HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK RESUBDIVISION LOT 15 UNIT C MUSTANG CONDOMINIUMS LEGAL.v,c,c,I(.) !i! zaii-: ! * e=u r;=;::r i= E !i;l!E i:f E::3:-:-! a c: ? E;;=: 1.;78:. i . <'= E :EE sE i; 7 a 1.-- j= = E; Eit;-c ! f ! E-2;-t-E 4 ! ..E i ': i. . .9 : F; AE +E+i, = = ; c'- €3; : :: =': ! ; E .! -L .= = r!i: z:; *: I c$t ct E c g Tf U ct I v +c lltltltltltlIJI tlt5llIJ lo1(,IIIItlilil Itl|llllltt2lqlr-.t IHI4l ol1lqldt14H ttldctl "-lr4 =(.5 (u.t =lol cllzflE H;Z hJ trl - ra F-orHgF)s>x >zzrri{< 3EZ a\2\JYa\:-zup-3tH.htsz !..-9a\ kl \,/- a< ,^FtrZzuxLrJ \ --1 <F<=r!F-Jc<qEaS=q:oE zSFF-e<lrl ( I --JIZPF<\Jo;ul=zFrL>Za\^S:Y -JR'? E r,..r l!!'< :- -F \J--r l* :\ ^-' l'\ !Irl Ito>,^ /\}*HX*.-YVFi3<*r<x\J-/1- !,- tr c( a t-ZlJ:*i=Ioqx-"J -FYl-(c<-rJFF]<XF\J>i\ tl{ F-A. F:t+f|.a)+ A. FI EN F -'a,l-ar{ r,F.t - FS F{ ffJaF rFl ffi\EY l- -f{ --aF{La|e a+\ddLIr+-,1"'d * ':a-,LI La6\.-,v l{-l 11 ArFl E'f-) 1!rq-a .lJrFlf{A.g o!(! !o o ,d I ! |rJ d. =o .d (U =o)ro r{ z.I sf@Ol @ (L' D '- Fo;r-E(l) 9gvoL:5 (5 ItFtFl.oIElc t5o&,lr) l.Frl i z;-:; oo. o =;;-i u,l(J J o- o o dozo ? F u, t oz E =E E ooo o (D @(D ).F ooo U' UJ tUtL ts =tul o- d1v- ;g/ q/6 ZVE1E #,Y,-) I I I ,...I -\>l { tsJ Fi3 I I \N{l Nl -tl*li -, t6 {tE "t:!9wd4 u.l o lfiIF FI; Elav)t ) =laOl.d<L-zt= 3t5 E u,lz3o utIFoz ci o o -go(5 .9 Eo-o c 'oF o)E o oo (rt .E !) E (, o)Doo o) s o o =l do o,o.(! 3o o EriEP'=O(,);i g8E; €EgE-.= (! F € EE:3 :€E: c96EIoSord5=; EEEi EE: F E!teo. G o.- SE; e oi-o-or =*e€EE: i EEEg -oE9Go'-!t; o o E't;c E E;E ifi s;9Eo -cEg: - o (E.= orr) o@ r(| GI osf cc LC(! orJ) =fc7) cc IJs oeoor-{ oq Oo lrta: tf, sf E =E UJ o-oz J l0 Yo UJ z J J otF C)uj tr z = z ui IIJ uJrlzo F u,Eo UJ oe o.o =uJ uJGzI ulo Fo x UJ z u,/J x F UJo an UJulu- tr =E UJ o- Js oF (Jz ; J o F J UJ (,z =Jo, J (.) z T NO[VnlVA +- 3 +(+ lce, .t 'c|!04oc z.o(Ftrc 15c J?<:siz u.lo =>E -t('ftr.t =oN zzool'r o- I =B e tDo1>E9l!<o* g-U FO -i ci +,l-ool!|g'l zo F .J t! f ulo- F ooo o - IJJ >< z E z9 E, uJFJ =llJz tltltltlaFzf2OaEUJ<o6< =Hx,r60<z o =z .. 9z EO3tr I Oll Ol l"]-tltol l-lI l+tiu;l+{+)'| .dt!ll--T;I ljlxlSl:lr utf G oo uJzv iF uJ F 2 F 5 z IJJo oz )<E z !, J l! o(Y' (\I c.tI& IF: uJ o I O':)ta r-{(.) 1) -lEI sl u,lF o uJ Eooo? zo Fo- IJJY lrJ (D o F tr G UJ o- l!o ooo It!Foz E z u- ..i5 =Ei3;E (Jz6 =f, o- uJoz a, a) o EIEo- JFur;h:= o- uJ =o-O|r9o\ulXo-x> J lt uJcl F co Ecl -9o B€ 'c-: E Eoo o Eo Etto! ! E =E UJo-zoFo3 E,Fazoo !trn ic t IIlrH tq-l H isl.nuaale.1,,tzq; o P .o E ot(l, It(Ut SP IJJ =z ID -) o!o I!o (! IE!tr .E E I.TJ E z lI\tFl<u<\4lI(c =f-Ol =t:3-ola =OI|rtoq -1a- H'nd>cl><tr =o aa uJcoo -t - !o 3 I =q t! tl li gg lBllzlt3l HPI ll l.llzl dfll l=l JA* z Eq u.,1 oz orE J >l rtlqz3q H =fi z tti ulE J >i ttl ol zl3olH =tr o =.)otril :l =lttl zl;l 9l dJ uJ F luz = F() UJ E- E, E -rO<FE() IJJ <zet!Fa=6a )t<oOF E?ir tE\2I -u G 2? =<-E]F -o' 6 =- uJ = E) \ z tf Ghgi4wF--Oz <()gfl*oI En! TION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER ,.. ROOF & SHEERtr ciYwo-bo Nniltruc tr GAs PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr trtr E*FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH [IECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,dAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR # JOB NAME l\i '' i REOUEST VAIL rNsil?noN TOWN OF.,,t,.. !1 "1.,.' ,,tri,-.. cL (lDATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL Ft tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT t:t / tr SUPPLY AIR I1fr^*T] FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tn {lz- INSPECTION:MON ) ' ,, t't '' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L DATE ,, z | ' -1 '-i t JOB NAME w€ij"t rHUR\*.// *)FRI /'' ', PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: F r- r.( -r--' r, BU tr tr X,E tr El tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ft tr n o FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED - f*'lEIglEitIN R EQU I R EDL,- E ,; CORRECTIONS: INSPECTIONTOWN OF / l-o REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON CALLER TUES 6,veo THUR FRI ,f -s- q '.1 \) tr DISAPPROVEDtyeppRoveo ^CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t v ( /''i^1a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V.N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING X tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR SPECTION TOWN OF j -?\ tzl/ "J \'" REQUEST VAIL l]'l I ..,\?. ]i-- ._/ IDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES wtD4 ,rHU @ AM /(fs',j I\'c , .( 'LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E}FRAMING _ ROOF&S tr GAS PIPINGr-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING {rrusuurroN tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR t r,ndft-tr FINAL t 'ffipaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: lsu" /^ INSPECTIONl) <t o 7 7v, /-a I TOWN OF CL THUR FRI -Z -a- REOUEST VAIL @'" oor'- 7 | ,^, /t >roB NAME rNSpECrloN: 7' q, tf";:::= READY FOR LOCATION:/rs BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER [ ,oor,"o. / srEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:IIEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR a ndt tr FINAL f1 VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPE i;. " CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: FOOTINSS-/STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB n t-1 N FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR - PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FINAL ,8, u D tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH tr tr tr tr tr CONDUIT FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR rnounton ffieerrig&lond rrrilhg co.. p.o. box ltl gypsum, colorado 8'16l!7 524-9414 945-tXl5O 400 8. hyland square, aulte a-l glenwood sprlngs, colorado 81601 94+AX5 June 10, L983 Peter Patton Town of Vai-1 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co 81557 Mr. Patton: The enclosed plats represent the resubdivision of Lots15 and. 16 of the Resubdivision of Buffer Creek, Town ofVail, Colorado. The purpose of the resubdivision is to make the lot line bet\^teen these two lots conform more closelv to the positionof the existing buildings. Each lot gains and loses 859 square feet, with the resultbeing Lhat they remain the same size as originally platted. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, C "Jjru Ou /u.t Debbie Duley ,/ DD/rtc cc TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM P'lanning and Environmental Commission Department of Cornunity Development June 8, 1983 Request for minor subdivision for Lots of 'Buffehr Creek. App'licants: Randy Leighton l5 and 15, Resubdivision Guerriero" Angela and Marie Reouested is a relocation of the common'l ot line between these two lots' ii'niuiJ-U.-un lquii t.aAe-off type of div'ision which wou'ld 'leave each 'lot iia'ii*. iir. ii'is now, but ifirould bring the lot line more perpendicular with the right of way (see enclosure). The purpose of the request re'lates to Mr, Gueryiero's recent request fOr. a iiae ieiUack variande-ior an addition which he wishes to construct' The iu6iiuiiiot pioposat would open up the southwest corner of the lot so that theaddition fits the lot restrictions better. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Conmunity Development recommends approval of the minor sub- Aivtii5n."qu"sl. tlte do n-ot think there will be negative'impacts_ftgltt tl9 proposaf, ariA it actually improves the layout of-the lots-with relationship to the street and the eiist"ing improvements irn lot 15. Conditions of approva'l: I. The approval of this re-subdjvision has ng imp]ications upon future variance requeits. Ttrat ii,-approvat for re-location bf the lot line in no way cornmits thd staff for future i^bcommendations on other requests concerning these I ots. areas on the'lot shall be clearly defined and physically restricted as paved. This should be addressed at Design Review Board'2. Parking ulel I as I7 oo Box 1155 VaiJ-, Colorado 81658 March 28, 1983 Town of Vail Bulldlng Department PJ-anning Comnission Vail, Colorado 81657 TO I,IHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I understand that Randall Guerrlero, owner of the Property at 1859 Meadow Road, plans an addition to his residence whlch will encroach upon the Town of Vallts 15 foot set back requirement, and will thereby require a variance. As a property owner ln the area, and considerlng that many other properties in the lrunediate area encroach upon the orlglnal 10 foot set back, I have no objection to a variance provided thls additlon is an aesthetic lmprovement on the slte; 1.e., landscaping and vehicle storage. 4/c-4soo President Capstone Condominium Association RSC: dyb %g d'" 9^oo)" , vb a\ (7 o*fr6\ !)-v 6-..2 /oI '- s o,i:.", olo"")4/\i'$ €' b \.-}v / s,6{- r.?'{" t# G5 l(to a,:t) D.^ a) o D(i 'r ao,;;C) (o\ \.,...r-\ '.. r"\'r.t(\%t...b> "-"t.-"?, -\ PEC -7- 8. lgquest to amend Spec District No. 6, the Vai'l Village IrL!1 complex, to add_gutJj-qe__ygn@ Applicant: Van Euring Dick Ryan explained that if the amendment is approved by the Planning and Environ- mental Conmission, and then by the Town Council, the app'l icant will have to come back with a request for a conditional use permit for a specifjc use. He added that the staff felt that a certain anount of vending added to the streetlife in Vail, and was in favor of it when it wasn't in conflict with other uses. Van Ew'ing sajd that he had the support of the surrounding shops. Trout said he had thought this was i'llegal in the Town of Vail. Dick explained that thjs r,rould be reviewed on a case by case basis. Diana wanted to know what controls the Town had over the other popcorn wagons, and Ryan replied that the agreement with the .Town inc1 uded control of trash, type of menus, etc. Donovari felt that a popcorn wagon would be good, but how cou'l d the town controi vending of baked goods, ice cream, etc., and she felt that criteria should be listed. Ryan described how this was handled in the Boulder mall: Certain areas vJere set aside for certain types of vending with only one year'leases. Donovan felt vendjng vvas a gold mine because the owner would not have to pay rent, and she would support the popcorn wagon' but not much else. Viele shared Donovan's concern, and he anticipated an expansion of thjs type of conditional use jnto other districts besides SDD6. Ryan admitted that he had received 4 or 5 other requests for,various types of vending'including a low frequency rad'io station for skiers. Corcoran stated that under conditional use perrnits, only a few criteria had to be met, so if an applicant met the crjteria, the PEC would have to grant the request. -1 ta7 D oa Van Ewing suggested changing his request to a specific use, and Trout wonderedif there would be anything wrong with that. Trout moved and Viele seconded to gppfqvg the request to h. with those existing in Vajl. The vote was 4-0 in favor of rcgormgn$-lg this to 9.est for a mino or lots 15 and 16 Buffehr Creek. 'r can Ran nge ra ton Peter Patten explained that this was a minor subdivision and that there were two conditions of approval . Randy Guerriero, one of the applicants, stated that his plans did include cleaning up the parking 1ot, Patten added that he had a letter from a survey company which indjcated that this was an equal trade-off. subdivision Guerriero. a Trout noved and Vie'l e seconded to approve the request with the vrords, "the lot"in cond-i-tiona 4:0-in Telor. 10. ?re'l,imil.afX Lgview- of ext_errpr modif jcation proposals in CCI and CCI resultedin the-fb-TT Major Lodge at Vai'l A & D Buiiding Lionshead Arcade Villaqe Center Sweet Basjl and Blu's Beanery Minor Gorsuch Christy Sports Purcel I 's COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARAiITEE COMPAilIY P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO, FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL. COLORADO 81657 Tef ephone a303l 47 6 -2251 Representing: f rl-e I r,rsu nar.rc e [o rvr enNv or ffl r r.r N EsorA 4Jslarces .rurM ao vrosrnrurlll ro ^NVdwof rcruvunsnl rtrrl '{:olerfrs przlJor nB rorpo ro racggo trnlupqe,r u dq perflualrmoc uaq,n p{e^ eq 01 'V eFpoqcs u! u/uoqs e}Bp orll uo srocgJo p"ztroqlnu fpp s11 i(q pex$e olunaraq eq ol pes puu arueu alerodroc sl! Pesnct sBrl ?losouqtr\l Jo ,(uedtuoC ecuarnsul enII 'JoirugHrlt SS1INIITI1 NI 'luaunluuoC sFtl {q poro,roc uoaraqg eEetlrour ro lserelu! ro alulsa erg enlel roJ prorar ;o sa4nbce parnsq paaodord eqt ersp eq1 o1 ropd lnq Joetaq altp o^llcoge org o1 luonbesqns 8u.npo11r ro sprooar cgqnd aq1 u; tqruadde $rg 'pel8orc 'IuB JI 'sroll?u rar$o ro suqBlc er.Ie ps 'socuBrqumcuo 'sue[ 'spaJaq 'S 'sprocar cgqnd eq1 dq unoqr 1ou pue,nul ,(q pasodu4 'peWFunJ ragcarerl ro oJoJolorarp IsIrelBIn ro roq?l 'saclares roJ 'ue[ e o1 lqtu ro 'ueq Iuy 't 'sprocer cqqnd aq1 fq uroqs lou orc qclqr$ prrE asolcstp plno,tr sespuerd aq1;o uoscedsur puu {a,rms 1rarror e qcr-qa slcuJ fue prn 'sluounlcuorcua 'torr u1 atugoqs'saug fruprmoq q sltlguoc 'se.rcrndarcslq '€ 'sprocor c.qqnd eq1 fq unoqs lou 'queues?o Jo sut.Elc ro Jquerrros?g 'Z 'sprocer cgqnd aql i(q uinoqs 1ou uopsassod u1 seprod go su4rp ro srqtgg 'I :tuptrolpy aqt ot toefqns ostE s! luflirlluruoC slrll 'ol parraJar a,roqu atrra,roX uorJ suolsnlcxg puu suopelndpg puu suolllpuoJ aql u! pauleluoc srellrur org ol uolllppe uI SNOlld:l3Xl OUVONVIS 'lueurlluuroC spp ;o suogsprord ein ol palqns are pue uo p6rq aq lsnu luaulluuro3 sJrp dq poro/\oc uoalaql etuEuout eW Jo snllls erp ro $erolq ro elelse arll ol .np aqlJo snle$ .ql Jo lno tqspe ,(ueduro3 ar$ rsrnute tqrq fuur ro a,ruq i(uru pernsul pasodord et1| tBql uoncu Jo stq8lr ro suollcB Jo uottcu fuy 'p 'uleraq pagpour Iperdxe su gdecxa tueuDluturoC s5ll Jo u?d B apuur puB acuareJer {q palerodrocq {qaraq en qclqrr pamsul paeodord aql Jo ro BJ ul r9J p3lrr-ur -uoc sapqod ro Icqod;o ruroy ogl ;o oturarro3 uo{ suoFnlcxa eql puB suollulnd[S puB suolllpuoC aql puB suolslAord tqmsug ar$ or rcefqns sl ,{r$qeJ1 qcns pu? roJ pell$ruoc salcplod ro ,(c11od aW roJ V elnpeqcs u! peluls lmous aql peecxe r$;ggug qcns IIBrls luo e ou uJ 'lueurlluturoC sIO {q paraaoc uoareql atutuoru ro lsaralr4 ro alelsa arp elrarc ro a4nbcu o1 (c) ro 'g eFp.lps u! u,{rolF suopdaoxa a}?ulu{la ot (q) ro;oaraq sluaura4nbar eql qt!^r ,(ldruoc o1 (u) {ueJ poot u; lluppgepun q uoaraq ecu8ll .a.r q perncu! ssol Fnlc? ro3 Iluo pus roJ pallpuuroc sapllod ro ,(cuod ;o urroJ aql u p3rnsul Jo uoqlulJep oql rapun pepnlc .q selgud qcns puB parnsul pcodord paureu aql ol Iluo aq 11Yqs lueutllunuo3 slql rapun i(ueduo3 eqr Jo ^rMBn '€ 'suope1nd11g puu suolllpuo3 6aql Jo t qdrrtrrud ol luunsrnd perrncu! r{pnoprad Il111qe.q uor; i(uudruo3 aql a a1ler lou IplF lueupueu? qcns lnq 'r(;Suproccr luaulluturo3 s.n1 ;o g eppaqcg puare ,(ru uolldo sU 1e fwdruo3 aqt'ralluur raqlo ro lulBlc asJa p, 'ecurJqurncuo 'ua1 'loaJap tpns {ue go atpapoul pnlcu sa4nbcu aspr -rarpo ,(uudurog eql;1 ro 'furduoC aql ol atpaproul qcns asolssrp IIBr{s parnsul peeodord aq g1 'atpel,nou:q qcns .copslp os ol pe.rnsul paeodord aqr ;o ernpug dq peclpnfard s1 i(uudtuo3 a{l luelxe eql ol u@raq ouugar Jo pe {uu urog tqlpsar a8uurep ro ssol ,(ue ro3 Irgqeq uorJ paAoler aq geqs ,(uedruo3 aq1 'tupp.t u1 IwduoX aq1 o1 atpalroul qcns asopslp or Iq lltr{s puB 'Joereq g ilnpeps u! u.,norp asoql uBql raqlo lueulgnnoC sFO l(q parairoc uoe.raql atrtlrour ro Noralq ro elape aql tullc.JJB rolotu rorllo ro urIBIo aora pl'ecuBrqrunJuo 'uoJI 'lta;ep {w go atpolinoul Jenlce sarpbcu .ro suq pamsul paeodord oqg g1 'Z 'luaumtlsu! {Urnces raglo ro 'paop lsrul 'lsul Jo p.ap apntcq II?!F'qareq p6n uaqn i.etu61rour,, utrol erLL 'I sNo [vr ndlls cNV sNotItoNoS 'Iuuduro3 erp Jo rImJ eqt tou s; sepgod ro Icgod qcns enss! ol eJq;eJ eql rsr{l pap$otd 'srncco 1sn3 re,reqcFlA 'enss! nB{F roJ palllunuoc sarc[od ro {cgod aqt uaq/$ ro Joerarl alep e [caJJa aql raUB sqluou xls ol?ulu[al pue es?ec IFqs ropunoJeq suoll -uEgqo pue ,qnqell IIE prre ecuurnsq epp go sepqod ro {c1;od rlrru Jo etuBns$ aqr o1 ,ftuunrnlard q lueullururoC slrtJ, 'lueuesaropue luanbcqns {q ro lueutllruuoc s!{l Jo acu?nss! aql Jo eu4l aql l? rsqlla 'duEduro3 aqt Iq;oaraq v srnp3ws q peuosu! uaoq arBq roJ pollFrrurot sa1c.r1od ro r$god aqt 3o lunouB aql puu parnsq posodord aqg go figuep1 eq1 uoqr lpo aAIlceJJo oq 11zrF luaiulp[toJ slq,L ';oaraq suorlelndllg pu? suonpuoC eql ol pue g puB V soFpeqcg;o suop;aord agl ol tcafqns gu lroleragl satraqc pur surnturerd oql go luau(ed uodn 'y oppaqcs u! ol peueJor ro paqposap puq aqr ur Iqaraq pere,roc lsorolu! ro elBtse eq1;o aaEutuour ro reu,ro 88 'V Enpeqcs ul pourBu pernsul pasodord . .rp Jo ro^q q 'V elnp.qcs q pegpuopl sB 'oouurnsu! a$$ Jo selcJlod ro fiJlod sl! anss! ol sllutuot, i(geroq 'uollBreppuor elqunJu^ u ro;'ifuuduro3 aql palpc ulereq'uollerodtoc Blosauull{ u 'VIOSSNNIII dO A11y.il{OC ACNW1SNI in6 stoceuul4'1;odeeuu;11 lo AuedruoC ryofs E vrosiNNr[1ll ro ^NVd^ol 3oNvdnsrul rurl '^8U 0t6t - lNSIIIlnnOC NOllVlCOSSrt 31ItI ONV] NVCtU3lltV ta/z A z99z ui.lol wtI oo oo oo oo oo oo oo COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARA}ITEE COMPANY P. O, BOX 357, 108 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Tolephone l3J,Sl 47 6 -2251 vros3NNrl l ro ^Nvdt^rof rcnvunsHl lrrrl 'rfto1eufts pazlroqlm rorllo ro recggo Eurlepgpa u {q paualsralmor uaq,$ plp^ oq ot 'V eFpeqcs u! u,$orF elep eql uo sracgJo pezlrol$m flnp s1t ,(q paxgge oluneroq eq ol Fes pu? erlreu alerodroc sll poanec sstl ?loseuuJy^l Jo ,(ueduo3 ecrnmsul oPII 'doirugHrtl SS1INI1A NI.luau4lunuo3 sF{l dq pora,roc uoeraql atetpou ro tseralu! ro aFlse eql onp roJ ptorot yo sermbcu pernsm posodord arp olup erp o1 rolrd lnq Jooraq qup e pcaJJo oql o1 luonbeeqns tqnlceue Jo sproral clqnd aq1 u1 Equuedde 619 'peleerc 'fu? JI'$ellBtu reqlo Jo suryeto aua pB 'secueiqurncua 'suall 'slJeJaq 'S 'sprocer cqqnd eq1 Iq unoqs 1ou pue ,nu1 {q pesodu4 'pa$IurnJ relporaq ro oroJolararp Flraleut ro roqq 'secpes roJ 'ua[ E ol rqtlr ro 'ueg Iuy 'p 'sprocar cqqnd eql dq u roqs lou aru qrlrlr pu? esoltslp plnort sespuard aq1;o uopcodsul pua {a,uns lcelroc ? qclqa s}rEJ dua puo 'sluautgcsorcue 'uaru u.r etegoqs'seu1 dJupunoq u1 slclguoc 'seycurdorcqq 'g 'sprocer cqqnd eql ^q u.$oqs lou 'sluetuos?a Jo su.EIJ ro isluotuossll 'Z 'sprocer cqqnd aq1 Iq unoqs 1ou uopsassod u1 solped go su4e1c ro qqftg 'I :ft4,no11oy eW ol rcofqns odp sl luiltlpuutoJ slql 'ol parreJa! arroqu aEwarro3 urorJ suopnlJxg puu suoylupdpg pnD suolllpuoC erD uI peq?tuoJ sralBut eql ol uoFlppB uI sNotrd3sx3 0uvoNVIS 'luaurlF[urof, slrll Jo suolsllord aq1 o1 1caftns are puB uo paseq oq Fnur luourlluuoJ sgn fq pera oc uoaroql etptuoru eql Jo snlep erp ro 1seralu! ro olelsa oql ol a1l$ eql Jo snlu$ eql Jo lno tu;qrr Iuudurog eq rsr4etu tupq i(eu ro eruq Ieu parnsul pesodord .ql lutll uo;1ce go slqip ro suollcu ro uogpe luy 't 'ulareq peu1poru i(pserdxa ss ldacxa lueu4luruoJ slql Jo usd ? ep?ur pw acuereJer Iq palurodrocul {qaraq eru qcJqrr Frnsul pesodord eql Jo ro^BJ u! roJ_ pallgl -uroc salcglod ro dogod 1o urog egt go eteraao3 uro{ suo$nlcxe eql pue suoJlqndpg pue suolllpuoC aql puu suo$rAord Sqmsur ag1 o1 paiqns s1 ,ttTllqefl qcns pue roJ pallFruroc se1c11od ro i{cqod eq1 ro; y alnparps u! pelqs lrmou? eql peecxe flgqeq qcns 11BrF lue a ou ul 'luaulgluro3 slrp Iq poraroc uooraql atuiuour ro lsa]alq ro al?lsa eql elBetc ro a4nbce o1 (J) Jo 'g eppaqcs u1 rnroqs suopderxa aleur.ruqa o1 (q) ro Soa.req sluaura4nbar eql W!,r flduo. ol (u) ,nlul poot ut tug:puapun u! uoar.q etuql -et q perrncu1 ssol pnp? ro; I;uo puu roJ pellluuoc sa;cqod ro i(c11od Jo tuloJ aql u! pernsul Jo uollpgep eql rapun popnlt -r4 saJrred qrns pus parnsul paodord pauruu aq1 o1 ,(po eq n?qs lueunluuroC slqt rapun i(uuduro3 eqr ;o {lntqen '€ 'suo;1u1ndpg pue suonlpuoJ aseql;o g qderterud ol luansrnd perrncu! Ipnoprud IlJgqu.q uorg Iuuduro3 eql o aflar lou fisrp luoluputut? qcns lnq'IBqproccu lueullurutoC slql Jo g alnpaqJs pueutu {uut uopdo s1g 1e {uodurog orll 'rollBu reqlo ro U4BIJ a6Ja p? 'atuBrqunouo 'ua['loeJap qms rtuu yo etpe;nou1 pnlca sa4nbce eq,tr .raqlo Iuedurog aql j ro 'fuadruo3 oql ot atpapoul qcns osoloslp 1pW parnsul pesodord aq1g1 'o8pe1.rou1 qcns esolcslp os ol pornsul peeodoid eq1 1o etngu; i(q pacrpnford sr i(uuduro3 eql luelxa aql ol uoaroq aou?Fer Jo 1ce r{uu uor; tultlnsar ateutBp io ssol i(ue ro; f14qe.r1 urory pe e.qar eq JI?IF {ueduro3 aqr 'tultp,n q IuedruoX egg o1 atpelnou4 qcns asoplp or [sJ ll?rls pue toareq g ?Fporps ul urrrorp aeolp uurlt rerno luau4ltuuo3 s1q1 Iq pora oc uoateqt a€s8lrou ro $araluJ ro at?$a all tuqcegge r-a11uurraq1o ro u4ep esJe^p8'aouzrquncue 'ueg 'lcagop Iue ;o atpel,nou4 pnlcu sarpbce ro suq pamsul pasodord aq1 ;1 'Z 'tuourulsu! flFrncao raqlo ro'peap lsul'lsnil Jo peap apnlcq 11eqs'qereq pon ueq,l |.et?tuout,, urrel eq;. 'I sNo trv"t nd rls oNV sNotr toNoS 'fueduro3 aqt go lFeJ eqr 1ou q sqcqod ro Icgod qcns enss! ol arnlFJ aqt teqt pappord 'sncco lsrf; reAarlcF{.n 'enss! lBrls roJ pollpnuoc saycqod ro fc11od aql uarla ro Joeroq elep a lpaJJe aql regs sqluou xts al?ululJal puu a6uac 11BtF repmalaq suoll -eigqo pw Irnqql [B pu? acuBrnsu! a1lp;o solcgod ro dcqod qrns Jo eruunsq aql 01 ifteuJuletd $ lueurlpuuroC ErlI 'lugruoseropuo luonbesqns Iq ro lueulpluo3 slg Jo acusnss! aql Jo ouql aql lu reqga 'Iueduo3 aq1 i(q yoaraq y a1nparpg u! pauasu ua.q airzg ioJ pe11luttuoc selcqod ro Iqlod oqt yo lunouB eql pue pansul pasodord aq1lo &nuepl ol{l uoqs Iluo a,ulcage eq IpW lunrl$utuoC sllLl pu? v sornpaqcs;o suoplaord aq1 o1 1cefqns gu irosereql setnqc puu surnsurerd .'