HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK RESUBDIVISION LOT 9 ROOST LODGE 1977-2000 PERMITSf,ug, e? 0o t)3: .l7p P.1 Wru^CnatM:W'vX ryt B/22/OO , fO: TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPT 42 WEST MEADOW DR VAIL, CO 81857 FROM: ROOST LODGE 1783 N FRONTAGE RD vA,rLf CO 81557 ATTN: CHARLIE DAVIS Greetings from the Roost! We have recently had to shut down our lboilers mudslide on JulY 10, 2000. Jerry Sibley plumbing serviced the boilers thlt *".* flooded and issued the ietter that follows. I apologize that tltis letter did not reach the appropriate departments, Please let us know if anything else iS needed as far as proper paperwork and informotion thrsuEh thc'T'own qf Vail or thc firc department. due to the flooding and Russell l-larper General Manager, Roost Lodge /7Nl N,lr,L l"'r,uttng,, ll'n,l W . V.il. l-nlnvl,t R1657 970/'J76-.1!51 . l.hx 07()/J76-u /.5.i{ . l -.\/J0-$7.?- .it165 . tj-nail: ftto$rkln(rt} tailJt.!r RECD AUG 23 2OOO Rug 22 OO O3:4?P p.a JEHRY SIBLEY PLUNJIBING, INC. 1O4OA MAIN STREET P.0, BOX340, MTNTURN CO 8104s (070) 827-5738 F6x (970) 827.52i14 July 20. 2000 'Ibwn of Vail liire Departmcnt 42 Wsst Msadow Dr. VaiI, CO 81657 RE: Thc Roost Lodge 1783 North Frorrtage Rd., West Vail, Colorado l'his latter senves iLs notification thi.rt Jeuy Sibley ['lunrbiug, lnc. scr"uiced. the boilers thar were tlooded, on July 10, 2000 itt the ltoost Lodgc. (2) Roilex Colorado Stde #00467 Colortdo State #00468 Repairs w6re conrplete ou July 12, 2000 lrrd the lolltrrving cemponents that were exposod to water wcrc rcplaccd- Combination Gis Viilves Pilots And Tubing Ignition couh'ols Ail Buurers Or'f,ces, and I'Icat Ilxchangels wcrc cl':iu:ed. Ploase lind attachql read outs of combustiott lrttlysis li'orrt eaclr boiler'. Sinccreiy, 1,,. r iN rKacgn*_pqSI Krisrcna Wyatt \ JSP,INC. Cc: Roost Lodge Au€, 2e oo 03:4?P --,--.-----. - - _t: _E fut :1 __ S= = : :_i_ - 't,ruz.er.eg6b\ €4:95;r, NFT cFs p.3 ; r:S ;;;I!r +_ |g ::ifr5--l 03:5S: 13 l.tF 1 6FS FT 4G5.5FT 0e 4i DO u0a uNr I |::0ud BT 41E.67,I83.I 53, s 0rF9.9 FFM I NHEAppm f u3 q uuc0:\ PRFT c crrid tll t1[T I ?17 at ! 1 4 !_e= ro sa€_i tes t'= 3e5- 1 --:--------- --f-i:aj:!:__p_g3_l Gt.lt.EQorr !18I +7: +ij fl ttT Efr$ ,. II 4a1.5 "Fuc i.6 71- 6r-.1 )i L U A ^F,.,l-:oz r. i F..^i-.__ Fs. 6 ..: laill.j ---*-: inHt{l:1v" s I)FrTr r'r | 69.J oF HCTI il FFMr./ rnHE0 PqTlI-F ,-B/r'"ovdr !{nn1:' fJa,le? NVex Ba!!-_t&,et*: tilNR! ,.1 - fia;leiz ttntb/' L*{* Evpy,eiz ShNE: "r/ ___t+rs t.= Geg:_1 TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 November 30, 1998 Mr. John Hazen 1141 Westbank Road Glenwood Springs. CO 81601 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL AND FACSIMILE Re: The Roost Lodge / 1783 Norlh Fronlage Road Dear John: Following are comruents in response to youl'letter dated November 28, 1998. On November 6, 1997 , the Roost Lodge submitted a Town of Vail Application for Design Review Approval "to install l1 additional lights on the perimeter of parking area to inclease night visibility and safety." According to our records, this application was withdrawn. I cannot comment on any verbal conversations you may have had with other employees in this office at that time, but your office submitted an application (with your signature) for Design Review Approval. During the month of September, I 998, i twice discussed the approval process fbr this application with a Roost Lodge maintenance employee named Jeff He was informed on both occasions of the necessity to receive design review approval, a public way permit and a building/electrical permit from the Town. On October 5, 1998, the Roost Lodge received a Town of Vail Public Way Permit to allow for digging within (and the use of) the CDOT right-of-way along North Frontage Road. The plan submitted with this application did not include fixture specifications or lumens output figures as required for design review approval. However, it did suffrce for the purposes of issuing a Public Way Permit. On October 22, 1998, the Roost Lodge submitted an application for a building/electrical permit. This permit was issued (although not paid/released) on October 28, 1998 with the condition that "DRB approval is required prior to constructing." {p *"*uo'n'"^ After the lighting was constructed (without the building/electrical permit the Roost Lodge applied for), you were again notified ofthe necessity for design review approval. At their November 4th, 1998 meeting, the Design Revier.v Board gave your representative specific direction on how to achieve compliance with the Town of Vail codes and design review guidelines. Nothing has been submitted to the Town since this meeting. With regard to the enclosure of your dumpster, please be advised that (staffl design review approval is required of the enclosure. A sample set ofenclosure plans has been attached for reference. Additionally, the Town's code requires that fences (enclosures) not exceed three feet within a front setback. This is required for the maintenance of tralfic visibility along frontages. It will be necessary to locate the Roost Lodge's dumpster at least 20 feet behind your front propefiy line. We have attempted to afford the Roost Lodge some flexibility in the enforcement of the Town's Municipal Code by providing you with an extended deadline for compliance (December 18, I 998). If your proposed compliance date of December 3 l, 1 998 is more practical for you, we are willing to be flexible. We only request that you comply with the same process and guidelines all other businesses follow. Copies of all relevant application forms and permits are included for reference. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact me at (970) 479-2128. Sincerelv. R. r- f u -t-t Brent Wilson Planning Liaison Offi cer cc: Rob Ford, Mayor Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney Qucstions? Orn. Planning Staf,t at 4 /v-'z I l6 APPLICATION FOR DESIGT,{ REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION fficctrequiringDTign\"ui"yapproval,t:yt1:j--'l],.l:T^*j::lfl':::1L'::::;ffiffi;;;lilir* #;;.ipJJt t" tiutitting for a bLriiding permit' For spetffi' 1"'lli]l:l'i::JH:::f' il;'ffi;,'.";ffi;ilffi;;'r,'n'*arthat.is '*ciyt"g n'::tl',1111'tr:::.::::t"':*:*il,::1i::T:'.' ;;;;#ffi;;;i^ri.a. ii-. piJ:ect may also nced to be reviewed by the Town cgunc! and/or rhe *l*"t:q_rl Environmcntal Commission. riesign ncvicrv Board approval cxpircs one ycar altcl lnal :Iltt"1tl"l.T:^i building parmit is lssucd and constructlon is startcd'fn'l'ce'&'t rcl g ?)CIb- lLb- oL-o0,1 B. c. D. MAILINO ADDRESS: E. F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: TOWN OFVAIL DESCRIPTION PHYSICAL AD ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): t*tzl b bu)L AJ OF P44.Etn) *Ltceu-Se t/r /r94,9tt-4,4JO LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:tr91; lo, rt,ta BLOCK:_FILING: 63 A/. PHONE: Construction of a new building' Includes any addrtion whcre square footage is added to any residential or commcrcial building. Minor Altcration'$20 Includes rninor changes to buildings and site iruprovetnents, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $0 For any application where the applicant wishes to rneet with Design Review Boardio ditermi'e whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB doos not vote on conccptual reviews' E Conceptual Revicw - c.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addttton $50 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submitial. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town ofVail will adjust the fee accordrng to the project valuation' PLEASESUBMITTHISAPPLICATIoN,ALLSI'JBMITTALREQUIREMENTSANDTTIEFEEToTHE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITV IIEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGEROAD' THEFeg iioNe,/4to -745' MAILINC ADDRESS: VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Updatod l/97 .--t APPLICATION FOF TOWN OFVAIL WAY PEBMIT 19 Pw#:flffi-@wwT e*oer*;ffin@B - fuAg - A8' aan ffiBrds.Permito,ElI-In![ r^ffiflC Slr6€t Addrgsg Ctty Phone lt 3.Slatt DatE 4. Work ls for (clrde onel Complefion Dat€ water sewer u* 6'*lD r€bphono cAw (P6rmit Expiratlon Date) Landscaplng Temp, Site Access 7. ALL MATERIAL. EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STAHTED. Fubber oui-riggers are requlred on excavating equlpment when wo*lng on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces undemeath the bucket and lugs ehall be prot€cled at all tlmes' A signature below lndicates a revlew of the area and ulility locatlons and apptovals, Once all utllity ctmpany signltures are obtalned, pormitteE hss option of routing applicatlon through the Publlc Wo*s of{iqr to obtain the one week lo Trench-widlh (mln.4') BondAmount $ Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) Town otJill Publlc Wqrk8 (479.2158): acessary Touln of Vail signatures. Please allow ubllo Service Coirpairy (1 -BOo-g22-1' g87) Z Lenglh Depth TotalSF $ fi I TotatLF $_ Permit Fee $ " , ./ Totral Permit Fee $ -z- 1-2-?s '-x-fy Construction Inspector Elsctricians ubllc Service Natural U,S, West (1.800-922-1 987i TGI CablevlElon of the (1-800-922-1987) Upper Eagls Valley Consolldated Sanitation 478-7450',)-3: lnlgallon L THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSUBESI A construc,tion traffic control plan must be approved by the Pubtlc Worke Department prior lo issuance of the pormit. 10. All Excavationmu6lbodonebyhandwithinlS'of utlliiies-(SenaleBlll 172). 11. permittee must contract publlc works Dspartment at 479-2198 24 hours prior to comm€nclng of work. Failure to nolily the Town wlll result in forfelture of bond monsy. Scheduled Inspections whlch are not ready may result in the Town charging the contrac{or a relnspection fee. 1 2. I cerlfy that I hava read all chapters of Title 12 - Strsets and SldewalkE, of the Vail Municlpal Code and all utility cumpdny agreements, signed by me, and will abide by th6 same, and that all utillties have been notified aa required, conuscfior'6.slgnaluft, ol Agra€m€nt Prlnl namo cloady Dat€ o, signature Whll6 - Publio Workg Gold - Conlraclor ATTACH pLANbF WORK, 1NCLUDING CONTRUC1ON TRAFFIC CS1ITROL PLAN ah^r.,6r'aar6 rrri+h harvroe ht ril.{innr en.l lrraeiion of cuts. IJSE DASH LINES FOR CUT. OF VAII, S. FRONTAGE ROAD , co 8L657 70-479-2L38 .Iob Address: L,ocation. . . : Parce1 No..: APPI,ICAIrI coNrRAclroR OWNER DEPARIS,IENT OF COMMT'NIjFY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TIOBSITE AT AJ'L TIMES PIIBL,IC WAY PERMIT Permit #: PW98-0147 >_::>_==""= 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST 1783 N. FRONTAGE RD. ROOST I.ODGE 2L03-r23- 02-001 C & iIF ELECTRIC 195 OAK RUN,'CARB0}{DAIrE, CO 81623 C 6. JF EITECIRIC 195 OAK RIIN, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 I{AZEN JOHN WATSON II - MCKENZIE KAYE A, 1783 N FROItrAGE RD W, VAII.' SEAE,US...: ISSUED Appi.ied. . z LD / 05/L998 IEsued...: t0/O5/L998 E{pireE..z tO/05/L999 Phone: 970-953-1583 Phone: 970-953-1583 co 816s7 Deeeriptionr EITFCTRIC SERVICE FOR PARKING LOT EXTERIOR LIGIfIS **.lr**.t,riil*iltt*tirt*rt*ri*tt*'***it***t**i*trt'+t*"**t**t IEE SUUMARy Publlc WeY---> 75'00 I nvat b I ga! iorr > **i*t* *t****tlatiilttitlttt'rtl{a**tt{tlattr** i** t** J*** *tt * Pritn6nt6 - -- - - - - - EIIANCE DUE-.. -\ tond Aihouni- ->-. O0 To,IAL pBE€---> 15.00 ri**tlr+*rt****t*r*a*ttrrtaatr*t*t*l*i*t**rrr**tt*tr**t*f***i*lt*i****+t*tti*,,ft't'J',*t***at*'**tt+ltttltt+*t*tlt.}l*'**t*ilt*****r***** +EzH:,flggg:'H#ffifiX$frEion' appn cK No#1s53:::: ; ffi'ffiH :l;i:ill, COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, t.'t*|}r{t|*ttt'}*.*t*ll?r't't+t.**t'*i,,'ltt*f'|'|.'|t{{t*t****l.t*i,**}*'itt,*****t|'l*l*lt****,****+*t*i't+*tt|.tl****l}t**91,**l,lI**,** DEC'JARATIO$E t cortdfy Ehrts r brve rled r11 chipte$ of Tltlr 12-!trr of, th. vrll Munls{p.I Cod. rnd a1:. rrclu'ly co'itrprny rgr.cn.n!a, elgncd bf Ee. |.!rd $lll .bldo by !h. .r[6, and chaL rlt ugtllLllcd aa rcqulrrd' Publlc worko s111 hrvr I rp€c/d6tsal1 book Fv'llable ln APrtl of 1t93' **** REOIIESTS FOR INSPESII-QNS SHATL EE I!4DE.TWE}I'fY-FOTIR HOURS IN ****^ilt eovarq'ifi*i?-rsr,epgoNE AT *zs-ir5'trTn ET due-oFFrcE FRON{ 8:00 A!4 To 5:00 PM SI6NATSRE oF oI{NER m @NTRtcToR Foi BIIIEEL? IND ol'fNBR -FrGII o a Q F !g .ogir' 8s 5ic 8.8"Eg 6E fi -s..EFO,XEi6X CI IF H I;Htl01 |"tzl I i;'E IE H"l .l XI Eftlllzo siiEsEEEb.rE€ 6 (5sIiFS tr fl €8E €Es.:.* : EE€5 EEEe fiEEB Hg$E t: 1 I € grl El-lcti14 r4urlzl =q *l eEE oz Irt z ctI F + T T T T T Tf T - FrI-r Ff'- r |- F Fb !tI {": i I I,r t t rl' ..,il-if Go g ox u.! li i,' I II' II t ^, **L ;'l g?']" r--III {, oo o6 o o o Gco o E = 2n d U' , uJ oo iiat 2 E TO;{l{ oF vArL CONS?RUCTIO] PERMI? APPLI APPI-,IctrTIoN HUST BE FTLLEd- S/ rat4rJ'r\-'r{Jr\"^ r'rrJ-r' rrE.t'rLr'ED oUT-cot'fPIafEIY oR IT }IAy NoT Sn acbdpt:cio fr** ( * it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :\ * * * *' * * * PERMTT TNFORI,IATToN *,r * *,r * * * * * * * * * * * * rr r+ * * * * ,i,, * * *t l-nuilai'P t l-plunbing pGrrectricar [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Addre"t, (703 Legal Description; Lot B]ock- Filing sunrrvrsiou,_.._--_owners Narne: frt'^Address: f @/{,*f \pr:?-{-fl/!! Job Nane: Architebt:4ta4g-;7@;G46.'h Address: t't vrt - Ph 'ucener; 1 Description: \ddres ;; CrqP-be^l>lunbingr Contre:tor: iqoress: Phone Number: techanical Contractor.: 'ddress: Torvn of Vail Reg. lio. "r,non e Numbef: Town of Vail Req, liC.Phone Nurnber: . FOR OFI'ICE USE rt rt * * * * )r * * *:r ** * * * * * :r * ** * * * 1r( :t * * * *BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MIg,rNG eLAN cnEcr( FtE: -%_ I'{ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK NrN, - RECRXATION FEE: LUMBING PERMIT FEE: ECIIANICAL PERMIT TEE: LECTRICAL FEE: IH]]R TYPE OF FEE: p F, Ftrr' ' GROUP e /'\ Er-n CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE:)rurents w;ffi:ffiffi VALUATION TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 OWNER DEPARTMEIIT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOpMELfT , ,//ft-'T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELEETRICAI, PERMIT .]Ob AddTESS: 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST LOCAEiON...: 1783 N FRONTAGE RD WEST Parcel No. . : 2LO3-L23-02-001 Project No.: APPLICATW C & .'F ETECTRIC L95 oAK RuN, CARBONDAIE, co 81623 CONTRACTOR C &'lF ELECTRIC 195 OAK RUN, CARBONDALE. CO 81623 HAZEN iTOHN WATSON TT - MCKENZIE KAYE A, L783 N FROI\TTAGE RD W, VAIL CO ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiL #: E98-0280 SLALuS...: APPROVED (App1ied. . : t0/28/1998rssued...: lo/28/L998 Ex6rires. . : 04/26/L999 Phone : 970-963 -1583 Phone z 970 -963-l-583 81657 Valuat.ion:Description: ELECTRTCAL FOR PARKING LOT LTGIITTNG 600.00 Elactrical---> 50.O0 DRB ?eE .OO .00 3 .00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.OO ToEal ealcufated Fees_ - _ > Addil,ional FeeE---------> Total Pennit Fee--------> Pal4n6ntsr-------- BAIANCE DUE- -. - Inve€Elgacion> will call----> 53.0O ,00 53 .00 .oo ,*r***r***""r*\ ****r * ** ** *** r**i * * i+rr* *******rrrrtr *t t*t ** t *t**Jt***** ** *** *r ITEM: O6OOO EI.ECTRICAJ, DEPARITiIENT -P-Ej)E: BUII'DING DiWiSiON:1o726/it9a-,lRM Actio4: APPR APPRoVED JRM-it,6fr;'65660-Ftnn DEPARTI4ENT DepE: FrRE Division: 16-/2i /lste-,JRM-- ---Aciion: APPR N/A *tt********j*** ***********ttt+ rrirt*t*ir+**'r* CONDITION OF APPROVAL DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING DECI,ARATIONS I hereby adknoirledge thaL I have read lhis appticaei.on, filled out in flrLL Lhe infomation required, couPleced an accurate plot: ptan, ana er"te thae all the lnformacion providcd aE rBqulred is corfecb. I aEtcc Eo coEply vith bhe infornation and plot p1an, io "o.pfy wlth all Town oldinanceE and 6taEe 1aw6, and to build thiF stsructure according to Lhe Torln'6 zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr revt€lr approved, Unlforn Bullding code and othet ordinanceE of th€ Town applicable lh€r€to. REQuEsTs FoR INgPEcrIoNs SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOT,RS IN ADVANCE BY TEI.EPHONE AT 479.213S OR AT OUR OFFICE PROM 8:OO AM 5:OO PM SIGNATURE 08 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR T{IMSBIF AND OI,INER zo tr {>l rui dl ollxl-lt.r)l o I I l' z {J IL olllr tt) o ol X cl lq o o r &l @ c; F EF UJ ll oz IrJ }T uI'x at o o- ri 5e()E .!ed ytJ :, bCY J.O!xi!l .<o_lk i$l i*l fiFg 3EH !F;BAZ .rt O <( 9,( 8d eFs-Eo iBH g6u E$! UUU<rL Hru Hie..-{ wO!. ;EP z uF at) !Jo UJ 'ggri\=6:5 *rr -!!i Efig PJ8 6at P6i l I I I (J CJ I x tr zp F { sl rul rul al xl lujll sil I -t' 6 e cqL 1 fr Ji o , u \ -t ' .J Fzo Nuo x tl ll i I\ t D- FO 60iz J<ru h?to ?i* gs8 3).FO-EE "'O lu Pi? . dlX u iEg I t u 3s f;5a *F$ o I f zo F rulJl tul IUJ m { \1 -l {4l rSlaz I ,ii r I ..{ I!u, rf -n 5Eg or-- =i-o5fzoO< x'J i6r5 ooFF P$ QEg't I IEI r'. it?olF *19 Ev.F ut { z |rtv u o o- dz.^O:J(Ji sd ytJ bcl'',xi OL,lk o. OE a=P firF H*9{-< T?P 0.< lxFH liSr t!-=IL\JJ lEffl-c!> 5tr$ igl8; {09 e d=5 x EOG r'{ F$l r$ -id i(!q --J \-' o Jul ci F o I utJ-, d) {o 't utg F v, JJoo X ol G FO ()O;z J<& b?EO Uo a o I I z {J IL o I ba dl ul o' FF zo tr U IU rfri sl ml <l UI -g?co da-{L €, 0 ,r1 ... ''\0v-27-98 FRI 04:i5 Ptl )?.' JOHN HAZEN & ASSOC, ]NC FAX N0. 9709451315 P, 0t Jrlhrr Wirt.sou Ilrzen, II I l4 I Wcstbrr:k lt<rad Glenlvood Springs, Colomdo 8160I Novr:ruher 28, 1098 ttl'i: llcccipt of lt'ttcr drrtc<r Novcnrbcr 2.1" r 99g RE: Roost Lodgc, vair, co A'1"r'N.llrcnt Wilson, Plarrning L,aison Olllcc Rob l.irrd' M:ryor J'trnr Moorcl:r,rad, (-' ity Alrorney F*Y- 6ftto) +7fzrvy I)crrr Mr. Wilsou: Yo'r lcttc'was iu.eccr a srr'ck tr nrr-.. wc hrvc br--cn plan'iug sincc crrrry I997 thclightirrg oFthc rionr arerrs of I'hc Roost r,odgc rvhictr ivas ai.*JrrrJ*iui'cforg" u, tt,,I'lannirrg an<[ Zr:ning ol]icc ovcr a y"ur og,r.1h. 'c.cd lirr tjrcsc l;ghr, *"." jt,, proreclio'of ottr gucsls ' $ solllc car-s havc gonc olf ihc unlit parking ur.-o un-J intothe dit"t. G*org"stiltcd flt tlut rirrrc thnr it was not nc'cessRry to scr,k-approval through the Dcsigu RcviewIkrflrcl (DIl Il. wc plaunctl to usc the sarrie rypc or vi"rorion lt"l"" ilgi*rg-i, the liont,blcnding in lhc ttttal thel11s s[0111 propcrty. wc purchasecl ttr.incccs.riry tiitrtiug jjxturcs.'er as r.lrc lighting iixturcs wcrc vc'y cxpr;rrsivc antl'ccdecr to b. brrd;;;: llrtr 1 lhc ycar wr: applied firr c pc'rnit, sLrbnilttcd rlrc two ucccssary su-ts ot-plo's tro tlrccity of viril, ats rvcll rr"r sitt'platt.s, attd infonlarion rcgardirrg thc Iurncus rl.rat werc giveuoll'by $c lilthls hulbs. und other dcr;:ijs ir.sked ol'us. 'l'he pcnnit wa.s issucd- Wc 4id 'orrcvicw thc lnnglngc trf this ;:cluit; \\,e ssrurre(l it was a building pennir to rclrect thoplrtns sub'ri{tctl we- dicl trot knorry thal thc pcn'it was r' clo thcirnderg.oiiJ wiring only(ourlttistnkc). -o-- -"- wc worked our rhc dctniis of alr rhr: untrergr.ountr digging witrr thc approfrintc agc'cics,atttl bcgarr (o cornplctc rhis prrrjcct. youl ofticc rlidi.:r infornr u, U.ilr.,j*" fr"gondi6lgirrg on issuaur:c of yo_ur bui.rding pcrurit thal dcsigrr rcview w* ,;;;t Evcn if(icorgc had ntldc n trristakc arrtl rrri.ririfornrcd us, it wr:ulct scein to nre lhat this was thclinrc trr inlbrnr us rlf this--rrot aiicr tlrr: fact :rs ycru dirl. Wt.wcl'c r:nly rcccrrtly tolcl lhat your ollicc hnd lost our plarrs lhat werc attqclrcd to our.applicntiorr lor pcrmit artd that now rtller complclion wc werc to be rcviewcd by t'c DRI].'l'hr: DRI] irtvolvctttcrrl wos rl0t a clucstion unil :r rcccnt nlccting' after we hacl purchasctlthc lightirrg. arrd irrsrnllcd it. Plensc br.' ilclviscd tlrat wc lrrvc rvo|l,ctl lrnrd () brittg this lorlgc that was in scr.iousdisrol:air, to its cu$crrt taslcful nppci.rrincc. wc huve involvctl you, ornc,rwirh ourp6's,Iocntirrns of lighls, arrl typ of liglrls. Iirr sourc timc now. . :F . \N0V-27-98 FRI 04: 16 Pll JOHNI HAZEN & ASSM. INC l.RX N0, I /0g4bl31b I t1) lvlrcrc do rvc !,o ['orn hcrc rcgartJirrg rhc righrs? Mr, Irodncy cottrrn i'fomrcd n:c lrratrlrc l)ItB clid nor rir<c thc srrorrcr 4 lir.r rar ligrrrs wirh grobci. Til ;bilA; okad likeba[ls" ro rlrcnr. I hovc bcr-'rr rorrking for a]tcriatives si'ce trrc mecting, rrowcvcr, trrcdtcrrging of the grobes dcviatcs rr''ru tho cxisti'g lighring and appearance. Irr goorl fnithwt- hr'e nor illu'rinarcd rhe o'cs orr tJrc. r:a.sl un,iru..t side of the cnlrnnccs. As yQu know. thc 5-bulb,Victorian lig.hts wcrc localcd 0n Lhis property on thc entrancc of.ovff lwcl)ly ycarri. We rJid adtJ onc cnch o1'rhcsc S-trulb tiglrtsirn "n t,,iju-of U,ectlllnltcos, a.s otll gusst.\ wcrc dliving irrto thc <jirches on the side of lhe entrir'ccclanrnging tlrcir cnrs arrd rrnnraginll rrrc crlverts, Agairr trris year wc hatl-vou, nrrinrcnirnccdcltar-trtt*nt cotttc and r:pcu lhe danra.qcd culvcrts ciusccl by guc*a go;rg iirtu urc clitshcs. I{cgarcling lhc duntpsttt'issr.rc, wc will ferrce- thlcc si<lcs of it witlr ccdar fcnci'g, 6,high.'l ltis lvill lrc conrplcrcd hy l)ccelnbcr j I , t 9gg or sooncr. I lrnk lilrwartl lo ytrrr; t:all ott Mouclay so lvc ci\r'r rucct nud resolve llf.s hetwee' ns. .lJrc .sooucr wc cnrr light lhi.s orc:r, thc .srr f.cr it will bD lbr our guesls, r,cgorrls, ,tlrJ, ./-" I Inzcn', l.l I(indtst \i "{" t \.,l TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F X 970-479-2452 November 23, 1998 Mr, John Hazen I 14l Westbank Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Ile: The Roosl ktdge / 1783 North Fronlagc Rrnd Dear Mr. Hazen: As you are alvare, the Torvn of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) recently denied the Roost Lodge's applicatiou for additional exterior lighting. At their November 4th, I998 meeting, the DRB gave your representative specific direction on how to achieve compliance with the Town of Vail codes and design review guidelines. However, this exterior lighting was installed on or about November l*', 1998 - without receipt of either DRB approval (a violalion of Secliur l2- I l-3, Totun of L'ail Municipal Code) or an electrical permit (a violalion of Sectiur I0-l-7, kn n of Vail Municipal (ode). As of this date, no revised plans have been submitted which reflect a good faith effort to conform to the Town of Vail codes or guidelines. Your representative was also infornred at this meeting of an outstanding issue with regard to the Roost Lodge's trash facilities. Pursuant to Section l2-l l-5, Town of Vail Municipal Code, garbage storage facilities shall be screened from adjacent properties. Currently, the unencloscd dumpster on your property is highly visible from adjacent properties and motorists along North Frontage Road Additionally, the placement of the Roost Lodge logo on this dumpster constitutes a violation of the Town of Vail Sign Regulations. Please correct these outstanding violations by Friday, December lStl' in order to avoid the issuance ofa citation. Once these issues have been resolved, please contact me at (970) 479- 2128. {pr*"uo"tr This certified letter shall serve as an o{Iicial notice ofviolation on this property. Sincerely, \ E^--+-b"-=-* Brent Wilson Planning Liaison Officer cc: Tom Moorehead, Town Attorney Departmcnt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 FAX TRANSMITTAL SHBET TO: COMPANY NAME: FAX TELEPHONE NUMBER: FROM: DATE: TIME: # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOT TNCLUDING COVER SHEET): Russ The Roost Lodge (e70) 476-er58 Brent Wilson tt/30t98 4:05 p.m. 3 Russ, Attached is a copy of the Town of Vail Municipal Code requirement for the enclosure of dumpsters. Relocating the dumpster to the rear of the property will suffice in the short term. Howevern per the following letter to John Hazen, the Roost Lodge will be required to comply with applicable codes by no later than December 31. 