4/ta 4 A4r
Steve Barwick
Community Development
July 25, 1991
Rock pile at Mansfield site, Cascade Village
Attached is infornation from our files concerning any proposed orrequired regulations concerning revegetation of the above filtsite. Neither the DRB approval nor the building pernit for theterrace wing ,list any conditions for revegetation of this site.Unfort,unately, we can find no agreement of any kind for
revegetation in our files.
\AITVrxruRES. -
l{atch 27, 1986
Ms. Krlstin Pritz
Town of Vail
Planning Depa rtnent
75 South Frontage Road
Va11, C0 81657
RE: Cascade Village
Dear Ms PtiLz,
Per our conversation yesterday, we are preparirrg to inltiate
excavation of site debris fron the area to the east and northeast
of the existing llestin Hotel (previously parking 1ot #2). The
debris cane from tbe excavation of the lrlestin site in 1981. As
requested, pLease find enclosed a schenatic plan dated 3/26/86,
which indicates the proposed nass excavation of site debris. It is
our intent to renove the debris (rock and earth) to returo the area
to approxinately its original grades as indicated on the enclosed
The nork will connence on or about April 7, 1986. During the
course of this work, ue estlnate that we rill remove approxinately
22,OOO cubic yards of naterial of which 13rO00 will go to Ford Park
and 9,000 will be stacked on the Mansfield site for future use in
ascaoe age an or Ene Dou R6-a-d expansion. It ls
our intent in early May to obtain a bullding pernit to construct
the Terrace lJing. At that tine we will expand our in process Bass
excavation vork to include the Terrace Wing foundations.
l{e have mutually agreed that if ue have not
building pernit prior to July 31, 1986, we willrevegitate the area of nass excavation. Also weif ne have not obtained a building pernit prior
obtained a
proceed to
have agreed that
to }lay 31 , 1981 , ve
exca ted area and uponwill submit to DRB a plan to landscape the
receiving approval ri11 landscape the sane
1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado 81 657 r 303 / 476-6602
75 soulh frontage road
vail, colorado 81557
(303) 476-7000
March 3.7, L987
olllce ol communlty development
Mr. Frank FreyerVail Ventures Limited
L00O South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657
Re: Building Perrnit information for Plaza Wing phase I and theTerrace Buildinc
Dear Frank:
The following comments relate to final building perrnit approvalfor the PLaza and Terrace Wing permits:
Terrace Winq
1. The Town Engineer will need to review the drainageplan, title report and bike path adjustment. BilIAndrews is out of town for a month. Therefore, thepermit approval will need to be contingent upon hisreview.
2. I have calculated that the Terrace Wing has 83,600square feet of gross floor area. The recreation feeper square foot is 25 cents for this project. Thisco:nputes to a total recreation fee of $2O,9OO. please
note that once you have paid this amount, the Townwill refund 5ot of g20,9bo due to the exj_stingrecreational facilities in the project.
3. A height analysis should be presented for the TerraceWing. We had discussed this and you had said that theheights are exactly as the original DRB plans. ffthis is still the case, I would appreciale a lettermerely calling out the roof ridge elevations and baseelevations that indicate that the maximum roof heightis 7L feet..
4. What is the detailing on the loggia? From thedrawj-ngs f arn not certain if it is exactlv what wasapproved at Design Review Board.
The approved landscape planthe building pennit will be
I have asked Dave Krenek tothat the easement situationresolved and that he has noreleasing a building permit.submitted to our departmentis released.
nust be subrnitted beforereleased.
write a Letter statinqi-s in the process of 5eingproblem with the TownThis letter should bebefore the building permit
l. on the elevations, sma11 windows are indicated in thedormers. This is a minor change frorn what wasapproved at DRB, but I am interested. in knowing whythese windows are necessary.
2. The approved landscape plan should be subrnitted. tostaff before the building perurit is released.
3. It is our_ understanding that the hospitality roornswilJ- not be used as rentable living units. please letme know in a letter how these roours will be used. as Inoticed that fold down beds are included for eachsuite.
4- The elevations and floorplans for the ternporary stairshould be submitted with your permit applicati6n.
5. The recreation fee for the proposal is based on thetotal gross floor area of L3,74O square feet x .25which equals 93,435. please note €hat once again, SOZof this total nurnber will be refunded to you ifter thepermit is issued.
Tf lzou have any questions about this information, r will be backin the office on April 7. I have also enclosed rny squarefootage sheets for the praza r and rerrace.
"hank3 fdr your helpon getting the square footage information together.
Plaza Phase f
Gary Murrain, Peter patten