HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS UNIT 207\d.\ L.on$neo.\jGtinq b\o<jc \ L&3An\rexS 2o1 :'t' TOWN'OF !:AIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nG479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ASBF^STOS Permit #: ASB05-0004Bof- oo4 Lo{ 3r3\k \ u.-aL;\...A 3d A rr-$-c.r-". Lo I Job Address: 680 LIONSI{EAD PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [.ocation.......: ANTLERS LODGE, UNIT 207 Applied . . : Mll2l2005 ParcelNo....: 2l0l072ffi0l9 Issued...: Mll4l20fl5 Project No . : 2? P 11 W-o o>1 E:rpires . . .: l0llllzffis owNER KATOPODTS, ,JOHN N. - COX, MAO4/L2/2OO5 3842 E MIIJIJERS BRIDGE F."D TALI.,AHASSEE FL 323L2 APPL,ICAIim LVI Environment,al Serrrices, 04/L2/2OOS Phone: 3O3-727-92Os 5150 Fox Street Denver co 802L6 Licenge:259-A CONrRACTOR LVI Environmental Services, 04/L2/2005 Phone | 303-727-92Q5 5150 Fox Street Denver co 80215 License:259-A Desciption: REMOVAL AND DTSPOSAL OF APPROX. 850 SQ. FT. OF ACM CETLTNG TEXTURE AND APPROX. 25OO SQ FT OF ACM DRYWALL TEXTI.'RE UTILIZING FULL CONTAINMENT ENG. CONTROIS Occupancy: Type C onstruction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $16,914.m Fir€plac€ Infomution: Restricted: # of Wood Pellee 0 *{.*.,r'.*'r'rrt 'r'i**{.a*{.t**1'r,ltl.1.*ll.'t*r{.a{r*t{rtal.{.**tl.t*t*l.1rr+t*tr.*'i****{.+* FEE SUMI,I.ARY Building---> $58.00 Plan Check--> s58. oo Total Calculated Fe€s-> $116.00 Additionrl Fe€s------ >$0.00 Investigation- >90.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $115. 00 $115.00 TOTAL FEES-----------> $116. oo BALANCE DUE------ > S0.00 ******{.tt *i++ittl. Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IEI{T o4/L4/2oo5 mvaughan Action: AP *******+{.1+*tt**+t*+tlll++lrt:tl+i* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. ] DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 plan, and state that all ttre information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wittt all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoniag and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordirunces of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE FORTY-EIGIIT HOURS IN By TELEPHONE AT yt047r2r35 0R n0479-2252 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 *************:t*t *!t*******:t*,F'1,**,t***,8*:r*!**********:i*:t'i*'*rr:t*!*{',**!******:****:F**:i:t;i:t :+{.***********,**,t{r!*'t ****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: ASB05-ffi04 as of O4-14-2005 Status: ISSUED *,**.**{.****t(****d.*'lc*,t***********,t*****rt*,F*,t*{.*****1.*!**:t {.*rt ***X.******,t **:8*:t*'f *!i,*t :t****1.*****d.*1.**'t,t t ,*{.,t*** Permit Type: ASBESTOS Applied: Mll2lzWs Applicant LVI Environmental Services, Inc. Issued: MlL4lz0[ls303-727-9205 To Expire: l0llll2ffis Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: ANTLERS LODGE, UNIT 207 Parcel No: 210107206019 Description: REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF APPROX. 850 SQ. FT. OF ACM CEILING TEXTURE AND APPROX. 2500 SQ FT OF ACM DRYWALL TEXTURE UTILIZING FTJLL CONTAINMENT ENG. CONTROTS Conditiorur Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANy FLIRTHER WORK occuRING oN THIS SITE. IF FIJRTIIER QUESTTONS ARJSE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIJIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. a +*++ffftl"t*'|l'tt**+*+'i+l+'i'ti*tttfl++ff+t*+'lt*t+ltlttffff*********+**'}lt**+t*+********f+**tt**++ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 04-14-2005 at 15:17:10 04n4t200s Stat€ment ****++**t+***'i***********tt'i'ia'i********l**+tt**{'**fft++*f*fl*****************+*+lr++'a+*t***ff statement Number: R050000371 Anount: $116.00 O4/L2/2OO5L2z4! PM Palment Method: Check ENVI RONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Init: iIS Notation: *6094/I'VT Permit No: ASB05-0004 Tl4)e: ASBESTCTS Parcel. No: 21,0I-O72-O6OL-9 SI.tE Addrese: 680 I,IONSIIEAD PIJ VAIIJIJocation: aNTIJERS ITODGE, IrNIT 207 Thie Payment: $115.00 Total Fees: $115.00Total AJ,L Pmts: $116.00 Balance: $0.00*+++**tt***'l*t:t'ii!*******+*t***tt*'i**+'|!'|**i{'*a'**l*****l******+**tt't*'l*t}l********{tlt'|l*'t:tt*lt'a**+ ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code Description Currents Pmta BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,ATiI CTIECK FEES 58.00 58.00 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 97M79-2135 ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Iocation.....: ANTLERS LODGE, UNIT 207 Parcel No...: ?l0l0fz06/Jl9 Project No : .3RSOS -6oX\ owNER KATOPODIS, iIOHN N. - COX, VIAOS/13/2O05 3842 B MIIJLERS BRIDGE RD TAI,I,AIIASSEE FI, 323L2 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires . A05-0030 3os -oo'( 1.: ISSUED . : 0511312005.: 05/18/2005.: tl/l4?n05 APPIJICA}IT COMMERCIAIJ SPECIATISTS OF WESTERN COIJORADO, IJIJC P.O. BOX L572 SILVERTHORNE co 80498 License: 161-S COI{TR,ACTOR COMMERCIAT SPECIAIJISTS OF WESTBRN COLORjADO, r.,LC 05/t3/2oo5 Phone: 970-513-7100 05/13/2005 Phone: 970-513-7L00 Desciption: Valuation: P.O. BOX 1572 SIIJVERTHOR}TE co 80498 License: 161-5 FIRE ALARM CHANGE FOR UNIT REMODEL $2,000.00 Electrical------ > DRB Fee------ > Investigation--- > Will Call------ > TOTAL FEES- > s0. 00 90. 00 $0. 00 s3.00 s310. oo $310 . 00 (s3.oo) 9307.00 9307.00 90 .0o FEE SUMMARY Toal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee----> PayrEnts--------- > BALANCE DI,IE.----> *'it*ll.**t*ttlt*it+,tllll++,lalll*la* Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT o5/I7 /zoos rnvaughan CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the ioformation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tbat all tlre information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zuMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON STHLL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPEONE AT 479-2135 FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. Action: AP OR CONTMCTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ***ttaaaaafl***ffaff*+t'ltt***tfffaaf***ta*++*rfatttata++t+++fffr*'l*'i*tf*++t*+++*'i+++***a+*++ TOWNOFVAtr COIORADO Statement. flllltf*tt*lt+++*+fftal*'it*llata*aa+*tt*f*alfltlalttlltlt+tlflaa*ftafat+fffft**t**la******** Statement lilurdber: R050000521 Anount: $307.00 05/L8/2OO5O9:37 Alt! Paltmenc Method: Check Inits: DDG Notation: CSWC 10385 Permit No: A05-0030 Tlrl)e 3 AIJARI{ PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOL-O?2-O6OL-9 Site Address: 680 ITIONSHEAD PL \,AIL Irocation: AXfIERS IJODGB, IrNIT 207 Total FeeE: $307.00 ThiE Palzment: $30?.00 Total ALL Pmts: $307.00Balance: $0.00***'it{tlffl'}*lt'}'}'l***!t!t*!t*****a*t++t*trt****+*i*la***'l*llll**t{r*ff*'}'}{r'}f'}+**********t*1"}l'**{'** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code Description Current EtntE BP 00100003111100 FIRE AIJAXIII PERIr{IT FEES 75.00 PF 00100003112300 pr,Alr cHEcK FEES 232.OO Frontage Rd. 81657 \Wa iMaia\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.DOC CONTRAC Fire Alarm: $ Project #:os-sa( Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: 97 &179-.21 35 il nsPectio nsl for Parcel # -M oo 3o APPLICATION WLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR COilPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARI| PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Conlact and Phone #s:own of Vail Reg. No.:Fire Alarm Contractor: Contact Assessors Olftcp at 970-328-EU0 or visit Fircel# g tOlo?SteeOtq JobName: l\"+krr* zol Job Address: 1r$o l-,lo >[, oa PI * 1$l Legal Description ll Loh ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: fr4{ I (-.r'r, ( rv A o ners Name:Kdioocd{s'icov ll nooress:3gni 2 Llillv8n&UTdE"ill Phone: Ensineer: S Fz*- ),rft \!rl ll nooress: 0o 6e6 lolr frsLr ll tiT !:o-9grcLr oetiireo Gcaiion or wo*: (te" flooi unltE bEg. tt w 2D1 Detailed description of work: TA c-h o",r, , {or b t)n f rcrr*or{i.r WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel Syy' Repairl ) Retrofit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Trrc-familyl 1 Mumtamity(\)/Commerclal ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) trlo. d existingl Drrening Units in lhis buitdin$ ll Hd ot ncmmmodation unils in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: v"s (9 No ( ) ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler Sy.tgt EI!! y'"1@ _X9! 97(Hn*2135 t/trnsppr,liortsl h/-p.ltz/A7 for Parcel# TDflil{F Frontage Rd. 81657 Fire Alarm: $ Contiact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No.: COIPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALART PERXIIT (Labor & lrlaterials) Contact Assessorc Office at 970"328-8il0 or visit@orq JobName: [\a+la.r* zol Job Address: 1r$o l-,'q. >lu or; Pl * 2cl Legal D€scription ll t-ot ll Bbcr: li Filing:suooivision: fr.ry$l e.r:..' C--ry,r$ nr ry ll eooress:3gJ Urllor6n&UT;rt*"i11 ptpne: ilsu"-.Lrcr:"i,rl ll Address: 0o 6q rorr F"ro---ll "*n"'Q r,o t{0.t 100" Detailed Locaiion of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) \+2D1 Detailed descriptionof wo*' TA ch.+r-u .fo, b []rrf rtproclu.l Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel $ Repair 1 ) Retrcfil ( ) Other ( ) Typeof Btdg.: Singte-famity( ) n*-f"-ty( 1 n{um+mltV($Commerci"l ( ) ry:t"urant1 I jth"t1 l No. of Existing Drvelling Units in this building:NF. ot rccommodalion units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (9 No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exisl: Ves [7) No ( ******************!r****:r*'r!.**:r**:r*:rt*:l*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****!t******:*****:*:*********!t*****'t*:t** / 0c5 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479:2t38 COI\ITRACTOR Antlers At Vail 680 w. Lionshead PLace Vail, Colorado 81557 License:305-A APPLICENT Antlers At VaiI 580 W. Lionshead Place Vail , Colorado 81557 License:305-A Valuation: $125,000.00 FireDlace Informetion: Restrict€d: Y DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BTJILD PERMIT Job Address.: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location......: ANTLERS LODGE, UNIT 207 Parcel No....: 2l0l0flz0f{Jlg Project No...:fo, o 5 _O o,l KATOPODTS, ,JOHN lI. - COX, MA03/0g/2O05 3842 8 MIIJIJERS BRIDGE RD TAI,LAHASSEE FL 323L2 I-,i.cense: Phone: 03/og/2oos Phone:(970) 475-247r 03/08/2005 Phone:e'70) 475-24'11, AddSqFc 0 # of Gas Applianc€s: I # of Gas bgs: 0 # of Wood Pellec 0 FEE SUMMARY 9o . 00 Toul Calcerlated Fees- > S0.00 AdditionalFees------->' $0. oo Toal Permit Fee---- > So. oo Payments-------- > $1, 8?3 .69 BALANCE DUE------ > Permit #: 805-0024 Fo€-ooof ISSUED 03/08/200s 03t2u2005 0B.n7t2005 OVINER Desciption: UNIT REMODEL-REMOVING WALIS AND BI]ILDING NEW WALI,S Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: I-B Type Occupancy: ?? Building---- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call---- > S1,133 . ?5 Restuannt Plan Rcview- > S?35. 94 DRB Fee-----------> 90.00 RecreationF€e-----------> $3.00 CleanrpDeposit-----> TOTAL FEES--------- > $1, 8?3.69 $0.00 $1, 8?3 .69 $1, 8?3 .69 $0. 00 *rr.*llata*ia+'.tr.* Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 03/L6/2005 caunionpermit is required Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARI'II{EMI o3/09/2o0s ee Action! AP ITCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Itsem: 05500 PIJBITIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. Action: AP asbestos abatement DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structrre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4PM' o.-'ULA/--' SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 i.*i.*{.*i.*****:1.*********!******'t**************:*!t,t't *i.*{.!N.!tt *!*,**************i.***********,r*i.*****,t'************* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0024 as of 03-21-2005 Status: ISSUED !*,|t:l**'.*'|t*,**,|.'|.'t{.*:|.1!{.*x.*********:***************'t*'t|t!*{.'r****|t*'r{.****!t*,t:t**{.***x.*1.*,|.*:|.*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 03i08/2005 Applicant: Antlers At Vail Issued: 03121/2Cf5 (nq 476-2471 To Expire: Wll7lzffis Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL l.ocation: ANTLERS LODGE, UNIT 207 Parcel No: 2lOlWZ06{Jl9 Description: UNIT REMODELREMOVING WALIS AND BTIILDING NEW WALLS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERJAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLJIRBD IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.1 OF TTIE IW7IJBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. l********+**+********+**+++++********tl*t****t*****a**+**t********+*+***+++++++*++*******+it TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement l**+f*+f+l+*t***********+++++l****ll*lall**+alll*al************+++*{r*+++**********+*+t++++++ $1,8?3 .69 03/2L/200503:59 PM Init: DDG Notation: Antlers condo StaEenent Nunber: R050000269 Anoung3 Pa)ment. Method: Check Aaaoc. 