HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK RESUBDIVISION LOT 17 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTIOT{ FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fexi970,479.2452 web: www,vailgov,com Project Name: YARDE NEW SFR Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOME Participants: owNER YARDE, CRAIG 021t2J2008 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR UNIT 14 VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS rc OZ|IUZO08 Phone:970-477-2990 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 ARCHffiCT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC 02lL2l2WB Phone:970477-2990 710 WEST UONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 81657 License: @00001627 Prcject Addrcss: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL Location: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Legal Description: Lot: 17 Block Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parel Number: 2103-123-0200-4 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION DRBilumber: DR8080036 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 03/05/2008 Motion By: DuBois Second By: Plante Vote: 4-0-1 Conditions: Cond:8 (PIIN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commlt@(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town C.ode, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS. @nd:202 (P|AN): Apprcval d thls prcject dra[ hpse and beome rold one (1) year followllg the date of final approval, unless a bulldlng permlt b bsued and onsUucilon b @mmend and b diligently punttd bward ompkilon. Cond: @N0001178{ Monibored flrc alam s)#n requlrcd and shall omfi wlth NFPA 72 (2m2 ed.) ad VFES $andads. Cond: @i10fiD785 Flrc sprinkler rySn requlrcd and drall omply wilh ltlFPA 13R (2m2 ed.) and VFES Standads. Plannen R CIIELFRIEDE DRAFGGPIId: i65O.0O "v,New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fa><: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must rec€ive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements fior the paticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Derelopment Department The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview apprcval lapses unless a building permit is issued and consbucton commene within on€ year of the apprcval. Descrlptlon of the Request: Locattonof theproposat: t-ot: 17 elock:- subdivisioilY-{hvbor{i.z--lov N WmlE- Physlcal Addrees: Parcef t{o.: l*l O3 tZq OZ OO|(contact Eagteco.Assessorat9T0-328-8640for parel no.) Zonlng: Name(s) of Owner(s): l.lalllng Address: 'J\z 7" 6) o @ D ,& tl,r Owner(s) SlgnaUrc(s): l{amc of Appllcant: flpe of Rwlew and Fee: tr Signs B ,Eonceptual Review /N*conrt.tiontr Addltlon 0 Mlnor Alhration (mult-family/commercial) El Mlnor Alteration (slnglefamily/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Sepantion Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new buildlng or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or ommercial buildlng (includes 250 addfions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudr as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For r€visions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ***r*ot * *r no., .Zg3 7 sy,_ M".ungore, 7- S--Ob DRBNo.rvt cPlanner: n \-J Project No.: PLAIINING DATA SHEET Yarde Residence Property Address/ Parcel #1895 Meadow Ridge Rd Legal Description Lot 17. Buffehr Creek Sub Development Site Area Ac .3615 Sq Ft 15,747 Buildable Planner/ Date Rachel Friede 3/4/08 Proiect Description New Single Family Residence- Demo Rebuild Land Use Application(s) #DRB08-0036 Owner Contact Info Primary ContacU Owner Representative Info Zonins,lSDD #P/S Land Use Designation Date Routed/ DRT Meeting Environmental Impacts/ Hazards Hazard Zones Sections 12-12, 12-21, 14-6 & t4-7 Snow Avalanche No Debris Flow No Rockfalr No Excessive Slopes No Floodplain No Wetlands YAI No Water Course Setback Section 12-14-7 Required N/A Proposed Fire Prevention Sections l2-ll-3c & 14-10-5 Roof is not wood shake or wood shingle Building Separation Section 14-10-6 Nia View Corridors N/a Utility location & easement Existing Proposed Sidewalks/ Trails Existing Proposed GRFA (Gross Resldential Floor Area) Square X'eet Chapter 15 Total Allowed 6597 -Existing 0 -Proposed 4846 +Credits 600 garage 28% lowest above ptrade Primary Allowed -Existing -Proposed +Credits Secondary Allowed -Existing -Proposed +Credits Total Remaining 1751 sq ft Primary Total Remaininq Secondary Total Remaining General Zoning Dishict Standards Setbacks (perimeter) Front 20 Proposed 20 Side l5 Proposed 15 Rear l5 Proposed l5 Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required 15,000 Proposed t5,747 Site Coverage % Allowed 200/"/3149 % Proposed 3067sqft Buildine Heieht Allowed JJ Proposed ok Landscaping Sections 14-10-8 & 14-10-9 7o Required 60%19448 o/o Proposed 600/o/9474 sqft Plant size Proposed Fences \la Proposed Retaining Walls Sec. 14-6-7 Height Allowed 6',Proposed Driveway Sections l4-3-l & 14-3-2 Max Curb-cuts 1 Proposed I Max-Min Slope Proposed 9.6% Max-Min Width Proposed Snow Storage 7o l0%o/208 sq ft Proposed l3%/279sqft Parking Sections 12-10 & l4-5 Stalls Required 4 Proposed 3 garage,2 outside Loading Req.N/a Proposed nla Lighting Section 14-10-7 Allowed l5 Proposed l5 Waste Management Section 5-9 Wildlife Proofl Resistant Screened Inside garage Screening Sections 14-10-9 & 14-10-10 Required nla Proposed nla Development Impact Fees / Mitigation Employee Housing nla Trffic Impact nla Art In Public Places nla Notes Status: I Approved Couutltutlry DEVELoPMENT Roulttc Fonna n Approved with conditions X Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:ozt13t08 Routed Bv:Rachel Friede Date Due:2l20t08 Description of work: New Sinqle Family Residence Address:1895 Meadow Ridse Rd Legal:Lot 117 lBlock:l lSubdivision:Buffehr Creek Comments:Date Reviewed: 2-13-08 lssues.Need additional review Scafe of site plan. Please check, I believe it should be 1"=10', currently shown as 1"= 20'. Revise is needed. Driveway within TOV ROW must be in a separate heat zone, per TOV standards. Show on site Note on site olan. 4 ft unheated concrete oan oer TOV standards. Provide a limits of disturbance fence at radius turn to qaraqe must be 15 ft wide. Revise. Provide a revocable ROW Permit @ submittal or issuance of the it. Show top and bottom elevation of proposed boulder retaininq wall. North west side of site. Provide a title Show snow storaqe area. 1Qo/o heated. 300/o unheated. Within propertv boundaries. Provide a la lsandoval Status: I Approved COUUUT.IFY DEVELOPMENT ROUNruO FONU I Approved with conditions /lDenied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:02t13t08 Routed Bv:Rachel Friede Date Due:#QVJtql Dc Description of work: New Sinqle Familv Residence Address:1895 Meadow Ridqe Rd Legal:Lot: 117 lBlock:l lSubdivision:Buffehr Creek Gomments:Date Review ea= 2f Pfo a lssues. Need 4 za/ g1 TffTOF[!,2 I UTITITY APPROVAT & VERIFICATION Thls form sen€s to verlry that the proposed lmprovements yrlll not lmpact any exlstlng or proposd utlllty serulces, and also to verlly s€Ivlce awlldblllty and lmaUon for new constructlon and shouH be used In conJunctlon wlth preparlng your uHllty plan dnd xhedullng Indillatlons, A slte plan, Inctudlng gradhg plan, Roor plan, €nd elerraUons, shall be submltted to the followlrE utllltles for appro,al and v€rificatlon. PTEASE AILOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAT OR COtltlEltIS FROM TllE UTIIITY OOI.IPANIES lf you are unable to obbln commenb wlthln that ffmeftame deae contact The To$rn of Vail. Dcvclopcr tu Prwldc lot AddE$ It tormatlon:RA)WVUU't os Lot SubdlvlConr Lot#: Commentt l1rf *t QWEST 970.468.5860(tel) 970.468.0672(fax) Conbcts: 9m Tooley samld.toolev@wesLcom XCEI IIICH PRESSURI GAS 970.252.4076 (tel) 970,468,1401 (fax) Contactr Rlch Slsneros rlchatd.slsneros@xcelqergy,com HOLY CROSS ENERGY e70.947.5471 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) Contact: Diana Golls doolls@hoVcroes.com XCEL EIIERGY 970.2€2.4038 (tbx) 970.252,4024 (tel) Contacts: Klt Bogert Ka thrvn. Bogert@XCEt EN ERGY,@m EA€LE RWER,WATERA SATTITATIOI{ DISTRICT 970,476,7.+80 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact Fred Hadee ftashe@enirqd.org COMOASTCABLE 970r18,8248 (br) 970.949,9138 (fax) Conbct: Davld Evans davld e\rans@cable.comGst.com NOTES: Qwg'r H'+s Bu€r€o cAgcg A,-r.trQ j,.rffiL-LA€EF ?D Anr,D MEAOo'.J P\oG€:RD - r -)P ueer LucAr'oi, + 02{1kd--zl}9[ oK 1. If the utlllty approval & verlflcatlon form has $snatures from each of the utillv companles, and no comments 6re made dlrectly on the form, or no adon ls taken wltiin 2 rveelo of the uullr$ recdpt of the form lMthout explalnatlon the Town will presume that there are no problems and the devdopment can proceed, 2 If a utlllEy company has concenrs wltt the proposed constuctlon, $€ u$llty representatlve shall note dlrectly on tlre uullty verlflcaHon form that there ls a problem whhh needs to be resolved, The lssue should then be debll€d In an atbded letter to the Torm of Vall, florrrrever, please keep In mlnd that lt ls he responslblllty of the uUllty company and th€ appllcant to resolve ldentlfled problems. 3. These verlfhauons do not relhve the contractor of the r€sponslblllty to obtaln r Publlc Way P€rmlt from the Deparfttent of Publlc Works at the Town of Vall. UdXtv locatlonr must ba obtalncd bcforu dlaolno In any publlc right-of-way or e*ement wlthln the Town of Vall. l bulldlnlpermlt trr not ! Publlc Wev permlt and mu3t bG obtrlned srperiblx. 4,, The Developer ls requlrcd and agrces to submlt any revlsed drawlngs to the utllltles tur re-approwl & re.verlficauon lf the $brdtted plans are altered In any vvay after the auurorlzed slgnahrc date (urdess otherwlse Sedflcally noted wlthln the comrnent area of thls brrh). De\r€loper"s Slgnature DEte F:\cdev\FORMS\Pemlts\Plandng[OH forms\db-.;rw_corstncton _&28-2007.doc z € a.-JOa,ooOgU. 'oN/eg : O I ' l!1./E r O t AO('Z rlf €:tt< tul> PagE 9 of 14 rsaio llou.J ALTA OWIInR'S ForJcY - 10-17-92 POUCY OF TITLE INSI'RANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTT COMPAI\TY SLJBJECT To THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDI'LE B AND THE CONDMONS A}ID STtrI,JLATIONS, STBWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY' A TCXTS corporaiion, hcrcin callcd thc Conpany, insurcs, as of Drte of Policy showo ia $hedup d agaiust loss or darnagc, not "*.."diog t1" ,t-o,nrt oflnsurancc r-t"t"d in Schcauk A, surnincd or incuned by the inrured by rcason of: t. Title to the cst&te or intcrest describcd in Schcdule A bcing vceted othcr than as strted thcrein; 2. Any dcfcct in or lien or cncumhnancc on thc title; 3. Unmarkebbility of rhe title; 4. Lack ofa right ofaccess to and ftom thc land' Thc Conpany will aiio pay the costs, attomoys' fces ard expenes incwred in dcfensc of the titlc, as insured, bul only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulatiotu' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stcwart iitlc Guilanty C,orpmy hss caurcd this policy to bc signed and sealed by its duly authorizcd officcrs as of thc Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Scrlel No. O-E 01-l6lNIl2O l of 4 ALTA OIVNER'S POIrcY l0'l?'92 Stewan Title of Colorado - Vail Division (970) 96-0210 97 Main St, Suite W-201 Edwrrds. CO E 1632 EXCLUSIONS trROM COVERAGE Tho follorvin! maticT! $r cxprcr3ty cr.cluded ftom rhr covaatp of thir policy rnd lhc Conp$y will not Psy lors or defios€, coaB, labm€yt' f'€8 or cxFnscc rvhich rri6c by rEason of: l, (r) Any l.w, ordi ficc or iovtnmcntrl rEguhtion (includlng but nol llmiEd lo building 8rd zonlng lrwr, ordinmcel. or Fgulrtiont) t€sbictitg' t gobtilrg, ;rohiUiting or rctrtingio (i) thc occupancy, ucc, or cniryrttGil of thc l.ndi (il) thc chrrrctrf, di]nadoll3 or location of my imptlvcrsrt now s h.rr.1er €ftced on tlc tanrt; (iii) r rcpanri* i"'o*rilrrrip -. ciungp in thc dinrcnrions or sla ofth€ tmd or any parccl ofwhich the lrnd i. or lrt! r Frl; or (iv) mvimnmcntd prolrction' fi thc cffcct of my viohtion ofthcec lrwq ordin$c4 ot Sovcnrnentd rcgulrtionr' cxcept to lhc cxtent thrt r notlcs of'hc €nforccmcnt t||rcof tr a noticc of I dcfcct ticn or qrcumbtlncc ncrrltinS fiom e violrtioi or rllgiEil Yiolltion slfccting rhc lsnd hm bccn mcordcd in lhc public rrcodr rt Datr ofPolis?. O) Any gov.mnEnlst police potwr not .xcludcrt by (r) rbovc, lxccpt to lhc Gxlcltt thsl a noticc of thc cracirc thccof or a noticc ofr dcfccT li"r ol .nrurnbrencc Luhing from e viobiion or rlcgrd viohtid ;i'ccting th€ lcnd hrr bcat reordcd in thc public Ecord3 rt D.tc of Policv' z. nigttb oramiacnt iornrin unlers noricc of-thc cxcrsicc thc'lof h8r bGcn ncodGd in tho public rccordr rt DrE of Polisy, but not cxcluding from covlirtp rny trting which hc occuned p.ior b Drta ofPolicy wlrici would tc bindinl on tho riShls ofr purEh$€r for velus wiihou| knowl€dga 3. Dcfacg, licn5, Gtrcutrfitmcc8, rdvcrrc chirn or othcr nnttcrs: (a) crcatad, .DtrqEd r$unrd or rgrcd to by $G itrutcd cltitnmr; O) not loorrn ro thE conpmy, nit recordcO itl the Frblic rEcodt lr hrc of Policy, bur lDowr-to thc inrut€d cldtnrnt rad not disclo3€d in wrilittB to rh3 Corpany by tl|G in$rnd chimrit pric b lha dalo thc insurcd clairrlr)t bccrnE 8n i utld undcr Oit polisy; (c) rvsulting in no bsl or drnrrgc to tltc inrurcd cbimnr; (d) rttrclring or crtatod tublcqucnl to Dotc ofPofcy; or (c) ]lrulting in l,o$ or dlolgc which urld nor hrvc bccn 3u5t incd if lhc amut!.d clrirflnt hed Fid vrluc for ltc c$t a or inlcrst inruEd by lhi! polica. 4. Any €hin! wiich arir6 ouf of thc fr$artion vcrtint io tbc Insurcd olc Gairl€ or inlGtE t iruutd by tir policy, by rtrton of thc oFrtion of fodcnl bsnkupey, stalr iuolvarcy, or simih crditon' riShir l.rvr, lhrt ir brrcd on: (i) thc t|ttsrctiorl cr€.tint thc r'trts or inLlrrl inrwd by Ois policy bcini dcemcd r frudulcnt corvcy|ncc ot frrudulcnt b$$fcti or Gj ttre fansscrion "rcrtirg tha €t tr or intct€ f in8rEd by thir folicy t8in! dcc|'&d a FGfttcntirl ranr&f ctrcGDl whe|r thc FrftEoti.l tsrnafltr n$rlb from tli feilure, (D to tinEly rcaod thr i tn|r*rt of t'||!fcr; or (ii) of arch ttoodltion !o inpsrt nolica to a porch.3cr for uahc q s iud$nrot or lim crtditor. CONDITIONS AND STIPUIATIONS r. DEFINITIOFI OF TERMS. Thc following tcn|rl *lrar u$d in Oit pollsy rHt!: (r) ..inruGd"; thc incuEd nrltrd io Schcdulc A, m4 rubjcct b rly tllDB or dcfcnrc thc Conrprny would brvc hrd rgainsr thc nanrd inrurcd' lbmc wto succced to thc intrrgt of thc mmcd iarumd by opcortion of lrw rs dirtinglrhod from purclurc includlnS' but mt lidfted to, hcin, ditEibut€c, dcviss' rurvivorr, Flsonsl rcpr6cnEtivcs, n€xt ofkin, or corPotrtc or ffduciaty llcocs|o|r' (b)'lnsurcd cleinnnf': m ineurcd clrimitlS lort or dsm.gE- (ci tnowteCfp' or '1movn-: rtual tnorylcdgc, not conrtuctivc l oslcdgc or noticc which rmy bc inpi&d b rn inrurcd by rcrson of thc public rrcords or dcfincd in thir policy or my othGr ftcord5 which irnp|n con6luctivc mtica of r|lrftcrr atrcctint rhc lmd (d) .hnd'; thc lad dcscribcd o( rcfcrrcd to in Schcdulc A, rnd inprotqrrntr slfixcd thr|tlo utish by hw mnElitulc tr3l ptoFrty. Th€ tcrm "l.rd" do€s not include my prupcrty bcpnd thc lincs of ths 8cr dc*ribcd or rcfcnod 1o in Schcdulc [Al[C], not rny tiBhL titlc, ir €r€at, calac ot €tremml in abouing srecU roedc, rvcnucr, rltcp, hncat wr),r or *r6rmy1 but nothing hcrrin rbll modi! or limit thc cxtalt lo whach I right of sccris !o 6nd ll'om thc lgnd is iffurcd by lhi: policy. (c) 'tnortgrgc nErig3tB dGGd of ru|l mlr dccd' or otLt rcurlty ln|luflrnt- ttt "prUi t cotds'':-rtcort cstrUtishA -dcr rlrb r||obr .a D.E of Potlcy for thc Durpotc of irp.rlint con tructivc notico of tmtEr| relrting o nd propcrty to purchascrr for v.bc md withour lolroelcd8c. Wilh rcrgast b Sccthn l(r[v) of lh. Exclrdont F om Cowrgc, 'Fblic rccordr" shall aho includc in"imn rrnut protcction licns filcd in Oc Gcofds of lhc cl€'t of llE thitcd SllGt di!tsist coua for ti. dktrict in which thc lmd ir bc:tcd. (!) -.unrE*cirbility of thr titlC': rn rllcgcd or .pFlrlrt mdtsr dbctioS lh. aitlc !o lhc lu|d, not €xcludcd or qrccptod fmm covqrgc' rvlfch uould orfiftc a purctuser of thc cctrt? or intcrcat rta$rrbcd in Schcdulc A to bc ttlascd from lhs oblilrtion b pstcirtc by vittuc of | €ontrrsbrl condilion rcquiring ttc dclivay of rnrlelrblc titlc. 2. COI{TINUATION OF TNSUNANCE ATTEN COT'IVEYANCE Otr TULD' Thc covcngc ofrhis polica rhrll continuc in forcc u of Drlc of Foticy in frvot of|n inamd only ro ton! tt thc inrurrd rctdrrs sn eairic c inffi in 0r tsnd, or holds an indcttrdrrcrr rccurrd by r purchsc ]rDocy nnrqrgc Stv(|l by a F|nta!.f, fr,om thc irrutld, or ottly so l(xq, rLt thc inerGd drall lEvc lirbilig by trrto of covqrmtr of \ryrrrlnty rrdc by rtra tnsrr:d in rny mnsfcr or conva,nncc ofthc cltdc or it|lsE|L Thit policl shdl nol continuc in forttc in favo,r oiany purcher ftorn thc inrurrd of "ilhcr (i) m ctl.l! of inL|!$ ln itr3 tud' qr (ii) .tt in&ho&ctr seurtd by r putthe3c n |c modtrgc tiYcn tD the iruucd. 3. NOTICE OF CI.AIM TO BE GIVEN BY IMTURED CLAIMAIIT' Tbc ineurcd shelt nofiS rhc Cornprny ponptly in writing (i) in c8c of ey liri3rdot .! t€t fo|li In lt€dion 4(r) bcbw' (iD in ctc knowlcdSc thll cnmo b ]r inomd haeudcc of my ctrim of rirt or intolrf which k .dvrrt lo lhc titlc lo OG cltrtc a htcrrt! r inrurd, rnd which might crurc hrr or dungp for rYiich tte Conpny nny bc lirllc by virfiE of $lr policy, c (iii) if titlc to lhc ctLt ot inbc.t |r inrursd, b fGj('rEd |r unmrttctrble- lf protl?t norhc rhdl not bc fivdr to thc CortFry, ftcn |. to ha i|l|utEd rll lhbttity of thc Conprny rlrll raminec with twrd !o lhc mrlr(' ot ttdtcf3-fo'r wfikh pmmpt notics ir rcq;irrd; Fovidcd, irowwa, th.t hilurc to notiry rhc Colrpny rhdl in no c|r. Fejudic! thc riSht of .ny intucd undc' this policy unlccr ttE ConDrny lhrll bc ptcjudiocd by tha failut .'ld lhc| oily b 0|c €rt4nt oftlc prriudicc. 4. DEFENSE AllD ?R(NECVTIOil Or ACTIONS; DUTY O? NSURED CLAnmNT TO COOPEnATE (.) Upon writ|ln rcquGt by th. inrur€d rnd lubjccl !o rh. oDlioor contrl'ncd in Scction 6 of ttsc Conditionr rnd Stipulrriont, fic C-onPrny' at ilt o*n so6r ;d withour um€a;$L dcbn rhdl ywidc for th: dofcncc of rn inrurd tn litigrdon lr which rty rhid Fny r$.ta . cl|lm rdlqrc.io lht titlc or intcrEt !5 inNu:d, but orly as to tito|* rtaicO ceurcs of rtion rltcai4 e &fcc|' liqr or cncunDnocc or ottFr rr||ttsr in$tcd 88rir:cl by this policy. Thc Compry rhell hsyc tha ri ht to rlect courrcl ol iE dFicc Gubj6l to lhc tiSht of tbc itlturcd b objcct for tErrom.blc ceucc) to rtprscnt lhc in.ur"d $ !o thorc rbfcd calrscr of rction anrt drdl nof bc lirblc for |td will not Fy thc frcs ofrny oth:r conrcl. The Corprny will not pry rny fcc3' costr ot ctrpcns.r incurrcd by the insurrd in rhc dsfcnrc of thoio crur6 of |ctbn which rllctc rnrttltr not intuttd .EtiD.t by thir policy. 