-:rt':tfiH,l]HitEJry Tt:ll?i3%t:i?.?'Tr.1 ro peqlrsap puq or{l q fqeraq pererrot lsarelq ro el?lso er$ Jo oatEfiIout ro rau,$o sB 'V alnpaqcg ul peqeu parnsul peoodord erp Jo roAEJ q 'V alnpeqcs q parJ$urp! EB 'etuernsu! epp ;o solcgod ro i(cqod sl! anssl ol slFuruo. Iqaraq 'uoglerappuoc alqsnF e ro;'r(ueduro3 oqr paIIEc qeiaq'uollurodror ?loseuqll B 'VIOS!INNrn dO ifWdIlOJ AJNVUnSNI AT,III Bloseuultu'qlodeeuulw lo AueduroC rlcols B vrosrNNr[1lt ro ^NVd^ol rcNvunsrul :rrrl '^eu 0261, - IN3]l[ilI1,ltoc Nollvlcossv 3lltr oNv't NvStu3utv la/z A zggz urlol t/{lf A tO )c'o n n r r n E H T O, SCHEOULE A Appl lcrtlon tlo, V0005071 For lnformrtlon 0ntg - Chrgtr -0unu Pol lcg l$0.Ott--T0TAL-- l5tl.tl0 tflth gour ncsli.tenee plrree rcfcn to U0OO307!. l. Effrctlve Orter APRIL 19, t?93 rt 8100 A.ll. l. Pollcg to br lrrued, rnd proporod Intuprdl "ALTA' Ounrr'r Pollcg TBD For*r 8-1?70 (Alrndgd 10-17-7tl) Proporcd Insurcdl TS0 3. fhc artrtr or Intsrert In tho lrnd drserlbtd or ncftnrtd to In thlr Beorltnrnt rnd covtprd hrnrln irl A FES 4. fltlr to the rrtrtr or Interrrt covrncd hsreln lr et the rffrctlvedrtr hrrrof vrrird Inl AlroELA ttARrE LETBHT0N, ALFREo K. $CHREIER AllD ALBERT$IE SCHREIER U. Ihr lrnd rrfrrprd to In thlE Conrrltnent le drrcrlbtd rr toltoutt LoI 16, ftESU80M8I0X 0F BUFFER CREEK, ACC0RDIIIB 10 THE RECoRDEo PLAT THEREOF, EOUNTY OF EAI}LE, STATE OF COLORADO. rrafc'oinr?rsltr aO :,..:] ': 'l Thr follo$tng rnr thr nrqrlmmntr to fr corpltrd ulthl ..jl.Frjrrattoonfonthrrccountofthr9rrntorror'ront3r3orrofthr'. full coarldrprtloa for thr rrtrtr or Intrrrrt' to bt lnrurtd.-.' l. Pnopu Inrfnumnt(r) crlrtlng thr otrtr or Inttrut to br Inlunrdrurt br rncst{d rnd dulg f llrd fcr" rreordr te-nltr il ,{F, A Of c o il n r r n s il T aO SCHEoULE 8-2 (Excaptlonc) Appflcrtlon llo. UO0O507I Thr potlcg or pollclrr to br lrsutd ultl conteln rxcoptlonr io the follorlng unlrrr the ernr rr.e dleporod of to th* rrtlrfrct, lon of the Cooprny I 1. Et,rndrrd Erceptlcnc I through $ prlntad on thr cover rhcst, 6. Texrr lnd rr*rrrrrntr noi gtt duc op pryrblr rnd rpeclrl rrsrrrnrntr not yrt certlflcd to thr Trrrrurr'r offlce. 7. *ng unprld trxtr or frlerrnrnt* rgrlnrt rrld lrnd, 8. Llenr for unprld $rtrr lnd rrurn chrngrrr lf rng. ?. RIOHT OF PROPRISTOR OF A VEI}I OR LODE TO EXTRACT AIID RETIOVE HI8 ORE THEREFRON SHOULO THE 8ANS BE FOUNO TO PEIETNATE OR IT{?ERSECT THE PREnIEES A8 nESERVED IN UITITSO SIATES PiTENt R8CoftoED OCTOSER 04, 1918, Iit B00K 93 AT PABE 301. rO. RI0HT OF UAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAtg CO'ISTRUCTED 8Y THE AUTHONITY OF THE UNITED BTATSE Ag RESERVEO I}I UT{IIEO 8TATE8 PATEilT RECOROEO ocIoBsR 04, t?18, Ilt B00K 93 AT PAEE 3Ol. tl. RESrRrcTM C0VENA!|T8, UHICIT DO IOT CoNTAM t FoRFEXTURE OR REVERTER sLnuSE, BUT O|ITTTTNO RESTRTCTIONE, rF AltY, BASED OH RACE, C0L0R, RELI0IoT{, OR XATIoNAL oRroINr AS C0I{TAINED rr{ I}TSTRUnEHT RECOROEO ocToBgR 08, 1t63, IN 300K l7B AT PASE 7E ANo A8 AilENoE0 rl{ rltsrRufiEt{T R500R0E0 APRIL 01, 1936, IN B00K 192 AT FASE 3.tr 4il0 A8 AiENOEO rr,r Ir,tEIRUilENT REC08DE0 nAY 25, 1966, IN B00K 1?7 AT PAOE l. 12. EAgCfIENT fi}ID RIOHT OF I'AY FOR INNIOATIOil OITCH A8 8HO9N ON THE RECONOEO FLAT OF THE RE8U8DIUI8IOil OT BUFFf,R CRSEI(. T3, UTILITY SASEIIf,I{T OVER THT I{ONTHUSSTERLY FIVE (T} FEET A8 SHOIIII OI{ TH6 Rf,CORDGO PLAT OF THT RE6USDIUIEIOT{ OF BUFFSR CRESX. l{. DEEO OF TRUST 0AIEO SEpTenBgR 09, 1970, FRo$ A}IOELA iARIE LEIoHTO}|, ALFREO K. 8C|{REIEN AilD ALBERTI}IS SCHNEIER TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EASLE COUilIY FOR T'IE U8€ OF EANCO IiORTSAO€E CONPiilY TO SECURE THE 8uil 0F 1631900.00 RECoROEO SEpTEftEER 28, t978t ill B00K 37S AT PABE 896. - ^ ,7-\ rrt5a\fGtllL-/-\\\./llr-l--J(J rJ \--,r lJ tr nrn|l|l5 \\'\Y/\Y/ t\-\l N\ -l \_TY lnterof f nee nne nno rand umn to' Johnson and Kunkel Surveying Met Atwell. Countv Enoineer '.<+ SubjEct: Fi na'l Pl at Check XXCO( Beth Riggert, County Attorney From: P1 anning and Development File No.: , Sm-123-79 Date: 31 Ju'ly 1979 The enclosed Final Plat for the Mustang Minor Subdivision is being referred to your for your review and conment. Please advise us of any comments or recomnendations you have prior to the 15 August Planning Cormission Meeting at which time the item will be reviewed. Thank you t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannjng and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vai'l wil'l hold a publ ic hearing in accordance w'ith Section '18.66.060 of the muni- cipal code of the Town of Vail on April 25, .|983 at 2:00 pm'in the council chambers in the Vail munjcjpal bu'i1ding. Publ ic hearing and consideration of: l. Request for a sjde setback variance in order to build an addition on an existing residence at .|859 Meadow Road, Lot .l5, Resubdivision of Buffehr Creek. The application is in accordance with Chapter .l8.62 of the Vajl municipal code. Appl icant: Randy Guerriero 2. Request to amend Section .|8.26.030 Conditional Uses, to allow the necessary hardware for the relay of the radjo and televjsion signal to the primary transmjtter site as a conditional use. The procedures will follow those set forth for amendments jn Sectjons .|8.66.100 through .|8.66.160. Applicant: R. & L. Communjcatjons, Inc. 3. Request to amend Section .l8.64, Nonconforming Sites, Uses, Structures and Site improvements, to include language which will allow for interior expansion of pre- existing 1ega1 non-conformjng uses for additional Gross Residential Floor Area. ThL procedures wil'l follow those set forth for amendments in Sections .l8.66.'l 00 throuth .l8.66..l60. Appl icant: Richard S. Baldwjn.4. An appljcation in accordance wjth Sectjons 18.26.020 and .|8.66..l00 of the Vai'l Municipal Code to rezone lot 6, Vail Ljonshead First Filing (Treetops Condominiums) from the High Density Multiple Family zone district to the Commercial Core II zone djstrjct, and in accordance with Section .|8.52.160 requesting an exempt'ion to Sectjon .|8.52.090 to allow a loading space within the required front setback. Appl icant: Treetops Condominium Association 5. A request to amend Chapter .|8.54, Design Review, of the Vail Municipal Code stating procedures to be followed, application requirements, and add'ing new design guidel ines. Appl ication is jn accordance with Section '18.66.'100-.|8.66..l60 of the Vajl Municipal Code. Appl icant: Town of Vajl. PUBLIC NOTICE The applicatjons and information relating to zoning administrator's office during regular by the public, TOWN OF VAIL COMI'IUN ITY DEVILOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR, ZONING ADMINISTMTOR the proposals are ava'ilable in the business hours for review or inspection t Published in the Vail Trail April 6, 1983. - als^ ^'. e^^!r^^+; '^ -w! cs j:. r gu!(ED u-r-tl,--t'prl-n"ryl S e C on'1 a-rJ' variance to chapter 13.13.050 of theresideiltial- disirict, ste*ting : Setbacks In the prinary/secondary residential district, the rnin- imu'n front setback shall_ be twenty (20) feet, the minirnunside setback shalL be fifteen (15) feet, a't1d the minimwrrear setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. (OrA. 50 (Lg?B)/2 (part). ) f am requesting a vari-ance to the fif i;een foot sidesetback requirenent due to the follorving reasons: 1. The ezisting structures in the vicinity do i{OT, forthe most part, conform to the 15 ft. setback requirerneni(see rnaps). Appficant wcu}d be deprived of privileges enjoyed by other property o!!rylers in the sarne neighborhood. 2. Adjacen'c property ovners have no objections tothis setback variance (see letters). 3. The practical difficul-ties of placing this additionon any other part of the buil-dabl-e l-ot rivoul-d be monumental due to the existing floor p144 04 the house and the proposedcarpcrt rvoul<i not be accessabLe.from anyrr,rhere el-se on the 1ot.(see pl-at maps) 4. Due to the shape and topography of the site, anaddition of this nature ',rculd be impossibl-e at any otherplacenent (see naLp) and (refer to on-site imspeciions) 5. Due to the angle of property, line e:<pansion of a-djacent procerty would stil1 keep accepatab'] e distances betrieen structures. T0: Ya.i1 Planning Departnent FROil: Randall I'{. Gu.erriero r a:n aware that RANDALI GUERRIERO, of 1859 l.ieadovr Roa.r1, is proposing an addition to his present home which neeessitates a variance in the set-back requirenents. f an also avare ihat many of the structures in the neighbo:'hood are too close to the lot lines ler current setback requirernents. f, therefore, have no objection tc ldr. Gueruiero building his addition rvith the need.ed setback variance. f8t o Atu-adb4 q-16 - s.rqp n I /a \ /'t)- a t] I / /TW,Y\/ Ee" t* 4eoocr". R) + l(\a-t\r^ crcs-(.- CLrnDo CAC A .l ; -l T0: Yail Planning Depa:'tment FROiitr Randall it{, Guerriero I a.re aware that RANDA;,L GUXRRIERO , of LBJ) l,leadoi,r Road, is proposing an addition to his present home which necessitates a variance in the set-back requirements. I an also a'/rare that many of the structures in the neighborhood are too close to the lot lines per current setback requirements. I, therefore, have no objection to l{lr. Guerriero builtling his addition rvith the needecl setback variance, NAI{E & ADDRESS PHONE /65" '74/.--4^4'?-! urJ A . c/rc _ce &e_ 'J; fnn. n"ff*1 To.J-.,.,\ duru,... *A T0: YaiI Plannine Departnent FROITIr RandaLl 11. Guerriero I a.m aware that RANDALL GUERRIERO, of L8J) l'Ieadow Road, is proposing an addition to his present hone which necessitates a variance in the set-baek reouirements. I am also aware that neighborhood are too close setback requirernents. I, in{r. Guerriero building his variance. NAI'{E & ADDRES many of the structure$ in the to the lot lines per eurrent therefore, have no objection to addition with the needed setback q/4 /t + /2..-. T0: Vail Planning Department FROil: RandaLl Itt. Guerriero I a-m aware that RANDAi:L GUERRIERO, of L359 l,ieado','r Road, is proposing an addition to his present hone which necessitates a variance in the set-back reouirements. f an also av/are that many of the structures in the neighborhood are too close to the lot lines per current setback requirements, I, therefore, have no objection to I/lr. Guerriero building his addition rvith the needed setback variance. .)t ?0: VaiL Plarrning Department FR0i,1 : Randall t1{. Guerriero f an aware that RANDALI' GIIERRIERO, of 1859 l,ieadow Road, is proposing an addition to his present home rrhich necessitates a variance in the set-back requirements. f an also a'/rerre that nany of the structures in the neighborhood are too close to the lot lines per curuent setback requirenents. 1, therefore, have no objection to itlr. Guerriero building his addition with the needed. setback variance. lg 8o LrJ. rne.JA/) G^44' WA& &"an.AA^' "P)4'' l/r-a.a, 6.saazr a I T0: 1,'a-il- Planning Departnent FROiil: RandalL lrj. Guerriero I a-n aware that P.AIIDAIL GUERRIERO, of 1859 lleadov Road, is proposing an addition to his present home which neeessitates a variance in the set-back requirements. I an also avrare that many of the structures in the neighborhood. are too close to the Lot lines per eurrent setbaek requirements. I, therefore, have no objection to idr. Guerriero building his addition with the needed setback variance. 4/6^060/ /-of+ /d Kurusp,visra/ ?rr*l This procedure The application /rp1il ic,--r tion Dat-e roru'l TOR ;\ VARIANCE for any project accepted until f,i _1./ 6' 'r_._ requesting a Variance. all information is submitted. , (- t't]. PHONE // 71 ,/"/ | 7 'PHoNE ?76 ) vt 7 I I. I^PPLICATION is required will not be A. B. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT NAME OF ADDNESS APPLICANT'S -.9'. AUTHORIZA[IO1'I OF PERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS c.P c.'l D.OF PROPOSAILOCATION ADDRESS ,Aier*b'.' ,li/'/-4,J'i LEGAL DESCRTPTTON :.ot /5 urocx $100.00 plus an anount equal to the therr current first-cla.ss Postage Tate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject ProPerty and their addresses. L0,. 15 .qngela ,,ei;lrtcir, ijo): 2057, y3.i'l , Co. ')L65i LC'. 14 ' Hil-1si,i e Conilo. Assoc. , Bo;! L7)I , Vail , ic. l-C': 2I Capstone Tcr,.:nhouses, l]o,{ II55, l,raiJ-, Co. -1,(,? :J Suffer Creek Condos, Bcx i326, Yai1, Co. Loi 9 Bl-ue Siries Unlinite,l , I??) 'icrth -rrrntage 3.d . ,,'. , \ra,iL, Co. tiLi"s,4a,, 4: /, u, t, ",',4'4d)4 Cup,K F FFF -l \i i r\l 'l .t)ll . ;fi4 \ '. .-\ c il I I I t' .,.I -L.. l.- -II -[ : .1-A - -{ _-L 't c. tlt 7* - rt-=-- :Jll o a. ?:.' it\ \1 €:l- r$ . \ €..1 I ",{l. c,v i ,'n; :,1 tr II' iL ,l L- 2\ -Y) i$----l-- ---:J--J ,? !.gi\---j $ .:'l t.,s3,-i:#-- L u !,:'2, I1l' , i---l i i--1 rJtt $ <,| \q ila b!tltft' r*\r,\-' ii Itlr .l H r! it Ir I I : t r-;4' lo do To: Tor'rn <;! trai1, Vail Pl-:-.li:rin;5 JJepartrnent FROivl : Ran.ly Guerricr'c RE: ilinor Sub-division DATE: i'IaY 1' 1983 We understand that the minor sub-division of lot 15 and l-,ot 15 Resub-division of Buffeher Creek is an equal land trade and vrilL not change all-owable gross ffoor area for either lot or any existi-ng zoning. lle, therefore, agree to this change of l-ot lines and feel it is an appropriate change to the division of Lot 1 -/l) ano ro. Randy Guerriero Angela ),eighton Alfred Schreier Albertine Schreier o T0r Town of Vai1, Vail FROM: Randy Guerriero RE: Minor Sub-division DATE: May 1, 1983 Plan:oing Departrnent F We understand that the minor sub-division of Lot 15 and Lot 16 Resub-division of Buffeher Creek is a+r equal land trade and will not change allowable gross floor area for either Lot or any existing zoning. We, therefore, agree to this change of lot lines and feel it is an appropriate change to the division of Lot 15 and 16. Randy Guerriero Angela Leighton Alfred Schreier Albertine Schreier a o erq 4,o ul B. NAME OF MILING PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL /ee.4 al 4 &x easT * /5-BLoCKS_SUBDIV I SION PAID MTERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED i The subdivider sha'l'l submit three (3) copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal fo1 lowing the requirements for a final plat as found in Section 17,16.130 of the Subdivision Regulations, Certain of these requirernents may be waived by the zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commissjon if determined not.app'licable to the project. An environmental report may be requ'ired if so stipu1 ated under Chapter .|8.56 Environmental Report of the zoning code. The Department of Corrnunity Developrnnt will be responsible for seeing that the approved plat is promptly recorded with the Eag'le County Clerk and Recorder. Include a list of a'l 'l adjacent property owners and their mailing addresses. f/t, s z- F IL ING \ L}TS /6 *iq{{e- C^ee( Y) E. FEE $100.00 F. G. H. II. I lo APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS APPLICATION FOR MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEt.J (4 or fewer lots) ,?, */o - &3 A. NAME 0F AppLrcANT thildyll Qer,^t<ro PHINEIT6AL/17' MAiLING ADDRESS C. NAME 0F PR0PERTY 0WNER (print or typ{ #.o"/a// 6uef rrcro . ohrNER's. stsNAtuRE 6// * pHINE 4/'?'//7' MAILING ADDRESS /f5? f,.7. /q /"+7 h; I ao do T0: Iown of Vait, Vail Plarrning Department FROM; RandY Guerriero RE: Minor Sub-division DATE: MaY 1, 1983 I j'. . ' rtr q' We are askiiag for a.r rolnqr sub-division 'to better divide l,ots r5 and 15 and to faeilitSte, better use of available space for possiblq,lJfruelure, exnlqlion and }andscaping' There is no orranse/^tsAare fobtage:ot 'the lots and no effect on the environment or surrounding properties' Adjacent property olvners'in Buffeher Creek: Lot l-5 l,ot 14 Lot 2L lot .. B l,ot 9 l-,ot 7 Lot L7 lot 18 Angela L.,elghton, Box 205?, Vail, Co' BL65B Hillside Condo. Assoc., Box I?3L, \aiL Capstone Townhouses, Box 1155, Vail Buffeher Creek Condos, Box L)26,'(aLL Blue Skies Unlimited'' I?8) N. Frontage Rd'W.' Vail wtartra Moser, Buffeher Crk.West, Box p02, Vail Stanley & Nancy Boothe, Box J6, Snowmass' Colo '8L654 Gerhard Schroter, 62t Harrison St.' Denver' Co' 80205 a 75 south tronlage road v.ll, colorado 81657 (303) {76-7000 June 30, 1983 Randy Guemiero 1859 Meadow Rd. Vail, C0 81658 Re: Guemiero Addition Dear Randy: 0n June 29,'1983, the Design Review Board approved the Guemiero Addition with the conditisn that three 8! aspen and additional pines be planted. Peter Jamar Town P'lanner PUbb a Project Application Project Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Description: t-ot /J , gtock ritins 4 tf)t f '|ltl , zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: - -- ..:--:l- "/-'- - APPROVAL\"--- - - -.---"-" DISAPPFOVAL 7:a Summary: Prof6ct Application - Date Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and J 3ct / *? 'P t--',y' /7 .."- -. | ,lt/ ,'r'1po2,- 1r.1.7y f,<-t!. -/6';,. t- ,*'.'J./ /4/ l/ '.,,'l'/i' i,"4'U+"J /(o/O r'/7 Owner, Address and Phone: ./ r ,'/ Architect, Address and phone: t -. .. v ,c r ,<7t+ I'r'" -1' Legal Description'1-o1 /5 ,ato"t Filing -Pr;/^AP j<r(t - {u'""[44 lfQe Comments: Design Review Board o"r" 'J)t'Y t.>-, 93 Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Roop an{2_ 4.&/ r/o\J u)/L"L Nt>f NaAl"-.-. rl t T $ SH4kL RaoF : t: Y4eaL ,,1t-r6rz-xl ",+*vt FatF +trapt t, U/tlti tJ u/ttL- u)oRl'-.- E statt Approval lloard bcf'orc a final approvul carr bc l;ivcn: A. Bltll,lrJii(; l4'\1'tlRlAl,S Roof Siding 0ther l'Jall Materials Iypc of lttr-t_cl-ig! Cq!"". N'A Cormon Name Quantj ty J Fasc ia Soffits Windovrs Irfindow Trim Doors tIDoor Trtur Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash j.ngs Chiriu-reys Trash Enslosures Grecnhotrs es 0ther B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone : PI-ANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name 'r* */..-,n Si ze >! _dttu 2.J 2 \ N/+ SHRUBS oa GROUND COVERS TYPE OF IRRIGATION s0D - To & PLq-Ea SQUARE FOOTAGETYPESEED 1 T,TST fr SQUARI FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa] ls, fences,swinuning pools, etc.) Please specify. (ha S.L{,/ts ta^ ,G,r .,-2 t / ./-'-Nmn K-4*'fu // QYi e r n/e r<o / -s BLocK FILING ADDRESS / oa ao UTILITY LOCATION VIJII] F ICATION SUBDIVISION JOB LOT The location of utilities, Lines, nust be approved and accompanying slte plan. whether they verified by be nain trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the Date Mountain Bel1 Westenr Slope Gas Public Service Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upf.t Eagle Valley Water arid Sanitation District BESTCOPY AVAT.IHE N0TE: These verificati.ons do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A' bui.lding pernit is not a street cut pennit. A obtained separately. \ street cut pernit must be This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. ; f nl )K %;4 ,^/ zzz,q* o.rt; 42",../44"- 'U, t\o c.\'tq ,^ tl \. .trec{. Authorized ,4tr8s &s'l-- 4-at-€3 /-2''- i' q-?7-t3 oo oo MEM0RANDUI'1 T0: Planning and Environmental Conrnission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: April 13, .|983 SUBJECT: Side setback variance requests to construct an addition to a residence on lot 15, Resubdivision of Buffehr Creek, App'licant: Randy Guerriero DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant owns a non-conforming structure (with respect to setbacks) in Buffehr Creek and wishes to construct an addition to the front (south) sideof the house. Below are the applicable numbers for the existing, required and and proposed setback situation: EXISTING Building setback Steps setback 7.5' 0' Zone District - Primary/Secondary Existing No. of Units - 3 (1egal non-conforming) Total lot size - 15,246 sq ft Total GRFA a'llowed - 3774 sq ft Total GRFA existing - 3108 sq ft Tota'l GRFA proposed - 3333 sq ft Tle gppljcant wishes to construct a living room addjtion to the second levelof the house. He also proposes a zero selback for a stairway to the west ofthe addjtion which current'ly appears to be partially on adjacent 1ot l6 (over the property line). He submits the following reasons for granting the variance: "1. The existing structures in the vicinity do N0T, for the most part, confonnto the l5 foot setback requirement (see maps), Applicant wouid be deprivedof privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the same neighborhood. 2. Adjacent property owners have no objections to this setback variance(see letters). 3. The practical difficulties of placing this addition on any other partof the buildable lot would be monumental due to the existing f'loor plan0f the house and.the proposed carport wou1d not be accessible from inywhere else on the lot (see plat maps). 4. Due to the shape and topography of the site, an addition of this nature wou'l d be impossible at any other placement (see map) and refer to on-site 'inspections. 5. Due to the angle of the property, I ine expansion of adjacent property would still keep acceptable distances between structures.', REQUIRED l5' 7 .5' PROPOSED 4' 0' oo CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findin Section 18.62.060 of the Mun i ci I Code e rtment of Commun velo nt recommends oenlq of e var ance bas e lol lowln actors: Consideration of Factors The relationshiP of th uested variance to othelex'!s'!tentia'l Thri de'to which rel ief from the strict or I iteral inte retation and enforcement ota u atron'ts necessa o achieve c ty and unrtorm t amonq sites in vicinitv or attain ectives of this tot tJlnr -2- 4/'t3/83 There would be no signifjcant jmpacts upon adjacent properties by.grant'ing. the variance. HowevEi, iiionlng'the bui'tding to be 4.feet from the property. iin.'ioria-negaiiveti impact th6 adiacent duplex 1ot.(which has only one unit on the far western siO" bt the 1ot) jf the second unit were added. The applicant argues that the varjance shou'l d be granted because other property 6"n".i'in-the viiinity have less than l5 foot setbacks. This is true to a ilinoi-O"g.J.