HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS UNIT 704Ltov,s\neacl Qr\inl 3 brdl. \ At*\ers 1}Ll . TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAlL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT \*o-\ 3 , 3\\.') \]^,( L-t\ 3:t NOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES AL\\4-I\ ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMN PErMit #: BOO.O3OI + ro.1 Job Address.: 680 LIONSHEAD PLVAIL Status.....: ISSLIED [ocation......: ANTLERS L]NIT 704 Applied...: 10/24/2000 Parcel No....: 210107206068 Issued "': lllo2l2000 ProjectNo...: TATOO=-OIV2 Expires'..: 0s/01/2001 O!{NER E.W. OAKES TESTAT.{ENTARy TRuSL0/2412O00 Phone: W.E. OAKES TRUSTEE 29OO REGENCY DR IISDEPE}IDENCE KS 67301 CONTRACTOR MCCORMICK CONSTRUCTIOT,'I L0/24/2000 Phone: 316-331-683S 1305 W. COLI,EGE AVE. INDEPEO\IDM{CE, I(s 673 01 I-,Lcenge: 250-B APPLICNqT MCCORMICK COIISTRUCTION Lo/24/2000 Phone: 316-331-6838 1305 W. COLLEGE AVE. IIIDEPEIIDEIICE, I(S 673 01 Desciption: ADDITION TO IINIT ADDING 235 ADDITIONAL SQ FT Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypeConstruction: II-FR Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $80'ooo.oo Add Sq Ft: 235 Fireploo€ Infodnsriofl: Reetriclsd: Y # ofGer Appliancos: 0 # ofGas Logu 0 - -{ of- Wood-Pclletr 0 ||tti|||lt|.*i.|.t.*.*'l|||+...'nt|.'ll|t|tt.'l'l|.|||tl||+.**t|t..|.i|'tFEEstJMMARYfit..t|it|.....||t||'t|'+t|l+|i||||t..'.||*..ii!|'|***i'i'.{| Building-> g540.oo Rerturatrt Plan Roview-> 90.00 Total Crlculded Fces-> $1,544.00 Plan check-> s{16,00 DRB Fc€*----> $1OO.OO Addilional Fces-> $30.00 lnv€sigrtioF> go.oo Rocredion Fee--> S235.oo Totsl P€nrnit Fce-> S1.69{'00 Will Call-> 93.00 Clean-up Deporit*-> 9250'Oo Palmedts--'-*-> $1,59d'00 TOTAL FEES---> 51,6{4 . oo BALANCE DUE-> S0 . 00 a'ra*a*a+aaraaaata,rt Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIIDIIIG DEPARTMHCT 10/30/2000 GRG Action: AP Item: 05400 PLAIINING DEPARTI'{BflI LO/30/2000 GRG Action: AP Per iIR per .Allison. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIE It,em: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS rra**aataaa*attttl See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicotion, fillcd out in firll the informatio require{ oomrpleted an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is conect, I agree !o comply with the information and plot plnr, to comply with all Town ordinances and state taws, and to build this sfigcture according to the tovins zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Codo and other ordinances ofthe Tovrn applicable thereto. RIQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOTJRII S€od Clcrn-up Dcpo.it To: MCCORMICK @NST OFFTCE FROM 8:00 AI\,1 - 5 PM. FOR HMSELT'IND OWNT PAGE 2 ft**tti*ttt**t+t*tttrt*****r**'t*t'f't't*+*t*++*t'*t'!tttt+***ttt+**'i*tt+t*t+**+llr*'tt********'t****'t:l**i*{t*l'*1"}** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 800'0301 as of I l-02-2000 status: ISSUED t * t t f*tlr*t +* *++tt tl trt *++*********** r****tt * +***l*****t * **t***t ***t lr* 't******tt**** *f!t**l+****lt *t** lt*lt ** '| *:i**tt Penmit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant MCCORMICK CONSTRUCTION 315-331-6838 Iob Address: 680 UONSHEAD PL VAIL Location: ANTLERS LINIT 704 ParcelNo: 210107206068 Descripion: ADDITION TO I,NIT ADDING 235 ADDITIONAIJ SQ FT Conditions: Cond: 12 FIEIJD INSPEqTIONS ARE RSQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. Cond: 14 ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAI-,IJS,CEIL,INGS,AI|D FL'OORS TO BE SEAL'ED WITH AI{ APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI.,. Cond: 16 SMOT.E DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI,[.,, BBDROOUS A}ID EVERY sToRY .AS PER S8C.310.6.1 0F rHE 1997 I,BC. Cond! 1 FxRE DEPARTMEICI APpRovAr Is F.BQUIRED BEFoRE AN:| Il,oRK cA}I BE STAR,TED. Applied: 1012412000 Issued: lll02l2000 ToExpire: 05/01/2001 SGp Og OO O4:3Op Ron ltlcCorm i ck 3 1633 I 056e p.5 Page 12 of 14 &dldlng Pemit#:-grll-479-ZtlH' (rtEP€cuant) S.plrrb Pctmltr {tr rcqulred lor plumblng mcchrolcol. ctc.! 5 3 Froutrrc Rd. 5lL Colordo 816t7 t) # 7to to OC.8 tobNanr€: flNr-nt,?.o.l Legd Deselfiott tttT Sl,4Jt',a tr$ wortotss: t{c{v( ) A{tdtbn( ) Remodd Repah( ) Derno( ) odter.(), wortType: Interia Edeftf( ) Bour( ) fye..fBdr" St l+tunib( ) wn'fanly( ) uutu-tbnrily0o €onrmertbl( ) Rcfilrdtt( )O&ct( lb. d BFnng Urc0he UdB ln thlE htMhg: ?t' GOIIPLE1E VAllr6;1olrt X)R' Elrllg1llg PlRlllT (rrbor C Urur6fj IttILDllG: $ {lJt'lBINGt $ REFUND CLBANUP DEPOBTT TOI ,€t,c|ofiflbttfrudqocttr z.fP S,F, 4.Drfrq"r -'rc r*lft3 t',3 Lr- 'l-1o l&wags Gc-t'?eo..! t 4 4rO I rtopo /t* ?/rfzn"t ,ru'b n'/tL 7 O?:v?'t'''111-t-c"<4-rD )o f /14 qtr* coilTRACTOR $l FORilATlOtr .(L YD Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectNumber: prj00-0270 2900 Regency Dr. Independence, KS 67301 680 W. Lionshead pl. VaiI, CO 81652 Project Eheet Address: 680 w. Lionrhu"T6piT,Irr ron Legal qescription: Lot 3, Block l, Lionshead 3rd : 210107206068 Building Name: Antlers 250's not allowed in Lionshead! This comes out of generar GRFA poor. 235 sq. ft. addition Board/StaffAction staffapproved Town Allison Ochs Projeijt Name: Oakes Residence Projeot Description: addition to unit at the Antlers i ^tuwne+ Address, and phone: Jacque Oakes i I | ,16_331-8138 Architdct/Contact, Address, and phone: Rob Levine Date: Project N Documentl : Oakes Residence DRB Fee Paid: $S0 . TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRJCAL PERMIT PErMit #: EOO-0254 Job Address: 680 LIONSHEAD PL VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 580 Lionshead Pl #704, Antlers lodge Applied . . : l7ly2000 ParcelNo...: 210107206068 Issued. . : l2lll/2000 ProjectNo : PSSOO. O2:(O Expires. .: 06/0912001 OWr{ER E w OAI(ES IESTAUECTARY TRUSTL2/LLI2000 Phone: 29OO REGET{SY DR II{DEPESIDEIICE I(s 67301 License: COMIRAIOR GREGORY'S ELECTRICAIJ SERVICEl2/lL/2000 Phone : ?L9-545-7950 2648 Santa Fe Driwe Pueblo, Co 81006 License:301"-E APPI-,ICAIII GREGiORYTS EIJECTRICAI-, SERVICE12/]-L/2O0O Phoner 719-545-7950 2648 Santa Fe Driwe Pueblo, Co 81006 License:301-E Desciption: Electrical for addition at Antlers Valuation: $1,500.00 FEE SUMMARY Electricol-> 350.00 Total Calqrlst€d Fees-> S53 . oo Additional Fess.