1998. {,p**"o"* TOI{N OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIfrT CONTRACTOR OI{NER Phone: 97O-963 Phone: 970-963 8L657 Valuati"on: -r_583 -t_583 Descript.ion: ELECTRICAL FOR PARKTNG LOT LTGHTING 600.00 DRB Fee .oo TotsaL CalculaEed Fee6- - - > Additional Fees-- -- --- -- > Totsal. Permi!. Fee--------> 53-OO . o0 53.O0InweBtigation> l,{i11 call- --- > TOTAL FEES-_- > .00 3.OO 53 .00 PaymenLe- --- -- -- -00 DEPARTMEIflT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMEIVT ,//kff NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEETRICAI PERMIT .fOb AddTCSS: 1783 N FROIiITAGE RD IVEST LOCATiON...: 1783 N FROIiTTAGE RD WEST Parcel No. . : 2103-123-02-001_ Projects No.: E & .JF ELECTRTE 1.95 OAK RUN, CARBONDALE, CO 8]-623 C & .fF ELECTRIE 1.95 OAK RUN, CARBONDALE, CO 81623 HAZEN .]OHN WATSON II - MCKENZIE KAYE A, 1783 N FRONTAGE RD W, VAIL CO 50 .00 FEE SUMI.4ARY EIecErical"-- > 53-OO ...... - *""*- -;- ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRfCAT DEPARTMENT DEPE: BUfLDING DiViSiON:1,O/28/L998 .]RM ACIION: APPR APPROVED iIRM-Item: .05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FIRE Divisj-on:L0/28/r998 'JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. DRB APPROV]\L REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING DECI,ARATIONS I hereby aekno$ledge rhat I have read this application, filled out in fuLl the infonnat.ion requixed, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thab all Lhe infonnation prowided as required ie cortect- I agree Lo comply with Lhe information and pLot plan, tso comply nith a1I Town ordinances and 6tate laws, and fo build thia struc!.ure according to the Town'B zoning and subdivision codeB. design review approved, uniform Building code aDd other ordinancee of the Town applicable thereto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI.]S SHA],L BE MADE TWEIITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROM 8:OO AM 5:OO PM iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0280 SEALUS,..: APPROVED(Applied. . : LO/28/L998 rssued. . . : Lo/28/1,998 Errpires. . : 04/25/a999 STGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER t .,-BuiJ,inh t l-plumbing p{-rlectrical [ ]-Mechani-car_ [ ]-otherJob Name: Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architebt: uceneri J. Description: BUTI,DTNG: $ Job'Ad.dre "", (7 03 Address:pn h L-+ Work Class:- ffi-n"" [ ]-Alteration.,/\ Nurober of DweLl_ing Units: . lFmber and. Type of Fireplaces: GasvA*t ** * * *rt:r**)t* ** *** *******)t* * *)r****rl I l-Additional $(i:Repair [ ]-orher,/ Appliances VALUATTONS Number of Accornrn( . . . -:dation Units, a*L _ cas Logs_ Hood/pel}et / **tl****** * * *:t:t*ik* * rt****:f ** **** *** Er,EcrRrcAr, t*60o,6MECHANfCAL: $-OTHER: $ ro?AL: +-86;6- ELectrical Contract Addres ;: . Plunbing Address: bo^)Contr; :tor:.oL Dorv ?,t /"t-\eY . r\\r. MechanicaL Contractor: Address: * * tt rf * tt tt * * * * * * rk * :t rt * :t >t rt rt * * rt rt * * * * * * BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLU]'{BTNG PEITMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTH]]R TYPE OF FEE: DPR FE'F. FOR OFFICE USE ****)r*)r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * xBUTIDING PIJ\N CHECK FEE:PIIIHBING PI,AN CHEEK FFF. HE cHANr cAL pi,.cN- -;;ii"'x"ir n,RECREATTON FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER-MTT FEES: Torsn of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Farr Ll -'l-rv:J, rtv. BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURX: lnwn n rnn . Fpa .f . ntrT r. cIIEt'ir',^.n. TflI 4., 75 soulh lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 o o r-n sumlnary, Ordinance l.ro. 6 states l!:a it. is un1awful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soil-, ,o"r,., sand, clebris;Irl5:;ri3ii"il.r"ctins trash bumpstefs, porrabLe toiters andpr.ace ", ;;t-;;i.l5i'.ilI"3fi""li"=ii;ililI;_*li;X,.;:rili:#"",Vail streets and r""a= i=-Jii-o*i*ui"iv-s"it.'i* pavemenr.This ordinance witt be ;r.;;ii;'enforcld ty-tr,J-rown or vail' pubric'r{orks Deparrment. --p"i.ln, i";;;;iir"ii.q this orcrinancewill be given a 24 hour writr-n'_n:!i:. to remove said nraterial.rn the event the person so notifled..does not comply r+ith thenotice within .he 24 hour tirne specirie;,,,;;.";rbLic \,torksDepartment vriI.L remove said rnatcn"ti 5 i".a, - rfr I tp'o.,i= i ons -or, .iel'3iui:-::: :il:il';.:to!"'=onappricable to cbnstructioh, mai'ntenan"u oi-=.pIi. pro3ects ofany street or alrey o. ..y'"tiliii;;"i; ;;".;!ii"_._""r. '-o revierr-.ordinance No. 6 in f ull-, please stop by the Town of:::i"::ii3i"3""iHi:'il:i:.::""tiiin a copv- ri,u,'r, vou ror vour ollic e ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI REGISTERED WTTH THETOI,TN OF VAIL TOI,N OF VATL PUBLIC I{ORKS/CO].I.ruNITY DE\TELOPI,IENT ]'aRcH 16, 1988 coNSTRUcTIoN PARKING & Mr\TERIAL STORAGE o.nship contractor, owner) o 75 s oulh tronlage road vall, co lo ra do 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlce of co mmunlty devolopmerrt BU]LDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TJI,IE FMNE If'thi's perml:t requjres a Tov/n of Vair Fire Departnent Approvar, ::91:;"|,.'r!:lili;.PIts) review uni :upp'.ouut, a prannjne' i_.purt .nt :i;tiill;j=;; ;' ";;ffi ii!5'i, I!'i5X'.'ii,i, .::;?!,,'il.Jh. d, i ir;;;"" " fll ].'?y;;il 3] {l :.3;. ;:,;Til I J"::0,:l LTH' ::; ji ll}:"?: i*' li,Tll 1,,., i:9, ;l;l l.i.3i.i,li, i:::l:" j::;,t, i;ii:"nFf t:;:#itji. *:i*;, ; ; if i:';ff :'inlli ll"i;ni!!o';. i i:;:'ii:v' iuu i'*,' ii;;; ;ili ;.?i *u, |l:;irii:'T5i.'ll'rf:, Tif:.bv this crcpartntent to expedite thjs ], th. undersigned, rrnderstand the p.l an checl,. phocedure and timeJ rame . 'Conrmuni ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: rttrlrr.lrtAtrntrr -\t'( lJ (J tYl ALL CONTRACTCRS TOWN OF VAIL PLJBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS DED II ITII Lt ttrtl I DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED NO / va' { 1) 2) Job Na Please B) A. ls the right of nt rh in nrnnad,, lO bg parking or tencing? B. lf ro to BA, is I or {encin 3'pla n requir, Developrnent / regarijing the need {or a "pubjic Way permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perforrned th.at requires the use oflhe right of way, easements or public property? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo sile other than exisling di,veway? ls any drainage worii bei rg done affecling the right of way. easements, or public property? e\ 4) 5) 6) 7\ lc: "Hcrrnnrhlo Qinht nt \A/-,, D^.-irt,__,-.,,c Right OIWay permit reqr ired? way, easernents or rtqpd {nr qlrninnvIuYIi'v, parking, slaging d by Community answered alllhe above qu ( lf you answered yes 1o any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" mustbe oblaineci."Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the public Wofx's office or atC9ryryu1ity Developmeni. ..lf you. hlve any questions please.call Charlie Davis, ihe Townof Vail Conslruction Insp:clor, at 479-2j58.' elnsw rr the following queslionnaire I have read and Co Signalure b-q( o 75 south lrontage road vall, colorr lo 81;57 (303) 47+ t.t3S (303) 479- 2139 off ice of communlty development . NCIICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Ef ecLive June 20 | lggr, the rovrn of vair Buirding Depart.menL hasde elolecl the forrowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsi es :iave adequately est.ablished proper drainage from buirdingsit es -rIong and acl jacent t-o Tovrn of Vail roads or sLreets, Thr T< wn of vail Pubric works Deparl-nrent will be reguired toinspecr. and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads orsLreets and the instaLlation of Lemporary or permanent culr erLs at.access points from the road or street on to Lhe constructi<,n site.such aI provar nrusL be obt aineci prior to any requesL for inlpecLicnby the l'ov/n of vail Buirding Depar[-ment- for footings or temporary c lecl-r cal or any oLher inspect ion . prease calr 41 g-2I60 t.brequest an inspecLion from the Public !.lor)-.s Department. Arror.r. aminimurrr of 24 hour not-ice. A]:or_. Lhc Tovrn of VaiI publii r,lorks DeparLmcnt vri]] be approvir.gaIl f inal drainage and culvert insLaIIat.ion r.ril-h re.srrl I i ncr rnrrlpaiching'os .ec"Jsary. Such' approval musL be "nt.i""i';;i.;";;Fi.naf Cer-ificate of Occupincv issuance. ?rrll -.APPLICATION FORTOWN OFVAIL l;l - l& (rt unxnwn a7/4f7l=J | *r 479-2138 ext. 0) TOV Contracb/s Liconse Number REOUIRED () o,**fl ffi'@n14 o Parcer *:Fl A A A' A Ag' AA' A A nIrr-!rn! Malllng Mdr6ss 5. 4. Woft is for qdrcreonel Warer Sewer O". f,t""*|:Q Tebphone CATV Landscaping Temp. Slte Access \-/ Other Trench-width (min.4') Lenglh Depth TolalSF $ BondAmount $PermirFee 11 5 lllXili'*"* ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber oul-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfafts undemeath th6 bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times' A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company sign-atures are obtained, p€rmittee has option ot routing application !hl9!91 the Public Works office lo obtain lhe one week to 6. 7. #ublic Service Natural Gas ( I' i u.s. west (1€00-922-1984 I rct c"uteui"ion of the no"1tB" (1'800'e22'198D U \/ / ;:n:ru::J :::"*, il1ffi"r o'''' nT:',? I Town ol Vail Publlc Works (479'2158); Construction Inspector lrrigation 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSUBESI A construotion tlaffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit' 10. All excavation musl be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (senate Bill 172). 11. permitteemustcontactpublicWorksDepartmental 479-219824hourspriortoGlmmencingofwork.Failuretonotify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. scheduled inspectlons which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. 12, I certify that I have read all chapters of Titl6 12 -.Slreots and Sidewalks, ol the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company "gr""r"n r, .[n"o;v r", "no will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required' GFldE!ffiG.Glgreement Prlnt name clearlv ArrAcH PLAN oF tYoRK, INGLUDING coNrRucnoN rR4Ff!9 9-o-.IInl+-P!lI . jecessary town { Vail signatures. Please allow n"::: :"':"" :":':T ll :*.'o: :::^2, -z- 1'z-?% -3: Dal6 of Signature White - Public Worts Gold - Contractor show streets with names, buildings, and location of cut8. usE DASH LINES FOR CUT' OF VAII, 5 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 Job Address: LocaEion. . . : Parcel No..: APPLICAIM COT\TTRACTOR OWNER DEPARIMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVEI,OPMEIiilT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,TOBSITE AT AJ,L TIMES PUBTIC WAY PERMIT PENNiT #: PW98-O].47 1783 N FROIflTAGE RD WEST 1783 N. FRONTAGE RD. ROOST TODGE 2L03-t2l- 02-001 C & JF ELESTRIC 195 OAt( RUN,'CARBONDAT'8, co 81623 C & iIF EI,ECTRIC 195 OAK RI,N, CARBONDAJ.,E, co 81623 IIAZEN JOIII$ WATSON II - MCKENZIE I(AYE A, 1783 N FROIITAGE RD W, VAIL CO 81557 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . I t0/05/L998 Issued...: l0/051L998 E:,qpires. . : Lo/05/t999 Phone:970-963-1_583 Phone: 970-963-1583 Description: ETECTRIC SERVICE FOR PARKING L,OT BXTERIOR L,IGHTS Public Way- -- > Inve6tl.gation> Bond iliiounB- - > TCTXAIJ FEES- - - > 75,OO .00 75 .00 PaldontE-------- BAIAI{CE DUE. -.. 75.00 .00 t*it*t*t********************** *rI**rr*r******t**t***t*e********1r rE,em: .05500 PUBLIC WORKS Depts: PUB WORK Divieion:16765/L998 LSAr'i[DOvA AcEion: APPR CK NO#1563rEbm;'05550 ENGTNEER.TNG Dept: ENGTNEER Division: COI{DITION OF APPROVA.I, ***********r**r*******t***r r** r*rrt**********t***tt.t**t***at*f******r*rt**t**J***!rf*f*********t|'r*a*i*.al**t'lt** *aa**r*'r'rr{}* **ir * r{ I ecrtlfy lhrt I havs L1' oe, and u1ll abido Public work€ ttll1 h.vc roail elL chcpters of, TitsI€ 12-gc! of, eh. vBj.l Hunlclltal by the 6ane, .nd chac BlL uttllblied as r.quiied. a !p€q/d6ta11 book available tn April of 199s' cgdG a$d all utiliby aompany 4grsoE!6nta, Figned **** REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTTR HOTIRS IN **** IN .ADVAIiICE-BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 A!1 TO 5:00 PM ,SIGNATURE of OI{IIER OR COMfRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF A.itD O!'lNgR arFr=[ crlq4 E crl4 z-ol FI fit E =I i: :l f;B o EiiiggFH, = = I .l E z E o 6 1 Ep ao 9 t I f;EEE EE EE E n€ d- !EEg{$ fiffiees o F + +ff Tt T Tf f l*l [.!ltultk t',tl l'l lr',] l,ltl l'l t; IE IE o{} o o) 3{t(, o: o o d 3 o l|6o 3 !oE o oIIt toEI o o oo Eo o ID )' Go Eoxut l!6 :l !46 iz r= o i (, 6 oo o 'cop oo o E d .9o I ,a \, Iiit1 tlT' ri D E I I Qucstionslll the Planning Staff at 471-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This apptication is for any projcct requiring Dcsign Rcview approval. Any project requiring dcsigrr review must rcccive Design Revicw approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, scc thc submittal requircments tbr the particular approval that is requcstcd. The application cannot bc acccptcd until all the required ilformation is submitted. Thc project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenlal Commission. Design Rcview Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a huilding permit is issucd and construcfion is startcd.e&re.l q "ACIV- lTb- 0L-o0,1 A. DESCRIPTION %7>^J4i:ree+se; ltL u?944yL Ail/) LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:191. lor r I,rz BLOCK:_FILINGPJB. C. D. E. F. PHYSICAL AD ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: c.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 Minor Alteration - $20 E Conccptual Review - $0 DRB fecs arc to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, pleasc identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vailwill adjustthefeeaccordingtothe projectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TIIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. TOlr/N AFVAIL EQUEST: o F P4*.8r0 6 63 il. PHONE: Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition where squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvernents, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For any application whcre the applicant wishes to meet with Desigrr Review Board to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the desiglr guidelincs. Thc DRB does not vote on conccptual revicws. PHoNEt/2-^t - updated l/97 BUILDINC MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPEOF MATERIAL:COLOR:* l4+z"ftrr ED PtAAl FtrcK Roof Siding Other Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Crccnhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting+* Other * please spcciff the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, pleasc indicarc G number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide ih" h.ight uboue grade, lumens outpu! luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc Common Namc Ouantitv Sizet PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requiremcnts for landscaping: deciduous trcas - 2 inch caliper conifcrous trees - 6 fcet in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons T)'pc Square Footage GROLIND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fcnces, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. tndicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on thc property is 6 feet. UTILITY LOCATION VERJFICATION This form is to verifu service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction *ith p."p-ing your utility plan and schlduling instatlations. The location and availability ofutilities' whethcr tney 6c ioain LLt lincs or proposed lincs, must be approved and vcrified by the following utilities for the accompanying site Plan. Authorized Signature Date U.S. West Communications l -800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service ComPanY 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elecffic Assoc' 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John BoYd Heritagc Cablevision T.V. 949-s530 Stcve Hiatt Eaglc Rivcr Water & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslce * pleasc bring a site ptan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eaglc Valley Watcr & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addrcssed. NOTES: l, Ifthe utility verification form has signatures from each ofthe utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the dweloPment can Proceed. Z. lfa utility company has conccrns with the proposod consfruction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attrached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the rcsponsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified Problems Thcse verifications do not relieve the conhactor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be 3, obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or ea'sement within the Town of vail. A II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confercnce with a planning staffnrcmber is strongly encouraged' No application can be ""l"pr.li'*f .rr it is complete . It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointmcnt with thc staff to dctcrmine additional submittal requirements' TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd wednesdays of each month. A completc application form and-all accompanying material must be accepted by the commurity Development Department a .ini*u* of three and a huti(: tlZ) *.ets prior t-o the date of tle DRB public hearing, with thc cxception of conccpfual reviews. REVIEW CRITERIA yow proposal will be revieweil for compliance with the Design Guidelinos as set forth in Section 18'54 of thc Municipal Code. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. Ifa property is located in a mapped hazard arca (i.e. snow avalanche, rocldall, floodplain, debris flow, wctland, etc). a hazard study must bc submitted and the owncr must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to thc issuance of a building permit, Applicants are encouraged to check with the plannini staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship ofthe propcrty to all mappcd hazards' B. Basic plan Shcct Format. For all survcys, site plans, landscapc plans and othcr site improvcments plans, all of thc following must be shown' l. plan shcet sizc must be 24"x36 . For large projccts, larger plan sizc may bc allowcd. 2. Scalc. The minimum scalc is l"=20" All plans rnust bc at thc same scalc. 3. GraPhic bar scalc. 4. North arrow. v. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. t2. Title block, project name, projcct address and legal description. Indication ofplan preparer, address and phone numbcr. Datcs of original plan preparation and all revision dates' Vicinity map or location map at a scale of l"=l'000'or larger' Sheet labels and numbers' A border with a minimum left side margin of I '5". Names of all adjacent roadwaYs. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that stahng done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site taping$ and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting' D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponc4 will have their itcms removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. If tlre DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved priar to the issuance of a building permit' STAFF APPROVAL Thc Ad.ministrator may rcview and approve Dcsigl Revi crv applications, approvc with certain modifications' deny the application, or may refer ttrc application to thc Desigr Rcvi ew Board for decision' All staff upfiouuf . aie ,uU.lect to final approvat Uy tne nnn. The following typcs of Design Rcvicw applications may bc staff apProvcd: A. Any application for an addition tb an existing building that is consistent with the architectual dcsign, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized membcr ofa condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application to modi$r an existing building that does not significantly change the existing planes of it "t,ritding and is gencrally consiitent with the architectural design, n.raterials and colors of the building, incluAing, brit not limited to cxterior building finish materials (e.g' stonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fenccs, antennas, satellito dishes, windows, skylights, siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to' driveway modifications, site grading, sitc walls, removal or modrfications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory sffuctures or recrcational facilities' ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application re.quires a separate rcview by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town oiVail, thc application fcc shall be incrcascd by $200.00. Examplcs of such review, may include. but arc notlimitetl to: Colorado Dcpartmcnt of Highway Access Pcrmits, Army Corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc' B. Thc appticant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying any publishing fecs which are in cxcess of50o/o ofthe application fcs. If, at thc appticant's request, any mattcr is postponed for hcaring, causing the mattcr to te rc-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant' C. Applications deemcd by the Community Dwelopment Departmcnt to have design, land use or othcr iss'es which may have a significant impact on the communiff may require review by consultants in addition to I'own staff. Should a determination bc rnade by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Devclopment Departmcnt may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant atihe time of filing an application' Expenscs incwed by the Town in excess of thc amount forwardcd by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess firnds will be retumed to the applicant upon review comPletion. vl. TOWN OFVAIL tr n CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW I. GENERAL INFORMATION The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthc compatibility of the proposal with the Town's Desigr Guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews' Complctq applications must be submitted nvo (2) wccks prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. II. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of l"=20' or larger; Conccptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or sh'uctures; Completed DRB aPPlication form. Condominium Association approval (if applicable) IT. PROCEDURE Upon receipt of an application for conccptual design rcview, thc Department of Community Development shall review the submiftcd materials for gcncral compliance with the appropriatc requircmenls ofthc zoning codc. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requiremcnts, the project shall be forwardcd to thc DRB for conccptriral review. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the application and submittal materials shall be retumed to the applicant with a writtcn explanation as to why the Commrmity Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has becn received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whetler or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or a rcprcsentative sbal! be present at the DRB hearing. 