-ti'6it uaiaient properties are at least l5 feet from the "common" i'rt'fir"i,-uui it'i ouiious rlasbn for the less than !5 foot setbacks js that ^. the bui'ldings were developed under l.tt'i.iitl.iive figte County.regulations & 'later ffi";il:-'Uion.'it'it inn"*itton, the staff studied zoning alternatives for the arei anA feit strongiv inrt we'should impose the Town's existing_{]l!li:.!.:.,, and not simply dup'licite the County's zoning. .We felt.our^regul?It0l:.I9ll: cause improve-menti in site development standards over the County's' alEnougn ""iiirirg it" "iit oi creat'ing a humber of non-conform'ing situat'ions' 1 60 The existing unit is non-conforming with regard to setbacks as one can see from the tab'te on page t. "il;"-;ili;;;;i *isn"t-io maie this non-conforming situat'ion ridie-non:contbrriing wiin-reibect to the building setback.. The staff can identify no hardsh'ip whatso6ver-*itt' in. 1ot (there is room to add on to the northeast and the southeast a"eus oi the buildjng), The use proposed for the addition il-n6t-one-ipe.in.aiiv i"cJ,iiug.d (j,e: air'lock or'sai'ase) by tl9.,t9!i19.,:99". The staff cohcludes the granting of the variance wou] d be a special prlvllege' The effect of the requested variance on lish! -q!!-gjlt-gjl!ribution pll-pqpg]at]s!' publ ic safety. No effect on these factors wou'l d result. Such other'factols an! criteria as the commission deems apPljcab'le to theffi oo SbBurrehr -2- 4/13/83 FINDINGS: The P'lanning and Erivironmen!q-1-l!-9rrnj-9{!n shal I make the fol lowin fi ndi n before qrantinq a varlance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inioniiit"ni wii[ the'ljmitations on other properties c]assified in the same district. That the granting of the variance wj'll not be detrimental to the public health' iiiety, oi neifui", or materia'lly injurious to properties or improvements in the vic'inity. That the variance is waryanted for one or more of the fo1 lowing reasons: The strict or ljtera'l interpretation and enforcement of the-specified regulation wouta-"rirrt in p"iiiiiii-alriiiuity or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the obiectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to-the site of'the variance that do irot apply general'ly to other properties in the same zone. The strict or 'literal interpretatjon and enforcement of the specified.regulation iluri-iepiive the-apptiCint'of privileges enioyed by the owners of other properties in the same djstrict. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : The Department of Community Development variance. h|e see no reason to make an more so when no valid hardship has been add on to the unit without gett'ing into recommends denial of the requested existing non-conforming situation even demonstrated, A1 so, there is room to the side setback. f1 H ftl ,ls til li \:rl s- s'l -(t B. -1 L __$--.f -{m\ r:' r' . i'.\'i' j'r \: .: ar {a- _!( -N. {-- \i . :r, i l'. =::: -::1_-_-_ --'- -' .rr.I : .*f:r. -i. i_r[n i <,n', ,l i n .,€ .,F1,, |-i-*-' : .if-T.-'l , F': f .i;ll ..i . :\ :i i ''r, 'i i, i=\ .i . ': rt j. :Iir 1,j l.:l' r:i ' i_. 1,.'i i,,.,. Li:s t .,\ -l| ../ i i ., if1 it : is r , t rlll: ir ii '., it\ :: i ;:^r.: !.- ul .r)^. r '... .;r,f il, iri It=, ' I --= ,'.\1,!.l '. r. - -r - _ il .r) -- .?a: i:==-==--r--'r, lli!il i'l F u-J-f, .- --li-L ;'- -.i q i:o ii'r' \ i l;'"li r-:i,; l, i.' iir , ,1 ..; -rr, .: .t iir..,l'. \ , : lt ,:-llitlH H,.,-l- r.\'1.;t (\...-\"|i 'r:rt\-a ll \'r. =---/r \ .\-. )':-i ii.' ilri-=,;-r- *-riS, ,\ .' ':ij ii ;ii.'l1l.,= Ti \Ji ii :iiiii q-,-\ ; ?=iir ,,s,{-- Toff,rr.7 .-"i *,t,I i: ll-: \r-- ,-lritt ,l-, \-rli -i i, $it .1\l - -r :r il -t.: ll r' 'fi T.T- - i--..-l\, ${ iil ,t -! rJ , \ [:]" ----.a- -. J r- .t---rl . a- .l l-;--T-'--- ----T '-l {,li-' i[ ,r -:j-il' . Ii ri - 'r i lr's',,?|6',1'1f:;at._ _) :.] -.i, .,* ll ivi,+!j:'LU__,fi i*.*!fl :y7",",ti"I ,I;_ ,*.\._:1, | .\ i Iirl 11 ;i €. f,p='-'-r-:-=-fi-+--+='E*r l*+..sri i-.- i L* #: -l f il *Tit i, r.; :!i '*-t'=ffi, i, h',- iL I ; fl rl :+lii \ ilxfi il,1 i;: i' t $i: H ,1, :i trir -$ u't,il ,, I ; H ,l ::: l:j )P S?;F '\'', H ,,1 l;;l:s \b FSiH '\r':i!i-,J- )- -rt - - 'l tt':'f o '.1! -'l,i lL \ - \r,. 'i $ii'; :'r r : -\s a+ ij rt*$ 1$ U *) : ;.-li ,,J\\ , i _?-il",'l*'..ih'i ,;] -t; il ! I, ,' $ r .-- j --,- -r* L ::l l=:.-li e . t . .9b?-s"frdl- -- rti.' --: ,- q:.i.- =T-I r.-.- A ,4. -- I'-i n- , -' ' 4 "' G i _A ,_t -[ ': il-[ _?- -"I _p {. I t_, I o ,/rp1,ricatio,. narlfol.4-!-f,-_ -/..t 6' '> I. BESTCOPT A\,AITBLE This procedure The application APPLICATION is required will not be FORI'I FOP. ;\ VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance- accepted untit all information is submitted. A. B. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT t/' t Cr (- ir APPLICANT'S REPRESEI{TATIVE PHoNE //76 JYlT fire f r' l<*t tt) prcsn_/zk_!_!.u rPHONE ?76, '*U NA}IE OF ADDRESS c. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI AUTHORIZATIOIiI OF' P PERTY OhINER SIGNATURE ADDRESS v/7 ADDRESS ,l/ert"'4"') '{'/'2t,J'c LEGAL DEscRrPTloN rotl-L -brock $f00.00 ptus an anount equal to the therr current first-class postage rate for each property owner to be notified hereunder. F. A list of the names of owners of all proPerty adjacent to the subject property and their addresses. - L)T 15 Angel-a Leighton, Box ZOJI, Vai1, Co. 3]653 LOT 14' Hillside Condo, Assoc., Bo;r I?3I, Vail, Co. LOT 21 Capstone Toir,:i'rhouses, Bo;r IL55, Vail, Co. Lof I Buffer r.lreek Condos, Eoz 1326, Vai1, Co. LoT 9 Blue Skies Unlirnited, }f3}-ffort}t Frontage-- Rd.ll., Vail, Co, c/,C,n , '. t-::7 /,,: t '1, f /- li"','/.', /'" i:, r rt I (' P i I Lns E/E!-&-tt:-v!li o+'- ,44d." Ct e .K !,',,, E. FEE. 7^ a,9 t r/, ,'/t= *.- I I t '-1 b : rr \t a, : trt rl t;.i t'. tI , .\v-t , .-f g'' I +t .-! ' ! i,r \ulr \ €-ss;. { *3.:\ .:,. l.''.c_i l-I .l -t .l r---- 1!.- TELEPHONE 3031s28-73Lr Board of County C.ommissioners . Ext 241 Assessor Ert202 Oerk and Recorder Err 217 Sheriff Eagle: Ext 2ll Bas,,lt:927-3244 Gilman:827-5751 Tteasurer Ext 201 Administration Ext 241 Animal Shelter 949.4292 Building Inspection Ext 226 or 229 CommunitY Development Ext 226 or 229 County Attorney Ext 263 Environmental Health Ext 238 Enension Agent Ert247 Library Ext 255 Public Health Eagle: Ext 252 Vail: 476-5844 Personnel Ext 241 Purchasing Ext 245 Road and Bridge Ext 257 Social Services s28.6328 O EAGLECOUNt'? Eagle,Colorado 81631 CERTIFIED },IAIL:P 208 092 290 Date:August 6, a982 ApplieanL:Rahdall G.rerrierP Mailing Address:Ecx 1931 \bil, Colcradn q1657 Re: Building Permit:# 1763 Legal DescriPtion of ProPertY:Buffer Creek Engineer Ext 236 Dear illr. Guerriero: Upon reviev, of the Eagle County Building Depar,tmentrs files, this office has determined that there has been no recent construclion or buildi-ng activity pursuant Eo Ehe above-referenced building permit' The lasts inspection recorded was d€rted .Tenrrary 6,. J981 'and involved an Rrri'lriing/uleef.rieal lnspecElon' The 1979 Uniform Building Code, Section 303(d), adopted by the CounEy o!-lagfg, Colorado'-pursuant lo ^rft" nalfe County building-Resolution, 1980, as amended, iequires bvidence of construction progress each consecritive 180 days or the building permit relati-ve thereEo becomes null and void' In order to keep Ehe above-referenced building permiE active, please contacE Ehe Eagle C9".1!y--.,--. building DeParEment for a Progress insPecEl-on wrEnan Ittirry ?:o)'a"y" from the i:eceipt of this letter' Your iailure tb do so will leave Ehe County no altsernative but to consider such building permit Eo have expired. BUIIDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P. O. BOX179 couRTHousE, EAGLE CO. - PH. (303) 328-6339 OATE APPLICANT Randall &rerrlero AOORESS BUILDING FIELD COPY NUMBER OF ,t OWELL ING UNITS -----I- 5Z__ ( CONIR' S LICENSE)(STREET) pERMrr ro Construct Addltlon (-) sroRy(IYPE OF IMPROVEMENT)NO,{PROPOSED U5E ) PERMIT 8 August ,t8!9__ pERMrr No.1763 ZON ING AT (LOCATION)o tsTR I (NO.){STREET' BETWEEN AND ( CR055 STFE ET )( cioss STSEET) |l d) oo oz olr suBorvrsroN Buffer Crcek lo. ---15- ".ocK -srzE BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNOATIOh (TYPE) REMARKs: 0n 3lte gravel fnflltnatlon bed ls neemnrended at the nnruth nf all drefnege sralesslocated well away firorn footers and foundatlon walls. - Erlk Edeen Envlrormental Health AREA OR VOL U ME (CUB IClSQ UAR E FE EI) Plan Check----.$49.25 EsrMArEo .o" $ 12r0r0O.OO tEE-" $--98.50-- I pt #677_5 owHea Rrrdlll Guern{arn - ^oo".'. P.o Blr 1931, Vail, C0 81657 \ II{SPECTION RECOiD NOTE PROORESS -'rJ'j^.- CRITIC'SXS AND R€TARI(Sn... . ,.. ,a t,.,...INlPECTOS :.ii.. i .., .;..,:, .i,: I i.'l:i . ,r 1\. ..r-::, j .r:: :: a BUIIDING PERMIT APPLI loN o CAT I Juridiction r Aryli@nt to complete numbered Wces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Kc.,,4* u1r)l Form 1OO.1 1.77 : /ile,cn(r- rl^c t -dl-lsz: errrc,r:o sxe:rrftsq6 d,u, ursro^ &ffi; C;,eA Ztp PXOi /[ t7 a76 Ztt 7OYlitEl . MAIL lOOiEsSx/q3l 3 CIuJ^ler , 1 CgutrPn.;""'i; 60,' /e i" '?) l[o *n / (r, , de,,t c e I Clas.s of work:8l AD0ril0t{D ALTERATIOT.I /,toa o{ 6ao rt,/r+ PERMIT FEEPLAN CFIECK FEE1l Valuationofwork:$ 7 /; OOO Sire ot Bldg. (Totar) Sq. Ft. Firc Sprlnkleri Required n\/er DNo ',rg & Dovf. APPLICAIION ACCCPTEO BY DePt t' , Esgle, OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTBUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR \iTORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCEO.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT t HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS AppLrcATtoN ANo KNow rH€ SAME To aE TRUE ANo coRREcr.AluDioVtstons oF LAws AND oRorNANcEs covERlr!ryc rHlsiVFe o- woRK wtLL BE coMPLlEo wlrH wHETHER SPEclFlEo xenEu,r on Nor. THE GRANTTNG oF A PERMIT ooEs Nor PRESUME TO GIV€ AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANC€L THEpCoViSroNs oF ANy orHER srATE oR LocAL LAw REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR. THE IEITFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION' rurc ot cor{riacaftt oi autHorlzED HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOI L REPORT OTHER (s9.clfYt PERMIT VALIDATION .z. cK. M.o.zu* INSPECTOR INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECIOR FOUNOATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. -J Jurisdiction Applicant to complatc numbcred spacc6 only. PLUMBING PERAAIT APP roN a LICAT 5'HEII PR('€NLV VALIOAIED (IN TXIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEN IT PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION g f.fr l7b1 D,.":-j * b?02-I-''@e-T-' cac @r Fotm 10O.2 ll,-73 r.oro.. r.or: INSPECTOR lXTlRt{ATlc)l||aL CO FEnI CI OF tulLOlilc OFFICIAL3. r'.... r'o.rrar rr(( rcao. flrrr... c^!r?. rrr..r *" Z r7/<-*r.(ar.t ,4/. 4s " 6.y', L/t sc''t)r lfl-lst.. arracxaD axaErlo,.dk-, (-- er)rC+.D 6,;"iq";"i l;r'a76)'//7 " MAr! AOOI E5t FXOfTE rrcansE ro. rracr oa DEsrGnai MAIL ODIESSa()cpw on, MAr I ^OOiESS Frioriat /4,'k MAr L AOOta3S at NCri6 //u*,y' - usr oF auro'ict ,4sir/e,u. ? I crasr ol work: D NEw EAoorTroN tr ALTERATI0N tr REPAIR S-V.<c e9 oorcribework, 6OO 4l Typ. ot Fartlr. r Inm WATER CLOS€Y (TOTLETISPECIAL COIIDITIONS: LAVATORV (WASH 8A5IN' KITCHEN SINK & DISP. aPt!rcAtroN accEPtco Ev LAUNORY TRAYaPPFOVEO tOn rssualtc€ 8Y CLOTHES WASHE N WATER HEATER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAV.E READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLI€O WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEO HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WAT€R PIPING I TREATINO €QUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM AREAK€RS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK I PIT Ii\JSPECTION.REPORTS USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLIOW.UP, ETC, County of f,:I.ncf,RICAL Eagle PERIT{IT Applicanr.....-. .........-,....-. Sllnature I APPROVALS Ne 19 59 Building Valuation Electrical ValuaUon Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....42..50....... ... . $............ ..... ...... $....-2?.,.5.q........... . $. $.. Date Paid...-.8 G5/.94........ . . Rmeived By...rJ. P.hilIips....-....".... - Building Permit # 1763 Receipt # 6902 FORTI IS TO BE POSTED 01{ SITE DURING COilSTRUCTION 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS THI6 .rOB ELEcI?rcAL PERMTT APPtcATToN PERMIT VALIDATION cK. I NSPECTOR FOrm 1O0.3 l1-73 RroRD.i tioM: INTERNATIONAL Cc)NFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS. r!60 Mr!! Roao. wr.rrrrEir ca|.rF. ro.ol CASH .{,-'/4-'-4'/ Jurisdiction " L*,4 6-Il Appticant to complete numbered spaces ontr, t / WHEN PROPEBLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 8.r. t lt;i Pt"",y' fr G?tt- M.O.M.O. /4.nub - 4/ - ,./ :-lse: rrrecr:o sxter) .zb rczn t<.jrdJ<t Zrc'- f/tsz MA rL AOOTESS FHOra LICENSE NO. ATCIII TEC T OF O E3I CN ER MAI! AODF ESs FHON E LICENSE NO. 4 Aru*c L" Er{o|lrEEh MAIL AODh ESS PXOfte LICENSE NO. MA|L AOOiE S S BtaNcHt 7tl U9E OF IUILOING 8 Gtass of work: tr NEW 4nootrtoH tr ALTERATIoN D REPAIR ,{/ ,', 'u. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING F ixturas F I XTU RESAPPLICA'ION ACCEPT€O 8Y: RANGES CLO, ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAIMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. /e=---r' r-:.'s'k: GARBAGE DISP. STA. COOK TOP OISH. WASH. CLOTH€S WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX. PERMIT ISSUING FEE USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. E A\.f LE FINAL: Review Location Review and 17t2 3 Applicant return to the County Building Plar-rning Commission File No. Official within 6 working daYs Permit No.Date Referred P I anning : Comp I ies with : Subdi v i sion Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Cornments; Yes No EH *E Reviewed Recommend Approval : County Engineer: Roads Grading . Drainage trnn n tr!n tr Comments: County Health: Water S anitation Perc. test Comments: Recommend.$PProval : un Final Inspection:. C,/O Recommend Approval Comments: loc* LI € Final Inspection: Landscaping Recommend Approval n D Commerrts: C,/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date f o MECHANICAL PERMIT AP ATION a PLIC Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered Wces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEEMIT M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION F s 7 /il"*4,* 4LrdA h Jt o'' 6"(h'o'AArr^cHEo sHEEr) I ollcr. MA|LADDllEss , - /l ,4oY /4./ / /r4/ztP PI{ONE Ie f/^rc rO tlt s) - 7/6),//7 MAI L AOOtES9 PHONI LICEX5E NO. AiCX I TECT OR OESICI{ER MAI L AOORCS S PHONE IICENSE NO, a O d,'nr? t' ENCINE€i MAIL AODRESg PHONE L ICEN 5E NO.s3fr MAIL ADDFESS AiAXCH U3E OP BUI LDIIfEt ,4tr/tq c a 8 Ctassof work: tr NEW Kng6lt'o* tr ALTERATI0N D REPAIR 9 Describework,6OO /-r ut tul Sp,<, e d^k {" 5 Frnr rV*ce " Typsot Fuel: Oit E Nat. Gas E UeC. E PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond, Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaos Ea. Forced Air Systems-8.T.U. M Ea. APPLICATION ACCEPTEO 3Y:B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heat6rs-8.T.U. NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK ISSUSPENDEOOR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLI€D WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Air Handlirn Unit- C.F.M. M.O. # bSot- )- Prt;fj # 9.?. t1b 3 "rtryINSPECTOR iroRDrR Fion; INTERNATIC'RAL Cc'NFERENCg C'F BU!LDING <'FFICIALS. wr{r?rrri. cartt. ro.orForm 1OO.4 $69 I USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. tl*638"ilo" REeuESr EAGLE COUNTY rtrue necehrED-AM pM CALLER P.O. Box 179 PHONE: 328-731 |PHONE: 328-731 | oor, f,f nl?L ToBNAME. ! ott'tt flpor'o'.LOCATION 0/'-/t la"^OaraVrra _y_ry a-mz&4 BP e"V*,' fteov FoR rNsPEcrfoN ' a -APPRovED Uog*{e RovE'D, l-1 -/ - i': .lJuporl rHE FoLLowrNe cgll€crroml, ' CORRECTIONS !*rrNsPEcr a .' BUILDING DIVISION P.O. Box 179 PHONE: 32&731 I DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNsP=*roN HEo:::1t EAGLE COUNTY JOBNAME l\41.1 ,A,{Lai i-, titL,,tU.l-4y E orxen MON COMMENTS: ! peRrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR .TPPROVED E orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr f] uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS oor, ." ' '(, -'fl1) BUILDING DIVISION P.O. Box 179 PHONE:328-7311 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNs'Eciot 'l ::t#:{ EAGLE COUNTY l) /;1 L.a r..y'-t-fu E ornen MON COMMENTS: ,-\\(-'r1, I panral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED E orsappRovED E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTfONS , ; tr',.,1, ' ,., .... 1 E nerNsPEcr DATE -e;-- INS]tECiclN FIEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISION P.O. Box 179 ' PHONE: 328-731 1 DATE /0. 22 -EO JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED A:2O AM PM CALLER E ornen E pnnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION UR WApp RevED El upott rHE FoL coRRECT|ONS // ! orseeeRovED D nerNsPEcr NG CORRECTIO]IIS: 4Y "f, .t r',' t,t .l r,. DATE F rtF,!Fqtt-' r''': / 76 3INsPECTclN FIE EAGLE COUNTY FIEEUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328.6339 oerc l0'lt - tD JO8 NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D oruen flpnnnau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR ElorsnppRoVED ,", *'1O ^nA !nerNsPEcrAPPROVED fl uporrr rHE FoLlowt NG,coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS I -5r?"-- ---ttr- -- '-t'jrsf " -T,-' rNsPEciloN ,,EJJi-lZ- "-t BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME AM@ EAGLE COUN flornen E penrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION / :30 APPROVED E uporu rne E orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG COR R EGTIONS: E nerNsPEcr COBRECTIONS FRt-!--:-AM BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 oate h 19 8r> JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED 7" 30 AM d![) rNsPECf,oN FtEo 3E=, '' {7( '2417CALLER EAGLE COUNTY n orxen ! pnnrtnl. READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION FRI-AM PM ,,,) MpRovED ! orsneeRovED E nerNsPEcr D upou rnE CORRECTIONS t\,.. rr!; I i USE GROUP:,:Lal--l B t 1'g.tis.qti 1 ,- .a. *''; ; I oca well {Affidcvit on rcvcirc ride of cppliccfion lo bo aompleied by otfhorized ogsnl of ovner) ': .l.tt"!l =o,l}t Book 304 Paqe 126 Recorded at 3:30 ,.t ,rn" 16, 1980 Recorder; Johnnette Phi11 ips Fee $52.00pd Eagl e County CONDOMIN II'M DECI"A,MTION FOR MUSTANG TOWNHOI,IES 1lnl tat ions purguant to Artlcle 33, The Declarant desLres to deflne tle character, duratlon, rlghts, and obllgatlons of condonlnlun ownerehlp by thls ;Declaratlon the Colorado Condominium O$nershlp Act as found Ln Tltle 38, Colorado Revlsed Scatuteq (1973), as amendad. Ttr ls Pl-an le for the beneflt of the property and for the benefltand the enJ oyment of the osners thereof, thelr succeasors, admLnlstratorg, transferees, asslgns and helrs, and thls Anended De"laratlon shaLl be con-sldered aa a covenant runnLng with the land. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS A. StatutorY Deflnltlons: The deflnltlone contalned ln the Colorado Condominl'r'r' orer"trrp lcE,TrtrE-5e]lrtlcle 33, Colorado Revlsed starutee (1973),aeamended,arehereby1ncorporatedhere1nbyrefererythfu Declaration' the Ortnera and the Property except as othenrlse nodlfled hereln. B. Speclal Deflnitlons: (1) "Unlt" means an lndlvldual alr space which is contalnedltlthln the wlndows, doore and unfinlahed perlneter walls, floore, and celllngsof each unLt as shown on the condonlnlurn Map filed for record herewLth, to-gether wlth all flxtureg and lmprovements therein contalned but not lncludlngany of the Conlrron Elements, if any, located within a Unlt. RECEIVED JUL Z 19BO .Dcpt. ot Planning & Dcvd' frgle, countY, Cdo INTRODUCTION MNDALL GUERRIERO, herelnafter referred to as t,Declarant', ts the owner of the follorrlng descrj-bed property located ln the county of Eagle,State of Colorado, and referred to hereinafter as the 'rproperty'r: Lot 15 Resubdlvlelon of Buffer Creek, Sectlon 13 Townshlp 5 South, Range 81 Weet of the 6th P.U. The Declarant ls establlehlng a condoninlun proJect havlngi:the name MUSTAIIG T0IJNHOMES on the property conelstlng of three (3) condonlnltrm un1ts. - t"- I (2) "Condonlnlum Unlt" meana the fee sinple lnterest and tltleln and to a Unlt' together with the undivtded lnterest ln the General Comon Elements appurtenant to euch unit, and all other rlghts and burdene createdby this Declaratlon. (3) "BulldLng. meane the bulldinge contal.nlng lndlvldual Condo- mLnium Unlts currently tn exlstence. (4) "Oirner" means a peraou, natural or corporate, fLrn, cor- Poratlon ' partnerahl,p, associatLon, Jolnt venture, or other legal entlty orcoublnation thereof nhich or who owne the condmlnl.r.m unit as defLned inParagraph B of thl.s Artlcle I. (5) "Co@on Elementott means all of the condonl.nLum proJectexcept the uni.t8, lncludlng, rrlthout llnl.tatlon, the property, exterLor wa1lsof the unlt, foundatlmq columne, glrdere, and other auch maJor atructuralco[ponenta of the bulldlngs contaLnlng the condo[inlum unlt, al-l apparatue andlnstallatlona ertatlng for cormon uee, and all other parts of such land andtmproveoents hereon Beceaaary or convenlent to the exlstence, rnalntenance andaafety whlch are reaaonably and nornally ln comon uee. the General Comon El6ment8 ehall be orrned ae tenenta-1n-co6on by the Ornere, each of uhon ehal.l hare an undlvlded lotere8t ln the comon Elenente ae provlded hereln. (6) "!lap" neans che englneering eurvey of the land deecrlbtngthereon all the Lmprovements, floor and eLevatlon plan!, and aay other drawlnfor dLagrqtrmatlc plans deplctlng a portlon or all of the tmprovenenta and theProperty. (7) "Undivlded lntereatrr Deana the undlvlded lnterest ln the Comon Elemente appurtenant to each UnLt ae set forth and deflned Ln Exhlblt"A" to thle Decl.aratlon. (8) "Comon Expensee." neang the expenses of repaLr, malnten-ance, luprovementa, and adminletratlon of the General and Lirnlted counonElenenta, lncludlng, Lnter al-la, a reaerve for the repalr and nalntenance ofthose Comnon ELenente whLch must be replaced on a perlodlc basls and for taxeeand other charges, 1Iabtllty lnsurance pollcles and other neceasary expenaea. (9) "Asaoclatlontt neans a Colorado Non-proflt Corporat{on bear-lng the name rrllugtang Townhomes Aeeoclatlon, rnc.tt, forned to govern, nena.ge,malntaln, repaLr and admlnlster the property and all bulldings, lmprovenentaand co'n'non elementa thereon and for the purpoee of aeeeselng, colllctlng andapplylng cornon elemente thereon and for the purpoee of assesslng, colLectlngand applylng ctrrmon expenaea, for enforcLng thlg Declaratlon, foi actlng aeattorney-ln-fact or truatee for Condonlnfi.rn Unlt Ownere, and for estlnatlng expenses and other budgetary lterns. Only Onners of Condoninir:m Unlts shall be members of the Aseoclatlon and any nenber who ceases to be an owner shallcease to be a menber. (10) (11) security lnterest ln "Board" means the Board of DLrectors of the Associatlon. t'Mortgage" means any mortgage, deed or trust or equlvalentthe Condomlnlun Unlt . -2- ARTICLE II A Map of the Property Locating each Condominium Unlt sha1l be ftledfor record slmultaneously with thls Declaratlon. Any maps filed subsequentto thls l{ap shal1 be called Supplemente to the Map and shall be numbered sequen-tlally ln order of the fil1ng. Each Map eha1l deplct the followlng: a survey and legal descrlptlon of the land; locatlon of the bullding and Units thereLn, expresslng lte area, location and ary other data necessary for bulldlng tdentl-flcatlon; location of the Comnron lllements. The Map shall show the layout, locatlon, unlt numbers and dlnrenslons of rhe Un1ts, cogether wlth a verlfled statenent of a reglstered architect or llcensed professtonal engineer certl- fylng that the Map substantlally deplcte the ltems set forth thereln. The Hap nay be anended fron tlne to time to conform to the actual locatton of any con- Btructed lmproveuents and to establlah, relocate and vacate easements, rlghts- of-way and parklng areas. Every deed, leaee, mortgage or other l-nstrument nay legal.ly describe a Unlt by its ldentlfylng number or symbol ae shown on the Map and every such descriptlon shall be deemed good and sufficlent for all pur-poses. After the Condomlnlum Map and thls Declaratlon have been recorded ln the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderre Offlce at Eagle, Colorado, every contract, deed, leaee, nortgage, trust deed or other lnstrument shall legally deecrlbe a Condonlnlum Unlt as follows: . Condminlun Unlt No. of Mustang Townhomes, as shown and des_crlbed on that certaln I'tfp encltled iM,r"t"r,g Townhornes", recorded , Reception County Clerk and Recorder, and as further deflned on F1ln No., l9-, , Receptlon No., of the Records MAP 3n .