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� �� � Project Applicatipn �ate PrvjeCt IVB�me; .� _ ,� _ Praject DesCription: _ r - �, Owner Address and Phone: - �`- ' � _ -• ,,� { _; _'. , ' Arahi#ect Addr�ss�nd Pharae: � a; . , - - Ler�aE C�escriptifln: l,at ' , BRock . EiCing _ Zone: Zpning Apprvwed: Design Review �oart� �ate Mvtion by: � `� ��*�? ,/c��r,�:'���d, 5ecanded hy: RPPROVAL a15APPRC711AL � '� � �,��,,r:-r ,�' �— i"� �uanmary: � f ��--> � _ �' . � L ,r Zaning Administrator Chief Buildi�g C�ffieial Date: Date: , 1' Ma prlM1lfry:itl , �.� � � � Project Applica#i�rn Date �.�_- ��'7`- ii �� r � Praje�t Name; �'.% f .. _ r Prv'ect Descri tion: � , . - : , _ ;` , , �::_ , �, : ,, .• ; _,, -� 1 P i� t:!4/ C7wn$r Address and Phone: �r�� , �%. _ . '-� ' �� ! , _ _ Architeet Address and Phone: r n � t'l'� _ (/� '�r ���., �';�.� J . Legal Description: Lot ° , Block , Filing ,'-�'�'f��-� �� c�-rJ• l� �.,. 4 • � Z�r,e: Zc�ning Apprpved: D��esigr� Review Board nat� . �:; � ,�,: Mafion by: . , . t�� �, Second�d hy: APPRC]VAL []ISA�'#'RQVAL �, �, ,. ., � �--� ,r! ��� °�- - `' � 1, � ,� �,,% _ r r� !, ' ...._. �`I��c-�L.��-4�,G�� �/ „�� �?- fA .{ �� ��. �"' � �' t, �" �'� ��`�_ / ,�'��"�'�'+`i,��,� — - -3- �.�-�`e � 'r /� y/ Sur�m�ry: Zaning Adrninistrator Ghief Building Ofticial L7ate: Qate: the pnn lary.a�i �� � �. . Pro�ect Appiicat�on � Da#e _ �_r Project Name: ' _ _�is' �,'.�!-��'' i � � �' . , :.-- ProjeCt ❑esCription: ' � �- �' '�'�- ' ' . . � «i,r.�. iJwner Address and Phone: � , � Architeet Address a�d Phone: . . . � �! .� ' /^ �^r !,�' ' .:�.i� !�.4�.. - � .. '�� ✓ Legal [7escription: Lest 1 ��Bfock . , ' Fiiing _�f�' c+-'.Y• f •' _ r.� ;� °� Zor�e: Zoning A�rproved: �}@SI�II �#.'YI�W BOar� � Date Motian by: `'� !/�'�- — - - - - Seconded hy: APPR�VAL ��SAPP�i�IAAL �,'::};�;�,"r�. - r ...._.�"�+ a — _— ---� � i Summa�y: ��� � � ' � _ � � ' ,%�`�`• ' � - �,�' � , ,." � ' 1 `�i 1 '�- ' i _ _ / . . _ . , f � ' /t 1," , , � �s., , �-., , • , . r f � _ _ � J'� s'_ t" � r �l'_�'' �i. , � A � � �? /�'° � �f� ��"''�''� �l���f'-�1,�����'�f�� . � , . F �_ . ; , � �t � � � � � �� �� "�; ' �Zoning Administrator Chief Buildln� Official Date: `� � Date� , fi Iha prinlsry wa�V • • . TOW�V OF YAIL �� 7S S�utb Frontage Road De�artment of Community Development Yaif, Calorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 June 30, 1993 Mr.Roberto Solis Castillo Vosque de Duraznos No.65-948 Vosque de Las Lomas 11700 Mexico D.F. Dear Mr.Castillo: I tvanld like to apologize for taking so]ong in responding to}�our[etter. We ha�'e been extremely busy with construction requests. In}�our letter}�ou stated that}�oU�:•ould like to continae with�he conversion of S�our garage in unit bA at ihe Millrace Condon�iniums in Vail C�. ITnforiunately this is not possible at this iime,for a number of reasans. Some of the reasons are as follo«�s. 1. The Ton-n of Vail requires that in condominium Buildings,the condominium associat3on must appro��e ihc plans for any changes to the Building.This���as denied according ta Rosanne Slalter, agent for the Millrace Condo Association. 2. The Ta��n of Vail Planning Department has not re�aezti•ed the plans to see if the parking requiremenls for Millrace u�oe�lci al(otiv the remor•al of parking spaces. In addition,an amendrnent to the approved plan for the Special De��elopment District ti�•ould need to be approved by the Plaru�ing and EmlronmentaI Commission and To���n Council. 3. The remodel and change of use that has occurred n�as performed without proper plan check and permits.You are in direct�7olation of To��n af Vail la���s.These may be subject to fines and other penalties according to law. For these reasons the Ton�n of Vail cannot grant permission to continue�.7th the constru�tion of your unit 6A at ihe Nfiilrace Condominiums. In addition. 3�ou are being instructed to hire a licensed contractor in the To�cn of Vai3 to obtain a perit�it to remove tha poriion of��-ark that has already been completed. It must be restored to its original I condition,no later then July 30th, 1993 or I�i711 ha�•e no choice but to take further legal actions. If }�au need further in1'ormation please don't hesitate to caIl me at(303)479-2135 � ce �/'�/ � ' i G r'�'� �!'-,---,�r�� ary Mafrr m Chief Building O�cial c.c. Miss Roxane Slaiter Larry Esk���th Kristan Fritz � ` ` +� � ,�U�.�.t� ��-�-t.� MEMO Tf) F'�LE � �, .: I fs � TU: BUIL�JING P��AiYT #�� ���r�� — I�JC.i_.LL�f� I��l'���iC�.�i�-��� �]ATE: E7�CEMBER 9, 1�9 3 F2,E; �XP IRED PER.r4ZT FROT•'i: GARY MURR.A�N, CHIEF BU�LI3Ii�iG 0�"F�CIAL THIS ��R.''IIT HAS $EE� V�QII?EL} FER SEC 3€l4(d) �� TI�E �.991 U.B,C . EXPiRATI�IV �F �LAN REVIEi��d. lUOT� -- CDPY t]F PEFiMIT TO BE '�EPT ��V JC?BSItE ��.--�'T;��,;�� � 1'LAhI S I���o-�.._ -��.. �. �C�NSTRUCT�C}N PERMIT DATE I�u oi� ��� ��, ���z ��578� ��---��;; - ���� � ra� l.TYPE C}F CQhGSTR{1CTIDM R �� ii� i u v PERMIT N0. -- d@�CLTC4�flx O�CDfi'lfT1UIlII]/C�BV$IOpIT6�'flt � t?C:CUPAhICY GR'QLtP A €3 E H I R Ni @UlLbIIVG ���QQ Ti3 BE FILLEf]�L1T Cf}h�1PLE'f ELY f'FiIC}Fx TC7ISSUAiVC.E C1�FEfiMIT ❑fVfSlOri! 1 � 2� 3 4 Q �LECTRICAL 1*(�()(] GFN�f�AI. UFSC�IF'TI�pN OFW4RYi: � PLUMBIMG TYPE 7�P�RMIT KHM[�I�EL T[� FTR�PL,i�C� NA6ADF� PER � X3� 'BUILDING ` PLl1M8kf�G PLA�'f5. � �tE�HAN�CA� � F..LECTRlCAI. r ' FCJUiVDATiC�N TUTAL X�k� 4,C�OQ _- MECHAh11CAL ; �31{] W�ST]iAVEN 17RIVE rvPE �ROUP � r��n vatu�arie�N PERMiT FEES LEGAL L�TUNIT 2-E ��K � R Q 4,'�'D� �3�nLCtlhlGP�RMIT $5 DESC_: FILING ,"���LRt1,CE C4NDD. PLAK GHECK ��j JOBNAM€: KAYE REM�DT�EL W E�E�r�icn� 5Q C7�IVI'�ER �qME ����� �L���� NEW� 1 AI.TEFtATI[7N,�(1'a�I ADbYT3dNAL� , ftFPAI i � PLUMBING 1476 k'ES'CH�1V�N DR -� - F{11AILA�bf��S�a [��vrF1.L�f4G�JNli� --- A FAO�bAFIONlJN17'� . ME�:TIAIVI�I�L VATL 476-b1{}6 � CITY PH r��IC�HIiNF? �w � !iiE LACES __ RECREATIOhfFI�E �I�.HL�iF',I� S:`SL��EFi INSUL{��I(7h1 TYPC •� },I{" i4ES5 R-VkLLU� ARCFiIT�CT FIRM _ C7ESIGN RE+JIEW BOARD Ft[}f]R MkILAC1D�jE55 $C]X f)�� —_- _ ,.