HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 13 14 HILLSIDE CONDOS LEGALDepartment of Public Works & Transportation I309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-21 58 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com October 19'*h,2007 Dear Resident, It has come to the attention of the Town that the historic irrigation ditch, which runs from north to south tJru ivision (see attached map), does not cunently have water rights for any type of use; inigatioilTiaesthetic. In addition, the diversion for this historic irrigation ditch is on publicly owned property and has recently been altered to divert more flow from Buffehr Creek into the historic irrigation ditch. The Town is concemed about the long term health of Buffehr Creek and the lack of water rights during the low flow months, July thru April. In our conversations with the Colorado Division of Water Resowces it is apparent that this historic irrigation ditch has no current water rights and is required to abide by state law. At a minimum, this will require all flows to rernain in Buffehr Creek during periods when there is a call on the river typically from July thru April. It is the Town's intent to remove the diversion and retum the creek back to its natural state. This will generally limit flow to the ditch to high flow periods (May and June). If you wish to discuss this matter further please contact me at970-479-2235. Thank you for your attention to this matter Town of Vail Town Engineer Cc: Bill Carlson, Town of Vail Environmental Health Officer Mathew Mire, Town of Vail Attorney Rachel Friede, Town of Vail Planner r'r,+ rldt lgeH ,'_j I '.". !"-L'._-'.- i:-i {;'i -: ' ,' 'r: I ,t : .', :.1*.l i"., , .r ,.. :': r.. frrfrN TOWI\ OF VAIL Building Name: Ilillside Condos Design Review Action Form Project Name: Hillside Condo's handrail replacement Project Description: Replace handrails on porch Owner, Address, and Phone: Greg Bennis Hillside Condo Associetion ArchitectiContact, Address, and Phone: Greg Conway POBox2729 Avon, CO 81620 970-376-4581 Pdect Street Address: 1819 Meadow Ridge Rd. Legal Description: Lot 13, Buffer Creek Parcel Number: 210312303{lll8 Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/StaffAction Action:Staffapproved with conditions l. color to be natural cedar TownPlanner: AllisonOchs Date: 612199 DRB Fee Paid: $20 Project Name: Hillside Condo Handrail Replacement VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\1 DRBAPPR a D esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Yare Residence Project Description: Storage room addition; deck & guardrail renovations Owner, Address and Phone: Mark Yare, 1839 Meadow Ridge Road #D, Vail, 476-6549 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: same Project Street Address: 1839 Meadow Ridge Road #D Legal Description: Lot 14, Buffehr Creek Parcel Number: 2103-12$03-004 Building Name: Comments: 250 addition - 44 sf has been used with this addition Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved 1) Condo association approval is required prior to building permit. 2) Upper level railing must match the railing on the other units. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 2123199 F:tEV'ERYONE\DRBLAPPROVAL99'Y r\RE.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 /o/'lsO iLHiln 6nsk Phonel. 970-376-458t Phonez 970-376-4581 TOViComm. Dev. sinsle Famlly *""id8ft5bUnt TYPe V Non-Rated date rfrrJ Add Sq Ft: +of Gas Appl iences. PayrnenEs--__---- TOTAL PEES-.... r+**r I f * rt*r.r i tt*r,r*ti*r ir rl rr * * * I r r t * * t * i r * * 'r r * r .r , * t * t t f * t tr * See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditj"ons thau may apply tro tshis permiE. DECI,ARA'TlONS I hcroby rcknot ledge chat I hawc r.ad tsh16 application, filled out in full fhe lnforuaLl.on roqulred, co$Pleted an accuratc plot plan, and stat. thac all thc lnfornation provided aB requir.d iE cor!6ct. r ag!6e to conply tritsh the information end plot plan, to conply iigh all Toun ordinanc.d and 6ta!e lais, and tso bulld !hl,E sEruclure accolding to thc Town'6 zoning and 6ubdivi6ion codcg, dsgLgn r6vlsu approved, Unlform Butlding code and oth6r ordinances of ghe Toen lpplicablt ther6Eo REQUESTS FOR INSTtsCTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOT'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE OtR OFFICE FROM s:OO AM 5.00 DEPARTT,,TENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT Ir(rST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALt TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUII,D PERMTT Pennj-t #: 899-0140 1.. , -';>, /.",{?^llrlffiIl KrdgL r\a ilob Addressf"i6i9 l,tEafOw pn StaLus. .. : rssIIED Location...: 1819 meadow dr (hlllside Apptied..: 06/03/L999 Parcel No..: 2LO3-123-03-008 Issued...: 05/03/1999 Project No.: PRJ99-0L6o Extrlires..: LL/30/L999 TOWN OF VATI 75 S. FROIiI:TAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 APPIJIEAI\I:T CONTRA TOR OUINER Descript.ion:replacing handrails Occupancy: R3 T\4ge Constrrrction: V N Valuation: 500 Firaplace Informatloa: Rest.rlctrd! Y UOUNTAIN DEEKS P.O. BOX 2729, AVON, eO MOI'IIITAIN DECKS P.O. BOX 2729, AVON, CO BEMIS GREGORY BOX 3438, VArL CO 81658 8L520 8]-620 Clean-up D approved *of eas Lo96:*of wood/PalIet: Bullding-----> Plan check- - - > InweEtlgaLlon> t{t1I Call----> 23.00 14 .95 .00 3 .00 IECM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARITI'TENT06/03/1999 JRM Action: APPRIt,CM: O54OO PIJAIiTNING DEPARITIENT06/03/1,999.]RM A,ction: APPRII,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENTITEM: O55OO PI'BLIC WORKS Deots : BUII-,DING Division: APPROVED ,lR -- DePt: PLANNING Diwision: APPR PER A.O:Dept: FIRE Division: DePts: PUB woRK Divj-sion: R6Etuarant Pla-n Rewicn- - > DRB Fee-------- Rccr€alion Fe6-- ---- -- --> Cl.m-t p Dslro6lt-- ----- -> .00 .00 Tobal, calcuLaccd Fe€a_ - _> AddiEional Fe6g----- -- --> .00 Total Perol! Fcc----'---> .00 40.95 40 .95 {0.95 sit Refund srnd clcan-Up DepoEi! Tor MTN DECKS HIMSEI.F AND OfiNER Page 2 ************************************:t****************************:l************** COI{DITIONS Permit, #: 899-0140 as of 06/03/99 StsaEus---: ISSITED *******************f*********************************************t*********!t**** Permj-t Tl4ge: ADD/AI.T SFR BUrtD PERr{rT AppJ-ied--: o6/03/L999Applicantl-: MOIINIAIN DECKS Isgued---: O6/03/L999970-376-458L To Ercpj-re: LL/30/L999 Job Address: 1819 MEADOW DRLocation---: 1819 meadow dr (hilIside condos)Parcel No-- : 2LO3-L23-03-008 Descript,ion: replacing handrails * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Conditiong * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FrEtD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTAUCE.2. SMOKE DETEcTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALt BEDROOMS AND E1IERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 0F THE 1997 tBC. TOWN OF VATLINSTRUCTTON pERMtT APICATTON FORM INFORI}IATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THf, APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEID contact the Eagre couw Assessors o,?ice at g7G328-E640 for parcet # $l 03 lt3 o 3 oo7 Parcel # Date: Job Name: nuiuine fr1 Legal Descripnion: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) ****. /.r/^,, Aidg. M Otler( ) *-*4_JdSddXnIr Ovnerstlane:Ll(e5 $ezrt\J Address: Architect: Filing Subdivjsion Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Alteration ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: 7 Number and T1'pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ 6@ Additionat ( )xw*M Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs WoodlPellet VALUATIONS FTECTRICAI: $ Generaf conrractor: {,ar^'l\r/ $o"!ls Address: lO B"x X}t1 4W0 KI6XO Town of Vail Registration No. PLIJMBING $MECHAMCAL $ OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: Town of Vai-l Registranon No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Regisrradon No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No.Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ,non.o 9?d - i?6- 1{ f I Address: r, q{ -D(\tn Phone # TO: FROM: DATE: S1JBJECT: Read and acknowledged by: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITI{ TrIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMLTNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: ITEPOSITS ON PIJBLIC WAYS PROHIBIITI) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or carrsi to be tittered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon .ny stree! sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Nitice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof or who has in the Director's employrnent a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such san4 grav€f rocks, mu{ dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the persor so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Worls, or other authori zed, agertt, rnay cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any ottrer material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: t. *ittrin the immediate area of any constructioq maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenanc e thereto; 2. To deposits ofsan4 dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3 . To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials' D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereoi upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be puoirh.Ut. as provided in Section 14-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) o^r", \aA 47 or owner TOWI,I OFVAIL Department of Commrnity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME X'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval- Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depar&nent review of Health Deparbnent review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits wiil have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparEnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparunent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned" understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and tlat if I fail to do so it may afect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was tumed into lhe Community Dwelopment Dept. tpun"uo'n'o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PITtsLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A."UBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED Noy'--f--- Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NOy'_ JOB NAME: DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDINGTTIE NEEDFOR A.?UBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. Is this a new residence? YES J. 4. 5. 6. 1 8. Is arry utility work needed? YES Is rhe driveway being repaved? No-d- YES Nol-- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existine drivewav? YES Is any drainage work being done tbat affects the Right-of-Way, easemerlls, or public propefiy?YES_ NO_x_,/' Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Pernit" required? YES- NOy'- A. ls the Right-of-W.ay, easements or public pmperty to be used for shgin& pa*ing or fencing?YEs No_I:_ B. If NO to 8A" is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO_F- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obrained- "Public Way Pennif applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Comrnunity Dwelopment If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from hrblic Works at 479-2198. AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. CompanyName (AWI'lto Qucstlons'i| thc l'ii.r,ning Stai'iet 4;r9-- 128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RJVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigrr rwiew nnrst rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infbrnution is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Envirouurental Comnrission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpires onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started. A.DESCRIPTION OF THE l..L s E zr Clee 0o B. C. D. r,, .-4- F. c. LOCATION PHYSICAL PARCEL #: ZONING: OF PROPOSAL; ADDRESS: ID3[L3 o.?C LOT: (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADD PHONE: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: Construction ofa new building. Includes any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or commcrcial building. lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls. etc. DRBfcesaretobepaidatthetimcofzubmital. Latcr.whcnapplyingforabuildingpermit.pleaseidentifo thc accuratc valuation of thc project. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND TI{E FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL, COLORADO 81657. H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 f rUinor,{teration - $20 TOWN OFVATI, s+ E(sg- O) .so oo M} rOrostI(o N Ml Iot\o, sf€ € (D --I I -.- --a- --IA - - !- --A -v l\\t --.-ct) --.-!- ---'(t).- --I-\\yAAtrllfoa\\ta -lrlv oq- G'rtloo.ot-o. oE(EL .9o C) ? o (.ft -Y(J c) c (tt.t-,c o Deck Plan Flooring (Decking) DEPARTMEITIT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT Floor Joists? " on cente Post ? 12., x Il--lI Thickness x Width I Posi>> 6" Hand rail posts bolted on 4"x 6"x 4" or 6" EACLE COUNTY, COLORADO /,/ \\// \\/,/ \2" x _? tZl ):;l.: :i:.f:"-/_ /tJ \/ :-.'r).-j; :-'..:.s. : -- l;:.- J j -ra--/).-rj BEAM (2 Pin, Base Plate, or? Crade Concrete Piers 48" Deep \\ Ledger,attached to dwelling with lag bolts 36"mrn. Joist Hangers Overhead View C' I- c) ox(s =.erhang 2' Closed Tread 9'f1 1/8" nose Sta irs TO: FROM: DATE: BE: MEMORANDUI,| ALL COiITRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Date: 3 t re X x, 1) 2',) : .-: fs this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public propetty? ls any utilig work needed? ls the drivEway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site . dher than existing driveway? ts any drainage work being done affec'ting the dght of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right of Way permjt' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to b€ used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES 3) 4',) s) 6) 4 X x ,,{. X, It_f91a1iJvet9d yes to any of thEse questions, a 'Public Way permit, must bE obtained..Public Way_Permil'applicalions may be obtained d the Public Works oflice or at C,o.r,nr.r.tu-ltty Development. lf you have any questions ptease calCtrartie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspec{or, at 479-2159. I have read and answsred allthe above questions. 8) Job Name Contractor's Signature Date I puauc wev peRur pnoCEC How it relates to Building permit: 't) 2l 3) 4',, 5) 6) lf yes was answercd to 3y ot the above questions then a .public way permil. isrequirqd. You can .pirk !p an apprication a enher comm-unity Deveropment,roclted ar:s s. Fronrage Rbad or pirolic woG, kaJ; j'g#\i.ir Vailey Drive. Notice sigh offs tq r-lty, companie-s. At utirities must ferd vedfi (rocate)respecrive.urirites priorto srgning apptication. s*; rtiilry-;;;nies require upto a 48 hour nojce to schedrrle i tticate). A construction t'ffic_oo_nrror prT r-nysl-_be prepared on a separae sheet of paper.This pran wiil show rocdions ot ail traffic &ntrof devices (signs, "ones, stc.) anclthe work zone, (area of construction, $aging, eta) sketch of uork beingperformed must be submited indicatrp dimensions (rengrth,wicfth & deplh ot rvort). This may be orawn on the tnmc bnirr phn or a sileplan for the job.. submit compteted appfication to the Public work's ojfce for review. ff required,bcates wit be scfiedured rorrhe Town of vail Elecrr*;;ftir;h, crew. Therocates ar€ take prace in the moming, but may require ,p ro c6 ttrrs to perform. The Pubric worft's Gonstruction Insp€cror willlevtey the appfication and approveor disappove the permil You witl de conaaec asto rhe Jfi;;; any changesthat may be needed. rrfost permits are releaseo wi,thin ,rs h*o JLi"g reoeived,but please allow up to one week to poc"lrl- "rr,.'vr're .,' r., As soon as permit is processed, a .opy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowins the'Buitding pgrmir to oe ,ireas;d.- il;;;;i;#* rhe .Rrbticwav permir wirh a'Buitsing permir ro dJwo* on a fti;IilJ'irbn Note: 'Ths above proer$ ls lor work ln a rlght_of.rray onfy. 'Publlc Wry pernlt= * 'A new Publlc Wry Femtt ls requlred each year. 7',l, Tbwn of Vait - Coost}rtfoo IMPORTATIT CflECKPOINTS DARING TIIE CONSTRACTION PROCESS Obtain All Zonlng and Design ApProvals . PEC: Varianceq Conditional Use Permits, Specid Developmcnt Districts . DRB: Revicc,s Exterio Building, Ledscaping, Signs, Extcrio LigDa r., StaffApprovals: Minor Erterior Cbangeg erc. . Submit 2 Sets of Plans with a Building Permil Application . Ad&ess PEC & DRB Conditions of Approval - i.e. cmployce bousing agreements, hazrd reporrs, rcvocablc Rigbt of-Way @OW) pcrmits . Plovidc Staging Plur - construction parking, dumpster, matcrial delivcry, and staging plan (not needed for ninupermis) . Ddveway Sgndards (2 Dwelling Units m less) . Public Way Permit (prcviously called sroet-cut pemil) - auscbed to Building P€rmit Application - submit Coosuuction Traffic Control Plan. reviewed/approved by Public Wc*s . Fire Deparmcnt Issues After Building Permlt ls Issued . Temporry Access & Drainage Inspection . Formdationlnspection - chcc* driveway grades, building location, & retaining walls . Prre-Faning - TOV reviews Improvement l-ocation Cenificarion ([.C) ro cbeck setbacks & building hcight (allow 4t hrs.) . Franing Inspoction - building inqpedors cbeck Ooc plurs witb building permt phns . Drivcqay Rougih Grade Inspecrion (optiooal) - If re4ueste4 Public Works will come tJo site !o check drainage, public way, and driveway grades . he-Temporary Cenificate of Occupancy CICO)- issued upon compledon of all exrcrior finisb worh final grade cherk, drainage, and road cbeck if driveway is completed - &veloper's agreement and lener of credit q bond to ensure completion of site improvemenB . Frnd Cenilicatc of Occupurcy (CO) - issued upon sadfactory completion Of fmal inspecrion on tbc driveway, public way, site drainage, urd lurdscaping o 75 South Frontage Road vatl Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 47e-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Comtnunity Devclopmew : .