-.-_-----= -, l9--, on FLlm No. _No. ..---, of the Records of the Eagleln the County of Eagle, State of Colorado,ln the CondomLnium Declaratlon recorded on of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorderl-Tn-rfri Counry of Eagle,State of Colorado; together with an undlvlded 1/3 interest inand to the cormon elemenEs of sald Mustang Torrnhomes as definedon said Map and tn said Condourlnl.ur Declaratlon, together withand subJect to all non-exclusrve eaaements as set forth in theDeclaratlon. ARTICLE III UNITS A. Dlvision of Estate: The real property hereinabove described, including the lmprovements thereon, Ls hereby dlvided lnto 3 fee slmple estates (Condoniniun Unlts). Each such estate shall conslst of a separately deelgnated Unlt and the undlvlded lnterest ln and to the Comron Elenents appurtenant to such Unlt as set forth in Exhibit "A"to thls DecLaratlon whlch is lncorporated hereln by reference. B. O.rnership Inseparable: The separate estate of the Oqrner of any Condomlnium Unit and the ownershlp of the Comnon Elements appur- tenant thereto are lnseparable. Any deed, mortgage, lease or other Lnstrument purporting to affect the one without including rhe other shall be deemed Eo include the interest so omltted even though the latter is not expressl-y rnentioned or descrl-bed therein.e -3- ARTICLE IV COMMON ELM{ENTS AI{D EASEMENTS A. Encroachments: In the event thet any portlon of the Couton Elenente encroictree' "pon any Unlt or Unlts or ln the event that anyportlon of a Unit encroacheg upon any other Unit or Units or upon anyportion of the Co,mon Elements or ln the event any encroachment ehal1 occur ln the future as a result of settllng of a bulldlng, alteratlonor repaLr to the Comnon Eleneote or repalr or restoratLon of the bulld- inge or Unlt(e) after damage by flre or other casualty or condemnatlonor eolnent dmaln proceedLngs, a valLd eaaenent eha1l exist for the encroachnent and for the nalntenance of the aane for so long as the encroachment exlata. In the event thst any one or more of the Unlts or bull,dlnga or othe r Lnprovenents comprLslng part of the Corrnon Elenenta la partlally or totally destroyed and then rebullt or recon- etructed ln eubstantlally the aame locatlon, end as a result of such rebuLldlng any portlon thereof ehall encroach as provlded 1n tre pre- ceding aentence, a val-ld easement for euch encroachment and for the me intenance of the sane shall exlet for so long as the encroachmentexlgtg. Such encroachments and eagenents shall not be consldered or deternined to be encumbrances elther on the Cormon Elenents or on the Unlte for purposes of marketablllty of title or other purposes. Inlnterpretlng any and all provlslona of the Declaratlon and subsequent deeds to and nortgages of Unlts, the actual locatlon of the Unlt eha11 be deemed concluslvely to be the property lntended to be conveyed, reserved or encr-nbered notwlthetandlng any nlnor devlatlons, eltherhorlzontally, vertlcalJ-y, or lateral.ly fron the locatlons as Lndlcatedln the Condonlnlun Map. B. Utll1tv Easenents: The AesoclatLon through lts Board as pro- vlded hereln mry grant easementa for utlllty purposes for the benefltof the Property lncludlng the rlght to lnatall, 1ay, na{ng6Ln, repalr, and replace water mains and plpee, eever llnes, gae malns, telephone wlree and equipnent and the llke under, along and on any portLon of the Cotmon . Elemente. Each Owner granta the Board an lrrevocable pover of attorney to execute, acknowledge and record for and ln the neme of euch Owner Buch lnstnments as may be neceeaary to effectuate thl"s Artlcle IV. C. The Easements throuch Wa116 within Unlte: Easementa are hereby declared and granted to lnetall, lay, rnalng6in, repair and replace any plpee, uiree, ducte, conduits, publlc utt[ty llnes or atructurel componenta runnlng through the wa1ls of the Units nhether or not auchwalls 1le ln whole or ln part wlthin the Untt boundarles. D. Ounerrs Easement for Accese, Support, and Utllitles: Eachftrner ehall have a non-excl-uslve eaaement for access be tlreen hls Unlt and roeds and streets in the condmlnium proJect, lf any, over the halls,corrldora, atalra, walks, and exterlor acceaa and other easenents nhlch are paft of the Comon Elementa. Each Orrner shal1 have a non-excluslve easenent in and over the Coumon Elements, lncludlng the Connnon EleDentBwithin the Unlt of another Owner, for horlzontal and lateral supportof the Unlt, and for urlllty servlce to that Unlt, lncludJ,ng water, -4- sewer, gas, electrlclty, telephone and teLevision serylce. E. Easeoents to Run rrlth the Land: A11 eaaementa and rlghts descrlbed hereln are appurtenant eaaemente runnJ.ng wlth the land. F.Uae of Comon Elementa :No peraon ehaLl use the Comoon El-eoente or any part thereof ln any rrllnner contrary to the rules and regulatlone wtrlch aay be adopted by thc Boerd ae piovided ln thle Decla-ratlon. Such ure nay be condltloned upon, mong other thlngs, the pa)rEent by the Uolt Onner of the assesanenta eetabllshed by the Board regardlng the Cmon Elements. SubJect to those rules and regulatlone,all Ornerr nay uae the Comnon Elelncnta Ln euch manner as !1111 notreatrLct, lnterfere wlth or lnpcde the u8e thereof by the other Ouners. Each Orner agraea to ualntaln, repalr end replace at sald Owner ts erpense,all or aDy portlon of the Connnon Eloente wblch nay be damaged or destfoyed by reaeon of hle orrn or any occupentrg act or neglect, or by the actor neglect of aay lnvLtee or llcencea, ercept to tbe extent euch llablll.ty, dauagg: or loJury le covered by any type of ineurance. ARTICLE V INSI'RANCE A. Authorlty: The Assoclatlon eha1l obtil.n and maintaln at all tlmes, to the extent obtalnable, pollcles lnvolvlng standard prenluo ratea eatabllshed by the Colorado Ineurance Colrrnlseloner and written wlth cornpanlee llceneed to do buelnese ln the State of Colorado and havlng a Beetrs Insurance Report rating of AAA or better, coverlng theriske as set forth below. Nelther the Ascoclatlon, the ilanaging Agentnor the Declarant shall be llable for fallure to obteln any coverages requlred by thle Artlcle V or for any J.oea or damage resultlng frou euchfallure lf such fallure le due to the unavellablltty of such coveragesfron sald Lngurance courpanies, or lf euch coverages are eo avallable only at deoone trably unreasonable coata. (f) fire Aesociatton ehell not obtaln any po],lcy where:(a) Under the termg of the .lneurance company ts charterf by-lawe or poLlcy, contrlbutlona or asaeaamenta nay be rnade against thenortgagor or mortgageers deslgnee; or (b) By the terna of carrlerre charter, by-lews or pollcy, lose paynents are contLngent upon actlon by the company I a board of dlrec-tora, policy hoLdere or membere; or (c) The pollcy includee an; llnlting clauses (other thao lnsurance condLtlon) whLch could prevent rnortgagees or the mort.gagorfron collectlng the Lnsurance proceeds. (2) A11 poJ.lcles of insurance to the extent obtaLnable shall con taln waLvers of subrogation and walyere of any defense based onlnvalldlty atlslng fron any acts of a Condonlnlun Untt Owner, the Asso-ciatlon, the Managlng Agent and thelr respectLve agents, enployeee, gueats, and ln the ca6e of Owners, the n€nber8 of thelr houeeholde, andshall provlde that such pollcles nay not be cancelled or substantlally { -5- nodlfled (tncludlng cancellatloa for ncrpayment of a prenlun) without atleaEt thLrty (30) days prlor wrltten notlce to any and all lnsured(e), lncluding nortgagees and lnetltutlonal lendere. Dupllcateorlglnale ofall pollclea and renewals thereof, together rlth proof of payr.ent ofpre-lume, eha1l be dellvered to all Mortgageea at least ten (10) dayeprlor to explratlon of the then curre[t pollclee. The lnsurance ehall be carrled ln blanket forrn narnlng the Muetaog Tonohomes AesocLatton,Inc., ae the lneured, aa attorney-ln-fact for all of the CondonlnltrnUnlt Ornere, wtrlch pollcy or pollclea ehall ldenttfy the lnterest of each Condonlnlrn Unlt Orrner (Onnerrs nane end Unlt nuober deelgnatlon) and flrst Mortgagee. (3) Each euch poll,cy ehell provide that: (a) Such poltcy ahal1 not be cancelled, invalldated or euspendcd due to thc conduct of eny Unlt Onner (lncludtng hie lnviteea, agents end enployeee) or of any nember, offlcer or employee of the Aesociatlon or the Manag lng Agent rrithout a prlor dehaod 1o wrltlng that the Aseoclatlon or the l,lanaglng Agent cure the defect and oeLther shall, have eo cured auch defect wlthln alxty (60) daye after euch denand; and (b) The Declarant, eo Long as Declarant eha1l own anyUnlt, shall be protected by all euch pollclea aa a Unlt Owner. (c) A11 pollclee of property lneurance shall provLdcthat, notwlthstandlng any provl,eiona thereof whlch glve the carrler therlght to elect to restore daruage ln lleu of naklng a cash settlement, euch option ehall not be exercLeable wlthout the prior approval. of the Asaociatlon. B. Phyelcal Danage Ineurance: Tlte Assoclatlon shall obtaln and nalntaln a blanket ttall-riskrt for:n pollcy of flre Lnsurance wlth extended coveragee for vandall,an, nallcloue nlschlef, wlndstorm, Bprlnk-ler l-eekage, debrle removal, costs of denolltlon and water da-age endore€nents, lneurlng the entlre property (lncludtng all of the Unlte and the bathroon and kltchen fLxtures lnltlelly lnstalled thereLn by the Declarant but not lncludlng furnlture, lrell coverlnge, furnlshingeor other pereonal property aupplled or lnetalled by &rner), togetherwlth all alr condltlonlng equipuent end other ser:nlce nachLnery con- taLned thereln and coverlng the lntereete of the AssoclatLon, and a1LUnlt Orners and thelr mortgageea, aa theLr lnterests tnlry appeer, 10 an amount cqual to onc hundred percent (1002) of the then current replece- ment coat of thc property (excluelvc of the land, excavatlons, founda-tiona and othGr ltena nornally cxcluded froo such coverage), wlthout deductlon for depreclatlon (euch anoun t to be redeter:nLned annuallyby the Asaoclat{on wlth the aaalgtance of the ingurance company afford-lng euch coverage). (1) Such pollcy shall also provlde: (a) A walver of any rlght of the Lnsurer to repalr, re- build or replace any danage or destructLon, lf a declalon is nade pur- suant to this Declaratlon not to do eo, and ln such event, thst the ( -6- lneurer shall pay oo the basls of the agreed amount endorsement as though a total l-oss had occurred; and (b) The followLng endorsenents (or equivalent): "nocontrolr" "contlngent ltablltty fron operatlon of bullding Lalls or codeer" lncreaeed cost of conatructlontt or t'condomlnium replacement costrtt and "agreed amount" or ellnlnatlon of co-tnaurance clausel C. Llabillty lnsurance; The Aeeoclatlon shall obtaln and malntel.n c@prehenslve general llablllty (lncludlng llbel, elander, false arreat and lnvaeLon of prlvacy coverage end errorg and qrl.sel.ons coverage for offlcers) and property danage lnsurance Ln euch ltnlte as the Aeeoclatlon nay from t lne to tlne deter:nLne, lnsurlng each member of the Board, the offlcers, the l[anaglng Agent, each Unit Orner and the Declarant agalnst any llablllty to the public or to the Ownere and thelr lnvlteee, agents and enployees arlelng out of, or tncldent to the ownerehlp and/or uge of the Corrnon Elenents. Such Lnsurance ehall be leeued on a cooprehensive llablllty basia and ehal1 contaLn a crossltablllty endorrement under whlch the rlghtc of e named lnaured undcr the poJ.lcy ehall not be preJudlccd ulth respect to his actlon agalnst anothar naned lneured, hlred and non-orrned vehlcle coverager hoet ll,quor ltabtllty coverage wlth respect to eventa eponsored by the Aesoclatl.on, deletlon of the normal products exclusion rrt.th reEpects to events spon- eored by the A"Bsoclation, and a lseverablllty of lnterestrr endorsement whlch Eha1l preclude the insurer fron denylng llabtllty to Owner becauseof negllgent acts of the AssocLatlbn or of anoder Owner. The AseociatLon shaLl revierl euch llnlts once each year, but ln no event ehall such lnsur- ance be lees then Three Hundred Thoueand Dollare ($300,000.00) coverln!all cla{me for bodlly lnJ ury or property damage ,arleing out. of one occurrence. Reaeonable amounta of rrumbrellart ll.abl-llty lnsurance ln excesB of the prlnary llmits shall aleo be obtalned. D. Other Ineurance: The Aseociatl,on sha1l obtaln and nalntaln; (1) Adequate fldeltty coverage to protect against dlehonest acta on the part of officers, nenbers, trustees and enployeee of the Assoclatlon end all others who handle, or are reeponsible for handling funds of the Aseocl,ation, lncludlng the Managlng Agent. Such ftdellty bonde shall nane the AssociatLon as an obligee, be wrltten ln an amountnot less than one and one-half tlnea the eatlmated annual operatlng expengea of the Aegociatlon, lncludlng reserves, and contain waLvers of any defenee based upon the exclueion or persons who serve rrlthout coo- peneatlon from any definltlon of employeeu or elollar expreeslon; (2) If requlred by a governmental or quas l-governrnental agency lncludlng wlthout Llnitatlon the Federal Natlonal Mortgage Asso- clatlon or the Federal- Home Loan ilortgage CorporatJ.on, flood Lnsurance Ln accordance wlth the then appJ.lcable regulatlone of such agency; (3) Workmenrs compenaatLon lnsurance lf and to the extent neceaaary to meet the requirement of 1aw; (4) Broad form ruachlnery and preseure vessLe explosion Lneur- ance ln an amount not less than Flfty Thousand Dollars ($501000,00) per -7- (5) Such other Lnsurance as the Assoclation nay determLne or aa n'y be requested fron tine to ttne by a naJortty of the Owners. E. Separate Insurance: Each Onner ehall have the rlght, at hia onn expenae, to obtaln lnsurance for hls mn Unlt and for hle own bene- flt and to obtaln lneurance coverage upon hle personal property and for hls personal llablllty as well aa upon any lnprovenents made by htn to hie Unlt under coverage normally called "tensnts r Lnproveneots and better- nents coverage;'r provlded. however, that no Owner ehall be entLtled to exerctge h18 rlght to acqulre or nglntaln guch ineurance coverage ao aB to deereae the anount whtch the AsooclatLon, on behalf of all Onnere, nay reallze under any insurancc pollcy nalntalned by the Associatlon to caulre any lneurance coverage nalntaLned by the Assoclstlon to be brought Lnto -contrlbutlon wlth lnaurance coverage obtalned by an Owner. A11 euch pollcies sha1l contaLn waivere of subrogation. No Ormer ahall obtaln aeparate Lneurance pol.1clee on the Condmlnlun except as provlded tn thle Paragraph E. F. Coverage on Furnlehinge i Insurance coverage on furnLshlngs, lncludtng carpet, draperies, oven, range, refrlgerator, dlshwasher t wall- paper, dlepoeal and other ltens of personal or otlEr"property belonglng to an Onner and publlc llabllity coverage slthin each Unlt shall be the eole and dLrect responelblltty of the Unlt Orner thereof, and the Board, the Aeeoclatlon and/or the Managlng Agent ehall have no responslblllty therefor . G. Notlce to Mortgagee: In the event that there ehall be any damage. or destructlon to, or loes to a Unlt whLch exceeds One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), the notLce of euch daage or logs shall be glven by the Aseoclatlon to the flrst Mortgagee of sal.d Condomlnfim Unlt ulth- Ln ten (10) days after the occurrence of euch event. In the event that ther e shall be any danage or deatructlon to, or loss to the Conlnon Ele- ments nhlch exceeds Ten Thousand Dollare ($10,000,00), then notLce of auch damage or loss shall be glven by the Assoclatlon to eadh flrat Mortgagee of the Condominiun proJect wlthln ten (10) days after the occurrence of such event. H. FNl"lA or FHLllC Requlremente: Notrlthstandlng any other pro- vislon hereLn, the Associatlon sha1l contlnuously malntain ln effect such caeualty, flood and llablllty lnBurance and a fidellty bond neetLng the lnsurar,rce and fldeltty bond requlrements for condouLnft.rm proJecta establlshed by a governnental or quaei-governmental agency lncludlng, wlthout llmltation, the Federal Natlonal Mortgage Association or the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporatlon, so long as such agency Ls a Uortgagee or orrner of a Unit wlthln the Project, except to the extent such coverage ls not availabl-e or has been vaLved in wrlting by such agency. ARTICLE VI UAINTENANCE AND SERVICE RESPONSIBILITY Orrner : malntenance purpoaea, an ordner sha1l be deened to -8- ( A. (1) For own the lnterlor non-supportlng walla; floors and celllngs of hls Unlt; Ehe rnaterlale such as, but not llmlted Eo, plasEer, gypsrrm drywall, panel{ng, wallpaper, paint, wall and floor tl1e and f l-oorl-ng, and other naEerlals whl.ch nake up the flnlshed surfacee of the perLmeter walls, ce1l1ng and floors wlthln the Unlt; but not lncluding the ptpes, wlre, condult8 or ayatens (whtch are Cotrlmon E].ements and for brevlty are hereln and hereafter referred to as [utllltles") runnlng through hte Untt lrhlch serve one or more other Unlts except aa a tenant-ln-comnon wlth the other Olrnera. Such utllltles sha1l not be dlsturbed or relocated by an Orrnerltlthout the written prior consent and approval of the Asaociatlon and aDy Buch alteratlon, reLocatlon, enlargement, addltion or nodlflcatlonshall be at the Ovnerrs expense, which expense ehal1 include all expene- es lncurred by the Assoclation ln reference thereto. ( 2) An Ormer shall netntaln and keep ln repalr the l.nterlorof hls olvo Unlt, lncluding che flxturee and utllltles located therelnto the extent current repair shall be necessary ln order to avold da"rag-ing other Condomlnlum Unlts. A11 flxturee and equipment and uttlltleelnstalled withln the Unit corunencl.ng at a potnt \rhere the flxtures, equlpment and utllltles enter the Unlt shall be maLnt a:lned and keptin repalr by the Or^rner thereof. An Owner ehall do no act nor any lrork that w111 lmpalr the otructural eoundness of the lmprovenents or impalr the proper function of the utilltles or domestlc hot water systeu, orlntegrlty of the bulldlngs or lnpalr any easemeot or herldltament. B.Assoclat ion I (1) Ttre Assoclatlon shall have the duty of naLntalnlng and repaLrlng all of the Cornmon Elements wlthln the project (except as provlded Ln Paragraph A of thls Artlcle VII), and the cost of sald nalntenance and repalr shal_l be a coutron expenae of all of the Ovmers. Tte Aesoclatlon shall noE need the prlor approval of lts members to cauae such malntenance or repaLrs to be accompllshed, not\{iths tandlng thecost thereof. The Assoclatlon has a reasonable rlght of entry upon the Unlt premlses to effect emergency repaLrs or other necessary repalrs which the Unit Oarner has fa11ed to perform. (2) The Assoclation shall provlde to the Oqrners the follorl-ng senrlces which sha11 be pald for out of the cotmon expense assessment,to wit: (a) Maintenance and repalr of the Comnon Elenents; (b) adminlstratlon and managemeBt of the project; (c) providlng cormlon water and sewer servlce; (d) obtaining the Lnsurance required ln Artlcle V hereof; (e) enforcement of the covenants, condltions, restrlc-tiona aet forth ln the DeclaratLon, enforcenent of the Assoclatlonrsrules and regulatlone, and collection of all obllgatlons owed to the Assoclatlon by the 0nwer; -9- (f) actlng as attorney-ln-f act I'n the event of danage or deatructlon as provlded ln Artlcle IX hereof; and (g) Perfornlng all other acts required by this Declaration, the Artlclee of Incorporation, and Bylaws of the Associatlon. (3) Notwlthstandlng the above, the AEsocLatlon reserves the rlght to hire one or more persona or entltlea lncluding a professlonal- Managlng Agent, contractors, and enployees to Perforn such servlces. In the event a professlonal Managlng Agent ls engaged, the ternlnatlon of any profeaslonal- nanagenent contlact and aser.ulptlon of self-manage- ment muat have the approval and conaent of all flrst Mortgagees. ARTICLE VII DETERMTNATION A}TD PAYMENT OF ASSESSMENTS FOR COM{ON EXPENSES u,r., oro;rr" t."t;;T* i:;::- tlonate ehare of the expenses of adnlnletration, malntenance, and repaLr of the Comon Elenenta, taxes and lnsurance, and of any other expensea provlded for hereln. Such proportLonate share v111 be, except as other- wlae provlded for ln this Declaratlon, the aem€ as hle lndtvldual lnterest ln the Cormon Elements aa aet forth ln Exhlbtt ttA" attached to thls Declaratlon. fire DecLarant shall be obllgated to pay such por- portlonate share for each Condoninlum Unl.t orrned by the Declarant. Pay- nents shall c@ence on the flrst day of the month next succeedLng the month ln whlch the closLng of the fLret aale of a Condomlnluo Unlt by the Declarant occurs, and sha1l be ln euch aoounts as hereinafter provlded. B, Preparation of EstLloated Budget, Aesessnent and PaFent: Each year on or lefore Oecesrber lsC, the Aseoclatlon shall estimate the total amount necessary to pay the cost of naterlale wtrlch wtlL be required durlng the ensuing calendar year for the renderlng of all services, together wlth a reasonable amount consLdered by theAe'eoclatlon to be necessary for a reserve for contlngencies and replacenente, and shall, on or before December 15, notlfy each owner ln wrltlng ae to the amount of such estftnatet wlth reaeonable ltenLzatlon thereof. Sald t'eetimated cash requirenentrr shall be aseessed to the Owners accordlng to each Ownerts undivl&d I'nterest ln the Comon Eleuents as set forth ln Exhlblt "A srtached to thls DecLar- atLon. On or before January lst of the subqesuent year, each Owner shall be obllgated to pay to the Assoctatlon, or as lt nay dlrect, one-tltelfth of the asaelrament made pursuant to thls paragraph, and to pay one-twelfth of eald aasesament on the Lst day of eech Donth throughout the year. On or before the date of the annual neetlng of each calendar year, the Board shall suppLy to all Onrnere and thelr first Mortgagees an ltenlzed accountlng of the expenses provlded for hereln for the preceding calendar year actually incurred and paid, together rrLth a tabulatlon of the aDounta collected purauant to the estlmatea provl.ded, and showlng the net amounts over or shott of the actual expendlturee plus reaerves. a C. Exceas or Shortage: Any amount accumul-ated ln excees of the amount requlred for actual expenaea and reserves ehall be credited aceord- -10- lng to each Orrnerrs undivlded lnterest ln the Corrnon Elenents to the next nonthly inetallments due fron Onnere under the current yearrg aaaegament, untll exhaus t- ed, and any net ahorgage shaLl be added accordlng to each Ownerts undlvided lnterest ln the Comon Elementg to the lnstallments due ln the succeedlng elx (5) nonttr after renderlng of the accountlng. D. Reeerves and Operatlng Capltal; (1) The Associatlon shaLl be obllgated to establlsh a regerve fund for the repalr and replacement of thoee Conmon Elements that must be replaced perlodlcally and such reserve fund aha1l be funded through the nonthly paymentE of thc conmon expenses and not by an extraordlnary speclal assesgment. Extraordinary expendltures not orlginally lncluded ln the annual estlnate lrhlch roay become neceesary durlng the year, eha11 be charged first agalnst such reeerve. If the rrestlmated cash requl.rerent[ (descrlbed tn Arttcle VII, Para- graph B above) provea lnadequate for any rea6on, lncludlng non-paynent of any Otmerf s aaaeag[ent, the Board may at any tine levy a further aasessment uhlch sha1l be asaeseed to the Ownere accordlng to each Onrerts undlvlded lnterest ln the Cornon ELements. The Board shal1 serve notLce of such further aaaeasment on alL Ornere by a statenent ln vritlng glving the amount and rea- sons therefore, and euch further asoeBament shall becone effectLve with the next nonthly aaaeeament paynent due after dellvery or na1l1ng of such notlce of further asaeaament. A11 Or^rners shal.l be obllgated to pay the adJusted nonthly aoount. (2) In additlon to the reserve fund, an operatlng capital account ahall be establlshed and rnalntalned by the Aseoclatlon, as follms: (a) Fron the proceede of the closing of the lnltlal eale of each Condomlnitn Unit by the Declarant, the Aesoclation shall be pald by the purchaaers of such Unlt, one-slxth (U5) of the annual aesessment for cormon expenaea for each.Unlt owned by sald Orrner. The Assoclatlon shal1 aaaess all Omers for any deflcierrcy ln thelr operatlng account depbslts atleast quarterly. Such deposlt shall not relleve the Otrner from the responsl-- bl1lty of naklng reguLar monthly pa)rnents for comon expensea, as requlred by Paragraph B of thls Article VII. (c) Notnithstanding anythlng hereln contalned to the contrary, the Declarant shall not be requlred to maintaln on deposlt wlth the Aseoclatlon the contrlbutLon to operatlng capLtal descrLbed ln Paragraph D(2)(b) of thls Artlcle VII; provided, honever, that thedeclarant shall. be ob- Ugated to nake up lmedl,atley any deflclency resultlng from any excess of Declarant'B proportlonate share of actual expenses over the Declarantte regular nonthLy aasesaments. - E. Additlons, Alteratlons and Inpro\rements- - Cotrmon Elementa: There sha1l be no capltal addltions, alteratlone or Lmproveuents, above orto the Conmon Eleneots by the AssocLatlon requlring an aggregate expendlture ln excess of Five Thoueand Dollars ($51000.00) in any one calendar year slthoutprior approval by the Owoers repreaentLng a nal ority lnterest ln the Comnon Elements, except ln the event of an emergency; the ltnitatlons set forth above eha1l not apply to any expendlturee nade by tle Assoclatlon for malntenance and repalr of the Conmon Elenents as aet forth ln Article VI hereof, or for repair in the event of danage, destruction or condennatlon as provlded ln Artlcles IX and X hereof. I J -11- E. Fallure to Prepare Annual Eudgetl The failure or dely of the Board to prepare or aerve the annual or adjueted eatlmate on an owner ehallnot conatltute a walver or release ln any nanner of such Ownerrs obllgatlon to pay the coste, expenaea and necessary reeenrea, eB herein provided, whenever the eame shall be deternined, and ln the absence of any annual estlnate or adJueted estlDate, the Olvner shall contlnue to pey the asse6sment6 at the nonthly rate establlshed for the prevloue perlod untl.l the Board shall Eerve notLce of a nerr or edjusted eatlnated cash requirement. Such new or adJuet- ed asaescmente ehall- become effectlve slth the next monthly assesament payrent due after delLvery or malling of such notlce of nenr or adJusted asseaament. G. Bookq 3!!!L Records of AssocLatLon: The Board shall keep full and correct book e open for Lnspectlon by any Owner or any representatlve of an Orrner at auch reasonable tLme or tlmes durLng the normal busl.ness hours as nay be requested by the Ormer. Any ltortgagee of a Coodomlnlurn Unit shaLl have the rlght to i.nspect eald booke and recorde of the AeeoclatLon durlng reaeonable buslnees houre. Upon ten (10) daya notice to the Board and payment of a reasonabJ.e fee, any Unit Orrner orhle Mortgagee ehal1 be furnlshed a statement of his account settlng forth the amount of any unpaid aaaessments or other charges due and cn^rlng frm euch Owner. The Aeeoclaton ehall furnish to the Onners and their llortgagees and ehall preeent annually (at the annual neetlng) a full and clear statement of the buslneee condltlons and affaire of the Aeaoclatlon, lncludlng a balance eheet and proflt and loes atatement verlfled by an lndependent publlc account- ant and a atatenent regardlng any taxable lncome attrl.butable to the Owner. H. Stgquq_lf_lutd qollected_[@!: A11 funds collected hereunder ehal1 be nefa a deelgnated herein, and(except fcr euch special aaaeasments as t|lay be levled hereunder agalnst less-than all of tha Or.rnere, and for euch adj ua tttent3 as rury be required to refLect dellnquent or prepaid aaaesaments) ehall be deened to be held for the uee,benefit, and account of all of the Onnerg 1n the proportlons set forth ln Exhtbtt rrArr attached to thls Declaratlon. I. Amendmente: Except for euch amendments as may be requirodto conforn any pi6lffiton of thls becLaratlm to the requlrernents of law, all anendnente to this Artlcle VII shall- only be effective upon unanl.mous wrltten consent of the &rners and thelr flrst Mortgagees. ARTICLE VIII ASSESSUENT LIEN A. Llen and Notlce: (1) A11 strns assessed but unpald for the ehare of comlton expena- ee chargeable to any Condoml-nlum Unlt shall conatltue a llen on such Condo- nlnLum Unlt euperlor to all other ltens, encumbrances, homestead exemptlons,or other exemptLons under or by virtue of any act of the General Assembly of the State of Colorado now existlng or which nay hereafter be passed, except only for: (a) Real estate taxee and speclal asseBament 1lens on the Condonlnl-um Unlt ln favor of any publlc or quasl-publlc asseseing entity; and (b) A1l suns unpald on a first mortgage or flret deedof trust of record, lncluding advancee and all unpaid obligatory aums aE mny -L2- be provided by auch encunbrance. (2) To evldence such 1len, the Board shall prepbre a wrLrten notlce of 1len aaaeaauent settlng forth the nrlount of such unpald lndebtedneee, the amount of the accrued Lntereat and late charges thereon, the name of the Orner of the Condonlnlrn Unlt and a deecriptlon of the Condoninlum Unlt. Such a notlce aha1l be signed by one of the Board or alternatively by one of the officere of the Assoclatlon and shall be recorded ln the offLce of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Such llen ehall attach on the date the Nollce of Aeaeeenent le recorded. Such llen nay be enforced by the fore- closure on the defaulttng Ovrnerrs Condomlnlum Unit by the Assoclatlon ln 1lke Danner aa a nortgege on real property. B. Onner to Pay Costs, Expenges and Attorneyrs Feesl An Orner ahall be requlred to pay the costs, expenaea and ettorneyrs fees incurred by the AeeocLatlon wlth regard to any default lncludlng the cost of prepara- tlon and flllng the lien, and, in the event of foreclosure proceedlngs, all. addltlonal coata, expenaes and attorneytg feea Lncurred. The Owner of the CondomLnfi:n Unit belng foreclosed upon ahall be requLred to pay to the Asso- clatLon the nonthly colnIron expense aaseaament forthe Condonlnlum Unit durlng the perlod of forecl.oeure. In addltlon, any such Onrner may be requlred to pay reaeonable rentaL for the Condonlnfi.rn Unl.t durlng the period of forecloeure, to be deternLned by the Assoclatl-on, and the Aesoclatlon aha11 be entltled to a receLver to collect the same. C. Rlghts of Assoclatlon: Ttre Assoclatlon shall have the right end authorlty to bld for the Condominum Unlt at a foreclosure or other legal eale and to acqulre and ho1d, 1ease, mortgage, vote the votes appurtenant tor convey or otherwlae deal wlth the same durlng euch proceedlng and the ownershlp thereof. The aeseaeoent norDally asae8aed agalnst such Unlt (purauant to Artlcle VII hereof) durlng the tlne the Assoclatlon o$n8 the Unlt shall be lncluded as a co@on expense of the Assoclatlon. D. Rlghts of Encumbrancere i Any encrnbrancer holding a lleo oo a Condoninlun Unlt nay pay, but shal1 not be requlred to pay, any unpsld connon expenses payable vl-th reepect to such Condonlnlum !nlt, - and upon such payuent t such encumbrancer ghalL have a lien on auch Condonlnlun Unit for the smountB pald of the eame rank as the lien of hls encrnbrance wlthout the neceealty of havtng to record a notl.ce or claLm of euch 1len. E. Releage: Any recorded lLen or non-payment of the comon expena- es nay be reLeaeed by recordlng a Release of Llen executed by an offlcer orDlrector of the Aesoclation. P. Personal Debt of Oemer: Ihe foresald aaaesamenta shall be the personal and lndlvidual debt of the Ormer of the Condomtnlum Unlt at the tine the assessment 18 Hde. Sult to recover a money Judgnent for unpald conmon expenses shall algo be nalntalnable wlthout foreclosing or waivLng the llen securlng the aame. No Owner nay exenpt hlnself fron llablllty for his contrl- bution toward the comon expenses by walver of the uae or enJoyment of any of the Comron Elenente or by abandonment of hle Un!t. G. Jolnt Llablllty of Transferor and Trensferee: The grantee of Condornlnlun Unft the grantor for all unpald asaesaments agalnst the latter for the proportlonate share of the I -13- couon expensea up to the tirne of the grant or conveyance wlthout preJudlce to the granteera rlght to recover fron the grantor the amounts paid by thegrantee. Grantee as used hereLn shall- not Lnclude a party acqulrl.ng tltle through a forecLoeure of a flrst nortgage or deed of trust or through e dln l-leu of euch foreclosure. ARTICLE IX DAMAGE DESTRUCTION OR OBSOLBSCENCE AND RESTOMTION OF BUILDINGS A. Attorney-ln-fact: Thle Declaratlon does hereby rnake nandatory the lrrevocable appolntment of an attorney-ln-fact to deal wlth the ProJect in the event of lts destructlon, damage, obsolescence or condernnatl-on, includlng the repalr, replacenent and improvement of any CondonLniun Unlts, the bulldlng, Comon Elenents or other portion of the ProJect whlch has been eo destroyed, danaged, condeured, or has become obsoLete. Tltle to any Condoroinlun UnLt ls declared and expresaly nade subJect to thei:terms and condltl.ons hereof, and acceptance by any grantee of a deed or other lnstrument of conveyance from the Declarant or frorn any orrner or grantor shaLl conetltute appolntment of the attorney-ln-fact hereln provided. A11 of the Omers lrrevocably constltue and appoint the Mustang Townhomes AesocLation, Inc.as their legal attorney-ln-fact Ln thelr name, place and stead, for the purpoee of deal-lng nith the proJect uPon lts drmager destructlon, obsoLescence or condemnatlon as ig herel.nafterprovlded. Aa attorney-ln-fact, the AsaoclatJ,on, by lts Presldent and Secretary or Aeslstant Secretary, or lts other duly authorized offLcers and agents, shall have ful.l and conplete authorizatlon, rlght and power to make, execute and dellver any contract, deed or other lnstrunent wlbh respect to the lntereet of a Condonlnlum Unlt Otner whlch is neceseary and approprlate to exercl.se the powers hereln granted. In the event that the Aseocl.ation Ls diseolved or becomes defunct, a meetlng of the Condonlnlun Unlt Ormers shall- beheld wlthtn thlrty (30) days of any of the eventa herein descrlbed. At such neetlng a nen attorney-ln-fact, to deal vith the property upon lts destruction, damage, obgolescence, or condemnatlon shall be appoJ.nted. Sald appolntment mus t be approved by the &rners representing an ag8regate onnershLp lnterest of seventy- fl.ve percent (7 5Z) or Lore of the Conon Elementa and at least eeventy-fj-ve percent (757) of the flrst llortgagees of the Condomlniun Unlts. Repair andteconatructlon of the inprovements aa ueed Ln the eucceedlng paragraphs meaus restorlng the lmprovenen t to substantlally the same condl.tton ln which they exlsted prlor to the damage, with each Unlt and the Comnon Elements havlng eub- stantlally the asre vertlcal and horlzontal boundarles as before. The proceedeof any lnsurance collected ehalL be avallable to the Aseociatlon for the pur- poae of repalr, reatoratlon, reconstructlcn rr replacement unless the Orrners and/or flrst ltortgagees agree not to rebull-d in accordance wlth the provlslone herelnafter set forth. B. Sufflcieqt Insurance: In the event of damages or destructlonduetof1reoro@suranceproceeds,tfsuff1cienttorecon- atruct the improvenente, ehall be applled by the Assoclatlon, as attorney-ln-fact, to such reconatructlon, and the iroprovenents shall. be pronptly repaired and reconatructed. The Aesoclatlon shall have fulL authority, rlght and poner an attorney-1n-fact to cauae the repalr and restoratlon of the lmprovements. Aeseesments for comon expenses sha1l not be abated during the period of lnsurance adjustments and repalr and reconstructLonr -L4- C. Ingufflcient Insurance: (1) If the Lnsurance proceeds are Lnsuffl.cient to repaLr andreconstruct the lnprovenents, and lf such danage is not nore than aeventy Percent (702) of the total replacement cost of alL the Condomlnium Units lnthle ProJect, not lncludlng land, such danage or destructl.on ehaLl be pronptly repalred and reconstructed by the Assoclatlon as attorney-ln-f act r uelng the proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of a special assessment to be rnade agalnst al-l of the Ormers and thelr Condonlnlum Unlts. Such speclal assese- ment gha1l be a comron expense and made pro rata accordJ.ng to each osnerrs un dlvlded lnterest 1n the Con''non Elemente, as set forth ln Exhlblt ttAt' attachedhereto, and ehall be dueard payable slthln thirty (30) daya after ryrltten notlcethereof to the Ormer and hls Mortgagee. The Associat lcn ehall have full authorlty,rlght and power as attorncy-1n-fact, to cause the repair, replacement or res-toratlon of the Lmproveneots uslng all of the Lnsurance proceede for euchpurpoae, notwlthstandlng the fallure of an Ormer to pay the aaaessment. The asgeasment provl.ded for hereln sha1l be a debt of each Ormer and a llen on hls condonlnlurn unlt and nay be enforced and collected ae lsprovlded ln Artlcle VIII hereof. In addltlon thereto, the Assoclatlon, alt attorney-ln-fact, ghal1 have the abeolute rlght and power to sell the Condoralnium Unlt .of aoy Osnere refuslng or falllng to pay ruch deflciency aaaeranent rrlthln thetlne provlded, and lf not eo pa1d, the Aeeoclatlon shal1 cauae to be recordeda Dotice that the condomlnLum unlt of the dellnquent ouner ehall be sold bythe AesocLatlon, as attorney-ln-fact, purauant to the provlsLons of this para- graph. Assessments for coumon expensea shall not be abated durlng the perlodof lnsurance adJustment and repalr and reconstructLon. The dellnquent Ornershall be requl,red to pay the Assocl.atlon the cost6 and expenses for flllng thenotlce' plus lnterest at e rate of twelve percent (122) per annurn on the amountof the assessment, and all reagonable attorneyts fees. The proceede dertvedfrou the sale of such Condomlnlun Unlt sha1l be used and dlebursed bv the Aseo-ciatl.on, as attorney-ln-fact, Ln the followlng order: (a) For payment of the balance of the llen of any fLrst mortgag€; (b) For paynent favor of any assesslng entlty and the (c) For paynent expensea and attorney'e feeg lncurred (d) Ior paynent of Junlor 1lens and encunbranees ln theorder of and to the extent of thelrpriorlty; and (e) The balance renalnlng, lf any, ghall be pald to theCondoninltn Unlt Owner. (2, If the lngurance procecds are insufflclent to repalr and reconstruct the Lnprovements, and lf such danage ls more than seventy percent(701) of the total replacenent cost of all of the Condonlnlun Unlts in thle pro- Ject, not lncludlng land, auch darnage or deatructlon shal1 be prouptly repalredand reconstructed by the Aseoclatlon, as attorney-in-fac t, uslng the proteedsof lngurance and the proceeds of a speclal assessrnent to be rnade agalnst allof the owners and thelr condonlnLum unlts; provlded, however, that lf ownere of taxes and speclal aseessment llens 1n cuEtomary expenaea of sale; of unpaid cortrnon exxpensea and all costa, by the Assoclatlon; -15- lepresentLng an aggregate ownershlp lnterest of sevmty-five (757") ot the first Mortgagees of record agree not to repalr or reconstruct the Lmprovenents, the Assoclation shall forthwlth record a notlce settLng forth euch facts! and upon the recording of such notice by the Associationts President and Secretary of Aesietant Secretary, the entlre project shal-L be sold by the Aeeociatlon, purauaot to the provlsloen of thls paragraph, as attorney-ln-fact for al-L of the Oernere, free and clear of the provlslons contalned ln thlg Decl,aratlon, the Anended Map, Artlcles of IncorporatLon and Bylaws. Assessments for cormon expensea shall not be abated durlng the perlod prior to sale. The insurance settlement proceeds shal-l be collected by the Associat.lon, and such proceede ghaLl be divided by the AssocLatlon accordLng to each Oruner rs undivided Lnterest ln the comon elements as aet forth In Exhtbtt "A" attached to thls Declara- tlon, and such dlvlded proceeda shall be pald lnto separate accounte, each euch acco$t representlng . one of the Condmlnium Units. Each such account aha1l be ln the name of the Assoclation, and sha1l be further tdenttfled by the Condonlnlun Unlt deslsnatlon, the name of the Ormer of euch Unlt and the name of thls flrst l'{ortgagee. From each aeparate account the Associatlon, aa attorney-1n-fact, shal1 forthrrlth use and dlsburse the total amount of each of euch accounts, wlthout contrlbutlon fron one account to another, torrard thepartlal or full paynent of the llen of any flrst Mortgage encunberlng the Condomlnlun Unit repreaented by auch eeparate account. Thereafter, each such account shaLl be supplenented by the apportloned amount of the proceeda obtalned from the sale of the entlre property. Such apportlonment ahal1 be baaed upon each Condonlnlum Unlt Ownerts undiv l&d lnterest ln the Comnon Elementa as set forth ln Exhlblt "A" attach€d to thls Declaratlon. The total funde of each account shal1 be used and dlsbursed, wlthout contrlbution fron one account to another r by the Asgoclatlon aa attorrE]Fln-f act, for the saue purpoaea and 1n the same order as ls provlded ln Paragraphe C(1) (a) through(e) of this Article IX. D. Obeolescence: (1) The Ouners representing an aggregate ownershlp Lnterest of eeventy-flve (752) or more of the CondonlnLurn Unlts ln thls ProJect nay agree that the cornon elenents are obsolete and adopt a plan for the renewal and reconetructlon, whlch plan must have the approval of one hundred percent (1002) of the flrst llortgagees of record at the tlme of the adoptlon of suchp1an. If a plan for the renesal or reconstructlon ls adopted, rotlce of such plan eha[1 be recorded, and the sxpenae of renewal and reconetructlon ehall be payable by all of the 0uners aa a comron expense, uhether or not they have prevloualy consented to the plan of renenal and reconetruction. The Assocla- tlon, as attorney-1n-fact, sha11 have the abcdlute rlght and porer to se1l tbe Condomlnlun Unlt of any Ormer refuaLng or fal1lng to pay guch asgeeement wlthln the tfue provLded, adtf not eo pald, the Assoclatlon sha11 cauae to be record- ed a notlce that the Condomlnlun Unlt of the dellnquent Owner shall be sold by the Assoclatlon. The dellnquent Ormer sha11 be requlred to pay to the AseocLation the costs and expenses for flllng the notices, interest at the rate of twelve percent (L27") per annro, and all reasonable attorneyte feee. The proceeds derlved fron the sale of euch Condomlnlun Unit shall be used and dlebureed by the AssocLatLon, aa a ttorney-Ln-fact, for the Bame purposee and tn the saoe order ae ls provlded ln Paragraphe C(1) (a) through (e) of thts Artlcle IX. (2) The Orrners repreaentlng an aggregate olrnerahlp lnterest of seventy-five percent (752) or more of the Condominlurn Unlta nay agree that the Condomlniun Unlts are obsolete and that the same should be sold. Such -16- plaD or agreement mus t have the approval of one hundred percent (1002) of theflrst Mortgagees of the Condoolnfin Unlts. In such Lnatance, the Assoclatlonghall forttrwt th record a notlce settlng forth euch facta, and upon the record- lng of euch notlce by the Asgoclatlonrs Preeident and Secretary or Assl.Btant Secretary, the entlre proJect ahall- be sold by the Agsoclation, as attorDey-ln-fact for all of the Otmers, free and clear of the provlalona contalned ln thle Declaratton, the Map, the Artlcles of Incorporatl.on and the Bylars of the AseocLatlon. The sale proceeds shal,l be apportioned among the Onners on the basle of each Oqrner rs undlvlded lnterest ln the Comnon Elements, as set forth ln Exhiblt "Arr attached to thls Declaratlon, and such apportloned proceede ehal1 be pald lnto separate accounts, each euch account repre8entlng one CondonlnlumUnlt. Each euch account sha11 be 1n the nane of the Aseoclatlon and ahall befurther ldentifled by the Condonlnlurn Unlt deslgnatlon, the nare of the Qrmerof such Unlt, and the name of hls fLrst ltortgagee. Froo each aeparate accountl the AaBoclatlon, as attorney-ln-fact , ehall use and dLeburse the total amountof each of such accounts, without contributlon from one account to another, for the Bame purposes and ln the same order as ls provlded ln Paragraphe C(l) (a) through (e) of this Artlcle X. ARTICLE X CONDEI.{NATION If at any tLme or tlmee durLng the contlnuance of the condomlnltrn ownerahlp pursuant to thls Declaratlon, all or any part of the Condoulnlum ProJect shall be taken or condermed by any publlc authorlty or sold or other- wLse dlaposed of 1n 1leu of or ln avoldance thereof, the followlng provlslona of th18 Artlcle shalL apply: A. Proceeds: All conpensatlon, darnages or other proceeda there- fron the gum of whlch 1g hereaf ter called the rrCondemnatl.on Awardtt ghalL be payable to the Association. , B. Conplete Taklngi (1) In the event that the ent1rcProJect ls taken or con- demned, or sold or other$rlse dl,sposed of ln lleu of or ln avoLdence thereof, the condomlnlum ownershlp pursuant hereto shall termlnate. Ihe Condemnatl.on Award shall be apportloned arnong the Owners on the basia of each Condoolnlum Unlt Oqrner I g undlvlded lnterest ln the Comron Elements a8 aet forth ln Exhiblt I'Art attached to thls Declaratlon; provlded, however, that lf a standard dlfferentfron the value of the property as a whole le employed ae the neaaure of the Condennatlon Award ln the negotidlon, Judlctal decree er othenrise, then in deternlnlng euch shares the same standard shall be enployed to the extent lt le relevant and appllcable. (2) On the basle of the princlple eet forth tn the laet pre- cedlng paragraph, the AssocLatlon ehall aa aoon as practlcable deternine the share of the Condeuration Award to nhlch each Owner iE entl.tled. Such ghareg shall be paid lnto separate accounts ln the aame nanner as provLded ln Para- graph D(2) of ArtlcLe IX hereof and dlsbursed as soon as pracrl-cable tn the same Danner provided ln Paragraphs C(1)(a) through (e) of Artlcle IX hereof. -L7- C. Partlal. Taklng: In the event that lees than the entlre Condo- nl.niun ProJect ls taken or condeuned, eold or otherwise dlaposed of ln l,1euof or ln avoldance thereof, the condominluu orrnershlp hereunder shall not ternlnate. Each Orrner eha11 be entltled to a share of the Condeonatlon Awardto be deternined ln the follswlng nanner: (1) As soon as practlcable, the AssocLatLon shall reasonably and ln good faith allocate the Condennatlon Award between corpnsatloo, danagea or other proceeds and sha1l apportion the anounts so allocated anong the Ornerg as follolr8: rhe cormon elenents iilrr'l: ff:l.iH:l'i:il":;:t#"::nllt;: ;:"ilr;fl * each Omerrs undlvtded lnterest in the Connon Elenents as aet forth ln ExhlbltttAtt attached to lhLs Declaratlon; (b) the total- amount aLlocated to severence danagee ehall be apprtloned to those Condonlnlun Unlts vhlch nere not taken, or condenned; (c) the respectlve €nounta allocated to the taklng of or tnJ ury to a partlcular Unlt and to the improvements an Owner has nade withlnhls own Unlt sha[ be apportloned to the partlcuLar unlt lnvol-ved I and (d) the total amount allocated to conaequentlal daroages and any other taklngs or inJurles shall be pportioned ae the Assoclatl.on deter- mLnes to be equitabLe ln the clrclng tances. (2) If the allocatlon of the Condennatlon Award la already establlshed Ln negotla6ns, JudlcLal decree or othenrlee, then l-n allocatlng the Condennatlon Auard the Aseocatlon ahal1 enploy such allocatlon to the extent lt ls relevant and app11cable. (3) Dlstributlon of apportJ.oned proceeds ehall be accornpllehed a8 soon as practlcable ln the aErne EEnner provlded ln Paragraphe C(1) (a) through (e) of Artlcle X hereof. D. Notlce to Mortgagees: (f) In the event that any Condorolni.un Unlt (or any portion thereof), ie rnade the subJect matter of any condemnatlon or emlnent domalnproceeding, or is othenrLse sought to be acquired or taken by any public authorlty, dteAssoclatlon shall glve wrltten notlce to the flrst ltortgagee of eald CoDdonlniun Unlt wlthln teo (10) days of recelpt of notlce to the Asso- clatLoo of such fact. (2) In the event that the Comron Elements (or any portlon thereof) are made the eubJect natter of any condemnation or enlnlnt donain proceedlng, or are otherwtse sought to be acqulred or taken by any publlcauthorlty, the Assoclatlon shall glve wrLtten notlce to the flrst llortgagee of all Condoninlum Units lrlthln ten (10) daya of receipt of notLce to the AssocLation of such fact. E. Partlal Taklng of Conplete Unit: In the event a partlal taklng results in the taking of a conplete Unl.t, the Omer thereof autonatlcally -18- o shall cease to be a meuber of the Assoclatl.on, sha].l cease to hold any rlght,tltle or lntereet ln the renalnlng Cormron Elernents and shall execute any andall docr.urenta neceesary to accomplleh the sane. Thereafter, the Aseoclatlonehall, reaLlocate the ownershLp, votLng rlghta and agsesenent ratLo ln accord- ance wlth thls DeclaratLon accordlng to tlc eame princlples enployed in thlsDeclaratlon at lts lnception and shall subnlt such reallocatLon to the Ownere and flrst Mortgagees of the romainlng Units for amendment of thls Declarationas provlded ln Article XVIII hereof. F. Reconqtrug.Fen: Any reconstruction and repalr necessltatedby condemnatton EEiff-Glv-Eined uy trre procedures spectf ted tn Artlcle rxhereof. ARTICLE XI RE.'EDIES FOR BREACH OF COVENANTS. RESTRICTIONS AND RECULATIONS A. Abatenent and Enjolnment By Board: The fallure of any Unlt owDer to cornply wlth the provislons of thls Declaration or the Bylawa ofthe Assoclatlon, or the vlolatlon by a unlt o$ner of any condltlbn, rule orregulatlon adopted by the Board, shall glve the Board the rlght, ln addltlonto any other rlghts set forth hereln: (1) to enter upon the prenlees in whlch, or a6 to whicll euchvlolatlon or breach exLste and to ermarlly abate and reuove, at the expenseof the defaultlng hrner, any atructure, thlng, or condl.tlon that oay exletthereon contrary to the lntent and meanlng of the Bylawe, regulatlons of theBoard or the provleLons hereof, and the Board, or its agents, shall not therebybe deened gutlty ln any nanDer of treepass; and/or, (2) to brlng an actlon for the recovery of danagee, or forlnJunctive relief, or both. B. Actions by Other Unlt &rners: In additlon to the rLghtsgranted to the B@e failure of any unlt osner to conp ly wlth the provielons of thls DeclaratLon or the Bylawa of the Aseocla-tlon ehall glve rlse to a cause of actlon ln any aggrleved untt owner(g) forthe recovery of danages, or for inJunctlve rell"ef , or both. ARTICLE XII MORTGAGEES A. Notlce to Assoclqtlon: An Ormer who nortgeges hls UnLt shaunotlfytheAesocmaddreesofh1suorigageeandeha11 dellver a copy of the note and oortgage to the Assoclatlon. B. Notice to Mortgageeg: The Aesoclatlon, when glvlng notlce to any Unlt Owner of default 1n payrnent of an asgessment for counon expenses, orof any other fallure by the unlt owner to cornply wlth the provlsLons of thlsDeclaration, the 8y1aws of the Assoclatlonror any condltlon or regulation adopted by the Board, shall elnultaneously glve a copy of euch notlce to the -19- f1r8t ltortgagee of such Unlt. In any event, the Associatlon shal1 gLve first Uortgagees proupt notlce of any default ln thelr Unlt nortgagor'e obllgatioos under the Declaratlon, Bylaws or Board regulatJ.ons not cured wLthin thlrty(30) days of default. C. Mortgageesr Approvals: Unless alL firet llortgagees ehall have given their prLor wrttten approval, nelther the AseocLatlon nor any Unlt Owner eha11: (1) Change the undlvlded Lnterest in the Comon Eleoents appur tenant to any Unlt; (2)' SubdLvlde, partltlon or relocate the boundarlee of anyUnlt encr^nbered by a Mortgage or of the Cmon El-ements of the condoolnlun proJect; (3) Abandon the condomlnirn Btatus of the property or ternlnate the project; (4) Make any materLal amendnent to the Bylaws of the Assoclatlon; (5) Ternl-nate profeseLonal management of the project and aseune s elf-nanagement thereof . D. Partltlon or Subdlvlsl-on: No Condomlniun Unl-t nay be partt- tloned or eubdlvlded wlthout the prlor nritten approval of the Flrst Mortgagee of auch Unlt. E. other Rlghts of tlortgageesI (1) ALl flrst Mortgageee or their representetlves ehall be glven notice of and shall be entltled to attend meetlngs of the AggoclatLon and ehall have the rlght to speak thereatr (2) Atl ftrst Mortgageea eha1l have the rlght ro lnapect the booke and records of the Aseoclatlon dur 1.ng normal buelness houre of the Aseoclatl.on. (3) A11 flrst }lortgagees ahal-I, on regueat, be entltled o recelve an annual audlted flnanclal statenent for the Aaaoclatlon wlthln nlnety(9O) days of the end of the flecal year of the Aasocl.atlon. ARTICLE XIII COVSIIANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AS TO USE AI{D OCCUPANCY Ttle Unlts and Cornnron ElementE sha1l be occupl.ed and ueed as f olLwe: A. PurDose of Propertvi No part of the Property ehall be ueed for other thaa resldentlal dwelll.ngs for regldentlaL use and the related coruron purposea for whlch the Property waa deslgned. Each Unlt ehall be ueed ae a regldence for the Otmer or euch other. ueee pennitted by thls Declaratioo andfor no other purpose. -20- ( B. ObstructLons of Coomon Elenents: There shal-l be no obstructionof the Comon El consent of the Board. C. Ilazardoue Use and Waste: Nothing shall be done or kept ln eny Unlt or ln the Comon Elenents whlch would lncrease the rate of lneurance, or any other comon utlllty chargee for the butldlng wlthout the prlor wrLtten conaent of the Board. No Owner sha1L perolt anything to be done or kept ln hle Unlt or ln the Co'rnon Elenents whlch would reeult In the cancellation of Lnsur- ance on the bulldlng or whlch would be ln vlolatlon of any Law. No waste ahall be comltted ln tbe Comon Elements. D. Extertor Expos,rre of Bu : Ownere sha1l not cause orpernlt anythlng outslde of doors or placed on the outwlde walls of a buldlng .and no slgn shall be afflxed to or placed upon the exterl.or wal1e or roof or any psrt thereof, wlthout the prlor wrltten congent of the Board. E. PetB.! No anlnals, dogs, cats, rabblts, livestock, fowl orpoultry of any kffi-ehe[ be raised oi bred, io ".ty Unit or ln the Corrrrron Elements; but this Paragraph sha1l not prevent Unlt Owners from keeplng petefor personal use. F. NuLsance: No noxl-oue or offeusl.ve actlvltv shall be carrled on in any Untt oi-G-ffi Counon ELements nor shall anythtni be done thereln elther wtllfully or negLlgently, which nay be or become an annoyance or nuie- ance to the other Or,sners or occupanta. G. Impalrnent of Structural Integrity of Buildings: Nothlng eha1l be done Ln any Unlt or ln, on or to the Co""non Elemente which will lnpaLrthe atructural lntegrlty of the bulldlnge or whlch would scructurally change the buildtng except as ls otherwlse speciflcally provlded hereln, H. Prohlblted Actlvltles ag!.[!g.: No "For SaLet' or 'rFor ReDtttelgns or other w 11 be naintained or pernitted by any Oqrner on any part of the Property or ln any Unlt; provlded, however,t-hat the rlght ls reeerved by Declarant or lts agents to place ttFor Salett ortTor Rent" algne on any unsold or unoccupl.ed Untie, and to place such slgne on the property as xnay be requlred to factlltate the buelness of dlgposlng of unsol-d Unlts. The rlght ls hereby glven to any Mgrtgagee, who rnay become the Onner of any Unlt, to pLace t'For Sale" or ',For Renttt elgns On any Unlt qmed by such Mortgagee. The rtght is hereby glven the Board or its representatlveeto place I'For Salerr or rrFor Rentrt slgne on any unl.t or on the property forthe purpoeee of facllltatlng the dlepoaal of Unlte by any Owners, Mortgageeor the Board. f. Laundrv and Rubblsh ln Comon Elements: No clothes, sheete, klnd or other artlcles sha11 be hung out or exposed Elementg. Ihe Cmr Elenent€ shall be kept free andyehicles and other unslghtly naterials and obJecte. on any part of the Comon clear of rubbleh, debrls, J. Storage ln CgFnon Elementg: Except Ln areas speclflcally deslgned and intended for such purposes, Btorage ln the Cormon Elenents isprohlblted. -2L- K. constructed 1n consent of the ALteratlons of Comnon Elenents I Nothlng shall. be altered or excep t upon the writtenor renoved fron the Cosrnon ELemente Board. L. Leael.ng: Wtth the exceptlon of a Mortgagee in possesslon of a Condminlum Unit follooring a default Ln a flret nortgage, during a forecloeure proceedlng or other arrangement ln Lieu of foreclosure, no Owner may lease less than an entlre Unit. Any J.ease is requlred to provlde that the terms of the lease shall be eubJect ln al-l respects to the provlslons of the Declaratl.on and Bylaws of the Assocl-atlon and that any fallure by the lessee to cornply wlth the terns of euch docrnents shaLl" be a default under the lease. A11 leasee are requlred to be ln wrlting. l'1. Buffer Creek Protectlve Covenantg: In additlon to the above- mentloned reetrl currently ln effect for Buffer Creek Reeubdivislon. ARTICLE XIV RESPONSIBILITY OF TMNSFEREES FOR I,JNPAID ASSESSMENTS A. VolugtagI_Ilgtrsfer: In a voluntary transfer of a Unlt the traneferee ot a GT[TEE[SElEio-tly and severally llab1e with the tranaferorfor all unpal.d aaaesamenta agaLnst the Latter up to the tlne of transfer, lrlthout preJudice to the transfereets rlght to recover from the transforer the amounts pald by the transferee therefor. Hornrer, any such transferee shall be entLtledto a atateuent frm the Board or anaglng Agent aE the case may be, settlng forth the amount of the unpald aaseaaments agalnet the traneferor due to the Aseoclatlon and such tranqferee sha1l not be llable nor shall the Unlt conveyed be subJectto a lLen for any unpald aaaessments rnade by the Bosrd sgaLnst the transferorln excess of the amount thereln set forth. B. Foreclosure: Any first Uortgagee of a Unlt vho comes Lnto poesesslon of the Unit by vlrtue of forecLosure, or purchased at a foreclosure saler shall take titl.e to the Unlt free of any clalns for unpaid assessmentg and charges agalnst the Unlt whlch have accrued prlor to the tlne such party comee tnto poesesslon of the Unit, except for clalne for a pro-rata ehare reallocatlon of such asaessments or chargee to all Unlts includlng the Unlt belng foreclosed. The extingulshment of the Aasoclatlon claln wlll occur automatLcally wlth no necessLty to extlngulsh lt ag a second llen as part of a foreclosure proceedlng. In the event of a foreclosure by a fl-rst Mortgagee vhlch extlngulEhes the claln of the Assoclatlon againet the Unlt, the Assoclatlon vl11 record a Rel-ease of Llen executed by an Offlcer of the Associatlon Ln the offlceof the Clerk and Recorder o f Eagle County, Colorado. The AssoclatLon wlll etl1l have a rlght to recover a money J udgment agaLnst the f,ormer Owner pursuant to Paragraph X of Artlcle VIII of chls Declaration. ARTICLE XV ASSESSMENT OF CONDOMINIIJM UNITS FOR REAL PROPERfi TAXES ET AL. Declarant deslres to create aeparate aasessment -22- of the CondomLnitrm a I a I unltg for the purpose of taxes, asseaementa, and alJ. other charges of thestate of colorado or of any polltlcal subdivlslon, speclal. inprovement dle-trl'ct or of any othcr taxlng or asseaslng authorLty. Therefore, Ehe Aeeocla-tlon ehall. have.lhe duty to deliver wrltten notlce pursuant to the Condonl-nlunftrnershlp Act of the State of Colorado to the Aeeeesor of Eagle County whlchnotlce shal1 descrlbe the CondomLnLr.rn Unlte. The lntent of thls Artlcle lsto have the valuatlon of the Conunon Elements be aeeeesed proportLonately uponthe lndlvldual Condoulniun UnLts according to the undlvlded interest ln Eald Coulon Elemente appurtenant to each Unlt as Bet forth ln Exhtbit "A" attachedto this Declaration. ARTICLE XVI MECHANICIS LIEN No labor perforrned or materLaLs furnlshed and lncorporated ln a Unitwlth the conaent or at the request of the unlt owner, his agent, his contractoror subcontractor, sha1l be the basls for fillng a lien agalnst the condo- nlnlum unlte of any other onrner not expreesly consentlng to or request.ing the same ' or agalnst the Connnon Elements. Each Oryner ahall and does hereby Lnden-nlfy and hold harnlees each of the other Orrnere from and agalnet all llabllttyarlsing fron the cla1n of any llen agalnet the condomlnlun unlt of any other Orrner or against the Conmon Elements for constructlon perfonned or for labor,tnaterlalsr eervices or other productg lncorporated ln the Ormer ts CondomlnLgmunlt. The provlsione hereln contalned are eubJect to the rlghts of the Aseo-clatlon, Board, or any Managlng Agent a8 provided ln this Declaration. Not-withstandlng the foregoing, any Mortgagee of a condonlnlun unit who shall becone the &mer of auch Condononiuur Unlt pursuant to a lawful foreclosuresale or the taklng of a deed in lleu of foreclosure shall not be under any oblL-gatloa to Lndeunlfy and hold harmleea any other orrner agalnst liability forclaln8 arla{ng prlor to the date such Mortgagee becmes an Ormer. ARTICLE XVII ENCT'MBRANCES PRIORITY The Osrner of a Condomlnfun Unit may create Junlor mortgages (Junlor to the l1en, deed of trust or other encunbrancee of the flrst Mortgagee), llensor encrmbrancea on hls condoxnlnlun unit; provided, however, that it alwaye be subordl-nate to the prlor and paramount lten of the Assoclatlon for cormon expens-es and all of the terms, conditions, covenants, restrlct.Lons, uses, lLmltatloDs, and obllgatlons under this Declaratlon, the Assoclatlonrs Articles of Incor- Poratlon or Bylaws, and provlded further that euch J unJ.or encumbrances (s) ehattreleage, for purposes of restoratlon of any improvementg rrlthln the proJect,all of lts rlght, tltle and lntereet ln and to the proceede under all Lnsurance po11cJ.es purchased by the Association. Such release shall be furnlshed forth-ltlth by a lunLor Mortgagee upon hrritten request of the Assoclatlon, and if suchrePort ls not granted, such release may be executed by the Aesoclatl-on as attorney-ln-fact for such Junlor Mortgagee. ARTICLE XVIII AMENDI'IENTS OR REVOCATIONS Effectlve Perlod: Thle Declaratton shall remal.n 1n full forceA. -23- and effect untll revoked. B. Revocatlon of DecLaratlon: (1) During the perl-od that Declarant o\rns alL Untts and all co'nnon Elenenta of the project and prLor to the.tfuDe any of the condoulnltrnUnlts are offered for eale, thi.s Declaratton may be revoked or aurended with-out resttLctlon at eny tlne by Declarant or lts auccessor. From and after thetlne of recordlng of a Deed for the eale of a Condonl.nlun unlt thls Declaratlon may only be anended according to the provlelons of this Artlcl.e XVIII. (2) Except as provlded ln Paragraph O) of thls Artlcle XVIII,thLs Declaratlon shall not be revoked unleee the o$/ners representtng an aggre-gate ownershLp Lnterest of seventy-flve percent (752) or roore of the CondomlnluurUnits and one hundred percent (L002) of the flrst l"lortgagees consent and agreeto such revocatlon by lnstruments duly recorded. C. Anendment: Except ae provlded ln paragraph B(l) of thls ArtlcleXVIII, thte oecG;;fton sha11 not be arnended unl,ees the owners representlng an aggregate onnershlp of at least seveoty-flve (757) percent of the Condonlnlun UnLtsand one