4,1,-;' ;;;: zi6:iZ a6" i "."1'.. i I{PARCEL #9t*ffirF,':"#;:rff:i;, 8'l::',f ::;'t .t'i,ffi ",f;,ffi r" vArL coNsr*u"rrt PERMIT APPL]CATION FOR}{Tll .FF . PEzuIIT f , APPLTCATToN l'lusr BE FTLLED our CO}|PLETELY oR rT MAy Nor BE AccEpTED ', U., fi*********************'t******* PEIu{JT TNFORMATToN ****************************,1' t l-Buil<iing t 3-rlumbing p(-nrectrical [ ]-Mechani-ca1 [ ]-othertob wane'& Architect: fr'l. d*2 ,{,rgzo-rge .7//d 7 _l,n.;Address: Addres!: Electrical Contractor: Address: ELEC?RTCAL: * MEcHANTcAL: $.-.--- CON?RAC?OR INFOR.}fATION 7A3&Ksa Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nuhber: General Description:___ i ************** ****** **rt ****Town of Vail Req, NO.Phone Number: Reg. NO. e-'e*da.A'Prunbrng Contractor:' Address: Mechanical_ Contractor.: Address: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.rnone Number: FOR OFf'f CE USE ***** ** * *******rr*?t ****rt*****)r*, Reg. NO. BUI.I,DING PLAN CHECK FEE: |IYTPING PLAN CHECK FEE:MIll.'rrcAL Pr,AN cHEcK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNAIURE: ZONTNG; SIGNATURX: BU]LDfNG: $ PLIIMBfNc: J-- (nf d$trr * * !t * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * **vu' General Contractorl VALUATION Fu? E'rpy TOW,I OFVATL Departrnent of Community Developmcnt 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2136 MX 970-479-2452 November 23, 1998 Mr. John Haeen I 14l Westbank Road Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Re: The Roost Lodge / 1783 North Fronlage Rtnd Dear Mr. Hazen; As you are aware, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) recently denied the Roost Lodge's application for additional exterior lighting. At their November 4th, 1998 meeting, the DRB gave your representative specific direction on how to achieve compliance with the Town of Vail codes and design review guidelines. However. this exterior lighting was installed on or about November I s, 1998 - without receipt of either DRB approval (a violaliott of Secliur I 2- I I-3, Trwn of llail Municipl Code) or an electrical permit (a violation of Sectiut I0-l-7, Touttt of Vail Municilnl (:ade). As of this date, no revised plans have been submitted which reflect a good faith effort to conform to the Town of Vail codes or guidelines. Your representative was also informed at this meeting of an outstanding issue with regard to the Roost Lodge's trzsh facilities. Pursuant to Section 12-11-5, Town of Vail Municipal Code, garbage storage facilities shall be screened from adjacent properties. Currently, the unenclosed durnpster on your propefty is highly visible from adjacent properties and motorists along North Frontage Road Additionally, the placement of the Roost Lodge logo on this dumpster constitutes a violation of the Town of Vail Sign Regulations. Please correct these outstanding violations by Friday, December 18rh in order to avoid the issuance ofa citation. Once these issues have been resolved, please contact me at (970) 479- 2128. {2 r""ouor^ro This certified letter shall serve as an official notice of violation on this property' Sincerely, \ Ee4L'2"'-- Brent Wilson Planning Liaison Officer cc: Tom Moorehead, Town Attomey trtt rn n.r irllrJllN- I v-vv I Ur fu&JOr DWELOPER IMPROVEMENTAGREETTE L, f r t ^^^- ^--da.?lt{J'C- tal 6 (2oast t'- "rvlana7eaffii,#'uftSU-*, made and entered nro rrbd.oay "{tar,tet . Egf w l?lj lJ .tt^t5c.eand.emoY%Fereflafer called tE 'Devdopef), drd lfe TOWN ' .' o ,' ' '-- D OF vAlL (herehdte,r &lled the Tourn"). Vo,1 ,(atlLsv WHEHEAS, &E Dovclopet, as a cofldbon of apfrqtd ol fte #p,a*A tQ 19l13wi$es to enbt into a Dsrdoper Aoreement; ard WHEREAS, flls Oevelsp€t b obbd€d b prwlth 3€(rrsty of coltaleral srffrient in tre lu€m€nf of Sre Torn b tnd(e r€asonaFfe Drovlsiotrs br corrpldion of certain i|'pr(neteflb setf,Orfi b@51; dd WHEREAS, the Dweloper wishes to protr-de coltateral to guann€e perlonnance ot Stb Agreameol, i,nclrJ&rE cons0t ction cil ne abqprefupncerl kprwensnF by means of thc fOllowlng: {l+l+- /,g t**{ ( "54,)' Dsr€hper qFee to estabftsh a cash deposit wiBl the Town o? Van h a doflar amgunt O $-$ oo.7(125% ot ore lotC cost of tha wodr silorn bdsr) to provtde secutiy brthe folowilg: UvIPROv-FMENI. e^rrfrrf naa.*"'. /n A"^'F&, e P*;"1,frlp -/ tB*/b rl a e^- yp*n-/ NOw, TIIEREFORe in constd€radofi of Ere folo$trg mstrat cot enanc ard ruracmentE, ttE O€.velop€r and $e Town agr€ as follors: '!- The Deyeloper agFees, at tls sote SsI urd expens€6, tro fumistr a[ eq$ipmentq, materH.l*isafy to perforn ard competc a[ improvernerts, on oebe$oro \ Iat n- | I fqq4: . The Dgvdoper $aji csfip€b, -rn a good uorl$nanlke manner, e[ ampfoverhnus as li$ed above, h ryo|dancg with all ptens end specfl*r8som fled ln tfre office ot me comrflInity Develwlent Oepartrc{rt, fre Toryn of Vajl, and to & all workind&ntd fierao mcorrftry |p erd in comptta|ca $f| fre ruaryfiq:' a $rfi ottrerdesigns, draflings, maoq Sp€cffice$ons, cl(etctr€s, ard othef rilater sr.brnirbd byrhe Dev€lopero oe approveaby any ot he fuvefefefencedqovernmeotal enffks. A[ saUyrork shdl b€&newrrer&e ln+6cfoa of, and h he sadsfadisn or, ury-Tq* Engineer, tre Town tui{d[ng offidd, or oilrerfficial fiom lieTom of Vail, as decred Uyryecialmm6 orBenire (l|srilts, as fr€ir resp€criee irnbr€st may aseaf, anit eitar nor be deemed conrplete und mprgved and_accffi aoompFtedbytieTsm of VaX Comnnnity- Dcr/eloprnsnt Depaftlent and p$nc W6rtc Depaltrnent 2- To secure ancl guaranFe performarpe of b oofigas-om as s€t for{ii herein. $,eD$doper rye€3 |l0 provtb secuity and cotUerat a tothvys - .rAN-l9-99 TUI 10:45 Fl{ A cash depoe, J* in rne amounr.o ,.$W-.* ,P-fu HiJff;.taf*ffi'"ffi;#lililislliiitit;;iG 'nrn *ements Eet rortr abo'e irftere is FAX:9709459903 I,AGE 3 a Oe*autt unCen the Agreemerrt b'y Dev€hp€r' 3. The Ds/eloper may ar ary tme sub€titute ttlB cohteral origtrnfty set lotth abora for aloner lorm ot "oifai#f oi ittulte to tre Town to guatantee the- faithttt compl€don ol.frose lnprarernents-t*"#g to hereh and Ura pert6jmsrce OI ttre terms of lhis ASE;"*;i,-Sdt ""dpta il ry t e iown or aft€mdi't€ col|aterat snatt bs at tfte Town's sole dscr€flton- 4.TheTownshdtnolnorstra[anyo||iceroremptoyeehereof'be.tiab|eor rccponcbte for any aorxaeniross br Oamage happedng 91"*Try !.ry-P$specified ln tr*i lgre€fitett priirr O fre conpfemOn ard-Ceptarrca pf trs siame, n6r Sha[ |he TOi'n' nor arly cftcer or "tirployee hereof, Oe flabt" for dly persotfs orpropgty ittiuttd ry recon d the reirie ot salC rro*,-Ud afr ol said fiabifities shall atd are hefesy assumed by the Dwe(o9€f' The D€ileloper hefebv agrees to Ltdemniry a19 hold harmless the Town' atd any 9{ .tts ofEce;5, adG ad *tpble.-rgtnst alry tossos, clatms, datr4€s, Or li&itti€s to t'hidr Ure i; ; any oi G sfficerg,agents or enpt-bye'e rnay bcoome subiect to, hsofar a$ any s{,cn lossec, Adiirs, d4nag€s or li-abnifi'es (or aclions in respecf lhereog tfiat d6e otrt ot qr ere based'won aiy pe*[nnance by tre Oeveloper hereurde.; and the Dwebper shall reiniburse u6iofi io, an:fand a regar or otrer erp€nses reason&ty irurred b,y the-Tch nr in connecton wfthlnvosfl€aftrft or delendirtg ary €uch loes, claim, qrylage_' liability-of acflon' ffUe frtOer*ty provision snil Ae in adcfilion !o any othef li*l|iry s']tbh fte Detreloper may ha\re. 5, tt B mutllally agreed trat the DweloPer may appfy to fie Town ild me Totill dras auinortse fsr pa/fid rilb&e ot he cdht€ral clepctited wiilt lh€ Town for eacfi c'tegW of irprOWnelt iti.r*r tme aS such lrnproverilents are construct€d in comPgance wi61 aI pbrd ailf specific€{to{1" as rufcrerert lreleurder atd aacopbd by gte Tryal Urd€r no i"ondtion wil ttre enount of the co{heral thd Ls beilrg held be reducgd belOr $e arnount n€csary to coflldete urch improvements- 6- It th€ Towt determines trat arry of the lnprovements con!*plated herein de not congtsus6 in complfarrce wth tre plars inA specifcamns set brth herein by tlre dete set tr* ln pergrapn g re rown nHy, ht shat| ftot DE requlrd to, withdar frorn the cash d€positi'Jcfi-ttirds as ftAy Oe nece€sary U conp|€te the unfnish€d im!{Lemefits. The r&r snau *me suctr tr.n& upon t|g wriBen teq,l€st of dre slrff ot the cwnmucity pevefopmeni Oepannrertt satt g lhaf he ilrproverEnts haMe rot been @fipteted es recF'iH| ty $a'agrc€rnerif The Twn shefl not requi{e u||e concutr€nc€ Of &e.date@er Pflcr to the r6rease 6t fp Rn<ls, nor ghafl fte Yow{l be reqrired b vedfy indepndendy fut lhe imirwemEnG nave rptueen ccrmpleted as reEipd by firis Agreernent" h{ sttall releaE€ strch tunde soldy upon Arc requestof ltre Cornmunily Devdopmefit Depattner* lf theaosts of comdcdng trework exceed lhe amarft otfF depo6ft, the etroegs' together vrih i{|tsr€€f ai tvte{ve p'efc€fit p€r anrurm' E*rall be s li€n sgain$ lhe property and mfo Og COnecteO by dr/il slrit or rnay bsaetlifecl to thc fcasurer of Eagle County tO b€ oeli€rcied !n the samc nunftn as ddrnquent ad vdoresn bxes levied agairlst sscfi property' tf fte pormll tdder taits of Fgfusee to cofiplete the deanup and hndscpang, c defined in Sds ctrafter, sucfi hflurE or refusal shall be coftdered a vlola8rn ol the Zlning Code. 7. The D$doper watrdnts aI wotk and maHtat lor a pedod of one year after ryHrce ot all wort( relened t0 h tt's Agre€mfit by the Tovn nnsuani b Section t 7-1 6250 if sucfr wort< is located on Tou,fr of VaA property cr ruiutin Tonn of Vail dglrt-of-way. 8. The pariies hereto m,|fidty 4ree that has Agreement may be amsnd€d trom trne to lime, prov'ided t}at suctr amet{menF be ln wdtlng and er.ecul€d by all padbs mreb. Daled the dgy and )tear firsf &ove writtefi. Page 2 of 3 JAll-19-99 TUE 10:46 P}{ $TATEOFCOLORAOO ) ) s's- COUNWOFEAGLE } ogreloF€r lnp(or€ment Ag||qtment.wgt4trNote@nd @|B me Eb, )a--r4Lay; .ISZ/_OV Wiuess my hand and of6ctel"oeal. Mycommlssion STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) $r. COI'NTYOFEAGLE ) srAtEoFcoloRAoo COI.FITYOFEAGLE fhefuegofng Derrdryer Vli"ltslesS my gevehper hnproveiled A$Egtren w6 alamyv@ed belcre se lhisnnr'.rf.aq . :. .rgja--oy -bt MqtQt €dL,p Wkress my hand and offic&rl sEal. My comrnission r 8 lZ-o W lfotary Put[ic utas adooede4ed befure rne his o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Roost Lodge Project Description: Moving Pepsi machine to rear of building #2 to non-visible location Owner, Address and Phone: Rodney Cotton, 1783 N. Frontage Road W. fuchitect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 1793 N. Frontage Road W. kgal Description: Lots 10, I l, and 12, Buffehr Creek Sub Parcel Number: Cornrnents: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:5/13/99 Board / Staff Action Action: Staffapproved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? tnr. I'ii.;.nir:g Staii et 4 ?9-i : 2 8 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projc,ct rcquiring Design Rcvicrv approval, Any project rcquiring dcsigr revicw must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the subrnittal requircnrents for thc particular approval that is requested. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the requircd infbrnration is submittcd. Thc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicwed by thc Town Councii and/or thc Planning and Environrnental Conl:rission. Dcsign Review Board approval cxpires one ycar after final approval unlcss a buitding permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. B, C. D. tr. -+F' G. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: BLOCK: 1 =-.'a.? , I :< '- FILING: PTTYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OFOWNER(S): I. MAIL]NG OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAIL DRESS:(o TOWNOFVNI., /**,t A/**A R (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) oNE:?rc/" Y7/.{t/i7 H.ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition where square footagc is addcd to any residential or commcrcial buildrng. tr Addition - $50 El Minor Altcration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, reroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of subrnittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identifo thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, coLoRADO 81657. o De sign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Roost Lodge Project Description: Dumpster enclosure as condition of previous DRB approval Owner, Address and Phone: Rodney Cotton, 1783 N. Frontage Road W. ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 1793 N. Frontage Road W. Legal Description: Lots 10, 11, and 12, Buffehr Creek Sub Parcel Nrunber: Comments: BuildinsName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date:4113199 Board / StaffAction Action: Staff approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: n/a -L> { I I I I I I I| .,'|..,|}' . .l- * *J/ ic T --T- r _----:' v FR\ \r) 1r \ tll tL s o \ l: iN$ N. -t ll t. \q l\N ls'$.' NUl :.tt\$. Nfi'.l\ cb N t"t bit\ t\) N} tr.! TN tv$$ tv st\ N} Sr\ \)t <- l\$ tr\ Nb\ fr N N-tl{\S- $h T.i .|--\,tNVtt}1llli li].\'F N\s,Ax-) ' ; I \lu + .* J,lsi,:S.-t;i ) \ ) r"'J lN '.,. (. r\t',s lil tii i;N w R .ssluil $-t s*: t { Ntr' t\ \\}; (^J : i 3<!t t..5+ os Iq 3oZJ"n i\=f {Ht-\4. 1I iI d slq r r{ 3'+H ).t\tc.r:43 - |\ItN -\ \J J { U vl 1' tl t\t/i--- #a2.9 I-J \3 o L cl q)s l$ d,lvrj .)z t\l d, $ hq, :, { A --_l oo j$ .IlX Q-VJOE hd \ ti 7ui ura s r$ lsjc ,'lt-t$ +f*: idt + \d $ :r { } \d \ql $ la rn $f $\tjq)I d + Jx* I tl- () I I - -."'----- .-F: a /g 5i it J $ v r,r td o \J { $ \ .F \ i1,, {\ r., l>a\ $ s..".-,, oj \r\$-3q+^IJ*: 5t)cs -{Y\^N? hj l'.? f, -L J -Tf ; \ 3 ; )! Tdsooo CO cr)r- CO oz ts =tIu o- vq a'){$ )\t {N "jT IJJF u)oo'tzo F TLulY uldl oFt =Et!o- \+ = o\to-liloXlOI,Fltglsab?zo tltlI r'l IHIY YIJHg) <Ac.rl O\q*l \ So\{z F -'i ,Jr 's-: ,sfrtfi.itE *,Tl fi ii =z d) l- IErdlHl trlNt (,zt4F1I E-|utz Et c\_l EzlEtl zNI<l (,"l *-l F.l-l | --r,llt)l vlint fl<| o.lEt e ',,i < f==a<raE I f\ i F- F.lH FHEa z EI =l trl I c'lI r.. '.jT>rn<slo! z-<d q I|.rI -lANO IB d F-ldo CI i><tr =o ztrlN z vl-i =l u-l I I I I >l uJl -IJlel I>l v ll.liol o zl el d'FIF cilz) uJl 1l sl ttlol zl =lolFI = G Itl tl lel| (rl I IJJIllrlIJIIAItillol del E =E l! cil =.J('l ri ?l>l ttlol zl 3l0lFI uJ uJF uJz3 u,lF T t -rO<FT() r.r.J <zEr!F(rz () <oOF E?ir E =ztr E 9P E3f,Fd6() ix:<F7<) =fi,z =g EoF 'z O t uJ.r Fad -.,$ H I z .n9 =<EoO =z O- LL !! -J z.E rtF -.r -.: CO r!xED sq FI E E uJLtt i ^r!EZ.E<al6U)6eB9ttr EE7a CFo14(,# :=-:oE()g5 6=e.to-iEi uJ @ F E-E E =E.lrl o-zIF() &,Fazo() y't 6 4tt rt ' &t !)*! EIE;;t;.i ;-t (/) zti dzglb ,.,r=*lb ,l=(nr(, (.''i el6 "8^12 (!0'-:-c;oU)tr gE €:5 E TA;E ieiig gl *I Hl(l OLAI F1l :<Go =zz!-o ooF^AZq 5 :ee9 of, qroE5B I9zXrL<9q Ig-E!l;<uJ-xz dN(J dHH 3(l f, zl .. >l ulo uJ UJzo! uJ J z Eo O*o* oF vArL co*srRuerror! PERMIT APPI{TCATION FORMoarn: t/4 r& eqg_ /dnF PERI"IIT Job Nane:Job Addrer"r 11 l.-J , Leqa,r Descripri onz t qtfun "l::f*@3,witti""-n-HL- N..,6. ry?t /.H@- = fil+Hlffi;owibs Name: '-*afrttryf7ie- aadress: '.%,,,, Architect, fzN Srqtfu Address:'16 arz.l+tD lv;8* ,,ry,?*rJ-.^ffi^L*.ii=i::#{"""'-' _Ph.qqs6zzC cenerat o.""trn tI as , Neqt work cr-ass: p{-rew pd-atteration t l-Additionar }>q.-Repair [ ]_other Number of Dwelling units: _ Nurnber of Accommodation unitsz .72- 9 BUILDING: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: MechanicaL Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: /R5- PLIJMBING PERMTT FEE3 MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: EI-,,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE oF FEE3 DRB F8E: ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANfCAT,t $-OTHER: I CToR\TNFORIIfATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * #* * * * * * *\*@) , _ Town of Vail Reg. r{s.(etPh<,cF / Phone Number: fb6| Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE UsE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLTJMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI"AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE:It- CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.TIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: +r-- caE4! uP DEPOSTT REFrrtrr, !0: 75 3outh trontage road xtil. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflcs of communlty dcvclopm€nt If this peryit requires a Town of VaiI fire Departnent Approva'|, Engineel"s (PybJic Wopks) review and approval,' a plannini' Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the euiliing Depar8nent, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. A'll cormercial ('large or sma'l'l) and all multi-famity permits will have to fol'low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and sma'l'l projects should take a lesser amount of time. However,. ifresidential or smaller projects irnpact the various above mentioned departments with regard' to-necessary review,-th;;; p"oj".li"ruy also take the three week period" Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as sqon as possib'le. BUILDING PERI'|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI\IE undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI, the frame.. eruvt.\b- /Wd"-/-friW.rt, l\ft nqy Commun'i ty Development Department. 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3o3) 479-2L.38 or 479-2t39 otflce of communlty deyelopmenl TO: FR,OM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL puBLrC woRKS/COMltuNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, L988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & IfATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to ritter, track or deposii,;;-t;irl-"o'li, sand, debrisor material, including trash burnpster3, ;;;iJi; toiters andworkmen vehicles.upon any streetl siaewaix]-;ii;y or publicplace or anv oorti6n tneleoi. --il" rish[:;i-i]"=;" ar] rown orvail streetl ina. r"aas ir-"ipr"iir.t"iv-s-it]'Irl pavenent.This ordinance wirl be striElrv"enforced by the Town of VaitPublic Works Department. --p"r=ins found .riifull"g this ordinancewirt be siven a 24 hour r"ii[."""otice-to-;;;;;;=said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notiti"a-a""J-";;-,;;pry with thenotice within trrg_-e+ n""i-tir"-lpg"1it.d, -;;"*;;iric- worksDepartment will remo-ve said mateii"i-ii-in"-"I"iil=e of personnotified- The nrovisi"ns-or-iilis orainance snlil not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,.irrtr.ru.,ge 9f repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiiitres j_n the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, Flease stop by the Tor,,/n of:3:i"::ii3i"3"";f,iffi:$.:a-'"rtli" a copv. ri'",,i vou ror vour ffi &u.Y1^p4-lW+**- H-,t-H-,1Ort-_-- (i.e. contractor, o!,rner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: I MEMoRANoiJM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REQUIRED 1) 2) Job Name: Date: Please answer ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility woft needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different a@ess needed to site other ihan existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affectihg the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? re regarding the need for a "public Way permit": YES NO L"' 3) 4) 5) 6) L-- 1...-- tz' L.-. L/-' 7) 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered above questions. Itoet t-oD6e h s Signature !f_fgu_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or atCommunity Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townof Vaif Construction Inspector, at 4tg-2159. (--'-' Job Name &<p-txB.t- tB,Rry How it relates to Building Permit: 1)Fill out the our check list provided with a buildino osrmit aoplication. lf yes was answered t9 3ny ol the above questions then a'public way permit" isrequired. _Yoy g"n pick up an application at either community De-velopment, localed at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 VailValley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utitities must fietd verity (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies ieqlire u[ to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate). A construction traffic control plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. This plan witt show locations of alltraffic control devices (signs, cones, etd.) ino the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) sketch of.work bging performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control ptan oi a Eiteplan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled tor the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates are take place in the morning, but may require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siitus and any crringes that may be needed. Most permits are released within 4g hours of being receiGd, but please allow up lo one week to process. As soon as permit is processed, a copy willbe faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit'to be released. please do not contuse the 'Fublicway Permit" with a "Building permit" to do work on a project site itself. Note: 'The above process ls for work in a right-of-way only. 'Public Way Permit's are valld onlv unill November 15th. *A new Public Way Permlt is requlred each year. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 De p artnent of C ontmunity D eve lopment iviarcir 2ii, i996 Mr. John Hazen I 131 Grand Ave . Glcnwood Springs Co. 81601 Re: Building Application # 6736 rE ir r r rA C Li'( i iFIED iviAii' Pggtl _)1C*5o3 A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that there has been no recent activity with the above listed building permit application. The 199 I Uniform Building Code, Section 303 (d)' requires evidence ofconstuction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration ofa permit. As per Uniform Building Code 303 (d), your permit has expired. If no response has been received within 20 days ofthe above date, this file will be voided, and thefilc rvill bc placcd in thc pcmrrncnt filc, uith no furthcr inspcctions authorizc.l or.ticporirs returned. ; a^, Building Inspector {; *,,,rruu,u,, cd\expired illign Review Action ilt TOWN OF VAIL catesory ruumner ? o^t" 8/ to/EgTI a Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: SubdivisionLegal Description: Lot Block- Project Street Address: Zone District Action IMolionby: /'futtvst-rl Vote: 4-D Seconded by: HtL*t'A+r y( nnnrovat ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner /l -- (x, DRBFeePre-paio ' 1lL). --* J -.'"..*.'rrrrr. t 7 DEsrclI REI/rEI{ BoARn APPLICATION . !O9IN INCOMPIJwEE APPIJICATTONS MAY NOT BE SCEEDWED FOR RSVIEW. !t****rl**!r* I. A. DATE RECEIVED:, DATE OF DRB MEETING:I a********* PROjIECT TNFORMATTON: B.TYPE OF REVIE}I: iNew Construction ($200. 00) Addit.ion ($s0 " 00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:IrO t ($20.00) ($0) @^c. D. E. It Block Subdivi'sion If property is described bydescription, please provide to this application. a meets and bounds on a seBarate sheeb Legal and at.tach ZONING: NAI'{E OF G. Mailing Afldress: NAI-{E OF MaiLing H. NAl.rr* OF OltlNER(S) : OWNER(SI SIGNATAX8: l-ing I APPLICATIONS Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the Lime of subsrittal of the DRB application. Later, when appLying for a building permi!, pLease idenrify the accurat,evaluation of Lhe proposal . The Town of Vail- will adjust thefee according to the table below, to €nsure the correct feeis paid. FEE PAID: S CIIECK #: DATE: BY: t - (gLa WII'I, NOT s en w z rn7frZrffi {s,!r{lrvu EEEIIHEDULEi VAI,UATTON $ 0-$ 10,000 rP rUrUUl - D _JUTUUU$50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIT IIIIITESS A BUIIJDING PErufiI ISIS STARTED. APPIJICAIqf I REPRESENTAT Address: , JoA^, Phone uLt s, Q9-ft6<t I ZrUL rlhk*) 7'L( ^ Phone T ,J. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50. nn $100 .00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D qONSTRUCTION A Minor Alteration Conceptual Review a-*Er,o.* - \,=tI A pre-application meeting wieh a nernber of the planning IsEaff is' encouragred to determine if any additional - !application information is needed. rt is the applicant's \responsibility to make an appointment, with the llaff todetermine if there are addiLional submittal requirements.Please note that a coMpr,ETE applicat,ion will streamline thereview process for your project rrr. rMPoRTArif NorrcE REGAIDTNG AtL sUBMrssroNS To tnB DRB, A. In addition to meeLing submiLLal reguirement.s, theapplicant musE sLake and tape the pioject site toindicate properEy lines, building lines and buildingcorners. Al1 lrees to be removed rnust be taped. Allsit,e tapings.and staking must. be completed p-rior t.o-ErreDRB sit.e.visit. The appLicant must Lnsure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not. buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BtrrIJDrNGs normally reguirestwo separate meeEinqs of the Desigm Review eoard: aconceptual review and a finai review. c. applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meet.ing date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their iben bepostponed, wiII have t.heir items removed from t,he DRBagenda uncil such Eime as the item has beenrepublished. D. the following items may, at. the discretion of thezoning adrninistrator, be approved by the ComnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal heariigbefore Che DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skyliqhts and similar exterior changeswhich do not alt.er the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Buirding additions not visibre frorn any other rot.or public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitt,ed, applicant.s must include letters fromadjacent propertl, Jw'ers and/or from the agrent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationsr-ating the association approves of Lhe addition. E. If a properLy is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood pIain, debris flow,wetland, etc. ) , a hazard study must, be submiLt,ed andthe owner.must sign an affidavit recognizing the rrizarareport prior to the issuance of a building pernit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the rerationstripof Lhe property to all mapped hazards. F. por alI residential consLruction: a. clearly indicaLe on Lhe f100r plans the insideface of the ext.erior structural wall.s of thebuilding; and h ?::_Ji.n:!!: --r !!_4rr\.-!!y(rLs w4 r-rr cr u.a.Errcr.r rrrrer (JII LItg sl-E,g pran afour foot distance fronr the exterior facE of thebuildinq walls or supporting columns. c. rf DRB approves Ehe application with condiLions ormodificat.ions, alL condit,ions of approval must beaddressed prior to Lhe application- ior a buildinqpermit. NAIIIE OF PROJECT: I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: I]TST OF I'ATERTA&S LOT- BIJOCK suBDrvrsroN The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUTI;DING }TATERIAI.S: required for submittal approval can be given: TYPE OF IIIATERIAIJ to the Design COIJOR Roof Siding OEher l{IalL Materials Fascia Soffi ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues PLashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WalLs Exterior Lighting other Designer: Phone: B.I,A}IDSCAPTNG: Name of PIJANT MATEn: Botanicar Name a.*il.*" ouantitv d PROPOSSD TREES AIiID SHRUBS *Indicate caLiper for deciduous trees. Minimun caliperfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous Erees. Mininum heiaht for coniferous trees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shnrbs. 5 qaLlon.Minimum size of shrubs is TvDe Ssuare Footacre GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METIIOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. LANDSCAPE LfGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixtures and locations on a separat,eIiqhting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting planin the space below and provide t,he heiqht above qrade, t1'pe oflight proposed, lumen ouLput, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 .t) D. OTHER LANDSCAPE F'EATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swiruningrify. Indicate heights of retainingpoo]s, et,c. ) Please spwaIls. Maximum heicrht of wa11s within the front setback is 3' . Maximum height of wa11s elsewhere on the property is 6, tGign Review Action plm TOWN OF VAIL Category Number .; t-t. /-Date '', / _J/rrS. Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: - Owner, Address and Phone: 7 -t(t t I i t} t-.- ".''t- /. nrcnitecQf@)ddress and phone: LegalDescription:Lot1.,ii,rr/,t,L.Block - Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Staff Actioil Motion by: Seconded bv: fl Approval [] Disapproval ! StattRpprovat Town Planner h^.^. i | . /\r,'--va.te. Lt r _Lr /'/' -, DRB Fee pre_paid/- rr,+t..a str|te4 O DESIG}I REVIEW BOARD APPLICAIION . TOTCIV FJ Ei fiiDATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. A. tt- New const,ruction ($200 .ou 4"rinor Alteration ($20.00)Addition ($50.00) Conceprual Review igo)Et uJ"tghT-rn-tADDRESS I D. LEGAT DESCRIPTI A8suuaivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. a meeLs and bound.son a separate sheet legraI and attach F. /\ 11 ^ZONTNG: l-+-w0tDtru'ns"l+ryr' NAI.,IE OF APPLTcAT{r'f Ir,ish ru Ct,rclMaili Phone H.NAI'tE OF OWNER(S): Phone Mailing Address: hone APPITICATIONS WIITIJ NOT BE PROCESSED WIIEOUT OWNERTS S.fGi[A?t[R.S I. Condominium Approval j_f applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify Ehe accurat,evaluation of the proposal . The Tovm of vait witt adjust thefee according t,o the table below, to ensure the correct fee NAII{E OFMailing APPIJICANT' S REPRESENTATTVE :Address: /Yr J. is paid. NY FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o-g 1o,ooo $ j.ij, iju j_ - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - g 500,000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over 91,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUII,DING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. u' q'q6 U FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YE,AR AflTER FINAI] ISSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTION *!l******** PRO,JECT TNFORI{ATION : DESCRTPTTON! TYPE OF REVIEW: rr. **"-o""or*l* t"*n*", A pre-application meeEing wich a rnember of the planning staff is encouraged to deLernine if any additional application information is needed. It is che applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submitt,al requirements. Please noce that a CoMPLETE application will streamline the review process for your projecu. III. TUPORTAMI NOTICE REGARDING A!L, SIIBMfSSIONS TO TEE DRB: A. In addiEion t.o meeting submittal requiremenEs, the applicant musL sEake and tape the projecc site to indicaEe property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A1I Lrees to be removed must, be taped. A11site Eapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB siEe visit.. The appLicant must ensure that staking done during the nrinter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normally requires Lwo separate meetings of the Desigm Review Board: a concepcual review and a final review. C. applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeLing daEe and who have not, asked in adwance that discussion on tlreir iten be posEponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda unEil such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by Ehe Communj.ty Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skyliqhts and sinilar exEerior changes which do not al Eer the existing plane of Lhebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any other lot,or public space. At the time such a proposal is submit,ted, applicanLs must include lettefs from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacenu condominium associationstating the associaLion approves of the addit.ion. E. If a properLy is locat.ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfal1, flood plain, debris fJ.ow,hretland, etc. ), a hazard study must be submiEted andthe owner musE sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior uo the issuance of a building permit. Applicanus are encouraged to check wiLh a Town PLannerprior to DRB applicat,ion t,o deEermine the rel-ationshipof the properEy Eo all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of Ehe exLerior st.ructural walls of thebuilding; and ir. iudiuale wiLir a dasire<i iine on tne site plan afour fooE disE,ance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting colunns. G. If DRB approves the application with condibions or modificaE,ions, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior Lo Lhe applicaLion for a buildingpermic. 91P. lF ryos*I NOOFIHG CONTRACTOR M|CHAELr. SOyO 22ol Rarefgh St.Dc €r. Cotorado g0ll2 (3o3)4sB-sBoS . F&\(303)4ss4ae'rf FFTOFO.ITL sarStatTE r0 afr,3r^rq ar cooi ,qr+c(rf oost Vatl , Colorado ffr hcrrlt {rbmh lpcclficdnnr anC.dm|t!.lq: ' ll'e propoae to rerreck a.nd :eroof east i+tn6 0r 10dge.. 1) Renove e}l rOofLng and load ln dunpster.2) Reaove alL plywood decklng and loact iu duntrjef,s?.. ,) inatett new OSB decktng wlth ellpg.4) InetalL lOlb. flberglnss base sheet. 5) fnstatl a nodified torcbdown roofing eysten.6) lfew netal etlglng. 7) ltew wel_I flashlng. 8) All work to city co$e. _9) Buildlng ovmer to be general contractof, bis rolew11l be gettlng perrults and dunpster, 1O) BoyO to do all app]-lgatlon. 11) Roone to be ineluded , , ' 12) trabor u/arranty for tbree yeaTa, nateriale $rarrantyby the nanuf,acturer. trabor and materlale ggg40.O0 S" ]F*fre rrerery ro @0,*o * Prynratrt.to bo rn#a.r to0owr: aouo' w f,fib 4. _. . _.). wW-AgJ N3$ ttif prcpoid m., bew*hdrir'..d Dy u| if |lot acclptcd wr.thln Sgnrnjrrl : Dcpqt|t Balnnce A[ trtrtufa, ts 0;aa&taaad b b. rr sp3citba ef 'l"o* ,o o. -'r'Crtrd in a.mtrn.r Hadn! b srrtarc F".t s Alr/ Jondon o.dritd|o.t to,n.bov. rp.cafa{ionl fr,okh0 *i. "***U i,i o"li.c *tyt?oo iillu€n ordeaa. afid *lt Odornr ra aCre cnerg. ,., -O iUo* rn" lTTrtg At:f..dt.nrr €ocudgffi upo<l lritrcr. eo&cnB or;.t#b;.rrdorr cotrtttrt Orvrtd tg ctry tirr tcrnabo er,rd o,ac occcssr; ;il;ss6ffi a Orr ot Acepwrcr:S€malur.: _$o , -.-o"r* - ,;.,j - l I 'r'[' i i Itenr No. 4 was First reading of ordinance No. 21, series of 1994, 1,st Reading, an ordinanceamending Chapter 18.04, setting forth definitions for active outdoor recreatiin, inte.preuve nato.ewalks, nabure preserves, passive outdoor recreation, private, public, quasipuutic, anj .r,".gii;lh.section number of recreation struchrre; amending -hapter'1g.36,'dublic'Use District; a;"r?**chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural open spaci Dishict; and creatinj chapter 1g.L, d;;;iRecreation Dstricu and .setting forth de-tails in regard thereiol [Based on extensivediscussion/modifications,/additions from the afternoon.s wor"ksessionl Tom Steinberg muO. u ,otf"to table ordinance No. 21 to the next evening meeting. Paul Johnston seconded the"motion. A ;;;was taken and passed unanimously, 6-0. Item No' 5 was a {55'wd'aoce.nryul by &e Rooet l,odge.George Ruther displayed a drawing ofthe proposed sign and referenced i memo dated August 12, Bs+ito the DRB d"; il. D.;;;;";;of Community Development. George _explained Ihe request ' in aetaii and stated that staffrecommended approval of the request. Comments from Council Members included a concern thatgranting a variance could set a.precedent; proposed sign would be a great improvemenf andpossibility of increasing the size of_the proposed sign. Paul johnston moved io grant the sigr., vaii"rr.eas recommended by staff. Jan skauch seconded the motion. A vote wis taken ina purrJunanimously, 6-0, Item No. 6 was the Lifthouse Lodge Appeal. The Town Council wished to review the pEC,s recentapproval of setback and site -coverage viriances and a major exterior alteration in the CommercialCore II (CCII) zone district for the Lifthouse Lodge, locaied at sss gisiiionshead Ci*I", i.;;lydescribed as a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lio"nshead, ist Filing. Cot t u"iu., appficani, iateiAasland and Jay Peterson were Present' Jim Curnutte referenced two ,iemorandums daied s.it"*u..6,1994, to the Town Council from€ommunity Development. and August zZ,.lgg4, to the pEC fromCommunity Development' Paul Johnston moved to'uphold the aJcision of the pEC, r"iir, tt.condition that two sets of windows be installed on the east side of the building u, ,t o*n on ii,.applicant's color rendering, unless an engineering report reveals that the structuial integrity of thebuilding would be threatened, then one set of riindows on the east sioe of the b"ildin;;i;;allowed. Jim shearer seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 6_0, Item No, 7 Presentations Re: 1995 Contract,/Dues/leases: a. WTCB Information Booths and Special Events. b. ABCRA lnformation Booths. Merv sbated the'Council_would hear both presentations, but would not make a decision untit apresentation from the Vail vatley Marketing Board submits its funding request on September 20 ata Council worksession. FrankJohnson, representing the WTCB, presented a proposal to operate the Vail Information Booths,manage and produce certain Town of Vail special events. and form better events communicabion andreservation system for 1995. Kate Collins of the ABCRA explained the organization, and presented a proposal to manage the Vaillnformarion Booths for 1995, and suggested-a more regionilized approich'to include Avon, as theinformation center there was already operated by the ABCRA. '' Itern No'-8 was, a report by jhe. Town Manager. Bob stated he had nothing to'add to hismemorandum, which had been included in Couniil packets. There being no further business, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made and passedunanimously. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.M." Respectfully submitted, ATTEST: Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk Minules taken by Holly L Mccutcheon Merv Lapin, Mayor pro-Tem Veil Town Councit Eeehing MsetinS Minute6 oly0Argd .lt a $ign Review Action FfJm TOWN OF VAIL - t ^l r- /category Number J oate Q /8 /Q4.a)t/ ------------ Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District Project Street A OOr""", Comments: _--i:trr_,.ir* ,.: *89?Id l $tatt Action Motion by: Seconded by: Ea -- ., ,,.r-., ^,/ _ ! Approval ! Disapproval ! StatfApproval Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee er.-puia tl 1() a, -, -,t,t. aate: (//EJL?4/ g-9.+ THU rfiryruGHTTcH srGFto,"a"= Hr A-PPIJICATION P - 63 lis i , DE|l .D[PT(F ] ease NAl"lE OE' Print, sr PROJECT Type) s.ts/,il8H[l|g-lF-e+tsr[ssN L" NAI,{E op p ERs oN s uBMr r r x N6 hp,aaT -&I.:***^*p HoNEJU Jg :Js" 6 a. *- TOV. JU I'I ? COMI\4 ADDRESS NA}IE OF OWNER ADDRESS 3 A. DE$CRIPTION OF TfiE SIGN/AT{NING (FRES STANDING, WALI,, PRoTECTING, ErC) . lNCLUDE sIcN MES$\cE._trut&U.f/#da__* o"SIGN OR AWNING MA,TER mr.,&atalL.n^fr .Lil-r*-#*-*-&*tpm SIGNATURE OP O!{II$R TOCATION OF' PROJECT I? DESCRIPIIO}{ OE' PROJECT futlt*Wdt"*reffit d/a, REVTE!'I BOARD. TilE IQLLOWING INF0RI,IATION Is SEffUIBE,g rOR SeBtlIftAL By TttEAPpLIcANT pRIaR To TI.IE nsQuesE-pnrwe -gcTIBDULED sngonn THE OEsIGN noroe'.j5l./-*^#-fS"t- c. gruE 0F ovuhAx,t $IGN, SIAE 0F LEtTERTNG AND LOGO T' HErcHr oF srGN neovd GRADE S6p*"*,*?rpl-** DESCRIBE LTGI{tING (EXISTING OR BROposF,n, lffilct&H" TJENGTH or BusrN'ss FR'NTA.E ,"r, -t*/fJJ--* CONDOMINIUM A$ SOCIATION APFI\OVAI..vAL **JLT q4QHJ'_ilffi * * --E--*r,'b,* UAT\E TOOT OE STGN,&REA' /,hE tr00T 0E 51 trS"b_* bArE _ Sltc Plan tl.evafions showlnE exacE, tocaUton of sign orawnirig gn the builaing Fhot.ogrtphs showl.ng proposed Iocat {on Colored gcale drawing Sampld of propoeed matertals Photograph of sign lf avalJ.able #; __h-* *th-*- A I 2. 1 {. E 5. nl ratob OVER I. Appll.catlon I 1994 I\PPLICAIION fOR A SIGH VI\RIANCE thLs proaedurE ls requlred for any proJcct requestlng a varlanee. The appllcatlon Hi]1. not be {ccePt,ed uh?ll all lnfornatlon Ls submltted tr, NN.IE oF IPDtrcANr Pso$- t-r_'rEi< , ."' PHONE .i D. lDDREss .l1rBA&"r"\'^o".r/J. r,*rl'c"fi6'jpHoNE q1 6-5q5' E; ADDREss ,- l-71.-*l flZpo,:lr**",/J. PHoNE 1176'4111 V*rL, ca Xl631 B. NAI{E OF APBI,ICATIT'S REDRESENTATIV$ ADDRESSalnw U+"y frsl A/#h6ztl Sttas Po c. NN.!E dF OWNER (prlnt or ! $IGN}IUNE INCABION.OF FROPOSI|I, .r4D - t r) | ),--/ (^rlrl {;91ADDRESS I / u( ^J (l c5\_{)ar-. (f ,4 ( / rr LL \-&/. - v-- , LEGAL pEscRIPTxoN wxdal$lrF.loclc "* Filing U€' 4F*s.q.B 8,,,€F€qrz €/C-e-?zt\tFEE. $r00.oo p"l frr rzOed,fi \-lWyz+ rI. trwo (2) cople* of, thc followinE Inforrnation: A. A statenent of the preclse nature of, tha variance requested, the rogui"ation involvedr and ths Fracticaldifftcultv or unnecessaty physical hardship tnconsletint wlth the objectivee of thls title that r*ould iesult from Etrict or ltteral lnterpretatlon and enf,orcement of the speclfled regulation' B. h slte Flan shonlng aII exlstlng and propoged feauures on the site, and on adJoining gites if necessary, pertlnent t; the varlance requasted'-.including slte Loundarles, requlred setbacks, building locations and :helghte, tlpography and.phyeical feat'ures, -existing .,Etgn roiati-oni, brlpoeed slgn Locatlons and any related data. , c. such Eddltional nsterial as the zonlnE admlnlEtrator nay prescrlbE or the applicant may subrnit pertlnent to the aPPlleatlon. D. Slgn APPIlcation complet€d, Tlme Bequirenentg The De$lgn Revlew Eoacd meets on the lst aqd 3rd WuAnisAavs of the nonth. An application wlfh the nBcossary ;il;;;a;!ing naterial must ne buurnittecl { wecks prior to the a;G-;i ttri:rnaating to allorv for publishing requirements. E L+:*t rt e.nJ7i*."/f^^ -.h7, **4,a \xxt vn,r'Q:,1a51 , rr, JUL-15-94 FRI l2:14 EE3 419 2452 P.B? SGNS O==-== +< = ---=-r-!=--== DATE: TO: FROM: RE: July 15, 1994 Town of Vail Design & Review Board Lanv^s(rA/A./ [k- Roost Lodge Hardship Variance The new owners of the Roost Lodge have inherited a sign of approximately 92 square feet which does not conform to size, placement or conternporary standards. They wish HighTech to fabricate a replacement sign that will conform to all aspects of the current sign code. The only place for placement of a wall sign on the building that can be visible from the east and the west directions, is in the peak of the registration building. The Town of Vail Sign Code, section 16.05.320 limits wall signs to not projecting more than none inches from the face of the wall. The new sign of 20 square feet is being proposed as shown on the attached drawing. The distance from the wall to the front of the eaves, ranges from approximately 5 to 8 feet. Placement against the wall is not possible since the wall has windows permitting light and ventilation to the second level living unit. Placement against the wall is also not practical since the sign would not be visible, except for a l0 to 20 degree viewing corridor, from the roadway. From a safety feature, traffic driving on North Frontage Road West, should be able to see the Iodge name with sufiicient time to sign a turn and slowdown safely. A variance as to projection from the wall would permit the above goals to be achieved. In addition, from a structural point, bracing a raceway across the beam (not to extend beyond the roofline), and fastening the sign to the supporting raceway and to the eaves via back bracing, will provide the strength to support the weight and hold the sign rigid in high wind conditions. As demonstrated above , the new owners ofthe Roost Lodge have a hardship that is not caused by them, and could be corrected to by permitting the sign to be attached to the eaves and projecting beams, as shown on the attached drawings. HIGHTECHSIGNS PO. Box 2688 Vail, CO Bl658 303.9+9.+565 FAX:949.467O Production Center Aspen & 910 Nottingham Road Glenwood Sprgs. Suite 5.2 303.9+5.6695 Avon. CO 81620 .ttlt -?*-q4 -rl{ll 1 T,=H-rFJ-:l{ J+ T J: }.{7 =Fro "7H a P - |trr? DATE: TO; FROM; RE: Iuly 28, l99a ' I,r Town of Vaii Design & Review Board LaryA$ Roost The ncw owners of the Ruost Lodge hnve inherited r sign of approximately yz square thet which does not comfoft to sizq placement,or contcrnporary sterrdnrds. They wish HighTech to fabdcale. r replacement sign that will conform to all nspacts of the cunent sign code. However the following two variances are being requeited, Variance number one, ptojecrion, The only ploce for pl*ccmont of a walt sign on thp building that can b€ vi$ibtc fiottt tho east and the west directions, is in rhe peak ofthe registration building. The Town of Vail $ign Code, , scction 16.04.320 lirrritr wall signs to not ptojecting rnore than nine inches frdm ttre thce of the wall. - The Town of Vail $ign Codq section 16 20.210 limits wall signs to 20 square fcct, Ptir the definirion in section l6.04'320,thesquarefootageincludesthesurroundborderoutsidethetext. rce from fhe wall to the front of the t4ve!i, l'angr.is from approxitnately 4 to 6 feet. Placernent against the wall is not possibte since the wall has windows permining liglit and ventitation io the second level livirrg unit. Placemint agsinst the wall is also not practical since the sign would not be visiblq except for a 10 to 20 degree viewirrg ca$dor" frorn the rondway. From s safety feature, trrflic driving on North Frontagc Road Wcsg should be abta to Eto thc lodge nanre with sufncient time to sign a tury rnd slowdown safely. A variance as to projection from rhe watl r+ould permh the above goals to be achieved, In addition, tiom a structural point, bracing a. raceway'acrolr the bearn (not to extend beyond the roofliile), and fastening the sign to the supporting racervay and to the eaves via hret braclng, will provide the strength te support rhe weight and hold the sign rigid in high wind conditions, Currently the Roo+t l.odge has text that is l9'high for the ROOST LODGE, and l0- high for ECONO|,fICAL LODGINS- FIEATED PQOL, 'l'he attached reque$t contains text rhat is 15" high fOr ROOST, and ff" high for LODGE, a significant reduction in size fiom the existing sign. The aref, rround the *ign i,l being vie,wed es decorative and not text or logo or anything direcily associated with the property, but a1 attempt ts mak€ the rign tees obtrusivg as n sign. I . , P.O. Fox 2688 Pmducriorr C+o(cl A{xn & Vail,COS165E 9l0NoltinghamRoad GlcnwmdSprgs. 303.9.19,4i65 Suit€ S.t 303,945,669S FAX: 949.4670 Avor\ CO 81620 HICI{TECHSIGNS .Tf lt -?*-q4 .t-Hll 'l -7 o :4 I-.I T I=HTFf-:H F+ T I= F.I:fio P - Ft= 'E=--EECHSrcNS@ t;,,., ,1 ' nuL\SIGN milNG P.O. BOX 2688 . VAIL. CO 81658 .949.4565 . FAX: 303.949.467 O .'t fl^r. -fe\r ,?{,lx:, l1'r,r 3"x^ iub v € t.is tw' I ltl,t xV6." ftL-r \ L.