-- lf you are interest6d in makhg any improvemenb or changes to your property, the Town of Vail Community Development Department would like to glve you some pointers on the development review process. The Town of Vail has a zoning code, dEsign review guidelines, sign code; and building code. All ol the codes provide important information which may apply to your construction project. lf you are unclear il you need an approval, please call our otfice to ask for assislancE. Any change to your property whidr departs from the dorelopment standards (setback, height etc.) wlll require reviar by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). This Board is made up of seven members who are appointed by the Town Council, They meet the second and fourlh Mondays of wery month. Submittal dates normally fall four to tivs weeks before each meeting. Once all of your zoning issues have been addressed, your proposal will need to be approved by the Design Revieril Board (DRB). This board is made up ol live appointect members. One member of the PEC always serves on the DRB. The focus of thls group is to revieur the exterior of a building (i.e. design, materials, landscaping, exterior lighting). Signs are also reviewed by ths DRB. The DRB meets the tirst and third wednesdays ol every monh. Submittals must be made approximately four weeks in advance ol these meeting dates. The next step in the development review process is to receive a building permit. We ask that you submit two sets of plans wilh the building p€rmit application. Depending on the complexity of the project and the time of the year, building permit rwiew requires up to three weeks. The building season in Vail is short so May through November are very busy. Please allow adequate time lor review of the permit. The Town of Vail Community Development Department is here to help you through the development review process. We encourage you to call our otfice to get advice on your project and the review process. A planner and building inspector are available daily to answer your questions. Please give us a call at 479-2139 ancl lel us help you. Sincerely, KIful|',lo Community Development Director g$ FgF *E EEi €si EEi i$$ FEt : $$$ EEE $F$ U) .J) |'Uoo.ro. E lll CE @oo Oiclo-l gEE ac Frg *9s EE g -FE|oE; E3>.9 -ixc EEdg6 do aE8 a, o-dP .EF6Eg3g: $$$ F3E iil$F rg 3T F$ Itt F!,tt.,6's1lg 1.3"fa gsEE, !E:Eq eEEEc e Es EiE EiiElE gggEEEE $8. ! EE69E,E FEEE8Ei €si Es;gE lfiigEg EEi6Ei F€ ;$ Efi Hiiil its?eiq:cqgi ii ute:E:aa HcE $F ilHl h*';iecssicEE Ei EE gs -C F E- H if sg FF i[ ii r[ iE si ?i ;B ;g gi EE fleF FF gl ai ti ic ti ig;g s$ E! Eg $ c.€:rl e* E nB ','..' =l EP. ee EE ea e Rn 9L as EEg il ;5 ;; tq qq EF qq EE 3: il ;; :gg€€iirig$;;ieEs;;;g H EE EE $F sE ie ge ss ei FF FF fig EE E oE9o:str 6E =>!!o\.ciT. .U CEE z.Eo€ E.qo=ro!o) .:<,, FF5 fo zo U'aE,2(l,OEoo JCD<.9bo EE2poa 9pz.= HEzo<G o.EZF2416 Jo. too,o, 1 '! ,la :r :.i ,,! ,i ',.,.:i ,.1 a"'r !' ::.t ;l l:j:ir ;,., ji t.l 'r::) i.:.1 ili it,l tir:' irl; [: RFpTr3l aIroHN OF UArL, COLORADO ,.-,salrat1999 o8:17 REeUEST.flt INSpECTN r.rORK SHEETS FORIt/rS/riii PAGE lP AREA: JRltl Activity: 899-6f4O t9/18/19 -fype:. A-BUILD Status: ISiSUED Constr: ASFR Address: l8l9 FIEADOI| DR Loeationr 1819 readow dr (hillside condos)Parcelr 31O3-1?3-O3-AO8 Occ: Use: V N Deseript ion: replaeing handrails Appl icant r I4IIUNTAIN DECKS Ownerr BEFIIS GREEORY Contractorr IIIOUNTAIN DECKS Fhone: Phone r Phone l 97G-376-4541 970-376-4581 Inspection Request . Requestor: 6REB' Req Tire: Ol:OO Iters requested to OOO9O BLDG-Final Inforration.... -Fhone:376-4541 Corrents: HANDRAILS - IIILL CALL be Inspeeted... Action Corrent s Tire Exp lnspeetion History. .,. . . Iter: 0OSIO driveway grade finalIter: OOOI0 BLDG-Footings/SteeIIter : o,oro,?A BLDG-Foundat ion/SteelIterr OOS?O PLAN-ILC Site Plan' Iter: OOOSO BLDG-FrarinqIter: g,g,o'4g * * Not Un File * * Iter: OOOSO BLIEi-InsulationIterr o,o,o,60 8LD6-Sheetrock NailIterl O0OAO * * Not On File -r * Iter : gqgTg BLDG-ltlisc.Iter r' OO09O BLDG-FinalIter: OO530 BLD6-Terp. tr,lQ . Iter: OO54O BLDG-Final elg \.,Nl^\r' t) t 1( 1 ce F' $Ti-':W E:.l'T''#.'' -r' -..- l!lrr;t, f*ign Review Action Ft ' ' TOWN OF VAIL Category Numb Proiect Name: Building Name: on" t/'?0,?f tr& Project D€scription: Legaf Description:tot /?, t/ Block - Subdivision Project StreetAd ar""", /7/1 / /e Zone Distrist --__--_----+_ Motion by: 'af? La.u/LL^ /t' .-'volrri 1'6 Seconded by: {ooorou"' a Disapproval ! StaffApproval Mi&, @ynrt ,r,,*/,rJ;il]W+!n ry'N4/nd4, %.Wa WeL A/u(t'. Conditions: MM,4'idq,,, .f">q f*%. Date: ''''"y' 20'1 f DRB Fee ,--o ,o //dao # /flr i. I x.alt tt T llalga DESTGN REVT o EW BOARD APPIJfCATION - TOI{N OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:*******i*t *!r!r*******r. A. PR,O.JECT TNFORIIATION:iIJTfJI, DEscRrprrsN, aote/< aHnptt Or /tusrOg CopAA5 TYPE OF REVIEW: New construcrion (g200 .ool -dinor Arr.eration (g20.00)Addirion (S50.00) concepLual Review (gQ) ADDRESS: ' B. c. D. E.ZONTNG: LEGAL DESCRIPT Subdivision If property is described bydescription, pIelase provideto this application. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet. leqal and att.ach NAME OF APPLTCANI:Mailing ess : ',), lrU) ?/n G.NAME OFMailing APPLICANT'S REPRES Address: H.NAME qF ObINER(S) : OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Mailing Address:5g APPLrcATroNs wrrJL Nor BE PRocasseD wrriloU.T owNER,s srcrcA"uRE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. ,J. DRB FEE: DRR fooc Aq qhnr^rn rl.r^rrzr I --^ *^ L^ -^ir ^! &r^^ 7( FEE SCHEDULE: .lrI u $ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NI,ESS A BUTLDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. VAIJUATION n a i n '1a\nv P rv,vvv FEE + zu. uu $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE.AR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION {t I A pre-applicat,ion meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged Eo deLermine if any additionalapplicat,ion informat,ion is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibiLity to make an appoinEment with the lLaff todetermine if there are additional_ subnictal reguiremenCs.Please not,e LhaL a COMPLETE application will streamline Lhereview process for your project. IIT. A.In.additibn to meeting .submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and t.ape the project, site toindicat,e property lines, building liaes and buildingrcorners. All t,rees to be removed must be Laped. AILsite tapings and staking must be conpleted plior to theDRB siLe visiE. The applicant, must ensure lhat stakingdone during che wint.er is not buried by snow. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS normalLy requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board:.aconceptual review and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have not.asked in advance that, discussion on their it.em beposLponed, will have their items removed from the DRBagenda unLil such time as t.he iE,em has beenrepublished. The following items may, at. the discret.ion of thezoning administ.raLor, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Departmerit staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not. be required): a. wildows, skylight.s and similar exterioJ changeswhich do not alt,er che exisLing pJ.ane of thebuilding; and b. Building addirions not visible from any other lotor public space. At the Eime such a pioposal issubmitted, applicancs musL include tetUers fromadjacent properE.y ohrners and,/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent. condominium associationstating Lhe associaLion approves of the addition. If a property is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,h'etland, et,c. ) , a hazard study mus! be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing Ehe hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building ierrnit.Appricants are encouraged to check with a-r-own plannerprior t.o DRB application to det,ermine the relaLionshipof the properLy t.o alL mapped hazards. For all residential construct.ion: a. Clearl.y indicate on Ehe floor plans the insideface of the ex.terior st,ructural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indlcate with a dashed Iine on the site plan afour foot, distance from the exterior faci of thebuilding walls or supporLing columns. If DRB approves the appl.icaLion with conditions ormodificat,ions, all condit.ions of approval must beaddressed prior to the applicacion- ior a buifdintpermi t. EI c. n E. G. eo:.rsrnuc0r.lrv. A.Three copies of a recenE topographic survey, sLamped bya Colorado professional lJicenged Surveyor, at a slaleof 1" = 20, or larger, on which the followinginformation is provided: 1. Lot area, and buildable area when different Lhanlot area ?, Legal descripE.ion and physical address. 3. * Two fooL contour .intervals unless the parcel. consists of 6 acres or more, in which Lase, 5,- contour intervals may be accepted. 4. Existing trees or groups of trees having Lrunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturaLfeatures (large bouLders, inLermiLLent, sEreams,eLc. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, eLc.),cent,erline of st,rearms or creeks, required creek orsEre;un seLback, and 100-year flood plain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more shall beclearly delineaLed by cross hatching. 7. Ties t.o exisring benchmark, eiLher USGS landmarkor sewer invert. This information must be clearlystated on the survey so that all measuretnents arebased on Lhe same starting point. This isparticularly import.ant for det.ermining buildingheight and driveway slope. See policy On SurveyInformaLion, for more informaLion regardingsurveys. 8. Locations of che following musL be shown: . a. Size and Lype of drainage culverEs, swales, eE.c, b. Exact. locaLion of existing utility servicelines from Lheir source Lo Lhe structure,including: Cable TV Telephone Sevrer WaLer GasElectric c. A11 ut.iliLy meter locaLions, including anypedesLals Lo be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacenE Eo Lhe site. d. Property lines - disLances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. IndicaLe all easernents identified on t,hesubdivision p1aE. 9. Provide spot elevabions a! Ehe edge of aspha1E,along the sLreet frontage of bhe properEy attwenLy-trve toot intervals (25,1, and a minimum ofone spoL elevation on either side of the LoE,. Site Ptan 1. Locations of the following must be shown: a. Exist,ing and f inished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. B. b. Type, size and locat.ion of all existing andproposed planL material, c. Location of all trees t.o be transplant.ed, d. A detailed legend of aII proposed plant,material including common and tatin names. 2. .The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systems co be employed in caring- forplant maLerial following its instaLlation. 3. Uxisting and proposed contour lines. ReLainingwalls should be included with the cont,ourinformaLion wiLh Eop of wall and boL,Lom of wallelevat.ions Iisced. 4. Complete Ehe aeEached landscape materials List. D. giqn gff ffom gagh uLilitv companv verifying thelocarion of urilit.y service and availabilitt (seeaLLached utility verification form) mus t ..O ntrnosed driveway, ir.r,rts percenr, slopeand spot elevations at the property line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenLerline of Ehe drive Eo accurately reflectdriveway grade. d. A 4, eoncrete drive pan at the edge ofasphalt, for driver,rays that exit Lhe street inan uphill direction. 2. AII exisLing improvements including st,ructures,landscaped areas, service areas, sEorage areas.,.* walks, driveways., of f - street parkinq, Loading_ ar€ag, retaining walls (with top and bott.om ofwaII spot elevations), and other exiscing siteimprovements. 3. In order to determine proposed building heightselevaeions of aLl top roof ridges, and eavei whendeLermined necessary by the zoning adrninist,raLor,shall_ be indicated on the sice plan with existingand proposed contour lines showa underneath. Landscape Plan (ttt = !Q, or larger) - 3 copies'reguired 1. At a minimum, Lhe fol.lowing informat,ion must beprovided on the landscape plan: a. LocaLion of existing trees 4" diameter orIarger, accompany aIl submittaLs,and idenLify aIl easementsproperEy. properEy ownershipthe subject to insure af f ect,ing Arcbit.ecEural Ptans (1/8, = 1, or 1arger, l/4" ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies ire required. L. Floor plans and all elevat.ions of ehe proposeddevelopmenL dra\^rn to scaLe and fulty airnensioned.The elevaLion drawings musL show bolh exiscing andfinished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be rrred-Iined" Lo showhow the gross resident.ial floor area (GRFA) wascalcula ted. 3. Exterior materials and colors shall be specifiedon the attached maLerials list. this mat-erialsl-ist must be_comp}eted and submit.Eed u" i-piit ofthe application. Color chips, siding sampiesetc., shal1 be presented at the Oesign niview P"l meeting. Der,aits incruf,, buL nor,IinirectLo fascia, t.rj.m, railings, chimney cap, meterLocaLions, eEc. must be shown graphicltly andfully dimensioned. zong chegk lisr (attached) must be completed if rheproject. is tocared within the single-Flnily,primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing sit,e and where applicable, ofadjacent st,ructures. The.. Zoning Adninistrat,or and/or DRB may require thesubmission of addiLional plans, drawinls,specificatrions, samples and other mateiials (includinga model) if deemed necessary to determine wheLher aproject, wiLl conply with Design Guidetines. MINOR AIJTERATIONS TO THE E:TTERTOR OF BUTLDTNGS. Photos or sketches which crearry convey Ehe redevelopmenLproposal and the 1ocation (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formalreguirements set forth above, provided all import,antspecifications for t,he proposal including colors andmat.erials to be used are subrniLt.ed. ADDITTONS . RESIDEMI'IAL OR COMMERCIAI., A. Original floor plans wiEh all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans !/9" = !, or larger(t/4,, = I' is preferred) C. Three copies of a siLe plan showing existing andproposed construcE,ion. IndicaLe roof ridge elevationswith existing and propoged grades shown underneath. D, Elevat,ions of proposed addiLion. E . Photos of Lhe exis t.ing s tructure. F. Specifications for al1 maLerials and color samples onmaterials list (atLached). Ab t'he requesb of the zoning adninistrator you may al-so berequired, to subnit: c. A staremenL from each utility verifying locaLion ofservice and availability. See at,tathed utiliUylocation verif icat.ion form. H. A siLe improvement. survey, stamped by regist.eredColorado professional Liceosed surveyor. I. A preliminary EiEIe report, to verify ownership otproperty, which lisUs all easemenbs. VII. FINAL SITE PIJAN once a bulrctrng pexn].t has been issued, and construction isunderway, and before the Building Department will sched.ule af raming inspecLion, two copies of an- ImprovemenL l_,ocat.ionCertificaLe survey (ILC) stamped by a regisUeredprofessional engineer mus! be submibted. The followinginformation must be provided on the IL,C: A. Building locaLion(s) with ties t,o property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest Eenth of a foot. G. H, v. vr. ..c., arr uti?ry service rinematerial used, and size oas-builts, showing and exact trocation Elpe ofof lines. D. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. E. All property pins are to be either found or set andsLated on improvement survey. G. All easemenCs. H. . . carage sl-ab elevations andwith exisEing and proposed lines VIII.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN RSVIEW all roof ridge elevationsgrades shown under the ridge A. SubmittaL fequirene?ti: The owner or authorized agentof aly projecu reguiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit plans ior conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department ofCommunity Development. The conceptult review isintended to give the appr.icant a Lasic understanding ofthe compat.ibiliry of Eheir proposal with the Town,soesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single_family and tqro-fanily residences.. However, deveiopersof single-fanily and Lwo-family piojects shall not beexcluded from t.he opportunity Lo reguesE a concepLualdesign review. comprete apprications musE be submiLted10 workinE days prior to a scheduLed DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitLed for aconcepcual review: L. A concepLuaL siLe and landscape plan at a minimunscale of one inch eguals twenLy feet; I 2. Conceptual elevat.ions showing ext,erior materialsand a descripcion of the character of the proposedsLructure or s truc tures ; 3. Sufficienc informaLion to show the proposalcomplies wieh che development standlrds of thezone district in which t.he project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, siLe coverage calculaLions,number of parking spaces, etc.), 4. Completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an applicat.ion forconceptual design review, the Department of ComnunityDevelopment shalr review the submiEt.ed materiar_s forgenerar compliance wiEh the appropriate reguirements ofthe zoning code. If che proposal is in bjsiccompliance with Lhe zoning code reguirements, theproject shaIl be forwarded to ctre pns for conceptuarreview. If the applicaLion is not generally incompliance wich zoning code reguirernents, tireapplication and submittal nateiials shali. be reLurnedEo t.he applicant with a written explanat.ion as t,o whythe communit,y Development Department. sE.aff has foundE.he project not to be in compliance with zoning codereguirements. Once a complet,e applicaLion has beenreceived, the DRB sharr review thL subrnit.t.ed concepLualreview application and supporting material in ordei t.odet.ermine hrhether or not, the project getreralr.y comprieswith Ehe design guiderines. itre-ons 6oes nou vote onconceptual reviews. The property o\dner or hisrepresenLative sha1l be present. at. the DRB hearing. , I o IJIST OP MATBRIAI,S NAI,TE OF' PRO.TECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: L,OT_ BIJOCK --- SUADMSION STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing information is reguired for submit,Lar Lo the Desiqn Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING.MATERIALS: TypE OF I|ATERIATJ Roof Sidinq Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soff i ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining wal1s Exterior Lighting OEher B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: COI,oR t. .. PIrAr.lT MATERilS: BoLanical Name ao*.ote.. ouanrirv t* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *Indicate caliperr trees.