+�. - --- - — ---�- '` Cl.EAN UPD�POSiT �OI} CITY ���N, GO PH �Jt��—(79Q f-xr wn�.�5 r O�E __ — - p -- � USE TA7( FQCJF �" Fi�M CCIHEIV CONiT. , I�C. -_ - --- - -_ - - GE�IERAL -- -- ivNE � c; CC7NTRRCTf?R Tqwrv�� vpi� aE� nro. 123-13 �� - •- TOTAL PERMI'T F�ES $ �90 r���. 827-5739 ��aT � '�`� o � -- -- DAN S'�AENK (1CT 15, 1992 ���M ADC7fTI01V PE MITS ECS • BUILDIMG QFFfCIAI� � � � i flATE T � �ECr�iea�� —� ���T�a� No P�n�u�v�:� ONTRAGTOR TC?WN bF VAIL REG. MC}. �7 GU7 � i N C}lvdM�Af}MIh115TRATCIR — � — i?ATE� r�p�E. ��n�rir�� — - - � � Sh'fQKE I71:`I'FCT�RS RE �I�_ zar+in�� a �u���ir�c r�orES. '� �i�� - �_--- — TN ALL BEDRQ(3hiS A:VD NALI,S RS PE� SECTIf71� �na�cir�� PL�1I�IBING -- .- - � l2.[]4, l�ll UB�:. FT.FLll INSPEC'�F(}N REQUI[�. TC}WIV OF VA1L fiEG. NO. ��r,�;; CO�ITRACTOR A ��� F4R C(�DE CCl?tP�.lA�CE:. 7ELE �� I hereby acknowledge that I h�ve read this application, filled �rut irr iull the i�farmatic�n required. MECFiANICAL c�mpleted �n accurate plot �lan, and s4ate that all the inforrnatian {�ravided as required is caerect. I C£�hlTRA�TQR 7Owht dF vA��REG. nr�. agree ta c�,rnply wit� the information and plot �lan. ic� c�am{�ly with all Tawn ordinanc�s �nd state 7ELE. 13W5, ar�c� k� t�uild this structur+� accarc�ing to the Town's zvning and subdivision codes, design review appraueci. Un�farm B��iEd�ng Code and other qrdinances of the Tawn �pplicab�e theret�. 07FlER �iR� � CI..I�;AN UP TC1: C(}�IEIv COL�ST. T'ONJP�f3F VAlL REG hlCl - - - PI} $(�1X $3� SIC=NATURE QF QWNER CJR GO�ITRAGTC}F# FC_]f� HtM5ELF CC)fVTRACTC}R T��E. V'I1�I.' C{} $1(��$, RMD THE �JNIM1fER. � � - . �' � ��r'�4 �?��,y�, �`z��c�� — �s� s , ��b� wc�.� � � - �h��c�__� , ;�����_ � ��� �ou ��.� . O���� - '��U�� C��'�_��eJ � �;,� \ � ��.. �. � ,` � I � � � � ` . . ��.�tU� � . � MEMQRAN�UM TO: Town �ouncil FRaM: CQmmurai#y Gerrelvpm�nt t7epar�m�nt []ATE: Nvvemaer 5, 1'�91 SUBJE�T: Rer��:este� am�ndmen# to SI�� Nn. 4, Cascade Vi6fa�e, ir� 4rder #o change th� deve[�pment pia� fc�r MilJrace fV in Area A �vi:�ec�•r ^rsewcr . . . �si .9}�<?S f�#G"' 7F�.. 3 TF l R'RF'�Fi'l1G7C,t�.e/3 �'�' . � � . .. rf�;x. �� .. . � �. t � ifif�,r,.�t�`k� +. ��+.'�+?�3S+t�+� . �; t�..�m� y.�S+:txcbaah�,e�-�.r�a,aca � . .,�.h �ri,4us��. � . , � a ��,t ;>IarCr7°,�;tk... if:C,{2'��{a?$�a:.nd�. ,��a�W,u t t � ��o�+.xt�9G;v.4n+..:i..a�.,4F n�wn.w,w'```.vrr>"...�v..x.�rl.'s:su'�r'.�.ws.T'.vw.. . A b} 3 .. ......,. ., �... .., . .t,.... ,,......a,�x.ss�#u.cuo�' 'o-xi��..�...,�.�,n.F✓, The ap�licant is request�ng to amend the developmer�� plan fvf SDD Nv. 4 tc� �hange t�e cfe�eia�ment plan fvr the Millra�e 1V area �alkla Cosgriff parcel). This pr�p�rty is locat�d between the Wes#in �uildirtg and Millrace I ar�d II al�ng Gor�e Gr�ek. Ve�icular ac�es� w'sU � provided �y an existing access easement acro�s the M�Ilrace d�evelo�meni. C7n Qctaber 28, 1991, the �I�t�ning and Environmer�tal Commission re�iew�� this r�qu�est for an amendm��t to SDD No. 4 which included a decre�s+� in �nits ana �v�rati GRFA. The propos�l cai�s aut fc�r � dweffing �ni�s witti a total GRFA of 10,454 sq. fit. Each urait will have at �ea�t � en�lased parking space with 2 units having 2 en�lose� spaces. There are 2 s�enaric�s approved for tttis site in the existing development plar�. aGenaria 1 al�ows $ ���velfir�g unit� with i 1,2D(3 sq. ft. af �RFA and 16 re�uired parking spaees w4ti� a,t least 12 enelosed spa�es. Scenaria � ailows fc�r 32 accommadation units with 14,44� sq. ft. �f GR�A tv � attach�d to th� Westin wi#h parking pr�vided in the CascadeNVatertord stTUCtu��. The a�plicant wisl�es to maintain ScenariQ �, 3� A�°:� F�d arnend Scer��r�o 1. Scenario 2 relies upon parking be��g pro�ided in the Waterfor�,'r.�s�ad� structure. In the mema tv the P�C, dated (�ctober 28, 1991, page 11, Sect�Qn I, it is stated that: "ThFS r�quest will �nvt affect the phassng plan far this SDD. Because the prap�sal provides parking vn-sit�, tF�e develvpm�nt vf this site will nv Ivnger dep�nd can the GascadelWaterfard par4�ing struc�ur� as previau�ly a,pPrca�ed ir� S�nario 2.' . Scenar's� � w�[I still be dependant upon parking in the CascadelW�terfoed s#ructure. If Scer�ario 1' i� constructed as prvpvsed in tt�is amer�dment, the phasing a�t the entir� SDD wiil not be affected. In reviewing this request, the PEG and �ta�f cor�side�ecf the relationship of t4�i� parti�uEar project ta the rest of the SC�Q. Previously, #t�e undevelap�d pr�perties for SQ� Na, 4 w�re cvn#rvlled by a �ing�e entit�r, Vail Il�ntures. Currently, th�ey ar� held hy � number of different entities a� a resm�lt of the bankruptcy of Vail Ver�tures. Th+e staf# ar�d PEC finds that, since d�r�elopmer�t rights wer�e esta�Fish�d irt a campre#�ensive manner tor the entir� SDD rather than site by site, it will be n��c�ssary to req�air�, �t this time and in ihe future, th�:t e�c� irdi�'rdual d�velaper r�au�stin� amendm�r�ts make aff-site imprcavements that will imprave the praject as � whoNe. I I � � � � . . !� � The staf# recommends approval of the SDD major amendment ar�d minor subcfivision request with the condifions stated in the memo ta the PEC dated October 28, 199i. The PEC unanimously approved the minor subdivision requsst. The PEC recommer�ded roval of the �P SaD amendmen# ta the Council by a vote of S-0, citing the s#aff memo wit�► the following conditions in additian to those listed in the memo: 1. Improve the sauth and west property fine lar�dscape buf�ers. 2. The DRB should review the architecture ar�d landscape plan further for compaiibility with the surrounding areas. 