{l +*ute- ft Jl*x y8,s 9s,sd X JL.b -^HrPWT Au-tEn-unfyu'c- $ B-r 88'S a4 |K 5 L-F La'o rA JOB #DATE- BY b,a.,a*t Faosf codAz- coNTAcr ROOS[-@DG TR-(olmSq=r,J q\*g\l/ \\l/ \J, J t' 1 Tf rR\-r-n\r-nT Gil-\\ J_LJ\-/-2jj--l''{TJ_r!4 5CALE PHONE FAX: TT ,rZ\'J L_,1\_r.2 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOBANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department August 17,1994 A sign variance requesl for the Roost Lodge located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9, 10, 1 1, and 12, a resub. of Buffehr Creek Subdivision' Applicant: Planner: Julian and Chris Mazili George Ruther I. DESCBIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, the Roost Lodge, represented by co-owner Julian Mazili, is requesting a variance from the Town of Vail Sign Code, specifically lrom the wall sign 9-inch projection and maximum 20 square foot size requirements. The applicant currently has a wall sign which does not conform with the Town of Vail Sign Code. 'tne existing sign, originally approved in March o{ 1979, is an illuminated, cabinet box sign approximately 93 square feet in size and is mounted 5 to 6 feet from the face of the UuitOing wall. The existing sign is located on the south face of the registration building facing in a southerly direction towards the North Frontage Road and l-70' The new sign the applicant is proposing will be displayed in approximately the same location as the existing sign. The proposed text on the sign will read "ROOST LODGE'. The size of the sign proposed by the applicant is approximately 33 square feet in overall size with the text being a maximum of 20 square feet in size. Thus, the need for a wall sign, size variance lor a sign greater than the maximum 20 square feet and a variance for a wall sign projection of 5 to 6 feet is required. Section 16.04.320 (Definitions) of the Town of Vail Sign Code defines a wall sign as: "a sign attached to, painted on, or erected against a wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plain parallel to the base of the wall and not projecting more than 9 inches from the base of the wall-" Additionalty, Section 16.22.155(B) (Size - Wall Signs - Single Business Use) permits a single business: "2.5 square teet of sign lor each 5 front lineal ieet of the building with a maximum area of 20 square feet. The combined maximum area for more lhan one sign shall not exceed 20 square feet"' Zft*a;;nt - ?-*^*) F - f"-4r,r> It II. FINDINGS AND CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL Before the Board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that, A. There are special circumstances or conditions applyino to the land, buildinqs, topooraDhv. veqetation, siqn structures or other matters on adiacent lots or within the adiacent riqht-of-wav which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the siqn in question: provided. however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention and do not apply oenerally to all businesses or enterprises. Staff Response: Staff believes that special circumstances, applying to the Roost Lodge restrict the effectiveness of a wall sign mounted I inches or less from the building wall and that a maximum size of 20 square feet, exists. Specifically, the registration building, the location where the applicants are proposing their sign, has a unique front eave and front elevation design which would adversely impact the effectiveness of a wall mounted sign 9 inches or less from the face of the building wall. The front elevation is nearly all windows. To mount a wall sign would be difficult from a structural standpoint and would alfect the amount of natural light allowed to filter into the registration/lobby area ol the hotel as well as the living space located above the registration/lobby area. Secondly, the front eave design on the registration building is such that a wall sign mounted 9 inches from the building face would have a limited view corridor. The front eave on the registration building is a prow in design, with the eave projecting out at its greatest point approximately 6 feet. To mount the sign pursuant to Code would, in essence, bury the sign up underneath the eave, therefore limiting the amount of visual exposure (see visibility diagram attached). The Roost Lodge is dependent upon business generated by traffic on both the North Frontage Road and the lnterstate. The proposed sign placement will be approximately 150 feet from the Interstate. Per the Letter Visibility Chart submitted with the sign application by the applicant, prepared by the Colorado Institute of Technology, the maximum impact for readable distance ol 150 feet would be a letter height of 15 inches. The proposed letter heights for the Roost Lodge sign are 15 inches for the text "Roost" and 8 inches for the text "Lodge". Again, the applicant has proposed the text portion of the proposed sign to nol exceed 20 square leet. B. That special circumstances were not created bv the applicant or anvone in priw to the applicant. Staff Response: The current owners of the Roost Lodge purchased the accommodation facility in the spring on 1994. Staff believes that the applicant did not deliberately create unusual circumstances that would not allow him to adhere to the wall sign g-inch projection requirement of the Code. Additionally, since the Floost Lodge building was constructed in the 1970's, prior to the construction of l-70, it was not of iny action undertaken by the applicant which caused the building to be located the distance it is from the interstate. c. Staff Response: Staff leels that the request for lhe variance allowing the applicant to construct a wall sign greater than 9 inches from lhe wall base of the building and to further allow for a sign greater than the 20 foot maximum currenily allowed by the sign code is reasonable, and is in harmony with the general purpose of the sign code, since the applicant is not proposing to create the text portion greater than 2b square feet. Staff does not believe the requested sign will be materially detrimental to oiher persons or businesses residing and conducting business in the vicinity. The variance applied for d,oes not deoart from the provisions of this title anv more than is required to identifu the applicant's business or use. Staff Response: Again, as stated earlier in this memo, the applicant is requesting only to erect the sign far enough from the building to allow the sign to be adequately viewed from the North Frontage Road and the Interstate, and to have the text no greater than 20 square feet. The additional 14 square feet of sign area requested by the applicant is mainly lor aesthetic purposes and to create harmony between the sign and the existing architecture of the front eave. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the requested sign variance to allow for a wall sign to be mounted greater than 9 inches from a building face and to allow the proposed sign to ne S+ square feet rather than the maximum 20 square feet as outlined in ttre Town of Vail SignCode' Staff has reviewed the sign, location, lighting and other characteristics of the siln andfinds that the proposed sign is in harmony with the Sign Code and variance criteria listed above. c:\georgs\memosvoost.Sl 7 D. lDesign Review Actiotorm TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: nrcnnect4{nr. Odressand enone: if'+-, tJ^"'-n tl&Z i. F.^..-.*.r'-' 3.-J vl--.2/ v-.J 4 8/6s8 Legal Descripti oniLot th| l Block - Subdivision3n .r(q /-- .-{. iL-a-<--4 Zone District 7 4' //-. t Project Street Address: -Z ;"---l , .-' r -r7 t I Motion by: &r-- ' Seconded by: Bn---,'-',*/ |f npProvat f] Disapproval tr StaffApproval Conditions: o O -evised 9/Algt TEIS EPPIICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTEDIINIIL .AtL REQUTnSD INFORMATION IS SUSlfirrso********** I. PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIpTION.: prime and refasten any loose exterior paneling, **Replac DRB .APPLICATION - rO'{N.Ol' \IAII,, COLORJADO DA'E ApptrcArroN RE.ET'ED: R[c'DAPR 2 61991 DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** exterior whitq paint. Replace paint w,/-" yq4rlL w / l;-r:: spr-"e "r*iap. Do any minor repairB. iipn,Or R'+t€frgt"re of raiting attached New Constrdction ($200.00) xx Minor Alterat,ion ($20.00) ($0)Addition ($50.00)ConcepLuaL Review ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIpTION: LoL 9,10,11 ,l2g1ock Subdivision Buffer Creek Resubdivi"ion-fo"nlt Vuit D. If property is described,by a meets and bound,s legaldesgripti-on., .please provide on a sepuiit"-"ii""t.-Jnoattach t,o this application. ZONING: Public Acc LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAMB OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: I. NAN4E OF *SIGNATIIRE (S) :Mailing Addres-sl McKenzie T l. Condominlum ApprovaL if applicable. DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are t,o be paid at.the tlme of submitlq} or DRB,application. --r,ifli, "nenapptying for a building permiul-ptease iaenuiiv-iireaccurate varuation of the proposal . The town 6r-vail1i} aojyst, rhe fee_according-ro rhe ruU:.e-U*rii.,'aoensure t,he correct fee is paid. FEE PArri: s Jc 'cC /*t i 1+7FEE SCHEDULE: VAJ,UATION$ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10r 001 - $ 50r 000. $ 50r 00L - $ 1501 0oo$150r00r.-- $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1/ 000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 FEE $ 20 . 0,0 estimate 4, 000 " 00 -+ $ s0.00 $r_00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500 .00 * DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT, EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER TI}IATAPPROVAI UNLESS" A IBUI,LDING -PERMIT .IS. TSSUED ENO] CONSTRUCTION ISSTARTED. **No APPr.,rca"TroN wrl.r. BE PRocEssED t{rrHour owNER' s srcNAruRE 1_.. 1 '11'.. ., co 81657 NAI',IE OFMailing APPLICANT' S Address: i3itl:l:: musr provide a currenr 47 6-\Aq1 REPRESENTATfVE ! .rnhn lrazen. .rrr.t ian Mazi]_1 o MEEIIPRE-APPLTCATTON TTNG: A pre-applj.cation meeUing with a member of the planningstaff is sLrongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplicaUion information is needed. It is the applicant, sresponsibilit.y to make an appointment wit.h the ltaff todetermine if there are additional submitLal requirements.Please note. that a COMPLETE applicat.ion will streamline t.heapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition t.o meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must st.ake and tape the project site t.oindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AlLsite tapings and staking rnust be cornpleted prior to the DRB site visit.. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during t.he wj-nter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate neetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval. Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal at'a minimum of tvro meetings before obtaining finalapproval. C. epplicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting dat.e and who have notasked in advance LhaL discussion on t.heir item bepostponed, wiII have their items removed from the DRB docket. until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The followlng items may, at the discretion of Lhezoning administrator, be approved by the Corununity Development DepartmenL staff (i.e. a formal trearing . before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not. alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible frorn anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitt.ed, applicants musc includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or managler of any adjacent condominium association stating the associat.ion approves of t.he addit.ion. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.. snow aval"anche, rockfa11, flood pIain, debris fIow,wetland, etc), a hazard study rnust be submitted and theowner must, sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit..Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F, For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior st.ructural walls of thebuilding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding waIls or supporting columns. If .DRB. approves.-the application. wit,h conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior Lo Town issuance of a' building permit.. a. IV. NEW CONSTR-TION Three copies of a recent toposraphic survev, stamped bya licensed survevor, at a scale of 1" = 20t or larger, on which the following information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 5 acres or more, in which case, 5tcontour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing t.rees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, internitLent streams,etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of sLream or creek, required creek orstream setback, L00-year flood plain and slopes of40* or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearly staLed on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point.This is particularly inportant for height measurements. See PoIicy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. '1 . LocaUions of the fol-Iowing: a. Si-ze and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source Lo the sLructure. Utilities to include: A. Cable Tv Telephone Sewer Water \'OL DElectric SiLe Plan 1. Locations tl c. Show all utility meter l"ocations, including'any pedestals to be located on sj-te or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocableperrnits from t.he Town of Vail are reguiredfor improvements in the right-of*way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown e. All easements (Title report must also includeexisting easement locations) ExisLing and finished grades. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side ofthe lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spotelevations must be shown. A11 exist.ing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, .driveways, off-stneet--parkingT loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and boLLom ofwall spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. 3. and pfgposed qrades shoelevations and grades-usE-EE-ffiv.iaed in orderfor the staff to determine building height. eifridge lines shoutd. be indicated on rhe 6ite pi;.Elevations for roof ridges shall aLso be :.nO'icateAon.the site plan wit.h coresponding finished .rrA--existing grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades.may not exceed gt unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (!tt = Zer or larger) - 3 copies required L. The following J.nformation must be provid.ed on thelandscape plan. The location of eiist.ing 4,idiameter or Iarger trees, the locatj-on, 6i"e,spacing and type (common and 1atin name) of aI]existi.ng and proposed plant material . i.f f t.reesto be saved and to be removed must also beindicated. The plan must also d.ifferent,iatebet.ween existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the at.tached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systems to be employed in caring- forplant material following it.s instaLlafioi. 4. Existing and proposed contour Lines. rn order to cr-arify the inter-reration of the variousdevelopment proposal -components, please incorporate asmuch of the above information as possible ont; the siteplan. 9iqn.9ff f€om g?gh utililv companv verifying theLocation of utitity service anO -availaliiiti (seeattached) . A prgliminarv tltle report must accompany allsubmittalsr to insure property ownership and locationof all easements on property. Architectural.Plans (1/8,' = 1, or larger, !/4,, lspreferred sca.Le for review) 3 copies iequired. 1. Scaled floor plans and aII elevations of theproposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One seL of f i.oor plans must be ,,red-lined', to showhow the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and t,he site plan (S_!/2t x LL,,I for inclusion in pEC and,/or ToivnCouncil memos may be requested. 4 - Exterior surfacing materiars and materiar cororsshall be specified on the attached materiars rist.This materials List nust be completed andsubmit.ted as a part of DRB application. Col.orchlps, siding samples etc., ihoufd be presented tothe Design Review Board rneeting Zong chgc\ lis!. (attached) must be completed if projectis rocated wirhin rhe singre-Farni1y, eiirnary/i-c'o"oiryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent strucLures. NOTE: D. F. H. ' r. The ,;r"n Administrator and,/or t may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will conply wit.h Design Guidelines. V. MTNOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERTOR OF BUILDTNGS. Phot.os or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be subnitted in lieu of the more formal" requirements set forth above, provided al1 important specifications for the proposal including colors andmateriafs to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shovrn. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = It or larger(I/4" = Lt is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. SpecificaLions for aII materials and color samples onmaLerials list (attached). At the request of t.he Zoning Administrator you may also berequired Lo submit: G. A statement from each ut^ility verj.fying location ofservj-ce and availability. See attached utilitylocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lisLs all easements. vrr-.WLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department. will schedule afraning inspection, two copies of an Improvement, LocationCertificate survey (ILC) st.amped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submi.tted. The followinginformat.ion must. be provided on the ILC: A. Building location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to Lhe nearest tenth of a foot. C, All utiliLy service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterial used, and size and exact location of lines. D. Drainage as-builts. E. ,Basis of bearingr to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be eit.her found or set andstated on improvement survey. G. AII easements. H. Building fLoor elevations and all roof ridge el-evationswith existing and proposed grades shown under the ridgelines. vrrr . coNc*pruA" o"rrn,l"ur"* SUbmittal {equirement$: The owner or authorized. agent.of any project reguiring.design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit prins f-or conceptiii-ieview !V tne.Design Review Board to the Departmeirt ofComrnunity Development. The conceptuif review isr-ntencled to give the appricant a basic understanding ofthe. compatibility of their proposal with the Town, sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommenAeOprimarily _for applications more complex than s:.njfe_family and two-family residences. However, deveiopersof single-family and two-family projects sirall not beexcruded from the opportunity to reguesb a conceptualdesign review- comprete applications must be suLmitted10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The foLlowing information shall be submitted for aconceptuaL review: L. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty ieet; 2. Conceptual elevat.ions showing exterior materialsand a description of the character of the proposedstructure or structures; 3. Sufficient inforrnation to show the proposalcomplies with t.he developnent standlrdi of thezone district in which the project is to beIocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations,number of parkingf spaces, etc.)j 4. Conpleted DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design review, the Departnent of ComrnunityDevelopment shall review the submitted materials forgeneral compriance with the appropriate reguirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basiccompliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject sha11 be forwarded to the D-RB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally incompliance with zoning code reguirements, theapplication and submittal mateiials shali be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundt.he project not to be in compliance wiLh zoning coderequirernents. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB sharl review the subnitted conceptualreview.application and supporting material in order todetermine whether gI l9L ttre projeet generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not- vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentaLive shaLl be present at the DRB hearinq. A LTST OF MATERTALS - NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATER]ALS: Roof Siding Other Wa1I Mat.erials Fasci-a Soffit s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures ' Greenhouses Ot.her required approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAL to the Desiqn L\J!trt( LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIAIS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caLiper for deciduous trees. Erees. Indicate Mininurn caLiper forheight for coniferous pLANT MATERTATs,lL..* co.rnor, *uJouanrirv size,. . PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qalLon. GROI'ND CO\IERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Type Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footage LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, preaseshow the number of fixtures and rocat.ions on- a ieparat.elighting p1an. rdentify each fixture from tne liihting pranon the lj-st below g?d provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walrs, fences, swirnmingpools, etc.) Prease specify. rndicate heights of retaininiwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback ii3 feet. Maximum height of watls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet D. I urrr,rrY LocArroN vERrFrcilo" SUBDIVTSION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilit,ies, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed Iines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Conmunications L-800-922-t987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-578r. Gary HaIl Holy Cross ElecLric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky,/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Val1ey hlater & Sanitation Dist.rict. * 47 5-'1480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1.. This form is to verify service availability andIocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your.utility plan and schedulinginstallat.ions. 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construct.ion, the utility representativeshould not directly on the utility verificationforn that Lhere is a problen which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in nind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolveidentified problems. 4. If the ut.ility verification form has signaturesfrom each of t.he utilit.y companies, and no conments are made direct.Iy on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not. relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cut.permit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain utilitv locations beforediqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement inthe Town of VaiI. A buildinq permit is not astreet cut permit. A sLreet cut pernit must beobtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle-Va.lley.Water .&--SanitaEion,signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. DATE: IEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: - zoNE cHEcK - FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS Block _ Filing OTiINER PHONE PHONEARCHTTECT *'ILOT SIZE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Allowed (30) (33) Existinq proposed TotaI Height ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA +425= + 425 Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wal1 Height.s Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmental,/Hazards : 3'/6' Reqrd (300) (500) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8* Act.ua1 Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes No 20, L5t 1,5, (30) (s0) 1.) 