**Indicate size 5 qal-l-on. GROUND, COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Scruare Footaqe for deciduous trees. Minimum calioer for2 inches. Indicat,e freigm c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior tighting is proposed, pleaseshow t.he number of fix[ures and locations on a separatelighting pran. rdentifv each fixture from the li;hLing prani.n t,he space below and provide the height above giade, -type ofriqht.proposed, rumen output, luminous area and i cut. sh-eet ofthe light. fixLure. (SecEion 18.54.050 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimrningpools, etc.) please specify. rndicate heights of retaininiwal1s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3'. Maximum height. of wa1ls elsewhere on the property is G,, D. SUBDTVISION JOB NAI{E LOT BIJOCK FILTNG ADDRESS Th€! location and availabiliuy of utiliLies, whether lrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved andfollowing uLilit.ies for the accompanying-iit.e plan. Authorized Siqnature they be mainverified by the 'Date U. S. WesL CominunicaEions' l.-800 -922-t98'7 458-5860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 -578t Gary HalI Holy Cross Elect.ric Assoc. 949 -5892 Ted Husky/t'lichael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v.. 949 - s530 St,eve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water& SaniLaLion District * A'.t 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:1. This form is to verify service availability andLocation. This should be used in conjunction wiEhpreparing your uLility plan and schedulinginsLallaLions. 2. For any new construcLion proposal, the appJ.icant. tnusL provide a compleLed ut,ility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns wiLh Lhe proposed consLrucL.j.on, the utility representat,ive shoul_d not,directly on Lhe utility verificat.ion form Lhat thereis a problem which needs t,o be resolved. The issueshould Lhen be spelled out in detail. in an attached.Ietter to Lhe Town of VaiL. Horrrever, please keep inmind that it is the responsibility ot the utilitycompany to resolve identified problems. 4. If the utiliry verification form has signatures fromeach of the utility companies, and no cotnmen.Ls aremade direcLly on t,he form, the Town will presumethat there are no problems and that, the developmentcan proceed. 5. These verifications do noL relieve the conLractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permitfrom the Town of Vail, Department, of publ.ic Works' and Lo obtain ut,iLitv Locltions before diqqinq inany public right,-of-way or easemenL in che fown ofVai1. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permiL must be obtained separately. 5. Inst.allation of service Lines are at Lhe expense andresponsibility of the property owner. *- Please bring a sit,e plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobt'aining upper Eagle valley wat,er & sanitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. -" t ffi It Single Family Residence, Duplex, prirnary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lot _ Block _ Subdivision ADDRESS: TOI,A1 GRFA Primary GRFA +425= ARCHITECT PHONE ZONE DTSTRTCT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE BUILDABLE I.,OT AREA AlIowed Existinq proposed TotaI Heistrt (30) (33 ) Secondary GRFA + 425 =_ SeLbacks FronL ZA,Sides 15,Rear 15, Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining Wa11 Heighcs 3,/6, Parking Reqrd Encl carase Credit (300) (G00) (900) (1200) Drive:Permitted Slope t proposed Slope Complies with T.O.v. Lighting Ordinance yes water Course Setback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:L (50t) yES_ Nq EnvironmenLal/Hazards: 1) Flood plain 2l Percent Slope (< > 3Ot) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow 4) Weclands View Corridor Encroachment: yes Does this r€er.i€sL irrvuive a 25A Ari<iition?How much of the allowed 250 Addirion is useFffiTis reguest? Previous conditions of approval (check property file): No 10 oo i { uitn" 4:q'/L r4"rsl6 $'.3wr -t# : t{'-tt/e r+i--1gP l?At/e.*z =alt€' lbhr,z 4r(h l(zt E'*k"' =45.Ao7, ,91 xfla: WYt^@ ta.( ?q? riI lc(tIR l-jL'tlI V--' ':, 'e// tu# 4hv{ 3kk d' 7 5 td6 ,2W I s):6-rsl:f an uJ IIJIL F =e.|r,o- oulFoz ozoIf @ .5 I I l_ IEto I I I I I, IFt<E taz t= lotz .ir o\ I (?) I Or Hts z E .-.) lgJIF l6 I I I I I I t, tc) IE,olo,zt6ti \T or I I z a z \' co cEltlz3 lt ujo: .rolt G Fo acFzoo IEo Gut F.rH.A Fl A z (D (D .c !oF o @ oo E'5 d) E o =l j o, o CLo-6 '.g E CD =Yo oo o, o .9E I .o o o 6 .ti '6 -i- o E tiE'=O(,) rbE 6ffr EgEbF€c-o c:5 :gPd'i =c96'- o'G 3Et EE-F500 g';; tq: tr.Y- 6 cL@ o- sEE i,-oE*e E6: E E.E EsE eeEd o'-.c= @ g:E '6>.P Ilo Tf; E .b5 s 96.qr PEg -oG ln an uJ uJtl.t =t IJJLJ FoF =lFItrlHIBl rql <lxltlul *l F.T I ;rli Bl3 zl rtotz lIE EIH ; 3 l! zo Fo-aoatt uJo J tu,z. uJ =>t -rc) = lll an =(oN zz99F^U'xf,uEP o oo1>E9rJ- <o1g'g FO;ni lr- c o. ot(9 z F oz z Eo z tr G UJ J - UJz cjz utbo @o-zo Fo- UJY UJo ol-oFC>:tc UJO- '--rtr- -lO p<liFloxloblrolrl H u.li l-tlr,zct z ,rP z_-<dlo =zf> dP if;=dd= t G UJcttoEE2ZE<cf€8B9t,L 's5t'E ;=E h=9q4rYe dtr: >o---- O|!E oo!P HurE XO-E -;io"loi!E ut\ct -] - E =E,lrl o-zoF C)fEFazoo m!! ca F- cn I.$ cr) Io\ F\ =.1ol r.tJl 5l r-lt!tol zl 3lotH Hq di{ H (9z J G Fo Fl E z Fl ui =z ID -) (\ I F\ ot N z U) F1 FJ FJH q Fl H z UJ =z tltltl El I.\Zl Iot IBt IHt Iztl 3d 1H Et 3 o\ e.l I\o F Ln Io\ F\ l,l lRl qql lslHulnollzl.31 HPI z fo UJ J () EF()ulJ (,zo =Jo- t -rO<Fc() IJJ <ztt!Fa6 o txltt4n b,<J Drf |-J tI PER!,rriQM-TOI{N OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PER}IIT APPI,ICATION FORM DATE: Legal Description:r€t Ff 4 owners Name: Nq,ldson Nunber of Dwelling Units: I Addresss Electrical Contractor : Address: Block - Fil Plunbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Phone Number: Tosn of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address: uln PU'I.IBING PIAN CHECK FEE: I I . MECEA}ITCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITs _ ouu".r* e-za DSalr'",r t{tld,r[ 69iqe, pr, (W Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: l)mber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appli.rr"."-N/\ Gas r,ogs- wood/Pellet- ***** *************** ************** VAI;UATfONS ************ * ********************t!ur*-"n z t @-- Er.,EqrRrcArzs Woc orItER: $ uEctrAt{rcAl: $-TOTAL: , 7-Q@- * * CO}{nRACIOR INFORITATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * Tolrn of Vall Req. No. Phone wunberfrlA Arcm- rownor t?dj@ Phone Number: Reg. NO. ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE *** ************ * **** *********** BUILDING PERMIT FEA: PLT'MBING PERITIIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERI'TIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PTAN CHECK FEE: l l guttottlc: l'',PLl r't l-l-l ;lfilig*'l-l-l-l-l srexrrunn: Conrnents: Architect:Address:'lEf' rrtdl U'l CC pn.ilafipg ceneral Description:ld.' e *""q+ rr.,f,* or,trt ,"rl work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration tf,l-Additl.onal t l-RepaLr [ ]-other I'P DEBSIT NEFUf,I, fl}:$ e J,l\ o\sh io, FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMF'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer lhe following questionnairs regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ts any ulility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent a@ess needed to site olher than exisling driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easemsnts, or public prcgefty? 7) ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community NO X { X X x X X X k Developmenl? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. ll you have any questions ptease call Charlie Davis,lhe Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at.479-21 8, I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Snlracto/s Signarure '3 Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: HILLSIDE CONDO #C DATE: 9'3G94 ADDRESS: 1819 MEADOW DR CONTRACTOR: OWNER VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCI,JPANCY: R.l ENGINEER: TIM BOYLE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all pmible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cndes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 1210 0F THE 1991 IIBC. 2. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS OKAYED BY TOWN OF VAIL. 3. ONE HOUR SEPARATION REQURED BETWEEN GARACE AND DWELLING IS REQIRED. 4. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. FtHtil il'tpY ;fi CTIQN RECTUEST TOWN 9F VhtL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA1E /'.?7' i- 11'JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES wEo <!gE) FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: 4?,s'D FA BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED oz E =G, UJo @ o @ (t) uJ uJ lJ- F =Gu,o, o\o\ @(\ rdz b 4frlM FH B l-1t{ Ht lo\ tgJ - L=> F) z J9SF !!z6V 2z42=< uJ F F z o zz ollrFoz 2 @ .6 zz E UJz3o (r) .d'.if (JcozHt+r\OOr{(,Q@&XO(rocJ€(neAH()EE : H z rrl Ffc) J uJo o z (! El o) (\' oo o) g d) E o =l o 1l) o CL (t '.9 o 3e!o-:oyt:8: aG6.9'aa :>e €5oO oFl EE o)-co'E o(O it)NO -oIcc EEFOqb:€ oo otcC(g E€oo 8o6oD o.E:o-=gd:-?tc,b !l .dg e9'ct EO.c(tt; .t; o-'t.!E .9tto! tti tu 1Joo '6 = o oc G o) j- q) g oiY'=c)U) g8E coa!,e; IXotrE.= 6Ffc EgEc-o e:5:gPd'i =cg6 EsE_'F > E E-FFOO Fc- eqgtq: f.Y- (E cr(E 0- SE; s:# cLE*: E6:EE Eo(5= EE E r+ E.6 O'-5ac S€E-e:33d>,o (!= 6? 6;6eFEo eEg -o(! .if 6l (\\o \cc6l 4 ts = uJ z I UJ z J J F Ju, 0z f,l =3J 9z UJ UJ(r] ILz ut uJ oE oto 3 uJ5uJ z 6 uJ uJ z llJ) x t- tuo at uJIuII E =E uJa J FoF z cl 9 G,Fo uJ u,/ z6 = d z lu = Fl F H NOrrvn'rv^ F lFl lFrli;lE (, I t-lN l'or l.a trl E3 =ioI oci,n =z> L'l_l6EH EH ffi # #w =>E -I z 5q EPv>gz>-89rL<oqur :.49EFO IHlh lg lrq lFq lFq lEIt lfi H E ht) llH F ! FAHFF{ Fv l<i t V rF 11flP lEl z tr {r+q o- oe(' uJ F c UJlr z E X)< z tr e UJ - uJz tltl bzlzOaFUJ<oo< =Fxrr6o<z Fz, 9z tro3trOI uJl = E U 2t- 51 6(/)l ozld =3 F. llr lJ- IEol{it6u,|(/) H*k>oH rl<l trl z_l /zl ,. >l z F llJ z E z tra 5 ozv cc CN & C\J-$o -+-\.|Ou)Oz Fl o(z-. uJF 6 uJ tr U)o -zo F.L uJY IJJoF 95.X F =rt(EN uJo.Fl,,2 OE lz6ooz I l-{ I UJFoz n!! z oPZt-< d)o =z (L(! ) "dg =81=tuXdd= |xlnn D+ -.-- F llJ ILo7 t!!EZ.E<cll6U)6e,B9trL 5EE ;tE E=oi;t :FE Ub9 iutE XO-t x>F--Fc ".io -'iE- IJJ oF E =E.lrl o-zIF C)fE,a zoo I I I I I ol =.1olull 1l ?l>l u.lol =l sOl mFI F z .; uJ J a E z3 zl dl rl <l>l Itlol zl 3lolFI vtsllrl&(J & Eitrllq F{p tq I 2 trl H(A|t FJH u.,l =z .Do-) loIlnIt\lnlllo\.{l.fc.)l (DF-l r-l 'XI I Al rnqtJu.|Hg<)d>f.<= =O F E,Fz z,r UJ L.gt-r =bi () tr z E2? =<z,t dzoo -rO<FE()ur<ztt!Ftrl z O .J<Oo 9?. -rt 6 CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t SPEINt,?n\Qed\ 479-2139 JOB NAME h/c;tDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF TINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEET FFAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB ',...Fr5F|, ,vi? INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL \./ 479'2138'(fttrJ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES a o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING fr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK FINAL tr UNDERGROUND ,YT"o"/ D.w.v. pnoucH / wArER ,6 cns PTPTNG - tr HEATING -.... tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR *, \-- r-!i -,.r!' -, -ri;!er.rE _.,- iT:!,,s4--rr4F1 jfp.Fe. ,il /7n4.-l.'tt) / )lvr^ 'It r...| -'.{':' \ CTION REQLiEST. TOWN OF VAIU PERMIT NUMBER OE PROJECTI t^ ,/,^,, l( (7 lq y JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 47s_21s8 +?f.?+t/ F. 'r'BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGBOUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR TOWN OF VAIL OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: ---\l. AM// PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL - tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED 3 INSPECTOB t f !*_ INsFEcTION REQ.,EST. TOWN OF VAIL 479-2',138 l a JoB NAME (-")L r' I l\-l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALTER TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onre ll I .( l(l'l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL r,r.rar- (, C .tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ){ nerruseecrloN REeuTRED oere /1J/ ?U rNsPEcroR C /2 4, - r'- 'N#'oN JU{(i""a '":)Ji, J o''?tv P" tlre" Ma,!. @ 4?tu- tr/lL PERMIT DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME MP*N CALLER TUES WED THUR o"@ ,F BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNOATION / STEEL T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o n tr FINAL V rrrunr ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n I} FINAL T] FINAL VED E] DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE /) p/qL/ rNsPEcroR C P4 -f ,''- // t a^//t o, t ,,--. Q TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138.PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER rNS#cnoN nc8fiesr" READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATTON: MON ES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*#"roN *rtt=rt TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 a .4. ) JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ilr,nn Review Action ttt TOWN OF VAIL catesoryNumber 7 o^t" 9e /* /?, t??G / egeaNane: ( - ( 9< rr.s cc'Ic-! t4to,,tl -'+ 'a C-Building Name: ProjectDescription'.,'' fo C/ /r--\ . 1,, (f,, Owner. Address and Phone: (,,<:'( o Spt ,ng9.(Y . Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: fI< ul \ n / " t r fC./"XSs'lA Ut",,t ro. =r"t, Legal Description: Lot 1,1, + / '/ Block - Sunaivision r*t { €+ l; ( k+ k r, /-- Zone District I- /:).-.----7.-.----- Project StreetAddress' I i: /'1 u ra s-q Comments: i t c> ,-a5l c-i Iw lY ct ( /'zq n-.t-,1.-<f @,rt-9, .. -it - Board fu*ni,' Motionby: lt /4 vote: fur& Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapgroval r-tffi^6.:"n (to 9 9 c--'o -. q DRB Fee Pre-paid I. PROJECT INFORMATION: r., r n, ll , tlA. DESCRrprroN-: {dd,tron 6f 'tZ\\rovtr d*orqqA r-o\lr,^ austtnq Uh{ C - tl.tlq& Gdo'S 9/419L B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)X uinor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) c. D. ADDRESS z 1619 Conceptual Review ($0) f{leadoaEa.T TEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot AE W Block subdivision ?uffehrGoK E. F ff property is described bydesqription, pJ.ease provide attach to ttris application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, st.amped survey showing a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and applicant must provide a currentlot area. G. APPLICANT' S REPRES ArrvE , V"nt -}"fuloitl ArchNAI.{E OFMailing Address: I. NAME OF OWNERS: l, ,R*STGNATURE(S): _MaiLi,nq Address: J. K. Condominlurn Approval if applicable. -Zadr\ DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applylng for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of t,he proposal . The TownwiII adjust the fee according to the table p€Lovt, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION0 - $ 10,000 $ 10r 001 - $ 50,000 $ 50r 001 - $ 150,000 $150r 001 - I 500, 000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 7a4r FEEI 20.00I s0.00 $100.00 s200 .00 $400.00 $s00 .00 * DESIGN REWET{ BOARD APPRO\IAT EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI.IER FTNAIJ APPRO\IAI. I'NI,ESS A EUII.DING PERMIT IS ISST'ED AIID CONSTRI'CTION IS STARTED. **NO APPI.ICEIION WILL BE PROCESSED WITSOUT OIINER'S SIGNATURE -.-.' 1 €s,doq{'"hstr,c{ NAI,IE OF APPLICAIIT:Mailinq Address: II PRE_APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-application meeting with a nember of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication j-nformation is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittaL requirements, Please note that a COMPLETE application wiLl streamline theapproval process for your project. IIT. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSTONS TO THE DRB; A. In addition to meeting subrnittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buiJ.dingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be compLeted prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant nust ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The reviehr process for NEW BUILDfNGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval. Applicantsshoufd plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the di-scretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Conmunity Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the tine such aproposal is submitted, applicants rnust includelett,ers from adjacent property owners and,/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condoninium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfa1I, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Pl-annerprior to DRB application to deterrnine the reLationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For aIl resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside faee of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding wall-s or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a buifding permit G. a 9[d 9e : g0 t6 6z 60 Drt ' Jrlt*allr t, rta t.l| lt"trlclElolt - folttr Ot VLtt, qglpnfDo DAIE APltJlcAf ION RICITVDD r DATE OF DRI lIglTItI€t rJrtttlaaaa *-_lttt lrltrrctltoN ilrul rotr Dr lcc!r8!DUHFII r.