH SERIES SPRINKLER ALARiI STROBE HORN'SIGN coMBtNATtON SASH-z4 SASH-120 SASH-24 STROBE AI-ID HORN POII'ERED EY THE SAME CIRCUIT sAsH-24 STROBE Al'lD HORN POWERED FROM SEPARATE CIRCUIT SASH- r 20 OPERATED BY wATERFtOw SwrTcrl WIRING INFORilIATION +STB- DWG. #r076-l + +AUD-*s2 CONTACTS CLOSE ON ATARM + PRINTEO IN USA PAGE 2 OF 2uKT. ffi85604 - REV O UFG. t54o1078. gr03 Signs H Frooucr El Description Centrafs ld€ntification Signs are desdped b provirle intonn6tbn to the end user about lhe spdnkler system and its componeflts. They are r available with a vadety of wordilg combinatlons to meet the signing Fquhemonts ofNFPA 13. The five basic types of signs are as full<rrfls: TlpeA - ConbolValve Slgn Type B - Mulli-prrpose Text Siilns Type C - CoH Weather Sign i Type D - FireAlarm Sign I T!rye E - Hydrautic Calculalion:SQn The Signs are constsuc{ed of 1E gnuge sleel or aluminum with a porcelaln €namel or printed myhf iacing respedirrely. The signs haVe comer holes or slots for easy ahecfi- ment in the field. Main drain Open sprinkler conbol Open spdnkler drain Test valve Triangular main drain Water motor Water motor llne Sbn Type B b available with the fdbtilhg text optims: Air conbol Alr contol mlve Alrlin6 Alarm test Alarm lhe Antifreeze system Auxiliary drain Contol Control mlve Dnain Drain valve Endre system From city main In this buildhrg ln this sedion Insp€clors test Main contol Data Style: Flat, reclangular Stsndard Fin|sh: porcelain or mylarSize: TypeA- 9'x 7' TypeB-6'x? TypC-7%'x1/f TypeD-9'xi" TypeE-5'x7' Weight TypeA -4.5aL TypeB-0.5oz. TypeC-2.0o2. TypeD-4.0oz TypeE-1.5oz Bfnstallation The l<lenlific€ffon Signs are pro- vided with ld'diameter or larger hdes (or slots) in the comors br easy attacfi ment using standard hard|are chain, wire, pbsth lot* fies, or light gaug€ metal strap (not indud6d). Technicaln Modd: Sign ldentificaUqr Signs [o.24{.O Sign - Type A 0rdering lnformation When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specifu the quantity and typs. Hardware for hanghg is not supplied with lhe Sign. lt must be ordered separately. Avallability and Service: Central sprinkle.s, accessori€$, and other prcducds are avallable throughout lfie U.S. and Canada, and intemationally through a network of Cenfal Sprinkler disbibution c6nters. You may wdte directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the dislributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or wod(manship within a perlod of one year from date of shipment Please refsr to the cunent Prhe List for fudher details of tie warranty. Converslon Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 toot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.4536 kg Conversions are approximate. Slgn - Type D The blank spaces on thls shn may be utilized to provide message flexibillty. Simply add combinations of sign T)0e B and Typo C as desired. Sign - TyBe B AUXILIARY DRAIil Slgn -Type C FRONT @1995 Cenhal Sprl{der Company ftinled an U.S.A. ^-.Il-, - ,--r - -- trENTRAL -- Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone @15) 362-07t$ FA)( (215)362-5385 siens'l Slgn - Type E BACK Sprinkler Head Gabinet Centsal Sginkler Company /t51 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsyhania 19446 Ef [[1],'J** Eil ffilniea' Gentrd Spdnkler Head Cabinats are @nstrucbd of a metal endosure with a hinged cover design€d to provide on-sito sbrage of an ernergency supply of sprinkler heads and a sprinkler head wrench. NFPA 13 requires a representative number of eacfi type of spdnlder head used in a sprinkler slatem b be etored in a cat inet on-site to allow for immadiate rerno\ral and teplacement of sprinklers wtkfi may have operated or become damaged. Central Spdnkler Head Cabinets are manufacfured of heavy gauge steel with l0ock-orrts lo accommodate either E or 7r' N.P.T. threaded sprinkler heads and are paintcd an athaciive red enamel. They ars availeble h three (3), six (6) or twehre (12) h€ad caPacitY. Model: Sprinkler Head Cabinet Style: 3,6 or12 head Standerd Finish: Red enamel Mfgr. Source: Nondomesfic Capacfi: 3 sfinkler heads 6 sprhkler heads 12 sprhlder h6ads Dimensbns: 3 head - 5' tftilr x Tt Wqx2lt @ 6 head-$ h(;h x 1f lorgx 3%'deep 12 M - 5" hign x il7r' lottg x 5' deep welght 3head-l-5 lbs. 6 head - 2.3 lbs. 12head-4lbs. 3,6 & 12 Sprinkler Gabinet Xo. al{.O Unstarration f,I Central's Sprinkler Head Cabinet is designed with two Tzrs'diameter holes fo? Wall inounting or diroct attachment to the system riser with a sbap.typ€ hanger. The Cabinet should be installed at or near the system confiol vafue and must be stocked with an adequate supply of spare spdnklers and a sprinkler wrench. The stock of spare sprlnklers should indude sprinklers of eadr type and tomperature raling as are installed in the sprinkler system, in the following quantities: Sprinklers In System Spare Sprinklers Required under 300 300-1000 over 1000 6 12 24 The Cabineb are design€d to accept bolh W and1tN.P.T. threaded sprinklers. For !f N.PJ. sprinklers, leave the removable knockout in the hole. For 9r'r' N.P.T. sprinklels, insert a screurdriver blade from th6 font top of the shelf and under the near bottom part of the knockout annular ring. Press the screwdriver handle doyn to remov€ the knockout ring. The hole, with the knockout dng removed, wlll accept a /r*N.PJ. spdnkler. Ct994 Central Sprinkler Company Prinled h U.S-A. Gare &0rdering llllaintenilrce lnformation The Cablnet, wrench, and stock of spare sprinklers should be inspected at least quarterly. The folbwing items should be checked: 1. The Cabinet should be readily accessible, and not expo€€d to a conosive ahnosphere or temperatures in excess of 100.F/38qC. 2. The stod< of Bpare sprinklers should include an adequale numb€r of each type and temperature rating. 3. The stodr of sprlnklers must be in good ondilion. 4. A sprinkler wrench of the appropriate type must be included in the Cabinet. ^-' -, r-fllrL,-!-- --- trENTRAL -F Central Sprinkler Gompany .l5l tlonh Cannd| A\€nue, l€r}sdale, PA 19446 Phone (21s) 3624700 FAX (215) 3625385 When placing an order, lndicate the full produd name. Please specify the guantity, model, style, capacity, and size. Sprinklers, wrendres, and har* ware for hanging are not supplied with the Cabinet They must be ordered separately. Avallablllty and $ervice: Central sprinklers, accossories, and other products are availaHe lhroughout the U.S- and Canada, and Intemationally through a network of Central Spdnkler dasHbution ent€rs. You may write dFectly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 3624700 for lhe distributor nearqst you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Cornpany will ropair and/or rephce any products found to be defectivo In material or workmanship within a period of one y€ar ftom dat€ of shipment Please refer to lhe curgnt Price List for fudher details of the warranty. Conver€aon Table: 1 inch * 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0.45.36 kg Converslons ars appoximale. Hd.Cab.2 FS-OHE High Perbrmance lntumescent Firestop Sealant lmblffin instncdotrr lor FS-0flE - rrr Muct dsscrbton. lnttrnescenl {exFnG vrhen a(posod t0 fire} lirestop sedart tfnl hdF pmbct combustbb ard nqFcombi6libb perFtra- tixs for ul b 4 hsjrs lire raliru ProduEt tE trcs. Smoke, gas ald $alor rBsistanl alt€r rn&rial t6 dredo Conbi'6 rp lBlogen, sofusntg 0r asbest0so tfuh fire rating propetties. ltatBr bas€d, easy b cl8an Ar?os otap icatioo. Sted, copper ard EMT plpes. Insulaled steel and copper dpes. Cabh bmdles. Closed or venbd fdaslh tip€6. }IVAC percfatms Rr use r*th. Corr[de, nEonry, drwdl ald wood foor Nrnblks. wal ard ffmr asssmblios ra&d W t0 4 f|ours Cmnrpb. Sealitrg ar0nd plasth pip6 penetraliom In flre rated corslruciin. Seding amurd combustibl€ and non{omblJstible oeoetraiions in fire rabd co$tructin Gdor Rod F$-0t'lE Iechnical Data Al UfF {zlf0} afld 50i[ rdatw humkli'tv Chcoftdffi !\bE -bas6d irtJr€6csnt #vlb disDorsbn D.n6lU Aosu. 1.5 qicFr' -__ UfiSrgnE AoDfox. 20-30 min. __ _ Osinomm Aooror.2 nvn /3 thrs _SilooAlffi Aooru. 50fonffi@tt Amro(. 596 mnEco|rtAffio|lA@!lL2"F_Eqq--- EqstEkn nb (ff.r.tic!dl): th to 3-5 tim6 orhinalYolmE ]@.bmrs8bhnca (cwrd) -'10'F to 212T Ho"C to 100'C) ADp[ca[on tds$ratra 41 'F lo 1 04"F (5'C h /t0'O Sutm hmhg clEra&|tIcs flsrf,E8{-sl RarcSprd:0 $|nle DaelogrEad:5 ____Sdndffiim dcaiffctton {rsrrEn-gel se REofit l'lo. 5071 CClffialaw FrGllarsnal Lhtns ilo. 4tl85l 2q):1 08 fftt of ll€w b't MEA 326-S-M W. w I3std h |ecordflrca ufln . tl 1479 r Asllrl E 8.14 . ASIM E 8a F: 6 f0Dmnb F80 Ri$den Scrlhe, hc. 0Dd*E 1. Cl€an ltE opentrE. Sutacos b tr,t|hh FS.0ltE wfl be appfed s'ldl6 b6 cleatEd 0f loce *orb, dn, oil, moblure, trost ald wu. Strutucs srppoding perElraling ftefiB ml,s1 be ir6{alled In complidre rdlh bcal buiEi|{ aJd effid slatda(h Ap08c{e{ dfr!@ r.abof 2. lrFlall dle pEssbed boddlfliru rn&rhlBpe and dcpth l0 0btain tne d€sired raling fd requi€d). Lra/e sifbieftt depth fo{ a0pvr|{ FS-oNE. 3. Applbatior d nre@ 6€alaol: Appt FS-ollE b tl€ requiled depft h order h Otain ttu d€sltod fftc laling. Maks sue fs-otf cmlacls all surtacos t0 o{o{ire maxirnsn dhesbn. For @li€tlon ot FS{NE |se a shdard caulkirq guq loll pact gl[i, buk l0ader and bulk 0un. wft FS{t€ buctsls, GEc0 lype sealant purps may tf, used (Cdrttd punp rneluhMer ts prop€r sel€riiori. 