->90, 00 Totd psrmit Fee_> S53 .00 Paymenlr-*-> S53 . 00 BAL{I{CE DUE->$0.00 DRB ['ee-----> InvcstigatioG-> Will Call > 90.00 90.00 93. O0 TOTALFEES-> S53. OO Approvals:I€€m: 06000 EITECIRICAL DEPARTMB{T t2|TL|2OOO Kr{f,J ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMWI Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI.,IAT]{ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in firll the infonnation required, completed an accurate plot plan" and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. \ REQI'I'STS TOR INSPECTTON SHAII BE MADE TWENTY-FOIIR HOIIRS IN ADV 479-2138 OR AT OUR oFFtCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. FOR HMSELF AND OWNE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vell, Gobndo 81657 2a 6t'1i'e/a4 ELECIRICALVALUATION: t 15t26''AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: nb mdresy;O *a*&"/ workClass: Ner,r() Mdfrion( ) Renrodel(tJ Repalr( ) TernpPorer( ) O$er( ) Do€s an EHU odst at thb location: Ves ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interhr (X) Enerbr ( ) Both ( ) Tpcof gdg.: Shgle-f.mlly( ) Dupl€x( ) Mult-famllyD() Commeroa( ) Rl'bwant( ) oth€r( ) No. d Accommodatinn Units in thb buildlng:llo. d EGting Dvrelling Unhs in thb building: *..r.rr*.r1....1.rr... r.r...rr*r.r.rr.iFOR OFFICE USE Ot{LYrlttrrr..t.trrttr.i.*.*ttl.rrtt r.t llt s$h ()r\ F:/a,!4,unc^bflirs/€lqcrm CDa CD(\Ja G\? o- lrJq) F CE A i$ 9u 6H ilP PFo Xtu$igi .P9 *$fi i$t tuoo ILov IL Eo |ll-t- IL E H oA7 a E Brs F3E u UJz 5 luIF Az{ HFEF FE?I Os N \)tas N IH \J r,A \V\r\r\J I p UJf\\+J J TL J ut tuJ v TU 0_ tLl Ot N \)t)s N J {Fu D L IL ILc rf) ( AXpz I p$u liUH HPPe u ddr fi 9PH Hhbb hrrtr r gQ *e HH d: Ei ff* duF $[q F ILILI J { K H iq$E Fifi$$ sKdED 0!.H[3 uPtuo tsq 9d_ il3F JrO $Hs zo 0I rt) Hlll $I ga -{e HH i: iuO-r Fd @ilNl Az tuo tuJ N \)r)s N '':.- ':.:';- ' ' 9t-o>tr tt{ \) eE rH9 rfiO<\) $aEtrF>o<o rn fr rJ)7a(lU -\J^,i- ,A. tL fi iliH at; aJ w.A -;itt I tl->: EF+ ,, }N59u HppftMn 'r- lU$ 3uI i Pi grirfiIgll;pggfi*i nPffrt [r rficiri $ rf) tuFoz zo F \)f Eozo \) J v_ IUz tuo N $ $ qB i'e E[ilii T luglpH$t[siill*l*$rr*l zo F \) TU rf) v tI rf) "e4,2-,e ;*i gr [,t* [in llt* JJ Su.\o 99 FIL(f)oxzu< I'I i $E i$ frfirfl* .l N ss N :,, F \) tu tf) v LI (f) ot b llt uJ -llu pu;rr aF BH$** 5 -q: frHil[ilH$FrsrFr N \)tL N.{ F \) tu rf) v_ s rf,) 9E ip SPoib H[$jF Hsni P$nefi ir aF H${H I ffifigi' ,i de itr .43.,.,1{= Suhfi 'rfiIr^- P-i>viFFit--i\ 4- \J Ur -l[tf F Ft lU TL *fuetr* Jllt4F3S$u --rPin!ilinu HeS$fifi $se U68 H$g Hi3$xil # *$*f$ Aoo xT L(I dr 8e3< zo H utuoz S ; i!r,tlglo =talniJL luroiJF l|lr i, I fi$ gt Aul p oflIt :m I (fl /. ,.:.. 9t{}1t\nr}ilIM AJITJSA N ss s *ii.,t ilJ rean33 r H lgd u n[ F t uriF lr b r $Hsfi Hd + firfitt i.' qt il rv il#* :$ FIs [ fi* qEd 5h 5{H3 u 2v n?F 9H u!0 gfi D$Iil P# IP? PF $H rl)ut-oz v t-- I tf,) N \)t|s N 1997 UBC HANDBOOK 11/, tN. MtN. \ 11/2 lN. MlN. \An .t\ 1rl4rNro2 - fr |,,r,-r,*{\ |r)^ I a-.j)l/ | r-V IlH J-I I I f-l rrl2rN.MrN-J Ill 1rl4 tN. TO 2 tN.31/2 tN. MAX -F"o '^' 'o t '*' NOTE: Other shapes may be acceptable if they provide an equivalent gripping surface. See third paragraph of Section 1003.3.3.6. For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm. ACCEPTABLE SHAPES AND INSTALLANONHIANDRAIL FTGURE 1003-23 Acceptable handrail shapes and installations are shown in Figure 1003-23. 1003.3.3.7 Guardrails. Reference is made to Section 509, which contains the specifications for the installation of guar- drails. In many instances stairways are constructed in conjunc- tion with landings, balconies, porches and other building com- ponents. When those components are more than 30 inches (762 mm) above the adjacent ground level or surface below, they must be protected by guardrails meeting the requirements of Section 509. However, for the open sides of stairs, compliance with the requirements for handrail heights in Section 1003.3.3.6 is considered sufficient by the code for protection' One item olten missed when looking at these two sections is that Section 509 requires that a glazed side of a stairway be protected by a guardrail. 10033.3.E Alternative stairways. The three types of stairs con- tained in this section (circular, winding and spiral) represent somewhat of an cxception to what is normally considered as be- ing a code-complying stair. Where the typical stair is required to have treads of a consistent and uniform size and shape, these three stairs may have different dimensional characteristics from adjacent ueads and typically vary from one end of the tread to the other. The fact that these stairs are somewhat of an exception is supported by rhe language regarding the rise and run require- ments found in Section 1003.3.3.3. The only one of these stairs permitted the handrail to terminate at a starting newel or volute, which is located on the first tread. These types of terminations have been found in residences for years without a record of acci- dents or lawsuits for an unsafe condition. Having this provision codified will permit this historic practice. Handgrip size. To be tmly effective, handrails must be grasp- able.a Theretbre, the handgrip portion of the handrail must not be less than 1l/4 inches (32 mm) or more'than 2 inches (51 mm) ln cross-sectional dimension, or the configuration of the hand- rail must be such that it provides an equivalent, grippable shape. Many persons (such as small children) are incapable of exerting suflicient finger pressure on a plain surface, such as that pro- vided by a rectangular handrail, or on a handrail of larger cross- sec onel dimension. To get adequate support or to adequately grasp the handrail, it is necessary to provide those persons with the shape that the code specifies. With such a shape it is possible tor those persons to actually wrap their fingers around that por- tion of the handrail and, thereby, obtain better support. Also, in vtew of this desire to make the handrail graspable and consider- ing the requirement that the handrail be continuous, it is neces- sary to provide a clear space ofat least lll2 inches (38 mm) be- tween the handrail and any abutting construction to avoid injury to fingers. This requirement for the handrail to be continuous has generally been viewed as not only requiring a single uninter- rupted mil but has also been used to regulate the method of sup- port so that the handrail is graspable at any point along its length. R.quG*d lnlp.ct 9.h: lv.{tr..dry, Iry le, AX}{' ftrroadtbn Aru: Gr'Slblddrur: @ [JO|{S}EAD PL VAt- AilruRsUI{T7OI AFD|nfirmrthn Ac[iltrlCordTyri:cmnColtrclf,AlCcr|tC|-fr0on: so{xD1 E.W.O||(E81uccoRmt(lrcoomrcfi ADOfnO0{TO SuDfYor: Alf(/rr: bFR Silr; ESI.EDh*A.r: GG PIE*Flur:3rs33t€8383tsstr68K5lDgTlclMr.gorr nc6|.|bd lfi|o.cabolrl ]iil: q, U-DcfltllR.$r.-c trcC0fi|rcfi COilSTRUCTPII Co||rmdr: ul7oilArd$r.dTo: CO I/!B- Adton: Tlm. ErD:hncorms; rl[EUFmRArs. ceLL FoFlGmEcfiorE hsp.oilon Hlsbry hr: il, BtDgElqtreeFililng "Algutt"tlru$m-m.cbE CDAI,IEilm.nb: FLOOR,LOFTI.EI,ELFRAItrIrcCofimfib: FLmRILOFTlzlg(n lro.cbr: COAITSCoflrn-rb: ALLPiI(T|TEnWAfS Rrqsbdltnc' Pfu|: Erhd* AP APPRCruEDnt*r. (Fr00AI @0fi1t€([ q- dillfilt-Sl*l cril FRC'iIT K FORFLOOR nn \) '/ ,,tft cd'h il V ro c.lI\a'r I ,HEplbb 64 Y aH.9 k,.t 9:rfEEI0J a55869!5.9E: o 0i \ii 6 Y AE F PO> PE r5 "FbEcs U F PES :3Er''* .9 E.s €i E i* H.e I I'.!'=l:!-'=5ie-vo.Eh* tr " 9.-o o o.9 EErh l -+ /G<,J'--a s'HbEFEI'' HEEEtaq/-:bo .d q) 't'i B l'it>,ttg t6t'6 to lb0 ior I t-. I Fro : tlIItllltllltttlll I oolI roltol tlll I 't. ..1.a Fiq.) 7 l.r 0) Ij I II II I I I ,I l-ril r.lrtl -l I H 'r-! hq U o 0) t*'M ;\ krix.J U(.] I I I I I I I INIrOl9lr.lol olall\-,I (El ?6l (gl cJlel g)l vl Hl 6l\Ol ot (El (Jl (')l (./]l <l ^l PI ul (al HI c.rlF-l <l I I I I irj(n o) 'd 0l e. k 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iol(Jl (sl El EIlal (,)l -.1 '.tl-l 6l\Ol I I jj tJ il E (n (,J g 'd'd \+r Iocr IE: I Ii; I>\tr |9lql :tu IH.E ib I 3 i".F IeE { |sEi gli€e =l€d: zlEsq =leY3 Hl€5T AItr.9 X Vl ?EE€3E #lbgE FIs€8 HlbEP ;IET€ HIiiE fl 5 5.E I€3P^ |:I [ |:o:59! !EEE S -a-g g b'. x:! oE*E I.2AY, : -9 oo I 'ii' Ss'E SggI eu:a.: }JE.6 k ::F> > r z HUJ=I ( A DUUo flo trtHr{ UH ft{H Hfi frlU .B '=+.!s r-r s3t N.9 S'sLr>P-$SP.P Ll F< oo vJ {r ^' -..i s$sQ S S.R €(,)-P H* Ss,F*s .t\ LJ S .Qlr.8 Y€$pF vl tgos.s .c\ \./:s FJs F.\O = =OF*{ 'lr o "*qr-' O Project Application Dale Proiect Descrip lion: / Contact Person and Phone h'A /n4 /r. n /e, Jo Architect, Address and Phone: 2tt,/ Legaf DeFcription: Lot 5 , Btock 4 , r,t,ne CH 3l'--/ , zone - t /. t , / / I ^x. commenrs: a- /tf r art// a-..4 Zy/ /f iu4 o1 11 Cz4e-4<-rh / o z,t/ o 6'/(- trA 1s' Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by; APPROVAL D ISAPPR OVA L Su mmary: Town Planner Stalf Approval 4NTL€R ,# SA T \AIL January 9, 1991 Town of Veil Community Development Department ?5 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 8165? To Whom It May Concern: Please accept this letter as authorization for unit ?04 here at the Antlers to apply for and add up to 250 square feet of GRFA in accordance with section 18.71.030 of the Vail Municipal Code. The unit currently has 1024 square feet, and as such, the addition of 250 more square feet will not effect the parking requirements as we understand them. This addition shall not include any exterior alteration of the building. Thank you very much. Robert LeVine General Manager Respectfully, 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81657 (3031 476-2471 UPSTA I RS +-129 1 I I ,l 1 r?0" I (j )€a*t GRFA -7t7",<LJo " 8C.eAl- .t 7:d' "go': /r4'f{ 2f r'r I "e___r-t I I 16t I I I ANTLERS 704 ( PROPOSED ) scALE t" = 8', -fol1fu c'zfA t'',Zrt ,-r.