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Fttf trlPr
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
February 1'7.2000
Mr. Rob Levine, General Manager
Antlers Condominium
6 l0 West Lionshead Place
Vail, Colorado 81658
Re:Antlers DRB Review - 2/17100
Dear Rob,
Thanks again for appearing at the February 16, 2000 meeting of the Design Review Board to discuss the
final review ofthe Antlers redevelopment project.
The purpose ofthis letter is to provide you with written documentation ofthe Board's cornrnents and
concems regarding the final design of the project. The following is a list of design issues that still needs to
be addressed:
o Pursuant to the Lionshead Design Guidelines, exposed roof beams, rafter tails, roofbrackets, etc. need
to be provided at the underside of the roofeaves.
D The undenide of the exposed concrete decks need to be covered in cedar and detailed with brackets
and beams similar to the roofeave treatnent. Please provide a detail of the proposed treafinent.
o Please provide a window detail that is typical throughout the building.
a The skier entrance on the east side of the building needs further design attention. Round exposed
concrete coiumns are unacceptable. The columns shall be at least 16" square or whatever is
proportionate and in scale. The columns shall be covered with stone and stucco and exposed structural
elements shall be inFoduced into the entry design.
o Two-story stone and stucco columns shall be introduced in to the structural design of the walkways
and balconies. No arches shall be used.
D Please provide a door trim detail for the patio doors. The door trim detail shail match the window trim
detail and shall be consistent throughout the building.
o Divided light windows shall be provided on the north, east and west elevations ofthe new addition as
o Please provide a chimney cap detail. The chimney cap design shall comply with the Lionshead Design
o All exposed fireplace vents shall be painted to match the building exterior.
I have placed the Antlers redevelopment project back on the agenda for the Design Review Board meeting
on Wednesday, March 1. In order to remain on that agenda lor a final review you will need to submit
revised plans to me by no later than noon, Tuesday, February 29.
{j *""r"""o roru
Should you have any quesfions or concems with regard tot he information addressed in this letter, as
always, please do not hesitate to call me. You can reach me by telephone at 479-2145.
George Ruther, AICP
Senior Special Projects Planner
Town of Vail
tlAL-|'7-!O *##Fffi^' O t,o
WHERE g tr|. OrYn-w.tE b P''a' c|'frb t!ffionr cr tha urc of a unit or ap*mr'c lo"td oo lh'
Piop.aty futlF bld otor' w dl(t !L T notv'4 Color"b ('thtTaii')'
ild^/,IttEREFORe 0t' qilrdo' hr*y imfo'G dfsl\ drqrl"tg'' dGd$ tbr rh og|'fi sl dl
p.rotE {,lro
tfi|dfd F!dLt'' 6l-t' d hold tr s|biE b|.| thr folowing rrrnidoGt' aov'rdr 'n
6ndEooa. d d!,Ylich sfi'I b' dGan'd b tul rith h6 ffi and itr|rt b 0D b'nd and b' bo'xitrg ugo't nrc Oirtt(
Itt rEDdi\i! grarF. 3lJ€Ct.rorr' ||l1""9!L
r, UnitorAFftnd f,/'t--tt?:*"'*'oh{rovrdsaTyFrtl
E nptq/6 Hotr3r€ Unt (EHU) ||ildr mt'r corply trilt tl th' plwiiottt ot SS|tr I a5t'@'
lt fI'03O. afil lE g,.(Fo otd|.Vd lftridpd Cod' 8 d|t'nd'(l
ThaTyp.ltl EmPlay.a Hottting U' $Cl b' lEd to [r"b sfto ar! tuI{n"'n9lotEG3 "'ho
rEd( h ElgL coutty- Al €Hu s|Ill nd b' lerrl fr ' Fiod Ltc tr'n liitty csLEdiE dq/!'
For rtt. grti€- of tti3 s'dicf ' ttl:t!t|. .'nPbyi B on' ulro*otl(' ar adlgF dGfU hqrt3
ATIP ltt EHU nrty ba sa'( ltndt'rG4 or cdt'|y'6 t|F{"tt n c id 6'l$19 tIfB r
EflrPto:/.t Hoo|-lg utiB tt!' rtr|y o' L(dd m ltrt 3rtl' tct dYi0rh tht 'rttt hild'tg so looE a'
ttne6 Ot fdodtlg Goltddc!;
j /t
bi Gr. Pro9dtt4: .nd
n mu* b. uaad bY !L crrna of tt' EHU c' P'matf* rei&nc1 Fotrh' F4ctof \
ffi pJre'Tlr r pdtlnJ|r nt|'lla 'lr* rfl-r ttl| l|cnt of pttc' h Yifdl on't '
hdritlim b 6d er{ Frltlct onr, t{sr6iJ h' Ot tL it.!'14 h- t F.U"tt ililo||
ot rutrnhg dr e d*rrtn o. '!"Fr tir*!|n' llgJd6 otfh' d'dott d 'Lrc''
Itt dcErt*$t x,||t bt Ft|:tJtt'tti{|.lc'' th' Tfll |l!ftrhl &fi'fdorht
du|mffi tdg b tt|. ou|' dU|.ttd'Llctb @tr* hliE ilf'tf
d|tlotrll|, IEt' r|ti. nt'Lio tr iEnoa drtts FltPd' f,.' tEftt
FFtt ztc tnoEvdld' tliltet
ttrTFr [lEfdJ Iroa4ffi 6E rt'gt!'t 34r&'ytom [|. oot- 6xl|e t'il3
n lrltDr l[ Bnglcyr- Hctilg Uit h.r tttmfitity $ttcnn t b-' Ft o(' aEt|
ototftg,tft.*tttF llt E.iJ| hd qr!!' |rn'lot' !'ft?' $ EldJ| h&'
- .c!|rct!|afit*lot.fif beOF f b {ri' 9'u'5cr"'fitr h Sd.|r l|.tt'@
{ IhclDc ltl EtdJ inl not b6'5'd hb rry tuflt drh'd:r' iifld of|irb' tttlsll
' frog|Udrb|rthcLc|t!ndad hh'!l|#d C"'. d[t. ?dl dvd'
=38Eps: ar, '
=!dEB.ro ot:{.
ll./lR-a?-Oe l6t ' 24 FROt{ r TOV-COt{-DEV-DErT '
T|lrrurgotq rdunrtn'GSuLdgrd t*'t rrr ffi l#-dry d
rding {t,or svidJtc. db..*' rhttt,. mrbyrr hqdrg unir har b..r '.'o'o
tfironghod th'
Fr. tn trtnl tlfA 0t. 'mf'oF
ixl |h'l dl cr'tt'i{ro re'd.| rfrrh trt anCoy" hotdng
unit's !tu{{|nr dtlgloF in E{|.Coutt'
rlr o rd'of -d! EHU rd r'rt$' unf l ' too|fl' y tlnll r& conritF wrth d lo€rnao
nlc r|rdtd rc Pfw'l-i fr *tit prc?ffb in t: Town of V'il
Tlrtoun ofvd t{oling A'dlo'iurfl d'rrdrd, flr"l..ttzbb-td onttrrt.|cyotottcr tliB
of cafiFnbL 3i|E, locdoG qu'ay .||d rrtdridc ttrurghsur th' Towr Th' nsd t't' ttt||l b'
ba..d '. at tY{g' o{ I niimuflt of ttv'
r'tq of Gsn'{'ble u,,n3 ltttrc ttit it nd lr'id
and it nott |ibbb dirc tilt-rt t tn'I b' dtrmbd b bc in noncom9[ c* ln ddlta{r lo
eny otrr parrtcl a r'di6q! gtoritd trc.th' ' uit fuuod !o bc in nonsomptiocp sitR oa
$lid tD $Dfi€don - dttt*d by U|. llotlrhg Adto'ity'
Thitty dr'3 prior to 'tho trr$r ol r dd lbt a T)P' llt EtlU' th' PT sP'dn/r FrElt-tr stt'I
fllt?.cftt Ffit|.3lt m* !t' siHi 5d lu{r tbot' 1d std indudt tn dltta/it aGrmttg tld
ha or st€ mcd ttr€' ctitrit'
Tha pro\rialo ot rn€' l6lcttr'' cot'r||di m'y b' d d by th' Otrnr t'rd th' Tc"'n'
Ttt codittdr!' ndlcffi' diFrdoir' 'td
af,tt'd|JtB codl|in'd ht'n drtr tto' b' v'i"r4
rbddond. t5ttittrt'd' c a:ndcd cc*t !y Gt $itl!'t co|rsat of both tl. fsrn of Vd rnd Ur'
Orfln- otttr Prcf"V'
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o to/
('Ur. Ptopdn; .nd
Prop€rty lbr tho bsrdlt of ti. O rd rnd li' Tfln ol vdl' color.do (.[l' Ioun'
No\rrr, THEREFORE, tha cit{rrt da.. ha'rly ifi9fl'' "ilbliCt'
tcbodedg'' dcdatc fof 0r' bcn'fi ot dl
coiditiont aU ot wlrlch Slla[ bt d6dnd b run with h' lrnd and lnurt b thr b'nctlt and b' bondinE upon tL Odncr'
i'ts rocpdn'r grrnt..J. srcc6o'1 crd sigrr3 --r, iLLt{LLt b\L1' + ?2L
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lLu,r"-' . , rs{:,t. Uni! ot A9arrn ri -2: @l'',ining 1 - iqt'm fG'r' 13 h"'6y r"!id'd a3 a T)9' lll
Employt Houthg Ud (EFIU) r'hBr must compty vrith 'l th3 ptoi/iiot'F ot Scdo'rr I 8'5''@'
18'5/'030' .nd 1E
olth' Vln ['unuP't Codc !s rrndd'd'
Tha Typ. lll EnPloy- Houttitg Uoit dLll b' lG'd io boJrt3 s'lro art fuI{m' qndo}t!6 tvho
rY! t in Eagh coutty. A|| EHU Eh'll not b' le's'd fot ' Fiod lca3 than thity conr'sttiv" daF'
Foa lha pst?oa- of fib 3.cii.n, a fu||-tlr||t 'rnployc'
is on' wto \t{orks eo 3v'tE9' ot thiny hows
rch wtd(
A TlT. nl EHU mly ba sc+( lr|rtbnt4 or cdv'y'd 3'P'nt'tt trom oit\'r d!'vdllng unlF or
Employec Hodng Un.i tnd tr!ry b' lo"td on lhc aln' tot ot withh th' €-tr' b||ildl|g so long as
it mert' tn.lttbwing c.ndltoc
thi3 p.rr$*lr . pd|lidlt tsid|ta dldl tnrt th' homt or Plrc' in u'h&h onf|
n btdbn is tld l(| to wtich orr, whdt6r/" h' or dto is 'b"t! hr ' ptca"rt liorlbn
ot Etuming alr , dlPlttura ot $rricc th' fr!|n' '!9!rdl6 of lh' dutzuon d rbr|ca
In datdnlhg r^,ltat b t Prrtldt'ni 'qi&ncq 1t!' To'vtr stltf sh'I tlkt th' fdl(iitlE
drqmri E tddng tc lha o,|nf of h' nddltc| itdD 'ccoofi
btBin€sc ptltutF'
dttPloyru4 |t|€on $r|Gr., rdi't'nc' to. in8t'r' ot oft|f td Pt'ttPc'!' ag'' tn'rttl
!t!tu., nddnc. qt F.!r*3, spotlD |nd dlildnn il eny' loctlion ot 9"!olral sr fa
FEpdty. rnd taotrvrhid. rugilfliolt
lf r lrpr l|1 E[nl b rol4 t3|3lbm4 a ctl',lyld s'P!ra!"y {iqtr ttt. dt" dilttg triiB
rd/orTyp.l[ E nglotr Hclntg Units h ' rilfifJnily $ucitrtb' P6!t of' cnqt|
drc. 6'v{E udr .rdro.l}P. lll EFUs tod q| lh' sm' 14' ih' YyF lll E nh8r'
$l|out a on $d lot tlrl bc q$l.ot b { fh' 9tE 'bion'
3't lb'h h S6o le't'@O
Th.Ih. t[ EHU rhl nd !. dvifd hb Jty fom of tnrohryra intevd otutlJ!' D' dtr'c0ql'l
f!. dn,*fP rtl'|€.b.ltt..rddntd in lh' UurlctP'l Cod'dti'ld|n of VliL
5. t{o tlb3|'lrr FaIlLy'l ot aCt t-' d|. of'|J otsl mgloy- hott'ltg uutu'Uta tr hn
s,tdoh |t Fnttud,d
o. .|hc|tt. d|b o.!tb dt.9.r d'.! 3d.r. t',D GoI'c d . '?oft
-OG- -aaaI E$t
b th6 flnc ot ctttrh P.oFrtY (aL
HAR-e?-eO 16'24 FROM ' TOv-COll- DEV-DEPT 'lutaav,.|.rza.z
r.ting folth G/'ldslca drD[shhg th't thc mgtoy" hot$ing unil h" br'l rsrLd ihtoughost tis
y.ar, tna rrttd rnc. 0ra cnptoy.a. drd thSt adr tn'nt u/ho redd'r wihh ft' andoy" hourtng
unit b a tult{in. snPloy€ in Erd' -Cotrnty'
Thr owrr.r of €dt EHU sh.ll t.fit ttu unit tt t nronbly nnbl rdt coni3tstl with of loYvd' fian
thca rrafid zicr PranFst fgr imilt pto9"6'r in th' Town ot Vail'
Thr T6|lfn ot Vdl Houting Al0rodiy vril dr-rnin' th' m"kd rfb brE d on the st'dy of olhcr unit3
of comPdrabb stsa, lordor|, qualty r f mq ti" th|ougho|n dt' Tot'vn' The nr'l(r' t-.b shtll b'
bas.d on .n artlge of r mirirnum of tlvl arltt't trtet ot comP'rable units' ll lft' unit it nd rsrt'd
and ir not lvribblc tt Ittc mikd r& it sh'X bo ddrnin'd t! b' in noncomDtianc'' In
ary 06.r Psult€ and ratuidiotlt pro/idcd hrcin, ! unl fEund to bt in noncomplllnc' thtll b€
snli.ct to FDI'l€.don at dtttrin d by th' Hosthg Arhdity'
Thitty dayc ptlo? to $. tnndbr of I ttd for a 'DP' lll EHU' thc Pocp6diva purEhacr sh!{
sJbmit ati 49lica6on to th. Community OltdoP|rre||t O?"sndtt dod.lm€'tfng thzt $'
grocpacdv! F.tdusrt nr6.l ttla ctibtb sd tb{ti abow
$'ll indud'
alfiCavit afirming tid
ha or rhs mcd ttrGaa ('it.llt
Th. ptorisrms ot ttl6a taaficltrra cst'J|]tE mry b' dtbrc'd by thr o\rnd tnd lhe Tc\tvn'
tt. cordifioo3, tast|ladolt|, diFddon! tnd agT'rni8 contrin'd h'rdn Crt! not b' u'it'!4
$rndoncd, trnninetrd. or anrcndcd oopt by tlae'dfln contat ot both ti' Totrn of Vail rnd $e
Ofr of t'|. PmP..tY.
rM 9fJ#,try f" munii?d oo|Dotdiqt
/ l// /tt/L-
Ro6dt w/Mdar't\ Town u.|rags
La4act<()lr aa<LUaa{rt ul
Tt tbrrEdog irututnantlva..dorsLdgd b6tr rm lris /+ d'y ol
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intlunrt s3.chr.ii,Ld0pd b.Gat m. fib
day of
r' r-1 ,r]! 1-- - --l
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail. Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
May I l, 2000
Ted Huskey
Holy Cross Energy
Mr. Huskey,
Please be advised that the Town of Vail has granted permission to the Antlers
Condominium Association to have access across tract A for the purpose of setting and
maintaining their new electrical transformer. It is the Town's intention to formalize that
access with an easement in a timely fashion. The easement will be fifteen feet wide and
approximately in the location indicated on the attached site plan. It will indemnify Holy
Cross; against any damage to the property. Repairing such damage will be the
responsibility of the Antlers.
Please feel free to contact me at 479-2145 ifyou have any other questions.
George Rutheq AICP
Chief of Planning
Town of Vail
{9 "n t*oo "r"
Department of Public Works & Transportation
1309 Elkhorn Drive
Vail. Colorado 81657
97 0-479-2 1 5 8 / Fax : 97 0-479-2 I 66
To: Rob Levine - Antlers Condominium Association
Joe Casson - Casson Building Corporation
Paul Waltman - Casson Building Corporation.
RE: Antlers Construction Proiect.
On May l, 2000 a water line was broken during the demo process of the existing parking garage.
The water that flooded the excavated area ofthe site was flowing into the Gore Creek through a surface
drain system that was not well marked and wasn't protected from any form oferosion control. A pump was
brought in and permission from Vail Associates was gran0ed to pump water into a grassy areajust south of
the Lion Square Lodge, where the water and debris could settle before making its way into the Gore Creek.
Hay bails were brought in and placed to try to slow down the debris and allow it to settle. Eagle River
Water and Sewer was called, they responded and turned off the rvater valve. While at the site Tom Kassmel
and I observed some issues that we felt needed attention and should be addressed-
Please note other issues ofconcem that need to be address.
t. A limit ofdisturbance fence was installed by Colorado Barricade, tlat fence is no longer there
and disturbance on tlte site has exceeded what was originally approved in the staging plan. A
green mesh 6' to 8'high fence around the site is required, the orange fence shall be removed.
It is important that the fence be maintained.
2. Erosion Control meastres use during the installation ofthe storm drain has been damaged and
is in need of repair.
3. The bike path has been damaged beyond the 20-ft. originally bonded. A new additional bond
will be necessary. Amount of new Bond is set at $ 4975.00. Bond will be held until damage
has been repaired and inspected. Amount refundable is $4900'00.
Please note: The Lion Square Lodge with the General Contractor being R. A. Nelson bonded
the entrance to the bike path, for access use only. No staging or parking is allorved. Casson
Building Corporation mentioned they would not need access to bike path.
4. The original approved staging plan calls for no construction vehicles to park on site, all
vehicles are to be at the west day lot. Contact all subcontractors and make them aware of this.
5. No staging of materials / equipment on bike path or Town of Vail right of way areas'
6. Traffic control is required at all times whcn equipment is on bike path or on Lionshead Place.
7. Equipment has damaged some tl€es that are on'Iown of Vail land, west of bike path between
the Antlers and Lion Square Lodge.
8, Clean up ofdebris that was pump into Vail Associates land and bike path area
is the responsibility ofthe general contractor, clean up must be done as soon as possible.
9. No track equipment is allowed on any Town of Vail street or bike path v'ithout some form
method to protect the asphalt/concrete. Notify any sub contractor and make them aware.
10. Proper measures shall be taken for any further construction dewatering. Delvatering shall be
in compliance with A.C.O.E. Dervatering Permit.
Please address the above concerns as soon as possible, If 1'ou have any question, please feel free to call me.
Thank vou.
Leonard C. Sandoval
Town of Vail, Construction In-spector
97 0-47 9 -2198 or 97 0-390-4677
Tom Kassmel
Project Engineer, Town of Vail
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Please be advised that the Antlers Condominium Association hereby agrees to
contribute (nice choice of words - sounds like it's voluntary) into the parking fund for any
required parking spaces not provided on-site. Such "contribution" will be made prior to
the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy.
Please be similarly advised that in accordance with our lease agreement, we will restore
any and all of tract A to it's current condition should there be any damage to it during the
course of our construction. lt should be noted that part of the storm sewer made
necessary by the construction will actually be located under tract A, but will not be
visible or ncticeable in any way when it's completed.
APR 0 4 ?000
As always, thanks for your help in facilitating our project.
v?, 1* Zo._u Hl
- .i.a rv $4
BestResards, lhnFflt- € c)99'--r t-S"ihl q;::;*-**JF^m.k T^"yfffu::*,:yGeneralManager $,6F l, , ' - ;l
zel\O ov
T *e'"6 L't**
Best Regards,
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 FAX (970) 476-4146 info@antlersvail.com
o fllf
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
March 31,2000
Mr. Rob Levine, General Manager
Antlers Condominium
610 West Lionshead Place
Vail, Colorado 81658
Re: Antlers Redevelopment Proiect
Dear Rob,
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with written documentation of several preliminary comments
regarding the construction plans submined for the Antlers Redevelopment project.
Each of the following issues will need to be addressed prior to the issuance ofa building permit:
o An easement shall be established that allows pedestrian/bicycle use ofany sidewalk that encroaches
upon the Antlers' property.
tr A grass-crete surface shall be shown on the proposed plans. The grass-crete surface is intended to
provide all-weather access to the new electrical transfbrmer. Access to the transformer shall be access
Tract A. A roadbase subsurface shall be provided beneath the grass-crete accessway to prevent
damage to the turfarea.
o The developer shall agree in writing to contribute to the Town of Vail Parking Fund for any required
parking spaces that are not provided on-site. The contribution shall be made prior to the issuance ofa
temporary certificate of occupancy.
c There is conflicting information on the parking structure drainage plans (sheet P-3). The proposed
oiVsand separator is shown in two different locations. Additionally, a drainage plan indicating how
surface runoff is handled liom the rop deck must be provided. The plan shall show how the system is
connected to the lower level.
o The drain pan along Lionshead Place needs to be designed so that there is a continuous flow and
smooth radius at the Marriott properry line (sheet C-8).
Q There are a number of inconsistencies in the road subsurface and sidewalk subsurface details (sheet C-
10.2). Please correct these inconsistencies.
D Please provide additional infbrmation on the proposed bike path realignment (sheet C-7.2). Please
include proposed erosion control measures and identiff the location ofthe 100-year floodplain. The
maximum allowable finish grades shall be 2: l.
o An inlet or culvert is required in the drainpipe on the east side ofthe building. The inlet or culven is
required to prevent surface drainage over the proposed pedestrian path.
I will continue to forward information to you as I receive it. In the meantime, should you have any
questions or concerns regarding the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You
can reach me bv teleohone at 479-2145.
{S *u"r"*o"n *
George Ruther, AICP
Senior Special Projects Planner
Town of Vail
Xc: Greg Hall, Director of Public Works & Tranportation
Tom Kassmel, Project Engineer
Leonard Sandoval, Construction Inspection
From: Fobort Levine l-970476-4746 To; Community Do',/dopment
Dale: O2ll7 /2M Timer I0:38138 AM PagE 2 dt 2
680 W. Lfonsh€ad Placo Vall, @ 81867 970-47&2471 970476.414'6 far Yw.antl€rsvell.com
Members of the PEC,
I underctand that you are considering a change in the parking requirements forthe
Town of Vail. As you may remember, the approval last year for our upcoming
redevelopment included a parking variance for about five spots,
We made the claim last year, and still maintain, that our actual need for parking is FAR
less than the Town's requirements. To that end, and in the interest of maldng an
informed decision, l'd like to ask you to swing by the Antlers once or twice during the
next few weeks and take a quick lmk at our parking lot. This moming when I pulled in,
there were about twenty-five empty spots, and our occupancy last night was 83%,
That's a typical situation.
As you would expect at this time of year, we are between 90 and 100 percent occupied
for all of the next two weeks. lf you come during the day, you'll see a dozen or so cars
belonging to employees (but guests will be coming and going). During the evening,
you'll see only guests (and undoubtedly some "crashers'). I know this lsn't scientific, but
I don't know how else to lmpress on you the fact that we're being asked to provide much
more parking than we need.
Incidentally, we currently have 70 condominiums and 70 parking spots (regardless of
what the records show ... you can count'em). As you willsee, that's more than enough
parking, With our new 24 condominiums and 7 EHU's we are required to proMde 14G
some parking spacest Ouch.
I beg you to come by to see for yourself, and then please oh please apply the "common
sense" test to this lssue.
Rob LeMne
Date Receive
Nol/ 2 e 1999
November 24.1999
Ft[E C0Pr
Russell Forrest
George Ruther
Community Development Department
Town of Vail
75 S. Frrrntage Road
Vail. CO 81657
Russell & George:
Thanks for meeting with me the other day. Good news ... we seem to have accommodated (at
least for now) those few owners who wanted some changes made to our project which would
have required further ToV review. At this point, we will still be coming in for DRB approval on
the colors, and one or two very small architectural details that still need to be addressed.
With regard to the employee housing, as a condition of approval the Town had required us to
deed restrict the seven new EHU's and two existing one-bedroom units on site, for a total of
nine bedrooms. Instead, we propose to deed restrict the seven new units on site (one of which
we can make into a two bedroom) and a three-bedroom unit that we own in East Vail. lt is on
the bus route at 51 15 Black Bear Lane.
That would give us a total of eleven deed restricted bedrooms, rather than the nine required. I
would think that's clearly in the Town's best interest. Please let me know if there's any problem
with this approach. Per our conversation, if I don't hear from you I will assume that this is
Thanks again,
Robert LeVine
General manager
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 FAX (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
Qucstion|"ll thc Planning Staff at 419.?.1J:).
This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Comrnission. Forspccific
information, scc thc subntittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc
acccpted until all rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council
andlor thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board.
. B Additional CRFA (250)
tr Bcdand Brcakfast
D Conditional Usc Pcrmitn Major or tr Minor Subdivisiontr Rczoning
tr Sign Variancc
tr Variancc
tr Zoning Codc Amcndnrcnt
tr Anrcndmcnt to an Approved Dcvelopmcnt Plantr Employcc Housing Unit (Typc: _)tr Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration
tr Major or tr Minor CCII ExtcriorAltcration
,/ (Lionshead)
dl- Special Development DishictE Major or E Minor Amcndncnt to an SDD
B.DESCRIPTION OF THE nr.qUeS'r: AUrt.zt Qc\.>=,8ncxr-
BLOCK____j__ FtLtNG Lran'sr*>j+ 3 na
BUTLDINCNAME: 4,unrz, C*'rAonu'"s
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6{7 Puove, /?6' L'/7(
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PHONE: S/e{-
vAtL, coLoRADO 81657.
For Ollicc Use Only:
FecPaid:$ It'0 o'o'ck#:-ny:' Drr
Application out"t al t I I 7 t pECMcetingDutr,-{ ol(.:-/ r-t -:
Rcvird 5195
Ou.$l Call thc Ptanning Sraff x 419-2138
This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For specific
information. scc thc nrbmittal rcquircurcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc
acccptcd until atl rcquircd information is submified- Thc projcct may dso nccd to bc rcviewcd by thc Town Council
andlor thc Dcsigr Rwicw Board.
A. TYPE OF APPLICATTON:. tr AdditionalGRFA(250) tr
tr Bcdand Brca*fast tr
tr Conditional Usc Perrnit trtr Major or tr Minor Subdivisiontr Rizoningtr Sign Variance( variancctr ZoningCodcAmadmcnt
Amendmcnt to an'Approved Dcrrclopmcut;hn
EruployccHorsingunit(D?c: )
Major or E MinorCCl ExtcriorAlteration
(Vail Villagp)
Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration
Special Dwelopmcnt Dis8ict
Major or tr Minor Amcndmqt to an SDD
c.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:r-or-E-at.ocK-rl-- FrLrNc
rlftoxe: /7a- z{?/
For Office Use Only:
Fee Paid:- Cl#:By:---...-
Application Dats:_ PEC Mccting Dah:_
Rcrird 6,96
JUN-Os-g€| I S.55 FROlr,
end/or thc Dc$i8n RcviorY Board'
A. ryPEOFAPPLICATION:U Additional GRFA (250)
El Bcdand BreaKaS
O Conditional Usc Pcrmit
O Mejor or E Minor Subdivision
E Rozoningtl Sigr Variancc
D VariarccE Zoning Code Amcndmont
O Anrondmcnt to an Approvod Dcvclopment Plrn
tr Emplovce Housing Unit CfYPc:tl Major or tl Minor CCI Extcrior Alteration
(Vsil Village)
tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altaration
toos6ead)D Spccial Dwolopmcnt DisFict
B Major or O Minor Arpndrncnt to an SDD
C.o.:c,,rrrrruag RtVt.nt frL
TOV-COlf-DEV-DEPT. rD.5,704'192442
tlrc*ions[l thc Plerttring Staff irl
PAGE 2/ 4
tlrc*ions?||l thc Plerttrir]g Staff al 479-21l8
This applicarion is for any projcct requiring approval by the Planning and Environmcntal
For sPccific
infornration" sce thc submittal requi;.ni foi ttt" p.tiicutar apPro"al that is roqucstcd' ,Thc application can not bc
uniif a1 roquircd infomanon is subrnittcd. Tlre projcct may also ncod to be rcviewcd by thc Toq'n Council
Zy;fLtote rir.;'Pols'4v4' tAA
' N T'-Ltd 5 Ur.t6 *t r.,t,u* t
.r OFPRoPOSAL: Lor--3-BlocK-/-rluwc Lror''sh1-?a /tZ/
Geu ?' Lb.@, fc. eurLDrNcNAMe: funavzs
MAILING ilF,paggl 'f+ut{
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For Oflicc Urc Orly:
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FcPra /J/o8
*rce 1v tpD ftevrlro,ntJ t /F 4ff.-tz46tecnd6le6
JUN-O5-Se FROM' TOV-COI"I-DEV-DEPT.Itr t97@4292452 PACE 3/4 .l|||!
Qu*;ti,.'ns? Cllc Plannirtg Staff at 4?9-2t2E
This applicatior is for auy projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvion apprcval. ,\ny pojcct rcquinng dcsigr rsf icw nrr$t
rcccivc Dqsign Rwicw approvai pnor t0 s$bmiting for a building pcrrtit For spc,:rtic information. sc€ thc sub:nittal
rcquircocnb for thc particuiar approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application csirrot bc accsptcd 'rnti: all thc requircd
informarion is submiacd. Thc projccr ma], also nced ;o llc rcr'i;rcd b;.- thc Tos.tr Council andbr thc Planning and
Enviroomcnal Commission. Design Rcvierv Boerd approval expires one J,ear :rftcr final approval unles$ 3
building pcrmit iJ isgugd and construction is starrcd.
A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:c-N'rv4-\-- e-lvt <1-J Fon-
lL {7fr>Lt orL TLEWS Co^r {|ta tvtT $
pFrysrcr\LADDREss: G\o c:. ctort[h44 -p-.
PARCEL #:-319 (Cbntact Eaglc Co. Asscsscrs Oftj:c ai 97t)-3!8-86a0 for psrccl #.)
NArv{E oF O!!N9R(S):6 z-t?q-{Vt t t{-G<^twu'lv ,4^)
NAT{E OF APPLICANT:7-L<yL 6o,*1 t-r I v'+, 9
PIIO\E:tn^1 (--
Cons*uciion of a nc'* buitding.
lncludcs any addlticrr rvhcrc sq':arc foor,rgc is addcd to any rcsidendal or
comnrc<cial buiiding.
Includcs ninor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcrncnts, such as,
rcroofi ng, painting, u'indou' additions, landscaping, fcnccs anC rclaining
'valls, ctc.
Concepurl Revicw - 90 For any applicacon whac ihc applica,t wishes to rncct with Design Rwicrv
BoarC to dctcrrernc whc{hcr or not thc prcjcct gcncrally complies with thc
dcsigr g.ridelincs. Thc DRB dcct not votc on conccpfual rerio,vs-
DRB fees arc to bc pid at the dme of zubmittal. Later. whcn applyirg for a builciing pcrmit, plcasc identifiT
thc accuratc valuation of thc prcjcct. 'l'hc To*n of Vaii will adjrst thc fcc according to thc projsct valualiol.
l'ArLcoLoRADO Er657.
tr Ncw Construction - $Zfi)
o Addition - $50
trl Minor Altorafion - S20
From: Robert Levine To: George Rdher Dde: lmlgg l'ime: I:m:04 Page 1 of 1
680W. Lionshead Place Vail. CO 81657 970-476-2471 9704764'146fax www.antlersvail.com
To: George Ruther Frorn : Robert LeVine
Company: Town of Vail Date:7122199
Pages including cover page: 1 Time : 12:58:12 PM
In light of our project approval under the Lionshead Masterplan guidelines, please
withdraw our SDD application (again).
Thanks very much,
Robert LeVine
General Manager
WnFax PRo h,er Pags
The applicant, the Antlers Condominium Association, is requesting to establish Special Development District No.
37, Antlers, to allow for the redevelopment of the property. The property is zoned Lionshead Mixed Use i.
o 24 new, two & four bedroom condominium units
o 9 new, Type trI deed-restricted employee housing units
o 25 new parking spaces (114 total) in a redesigned underground parking structue
a 49,785 square feet ofnew building area
- 35,525 sq.ft. residential
- 9,065 sq.ft. common area- 5y'55sq.ft.storage/administration
a Exterior renovation to the existing building
t Implemenlation of the recommended streetscape improvements along West Lionshead Place
Comparison of the existing building to the proposed building
Existing Proposed Total
Units: Units: Units:
70 condos 24 condos 94 condos
2 EHU's 7 EHU's 9 EHU's
52,640 sf 34,950 sf 87,590 sf
Site Coverage: Sit.,e Coverage: Site Coverage:
8,971 sf l2,0l2sf 20,893 sf
89 spaces 25 spaces 114 spaces
The following is an analysis ofapplicable zoning provisions:
Development Lionshead
Standard Mixed Use.l Proposed
[,ot Area: 0.23 acres or 10,000 sq. ft. 1.l9acresor51,836sq.ft.
Height: Ave 7l', max 82.5' 36' to 74' ,
F:\evervotr e\D9c\fi rerDs\a ntfact
Setbacks: l0' on all sides min l0', except for decks, etc
Site Coverage: 70% or 36,285 sq. ft. 4l% or 20,983 sq. ft.
Landscaping 20%or10,367sq.ft. 22% or11,133sq.ft.
Parking: 59 spaces 25 spaces
CRFA: 250% GRFA or 1690l" GRFA or
129,590 sq. ft. 87,590 sq. ft.
Delivery I berth required I berth provided
The staff analysis below indicates a recommended figure which was used in determining the employee housing
needs of the Antlers Condominiums. The applicant is proposing to provide deed-restricted housing for 90% of the
new employees generated by the redevelopment. A summary of the Employee Housing Generation Analysis is as
Staff Recommended Ranse Calculations:
The staffbelieves thrt the Antlers Condominiums will create a need for 9.6 (10) additional employees. Of the
additional emploFes, at least 2.8 (3) emplopes (30%) will need to be provided deed-restricted housing by the
a) Multi-Family DwellingUnits =24 units @&/ullrrt) = 9.60 emplolees
Total = 9.60 employres
(X 0.30 multiplier) = 2.88 new employees
Depending upon the size of the employee housing unit provided, it is possible to have up to two
emplopes per be&oom. For example, a two-bedroom unit in the size range of 450 - 900 square feet,
is possible ofaccommodating three to four employees. These figures are consistent with the
requirements for the Type III employee housing units outlined in the Municipal Code.
- The upgrading ofan existing outdated building in Lionshead
- The implementation of the recommended streetscape improvements
- The mitigation of directly related off-site impacts
- An increase in the supply of deed-restricted housing in Lionshead
- The elimination of a surface parking lot
Cons - No new accommodation units are being proposed
- All of the required parking is not being provided
- The opportunity for redevelopment is not being fully capitalized upon- More improvements could be implemented to the existing building
F :\everyone\pec\menn s\antfact
MaY 15, 1999
RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group R-1, Construclion Type I F'R'
PARKING GARAGE: Occupancy Group S-3,
Conslruction TYPe 1 F.R.
7,140 S.F.
13,200 s.F.
4,120 S.F.
3,860 S.F.
3,500 s.F.
DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY6 2 Br. Flats @ TYPe R+12 2 Br. Flats @ Type A2 2 Br. Flats @ Type B2 4 Br. Totnhouse @ TYPe C2 4 Br. Townhouse @TYPe D
2f New Condo Units
7 Employee Flats @
Resilrooms conidors. Etc. 1.025 s'F'
Banquet Room
Meeting Breakout Room
Ski Storage/Lobby
Lounge Library/ Fitness
Sauna/trlechanicaUStorage (EL 1 18.4)
S Public Stairs/Elevator 325 S.F. =
Recepti orWVaiti n g/Gal I ery/Of f ices
Account/Sales ffices
Officer'Storage Addition (EL. 118.5) 475 S.F.
Horsekeeping/taundry/Offices, etc. 1'3q) S.F.
Maintenance Shop 310 S.F.
Misc. Garage Storage /Mechanical 910 S.E'
Yard Storaoe 110 S.F'
1,190 S.F.
1,100 s.F.
1,100 s.F.
2,060 s.F.
1,930 S.F.
500 s.F.
30,520 s.F.
5.005 s.F.
35,525 S.F.
9,065 S.F.
5.'055 S.F.
50,045 s.F.
65.000 s.F.
115,0'fS S.F.
14,500 S.F.
16,540 S.F.
16,000 s.F.
2,140 S.F.
700 s.F.
350 S.F.
550 S.F.
700 s.F.
850 S.F.
800 s.F.
1,950 S.F.
1,800 s.F.
550 S.F.
72 Units
3l Units
lOii Units
106 Spaces
I Spaces
114 Spac6
anno Pt-nN
Cuepren 5 Der
Flgwe 5-18 -Potent'ul Antleo Corrdorrthiwn Redewlopmant
Pace 5-36 LroNsseao ReoevgloPMENT MRsrnR PLAN
Antlers Redevelopment
Open Space:
proposed Antlers redevelopment should not have any impact on open space per se.
entire site coverage of the new structure is currently an unattractive, surface parking
For over twenty years the Antlers has maintained the Town of Vail tract located just east
of the property. Trees and sod were planted in the early seventies. A sprinkler system
was installed shortly after that. All lawn care and plant maintenance has been at the
Antlers' expense. Likewise, the lawn and flower beds adjacent to the bike path just south
of the building have been planted and maintained by the Antlers. Much of that is also on
public property. The Condominium Association would be happy to make a commitment
to continue this practice in the future.
Recreation Plan:
Since 1992 the Antlers has had an ongoing agreement with the Vail Recreation District.
The Antlers provides housing at no charge to the District whenever there is a need;
whether for camp coaches, tournament referees, special events or job applicants. In
exchange for this, the Antlers guests and owners enjoy free access to some of the
District's facilities such as the Lionshead tennis courts, public skating at Dobson lce
Arena and the Nature Center.
There are some limits to availability on both sides, but in'the-past seven years the Antlers
has provided 745 nights of complimentary lodging under this program. The retail value of
that lodging has been $105,320. This is a classic case of a '\ruin-win", public/private
partnership. By using excess capacity at little or no cost to the Rec. District, the Antlers
has been able to promote a free benefit for its guests. Those visitors have enjoyed and
utilized recreation amenities that they otherwise may not have, adding to their overall Vail
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (9701476-2471 rnx (970) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
The Rec. District has been able to save significant funds that they can presumably put
back into programs and infrastructure, which in turn provides a better experience for
everyone. The Antlers has committed significant time, energy and money into the
promotion of this program, and has no intentions of letting it drop.
Although entertainment and education may not fall under the strict definition of
"recreation", we think that they too, are an integral part of the Vail experience for both
guests and residents. The 745 nights of complimentary housing provided to the
Recreation District pale in comparison to the cumulative amount given to a plethora of
other organizations in the Vail Valley. These include, but are not limited to:
Echo Ranch
Trout Unlimited
Bravo! Colorado
Ducks Unlimited
VailArts Festival
Special Olympics
Yail Jaz. Foundation
Jimmy Huega Center
The Resource Center
VailValley Foundation
Vail Recreation District
Better Business Bureau
Vail Community Theatre
Drug Free Eagle County
Vail/ Eagle Valley Rotary
Vail Valley Tourism Bureau
Colorado Children's Chorale
Vail lnternational Dance Festival
Lift Your Spirits in the Vail Valley
Lionshead Merchants Association
Eagle Valley Friends of the Dance
Eagle Valley Family Assistance Fund
Vail Valley Business/Education Alliance
While it may not be possible to make everlasting firm commitments to each of these
programs, the Antlers has a distinguished twenty-six year history of ongoing community
involvement. This is not going to change, although the additional units associated with
the proposed redevelopment will help allow that support to grow even more in the future.
September 14, 1998
The proposed redevelopment of the Antlers Condominiums has become known as
"Antlers 2000'. lts sole purpose is to bring our property up to the standards of the
coming century, both in terms of the aesthetics that Vail deserves and the
functionality that our visitors expect. A summary of the project includes:
Demolish the existing parking structure (this includes the entry foyer, lobby,
some offices and all meeting facilities)
Rebuild the parking structure with 106 underground spaces
Construct an attractive motor court with 8 short term parking spaces for arrival,
drop-off, van pick-up, etc.
Construct all new lobby/reception area, offices and conference facilities
Construct 24 new condominiums (for sale) with a mixture of two, three
and four bedrooms
Construct 7 units of employee housing (for rent)
Replace all siding and railings on the existing building to match the exterior
of the new construction
Install fire suppression sprinklers throughout the existing building, as well as
the new construction
Like much of Lionshead, the Antlers was built in 1972by developers looking to make
a quick buck. Attention to quality and detail is generally absent in both the
architecture, as well as the building infrastructure. While it may be possible to assess
the ownership over time for all of the essential improvements, most likely those
assessments would turn out to be "band-aids" for the worst elements of the property,
without significant enhancements being made. They would most likely take place
piecemeal over time, and would certainly not effect meaningful strides toward the
implementation of the Lionshead masterplan.
As one example of this, without the complete redevelopment plan, the Condominium
Association needs to spend $500,000 on the parking structure just to extend its
useful life 10 - 15 more years. This would be a substantial commitment from the
owners, with absolutely no visual or functional improvement to the property. By
comparison, Antlers 2000 will result in virtually all of the parking going underground,
yielding much improved aesthetics for the entire neighborhood.
Another example of the benefit associated with larger redevelopment is the ability to
incorporate a meaningful number of employee housing units into the project. This
just won't happen without the sales of additional units to subsidize their cost.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (97O\ 476-247'l FAX (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
Our hope is to start construction in the spring of 1999. In order to do that we must
begin the Town of Vail entitlement process now. We have been prepared to submit
our application for some time, but have been waiting for completion of the Lionshead
masterplan. We regret that we must begin the process now, under the Special
Development District guidelines; but sincerely hope that our project will meet all of
the eventual criteria of the masterplan. We would like nothing better than to convert
our application from an SDD to one of "conforming use" if and when the completed
masterplan will accommodate it.
There are currently 70 individually owned condominiums in the Antlers. The
redevelopment would increase that number to 94. There will also be seven new
employee housing units on site. Other than those two changes, the nature and uses
of the property will be identical to today's. The common areas will obviously be much
improved, which we expect to help increase our short-term rental business.
The anticipated construction schedule has parking lot demolition in late April, 1999.
The building will be closed to rentals for seven months. By next December we
expect to have the parking lot completed, as well as the new lobby and offices. The
superstructure of the new condominiums will be complete and hopefully under roof.
That will enable us to re-open for hotel operations, although with the appropriate
forewarning to our guests that the property is still under construction. The new units,
the conference facilities and the employee housing will all be completed between
December, 1999 and July, 2000. Landscaping and all final details will be completed
by September, 2000.
In addition to improving the property for our own self interest, we firmly believe that
there are a number of important community benefits associated with Antlers 2000.
These obviously include the improved appearance from every direction and the
creation of on-site employee housing. Less tangible, but perhaps even more
important is having someone to show the rest of Lionshead that large scale
redevelopment is in fact possible. Condominium associations make up eighty
percent of Lionshead. lt is absolutely daunting to them to consider this type of
project. lf we really hope to see significant improvements to Lionshead, it will help to
have someone set the example. We at the Antlers would like to be that example.
To: Town of Vail Staff, DRB, PEC and Town Council
From: Robert LeVine, General Manager
Subject: Antlers 2O0O I Design Considerations
Like the Town of Vail, we desperately want to improve the aesthetics in our little corner
of Lionshead. Indeed, our initial motivation for the whole Antlers 2000 project was
simply to dress up the building.
We have wrestled with the desire to move as architecturally far away from our existing
building as possible (for obvious reasons), yet the hope that the end result would not
appear as two separate properties. We welcome the fact that whatever exterior finish
goes on the new structure (stucco & stone?) will be retrofitted over the existing building
as well. The prospect of ridding ourselves of T-1 11 forever is a joyous one ... we knew
you'd like that too.
In addition to the existing T-111, the rest of the current exterior is made up of exposed
aggregate. Since that cannot functionally be changed, our hope is to match its color
and incorporate the texture of the round rocks, albeit much larger, with a river rock
fagade similar to that found on the new gondola building.
We realize that our proposed roof pitch is less than that suggested by the Lionshead
masterplan, but our intentions to make the new structure "fit" with the old one directed
us to match the existing 3/12 pitch. In response to initial feedback, we have now
incorporated dormers into the roof form in order to increase the interest and articulation.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (9701476-2471 FAx (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
Eliminating our parking lot "front doot'' is clearly a huge improvement, and we have tried
to incorporate the "entry gate" theme from the masterplan recommendations. As you
approach the building driving south on Lionshead Circle, the new structure will (happily)
almost completely hide the existing building behind it. However, since the existing
building is still about nine feet taller than the new construction, the skyline will not be
changed until you get quite close to the Antlers.
Initial reaction to our plans has been generally positive. However, there have been
some suggestions that we need to move even further away from any elements of the
existing building. We would then need to incorporate more changes to the older part in
order to make it all cohesive. While these goals are admirable, I beg you to consider
the difficulty in gaining the necessary consensus from a condominium association. I
certainly don't mean to suggest compromising our objectives in any way. However, I
hope you agree that significant improvement, while perhaps shy of perfection, is still far
better than the status quo.
Thanks very much for your time, we're looking forward to working with you through the
process and building a product that will be a huge improvement for us as well as for
Lionshead and the Town of Vail.
To:Town of VailStaff, PEC, DRB and Town Council
From: Robert LeVine, General Manager
Date: 9/14198
Subject: Antlers 2OOO lCondominium Rentals
Like the Town of Vail, we want to insure that any new condominiums will be actively
rented. While not sure how to guarantee that outcome, we are confident that we can effect
it. We think our history proves that.
Currently 69 out of the 70 Antlers units are actively rented. In the past twenty years there
have never been more than two units which were not in the rental program. Last year our
paying occupancy was 56% and total occupancy with owners, guests and comps was
61%. Those numbers have been generally very steady, although increasing slightly over
the years. This has not happened by accident. We have taken several measures to
insure the rental of our condominiums, and plan to do the same with the new units.
Perhaps most important is the association's decision to set the condominium fees (fixed
costs) relatively high and the rental split relatively low. That split is currently 64% to the
owner and 36% to the association. Someone who doesn't rent their unit has only the high
fixed costs, but those who do rent see their fees offset with a higher percentage of the
rental income. This scenario tends to attract buyers who are generally interested in renting
their units from the outset. There has been discussion by our board of directors about
returning even more of the rental dollars to the owners, and increasing regular
assessments still further.
Almost every Antlers owner uses their unit during the course of the year. Many of them let
friends and family use it extensively. We encourage that use. Despite the fact that the
association gets no income from it, we recognize the utility of that usage and the important
role it plays in their total satisfaction as an owner. Doing otherwise might discourage their
willingness to rent their condominium the rest of the time.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-247'l rax (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
Maintenance costs and housekeeping fees are extremely reasonable to those owners who
rent their units. We charge a maximum of $20 per hour for our maintenance staff time,
including modest electrical, plumbing and even some remodeling work. For housekeeping,
owners pay just a $29 check-out fee when they stay in their unit for a week. They get full
daily maid service at no charge. Similarly priced services are not offered to those who
don't participate in the rental program.
Something happened recently which demonstrates our association's commitment to a
strong rental program. You need to understand that the Antlers has a twenty day right-of-
first-refusal period during which any existing owner (or group of owners) can match the
terms and conditions of a bona fide offer and in effect "steal" a contract from a prospective
condominium buyer.
Last year someone contracted to buy an Antlers one-bedroom condominium for $230,000.
They made it clear that they did not intend to rent the unit. Within two weeks an LLC was
formed and twenty-four existing Antlers owners agreed to put in $10,000 each. Their
intent was to buy the unitl'usf to keep it in the rental program. One of those owners then
agreed to buy the unit themselves and keep it as a rental. They ultimately did so, but the
LLC exists today and most of those owners are still prepared to act if necessary.
The projected price point on our new units is $425 per square foot. While this certainly
seems high, it's not too much more than the $368 price of the last Antlers sale. We think
that recent prices of six and eight hundred dollars per foot in Vail Village attract a clientele
not inclined to rent their units. While we expect the new Antlers units to be better quality
than the existing units, they will at least be in the same league; nicer than anything else in
Lionshead, but not "trophy home" material.
Our understanding is that reouiring someone to rent their unit gets onto very shaky legal
ground. We have been told that doing so would require us to register with the SEC and
sell these units as securities. lf the Town of Vail can help us figure out a way to do it, we
would be more than happy to cooperate. However, short of that, we hope you understand
that we have the very same vested interest as the Town in keeping all of our
condominiums as "live beds". We will do everything we can to make sure that happens.
To: Town of Vail Staff, PEC, DRB and Town Council
From: Robert LeVine, General Manager
Date: 3/31/99
Subject: Antlers 2000 lParking Requirements
There are currently 70 parking spaces at the Antlers. With 69 condominiums, 2 employee
housing units and a staff of twenty on any given day, we rarely, if ever, run out of parking. We
estimate that more than half our guests arrive via shuttle service during the winter. That
number is far less during the summer, but still about 1 5 - 20o/o. More than half of our staff
carpool to work, and always has.
Occasionally during a summertime weekend we need to ask a couple of our employees to
park in the Lionshead Structure. During the winter it is never a problem. As a matter of fact,
we generally have so much excess capacity that there are quite a number of other "special
friends" who park at the Antlers regularly. These include two WTCB employees, family
members and friends of our staff, several ex-owners who now own property down-valley and
more than a few past Antlers guests who sometimes drive up for the day. Not to mention the
number of locals who know that Rob doesn't know how to sav "no".
We are totally confident that with an increase of 24 rental units and 7 units of employee
housing, along with a commensurate increase of 40 parking spots, we will have even more
excess parking capacity than we do currently. lf necessary, we are prepared to tell some
number of the employees living on-site that they are not allowed to keep a car on property.
We currently have four employees living on-site. They own a total of two cars.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 FAX (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
tuly 8, 1999
Rob Levine
Gcneral lvfauger
Anders Cordominiums
610 W€sl Liomslrcad place -t-\-
Re: Antlers Redevelopmcnt
The Town of Vail Design Review Board grauted a conditional approval of the troposed plans to redwelop the
Tbe corditiqrs of appoval require that pior to the issuance of a building pemit, lhe applicant submit architectural
debils of thc addition and color scbcnr,options for revicw and appoval of the Town of Vail Desigr Rcview Board.
Sbor,rld you bave any questions, please conlact rne by telephone at 479-2145.
75 SouthFruntascRod
Vail, Cobrado 81657
14 r)lr'* +'(v*A-f
Georgp Ruther, AICP
Toum ofVail
Planning and Environmental Commission
Community Development Department
July 12, 1999
A request for a major exterior alteration, a conditional use permit to allow EHU's,
conference facilities, and multFfamily dwelling uses on the first floor of the
building, and a variance from Section 12-10-10, parking requirement, to lacilitate
the redevelopment of the Antlers Condominiums at Vail, located at 680 W.
Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing.
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine
Planner: George Ruther
The applicant is requesting a major exterior alteration to the Antlers Condominiums pursuant to
the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The applicant's proposal includes adding 24 new,
two and four bedroom condominium units, 7 new EHU's, a banqueUmeeting room, administration
otfices, a skier room, new levels to the existing parking structure to add 25 new spaces, and
other miscellaneous improvements to the common areas, storage areas and administration
areas of the building. The new construction will add approximately 49,785 square feet to the
existing building. Of the 49,785 square leet of new building area, 35,265 square feet is residential
area (24 condominiums/7 ehu's), 9,065 square feel is common areas, and 5,455 square feet is
storage and administration areas.
The exterior of the existing building will also be upgraded. The applicant is proposing to remove
all the T-111 siding from the building, repair and replace the chimneys, implement streetscape
improvements along Lionshead Place, modify an existing pool deck encroachment upon the bike
path, and cooperate with the Marriott to improve the landscaping along the common west
property line. Each of these improvements is intended to bring the building into compliance with
the goals and recommendations of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.
The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Zoning
Regulations. A conditional use permit is necessary as the applicant is proposing multi-family
dwelling units, employee housing units and a small conference facility on the first floor of the
buifding. Pursuant to Section 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street
Level, each of the previously described uses is a conditional use requiring a conditional use
permit to be issued.
Lastly, the applicant is also requesting a variance from Section 12-10-10 of the Zoning
Regulations to allow for a reduction in the number of required parking spaces. Pursuant to the
Zoning Regulations, 56 parking spaces are required based upon the new uses proposed within
the building. The applicant was originally proposing to construct 25 new spaces and was
requesting a variance of 31 spaces. However, the applicant has revised the
Parking level plans and is now proposing valet parking spaces. The total number of valet spaces
proposed is 72. lt the revised parking level plans are approved by the Town Engineer, a parking
variance will no longer be necessary. lf a variance for parking is required, the applicant shall be
required to contribute to the Town's Parking Fund lor those spaces not provided on-site. The
variance request is discussed in greater detail in Section Vlll of this memorandum.
The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed major exterior
afteration to allow for the construction of 24 new condominiums, 7 employee housing units and
the other various improvements, the conditional use permit to allow multi{amily dwelling units,
employee housing units and a conference facility on the first floor of the building, and the
variance from Section 12-10-10 of the Town Code to allow for a reduction in the parking
requirement. Staff's recommendation of approval of the three requests is based upon the review
of the criteria outlined in this memorandum.
Staff would recommend that the Planning & Environmental Commission approve the applicant's
proposal, subject to the following findings:
1. That the proposed location of the 24 new units, the employee housing units and
the conference facility is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning
Regulations and the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use -l zone district in
which the site is located.
2. That the proposed location ol the Antlers Condominiums and the 24 new units
and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to
properties or improvements in lhe vicinity.
3. That the proposed use complies with the goals and recommendations of the
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.
4. That the granting of the parking variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the
Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district.
5. That the granting of the parking variance will not be detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in
the vicinity of the Antlers.
6. That there are exceptions or exlraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable
to the same site of the parking variance that do not apply generally to other
properties in the Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district.
Staff's recommendation of approval is also subject to the following condations:
1. That the owner/applicant ensure that the utilities to this site are all placed
underground for the entire length of the site prior to the issuance of a Temporary
Certificate of Occupancy for the development.
2.The applicant shall provide a performance bond to the Town of Vail with the Town
of Vail as the beneficiary in the amount of $72,800 to financially secure the
applicant's proportionate cost for improvements to the east and west intersections
of the South Frontage Road and West Lionshead Circle. The bond shall be
established prior to the issuance of a building permit and the duration of the bond
shall be for a period of I years from the date of building permit issuance. Should
the intersection improvements not be commenced within the I year period the
Town of Vail shall release the applicant and/or its successors of the financial
obligation of the performance bond.
That the owner/applicant obtain approval by the Town ol detailed civil engineering
drawings for all proposed improvements including roadway, streetscape and
drainage improvements, prior to the issuance of a building permit The streetscape
improvements shall comply with the Lionshead Master Plan and extend from the
Marriott property line to the bike-ped path between the Antlers and Lionsquare
Lodge on Tract A.
An easement shall be established that allows pedestrian-bicycle use of any
sidewalk that encroaches on the subject property, prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
The northside pedestrian ramp shall be modified so it does not interfere with the
The owner/applicant shall deed restrict the I Type lll Employee Housing Units in
accordance with the Zoning Regulations, prior to obtaining a Temporary
Certificate of Occupancy on the project.
The southeast corner of the swimming pool deck shall be removed so that it does
not overhang the bike-ped path. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with
the Town that requires the sight distance and grading of the path around the pool
to be improved within 5 years to the satisfaction of the Public WorK Department'
A maintenance agreement shall be established that requires the applicant to
maintain the landscaping on the Town owned parcel of land that is immediately
east of the Antler's parcel, prior to the issuance of a building permit.
The building plans, rooftop mechanical plans, landscape plan, tree protection
plans, and dumpster enclosure details shall be reviewed and approved by the
DRB, prior to the issuance of a building permit.
The applicant shall improve the north bank of Gore Creek from the trees that are
southeast of the swimming pool to the east parcel line by removing all debris and
materials that have been dumped, and restoring the bank to an appropriate
vegetative state.
That the applicant contribute to the Town's Parking Fund for those required
parking spaces not provided on-site. The contribution shall be made prior to the
issuance of a building permit.
12.That the Town Engineer review and approve the proposed parking level plans
prior to the issuance of a building permit.
The proposal will enhance the Lionshead village economically by providing more units
that will bring more people. The appearance of the village will be enhanced by the
upgrading of the existing building and by the addition of the new building which meets
current design guidelines. The redevelopment will act as a catalyst for other property
owners in the village to upgrade their properties. On the other hand, the appearance of
the existing building is not being improved significantly. The new addition could affect
adjacent properties by impacting their views and sunlight. And the proposal does not
include any accommodation units, although the condominiums are often rented out.
70 condos
2 EHU's
GRFA: 52,640 sf
Site Coverage:
8,971 sf
Parking: 89 spaces
Conlerence facilities
Multi{amily dwelling units
24 condos
7 EHU's
GRFA: 34,950 sf
Site Coverage:
Parking: 56 spaces
94 condos
GRFA: 87,590 sf
Site Coverage:
20,893 sf
Parking: 145 spaces
Zoning Floor Description
basement, basement, lirst
The Lionshead Mixed-Use District (LMU-1) was recently adopted by the Town Council.
Afterwards, the applicant requested that this proposal be reviewed under the LMU-I provisions.
The proposal includes the lollowing new uses which require approval of a conditional use permit:
Use Floor per Plans
Empfoyee housing units (EHU) 1,2,3
The following is an analysis of applicable zoning provisions:
Lot Area:
Site Coverage:
Allowed by LMU-I
Min. 0.23 acres or 10,000 sq. ft.
Ave 71', max 82.5'
10'on allsides
70o/" ot 35,285 sq. ft.
20o/o or 10,367 sq. ft.
56 spaces required
2.5:1 GRFA per buildable site area
Or 129,590 sq. ft.
33% increase or 93.'l units
EHU'S = 0 density
1.19 acres or 51,836 sq. ft.
36'to 74'
min 10', except for decks, etc
41o/" or 20,983 sq. ft.
22V" or 11,133 sq. ft.
including Tract A to east
56 spaces
87,590 sq. ft.
94 units
7 units
1 berthLoading/Delivery: 1 berth required
Chapter Seven of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, along with the Lionshead Mixed
Use - 1 zone district, prescribe the development standards for the property. Staff believes the
proposed plan complies with the applicable development standards prescribed for the property
with the exception of parking. In the case of the parking requirement there is a deficient ot ????
spaces. The applicant is requesting a parking variance as part of this proposal. The parking
variance request is discussed in detail in Section Vlll of this memorandum.
As indicated in a number of the goals and objectives of the Town's Master Plans,
providing affordable housing for employees is a critical issue which should be addressed
through ihe planning process for large scale development proposals. In reviewing the
propoial for employee housing needs, staff relied on the Town of Vail Employee Housing
Report. This report has been used by the staff in the past to evaluate employee housing
needs. The guidelines contained within the report were used most recently in the review
ol the Austria Haus development proposal.
The Employee Housing Report, was prepared lor the Town by the consulting firm Rosall,
Remmen and Cares. The report provides the recommended ranges of employee housing
units needed based on the type ot use and the amount of floor area dedicated t0 each
use. Utilizing the guidelines prescribed in the Employee Housing Report, the staff
analyzed the incremental increase of employees (square footage per use), that results
from the redevelopment. A copy of the
for Vail Exoressed as Emplovees oer 1000 Souare Feet has been attached for reference.
The figures identified in the Housing Report are based on surveys of commercial-use
employment needs ol the Town of Vail and other mountain resort communities. For
comparison purposes, Telluride, Aspen and Whistler B.C. all have employment
generation ordinances requiring developers to provide affordable housing for a
percentage of the new employees resulting from commercial development. New
employees are defined as the incremental increase in employment needs resulting from
commercial redevelopment. Each ol the communities assesses a different percentage of
atfordable housing a developer must provide for the new employees. For example,
Telluride reguires developers to provide housing tor 40/" (0.40) ol the new employees,
Aspen requires that 600/" (0.60) of the new employees are provided housing and Whistler
requires that 100% (1.00) of the new employees be provided housing by the developer.
In comparison, Vail has conservatively determined that developers shall provide housing
lor 15/" (0.15) or 30% (0.30) of the new employees resulting from commercial
development. When a project is proposed to exceed the density allowed by the
underlying zone district, the 30% (0.30) figure is used in the calculation. lf a poect is
proposed at, or below, the density allowed by the underlying zone district, the 15% (0.15)
figure is used. The Antlers development proposal exceeds the density permiiled by the
underlying zone district, and therefore, the 30% figure shall be used.
The staff analysis below indicates a recommended figure which was used in determining the
employee housing needs of the Antlers Condominiums. A summary of the Employee Housing
Generation Analysis is as follows:
Staff Recommended Ranqe Calculations:
The staff believes that the Antlers Condominiums will create a need for 9.6 (10) additional
employees. Of the additional employees, at least 2.8 (3) employees (30%) will need to be
provided deed-restricted housing by the developers.
a) Multi-Family Dwelling Units =24 units @(.4/unit)
(X 0.30 multiplier)
= 9.60 employees
Depending upon the size ol the employee housing unit provided, it is possible to
have up to two employees per bedroom. For example, a two-bedroom unit in the
size range of 450 - 900 square feet, is possible ol accommodating three to four
employees. These figures are consistent with the requirements for the Type lll
employee housing units outlined in the Municipal Code.
The applicant has proposed to provide a minimum of seven new employee housing
units. These units are in addition to the two existing units. The units would be deed-
restricted as Type lll EHU's.
= 9.60 employees
= 2.88 new employees
Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental
Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use:
1. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the
A major development obiective of the Town is the redevelopment and
improvement of the Lionshead village. The proposal would help achieve
this through the new addition, the facelift of the existing building, and
improvements to the streetscape, bike-ped path and landscaping.
2. Eftect of the use on light and air, distribution of population,
transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation
facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs.
The proposed use should not have any significant negative effect on these
factors. The mass and design of the proposal have been reviewed by the
Design Review Board. The proposal should draw more users to the
Lionshead Village. Access has been reviewed by the Public Works
Department; and the applicant will have to contribute to the off-site
roadway improvements fund. Utilities and schools should not be heavily
impacted. And the bike-ped path would be improved by removal of the
overhanging deck.
3. Effect upon tratfic, with particular reference to congestion'
automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and
control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the
streets and parking areas.
The proposal has been reviewed lor its effect on transportation by the
Public Works Department which has requested numerous changes to the
proposal throughout the processing of the application.
4. Eftect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to
be located, including the scale and bulk ot the proposed use in
relation to surrounding uses.
The applicant met several times with the Planning and Environmental
Commission and the Design Review Board and made many changes to
the proposal based on their comments.
The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings
before granting a conditional use permit:
'1. That the proposed location ot the use is in accordance with the
purposes of this Title and the purposes of the district in which the site
is located.
That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which
it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the
public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties
or improvements in the vicinity.
That the proposed use will comply with each ot the applicable
provisions of this Title.
Before acting on a variance application, the Planning and Environmental Commission
shall consider the following lactors:
1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses
and structures in the vicinity.
The applicant is requesting a variance to allow for a reduction in the required
number of parking spaces. According the Zoning Regulations, the applicant is
required to provide 56 new parking spaces. The new spaces are for the 24 new
condominiums and the employee housing units. The applicant has proposed to
provide 25 spaces. The applicant believes that 25 new spaces in addition to the
89 existing spaces will meet the needs of the entire project. Staff believes that
given the proximity of the Antlers Condominiums to the ski yard, the retail shops
and restaurants in Lionshead, the easy access to the town bus system and the
availability of the regional airport in Eagle, the 114 structured parking spaces will
meet the needs and intent of the parking requirement. Additionally, given the
existing nature of the building and the development on the site, staff believes the
applicant is severely limited in terms of providing all the parking on the site unless
a demo/rebuild were proposed.
2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and
enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility
and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the
obiectives of this title without a grant of special privilege.
Staff has reviewed the plans to determine if an alternate parking structure
configuration could be proposed. Based upon our review, staff believes that the
applicant has maximized the parking structure to the extent possible. The
structure has been designed to meet the minimum requirements necessary to
insure adequate traffic flow and ease of vehicle operation. Staff believes that the
applicant is requesting the minimum amount of deviation necessary from the
parking space requirements to achieve the intended objectives without resulting in
a grant of special privilege.
3. The effect of the rEquested variance on light and air, distribution of
population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities,
and public safety.
Staff does not believe that the requested parking variance will have any negative
impacts on the immediate and surrounding areas.
Necessarv Findinos: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall maks the
following findings before granting a variance:
1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties
classified in the same district.
2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare, or materially iniurious to properties or
improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following
a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would result in practical difficulty or unneoessary
physical hardship inconsistent with the obiectives of this title.
b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or
conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do
not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.
c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enioyed by
the owners of other properties in the same district.
The recently adopted Lionshead Master Plan contains provisions regarding height'
stepbacks, form and massing, articulated walls, sloped roofs, dormers and other break-
ups of rooflines, balconies and handrails, chimneys, detail and ornamentation, and
variation of materials and finishes, Staff believes the proposal complies with the intent
and goals of the Master Plan. Specifically, the proposal will renew and redevelopment an
older building in Lionshead that has been targeted for redevelopment, provide a stronger
economic base to the Lionshead area in general, improve both pedestrian and vehicular
access along Lionshead Place and increase the vitality and overall amenities available to
our guests in Lionshead. Additionally, the proposal complies with the recommended
actions stated in the Plan in Section 5.14, Antlers Lodge.
June 22, 'J,999
The Lionshead Master Plan and enabling ordinances discuss the
need to assess for the construction of specific reasonable off-
site improvements related to specific developments. The Master
Plan has identified close to $15 million in Frontagre Road
improvements from the main vail roundabout to Cascade Village.
This is a distance of approximaEely 7300 ft. and will contain
approximately ten major intersections.
The Town has requested from the Colorado Department of
Transportation, $5 million to provide these improvements. The
Town of Vail is prepared to pay an additional $5 million for the
proj ect. The remaining $5 million is assumed to directly be
attributable to the ten intersections; equaling $500,000 per
Those developments accessing the two intersections of west
I-.,ionshead Circle will be contributinq to the improvements of
these two intersections. In order to determine, at this time.
the attrlbutable number of trips to each intersection, the
combined trips of both intersections were determined.
The Traffic Study for the l-,ionshead Master Plan shows an increase
of vehicle trips at both intersections of L27 trips in the a.m.
peak period for a tsota1 of 540 trips and an increase of 195 trips
in the p.m. peak period for a total of 795 trips.
The Antl"ers' proposal expands an existing meeting room and adds 7
new EHU's in the existing building. The chang'e of uses within
the existing buildinq was not looked at as affecting the final
numbers in the Master P1an, The ad.di tion to the project adds 24
new units .
The Saturday peak hour factor, an average of both peak periods,
is .738 trips,/Dwel1ing Unit (DU) . 24 DU's tj-mes .738 = 17.7 new
trips. This equals ]-7.7/L95 x100 = g.l-%of the total new peak
hour trips at the two intersections. 9.1%of $1,000,000 is
$91,000. This is the amount the Antlers owes for improvements to
the frontage road. The Town has agreed to 80% of $91-,000, which
equals $72, 800 .
Note: Detailed costs of the intersection are not known at this
time. As more accurate costs become availabl-e, the conEribution
can be adjusted. If a TIF mechanism is establj.shed. which off
sets the developers contribution, then if this development
contributes significantly to the TIF, those contributions can be
crediLed toward the payment, If a special assessment district is
established palzments toward improvernents can be credited toward
the assessment.
75 South Frcntage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FN{ 970-479-2157
June 30. 1999
Rob Levine, General Manager
Antlers Condominiums
680 West Lionhead Place
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: AntlersCondominiumsRedevelopment
Dear Rob,
On Monday, June 28th the Planning & Environmental held a worksession meeting to discuss the Antlers
Condominium redevelopment p,roposal. The pu4r,ose of the meeting was to discuss the altematives to the
requirement for parking on the site.
After discussing the parking issues, the Commission recommended a solution to the parking problem. The
Commission recommended that Antlers proceed with the major exterior alteration and variance request on July 12'n.
The Commission further recommended that you revise your parking structue layout to provide valet parking spaces.
The valet spaces will reduce the total number of spaces needed to pay-inlieu for to rneet the parking requirement.
lastly, the Commission recommended that you participate in the Town's parking study efforts. Pending the
outcomes of the study, the Town will recalculate the parking requirement and adjust the pay-inJieu amount if
necessary. ln no case will tbe parking-inlieu fee exceed 34 parking spaces.
As mentioned, the Cornmission requested that you amend your parking structure plans. The purpose of the change
is to provide a reasonable number ofvalet parking spaces on site and to reduce the dollar amount to be paid to the
Town's Parking Fund. Therefore, please revise ths parking structure plans and submit the revised plans to our office
by no later than noon, Tuesday, July 6, 1999.
Should you have any questions or concems, please do not hes.itate to call. You can reach me by telephone at 479-
fL'-^a- ?-uulra
George Ruther, AICP
Senior Pianner
Town of Vail
Cheiz ?'Aila,€
Planning and Environmental Commission
Community Development Department
A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 37 (Antlers),
to aflow for the construction ol 24 new condominiums, I new employee housing
units and a new parking structure level, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the
Antlers)/ Lol3, Block 1, Lionshead Third Filing.
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: George Ruther
The applicant, The Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Rob LeVine, is
requesting the establishment of special Development District #37 to allow for lhe
construction of 24 new condominiums, 9 new, on-site employee housing units and a new
parking structure level. The applicant's request is intended to facilitate the
redevelopment of the existing lodge and to provide increased residential opportunities in
the Lionshead area. The proposed redevelopment is intended to implement ihe
recommendations outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.
The Community Development Department recommends that the request for the
establishment of the Special Development District be tabled and that the request be
amended to a worksession to discuss altematives to the parking requirement. Staff's
recommendation is based on the input received from the Vail Town Council on June 22nd.
As mentioned above, the Council unanimously expressed their dissatisfaction with the
Special Development District application approach and has recommended the major
exterior alteration and parking variance application approach.
The applicant's original request for redevelopment was submitted to the Community
Development in September of 1998. The original request was for the establishment of a Special
Development District. The reguest for the establishment of a Special Development District was,
in part, to get a jump on the review process in the absence of ihe adoption of the Lionshead
Redevelopment Master Plan and the necessary rezoning. This "jump" on the review process
?a,iscr> prrrrs q fA ll4 x Z.5l
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allowed the applicant to make preliminary presentations on the request to the various Boards and
Gommissions, while at the same time provided the Town Council, Boards and Commissions with
the opportunity to provide input to the applicant on the proposal.
Early in 1999, after the adoption of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and the
necessary rezonings, the original application was amended. The applicant, at the urging of statf,
amended the original application to a major exterior alteration pursuant to the development
review process prescribed lor the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Zone District. Upon review of the
proposal by staff, it was determined that a parking variance was required, The parking variance
was required as the proposal did not fully comply with the required number of parking spaces
prescribed within the Zoning Regulations.
Pursuant to Section 12-10-18, Variances,
'Any parking variance which is granted by Chapter 17 of this Title (Zoning Regulations)
shall be required to contribute to the Town's Parking Fund, as set forth in Section 12-10-
16 of this Chapter."
Since the applicant was requesting a parking variance for 34 parking spaces, pursuant to Section
1 2-1 8-1 0 and Section 1 2-1 0-1 6, the applicant was obligated to conrribure $609,1 76.64 (34
parking spaces @ $1tr910.904Uaed to the Town's Parking Fund. Recognizing the damaging
etfects this requirement might have on the redevelopment proposal, the applicant, staff and
Planning & Environmental Commission began exploring the possibility of reverting back to a
Special Development District application. The Special Development District alternative was
suggested as it might provide a means of mitigating the parking deficit without requiring a six-
figure contribution to the Torvn's Parking Fund.
On June 22, 1999, the applicant appeared before the Vail Town Gouncil for a worksession
meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to make a preliminary presentation on the proposal to
the Council and to receive any input the Council may have on the application. Following a brief
presentation on the proposal and on the history of the application, the Council members
unanimously expressed their dissatisfaction with the Special Development District application
approach. The Council members cited the recent adoplion of the Lionshead Redevelopment
Master Plan and the apparent'loophole' around the parking requirements as their concems.
In response to their concems, the Council has initially recommended the lollowing options:
r Table the redevelopment application at this time and allow the Community Development
Department to complete the Parking Study which may conclude reductions in the parking
requirement standards. Pending the outcome of the study, proceed fonrard with the
redevelopment application.
. Withdraw the Special Development District request and revert back to a major exterior
alteration and continue fonrard with the parking variance. However, prior to continuing
fonrard, meet with the Town Staff to explore mutually acceptable alternatives for meeting the
Town's Parking Fund requirement. Once possible alternatives are discussed, present the
altematives along with the major exterior alteration and the parking variance to the Planning
& Environmental Commission for their review and recommendation.
/1), , - - . .Staff is prepared to discuss possible options with the applicant flnd the Commission at this time.
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vArl,o coLoRADO
Prepared By
Havekost + Associates P,C.
ll2l Grant Street
Denver, Colorado 80203
June 1999
3A3,/ El61-11?1
June21, 1999
Town of Vail
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
RE: SDD Application for the Erpansion of the Anflers in Lionshead,
680 W. Lionshead Place (Lot 3 Blk 'l Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing)
This is to serve as a partial response to questions raised regarding
design issues and additional submittal requests made by Town of
Vail Community Development in letter dated October 6, 1998, and
meetings of October 19, 1998, March 17, April 7,May 19 and June
14, 1999, as well as lefters of March 22, Apnl9 and June 3, 1999.
Responses are sequenced according to items presented in the
October 6 lefter.
A. AdditionalSubmittals:
1. Building Height Analysis:
Existing building high roof point is 77' (8186.4) above grade
at existing first floor (8,109.4). The highest existing roof
point is 60.4 above the highest site elevation (8126) and
80.4'above the loryest elevation within the site boundary
The highest point of proposed neur roof is 74' above existing
first floor. The north addition roof ridge height is 64' above
existing first floor, (approximately 50'above north entry
grade). The uest wing roof ridge height is !4' above existing
first floor, (approximately 36'to 54' above sloping rrest side
ftnished grade). Please refer to proposed building
elevations and roof plan for further information. (Sheets A-8,
A-9 and A-10)2. Massing Model/Photo Simulations:
Refer model, Scale 1" = 100', in context with overall
Lionshead Village npdeland more detailmodel, Scale 1" =
20', with photo simulation.
3. Traffic Study: To be provided by Town of Vail
4. Title Report Submitted with application
5. Covenant Restrictions: Submifted with application
GflH;'"rcommunityDevetopment t
June21, 1999
6. Sun/Shade Analysis: Enclosed
7. Utility Capacity Report: Submitted with application
8. Site Area: approximately 52,500 S,F., 1.2 Acres
9. Existing Condominium Units: The existing building contains
58-680 Sq. Ft. units and 12 -1,'100 Sq. Ft. units.
10. Employee Apartments:
The Antlers Condominium Association presently owns two
employee units on site. This redevelopment proposalwill
add seven additional employee apartments, The association
is proposing to deed restrict the seven new employee
Design and Site Plan Comments:
1. Proposed Addition Design;
The currently proposed Antlers Expansion and Renovation
design has been carefully crafted in response to Lionshead
Redevelopment Architectural Design Guidelines and to be
compatible with the context of existing Antlers site and
original building geometry. The redevelopment design
incorporates an enclosed, two level, underground heated
parking garage serving 106 cars. The proposed addition
includes new condominiums, conference/banquet, skier
lobby/ski storage and meeting spaces planned to surround
an automobile entry plaza creating a new public facade for
Antlers. Ground level, "base", elements incorporate active
circulation functions framed by naturalstone arched
pedestrian entries, stone terraces with permanent planters,
auto accr'is through stone arched portal entry, east garr.ge
ramp and conference/banquet terrace on the west. The
design of center floors responds to guideline, "middle"
criteria utilizing simple EIFS walls, quiet repetition of
fenestration and generous redwood and steel balcony
systems. New building walls step back in intervals, varying
lrom 12'to 27' responding to the unique diagonal property
lines along east and west. The roof design has been
extensively redesigned according to guideline criteria as a
"unifying image" to incorporate primary hip roof elements
with 6:12 pitch, numerous 6:12 dormer/cathedral ceiling
elements with transitional and secondary roofs and their
dormers of 4:12 pitch which reference the original building.
We are proposing the use of concrete tile roofing with a
ru-*Yft:tcommunity Devetopment a
June21, 1999
Page: 3
cold roof system utilizing 40 mil bituthene ice and water shield
throughout and snowguards, gutters and snowmelt system
where necessary at pedestrian and auto traffic locations.
lmprovements to the existing building will include replacement
of all texture 1-11 plywood siding with EIFS to match the new
addition, replacement of all original wood picket balcony
guardrail systems with redwood siding and painted steel rails
and replacement of all plain doors with detailed hardwood
panel doors. The existing precast exposed aggregate structural
wall panels, existing expanded aggregate covered roof, existing
concrete steel and glass elevator tower and swimming pool
structure are proposed to remain. Both the new and existing
building areas will be equipped with a state of the art fire
detection/fire alarm system j
The Antlers Board of Directors and owners have studied the
feasibility of making major changes to existing roof structures,
swimming pool structure and exterior corridor circulation
systems resulting in an ovenrhelming sentiment for maintaining
these elements in any redevelopment. A mandate ftom the
Town of Vail that changes be made to these fundamental
building elements would result in an unbearable financial
hardship and compromise life safety, existing natural ventilation
to condominium units and fire protection provisions of the
existing building.
2. Pedestrian lnterface:
Since Antlers does not provide any commercial, recreation,
restaurant or bar facilities for the public; primary pedestrian
traffic from outside the complex is not considered a high
priority. The proposed redevelopment plans provide for clear,
convenient pedestrian access for Antlers owners and guests i
with separation from automobile traffic conflicts. A new primary
pedestrian access point to the Antlers property is planned at
the north corner in close proximity to a new second elevator
from which access is available to all new condominiums, lobby,
conference facilities, offices, fitness and garage areas.
Wheelchair accessible access will be available throughout via
ramps, covered arcade at the third floor level and two
elevators. A new, convenient ski return entrance, identified by
covered walk, serving skier lobby, ski storage, garage and exit
*,r"J',HJ'"rcommunity Devetopment O
stair tower to all levels is planned at the east side. Other
existing secondary points of access will be maintiained such as
south east corner walk connection to the public bike path and
south west corner and access to swimming pool and the Gore
Creek corridor. The extent ol and methods for, heating public
and private walks and construction of public R.O.W.
improvements willbe determined by coordination with the
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and mutual agreement.
Please refer to site plan for graphics on interlocking concrete
paver materials, public walks, pedestrian routes, street lights,
and street curb and gutter improvements.
Auto Entry Plaza:
The central entry plaza will be heated during winter months for
safety and to aid in snow removal. Final mechanical/electrical
design plans relative to plaza heating will be provided together
with building permit document submittal.
Fire Department Access:
Fire vehicle access will be available at the east from Lionshead
Circle. Fire fighter access is available to three enclosed stair
towers equipped with fire standpipes and hose cabinets
according to Code. In addition, the entire building will be
equipped with a fire sprinkler system.
Garage parking provides 65 full and 41 compact spaces for a
totalof 106 cars. Allgarage spaces comply with T.O.V. criteria
as to size, height, aisle, etc. The automobile entry court
provides 7 full auto spaces and 1 van/loading space for a total
of 8. Total parking on site is 114. Refer to plans Sheet A2, A3,
and A4.
Ramp Slopes:
Automobile ramp slopes vary between 1% to 12%. Wheelchair
accessible/pedestrian ramps are 6.6% and 8.33%. Refer to
Plan Sheets A-2, A-3 and A-,4.
Tandem Parking:
Eight compact parking spaces provided at the north side of the
upper garage level are designated as "employee only" parking.
These spaces make use of an extra deep garage area allowing
lffi;HLt community Danelopment O
June21, 1999
space for two cars in line, (one behind the other). Since most
employees use their cars infrequently and can accommodate
being inconvenienced somewhat by coordinating their use with
others, Antlers management has accepted the tandem
arrangement as workable.
Riparian Corridor lmprovements:
No changes are proposed for the Gore Creek corridor outside
Antlers property line.
Coordination with Marriot Redevelopment:
The managers and architects for Antlers and the Marriot have
reviewed each other's proposed redevelopment plans. They
will continue to do so throughout the planning, approval and
construction document process.
Drainage Plan:
A civil engineer will prepare a final drainage plan for
submission with building permit plans. ln generalthe existing
building storm sewer system and Lionshead Circle storm sewer
facilities will be maintained in use and upgraded as necessary.
Loading, Delivery and Waste Facilities:
It is planned that general loading and delivery will take place in
the auto plaza. Some small truck, kitchen delivery and waste
removal will take place within the garage at the parking space
indicated "loading". A waste dumpster area is planned for the
northeast side of main entry drive at the base of entry portico,
(refer Sheet A-4). The dumpster area will be surrounded by
walls and furnished with solid gates to visually screen the area
from view.
Proposed Deck:
Current plans indicate a 20'X 30' redwood deck to be located
at the south east corner of the site. This proposed new deck
could be used for special entertaining and semi-private events
such as famif reunions, weddings, etc., when equipped with a
temporary tent and catering equipment.
Color Scheme:
Colors of natural materials, integral color finishes and paint
have been carefully considered to establish an interesting
km;communityDeveropmenr O
June21, 1999
building facade while blending with existing materials which will
remain from the originalAntlers structure. New simulated
sfucco finish for exterior walls will utilize three shades to be
used alternately to define individual building masses in order to
create a modulated facade. New stone is to be native granite
river boulders generally in the color range of existing exposed
aggregate precast wall panels; however, of a larger scale with
greater emphasis on individual stones. Roof tile colors are to
be selected ftom green, blue, gray ranges produced by
"Westile" similar to the well known Beaver Creek Blend.
Redwood siding shall be coated with semi-transparent stain to
provide a sofi, nafural semi-rveathered appearance. Paint for
exposed steel balcony railings, prefinished window and door
frames will be a green grey color compatible with existing
painted steel elevator enclosure. Flashing, gutters, fascias will
utilize copper sheet wtrich will rveather to a natural patina.
Actual material color sample board will be submitted to T.O.V.
Design Review Board prior to building permit application.
14. Landscaping:
f nitial calculations indicate approximately 2oo/o of the Antlers
site will be utilized for landscaping; however, since Antlers has
improved and maintains landscape areas beyond the proper$
line at south, east and vvest sides the setting is generously
landscaped. A preliminary landscape plan was submitted with
We look forward to working with the Community Development
Department and other Town of Vail authorities in ftnalizing an
outstanding additon/redevelopment for the Antlers wttich will
achieve feasibility for the owners and accommodate the
appropriate elements of the Lionshead Master Plan.
Havekost + Associates P.C.
Planning and Environmental Commission
Community Development Department
June 14, 1999
A request for a major exterior alteration, a conditional use permit to allow EHU's,
conference facilities, and multi-family drrvelling uses on the first floor of the
building, and a variance from Section 12-10-10, parking requirement, to facilitate
the redevelopment of the Antlers Condominiums at Vail, located at 680 W.
Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing.
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: George Ruther
The applicant is requesting a major exterior alteration to the Antlers Condominiums pursuant to
the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The applicant's proposal includes adding 24 new,
two and four bedroom condominium units, 7 new EHU's, a banqueVmeeting room, administration
offices, a skier room, new levels to the existing parking structure to add 25 new spaces, and
other miscellaneous improvements to the common areas, storage areas and administration
areas of the building. The new construction will add approximately 49,785 square feet to the
eisting building. Of the 49,785 square feet of new buildng area, 35,265 square feet is residential
area (24 condominiumsf/ ehu's), 9,065 square feet is common areas, and 5,455 square feet is
storage and administration areas.
The exterior of the existing building will also be upgraded. The applicant is proposing to remove
allthe T-111 siding from the building, repair and replace the chimneys, implement streetscape
improvements along Lionshead Place, modify an existing pool deck encroachment upon the bike
path, and cooperate with the Marriott to improve the landscaping along the common west
property line. Each ol these improvements is intended to bring the building into compliance with
the goals and recommendations of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.
Lastly, the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Zoning
Regulations. A conditional use permit is necessary as the applicant is proposing multi-family
dwelling units, employee housing units and a small conlerence facility on the first floor ol the
buifding. Pursuant to Section 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street
Level, each of the previously described uses is a conditional use requiring a conditional use
permit to be issued.
The applicant is also requesting a variance from Section 12-10-10 of the Zoning Regulations to
allow for a reduction in the number of requird$ parking spaces. Pursuant to the Zoning
Regulations, 25 parking spaces are requiredb4ed upon the new uses proposed within the
building. The applicant is requesting a variancq.of 34 spaces. The variance request is
discussed in greater detail in Section Vlll of this memorandum.
The Community Development Department recommends approval of the proposed major exterior
afteration to allow tor lhe construction of 24 new condominiums, 7 employee housing units and
the other various improvements, the conditional use permit to allow multi-family dwelling units,
employee housing units and a conference facility on the first floor of the building, and the
variance from Section 12-10-10 of the Town Code to allow for a reduction in the parking
requirement. Statf's recommendation of approval of the three requests is based upon the review
of the criteria outlined in this memorandum.
Staff would recommend that the Planning & Environmental Commission approve the applicant's
proposal, subject to the following findlngs:
1. That the proposed location of the 24 new units, the employee housing units and
the conference facility is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning
Regulations and the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use -l zone district in
which the site is located.
2. That the proposed location of the Antlers Condominiums and the 24 new units
and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained will not be
detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to
properties or improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the proposed use complies with the goals and recommendations of the
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.
4. That the granting of the parking variance will not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the
Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district.
5. That the granting of the parking variance will not be detrimentalto the public
health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in
the vicinity of the Antlers.
6. That there are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable
to the same site ol the parking variance that do not apply generally to other
properties in the Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district.
Staff's recommendation of approval is also subject to the following conditions:
1. That the owneriapplicant ensure that the utililies to this site are all placed
underground for the entire length of the site prior to the issuance of a Temporary
Certificate of Occupancy lor the developmenl.
2. The owner/applicant shall contribute $91,000 to the Town of Vail for the required
off-site roadway improvements prior to tfgr^ issuance of a Temporary Certificate ofOccupancy. F(lN
3.That the owner/applicant obtain approval by the Town ol detailed civil engineering
drawings for all proposed improvements including roadway, streetscape and
drainage improvements, prior to the issuance of a building permit The streetscape
improvements shall comply with the Lionshead Master Plan and extend from the
Marriott property line to the bike-ped path between the Antlers and Lionsquare
Lodge on Tract A.
An easement shall be established that allows pedestrian-bicycle use of any
sidewalk that encroaches on the subject property, prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
The northside pedestrian ramp shall be modified so it does not interfere with the
The owner/applicant shall deed restrict the I Type lll Employee Housing Units in
accordance with the Zoning Regulations, prior to obtaining a Temporary
Certificate of Occupancy on the proiect.
The southeast corner of the swimming pool deck shall be removed so that it does
not overhang the bike-ped path. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with
the Town that requires the sight distance and grading of the path around the pool
to be improved within 5 years to the satisfaction of lhe Public Works Department.
A maintenance agreement shall be established that requires the applicant to
maintain the landscaping on the Town owned parcel of land that is immediately
east of the Antlel,s parcel, prior to the issuance of a building permit.
The building plans, rooftop mechanical plans, landscape plan, tree protection
plans, and dumpster enclosure details shall be reviewed and approved by the
DRB, prior to the issuance of a building permit.
The applicant shall improve the north bank of Gore Creek from the trees that are
southeast of the swimming pool to the east parcel line by removing all debris and
materials that have been dumped, and restoring the bank to an appropriate
vegetative state.
will enhance the Lionshead village economically by providing more units
ng more people. The appearance of the village will be enhanced by the
of the existing building and by the addition of the new building which meets
design guidelines. The redevelopment will act as a catalyst for other property
ll. {
owners in the village to upgrade their properties. On the other hand, the appearance of
the existing building is not being improved significantly, The new addition could affect
adjacent properties by impacting their views and sunlight. And the proposal does not
include any accommodation units, although the condominiums are often rented out.
AE ?Ou'qt*\ hr'tice't'
Existing Proposed Additional Total
Units: Units: Units:
70 condos 24 condos 94 condos
GHFA: 52,640 sf GRFA: 34,950 sf GRFA: 87,590 sf
Site Coverage: Site Coverage: Site Goverage:
8,971 sf 12,012 st 20,893 sf
Parking: 89 spaces Parking: 25 spaces Parking: 'l14 spaces
The Lionshead Mixed-Use District (l-I,lU-1) was recently adopted by the Town Council.
Aftenrrards, the applicant requested that lhis proposal be reviewed under the LMU-1 provisions.
The proposal includes the lollowing new uses which reguire approval of a conditional use permit:
Use Floor per Plans Zoning Floor Description
Empfoyee housing units (EHU) 1,2,3 basement, basement, first
Conference facilities 3 first
Multi-family cfuvelling units 3 first
The following is an analysis of applicable zoning provisions:
Standard Allowed by Ltltl-l Proposed
Lot Area: Min. 0.23 acres or 10,000 sq. ft. 1 .19 acres or 51 ,836 sq. ft.
Height: Ave 71', max 82.5' 36' to 74' ,, t: .l
Setbacks: 10' on all sides min 10', except for decK, etc
Site Coverage: 7V/" or 36,285 sq. ft. 41Vo ot 20,983 sg. ft.
Landscaping: 20%"or 10,367 sq. ft. 227o or 11,133 sq. ft.
including Tract A to east
Parking: 59 spaces 25 spaces
GRFA: 2.5:1 GRFA per buildable site area
Or 129,590 sq. ft. 87,590 sq. ft.
. r,r?:i .ui -,,,h.? lJrll'irje.. ..1_a3*.:ti_, J,X
Density:33% increase or 93.1 units
EHU'S = 0 density
94 units
7 units
Loading/Delivery: 1 berth required 1 berth
Chapter Seven of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, along with the Lionshead Mixed
Use - 1 zone district, prescribe the development standards for the property. Staff believes the
proposed plan complies with the applicable development standards prescribed for the property
with the exception of parking. In the case of the parking requirement there is a deficient ot 34
spaces. The applicant is requesting a parking variance as part of this proposal. The parking
variance request is discussed in detail in Section Vlll of this memorandum.
As indicated in a number ol the goals and objectives of the Town's Master Plans,
providing atfordable housing for employees is a critical issue which should be adclressed
through the planning process for large scale development proposals. In reviewing the
proposal for employee housing needs, staff relied on the Town ot Vail Employee Housing
Report. This report has been used by the staff in the past to evaluate employee housing
needs. The guidelines contained within the report were used most recently in the review
of the Austria Haus development proposal.
The Employee Housing Fleport, was prepared for the Town by the consulting firm Rosall,
Remmen and Cares. The report provides the recommended ranges of employee housing
units needed based on the type of use and the amount of floor area dedicated to each
use. Utilizing the guidelines prescribed in the Employee Housing Report, the staff
analyzed the incremental increase of employees (square footage per use), that results
from the redevelopment. A copy of the Suooested Emplovment Cateoories and Ranoes
lor Vail Expressed as Emplovees oer 1000 Souare Feet has been attached for reference.
The ligures identified in the Housing Report are based on surveys of commercial-use
employment needs of the Town of Vail and other mountain resort communities. For
comparison purposes, Telluride, Aspen and Whistler B.C. allhave employment
generation ordinances requiring developers to provide aflordable housing for a
percentage of the new employees resulting from commercial development. New
employees are defined as the incremental increase in employrnent needs resulting from
commercial redevelopment. Each of the communities assesses a different percentage of
affordable housing a developer must provide for the new employees. For example,
Telluride requires developers to provide housing lor 40/" (0.a0) of the new employees,
Aspen requires that 60% (0.60) of the new employees are provided housing and Whistler
requires that 100% (1.00) of the new employees be provided housing by the developer.
ln comparison, Vail has conservatively determined that developers shall provide housing
lor 15o/" (0.1 5) or 30'/" (0.30) of the new employees resulting from commercial
development. When a project is proposed to exceed the density allowed by lhe
underlying zone district, the 30% (0.30) figure is used in the calculation. lf a project is
proposed at, or below, the density allowed by the underllng zone district, the 1 5% (0.1 5)
figure is used. The Antlers development proposal exceeds the density permitted by the
underllng zone district, and therefore, the 30% figure shall be used.
The staff analysis below indicates a recommended figure which was used in determining the
employee housing needs of the Antlers Condominiums. A summary of the Employee Housing
Generation Analysis is as follows:
Staff Recommended Ranoe Calculations:
The statf believes that the Antlers Condominiums willcreate a need for 9.6 (10) additional
employees. Of the additionalemployees, at least 2.8 (3) employees (30o/d will need to be
provided deed-restricted housing by the developers.
a) Multi-Family Dwelling Units =24 units @(.4/unit)= 9.60 employees
(X 0.30 multiplier)
= 9.60 employees
= 2.88 nenr employees
Depending upon the size of the employee housing unit provided, it is possible to
have up to two employees per bedroom. For example, a two-bedroom unit in the
size range of 450 - 900 square feet, is possible ot accommodating three to lour
employees. These figures are consistent with the requirements for the Type lll
employee housing units outlined in the Municipal Code.
The applicant has proposed to provide a minimum of seven new employee housing
units. These units are in addition to the two existing units. The units would be deeG
restricted as Type lll EHU's.
Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental
Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use:
1. Relationship and impact ot the use on development obiectives of the
A major development objective of the Town is the redevelopment and
improvement of the Lionshead village. The proposal would help achieve
this through the new addition, the facelift of the existing building, and
improvements to the streetscape, bike-ped path and landscaping.
2. Effect of the use on light and air, dlstribution of population,
transportation tacilltles, utilities, schools, parks and recreatlon
facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs.
The proposed use should not have any significant negative effect on these
factors. The mass and design of the proposal have been reviewed by the
Design Review Board. The proposal should draw more users to the
Lionshead Village. Access has been reviewed by the Public Works
Department; and the applicant will have to contribute to the off-site
roacfuvay improvements fund. Utilities and schools should not be heavif
impacted. And the bike-ped path would be improved by removal of the
overhanging deck.
3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion,
automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and
contro!, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the
streets and parking arsas.
The proposal has been reviewed for its effect on transportation by the
Public Works Department which has requested numerous changes to the
proposal throughout the processing of the application.
4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to
be located, includlng the scale and bulk of the proposed use in
relatlon to surrounding uses.
The applicant met several times with the Planning and Environmental
Commission and the Design Review Board and made many changes to
the proposal based on their comments.
The Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlssion shall make the followlng findlngs
before granting a condltlonal use permit:
1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the
purposes of this Title and the purposes of the district in which the site
is located.
2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which
it would be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the
public health, safety, or welfare, or materially lniurious to properties
or improvements in the vicinity.
3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable
provisions ol this Title.
Before acting on a variance application, the Planning and Environmental Commission
shall consider the following factors:
1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses
and structures in the vicinity.
The applicant is requesting a variance to allow for a reduction in the required
number of parking spaces. According the Zoning Regulations, the applicant is
required to provide 59 new parking spaces. The new spaces are for the 24 new
condominiums and the employee housing units. The applicant has proposed to
provide 25 spaces. The applicant believes that 25 new spaces in addition to the
89 existlng spaces will meet the needs of the entire project. Statf believes that
given the proximity of the Antlers Condominiums to the ski yard, the retail shops
and restaurants in Lionshead, the easy access to the town bus system and the
availability of the regional airport in Eagle, the 114 structured parking spaces will
meet the needs and intent of the parking requirement. Additionally, given the
existing nature of the building and the development on the site, staff believes the
applicant is severely limited in terms of providing all the parking on the site unless
a demo/rebuild were proposed.
2. The dsgree to which relief trom the strlct and literal interprctauon and
enforcement of a speclfied regulatlon ls necessary to achieve compatibillty
and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the
oblectlves of this tltle without a grant of speclal prlvllege.
Staff has reviewed the plans to determine if an alternate parking structure
configuration could be proposed. Based upon our review, staff believes that the
applicanl has maximized the parking structure to the extent possible. The
structure has been designed to meet the minimum requirements necessary to
insure adequate traffic flow and ease of vehicle operation. Staff believes that the
applicant is requesting the minimum amount of deviation necessary from the
pafting space requirements to achieve the intended objectives without resulting in
a grant of special privilege.
3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, dlstribution of
population, transportaiion and trafflc facillties, public facilities and utilities,
and public safety.
Statf does not believe that the requested parking variance will have any negative
impacts on the immediate and sunounding areas.
lGcessarv Findinqs: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the
following tindlngs before granting a variance:
1. That the granting of the variance wlll not constitute a grant of special
prlvllege inconslstent with the limitations on other propertles
classifled in the same district.
2. That the grantlng of the varlance rvill not be detrimental to the public
health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to propertles or
improvemenB in the vicinity.
3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following
a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would result in practical difficulty or unneoe!ilFry
physical hardship Inconsistent with the objec$ves of this title.
b, There are erceptions or extraordinary circumstancelt or
conditions applicable to the same sile of the variance that do
not apply generally to other properties in the same zone.
c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified
regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by
the owners of other properties in the same district.
The recentiy adopted Lionshead Master Plan contains provisions regarding height,
stepbacks, form and massing, articulated walls, sloped roofs, dormers and other break-
ups of rooflines, balconies and handrails, chimneys, detail and ornamentation, and
variation of materials and finishes. Staff believes the proposal complies with the intent
and goals of the Master Plan. Specifically, the proposalwill renew and redevelopment an
older building in Lionshead that has been targeted for redevelopment, provide a stronger
economic base to the Lionshead area in general, improve both pedestrian and vehicular
access along Lionshead Place and increase the vilality and overall amenities available to
our guests in Lionshead. Additionally, the proposal complies with the recommended
actions stated in the Plan in Section 5.14, Antlers Lodge.
The applicant's proposal is scheduled for a final review by the Design Review Board on
Wednesday, June 16, 1999. lt shall be the role of the Design Review Board to insure that
it complies with the architectural guidelines as outlined in the Plan.
CHagren 5 DernNeo PleN RTcoMMENDATIONS
Figtoz 5- I 8 -Potutfral lttlqs Conddlhiln Rebclrytwn
t\D t r tV
PAGE 5-36 LrousgrRo ReoevrtopMENT MesrEn pLAN
MRY.12. 1999..11:21ff4Frd RoDdl lJv|na lo: lco iilSpt HO_
Y CROSS VRIL Drte: 5r10lEl9 TinEr 3:'l{11t4
/NTL€\NL rtoagnx
Ted Huskey
Holy Cross Energy
P.O. Box 972
Avon. CO 81620
Mr. Huskey:
our property is Lot 3, Btock 1, Lionshead 3rd Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle Gounty'
Coloradb. ds I erplained on the phone, we at the Angers Condominium
Association are pianning a redevelopment of our proqep. There ie currently a
utility easement along th-e west and norttrwest prcperty lines which we would
like to encroach into with your p€flnlsslon'
wlth your signature and date, this letter shall serue as notice to the Town of Vail '
that we have your perrnission to encroach on the eagement in question'
Thanks very much,
fto. 373.t'. z Pag.lstz
97s{.7el471860 W, Lionahead Placs Vail, @ 81667
April27, 1999
Robert LeVine
General Manager
r i;;;? 0
Apr-27-99 l5:09 From-lJS IEST l0lfA
P.02/02 F-r68303707S71I
680 W. Lionclroad PlEcc V.ll, O€ 81867 s70-176-r171 e70-47E-4,t40tur rvww,an0cravail.com
Dan Haley
U.S. West
Via fax *SOS-T07-9711
llr. Haley:
Our property is Lot 3, Block l, Lionshead 3rd Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County,
Colorado. Ae I explained on the phone, we at the Antlere Condominium
Association are planning a redevelopment of our prcperty. There is currentllr a
utility easement along the weet and northwest property lines which we woqld
like to encroach into with your permission. We have done a locate and found
that there are not any US West phone lines in the eagemenL
With your signature and dats, this letter ehall serue as notice to the Town of Vail
that we have your permission to encroach on the easement in question.
Thanks very much,
Robert LeVine
Genaral Manager
APR-2E'-SE, tU:.r3 !-ROI|!: E . |<. W . lls . u.
,NTL€*P* \NL
6@W.Lion$cdPtaca Vsl,@ 8t657 97H.7&.2471 970'476'41461'ar wuw-crllersva-l-@m
Fred Hasilee
Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority
Our propertyiis Lot S, Btock 1, Lionshead 3rd Filing, Town^of Vail, lagle County,
CotoraOb. As I explained on the phonq we at the Antlerc Condominium
Association are pianning a redanelOpnrent of our property. There is cumenUy a
utility easemdnt along the west and nortrwest property lines which we woutd
like to encroach into with lnur permission.
Vvith 3our signahrre and date, this letter shall serue as notice to the Tovwt of Vail
that ie havJyourpermission to.encroach on the easement in quecilion.
/l, /\
' C5tr\$go 9- e\ - ,ThanKsvlerylnucn, y- - -nt{-
\'dS \*IArr- -7^R-ffi,
for Upper Eagle Regional Wder Arthority Date
RPR 29 ,n !€.13 FR PUBLIC sERu lcE-?TH FL34' 5?1 Bn To 5|97u./@L4f.|b5 P.az/vJ
800 W. Lionshead Pl*c Vdl' G€ 81657 070..t7$2i+7{ 07o..17&4'14€frr wvrw.arflersvril€om
Tim Knowlton
Public Service ComPanY
Via fax #303.571'7877
Our prspertv is Lot 3, Elock 1, Lionshead 3rd Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle Oounty'
Coloradi. Al I exptained on the phone, vye at the AnUerc Gondonrinbm
Association are pianning a redevelopment of our property. Thgrejs curently a
utiligl easement along tha west and nortrwsst propcrty lines Which we would
like to encroach into with your permission.
With your signature and date, this tetter shall seno as notice to the Torrn of Vail
that ie havJyour permission to encrcach on the easemer* in question.
Thanks very much,
April28, 1!X,9
Robqrt LeVine
General Manager
- Date-?-
nPR 29',99 1E:13 FR IC SERUIC€-?fi FL3A3 5?1 7A7? fOPUEL
146-165 P.A3/43
Siting ood tcnd Righl!
550 l5?h strut, Suile 70O
Ocnvrr, Cclorodo CO202'a256
Talcphom !03.37r.t799
lqcrimilr 3O3. 57 |'7 877
6l PUaLrc snpvtcjJ't coniANY oF coloa^oo-
LZ ^,.aw
car.rtnr axaaotEt <.tatt'tr
April29, 1999
Tim Knowlton
Land Rights Agent
Antlers atVail
Mr. Robert LeMne
680 W. Lionshead Place
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Mr. LeVine:
This letter is in connection with your request to encroach into the existing utility
easement located arong-ihe iot'line of Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 3d Filing' Town
of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado
faciliues located ano tnlt vou are aware of your responsibility to dig carefully if
you need to excavate around the utility lines'
Although PSCo does not object to your pr-oposal' you should be aware that
;6;;;;y;""a to g#L.ld to itre uiitity lines in the future- lf the proposed
encroachment needs to u"i"r*ua in the course of gaining access to the lines'
the c€sts associated witn suct removal may be passed on to the property owner.
xx ToTfl- PRGE. A3 xx
WHEREAS- AntlersAtvail ('Owner ) has requested permission
for an easement encroacbment for the purpose of constnrction
on the real property (within the utility easement) as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto.
WHEREAS, Cablevision VII. lnc. C'TCI') is wiiling to gant its
pennission for the aforementioned easement encroachmenr as outlined on the attached
Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein.
Nowtherefore, The Parties hereto and theirrespective heirs, successors, legal
representatives and assigns agree iu; follows:
I. Consent. The permission granted herein by TCI is not to be construed as a
total grant or consent to the Owner for the requested easement encroacbmenl The
Owner shall be responsible to obtain all additional consenls, grants and pennission from
any and all entities which are entitled to the use of.the utility easement.
tr. In$ess and Eqress. TCI shall, at all times, maintain all rights of ingress and
egress to the utility easement.
m. Repair. Maintenance. and Installation. TCI shall at all times res€rve the
right to repair, replace, or place; cable, conduit, pedestals, electronic equipment and/or
other equipment deemed necessary (in the sole opinion of TCI) for the operation of TCI's
IV. Damases. If it becomes necessary for TCI to perfomr work or cause work to
be performed in the utility easemenq TCI, its afFlinls5, employees or ageots shatl not be
held liable for any damage(s) to the Owner's strucnres(s) or improvements that are built
on or in the utility easement.
V. Removal. Owner shall, within five (5) days after receipt of written notice,
remove any strucnue, improvement or any part thereof (as directed by TCD from the
utility easement if, in the sole opinion of TCI, said stmcture or improvement obstructs or
interferes with TCI's abiiity to operate, maintai& replace or install facilities required by
TCI for the normal operation of TCI's business. Said removal shall be performed by
Owner or Olvner's agent at the sole expense of Owner.
VI. Noncompliance. If the Owner does not comply with the terms of this
Agreement TCI shall resewe the right to withdraw the consent given herein and, at its
option, remove or caruie the removal of all stmctues or improvements placed by Owner
within the utility easement Owner shall then be responsible to reimbwse TCI for all
expenses associated with said removal.
VII. No Imolied Waiver. Failure of TCI to insist at any time on stictperformance of
any of the conditions, convents, terms or provisions of this Agreement or to exercise any
option, right, power, or remedy contained herein shall not be construed as a waiver or a
relinquisbment thereof for the future.
VIII. Attomev's Fees. If Owner fails to perform any of the tems. convents,
agreements or conditions contained in &is Agreement and TCI places the enforcement of
this Agreement, or any part thereof, in the hands of any attomey, or files suit upon s"me,
Owner agrees to pay TCI's responsible attorney's fees.
IX. Partial Invaiiditv. If any term or provision of this Agreement. or application
thereofto any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, as
finally determined by a court of competent jrrisdiction, the rcmainder of this Agreement
or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those
as to which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each temr and
provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforced to the frrllest extent permitted by
_8. Hl].Ce L
Title:&^. cX/t- n4-41'\-\L
May 20. 1999
ItDate: r /u./11
. I f'l.r | . L.). rJrJ r.r -.fv- r | ..4 \)
)'r I
t]u.c,tJ F.)/b
Frsdr:';NFY. 18. 1999rt!16 :'45F11 c0Lo D .i 5n(lll Tnr: 3i.0€! m,t i\0.e8: t, .iir'E Pr$'t ct1iIVCN
dNTL€O'";r \NL
6tl0 W, Lionshcrd Placr Vail, CO alg57 070-+78-?+71 9it0-U64146 far wrYwanUercvdl.:om
May 10, 1999
Freci Lutz
TCt Cablwision
Via far *949€138
Our propert3l is Lot 3, Block 1, Licnshaa.i 3rd Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County,
colorado. As you may ba awanlr we at the Anttrrs Condominium A:gociaiion
ara planning a redevelopment of our pmperty. There is curranfly a utility
easem€nt along tha wast and northwest proper$ lines which we would like to
encroach inb with your psrmi$ion.
I met last week with a technician f ;rc m TCl to go over the easernent in question. I
apologiza that I cannot remernber his name. He corrfirmad ttrat there is cable in
thai Easament tJrat I bEliave feeds the ftlariot! as ur.ll as our building. After
lcoking over the plans, he augges:ad that we shauld agr€€ to put that cabf€ ints
conduit and than 'cce*igf with T$l in the s€sement (m€aning thd ilyou hava to
get in thera, you can). Besed on trose conditions, he did not think that TCI
woulo have any'rroubfE allowing us tfia Encroachment
Assuming thai's correci. and we cartainly would agree to those two condiiions,
could lgetyou to rign and retrm J:is?
With your signafura and dats, this lster shall serue as'nstica to theTown of Vail
that we have Sourpermission to e rr;r'oach on ths easamant in question.
Thanks vety much,
Robert LeVine
General lllanager
forTCl Cablevision 0ate
From: Robert Levine To: Georlp Rtdter
660W. Umshead Plre Vall, GO 81657
Dde: 6/11/gg Time: l0:55:5'l Al,
9704764146far www.antlErsvail.com
Page2 sl2
To: Town of Vailstaff, DRB, PEG and Town Council
From: Robert LeMne, General Manager
Subject:Antlers 2000
Robert LeVine
General Manager
With regard to the public areas adjacent to the Antlers, we hereby commit to compliance
with both the Lionshead Design Guidelines, as well as the Vail Streetscape Master
plan. Please accept this as written assurance to that effect. lf there are details to be
worked out such ai materials, street lighting, etc; we request conditional approval of the
project. We understand that building permib would not be issued until all of those
details are resolved to the Town of Vail's satbfaction.
We ask that thb would also apply to such details as spot elevations, grading an$ q!!.er
details associated with the civii ehgineering plans. Again, we would not expect building
permits to be issued until all aspects of those civil englngeln-g plans meet the
iequirements of the Town as determined by Town of Vail stafi.
Please understand that time is of the essence for us. Before we can begin construction,
we must first resolve a number of legal issues concerning the condominium association.
For a varie[y of reasons, we cannot begin that process until we have Town of Vail
approval (albeit conditional approval). if we are to begin conslruction in the year Z)0(),
we simply cannot afford to lose any more time. Given the delays incurred so far, we
beg for your understanding in this mafter.
Thanks very much,
Department of Commuity Development
75 South Frcnnge Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAx e7fi47g-14f&
Rob Levine
Gcneral Manager
Adeis Condominium Association
680 Wcst Lio'nshead Place
Vail, Colorado E1657
Re : fublic Worts Departnect commcnts to be ad&essed
As pmmised, I am foruarding to yrnr the conur€trts r€ceived from tbe Town of Vail hrblic Worts pcpartment
Once you bave bad m opportDity to review the commeris, please contract n'r€ u 479-2145 to schedule a time to
meet so *E can go over each of the commeots with tbe benefit of a higbligbted sct of plans. Ivimy of the commeuts
can be addrcssed on a building pemdt sA of plan6, prior to the isgmtce of a building pemit Other comen1s rrmst
be addresscd pior to appcaring before the Plsnning & Ervfuomenal Qomnrissim fff a finsl rsvi€w.
Please address the following comnrents otr your pl4ls prior to firal revienr by the Planning & Environru tal
l. Please revise thc trrming radius fur thc norrh &ivcway access as hieblighted on tbc site plan
2. Please provide an 8 foot wide, heate4 brick paver walkway ad all rqir€d sreetscape imryrovemens to
comply with the Lionshead Redevelqment Ivtasrer Platr. This sball itrdud€ stredlighh, trash rccepacles,
neucpapor trox enclosure, etc. The rc4uircd strecsc4c improvemcnts slrg[ be con$ructcd ftom the
cotnmon prcperty line with Marriott to the pedestdil path located to the cas of Antlers
3. Please rwise the site plan to meet mininrum sight distance requirunents out of tte east pa*ing structu€
exit- The site plan bas been higtligbted for rcfercnce.
4. Please show the pool deck modifications ronoving the deck encruchmeot onto the pedestrian path on the
site platl
5. Please prolide written pe,rmission from the utility companies granting their apfoval to allow
improvements to encroach upon dre easement along the western property line.
6. Please revise the proposed finish grading along the western proper[' line. Finish gra.des shall not exceed
7. Please provide top/bottom of wall finish grade elevations along the retaining on the west side of t[e
8. Please provide additional spot elorations at the east exit fiom the parking sfiuctrre. The locatims of the
spot elerrations are higtrligbt€d otrthe site plan
Thc following issu€s will need to bc addressed on the building p€rnit set of plos:
tr*,o"or "o
l. Please provide a complete set of civil engineered plans ofall roadway, drainage and seEetscap€
improvements. The plam slull include a roadway width of 28 fee flowline o flowline (24 feet of aspnaft
plus 2; 2 foot wide concrete drain pam) and a 4 fmt wide drain pan thmugb the driveway access.
2. Please revise the ADA ramp so t}at the north end of the ramp does not encaoach into the sidervalk
3. Please pmvide a $65,000 fuancial contribution to lhc Toqm for the offsite traffc and futersection
4. Ptease provide a pedestrian easement for those portions of property where the sidenalk encroaches npor
private property.
Agnin, please contact me once you have had an opportunity to rcview each of the comments. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
t'{ ^./ Jr-.a+K,-tlr*,1
George Ruther, hICP
Seirior Planer
Town of Vail
Xc: Greg Hall, Diredor of hrblic Works
Page2 d 2l0:55:54 AMIoate:0/11/99 Time:From: Robert Levim To: George Rdher
660 W. Llmshead Plce Vail, CO 81657 s7047&2471 S7047€.4;146lar wurw.anuorsvall.com
To: Town of Vail Staff, DRB, PEC and Town Council
From: Robert LeMne, General Manager
Subject:Antlers 2000
Robert LeVine
With regard to the public areas adjacent to the Antlers, we hereby commit to compliance
with boih the Lionsiread Design Guidelines, as well as the Vail Streetscape Master
plan. Please accept this as written assurance to that effect. lf there are details to be
worked out such ai materials, street lighting, etc; we request conditional approval of the
project. We understand that building permits would not be issued until all of those
details are resolved to the Town of Vail's satisfaction.
We askthat this would also apply to such details as spot elevations, grading and gllpr
detai6 associated with the civiiengineering plans. Again, we would not expect building
permits to be issued until all aspects of those civil engineerin_g plans meet the
iequirements of the Town as determined by Town of Vail staff.
Please understand that time is of the essence for us. Before we can begin construction,
we must first resolve a number of legal issues conceming the condominium association.
For a variety of reasons, we cannot begin that process untilwe have Town of Vail
approval (aheit conditional approval). if we are to begin construction in the year ZXX),
we simply cannot afford lo lose any more time. Given the delays incurred so far, we
beg for your understanding in this mafter.
Thanksvery much,
Ofiice of the Town Attorney
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970-479-2 I 57
June 8. 1999
Mr. Rob Levine
Antlers at Vail
680 Lionshead Place
Vail, CO 81657
Re: Acknowledgement of Lease Agreement
Dear Rob:
Enclosed is a firlly executed original Acknowledgement of Lease Agreement for your files.
you for your assistance in this matter.
Very truly yours,
R. Thomas Moorhead
Town Attorney
xc: Dominic Mauriello
{; rtn ttrr^rtr
TFIIS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, made and entered into as of this J 7t- day of t\o*s ..-e_-
1999' by and between the TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal home rule corporation (hereinafter called
"Vail"), and ANTLERS CONDOMINIUM ASSoclATIoN, INc,, a colorado corporation,
(hereinaft er called "Antlers").
WHEREAS, a Lease Agreemenl was made and entered into as of December 2 I , 1977 by and
between vail Associates and Antlers, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, the land subject to the Lease Agreement (Exhibit A) has subsequently been
transferred from Vail Associates to the Town by deed recorded in Book :5E'/, at page foQ ,
Reception No..J t f 8O.-L , Eagle County Clerk and Recorder,s records; and
WHEREAS, since the time of the transfer of the real property subject to the Lease
Agreement, the Town has acknowledged this lease by assignment pursuant to its terms and
conditions; and
' WHEREAS, at this time the Town and Antlers wish to acknowledge that assignment in this
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and all
provisions and agreements contained in Exhibit A, it is agree as follows:
I ' Acknowledsement: The Town acknowledges the assignment of the attached Exhibit
A, incorporated herein by reference, and accepts its terms and conditions.
2' Oblisations of Antlers: Exhibit A contains a provision in Paragraph 2 that Antlers
shall pay, as Lessee, to Lessor, an annual rent of$500.00 throughout the term ofthis Lease. The
parties have in the past and do hereby agree to continue to allow Antlers to provide landscaping and
ground maintenance in lieu of the annual $500.00 payment. This payment in kind shall be subiect
to the continued agreement by the Vail Town Manager.
3' Remaining Terms: The Town and Antlers agree that all remaining terms of Exhibit
A shall remain in full force and effect and be binding upon the parties, their heirs, executors, legal
representatives, successors and assisns,
year first above written.
a municipal corporation
F, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as ofthe day and
) ss.
swomtoandsubscribedbeforemethisf!dayof ,Ihnc, ,1999by taobe,+ vJ ftlel,a*,,',
ANTLERS, a Colorado Corporation
) ss.
Swom to and subscribed before me tn*)I tLay of lyt a !, trl99 by Kob*"t L ui,r't-
/ir:r1.. i-. lry'ti;1,t, ll'riery f'ullic
My Commission Expires' Mr Comrrtission Elpkes 6-17-1999' ------------?$S. Frontagc Poad
5 ^tt
L7,i ..:.:,., !.i!i.:,;. :,!i:"!i,":
I lsfs IEASE tcREEMsNT, naile and entarad into as of tJris
i9 / day of lJe u'"llbltt:- , Ig 77, by and bet$ccn vAtL
rclocrerrs, rNc., a coloraito corporationii;r* l'a" principaf offices
inl coloraato, h.r.inaftc! called "Lessor', ard AIITLERS CONDOUINIInI
ASEOCIATION, INC., a Colorado Corporatj.on, herciDalter calleal 'Lessee',:
II I{EEREAS, l.saor has sola Lcssee cestain plopcrty located
wifthin the town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado (harein-
alFer "the proparty'), pursuant to a contrtct o! purchase anai salc
Idatteil as of D.cenber 9, 1971., erhich togcther with any aaLlendla
ltheleto ls by referenced ned€ a part o! thls Leasei .nd,
WREREAS, Lressor is willing to lcase to Lessee and Lessee
desircs to lease frolD Lcsaor certain aalditional real;rroperty
lobrtcal within the torrn of vail contiguous to the propertyi
NOll, THEnEFORE, in considaratlon of the patnrent of rent
hereinaftcr provideal anil the keeping and pertornancc of, the covenants
anH agreenrents by Lessee hereinafter set to!.th, lt is agreeal as
tdllows :
1. Grant.' I,escor tloes lease to !€6sec, and Lessoe leases
ft)otn Leasor for thc purposc herein set forth the foLlowing describcd
propcrty (hereinafte! called "the leased lrroperty"):
A part. of Tract B, Vall/LlonsHead lhird Ftling,a subdiwlsion recorded iu Book 22L, at Page 992, ofthe Eag1e Councy, Colorado Clcrk and Recoidar's records,said part of Trect B bcing trore parElcularly describedas foilore:
Exhibit A
:,,i!:r!,Ji .' -. !, i:
' 'l.-;
BcgLning at a polnt oD tbe northerly bor.mdary ofsrid Trrct B, reid polnt a16o bejnt the southrast to::aarof Lor 3, Block 1, VAIL/LIONSEAD igfn! ffltnC; rbcoeeS 02055'51" E a disrsnce of 52.10 feer: chence't{ 83029100" Ea distancc of 90.00 teet: thence N 23029'00,, E a distance of40.41 fcet;^t!'cnce N 83029'00" E a dlstesce of 132.93 feec;
Ehen-ce N 06031100" W a distsrce of 15.77 fcct, to a,poiot -
on the co@sn plopelcy line of Tracr B and aaid Lot 3;theBce thc followiog Erro cour!.a alone said co@.rn Dao-
PgIEv !U9: (f) s 87o01'24" IJ a dist5nce of 20.00 ?cat;(4) s 83029'00" tl a die cance of 209.94 feet to ctre poiniof beginntag, conrainl.Dg 7 ,020.54 sqr:are feec or .1-5 aeres,rlole Ot J,a3S.
TO UA\IE eND TO BOLD the leascd property for a telr of
fority-nine (49) years comencing a3 of tbe ilate o! tlris lease,
Iprqvlded that tbis l,ease shal-l terainate upon the breach by lessee
Iof Pny of the terns andl condllions henof . Lessor shall givc
lessee thirty (30) d.ys vlitten noticc of any such breactt and if
Lessee shall cure auch breach withi.n said thirty (30) itay gariod,
Ithjis Lease shall not teri8inate.
iI 2. ObLiqations of Lessee,
j t .l Rent. Lesaec rhall pay thc Lssor a:rnual rent
Iin ladvance of Pivc Hundrcd and 00/100 Dollars (S5O0.OO) wilh rbc
fitst payrnent due upon execution of this Leasa and subsequent
palments due on rhe first day of Ju1v. in each year
thioughout the teqt of this lease. The lent shall be payable at
thq' office o.f the letsor in Vai,l , Coloraato, or at such other
plice ae the Lessor oay &signate 1:r $!itlag.
| 2,2 Taxes end Orher CharEes. Lessee will pay all
IcaTes, assessmnts end any oche( public charges laviad o! aes.ss.alI
bylfederal. srace, or local governueot8 upon the leaseil property,
anf porcion chereof, or auy inproveoents thcteoB, and trI'll at rll
Eioes gave che L€sso! harolesr lroo ell obligaclons for the paJrrleDt
. --. .. r!JJ r.,,;.! .,-':;.., -.;.--. J.;.'.i!:, :,ei:,-!.: rr!. t ,!; .., :
rir""r. ?.ru" ."iu'", all oblisations tor 9r.r,'"r,. or anv
Iotticr clains o! denll|als iuporedl o! asscrtedl by a$y panon encl
Ichdrgrable agaiast the leas.al Prop.rty o! thc rlght of use or
o"Jop*"y thcreof anil wifl. at alt titles kceP tbe leascd pEoPerty
ilrce of all lienr aDat Lassee sball inileonify .Lessor fo! any costa
' 2.3 Use of lJeased ProDcrty. Le.aee rill ure andl
reiain tbe lcased proPerty only as a site for a swimtng pool andt
Irciated improvenentr andl Lcssee Eay, at ils onn ctaPensc,. construct
ruch inProvrrnent6 on the leased ProPerty. Les3ee rtill' not con-
rtlrr.t any other j.loplovements on the leasedl groperty itithout the
InrJ.ttcn consent of Le36or, a$d ltiu not duling thc leasc tcrl!
pci'rdt thc sale to be used for aay Purttos.3, buginccres o! occuPa-
Itibns contlary to lafl.
i| 2.4 t{aintenance of I/eas.al Propertv. r.essee lfill
I- ati its ostr expense at rl,l tjltes during tho tera of thls Lease
ina[ntain all landscaping and i:nproveruents on the leas€il proPerty
in] gooa ordlc! and in a neat andt attractivo condltj.on.
I| 2.5 obscrvance of Lavs. LesseG wil'l' at a1l ciucs
dtriring thc lease te:i! keep the 1€aaed Property and irrprovernents
lirr a clean and sanltary condition and will conPJ'y with all laws.
Ioidlnaaces, rules and regulrtj,ons non or hercafter naile by aay
Igcjvcrrunental authority applicable to the leaseil ProP€rty arral
iriprotrcroentr o! use thereof, anal t'il,l indlenurlfy LesEor agalnst
jf ""a all loss to Lessor frorn any action, suit, darnage, dcmand
oi clairn by any perEon for viol,ation of any such laws, olalinrnces,
rUles o! regulations.
I z.e General Indeoni fication ; rnsurancc. L€ssee
Is$all intlsnni,ly Lessor against all liabilities, €xpen3es, anal
l$sscs incurred by Lessor a6 a result of (a) lailule by Lessaa to
Ipfrforrn any covcnant requigedl to be perfortnedl by l€ssor h.feundlet anal
I(t) atry accidcnt resulting. in death, injury, o! alBrnaEe rhich shall
hfppcn oD o! about the leased property and inprovarnents ort--
, or rcsulting f,ron thP condition, naintetrance, or
.,,. _, i:
oparltion of the leared ploperty and any ts constructed
I lhloughout the terra of this Leate, La!3ee shall keep the
leised ProPcrty insuredl, at hir 3o1e cost and cxPensa, against
cllins for personal injury, death or ProPcrtlt danagc undler a Policy
otigcneral pubuc liability inaurance with li!|its of rt l.rt!
Ssbo,ooo lor.ach pcrson injureil or killed anat S5o0,oo0 for each
Idj.saster and S100rOo0 for proPerty damage. such Pol'icie6 shalf
Dame L.sso! as a coinsutedl. itithin ten (10) days after the dlate ..
hefeot, LesscG shalI deliver to Lessor certi.ficatas of, in6uiance
Icertifying that 6uch iDsulance is in full forcc and effect.
3. AssiEpp€nt. Neitber Party may assign its interest
unEer thls Lease erithout thc consent of the other party.
| 4. ltircellaneous.t-
| 4.f lfhcn necessary for proper constluctj,on, the
nabculine of, any word useat in this agreetlent sball incLudle the
Iferninine and neuter gender, the singula! and plural ancl vice
4.2 llhis aEreetlent is being axecuted arlil ilelivereil
in Coloradlo and shaLl be construed in accorilancc aith and govcrned
bl| tha la$s of Buch state.
| {.3 The terns and provisioDs of this agrEcnen! nay
, ndt.bc noilified or anended except in w!i+-lng.
4.4 No assent o! waiver, exPless or inPfied, to any
blcach of any one or more of the covenants or agreements hcreunder
shall be <leenetl or taken to bc a. waiver of, any succeeding or
othcr brerch.
rl .5 Palaglaph heaclings contained in this agrletncnt
alc for convenicnce only and shall not affact the constructign
/t.5 This agreenent shall be bindlng upon the partirs'
€xccutols, legal rapresentatives r tuccessors aDd
a.7 this agreement may be axecuted in nultiplc countcr-
talen logether, sha1l coDstitute one and thc sarac
Itbcir hcirs,
pirts which,
I -{-
IN l{l3l{Ess IIEEREOF ' the Parties
agreenent as of th. day and year first above urittrn.
o r-. -.;,
have executed tlis
Th. loregoing instruDenc rras acknowledlged before n. this 21ec day
Io! Dec€Dber , 1977 , by alack lrtarshall es Pre6ident aral
tly co@ission expires Oct. 13, 1981
3!. '
sr]Ere or cor.oRrDo )
"S*" oF EAGLE I "'
c,Olt -5-
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAx e7tu*{8-44f4
Rob Levine
General Manager
Amlers Condominium Association
680 West Lionshead Place
Vail" Colorado 81657
Re: Public Worts Deparlm€nt comments to be addresscd
Dear Rob,
As promise( I am foruarding to you the cmm€nts received ftom the Town of Vail Public Works Department.
Once you have had an opportunity to rwiew lhe comments, please contact meat479-2145 to schedule a time to
meet so we can go over each of the comments with the benefit of a higblighted set of plans. Many of the cornments
can be addressed on a building permit set of plang prior to the issrunce of a building permit Other comments must
be addressed prior to appcaring before the Plarming & Environmental Commission for a final review.
Please address the following comments on your plans prior to final rwiew by the Planning & Eruironmental
l. Please revise the trmring radius for the north driveway access as highlighted on the site plan.
2. Please prwide an 8 foot wide, heate4 brick paver walkway and all required streetscape improvemenls to
comply with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. This slull include sneetlights, trash receptacles,
newspaper box enclosu€, etc. The required streetscape improvements shall be constructed from the
common prop€rty line with Marriott to the pedesrrian palh located to the east of Antlers.
3. Please revise the site plan to meet minimum sight distance requirernents out of the east parking structur€
exit. The site plan has been higblighted for reference.
4. Please show the pool deck modifications rernoving lhe deck encroachment onto the pedestrian path on the
site plan.
5. Pleas€ proldde wriften permission from lhe utility companies granting their approval to allow
improvements to encroach upon the easement along the western property line.
6. Please revise the proposed finish gading along the westem property line. Finish grades shall not exceed
1. Please provide toplbottom of wall finish grade elevations along the retaining on the west sidc of the
8. Please provide additional spot elwations at the east exit from the parting structure. The locations of the
spot elevations are higlrlighted on the site plan.
The following issues will need to be addressed on the building permit set of plans:
{po*" ro
l. Please provide a complete set ofcivil engineered plans of all roadway, drainage and streetscape
improvements. The plans shall inclde a roadway width of 2E feet flowline to flowline (24 feet of asphalt
plus 2, 2 foot wide concr€t€ drain pans) ad a 4 foot wide drain pan through the driveway a@ess.
2. Please revise the ADA ramp so that the north end of the ranp does mt €ncnnch into the sidewalk.
3. Please prwide a $65,000 firrurcial contribution to the Town for lhe off-site uafrc and interseclion
4. Please provide a pede.strian easement for lhose portions of property where lhe sidewalk encroaches upon
private property.
Agai4 please conlact me once you have had an oppornmity to rwiew each of lhe comments. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
George Ruther, lrtCP
Senior Planner
Tovm ofVail
Xc: Greg llall, Director of hrblic Worfts
75 South Frontage Road
VaiL Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
Department of Community Development
Rob Levine
General lManager
Antler's Condominiums Association
680 West Lionshead Place
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: DRB comrnents in response to the Antler's redevelopnenl proposal
Dear Rob,
Thanks again for meeting with the Town of Vail Desigr Review Board on Wednesday, May I 9t to discuss the
redevelopment poposai for the Altler's Condominiums.
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with a written summary of the Desip Review Board' s conrnents on the
proposed plans. dqselding to m] notes, the Board stated the following comments:
1. The roof+op dormers need to be redesiped so that there is a separation betrreen the main roof and the
eavelines ofthe dormers. This change shall be made throughout the building.2. The pedestrian entrances on the north and east sides of the new building need to be redesiped to create a
greater sense of arrival and identity. Redesign altematives might include fagade changes, landscape
imFovements, public art, etc.
3. The braces under the decks and eaves need to be rede siped to create a separation in wail surface pianes. The
sepamtion is intended to provide reliefin the wall surfaces and opportunities for shade and shadow.4. Please consider guest circulation and access in and around the fop€rty. Special attention shouid be given to the
interface between the new and existing buildings.5. Variations in exterior wall surface materials need to be proposed. This will insure that the exterior walls of the
buiidings comply with the Architectural Desip Guideiines of the Liooshead Redevelopment Master Plan.
6. Please contact Henry hatt with Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz Architecc, P.C. to discuss altematives to
coordinating a landscape plan along the corffnon property line with the Marriott.7. The use of direct vent gas fireplaces is not recommended- Instead, vertical flues chase should be constructed to
avoid "blemishing" the exterior walls of the new building with unsightly vents.
8. The proposed exterior color scheme needs additional consideratim. Please provide several new color schemes
for the Board's consideration at the next meeting.
Again, these are the comments stated by thr Desip Review Board at their May l9'h meeting. Please be prepared to
respond to these comments at the June 16b meeting of the Board. You will need to provide the revised plans to the
Community Development Depaflment by noon, June 9'. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to
contact me by telephone at 479-2145.
Ceorge Rutbdr, AICP
Senior Planner
Town of Vail
Offce of the Tbwn AnorneTr
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970-479 -2 I 5 7
Mav 13. 1999
Mr, Rob Levine
Antlers at Vail
680 Lionshead Place
Vail. CO 81657
Re: Acknowledgement of Lease Agreement
Dear Rob:
Enclosed is an Acknowledgement of the Lease Agreement to forrnalize the relationship between
Antlers and the Town of Vail. If the document acceptable to you, please have it executed in
duplicate and retum it to me. Once executed by Bob Mclaurin I will retum a firlly executed copy
to you. Please feel free to contact me with any comments or questions you may have.
Very truly yours,
rowN oF yArL n
R. Thomas Moorhead
Town Attomey
xc: Dominic Mauriello
{p r"n"uo'^"r
nPR 29 '99 1A:13 FR PUBLI
C SERUICE-?TH FL3B3 571 1B?-7 TO
23"t'l i i i Z": IZ, o
n o o -
<tvfvaf 3r4actts cant Nf
April29, 1999
Tim Knowlton
Land Rights Agent
146-165 P.A3/@3
@ Sitin9 and l,ood Rightr
550 l5rh J17611, $uils 700
Dcnvrr, Celorodo 8O2O2-t256
leleohooo !O3.57l.ttt9
Foc:imih 303.571.7877
Antlers at Vail
Mr. Robert LeVine
680 W. Lionshead Place
Vail, CO 81657
Dear Mr. LeVine:
This letter is in connection with your request to encroach into the existing utility
easement tocated ",o"g-ii"
loi'tine of Uot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 3d Filing' Town
of Vail, Eagle CounW, Colorado
no obiections to rhe encroachmenl lt is my understanding that you have had the
facitiues located ano tnliiu'"r" "t*t" of your responsibility to dig carefully if
you need to excavate around the utility lines'
Although PSGo does not object to your proposal' you should be aware that
psco may need to gu;...i.; io ine uiirity lines in the future- lf the proposed
the costs associated *ltn .u.t removal may be passed on to the property owner.
xx TOTCL PmE.a3 *)k
WHEREAS, AntlersAtVail ("Owner") has requested permission
for an easement encroachment for the purpose of constuction
on the real propeny (within the ut'rlity easement) as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto.
WHEREAS, Cablevision VII. Inc. ("TCI") is willing to grant its
permission for the aforementioned easement encroachment as outlined on the attached
Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated hercin.
Nowtherefore, The Parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors, legal
representatives and assigns agrce as follows:
I. Consent. The pemrission granted herein by TCI is not to be construed as a
total $ant or consent to the Owner for the requested easement encroachment. The
Owner shall be responsible to obtain all additional consents, grants and permission from
any and all entities which are entitled to the use ofthe utility easement.
il. Insress and Esress. TCI shall, at all times, maintain ail rights of ingress and
egress to the utility easement.
m. Repair. Maintenance. and Installation. TCI shall at all times reserve the
right to repair, replace, orplace; cable, conduit, pedestals, electronic equipment and/or
other equipment deemed necessary (in the sole opinion of TCI) for the operation of TCI's
fV. Damages. If it becomes necessuy for TCI to perform work or cause work to
be performed in the utility easemenq TCI, its affi.liates, employees or agents shall not be
held liable for any damage(s) to the Owner's structures(s) or improvements that are built
on or in the utility easement.
V. Removal. Owner shall, within five (5) days after receipt of written notice,
remove any structure, improvement or any part thereof (as directed by TCD from the
utility easement if, in the sole opinion of TCI, said stucture or improvement obstructs or
interferes with TCI's ability to operate, maintain, replace or install facilities required by
TCI for the normal operation of TCI's business. Said removal shall be performed by
Owner or Owner's agent at the sole expense of Owner.
VI. Noncompliance. If the Owner does not comply with the terms of this
Agreement TCI shall r€serve the rigbt to withdraw the consent given herein and, at its
option, remove or cause the removal of all strucnues or improvements placed by Owner
within the utility easement Owner shall then be responsible to reimburse TCI for all
expenses associated with said rcmoval.
VII. No Implied Waiver. Faiiure of TCI to insist at any time on strict performance of
any of the conditions, convents, terms or provisions of this Agreement or to exercise any
option, righg power, or remedy contained herein shall not be construed as a waiver or a
relinquishment thereof for the future.
VIII. Attomev's Fees. If Owner fails to perform any of the terms, convents,
agreements or conditions contained in this Agreement and TCI places the enforcement of
this Agreement, or any part thereof, in the hands of any attomey, or files suit upon same,
Owner agrees to pay TCI's responsible attorney's fees.
fX. Partial Invaliditv. If any term or provision of this Agreement. or application
thereofto any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, as
frnally determined by a court of competent jurisdictiog the remainder of this Agreement
or the application ofsuch term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those
as to which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and
provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforced to the frrllest extent pemritted by
?res ident
Scott E. Hlicel
G1,.<lrrt1- .41*n'{r--
May 20. 1999
It( lu. /11
Cabievision VII
APR 29 '99 t@:13 FR C SERUICE-?TH FL3g3 971, ?81? IO srg?a4?641,46-L65 P . A2/43PUSLI
660 W. Umstrcad Pbca V€il' OO 8{657 97O17C,l217t 9?0-'l?$'l'l46far wvw.artervail.com
April28, 1999
Tim Knowlton
Public Service ComPanY
Via fax #303.571'7877
our propertv is Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 3rd Filing, Town of vail, _Eagle oounty'
d;ed;.- A: I explained on the phone, we at the Anuers Gondominbm
Association arc pianning a redeyelopment of our proPery. Therpis curently a
utility easement along d'e west and nodtrwest property lines which we would
like tL encroach into with your permission.
with your signature and data, this letter shall serue as notice to the Torn of Vail
thatie haGyourparmissionto encrtach on the Easemont in question.
lzqeq--- Dat6-/-
Thanks very much,
Robert LeVine
f6r Public Serfice ComPanY
APR-2g-99 tO.43 tD,97O47€i4OBsl
6dtw. Ltcrd|cdPlace
vd,co 01657 9'10F,76-;2471 97<r47641461b wsu--rksrrdl-com
Frcd Haslse
Upper Eagte Regional Water Authority
Fred: ,,
Our propertyiis Lot g, Btock 1 , Uonshead 3rd Filing, Townof Vail, Eagle County,
CotoraOb. As I eep6hed on the phone, we at the Antlerc Condominirm
Associagon are pianning a redevbbpment of our prop"*V. Thg9is cumenuy a
utility easement along thL rrest and nortlpest proPerty lines wttich we would
like to encrcach hto with lourpermission-
General fanager
Vtfth your sigirabre and dde, this letter shalt setYe as notice to tlre Town of Vail
thatie havJyotrrpermissaon tqencroach on the eascment in quecilion.
'-AThanksveryrnuch, Qt"csc€- cv\ BL
\'dS \*\Aro-
for Upper Eagle Regional Water ArthoritY
' MAY. L?.L99 ..11:21R1'1/ F?om: Robst Llvlna loi I cc tlus|lY
CROSS VRIL Hd 5fi0/99 Tne: 3:'l&!l'1
Ted Huskey
Holy Cross Energy
P.O. Box 972
Avon. CO 81620
lllr. Huskey:
our property is Lot 3, Btock 1 . Lionshead 3rd Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle county'
CotoraOb. As I exptained on the phone, we attfie AnUers Gondominium
Association are pianning a redevelopment of our prope*y' fn?F is currently a
utility .asemeni'afonf tn'" west and northwest property lines which we would
like to encroach into with your permassaon-
with your signatr,rre and date, this letter shall serve as notice to the Town of vail '
that we have your pennission to encrosch on the casement in question.