2', 3) Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfalfc) Debris Flow4l Wetlands Prevlous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? Holr much of the allowed 250 Addition is useffiffi-E-his request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 1g.l_3.090(B) of the MunicipalCode, loLs zoned Two Family and primary,/Secondary which are less tiran15r000 sq. ft. in area may noL construcL a second dwelling unit. -The conmunity Development Department may grant an exception t6 tnisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections L8.I2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code incirOir,gpermanently restricting.the unit..as. a_Iong-ggam rentll unit for full_tine employees of the Upper Eagle VaIIey.- 10 oz ts =E,uto- c.l (n uJ uJ LL = = uJ \t\Ns+ +l t-l F zH 7. t v(J F] r2 il otsOHzH o pr E ll,, 6 F (n ==o z q) ulFoz z J .6('z IJJz3o a\q #r Erq H\ t\ ;t} H Pr z F-l A o o o d = 6 3 E, o)E (5 o) o F = dI E =cl; o) (6 3 .9 (l) c .9o tlio .9 .9.: l) ortc\(l! o) 3 F o) = o <t o (! o 3 o as oo (g oo $ .gE o 3ot- (s o. Eoo o i(! CL 9 Dc(5 c .9 (s E o .E o.c c:--- .> Eoo o o E $ go'=E E8 o_*6 :L EUEL'- lto(uSo =€€';c9'- o. o.9 !(6OE ccge tq=.Y- O(u nr(6 EE(5 E6OELc O([ (5C -c(U -o.GO nt O)otE o:t EEo(6c-;6(oE>9 -OO9EoFc6 -o .iI rn ral c.) o\ F =d uJc zo =ql :< lrlI()z o_ a F uJ uJ z = c oz <) uJE UJu,t!z tr uJ UJ oE o co =uJ UJtrz 6 UJ F v> uJ z ul x F u,lu) 6 u.i UJIL ts =E IU o-J FoF z ct ) o Fo UJJ uJ z 6 =f oz uJ = € HH NO[VnlVA Jt = z tr E() U' UJ J uJz l.l] E >oa --(ailuS =lnN zz ho- 4xlua9,o aJ, az>-Oc)()z t!< v= CHax rAi F >i Hz \t }l &H ts v,F z E LL UJ c.t E (L tIJE z Eo XX2 tr E UJFJ =qJz =zlzO(,/) <Oo< =HRado<z F2,. Az --l r;o3trOI lul J tc <h!)ltlz i luq 2 F Jlaz o)J =F UJ X X X >{ F at) =F J z Y(! IL uJo <l trl zl zl .. >lo IJJ IJJ llJza tr =lrut IL J zI =oo I (:) ;' i.,f) taO c) lrJFo @o-zo F IJJv I.TJdl oF F>n II ll- o- -: XO{\., Hlu)I F3 ! lltllvl tHlloltllp< |:<- | -lE I.-rI . I'lFa ' .-{ lu). I F,lo lF(Fl I.l (, orl Zt--i.'J JlL rn Hzr'l ts an rri z _') E z t-l Fz z aa6F uJto ) rn-$rn I\o FfH ts() Fl z &xE a =tr z Fl t E (\ o\ cr)\' I ta) o- tst'l F-]H = zB rJ) an F E - =tr z llJE J a lJ- ;3 9lFi : tr oz' o IJJI rl-oz3 9lF]tr z r.i u,l J a II z3 c .iz uJE J IL z3 F e.tr oz CJutE J a t! z =p utJ ut' F uJz =o l!F T() E -rO<FGOuJ<zE I.J.J F(r1 zo -(J IrF C) LlJ tr Y : r a ) E 9P s3 a'6 (J i5YF2() =<.+(r iz =g L.EirIJIYo2 J<CJontrt trj:o z ;n !{ =kc0o =z O- lJ- -J(9c)zdot. f:(Dt! ts IJJ o- u-o 59E<cLf6CnEoa9vEiecd tr't* =Er:-E E=o #i-: =dI O r.r-E oo9 iuE =O_t x>t q-o-!tr Luo F !E-E E =E. lrJo-z9l-(JfEFazo() nt] rFfrTt -t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON IN TUES lf',.-'.3-5 1- WED THUR t"r,o* REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL €E BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL IrouruonroN / srEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ntr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr F|){AL FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM ER€F PROJECT tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: OVED INSPECTION REQUIRED INSPEC ,**"toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL \'. i,' \ t':-r<'-o'. . DATE '.. -'-.-:.'--.-* ..:,.' JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI E FRAMING PLUMBING: / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL N ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB ______.- tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT DF trC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER - tr HEATING ROUGH - - O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'h=\.>*PEHMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT '"' oor. $- -)NSS, JoB NAME INSPECTION: i vorttREADY FOR LOCATION: rrus?cnoNTOWN OF REQUEST' VAIL CALLER TUES @ THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL U o D q TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL @-xveaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTO revi€ed 6/L8/9L DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE AFPLICAT]ON RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** rHIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE UNTIL ALI, REQUIRED INEOR}IATION********** COLORADO frIffi jt"ili ACCEPTSDIS SUBMI.TTED I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction ($200.00) Addition (S50.00) a annPtrqq. D. LEGAL DESCRIPT]ON: Subdivision ff property is described bY descrj-ption, please Provideattach to this applicatlon. Minor Alteration ($20. 00) aI Review ($0) Block a meets and bounds 1egal rrn .a sFr)A ral. e sheet andv.. s vvt/e 1 LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLfCANTT- r /', Mailing Agi4ress-: applicant must provide a currenL l-ot area. Phone ZONING: NAME OF Maj-1ing Address: APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : Phone NAME OF OWNERS:CF€ *STGNATURE(S): Mailing Addr Phone va1 app t ab-o aid at tneft-:,^d/f submittal of DRB appJdcation.ater, when a{#fyj-ng for a building permit, please ide*{ify trre accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail wilt adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee i-s Paid' FEE PAID; S FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUAT]ON $ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,ooo $ 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $5oo,o0l- - $1,000,000$ over $1' 000,000 *NO APPLICATION I{TLL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE t Project Applicalion Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Desiription: Lot Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ,4-rApproval August 24, L990 Staff approvaL of awning entry at Roost Lodge Baclcground No survey available of the property Used the Town of Vailrs Road surveys for road above the property to determined that the northwest corner of the western most buitding is approximately 1-7t from the property line. From this we concluded that the proposed will not be in anY setbacks. Put owner on notice that no further improvements will be allowed on the property without a stamped survey being submitted with the aPPlication. She11y Mell-o \-- l.l. r.l" r Project ApilFrcation ;Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal Descriprio .' r^4114 lb lZ r,""n Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISA PPROVA L Town Plan ner Staff Approval DRB APPLICArfON DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB IITEETING: *****EHTS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTTL ALL INFORI-TATIONIS SIJBI{TTTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATTON UESTING: A pre-application rneeting with a plannLng staff menber Lsstrongly suggested to deterrine Lf any additionalinformation is needed. No aoolication wll] lra rnnonra,{ the zoniFg ?dministratorl. ft is the appllcantrsresponsibirity to make an appointnent wtttr ttre staff to find that a COI{PLETE appLication w111 streanline the approvalprocess for your project by deereasing the nunber ofcondltions of approval that the DRB niy stipulate. ALLconditions.of approval must be resolvea before a buildingpermit is issued.. Application will not be processedsitlrout Ownerrs Signature. responsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to fout about additional subnittal requirenents. please note A.PROJECT D P{TON: / e B.I.,OCATTON OF PROPOSAL Address Legal Descr subdlvision NA![E OT APP Mailing edd ion Lot /,z B ock 'Zoh c. 7/4.s'r Phone D. NA!'E OF APPLICATflTIS REPRESENTATTVE: Mailing aaaressz lil Phone E.NA}{E OF OWNERS: aIGITATURE(8) 3 uailing F. G. I7i,- DRB FEE: The.fee will be paid at the.tine a buildingperurit is paid for. FEE $ lo.oo $ zs.oo $ s0.oo 9100. oo 92O0. OO $30O. OO VALUATION $ o- $ 10,001 -$ 50,001 - $150,001 - $500,001. -$ Over I 10,000I 50,Ooo$ 15O,OOO$ 500, ooo $1, ooo, ooo $1, ooo, ooo II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSIONS TO TTIE DRB: A. In addition to meeting subnittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed must also be narked. This work rnuet be completed before the DRB visits the site. B. The review Process for NEI{ BUILDINGS will nornally involve two separate ueetings of the Design Review Board, so the applj.cant should plan on at least two neetings for a final aPProval. C. Applicants who fail to aPpear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoni'ng adninistrator, the following Ltens uay not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. l{indows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existinq plane of the building; and b. Buildinq addltions that are not viewed fron any other lot or public space, which have had letters subnitted fron adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for' or manager of a condorninl'um association. E. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your propeity (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris floi, wettands, etc). you should check with a Town Planner before Proceeding. LIST OT }TATERIALS; /uNA}!E OF PROJEqTS IAGAL DESCRIPTIONI STREET ADDRESS: 1z g DESCRIPTION OF FROJECTs SUBDMSIOT{ I),1 e A. The foLlowing information Ls Review Board before a final BUILDING UATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall li[aterials Fascia Soffl-ts Windows l{indow Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Fl.ues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name required for submlttal to the Designapproval can be given: B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *rndicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimun caliper fordeci-duous.trees Ls-2 inches. rndicate rretght :for contferoustrees. Minimu:n height for coniferous treei is 6 feet, PI,ANT MATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTTNG SHRUBS TO BE REHOVED *Indlcate size 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. Minirnurn size of shrubs is Ilnce Square Footage GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION. TYPE OR }iETHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, sslrtrnin$ pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate helghts of retalnJ.ng walls. ilaxinum height of walls wlthin the front eetback is 3 feet. Haximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. U) UJ UJlJ- =ulL YEq9#il o UJFoz z dJ) .D !6 c'r -'- o c '=9(/,iij sbE; fi *fgEleiE=tr € sB'g l Ifrffi iE-N ;€sFE EE:S €; !"e €sEasJ g E=g!:./).-oo :E.E H!, EEFg= :-'E 3d e,t; t €o?3u-r E EaEc E;E:F i'deF9 eeH'ei u, UJturL E =E UJ o- FoF Jtrl q Hvl FII trI d '1 ul IH fl aHz3 o; l! z tr E() ttto uJz E >oa tY) =co(\l zz tr^6O=ad 666Zr-Oc|(Jzu- <( g8 FOiAi LL CE C' o- tvlE uJta l z Eo F}< >l 9lKIEI $Jl5l<l z tf J z Eoo gJ cL u-lo ullJ z tr J fv)z z tru) c) ) 3 F IJJ =tr l.1l()l .-l<ll^tsl'-tzl .iQl IEl \Ohl .l o-zl IF\l@lFsl*I Itnl !{1 Fl -*l l-{xt <d><lJ<LE() Jutc'trtHtrtHUIq HH J>l<l4 ltll- lltfitc4tcI sl 3r lltltltltltl lollzlI cilI urlItrl sl il El Ig=l =t ylttt Fl iltltliltollzlI cilI ulltEl l3lI tr.lloltzl!31qoltr|Fl tllltltllltol| =.1tolI uJl t5llqI ttlloltzl El x ILI FI I I I .l =lol uJl :l al>lLIol pl r <F(ts() ITJ <ztt!F(tZ () JEx9 E3t,, E =zUJO() Eeclz. l- E?aoa !z z 'r() tu = =+(r \JZ ciz E =arlu al- z zz coo2z o-- P fl ft fr J."*6 =E=-;\ ! dd>- F ut t! !! llJEO =zc<cLfo(/) oirg iriec;- =>:uJl-E b=(' #i-E =F-E dboF,..E Xo_E X>GHFcL".io-.:tt ..t= LIJ oF -3t Fxtr l- (o -<rO UJto .: zo FILt!Y llJ(Il F L g6 u-trlod ILla) trlX trl" crltl IguAF ts =E IJJ a-zo F()fEt-azoo a"' tg roulh tro|r|,tgc mld nll. colo?rdo 81657 (3o3, 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO! SROM: DATE: SUEIIESI: olllcc ol communlty devclopmcnl AI,L CONTRACTORS CT'RRENILYL REGISTERED IOITIT $TE TOICN OT VAIL Towf OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMU}IITY DEVEIJOPMENI I4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKING & UATERIAL SIORAGE fn auiloary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , Lncluding trash dunpsters, portable toilets and sorkmen vehieles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlc place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads J.s approxfunately 5 ft. off pavenent. this ordinance wlll be stllctly enforced by the Town of VaiI Pub1ic l{orks Departnent. Persons found violatJ-ng this ordinanceuill be given a 24 hour vritten notice to remove said naterial .In the event ttre person so notifLed does not conply with the notLce rLthln the 24 hour tine speelfied, the Public Works Departnent will renove sald rnaterial at the expense of person notifled. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be appllcable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of, any street or alley or any utllltles in the right-a-way. Ts revles ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departuent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatJ.on on this rnatter. (t.e. contraetor, owner) o2 E =g, UJo- -{ a/,ul IJJu- trEE uJ.L ffi set€e *{? o\ @ o,\ \c) c)H E F{ n F-) zigoFlt!H bA EMOHl* t!! I H_l ('lC) ctJ Z 3EfltritrHAtJ|z.5<BIHZ r/'{ o dqtc.tz o'l t) Hl8 F{l El elEHl p1 r.al(J ._.14*t* IJJ o lotulIF Fl9EloEl z Et r-l =t=<lf-lc0Ol €.tf,lozt=2t= cc uJz3o UJ F z \o Ff, H s$ E$Rrr ;* ts z Fl o Eqt -go C' o. CI E o () E (E rl)Eo O o E o =trf -io o o. ct =.g a, .9 ato siorJo C' c .9o E+,\q 6 o) f'q . N\ _o 'oF (D o ol EoOl o o. ():tl lh oc. P. =o o Ec a5 ai3'(l o .jzEEg'=(|,"t sbE EEH EgE =EE +J'i=cQc'- o.c E EE E E-s*oo iEo €eggi f cL(g 0-*Ei !2--E..59o$c EiE E;E_agr+. C(g o.-.tr; o $€;sBl *$s,Bts9EoEEE! o E) - o d. 6.1 Ln F\\o {E- tr =El!o- (5zo = -ol! oz Jq- J Fout lll (9z = () z o UJ = UJ |lJr!z tr UJ G,olUt clt @;g gJg. z 6 uJo F c UJ 2 IIJJ x F ul U'f o UJ UJlt E =E UJ o-J FoF oz ct = @ J ()tF llJJ uJ o =E E Jo. J Iz o UJ = Fl H ts NO[Vn]vA Ilrli- lF lsicll.llsl=<r lQ^ .t4 gg Z EFlO OF{6 z.) = P.,oE6 FcuJ|,r 4 tra;zFIV = I = u.l =.o z 5cE9oa5Xr6:u-<otL ^-()t(JFO;ni I I IIttltLJ tLi H P z tr4 +E o llJ t- F{ D{}<X IJJ : zo F6o xXXz E uJF ; 4J2 IItltltl P-zfz ,-Qs<oo< =o- =HxrLUo<z ttI o.ll-ttltl aF2.. \22 ..: F do =E UJfJ o(1, lr.lz:aIxF zl H =tzl .. >lout UJulzo ts E UJ 0- z F- IJJ o =Yct z o o,l I Frl ,l -{f1= fr^2 z c'\ Ol @ e.l E lu t-- U>oo?zo F(L ulY uJo oF F =Eul o- TLo o-oo I uJFoz UJF o z .t9zQ6c) =z dR ifi =f;=atE F cculo.bogo2 )Tat 6rEo JFIut -fEEIo- uJl> d-lOul l) -alE rrrl ilrlJJt! |tJo F E} Ft ott .E t E Eot o tro Eteo! ts =E lrJ o-zIF(JfEFazoo n!tr vtrl ,-| [!l Fql €l I€l an (,z J lJ- J!orl ^l-l il rl F J Fl (jA F1 H ii =z I l-lrl1l t^I (tl t+l<l ttlItst Il8l - tcgl 541 F., l ivrt I o- El =lel c4 lFll oo Itsl F-l(/JI --r Iol l.' EI flEDt q>tolICItl {ji>flgE ll tltlll tdt6ltq H3 q sl fl El il>l el FI I I I ol z.l ol uJltrl fl EIg I I I flil>l tJ-l 3l* Fii() =FTo2mnn 't INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr o tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING - INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL - ELE OT trF trc ft_ CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - U D FINAL tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tProject Application Project Name: Project Descri Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: 161 lO l ll I I]--Filing Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPHOVAL llhe Roost Re: Business llcenEe for rnfomati.on conmunication rnternational 8/L6/9O Staff neeting rt was determined that this was an accessory use to the Roost todgeand therefore allorable as a business withln the RooEt. BR o PEINS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER b FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING - tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR l-t 3?A+ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oete O9-pL- Qo JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN @) *'o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND t] ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ( r'ruo.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH ''tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT -tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL - tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: '' IJAIE ')'-- ,7 -:i}rt rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE f"P ?/ JoB NAME -rNsPEcn,os $FgYf?rt ' -/o& ,' l- t CALLER oa.*A READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED BUILD!NG: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: - tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL , tr ROUGH/D.W.V. D FRAMING N ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEEFI :N GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o u FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT - - D SUPPLY AIR N FINALtr FINAL - Ktt*outo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oz ts =E IJJI tn UJul LL = =u.i -t1v /4 t/ot tssf,L rdr> FI F.l al1 tl{ Fl!'n F4<Fl tstnz& ll- tg teis i" laIIuIFxl: #l =Floal Jzl I =lrDold<1,"zlzzlA il I,l I,l SEr9Er+2.x<l ZA, lz, ttJ ll,i =I L! Eo Eo Eutz3oE rUl o 0) -q ; F 0) c(o o) O c] c c:) o o 3 0) E.-g=o t'i o .Y''=O(,;< -LETtESEa F e n3.:" T RF:E; = --.: o "9 U E:Ac-o>ef;! ; g€: € >= Xc;'-o 33F5 EEARIIEo :€ 3E .e ;9e E f, .'",'Y= di o- (! o-- .s;:O*oiE-or - O)- r- =EEEEX(gxg: E Ho (E:'- ESEg *-C.3 -tr= o o d) o;.9sE55 0: ? irr!6>"=o 6;; tEFe,s9 u-atsE9dor -eEg: -o(6: rn 4 tr = uJ o. oJ Y uJ oz J J 9(r ulJ z 6 :g o- J z =(J uJ TU UJ zo tu UJlr o o cB B UJt UJ z 6 IIJo F6 UJo o-lz IJJJ F LIJv) U' UJ tlJu-t = UJ J F z :f, J t- tlJ z =) J Iz I UJ = NOIIVN'IVA l(ato lA.tIo{ IE= I,r>El^ --:l:. =;tlE"H EE =EZ Z tt-Ho ooE F ^ qr Zd3: =ss= E - o-trr'aocA5b A=\)zx**:Fl *;1 e<iB Hd_Nop lo<lrd lo' k ln IH tilrr lF.r IE l'I()Htrrl(t) lfi IEt< lFl Itrr Itrt'& HH z a H F.r ula 3 a z9F lr- tr o loEo UJo- F o- (r z Ecl >{ >+zo F urF =q.lz aztrzOa <oo< =Hoc 60<z aFz 9z --1 T "i o =trOI X X X |< Ff F z tro z YE o- : llJo rl<t F-l zl zl .. >i u,.lo IU llJzoL E tJ.l o- J 2 Eoo 3 d UJz OrF z F J f U)z llJo.LL>oF o ac 3 UJ O O utOzf eio(7: 0\o\ n) z al-{ lrJF -z F lllv uJ dt ot- == uJ u-o o O I ul Foz IJJF z (J=ze 000>z (L I.L if;=6d= F E UJ l!o E2E<cLfono-B9Etr EEE i*E H=(J * i'iiE =FE U5 I \tnE XO-E E- (D-j !; ul d!oF ts =E,lrlo-zIF(J3 E,Fazo(J f]t]D z Jii {c).t !?.YE Jtrt Fo =H H E (, a4 ET u H- EllIfi lF.lt/)lxlrl\olr I I I 3t .: oal !-1 qs :l >l () o& z a co @f\ v) U) v) Et'- u.4 =4 tr LIJ] <1 --{ 3 T o = rL- z ol rl at>l 6l zl 3lolFI I.ir oz lll T rl,oz 31 9i z t g Fl c.l F c.l\o I\o F-.v =.1ol ql <l>l (.|.l ol zl 3lolFI =tr =E tr z.l IJJI 1l al>l !l 9t g z oul a1>ltrol zl 3l 9It-l tIJJulF Ilt!l> z U.lz =o F UJ =T (r E <FIts() IJ.J <ZE LLI F(1 Z O Je<o(JF =<;F',2r 9P =#}F!z dx :IFz. ()ss iz>Y ui. =o2NFlTI"!'+" 5/ol PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT.I /- oor, / /?o /9?-,toB NAME INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: INSP TION WN OF u1 7ro>' - Yta .b272 REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WED TH PMAM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWOOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION N POOL i H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr N FINAL N FINAL ELE NT NF trc n_ MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr glrrrunr FINAL qineeaoveo .4, CORRECTIONS: " tr DISAPPROVED -,- tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED | ^, QtDA-IE" /'J/-,r<- ;. INSPECTOR nrFsnop o, cE ill'lF lcA"I f ls,5uEtl O ]'.ri /,1 ' ': i'i L;ljiLI;tlilil Pf:tiu;-t "' ' d'rtrE)-:-{ f:$ J1 fr -;rE fl Fl f}{-d- 3 ll.} n S l{*V E Je-l\ 5 u* eq".'/ h I !i- t"l B \,t {-,'\4.,l"riJ {: , :'.1 ri\-, 5 r.oi)RESs {srri!.EIj I.1 U MAER OF - D //ELL IN; LNITS (c3Niu,s LlcEf.ss) PERIIIT AT (LOCAT lON i i; ii -r: a:ai !::; ZCN ]NC D ISTR iCT AltJ 0-o dz !ro !! T.]fT$J5EN 1at os 9 5Tii: a-i)(a ro5 a 5i!ii:i I 3 N:t lv t:, | 0tl LOT LOa, -,,* BLoCK ------ SIZE gtjILDIHC tS f a ittj -- -,--- FT, ulllta RY ' -.- i:l-. LCHG 5Y FT. II] I{EIGHT AIIO SHALL CO].IFCRI.1 iN CCNSTHLICTIO;I BASe i\iEi{l WALLS CR F oi lil.'ilC .rO TYPE USg CROUP {iYPE) AREA OR VCLUME {CULIC/SQUARE |:EET) ili:':... ! l-ntir,t OIVNER AODRESS C: (- ,z C)(f, O \ (l 0 -l !-- z !a (D s a r C) -J Z] C,).F il @ c) Fi i:: .c o o .a c) ct ,v{ :i tJ u C) i) :a' :7- F,dt o c' 5 IJ w 'A-\o- $ O !: =- '= a, :-: c- -". __ i! 7: *: l.- :1 .\ ::. "iJ ;:'.; il- :-- :. 1..( a: l) (D (, = fi {; ;, i I t.. t-. \i'l,dl\ I '\) lq-1.nt\ I I I .- .\ .i1 t7 i'z 9 I IN f*r ,[s l\r l k I '\ il Irl'l Cl) =. I I I I I l=-l\It,1 i."r't\ I I I I I I i"l IJ r l-- I I i:-r lrt\r !\ I cl 9l (t t-1 i) a o C> c r_1g (l h--t:,tlt.t$t\Lr lurt'1 ciz b =t IJJo cc Cctl OO c)or-l v,ut IJJu- E EE UJo- ^"ltN$ IF |ltJIt\rlI Nnt \\r$l t)t,<llollt HE o lr F F =o (9zz U)ul z' z o = B, .d z z m o IJ |qu o o (U tJx(u xE:EX*XXx E( oz l!z3o utI oz -oo (! ;o o = d] E o l o. =.o) q) .9 oE qto () c '.4 .: ID C(5 .f c N -a ;ot- (D .c. c ood o 3 o .2 = o (E a; 3(u o) ao a E (E o o)o o .s 15 'F (5 =; Eo() i(tt o (! .F $ E o ; .= 3 E (J 11) tr)t! -o) o(/,iu o(EOO oU .=(6 cb -;o.ODF'S= o(5 o.! 5;E>E6IEoo o# -(tt(5o (s= POo- ?!CEOqEcF(6- o'- --co)#Ei 33(J>(g;-=(!: R66s Eq) EE or! (D o o E o c o T'() (6o o-ct([ o 1J(5 o, q) (lt (5t q) o) {) = .Y c> Fl c) f{ oe rr)c{ F E uJo- z J Y ut z .J o- F uJJ uJ (,z = J 2 f llJ UJ UJ z tr llJe uJE o m 3 UJ5 uJ z -rD uJ E at UJ o-:) z uJ X qJotr tt', uJ LUu-F = uJIL J o z o EI J UJJul (,z ao = o- z uJ = N O |lvn lVA I I Iq6"l - r . lIE trt S l', =:E-E EVI 3a)z z. u-,O O Or-tr ^ 6zj{-.; a =Fs29 5ogg ^8=r!<fiH 'pFEB FdN(., l- I'fFl.!zl'tctlcI' loloI'l!l(, lrlor I I I I z tr UJ F E rtltr z E o z tr !t =uJz Iatrzlz tr o o I v,Fzl =IJJ = u) uJ JILul E z l!z I tr ull = (r a U)l!z = z F Jl U)z JJ = ><tu o = U'l rl<li-l zl z o LIJo u,l |l,tza F UJt! .J z E o oz tr U) J I! te. L3 , f -:-aI .-.1 uJ tsa lDoazo FIL IrJY ltl(D oF F G lrJ It Ot*l i.\ oF6Ot.t-tr-gur XF\.,zo z .n9 ZEd]o =zd8 "dq =E'*- ;'i'1 c) A;E E lrJ ILo IJJoz U) oF d.o- Jl-trl :-h= O- IIJ>o-OL9o\uJ6rL:>LJ I-l! J ll. ul F T c(D E o c} Blt .E =E Eo(, o qo E F CLoIt E =E,lrl o-zIFof &,l-@zo(J f-lTlftLILJII I I El JI al>l lLlol zl3l 9lFl (t,.p E tn .vU' qJ = =Etr lzl(ul(ulrl(Jl I!lolq-l9l =lcol Iol =(n (1)d. (t z. =tr ul{lnl{l{l n|)l{l Dl ! IEo c)&, +) <t & uJ =z -') ol =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l t!lol zl BIolFI I I I I I ctl =lol!Jl 1l al>l l,Llol zl 3lpl I I I I I I ol =.1(rl uJl 1l <l>l t!lol zl 3lolFI I I I I .lol =.1oll!l 1t al>l trlol 3l rOl uJFI F E -rO<FGOuJ<zFlll F(42oO JG<o g? (J-\2ilo E. >Y =Ef,F)zrLo E ir -t" L'Z o nntr CTION TOWN OF REQUEST AIL ] hri ^, )ontt ' ' !(' /)--/ JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES weo (ffi; rnrREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATEREI FRAMING r.