HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS UNIT 110 406tt Val[ C'tcnshe"rA €;\i^q 3 $\eclc t Lo^+ 3An+b(: \to t 4OG . FEE. 1.UAOL 5!29PM NO.747o COMMI.JNITY DBVELOPMENT P.2/5 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FROMAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970.479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF AIEo i,E COMIRACTOR A'-Vl4n - SIiff'A NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TrMES DEMO. OFPART/ALLBUDG.Pcanit #: D00-0022 Job Address: 680 UONSHEAD pL VAIL location...,,..: 680 UONSHEAD pL #l l0 & #406, ANTLERS ATParwlNo,,,.: 210107206010 ProjcctNo,: blO Pgl fL ApPLICAITT AUERTCAII ABATEMEIIT, INC. 0512612000 phone: Stat$..,: ISSUED Applied. . : OSn2l2000 Isnrcd...: 05n6n000 E*pitrs. . .: llnzn0l0 3 03 -298 - s 55043{O BROAD!{AY DBf\IER, C0 I0216 Llcense: 483-S III|'RBACEK MICTTAEIJ License : 90.00 RcqtdiflFoo--.-*---> 13 .00 Clxa+p Doposit---*> Action: Action: e0.co ' $o.io PryGrts---> $0.00 s20,00 APPR APPROVED FER IO9 APPR N/A APPR N/A a,PFR N/.A Tdal Cdculrrdd Fo6-.) Addiiidil Frig__"> Tslsl P4mit Foc*-t 955,00 s0, 00 $56 .00 s56 , Co 05/26',l2000 KATHC Item : 05400 PI/ANNING DBD.AT.TMENT 05/2612000 KArnr Itern: 05600 FIRE DEFARTMENT 05/2612000 KAIES Acr,ionrItem: 05500 PIIBIJIC rfOnXS 05/2612000 KArgC Aet,fon!Iten : 05700 ENVIRONMENTAIT I{EAIJTH Co}{IRACTOR *lgtgsgN*aBArEtrEtrr. 7!0c nE /rr /rnnn ph OWMER t t-v L0 ratlr*ru4rtL 05/26/2000 plrone r I Dxcipiion: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT Oocupancy: Rl Type Construotionl Type Occrpancy: ?? Multi-Fanrilv Vdurtion: $500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 # of0ar Logr; 0 # d Woorl lolle( 0a.la*a+a'tlaarllrr..r.iaFFr|'lttr I l*tatatatttrt'l|}tt'ta1r...rt'* Fireplaoo lnfoflDrlion: R!fibL(! # ofoi, Applionc.s 0'T;;;il-, ""'"""""";';:;:'*-"""'*"'*;#fffi' FEE EvMM^RY Itlu Chsck-> $1! . oo DRB Fee---.> lnYLrtig ion> wi cl l*r TOT.[FEES-*_\ g5€, OO BAI,ANCB DUfr.___-_-> so,oo*.+taa.+raraaaaaal*rn*aa+a+*!.ri!,n.aa, Approvols: I€EmI O51.Oo BUILDING DEPARTTdENT ,r , FtE. 1.ZOA1 5:36Pt'l 05/2612000 RAxlrfrtem: 05900 IrIeIloR 05/2612000 KAmry' Action: AIPR N/A AcEion: APPR N/A SIGNATI,]RE OI O N0.767-----P.3 oR .{T Otn oFFICE rROM 8f 0 AM - 5 PM. ANDOW}II: ,f....t...l{l.t...',t...*.i....r.'.r'...l...l..t.t.'r........'1.1.||..|€.t......l||||rl....ql..+.|.,*t,l|.tnt..?e..''r'r|tl|||i....*c'...'l... See prge 2 of this Documcnt for any conditions that may apply ro this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby aoknowledp that I hwc read this opplication, fillcd out in full the infoffintiorr required, comploted an arcurato plot plaa and state hat aI ths infmnation as requirod is conect I agrec to couply with the infornatiotana jlot ptan, to courply withall Toqrng*-ry and stato laws, and to build this srnrcrre aocording to ihe towus zoning md