0) firc Co,mpny lhrlt hvE thc right, rl iB o|n cosL to l|lrtit||tr r||d t?orocuE |rry rctio[ ot ttocc.dinS or b do my othct acl wtich in itt oPinion tl|.y Ue neill5.y or O..ioitc to Gtrblilh tdutte b tfrc r atc or inErcrt, rr insund. ot o pwert ot |rducc lots or d.rate to thc iDsurrd. ThG CoJnFny nEy hkc uy epgmplerc rcrion undcr rhr tldtr! of thir policn whcthcr or nol it rh.ll ba li.blo hcrund.?, uld lhrll nol lhcrtby conccde liability or uaivc rny povirim ofthir poticv. tfrhc Company rhrll cxacirc ilr riSbt undct fdr FcrrSnph' it thdl do co dili8attly' 1d1 wtrcnovcr Uc dn6ony shdl hevc blou-ght rn rction o; intcrposad t ddanlc rs rcquirod or D.tntifted by tbo provirionr of thit Doficy' t|r.Conprty rney pursue my titigrtiotr to fiml ddermirrtioo by r coun ofco,mpctcrtjudtdiction end csp,crdy rcrcrvor tlrc ri$t, in itt solc discr€tion' 1o rpp l fiomany tdvqtc judgrHlf or ordcr. (Oi ln-a1 cases yharr thir Dolicy pcnnits or rcqoirrc tha Conpcny to prDrcuG or Drovkb fa tho dcfcnr of rny rclion or prococding' tho insulcd rhell rccur€ ro thc Conrprny ttrc right to so ims.cub or p;ovl& dcfsrrc ln fhc retion or prooccding end rll 4pcrlr thcrcin' rnd pctmit thc Conpany to u!.' rt iE .pto", 6 "rt* ,if tio inoria lor rhl purpocc. Whencva rcquafcd fy $c Comirnn lhc intu&d, st thc ComFny'r cxpen:c, thsll Sjve lhc Conprny sll ,r""onrUto cid (i) in xry rction or pmccciing rccwing evldarcc, obirlninS wifiottc!, Fot cutini o1 {fording rhc rcttun or Pocccdiq' or cffccting rint"n-f, -O iiy in my ottr,rf lawful rct which itl tllc opinion of thc Corryony rrBy bc ncccgrry or dcrirrblc b c{trblish lh! titlc b tlc G3trtc or inlatsl rg ineurcil. tf thc ionpmy ir prcj[dioorl by tl|G friluro of thc imurcd b lbmish lhc rtquircd corcntion [lc _Corp|tty'r oblilrtionr to tho insurd urdcr tlE policy lhett tcrmimie , iirclurting sny li.bility or obtilirtion b dcfdd, ttllaglq or co inuc rny litiSrtioq with n5rd !o thc nrttcr or nntlert Fqoirinl g|ch cooFrrtior- Scrlrl No. O-9701-f 60820,l ALTA OWI{BR'S P(ILrcY lGlT-9Z ALTA OWNER'S POLTCY Order Number: 6037735 SCHEDULB A Pollcy No.: Premlum: Datc of Pollcy: July 12, 2006 at 4:30 PM t* rhc a.rt of tcoo.{itg of rft inruicO dood' sttichcvcr b lacr) Amount of Itrturoncc! $1, I 00,000.00 l. Nauc of Inrured: CRAIGYARDE 2. The $tste or intcrest in the lrnd which ls covcrcd by thls Pollcy is: Fee Simplc 3. Tltle to tbo eststc or interert In t[e lrnd ir vested h: CRAIGYARDE 4. The land referred to In thlr poltcy ir describcd ae follows: ' Lot l7 R!'SLBDIWSION OF BLTFTER CREEK accordrng to the plat rccmded as Reception No. 97483 COTJNTYOF EAGLE STATEOFCOLOMDO ItEWAnr tttl! OUARANTY COMPA!ff ALTA Owncr'. Poticy - Schodulc A ALTA OWNER'S FOLICY SCHEDULE B Order Nunbe n 5037735 Pollcy No: 0'9701'1608320 Thir poliry doer not insure egalnst losr or demrge (erd the conprny will not pry coob' rttorney'r fees or erpenscr) whlch arise by reuon of: l. Rights or claims of perties in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Eas€tncnlg, or claims of eas€m€nts, not shovm by thc public records' 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in bormdary lines, slrortrgc in atea, cncroachm€trts, or any facts, whic! a .or.u.i ,*y and inspection of tlre prcmises would disclose, and which are not ohown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a licn, for s€nrices, labor or material hcretoforp or hereafter furnishcd' imposcd by laws and not shown by Src public records' 5. Unpatcnted mining claime, reservations or cxceptions in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance ther€of; water rights, olaims or title to watEr, 6. Any and all unpaid taxes urd asscssments and unrcdcemed tax sales' ?. The effcct of inclusions in any general or spccific water conscrvancy, fire protectiolu soil conscrvation or ot|er distict or inclusion in any water service or strcct impfovetncnt a161' 8, Rescnrations or exccations in Patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuancc thereo{, including the rcscrvation ofa rigbfofvay for dirchcs or canale constructed by thc althorityoftlc United Statar, * ,.scr"od in Unirci Statcs Patcnt rccorded Octobcr 4, I 9 I 6 in Book 93 at Pagc 30 I . 9, Ten pcrcent royalty intcrest in proccods dcriwd from the salc of any minoals, produccd and mincd from said premises, as reserved by insfrunent reco,rdcd in Book 166 at Page 407, and any assigrments thereof' 10. hotcctive covenans rccordcd october 8, 1963 in Book 178 at Pagc 75, as ameirded by instrunrent rccorded April l, 1964 in Book l9l rt Pagc 343 as Rcccplior No. 103550 md by instrument recordcd vrty 25,1966 in Book 197 at Page I as Rcccption No. 104040- I l. Easonent grantcd to Gas Fasilities, lnc. by Corurty of Eagle for construction and mainGnance of gas lincs ii and along all roads in Resubdivisiqr ofBuffer Creck, recorded August I I ' 1965 in book 190 at Page '105 as Reccpdon No. 101914' 12. All rmtters shown on the Plat of Rcsubdivisim of Buffer Cr€eh as RccsPtion No. 98077' StrEWARI TIIID CUARANTY COMPAIry ALTA Owncr's PolicY Sdrcdule B P8tc I of I Fllc No: 603??35 Product Number tomp Stondord Finish Ptw-r0ro l2l l2 volt lOW G4 Nolurol Ptw-r016 {21 l2 volt lOW G4 Nickel plote A motching woll mounbd version of our populor poth light luminoire. Compod ond oftciont itrumindion frorn o lorr volugo liglrt roucr. For mounting oer 4' x I 7e' minimum deph octogonol wiring box ld othersl. Supplied wi$ int€rol I 20r'/ | L6v ebcrronic honsformer. AII fosbners ore sf. stl. Awibble without tronsformer lor l2V supply. Add sulfix lT. Optionr ooihtic ot odditbnol co,tt. . . A. Add sr'fix lR frx trmocr r.d$ont linid B. Add sulftx BP for horvn polim C. longer slems up to 18" owiloblc - sp€cify stem lengft D. Order #XE I 0C-20 for 20,0@ hr | 0W "Xelogen' lomp,s E. Nd sdhx *277 Iu 277Y e/pxyronic honslormor Product Number lomo Stondord Finish BW 42046 t00wA l9 Sr. sd. BWVh2Ol6 Rings Copp.t BWM2066 l00wA t9 Sl. Sd.Nickel plofre Ihe Beocon Woll Arlount is o oerfectlv scoled. shielded stem woll luminoire. Tempered cleor gloss diffuser. Fully enclosed lor stondord 'A lomps up to lOOW. the op light illuminotes th€ shode ond provide direaionol illuminotion. Cleor lomp recomrnended. For mouniing oer 4' octogonol wiring box lby othen). Woll bocka prouided with four {4} holes @ 9ff on 4r/z'centers for mounling b snuclurol supports. Opion: oroihble ot odditiqpl cod. . . A. Add su{fix BP tor hovwr potino C. Nd gfiix #277 lu 277Y olcctroaic tronsfornrr Producr Number lomp Rings Sbndord Finish BWt'1t2246 l00wA l9 St. $1.Noturol l00wA t9 BW /1221 6 r00wA l9 Copp.t 8WI'tt226 l00wA l9 Ihe lorger shode version ol the Beocon Woll Mounl luminoire obow offering odditionol shielding. Tempered cleor glos diffuser. Fully enclaseo fry sondord 'A lomps up lo l00W Th€ bp light llluminotes tfre stode ond prwide direclionol illuminolion. Clcor lomps recommended. For mounfing orer 4'ocbgonol wiring box {\ o*nrs}. Woll brocket provided with four l4l holes @ 90" on 472' cenfers for mounling lo strr.rcturol supporls. Allfosbners ore sloinless sbel. Option: ooiloblc ot odditionol cool... A.AddApPrefitEBEY THE TOWN OF VAI[- $. Sil.Nickel plote ---,^rr !-rF!. ;-.,.: ;r'.:.J:rFlDnFsl{.il\ l{r- i: " llct aODq,rE. vlDlec '., \i{'-t'Rlf, "l'li:, ..,:l;:€ Crlssrc Lrrue s, TTMELESS CoNsrRUcrroN For those who appreciate the best, this patlnvav light is designed for both high performance and style. 'l'he strong, linear lines of the IlelMareo will complement any Iandscape b1'day and bring it to life at night. This patent pending luminaire is the best choice for the client r-r'ho wants a flawless design that will make a long, term contribution to their garden. Using high output long life halogen lamps reduces operaring and sewice costs. All I:X copper models are well suited for coastal exposures or areas where irrigation water contains high levels of mineral or caustic sahs. 'l-he copper will patina naturally over time and can be accelerated with solution spray. lirr patina formulas visit our website at www.D(L-corn/patina. FX I LUMINAIRE@ DM- | 0, DM- | 5, DM-20 Tup Henmoruv or Pattrul Ihc most srccss/ul gor,lcns orc c horttonrors blctld of aryor,ic tnotenal:,.fhc FX cop\er lnc is the perlect nati Lo v,,ood. tliosonry. ond ploltt motcr''crls srncc thc notJ'iJ pdtrnd proccss oilo!"s erth 1.t"|e to o.eil nlo,l 5r,lg'or-,nJ. Compatc FX coppcr lurn,m:rrcs with on\/ othct. orxl you will ltnd a drornoli. d4Tocnce in (lt<ihry of moiel]ch p'e.ieon offt arxl conststency of frnsh ,1 -' "'.1 ""{ i-- ' ''lJr\tr " i I i:- J;1'-.: PERIHETER LTGHTtNc 7.00' l- . i @2007 FX LUMINAIRE" 800-688-1269 www.FXL.com"n DR2^T-4 Hqlogen 1-1tt _.r.,j,3|ft-- Integrol or Remote Tronsformer lJlz'Apeatult ----\..-r- _\ :,t:l i -_,i-. j f c,afed{Idg ---{ ,"i Airtrtln\i rtfj By THE ' ,.);r: VAIL DESi;.,,. .IVIEW BOARD g *,g? 1{=.. e-nt""iorao-:- !**-at:e!tf-,}F-:,le*-*'*?q.ct?r!'it* t$!rt DAT',_|lglq__ _ P4111.15s'-- F,lrf - - Ghoose from throe housin5 to suft any Installatlon: lr@ral Transfurrr . Pdi|bd tlydtotockn Tednology ' Morfult C(|nponfit Constudittl Rernb Tranfuiner . Pd€nbd HldmLodll Tedtnology . Deep Ho6ing Rerpb Transftrmer . Shdow lhrng . klcC fu tcsticbd{epfrt instdatbns B{<LIG'HTTNG| EXTERTqR LTGHTTNG = EXT. wALL/srEP LrcHT/ wY.' WwUhl wWPog hauuLw -vttrUa)vw + TEKA/BwM /zoi6/BRowN eAlNA loow Ats $ B-K L|GHT|NG/ DR|\E STAR TNTEGRAL TRANSFORMER/ DR-TR-2OW-SAP-4-SE+ pATH LTcHTTNG/FX LUMTNATRE, ogwnne(ov-zo)rs HALOGEN 2OW/CU COPPER TOTAL LIGHTS nU-OWEO(ABOVE 18")PER LOT SQUARE FOOTAGE: 15 TOTAL LTGHTS BELOW 18"(STEP LIGHTS, PATHWAY, LANDSCAPE, WALL):JQ TOTAL LIGHTS ABOVE 18"(WALL MOUNTED, SURFACE MOUNTED-HANGING):15 H'.," 00Vl0l0l llVA 0U 1901\] ,\\00Vrf'l 56sl ll:ur uniilng l0 N0lllAl0g0iil V 'll I0l llNl0lslt l0uvA +-+ol({l <t/-\ |\JI col i.'a l-l-rl -lCI,ll"lrlcl<lclrr' I*l u-.rl L'Ir-\l (. =oo L.tlz if c) r-l zal F UJ __) uJ F 'ttlill = g.\ S -.f hd Cfl r'-t I I -( q0i,\ Ll Iq + - xtt I{ {.It Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FOR]I Department of communaty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.,079.2139 ter,i 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.con PrcJect Name: YARDE CONCEPTUAL REIVEW Project llescription: DRB l{umber: DR8070688 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR THE DEMOLITION FO DCSNNG HOME AND CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE Paftlcipants: owNER YARDE, CMIG r2l04l2007 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR UNIT 14 VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS rc L2lO4/2007 Phone:970-477-299O 710 WEST UONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 81657 License: @00001527 ARCHITECT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC L2lO4l2Co7 Phonei 970477-2990 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CIR, UNIT A VAIL co 81657 License: C000001627 ProjectAddrcssr lS95MEADOWRIDGERDVAIL LocaUon: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Legal Descrlptionr Lot: 17 Blockr Subdlvlsion: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0200-4 Commentsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actaon: CONCEPT Condltlons: C,ond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Department of community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 fax:, 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All prcjects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building pemit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of Request: Locationof thePrcposat: r-ot: ll alock:-suuoiuirion, Br{{€hr Creek- Physical Address:tas PA parcef No.: zF! (z oz6q Zoning:YYlr Owner(s) Signature(s); Name of Applicant:h. E-mail Address: tr c9 taP $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such aE re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallq etc. $20 For rwisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee v n) cp 0vo (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8@40 for parel no.) . I Serrrn lozr,^., pm,irQonhr.O 2n Type of Review and Fee: tr $igns ffConceptual Review tr Neu Crnstructiontr AddiUon D Minor Alteration (multi-fa mily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans 0 Separation Request Name(s) of Owner(s): For Ofrice Use Og!y: Fee Paid: .}*?-. Check No.:_ By: M*ting o.t", I L-t ? -O7 DRB No.: Phnner: Frcm: To: Subfect: Kyle- What a great response from the DRB y€sbrday. To summarize, all board members el<pl€ssed that they liked the deslgn, They felt it was a great additlon to thls nelghborhood. The only comment to keep in mind is to be cognizant of the steel colors. lf 1ou have any questions, feel free to call. We can set something up if pu uoutd like to go over slte coverage calcs. To summarize, all of the actual building was counted, plus an additional approx 150 sq ft of covered porch. This came out to 3885 sq ft of eite coverage, whlch ls about 27% of the lot. Sib oowrage cannot exceed 20% of the total lot size In this zone distict. Thanksl Rachel Rachel Frlede KyleWebb Yarde Mf/r6'2b6/b' /"*tz cottfitfw EErrEroPtErr Design Revieur Board ACTIOI| FORl,l Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, colorado E1657 tef: 970.479,2139 taxi 970.+79.2452 web: www.vailgo%com Projed Name: Proiect Descrip6on: YARDE ADDMON DRBNumber: DR8070092 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA. EXISNNG GAMGE WILL BE DEMOUSHED. THIS APPLICANON WAS WrTHDR/{WN AS fiE OWNER IS GOING TO PROPOSE A TEAR DOWN REBUILD. Pafidpants: owNER YARDE, CRAIG 031t912007 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR UNIT 14 VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT ROBERTMAUCK 031 t9 l2OO7 Phone: 949-7049 PO BOX 18195 AVON co 81620 Project Address: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL Location: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Legal Description: Lot: 17 Block Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0200-4 Gomments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: MIHDRWN Date of APProval: @nd:8 (PIAN): No changes b these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Condl 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town oF Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date oi hnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordlnance 25, Sedes 2006 shall be subject b the pendlry employee houslng regulaUons in whataer fum tlpy ae frnally adopted; ptwldcd, however, that if the Town falb b adopt tte pendlng emfipe lwsing rcgulathns by Aprll 15,2dJ.7, thb Ordinane slull nd apdy to $ri devdoprnent appllcaUons. Warrcn Campbell DRB Fo Pald: $300.00 Additlonr-Resldcntbl or Comnercfal Appflcadon for Dcdgn Rcview epnmgt d CqrrnudV DqcbPment 75 Sqrth F ortroF Ro.d, v.l, Cobilb 8f557 d: 970.t79.2rlE frx 970.{79.2{52 ueb: wru.vti lgw.@n Gtrcral trf,lrrn don: A[ 9toiccts rcquiritte rbs|gn rcv€w |trl st rccirrc .p9.ov!l trro? F sJbrJEing r buildng p.rmt rgCirtitn. Plcarc re{a to U|c sutfittJ rcquir!flrcnts fu. drc partioiar rpprovel Unt b r€qucslGd. &r tppftni,n fq O6rryr Ra,iaf carnd bc -€apted u.rtil Cl rcquarrd intonn tion E rraiwd by the C.omrnunlv DarcloprfE t Dafttrncnt. Tl? troitct mey Jso ncGd to bc ]lvic\iJcd Dy tne Town Co|Jndl rwor ttr. Pbmi|! fit Elwtsilr€|tbl Cdrr.nisidL DatltD rrd.r rOgtwe hO5ualtr r fmAq pdt || :r.d rd coartrucdon cq|tnar rlthln dn yc ct ttE rp9orrl *.'+tQfr, O*eaa,G-. ;.tlLL &t 2* 'tllg^rfrDOcrcrlgdur ol l|rr trqurrt: Locfdon dthr Progontz t*: 17 Sbck- Subdivrsion: PffiGd ld&:rl: Prrcdlfo.r 2(o3lZ torttg: L.ln{r}of Outlr{r): r||ilngldd|| r| Ounr(r llrnc of l|rilng l-nrJl ldfllr: Tygc otRevlerw rnd Foc: O SEe€ O Csrcpud ncvietY ]{cw GsrcEuct*n Arlrilbo llipr Aleretiolr (mdtl-fanty/cmnscial) lLror Aterition (CnOlc-tun[]r/&pb() q|. 196 b Apgrorfd PLnt Scparatbn Rcquci (cootad .t 970-32E-8640 for pard no.) '/6 ?a Pto|!: FU: fvftrhavont50 ft$ f 1.00 pcr :quac foc d bu sito .t€.. f{o FGC t65O For oonlrucion of e nerv buikfng or dcrndtebuild. $3m Fo. an .(Itibr wlsa tqu.ne f@gp 6 addql to .nV rc'it€rttal q cdfi ficrlial hrtlr4 (i'rddes 2S0 additioG & irhrix oucesbns). t250 For trlts dr.ngcF tD buiEhgs rlrd siE impuonants, rlch .3, re-roofne, p.artirg, rffihr dfbrs, Inxtsclping, tcncca and rctriong wrlls, ctc. $20 Fs mimr dranges to b|rildings and ite inprovGtts, s{rdr .t, rc-roofing, paintlng, whdow additirrrs, landrrprtrg. fatccs atd rstilntflo wab, ctc. 120 Fq le||sicns D plan' CG.dy |pprolrcd by Planrrng Sta'tr q th. oc*rn R€r,ilr 8oard. t{o Fcc a 7v @ 3oo4,J trF o tr tr fi(BuPe, corn ForOfllcrUcQnlv: =Fc per<t: 418{> - Orecr rc.:_!__ ay: Buildino lttaterials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material L'+-f S/D.//l/a Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows --/.' Window Trim Doors Door Trim l Hand or Deck'Rails /x 6 7€a 4zV/zca fe hy'tz.rt*rsf z4r+ztg 4vtSl -r^ur 2x67, d?- / - 4'? Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notesi r Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cder\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_addiUon-1 1 -23-2005.d0c Page 7 of 74 tLl23l200s PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiW PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requiremenb for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpo Souare Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speclff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, sarimming pools, etc') Page 8 of 14F:\cdev\FoRj4S\PERMITS\Planning\drb-addiUon-1 1-23-2005.d0c 7r12312005 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com March 29, 2007 Robert Mach P.O Box 18195 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Final review of an addition to an existing single-family residence/Lot 17' Buffehr Creek Subdivision Mr. Mach, This letter is being sent in response to your design review application-submitted on February 5' 2007. The fol6w6g are the comments of tne rririous departments of the Town regarding your proposal. These comments snatt be addressed prior to sineOuting on a Design Review agenda' Planninq Deoartmentr A stdffiped survey depicting existing conditions on the site including @ntours, tre€ tocations, rot tii"i"""ltmeits, etc. ihus will help me to determine allowable GRFA' trees which need to be protected, easements which must be avoided with development, and see the contours as they exist today' r A site plan which has the roof plan and ridge elevations shown on top of historic grade and exiiting grade in order to determine compliance with maximum height requirements.o please show the location and detail of the erosion control and limits of disturbance fencing on the site Plan.. Pl€ase state accurately if the driveway is to be heated or not. In addition, on the site plan identiff that a concrete pan melting Town standa.rds is to be instalpd at the terminus of tne Oriveway witn tne publicitreet. Also please provide details on the material for the drivewaY.o Please show the requiied number of parking spaces on the site plan dimensioned per the requirements of the Code. . Please provide a title report for the property . Please provide details on the new wall construction, gate, and materials' o please provide a plan depicting where all exterior light fixtures are to be located and the quantity. r please confirm that this is currently a single-family residence and wit will be a single- famiry residence after the additioni. ThtGRFA tible on Sheet A1 was confusing as you subtracted some GRFA for a "primary residence" 1s-if there was a secondary unit. lf tnis is io be a singte-family uhit att tire allowable GRFA goes to the unit, there is no need to break the GRAF into a 60/40 split' o I have not received comments from the Fire Department, but I believe you will be required to install a monitored fire alarm system in.the residence. I do not believe a spiinfter system will be required, but I hive not heard whether or not one will be required. {p^"."""o"t" ..1 Please review these comments and contact me at 97G47$2148 if you have any questions' You are cunently scheduled on the Apdl 18, ?ff/7, Design Review Board agenda. In order to remain on the Apdl 18h, agenda saiisfaAory rosponses to ihe items listed abow shall be submitted to me by Apdl 10h, at 5:00 pm. Regarde, -4,lar*^ Wanen Campbell I Senior Planner Cc: File' From: To: Date: Sublec,t: Mr. Mach, Warren Campbell machavon@netscape.com 05O1/2007 6:40:13 AM Yarde Residence I am write as I have not heard horlou are coming on addressing my comments on the Yarde Residence. lf I do not hear from 1pu by May 3 on when I should expect a submittal of materials to address my @ncerns I will withdraw pur application and return it to pu by mail. Regards, Warren Campbell rowN ortai 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Lo+ \-l 3*S.I^ C*J:Z'A*U NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0183 Project # PRI06-0296 Job Address: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Applied. . : 07ll2l2W Parcel No...: 210312302W4 Issued . .. : 09/261200,6 Expires . ..: 0ll24l2W7 owNER YARDE, CRArc 08/31/2006 1O9O VAII, VIEW DR UNIT ].4 VAII-,co 8155? APPTJICAT\IT SRE BUILDERS, INc 07 /L2/2oo6 Phone z 9'70-3'76-L536 PO BOX 6376 VAII., co 81658 I-,icense : 703 -b CoNTRACTOR SRE BUrI-,DERS, INC O7/L2/2O06 Phonez 970-3'76-L536 PO BOX 6376 VAIIJ co 81_658 I-,icense : 703 -b Description: II\IIERIOR REMODEL-DEMO INTERIOR FINSIHSE AND SOME NON L,OAD BEARING WAI.,LS; RELOCATE GAS FIREPI,ACE; NEW KITCHEN CABINETS AND APPIJIAI\ICES Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V B Valuation: $5,700.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 Building---- > $125.25 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check-- > $81.41 Recreation Fee-------->Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES----***-> Will Call-----> $3.00 Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT 07/25/2006 JRNL Action: Ap Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT o7/L2/20o6 Js Action: AP IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/20/2006 JJR Action: AP See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. FEE SUMMARy 't*,Ftt+t 'r*'r:**'t :f r*r.**:r'***'**{r,r*,i'r:t'f :r.'i:t:t**:t*t**+**1.*t(***'lr*:irtl.'***r. $0.00 Total Calcularcd Fees-> $319.66 $0.00 Additional Fees-----) $75.00 $319,66 Total Permit Fee----> $3%.66 Payments--------- > $3%.66 BALANCE DUE---.. >$0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and statp that all the information as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinancejg{the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS T1OR INSPECTION STIALL BE MAI}E TWENTY.TIOI,JR 47v R AT OIJR OITICE FROM E:lX) AM.4 PM. ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR AND OWNER I rl *{.*{.*{.,t!,|.,|t1.*****i.*'.*1.*1.1t{t*******'F*********{.****{.*******'rd.'r**!t**,l***'.*1.*****'!*******,('.**'!*{.*{.**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0183 as of 09-26-2006 Status: ISSUED :*{.:*{.:t{.*tr *,1.*d.*tr lr{.:*{.;****:*4(***{.***:1.*************:t***:t*************:8,t(:t**********4!***********t!**.*d.***:F*{.*1.*,1.* Permil Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: Ull2l2W Applicant: SRE BUILDERS, INC Issued: Wl26l2W 970-376-1536 To Expire: 0ll24l2w Job Address: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL Location: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Parcel No: 210312302W4 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL-DEMO INTERIOR FINSIHSE AND SOME NON LOAD BEARING WALLS; RELOCATE GAS FIREPLACE; NEW KITCHEN CABINETS AND APPLIANCES *:t *1.*rr*'F******* ********,1***x*******rr{.******:1.*.:1.:**** COnditiOnS *'****:1.{rr.******.********t!****.***r(r.,s*{.*!******** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumblng, mechanlcal, etc.l 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657*All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans. No further inspections will be preformed untilthe revisions are approved. * CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: 3P.e tsucttoi,<s -ft't< . Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #s: Sfre ftrepsv 3?C-rccu ATTENTION: JOE, J& CEARLIE, GREG, CHRIS ContractorSignature: //4@A'.L COMPLETE REVISIONS EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials REVISED AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER:$ 3600 "' PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $REVISEDToTAL: $ ?A(fro" For Parcel # Contact Assessors Offlce at 970-328-8610 or vlsit FOR OFFICE USE ONL 2 tosQJiozoo 1 Job Address: /Bgs rttffioaul S'r*r-r*" 6?ilt'/6ee ov PL4ttJ t fio TPo &ls k+ooo *3 WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel(2Q Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior (2q| Exterior ( ) Both ( ) TypeofBldg.: Singl+family(y) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Oher( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Gas Aooliances (X) Gas Loss ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood GasLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood TOWN OF|l1q9EF:\cdclAFORMS\Perm its\Building\building-r€vision- **m Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Cheklist must he ompletd fufore a Buildina Permitappliatrbn is acceotd. o All pages of applicaUon is complete o Has DRB approval obtaind (if required) Provide a copy of approval form o Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted (4) o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan (a) included (refer to Public Works checklist) l{o dumoster,oarkino or materiat storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demoliUon is occurringo Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) o Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) o Window and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection D Fire resisUve assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans a Types and quantity of fireplaces shown I have read and understand the above listed submittal rcquircments: Applicanfs Signahrre: Dab of submittal: Received By: tt. ,I rGo"q t'a,.-a , i '\,";Flcde\AFORMS\Permits\Building\building_revision-1 1 -23-2005.doc 1A8nOO5 s { Tsh-:$r -F?$ 9e .O I Fh"&$ c) {te a\ $, -!- |ti \ttrl NIsl:l ElII $l N"I\t*l dl \'ls ils 'l Yq "!{ \qV \s\ Nil Ot qa TR \$ \ $ $ Ntt N R" L ljl e )-\ tL \ t- I q vt\ . .t .- t : r .) ] _l ...' .-' \, \n;wfi -J ;I\ lr'lli !lt', ll i '"1s _li $$t,ii R*.tl| 'N-t.'$ \ .il- \ : sFF tn ;z:t7ir.-1 Vfr- r-t'- " ale l'f I rt ,/ / TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97U479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER Electrical--.-.-- > DRB Fee*---- > Investigation--- > Will Call-------> TOTAL FEES.- > ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1895 MEADOW DR VAIL 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD 2103t23020M Permit #: E06-0159 StAfuS...: ISSUED Applied. . : 09/O8l2W6 Issued..: O9/l4l2W6 Expires . .: 03ll3l2W7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES co 81557 APPI-,ICANT E,AGLE VAIJIJEY EIJECTRIC P O BOX 1116 VAII, co 81658 IJicense: 155-E CONTRACTOR EAGLE VAIJIJEY EIJECTRTC P O BOX 1116 VAIIJco 81658 License: 156 -E YARDE, CRAIG 1090 VAIIJ VIEVI DR ITNIT 14 VAIL os/o8/2006 09/08/2006 Phone:970-82'7 -5772 09/08/2006 Phone: 97O-827-5772 Desciption: ELECTRICAL FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation:$0.00 Square feet:1426 ss7.50 s0.00. $0.00 $3.00 s50.50 $5o. so $0.00 s60.50 s60.50 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees-----'-- ) Total Permit Fee----- > Paynents--------------- > BALANCE DUE--__ > Approvals: IEem: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENr oe/oB/2006 sH Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTfiEIrT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BL,DG.): FrELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:ffi AM - 4PM./7'--- .$r TURE OF OWNER OR NTRACTOR FOR HIMS OWNET APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED mwn0FYtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 6ccust CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Project #: PRJ06 - 0296 Building Permit #: 806 - 0183 Efectrical Permit #z f 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspecfons ******************.-7 t&/v \WAiMAIA\CdEr{FORMSWERMITS\ELEC PERM. DOC Eagle Valley Electric, Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.:@nbct and Phone #'s: cel 904-5g44 Sam Bishop 827-5772 COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (labor & Materials) AMOUNTOFSQ FfIN STRUCTURE: 1,426 ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 1 4,000.00 @nEd Asgcsgorc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit forParceI# Parcef # 210312302004 Job Name: Yarde Residence JobAddress: 1895 t4eadoh' Ridge Rd. Legal Descripuon ll Lot: ll Btock: I riting:Subdivision: Phone: Engineer:Address:Phoner Detailed description of work: Renrcder of e><isting resider.rce WorkClass: New() AddiUon( ) Remodel(1) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (x )Does an EHU o<ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single.family(X) Duplo<( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Resbunnt( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (x ) DoesaFireAlarmExis[ Yes( ) No(X) ll DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No(X) il*******************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*** TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M06-0233 ?AxztP -oZ7 o Job Address: 1895 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Parcel No...: 2lO3l23O2N4 Legal Description: Proiect No : $30. o0 TOTAL FEES----------> $1s3.00 Additional Fees-------*> $0.00 s3.00 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 08/30/2006 Issued. . : W/l4lz006 Expires . .: 03ll3l2Wj $0.00 Total Permit Fee------> $153 - oo Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- > Will Call--- >Payments------------ > BALANCE DUE--..---.- > $1s3 .00 $0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENr 08/30/2006 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIII-,ER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CIAPTER ]-O OF THE 2OO3 IMC, Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SHAIJIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. $o(e ttt89 OhINER YARDE, CRAIG 1O9O VAII-,, VIEW DR I'NIT 14 VAII, 08/3t/20o6 co 816s7 APPLTCANT WESTERN FTREPLACE SUPpLy, rN08/30/2005 Phone: (719) 591-0020 1685 PAONTA COLORADO SPRINGS coLoRADO 80915 I-.,icense : 323 -M CoNIRACTOR WESTERN FTREPLACE SUPPLY, IN08/30/2005 Phone: (719) 591-0020 1685 PAONIA COI,ORADO SPRINGS coIroRADO 80915 License:323-M Desciption: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: 55,114.29 Fireplace Informadon: Resricted:#ofGas Appliances: 0 #ofcas Logs: 0 fof wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical--- > g12o.oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $o.oo Total Calculated Fees---> $153.00 Condt 31 '(BLDG.): BOII-,ERS SHA.T,L BE MOTNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBT,E CONST. ITNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IIIMECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOII-,ER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTI{ER APPROVED MEJANS FOR DISPOSING OF IJIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF mwN,FVU|' 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact ApplrcAroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED tF lNcoMPLEprE.:nU''WSY d Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O47 g-21 49 (lnsPoctions)flot-oes3 p"ttit *if f *t Ue accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include: . Mechanical Room Dimensions . Combustion Air Duct Slze and Locatlon . Flue, Vent and Gas Llne Slze and Locatlon . Heat Loss Calcs.. Equlpment CuUSPec Sheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION co"tupuere v Labor & Materials Assessors Office at 970'328'8640 or visit *i*r*****t*t*t*********FOR OFFICE i Q!!er-E-ees: -i DRB Fees: ;oT"l1ry q76 - (/'t - 5zLoTown of Vail Reg. No.:Mechanical Contractor: MECHANICAL: $ for Parcel # Parcef # ?/O3 l?9a JobAddress: /t?5 ne*U,tt i?.t% Ed. Address: lSqd Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alteration (yt n"!9'' 1-l-- Oth"( -] Do"" "n EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) @)Mu|ti.fami|y()commercial()Restaurant()other() No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Gas Loss ( ) WoQq/Pt!19!1-i woog s()GasLogs()Wood/Pel|et()WoodBuming(NoTALLoWEo) TOWN OF VAIL -t ./ \\vair\dsqfcv\tRMS\PERMlrsu\.'l li( :11 Pf:Rt!'l.lx x' t" 07 D412002 0248-2007 o,o, o,n rn"p"$:ll,[?$yF?LffFo'rins t"s" te Activitv: 806-0183 Const Tvo6:Oufrien YARDE. ( Aoolicant SRE BUltCohkactor SRE BUlt Description: INIEFIQI Requested lnspec{Date: Friday, February09, 2007 Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Tvoe: A-BUILD SubTvpe: ASFROccupahby: Use: V B G STONE TO UPPER LEVEL FIREPLACE, ENLARGE STA1RWAY ITO JR AND JOE. ADDED VALUATION $3OOO.OO - JSUTHER IRE - JSUTHER A/P/D lnformation Notice: Comment: Comment: Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Reouested Time: 09:30 AM' Phone: 970-37G1536 (Steve) Entered By: DGOLDEN K tNc -1536 for access Time Exp: r 1yv{l--Al1No uel Item: 60 Item: 70Item: 90 Comment: BLDG-Sheetrock Nail'l0l'l7106 InsDector: EG Comment: BLDG-Misc. BLDG-Final Action: APPR APPROVED /, tl t Inspection Hlstorv Item: 30 BLDG-Framino ** AoDroved ** ^ 10/03/06 -lnspector: shahh' Action: NR NOT READY FOR INSPECTION Comment: 10/05/06 Insoector: SHAHN Action: APAPPROVED Comment: PROVIDE BOILER COMBUSTION AIR VIA TMNSFER GRILL (NOT FROM SLEEPING AREA) OR EXTERIOR.Item: 50 BLDG-lnsulation '" Aooroved * '10111106 lnsDector: SHAHN Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 6361 02-07-2007 Inspec_tlon [e^que^qt €- aDa / Requested Inspect Date: InspeCtion Arca: Site Address: A/P/D lnformation ActiviW: E06-0159 Tvoe: B-ELECConstTvp6: Occuoahbv: OWrier: YARDE. CRAIG Apolicant: EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC Cohtractor: EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC Description: ELECTRICAL FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Requested Inspection(sl Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requestor: SRE - Steve Coniments: will call Steve 376-1536 for access Assioned To: SHAHN- Action: Time Exp: AIl n^Ar-LId,J Insoection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-ServiceItem: 120 =tfiSftgggn, 09:30 AM 376-1536 DGOLDEN K Comment: )1*/ 0u Action: APAPPROVED PLANS AVAILABLE. WAS TOLD THE EXISTING BEDROOM,FOR NEW SLIDERDOORS. lF SO, THEN THE RECEPTACLE SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED AT FINAL.Item: 130Item: 140 Item: 190 ,^ ,/A\-- | .l-' Thursday, February 08, 2007 1895 MEADOW DR VAIL 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Requested^Time: Pnone: Entered By: ASFR Status: ISSUED Insp Area: SH 970-827-5772 970-827-5772 REPT131 Run Id: 6352 02-07-2007 +:rs em Inspe$*tFed:rFs,rtffPorting eage to Requested lnspect Dat€: I[ursday, February 08, 2007 lnsoeition Ar6a: CG Site Address: 1895 MEADOW DR vAL 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD A/P/D Information Activitv: M0G0233 Tvoe: B-MEChConstTvp6: Occuoahbv: Ow'rier: YARDE. CRAIG Applicant: WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, lNC. Contractor: WESTERN FIREPLACE SUPPLY, INC. Description: INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE Reouested Inspection{s} Item: 390 MECH.Final Requeston SRE - Steve Coniments: will call Steve 376-1536 for access Assioned To: GDENCKLA- Action: Time Exp: Comment: MECH-Final Sub Tvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUEDU'se: Insp Area: CG Phone: (719) 591-0020 Phone: (719) 591-0020 Reouest€d Time: 08:00 AM' Phone: 376-1536 Entered By: DGOLDEN K 310 315 320 330 340 390 A-rlp'A/ /^ r \/1 I *ADDroved* >/"t'J WJ ahn' ' Action: AP APPROVED . GAS SHUTOFF REQUIREO AT FP AT FINAL. ND FP InsDecton cdavis Action: DN DENIED No'one on site could not detirmine what inspection was requested. Called G.C. NO ANSWER REPT131 Run fd: 6352 02-07-2007 Inspection Request Reporting Page 23 4:15 om Vail- CO'- City Ol - Requested Inspect Date: I[ursday, February 08, 2007 Inspection Area: CG Slt€ Address: 1895 MEADOW DR VAIL 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD A/P/D Information Activitv: P0G0095 Tvoe: B-PLMB Const Tvo6: Occuoahbv: Owfier: YARDE. CRIAG Applicant: LOWDERMILK PLUMBING & HEATING lNC. Contractor: LOWDERMILK PLUMBING & HEATING INC. Sub Tvoe: ASFR Status: ISSUEDO'se: Insp Area: CG Phone: (970)3284405 Phone: (970) 3284405 Description: fiRD.ISLAND SINK, ADD NEW BATH, RELOCATE BATH, REPLACE OLD FIXTURES, RELOCATE 2 GAS Reouested Insoection(sl Item: 290 PLMB-Final Requestor: SRE - Steve Coniments: will call Steve 37S1536 for access Assioned To: GDENCKLA- Action: Time Exp: Inspection Historv eouested Time: 08:30 AM' Phone: 37G1536 Entered By: DGOLDEN K ful shr /+L AP APPROVED AP APPROVED AP APPROVED Item: 220 PLMB-Rouohi D.W.V. ** Aooroved '*09/26106 lnsoector: JRM Comment:Item: 230 PLMB-RouqhMater '* ADDroved * 09126106 lnsoector: JRM Comment:Item: 240 PLMB-Gas Pioino * Aooroved * 09/26/06 lnsbector: JRM " Comment: 10 #AlR TESTItem: 260 PLMB-Misc.Item: 290 PLMB-Final Action: REPT131 Run Idz 6352 sa $.ls{:tciE\ELtFtr*l Design Review Board r ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South FrontaEe Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.1139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Project Name: STEITZ DOORS Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB06037b 08l2Ll2OOG Phone: 970-376-1536 (Steve) RNALAPPROVALTO ADD 2 SUDING DOORS IN LOWER LEVELTO MATCH E(ISTING EXTERIOR WINDOW AND DOORS owNER STEITZ, STEVEN A. & CYNTHIA 0812t12006 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT SRE BUILDERS, INC PO BOX 6376 VAIL co 81658 License: 703-b CONTMCTOR SRE BUILDERS, INC Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 08l2Ll2OO6 Phone: 970-376-1536 (Steve) PO BOX 6376 VAIL co 81658 License: 703-b 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD VAIL Location: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD LoU 17 Block Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB 2103-123-0200-4 standard conditions apply Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActiONI STAFFAPR Date.of Approval: 08/28/2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently punued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ,r-m Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenE for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be revielved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Reguest! ^pO a? sLt\rrwb oo$/tjs c,^J l.