HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS UNIT 514 515 516 '�J �� C� or1s11��►,t � � ` . � � � '�3�oc,� I �� 3 r����S scw � s-� � s� sr � � . -�-,,. , c �F +��,, Design Review Bcaard .� '-k�7� 5 s�� ; ��� ;� ACTION FORM ����r `' -' �ePartrnent of Community Deve�opmer�t ��' �� �'�'���f�� 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teL• 970.479.2].39 fax: 9�0.479.2452 we'b: www,ci,vaii.co.us P�'ole�Name: Interior infill loft addition DRB Number; pRB01�040 project Descriptian: Addition of GRFA to proposed units 514,515,5�6 Pa rticipa nts: OWNER ANTLEf2S CONDO ASSOC 03J02/2p01 Phone: 945-5366 License: �ONTRqCTOR C,qSSON BUiLDING CpRPORpTI�N d3/02/2001 Phone: 15630 E. HIh1SDALE DRIVE ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 License: 15p-q AR�LICANT CqSSp�V gUILDING CORPORqTION 03/02/2001 Phone: 303-690-150a 15630 E. NINSDALE flRNE ENGLEWOOD, �p 80112 License: Project qdc�ress; 680 LIOiVSHEAD P� VAIL Location: 6$a LIONSHEAD PL l.egaE Description: Lot: Block: Subdivisian: Parcel Num6er: 210107206000 Cor�trr�ents; #514/51S add 375 sf; #516 adds 534 sf BOARD/5TqpF AC`�ION Mation gy; Second By; Action: STA�FApR Vote: Date of ApprovaF: 03/14/2QQ1 �onclitions: Cond: 8 �P��1): �io changes ta these plans may be made withaut the written consent of Town of Vail stafF and/or the pesign Re��ew Board. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 � � -, p �< � `� � Questions� C�I� Planning Staff at 479-2138 r � ,�<�� ; t � ., � ' � . h����;� '� � +�+�a�y "''� �a � �"���,�,� ��:������,♦�e1 APPLICATION FOR DESI�G�V REVIEIN APP�R�VAt G�fVERAf� INFORMATION �his application is for any pro�ect requiring Design Re�iew approval. Any project reqUiring de5ign review must � receive Design Rev9ew approval prior to submitting for a building per2nit. For specfic information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is req��ted. The applieation cannat be accepted until all the required info�rrnation is submitted. The pra�ect may aksa need to �e revie�nred by the Town Counc9l and/or the Plannin�g and Environmental Cammission. besign Review BQarcf approval ex�ires one year after final ap�rovai u�l�s$ a buit�ing permit is issued and construction is started. A A. DESCRIRTI�ON OF TI-i�REQUEST: � � . � � �'F �7� .,� C u� �-rS fl� S c� �rTi�'I�t�.-'�J �c 5 C rc r�=;"7�,J aM��. r— f�2-�— 3 �.�+�Yt� z" O.� ��J^?r,.., �u.�-� ,i¢P P��✓� � f r— � � CaMt 3 -Q -�f � Lo /s �(ZoK1/y�J7�ZY �' � c`�v C— u.J B. LOCATION OF PROPOSA�.: L�T: B�OCK: FILING: PNYSZCAL ADDRESS:__�o�U l� , �!�^��/7ti�'4''1 r� - C. RARCEl. #: (Contact Eagfe Co.A�sessars Gffice at 970�3�8-854Q for parcel #) D. ��NING: �r p�/s/�,'�4's /"!9't 7�vZP c�q,J ���� E. NAME OF OW�IER(S}: ��7Lc�'t r C cy�+11o�/�7 i w.1� v�7 �S's a�. <i/�• MAILING ADDRESS; �i`'D L.� . L/��SN�'q''� ��- . � P�a�v�: y'�G -�y�-I F. OWN�IZ(5)SiGNArT�UR�(S): � G. IVAME OF APPLICrAN`�: F-v�evt-r— Le�V/n/r'r MATLING Af�DRESS: f�t� PHONE: ,�9^"6�— H. TYPE OF REVI�W AND FEE: `. ❑ New Construction - $Z00 Constructian of a new bui@dir�g. � � Addi�i�sn - $5�0 Includes any a�d�tion where square foatage is added to any residential or commercia� building. ❑ Minor AI#eration - $2d Includes minor changes tfl buiEdings a�d site improvements, such as, reroofi�g, painting, window additinns, landscaping, fences and rekain�ng wails, etc, ` DRB fees are to be p�id at the time of submittal. Later, when applying far a building permit, �lease identify the accurate�aluation of the praject. l�he Tflwn of Vail will adjust the fee according to the projett val�aatian. PtEAS� SUBMIT THIS APPLICATIQN, ALL 5iJBMITTA� 12EQUIREMEi�TS AND THE FEE TQ THE DEPAR7MENT t�F CE�MMIlNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 5�UTH FRONTAGE ROAQ, VAII., COf�ORADO 81657. IFor Office L�se Qniv;- Fe� Pa�d: Cf��. By: , AAPlication Date; _�RB M�eting Dafe: Pre-Applic�tion Meeting E�ate: , ; Planner: Pro�ect No.:,���`+ t':: , , . :����,,� , , , � _ f:: 'f�; r'IH� D L L�la� � , � � ,� �. �y TOWN OF YAI� I�epartment of Community Developrrtent 75 South Frontage Road i�ail, Colorado 816�T 97Q-479-21.�8 JQINT PROPERTY OWNER FAX 970-479-2�52 WRITi'EI�APPROVAL LETTER www ci.vail.co.us I, �t�i " �^�� a joint awner of property located at (print name) cv� �� �-1����� PL• ,provide this letter as (aadress/Eegal descziption� written approval of the plans dated �`32"'�7 Z$�`'I which are submitted tfl the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development for the proposeci impravements to be cornpleted at tlae address above. I underst�nd that the proposed improvements include /4 � �� �''��'-�' 7� (Jr.� 1 TS �I� J�/.5r A N b f J L .,7/� � rf`� �CZ.1 C e�,s+�aM/Ni ✓.�s t-7�.31r' /1 v l��� ,¢�►^-- �vTL e✓1 S I further understand that minor modificatians maybe made to the plans over the caurse c�f tbe review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicabie codes and regulations. i � � - l Zf! �/ (si�ature) (date} �� RECYCI,�DPAPER , � � �� ADDITT�i�S - RESIDE�iTI�L OR CO�I�iERCIAL �. �� T��! ���'A�� � GENERAL iNF'ORMATION ,4�plicants requesting the review o#�additions tivhich require the utilization ofan Additional Gross Residential Floc�r Area (GRF�) (250 j request must also submit a Pianr�ing and Environmental Cc�mmission(PEC) application. If the a�dition requires an Additional GRFA requesi, the app�icant must receive P�C approval prior ta Design Review Board approval. I. SUBMITTAL REQIJIREMENTS ❑ One complete set of existin t7aor plans or°as-built" ciiawings with all specifications shown. ❑ A preliminacy title report, ir�cl�ding schedules A and B,to veri�ly ownershi�and easements. ❑ Condominium Association approval, (if applicable}. 0 Photos of the existing structure. ❑ Specifications of all materials and colars af the add'ation. 0 Topo_�-aphic survex,stamped by a licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1" =20'or iar�er,on whict�the following infot�nation is provided: Q Ties to existing benchmark,eirher USGS iandmark or sewer invert. This infotmation must be clearly shted on the survey so that ail measuremen �are based on the same corr►mencement point. � 0 Lot area and if applicable,buildable a. � r � �� ❑ Legal description and p sica • e •. � ❑ Sc�ale with a hic b e and north arr w.�� � L7 Pro erty bou to the nearest hun � h .01) ofa foot accurac� tances and e � s and a basi;�of bearing m� sh�wn. Show existi� onuments f d eir re�ationship to the estab ed cc�z�ner. ,/ �/ Topogra �ic ca ' ia at twc� foot contour intervals ,s the parcel � s aczes or mar c , 5' contour intervals tnay be accepteci. ❑ Ex ng es ur broups ot trees i�av r tr�s���ith�iia s ot�," or more,as measured fro point one foot above graci � ❑ Rock outcro in�s � er �b i�cailt natural ,� {large buulders, intermittent streams, etc . 1 � � � , C] All existin� impravements (including foundation walis, roof overi�angs,buildin�overhang5, etc.). ❑ Hazard areas(avalanche, rockfall, etc.), eenter�ine and edge of stream or creek, required c���k or streain setback, 1�00-year floodplain and slo�es of�D%or more, i�applicable. ❑ Size anci type af drainage culvern, s�ales,etc. ❑ Exaet locatian of existin�utility sources and service lines from tt�eir source to the struciure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telep�one Water Electric G] Show all utiliry meter locatians, includang any pedestals on site ar in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. ❑ Indicate all easements ic�entified on the subdivision plat and recorded a�ainst the properiy as indicated in the titie repart. List any easernent resrnictions. ❑ Spot elevations at the edge of�sphalt, atong che street frantage of t}ae property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'),and a minimurn of one spot elevations or�either side af the Iot. Three(3�copies of the following; C] Site plan, at a scale of 1"=20"ot larger, showing t�►e following inforn�ation: ❑ Existing and proposec�layout of buildings and other structures. ❑ Location of Iandscape�areas. � a .411 new reraining walLs ve+ith sjiot elevations for top arld bottam of wall. � � ❑ Location of all required parking. Q Indicate ro�f ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown undemeath. ❑ Ploor Pfans, at a scale of 1r8" = 1' or larger(1/4" = 1' is preferred), clearly indicating the proposed additi�n. � ❑ Building Elevatians,at a scal��af 1/8"=1'or larger{1/4"=1' is prefer�ed). �7 If'existing stnicture is pxapased to be modified,show elevations o#'existing smzcture. : � �uiIding elevadona nnust be shown,clearly indicating the new acidition. If buildin�faces, exist�ne or propased,are at angles �ot represented weil on the narrnal buiidinb elevation.s, shc�w these taces a�well. Show all roo#'top mechanical systems, if applicable. � If the intent c�f the proposal is not clearly indicted, the Admir►istrator may�etermine tl�at addi#i�nal materials are necessary for tt3e review Qf tk�e app�icatian. R � . � � 9, j'f�E-A['PLECATlON CnNFER�NC'E A �rc-fl{�plication eonfcrciicc�villa Totivn af Vail staff is ccquircd. No a�r}�licatian can bc acccptcd unlcss ihc ti�andatory prc-a�rlication mccting ha.s bccn complcted. It is thc a�p3icant's�cs�or�sibiliry to schcdulc this incctinb by calling 970-479-2��8. (L TIME REOUlREMENTS Thc Dcsig� Rcvic�� Board tnccts on thc !si and 3rd V4'edncscSays of each month. A conz�lcte ap�lscation fortn and all accaj�tipanying matcria� n�u5t bc accepted by ti�c Con�munity Develonment Department a minimi►m af thrcc and a half(3 I/2)wec}cs prior to thc datc of 4hc DRB public hcaring. - ' 11I. 12EV1EW CRiTERIA Your�ropasal will bc rcviewed �'ur con�pliance tvith thc Desi�n Guidelines as set forth in Section 18.54 of the Municipal Codc. IV. NOT�TO ALL APPC,ICANTS: A. � If��propecty is loeated ir�a mapped ha�lyd arc�� (i.c.snow avalanci�c,roc�fa�l.ilaodplain, dcbris_ fluw,�vctland, ctc),a ha�ard shidy must bc submitted and thc o�v�tcr must sign ary affidavit rccognizis�g thc h���rd re�art p�ior to thc isst�asicc of a bt�ilding pern�it. �A�plicas�ts are encoura�cd to c;hcck�vith thc �3annin�;staft'nrior tc� subnvttal of a D[t[3 applicatian ta d�tcrminc thcrelatianship of thc properry to all m,�ppcd hazards, � [3. Bt�tiic Plan Shcct Form�►t. For alt s�irvcys,sitc nlans, landsca�c plans and ot�cr sitc im�rovcinc:its �lans,all of the follo�vii�g must bc shaw2�. i. Plan shect sizc niust bc 24"x 3f". For large projcc[s, lar�cr pian size rnay bcallawed. 2. Scalc. Thc mininwn��cale is 1"=20'. All plans n�ust bc at tfic s�mc scalc. 3. Graphic bar sc�lc. 4. North �rrow. � S. Tiklc block,projcct naonc,�rojcct adc�ress and lcgal dcscription. �>. fndicatsoii of�1�n nrcparcr,address a�7d phonc numbcr. ' � � . 7. � Datcs of originai plau prcparatiai and all rcvision datcs. � S. Vicinity ma�or location n1a� at a scalc Qf 1'"�I.O�O' or larger. 9. Shcct la�cls and nurnbcrs. . - . 1 U . A burdcr with a minimum Icft side margin of 1.5". 1 1. Na�ncs of alI �djaccnt roadways. 12. Plan legcnd. C. For new constn�ctior� and additions,the ap�licant m►�st stake and tape the project site to indicate property lincs, proposed buildings and buildin�;corners. Ali trees ta be remaved must be tapcd. The a�P!icant must ensi�rc that staking done duz-in�thc�r�inter is not b�cried by sr.ow. .All site tapings a nd sta�ang must be completed prior to the day nf thc URB mceting. D. Applicants who fai I to a�}�ear before the DesiDn Revicw Board an their scheduled meeting date and who have�7ot asked in advanco that discussion an their itenz be pos#iaaiied,will have thcir items rcinoved from the QRB a�enda until such tirne as the item has�een re}�ublished. E. If Ehe DRB a�provcs the application with conditions or modifications,al) conditions ofa�proval must be re,colvcd�nar to the issuance ofa 6uilding Permit. � . � $ :L3gdated b197 � � . V, STAFF APi�ROVAL The Ad�ninistrator may revicw a��a�prove Desien itcview a�pli��tions,approve with certain rnodifications, deny the a�plicaaan, or n�ay rcf'er the application to thc Dcsign Review Baard far decisian. AI! staf�' approva�s are subj�ct to fi�al a�proval by the�RB. Tnc followin�types of Dcsign Review ap��ications may b�;staff a�provca: A. Any application far an addition to an existinb building that is coiisistent with th�:architectural design, " vi�atcrials and cators of thc buif ding,and approval has been rcceived by a��authoriacd me�nber of a cor�do�ivi�i�:n association, ifa�plic�blc: B. � Any appiication ro modify an existin�buildinb that does nat significarstly change the existing�Iancs of the buiidin�and is�enerally coE�sistent with the arehitectural design, materials and colors of the� buildin�, includin�,but nor lirnited to extcrior building fnish materials(e.�. stonework,siding,roof �naterials,paint or stain,}, extcriar lightinb,canopic.s or atvnings,fences,antennas, sateilite dishes, �vindo�vs,skylights.sicl.in�,��iinor cotnmerciai facadc improvetnents,and other similar modi#icarioc�s; C. Any ap�Iication for site improven�ents"or rnodi�carions inc3uding,but not limited to, driveway modiftcations,sitc�;rading, sste wa11s,removal or madifcations to existing landsca}�ing,installation of accessory structures or rccreatioiyal faeilities. VI. ADDI'�IQNAL i2EVIEW AND FEES A. ]f�this a�plication requires a separatc review by any lo�al, statc or Federai agency other than thc To�vn of Vail,thc appIicat�on fce shall bc inc�-eased by�240.00. Examp�es of suc�rcvicw,may incl�►dc, but are noi limitcd to: Colorado Dcpartitrcnt af Highway Access Pernuts, Army Corps of Erte-inccrs 4U4, etc. B, Thc applicant shal� be respansible for payina any pub7ishing fecs�vhich are in excess of 50% of the application fee. If at thc applicant's request,any mattcr is postponed fnn c�:uing,causing the matter to be re-publis�ed,then the entire fce for such re-puhlica#ion shall bc paid by thc applicant. G, Applications dcemcd by the CoRim�u�iry Devclo�ment Departmcnt to k�ave design,land�se vr otfter issues which may have a sig►ificant impact on the conunu��ity rnay require revie��v by consultants in � adc�itia�i to To�vn staff Should a determinatic�n be rnade by the Towr�st�ff that an outside consultant ia nc�ded,the Community Development De�artmcnt Inay hire the consu�tant. The Departmcnt shall cstimatc thc amount of m�ney neces.5ar}+to �ay the consult�t and this amount shall be forvvarde�ta the Totivn by the applic��t at the time of filin�an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in exc�ss of the amount 9 orw�rded by the application�hall be}�aid to tt�e Town by the anplicant within 30 days of notificatioii by the 7o�vn. Any excess funds will be rettu-r3ed to ti�e a�plicant upan review cc>n��letiun. , c; 6 ;; U�sdated 6/97 . � � � I,iST OF PROhOS�D MATERIALS BUZLD�N� MAT'ERfALS: TYPE OFMAT�RIAL: CQLOR:* Roc�f � � - Siding Oihcr�Vall Matcrials Fascia � ' Softits Windows Wizidow Trim Doors � Dcior Trini HaEid ar Dcck Rhils F}ucti F1t�sUin�s Chiiuncv5 � 7-rash Enclostires � � Grecnhouscs Retainin�Walls Eh[erior Lightirrb** Other * Please s�ecify the maE�ufacturer's color,nu�t�ber and attach a smal! color c�ip ** AJ1 extenor lighting must meet the Town's Lightin� Ordinance 18.S�.OSQ(J). Zf ex#er�or lighting Fs proposed, ;,Ecase indicate the nu�nbcr of fixt��res and l�ocations oi�a separatc lightin��ian. Identify each fixture ty�e a�ad provide the height above grade, lGmens outpuC, lununous area,and at�aci� a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. . �' ,� 2 '� Updated 6197 _ _ - � � • . R P � �Qt��nical_ �nl Cammoi�N�mc Ouantikv �* PROPOSED TREES � AA(D SHRUHS: . � �XlSTING TREES TO - BE REN[�V�D: • � *Minimum�rcquircmcnts for landsca}�ing: dcciduous trecs-2 inch caliPcr Gonifcrot�s trccs-6 fcct ir� hcight _ _. _ __ .. _ _ si�rubs -5 gallons Tync c� e GROUND COVEb� - SC}D - - . . . SEED __ --- � 1RRIGATION - TYPE 0�\�SETF-(OD OF ��os�oN eoN�r�o�. OTHER i.AND�CAPE FEATURES (retaining waiis, fe�;ccs,switufnin�;pools,etc.) Piease specify. indicate top and battom clevations of rctainin,wa]Is. MaxinxttZ�hcight�fwalEs �vithin ti�e front setback��� feet. Maaciml�rn height of �valls elsc�vhere ou the property is b teet. ,� � 3 '�' Utidaied b/97 . . ' � • , • Authorized 5i�ature Date Qwest (970) 384-0238 fax (97U) 384-0?57 Jason Sharp Public Service Company (970)449-5781 �Gary Hail Holy Cross Electric Assoc. (970) 949-�892 fa�c (970) 949-4566 Ted Huskyf]ohn Boyd Excei Enerw� (303) 571-7515 fax {303) 571-7877 1'�ul Kellogg Eagle River Water & Sanitation District * �97Q}476-7480 ' � fax (970)476�0$9 Fred Haslee AT&T Broadband (970) 949-122� x 112 fax (970) 949-9138 Floyd Salazar *Please brirzg a site pian, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Eagle River Water& Sanitatian signatures. Fire flow needs rr�ust be addressed. N(�TES: 1. If the utility verificatian form has si,�zaattues from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made ciirectty on the forxn,tt�e Towu will presurne that there are no problerns and the development can p�raceed, 2. If a utility corxa.pany has concerns with the proposed construction,the uti3ity representative shail nc�te ciirectly an the utility verafacatio�n forzri that there is a pro�lern which needs to be resulved. The issue should then be detaiied in ax� attached letter to the Town os'v'ail. However, please kee� in mind that it is the responsibility of the�atilizy cc�rnpany and the applicant to resolve ides�tiried proi�lems_ 3. These veritications do nat re�ieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way �'ermit tirom the Depa�ment c�t Public Wqrks at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained bef�re di�Qin� in any pu�blic right-ot-way or easement within the Town �f Vail. A ��ildrnb e;m�t is not a Pu�l3c Wav nermit and znust be obtained se aratelv. � Upciated b/9T . s � L U �1L www.antlersvail.com MEMORANDUM To: Town of Vail Fram: Rob LeVine, General Man�ger Date: 3/1/20d1 Subject: DRB application for additional square footage in proposed units 514, 515 & 516 Please be advis�d khat the Antlers Condaminium Association gives its approval for fhe above mentioned application. The Antlers redevelopment consists of 24 "for sale" units and 7 EHU's. Three of the "for sale" units are proposing an additional loft bedroom/bathroom. In the case of units 514 and 515 the loft would be 375 square feet. ln unit 516 the laft would be �34 square feet. Unit 514 (only) would be addir�g a window on the south elevation just below the ridgeline. There are no other exterior alterations associated with this proposal. . 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Goforado 81f57 (970) 476-2471 �p,>c (970) 476-4146 info�ant�ersvail.cam � I I ��� -�J �;� ��� `c L__—. � -� .� = I �. -- � , � � � � z '� . w � � � �' — m . N v��i¢ � 0 2 _ `V � i j �I � �i pp ��I� � 6� - I�] j� o � . I N d � m in � � �I -�i o _ ,+ � L._ ❑ oC- y, Z o wp cp I I�J O � i � .� ^�9�c�,,,�.� "�X � ^ ✓7 � �� ' x � I � ( L� (!'i � � � � n, I,�x'�;,������ ' �'�- ' � I C.W) D �;-�{'+ O N cn r��-"� I �% � — � .: U ��`R Q N i' � I� � II t C \j— _� J ..}_ � �' �... r"°� � . � � ���-', •^9x�^'Z� •.�yx(�i.,,Z^, ��ii "'ak( 4',: � caXO :3I -�.�z.�a� �j _.. .�cx....Z �'-,�\ � � _� o � oq �� `� ��^ � _ � . � —� �. "�' �� � �i�';�'� � � I� � 1`'�* 0 0 'r1' I , ,' . ,. � . zS\ -. 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