urbdivisim'ooais, aetip r*icw slrproyed, Uniform Building Code and othcr crdinances of tlre Town applicable tlroeto. REQI.IESTS FOR TNSPECTION SHAI.L EE TdADE TII'ENTY.FOUR HOUffi tN ADVN{CE BY Scnd Clen.up Dcporil To: AMERICAI{ ABATIME}r|T PAGE 2 {r*t *,t,t ***,t | *** * **rt * tt,r,*r **rt!t* * ** * *** *i, * **i!:i * *t* * * * ***** t* **t'* ** I' t ** *** ** t * ** * ** * '*'t* I *** l*'l't * t ***t} t}*** *'r'+ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: D00'0022 as of 02-01-200t Status: ISSUED * ** *!r ** * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * t* ** ***** ** * ** +r!*** +*** * i f* * * + l' * *,t* * * * {t '1. ** **t** * ***;** **:*'t* +:** 'l * * * '}:} * *'r 'r *{t't * * *'r'* '} {t Pennit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLIDG' Applicant: AMERICANABATEMENT, INC. 303-298-8550 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: 680 LIONSHEAD PL #l l0 & #406, ANTLERS AT ParcelNo: 210107206010 Description: ASBESTOS ABATEMENT Conditions: Cond: CON0002807 FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED IF THERE IS A CENTMLLYMONITORED FIREALARM OR SPRINKLERSYSTEMEXSTINGINTHEAREAoFCoNSTRUCTIoN.THIS WILL PREVENT FALSE ALARMS. Cond: CON0002808 coNTRAcToRMUsTSUBMITACoMPLETEDFINALAIRQUALITYTEST FORM TO THE TOWN OF VAIL BLDG DEPT. UPON ST'BMISSION THE CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT WILL BE PROCESSED AND RETURNED. Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FORASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY' AU AST'ESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOW]NG THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCI.JRING ON THIS SITE. IF FI.JRTHER QI.JESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250, Applied: 0512212000 Issued: 0512612000 To Expire: 1112212000 Appuc^Trortu- ilor BE AccEprED rr rn"o"r..r'l* uNsIGrrED Project *: DOIte-.BrildinaM#:nsbesdPer.it*,]@ Required per Odinance No. 19, Series of 1998 Permit application wilt not be accepted withoutthe folloring:75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 1. Copirs of General Abaternent Certifrcate and State of Colondo Certification 2. A copy of written anangemenb with the lacility operators for any temporary dbabling of the air handling systems, fire sprinkler systern, and alarm systems with the names and contact phone numbers of these indlviduals. 3. Site plan with details addressing: waste container storage locatbn, waste load out area location. entry and odtjng details of abatement area. detaib of enty and o<iting plans tur the occupants of the struchJrc in unaffected areas. Offie at or visit # Parcef # unit #110: #21010720601-0 Unir #406: #2L0L07206042 JOb NAMC: AI\TIT,RS AT V}[L - UNiI #1.10 & #406 lobAddress:680 w. Lionshead Pl., Vail'@ 81557 Legal Description ll rot' s ll anc* 1 [ riting: 3rd Subdivision: Antlers Condos owngg[aEfio Harbacek, Michar lAddress: 6g0 w. Lionstread PI Phon"t 970-4 76-247r Unit #406: F'rinlnan, Scott Addrcss: 6g0 I{. Lionshead Pl Phone:(g'tot 476-24.11 Project Designer:Address:Phone: Air Monibring Specialist:O..'.,.is Maror Address: #j{"PTI} Htf ,*'""Phone: (303) 449-1175 Detailed descripfnn of work:SE ATBCIIED DRAWINGS €ceApED eElllNETBrIl)ee F?OM c.6NCf1-trt. o$ur - NcrR, cra' p€PurrejE W e:J:00 *n llQuttTtnet3'.30 Ptl Amount of Asbestos: Linear Feet: Square reeu I A A0 55/Gal Drums: WorkClasr New() Additbn( ) nemodelfi) .Repair( ) Derno{ )_Ot!gl!l Work Type: Interior (X)Exterior( ) Both( ) Tvoeof Bldo.: Sinole-fiamily( ) Two-famiv( ) Multi-hmivd0 Cott.r.lnl ( L Restaurant( ) Od|er( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exisil Ye ( ) No ( ls. CONTRACTOR IT{FORJTIATION James D. Clark (303) 298-8550 On Site Abatement Contractor: AIqERTCAT\I ABATEMNT, INC. COMPTETE VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMEIIT PERMIT (Labor uctz{ [,6ponP ^.,tt,o.l4'l I h Materials) q'ru Asbestos Abatemenu $ 15,t112,00 "Pp-{_e"-F_esdyec.r*****rr****r.**rtir t*****f,'lrr**rrrfirrr******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**:t**rt*rt*ii****ilr.**.*t*:t**____ nAY aLaoln 81 rn""-i\ $ =I U T I I I t-lul el 7'lr,ti ri ?). ; E u ttl7o \t\ . !i'i \lzf iltlt Jf*:o &no ob,o-EL\f,5 lus\t\4 $ : 3 ..4Ei 5s$i frIiI vil[?<:lj8p$ *H=.Fi^i $:5^ u 3 i*+ $ T'{ilI{{fi orEz iiH$UKpi Fs r: 9*iIilJ?tft+:i , -t I 7{F-, {r,oF$\) !A lr o Fu q o(t\o t { b \, I 6 -,F ryo E TJv \l AIo3 lLo UJ0-o \,, ]j f +- I I Eo 6I It6 3 \. El g / /'-<a \ \ dct E EJ ---+J >d oa \ - tlJ\\ =Y \t\,t2 tsr2 e8Fe $?E3 fle t-'6J gi$fi $A.o{ {O I r 8;$ t$i€ $ ={ U ?''':f HI hi eJ2 u$I_r &{ r.9r")z<-z AE HoJAol{-t.;l{$' {f,.vFd \n't o!.f t0l: L d'fi eE uste= 13 ,g *,\s,2,< Ul Fi? $r$<\, "t$\;d ;JE)F"$ rF Rr+ i*[sH{L<<L-r .Jb.o= i; $ -* f;-*I3rus { \Iil 5 1- I 5 d d pJ \nI El H ] J f d1 -Jr\ lL EJ $ E:J lils(+ J<- F_=r? * $t He s r$ tt\ a0 I4sN a,rog { E' ,Jsn Elt ? $3--Uiooi $e${$N \r sl s tLo \$Lo\) v) 3Fo-I eE\9 $r'tus$4 ) /--<a d \ \ rA2f illrl a(.)l d 8rl< J 3 AJ J LJ ts2 g ? I ,llr! Page I €, I www.antlersvail.com o L 6-4146tax TL€R ,# SA \AI 970.476-247 970-47 T 1 o /N 8165 Datei O5/26|2ON Time: 4i46!42 PM 680 W. Lionshead Place Vail, CO To: Kathy Warren Company : Town of Vail Pages including cover page: 1 From : Robert LeVine Date:05/26/2000 Time:4:45:38 PM To Whom lt May Concern: Please be advised that the owners of unit 110 (Michael Hrbacek), and unit 406 (Scott Brinkman) have the full approval and support of the Antlers Homeowners Association for their efforts to remodel those two condominiums, including but not limited to, the removal of any asbestos in those units. Please feel free to give me a call if you need any additional information. Regards, Robert LeVine General Manager fficD mnv 20 2000 1 I I I a- ---t l ,i{l AI'IERICRN RBRTEIIENT rNc o AMERICAN ABATEiTFNT' $lc' o"*fr38"#lH3so3 FRX ht0. : 343-298-8595 Feb. 91 AAAL g3"46Pn P1 PHONE: (303) 2e8-S-5-50- FAX: (303) 2e&85e5 & -/-0 L FACSIMEE lBAl'l$'4Ir[AL ACwB' $IEEI BRD CCPY WILL llcl,Lo['{ I^IffL lUI rctlfil (nu,ID]l\re $tE covB sHESf) call us' REcr"lvr,o Fr.B 0 1 z0tjtl TOV-COM.DEV. Doo 'az2 No Pe65$' FROM :ANERICRN ABRTEMENT INC o FRX No' : 343-2s8-8siirru,r*l,i*,,?,i "7'.;:;"'n C)'^ /h^* Chris Maron Project Managcr Asbcstosrlead+tndusrialHygiene.Safery+}.inalAirTcsthg'HealthandSaferyTraining C:\WtNDOWSDosktopiCompi"t"d Jobs\Anrerican\6-i-0O Anrltrt at vail'doc Boulder Environmental Management' Inc' 2227 Crnyon Blvd, Suite 155, Boulder, CO 80302 Phone/Fax: (3[3) 449-f I75 June 5,2000 American Abatement Mr. Jim Clark 4340 BroadwaY Denver, CO 80216 RE: Final Air Clearance Monitoring Antlers at Vail, 680 W. Lionshead, #406, Vail, Colorsdo AA Job 00-t02, PO#9941 Dear Jim, Attached is the report for the final air clearance monitoring pertbrmed on June 4, 2000 at Antlcrs at Vai! eSO W. Lionshcrd, #406, Vail, Colorado' If you havc any qucstions rcgarding the contcnts of this report" do not hcsitate to contact ur. fn*l you for ttris opporhnity to have scrved you' Sincercly, FfTON : AT4ERICAN ABRTEHENT INC \-\gouldii Environmental Management,Tnc' 2221 CanyonBlvtl', Suire 155' Boulder' Colorado 80102 Introduction: On June 4, 2000, lJoulder Environmental Managemcnt, lnc.'s air monitoring specialist' chris Maron, collccted final air clearance saurples from Antlers at Vail,6t0 w' Lionshcad, #406' Vril, Colorado. Prior to testing, a visual inspection was performed to confirm tlre complctcness of asbcstos removal aua cteanip- The visual i'spection was performcd in accordance with ,t i ernoi.* Standard for Tlsting and Matcrials' "standard Practice for Visrral trrrp""t;o" of Asbcstos Abaterneni Projects". All asbcstos materials, including contaminated dusl debris' or residues were salisfactorily determined to have bccn removed. Air sanrples wele then collected inside thc contained area utiliziug aggrcssive air sarnpling tcchniques as dcscriberl in 40C.F.R' Part 763, Appendix A to Subpart E (EPA l99s). Five air s,amplcs arrd two blanks were analyzcd utilizing Ph^ase Crcn-fiasr Microscopy (pCM) omploying the NIOSH 7400 method. The resulis of the PCM analyscs as foil.ws: Semple ID Location Volume (litcrs) Result (fiberVcc) l. 6-4-CM-CI kitchen a1 window 14t5 2. 6-4-CM-C2 tusebox 1485 3. 6-4-CM-C3 living rm at balcony' window 1485 4. 6-4-CM-C4 bedroom closet door 1485 5. 6-4-CM-C5 basemcnt at balc. window 1485 Fnx No. : 343-298-8595 o Feb.at 2w7 e3:47Pn P3 <0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 <0.003 Discussion: Samples were analyzcd by a rraincd microscopist under thE direct control of Boulder Environmcntal Munog"-'"rrq lnc. Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. successfully oarticipares in the American industrial Hygicne Association's Proficiency Analyical i;.il;;;"g.anr (pAT) for determining concentratio's of airbome asbestos fibers' (Laboratory I.D. 102935) Conclueion: Tlre sample results complied with the state of colorado DePartment of Public l{ealth and Environirent regulations for post-abatement air quality' Asbestos.Lead*IndusEial Hygtene*safcty*Final Air Testing'Hcalth and Safety Training FROM : ANERICAN ABCTENENT INC FCX NO. : 343-298-8595 Feb. 81 26AI A3:47P11 P4 Itltitilltl|ltitll!tlll e3l'=.11 ?Ei Y€>\N-o >. EE.z<!l a> c:)CC () d8 q) € 6) !) () c) (-) x 6) x a) 'cat-' .- lo i) I I!- a{ I I t/) d I1t..' f e 'o G ,1{i U lo lal- I Ill4iol ! a1eR It,lv 9tr QJI 'I ; = U1 a- () FIAri v) '1 l;t| I'i -lh a FtA crl \\c a N U 'X 3 (9r=Ql:J1 Ib;Elrl IIE F I 9^'S'-l.l E6 il4l tdt 5l S -{jl F jtc ",?lol lslslzia>Et)ii,z €lE<is ''bEca :-xo e4 -oo E8Efh! li EEEnE?a-; E;3 E ra E;? e 5qrd exr-cQ.Ec)t o.lJ n, EN ce t.. 0) € a ; 'Ea.t t 14Yit .=,o)Ucl z tl Io .tz q) z F Fz z IU P q) il, L- 7 I rto)< a >' It vl a a)& f 4 -( .9-t-Ps oE2 -+'xE 19 FRX NO. : 3A3-298-8595 :{ir: Feb. 81 2AAI e3z48,Pn P5 =t-1 ngs- Iggsi agg fr'l -a F./,'- t<l\./ 'r46JU 3?a E d\ €. ez F V,4 E. H}g?F a El<2 7/,= 5goq<rV\ <oz F{o l-< Cd a > ct). r-{t-{ "<t-{(J G' tA q). (l)U G)ra.an yJ >rJ.a FZ =7ydB.rJ rd FIa" >F5L)a)I\EIt\t tR)d -a\-(F. }l'-1 \..1-) CAa Drt: \( FROM ; NHERICRN RBNTEMENT INC O I tg Fvd ih$h g t l;€.9F€oE g0 rFt 866r,/IllgI'tr'I'laiYH FftOM : NMERICtrN ABATEHENT INC . Fnx N0. : 363-298-8595 O Feb. ar zAAL 83:4E|PN P6 ao& EgItr o:(t e.I (D Rx'to € $,ld$ €$df;gq EE 6 t,il6 N N\8 o lo5tEE?2AZO.p Egofittf(! g)!t 6();.()EO:-< -6-gE;a8 FS.s8st o() .9sF EluEa'65fOFoo=5r-.h E O.Egd E :EF F E,@ E s:28 EE*=Eg acR<fc(o gg-H FlI FEIZcl gEI 6.i'l rEtHl E: F c o }'|Itt r: o-{x u o FRO].I : RI,ERICAN ABATEI4ENT II.IC FAX NO. : 343-298-8595 1rt16 El ua aL zAAt A3:5FM P?o Feb. ProFtclErtcY ATILYIICAL tEtttrlc (P t) PNoGIAH tAioRAtotY rui' ro'olir PEltolliArlcE lEPoRt -FoR tc'io l'1 L|f lD=rO?9!5 xrY 19' ZD00 sdrLDrr Ervtdx[Ert^! r llAGE E[r, SottlDlr' co 80302 torjrD ' ACCU|ULAIID tEtFoRt{AllcE DRofl9I€xcY slrprE IYPE t(rJro PlRtil;llcE ' rd'ilos (;l 2 PqfiDg (3! RAllll6 t AsBEStOS/FttERs t3g qL 139 tll 140 l4r 75 314 3t4 t ?h. d€nodfnetoE rcPr€5.nt thc totrt nulrbcr of ca@lec to bt th'lyt'd' Yhe dneratorE reprlcant tha ditbcr of 6cc'Pt!bt6 loaults' i' ;.; lspieslits-hon. cr.tDf ttot orid is cltcuilred rE o zcro in thc mnerator. t P : Proticiclt L! Io^Proficl!'t- p.irol.l*t i"tit'ge ""u bftcd cn crPecic{'racutte t'91- f Ar rauids (oae v'8r)' a tgbrs ;;;iffiil; on-J;r, salprc wpi iiiiiJ eroricrmt (pr,,.it: tr thrcc.fourthe (751) or nor? of sh€ ae€urutlt€d resultE orli ri,r. iounds .r. acceptdbta or 2t for the trst tto rourds' ii t -'rliii" iil anaiv."a end iia r&utte rrr 1001 rcccptobre. lf o laborltory |eceiws sontDtca for a contrliinanr ori-ai.iiii-i.p"ir tnc ar(r, ttrr rcg.rlts rilt bc cons idered unacceptrblc for that conBoninlnt. FRON : ffT,ERICtrN trBFTEI1ENT INC Fnx No. : 343-29S-8595 O Feb. BL 2aO7 as:saPH PB 5- :l:.i ii::lt 'l"jl; 2 ii 2aG' a ,';. A"/11*, Chris Maron Project Manager Asbestos*Lead*lndugtrial Hygiene*SafetyrFinal Air TcstingrHcalth and Saf,ery Training CIWINDOWS\Desktop\Cornplered Jobs\American\6-9-00 Attlers at Vail,doc Boulder Environmental Management, Inc, 2221 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, Co t0302 PhonelF'ar: (303) 449-1175 June 17,2000 Arnerican Abaternent Mr. Jim Clark 4340 Broadway Denver. CO 80216 RE: Fiual Air Clcarance Mouitoring Antlers at Vail, 6t0 W. Lionsherd, #l 10, Vail, Colorado AA Job 00-102, PO# 9941 Dear Jinr, Attached is the report for the final air clcarance monitoring perfomred on June 9, 2ffi0 at Antlers rt Vail, 580 W. Lionshead, #406, Vall, Colorado. Ifyou have any questions regarding the contents ofthis repon, do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for this opportunity to have senr,ed you. Sincerely. FAOM : RIIER]CRN ABRTENENT INC O Sample ID r. 6-9-CM-CI 2. 6-9-CM-C2 3. 6-9-CM-C3 4. 6-9-CM-C4 5. 6-9-CM-C5 Discussion: FRX NO. : 363-29S-8595 Bouldef Envirounental Managcment; Inc. 2227 C:nnyon tslvd., 5uitt 155, Borlldcr, Colorado 80302 Introduction: On June 9, 2000, Boutder Environmental Management, Inc.'s air rnouitoring specialist, Chris Maron, collected final afu clearance samplcs from Antlers at Vailr 680 W. Lionshead, #110, Vail, Colorado. Prior to testing" a visual inspection was performed to confirm the complctcness of asbestos rcmoval aud oleanup. The visual iuspection was performcd iu accordance with thc American Standard for Tcsting and Materials' "Standard Practicc for Visual Inspection of Asbestos Abatcment Projects". All asbestos materials, including contaminated dust. debris, or residues were satisfactorily determined to have been removed. Air samples were then collectcd inside the coniaincd area utiiizing aggrcssive air sampling techniques as described in 40C.F.R. Part 763, Appendix A to Subpart E (EPA l99s). Five air sarnples and two blanks were analyzed util2ing Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) employing the NIOSH 7400 mcthod. The results of the PCM analyscs as follows: Location at refrigerator at lireplace at fusebox at bathroomy'sink at bedroom headboard Volume (liters) Result (fibers/cc) aL 2AAL A3:SAPN P9 ,) 0.006 0.004 0.003 0.003 0,004 o Feb. l28r I2'75 t275 1275 1275 Samples were analyzcd by a trained microscopist undcr the direct control of Boulder Environmontal Management, Inc. Boulder Environmcntal Management, Inc. successfu lly participates in the American [ndrstrial llygicne Association's Proliciency Analytical Tcsting Program (PAT) for determining concentr.rtions of airbome asbestos fibcrs. (Laboratory I.D. 102935) Conclusion: The sample results complied with the State of Colorado Department of Public Hcalth and Environmcnt regulations for post-abatement air quality. Asbcstos"Lead+lndustrial Hygiene*Sal'cty*Final Air Tcsting*Hea-kh and Safety Training a3:51Pt'1 PtA O Feb. aI nqrFtrX N0. : 343-294-4595FROM : RI'1ERICtrN ABATENENT INC I iltl|ltiil t1titlltq 5s€$lgl .ql9€ .ts9 EE.=<,9u cr(E Itl tlIttlltlt) JE N€ts4 H9l ?3;gd< 0.t E € (J > 1r (.)(.l .c o x () x G) @D- j t I.l FI I I a {i a !J {l v dl L. I I <l U ;9 tl, 9"'t=c!t Bt a ,.i\i d 6 >l () (J tl (,)e {.) 7- F 7ttt:l.lovZl& C)z I =v? .. FA .)Q> (-) ra zq, =an tl -t Ial5t II a'l ?, 6lql LlEC1gq -\r;! | -r! (4 3el gol i,i 10 <3 th {)tu 3El o F Fl ,l h v, Ftatl cqra t,U 1-'=62 +,26' <EE gE 'F o' CO'!i n ^l bd v - .^; 66A oo -x6 E^a/, cg l{-4 EiE' ?:- E;$E:6 e >ij i .-ica !'-" = 8Erd 3.'8b$E€ r-, =<.15N i q, I I I.l{t <l dlfl,)l-Ft Ji<i I 44(Jl,g <l ii F = .-<z 6 FRX NE. : 343-298-8595 3iv,5l3f,2 Feb. E1 ZAAL o3i52P11 P11 !t>, FROM : RNERICRN RERTEI ,lENr iNc I ^A==4s--* $gs :E.lg EIi a3E lr\6 ,ndv- 40JUo o = ?ct)F E d: E j E32n . i D< Ecj .? g ?F = e Fl< - 2 7x\J -E XO(JOa<F4J -t<oz o)r3'o) YrJ>.-a.cr - -\7 tJ Dd'gJ\t-r- '-'>t=\{J.alI\.I nL- ,t\ TRl- Fr)\d Alrl-\-f-ac) CTL -t \t ihuh l0 Errtd arr;€.9F€o€ #Ll:Fl E65l/lT/et'l:rI'13tt:11 FROM : hNERICRN RERTEMENT INC O FtrX NO. : 343-298-8595 Feb. 81 2OAl A3l52Pn Ptzo :,os 3 !t tg c o f .!e -gatt R .d o € ild{ 5$ ijE 6;5 E N N\$ (Eox icoEb dD It 55 -(6 ZO.a Eg o19lt :t(!CDb9 E6 e8F: E'F B8 +Fte.e8 sH o C) .9EF 9 ^ t-',.g=S 5 eqsh i €$=u r j#t +6 Hl Itrl o FIiO4 : ANERICAI.I RBATET€NT INC SA PLI TIPE Fnx No. : 383-294-8595 Feb. 81 zAAt A3t53fr1 P13 DRotlctElrcY RAtlltG I o PloFtcrE[cY rf,^LyttcAL T€5 16 (p !. pROCRAtl LTE0RAToRY yEAR.Io-DrrE pEnFoR AnCE tEpotl Fot to.flr t4tu8 10--102915 illY t9. 2000BdJlOlE ElrvltoxfiElltll tr xlGErE[r, sol,LDEr. co 60302 RCJTID i ACC1,ltJtarED PtRfmu[cEnqJlD pERtofi lxcE 4 Rqltog (x) 2 ROultDS (r) ' thc denonin€lor6 regnrsent- thc tatll rurbtr af 6a,rpteo to br lnOly2ed.t||€ nrrFr.ator.3 iepieaont tha n|I|6e. Ot rcEcFtrblo rtrult6. ._ ^ r'r f€Fr*enls no.r-3ubri tta t rnd lc otcrrirtctr !5 t zero in the,n i3rltof., P : Proflcient I: ltonDroticicnr :::j:TT: l_r!i!: :1" b.s6d on.cxpecred rerulti ovcr fouf rourds (oh. ycar), A reb.lPcrtornancc on eaclt €arDlr type i3 ratcd !,foflci6rt (p), if: lt three.t6urtfis (7s.1) or rnorcof . the .ccult€ted reeuits ovir fcrur .o-&-.i ...dirit; or ?t for thc teat rro rourtsg,!t't Esrpt.' rr. .natvred .nd .th€ rcsutrs 'e roox ""iipiour.. -ir. -iiro.iii;';"";i;. rlrlptes for s conlaninEnt rrd docg not reFort'thi;;i;; ;,," f.auttr ril[ b€ considefecunacceptablc for titt cqntdtinant. A58ESt0S/FtEERS E tl( tta 3la t/4 tl8 t59 t(0 111 1l/16 61 618