3. A landscape plan for the area north o� the Cosgriff property should be submitted by the applicant and the adjacent property owners to the Design Review Board for review. 4. No credits (vverlapping stairs, mechanical, etc.) should be giver� for the project. I � � i � � � i . . 1 �, a . + � � M��Q�RAaVl3LJ�i TC3; Flanning and �nv�ronmental Cornrr�ission FR�QM: Cvmmunicy �evelopmenr Deparm�ent L]A'I`E: l'��ctober �8, 1991 SU'BJ�CT: A request fc�r a zninar subdivision and maj�r amendment to Special Develapment I�istrict No, 4, Cascad� Village, Mallrace IV, ta appmve a deVelvpm�nt pian, generally lc�caced s�uth of Millrace CandQminiums and r�vest vf the VVestin Resort, �J'ail, and m�re sp�ci�cally d�scribed as f�ilows: A p�rr af the SW '/� 1'�E �/, S�cr�on 12, Towriship 5 5, �ange 81 W a� the 6th principal meridian, C�aunty of Eagle, State of Colc�rad�, descri{aed as follows: fleginnin� at a p€�int whenee an 'rra�n pin with plastic cap rnarkin� the center of said Secti�n 12 bears S 42°S+0'1�3" W 6�i9.34 ft: thence S $5°43'1�" E $9.84 ft: thence � 57°25'3+�" E 1b9.4b ft: thence S 3Z°S9'�U"' E 141.47 ft: �henc� S �5°31'36" W 95.0� fc: x��r�ce S 69°01'36" yV lf}3.�2 ft: thence N 23°24'D9'° W 319.� ft �o Che pt�int of o�ginning. Applic�nt: East-West Partners Planner: SheIly �"Ie110 I. DESCRIP'TI�:� [�F T��E REQllEST The applicant is requesring a majvr amendment to S�ecial T7ewelc�prnent D4stricc (SDI7} N4. �, Caseade V illage Area D to allow b dweliing units with a ma.acimum of 9,6�0 sq. ft. af GRFA on the G�sgriff prc�perty, a�so known as I��illrace N. A minar subdivision has a�sc� t�en requested �s p� of this progosal. The parcel is bound by t�e Westin Hc�tel to the east, �illrace, Phases I, li and III to� the north and west and Gvre �Creek to the soe�th. Gurrently, an eVent tent and rrolleyba,ll caurt ar� lc�c�ted on the property and wo�ld be remc�wed if this request is approv�ed. T7�e par�el is 1.QS acres, or 45,738 sq. ft. and was �oa�ed as an SDD frarn the time it was annexed into the Town Q#' VaiT in 19?4. Ac�ess ta t.�is prop�erty is gair�ed thrc�ugh an e�sement ac�rass the existing Millrace ,�roject. ChiginaIly, thi� parcel was tv b�e de�el�ped with the �arri� �esign cancept as Millraee. The praperty has since chang�d c�wnerst�ig and the current owner dc�es noz wi�h za continne the Millrace develapm�nt cc�ncept. 1 . - - � . � • � • . The applicant is not requesting any additional density over the two development scenarios originally approved for this parcel. The overall GRFA wi11 be 1,550 sq. ft. less than what is currently approved for the 8 D.U. scenario and 4,350 square feet under the approved 32 A.U. scenario. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The development plan for this pazcel allows for either $ dwelling units with 11,200 sq. ft. of GRFA ar 32 accommodation units with 14,000 sq. ft. of GRFA . The current proposal � includes 6 dwelling units with ttte foliowing: � TOTAL � Na. of Units GRFA* G�e Unit Type A 4@ 1,567 = 6,268 (4) 1-caz @ 281 = 1,124 Unit Type B 1@ 1,700 = 1,7�0 (1) 2-caz @ 423 = 423 Unit Type C 1 �n 1,682 = 1,682 (1) 2-car @ 423 = 423 TQTAL: 9,65U 1,970 � * GRFA calculations exclude overlapping stairs and alI mechanical areas. � Comparison of Appraved and Proposed Development Plans � Apprvved Approved Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Proqosed Density (# of Units) 32 AUs S DUs 6 DUs Total GRFA 14,OOQ 11,200 sq. ft. 9,650 sq.ft Credits(GRFA) None Overtapping stairs Same as Scenaria 2 and mechanical not counted; 300 sq. ft. garage credit per parking space (in aCCOrdanCe with previous multi-family GRFA regulationsl . J -- Height 48 ft. 48 ft. / 34 feet max. Setbacks None b0 feet from exis�g_San�as�� � Westin/CMC Bldg.; Scenario 2 I SQ-foot creek � setback � 2 � � � � � • . � � . � � Site Coverage 35% 35% 14% or 6,600 sq. f� Landscaping 50% 50°lo C�°lo (includes area extending into Gore Creek; does not inciude any hazdscape) ParkiRg 26.8 within Cascade 16 spaces 12 requi�d Waterford Structure (75% Enclosed) 19 proposed (8 enclosed or 6b%, 11 surface) III. BACKGR�UND When the development standards for this parcel were approved, no development plan for the 8 dwelling unit scenaria was submitted. At the time, the staff was concerned with the groposed density of 8 units witl� 11,200 sq. ft. of GRFA. It was approved with the understanding that a site specific proposal would be subrnitted at a later time to determine the feasibility of the scenario. The staff feels that the current proposal, which includes a decrease in GRFA and densiry is very positive. � N. SPECiAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CRTTERIA T'he critezia ta be used to evaluate ttjis proposal are the 9 Special Development District (SDD) development stanclards set forth in t6e special deveiopment district chapter of the Zoning Code. The criteria are as follows: A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate enviranment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative #o architectural design, sea�e, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual �, integrity and orientation. i The applicant is proposing b dwelling units (2 free standing units and 2 dnplexes) with 1- and 2-car garages. The materials and color scheme are sirnilar w that of Millrace and the Westin. The proposal includes a conrinuation of the paving application ased at the Millrace development. T'he applicant proposes to use the color scheme and railing design of the Wesdn for the proposal. The staff finds that the architectural design and site planning treatanents are compatible with tt�e surrounding areas. The proposed site plan with detached units and varying orientarions, along with the height reduction from 48' to 34', will maintain the views af the surroundi�ng properties. 