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr POOL / H. TUB .81 tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr Et{{;tr FINAL '... :.VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: 75 soulh ftonlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce ot communlty develoPment March 6, .1984 Mr. 0sterfoss Blue Sky's Unlimited 1783 North Frontage Ps6d - West Vail, Colorado' 81657 RE: Permit #1608, Roost Repair Lot 9, 10, 11, 12 Resubdivision Buffer Creek Dear Mr. 0sterfoss, Upon checking our building permits, we find that you djd not call this department for a fjnal inspection on thjs permit. The only inspection we have in your building permit file in for a sheetrock nail done December I, .l983. Your immediate attention to this matter is requested. You must respond to this letter five days from the date of receipt. Thank you, Gar.y -Murrai n-''.' Build'ing Inspector. GM/rme Sincerely, ,**I["toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTTON: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIilBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trE tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 .l983 ottlce ot communlty development ,January 9, James 0sterfass % The Roost Lodge l7B8 North Frontaqe RoadVail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Dear Mr. Osterfass, I have received complaints concerning periods of time in the parking lot of are aware, the problem has arisen inthat it had been resolved. Could you the situation to the bus drivers? Thank you very much. DICK RYAfI- Community Development Di rector DR: bpr the jdl'ing of busses for extendedthe Roost late at night. As youthe past. I was under the impi"essionplease have your staff explain Roost Lodge ,1r'rr-l\.rn I lL,flY f\,,l.l Vr,\11l/\l\Vl: Iro- ino Zonino ifesolutron oftt'-' Eaglo County, Colorodo 1.1 Fllo No f:oo eaid 35)? a tlro b:p u.,ger Soc. 9.04. 06 r owrals gddresses, oo _' -l 4,a4,ao h 7/rs e*teal PaTir'cl oil 6ei,npM q 'twe hdryr4 ro ;rc ,fufr Of "vE pr@-&i/4a9, 7/to ddsd ppa.rfiEe i, "ra?, Mv*t i'e *fe enhha trad ,fu/t ,QaPinq o ilrnwtt etdad .gpee afurya,ry *fu PrrPetcd &ilaing oM rfu .tr@ebdnl l€ren /5t fr as') of ,"laatuct€ild, lrrroi et uthi*5 iS en tlrc dppt;h/,/s pmpcnfu in fho oil-zatilbt/o / 5, lnc eiarcg; ui/ ,/14i4. E &/on /k, 7er,ry k*bibn, fftle rlrapfe //en uto*"u AppLrcAro* ' Aetion oJ Sordng Board of Acljustment on Variance Apptication Adequate Landscaping oenld n reasons: {see Order of the Board, ettached) Note: Section 9.04- 10 Appeals from the B.oard' , Any fufther appeal from ihe clecision of the Board may be rnade to the courts, as provided by law, provided, howev€r, {hat $!ch appeal is made prior to twenty (20) days'following the date of the noti{ication of the Boardts decision. Pn-re 2 af ? I RECEIVED APR - 3 1979 Dapt. d Planning & Dovol' gtll 0cdt, cdo' Suean Uaughn Eagte County Dept. of Pl'annlng and Development Eagle, Colo. 816ll Roost Lodge Apr1l 1 , L9'19 Dear Ms. Uauqhnt The names and addresses trf the ouners Condomlnlum on Buffer Ereek Resub. Bl{ Bruce F. and Herbert H. Mlelke Box 1?31 Va11, Co1o. 81657 tllckey Eugene and Eitl E. Psoge 1r930 Sunblrd Cllfts Eolorado SPrlngs, Colo. 8090? Clancy, 01.son and Schunk Box 9285 Colorado SFrinqs, CoIo. 80932 lrlilliam E. Gor.rskl and Cumbria Cralg Box 28BO V"iI, Colo. 81657 Boles, Mc Donald and Eustafson 2165 Dartmoutlt Boulder EoLo. B0lU3 John Jaouet Box 3074 Va1l, Colo. 8165'7 John Flscher P.0. Eox 970 at Vail of the Hlllside 261 PC 554 are: Vail, Eolo. 81657 Frank L. Davol Va1l, 6olo. 81657 51n J.rfn ss ly hospitality combines with comfortable accomodalions. / , ,l', -47 7 *Ut@-l%-44- P.O. Box 970 where lrien Vail, Golorado 81557 (303) 476-54s1 EA@TE"€S{JP*TY Department of P'l ann'i ng andP.0i Box 179 EAGLE. COLORADO B1631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | t BOARD OF COUNTY corllt1t5sloNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 Devel opment 11 April 1979 The Vail TrailP.0. Box 10 Va'i I , Col orado Bl 657 Re: Notice of Public Hearfng Zoning Board of Adjustment 10 ltlay 1979 Please publish the attached Notice of Public Heari ng as a Legal Notice in the 19 April 1979 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of pubiication to this office. Offiro Me ne nar /( on rof a v.tr/ vvv I v vu, J ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 455E550 R Ext 202 BUtLDING. IN I NSPECT I ON Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Ext 2l 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Exl242 ENG INEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALT H Ext 238 EXTENS ION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDG E Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 211 Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL 5ERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext Z0l NOTI CE COUNTY OF OF PUBLIC HEARING EAGLE. COLORADO Notice is Hereby Given that the Eag'l e county Zoning Board of Adjustmentwill hold a Public Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M. on 10 May 1979,in accordance w'i th Section 9.04 of the Eagle county Zoning Rlsolution. Said Hearing will include the followinq: File No. 7v-65-79 - Jim Osterfoss Request: Variance from Section 3.07.08(b) of the Zoning Resolution, Minimum Setback Location: Lot,s 9,10,11 and 12,Buffer Creek Subdivision File No. 7v^66-79 - Arvin Kasparait'is Request: Varjance from the l'linimum Lot Size in the Residential Suburban Medium Zone Location: Lots 34,35 and 36, Buffer Creek by: Temil'l Knight Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment This Hearing wfll be held in the McDonald Building, county commjssioners Meeting Room, #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decjsion on thjs request are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the Hearing, or by submittingwritten statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary. Further information may be obtajned or cornnents submitted, by contacting the-Eagle county Department of Planning and Development, 550'Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Phone 328-7311 t;.ur.s-Effi a*lfl.}*.*' z J' l' 6'11 o. I Or' r-..4 ./F L' t\,-!l "S--l l" (_, lrl I<a) ar.Pdd Fl+,urhoit "' a: EI.dd Lao.th{ta1t. ! ac fr r! tJ_ tr f, I!t /* l"o' t' i,:-- i II lot; II I I I \I trt\(.ti I'\,/ t IUI l" o' -'S1/,xs/,' \ ==,tl -- --. i' . razE N o' 8r- oi ,6a fi o O ,ostEj Fti-,# THE MORTER/TODD PARTNERSHIP, AtA LISTING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY OI,JNERS AND ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS SubJect Property 0wner:0sterfoss, Jim P.0. Box 970 Vail, Colorado 81657 Adjacent Property 0wners: Buffer Creek Condom'inium Unit N0. Building A. on Lot 8: I . Hodges, G. I . P.0. Box 68 Paris, Texas 75460 2. Deloache, Michael 321-llth Avenue, So. West Moultrie, Ga. 3i768 3. Faber, 0ttalie & Georgina P.0. Box 485Vail, Colorado 81657 . 4. Schleicher, Raymond J. & Bernhi'ld General De1 ivery Georgetown, Co1orado 80444 5. Villiere, Norman & Judith G. P.0. Box 202Vail, Colorado 81657 6. Be] I , EI eanor Wrenn P.0. Box 933Vail, Colorado 81657 7. MacMillan, Elizabeth K. P.0. Box 1014Vail, Colorado 81657 8. MacMillan, Eljzabeth K. P.0. Box '1014 Vail, Colorado 81657 9. H'inmon, John S. & Donald.LeRoy P.0. Box 72 Vail, Colorado 8i657 zt[4'71 CROSSROADS AT VAIL BOX 1186 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 476-5105 THE MORTER/TnD PARTNERSHTP, ArA AdJacent Property 0wners - cont. t 10. Krichbaum, Phlllip E. P.0. Box 33Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot 13:Carpentry Unlimited, Inc. P.0. Box 388 Vai'l , Co]orado 81657 Lot 14:Carpentry Un]imited, Inc. P.0. Box 388 Va'il , Colorado 81657 Lot 15:Guerriero, Randall Box 1931 Vail, Colorado 81557 Parce'l D - Lions Ridge - Filing 2: Lions Ridge Ventures P.0. Box 439 Binningham,Michigan 48012 EgAGLE €${$F\BTY Department of Planning and Development P. 0. Bpx 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 |10 May 1979 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMi55roNER5 Ext 241 RonrrursrRnirot't Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO N Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ex7 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PU BLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SE RVIC E5 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Jim 0sterfoss Box 970 Vai I , Col orado 8"l657 Re: File No. 7v-65-79 -' 25' setback Variance to the At their regular meeting on 10 May 1979, the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adiustment approved your variance request. If you have any questions, please contact thjs office. ,hW'&^fu l,lilliams Zoning Inspector Jl^|/ KP cc: Board of Adjustments EAGE E .€e'U$STY o rEpT. 0F pt-R't'tt'ttNe & DEVEL0PMENTY gox 179 o EAGLE, @OLORADO 8'I631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrsstoNERS Ext 241 ADMTNISThATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLER K & RECO RDER Ext 2l 7 COUXTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG I NEE R Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENS IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 276 or 229 PU RC HA5ING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 5HERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Bai"lt 927 -3244 G ilma n 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICE5 328-6328 TREAsURER Ext 201 April 19, 1979 Jim 0sterfoss Box 970 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: File No. 7v-65-79 - Variance At their regular meeting on 18 April 1979, the Eagle County P1 anning Commission recoranended approval of your variance request. This recommendation will be presehted to the Zoning Board of Adiustment at their pub'lic hearing on 10 May 1979. If you have any questions, please contact this office. q^fil!-r"^ (!im Wilf iams Zoning Inspector JW/j kcc: Zoning Board of Adjustment CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL OATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR . FRIWED PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB -tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL u tr tr FINAL B FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL N FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR TEI'{PORARY Certif icate of OccuPancY CountY of Eagle Department of Planning and Development Building Division This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the tjme of issuance this structure was in compiiance sj-th tha various resolutions of the county regulating building construction or use for the following: NAME Roost Lod e - Jim Osterfoss Box 970. Vail Colorado 8i657 Use Classification 16 hotel units, 3 apt. units, workshopGroup R-1 Ouilding Permit No. 1315 Type Construction V Fire Zone Use Zone C.L. 0wner of Building Jim 0sterfoss Buildinq Address 1783 N. N. Frbnta Road Vai I Colorado 816 Building Official D"tr-!:!!:-€O' /$+e in all units. 148 G.F.I does not work. 244 fan '{'oe Please note: Applicant must install w'indow sills dbes not turn off. 242 fan in bath in bath does not work. I BUILD I IN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete nambered spaces only. IT APPLICATION {flsee rruoreo sxrerl?lo-tr - /zI oEsc F- MAI L ADOA€sS .ZIrJ r MAIL ADOiESS 'HONE LICENSE NO. IGNEF - AIL ADORESS ONE LICENS€ NO. USE OF tUI L'IN C 8 crass of work: prew ,f^oo'r'on O ALTERATIoN tr REPAIR tr MovE n REMovE 9 Oescribework, /6 l0 Change of use {rom | 1 Valuation of work: $PLAN cHEcK FEE .ffi)PERMf T FEE T+F"a Occupnncy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Toial ) Sq. Ft. Fire sprinktefs nequired E.t/es ENoAPPFOVEO FOR ISSUANC€ BY No. of Owelling Unlts OFFST REET PARKING SPACES. NOTIC€ SEPARATE PERMITS ARE FEQUIFEO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEFIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LATVS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING TH|STYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR TH€ PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5OI L REPORT OTHER (Spocify) PROPERLY VAI.IDATEO IIN THIS SPACE } THIS IS YOUR PERMIT lSts Form 1OO.1 1.77 INSPECIOR M.O.PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION ,#" a*ed *4src +*4cr/ I INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET EACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE EELOW FOB NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. ) EAGLE FI NAL: lieview Ref erred Location Review and return couNry BUtLDilf, PERMIl' APPLIcAT{oN C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Routing i:orm ( ) Primary Routing (4 Reroutingffiw /3tS Permit No- P lannir rg Commission File No. to tlre County Buildirrg Off iciat within 6 working days F lanning: ComPlies rn'ith: Subdi vi sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (LandscaPing) Reviewed by; Recomrnend Appi'ov No En n Yes H K Date: Commerrts: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : n Dn n trnn E County Health: Water S anitat ion Perc . test trtr atuvn Recommerrd Approva! Final Inspection; C/O Recomrnend Approval Comments: n Firral Inspection: LandscaPing Recommend Approval n n Commerrts: trilinrr f-)ato by Datec/o tr inal lssued EAGLE COUNTY *U',l,O FINAL: C/O INSPECTION' Review Routing Form ( ) 3- tr/ -7e PEBMIT APPLICATION LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM PrimaryRouting ( ) Rerouting Rro. /-o>86'-'i?m tETWGoss Date Referred Applicant Permit No" Location Plannirrg Commission File No. Review and return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days No H tr_a Yesnnnnruau Srgr OK. =,-. y'.+/tr P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi s ion Flegul at ions Zoning Regul ations Site Plan (Landscaping) Revieu'ed by: Recomrnend Apprcval : s-zz-"9 Date: County Engineer: Roads trtra m n Grading Drainage il D EI trtrnn County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Reconrmend Approval : Recommend Approval : Comments: Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: D Firral Inspection: Landscap i Recommend Approval Comrnerrts: ngnn C,/O lssued F inal Fi ling Date by Date sncle couNTy *u,r0o PEttMlr APPLlcArloN O FINAL: C/O INSPECTIOru."-tlANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM Review Routing Form (kI erimgsy Routino '( ) Rerouting// _ tr^It a{c}-f?-( Fermit No. o*& o&4 -sh-/' L;; n"" Plannirrg Commission File No. Review and return to the county Buildirrg official within 6 working days Date Referred P lanning: ComPlies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations S ite Pl an (LandscaPing) /q /EMD9 County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Cornments: Reviewed by: Fiecommencl Approval EEDED t & atZE, DEAr Recommend Approval : No F m m n ffi Yes Hnu nnn Date: 2- / -2? County Flealth: Water Sanitation Perc. test El, EI..,yE 1,. ff Recommend Approval : Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: n Firral Inspect ion: LandscaPing- Recommend Approvat n n Commerrts: Final Filing Date by DateC,/O lssued il.dGl.ti cc;1i,tlJ rY ctPAltTl4rill' 0F PLANNnTG & irEVIL0pt'1ENT :AGLE, CC}LORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| 'ON RD OF COUNTY:ot,,ltu1t9stor.tERS ,..;i14i--'.-'-"- Jim 0sterfossP.0. Box 970iDM rN ISTRATION r,-;.1:_xL24t r. ,,, Colorado Bl 657 \N IIdAL STlELTER !49.429? TOI.L FREE 'EbUU'.Vail - 9t9-5757 Basal t - 927-3823 \55E550R :xt 202 !UILDIIIG IN NSPECTIO Nlxt 226 or ?29 :LER K & IELUHULK :xt 217 :O U'.ITY [TTO R N EY'xl 242 :NG INEER xt 236 NVIRONMENTAL - IEALTFI xt 238 XTENS IO N u c.t\ | xt 247 IBRARY xt 255 UBLIC HEALTH agle Ext 252 ail 476.5844 LANN I NG xt 226 or 229 J R CHAS ING /:RSONNEL xt 245 OAD & BR IDG E(t 257 'IER IFF rgle Ext 2l I rsalt 92 7-3244 ilma n 8?7.5751 )C IAL SERVICES r8.6328 tEASU RE R(t 201 PLANNING: N0T APPROVED: Rear setback should show size of plant materials;, measurjng 20% of parkjng area (20% of ENGINEERING: NOT APPROVEDI State Highway Department for road. Approval will not be HEALTH: APPROVED Applicant must obtain approval from ColoraCoculvert size at driveway intersect'ion with frcnagegiven by the County until State approval is received. 28 March 1979 Subdivision be 25 feet; landscape plan storage area needs to be shown RE: _App1 i ca_t ion_ for Bu.i I di nq Perrni t 'i n tael e Countv16'Hotel [Jnits, 3 Apt. u'nits, Worksho-p'--Brjifei"Creek The Roost Lodge - Denied The Eagle county Build'ing Dept. requires that applications for BuildingPerinits.in Eagle-county be routed to the Eagle county p1 anning, Engine6ring,and Environmental Health Departments for their comments prior-io jisuance '- of the perrnits. Your appl ication was routed. on March 14, LgTg Listed beloiv are the conments and reconniendations rr,hich were made by the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any quLstionsor vrish to get a further explanation, please contact the appropiiate dept. must snovJ 82x your advantage if you begin soon as possible so as not any Ionger than necessary. :{/.6,F, a*- Melton E. Atlvel 1, County Engineer to resolve any problems and/orto delay the issuance of your It would be to requirements as building permit ,,.)"-/ 4lt2 Les Eagl LD/jk e County Buiiding 0fficial [i,fi'{3Lffi ffi{}trij.$TY O DEPARII'II]I'IT OT PLI\Ni{iNG & DiivILOPMENT Box 179 328-7311 EAGLE, COLOIiADO 81631 tf t.otl Free I{o. 949-5257 BOARD OF COUNTYcor.rLltsStoNERs 328.6309 ADlr4|Nl5TflATlON ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 3?B-6593 BU I i-DING INSPECTIQN 328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER Ea qie 328-G 3 77Baialt 927 -3244 COUNTY A'l-IO.ritJEY 328-6674. ENGII.]EER 328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 328.7 7 I I EXTENSION 328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 FI.JBLIC FIEALTH Ea qle 328.6594Yait 476-5844 PLAN N IN G JZO-OJJ6 ROAD & BR IDG E 328.6s9i February 6, 1979 Jim Osterfoss The Roost Lodge Box 970 Vail, Co. 81657 RE: Application for Building Permit in taqle County 16 Hotel Uni ts,3 Apt. Unjts, l,lorkshop - Denied The Eagle County Building Dept. requires that appl icatjons for building permits in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Plannitrg, Fngineer- ing and Environrnental Health Departments for their comments prior to jssuance of the permits. Your appl ication was routed on 1/?Z/79. Ljsted below are the congrients and recomrenriat,ions v;hich vlere rrrade by'uhe above departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions or wish to get a furt.her explanation, please contact the appropriate dept. BUILDING: Not approved. Valuation of Bui 1 di ng Standards Tabl es t your work is very PLANN I IiG : ENGINEERING: l{ot approved" Grading and dra inage including details of sediment basin or low. |^je use at $26.60/sq. ft.figure valuation Not approved. 1) A landscaping p1 an 'i s needed shoving s'i ze, species and locatjon crf plant materials;2) The signs must be brought into conformance with the County's Sign Regulations; 3) Drainage & snow removal areas must be shown; 4) Sediment control facilities need to be shown. sccrAL SE RVICES 328-6328 TREASURER 328-6376 SHERIFF Eaqle 328-661 1 Br ia lt 92 7.3244 Gilman 827-5 75 I ,! .,' {,*.-o'F nust be detailed basins prov'i ded. rrrAr _l-rr. lr^+ -^^^^.,^d.nEirL lIl . II|..,L CrPHI uvtj r^-^,,- ,,.i+r. nr -^-.i-^ ^^n'.^h{-. 1 2 .-i 4 abovg.VUll\-UI Yl I l,ll I lCtllll llly \-l,/lr.,rl(-llt J I r \,,, r (-{lru {f*'* o ar'l It would be to your advantage'i f you begin to resolve an.y problems and/or requirenrents as soon as possib1e so as not to delay the issuance of your building permit any 'l onger than necessary. h U+^Vt*t' Les'Doug1'fs Itl. Atwel I , E. Edeen ng'r neer LD/J K Fag'le Co. Building 0fficial PLUMilkG PERMTT APPLrcirroN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PNOPERLV V PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. INSPECTOR ., ^trrcrrfo sxEEll / LrC anSar!O.q76"vS(( MAIL ADO'Es S - 'PXOI'E MA|L AODI:ss pxoxa MlrL ^oDlEss ol/rilcH U 5E OF EUlLDIN6 I Clasi ol work: E NEW N ALTERATION tr REPAIR 9 Describe work: Typ. ot Firtur. or ltar|| WATER CLOSET ITOILET}SPECIAL CONOITIONS: LAVATORY {WASH SASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNDRY TRAYAfPLrCATrOit ACC€tt€O 8Y CLOTHES WASHE R WATER HEATER NOTlCE I HEREEY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE sAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THI5 TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROV|sIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW R€GULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & f REATING EOUIP. WAST€ INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKE R5 LAWN SPRINKLER SYST€M SEP'IC TANX I PIT IOATED THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Ct'";gi lisoeo cnc @ r'r For.n 10O.2 11.73 *;r" prf- INTC Rt{ ATIO'{A L COt{ FERI!{CE ()r lUI LD| G ('tFlcr ALs . .x. r. 'o.r(xai rxrrrrrr. c^(r.. r...1 INSPECTION REPORTS USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC, County of EI,T:CITBICAL EaEle PERMIT .rou NamJf-e 199:l !9q99-ll-91 I: lI-"*199 19: y::: -l1il slSnature Ne 1590 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $............-...-........... $.................. .....-.-. "' 210.00o........-----...-.--.---..-' $............................ $.... 2.10 ^00........... APPROVALS Plan Checker Date paid.......A.u.gu.l.t..l9.r...1-9l-9-..... ...... Received ev.. . K,...Pe-te.!:sg.n ....-..-.-,..-... receipt #5542 Bu'ilding Permit #1315 {*0"e Chlef Buildirs Otllcl0l THIS .rOB FORTI IS TO BE POSTED OH STTE DURING CONSTRUCTIOH 48 HOURS A"DVANCE NOTICE REQI'IRED FOR TNSPECTIONS ELECTftAL PERMIT APPLICATPN Jurisdiction of Appticant to complete numbered spaceE only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION *t fectl 6? o u.J2t-g I [see rrrrcxeo sxeer]. LE CAL I oE3Ci. ONE LICENSE I{O. 3/ott ELrtuTrz,u L. c. /.. d/! s? ?/2 v/5{ }q ARCH ITECT OR D E5IGN ER P'ION E LICENSE NO, ENGINEER 5 LICENSE NO. Class of work: &NEW tr ADorTtoN N ALTERATION ! REPAIR fa/o * *7 TotalRECEPTACLE Out|ers SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtu.es FIXTURESAPFFIOVEO FOF ISSUANCE BY. RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR. HTR. NOTlCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVTSIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE DISP, STA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. 'A H.P. MAX. SERVICE D rew E cxnnce PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CASH PERMIT VALIDATION A!ry#,4 55/L;SmffiU ia*,;brtst{ {"- p"* INSPECTOR Form 1OO"3 1l-73 FrEoiDEn FRoM: INTERNATIONAL cONFERENcE OF BUILDING OFFIcIALS lNSPECTlON REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS I'{6PECTOF USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP. ETC. BUILDING D}VISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6389 tNseecforu /3t i FIEBUESiT oor, , I s /ao JoB NAME _ ,tt= *r.r,uro I /D AM @ 6ALLER EAGLE COUNTY OTHEH I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION . WED THUR tA"--:"i /u.3 fpnoveo I otsAPPRovED Eldporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS @ FRI l:so "@) n nerNsPEcr #tfD 'fil frcTunrs BUTLDTNG qrvrsroN I P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 I 4 /3/{ INsiPECIOru HEGTUESiT EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED C'?T3T) AM PM CALLER 45/ LI OTHER n pnnrtnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: Wpp Rov E D . E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsnreRovED ! nerNsPEcr BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 I INS]TEGIctN /3 /{HEEUEST t..eDATE J'eIJ JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY n orHrn MON COMMENTS: ITUE I n penrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI -1.