4. SfiEd|ing d fircs100 sealdt To c(rrpl€b tls seel lod immdialet b gire a s|IEoh appeannco. Effi seald, prir t0 cuir{, cdr be dedfd auay lrun alja* sr{|e 8fl|toob uih ualer. 5. Leave complet€d sed trxfistulbod fu /a hfl,rs. 6. For mainEnarEe re6sorE, a p€nctation sed csdd be penmn€fity fiMrked nih sn ilenlificalbo Dlate. kr such a case, mark llE ihntilhation plale ard laslen it in a vlsibF Da€itiofl ned to tlE 6eaL ilo0oa $drt.p9.oYab. Ct*ck lhat the p6nstEtio0 l|6 b€8n s€ald afittdi|q t0 fn specified dm$lng h ltr u- FrE 86isrf,e oirecbty or t$ni FdBslop t&nd. For I''|her adviE. pkase c0rtacl llilti cr.dorner service. Aeftr to Hiti ptod.d $rr&rc and ttr- fire t€sishnce &ecidy fot sp€ciic applkaun dshls. tlotta l|se.-. Hith nbvefiert eryansin iints. tkdeftvaler. 0n maledah wlEre oi, *sdcfiers 0r s0lve8b rnq bl68d i.e. inpregnaled $md, oil bas€d s€als, green 0t partidly vulcan[Bd rubber. h arry per€tralbn ottt€r ttan th05€ specilkal* dsscrto€d in t$ matnnl ff the test rcporl$ Saf8lt !.loiluotrs. Belorc lEflfr{, ,Dd ltE fodf,l atd Mabhl Sdety thb SEel f$ debl€tt t6e and lsali htu{nnlim ' Keep od ol eadl of ci!tren ' ttbar suihble g|ov€s anl618 Fotedtm Sbr.ge. SbrB (rrly in lt'e digird pa*aqf€ in a bcaBxl trotocted |tm rnobtm at brp€ratlres k|krt{l 4S'F (5"C1 a|d 86'F (30qC1 . 0b€r'/8 @iafim dats on tl|e pda0irB a4 s .2 hEDr[orailt IesM .od t9oroued @E 2 = HilHElil 2 M.'*l€rrt 2 tantF..t}F r. Srmdt Fs-dldt s.lg/t|ffi AF^tu ffi- t!l|r3-t-|r 16 [] 2 INCH WATER MAIN DGE STREET, TAPPED A 4 INCH TAPPING VAVI-E AND .INE TO BUILDING - DOEMESTIC O BE INSTALLED OFF OF THIS- SEE UTIUTY PLAN FOR THIS B RID GT P'*:--- !,' ,-- j- "!' I or+ f O E -t.o-(,oa(D .o- o C)o -.o3 +€'=o(D (D(D At+ ES t(.oznO-3 6q*(D 3 o-t 3 5-61+ (JO E.m z-to tc) #-\th\r FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO BE CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING FACP J .,8 ;H ) ilnilil FDC WITHTORN AND STROBE ABOVE - PIPE TO BE GALVANIZID AND ATTACHED TO THE WALL WITH UNI-STRUCT; FDC T0 BE 36 INCHIS ABOVI FINISH GRADE SEE RISER DETAIL ilsER ilAilrFOr.I} W/: 'r\ npttx ANn rrcr 1' CRooYED C|{ECX FDC BYPASS LOOPFOR FLUSHING GROOVED BUTTERFLY VALVE - TAMPERS WIREDTO ALARM PANEL T() SYSIEII RrsER ilANrFor.D W/: (t) DRA|N AND TEST (2) Frow swTcH (5) PRESSURE GAUGE (1) SrcNS oN BoDY FL0VI SIVITCH T0 V'IRED TO AI.ARM 4" GRooVE X BE PANETHORN STROBE TO BE LOCATED ABOVE THE FDC FLUSH TWO 1X 2-1/2 SEE PI.AN FOR LOCATION WAY FDC x 2-t/2 t c =tr-6),tl {= | =il v =ctafi -i elrT VALVES TO swtTcHEs WIRED TO FI.ANGE HAVE TAITPER INSTALIID AND AI.ARTI PANEL FEBCO 4, Verficol Reduced OS&Y IIODEL 88OV Pressure Assembly Golesoz Fa lrJL TL 1/2 BALL DR|P_ | P]PE OUTSIDE F.)(18" W/ Airgop Droin) Refer to Locol Codes PIPE TO DRAIN 4'DucTrLErrffi : MECHANICAL, S FROM ILE HIGH DESIGN SIBLE FOR LAYOUT :TIONS. IF NEW 12 INCH WAIER MAIN IN BRIDGE SMEEI, TAPPED I,UTH A 4 INCH TAPPING VAVLE AND FIRE LINE TO BUILDING - DOEMESTIC LINE TO BE INSTALLED OFF OF THIS LINE - SEE UTILITY PLAN FDR THIS DETAIL f O t €ro i?€-r U)(D(D(D.,aaEQa*aicoo='-35 t+*(D 3 =fr==>eJ:;fi4;3: ;=;:=iE;-=olo>;l?d+H- ==g;E;#d=E \l I