-o!L€,/L { 6,'€\ - 5-O sCt>rvlr t, OLo<S To rv. +<-tr+ &Cffm,L' &rteg.rz L)r-.nrAu..r *rr.O Clos(t Location of the Proposal: Lot: \ ?r- Block:- Subdivision: Kkfor*a €ea-.6 Physical Address: lhq-< a 6Aor,d eeaf..6 €4. Parcel No.: t \ t>3 \? 3oaot>L-r (Contact Eaole Co, Assessor at 970-328-8540 for oarcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): C e.q.st* cf arc C)E Mailing Address:CO Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone: Name of Applielt; 5{c6 Ga- Mailing Address: E-mail Address i gz&.,e-6a4 8-- y+.*r:.. vd wn o \^/v 6:. -q Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr tr V tr tr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landsoping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Fax:( q?\ +.-ta -u1sa. [orrfTc4f':\onlv: c]reck r,ro.: & ey: 9-2.8 -oL woq- q v o I! o o ",'i1,-t'"q ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #: M96-0127 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMBNT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT Job AddreEa...: 1895 I'{EADOW DR Location......: 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD Parcel No..... : 2103-123-02-004 Project Number: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Status...: ISSUED Apptied... 08/19/L996 riiuea. ..2 09/t9ft995 Expires..z 03/L8/7997 FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P o Box 1330, FRTSCO CO 80443 FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRTSCO CO 80443 STEITZ STEVEN A & CYNTHIA A 1895 MEADOW RrDGE ROAD, VArr., co 81657 Phone: 3036683760 Phone: 3036683760 Description: REPLACE WOODBURNING STOVE WITH GAS Valuation: 1 XOt Gas Logs: .00 .00 5t.00 L,925 ,00 flof tlood/P!t tet: Fir.ptrce Informtion: R.stPictcd: fof Gr3 Apptiancca: FEE SUI,II'IARY lchani ca[--> Ptan Chcck--) Invastigrtion> ui l,L C8Ll,--_> 4o.oo Rrstuafant Plan tevi cY-) 10.00 DRB Fee----___-> .00 TOTAL FEES_--_---_-> 3.00 Tota! Cal.cutatcd Fces-> Additionat Fecs-) Totrt Perlit Fce---) PavDcnts---- sli_ANce our___----> 53. O0 .00 53.(n 53.00 .00 Item:.O5IOOBUILDINGDEPARTMENTDePt:BUIIDINGDivision:66716 ttdie-cnif.[rE- -AcE-idn: eFFn cHARLTE DA!'rt rtbm:' o55oo FIRE DEPARTI.{ENT -- ---o6[t: FrRE Division: 6E-/i t / 76 5 6 - citfr''lil, r E- - A-CE ion : APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD rNsPEcrIoNs ARE BlQqrBEp To-cHEqK EQR-qqDE q9MP-LTLANCE' i . tofrEusii6n-[iR-tE ilEouinED-!-En' Sec:-6O?-qr-gUq. 1e e l -UYc' --- 3 : in'sTntmirof'iiu$i'C6FFoHm-t0 iieliuFr'cjl;REs INsrRUcrIoNs AIID ; : E9;iRFFil?ifi;f;$ EfrRl"'iq?[qfitBnliiiqffirye^ro_sHaprEB .e-.4ND , . lg*trte$lUtTt"ts,aftEffifrijTD*U,5 g6'*1,$ fiLfi 'B'l? 3 6'"Xfio 703 0F THE 1991 IJMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hcreby sclnovtedgc that t have rrld this rpptication, fitl,€d out in ful,t thc information requi red, coptctcd 'n accurrte plot p[an, and statr that !1,1, the infopmation providcd ". ..qui.J i. correct. .t sgre! to corPty *iittr tic inforDtion lnd Ptot plan' to conpty vith rtt rovn ordinancis ina "tlt. [ars, and io buitd this structurc according iithc tann's.zoning and subdivision codcs,'disign rcvieu appnoved, Uniforo Buitding codc and other ordinances o{ th. Toun appl'icabtc thertto' REouEsTs Fon riIsPEcTIoIs SHALL BE i!AOE T1ENTY-TouR TOuRs tI{ AOVAi{CE BY IILEPHO{E AT 4?g-?1fi OR AT OUR OFfICE FRON{ 8:OO,''| 5:M Pil SIGI{AIURE OF OIII{ER OR COITRACTOR TOR HII{SELF AIID OIINER .a TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI''NITY DEVELOPMENT o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *z 1496-0L27 Job Address...: 1895 MEADOW DR LOCAIiON : 1895 MEADOW RIDGE RD ParceL No..... : 2103-123-02-004 Project Nunber: Status...: ISSUED Appried. .. 08/t9/L996 riiued. ..2 0s/L9/Le96 Expires..z 03/18/1997 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER 81657 Valuation:1, 925.00 #Of tJood/Pal'tct: Fir.ptacc Inforrstion: Rcatrict.d:#of Gas Appl,iancas: I #0f G!3 Logs3 *****r****r*r*rr* FEE sulll'IARY FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P o Box 1330, FRTSCO CO 80443 FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHOP P O BOX 1330, FRrsco co 80443 STEITZ STEVEN A & CYNTHIA A 1895 MEADOW RIDGE ROAD, VAIL CO Phone: 3036683760 Phone: 3036683760 Description: REPI,ACE WOODBURNING STOVE WITH GAS lnvestigltioD .00 Uit! cal.t-> 3.00 Hechanicrt-> 4O.m Restuarrnt Ptan Revies--> Ptan Chcck->10.00 DRs F TOTAL FEES------ .00 .00 55.00 Tot!1, Cal,cuLatcd Facs---> Additionat Fccs-----> Totet Pcrnit tce-----> Plynrnts-----__--> MLAIICE DUE__ 53-00 .00 53.00 53.m .00 Item:.05100 08 /19 /L996It'en:'0560008/Le /tse6 BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARIiE- -ecEion: APPR CHARLIE FIRE DEPARTUENTcirEiti-,re-- ACtioh : APPR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division; DAVIS-"n6pt: FIRE Division: 1.2.3. 4. 5. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Hiffi H#f, $:fi T#Hiiff fl st#l#*^*tsilF,9['EskE$1fl s[?:f; t'il:' HEiiff flHRtrrFffilEilit elfit$f; hiiE ic#iH"*$tnnEti TET u tuH.+tFtF ERr"tBfi*S"EQurPMENr MUsr c ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby ackmytedg! thlt I h.vc read this appl,ication, fittcd out in futl, thc infomation rcquired, corptct'd !n accur't! Ptot ptan, and strte th.t att thc inforlEtion providcd "r..qui."a l" corrcct. .I agrce to conpty tiittt the inforltion and Ptot Pt!n' to compty yith att Town ordinaiccs and stltc taws, and io buitd this structure accord'ing ioth. ToUn's zoning cnd subdivision codcs,'dosign ."u1.* "pprouJ]"uiitiii iriiai^g i6Oe anc oth.r ondinBnc.s of ths Torn rpPLicabte th!r'to' REorrEsrs toR $rspEcrtons sHALL BE f,rADE rrENTy-FouR HouRs n ADvANcE By rELEPlottE AT 479-213E oR Ar ouR otFIcE tRofl 8:00 Ail 5:m Pn STGNATURE OF OIINER OR COIITRACTOR FOR H o IIIS€LT AND fContict Eagle County |,tl at 970-328-8640 for IPARCEI /l: :ltO?la? 7 ,*::i:illT;i ", vArL coNsrRu PERUIT APPI,TCATION DATE:. R/rc/? L Job Name:Job Address: Block FiIingfiLegal Description: f,ot_..!-7 owners Nane: 5 G rTz ,. STere Address: o <, . /&4t ftd; pn. /7/-_<<a/ Architect:Address:Ph. € GeneraL Descripti.on: l{ork Class: I J-New ffi-Alteration I Number of Dwelling Units: l-Repair [ ]-other Accornnodation Units: l-Additional I Nunber of ^ tlpnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appllances_l cas Logs wood/perret_v ,t***************** **************** vALUATToNs ************* ********************' Ity_t_rr$q: ! """"r*4lfi&r,;?'"7 orHER: s ^PLnr{BrNG: F - },EcrdiiiairiW ;ffi;; L- fr*************************** CoNTRACTOR INE ORUATION *** * ***********************7 Eeneral Contractor: m,rr.'* ^.F rr-rr ir^-il;;::r'".*"r: _ Tolrn of vait Res. No. ELectrical Contractor: Tolrn of Vail Req. NO.Address: - Plunbing . Contractor: Address: ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PIU!,IBING PERUIT FEE3 IIECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EIECTRTCAL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE3 DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: r/EJ,pJsct)Town of Vail,Reg. No. /A//4Phone Number: ZZq-S^- oFFICE USE ****** ********** * *** * ********** BUILDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PL['!,fBTNG PIAIiI CHECK FEE:}IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUII.DING: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: STGNAflTRE: REPT 131 I t / I 1/96 ra6 :55 REQUESTB Activity: lrl96-tllE7 Addness: 1895 MEADOT^I DR Locationr 1495 MEADOW RIDGE RD Far"cel ; E1tZt3-113-qe-A64 Description: REPLACE WOODBURNING STOVE HIIH GAs Applicant: FRISCO FIREFLACE & EiTUVE gHOp Owner: STEITZ STEUEN A & CYNTHIA A Contractor: FRISCO FIREFLACE & STOUE SHOF TOI^,N OF UAIL' COLORADO FUR INSFEtrTIUN t"lORK SHEETS FDR:tl/IL/96 PAGE AREAI CD II/LL/Sb Typel B-MEEH Stat,-ts: ISSUED Constr": ffSFR Oec l F,h on e ! Fhone: Fhone: tJse l 30366e3760 3r2r36683764 Inspect ion Request Requestor: STEVE Req Time: O8rOO It ems requested to Ero3gg MECH-Final Infor"mation.... STEITZ Comments: EARLY be Inspected.., NM NILL CALL Act i on Conm F,hone: 476-58E6 trLER$E nt s Ti me Exp Inspeetion Item: Itemr Iteml It en:It emr Item: Item: I.t em : Iten: History..... UA?AA MECH-Ror-tgh OEEES FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH Orzte40 trLlvlB-Gas tri ping A631rA MECH-Heat ing OUISEO MEEH*Exhaust HoodE rZlOS3rZr MEtrH-SuppI y Air. et034'a MECH-Mi se. 64396 lvlECH-Final OA538 FIRE-FINAL C/O oz ts =g, uJo. CNt! UJIL E = UJ db&Sltelor lgEeol *t? (\ cr\ r-'1 zz E Fl h M *fi=zrzx< -^ =z l$l t/JF F EFIz o zz <J)ut z oz ! ctt z z..l uJI yzo< (rl .(r.ir o@zHtr. F. OO-i q)oco&xo Av).AH c)a h H P{ z Fl ILJ IJJ = lt oF() Fz g o ; G = or 3oFd-cl q)oC!(E =o o) ! (! o) o .E = E o =cf '(D't o ;gg$9dEa E g R€'Er E 8E!6c € 6E:Ec-o> eSsE =EF;i;-Pc9dE -*!o)B5;';.t;>6-: o-NiEE,* o otE;;i Ei seo-.! o--FErsoiEor**e€ o;(!:(5',-x :E€ H E6E: -eEJ.c: o ql E,*: feil:9 .EEo ;E E";*; E9Eo -eEg! cnf\(\l + E = UJ oz Jl Y() UJaoz .J C) (J lrJ uJ z = o- ) 2 I() uJ = !! UJ(!z tr uJ e,o UJE 3g uJezo UJ 6oc uJo (L l z uJ x F uJol .l>Itlultl- tr = LU F F z J l co ) F UJ uJ z J 9z Io uJ = NOtlVntVA I I t.^ = lEiIH'>=.li -r-li\i Lr.r ,t l>=o*l* ''|.') E* l=s sE9i o- E=di a aF- .,(J(!u6d E-QZXJr! <l -: .ioq i?Hg EHt- o '-4r (\l (5F IF lF1lFlID lhl& IH lFq Fl= lO{ t1 I l-l l#lz t:ltt)IE lrql& lc) t: 14E a,t) zH FfF F Pt- F. |t'rz F vFl FEF i< z tr !L CE o (L l IJJo F )+X '<E o-L! : z Eoo z 9F uJF t UJz azlzQa;: uJkoo< >EZERtrUo<z L I i aFz 9zz- mO3tro= uJ2 9Il- zo tr oz X t<X X Fl oz tr z Y(! u,o 3I 2l zl .. >loulo UJtuzaF (r ul J zI =o I (o tr)f- LOc) tri c)z FlA2t UJFa@,o-)zo Noro\ |n F z zH |-G uJY uJo oF F ul TL lro o I lrJFoz F tu o- tr,o;!!E2E<rlfo9.E2B9vtE 5gE dLE h=I :fr: >[I ou-E ooI 5urE XIt x>6=Fc\"io-i!i OJlo F ,r(-l\ tatu.-E\t:'Jl t=_-E'- {: utF z rn !i =ecoo =2.ffd9 J ZF =uJ(D!! ts =E lrJ o-zo F(JfE 6zoo ![ fr1 li 3 z T ltl =! Itr{to Itr! lF1t*t=t9l-IBt8 II frltztvIF| (./:IAt<l()I .. IEl<lzl(n <n Eo FB H ul2 F {c) ul z cr) F\ O.l X LIJ F CN F- @ Io\\t Ol c Fl Eo tr UJEo ) : zt-{ trr q = tr v) I 'ifc'l FI /i 2 uJlE J lro z 39 c\ ttlrn I @\o\o I aI =tr z llJ u-oz 3 F tr IJJ t!qz =o = tr 2 ,; tu = t!o z3 F tr z o UJt J z3 F UJJ UJ f l*lzt3 F LlJ ()t <F ur<zE u.r Ft,t Zo <o()F -< =E42rn E 2?e?ze d6o i5YF =2+|r YZ>U (I L-E irsi Oz C) <(Js?fl:io Ftflx.- PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIT' 479-2138 DATE l-zf -?/. . .tZ*a .1t/*FJoB NAME __14J CALLER MoN ruES wED @ FBI AM PMHEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEH" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n d rrr.rll tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr FINAL O FINAL 'ArrPr'ovED CRRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED cD[F{S.E-.-qqeFfl4./iqf$+r1" A'#t d{trl, dlq. if&f its"r$F*irl''tpp"r , ,, fr., .i.v tt Project Description: Contact Person and Proiect Application / /o". Bfftfqz ,/.1 .,,' t) proiecr Name: 5'tt,fz +wrF F{N pnon" // *u Qrtrz t6Es */r,tutuzrqr Zp t/.tu 6 ,4//57 Owner, Address and Phone: /fu ) Architect, Address and Phone: Legaf Descriptio n: to't /7 , Btock ,n^n frlFFt/l,u ftnzr . to^" 7/5 < np tl/dT drtlll"q fo a ^ /y' ' ' "t/aptzo ?tau/3- ,y',po Comments: nz, 6zZ-zt) (s /vctr..Z/l/D Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded Dy: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: el4lgL .IPPLICATION - IOIIN OF \IAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r********* TAIS APPLICSTION WII.L NOT BE ACCEPIEDI'NTII. ALL REQUIRED I}TFORI'ITION IS ST'BIIITTEDt********* trrDiUN26t9g2 I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: If property is described bydescript.ion, please provideattach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing ($200 .00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) cztl/< a meets and bounds on a separate sheet c. D. E. F. G. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoE / 7 Block Subdivision legaI and applicantlot area. must provide a current H. I.NAME OF O$INERS: APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: NAME OFMailing .t. K. Phone I * c,,tii,!,.rz- STGNATLRE (S) :Mailin Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, yrhen applying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of VaiIwill adjust the fee according to t.he table belowr - toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000 $101001 -$ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - $t-,000,000$ Over $1r 0001 000 NAME OF APPLICANT: Mailing rfddress: ,i*= rili".' r'7"" r"" b (o kX,w FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400 .00 $s00.00 * DESIGN RT\TIEI'T BOARD APPRO\TAI EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAL aPPRo\rAr., uNr.Ess A BUTLDTNG PERMTT rs rssuED AlfD CONSTRUCTION STARIED. r*NO APPI.ICATTON WILL BE PROCESSED IIITHOUT OI{NER'S SIGNAIT'RE L ,-., o PRE-APPLICATION MEETTNG :II. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionatapplication information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with t,he staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval- process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal at,a minimum of two meetings before obtaining finalapproval. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has been republ ished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administ.rator, be approved by the ComnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skytights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not. visible from anyother l_ot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeLetters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. E. ff a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfalI, flood plain, debris flow,wetl-and, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building perrnit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For aII residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structuraL walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate wit.h a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walLs or supporting coJ"umns. c. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. 'IV. A. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 5 acres or more, in which case, 5,contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4,' or nore, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (large boulders, int,ermittent streams,etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfal1, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, required creek orstream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of40t or more, if applicable. 5. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmarkor serrer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on t.he same starting point.This is particularly important for heightmeasurements. See Policy On Survey InformaLion,for more information regarding surveys. 7. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sourcesand proposed service lines from their sourceto the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone Sewer Gas Water Electric B. c. Show all utility met,er Locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the sit,e. RevocabLepermits from the Town of Vail are requiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing nusL be shown. e. ALl easements (Title report must also includeexisting easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side ofthe lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. Site PIan 1.. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. percent slope and spotelevations must be shown. 2. All existing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwall spot. elevations) r and other existing siteimprovements. 3. and proposed grades shown underneath). Theseelevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. AIIridge lines should be indicated on the site plan.Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicatedon the site plan with corresponding finished andexist.ing grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8E unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (lrt = 20r or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4"dianeter or larger trees, the J-ocation, size,spacing and type (common and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant naterial . All treesto be saved and to be removed nust also beindicated. The plan nust also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering systems to be employed in caring forplant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above information as possibte onto the sitep1an. Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying theIocation of utility service and availability (see attached) . A preliminarv title report must accompany allsubmittals, to insure property ownership and locationof all easements on property. Architect.ural Plans (1/8" = tr or larger, 1./4t, ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and alt elevations of theproposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be "red-linedl to showhow the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Reductions of al-I elevations and the site plan (g-L/2" x LL"l for inclusion in pEC and/or TownCouncil memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colorsshall be specified on the attached materials list..This materials li-st rnust be cornpleted andsubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchips, siding samples etc., should be presented tothe Design Review Board neeting. ?one check list (attached) must be completed if projectis located within t.he Single-Family, erimary/Secondiryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. NOTE: D. H. I.rne zont Administrator and/or DRB-lhay require thesubmission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (includinga model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. v. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the 1ocation (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in Lieu of the more formalrequirements set forth above, provided a1l importantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans wit,h all specificat,ions shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/Br, = !, or larger(L/4,, = Ir is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. Indicate roof ridge eLevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of ttre existing st.ructure. F. Specifications for all mat.erials and color samples onmaterials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also berequired to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and availabiJ.ity. See att.ached utilityIocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction isunderway, and before the Building Department will schedule aframing inspection, tvlo copies of an Improvement LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinginformation must be provided on t.he ILC: Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. AII utility service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterial used, and size and exact locat.ion of Lines. Drainage as-builts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. A11 property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement. survey. AII easements. Building floor elevations and aIIwith existing and proposed gradesIines. A. B. c. D. E. G. H.roof ridge elevations shown under the ridge vrrr A.Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review isintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe conpatibifity of their proposal with the Town'sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprinarily for applications more complex than singte-family and two-family residences. However, developersof single-family and two-farnily projects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Conplete applications must be subnitted10 days prior t.o a scheduled DRB neeting. The folLowing information shall be submitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual- sit.e and landscape plan at a minimunscale of one inch equals tvrenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposedstructure or structures,. 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of thezone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.)i 4. Completed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt. of an application forconceptual design review, the Department of CommunityDevelopment shall review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate reguirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposaL is in basiccompliance with the zoning code reguirements, theproject shalL be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally incompliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal naterials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe CoNnunity DeveLopment DepartmenL staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB sha1l review the subrnitt.ed conceptualreview application and supporting material in order todetermine whether or not the project generally conplieswit.h the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property osrner or hisrepresentative shall be present at t.he DRB hearing. B. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PRO.IECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTIONz LOTI!L BLOCK SUBDMSTON nutftrytz cpll k STPEET ADDRESS Z /?Er Mr.;;4OOW RITT 6,I' R/J DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT: A. The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials 'Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I,ANDSCAPING: Name PTANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR ,d?/+A!r -s.//ht Qtt reol'lv tpooo 7a m*tcp ETL|?-V of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size* B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate Minimum caliper forheight for coniferousLrees. PLANT UETNNTI: PROPOSED SHRUBS BotanicaL Name ao**orOr" Ouantitv -SiEg!: EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE F€MOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footaqe C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If ext.erior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixt,ures and locations on a separatelighting.plan. Identify each fixture fron the tighting planon the list below and provide the nattage, height above - grade and type of light, proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, eLc.) P1ease specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback ii3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintryn\ J1."9 or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:1. This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing a utility plan and schedulinginstallations. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a completed utility verificationforn. If a ut.ility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utility representative shoul-d not.e directly on the utility verificationform that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. If the issue is relatively complicated,it should be spelled out in detail in an attachedlett.er to the Town of Vail. However, please keepin mind that it is the responsibilit.y of theutility company and owner to resolve identifiedproblems. If the ut,ility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and no commenLs are rnade direct.ly on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain utility l-ocations beforediqqinq in any public right-of-vray or easement inthe Town of Vai1. A bui.ldinq permit is not astreet cut permit. A street cut perrnit must beobt.ained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. 2. 3. ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot / 7 BIocK Filing <[-"rao Ataf ft/{' <et:'/t' ADDRESS: OWNER '^7/ c,; fa.//rz ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE PHONE PHONE AII-owed Existinq (30) (33) ;/' Proposed TotaI t/' /20 Height ToTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback SJ-te Coverage Landscaping Retaining WalI Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : l, o j<' ,9'/i {,J' +425= +425= 20' 1R' 1t, (30) (s0) 3'/6' Reqrd (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Permitted Slope 8* Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes L) 2l 3) No 22'' Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfalIc) Debris FIow4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of t.he aLrowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.1,2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two Family and primary/secondary which are less than15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. Thecommunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meet,s the criteria set forth undersections ),8.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal code incrudingpermanentry restricting the unit as a tong-t.erm rentaL unit for futl_-time employees of t.he Upper Eagle Valley. 10 >t) 6E .= .) =-;]E .! dl alFFt.( obil - - -l??CTFFFt O.Ot;. 1F{l I ct(!(!FFF @bb oE a'F<nrFtsl,,hVc, -EHBHa rI]- Ft U:s!3>xao&AHg I zEe =-'n7v= E E.E 23 ftg -oo q r& ;o {) oh - gQ,. =/EfF Eg EK z.:F+..:: }E to ra FJ Fa trlapcF a FJ F{&rrlt{ rI1a fr(J F{a E]n 14lT{trlF @trllll -u Ihftr =E Frl FJ >4 F{O zfr E r-1:--:-zoa rrla ) e66[92runr0.& a rI]il F{a zfr n -l H r.l Fo f v'lFlo J-)otT{t*{-. _ * : - dt $*qr9 5:g$ xg.=. '.e tt 5.9 9g-<t:r€tEE-6 c<E€ ^q: ob ra-F}- Fa raapc lT< Fr{ -.d DESIGN REVIEW c. The applicant or bis authorized represcntative sball be prescnt at the design rcview board mceting. f approval. The zoning administrator Bay approve of the following applications: application to an existing building that does aot and change the existing planes ofthc building rallv consistent with the architccturd design,ials and colors ofthe building, including, but not to windows, skylights, siding and other sinilarb. An application an addition to an existing building that is consistent tbe architectural design, mate- rials and colon ofthe ing, and approval has been received by an autho ber ofa condominium associatiou, if applicable. c. An application to rcmove modify the existing vegetation or iandscaping uPori slle. In thc above-specificd cases,zoning admin- istrator may review and approve application, approve thc applicadon witb certain or may refer any application to tbe board for decision. All other appli shall be retbrrcd to the design review board. l2(1988) $ l: Orc. -19(leE3) 0 l.) revlcw (Ord. . 1tJ4.050 Desig:t guidelines. Actions of the dcsign review board shall be guided by thc objeaives prescribed in Seaion 18.54.010, thc Vail-Villagc.aod Vail Lionslead Urban Design Considerations -4 6uids p[ens' by atlof the applicabie ordinanccs of thcTown of Vail' aad bytbc following dcsign guidelines:' A- Gcneral. . . -,1.'. Stnrcturcs;rhall..ts-compatiblc with cxisting structurqt' ; - - .'.,* thcir sunofndings, and sith Vail's environment' It is not to be infcrred ihat buildings must look alikc to be compatible. Compatibility caa be achicved.through.the proper consideration of scalc, proPortions, site. planning, r*i-.. :t.. - ... -t iandscapiog, materids aud. colors, aod compliaocc with' "'1 ' f * : the guidelincs herein containcd. i 454c (vdl &2{E) o ZONING 2. nny UuitOing site in Vail is likcly to have is own unique land forms and fcatures. Whcnever possible, these exist- ing features should bc presenved and reinforced by ncw construction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sites io a way that leaves the natural land forms and features intact, treating the buildings as an integral part of rhe sitc, rather than as isolated objects at odds with their surroundings. B. Site planning. l. The location and configuration of structures and acccss ways shall bc responsive to thc existing topography ofthc site upon which thcy are to bc located. Grading require' gcnts rcsu.lting from deveiopment shall be dcsigncd to rUhnd-into thc cxistilg or natural landscape. Any cuts or Illls shall bc sculptural in form and contoured to blend with the existing natural undisturbed terrain within the property boundary. 2. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsivc to existing fcatures of terrain rock outcroppings, drainage patterns, and vegetation. 3. Removal of trces, shrubs, and other nadve vegetation shali be .limited to removal of those essential for develop- ment of the site or those identified as diseased. 4. .{ll areas disturbed during construction shall be rc- vegetated. If necessary, the D RB may designate allowablc limits of construction activity and require physical bar- riers in order to priserve significant natural features aod vegetation upon a site and adjacent sites during con- struction. 5. All projects shall be designed so as to provide adequatc snow storage areas for snow cleared from the parking areas and roadways within the projcct. E*Bfr ild ing,mitc-iiili'aa? aesi g:rf''r' 1. ''Buil-din! mateiidithal* predominantly natural such as wood siding wood shakcs, and native stone. Brick is acceptablc. Whcrc stucco is utilized, gross textures and surface features that appear to imitate other materials shall bc avoided.Concretc lq5faca shall bc treated rtith {cxture and color if qcd, however exposed aggregatc is more acccptable thari raw concretc. Neither aluminum 454d (vril t-2-8E) o 5. 6. DESIGN REVIElil steei, or ptastic siding, uor simuiated stone or brick shall be permitted. Plyuvood sidiag shall nor be pcrmitred. The same orsimilar buiiding materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory structures upon the site. Exterior wall colors shouid be compatiblc with the site and surrounding buildings. Natural colors (earth tones found withio the Vail area) should be utilized. Primary coiors or othcr bright coiors should be uscd only as accents and then sparingly sucb as upon trim or railings. All exterior wail materiais tnust bc continucd down to finished grade thcreby eiiminating unlinisbcd foundatiou walls. All exposcd metal flashin& trim, flues, and roof top mechanical equipment shail be annodized, painted or capable of weathcring so as !o bc non-reflective. The majority of roof forms within Vail are gable roofs with a pitch of at least four ieet in twelve feet. However, other roof forms are allowed. Consideration of environ- mental and clinatic determinants sucb as snow shedding, drainage, and soiar exposurc should be intcgral to thc roof design. Roof lines should be desigaed so as not to dcposit snow 6n parking areas, trash storagc areas, stairways, dccks and balconies, or eotryways. Sccondary roofs, snow clips, and snow guards should be utilized to protect these areas from mof mow shedding if necrssary. Roof zurfacing macdais shall be compatible with the sidc and sunounding buildings. The predominant roof materials utilized shall be wood shakes and their use is srongly encouraged. The use of me.al roofs is accepuble' however in no insmnce will menl rooft which reflect direct srnlight onro an adjacent propeny be prmiued. If metal toofs al€ used they shall be surfaced with a low'$oss finish or capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal roofs shall generally have a snnding seam in order to provide some relief to $e roof surface and be of a heavy gauge. Asphalt and fibcrglass shinges shall be permired povided tbat thcy weigh no lcss than threc hundrcd pounds pcr roofing sguills foorand ue of a design and color to be compadble widr the rcouiremens of Secrion 18.5.t.050. 4-9.(vril t-t-91) ctz E =e UJo. €.c GI an uJ IJJtt ts =E IJJo- di66glt'elz Eqeee *f,O CAo o'! r\c{ ()& E rt) H&& z frl ( oo < H"i :i N tc)Mrg r< HLd,<'lr0E llt rEE 13=r6 lu eo GoF EF z =o z a, UJF 2 o =oJl co .tt(t z_ t UJz =o u,l Foz J\(-jx-r )-.dvt >, 14 C. )-. rt / oq * $,F V1 H A z Fl o Eo -9oqtg o.G s ilF oE o R6t S. .s Po oE ottco otoo U, .sg fo E o =Cl do e CL CL6 3 .g E EEgg EH€E E#;g FE! p c96Elo5o EEiF EEEgg.; ge SEaeoi-o-olE*eF IEEE - o.,Y o -rEl(!0'-E E-^ tD O gE:; gEE; !r, o.o -eEg: - o 6: (D r\ rn|n (7| @F rn tt) F.r\o\(! tl t/"1 FI an oo r'.| o c{ 4 E-c uJo, zoJ @ -o UJ- 2 Jo. J 9EF ul ur oz 6t J J I2 o uJ: X F 1\o\ uJujltz tr UJE(, UJE oE o6 'ultu,cz 6 UJo F alt u, o.lz u, -to x F uJo (t uJ uJttt =t IJJo- J FoF ozoI o J IcFo UJ UJ 0z ao =t G 9z Iautt Fl tsoF| NOrrvnlvA =l>c. l tYt I=isl=.oNl ; =ZZ!-o ootr ^ 62q 5 =9E I oE ooE6a ltQzXr!<oq IH6 H-R Z_. Y tJJF. (\l O rElt >l HE frlFl(9zH(h BIrlz z9F l lr o- oE UJo. F {P H I g^ fr e .L IJJe J zI E z9F EurFJ *z IIqitl ez zO., koo< =o- =Exu-Yg tl -'l e\lI c.lt1 o) Ez,. 9= tro}EOI Ff Fo Jl<l zl zl .. >lour uJulzo tr =CE uJo- z E ul J ov,utzYII zI J oz ( (!.) *l * "l : sl9 olt3td|rJ|(,) $aF c! rtr c{ @ tsH FA tsH Jl! I 3 Fx u,l cr orr.it (t) Ic /'l,/') t'/ ;)/ @fur-t-- 4c)/-ot/ ,/,,. )' \-/)A v ul tsooo-zo Fo-ulY uJo oF F =GO\ul@o o| tr- -lo.l>61o- *l 8glr*l HFIoEzo E z IIJ()ztrl H CNt4& NHH rrt ii =z co a NHH tsu) Fozt{c) EJ frl H .J) uJ =z (nr\.it N X att an IJJe = o!"t I\o Io- FfH 6 U)AH t4 rd z b c, \o\oc! X aa UJcoo : @@6lrn I\o -q FfH F6 t4E Hc) frF{z FfH -E IFcl;l6!l-l ol z.l ol urlE <l>l t!q 21 =1olFI <\| coc{ tt1 I\or\.s u u, F tg lt c,z 0 uJc ! l!oz3oF P F1.A (9zH =t't Fl =c t cc{ lo q IIJ .E J t!qz3oF o\o @o\ Irn.it c'r u l,l F =d lt oz ciut(E J ltoz3oF zHts P N € =r X I oz ciulE J l!oz =oF Oro\ F\t Io'\\f Or uiJulF' UJz =o F C) UJL- C)E E, -rO<F0r()uJ<zg,ft2-o C) JG 6P =<)ifE! a8 9F E3fFd6o i5YF F3 E6 q *,6 =+E l-o2 (J iq;sfr=l Y& dz!d,,,9 ll =k Eoo E =z:rf !niP s mHn :E* BHg b6E ts u,l o- l!oi? ulE9E<al€8E9tk E =o.=>=ut:-E FE: >c; 8b9 iutE XO-t x>t q- €= ut @ F E lg = lEg, lrlrJ l- o-zIF() - OE azoo t;:wl= YE v" irt,''a', !Jo J ol 9Aozoo =Fooc 'ieii::j;5E:I !nf -=i al.! 3 ! 5:i :€f ; i'e: i+;E: 5..l a _:.:;73rE;l.i a -. fr,E € :=E€ iT i a|!l.=-= :ii€'ci. 2., 1E i * i i:- i!: t = ; a-gii€:; i :.E E = egg;:;E€ -= z l-{ ahH t-l trlp an Mfrl F1 () & hh F\ F A o& & rq 4 rrthh tq lrno\ @ U F @F\t\(v) z I rol el I 0 I I I I I I I I Il.{l<l t-{ |HIzl Itt I r{l calfrll "l I O f >1 Htfl rrlFl(9zHut Irl()z FTaHu) 14& NHt-l t< U) 11F-urHg!)<>xo ,., r.) -zzq<< 3E2 11 4\,; /1 -z"v-z: |.l'r I\F?9r>011 |.rJ \J- a< ..F-tr2RUALr.J \ -<F<=r{l l\ FJo<qra cxE zr!F--<-QE:iF<\laepl=zEx>QU9 ?EH3FFTA\ ,,,' lr) ilto>irFP*.-; v HFEX Fg56ff!:rHou-xg -FYlFftIEFI,>F tl{rts -tf.,prF -a*{f.a -r+a. FR ENts -O.aJa:{.tsl+ -F5 r{ fi- EF r+atr\ EY F -: -?-El|e F\ -{f-l{+T tr, *FIFHH +?r\€v tH trt A. {{al-lraJl{-ffFthlhA. €q0 i 't i ta U o u"tio:i';;?3%03"u' o Plan analysis based on the 1985 Uniforn Building code Project Id: STEITZ RESIDENCE Address: 1895 BUFFER CREEK RD. Date: ylatcn- 27, l-989 Contractor: VAIL CONTRACTORS occupancy: R3rMl Architect: JOHN PERKINS Type of const: V-N Engineer: DLrM PIANS EXAMiNET: JOE NORRIS NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of aII possible code requirements in the 1-985 UBc. It is a g:uide to selected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 60.0 FeetEAST Property line L5.0 Feet SOUTH Public way 92.0 Feet!{EST Property line 34.5 Feet 50.o Feet L5.O Feet 67.0 Feet 34.5 Feet Area increased 50.OOB for open area on 2 sides. OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUSFLNAI'{E 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FISORL Dwelling TOTAL FOR FIOOR BUILDING TOTAL l- Parking carage Ml- ok 570 Unlinited ok R3 ok 768 Unlimited ok 768 Unlinited ok R3 ok 8l-7 Unlinited ok L387 Unlinited ok 2155 Unlinited ok S::;"fi"161,'8iir*, *"rroill".Address: 1895 BUFFER CREEK RD. EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT R3 ohr Ohr None Obr ohr None ohr ohr None ohr ohr None l{l- ohr Ohr None ohr ohr None ohr ohr None ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COUBUSTIBLE material . Sec.22OI. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings. Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 508 of the area of the wall rnaximurn. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maxirnurn single window size is 84 sq.ft uith no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NoP -- Openings are not pernitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is reguired to have the same fire rating as the waIl. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. ELE},IENT OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS TAbIC ]-7-A MATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wall Any O hrInterior nonbrg wall Any 0 hrStructural Frame Any 0 hrExterior Struct Frame Any O hr See footnote #LShaft Enclosure Any t hrFloor/Ceiling Assembly Any o hr see Footnote #9Roof/Ceiling Assenbly Any 0 hr Stairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. roorNoTEs:L) Minirnun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wa11 requirements.9) fn areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncornbustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- sec. 7O2.(b, & 902.(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS R3-ML lhr MateriaLs approved for thr construction are reguired on the garage side only and 1 3/8 inch solid core, self-closing door. -- sec. 503. (d) ex #3 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR M1 OCCUPANCY: ;::i.::"i:],'8ili,,, *,,ofi" Address: 1895 BUFFER CREEK RD. EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAIIIE OCCUPAIflT NWBER EXIT PANIC RATED OOO* "O'"'r€AD REQUIRED WID{TH [ft.] HDWR coRRrDoR swING z Owelling TOTAL1- Dwelling1 Parking carage TOTAL 3 1 0.1 No No N/R 3 1( 1) 0.1( O.l-) No No N/R 3 1 o.1 No No N/R 3 1 0.1 No No N,/R 5 r.( 1) 0.1( 0.1) No No N/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303.(b) The numbers in ( ) are include occupant loading fron floors above this floor. -- Sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- sec. 3306. (b) The rnaxiurum rise of a step is 8 inches and the nininum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stainray 30 to 34 inches above the nosing ifthere is more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimurn height =36 inches, naximurn opening size=5 inches. -- sec. L'7LL. exc 2 The mininum headroom is 6 ft.- 5 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguiredfor Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:1) The roofing on this building is not reguired to be fire retardant. -- sec.32o2. (b) 1. AUTOIT'ATIC SPRTNKI.,ER SYSTEMS : STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : WALL AND CEILING FINISH: J-) wall and ceiling finish materials are reguired to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on walls and ceiling are reguired to have a Class I flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b, INSUI,ATION NOTES:L) A11 insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a rnaximum srnoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. -- sec. 1713.(c) exc.S22) Foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- sec. L'7L2. ;:33.:;"+::, f3i;rrz REsrDtb.Address: 1895 BUFFER CREEK RD. GI,AZING REQUIREITTENTS :1) Al-1 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing rnaterial . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Foundation ventilation Ls required per U.B.c. section 2516 (c) 6. Fireplace flue chase is required to have a thr fire rating. Fireplace hearth extensions shall be per U.B.c. section 3707 (k). Exhaust fans are reguired in all bathroons and laundry rooms if no exterior openings are provided. Mechanical equiprnent which generates a open flane or glow, and is Iocated in thegarage, must be elevated at least 18rr off finished floor. Mechanical room is reguired to have a floor drain per U.M.c.. Mechanical roon is required to neet conbustion air requirements per U.l!.C. if gas fired equipment is used. Any wood stove instal-led must comply with Colorado State Department of Health requirements for pollution control . Provide a window or door to the exterior fron every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A window must provide a clear open area of 5.7 sg.ft., a clear heiqhtof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(rninimun). -- sec. L2o4. AII habitable rooms reguire exterior glazed openings equal to 108 or more of the floor area. (nin l-O sq.ft.) -- Sec. l-2o5. (a) Atl habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 58 or more of the floor area. (nin 5 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 5 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths nay have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1207. (a) Provide a smoke detector in all areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a) For ML occupancy o "3?,1'":i3*33" lieg, o (303) 476-7OOO Plan reviewthe 1985 Uniforn Project Id: STEITZ RESIDENCE Address: 1895 BUFFER CREEK RD. Occupancy: R3rMl Tlpe of Const: V-N based onBuilding Code Date: I{arch 27, L989 Contractor: VAIL CoNTRACToRS Architect: JOHN PERKINSEngineer: I{JM Plans Exarniner: JOE NoRRIS SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED R-3 / M-l This is required to be a L hour assembly since it is an occupancy separation. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (c) This is required to be a t hour assenbly since it is in an occupancy separation wall. -- Sec. 503.(c) The stair(s) indicated does not provide the reguired minimurn width of 36 inches. -- sec. 3306. (b) The nraximurn rise of a step is I inches and the minimum tread is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc #1 The ninimum headroom vertically from nosing line is6 feet 6 inches. -- Sec. 3305. (p) fnclude a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. R-3 / M-l This is required to be a t hour assembly since it is an occupancy separation. -- Table 5-B & sec. 503. (c) SHT. 3 sHT.3 R-3/U-L sHT. 3 R-3 L0 sHT. 3 11 SHT. 3 R-3 R-3 This is reguired to be a l- hour assenbly since itis in an occupancy separation wall. -- sec. 503. (c) The stair(s) indicated does not provide the reguired minimum width of 36 inches. -- sec. 3306. (b) The maximun rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum tread is g inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc #l- The minimurn headrooro vertically from nosing line is6 feet 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (p) G;W6ttW bontlb 3p ferw * \1atat & -A"oz, 4!dzt).,1Yg aV'a'uALKarntxu,UJ;P44 11A{?WwrrilN ata F$Mrt4.rtLavw)wa'v-ruu\tqatu E1Ii I- c\lN 4ol''5'u W At ttufantN< W,7"'+t5 @)yre 6f 11+15 /frt&- WW lb Wwippl tW, WPU W+l4, 4er4 vlgl.)-w.Q7n{" 70 W Q744v,{\ Q, OWr4 I Q/o- 2'/rz7 27 ?w7 W the mJ mueller co., inc.\ I It 10 Apri 1 1989 Mr. Steve Steitz PO Box 2473 Vai'l , CO 81658 Subject: Addendum *2 Steve and Cynthia Steitz ResidenceLot 17, Buffehr Creek Subdivision Vai I , Co'lorado Dear Steve: At your request this office has met with Mr. David Reichardt, the contractor. We discussed the fol'lowing changes to the structura'l drawings of the above referenced residence. Fo'llowing is a break- down of those changes: FOUNDATION PLAN:a) The masonry foundation is being replaced w'i th a poured in p'lace concrete foundation, See attached revised Section A. b) Foundation wa] 1 requ'i red under garage door per previous'l y released Addendum *1 dated 27 February 1989. c) 6x6 co'lumn in the center of the garage wij] be supported by a pad/pier system similar to Detail E per plans. d) Eliminate both "knobs" at the east side of the garage foundati on.e) Efiminate masonry site wal'l in the front yard between garage and house. support corner of deck brith padlpier per Detai'l E referenced above.f) Lower Level wil'l be framed rather than concrete slab per plans. Support Lower Leve'l Framing on crawlspace footing pads per attached Lower Level Framing P] an. LOI{ER LEVEL FRAMING PLAN:a) See attached Lower Leve'l Framing Plan for new f'loor framing. UPPER LEVEL FRAMING PLAN:a) See attached revised Upper framing to accommodate new Level Framing P'l an for revised bearing points in the crawlspace. ROOF FRAMING PLAN:a) Eliminate the dormer above the k'itchen. Continue framing shown on plan over dormer area. cfvif, architectural and structural englneering . p.o. box 2747 vaia,coloraclo 81658 476-2627 Page 2 Addendum *2 Mr. Steve Steitz 1O Apri1 1989 The previous page notes alj the structural revisions to the steitz Residence, the ba]ance of the project sha'l 'l be constructed per p]ans 'inc]uding but not l imited to the spec'if ications. P] ease contact this office if you have any questions regarding this addendum. , rNc. Mark Pres 11er, PE cc: Mr. Joe Norris, MJM\tC Sincerely youf s, THE MJ MUE oo \T $ \ N .-\\ -)\ \ Ibla(? w^zde A?^*)rlt4 +7We? 'l0 te?v 3q'l .N\\ Y s i_-t \ Ni .s RR U"r RS Ielr\\<s\ -{$ l -Y$ -s Ys \) ( \_f $\ JJ :N\ <N N- $ o :K\t $ Sl' N -tr \T$ \\ \\ &r{2Waw)FcE Aft)+ab4 4f27e4t1p4ffivt@ o W*rwwn4 Q-,Wa W% /a*r, W a"a w@4 ) t/ hx*t*br4uMu,I k I w+ e' el".((6nu*. a*al Mutu'Wil aW+), k I ww o elaa, ti' ./'.*e bw- (alrt MtlalA 4V(2 W^IWVE WrdvlMWA loffi'qq FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor iters need to be comp'lete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 I I stef n o> sov*a CALLER TUES PERMIT INSPECTIONTOWN OF & REQUESTvAlL ,* DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL /' ,l ELEGTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL -"-.9 hppnoveo - -CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nffi$oP ,',,ii:o PErNs CTION TOWN OF g. REQUESTVAIL dPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED TXUN , TRI AV- PM t' ,, lr' | ' l LOCATION: , - 't\ t,'"q.', 'ul )Ftsl ,4'',,i((- . i '. t' tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOI / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr, -tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: ..MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHA{JST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E -t-E --.-'i n /trrNAL DATE INSPECTOR pnFgre I INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL a REOUdST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -i-r INSPECTION:MON WED, ^. THUS , FRI JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR #s,"r rNs o PE CTION TOWN OF REOUEdTVAIL !D DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES THUB, i,) 'FRl i ,:t l.-1-- i---.J --.<. ---.l ;::- - PERMIT,NUMBEF OF PROJECT VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING EI/ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E lppnoveD -c . *lj*'''tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: pffisrrce INSPECTOR I I JOB NAME o PE a.| CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL i}PERMI DATE T NUMBER O PROJECT tNs l CALLER ..,.*- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON-z TUES THUR,FRI l,-l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL hSoucH / D.w.v. =' i'''A C] FRAMING _2DROUGH / WATER L/ a ; aa ],'r6rtrt\rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL ',,6)aeeaoveo i coRREcrroNS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED lNSPEcioR "' ' '':---: ---.-- /' ,.1 .1 /tl o INSPECTION neoudir PERMIT NUMBE oora 'i OF PBOJECT INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES i 1 'r': '; BEADY FOR LOCATION:\'.tl':^ THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: Ffeup. PowER tr ROUGH MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED/\ CORRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i\ta] DATE INSPECTOR nffisa t PEtNs CTION REOUddT TOWN OF VA|L rr 3)"k PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,JOB NAME I 1>\.. . i z..- CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR. : FRI tJ: 7<,..' , NU PM | .---\ r- \ .-' ':) n- '1r \ " ) LOCATION: \ Y:t-ti'-' {:''t) \'t--t'< ' - .t t--.ot-' tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ffo-ortruos / srEEL :X' '-, PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI B FRNUIruG ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION 'tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR . :,' r/' ,, 11 -^-F - -- ,\'r \\ P \\ \. \' '\\ \\r r\ DATE \-- \ \_ '" JOB NAME INSPECTION REOUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:|MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM.. PM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL NDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL z?PAPPROVED(-/ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:..-f ,l -, /" n K; ,.t < Comments: Design Review Board -:'- A 4, /7'7? . _- -l--<z'APPROVAL-\ ,.- --n DISAPPROVAL hLA i,tut4;^E Statt Approval he mJ mueller co., lnc. 19 npti'l 1egs Mr._Steve Steitz \ .<lb_tSo o(4PO Box 2473Vai1, co eroseJ fiU-irzbA) Subject: Addendum *2StevE and Cynthia Steitz ResidEnceLo9 17, Buffehr creek suUOiviJion-Vai l, Colorado I I I Iv Dear Steve: At your request this office has met with Mr. Davld Reichardt, theconrractor. we d.i""u"".d-ine-ioiiow.inJ.'"i.,ins5!'to tne structura.ldrawings of the above -r-"f";;-""d" resio"-n"". ioi rowing,is a break-down of those changes: - - --. FOUNDATION PLAN:a) The masonry foundation is be-ing repraced with a poured inp'lace concretE-t"rnoiilon-. p." atfacrreJ rev.iseo section A.b) Foundarion .wal I ;;iul;;;'Lng"l g.""g.. o-oof--'per previoustyreleased Addendum *i oacej'27 February 1989c) 6x6 co'tumn -in.tne c'en-tii-or tn.!eii,i",;iii be supported bya pad,/pier slgte.I slmiGr 1o o"tuil E per p.tans. lt] r'i,lltti;'t& :dtn ;xnou""'lt -ir,I-llit :id:,; #-i;; sarase >fe) Eriminate mas-onry sJte walr _ri lng front yard between garageand house. .su.pport corner'of deck with padzprer per Detai.lE referenced abovE.f ) Lov{er Lever wrrr oL framed rath.er than concrete srab per. plans. supporr rower'r-.uJi l:?Ti;g-;t."-ii""p."e footins pads. .per attached Lower Level -Framtng plan. LOWER LEVEL FRAMING PLAN: .a).see attachld LowJi"fevel Framing plan for new froor framing.., UPPER LEVEL FRAMING PLAN:.a) See attached_ i"ul".b Upper Leve,.l Framing plan for revised' f raming to accommodate -riew uearins po;nil 'in-tne craw.rspac€. ROOFXa)Continue framing lvff, archftectural and structural englneerrng o p.o. box 2747 van,cororacro 916sg 476-2627 ki tchen. '. Page 2 Addendum *2Mr. Steve Ste'i tz 1O Apri 'l 1989 The previous page notes a]'l the structura'l revislons to the Steitz'Residence, the ba1 ance of the project shal'l be constructed per,plans including but not limited to the specifications. Pleasecontact this office if you have any questions regarding this addendum. , rNc. Mark Prds 'l 'l er, PE Mr. Joe MJM\tC ") Sincerely youfs, THE MJ MUE i *zvor'E'i Prt^"-:'$ o s\\\ ={ .4. \\s It-L__s\b x -\9I-P-r\ cr\-b\ \"1 r$ +slDn -{ u{ {ts Ne Ss s$ +$ \) ( \.-f \$\ J--) =N\(N N- $ Aa(?W"aJe ,M*'.ltrA\A #?121- t 4 .-,l,txaavt'- 'iarcFev 9q'l Wttw<al, ?+^d'ffi7>\affiZ)-ra;q -a o WtwrePn4 Q-,Va Wb% a*r try d Ww1 ) lA't at rtq, brE u fu) ac, kIw+oelrr,(cA*ru* AW)l 44utu'ffi 4tw4'>' k r ww c qlo, gi' .2.+*" WJ- atf 4er(2'ffi1p1-166MrrlvlM t r&a lo rcev qo1 Proiect Application Dil" 2. 1,8? . Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: ,o^" T/4 Design Review Board Date 2./,Y? Motion by: 3n *o DISAPPBOVAL Summary: E Statt Approval Proiect Application Date /- /7- r7 Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board i /Y- 7? DISAPPROVAL - I ,^1 .-t;> '",^- r. / // z-/-P\, Date:t- ,t7-Y1 E statt Approval lHlfil,,,, DATE: /- 7-F? l e eR I D-TSRIF-IIONIf o t ADDRESS: ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght TotaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l,later Course 'a\Site Coverage Got , Landscapins ( OorS Fence/Retaining Wa1 l'f,eights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat , t_. Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmenta'l /Hazards : Corments: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock Al I owed ( r01 1 331 24! 2n€J !*oI 20' 15', 15' (30)(50) ?J1-1t_ Fi I ing (c- s,/6 . Z,l*Glq creeK ne Phone Proposed 21'- 6" J31€:+ ,r/ u/e Loro ?,2 ecf'n4 (3oo)(600) efoff'tftr) -e- a4+ t/ - 4€ 6'-0" rrx, I €2e> ( 50) (1oo ) (25)(50) (2oo)(400) F87"Slope Actual :L37o Aval anche Flood Plain ,'/ Sl ope t/ weuands x/* Geologic Hazards Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: , - 7-tr"1 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t^lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a plann'ing staff member is strongly suggested to determiirb it any additional information is needed. No application will. be accepted unless it is coirplete (must include a'll items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL condjtions of approval must be resolved before a building perm'i t is issued. APPLICATION,DATE: DATE 0F DRB MEETING: 18 Janrrary 1989 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Sj.nq1e family two story residence B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Lot DRB FEE: The fee wil'l be oaid at the VALUATION l-7 Btock re_subdivl"r.rFjfihfgf ehr Creek tel ephone 476-0826 John L[. Perkins, Architect te1 ephone 476-5288 Steve and Cindy Steitz telephone 476-5826 time a building permit is requested. FEE C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address P.O. Box Zon i ng / D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address P.o. Box 266 laiL 2473 E. NAME OF OWNERS: S i gnature Address P.o Box 2473 F. $ $ 10, $ 50, $ 150, $500,$0v 0 - $ lo,ooo 001 - $ 50,000 001 - $ 150,000 001 - $ .500,000 001 - $1,000,000er $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $:oo.oo SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB:IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and build'ing corners. Trees that will be removed should also be markLd. This work must-be compieted before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEll BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. Steitz LIST OF MATERIALS NAME 0F PR0JECT: Steitz sinEle familv residence LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS' DE5CRIPTION OF PRO The following information is required for submittal bv th Board before a fina1 approval can be fiven: -r A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE.OF MATERIALc*rJJ-"'J Roof Siding 0ther Wall €eda shineles Stucco /wood Off-white /stained Materials N/A Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows l,{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'lashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other 2x6/2x12 RS cedar st ained l[ood painted ^J"h "/"4 st ained1x4 RS cedar Wood painted 1x4 RS cedar stained 2x2 lwood siding stained Metal painted Metal painted Metal nainted N/A N/A Wood entry gate stained B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Fopulus Tremrloides Populus Tbemrloides Malus t'Dolgo" Picea Rmgens Pinus s.p. EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Indicate height for conifers. (over) Quani ty 8 Si ze* N-2" ,'2',+ z'. .{/ { a'r 6-8r Aspen Aspen Dolga Crab Co1o. Spruce Pine t::W,W9 Exterior st ained Jeremv lllcMahan 476-5288 *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees, ,,0*, l,totro,orr, (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name Common Name T nn i ee.ra so Itroneysuckle Si ze 5 ga1. EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footage SOD Available blue-rye mix SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal'ls, Sbucco wall color to rnatch swirming pools, etc.) Please spec.ify. stucco fences , hor:se lr DATE: 1/3/89LEGAL@Block ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Filing ADDRESS: 0WNER Steve. Clndv Steitz ARCHITECT John M. Perkins Z0NE DISTRICT Prirmrv/secondarv PR0P0SED USE Sinele familv hcrp LOT SIZE .3615 acre one_476-58%_ Phone 426-s288 Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng l,lal 1 Hef ghts Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : AlIowed (30) (33) 3,936 20' 15' 1.5' (30)(so) (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (2s)(50) (2oo) (4oo) Proposed 241 1,455.5 N/A 28/35 15.5 61' N/A 547.5 Slope Actual 4% Avalanche N/A L Flood Plain N/A Sl ope iletl ands Geol ogi c N/A Hazards Comments: Zoning: Approved/D'isaPProved Date: sta''Ff-Si gna'"ure UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION Re-subdivision Buffehr Creek JoB NAIIE Steitz Sinsle family home LOT___L_BL0CK FILING ADDRESs 1895 Lleadow Drive Vail The location of utilitles, whether they be maln trunk llnes must be ap.proved and verlfled by the following utlllties for slEe plan. Authorlzed Slgnature 943t, fulAAt Mountain Bell 468-6500qq?- l4fto Western Slope Gas Co. I 800 922-1987 Harry Moyes Publlc Servlce Courpany 949-5781 Gary llall Holy Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-s892 Ted llusky/Mlchael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-ss30 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & or proposed llnes, the acconpanying Da te /-3-q / -3 -8q / z- z7-88 Sanlcatlon Dlstrlct476-7480 N ^\ l .- / / Fred Haslee ^ktgs0 \ fh$cbo_ )?pA< NOTE: These veriflcatlons do not relleve the contractor of hls responstbtlity to obtaln a streeE cuc permlt from the Town of Va11, Department of Publlc Works and to obcaln utlllty locatlons before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildlng perrnit ls not a street cut permlt. A street cuE pernit must be obtalned separately. Thls forrn ls to verify servLce availablllty and locatlon. This should be used in conJunctlon with preparing your utllity plan and schedullng lnstallatlons. !t(Please brlng a slte plan when obtalnlng Upper Eagle Valley WaEer & Sanltatlon signatures) Am€rican Land Titla Aaaociation Ciohmltm.nr - lranf tod r O/73 COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY :L,yl": the policv or.f,o{icies comry}qtsC fo \att isqre. whichever f irst occurs, provided that theTauure ro rssue such pol\ or policiel if 'not th\6ultof'the Company. This Commitment shall not bevalid or binding until cou\signed by an aqthqTilild officer or agent.'' lN wlrNESS wHEREoF,,\q\.P.n, has caused this commitment to be signed and seared, tobecome valid when cou ntersiqn\d,bv an aulh6ri2ed offiear r|r a.tcnr nf tho f.nrn^o.rr a in ^^^^,.{^^^^ STE.WAFIT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY This Commitment shall be effective '.'tlie proposed Insured and the amountof the policy or policies committed loi'in Schedule A hereof by the Company,either at the time of the issuance of th uent endorsement. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporatlon,-he\ein cattecl the Company, forvaluable consideration, hereby commitsto issue its policy oi p"ii.iur'Xi\|. inrrrun.., as identified inschedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in scieoure A,;;;\\ or mortgageeof theestateor interest covered hereby in the land dercriurylrqf referred to in ScireJJ\\A. uoon oavment of thepremiums and charges therefor; atl zubjes to fhc ttlyrsignryf Schedutes n an\.ti uno to it," C"nOition,and Stipulations hereof. *", il**;.x. \ \ \ ba*(e- V<*--, Lnatrman ot lhe Board Cou ntersigned by: Presrdent serial No C-l601 . t{q1i 4- This..commitment is preliminary to ttt.\\.r of such policy or policies of title insurance and allliability and obligations hereunder srrdl c& fu terminate six months after the effective date hereofor..when the policy or fdticies commlUed-i tarture to issue such pol\ or policief itnOt become valid when cou ntersign\d,by an itrlhorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordancewith its By- Laws This Comm itment is effiiiive as of the date shdwn in Schedule A as ,,Eff ective Date.,, 165 20M 3/88 o Ordcr [umber: . 4r82-vl. Elt€ctir€ dats: -, a^i{ - r*r .r, SCHEDUL;; Commfiment umber: 2' FolicyorporciesrogBl&, 13, 19BB At g:00 A.M. A. ALTA Ownef ,s tbticy rropo6sd Insursd: sTE\EI\r A. 8. ALTA Loan poticv Proposed Insuri: c. STI?Z AND CYIEHIA A. STITZ Arnount ot tnsurEnce $ 40,000. oo , Tax Cert. $ Premir $337. r 5.( 3. Thc e$ab o, interost in the hnd drwsrod in: - -e6cdb'd or Flerod to h hp commih€ and m\rored hor'in is ,eg simple armt smpe .nd tit' thofeto is at tho effsc'r.g date nsoo, P. STN{I.EY EooTHE, IirNIcY i. ,oo*, AIID ELBEnTA v. sENN a. Tha tsnd rot€nod to an lhis @mmirnont h dqrcriood as blow!: LOT 17 RESUBDIVISION OF BTTFFER CREEK 331ffi'o3".ffi8f;i", i3-, tf;Ij3IBrTl.*DrNc uirs couMrruEr,rr fffrffi'",ilrcou,,rv #i' d[Si C0r't ffll,ts,E FLEASE CALL 25, 19Bg}0. REAMSS. STITZC. PODHOLA LINDA WILLIA}IS r65? (25M 3/86) P!96 2 STE\{IART TTTI,EGUATAI{TY COIIr.XV o Order Number: 4r82-V SCIIEOULE9-Soctlonl Requirements Commilm€nt Number: The following are the requiremenls to be compli€d witht Itom (a) Payment to or tor the account ol lhe granlors or morlgagors of the lull consideralion lor th€ €stat€ or int€rest lo b€ insured. Itom (b) PloPer instrum€nt(s) crealing lhe estate or interasl. to be insured must be €xecuted and duly filed lor r€cord, to wil: 1. Execution of affldavlt a6 to Debts and Llens and, it. return toSbewart Title Guaranty Conpany. 2. 3. 4. Enecution of certification - Entlty Transferor/rndlvidualTransferor and its r6turn to bhis 6ffice. Evid,ence gatisfactory-to stewart'ritr. Guaranty conpany. thatthe real estate transfer bax asgessed by the Tlren-of vaiL hasbeen paid or that the transaction is exlnpt fiorn sa:.a tax. Deed from vested_oerner, vesting fee sinrple title inPUTChASCT(6). NOTEI NOTATION OF TFE tEGiL EOOP.EiS-OF TFIEGRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON T}tE DEED AS PER T975 AMET,IDI,G!|'I tOSTATUTE ON NECORDING OF DEEDS ?3 _CRS 3B35IO9 ('i. STE\^IAf,TT TITI,E GUARANTY COI' IANY1653 (25M 3/86|Paga 3 Order Numbo41g2_y Exceptions numbered I f,54 I?tU l'i'87) The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the tollowing unless the sarne are disposed of to thesalisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or craims or parties in possession not shown by th€ pubric records.2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records.3 Discrepancies, contlicts rn boundary lines, shortage jn area, encroachmenrs, and any racts whrch a correctsurvey and Inspeclion of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the publrc records.4' Any lien' or fight to a lien, tor sefvices, labor or material heretotore or hereafter lurnished, imposed by lawand not shown by the public records. 5' Defects' l'ens, encumbtances, adverse claims or other maners, il any, created, tust appearing in the publacrecords or atlaching.subsequent to the etf€clive date hereof but prior to ir,e aate the proposed insured acquiresof record tor vdlue the estate or interest or mongage thereon covered by this commitment. 5'Any and alr unpaid taxes and aaaessments and any unredeerned.tax sa1es. 7' Tlre effect of-incr'usions in any generar or specific waterconservancy,.fire protection, loil con"ur.r"iion o, otherdistrict or inclusion in any'water service or streetlnprovenent area. 8' Easesrents over the southwesterl.y and southeasterly 10 feet ofsubject property for utirities, as shown on the record.ed. platof said subdiviiion. 9' Right of wav-for ditche' or canals constructed. by the authorityof the unitid-staieil-a" I""!r*'.d in unitea-iiates parent recorded.October 4, 19L6, in Book Si-it page 301. -- -' l0' Ten percent royalty intere't in-proceed.s d.erived from ttre sale ofany ninerars, produced, and nined.-rrou,-saia-iie.i"e", as reserved fil.;::l:"ments recorded in Book res it-Fae"-i62, and any assisrunents l1' Restrictionsr-which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter crause,as conrained in instrunent recorded, o;t;;;;-Bl rger, in Book r7BaL Page 75, as anended by instrunent recoroea'aprir 1, 1964, inbook rez "r llqg 343, anin ty inetrun;;;-;;;;rded. May zs, 1965, inBook 197 at page l. 12' Any part of subJect.property 11-tng southwesterry of the south-west'erlv line of a tiacr aeicriuea i;-il;;;;inr record,ed inEook lZ7 at page ZB3. 13. Easem:l!-Sr"t!ed, to Gas Facilitles, fnc.,.by County of Eagleror construction and naintenance oi gas iinls-in "i,a-"r""6-.irroads in Resubdivision of Buffer_creik. recorded Aug.uet 11,reos in Eook 1e0 at pigi-*os-is-nii;;ti";-N;l-rorgre. SCHEdUdH:-Seilffi? ** a-".+* ui..**.*o-'j. Erceptions Cornrnitment Number: are hereby omitted. STEW'ART TITT,[' GUAI,AIf ?T COTt 'AN Y Page c l. 2. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance. adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B.hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is preiudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed lnsured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if - the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any zuch defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability pretriously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (cl to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by thisCommitment. ln no event shall zuch liability €xceed ths amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and zuch liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed lnsured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modif ied herein. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. STE\VAITT 'f I'['LE OUARANTY COMPANY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029. Houston, Texas 77252, and identify this commitment by its printed COMMITMENT SERIAL NUM- BER which appears on the bottom of the front of the first page of this commitment. 3. 4. Page 5 EAGTE COUNTY o pmenDepartment of Planning and Develo P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLO TADO 81631 TELEPHON? 303/328-73r I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ext 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2Oz BUILDING IN I N5PECTIO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTH Ext 238 EXTEN S IO N AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY EXr 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-575l SOCIAL 5E RV ICES 328.5328 TREASURER Ext 201 21 June 1979 Becvarik tlright, Inc. Box 1177 Glenwood Spgs, Colorado 81601 Re: File No. 7v-70-79 Variance Lot 17, Buffer Creek At their Public Hearing on 21 June 1979, the Zoning Board of Adjustment denied your Variance request to have a duplex on an undersized lot in the RSM zone. The Board felt that the variance was too great and that' if granted, wou'l d diminish the value, use or enjoyment of adjacent propert'ies. If you have any questions' please contact thjs office- Sincerely n r ..An\a; WJ#"Pa''l/tU Jim williams Zoning Inspector Jl^l/kp cc: Zoning Board of Adiustment uontu", AppLrcAroN Fllo NoZv-70-7Q . Action of Zoning Board of Adjustmont on Variance Application Approval tr conditions: Deniat gl reasons: (see Order of the Board, attached) too great and that, if enjoyment of adjacent Variance is value, use or 21 June 1979 granted, would diminish the properti es. Date, hearing Note: Soctlon 9.O4.10 Appeals from the Board' Any further sppeal from lhe decision of the Board may be made to the courts, as provided by law, provided, however, that Buch appeal is made prior to twenty (20) days following the date of the notification of the Boardrs decision. P a..1e 2 of 2L. I EAGLE COT'NTY o opmeDepartment of P'l anning and Devel P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHQNE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTY coMMrssloNERS Ext 241 eournrsrRniror,r Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 nt 14 May t979 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 2l7 COUITTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 The Vail Trail P. 0. Box 7 Vai I , Co]orado 8l 657 P'lease publish the attached as a Lega'l Notice in the 24 your paper. Re: Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 14 June 1979 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIB RAR Y Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Exl226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 soctAL SERVtCES 328.6328 TREASURER Ext 20 | Notice of Public Hearing May 1979 publication of P'lease bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you Office Manager/Secretary therine Peterson I oICE OF PUBLIC HEARING c0uNTY 0F EAGI-E, C0L0RAD0 Notice is Hereby Given that the Eag'le County Zoning Board of Adiustment wi'll hold a Public Hearing beginning af 10:00 A.M. on 14 June 1979, in accordance with Section 9.04:of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the following: File No. 7v-67-79 - H.L Beutow Request: Varjance from the Minjmum Lot Size in the RSM zone Locat'ion: Loc 2, Block C, Vail Ridge Subdivision File No. 7v-68-79 - Donald R. and Joan F. Geiser Request: Variance from the Minimum Lot Size in the RSM zone Location: Lot 5, Block D, Vail Das Schone Subdivisjon Filing #1 File No. Zv-69-79 - Becvarik l.lright, Inc. Request: Variance from the Mjnimum Lot Size in the RSM zone Locat'ion: Lot 14 and 15, Vail Village West Fifing #2 Fi'le No. 7v-70-79 - Becvarik Wright, Inc. Request: Variance'from the Minimum Lot Size in the RSM zone Location: Lot 17, Buffer Creek Subdivision Fi I e No . 7v -71-7 9 - Pa ttan Rea'l ty Request: Variance from the Sign Code - Section 4.08.03 9a and 9b Location: South Forty Subdivision, Edwards, Colorado This Hearing will be held in the McDonald Building, County Commissioners Meeting Room #013, 550 Broadway, Eag1e, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in person or by mail thru the Secretary. Further informatjon may be obtajned or comments submitted, by contacting the Eagle County Department of Planning and Development, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado Phone 328-7311. by: Temill Knight Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment rrfi-t cATloN Fon VnutAllcE from tl-re Zoning [-]esolution of Eaglo County, Colorado aroNo2t/:?t-?9 F"e e.ia 35% Date rocd.to the . by:_ Zoning Board of Adjustments I l , t 2. 3. 5. (mtnlmumrfl coples reouired; print or type, except slgnatr.res) Section 9.04.05 Applicant/orner Becvarlk Y{dgbt Ino. Mall AddressP. O - Bor 1177, Gl ensood Spr.l,ngs, Co'lo Phcne: a4r5-S53? , l. Regut ation and Seition Number(s) of Zonlng Resoluti6n from which Varlance ls sought: 3.05.05 nar.lance lbon ulnlnru lot area: 8O0O souare feet Der glvelllng uDlt Present Zone RSVI Creneral locatlon of property (ln relatlon to a Town, Nort'h of I-70 Appror. 1 ntl-e vest of 4. Legal descrlptloh of pr@orty a. Subdivision Name Buffer Creek Lot17 Blk_t ot, b. rnetes End bourds (may be attached) include surv€y or m€p: Brlof purpose and Reason for Varlmce (may be attachEd): IIe are requesting a varlance fron seatloo 3.O5.O5 of the Zordng ResoLutLon so'tbat we maJr be sLloweal to coDstruct torribouses. See Attactrnent A Attach ergtanatlon that 0.16 or tnore.conditions exist utder Sec. 9.04.06, 1-5- See Attacbnent A 7. Staternent: A complete list ol gll owners addresses, of the property proposed for Vari ance and of all onrrrers of all adj acent properties is attached fEroto; this signatory is properl y a,ftto;)zzd to maker.,acelig{ion lor Vnariance stated hereon . /J- U -T-r' t ts I-r-? of zutlrcrized appl owner? -)(' Road, Stream or other landmark) : L,lone Ilead -J office use Application acceptod as complete for Public Hoaring on Appl icatlon rejected as incorrplete for Public Hearing beca'r3e: date by: plannirg admini strator Pago l ot 2 date ATTAC}I,IENT A Iten 5 contlnued: Vle feel thle variance woultl be Justifled because it would. provlde nuch needed addltlonaL housing for peopLe living in tbe weet Vall area. AJ.so, because of ttre hlgh coete of construction today itr.ls more feaslbLe for us to buiLtl tornhouse urdte rather than a slngl-e fanily resldence because of the greater possibl-e revenuil wblch can be reallzedl froro townhouse urdts. Iten 6 We feel that under eectlon 9.04.06 of the zoning resolutlon that three condltlons exLst in relation to ttrle 1ot. Condltlon nu$er 1 xThat an unneceaaary and unreasonable hardship w111 be lrposed on the property owner lf the provisions of thle resolutlon are strlct\r enforced. rl I{e feel this condLtion exLsts becau,se eleven years ago rhen this property vas purchased it was rith the r:nderstancllng that more than Just a slngle fanlly resldence coul-d be sonstructed. Condltlon number 4:"That the var.lance, lf grsnted wllL not dlmtnlsh the vaLue, use or enJoynent of adJacent properties, nor curtall deslrable li.ght air and open space ln the nelghborhoodrr We believe that thle conditlon exists because as you can 6ee fron the drawings tttle bulldlng will not be of a size large enough to have an inhtbiting cbaracter. A1so, as you can see frora the drawings this bullding w.tl1 onLy blend ln well wlth the sunounding propertles and certain\r not detract from thero ln anJr way, but rather lt wllL acld to the quallty of the existing nelghborhood.. Condltion number 5: lbat the varlance, 1f granted, 1111 not be dlrect\y contrar5r to the lntent and purpose of this resol-ution or the Master P1an. rl I{e ftrnly bel-ieve this conditl.on erists because lt ls the verXr nature of a varl.ance that inequities may be corrected and the lntegrlty and quallty of the nelghborhood rna5r be naintal.ned wbich is certai.n\r the case of ttrle Lot and is certain\r not contrary to the purpose of the lvlaster Plan nor the zoning resolution. Lot Nnmber BUTFER CRMK Orner State Highway Cqrdeunatlon L2-3O-66 Bor 2109 Grand Junctlon Colorado 81501 Same as above Robert E. Garton Jr. and Davld Garton Jr. Box l-931, Val1 Bor 192 ValL Same as Iot 7 Bi.ue S$e Unlttl. Ine. c/o James Oeterfose e/o I'he Rooet Bor 978Vall, CoJ-orado 8L657 Carpent4y Ualr'rnrlsd Inc. c/o l{r. CarL M. Dietz Box l-8Vall, CoJ-orado 8L657 RandeLl Guerriero Bor 1931 ValJ-, Colorado 8L657 Aogela M. Lelghton, Alfbed K. Schreler, antl Alberlne General- DellvertrrVal.I, Colorado 8L65'l Becvarit Ifrlgbt P.O. Box IL77 Glenvood Sprlnge, Col-orado 81601 Gerhard P. Scbroter 621 Hanison Street Denver, Colotado 80206 Gertrude E. Dupuls 2/+86 So. Iafayette, Denver, CoLorado 80210 Albert Donal-d BeLIors and lleather Anne l-276 Forest DriveLrqr 0hio 45805 Rlchard E. and Pboebe A. Peterson Bor 1053 Vai1, Colorado 8l-657 Bruce E. A1len anal li4a4y Jo Bor 861 Va1l, Colorado 8L557 6 7 tl 9 t4 L5 L6 L7 r.8 19 20 30 3t 32 Bruce H. ALLen Bor 861 VaLl, Coloraito 8L652 33 Janes J. E\ran et al Box 11 Drake, CoLorado 80515 34 Ualter Kasperal.tls Box,l8 Vail, Colorado 8L657 40-A 'Alan F6r and Ronald Za].l 2900 Energy Center One B1dg. 7L7 LT1"h Street [enver, CoIo 80202 4f Meadow Brook Cond. Lleted on eeparate sheet 12 State lllgbray CondematLm L2-n-66 Box 2109 Grand Jrmctlm, Coloratlo 8L5O1 Lot Nunber BUFFER CREEK Orner MEADtr BROOK CONDO]S MlchaeL R. and Jean T. l[c0a11 ?925llest Iayton Ave #5Q6 Llttleton, Colorado 80123 itrm"e R. Vitolo and lvlary Jean 3150 South Pontlac Denver, Colorado 80292 Mllltcent J. Meyer 551 Sumit Ave 0raile11, New Jereey 07649 &ia M. I{ansqt Box 2503 Va1L, Coloratlo 8165? Ilenneth R. Vtttrng and llary Jean Yitold 3150 South Pontlac Street Denver, Coloredo 80292 Peter E . Norlch entl DUane E. Zentner 6634 SoutJr BroatlraJr LlttLetm, Colorado 8012L George E. Felroan Bor 1861 Val.L, Colorado 8L657 Charles Stone Box L392 ValL, Colorado 81657 Duale S. and Suzanne S. Carlingbx 2266 Vall, Colorado 8L657 i. 7 EAGTE COUhNTY o opmeDepartment of Planning and DevelP.0. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHoNE 303/328-73r I BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrsstoNERs Ext 241 AOMINISThATTON Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949.4292 o nt 455E550 R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION Ext 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 21 7 CO U}ITY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PU RC HAsI NG/ PE RSON N EL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basa lt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 T REASU R ER Ext 201 14 May 1979 The Vai'l Trail P. 0. Box 7 Va i I , Col orado 8'l 657 Re: Notice of Public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 14 June 1979 P'lease pub'tish the attached Notice of PubIic Hearing as a Legal Notice in the 24 t4ay 1979 publication of your paper. Please bill and send affidavit of publication to this office. Thank you /* herine Peterson Off i ce Manager,/Secretary ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY OF EAGLE, COI-ORADO Notice is Hereby Gjven that the Eagle County Zon'ing Board of Adiustment will hold a Public Hearing beginning at 10:00 A.M. on 14 June I979, in accordance with Section 9.04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution. Said Hearing will include the fol'lowing: Fi'f e No. 7v-67-79 - H.L Beutow Request: Variance from the Mjnimum Lot Size in the RSM zone Location: Loc 2, Block C, Vail Ridge Subdivision File No. 7v-68-79 - Donald R. and Joan F. Geiser Request: Variance from the Min'imum Lot Size in the RSM zone Location: Lot 5, Block D, Vai'l Das Schone Subdivision Filing #1 File No. 7v-69-79 - Becvarik Wright, Inc. Request: Variance from the Min'imum Lot Size in the RSM zone Location: Lot 14 and 15, Vail V'illage West Fifing #2 File No. 7v-70-79 - Becvarik Wright, Inc.. Request: Variance from the Minimum Lot Size in the RSM zone Location: Lot 17, Buffer Creek Subd'ivision File No. 7v-71-79 - Pattan Realty Request: Variance from the Sign Code - Section 4.08.03 9a and 9b Location: South Forty Subdivision, Edwards, Colorado This Hearing will be held in the McDona'l d Bui'l ding, County Commissioners Meeting Room #013, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. Persons being affected by a decision on this request are invited to make comments to the Board by appearing at the Hearing, or by submitting written statements in person or by mai'l thru the Secretary. Further informatjon may be obtained or cornments submitted, by contact'ing the Eagle County Department of P1 anning and Development,, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado Phone 328-7311. by: Terrill Knight Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment o EWr f\A Engincen Builders ro dl o J () ttoz a, o.o o o 'z {JJo Nt\ xoo c; Jrrne L8, 1979 RECEIVED JUN 2 U ]:];, u'orlll,tr;.,,',;, ;.,.: "' Eagle Courrty Zonlng Board of Adjustnent c/o Mr. Jin Williams Eagle County Plaming Departnent 550 Broadway Eagle, Colorado Dear Cottmissi.oners: After much conslderation and conference rith the planning staff we are agreed with the feellng of the staff ancl the Plaruring and Zonlng Corrnission that two urLits of 1955 square feet on the Buffer Creeklot d.oes not deal effectively wtth the problerns of growth now taking place in the Vail area. We would like to propose that instead of L955 squee feet per side we construct a prinary and a secondary rurit on that J-ot, with the larger unit being approxinately 1200 equare feet antl the snaller unit approxi-nately 800 square feet. woul-d also like to propose that units of a like size be constructed the Gore Creek lots 1/+ and 15 also present\r rmder consideration the Boaril of Adjustnent. We as developers hope thet this new proposel will help to assist the Board of Adjustnent in the orderly nanagement of growth in the Vail area, an effort we all have very nuch in common. Yours truJ-y, BWI We on by Z;**/ Eil Becvarik President EB:se F3. r bs qe. ;F tE.; fi"eiql8 _q .€€.E f trlf?. :s:il* ,l,f:;E4a q'o onio .65 , t.= r-.: E ", :g rAi ,r; [.=;1z 'ja .e[aB o odd*! _? 9oJzH .-c o+, -daia op .5ci ! . lr ar.;o o o--lc! v r1 c,J 3 o.cP_ o, otl-crF r_ c ?<--f-. >r o,iE ie ;P€:: Eir €;Hlc''!rE i; ; '': 3!m -;:t::;E:; tE s-:3!E l3s E:lFi ia tb t E!;n! 3E=[5$j!..|rc q. crouo q6 oscdoeE i(, o _L,i+- ub ;:E:"$ .Eii5 ;;ll33rI 3r ; -.3p*Fi 3-::3#f S.M !t slE-11 -*- ^ot*,5'o95 ;9, o ilt H,-i,*r ,5-38(JP*-E;EE if ihe-tr! i;I EEEiE{rr ii ; ::s::* F;El;,lr;i.tx o .F .-oo'o -or(L' cr' oL- .ra aj ;p..tt6,^ ,^ !-corco-. eCC-38 .:p.:g-j ! o c+r.;o-oo; o.(4 e r o,; .-.r o cn.; roo- +!N c po 53 =:io3:.gg ' c o'r ('F:'-;P;r €.:<i,! :il ?,..!.:it9: eE l.FlE:5: ::5;:.iE!:;;E:E; ;Si.El r-,* =ci- n;i1 ; d ocuc!cJo_ ro, <p.-o-o.re+EEi a;3;tlrEsl ,FF.F:r.:* Ei .EEF-3E .: :EE qe.eF: ii-.rcuo s-_ggc!,u -o o,s ec,!-c.. o; tJEUt;5;I e'5i;I;Ei5pp:_re "o.E&9" !-: &- -o.-";-€gEE ;-3t--gBE&.':pF.= o, ?o,o?-ii -'l 3.E:tr..F8 8,9..:33- -,:3e-h.i:!!;;E FEE,4:;3;EE AF-*:a-.: ;; -i-cE.;sE EFs;;b;"e;dq:,-:;= e.=-2u53:Ey -'= :' .:3e .9q, g.:?':'9tr'r >.>'6'\Jr'+--c'r.o- E l* in E -:.!.3.=€ s* s,. :3 p.:?:; r r5 l:=.: - a;ss ,:.: -_.:*3;l5f:H;8, :;fEfr:;;RE I;EEg,=3, :" -?s;.:.=g;E R;83*r";E:e-l:Et t:-ir#:EcF Se:..i;:F Ei :"s EEE6: ee f,3'e=egco E Evo or E f .-? =s^-e> s Eeor ;5E5 r-::i=.F..58 H*:EJ;E;; ?*!'FEgraEg;d*E#E; i;3rg"dl,.=- E..:oo.->\ao iEEsir fr,X 'lE'rE5;;t: iEe6:l:a*;E i{i5gl-TE- 1s5;i=t*[tgi,rEEEF edTeel"sc. :sEHesaspsb e3:H'i5i" €sH-s-r3soccor! 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E.git .1,.Fj, r r; : ii ! ; : :.s lL.r ;j, fJ p fi i,; i, g i,?.[t gi ;,t ; .E:, ;j E sa--ii;; ,i ii;; i ;.,.; ,i ,i ii.r ; ,i oili E (= )-1 L=rql -)q= (= L:T @t- \:7 )'---rt5 aryt-))'---rt:l @oo-fql- \=r @D .L.l[- q9 U T: -.J 71 t- ."i f-)\Y/ d\) Itn{l .-il Gr])]. i-.rl tlrli , gi E != E z F E €.,o,o 3B +j] E(J'F' A- F 6 >(F O 'O O''.|)'.'o o-! .so oo-(J ('.F 3> lor - orc c-L 0llr E jre orooct: dPol,q,+te-rJE,60 '(,o- ! .'c c.F C.- G' O, 'F c l,cn o.P =Jr.\-ruoo| 6E:(, dor\!-orc. lE E9t.rr l,.l 06r^E diiP,€d, z (, -o.rJ O J(F C.lJ.E - Od cn(u|! .F oraJ.F (u n U- d.tl v, E orl,r^L -Cr, .C!ar oJ!oao !Lc, .c!o nr {fr 4, .P d{J rJ O!O cr .- c,t.)trr! -.r o 61J o oFt^- .,3{r ,n vl c,lL >!.r c4r>'!L t4>re +J.r.u oi:r d O ' o dr!o d cr: "JL C +Jf =1JO o. H= oE (-) O (' rU (J (|) @p(Juin !- sdoro= Fc!5tr, .J EO1r.r vr c >p.dF -c c FPc .Fo ca.. >qo, -.:9or-. :- or = N CL.F N OltaJ .-F!P? |,F oal > o-E - (lopou(l)(to!oo rooo.)o 9.o t - 0-6 :r :l a1^- F <t^e.- 0,, E o^E!O-O,O j 0ro > ao 5 i! crl5dco !-E€cotl, EL | _'E'-,=!r c < -!zE-Li! .F.FE!l!o orF (1, L.;qro srEE19 .J FEEgEEdlP (9_.9o9 --: :' -c,o6r -.t' !r -C (|,!' ! C N-t Cr'c'<oc! F+r4 c'Elo.- r.JocP O.rtF ||' |rr- cr.P > G Gtd, r at; fco FrEE -93 3e'-93-E -e..Ea..u r.-to rr- c9-coI o.o'odc ,! oi56-6. o.;.ocPo ar'F-or o/rr or (Jt nin o< . co'F c 'r< '.F or'F E.,.F cv >\ ro ! luv >e rO L ojv ! E E;E ,<E E E;E,E as E eooaro ()ooro. oou.-EO .'.oFEod' " cr'-.,do_a oDd.J Lc O.t-r.t.rJ.jcz16(l",O- Zq d O,, d.-6 --o c <DrF-oig- 5 o oiq-= o. orq-:59- cnc E F g16 9tc c |tt F s(' ctlat.! 0, ro O F o.rJ (D rd oF F llr.lJ oo+J a oE u-d(^ t- o'oo. Ld(, L ()LrFoc<+,rF rF o rrr:.! O F L (r.t .-.F OJo o, .e3 Lc.r (r .1, o L! ar cE a6 L> <uFl- rl, O, tt 6.OrF r^tr> rt!O ' Fcr!>O ,|Jc('.+,+,cc (l) roo> F5Lctlt| o r.- (J"(]O E C EU^E L.rrl t!.F f rl, - o c,o .oo cto6l.,- |! d!r|,c.}, rr)Oc<)F(FONc ('r.F c .N.FOo j-vo oqr|r' i, ur c "0,,L(J ! srljo ti =o(!auc!(Jdc{ro- .rNF(r'!oo< |!..J cr- O '( C1t .cl.F rr.t cLsF c'r ! .rrr0,(\lOBoq, cd,r-C.q,.-F6.F-P 6 > rl'o ro 9- ' L <u -.PE .F O!rF o 'E tt cr, - l-d.cz< .d c l!+r .o ooJF +r (.) 0, +r.-PF Er(Y) -oln3a> coc-tF !<r o nt <'cto r6(r3 c q, {,r {r(Y FFJ ! r|J (r.J< !-<l qr =O, c! (J(LtCrTr. E{JF Orc (,E.FO.P.Fur'- o€ '-O.E!6(J o U l- ..cF* o Oc sro o.|g o 0r.pFAl.F o (^Ord .lr C O ca O-'- Fl-{J6 0 (|, L L e 6.oa) c,-O- qrF }- O.(|, '. rrsO cL ...F (|,.!r-c.rJ (lj cO. >! (t (5 (u o O.F e ! (uttt, 0,, tt ,.a ccJ c.rJoo>d 3- o, {- d.rr o r- or 3 c (5 0 -|c a)o .P .-n6 cro () o:l-oarc,a_a .Fac+r5 rs or- -c o)r? -r oo.F !oFoFc€-cOrF FF.- gto CF rO O-O +r aO dr -o - ' o.>(F! o ra . E ro (.)!<(.F O C.. q o L o E o. (, r.- cn .F =i 'o ar o 5rF oro o o.?i G !.OOC(JFV!..l|,LO- :r5 O, (, rF .- iU O, (tOO dFo c.P >-tJd > ! !t rr E.s(/, o 'Loc>r+rF oro .F!'c'.rro cF ! !r5+r.iz !-r,frF U|o==oo,, Fo (r.F o = o .F E -o d P : o oPcz,ll,c.o.,rr-,E o, IorF -<-.c.o =d sacct.rrFE(o., E ocodr o 3 0 l!|g .al n l,l uloclz 'Fl O sl ''! at GI N q 6) !l o EAGTE EOI'zuTV ,oueve loDmenf,an0Department of Planning P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHON€ 303/328-73 | I BOARO OF COUNTY co t'.4 r,4 r 55! oN E R S Ext 241 AOMINISThATION Exl 241 ANIIVIAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Exl 202 BUTLDING IN IN SPECT IO N Ext 2?6 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDER Exl 217 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ext 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AGENT Exl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANNING Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PER50NNEL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 2 57 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I tsasalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 22 May 1979 Becvari k llri ght, IncP.0. Box 1177 Glenwood Spgs, Colorado 8.|601 Re: File No. Zv-70-79 - Variance from l4inimum Lot Area in RSM Zone to Build a DupTex At their regu'lar meeting on 16.May 1979, the Eagle County Planning Conrnission reconrnended approval of your request for a Variance. This recommendation wil'l be presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their Public Hearing on 14 June 1979, beginning at 10:00 A.M. If you have any questions, please contact this office. JW/ kp cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment RER Zoning Inspector oPPLt cAfl oN FoR vARtANcEO from the Zcning Resolution of Eagle County, Coloracio to the Zoning Board of Adjustments Filo No.Zv- /t - / Ir."P.ia.F- Oale recd.-/. ,J4 ,4-,-y'2 y7aa. (minimunyfl copies requirod; print or type' except signatures) Section 9.04.05 Appticant,/own"r Becvarik lllright Inc. Mail Address l. Regutation.and Seition Number(s) of Zoning Resolutl5n from which Variance is sought: .O5.O, variance fron uinimur 1ot area:r swe 2. 3. 6. 7. Present Zone F^qvt Ge,Eral location of property ( In relation to a Town, North of I-70 Appror. l- ml1e weet of Road, Stream or other landmark) : Llons llead : I I I 4. Legal descrlptloh of propertY 5. a. Subdivlsion Name Buffer Creek Lot17 Ftk_r olr b. rnetes and bounds (may be attached) include survey or map: Brief purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached): llle are reques ting a \rarLance from section 3.O5.O5 of the Zonlng Resolutlon so'that we t1ay be allowetl to construct towntrouses. See Attachnent A Attach e)atanation that one or more conditions exist under Sec. 9.04.06, 1-5. See Attaclment A Statement: A complete list of all owners addresses' of the property proposed for Variance €nd of all o\,\r€rs of all adiacent properties is attached hereto; this signatory is properly authori2€d to mak6 aool ication for Variance stated hereon.f+*_L * o, + -= o- Sign-ature of authorizcd applicanffl owner?__ X__ Date office use Application accepted as complete for Public Hearing on Appl ication reject€d ss incornplete for Publ ic Hearing becauso: 5-r -71 odr"ninistrator Pago 'l of 2 date ATTACiiIvENT A Iten 5 contlnued: l/e feel thls variance would be Justlfled because it would provide nuch needed additional. houslng for people liviry ln the west Val1 area. A1so, because of the hlgh coste of constructlon today ltris nore feaelble for us to bulLd townhouse urdte rather than a siqgle family residenoe because of the greater poseible revenu6 whLctr can be reallzed from towrhouse unlts. Iten 6 We feel- ttrat r.uriler eectlon 9.01.06 of the zonlng resolution that three conditlons erist ln relation to this lot. Conditlon number 1 ttthat an ururecessary antl unreasonable hardship w111 6s lql'osed on the property osner lf the provislons of thls resolution are strict\r enforced. t' We feeL thie condition existe because eleven years ago rtren this property was purchased it was rtth the rurderetanding that more than Just a single fal011y resldence could be constructed. Condltion number 4:ItThat tbe var{ance, if granted w111 not dluinish the value, use or enJolment of adJacent propertles, nor curtail deslrable 1lght atr and open space ln the neighborhoodrt We believe that this condition erls ts because as you can 6ee from the drawings tttis building wiJ-I not be of a size large enough to have an inhlbi tLng ctraracter. A1so, as you can see fr@ the drawings thls bullding wiJ-l on\y blend in well wlth the surroundlng propertles and certalnly not aletract from thero ln anJr way, but rather it w111 add to the qual-ity of the existing nelghborhood.. Condltion number 5: that the variance, if granted, rrill not be dlreot\r contrary to the intent and pu4)ose of thls resolution or the Master PLan. I' We fimly belleve this condltlon exists because lt ls the very nature of a variance that lnequltiee nay be corrected end the lntegrlty and quallty of the neighborhood nay be nalntained which is certainly the case of tJrls lot and is certainSy not contrary to the purpose of the Master Plen nor the zoning resol-utlon. Lot Number BUTFER CREEK Orner State Highway Condennatlon L2-3O-66 Box 2109 Grand Junction Coloratlo 81501- Seme as above Robert E. Garton Jr. and David Garton Jr. Box 1931-, Vail Box L92 ValL Same ao Iot 7 Blue S$e Unlttl. lnc. e/o Jarnes 0stertoae c/o The Roost Box 9%3 ValJ., Colorado 81657 Carpentry lJalrmrlsd Inc. c/o l{r. Carl- M. Dietz Box 3-8 Va1I, CoJ-orado 81657 8anala11 Guerriero Box 1931 ValJ., Colorado 81657 AngeJ-a M. Lelghton, ALfYetl K. Schreier, and Alberlne General Dellvery VaLl, CoJ-orado 8L657 Becvarik Urlgbt P.0. Bor Ll77 Gl-enwood. Sprlnge, CoLoratlo 81601 Gerbard P. Scbroter 621- Ilarrlson Street Denver, Colorado 80206 Gertnrde E. Dupuls 2486 So. Iafayette, Denver, CoLorad.o 80210 Albert Donald BeLLors antl lleattrer Anne 1275 Forest Drlve 1rns, Ohlo 45805 Rlchsrd E. and Phoebe A. Peterson Bor 1053 Val1, Colorado 8L657 Bruce H. AUen ard llary Jo Box 861 Va13-, Colorado 81657 6 7 I 9 v I' L6 L7 18 19 20 30 3L . 32 Hr;rt' arren Vall, Colorado 8165? 33 Janee J. Evan et eI 8or 44 Drate, CoLonado 80515 34 talter faaparaltlsbz 7EYall, Col.cado 8t657 40-A 'Alan F6r anil Rmatd ZatL 2900 her€y Centar he Bldg. ?L7 ].jltJl. Street Kenver, Col.o 8O202 4L t{eailc boo& Cmd. I,l,ated on eeparate sheet lC State Hrghqy Codematlo L2-fr-66 Bor 2109 Grand Jrmctio, Colonaalo 81501 Lot Nunber BUITER CREEI( Orner UEADtr SROOI( CONDOIS Itrlchael R. anil Jeen T. l[c0all 7925 West Iaytm Ave #506 LLttJ-eton, Colorado 80123 hbo''as R. Vltol-o antl lrtary Jean 3l-50 Soutb Pontlac Denven, Coloratlo 80292 ltrlLllcent J. Meyer 55L $mit Avehatlell, Ner Jereey 076/19 Eric M. Eaneon Box 25O3 Val1, CoJ-oraclo 81657 Kenneth R. Vittrng and lilar1r Jean V1to1d 3150 SoutJr Fontlac Street Denver, Colorailo 80292 Peter B . Norlcb end DUane E. Zentoer 6634. South Broaclray Llttleton, Coloratlo 80121- George E. Felnnan Box 1861 Vall, Colorarlo 81657 CharLee Stone Box L392Vail, Colorado 81657 Duane S. and Suzanne S. Carl{ng Box 2266 Vall-, Colorado 81657 4 6 FIETD COPY BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couR.THousE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT APPL ICA NT Jerry Stevens pERMtr ro rnnve olnnct qlell Z.E rl_) srony (TYPE OF IMPROVEME NT) NO. oArE---!93qbgx--29-rg ?6 ".^,",' *o. 0 5 9 6 rooness@ { NO.)(STREET'(CONTR'S LICENSE) NUMBER OF DWELLING UN ITS (PRoPosEo usE) Ar (LocArroN) 1885 Rrffer Cnealt Rand \Ueet Vell 5iJ+li.t(NO.' (SIREET) AETWEEN ANO(cRos9 STREET)(cRoss STREET) LOTIo o oz: s uBo tv ts toN BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIOE AY- FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP LOT-BLOCK-SIZE FT, IN HEI6HT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASE MENT h'ALLS OR FOUI.{DATION {TYPE} REMARKS! AR€A OR VOLUME t. c b esr rulreo cosr $(CUEIC/SOUARE FE ETI owlrn Jerry Stevens PER M IT ooo.r.. P.O. Box 688 Vall. Colorado 8165? INSPECTION RECORD BUILDI I NG PE PLIC ) ATIO I. Juridiction Appticant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION W}IEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUN PERMIT PEHMIT VALIDATION b flstr erreoreo snterl Ftl9 r Atc Srbsz coNliActoi MAII ADDiISS PXON E ltcx I TEcl oi oEstGi:i L lC EN5€ l,lO, IN6INEEi 5 MAI L ADOF'35 LICEN9E NO. UIE OF !UILDII{G 8 cras ol work: tr NEw fl ADDITIoN Eelftnnrton tr REPAIE n MovE tr REM0VE V e Lr&SE-T Vr u G- Fooq ,42F n l0 Change of use from PERMIT F€EPLAN CHECK FEE1l Vafuation olwork: $ .3O nO AL CONOITIONS: Slre ot Bldg. (Totarl sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnkl!r5 Requlred [y65 !1eAPPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES. NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTFICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATTNG OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHTN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR 'THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. it ozEo lrac toi oi au ZON ING FI RE DEPT. SOIL REPORT f rNsPEcroR qb Form 1O0.1 1l-73 iroio.i FForr! INTERtttATIONAL CC'NF€RENCE OF BUtLDTNG OFF|CIAL . alao a, woiL[ar| r!! ioaD a wxltllatr callt. toaol INSPECTION APPROVALS DATE REMARKS INSPECTOB FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP. ETC.