015171- Permit. lilo: Parcel No: Site Addrese: Location: Thie Payment: ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 805-0024 21oLo72060L9 58O IJIONSHE.AD AISTLERS LODGE, $1,873.59 TYPE 3 ADD/AT.,T MF BUU,D PERMIT PIJ VAIIJ I'NIT 20? Total Fees: $1, 873 .59 Total ALL Pnte: $1,873.69Balance: S0.00 'ta'ttl'l**************************fl.{r't*'}***{.*'t{'{'*********+f+*r}*******,*+**********+*1.**+******** Descrlptlon BUIIJDING PERMIT FEES PI,A}I CHECK FEES WILL CATIJ INSPECTION FEE Currents Pmts 1, 133 .75 736.94 3.00 T(Nt(W APPLICATT'ilwlIL Mtr BEACCEPTED lF lllCrotPLErE ORUN$q r Prolect*l Buildlng Permit#: vlsft 00e \ 75 S. Frontage Rd. bA sct+L+Mt? {rc-z+z VALUA FOR BUILDING PERTIT & BUILDING: $ 3o,ooo ELECTRICAL: I 2,l ,ao o OTHER: $ jc1 ,ooo PLUMBfNG: $ t?tao MECFIANICAL: $ - TOTAL: $ 115,ooo Parcel#Ofrcc or Parcel # 2tololzo 9or{ Job Name: (arApoDt3 Perqodc t Job Mdress: tz2fo \, Lrortsfual Pc #zo7 Lcgal lr$cdption I l-ot: 3 | Block: li Filing:SubdMsion: ft^tL&S Corc) o Ovvners Name:,':ttl$ K^f*O6(ltS ffi,?'M Anfiitec-t/Deshn€r:' Vii;iiczloihLcawrcz< Pc Addr€ss:'c.'&j-ses do+uL co ttt">t Phone:/qto i cr 2,to- Ttoos Erig in€er:Mdress:Phone: Detailed description of work: Utrif Qe,{6dzl Workclass: New( ) Addition( ) R€ntodd(f) Repair( ) Elsno( ) Other( ) WorkType: lnterior(X) Exterior( ) Bolh( )Doos an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) i'lo ( ) Type of Bldg.: sngle{arnily ( ) Two-famity ( 1 Mutti-fan$ty ({) cornmercia 'l R€staurant ( ) oth€r ( ) No. of Existing Drvelling Unils in this buNdirg: qa No. of Accornmodation Units in this building: 13 No/Tvpe of Firedaces Existinq: Gas Apptiances ( ) Gas Logs ( | ) W@Eqiet (-lll&94-Egl!!El No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Propos€d: Gas Apdiances (, ) Gas toss tf) Woo Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ([) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (yJ No ( ) **a****t **tt**t*******i*t**********rt*FoR OFFICE USE ONLY**"*it****i***********#t*'t*tt*****'1**1" TOV-COM.DEV. Fltl,rso6lcdcriFoRlrstPERMTSEU)GPERITDOC Qredions? Cdlthe &rilding Team at 4791325 Department of @mmunlty Development ProiectAddressr-la{eJp-LL91,^rhe1g-P.!-E2et- I Thls Check|lst must be *,mpleted before a Butldlng furmit arylletlon is acrBpted. Al pages of applicdion is omPlde Has DFB apprwd obtain€d (if requircd) Rovide a opy of approvd form ondominium Aesociation l€tter of apprord dtacfied if prcied is a Mtfti-Family ccnplex Oornplde dt€ p|an $bmitted Rruic wry furmit 4dication induded if applicable (rder to Rruic tltilorks ct€cldk*) saging plan induded (rdor to HrHic Works dreddisil) l{o dumDster.oarklno or materlal storage allowed on roadwavs and rfroul4srs without wrltten aoorryal Asb€dos t€6r and re$lts submitt€d if d€tnolition is oconing Arcfiit€ct stamp and signahrrs (Al Commercid ard Multifamily) tull floor plans induding building soctions ild elevations(5 sets of plans tor ifulti-Family and Oommercial BtiHings) Wndow and dor scfiedule full s{rudural plans, induding dexign criteria (i.e.loads) Strudurd Engin€er damp and dgnature on strudural plam (Al Ommercid and ttrfulti Family) Soils fuport mu$ be srbmitt€d prior to footing insp€ctiql Fir€ reddive asmHi€s +ecified and psndrations indicat€d gnoke detedors sholn on plans Type ard quantity of firePlae $tro n Appf f cant's sisnature : -dt-da-= Date of eubmittal: e 0 0 0 0 o 0 F:t[rs6ts\cd€vtFORttls\PERHT$SLDGPERM.ooc Recelved By: gzBfM zuI LDI NG PERTIT ISSUAI{CETI TIE FRATE lf this permit reguires a Town of Vail Fire Department Apprcval, Etgineer's (tublic Works) revievv and approval, a Hanning Department r€vi€tt or Flealth Department revie$r, and a rwierr by the &rilding Department, the estimated tlme for a tdal r6vle\ t will take as long as three (3) weks Al commercial (large or vnall) and all multFfamily permits will have to follor the above mention€d ma<imum requirements. kildential and srnall proj€ds sftould take a lesser dnount of time. Floryvwer, if residential or srndler projeds impad the various above mentioned departmfits with regard to necessily review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and appro\re. Bery attempt will be made by this department to o<@ite this permit as soon as pos$ble. l, the underdgned, understand the plan dteck procedure end time frame. I also under$and that ff the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, thd I mu$ $ill pay the plan dreck fe and thd if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agred to by:Tun ed,t+J"rz- Flirt name Sgndure Ftojed trfame: Lv*Pol's KrurJ' I \lq I -c',-nnei ./[ I lt 0 FlUsoElcd€rAFORftlSlPERfitlTf ;IEIIIGPERMDIOC g?N3Eop/, ,# ANTL€RS AT \NL . 6g)W. umBtldptaor \fit}, @ 816t E7l!-4'7c24ll 9:l|'-4lfll0l2tu uflrrv'td€n d'oom MEMORANDUM To: Town of Vall, Communlty Dwelopment From: Robeft leVlne, General Manager Date: OtlLlOs Subject Unit 207 remodel Please be advlsed that the AnUers Condominium AssodaUon wholetreartedly supports and approves the remodeling plans for unifr,Z07, includlng the addlfionalsquare footage. The only o<terlor alterarfion will be the replacement of a balcony wlndow and door wlth a slldlng glass door, o<acfy as has been done in dozens of other Antlers unlB. Please call me if there are any quetions. ErfiL Robert LeMne @neral Manager Fcb-03-05 01:57pm htect llame: Proiect Description: Fron-T0tll 0F VAIL C0tllllllTY 0EVEL0nEilT s7!4lsI45Z Design Review Board ACTION FORM Oepartnent of &rnmunity Darelopment 75 Souh ftor@e Road, Vatf Cobado 81657 H: 9D.{79.2139 fay| E70.479.2452 vreb: www.d.rail.co.us T-SZ5 P.gg?/003 t-r45 I,RB Numben DR8050023 Replace odsting door and 2 windors on deck with one neyv windonv (facing east) and 8' sliding door to replace window and inwardopening door currently facing west, The appiirarrt w-rtt ensurc that the color of the replacement makhes the champagne Participants: OWNER KATOPODIS,JOHNN. -COX, MA0VZ8/2005 phoner 3842 E l'fitlERS BRIDGE RD TAI.IAHAS5EE FL 3812 Liense; APPUCANT ARCHTECIUALSERVICES, p.C. 01/288005 phone: 970-928-7605 DANNYS:WERFEGER PO BOX 164 EDWARDS @ 81632 License: ARCHITECT ARCIIITECTAL SERVICES, p.C. 0V28l200S phons 970426-760s DAT{I{Y S1^/ERFEGER PO BOX 164 EDWARDS co 81632 License: @00001900 Pno$rct Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL location: ANTI."ERS LODGE, UNIT 207 Legd Descrlption: loe 3 Block: Subdivision: ANTL"ERS CONDO Psrcef Number: 210107206019 Gommants: seeonditions Hotion By: Seond Ey:v@: Conditiors: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SfAFFAPR Date of Appf,oyalz O2JO3|2O05 Gond; E (PIAN); No dmnges to these plans may be rnade withoutthe writlen consent of Town of Vail sEfr and/or the appropriate rryiew commit@(s). Oond: 0 (PIAN): DRB apprwal does mt onstitute a permit for buildirc. Please consult with Town of Vail Bnilding personnd trbrto cDnstrucbbn activitiG. 6nd:201 DRB apprcval shall nor become valid fpr 20 days tullowing the daE of approral. Cord:202 Approval of thls project shall lapse and beome rroid one (1) year follortrrirrg the dae of final approval, unhss a building permit is lssued and bonstructbn is comnrened and is diligendy pursued toward completbn. @nd: @NqXr6912 The applnnt stnll ensure that the replacernent color of the windor and door mahhes the dlampqrc obr approv€d by fE HOA". Ainne; Etbabeffi Edd DRB Fee paid: $25O'oO F 4:26 prn vall, co - clty cll - Recu€.bdInsp.ctlt E: roneedty, Augct03, 2005' lnro€cllon Ars: CG Stte Addrcrs: 680 UOIiISHEAD PL VAIL ANTLERS LODGE, UNIT 207 R€@ested lryocc0fifsl lbm: t90 ItECH#lnCR.qu.O.: slTEDEs HETAL FAB. Cooimrdr: Pil /l^. ^rdrx$,ll: rrcitDR Gorft|J lnsoecdon H|3bra lbm:lt m:hm: lbm:hm:no|: 310 315 340 3[n SjlO 3q, fkneE:9: 6 . Sitltlsr ISSIED .InrpAn : CG **"."PK-.?ffiU*, EnoeredBy oGoLDEN * '( Acilori' APAITPROVED solg: nxr Phone: 970.SD1176 Phone: 970,'AILlt76 REpfl31 Rtrn Id: 3t191 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 n0-479-2138 OWNER KATOPODIS, .]OHN N. - 3842 E MIIJIJERS BRIDGE TAIJIJAIIASSEE FIJ 323L2 APPIJICAN:T ENCORE ELECTRIC PO BOX 8849 AVONco 81620 L,icenge: 331-E CONIRACTOR ENCORE EIJECTRIC PO BOX 8849 AVON co 81520 License: 331-E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL lncation.....: ANTLERS IODGE, UNIT 207 ParcelNo...: 2101072M019 Project No t ?x o6-oo*, Permit #: E05-0068 Stanrs . . Applied . Issued . Expires . cox, MA05/06/2005 RD 05/06/2oos Phone: (970)949-92?7 05/06/2OO5 Phone: (97o)949-9277 Descipion: ELECTRICAL REQTIIREMENTS FOR UNIT 207 REMODEL Valuation: $15,750.00 Electicat---- > DRB Fee---- > Investigrtion-- > Will Call------ > TOTAL FEES- > 985.2s $0. 00 $0. 00 s3.00 $89.25 989.2s so. 00 $89.2s 989.2s $0. 00 FEE SIIMMARY Total C€lculated Fces-- > Additional F€e.s------- > Totrl Permit F€e----- > Payments--------- > BALANCE DUE----- > 805-e) ISSUED 05t06/2ws 05twtzws tuos/2m5 Approvals: Item: 05000 EITECTRICA! DEPARTMENT os/o6/2oos Js Action: AP IteM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IEIIT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with atl Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEL"EPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 **f ***'l * * * *** * ** **l+*{r********t*+**********llttt*'t*,tt***'}'}'}'t+**+****{'{'{'****f t*{'*{'*{'+++*f ***t TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statemetrt llflll'*****tlltt******ttttltt+t++++++*l'+i*tl*'}'tt*******'t{r***++*tatt{'a*t{'*+*+*a*l*+f+t++*tllt Statement, Number: R050000546 Amourt: $89.25 05/09/2OO5O2:O7 PYI Palment Method: Check Init: DDe Notsation: Bncore Elect,ric 1290 Permit No: 805-0068 Type: EIJECIRIC;AL PERMIT Parcel No: 2L0L-072-0601-9 Sit,e AddreEa : 58 0 IJfONSHEiAD PIJ \IAIL Irocation: AIITLERS IJODGE, t NIT 207 Total Fees! $89,25Thia Palment: $89.25 TotsaI AIJIJ PnEE 3 $89 .25 Balance: 90.00l'l+l*****{'***+***++aatfl+lr+{ral'**+******+++*+++f**l}+*r***,}******++******ttla+l'*f+*+*r*****a'}f ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Ptnts EP OO1OOOO31111OO ET,ECTRICAII PBRMIT FEES t{c 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTTON FBE 46.25 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: e7o-47e-zL4e ( ELE MWNAFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION -/.-/-'L,wrlrzz-/ Contact and Phone #'s; /J Town ofVail Req. No.: -i3/ -f E-Mail Address: COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE I IS;O ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ / q 75O. uo for ParcelContact Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit # Parcel #e /o /o73o €o/7 to'*u*"'ilu4rr 47 l4r/- U,v,l flO7 Job Address: 6e2 h/ /**,//"A Plr - LegalDescription ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners *u-e ./VZ. ,/A/op.ooll aaaress:qq* 2-. t27.//, .: ,8, ,'4. ll ehone: ,"./2 Enqineer:' 4 Address: 4A///AAA'Srz' f/-. ll Phone: e Detailed description of work: .b/r./' ,'< / /]2u,r'in'\'./' ljn-hw;7 2o7 /z-.'J / Work Class: New ( )Addition ( ) \: Remodel-PQ Repair ( ) TemP Power ( )Other ( ) Work Type: Interiorp{ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Oooln EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) t'lo il4'/\' Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Corr"r.iat|f, nestaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ^t,/A No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ^t/A Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) ruo D{ Does a Fire Alarm E;ist: Ves!) No ( )Ooes a fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ffi No ( ) tLI****+**********************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****t(******************************** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted By: Planner Siqn-off: 07 t26t2002\',Vail\datatcdcv\FORMS\PER\,1 ITS\ELECPF R l\l.DO(' TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F05-0008 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location.....: ANTLERS LODGE, UNIT 207 ParcelNo...: 210107206019 ProjectNo , f.j o7-aoN owNER KATopoDrs, JoI$I N. - cox, MA03/10/2005 3842 E MTIJIJERS BRIDGE RD TAI,I,AHASSEE Fr_, 323L2 APPLTCANI ABC FIRE PROTECTIOII, INC. O3/L0/2005 phonez 303-373-4748 20100 EAST 32nd PARKV|AY, #195 AURORA, CO 8 001L I-,icense: 188-S CoNTRACTOR A3C FrRE PROTECTTON, rNC. 03/t0/2O05 phone: 303-373-4748 20100 EiAST 32nd PARKWAY, #195 AI'RORA, CO I0011 L,icense:188-S Desciption: REMOVE AND PLUG EXISTING HEADS AND BRANCH LINES. INSTALL NEW BRANCH LINES AND HEADS FOR NEW CEILING LAYOUT Valuation: $1.100.00 FEE SUMMARY *****++**+{.'|.A,|tll+ll|t+li****++*+t*{.*{r*A{.!t******1.**it*1.1.'tl*a***** Mechanical-- > 90.00 R€suDrant Plan Review- > So.oo Total Calculated Fees-- > $399.75 Plan Check--> 9350.00 DRB Fee----------- > SO.0o Additional Fees--:----> $399.?s Investisation- > S0.oo TOTAL FEES-----------> 5399.75 Total Permit Fee----------> $799.50 will cdl---->$3.00 BALANCE DUE------> SO. OO ;i;:-1-ff#if;#i;;i**.*+'t.'|,!:.:f.:t+:t{.:}&|.*l|{t**|.,t,t{.'|:t.:}:!*+:t:||************ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPAR1'!{EI[T 03 /2L/2OOS mvaughan Action: DN detail missing regardj-ng the treatment of the hallway. Plans do not accurately reflect intent of project, location of new doors, o6/L3/2oos mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 *!?*Pf;]-;.-ilT*l?-lT:1f,:II-?ll?--*I-ffgYI*-"P.ff-.?I11:*-J.9*-:*oP-T-.-"3yJ*lH:*";-...*,*+{.+i,x.+'.*1,*,,.!i,,,:,*+:,.*tr+,* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tlnt I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of 0te Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HOURS IN ADVAI\CE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 ./-) f // /,w\./,/' &5'oox( StAfuS...: ISSIJED Applied..: 0311012005 Issued. . : 06ll6l2n5 Expires. .: Payments---------- > $?99. 50 **********++++**********'l*+*****t*f****i+++'l*******'l*++**'|+*+***********'t*'l't,l'{"t++********lt** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ***********+f'i'l'|'|'***tltl+++**t+*'t't****t**tttt++ttt*fa++*t+l****+*'|'t**t*++++*t|.*t**********f+ Arnount: S799.50 06/16/2oo5o2 :15 PMInit: DDGNotation: ABc Fire Statement Nurnber: R050000867 Palment Method: Check Protection 171?? Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddresE : Location: This Palment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 PN 001000031s3000 wc 00100003112800 F05-0008 T]PE : SPRINKIJER PERMIT 2101-072-0501-9 51 0 IJIONSHEiAD PL VAIIJ ANTIJERS I'ODGE, I'NIT 207 $799. s0 Total Fees: TOTAI AIIJ EINEE: Balance: $79e. s0 $799. s0 $0.00*****+*********+++'t*{.r}'}r}'t********************+***+++******'}l+******t++'tt*t*+**+***!t*+++***** ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code Description Current Pmts SPRINKIJER PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES IIiMESTIGATION FEE (FIRE) WIITIJ CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 45.75 350.00 399.75 3.00 .|, TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0119 Sa5 -.oa4 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: ANTLERS LODGE, UNIT 207 Applied . . r 0611012005 Parcel No...: 2l0l0720f/Jl9 Issued . . : 0611612005 hojectNo : Fr't Af +oa-l Expires. .: l2ll3l2005 JowNER KATopoDrs, JoHN N. - cox, nAoS/Lo/2c}s 3442 E MIIJIJERS BRIDGE RD TAI,I,AHASSEE Fr, 32312 APPTTTCANT ROD HAL,TJ COMPAM O6/LO/2OO5 Ptrone: 303-777-7700 255 WYA}IDOT STREET DEf.T\IERco ao223 Lricense: 150-M eoNTRAcToR RoD HALL coMPAlrv o6/L0/20os Phonez 3o3-777-770Q 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER co 40223 License: 150-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $2,000.m Fireplace Infornntion: Restricted: Y # of G8s Appliances: 0 #ofGas togs: 0 #of Wood Pelles 0 FEE SUMMARY so. oo Total calculated Fees-- > S0 .00 Additional Fees------- > $53. oo Total Permit Fee----- > Payments---------- > BALANCE DUE----- > Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > will cdt--- > s4o.oo Restuarant Plan Review- > $10. oo DRB Fee------------ > $0.00 TOTALFEES-----------> $3.00 $53.00 $o .00 $s3.00 ss3.00 $0. 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMI 06/tol2oos cG Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELrD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIiICE. Corrdz 22 (BLOE.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CTIAPTER 7 OF THE 2OO3 IMCAND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL,. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTAJ.,IJATION MUST CONPORM TO MAIIUFACTIJRER'S INSTRUCTIOITS AllD CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIAI\ICES SIALIJ BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC. Cond:29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO MECIIAIIICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPL,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AIiID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAIJIJ BE MOITNTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IINL,ESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI.,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAIIS AIID CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SIIALL BE EQUTPPPED WITH A FLJOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEA}IS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure ac.cording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ***+++++************+fiif*lt*************f!i*t***t+****+*++a*++***,************f****+********l* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *+***+{'+'l'{'*****t*****:f*'l*'}'l******lt******+l*tl'}{'{'***t**'}+*++*******r!**{'**'}****+*************{. $53.00 06/L6/2005L2:43 PM Init : IJT Notation: David HaI]. / ck Statement Numberr R050000854 Anount: Palment, Method: Check 4843 Permit No: Parcel No3 Site Addregs : Irocat.ion : Thie Payments ! ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 M05-0119 T!pe: UECIIAIiIICAL PERIT{IT zIOt- 072- 060!- 9 58 0 ITIONSHEAD PIJ VAIL AIIIIJERS LODGE, I'NIT 20? $s3. oo Total Feeg: Total ALrLr Pmte : Balance : Description IiIECIIAI\IICAJ., PERMIT FEES PIrAN CHECK FEES WILIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE $s3 .00 $53 . oo $0.00 Current Pmts 40.00 10.00 3 .00 AP?tlcAttof, wll|. ftoT !t ACCIPTED tF nrcotfpLlt! oR ,s 'o0Ll Euildlng Petmit t ]{rdrenkel Pcrmlt #: 97 G 47 9 - 2138 (tnspcctronr) TOWN OF VAIL MECHAI{ICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit wlll not be accepted the following: 7I'WO?VIIL U"r,r^"l:l/{to ;l -.., , l,,,rl .. ,": n .. I "i:r't Fluc, Vcntand Gar Une Slza lleat Loee Calcs, Equlpmcnt €ut/Spcc Shcets COIfPLET! VALUATIOII FOR IfECHANIGAL PERITIT (lrbor e Haterlitl3) -l r'l m- to 3cal. to Indudc: #Jo Wo*Cbsr il€w( ) AdddonctJ AEndon( ) Repalr( ) Ourcr( ) Does an EHU exist at tils locadon: Yes ( ) No ( )BoilcrLocaUon: Irffir( ) E$cdor( ) Ottcr( ) Typaof$dg:9nd+frillt( ) Duplcr( ) f.lr.dU-famiU( ) Comtru.cic( ) R.clur.nt( )Othct No. of Arsnmodatbn Unlts ln thls bulldlng:No. of EilsUng Dwelllng lrniB in tfils bulldlng: r.lqffypeotHr.pbefropoced:Cesrppt|rrc(t') G.sbgs( ) Wbod/ecict( ) WoodBurning(iIOTALLOWED) ! rrrrood burnlm l|rrDllce to an qi COTITRACTOR I I'I FORHATIO'I ....al...trrr.....r..aalaaaaa..r.firrrrFlOR OfElCl USE OllLYrrr..r..ti..t..tttr....arl.r.ll..r'ri rf tacth,lrrurf tatr-oll: 1'd xur r3cufsu-l dH HUAS:OI SOOZ LI FeX ADDlTlOlrlAl tlAtunts . R;,rrliunt "c lean face" design. . 8" B-vent pipe allows for maximum installation tle.r.ihiliry irnrJ cost effectivencss versus wtxrrlburning pipe and installation restrictions. ' Outside rir kir lncluded. . Manual On/Off damper conrol. . Therm{l operated sat'etv shut-off activltes if tluc pipe is blocked. . Dt'ywall mounting flanges allow fbr easier and taster instirllation of drywall. o l5 t'eet of wire for wall swirch installation. r 30'' t'lexible connector with on/off valve. . Brass bi-tbld doors standard on propane models. 'IIID TIISTABTD . Mesh Screan. Watl Switch OwW tlrnd HN Remot? Canrol vrlrilt|e SPtctFtGtttolts r Utilizes 8" B-Vent pipe. . Common Venting with this and other gas upplianccs is not allowcd. . Ncver allow the venting pipe ro run downhill. This may couse poor drafting, overheuting and possibly a tire hazard. The 7000 -series is approved ro ANSI Z2l.5O and appnrved tbr installation in bedrooms and manutactured homes, Consult local building codcs prior to installation. accrSgotttS 7'd xul J.fcdSsu-l dH BTU I'ATITG Log Model Siza 724BV4536NV 24" 7248V4536PV 24" 7248V5142NV 30' 7248V5142PV 30" Fuel Btu/Hr Natural Gas 50,000 Propane Gas 50,000 Natural Gas 50,000 Propane Gas 50,000 H€erth Openlng 36"Y26" 36"x26" 42"rz.d' 42"x26" PNODUCT (lnches) widrh Height Depth DrflllrStoils 4s36 5142 45 51 41 23112 41 231t2 FrAmtro Dtm$t3roilg (lnches) 4536 5142 A B c D E F G H 45 1t4 51 1t4 47 47 331/4 39114 16 3/4 19 3t4 801t2 861t2 401/4 43ll4 231t2 231t2 57 112 60',112 tnDiortrfll This informadon ie for plannint purposcs only. Always consult the owncn monual for installation and op€rating inslructiofls- wl llllos . lt is recommcnded that all insmllations be performed by qualitied s€rvice technicians. . Alwqys follow inslalhdon cnd oFratiofl instructions to insur€ s&fety at 0ll timcs . Ctrck locrl codes beforg installadon to ensurc co6pliance. . ln indcpcndcnt labo.atory lesling conductcd by a major reseorch university, tcJling docurnerred ah€ radi t heut oulprt of M<nessen's vented log* utilizing advarrcd log qnd burncr echnology. . Ke€p smdl chil&cn and lnimals away liom rhe opcn flirme of tbc gas log set at oll tirnc,s. .'ftrcrc may be a "stan-up" odor arsociutcd with the heatiog of th€ unil Thc odor rhould diminirh in Z-3.hours of opcntion wath ihc burn€r at it's Nghest scnint w F_(____.| F=-- A _=-l MONESSEN FIEARTTI SYSTEMS 1{9 Clsvetarut Road . Prris, lcntucky .lCB61 WWrf, .aniDtaaaanhadh.Com(DtgH O 20fl Mon€s*n Fle..th I'itttr'!, kE. lrrlts4t02 l.lULS:OI SOOZ LI GeLl FINAL INSTALI.A.TION Glass Bi-Fold Door Inrtrlhlion: WARNTNG Glecr doon musl be Inrtrllcd on ell Propene/LPG unib end opereted in the closed pocitlol to clininrte rn:t potcntlal for sool spilhgc into the roon. When instslling r nrtunl gas unit wiah Slats door option' tia unlt 'Iust br oplrrtcd with glass doors completely opencd or completely closcd. l. Attich bottom rail (#l) to unir with 2 shea metal screws (#3). Rcfer to Figurc 20. 2. Attach top nil (i2) to unit with 2 shecl m€tal screws (#3). Refer ro Figure 20. 3. Placc bottom metal door pin in botom spring latch then roete rop ofdoor into top spring lalch. Referro Figure 21. Repeat step 3 for other door. 12 ils lli Figorc 20: Door Rail Instellstio! Figure 2l: Glgss Door Installation NOTE Follo* installation instructioo6 located inside prckage. ) 6I 'd ,, xul t3rdf su-l dH l.ldsz : z I sooa o I unc \ FII{AL INSTALI.{TION Log Phcement for liqhtweisht rdrsctorv loqs (VWF24MO and VWF3OMO): This fireplace is rupplicd with a set of swon (7) ligbnlcight rcfractory logs (VWF24MO) for 36" or cighr (E) concrele logs (VWF3OMO) for a2". Do not handle thcsc logs with your bare hands! Stcp t: Ccnlcr rc€r log #l on grate bars and flush with rcar ofrhe grate. 'Step 2: Place front left log #2 on the front of thc gratc and to thc left, Slcp 3: Placc front right log #3 on tbe Aont of thc gate and to the rigbt. (Allow 2" betwcen back log and front logs) Stcp 4: Install left crossover log #4 as shown. Stcp 5: lnstall right crossover log #5 as shown. Stcp 6: lnstall right top log #6 as shown. Stcp 7: Insull left top log #7 8s shown. Srcp E: lnslall mid top log #8 (us€d on 42"only ) Figrire l9: Lightweight Refractory Log Placement This log used on 42" only. I 8r'd 2l xul tlrdlsu-l dH Hdsz:aI sooe oI unc FINAL INSTALIAIIION Loq Plrccment: Loa Plscement for flber errmlc lo,gr (VWFT4CS AIitD VWF30C$: This fireplace is suflpilia with a sct of five (5) fiber ccramic logs (VWF24CS) for 36" unit or six (6) fib.t c*atnic logs (VWF30CS) for 42" unit. Do not handlc thesc logs with your barc hands! Always wear gloves to pr€vent skin initation from ceramic fiben. After handling logq wash your hands gently with soap and water to rcmove any traces of fiben. Step l; Centcr rear tog #! on Bratc bars and flush wirh rer of the gna. Step 2: Place front left log #2 on lhe front of the gratc and to thc left. Step 3; Place fiont right log #3 on dre fronr of the grate and to the right. (Allow 2" behvecn back log and front logs) Step 4: Insall Crossover log #4 as shown. Step 5: Insall short top log #5 as shown, (on 42" only) Step 6: lnstall short top log #6 as shown, This log used on 42" only. Figurc lE; Fibtr Ccra mic Log Phccment ) Ll 'd 20 xul rfcussu-'l dH htdse:zI sooz oI unr ) FINAL INSTALI.ATION ITNAL TNSTAtLATTON Wgll Finlshins: Dctlnitlons: Cotnbttstible Metedolr - Matcrials made of or surfaced with wood, compressed paper, planr fibers, or othcr materials that are capable of beiog ignited and bumed. Such matcrials are considet'ed combustible evea thorgb flameproot firc rcardrnt Otated, or plastered- Nonlombustiblc Moteilals - Materials which will not ignitc and bum, Such materials arc those consising entL€ly of stecl, iron brick, ti.le, concrctc, slatc, glass, marble, or combination thereof, or have a UL Firc rating of Zero (0). Hath Tcmpcnturc Sealant lwatatol - Seatant that will withstand high temperature ; Gencral Electric RTV I 03 or equivalent. Finiruios the firephc? fltrgh wilh r wrll: W?:en finishing rhe face of the fireplace, combustible material may be brought up to the side or top cdgc of the fireplacc, but must nevcr ovcrlap thc black metal face, The black metal face may be covered wfth non-combustible material only. Afler applying the finisbing matcrial, a non-combusriblc scalant, l/8" minimum, sbould be used to close offany gaps at the top and sides bctwccn the fircptace and the finishing to prevent cold air leaks. Refer to Figure 5: Finishi-ng Mgterial section in dris manual for allowabte locations for combustiblc materials. Rock Wool Placement: Rock wool should bc cvenly covcring $e bumer iom front to back. Thc rock wool should bc separated into chunks about the size of a nickel. The bag supplied has an excess ofrock wool. The remaining inay be uscd as filler over time, Lavg Rock Plscemcnt: Sprinkle a thin laycr of lava rock on the floor of the inner chamber. IX) NOT pile up in any arca. It should be placed in a singJe layer only around bur not or any porrion of tbe bumcr. WARNING Do not sprinkle the lave rock on top of the burner. This maycaure polenlirl sootinS' gless breakage end/ora lirc hrz.rd 9I 'd t9 xuj lfcdSsu-l dH l.ldgz:zI sooe oI unt. GAS LINE AI{D ETECTRICAL INSTALI.ATION Optlonal DC Remotc SYsrerns Tirese insruaions supersede the section entitled "Hcanh Mount" in the Mi.llivolt hand held rrmotc instructions supplied with the remote. Mount rcmote control rece iver at junction box (for your wall swirch) Strip back l/4" of &e insulation from both cnds of each wirc' Insen the opposite ends of thc wircs into rccciver wirc tdminals and tigbt n the s€rews. Nillivolt Contol Vtlvc Chechllst: The millivolt (thermopile) conrrol is a self-powered combustion gas control. Refer to Figun l3: Wiring Diagram for Standing Pilot - Milliyolt System. The millivolt system and individual components may be checked with a millivolt miter having I - 1000 mV nnge. Conducr each oheck listed bclow by connccting the meler test leads to tbc terminals indicarcd. REfer to OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS for safety and lighting iustructions. Theilnopile Ourput Chech Pilot musr bc lit snd the valve control knob turned to thc "P|LOT" or "ON" position. "RS'ON-OFF" switch must k in the 'OFF'position. Merer leads musr be cotrnected to the TP and the TH/TP terminals oa the conrrol valvc. lf thc miter reading is not 500-millivoh minimum, then readjust pilot for maximum millivolt ourput. lf Inillivolt reading is srill below minimum specified, check wire connection and then replace the thermopile, Complac Mllllwlt Ststera Chcck Pilot musr be lit and rhe valve contol knob turned to the "ON" position. N{cter leads must tr conncst€d to the TP and the TFVTP terminals on the control valvc. r Tum RS-ON-OFF switch to rhc "ON" position./ If meter is reading more than 175 millivolt and the main burner does not come on, then replace control valve./ If meter is reading less than I 75 millivolt, then refer to TROUBLESHOOTTNG section of this manual to delermine the cause of lhe low reading- o Turn RS-ON-OFF swilcb to rhe "RS " position snd wall switch to "ON" / lf meter is reading more than 175 millivolt and the main bumer does not com€ on, then replace control valve.r' lf merer is reading less than 175 nillivolr, then refer to TROUBLESHOOTING scction of this manual to determine the cause of the low reading. ) l. 2. t. NOTE Remol! rccciver mu3t !6 mounled ootsidc thc rppli.nca, due to high lenperrtures ingldc thc chambcr- This wll! prwcni feilurcr and longcr battcry life. sI'd It xur rSrufsu-l dH Adrzszl goou oI unr ) GAS LINE AND ELECTRICAL INSTALIA.TION Figurc 13: Wiring Diegram for Strnding Pilot - Millivolt Syslem t) FILOT ASSETBLY THERLOOSC PIEZO IGNITOR l- odnt[rr -lI REuOrv w LL I' s{lrcH Rs\lroN OFF HILIJrcLT VALI'E '---:\. Figure l4: Schemetic Dirgram for Millivoll System rI'd l7 xul tf ruf su-l dH l{d}e : z I sooz o I unc GAS LINE AI.ID ELECTRICAT INSTALIATION Electricel Wirinq: Stondtng Pilot I galtion lffulng-M ltvo h Control: WART{ING Do not conncct lt0-120 VAC to thc Rcmote \ryrl Swltch, DC Remotc Control or th. Millivolt Control Valve. The appliance will malfunction or the valve *ill be damaged' CAUTION Electrical connectiols should onty be pcrformed by r qurlified, licensed electricien. Main power must bc off \rtetr cotrncctlng to mrln etcctrlcal powcr supply or perfornring scrvice. All wirlng shall be In compliancc n'ith rll locel city, and itele codcr. The epplience, wh.n installed, must be electricelly grounded in ecc{rdaocc with local codes. or iE lhe absence of local codes, with ih€ Nafionrl Elecfiictl Code ANSI / NFPA 70 Qotest edition), or the Canadion Elccticol Code, CSA C22'l' Lrbel ell wires prior to dlrcon0ectioD when sen'icing controls. Wiring errors ctn crrse improper and dangerous Verify proper operalion after servicing. Rehrote l+'oll Srrrilch Fifteen ( l5) feer of I 8 Ga, wire is provided as srandard with this fireplace, rhat may be routed 10 a remote wall switch. The wire has been pre-wired at rhe valve and roured through the right side. outer shell. (Access is also available on the lefi side rlrough lhe squarc hole on that side). Position the wall switch instde ofa non-metallic junction box (not provided) at the desired location on the u'all. Refer to FiEure l3: Wiring Diagram for Sranding Pitor - Millivoh Sysrem. Do nct extend be.vond the wall switch wire length provided. NOTE Ertended lengths of wire m8\ cause the lireplace not lo function properly. Longer length of wirc is permittcd if lfte rD'ire is a targer gruge (diameter) wire. Always check $'ith local codes, PILOT AtUIJSTU€NT SCREW LOCATED BEHIIID TERMIMLS S:G Flgure 12: Gar Presrurs Check at Gas Valve erd l6 xul Iffdfsu.l dH t^tdtu:zI sooz oI unc ) C"AS LINE AI{D ELECIRICAL INSTALIATION GAS LINE AND ELECTRICAL Grr Linc lnstallalion: Consuh all codes. All gas piping must be installed ro comply with local codes, or in the absence of local codcs, wirh tbe latcsr edition of he Natiorsl Fvel Cas Codc ANSI 2223 l' The appliance and its appliance main gas valve must b€ disconnec(cd from 0re gas supply piping systern during "ny p*..ut" testing of ihat system al tcst pressurt in excess of I 12 psi (3.5 kPa)' Tte ippliance musi be isolated from the gas supply piping system by closing tlre equipment shutoff valvc during any pressure resting of the Sas su;ply pibing iystem at test pressures equal to or less than l/2 psi (3 '5 kPa). Use nerv bfack iron or steel pipc. Internally tinned coppel or copper tubing can be used p€r Nori ona! Fuel Gas Code, section 2.63, providing gas meets sulfide limits, and where permincd by local codes. An ANSI approvcd manual shuloffvatve must be installcd immcdiately uPstrEam of the gas supply connection to the fireplace A sedimenf trap may be installed upsEeam of the fircplacc to prcvenl moisturc and contaminants ftom passing through to the iuepiace control and bumer. Failure to do so could prevcnt appliance Fom operating reliably' On solme local codes, the gas line muit be connected to a gas shul'offvalve recessed flush into the wall or floor outside the fireplace. Thc vah,e should be controlled by a removable valve key for safcty' ln this case, remove factory shua-offvalve from the flex line and connect line direcr to stub Check gas type. The gas supply must be the same as strted on the appliance's rating decat. lfthe gas suPPly is differen-t from rhe fue=place, biOpt Oo not instsll the eppliance. Conhcr your dealer immediarcly' To ease installation. a 30" flex line witb manual shut-offvalve has been installed on this fireplace. lnstall l/2" gas line onto shut-off valve. Locate the gas line access hole ir: fhe outer casing ofthe fireplace. Remove the screu' on tbe gas line cover plate. Opei'the fueplace door, insert the gar suppty line through rhe knock out hole on the -e.as line cover plate, and connefi h ro the shut-off valvc. After completrng gas line connedion, purge air from gas line and test all gas .loln$ fiorn the gas mcter to frle fireplace for leals. Use a soap and waler solulion or a gas sniffer, Ib theck gas pressure at valve, turn caprured scre\r counter clockwise 2 or 3 turns and then place rubing to pressure g-aug. o.r.t t.*t point. Refer fo Figure I2: Gas Pressure Check at Gas Valve After taking pressure reading, be sure and tum cap$red screw c-lockwise firmly to re'seal. Do not ovel torque' Cleck for gas leaks' Plumblng connections :bould only be performed by e qualified, licensed plumber' Main gss supply mlst bc olf whcn pturubing grs linc lo tircPhcc or Perfor% Support the shut-otf yr|ve when attrchlng lt}" g'ls line, Use a wrench lo hold shul'offvalv€ ststionrry. Do not twbt the 0cx line when tightcning tbe 1f,2" ger line Conaec'ting dirtctly to rD unregulated WARNING propanellP.G. lank can ctuse an explosion. An e xlernsl rcgulrtor must bc uscd on all propanc/LPG r to reduce the supply taok Prcssure to l3'w'c. (muimum)' Do not conrcct direclly to nolural ges l/!- psi or 2-psi systcms. Ahvays meke sure the naturtl grs pressure is regulated to t 0'5 w.c. (t.*itu Do nol use opcn llame to check for gas lerks' eI'd r5 xul J.3cu3SU-l dH !,tdez:eI sooz oI unr VENTINSTAI.TATION NOTE When vorklng on thc roof, cover th. opcnlDg of thc instrlled vclt pipci below !9991!11!9!rb ftlltagln. To loctk aad inslatl ,lcrrierl Ternindon . Locare and mark rhc vent centcr point on the undcrsidc ofthc rooi, and drive a nail ftrough Olc ccntrrPoint. r The sizc of tbe roof holc frarning dimorsions depends on thc pitch of $c roof r Cut and 6zrne rhe roofbole.r Continue to install vent sections through the roof hole until reaching the appropriate disunce above thc roof. r Attach a flashing to thc roof using nails, and use a non-hardening mastic around fte cdges ofthe flashing base' vhen it meels th€ roof.. Athch a storm collar ovcr thc flashingjoinr to form a watertight seal. Place non-hardcning masl ic around the joint, between the storm collar md th€ vcrtical pipe.. Attach Grmination per pipc manufacturers instructions. Outside Air Kia Instrllatlo!: Wrrning To opcrate this eppliancc, the outsidc eir kit MUST be in slallcd and operllioral Operation rathout the outsldc air kit may r6ult h hi3h tempenturc on combustiblc mrtcrbls and possible spillage oleombustion product lnlo thc living area. L Anach alum inum flexible hose (#2) to outside air door (#t) on the appliance, securing it with a spring clamp (#-?). 2. Cut a hole through outside wall. placc outside air hood (#4) in hole and secure with seahnt. 3. Auach othcr cnd of ncx hose (#2) to oulside air hood, securing it with a spring clatnp (#3). Figure I l: Outside Air Kit lnstrllation ) II'd l4 xul 13rd3su-'l dH l.ldEz:zI sooz oI unr VENT INSTALIJ,TION ) Figurc 9: Ceiling Fircstop locetion Vent Terminetinn: . For Yelticot Ternrinattont-- WARNING Major building codes specify a minimum vent height sbove the rooftop dcpending on tht pilch of thc roof. Refcr to tbe abovc lrgure for minimum hcightg provided the termination cap is rt leasl eighr (t) feel from r verticel iall, rnd two (2) fcet below r horizontal overhrng. Trces, buildings, adjoiling roofliles, & rdvcrse wind conditions mry require trller cbimneys lhan whnt is $hown in thc figure below. rr (F t.tb t.?5t.s 2.00 2.flr 5.214.00 5.00 0,00 7.OO 7,9 l,@ H FLA1 6/tz o,tF OGR ol,ti orEiq,EF olrEi OvER ol/EF otrR OI'EF i$f F|rc|r to a/t2ro r/t2 12 ro t/1?a/!z 10 ?/rZaln m rolr2 ro/12 10 rtftz rtf12 1o 12/ t2 r2l1Z E r1/r2r./12 10 rvrZ $/1? m r]/12ru12 10 20/12a/12 10 2r/t2 USIED I'EITE^I tEnf0|^lto'/ cAp 6ffio* IETEo RFF Prlclr 6 r/t2 (5t) - flru.r r.tcBfY Fhou tff 10 tor€sr otsorrro[ oPtr{ttc um: \|!firrl rtRsrr^'|o|{ rost B€ Ar L€rsr t ttEr Ftou A lEmc,|. r lL Figurc lO: Mirimum Vcnt Height for Various Roof Pitchcs ord t3 xuj If cu3su-] dH Hdze.zl sooz oI unr VENT INSTALHTION WAIL STRAF VENT PIPE Figure 8: lnstelling PiPe SuPPorts , WARNING ASveys maintrin minimum cteersnc.cs rround vent syltcms. The minimum clearrnces to comburtiblcs ls l" around venl pipc. For ceiling fircrtops and ve rticrt sections of v€[t pipe a I -inch minimum clearrnce rll around the pipjmust bc neinirineO. Db nor pack tbc open air sprces with insuhtlon or olher mstcrisls. Tbis could cause high temperatures and mav q19ry4! q! f:3ld' To Incale and Install Ceilinz Ftuestov e For cciling firestops, position a plumb bob over the center ofthe venical pipe; to spot a hole rhrouglt whicb the pipe will penetrate. r Drill a hole ikough this cenrer point and check lhe floor for obstructions (i.e. wiring or plurnbing)- r Reposition the firlplace and vent system. if necessary, to accommodate ceiling joists ot obstructiotrs. t Cut a I l-inch by I l-inch hole through the ceiling. using the cenrer point e Frame the hole wirh f,zming lumber the same size as the ceiling joists. Ref€r 1o the Figure 9' Positlon firestop as shown in rhc Fig-ure 9. If anic is above, mount firestop on top offranring. If roorn is above- mount firestop on the bottorn of framing. Secure rvith nails or s€rews' . Run venl through firestop. A cciling lireslop MUST BE installed if thc vent passcs tbrough e c+lling'Rcfer to the instructions frool the 5'd t2 xul lfcd3sg-] dH Hdee:zI sooe oI unr ) VENT INSTALI.ATION WARNING Nevcr usc Dore tbln two (2) 45 degrcc rlbows. Whcn using Ndjuitsblc clbows, never ercecd 45 d egreeil Ve ical Ycntinp wilh Two 0) 15 Dcprcc Elbot': NOTE VI and V2 must sttisly this condition: Vl + V2 < 40 fcel Max. Vl + V2 > 14 fect Min. Figurc 7: Horizontal VcnliDg with fwo (2) 45 Degree Elbow INSTALLING VENT COMPONENTS !cforgJgcgq!' PIan your installation. Sa unir in plcce and survcy how best to vent the unit. Select the appropriare pipe for the installation. Read this manual and the manual with the termination cap droroughly before installing unil or vent system. After venl config,uration has becn decided, begin artaching piPe 10 unitj Piping lnstelletions: l. Anached the firsr piece piphg (elbow or straight pipe) to thc pipe connector located above the fireplace. (Secure first section ofpipe to damper colar \t ith three (31 Srews).2. Continue to add venl components- Be certain that each sectjon is locked properly. 3. Wlrere neces$ary add suppon brackas. Refer to the Figure 8. Inctinc runs musth supported evcry 3 feet. Vertical runs must be supportcd ever-v 8 feet. using wall straps, Slip wa)) straps looscly on to pipc Anach srraps to framing members using nails or screws. Tighten nur/bolt to secure pipe. i g'd il xul r3rdSsut dH Aaezzzl sooz oI unc VENT INSTALIATION VENT INSTALLATION: WARNING Thc followiDg vetrting iDstructioas are provided as a gcncrrl guideline, Alwayr check with pipc mrnufictuFr for vcntiog req Ii]Tmcnts. Positiotring ThG Fircplece: NOTE The flreplace must be instrlled giviag full considerellon lo lhe clernnc€ ald height rcquirements idcntlfled in tlis menual' l. Bend out rhe four (4) nailing flangcs losat€d on the sidcs ofthe fireplace. For 5/6" drywall use the rwo (2) outer mo$ flanges. For %" drywall use the two (2) inner flmgcs. 2. Slide the firebox into prepared framing or posirion fircplacc in its final position and frame later. Be sure hreplace is resting on a flat surface. 3, Sct unit level and plumb by checking thc top and front ofunit. Shim side-to-side and front-to-back as necessary' 4. Anchor nailing flangcs ofthe fucplace to the side-frarning members using Ed nails or other suitable fasteners. Veutinq Configuntion: WARNING Never use 90 dcgrce clbows WARNING This naturrl vcnt fireplacc hat becD tcstcd to utc E" Ch3t BV.nt Yeflicsl Yentlng Spalsht uo (No Elbon'): Figure 6: Vertical Veniing - Stroigtt Up t- L tf d" Din Min Mar l4 fcet 40 feet 2'd t0 xul 13rd3su-l dH Hdez.el sooe oI unc ) PRE -INSTALIATION INFORMATION CAUTION Mersurc fircplace dlnenslone end vcrify framiug methodr & wrll covering dcteils beforc lrrming co lstrrclio o bcgins. Fipisbins Mrtcrid: NOTE Any re mote wirlng (Lc. remotc t,ontro! watl rwitcb or 120 volt wirlng) must be donc prior to linrl flnirhiag to avoid costly rsconttruction. Only noncornbustible matcrials (i.c. brick, tile, slate, stoel, or olher marcrials widr a UL fire rating of Zero) may be used to cover the black surface of the appliance. A 300oF minimum adhesivc may be used to anach faciog marerials to rhc black surfacc. Ifjoinrs bcrvcen tbe finislrcd wall and thc fircplace sunound are scaled, a 300o F minimum sealant material (General ElecEic RTvl03 or equivalent) musl b used. Refer to Figure 7. Flgu re 5: Finishing Mlterisl 9'd xul l-3cu3sut dH l.ldzz:zI sooe oI unf PRE.INSTALIATION INFORTT{ATION Mentel Clearances: If a combustible manrel is installed, il must meet the clcarance requirements detailcd in Figure 4' 12' Flgurt 4: Mantcl €lcarancc I Floor Clcarrnccs: The firepftce may be installed on a flat, hud combustible surfacc (i.e. flat wood-, plywood' or particlcboard). Bc sure that rhc fircptrcc Fesls on a roiiJ.ontinu*, floor or platform wlrh appropriate taming.support- Do Nor aNtall applialrcc dircctly on carpetin!, vinyt, or other sofr floor covering']f the fueplace.is to bc installed on carPeting or tile, or on any combustible materiet'iher than wood flooring, thi tircplace should be inslrlled on a metal or wod panel that o<tcnds the full width and d.pth of the Frcplacc' f ff* ( g'd xul tfrufsu-l dH AdeezzI sooz oI unf ) PRE.INSTALI.ATION INFORMATION Fi3ure 3: Wall & Ceiliog Minimum Clerrsnces l) Wall $nd Ccilins Clerrence Rcquirem eoG: Ensure that minimum clearances shown in Figures 3 are maintaincd. Left urd right clearances are dctermined when facing the front ofthe appliancc. Follow these instructions carefully to cnsure safc install,ation Failurcro follow thesc rcquiremens may cr€ate a fire hazard. Sidewall Clerrancer The clearance from fie front edge of the appliance to any cornbustible wall should not be less than 4" on both the lefi and gbt side. Ceiling Cleerrnce: The ceiling must bc at least 25" from the top ofthe fronr of the freplace (66" fiorn the bottom of the appliance). Refer to Figure 3. Back-we1 Clerrance: The appliancJmay be placed against a combustibleback wall. NOTEr There are l/4" ribslspacers on the ourer sheli of the unit io miintain minim um clearance of the outer shell to combustibles Co nh-r$! U!3_g!cn rs n33r i The appliance is a zero clearance fireplace with ribs/spacers dcfining the nrinimum sP.ac€ to the sheet melal outer shell. Combustiblcs may be placed ui againsr these spacers. Do NOT place combustibles (j.e., insulatton, wood' ctc.) closer than allowed by ihe ,pn irr -or o fire hazaid may exist. The ribsispacers for tlre sides and rear oflhe uppii"n". ue114" andtheioprpu.rnut"3l/8". On the front top edge rn front of the top framing sPacers,a. clnrbustible wali (or drywali) may be brought up ro rhc fiont top'and lide edges of the unit. Do nol overlapthe black painred face with combustible rnaterials. Refer to Figure 4. y'd XUJ I3CU3SU''I dH Adze.et sooz oI unr PRE.INSTALIATION INFORMATION PRE.INSTALLATJON IN FORMATION : Bcfore You Strrl: ,) Read tlris homeowner manual thorougb ly and follow all instructions carefirlly. Inspect all coments for shipping damage and immediately inform your dcalcr if any damagc is found. Do nol inslell rny unil with damagcd' incomplele, or subrtilutc parts. Contcnts:r Fireplace - Firebox and Bumcr system r Set of Logsr Lava Rocko Rock Wool. Exterior outside air hood. Bifold glass doors in a separate package (LPG only). Items Rcquired For Insbllations: Tools: Building SuPPUes: Phillips Scrcwdrivcr Fmming Materjals Hammcr Wall Finishing Materials Saw and / or saber saw Caulking Material (Noncombustible) Level Fircplace Surround Material (Noncombustible) Measunng Tape Piping Complying wilh Local Codes El€ctric Drill and Bits Tee Joint Plier's Pipc Sealurt Approved for use with Propane/LPG Square (Resistant ro Sulfrrr Compounds) Pipe Wrench 4" Flexible lincr or equivrlent . ) Eired€Ce Loe4iert Plan for the installarion ofyour appliance. This includes determining where ihe.unit is to bc installa4 thc vent configuradon ro bc use4 fiaming and fmishilg deuils, and whcrher any opional accessories (i.e. wall switch, or rernote control) are desired. Consuh your local building code agency to cnsure compliance with local codes, including permits and inspections. Thc following factors should be taken into consideration: . Clearance to sidewall, ceiling, woodwork. and windows. Minimum clearances to combustibles must b! m.itrlbined.. This fireplace may be installed along a wall, across a comer, or use an exterior chase. Refer to Figwe 2 on page 6 for suggested locations.. Location should be out ofhigb traffic ar€as aad away from fumiture and drapcries due to heat fiom appliancc. r Never obsnucr rhe fto opcning of the freplace.r Do not install in the vicinity where gasoline or other flammable liquids may be stored o Venl pipe rouring. Refcr to Venting secion found in dris rnanual for allor'r'abl e venting configurations. r These units can be installed in a bedroom. Refer to National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z?33,INFPA 54 ' (current edirion), the Uniform Mechanical Code - (current edition), and Local Building Codes for specific installation requiremenls. g'd xul r3rdf su-l dH l.,ldIz !zI sooe oI unn Ges Prersurc (Inctcg W.C) Modcls Nrmbcr Ges Typc Control Typc Max Btu Max Min Menlfold 7248V4536NV 7248V4536PV 724BV5l42NV T24BV5l42PV Nrtunl Grs Propanc/L?G Nrtunl Grs hopanc/LPG Milli-volt Milli-voh Milli-volt Milli-volt 50000 50000 50000 50000 !0.5 13.0 t0.5 13.0 4-0 I 1.0 4.0 | 1.0 3.5 10.0 ?( 10.0 ) PRODIrcT SPECIFIC,ATIONS/LISTING SC CODE APPROVAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: High Altitudc lnstall.tions G* -r" sho*n "b"r. is for altitudes up 1or 2OO0 ft. \Vhen insalling this fireplace at an clevation above 2000 ft, ir may be nccessary to dccreasc the inpuirating by changing rhc cxisting burner orifice to a-smallcr sizc' Input sbould be ieduced four percent (47o) for eath l0O0 fr ibovc sia livel, unless the heating valuc of thc gas has been rcduced. Consult your local dealcr or gas authority frr assistmce in dclcrm ining the proper orifice at your location' LISTING & €ODE A}PROVAL: The "bov. tBodels tr* bccn tatcd ura certified by tre applicable laboratoties to the standalds listcd below- }IOIIEL LAB TYPE CERTIFICATTON STANDARI} 7248'f4535 Serics 724BV5142 Series CSA csA Decorative Ventcd Gas FirePlace Dccontive Ventcd Cas FircPhcc AN Sl 22 1.50-2000.csA 2.22-2000 ANSI 22 l.50t0O0oCSA 2.22-2(X)0 This appliance is only for use with the typc ofgas indicatcd on the raling plate. This appliancc is convertible for use with orher gases, whcn a ccrtifrd kit is used. 7 'd xul rfru3su-l dH ].,ldIz:aI soou oI unc *#J*ls$ra# Fax trcnsatcc'al 10: AfI!: FAX r|Itr{SER: I r,aA nfRSl: rvlv lL,^l.'^..,, rA 1"1 PAcEs rucLuDrrc lsllls'ttrAl lr TBEBE, rlS Altr quEsrroNs cArr (303) 777-32t\. DArE' 6 -/o- o< rlmt /?'.2O *6) oB lBOlLEl{s BSCrEVrtlc rtls FAx, PLEASE TC NK lou IIOTES: xul l"3ru3su-l dH l.ldIz:zI sooe oI unr TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0120 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Location.....: ANTLERS LODGE. UNIT 207 Parcel No...: 2l0IU20f/.Jl9 Project No , PQrS. Ctf -tnz1 Status...r ISSUED Applied. . : 06,ll3lz00s Issued. . : 06ll6l20f5 Expires . .: 1211312005 owNER I(ATopoDrs, JoHN N. - cox, vtA06/L3/2oos 3842 E MIIJIJERS BRIDGE RD TAIJI'AHASSEE FIJ 323L2 APPLICANT SWEDE'S METAIJ FAB 06/L3/2005 Phonet 970-390-tL76 P.O. BOX 801 MIMTURN co 81645 L,icense: 239-M CoNTRACTOR SWEDE'S METAL, FAB 06/L3/2005 Phone: 970-390-1176 P.O. BOX 801 MINTURN co 81545 I-,icense: 239-Y,. Desciption: VENT BATH FAN, VENT RANGE HOOD Valuation: $600.00 Fir€place lnformation: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY $2o. 0o R€shrarant Plan Reyiew- > So. oo Total Calculated Fees-- >Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call----- > Ss.00 DRBFee------------> $o. oo TOTAL FEES----------> $3.00 $0.00 AdditionalFees--:---> S2s. oo Tohl Permit Fee------ > Palments----------- > BALANCE DUE.---._- > s28. 00 $0. 00 $28.00 $28.00 s0.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEM| o6/a3/2oos Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARftEl[f CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IANCE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01- OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTAI,L,ATION MUST CONFORM TO II{,AI.IUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPIJIAITCES SHAIJIJ BE VEIIIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AI{D SHAIJI-, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TI{E 1997 I,II{C, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WIfH CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 T]MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOfLBRS SHALL BE MOITNTED ON FL@RS OF IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL'DG.) r PERMIT,PLANS AlrD CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICA! ROOMS COI{TAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BOIIJERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. tO22 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable tbereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE PM. NOI{COMBUSTIBLE CONST, tl[LESS POSTED IN I.{ECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *f*f+*tt+*****t'i**t*********+i*t*l't*t*****t******a+a*ll*****t****ttf+++*i++*****t***lttt**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +'i'|'|+++***t**rft+t++'}********a+tttf+++++*'|t'|t*t'}**'t{"}*fft**it+*+fa*t******t*+ff+++++**'rrr***** Statetnent Nudber: R050000853 Anourt ! $28.00 06/L6/2OO5O9 320 AM Pa)ment MeEhod: Check Init: DDG Notation: Srdede's 1495 Permit No: Parcel No3 Site AddreEg : Location3 Thia Payment: ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Accor.mt Code MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00100003112800 $28.00 DeEcription Total Feea: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: M05-0120 Tlpe: MBCIIAIIICAIJ PERMTT 2101-072-0601- 9 680 IJIOIISHEAD PIJ VAIIJ ENTIJERS IJODGE, I'NIT 207 $28.00 $28.00 $o. oo Current Pmtss MECHAI{ICAIJ PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WfIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 20.00 5.00 3.00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: Provide Mechanical Ro yout drapn ed MVNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vaal, Colorado 81657 ffi.'ufl,ffi*$.o 97 O-47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION h Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No,: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials MECHANICAL: $ /. Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit # Parcer#4totOWOC,Ol9 rob Name: (ffL FcDiS ^Vyg\6tc: I rcirob[6,c# \1 Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: @ non, Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriirtion of work: !)c=r-.,-I- Be{t" ha,- i-:E^X- R,q.tt' t*oo't' WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration(/) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily (,/) Commercial (.) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) for Parcel Other Fees:Accepted BY: DRBFees:' ,Date Receivedl \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM.DOC 1b 0't/26120f2 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 97U479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVET,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 680 LIONSIIEAD PL VAIL Incation.....: ANTLERS LODGE. UNIT 207 Parcel No...: 2lOlWZ0f0l9 Project No : p (( rO ",* *Cdr1 oI{NER KATOPODTS, JOHN }I. - COX, VIAOS/1,L/2O05 3842 E MIIJIJERS BRIDGE RD TAIJLAHASSEE FIr 3237.2 APPLTCAIIT BRECKET{RIDGE MECHANTCAIT INC. O5/LL/2OO5 phone : 970-453-1950 PO BOX 2131 BRECKENRIDGE COIJOR;ADO AO424 L,icense: 331-P CoNIR.jLCTOR BRECKENRIDGE MECIIAIIICAIT TNC.05/LL/2OO5 Phone: 970-453-1950 PO BOX 2131 BRECKESIRIDGE corJoRADo ao424 Lricense: 331-P Desciption: MOVING TOILETS AND LAVS, INSTALLING LARGER TUB Valuation: $6,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: '!2 # of Gas Appliarces: ??# of Gas Logs: n .# of Wood Pallet: ?? *r.**'trfr*t 'ttt 'tt*****,r*rtrt *,t**{.***t+{:it ttt rt$t*{t**t'}t t'i*{r***{.**{.t*t**t{, FEE suMMARY $90.00 Restusrart Plen ReYiew-> 522 .5o DRB Fe€---------> so. oo ToTALFEES - $3. OO Permit #: Status...: Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires . .: $0. oo TotNl Calc'ulated Fees--> $0. 00 Additioml Fe.s------> 5115.50 Total Permit Fee------> P05-m49-W (v1\ ISS{JED 05/1U2005 05n212005 rt/08/2Q05 Plutrtbing--- > Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- > wil cdl--- > s115. s0 90.00 911s. s0 s115.50 so. ooBAIANCE DI,'E.._--- > i-#:-T;i;-i#ffH;ifi+|t:l***l*,|'t*t|'||'}|**l'|.*tl*|ltlt{.***:t't+':}****l'|.'l,l't**t,}||'t*''}|.'*t,}+*.**:|.:.'}'.|t*'**lt************* o5/tL/2oo5 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE. +*tl*tt'r*ar*a{.'r*{. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge ttrat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information ali required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to ttre towru zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordirunces of the Town ap'plicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE T\VENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:ff) AM - 4 PM. PRJos'crre( APPrrcArroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMPtErE T#lttts% Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) MWNAP 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81( CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbinq Contractor: Beckr.,.-riDse ult.}tcc-s,r".^i ."1 Town of Vail Req. No.:33 \ -P- Contact and Phone #'s: il{o.*^^l \tf-oo?C E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) G -aoO raaaatae AJiiaa ;t A7n-1tA-AAtD ap viai|9v,'Lg9.Lg|u'|E|L'|v9',Lf1AE,,|E.,.,v'E,|.',',u9cf.J.|t'-J-g9|v-|vv, - Parcel # Job Name:JobAddress: Gg-o r.rt Lio,1gb.{o.a $l Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: otr"n N"-", + -ifS ll looress: G?tr dG'ar.s,\,.{.J ll Phone: Engineer: \ ^r.r Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: \\cr.ri"* $6t\ei- t L+oS \'r:f*t( i,+r L*rr.e{ d:J\O AdditionC$ Alteration(t/ Repair( )Work Class: New ( )Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-iamily ( -|^ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No ( for Parcel # ***************rr*****rr*****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******r<*ri*********rt****************** I \WaiMata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC f$s 07 t26D002 4:17 rm vellr co - clry ot R.$Fabd lnlpoc.t Drb: !$rudry, Aogurt 18' 2005' ltr3o.dtbnAr. r C('slrftfifrt|r 6E0 Llot{SHEAD PLVAL ANTLERS LOOOE, Ul{lT 207 A.ilth Con$?vri:*ii.c AgDlca!*C.nih.dn Drsb0on:l$fce: Cooln rtCo|lm.il Conm|t ErslrrllElrrf,edrt lior: e0 8lD€flndFLarsr: AI.fiIERSATVNLCooinfilr: rilcrlTomtl7$247l, tAntn dTo: CDAVlsi- Aciloo: nn Erp: tl?',',[*; rrrd"I.IIon: APAPFROI/ED RE\'IEW 2 }II SMFTAT FIREPLACE. PRO\'IOE ASSEIITLY. Rcouocbd Tlme:. 0l:00 Pil' Ptpm: WO\47t2111 Enbnd* tXtOtDCN r TOPU,TAilAAAIEIEiIT acE&fi@r!e! ln oeoilfi HlrioJY ile{Xll{ T!tre: t.r|F r^roFo'rs, Jolsr **5ii.Th""YN M.rr *18: ff SbTr: FISIJEDlmpAr.: CG |bm: 2i16l.|n: lOlbm: 20lbm: 3O Colnutlbnr: !O BlDo'lnf,||a1hm: 60 EtDOSho.t ftf-@- /rtfl'ffi hm: d, ElDosf|orbo*ftt *eppoorrd" F27,U5 |m!.cbc JRt " A.iloo: Pl PARIUL lt{SPElfK}NCofim|* APFROI,ED PANTAL S}EEIROCK . T€ED TO ADDRESS SE}f,iD TUB REI.TSPECT lEAC,(l6 lmpecio.: .|lt| A€fou APIPPRCTEDCortl|rrt tl+GETROqtlflrPRgUEg|bff 7t BtDo-rf|lc.lbm: $ BtFfhrl RE[''T131 Run Id: 3529 4 R€qr*rbd lnsD.ct mb: Ttt?tthy, At{u3t 09' 2m5' Inro.don Arcl: CG Stte Adorr||l 6A' UOilSHEAD PLVAIL ANTLERSLOOGE' UMT2O? AED.be@le _ idtulyr EGt"0068 O*rh'r: l(A B3rilS{^Errcged$ E lrceoHkEc 140 ELEC-r.r&. 19o ELEgFhd Tlpr: BEL€C stoT6: f'trF Slrtl},* |||SITED In pAn : COCon{Tyti:i r<elopooc. rcm fffxlllinnvx il.+r ENcoRE ElEcrlilc Phon': (gzqQ{q*n Eiiid6HE EEeiHie Pbnc: F70)eil+e277 ELECTR|GAI REOIJIREI,€MTS FOR tnITzO7 REIilODEt lbmr lq) ELEC{lndR.flrefi Ehlc,ORE ELECTRICcmim.ob: util207ArdoirdTo: EGIIIZLE- Acilqr: /#tP*")"/'.-d r/k{& T|||.EIp: RcauccEdThr.: 09:00Afl' PtEm: BTOp48Fg2n EnbndBf DOOLDEN K \)- t.,.1 - fr.";2dfl.9..' hflu ll0 ELEC-TorD.Fourtlbmr lAt ELEC{otEh ?'APFotrd" -_-Odoo'ttg kltpcqE: lprr ^'. Acto{t-APAPPRoTEoCthnr|t. *'wtttfor timfomrr ln cslng acr* ct||. 13f, ElEc€otrdul Run Id: 3502REPT131 rlfl ruNNffi Project Name: Project Description: horwlqu.&4q u t'f 3 /nrrUn, Design Review Board unif2"7 ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8050023 Replace existing door and 2 windows on deck with one new window (facing east) and 8' sliding door to replace window and inward-opening door currently facing west. The applicant will ensure that the color of the replacement matches the champagne Participants: OWNER KATOPODIS, JOHN N. - COX, MA01/28/2005 Phone: 3842 E MILLERS BRIDGE RD TALLAHASSEE FL 32312 License: APPUCANT ARCHIECTUAL SERVICES, P.C. 0Il Z8l20O5 Phone: 970-926-7 6Os DANNY SWERFEGER PO BOX 164 EDWARDS co 81632 License: ARCHITECT ARCHITECTUAL SERVICES, P.C. OLl29l 2OO5 Phone: 97 0-925-7 6Os DANNY SWERFEGER PO BOX 154 EDWARDS co 81632, License: C000001800 ProjectAddress: 680 LIONSHEAD PLVAIL location: ANTLERS LODGE, UNiT 207 Legal Description: Lot: 3 Block Subdivision: ANTLERS CONDO Parcel ilumber: 210107206019 Comments: seeconditions Motion By: Second Byr Voter Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 02/03i2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 l1ll (PLAN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please consult uilr Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become rroid one (1) year following the date of final approvEtl, unless a building permit is issued and-construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toruard completion. Cond: CON0006912 The applicant shall ensure that the replacement color of the window and door matdres the drampagne color approved by tte HOA.. Planner: Ellsabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f25O.OO I t'MInor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 97 0.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.47 9.2452 , web: www.railgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval 'prior to subhitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenLs for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Oesign Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and conslruction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Requestl sEE ATTqCFIMEFIT i / Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: 3 Block: ' wAtL Llolr6c Su bdivision :-E!u!!!.lL -,3- Physical Address: -^HrLeBS L9DGS uld!T2o? gq9_UEff_!!!!13!t!!!21!a!E Parcel No.: 2lOlOZ2.OGaln_--_ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8040 for parcel no.) . Zonins: hos-91*sh0_1{1xep Ur€ t Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: qOU HILLCTS BrclOAE TALLA||ASSe€ , Pg L3IL Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of ,Applicantl Mailing Address:ED(^,ABOS Phone: E-mail Address:Fax: (1to l q26- 76tO Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E{ Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) E Minor Alterafion (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and $20 ilo Fee retaining w"lls, etc. For revisiohs to plans already approved by Planning Slaff or the Desion Review Eoard. Page 1 of 12/04/28/04 &Plication for Desiqn Revigw DescriPtion of the request Address - Unit 207 Antlers Lodge, 680 West Lionshead Place Parcel No. - 210107206019 Zoning - Lionshead Mixed Use 1 The following is the description of the request' The only changes to the exterior include the following' 1. The existing winOow on ine ""it tiO" of tnJ O-eOroom will be replaced with a new one of the same size and with the frame color matching the existing windows' 2. The existing r"-"*i"g'i;"ch door and adjaceniwidow will be replaced with a full width +/_ g'-0' wloe sriojng"glass'Jooiwitn the frame color to match existing windows' 3.Damagetostuccocausedbytherep|acementofthewindowswi|lberepairedand finished to match the existing stucco, for texture and color' It should be noted that this same change as been requested and approved by the Town for several other units in this building. MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS + Generat Information: ''" This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grcding, or the addition of retaining walls. ll/A EI/A H/A H/A rrlr I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEITTS** d Al pages of Application bre complete E[ Checklist is completed and signedlllA D Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicableO Site and Grading Plan*, if applicableEl Landscaoe Plan*. if aoolicabled Architeciural Elevationsx, if applicable (3ee Del(RlPTloc' oF ;t@uesr) O Exterior color and material samples and specifications.B Architectuml Flobr Plans*, if applicablen- Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable Ef f itle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* O- Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.d written approval fr6m a condohinium association, landlbrd, and joint owner, if applicable Site.specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* The Adminiskator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted witlr an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requiremenG include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. f have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: AT.CFIITECT Cen+re*erSignature ll/A tr B 136oPODtS RtSlDeirC€ zr ecrrT 10? Date Signed Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofnts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other FrATClt EY.rSTrHG Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material $ /r+ Color HATCF EYI6TIHG ) H/A Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and nrrib"r and attach a color chip. pRoposEDLANDscAprNG @ Botanical Name Comrngn Name Ouantiw Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, srwimming pools, etc.) AncmrrrgcruRAr, Ssnvrerms, P" C" 210 Edrvards Village Blvd. . C-202. P.O. Box 385 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Phone: 970.926.7605. Fax: 97 0.926.7 670 January 28,2005 Town of Vail, Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Katopodis Residence Remodel - Unit 207 Antlers Lodge Parcel No. - 210107206019 To Whom lt May Concern: Attached please find our clients submittal for the above referenced project. The proposed changes to the el:terior of the unit are very minor and have been done in several other units in this building. In these other units, it was possible to for the Staff to review and approve the requested changes. lt is our hope that the Town will consider a Staff review and approval for this project. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. John Katopodis and Marilyn CoxCopy to: ,# 4NTL€RS AT \AIL Valf, CO 81657 570476-2471 97947&iO12 tax www.antlersvail.com680 W. Lionshead Place MEMORANDUM To: Town of Vail, Community Development From: Robert LeVine, General Manager Date: 01117105 Subject Unit 207 remodel Please be advised thatthe Antlers Condominium Association wholeheartedly supports and approves the remodeling plans for unit 2O7. The only exterior alteration will be the replacement of a balcony window and door with a sliding glass door, exactly as has been done in dozens of other Antlers units. Please call me if there are any questions. Robert LeVine General Manager .{rom Land Title (56)Fri 28 lan 2005 09:53:23 AM MST Page 1of 11 7-l Land Title Land Tifle Guarantee Company CUSTOMDR DI.STRIITUTION Daic: 01-2&2(D5 Ihryerty Addres: 680 wrtsTLroNsHEAD ptACU VA[,, CO 816s7 ()ur ()r&r Number: V5lnM723-3 IORBDS REAL DSTAIT, GROTJP BriAvt.:tt cRr'|rK P.o' DnAWER 5110 AVON, CO E1620 Altn: (IlAXi Dl:NTtlN Phom: 90-Et|.5-()4lX) Faxr 97G949-199t0 Sc Via Couis+.* MUNTRYWIDE HOIItr LoANS. INc, 1r93 t it{(;riN rKwY ,l)" EaERG*EDD.I, CO 80419 A'b III\DSAYSAWTER Phorr: 30}'5tu1059 Fu: 3ltl{7G102{ Elldl! li|IL^!. faryer@coutyrvidacoln tic{t Vi. liMail LAWRtrNCE N. & RtrSA IL BB[lsSf .nR ', IIIEESITR DK N!'llyIN. MA 02{65 Sed !'ia US Pocal Scrrice .prINx r@d)ts& MANXI,YN @X 9fi42 t.: vuJ,r,:t$ $l| x;t': tat). T LIJ\II/ISSEEYL 32372 Sed Via US lfosal Senlce IAND TITI,}] (;UA IIANTIiI: CI)VPANV 01130 Bu\(xtMARK ntD #'u5, FO BOX 3t8a AVOI{, @ 81620 Altn: l(dryn ltrHcr Phrnrl 9l)-9{9-5(D9 farr 97ll-949'-4t9 ]:}|ih ld$EHcr{llgc-c.rrr CTIUNTRYI{II'}: IK'MI| II)ANII 105EDWAnDS VIII ffi nLl'D. st ITE Ctol DDWARTX;. CO ilt63r Ar|n: L URANEWI0N Itm: 9O56!f3561, EKI. 221 Ftz tlD-tlb-4f16 EVCI: lrrn-crvlon@curnryrridc.clm S.rt Vis ElVIeiI If yru bare rny iryiries rr rcquirc frrfrtr e.sistare, Irte&$e corsct om of lte nnfiers beloc,: For fitlc A.*ristance: Vail Title DepL lOE S. TRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX357 vAtL, CO E1657 Phone:TII4fl6.?.?51 Itax; 97OlFlG4732 For Ckrdng ^&*sistrance:Kathryn Kuchler 0m0 BIINCHIf|ARK RD #216. r,roBOX 34E0 AVON, CO 81620 Phone:9G99-5|D!D Itsfr: 970-919-4€,9'2 EMafl: kkuchler@llgc.corn Fgom Land Title (56)Fri 28 Jan 2005 09:53:23 AM l'lST Page 2 of LL -\l-and Tifle Land Title Guarantee Company Datc: 01-24-405 (hu (hderNmb€r: V5ll0ll4723-3 Property Addrcrs: 580 WI'STUOI\SLEADPtl\@ VAIL (lD 8r.657 Buyer/Borrrrwer: JOHF{ N. KAlOT'q)|s AND MAXILYN I\I. COX Seller/()mrcr: T,AWRIjN@ N. BRTqSSLI]R AND TUSA IT Sru]SSLI]R Wire Informalion: BErk FIR.STBAIIK ()F CI)L()RAD( ) t0400 woor,n^xAvnNUE LtxDwooD, cognrs Phonq 313-237-5lllX) C\cdie LAND Trn,S GUARANTIdL COMPANY ABANo:1f005047 AccounE 2IA62J.IAS Atbntion: Krft rm Kuchter Note: Once an original commitment hae been issue{ any subfequent nrodilications will bc cmphaei.:zcd by undcrliniog or commenle. Nccd a map or dircctions for your upcoming cfooiog? Chcck out hnd fitlc's wcb sitc st www.llgc.oom for dircctions to any of our 54 office locatior. NSTIMATT, OT TITT,N T'T'NS Alta 0wnm Prilicy 1ll-17.92 Afta Inon Folicy lG'l7.92 lldorrcmnlAlls 4 (115.1) {f*ndcr)MnsmntAltr 9 (Le der) f&dorrerrtnt Alta 8.f [rn&r) lldoccrrcnt 103. f G.cdcr) Ddtfirn of &ceptiorn 1-3 (Ownr) Delotion of Generd T,kception 4 (Owrcr) Dclclion of Erccflioc 1-3 (t-cdcr) Deletft m of &ccptirm 4 (Leder) Frdoncrrrcnt C-l (blad with ConmibrEd) (I,eldtr) l'ax Rcport ltlXll7O4 ltc bc*n odcrcd ftom Eaglc Cty 97, 398 . O0 9140.00 igs.00 €9s.00 i30.00 $30.00 €3O. OO €70.00 630.00 50.00 $20.00 s7s.00 rl L.nd tict. c-urr.rt.. co,'P ny 'ItT b cl,ottng t,hla ttan,,actlc/n, .bara l{. ,r77 b. c,oTt.cE d .t thrt tlDc. 'ror^L 97, 893 . 00 lbo ClltiCl Oalol IflANK YOU TOR, YOTJR ORDDR! From Land Title (56)Fri 28 Jan 2005 09:53:23 All MST Page 3 of J.l Chic*o lillc lcuranc Ooqony ALTA COMMITIVTENT Sch€dule A Itoper$ Addrqs: 6IIII WF^ST LI(XYSEEAD I'T.A(T VAIL. L'O It1657 1. ElfirtiveDate: AFiIfitalf4rt5:filP.M, 2. Policy to be Lssucd, and Pnrposed Insrued: Pmposed fwuod: JOHN N. I(AIUTODTS AND MARILYN I\{. COX Our Ordcr No V50(M723-3 Ch.s:t- Rd.: $f70,000.00 "ALTA" lnanFolicy 1.0-17-y2 $235,000.00 Pmpo*d lrnud: COUNTRYWIDE lIOtrffi TOANS, INC., IIS SUCC$SSOIIS AND/ORASSIG'|S 3. Tte e*tate tr interct in frc hnd dcscribcd or rrferrcd lo in this Commihenl ald sle.rcd hcreil h: A Fee.Stu$e 4. TiUc to thc ceLrtc or intcregt covcrcd hcrcin is at lhc cflcclivc dal.c hcrcul vcstcd in: I,AWREN(E N. BNES.SLER,AND RIIA E. BRE.{SLER 5. Thc land rcfcrrcd 1,o in this Commilncnl fo dcscribcd rs follows: c(x{x)1!flNIUM UNIT 2N17, wlIE rflE DTCLUSTVE RrcHT Ir) USE pAnKINc SPA(I' ALFHA 3tf, ANTLTCRS CONDOMINTU\,IS, VAIr./LIONSHIT D, ACCORDING TO THIi CONrlOlvm{ruM MAp fiIrr,RnOF RDCORDI']D DSICENTBfiR 19.. LYI2,IN BOOI(225 ATPA@ &DO AND AS DEI.INI]D IN CONDOMINIIJM DECIANATIOT{ NDC(XDED N{AY 76, LN2 lN B{NK224 ATPA(E 119, C'OUNTT oF |'AC|.rd, STATE OF COT.oRADO. From Land Tit'le (56)Fri 28 lan 2005 09:53:23 All UST Page 4 of 11 ALTA COMMITMENT Sche&leB.Ssctionl (Requircmcnts) (huOrdrNo. V51XJ04723-3 l'hc following arc thc rtquiremcnts o bc complcd wilh: Itcn (a) ltynrcnt b or for lhc accomt ol thc graotoc or mdgagog of lhc firll cocidcrolion for lbc cslalc or in&rcst fi, hc inmrd. fbm (b) ftopcr iclnmn(s) crcatiry lhc c6htc or inlcrtrt lo bc imurrd mrct bc cxcculrd ad duly filcd for rccord, trrwit: ltcn (c) Itynrcd of dl hxcs' chargcs or csc$rncds lcvic{ ad asscss(d lgsict &c eu[irl prcliscs which are duc srt prydle. Itcm (O Additioml requiremcnle, if aqv dsdoocd bclow: 1. EVDIII\CI: SATISI,AC:I'ORY ItO THfl COMPANY 1UAT l'|IE TERIltti, CONDnONS ANt) PROVf,SIONS ()F TEE TIXVII (F'VA|L ITANSTH, TAX HAVE BEEN SAIT;FIED. 2. (ERfiIA:A'IE, Or RIGET OF FtRsT nEntSAL IN COMPIIAN(E WIIII TIIE IERIT/f,S, CONDITICI\S AND PROVXSIONS OF CONDOMINIUIT DFiCIiRi\TtON. 3. WARRANTY DETD |rROI|f I,i\WRTdNCD N. NRT.s.SI,NR AIT{D RISA TL BREIISTITR TO.NHN N. XAIOI''ODrS AND MAXTLYN lr,L COX CONVBYINC SUqUCT pRotftilrTy. 4. DET]D OT' I'RUST IROM JOHN N. KATOFODTS ANI' MARTLYN Nd. COX 10 THT: PUBLIC TRUSIEE 0F EAGIJ C'OT.JNTT TI)R TBE U.SE OF COUNTRYWIDE H(N4E L()ANII. INC. T0 sFct Rrl THn sUM OF $235,000.00. TIIE FOIJ{)WING DIiI,I'TTONS/IVfODIIiICAfiONS ARII ITOR THIT OTI/I{T'R'S FOI,ICY ANI) IIIOITI'GAGDE'S IOIJCY. NO[E: IltlMS 1-3 O[.lllD C'trT{ERALEX@PflONS AX.t] HERS,BY Dt)Lf,'TfD. UPON TIIII AFPROVAL OF TIIN COMPANY AND THE RECTflPT OIT A NOTAI|7,TD NNAI,I,ITdN AI':t IDAVn', ITEM No. 4 OIr THE GDNB||AL EXCDPIIONS WLL Ar: AMDt{DtsD AS FOLL0\M.S: II'EM NO. 4 OI' IITE GENBRAL ID(CI]I'IIOT\S IS DO|U'ITD AS TO ANY I,rENS OR I'UTURE LIENS nESULIING FR()M WORr ORMAIIruAL rrJRfrliEED AT Tm RDQUEST OF II\WRENCE N. BRT4SST,ER AND REA II. NNTNSST,NR CHICAGO T'N'LE TNSUT|ANCE COI\IPANY SHALL HAVE NO I,IAflLNY T'OR ANY LIf,NS AR$ING FR(NI WORK OR IT,IATERrAL ruRNHEED AT THE REQUEST OF.TOEN N. I(ATOPODIS AND MARIIJN IVT. C(X. Fron Land Title (56)Fri 28 lan 2005 09:53:23 /tlt llST Page 5 of 11 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheddeR-Seclionl (Rcquinments)(hu (h&r Mr. V5lXtll4723-3 Conlinucd: N()IE: IIEU 5 OI' IEE (ENERAL EK(PIKIN.S t)VlLL BE DET EITD IF L/|ND TTILE CUARTINTEII COI||PANY COt'{DUCllS TFn CTSING ff TIIE CONTFi{PIiTF.D TR NSACfiOI{(S) AND RT:CORDS lItE D@UMENIII IN CI}NN$CIION IIJI]RtrWTNL NOTII: IJFON PROONT OF PAYMIINT OF AIl. TA)fiiS, ITtdllf 6 WILI, BD, At{nNilil, T0 READ: TAXES AND ASSE\5rDIINN FOR IEE YEAR2)(X)4 AND.5"UB\]F,(IIEr.{T yEAnS. ITEM 7 UNDI]R SCTTTDULI: II.2 wlLL BE DET.tsTED UI,ON PROOri. IIrAT TlrE WAI.D,R AND SEWER CUAR(.ES ARE PAID I'P TO DATE. 't't'r'rtr'*'t** N0T(E oF FEts CEANGE, ErTEL-IM !lE['IE${Bm. L Z)lf2 ****.'***r* Itrguant fo Colorsdo l{cviscd Slrrluh m-Il042lr'Th counfy chrk ad rccorder shll cdlccl a grrctaqgc of gl.m lior erch &lcumcut rueived for mcrndqg or filiry in his rrr br otlice. Ib surrhrge Ml he in ddlion b rry o0rcr fees permitbd by rtN@. " F5om Land Title (56)Fri 28 lan 2005 09:53:23 Al, ilST Page 6 of 11 ALTA COMMITMENl' Scle&rle B. Section 2 (kceptions) ()ur Order No. V511004723-3 Thc policy or policice to bc iesucd will oontain cxeptiotrc !o thc following unlcss lhc aamc arc dieposcd of to the srrlisf,action rf tDe Conpany: 1. Righlc or claims ol porlica in pooccesion not ehown by lhc prblic recor*l 2. llarenrcnts, or clains of easenrcr*r, mt shown by dre pHic necordg. 3. Discrcpanieq crrrflicts in hrmdrl lirq shortage in anrg ernrrcIurcfi*, d qv fr'h whicb a snrcct survcy ard irspeclion of On pemines would discloce ad wftich re mt shown by lhe puHic rocor*. 4. Any lien, or right trr a lien, for servicts, lalxx or nrfrerid dreret{orc or lre.rcal'br frrnfldrcd, hnprrs€d try law ard mt,shown by Orc pHic records. 5. Defectsr lienrt ermlnre; adverse cl^dmr or r*hcr nrrtlen, if my, crtds4 finrt appria in tbe 1dfic rccortri or attachitg suheqnnt to fte efrective dab hercof h prior b 0re dab tlrc poposed irsutd acquirts of rccord for valuc lh cslalc or inlcrcst or mdgagc lhcrtoa cuvcrtd by lhis Cornmilmcnt 6. Taxes or special sssessnrnte which an rot fhown s existirg liens b,y dre pe$c rccords. 7. Liens for rryid wder ad sewer chary€{b il ry. 8. fn addilion, lhc owcde policy will bc sutfcct b lhc nnrigagg if aoy, rnk{ in Scclion I of Schcdulc B bcrcof. 9. EXISIING LEASES AND TTNAFICIIN, II'ANY. 10. RTGHT OT'PROPTUT:TOR Of'A VEIN OR I.ODE 10 [}(l'RACT AND IIET,TOVE HrS ORE TTIERff'ROM SHOIJLD IEE .SAME BE FOUND ToIIENEIRAIE OR INTER.SECT TIIE PRE[\4[|ES AS RDSIIR\MD IN UNNT{D STATES PATIINTRNCORDIID SIIPTEN{Br',R 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 A1'PAC,0 98. 11. RTGHT OT.'WAY TORDTT(IIES OR CANAI,S CONSI'RUCr};D BY THB AUTHOX"TIY Of'IHI: UNITED STAIE.S A^S RESERVD IN UMTEI) STAT$ PAIENT RECORDED SWTEI\,TBE:R 04. 1y23, rN ROOI(93 ATP Gilr 9& 12. RT4STRICTTVE COVTNANTS Wfl(H DO NOT CONTATN A FORIE|TURR OR RrfyDRTm cl,,\usri, BUT O$ilTltNG ANY COVEr\AN1' OR RnSanrCTrON BASED O$t RACIL COt.o& lrSl,lGtON, SEtr, EANDICAN PIMILIAL.STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLEJS AND ONLY TO TIIE nxTrdr{T THAT SA|D COVENANT (A) XS rfrfdxwpT UNDrn CHAPTnR 4& SFITTON 3dl7 OFlllll UNITIID STATIES CODI' OIt (B) xSlJ\IIr),S I0 HANDICAP sUT DOES NOT DISCTIIVIINAIEAGIUNSTHANDTAPPER.iIONS. A.S CONTAIND IN TNSTRI'MEI.ITRBL'ORDDD ocToRlIR l& 19t, lN BOOK 221 AT PAGD 9D1. 13. Trrosll PRovlsloNs, covrc|.{ANrs AND CONDTTTONS. R^Stis{r^NTS AND RTSTRTCTTONS, BUT Fyon Land Tit'le (56)Fri 28 Jan 2005 09:53:23 Al{ MST Page 7 of 11 ALTA COMMITMf,N T ScheduleB.Section2 (hceptions)()ur Order No. VSW[WI?3.3 'llhc policy or policice to bc issucd will contain exccpliooo lo lhc following unlcse lhc samc arc disposc{ of trr the satldaction of the Company: o{un'TINGANY COVENANTORTU$TTUCIION XASED ON RACri, CIDLON|, RELTGION, S!:X, IIANDIQ\P, FAMILIAL STAIUS (X, NAfi)NAL ()RI(;IN UNLE.S.S AND ONLY TO IEE DUENT TIIAT SAII) COVF,IIIANT (A) 6 rtKnMPT UNDER CE PTDR 42, STdCTION 360? OF THE UNIIID SlX,TriS CODE OR (B) REI.AruS TO HANDICAP BUT DCttS NOT DrSCR$ilNAlIj AGAINST IIANDI(}UID PER.S( )NS A.S CI)NTA|NED trit AMEhIDED AND RESTAIIT) COrrIDOMlNlt IlrDrnCI,/\R fiON RFCmDED AlmL3, 20m Rr{ti]PTrON NO. 726242, AS AMENDED AND SUPt'r,EMENlrD By NSTRUT|trNT R!:OORDtrI) JUN[:27, 2000 RSCr:pnON No. 733041 AND $'t PI{flvIEI{T nECORDD DBLEI\,IBER. ltt, 2aru1, ISCEPTION NO. rufi!46 AND SUPH,]TIIXNTNECORDFJD IJTX 3, 2OO2 RECI]PfiON NO 8IX!OO. 14. IIASENInNTS, COr{DtrrOFlS, COVITNANTS, RTiSTRICTIONS, RTSERVATTOI{S AND No'TES ON ilrs coNDoMINtUlrI MAP O!'ANllts|LS CONDOIUINTUMS RDOORDBD DECDI|TBER 19, 192 IN Bfi)K 226 AT PA(E 820, AS SITn LEVIINTED By luAp RECOnDD JI,NE U/, 2IXt0 AT RIi T*TTOX NO. 733040 AND SIJPFI,Til\{TNTAI,MAP RN@RDICD DECIIMBIT];R 18. z)0' AT RECEPITON NO 780247. ls. lI:Rlll^S' CONDflONS AND PROVTSTONS Ol'.'EASEMEI\T AGRt:IlMllNl'BlllWEEI\ ANILERSq)NDOMINIUM A^SSOCIATION AND (},BLEV$ION VI, DIB/A EERTTA(;E O\BLEV$ION, INc. RTrcORDTff' JTJNT' 23, 1983 IN ROOK 362 AT PAGD, 24{. 16. IT'RIW' COI{DIIIONS AND PnOVISIONS OF BAOADBAND rinsltl\tENT AND RIGHT S FJ{TRY AGnEEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 21, 1J096 lN BOOKTII AT PAGD tt kom Land Title (s5)Fri 28 lan 2005 09:53:23 Atl ltST Repnxmting Cticago fitle Imurunce Clmpaoy Page 8 of 11 EI\DOR.SEIIIENT COL0RA"Do C-l Cuc Dotc 5u'04723 January nt NS The C.ompary hereb-v ssrtr€s the Pnopoced Insurcd lisbd in Schedde A of lhe commitnenil, that rcordiq to the office of &e clerk d rtcorder in which tre foperty is sitnte4 thert have been no dee&, olhertlnn the deed(s) which ves6 fee slnffo owmnhip to the owne{s) sl#d in Sche&rle A of the conunitnent conveyirg the lard described in this comrnitnent wilhin g pedod of 12 nudh(s) pior b tre Conmiheil Dah, except as follows: TITER.t] IIAY$ AET]I{ NO I'RANSF.pR OI'TIl'L,T: IN THIJ r,ASl' XI MONTHS. This endorsenrcnt is nude a prt of tbe commir'rnr* ad is subftrct to dI tre terms ad povisions thercof and any prior endonenrenb therrio. kcept to the exhfu expe*sly shbq it rrcither modilies my-of the lerrns ad pnovisiore of fte cummitmrtt and any Eior erdorsement, mr does it exterd -' e eflcctive dab of the commitrent ard any prior erid6rremenf nor doei It irprere the Folicy smrmt drereof. Ccrtilied Thnngh April |f,, 2llll4 Fqom Land Tit]e (56)Fri 28 lan 2005 09:53:23 Aill MST Repn:sentrrry (}icrgl fifle Insunmce Compuy Page 9 of 11 ENDORSEMENT COLOnADiO C-r Csr Dob 5II{,4723 Januory 2& z0i0ls The C-ompany hercby assules tre Pnoposed Imued lisbd in Sdredrle A of the commitrErl $"t af"o4og to lhe olfice of lhe clerk md recoder in which ffre prcpertt' is sittr{ ilrcre have been no deeds, otherlhnn fte deed(s) which vesb fee simfle owrnrstfp b the owner(s) stded in Schedrle A of lhe conunifrrnn{ conveyirg fire land described in this cormitnent within a period of 12 norilfi(s) piorto fte CornmituErf Dah, excellt 6 follows: .T'H.T)RI: HAVD BEICN NO TRANSI'f,R OT'TTTL,E IN THI!] LASI' U' MONTIIS. This erdorsement is made a Frt of the commitrpnt and is zubjett to all tE &rms ard pmvisiore thercof ad any_ prior endorsemenb frnreto. kcept to tre extent exptssly strhd, it nejtpr modifres ey_o! tre tenm ad pvisbm of tre comnrihent ad any prioi endo$ensnl, mr do€s it exterd tte effective dab of the cornmitnent ard any prior eld6rsemenf mr doei it increce the Policy annunt 0rereof. Certified Through April lll, 2004 From Land Title (56)Fri 28 Jan 2005 09:53:23 /rll llST Page 10 of AL LAND TITLE GUARANTI]E COMPAN Y Df,SCTTISURE STATEMENTS Nob; Itrsuad tD (n^S il-11-122r mticc is herctry given ftat: A) The mb*rt rcd Foncrtt nray be locaied in a specid trxirg disbict B) A Ccrfficdc of Taxcs Duc lisliag cach laxing jurisddioo my bc oHaiad frm lh Coudy Ihurunds sd(rizcd rgenL C) The irformdion rtgrdirg specid disticls ard dre bourdries of such dsbicb nray be obhined fmm lhc Bood of Coudy Ooodssiorcq lbc Coudy (lcrk ad ltrccordcr, or ltc Oounty Asscsaoa Notc: IT,tfecliye Septenter l, 199/, CR.S 3lt'10-406 rtquircs that dl docurrcr6 rcceived for rtcordiry or filirg in ahc clcrt ad rtcordcds otFe shal| coddn a lop mrrgin of at lcel oc irch ad a lcf! "ight ad botbm uurgin tf at lest om half of m irrh. Ttc cl:rh "'l nryxdcr nuy nfrse b rtcrxd or lile my docrmrd ftat does not cottronq except 0ud, dre qpiement for 6! top nurigin shall mt ryrply b docrmrenb usirg fonrs on which spcc b govidcd for rccordiag or liling infornulion at lhc bp nargin of th documd. Notu: C-olomdo Division of lrunne Regnldions 3.5-1, bagrrph C of Arlicle VII mqrires ltat 'llvery liilc cnlity 6btl bc rcapociblc for all nralbrr whicl appcar of rccord Eior lo lhc linc of rrcordry whevet the tide enlif crrtrcb fu cloffttrg rd is EsFrrsihle for recrndiq or fiIiry of lcgd &curnnb rcsullitg fmm trc ttrurtion wlich nas clored". Provi&d fiat lflrd fifle Guu.ailee Corpary coducle lhc clo$iq of thc insurcd tna*lion rd is rcspociblc for rtonfng lhc legd docrur:r{i fnm he tnnagfitn, excepdnn umlrcr 5 will urt qrcar rn fu (]wmds llllc Folicy ard tb kn&rs Policy whn issad. Notu: AfEnmlive mcharic's lien prrtxlion fir lhe (hrner mry be avdlgllc (tyfcally lry &Mon of Ikception m. 4 of Schedle B, Seclion 2 of fte Comnitned fiom dn Orvmrre Foticy b be issrrd) upon complimc witb lhc followiq codilioc: A) The lad tfescribcd in Scbdrle A of 6is com hrcd met lrc a sirgle fnrrily rtsidere wlict incld€s a cnndomr'niun or bwnhouse udt B) No labor or malcrids hrvc bcco funictcd by mchrnica or malcrial-ncn for purposcs of conr:tuctftxr on thc hrr dfficdbed in tlcbdnle A rf &is Currmihil wi&in fte grst 6 nrn[s. C) Ttp Comprry rnust rcceive an +propioe dfidavit indemdfyirg Ore C.orpy Arfrrt un-filcd rmchrnicrE d dcrial,reds licus. D) Ihe Corymy trust rtcdve pafnmt rf he rypopiab prtmirmr D f Opre has been corrtrrc'li4 improverrerlr or nqior rcIairl u*drlen on trc poperty b be ptheed wilhin six nnolhs Fior lo tb Dah of thc Oomilmnl, thc rrqrircmds lo oblrin covcragc for unrtglrdod liens will imtudg discknure cf certdn crrmtrrtion fuformlior4 fin'ildd idoru{ion as b lhe sdler, fc tuibr {d or fte cortacb6 payrent of tp ryppiab peniun fully cxoculcd ldcmnity Agrccmds erlislrclory to lh oongrry, md any addfonl rcquircmd as mry bc mcessary dtr m exurinrti0n of 6c drxtririd idomdirn try fte Orryrry. No covcngc wilt bc givcn rrdcr ty circumlaacs Ior hbor or malcriat for wlici lh irrred has codrcted for rr 4rtcd to pay. Nolc: ltrturril b Cl|S 1C11-1a3, mlicc is hccby givcc Itis rr*ice ryflies trl owat's potcy comiEr65 slnldning a mireral sevcrut insfurmrd exaeption, or exoeflions, in Sch&rle R, Sectim 2. A) Ihst lbrc is ncordcd evidcec lhql a mielot cslrlc hF bc.cn scvcrcq hro4 or olhcnvigc coweycd fmm the srdre esHe rrl ftat lhnB ir a sulrMial lihCihud thd a dt'rd Frty holds sonrc or all inbrcst in ofl, 9r, oll*r mirrrds, 0r g€o0rcrmd omrgy in lhe popef; ard B) ftd sucft mi'$rd cslatc may ialub lh rigbl b cnlcr rod usc thc pmpcrtJ wilbut h surfaoe orrut's penirsioD. Nothing hcnin codaind will bc dccmd to oblhdc ltc company lo pmvidc ary of thc covcr*c$ rcfercd to hrcin unlcss be above codfrmi ue fullv srlis€d. From Land Title (56)Fri 28 Jan 2005 09:53:23 AM tlST Page 11 of 11 JOINT NOTICE 0F PRIVACY POLICY nddity Nrtional trInaminl Grrnp rf (lmrpanirx/Oicsgo fitlc Insurancc Comlnny and L,and Tillc Guaranlcc Company July 1, 2001 Wc rcc-ognizc rtl rtepccl lbc rivacy cxFcflioc of todry'e comrrrcrs otrd lbc rtquirctrrcok of aodi:rblc fcdcd andstlb Fiv-ey.-l$Ys. V|fc lntcv_c -@ ri4ldig you awut of f,ow wc uec you mrd$c psor{ idiiinntion ('?r:nrmlhtormdion')' errt 16 trlps it is &clo€ci[ will fom lhc b6is for a rclaliorliri of lnit bctwcco us d th'urilic !14 wc $crTc. f!i* Ptivgcy Ste -rrr.d pmvidor lhd crp&rrgtion Wc nsctrc th right to nhnrBc ltis ltivacy'Slalctrrnt ftom lirrc 1o lhic coaielcd nilh appftcaHc privac-v law* ln thc courec of our busiaccs, wc may collcct Pcrsoml lnlormalion about you lronr (hc followirg gourccs: * lt'rOm appliCdirOc gr OthclfoilE-wC rc:ccivc fmm -vou or yOur aulhorizcd rcprrscnlalivC;r ltom yorn bansrliom yiflf or ftrm tb scrvirrs frcing dr{ormd hy, 6 riu ffrlitrs, or rilhrs;+ tr'rom bur inlcrnt wcb silcs:'i llom thc pHic nrordr rdtrind by govcrmntrl cntitir$ thst wr cilhrr olrtrin dinrdy fnrm thrnccnlilicg o? from our slfrldcE or otlcisiod| .[)rlm conmr or olhcr rcgrling agctriicr. Our Policieg Regarding the Prolsclion of lhe Confidentialily and Securit-v of Your Permnal Inlormation Wc ruidin physicat docturic d rtcdurrl mfquars tr uohrt you pcnrod ldormdion fnrm umthxizcdaccss or idnsfur. Wc lirit accces ad fu ftrsonl lilornlioir odv 16 lh6c cmnlovccs wbo d orrh eccss incomction with prrvidng prrduc$ or scrviccs to yun or fir olhr ligidnnc h$rs+ FrIrmGs. Our Policier and Praclicer Regarding Oe Shsring of Your Personal Informalion lVc rnry,shn f)ur ltrsonal lfrlrmalion wilh rnr ffIiafug nrc,h s irrrmr ctmruirrr, rycds, d obcr n:rl cslalc scallctrEril scrvioc providcrs Wc dso may dirclosc yriur lrcrsond Intormalioi : 10 11c4!s, brolcc or rcprtccdrlivcs to povidc you wiih ecnicce you havc reqrcslcd;r b tffifuty cttfutxt or.scrricc prriidc.rs whl puvidc scrvicr* or perfirni mldrirB or olhcrfncliori oriour bchalf; adI trr oQm with whur w6 rnfor Lfrr lrint rrnlcling 4rscm:fr far prlfufr or *clricrx .\"t wc lrclicyc yllu may ffrd of inlcrtel ln addition, wc will disclotc your lfcrsoort ldomlion whn you drrrl or givc rs oconissiotr whcn wc arc rcouired lry LNrY tr do xr, tr whn wc suirct fnrdulcd rr crimiml r-tivilics. Wc aixl mv-dsclosc vriur ltnomllnlomalbn whcn olhcnvisc Ffiiftd bv aodiuHc rivrcy lawg errh .& for cxdndc. whch discbsuc b ccdcdtr cdorcc our righ uising irrr rf any rfmifor:U, tinrf,m or rulatiomhp with ybri ftt: ttf t{t iryrfut nxponsililitics of urm 6f 11a1 lfiliated corrymics is tlr ncnrd drrcrmldt in thc pHicdoruiu Suc}-docunrcds- moy conlaio your llcrsoml lnformrlioo. ' Righl to Acccss Your Pcrsonat lnformrtion and Ability to Corrcft Errort Or ffcqucsl Changcs Or Dclclion Ocririn olalce alford lou lb dgU lo rc4gs your Pccoorl lnlormdion ad. rdcr ccrlain circumlacc& ao tind outt, whlm yow ltnxrnd ffomdion har hrir disdrscd AIno. crfain sM* dord vur thc rishl tl rsonirdco(rrclioo, arrctrcnt or rhtrction o[ prr Itooml ldordioo Wc rtccrrc th 'iir{, whcrt pcrmittid by taw, lo cnargc a n:morrHc fct trr crrvcr th cr-nts imrrr:d in n$Flndng tr riuch ruprxtl. " {ll.rc{rnsls submiltcd-lo. thc lidctityNa-tonl llnrcid Goup ot ConrpanicdChiceo fi0c lmuraac Corrpotry $trall trc in wdli4l d rlcliarlnd tith following d&cn$: privmy Comdiarre Offrer Il$'8"YJ"f 3m* SadaBsltara, CA y3110 Illultiph Producls or Scniccs lf wc prov-i<lc yoy qitb lmrt lhan oc li?+"riel goduct or ecrvioc, you rmy rtrccivc rnre lhm oc privacy mflccfntm us" Wc agilogizc firrmy imnrcuicrc dib msy clnc yotr fola PnrV.POL.CII r[utroOOoq =J|J.JU'tu rrr u'lotrz> H< 6Hut p-trFa< Oro\BIl- l-I-4zV:) No(\ Fz I IJJilo60oq =Ju ct,ttr ur ujotr fre6+ IJJ Ev, j_ 9,<oro> Pi 1= UJoooJ @tr IJJJFz uJIF F I No C\ Fzf J IJJoo =lrJtr uoz IIJo o EIt o oo o-oF Y