*-*a Fa<'4 /l -- ^, /2G{ 38 <--1 9 3" --------------.- DOI.INSTA I RS UPSTA TRS *-129,'----> oo -r-n{tJ .los-* ANTLERS 7O4 ( EX I ST I NG ) SCALE 1" = 8' D OhINSTA I RS +63t-*, oo 1 t?o" I I t6t I I ?78._------------... ANTLERS 704( PROPOSED ) SCALE Ln = B' 1 tzo' I 6.-.? 105" I I 3...-...--..------ DOI.INSTA I RS UPSTA I RS 4NTL(R "rySA T \NIL January 14, 1991 Tolrrr of Vai I Cmmi ty Deve I op.ent Department 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, O 81657 To Whm It May Concern: Please accept Rob LeVine as the Additional GRFA for Antlers Unit agent of record on the 704 dated January 14, Application for 1991. thank you very ruuch. lin€ Oakes 680 West Lionshead Place Vail, Coforado 81657 (303) 476'2471 JLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA O FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALIOWAELE GRFA f{tLU '' ^, I 41991 Date of Appl ication-_-__-_ Date of DRB tfieeting z.t'7 / PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENC E A pre-application conference with a member of the p]anning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be add-edto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250-square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance a1lows for gg tb 250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applicat_ions for additions under this section wi'l 'l not be accepted unless theyare complete. This inc'l udes all information required on this form as well as- Design Review Board submittal requirements. ,/1A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION : //,'-r-r.n r <r.-' ti- 7o/ L-oo r-tuA t- r k{ TE frtrv-r<Ano.-l L:t-l4t-S o €vx{1-/s / r..s Vat /€A . t-o (.r- B c{'reco Rouc/7tl Z3'* /o'O €-*rc'r?, oL B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 80 L) Legal 0escription: Zone District ce L C. NME OF APPLICANT: {TS OAPN --7-I R,t -.'44 A # +./ L0t Block 2-r:lhs @i 7 ,.t ( ,,,,."t/ 'r) L,u..,, t'i- Address 2o( il. S+uvr'2r.,l l"'* Cr-,'o K t oto'r3ol^" 7rt .czr.3.'c? D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: 'Address Lgo hone { 7a-z{+/ E. NAI'IE OF OI.INER(S) : €. tJ. O,qra fiusr- ** Signature(s) nhonAddress ,',. F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at tine The following information, in addition to DRB required with this submitta'l: I. Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and mai'ling addresses of adjacentunits on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. Condominium associatjon approval ( if app'licable). Ex'isting floor p1 an of structure. Your proposa'l wil'l be reviewed for compliance with Vail's Comprehensive P'l an. of submittal /fia/ , /t r' tl / 7 t-t f - submittal requirements, shall be a fina'l certificate of occupancy. property owners and of owners ofis available from the Eagle County 4. lJ.