3 � } � � . . . . . , The project placernent will not a�peaz as a °wall of building" frorn tt�e adjacent recreation path because of the orientation of ihe units. The staff finds thac the recreation path is the only area from which the general public may view ihe project and it is critical that this elevation be broken up as it is proposed. Retaining walls will be necessary along the entire east pmperty line. Boulders with a stepped planting area are propQSed and the averall wall heigt�t will be a maximum of 12 feet. The wall is bmken down into two 6-foot sections separated by a pianting terrace. A portion of the boulder retaining will remain. A portion of tt�e reiaining � will be necessary in order to provide the 3 proposed guest paziang spaces. If this parking were not provided, the malcimum wall height couid be substantially teduced. Staff fmds that, with adjustments in the landscaping plan to grovide evergreens in front of the wall and on che first terrace of the wall, the boulder design is acceptable. An easement to allow the grading and retaining on the WesEin praperty will be necessary prior to any DRB approval. . � � i 4 ! � _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ � Ce�l�,red Cancrete bnveways '-� � �'1�`����� � Piant NAaterial Legersd � W!giid patfern � '3� n,�er�, �t-� , � ` Existing`frees 1 Plan� Materials "°``, � _ — Nalive Grasses �� y� G�k�rec&s Blue and G,eeen Spruce ��� � '�+ " CaEI[snw�U[f � � ,�PYanl Mater�a!Screen � {;4nC;fB1C B31'td l--� �r `� � n �� �' ��'^". A5�38n [lra�nat�e Swale � '� - _ +- x d � "�-' ��,�� The Westin kiotel ! 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G� I �� ' � � � ` .r' ���� � FS ' � ..� .�r�`'� \ �-- ;..�.:.Y... � ___.,, ,� � � . ., 1��ti-I EL.C'1/�AT�OY,L �iJ11-I L°l.�"VAT�GF-� o•�•I� i SCa�.t. /6"a l''O� RoviaeQ ' Shaetlia, � � _ . . B. Uses, ac�ivity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workab�e relationship with sarrounding uses and activity. The proposed low densiry housing use is compatible with the surrounding area and is in keeping with the ariginal approved develapment scenario. C. Co�npliance with parking and foading req�iremeRts as outlined in Chapter I8.52. The €otal parking requirement far this projecc is 12 spaces. The proposal includes 8 (or 66% of requined) enclosed pazking spaces and $ surface spaces dedicated to the lg dwelling units and 3 spaces dedicated to guest parking, for a total of 19 proposed spaces. There will be 7 parking s�aces provided over the required amount. Each individual dwelling unit will meet its parking requirement of 2 with at lEast 1 enc�osed space. The percentage of enclosed parking is less than what was previously required. ' The staff feels that, with a�equate landscaping, this is a better salution because of the increased mass, which would be necessary to enclose the 1 addidvnal parldng space needed to meet the 75% enclosed parking requirement. After discussions with adjacent property owners on the lack of available guest parl�►g, the staff recomrnentis that 2-3 guest parking spaces be provided. The appIicant is providing 3 spaces. Additional retaining m the east of the guest parking will be necessary in order to accommodate these spaces. Two G-foot boulder retaining walls with planting incorporated are proposed. With the landscaping adjustments as previously discussed, we fe,el the impact wiIl be limited. D. Canformity with applicabie elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town poiicies and Urban Design Plans. There are no elements of the Town Comgrehensive Plan, Town Policies and Urban Design Ptans applicable ta th�is project. When the Cascade Village d.evelopment was proposed, there was a comprehensive plan developed which provided a balance of long- and short-term housing. The proposal far 6 dwelling �ts is in keeping with , this development plan and, in staff's opinion, is a more appropriate density for this property. The sta£�req�ests that the PEC cansider requiring 1 cazetaker unit for the project However, this is not a staff requirement for approval of the request, as the project is reducing the number of units and GRFA allowed. 9 � � , _ s E. Identification and mitigatior� of nataral and/or geol�gie hazards tF�at affect the pro�erty on which the special development district is proposed. The pmposal comglies with the Town's floodplain and Gare Cre�4c setback requirements. There are no other hazards on the property. F. Site plan, bailding design and loea#ion and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development res}�onsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the commanity. The proposed development is located on the north end of the property away from the cree�. There are eight mature evsrgreens on the site which are proposed to remai,n. The staff feels that the preservation of these trees is essential and special care must be taken to insure that they are saved. There is limited existing landscaping on the remainder of the pragerty which includes a few stands of aspen and 3-4 srnall evergreens. The applicant is proposing 45 new aspen, 11 cottonwood, 5 flowering crabapple and 25 spruce (6-12' in height). The staff finds that the proposed landscape plan along the north and east property lines provide a sufficien� buffer for the adjacent properties. However, we ask that a portion of the proposed landscaping located o� top of the berm, to the east o£the guest parking, be relocated to the bottom of the berm to better screen the necessary boulcler retaining walls. ShouZd any of the proposed evergreens or retaining wails on the east property line encroach on the Westin's praperty, approva� of their Iocation by the Westin wili be necessary. The staff feels that the landscaping plan should be revised for the areas along the west and south property lines in order to create a stro�ger buffer hetween the adjacent progertiss. The DRB will review this plan and will give further direction to the applicant on this issue. G. A circulation system rlesigned for both vehicles and pedestri�ns addressing on and off-site traftic circulation. A 20-foot roadway with a cul-de-sac at the end will provide access ta thE units. This praposal has been approved by both the Town's Fire Department and Public Works Depanment. Access easements are provided across the Millrace pmject for this parcel. Slight adjustments to the legal descripdon of this easement will be necessary in order to abtain proper aligncnent between ihe existing raadway on the Millraee property and the proposed roadway for this project. The applicant will be required to record these adjustments with the Eagle Counry Clerk and Record.er's office prior to the release of any building germits for the project. i 10 . . ' � � , H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to o�timize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. The applicant is propasing that the 4 mature evergreens in the area of development remain and the other four adjacent to the creek wiil be undisturbed In additivn, ttie staff reqnests that a revised landscape plan be submitted ta the DRB which buffers the project from the rec�ation path and Millrace developrnent. Views fram the surrounding properties will be maintained because of the low base eievation and height of the prapased projecc in relation tv the base grades and heights o£ the surrounding projects. I. Pf�asin� plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional � ' and efficient relationship thcougi�out the develo�ment of the special development district. This request vvill not affect tt�e phasing plan far this SDD. Because the pmposal provides parking on-site, the development of this site will no longer depend an the Cascade/Waterford pazking structure as previausly approved in Scenario 2. In reviewing this proposal, the staff found that there are deficiencies in landscaping within the boundaries of SDD #4. We find that it is appropriate to require additional "off-site" ixnprovements with the approval of tt�is project Upon review, we feei that 15 {6-10') evergreens should be installed by the applicant along the South Frontage Roaci, adjacent to the north of the Cascade Club building. We feel that this landscaping would benefit the public appearance of the SDD, The staff will coordinate with the Colorado I]epartment af Highways an this issue. We also believe that 5 evergreens should be installed to the south of the Westhaven Aparnnent faundations (the Ruins). V. MINOR SUBDIV�SION . The staff has requested that the applicant complete a minor subdivision for this pmject to clarify the status of the parcel. The Cosgriff pazcel is called out in the SDD by legai description. There is no record of the parcel being fozrnally platted, although the houndaries are set by virtue of being surrounded by platted parcels. VI. STAFF REC�MMENDATIQN The staff finds that this request meets ihe purpose and criteria sectiens of the SDD zone district. Staff feels that this request to decrease numbezs of units, GRFA and site coverage is an appropriate plan for the parcel. The architectural and site elements are compatible with the surrounding area. We find tt�at the amount of landscaping is appropriate, but wonld request the DRB review the specific locarions of t�e plant materials in order to c�btain the �� � � I � � , r maximum amount of screening. Some consideration si�ould be given by the PEC tv the provision of restricted employee housing on the pmperty in conjunction with the proposal (i.e., a caretaker apartrnent). However, because the proposal does not request additional density or deveiopment rights, the staff feels that it is not appropriate to require employee housing as part of the proposed praject. The following are conditions applicable to the staff s recammendation of a�proval: 1. An easement from the Westin which aliows encr+oachments of grading and boulder retaining walls onto their properry must be seabmitted prior to DRB review. 2. Aggr4val of deck encroachments into the sewer easement from the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sa�itarion-District prior to DRB approval. . 3. Final approval of grading be re.�eived from the Town Engineer prior to Design Review Board approval. 4. Adjustments be made to the access easement across the Milkace project and chese changes be recorded with the Eagle County C7erk and Recorder prior to the reiease of any building permits for this project. 5. 15 (6-10') evergreens be installed along the South Frontage Road. adjacent to the Cascade Club building, and S (6-10') evergreens be installed tv the south of the Westhaven apartment foundations adjacent to Westhaven Drive. CDOH approval will be necessary ro instalt trees along rhe Snuth Frontage Road. If CDOH approval cannot be vbtained, then 10 t6-10') evergreens shvuld be installed adjacent to the Westhaven Apartmecats. � 6. A minor subdivision plat must be recorded with the Eagle Counry Clerk and Recorder prior to the release of any building permits. __ _ _ _ __ c�pec�nemos�cosgriff'.o2R � , 12 ,� x-- �. � . . . � � . Pr�oject Ap�plication C7atB 'f tr Prvject hiame: _ , Prafect Qescriptian; Contaet Persvn and Phone , ____: __ - _ ' Uwner, Addre�s and Phane: ����;' • _ �_ - - Architect, Address and Phone: ' L�gal pescriptir�n: Lot B�ock � � ,� �iling , Zvne Camments: Des�gn F�eview Boarti �rate Motion by: 5�cc�nded tsy: APP�d�VAL C}15APPRQVAL " '��'1 � � � •- -- � J' � �i -� i �umrn�ry: _ �`�� � �,�°'�`u�L�� � ( `���v-� � �k+� 'e� ���- �.� � � - � ° }� 6 � - �--1 _ � � � � , ,, _ � ' �- - # a ',� i .'! �. � Tciwn Pf�i�ner Q'eStaff Approva! J� / �t Date: � x, I , ��a�uy:m�� . � � � �l�[;�1 I,E'i'1 1[:tr�,I I t.�.'w ` Fc�t f'a �d � --- - - - - , ----------- � i��i c I«snic �at I'�°t,jcG� Mi 11 t�ace Cc,r�dc����j ni u��,s,_�h�s� _I'��;d I 1 t�t-sE��c r�f- �'��,-{.��i7 ��.�b�i�i tt i r�� ��Qf�T��_ FISHEE� A�t�QL�.- r�IA_�__ t'i;rrr7� _ 47�6-'�1��� Lnt:��ti c�n of f'r�.ljc'ct Casc�c��_V7_l_l�,c�- (����--_____ _____ D�,s,c r i�,��c�r7 Cti� �i"{��;i�c t _�?f�as_e L-=-l+� lJia3 t G�n�i�?l�i�r�i u��_P��,j e�L__�.___e�, - - -- -Phase_II_ -__14 �_4�i t Condnminiurn_ Fr�ect � _ _ 7ftic `�c,� l��.ri�o�� �r�rc;r�:�::�:.�cin �s rt��:�ui � c�c! fc.lr� si�r,,-�i t.L�,� t�y tl}� �ppi icant iC7 �.�I(' �i'; IC;!1 {i;.'1'1{.;'! i�.lilZ"'[� �ll`'il7!"{:' �l i1C'Ir7� i1j��1,T"0`t':l7 Ci.'Tl �SC' �1V�fl. �;t;� tir����.�; t�,.�� i���= ��� ���.o�. � � . ll. Sic��z I�t!'.{_�µ i{�l . �lack_�1et�i - --- --- - - G , --- ---- - --—- - -- --- - - -- - - - -- - - - - — -----_ -- '� ��, []��scri�,t i�n t�f S ;gn _rrid.iyi_dua�_ 3.e�ters_to�.be mounted_on s�:uccaed --- -.�Q.fLC�"��£'...�.]�Ch_�Tltx'� Wd� �.5 __ e- - - _,_��_- _ C. Si�e ��t 5�i _n,�ti _ ���_�r 4a1_._�ize sign�__at. ap�raximately �.5 sq, ft•._ �dC�l. [). �C�i3l'1iL';I t 5 Iii±lf�'.'1:'.M =� �t'!':�;? ! II i1 °,'11i� +�.�'i': !�F,! �(l;M ] . �� t.c� I"3 �:ir X 2. I'�'��ti:i���,�< <.f�c,��,�� ��;� c°>.�si�t ?t�,.��t ic��� . X_ _�._� ,7, r�itil� flt�lci���l: S�lCJ'�;11;f] �}I'i1}ii}.".r`.� �(J: il( liF!} _ �� . �IL'V Ifel1 ;. f 1�11 • t"� . �' � - �.t77{ll'i ii '.:�<'.��. ,rl',!4i11]�] _.- -=Y,_ ___ �. �'�1{13{}i�1',l+r�! [11 '.,.1��I•i _ - _ - • -�--__..._� ._.�—.,._..-- ---- - - --- `,1r,11 fi � ,1i„c ��'.11t'T' Ii�s},� n���•c3 f rt' l�1:i's ;ii' i,�i i 1�1 -- -- _ 1?i �.���l��t'tsti�;��l t c,ti- 1�1�1: .�,�l�.�a i i 1�i ! ... _ _..---- ihl�Ri� f..� . ir � .� Y'�I� �Ft' ----- � �'- v� a I � � �a�.c�amir�iums �N!; 4, �, �, 7 � �—�'w �v� � , a�_ .�a ,w----- � . MORTER FISHER AFiNOLD, AIA A PFiOFESSIOFIA� CORPORATION FOR ARCHITECTURE � CROSSROAD6 AT VAIL 143 EAST MEADpW Dq1yE . VAIL, COLQRADp $1857 303l476-5t05 f ♦ ' . , � � �y_ }� � � . SIG��C f+1'EaI. I{:P►i ]��i� • f�c'�� �'c 3 d � ---- ---_— ___--- ._.__��_____._ __ _ + p.�1.c l;a�.se �of f"r`c�,j��s:t N1i11race Condr�m3n�ums Ph�se I� anri II r,�,�.��� ��f r�f,�.�,��, �t,t�;�„ t���g t7��T�__Fisx�� �r�oi�.-��----- r�ti���e ���5105 P c,c �,ti�sr� ��f �'x�c�j��ct �a_�c�� Vi11Gc�e_ (5D4��._� ------ -�... � f)��sLri},ti c�n c��- f`R ��,���c� _�h�s_e . I -_I6 Un_it l;and�mti.ni�r��_Pr-�,lec�_�_�— ---� -- - - - - _Phase I I. -_ 14_ Un i t Cr�n�Jnrni ni um Prs�,jecr_ .__ .� ��1� I.]] ��,1llw'I 111{�(iP�: �:L_1C�Cl 1 �. T #'��.; i 1 ,_:� �U1° `_,Ii�Dd�� i t.4� �1�` f.�iL E7�7�� '�Cr"i�t �C� �.�li ��i'`,'D{�li ��'1'iC�'V" ���'�il1"L� lli'�� l�,r�±' �. i 11'�� ea(��1�"0���1 � iCt�Tl ��ir C��VCR. Sz�.�� suk;:��i �.t��� ��.��: 'i� �2�.OU. ' � P�. S���r� t���,':��ri�1 . �la�k ��etaE _ . - - - - - �-- - -_ .--- -- - - , _ � -- -- ----- -- ---- - - - - -- -- - ---- — --�-- - -- � f3, l7cscr���i.-i�n �f S i�n Individual l�tters t� h� mr�unted an stuccoed - �onc�°��e �]��k_ ��1tr� ti��al-1�-- -- C. S�a.e �f Si c�n ��n_�9ua��si ze s�c�n°s_ at �ppr�xirna te7y_8.5 sq, ft, d-___each._�_�_ T __--___-�-_— - ----- --- --�� l�. Cc�;.cr����ts � I�l;lf"�',lr'�}..`; .`::'i�"! i li f1 !,"�'f i !�.''i i }`.'�• I �(i": � . ��i t e I'i �,�� X :? . f`�-:�.•i r��.�r, i.i��ts;,�i!�;1� -���:��ct '�c,t.��i ic��, -- - }( _ - :; , f;�:�1 c�:�� ;i�,iar, fific,.ri�;��i 1��-c,��,:� ,•.I lc,, r}! i t�r< __.-�--_ - -- � -- �� . l�: G ta�tl �. i�;,� - P, f�,�nt•���3 .,r �,1,: _�I��,st;�i,i±� _ - -�_ _ . _ " ' �s. i"l:+.�I[rsjl`;ti}�i� ���� 5 i��1�� . . _ . . _.._.....___ ___�_� _--- ---- - --- 5i,�t I��F,: ,��r�, c �r.�:�.�r' Jtis�„ to�':'r! {t�t• I�I:1� .`;�,� :.i� 1 1 ;�1 ----- -- A1 i°„tj��si°ctlrr,l � �,�� ���;?� ` ;i'};,i i 1 .��7 _. _._..�.__ 4i I'�IV �+,�� ., �+ [ � I'�l l liy' �_�... . :��- U� �r1" — �- i i — . $ O � ` _�_ +��a1�.c����.�.��urn� � � . �� �, �, �' _ --� �'� �"' � �- - - � �i �„ � � - - --- - ;� � M(�RTER FISNER ARf'�C)Lp, AIA I a a��ssior�n� co��,arsc7ra FUiFt ARGHI7ECTURE � ° CRCISSRC7ADS A7 VAIL rod3 EASt MEAID�J1rV pRiVE VkIC GOLQRA00 81C�7 3�31d76•:>405 r STRIICTQRAL SPIICIFICATIONS � 1) All lumber ahall be Doug-Fir �2 or better, all wolmanized (, lumber shall be Hem-Fir �2 or better. � 2) Microlams are as manufactured by TRUSS-JOIST CORPORATION. All built-up Microlam heams muet be qlued with PL400 and nailed � 0 with 2 rows of 16d spikes @ 9" oc. •rl N 3 ) Sheath floors with 3/4" plywood or oriented strand board with minimum span rating of 40/20 or batter and glue with PL400. � � Nail plywood with lod @ 6" oc to all joists. � (, r-1 4) Live loade used for design- , � � ! -Roof-80 psP snow. i -Floor-40 paf residential. i � , -Wind-25 psf. � -Earthquake-Zone 1 UBC. � � C I 5) All construction must comply vith the 1988 Uniform Building � �J � Code as adopted by the Town of Vail Building Department and the I ^ [� i "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction" (AIA � ir fJ ! Document A201) . ' 6) Construct walls ae follows- � � • �; -Interior-2x4 @ 16" oc. , unless noted otherwise. � � C i 7) All beams, joists and rafters are to bear upon walla or beams ' � U � I OR be hung with SIMPSON Strong-Tie hangers or approved equals. , All connaction hardware as manufactured by SII+�SON Stong-Tie � .. C i or approved equals. i w� j 8) All structural members are shown in their final position, � r`�� � � i during construction it may ba necessary to shore portions of v� � � ; the structure whila othar portions are beinq constructed. j Contact the structural engineer for consultation as required. � � � 0 I 9) Contractor is responsible for all non-specified connectiona, � a f� � contact structural engineer Por details as requirad. � � � 10) Contractor is to coordinate all diaphragm penetrations (ie, i � � i ,_ chimneys, plumbing sewers, etc. ) through floors, roofs and � � � ' _ _ �, foundation walls with appropriate sub-contractors. General I � � I - Contractor is responsible for means, methods, techniquas , � sequences and procedures asaociated with this project. Notify � O engineer of a�l conPlicts or omissions between various elementa ' i of the working drawings and the existing conditions bafore j U � i ��o �__ �,'t a,� .�� .� �,� -�1� coa�ancing with that portion of the project. Identity of all � �� � ��I�i�� :P,����, � ��,,� � .;,µ�> •�„r axisting hidden structural elemants based upon plans by MORTER f F�,�- �;sy J l-.� � �' , �: . FISHER ARNOLD dated 5-19-81. � . i 11) All materials exposed to exterior and/or moisture conditions I I �?�,' shall be treated for these conditions (ie, chemical treatmant, • � ataininq, paintinq, etc. ) as required by code. � � /WRJ�� :�,� '�� `.� �r.b-�✓ .,.: .. � �-; , . � "/o .L?�li^ �9.�i��L-��`''� �`�PC.O`G�1'{.�.Gi . �j �y- I .. . . . . _ . __ . `„'l -ti" -_ __. . . �./ Y � I . _- . � � I � - '_ _ . _ - -___— - '_—_'_____.-.-' .___.- _-____. _- - __- / � � � �. � �� � .. � � .� . -f�'� �, t�'K �- � � , i Town ot Vail Commumry � ! ����'f �� � Development � � I Q .! ' Plan Bu' d Health Ire , � �-�r 7�i>�� i:.''J�- '� - � �� � —� �XT��%t� cx' _>*�.�lpproved ❑ � � y ^1 � d �f'T 'fv I-lE.,/ l�o�T i`�. � [Senied ❑ L� C ❑ i I. n � � � , i , , �L � � � � � � J ;; (— , Vali�ity of Permit I � ,��_ � Lv!( ' , � � sec. �os (c� is u.e.c. ti. »> � \� G�.o�T� � I �, — - I i �,,,,;.� � �1 �� n.. r�s?an � or crantiag of a pe!r,rt or approval o plans � ��~�r' � I I��'�i:rf?�:�!;o s stiali not ba constr�zd ie be a Germi for, q�1ran , � — � ;,, �fr�;rN�;��rf any viuiation ot any of the provisions f tnis`�'�de t � _ zs ui� rn� �t any o her ortlinanca of the jurisdicatiun. Tha '�suanc2 01 - - ,C �� i T� ��I ��� permit b ed upon plars, specitications and othe dataltAall 1 "t I � I I � �� ruot prever� the building official irom thereatter re�quirin�lihe . l �' � :r,�r2ctio f errors in said plans, specitications and oihe� I I � ' � aata." � , I . � � � �� ���. �� � � '-- � r rt t + - fS�TE (j'� __ __ . . _ __ __ � � GG✓C1'� '-1� ' � _ _- - _-_ . .__ _ .� ` -- � . .. _� I `�Y LL.� /±i %�Ci'r��� �"'�y�. i ��I�l�� � � � --� -- - - - i �'C� �7X I I " I � _ . . . ' � 1 �'' ,i. �. i �'1TT�'�' F - i -. . . � � _ . _ �i , . y -- �XI�6 � ,:�� ��� �� '. b�� � '-- - - - �� '• - . ' , ��� � � ' � , — --- - - - � --- ` � - � /;. yJl� 1-�0 � ; % 3 °-��s t. .� _ ',`���/. �'�,._'' =., - � ��-4 ��7 f-ta . , � ,, ; �� �-�"_�,.�� v./� L ��G�/a-'f�ai� �/�t �� � I - v �FG'r!ot� ta. �C-� k's �'_�� OG �L �f�F��`T�'� I — I� � . �.�./ �-�' 1'i- .-• , �•f ���` W� � �.,� � � . 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II / , I .`1 �. .�-r�.�c .�µowµ b��N� � � � il Id, . � �f.' \i(4�i�IG ;12„F j�� �i�� !^,. f i -f�`� �.atl'L"�IivI��9 � ,. �I!'�G? ��7..� ;��' � '> 51.1 , , � � � � II ' � 11\ � ��� � � i;' . - � fi�, _� �� �_t.=� _ `�1 _- �� � � � �� d ,� - . � 32°f��� � � � , � ' � �5�,. � ��� '.�1� 7 �' -�°� � � ati.`t ��' „� � � � —1 ' �'� � � � � I � �, ����� � �'i � �� `'" ` � � J�// � � il ?� II � � � I'Fivi gii ' 'r; ,'i1- '� � ;1� NS , 8-/0 � � . � "..si �?� . �.2rtJ -- , � -, j'i� � ���� '� I � �� �. c __' � I � �_ �� }l s �,(�)- - �jj I � � �,�;-rG� t��.,✓ h++v.,r�,� � ►�, �, � �r.�s� ��� h!��•.,��� i� `� .1. . � � � 1'�-lr11�7 �� (/Yi���V9 � .ilWIY�G•� _.\ �" �I� l) � _._ _ —_ ___— I� � ,— .. — ' ^ �i . .. , . � c�l ` � �GG'f P��'v'G �6'��<�G+:�. .[,.' .,/o�:. �-� �Jw��E." � !7 i'.. � � ;i 1 T � � ��1� � d .,. � G;� � " ` e ii � I U p I �_ we� _� r I � � � � � �� - � � ' � � I' J , O '� � � � �- -t i � � r:�.,v' » i l ' I�:\•� I �„L:�v,/ i --f; ,� .., ' '^` � f'1'��O t� , ��_ ; � � � N'�F-�GI J I � � � lown of Vaii Commumty i � I n � Development I h��"' ��+a' � � �j � � ,. � � " �r�>c � , .� I I T � � � , r 'I' i , _' I •�+N✓v1!':C 1IL�v�/ ' , � � (Gi..�-� Plan 6uitd Heatth re '� -;r �-r !rs , y^ ' ,, � �' P�EY�t�t� �.�� � �*� n � � 6VIJ�.,lP''- ❑ �. I ��.a. � �- (GG}��l?\; - ; l Co�--- 4pDroved � \ l f^ l '� _.. . _ __- _-_-. . � � __ 4� �i dPil�i�Bd ❑ 'J __ � - �-- ___ \ 'I ' �—_� � I '�i C-`r� '.�•v `_� ����� �y,(.rl' � �L I _ -� �.� ti. . _ '.ti.'.v..;� a =_ _ �_ .. � In� �I�J G( n��IT�11 —_ __ _ �� - — - -- i I� I I � �I ' Sdr. oGJ Ii.j 19 U.B C. � � ' ;rEv� Lp.� '� ! II �,` •�\ (h' F79U8fICB Of G(Hfill�� G1 8 prtfGllt 0` a�Ql"OV�) b ----- - - �1v�/� ��C��T� K I G°� �+�'r .^+ � �� K f` ` - nr��f:catichs stiall not Ge core r�c�' to !�e a permit for, or af� "(•'�Ivti"r ���'�- - - � ��lJIh�G'7 � � �G�RI�,a � �� - _� �. �_ - — _ _ ._ ____ _ . <.�proval of, any violation ot any of tlie pr�visiuns t�a�erd4 --:. �� �'��%° j .. -- �r of any ot�er ordinarcn of the jurisQicsiion. T'�e saanca ot ,�: p�rmit based upon plans, specifications and othe a�a s a n t prevent the build�n9 official from thereaiter re wru� Eh9, ' '� I �� ,� correctiqn nt errors m said Qlens, �peciticatioa� nd otM�• �/P'.�.�L - t�✓',o�"fy; ! = j -� SO!.�'f� ��,/p.'-� - C°'"r�'! dz,te:,. � --- - - --— -- _ _ - - — narF ��-2�`� ( - � � J% ���''� `- _- -- ---_ . __ _ -- -- __ ._ __ - - STRIICPORAL SPECIFICI►TIONS � 1) All lumber shall be Douq-Fir #2 or better, all wolmanized (� lumber shall be Hem-Fir #2 or better. � 2) Microlams are as manufactured by TRUSS-JOIST CORPORATION. All bu11t-up Microlam beams must be qlued with PL400 and nailed {.� O with 2 rovs of 16d spikes @ 9" oc. .'..� 3) Sheath floors with 3/4" plywood or oriented strand board with N minimum span rating of 40/20 or better and qlua with PL400. � � Nail plywood with SOd @ 6" oc to all joists. V � 4) Live loads used for desiqn- � � � -RooP-80 psf snow. � -Floor-40 psf residential. j � I -Wind-25 psf. � -Earthquake-Zone 1 IISC. � 0 Q 5j All construction must comply vith the 1988 UniPorm Building ' � �j Code as adopted by the Town of Vail Building Department and the .� C� � "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction° (AIA � �„� � Document A201) . 6) Construct walls as follows- I � O . -Interior-2x4 @ 16" oc. , unless noted otherwise. C 7) All beams, joists and rafters are to bear upon walla or beams , � U C OR be hung with SI1�SON Strong-Tie hangers or approved equals. All connection hardware as manufactured by SIMPSON Stonq-Tie , „ or approved equals . i � �y 8) All structural members are shown in thair final position, O ^ during construction it may be necessary to shore portions of � � M the structure while other portions are baing constructed. � Contact tha structural engineer for consultation as required. ' Q� � � 9) Contractor is responsible for all non-specified connections, ; f,.� (+� i contact structural engineer Por details as required. � 10) Contractor is to coordinate all diaphraqm penetrations (ie, ' � chimneys, plumbing sewers, etc. ) throuqh floors , roofs and i ~ � _ foundation walls with appropriate sub-contractors. General I � fJ � Contractor is responsible for means, methods, techniques, �" sequences and procedures asaociated with this project. Notify i � O enginaer of all conPlicts or omissions between various elements I of tha working drawings and the existing conditions befora � U � �.�, _ , - .,,��� T,.��� , commencing with that portion of the project. Identity of all I �� ; , �-. „ ,, _�_ , - . � -:� , . �� ::_� axisting hidden structural elements based upon plans by MORTER � 1 i i : r ,._ , �' � �� ` . FISHER ARNOLD dated 5-19-81. i ! � 11) All materials exposed to exterior and/or maisture conditions I i shall be treated for these conditions (ie, chemical treatment, staininq, paintinq,TO�v�st'Y�all�b�mr�u�iRyuired by cod�. �--- I I iw'�.,.,� . -" �.., p�a-� ..� = � .=�:� - , A JV l� 'J�-'-,,`� ��,�����J! . Development __�__ � ' I P�an Build Health Fire � � � � � � s r � w , �. __ 4PProved p � J � � 0� � r _ _ Oeni:;d ❑ ❑� r '� � � ° T Q`�r'N O F '�J�; i L '�- '� � Y Q ' Validity of Permit % � � i � Sec. 3D3 (c) 19 U.B.C. �„ • % , � � __...., ��<�_..� ---..b TE--. .. _..__ � � I _____ _ ___ _ .. _ ___ __ r•`2 h.�uance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and l� specifications shall not be construed tn be a perr9 it tor,c�arl �� 7- I �pproval of, any vlolation of any of the provisiods of,.thJs cfldef� I or ai any other ordinance of the jurisdication. The issupncg o} L � � a parmit based upon plans, specitications and other'datd shplN " i not prevent the Duilding official irom thereafter requiring th � � O I correction af errors in said plans, specitications an er � I � data." .�r ,��� o.;,�� ,r_ � �� DATE• -I �xT��»G' �x��s*',..,� til -} I � 6a�fl"r 'f� I-+E�J �G? � i- -4 I , -- - ��� , — � � � , - _ _--- i � I �: 41 i ' ; �- ,' 1�- � I `1 � � �. 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', � 0 � � ! 6�� \ i � � � /.-�y I:, ! � ' , , �,��L .� ./"-''��� ti�'-l�f.!2--.ii-Y-- ��s��� '✓;1'�:� .�.4`7- �-if�J�FC�--_'`.i�ri:.�'FV---1�j-+.C%�. � 73�'7 GiFF-���, . ,' � � . ✓ �/ I�, .� Lr�� Y ' J L , V �r..l � ___ _ _ . _ ' -___ . I . ' . _ . .__ _ _ ___--_.. _ ___ _ - -_-_ _ - _ �_ --__ _.. _ ' ^"'1 - - I'f. l�in t+�� b�F �p.,a✓, 'Z�) ! '� ��°�% ��^�G���!-� 56A�1 -wj Fllt.� ��� ��; -��1. Z • 2xa I'�'r•> ' CO±'sTy 'f9 ,Jc�r I b� W� �L �L.G.. l/j i. P'�i4�f'�1 �I� �LD�^f+ lTJ�'J..v�°i f��v✓ ,�!-�`I'rt%V h'L �{=�.h!I� � tv .ic'+IGif�f .'l� �r�lUti ,� !u� �.i. ,7,�-�."�..�I,% C�1 T> G-I-'fi''il.;� !.G ± �y Y.�yy:i pJpyL,;. --�j� �,/,,;,j �� I �;YO �'h" r� G�.oO� rK=�-�',-.a . .�v� w_✓ w ;,�� .' �.�: _:-J-� -- . _ � . . ``�J Li'j! '�-.- �i � .:;s��'° �L� ��=�. � ,19�.o��in l/�l1iL � "L%! ✓iiU.�L'� �.ii�J1L'',, ✓� �•y bJ'iC�i j�J�. .L. , _ .. � i � •-1��A:'C �M'OV✓}� ��.�'}r.1/ J ' �I iown of Vail Commnnlfy � i �� . � � __ _�, _. � % . - .., ,_,���. . _ � _ . U _ _ __, � =j 4 . . � ,r �� � � �� Plan 8uild Health Fire � � �,, � �, � � � �i A,��,roved ❑ �i'� � � � � _:�, � ; ^nti I' , .. , � �n c a .� ^: 32a >4� : -7 ��� _;ti\ � !, � � � Vslidity of Permif ��� � Sec. 303 (q 79 U.O.C. , ;� �d /� i � � � � � C i te F�uanc� or pranting ut a p�mit or approval ot plany anA ��1 � I� I � ' � spscificatiorls ahall wt ue wnstrued to be a pormii kr, or aq i MI I'�:y �-� �' -- . - •" ' � '�`O , ^ , approval of, any violation of any o1 the provisions ot this cod� � � � li � T �.r , « ,, , f,', i i�V � O�' S � n ' � a o1 any other ordinance of the jurisdication. 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