HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 3 LOT 3 ANTLERS UNIT 704 (2) , ' � � �����-` - Design Review Action Form � �`!� TOW�1 OF 'G'AIL Tow�v aF u1rL '' Project I'�1ame: Oakes Residence Projeei Number: PrjU�-0270 Pro�ect Description: additio� to unit at the A,ntlers Owner, Address, and Phone: Jacque Oakes 2900 Regcncy Dr. Independence, KS 67301 316-33I-8 l 38 ArchitectlContact, Ac�c�ress, anci Phone: Rob Levine 68(1 ti�'. Lions�ead PI. V�ail, CO 81657 �476-2471 Project Street Address: 680 W. Lionsheac3 Pl. Unit 704 Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 1, Lionshead 3rd Parcel Number: 210107246U68 Buildin�; Name: Anticrs Comments: 250's not allo�ved in Lionshcad� This comes out of general GRF.A pvo1. 23S sq. ft. addition Board/Staff Action Motion by: Actic�n: staff approved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Taw� Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 9-11-00 DI�B Fee �aid: $50 F'rc�ject Name: Oakts Residence Documcnt l , �,,, ° ���r� �� � � Questions? C�e Planning Staff at �+79-Z�38 ���,{ ��{' , a '"�'�� �� , '����� �#: � ,�i��,j' APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW A�PRQVAL GENERAL IiVFORMATION This app6cation is for any pro)"ect requiring Design Revieuu approval. Any project requiring design r�view rnust �eceive [�esign Review approval prior to submitting for a buiiding permit. Far s�ecific info�rnation, see the subrr�it�al rec�uirements for the particular appr�val that is request�d. The application cann�t be accepted untii all tf�e req�ired inforra�ation is sunmitted. The prajecrt may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cauncil and/or the Planning and �nvironmental Commission. �esign Re�i�w Board a�proval expires one year after fi�a! approval unless a building permit is issued and construct�on is started. _ A. DESCRIP�7�SQN OF TF6E REQUEST: z�� S.,�. ��, n'",,, r-�� '�••�%'��Y s ,...., , ��� �� --l_���.��►L'n— S�.'�s r,'j,��'�+-`;1 '�FJ Ft,� f'��tti�o�s ��Zcv3s ,�C�'''►c::'St`�—S ,�p � S'"�(Z l'�j c c;/� %I i_=T?—'2,rY'1-1�,.5� 1 —f i O °-�I L� �0 2-� �� t �"O�� B. LO�ATION OF PRaPOSAI.: LOT: -� BLQC'�: � FILING: �-'�'�'��y�'� `����� PHYSICAL ADDRESS: �`��� i�v �-+�Js i-�-:-�,� t'�, C. PARCEL #: �.i�I- 07� - 4� '�6�Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 97a-328-8640 ft�r parce9 #) D. ZONING: L�ci�SN`1.�1!a ,2�t nti2 !'v�,J E. NAME OF OWN�R(S}: �L�v� (��4 kc� — MAILINCz ADDRESS: Z.t v� �C2�-c..a c`� ��� . fr�!1�v'��,�r1�,ac�, /tS Ca � 3o I PHQfVE: � �(.•.. 3?!-�13" F. 41lVNER(S)SIGNI4TUR�(S): '��qca��� �fii«:! (3Y � L.a,'' �,,.� G. NAME OF APPLICAIVT: >�� i�-c�z5 �C..,'�J 3 5 C�_ �o �� ���,,,.,� NiAILING ADDRE55. (v�o E-e�. �c��a! �, .a- . '-, i' " • �HON�: `7�`t��L`�� ! <<, H. TYP�t3F REVIEW AiVD FEE: ❑ New Constructian - $z00 Cflnstruction of a new buildi�g. � Addit�on - $50 Includes any addition where sqvare footage is added to any residential or commercial bui�ding. ❑ Minor A[teration - $20 Includes minor changes to �uildings and site �mprovements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addi�ions, la�dscaping, fences and retaining wails, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of subm�ttal. Later, when applying for a buiiding permi�, please ider��fi/ the accurate valuati�n of th�project. The Town af Vail wiil adjust the fee according ta the project uafuatior�. PLEASE SIJ�MI1"YHIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMIENTS AND THE FE� �'O 7'H� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SO�JTH FROTITAGE ROap, VAIL, COLORAQQ $�.f�57. Far t�ffi�e Use�nl ,.. L ! f ry �`'�" f1G�r� �V� � ' ��0 Fee Paid: ♦ � CK#: ,�� By: Application E�ate: DRB eting Date: /'� - � Pre-Application Meeting Qate: `�� % Planner; project Na.: , ' � � , � �,�° °� Questions? Ca�l the Planning Staff at 479-2138 k U� .� � '� �::�.:�k..,::�~G..�..�.:`� ADDITIONS — RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL ���:'�t��` �� �1���,��'' SUBMITTAL REQUYREI�IENTS GENERAL IN��RMATION ARplican�s requesting the revFew of addi�ions which require t�e utilization of an Additional Gross Residen�ial Floor Area fGRFA) (250 ) request m�st also sr�bmit a Planning and Environmentaf Commission (PEC} applicatjon. If the addition requires an Additional GRFA request, the applicant must reeeive PEC approv�l prior ta Design Re�iew Board approval. I. SUBMITTA� REOUIREMENTS ❑ One complete set of existin floor plans or"as-built"drawings with all specifications shawn. ❑ A preliminary title rep�rt, including schedules A and B, to verify ownershi�p and easements. ❑ Cdndominium Association appro�al, (if applicab�e). ❑ Phatos af the e�cisting structure. ❑ Specifications of aE! materials and co�ors of the addition. ❑ Toao�raphic survev, stamped by a licensed surveyor, at a scaie of 1" = 20' or targer, on which the fallowing information is provided: ❑ Ties to existing benchmark, ekther LI5G5 landmark or sewer invert. ThEs information must be clearEy stated on the survey sa that all measurements are based nn the same commencement point. ❑ Lot ar�ea and if applicable, buildable area. ❑ Legal description ar�d physicel a�dress. ❑ Scale with a graphic bar scale and north arrow. � Property aoundaries to the nearest�undredth (.OL) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearirrgs and a basis of bearing must be shown. Shaw existing pins or mc�n�ments found and their reiationst�ip to the established corner. ❑ Topographic conditians at twa faot contQUr intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or rraore, in which cas�, 5' contour intenrals may be accepted. ❑ Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or rnore, as measured from a poir�t one foot above grade. ❑ Rock outcroppings and at�er significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent strearns, etc.). 0 Ail eacisting improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). ❑ Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.), centerline and edge of stream or creek, required creek or stream set�aack, f�0-year floodplain and slopes of 4Q% or mare, if applicable. i i { , ❑ Size and type o#drainage culverts, swales, etc. ❑ Exact location of e7cisting utility saurces and service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cabie TV Sewer �Gas l�elephone Water ElectTic ❑ S�ow a!I utility meter locations, including any �edestals an site or in the right-of-way adjacent ta the site. � Indicate all easer�ents identified on the subdiv�sian pfat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictiflns. ❑ Spc�t elevations at the �dge of asphalt, along the street frontage of t�e property at twenty-five foot ir�tervals (25'), and a minirnum of one sp4t elevations on either side of the Iot. Three (3� conies of the followina: � Site plan, at a stale af 1"=2C}' or larger, showing ttte�ollowing information: � Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures. Q Location of landscaped areas. ❑ All new retaining walls wit�t spot elevations for top and bottom of w�ll. ❑ Location of all re�quired parking. ❑ Indicate roaf ridge elevations with existing a�d proposed grades shown underneath. ❑ FIQOr Plans. at a scale of 1/8'" = 1' or larger (1J4" = 1' is preferred}, dearly indicating the propo5ed addition. ❑ Buil�in4 Elevatians, at a scale af 1j8"=1' or larger (1/�"=1' is preferred). ❑ If existing structure is proposed to be modified, shQw elevations of existing strueture. � Building elevations rnust be shown, ciearly in�iicating the new addition. Tf buifding faees, existing or �roposeci, are at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces as well. Show all ro4ftop mechanicai syster�s, if appl�cable. � If the +ntent of the proposal is nat clearly indicted, the Administrator may determine tt�at additianai materiais are necessary for the review of the application. 2 . ' � � I. f'R�-AP�L[CATEON CONFFR N A�rc-����lication cUnfcrcncc tivil9�7own of Vail staff'i5 rcq�iircd. No applicatton �an hc acccptcd unlcss tP�c m�ndatary �rc-a��lication mccting h35 f�cen com�lctcd. It is thc a�J�3icaa�t's respa;�5ibiliry to tichcdvlc tfti5 mccti��by caEl�f�g 970-479-2�28. 1I. TfME REOUIR�MENTS Thc Dcsig� Rcvic�v t�oard �nccts oi� thc I sE and 3rd Wcdncsdays of eacit month. A complctc aDpiication form and aIl sccompanying a»aterial i�7ust be acce�ted by the Community Develo�ment Deparime�t a tz�inimttm of,hrcc 3nd a half(3 !/2)wecks prior to thc date afthc DRB public hcarin�;. - II�. REVIEW CRITERIA Yo«r proposa�will be revzewcd fc�r compliancc with the Design Cuidclincs as set forth in Seeti�n I$.54 of the i�1ui�icipal Codc. :; IV. NOTE TO A�,L Ai'�'LICANTS; A. Tf a�roperty is lacatcd in a map�cd haz�-cl arc�(i.c. snow avalanche,rockfaIl,floadplain, dcbris. . f�c�w,�vetland, ctc},�� }�a�ard sttidy must 6c s«bmictcd and thc o�vncr must si��an affidavit fcca�Tn�zinb thc h����rr�rcport prior to thc iss�i��»cc o�a buil�ing Permit. Applicants are er�coura�ed t� chcck.vith thc �lannin�staff�rior te� sui�mitt�l ot��DRB ��plication to d�tcrminc thc.rclatiqnship of'ti�c proPcrty to .►1) ma��cd t�azards. [3. Sasic 1'1an Shcci '�armat. For a1! survcys,sitc plans, lar�dscapc plans and othcr sitc i;nprovcmct�ts �lai�s,a1E of'thc follo�vin�rnust bc sho�vn. I_ PIan shcct sizc must b� 24"x 36". For!ar{;c projccts, largcr�lan sazc inay bc al�owcd. 2. Scalc. Thc rt�inimum scale is 1"=20'. A�l p{ans n�ust be at thc sarnc scalc. . 3. Gra{�hic b�r sc�lc. 4. North arrc,�v. � 5. Titic block,projcct namc,proJcct adtirc5s anci]c�al descri�tion. G. Indication of plan �rc�arcr, address and phonc nviz�ber. ' ' � � 7. . D;3tcs of aribinal �ilau �rcparatioai�nd a11 rcvision dates. �. Vici�ity rnap or location map �t a scalc of I"=1,0{7Q' ar largcr. 9. ShccE iabc6s and ntn3lbcrs. � 1 U . A border with a minimum left side inar,�in of�.�". 1 I . Naincs of al f ��djaccnt raadways. I 2. Plan legcnd. C. For new constniction and adciitions,the app6icant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lincs, pro�osed buildin�s and bUilding corners. Al!trees To �e rerr3oved must�e ta�cd. Thc �n�.�':icant rr,tist e�slUC tk�at stakirrg done dui-in�,the�vinter is not 3�ur:ed b� s�o�v. .��1 site tapinos and stalcing must be c�nmpleted pri�r to ttie day of the DRB rnceting. � D. A�plica��ts who #tiil t�a��ear ocfore the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled meeting date and r�vho have not asked in advance Yhat discussion on their item be postponed,will have their items removed fror�ti the DRB a�cnda until such tiiile as the itc�n�has bcen re�ubiished. �. If the DRB anproacs tl�e ap�lication wit�conuitions or modificatiqns,all conc'titions oi a��roval must be re.colved�rior to the issuance af a building permit. .. �. . � � 5 �Updazed 6/97 � � • , V. STAF� APf'R�VAL • Thc r�drninistrator may rcview and approve Design Rcview applications, a�prove with certain modifications, de:�y the ap�licarion, or may rcfer the applicatioi� to thc Des�g� R�view Board for decision. Ali st��ff ap�raval5 are subject ta finad arproval by the DRB. Thc follawin�types of Desig� Rcview ap��ications may be siaff approvcd: A. Any application for an addi�ion to an existino building that is coi�sistent w�ith thc architecttual desi�, � matcrials a►�d colors of the b�silding.and ap�roval has been rcce�ved 6y a�i a�thorized mcmber of a condai��inium association, if ap�licablc; B. Any ap�lication to n7ociify an existin,�buildin�that does not signi�cantly change the existing planes of the buildin�anci is generaIly cansistent with the architectural desigi, materials and coiors flf the bt�ildzng, incjudin�, but not limited to exterit�r buil[iing finish materials(e.�. stonetivork, siding, roof inate;:als, �aint or stain,), cxtc�or lighting, canopies or a�vnings, fences,antennas,sateilite dishes, windcws,skyli�hts,siclin�,mincr commercial fac��ic improvcs��cnts,and other similar mociifications; C. Any�p�1ic��tion for site improvenzents or mo�iifications ine9udin�,but not limited to,driveway �i�odifications,sire grading,site tiva3ls,removal or modi�c3tions to exishng landscaping,installation of acccssory stn�ctures or rccreatiocial facilities. VI. ADDITiONAL REV�W AND FEES A, If this a�ptic;�tio�l requires a separatc review by any lacal, statc �r Fedecal a�ency other than t�e To�vn of Vai1, thc a�plication fce shal[ bc increased by �2�0.00. Examplcs of such rcvie�v,may incl�tcc, but are nat iinlitcd ta: Color�da Dcpartzt►cnt of Hi�hway Access Penauts,Army Carps of En�i�icers 4U4, etc. $. The applicant shall t�e res�onsible for payinb any publishing fecs�vhich are in excess o#'S0%of the applicarion fe�. If,at thc ap�licant's�equest,any anatter is postponed fon c�uing,causing the matter to be re-pu�lished,thcn thc enrire fee for such re-publication shall bc paid by thc ap�iicant. C. Applicdtions dcemcc�by the Cummtu�iry Devclap�ncnt Departmcnt to have desi�i,land usc or ot��er issucs�Wi�ich may have a si�i�cant impact on ihe con�mui�ity may require revie�v by consultants in � addition to Ta�vn staff. Should a detet�nination be made bv the Town staff that an auts�de consultant is ncedet�,the Co��l2nunity �evelapment Department tnay hire the cansulCant. The Department shall csti a;ate thc amo�nt of money neeessary to }�ay t�c consuitant at�d this amount shall be forwarde�to the To�vr� by the applica��t at the time of filin�an applicarion. Expenses incun�ed by the Town in excess af the amount f�r-warded by the a�pIication sha13 be paid to thc Tawn by the app[icant within 30 days of notification by the To��rn. Any excess fiintis r,vill be ret�ur�eci to the ap�licant�tpon review cc�mpl4tiun. Si ` 6 „ Updated bi97 . ' � � L3��F t'ROrOSED MATERIALS B[IILD[�fG MATERIAILS: TYPE 4�MA7�RIAL: ���.dR:* Roof ' � Siding Othcr 1�Vail Materials Fascia ' Soffsts Windows Window Trim Doors Dorar Trini _ . Ha��d or Dcck Rails F!«cs F'lashit�gs Chiia�ncys � Trash Enclosures � Grecnhouscs Ret�ining Wa11s Exterior Lighting** _ Other * Please specify thc manufacturer's color,ni�n�ber and attach a sinall color chip ** All exterior lightin�must meet the Town's Lighting Ordi�ance 18.54.OS0(.�. If exterior li�ting is pro�osed, �Icase indieate the nuf�zber Qf�xt�ires and locations on a se��ratc libhting�lan. Identify each��ture ty�e and provide th�hei�hf a�ove�-ade, lumens output,lununous area,and at�ach a cut sE�ect of the�ighting fixfures. � , � 2 �� Upcta[ed bl97 � � ' . R P D (' � Bat�nica] Na�lac �C'•billlll(}1�Namr Q »n �tv •7 + PROPOSED TREES AND SE-�RUBS: � EXtSTING TREES TO - [3E REMQVED: • � *Mininium�rcquircmcnts for 9anciscaping: dceidiious trecs-2 ineh calincr conifcrous trecs-b fcct in hcight shrtibs -5 g�ilons Tvr�c S�uarc Footace GROUND CQVER - SO� - - _. • . S�ETJ - - — 1RRiG.AT'IOti - TYP� OR 14tETHOD O� EROS10�1 CONTROL OT3I�R LAN�St;APe; �E;.�.TURE� (retairin��r�<iiis, fe��ccs,sw�mcning pools,eTc.) P�ease specif}+. lndicate top an� bottom ele��atioi�s o�'rctainir� wal Is. M�,ximi�i�i hei;ht of walls within the frant setLack i�� feet. tvlaKi�n�irn hetght af �vaIlS elsctivncre on the praperty is b teet. ., . � 3 �' U�idated 6/97 . . Y � � ItTILI?Y LOC,�TIOiY vERI�'ICA'I'ION �'his fom3 is to v�rify scrvice av��ilabilicy and location foe ne.v eanstructior� and should bc uscd in coniunction �vith Preparirr�yo�Er utiliry�i�n and schedufiii�instailations. The location and availabi li.ry of utilities,whether thcy be irain trunk li�cs or�rapascd lincs, must bc a��rovcu and vcrificd bythc followin�urilitics for thc aceotti��nyitto sitc plar�. Aut�arized Si�*nature � Date U.S. ��'cst Communi��tions 1-�3(10-422-1987 . . � 468-68fi0 ar 949-453(} Pt�blic Servicc Cornpany . ` 949-5781 : Gary Nall • Holy Cross �icc:ric Assoc. 949-5�39� Tcd Y.i�sky/Jc��iii Boyc� T.C.t. . �)�9-SS3U Fl�yd Sala�ar �xslc Rivcr Watcr Ez �anitatian District * 47(7-748t) Trcci Haslcc * Plc��sc brins a si#c�lan, floor�lan,and cicvations whcn obtaining U��er Eagle tilallcy W�ter&5anitatipn si�nahires. Firc flo�v ncccis iniist k�c addresscd. NOTES: l. 1#'thc utility vetification fcrn� has signatures fron�each af the utility compar.ies,and no coi��mcr�ts ar� i�tac�c direcYfy on Ef�c Sbeiii, thc�otivn tivil] presirmc that theee are nc�problems and thc dcvcto�m�nt �an �roecct9, 2. If a utiliry compz�ly hz�s c�nccrr�s with thc propo5cd cons'truction, the uti��ty re}�rrscntativc sE�all note clirectiv nn the utility verif;�ation fo�zn that there is a�roblcm �vhich needs ta be resalve�i. T}a� iss��e s;�cuici ther: be dctWifcr� in an attt�ched lr.tter to the `T'otivn of Vaif. E-ic:wvy:,�,;,;�<:se k�cp in mind tha±it is thc resporisibiEity of t�e utility c�m�any and titc a�plicant to resolvc :a.,.�•: � , . ..__: «til:�l k��v��.:._ �. _. Thes:,vcriiications do not rclicvc the contractor of Ehe res�ansibility to obtain a Public�V'ay F'e:�tii�from thc Dcpartmcnt of Public WQrks at thc 'Fown af Vai�. Utiiity locatians must be oE�tai�cd be;ore di;,�ne in any publie rig�ht-of-�vay or eascn�c�t within t}ic Town oi Vail. A buildin��erirut is not a�i�lic Wav permit and must`ue o�tai�ie�i se�arateiv. � 15� 4 '" Updated 6/g? . . � � �UPSTAIRS c i � � � i E�istin � � � a � o � oa 00 DOWNSTAIRS . '� + � � ��TPSTAIRS � �r� O `�-Fa ,� � � � s•F. �c� �'� F�'`i S �. � Remodel � � 0 c� �o 00 DOWl`TSTAIRS . ' � � w�vw.antlersvail.com MEMQRANDUM To: Town of Vail From: Robert LeVine, Generaf Manager Date: August �8, 2000 Subject: Unit 704 remadel Please be advised that Jacque Oakes, the owner of unit 704, has the condominium associatian's fuil support in tt�e remodeling of that unit. . 680 West Lionshead Place UaiE, Colorado 81657 (97i7) 476-2471 �ax (970) 475-414fi info@antlersvail.com � �v � 0 � � Q� f��- �� � � �� �Q�o� ' �� �� a �Q ���m Q ,� nw z �� �� w��Q � ---, �/ "' �� . � °ac �� s � aQ � � �� ��- . � a� � . � � �z:rz _:rz�«.�- . �� a �� , �- z � � �,' � � °i o� r W.� � � � � i � � ��� � �zH 1 � � � � O�dF�-tt1 � i � �� � � lil i �i`lC��W +-� ' ' -- - n _4 Q , � { � ^ I �I V' � � f a ' � � �' � � 1-� � �'Z t� 1 - ---tt n n � � � � � ! � . � - " ► �-� A �-l-.I �� ` ' �� � �. � � � � � zo QO '�Q Qo r �z � � ��J� �'W �� �d � Q� -. 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Land Tit�e G�arantee Compa�y YOUR CONTACTS Date. 08-31-2000 Our Ocder Number: V27(}368 Property Address: CONDOMINIUM UNIT 704, A,NTLERS A'F VA1L �uyer/$orrower: T� B�DETERMINED Seller/Owner: W.E. OAKES, TRUSTEE �F THE E.W. OAKES TESTAMENTARY TRUST If you have any inq�iries or require funkher assistance, please eontact one o£the nwnbers below: For Closing�ssistance: For Ti#1e Assistance: Vai� Title Dept. Ro;er Avila i08 S. �'RONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BUX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phone: 97�-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: ravila@ltgc.cpm ESTIMATE DF TITLE FEES TBD Commitment $I75.00 TOTA! $z�s.00 THANK Y�U FOR YpUR OW3ERI . .' � � i Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order lYo. V270368 Schedule A Cust. Ref.: Property Address: COI�'DOMINIUM UNIT 704, ANTLERS AT VAIL l. Effective Date: August 23, 2000 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Froposed Insured: "TBD" Coz�znitment Proposed Insured: TO B� DETERMINED 3. The estate�r interest in the land described or referred to in this Comrriitment and car�ered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effecti�ve date hereof vested in: W.E. OAKES, TRUSTEB UF THE E.W. OAKES TESTAM�NTARY TRUST 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as fpl�ows: CONDQMINIUM UNIT 704, ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS, VAIL/LIONSHEAI) t1CCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED DECEMBER I9, 19i2 IN BOOK Z26 AT PAGE 820 AND AS DEFINED IN CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED Iv1AY �6, 1972 Il� BQOK 22�AT PAGE 1 l9, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. . � � AL"I'A C01v� Iv1ITMENT Sche�lule B -Se�cion 1 (Requirements} Our Order No. W?7036$ The following are the rec�uirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of tbe grantors or martgaAors c�f the full consitleratic�r� for khe estate or interest to be insured. Item @) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insur�d must he execute� ancl duly filed for record, to-wit: Item(c) Payment r�f all taxes, ch�rges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item(d)A�lclitional requirernents, if any ciiselased below: THIS COMM['TMENT IS FOR INFORIv1AT10N (7NI.Y, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSIJED PURSUANT HERETQ. . i • ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B -5ection 2 (Exceptions) Our O�rder No. V270368 The palicy or golicies to �e issued will contain exceptians to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction oF the Company: 1, Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, oe clairns of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, contlicts in boundary lines, shorta��e in area, encroachments, and any facts whicla a c�rrect survey anci inspeetioc�qf the pre�is�s woulc�disclose and whiLh are not sh�wn by [he public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labar or materiai theretofore or hereafter furnished, in�posecl by law and not shown by the public records. 5_ Defects, liens encurobrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, createrl, first appearicig iiy tl�e public records or attachin� subsequent t� the effeetive date hereof but pr�or to the date the praposeci insured acyuires of reec�rcl for value the estate or in.terest or rt�nrt�age thereon covered by ihis Comrnitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments whi�h are not shown as existing liens by the public recorc�s.c� the Treasurer's�ffice. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer ct�arges, if any.. 8. In�dclition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereaf. 9. RIGHT OF FROPRIETOR OF A VEI1�T OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PE1�iETRATE OR INTERSECT TH� PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITE]� STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE ALJTH4RITY OF TI�E UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENA,NTS�JHICI-�DO NOT CQiNTAIN A�QRFEITURB OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMIT°TING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, R�LIGION, SEX, HAI�DICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIQNI�,L ORIGIN UNLESS A,ND ONLY TO THE �XTENT THAT SAID CQVENANT{A) I5 EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3C07 OF THE LTIti1ITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DC7ES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAIN5T HANDICAP FERSONS, AS CON'TAINED TN INSTRUMEN'�' RECORDED OCTOBER 18, 1971, iN BOQK 221 AT PAGE 991. 12. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CQNDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH AR� A BURDEN'�O THE CONDO�vIINIUM UMT DESCRIBE➢ IN SCHEDUI_E A. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMEN7'RECORDED MAY 16, 1972, IN BOOK 224 AT PAGE i ]t). , . � � ALTA COMMITMENT Scl�edule B -Seccion 2. (Exceptions) �ur Order No. 4'270368 The policy or policies to be issued will contain e�cepkaons to the following nnless the same are dispose�i af tv the satisfaction of the Company: 13. PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT OVER THE NQRTHV�STERLY TEN FEET, UTILITY EASEMENT OVER THE WESTERLY TEN FEET AND UT[LITY EASEMENT OVER THE SQUTHERLY FI�VE FE�T AS SHHOWN ON THE RECORI?ED COND�MINIUM MA� OF THE A�NTLERS CONDOMINIUMS. 14, T�RMS, CONDI`I'IONS ANP PROVISIONS 0�EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN ANTLERS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION AND CABLEVISION VI, DBlA H�RITAGE CABLEVISION, INC. RECORDED JUP1E 23, 19$3 IN BOOK 362 AT PAGE 244. 15. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND REST12[CTI�NS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED QiV THE RECORDED CONDOMINNM MAP OF ANTLERS CONDOMINIUMS. 16. T�ktMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF BROADBENT EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 21, 199fi IN BOOI�712 AT PAGE 12. 17. DEED OF TRUST DATED]ANUARY O5, 1973 FROM JAMES W. KUMPF AND CAROL A. KUM�F TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF DELTA MORTGAGE CORPQRATI�N TQ SECURE THE SUM OF$4Q,350.00, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED JANUARY 24, 1973, IN BOOK 227 AT PAGE 410. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS A�SSIGNED TO FIRST COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE COMPANY IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED AUGUST 12, 1994, IN BOOK fi47 AT PAGE 642. , . i • � � LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COn�IPAI`�iY DISCL,OSURE STATEMENT Required by C.R.S. 10-11-122 .h) The subject real property may be IocaEed in a speeial taxing clistrict. B) A CertiFicate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtainecl from the�County Treasurer's duthorized agent. C) 'The informatian regarding special districts anci the bc�undaries of such distxicts may be obtained from the Boarc� of County Commissioners, the County C�erk and Recorder, or ihe County Assessor. Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 rec�uires that all documents received for recording or filin� in the clerk ancl recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a ieft, ribht and bottom margin of at lease one half of an inch. The clerk ancl recorder may refuse to record or f�le any documeut that c�oes not confqrm, except that, the reyuirement for the top mar�in shall not appIy to docuaiea[s using fomas an wliich space is provided for recarding or fitlin� information at the top n�argin of the elocument. Note: Colorado Division of Insuzance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article`VII requires that '°Every title entiry shall be responsible for all matters which apgear of record prior to the tune of recorc�ing whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recorcling or fi3ing of fegal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Lanr1 Title Guarantee ComPany conducts the closing of the insured transaction a��d is responsible far recording the Iegal dacuments frozn the transactian, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative meci�aruc's lien prot�ct�on for the Owner may be available(typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Sched�ale B, Sectinn 2 of Cl�e Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued�apon compl�ance with the foll�win�caaditions: A, The land described in Schedule A of this Gommiaraent must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B. No labor or materials have been furnished by mec�anics nr material-nnen far purposes of construction an t�e land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C. The Company musk receive an appr�priate afficlavit indemnifying the Cornpany against un�filed mecbanic's and material-meza's Iiens. �D. Tlie Company must receive payii�ent of rhe appropriate premium. E. If there has been canstru�tion, i�prc�vements or major repairs undertaken on the properiy to be purchased within six months pri�r to the Date of die Com�itment, the requirernents to obtain co�erage for u�u-ecorc�ed liens wiil include: c�isclosure of certain construction information; financial informadon as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment af t�e appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any aclditional requirements as may he necessary after an examivation of tlae a#�oresaid information by the�ompany. I�To coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Nothing herein contained will be cieemec� to obliaate che company to provide any of ttie coverages referred to herein unless the ahove cvnditions are f�lly satis�ied. � � � .. �� � , �'� r .� To�r o� y�r� �� . Y � � . Department of Communily Dei�elr�pment �' 75 South Frontage Road V'ail, CQlorado 81657 97Q-479-2138 FAX 9?0-479-2452 , June 16, 2�00 Mr. Rob Levine,General Manager Antlers Condominium 610 West Lionshead Place Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: �ntlers Redeveloprnent Proiect Dear Rob, The purpose of ti�is letter is to provide you�vith written documentation of the Town's approval of the Antlers ai Vail R�.develapment project and to mform you of the revised parking requirement. On July l2, ]999,ihe Town of Vail Plannin�;&Envirortmental Commission approved your request foT a majar exterior alteration to allow for Ehe recievelopment of the Antlers at Vail. Subsequently,on March 15; 20{71�,the Town caf Vail Design Review Board granted a final approval for the design of the new building. Together, these two approvals estabiish an Approved Development Plan far the redevelopment project. The ApProvcd Development Plan prescribes t�e development standareis For the project(i.e.,building height,setbacks, density, ). On June 6,2000, the Vail Town Cnuncil adopted�zdinance No.9, Series of 2000. This ordinance amended the parkzng rcquirement scheduies for properties in tha To�un of Vail and removed language requiring a property owner to pay-in-lieu to the Town's Parking Fund for those spaces not required. The total nu�nber of parking spaces zhat are required shall be l 14. No a�iditional pay-in-lieu fees are required. Should you have any questions or concems regarding the informataon sddressed in this letter,please do not hesitate to call. You can reaeh rrie by telephone at 47�-2145. Sincerely, � � 1�"'�"" �— ' � Geor�e Ruther, AICP Chicf of Planning Tuwn of Vail ��R�CYCL6D PAPER