&t raggtRrD rrro$n'ltor ri-iginrimO' tal**tttrt E, f. OFNAI.'EUriIc. K. TED'| 20.00I 50.00 1100.00 t100.00 9t00,00 9500.00 l.TYFE oF iEVIEWI -,, Nilr Ccn.rructlon ($tOO. OOI -,X*r{fnor AttrErt{on ($20,00) " T"ti:l,ttr\ ado,,t@ccna'Pturl R0vrrw (lo) D , LE6AL DEBCRIPTION ! _, Lot ft f 9 ,- llockEubdtvlrlon Aufftr\rr(lch 1g proFTty k_dorcrlbcct byd.rer{ptlon, plclrr provldilstren to Bhlr rppllcrtlon. !91 rfr{r, r! riqutard, rpptl€rnetElfirpcd tuavey fhoutng :.ot rrce. AtlttCAllTr Olcorr Ni!{E O8MetIlng APPLICANT'H, t.ITAMA OF OIINDRS: Addrltr I l noatt end boundr legrlcn r l.ptrrta rh.tt rnd nurt prcvldr I cutrrnt gw r f#n,[r]rrtr^u'-l(,. A'Jh. condonliilun lpprcval lt rpprlcr^btr. -6dilt DRB rBE: DRE rosg' :f llo$-rbovr' lre to b. prrd rr:H,iif; lf,'ltgiiill-e! 9Rs,;;iii"iEion. rimr, -irrca t?ryirqi nir"ieion-iilili]ii$i.lil..ir..oill*.iri*r, - xlrr rcjulr rhr trr.rccosding-ij-iir ilpr. b.tov, cornrurC Eh! corrccg tca !r prIO. - ^ VAI.UAfIONt 0-f 10,000llg,gol-c soiooo' !- !9' ogl * I 130;ooolllg, g0r _ I eoo, ooo l'o8rlt' - !l;SSSjiii _D!!Ig!! rrrrrlrr sornD rpDrovr.r. rxrreis-a€Uf,l. lllfLl3g l, Elrrr.nrro,! !icrr?' r.ol|! Ytlr lsatt trrl', s\tlt oo ..\ ?5 loulh lTonLg. rord t|ll, coloEdo 8t657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATEs SUBJECT: olflcr of communlly dcvclopmcnt ALL CONTRAEIORS CT'RRENILYL REGISIERED WITIT SIIE IOWN OA VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS,/COMI.TI'NITY DEVEIPPIIENT l.tARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it Ls unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pubticplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewlll be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public lilorks Department will renove said nateriat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, Daintenance or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utillties in the rlght-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Tordn ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. ledged by: Date o2 t =e. uJo- ccc 6 (t, IJJ UJl! L =E lIJL d7bIt/ailb sseLL+n Or Orc{ T\ & b4 H B Fl = lF{c l9J ..\ iFs F tz t?<ao>iztrv 6=zA ^&=Z6< uJ o q, z zz oul|-oz oz J dt € o =z N -i- o E5g'--o(,) g8E coo.9; 8;otr =.= 6 o xoc-o ET; :gPd'l =c96 EsE_E > gE-g eOO _-E o .Eosqic.Y- (! o-o cI SE;(tPo, =€eE;:EE Eo(5= EE E -e C(6 0'-3; O--E s€;oi' '6>,-r;E3;8 .i6 P9Eo eEg -o(g oo F-oN -o oo 14 c.{fil\' F = uJ z J Y uJIoz .J J IJJ UJ (,z to J Iz to uJ = u,l uJu-z9 ure. ul c o co =utt uJEz 6u/o an UJ z uJ) x F lll at,l U'Iu uJt! E =(r UJc -t FoF (Jzo = @ J oeFo uJJ UJ z ao =fJo- z uJ NOrlvnrV I t"ll>Hl:"F --o[.j)ru*F =OarDZ #da6 6€F^AH H B =H2Z fu?.e 6.oq #s'F S;6 #;oi @, z tr J {4 a IJJc GI E u,/ J z E g r4z tr uJ 3 UJz trzlz9sa <oo< =ERtr6o<z trz ,. 9z 3dOI !|lI ilI f-"7toltoltdl llJ lJJ cl UJzYo IF F 2o F oz aJ =F lll 3 u) Jl<li-l zl zl .. >-l IJJo uJulz at) E llJ J z Eo z z @ 2 z O @o ! O uJ E U) @oazo Fo- uJY UJ c0 oF F i'ii oro-q ttlO.li3loxl(J Fll;FI| '-lg u,r:^Fz5 z oPze d)0 =zJO(L tr- {fi l=r= -..l ?1r a;3 b Hl! :l{EZE<of€uE9tt irie'EEE a,- = IJJ :- E FEE =*E 65I iutE XA_t x>T Ei F -g-. t 'r, trt.ur f.3' f F . ts =Elrl o-z9F C) :)EF(nzo(J trnD ciz o r.rJ J ltoz3o I I I rl fllcl JI <lil ele zH ts{ IA z Fl tsHEE v) ol z.l ol Hl JI <l>l ttlol zl 3lolFI I Fcl 6l MIr:llr:ll sl elEIHIh' z_ J u- Hv) Fl FJHE il =z (oo.-) \o F(n I\o F- EIL o() FJH F =+E l-o2 J I G,Fo liJ fi EEtoz.* =f'o-6o t -rO<Far()uJ<ZE I.TJ F(rz-o o KRH"o*suLTANTS stnuctural engineening and design Julg L?, 133L Bruce fllelke P.O, Box 1731 Vai. I, Colorado 81658 Re:Retaining lJal1s HilIside Condominiums Vail, Colorado Job No. 9L07-Oa o I Dear Bruce: I have revieued the drarrling for cribrrralls A and D as prepared bg Summit Landscaping and the soils report prepared bg Koechlein Consulting EnginEers (Job number 91-ae) regarding the above reFerenced proJect. The cribrrrall deslgn appears to satisfg the design requiriments outlined in the soils report and, in mg opinion, r.rrill be structurallg stable under the applied pressures' IF gou have ang questions oc iF I please do not hesitate to call. Sincerelg, KRH ConsultantsStructural Engineering and Design B. I'Wrr')o*. Kimberlg R. Hutchinson, P.E. can be oF Further service, PO. Box 4572 Vail, GO El1654 t3o3l s4s-9391 Project Application o^r" a-/t s- 7 / Proiect Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and Owner, Addrdss and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: totT-J3./&.-, atocx ,r,^o R,"k Cr..l . zone - Comments: Design Review Board Dale 7 - 3-?/ Motion by:Laus Seconded by: ta;t-oth' -,-€:, f-6 DISAPPROVAL Summary: fl statt Approval rovised 4l26l9L DRB APPLICATION - ToWN OF VAIL, C0I0RAD0 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r******rt* EEIS IPPLIEI'TION TIILL NOT BE ACCAPTEDI'NTIL II.L REQUIRED INFORI{ATION IS SUBIIITTED******t*** A. DESCRIPTION: REBUILD OF AN EXISTING RETAINING WALL WHICH HAS FAILED IN CERTAIN AREAS AND IS ABOUT TO L1'u.( | ^Ak""^f 7 /(rsfu" ' ' I. FAIL IN OTHER AREAS. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING Minor Alteration Conceptual Review ADDRESS: 1819-18f9 MEADOW RIDGE ROAD LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot L3 - L4 Block Subdivision BUEt;.tFFER cREEK RE-SUBDIVI s I0N ff property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet anciattach to this applicat.ion. E. ZONING: New Conslruction Addition c. D. F. G. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a curlentIot area. NAME OF APPLICANT: HTIIsIDF CoNDo. ASSN.Mailing Address: p o_ Rox l7f1 \/^, IL, l^ Rl65n Phone 476-0175 NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATTVE :BRIJCE MIELKEMailing Address: Rrry I 741 vat l J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees are paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. EnP Ptto: 5 {O b'/1-'7 SECTY-Tqtr^SUatr@ I.NAI{E OF owNERS:. HILLSIPE CONDO rsrGNAntRE (s) Mailing Addres FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION I 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - s 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150r001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $i,000,000I Over $1r 000,000 Phone 47F, - ozlt' *q4q-57OQ ASSN y'-'Ot,IQ I tltl $ 20 .00 $ 50.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 EPPLICtrTION T'II.L BE PROCESSED I|ITEOUT ONNER'S SIGNATURE *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Indicatetrees. PLANT MATERTALS: Botanicar Nane common Name ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *fndicate size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is TvDe Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRR]GATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Minimum caliper forheight for coniferous c.orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining warls, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) prease- specify. rndi6ate h;l.ghi;-;I'retaininiwalls. Maximun height- of witrs within tne-iioni setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walis ersewhere otr-tr,e-properryis 5 feet. LACE EXISTING WOOD IVALLS WHICH HAVE OR ARE WALLS WILL BE REPLACED AS THEY CURRENTLY EXIST OF EXISTING WALLS IS 8 FEET. ct = E-t uJo- (n \o(t) U' IJJ uJu-F =g, UJ o- \R\$NN\ o\ < ts U) z F? uJF 39|llto0z c!J f6 uJF- o F a,F.2 =-o (, =zo an'url 5i2, oi =io.JI lo( .6( oizlzlolN\ 4 t I { J -{ \ a ,) EEfig Eg E: € EE:g :EiE I€Ei EE;Eg.;Eg SEre sEig EEEE - o..!l a -- c 36o'-EE= 0, (,, sEaiP:tr5 ;ff; iE$E .ir O.l c!\o G \o cr) @ ==Eulcozo ao Y,o UJ-oz C Ie, Fot! -JuJ ('z6 =t I oz o uJt UJltlt!2o uJ (J llJ o o ao 'uJtulcz 6Iuo I uJ o. 2 uJJ x F ulof H Ff & H Hz at uJ UJltt =E uJ o- J FoF (9z6/D ao 9c,FoulJul (,z 6t JL J 9z I() UJt J E{oH NO[Vn'lYA zlt{lzlHIit 1 ;l Flol zlHIalHl .n1 E 'lf4ho fr El E{ -Eo =t!ozo F o- E tlqJ J a uJz uJo E >E --lr)ftn.$ =aOOa z=99F^V'5: =EEog1>E9r!<ogH6-8 jnj t4 tsH .t)& Ff zHts.l) X H zHHzH .A Id&Hl< lrd Ir l* t- l-tv lrd I [; t:t-. zo ) lt .E tri uJo- F \o(.) R a< tu J z Eoo zo F G uJFJ -gJz oFzl 7 tr o ==oo Fz z uJ;o o u,l 5 lll G ll. ciz F =FI Er IIJf)J v,o UJz ! iF z tr )oz ( anJ . F UJ 3 g) l-.r I<l FI 2_l zl .. >l gJ uJ llJz I =E uJ o- J zo F6o I -fX _l =6 o [-tl l"lrt!tdlrt, IlH-il>og I o2 oul J ttoz =oF oz o UJtr ltoz3oF I I J HI il bl pl I HI EI ;l EIhl El aelll'v, tsl& (t-Jtro U)&H & 2 rI1 cn lrJ =z co -) ll l- lH .,l;l-HI FCI IEt Irdt o I sl"dl d3= tLt F-!n-it I c7\N 2 HH ts z HH l-{ -.r O<FE()ur<ztrUF6Z-oa J C) GFoulJu, 9P 3Ed5() EhurX+Eo2 z oPzeloo =z)= dP J 5fii u, o o\ o\ (n FT CA r.u Eo @o?zo Fo. UJY lLlo oF ts E IJJq- u.o TLoo I UJFoz F =EgJcltoEqE<ta =e.IPD95[E ;rE FE! 3tE 9oE irt Ersi HoF @ E =E lrJ o-z9F C)3EF anzoo !!! Hntr "t l' 75 soulh lronlaEe road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: olflce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash dumpsteri, portable ioilets andworkmen vehicles upon any streetl sidewalk, alley or public _q1?9e or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofvarr streets and-roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforcld by the Town of VailPllli: works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordj.tr.t""wlrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with th-notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLric worksDepartrnent will remove said rnateiiat at the extrlense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfriff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the To$rn ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tnank you for yourcooperation on this natter. onlRe ( i. e. contrac-,tor, owner) ov ifoA^l "kc.DLq7 cq* cF Vo* f€fD $ot'a*-(2'lE n) - - fu- i+ti t O t\?er {''^ ?'-r-t' 4(q J INSPE_C^r!^ON- RE.QUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE oO-23-.10 JoB NAME t\W St|* CaNgo CALLER INSPECTION: ietq M€Agsl/o tro*o rt, t87o nh$Md ?oI'"> MoN TUEs WED THUR @READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FleRnoveo GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED oor, *-z J '2a rNsPEcroR rNrrrE.......P.I-s..T.B.I.CT..........couRr A-,*''- ,t FI/ANYFOR T|rn AND STATE OF COI,,'ORADO Court Filtng EtemP l,'.a* \C.,^ )\-- v \ rlJ}' iv /. ,t( e s e.r;;.k-Iffi{arri rn r..1Ll... . crvrrracrroNNo...9-0..qy..?,1-2......orv. SUBPOENA DUCE8 TEOIIM TEE PEOPIJE OF TIIE STATS OF COITOR'ADO ro...(.1-).....L.e.+.-4...T-r--t-Le...G}r3.F..e.ng..e-e-...9..9.!.......-....Q.].9.q.!n.s--- .........(. ?. ).... -ne s le-...-c..9 P1 7o*n o*' Vaf you are hereby orderetl to attend and give testimony ir the....p..i.$.tF.i.e.t-....Court of saitl County ., defendant.'S...-' and atso to produce at suin time and pt"ce.....!-11....:.1.1...r.t--t-9-T-q.:...r9-1.1.!.-ing...!.9'...9.1I...1**.!.-+.e-r _,--+6**---- . .....:_L-o.:-ltg:- -y.hplgi.L@-1,1.'.j,I*f.n*9y.*.: ...9-e-ll.er....llp-v....-l.eperl....e.li.. ...... 1:!. e159-L?9.9.L:...Y9..r,..9...-1lr!-*?.1...I-".IPg.T.-".....o..f....!h9...LF.e..e.et3.!.1.e..11i. ..G.1....+.1.-1-- .. .....-r.999rgs- T.9-13.!l-ll'.9-..-t9....99L:-!.T..9gIi..o..1...*19....f:l:]....:.pp.T9v3L. -o{-...th-e-.... ..-...-. .. 11 i } : i9.e-.. -q.e t 9.o..Ti-l-i now in your custody or control. And this you ahall in nowise omit, under penalty of the law. D'red-...t1tr rlgY (Seal of Court) Deputy Clerk &4 8t63' This Subpoeni IiooeB f"oun is issued pursuant to Rule 45 of the Colorado Rulen of Civil Procedure.' (303) 328-7t78 By hrs ,3 "'r l'1/- * t r 3 q [t,- ** '- 7't"i'-Hl1 I .?rI I L*.,11-& t t ot h*-"4"-1?*L&/ 5,6 {'t6-7-s( I Itl 1vr ,il^^ s/r'riq. [,', C Note to Fil"e: '' Lot 14, Buffehr Creek,'\\ _-*_-. _., 7/218L. Gary !'turrain and Peter Patten visited site of Unit B, Hillside Condos, 1839 Meadow Drive above the Roost, An illegal tmit was being constructed' Gary did not require a bldg pernit, as the changes were cosmetic. He informed the owner, Mickey Poagen that he nust remove cooking facilities fron the studio unit donnstairs.(sink and refrigerator could stay). An inspection was set up on Wed, July 8, to see that the unit would be onl-y a lock-off (i.e. without kitchen faciLities), .-;;:;.', -1- -,'i;;:'. : - I trjF o o UJ ul td F 9 5 Ftr trlo 5 't'. q = F :J's ; - 'a .,-f +) <s .tJ sffi.Nktddii.iikh{$*w]. j ,' i i'"ilr i H istr;tueg i /to p".1'u-e-o' . Siffi;,,L' i! il-(--r'i E ; ,;'-iP. fis4rcw74:.'' I iT r,t \*J ! ,rlr*,H;l 'ffi,,rqr*g alBo l ti 'oN urred , I I o 7 RECEIVED N(Jv 2 - 1979 D!pt. of Plrnning t DrvC,tubqrtob October 3L, L979 }tu. Tsrill- KrdCht CoLlnEy Plamer Eagle Cotrrty Fegle, Co 81631 Dear Terrill: As of this date Hillside Ccndorninirrn Association has not heard from yotr office corcerning the reqr:est in r,rriting -detailingthe requirerents for ccnpleticm of a certificate of -occr-pancyfor otr ccnrdcninlLm. It is the feeling of tlre Board of Directors of the associatior that a qui& clafur deed carrot be signed urtil it is fi:lly urderstood by a1-1- parties emrol'ved what CarpenEy^lLt- limited hai yet to do. i'lea"e-see attatched letter of Sept. 28. It is also of cqtcern to us that a sumpns will be issted to Car"enfry llnlimited socn (if not already) and the associaticn ldru1d lile to be notified of its cc,nt€nt and cotrt date. As socn as r^e hear frcm you ccrrcernirg the above requests, r€ will be willing to talk about the quidc claim deed. Tf you have any conrlEnts or qesticnrs cc'ncerning ttre above, please ccrrtact either Bnrce (476-5601) or rc (476-3239). Qi r-rz.ara] . rL.LrleervrJ t Itillside Condcminirm Association eliLc/ cc. Keith Tro:<el e Jaq-et aopt€bbor 28, t979 Tcrrill lQrlqht County Planner Eagle County Eagle, CO 81631 Dear terrlll: As a follow up to our phona conrrersatLon on Septenbe t 27, LgTg I have.set dorn Bole of the areas we covered: (4r0O l:ls), , ,, l. R€veg€tatlon of tlre north and €rst ends of tilG property have not boen startGd by CarlleDtry Unlirolted . - 2. Th€ cGnant rctalrrlng wall, has been poured on the north slde of tha prope;3y.'- : 3. !S@re I grarrl ng is to be done on t'he north slde ts allow for revegatatlon rcats to be placed on the alope. Not done. 4. Bunpers for parklng have been lnstalleil on th€ Bouth slde s. *i,:::""1":T:"ili":"*f;":'i:il"l"l1il;"u., t ono rorr haE been stalted. 6. Ihe Cond&nlnlu:a Agsoc. has agrreed to t&kc a .cr€dit for th€ 7 tteeg and four bushes ( sucklng ahru8s). vie rcoul.d llke a dascrlptlon :ln wrltlng of this flota so that rre:have att ldea of what we'llay purchaee ln the fpring. tlre Assoc. . feele lt Ls too late to plant wlthout endanget'lnc the perfo:ananco of gro*th ne:rt Sprl-ng . .- 7. Corplctlon date was Bot for septar.ber 30 for theac ltcurs and not all have been cven Etarted. TerrIII rtaterl that a ar.lurpna wouLd be leaued to call Dletz for Don-cotnplianc€. 8. Jln HiUla$s sLtl be th contact with Bonntc,.Jaguet or B)iuce Hlelke on Horriayr Ootolar 1, 1979 to dlscuss tha above and also to nark off on'the property the land the. County rdl8h€s to have deeded for the county road. '.. / tiwD t-I t \t c.'/ Aiso, Terrlll, the Aseociatlon ls requeatlrrg in ,iiittiri'frorn your'oflIce tlne / Itwra to be canpletcd by Carpcntry Unll,nited ln accordance wlttr.i..eon6:letion | / of the proJect so that we lray be lssued a pomanent certl,flcate of .bocupancy.V "t€ $ould like epeclflcs t.e. Iandscaplng plans I descriptLon of pLantLngs, culverts, partinE a6sigirmeBts, drlveway entraoc€ standards. r. ' The AEsocLatLon l-s annloug to clear up all tbase ma€ters so that'me nay be qrrstted our C. O. , ' . '. If you have any more questlons or corrments e please contact ms at 47 6-3239 or Bnrc€ ai. 475-5601- Slncerely, Secty-Troas HlUslda Condos Vall CO 81657 tr, October 3L, L979 l4r. Keith ltoxel CouEy Ccnmissicner Eagle CotrrtyFrgle, C0 81531 Dear lGith: Erclosed please find letters written to the Courty Plarring office c/o TerrilL lhight. It ccncerns the deLay in issuance of a certificate of occrparrcy for Itillside Ccndcninius, Vail CoLorado. the delay of the issuance frcm t}re courty has caused rudt auiety to ttn cnvners of tlte rnits. To ttris date te harre not been able to epedite the rnatter of signing a quidc claim deed for properEy that the courty is reqr:estingfor tlre :road r,*ridr passes in fiont of tlre rrnits because of t}e loss of interest in pr-rsuing tlle Hillside Ccrrdcadnitns reqlests to hare C€rpentry Urlinited (derreloper and sellero! tl," urits) ccrplete tle project. Hillside Oondcminirn Associaticn is askirg that you :revier^r the natter with Tenill and cortact either Brrrce Mielke, President or Bcrnie Jaqret, Sectry-Tteas. so that this rnatter car be resolrrcd. cotrld you please contact \J If you trarre arry qrestic'ns concerning this, ae at 476-3239? thank You. Sincerely, Hillside Condcnfnir-m Assoc. U e Jaqrt () October 3L, L979 }fr. Terill KniCht Courty Plamer Eqg1e County Eagle, Co 8163L bar Terzill: As of this date ltiUstde Ccrddnitm.dssociatlcn has not teard frcn yor offl-ce cmcerning the reqr.est tn rvriting detailing the reqrd.rsmtts for ccnpletior of a certificate of oco.panclrfor otr cqdcminilm. It is the feeling of the Board of Di:rectorsof tlre associaticn that a guick c'latm deed carrot be sigred urtilit is fully uderstood by alL ptrties envolred vhat Carpentry ttr- limited tns yet to do. Pl-ease see attatdred letter of Sept. 28. It ls also of ccrcern to us tlat a surrrDnn will be issrrd to Csrpentry ttrltd.ted socr (if not alr€dy) ard the associatlqr*uld Lile to be noti:fied of its ccnt€nt md corrt date. As socn as re hear frcrr yor csrcerning the aborrc l€q\.Ests, r€will be willing to talk aborr the qutdc clatrn deed. If you ttave arry c@rts or qrrsticns ccncernfuB the aborn, please cqltact eltlen Blrrce (476-5601) or re (476-3239). Sincerely, Bc'nnie Jaq-ct Secrretary-Theas.Ilillside Condcdniu Assoclatiqr el'rcl cc. Keith 1bo:cl o 8ep1-hgr 28, L979 Torrl.ll tqtqht County Planner Eagl.e County Eagle, CO 81631 Dear TerrlIL: As a follow up to oar phone oonr€raatlon on Eeptenber 2?,I have.ret.donn efle of tlre areas ve coveted: The AlsociatLon ls anrcl.oug to clear up alJ. these Eattars grranted our C; O. ..:.,. r. l. RevcAetatlon of, tlro noztlr,and 6rst ends of tir;'pro&rty have not been ltartcd by Ca:pentry UnUrnlted .,:, .. ' .:.2. The ccncnt rctakrlng wall bag been poured on tJrc nog.Jrgldn of th6 prop€tlty.'