$+t+ ti , aa AM PM p eee RovED f] otsnpPRovED fl upol't rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! nrrNSPEcr /3/{' Iru=ieecforu FtEeuEsirBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TfME REcErvEs t)a/ AM pM CALLER E oruen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrtnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AMPMJ Wapp RovE D f] UPOT.I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! otsappRovED I nerNsPEcr DArE {;; ,/ BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE f .7 - JOB NAME INEiPECIclN FTEBUEsiT GLE COUNTY fi^; rf ME REcElvE s t . tn (fi eul CALLER EA n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE WED ! pnnrtnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM NSP ECT BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 I IIUSiEEC|IIctN FTEOL'EST t3ts EAGLE COUNTY oaru G----$. lo JoB NAME \J .Ar\ TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen ! panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THURL"D COMMENTS: TUE AM@ {o, d orrRovED ! orsneeRovED ! uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: fl nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS DArE Kl= ln '/ E 't;z-INSrlEC{}clN HEEUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE flpnnrtnl.ry7)+ 6appWvEo lDtsAl d.,ro* THE FoLLowtNG coRRECT'oNS: TUE FRI-AM PM /g I orsneeRovED REINSPECT CORRECTIONS ,*,1ftofzr BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E: 32S-6339 ,-r*lNsPEctorv FTEBTJEsiT OUNTYEAGLE C otre (7 .-.. i 7 - ') "i TIME RECEIVED__-CALLER fl orHen E pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED ry FRr .?*AM4$) APP ROVED n upou rne CORRECTIONS f] otsnPPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr '-')- r" ft'/' t-1.. n,.-.--#c. DArE 4-t.?-7? - BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 IJ {INSPECIc'N FtEEUESiT EAGLE COUNTY E ornen ! penrtal. n orsnppRovED n HetNsPEcr LOCATION FRI READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APPROVED I uporu THE FoLt-owtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS /€la* BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE ,/A TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME AM PM CALLER INEiPEC|lc'N FtE(lUEEiT EAGLE COUNTY I pnnrtnl. READY FOR INSPECTION ffiapp Rov E D ! orsappRovED ! nrtruspecr I upolu rHE FoLLowlNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ,lrn M, Perkins/Architect, AlA/r/oil}r Resort, 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/?'a'266Nffi,,*DlfeR i\r-r.\f-!\ r-_i\ l1 LLil'"';--: ' .:i ) i :'.]-rq': i., " 9{pt. 0i Pli}irr:f{ l, l-l'Jvrl ::rHF, Cirirnly, Cnlo August 3I ' 1979 Ii,r, Jim 0sterioss The hoost J,od5e P.0. -Lor- 970 Vail , Col-orado &A5l Dear J irn: Pertaining to our meeting with Les Douglae on the site of your' 16 unit addiiion last week, it is rny opinion that a standard automa- ii" fir"-"xtingui-strlng system rs not necessary beeause of the ex-- ""pti"" stateo*in Sectioir 3802 (o)t of_the Uniform tsuildin€ Code ;i-th-;p""ific respect to square. feet of opening for each 5O l-inea1 i"ui oi exterior wall . As you know, I went through these calcula-- ti.ons wlth les louglas and he concurred' If the Fire Protection Distrj-ct has in fact legally adopted tlg. iif" S"f"ty Code then I feel you wor-il-d be remiss in not installing in electrilal fire alarm system as per that Coders.requirements ""a io th.e satisfaction of the Fi.re Protection District. S incerelY t JIiiP:gs cc : \ Llr,les Douglas Gordon Swangon BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 /-57 d il DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orupn n pnnrrll LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION FRI ,- AM@ m.fftRovED fl uporu rHe I orsneeRovED n netNSPEcr coRRECtroN4*za/ -at /.o-a-tL-{ FIEI-D COPY BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 7S9 CoURTHOUSE. EAGIE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 PERMIT TO dlroRY BUILDING IS TO BE -....- FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PERMIT PERM IT N O. Co. (coNTR'5 LtCENsE) NUMBER OF DWELL ING UNITS : IL d) o6 oz:u BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATIOI, REMAR KS: AI ( LOCAT ION ) (cRo55 STREET) sueo rv rs roH Buffer Creek Lor_BLo"* -.- ".,oJ. AREA OR VOL UME Plan 0heek Fee $18?,G5 EsrrMArED cosr $ 50,000.00 FEEt,t $ ZBI.OO !t !ilt,' h: {cUEIc/sQuARE FE ETIR@st todgeOWNER AODRESS INSPECTION RECORD NOTE PRO6RESS - CRITICISMS ANO REMARKS F,t:i: Tr:.lL??#ft, Review Routing Form ( ) PERMIT APPLICATION roOonrvr Rerouting Permit No. No-Plannir rg Commission Filc Review and return to ihe County Buildirrg Official within 6 workirrg days {u Applicarrt )/ --' Dbte'Refe P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions ,-Zoni ng_-Regul at i ons '' Site Plan (Landscaping) \_- Commerrts; Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No Enn Yes trl ,EtB F- Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : unntrn nn tr County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommerrd Approval : n Dnn trntrn Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: nn Firral lnspection: Landscaping Recommend Approval n n Commerrts: C,/O lssucd F inal Filing Date by Date -1-----11--1---+Dbte Referred PERMIT APPLICATION Permit No. Plar-rnirrg Commission File No. , LANDSCAPE INSPECilON FORM ( ) Rerouting I icant P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions - -zenins-Regulations S ite Pl an (Landscaping) Reviewed byl Recommend Approval : Review and return to the y Buildirrg Official within 6 working days Yes No €RnrK Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval ; nnu n unn M County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test trnTn trnnA Recommerrd Approval : Final lnspection: C/O Recomrnend Approval Comments: nn Final Inspect ion: Landscap i Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngn C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date COUNTY OF EAGLE - County Courthouse Annex Phone (303) BUILDING DIVISION Eagle, Colorado 328-6339 fl :'t t-1 !iI] L-,r ;-J :i ili NOTICE This building has been inspected and an order to stop work issued lor the following reasons: Construction r.'r i thout a Sui ldino Fermi t i s a violation of the Zoninq P'esolution. This is a 2nd Stoo liork 0rder and the reneated violation r^ri I I be reported to the Eaole County Lecal tlept. "Any person, {itm or corporation violating any provision of ihis Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $300.O0, or imprisonmenl Jor not more than 90 days, or both. Each and every day during which luch illegal erection, conslruction, alteta- tion, reconslruction, maintenance or use continues shall be deemed a separate otfense. Location ol Building . . .F.cas t. .t"e'lte. .i.,, . t!... .It:On.t.Aoe tla i I. Date Inspected . . T'c-,f* Rd-. .171.?. . I,le s t i./'A',: , " EUILOING I NSPECT ION 328-6339 EAGIE COT'NTY Bui ldlng Department Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 AOARO OF COUNTY coM M t5s toN ER5 328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R 328-6593 April 13, l97B Re: Appllcation for Building Permit 1783 '$r. N. Frontage Rd., Vai | - CLERK &FEEoEd'ee The Eagle County Bullding Department requlres that appllcations for E33l?, 1t*;9.tr% buildlnq permlts In Eaqle County be roured to the Eagle county Planning, couNTy Engineerino, and Envlronmental Health Oeoartments for their comments Alib^qNEv prior to lssuance of the permits. Your application was routed on April328-6674 7 , ]jlg. ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVTR.NMENTAL Listed below are the conments and recornmenda t i on s which were made byHEAITH the above departments durinq the routinq procedure. lf you have any328'7718 questions or wish to qet a further explanation, please contact the FdEF.+t'o" appropriate.departnrent. The telephone numbers and addresses of the328.6370 cornment i ng departments are listed with each comment. LIBRARY 328-77A7 PUBLIC HEALTH Eaqle 328-6594Vail 475-5844 PLANN ING 328-5338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328-6591 50c rAL 5E RV I CES328-6328 T REASU RE R 328.5376 8ox 179, Eagle, co. Bl53l 328-6338 ENGIiIEERING: Approved. HEALTH: Aporoved. It urould be to your advantase if you begin to resolve any problems/ and or requirements as soon as posslble so as not to delay the issuanceof your building oermit any longer than necessary. Jim Oste rfoss c,/o Roost Lodgre Box 970 t/al l, Co. 81657 In Eagle County Den i ed aoproved. trlleed landscape plan showing proposed olanting bermlng along hlghway.tl , Fi annr- nc ?r. PLANNIIIIG: Not and SHERIFF Eaqla 328.661 |Baiall 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 fzYD Les Dougla Terri I I Knight Eagle County Buildlng 0fflcial I BUILDING PERMIT APPLIC?NION I Jurisdiction of to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VA DATION M.o. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION ft'*;6X * Form 10o.1 '1.77 33r4 tfls:: errrcxeo sxr er r IP PHONE MAIL AOOFESS LICENSE NO. I,n HON E LICEN5E NO. ENGINEER5 Y ack Han 8 Class of worK: D f{EW .E(NOO'TIOI ! ALTERATION C REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE € fI /Tt,.E I ,'"hslc, flan - S, l0 Change of use from Change of use to l l Valuation of woik' $PLAN cHEcK FEE jy) LS4 PERMITFEE 2g/, dd Occupancy Grou p SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Totall Sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklefs Reculred lyse [N. No. of Owellin9 units OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERI\4IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMI\4ENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEHIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. SIGNATURE.'F CONIRIf,'OF OF q'HqRIZEO A ZON ING FIRE DEPT. WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT M.O. CASH {-/-?{€lat.us INSPECTOR d-Aef^ o INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMANKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAE FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY F INAL USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOWUP, ETC, "orfl" oF EAG LE - BUr.o,*o(lvrsroN County Courthouse Annex Eagle, Colorado Phone (303) 328-633!f $Il|P WI|RII NOTICE This building has been inspected and an order to stop work issued for the following reasons: Sonrtnretlc rltkt r lllldl*g Frrnlt lr rrlolrtlc af *ia taalne tr*slutlc, ?lrla lr r trd ltat rb* 0**r a{ thG rwnd vlolrtlmrtft b. lrfard b tfrG feh Sonty l.rtill ttFr. "Any person. firm or corporation violating any provision of this Code shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof. shall be fin€d not more than $300,O0, or imprisonment lor not more than 90 days, or both. Each and every day during which such illegal erection. construction. altera- tioar. rcconstruction. maintenance or use continues shall be deemed a separate offense. Locarion or Buitdins . . . . . H!.lqdgC. .: .!T.tt .{r.i.'. f}lrffi. Hfrrt hll* nsoectorq>*rt 5*., PLUMillG prnuri NpLrcnfbrq Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Jurisdiction of I o Esc r,{!see lttecxao sxeerl LtcEr{gE xo,#/o AR CX rtEC t Oh IlEStGrEi PHON E LIC-Ns€ XO. EN6INEEi 5 MAI L ADDi ESS LICENSE NO. USE OF AUI-OIN6 I crass of work: $lllew n AoDlTloN tr ALTERATI0N n REPATR Typ. of Fixtura or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOILET}spEcrAL coNorTroNs: LAVATORY (WASH aAStN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. OR INKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATTNG EQUIP. LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUF PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION [?'^"f*+ 3qs'f 6-P-" Form 1O0.2 1-?7 M.O. INSPECTOR IJSE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW-UP, ETC. BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-5339 I + of4l INSPECTIctN FIEOUEsiT EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxgn n pnnrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM E npp RovED E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS fl orsnppRovED E nrrNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR 7qrIclNBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 INSiPECTI EAGLE FIEEUEST JOB NAME COUNTY DATEt r A I r _-_-________:_ TIME FECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED D orsnpp RovED E n e tNsPEcr E upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR County of ELECIIRICAL Eagle PERII{IT Applicanr-.-..-. Sllnature A,PPROVALS Plan Checker Ne Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 1131 $...................... ..... $..-..................-..--.. o 39.00|P-.-.... --.. ---- -..-.. - -..--- $......,....-........ .-,.... $-39...00......."....... Darepaid.......*l{..11L.1,9L9.. ... .. Received sy.. . . {-: .S..911p.f .............-.".. Receipt #787 Bldg. Permit #0944 FORM IS TO BE POSTED OltI SITE DURING GONSTRUCTIOI{ I8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUTRED FOR INSPECTIONS THI6 JOB ELEcTRT?ar PERMTT nppudrtoN Jurisdict Applicant to complete numbercd spaces only. .I CHECK VALIDATION VI'HEN,PROPERLY VALIDAT€D {IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT . cAsH PE RM lT VALTDATTON cK. INSPECTOR Form 100.3 11-73 iEoioER FRoM: INTERNATIoNAL coNFEREHCE oF sutLDrNG oFFtctaLs. ss6o s. woRrM^r! MILL Roao. wHr?TrEF, INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM FEMAHI(S II{SPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 I .Ar*IIUSPECTIclN FIEEUEsiT COUNTY DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen E pnnrtnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRt A-; ^1- AM pM 6rRovED I otsnppRovED I upor,r rHE.goLLowr NG con RECToNS: CORRECTIONS " D nerNsP Ecr INSPECTOR t #*o 7{4INsiPEGTIclN FIEGlUESiTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE '7*te JOB NAME TfME REcEtvEo 8:a o xu PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY florne n MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION A/VED] THUR E pnnrrel. LocArroN rar ld| 3 f AM pMTHUR Wapp RovED [] orsnppRovED n nErNsPEcr ffio*rHE FoLLowr NG con REGr oNS: coRRECTIONS l-_, -- INSPECTOR i' r :r\ BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE L.I3 JOB NAME t TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER oq+'l INSPECTIclIU FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY qfu- n** n ornen E pnRrrnl.LOCATION ! orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcrAPP ROV E D I uporurne FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS READY FOR INSPECTION BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER otNstrEcTtcl EAGLE o?,1'{ N FIEBUESiT COUNTY n orren MON COMMENTS; n pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION PROVED ! orsRppRovED D nerNsPEcr Elgpom THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS:. , ,coRRECTTONS INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE 6*n JOB NAME rrME REcErvEo 8.'10 AM PM cALLEB t -; # ':s<i4 INSPECTIc'N FIE(tUEST EAGLE COUNTY n pnnrtal LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED n orHen /6fi)\--/ COMMENTS: Wfrpp RovED n orsnppRovED D nrrNsPEcr Elgporv rHE FoLLowrNG conRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR l # 7y''/ INSPECTIClN FIEOUEsiTBUILDING D'VISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E ornen fl pnnrral. LocArroN R EADY FOR INSPECTI ON THUR FRI AM PM ! orsAppRovED ! nerNsPEcrPROVED ! uporu THE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS t! f Q o- z 4 F o r-- - BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX r79 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE /A-+ JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED /0,' If AM PM CALLER t # ns{/ INsiPEGTIClN FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY n ornen I penrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED l: /0 ^M@ rr\y"/ COMMENT$: PPROVE W6ot t rHE FoLLowr NG coR R ECTI oNS: florsnppRovED n n e tNsPEcr CORBECTIONS FIETD COPY BUII-DING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 CoURTHOUSE, EAGLE, CO.-pH. (3O3) 328_6339 PERMIT roW-) sroRY BUILDING PERMIT LICENSE) NUMBER OFDWELLING UNJTS Ar (LocA?roNt trTIlE ROOST||(No.) (srREEr) D lsTR tcT- ( CROSS STREET) g tr @ o ID oz: 0: su Bo tv ts toN BUILDING IS TO TYPE eeBt BETO 1t-" t rr t tf. ^^.. LoroLuL^ SIZE - FT. WIDE AY-- FT, LONG By FT. tN HETGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUqTION USE GROUP AASE MENT h,ALLS OR FOUNDATION R E MAR KS: (TYPE) PLA;I CIIUCK FEE----_S?g. O0EsrrMArED cosr $ 10.000.00 ffFr.,rrr **i"' ""AREA OR V OL U I\4E (cUaIc/soUARE FEET) ooo"=..Box9Zo@ INSPECTION RECORD ,u,,.olio PERMTT APPLrcf,toN I Juridiction of.EAGLE COTJNTY Applicant to complete numbered spaceE only. 'Bu f'tr , Cr ..1[see lttacxeo sxrrtl MAIL ADDiESS ztl' PFONE (,t6, MA IL A6OiESS PHONE LICENSE NO. MAIL AOOi ES 3 PHONE LICENSE ENGINEEF MAIL AOOh ESS PHONE LICENSE NO. LENDER. MAIL AOOi E SS OiANCH 6 /'/,q rt,z IJSE OF-BIJILOINC 8 Ctassotwork: !lNEW trADD|TI0N trALTERAT|0N n REPAIR flMoVE tr REMoVE l0 'Chanoe ol use from ll Vafuation of work:$ 141 PERMIT FEE '/;..5 6eLAN cHEcK e* $ O,OO SPECIAL CONDITIONS:ltr O Size ot Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklers nequired Ives Er.,to OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I | ltf AtqF E-qFt o N_rF Na'trlti oR auTHoRrzEo HEALTH DEPT. FI RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTI-I€R (Spoclfy) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PROPEBLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT INSPECTOR Form 100.1 11-73 TNTERNATToNAL coNFERENcE oF BU|LoTNG OFF|ClALS. ir.o r. woRr.MAN Mt!! Foao. INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMABKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OB DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW-UP, ETC. DTTINTffiTI{T OT EI.AI{I{II{O AI{! DEUEI.OPI|ITI{T Mcllouald Btdg. 550 Broadway P,O. Bor l?9 Eaglc, Colorudo 81631 L1, t{g^y a977 B1_ue Skyts Unlimited, fnc.c/o Ji-m Osterfoss P.O; Box 97OVail, Colorado 8L657 Re: {nRlicatiog-f9f Bullding Permit in Eagle CountyLots 911Or7Lrt2, Buffer creek subdivision The-Eagle county Buildilrg Department requires that applications forbuilding-permits_in.Eagle counly be routed to the Eagle county planning, Engineering and Environmental Health Departments for their commentsprior^to_issgance.o{ th.e pgnnits.- Tg*l application for Lots 9r10r11qnd 12 (The Roost) in the Buffer Creek Subdivision was routed on6 lray a97?. Listed beLow are the cornments and recommendations which were rnade bythe above Departments during the rsuting procedure. rf you have anyquestions or wish to geb further explanation, please contact theappropriate departments. The telephone numbers and addresses of thecommenting departments are listed with each connent. PLANNING: Approved. - rrlandscape plannaterials. For future permits landscape plan should atconpany shows only minimal plant on this site a detad.led ENGfNEERING: Approved. No comments. Planning r)epartmcnt/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rczoning, Applications snd Review (J03) JZg4Jg{t Building official: Building Pcrmits and Inspection, zoning Administration {B0J) J2g-6J:19 IIEALTH: Not approved. r'Need more details on filter and chlorineroom. Chlorine room must be sealed off from laundry room and be properly ventilated. pool plans must bbapproved by State Health, Roger Smades br Ralph Leidholdt, 42L0 East Llth Ave., Denver, C0 80220.I' ,4x.' Box 8l-l-, Eag16, 328-77L8 er co 81631 Blue Page Skyr s 2 untimitf, rnc. rt would be to vour advantage if yor1. begin to resolve any problemsand/or requiren6nls ?g "oon-is-pols:.biJ"s; ;; ;;; ro delay rheissuance of your building perrnit a"y iJ"e"" ir,ri'""cessary. snclosed please find a copy of the Review Routing Form for yourinfor"nation. Thadk you very much, 6_fr-U4L'ester L, Do{dlas Eagle County Building Official LLD:TK:EIJE:ge €llC r cc: !er... :.-f-f lieightr_Eagle^County^plannilg Department;Erik if. Edeen, Eagle County- Sanitariin;Ralph Leidholdt, Colorado bepartnent of Health County of ELECTBICAL Eagle PERII{IT rob Name........ .Tlt g...F.qpp-l Et ectri cal Contracto r-.. -.. E f.gn!-...9. p..Tg+.9 g Applicanr.....-. Sllnature APPROVAT"S Plan Chccker Dats ..lt+.n.s... ?.&'... \.9- 1.7..... Date Ns Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 749 $.-...-.,..-.,......." ..... $..............,.--.-...-.... $..?.s.o0............ $.....-............ ..... $..2.s.OO............ Date Paid..,--6.r ?.?:.7.7........... Received By,.Les,.Douglas.-............... Receipt No. 2457 FORilI IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING COI{STRUCTIOil {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS THIS JOB tr t70 f TI'HEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMTT ffi cK. M.O. CASH Form 1O0.3 11-73 INSPECTlON REPORTS DATE ITEM 8 EIIAR KS INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. rNsPEctoN ,.E.'ESTBUILD!NG DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMFRITUE I nppRovED ! uporu rHE FoLLowlNG conRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsaeeRovED D nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsr=.flotBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 FIEGIIJEsiT NTY DATE JOB NAM E AGLE cou TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION rHu"o FRI , r-. i?M! PMWED ",t dt -\ LI APP ROV E D I uporu rne CORRECTIONS n orsnpp RovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl nerNsPEcr DATE lNSPECTOR v Io NGBUILDI IT toN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spac6 only. i '- 1u'/, t ,' > 4 ,",- 1/,, f ).,. ,'{. (9t/i, ,\,', LICENSE NO.3 :rl ;._(. ENGINEER MAIL ADDR E5 5 PHONE LENOER D ( ,- >"" n ", usE oF 9/r?rNc $rew tr AODITION D ALTERATION N REPAIR N MOVE tr REMOVE 10 Change ol use from Change of use to 1l Valuation of work: $ ,''j ,.'), i^.r-^,PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Occu pancy Group Size ol Bldg. (Tolar) sq. Ft. Fire Sprinklers Requared Dyes nNoAPPROVED FOF ISSUANCE'8Y. No. of Dwelling Uniis OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OH WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB WOFK IS COI\4MENCED, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMP-LIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN O9. NOT. THE GRAJITTIXG OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME/,/to Gl.e AVrHQ,8ITy/TO VIOLATE oR cANcEL THEPROVISISNS OF AJTY OTHV( S-VATE OR LOCAL LAW REFULATINGCONSTruCZTON ,,OR -II*Z PEFFORMANCE OF CONVTRUOTION. 7--,- -' i/t ,4/+' ', OF CONIRA?loE'OR AUYHORIZ FI RE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spocify) CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PBOPEALY VALIDATEO IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PERMITcK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR FOTM 1OO.1 1I-73 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING VALIDATION PEBMIT v INSPECTION APPROVALS OATE REMARI(S lNSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DHYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONBY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. E AGLE c o".Q*l:.l,l ::::,:;:*',' o"t'! c A' o N El&l ,?,eV -a tz"zZzzruZzer' Permit No. Please review the attached appl ication and return it and this completed form to the County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations 'Recommend Approval County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage .Fecommend Approval Nonrlrl [fEtl D Yes EIKff trI EIt=EK Reviewed by:Date: Comments Date Referred County Health: Flecommend Approval tf s@ 'r'n, &o^, Sanitation Water /-',;{ Hvt rl* 4/Aqt/e BUILDI ,a NG PERMITAPPLICS|oN Jurisdiction to comptcte numbeftd s,€/ccs onty. PIAN CHECK VALIDATION NLY V igD-Ili, TI{IS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PEFMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASX