HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS COMMON ADDITION PARKINGoot I l( Redwine-Reiian Inc. Structutal Engineers 1 51 5 Arapahoe Street, Suite 1 300 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 575-9510 phone (303) 575-951 5 fax Dam'ooot;;';:*!'T*'ooots o*' oo(fnrilQ Ddno t'esfr) March 1, 2000 99109 - Antlers at Vail Date Received HAR 13 2000 STRUCTU RAL CALCU LATI ONS for Antlers at Vail Gondominium Addition and Parking Structure Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado for Havekost + Associates 1121 Grant Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Tcxi-r c'i ',1;''1 GfFitil u i'Y I l I I t j I T I i t t I I 0150 East Bsaver Creek Blvd. 4204 Avon, CO 81620 - P.O. Box 8009 (9701 748{71 1 phone l97Ol 748-0722lax I T I Redwine-Reizian Inc. Structural Engineers TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM Tvoical Floor ing Walls, Load Rundown Site Walls Gravitv Foundations 1515 Arapahoe Street, Suite 130O Denver, CO 80202 (3031 575-9510 phone l?n3l q7c-oq 1q r. '- o 99109 - Antlers at Vail 0150 East Beaver Creek Blvd. 4204 Avon, CO 81 620 - P.O. Box 8009 (97O) 748-0711 phone I t T I l I' I I t I t t I I o 1, o Antlers at Vail Condominium Addition and Parking Structure Structural Calculations Design Criteria I I t I I t 7 I I I I I I I t I t I I l Redwine-Reizian Inc. Job no.: 99109 Sheet: 9r18/99 DESIGN CRITERIA Antlers Condominiums, Vail, CO Building departTent Phone number Contact Date Building code/year Snow load Slope reduction alloned Load duration allowed Special snow load ordinances uBcleeT { )A6-Ost Additional for drifting not req'dil>@r-{ Vail (3031479-2138R. , t^/ y1T:li i t' t I I I I I I T l t t t l Appendix Chaptelt6, Pg = ?? psf r Wnd load Speed Exposure Pressurey'height @ Special wind load ordinances Seismic zone Frost depth Balcony loading Additional ordinances or amendments 80 mph B NA psf NAft NA 1 48 inches 100 psf . ,rpvcTur\L tTfEL fr^neo ?rdF ./ ?tSoAtT arlc\sfE ,e^pr'/6 wnLtt^-Ta :c^tAw/?F.Ecfttr lurrte , 8." Lf. DHrv.tNT lr'ALLt stTH l'f' ?LAuA/ PALbt'/4 t 'AE . f\uNgAn|^lt 2 tf'-t^o roo7t^'6t T I 1 I I I Redwine-Reizian Inc. Job no.: 99109 COMPONENT VVEIGHTS ROOF DEAD LOADS - Steel Roof Antlers Gondominiums, Vail, CO RANGE ACTUAL REMARKS Sheet: 9/18t99 ROOFING MATERIALffi 5 - ply Built Up Roofing Tapered Styrofoam Insulation Rigid Insulation Closed Cell Insulation Asphalt Shingles Shake Shingles Light-Heavy Cement Tile Ballast Metal Standing Seam DECK Plywood Metal Deck Decking STRUCTURE Wood Roof Trusses Steel Bar Joists Timber Rafters CEILI NG/MISCELLAN EOUS T-Grid System & Tiles Sheetrock (1/2") Wood Ceiling Joists Resilient Furring Channels Sprinkler System HVAC Ductwork & Lights Batt or Blow-in Insulation 1.5 psf 2.5 psf 0.25 psf/in 1.5 psf/in 0.5 psf/in 2 psf 1.5-3 psf 11psf 6-10 psf 3 psf/in 1.5-3 psf 3-5 psf 2.5-4 psf 1.6-3.2 psf 1.5 psf 3 psf 11 psf 2 psf 2.5 psf 4 psf 2 psf 2.5 psf 0.7 psf 1.5 psf 0.5 psf 3 psf , I I I t I I I I T I ]t 2 psf 2 psf 1 psf 0.7 psf 0.5-1.5 psf 0.5-2.5 psf 0.25 psf/in 34.2 psf 35 psf I I I Redwine-Reizian Inc. Job no.: 99109 COMPONENT WEIGHTS Sheet: 9118r99 ROOF DEAD LOADS - Precast Roof Antlers Condominiums, Vail, CO MNGE ACTUAL REMARKSl I ROOFING MATERIAL EPDM Membrane 5 - ply Built Up Roofing Tapered Styrofoam Insulation Rigid Insulation Closed Cell Insulation Asphalt Shingles Shake Shingles Light-Heavy Cement Tile Ballast Metal Standing a""1,..,, . r'i'r:,DECK /'; Plywood { Lightweight hollowcore - 8' Decking STRUCTURE Wood Roof Trusses Steel Bar Joists Timber Rafters CEI LING/MISCELLANEOUS T-Grid System & Tiles Sheetrock (1/2") Light Gage Ceiling Joists Resilient Furring Channels Spdnkler System HVAC Ductwork & Lights Batt or Blow-in Insulation ;# tbrtr (r'roPn' '/,) 1.5 psf 2.5 psf 0.25 psf/in 1.5 psf/in 0.5 psf/in 2 psf 1.5-3 psf 11psf 6-10 psf 3 psf/in 43 psf 3-5 psf 2.5-4 psf 1.6-3.2 psf 1.5 psf 9 psf 11 psf 2 psf 2.5 psf 'l psf 1.5 psf 0.5 psf 1.5 psf t I I I I I 2 psf 2 psf 1 psf 0.7 psf 0.5-1.5 psf 0.5-2.5 psf 0.25 psf/in Ptr ,,fI TOTAL USE I t I t t t ]t ]{pst q1 00 t I I l I I Redwine-Reizian lnc. Job no.: 99109 COMPONENT WEIGHTS FLOOR DEAD LOADS - Unit Antlers Condominiums, Vail, CO RANGE ACTUAL REMARKS Sheet: 9r't8/99 I I I FTOOR COVERINGffi Linoleum wood Membrane Ceramic or Quarry Tile Hardwood Partitions DECK - r.rywooo Metal Deck Gypcrete Lightweight Concrete Stone Concrete STRUCTURE 3 psf/in 1.5-3.5 psf 8 psf/in 9 psf/in 12 estlin [r''( r' , i:NL- 43 psf Sef!ffir t? 1.5 psf 9 psf 4 psf/in 7-20 psl 2 psf 2 psf 0.7 psf 0.5-1.5 psf 0.5-2.5 psf 1.5 psf psf 7 psf j- ._.u.Si€fit/eight Topping (3.5")* Steel BeamsIGirders and Columns CEILI NG/MISCELLAN EOUS T-Grid System & Tiles Sheetrock (1/2") Resilient Funing Channels Sprinkler System HVAC Ductwork & Lights .nVd 167tf (Nof-n' w r'\ &'?pst tYl. I I I I I t I rF 107 7sf €trcrsanr+eobnnr+_-'7,, F&{4ft r l{,aut-y I I t t I I t I I l I I I I I I I t I Redwine-Reizian Inc. Job no.: 99{09 COMPONENT WEIGHTS Pavers Drainage sand Drainage board Membrane Ceramic or Quarry Tile Hardwood Partitions DECKffi Metal Deck Gypcrete Lightweight Concrete Stone Concrete STRUCTURE P-T Slab Steel Bar Joists Steel Beams Girders and Columns CEI LING/MISCELLANEOUS T-Grid System & Tiles Sheetrock (1/2") Resilient Funing Channels Sprinkler System HVAC Ductwork & Lights FLOOR DEAD LOADS -Plaza Antlers Condominiums, Vail, CO Sheet: 9/18199 ACTUAL REMARKS 12 ppi 9 ppi 1.5 psf 1.5 psf 9 psf 4 psf/in 7-20 pst 3 psf/in 1.5-3.5 psf 8 psf/in 9 psf/in 12 psf/in 12 psf/in 2.5-4 psf 2 psf 2 psf 0.7 psf 0.5-1.5 psf 0.5-2.5 psf 43.5 psf 13.5 psf 1.5 psf '1.5 psf 96 psf 1.5 psf 0.5 psf q6 rt .-ryn l'-6'/ i'"W;i/ f to,, A* ?4oFi fs'7sf{ 158 psf Steel Beams I t t l Redwine-Reizian Inc. Job no.: 99109 LIVE LOAD SUMMARY Antlers Condominiums, Vail, CO CATEGORY DESCRIPTION LOAD REDUCED REMARKS Sheet: 9t18/99 I I I I I I I I t I t I I I Ground snow Roof snow Exit facilities Residential Plaza stairs, corridors basic floor area balconies public access fire truck outrigger planters, etc. b|lB6st no 100 psf no 200 psf no fo p+f to ,1,\'', it-'" on 12" x 20" area actual weight 100 psf no 40 psf yes J00 nsf not, Jzso pst, )o 33,100 |b2 no no Retail Kitchen l"br}rl\|wo* ouol co i^n I t I Redwine-Reizian Inc. Job no.: 99109 Sheet: 9r18/99 WIND LOAD DESIGN CRITERIA Antlers Condominiums, Vail, CO I t I t I I I I I I I l ! I t I Basic Wndspeed (mph): lmportance Factor (lw): Exposure: Roof Pitch: Roof Angle (degrees): Pressure Coefficients (Cq): Wndward Wall; Leeward Wall: \Mndward Root Leeward Root Wall design: Horizontal Wind Pressures in psf 80_>qs= I B 6 t12 26.6 0.8 -0.5 0.3 4.7 't.2 16.4 psf Height (ft)Ce \Mndward Wall Leeward Wall Wndward Roof Leeward Roof Exterior Wall 0-15 20 25 30 40 60 80 100 120 160 200 300 400 o.62 0.67 0.72 0.76 0.84 0.95 1.04 1.13 1.20 1.31 1.42 1.63 1.80 8.13 8.79 9.45 9.97 11.02 12.46 13.64 14.83 15.74 17.19 18.63 21.39 23.62 -5.08 -5.49 -5.90 €.23 €.89 -7.79 -8.53 -9.27 -9.84 -'t0.74 -11.U -13.37 -14.76 3.05 3.30 3.54 3.74 4.13 4.67 5.12 5.56 5.90 6.45 6.99 8.02 8.86 -7.12 -7.69 -8.27 -8.72 -9.64 -10.91 -11.94 -12.97 -'t3.78 -15.04 -16.30 -18.71 -20.66 12.2Q 13.19 14.17 14.96 16.53 18.70 20.47 22.24 23.62 25.78 27.95 32.08 35.42 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I rolrtet ANTI&H nT VftlL robno.,lql|q sheet ol suoiect 5 F-( H lC 0f,4/6/t/ CL/T/*/A ev, R-Jb oate' l(17 Uhc Sf-rf Pllc @Ne| I :) 7-- ,07t tqtL pLoFtLE rlfL : 5- lrutpPrANClL fticroc I- I- = l-Qo rtNFltrul,/iTlg^/: Fr'L Lf-'vr'Lt +- P4tf/5 7fl-otcf UHe E?ie+ioVAili tEt+-r-tt t-4- cq''oI cv = ./7 ,fv/f tol lL FJr'foNlrLco9f f /clriNTT 3 LftTr,n-hL '/rrrqqz (4NcrL. oF4- WAtLt r -- ct (t"^)"1 / -- | = . oi (6 i')',* v-- cvL V9Tf-l z -?z_ Z--9 L-1 L = .t7 (t-o) +t ( - (fc"o) -- L--r C-(I) ( t-0) wl?-s -- .il(.a?)(-o) V :> P= 4'rJL = L-o Te .46 sea2 y*-_ O ttr/'06 t'/ F_ 4.05il V-- , ar t\/ --.0f ( l+, alrL) V = 700 l-'tFl t- I t ffffff-fflT"""Sheet: 9r18r99 t GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CRITERIA. SPREAD FOOTING Antlers Condominiums, Vail, CO II ffinicalEn-grneer- Report Number I RepodDate Footings I Minimum bearing pressure - dead psf I Maximum bearing pressure - dead + live 6000 psf Maximum bearing pressure - M wind or seis. psf I Swell potential range none o/o I Soil modulus (K) - vertical pci Footing depth - exterior 48 in (42 per soils report) - Footing depth - interior 18 in I Recommendations or comments:I temove all existing fitl: reptace & rcGompact: temove rocks > 12" footing 24 x 24 minimum; wallftgs 16' minimum ! t Lateral Earth Pressure At restI ifi:H" Sliding friction coeffcient I Recommendations or comments: I I Slab On Grade Recommendations t place on native or compacted fiil- underdnin with permanent dewatering sysfem I Seismic Site Coefficient I CemenType Recomnenqeot Void required T 35 pcf 50 pcf 300 pcf psf 0.5 1.2 lorll tn I I oo Antlers at Vail Condominium Addition and Parking Stnrcture Structural Calculations Roof Framing TJt r* tlEzAr-t = Ll;tox,z rJ.N.o. ll r -t- i aEFru B+ B4 - JIA . =lh LIPrt? A e foDL It) 14 o bz- z. tAeuul -*r". I Ert JJ.J r,4 a |6h,. b,6Ll \^\> r: ld; l4ls A =lo d rO { rllrrrt! N J*'-,4tlrn eNi t-l' | | rlttll- + - t - +- t. o --l t'.. +/'6' t- i I I I l I I I l I t I I Tt- l+ ,l lTrl lti I'F I I t t l I I t I t I I I I ! I I I I I) I, l.' oo 4 $ |9 .Lbz i) t t: I I I Ii t\ l' l I t/l I l I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I L.!\Dx lz- 3- \o,ol rn3 a= 5?,et\n4 I E;g = Lo gfEEr- FE4ts1e eeV Cats'F+atPbF' llEPSF (o. -carup) Cu2 ) /o = zt,bfr,L tt/\: 23 = Ll,btrT. K I = t=,q -fr'aJ\ A. o,b;" = (s)(.oa)C',)4 (t1zb\ lOqwltza,a)Caa4) llo X rZ ^ 'l= o.b > a.b€ 2-40 al, ts1,,+< LE{\JATII T\E EJT.a-T1Dr.r td.z lJlo x tz = 'E lbL + C.axlr-), IS .ID Job Title: NIT-\-EE> Job no: qq lDq Sheet or I I a +E c,o O I o EtJl "-j' l:j-a:l 6 0rl IJ h \9 l:7a t ''l{ .l Q 'oo $g ' ,u E ['Pu-: F( J \tg :l h! 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I t T t,,l -Hil, t ,l** B c0fi > 0 I At A A v! t,\ N o! ti s b'\ \t a 0 c0 I I I o I I t go EI€fi c I {ir H \\ \ '4s 5 o 3 $ $ $ -Tv si.PtrhoEEgl iti=dEnocr;t r- L <.1 *. _,rtio-.ElEE =oE:E tt J..., $$HG I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I RrSA-2D (R) Version 4'01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc. SEructural Engineers Antlerrs 2*F 6EAI4S Joint No Page: 1 - ^ l- ^ l^^uaEe: Lv/rz/>> FilE: ROOFBMS Units ..... US Standard Steel Code. ..... AISC 9th Edition ASD ALl-owable Stress Increase Factor.. 1.333 Include Shear Deformation......... Yes No. of Sections for Member Ca1cs.. 5 Do Redesign... .. Yes P-Delta Analysis Tolerance 0.50? ========< Joint Coordinates >===== XYCoordinate Coordinate Joint Temperature 1 2 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 15 t'1 18 19 2t 22 I =======< Boundary Conditions >======Joint +----- Translation -----+NoX Y Rotation--Klin- --Klin- -----K-tt/rad--1 Reaction Reaction2 Reaction5 Reaction Reaction6 Reaction8 Reaction Reaction 9 ReactionlL Reaction ReactionL2 ReactionL4 Reaction Reaction 0.000 0.000 6.000 0.00012.000 0.000 0.000 20.000 6.000 20.00030.000 20.000 0.000 40.0002.000 40.0004.000 40.0000.000 60.0008.000 60.00031.000 60.0000.000 80.0002.000 80.000 5.000 80.00025.000 80.00029.000 80.0000.000 100.000 -I3#e't.oo 465256 loi.9 2a6aA- r.l.oO 1OO. OOO0.000 120.00028.000 120.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I I I I 4 5 3 I I I I T t t t I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01- Redwine-Reizian, Inc. Structural Engineers Antler's ======< Boundarv Conditions ,foint +----- Transfation -----+ NoX Y Rot,ation Job : 99109 Pagez 2 Date: I0/t2/99 Yreld Stress L718 Reaction zv2l Reaction 22 Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction Reaction Materiaf Label Youngrs Modulus Shear Modulus Poisson's Thermaf Weight Ratio Coef.Density STIJ 29000.00 1l-l-54.00 0.3000 0.65000 0.490 JO. UV Section Database Material ASASIArea 0 ,2 L,3 \,3LabelShapeLabel IT0,2 c Memb Joints Rotate Section Releases Offsets Inacti-ve? No. I J 90o Set I:AVM J:AVM I-End J-End Label o Lenqth 1 1 2 L.O. 2 2 3 L.O. 6.00 5.00 5.00 z+ . vu 2.O0 2.00 8.00 23.00 Z . UU 3.00 21.00 3.00 tL.74 lt.74 28.00 5 BMl 5 BMl5788M1 I5B9BM1t 7 Lo i-1 BMt- I I I I t 811 t2913 14 10 14 ltr 1l- 15 L6 L2 16 L7 1? 1a 10 L4 1,9 20 BM]. BMl- BM1 BM]- BM]- L. O. L. O.t_5 21 22 BM2 Sectsion Length Lb-out, Lb-in Lcomp K K Cm Cb,B Sway niMember Set Ie-out le-in le-bend out in CH 1L.O. 2 L.O. 6.00 r. 006.00 1.00 I t I Antter's Redwine-Reizian, Inc Structural Engineers RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 1.00 Di.ra. ? Date: Io/a2/99 File: ROOFBMS I t I I I I Secti-on Length Lb-out Lb-in Lcomp K K Cm Cb,B SwaY Member Set le-out le-in le-bend out in CH o1 3 BM1 4 BM1 5 BM1 6 BM1 7 BM1 8 BM1 9 BM1 10 BM1 1t- BM1 12 BM1 13 L. O. l_5 BM2 O. UtJ 24.00 2.00 8.00 23.00 2.00 3.00 21, .00 3.00 11, .7 4 1,1 .7 4 28.00 1.00 1.00 b. UU --====----< Basic Load Case !al4 1===I fi::Basic Load Caae Description Load Tlpe ToEafs Noda] Point Dist. I 1 l^-J 2 snow I l-.5 I Mernlcer ,fointsI'J =< Member Distributed Load Pattern L,,abe1 Loads, BLC 1 >====== PaLternMult.iplier 1 3 4 5 b 8 I I I I I t I z 3 5 t)I 9 11 t2 1 2 5 7 6 10 1L UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM T'NIFORM I]NIFORM I]NIFORM 0.1400 0.1400 0.2100 0.2100 0.1400 0.1400 0.2100 0.2100 =====< ,foint Loads/Enforced Displacements, BLC 2 >=========Joint Number Is this a Load ora Displacement? Direction (x, Y, Mz)Magnitude ----K R-fl- in rarl- 11 15 J-O 19 L, L L L Y Y Y Y -6.000 -13.000 -13 .000 4-'0c't.oo I t, Redwine-Reizian, Inc. -l Structuraf Enqineers I Antt-er's RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 .Tob : 99109 Page: 4 Dare: LO/12/99 File: ROOFBMS Jl \To int s Member I .T Direction Maqnitude Location 8 11 t2Y -16.000 10.000 =< Member DisEributed l-,oads, BLC ) 2===-=- ,foints Load Pattern Pattern Member I ,f Label MultiPlier I ! I I t I t I ,t 2 8 o 1n 11 t2 15 1 A 5I l_0 1t 13 1,4 15 L6 21, 2 3 5 6 9 6 11 t2 t4 15 15 t7 UNIFORM UNIFORM T]NIFORM UNIFORM i]NIFORM UNIFORM IJNIFORM I]NIFORM UNTFORM t]NIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM 0.3200 0.5400 0.9600 0.4800 0.3200 0.5400 0.9500 0 .4800 2.0000 2.0000 2 . 0000 2.0000 4.0000 T ^-/l D-Fl-a LocationsPatternLabel Dir Maqnitudes Start !;n(1 Start -E;nct?-------ft or t---000 0.000UNIFORM Y -1.000 -1.000 I r ======= < LoaCi COmbrnaCrOrrS >==== RWPENo. Description BLC Fac BI-,C Fac BLC Fac BLC Fac BLC Fac SSdv 1 dead+snowI Y1 l_127 I ======= < iloint Displacements, L,C 1 : dead+snow >===I Joint +------- Translation -------+ RotationNoXYEz I t T I 1 z 3 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 -0 .314 0. 000 0.000 -0.003 0.000 0.000 4 . )-V L 0.00077 -0.00231 -0.00485 -0.00745 -0.00920 0.0L275 0.0001r_ 0.00007 0.00002 -v. uzl-\Jo 8 9 L0 t_ 5 6 I I I T I T I I I I T I I I I I I l RISA-2D (R) Vers j-on 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc. Structural Engineers Antlerrs ,..1oD : y9ru> Page: 5 DaEe: I0/12/99 File: ROOFBMS =======< Joint Displacements, I-,C 1 : dead+snow >=== JoinL +------- Translation -------+ RotaEion NoXYQz ---in- --in- -rad- l_ l_ 12 13 I4 15 L5 I7 18 19 20 21, 22 8 9 11 L2 t4 l7 18 zv 2L 22 Totals: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.703 L .407 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 2.07L 0.000 -3.093 0.000 0.000 -1.411 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.02s18 0.02930 -0.08634 - 0 . 08645 -0.0'7978 0.08010 o.08721 - 0 . 01553 0.00000 0.01653 -0.00750 0.00750 ---< Reactions, LC 1 : dead+snow >===- ,Ioint +---- Forces -----+ Moment NoXYMz ---K- ---K- --K-fr- 6 - ZO L5.76 7.L5 2.7t -v .52 33.50 13.04 43.80 39.s6 2 .86 2 -86 54.82 54.82 277.87 Center of Gravity Coords (X,y,Z) (f E) : L3.86'7 , 85.563, O. OOO ======< Member Section Forces, LC 1 : dead+snow >=========Member Joint.s Section : ____t__:_ _ T::t :l:i: YiTi: 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1T"r'rI I- 4 L 2 3 4 5 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 -0.95 -l_.53 -2.30 -2 .98 0.00 L .94 4.90 aJ. aJ t) ]-3.82 2- 3L z 0.00 0.00 4 .6I 3 .46 L3.82 7.78I I RfSA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc. Structural Engineers I Antter's | ======< Member Section Forces, LC 1 : deaci+snow >=== Member Joi-nts Section I-,JlAxial-Shear .l/'\r'\ . \r9 tttv Dr.ra . A Date: L0/12/99 File: ROOFBMS Moment 3 4 5 T I 0.00 0.00 0.00 z,5v 1.15 0.00 5..to 0.85 0.00 I t 4- 5t 2 4 5 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 -L. tz -3.44 -5 .1,7 -6.89 0.00 r - z> 5.1'7 L!.OZ 20.66 I 5- 6 I z 3 4 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 I .88 4 .87 0.86 -3.15 -7 .15 20.66 -20.57 -37.76 -30.90 0.00I t t- .' J_ z 3 4 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -n ?a -0.75 1 1A -t.52 0.00 0.09 r] ?A 0.85 1, .52 I t 6- > L 2 3 4 5 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 u. v6 0.76 0 .54 o -32 r - >zn o? 0.54 o.2L 0.00 I J 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 -2.30 -4.59 -5.89 -9.18 0.00 2.30 9. r.8 20 -66 36.73 11 1 2 3 4 5 I 11-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 t2L 2 3 4 5 1_8.32 L4 .48 -5.36 -9.20 -13.04 36 .73 -57.57 -L05.80 -63.94 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.99 -1.98 -2.9'l -3.96 0.00 0.25 0.99 2.23 3 .96 r_4 1 2 3 5 13- t t T RrSA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc Structural Engineers Antler's IiI I ======< Member Section Forces, LC Member Joints Section Shear Job:99109 Page: 7 DaLe: I0/1-2/99 Fife: ROOFBMS l- : dead+snow >=== MomentI I I-J,r.AxiaL 10 )_4- 15 1 z 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.85 38.36 36. 88 3s.40 33.91 5. >O -25.37 -53.59 -80.70 -r-06.69 3 4 5 I I 11 15-16 1 z 3 5 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 -91 10.53 0.15 -LV-Z+ -20 -62 - t_05 . 69 -1,89.23 -2r7 .26 -L90.77 -t09.77 t I t2 16--33 -62 -35. LL -36.s9 -38.07 -39.56 -L09.77 -83.99 -57.11 -29.11 0.00 L7L z 3 4 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I I 13 18-Tq 1 2 3 4 5 1, .28 L.29 L.3L 1 .33 1.34 2 .56 2 -59 2 .62 2-65 2 .68 0.00 -7 .55 -L5.L9 -zz.>5-€ffi -zE'.eo 'L4 19-204 2 3 4 5 L .34 1_ .33 L.3l_ 1,.29 r.28 -2.68 -2 .65 -2 -62 -2.59 -2.56 €€-;'l -?a-aa -22 .93 -L5. L9 -7 .55 0.00 I I l 15 2t-54.82 27 .4t 0. 00 -27.41 -54.82 0.00 -26 I .62 -Jt'J. /b -287.82 0.00 22 I 2 3 4 5 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 t =;;il;===;;;;==;"::H' Defrections' Lc 1 : dead+sDow >== I I L 2L z 3 4 5 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.01_5 v . vzo 0 .024 0.000 NC 4626 . O 276t.3 zv t 6 . z I I I I t RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc Structural Engineers Antlerrs Di/-r6. AreJv. Dare: 1,0/L2/99 FiLe: ROOFBMS Maml-rar naf I ar-l- i.rns T,r- I : dead+SfiOW >=== Member rToints Section l---- I : --i;- ----iI- ---i/-:- I t 2 2 31 ,.}z 3 4 5 0 .000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -n nqq -0.137 -u - zz.l -0.314 NC 1230.3 526.4 321.4 229.5 51 z 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0 .557 0 .426 0.292 0.153 0.000 NC 9346 .9 5257.6 5305.0 NCt I 2 3 4 f, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0. 000 0.000 -0.709 -1.081 -0.803 0.000 NC 405.9 266.3 358.5 NC t I 7 8L 2 3 :! 5 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.003 -v.vvz -0.001 0.000 7 402 .5 NC NC NC NC l 91 z J 4 5 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NC NC NC NC NCt l I 10 11 1 2 3 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 . l_01 l-. 500 1.094 0.568 0.000 NC 3943 -2 2218 . O 2238 .0 NC 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 -L.770 -2 .61,4 -1,.825 0.000 NC 155. 9 105.5 T5L.2 NC NC NC NC L3 ]-4L z 3 t t 2.O'17 r-.553 0. 000 0. 000 0.000 I I I I o RrSA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, fnc' Structural Engineers AnEler' s Member .foint.s Section 4 0.000 5 0.000 1 : dead+snolt >=== .Tal.r . qqlnQ Page: 9 Date: Lo/L2/99 Fil-e: ROOFBMS 0.518 0.000 NC NCI t t-0 74 15 1 z 4 n 0. 0. o 000 000 000 000 000 0.000 -0.792 -L .57 6 -2 -346 -3.093 NC r>z+ , + 1t-90 . 7 l-5>a . z NC 11I I 15 16 1 2 3 A 5 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -3.093 -7.153 -8.644 -7 .773 -5.IJ-I NC 62 .1, 45 -5 62 .0 NC L2t I L6 77 I z 3 .' 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 -3.111-2.36t -1.588 -o.798 0.000 NC 1284.3 1LL6.9 1,778.9 NC _1613 19 1 z 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0.001_ -0.002 0.000 -0.575 -L - 079 -t .437 -1, -577 NC 777.r 485.0 553.2 NC I I t_9L4 20t 2 5 4 5 r..250 r.260 I.259 1,.259 1 .258 -o .947 -0.808 -0.450 0.054 o.629 NC 553.2 485.0 777.1 NC I l_5I I 2L 22 I 2 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0 .561 -0.788 -0.561 0.000 NC 598.5 426 .4 598.5 ====< Member AISC UnitvMember ,Joint,s Unity ShearI - ,J Chk Loc Chk 1 : dead+snow >=== ASDFb Cb Cm 1 1 2 0.640 52 2 3 0.640 1 Checks, LC Loc Fa 5 20.69 t 20.69 I I o.162 0.205 23 -76 23.76 L.00 1.00 0.85 HL-2 0.85 HL-2 I I t I t I t I I t o RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc. StrucEural Engineers Antler' s Member I ifointss .Iob : 99L09 Page: 10 Date: L0/12/99 Fi]-E: ROOFBMS Member AISC Unj-ty Checks, LC Unity Shear Chk Loc Chk ]-,oc Fa 1 : dead+snow >=== ASD Cm Eqn.cb 315U 4550 5780 5890 7L0 11 0 at J- J. LZ O t L5 l- 1t u1,0 t4 1s 2 l-l l-5 J-b t2 16 1,7 2 13 18 19 1't4 19 20 1 15 21, 22 0 .450 .6ZZ .87 9 . L6Z . uoo .322 ..t.*z .442 .98s t7 .96 -Lb. uaJ 20.7r 20 -7r l-o. r.' 3.44 20.7L 20.L4 4.L3 20.14 t9.49 t9 .49 L9 .44 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 l_.00 l_.00 ]. 00 J U . Z5J 5 U.5U5 3 U. VfZ 1 0.041 5 U..'I+ J U. bZO 3 0.7t41 1.350 s 0.1191 0.119 3 0.403 25. to zJ, to 23.76 23.76 2r .60 8.85 25. to 25. to 9 .69 23.76 23.76 23.76 23.76 0.85 Hr-2 0.85 Hl.-2 0.85 HL-2 u . uf ttJ-- z 0.85 H1-2 0.85 HL-z 0 .85 H1-2 0.85 Hr-2 0.85 H\ -2 0.85 Hl-20.85 H1,-2 0.85 Hr-2 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 5 5 L 1 I I I I I t T t l I I I l I I t I t I I I I t I I I F^G6il,AL 'vAr(-E! Er-r q l>aEr<A I t-- tJ t - -l\ll,t:o-t"'tlx o, tzbbxtst . t6.b\zl Sz' 8'3tn3 B+ - aee ?-rto^x / 85 I A t !1t6,ktr 4 a rs)tr.D(z"Da(rrza) lt "[li"]ra* A>(:a' f 4r,.nro"r 21? l-.1 t0yl?. Bp Yrvat g plzfraef_ L'l> s+5,68 Aw(. ' |,ttLLt -- lJ bL/ @t>tzo' > t< + l.r[r-Fxzo 3y, j6 16e 4L,5na @@ z--rcy-L It- 1' f(-1t tl Subiect EO'F BY: €,C- oate: lO lll lqq 11'(8oPsF+35PsF) - ZLLF Sg' ?-J,n3 l^llDr ?ol 1r - .(z) (2.4) (''z) (o.rz-ae)cz4) = -ltlFT-'r- (iAb')cz4KtL4) .- ls6Fr-: <- fu = 16,n2 t t I I I I I I I I I I I I T t t I I 9t3 - 1.5@LFIl---,---a'azo JtZ,zl lzz- s=(qzon-r)(,2)" fs= \b.bpr.L r (tzuo'qzo\Crz) ('/a) = 3,4,( (a DaL)(t ') (3)t rz)z F\r-r.ox' Ll= l,tb (rz'-tz, -- >nbq'c Zz . 2.5Ar 5.SZ 2t.4fr L t1-b,b L a.ilL 61.10.1$a €F'10.4,n a oY BY: -- t-- Date: lt) , I t -'t- :'Subiecl: eOoF '-'- tL-t/rti''-, DSL I,J,tOxlL JoO no.: 2i i J -1 Sheei ol -1{ J zt z't- .1 14 = (l.br)( lD ) l4 + /."Y..\'----:'>-\t \A\o \tL f o t<v\.---\-..\--r- Y_t-- bL tLz--zu- (o,25u.ts>LLoer)- /9 = IIFT K 'qL .---- :tr--------;:---- ',1rr'-r I.b Bt= 1.qY .t ^_-----,------z ,. iH- (r 4K)(rZ ) I 4 . 74€T.v- SZ = 12,.,3 L--4( Subiect f ,*>F BY: 5l- oate: ii , :,-'tr Job no.: oa I :lq sheet ofJob Title: A}*-: LEe.a. Y-_ 3t@F1: Y_ @t,4( e-2. tD( ,u-Y-'./-"v\i r LJlor ZZ )\--^.-'rr I s+ { INIt- li lr lr ll It lr lr ll It It It I G(J I I It ,- Units ..... US Standard I Steef Code. ..... AISC 9th Edition ASD ' A1lowable Stress Increase Factor.. 1.333 fnclude Shear Deformation.. . ...... Yes I No. of Secti.ons for Member Cal-cs.. 5 t Do Redesign.... Yes P-De1ta Analysis ToLerance 0.50? I ========< .Toint Coordinates >===== Joint X Y ,Joint - No CoordinaEe Coordinate TemperatureI ---ft- -ft-- oF---r l- -5. ooo o. ooo o. oo 2 0.000 2.500 0.00I 3 s. ooo s. ooo o. oot 4 ao. ooo 7 .5oo o. oo s 17.000 7.500 0.00 f. 6 23.000 5.000 0.00 I 7 28.000 2.500 0.00! 8 33. ooo o. ooo o. oo _ 9 14.000 5.000 0.00 l. | ======< tsounciary Concircrons >====== Joint +----- Trans]ation -----+lNoxYRoEaEion I - -K/ :-n- - -K/ in- - - - - -K-fL/ rad- -2 Reacti-on Reacti-ons 7 Reaction f r I I - I t a -t I I I I Redwine-Re j-zian, Inc . StrucLural Engineers Antl-er's Roof fruss # I Label TOPCRD W12X5O DIAG W1OX19 BOTCRD W1OX19 RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 L4 .70 L.2 r.2 f,.oz r.z L.z 5.62 1,-2 r.2 .fob:99109 Page:11 Date: L0/L2/99 File r TRUSS Material Younqrs Shear Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield - Label Modulus Modulus Ratio Coef. Density Stress'l ---Ksi- ----Ksi- -----10^5oF----K/ft3-------Ksi - srr, 29000. oo 11154. oo 0.3000 o - 55ooo 0.490 36.00 Section Database Material ASASI IT A)f ^4--- --:.n^4 56.30 394.00 4.29 96.30 4.29 96.30 Memb ,foinLs Rotate Section Releases Offsets Inactive? -T3-- 1 I :9: :::- l-lY l-iY l;fl1 l-ll9 :i::l : ::?3:l I I I I I I Shape Label Area 0,2 L,3 STI-,, STL STL 1 1 2 TOPCRD 5.59 5.59 5.59 7.00 6.50 5.59 5.59 9.00 4.72 3 .91 9.00 839Is4e1109511 9 6 3 TOPCRD BOTCRD PIN DIAG PIN PIN DIAG PIN PIN BOTCRD PIN 3 3 4 TOPCRD 4 4 5 TOPCRD 5 5 5 TOPCRD 6 6 7 TOPCRD 7 7 8 TOPCRD I ======< ATSC,NT,S ParameEers >========Section Lenqth Lb-out Lb-in LcomD K K Cm Cb,B Swav Member Set l-e-out Ie-in Ie-bend out in cH oJ. 1 TOPCRD 2 TOPCRD 3 TOPCRD 4 TOPCRD 5 TOPCRD 6 TOPCRD 7 TOPCRD B BOTCRD 9 DIAG 10 DIAG 11 BOTCRD I t I I t I 5.59 s .59 5 .59 7.00 b. f u 5.59 5.59o nn 1. tz 3.91a nn I t I I t RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizj-an, Inc. Structural Engineers Antler's Roof Truss JOD i >> lA> ! sJe . Date: I0/12/99 t 1_te: IKU5b -E LL No. Basic l,oad Case Description Load Type TotaLs Nodal Point Dist. I I 1 dead2 snow =< Member Distributed,Joints Load Patt.ernMember I ,J Label "7 27 Loacis, BLC I 1--==== Pattern Mrr'I t i n] i ar 5 I I I I 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 3 4 5 t) 1 7 3 4 5 o 7 o UNlFORM UNIFORM IINIFORM t]NIFORM UNIFORM UNTFORM UNIFORM 0.l_050 0.1050 0. t_050 0.1050 0.1050 0.1050 0. t_050 ====< Member Point Loads, BLC 2 >==- Member I J Directlon Maqnitude Location Y Y 5 6 4 5 - r.4 . 700 -'1,4.700 0.000 0.000 I =< Member Distributeci Loads, BLC ) 2----=== I Joints Load Pattern PatternMember Lf Label Multipller ,/l 5 6 3 1 4 5 o 3 1 I I I T I I I J 5 o 1 z 6 UNIFORM UNIFORM UNTFORM UNTFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM T'NlFORM Magnitudes o -2400 0.2400 0.2400 o -2400 0.2400 0.4800 0.4800 < LCad Pac:erns >=== =====Pattern Label- Dir L,ocations Start EndStartEnd *;;;il --; -*/t.:1.;;;------K/fr,F--;;-------fr "5.3;;-----fr ";.3;;- ========< Load Combinations >======== RWPENo. Description BLc Fac BLc Fac BLc Fac BLc Fac BLc Fac ssdv Joints ldead+snow Y 1 1 L 2 l_ I I I Redwine-Reizian, Inc Structural- Engineers Antl-er' s Roof Truss Joi-nt +------- Translation -------+ NoXY RISA-2D (R) Verslon 4.01 Rotation 0z Drrra ' 1 ? Dare: 70/12/99 FiLe: TRUSS Ia x I I I I I I ===q ReactiOnS, LC Joint +---- Forces No -0.00705 -0.00724 -0.00443 -0.00084 0.00055 0.00450 0.00711 0 . 00594 0.00002 L : dead+Sngw >====-- Moment Mz 0.00 0. 00 12. AAn MomenE 1 - o .21,22 0.0003 0.202 4 0 -254s 0.239 6 0.284 7 0.483 I 0.692 9 0.242 0.424 0.000 -0 .407 -o -527 -0.539 -0.402 0.000 0 .41-7 -0.541 0.00 -0.33 -0 .67 -1.00 -r.34 0.00 -0.67 -L.34 -2.0t -2 .67 0.00 o .47 1, .87 +. zr 7 .48 6 .287 ,0.000 I ======< Member Section Forces, LC 1 : dead+snoui >=== Member Joints Section Axial Shear TotaLs: CenEer of Gravity Coords I-,f0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 1- 2L 2 3 4 zz ..*5 2L.3"7 43.80(x,v,z) (fr) : I I I I 2- 31 2 3 4 5 8.69 I .51 8.14 7 .96 L I - 5> t7.02 r6.55 1,6 -28 7 .48 -l_5.57 -40.10 -63. L1 -85.61 I I 3- 4 L 2 J 4 5 5l_ .58 6L .40 5L.2L 6l-.03 - 1_t- . 90 -L2.2'1 -L2.64 -L3.01 -r-3.38 -85.6L -68.72 -51.3t -33.39 -14.96 I I 4- ra I .tz .J ^ 5 OU. l-O 50. l_5 50. 15 60.15 50.16 J-f . b5 u.+r -0.1L -u. bz -r.t.:70 -l-b. LJ -16.40 -75.76 -1,4 .22 I I I t I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc. Structural Engineers Antler's Roof Truss Job : 99109 Page: 14 Date: L0/L2/99 File: TRUSS ======< Member Section Forces, I-,C Member Joints Secti-on 1 : dead+snow >=== I-,JlAxi"al Shear Moment I I 3- O J- z 3 + tr 57 .26 63 .l-0 63.28 b5 . a* / 63.55 z1 .62 10 . 51- 1,0.L7 9.72 9.28 - L+ . ZZ -31, . 82 -48.70 -64.85 -80.29 I 6- 7I z 3 :! 5 7 .48 7 .67 7 -85 8.03 6 - ZZ -r+.:70 -15.33 -15.70 -16.07 -15.44 -80.29 -59.12 -37.44 -L5.24 7 .48I I t- tt r 2 3 4 5 -_L. J.l -1.00 -o .67 -0.33 0.00 2 .67 2-Or r.34 0 .67 0.00 r.87 o .47 0.00 I I 3-91- 2 5 4 5 0.81 0.85 0. 90 0.94 0.99 0.00 -1.88 -3.85 -5.93 -8. r_0 -60.57 -60.57 -60.57 -50.57 -60.57 I I .i- > I 2 3 4 5 0 .49 0 .48 0.45 -0.04 0.00 0 .02 0.04 0.00 0.03 n nq 0.03 0.00 1n 9- 51 2 3 4 5 2.79 2 .80 z .62 2 .83 2.84 -n n? -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.03 o.02 0.00 I I ot z 3 -0.99 -0.94 -0.90 -0.86 -0.8r. -8.10 -5.93 -3.86 -1.88 0.00 -62.33 -62.33 -62.33 -62.33 -62.33 I 11 9- I I t I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc. Structural Engineers Antler's Roof Truss Marn}- ar T..taf I ar'f i anc Member Joints Section Job:99109 Page: 15 Date: I0/t2/99 File: TRUSS LC 1: oead+snow >======== v L/n NC TTA I\T/'r l\Tar NC 't x 1 1 2L z 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0. 000 0.474 0.35't 0.238 o.r20 0.000 3 4 5I t 31 z 3 4 5 0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 0.000 -0.128 -0.251 -0.362 - 0 .455 NC 4713 .0 zdl+ . z 3'J,78.2 NC t I 41 z J 4 -0.001_ -0.004 -0.006 -0.009 -0.01-r. -0.455 -0.5L2 -0.549 -0.571 -0.584 NC 2656.8 2220.3 3348.8 NC I I 4 5L z 4 o.251_ 0.248 0.245 u - zlz 0.239 -0.527 -0.541 -0.548 -0.54'7 -0.539 NC 7518.3 f b5.1 . u 757 6 .4 NC I 5bl- 2 3 4 5 0 -428 o .425 o .422 o-419 0 - 41,7 -0.405 -0.395 -o.372 -0 .330 -0.262 NC 3035.9 20t5 .4 24L5.7 NCt t 71_ 2 3 4 5 o .434 0 .433 0.433 0.433 0 .432 -u .255 -0.140 -0.030 0.091 o.21,6 NC 3045.9 5051.8 NC NC NC NC NC NC t I t'I 2 3 4 5 o .432 o .432 0.432 0 .432 o .432 o -2'J,6 0.334 0.451 0.557 o .582 I I 3 91 2 3 4 0.202 v , zLz 0.222 0.232 -0 .407 - 0 .455 - 0 .498 -0.529 NC 7133.0 4432.2 zVZO. I t I I I t RISA-2D (R) Version 4.01 Redwine-Reizian, Inc. SLructural Engineers Antler's Roof Truss ::::--:< Member Deflections, Member JoinEs Section D.r.Ta . 1 A Date: LO/12/99 ! are: I KUbb LCl:dead+snow>==== 5 0.242 -0.541 NC I I 4 9 L 0.4922 0.492 3 0.4924 0.492 5 0.492 -0.314 -0.318 -0.322 -0.326 -n ??n NC NC 6899.5 4580.7 3422 .8 l_0I I 5t_ 3 4 5 -0.160 -0.1_50 -0.151_ -u. rol- -0.151 -0.571 -0. s70 -0.569 -0.558 -0.567 NC NC NC NC NC 11 6L 2 3 4 5 0.242 0.253 0.263 0.273 0.284 -0.541 -0.528 -0.495 -o.452 -o.402 NC 5026.7 4432.3 7133.0 NC I I ====< Member AISC Unity Checks, LC I Maml-rar .T/,\ i Yrf q llni tv She4I.II I - J Chk Loc Chk Loc Fa - -Ksi -Ksi-2 0.063 5 0.049 5 1 : dead+snoh/ >=== ASD Cm Eqn.tD cb 1 4 3 4 5 o I I I I t I I 8 Y l_0 11 9 6 0.753 1 0.032 1 2 3 0.694 5 0.321_ 13 4 0.863 1 0.247 54 5 0.326 3 0.289 15 6 0.828 5 0.455 L6 7 0.651 1 0.304 57 8 0.063 1 0.049 t3 9 0. 738 5 0.032 54 9 0.006 3 0.001 19 5 0.029 3 0.001 l" 1.00 0.85 H2-7r_.00 0.85 HL-21_.00 0.85 Hr-21.00 0.85 H1-1L.00 0.85 Ht-2L.00 0.85 Hr_-2 1.00 0.85 H2-t1.00 1.00 H2-r1.00 1.00 HL-31.00 1.00 H1-31.00 1.00 H2-L 19.53 19. 53 rtt. v5 t9.20 19. 63 t-9.63 9.75 16.96 l_d. uJ >. IO 23.76 23 -76 23 -76 23 -76 23.76 z3 - Ib 23.76 21, .60 2L.60 z3 - 16 2t.60 Jobrilte: ANTLBU,S AT-VAIL Jobno:qqloq sheet or subject lTAoF BY: EC oate: OZ-Oq'OO t,'1.L \-l . o,tZb7,r 6o -- 34,^3 ' 01'= l\'t'A Ilb\r.uexrA /z\ (24'\ -- bbL'w Lr,' -1' ,{--v-'fft\( Lllox?q )\-l=-.-/ 9t1 oa Antlers at Vail Condominium Addition and Parking Stnrcture Structural Calculations Typical Floor Framing Jobrirle: ANftf,Al / UtOt'// H|AD *"r- wor= o ,toono.:4 (10( "no or = '?--h4" o 1t7 1*t4 To tu?P T-LA- FLANF -- ttru-P / L = 4' ^fr.+(t+ry,f) + t-z ( iopD J (T')'/- =(L-6F t'l -vt L/')^QY -- lt /L( L_A'u*.*b-ff-o) V n = 4 ^ D . * ( ft r7'r) + Lz ( A7r f )f - f- ol. Vgfu 7" Vr /z-" D EA*n vqm (z) to Tof/ ?) *r ForT-l ) 71,^ff/r?'" I subiect er, kJ D """' ln/{/f I ivtu-- w,.y'*/- Qv"-- -or{- , t^7"* 1o)=6.s TvVu olrr-*. o. nn. ?q I PCABEAM(tm) 1.01- AM l-,icensed to: erfi.etary soft,ware of PoRTLAOcEMENT ASSN' Pg 1 Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO I I I I I I I I T t I I I I t I I ooooooooo oooo oooo oooo oo ooooooo oo UU oo ooooooo oooo oo oo oo nnoo oooo oo ooooooo oooo oooo oo ooooooooo oooo oooo oooo oo ooooooo oooo oooo oo ooooooo oooo oooo oo oooooo ooooo oo oooo oo oo ooo ooooo oo oo ooo ooooo oo oo oo oo oo ooooo ooooooo oo o oooo oo oo oo oooo oo oo oo oooo oo oo oo oo oooooo oo oo oo oo (TM) Computer program for Design and Investigation of Reinforced Concrete Continuous Beams Licensee staEed above acknowledges that Port.land Cement Association (PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the maEeriaL supplied as inpuE for processing by the PCABEAM computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of E.he outputprepared by the PCABEAM program. AlEhough PCA has endeavored toproduce PCABEAM error free, the program is not and cannot be cert,ified infa1lible. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engi-neering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims aIL responsibility in contract,, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineering documenEs prepared J.n connection with the use ofthe PCABEAM program. olrr -** 9 :00 :39I I etof.t"ry software of PoRTT.AOcEMENT AssN' Pg 2 Redwine-Reizian, Denver, Co TABLE- ]NP , 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PCABEAM (Lm) l-. 01 AM Licensed to: : 99109 - Antlers/vai1 Date z 0L/27/0o Time;08:16:29I :::r::: r File Name : G:\JoB_DocS\99_ ! Enoineer : RJB I ffi:;,1"::* : t::'li-ii I Infinite rigid beam-column I FILES\ 991 O 9\ENG\HAUNCH . BMS Beam ID : $p. Balc. Haunch Run Option : Design Moment RedisEribution : Not Considered joints in analysis : Considered TABLE- INP. 2 MATERIAIJ PROPERTIES I I I I I I t t I I I I Beam ConcreEe T)4)e : unit weight Compressiwe Strength Tensile Strength Modulus of Rupture Modulus of Elasticity Col-umn Concrete Type : Unit Weight Compressive Strength Tensile Strength Modulus of Rupture Modulus of Elasticity Reinforcement l Yield SErength (Long.) Yield Strength (Tran. ) Modulus of El,asticitsy NormaL ,wc Cta -Fr.r - €'r F/^ Normal- ,WC Fta - F a+- - €r ,Ec Weight L45.0 4.0 423.7 474.3 3643.8 Weight L45. 0 4.0 +25 . I 474.3 3643.8 pcf) ksi) p8i) psi ) ksi ) pcf) ksi )psi ) psi ) ksi ) ,fy=, fyv= ,ES 60.0 ov. u 29000.0 ksi )ksi) ksi) olrr-** 9 :00 :39I 'CABEAJVI (rm) AM l-.,icensed t_.01 l-a\. erof.t"ry software of PoRTL,AOcEMENT ASsN' Pg 3 Redwj-ne-Reizian, Denver, CO TABLE- INP. 3 BEA}'I GEOMETRYI{BER OF SPAIiIS :TYPE : Interior EXPOSIJRE : ExEerlor IPAN TOTAL MINIMI,]M ilM LENGTH DEPTHr (fr) (in) TOTAL INERTTA * ( in^4 ) TOTAIJ DEPTH LOC. (in) WIDTH TOTAL EFFECTIVE(in) (in) SECTION TYPE t 7.50 10.50 .8064008+04 Rbm Beam 24.00 5.50 3.14 .8054008+04 Rbm Beam 24.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 J 2.OO L.5O .8064008+04 Rbm Beam 24.00 7'00 7'00t-- !) uoment of inertia selected for sErucEural analysis II TABLE- INP.4 COIJUMN GEOMETRY I I CO],UMN STIFFNESS NIJMBER FACTOR(8) TOTAL HEIGHT ( fr) MOMEMT INERTIA (in^4) SECTION -- COI,UMN TYPE DEPTH WIDTH(in) (in) r_00 1_00 100 100 tt.u 8.0 8.0 8.0 Rect Rect Rect RecU t2 .0 12.0 z.r . v 24 ,0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.O Top Bot Top Bots . l-008008+04 . L00800E+04 .806400E+04 .806400E+04 I I I I t I I I I I olrl-** pcABEAM(rm) 1.01 eroJetary sofeware or PoRTLATOCEMENT AssN. Pg 4 9_:00:39 AM Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denver, Co I TABLE-INP.5 VERT]CAL SUPERIMPOSED AND PARTIAL LOADS -il--sfl.r DEAD L,,oADs LrvE LoADs Vt-. TYPE IJOAD DISTANCE TYPE LOAD DISTANCE I /fl-){ft-) I sup .o 1 Psf) SuP -o 1 Psf) I 1 unf i 2640.0 1 p1f) .o L unf i 1330.0 1 plf) .0 t.u r .___::: r j 2640.0 7.0 t Sup .o 1 psf) j 1330.0 .0 1 psf) sup sup .0 1 psf) .0 1 psf) total Unfactored : l{d r,oad = l-8.480 kips Live l-,oad = 9.31-0 kipstl Self-weight is noE considered under dead loadsI t I I I I t t I I I ,lrr--** pSABEAM(tm) 1.01 erof"t"ry software of no*r*TOcEMENT AssN' Pg 9:00:39 AM Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian' Denver, CO I I TABLE-rN'.8 L.ADTNG coMBrNATroNs AND 'ATTERN' ATTERN LOADING COMBINATION LIVE LOAD DESCRIPTION l::1:::l r 4 U1 : l-.40(D) + 1.70(l-OO? L) A1I Spans L,oadedI I TABLE-INP.9 GENERAL REINFORCEMENT DESIGN PARAMETERSI ---. EXPOSURE : Exterior TYPE OF STIRRUPS : CfOSCd i,ATERAL SUPPORTED : Not --- I RETNFoRcEMENT BAR srzE cLEAR covER BAR sPAcrNG MIN MAX VERTICAI-,, SIDE MIN MAX I (in) (j-n) (in) (in) I ---- Longitudinal Top # 4 # 6 -75 .75 1.00 18.00 I BoE # 4 # 5 .7s .'7s 1.00 18.00 'G Transverse # 3 # 4 2-OO 24.00 I T I I t t I t I olrr-** pGABEAM(rm) L.01 erolerary sofEware of PoRTLAOCEMENT AssN. Pg 5 9:00:39 AM Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO t TABTE-ANA.2 LOADING PATTERN MOMENTS AND SHEARS AT SUPPORTS ;t;; ;9"o ._;;.. Fl;? ..i; : '.'/'? :9* ,.y',-, y"j*? ,,yl-, y"lu? NL-. PrRN(ft-k) (t) (kips) (s) PrRN (ft-k) (?) (kips) (E) | "";, 4 -;.. ;l-00) -4L.7 (100) r00) 38.2 (100)I I I RghE 138.I Top l-4.0 (100) Bot l-4.0 (l-00) I-,,efts 4 7!.2 (100) 38.2 (100) Rsht .0 (l-00) .0 (100) Top -3s.5 (100) Bot -35.5 (100) ign Convention : moments posit,ive when clockwise.loint SI t I t I I I n t t I I olrr-** pcAnf,tr|rr(rm) 1.01 erolerary software of PoRTLAIOCEMENT AssN. Pg 9:00:39 AM Licensed to: Redwj.ne-Reizian, Denver, CO I IT l' TABI,E-DES.1 REQUIRED LONGITUD]NAL REINFORCEMENT AT CRITICAL SECTIONSI rTilill. r SI.,r CRITICAL EFFECTIVE REQUIRED LOAD REQUIRED LAYER - BAR VIT/T SF]r'TTON WTDTI{ DEPTH Mu PTRN STEEL AREA DIST. NO. SIZEvly. SECTION WIDTH DEPTH Mu PTRN STEEL AREA IIJ-S'I . No. t (f r) (in) (i.n) (ft-k) (sq. in. ) (in) | 7.oo .50 2.75 4.50 1.00 22.L3 Top 22.L3 Bot Top Bot Top Bot 22.L3 Top 22.L3 Bot rL9.7 4nn 39.1 4 .0 0 .0 0 33.0 4 .0 0 nn .52 Min 1.30 .52 Min .52 Mi-n .52 Min .52 Min .52 Mln .52 Min .52 Min 10? 1.9 3 10? 10? 10? 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 22.t3 22.L3 L45.9 4 .0 f v-tl Bot 7.00 7.00 UA #5#e#4#4#4 4Atf 't llA+f 't )lA T I 3I I I I I T I t I I I ,l I t 2I-** PCABEAM(EM) 1.01 00:39 Alvl Licensed to: TABLE-DES.3 erof:.ut-ry software of ponrJcEMENT ASSN' Pg I Redwine-Rej.zi-an, Denver, Co PROPOSED LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT SCHEDULE DAN JM. I..AYER DIST. CONTINUOUS BARS No. SIZE I-,ENGTH /fr-) DISCONTINUOUS BARS No. SIZE I,ENGTH(fr) I' 7, t t, Top Bot Top Bot Top Bot 1.88 3.63 l_.88 1.88 1.88 1 Re J-. OO L,ef t Rght 2#6 zEb 3#4 3#6 < spl i ce>3#4 3#4 ?{4 3#4 7 .50 ? qo '7 .50 2.87 r_.95 4 -57 2.00 2.00 T I ntifivers do not consider reinforcement compatibility aE supports T t il I I t t I I .lrr-.. 9:00:41I I nrof-"a.ry software of PoRTI-,AJCEMENT AssN. Pg g Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO TABLE-DES.4 PROVIDED FLEXTJRAI.,, CAPACITIES PCABEAM(tm) 1.01 AM Licensed to: SECTION DESIGN Mu / LocATroN f(Mn) f(Mn)(fr) (fr-k) (?) NEUT, REINFORCEMENT AXIS RATIO R/RMAX ( in)(r) FACTOR Z /Z Zmax(k/in) (?) I-.AYER - BARS - DfST. No SfZE (in)i.TT I J I 7.00 Top Bot .50 Top Bot 4.50 Top Bot L.00 Top Bot 1s4.s ( 52.6 ( t22.8 ( trr o t s'?.'7 ( s7.7 ( 57 ."7 ( tr,.1 1 ( 3.93 .01183 2.49 .00387 5. Ul- .UU6AZ J.. UJ . UUJd / 1.83 .00387 1 .83 .00387 J.. dJ . UUJd / l-.tJJ . UUJtt / e4.43 ( 6s) .oo ( o) 91.48 ( 63) .oo ( o) .00 ( 0) .00 ( 0) .00 ( o) .00 ( o) 1.88 2 3.63 2 1.88 3 1.88 3 r.. 88 3 L.88 3 1.88 3 1.88 3 94) 0) 0) 0) E?\ 0) 0) ( 48) ( 12) ( 13) ( 1s)( 1s) ( 15l #5#6 tlAtf= #5 TIA #4#4 tlA *4 I 3I z I I t I I I ) I I I factor is seE egual to zero if service moment is less Lhan cracking moment -a .a, olrr-** pcABEAM(rm) 1.01 erofietary software or PoRTJcEMENT ASsN. P9 10 9:00:41 AM l-.,icensed to: Redwine-Reizj-an, Denver, cOr I - tr.reels-ops.e REeUTRED TRANSVERSE RETNFoRcEMENT AT BEAM SEGMENTS rsPAN BEAM SEGMENT REQUIRED Vu / LOAD REQUIRED --- STIRRUPS ---- lr.rUr',r. START END Vu f (Vc) PTRN Av,/s LEGS SIZE SPACTNG'- (ft) (ft) (kips) (? ) (in) (in) J I T I 1 .OO ?.OO 40.95 @c (245) 4 .02L54 2 # 3 @ 10'00 2 .so 2.34 38.1? @d Q29) 4 .01908 2 * 3 @ 10.00 2.66 4.50 38.1? @d (229) 4 .01908 2 # 3 @ 10-00 3 1.OO 2.oo .00 @c ( o) O .OOOoo O # O @ .oO {e} {e} vu < Yc/z , transverse reinforcement is not reguired by the code I I I t I I I t I I T ,lrr-*. 9:00:41I I erofetary sofEware of PoRTLAIOCEMENT AssN' Pg 11PCABEAM (tm) 1.01- AM Licensed to:Redwine-Reizian, Denver, Co TABLE-DES.7 PROVIDED SHEAR REINFORCEMENT AND CAPACITY ffftT BEAM SEGMENT START END(fr) (fr) DESIGN Vu/ f (Vn) f (vn)(kips) ( t ) -- STIRRUPS -- I,EGS NO. SIZE SPACTNG(in) L,,OAD PTRN l 1 2 3 .167 .833 1.083 6.833 4.t67 7 .91,7 94) 92) 0) 10.0 10.0 10.0 Ai a1 ( 4r.47 ( 4L.47 ( 4 4 0 3 3 3 U* AJI rtf 2L 2L 2L ) .ils TJ F-br '?t to*t0 j 'o,(; r€ ewg F4-U t4o TI U,fuT #zt I I I I I I T I I t I I I I ?y'ra eto" 21 - t'* 00:41 ,l I I PCABEAM (tm) l" . 01 AM l-,icensed to:Redwine-Reiz j-an, Denver, CO TABLE-DEF.2 MAXIMUM I]NIFORM SERVICE LOAD DEF]-,ECTIONS erofletary software of PoRTLATOCEMENT AssN. Pg 12 flAN SECTION DEFI-,,ECTION leff Ma lfM /ft-) ri.n) LOC. (ft-k)u..' Ma/Mcr(?)Icr (in^4 ) r\-!/ fYu(?)Ieff ( in^4 ) lo" 2TLI l'" lo" f'" .t43247 .082333 - .005696 (1L3) (326) / ?tr\ (2s8) ( 81)( 78) /1.'1\ ( s4) t 5r,l ( 0)( 0) .00 .00 1.'79 L.I> -.UUJ/5I 2.00 .003277 .002t7 9 Midl 36.85 Rght 105.89 Midl 24.50 Rght 7o.4t Left 82.00 Midl 26.03 Rght 22.95 Left 54.53 Midl L7 .31- Rght L5.26 Left .00 MidI .00 .37 6445E+O4 .37 6446E+O4 .3754458+04 . J /b++brJ+U.I .329480E+04 .3294808+04 .1"72466E+04 .329480E+04 .329480E+04 . L72466F,+O4 .32948QF,+04 .L72465E+O4 .329480E+04 .L724668+04 ( 39) .768002E+04( 39) .3929458+04 ( 39) .9521998+04 ( 39) .432552E+04 ( 34) .3650888+04( 34) .9419518+04( 19) .8920068+04 ( 34) .450568E+04( 34) .941951E+04( 19) .892006E+04 ( 34) .8920068+04( 19) .892006E+04 ( 34) .8920068+04( 19) .892005E+04I o" 2.oo Left Midl .00 .00 0) 0) I t I I t t I t t 2L- t'* 00:41 PCABEAM (tm) l- . 01 AM Licensed to: erfi"t-ry software of pontJcEMENT ASSN. Pg l-3 Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO TABLE.SIIM.I SUMMARY OF PRINTOUT TABLES TABLE TITTE PAGE .l 9zI I t t I I I I I I T I I I INP. 1 INP. 2 .l_l\.H.5 INP.4 rNP. 5 INP. 8 INP. 9 ANA.2 DES. ]. DES.3 DES.4 DES. 6 DES.7 DEF.2 SUM. 1 General TnformaEion MateriaL Properties Beam Geometry Column GeomeLry Surface and Partial Gravity Loads I-.,oading Combinations and Patterns General ReinforcemenE Deslgn Parameters Load Pattern Moments and Shears at Supports Required l,ongitudinal Reinforcement Proposed Longitudinal Reinforcement Schedule Provided Flexural Capacity Required Transverse ReinforcemenE Provided Shear Reinforcement and Capacity Maximum Uni-form Service Load Deflections Summarv of Pri-ntout Tabl-es 2 J -j 5 5 7 I 0 L0 11 t2 13 * Program completed as reguested * It' l+ ft #,(ntl', tnr12l,&lo" @w T0? @, 'E'T A I T T I rt\#L e-+" oo Antlers at Vail Condominium Addition and Parking Structure Structural Calculations Post-Tensioned Slabs I T I t I I I I I I ! I I I I I I T I l7'1,6 ' rFGrE",:...!..1.t..0-.1...:.....m..rt.O../-.t.t..oprHr-<.p.--- PIOE I ct 2 _-- t,5 r rf-i.-, D,a.Ev v 60+*tl(it:ffi'gi/3 ---- E4 =- - (f fr7 ^ "-'^1 f rNtit- tz r'+ tr/*/4 4 i, E.:, ...j1 t PAII DATA DROF CAP TtltDotl OROP PAII!T iloTE3: tFr tF t a6 q!r!t wEir 'L utdr F.tIr $ur tarr.,tltrrhh..rti_icrr <- Tr|Ar Fdb trttarr -tfI,D. xlA EA L l7'lti qqt af(4 .51 {t t '1,lLt Wp t?&f l-el o .5q .rltI?l'4rc ?ek .5q .*l +tj'6t '?41..{rl ,(l 5 n +6'i,,..,+6 {t-9'.n ,fl Jo[<-oiof cAFJ__,F rt.!| r{rt|!r ttrtiltn?e'h,T .-ftCll|l!t-> t€,(mtA.o\6g'tr|r.d itr ui.|r t Filhhlttl l-616 ?6 rt&t Let 1-|{'o tl 100 lt0 ?l-fib z5 loo tb +lhrs t6 l0 lst16nt6t0t0 6 kl iP 96 t0 ta I T I Redwine - Rei. zian, Inc. Structural Englneers 0150 East Beaver Creek Bfvd., Unit 204A, P.o. Box 8009, Avon, Co 8r620 I ADApr posr-TENsroNrNc Sr,AB/BEAM SoFTWARE Acr-318-89/uBc-1988 (v 4.00) t 1733 woodside Road, SuiEe 260, Redwood City, Californj-a 94061 IATE AND TIME OF PROGRAM EXECUTTON: T .P R O J E C T T T T L E: tlgrog - AnElers condo Addn / Llonsheadr /LA+A, Atoie - -6zto + I-GENERAL DESIGN PARAMETERS -\-/I\ l!- I\..Cr I Er : EtRrxcrg at 28 days WEIGH? lneeP factor for defLections! TENSION STRESS limits (mu1tiple of (t.'c)^L/2) fop of external support lop of internal support Bottsom of external span i.ttom of internal spanr IOMPRESSION STRESS limiEs (multiple of (f'c)) M1n CGS of tendon from BOTTOM for INTERIOR spans. fin CeS of tendon from BOTTOM for EXTERIOR apans. fin specified average post-tensioning 1!tax t.endon SPACING (multiple of member depth ) .. lendon profile tlpe and support, widths a A}TAIJYSIS OPTIONS USED: rments REDUCED to face of support ... l-rucLure systempivalent frame formuLation per ACI-3Lg-93 ..... II Dec 4,1999 At Timez 12:46 4000.00 (psi) 1s0.01 (pcf) 2.00 6. 000 5. 000 6.000 5.000 60 . 00 (ksi )2.00 (in. )1.00 (in. ) TJNBONDED At all locations .450 ITLD REINFORCEMENT: YIELD strength llnlmum Cover at TOP I' l.r.nrmum Cover at BOTTOM .P.OST-TENS IONING:Ivqnnvr-'--"Ult.imate strength of strand Average effective stress in strand (final) ...... 270.00 (ksi) Itrand area. .153 Jin CcS of tendon from TOp 1.50 L75.00 1,.25 1, -75 125. 00 ksi ) in^2 )in. )in. )in. )psi ) 8. 00(see section 9) YES TWO-WAY YES I T I f"n. 2 Praza, along 4 (PL-4 )ADAPT V-4.00 I-INPUT GEOMETRYt ========= 2.T - S P A N D A T AI SPAN TYPE LENGTH DEPTH WEB FI-'r.I{IDTH FL.THICK. WIDTH MULTIPI,]ER I ft in. in. in. in. <-l-eft---right-> l-1-- --z-- -----3-- -4:_-- -----5- --6-- -7--- ----8- -9---- 1 1 lz.oo @ 264.00 .oo .oo .s9 .4t 1 2 1 16.00 10.00 264.00 .00 .00 .59 .41 I 3 1 21.00 10.00 264.00 .00 .00 . s9 .41' 4 1 l-4.00 L0.00 264.00 .00 .00 .59 .4L s 1 10.00 l-0.00 254.00 .00 .00 .59 .4t I "Ltt SUPPORT r, WTDTHS I,ENGTH B D CBC* I,ENGTH B D CBC* 'I .,INT in. f t in. r-n. f t in. in.r-1-- ----2 ----3 --4------ I I I 2.2- SUPPORT WIDTHS AND COLUMNS DATA II I t I I I I I I l; t; 6 )it3 t: I3-rN tzzj .00 .00 .00 .00 L2.00 12 .00 12.oo 12.OO 12 .00 15.95 10.63 10.53 10.53 l_0 .63 15.95 i_5 . 95 10 .63 10.63 10 .53 10.63 15.95 .00 (1) .00 (1) . oo (1) .00 (1).oo (1) . oo (1) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 to"r< (' x 4t rYP. PUT APPLIED gQ,, 18 LZ L2 t2 LZ (1) (1) /11 (1) (1) /'r ) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8 THE COLTIMN BOUNDARY CONDITION CODES (CBC) Fixed at both ends ... (STANDARD) .... linged aE near end, fj-xed at far end . lixed aE near end, hinged at far end Fixed at near end, ro11er wiLh rotational fixity far end . ' 2.3- DROP CAP AND DROP PANEL DATA CAPDL CAPDR DROPTL DROPTR DROPB DROPL DROPR 1 3 4 I f ,*" 'fi" :l'"1n 1n Ln lt.l fr fr fr 18.00 l_6. uu 18.00 18.00 18.00 L8 .00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48 .00 48.00 24 .00 24.00 24.OO 24.OO 24 -OO 24.O0 24.00 24.O0 24.00 24 .00 24.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 |Pol ct+P. LOADTNG 1 = UNIFORM2 = CONCENTRATED 3 = PARTIAL UNIFORM 4 = APPLIED MOMENT 1 = DEAD LOAD | = rrve roao I fn. 3 Plaza, along 4 ADAPT V-4.00 f (uniform) (con.orpart.) (Moment) f?AN CLASS TypE (k/tE) (k@fE or fr.-fr) ( fE-k @ rr)-f -- ---2- -----3 ------4- ----s-- -6--- --7------8- Il 1l J 3 3 1I 1 1 2 t_ 4 1 1 z 3 3.5203 5.300 J- 5. 5UU 2 2 4.500 q qnn .000 6.006.000 r_7.00 50. 000 45.000 5. 00 5.00 s.000 L6.00.000 5.00 I f3 1 3 4.500 .000 L1.00 !: 1 3 3.520 1l-. ooo 21.00 3 2 1 5.500 14 1 I 3.520r 2 I 5.500 fs 1 1 3.s20ls 2 7 s.soo I fNoru: LrvE I-,oADrNc is SKTPPED with a skip factor of .75 aIr |-cALcULATED sEcrroN PRoPERTTES l======== t.1 AT MIDSPANrl BpeN AREA (in^2) r (in^a) yb (in.) yt (in.) -'f --- --?-- ----3- ----4- -5------f i zetro -oo 22ooo .oo s . oo s. oolz 2640.00 22ooo.oo 5.oo s.oo 3 2540.00 22000.00 5 .00 s. 00 14 2640.00 22OOO.OO 5.00 s.00 ls 2640.00 22ooo. oo 5. oo 5. oo lZ AT ,JOINTS (faceof support)t- lrvr AREA r Yb Yr AREA r Yb Yta in^2 i-n^4 in. in. in^2 in^4 in. in. -1--- ----2 -----3 ---4- -5--- --6-- ---7- -8-------9-- 11 .00 .0 .00r I II I I I - I a I I t, 3 l- 3024 .00 3024 .00 3024 .00 5]-202.3 5t202.3 5t202.3 11.86 11.85 rl-.60 .00 o . r.t 6.\4 6.14 3024.00 3024.OO 3024.00 3024.00 st202.3 51202.3 5:-202.3 51-202.3 _Lr. bb l-r. ub l_r.60 1l_.85 6.14 5.14 6.14 I lur"P1aza, along 4 (PL-4 ADAPT V-4.00 t: l 1"1. B6 6.14 6.14 t_r.t'b .00 6.L4 .003024.00 3024.00 5L202 -3 5r202.3 3024.00 .00 5 IZUZ .5 .0 5- DEAD LOAD MOMENTS, SHEARS & REACT]ONS 't' <5.1 sPAN MoMENTs k-ft -SPAN M(1) (Mmax------o) tI(r) sH(l) SH(r) l-r-- --2-- ---3- -4--- --5-- -----6- -----7----I r -72.s7 252.72 ( 5.95) -24L.47 -6s.L4 74.28J_ - rz.Jr 6J-. ra \ J.)JI 2 -232 .50 -19. 11 ( 9. 60) -l-l-8. 19 -46 .90 30.20 I s -L23.s5 9a.32 ( 9.4s) -L49.52 -44.s0 4r-29 I + -L4s .7s 7 .76 ( 9.4s) -30 .40 -32 .88 16.40 5 -3L.2L 26.77 (s.75) -5.18 -20.20 L4-99 ' < 5.3 REAcrroNs k > <- 5.4 coLUMN MoMENTS k-ft ->Joint- ----2 ----Lower columns - - - -Upper columns----- lr 3 li I -6- I.,, IVE LOAD MOMENTS, SHEARS & REACTlONS l\ <-6.].LIvELoADsPANMoMENTs(k-ft)andSHEARFoRcES(k)-> 65.14 r_2L.18 74.70 '14.17 35.60 74.99 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -72I -5 ; .47 .94 .65 .7L .81 .l-b t SPAN M (1)M (max)M (r)M (1)M (max)M (r)sH (1) sH (r) Maxima of NEGATIVE SUPPORT and POSITIVE SPAN moments r_ -58 . 08 228 .49 -232 -30 9 .'J,42 -224.O3 75.38 -J.71..99 30.743 -174.46 L15.13 -208 -37 l_0.844 -203 .70 58.44 -87 -78 6.605 -86 .79 59. s0 -tt.62 38. 61 Maxima of POSITIVE SUPPORT and NEGATIVE SPA}I momenLs SHEAR FORCE -26.47 28.67 -66.20 72.29 -87 -94 L0.23 -47 .88 40.11 -28 .t2 6.92 -ss.84 59 .66 -53 .37 40. 10 -49.01 27 .99-30.69 5. r-5 -32.52 22.48 I I I < 6.2 REACTIoNS k ><- 6.3 COI,UMN MOMENTS Joint- ----2- ---Lower columns----Upper k-ft -> nr-r] r rmn q - - - - - .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1 r3)1 5f' I I 66.20 9s. 95 108.66 60.50 22-48 -67.98 8.24 -6.37 4 .63 -.93 7 .27 a9e Plaza, aLong 4 (PL-4 ADAPT V-4.00 1 -24.7t 252.75 -205.00 -20 .98 228.50 -196.83t T t I I I I I I I I I I 2 -209.75 3 - L02 .1,7 4 -129.75 5 -Z!.43 Live load momenLs -19.11 YL.J5 '7.76 zo. | |listed are -103.57 -zz.o.r. s.08 maxima of -2oo.75 75.38 -151.50 -151.83 11s.17 -L79.25 -L79.92 58.44 -7r '87-72.73 59.50 - .35 support negative and span positive l- suM oF DEADAIIDLTvE MoMENTS (k-ft) laxima of negative supporE and posj-tive l-ive load span moments comblned with Iread roaor-ng ror serwiceability checks ( 1.00DL + 1'00LL )I SPAN M (1)M (max) M (r) -45.68 48t.25 -401 .83 56.27 -255.1,7 3 -254.00 206.50 -308.58 I I IOTE: 1 .000 .5001 . L00 .500 portion over support Et(D r1f !.J .000 .000 5 .00 1.758.50 5.00 8 .50 1.25 8. s0 8.50 8.50 359.35 133 .82 134.29 1,O.942 948.69 3 .220 353 .28 3.88s 354. s1 ADAPT V-4.00IPlaza, along 4 (PL-4 66.2L -94 .5t 86 .27 4 -72 These momenLs are reduced to face 9 - SEL,ECTED POST-TENSIONING FORCES AND TENDON PROFII-,ES I======== l 9.1 PROFILE TYPES AND PARAMETERS 2 -410.50 4 -309.6'l 5 -94-26 IEGEND: ! = reversed parabola 2 = slmple parabola with straightj = harped tendonr =.2 TENDON PARAMETTYPE xL/L Xz/r-, X3 /L . L00 . L00 t; 2t 1 .100 .500 .100 .0001 .100 .500 .100 .0001 .100 .500 .000 000 I I <---- 9.3 SEIJECTED VALUES FORCE *<-DISTAIICE OF CGS in. -> P/A WbaI TOTAL FORCE ISPAN (k /-) Lefr Cenrer Righr (psi) (k /-) (k )l-l--- -2-------3- -4-------s---- --6-- ---7- --8------L 948.69a3 lii:3i I 341.60 8.50 5.00 8.50 129.39 4 .067 341_.60t I I 5 4g7 .37 I . so 6 .50 5 .00 188 .40 .829 497 '37 - * AL.,L disEances are heighCs f rom sof f it of respecti-ve member at mid-span -ApproximaEe weight of stiand .. 914'8 LB t l.s REeUI RED MINIMUM po s T - TENs I oN I Nc FoRcEs (kips) I <- BASED ON STRESS CONDTTIONS -> lspall LEFT CENTER RrcHT MrN P/A MAx sPAcrNG!-1- ----z -----3 -----4- -----5- -5------- 1 .00 (3 a 2 446 .69 (2I 3 .oo(3 932.79 220.5L(L) 4 L69 .24 (2) I s .00(3) t I-,EGEND : 1(1) Stress at FACE OF SUPPORT governs l(Zl Stress at CHANGE IN CROSS-SECTION governs - (3) Based on stress, NO POST-TENSIONfNG required 4.5 SERVIcE STRESSES (psi)(tension shown positive) I LEFT CENTER RIGHT lfAN T9P BOTTOM TOP BOTTOM TOP BOTTOM -1--- --2-- --3-- -4--- -5--- -----6- ---7---- .00 l_59.81_ .00 .00 63 .48 (2) 80 .7 6 (2) .00 (3) .00(3) 330.00 330.00 330.00 330.00 330.00 88.35 88.35 t'tJ.50 88 .35 6tJ. JO t, I I I I t I I t -397.76 -131.73 -267 .60 -438.52 59.35 - rudz . z I JbJ . f,o -287 .37 19.73 -290.L\ -395.05 67 .27 -4',77 .60 I l-83.17 -1,52 -37 -462.32 -500.05 -L98.62 -448.22 -2L6.>O -436.2r j.79.65 -39.82 59 .4L 72.31 -479.09 -154.15 -195.17 -243.58 -4.73 l, P..'-TENST.NTNG B A L A N c <--SPAN MOMENTpAN M(1) (Mmax------@) 1 r-08.7s -2L6.17 ( 8.50).03 ( 8. oo) -9]-.42 0-o.so)-33.37 ( 7.00) 4.6t ( s.00) E N T S, SHEARS & REACTIONS <-- SPAN SHEARS (K ) ss (r) ED MOM s (k-fr) M (r)SH (1) I I 2 370.00 3 l_30.33 4 L7L.42 5 83.29 377.00 L26 . O0 L77.92 84,75 51. 88 1.22 -2.J6 lu .62 t.22 -2.38 LV-62 -.l_u.)+ I <--REACTTONS (k ) -- loint- -2--- ----Lower columns-----Upper columns----- oJ . otz -7.957 4.153 -1.988 2L -360 -10.540 1 ri T 5l' -2.704 L .484 3.596 -13.190 .000 .000 .000 .000 I i'?:I -L.170 4.825 .000 .000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I ADAPT V-4.00(PL-4Plaza, along 4.Ja q I Pa I IO-FACTORED MOMENTS & REACTIONS $lculated as ( 1.40D + 1.70L + 1.OO secondary moment effects )I IPAII 1o.L FACTORED DESTGN MOMENTS (k-fr) 10.2 SECONDARY MOMENTS .. (k-fr) f, (left) (center) (righr) (lefr) (cenrer) (righr) =1 --- --2-- --3-- ---4- -5--- -6--- --7----- _1 -8.63 '182.96 -602.59 67.62 40.66 t9.02 3 -625.82 101.34 -411.88 9.11_ -.04 -9.19B -405.61 343. 03 -442.s7 -4.4G 19.38 43.224 -450.49 '76.90 -257.54 37.02 -33.32 -103.6?G -258 .73 8t_ . t-0 -6 .23 -tO4 .92 -57 .52 _I2 .73IINT 10.3 FACTORED REACTIONS ...(K ) rO.4 FACTORED COLI]MN MOMENTS (K-fT) r # srRrP reaction BAY reacEion LowER co1 . uppER col .l-r_-- ----2 ----3- --_--4 ___-_s_ - 1 201.03 20L.03 -153.3"7 . O0 I I I z 5 4 5 6 375.50 27t.29 275.44 L75.45 48 .66 27L.29 275.44 1,75 .45 48 .66 l-8.58 -L4.57 Ll_. 07 -3.88 24.41 .00 .00 nn . UU .00 I 11-MILD REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS l========I I1. 1 SPEC]FIC CRITERIA FOR T W O I - Tensile block rebar requirementr - Minimum steel -WAY SYSTEM 0.00075h1 - Moment capacity > factored (design) moment ebar cut-off lengths specified: For top bars . ,L7 sPan length For boLtom bars '33 sPan length XTEND ONE-THIRD of END-SPAITI BOTTOM BARS TO SUPPOTT CCNTET ].iNC T I I I I t I I I I I I s fxtelo oNE-FouRTH of TNTERToR-SeAN BoTToM bars to support center lines REINFORCEMENT based on NO REDISTRIBUTION of factored moments I t TOTAL WEIGHT OF REBAR =+ t6 .!tt STEEL AT PPORTS Plaza, along 4 AVERAGE =28 PSF BOTTOM1,, I age SUTOP I I ADAPT V-4.00 DIFFERENT REBAR CRTTERTA AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA sq.in. <- ULT.....MIN. 1 ri l: .765 1 .485 3.940 5.189 1.080 .450 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 765 000000 1.485 . 0003.940 7.665 f,. J-6:r I.f,/5 .000 1.080 000 .450 lr.g sELEcrroNoF REBAR AT IOINT nt 3t 6 S :333 .000 .000 .000 (sq in. )SELECTION SUPPORTS (sq in. )SELECTION .76 L.49 3 .94 5. 19 J-. U6 .45 4 # 5x 4t-6tl 5 # 5x 5t-6tl 13 # 5x 7t-6tl L7 # 5x 7r-0rl 4 # 5x 5t_6tt ., 4 # 5x 3r-6rr. 000 000000 .000 REBAR AT STEEL- rLL.4 STEEL AT MTD.SPAN TOP BOTTOM IPAN AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRTTERIA As D]FFERENT REBAR CRITERIA TRIB. -# sq.in. <- ULT....TENS 11----2--------3 --4-------5- --6-- -7-------8- -9-------t_O---l- .ooo ( .ooo .ooo .ooo ) 4.s37 ( 4.s37 4.024 .ooo ) 2z.ooJ .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) .ooo ( .ooo .ooo .ooo ) 22.00 000 .000 .000 2 .261 ( t.275 2.26J. 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 22 .00 22.00 22 .00 SELECTION OF MID_SPAN]s STEEL I boTT- tTr'D t t I I I 6pAN (sqin.) sELECTION (sqin.) SELECTION lr-- ------2 -----3 ----4- -s--- -t 4.94 7 # 8 x 6r-0r' -3 2,26 3 # 8 x 7'-O'' t I i1?:_19 ___fl::::_i1::?_-' ____lii_i_ I yi:l Y-i_99-- 'lz- PUNcHTNG sHEAR cHEcK ;EGEND: CONDITION... 1 = INTERIOR COLUMN I 2=ENDCOLiJMN I 3=CORNERCOI_,UMN 4 = EDGE COI-,I]MN (PARALLEI, TO SPAII) I 5 = BEAM OR WAIJIJ (PUNCHING SHEAR CHECK NOT APPLICABLE) I 5 = STRIP TOO NARRolf TO DEVEL,,OP PUNCHING SHEAR CASE. 1 = STRESS WITHIN SECTION #l- GOVERNS (COL.CAP OR SLAB) I 2 = srRESs wrrHrN sEcrroN #2 covERNs (DRop pANEL oR sr,AB)I I FACTORED ACTIONS <- PUNCHING SHEAR STRESSES IN psi-> I shear moment due to due to allow- STRESSJNT coND. k k-ft shear moment rorAl able RATro cAsE -J----2--- ----3- -4--- -5--- -6--- -----7- ---8- -9-----10-11f I I t t Ir -3 li 2 1 1 1 1 201.03 375 .50 271.29 275.44 l.75 - 45 48 .66 153 .37 1B.s8 14.57 11 .07 3.88 24 .41, t-54.08 2r9.29 1_58 .43 160.85 to2.46 5> . I Z 64.09 2.79 2.19 -L. OO .58 L8.24 228.r7 zzz . vo rbu. oz ]-62 .5r 103 . 04 57.96 215.03 246.50 189.10 189.10 202 .89 215.03 t; I I I .06 .01-.01 -.o2 00 UI age L1 PJ-aza, along 4 .02 (1-4093) -.0s ( 3115) . uz ( )J-66,l (Df,-4 .08 ( 3183) -.01(r_4r-s9) .0! (!7 627 ) .10 2s97) 2ss4) 4008) ADAPT V-4.00 0F-) r.061 2 - >u z .85 2 . db z .5t- z .2't 2 I STRESS RATIOS I EXCEED ALLOWABLE VALUES, REVTSE SECTTON GEOMETRY. T'. r*pra-r N-o r40Tlu " FkNrvLt N'v: ^" -'-r ' u,fi-o 'r o P-'&:oa tr-l: -MAXTMUM SPAN DEFLECTrONS NprzbtTo3rl4f- = = = = = = = =.r4 = = =_= = r : =; =,.== ==========-====='=== == =I fANi-'L''-D-t!5: loncreEe-s modul-us of elasticity . Ec = 3604-oo r"{llrllFit :"treep facEor Jeffective/Igross... (due to cracking) = 1.00 Irih"re sEresses exceed 6(fc')^r/2 cracking of section is allowed for. lalues in parenEheses are (span/max defLection) ratios t SPA}]DL DI-,+PT DL+PT+CREEP I-,L DL+PT+I-,L+CREEP 1L--- -----2 ---3--- -4--- --5-- --5------ f r .11 .00 .00 (4s2s8) .r0 ( ]-972) .l-1( 1890) -z -. 03 -. or- -. 04 ( 4660) -.03 ( 6486) - -o7 ( 27rt) vtL t'-t"x( xoM 6 - FRICT]ON, ELONGATION AND I-,ONG TERM STRESS LOSSES 6.6 LONG TERM STRESS LOSS CATCUI,ATIONS PARAMETERS :16.6. 1 |[ffi,::3rage INPUT strandof elasticity of strand LOW I,AX 28000.00 ksi NORt"lAL5 days 1523.00 ksi3504.00 ksi weight of concrete lstimat,e age of concrete at stresslng . $dulus of elast.icity of concrete at stressing .Iodulus of elasticity of concrete at. 28 days i I jstimate of average rel-atl-ve rrumlctrty - . . - . folume to surface ratio of member of average relatsive humiditY zin5000 50 le.e.2 CALCIILATED LoNG-TERM srREss Loss(average of all tendons) : I IPAN start center rlght lr--- --2-- ----3 -4----L 15.44 L6.44 t5.44 ri I7 .I2 L7.L2 \7.12 I 15.7 FRICTION AND 17.00 1t-6.00 121.00 1 t7 .r2 t7 .r2 L7 .T2 15 .30 1,7 .I2 L7 .t2 L7 .L2 16.30 E]-,ONGATI ON CALCULATIONS .6.7 .1 ]NPUT PARAMETERS : toefficient of angular friction (meu) .070 /rad lioefficienE of wobble friction (K) .0014 /tt fltimate strength of strand 2'1 0 -0 ksi latio of jacking stress to strand's ultj.mate strength .... .800 Anchor set .250 lross-sectional area of strand . L53 I 6.7 .2 CALCUI-,ATED STRESSES (average of all t.endons) : LENGTH <TENDON HEIGHT(in )> Horizontal ratios <-- STRESS (ksi) -->M{ ft P start center right xL/L x2/I' x3/L starE center right -----2----3-----4------5- -5------7-----8-----9- 10-----LL------t2-- 1n in^2 5.00 8.50 t.75 5.00 R qn 8.50 .00 .50 .10 L59.67 153.17 a69.52 .10 . s0 .10 L73.25 t77 .62 180.39 I t I I I t I I l- 'll31_4.00 10.00 8. s0 8.50 8.50 1,.25 5.00 b. f,u 8.50 8.50 l-0 10 10 .50 .50 .50 .l-0 .10 .00 180.39 178 176.r7 171 L58.26 154 ,21 .L/O.rJ- . t4 LO LZO .6U !52,5+ |rot.: P= tendon profj-Ie (refer Eo legend of data block 9) t Suresses ai each locatj-on are the average of strands after anchor set, and after long-term losses t T I PI 1 age t2 Plaza, along 4 (Pr,-4 ADAPT V-4.00 6.8 TENDON SEI-,,ECTION AND DATA: CAN<- SPANS----->CAN LEFT RIGHT ANCh' M )C. <1><2><3><4><5>(in) (in) <=== J Itn" o/r ronc' B 25 24.73 c 8 2t.46ote: Force is the average Stress ratios are at .68 .68 .59 . 59l===>value per strand anchorage (7) ano 1.30 .00 .00 R1 (k) maximum along tendon (8) t I t t I I I I I - L7' l7 I J I t I I I 3 t I I I / I I I t I I 34 1tl-f "/ ...ii :ti " t..r.." i ?AGE I ct 2 Tll|Dorl f, U 3 PAII lb' O ATA ?6' lroTts:OROP PAIIILDROP CAP bt llF Irton O.il llur e.fth e. n&r WUt |ltd.tt tr lr tr h <{_rtglt_,.- ter-t Ha furtlaaa.| -tlyr. IrA EA I I tb't0 Lt6 ,r0 fa 1.- 41 l0 L7.4t tl .1-+ 1 I l1'l0 L40 .tt .44 +I l7'l0 ?T1 .t0 ,t0 5 ?d'l0 ut .t0 ,-r0 r5a <-.;4iot c Ats__>q!. uur rirtlr A{qntrlrhlr < -ll€OtEtt-r l€\3fn ALOB Jl|rlL itr tEr td FgtrrrStta I 7-t0 +o 1-*4- n t0 t0 ?-+7-+ +l0 +0 ?*7.1-t t0 fs ?-4''?.{' 6 t.o 4,9 74- I t t Redwine-Reizian, Inc- Structural Engineers O15O East Beaver Creek Bl-vd., Unj-t 204A, P.O. Box 8009, Avon. CO 8)'620 I ADAPT POST-TENS IONING SI.,AB/BEAM l-733 Woodside Road, Suitse SoFTWARE ACr-318-89/UBC-1988 260, Redwood CiEY, California (v 4.00) 94061 r'" [:,: AND TIME OF PROGRAM EXECUITON: E C T T I T L E: Antlers Condo Addn / Lionshead Nov t,1999 At Time: l-4 :58 (PL-E3 a 4LAZA, fiLertA GF,D E-7 | oHr 3: I.I-GENERAL DESIGN PARAMETERS IoNCRETE: STRENGTH aE 28 days . -I{EIGHTfreeP facEor for deflectionsI TENSION STRESS limius (mu1ti-p1e of (f t c) ^L/21 &p of exEernaf supporu Icp of intsernal supporg Bottom of external span i.ttom of internal spanr lOupnBssroN sTREss limirs (mu1tiple of (f,c)) YIEL,,D strength l-nimum Cover at TOPI.linj-mum Cover at BOTTOMrlr ECST-TENSIONING:I TtrSTEMT .Ultimate strengEh of strand Min CGS of t,endon from BOTTOM for IMIERIOR spans. lin CGS of tendon from BOTTOM for EXTERIOR spans. lin specified average post-t.ensioning Ffax t.endon SPACfNG (multi.p1e of member depth ) . . f,pndon proflle tlpe and support widthg I USED: o face of support At all locations .450a, ITLD REINFORCEMENT: 4000.00 (psi) LsO.01 (pcf ) 2 .00 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 60 . 00 (ksi )2.00 (in. )1.00 (in.) UNBONDED Average effective st.ress in strand (final) 175.00 ]rand area. . 153 lin ccs of t.endon f rom TOP i-.50 27 0 .00 L.25 1..75 125.00 ksi )ksi) in^2 )in. )in. )in. )psi) ANALYSIS OPTIONS tm::.:'ly:l3-' 8.00(see section 9) YES TWO-WAY YES I 10" tLnbu/ +'* 1'x l'-{ n Dpt? 4Pt uivalent. frame formulation Der ACI-318-83 I l T tn"Plaza, along E.3 (PL-83 ADAPT V-4.00 .l I-INPUT GEOMETRY 2.T - S P A N D A T A . SPAN TYPE I.,ENGTH DEPTH WEB FL.WIDTH FL.THICK. WIDTH MULTIPLIER l, ft in. in. in. in. <-left---right-> f-r-- --2-------3 ---4- --s-- --6-- -7--- ----8- -9---- 1 1 16.00 10.00 2t6.00 2 1 27 .00 10.00 228.O0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .55 .45I1 17.00 10.00 240.00 4 L 17.00 10.00 228.00 _ 5 t 26.00 10.00 2]-6.00 I, I 2.2- suPPoRT wrDTHs I SUPPORTr WIDTHS I-,ENGTH B Df INT in. ft in. in. =-1-- ----2 ----3- art I .55 .50 .45 trn q,n AND cBc* COLUMNS DATA I,ENGTH B D CBC* lFr i -1n. l t t I I t I I, zli 6 l. o"" I 1lz!3 A t: 8.00 l_0 .60 10.60 16.00 10.50 L8.00 colut4NS 1,2.OO t2.oo 12.00 12.00 12.00 l.u. t)5 t0.63 10.63 15 .95 -LU. O-) .l-u. b5 10.63 10 .63 10.63 15 .95 _LU. b5 10.63 .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) . oo (1) .00 (1) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 11) (1) T1\ (1) (1) 11\ .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ARE ASSI]MED FIXED AT THE FAR END 2.3- DROP CAP AND DROP PANEL DATA . CAPT CAPB CAPD]-, CAPDR DROPTL DROPTR DROPB DROPL DROPR lorNr in in in in in in ft ft ft l'-1-- ---2- -3--- ----4 --5-- ---6- -7--- ----8 -9--- ---10--- .00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 .00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 .00 24.OO 24 .00 24 .00 z+.vv 24.OO .00 24.00 24.00 24.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 nn .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 . UU .00 .00 nn . UU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I ,NPUT APPI-,, IED LOADING l---clAss--->f.=DEADL,OAD 1=UNIFORM 3=PARTIALITNIFORM €=LIVELOAD 2=CONCENTRATED 4=APPLIEDMOMENT t (Uniform) (Con. or part.) ( M o m e n E) s.pAN CLASS TypE (k/t:t) (k@fc or fr-fr) (fr-k @ fr)r.-lif -- ---2- -----3 -4--- --5-- -6--- --7-- ----8-I -. I Plaza, along 8.3 (PL-83 ADAPT V-4.00 3 .400 4 .500 3.500 4.800 3.800 5. UUU 3.500 4.800 3 .400 4.500 l_ 1 1 1 t_ 1 1 1 1 1- l- 2 1 1 4 1 z 1 z Ln.f 1I J 3 $ t I l*orr: LrvE L.ADTNG t l-"ALCULATED is SKIPPED with a skip factor of 75 SECTTON PROPERTIES 1.1 AT MTDSPAN .SPAN AREA (in^2) I (in^a) Yb (in- ) Yt (in- ) lr--- --2-- ----3 -----4- -s------11 2160.00 lgooo.oo 5.oo 5.oo 2 2280.00 l-9000.00 5.00 5.00 l: 2400. oo 2oooo. oo 5. oo s. oo ls 22go.oo 19ooo. oo 5. oo s. oo 5 2L50.00 18000.00 5.00 5.00 1., Ar JorNrs (face of support) loor AREA in^2 I l-n 4 Ybin. YT t-n. AREA I in^2 in^4 Yb YT ].n.jr-------2 -----3---- ----4--- ----s-- --6-- ---7-- -----8-------9-- lr . oo .0 .00 . oo 2160. oo l-8000.0 5.00 s.00-2 2544.00 46457 .L 1-L.64 6.36 2664.00 47668.6 11.70 6.30 -)' 2664 .00 47668 .6 11.70 5.30 2784 .OO 48861.8 L1 .75 6 .24 I 2'7g4.oo 4g8G1. g 1-1-.76 6.24 2664.o0 47G69.6 11. ?o 6.30rr5 2664 .oo 47668 .6 r.r-. ?o 6 .30 2s44 .oo 464s7 .r 11.64 6.3G 5 2544.OO 46457 .t tt.64 5.35 .00 .0 .00 .00II s=====:=:=o o LOAD MOMENTS,SHEARS REACTIONS t I t I I l l I I I <5.1 SPAN MOMENTS K-fT>< 5.2 SPAN SHEARS K > age Plaza, along E.3 (PL-E3 ADAPT V-4.00 I -SPAN M (1) (Mmax- - - - - -@) lt (r) sH (1) sH (r) l-r-- --2-- ---3------ -4-----------s- -6---- --7----r 1 -.89 30.j2 ( 4.40) -201,.4! -L4.66 39.73 2 -207 .s3 l-14.51 (13. s0) -2L9.75 -48.18 49.02 I s -zL3 -46 33.89 (1r.48) -25.49 -43.35 2L-2s J + -2o.7L L9.43 (4.68) -24!.48 -16.77 42.74 s -2s1. 01 150. 08 (1s.60) -25.49 -52.87 3s '52 < 5.3 REACTTONS k > <- 5.4 COLUMN MOMENTS k-ft -> oint- ----2 ----Lower columns----Upper columns----- 3 l; 6 |l 6- LIVE IJOAD MOMENTS, SHEARS & REACTIONS Iir-------- 't<-5.]-LIvELoADsPANMoMENTs(k-ft)andSHEARFoRcEs(k)-> -Maxima of NEGATTVE SUPPORT Maxima of POSITM SUPPORT a and POSITIVE SPAN moment.s and NEGATIVE SPAII moments SHEAR FORCE tseer M (1) M (max) M (r) M (1) M (max) M (r) sH (1) SH (r)t-1-- --2-- -3--- -----4 ----5- ---6- --7-- -8--- ---9--1 -7.88 85. L9 -268.49 7.06 -78.84 1 2 1,4 .66 87.91 92.38 38.01 95 .6L 35 .52 19.29 1t_7.01 L22.39 51.55 t28 .02 46 .94 -6 -54 5.72 4 -78 -9.5s 25. 53 -1.11_ -8.82 I .62 5.11 -L2.33 33 .64 .00 .00 .00 .00 l 2 -277 .29 153 .28 -290.95 11.51 -33 .321.30 -8t .32 10 .58 -19 .29 52 .7tl-.16 -64 .29 55 .31 57.63 -57.08 27 .922.69 -23.64 57 .96 3 -82 -70.06 46.94 3 -283.1,7 97 .45 -140.074 -139.56 86.05 -321.92 43.03 -87.79 I t -334.23 2tt.2o -33.58 2.33 -22 .34 < 6.2 REACTTONS k > <- 6.3 COLUMN MOMENTS k-fE ->oint,- ----2- ---Lower columns----Upper columns----- I l t z 5 4 o .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 t -MOMENTS REDUCED TO FACE OF SUPPORT .-<-8'1DEADLoADMoMENTS-><-8,2LIVE*LoADMoMENTs-> I spaN M(1) M(max) M(r) M(1) M(max) M(r)I -1 -----2 ----3 ----4 ---5- ----6- --7---- 1 3 . 81 30 .73 -184 .7'7 - -22 86 .t7 -245 ' 67 I 2 -r8?. oo 114 .50 -19?.83 -249 .33 r53 - 2s -262 .sB I 3 -r94.67 33.89 -12.L7 -258.42 97 -42 -11s.50 I age 5 Plaza, along E.3 (PL-E3 ) ADAPT V-4.00 t PI 4 - 10.31- L9.43 -223.08 -Lts.67 86.08 -297 .00 I 5 -228.L7 160.08 .20 -304.00 2L1.t7 -2 -04 I live Load moments listed are maxima of support negative and span positive t suM oF DEADANDLT'E MoMENrs (k-ft) fxima of negativ l T I I I t t I l t I e support and positive l-ive load span moments combined with lead loading for servi-ceabili-ty checks ( L.OODI-' + 1'00LL ) I t r + SPA}T M (1) tt't (max) M (r) -1---- ---2- ---3- ---4--- l- 3.58 115.89 -429-83 2 -436.33 267 .7s -460 -42 3 -4s3.08 131-.31 -L27 .67 4 -125.97 105.51 -520.08 5 -532.!7 371.25 -1.85 TE: These moments are reduced to face - SEI,ECTED POST-TENSIONING FORCES AND TENDON PROFILES 9.1 PROFILE TYPES AND PARAMETERS ftcerun: ! = reversed parabola 2 = simpLe parabola with straight portion over support I = harPed tendon V.2 TENDON PARAMETERS TYPE XL/L X2/L X3/L A/I-, -1--- ---2- -----3 -4--- -----5---- 1 .000 .500 .100 .0001 . L00 .500 .l-00 .000 1 .100 . s00 .100 .0001 .100 .500 .100 .0001 .100 .500 .000 .000 .' <---- 9.3 SEIJECTED VAIJIJES FORCE *<-DTSTA}TCE OF CGS iN.-> P/A WbAl TOTAL FORCEPAN (k / -) Lefr Cenrer Righr (psi) k / -) (k ) u2 634.46 8.50 2.50 8.50 2'78.27 3.481- 634.46 I 3 448.18 8.50 5.00 7.00 1-86.74 1-.809 448. r-84 459.34 7.00 6.00 8.50 201 .47 l-.854 459.34 I s 752.80 8. sO 1.25 5. OO 348.52 / 4.083 7s2.80 * ALL distances are height.s from soffit of respective member at mid-span Approximate weiqht of strand l-l-55 .2 LB I ln"5 Plaza, along E.3 (pl'r-83 )ADAPT V-4.00 15 RE QU I RED MINIMUM Po S T - TENS I oN I NG FoRcEs (kips)- t 2 q t I I I <- BASED ON STRESS CONDITIONS -> fsea5 LEFT CEMTER RIGHT MIN P/A MAx sPAcrNG T-1-- ---2- ----3- ----4 -5--- ----6- - 1 .00 (3) 2O.5L I z 427.68(2) 424.L7I 3 s4s.10 (2) 28. jL 4 .00 (3) .00 I r ss8.35 (2) 6s2.20 s75 .60 (2) 464 .93 (2) .00 (3) 654.L7 (2) .00 (3) 270.OO 285.00 300.00 285.00 270.00 I Z - Z> /b. Jl 80.32 76.3L 72.29 I-,EGEND : ri3i i;i:;: l. lno* l3 at FACE OF SUPPORT governs at CHANGE IN CROSS-SECTION governs on stress, NO POST-TENSIONING required SERVICE LE TOP FT BOTTOM sTREssEs (psi) CENTER BOTTOM (tension shown Positive) RIGHT TOP BOTTOM 67 .32 -807.5884.17 -836.l-0 -6.4r -459.1r. -8.29 -819.93 -429.'t5 -30.48 TOP -645.73 89.55 -704.95 L48 -4t -540 -74 L67 .25 -561.l_1 158.18 -944.16 247 .L2 -283.90 7r.35 89.78 -LU.UZ -zL. I L -265 .02 -792.46 - 6Z) . )6 -459.30 -825 .64r l.? PoST-TENSTONTNG BALANCED MOMENTS, SHEARS &REACTTONS <--SPAN MOMENTS(K-fT) riPAN M(1) (Mmax------o) M(r) SH(l) sH(r)\l r--- -2--- --3-- -----4 -----s- ----6 -----7-l1 I t I I t I I t I l I 1 l3 4 t: I T l z 3 4 5 .75 245 .57 246 .00 24 .53 359. 00 .00) .50) . s0) . s0) .00) zlr. )6 25 I . Z) 25.27 31V . >Z 87 -75 .76 -.44 s.99 1.13 .76 AA 5.99 -9.00 1.13 -6 .6L -!5Z.Ot -r5.J5 8.38 -L92.58 I <--REAcrroNs (k ) --ljoint- -2--- ----Lower COLUMN MOMENTS (K-fT) columns- - - - -UPPer columns- - - - - -.764 1.209 -6.430 L4 .990 -10.130 L.]-25 -.494 6.282 -5.391 -4.846 L0.'725 -26, LVO .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 IPage 7 Plaza, along E.3 (PL-E3 ADAPT V-4.00l r tr 1 3 4fl I t l_0.2 SECoNDARY MOMENTS .. (k-fE)(1eft) (center) (right) 4.20 t82.89 -691-.91 420.39 -/J.it.5I LOZ.5+ -31-L.48 L43 . 53 - t t > .5 I 625.65 -587.85 -7t7.99 -774.52 25.75 - -75 -6 -24 -2-46 -r00 -42 56.87 -5.61 -.43 -)v. tz -29 .9L 42.73 -L2.38 5.37 -97.58 42 .69 28 .95 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 rNT 10.3 FACTORED REACTTONS ... (k )# STRIP reaction BAY reaction 10.4 FACTORED COLIJMN MOMEMTS (K-fT) LOWER coL. UPPER coL. ! JZ . )J z 525. L63 330.984 L55.855 3 4L.32 o IsU. b5 52 .55 525. L6 330.98 155.86 34L.32 130.65 -3.53 -Lt.6I t5 .92 10.53 -25 -or b+. tt5 .r^\rv -!a\- J.r-,,nED MOMENTS & REACTIONS l-------- Lculated as ( 1.40D + 1.70L + 1.00 secondary moment effects ) AN 10.1 FACTORED DESIGN MOMENTS (K-fT)(1eft) (center) (ri-ght) ..- I t J1-MILD REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS l======== -..!.1 SPECIFIC CRITERIA FOR T W O - W A Y SYSTEM I - Tensile block rebar regui-rement I - Minimrrm sf eel- --*eI 0.000?5hI - Moment capacity > factored (design) moment .l lebar cut-off lengths specified:r For top bars ...... .17 span length For hnftom barsI --- ---tom bars -33 sPan lengtl: lxrrwo oNE-THTRD of END-sPAN BorroM BARS to support center lines FXTEND ONE-FOURTH of INTERIOR-SPAN BOTTOM bars to support center lines t I REINFORCEMENT based on NO REDISTRIBUTION of facLored momCNTS I SUPPORTSTOP T 1_1t l TOTAL, WEIGHT OF REBAR = 1075 L,B AVERAGE 56 PSF .2 STEEL AT BOTTOM 1n.I PLaza, along 8.3 (PL-83 )ADAPT V-4.00 IOINT AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA As DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIAL,-# sq.in. <- ULT.....MIN.-1------2- ---3- -4------5--- I I I I T I I I, 2 l; ;Il-1.3 SEI-.,ECTIONOF REBAR AT SUPPORTS rOINT l+ (sqin.) SELEcTToN (sqin.) SELEcTIoN -1--- -----2 -----3 ---4- ----5- .000 8.488 .000 .000 8 .488 9.367 1.208 9. s90 .000 .000 l-. vJ5 1 oan .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 . 000 .000 -720 .000 .000 .000 .000 t.L70 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .720 .000 .000 .000 .000 1.l-70 .000 . 000 . 000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 18.00 19.00 20.00 19. 00 18.00 li 4l: 6.+> 9.37 1.53 .00 4 # 5x 3r-5rl Zg # 5x 8r-0rl 31 # 5x 8'-5rr 5 # 5x 7t-6tl 31 # 5x 8r-0rl + # 5x 6r-6'r AT MID-SPAN T{1 D .72 l_#8x 4 | _0 | | t.t7 Z # 8 x 7r-0'l BOTTOM AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA TRIB. so.in. <- ULT....TENS lt.n s r E E L PAN AS DIFFERENT REBAR CR]TERIA # sq.in. <- ULT....TENS 1 .000 2 .000 3 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .981 1.580 1.322 2.864 .000 .9r9 .587 .000 .981 1.580 4 .000 l. .000 4 .007 L.3222.864 1.845 11.5 SEI,ECTIONOF REBAR AT MID-SPANIIPAI{ (sgin.) STLECTIoN (sqin.) SELECTION -1--- -----2- ----3- ---4- --5-- .98 1.58 1.32 2 # I x 9'-0'l 2 # 8 x 5r-0'r 2 # I x 6r-0'r 4 # I x 9'_0'l lr 2.86 I I I I I I Plaza, along E.3 ADAPT V-4.00 3- PUNcHTNG sHEAR cHEcKr ______- S$BH;", I 1 = INTERIOR COI-,IJMN 2 = END COLUMN 3 = CORNER COI-,UMN 4 = EDGE COLUMN (PARALLEL TO SPAN) 5 = BEAM OR WALL (PIiNCHING SHEAR CHECK NOT APPLICABI-,E) 5 = STRIP TOO NARROW TO DEVELOP PUNCHTNG SHEAR f,,, I FACTORED ACTIONS <- PUNCHING SHEAR STRESSES IN PSi-> t shear moment due to due to a1Iow- STRESS Jvt coND. k k-ft shear momenE ToTAL able RATrO CASE =1--- -2--- ----3- -4--- -5---------6-- -7--- -8-------9-----10- 52.55 3.63 ]-37 .L7 34.04323.l_8 t7 .87 188.73 2.69330.98 1_5.92 r93.29 2.39155.86 r-0.53 9r.02 r..s8341..32 23.6t 199.33 3.55 130 - 65 64 _ R? 139.30 45.50 1=2= STRESS $IITHIN SECTION #1 GOVERNS (COL.CAP OR SI,AB) STRESS $IITHIN SECTION #2 GOVERNS (DROP PANEL OR SI-.AB) z 1 1 1 1 z 1.7]-.2t 215.03 .80 1 L9t.42 225.82 .85 2 195.58 225.82 .87 2 92.60 206.23 .45 2 202.87 243.72 .83 2 184.80 2r.5.03 .86 2 l^""t*o sHEAR cHEcK sATrsFAcroRy IIb ADDITIONAL REBAR OR CHANGE IN SECTION IS NECESSARY -'. +'*t'r l'' 6" DFor oArt L_I I I I t I T I I I I ]s. ro Plaza, a t long E.3 ( Pi-,-E3 ADAPT V-4.00I le - nnrcrroN, ELoNGATToN AND LoNG TERM srREss LossEsr ======= 'le .s LoNc rERM srREss Loss cALcuLATroNs ! .16.6.2 rNPUT VALUE : ILonq-Eerm sLress losses due Lo and stress reLaxaEion shinkage, creep, el-astic are est.imated to a toEalJnorEenlng lr*n sum of 00 ksi fe .z FRrcrroN AND ELoNGATToN cALcuLATroNs I 16.7 .1 INPUT PARAMETERS : oefficienE of angufar friction (meu) .070 oefficient of wobble friction (K) .0014 l-timate strength of strand /rad I f f ksi .$atio of jacking stress Eo strand's ultimate surength.... -800 lnchor set .250 in lross-sectiona]. area of strand .153 in^2 I 46.7 .2 cALcur-,ATED STRESSES (average of all tendons) : ILENGTH<TENDoNHEIGHT(in)>Horj.zonEa}ratios<--sTREsS(ksi)-->f-,atu fE P start center right xr/L x2/L x3/L start center right!1--- --2----3-- ---4------5- -6------'7-----B 9------10-----11 -72-- l_ 1_6.00 1 5.00 5.00 8.50 .10 L84.51 186.92 L9r,44 . 10 t9r .44 t9't . 47 197 . L9 .10 t97 .a9 rgs.29 198.17 .10 198.17 200.15 L96.34.00 195.73 L89.24 184.53 lz 27.00 r. 8.so 2.so 8.so13 17.00 1 8.50 6.00 7.00 4 5 17.00 1 25.00 1 nn qn .10 .50.1_0 .50 7.00 8.50 1n6.00 8.50L.25 5.00I N ote:P= tendon profile (refer to legend SEresses at each location are the and after long-term losses of data block 9) average of strands after anchor seE, T T t; C NoI I TENDON SELECTION AND DATA: PE OFF FORCE CAN<- S P AN S ----->CAN <1><2><3><4><5> ELONGATION Stress ratios I-,,EFT RIGHT Anch. Max.(in) (in) 8.33 .22L5 29.656 29.5411 28.87 -______l l===> . 69 .',74.73 .74.72 .72.00 .00 2 -rote: Force is the average value per sErand (k) Stress ratios are at anchorage (7) and maximum along tendon (g) /4-t,/ Ll 0N/H/u4 o PL/+Z -=-------._Af--V :=i= 4tV?eTY/. tv i E:6:.......'..,' : i Eg lg' TEIIDOX i.c',.0i l0 ?o'/0' T PAII DATA DROP CAP OROP PAIITT lroTES: ltr DF trtio O.il |{l.,| RtN|ah F. ti|cr WUt tlrart tL rL h |L <{___r{F><-T.t&rHLh[n*.r-tT!r. XrA XlA l6 0 ?f,,:67 ,75 1-I 74 0 tfz .Iz .7 t 9 I l0 6 'rit .lt .7.' k I t0 a Liz ,67 ->vrIl007t?.[z .v7 6 I lh o 7fz .6'?.37 7 l0 o zfz .62 7' a 1.,0 7ft .t?7t Iha <-oio? cAF_>F wb! st |rr Gtrtlrnhhh <-llfnctt-r tgllmtxgrt'ri!- itr H.rr t t Fglthhlri I I Redwine -Rei zian, Inc . SE.ructural Engineers 0150 East Beaver Creek BLvd., Unit 2O4A, P.O. Box 8009, Avon, CO 8L620 I ADApT posT-TENSToNTNG sr,AB/BEAM soFTWARE Acr-318-8g/uBc-1988 (v 4.00) t 1?33 woodside Road, Suite 260, Redwood City, California 94061 IATE AND TIME OF PROGRAM EXECUTION: Oct 2l ,!999 At Time: 11153rI I * O ,r E C T T r T L E: lgrog - Antlers Condo Addn / Lj.onshead r Puezft LlLrtf-L, ftwt-ra CtL tD 0. +II-cENERAL DES]GN PARAMETERS (PL-54 ) IONCRETE: SrRBNcru at 28 days 4ooo.oo (psi) -gEIGHT 1s0.01 (Pcf ) IREEP facEor for deflections 2.00 I TENSION STRESS limits (mu1tiple of (f'c)^t/2) lop of external support 5.000 lop of inEernal support 6.000 Bottom of external span 6.000 ll.tt.om of internal span 6.000 I TOMPRESSION STRESS limit,s (mulciple of (f 'c) ) At, all locati-ons .450 .I IILD REINFORCEMENT: Yf EI-.,D strength 60.00 (ksi) linimum Cover at TOP 2.OO (in.) I.llnimum Cover af BOTTOM_ BoTToM 1.00 (in. ) EOST-TENSTONTNG : IYSTEM UNBONDEDthtimate strength of sErand 27O.OO (ksi) Average effective stress in sErand (finaI) 1-75.00 (ksi) ItranE area. .153 (in^2) lln CGS of tendon from TOP 1.50 (in.) Mln CGS of tendon from BOTTOM for INTERIOR spans. 1.25 (in.) |in CGS of tendon from BOTTOM for EXTERIOR spans. 1.75 (in.) lin specified average post-tensioning 125.00 (psi) Max E.endon SPACfNG (multiple of member depth ) . . 8.00 fendon profile type and support widths (see section 9) I ANALYSIS OPTIONS USED: ments REDUCED to face of support ... YESructure system TWO-WAYuivalent frame formulation per ACI-31-8-83 ..... YESI I I I l"n. 2 LL- b+(pI ,- 64 ADAPT V-4.00 I-INPUT GEOMETRY: I SPAN TYPE 11riil; i 81 T 2,L - S P A N LENGTH DEPTH WEB DATA FL.WIDTH FI,.THICK.WIDTH MULTIPLIER l-o. uu 18.00 18.00 L8.00 18.00 18. 00 22 .00 .00 .00 .67 .67 .67 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 8.00 252.008.00 252.008.00 252.00 d . uu zaz . uu 8.00 252.008.00 252.008.00 252.O0 8.00 252.0O .00 .00.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2.2 - S U P P O R T W I D T H S A N D C O L U M N S D A T AISUPPORTWIDTHSLENGTHBDCBC*I-,,ENGTH D CBC* 1a2 l3 4 -6-7 olg I * .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 8.00 10.63 10.63 10.53 10.63 l-0. 53 10.53 8. 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 't 2.00 r-00 . 0012.00 10.6312.00 L0.63 12.00 t_0.63L2.OO l_0.631_2.00 10.53 12 . 00 10. 63 t2 -oo 10.6312.00 100.00 1 1 L 1 L 1 1 1 l_ 1 I 1 1 L 1_ L L 1 1n" I AIL COLUMNS ARE ASSIJMED FIXED AT THE FAR END 2.3- DROP CAP AND PANEI-,, DATA f,,*, T:' :ln"CAPDL CAPDR DROPTL DROPTR DROPB DROPL DROPR J.n 1n 1n l-n fr fr fr J' 3 t: 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.00 16.00 15.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48.00 48. 00 48.00 .00 24.00 24.OO 24.OO 24 -OO 24.OO 24.00 24.O0 24.OO 24.OO 24.0O 24 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 nn .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I f7 l8 J-O. V\J 16.00 -LO. VV 48.00 48.00 48.00 24 .00 z1 . uu 24 .00 24 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 t --INPUTI I APPLIED LOADING ( Pr ,- 64a9ePI"- 64 ADAPT V-4.00 <---CLASS---> I : if# i3ffi 1 I z L z 1 z 1 1 z l- = IINIFORM 3 = PARTIAL UNIFORM 2 = CONCEIflIRATED 4 = APPLIED MOMENT (Uniform) (Con. or part.) ( M o m e n t) PAN CLASS TYPE (k/fL)(k@ft or ft-ft) ( ft-k @ ft) 1 5 1 1 I z 1 11 a' 3l t d 6l 7tt I 7.100 5 .250 4.500 2.l_00 4 .500 3.800 3 .400 5.250 3 .400 5.250 3 .400 5.250 3.400 J . ZaU 3 .400 5 . 25U .000 6.00 1 1 1 L 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 OTE: LIVE LOADING is SKIPPED with a skiD factor of 75 -CALCULATED SECTION PROPERTIES t J., PAN AT MIDSPAN AREA (in^2) I (in^4)Yb (in. )v|- (in ) ti 5 It 2016.00 2016.00 ZUIO. V\J 201_6.00 2015.00 2015.00 20L6. LO752.OO L0752.00 r_0752.00 10752 .00 10752 .00 1,O752.00 4 .00 4 .00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4. 4. 4. 4. 00 00 00 00 00 00 I I I t I I I I t I I I I t I I' I 00 201_5. 00 PIr-64 10752.00 107s2 .00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 I I a9e (PL-64 ADAPT V-4.00 l, T' -1f2 -3 4 t: l3 AT ,JOINTS (faceof support) AREA in^2 I in^4 Yb Ln. YIin. AREA Ltt z I in^4 Ybin. .00 2400.00 2400.00 2400 .00 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 2400 . oo .00 s.28 5.28 5.28 5 . Z6 5.28 5.28 5.28 5.28 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 2400 .00 .00 33443 33443 33443 33443 3 3443 33443 3 3443 33443 -40 .07 -62.70 -49.01 -29.62 -30.51 -31.87 -zo.z5 -.tz .5 L 10.72 t0.72 lu. tz ru. tz 1,0 .72 10.72 ]-0.72 t0.72 .00 5.28 5.28 5.28 5 .26 > .26 5 -28 5.28 5.28 .00 .0 .00 33443.8 L0.72 3J+13 .6 LU . I Z 33443.8 L0.72 33443.8 t0.7233443.8 r0.7233443.8 L0 .7233443.8 L0.7233443.8 10.72 lr- DEAD LoAD MoMENrs, I SPAN b -t1 f,Al( >REACTIONS <5.]. SPAN MOMENTS M(1) (Mmax------o)< 5.2 SPAII SHEARS k > sH (1)sH (r)k-ft > M (r) t I l" *' A s s 1 3 1 5 I -32.03 -305.78 -24L.t3 -89.93 - l_06 . 71 -ro9.L2 -83.88 -1?0.09 81.01 130.94 25 -73 39.0s 30.23 40 -2L L7.28 vJ. J_6 5.60 14.L8 10.80 8.55 9.00 9 .45 7 .65 L2 .65 -z>>.62 -253.05 -8'7 .97 -l_07.53 -t-08.20 -86.28 -L62.s3 -6L .87 t3.5+ 56.6U 31.99 31.57 30.68 29.33 34.9'7 32.48 n, < s.3 REACTTONS k > <- s.+ colffigMENrE-k-fr ->int-- ---2- ---Lower cETim::]i.lppGi cotumns----- 40 .07 136.24 107.81 61.51 62.09 oz .3+ 55.55 r I . z6 3Z,16 .82 - .92 2 .40 -7.5t_ 6l_.85 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -32.03 I I I I 6- LIVE I-,OAD MOMENTS,SHEARS & REACTIONS t v!- o+ADAPT V-4.00 <-6.1LIvELoADsPANMoMEMrs(k-ft)andsHEARFoRcEs(k)-> f"n" s PI-.'- 64 I Maxima Of NEGATTVE SUPPORT MAXiMA Of POSITIVE SUPPORT and POSITM SPAN moments and NEGATfVE SPAN moments SHEAR FORCE l SPAN M (1) tt (max) M (r) M (l) M (max) M (r) SH (1) SH (r) I-r- ---2- --3--------4- ---5- ---6- --7-- -8------9--r 1 -Ls.42 34.39 -i-05.25 16-94 -32.41 8.38 -19.22 L2.28 2 -Lrz.65 66.83 -139.95 9.4L -17.66 L2.22 -27 .34 29.36 3 -r-35.65 58. s3 -137 .37 L4.69 -52.1-9 24.2I I I I I I I I I T I 5 6 I .. LL I < 6.2 REAcrroNs k > <- 6.3 Pryg-uoueuIs-k-ft -> Joint -----2 ----Lower coll-umns----Upper co]-umns----- I I I 1 3 4 I I t I I I t_ 5 4 I I I I -r39.75 92.37 -155.80 89.47 -L67.89 97.88 -150.95 87 .65 -262.6L L43.92 lv - zz 5> . OZ 63.96 79.07 96.52 96 .39 85.85 t_1,9.33 50.15 21.50 -45.69 7'1 .74 -54 .94 1'7 .77 -5I .24 15.59 -70.90 rJ . J l_ - z3 . a> --J. -Jl- -7.404.3r -3.86 L.52 -1.50 4 -34.60 33.81 1-5.72 -45.26 49.24 20.05 -47 .27 47 .23 L7 .76 -49.16 45.34 15.65 -40.52 53 .98 17 .29 -65.34 50.15 - rb.l .52 -156.38 -160.65 -250.93 -9s.57 5 b o 9 | ,"o" I-MOMENTSI 95 .54 TO FACE .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 OF SUPPORTREDUCED <- 8.]. DEAD LOAD MOMENTS -><-8.2 LIVE* LOAD MOMENTS M ('1 )M (max)M (r)M (1)M (max) M (r) -]-9 .43 34 .39 -105.25 -]-L2.67 56.83 -l-40.00 -135.67 68.s3 -1-37.33 -l-39.75 92.33 -L58.33 -166.83 89.50 -466.42 -L57 .92 97 .92 -1.60.67 -L60.92 87 .67 -250.92 -262.58 r43.92 -95.58of support negative and span posiEive 1 -32.03 81.01 2 -3 05.75 t30.923 -24I .17 25 -734 -89.92 39.055 -L06.75 30.235 -109.08 40.2r7 -83.92 L7.288 -170.08 93.L7 -299.83 -253.08 -88.00 -107.50 -IU6.I / -85.25 -1,62 .50 -61.88 I-,ive load moments listed are maxima r7- SUM OF DEADANDLIVE MOMENTS (K-ft) G;ril=;;=;;;;;i;==;;;;=;il=;;r;i;;=ii; =i;;=;;==il;;;; =;;*;";=;i;;== llead Loading for serviceability checks ( 1.00DL + 1.00LL ) SPAN Ml'l)M (max)M (r) -51.45 115 .40 -40s . 08-4L8.42 t97 .75 -393.08-376.83 94.26 -225.33-229.67 131.38 -275.83 PL-64 ( PL- 54 ADAPT V-4.00 I I3IIO 7 c IOTE: These momenLs are I -273.58 LL9.73 -274.58 -277 .00 138.13 -246.92 -244.83 LO4.94 -4r3.42 -432.67 237.08 -r57.46 reduced to face I - seLBcrED posr-TENsroNrNG FoRcEs AND TENDoN PRoFTLES l======== 1.1 PROFILE TYPES AND PARAMETERS IEGENDf = reversed Darabola 3 = simple pa-rabola with straight portion over supporE I = harped EendonI 9.2 TENDON PARAMETERS I rYPE XL/L x2/L X3/L A/r, t-------r-- -----2------3 -4--------5----1 1 . 000 .500 .100 .000 rij 1 .100 .500 .100 .000t- .100L .100 .500 .100.500 .100 .000 .000 L .l_00 .500 .100 .000 .000 .000 .000 r_ .l_00 .500 . L00 1 .100 .500 .100 100 500 000I I I t I I I t t I I I <---- 9.3 SELECTED VALUES FORCE *<-DISTANCE OF CGS J-N. -> - SPAN (k / -) I,eft Center RighL I-r- --2-------3 --4-------5-r L 569.28 4.oo L.75 5.50 2 669.28 6.50 1.25 5.50 I 3 669.28 6.so t.2s 5.so I 4 669 .28 6. so t .25 6. so 5 659 .28 6.50 1.25 6 .50 I 6 669.28 5.50 t-.25 6. s0 I 7 669 .zB 5 .50 1.25 6 .50 8 669.28 5.50 1.75 4.00 CUI,ATED VALUES --> Wbal(k /-) TOTAL FORCE(k) 669.28 669 -28 669.28 669.28 669.28 669.28 569.28 669.28 at mid-span 2053.8 LB 6.100 3.2r3 7 .230 7 .230 I . ZJV 7 .230 7 .230 5 . ZZ t I ;""*1,*ri!"*!iini'1, t heights from soffiE of respecEive member D L l- Clr.tLt 36 .83 s4.ss(2) 252 . OO 252 .00 (PI_',- 64 J.s REQUI RED MINTMUM PosT - TENS I oN I NG FoRcES (kips) <- BASED ON STRESS CONDITIONS -> _SPAN LEFT CENTER RIGHT MIN P/A MAX SPACINGl-r- ----z -----3 -----4 ------s- -G-------I r .00(3) 13r..93 s72.L9(21 252.00 105.43 442 -30 406 .86 (2)2 46s.87 (2) I t 472.63(2) I l_05 .43 105 .43 l"n.PL-64 00 -- q 4 P/^ (psi ) ---5----- 55J-. vO ?'l 1 0< 331.95 2?'l o< 2?1 0( 331 . 96 l; f: l?fir.;"""(2) stress 1,., Based SPAN 46.87 (r) r-85.35 r_6s . 90 (2 ) 138 . 931,s6.08(2) 2t3.73 70.90 (1) 78.89 449 .67 (2) 669 .23 5.27 -855. 76-72.29 -698.28-359.88 -l-14.39-274.39 -287 -96 L5J ,1> \Z ) rb5,t,0 f z, 74 .25 (L) 30 / . OO \Z 'nn /?1 252.00 252.00 z5z . uv 2s2 . OO 252 . OO ADAPT V-4. --:---- 105 .43 105.43 105.43 105.43 l_05 .43 .9.6 SERVICE STRESSES I LEFT cE (psi ) NTER BOTTOM (tension shown positive) 1 -378.50 -76.39 at FACE OF SUPPORT governs at CHANGE IN CROSS-SECTfON governs on stress, NO POST-TENSIONING required TOP BOTTOM TOP lr -490.07 -r_73.90 -785. 08 121.11 -333. t_6 -330.81-506.24 -t57 .73 -450.93 -273 .04 RIGHT TOP BOTTOM -2t.12 -802 .18 -40 -62 -762.58 -358.36 -97 .t7 -269.99 -296.90-271,.90 -293.02 I liI -zot.lo 5v. Jb -5UZ.O5 -l_ott. vu -924 .97 -377.44 - lu+5 ..t4 -126 .64 -l6b,5J ??q 4q -328.6L -L77.87 1.48 -848.06 - !>1 , +1 -+)V . Z> I 7 Posr-rENsroNrNG l rr* '-,,0 tit P A N MOMENTS (Mmax------@) B A IJ A N C E D M O M E N T S, SHEARS & REACTIONS <-- SPA\I SHEARS (K ) SH (1)SH (r)(k-fE) M (r) I I 1 l_04 . 08 2 258.50 3 ZO t .6J 4 272.42 3 Z I L. ZJ6 270.83 -80.02 -96.25 -94.00 -92.42 -93.08 -92.r7 -94.75 8.00 13 .50 9. 00 9.00 9. 00 9. 00 v - vv 269 . 08 267 .33 272.58 27L.17 270.92 273.t7 265.50 -1.60 .04 -.26 .07 .02 - . t5 .44 .04 -.26 .07 .02 -.13 .447 273.42 I I 264.7s I I I I I I I I I I I I .55 I I -77 .76 (11.00)t12.92 .55 - <--REACTTONS (k )--> fioint- ------2 ----Lower cofumns-----Upper cofumns-----I- 1 l_.59G 32.708 .000 zt; 5l: I' I I a9e -r_.638 .305 -.335 . 053 .148 -.573 - . 1l-9 .551_ -.594 .466 - .1,44 .07 4 -.o82 .248 - .752 -4r..550 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 I PIr- 64 ( PL- 54 ADAPT V-4.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I l'::PL-54 ( Pr,- 54 ADAPT V-4.00 |lO-FACTORED MOMENTS & REACTIONS -540 .45 -294.94 -376.32 -374.24 -331.52 -599.41 -207 .57 32.'tL 57.65 56.98 61.58 60 .42 tJv.uz oz,oz 53.90 45 .48 57.08 59.36 60 .97 f5v.zo 51.t9 58.53 4't .73 90.37 zao . +9 259.96 zzu - 51 -L7.76 -zL-2t 24 .48 -9.46 .00 .00 .00 .00 lal-culated as lno* 10.r- FACToRED DEsrcN MoMENTS (k-fr) -# (lefr) (cenrer) (right)1"0.2 SECoNDARY MOMENTS .. (k-fE) (1eft) (center) (right) lr l: l3 .]OINT 1-0.3 FACTORED REACTIONS ...(K ) rO.4 FACTORED COLTJMN MOMENTS (K-fT) I # STRIP reaction BAY react.j-on LOWER col . UppER col . l-1-- ----2 -----3 -4--- --5-- -{5.J-5 ZLt.35-561.93 353.98-511.28 21r_.88 -JUJ..ttd ztz.6l) -3't2.65 254.74-378.15 283.94 -328.43 231_.85-630.5r 422.82 L >V , J T t 2 256.40 I 3 259.96- 4 220.34 ( 1.40D + 1.70L + 1.00 secondary moment effectss ) 58.24 56.52 6r.73 50 .34 60. r_0 oz .5 I 54.65 41.55 I t I 5 o '7 tJ z3L.VO z5!.ar 223.14 310.88 131.31 zf,r. uo 25r.57 223.!4 3r_0.88 131 .31 3.81 9.95 -31.02 207.40 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I l.1-MILD REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS I======== =========I .11.1 SPECIFTC CRTTERTA FOR T W O I - Tensile block rebar requirementI - Minimum steel, -WAY SYSTEM 0.00075h1 - Moment capacity > factored (design) moment l.u.r cut-off lengths specified: For Eop bars .17 sPan length For botEom bars .33 sPan length XTEND ONE-THIRD of END-SPAN BOTTOM BARS to support center Lines XTEND ONE-FOIIRTH of INTERIOR-SPAN BOTTOM bars to support center Lines REINFORCEMENT based on NO REDISTRIBUTION of factored momenEs t J t t I Page 10 I t I I I I I l PL-64 ADAPT V-4.00 II TOTAL WEIGHT OF REBAR =1225 LB AVERAGE =.38 PSF BOTTOM As DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIAlt., s r B 'JO]NT AS )i EL AT SUPPORTSTOP DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA L .575 ( .ooo .s76 .OOO ) .ooo ( .000 .000 '000.575 ( ,000 .575 .000 ) .uuu ( 'uuu ' \-'rt',|v 'vvv 1.510 (11.510 1.548 . OOO ) .000 ( .000 .000 ' 000-2 11.510 (Ll.5L0 1.548 I: 10.090 (10.090 \.620 ln I .16a / nnn 1 tof 10.090 (1o.o9o \.620 .ooo ) '000 ( 'ooo .000 '000 t-296 ( 1.200 1.296 .000 ) .000 ( .otjo .uou .uuu L.296 ( L.287 L.296 .OOO ) .000 ( .000 .000 .000 L.296 ( .OOO L.296 .000 ) .000 ( .000 .000 -000 4 r.2s6 ( .OOO !-296 .OO0 ) .000 ( -000 '000 '000 5 1.296 ( 1.200 1.296 .ooo ) .000 ( .000 .000 '000 7 L.296 ( .000 L.296 .000 ) .000 ( . ooo . uuu - uuu 8 l-4.545 Q4.545 1.440 .000 ) .000 ( .000 .000 .000 il9 .792 ( .3s6 .792 .000 ) .000 ( .000 .000 .000I L1 .3 SEI-,ECTION OF R E B A R AT S U P P O R T S lorr'rr14 (sqin.) sELEcTroN (sgin.) SELECTION -1--- -----2 -----3 ---4- ----5- 11 .59 4 # 5x 3'-6,1 12 11 .51- 38 # 5x T,-o,l3 10.09 33 # 5x 8'-6rl -4 1.30 5 # 5x 5r-5rl I 1-.30 5 # 5x 6r-5rl -G l_.30 5 # 5x 6r-Grl'7 1?n 5 # 5x 6'-6r'G ,i'.ii 4i # 5x 7, -G, , f9 .79 4 # 5x 4t-6tl fL.4 STEEL AT MID-SPANTOP BOTTOM IPAN AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA As DIFFERENT REBAR CRTTERIA TRIB. S sq.in. <- ULT....TENS -r----2--------3 --4-------5- --6-- -7-------8- -9-------l_0---1 .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) 2L.00ft .o0o ( .ooo .000 .ooo ) .3o2 ( .zoz .ooo .ooo ) 21.003 .000 ( .ooo .ooo .000 ) .ooo ( .ooo .0oo .ooo ) 21.004 .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) 21.00 15 .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) 2t_.00 r .000 ! .000 .000 .000 ) .000 ( . ooo .000 .000 ) 21_.007 .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) 2t.00.vvv t \ lvv .vvv / -8 .000 ( .000 .000 .000 ) 3.ss6 ( 3.ss6 3.400 .000 ) 2L.ooI I MID-SPAN (sqin.) SELEcTIoN .1-1 .5 SELECTIONOF REBAR AT TIDAN (sqin.) SELEcTION .30 3 .55 1# 8 x 9'-0rl 5 # 8 x 7t-6tl ADAPT V-4.00(PTr-64rge 11 PL-64 I I t T ADAPT V-4.00t!,!-o'tPIr-64 I l I I IPage 12 f,PUNCHING SHEAR CHECK 1 = INTERIOR COLUMN2 = END COLUMN 3 = CORNER COLLJMN4 = EDGE COTUMN (PARALLEL TO SPAN) 5 = BEAM OR WAIJL (PIINCHING SHEAR CHECK NOT APPLICABLE) 5 = STRIP TOO NARROW TO DEVELOP PIINCHING SHEAR 1 = STRESS WITHIN SECTION #1 GOVERNS (COL.CAP OR SI,AB) 2 = STRESS WITHIN SECTION #2 GOVERNS (DROP PANEL OR SLAB) 1"""*, CONDITION. . .t T CASE.t r FACTORED ACTIONS <- PUNCHTNG SHEAR STRESSES IN psi-> I shear moment. due Eo due to allow- STRESS tNT COND. k k-ft shear momenL TOTAIJ able RATIO CASE -1--- -2--- ----3- -4--- -5--- -6--- -----7- ---8- -9-----l-0-l;i3l_l: iti i 256 .40 259.96 220.34 25L.05 251,.57 223.L4 310.88 21.5t 24 .48 9 .46 3.81 3.93 o otr 31.02 209 .92 272 -84 180 .40 205.56 205.97 L82.70 254.53 4.71 5 .36 z.v I . aJ5 .85 2.18 6.79 21,4 .63 2r8.20 1,82 .47 206.39 .zuo.65 1,84 .87 zoL.J5 zzz . z5 222.25 222.25 zzz . z5 222.25 222.25 222.25 .97 .98 .62 .93 .93 z 2 2 2 z z z I .STRESS RATIOS EXCEED AI-,,LOWABLE VAIJUES, REVISE SECTION GEOMETRY. II]NCHING SHEAR CHECK NOT CARRIED OUT FOR SUPPORT WITH CONDITIONSI,1 tMvf'tTl6tQln- t I I 50R6 RurrrrlE. l//fr+ f ft6. nlrlrw PK= L*Crr r-* F^tLtL'^//' T/f- PnnP PACEI ot2 i.6-ti i : : lFr f!". Lrt'lt D.rar llldr |t Wt(lr e. fttsr l||tt lAata..L lr tr h lr .-n-rttt_>.- tartt Ha tr!|raaar ->lb. xt^ It I I tb'0 '7,16 f0 5a 7-I 7-1'0 ?U ,r0 .50 n I l7'g ut .ra .st .--<tot c A f___, i!. lEr r{.f'| ttr,.rtr:rhhh <-ll€Oct!-t l5gnr||.q|t| t i I Ti Redwine-Reizian, Inc' Structural Englneers O15O East Beaver Creek B1vd., Unit 204A, P.O. Box 8009, Avon, CO 6IOZU I ADApr posr-TENsroNrNG sLAB/BEAM soFTwARE Acr-318-89/uBc-1988 (v 4'00) t 1733 Woodside Road, Suite 260, Redwood City, CaLifornia 94061 ATE R 910 T I I AND TIME OF PROGRAM EXECUTION:Oct 2],\999 At Time: l-5: 8 O J E C T T ] T L E: 9 - Antlers Condo Addn / Lionshead (PK-82 -GENERAL DESIGN PARAMETERS IONCRETE: ErReNctH at 28 days 4ooo,.oo (psi) JCEIGHT -1so ' 01 (Pcf) IREEP factor for deflections 2.00 - TENSION STRESS limits (multiple of (f'c)^L/2) fop of exEernal support 6.000 lop of internal support 6.000 Bottom of external span 5.000 J.ttom of internal span 6.000 I toupREssroN sTREss fimirs (mulrip]e of (f'c)) AE all locations .450 -tIILD REINFORCEMENT: YIEI-,D strength 60 .00 (ksi) finimum Cover at TOP 2.00 (in.) finimum Cover at BOTTOM 1.00 (in.) 1|osT-TENSTONTNG:IYSTEM TJNBONDEDtlltimate strength of strand 27O.OO (ksi) Average effective stress in strand (final) ...... 1-75.00 (ksi) lcrana area. .L53 (in^2) lin CGS of tendon from TOP l-.50 (in.) Mj-n CGS of tendon from BOTTOM for fNTERfOR spans. I.25 (in.) fin CGS of tendon from BOTTOM for EXTERIOR spans. 1.75 (in.) lin specified average posE-tensioning 125.00 (psi) llax tendon SPACING (mu1tip1e of member depth ) . . 8.00 fendon profile tlpe and support widths (see sect,ion 9) I ANALYSIS OPTIONS USED: foments REDUCED to face of support ... yES Jtructure system TWO-WAY .uivalent frame formulation per ACI-318-93 yES I T l t f.n. 2 Upper Pkg, along E.2 (PK-E2 )ADAPT V-4.00 I-INPUT GEOMETRY 2.I - S P A N D A T A .. SPAN TYPE LENGTH DEPTH WEB FL. WIDTH FI.,,. TH]CK. WIDTH MULTIPLIER f ft in. in. i-n. in. <-1eft---right-> l-r-- --2-- -----3 -4--- -----s---------6- --7-- -----8- -9---- 1 1 15.00 8.00 2t6.oo .00 .00 a 2 L 2'7 .0O 8.00 21-6.00 .00 .00 | 3 1 17.00 8.00 21-6.00 . oo . oo .50 .50 .50 .50.50 .50 t t 2.2- suppoRT wrDTHs AND coLUMNs DATA SUPPORTWTDTHS]-,ENGTHBDCBC*LENGTHBDCBC* OINT in. ft in. in.ft in. in.ir r_------2- ---3- |fr"-------5-----6- --7------8 --9----10----I 1 .00 12.00 r_00.00 8.00 (1) .00 .00 .00 (1)- 2 .oo r-2.oo 10 II )b I a.' /,L lf) , nlbt' t I I I I I t I 'r- I aI,?age 3 Upper Pkg, al-ong 8.2 (PK-82 ) 1) .oo .00 .oo (1) L) .oo .oo .00 (1) l_) .00 .00 .00 (1) a . G3 10.63 J : . oo 12.00 10.53 l-0.63 4 .o0 12.00 10.63 10.53 I * elt.,, coLUMNs ARE AssuMED FrxED AT THE FAR ENDT I-TNPUT APPLIED LOADING .-l l---cmss---'-r=DEADLoAD 1=uNrFoRM 3=PARTTAI-,uNrFoRM I =I,IVEI-,OAD 2 =CONCENIRATED 4 =APPLIEDMOMENT I (Unlform) (Con.orpart.) (Moment) SPAN CLASS TYPE (k/ft) (kOft or ft-ft) ( ft-k @ ft) Ir-- ---2------3- -----4- ----5- --6-- ---7- -----8- I NOTE: LIVE L,OADING 1s SKIPPED wi-th a skip factor of .75 r_ 1 1 2.000rl 2 L .900 It2 1 1 2.ooo a2 2 L .90o !: 1 1 2.ooo3 2 1 .900 I I ADAPT V-4.00 l.r Ar MTDsPAN r-cALcULATED SECTTON PROPERTTES -S.PAN AREA (in^2) I (in^a) yb (in. ) yt (in. )f.l1--- --2-- ----3 -----4 --5------ -1_ L728.00 921"5.00 4.00 4.002 L728.O0 L728.O0 >z-Lb. uu 9216 .00 4 .00 4 .00 4.00 4.00 15- DEAD LOAD MOMENTS, SHEARS & REACTIONS I -22 .92 11.08 l.- r;t- 2t; I l'n" 10.14 48.74 50.07 11.08 .00 .00 .00 .00 -3.00 5.35 -11. t 6.00 -5.30.00 -tt.92 '-.2 50 L - 5t 2L .93 22.53 4 .99 Upper Pkg, along E.2 (PK-82 I I I t <s.1 sPAN MoMENTS k-ft>-sPAlI M(1) (Mmax------@) M(r) < 5.2 SPAN SHEARS K > Drl \ -L .i eIJ /rl 5 -1- ---2- - - - -3 - -4-- --- -5 --6- - ----7 ---- f 1 -s.55 20.!t ( s.2o) -99.43 -10 ' 14 21"87 t 2- -105.70 74.6a (13.50) -109.51, -26.86 27.ls Il LIVE I-,OAD MOMENTS,SHEARS REACTIONS I.<-6.1LIVELoADsPANMoMENTs(k-ft)andSHEARFoRcEs(k)-> I Maxima of NEGATIVE SUPPORT Maxima of POSITM SUPPORT - and POSITIVE SPAN moments and NEGATM SPAN moments SHEAR FORCE J rA.T\M (1)M (max)M (r)M (1)M (max)M (r)sH (1) sH (r) I -7 .22 15.05 -44.73 -4.56 9.84 2 -47 .56 33.60 - 3 -46.68 18.38 T 3 -103.75 27.61, (11.48)-3.09 DL < 5.3 REACTIONS k > <- 5.4.-COLUMN Movrnr'r.Fq k-ft -> oint- ----2 ----Lower columns - - - -Upper coLumns----- Ll-glllgN MsJ'rTs-k-fr -> cd[-umns: - - -Upper columns - - - - - .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -12.09 12.21- I.96 -10.31 4.99 l.roint- ----2 ----Lowerr 1 4.56 -2 AD t I APT V-4.00 d} -MOMENTS REDUCED TO FACE OF SUPPORT - <- 8.1 DEAD I,OAD MOMENTS -> spAlJ M(1) M(max) M(r) <-8.2 LIVE* LOAD MOMENTS M(1)M (max) M (r) 20.12 -99.42 15.05 -44.73 74.68 -109.50 33.50 -49.27 I ! t 1 -q qq 2 -1-05 .67 3 -103.75 -47 .56 -46.67 SPAN 27.61 -3.09 18.38 -3.00 Live load moments listed are maxima of support negative and span positive - SUM OF DEADANDLIVE MOMENTS (K-ft) r========laxima of negative support and positive live load span moments combined with dead loading for serviceabllity checks ( 1.00DL + 1.00LL ) I t Mfl)M (max)M (r) 3 1 .100 .500 .000 000 -r2.772 - l_53.23 3 - 150 .43 35.L7 -L44.L5 LU6.26 -LalJ- t I 45. 98 -6.08 NOTE: These momenLs are reduced to face3 -9 - SELECTED POST-TENSIONING FORCES AND TENDON PROFILES B.T PRoFILE TYPEs AND PARAMETERS LEGEND: I = t"n.tsed paraboia | = simple parabola with straight portion over support3 = harped tendon 4.2 TENDON PARAMETERSTYPE XL/L X2 /r., X3 /L A/r-,---1- -----2- -----3- -----4- --5----I11 1 .000 . s00 .100 .000 -2 1 .100 .500 .l-00 .000 SP'-1 1 2 r3 t I <---- 9.3 SELECTED VALI'ES FORCE *<-DISTANCE OF CGS in. -> AN (k /-)Left Center Rioht 228 .20 4 . 00 L.75 5.50 228 .20 5. 50 L.25 6 . 50228.20 5.50 L.75 4.00 ALL distances are heights proxi.mate weight of strand <-- 9.4 CALCULATED VALUES -->P/A Wbal TOTAI FORCE(k / -')(k) -----7- ---8- 2. O8o 228.201.096 228.201.842 228.20 mid-span 294.8 LB T t32 .07 ]-32 .07 from soffit of respective mehber at I I I i s:J"Upper Pkg, along E.2 (PK-E2 ADAPT V-4.00 f.r REQUTRED MINTMIIM PoST-TENS <- BASED ON STRESS COND]TTONS -> SPAN LEFT LIII\ I IAIA RIGHT IoNTNG FoRCES (kips) MIN P/A MAX SPACING 1 .00 (3 2 2t8 .7]-(r .00 1e4.87 (1) 123.01 228.r7 (r)216 .00 2]-6 .00 216.O0 90.37 90.37 90 -37 | . 206.28 (1..00 .00 (3) LEGEND : 1(1) Stress at FACE OF SUPPORT governs l(2) Stress at CHANGE IN CROSS-SECTION governs -(3) Based on stress, NO POST-TENSIONING required 3 tD.6 SERVIcE STRESSES lpsl) l"*LEFT TOP BOTTOM -132.4t -131.71361.33 -625.45336.57 -600.59 POST-TENSIONIN CENTER TOP BOTTOM -L53.47 -110.55 -.165 . :ro zzL .60 -L>1 .t6 -bv.Lt (Eension shown poslEive) RIGHT TOP BOTTOM 316.00 -580.12 Jt>.+o -otJ,36 -t25.63 -138.49l. l, t I I t I t I t I G B A L A N C E D M O M E N T S, SHEARS & REACTIONS <--SPAN MOMENTS(K-fT) rSPAN M(1) (Mmax------@) M(r) SH(l) sH(r) I-r- ---2- ----3- -4--- --s-- ---6- ----7------r 1 L2.83 -3i-. 07 ( 8. oo) 58 ' 15 .r4 .r4 2 58.52 l t 60.44 -40.30 (13.s0) -33.9r- ( 8. so) 60.54 4 .85 - .07 -.o7 .47 r <--REACTTONS (k )-- fioint- -2--- ----Lohter coLumns-----upper coLumns------ L -'139 L2'825 'ooo: 2 .2I4 '379 ' 000 I 3 -.54s -.100 -ooo ' 4 .474 -4.848 .ooo t l - age Upper Pkg, along E.2 (PK-E2 ADAPT V-4.00 I l I ?O-FACTORED MOMENTS & REACTIONS - trbfculated as ( 1.40D + L.70L + 1.00 secondary moment effecEs ) lpAN 10.L FAC?ORED DESTGN MOMENTS (k-fr) -# (lefE) (cenrer) (righr)r_0.2 SECoNDARY MOMENTS .. (k-fr)(lefE) (cenEer) (right) -1--- --2-- --3-- ---4- -5---------6- ----7----- 11 -7 .2t 65.47 -204.64 L2.82 !1.7L 10.59t2 -2L7 .gL L73.G7 -224.04 Lo.gl i_1.99 13.013 -211.69 78.76 -4.57 L2.9L I .88 4 .85 INT 10.3 FACTORED REACTIONS ... (K )H STRIP reaction BAY reaclion r.0.4 FACTORED COLUMN MOMENTS (k-fr) LOWER col .UPPER col . l-1-- ----2- ----3 -4---- -5---I 1 2r-.81_ 2L.81 .83 . oo'2 l_05.73 i_05.73 -13.25 .oo ot 107. B5 z+-+o ].2.39 _1 .tJ5 1-MILD REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS 1.1 SPECIFTC CRITERIA FOR T W O - W A Y SYSTEM - Tensile block rebar requirement - Mi-nimum steel o. ooo7shl I - Moment capacity > factored (design) moment tRebar cut-off lengths specified: For top bars . .I7 sPan length I For bottom bars .33 sPan length I EXTEND ONE-THIRD of END-SPAN BOTTOM BARS to supporE center lines JXTEND ONE-FOURTH of INTERIOR-SPAN BOTTOM bars to support cenEer Lines I I ' REINFORCEMENT bASEd ON NO REDISTRIBUTION Of fACTOTEd MOMCNTS | 1 ',2i22 I .00 .00 TOTAL WEIGHT OF REBAR = 331 I-,8 AVERAGE 31 PSF j"2 sTEEL AT SUPPORTS TOP BOTTOM EOINT As DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA - # sq.in fr-- ----2 ----3- -4------s- --6-- -i-------B- -9----11 .576 ( .ooo .576 .000 ) .000 ( .ooo .000 .000 ) I age 7 Upper Pkg, along 8.2 (PK-E2 )ADAPT V-4.00 I PI 2 4.066 ( 4.066 1. s48 .000 ) .000 ( .000 .000 .000 )13 4.34s ( 4.34s 1. s84 .000 ) .000 ( . ooo .000 t I I I I l- 4 -3l4 .6t2 .000 .61,2 .000 ).000 .000.000 .000 ) .000 ) 18.00 18.00 18.00 l';i'SELECTIONOF REBAR AT SUPPORTS * (sqin.) SELEcTION (sqin.) SELECTIoN fr-- -2--- --3-- -4--- --5-- lr .58 4 # 5x 3'-5rl 4 -07 4.34 I]..4 STEEL AT MID-SPAN, ToP SPAN As DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA AS fe # 5x 7'-0rt 15 # 5x 7t-6tl + # 5x 3r-6rl BOTTOM DIFFERE}]:I REBAR CRITERIA TRIB. .000 .000 .000 t.652 2.003 .000 .000 .000 .000 1 .0002 .0003 .000 . 000 2.003 . 000 .000 .000 .000.000 .000 .000.000 .000 .000 lt.u sELEcrroNoF REBAR AT -SPAN (sgin.) SELECTION MID-SPAN (sqin.) SELECTIoN z z . uu 3 # 8 x 9'-0rl T I t I I I I I I T [.n" 8 upper Pkg, along 8.2 (PK-E2 )ADAPT V-4, OO r - PUNcHTNc sHEAR cHEcK IEGEND: CONDITTON... 1 = INTERTOR COLUMN I 2=ENDCOLTMNI 3=coRNERcoLUMN4 = EDGE COLUMN (PARALI-.,EL TO SPAN) - 5 = BEAM OR WAIL (PUNCHING SHEAR CHECK NOT APPL,ICABLE) I 5 = STRIP TOO NARROW TO DEVELOP PUNCHING SHEAR -cAsE. 1 = STRESS WITHIN SECTION #1 GOVERNS (COL.CAP OR SLAB) 7 2 = STRESS wrTHrN sEcTroN #2 GovERNs (DRop pAlrEL oR sLAB) I I FACTORED ACTIONS <- PUNCHING SHEAR STRESSES IN psi-> N shear moment due to due to aliow- STRESS Tf,ff COND. k k-f t shear moment ToTAL able RATIO CASE -1----2-------3 --4---------5--- -5--------7- ---8- -9-----10-tr=-ta2 1 10s .73 13 .25 242 .52 24.81 267 .33 22t.84 I.2l 13 1 r_07.85 12.39 247 .38 23 .2r 270 .59 22L.84 1, -22 1 .4 2 24 .46 1. 83 85.53 L9 .71, r05 .24 2t5 .03 .49 l_ l' I RESS RATIOS EXCEED AILOWABLE VALUES, REVISE SECTION GEOMETRY.t PT]NCHING SHEAR CHECK NOT CARRIED OUT FOR SUPPORT WITH CONDITIONS 5 OR 6 I tlI' I t T I I I I l LlhJfHrvlO ^uxr*,!/(!-k......!!-.k!.:..,,r....-n!--.e{k-......,..k. ^u,,*i.if.:,;.r"---.^.r*^PCtIot2 iEi,! / ,'.,i'f.0: : : t I I I t I tt, SPAII DATA DROP CAP '?-0'/ 0' l0' TETDOt| T I OROP PAilTt ]roTE3:I I I t T t -ffiffi,,1 *.r fltr L.ngn O.tfi ||Ltr F. U(|i F. nrg. t||{t faslrt ft lr lL h lr .{t-rttt-><- t.r&r Ha Pa,trra.rr ->DD. ItA )s|/t I l6'v | 't-la -7 ??-0 a lv It 7ttlhIl+lt ? 4-t0 0 l'7-lt 7tIt00lvlt7 6 I l0 0 la.le 7 7 t0 0 lt-l>7 6 /-d 0 17.-t>7 r|ll <-oiol cA+-> lF r&r an tr ii..rttshhh <-llGtoEt!-> t5gnrA.o|| t rl'tt itr ntlr ll ig,rhhttt I l i Redwine-Reizian, Inc. StrucEural Engineers 0150 East Beaver Creek B1vd., Unit 204L, P.O. Box 8009, Avon, CO 8152 0 I ADApr posr-TENsroNrNG sLAB/BEAM soFTwARE Acr-318-89/uBc-1988 (v 4.00) I 1733 woodside Road, Suite 250, Redwood City, Californi-a 94061 .llATE AND TIME OF PROGRAM EXECUTION: ! -RRO,IECT TrTLE: Dstog - Antlers condo Addn / Lionshead Min CGS of tendon from BOTTOM for INTERIOR spans. fin CGS of tendon from BOTTOM for EXTERIOR spans. lin specif ied average post-tensioning FFax E.endon SPACING (mu1tiple of member depth ) . . fendon profile tlpe and support wj_dths I ANAIJYSIS OPTIONS USED: lments REDUCED to face of support ... JrucE.ure syst.emuivalent frame formulation per ACI-319-93 ..... I Oct 21 , L999 AE Ti-me : l-7 : I (pk- 64 ) 4000.00 (psi) 1s0 . 01 (pcf ) 2 .00 6.000 6. 000 5.000 5.000 50.00 (ksi) 2.oo (in. )L.00 (in. ) 1.25 (in. 1-.75 (in. 12s.00 (psi) 8.00(see secEion 9) YES TWO-WAY YES I-GENERA]-, DESIGN PARAMETERS SxcRnrn: Blnpncru at 28 days WEIGHTfteeP factor for defl-ections - TENSIoN STRESS limits (mu1tip1e of 11rq)^7/2) lop of externaL support ]p of internal support Bottom of external span ; ttom of j-nternal span I SlapnEssroN sTREsS limirs (mulriple of (f 'c) )At all locations .450 'ILD REINFORCEMENT: YIELD strength linlmum Cover at TOPI, Jn1mum Cover at BOTTOM E)ST-TENSIONrNG:ITSTEM UNBONDEDllltimate strength of strand 27O.OO (ksi) Average effective stress 1n strand (final) 175.00 (ksj-) ]rand area . . 153 ( in^2 )ln CGS of Eendon from TOP 1.50 (in.) I t I J"n"Upper Pkg, along 6.4 (pk-54 ADAPT V-4.00 Il-TNPUT GEoMETRY! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ==== = = = = = = == = = ========= = == = = 2.L - S P A N D A T AI SPAN TYPE LENGTH DEPTH WEB FIJ.WIDTH FI,.THICK. WIDTH MULTIPIJIER I ft in. in. in. in. <-1efts---ri9ht-> !-r- ---2- -3--- -----4 ---5- ---6- --7-- -----8- -9---- .00 -62 .38.00r- 1 16.002 t 28.00 8.00 252.00 8.00 252.008.00 252.00 .00 8.00 252 .OO .00 .00 .00 .00 .62 .38 .00 .00 .00.00 .00 J 4 5 o 6 t I T I r. r_8 . 00r. 18.001- r.8.001 18 .001 18.001 15.00 .62 .62 .62 .62 .38 .38 .38 .38 8.00 2s2.oo 8 .00 252.OO8.00 252.00 8.00 252.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .62 .38 .62 .38 2.2 - S U P P O R T SUPPORT WIDTHS AND COI,UMNS DATA I I t l I I I I wrDrHs JOINT in. LENGTH B Dfr1T.| llt CBC*LENGTHBDCBC* ff- in in L 2 3 4 5 o 8 .00 .00 nn .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 L2.00 L2 .00 12.00 L2 .00 12.00 12.00 12 .00 12.00 t2 -oo 10.53 l-0 . 53 t-0.63 10.53 r.0.63 10 .63 10 .63 L0.63 10.53 10.63 10.63 10.63 10 .63 10 .63 10.63 10.53 10.63 .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) .00 (1) z 1 _f 1 1 1 1 z 1 z -L T, 2 t I ["n. 3 I l a I l * ALL COLT]MNS ARE ASST]MED FIXED AT THE FAR END -INPUT APPLIED ].OADING -,*---CL,ASS--->-1 =DEADLoAD t=uNrFoRM 3=PARTTALIJNTFoRM J=LIVELOAD 2=CONCENTRATED 4=APPLIEDMOMENT I (uniform) (con.orpart.) (Moment) spAN CLASS TYPE (k/fr) (kOfr or fr-ft) ( ft-k @ fE)f 1-- ---2- -----3 -4--- --s-- -6--- --7--- ---8- ta 2 -3L0 1.050 310 050 Upper Pkg, along 6.4 (pk-64 1) 1) l_) 1) 1) 1) 1) r) r) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .00 - UU .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ADAPT V-4.00 l, 3li l; t: l; 2.310 1 .050 2 .310 1 nqn 2.3t0 1.050 2.310 1.050 2.3LO r-.050 1 1 l_ z I 1 1 z L 2 1 a 1 1 1 t_ 1 1 L I l3 : : ?:313 It{oru: LIVE LoADTNG is SKTPPED with a skip factor of .75 - II l-cALcULATED SECTTON PROPERTTES l======== 4.1. AT MIDSPAN I lpeu AREA (1n^2) r (in^4) Yb (in. ) Yt (in. ) -1--- --2-- ----3 -----4 --5------ lr 2oL6.oo i-o7s2.oo 4.oo 4.ooJz 2o1G. oo Lo752.oo 4. oo 4. oo 3 201-5.00 10752.00 4.00 4.00 a4 20L6.00 10752.00 4.00 4.00 ls 2016. oo 10?52.00 4. oo 4. oo -6 2016.00 L0752.00 4.00 4.00 _7 2015.00 L0752.00 4.00 4.00Ie 2016. oo 1o?s2. oo 4. oo 4. oot 5- DEAD LOAD MOMENTS, SHEARS & REACTIONS I <5.1 sPAN MoMENTs k-frrspas M(1) (Mmax------o) M(r) sH(l) ss(r) --1-- -2--- --3-- -----4- -----5- -6--- ---7---- I r -L.34 23.43 ( 4. Bo) -r2s.74 -10.70 26.26a 2 -L32.98 9s.60 (14.00) -128.58 -32.50 32.18 3 -120.78 t3.92 (r_0.80) -45.97 -24.95 r_6.63 ) 4 -47 .92 36.42 ( 8. ss) -66.83 -19.74 2r.84 I s -66.32 29.60 ( S. OO) -er. Sg -21.0s 20. s36 -6r.71 31.30 ( 9.00) -62.79 -20 -73 20.85 - 7 -62.74 30.7L ( 9.00) -62.96 -20.78 20.80 ,lrI I I T t t I Jun. 4 Upper Pkg, along 5.4 (pk- 6a ADAPT V-4.00 | 8 -63.01 34.8s ( 9.38) < 5.3 REACTIONS K > oint- ----2 --Lower -3.89 -2r.27 l_3.38 I a2 l3 |; t^ -rJI-I 10.70 58.75 57.13 36.37 42 .89 4L.26 4L .63 +z,vt 13.38 col-umns----- .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 I Maxima of NEGATIVE SUPPORT and POSITIVE SPAN momenLs Maxima of POSITIVE SUPPORT ANd NEGATIVE SPA}I MOMENTS SHEAR FORCE SPAN M (1)M (max)M (r)M (1)M (max)M (r)sH (1) sH (r) l1-- --2-- -3--------4- ---5- ---6- --7-- -8------9-- I 1 -2.52 20.06 -s7 .L6 2.L6 -t5.46 2.t9 -4.87 11.93 ' 2 -60.45 43.45 -58.45 2.48 -6.48 r..g6 -L4.77 14.G33 -54.90 20.75 -27 .25 2.23 -L7 .28 9.09 -1,L.34 7 .55 | + -27 .Ls 22.13 -30.3s 8. 02 -s.70 2.37 -e.97 9.93 I s -30.15 20.06 -27.99 2.68 -9.97 2.65 -9.57 9.335 -28.05 19.90 -28.54 2.85 -9.23 2.69 -9.42 9.48 )7 -28.52 18.81 -28.62 2.37 -8.30 2.'75 -9.44 9.46 f 8 -28.64 17 .33 -2 -1,3 2.44 -6. s0 .80 -9.67 5.08 LL t < 6.2 REAcrroNs k > <- G.3 coLlJMN MoMENTs k-ft ->lJoint -----2-- --Lower cEffi corumns-----t 4.87 - .62 .00J z 26.7L -2, )q . ooI 3 25.s7 &'> .oo4 16. s3 -Et . oor 5 l-9.50 .23 . 00f 6 i.8.75 -.06 .00 '7 Lg.g2 .02 .oo _8 19.12 -.03 .00 ! 9 6. 08 7.7'7 .00I I-MOMENTS REDUCED TO FACE OF SUPPORTI======================== = = = = = = = ==== = = = == ======== = === ==== ==== I <- 8.1 DEAD LOAD MOMENTS -> <-8-2 LrVE* LOAD MOMENTS I SPAN M(1) M(max) M(r) M(I) trl(max) M(r) DL<- s.4 COLII14I{ MOMENTS k-f t -> columns- - - -Upper .35 -L.96 .51 -.LZ .05 3.88 -le - LrvE LoAD MoMENTS, SHEARS & REAcrroNs - ========== !<-6.1LIvELoADsPANMoMEMrs(k_fE)andSHEARFoRcEs(k)-> t I I I age 5 Upper Pkg, along 6.4 (Pk-5a )ADAPT V-4.00 ri r2 l8 t I -1-.34 23.43 -r25.75 -133.00 95.58 -128.58 -120.75 13.93 -45.97 -47 .92 36,42 -56.83 -56.33 29.60 -61.58 -6L.7r 3l_.31 -62.79 -62.74 30.71 -62.96 -63.02 34.85 -3.89 -2.62 20.07 -57. L6 -60 .44 43 .46 -58 .44 -54.90 20.75 -27 .25 -27 .1-8 22.1,3 -30.38 -30.15 20.05 -27 .99 -28.05 19.90 -28.54 -28.52 18.8r. -28.62 -28 .54 17.33 t I I t I t I I I - -2.r3 J li.r" load moments listed are maxima of support negative and span positive I - suM oF DEADANDLTvE MoMENTS (k-ft) i;;i;;=;=;G; i; =il"*;; =ffi =;;; i; i;; =il;; = i;;=;;;=ffi;;;; =;;*;il;=;i;;= = Jead loading for serviceability checks ( 1-00DI-, + 1.00LL ) SPAN M (1) M (max) M (r)I -1--- ----2 ----3 ----4---1 -3.95 43.50 -182.91 2 -L93 .44 13 9 . 04 - l-87 . 03 3 - 1,75 .65 34 . 58 -73 .22 4 -75.11- 58.55 -97 .20 5 - 96 .47 49 .66 -89. 58 6 -89.76 51.21 -91.33 7 -9:-.26 49 .52 -91.58 8 -9L.65 52.1,7 -6.02 I I jOTE: These moments are reduced to face I 9 - SELECTED POST-TENSIONING FORCES AND TENDON PROFILESI t 9.1 PROFILE TYPES AIVD PARAMETERS I,EGEND: I = reversed parabola 2 = simple parabola wi.th straighE portion over supporti = harped tendonI -.2 TENDON PARAMETERS TYPE Xr/L X2/L X3/L A/r,l-------1- -----2 -3--- ---4- --s----!1 1 .000 .500 .100 .0002 1, .100 .500 .L00 .000 ri 1 .1_00 .500 .100 .0001 .100 .500 . r00 .0001 .100 .500 .1-00 .000 15 1 .100 .500 .100 .000t7 1 .100 .500 .100 .000f8 l_ .l_00 .500 .000 .000 I <---- 9.3 SELECTED VALUES FORCE *<-DISTANCE OF CGS in.-> P/A Wbal TOTAL FORCE IsPAN (k /-) Left center Right (psi) (k /-) (k ) l-1-- -2-------3 --4-------s- -----6- ----7- ---8------ I I Je 6 Upper Pkg, along 6.4 (pk-64 )ADAPT V-4.00IL 289.49 4.00 1.75 5.50 L43 .57 2.639 289 .49 I f* ALI-, distances are heights from soffiE of respective mernlcer at mid-span Approximate weighE of strand .. 859'4 LB I I.s REeU r RE D MINIMUM pOs T - T ENs I oN I NG F9RCES (kips) -<- BASED ON STRESS CONDITIONS -> lseaN LEFT CENTER RrcHT MrN P/A MAX sPAcrNG I-r-- ---2- ----3 -----4-- ----s- -5------- I2 289.49 5.50 r.2s 6.50 t43.57 L.292 289'49 t 3 2s9.49 G.so r.2s 6.50 143'57 3-727 289'49 4 289.49 5.50 r.25 5.50 r43 .57 3.127 289 '49 - 5 289 .49 6.50 L.25 6.50 a43.57 3.127 289 '49 I e 2gg.49 d.50 t.25 5.50 t43.57 3 -1-27 289 '49 - 't 2Bg .49 6.50 r.25 5.50 :-43 .57 3 -r27 289.49 8 289.49 5.50 1.75 4. OO t43 -57 3.002 289 .49 .oo(3) .00 26t.34(1" 289 .44 (t) 189. 71 272 -44 (t 242.16 (7) .00 .00 (3 .00 (3) . oo 32.50 (1 30 .72 (L) . oo L2.26 (L t2 .7r (r) . 00 15 . 94 (1 16.72 (L) . 00 L7 .57 (L L7 .7e (\) .00 . oo (3 1)i l; 8 252 .00 105.43 2s2 .00 10s.43 252.O0 105.43 252.00 105.43 252 .00 105 .43 2s2 .00 105 .43 252 .OO 105 .43 252 .OO 10s.43 EGEND :(1) Stress at FACE OF SUPPORT governs f '2) Stress at CHANGE IN CROSS-SECTION governs f.r) Based on stress, NO POST-TENSIONING required 1.6 sERvrcE sr I I I I I I I I I RESSES (psi)(tension shown posit.ive) LEFT CENTER RIGHT JPANToPBoTToMToPBoTToMToPBoTToMlr -- ---2- ---3- --4-- --s-- -5--- -7----r -L4g.27 -139.93 -L42.42 -r44.78 332.42 -519 ' 51 2 379.4s -656.65 -539 '66 2s2.47 351.02 -638 '22 ls 300.39 _587.59 _73.68 _213.s2 -157 .66 -729.s4 l+ -L4g.L6 -139. 04 -180.47 -L06 '72 -50. s4 -236.65 5 -s3.49 -233.7L -r40.'75 -L46.45 -84.51 -202.69 15 -83.74 -203.46 -1.47 .59 -139.61 -76.43 -210.77 fz -76.74 -21-0.46 -140.40 -145.80 -76-34 -210.86 8 -76.06 -211,.L4 -181. 05 -105.15 -137.83 -749.37 1., Posr-TENsroNrNG B A L A N c E D M O M E N T S, SHEARS & REACTIONS MOMENTS (k-fr)<-- SPAN SHEARS (K ) sH (1)SH (r)(Mmax------@)M (r)l.r* '-rri,F A N lt s.01 -43.77 (8.00) I l"n. j Upper Pkg, along 6.4 (pk-64 76.33 -.59 -.69 ADAPT V-4.00 t I I I I I I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 76.29 to.z+ 76.37 76.33 76.36 76.29 76.55 -50.39 -50.34 -cn ?n -50.31 -50.33 -50.24 -43.79 (r-4.00)( e.00)( e.00)( e.00) o nn\ q nn\ ? qn\ t6.z+ 76.38 / o . -'+ 76.37 76.30 76.53 4.73 .00 -.01 .00 .00 -.01 'r'7 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.01 .77 <--REACTTONS (k )-->joint- -2--- ----Lower columns-- - - -Upper columns----- z 3 4 5 b 1 B o -.590 .009 -.009 . 003 -.005 .0r7 -.78t .7 68 5.0L4 -.o23 .005 -.011 -. UUtJ -.014 n'! ? -4.722 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 I T I I I I t I I T t ADAPT V-4.00Upper Pkg, along 6.4 (pk-54age I 10-FACTORED MOMENTS & REACTIONS --------- Eafcul-ated as ( 1.40D + 1.70L + 1.00 secondarv moment effects ) IPAN 10.1 FACTORED DESIGN MOMENTS (K-fE) # (left) (center) (right)10.2 SECONDARY MOMENTS . . (k-ft)(left) (cenEer) (righE) r1--- --2--- ------3-- ---4- -5--- -6--- --7----- It -1.32 7i .44 -257 -zo 5. ot 10.52 L6.02-2 -272.9s 223.66 -263.43 16.00 !5.97 t5.94 _3 -246.43 70.79 -94.60 l_5.95 L6.02 16.08 14 -97 .23 L04 -66 -L29.L7 L6.O7 16. 05 16,02!5 -L28 . 09 9L -57 -L17 .75 L6 . 02 15 . 03 16 . 055 -118.04 93.68 -t20.44 L6.04 ].6,02 15.99 a7 -t20 .34 91, .07 -L20 .57 t5 .97 16 . l"O L6 .22lc -120.68 88.73 -4.34 16.23 10.48 4.72 I I I-.rorwr 10.3 FACTORED REACTTONS .. . (k )10 . 4 FACTORED COI,I]MN MOMENTS (K- f T ) r # STRIP reaction BAY reaction LowER co1 . UPPER col . l-r-- ----2 -----3 -4--- --s--r 1 23.94 23.94 2 '06 . oo I I 2 726.97 3 124.14 4 79.0L 5 >5 . ZV 6 89.63 7 90.46 6 >V.OZ ]-26.97 r24.t4 79.0r 93.20 89.53 :7U , .t O >u.oz 29.84 -15.77 16 .97 -4.281 na -.27 .10 J, tz .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 nn .00 I I r 2e.81 I11-MILD REINFORCEMENT RPQUIREMENTS l======== Tr.r spscrFrc cRrrERrA FoR T w o - w A y sysrEM - Tensile block rebar requirement - Minimum sEeel 0.00075h1 - Moment capaciEy > factored (design) moment ebar cut-off lengths specifj-ed: For top bars .17 span length For bottom bars .33 span lenqth l -t"*o oNE-THTRD of END-SPAN BorroM BARS to support center lines EXTEND ONE-FOURTH of INTERIOR-SPAN BOTTOM bars Eo supporE center lines I I REINFORCEMENT based on NO REDISTRIBUTION of facEored momentsr .l I Iage 9 Upper Pkg, along 6.4 (pk-54 ) enAPT V-4.00 t t G t TOTAL WEIGHT OF REBAR =572 LB .2 STEEL AT SUPPORTS TOPINT AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIAaq.in. <- ULT.....MIN- AVERAGE =18 PSF BOTTOMAs DIFFEREMI REBAR CRITERIA sg. in. <- ULT. . . . .MIN. .576 5.105 4.580 . 000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 . 000 .000 .000 .000 . 000 .000 .000 .5755.106 l-.5844.580 l_.555 I 13 i 3"26 r.2951; l,i:i .000 L.296 .000 .000 1".296 .000 .000 r.296 .000 .000 1_.296 .000 .000 1-.1-88 .000 .000 .540 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 l-r.s sEl,EcrroNoF REBAR AT suPPoRTs .JOINT # (sqin.) SELEcTIoN L .58 4 # 5x 3r-6rl 2 s.IL 17 # 5x 7t-6tl 3 4.68 L6 # 5x 8r-6rr 4 1.30 5 # 5x 6r-6'l 5 1.30 5 # 5x 6t-6tl 6 1.30 5 # 5x 6t-6tl 7 1.30 5 # 5x 6'-6rl 8 1,19 4 # 5x 6r-5rl 9 .54 4 # 5x 3r-0rr 1.4 STEEL AT MID-SPAN BOTTOM PAN AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRITER]A AS DIFFERENT REBAR CRITERIA TRIB. # sq. in. <- ULT. . . .TENSr----2 ---3- ------4- -5--- -----6- (sqin.) SELECTION I t I T I I I I I t I I I I, 2 l; o t; .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2.704 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2.282 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2.704 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 lr.s sELEcrroNoF REBAR AT MrD-sPAN jPAN (sqin.) SEI-,ECTION (sqin.) SELECTToN Ir-- -2--- --3-- --4-- -s--- -2 2.70 4 # 8 x 9t-6tl I I age 10 Upper Pkg, along 6.4 (pk-64 ADAPT V-4.00I )z- PUNcHING SHEAR CHECK l-fifiIli,.* I l^ T z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- = IMIERIOR COLUMN 2 = END COLUMN 3 = CORNER COL,,U}4N 4 = EDGE COLUMN (PARALLEL, TO SPAN) 5 = BEAM OR WALL (PUNCHING SHEAR CHECK NOT APPI-,,ICABI-,8) 6 = STRIP TOO NARROW TO DEVELOP PUNCHING SHEAR sEcTroN #1 GOVERNS (COL.CAP OR SLAB) SECTION #2 GOVERNS (DROP PANEL OR SI,AB) <- PIJNCHTNG SHEAR STRESSES IN psi-> due to due to allow- STRESS l- 1 1 l_ 1 1 1 1 l_ sE. ]ur COND. k k-f t shear moment TOTAL able RATIO CASE11----2-------3 --4--- -5---------6- -7--- -8-------9-----10- L ';l; 8 I' lt*"rt .1=STRESSWITHIN2 = STRESS WITHIN FACTORED ACTIONS shear momenE 23.94 2.06126.97 ]-5.77 L24 .1,4 L6 .9779.0L 4.28 93 .20 1.0989.53 .2790.46 .10tv.oz . Lu29.84 3.72 83. 70 29r.23 284.75 18r- .23 2L3.78 zu3. bu 207 .50 207 .86 104.33 30.47 r74.17 2L5.0329.54 320.77 224.77 31 . 78 3 t_6 . 53 224 .778.01 L89.24 224.772.04 215.82 224.77.51 206 .\L 224 .77.18 207 .68 224.77 .19 208.05 224.77t9.75 124.08 215.03 .96 .92 .92 .93 .58 RATIOS EXCEED AI-,,LOWABLE VAIUES,REVISE SECTION GEOMETRY. oo .toorn", ANTL&IL/ caNhL- n 'too"o.,((f 0( sn*, or suoi"o, PLATA LfuvlLL av' P-Jh on", lt-/l ' PuNe Hn/tt c4lE-L ? fAFtlrnLlL dL- |0" P-T- sLAb 0" x0" Vu = l-4- (zaL) + t-7(r+l-) t Hf,-/*lL fuXf/*/ArL l0t'5Ln bTUNtHlNh ,Hrarz 9 bxr vftuq ciLt- I I I I ..',... I I t I I I I T I I I I I I Antlers at Vail Condominium Addition and Parking Structure Structural Calculations Columns oo t (url 600 rq utI_ utE tLAB I 12 in diam. Code: ACI 318-95 Inits:Enolish Run axis: About Y-axis lrn op,,on, Investigation | 's:AsrM A615 Date: Q2113100 !me:15:23:05 PCACOL V3.00 (PCA 1999) - Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO Wr-rqb. I O" TITAL THt*Nt4, T0 tra- VALte : G:\JOB DOCS\gg FItES\99109\ENG\WP-12.COL froject: 99109 - Antlers / Lionshead tolumn: Typ Pkg Col lc=6ksi Ec = 4415 ksi ]=ut*"' e*u = 0.003 in/in J",u, = o.ru fY = 60 ksi Es = 29000 ksi e_ruP = Infinity Engineer: RJB Ag = 113.097 in^2 As = 2.64 in^2 Xo = 0.00 in Yo = 0.00 in Clear spacing = 3.00 in 6 #6 bars Rho = 2.33% lx = 1017.B8 in^4 ly = 1017.88 in^4 Clear cover = 1.88 in Phi(a) = 0.85, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = 0.75 Itrrtoo pcAcoL v3.00 - poRrr.,AND ."Ot AssocrArroN - L5 t22;45 l.,icensed to: Redwj-ne-Reizian. Denver, CO I I I t Page 1 I t I I ooooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo oooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ooooooo oo oo oo oo ooooooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo ooooo oo oo ooooo ooooo ooooo (TM) I Computer program for the Strength Desigm of Reinforced ConcreEe SectionsI I Licensee sEated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association I (PcA) is not and cannot be responsible for either tshe accuracy or adequacy of che materiaf supplied as input for processing by the I PCAcoL (tm) computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty I expressed nor implied with respects to che correctness of the outputr prepared by the PCACOL (tm) program. Although PCA has endeavored to produce PCACOL (tm) error free, tshe program is not and can't be certified I infallible. The final and only responsibiliEy for analysis, design and I engineering documents is the Licensees. Accordingly, PCA discl-aims all responsibility in contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis, I design or engineering documents prepared in connection urith the use of I the PcAcoL, (tm) program. I I r I I I I -/r3/oo pcAcol V3.oo - PoRTL,AND ""lt AssocrArroN - !5:22:45 Licensed to: Redwine -Reizian, Denver, CO 1"""::i1 li:::11:1:1_ Page 2 TYP- 12 File Name: G: \JoB Docs\99 I Project: 99109 --Antl-ers- I coLumn: T}Tl Pkg co1 Code: ACI 318 - 95 I Run opEion: Investigation! Run Axis: Y-axis 6 ksi 4415.21 ksi 5.1 ksi e strain = o.oo3 in/in n '7tr FILES\ 99]-09\ENG\TYP- 12 . COL / Lionshead Engineer: RJB Unj.ts: English slenderness : Not considered Column q4)e: Structural fv = 6o ksi Es = 29000 ksi Rupture strain = tnfinity I I Material Properties: Rebar DaLabase: Size Diam ( in) Er^ U1E imaE BeEal = tion:1,"" Circular: Diameter = 12 in I! cross secEion area, Ag = l-l-3.097 in^2 Ix = 1017.88 in^4 lY = 101?.88 in^4 I Xo= oin Yo= oin rReinforcement: I ASTM A515 Area (in^2) size Diam (in) Area (in^2)size Diam (in) Area (in^2) I * 3 0.38 0.11 # 4 0.50 O.2O * 5 f # 6 o.zs o.44 * 1 o.B8 o.Go # Ir # 9 1.13 1.00 # 10 7.27 7.27 # 11 # 14 L.69 2.2s # 18 2.26 4.00 I confinement: Spiral; #3 ties wiEh #10 bars, #4 with larger bars. phi (a) = 0.85, phi (b) = 0.e, phi (c) = 0.75 I Layout: CircularI Pattern: A11 Sides Equal (Cover to transverse rei,nforcement) Total sceel area, As = 2.64 in^2 at Z.ggt I 6 #6 cover = 1.5 in -Load combinations : 0.53 1.00 1.41 0.31 n ?q r. f,o I Ul- = 1.400*Dead + t v2 = 1. oso*Deao + U3 = 1.050*Deao -r r U4 = 0.900*Dead + rservice Load.s: t ,". ::33 1.700*IJive + 1.275*Live + 0.000*Live + 0.000*Live + 0.000*Lateral 1,275*IJateral 1.275rLateraI 1.300*LateraL Axia1 Load kip l4x @ Top k- fE Mx @ Bots k-fr. My @ Topk-fr @ Bot k- fr My . c?Lt, . a"f{ Lt. 2rTi Dead Live L,atI Dead Ll-ve 115 .0 120.0 0.0 r-60.0 130.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 -8.0 -.5. U 0.0 -8.0 -3.0 0.0 l,',,00 la i zz "+3 lru"to' pcAcor., v3.oo - '.RTLAND "dlt AssocrATroN - Licensed to: Redwine -Reizian, Denver, CO ed L,oads and Moments with corresponding Capacieies: (see userrs manual for Page 3 TYP- 12 notat ion ) I I Load No. Combo Pu kip Muy k- fr fllny k-ft fMn,/Mu I 1 2 5 4 5 o 1 at 1U1 u3 v4 2V7 v2 u3 365.0 273.8 L20 .7 103.5 445 .0 333.8 IOd. U 144.0 52.2 58.1 fr.o 2.805 6.913 8.004 24 .8 rtt. o 8.4 1) 24 .8 18.5 8.4 as requested | *** 47 .7 L .924 56.8 3 .052 5't .o 5.785 55.7 7 .742 I I I T I I I I t I I t I I *** Program completed +;i --.1-fir+-Tft tt-/C.lt, Al (r+r) l-5 in diam. Code: ACI 318-95 fnits:Enolish ffun axis: About X-axis lun option' Investigation Slenderness: Not considered lolumn type: User-defi ned s: ASTM A615 ate: 02/13/00 me: 15:52:39 V3.00 (PCA 1999) - Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO : G:\JOB DOCS\99 FILES\99109\ENG\TYP-1S.COL roject: 991 09 - Antlers / Lionshead olumn: TYP 15" COt f ='.:.,-, J=sr r'i e u=0.003in/in fi,u, = o.ru I fY = 6o ksi Es = 29000 ksi e-rup = Infinity Engineer: RJB Ag = 176.715 in^2 As = 4.74 in^2 Xo = 0.00 in Yo = 0.00 in Clear spacing = 4.13 in 6 #8 bars Rho = 2.68% lx = 2485.05 in^4 ly = 2485.05 in^4 Clear cover = 1.88 in onfinement: Spiral phi(a) = 0.85, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = Q.75 (J/ t3 / oo I pcAcor, v3.oo - '.RTLAND ""ft AssocrATroN - Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denver, Co Page 1 TYP_ 15 I I I T I I I I I I l I I I i I ooooooooo oooo oo ooooooo oo oo ooooooo oooo oo oo oo oo oo ooooo ooooooo oooo oooo oo ooooooo oo oo ooooooo oooo oo oooo oooo oo ooooo ooooo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo ooooooo ooooo (TM) T Computer program for Ehe StrengEh Design of Reinforced Concrete SecElons ticensee sEated above acknowledges tshat Portland cements Association (PcA) is noE and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of Ehe material supplied as input for processing by the PCACOL (Em) compuE.er program. FurEhermore, PCA neither makes any r^Iarranty expressed nor implied witsh respect to the correctness of the oucput prepared by the PCACOL (Em) program. Although PcA has endeavored to produce PCACOIJ (tm) error free, the program is noE and can't be certified infa11ib1e. The finaL and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the l-icensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims all responsibility 1n conlract, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineeri-ng documents prepared in connection witsh the use of the PcAcoL (tm) program. f,rrroo pcAcol., v3.oo - ''RTLAND ""O" AssocrArroN - L,icensed to: Redwine -Rei z ian, Denver, co InformaEion: FiIe Name: G: \JOB-DOCS\99- Project: 99109 - Antl-ers Col-umn: TYP L5 " CoL Code: ACI 318 - 95 Run option: hvestigation Run Axis: X-axi.s at.erial Properties: Page 2 TYP- 15Lai)Li40 I:anera l t I FTL,ES\ 99109\ENG\TYP- 1s . COL / Lionshead Engineer: RJB Units : English Slenderness : Not. considered Column Tlrye: StruccuraL fy = 60 ksi Es = 29000 ksi Rupture strain = Inf initYI J. f'c = 5 ksi Ec = 4415.21 fc = 5.1- ksi Ultimate strai-n Betal = 0.75 ctsion: ksi = 0. 003 in/ in I I t Circular: Diameter = 15 in Gross secEion area, Ag = L76.7]-5 Ln^2 Ix = 2485. 05 in^4 Xo= 0in einforcement: ry = 2485. 05 in^4 Yo= 0 i.n Size Diam (in) Area (in^2)Sj.ze Diam (in) Area (in^2)Rebar Database : ASTM Size Diam (in) Area {+ l.at I # 3 0.38 0.11 * 4 0.s0 # 6 0.7s o.44 # '7 0.88 # 9 1.13 1.00 # 10 1.27 # t4 1.69 2.25 # 18 2.26 confinement: Spiral; #3 ties with #10 bars, phi (a) = 0.8s, phi (b) = 0. e, phi (c) = 0.75 o .20 0.50 L .27 4 .00 0 .63 1.00 1.41 U.5I 0.79 1.55 5 8 1t #4 with larger bars. I r,ayout: Ci.rcular ll PaEtern: AIl Sides Total sEeel area, I 5 #8 cover = 1.s -troad Combinations: Equal (Cover to transverse reinforcement) As = 4.74 in^2 ats 2.68t l-n I u1 = t-.400*Dead + 1.?oo*Live + o. ooo*IJateral I U2 = 1.050*Dead + 1.275*Live + 1.z?s*Laleral U3 = 1.050*Dead + 0.000*Live + l-.275*IrateraL I IJ4 = 0.900*Dead + 0.000*Live + 1.3oo*Lateral lervice Load.s: a Load Axial- Load f No. Case kip Mx @ Top k- fr Mx @ Bot k-fr My @ Top k- fr @ Bot k-fr My U, 1 Dead tive Dead Live LatL 5l.5 . U 70.0 0.0 305.0 oE n 0.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 -8.0 -8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U.Uf' I (E/L3/oo pcAcor, v3.00 - PoRTL,AND ""Ot AssocrATroN - 15:51:28 Licensed to: Redwine -Reizian, Denver. Co 0.0 0.0 0.0 (see user's Page 3 TYP- 15 0.0 0.0 0.0 manuaL for notation) t 8.0 t.u3 Dead Live L,aE I Load No. combo F,r-, 295.0 190.0 0.0 Pu kip -8.0 lt I'ecEored Loads and Momentss wiEh Corresponding Capacitsies: I t I ! t J Mux 'L-ff fMnx k-fr fMn/Mu l- 5 1U1 U3 u4 2Ut u2 u3 u4 3U1 v2 rla u4 560.0 420.O 330.8 283.5 441_ . 4 320.3 274.5 /JO. U 5s2.0 309.8 265 .5 24.8 18 .5 8.4 24 .8 18 .5 o.{ 7.2 24 .8 18.5 8.4 7 .2 IU5.I +..lJO 119.0 6.400 L22.4 14.576 izl .s !?.r49 97.7 3.94r tr?.4 6.309 r22 .7 14 .511 123.6 77.161 55.5 2.277 103 .7 5. 573 123.0 !4.64r L23.7 1?.183 5 b 7 I t0 11 t2 *** Program complet.ed as requeEledr *** t t I I t I I I I I o;I 18 in diam. t t lrD, Itoa b70 I Code: ACI 318-95 fnits:Enolish Run axis: About X-axis lrn option, Investigation Slenderness: Not considered lolumn type: User-defined I s:AsrMA615 Date: 02113/00 fme:15:5s:36 Ia PCACOL V3.00 (PCA 1999) - Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO ile: G:\JOB DOCS\99 FILES\991O9\ENG\TYP-18.COL Jroiect: 99109 - Antlers / Lionshead Engineer: RJBtolumn: TYP 18" COL !c = 6 ksi ty = OO fri Ag = 254.469 inn2 6 #8 barsf Ec= 4415ksi Es=29000ksi As =4.74in^2 Rho =1.86% 1= U., *r, e-rup = Infinity Xo = 0.00 in lx = 5153 in^4I e_u = 0.003 in/in Yo = 0.00 in ly = 5153 in^4 letal = 0.75 Clear spacing = 5.63 in Clear cover = 1.88 in .gonfinement: Tied phi(a) = 0.8, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = S.7 t il/t3/oo I I ) I I PCACOL V3. OO . PORTLAND CEIT ASSOCIATION l,icensed Eo: Redwine -Rei z ian, Denver, CO Page 1 TYP-]-8 I I ooooooooo oooo oooo oooo oo ooooooo ooooooo oooo oo oo oo oo ooooo ooooooo oooo oooo oo ooooooooo oo oo oo ooooooo oo oo oooo oo ooooo ooooo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oo ooooo ooooo (TM) I I I I I I I t I I I Comput.er program for Ehe SErength Design of Reinforced Concrete Sections L,icensee stated above acknowledges that Portland Cement Association (PcA) is not and cannot be responsible for either Ehe accuracy or adequacy of the materiaL supplied as input for processing by the PcAcoL (tm) computer program. Furthermore, PcA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the ouEpu! prepared by the PcAcoL (tm) program. Although PeA has endeavored to produce PcAcoL (tm) error free, Ehe program is not and can't be certsified infallible. The final and only responsibiliEy for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims all responsibility in contracE, negligence or oEher tort for any analysis, design or engineerj-ng documents prepared in connection with Ehe use of the PCACOL, (tm) program. il/r3/oo pcAcol, v3.00 - PoRTLAND ""lt AssocrArroN - 1.-5,:55:24 Licensed to: Redwine -Rei z ian, Denver' co fteneral Tnf ormation :t ===ffi;i.;=;;i;;; Docs\ee FrLEs\ee1oe\ENG\ryp-18.coL I Project: 99109 - Antl-ers / Lionshead I Column: TYP l-8" cOL Engineer: RJB Code: AcI 3L8-95 unitss: English Page 2 TYP-18 I Run Option: InvesEigation I Run Axis: X-axls Slenderness: Not considered Column TlT)e: Structural fy = 5o ksi Ea = 29000 ksi Rupture sLrain = Infinity ry = 515 3 in^4 Yo= 0in f,c = 6 ksi '4 Ec = 44L5.21 ksi I fc = 5.1- ksi't ultimate strain = 0.003 in/in ateriaf ProperEies: Betal = 0.75 ection: | "."""'""".r"'"::::,'^r= =" ,trnn.nr, ,n^, Ix = 5L53 in^4 f.,::",".:.::, I Rebar Database: ASTM A615 D size Diam (in) Area (in^2) size Diarn (in) Area (in^z) size Diam (in) Area (in^2) I # 3 0.38 0.11 * 4 o.s0 0.20 # 5 0.63 0.31 I # 6 o.75 0.44 * z 0.88 0.50 # I 1.00 o.?9 - # 9 1.13 1. o0 # r-o L.21 r .27 * 11 1 .41 1.56 # 14 1.59 2,25 # 18 2.26 4 . 00 I i,r^- f .i nahanr . "r.i ad, #3 ties with #10 bars, #4 witsh larger bars.rt phi(a) = 0.8, phl-(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = 0.7 I Layout: Ci rcul-arr Pattern: ALl- Sides Equal (Cover to transverse reinforcement) Total steel area, As = 4.74 in^z at. 1.85* 5 #8 Cover = 1.5 in oad Combinations: 1 U1 = L.4oo*Dead + 1.700*Live + o. Ooo*Lateral I V2 = L. OsO*Dead + 1.275*Live + 1.z75*Lateral U3 = 1.050*Dead + 0.000*Live + 1.275*Lateral I U4 = 0.900*Dead + 0.000*Live + 1.300*Lat.era1 *ervice L.,oads: I L.,oad Axia] L,oad Mx @ Top Mx @ Bot My @ Top My @ Bot '! No. case kip k-ft k-ft k-fE k-fE jF.Vl ! Dead 205.0 l- f Live 180.0 ! Latl 0.0 2 Dead 190.0 : C.5 Live 1t-s. o a -O Larl o. o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ill/13/00 PcAcor, v3.00 L5:55:24 Licensed Eo: - PoRrr.,AND ctr AssocrAiroN - Redwine -Rei z ian, Denver, co Page 3 TYP-18 I . Latl 1"1+'i:l: 335 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ?-3.','ij;; Lat f accored Loads and Moment.s with corresponding Capacities:(see user's manual- for notation) 340.0 L30.0 0.0 180.0 l.5D. U 0.0 360.0 115.0 0.0 ad r1 DC LA De a"2' 7 t F ]Load No . Comlco Pu kip Mux k- fr fMnx k-ft fMn/Mu I I I l I I I I T I I I 1 3 1 Ul- u2 u3 2 V1_ v2 U3 U4 5 6 .7 I 9 3 Ut- 10 v2 1t u3 72 U4 13 4U1 14 v2 15 U3 15 U4 r7 5 Ul- 18 U2 1 q TT? 20 v4 2t 5U1 23 U3 24 U4 25 7U1 25 V2 27 U3 28 U4 593 .0 444 .8 2t5.2 184 .5 461.5 346.r 199.5 r-71 . 0 74]--O 555.8 35r .7 luJ-. f, 597.O 522.8 357.0 305.0 )t). f, 386.5 189.0 162.u 699.5 524 .6 378.0 324 -O /Jb. U 552 .0 309.8 265 .5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 U.U 0.0 nn 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 175.3 999.999 185.5 999.999 174.6 999.999 L70.5 999 .999 185.0 999.999 LA5.2 999.999 r72.6 999 .999 161 .4 999.999 150.8 999.999 l-80.2 999.999 7.86.2 999.999 r84 .2 999. 999 I59.'t 999.999 181.8 999.999 186.3 999.999 L84.6 999 .999 182.3 999.999 185.3 999.999 171.1 999 .999 t64.6 999.999 L)> . Z LA L . I ltto.5 185.9 999 .999 152.0 999.999 180.5 999 .999 1ac n qqa oaa 180.5 999 .999 295A0 0 .t0 0.0 *** program completed as requested! *** I oo I l I rt 30x12in t(nr) raoo {oo t Code: ACI 318-95 fnits:Enolish Run axis: About X-axis [n option: oesign t,::.;",:;:l:::' t s:AsrMA615 Date: 02/13/00 fpe:10:17:oe Ia PCACOL V3.00 (PCA 1999) - Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO : G:\JOB DOCS\gg FILES\99109\ENG\RECT.COL 4roiect: 99109 - Antlers at Vail I t1/t' tolumn: lVwide Engineer: RJB lc = 6 ksi fy = 60 ksi Ag = 360 in^2 8 #10 barsI Ec = 4415 ksi Es = 29000 ksi As = 10.16 in^2 Rho = 2.82ok th, J = 5.1 ksi e_rup = Infinity Xo = 0.00 in lx = 4320 in^4 e_u = 0.003 iniin Yo = 0.00 in ly = 27000 in^4 Ietal = 0.75 Clear spacing = 2.22in Clear cover = 1.88 in fonfinement: Tied phi(a) = 0.8, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = Q.7 lxlbraced; = 0.743333, kx(sway; = 174 f,rrroo pcAcol v3.oo - '.RTLAND "",G AssocrArroN - Licensed to: Redwine -Reizian, Denver, CO rcr:jE RECT15:12:38I I t I ooooooo ooooooo oo oooo oo oo oo oo ooooo ooooo oo oooo oo ooooooooo oo ooooooo oooo oo oo oooo oooo oo ooooo ooooo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oo ooooo ooooo ("M) I t I t I I t I t I I I I I Computer program for the Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Sections L.,icensee stated above acknowledges that Portfand Cements Association (PcA) is not and cannot be responsible for either t.he accuracy or adequacy of lhe material supplied aa input for processing by the PCACOIT (tm) computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied rrith respect t'o the correctness of the output prepared by the PcACoL., (tm) program. Although PCA has endeavored to produce PcAcoL (tm) error free, lhe program is not and can'E. be certified infallibIe. The final and only responsibility for analysis, design and engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA discfaims all responsibility ln contract, negligence or other tort for any analysis, design or engineering documents prepared in connection wit.h the use of the PCACOL., (tm) program. olr.roo pcAco,, v3.oo - poRrL,AND ""'l AssocrArroN - ]-6:L2238 L.,icensed !o: Redwine -Reizian, Denver' Co Jeneral rnf ormat j.on : - ==;; ;. =ffi ;TG;-Docs \ e e-FrLEs \ e e r. o e \ENG\REcr' coL I Project: 99109 - Antlers at vail I Co1umn: 10" wide Engineer: RJB Cod.e: AcI 318-95 Units: English Page 2 DFrr.r! I Run option: Designt Run Axis: x-axas Slenderness : Considered Co1umn T14)e : St.ructural fy = 50 ksi Es = 2 9000 ksi Rupture strain = InfinitY Depth = 12 in Iy = 27000 in^4 Yo= 0in aEerial ProDerties: f'c = 6 ksi Ec = 44L5.21 ksi fc = 5.1 ksi Ultimate strain = O.OO3 in/in Betal = 0.75 I | "'"""":"".'""*::::.=o]o='",.0,,,^, I # 3 0.38 0.11 # 4 0.50 O.2o # 5 0.53 0.3L [ # G o.?s 0.44 # 7 0.88 0.50 # 8 1.00 0.79 '- # 9 1. 13 l-.00 # 10 r.27 r.27 # :.r 1.41 1 .55 Ix = 4320 in^4 Xo- 0in einforcement: I Rebar DaEabase: AsrM AG15 I Size Diam (in) Area (in^2) Size Diam (in) Area (in^2) Size Diam (in) Area (in^2) # 14 1.59 2.25 # 18 2.26 4.00 I - /rnnf i namanf . Ti ad. *3 ties with #10 bars, #4 r^rith larger bars .rt phi(a) = 0.8, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = 0.7 I Layout: Rectangularr Pattern: Sides Different (Cover to transverse reinforcemenE) Total steel area, As = 10.15 irL^ 2 aE 2.A2*t Bars 1.."".::::i,"' 1s 1s Top Bottom L,ef t Right 3 #10 3 #10 1 #10 1 #10 1..5 1.5 I Sway Criteria: -t X-axis: Braced, column. I Heighr, widr.h Deprh r f 'c Ec I Column Axj.s fts in in in^e ksi ksi I Design X 17 30 12 4320 6 44LS.21 I Above X (no column specified. . . ).t Below X (no column specified. . . ) - 13/oo LZ i 56 a; Ib:I I a_ PCACOL, V3.OO - PORTLAND CEI0 Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Page 3 KE\- l' X - Beams L,ocat ion Length fr vlidrh in ASSOCIATION - Denver, Co Depth rn I in^ + f'c ksi Ec ksi Above L,eft Above Right Below Left Below Right EffecEive Lengt.h 26 )< FacEors: 14400 l-4400 r-4400 14400 4415.2L q+L).zL 100 100 100 t 00 T2 t2 L2 L2 o 6 b 5I I Axi s rsi (top)Psi (bot)k (Braced)k (sway)klu/ r I I I I 0.433 0.433 0.743 oment Magnification Factsors: Stiffness reduction factor, phi (K) = 0.75 cracked-section coef f icj.ents: cr(beams) = 0.2*Ec*Ig + Es*Ise X-axis Ldlcomb Pc (kip) (x-axis ) = 5.51e+005 (N/A) 43 .77 0.35; cI(columns) = 0.7 Klp-rn r ------Sway ec (kip) Delta Braced Betsad Cm DelEa 1U1 v2 U3 !6Zt 1688 1540 1_482 0 . 715 1. 000 2.561 0. 554 1. 000 2 .796 0 . 813 1.000 2 .306 0.884 1.000 2.181- --- N/A --- --- N/A --- --- N/A --- --- N/A --- Load cornbanations: !==$l===l,i:::i::t U3 = 1.050*Dead I v4 = o.eoo*Dead Service Loads: l=;" =:::i===*'"' + 1.700*Live + 1.275*L,ive + 0.000*Live + 0.000*Live + 0.ooo*LateraL + L ,27s*Lateral + 1..275*L,atera1 + 1.300*Lateral Load Mx @ Top kip k-fE MX @ BOE k-fr. My @ Top k-fr My @ Bot k- ft I I I t T I l Dead L,i-ve LatI actored Loads 380.0 12 5 . 0 200.0 and Moments with 0.0 0.0 0.0 (see userrs for notation) 0.0 0.0 U.U 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 manualCorresponding Capacities : L,oad No. Combo Pu kip Mux k- fr fMnx k-ft fMn/Mu 2 3 4 1Ul u2 U3 u4 744.5 8r.3 .4 554.0 502.0 217.t 222.2 I.423 l-. l_69 L .929 2.L76 !52 .5 I'II.:' r20.6 105.0 request.ed ! ***Program completed as oI D (url '-" 1--t---.- I --- 1t-'-- ilr/)t."T-tr rr-O --' ,/ 1 ."*n.r{ ./1..,/:7 | __--- toc V-- 'r(nrl *." 1 F,r -';-OoxrZ s+Ilffi 48x10in t Code: ACI 318-95 ]nits:Enolish Run axis: About X-axis Jun option: oesign rSlenderness: Not considered tolumn type: Structural J s:AsrMA615 Date: 02/13/00 ]ime:16:1e:33 I PCACOL V3.00 (PCA 1999) - Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO File: GIJOB_DOCS\99_FILES\991 09\ENG\48X1 0.COL Projecr: eeloe - Antlers at Vail .- vgE @-)#7 Column: C.5-4, 5 Engineer: RJB ,/6 fc = 6 ksi fy = 60 ksi Ag = 480 in^2 8 #7 bars Ec = 4415 ksi Es = 29000 ksi As = 4,80 in^2 Rho = 1.00% fc = 5.1 ksi e_rup = lnfinity Xo = 0.00 in lx = 4000 in^4 e_u = 0.003 in/in Yo = 0.00 in ly = 92160 in^4 9eta1 = 0.75 Clear spacing = 1.81 in Clear cover = 1.88 in Confinement: Tied phi(a) = 0.8, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = 9.7I Jrrroo pcAcol, v3.oo - 'oRTLAND "",G AssocrArroN - 15:19:09 Licensed co: Redwine -Reizian, Denver, CoI I I ooooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo oooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo oo oo ooooooo oo oo oo oo ooooooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oooo ooooo oo oo ooooo ooooo ooooo (TM) I Computer program for the strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Sectionst t Licensee stated above acknowledges that Portland CemenE Association I (PcA) is not and cannot be responsible for either Ehe accuracy or adequacy of the material supplied aa input for processing by the I PCACoL., (tm) computer program. Furthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty il expressed nor implied with respect to the correctness of the output! prepared by Lhe PCAcoL., (tm) program. Al-though PcA has endeavored to produce PCACoIJ (tsm) error free, the program is not and can'E be certified I infallible. The f j-naL and on].y responsibility for analysis, design and t engineering documents is the licensees. Accordingly, PCA discfaims al"I responsibility in contrac!, negligence or other tort for any analysis, - design or engj-neering documents prepared in connection wich the use of I the PcAcoL (Em) program. - ! I I ! - Ir I f I rd9s 4 8X10 t I I olr.rroo pcAcoL v3.00 - poRrL,AND "*O AssocrArroN - 15:19:09 L,icensed to: Redwine -Rei z ian, Denver, co leneral Inf ormat ion ; - = = ;; ;; =ffi. ; =;; i;;;-Docs \ e e-FTLES \ e e 1 o e \ENc\ 4 8x1 o . co', I Project; 99109 - Antlers at vail I Column: c,5-4, 5 Engineer: RJB Page 2 4 8X10 Code: ACI 318 - 95 -.f Run option: Designrt Run Axis: X-axis tr..--i:l Dr.rnarj- rac. t---------rt--------- f'c = 5 ksi - Ec = 4415.21 ksi I fc = 5.1 ksit ultimate strain = o.oo3 inlin UniEs : English Slenderness : Not considered column Tfpe: StructuraL Betal- = 0.75 ct ron : Rectangular: Width = 48 in Depth = L0 in I Gross section area, Ag = 480 1n^2 Ix = 40oo in^4 Iy = 92150 in^4 I Xo= oin Yo= oin !einforcement, I Rebar DaEabase: ASTM A5l-5 t Size Diam (in) Area (in^2) Size Diam (in) area (in^z) Size Diam (in) Area (in^2) fy = 5o ksi Es = 29000 ksi Rupture strain = Infinity 0.11 # 4 0.50 0-20 # 5 0.53 0.31 0.44 # 7 0.88 o.5o # 8 1.oo o.79 L.00 # 10 r.27 I.27 # 11 1.41 1.55 2.2s # 1-8 2.26 4.O0 ied; #3 Eies wj.Eh #10 bars, #4 with larger bars. phi (b) = a.e, phi (c) = 0.? gular Different (Cover to transverse reinforcement) ea, As = 4.80 in^2 at 1.00* Top Botstom Left. Right lli :,ri # 14 1.69 I confinement: r phi (a) = 0.8, I t:r::;,.:;::: Tota1 steel arIBars 3 #7 3 #7 ! #7 L +'7 Cover (in) L.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 ad CombinaE.ions: a UL = 1.400*Dead + 1.700*Live + 0.ooo*Lat.eral I u2 = 1.050*Dead + 1.275*Live + 1.2?s*Irateral - u3 = 1.050*Dead + o. ooo*IJive + 1.215*IJateraL U4 = 0.900*Dead + 0.000*Live + 1.3oo*Lateral I Load Axial L,oad Irrx @ Top Mx @ Bot My @ Top My @ BoE f No. case kip k-ft. k-ft. k-ft k-ft -1 Dead 335.0 I L,ive 160. o I l,atl 200.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 l,tr,oo PcAcoL, v3. oo 16 : L9 : 09 Licensed Eo: lr""aotuu L.,oads and - PoRrr,AND "Oot AssocrArroN - Redwine-Reizian, Denver, CO Page 3 4 8X10 Moments wiEh Corresponding Capacitj.es: (see user's manual for notaEion) IrOad No. Cotnlco Pu kip Mux fMnx k-fE fMn/Mu t L 1u1 2'" pz 3U34'u4 74r.O 8r-0.8 bUO. E am completed as 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ramract-A.l | *f * 195. L 999.999 L97 .3 999 .999 L91.0 999 .999 188.7 999 .999 I t T I l I I I I I I I I I ooI P (kip) 25o trrx (k-fr) rf r) v tx r-)- I SxBin I Code: ACI 31&95 lnits: Enslish Run axis: About X-axis J,n option' Investigation ff::il,,ilil:l ff;;H"' fme:11:55:37 II PCACOL V3.00 (PCA 1999) - Licensed to: Redwine-Reizian, Denvpr, CO PFeAf f : GIJOB DOCS\gg FILES\99109\ENG\TYPF9.5.COL ffi : T;':-n:'',"" / Lionshead Engineer: Ag=64in As = 1.76 Xo = 0.00 Yo = 0.00 Clear spar [=';:,-, I = t'o *t' e_u = 0.003 in/in fetal = 0.85 fY = 60 ksi Es = 29000 ksi e_rup = Infinity --rrnfinement: Tied phi(a) = 0.8, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = Q.7 tx(braced) = 1, kx(sway) = N/A -/[;,3:;" x:^/;wE RJB ^2 4#6 bars in^2 Rho =2.75o/o in lx = 341.333 in^4 in ly = 341.333 in^4 ;ing = 3.25 'n Clear cover = 1.63 in 1,0,,,, II.: )I : UII I t pcAcor, v3.oo - ''RTLAND ""lt AssocrATroN - Licensed to: Redrdine -Re iz ian, Denver, co Page 1 TYPF9 - 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ooooooooo oooo oooo oooo oo ooooooo ooooooo oooo oo oo oooo oooo oo ooooo ooooooo oooo oooo oo ooooooooo oooo oooo oo ooooooo oooo oo oo oooo oooo oo ooooo ooooo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oooo oo oo ooooo ooooo (TM) Cornputer program for lhe Slrength Design of Reinforced Concrete SecEions Licensee stated above acknowledges that Porttand Cement AssociaEion (PCA) is not and cannot be responsible for either the accuracy or adequacy of the material supplied as input for processing by the PcAcoL (tm) computer program. zurthermore, PCA neither makes any warranty expressed nor implied with respect t.o the correctness of the ouEput prepared by the PcAcoL (tm) progfram. Although PcA has endeavored t.o produce PcAcoL (tm) error free, the program is not and can't be cerEified infallible. The final and only responsibility for analyeis, design and engineering documentss is the Iicensees. Accordingly, PCA disclaims aLl responsibility in contractr negligence or other tsort for any analyeis, design or engineering document.s prepared in connection with the use of t,he PCACOIJ ( Em) program . l/c2/9g pcAcol v3.oo - PoRTr-^AND ""lt AssocrATroN - L1;54:01 Licenaed tso: Redwine -Rei z ian, Denver, CO IIceneral Information: -===;;;"T"i.;Tiffi Docs\ee FrLEs\ee10e\ENG\rypFe-s -co' ) ProjecE: 99109 --AnElers-/ Lionshead I Column: ryp. F9.-5 Engineer: RJB Page 2 TYPF9 - 5 Code: ACI 318-95 I Run opEion: rnvestigationI Run AxiB: X-axis Units: English Slenderness : Considered Co1umn Tlrpe: Structsuraf aterial- Properties: f 'c = 4 ksiI :: : 3::'Ji'I ultlmate scrain = o.oo3 in/in fy = 60 ksi Es = 29000 ksi Ruplure strain = Infinity ] Betal = 0.85 ect ion : Rectangular: Width = 8 in I I Gross seclion area, Ag = 64 jrr-^2 Ix = 341..333 in^4 Xo= 0in einforcements: Depth = 8 in ry = 341.333 in^4 Yo= 0in I Rebar DaEabase: Asltl A515 t Size Diam (in) area (in^z) Size Diam (in) area (in^z) Size Diam (in) Area (in^2) I # 3 0.38 0.11 * 4 0.s0 0.20 # 5 0.63 0.31 I # G o. ?s 0.44 # 7 0.88 0.60 # I 1.00 0.79 t # 9 1.13 1.oo # 10 1-.27 r.27 # 11 1.41 1.sG * 14 1.69 2.25 * 18 2.26 4.00 I confinement: Tied; *3 Eies r^rich f10 bars, *4 with larger bars. phi(a) = 0.8, phi(b) = 0.9, phi(c) = 0.7 I LayouE: RecEangur-ar a PatEern: Afl Sides Equal (Cover Eo t.ransverse reinforcement) TotaL steel area, Aa = f .76 !n^2 aE 2.75* I 4 #6 Cover = 1.25 in !slenderness, I sway criteria:r X-axis : Braced colurnn . I Hej.ght width Depth I f'c Ectt column Axie ft in in in^t kei ker lDesignx888341.333436Os tAbovex8B8341.33343605Beloh' X (no column specified. . . ) I X-Beam6 Length Width Depth .I f'c Ecr Location ft in in in^4 ksi ksi I Above Left (no beam specified...) I Above Right 5 8 Bel-ow Left (no beam specified...) 6 r44 4 3 505 II/02/99 PCACOL V3.OO - PORTI.,AND CEO' ASSOCIATION - 11:54:01 Licensed to: Redwine -Reizian, Denver, CO rt Effective i,ength Factora: ia UL = 1.400*Dead + 1.?0o*Live + 0.ooo*Lateral t lJ2 = 1.050*Dead + 1.275*Liwe + 1.27s*Lateralt u3 = 1. oso*Dead + 0.000*Liwe + 1.27s*Lateral U4 = 0.900*Dead + 0.000*Live + 1.3oo*IJateral lervice Loads : Page 3 TYPF9.5 I Axis esi (top) Psi (bots) k (Braced) k (sway) klu,/r I x 6 . so2 3 ' 345 1' OOo (N/A) 4r ' s7 lrloment Magnif icati.on Factors : ra========= Stiffness reduction factor, phi (K) = 0.75 I cracked-section coefficienEs: cT(beams) = o'35; cr(columns) = 0'7 I 0.2*Ec*Ig + Estrse (x-axis) = 4.50e+005 kip-in^z I X-axis Braced - - - - - -swai/I Ldlcomb pc (kip) Betad c1n De1ta Pc (kip) Deltsa I 1 U1 311 0. ss3 0.400 1.000 --- N/A --- I u2 27s 0.737 o.4oo 1.ooo --- N/A --- u3 207 1.333 0,400 1.000 --- N/A --- u4 189 1.555 0.400 1.000 --- N/A --- !,oad Combinat.ions: I t J I I Load Axiaf Load Mx @ Top Mx @ Bot My @ Top My @ Bot No. CaEe kip k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft 1 Dead 36.0 Live 24.0 LatI 0.0 8.0 EN 0.0 8.0 5.U 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 actored Loads and Moments vrith Corresponding Capacities: (see user'E manuaf for notation) L,oad No . Conibo Pu Mux fMnx kip k-ft k-ft fMn/Mu 1 1 Ul 9t.2 A9.'7 19.9 1.009 2 U2 68.4 14.8 20.8 !.407 3 U3 37.8 8.4 2r.2 2.52r 4 V4 32 .4 '7 .2 20 ,5 2 .848 ry I *** Program completed as requestedl *** I t I OI I I I I I I I T I t I I I I l I t I cat-. F,4 - l. I Prt = u'5L Fr*g.'- I I k toi [,%r'YlL[r,',r, .touno,((l0| sn*t of 77 t- Pu-- LL Fou r Le frc -- t-?( z.--r/-) + l'6 U I l.) Tel TS z-:xz-> >//b '- Tx-- fv -- -77-6" A = ll z-.7a" roL LF_FD/ L-_ +:2 vrr- LF-rf; ,;!l: 0N f/o FLANTL = t0-, <)r ?10ftm = Ez--- -- 1.0 > t., : ll-a l-i '?2-t l- - >---KZ,lTl-mVz_ =l.o(f,rrt,'r,) ,[@.-74- Tf Y ulno l-ri :. fcr = .077 E'of. 6,y = '07 -7 7l;Y**7t'-'i - ("f"= .og rttr fo" -- .gr(t-zra2(t->l<)= l1--?lc- 17,a NCz TPI Tg u/* xzli.xtn t '. fx -- rt -- .q70" A -- t:6f a" \o=0.0)(1.'"rc) ,l@('l>0")tr I uqaoaLs; subiect: av' kJ b on"' /z l, 1 f Job no.:ot t|L, f,'l- l.,l(!oNr.):- for= (tts )J) r, -'- O Pn =. Os(t. tfo")(/0--rl-t/') = l9.f l,+; =tbL- 7 f q--zl,ok UtF- 75 /7ox7't*1 ooI I I I Antlers at Vail Condominium Addition and Parking Structure Structural Calculations Bearing Walls Load Rundown o-ro3 ' J-Nnoc 3-lcv3 '-1lvn Notuocv snintNil,tooNoJ su[TrNV t-- I i-+--)ct ctCI<l UJq ct+1If:s/z\t e- A-E/ IZl al Izl 9t od! j cf- :ot,',+l /z\t /a\E_/- _l I t I I I o-]oo ' lNnoc 3-lcv3 '-llvnQ NMol- NOIJIOOV SWNINII{OONO3 SUITJNV I I I i -t- [:iii I - I E: ,:;i!grrt,- d :iliH illliI lrller-- d ":l:!* !fi:E+ ! -,"-cl o- -- e- -- i I I I o ___i__s, r -l oroS ' J-Nnoc :-lcv3 '-lrvn u NMor NOITIOOV SWNINIWOONOJ SUSTJNV e---- e_ e-- o--- t- t_ Izq clct Jat q!cl.+/z\t ---+ I I F -+ I i II I I l-- -+I I tN, Y It7-- ,--l-AIol ctlcll 1dJler-- a f-*|l dloFlcr, I(-!- d! -+-/zl\ti I I I o____ i vro-lo3 ' lNno3 =-'lcv: 'llvnlD NMo.l NOIJIOOV S}'{NiNINIOONOS SUITJNV --1---l --t- -i---1----l --l*---=r-- | | lfis l:q t5!l EA Y---f rui:5ii, ir*;! il::iiii !ili!: ;iixlillil#il )ct dct1ul HcHI*ict, : /z\t o---- 6_____\./l I I -l otoc ,JNnoc 3lcv3 '-llvnu Ni or NOIJIOOV SWNINIWOONOJ SUSTJNV '-i.,tolLIJ I rl o I t I T I I I I 'lol EI,l olzlql <l Izloli-l <l>l L',-11 [il :ll<l =lFIal, ^<li l-rjl r 'trl\sA\t/\t-l ilI IIr'- I t I T + uonr", f NTL/',LS AT VAIL .rco".., f l/0( sn*, "r subioct 6 P.AV lT/ t AAD P-tlNoottlN Bv, P-J 0 oerc, a 't', *\\ti lr i\,i : \ \ $-\ \ d, $ G, \SS \ \rlt-: \ \s $ ]s- I\l J ]a vl \r s$ F.F\-t.\ \ \ sF- \ll\T\ i^ t\ $.*1 $: | : J; st rar FF\ rl ' I ^f,| l'\ I I I\. 1 : i I llJl Iqr I q \ br s J ( J+ s I $etq *s r,hlllF[*; i *- i.H sl=-H"_, _ ,_. i___ S -.FF]E*-- Jl "r.' *l =-p\$i: i .'' I $ !J tr sl Y ls5l-fit F s i:R li-bi .l l\f j ,l{]{sl I r^ \ \s s $sS*it,' \ ' ',' l,^i \\L s d aJ r\ i{.d \s .{ $ oci?l +l Iol Elol (9lzlI<l zl :tlFI<l nl6l 'l =t<l =lFIat.<l?ot'-LrJl., .GIL ''-*l\ \-' rT)\1/ Fr. is\\*_i{i S l\ t: * LN dA I l= rP -li8 t- I lx It X X X X IT X Ml--4? |t/-\l N7i+t +l+it!.;J MN -l I LrJl rlltrN| -t" ll rT-J I\L ) 3>r 33 I t I t I I I I I II>\-I + I I ; I I I uornt", fNTL[,Li AT VAIL t.r"o.,f lf/( "n*, ., subtea: 6f4vl7/ LL4O LUUuoVu By' P-J, oa* - ",' \' F{ I I I I t I T I i t I I t t I I I I I si * r \: .t\ -. t) _.--_-.-.__i__, I : I N \ I'- ' \L- s\- I\-ts r\ l\ ts d,\ I Aa. SStJ+\ \-) \,* r\*i { tti q! t \r lA\dr \s\i \\'NN tt\t\ \r +t- \$ Jx,-(rc L-> f sF\L !rJ. s- Jt\ (' \ t\ \b \ \N JI $l a teF}\.N ,, t\\ !r *{c.aN d aJ JI sl Jt J 3" \a is$ ts\S.q\$sts il,t { _\iE\ \S \\Sf\ . f*:i $ \q--Q _{ $j t r'.. .sr z f, JJ s I$ * s lr gd-F ti ac l:l t:r lil t:l J lx I|'-l El,l ()l4olJol zloli-l,z| >l E "1I<l =lHa,<t?(J{'-Lr|| Fls-t-o I I t I Ir I t"o'n", f,NTL/',LS AT VAIL .t"o^..'ff//( sn* a sub,"a, G|-AVIT/ ,0^D LtlNzotl^'t av, F-Jb oau, a ',',' \+ -"i 't j \S,tSl, r\t\ c J\s tl\ll .dldl fa s$ \\d,{\ri \ \$,oi si \s\ $l t .\\r irtsr \.- --$l $, :t. J\-' Fts +l '\tl ; I I 1 t I I I 1 I T I I l I I I l) t "r ^ r"l * i\.-\') lv iJ $!i d?\ ,S N s t\ I a\ u{ + I r{ SI\ \ N t RSE} $ q J \S .rt \ -l i' ]F,\ s ,b \S \S$\JI 3l .l \ ."1 *ll\r \i'< $ ( Jq JJ 5 tq t I Iq d { s. F: $ .t.\\t htls\l\d t *{ s T $s l:. \\sR -il* \r sliAl- \ *\ .l Iol (EI (Jl olzlql zlol g trJl;l -:lJI >l FIal<t? UJI r fl3rh\l-l I I oo ,"rrn", ANTL/',LS AT VhlL ,too^.,f f //( sn*, o' s'bi*r, 6P4V t7/ t oao pu^loaV^r ev' P-J B oa", 2/?/O0 !l { I J] II\tl sl JI l'l ta s$ ('- f.r,\ li Jil\.i* A\ii, $ i S;\\s- t r{ - \- '\- \frtr+.rl tuF \,- t$Rl-\-l' ..r I \ul ; u"l $ aJ I I I I I l I I l I I t I I I I I l I -T> s\\'- . 'fLs \ s*$-t .\ ' ,ii9 I- -- ---- -f- -- iJ $i.1 t- \t t {F N t RSF} $i :tBsl t\ I S-, S- ti $$tr I I t T I I I I I I I t I I I I I t T ,J)l I sl(rl (,IzlolJI<l zlolFI<l>l 1,.11 ml Iit<l =lFlal 5t: trJl .(rILrl= /T\\i/ ,,.drn", ANTLIwLS T VAIL ,oo"o.,f lf/( sn*,t "t ",oin, 6NAv lT/ t LAD P-tJNoav/^l "r' P-J B o^r, a 't', \ \, "\\ \s Fi. \$ ts { \{-s t- r-l .ll sl $l \a s$ \\$$ F,t t \*t\TJ\ F \iA :fS ltl t|\ \-.rl J\,- Ftt ;A : I t JI \ul "1 a\s\t\s'"$.\ -,i{bi_ - *_ - _-^ --'-i_ jrt- I::!r'ii tii- - -:---'- lC; lI rl Irs:i: t---'*--=-'-' t-i\INI .-,,- -,j. Il:lI .\ Sf,i ,r, *Q i $ i s$i $t* '({. ! r.t\ F, t<F:* }-ltr; b-It.t c, Its, il P-r---]..i.*_ls is's :1 isi{ i ti Ilof , {.$ .s\\ $ii I Tt\:s 1s5l t* $lN \N * I {,r\\N t \( J 5 \q I l I t I I I I I I I I ! I I I t t t I I I I I '-orn", INTL\;LS T VAIL .too"o',f f/l( snn' ot suopa, GIAV 17/ r.ohD P-uNtlottnt av, P-J A oa*, a ',', ' \5 -s-\s\ s rss }-l sl $l .rl \a ss J\* Fti F-.S\r \,i ,.i i$ q! S :S,s \s; *i{. l 'a, s \; -., \ r:l\t\r\ *ll ;q I I t I J T I $ : ( JJ {, ) I N\ t \\ ------ -a t-J( l s s F\>/ $ss\:l{s\a(i l(s!\.iij $i\-' S, ll I I !l t I l I I I v -{ N \\s.rl JI Jfl ,n ssl \ d?5a A $ F $ .l\I \ \ .ls \s "t d \t J e---- .t"or,,p, ANTL\rLS AT VAIL .,o"o.,f ffl( sn*r or sutu"a, 6lAVl7/ f,AhD P-uNoottt^t av, P-JB o*e,a 't', fv\ tri s\ ,ti $ + Is-{.$\_ \_ l- \ lJ\ \s .l f\ Is \ s+ I -rLsi N\ s \l J la \il il $l ta $$ J\,- Ftl "jl ;ul q lf\ tF\ l*, -tvs iNF s :q,(l F*$ -t:..s _te $ ( .J *' iAli{' .isi $ \ .L -\\L \ .t $ d \eJ ii rlc.- + + {t \ ( JJ ( ] I-t s ,Iri\\\ .t :*-9t$r L^-\ \ar : trr \ - S \ |r\ I .rlfl F sil F I T I l I I I NI I/^\l FI :l zlql <l zl 9l HdI a1 :l'(nl, $li oEl'- 0 G- I I I t l I I 5th t- Is- I\s s t"i sr\ Fl$ E\l J la v,l \a s$ I l"drn", ANTL/LLS AT VAIL 'u,o"o.,f lf/( sn*, ot s,ap&. 6l4VlT/ tthD LuNoovr* av' P-JB oaa a t,', \s+ \s \:* t:t l^ tl $l {p -- ,AL.rl *, 3: t J\.^ Ftl t I I I t I I I I I t I I t I I t I I *jl ; r"l t\\:\ hi:/ 5J $t.l JI F3li i\si:{L>l: it: _ r-{.:lS\c I :r\s!\ c\\ T\S fr. N F $l d \eJ t.l- SQF} ?s \ \trF: $ t,qi \1.JI S s \sJ ( JJ I $ \ rnOY PRECAST WALLA rr-rvnrrrrr.r ar-or.rc r.z \J 14'. '-0' o T\ s F- f\ S :- -i{\.- \ \j }-l sl $l $t \a $\I J\*' F\f .toonw \NTL|TLS T VAIL .too"o.,f l/0( st*, or subt'a, 6NAV lT/ t ohD P-UNoovtat av, P-J B o^, a 1', $i G i.stt I o$ il.iS T\ f:. {l\ul ' I I I I t T l I I I I I I I I I I I t Jl ^q $ Q I \!\ $ RJ {. J {. ) r-d IF \ : i A\i\' a\i\ ,.r ttsIB "SF-t Itll+$lrrl\-r\- iJ $ii JI \ trFssF} .l \ ."1 \ ci ?b,s \ tn S i\i+ ^l I I\.til-\ t\ \ s $ aJ i\ .., ___ PRECAST WALL / \ ELEVATION ALONG C.5Vt;;.'t.- o PRECAST WALL/-\ Er-evarror.r er-or'rc o.sr o_(}oYY ..-.._ PRECAST WALL / \ ELEVATION ALONG F.8r FLL.7t. d. c. XXX 16t-F Ft+47-0t- XX tr(.1" Ft ts.t T-e-c. XX FL+-*.7-0-c- XX 124 rf t FLL.' T. r'-.. lI|rA'rIffiR | 7,a.r'f T.OC a 121 -, ot 10.f. ^l+ ,,,", lr'acB o IzJ Y o]oc ' -LNnoc 3-lcvf '-rlvn!D NMor NOIJIOOV SruNINIWOONOJ SUUTTNY Y Y I I' lll-;.. ---J lr Ie--- e--- c\__--\7 4gE !aIfli ffi /2.\t Y" e---- 4q I L!.1dIu.l4z)s: + I I I I I I I T I 1 I I I I l I I I I o]oc ' rNnoc 3lcv3 'llvnlD NMO-L NOIJIOOV SNININII{OONOJ SUSTJNV -T I--t -t-- I I !=a.la l# clp! l:lrh i-o.-- it! i* rEf iy ilisi :: E: l::i!! E! :i !;siil iE !i l:i=!! ! ! 8e c-i i'\6)-l-__I,A +- -l I(-) T- A IA o- ll- xlo =); I I I I I I I t I I l, I I I I t I I I Nn r-F /q7 Vatt .torno., (f/y'( sn*, , ',ot_ctNN e;PAvtT t4ftD Bv: lZ.t P Da!e: (rttS D. r- 6.Lt E-z - 0 -z.z E.0-3-t-, f- z - 6-?z E0 -6-2, h-z - 6-o, uL-f^- ( | 5o7f)6tl- 11>o2tf) 'LL PffirJ /00/' (ro p/)?4k /t++za vllfn P Pa- FoUND- PLfrzA sppr+ ,6-vnzcllt4.- t-z-'x l0'- = 4aaa' (ooa' 116 /- + l?ol,- -- t-?fL roT- E-z - 5-zt E-O - f-Lt .E z- - 5:zt E-n, - l.O- 'r:3: f:8- t1'xrl'--*"Wil z./xb' -- fuoa' 52-L j.ra7f)llol.- a2l- P.t- 5.--,FLAZA Uilf-L L f,-^/ lr''r-PlLlt- fuUuo- l0'7.A-+ EAI- -- 7,1-f&- r0T- .aJ'x72'=5o04'ifro Wtt tnta' L'nlt ,r:/[, FouNh. /QAk + lftl- = 37fL r0r- ,n"7) ?tur? l,I!xz-!, = fote' Vif I aOlL f7a7,15764 6t&on.zFL0Neb a *.+--f7 Efr.. + 0.5- + PL.nz n UPlT1Lf-v14-Pte- (9E t^ lf' t o +L 6zl<* '6 tPAt4.u,/T! 4x?1' ^t4M6 p.t ?'4+;o, ?q L A funza !,bnl',r, "tr![: 7;{, = 7-00a' uPPnL 71a, Ll,x)?' . (t5oPr,r) 1ra7'{)'-/7.yo' /01 k- 9*l<x,& FINP o tPN I t I I Jr I I J/ fo' (Eorr) 0rl' QL. E-'l-+ | - rLvr4 ufPrgLUf,-vr'LPlqtr- In UL. E-u+ f coL- E- 0-* Pr.A7A VPIFL LUlTLLPlL6- PLA?A VPfr'4Lrffi!' Wn,A- \r,/T- FLrttA UPPTAUr,.Jf-L 7A*1ztt 16 KEr,.qu'jf/io' 4.1.'x 7t' --+4oal 4lLaa' /6'xz.d -,-- 75tu z.o'x uf)oe '3ux, t'x 13' Q'x /l' subjecr C4-y411 G/z-^V/f / LaAD pvN?0ur', b oate, L//0, F"4-. (sopr ) L9E 601- l0O l. + tb/l,- =zOfLTo +11. 00L "45L I t l t I I I I I I I D.i- -f. -?-/ D.t- t-o F- q - r.z, nr - ho (fi?;,,) r/0 ti (tlopf ).-t7 l' lfTL+ (4lf;,r) l06l,- 11t o7t {) 57 k- 16z E- + 63t- i l0L ll l' fr*- t | ?oU1- 60 k (.rapt) l/ ol- 7 fo 7r+)z-uL- 6- t- h0 d-z- 5 TALD- wstzt-aftt ulPr+lll+Jfi.L Ptqa. TO ,2' | 0'y-1''roo' HrUtff-L ca tpata (,""ri:L 6?t- + I tz.L -- z4OLT, (*to7tf) 00L GorrrSfi-L- ll AL ='?-7tL o ItL 5l' / |La l/rl,- ( r t-1'\/-, l.-' (107t/) 7- l' lz t- I I t It' I I Subi6ct: (JLUt oa' a'///ftO aL- nL- r r-1- t D.r- 3 Lr-vr+ ILAzA unr-LLf.vnt--Pr++lLrNt FfttND. Dl.t -wftL tt^o 7" P/4 NnN -eu--Jwr+l-L tr'T- Pt-ft74 UPP4-LUf*vtuLfhl_tc_,N6 ruuND- be-a- vt+LL L4AD wftut wr- ^LaNa 0-f Fuft7A UIPELfft?44^r4l.fgtrou w4 ol)x?-L' , fltt' zl'r l0' - 3A0p' O.g' ,uuf;*, tu'!ffi'a, e4t 14'. -- *aae' l4'' 4'44:at l>'x 0t-- /ota' zy'x L"l,ouo' Po, Pr. @ro ,-*tr)trsL tdf- 1r>op) (ro2r/) -rOL l4l- I Atk- + l4o L -- 9".r/z- r, )r I I t It' (U-ZW') 167 l- 6a k- /t+o sl)'0i-l- (naVr)54- rftJu')- l,l'7 E "tl L (t1oil).z6l- ( lt o rr-/)flF 7l+ ?6 /l- f //tL -- (0.2 w'77lE x.6 e (+fe 7 /) 60L ( ro"//)'izLx,6 (+ tl')' 5l Lx.6 a (ufo pl) 7-O 11 ( 9022()lf k *-b I I t I I I ,toor,re, ! TLf,4! l*T Vt+/t- .toono., ( ( l0( sneet 9 or 6 ,lk-= 3 I I I I l/ I I I t I I l-, I suoiea: coLV tttN C-,VlT / tz/+D Lt/ NDow aL- E-> f-s-z o-f-6 c.5-5o-t-P , l4-' /4'x /?' = /{ta' lf'r-tzhoo, u6' t-zt t<lC' = ?164' -:?H;, (-ooa' L?'' 0' tffi6o' 4-Ota' fpu(tflA')llt L (a (i7f ) t7l- z/*t- t ( t (?7c/ ) ?441- (rt ort) -szL@ (t (?t() /7b L ,,rH), /g/L + (t"-> l./')'701 k- + fti / *t4')-16/->.-6 (z-ro 2r/)(-( L 17aVr)lf /.- x -6 ( a l--- 9/fk (zro2r/) l75L (1opl) Z.{/-x_6t l07L = +M^ (zra 7r/) / 0aL ( tr%{?t ll'?/E- -'VeA f;i:'=rloL (*-e u,)z7l-x-6 Qaepr)/"."-l- ( rorr)z+t-x-l@rut xL7' --7ooa' I D.O-6,A-0 / g?,-,{) l I DF-a - w',AI-Ltatu f L*>n UP,PIL LTLVftLilza- 'fYP (zzaTrf) /16 /- '"erfy' 97flL f Jobrirle: ft1{/L1,/g AT V'+IL ,.r^.,4{/4 snet I o! Lr-VftL - ,rt&;* OFtz-l't/Al-I- Pt-nzA /lffiP1/4JNt- FLAZA uP/r./-LFtr: ru+a uliltLIt-ur-Lfl.d- Bk6 - w^LL I.OAD (t7 02rf) srat "r' D - D- av, LJ D o^'"' /0h 0/?f coL- t4r,a,p c ?r.'#!:: _ _L Lt- Tyn ooL- Q7'rto')( 100 7tf + vroVt) -- T* f6 ( ltaTrr t roTrD - 4'0 , !y/, It O l-t hL *t ^y.- + aoo**(twtIL tlt']x'h= tzd'+ 0 rif,COL.o.F- {.?.t D.t- h9' 7.?- r (o', 0') ( /o07rr + z-roTrr ) (10'xz-t')( 1 v47sf + sa pt) = ZG +Vt plq -+0+27, Ll-tLt56L' 1 i---tf^ .\ /../-,,I(tt'x 3' ) +(r.o'^t'))(lto7,r +-hl: x too 7f) 7--L9vtt't{ cnL- E 0 --rt Y* ctt-- E 1- r (t0' x zz-' ) (1--?4 lrf a wra 7t /) ^- Av6. DL 0g' *od )(tuo Vf + roTt( ) l5l- f 14- 0t +lN '- (1 + -r-o = ?rL t t7* fo Ttt-A{tFcz)PD/* FAI-+ tttt oo lootine, ,toono'' (l f /f sn*t or subjocr: av, L J E on", lo/ z// f coL- f.I- 5 Tf r. FLk- TL/b' 6->r'-> x("6'), .+(c'l(E- ).-- ll-7 E'. CT&ANtfr+> l|ori jita'o-) x'\170' lu t Uy+fr-L - l'?; k -?*1,- z.*l- Ft-fa b _r 1- DL /f0pf x ll7 D' --l'0,1- 'i /o' t- VC l,- 76 l- -l oo "ll I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I t I T I ,*m", ANTL\,LS T VAIL 'too"o.,f l/0( sr,*, ot s"bin, 6P Vl\/ I.O^D P-t/Noott/.,f av' F-Jb on''z 't', : $l $t i; $st $i rs 'l -l itultr =\t ? 3 1$w i$ [{ JI r"l J{ s t,lr} l.i!3tstsv\ (I i o^\s - l'r\ \s. .l$i.: t, iNINI. \ si*$ s d .t J Jobrirle: fthlfLf-/4 nT Vftl L I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I t t wAt-t-LaO^TlrN subi6cr WALL UND T/ON' | | ) - t,vv tL I v '' Npu f ' f far'r' Df+o n-ra AWN6 -r'BpTar- Cz/tla- ft.nf .t00'L) At-0^/6 +^'if'f;--b./*,t-s Lt - 0 H' t (T. o- F- I t*'x) ryf:6L!.4' Lv.6 +(f- a-7- -- r a6,t) At-oNA 7,G.'- J (r-af. = ll?'r> rtuOd t g-0.b- D ' t'o'r--ll>'t) AWN& 7. $.2 - G-v ff.0.E= t 0?'t) 'Xf;9rl' Lt'o-r'-ll*'t) t ftLlNCz l.Z- ,ft-o-r---Il7'L) . hL0^16 7/A- & (ra- n -- loo'x) ofitoN6 trt.s- b..r' 0-a.r- llo,t) a1ls'*fdfi) fu"vntL t1.+ rkoS)--L6.1 t/'--) +-5'+(o'^t7r7t) V > tb " ntauc lhl' + 6-F --tt,gt/'+ v.t' 7-z- ft -? + t-7 +hr l7-fl/'+ 5'll4'= zl H' =7 v'6' x.60 o.9b/'= a6-b4'+ +.6' x-6 1 *-6 = L0- I l'/'> *.9' -- I0.1l,/'-) Z-z' -- 10.5H',-- l,b' l+-l + ?*-b =t0., L/':) V.z' -- lf-1 H' - L.7' Alt urtNl+ (L-7 f ht -- l7-z-l-/'-- 7.o' (:;'n, o TtJ*l ^T v*tt o 4 ( /lf "n*, ttJftl,L t4 o^rpN . fiANG '7 Cf-on= /00,t) l'/ut'' ,. tH' -- drot = ?-7 H', brrrr"u | .6 t=- (,Df- 7' Uo, 6.L b/' f + TYf- ErVr'mf*tT r\/^LU I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I t ,1 -[ Nt L +A'r"r x t'x r' -' zso*/' o N rur'',cr ,oo^., tf (f0( "n*, ol E/+r/-r*lf-lr WFULr f Hr'f /F-f'/,aA/L vt I , f'0/- Dr-Ts- -/'-0 ' v- -{'-o" SLr-TA tttr /N h r o FOF 1 :I ;- fLa'-.lz-07 ("-fO#/')(S') (f ' ) x l-t * 1-(1.' A<* % -- t-f?',' 'pro't- *l +-(tr'. Aifin, -- -oo t- (lt") 0"-- -lr:"/' ) ()1F--ff tpttrt- el?" Vf Lf-vrol- p477,*<<F-;tT, l0' *rft*- H-rAlN/ 50 ycl x | 0'-' t ao f/' LO,aF4 --+ - frlq -- ?-.- , Hnr, -- ?/. 0l-' :- A, -- ox A.'&J-aO )g'4 vr r' #5rlN cl'art+ su6,ect: frfrf44fq1/f VALL/ *, ?J b "*, lu/ll//? OF ^ VALL oo ,- Antlers at Vail Condominium Addition and Parking Structure Structural Calculations Site Walls ,tootrc, ANTL\'vA ! ADDN- toono., ( ( l0( sn*r or -tL)#:5 aNT. Tor."- r/P. ooNfPrL JT. O l0'-o" a/e P|AX--v fULL HT. (t/,/" cHAtq# t7H?) F,vt*/ oTH4 0-F. tt79t?. @ vEP7. coNTtt4L J7CUT PAAf e +" t.o.G. NoTE: 1. PRoIIDI EflnClL ComnoN. J0t{lS rS Srcflil otl IRCHmCTUMI DRAIII,ICS Atlo ^I CoR'|ERS. CoNIRo|. Jorms $0!- 8E c$niluojs lcRoss IoP 0F ral 0 0r{ EAct(soE IHERE ru 6 r80vE GM0L2. sIoP 502 (r ]FRcofiAt- Rfl{F0R$6 r%'FRoL corflnft JC{T Ar qpostD F{f(s) 0F ull-J. $I TRCHfIECImI|' N0 CMt- 0R r GS FoR ru rm mil.1. SE ^RCHmC[ru N0 CML ml$ms rcR cRl0€ fl.fvArn . / \ DFT llllltr'\ trr^ | | (- r'\l tFt'\r rr F RTI'AINING WALL REINFORCING SCHEDULE n DIMENSIONS RTINFORCING REMARKS LI 0 LJ L4 L5 0 b c d I Y h r0'-6'1'-6'0'-r0'f50 12'0.c. 170 9' 0.c. ,50 fl 0 16' 0.c.,llo?r. ,1 o 16'0.C. ,60 12'0.C. {'-0' J -IJ {-0'0'-10',so 12'0.c. #f.Fo 9' 0.c. f50 12'0.c. l{o 16' 0.c.#"t,,IJfi t60 16'0.c. 1'-d I I t I I I t T I t I I I I I I I ,"orn", - - ./Ll\NfHf&O ,.r^..,4(f0("n*, 1", s"di""t f lTfu F-fuTAlNtNtz llft!-LSav, LJ b on", lt/15/f f +- PpolElr/ L|NE I * :. \ _t tr. t" t.o.6 - =?- (*r*t')(z.r')*!62-4J x t- 7Murrr,n .TP7 3o02clxl' x f.g' '17 -- hzL' -- t7-t L, = . f70'/t VIL 1+.7@ t;' .260"/' Uf/'u f5'rq ( ftr ppt-' - t I lf PttH- 4N T ILruvpL ( .:-, N0 sLhe F-*rnoatNr)zNurrr-^'k(+-t+/') ( 1z-')xl(1"-'' ) 1- ,Jxt'7L ,-- t TF-l 10" Tt+p- t^t^ tt -) Atrts.-. r# 35yfxl'a lt' = *zj#/, Job Tille:,toono.,4f/0{ sn*, La subiecr, i lTfv o cT th wftLLt Bv, F-J b oae lL//rft| u'fe lA " Tl'llL. W4LL- fi.Lf-?.tk^/ T r^,/ x ,< lfgt# * 40' 1+n 'L-5' lt75 ?-.l' 7.. l'' = l"l o ' 0q00#' Ltu0 L000 i*Et lttTt#' t Tr.-4 FT6". 7' totL ovr'* T0e f".t.o.cz - tro,. +09 t*oo + e'-L Ft. f ll --3-3".. * lN/l0f- t<t</4 l. rl'Idr AL tt/3,'/r20 Dt 9- O-h- P tvl= FL=- = *Hdt- + 07-lL'/t.z - t+-( l'')xrtn#/u 6't(t') - . Qqz L l0q0 Ft(fnu' ll lQrr "t, 7r_t,, kt-T: Mk*. Q9 (u I O" WALL t^/ ITH O N fr.APT H F/+C E- wtTH / 0" FT6- Cttt #7 @tv 1v) I I I I I I I I t I I I I It LilE: 9:45 AM Page 1 of 1 FGFUAIJn: LZ- L'- T>>Y lz' RETAITIITIG I,IALL Soil llt. = 110.00 pcf . Eff = 35.00 pcf. Uert. Sur = 0.00 psf. Coef. l{a =0.318 Toe Pres Heel PresAll. Pres FOS Slid. = 5.?4 FOS 0.I. = L.52 ?6{3 psf. 0 psf. 6000 psf. Stem Astl foe Astl ]bel Astl 0.35? in^Z 0.660 in^z 0.389 in^Z rt r PBII{! SCnE[il (ESC) T NEruRil ject: 99109 - Antlers/Lionshead I-,,ocation: Site waI1 - 7.5' net relaininq BY: RJB I I I GRAPHIC STJMMARY OF RETAINING WALL DATA I I RWIC: RETAINING WALL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Broiect. : 99109 - Antlers/Lionshead flcitiott: Site wall - 7.5t net retalning By: R.TB _r _____-- t.,.,"1:-tl;;-^t----Page 1 of 5 -r--LI1.r,: LZ- r)- L>tt I I CONCRETE DESIGN METHOD: Ultimate Strength I STEM MATERIAL TYPE : Concrete r nnTAINING WALL DIMENSIoNS: t WaIf Stem Height = 10.50 ft. Stem Thickness @ Top = 10.00 in. I Stem Thickness @ Bottom = L0.00 in. Footinq Thickness = 18.00 in. - Heel Wldth Min. = 0.oo fE. Design Heel Width = 0.oo ft' I Max. = 0.00 f t.I roe width Min. = l-.oo ft. Design Toe width = 4.58 ft. Max. = 6.00 ft. I Footing Key Depth = 5.00 ft. Design Key Depth = 5.00 ft. I FooEing Key WidEh = 1.00 ft. Design Key Width = 2.67 ft. Passive Soil Height. = 3.00 ft. I BackFill- Slope (Vert/Horiz) = 0 z!2 I RETAINING WALL I-,,OADS : HorizonEal Equivalent FLuid Pressure = 35.00 pcf. I Soil-Wall Frj.ction Angle - deg. I Vertical- Surcharge on Backfill = psf. Use Vertical Surcharge as Resisting Wt.? = No r Horizontal Surcharge = psf. I Vertical Surcharge on Toe = 380.00 psf.r Wind Load on Fence = psf. Fence Height = 3.50 ft.. I Line Ld. Type Magnitude Dist. (x) No. (H or V) (plf ) (ft. )rLt?J 4l;!6 I l8te L0 I I Concrete cover to cen I Wall Insi.deI Fooring FooEin I I RWIC: RETAINING WALL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Eojectr: 99109 - Antlers/Lionshead if"it:.on: sit.e wa1l - 7.5' net retaining By: RJB =I =======Trr,rlE: 9:45 AM Page 2 of 5 ilte ' t2-r5-1999 ! I RETA]NING WAI-,L RESTSTANCE FORCES: It --_-_-_- Al.rowaDfe 50i] Pressure = 6000 psf. passi'ue Rcrrrivalent Fluid Press. = 300.00 pcf.-I Coefficient of Friction = 0.50t cohesion = o.oo psf. Overturning SafeEy Factor = L.50 I sliding Safety Factor = 1.50 I L,imj-t Reaction to Mid 1/3? = No T REINFORCING STEEI-, DATAII t Mj-nimum Ratios for Shrinkage and Temperature Reinf: Stem Reinf: Vertical = 0.0018Hori-zontal = 0.0020 I Footinq Reinforcement = 0.0018I MATERIAI DATA: Concrete Strengtsh, f'c = 3.00 ksi. I Steel Yield Strength, Fy = 60.00 ksi. t Masonry sErength, f'm = N/A ksi.Special Insp. for Masonry? = N/a I Concrete Unit weight = l-45.00 pcf.r Masonry Unj-t Wej-ght = N/A pcf . Soil- Unit Weight = 110.00 pcf. I Fence Weight = 100.00 psf. t I Not.es: L. "H[ designates Hori-zonta]- loads. t ^ "yu designates Vertj-cat loads.2. Vertical foads are posit,ive down. I I I er of steel: Face = 2.50 in.HeeI = 2.50 in. Toe = 3.50 in. I o I RWIC: RETAINING WALI., ANALYSIS AND DESTGN !======== ========== ===================== ProiecE: 99109 - Antlers,/Lionshead arr . T?,TPIf cat ion : Site waII - 7 . 5 ' net retainlng Dr ' =l ======= T.,-r,lE: 9:45 AM Page 3 of 6 ETE: L2-1'5-I999 ************************************************** SUMMARY OF RESULTS**************************************************I t I DTMENSIONS: Stem Height Stem Thick. @ Top Stem Thick. @ Base =FooEing Thickness Heel llength = 0.00 ft.10.50 fr. 10.00 in. l-0.00 i.n. 18.00 in.I Toe Length = 4.58 ft .,-t tt.Total BIse Width, B = 5.42 ft.e-vl,\ 2 -C K€y t-epEh - (.00. ft-.- I.ct, I exalvsrs RESULTS: I Max. Brg. Press. @ Toe = @ Heel =lAllowable Brq. Press. =I , Resultant l-,oc From C.L.= I rer.r Point , B/6 ='il Limit Resultant To Mid 1/3? 2643 psf. 0 psf. 6000 psf. 1.55 ft.n qn fr =No = 2520 = L4457 = 5.74 Sliding Force, ResisEing Force F.O.S. OverLurning Moment Resisting MomenL F'\C'-.-.J. 10080 fr-lb L5276 fr-Ib L.52 LD T.h I I DESIGN RESULTS: Design Method,Stem: UIt.r,Eg.: uIE. Phi Vn (kiP) 8.38 L6.20 L7 .32 Strength SErength As F1ex.As Min. As T+S (in^2 ) (in^2) SEem : 7.50 l;::, ; il:lB d(in. ) Mu (fE -k) II.46 41.15 0.00 Vu (kiP) 3.28 9 .56 0.00 0.300 0.580 0.000 0.2L6 0.389 0.389 Key t 5 .00 --49.9& 17 , 86 17- 8q I t I T, t I T..'rE: 9:45 AM f"t' L2-rs-:-eee I} a RW1C: RETAINING WALL ANAI-'YSIS AND DESIGN Eolect: 99109 - Antlers,/Lionshead il-ltion: site waIl - ?.5' net retaining By: RJB =r ======Page 4 of 5 ************************************************** DETAILED ANALYSIS REPORT************************************************** . --- --REsrsrrNG FoRcEs- ----ovERTURNTNG FoRcEs- Force x Arm = MomenE I I I t EfemenE Soil Base StemVert. Sur Vert EFP Toe Sur. Fence Wt.Vert. line Weight 0 IL I6 L269 x Arm = Moment 0 2.7L 31915.00 6344 El-ement Hori-2. EFP \IarF Qrtr Horiz Sur Wind Horiz LineVert. line 2520 4.00 10080 L"/42 2.29350 s.00 5>>L 1750 I sumwr=4539 MR=t5276 SumF=2520 MOT =L0080 /tr MOT .LD Lb Lb t I I Friction Force Passive Pressure Cohesion Resist. Force, Sum RF 2269 12188 14457 Lb F.o.s. Sliding = RF F.O.S. Overturn. = MR /= 5.74 = L.52 Coef. Vert. Surcharge or Line Load Eo Horiz. = EFP / soit Dens. = 0.31-8 t Resultant Loc From Toe,Eccentricity From Base C.L. (MR - MoT) / Sum wT(B/2) -x (2*WT) / (3"X) x=1.1-4 fr. 1- .56 f r. 2643 psf. 0 psf.Soil- Pressure @ Toe I Soi.f Pressure @ Heel t I I I t I RWIC: RETAINING WAI.,L ANALYSIS AND DESIGN F€ojecL: 99109 - Antlers/Lionshead fl"ltiorr: Site walI - 7.5' net reEaining By: RJB =l =======Trr,4E: g:45 Al"1 Page 5 of 5 ilrr ' L2-!s-Lg9gI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DETAILED DESIGN REPORT************************************************** STEM DESIGN: Load Combination @ Base = 1.4D + l"lL + 1.7H Shr Strength @ Base, Phi Vn = 8.38 kiP I I I I t T Dist, From d Top (ft) (in. )1_.05 7.50 z. Lv / , Dv 3.l_5 7.50 4.20 7 .50 5 .25 7.50 5.30 7.50 7 .35 7.50 8.40 7.509.45 7.50 10.50 7.50 Mu (f r. -k) 0.01 0.09 0.3r- 0.73 L .43 2 .48 3.94 s.88 8.37 rl-.4tJ Vu (kiP) 0.03 0.L3 0.30 o .52 0.82 1.r8 I. OI 2.t0 2 .66 3.28 As FLex. ( in^2 ) 0. 000 0.003 0.009 0 .022 0.043 0.074 0.119 0.178 0.257 0.35? As Min. (in^2 ) 0.000 0.004 0.012 0 .029 0.057 0.099 Q . ZJ6 0.300 0.300 As T+S(in^z ) 0.216 0.216 u.zlo u.zJ-b 0.2t6 0.21,6 u. zJ.o u - zlo U . ZTb 0.276 As Reqd (in^2 ) 0.2L6 0.2t6 u. zJ-o 0.2L5 0.2L6 0.2L5 0.2a6 u.236 0.300 0.357 Verticaf Stem Reinforcement: e Avallabl-e Length for Hook EmbedmenE into Footing = l-5.00 in. t Available Length for Straight Ernlcedment into Stem = 124.00 in. Development LengthStraight Hook(in. ) (in. )16.43 7.67 20 .54 9.5924.65 11.5028.75 L3.4232.86 15.345L.34 17.3077.91, 19.4895.70 2L.62 I I t t E4 F5 #6u.,ltt FU #e #1nIt-!v Percent Develop. 100. 00 100.00 1_00.00 100.00 97 .8L 86.71 77.0t 69.37 spac. 50? Cut Off(in. ) (in. )6.73 't26.O0 10.43 125. 0014.80 t26.OO 20.18 1,26.00 25 .99 1.26 .00 29.76 126.00 32.90 r.26.00 36.40 t26 .OO I I T t Horizontal Stem Reinforcement: Area of steel for Shrinkage and Temp. Reinforcement = 0.240 in^2 -Total Bars----- UA s5 #6 1+1n, #8 #e #10 {+1 'rt'rfJ -----Spacing, in. ----I.F. Only EA. Face10.00 L8.0015.50 18.00L8.00 18.00 l_8.00 18.0018.00 18.00l_8.00 18.0018.00 18.0018.00 18.00 I.F. Only l_4.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8 .00 8.00 EA. Face 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 I a, I RWIC: RETAINING WALL ANALYSIS AND DES]GN Eho"i ect: 99109 - Antlers/Lionshead-'ilcation: Site wall - 7.5' net retalnrng 'ov; ^sD =l =======TIME: 9:45 AM ftt' t2-ts-Leee Page 6 of 6 I I TOE DESIGN: * Load Combi.nation* AvaiLable Length* Available Length = 1.4D + I.1L + 1.7H for Hook Embedment inEo Stem for Straight Ernlced. lnto Toe = 8.00 in. = 53.00 in. t d(in. ) l.4.5U Mu (fE -k) A1 1tr Vu (kiP) 9.66 PN]- VN(kip) l.O. ZU As Fl"ex. \rn 2) U. bO\J As Mln. (in^2 ) 0.580 As T+S As Req'd (in^2 ) (j-n^2 )0.389 0.550 I I I I I Development. Qir:irrhf (in. )#4 L6.43 #5 20.s4 #6 24.65 #t 28.76 #8 32.86 #9 37.O7 #10 44.52 +11 otr ?n?lff Length Hook(in. ) 7 .67 9.59 11 .50 t3 .42 15 .341? ?n rv .4d zL.oz Percen! Spac. Develop. (in. )100.00 3.6483.46 4.70 69.55 5.55 5t.62 O, f U 52.'1,6 7 .49 46 .24 I .4r- 41. .07 9 .48 37.00 L0.49 l"* HEEI, DESIGN: * I-,oad Combi-naEion = 1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7H AvailabLe l-,ength for Straight Embedment into ToeAvailable Lenqth for Straiqht Embedment into Heel = 63 -z 00 in. 00 in.t I d(in. ) l_5 .50 Mu ( fr -k) 0 .00 Vu (kiP) 0.00 Phi Vn (kiP) 1,7 .32 As FLex. ( in^2 ) 0.000 As Min. ( in^2 ) 0.000 As T+S As Reg'd(in^2) (in^2) 0.389 0.389 I I I I Development Qt ra .i rrht- (in. )#4 22.79#s 3s .32#6 s0.13#7 68 .36#8 90.00#9 r-1.3.93#ro r44.69#lL 1,77.73 Length Hook(in. ) 7 .67 9.59 11 .50 t3 .42 15 .34 17.30 1_9.48 2t .52 Percent. Spac.Develop. (in. ) -8. ?8 -0.54-5.66 -0.54-3.99 -0.54 -2.93 -0.54 -2 .22 -0 .54 -1.76 -0.54-1.38 -0.54-L.13 -0.54 oo suoiea: cftlL- 0f (r') L|-TA)NC, w, F-Jh ,* l///0 fTc,-r- foev- l-ol+D a 'ftT' (E-) kf-T- V/ALL _ ftL.a Ni l-/-tO 1.0, fit|-Tw' F+C 'r'tn robrile:ANTLrv&5 QND/- Lll^ltHHD Jobno,(fl0f sh,'et ot of By:Date: I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Ittr''t t'- to' 7f7cf x l' x'(7 ' + L^z-zr') = 71 ^PfNr* t0rt5'4P' tolL t;;7 - Y.fk 6>, FTcz - 7f0 s0l Lolfrr"'o t$ /0oP f*'** -' ,,- f104. f(r\ -- -MQn--,hg' - -firl j.f #'*03i7 T"ta ifc ,*.s' - 4a+1 7.9' - L/ oT? 6.a' -llil*t _-rtl E #t ft*+ lf,/00# (z.rs')(t')ttl/urt' l' (l'rc')76 o 'c t t\ I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I t I I I fr^V suoi"a' (E) P-f-T- vr'nLL{ @ 'By: kJ h Dau": | 0 N ?pT - Salt IL- ONLl VfTr-f x'l'x7.67'-- lth-f#/' \14'- WALL f Tr*?t WT- o l507of x,'r# x 7-67' W*. -- FTa- vT- -- | tof a.rxl'x 7;, o' l4or -- Lr- (tz-0.s+/')(2.67')x ! (2.62') nk - vy'o ( t') t Vr (o.?r') = -zao*( l,) + t67#(z--tz') t-- +.$ : ,67f ., (*nq- to-rr:+': (--oz')(,') - u, )(z-47')"/6 -- Ltz-. + - 6(1 7'l = 767# -- z-ao # s67# = ?0q#' =l7ff#' tfin*' 06/ ff ' '' ,oNr4rto?^.., (4101 ,n*, ",Jobrirle: ANTLF-/4 coNt2 ADDU-1c Ntu'tlL.v 1f6uuv- 6O t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I oo fLC-,- VwALt-b D^t", /0/ 6ftq 4.?t\/N- e In G Paurr,n J T, bluftptrv A s Tkf*77rTtt - Q fn : Q rtr Z fu. Re_ [ r_"-, ryay-u1L, *rn ,*-f L f-a - 0. /0.9 J -- -7 (/o" ) (t o") (s- c t-i ) (t. o ) L ntrooo v i c., Hur ='ut- f L/' <v6- L/'x @-FL|L- 9,._ _nn.n Jobrirle: fiNfUf,-tf OapOO. ftOAl. t*^.,( I I I I oo Antlers at VaiL Condominium Addition and Parking Structure Stnrctural Calculations Gravitv Foundations I I I I I 1 I t I I I I I I I I I I t 3 <- Enter number ot columns in schedule 0.125 <- Enter offset from left or right edge of column (inches) 0.75 1.5 2.25 ccc MARK SIZE REINFORCING A 6'-6' SQUARE x 1 -8" (8) #7 BARS EA. WAY B 7'-0' SQUARE x 2'-0" (8) #7 BARS EA. wAY C 8'-0' SQUARE x 2'-4" (8) #8 BARS EA. WAY D 9'-0' SOUARE x 2'-4' (1 1) #8 BARS EA. WAY E 9'-6' SQUARE x 2'-4' (12) #8 BARS EA. WAY F H K L M N P R S T U x z NOTE: SCHEDULE INFORMATION STARTS lN ROW 5 1.5 REMARKS 249 KIPS MAX. LOAD 289 KIPS MAX. LOAO 376 KIPS MAX. LOAD 476 KIPS MAX. LOAD 530 KIPS MAX. LOAD <- Enler schedule column widl <- Enter lext alignment (L, C o LENGTH WIDTH 78 78 u84 OA OA 108 108 114 't14 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I T a o Antlers at Vail Condominium Addition and Parking Stnrcture Structural Calculations Lateral Design fl 3 a a,/z\t I I I I I I I I I T I I T I I I I t :(. - d -1, . Fli r/z\t i ;-I i1ti \ I I I I I I : -! -l 1l CI.i rf{ 03c{:()I r''l! /z\t 4".\ _; ] : :l I: ,li '':''_''.'.'''''''-..'''-. |. T-1 :-il*----1" I_l__ I I-+--" i,; -l '-t' I I i- i-".-.-. . -"-.'.-'- - r.t1-,,i.y'-- - -'---- - t1.-,'r."..-..- - - -,---- - ldr---- I I - ---*+-. I i I I ---t-. i----f l l I aa c: ?; /z\t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T I c i t,a o:g:a o .s,-. -l\-' I I I I I I I I I I I I t T I I I I I o '/?/ "n*, suoiect CfvlJTfoF ef ,aHt AuC-J B o"" 44ftO lx l>. l\ r, Ixr* s\5FFS\Stsr\ rl rl- \:-$ss l' ll i\\sFSultrr:- ,r1.. xl: \s ts>'l.a \ l>,l.r t I ^lvllF vtlw ,, $1 . ri'lx lx l( lx =li"* xlt NItr.l Is F :i\ir$$ S $ :sts$*ll- i- :tiltil Sr,r*.ntrYssl:r-rl{f --tJ G^ r\$ I Ss oo\rJtnorr\oFtl {,r nt.--q.-5r'oi\l -it'l\inil $ q \ ssss\ l"t St\\^F \ rr.A-s -5 5rsC\ ,-. r\ t\t{\ q$hu$ t$*s$ shll={d art\.\ .l.{5 'f C/ { ql J l\ \ .lJ\l*$ iti * :S* JI s\J i.b :* tt tl l{, tx J r$X !t$i B$$l*|R rl $$$ RN$IF[r$!$$-it .{ .I TR\-S \ \\sr:N !$$sI\ t$\-\-\- r- h ^lIt r. ra r\SrRs\\ss .to N\\,=.I\tF rS tC\ F^ rt5;15+ :inSF* Nd-<.r ts |\tr I \Lt-ss* Uor.s\l$s.-a..6rs Jr..;ngts -o'so-.o\ tp )*-*\Xqte;$ s\.sst Ct'o F x\$s--rl tt\ \,6F \thrs*.s tr _ (h drDts-\ \ rt \ilsti "l RR | $t"(l $: Job Title: o o ,toono.' ({/O( sn*r' oa",z-/t'Q/fit .{ t\ $orrt\\\,\iA l{t \N,f\}\S\S+'\lBl^ $l t"l \S\ 6\s\$ lr {l E;\[$$Ns:xl tr..$ii^nStS.s5l $$s$\'Ss-- t-{ *nt\rrt}$c\.-Sl t\\s \ *.tr d il -- rl iNi\\\$\ +l t".*\+ A I t| $st$$$$i subiect: cfdrr+ 0f ttllvt P I I I I I \-- \\fr\ i \ $tt\\,rlxl>- lx t>- \\l t\ -\\t i\ s\ -\ \ I tl . -,1, { ili-t- lli'< llSsa\c\ n+ | ..,1 >l :l*r ti{5l+' I ^l G \ .[ tl- E $ J i$\ q, N {,iI JIqt \a*.\>{\ t subiect Wl N 0 ?T'P/ PHE' LfutlI-L /+t6tf HF FtL. 7 6tr l.ll'xlt' =117.4 z-t?'x l' '-zzd/ zf?'x /' .zzf? z-.25O t0.5L?t-t 4'L-0 ,0. , 73. e T,Ljb Af-ra I 0v'x 6'-- ,ooe' Y&o*r-'I7aP{ ft<- tl yf l1 t1 t7 It 0r-T H - to _'. rl tMt/7 Jf.llHte aNTbLJ IN N-' AND E-.'/ P/t1