hundred percent (f002) of the flrst Mortgagees consent and agree to such arnendrnent by lnstrument(s) duly recorded; provided, however, that the undlvldedinterest in the colmon elements appurtenant to each Condonlnlun Unit as expreas- ed tn Exhlbit ttA" attached to this Declaration shalL have a perrnenent characterarid shall not be altered wlthout the conBent of all of tle Ownere and all of theflrst Mortgagees as expressed in an amended DecLaration duly recorded. Theconsent of any Junlor Mortgagee shall not be requlred under the provislons ofthls Paragraph. rn determining whether the approprlate percentage of uortga- gee approval- ls obtalned when so requlred by the terms of this Declaratlon, eachfirst Mortgagee shall have one (1) vote for each first mortgage owrred. ARTICLE XIX ACCEPTANCE OF PROVISIONS OF ALL DOCI'MENTS The conveyance or encumbrance of a Condomlnlum Unlt shall be deened to lnclude the acceptance of all of the provLsions of thls Declara-tl-onr the Articles of rncorporatlon or Bylaws and Rules and Regulations and Management Agreement and shall be bindlng upon each grantee wLthout thenecesslty of lncluslon of such an expresa provlslon ln the Lnstrunent of con- veyance or encunbrance. ARTICLE XX N0N-PARTITI0N AI.ID TRANSFER OF THE COMMON ELEMENTS The Connnon Elements shal-l be owned in conmon by all of the ownersof the unlts and shall rematn undivided. By acceptance of hls deed or otherlnetrLment of conveyance or assignment, each owner speciflcally waives hl-srlght to instltute and/or maintain a partitLon action or any other actlon designed to cause a dlvlsion of the Comon El-ements, and each Owner specifically agrees not to ln8tltute an actlon therefor. Further, each Omer agrees thatthls Artlcle )o( nay be pled as a bar to the maintenance of such an actl"on. -24- \ t' a I A vlolatlon_of-this provlslon sharl entrtle the Aeeocr.ation to personarrycollect'-Jointly and severaLly, fron the party vlolatlng the sarne, the actuar_attorney.r s feee, costs, and other damages the Associatl-on lncurs ln connectLonEnererr]" Eh . ARTICLE ru(I GENERAL PROVISIONS Declarant shall appolnt three of the lultlal members of the Boardof Dlrectors of the Assoctation, sald appointed Dr.rectors shall eerve untilthe cons'nnatlon of the inrtial sale of one hundred percent (roou) or it. --- condomlnLr,m unlts by DecJ.arant, at whlch trme a special rneetlng of the Aeso-clatLon shall be called and a new Board of Dlrectors ehal1 be erected asprovided ln the Bylawe of the AssocLatlon. Notwlth8tandlng anything contaln-ed herein or ln the Bylaws of the As€ocr.ation to the contrary, the DirectorgapPolnted by Declarant ehall not be removed or replaced wlthlut Declarantrsconsent . A. Inltlal Board of Associatlon: F. Notlces: Each Owner shalL register hlsflrst Mortgagee, lf any, wlth The provislone of thie Declar-lte purpose of creating aa first-class condominium shall be governed accordlng invalldlty of any covenant, restrlctLon,or any other provlsLon of thls Declaratlonnot funpalr or affect ln any nanner the vaLld-the rest of this Declaration. B. Rects,tration of MaiHn :nalllng addreee 6E-tn" name and address of hlsthe Assoclation. C. InterpEetalon of the Declaration:atLon shall be I-IEEiarry construed to effecruateuniform plan for the development and operatlon ofdevelopment . D. Governlng Lar^r: Thls Declaratlonto the laws of tEE-3tat e of Colorado. E. Severabllity: Thecondltlon, lidtiE-ion, amendrnent,or of any part of the eane, sha111ty, enforceablJ.lty, or effect of (1) A11 notices, demands, b111e, atatement' 0r other comrunl-catlons under this Decl-aratlon shall be in writing and sharl" be deened tohave.!9e1 duly glven tf delr-vered personally or ii sent by regrstered orcertlfied nall, return recelpt requeeted, postage prepaid: des ignate ln,wrrtrng (:]. ::ri:.:l ffii';nl'^:*"i:li::".::til ::""m.:.:*llle designated, at the address of the Unlt of such Owner I or (b) If to the Aesoclatlon, the Board or to the ManaglngAgent' at the principal offlce of the Managing Agent or at auch other addiesJas shal1 be deslgnated by notice in wrltlng io itt" owners pursuant to thlsParagraph; or L"."..-. -25- t'r ' I - (c) If to a Uortgagee at the address provlded by the Onner pursuant to Paragraph B of Artlcle lfrI. (2, If dellvered pereonally, the effecttve date of euch notlce ehall be the date of dellvery thereof. If ualled, the effectlve date of euch notl.ce shell be tyo (2) buelnese daye fron the dete of rnalllog, ae eyldenced by the postnark oo the certlflcate of rulllng therefor. (3) If a Unit ls owrred by oore than one peraon, the Onnere ehell deelgnate to the Agsoclation ln wrl.tlng one address to which the A8societlou shal1 be entltled to natl all notLcee hereunder to all of eald Owners. G. Captlone: The captlons hereln are lneerted only as a matter of convenLence and for reference, and in no lray define, lirnlt or deecrLbe the scope of this Declaration or the lntent of any provLelon hereof. H. Gender; Ttre use of the naecuLlne gender ln thLs Declaratlonshall be deemed ETFlude the feolnlne and neuter lendere and the use of the stogular shall be deemed to include the plural, and vLce verga, whenever the context eo requlres. RAIIDALL GI'ERRIERO BY: Randall Guerrlero STATE OF COLORADO)eG COI'}ITY OP EAGLE ) "". The a\ove and foregolng Declaratlon before me thle 42 day of ..10N E , Lffll sas eubEcrlbed by MNDALL lrry comleelon explres: fl/rril*22/ /?go Notary Wltneee uy hand and offlctal seali (sEAL) -26- - ,l I oo +.( cl\J "-:rR\ +J S$$$I s\\\tls NN NIt-N\x'\ EAGLE COUNTY Commun'i ty Devel oPnent P-0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTI O N Ext 226 ot 229 CLER K & RECOROER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Exl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSO NN EL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basall 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 June l'l , .|980 R. Guerriero P . 0. Box 'l 931 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Fi'le No. Sm-]23-79 Mustang Condominiums At their meeting of June 9, 1980, the Board of County Cormissioners extended your final plat to September I , 'l 980. If you have any quest'ions, please contact this office. Sincere'ly, 4,s /&:z*/ /,-,tr Thomas Boni Assistant Director of P'lann'ing TB/J h EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731| BOARO OF COUNTY coMMtsstoNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT ION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG IN EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIB RAR Y Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BR IDG E Ext ?57 SHERIFF Eag le Ext 2l I Basall927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 I CERTIFIED MAIL January 7, .|980 Darrel l^J. Lathrop, Executive Vice-President First Bank of Vail P. 0. Box .|728 Vail, Colorado 8.l657 RE: Release of Letter of Credit - County of Eagle Dear Mr. Lathrop: 0n January 7,'l 980, the Board of County Corrnissjoners, County of Eagle, State of Colorado at it's regular meetinq moved to release a certain Letter of Credit ciated 0ctober 3' .|979, in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($SA:.00) for the account of Randall Guerri ero. I have enc'losed said Letter of Credit and a Resolution by the Board releasing same. I would appreciate the First Bank of Vail taking all necessary steps to finalize the release of said Letter of Credit. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Si ncerely, (*i *-.*- 4l t<.r 5<:)u T Beth A. Riggert County Attorney BAR/cj p cc: Randal'l Guerriero Terri I 'l Kni ght, P'l anni ng Di rector encl: (?) SUNSHINE gUILDERS RCmO€Urt. rA||(ftL lsE Al{o lt lLulG P0 [tr 661. YxL oo[QAqt atct7 . at63l'L q a7$21l7 Dccrnber 29' 1979 legle County Planning Boatd Ittratloa: Trrrtll ftrlght Ia eccordaocc ylth our convcrsatlon thG other dey, I rtr rrltlng thta l.tter to fornally lnforn you thrt I hevc co4leted thc eddltlonal parblag that nrE coltlngc[t for approvel of ry changlng ry thrcc unita tn luftor Crcek to eondoolntuos. Ihanlr lou.1 iSiucrrelyt_&t/a61 hodrll !1. Srorrleto Itrl uw.//4?.4w RJ %1"''a""/ IMPROVEMENTS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of October' .|979, by and between Mr. Randall Guerriero, hereinafter referred to as "Guerriero" and the Board of County Conunissioners, County of Eagle, State of Colorado herein- after referred to as the "Board". l.|ITNESSETH: NHEREAS, Guemiero as a condition of fina] appuova'l of a minor sub- division located at .1859 Meadow Road, West Va'il, County of Eagle, State of Colorado' wishes to enter into an Improvements Agreement; and WHEREAS, Guerriero js obligated to provide security or col'latera] sufficient in the judgement of the Board to nnke reasonable provision for com- pletion of certain improvements i.e. construction of a parking area located on the property to be subdivided; and IIHEREAS, Guerriero wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this agreement by means of an jrrevocab'le letter of credit in the amount of f i ve hundred do] 'l ars ( $500 . 00 ) ; Nol,l , THEREF0RE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, Guemiero and the Board agree as follows: 'l . Guerrjero hereby agrees, at his so1 e expense, to furnish a'l I equip- rent and materia'l necessary to perform and complete in a good workmanlike manner on or before January 2, 1980, the construction of a parking area 'located on the subdivided property at .|859 Meadow Road, l,lest Vail, County of Eagle' Colorado and to do a'll work incidenta'l thereto accord'ing to and'in compliance with the fol I owi ng ; a. Al] laws of the United States, State of Colorado' Eag'le County' and its various agencies, inc1 uding zon'ing resolution' affected special districts and/or servic'ing authorities. b. Such other designs, drawings, maps, spec'ifications, sketches and other matter submitted to and approved by any of the above stated governmenta'l entities. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of Guerriero's ob'l igations as set forth herein, Guerriero agrees to provide security and collateral in the form of an irrevocable'letter of credit number 1133, from the First Bank of Vail in the amount of five hundred dol'lars ($500.00). 3. It is further mutually agreed that as improvements are completed' Guerriero may apply to the Board for a re'l ease of part or all of the collateral deposited with said Board. Upon inspection and approval, the Board shall re- lease said collateral. If the Board determines that any of such improvements have not been constructed, in substantia'l compliance with specifications' it shall furnish Guerriero a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral sufficient to ensure such substantial compliance. If the Board determines that Guemiero will not construct any or a'l I of the improve- ments in accordance with all specifications, the Board may withdraw and ernploy from the depos'i t of collateral such funds as may be necessary to construct the improvements in accordance with the specifications. 4, The Board hereby agrees to final approval of the minor subdjvjsion referred hereinabove, subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement' 5. Parties hereto mutual'ly agree that th'is agreement may be amended from time to tjmeo provided that such amendment be jn writjng and signed by all parties hereto. 6. In the event suit 'is brought upon this agreement, Guerriero hereby agrees to pay a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the Court if iudgment is rendered in favor of the County; and the County shall pay reasonable attorney's fees if the judgment is rendered in favor of Guerriero. 7, County shall not, nor shal'l any officer or employee thereof' be Iiable or responsible for any accident,'l oss or damage happening or occurring to the works spec'ified in this agreement prior to the comp'let'ion and approval of the same, not sha'l 'l the County, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but a'l 'l of said'liabiljties sha'l'l and are hereby assumed by Guemiero. 8. Gueryiero hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses' claims, damages' or l'iabilities to which the County or any such of its officers, agents, or employees may b-come subject ton insofar as any such losses, c'laims, damages, or liabiljtjes (or actions 'i n respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by Guerriero hereunder; and Guerriero shall reimburse the County for any and all 1ega1 or other expenses reasonably incurmed by the County in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, c'laim, damage, liabi'l ity or action. This indemnity provision sha'l'l be in addition to any other liabi'lity which Guerriero nny other have. IN WITNESS WHEREoF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above wr:itten. ATTEST: County Cormissioners ACKNOILEDGEI.IENT COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO By and Through Its B0ARD 0F COUNTY COI-UISSI0NERS Bv:- t,l. Kelth Troxel 1"1R. MNDALL GUERRIER0 ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: By: EAG!.E COUISTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrSSroNERS Ext 241 AOMINTSTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDE RE\l 2l7 COUNTY ATTO R N EY Exj242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTEN5IO N AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUELIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 ot 229 PU RCHASI NG/ PERSONNEL Exl 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575l SOCIAL 5E RVICES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 201 September 10, 1979 R. Guerriero P. 0. Box 1931 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Re: Sm-123-79 l4ustang Condominiums S'i ncerel y , florr" (in. At their meetjng of September 5, 1979 the Planning Commission recommended approval of your minor subdivjsion request for three units subiect to: a) The submittal of a condominium nap; b) irnprovements agreement to construct required parking as shown on site Plan- This should be done at the earliest opportunity. If you have any quest'ions please ca1 1. ==-.--=* lom bonl Assistant Planning Director TB/ ss RICHARD O. LAMM GovERNoR JOHN W. ROLD Dir.ctor COLORAI)o GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ?15 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHEFMAN STREET oENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (3031 839-2611 August 17, 1979 Mr. Terri I I Kn ight Eagle County Plann'i ng Department Eagl e, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Knight: RE: 5u-123-79-S SKETCH PLAN I^le have recei ved and revi ewed thi s sketch pl an and recommend that a detailed engineering-geologic report, as required by S.8.35, be prepared and that a copy of this report be sent to us for review. Sincerely, 0".*,- Xtt- , S.^-t-r-" .JrAmes M. Soul e flngi neeri ng Geol ogi st cc: Land Use Commi ss ion JMS/ba GEOLOGY STORY OF THE PAST . . . KEY TO THE FUTURE o CERTII.'ICA'I'E OF REI''l:ftA L Planning Commission File No,; Sar,ztg:Zl__ Cettification is horeby rnedc thrrt a copy of orr epl)lication subrnitted snd givoir tlre above A ,All Applications refered to:D..Appl ications in Eagle-Brush Creek to Edwards: Eogle County, Color"ado B.Applications in Basalt Area: 1. Town of Basalt 2. Planning Representative 3, School District REIJ 4. Basalt Water Consv. Dist. 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. .-------J1. l4t. Sopr j s Soi I Conservation C.Applications in Gypsum Area: 1. Town of Gypsum 2. Eagle County Airport Authority 3. Colorado Division of Wilcllife 4. U.S. Forest Service 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Ftocky Mtn. Natural Gas 7. School District Fl E50J e. i:\'a.i,.Jfr. $ar.itat ion lJ;.;t.'ictiulaf,pl-ffifot1s in Cdlorado Fliv-;r Area: 5. Eagle Valley Telephone Co. 6. Yampa Volley Elcctric File No. w&sentcred into the U.S. N{ai]s, or hand clclivered, on L ALL} /r7? to thc of{ices/ncr$ons as listed her)on, pnges /ofr_, "" rno.t oi Ul-ttifiiT*G@ . lt .y.-., /Certifier' s Signature : lh.)--7\-e,222-'l- Qlc 1. ColortrcJo Geological Survey *' 2. colo' DePartment of Health aL 3. Colorado State Engineer -7;--V/L 4. Eagle County Sanitarian----q-. YE 5. Eagle County Engineer 8k- 6. Holy cross Electric Asstn -----+.r-e€r€+€do-s4+n:-€o++ege-D+s+. O/- 9- U.S. Bureau of Land Management-.v- o.tL 10. Cotorado River Water Consv. Dist..a-_ Olc 11. Div. of Water Resources 1. Town of Eagle Eagle Sanitat ion District Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Eagle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Min. Natural Gas School District RE50J 1. Town of Minturn 2. Town of Red Cliff 3. Upper Eagle Valley San. Oist. 4. Eagle-Vail Metro D istrict 5. Other Dist. (none at present time) 6. School Oistrict RE50J 7. Colorado Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co- Lions Ridge Water Vail Village West Fire Vail lntermountain Water Vail Sanitation Dist. School District RE5OJ Colorado Division of Wildlife 10. U.S. Forest Service 11. Mtn. Bell Telephone Co. 12. Public Service Co, of Colo. 13. Upper Eagle Val ley San. 7. 4lL- 8' U'S' Soil Conservation service G.Applications in Upper Eagle Valley: t 6- Basalt Water and Sanitation Dist., -1O. Public Service Co- of Colo- -7. cororado Drvision or wirdrire n.ewricn#srd;tl"{;6?r;;o{; r"'( B. U.S. Forest Service _ fit 1- Western Slooe Gas -/ -- _-/-9. Mountain Bell Tetephone co. 'rt/ 2. Town of Vail 1=:-' 10. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 3, Vail Village West Water & S.?n. v _--- t'1 o. 7. 8. o 1. S r:hoo I District RE50J 2. School District ii 1 \:_-. 3, Uil Farast S.rvico (Ergic) 4. US Forest Service (Minturn) Ft LE # --.*4? .:. _ /_i1.5-. EAGLE CC. FLAN.cot'lM, RECOIID CCPY, lr.other Asencies (wherc opproprirltc) -MEETING OF "--L€_821. /l?f1- Coloracjo Oept. of ltighways ---:'--- [ 2. Qolo. Stcte Forest S.lrvice EAGTE COUNIY o NT-DEPT. OF PLANNING & DEVELOPME Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303l32a-7311 BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtssloNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT ION Exl 226 or 229 CLERK & RECO R DE R Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Exl242 ENG I N EER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LI B RARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HASI NG/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Ba-salt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 July 6, 1979 RE: File No. Sm-123-79 - Mustang Townhouses Lot 15, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek APPLICANT: Randall Guerriero P.0. Box 1931 Vai'l , Co. 81.657 Enclosed herewith is an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Comrnission for review and recom- mendat'ion at their regu'lar meeting on 15 August 1'979. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 105-2-33, and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended, and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations' Section 6.00, 1972, as amended effective 1 August 1976, you have 35 days from date mailed withjn which to respond or the request will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Conrniss'ion would sincerely appreciate your conrrnnts and recomnendations prjor to the meet'ing date. If you desire additional information or time, p'l ease advise this office. Thank you very much, Wo*Terrill Knight Di rector TK/J K Enc. FILE # EAELE CO. PI-A.N' COMM. F,EiiiiD COPY llIf i':;':'] oF ;d € Ei.r - j !-g- | u'o .6 Orp oci.) 'c Gtlr ! ll,.o o 9ll 9o..J .- .-.- c .F) .!o-s)o l:or; --E 5 3 d ijs= 3g': !o eEBEEe- EE'.3:+ o +.- oric! o-c=o .r d .-@ e € --'-(t= 3+J (J CO O Op +J O! !DF.c66 q- (, >r' >r o (|) !- (5 !c!ol:E] oco(u.! (J(,.r(J ! E-6 EF @.o'oFcOIb; eE=gEi * ;."pg E.IB 'E- --,43"?,:.P aA-E.6: FPRB';a E 91 ,-p;E-. :E g[iH;q-.liE1 r u6 <Eo{r .c co lr qq EE{i4Etr ur>o{ror5A E'- ora o' +9 eq5999c= '-- c:o)o *;o t.eL cr>o oqra 9or u!L.6d -(Jodo F c.-FrJ o-c -t o1.c cE.- 9 9.f o>. 91 9E {e gr^:t. E:egi:e: ;h i;iE!llE !'E;.= 3" -9€=' 3.3 E!*[ebi?- € !r-*Ec ,,oo$.ri! c 6o,|FE o 0.,0.,- b6 6_d.:5i 6 bf =3 ;gE gE -.H;S:_:i :EB:o Gs' o' =lEE r o o. 6- Eto' 6 oE-: :.= .:r€dP- e .j ;.56 €o;a ,- nBEIU-b,:s EEcE'F coc ro.!{--F a c a^ 6 c+'F 6- rJ- 9\o=c o'- rr lo e.; Oo>'r' (r :! tr.oo' oiud F..o Hbi=t3,-9? =3.$! {F N r!.rr= o.ro, o d.!- c ri, co (F f !(F 5+i.oo o, F,Ford, o o co i -_:.=_6ci iE.," '- tr).C(J -F .qo(,ql lEE <!co oi-oo, o':.€' -0, '-Eo ' ii L o 3r b-i' tE q'ao9!9oE 1i (r-o'r ! .1, d!b_>.F ! r! o -rr,_.o L';'- nd i= c.DLSE '6 's:_c, o^G j. .+J';'ooo.f I 16C.r o<t- EEd egE::t: sEEJSgS€s EE e.::,iFl:+piicr. !- iEc ! o !L< LrDc,'!o, !q,o SirP(5 c O.ru^ cp!.crr.pnJ> .o a OJ OJ F q., ._c OaJ oro.-=!t< ': H;B ggg=-F? 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(u c >,.8'rJ E.ts, O'o gr Foo ,€ o-cF f o.F - F E+r: o o'o.F ol :,co 9- x>-c-c ,EI o oa o+r rc - o-3.p - o-oO dJdQJCO .P.P I d1t dr.Fc ! c E+r 3F . o.qroo- OcF -,-oi -1c.-o ocLq,9 I 16-LE'-L oooo? 'F€o.! cF orr =cPc,=.F(r(J !!Eo(o o (,r u'' eooL C OF rE (F lrJ (J O.F o, q- .o t!9c-5 16 (., h o'o |q< ._LcL o', O6- O E6'o o o.Fo-d E69_ O.t E> rr) +r-o(,| 0, o(Jot! lr'5.-.P Or(J!-o 16 (.) 0,c gal E<(F.F: F O C,',Fo(J '0 alco16 ..- L C.) > .E drE > o o E l,|F o'oor .a .-F d_o=F- l .a,D >55O !. .a P a5 r.5.n drooF.OE aE9 fo.rr o 0,, ctlorfJrr-Fo_uc,.F(rrlP or tF g o - 9= a, .- o- lu.u$JrJ {J or^:b() uor< O.J !)<.co oJ^ o t-Looo oor!> r!.P Ocrl|-F tl, = urr- d aLF'F o'0 (|J.rJ !otE u)x tr g = co -l! iuoo .F vO.FI|.}l+J 16 > op . o o.p rJ'- 3 creF os (For vlo. O' F.J> ro ' o E.FF cr oQl- (, oo_ o,.-EE Er\J-OL!!.5 NO f !.lr .! (J .5rF o c! ^o.|Jc, 16 0o o. F E or o(IJaJc - oa<d s) >l!L .F LLOF (, .r, co (-) rt,{J C>. ! O_.rr 'F d-c Eo > oorLrr) .o E rrrr f r!'!o c' jc c Q o c o, LFrrj o |r' 0 E(.) !.F or .rJ c Fco d,I o o,- .rr_ c (, "-o , ts s5€ P.