. ;. ,l .-,,....,. 3. iSosre I gra,rl1g is to be done on iJre north slde to al1ow for revegetatl-on mats to be placed on the slop€. Not done. 4. Bur.ip€rs f,or parkLng havb bcen Lnstalledl on ttre. aouttr slAe .. but not on east rnd rrost per orlginal plan.:. :.,.' . i:: 5. Culverts for dralnlng trave not been dslivered.l; No;t'rork has been ctarted.. 6. fhe Cond&dnlrsn Assoi. has agreed to td,kc a .crodLt for the 7 tlces and four bush€s (sucklng ahruBsl. '""e +iould ltke ldea of what we tlray gulcha8e Ln tha lpring..'::.?hp 'Aasoc. i:. fecls lt :[g too late to plant wlthout endangorlnc. tbe. perfonranco of gro*tlr nert Sprlng '. tt ..:- .7. Conple-.lon date lras s6t for Septornber 30 for theae dtans and not all have been cven started. Tarrl-Il stated, that a allcoons trould be leaued to Carl Dlotz for non-gonpllanc€.8. itl.n HLUlanrs wLlt be ln_ g>ntact w!.th BonnJ,c,.laquet,'9r Enrce Htelkg on !{ondryr Octoblr I, 1979 to dlacugs:the aboue .,, arrdl also to nark off onlthe proporty tha land p!i,g.,C9rrnty wlghes to beve deeded for tf,re eounty road. ' i : ' Also, Terrl1l, ttre Ageoclatlon ts requeetlng ln Htli![-rt* yoii-,pffl.. t]r" ltens to be ccarpletcd by Carpcntr,lg Unllrolted ln accordanca wLttr,ii.'.eouplctlonof the proJect so that tr€ nay be lssued a pclaanent ccrttflcatc'of boeupancy. 'rfe rroulii llke epeclfl.ce 1.e. landscaplng plans, dagcriptlon of plantln9e r culverts r parting assigmneate, drlveway €ntraoce standards. .:"'..... If you have any Dorc questlons or gonrnents, please contact ne. it 4?6-3239or Bruce aL 476-560! . .,. . ' ... . Sl,necroly, 11"-, -'. )D&refte Secty-ltGas Hlllslde CondoE Vatl CO 81657 $teir,b perLm Pntler WALL STREET P.O. BOX lll3 vArL, coLoRADO ar 657 LAW OFFICE TELEPHONE (303) 476.0413 RECEil,'ID Nuv r o 1979 Dept. ol Planilng & Devel. trgls, County, Colo.November L3, L979 Eagle County Commissioners County Court House Eagle, Colorado 81631 Attention: Terrill Knighl Re: Hillside Condominium Association vs. Carpentry Unlimited Dear Terrill: I have information that the County has issued a permanent CO to the Hillside Condominium Associationi howeverr I have fur- ther information that the following items have not been cornplied with by carpentry unlirnited pursuant to the three-party agreement arrived at in your good offices, to wit: (1) Dirt in front of the south retalning wall has not been moved; (2) Landscaping on the east and west ends of the project has not been done; (3) A 32 foot driveway has not been planned or installed. It is my cl-ient's position that these were items agreed to not only by Carpentry Unlimited, but by the County pursuant to agreement. Accordingly, I would appreciate the County's response to whether or not it will comply with the aforesaid three items. Furthermore, there does seem to be a dangerous condition existing regarding the illegal parking in the "Buffer Creek" areai and I would appreciate the County's taking action on this matter. Very truly yours, Fredric Butler FBBr/gs cc: Hillside Condominium Association rAg$"-g.gu"H;y Post OIlie Boa 850 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-7311 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtSStoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 : ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I N5PECT ION Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDER Exl 217 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTH Ext 238 EXTEN SIO N AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Yail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Basall 927-3244 Gilman 827.5 75 | SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | September ll,.|979 Bruce Mielke Hillside Condominium Homeowners Association P. 0. Box 713l Vail, Colorado 8.|657 RE: Public R'ight-of-way, Hillside Condominiums County of Eagle Dear Mr. Mielke: Enclosed is a quit claim deed between the County of Eag'l e and Hillsjde Condominium's Homeowners Association pertaining to a parcel of land owned by said Association which the County desires to obtain so the County may improve the public right-of-way ie; paving, located in front of Hillside Condominiums' I would appreciate it if you could present this at the next Homeowners Association meeting for their comments. If said deed meets with the Associatjon's approval , please execute and return same to P.0. Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 8163.| . Thank you for your consideration to this matter. If you have any questions, p1 ease contact this office at 328-7311. Si ncerely, $r=t-, A Fr33r'--l Beth A. Riggert Eagle County Attorney BAR/cj p cc: Cha'irman, Board of County Commissioners/ Jim Wil'l iams, Zonin5l Inspecton/ Terril'l Knight, Planning Director .--.-----P-ecorder. Coloradc, of the first part, aud The COUnty Of Eagle rhose legal address is P. 0. BOx 850, Eagle, COIOradO 81 631 of the County ol Eag'l e snd state of Colorado, of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said partl of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten DOLLAP,S, to the said party of the first part in hsnd paid by the said part y of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and achowlerjged, ha S reu:.ised, released, sold, cc'nveyed and QUIT CLAIIIED, anil by these presents do eg remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIII unto the said part y of the second part its heirs, successors and assig::s, forever, oll tbe right, title, interest, claim and demand rrhich the said pert y of the first part has in and to the follov'ing described lot or parcel of lanil situate, lying anil being in the Courty oi Eagl e and State of Colorado. to wit: A portion of Lots l3 and .l4, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, resubdivision of parts of Sections ll and 12, Township 5 South, Range 8l west of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Eag'l e, State of Colorado as shown on the plat marked Eshibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; more particularly described in the map of Lots l3 and .|4, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, marked Exhjbit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. also knorrn as .street and number TO E-{VE AND TO I1OLD the same, together rrith all and singular the appurtenanees and privileges therermto belongilg or in an1-wise thereunto appertaining, and ali tle estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever, of the said;art V of the firsi rert, either in law or equitt, i,o the oniy proper use, benefit and behoof of the said !a!ty ol the second pait, itS heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS \I'HEREOF, The said party of the firsi palt has hereunto set i tS hand and seal the <iay and year first abore rrtit'!€n. Signed, Sealei and Delilered in tle Presence of ..__...._...... IsEAL] Ims Drro, Irsde thic betweea ol the Hillside Condominium Homeowner's Associ ati on Courty ol Ea gl e dAy of SeDtember , 19 79, and stet€ ot dsy of , 19 , Tfitness my lanti and oificial seal. rcF ,t LI STATE OF COI,ORADO, I I ss. Couniy of ) Tli-icr;;:!rg i:.si--::lient r:rs r:,triorr'. C g"'.1 befo;'nre this ./ l.fy ccr'n.:issic,n . :ipires \o. !33. Ot.Ir CL-a.I]1 D':ED.-Rrsd:J.d Fj!::.lint co., lslt-16 S!ou! S'*-eet, D.ns.!, C.l.rado _.;;; f \ I IAFt dItl o ?n oolio tt0 E uotItr{ a!o t ETii a eE E {I oIL t Ee g Eia o o t I AE ,'oI o t 1)ooo .T I 3 I I I ! :t o I (l oE oIt o I o qs B Ia r< ocFIri oF H =ft Etr:H\., r.:lo BUILDING DIV!SION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER (pn. INSPECTIclN FIEOUEST EAG L E COUNTY E penrrnu READY FOR INSPECTION WED ffi ^^6 hfri^ouro f]orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INsiPEC . 't "/l" ,t' i N FIEOUEST COUNTY oTto EAGLE ! orxen ! penrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRt].5:'or@ COMMENTS: @'App Rov E D r-t -. UTUPON THE FOLLOWING.CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR INSPEC l,? 1/ N FIEEL'EST EAGLE ,c.ouNTY OTtoBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! pnRrrel. READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: FRI <*.- / I <<, tJ ^,@ fonee RovED E orsnpPRovED E nerNSPEcr l", .,'; / 1,.'* .1' ','-lt 'r' -:' r{t\- ttrtspgiron //' oor, / ,, -- ,) 7- 2-? rNsr=rfo* J;KEsrBUILDING DIVISIOf{ P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E ornen n pnnrral.LOCATION #/ gd.3 READY FOR INSPECTION WED ! orsappRovED CORRECTIONS: ,71 .'' '''i or@ E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS /l INSPEC oTto N FIEOUEST EAGLE couNrY #0t\1 BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen E pnnnnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTIoN WFD THUR @"eep RovE D I otsareRovED D ner NsPEcr fl upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoBRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNspecr?oru EAGL COUNTY ,/ /i..>o/7 FIEOUEstT E]ornen E pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTI A-r'-4 Q* , ,.1 'z/ ^,6 ! orseppRovED ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS APP ROVED D nerNsPEcr l:>p,DA'E /,t - /'S-' ) 7 oINSFECTIoN FIEBUEST EAG L E COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM I ornen MON GOMMENTS: LOCATION ., JTUE READY FOR INSPECTIOI{..... 'z-t' WED / THUR ,,, I panrrel UJ"APP ROVED ! upott rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTToNS: .. CORRECTfONS U ,,l ,l ,r. ^ T D orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-633S DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CATLER EAGLE COUNTY E orxen MON COMMENTS: f] pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION WED f./-.,-t. -.t'1, /8 i s FRt "t ' ., ot*'' LOCATION 4t>. El*P-in ov e o E orsappRovED D nerNsPEcr L&{pon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTfONS,-'..:",.,1--, ; -e;1_-,4- .,,.,....,-... INSPECTOR rNspecr|o* EAGLE COUNTY FIEElJESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 OATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER $ E ornen n pnnrrnr READY FOR INSPECTION ,", ,/3i {,5- ^r@ D nerNsPEcrW6rRovED! orsaeeRovED E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECT]ONS: CORRECTIONS BUILDtNG OtVtS|ON P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: &t8-6339 rNsPEcrOru FtEouEsr EAGLE COUNTY READY FOR INSPECTION E orsappRovEDAPPROVED.-.I nerNsPEcr PON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6:XB DATE 6/tn /"2'z JOB NAME TIME RECETVED 'PT6f< OflI) PM CALLER rNspecrCru EAGLE COU FIEBUEST NTY I ornen MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION THUR I penrrau .'4 t/ LocArfoN /'/ ,/' : ' 4' P rat/ i,/3- ^6) E appRovED LJ UPON THE CORRECTIONS E otsnppRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PIONE: 328-633S tNspecroru EAGLE COU FIEOUEST NTY ,-- / ,/oerc c>y'/l /?7 JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER -.,2 VJ'APP ROVE D READY FOR INSPECTION E orsnppRovED n, 3) /9 o"@ E] nerNsPEcr E upolr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS E panrrar oo'r, S-- /2 - 7 7 BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 3:18-6339 D^TE F.?-./?JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPECTIJT' HEOUE EAGLE co uNry#b|'?trT D ornen fl pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE 9.-/",rat Q!iH oG) REINSPECT8{frior*D or sepp Rov E D El',iporu rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECToNS: tr CORRECTI INISPECTOR :- ,orc t,-'r"lp ,1.'' ) /' ," rNsPEcrrt"FIEOUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM EAGLE couNry#Ob2/ JOB NAME E ornen E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: nft4 PrU-, I neeRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr .[}-UPOT'T TH E FOLLOWI NG CORF ECTIONS: CORRECTIONS - DATE INSPECTOR . ,-i<v?r1h<rit r.* o rNsrFEETrli"BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6iXP DATE JOB NAME F|EBUEgT EAGLE couurv/obi7 rfME REcEIvED?+hl ^@ .o...t E orren E pnnnnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON FR 4' COMMENTS: t:i:'?'.... lll--., 1,t -/1,It' APP ROV E D E otseppRovED f] nerNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowlNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR . \ tll*t",th t)67qaINSPECTIC'N FIEOUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 op;re rii.t/oa 4atu)JOB NAME T;ME RE'CEfVES J -]o gM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY Ljf APPROVED E upor rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! pnnrrel.'LOCATION -,' ..4!'', R I ,@-@ E orsnppRovED tr REINSPECT E orxen READY FOR INSPECTION wED @Ui)F ,INSPECTOR ''" ni "' BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 3il8-6339 INS]'ECTIE FTEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY - "t,,L' 'l .a iL< r-.'.'gg'1g,,, ., ''' '.'t . ltt ' JoBNAME .; TIME RECEIVED *: ,/.: AM..PM I CALLER florxen MON GOMMENTS: ! pnnrrel.LOCATION FRI E appRovED florsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o -?-INSPECTIIIv FIEOUEBT EAGLE COUNTY DATE T|ME RECEIVED.|- M JOB NAME D pnnrrnu 2; oz *@READY FOR INSPECTION --\.? wED fuvA)' t---"'MON FfaepRovED E orseppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS f] nrrNSPEcr BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328.-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CATLEh INSPEC EAGLE COUNTY E pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION WED .:llul. )FRt-1_-ar'rrd> coMMENrs: J{- t-/:-. , 1 *C- V J'^ ^E nppRovED D orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS rNs"=.tt* ea6[Ecou BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E oruen ! pannnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED FFI ,/ -a Wt{ppRovEq. !orsneeRovED I,4.I.'PON THE FOLLOWI NG COR RECTI ONS: I nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS,f,. . INSPECTOR DATE rNsPEcrCru FrEouEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63:19 EAGLE COUNTY DA'E-J'BNAME ,{ l- '/l -i4-""-,*-r. D677 TfME REcEfvED- AM PM ggyyEg 12-7-z-r-.-) ,*' -t ,:- READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FR. / AM6-) ffiovED-----"' -=ffiffiD D.rrdffueFol Lowr NG coR R ECnoNS: fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTI DATE // 01 - //-.,'r2 BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 rNseecrtru FrEouEsr EAGLE COUNTY". JOB NAME E orxen MON GOMMENTS: n panrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsr=.tC* REouEsirBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECT!ON WED THUR FRI AM PM fleppRovED [] orseeeRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNs"=.tG,u HEeuEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CATLER EAGLE COUNTY E ornen n plnrrel. L-WAPPROVED R INSPECTION THUR ! orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr FRI it! '" ) fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS s rNs"=.til*BUILDING DIVISION' P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 FIEOIJEST EAGLE couNrY t'a42v oor,,4p-/i1 /-7-.! ? ,'-qrNAME j lue necerveoJ .d{t AM_.@ cALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: r'::'-) I penrrnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR EnppRovED f]orsnppRovED fl n e rNsPEcr D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 rNseecrtru HEBUEsiT EAGLE couNrY'fa67/ DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM fleppRovED n orsnppRovED E nerNSPEcr fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION' P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNspecrtru FEguFFt EAGLE COUNTY: 'f'i n orsen ! pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ElrppRovED ! orsaee RovED E netNSPEcr I uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPErtBr FrEeuEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION MON GOMMENTS: TUE @ THUR EAGLE COUNTYI/' .,",. i, n ornen f] pnnrrnl.LOCATION I appRovED ! orsnppRovED fl nerNSPEcr El upotu rHE FoLLowrNG conREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rJ BUILOING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 \o ^INSPECIIEru FTEOUEST JOB NAME o @tt EAGLE couNTY #ot'Y? TIME RECEIVEQ IU I V U E ornen n penrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED @,'.t t .,q..r,) FRI \.'z /" \- ^w'iC.l Appnoveo E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ,'5 /) DATE IN8PECTOR titE - "'' . -'- ' ,7r"t'" -*'^- o PERMIT APRICATIONTCTIVED o NGPLUMBI Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.JUL B 1977 wHEN pFopEFLy vALroATEo trN THrs spAcE) THrs rs youR PEnMrr Ah]9 DoPt. 0f Plannilrg &,,Devel' &,eu GueV d--'lsee ertecrto sxtetl I oa!c l. T'c Pe'ltY .4* ;])) MA|L AOOiE3S txorl E LICEI{5E r,lO. atcrl r ?Ec t oR oEstcNER MAI L ADDiE3! 'IiON E LIC CX5E NO. EIIG II{ EEi MA tL ADDi ES3 PSONa LtcENSE flO, LEi'OEF 6' MA|L AOOrEsa li xCH 8 ctass of work: Fnew D ADDITIoN [] ALTERATIoN ! BEPAIR Gn d:t t Ah I ( 6h Oc wtvtc,r,t-J- Typ. of Flrtur. ff ltxn WATER CLOSET (TOI LETISPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. DISHWASH€R APPLICATIOII ACCEPTED 8Y APPROV€O FOR ISSUANCE 8Y LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WA'I'ER HEATER UR I NALNOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5 rcrfarltR E oF coN ORINKINC FOUNTAIN FLOOR-€INK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING E TR€ATING EQUIP, WASTE INTERCEPTOR LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK I PIT Form lOO.2 l-77 t$s '-da;)PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIOATION INSPECTOR USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP. ETC. a DTPENTHTI{! OT PIAHIIII{E AI{D DTVTIOP!ilTHT McDonald Bldg. 550 Broadway P.O. 8ox 179 Eagle' Colorado 81631 {l Aciober 1977 Carpentry Unli-mited, Inc. P.O. Box J88 VaLI, Colorado 8\657 . Ee: FiLe No. Se-9-73 Einal Plat Eiltside Condomh:iuns At their meeting on 25 October 1977, the Board of County Commissioners approved your fi:nal plat and signed it. Having received the recording fee, this office filed the pJ-at il the Clerk and Recorder's Office on Zl Qcbober 1977. If you have argr questions, please contact this office. cc: Board of County Comnrissioners I'htnnitrlg l)cpitrtnrrnt/l'la nning Commission: Subdivision, Ilczoning, Applicltions and Revit w (303) 328{338 Ituilding Official: lluilrling Perrnits and Inspcction, Zoning Adnrinistration (303) 328-6339 ,)#,/.-..;&fu, TerriLL KrdCht t/ Plar:ner rKlJk EAOTT COINTT lohnson I Kunkel !a Surveying Co. o nd P. O. Box 718 Eagle, Colorado 81631 24 October 1977 MEI.{ORANN,'U 5. lnsufficient curve data according 6. No tltle certiflcate 7. Measurements of the northrrresterly building do not compare by 3.40'. 8. No bar scale on slte plan. (3o3) 328-7229 (fis) 328-7165 evening land Surveying Civil Engineering Computer Science ulcflvtD OcT 2 5 1977 Dept, tif irlinning & urvel. Eagle County, Colo.1O: TerrelL lGrlght, Eagle County Department of PJ"annlng FROil: Johnson & Kunkel Land Surveying Company SIrBJECT: Eagl.e County Flat Check - HilLside Condominiuns I have checked the Flnal PLat of Hlllslde CondomLnlurns and have found themto be compLgtg and correct with the foLLowing exceptLons: L. Lot'area should be lndicated L.C.E. or G. C. E. 2. No survey date, 3. No completion date. 4. Street Addresses to euHj.vision regulations. and southoasterly sldes of the e4 OOT 17cHEcKm sY:--s-/h{. Radf o*q ,o<LUffir taotE c0uNTy DTTAET$ITI{T McDonald Bldg. OT II,AHI{INC Ail! 550 llroadway P.O. Box 179 !r-[0PlilEI{T Eqle, Colorrdo 81631 20 October 1977 Carpentry Unlimited, Inc. P.0. Box 388 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Bei. Eil"e No. Se-9-?3 Rlnal Plat ': - Hillside Condominiu.ns At their meeting on 19 October L977t the Ergle County Pl-anrring Conmlssion recorrunended approval of your final plat. Ttris recoumendation rcilL be forwarded to the Board of Connty Conmissioners at their meeti.ng on 25 October 7977 beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Comnr.lssionersr lGeting noan #LO3t 55O Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. ff you have eny fi.rrbher questions, please contact this office. /^;/,Hril/ \'/ uIlrrilt Knr,drft ' /Planner /I rK/Jk cc3 Board of County Commissioners .. ':1. Plitnning l)cpartmcnt/Pllnning Commissiou: gu5.1tu'*ton, Iluilding Ofl'icial: Ihilding Pcrmits and Inspcction, Zoning Iiczoning, Applications and lk:viow {303) 328-(;3ilE Adnrinisl.ration (303) 32E.6S39 a DEEABItilEilI 0t ILAIft{tt{g AI|D DEUH,0ptilEIfI McDonald Bldg. 550 Brordway P.O. Bor l?9 Ergle, Colorado 81631 MEMORANDUM -) ^r To: Johnson and Kunket -/ ftetauG nLN ! .rohn Hemuy ;;;;r Engineer ( George Rosenberg, County Attorney From: Terrill Knight Date: 12 October 1977 Subj: Final Plat Check - File No. Se-9-73 - Hillside Condominiums The enclosed Final Plat for the Hillside Condomlniums is for your review and comment. We would appreciate your comments prior to the 19 october Planning Commission Meeting at which time the item wilt be heardl--* Thank you, Planning Department/Planning Commission: SuMivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (g0t) g2S4g3S Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, zoning Administration (it03) 328-6ltg9 EAEH C0Uilrr EAELT C0Utf II DEDIITTEIIT OT ITAIII{INE AIID DETTIOIIilEIIT McDonrld Bldg.550 Broadway P.O. Bor 179 Ergle, Colorrdo E1631 MEMORANDUM To: Johnson and Kunkel John Hemby, County Engineer George Rosenberg, County Attorney From: Terrill Knight Date: 12 October 197? Subj: Final Plat Check - File No. Se-9-?3 - Hillside Condominiums The enclosed Final Plat for the Hillside Condominiums is for vour review and comment. We would appreciate your comments prior to the 19 October Planning Commission Meeting at which time the item will be heard. Thank you, Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 328-633E Building Olficial: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Adrninistration (i103) 32&6339 County of ELECTBICAL Eagle PERII{IT Ne --- Electrical "on r^"ror.. 4.-n-. e* Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 807 $............-............... $.......................-.... s...R..{-/-,..a.a $............................ $-2..{-/.,..2.A loVNurr".....4 Applicant. SltDatu.e APPROVALS THIS FORilI IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING COilSTRUCTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQT'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS ELEcTRtAL PERMTT pputlmoN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CI-IECK VALIDATION //ed7ps //r.,-,rra l tlnt r lsre errecxeo sxetr)Lors /3, / atP pHor{E i',i'14,.. /0. t,o',4zt"- alst LICENSE NO. ["e".p.tc, T^t". AFCHITECT ON DEgIGNER MAIL AOOR ES S FXOI{E LICENSE NO. .XCINEER MAI L AOOI ESS PXON E LICENSE NO. MA tL AOOTESS 6iANCH usE oF autLotN6 7 8 Clas o{ work: )n NEW D AoDITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR RECEPTACLE Outlets L IGHT st/tl TcH SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACC:PT€O 8Y:APPAOV€O FOF ISSUANCE AY RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. . NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE DI5P. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. Vr H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LIPOLE T.JUNOGO. SERVICE fl new E cxnxce PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT ? PERMIT VALIDATIONCASHM.O. fi-t"r*--2 /1 ,NspEcroR 4 gA?6+ f'/1'11 / FOTM 10O.3 11.73 RIoRDERfioM:INTERNATIONALCONFERENCEOFEUILDINGOFFICIALS.!!.os.Y{oiKMAI{ o USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. i t} FIETD COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, TO. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 3286339 BUITDING PERMIT ^"".,.^n,c"*"rrtr"ur*rrit'S'r-E#Foo*."..F-oi'#fu.fr'l"ddogr6q PERMIT TO ( C ONTRIS LICENSE) 6 unlt c ond ominiuq_) srony(TYPE OF !MPROVEMENT)NO. NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS { PROPASEO U5E) ZONI G AT (LOCATION}otsTRtcT ( NO,l ( ST REET ) BETWEEN AI{D (CROS5 STREET)(CROSs 9TREET}3 ILo oo oz EoL suBDrvrsro* EII Buffer Cr-eek Subd. .ot13 & lbcK-srzE BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LOIIG 8Y FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE AREA OR V OLUME USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT IOI (TYPE) REMARKS: Applovd as anended by revised plan of V25/7?. Dry wel't or sedindntatl.on pond needed to filter parklng Iot drainage. PI"AN CHECK FEE---$293.85 EsrrMArED cosr $ 2OOTOOO.O0 FEEM'TS L52.09 (cU8Ic/SqUARE FE ET) BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD rtitSPEcToR BUrDrflc APPLTc^?o* I Juridiction Applicant to complete numbered sryces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Y VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR Buffer Ereek d ullt arracxtD sxtEtlResubdivision -I oa!ci,13& 14 Unlimlted. fnc.F.0. Box 388. Vail. Colo. 8165? PHON E 4?6-2140 3 sur" as above MAI L AOORE!3 PHOI{E LtCENSE O. LICENSE NOARCHITEC' OF OESIGXEi M IL ADOIESS FI{ONE LICEN5E NO'4 Everett,/Zeiqel Associates 1215 Spruce, Boulder Colo. 8U102 449-8900 A-525 ENCIN€Ei LEN DER MAIL aoDiEss 'laxc*6 lrfestern Federal Savinqs 7gO 1'7th . Denver. EoIo. 7 Residential 8 ClassoIworK: 8]NEW DAODITIOil OALTERATION trNEPAIR trMOVE DNEMOVE Eonstruction of eioht condominiums l0 Change of use from PERMTT FEE 452.09I I Vsluation ol work: $ 200 . 000. 00 PLAN cHEcK FEE 293.85 SFECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bld9. (Total) sq. Ft. Firg Sprinklrrt RequlreO !ys3 [nePLATI!} CHECKEO AY:AP?AOVEO FOR ISSUANCE AY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFIUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT,ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL B€ COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLAAE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. s J3.7J FIRE DEPT. *Gd"n*{ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE c)F EUtLDING OFFICIALS. !r.o 3, woiKnar. r.r!! toaD. strrirr.t|. car.rt. t!a.r t. Form 100.1 ll-73 iroholr FroMl o INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMABKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET EACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC, I\ EAGLE coxly BUTLDTNG PERMTT AUtLlCArloN ItIPiew Routins Form Please review the attached application and return it and this completed form to the County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage Flecommend Approval NoErl EItl tf trItl D Yes rxlKfl EI E]Etf Reviewed by:Date: Comments: 4^.4 -r/Date Referrdd County Health: Recommend Approvat Comments:% Et rlrt rltl D-wr .- D. q azr/ r, n u=z( >'n 4 {^ orto ^ /l rt <.o1 -- fu en' /=a''4", '61 Dro'"i,1'a Sanitat ion Water EAGr-E corJhJ e'urr-DrNG pERMrr aQlcATloN Review Flout ing Form "Z "/""Date Referred fuz.z Location Please review the attached appl ication and return County Builcling Off icial within 6 working days. Planning Comrnission File No. P lanning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulat ions Recommend Approval Permit No. it and this completed form to the Date:Yes No Reviewed by:nrKE KItl rft:]tf County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage tftftl m r=tfrf Recomnrend Apprgval ; fl'\ c- .r- c - --FtC.r--..,-.*-L, Comments: County Health; Recomrrrend Approval rlXIKflK Y'ryr, pd/L./. ^ p,-f-{;^. .12--/ t4-,1; 2; 7 -:'a-Q'"oT'I'3e4 ,<d,/Ai // A_.^dF ,";Z**''u/ /.q- -r.'/y' ", *.?,-4+46; .e,.aye /ab, .te//- eu+*/ t'//.-- - ir2J{2./ ".-r2-asZt' -rn.4 f !=-?7 9tt<' Sanitation Water rl f6nn- g 7€n l,l n U-cZ.- 44zz- BUILDIilb RMIT APPLrcnfloN " Appticant to comptete numbered lpjg!!9!!y. Jurisdiction o INSPECTOR TNTGFH ATIONAL Cc|N '.ERENC! O/ !UtLDI NG OrFlClALS..t.r' rr wo.rM^tr trl|.! io'o ' wt{ltrllrlr G^!lt' ""1 l Buffer Creek f-"lr r: eltecxto rxtrrl Resubdivislon -13& 14. !TC I I0lsct. z-ca Unlimited, Inc.P.0. Box f88 Vail . Colo. 8165?4'.76-2100 atcrrtlcr oi Dllllo|lci{ - Everetl/7e! FXOraf Boulder CoIo. 80102 LtC IN 5I NO. 449-8900 P.5251 Assoclates 1215 6 '- l.rjestern Federal Savi ?00 1?th . Denver, Colo. 'l ' " Residential E] AOOITION r] ALTERATION tr EEPAIR O REMOVE 9 . Describe work, Constructlon of eiqht condominiums 10. Ghange of use fiom PERMf T FEE l+52.O9PLAN cHEcK FEE 293.8511 Valuation of work: $ 200 , 000.0u SP€CIAL CONDITIONST Size ol 81d9. (Total) Sq. Ft. A??LICAIION ACCEPTED EY: oFnsr neer PARKTNG SPACES: Covered I Uncoverod NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATTNG OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOFK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED.I H€REBY CERTTFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMIN€O THISAiifr'cArtor eNo KNow rHE SAME To BE TBUE AllQcoRREcr.iilrliioVtstorus oF L-Aws ANo oRolNANCEs covERNlNG THls iVFe oF woRK wtLL BE coMPLtED wtrH WHETHER sPEclFlEoienEttr on Nor. THE GRANTTNG oF A PERMIT qo-qs Norbneiume ro GlvE AUTHoRITY To vloLATE oR !:ANC€L THE bCoVrsions-or aNv orxen srATE oR LocAL LAw REGULATING bolrsrhucrroN oB THE PERFoRMANCE oF coNsrRucrloN. s lJ.7l HEALTH DEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL FEPORT OTHER (Spoclfy' Fotm lO0.l 11.t3 iroicrt rioM: DE o !ABIldltt{I o EA ND DtIIt[0IitlEHIOT PI.fiIININ lllcDonald Bldg.550 Broadway 4 April 19?? P.O, Box 789 Eagle, Colorsdo 81631 Carpentry Unlimited P.O. Box 388 Vail , Colorado 8165? Application for Building Permit in Eagle County Lots 13 and 14, Buffer Creek Resubdivision The Eagle County Building Department requires that applications for building permits in Eagle County be routed to the Eagle County Planning, Engineering and Environmental Health Departments for their comments prior to issuance of the permits. Your-'application for Lots 13 and 14 in the Buffer Creek Resubdivision was routed on 24 Marc}:^ L977. Listed below are the comments and recommendations which were made by the above Departments during the routing procedure. If you have any questions or wish to get further explanation, please contact the appropriate departments. The telephone numbers and addresses of the commenting departments are listed with each comment. PLANNING: Not approved. rr1. All necessary retaining walls must be indicated on the site plan (if aU are required the term ?tsuggested" should be removed from the legend. ) 2. The total area of the combined lots must be indicated on the plan in order to determine allowable density. 3. Continuous curb cuts for the parking along the street . are not permitted. 4. AII proposed parking spaces must be indicated clearly in the plan and adequate on site manuevering 6pace must be included. S. A proposed landscaping plan must be submitted along with the permit application. 6. Culverts of proper size must be shown on site plan. ?. A storm water runoff detention and sedimentation basin must be shown on site plan. a br/fu Box 179, Eagle, Cd 8163 1 328-6338 Planning f)cpartmcnt/l'lanning Commission: Subdivision, Rczoning, Applications and Review (303) 328'6S3E lluilding Official: ltuilding Pt'rmits and Inspcction. Zoning Administration (303) 328-6339 TAEI,E COllNTT Carpentry Unlimited O 4 April 197? Page 2 ENCINEERING: Not approved. rrConcur with comments of Planning Department. Geology on this site? W.V. Smith, Engineer Box 250, Eagle, CO 81631 f 28-6337 HEALTH: Not approved. I'Requires connection to the Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District and the West Vail Water District. Need surface drainage plan including pollution protection for oil and silt runoff.,/"\./r / /A/l/ (-, , (,L//,/^'f ...:..,.c, l:;y2' ,* i-Erik W. Edeen, R.P.S. Box 811, Eagle, CO 81631 328-'./7L8 It would be to your advantage if you begin to resolve any problems and/or requirements as soon as possjble so as not to delay the issuance of your building permit any longer than necessary. Enclosed is a copy of the Review Routing Form for your information. Thank you Eagle County Building Official LLD: TK: WVS: EWE: ge enc. . cc: Terrill Knight, Eagle County Planning Department; W.V. Smith, Eagle County Engineer; Erik W. Edeen, Eagle County Sanitarian t I I I I THE LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORATORY MEMBER: A'S.T.M. a.5.c.E. cEc acl George D. Morris. PE.1000 W. Fillmorc Colcrodo Springr, Colorodo 303-632-3593 l{lr..t . I6llrr l. l. I t soit r.3rine I E::Li.T:; $otcriqls I rcsts Conct.te I t-,,.:,: Dcr ign I Gcotosic Inlc.pr.totion I lT;,:;;J;' ts. t, 1976 crrt atty ullhlt.dr t!E.tOlst8tvrll, Colonao t16t7 Oaltla.or glvlry tle rlt. of I Ittrt rr. crrl Dl.tr lrurrlttr6 tlrrrltt lr tDr r..!lt. ot r .u!.srtlG. .ollf lariltltrtlol DSOIn rd f-plu rtroctlr. ll vrllr Golorrdo' t.rD.ctflllY rllrltt.a t &ltEOtf-Diltolt !!!tts lll. rq|oRt rt tL by Rcgirtcrod 4-Z / 7"/"* tr.il.tb b. *1ott4/I '!"fi;'::::' Gcologi rts I c-otorodo )p rr n 93, Colorqdo I Puebro, Co lorqdo I Rocl sprinsr, Wyomirg I Bhnwood Sprinsr Monlrorr T ::il::: rlr/su LDIL ttrD lo. l!!t9r C8-1aG t I MEMBER: I THE LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORATORY A.5.T.M. A. s. c. E. cEc ACI George D. Morris, PE' tdlntrd: t0lti6 lrflgrlgrtlOf DnOtSrD !-PIJI tlrB$'r| lntl., corcrrDo I000 tY. Fi llnroro Colorodc Springt, Colorodo 303-6 32-3593 I I soil restins t E::r;'.,"1;:: llqterio ls I rcsts Concrete Botch Design I Arpholr Mix 9es ign I Gcotosic I nl.rp.etoiion t oi.,TJ,'"i"'J;' Ibv Rcaisl.rod Profe ssion ol I Ensinccrs Gcologi sts t ';H:i: Colorodo I Puobro, Colorodo I *",lr,:,l,iln'' t Glrnwood Sprins: iton I to ta I ::ilil: T I T t I t I I I I I I T I T I T t t I t It8lrlgl| tte coEtqt of tblr nlnrt 1r r tcntrtlca rnd rltr rtofrz for r tnoporrd i-plc rtrncturr to br locrtrd b vtll, CoXoardo. ltr prslrr dbratlolr rd locrtlon o! thr pronorl rtruotorr rra rct ttorn rt thla till. tb$rrar, lt lr to br trruad thrt thr Dlotord rtruoture 1r to br loertrd oa tlfr topgrrgbloelty lorrr r.tloD of, rotr l! rd 1{ la thr ltruDdlvlrlor of lult.r Cr..t to vrtl, Golorrdo. lf,t.r oarlllerrtloa ol tlr lrvertlgrtlot rad trrtlag 1lrotrrn docrlied brrrh, Lt lt orr r.Gotndetton tf,rt r aEttrDlr rhrllor foandrtlou rtrtr ooulrt$O o! cootbuo$ rrll lootlagr lccth brutry rrllr ud trohtrd rlrcrt lootlryr b.o.rtb col,mr br u|.d to cerry tlr nlgtt ol tbr yropolrd rtrctnrr. llmr looilrtlcar rrt b. prqprttoord er th. butr of r| rllmblr bcrtry crlnclty ol tl0O 1rl, rltb r lblrn dud lorll foudrtloo !G...!r. ot 800 tft. totto of losJrtlcnr .lould b. locrt.d r rhLrm d.ptb ot 4,t firt, or gnrter ar rD.clft.t lU' locrl lrrffdlll @drl, brlov tbr |rould rrrlrsr lor lrort lnotrctto. ltcdrtlcl prtrrlr.. rbstld be bllrtlord to rlthb gSOO Ft tor .rt.tlor berrtltrl rrllr ud gl00 prt tor bolrtrd coluur. tlB. drvrlFat el tDk rltr lrvclvs rlt.trtloo ol r rsb.tuttrl abtlag rlope or thlr rltr, rmarodrtl,onr patrlrl!tr to drrlHgr ud oth.r lrctofl rff,.3tlrry rlotr rtrbtltQr Goltrl,a.d ta thl,r rrlnrt ur oouldrrr{ atnrly trlrortut. lll rsnradrticr rrr rlbltct to tbr llrttrtleu rt lortl benb, -l- I I T T I t T I T I I I t I T t I I t entl9r lLlr trlnrt rrr utborh.d It fr. Grrl Dhtr cl CrlD.ttry uElttrtt.d, I!o., l! vrll, &lotrlfo. l[h rltr tr l0crttd oo trotr ljl rld 1{ tr tbr lmrldlvirlon of, lottrr Grtet la urll, Golondo. !h propldl rtrlstun lr to cq.lrt of u 6-plc rtructon rbrc prolrr ttro- rloor rnd locrtlon ur et ltota rt tllr th.. ft lr rrrul, Lffrvrr, tbrt th tn). of ooEftru€tloa rtll oo!.l|t ol ooor.tt looilrtlc rLtt rool lrur rettrrrttuotur rrd thlt f,oudrtloo lorilr rl11 br ot f$lt to ndcrtr ntrnltudr. |[tr to'Dogrrpby of thr ritr 1r, h f.[.rrlr rlophg to tbr routh.ut rt I trrl,r|[ raglr of rpgrortntrly 160. *lr rltr 1r loortrd la u rrte oontehl,lg rpprollntrly I fmt o! scllurlrl. ntrrhl ovrrlyl,rg u undrtrntard tblctmm o! rllnvlrl t.aalq. rrtlllrl. Drdroct rrr pt .looqtt.rad t! tb. t.at Dltr gc- Elrt.d o thfu rltr. Our oltloe brr Dt, rt ttfu tlrr, b..L ndr rrtr. of ttr locrtta of untl.tgroud utllltl0 1! or l.rr tbr pronomal rltr. tt oors.at Fflttol o! tll udlrrgnood atlll,tlo rlould br drtrnhrd ptlor to D.ttntry rry ublnllrcr acryrtln lor locdrtloo colltrlctlo. -t- I I t I t t T I I T I I t I I t I I T IIII.D IfTlSfIElSlOfr t*o tot Dltr r.r. llug o tbr rltr locrt d tr rtorn o th. $rrt 9lt lacrtlol Dblrtr. !.rt Dltr rerr acpletrd rLtb ttr crc ot r lr{nalls bulbe. lotb t rt pLt rrrc dug to r totrl trptb ol lt frlt. lLglrr.ltrtlvr bult nr;lrr ol nal rlt.r|rl |Eolltrrrl nrc tahrl trn tle mllr ol tDr tmt gltr rrl ntlrlrd to tbe lrbontory tor ftrtlls t..tt{, Ir gllrrtl, tb. rrt.rlrl. uootlntrrrd oerrbt.d of Tryrollrt l1t I trrt ol lcr plrrtlclty cl,ry or rllt nterlrl, ottra rrrrqr la nrtan r.pr...rtlnqr o&vlur, cvc- lf|,ry u urdrtrnlned tbloherr o! rdlrh-brcn rllty lra6 cctrtdry gnvrl, erd lrcquut ooblr rrd botrdrr rtrrlrlr ritrr..rtfq u rlluvlrl t.rr.o.. Io lrrl rrt.r mf rmorrrltrrrd le rtrtlrr ol tte tro t..t pltr. ra eddltton, r! .l.strlorl rglrtlvlty roadtq rrr D.rton d, loartrd m rlcn o[ tbr l..t Plt L3rtls Dlegnr. I ".rtlorl rlrctrlorl rulrtlvlty ronldl^lC glvrCrtr on tf,r lrtnrel t.|trtlrltl o! tb. roltr |!d roolt r|t rlrlr or tl.tr rrd rry tlro tr laterlrrt.C b rsb r Jr1l u to lrr..at alrtr on tbr roll ud rocil Fofllr lr tbr lr.l. rhrr rccfrr rlth conv.rtlonl |rtflff ut nrgl.try rqul;rot lr llrltrd. lrrqltr ol thr nrkttrrlty trrtLr;l t).rfirn dt ol tllr rltr rt tb. locrtlon lldtort.C rbr.d tb. cl.^r. rrt.rbl, or sollsvlul, to u rpt)ro8lntr drt*b of, trl lmt uldrrhln bt th rlltf rrd rllw|. l tornsr rrtrrlrl lrvtag llcnmtng rokturr vlth Crgti .!d t oillq lrlt. u.t rt drpt*r la rxcor of l0 trtt. -t- t t t I I I I I I I I I I I T I T I I r.Flr $ir.nrtm rnmrrlq t|olrttre coltut osar D 2rlc, n. obtrb.d t! tl. lrleretery Cor rll lrrDl... I grrla rlr urlplr Oflil D |l2, rrd {rt*rlntlon of tlo ltt.tb.rg Ltrltr tl3U D a8t, nn prlod oll r-Db.r of ruplo tor plrtnru of clrrrltlcrtlo. I rmll t.rt rl. pctorrrd h ordc to evrlottr tbr rrrll Dototlrt ol tbr tllt grrrlldl roll .!oornt.!.d o! tf,r ritr. lrverrl dLrrat rf,rr t.rtr (fcu D t080t vrrr prrfornrd ol vutoll rrtrrtrlr .orgorrrt.rrll o tll rltr le otd.r tc dtttar thlr rbrlr ttrelgth o[rrrct.rbtl,cr. fcllFtlil Ot t*ll$r lr rbon b!7 th. t.|t plt lotrr tb. rtntr rry ll gruoD.d lnto thror brrlo tfir.r ot ntrrlrl. tOtrI. lfPl F. lr lltlr ntlrlrt ll borllrrllar brtmra r lor gluttrelty clry rad r lor plmttoLty rLlt. It b nady ta nrtlrr rd ooatrhr ru grrvel. lt L rurt to drrlr Dsorr b oolor rd rrpromtr tbr colluvtrl ratcrlrl. ttr lomr 3Ertlo of tblr rolr nlr estrh rcr bouldur. It hrr re rllonblr burtlg sDrclty lor rtrllor touEdrtlo! qrter al thr ordrr of ltOO grt, I rlll.m llcril Lord lonndrttor Drfmarr ot !O0 1nl tbEL br rrbtrtnrt on tblr rrtrrlrl to mrlrt b ttr cetttl of rqnarloa or lervr lr tDr lcu- llrtloa 4ntt. tOtL t?Pt f,l. lr 1!Llr rrt*lrl lr clrrrltfed u r lor pl,utl- etty ctey, rrd-'brora la color ud rudy tl rrtlrr. It b rlro r ooltrcvlrl ntertrl rld ny rantllm coltrll lrtSr co$hr. lt lr vrry rlrtlrr lE urttt. to Boll !Ft[n to. 1, rroqrt tbrt trt cortrlril r -a- I I I t I I I I I I T I t I I I I t I lrrgrr l[ro.ltrtr ot yrry llrr grrhcd rotl Dartlcl.r. It rLH br u rl.lorblr t*rlry artnclty of tt00 prt. 8roll t rtr p.tforr d oq r r.ntdd nnglr o! tbir lrtlrtrl hdlcrtrd r t.lil cbrago 1l h.ltlt rglltlrt r Dr..rrar of ?20 pr! rltb r 7I bcrrur ln nlrtulr oootrot. ltrrrlorr, r rlnlnu al.d lord loundetloa gr.trul. of E00 1rl rbuld rlro br ralrrtrld ol tf,tr rrt.rlrl to urltt i! tD. coltrol ol rrr11. sol& lrrct !o. tr *tlr ntrrLrl 1r olrmlfl,rll rr r rll,ty rrd. v.ry grlurlly le lltor.. lt l. rrddlhb-brorn la oolor rnd soltrllr lrrquut cobblo |!d boold.r rkr rrtrrhlr. llth nt.tlrl t.pr.tctt ra rlluvl,rl trrncr at.slrl urochtcd vltb tbr oon Grr*, drrtl4r. It br u rllovrbb brrlry eapelty tor rbrllor toudrtloa rlnto of 4OOO ;nf ritb m d"alm 6lrd lord rrqulrrutr, lllllll8 Ol Dtllr It lr rpllrrot lrc nrpffry rlal tutlg rlrultr tlrt r rhrl,lor lorndettoa ry.to coarlrttry of ooattnrcor tU lootlagr bcortb berrtry nllr rd holrt.d .grsd lootlngr brnotb oolmr rllL Lr rdrqarte tor tb. progord typ. of rtnctum on thlr rltr, Othr tlD.r of, loundrtloa rptrr rrnh u 6rtllr{ pkn or drlvu plhr conld br rppltrd to thr coadlttanr o tllr rltt. hwra, rlrar tbrr err tlplorlly rro clnarlw loondrtlu qr.trt tbra tf,rt ol r oonvrtrtlolrl rgnrd lootlDqt type ol t1ntt, ro rprclflo rrsnodrtlou Drttrlatlg to thlr lrr rlll br ra{r ln tblr r.Dort. lbrlr ncmradrtlotu rry bo grovldrd, hrvrr, [Do[ r.q[..t. -t- t I I I I I I t I T I t I I I I I I I roll til)o cD|.rill lr tl. ltt r t t..t et thr rotl trotltr ol trllr rttr u.r. v.qf f,lnr lraLaeill clrlny rollr rltil lc to rodtrrtr clurloa ptotlrl. *t Dotottrt tor rcDrnt'o lr mt m gr.rt b.!.rtl brrrLag trllr ud oolunr m lt I'r brleih f,loor rltDr, ma-Eerrbg lrrtttloar ud otbrr vrry lllitfy lo*lrtl rtr.lrr t'h rprrtlon ol tloor rlrbr udr trhur llortbhr lntrrlor grrtltlor rttrcturrlly lra rcr btrvlly todrt fortlou of tte lattdtn; tl trynrtrnt tn rtdrlrfag drngl dur to rrell or lerrr ltr tb toodlrtl'o tollf. tol,t ffi* lo, I rfil I rlro lrvl lm lntartlal lor loag t.tr cil.oltdetlon u!d.t !old. &r.Lrr rllt r.tth6t tr th..r lryrrt rhorld be rtlrtlrrly rntl ProvLdrl rlla- rbtr b*rl.g rnlsrr rrr rCbrrrd to. lbe rtnor Fv'rort tlrt de ec.ntr, bt'.Y.r. rlonld tllrr I rllatlvrly lort tbr to br fally rerlilri. Ir rr.u rrtert tbr losdrtlon vrry lrarly lr.!at8lt.r tL. lrll lrtot ol tDll nttrlrl rd rotr b or v.rt !.rr tbr lrdrr- Ufrf rrrtr ul gnvrll o! Sotl !tiE. ro. tr rlttlrot lhollil lr trlr- tlvely rlnr ud rbul{ oocrr vrtl qnlcllyr brlrl Y.rt !.rlly oa- Dl*r bft ttr rd o! thr ccmtrrcttoE 1nrtrod. Ol ran ooilt.t! oa tllr rltr lr tfr rtrbfltty of tbr lrrgr fiktlry rlop. t cntnterlmd trsbLqrr attflrlf r nlltlsttor ot lltt r'. lotrtttblr-rplnl rrtbll nr lrrC ta tl. rrrl1nk of tDr rrlrttrt .foD.. Lttltr ol tlL rarllnlr lrllcrtrt r frctor ol ctrty qnlut trlhn of th r*lrthg rlefr rttb p rutchrgr of l.t$. lhlr rnlor lr ooly rltrybtly lr scrlr of thr rblrn rtlar rrocrlddl lor ncruret rlcpo tt tb U.t. -O- I I tra.rs of f.slrrrtlolr. ltrrefcrr, r oomlicrll.r uut of crar ! rblli tr crrlr.d tr thr grrlonucr ct ruthcrt mrr tb. clrtlt I rlcir. ti rdatttea, ttr Dro!.r lcntrot ct dnlrrq. b.o(nr r.qt I lfDoltut 1l ntrtrtrlry rhbllltl. 3galllc ncnolrtlclr Dc- '- trfnl{ tll rrcnrllrd rllsrbh tlqrl r11l br c6trir.d il t,L I r.ctloll rGmclulor f fJcn{d.tl'eir'. I I I I t I I I T I I T I I -?- I I I t t I I t I T I I I I I I I I I COrcUllIOrE & REOI|ITMIEIOGT lr|.d Ellon our rnrlyrh of tb. toi,l cordtttoar rd prorcot sbtrrct.rktlcr pnvlourly outllnrd, the tollorlag r.cof,r.odrtloEr lr. !1d.. Mbr pror.at shrrrstrrlrtlsr an ohrngrd f,ron thorr ururcd hrrcln, our r.conrndrtlolr rry r{sla. .ora Fdtttortlol. r, I rhrllor fourdrtlo! ryrt6 coarlrtlng ot.itb.r aontlnml. r.U tootlngr brnorth bcrrlag rrllr rad Lrolrtrd rprcril lootlqr b.!.rtb oolullf r or r !o footbq rtc vrll on grrdo typr ol loudrtto drpodllf ulna tDc r:est nrturo rad argn!,tudr of tbe lordr lnrrolvad, rMld bc rocrptrblr tor ur. oa tblr rttr, lbu[drttonr rboulal t grcprtloard oa tbr h.t ol ur allonbh bcrrtag crgleclty ol 3500 pt, rtth r rttrlrm dod lord foundrtlon pr.rruro o! tOO pl tt loortrd 1l Soll qD.r lo. I or 2. thould loundrtloqr bc losrtrd 1! Botl f;ypr !o, !, tbr f,oudrtlou rry bc prolnrtloaril on tbr br:h ot rl rll.antlr bortng crtnclty of 4000 gr! rlth r llalnrn drrd lord rrgulrrlrtttr. IE rll Glf.r, foundrtlo! pr.aruro rhould br brlracrd rltbla $00 1rf for .rt.rlor brlrlag trllr rnd 9300 Drt ler lrolrtrd colnnr, loudrtloar rbould be locatrd r llnlnrn drgt'h ot a.t f..tr or tr.rt.r u ftrcltl.d btr loert butldtag codrt, brl,er tbr gro[il rurlrot tor frort grotrctlon. Dur to thr nrtcrr of thc lordr lavolvrl, tbr rodrnt. tr.l1 potratlrl of thr rollr o! rLt. and tbr atrd to Hl,ntrtn rtrbLllty la tbr rrbtlag rlolr ol rltr, rcot* mndrtlolr prtrhLnA to dnlarg. lr. colrl{lrrrd utrrrrly bportrat. lrl lilrqurtr drrlHgc mrt br provldd ltr tbt louldrtton rr.r botb dlrlry ud rf,trr oourtruotloa to ;rrvrnt tbr ponllry of -e- I I t I I I I -I I -I I t I I I I T I t rrtat rlov. loudrtlor rrtrslrb. !!bl grosd rurtro. rrosrd th. rtrrctrrr rhlld br gndri ,sab thrt rorfror nt* rlll br r.tri.a qufdcly lny tr* tb. rtrl€tc!.. lltr ovtrll llnlargt rboold br dulgnrll recb tbrt runlf fril o!. rtarstu8. decr lot mvo lnto ttr rrrr lrrdlrtrly rroud rrctber rtrlcturr. Orrdlry ol thr rltr rlnll.i be of rscb lrtua. ro rr to prry.nt tlp forrrtloE of rtalr rhtcD nrld 9cd or frnouU mt.r rnd porotr btlltntlon of tt. rrt|r lrte i:hr fth.[rtror. lflo rlnlln grrdlot trr dqnltrot ol tlr mrflor ludrorglryo tlt. or llrvrd lr.lf rbuld trrr r rfurfru grrdlnt ol 8* ter r dlrtrmr ol 10 l..t lril thr rtrrctsre. Lraa- .orD.C lr.lf rbsld hrvr r rhhul gnrdloat of !il h tte l0 tmt rroalil tlr rtrlotdro. toot dnlrlr rlould br orrrlrd laaorl bmttlll.a lralf rld dl.glrrard rell amlr f,r6 thr rtrsctura. Ibl fty tolrol.l sr drtrlr rhould br rcvrd lrc thr eoe.trsstlon rr|| Drlor to b.ffarlag oonrtrustlon of tbc foeadrtlor, &t rldtttoo, rbould eay gooLrtr of dlbrtr or orgrrL rrtclrl br rnocrntrnG dnrfal r*crlrtloa ol tb. toudrtlou, thlr ntrrlrl rbrlil br rcovrd rd rrplrord rltb brskilll €ilDrotd to ,tf ot nrlrln Prctor drarlty, tSltl D-c98. lcl tloor rlrbr rhoslll b. Go[.trsotrl ro r. to rct llilt- podretty o! r11 berrlry nllr ud ooltmr. I crplllrry brrlr or gnvrl D.il o! 4 to i lmhm ln thlctm[ r.y br u'|ll boilth tbr tlrD oaly 1l lt lr prorldrd rltl r lrer 6ni,nrgr outlrt rd nt E nltt.C to trrt rrt.r D.|l.rtb tbr lloor rlrb. I! rrt.r ll.sc tf,t qrrtd rv|naat o! mtrturr throu;b tbr solor.t. rlrb r.t crufa dnrgr, r vqfs trrrlrr Lr rbo rcrreOrd rbrr thr orDlllrrl brrrf rad -9- I I I t I T T I I I I I t I T t I I I ba.rtb ttr tloor lhb. fal trctlll[ rroold tbe nroporrd rtrsotlrc rd tr nttll$r trccbo rbull br oclrctd to rt l.rrt 90il of -rrlru Pilootot dolty. fr. fth. rdl rry br or.a tor trbb tntDom oly lt ttlr ntrrhl ll aocr of t lrobrr ln dlurtrr b rmvrd Flol to ltr cr. L lrdltlll" tb nn plutlc chyr o! tb rltr rblll tt lrrC r| rl fry'rrl rDlr slg to gr.rut tf. llttttrrtlor of rrttr.r rrtc tbnonft br*llll.d ucr ut l,!to Lbr louatlrtto roltr. tllt rl|l rbtld |r gfr.d tr lltt Dt to umrd f lrsler anrctnl tLlo[ror rla rt l Flrtrr. ocst.tt r3tnsl.ntrly oqurl tc tb. optlrn trt ttc nfrtrr mt.rt, plrr ot rl^au lI. ll trnr r.L.r. tDr togdetls rt r.fC or lrritltll1 thr roll rbrld Dr ccnctd to rt lr.t ttl ot rrdlu lsostor dorl,ty. !r*!lll rhltal br sanrct lt to tlr .f.rftt rrerlrd Bt rrclrnlcl rur. lo rrt.r tlooill.rt t rblflrr cf rry Qryr rlmltt t lld ql tLlr rltr. f.l lhr opo looGfry Gprntlor tlolld h fltD.€td llrlor to th. ,hsmt o! concrct b.rtr,bll.tb tLt ntrrlrlt st thr tlroFr ft.f.ln bgrflf crDrcltt lrvr tmo eomtrr.d rdl tlrt D rolt rptl or drblr rlr lnrlrlt ll th. tco.lrt|.tr rl, 11, ltl mllr rloald Dr irrltrnrd u ;nrdr D.rrl orlrblr of rnultr rt |' rlt I t .t. rrtalorclng rlcnld br Dtrard rt DotL tc;l rtld lottr at tl. gnJr l.n rld brfuc.d brtrra tlr top ud bcttil. ;latr rtr nllr rn to ntrl|r roll to I betgbt l|| acmr gt I 1..t, tbr!' rhuld oatrl! y.stlorl rclllorot{ lolgard ol tL brrlr of n rqulvrLut lqdrortrtlo grurutr of tt 1nl, Il tb. bmrct rrll lrrttr tlr l.lr ct tlr rltr l' te rttrla roll, trt -10- I I I t t I I t T t t t I T T I I I I tbrld br darlfrorl tc ritbtrld tlr rcitn tr.fr[r.. r..cflrt d rltl ttr rrl,rttn rfofr to th rerr ol thr rtrlctrs.. It tL. lrtlvr ntrrhlr rre to br ud rt lrottlU lrhll! thr lrtrlrlry nllr r ccL..lil ot I!0 Dft rd r trlotlaa utlr ct 160 rlf b. ur{ la tlr 6cl1n. lll hltrtl coltot ot tt ro11 ll tbll ln L ttDtcrlft of rolrrrt r;nftdt ul tLt.!or., r !tD. tI Cl6t & rrordrl lct rrr ll rll cert.t. lr oeotrct rltb thr roft o thlr rltr. It. 8l,otn rtrblltty L u lrDottut cmrldrrltlon ca tlll lnrttcrlrr rltr dor to tbr clrtrace of r trlrtln ly ltrrp rlcln cr th rltr. I oilDot.t rnlplr ol tbr ttrblllty ot thr strtlry rleDr bltcrtr ra rocq'trDh tratcr ol rrlrty rgll!.t lrllnrl b tl. rlclrr hcnrt, Lt tcvo llttl,l ron lor slrdc. ]ctlvltlc cl tlr rltr rtfrctht th. rtrbl,ltty ot tl. rleD. rnrt br nrdrrtrh[ rltb .rtt-e crltlol. tar,t crtr ln t!. al|tlry rlofnr lnttl8rl|3lt nr tb to. of tla rlrF thl{ !r rloLdcd. Dnl|rl;r cn tlr rltr rharld Dr fotlttnly cmtrotl.d rt r11 ttm rd tilutlrtlo! tl rrt l to th rrlrurlesr rblrhrd, ?|rrrtot rLF. ol ttlr rltr rtmtl brrr frrilotr $t ua..alry f brlrotrl tc I vrrtlsrl. lq[rrrt rloAo nf $r. gretl.[tu ot l.t letl|strl to I vuttcll. tbu.rrt, IIOD.. hrvlry r grrtl.[t tblr ltr.t rhollll mt lr nl,rtrlard lcE fooe Frlodr o! tln, ttt. rt ll rrtnrtry bDcrt$t, dul to tl. lrtor. ct drtr $rtlr.d !!l tL nrln mqfl|,ry ct .rcb r rutrblr ul mlno'rrrur rtrrlrl rr rcll,r tbt rr te l.llcil.a of ray.€lrlt. b tl. rebllrfror Gol- dltloor cDrcvrd rt tlr tbr ot cottrootlo trc tble urd ul -ll- T T T T t T I T T T T T I I I t T T T ortlb.a h tlr loly ot tblr rcDert. coartnntlcr gnnlrol rb'dd Dr rrdr trdllrr rltb tlr colt.et ol tblr ntcrt rd lutnctrl tc r.Frt rn1r o( tbom dltlrnnem lnellhtrly rhu uoountcod. It |'l beltrvrd thrt rlt D.rth.!t Fbt mlarrnlry thr rubrtafro. rellr oa tblr rlte brvr bten covrrrl ir tblr rclnrt. ll qrottolr ulro er lt lurtbrr tllonrtlol ll lolrdt pllur tml lrrc to controt tbr t$ontory rt uy tl.r.. -12- I t t T t I I I t T I T I I I T I T I I ' I I I I I.I I I I I T-I I I I ,% -ITII '** 'eo -.' (rl o UI ,o + o i> tAr2 m I I t I T I I I I t I I T I I I I I I SI'II{BOLS & NCIITES I I t7r, standard penetration drive I Nunbers indicate 9 blows to I drive the spoon 12" into ground. I f, sr z-t72" sherby thin walr ( sample I I ,. Nhtural l{oisture content I lr* weathered or DecomPosed Soil I + Free water table l"f" Natural dry density I t.e.-Disturbed sulk SamPIe lfa SoiI type related to sanPles ,r' -, l- in rePort ff] Top of formation I I O Test Boring Iocation IA Seismic or ResistivitY I st.tiott I Standard lenetration Drives are rnade by driving a standard 1.4" split sPoon samPler into the ground by droPPing a 140 lb. weight 30". ASTl"l test des.O-1586' Samples may be bulk, standard sPli spoon (both disturbedl or 2-L/2" I.D. thin wall ("undisturbed") Shelby tube samPles. See log for tYPe. Combinations of oflen used and as SPISM. these s1'mbo1s are are labeled e.g. SYMBOL GW GP GM GC sw SP SM sc ML CL OL MII cH OH PT DESCRIPTION well graded gravel Poorly graded gravel Silty gravel Clayey gravel WeIl graded sand Poorl-y graded sand Siltsy sand Clayey sand s il-r Lean clay Organic silt Elastic silt Fat clay .(High plastic) Organic clay Peat Hard formation (any type) Geologic symbol given e.g. KP = Pierre Shale tlNCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORATORY COI()RAO() SPRIiIGS, PUEELO,C(lLllRA[)O-ROCK SPRINGS. WY()MIl{GNOTES & SYMBOLS t' I I t t t I I I I t T I I I I I T I Tst lfole No. Top Elelrotion rP2rP/ ctirtz,l!ret ta. Q)o- /d?7 aoo, @ /.4. Qlo45. t7' @ 70aao,a N. tttt)La eL , 'sttlDt co(ta.a coLLzUtUn SOxc rL Ptoua' 5|r, GCT.EaLY 7. t. (tc- E-lZ @ ROtr azn to ,i,&,o*t..Lo!(ft'v{sal .cLlnLG.o.-.evrua, t.o aar. . &eLo3Jt,r.a rloFf sn, czattLlf 2t D - eta^t. 3 l0 ,.8. ato- //. s @ ia,(t-'to-a?- @*^ ,18. e).- //. ft ,loo. p.E/ @ /.t- Ad- t.t70 @ 10 1.5 S^r, atetE4f oorrog oa sll|,6ra04.f .'Egg* &r/a, o,t5 XPLaarrlo^r /6' o 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 4040 DRILLIXG LOGS LINCOLN-DcvORE TESTING LABORATORY COLORADO SPRINGSiPUEqLO, COLORADO Test trb. 13529. GS-246 Lolcotion Vail 8-plex . , .. crcite 5/L3/76 Eorirqg Nb. T;P. #1 =Depth 4-5' .?- . L.. FEr furple Pq. 1 lest DY "^'" Noturol Woter Contenr (w) 15 ' 3 % Specific Grovity (Gs) 2.ga ln Ploce Density (r.) Pcf Plostic Limif P.L- 19' 4 o/o Liouid Limit L. L- 25-L o/o Pldsticity Index P. l.-_.-# Shrinkoje lirriir L8'4 % ,\AOISTURE DENSITY: ASTM METHOD Optimum Arbisfure Contenf - w*o -irt*itut Dry DensifY -fd---+cf Colifornio Beoring Rofio (ov)--4 Swel!' no Swell ogoinst---,Psf Wo goin o/o . BEARING: Hor.reI Penetrometer (cv)'-15Q-Q---,osf * Unconfi ned ComPression (qu)-Pst Plofe Bearing: PEt lnches Sef tlemenf- Consolidotion lo under Psf *llin. DL Fdn. Pressure = 800 Psf PERMEABILITY: Flow lndex Shrinkoge Rotio Yo Volume-tric Chonge 7o Uneol Shrinkogel 7o SIEVE ANALYSIS: Sicve lrb . o/o Possing2-L/2" 199.9 | |n" -+-< Y' 9L '2 l'/i" g_e FIYDROMFiER ANALYSIS: Groin size (mm) & 174lm ?P. ?2m- s:'o Ll NCOLN-DeVOR E TESTI NG LABORATORY coLoRADO SPRINGS, COLORADOSOIL ANALYSIS t I t I I I t I T I 'r, Fri.t'- - " I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I I SUMANARY SHEET Test Dote 13529. GS-246 Soi I Sonrp le s/L7/76r ,! rra i 1 8-olex| ^.dil.\n vs__ " t_-rn D +2 Depth 4-5Llorlng l\o. '.'. { Somp le No . ' LTETTI act hw Noiurol Woter Content (w) 15 ' 1 % In Ploce Density (ro) PctSpecific Grovity (Gs) sIEVE ANALYSIS: Sieve M.7o Poss i ng Plostic Limit P.1^ 18' 8 o/" Liquid Limit L. t- 27 '? o/o Flosticity lndex P.t.-_,._2'I= -"(Shrinkoge 1;tii 15 ' 5 %l': Flow Inde Shrinkoge Roiio Yo Volumeiric Chonge 9/o Lineql Shrinkoge o/o HYDROMETER ANALYSIS: Groin size (mm) MOISTURE DENSIW: ASTM METHOD Optimum lvbisture Content ' v1o o/o A4o*i.rt DrY DensitY -fd--Pcf Co lifornio Beoring Rotio (ov)---{: c,_..,-lt. 1 ftoys-#--7 i*.ii "wi*t-Z-9-psf Wo soin-7&" BEARING: Fbuse I Penetrometer (ov)=---3 5 m.-,osf * Unconf ined ComPression (qu)-Pst. 0200 .0050 29 .4 l-a.2 Plote Beoring:Psf lnches Settlement Ccnso lidotion o/o under Min. D L Fdn. Pressure = PERMEABILIW: Psf800 psf K (ot 20oC VoiC Rofio Su lfotes PPM. '1 / ttl LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTING LABORATORY coLORADO SPRINGS, coLoRADoSOIL ANALYSIS I I I I I I I T I I T I I t I I T t I 6oll SamPle Teat Date Test No.L3529. GS-246 Project VaiI B -pIex 5/L3/76 Saruple Locatlon r,P. #2 @_ la'_by EFL s.<h H FT3 frlz Hh 2 gl A 100 90 80 70 60 <n 40 2n 20 10 n 1oo I tYz" tl+1 #10 bt"-"f"r- t'{-l ,l #200#20 #40 #1m - Sleve No" SILT TO CI,AY NonplaEtic to Plastlc SaDple No. Spectfic t olEture Effectlve cravlty Content LL,V/. Slze ).co14 Cc 1351 0. 78 Plneneee llodulus LJ..22,Bq P.r._1.0 _% BEAPING 4000 p6f Sleve Slze % Passlng 4-L/ 4L L/2^ 100. 0 t6. t 1,,'7 1 1 3/4:66 ,9 L/2:63, Z 3/8" 1o so. z 20 40 4L.3 34,6 100 26.4 2OO 22 8 0200naqa Sulfateg pFn GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS LINCOLN-DEVORE TESTING IABORATORY COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I T I SoiL Type (1) CLIML. sqndf r4+h some --_---_-.-----dfaveL Test Date Test pe.13529 bJ-z+o Proj ect Sample vail B-plex 5/I3/76 obtained,-I.P- +f @ 4-5'by frl F, U) { E] uP' PRINCIPAL STRESS 2. KSF I U) F(r) TYPE m^-+ ni 7a6'f Sh6ar.lcSL 350 psf I50 psf d Peak - 36 . 5o Res idual-32 . 3o tan d 1A^o.632 Nd 1 0A ? ?n STRAIN - % li l*- -nciYl yer Dry Denslty-pcf Moisture - % LINCOLN-DeVORE TESTING I,ABORATORY COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORADOTRIAXIAL SHEAR I I I t T t I I I T T T T I I t I I I Soil Type (3) SM, gravelly Test No.13529. GS-246 Proj ect Vail B-plex Date Test ">/ Lt1 / t6 Sanple obtained by 2. I. h I 0_(/)L l4 F ld 601 0.5 PRINCIPAL STRESS 2.O KSF 2.5 ?n llr I frl Er .nrth6 tTi a c+rllrv rvvv Direct Strear r'n d Peak - 38. Oo Residual-36.7" tan d O.7BL 0.745 N6 4.20 STRAIN - % ',.,r'/ir ''//'clL "/ f J Ll<a r + I ai L-l f--l l--, L_l './. il Qt-1-psi Dry Density-pcf Moisture - % LINCOLN-DcVORE TESTING LABORATORY COLORAD,f, SPRINGS, COLORADOTRIAXIAL SHEAR 25.lunr 1976 Crl hlotz Aoo( ${18 Vill, Coldr* A€87 Rol Flle tlo. 6r-9-?3 - Erunptlan Crl O&ota Trftrrthq.rrc At SrrF rprcld rnretlm qr ?6 Ju:r letlr thf Bfd cil Conly Canrmlrtarr tpprs,rd yatr trtpfS to locdr cloht (C) drrdlhe tnl$ ar l'gir t8 as 14, thrfi.r grk Srsdlvlrldr. Thlr K.dd br a nrodlflet|€n af 'qt Effptlon rypllcdlo*,$a*$-7$. lf Wu lsw sry Srratl#rr plra oartr.t srt.'F|n*. for: Dln#r d Fl*rrlng er/|d Ge: B€tu of gqr,rty Oen*rrlntcur -7:r-yii-5 r..) 11r! I l,:'l'z ai. '.: ?flfi ',.'.'111, T.;l.tri,do 81,$5? Fls: File hlo. $e-9-713 Gcl tlrte Tounhouc.c At thair ss,sciel .'n6etlng on 26 lttay t9'76, tiTr |roard of i'Jrstty Cornmireiorr$re ieb'led your Flnal Flat fw tho Carl lll+tz Tr:wnfpi!!'iss untll ttn County Englneer rrns rorolvod wrd revfEwed the geology replft" if yor.r i'levo sny g\,sslionsr ploarlo cordact riris offie.o. \,f .',, ,':" Ste$ihdi isonr for: Rlreetor of Flannirq; sl/kr cc: Bo*d of Cc,nty Corrunbclotrru ?1 May 1976 Carl ttistz $ox 388 Vrrll, Colofado 81657 Rc: Flle lrlo. 8e-9.73 Orl Dlrir Tcnnnhourrc At th.lr nlgoritr mrotlrrg on 19 May '1976, th. Eaglr Cos*y Plcrnlng 9ornrnlarlon revie,ved your Flnd Plat for tlr CIul Dlotz Tovrnhouear ud oorrrnondrct eppmvaf wNth the oondltl,on ttrd tha *alrqo and geology rcport, nour brlng shlGllcf by Fllcant, prave cltc le adec;.rate for h,rlldlrg. 'Ihs rgcor*nendatl,on wlfl bc prucariled to thc Board of Oarrty Oornmlnlorr d thrlr apcclrd meedlng al 26 May 1Sf6, beglmlrrg at 9:ffi A.M. lfl tra Gartlr Pr.tr Btde. 5i0 Bruarlaay, Eagrlc, Color$. lf you h6ve Nny qmtionc, pbaar oentact thic offioa, Ml{*rrl $. Elnlr Pir.ctof b'lsB/kt cc: Eorrd oil Aamty Cornrrrlmlgmru . . ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 811 Dagkr, Colorado 8lS3l Vail 476.5613 Daglc 398-7718 Bnsall 92?.8322 11 May 1976 'partnleDt of PS.anningO. Box 789 :g1e, CO 81631 aud Developnent ffiryt,"*^ ttny , .. '-u a,, t 4 i.-. **; .r:i;;,i: ,:.,"i o : File No Se-9-73 Comments are: Parking lot drainagefron property lines tlust be connectdd to connected. Carl Dietz Exemption should be detainedto remove o11, silt, Sest Vail Water aud and ftltered prior to discharge and road grime. Sanitatton Distrlct, if not a.lready .**", h61e County ETIE,/trv R.p"s.Sanitation MEIE COUNIT DTTIBTTTM OT DI.AIIIIIil! AND DTUEI.OTIilTIIT Caetle Peak Bldg. 510 Broodway P.O. Box 7E9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 10 May 1976 MEMO OF TRANSMITTAL To: County Engineer County Sanitarian County Planner Re: File No. Se-9-73 - Carl Dietz Exemption Please review the attached plan of "Dietz Townhouses" dated 6 May 1976 and submitted in accordance with Board of County Commissioners requirements of 28 Augr.rst 1973. The plan is to be reviewed by the ' Planning Commission on 19 May 1976. h/s by: Michael S. Blair Secretary, Eagle County Planning Commission Planning Department/Planning Commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 32E-633E Building Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Administration (303) 328-6339 taErE c0l'Nrv t OT PIAIINI!{O"AND 510 Broadway P.O. Box 789 rupfttntrut Dtllt[0PlilEI{I Castle Peak Bldg. MEMO Planning Dcpartmcnt/Planning Comrnission: Subdivision, Iluilding Official: Iluilding l)errnits and lnspcction, Zoning Doglc, Colorado 816Jl lo:County Engineer County Sanitarian County Plarner L':- Re: File No. Se-9-73 - Carl Dietz Exemption Please review the attached ptan of "Dietz Townhouses" dated 6 May 1976 and submitted in accordance with Board of County Commissioners requirements of 28 August 1973. The plan is to be reviewed by the Planning Commission on 19 May 1976. 10 May 1976 i OF TRANSMITTAL Rczoning, Applicat.ions and Ilcview (303) 328-6338 Adrninistration (303) 328-6339 by: Michael S. Blair Secretary, Eagle County Planning Cornmission / - lJ r{, f e.-'<J Pl c(/ r(5.a (tlo\ ^\\?. 1v., I,'*5 * Jycr,'.a.c 5 ( .tyra*.rf iAGL': COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PL,\NNING AND DEV=LOPIVIENT COURTHOUS: P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 Eagle, Colorado 8t631 28 August 1973 N/r. Carl Oietz Box 388 Vail, Coloredo 81657 Flle Nor 9o-9-73 Dietz Exenrptlon Thls off ice has been requested to rotlfy you that at thelr speclal meetlrrg'on 28 -\ugust, the Board of County Commlssloners denied your exempt lon and granted a variance to perrnlt walver of sketch and prellmlnary plans. r. f inal plat shal I be f iled wlth the Planning Commission; and prior to constructlont applicant is to confer with the Flannlng Staff to discues soils and parklng locatlon. lf you have any questione please contact thelr Secretary - the County Clerk, or this off lce, at the Courthouge. Respectfully, Robert H. Barr P lannlng Assletant RHB/Kt cc: Board of County Commlssioners ,. o SAGLE couNrY o DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COURTHOUSE P. O. Box 789 Phono 328-6338 Eagle' Colorado 8t631 '22 A.uguet 19711 1; Mr. Carl Dlctz Box 388 ! Vall, Colorado Re: Flle No. Se-9-73 Dlctz Exsrnptlon At thclr contlnued rncetlng on 2O Auguat 1973 the Eaglc County Plannlng Commlselon denled your appllcatlon for exemptlon from the Subdlvlelon Rrg.rlatlone. At the came tlrne, the Commlealon recomrrendcd approval of a varlsnce from Sketch and Prel lmlnary plan aubject to submlttlng a flnal plat, revletrr of parklng wlth the plannlng staff and e sollE atudy. Wo would alao llke to take thle opportunlty to notlfy you that accordlng to our records snct tho recelpta In the Eaglc County TreasurerEt Offlce, yot't have not etdcmltted the $25.OO E>cmptlon tto. lt la the pollcy of thle department not to forward any fllea to the Eloard untll the approprlate feea havc beon pald. The recommerdatlone wlll bc preEcnted to the Board of Co.rnty Commlealonera on 28 Auguat 1973 beglrnlrlg at 9:@ A.M' lf you have any cpcctlons or commente, yourre welcome to contact thla offlco. Rorpectfully, Robcrt H. Barr Plannlng Aeglstant RHB/Kt cc: Board of County Commlsalonere , '1 :' . F. O. Box .7Bg;' ,'phon6 329-699g :. "10 Augrst. 1973' Re: File No. Se-9-73 The Plannlng Staff , asslsted by other local agcnclee, hae revlowod your caae ard have forrnulated the follorlng rocorrungndatlong and flndlnge, whlch shall be preacnted to the Plannlng Commlcslon. Th€ llat le no woy complete byt reprcaents only thoee ereac dlgcuaBod at our meetlng. 1. Lot haa very ateop elope; 2, Pu6l lc road sround lot la too steep; 3. The plan recprlree exceaslve ctrtg Into slope; 4. parklng lot could be put In front.(eouth elcle) of bulldlng to redlcc cr.rt and reduce trafflc on ateep road; 5. lmmodlate vegetatlve cover ahould bc reqrlred; lf you have eny questlone, pleaae contact thlr offlcc. ' Beepecttully, Robort H. Barr Plannlng Aeglatant Rn8/kt cc; Rlcharde Englneerlng M Eagle Eounty Planner Eagle Eounty 6ourt House Eagle, Eolorado Dear Mlke: Please be advised, that the Drainage you ehould complete the requirements in connection uith my request of an divj.sion regulations for a 6-pIex in August 2, 1973 Report that I left urith of the PJ.anning Commission exemption from the sub- Buffer Ereek, Vail Valley. Please submit this project at the next meeting of the Flanning Eommission this month, so that I can receive final approval and proceed accordingly. Thank you flor your cooperation j.n this matter. RECEiYfD AUG 3 - 1973 DepL 0t ptannrng & Dcv6l, rsgte county, colo- Carpenlry Unlimited, lnc.(ror) 425-16gr Port Officc ugox 56E, Yail, Colorado Er6sz yo urs , CarL M. Dietz A BYRON D. BROWN REAL ESTATE CO. lb. Michael S. BLaln EagLe Cor.nty Planning Ccnnrissisr Bco( 789 Eagler Colqrado 8L631 Dean MiJce: thank yor fon tlp dnainage have no €ments ard firyf rp prrcbLenr BOX 547 - VAtL, COLORADO 81657 oFFICE TELEPHONE. 4762211 Corner of Bridge Strset & Gore Creek Drivg Atgust 2) 1973 Re: Drainage shrdy fo Cal Dietzr lots 6 14r Resubdivisio of, Brffen Qaeek str.ldy fcn Lbts 13 € 14r Buffor Q..'eek. I with ttris shrdy. Very t5r1y yoursi, .,<' /) /2./ 4srz# Byldn D. h"cr.rr hesident, Vail VilJage tlest !,ilate!3 ard Sanitation District 13 RECE,VED Auc 7 _ te73 '*!,s'ffi;,"?., ,,L tngau-u, o .0ro. ,/.- ?- z:L Xcnndh E. Richords Re: Lots 13 and 14, Resubdlvislon of Buffer Creek - c-J /'-i Upper Eagle Valley Sanltatlon District Dear Mlke : We received a copy of the drainage study for Lots 13 and 14' Resubdlvislon of Buffer Creek. These two sites are within the Upper Eagl-e Valley Sanitatlon District and can be sewed by a newly constructed sewer line in the roadway. I{e do not know what is planned for these sites slnce no other plans have been recelved t but assume there rr-111 be twonhouses or condomlnLun units. Slncerely , RICHARDS ENGINEERS, INC.@tu Kenne th E. Richards RECHVED AUG e - t9Z3 "'i,_1 :,il;;,, ;,i1",., a4t'fr. CIVIL INGINETRING . PIJlNNING . sURVEY5 sUBDIVISIONS . WATER & SEWIR 5Y5TEA{5 Box 6tl3 Vo il, Colorodo 81657 Pllonc 175-507 2 Dcnvcr 244-1521 August 7, 1973 Mr. Mlchael S. Blalr Planoing Director Post Offlce Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Engineer for the District KER/pr cc: Jin Co11ins, Mgr. Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation Distrlct Rcgistcrcd Pro{essionol Enginecn Regirtcred [ond Surveyors .*fu "-no-n.*L o EAGLE o MtssloNCOUNTY PLANNING COM COURTHOUS€ P. O. Box 789 Phone 328-6338 foql", Glo.Jo El63l 1 August 1973 To: EldoradoEngineering Colorado Geological Survey Colorado State Dept of Health Colorado State Engineer Environmental Health Vail Village West Water District Upper Eagle Val ley Sanitation District U.S. Forest Service Soil Conservation Service ' Town of Vail, Kent Ros{, Engineer From: Planning Department l Re: Drainage Study for Carl Dietz' Lots 13 Buffer Creek and 14 Resubdivision of The enclosed Drainage study for lots 13 and 14 Resubdivision of Buffer Creek is for your review and file. Flease let me know your comments and recommendations prior to the 15 August Planning Commission meeting. Respectful ly, .l .-.t --'/z4zi-o-' Michael S. Blair Planning Qirqclol MSB/Kt encl. Sent to the above August 1, 1973 agencies by certified mai I t BYRON D. BROWN Box547-vArL,coLo'Aoo 8r6s7 oFFTcETELE'H.NE: 476-221r REAL ESTATE CO.Corner of Bridgs Street & Gore Creek Drive February 26, L973 I"t. l{ichael S. Blair, Planning Director Eagle County Planning Commission P. O. Box 789 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Lot 13, a resubdivision of Buffer Creel<, exemPtion from Subdivision Regulations Dear Sirs: The Vail ViIIage West Water & Sanitation District has received from the County Commission the apPlication for exemPtion for lt. Carl Dietz. The water district f inds no Sroblem with servicing the above mentioned lot, as l.E. Dietz has already dis- cussed the rnatter of tap fee and made application for same with VaiI Village West Water & Sanitation District. We therefore have no cause or see no problem with the above application. 2^- Brown cc: Frank BarrettBill Cacek ': Bob Kirby Ieonard Decrace ,"q-{ o, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Box 8lt - Eagle County Courthouse Eagle, Colorado 81631 Vail 476-5613 tugle 328-771E Basalt 927'3322 Date: I'iarch 8, 1973 To: lCr. I'i. BIair, Director Eagle CounLy Planning Cormni ssion From: Erik W. Edeen, -l.P.S. rie: carl Dietz LoE 13, tsuffer Creek Subdivi sion. IIe have reviewed the plans for the above referenced property and recornrnend approvaL if the followlng conditions are met: (1) Afl plumbing, including water and s er.rer, confotm to Ehe Colorado Department of Health Plumbing Code. (2) Adequate and potable water, rneeting L.S. Public llealth and Colorado Department of Health Drinking ilater Standards, be provided in adequate amounts for drinking and fire pro tec tion. (3)Confirmation from the t'pper Eagle Va11ey SaniEation District, indicating when they vill be able co handle the fully occupied buildingrs sewage load and st.ill comply with the Colorado trrtater Pollut.ion Standards, adopted November 2tt t97Z and effective January 75, 1973. Assurance from the Sanitation District that this development will not result in either hydraulic or organic overloading of the ser,rage treatment. plant. (4) Adequate roeasures for collecLing and disposing of storm drainage and surface run-off be providedr including the pro- tection of the strean from pollutants carried in the storm and surface run -o f f. (5) hdequate provision for the collection and storage of trash and other solid wastes be provided. lllE/bwcc: Mr. Carl Di etzl'Ir. G. Misbach, p.E. State lleal Eh Department Box 386 - Eagle, Colorado 81631 March 8, 1973 Eaglo County Plannlng Cormrlsslon EagS-o, Colorad.o 8165L GentlemenS The CarI Dietz, tot 13 Buffen Croek Subdlvtslon wasreferred to the So11 Conservatlon Dlstnict for reviewand oomn€nt. Too llttlo lnfornation was furnlshed for a propelrreview. tre should have as amlnlmum tho mator"lalsrequlred ln the subd,lv1slon negulatlons for a $retch P1an. Generally, Solls ln this aroa are rated. as havlngsevere llnltatlons fon dwelllngs because of steepslopos and. rock contsnt. The conmlsslon should be satlsfled that the areawlIL be protocted. fnom orosion and sed.lmentatlon. Many nearby d.ovelopments a:re stlll pnoducing sedlment fnom cuts and. steep slopes. Sincerely, Ross E. ChambensProsldent -..t-?z v v r - I EAGLE couNTy pLANNTNG coMMlsstoN COUATHOUS€ E"sle' Gl-oJ. El63l Thls naiLed to the followlng people on Februar.y 22, L9?3 Colorado State Forest Service Colorado Geological Survey Colorado State Englneer Erlc &len, Health Dept Holy C?oss Electrlc Assn Mountaln BeIl Telephone Publtc Senrice Co. of Colorado Town of ValL Upper Eagle Valley San. Dlst Vail Village West l,{ater DLst. U,S. Forest Servlce Soil- Consersatlon D[st School DLst RE50J Vail Vl11age West Fire Dist. 5o F"? v 7 EAGLE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COUATHOUS€ P. O. Box 789 E"glc, C-ol"roJ" 81631 February 21,, 1973 Phone 328-7198 RE: Carl Dietz, Iot L3, Buffer Creek Subdivisi,on, exemption from Subdivision ReguJ-ations, Enclosed herewith ls an appl-ication and pLan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Conurission for review and reeormnendation at their regular meeting on the 14th of March 1973. In aceordance wlth C.R.s. 105-2-9, ]-06-2-33 and 106-2-34, IJ6)ras arnended, and Eagle County Subdlvj-sion Regulations, section 6.00, L972, you have 24 days within wtrich to respond or the proposal will be deened to have been approved by you. The Planning Cormlssion would slncerely aDDreciate your conments and recornnendations prior to the meetlng date. If ;rou desire addltional lnforrnati-on or time, please advise this office. thank you very much, iZZ;Z- Mic4rael S. Blair Pl-anning Director APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM EAGLE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Pursuant to Section 5.01 of the Eagle County Sub- division Regulations, I hereby apply for exemption from the provisions of said Regulations as to my proposed develop- ment located on ldt JFhif,tEnResubdivision of Buffer creek, EagJ-e County, Colorado and comprising 6 condominium units divided into 6 interests for the following reasons: It is respectfully submitted that an Exemption is appropriate under the provisions of 2.7 of the Subdivision Regulations on the foll-owing grounds: (a) The six (5) condominium units to be constructed are located in an area which is already developed with existing condominium and motel structures. (b) There are already existing roads, waler, natural gas, and sevrer colLection lines in the street in front of the subject property. (c) The property is situated. in utility districts and served by public utility companies necessary to supply each of the units with full utiJ-ity services. (d) The proposed condominium project is totally conpatible with the motel project immediately to the southeast. (e) The proposed condominium structure, in addition, has received the approval- of the Architectural Control Committee for the subdivision. It is understood that any action by this Commission granting said request for said Regulations Exemption applies only to the proposed deveLopment as shown on the sketch plan or other information attached hereto. Dated:Received: RESOLIUTION The foregoing Application has been considered by the Board *1";?d'u \day of A,le'S= , L973, which finds I and. determines that ttrls Division of Lands is not within the purposes for which the Subdivision Regulations were adopted and therefore said Appllcatlon is €H*.d (Denied) . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF EAGLE COUNTY Hecommended for denial by the Commissioners at their meeting BFard of County 0n 2O August 1973 R6d Slifer, Chalrman