Thanks very much,
N0.373.P,2 P'rncz.rz
080W, LionalreadPlce Vail,oo 81867
April 27,{999
Robert LeVine
General Manager
5.-/Z - a?
Apr-27-90 l5:00 303r079711
Fron-us tEsT l|
680 W. Limchoad Plaoc Vall, CO 81657 97Hf8-2471 e70-47 8.4140 far r,vrrW.anflCruveil.com
T-65f P.02/02 F-168
April27, 1999
Dan Halay
U.S. West
Via fax #30th707€711
Iulr. Haley:
Our prcperty is Lot 3, Block l, Lionshead Srd Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle Gounty,
Colorado. Ae I anplained on the phone, we at the Antlere Condominium
Association are planning a redevelopment of our property. There is currently a
utility easement along the west and northwest property lines which we would
like to encroach into withyour permission. We have done a locate and found
thatthere are not any US West phone lines in tlte easement.
With your eignature and date, this letter ehall sen e as noticE to the Town of Vail
thEt we hava your permission to encroach on the easement in question.
Thanks very much,
Robert LeVina
From: Hob€rt Levrne Iq: Jelf Hunl
680 W. Lioneheed Place Vail, CO 81657
Dale: 4f2Ugg l]me: 6:47: I 8 PM
Page 'l of 1
970478-2471 97O4764146fax rvrvw.antleravail.com
April23, 1999
Jeff Hunt
Senior Planner
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
Pursuant to your letter of April 9, we would lika to have the Antlers
redevelopment proposal reviewed under the new Lionshead zoning ordinances
rather than as a Special Development District as it was originally submitted.
lf you remember, that has been our plan all along. My letter to the Town dated
September 14, 1998 refers to that intention. I appreciate allyour work so far in
what has been the SDD process, and look forward to concluding the approval
process as a more "conforming' application.
As always, please let me know if there's anyrthing else you need.
Robert LeVine
General Manager
Department of Commmity Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
April9, 1999
Robert Levine
680 W. Lionshead Pl.
Vail, CO 81657
RE:Expansion of the Antlers in Lionshead/680 W. Lionshead Pl./
Lot 3, BLK. l, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing
Dear Rob:
This letter is to summarize the status of the proposal.
The Desigrr Review Board (DRB) conceptual review on April 7'h produced the following
comments. Generally, the DRB wurs very pleased with the progress of the design. However, the
brackets should be detailed, made of wood and have a steeper angle. More brackets were
suggested on the north side. The north dormers should match the west dormer design. Color
changes of stucco or materials should be made on interior comers. The different colors of the
stucco should be a closer match. Mechanical vents should go vertical and be concealed with fake
chimneys. Finally, details of railings and fascias, and samples of colors and materials should be
presented at the next DRB meeting.
The proposed re-design of the existing building should be revisited to ensure compatibility with
the evolved desigrr ofthe new building.
Due to the recent adoption of the Lionshead zoning ordinance, it is suggested that the proposal be
reviewed under the new ordinance rather than as an amendment to the existing SDD. This would
simplifu the process for everyone and not require review by the Town Council, although they
may likely call up the proposal for review due to it being one of the frst redeveloments under the
Lionshead Master Plan.
Also, the proposal still needs to meet approvai of the Planning and Environmental Commission,
including comments from the Public Works Departrnent.
Please feel free to call me regarding this project at9'10-4'19-2140.
Jeff Hunt
Senior Planner
lr o
Departmcnt of Conununity Deve lopment
75 South Fronage Road
VaiI, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
Robert LeVine
680 W. Lionshead Pl.
Vail, CO 81657
RE: SDD application for the expansion of the Antlers in Lionshead/680 W. Lionshead Pl./
Lot 3, BLK. 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing
Dear Rob:
The Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) conducted aworksession on March 8th
regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Antlers in Lionshead. Generally, the PEC had the
following comments: The proposed setbacks were not a problem. The number of parking spaces
should be determined upon a parking analysis provided by the Antlers; but appears to be okay.
The sub-compact spaces should be increased to meet compact standards, and the employee
spaces should only be stacked behind other employees' spaces. Adding another parking level
below should be considered. The landscaping would be okay if a lease were agreed to specifuing
the maintenance of land off the Antlers property, specifically land around the pool and land east
of the Antlers. The loading berth should be in the plaza and should meet standards. The plaza
turn around should meet radius requirements for deliveries. The swimming pool can remain, but
a lease needs to be agreed to with the Town; and the southeast comer of the pool deck needs to
be removed to alleviate conflicts with the bike-ped path. Finally, the PEC agreed that the plan
should not come back to them until it receives final Design Review Board approval. Finally, the
Marriott should be contacted to coordinate development plans.
The Design Review Board (DRB) conducted a conceptual review of the plans on March 17'n.
Both the DRB and the PEC had the following comments regarding design of the proposal:
Generally, the design has been improved, but it still needs additional improvements. The
entrance should be enhanced, perhaps by focusing on it and centering the logo. Steeperroof
slopes are needed in most but not all of the proposal. Roof overhangs are too long. Roof lines
should be broken up. Dormers need to be more dramatic and be back from the roof line. The
.,.a,t f g\R
roof materials need to comply with LioilSdaf t4aster Plan standards. The roof color should be
more neutral (grey- brown). Strong details, not fake, perhaps bracing should be added to the
roofs and balconies. Variation in railings was suggested. The exterior balconies as entrances
were questioned, as was having each unit be the same size. Colors and materials should be
articulated to break up the ma.sses and make elevations more interesting, perhaps similar to the
Austria House which appea$ to be composed of different buildings. The exterior of the
employee units should be broken up. Finally, the use of art in coordination with the Art in Public
Places board should be considered.
The Lionshead Master Plan states that approved materials for primary roofs include but are not
limited to metal shingles, cementitious shingles, concrete tiles, wood shakes or shingles and high
quality asphalt shingles which offer acceptable colors and depth. Secondary roofs may be
covered with metal panels in comrgated, rolled or standing seam profiles. The proposed roofs
meet the definition ofprimary roofs and will need to meet this standard.
Comments from Public Works are attached.
Please feel free to call me regarding this project at970479-2140.
Senior Planner
Planning and Environmental Commission
Community Development Department
March 8. 1999
A request for a worksession of a major exterior alteration in CC2 and the
establishment of a Special Development District for the Antlers at Vail, located at
680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing.
Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine
Jeff Hunt
Attached is preliminary proposal by the Antlers Condominium Association. The applicant is
seeking input from the PEC regarding a potential Speqle!__Development District and major
exterior alteration applications for the Antlers propertyl The applicant is proposing major exterior I
alterations to the existing Antlers building, expansion of the building, and to establish a Special I
Development District for the property. The property is currently zoned Commercial Core 2 |
The applicant made a previous presentation before the PEG on July 13, 1998. The applicant
will be making a second presentation to the PEC and is hoping to gain added insight about the
direction they are heading. Also, staff requests the PEC to give direction on a number of
discussron issues that have been \
cn6GG review@ted. A fullanalysis of the project will be \
presented to the PEC at a future meeting.
70 condos
2 EHU's
GRFA: 52,640 sf
Site Coverage:
8,971 sf
Parking: 89 spaces
Proposed Additional
24 condos
7 EHU's
GRFA: 34,950 sf
Site Coverage:
12,012 sf
Parking: 25
The proposal appea{tocomply with most zoning provisions such as density, GRFA, \
and site coverage.4lowever, the following issues have been noted: \
The Zoning Code requires a lgSetbaq( The proposed addition has about a 5' setback
along lhe west wall and at a-point along the northwest property line. The existing
parking structure is about 7'from the northwest line. Staff is seeking direction as to the
acceptability of a reduced setback in this area.
A. The Zoning Code requires parking spaces be 9' x 19' except that25o/o may be
compact spaces which are allowed to be 8'x 16'. The proposal includes 8 "sub-
compact spaces" which are only 14'4" deep.
B. The 8 employee parking spaces are stacked behind owners'spaces.
C. The Zoning Code requires an additional 59 spaces for the new units. The
proposal is for 25 additional spaces. The existing facility is already deficient by
54 spaces.
Staff recognizes that the proposal does not meet our parking requirements.
However, based on the nature of the use, shuttle service in the village, and the
location of Antlers in relation to the core area, the use may likely generate less
need for parking.
Landscaping: The CC2 Zone requires 20o/o of the site be landscaped. The applicant
argues that the site is about 20% landscaped and that additional land off the property
boundaries is also maintained by the Antlers. Staff has concems that the proposal is
well below lhe 20% on site requirement.
The proposal includes a loading berth within designated parking spaces in the garage,
and within a handicapped parking space in the plaza.
Staff believes that the one required loading space should be designated in the plaza and
not in the garage due to height needs for such vehicles.
Swimming Pool:
A. The existing swimming pool is on Town property and is not being proposed for
relocation. Staff believes there are alternative locations available and that a remodel
of this size should address the pool.
lf it is determined that the pool should remain, staff recommends that a lease be
established with the Town for this improvement.
B. The deck of the existing swimming pool overhangs the bike/ped path and is not
being proposed for modification. This creates a conflict with pedestrians and
Staff believes this issue should be corrected by the applicant as part of this proposal.
Architectural Character:
The applicant has submitted renderings of the proposed architecture for both the
existing building and the addition. Staff has concerns that the proposed architecture
does not meet the standards of the recently adopted Lionshead Master Plan, including a
lack of: stepbacks, variation of materials, sloped roofs, dormers and articulation of walls.
Also, the proposal contains repetitive balconies.
The applicant received direction on architectural quality from both the DRB and the
PEC. The applicant did make modifications to the design, but staff believes the
changes are minor and do not fully address the concerns raised by the DRB and the
Title12, Chapter 9 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code provides for the establishment of
Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section '12-94-1, the
purpose of a Special Development District is,
"To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to
promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of
the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical
provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of
open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in
the Vail Gomprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Special
Development District, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district,
shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property
included in the Special Development District."
The Municipal Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal
criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. lt shall be
the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed
development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one
or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public
interest has been achieved. This criteria is provided for your information. Staff will fully
evaluate these criteria upon final plan development.
A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood
and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building
height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation.
B. Uses, activigl and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable
relationship with surrounding uses and activity.
C. Gompliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Title 12,
Ghapter 10, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code.
D. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town
policies and Urban Design Plan.
Vail Land Use Plan
The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy
guidelines during the review process of establishing or amending Special Development
Districts. Staff has reviewed the Vail Land Use Plan and believes the following policies
are relevant to the review of this proposal:
1. GeneralGrowth/Development
1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a
balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve
both the visitor and the permanent resident.
1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural
resources should be protected as the Town grows.
1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgrade whenever
1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing
developed areas (infi ll).
4. Residential
5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private
efforts, assisted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with
appropriate restrictions.
5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the market place demands for
a full range of housing types.
5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded.
Additional employee housing needs should be accommodated at varied
sites throughout the community.
E. ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the
property on which the special development district is proposed.
F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to' produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features,
vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community.
G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on
and off.site traffic circulation.
H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and
preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions.
l. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and
efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development
Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
FAX 970-479-2452
October 6, 1998
Robert LeVine
680 W. Lionshead Pl.
Vail, CO 81657
RE: SDD application for the expansion of the Antlers in Lionshead/680 W. Lionshead Pl./Lot
3, BLK. l, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing
Dear Rob:
The Community Development Department has conducted a preliminary review of the proposed
redevelopment of the Antlers in Lionshead. As you are aware, the Town is in the process of
conoluding the Lionshead Master Planning process. The draft Master Plan will be presented to
the Town Council and the public on October 20, 1998. Staffwill utilize that document to aid in
the review of your redevelopment proposal. Specifically, staffwill utilize the draft design
guidelines which contain standards and guidelines for controlling bulk and mass in the Lionshead
area. A copy ofthis draft has been enclosed for your assistance.
The following is a list of additional submittal items that are necessary for reviewing this project as
v,ll as prelirninary comments on the design and site planning of this redevelopment project. Due
to the nature and conplexity of these iszues, staffis recommending that any worksession on this
itembe postponed until you have anple opportunity to address tbese issues.
Additional Submittals
L Please provide a building height analysis in order to demonstrate conpliance with the draft
design guidelines. This analysis should be shown graphically on the building elevations and a
roofplan for the development. The design guidelines provide the detail necessary to complete
this requirc.,..-^:'
2. Please provide a visual simulation and massing model of the development. This analysis
should show this building in context of the neighboring buildings and land uses. Photo
overlays or sirnufartions witl aitl in the review of this project and help the PEC and Council to
visualize the project.
3. Please provide a tramc study which addresses all turning movements fi'om all entrances and
exits as well as the overall effect of the increased density on the roadway system This will
need to be conpleted by a qualified individual.
4. Please provide a title report with schedules A and B for the property.
5. Please provide a copy ofall covenant restrictions affecting the property.
6. Please provide a sun/shade analysis ofthe project. This analysis should be conducted in
accordance with the major exterior alteration criteria of the CC2 zone district. Please note
that your application will also need to be amended to include a major exterior alteration.
7. Please provide a report analyzing the utility capacity requirements in the area of the Antlers.
There may be deficiencies in the electric transformers that serve this immediate area.
8. Please provide an indication ofthe total lot area ofthe Antlers. The note on the survey is not
9. Please provide an indication ofthe sizes of existing dwelling units in the tower. This is needed
to properly analyze the parking requirements for the building.
10. Are you proposing to deed restrict the Enployee Housing? These would need to be deed
restricted as Tlpe III EHUS per code.
Comments on design and site planning
l. While changes have been made in an attemDt to respond to the comments of the PEC, Town
Council and the DRB. staffbelieves the proposed design does not go far enough to respond to
the design issues. These Boards were conr::'iicd with the overall design and massing of the
building. The repetitive balconies, the use ofexterior corridors accessing roonn, the shallow
roof slope, the lacr of useable space in the roof and lack of true dormers were all very clear
issues. The changes that you have made to the plan are minor changes to the eve line by
providing "eyebrows" over the balconies.
The building needs to move in and out in a meaninofirl wnv r.'irh building steo backs. The roof
pitcir should be changed in order to add domrers and program within the roof. It may be
necessary to change the sizes and shapes of the dwellins r'-i+" i6 order to create interest in the
oulromg lrass. Y ou may not be able to use one standard size unit, repeated over ano tl v c1 .
The proposed design still continues to promote the poor design of the existing buildinss in
Lionshead which were designed in the early 1970's. Staffunderstands your concem about
movjng too far from the existing design on-site, but if we are to effect real change in
Lionshead, property owners are going to need to be very creative about the redevelopment.
Additionally, the modifications to the existing building need to be more substantial. You need
to consider irnproving the fagade and roof in order to more closely comply with the proposed
design guidelines. The inprovements to the existing building need to also be clearly shown on
the proposed plans. Please consider a new design consistent rvith the Lionshead Master Plan
design guidelines and the input you received from the Town Boards.
Please show more clearly on the plan how pedestrians interface with this development.
Consider both the circulation of the pedestrian along the roadway and how pedestrians will
enter and exit this project. Please indicate the type of proposed paver material, whether it is
proposed to be heated (hrghly recommended due to shading that will occur), and how the
irprovements connect with adjacent improvements.
The internal courtyard improvemdnts will need to be heated in order to deal with icing and
snow. If you intend to utilize the heat from the garage to heat this area, a report from an
engineer will be necessary to validate this approach.
Please show the fire department access and staging area for this development. You may want
to meet with the Fire Marshall, Mike McGee (479-2135),to determine what specific needs
may be necessary.
All of the parking spaces on this development are undersized. Our parking standards require
surface parking spaces to be 9' x 19'. Enclosed or structured spaces may be 9' x 18'. Our
standards also allow 25Yo ofthe required spaces to be conpact spaces and signed as such.
Corrpact spaces may be 8' x 16'. All of the spaces you are proposing are smaller than our
requirements. Staffstrongly recommends meeting these rninimums and not requesting a
deviation from these requirements. Most of the vehicles which are utilized in this area tend to
be on the larger size, such as vans and suburbans, which will not be able to utilize the size of
spaces that you are proposing. Additionally, drive aisles where parking exists need tu bc 24'
in width and the access ramps need to be a minirrum of 22' wide. Minimumheight clearance
nnrst be 7'. Please revise the plan accordingly.
Please show the proposed slopes of the ramps within the structure.
Please provide a written description of how your tandemparkins will be utilized and cperate.
fue you proposing any inprovements to the riparian corridor? Staffbelieves the existing
pool, ' -i- .. l-;;i;d o;. l- . .--yutlt olr.'.l..l Le removed or rerocated elsewhere vrithin
the boundaries ofthis property. Where it exists today, it causes a dangerous conflict with the
hike path/stream walk. Ycii uray also want to consider coordinating with Li'. iviariott and
developing a joint facility.
9. You will need to coordinate yr.rur improvements in total with that of the Mariott. They are
also proposing to redevelop and it is necessary to make sure these plans function well
together, especially as it relates to pedestrian access.
10. Drainage on the project will need to be properly planned. Civil drawings will be required
before a DRB approval.
11. Please show clearly how loading and delivery will be handled at this site. Also clearly show
how the trash facilities will be accessed and screened. This may require an understanding of
tuming radii and truck clearances for various vehicles accessing the site. This analysis must
also be included in the traffc study, prepared by a qualified consultant.
r2. What is the proposed use of the new redwood deck? The landscaping proposed on-site is
fairly limited. It may be necessary to utilize this area for trees and other plantings. Please
provide a calculation of the existing and proposed landscape area. The Lionshead Master Plan
proposes to keep the existing site coverage (70%) and landscape area Q0%) standards of the
CC2 zone district.
These comments represent the preliminary comments of the Town of Vail staff Once additional
submittals are provided more detailed comments may be produced. These comments were not
intended to "blind-side" you, but instead, intended to give you meaningful and constructive
direction in the development of your plans. I hope you will take this direction as well as the
direction given to you by the Town Council, PEC and DRB and develop a project which sets the
standard for redevelopment in Lionshead.
If you have any questions or want to setup a meaning to discuss these issues, please call me at
Sin;qrely, ltl \ n A ^"iK[M*:;.]cChief of Planning
C:Greg Hall, Town Engineer
Mike McGee, Fire Marshall
Jeff Hunt. Senior Planner
Planning and Environmental Gommission
Community Development Department
July 13, 1998
A requestfor a worksesslon of a major exterior alteration in CC2 and the
establishment of a Special Development District for the Antlers at Vail, located at
680 W. Lionshead Pl./ Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing.
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine
Planner: Dominic Mauriello
Attached is preliminary proposal by the Antlers Condominium Association. The applicant is
seeking preliminary input from the PEC regarding potential Special Development District and
major exterior alteration applications for the Antlers property.
The applicant will be making a presentation to the PEC and is hoping to gain some insight about
the direction they are heading.
No decisions are being requested of the PEC at this time.
To: Town of Vail PEC, DRB and Town Council
From: Robert LeVine, General Manager
Date: 7/1/98
Subject Antlers 2000 / Gondominium Rentals
Like the Town of Vail, we want to insure that any new condominiums will be
actively rented. While not sure how to guarantee that outcome, we are confident
that we can effect it. We think our history proves that.
Currently 69 out of the 70 Antlers units are actively rented. In the past twenty
years there have never been more than two units which were not in the rental
program. Last year our paying occupancy was 56% and total occupancy with
owners, guests and comps was 61%. Those numbers have been generally very
steady, although increasing slightly over the years. This has not happened by
accident. We have taken several measures to insure the rental of our
condominiums, and plan to do the same with the new units.
Perhaps most important is the association's decision to set the condominium fees
(fixed costs) relatively high and the rental split relatively low. That split is currently
640/olo the owner and 36% to the association. Someone who doesn't rent their unit
has only the high fixed costs, but those who do rent see their fees offset with a
higher percentage of the rental income. This scenario tends to attract buyers who
are generally interested in renting their units from the outset. There has been
discussion by our board of directors about returning even more of the rental
dollars to the owners, and increasing regular assessments stillfurther.
Almost every Antlers owner uses their unit during the course of the year. Many of
them let friends and family use it extensively. We encourage that use. Despite the
fact that the association gets no income from it, we recognize the utility of that
usage and the important role it plays in their total satisfaction as an owner. Doing
otherwise might discourage their willingness to rent their condominium the rest of
the time.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 rnx (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
Maintenance costs and housekeeping fees are extremely reasonable to those
owners who rent their units. We charge a maximum of $20 per hour for our
maintenance staff time, including modest electrical, plumbing and even some
remodeling work. For housekeeping, owners pay just a $29 check-outfee when
they stay in their unitfor a week. They getfulldaily maid service at no charge-
Similarly priced services are not offered to those who don't participate in the
rental program.
Something happened recently which demonstrates our association's
commitmentto a strong rentalprogram. You need to understand thatthe
Antlers has a twenty day right-of-first-refusal period during which any existing
owner (or group of owners) can match the terms and conditions of a bona fide
offer and in effect "steal" a contract from a prospective condominium buyer.
Last year someone contracted to buy an Antlers one-bedroom condominium for
$230,000. They made it clear that they did not intend to rent the unit. Within two
weeks an LLC was formed and twenty-four existing Antlers owners agreed to put
in $10,000 each. Their intent was to buy the unit just to keep it in the rental
program. One of those owners then agreed to buy the unitthemselves and keep
it as a rental. They ultimately did so, but the LLC exists today and most of those
owners are still prepared to act if necessary.
The projected price point on our new units is $425 per square foot. While this
certainly seems high, ifs not too much more than the $368 price of the last
Antlers sale. We think that recent prices of six and eight hundred dollars per
foot in Vail Village attract a clientele less inclined to renttheir units. While we
expect the new Antlers units to be better quality than the existing units, they will
at least be in the same league; nicer than anything else in Lionshead, but not
"trophy home" material, if you know what I mean.
Our understanding is that requiring someone to rent their unit gets onto very
shaky legal ground. We have been told that doing so would require us to
register with the SEC and sell these units as securities. lf the Town of Vail can
help us figure out a way to guarantee their rental, we would be anxious to
cooperate. However, short of that, we hope you understand that we have the
very same vested interest as the Town in keeping all of our condominiums as
"live beds". We willdo everything we can to make sure that happens.
Demolish existing parking structure (this includes entry foyer, lobby,
some offices and all meeting facilities)
Rebuild parking structure with 114 spaces (currently 70 spaces)
Construct new lobby/reception area, offices and allconference facilities
Construct 24 new condominiums (for sale)
Gonstruct 7 units of employee housing (for rent)
Replace all siding and railings on existing building to match exterior of new
Fire sprinkler for entire existing building (in addition to new construction)
Allowable under
current zoning
Existing Proposed
Parking ')70 spaces 114 spaces
(106 covered)
Dwelling units 26 72 96
EHU's 0 ltrro existing
employee units are not
doed restricted)
GRFA 36,000 55,638 87,088 (not
countinq 3.500 EHU)
48 feet 80 feet (?)Unchanged
Gommon Area N/A 10,000 (approximate)14,520
Elevators N/A 1 2
Fire sprinkler N/A None Full
Sidins Not T-111 T-111 Stucco
Benefits to the Town of Vail
Seven additional units of employee housing - on site
Eliminate parking lot "eyesore" - parking goes underground
lmproved appearance from Lionshead Place
lmproved exterior finish of existing building from all directions
lncreased "live" beds
U pgraded conference facilities
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (97O) 476-2471 rex (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
To: Town of Vail DRB
From: Robert LeVine, General Manager
Subject: Antlers 2OOO lDesign Considerations
Like the Town of Vail, we desperately want to improve the aesthetics in our little corner of
Lionshead. One of our initial motivations for the whole Antlers 2000 project was simply to
dress up the building.
We have wrestled with the desire to move as architecturally far away from our existing
building as possible (for obvious reasons), yet the hope that the end result would not
appear as two separate properties. We welcome the fact that whatever exterior finish
goes on the new structure (stucco & stone?) will be retrofitted over the existing building as
well. The prospect of ridding ourselves of T-111 forever is a joyous one ... we knew you'd
like that too.
In addition to the existing T-111, the rest of the current exterior is made up of exposed
aggregate. Since that cannot functionally be changed, our hope is to match its color and
incorporate the texture of the round rocks, albeit much larger, with a river rock facia
similar to that found on the new gondola building.
We realize that our proposed roof pitch is less than that suggested by the Lionshead
masterplan, but our intentions to make the new structure "fit" with the old one directed us
to match the existing 2112 piIch. Eliminating our parking lot "front door" is clearly a huge
improvement, and we have tried to incorporate the "entry gate" theme from the
masterplan recommendations.
As you approach the building driving south on Lionshead Circle, the new structure will
(happily) almost completely hide the existing building behind it. However, since the
existing building is still about nine feet taller than the new construction, the skyline will not
be changed until you get pretty close to the Antlers.
Thanks very much for your time, we're looking forward to working with you through the
process and coming up with a product that wilt be a huge improvement for us as well as for
Lionshead and the town.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (97O) 476-2471 rnx (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
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i SHEET INDEX':, - ":i
Antlers Redevelopment
Open Space and Recreational Plan
Open Space:
The proposed Antlers redevelopment should not have any impact on open space per se.
The entire site coverage of the new structure is currently an unattractive, surface parking
For over twenty years the Antlers has maintained the Town of Vail tract located just east
of the property. Trees and sod were planted in the early seventies. A sprinkler system
was installed shortly after that. All lawn care and plant maintenance has been at the
Antlers' expense. Likewise, the lawn and flower beds adjacent to the bike path just south
of the building have been planted and maintained by the Antlers. Much of that is also on
public property. The Condominium Association would be happy to make a commitment
to continue this practice in the future.
Recreation Plan:
Since 1992 the Antlers has had an ongoing agreement with the Vail Recreation District.
The Antlers provides housing at no charge to the District whenever there is a need;
whether for camp coaches, tournament referees, special events or job applicants. In
exchange for this, the Antlers guests and owners enjoy free access to some of the
District's facilities such as the Lionshead tennis courts, public skating at Dobson lce
Arena and the Nature Center.
There are some limits to availability on both sides, but in the past seven years the Antlers
has provided 745 nights of complimentary lodging under this program. The retail value of
that lodging has been $105,320. This is a classic case of a "win-win", public/private
partnership. By using excess capacity at little or no cost to the Rec. District, the Antlers
has been able to promote a free benefit for its guests. Those visitors have enjoyed and
utilized recreation amenities that they otherwise may not have, adding to their overall Vail
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 rax (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
The Rec. District has been able to save significant funds that they can presumably put
back into programs and infrastructure, which in tum provides a better experience for
everyone. The Antlers has committed significant time, energy and money into the
promotion of this program, and has no intentions of letting it drop.
Although entertainment and education may not fall under the strict definition of
"recreation", we think that they too, are an integral part of the Vail experience for both
guests and residents. The 745 nights of complimentary housing provided to the
Recreation District pale in comparison to the cumulative amount given to a plethora of
other organizations in the Vail Valley. These include, but are not limited to:
Echo Ranch
Vail Tomorrow
Trout Unlimited
Bravo! Colorado
Ducks Unlimited
VailArts Festival
Yail Jazz Foundation
Jimmy Huega Center
The Resource Center
VailValley Foundation
Vail Recreation District
Better Business Bureau
Vail Community Theatre
Drug Free Eagle County
Vail / Eagle Valley Rotary
Vail Valley Tourism Bureau
Colorado Children's Chorale
Vail International Dance Festival
Lift Your Spirits in the Vail Valley
Lionshead Merchants Association
Eagle Valley Friends of the Dance
Eagle Valley Family Assistance Fund
Vail Valley Business/Education Alliance
While it may not be possible to make everlasting firm commitments to each of these
programs, the Antlers has a distinguished twenty-six year history of ongoing community
involvement. This is not going to change, although the additional units associated with
the proposed redevelopment will help allow that support to grow even more in the future.
under current
zoninq (CCll)
Existing Proposed
Parking .,70 spaces 114 spaces
(106 covered)
Dwelling units 30 72 96
EHU's 0 (two existing
employee units are
not deed restricted)
7 units
@ 500 s.f.
GRFA 41,912s.1.55,638 s.f.87,088 s.f. (not
countinq 3,500 EHU)
48 feet 80 feet (?)Unchanged
Gommon Area
(lobby, offices,
hallways, stairwells,
conference space,
storaqe, etc.)
N/A 10,000 s.f.
14,520 s.f,
Site Goverage 36,673 42,000
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (97O) 476-2471 rnx (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
September 14, 1998
The proposed redevelopment of the Antlers Condominiums has become known as
"Antlers 2000'. lts sole purpose is to bring our property up to the standards of the
coming century, both in terms of the aesthetics that Vail deserves and the
functionality that our visitors expect. A summary of the project includes:
Demolish the existing parking structure (this includes the entry foyer, lobby,
some offices and all meeting facilities)
Rebuild the parking structure with 106 underground spaces
Construct an attractive motor court with B short term parking spaces for arrival,
drop-off, van pick-up, etc.
Construct all new lobby/reception area, offices and conference facilities
Construct 24 new condominiums (for sale) with a mixture of two, three
and four bedrooms
Construct 7 units of employee housing (for rent)
Replace all siding and railings on the existing building to match the exterior
of the new construction
lnstall fire suppression sprinklers throughout the existing building, as well as
the new construction
Like much of Lionshead, the Antlers was built in 1972 by developers looking to make
a quick buck. Attention to quality and detail is generally absent in both the
architecture, as well as the building infrastructure. While it may be possible to assess
the ownership over time for all of the essential improvements, most likely those
assessments would turn out to be "band-aids" for the worst elements of the property,
without significant enhancements being made. They would most likely take place
piecemeal over time, and would certainly not effect meaningful strides toward the
implementation of the Lionshead masterplan.
As one example of this, without the complete redevelopment plan, the Condominium
Association needs to spend $500,000 on the parking structure just to extend its
useful life 10 - 15 more years. This would be a substantial commitment from the
owners, with absolutely no visual or functional improvement to the property. By
comparison, Antlers 2000 will result in virtually allof the parking going underground,
yielding much improved aesthetics for the entire neighborhood.
Another example of the benefit associated with larger redevelopment is the ability to
incorporate a meaningful number of employee housing units into the project. This
just won't happen without the sales of additional units to subsidize their cost.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (97O) 476-2471 rnx (97O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
Our hope is to start construction in the spring of 1999. In order to do that we must
begin the Town of Vail entitlement process now. We have been prepared to submit
our application for some time, but have been waiting for completion of the Lionshead
masterplan. We regret that we must begin the process now, under the Special
Development District guidelines; but sincerely hope that our project will meet all of
the eventual criteria of the masterplan. We would like nothing better than to convert
our application from an SDD to one of "conforming use" if and when the completed
masterplan will accommodate it.
There are currently 70 individually owned condominiums in the Antlers. The
redevelopment would increase that number to 94. There will also be seven new
employee housing units on site. Other than those two changes, the nature and uses
of the property will be identical to today's. The common areas will obviously be much
improved, which we expect to help increase our short-term rental business.
The anticipated construction schedule has parking lot demolition in late April, 1999.
The building will be closed to rentals for seven months. By next December we
expect to have the parking lot completed, as well as the new lobby and offices. The
superstructure of the new condominiums will be complete and hopefully under roof.
That will enable us to re-open for hotel operations, although with the appropriate
forewarning to our guests that the property is still under construction. The new units,
the conference facilities and the employee housing will all be completed between
December, 1999 and Ju|y,2000. Landscaping and allfinal details will be completed
by September, 2000.
In addition to improving the property for our own self interest, we firmly believe that
there are a number of important community benefits associated with Antlers 2000.
These obviously include the improved appearance from every direction and the
creation of on-site employee housing. Less tangible, but perhaps even more
important is having someone to show the rest of Lionshead that large scale
redevelopment is in fact possible. Condominium associations make up eighty
percent of Lionshead. lt is absolutely daunting to them to consider this type of
project. lf we really hope to see significant improvements to Lionshead, it will help to
have someone set the example. We at the Antlers would like to be that example.
To: Town of Vail Staff, PEC, DRB and Town Council
From: Robert LeVine, General Manager
Subject Antlers 2O0O lCondominium Rentals
Like the Town of Vail, we want to insure that any new condominiums will be actively
rented. While not sure how to guarantee that outcome, we are confident that we can effect
it. We think our history proves that.
Currently 69 out of the 70 Antlers units are actively rented. In the past twenty years there
have never been more than two units which were not in the rental program. Last year our
paying occupancy was 56% and total occupancy with owners, guests and comps was
61%. Those numbers have been generally very steady, although increasing slightly over
the years. This has not happened by accident. We have taken several measures to
insure the rental of our condominiums, and plan to do the same with the new units.
Perhaps most important is the association's decision to set the condominium fees (fixed
costs) relatively high and the rental split relatively low. That split is currently 64% to the
owner and 36% to the association. Someone who doesn't rent their unit has only the high
fixed costs, but those who do rent see their fees offset with a higher percentage of the
rental income. This scenario tends to attract buyers who are generally interested in renting
their units from the outset. There has been discussion by our board of directors about
returning even more of the rental dollars to the owners, and increasing regular
assessments still further.
Almost every Antlers owner uses their unit during the course of the year. Many of them let
friends and family use it extensively. We encourage that use. Despite the fact that the
association gets no income from it, we recognize the utility of that usage and the important
role it plays in their total satisfaction as an owner. Doing otherwise might discourage their
willingness to rent their condominium the rest of the time.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (9701 476-2471 rnx (S7O) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
Maintenance costs and housekeeping fees are extremely reasonable to those owners who
rent their units. We charge a maximum of $20 per hour for our maintenance staff time,
including modest electrical, plumbing and even some remodeling work. For housekeeping,
owners pay just a $29 check-out fee when they stay in their unit for a week. They get full
daily maid service at no charge. Similarly priced services are not offered to those who
don't participate in the rental program.
Something happened recently which demonstrates our association's commitment to a
strong rental program. You need to understand that the Antlers has a twenty day right-of-
first-refusal period during which any existing owner (or group of owners) can match the
terms and conditions of a bona fide offer and in effect "steal" a contract from a prospective
condominium buyer.
Last year someone contracted to buy an Antlers one-bedroom condominium for $230,000.
They made it clear that they did not intend to rent the unit. Within two weeks an LLC was
formed and twenty-four existing Antlers owners agreed to put in $10,000 each. Their
intent was to buy the unitTusf to keep it in the rental program. One of those owners then
agreed to buy the unit themselves and keep it as a rental. They ultimately did so, but the
LLC exists today and most of those owners are still prepared to act if necessary.
The projected price point on our new units is $425 per square foot. While this certainly
seems high, it's not too much more than the $368 price of the last Antlers sale. We think
that recent prices of six and eight hundred dollars per foot in Vail Village attract a clientele
not inclined to rent their units. While we expect the new Antlers units to be befter quality
than the existing units, they will at least be in the same league; nicer than anything else in
Lionshead, but not "trophy home" material.
Our understanding is that requiring someone to rent their unit gets onto very shaky legal
ground. We have been told that doing so would require us to register with the SEC and
sell these units as securities. lf the Town of Vail can help us figure out a way to do it, we
would be more than happy to cooperate. However, short of that, we hope you understand
that we have the very same vested interest as the Town in keeping all of our
condominiums as "live beds". We will do everything we can to make sure that happens.
To:Town of VailStaff, DRB, PEC and Town Council
From: Robert LeVine, General Manager
Subject: Antlers 2000 | Design Considerations
Like the Town of Vail, we desperately want to improve the aesthetics in our little corner
of Lionshead. Indeed, our initial motivation for the whole Antlers 2000 project was
simply to dress up the building.
We have wrestled with the desire to move as architecturally'far away from our existing
building as possible (for obvious reasons), yet the hope that the end result would not
appear as two separate properties. We welcome the fact that whatever exterior finish
goes on the new structure (stucco & stone?) will be retrofifted over the existing building
as well. The prospect of ridding ourselves of T-1 1 1 forever is a joyous one ... we knew
you'd like that too.
In addition to the existing T-111, the rest of the current exterior is made up of exposed
aggregate. Since that cannot functionally be changed, our hope is to match its color
and incorporate the texture of the round rocks, albeit much larger, with a river rock
fagade similar to that found on the new gondola building.
We realize that our proposed roof pitch is less than that suggested by the Lionshead
masterplan, but our intentions to make the new structure "fit" with the old one directed
us to match the existing 3/12 pitch. In response to initial feedback, we have now
incorporated dormers into the roof form in order to increase the interest and articulation.
680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 476-2471 rnx (970) 476-4146 antlers@csn.net
Eliminating our parking lot "front door" is clearly a huge improvement, and we have tried
to incorporate the "entry gate" theme from the masterplan recommendations. As you
approach the building driving south on Lionshead Circle, the new structure will (happily)
almost completely hide the existing building behind it. However, since the existing
building is still about nine feet taller than the new construction, the skyline will not be
changed until you get quite close to the Antlers,
Initial reaction to our plans has been generally positive. However, there have been
some suggestions that we need to move even further away from any elements of the
existing building. We would then need to incorporate more changes to the older part in
order to make it all cohesive. While these goals are admirable, I beg you to consider
the difficulty in gaining the necessary consensus from a condominium association. I
certainly don't mean to suggest compromising our objectives in any way. However, I
hope you agree that significant improvement, while perhaps shy of perfection, is still far
better than the status quo.
Thanks very much for your time, we're looking forward to working with you through the
process and building a product that will be a huge improvement for us as well as for
Lionshead and the Town of Vail.
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From Lionshead Place looking south as if driving down the street
From Lionshead Place looking south as if driving down the street
From Bwana face looking north
From Born Free looking northwest
From Lionshead Place looking south
View from gondola looking west
View from Born Free
View from Skier's Bridge
View from bike path behind Lionsquare Lodge looking west
View from bike pathJdiry east
View from Marriott looking south
View from Marriott looking south
View from Marriott's pool
._t_.r, .rt tl lll
1..\' -- ,' 6goWes Lionshead place O O
Vail, Colorado Al 657
Lion Square Lodge
660 W. Lionshead Pl
Vail, GO 81657
680 West Lionshead Place
Vail, Colorado 81657
Marriott Mountain Resort
715 W. Lionshead Circle
Vail, GO 8{657
680 West Lionshead Place
Vail, Colorado 81657
641 W. Lionshead Cir
Vail, CO 81657
NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on October 12, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In
consideration of:
A request for additional GRFA, utilizing iie 250 ordinance, to allow for a residential addition,
focated al 1522 Buffehr Creek Rd. / The Valley Condos #A-26.
Applicant: Sherman Miller, represented by Barbara Duncan & Mike PerkinPlanner: Jeff Hunt
A request for a worksession to discuss ihe establishment of a Special Development District, to
allow for a commercial expansion, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1,
r rLionshead Third Filing.
{7lpplicant: Antlers Condominium Associalion, represented by Robert LeVineI Planner: Dominic Mauriello
A joint meeting with the Design Review Board to review and provide a final recommendation on
the Lionshead Master Plan.
Applicant: Town of VailPlanner; Dominic Mauriello, represenling lhe Lionshead Master Plan Team
The applicaiions and information about the proposals are available for public inspeclion during
regular office hours in the project planneis office located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road.
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-
2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information.
Community Development Department
Published September 25, 1998 in the Vail Trail.
NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on February 22,1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In
consideration of:
A request for a rezoning of property located in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Area,
in accordance with the attached map to a new zone district entitled Lionshead Mixed Use
District 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use District 2 District, (including, Vail International, Lodge at
Lionshead-Phases l-lll, Tree Tops, Lionshead Center, Lionshead Arcade, Vail 21 , Lion's Pride
Building, Vantage Point, Lifthouse Condominiums, Westwinds, Sunbird Lodge, Gondola
Building, Landmark Condominiums, Landmark Townhomes, North Day Lot, Lionsquare Lodge,
Lionsquare North, Montaneros, Concert Hall Plaza, Antlers, Maniott, Enzian, Vail Glo Lodge,
Lionshead Inn, Vail Spa, West Day Lot, VA Maintenance Yard and the Amoco Station) and a
rezoning of the Lionshead parking structure trom Parking District to General Use .
Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello
A request for the establishment of new zone districts entitled Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District
and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 District (Title 12, Zoning), in order to implement the Lionshead
Redevelopment Master Plan.
Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello
A request lor a renewal of (and an amendment to) an existing conditional use permit at the
Lionshead Miniature Golf Course, located at a portion of Tract B & D, Vail Lionshead 1-' Filing.
Applicant: Charlie AlexanderPlanner: Jetf Hunt
A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 7 (The Marriott Hotel), to
allow for the construction of the Gore Creek Club and a remodel to the existing hotel, located at
714 Lionshead Circle / Maniott Mark.
Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, lnc., represented by East-West Partners
Planner: George Ruther
A request for a final review ol a proposed locker room expansion to- lhe Dobson lce Arena,
locatbd at 321 E. Lionshead Cirile[ot 1, Block 1, vail Li6nshead 2nd Filing.
Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther
A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 36, to allow for a
I commercial expansion, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place/ Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead Third
' Applicant:
Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine
Jetf Hunt
J- "ft{\)l+/,J
A request for a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, to
amend Section 6 of Ordinance #12, Series of 1997 to clarity a condition of the Ordinance,
focated at242E. Meadow Drive/ Part of Tract C, Block 5D, Vail Village 1s Filing.
Applicant: Bill Sullivan, representing the Austria Haus Development GroupPlanner: George Ruther
A request for a worksession to discuss an amendment to Special Development District No. 4
(Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office BuiEing site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage
Road WesULot 54, Glen Lyon SuMivision.
Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnerchip, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello
A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail Municipal
Code, to allow for site coverage in excess of 20Y" and a variance from Section 1 2-6D-6 (Front
Setbacks) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the front
setback on a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lot 9,
Block 1, Vail Village First Filing.
Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt Architects
Planner: Allison Ochs
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular otfice hours in the proiect planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road.
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-
2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, forinformation.
Community Development Department
Published February 5, 1998 in the Vail Trail.
Qr,, rrEM MAY AFFEcr rou* ,rof*r,
NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 ol the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vailon June 14, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln
consideration of:
A request for a worksession of a proposal to amend the Town's "Public Accommodation Zone
District," Chapter 7 and amendments to Chapter 15, Gross Besidential Floor Area (GRFA),
Town of Vail MunicipalCode.
Applicant: Johannes Faessler, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.
Planner: George Ruther
A request for a major exterior alteration and variance for the number of required parking spaces,
to allow for a residential expansion of 24 new condominiums, and 7 new employee housing
units, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the Antlers)/ Lot 3, Block 1,
Lionshead Third Filing.
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVinePlanner: George Ruther
A request for a Type ll EHU, located at 381 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd
Applicant: Wand B. Development LLC, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello
A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion and loading dock addition,to
the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2""
Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther
The applications and information about the proposals are avaihbb for public inspection during
regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road.
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-
2356, Telephone lor the Hearing lmpaired, for information.
Community Development Department
Published May 28, 1999 in the Vail Trail.
NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of
Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the
Town of Vail on June 28, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. In
consideration of:
A request for the establishment of Special Development District No. 37 (Antlers), to allow for the
construction of 24 new condominiums, 7 new employee housing units and a new parking
structure level, located at 680 W. Lionshead Place (the Antlers)/ Lot 3, Block 1,
Lionshead Third Filing.
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine
Planner: George Ruther
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular otfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community
Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road.
Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-
2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information.
Community Derrelopment Department
PuUished June 16, 1999 in the DailyTrail.
A request for the establishment of special Development District No. 37 (Antlers), to allow for the
construction of 24 new condominiums, 7 new employee housing ynitl alg a new parking
irtucirre fe"er, n""t O af egg w. Lionbhead Place (ihe Antlers)/ Lot 3, Block 1'
Lionshead Third Filing'
Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association, represented by Robert LeVine
Pidnner: George Ruther
The applications and inlormation about the p{gposals are available for public inspection during
reoutar office hours in t#ffii;;iilffi#; StiiFiocated at the Town df Vail communitv
ijeVeGpmenl oepartment, 7l sotittr Frontage Road'
Sign language interpretation avaihble upon-request with 24 hour notification' Please call 479-
is-5e,ie-lep6one foi the Hearing lmpairild, for information'
Communitv Development Departrnent
FuOtisneOiune 11, 1999 in the Vail Trail'
NorlcE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town ofvail will hold a public hearins in icCoroaniJ ;irh* 5tci6;12-5-6;ifi;iilunicipat code or the
Hffig1"yrt""J,June 28, rgbg, af-oo F.rr,r-. ili'ine rritiii&-vairull,ilip'ar guiroing. ln
A request for a variance from Se-ction 12-5D-5, to allow for a building encroachment into a rearsetbach tocated ar 2657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, ebcfD, VaiiBff;. "" "'^
Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs
A request for a minor subdivision, to vacate a common lot line creating a new lot, located at5166 Btack Gore Drive / Lots 4 and 5, brock r, aore creel b;ffi;'ffi.'
Applicant: A&GDevelopmentpartnersPlanner: Brent Wilson
A request for a side setback variance, from Section 12-60-6, to allow for a bathroom and closetaddition, rocared atz4z7 chamonix Ln. / Lot 21, Brock A, vah Das s;nine t*
Applicant: John and Karen BergeyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello
A request for a rear setback variance, from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a deck enclosure,focated at 2038 Sunburst.Driv e / Lot 17, Vait Vailey ga. -- -'
Appricant: B. R- and Roxanne Boniface, represented by Lesrie Davis of RDCPlanner: Allison Ochs
4 Legugst for a minor suMivision, to vacate common lot lines to create a new tot, located at2477 , 2lf,5, 2487 , 2497 Garmisch / Lots 1-4, Brock H, vair oaJscnonl *1.
Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Nina TimmPlanner: Allison Ochs
A request for a conditional uge permit, to allow for the construction of a Type ll employeehousing unir, rocated ar 265 Foresr Road / Lot zr, ero.k-2, viir viihlrie'hring.
Applicant: Lawrence.Flinn, represented by Mitchell Studio, LLCPlanner: Allison Ochs
A request for a final recommendation to the Vail rown Councit of the Development StandadsHandbook.
Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs
A request for a variance from section 12-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Municipal code, to allow foran encroachment into the required side and front setbacks, tocaieo iibo'bi Berftower Drive /Lot 9, Block 6, Vait Intermouritain.
Applicant: Mr. Guillermo HuertaPlanner: George Ruther