€ f o Eil: o oL.F E-sr F .rJ F-o.oP oF o .rr a!! u o) cD o >\o.o16 .6 {,r o, o o,o rJ > dP! .F ! or.p NIU ? F cD? F (J pE.F Jd.. L E(\I Llg ! o.oo c o, o .-\d, .- aro o q"o ! L\o 56 '-E 'E Or Er L ,.coo !! o Fu'F it <.-l!oc}8.. E :PE_: E '= E5 C.t.PO L+.hLo9r(F0,0,r5r(FC,qo-F o .- C.'rldo(,rlddi UU E! !E E h: P 0r('' C(u|Y''F+,r Jr! l* d(F t!!,{J c'i-F OIU r!>>o, aaF q-o uJ .pa <t 610 F O LX s) c>>'d(,.F @ c>q,ED <t At'- C o -@6c J r!.F.F >r5(Do o!-o O L ' OE.PF CJ^ aOr/|(.]'.C.P (JEo, o o ir- lts 5 o . luorl)o 5 r I EP X-c € ot^ E ,EC .F Oc.r- cr 9< oG,o l!F\F rr- (J(Y, Er o-o ECOFoodvc .!o .F O(D 'rJ | 'l' F|n soE rro O si rr- r!dco E '- E'- E€ o orE-tz =r! (D l-d or aJ -J q) N L -C6!I (J FJ(J r a IBTRII.L XNIGm,PLANNAE DIRECTIR EEIK E)BEII, ENVIRONMEilIIL EEALIts Sr123-79 lfuatang Torrnlrouece * Randall Guerrl.ero Box 1931 Ve1l, @ 81657 t"*lt.t**** ' Irt 15, Ree-ubdtvlcl.oc of Buf fer Creek t }tuet ba connectcd to thG Upper Eagle Vallcy SaaLtatlon Dlstrlct sclr.rsyrte[. Septlc ayatena (lndlvtdual) ars oot approved for thls area. Water Eurt be provlded by he Vall Vtllegc IfGBt water and ifnttattondletrict. 1 RICHARD D. LAMM GovEnNoR JOHN W. ROLD Diroctor COTORAIn GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATIfAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDTNG - I3T3 SHEFMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80200 PHONE (30:ll 839-261 1 July 27, 1979 Mr. TerrilI Knight Eag'le County Dept. of Planning and Developnent Box .|79 Eag'le, C0 81 63.| Dear Mr. Knight: We have reviewed this aPPlicationits approval . .,J[;:iVED Au u z lg79 Depl. ot Planning & DrvGl. [!glo, County, CdG RE: MUSTANG TOWNH0USES' LOT l5' RESUBDIVISION OF BUFFER CREEK and have no geology-related objection Sincerely, JMS/d ks cc: Land Use Commission )nh , g--^.("__ 'es- M. Soul e gineering Geologist GEOLOGY SToRY oF IHE PAST. . . KEY TO THE FUTURE EAGLE COUNTY Department of Planning and oueveropment TELEPHONE 303/328.731| Eno 9e, 88io*tlBo r''.r'' BOARD OF COUNTY coMMtsStoNERs Ext 241 ADMINTSTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECT ION Ext 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENG INEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN SIO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING Exl 226 or 229 PU R CHASI NG / PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Exl 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5 751 SOCIAL SERV ICE5 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 17 August 1979 Rande1 GuerrieroP. O. Box 1931 Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Sincerely Re: File No. Sm-123-79 Minor Subdivision Dear Randy: AL their August 15th meeting, the Eagle Couqty-Planning Conunission iabled your request for minor subdivision to their September 5 ineeting- to allow for changes Lo be made to the Final Plat. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Thomas Boni Ass'L Director TB/kp of Plannins i Secfion 3.2O of Begle Oourrty Srrbclivision Ilegulationshl f,);ftof, o:r Proposed strbriir.ision @s -__--{ }.larne of Lppliccnt ___Re4dglL_Serri-eJrqr r ai,pr i c a n : i s r iffi ;-ltri,l;[-&iT;*: "] t"#*r;m *to subdiv:irlc pro;..,cr.1y. .0.1:p1ication .Iornr I rruln s'lllD_Iyl,srorr Address of AppJ-icant p . O.931, Vail co 81657 Iocation of l)urcel lg!_lSrlesubdivi sion o f Buffer Creek Section l_? 1. 2. ). 4. T5S, R8lW.Sige of parce.l to bc srrbdirriclcd Nrrnl'rer of lot,s to bc crcatccl _ 3 condominium units &- conrmon area Zonc disLrict in r.,'hich thc parcel f-i_cs p_ (, -_-__J.-+_.__>_l.:"^1t:9lit-tt','9 (?t) copies of thc apprication for:n, sitc pran, and alt rclatcdur'r"on;at'ir-,' sharl be subrnitteo uv tirl ri.J;";;l; "i-ini, month. Thc applicari<.,nHltr:" rcvicircci ;rt thc r.-'gu1ar-itoniiig conud""i"., n",rt"vl necting the f.lloiring Date srrbmiLted -_ June- 29, 1979 6' an or-i;iral ,rntl five (5).copies.of thc -r,Fn--.r r't3! irith au rcquirecr signa,,ur.cs;::iil:: subinit:ueii at reail'tc"'-ii6)-.r"y" plEoiE-i,rre plannins co;mrission Rcvie' Date sulr:;rittcci Iiercr. ro sec uioilTJ[]dJ6F-.[f,iEd_;,ffi;I,f;uixtivi si or- RqiIEEi or, s. 7' l\-rnish cvi-rrc*ce of acieg-ratc wa[cr suppJ.y. (t.toy be attachccl as ex]ri.bit A)Buffer Creek Company (attached Exhibit A) i;orili'iitr euldcncc or aclcquaLc scr{,6e diul>oca). s.l,stcm. (r:ay bc attac}rc<t as __ gounty Approved septic (attached Exhibit A) ')' '''r-:ridr c'l-idcrcc of aci:css to a cormty roacr r.rhrch has becn acccptecl forr.r:rj.rrterrr.rce. (t:.y bc aLtachccj as cxh:Lbit"0)--"- ""-'. Plat of Buffer C C) FILE # "'fu':/1'1:1'L;;*'-'' ;'iF';;;"P' r'N' coMM' ;;:..;t'; ' cl':Y 1s o.t' fizf ,'rpPlicatio;r l"L'i'n - pagt: 2 10. I\rnrish .r,.l.dil,lorrrr.l. i-rrfor:rulti-on as r<:qrr:i-rccl. (tl:ry bc at,lachcd as exhibib D) a. If tliis il; a rrl;nbdiv:i.sion ol pro;rcr-t,y rrhj.clt lras bccn previously sub- divj.ticd o:rl r'.:ccr"d.i-'il in accordance rri.{',h }h{;l.c Gounl,y lrr-rbdivi.sions Ile[plations adoptcd Scptelnbcr 5, 19"12 or lafer.', j.ndicatc rrenc and recorrlini; data of said sub*ivision. existinq unit_s b. If 1Oo docs trot applyr sitcs for the pt'opos.:tl uscs furnish cv.i-dcncc of riith rclinrd to tlrc :rrloquate a:rd safe builditrg I-o1.1orrin11 items. (f) SOiI conclitiorrs -l r I\"h/c b(e , (2) Gcologic concU.tions (:) Toir<.igrapluic and slopc condi.tiorrs (4) Drainage conclitions (5) Floocl harurd potential (6) Sourcc of firc protcction .+/e . 11. Iturnish ui.:iliiy tu:d loud p1urs (uh,:rc applicablc, rcfer to Section 3.20 Dagle County Subdivision Bcgutations) (tiay Ue aftached as cxhibit E) PIat of Buffer Creek resubdivision (attached Exhibit C) The above inforrrration is cor'rect and accurat.e to thc bcst of my lcrovrledge. ?.---- 1 -' 7q ,/ d /.. ( (date) I'or offi-ci lievcivcd by Acccptccl for the i'lann:ing Comnission }lcvicn mcctin.q of [lcview Fee Paid RecorcJirrg ,:o T - | l-------------:-j.-----rE I '.. I i.o$CRtprtoli. .tl.',;i+it il,CHAFGES CREOITS EALANCE ffi fl tl I I [fil=EII trn *r -/-, 6tr' EN 7 ft l, Frr$Et I 2220 il$t I I I I I I I I I t I i I I I I I I tll0(FI iif illil *ls g-*6tt iA ^^r.. --na lortao N f, iiilE lilrIiI'rYfr"Ilriuf, .rorAls TnC rfrmH I ID EALAflaIJ-llt [-OO glyg PLEASE PAYTHlsAttrutT ttlt I it -rr r. r! Sq:..!!.?:-?iL---'-:FlLtr rr---."-"-:.- ^., .oMM.r:^nt F CO. PLAN' w n:?lnru """1: rc o+-*n t :l Eiiii {8 tiiiiBE illEE-6 -Ei E -*+EEl -/ hlil1*'l lll,itiilil' IU'L,|-,ozl ,rftU \- aA5r\ \_\\ dIlrl lro F7::o'()I t: li t; t: t |!o IJF FIt 1:------++tn+'j-- EEE I \ (a a:.E [1t: t\ I I I I I tl /-'\S ?\i &'i\ #.&) eq t\l\'i\l--rt riti lt i | !-t li , ?' "gei RICHARD D, LAMM Governor C.J, KUIPER State Engineer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Dsosrtment ol Natural Resources 1313 Sherman Strset - Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Administration (303) 839-3581 Ground water (303) 8Sl-3587 TuIy 24, 1979 Mr. Terrtll Knight, Director Eagle County Department of Plannlng & Development P. O. Box 179 EaEle, CO 81631 Re: Mustang Townhouses File No. Sm-125-79 Dear Mr. Knight: We have revlewed the above referenced application for minor subdivlslon. We feel that a dependable water supply will be avail- able from the exlsting water system and we recommend approval of Mustang Townhouses. Very truly yours, l"u. J+ Hal D. Stmpson, Chief Water Management Branch For: Dr. ]eris A. Danlelson Deputy State Englneer HDS/GDV:mvf cc: tee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. R[CEIVED JUr 85 tg79 T#HH:8,fl:',' OneParkCentral - l5l5 Aropchoe street P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (3O3) 534-1261 JuIy 17, 1979 Eagle County Departnent of Pl-anning and Developrrnt P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Preliminary Plot Plans #5M-123-79 uustang Townhouses #5v-L22-79-5 selby sketch Plan - Lions Ridqe #3 Gentlenen: We have exarnined the above captioned plot plans and find that at this tine western has no facilities on the land to be plotted- Please note ttrat we are a transmission utiU-ty and our approval does not reflect our ability to serve subject subdivisions. Very truly yours ' *r{^"fu--/ Associate Right-of-way Agent LLP'/pf t.I:- illl De"t. ol ,,- . ;'. L - Ctunt,, vJio. ' lnterof f nee nne nn@ remd u nn To: TERRILL KNIGITT, PI.AI\INING DIRECTOR Subject: From r ERIK EDEEN, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTII File No.:Dater JULY 11, 1_979 FILE NO. APPLICAIIT: **** COMMENTS: Sn-l-23-79 Mustang Lot 15, Randall Guerriero Box 1931 Va1l, CO 8l-657 ******* Townhouses Resubdivision of Buffer Creek *******tr*rl******* l_. t Must be connected to the Upper Eagle Valley Sanltation Distrlct sewer system. Septic systemEi (indivldual-) are not approved for this area. Water must be provided by the Vail Vlllage West water and sanitation district. EE/nco FONALD C, MCLAUGHI.IN X€NNCIH R. WRIGXT HALFOFO E. ERICK9ON OOUGLAS T, SOVERN WILLIAM C, ?AGGAFI THOMAS lv. MORRIS JIMMIE D. WHITFIELD JOHN t. MCLANE hor.laLo 6. cLoNTNGER BRANCH OFFICES P O. BOt 6026asP€N, COLOiAOO 6r6tr OILLON LAKE P.O. AOX I t7! FRlSCO, COLORADO 604113 6LENWOOO SPFINOS P O. BOX | 266 GLENWOOO SPRIN6S,coLoRAoo al50l WATER STJPPLY ANO OIS'RIEUTION WAIE't AND SEWAGE IREA.rMENT SEWAGE COLLECTION ANO REUSE STORM DRAINAOE FLOOD CONYROL ANO O'HER WAIEi.ORIENTED FROJECTS 02 August '1979 File Sm-.l23-79 Mustang Townhouses Randa'l I Guemerio, Applicant The follow'ing applies to both quire a1l subdivided property valves for each unit. This is done on an individual bas'is. service line or valves, and we future sketches if possib'l e. c.c. Jim Collins Bi l'l Cacek FDB: pab #5- 1 7. 'l fraz&4,\ Frank D. Barrett S7€AMEOAI SFEINGS P.O. AOX 3220 SIEAM6OAY VILT-ACE.aoLoRAoo 60499 * ",lt- ".LAUG H Lr N E N G I N E E Rs ?rrrrrr.*:;';ff,:ffJ ff " ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 2'20 ALCOTT SIREEt oENVEF, COLORAOO 60? | | t3O3) 4!a-62O1 Mr. Terril'l Kn'ight, Director Department of Pl anning and Deve'l oprent Eagle County Box 179 Eagl e, Col orado 8'163.| Dear Mr. Knight: l,le received, on behalf of Vai'l Village l,lest Water and Sanitation District' your requests .for review of two subdivision applications in the District: File Sm-ll9-79 Alpine Condominiuns A.J. Faas and Sons, Applicant applications. The District's policy is to re- to have separate water meters and shutoff required so that metering and control can be Nejther of these applications shows the water would apprecjate having these details on Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, }'IRIGHT-MCLAUGHLI N ENGINEERS LEAo/oEAowooD 95 SHERMAN oEADWOOO,souTH oaKota 57t32 One Park Central - l515 Aropohoe Slreet P. O. Box 84O Denver Colorodo 8O2Ol (303) 534-1261 iluly 17, 1979 Eagle County Department of PJ.anning and Development P.O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: Prelininary Plot Pl-ans #5M-L23-79 Mustang Townhouses *5V-L22-79-5 Selby sketch PLan - Lions Riitge #3 Gentlemen 3 We have examined the above captioned plot plans and find that Western has no facilities on the land to be plotted. Please note that hre are a transrrission utility and our approval does not reflect our ability to serve subject sr:bdivisions. Very truly yours, *r*!9-/ Associate Right-of-way Agent tLtVPf this time 1.. l- i| \ L- -. llrl D^^t. ot ,,-,.. .. ' CDUni!.vJlO. GOTORADO OEPINTIIEXT OF HEATTII 1210 E,f'T I|TH AIENUE DENVER,COT ORADO 80220 nHONE SitO-8333 Anthony l6b1as, X.D., l{.P.^. Er.cutly. Di!.ctor DATE: SUBJECT: .hrgust 9, L979 NON-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV I EW AN D COI,II.IENTS ls this project consistent with the goals and obj ect i ves of th i s agency ? ls the re ev idence of overlapping of dupl ica- tion wi th other agencies? ls meeting desired with appl icant? A l5-day extension is reques ted. Yes Yes No No No No tl E i3 l-r.i v., [-i vesl-| Comments: B5Q[t"r-D AUG J'U 191S ^ ^. ^i P\anning & d '"uE.*n' couo$ q& TO:Mr. TerrLll" Kntght Dlrector, Eagle County Departnent of Planning & Developnent Box L79 EagLe, CO 81631- PROJECT TITLE: FLle No. Sn-123-79 Muetang Tolmhouees Lot 15, Resubdivision of Buffer Creek STATE IDENTIFIER: I{A COHMENTS DUE BY: August 15, L979 tr L--i ././a Name , Title 6 Phone 2,. Program AdulnistratorS0C-3, Feb 77 ATTACHI.TENT B Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Terrill Nnlght, &91 e County Planre rI Eaglc County Elanning Dept. Box 179 Eag1a, Colcedo &63f July 3Or 1979 irllcEll,/[D fcrrlljl: Thc ltrsterg Tonnhouses ninor anbdivlslon requect hreg $rtmLtted to thc Eagle County So11 Conservation Digtrlct for revie$t and cment. lft have the fo[or,ring cmrente: 1.) A rwegetation ardr/or landscaplng planr should be dweloped for thlg proposal. Thls sbould include hrt not bc lLntt€d to the types of specles to be planted, tJte amunts of the speclesr ard wtren t,!te pllantbg lvill occur, as wcLL as lf there le a need to bale a mrLching eppllcatlon. 2.) Grlverts rvith thelr respectlve slzeg ard locetlons ehould bc aupplied, ea ln accordance wlth Eagle County anbdlvisLon stsrderds. $incerely, t ,ll 4@fu"/( ,K/ eLz"-- hrd Gatee, Prcgldent l.tlc J 1979 'rept. ol Planning & Dnd. frelo, Coudy, 0& Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. LANO SURVEYING. CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING Augu"rt. 9, 1979 l"tn. TetniLL Knight EagLe Countq Plnnnen Eagle, Colonado 81 631 RE: tluttang Condomi*fun, Sn-123-79 l'tt. Kwi4ht: We lave chectzei.the {ina.L pXtt o( tln lkutang CondowLwtn, Sm-123-79, and. h^ve dound .i.t to be aeeunate and conplete wLth the {o.tLowing exeeptiona: 1l The nane o{ the Subd,Lvi-sion it ni"oLeading, 'i.t thtu.Ld be ltuatang Townhou.aet. 2l Thene b an eetament a,tong the Nonth LLne. L( qou have anq qtettiont, pX.enae caXL Ken Long at Jolm.6on, Kunlzel aytd. l"saocin.te.A, Inc., 328-6368. Sincene.Lq, KLL: epn d<- 4 4*-4..*,- llJ I '_*..-, P.O. Box 409 . l13 East 4th Street . Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phone: (3031 32&6358 FIEID COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, AO. BOX 789 couRTHousB EAGIE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT APPLTcA T Rrn.ddl Guerrlero PERMTT roWE$E-) sronv oare July 2 rs ?5 "r"r,t "o 0 3 2 6 ADORES (coltTR's LtcENsE) NUMBER OF DWELL ING UNITS ( PROFOsEO USE) ZON ING AT ( LocAT IoN)D ISTR ICT (NO.)(sTREET) SETWEEN ANO (CR055 sTREET)(c8oss 9T REET)3 ILo o dl dz: o sueo rv rs ror Blffer Crc3tr Lor --15- BLo.* -.tPJ. BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE BASEMET{T WALLS OR FOUNDAT IOII (TYPE) RE MA R KS: INSPECTION RECORD Iru,tofto Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Ly' /5 &o$fe.- C).- (.Sr, ( "^"- <nf{' '- (tut' ( ' -"tt ^rracHEo 3NEE?, ,"*"?n-/n // G" r,^ /<.-o "^'' ^'&;"I /fJi //esz 426 a?/7 3 o clJ wCt-LtcENSE at O. aiaxrtECr.oFa tff.'l DESIGI{ER M^lL ayiEss ..^ / PHoNE ar //a ^t <a/o .ft rre^t ENC IN 'ER L IC ENSE NO, LET OEiS 1)<,t a/ fn ^'.lS' USa Ol BUI LQI N E . gtde*<€.f D NEw FAoorTroil N ALTERATION f] MOVE tr REMOVE 6; l0 Chrnge of use from PERMIT FEEPLAN cHEcK ,.. 4 4l1 Valuation of work: $ '/5oo 6. o o SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Wnrk urithin anrlriw ricrht-of- Si.e ol 81d9. (Tolal) Sq. Ft. Flre Sprinklers Required lys3 lNqAPPROVCO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. HEALTH DEPT. SOIL REPORT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PSOPERLY VALIDATED THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PERMIT PEBMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR -3t1 6J-f- .-. 6+?-7s- Form lOO.l l1-73 irororr FioM! INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUtLOING oFFlCl a ataa 3. toiraxaaa f||LL roaD . wl{l.'tlaar cal.lt. aoaol INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS I1{SPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP. ETC. EAGLE COU BUILDING Review Routing Referred Please review the attached application and return County Building Off icial within 6 working days. Permit No. it and this completed form to Date: PPo5"PERMIT A Form LICATION the Planning Commission File No. Planning: Compl ies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval Yes No Reviewed by:tf rfrlV trI r1tftl 6)h - 6/"zlze Comments: Appl County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Recommend Approval /..15 t")t iA"*';: County Health: Recommend Approval -iF Oq Lt/€^/ re,,c tA.t/, t: +- tlp tz- [f E] tlrltln Comments: ,lry'/ 0 ffE Comments: Sanitation Water F4ecr L/4L€r BU|LDIfiG rTAPPLrcflroN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I Z'l ls &u$fe- G..,(.Sq( "^" &of{- '- (-.-' (- -"t' atra.rlD 'HrErr '""-'?r*./n // G" t''. 'u u^'' A'* /?J///ssz 476 a//7 CON TiACTOR 3 4 c'['J '\t' t" aicxttact \oha Kt'l Rrrert or'f""; dA . --!tctxsE xo. I ICE*34 l.lO. U3E Ol !U I LQI I6 r7 ,?es,de,vce S Classofwork: trNEW FAoDlTl0N DALTERATToN trREPA|R nM0vE trREM0VE 9 Oescribework, >Co,.. /5oo o- e oll Vsfuarion of work: $ '' /5-OO O. O- c)M,). _PLAN CHECK ree v-7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of Bldg. (Toral) sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnklerr nequtred Dves DNoAP?IICATIO|!| ACC€PTEO AY:PLANS CXECXE D gY. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING.,THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOBK OR CONSTRUC. JloN AUTHORTZEO tS NOT COMMENCED W|THtN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEBIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCE D. 7-M.&-,,u'' ZON I NG HEALTH DEPT. FI RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTH€R (Spoclry' FOtm lOO.l 11.73 rroiD.r rior.r TNTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF gUtLDtNG (,FFtCI a rtao t. iroixLaaa xtt! ioao . wLlttlai. ca!l?. aoalr a -'' I t ,.}. a. oo.r, //* ,)o - 75 JoBNAME I INSPECTOru HEEUEBT EAGLE 't'\ 1., ,t t. ,, /- COUNTY TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CATLER ! orsen E penrtlu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM COMMENTS: ftapp RovED EI-uporu THE FoLLowt NG coRR ECTIoNS: E orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR '{- ,." ,i rNseecforu HEouEsr DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAG COUNTY E orxen ! penrrnl LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR m, f ll s/ "r@ COMMENTS: W{ppRovED E orsappRovED ! uporu rHE FoLL NG CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR rNs"=.** FrEeuEsr ,,-\ EAGLE COUNTY l)+--t-JOBNAME f tit...,*-".- I DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxsn ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR 6)7von/l_-/ COMMENTS: ,^, 2,1( 0 *@TUE flappRov'6D E otsnppRovED NG CORRECTIONS: gfiiiruseecr -/* ffi',", CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcforu HEouEsr DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E orxen E penrrnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: WEDTUE FRI AM PM El-lppRovED D otsePPRovED ElopOr,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: I nErNsPEcr o ,/-2-\(9 @ qtF+.ErFq|q 5 !'-.:{F ! '! DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNseecGru FtEeuEsr EAGLE COUNTY E penrtnu READY FOR INSPECTION trdrrRovE D E orsnppRovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E netNsPEcr ''^I.*;p"',,..;-""'lt.--j1."-i€'J..'l^.j{*''L?1.:'},-i}.Jl5?FcTB.d'lttNseecGruFIEBUEST NTYLE COU DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER "a-. r. ,r ' -.ll,4' MON dU..: ' . ,.'-.i--. TUE COMMENTS: finer Rov E D { ueoru rxe E otsnPPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: fl netNsPEcr CORRECTIONS 7 // -/s rNsPecfrru HEEUE9T DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY E orxen flpnnrrel. MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR RL-* PM E nppRovED ffitueFo L Lowr NG coR R ECTI oNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED nArE Q-.s-- j s-uAaE t-\) . County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PERIT{IT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Feo Inspection Fee Total Fee s....y'-?-..a-,.a..a $-....4..a....8..a E...... .. Et.4..Q s.2f..d..A 294 $....-. PIar Checker T) 12" lYd."*4*Chrof E utldllfg Ott lcty/ THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOI{ It HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS tot Na',xZ*. /--1:. r€",4/r"' a--2.,/?,t 2 -V-:.%---, /e-//- Date of Electrical Contractor APPROVALS 7r'^ ,,.r.r*l?o.. PERMTT orrr'&moN Jurisdiction a 4 le 6"-lz Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. /ar' /s ,.3o4o- t;^*-K t€s? "r&*/"- E/' "^"- &rK" v c'ep (1!ser rrrrcr eo sreer) lHavtz coN TiAc ron LICENSE NO. AFCHITECI OF DESIGN LICENSE NO, ENGINEER LICENSE NO. ! MA rL ADDRESS 8 ctass of work:/ (NEW n A0Dlrl0N tr ALTEBATI0N n REPAIR TotalRECEPTACLE Ouitets SPECIAL CONDITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPROVED FOR ISSUANCE 8YAPPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Y: RANGES CLO. ORVER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOPNOTICE THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ASANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5!GNATURE OF CONTiACTOi Oh AUIHOiIZED AGEflT (DA-IEI OISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL' V, H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER LJPOLE TIUNOGO. PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION tl / * l,y M.O. INSPECTOR REOiDEF FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 6OForm 1O0.3 9-69 ffi'ffi4,4 /4a,*Fry so. Los io!1E5. FAsAoENA, "^.'rO^n'^4t0, USE SPACE BELOW FON NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. ' ! \ ' !. '. '\s '-,-.'\. \\.... ar.t .''.:..' rNsPEcforu FtEBuEsr EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION D orsnppRovED fl netNsPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS b INSFECfrN HEEUEST EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E plnrtal LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION @ GOMMENTS: ,^, /3/ ^@ APPROVED E orsappRovED D nerNsPEcr fl uporu rHE FoLlowlNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS