HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS GENERAL LEGAL\e- V \\\c\ctL Lc":co..c-(.rlk giclc C.DnA{Ytor\ Gent*a"\ fi 75 //' 'finmt 7JA Frbduct Group: Gylxuut FrO$u0t: Dess-$,lri{lcl'n' fjete: Mnmh, t9f;8 Bulletin #: 8{1.0} R.R Nelssn & f,ssnr 15034763665 )rt\t tr,ri gTcfl RfltnF evr' stt.Et Ft oon A{D cE .ltlc TRACI( 'i.t:i. ,.. i lmportant new informf,tion on Gewgiafacif ic producte, Den$.$filen'" Tlle nnrc qrraUnrd In I'I'truurisrrlZ'Hqurftrc n{ted uillt Asrcmbltcs t{ash' t}c *$hield, rlrs iirrxNrtlrr nt* tllr l$re from (,$rrsiit lheltic. lt pnttd ft}r h'1*h l.hr r td !'l rrtt s'ttl} i!s6rnrblli,$, 'l'hii 0myialf$ rl$SfirJurtt adviurisgtr, rr.r q|{;r,lliFr a. i.r$dll(ri nrr(l d$'rrcrt. . lrfii lilr,l$f tti,tt't rRtl,ttattl liu kr$.thrti'rrr. ,r{.lfitrohc.l to rrti$tt3l wr({. kr$'frifl! (\rtt$ ${tfi n l{r't lr*dib rlrihbk txl}(hlel..llltiJrxrnqdirr!roothi$th!lircrxiiftl[i'ither'thsl-huurprJ-luurrrscntbll:n[]*irhl:rlqgaPPllc,iliol!fk'xihilitlor(r |t*t}.rrrt|(inrrm|ihhBcherlr)ard5.,\1(ftirIl|l)PttiIf{:q0it$htf|:ill',tft,'Jt|.,i$dni|l(lk.|liont)f|)(rtr.$|}| FrAlU.t lrftlr{it ir.r,r\*rr.lw(JVj',}'l|glrrpr<.(JaB,*.)nlrrtl|+ttxt**,ffi'u{('iti|lhl|h{..!ictt}b,|f'F,Thcrtrtlltirrthlnltt1 de*i$t tl(xlhllltY Onr-llo$r llrc R*tett Shll tuaenl{y Tfso-Ilour lrlrc Rnt+,tl W*11 A***mbly I Hour F s natinE-.{e gTC llttorldr Ur|dr eh-$Gd Stdr 16 o.e. 2h" obol xoor Eod dellhg trfirkr t+" S'F Dorr€tigtd Tl19 Essu r 3h'gl{Ed flbtr bAll, tdclion liir 1" 1y0a I gyps.rm bosd $.iri r -*-"""-t U.-/C EIA$$ FGE8 ETiTT ,,?'BFNS.SttEtiJ-- I I i i I I I l I It.___ Aprtllcrtloo . 1,.]' ( i,P Urnpiihiqtd 'l'll|: tltlr' 5l{*l*il PBrelhl trt hrlh sitlr:r ot mrtirl slrrh K oc, . ,t fa'ftr(f wlfh l"'ttpr.Fv'r(!rv!itl' ot'e| lrr* |r'Jgcn uttl 12"' r,!.r.i, (m tntcfrnrdli4t( sitrds. r.llinrr irr\rfft,{l a hlr ll) f l0 sl{$$ lcsh ttpe :md clubrdtlccl rvlth rnnltiri ttl$ '.Hlhs$lt'(, 6 Alt(['ar lr:; ttt' (i.lt fir{$rop I lpr )i mii' hr' rhcd {ttttit(l ()f llr'nr-$dchl (nr rr lklt. P{rltrt . r.:r,' r!tt' ih ar tr'rrrrl.Pr lrlia,A l\'tu ilra i .r'l (trdr rr?l /rxl l./( ilr,f . , r n *lrtrrt d l|ldrlrlrll lrt ('llqltt lt(rli. ( r'tllt:t;'trdn (ilin tidlt JtBr| {.((!tPlil l{trltt( t .ltl.ltrtllt. Atl fitlilr luif!rt'tl Andkution r iire t.rtr, l;t'' (i t firc\t 'l:-t)Pt Xfr.ri $pPtlt'{i l}nr*itPl lr} n1tld 5iu J !FgL({ 2j'(r.c' . tust luvrr uiectu'd tgrrh l* T\pr ri v'rFrrt 24' rt.t" lo "rl! frgtdng ms$llxirs . iiii [fi*;i, 1.2' G.P D+'rrs.Fhickj I tit' $:rsc. At]ldir(l plt'rllrl lo 11lt6s1i'..'irh rahrtr $ttg8f,rfi ?J' frflrr lHrr litttt: ' frcc Lii'cr stt*ched se1$ I '5llt l'! FL li ir(tr'us lt {r'(' lrl cul+'$r L,drB r;dl tI tr.c. tlt i$Wrtrlcdirl( glrtd$ atld prrilllt t4'f , - r all totnis t.lwrsJ '.Yitlr ilt x ltt $lu5s rlll'nh ttPr^ ttrrrl troll)r''txrr(l wrth m{ilk tlh aclitetlte. tltrDur|alrt l$ntoi lttlr nr r( $rrtiirctttl lln(!('r tlr{}|'r Jclrinitis*. ccnrtitrms thrr* rx"cet$ ry rQ tnc(t minllnrlm il;ffiffii.. D*;ipi air<l slnrcnrrr.t Lr$i(trrtp-tl( rb-rnlt {llclrtc rh.l uw trf dr+pcr f,tldr{r ht',n ttr B1'rl|r' u llalr lhlll ur'ttr l}igu rrt Es*ttlblsr $h{nvn' Fr'r o rt lflatrf fifl.(loh ,: fttre. orory|]|'l'tr'l!b itr I HtXl'il.rt'fifr) kr {:.irrgif, rsll ,ttH,f ?l'tl6t TBrt lfl'up h'F€16'8ln0H PFrlo.dl€d ItY lomn:F Fri Ealhg gu . Ettltt r.(tn' l-h!rv{ tc6l. #6071P, 190t'16g$ ! hrx' tostr *soSoansgl tiJlt) r.ir.tltt),tnuo (|'tld{ :) itta t e Nvf o,Jta CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIC EIIGIT{EERS AI{D SCI ETITI ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 t nutu.l protlctlon to cll.nts, th. publte and our5elv.s, !11 repoits .r. submltted 13 thr confldlantlal prop.rty ofcllcnts, and authorlz.rtion fo|- psbllcntlon_of statahant3., Cohclusloni or_cttracts tro[ or raElrdlng our reportt lc -resrrved p.ndlng-our wiltt.n lpprov!1 , Srnples t,lll ba dl6pos.d of rftcr t.stlng ls completad rrnlrss 6thcr irrangcmtnts "gieiO-ii'--A msnbar 6t th. EII group ot componlca Form No. c!4f tt3A O/91 T0: IIECM Attn P .0. Vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li fts i de 8ui l di n9, JoB 1,10. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-21-93 SHEET 1 OF I of tlesthaven Drive and l,resti n Hotel , South Frontage Road !y'est, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIENT L0CATI0!i: S]ab at C-21 BATCH TICKET l I.I FORI.{AT I OT TRUCK lto. 104 TIME BATCHED: 8:04 AM TICKET [0. 1061 T]I,IE ARRIVED: 8:14 Atl SUPPLIER: Uestern llobi 'le t'llx DESfGil ilo. B 4000 psi TlltE PLACTD: 8:30 Al'l-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCiiil:7lt lzr FIELD TESTINC I }IFORI.IAT I OII SAMPLE TEMP: 58 "F AIR TEI'IP: 5 "F TI}IE TEST TAKEN: 8:46 All SLUIIP: 31/2 It{. AIR COI{TEI{T: 5.8% VET Ul{lT llEI6HT: 140.0 JOB SPECIFI CAT i0tlS: SLUIIP: Il{. AIR COI{TENT: % IIATER ADDED AT SITE l0 GAL CYLINDER I NFORMATI OI.I N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINDER SiZE: 6"x 12' TIUE CYLINDERS CAST: 8:56 AM IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIN6 ] NFORHAT IONI ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: l?-?2-93 FIEtD ST0RAGE FACILITiES: Inside Heated 8uildin9. BY: Bobby J. Hays t'l I l{/l,lAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IAI.IETER ( r]{CHES } AREA (sQ il{) coilP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL] I{DER I.'E I6HT (LBS) CYLINDER Ut{IT UE IGHT (PCF) I 7 ?8 ?8 28H a8H 12-28-93 !2-28-93 1-18-94 1- 18-94 1- 18-94 l-18-94 93,500 102,500 117 ,500 129,000 131,000 130.500 6. 10 6.09 6.09 6.08 6.08 6.08 29 .22 29. 13 29. 13 29.03 29.03 29.03 3200 3520 4030 4440 4510 4490 snear shear snear snear snear shear DESIGN STREI,IGTH 4 000 PSI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIT{EL ARE IN ACCORDANCE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I }{ETHODS UNLESS OTHERT.IISE IIOTED SOI{E INFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I{AY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE}IARKS:lI non-chloride accelerator added to concrete. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; vestern ilobi le; J V:A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G Et{GINEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS HEPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3. muttt.l protection to cllonts, th. publle lnd ourt.lves, rll r€ports.re 3ubmlttad !s th. contldl.|itt!l proparty ofcllantS, Ind luthorizatlon tor publlcltlon of 3tatdtent3. Concl!1lon3 or axtr.cts fron o|. f€gaFdln! our rarorts Ir rararvadpendlnE_our wrltt.n approv!'1. Slmpl.e wlll b€ dt3posed ol rtt.r tcstlhg l3 conpletrd unlcir athar irrangcrnints lgraad toln HrJtlng. A menbcr of tha HIH group ot conp.rl.3 Form No. CF{Ell3A 6/91 T0: lfECl'l Enterprises JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-22-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P-0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of tlesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Ffontage Road Llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LOCATION:Slab at C-32. BATCH TICKET I NFOR}IA]IOII TRUCK t{0. 119 TIllE BATCHED: 9:55 AM TICKET NO. 10897 TII''lE ARRIVED: 10: 10 AM TIME SUPPLIER: Yestern l'lobi I e ttlx DEStGtl 0. B 4000 psi PLACED:10:59 Atl-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUM: 7|14/28 FIELB TESTTIG INFORI.IATIOII SAMPLE TEI.IP: 50 "F AIR TEI,IP: 5 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKEI{: 11:i0 Al.l SLUMP: 4 3/4 Il{. AIR C0l{TEt{T: -- % trrET UI{IT IJEIGHT: JOB SPECI F ICATI0IIS: SLUIIP: Il{. AIR COI{TE}IT: ?( hTATER ADDED AT SITE I 6AL. CYL II{DER I NFORI.IATIO}I t'10. 0F CYLIIIOERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" Til,lE CYLINDERS CAST: --- I{HERE CAST: On-Site CURING I i,IFORI'IAT I OI{ il{lTlAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-5ite DATE RECEMD AT LA8: 12-?3-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer BY: Carolyn Adans l|ltl/l,lAx 46E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DIA}IETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (SQ IlI) cof.tP . sTR . (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI}IDER VE IGHT (LBS) CYLIIIDER UI{IT I'E I6HT (PcF ) 7 28 z8 28 H 28H I ?-29-93 12-29-93 1- l9 -94 1- 19-94 1-19-94 I-t9-94 103, s00 101 ,000 128,000 124,500 129 ,000 tu I .500 6. 06 O.UJ 6. 06 6.06 6.08 6 .07 28.84 28.7 5 28.84 28.84 ?9.03 ?8.94 3590 3 510 4440 4320 4440 4480 shear snear s near snear shear snear DESIGI{ STRENGTH 4000 r5l Ld 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSO}INEL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTM I,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI{E I NFORI{AT I OIt OF TEST REPORT UAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS: COPiES: R.A. tlelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai | ; liestern I'lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlnrey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G E}IGI IIEERS AIID SCIET{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 43. nutu.l Pr"ot.ctlon to cll.nts, th. publlc ttnd our3alva3, .ll rcports rr. iub|||ltt.d a3 th. confidl€ntlal pr.op.rty otcllentsr lnd ruthorllttlar tor pub'ltcatlon ot rt.t.mntr. Conclu!lon3 or attract3 trom or ragardlnq our F.Dort! ls re3.rvedp.ndlng our rrltt.n rpprov.l. s.mpl.s wlll b. dl3pos.d of rtter tortlnE lr eo plctcd unlegr 6thor irrangeminti lgirtU-iir'--ln Hrltlng, A m.rnbar ot th. !I! group ot comp.nJ!3 Form No, CHElf3A O/gt T0: IIECM Enterpri ses JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-23-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 2 Vai'l , C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and }lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEHT LOCATION: Slab at C-31 BATCH TICKEI I IiFORI.IAT I OI{ TRUCK r{0. 107 TIME EATCHED: 8:17 Atl TICKET lt0. 10907 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 8:48 Al,l T I I,tE SUPPLIER: Uestern ilobi le HIX 0ESIGI{ t{0. B 4000 PLACED: 9:08 A -CU.Y0.L0AD/ACCUil: 7/14/Zg FIELD TESTING INFORI.IAT]ON SAIIPLE TEI,IP: 50 .F AlR TE}IP: 10 "F TIIIE TEST TAKEN: 9:15 AII SLUI'IP: 41/4 Iil. AIR C0l{TEl{T: 4.9X }lET Ul{iT }IEIGHT: JoB SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLUMP: Ill. AIR C0NTENT: X tdATER ADDED AT SITE 14 6AL. CYLINDER I Ii FOR}IAT ] OII t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYllllDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLINDERS CAST: --- }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIN6 I I{FORI'IATION iNITIAL CURE: on-Si te DATE RECE MD AT LAB: --- FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer BY: Carolyn Adams I'tl N/llAJ( A6E DAYS DATE T ESTE D TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI.IETER ( r]{CHES ) AREA {sq IN) COMP. STR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I IiDER I/E I6HT (LBs) CYLINDER UTIIT IJEI6HT ( PcF) 7A 284 284 284 28A H H 12-30-93 I2 -30 -93 I -?0-94 1-?0-94 I -20-94 l-20-94 98,500 98,000 13I ,500 120,000 131 ,500 133.500 5.98 5.99 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 28. 09 28.18 28.09 28.09 28.09 28.09 3510 3480 4680 4270 4680 4750 snear snear con,/shear con,/shear snear con/shear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I }IETHODS UTILESS OTHERYISE IIOTED SOI.IE INFOR}IATIOII OF TESI REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS:SamDle obtained from nixer truck. COPIE5; R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc. Town of Vail; Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISIJLTITTG ENGINEERS AND SCI EIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutu.l protcctlon to cllcnt3, th. publlc.nd our3.lv.3r !ll report3 ara submittcd !3 th. conf.ldt.ntlil trop.rty otcllant5, .nd luthorlz.tlon lor publlcatlon ol it.t.m.nt3. Cohclu3lons or.rtracts from or rcqlrdlnq our r.D6rts Ir r.s.rvadpandlng-our wrltt.n rPprov.1. Slmpl.! rlll b. dl!po3.d ot rftcr t.stlng l3 cohpl.t.d unlGs! ;ther irrongemints rgr..d toln *rltlno - A n nber 5f thc E:j! group ot comp.nlca Fonn t{o. cHEll3A E/91 T0: llECll Enterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-23-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Orive and t{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IEIIT LOCATIOT.I :Elevator Core A; Final Lift- BATCH TICKET I I{FORI'IAT I ()II TRUCK ll0. 104 TII'IE BATCHED: 12:07 P|l TTCKET NO. 10913 TIME ARRIVED: 1Z:30 PM SUPPLI[R: l,lestern l,lobi le ttlx DESIGN N0. 4500 TIME PLACED:12:40 Pll-CU.YD.L0AD/ACCU}|: 717l FIELO TEST1}I6 II{FORMATIOI{ SAilPLE TE|!IP: 58 "F AIR TEIIIP: 20 "F TIH€ TEST TAKEII: 12:45 Pl'l SLUttP: 31/4 IN. AIR C0tlTEllT: 4.7% lrET UNIT UEIGHT: --- JOB SPECI FI CATl0llS: SLUIIP: tl{. AIR COt{TEtlT: % VATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL i NDER IIIFORI,TAT IOI{ N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 12:55 Pltl UHERE CAST: On-Site CURIT{S I ilFORMAT IO{ Il{ l TIAL CURE: 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: --- FItLD SToRAGE FACILiTIES: lnslde Trailer BY: Carolyn Adans Mlll/MAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD ( LBs) O IAI.IETER ( lilCHES) AREA (sQ lil) COMP. STR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II.IDER }/E I6HT (L8s) CYLIIIDER UTIIT VEIGHT (PcF) 7B 7B 288 288 288 288 H H 12-30-93 12-30-93 1-20-94 i-20-94 t-?0-94 l-20-94 120,500 119 ,500 154,500 1s2 ,000 146,000 154.000 5.99 5.99 5.98 5.99 5.98 5.98 28. 18 28. 18 28.09 28. l8 28.09 28.09 4280 4240 5500 5390 5200 5480 shea r shear con/spl i t con/shear con/shear con/spl i t DES16I{ STRENGTH 4500 PSI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOTII{EL ARE It{ ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLICABLE AST},I }IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE NOTED SOI.IE II{FORMATIOII gF TEST REPORT }IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS:Sanpl e obtained from mixer lX non chl ori de. truck. CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, inc.; Town of Vai l ; |lestern llobi l e; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schu'ltz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CO}ISULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS AND SC I EIITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 43. mutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nts, th€ Fubllc.nd our3elvat. rll t.port..r..utmltted.r th! confidlcntlal pioper.ty ofcllcnt3, .nd authorl:atfon for publlcrtion of ttrtq'|tnt!. Conclualona or-axtr.ct3 from or rcglrdJng our rGportr l3 raaarvedplndlng_our wrltt.n lpproval. Srdpl.r Blll lr. dlrpo!.d of !ft.r tc3tlhE l5 complct.d unl.3i oth.r lrrrng.rant3 agr..d to A m€mbcr ;f th. llll sroup of complnJrs Form l{o. CHElt3A 6/91 T0: llECll Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-24-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cortinap.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vall, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and l,lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vai1, Co1o. PLACEHEflT L0CATI0I|: First Lift at Lines A-l; Iorth Uall of lilechanical Roorn. BATCH TICKET I FORI{AT I0}l SUPPLIER: Uestern l'lobile TRUCK t{0. 189 TICKTT ll0. 10925 MIX DESIG}I ll0. 39 TIIIE BATCHED: 8:44 AM TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:00 M TIIIE PLACED: 9:05 Al'l-CU. YD. LOA0/ACCUii|: 47 FIELD TESTII{G INFOR}IATION SA}IPLE TEI'IP: 47 "F AIR TEMP: 27 .F TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 9:15 AM SLUIIP: 4It{. AIR C0]{TENT: 5.2MT UIIIT IIEIGHT: --- JOB SPECI F ICAT I0l{S: SLUMP: IN. AIR COl{TEllT: X l,tATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAt. CYLlNDER ITIFORMATIOII ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" Ttt{E CYLII{0ERS CAST: 9:30 AH IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING i1{FORI.IATION iNITIAL CURE: on-Si te DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Trai I er BY: Dan l{ei I I ll I l{/l'lAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IAI.IETER ( I ICHES) AREA (sQ lil) col'|P. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I1{DER I'E IGHT (LBS) CYLI I{DER U}IIT t{E I6HT ( PCF) 7 ?8 ?8 ?8 ?8 12-31-93 12-31-93 i-?l-94 1- 21- 94 1- 21- 94 1-21-94 124,500 120,500 169,500 168,000 17 Z ,500 170.000 5.98 5.99 5.98 5.98 5.99 5.98 28.09 28.18 28.09 28.09 28.18 28.09 4430 4280 6040 5980 6120 6050 shear shea r con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t DESIGil STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSONI{EL ARE Iil ACCORDAT{CE }.IITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I ITIETHODS UHLESS OTHERI/ISE }IOTED SOI.IE II{FOR}IATIOl{ OF TEST RTPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS RE}I{RKS: CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Jnc.; Town of Vail; l,,estern ilobile; J V Ar Inc.; Gwatimey Pratt Schultzl Dan l{eill Bobby J. Hays F]ELD OB5ERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 EHGIHEERS AND sCI EI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As I nut!.l protactlon to cllcnts, the publlc and ourtalv.s, rll rcpoitr.rc submltt€d ar, the cortidlcntla'l property ofcllant5. ard authorizltlon for Dubllcrtlon of stltem€nt3. Concluslons or cxtrlct6 frorn or.€g.rdlnq ouF reporta l3 res€rvedpBndtrg our wrltten lpproval. Sahplas 'rlll b. d{3posed of !tt€r tcstlnE la coDpl€ted unle3r oth.r irrangcmints .greed toln '|rltlnS.A n.hb€r of tho !!! grouF of comprnl.s Fon! Xo, CMEll3A 6/91 T0: llECl,l Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-11-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F r Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of yesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IENT LOCAT IO}I :Slab for Unit C-41 BATCH TICKET I IIFORI.IAT IOI{ TRUCK O. 97 TI E BATCHED: 8:39 TICKET NO. OIO984 TIitE ARRIVED: 8: 50 . SUPPLIER: llestern l,lobl I e ilIX DESl6il t{0. 8-4000 TIME PLACED: 9:00 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUil: 7l14/28 FIELD TESTI}IG IilFORHATIOI{ SAII1PLE TE}IP: 58,F A]R TEi'IP: O"F TIME TEST TAKEII: 9:26 SLUIIP: 5.0 ltl. AIR COtlTEt{T: 4.9X }JET Ut{lT lJEl6HT: 141.3 JOB SPECIFICATI0NS: SLUIIP: Ifl. AIR C0tlTEl'lT: ?( UATER AD0E0 AT SITE I0GAL. CYLII{DER INFORMATI(lN t{0. 0F CYLII{0ERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLINDERS CAST: 9:36 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Stte CURIilG II{FOR},IATIOI{ IiIITIAL CURE: ?4 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB; 0n-Site 1.13-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: tleated Trailer8Y: C.4. l,llll/llAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAI LOAD (LBs) t)IAI.IETER ( IilCHES) AREA (sQ I[) COMP. STR. (Psr ) TYPT OF FRACTURE CYL ] }IDER UEICHT (L8s) CYLl I{DER UI{II UEIGHT ( PcF) 7 28 28 28H 28H 1-18-94 1-18-94 2-8-94 2-8-94 2-8-94 2-g-94 104 ,000 t02,000 5- v9 5.99 28. l8 e8. i8 3690 3620 shear shear DES]GI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAY5 IESTS BY LAB0RATORY PERSOI|I{EL ARE IN ACC0RDANCE trITH APPLICABLE AST},i IIETHODS UIILESS 0THERI'II5E ll0TED SOI.IE II{FORI.IATIOI{ ()F TEST REPORT MAY BE PROV]DEO 8Y OTHERS R EIiIARKS :1% non-chloride accelerator added to this mix. C0PIES: R.A. ilel son & Associ ates, Inc.; Town of Vail; lJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.t owatlmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTING ENGINEERS AND SCI EIIT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. mutu.l prot.ctlon to cll€nt3, th. publlc rnd oursclvasi all rapor.ta are BubmittGd rs thc confldt€nttal propcrty otcllentsr lnd.uthorllatlon for publlcdtlon of rtrt€manti. Concluslons or extracts from or regrrdlnE our reFortr Js r€servedpendlflg-our rrltten rpproval. S.mpl€s wlll bG dlsposed ol rftor t€rtlng l3 cohpleted unl€ss;ther irrangemints agreed io{n r|ritlng.A m€mber of thc HIH gtotrF of companles Fot.m No. CMEII3A O/91 T0: lilECll Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-14-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l,resthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T L0CATI0I|: North and east walls of pool at Lines }l through M and 8 through 12. EATCH TICKET INF0RllATIOtl SUPPLIER: llestern f'lobile TRUCK NO. 189 TICKET IIO. OIIO25 MIX DESIGN NO. 39 TIifE BATCHED: 11:52 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 12:05 TIME PLACED: 12:20 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU[: 7l2ll35! F]ELD TE5TI]{G I I{FORI,IAT I OII SAIiIPLE TEIVIP: 62"F AIR TEilP: 4O"F TI}IE TEST TAKEN: 12:35 SLUIIP: 3 l/2 It{. AIR C0NTENT: 4.5% llET U]{IT I,/EIGHT: JoB SPEC I FICATI0I{S: SLUHP: Itl. AIR CONTEiIT: % l,ATtR ADDED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYL I I'IDER I IIFORI,IATIOl{ t'10. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 12:45 IdHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{6 II||FORIIATION It{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Sir.e 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB; 1-15-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated trailerBY: C.A.l,lIl{/l,lAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL L()AD (LBs ) DIAI,IET€R ( II{CHES ) AREA (SQ IN) COHP . STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I1{DER UE ]6HT (LBs) CYL I I{DER Ul{iT tlEI6HT (PcF ) 7 28 28 ?8 28H 28H 7-2t-94 1-21-91 2-lt-94 2-11-94 2-11-94 2-lr-94 117 122 500 000 6.00 6.09 28.27 29. 13 4160 4190 snear snear DES IGl{ STREIIGTH 45OO PSI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABOR.ATORY PERSOI,IiIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE I.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTM I,IETHODS UTILESS OTHERI''ISE I{OTED S0tlE ItlF0Rl,lATIOt{ 0F TEST REP0RT l'lAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS:1% non chlor acc. added to the mix. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vall; lJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gvrattmey Pfatt Sehultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J, Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY ,66tt I gljrt,lttu, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COT{SJLT I }IG E}IGTIIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF SIRUCTURAL STEEI-, T0: MECtil Enterprises JOB ltO, 4 178 93 3 DAIE: l-19-94Attnr Eustaqui o Cortina P.O. Box 3149 vail co 81659-3149 DAtry REpoRT [o. 34 SHEET t ot 1 PROJECTT Liftside Building, south Frontage Road, Vait, Colorado Due to the constfuction accident on saturday Jaruary 15, 1994, there sas not anything for rne to check. Jeff' Hith R.A.fl.. forgot they had me scheduted for inspection today ard did not cance1 nry visit- COPIE9 R.A, Ielson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate IJ.V.A. tne. I Guathnrey Pratt SchuLtz I Darrelt Huse Fred Camron Torn of Vait -. Attn: dan stanek I FIELo oBSERVER IPPROVED BY A3. tnut!.I pFot.ctlon to cllerti, thr pobllc.nd our..lv.3r .Il r.poits rr. iubn{tt.d !5 tha contld.ntlal piopaity ot our ell.ntr, and.uthorlrrtlon for publlcrtlon ot atat.fi.nt, ConclutlonE or.rtrrct3 ftonl or. r.grrdlng osr r.poitr Ir r.!erv.d p.ndlng our wr'lttan approval.Sampl.r lJ{ll b. dlspored ot rttar taitlng {r compl.t.d unlG3t oth.p rrrrng.|r.nti !l-. !gp..d to ln wrltlng.A trmbor ot th. HIH grourr ot conprnlat 16 ro. arar@ 6r$ o ar,rriu CHEN.NORTHERN, TNC. colrsutT mG ElctIEERS AflD sctE]tTrsrs REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL To: Ecil Enterprises JoB ito. 4 178 9j 3 DATE: l-Za-94Attn: Eust*$rio Coctina P.O. Box 3149 Vail CO 81559-5149 DAlty REpoRT o. 35 sltE€T I oF z PROJECT: Liftside Buitding, south Frontage Road, Vail, colorado The shear studs vere acousticatty tested betreen Grid tines F-S ard 21.5-31 at etevation 80r-0'r/85r-3rr. lhe 6tuds uhen struck Hith a ha €r Here found to be acceptable except tHetve gtuds betr.eenGrid Lines Ze'23 ard o-f. These studs broke loose rhen hit rith a hanmer. Several sheets of decking lere not button $mched et the side [aps. The high strength botts and fi[let Hetds xere visuatly observed at the 90.-6n - 95' -9t levet ard lolJer roof cor|fiect i ons betHeen Grid l"ines F-R ar|d ZZ-50. Att of the fitlet retds Hefe fourd to be acceptable- Ihe botts rere fouM to be acceptable except the roof cornection at s-27. Att of thebolts xere fornd loose. lhe three colum to colurn connect i ons that rere rejected during our visit on 1-4-94 have beenrepaired. These connections Here magnetic particle tested ard are acceptable. The shear studs metat deck side taps and botts that ar€ noted above Here correctd during our visit and are acceptabte, PROGRESS REPORI tl.ll.F. xas being ptaced xtren I teft the site. fsperature at 8:00 Atl ras 5 degFees. coP I ES R.A. llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. Inc, GHathney Pfatt Schut tu Tom of Vait .? Attn: Dan Stanek Darrel I tluss FIELD OESERVEN Fred Cdreron APPRO'E BY A1 . nntturl protactlon to cll.ntr, thi publtc .nd ourailvit, .11 rcport3 lrc tut'|nltt.d !t thr contld.ntlrl prop.rty ot our clJaD!!, and .uthorlzrtlon lor publlca!lon .t .,trt.mrnt. conclu3lonr or artr.cts tio|I or rcg.rdlng our r.portr l3 r.3.rvtd p.ndint our wrltt.n rpproval. Sampl.r Llll ba dl3po3cd of rtt.r t.3tlng l3 cc|'pl.tad url.33 othcr .rrrng.rD.nt3 rrc agr..d to ln rrltlrg, A f'n.mb€r of tha EI! group of cornp.rlc3 r6n, cElooa.,/tt , }*'." fr igdF-+J rr ' ffi Ft-;;rufrysCff €q* -ailtzF-lqgw.T?-EE-Xt*'qrl la4vrrtil|Fff 'f ro-J-err6 sfthlru crntrylrln fl?aFtl{ trU r4D -1"1 ;uoln.dssl S[lllll.'' o'rd 5I}ltu 6:t,iqtlsr et A ( CHEN-NORTHERN, rNC. COIISULT I I{G EXGIIIEERS AIID SCIE}ITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVTTY TO: llEcll Enterprises J08 llo. 4 178 93 3 DATE: 1-28-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.O. Box 3149vait co 81659-3149 DATLY REPmT ilo. 35A SHEET I oF 2 PROJECT: Liftside Buitding, South Frontage Road, Vait, Co( orado l,re ob6erv€d an area of fractured bedrock on L Line betrcen tl ard 14 tines ard smat t areas for footing pads at grid lines 14 ard tZ and 0 ard P tines. lhese areas rrere exposd and cteaned offines and gravel in preparation for ptacing 4500 psi eoncrete as levetirE courses. PROGREgS REPORT COP I ES R.A. Ielson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agete J.V.A. lnc, Grrsthmey Pratt Schul tz Tom of Vail .: Attn: dan Stanek carolyn AdflrB FIELO OBSERVER Fred caneron APPROVED BY A3 ! hutual prot.ctlon to cll.nti, th. publlc.nd our3.lv.i, .ll roport3 rr..ubri'ltt€d .r th. confld.ntlal prop.rty ot our cll.nt3, lrd ruthorlzrtlon tor publlcetlon ol 3t.t.m.nt. Concluilonr or. axtrrcts lron or ragardlng our rcportr l3 rarrrv.d plndJng gur rrltt.n rpproval 'Sahpl.r will b. d{spo3.d of rft.r trsting l3 cohpl.t.d unl.rt oth.r rrrrng.m.nti ara.gr..d to ln wrltlrS, A aicmb.r' of thc E!! grouP of comp.nl.3 Fq -. (-re. q|rr CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIN6 €IIGII{EENS ANO SCIENTIS'S REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSIW TESTING T0: IIECH Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 IZA 9g-3 DATE: 1-28-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT N0. 3iA SHEET Z 0F a PROJECT: Liftside Building, East of tlesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Coloraoo. SPECIFICATiOT{ COI{PACT IOI{ & MATERIAT tlll{IMUM REQUIREO II{-PLACE DEIISITY: 951 AS DETERiIINED BY: ASTM D-698 CONSTRI.ICTI0I CONTRACT0R: Stan Hiller, Inc. TEST LOCATI0IIS IrERE SELECTED BY: Chen-l{orthern TYPE AllD ltUl,lBER 0F EARTH ltl0V I l{G UlllTS: Trackhoe TYPE Al{D t{UllBER 0F COl,lPACTI0ll UNITS: Bomag Vi bratory Sheepsfoot THICKIIISS 0F LIFT: llETH0D 0F ADDIT{G }|OISTURE: l{UflBER 0F PASSES: not observed rEST 0. LOCATIOII DEPTH OR ELEVAI I OI{ ( FEET ) LABORA]ORY I FI it0 PERCET{T ( RELAT IVE/ t',rAx I r,tu ) OBTAI NED 50]L TYPE }.IAX ] MUH DRY DEI{S ITY (pcf) 0PT I ilut'| t.toISTURE coftTEr{T DRY DE SITY (PcF) I.IOI STTRE CONTETIT (1) 10 l0' South of Ual I at L ine (t4rest of S Pool) IJ 3' South of llal I at Li ne (test of S Pool ) ll Approx. 55' El ev. Approx. 55'Elev. 135. 9 135.9 7.2 7.2 94.6 97 .4 1l .4 L(.J 70 72 wel I graded gravel wi th sand wel l graded gravel wi th sand FULL TII,IE OBSERVATIOX X PART TIME OBSERVATIOI{ THIS REpoRT PR€sEt{Ts oplltloNs Fo$aED As A REsuLt oF ann og-sEnvArIor{s oF FILL PLACEHENT. trE ftAvE RELTED oN THE co TRAcron ro CONTINUE APPLYI G THE RECoI+'|€NDEO C${PACTM TFFORT A]{D rlolsluRE TO Fll-L OURING THE TIIIES WHEN OUR OBSERVER IS NOT OaSEnvtHG OPERATTOI{S. 'EsTS ARE '.IADE Of TXE TILL OT{LY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALISRATE (ruR OBSERVER'S JUDGE}.'ENT. IEST DATA ANE TOT T'IE SOLE BASIS FOR OPTNIOIIS OX YHETHER ]HE FtLL ME€TS SPECTFICA]IO'TS. THE XUCLEAR DEI{SOI{ETER I.IETHOD OF TESTI}IG YAS USE[) I SUSSTAI{TIAL ACCORDAI{CE IJITH ASTI.I 02992 AND O3OI7. PRELIIIIIIARY 0BSERVATI0iIS Al{0/0R TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED T0: oave S, R. A. l{el son PROGRESS REPORT:First density test taken at approximatel y top of pea gravel and 6 foot of backfill. llaterlal appeared to be frozen. Contractor lndlcated frozen naterial would be renoved. COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, lnc.J V A, Inc. Town of Vai l Gwathey Pratt Schul tz Carolyn Adams Fred R. Carneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY A3 . muturl protactloh to cli.nti, th. publlc.nd ouriclv.r, all raports .rr rubmltt.d ai th. conlld.ntl.l proprrty ot our cll.ntrl tnd authorlz.tlon tor publlc.tlon of strt.n nt, concluilon! oF.rtrrctr lrom or rag.rdlng our rrporti 13 r...rv.d p.ndlnt out'r|rltt.n.pprov.l- Srtnpl.! rrlll b. dl3posad of .ftcr t.3tlhg l3 compl.t.d unl.ss oth.r rrr.ngqr|ntt ar..gr..d to ln wrltlng. A mc|rD.r of th. E!! group of comFrnla3 r55 150 ll() F- U)ztu Cf CEo 140 135 130 125 I 15 510 15 MOISTURE CONTENT - PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT zEno Ari votD CUiVES SPECFIC GRAVfi SPECF}C GRAVITY SPECFIC GRAVITY 2.60 MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIPS Liftside Chen€lSOIL DESCRIPTON :well qraded gravel with sand pFocEouBE ' ASTM 0698-91 Method C -foB No.: 4 178 93 3PLASTCTTY NDEX : DArE: l-28-94GBAVEL : 53.; Snr'rD : 42 96 SILT AND CLAY G20O) : --:1-% CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI}IG ENGINEERS AIID SCIET.IIISIS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING T0: l,lE0f,l Enterpri ses JOB 0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-31-94Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT l{0. 36 SHEET t 0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Building, East of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado, SPECIFICATIOX COIiPACTIOII & I,IATER IAL Hlllll{l}ll REQUIRTD I|{-PLACE 0EI{SITY: 95X AS DETERTTINED BY: ASTtt D-698 C0IISTRUCTI0N COI{TRACT0R: Stan lliller, Inc. TEST L0CATI0I{S trtERE SELECTED BY: Chen-l{orthern TYPE AND ilUl,lBER 0F EARTH |{OVI]{G UI{ITS: Trackhoe, backhoe TYPE AND llUl,lBER 0F Col.lPACTl0i{ Ut{lTS: Bomag THICKT{ESS 0F LIFT: 12-18" llETl{D 0F ADDII{G llOlSTURE: UMBER 0F PASSES: not observed TEST 0. LOCATIOI{ DEPTH OR EtEVATIOil (FEET) LASORATORY I FI :LD PERCEIIT (RELATI VEl I'IAX I l.tUH) OBTAII{TD SOIL TYPE ilAX I l,tutl DRY DEI{SITY (pcf ) oPT I r,tut'l }IOISTURE c0 TEl{T (i() ORY DEIISITY (PcF) I.IOISTURE c0l{TEilT (%) t1 uA 8' South of lJal I on Li ne Retest of lto. ll 6' bel ow 57',10"135.9 135.9 7.2 99. 7 102.7 8.0 8.7 76 rel I graded gravel wlth sand FULL TII'IE OBSERVATIOII X PART TI}IE OBSERVATIOIIlHrs REPoRT pREsENTs optNrolls FonxED As A FEsrrLt oF oun oE3Eilir:ols oF FILL PLACEMENT. yE rrevc RELTED !n r|rc corrRAcron To COI{TIIIJE APPLYI}IS THE RECOI'}IE}IDEO COI,TPACTIVE EFFORT AT{D T,DISTURE TO FILL DURIIIG IHE TIMES TIHEf{ OUE OBSERV€N TS OT OSSERVITIgOP€NATIOIIS. TESIS AIE iTADg OF THE FILL OI{LY AS BELIEVED NECESSANY TO CALIBRA]E OUR OSSERYER'S JUOGEMEIIT. IEST DAIA ANE }|(l ITIE SOLE EASIS FOR OPII{IONs OH WHETHER THE FILL I'IEETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE IIUCLEAR DEI{SOI.IETER I,IETHOD OF TE5IING I.,AS USED ItI SUESTAI{TIAL ACCORDAIiCE IJITH ASTI.I 02992 AI{D D3017. PREtIllit{ARY OBSERVATIOI{S AllD/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REP0RTED T0: Kery with Sl{l and Dave S. with R. A. l{elsor PRO$ESS REPORT: gontractor rsnoved a lift of frozen backfill naterial and reconpacted the material left. This matefial also appears to be frozen, (Temps of -10 degrees last night.) Eackfill was covered with concreted blankets in an attsnpt to prevent frost. C0PIES: R,A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail: Carolyn Adams Fred R. Carneron FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY A3 a r|turl pFot.ctlon to cllantt, th. publlc rnd our3.lv.i, !ll r.portr !r. rubmltt.d rs th. cortld.ntlrl pFoF.rty ot our cll.ntr, and eutlorlr.tJon tor publlcrtlon ot atatdnant, conclulio'lB or axtrrcta from or rag$dlng our r.portt l3 rararvad pandlng out rrlttan.pprov.l. S.mpl.!, wlll b. dlrpolod ot.ttcr t.itlng l3 cofipl.t.d url.rr oth.r.rrrng.m.nt3 !r". !gr..d to ln wrltlrtg. A meDt.r ot th. !!! group ot corp.nl.t CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coltsulTll{6 E}lGtilEERs AID sct€ltT I sTs REPORT OF STRUCTIJRAL STEEL TO: l,fEct'l Enterprises JoS [O. 4 178 93 3 DATE: ?-1-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.O. Box 3l{9 vait CO 81659-3149 DAILY REPoRT [o. 57 SI|EET I OF 2 PROJECI: Liftside BuiLding, south trmtage Road, Vail, Colorado Tetrperature at 8:00 All - zero The shear studs rere acousticalty tested at the loft Level 90, 6tt l95t 9n betreen gfid tines F-R ard 21-5 - 30 ard the secord ftoor levet 18.6tt/53,9n betlreen grid lines AA-a ard 13 - 21.5. ttone of the studs faited rhen hit rith a hafiner and are acceptable. Sqne of the netat deck side lape Here not button punched. The high strength bolts xere visually obGerved on the to}| roof levet tot'0rr betLeen grid tines C-f ard 21-11. Att of the bolts Trere folnd to be acceptabte but several of the beans at approximatety C-29 ritl have to be renoved and feptaced due to the construction accid€nt. The ghear tab fitlet xelds ard high strength bolts Here usuatty observed on the second levet 18'6n153'9tt bet$een grid tines 13,?1.5 ard M-0. Att of the botts ard Hetds rere for.rd to be acceptable. The mo ent connections at the fifth ftoor tevel 80r0rr [ere uttrasonicatly tested. See the attached l'1.Q. S. report. PROGRESS REPORT lhe decking crer and Dave rith R. A. ]letson $ere i nfonrBd of ry,, observEtion. COPI ES R.A. [etson & Asso. - Attn; Rick J.V.A. lnc. G$athney Pratt schut tr Torn of Vail . Attn: Dan Stanek Agate Darrel I Huss FIELD OBSERVER Fred Caflpron APPROVED BY A3 ! mutu.l protactlon to cll.nt5, th. publlc 6nd our3.lvG., all r.ports rr. rubirltt.d !3 th. confldentlrl prop.rty of our cllantl, .nd ruthort!rtlon {or publJcatlon of atatancnt. Concl!ilon3 ot'axtrictr fro6 or ragardlng our iapo!"ts li rcia.vrd pandlng our wrltten rPProval. Srtnplcs FllI b. dlspor.d of rttar t.stlng 13 complrtcd urlcrr othar rr..ng.rt nt3 rrr agr.ed to 1r r.i{ttng, A lnemb.r ot thr EI! group ol conp.nl.3 tod 16. crrro4a./tr ffi cU.d(.Arr, l&{hrt* fflt l#fu& f'n* - fa;l ! Jlr.::rIv.l::5 hOi D5 gLsrJf f. mt.trsf,rc nfHrFr rrgrLo.f I. F.Ah ltJ,J]{ orrd,fb tlotnf -rl--Hh. FAU1-frrlshrcfqlaE lilj'tr: -.---E ta.. f ,, _.,,w*z-l-f' +.drer*trt lld:_Id {l riFnda tdrl_g&hr._a*" I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISUL'I 6 E}IGI'{EERS A}E SCIE TISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING T0: I'lECl'l tnterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-1-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAITY REPoRT N0. 37A SHEET 10F a PR0JECT: Liftside Building, East of Uesthaven Drive and l,estin Hotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATIOI{ CO}{PACTIOI{ & I,IATERIAL I'IINI}IUM REQUIRED II{-PLACI DEiISITY: 951 AS DETERT4I ED BY: ASTM D-698 CONSTRUCTI0II CONTRACT0R: Stan Miller, Inc. TEST LOCATIOI{S UERE SELECTEO BY: Chen-florthern TYPE AND U BER 0F EARTH M0VIll6 Ut{lTS: Trackhoe TYPE AliD I'IUMBER 0F COllPACTI0t'l UlllTS: Eonas THICKNESS 0F LIFT: 12-18" l,lETHoD 0F ADDIT{G I'i0ISTWE: llul'l8tR 0F PASSES: as reoui red TEST 0. LOCATIOI{ DEPTH OR ELEVAT IOIi ( FEET ) LABOI IATORY FITtO PERCTNT (RELATIVE/ l'lAX I l.lu|'l ) OBTAi tIED SOIL TYPE ltAx Ittuil ORY OEt{ S I TY (pcf ) oPT l tttufi I.IO I STURE c0r{TEilT (x) oRY I Mor STURE DENSTTY I C0NTtNT tPcF) | (r) LZ Corner formed by Halls on Lines |rand9 6' bel ow 57'10.I35. 9 7.2 99.2 8.t well graded gravel with sand FULL TIME OESTRVATION X PART TII.'II OESERVATIOTI THIS REFORT PRESENTS oPINToiIs FOR''IEo As A RESULI oF oUR oiSEFTArto s oF FILL PLACE}IEHT. wE HAv€ R€LtEo oX THE CO}ITRACT0R TO COI{TIMTE APPLYII{G THE RECoa'|.|ENDED COIiPACTIYE €FFoRT AtlD I'DISTUnE TO FILL DUBIT{G THE TIMES VHE}{ orrR OBSERVER 15 Nor OSSERVIr{G OPENATIONS. TESTS ANE }$DE OF THE FILL O'{LY AS BELIEVED }IECESSARY 'O CALIBRATE OI.,R OBSERVER'S JUDGE}IENT. TEST DATA ARE I|oT THE SOLE EASIS FOR OPIIIIONS ON I*IETHER THE FILL iIEETS SPECIFICAIIONS. THE TIUCLEAR DE}ISOi,IETER I'IETHOD OF TESTI]{6 UAS USEO TII SUBSTA TIAL ACCOROAI{CE I'[TH ASTI.{ OZ99E A O 03017. PRELI},III{ARY OBSERVATIOI{S AiID/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPffiTED TO: PROGRESS REPORT:See attached report. COPIES: R.A, flelson & Assoclates, Inc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz; Tonn of VaiI; Carolyn Adams Fred R. Caneron FIELD OESERVTR APPROVED BY A3 a rnuttlr'l prot.ctlon to cllrnt!, th. publlc .nd ours.lv.3, .ll r.ports rr. 3ubmltt€d 13 thc conffdantlll proP.rty of oua cll.nt., dnd ruthorltrtlon for publlcatlon ot statenant, conclu6lon3 or cxtilct3 troi| or r.grrdlng our r.porti lr FararYcd Pandlng our rrlttatrptrov.l. SrnplGs rlll b. dlrpot.d of rft.r t.rtlng l3 complGt.d unl.3!' oth.r !rr.ng.n.nt' .r. ugro.d to ln wrltlng. A F.trber of thc !J! Sroup of complnl.r t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coilsuLT I ltc EltctlEErs ArD scrEITtsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTIVITIES T0: MEcl.l EnterprisEs JOB XO. 4 I7S 93 3 DATE: 2-1-94Attn: €ustaquio Coftina P.0. Box 3149vait co 81659-5149 DAILy REPTORT lro. jZA sxEET ? OF Z PROJECI: tiftside Building, South Frontage Road, Vail, Cotorado lle retested an area in the corner forned by Halls on Lines 9 ard H. This area had been tested ontxo Previous visits 8rd tests had failed dle to frost in materiat. Contractor atteflpted to thau 9fa ryt tests today indicated naterial ras stitt frozen. Dave Schreiner accepted this 15 to l8'rlift of on-site material on top of pea graveL (beddinq for perirmter drain). Additionat tifts ofHalt backfilt material xilt be a very rocky inported rnterial rrith very feu fines (they catt itdredge). ( Tom Allen approved. ) Several lifts of the above nentiond ifiport materiat nere ptaced over ratar line exterding from the hydrant at Hest erd of Halt on 2.9 tine to rall on R tine ard approximatety p,? tine. A Bomg Has used to cqrPact backfiLl material. lateriat contains too lruch roik to test xith nuctear der6ometer. It appeared that ade(pote corpact i ve effort Has apptid to eater line backfil.t. PROGRESS REPORI COPIES R.A. iletson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J-V.A. Inc. crathmey Pratt Schut tz Toxn of vail - Attn: Dan Stanek Carotyn Addns FIELD OBSERVER Fred CflEron APPROVED BY A3 a nstual prot.ctlon to cllants, th. pllbllc .nd our3.lv.r, .ll r.porti rr. iubnltt.d !r thi contid.ntl.l lrop.r'ty of our cll.ntr, .ndduthoFla.tlon tor publlcrtlon ot strtdD.nt. Conclurlon3 or.rtrlctE fron or r.g.rdlng our r.portr li r.r.rv.d F.ndlng our F ttt.n.pprov.t.Snhpl.t rlll b. dJrFo3.d of.tt.r t.stlng lr cohpl.t.d uhl.3r oth.r rrrangdrents ari. rgrcri to ln vflt{ng. - A m. btr ot th. HIH group ot complnt.s om r.. c|f,roe .,ret CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coflsuLl|[G EtGt]IEERS AXD SCTEIT I STS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: r'tEcl| Enterpfises JOB ]tO. 4 178 93 3 DATE: 2-2-94 Attn: EustacFii o Cort i na P-o. Box 3149 vait co 81659-3149 DAtLy REpoRT [o. 38 SHEET I Or 1 PROJ€CT: Liftside 8ui1din9, South trontage Road, Vait, Colofado Ue Here on site to observe ralt backfitl op€rati on in corner area south ard Hest of ratls on tines !l ard 9, Four tifts of 12-'18't each rere placed dJring tim re xere on site. Xaterial being truckedin today appears to contain rEfe rock ard even less fines than originat matefial, contaactor app€ard to be apptying adequate coflpactive effort to Hatl backlitt material (backfilt tjp to 57' 10tr at 5:00 Plrl). ge also tested concrete this trprning ard picked [p test cylinders cast yesterday (2-1-94t. PROGRESS REPMT coPtEs R.A, tlelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. I nc. GHathnEy Pratt Schuttz To*n of Vsil - Attn: oan Stanek carolyn Adars FIEID OBSERVER Fred caFron APPRWED 8Y l As a mutu!l pFot.ctlon to cll.rtr, th. pubtlc rnd our!.lv.r, !ll reports rr. sub|t|ltt.d.3 th. contl.l.ntlcl prop.rty ot our cll.nts' rnd ruthorl:!tton tor publlc.tlor ol rt.t! .rt, Corclu!lonr or.rtrrcti tron or r.grrdlng orF r.porti l3 !..t.rv.d p.ndlng our wrlttan aPProvrI 'Sahpl.r trlll b. dirpor.d of.ft.i trstlng ir cdnFl.t.d unl.rr oth.r. rrrrnguint* .|". .gr..d to ln wl^ltlng. A m.nb.r ot th. !!! group ot comp.nl.3 rd. ro' .tEl@a ./el CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. co sutlrllc E[cIitEERs AID SCtE]tT l sTS REPORT OF STRU TURAL STEBT lo: lifEc Enterprises Jo8 ilo. 4 l7g 95 3 DATS: 2-3-g4Attn: Eustaquio Cortins P.o. Bor f149vail C0 81659-3149 DArLy REpoRT [0. 39 SHEET I or I PROJECT: Liftside Building, south Frontage Road, Vail, colorado Teflperature at l:00 PX - 18 degrees The shear studs rere acorrsticalty tested on the third ftoor tevel 59, Ott/64, 3tt betxeen grid I ines 1Z'Z? ard AA-0- Approxinatety 15X of the studs faited nhen struck },ith a hamner. Several did not pass the 15 degree berd test. [o lr.!r.F. had been placed at the tim of my visit. Tbe prddle retds rere found to be acceptable but many sheets had not been b,utton frfiched, The A525 botts ani fitl.et Hetds rere visually observed at the above location and rere found to b€ acceptable except one $etd at A-12. The uetd did mt rFet the 5/15t' thickness requi rernent, PROGRESS REPORI Dave xith R. A. Belson and Bob Hith the erection crer rere infornpd of rry observat i ots. COP I ES R.A. lletson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V,A. Inc. CHathmey Pratt Schuttr To$n of Vail - Attn: Dan Stanek Darrel I Huss FIELD OtsSERVER Fred caneron APPROVED 8Y Ai r ll|ut|rrl prot.ctlon to cli.ntr, th. publlc lnd ouF3.lv.r, al'l r.portt !r. lrbnlttcd rr th. confld.ntlrl prop.rty ot our cll.nt!, .nd .uthorlaatlon for publlc.tlon of.t.t.6.nt. Conclrrlonr or.xtr.ct. lrom or r..g.rdlng our rGpor.ti ln r..r.rv.d p.ndlt|g our riltt.6 rFpiovrl.Slnpl.t wlll b. dlipor.d ot.ft.r t.3tlng lt conpl.t.d unl.rr othar arrrhg.maht3 rr. rgt'..d to tn r|rlt{ng. A ntcmb.r ot th. HIB group of comprnl.r tmr rr, sGroc^ 6,nl CHEN-NORTHSRN, INC. CONSUL' IIIG EiIGIIIEERS AIID SCTETITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY T0: ilEC Enterprises JOB XO, 4 178 93 t DATE: 2-3-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149 Vail. co 81659-3149 DAr[y REPORT [o. 39A SIEET I OF I PROJSCT: Liltside Buitding, South Frontage Road, Vail, Cotorado contraetor ptarned a 4 foot thick tift of irport materiat to aid yorkers Haterproofing extenlor ofrratt. This tift eas tater dragged back out and corpacted in fn-spec thick lifts. llateriat used is remaining more rocky in content than initiat mateFiat. PROGRESS REPORT coPlEs R.A, llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. Inc. Gxath$ey Prstt Schultz Tolrn of Vail : Attn3 Dan Stanek caFotyn AdarB FIEID OBSERVER F red cdmron APPROI'ED 8Y A3 r hutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nt3, the publlc .nd ours.lv.i, .ll r.ports .r. lubr|ltted ra thc contldontl.l prop.rty ot out cll.nta, andruthorl2!tlon lorFubllcltlon ot statmant. Conclu6lona or.xtr.ctr trofi of rcgardlng our raport3 l3..rrfyad Fandlng ou|. rrlttrn approval,Stt|nP|.3 lll b. dltpoi.d ot .ft.F t.iting l. cofipl.t.d unl.sr oth.r rrrang.Rrcnt:' ar. rgracd to ln rrltlng,A irctrDcr ot th. !!! group of conp.nl.3 .orr rd. cr*r€a 6/' CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. collsuLlt ltG EilctIEERS AltD sctEltTISlS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITV lO: IlECll Enterprises JOB [O. 4 t7B 93 3 DA'E! 2-4-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.O. Box 3149 Vail. co 81659-3149 DArLy REpoRT [0. 40 SHEEI I oF 1 PROJECT: Liftside Suitding, South Ffohtage Road, Vait, Colorado contractor ptaced and conpacted a tift of rocky inport materiat south ard rest of corner formed by 7 and R t ines. lJaterproofing and rigid insulation rere instalted on exterior of xalls on 9 and H lines. fraltbackfill can be ptaced at top of r,atl. Afea lrest of Hat[ on 4 line ard south of Hall at approximatety L tinr has been tented ard is being heated to thaH {rozen rmteriat at footing grade. only one end d.rp toad of backfitl material brought in as of noon today aId this ras not yet plocd. PROGRESS REPORT coPt Es R.A, etson & Asso. - Attn; Rick Agate J.V.A, lnc. GHathnFy Pratt Schul tz Torn of Vail : Attn: Dan StBnek c8rolyr Adalrs fIELD OBSERVER Fred cameron APPROVEO 8Y Aa ! mutual prot.ctlon to cllrntt, th. Fuhltc.nd osr3.lvt!, .ll ..ports rlr 3ubnltt.d .r th. cohfldcntl.l prop.rty ot orr cll.ntt' .nd authorlz.tlon for publlc.tlon of 3trt.ir.nt. Conclu3loftr or.rtrrctr tro|n ot'r.gaidlng ouF raporta l3 r.s.rv.d p.hdlnt our rrltt.n.pprov.l.S.nlpl.3 wlll b. d{3por.d ot.tt.r t.3tlng l. conpl.t.d lhlcs3 oti.r- .Fr.ng.m.ntr rr. .gr...d to In r,rltlng.A m.mbar of th. !!! Srosp of conplnle3 ror. r.. crrdr 6'|l CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULII XG EIIGIIIEERS, AIID SCIE}ITtSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTTOT ACTTVITY T0: HECII Enterpfises JoB lto. 4 178 93 5 DATE: 2-7-94Attn: Eustaquio Cort ina P.O. Box 3149 Vait co 81659-3149 DAILY iEpoRT fio. 41 st{EET I oF I PROJECT: Liftside Buitding, South Ffontage Road, Vait. Colorado since our last visit the area Hest of g tine srd south of il line had been backfitted to an apProxinate etevation of 62.0 feet, Bontrsctor had ptaced approxinately 3 ptus tifts. ge observed the third tift being placed and cofpEcted. Ue alsp observed bottqn of tented area pest of tine 4. stitl frozen material ras being rflpved ard areas of bedrock rere shoring. this is the next area to be bacffitted. PROGRESS REPORT coPt Es R.A- llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V,A. lnc- Gmth'||ey Pratt Schul tz Tovn of Vait - Attn: Dan stanek Csrotyn Adams FTEID OSSERVER Fred cameron APPROVED BY As r nuturl prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. publlc.nd our3r'|v.3, !'ll r.por-ts .ra 3ubBlttcd 13 th. confldentlr! ProP.rty ol our eIl.nt3, and .uthorlr.ttoa for Fubllcrtlon of it.i.tl|rnt. Conclr,ts{onc or.rtrrcir tro|tl or reg.rdlng our r.port3 It r.t.rv.d p.ndlng our ||rltt.n .pProv.l. SanplGi r.lll bc di3potcd ol rtt.r t.stlng l3 collpl.t.d unlatr oth.r lrrlngcn.nt3 .ra .grced to ln t rltlng. A h.mb.r ot th. !!! group of conrp.nle3 .oin ro. s€rocr.trer I eHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cotitslJll t [c E]|GnEERS AID SCtE]tTtSTS REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL lo: llEcu Enterprises JoB ilo. 4 178 9j S DATE: ?-g-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.O. Box 3149 Vait CO 81659-3149 DAILY REpORf No. 12 SHEET I oF I PROJECT: tiftside Buitding, south Frontage Rord, vail, Cotorado Teflperature at 8:15 - 18 degrees. The shear studs Here acousticat ly tegted on the fourth ftoor levet 69t 6ttf74t9tt b€treen grid lines AA'o ard 7-?Z except a snatl area betxeen 7-8 and U-H. The studs rere found to be occeptable rhen struck ltith . hadrer. Approxirnatety one half of the deck (7-12 ard AA-Q) ras coverd xith snor and the puddl e retds and side laps could not be observed. lhe other hatf is acceptabte, The fittet eelds and 4f,25 botts xefe visuatty observed at the sanE locbtion ag the shear studs ard rere forrdto be acceptable except one Ulz be at 3-13.3. The erted pas set lor in the uatt ard onty the botton hatf of the shear tab could be relded. Dave ard Bob reported that the out of spec iters from our last inspection heve been corrected arid rle ob6efved the shear studs on the east hatf rere retested and found to be acceptabte. Ihe Hest half ras covered Hith concrete and coutd not be fetested, PRoGRESS REPORT Dave Hith R. A. letson ard 8ob ].ith the erection crep Here lnfonned of lry obsenvations. coPtEs R.A, iletson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V,A. Inc, GLathrEy Pfatt Schul tz ToHn of Vait : Attn: Dan Stanek Dorrel t Huss fIELD OBSERVER Fred Camrron APPRO/EO BY A3 ! mutu.l prot.ctlon to cllant3, th. publlc.nd our3alv.G, !ll r.portr.r. iutmltt.d 13 th. conlld.ntl.l Frop.rty of our cll.nta, rnd authorlzrtlon lor pub'llcrtlon of stataibnt. Concluilons or axtrrcts lton|oiraglrdlng our rcportr l3 i.rt.rvad Panallng our rrlttan lDProval, S.mplc3 wlll ba d{3por.d of .ttcr taitlng l3 compl.tcd unl.st ath.r .rr.ng.nr.nt3 er. agrccd to In wrltlng. A mcmb.r of th. !!! sroup ot comprnl.i to.,| Hr, c|froc' 6,ret %on -.', f ,.:!CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIl{6 EI{6II{EERS AND SCIENTI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: MECI'I Enterpri ses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-11-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECI: Liftside Buildtng, east of lJesthaven Dfive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACE},IEI{T LOCAT IOt{ :S lab fon Unit C-41 BATCH TICKET I I{FORI'IAT I OI{ TRUCK t{0. 97 TIl'lE EATCHED: 8:39 TICKET NO. O1C98i TIIIE ARRIVED: 8:50 T I I'IE SUPPLIER: l,restern Mobi I e MIX DESIGT{ t{0. 8-4000 PLACED: 9:00 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU|,|: 7lL4l28 FIELD TESIING INFORI,IATIOI{ SAI.IPLE TEI,IP: 58.F AIR TEI.IP: O"F TIIIE TEST TAKEN: 9:26 SLUl,lP: 5.0 ltl. AIR COi{TEI{T: 4.9X UET UI{IT UEIGHT: 141.3 J08 SPECI FICATI0I{S: SLul'lP: Il{. AIR C0t{TEllT: % i,ATER ADDED AT SITE I0GAL. CYLITIDER INFORMATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLINDERS CAST: 9:36 ITHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING II{FORI,IATIOil INITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1-13-94 FIELD STORAGE FAGILITIES: Heated Trai'lerBY: C. A.MIN/MAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) D IAI,IETER ( r NCHES ) AREA (sQ ilr) COI,IP. STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER I{E IGHT (LBs) CYLINDER UIIIT UEIGHT (PCF) I 7 28 ?8 28H 28H 1- l8-94 1-18-94 2-8-94 z-8-94 u -8-94 2-8-94 104 ,000 102,000 131,000 144,000 140, 500 147 .500 5.99 5.99 6. 08 6. 08 6.08 6.09 28. 18 28. 18 29.03 29.03 29.03 29. l3 3690 3620 4510 4960 4840 5060 shear shear con/shear conlsp) i t con/shear con/spl i t DES]GN STREi{GTH 4OO()PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONI{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTM I,IETHODS UNLESS OTHERIIISE I{OTED SOI,IE INFORMATIO}I ()F TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS:1% non-chloride accelerator added to this mix. CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Assoclates, Inc. Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlnuy Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEI) BY Ai a mutqll prot.ctlon to cll€nts, th. publlc lnd ours€lvos, all raports ere subhittad as th€ confldl€ntl.l piop€rty of clients. ahd .uthorlzrtlon for publlcdtlon ol statement3. Conclusions or cxtracts froh or iegardlng our rcports l5 ralarvad F6ndlng our- Hr"lttcn .ppr"oval. S.mplcs ||lll b. dl3Fo5.d of.fter tcstlng l! completed unlels other lrFAngemcnt3 .gr..d tolr wrlting, A nsnbor of th. !I! gr.oup of comprnl€s Form t{o. CtlEll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coilsulTltio EilGIilEERs A 0 SCIE TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a mutur'l protectlon to cllanti, th€ p{rbllc.nd ours.lvcs, .ll r€por.ts rr. subftltt.d .., the confldlantlal prop€rty olcllentB, .nd iuthorlzltlor for Fubllcation of itatercnt3. Conclusloni or cxtracts from or r.Eardlng ouF r€port3 l! Fcacrv.dp€nding our rrltt.n rFproval. Slmpleg lrlll b. dl3po3Gd of rft€r ta3tlng ls completcd unlcas othar arr.ngements agrc.d toIt rritlng.A |hemb€t. o,f th€ !q! group of coDrp.nles Fofm No, CMEll3A 6/91 T0: llECll Enterprlses JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 1-14-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and |lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road flest, Vai1, Colo. PLACEMEI{T LOCATIOi{: l{orth and east walls of pool at Lines U through AA and I through 12. BATCH TICKET I t{F0Rl4AT I01{ SUPPLITR: Uestern ilobile TRUCK l{0. 189 TICKET t{0. 011025 l,ilx DESIGN 1{0. 39 TIltfE EATCHED: 1l:52 TIIIE ARRIVED: 12:05 TItlE PLACED: 1?:20 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUYIt 7 !21135! FIELO TESTTIIG II{FORI.IATIOII SAMPLE IEIi{P: 62'F ATR TEiIP: 4O'F TIIIE TEST TAKEIi: t2:35 SLUIIP: 3 1/2 It{. AiR C0t{TEtlT: 4.5i1 ltET UNIT IIEIGHT: JOB SPECI FICAT 101{5: SLUl,lP: 4 IN. AIR CONTEIIT: 4-89( \TATER ADDED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYt IIiIDER I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLII,IDERS CAST: !2:45 UHERE CAST: On-Site CURI }16 I I{FORI.IATION II{ITIAL CURE:24 hours 0n-Si te DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1-15-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: fleated trai'lerBY: C.A.!rr N/r'rAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAT IOAD tLBs) DIAHETER (Il{c$ES) AREA (sQ lH) col,lP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI NDER I{E I6HT ( LBS) CYLT I{DER UI{IT IJEIGHT {PCF) z8 28 28 28H 28H l-21-94 l-21-94 2-i 1-94 a-t I -94 ?-11-94 ?- 11-94 117 ,500 122,000 150,000 151 .000 152,000 157.000 6. 00 6.09 6.08 6.07 6 .00 6.00 28.?7 e9. 13 29.03 28.94 28.27 28.27 4160 4190 5i 70 5220 5380 5550 shea r snear DES IGI{ STREI{CTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY IABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE IdITH APPL]CABLE ASTI.I }IETHOI}S UNLESS OTHER}IISE I{OTED SOI.IE INFORiIATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS:1% non chlor acc. added to the nix. CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Val I ; Uestern l,lobi 1 e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI l{G EITGIIIEERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl,l Enterprl ses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 0ATEI 1-17-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Lifts'ide Buildtng, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEIIT LOCATIOT{:Ualls; staircore A at tlev. 101 EATCH TICKET I N F0Rl'lAT lOtl SUPPLIER: Uestern l'lobi le TRUCK l{0. 189 TICKET ilo. 01 1034 },|lX DESIGT{ ilo. 39 TIIIE BATCHED: 12:12 TIlllE ARRIVED: 12:28 TIME PLACTD: 12:40 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI,|: 65/65/13 FIELD TESTING II|F0RMATI0I{ SAI,IPLE TEIIP: 66'F AIR TEMP: 2fF TIIfE TEST TfTKEN: l?:47 SLUMP: 2 3/4 Il{. AIR C0l{TE}lT: 4.5% }JET UNIT UEIGHT: 139.4 JOB SPEC IFICATI0i{S: SLUiIP: 4 It{. AIR C0ilTEliT: 4.81 hfATER A00EB AT SITE 6AL. CYL I IIDER T I'IFORI,IATION fl0. 0F CYLII{DERS r 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TItilE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 12:57 UHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{6 I I{FORIIATIOI{ IIIITIAL CURE: 0n-si te DATE RE0EIVED AT LAB: l-19-94 F]ELD STORAGE FACILITIES:8Y: BH til I N/MAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI.IETER ( I r{cHES ) AREA (SQ IN) coilP . sTR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{OER UEIGHI (LBs ) CYL II{DER Ul{IT t,EIGllT ( PcF) 28 28 28 28 L-?4-94 1-24-94 ?-!4-94 2-14-94 2-14-94 ?-14-94 127 ,000 123 ,000 150,500 165,000 152,000 15?.000 6.08 6.08 5.99 5.99 s.99 6.00 z9.03 29.03 28. 18 zg.l8 ?8. t8 28.27 437 0 4240 5340 5860 5390 5380 shear shear shear con/shear shear shear DESi6II STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOT{I{EL ARE IiI ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTII I'IETHOD5 UIILESS OTHERYISE }IOTED SO}fE II{FORIIATIOI{ OF TIST REPORT IiIAY BE PROVJDED 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS:1% non chl ori de COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; l'lestern Mobile; J V A, Inc,; cviathmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a |nlrturl protectlon to cIl€nts, thc pu!l{c cllent3, end authorlzrtlor tor publl.atlon ofpendlng our wrlttan approvr'|. Samples rrll'l bcln ldritlng. A m€rnbcr ol th€ !!I Eroup of comprnlei rnd oursalvai, all reports 3tatanant3, Conc l usl on3 or di spoaad of rtter testlng ar€ sub.nittad a3 tfte confldter|tlrl prop.rty of e,(tr.tct3 fron or regardlng oui rcports lE r.tcrvadls complatad unless oth€r arrangamQnts agr"eed to Form No. CME113A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISUITI116 EII6I IIEERS AI{O SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a mutrrl protcctlon to cll€n!;, the publlc and ours.lv.3, all report! ar. submlttcd.t th. confl.llentl.l proPtrty ot clicnts, and .uthori?.t16r foi Fublicitlon of 3t.t€6.nti. Concturlonr or e,(tr.ct3 fro'| or !"€gardlhg our i.ports l3 rcaerv€d pendlng ou|. [rltt€n .pprov6't, S.mples will br dlrFo3.d of dfter tostlng is coDplctcd unl.ss oth€r lrrangdt nts rgre.d to in Hri tinE. A memb€r ol the EI! group ol compdnl€s Forn No' CME113A 619l T0: llECll Enterprises J08 tlO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-l-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 2Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthaven Orive and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IEIIT LOCAT ION :Slab at uni t C-52 BATCH TICKEI ItlFoRllATIol{ SUPPLIER: Uestern Hobile TRT CK H0. 1s0 TICKET r{0. 011140 HrX DESIGT{ I0. 44 TII'|E EATCHED: 9:31 TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:55 TIIIE PLACED: 10:04 CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU!4: Tll4l1B FIELD TESTIt{6 II{FORMATION TIIIE TEST TAK[I{: l0: l1 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUiIP: 3 3/4 5LUI1P: IN. Ir{. SAI.IPLE TEI'IP: AIR C0t{TEt'lT: 5.8 X AIR C0ltTEllT: % 57"F AIR TEIIP: 10'F UET UNIT ll€IGHT: 137.3 IIATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYL I I{DER ItiFORI,IAT]OI{ tlO. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLIi{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" Til'lE CYLINDERS CAST: 10:?l IIHERE CAST: On-Site CUR1116 II{FORMATIOII il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-?'94 FIELD STORAGE FAC I L ITIES: 8Y: C. A.HIr{/r'rAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOIAL LOAD (L8s) OIAI'IETER ( I ilCHES ) AREA (sQ Iil) cs.lP . sTR . (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL INDER IIE I GHT (LBs) CYtII,ID€R UNIT !'EIGHT (PcF) 7A 7A FC 7A 28A 28A 28AH 28AH 2-8-94 z -8- 94 2-8-94 3-l-94 3-l-94 3 - 1-94 3- l-94 102, 000 99,000 112.500 5. 99 5.98 6.09 e8. i8 28.09 29. 13 3620 3520 386 0 shear snear shear DESIGIi STRENGTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PTRSOI{I{EL ARE IN ACCORDANCE IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I'IETIIODs Ui{LESS OTHERI.'iSE NOIED SO},IE II{FORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHTRS RE|IARKS: Another 4 gallon of water added after sl urnp test was perfonned. COPIES; R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Tovm of Vail; lJestern ilobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI,ISULTI NG EI{GIIIEERS AIIO SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: I'lECl.{ Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: Z-l-94Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Lifts'lde Building, east of l,lesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEiIT LOCATION :tJall, L line frorn P.4 to P.5. EATCH TICKET INF0RMATI0il SUPPLIER: Uestern llobile TRUCK N0. 161 TICKET t{0. 011149 ilrX DESIGT{ ilo. 39 TIl,fE BATCHED: l:56 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 2:20 TIME PLACED: 3:05 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU[: 7/7114! FIELD TESTII.IG IilFORI'IATIOI{ SAI,IPLE TEI'IP: 6O"F AIR TE P: lO"F TIIIE TEST TAKEl,l: 10:11 SLUMP: ? 3/4 I1{. AIR C0tlTEl{Tr5.4 X UET UI{IT IIEIGHT: JOB SPECI FICATI0I{S: SLUMP: Ill. AIR COI{TENT: X' l,lATER ADDED AT SITE 3 6AL. CYL J IIDER II{FORi.IATION N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLI DERS CAST: IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURINC I]IFORI,IATION INITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEMD AT IAB; 2-2-94 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer exceut fof Fieid Cure BY: C. A.MIt{/l.tAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS) DIAI.IETER ( INCHES) AREA (sQ rr{) coilP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CY L I1{DER IJE I6HT (tBs) CYL 1I{DER UI{JT IdEI6HT ( PCF) 7B IB FC 78 288 288 289H 2-A-94 2-8-94 2-8-94 3- I -94 3-1-94 3-1-94 117,500 1?0,000 118.000 6 .08 6.00 5.98 29.03 ?8.27 28. 09 4050 4240 4200 shear con/shear shear DESlGl{ STRENGTH 4OOO PS] O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNTESS OTHERIJISE IIOTED SO},IE IIIFORI,IATION OF TEST REPORT I.'IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Pour was de'layed, a 6rane was needed to place concrete, 1% non chloride accelerater added to this mix. Sample obtained from concrete truck discharge. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; llestern }lobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adanrs Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 e mutu.l protactlon to cll€nts, thc Fubllc and our3elv€s, all report3 !F. lubmlttad as the confldlcntlrl prop6r"ty ofcll€nt3, and author'lzttlon foF publlcation of rtatdnant3. Concluslons oF extrlcts from or rcgardlng our" r€por^t3 13 rescrvodp€ndlng our vrrlttcn approval. SanFles nill bc dlapoiad of rft€r i€stlng l3 completed unle33 oth€r rraingGments ag.ecd toln wrltlng. A nemb€r of the lll group of companles Forfl No. C ElltA 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI 116 EI{GII{€ERS AI'ID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar a nutu!1 protact{on to cliantg, the publlc .nd oqr3e'lv€5, !l'l r€po.ts rre suhnittad a3 the confldlentirl Frop€rty of cllcntsj and luthorizatfon tor public{tion of stat6m€nt3. Concl(slons or axtract3 from or rggarding ouF rcports ir r.tervedpending our wrltten !pprovrl. S!|nFl6s will b. disposcd of rft€r testing ls cotnplet.d unlers other rrilng€nent3 agreod toln w.lt lhg. A nemb€r af th€ E!! group of conpanl€s Fonn o. CtlEllSA 6/91 T0: MECM Entenpri ses JOB tl0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 2-2-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 8t658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and ltestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEl.lEllT L0CATI0N: Slabs for penthouses in Units C-51 and C-52 at Level 95.9. BATCH TICKET I]{FoRl.lATIoli SUPPLIER: l,lestern Hobile TRUCK N0. 114 TICKET t{0. 011154 I'iIX DESIGI{ t{0. 44 TIME BATCHED: 8:50 TIME ARRIVED: 9:10 TIfiE PLACED: 9:40 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCtll,l: FIELD TESTIT{6 II{F0RMATIOI{ SAiIPLE TEl,lP: 51 T AIR TEiIP: 10"F TIl,lE TEST TAKEII: 10:08 SLUMP: 5.0 I1{. AIR C0tlTEt{T: 6.31 UET UI{IT UEI6HT: 135.6 JOB SPEC I FICATI0I{S: SLUMP: It{. AiR C0I{TENT: g IIATER ADDED AT SITE 5 cAL. CYLINDER i NFORMATION N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLI DERS CAST: 10:28 lrlHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING IIIFORMATiON INITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-4-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACITITIES: heated trailer 8Y: l{. J.Hit{/MAX AGE DAY S DAlE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8S) 0IAl,{ETER ( I NCHES) ARTA (SQ IN) col.tP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI I{DER t.,E I6HT (LBs) CYLII{DER UIIIT I.'IIGHI ( PcF) 7 7FC 28 28 28 28H 2-9-94 z-9-94 2-9-94 3-2-94 3-2-94 3-2-94 3-2-94 88,500 88,000 92,000 6.09 5.99 5 .98 ,o 1a 28. l8 28. 09 3040 3l e0 3280 shear shear shean DESIGN STREI{GTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAB0RATORY PERSOI{|{EL ARE Ill ACC0R0AiICE tttlH APPTICABLE ASTlil i{ETHO0S UIILESS OTHERI'IISE ilOTEO SOI,IE II{FORI{ATiOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS:1% non chl.ri de accelerater added to this mix. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail I l',estern ilobilei J V A, Inc.; Gwattsney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SUIT] I{G E]{GII{EERS AIID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. nutral prot.ctlon to cllenti, th€ FubIlc .nd ourr.lv.sr .ll report3 are aubmltt€d.i th€ conlldlcntl.l propaFty otcllentsr lnd a{thorizatlon for publlcrtlor of stat€mGnt3. Conclusioni or extrqcts from or reglrdlng our feport$ l3 ra3arvadpcn.llng our rrlttcn .pproval. Srnlpl.3 will b€ dlrposod of aftcr t€stlng l9 cohplGted unlcai other rFrAngen.nts.gr€.d to A membei ;t thc HIH group ot comp.nl€3 Fofm No. CME113A 6191 T0: lilECl.l Enterprl ses JoB t{0. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: 2-3-94Attn: Eustaqul o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Orive and hlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vai1, Colo. PLACEi,IE}IT LOCATIOiI :tlall on L Li ne BATCH TICKET I[F0RllATI0l{ SUPPLIER: t{estern Mob.ile IRUCK t{0. 150 TtcKEI tto, 0 178 }tIX DESJGII tio. 39 TIHE BATCHED: 3:05 TIIIE ARRIVEO: 3:30 TIME PLACED: 3:42 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU}I: FIELD TESTIIIG I IIFORI.IATION TIl.lE TEST TAKEI{: 3:52 JOB SPECIFTCATIOilS: SLUf,lP: 4.0 SLUI'IP: 4 I t{. It{. AIR AIR SAI'IPLE TEHP: COilTEIlT: 6.1% C0 TE T: 4-8% 58'F AIR TEt'lP: 25oF UET UIIIT }/EIGHT: 136.9 I,ATER ADDED AT SITE 6AL. CYL I iIDER ] I{FORI.IATlOII N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 4 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIl.lE CYLI?'IOERS CAST: 4:02 }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING ]flFORMATIOl{I ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: ?-4-94 FTETD STORAGE FACIITTIES: BY : !l I li /MAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD ( LBS) DIAI.IETER (INCHES) AREA (sq rfi) col,tP. sIR. (PSI ) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYLItIDER UEICIfT (L8S) CYLI iIDER UIIIT I/EI6HT ( PCF) 7 7 7FC ?8 ?s 28H 28H 2-10-94 2-10-94 2-ta-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-9,4 3-3-94 111 ,500 119,500 89.500 5.99 6.08 6 .07 28.18 29.03 28.94 3960 4120 3 090 shear con/shear shear DES ICI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PsI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LA8ORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE iI{ ACCOROAIICE T/ITH APPLICABLE ASTII IIETHOOS UfILESS OTHERYISE IIOTED SOI'IE I NFORI.IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT !,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS:1X Daraset accelerater, C0PIES: R.A. l{el son & Assoclates, In6. Town of VaiI; tlestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathay Pratt Schultzi Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIt{G E1{6IiIEERS A]{D SCIEI.ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 r mutual prot€ctior to cIl.rts, th. publlc rnd ours.lv.E, all r€port3 lrc iubmitted.s th. confldlcntlal prop.rty otcllentsr rnd authorlzation for ptrbllcatlon of statem€nt3. Conclus'lon3 or artruct3 lrofir or- regrrdlng our roports 13 ies.rvcdp.hdlng our wrltt€n.pprov6l, SrnplG3 wlll bc dl3po3.d of aftcr te3ting l3 complatcd unl€ss othe. arrangerncnt3 rgrecd to A memb.r 6t thc EI! group of comp.nle5 Forrn No. C!{Ell3A 6/91 T0: l'lECll Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-4-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F tVall, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drlve and llestln Hotel , South Frontage Road ttest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IENT L0CATI0I{ :Slab for Unit B-22. BATCH TICKET INF0RtlATIOtl SUPPLIER: tlestern ttobile TRUCK N0. 161 TICKET ito. 011142 itIX 0ESIG t{0. 44 TIl,tE EATCHED: 9:53 TIIIE ARRIVED: - TlttE PLACED: - CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI,i: 7 tLLt?g! FIELD TESlil{G I NF0RI,|AT I0l{ SAIIPLE TEIIP: 55'F AIR TEl.tP: ?5"F TIl,lE TEST TAKEN: 10:48 SLUI'IP: 6.5 It{. AIR C0tlTEl{T:6.1 U l,ET U IT UEIGflT: 135.6 JOB SPECI F I CATIOi{S: SLul,lP: 4 Il{. AIR CONTEIIT: 3 * |,ATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLINDER I TIFORI.IAT I OI{ 0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 10:58 trlHERE CAST: 0n-Site CIJRING II'IFORMATION Il{ITIAL CURE: 7? hours on-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 2-7-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer BY: l,l. J .r.rIt{/t'lAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAHETER (rr{cHEs) AREA (sQ It{) co P . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CY L I1{DER I.'E IGHT (LBs) CYL II{DER U]{IT UE IGHT (PcF) 7 7FC ?8 28 ?8H 28H 2-11-94 2- 11-94 2- 11-94 3-4-94 3-4-94 3-4-94 3-4-94 72,500 83,500 87.500 5.99 6.07 5.98 28. 18 28.94 28.09 2570 2890 3120 shear s hear snear DESIGT{ STRE]IGTH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONIIEL ARE IIi ACCORDANCE IIITH APPLICASLE ASTI,I MEIHODS UNLESS OTHERIIISE I{OTED SOI'IE IIIFORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT I.,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS:Sanple taken from truck discharge. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai I ; |lestern llobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULT I]{G Ei{GII{EERS AIID SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At a mutual protcctloh to ellant3, th€ public rnd ourselv€s, all reForts rFe 3ubmltted rs thc corfldi€ntlll prop€tty ofclicnt3, .nd rqthorltltlon for public.tlon of 3tatcnEnts. Conclusions or Gxtrscts lrom or regdrding otrr r€portt ls ros.rv.dpendlng our wrltten apf'rovrl. SrnFles wlll b€ dlspos€d of lfter tostJng ls conpl€t€d unless oth.r arrang€rn€ntt agr€€d toln wri tl ng. A membe|. of thq EI! giouF of comp.nl€E Form No. CfiErl3A 6/91 T0: llECll Attn: P .0. VaiI, PROJECT: Enterprl ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149c0 81658-3149 Liftslde Bui l di ng, JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 2-8-94 SHEET 1 OF 1 Road tfest, Vail, Colo.of tlesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage PLACEI'IEIIT LOCATIOII :Floor slab, Unit 8-21 SATCH TJCKET Il{FORMTt0ll SUPPL IER ; I'lestern llobi le TRUCK r{0. 114 TICKET r{0. 01 1213 HrX DESIGT{ N0. 44 TIl.lE BATCHED: 10:00 TIl,lE ARRMD: 10:27 TIME PLACED: 10:30 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUM: ZLl28 FIELD TESTING IlIFORllATI0ll SAMPLT TEIIP: 65"F AIR TE}IP: TIIIE TEST TAKEN: 10:37 SLUMP: 7 IN. AIR C0l{TEt{T: 4.7% tlET U rT UEIGHT: JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SLtll.lP: 4 llf . AIR C0l{TEl{T: 3.0X UATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYL 1 iIDER I IIFORI'IATIOl{ l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIXDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLI DERS CAST: 10:48 UHERE CAST: On-Site CURIT{6 It{F0RllATI0t{ heated area adjacent to II{iTIAE CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: poured slab DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-10-94 BY: FP & tlJ l,lll{/tlAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD ( LBs) D IAI.IETER (IilCHES) AREA (sq til) Col'lP. STR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER UE IGHT (LBs) CYLIIIDER U]{IT T'E lGHT ( PCF) 7 7FC 28 2g 28H 28H 2-15-94 2-15-94 2-15-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 97,500 90,500 90.500 6.00 6.03 6.09 28.27 zd. cb 29. 13 3450 3170 3110 columnar con/spl i t shear DES IGI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI G A8 DAYS TEsTs BY LAS0RAT0RY PERSof{llEL ARE lfi AcCoRDAllcE UITH APPLICABLE AsTfrl fiETlJoos UIILESS 0THERI{I5E |{0TED S()ME IIIFORT'IATIOiI OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8T PROVIOED 8Y OTHERS R EMARKS : CoPIES: R.A. l.lelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schulte;Eilly Barbour Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVTR APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING E1{6IIIEERS AIID SCIEI{II STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA f*I"%A" ,o* tnno RI - .., ri-l i q,^*****d L^ -. .1<\;-ieqt}, T0: l'ltc}l Enterpri ses JoB t{0. 4 l7B 93-3 oATE: lA-24-93Attn: Eustaoulo Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVatI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildtng, east of l{esthaven Drlve and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEiIEI{T LOCATI0I|: First Lift at Lines A-1; !,lorth l,tal I of lrlechani cal Rosn. BATCH TICK€I It{F0Rl.lATI0t{ SUPPLIER: tlestern Hobile TRUCK lr0. 189 TICKET ilo. 1092s ilIX 0ESI6[ [0. 39 Tll{E BAICHED: 8:44 M Tlt{E ARRIVED: 9:00 A}l TIIIE PLACED: 9:05 A}|-CU. Y0. LOAD/ACCUI{: 47 FIELD TESTITIG II{FORI'IATIOI{ SA!4PLE TEI.IP: 47 'F AIR TTI,IP: ?7'F TIl.lE TEST TAKEII: 9:15 All SLWP: 4 lil. AIR COttTEl{T: 5.27 tlET UIIIT tlEI6HI: JOB SPEC IFICAI t0tls: SLul{P: Itl. AIR COl{TEtlT: t I{AIER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL IIIDER ITIFORI.IATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIltlE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 9:30 A}l UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG II'IFOR}IATIOI{ ll{ITIAL CURE: On-Si te DATE RECE]YED A'I LAB: FIELD STORAGE BY: Dan l{ei I I FACILITIES: Trai I er: l.lIll/lrlAx AGE OAYS DATE TESTEO IOTAL LOAO (LBS) DIAI,IETER ( It{cHES) AREA (sQ It{) coltP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER fEIGHT (LBs) CYLII{OER UIIIT IJEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 28 28 za 28 t2-31-93 l2-31-93 t-21-94 I-zr-94 Ir2l -94 l-e1-94 124,500 120,500 5.98 5.99 28.09 ?8.I8 4430 4?80 shear snear DESIGII STREIIGTH 4000 Dq t 0 28 oAYS TESTS BY LAE0RATORY PERSollllEt ARE lll AccOR0At{cE !,ITH APPLICABLE AsTl'l l,l€THODs UtlLEsS 0THER!/ISE 1{0TED SO}IE IIIFOR}IATIOI{ OF TESI REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS R€I,{AR,KS: COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc. Town of Vail; l{estern l,lobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Oan l{eill BobbY J. Hays FiELD OESTRVER APPROVEO BY Ar . nutqal Frot.ctlon to cll.ntt, tha Fsbllccllcnt3, rnd .uthoritrtlon for publlc.tion ofpcndlrg our rrr{ttcn .pprovrl. S.||pIe3 ?lll b€ln |f!'ltlnc.Att|enbGr 6f thc !!! grou! of co panle3 anil ooftllv.!, .11 r.Dorts arc submlttld !r th. contldl.ntl.l proP.rtJ. of 3tdtanent3. Conclu3lors or extiacts fr.om ot r.glidlng oui rlPorts 13 ralarvad dlsposad ot aft.r testlng is completcd unl€!i ather arrrnge|t|€rts rgr.cd to FoFr No. CHE1lSA 6/91 !/r .i CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COflSULTIIIG TI{GIIIEERS AIID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA c-yxi.- .,iuJZ ^Ar; l0: IIECH Enterprises JoB lto. 4 l7B 93-3 oATE: tA-23-93Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHTET 1 OF a Vai l, C0 81558-3149 PRUECT: Llftside Euilding, east of llesthaven Drlve and llestin llotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT LOCATlol{: Slab at C-31 BATCH TICKET IIIFORiIATIOII TRUCK ilo. 107 llll€ BATCHED: 8:17 All TICKET t{0. 10907 TI!{E ARRIVED: 8:48 All SUPPLIER: llestern flobi le r,rlx oEsIGll ll0. I 4000 TI E PLACED: 9:08 Afi-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCu!|: 7ll4l29 FIELD TESTIT{G IllF0Rl,lATI0l{ SA|IPLE TEIIP r 50 T AIR TEI{P: l0 T Tll'lE TEST TAKEI{: 9:15 All SLU}IP: 4ll4 llt. AIR C01{TE1{T: r[.9X llET Ut{lT I{EIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUllP: I1{. AIR COt{tEl{I: I UATER A00E0 AT SITE 14 GAL. CYLII{DER IiIFORITIATTOII ll0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLlflDgR SIZE: 6"x 12" IIl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: --- VHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIT{G IfiFMruITIOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-5i te DATE REC€IVED AI LAB: .---FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: lnside Trailer 8Y: Carol)m Adans llll{,/l,lAx a$rE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAI) ( LBS) D I AIiIETER ( Il,rcHEs ) AREA (sQ lr{) couP .sTR. (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACII,R.E CYTII{DER UEIGHT (L8s) CYLII{D[R UIIIT TET6HT (PCF) 7A 7A 284 2SA 28A 28A H H l2-30-93 1?-s0-93 l-20-94 1-20-94 t-20-94 l-20-94 98,500 98,000 5.98 (oa 28.09 ?8.18 3510 3480 shear shear OESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI 6 28 DAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCOROAT{CE I/ITH APPTICABLE ASTI.I I'IETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERI.'ISE TIOTED. SOI.IE I IIFOR}IAT I OI{ OF TESI REPORT I{AY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REI.IARKS:Sample obtalned from nixer truck- CoPItS: R.A. ilel son & Associates, Inc Tovm of Vail; Uestern l.{obi le; J V A, Inc.; Grxatt$ley Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adars Bobby J. HaYs FIELO OBSERYER APPROVEO BY A3 r |!utit.I pFot.cti.rn to cll.nts. th. publlc clicntr, rad authorlr.tlon toi p{rbllc.tlon ofpcndlhg orr'fflttan apProv.l. S|rFl.r Y,lll bcih it'ltlr|9. A |ncfibci ot th! HIH grosp of cofiprnl.' .nd ot,r..lv!s, .11 ragorts .r. 3utntitt.d.s th. confldl.ntl.l pr.P.tty ot atlt'afiantc. Conclurlonr oF axtrectt frolt or rcg$dlng our FaFortS l3 Fa5al'v'd dlspo..d of .ft.r tcrtlng l5 cornpl.tcd url.rs othar arrangqFntt agFr.d to Forn ft. Cf,lEll3A 6/91 ./. L CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 E]{GI1{gER5 AIID SCIET{IISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ai. tutual prot.ctlon to cllantr, th. publlc.nd o{r3.lvo3, all rapoitr ar..3ubcrltt.d 15 t|l. contldlantlrl piop.rty ot cllantS, rnd ruthorlaatlon for publlcat{oa ot atitraantr. Conalurlonr or a:(trrc'tr froo oF fag|fdlng our raForts l3 F.rarvadp.ndlnt orF nrltt.n rpprovrl. Sarpl.. rrill b. dlrpoaad of aftar taitlng li complot.d unl.ir othrr lFr.nganatrts rgr..d to ln Hrltlng. A n |||b.r af tho !!! group of cor||p.nl.r Fo"|' o. cHEll3A 6/91 T0: l,lEctl Enterpri sesAttn: €ustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vaf 1, C0 81658-3149 J08 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: lZ-23-93 SHEET 2 OF 2 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven 0rlve ar1d ]lestin Hotel, South Frontage Road llest, Uail, Colo, PLACEI,IEI{T IOCATIOI{ :Elevator Core A; Flnal Lift. SATCH TICKET IIIFOR},IATIOII TRUCK r{0. 104 TIfIE BAfCHED: 12:01 Pl4 TICKET ilo. 10913 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 12:30 Pll SUPPLIER: Hestern llobi 1e lrlx DEsIGil lr0. 4s00 TIII{E PLACED: 12:40 PI,I-CU. YD. LOAO/ACCUII: 7I7I FIELD TESTIIIG Il{F0Rl'lAT10l{ SA}iPLE TEitP; 5S 'F AIR IEIIP: 20 T TIIIE TEST TAKEtt: 12:45 Pl4 SLWP: 3I/4 llt. AIR CO]{TEI{T: 4.7I lltT UI{IT I{EIGHT: JoB SPECIFICAIIoI{S: SLUIIP: Il{. AIR CONTE!{T: *:TER AD0E0 Al SITE -- cAt. CYL I ]{DER I i{FORI,IATIOI{ l{0. 0F CYLIIIOERS: 6 CYLI|IDER SIZE: 6"x 12x TIiIE CYLINDERS CAST: 12:55 Pi{ r,lHERE CAST: On-Site CURIiIG IIIFORI.IATIOI{ Ii{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Si te DATE RECEMD AT LAB: --- FIETD STORAGE FACILITIES: lnside fnailer BY: Carolyn Adams llll{/l,lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESITD TOTAL LOAO ( LBs) DIA}IETER ( INCHES) AREA (SQ II{) coilP. sTR . ( PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTI'|RE CYL IIIDER I/EIGHT (L8S) CYtII{DER UI{IT UEIGIIT (PCF) 7B t6 289 288 288 H 288 H 12-30-93 l2-30-93 t-20-94 l-20-94 L-?A-94 t-20-94 120,500 119,500 5.99 5.99 28.18 28. ls 4?80 4240 shear shear DESIGT{ STREIIGTH 45()O PSI E 28 DAYS TE5TS BY LABORATORY PIRSOI{IIEI ARE IIt ACCORDANCE }'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI iIETHODS UIILE55 OTHER!'ISE ]{OTEO SOi{E IIIFORI.IATIOTI OF TEST RTPORT '.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTTIERS REI{ARKS:SamDle obtained from rnlxer truck. lU non chloride. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Tom of Vail; tlestern ilobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwath|ey Pratt Schultr Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSTRVER APPROVED BY 1".. CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coltsulTn{G Eil6t}|EERS AilD SCrEilTl STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA d.T-'bA h- int{ tgsq ''d ft" ;*s; k,p? T0: llECtl Enterprises JOB O. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 12-14-93 Attn i Eustaguio Corti na P.o. Box 3149 SHEET I oF aValI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Building, east of lresthaven Drive and l/estln Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vall, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT LOCATI0I{: Elevator tlal l s. BATCH TICKET Il{F0Rl,tATl0t'l SUPPLIER: tlestern Hobi.le TRUCK N0. 150 TICKET lr0. 10803 l,tlx DESIGI{ r{0. 39 TIIIE BATCHED: 9:28 Ail TIfIE ARRIVED: 9:50 Atl TIIIE PLACED: 10:00 Al,tCU. YD . L0AD/ACCUI| : 63 FIELD TESTIIIG If{F0Rl,tATI0l{ SAIIPLE TEMP: 58 'F AIR TEt'lP: 38 "F TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 10:10 Al,l SLUiIP: 4 ltl. AIR CoxTEllT: 5.4$ l{ET UI{IT IJEIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLH'IP: Il{. AIR COI{TEI{T: X ITATER A0DED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYL IIIDER II{FORI.IATIOiI ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYtIiIDtRS CAST: 10:20 All }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CWII{6 IilFOruIATIOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: Field Cure DATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: FTELO 8Y: STORACE FACILITIES: Hot 8ox irlr{/MAx A6E OAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI.IETER ( IllcHEs ) AREA {sQ Iil) goHP. sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACIWE CYLiI{DER },E I6HT (LBs) CYL II{DER UI{IT UEI6HT (PCF) 7A 7A 284 284 28A 28H t2-21-94 L2-2r-93 1-ll-94 1-11-94 l-11-94 l-1r-94 138,000 143,000 180,000 166,000 r68,000 176,500 6.03 6.08 6.07 5.98 5.98 5.98 e8.56 29.03 28.94 28.09 28.09 28.09 1830 4930 6220 5910 5980 6?80 con/spl i t shear con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl it con/spl it D€SIGl{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE IH AC,CORDAilCE TIIIH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I'IETHODS UIILESS OTHERUISE NOTED SOI..IE INF()f,IIATIOII OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.l Tom of Vail; Uestern l,lobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwathrey Pratt Schultz;Dan tleill Eobby J. Hays FTELD OBSERVER APPROYED gY Ai a orrrt{.1 Drotaetlon to cllcnt3, thr publtc cll.ntcr and .uthorlz.tlor fot publlcatlon ofpa[dlng our. *|.itt.n .Fproval. S plai ,lll b.ln urltlng. A t mbar of th. EIts group of corip.nl.a atd olr3clvaa. rll raport3 ttatdrantt. Conclutlo|ti ordlrpo3ad of att.r tcstlng ai. rubtnlttcd .3 the confldlantlal Fr'op.rty of axtrrcts frn|n or. r.!.Fd{ng ouF raFortt lt rasarv.dIt complcted unlatr othar rrrrngc ant3 aglaad to Form tlo. Gl4Ell3A 6,f 91 fi t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G E'IGII{EERs AI{D SCIEI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Aa a nrtu.l protectlon to cli.nt!, tha poblle rnd ourr.lv.r, 6ll rcporti rra arbhlttaC .r thc conlldlcnti.l ptop.rty of cllent3, and ruthorl:ltlon for publlc.tlon ot atat.n nts. Conclurions or.xtFecti tro.n or ragardlng our raport! lt ratarvad F.ndlng our tr|'ltt.lr rpprovrl. SanFlr3 {tll b. dl3po!.d o{ !fte. t.Etlhg ls corDlcted unlc!! othar atfrngarnantt rgraco toln wrltll|g. A 1.|t5.1 6f th. EI! grosp of corP.'|l.r Forrl No. Cl,tEll3A 5/91 T0: llECl,l Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 l7g 93-3 0ATE: 12-14-93Attni Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECI: Liftside Euilding, east of Uesthaven Orive and llestin flotel , South Frontage Road test, Vail, Colo, PtACEllEllT L0CATIOfl: El Evator l{alls EATCH TICKET Il{F0Rl.lATIOll SUPPLIER: l{estern tlobile 1RUCK t{0. 150 TICKET l{0. 10811 l.lIX 0ESI6ll lilo. 39 TlltE BATCHED: 12:52 Pll TttlE ARRIVE0: 1:05 Pl,l TIHE PLACE0: 1110 Pfi CU. Y0.l0A0/ACCttli: 56 FIELD TESTIIIG IilFORT,IATION SAIIPTE TE}IP; 58 "F AIR TEI{P: 42 T TIIIE TEST TAKET{: 1:20 Pl,l SLtfiP: 3 3/4 Il{. AIR C0l'lTEtlT: 4.81 llET UNIT I{EIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0i{S: Sll,l}lP: Il{. AIR CollTEllT: I IIATER ADDED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYL I I{DER I IIFORIIATIOII ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{D€R SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLMDERS CAST: 1:30 Pl,l IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{G INF0R|lATIolt I1{ITIAI CIRE: 24 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 0n-Si te FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: Trai I er8Y: l,lIll/MAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD ( L8S) DIAI{ETER ( Ir{cHES ) AREA (sQ Ir{) c0r,rP . sTR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTWE CYLI}IOER I{EI6HT (LBS) CYLIIIOER UI{IT !'EIGHT (PcF) 7B 7B 289 288 288 28H l2-21-93 t2-zL-93 1-11-94 t-1t-94 l-l t-94 1-11-94 t35,000 133,500 165,000 164,500 166,000 169,500 6.08 6.04 6.08 5.98 6.07 6. 06 ?9.03 28.65 29.03 28. 09 24.94 28.84 4650 4660 5680 5860 , 5740 5880 shear con/shear con/spl t t con/spl i t conlspl i t con/spl i t DESIGI{ STREI{€TH 4OOO PSI O E8 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIII.IEI ARE III ACCORDAIICE UITH APPLICABTE ASII{ }IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERIJISE IIOTED sOI,IE II{FORI'IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE}IARKS: CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vall; Uestern l'lobiie; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Dan l{eill Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERYER APPROVED BY t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULIIIIG EI{GIIIEERS AI{O SClET{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ;€' inN rsgq E;t G'i. .','j;ti:y BE F-mri;ciffra *,3.), ARCH|TECTS,PA * \,ruo,u.9Z T0: llECtl Enterprises JoB lto. 4 l7B 93-3 oATE: lZ-9-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven orive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ldest, Vail, Colo. PLACE}'EIIT LOCAT IOt{ :East Sl ab. EATCH TICKET lllFoRllATlo]l SUPPLIER: ltestern litobi I e TRTCK l{0. 102 TTCKET l{0. 10760 HIX 0EsI6r{ l{0. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 7:45 All TIHE ARRIVED: 8:00 Atl TIHE PLACED: 8:15 All-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCL||: Z8 FIELD TESTTIIG II{FORI.IATIOII SAIIPLE TEIIP: 65'F AIR TEIiP: 38 "FTlllt TEST TAKEI{: 8:20 Al4 SLUtilP: 4 1/4 I1{. AIR CONTENT: 5.4fi UET UIIIT IJEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0NS: SLullP: Il{. AIR C0IITENT: X VATER ADDE0 AT SITE -- 6AL. CYt II{DER ]IIFORI.IATIO}I ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS; 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIIIE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 8:35 Al1 I|HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG I I{FORI..IAI I OI{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 0n-S i te r?-10-93 FIILD STORACE FACI L ITI E5: 8Y: Oan l{ei I I l{It{/llAX AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (L8s ) DIAI,IETER ( ilrcHEs) AREA (sQ ilt) col'tP . sTR . ( PsI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER I'E I GHT (tBs ) CYLIIIDER $lIT I,,EIGHT (PCF) 7 7 28 28 28 28 1?-16-93 12- l6-93 1-6-94 l-6-94 l-6-94 l-6-91 111,500 112,500 147,000 142,500 150,500 135.000 6. 07 6.08 5.98 5.98 6.06 6.07 28.94 29.03 28.09 28.09 28.84 28.94 3850 3870 s230 5070 5220 4670 shear snear shear shear con/shear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORAIORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE II{ ACC()ROAIICE IIITH APPLICASLE ASTil I{ETHOOS UIILESS OTHERIIlSE TIOTED SOIIE IIIFORiIATIOTI OF TEST REPORT I.IAY SE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI,IARKS : COPIES: R,A. l{el son & Associat€s, Inc.; Tom of Vail; llestern liobile; J V A, Inc.; Ewathney Pratt Schultz;Dan l{eill Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY A. a muturl protectlon to cllcntt, tha publlc lnd oqr.olv.i, all r€port3 .r.e subnlttad rs thc cohfldl€ntlrl pr.oprity ofellcnt3, .rd ruthor'{zatlon toi ptbllcatlor of lt.temanti. Co|rclur{oni or cxtrscts trot! or ragtrdlng our r.FoFta li raiarv.d Pandlng our xrlttcn lpprovrl. S.mplr8 l{ill b! dllFo3cd of.ft.? tr3tlng Ir coripl.t.d unlGss othcr trrrngcrncnts lgrrcd toIn trrl ti ng. A n n{t.r of thc Ef! group ot co p.nl.3 Fonr No. CHE113A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coftsuLl I G EIC {EERS AHD SCIE Trsts REPORT OF CONSTRUCTTON ACrIVITTES 4ffi\tt ,&.3i';1gg \.. .,+"/I0: tlEcfi Enterppise JoB l{0. 4 178 %-S oorr}\_!:L.!ryXAttn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.O. Box 3149 vait c0.8t658-3149 DArLy REPORT ilO. 3? SHEET I OF I PROJECT: Liftside Vsi t Ie perEture at 10300m ltrF The shear studs r€re acoustlcalty tested betreen grid t ines ?2.5 - 11 and F - s 6t elevation6916t'174t9't - Alt of the strds, rhen struck rith a hdrner, rere fornd to be acceptable. Thfee studsHlre b€nt 15o and are acceptabLe. The fittet netds on the coturr to coturr connect i ons at elevstion 74r9n + betHeen grid I incs 23 - 11 "td [ - l.nere visuatty obeervrd and ].ere found to be aeceptable except thre€ iotrans on tine27- the uelds uere less than the l./4r' as specified on zimonrs draning- ihese cotrltns rere marked(x). The bolts thBt Here found loose on K line at Z5-5 & ?6 during our visit on i|-?j'-93 have beentightened atd the rclds an L tine betreen 22.9 ard 24 h.ve been- retded fu . tength- Att of thesecorrecti ons are acceptable. PROGRESS REPORT th! cen€ral Colrtractor and the erection creu uere infopned of nry observat i ons. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.Y.A. lhc, Glrathney Pratt Schultz Torn of Vail - Attnt Dan Stanek Darret I Huss FTELD OBSERVEI Fred R. Cdr|eron APPNOVED BI Aa. hutu.l Prot€ctlon to clJ.nt!, thr publlc lnd our3rlves, rll rapor.t3 !r. 5uhn,lttrd .i th. confldentlrl propar.ty ot our clJ.!tr, .nd.utlorlzrtlon.for.Publlcatlon ot stata'||.nt. Concluilon: oF oxtracts fron or r.grFding our raports ts rGrGtyErt F.ndlng our writtcn .pFrovr] .5ln|Ples wlll b. dlspo3.d of.tter tcgtlng li cohplct.d unl.!! oth.i rrrangcmcntt arr. agrcci to in l.rlttng. _ A n|€mb.r ot th. !!! sroup ot corlprnltr ;d r|o. arr@ 6,,e1 d''T'%t irru rsg+ Bo)cJ F.::iiiiila& Sg.,3cxrrrcrs,Ed,,r;; TO: llEC Enterpfises JOB lto. { 178 93-3 DATE: 1_5-94.Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.O. Box 3149vait 00 81658-5149 DAtLy REpoRr [o. 3j sltEEr I Of t PROJECI: Liftside Bui tding, Vait, Since our lrst visit, contractor had excavated area behind proposed scinming poot at lihes V - l,&9' 12. This area had fractured bedrock & fines ard othei debris had beer removed. Contnactoris going to place conctete as a le\reting coursc on this rock. COP I ES: R-A. iletson & Asso. - Attn: lick Aate J.V.A. lnc. GHathmey Pratt Schul tz CHEN.NORTHERN, COIISULTIIIG EIIGIIEERS AXD REPORT OF EXCAVATION INC. sclEITIsTs OBSERVATION A3 | ttrutu! l prot.ctlon to cllant3, tbc pl|bllc rnd orrr.lv..r aIl rcpor.t3 .r. 3ubmltt.d .3 th. cortld.ntl.l prop.rty of our cll.nts. lndruthor{lrtlon for publlcat{on ot 3t|rt.|ntnt. Conclurlon3 ot Grtrrctt from or r.grrdlng our rcFortJ l3 raservGd pandlng oul^ ||rlttan .ppt ovrl.5.rpl.3 Hill b. dirposed ot !ft.r tcrtlng is complctld unl.s3 oth.r rrrangc|t|.nts ar. agr..d to fn writlng.A nemb.r ot th. l!! grsup of co|t|p.nlai rmr lo. cr.roa^ 6Al R.fl, Nelson & Hssoc. -..t^-, f. ..r..\. f. f, ! nxnrffil n.rrrnsslhtrtfitr*is tr$litll wEstEnil noBll"E eLErfu,ooD t#h'ffi?0ffi* tt eo, (s8t eff{ite nf, et0.t48? ID: 13034763665 JRN 17'94 16:39 Ns.005 P.03filn ^ i : ^' d. I4' a\ t" RO crEil aitfin&|xnEo: rlfr $ |'se;odrl|r.l - ll|fr!||t|rrrfl |ddrHw$ffi c'r'o0lxD|at'l F, h.o'u %ffi l- l?-?rl FtE xo. rlr .&**frrc.fxr dYen'}r*r'. - . rfenEgr +ni BmcEtfi, tr rdlltafiir tr #lttr.{ririd, gEl{DER MilL nEGIPTENT WHIrE Ailb FINK st{HHrS. TOTfu P.B1 JHN 17'94 16:38 N0.003 P.02o *,s . -tlt- A aNt,tf|ltrltr I ll a,-zY -tl- -[ LR. Ir l son & Hssoc . ID : 1E034Z6S66St GHEN.NORI?iERNI tt{G. 00[tutTttr afinms riD sftHfiilt NEFORT OF CONCRETE TECT CY1.IilOEN DATA llr lltul Etrdtrl||rt*Uujltffidr lcrfirr Yrllr |p l[$C-'l11 PlAfCtr llrtdfilulldlfll Jil m. I ltt tl-l llt!: t!-lF3f . slEil lllt orrt of l|rtluq blvr rnd trcHn lhlrl r lolltr Frartrgr tlrd tdt. Yrll. tclo. rlrf3ffrr !0Gftil:tfubr fr$ 3tdrr t ood Rocr. utEil u!f,ll lffSmrofnu[ m. rarl$E ur$ttlg '|il ll tldEr [0, t!!{rn||l rlnltt$r 10:10 rU Sfllllh Ilrtrra llbl hlll llll0r {0. rr Tlllt FLiEtDrletlt dl4U.l0.L0^0/tlGthh tt ?tll! r[$tf lffirAilor IllC Tlll l*fllt l0;tl fl J09 tllElFlEAllilSr *Elt! a Ul I{-UP: il{.It. ]flltlI TElfrlll G$lrrrr i.afili G${rtllTr t ttt fil?Otr|'?f? lltl? lf,lo{f,r ... rlTE[ ADED tT iltt . 0 ilt. arltsls ril?uttnoi r0. dF Clllll[lB: d tlLltrOEl IIIEr $rr lt', ltE CYll$EnE C*Bl: l0r!! .|t SrE q$?r ftr-f t]r G|lttri t$nifimtlllTlll Euqr t+ nsur| ft.llt. DltTB itlltlllO lT lll: lt ll'n|FI[.0 ilflffit llGtLlltlEr Inslrt|d lsnirl D! l{rtll |Iuiltt l|r DrrI otlt IEITEO t0tll LorD $r8l DttlttEt tlnillls) ATIA l& r|l/4tlt lTfl f RMII|E gfLtmtl *tgHttur) ctullGturl $I8[T IEF' I t It It EI ,th li-lt-91 tt*E.tt !r,r00 tlt,5!0 t,3t l.tt o.* ( "," \ 7 rhrr rlrrr Grrdl[rr|r!i[r000J!l1a un ?tllt lt un rlry tnrilfft $c t*;FmDA*cE nir l'ntorru A$f{ rEmlr utnl cn:rrlit ifitggffi ilrullttoil $l r!3r rrr$t t|rr * ilgttblo sr o$[r8 l$lllll' Qillttr -- Ll. idrgr I lqrslrtrr, IrrE.lTiltr r? Yrllt h.r!m lehlri il Y i. lrf. i $i.rrn t frrtl lolwl 3l i D.n mlll !0!!t J. liryr FIELC iE$nrfit' plrovt! tY r'prrlr rrr Sltti ll Ulr cr|llatmtl.l ,l|}ttty att.Lr! .r _ allFaall - t{.r F raaatalra .r. trrr.ti Ir ioaa?rra.tXllil ll aFlrl.rl s.lirll Stllll r't|.f,l-llttr rlfiar tr r.|| rtn, trllu UD ! ! Fo|st-ll* brand fax lrsnemiltal |t|8mo 7€tr1 tcf prgc+ l br.lT{tr . 4Alas- olrFF-brrrF ttbA.r,o.}HQEtNer h{,r)e=rod tr*.e,i aR x. Neusan; D|rr. -t ESTlNr.>l{'}r^ --!/. qR*" q+s- ?4roL ulb -3Gtss d'T'%lf J^N res4 -d Qur,-,"o9 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG E}ICIIIEERS AT{D SCIEI{TISTS HEPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT T0: llECl.l Enterpri ses JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-16-93Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Ltftside Building, east of l{esthaven Drive and yestin Hote}, South Fnontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACE}IEIIT LOCATIOI{ :Sl ab;l{est Sl de,Second Floor. BATCII TICKET IllFORl,lATI0H SUPPLIER: llestern ilobile TRUCK lr0. 104 TICKET N0. 10843 HIX 0ESI6il l{0. 44 TIiIE EATCHED: 9:51 All TtllE ARRIVED: 10:10 Al,t TjttE PLACED:10:!5 Att-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUil: Ze FIELo TESTII{6 IilFoRf,lATI0tl SAfiPLE TE},|P: 58 "F AIR TEi{P: 37 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKEI{: 10:25 Ail SLUIIP: 41/2 lll. AIR CQ|{TEI{T: 5.4X tET UNIT tlEI6HT: --- JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLUI'IP: lll. AIR C0]{TEi{T: Z UATER A0DED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYL INDER II{FORI,IATIO]I li0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 5 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLINDERS CAST: 10:35 All }JHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURItI6 IilFORI.IATIOII IIiITIAI CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LA8: 1?-17-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box BY: Dan lle i ll r,rIil/irM AGE DAYS DATE TTSTED TOTAL IOAD (L8s) DIAMETER ( TNCHES) AREA {sq lil) coilP. sTR. (PsI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER I/E I GHT (LBs) CYLItIOER UI{IT I'E I6HT (PCF) 7 z8 ?8 28 28H t?-23-93 t2-23-93 l -i3-94 1- 13-94 l-13-94 1-13-94 72 ,500 73 ,500 132,500 136,000 1?9,500 130.500 5.98 5.98 6.07 6.03 6. 08 6.08 28.09 28.09 ?8.94 28.56 29.03 29.03 2580 2620 4580 4760 4460 4490 shear shear shear snear con/shear con/spl i t DrSIGlt STREIiGTH 4000 pSI @ 28 0Ay5 TESIS 8Y LABoRAT0RY PERSotll{EL AR€ it'l ACC0RDA},ICE UITH APPLICABLE Asllt I'IETH0DS UliLESs oTHERI{IsE lIoTfD SOI'IE I I{F()RI.,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE}.IARKS: COPIES: R,A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern }lobile; J V A, Inc.; Grathmey Pratt Schu'ltz Dan Neill Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Aa a mnt{ll protcetlcn to cll.nt3r the publlc.nd ourr.lv.3, 6ll raFort3cll.nts, and .uthorizrtlon fo|. pub'llc.tlon of ltat.mcrt3. Conclu3lons org.ndlng our wr{ttln rpFrolal. Slmple3 *tll ba dlspos.d ot .tt.r l.FtlrgJn r.rltin9. A nemb.r of th. III! group ol comprnl.3 rra subnitt.d !E th. eontldlantlal pFopct ty ot axtract3 fr"orn or iagardlng our rapoitr 13 rcacrv.dl3 conplated rnl€sE oth.r arrahgsrcnti dgraad to ForD tlo. CMEIl3A 6/91 REPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{sULTIl{C EI{GIITEER5 AilO SCIEIITISTS OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DA ,-4f*r'.\ g'H'l:hH T0: llEcl.l Attn P.0. Vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li ftside Bui lding, JoB ro. 4 r7s e3-3 r\*gtgE/ 5HEET I OF 1 east of testhaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ltest, Vail, Colo. PLACE},IE}IT LOCATIOII :Elevator Core at Llnes A-Z; Elevation l0. BATCH TICKET lxF0Rl.lATi0l{ TRUCK t{0. ll9 Tll'lE EATCHED: l?:3? Ptl TICKET l{0. 10866 TII.IIE ARRIVED:TIHE PLACE0 T SUPPLIER: lJestern Hobi le HIX DES IGI{ I{0. 39 CU.YO. LOAO/ACCUI{:2A FIELD TESTII{G I I.IFORIIATIOTI TIl,lE TEST TAKEII: l:00 Pll JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUIIP: 4 l/? Itl.SLUiIP: Il{. SAHPLE TEHP: AIR C0llTEflT: 5.0X AIR C0llTEltT: X 53 .F AIR TEIIP: 43 "F fET UI{IT llEI6HT: --- UATER ADDED AT SITE -- 6AL. CYL iNDER IIIFORI4AT IO}I tl0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLITIDERS CAST: l:10 P}l }IHERE CAST: on-Site CUR I I.IG I I{FORI,IAT iOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 12-18-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated Box 8Y: Dan llei I I ilItul.lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED IOTAL LOAD (L8S) t)IAI.IETER ( rlrcHEs) AREA (Sq Iil) cottP. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI!IDER I'E I6HT (LBs) CYLII{t)ER ut{IT yEiG}tT tPcF) 7 28 28 ?8 28H LZ-24-93 L2-24-93 I -14-94 I -14-94 1- 14-94 I-14-94 137,000 139 ,500 164, 000 165,500 163 ,000 t 5e.000 6.05 ROq 6. 04 6.00 6.04 5.99 28.75 28.09 28.65 28.27 28.65 ?8. l8 477 0 4970 5720 5850 5690 5390 con/shear con/shear shear DESI6II STRENGTH 4000 Psr o 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE I1{ ACCORDAilCE IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I,IETHOI)S Ui{LESS OTHERI/IS€ I{OTED SOI.IE IIIFORI.{ATIOII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDID 8Y OTHERS RE}IARKS: C0PI[S: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc. Town of Vai'l ; lJestern Uobile; J V A, Inc,; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultzi Dan lleill Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERYER APPROVED BY At. mutu.l protactlon to all.nt3r th. publlc rnd ouia.lv.t, lll r.porti a||. rubrrlttld .s tha contldlant{.! prop.rty ofcllehts, .nd authoFlzltlotr for Publlc.tlon ot 3tlterEnt3. Conclu3lon3 or ertrrct3 tron| or raglrd{n9 our raDorta lr rcrrrvcdp.ndln9-our |Nritt€|i rPProv.l. S.mple3 wlll b. dllposGd of.ft.r tcatlng {. col||pl.ted unt€s3 ath.r irrrngcmintr lgre.d toln tri t l rlg. A rncrnbcr ot th! HIH group ot conplnlca Form Ho. CMglliA 6/91 I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIETITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA rr. rubtnlttcd ai th€ contldlcntlrl pr'op.rty ot axtrrct! troh or regardlng our rcPort3 la r.servcd{s co pletcd unla3a othar arrlngstants rgraad to Fonr o' C}|Elt3A 5/91 T0: llECll Enterpri ses JoB flo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: I-7 -94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHTET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l,lesthaven Drive and lJesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIIEI{T LOCATIOII :A-l El evator stai rs BATCH TICKET IilFOR}IATIOil TRUCK t{0. 104 TIIIE BATCHED: 12:51 TICKET ilo. 0l -0968 TlhE ARRIVED: 1:00 TIME SUPPLIER: lJestern llobi I e HIX DESIGB l{0. 8-4500 PLACED: I :28 CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU!4: 717128 FIETO TESTII{G I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ SAI.IPLE TEI,{P: 66.F AJR TEI{P: 3fF TIiIE TEST TAKEI{: 1:33 SLUl,lP: 2-314 Il{. AIR COl{TEllT: 4.1I UET UilIT UEIGHI: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUIIP: 4 I1{. AIR C0llTEtlT:612 f HATER ADOED AT SITE l5 GAL. CYLII{DER IIIFORIIATIO}I t{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLIN0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII|E CYLINDERS CAST: 1:43 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Stte cuRIti6 tt{FoRilATror{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEII|ED AT LA8: l-10-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated job slte tfailer BY : l,lJ t'fiil/r,rAx 70 AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D I AI'IETER { TNCHES) AREA tsQ IN) Col,lP.sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTME CYLI}IDER I'EICHT (LBS) CYLIT{DER UIIIT UEIGHT (PCF) 7 28 28 28 ?8H 28H t- l4-94 1-I4-94 z-4-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 128,000 124,500 6.08 5.98 29.03 28.09 4410 4430 snear shear DESIGN STREITGTH 4OOO PSI E 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAB0RAToRY PERSoNNEL ARE ll{ ACCoRDAI{CE yITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I l,lETH0Ds UI{LESS 0THERI,ISE I{0TED SOI.IE II{FOR}IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS: lU non-chl ori de accelerator added to the nix concrete. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, lnc Town of VaiI; Uestern lloblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz C. Adans Bobby J. Hays FIETD OBSERVTR APPROVED BY As r m|,tu.l D?otectlon to cll€n!3, th. publlc cll.nt3, and duthot"lzltlon for publl€rtlon ofp.ndlng our wrltt.n approval. S.npl.s }|lll bain wrltlng.A nctober of thc !U group ot comprri€s .nd ourr.l v.r, .ll raportrBt.tcrn€nt!. Concluslors ordl3porcd of .tt.r testlng CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{6 EI{GIIIEERS AI{O SCIE}ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DA d,-.1i.\S JAN lee4 &' a"fff5"w--j-.u T0: llECll Enterprises JoB lto. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-10-9ilAttn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECI: Liftside Buildlng, east of festhaven Drive and lrestin llotel , South Fpontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T IOCATIOI{ :Floor slab for unit C-42. BATCH TICKET I NFOR}IATIOII TRUCK r{0. 189 TI}IE BATCHEO:8:49 TICKET 1{0. 010976 TIi4E ARRI\IID: 9:10 SUPPLIER: Uestern ilobi I e lllx DESIGI{ r{0. 8-4000 TIlfE PLACED: 9:25 CU.YD. L0AD/ACCIJI{ | 7lL4l28 FIEID TtSTIllc IllF0Rl.lATI0ll SAIIPLE TEttP: 62T AIR TEIIP: 207 TIilE TEST Tr(Etl: 9:34 SLUI{P: 4.0 lll. AtR C0IITENT: 3.91 l,,ET tllllT ltEI6HT: lilil.3 JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SlullP: 4 lll. llax AIR C0i,ITENT: 3.01 ITATER ADDED AT SITE EAL. CYLM0ER iltF0RilAT l0t{ ll0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 4 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:44 iIHERE CAST: 0n-site SToRAGE FACILITIES: Heated trai I erc.A. ltlil/llAx CMIilG I }IFORI.IAI IOII IIIITIAL CIIRE: 24 houfs DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Si te l-11-94 FlILD BY: A6E OAYS t}ATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI,IETER ( Ir{cHES ) AREA (sQ IN) co}tP. sTR , (PSr ) TYPE l)F FRACTURE CYt I1{DER trEI6HT (LBs ) CYLIilDER UI{IT UTIGHT (PCF) 7 f 28 ?8 28H 28H t-t7-94 l-17-94 2-7 -94 2-7-94 ?-7-94 2-7-94 113,500 u0,000 5.98 5.98 28. 09 28.09 4040 39e0 con/spl it shear DESI6II STREI{GTH 4000 Psr 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSONI{EI ARE I}I ACCORDANCE I'IITH APPLICASLE AST}I I4ETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI{ISE IIOTED S0HE Il{FoRl,lATioN 0F TEST REPORT l,lAY 8E PR0VI0E0 BY oTHERS REiIARKS: l!( non chloride are added to concrete. Samole obtained from nixer truck. C0PIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc.; I Town of Vail; tlestern llobile; IJ V A, lnc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz; I Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As r nsttrtl prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, tha publlc rnd our3.lve!, alI raport. ar.6!bmltt.d.3 th. confldl.ntlr'l prop.rty of cli.nts, a'|d ruthori2!tlon foi publlcltlon ot atrtcrncDti. Conclutlor3 or.Stracta from or r.g$dl|rg our r.portt la r.t.rv.dpandlrg our t r.ltt.n .FDrsv.l. g{$pl!e rtll bG dl3poicd ol .ft$ t.!'tlng lr conDl€tcd unl.3i oih.r .rt.!hgr'|.nts rgr..d toin f,iltlnq. A nFmbGr 6t th. E!! group ol coi|P.nlcr Fonn o. C E113A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI}IG E}IGIIIEERS AI{O SC ]EI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA I0: llE0ll Entefprises JOB !t0. 4 lZ8 93-3 DATE: l2-At-93Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEEI I 0F tVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of ljesthaven Drive and ljestin hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PlACEilEt{T L0CATIoH: Slab at C-21. BATCH 1]CKET I NFORI'IATIOt{ TRUCK [0. 104 TIIIE BATCHED: 8:04 All TICKET t{0. 1061 TlllE ARRIVED: 8:l4 All T IME SUPPLIER: llestern lilobi I e l,lix DESIGI| 0. B 4000 Dsi PLACED: 8:30 All-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI{: 717l?l FIELD TESTING II{FOR}IATiOI{ SAI,IPLE TE}IP: 58 "F AIR TEI,IP: 5 "F TIIIE TEST TAKtil: 8:46 Alt SLUIIP: 3 I/2 ltl. AIR C0t{TEt{T: 5.8X l,tET UIIIT UEIGHT: 140.0 J08 SPECIFICAT l0fi5 : SLUttlP: Itl. AIR C0IITENT: X VATER AD0ED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYL]IIDER II{FORI.IAT IOiI l'10. 0F CYtINDERS: 6 CYL!tl0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIHE CYLII{DERS CAST: 8:55 A}'l IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURING INFORHAI I OH IlliTlAt CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 12-?2-93 FIETD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Heated Building. BY: Bobby J. Hays HINiI4AX AOE DAY S DAT E tE5tcu TOTAL LOAO (LBS ) OIA}IETER ( TNCHES) AREA (sQ il{) COMP. STR. ( PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER IJE I GHT (LBS) CYL IIIDER Ul{]T UEI6HT (PcF ) 1 28 28 28H ?8H 12 - 2 8-93 L2-28-93 I-I8-94 I -18-94 1-18-94 1-18-94 93,500 102,500 117 ,500 129,000 131 ,000 130,500 6. 10 6.09 6 .09 6.08 6.08 6. 08 29.22 29.13 29. 13 29 .03 ?9 .03 29.03 3200 JStU 4 030 4440 4 510 4490 snear shear shea r shear snear shear DESI6X STREI{GTH 4000 Pst 0 ?8 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORAIORY PERSONIIEL ARE I I'I ACCORDAIICE YITH APPLICABLE ASIH METHODS UIILESS OTHER!'TSE IIOTID SOHE I IIFORI'IAT I OII OF TEST REPORI I,IAY BE PROVTOED 8Y OIHERS REIORKS:11 non-chl ori de accelerator added to concrete. C0PIIS: R.A. Helson & Associates, Inc.l Torm of Vai l; llestern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELU OSSERVSR APPROVEO BY A3 a rrtqrl protactl.n !o cllrtrts, th. pobltc rnd ourr.lv.r, All raporl'rcll.lrtr,, .nd .uthoFlzatlor tor publ.lcrtlon of rt!t.h.ntt. Conclualon. o?pcndlDg.our irrltt.n rpprovil. Slnpl.s Hlll be dl3poild ot rttar t.3tlng A ',.r5.r ;f the E!! group ot co'rp.nlr3 r|". rubnitt.d .i th. confldl.ntlrl prop.r.ty of .ttract3 lrom or iagardlog our raPorts 13 fctaryadIr corDl.tcd unl.rr othat lrt'tngamaht3 lgrcad to Forn Ho. cltEll3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIilG ETIGIIIEERS AIID SCIENTISTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: tfECH €nterprises JoB t{0. 4 170 93-3 DATE: IZ-ZZ-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I OF IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.,IEIIT LOCAT JOI{ :Slab at C-32. BATCH TICKET IIIFOR}IATIOI{ TRUCK IIO, 1I9 TIIIE BATCHED: 9:55 All TICKET lt0. 10897 IIHE ARRIVEO: 10: 10 Ail SUPPLIER: Uestern Hobi le l.llx DESIG}| tl0. I4000 psi TllfE PLACEO: t0:59 All-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUH: 7ll4l28 FIELD TESTI!,|G INFoRI{ATI0Ii SA}tpLE TE}|F: 50'F AIR TEBp: 5 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKEII: 1I:10 Al{ SLUl,lP: 4 3/4 lll. AIR CONTEIiT: -- t UET Ui{IT tlEI6HT: --- J08 SPEC I FICATIOIIS: SLUitP: Il{. AIR C0t{TEl{T: X UATER A00ED AT SITE S GAL. CYt II{DER II{FORI'IAT I OI{ li0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLITIDERS CAST: --- }lHtRE CAST: 0n-Site CURING IIIFORHATTON Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site [)ATE RECEMD AT LA8: 12-23-93 FI€LD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Inside Tfailer 8Y: Caro'lyn Adams l,lIlUilAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED IOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI.IETER ( IilCHES) AREA (sq Iil) c0r,tP. sTR, (Psr ) IYPE OF FRACTURT CYLIIIDER YE IGHT {LBs) CYL IIIDER UIIIT YEIGHT (PCF) I 7 28 28 28H ?8H L?-?9-93 l?- e9-93 l-t9-94 1- t9-94 1- 19 -94 l-19-94 103,500 10t,000 128,000 l?4 ,500 129,000 1?9.500 6.06 6. 05 6.05 D.UD 6. 08 o-v/ 2e.84 28.75 28.84 ?8.84 29. 03 28.94 3 590 3 510 4440 4320 4440 4480 shear shear shear shear snear shear DESIGN SIREI{CTH 4000 Pst B 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCORDAITCE YITH APPLICAELE AST}I I,IETHODS UIILESS OTHERI.'ISE IIOTED SO}IE IIIFORI.IATIOII OF TESI REPORT ITIAY BE PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REMARKS : COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Toun of Vail; llestern ll,obile; J V A, Inc.; GYratlmey Pratt Schultz Carollm Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY At . m|ltu.l protectlon to cll.nts, th. publ.lccll.nt3. and .uthoFiz.tlotr {or publtcrtlon otpandlng olr tdrlttln rpprov.l. S.DFI.3 rtll b!In y.rlting, A n.rnber ot th. !l! group ol co{nprnl.s and ourr.l v.r | !ll F.portt stllchint3. CoDcl||3lo$r or. dl3poa.d ot r{tcr t.3tln9 .r.a tlbmltt.d .r th. aontldlcntl.l proprrty of axtra.:tr tFonr ot rrgrrtllr|g our r-.porti lr r.r.rvadtr cotrpl€tad unlar3 othar arrrng.mcnl3 !9racd tt Forrn llo. CfiEll3A 6ir91 CHEN,NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGI'{EERS AI{D SCI F}ITI5T5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ffi"\ 'S JAN 1es4 A q$**;y T0: MECII Attn P.0 . Va'i 1 PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na 8ox 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li ftsi de 8ui I di ng, ..lg:gr- JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-23-93 SHEET I OF 2 of lJesthaven Drive and yestin tlotel, South Frontage Road llest, Vall, Colo. PLACEMEI{T L0CAII0N: Slab at C-31 BATCH TlCKET INFORITIATIOII TRUCK NO. IO7 TIHE BATCHTD: 8:17 Atl TICKET rio. 10907 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 8:48 AH SUPPLIER: llestern f{,obi I e HIX DESIGI! l{0. B 4000 TItfE PLACEo: 9:08 Altl-CU. YD, LoAD/ACCull: 7ll4l?8 FlELD TESTIIIG 1}IFORI,IAT I OtT TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 9: 15 Al,l JOB SPECI FICATIOIIS: SL UIlP SLUMP 4 L/4 ltt. I ll. SAilPLE TEIP: AIR C0l{TEllT: 4.9X AIR COllTEtlT: t 50'F AIR TEIIP: l0 "F UET UIIiT }JEI6HT: IIATER ADDEO AT SITE 14 6AL, CYt I I{DER IIlFORI'IATI OII N0. 0F GYLIIIDERS: 5 CYLIi{DER sIZE: 6"x 12" TIilE cytllt0ERs CAST: --- }JHERE CAST: 0n-Site C UR I I{G I IIFORI.IAI I OII IIIITIAL CURE: 0n-5i te DATE RECE MD AT LA8 : ---FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Traller BY: Carol yn Adams l.llll/tlAx AGE OAYS .DATT TESTED IOTAL LOAD (LSs) O]AHETER ( Il{cHES ) AREA (sQ Ir{) cor'rP. sTR. (Pst ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYt IIIDER },E I6HT ( LBs) CYt INDER UIIII UEI6HT (PCF) 7A 7A 28A 284 28A ?8A H H l2-30-93 l?-30-93 1-20-94 I - 20-94 l -20-94 t -20-94 98,500 98,000 131,500 120,000 131 ,500 t33 .500 5.98 5.99 5.98 5.98 5. 98 5.98 28. 09 28. 18 28.09 28.09 ?8.09 28.09 3480 4680 4270 4580 4 750 snea r snear con/shear con/shear shea r con,/shea r DESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PsI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOIINEL ARE III ACCOROAIICE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTH HETHODS UI'ILES5' OTHERI/ISE I{OTED SOME i}IFORHATIOII OF TEST REPORT IIAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHTRS RETiARKS :sanple obtained frorn mixer truck. CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates. inc Town of Vail; lJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OSSERVER APPROVEO BY A3 r Dutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nts, th. publlc rnd our.r.lvaa, .ll r.portscll.nt3, .nd ruthor,l.!tlon tor publlcrtlon ol .t.t.h.ntr. CoDclualon3 orp.rdlng-our r.ltt.n .pprov.l. Santpl.3 yttl ba dlspo3.d ot.tt.r tattlng A hcmb.F ;t th. El! grorF ol co|np.nl.r .r. 3ubrltt.d rr thr contldl.ntl.l propar.ty ot.xtr"rctr tro[ or ragtrdlrg orr rapoitr Ir rcsafvadl3 comp]atad uDlats othat rrr'rng.nantr agrlcd to torll tlo. CUEll3A 5rl9r CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISUI-TII{G EIIGIIIEERS AND SCIEilTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER D FT'.\/$' JAN lee^ 'A F ln*.r;:n; T0: HECI{ Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Li ftside 8ui lding, SHEET 2 OF 2 east of lJesthaven Drive and Uestin flotel, South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCATION:Elevator Core A; Final Lift. BATCH TICKET iIIF()RIIATIOII TRT CK 0. 104 TI}IE BATCHED: 12:07 Pll TICKET 0. 109t3 TIHE ARRIVED: l2:30 PN SUPPLIER: llestern ilobl I e itlx DEs IGli l{0. 4500 TIME PLACED: 12:10 P!1-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI,|: 717l FigLD TESTIIIG lllFoRl,lATlol{ SA}rpLE TE},lp: SS T AIR TEMp: 20 oF Til'lE TEST TAKEII: 12:45 Pfl SLUl.tP: 3l/4 It{. AIR CONTEI{T: 4.7I tET ul{tT }IEIGHT: --- JOB SPECIFICATI0I'|S: SLtlllP: It{. AIR cOttTE T: x ITATER A0DED AT slTE -- 6AL. CYLII{DER I IIFOR}IAT i ()II t{0' 0F CYLII{0ERS: 5 CYIIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:55 P}l UIIERE CAST: 0n-Siie CURING INFOR'IATIOI{ IIIITIAL CURE: 0n-Si te DATE RECEMD AT !A8: -*- FIEID ST0RAGE FACILITIES: lnside Trailer BY: Carolyn Adans l,llt{/MilrX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAT LOAD (LBS) DIAHETER ( lilcHES) AREA (sQ rx) COHP. STR. (Pst ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I]IDER VElGHT (LBS) CYL I TIDER UIII T TIE I6HT (PcF) 7B t6 288 288 z8B 288 H H 1Z-30-93 12-30-93 1-20-94 l-20-94 t-20-94 l-20-94 120,500 119 ,500 154,500 t52,000 146,000 154.000 5.99 5.99 5.98 5.99 5.98 5.98 ?8. L8 28.18 2S.09 40.1o 28.09 ?8.09 4280 4240 55 00 5390 5?00 5480 shear shear con/spl i t con/shear con/shear con/spl i t DESIGII STRE'IGTH 4500 PSI 0 28 0AY5 TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOITIIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE VTTH APPLICAELE AST}I HETHODS UI{LESS OTHERIIISE }IOTED SOHE I IIFORI'IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT }tAY BE PROVIDED BY OTH€RS RE}IARKS :Sanpl e obtai ned from mixer truck. l1 non chloride, COPIES: R,A. elson & Associates, Inc Torvn of Vail; lrestern Hobile; J V A, Inc.; G}'atlmey Pratt Schul tz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY A3 | mutu.l prot.€tlon to cllents, thr publlc cll.nt3, r.d luthorfz.tloh tcr publlcrtlon otp.ndlng our r.rltt.n rpprov.l. Sr|||pl.. wtll b. A rD.n'bcr ;t ttr !!! grorp ot conprnt.B and our'3alva3r .lI iaportt rtata{rarrtt. Concl ur I on! or dl tDo3ad ot rltcr t.itlng .r. tubnltt.d aa th. conf'fdJe'ttl.l pr.opct'ty ol .rtractr tr.sr or ragardlng our raporta la fa3arv.dls co|rpl.tad unlrtr othar. arrrngq[ant3 agraad to For|n No. CHElt3A 5/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cot{st tTIt{6 E|iGIIIEERS AIto SCIET{II5T5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DI fi"'\ 1s- rAN IeeA ? \l d* *p; T0: lrE0rrr Enterprises JoB ilo. 4 r78 e3-3 rli{*#rAttn: Eustaoui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHE€T I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bui1ding, east of tJesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACE||E}iT [0CATI0!{: First Lift at Lines A-l: llorth }Jal I of llechanlca] Roon. BATCH TICKET |NFOR||ATIOH SUPPLIER: llestern llobile TRUCK 1t0. t89 TICKET 0. 10925 iltX DESIGI| t{0. 39 TIHE SATCHED: 8:44 Al.l TIi'lE ARRIYED: 9:00 M TillE PLACED: 9:05 All-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU},|: 47 FIELD TESTIIIG IIIF0RMATION SMPLE TEIIP: 47 "F AIR TEIIP: 27 "F TIIIE TEST TAKEII; 9:15 All SLlll'tP: 4Il{. AIR C0l'lTEllT: 5.22 l,rET UNIT }|EIGHT: --- JOB SPECI FICATI0IIS: SLUIIP: It{. AIR C0llTEllT: X }TATER A0DE0 AT SITE -- 6AL. CYLIilDER IIIFORHAI I ON t{0. 0F CYLII{0ERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIHE CYLII'IDERS CAST: 9:30 Altl UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIHG I IIFOR}IAT I OI{ I l{ ITIAL CURE: 0n-Site DATE RECE]VED AT LAB: FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Trai I er BY: Oan ilei I I MIN/I'|AX Aut OAYS OATE TTSTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) O IAI,IETER ( IllcHts) AREA (sQ Ir{) c0ilP.sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER YE I6HT (LBs) CYIINDER UIiIT UEIGHT (PCF) 7 28 28 28 z8 r4-Jl -vJ l2-31-93 I -21-94 l - 21-94 l-21-94 l-zl-94 l?4,500 120, s00 169 ,500 168,000 172,500 t70.000 5.98 5.99 5.98 5.98 5.99 5 -98 ?8. 09 28.18 28.09 28. 09 e8.18 28.09 4430 4280 5040 5980 6120 6050 shear shear con/spi lt con/spl i t con/sp1 i t con/spl i t OESIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOT{I\|EL ARE III ACCORDAT{CE I.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I,IETHOI)S UIILESS ()THERUISE I{OTED SOITIE IIIFOR}IATIOII OF TTST REPORT }IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS RE}IARKS: COPlE5: R.A, l{el son & Associates, Inc Tonn of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Oan lleill Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 ! nuturl prot.ctloh to cllant3, th. publlc.nd our..lv.t, all rcport3c'llGntrr rnd .uthorlzrtlon fo!. prbl icri.lon ot rt.tsrcnts. Cohclu3loni otpcndlng our rrltt..r rpp.ovtl. S.,,}pl.r vrll'l b. dlBpo3.d of rft.r t.rtlng A 'ncnb.r ;t th. S!! group of comp.nl.i .r. iultnlttcd .! th. contldl.ntlrl piop.rty ot axtrrctt frofi or rlg.rdlng ou|. raPortt It ratarvadlr cotnpl.t.d srl.3r oth.r trtrnga|n|nts rgr..d to Fofln No' c Ell3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coilsuLTIlt6 EltGII{EERS At{D SCIEilTTSTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER ffi""^\ F ru*l*'rp', T0: llECl,l Enterprises J;; r rrr rr-rl,Attnr Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of tJesthaven Drive and Uestln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IEI{T IOCATIOT{ :Slab for Uni t C-41 SATCH TICKET INFORI.IAT IOII TRIJCK ilo, 9I TIIIE BATCHED: 8:39 TICKET t{0. 010984 TIIIE ARRIVED: 8:50 TII.IE SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobi I e lllx DEsIoll tito. 8-4000 PLACED: 9:00 CU.Y0.I0AD/ACCIll:. 7ll4l28 FIELD TESTI}I6 I NFOR}IAT I OTI SA}tPtE TE}IP: 58.F AIR TE!.IP: O.F TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 9:26 SLUIIP: 5.0 lll. AIR C0llTEl{T: 4.9f, llET U}IIT llEI6HI: 141.3 JOB SPECIFICATI0I{S: sLUllP: It{. AIR c0lirE T: u vArER ADDEO AT SITE 10GAL. CYL]NDER IIIFORI,TATIOII ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIII0ER SIZE: 6"x lZ" TIl,lE CYLIilOERS CAST: 9:36 }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRlt|G tttFoRt'tATlofl I]{ITIAL CIIRE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 1.13-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Heated Trailer8Y: C.A.l'ltll/llM ,tuc DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAI LOAD (LBs) D IAI.IETER ( rilcHEs ) AREA (sQ ril) c0l.lP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE (}F FRACTIJRE CYLIIIDER },E I6HI (LBs) CYLI'IDER U]{IT I.'E IGHT (PCF) 28 28 28H 28H I -18-94 1- 18-94 2-8-94 z-8-94 2-8-94 2-8-94 104 , 000 102 ,000 5. 99 5.99 ?8. l8 28.18 3690 3620 shear shear DTSIGII STRENGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSONIIEL ARE I}I ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I METHODS U}ILESS OTHERI{]sE I{OTED SO}I€ I IIFORI'IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT }IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS:1l non-chloride accelerator added to this nix, COPIE5: R,A. llel son & Associates, Inc Torm of Vail; l,lestern lloblle; J V A, lnc.; Glratlr€y Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. llays FIELD OBSERVER APPROYED 8Y A3 ! rruturl prot.ctlon to cll.nt3, th. Dubllcclicnt3. and .uthorlzrtlon tor publlc.rtlotr ofpcndlng oui. nFlttcn .ppr6v.l. Slt|pl.t elll ba A r|Ghh.r ;f th. !l! group o? cooprnt.s .nd o!rt.lv.s, .ll raporntt!tatcm.nt3. corcl u5lont orrtl3poicd of .tt.r t.rtlDg .r-c rullnlttcd r. th. confldl.ntlrl prog.tty ot ar(traet3 trofi oi rca.rdlng our' r.port3 ia r.3.rvad l3 corDl.tcd unl.3r oth.r lr|.r|'g.I|.|rti aqrctd to Fonr o. CtlEll3A 6/9r CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS A}tO SCIEITTI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER D ffii;;h q,'ffi'* T0: [lEC[l Attn DN Vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149 c0 8r558-3149 Liftside Suilding, east of lresthaven Dri ve E J08 tlo. 4 t78 93-3 DATE: r-14-9,+ SHEET I OF 1 and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Yest, Vail, Colo. PLAcEllEt'lT L0cATI0l{: t{orth and aast walls of pool at Lines u through M and I through 1a, BATCH TICKET I I{FORI,IAT i OII TRUCK 1{0. 189 TIIIE EATCHED: l1:5? TICKET l{0. 011025 TiilE ARRIVED: 12:05 SUPPLIER: Uestern llobl let x 0Esl6it 0. 39 TIIfE PLACED: 12:?0 CU. Y0.L0AO,/ACCUfr: 7l2l/35! FIELD TESTIltG ITIFORMATIOII Tll,lE TEST TAKEiI: t2:35 JOB SPECIFICATIO}IS: SLUHP sLultP Llz Iil. Ilt. SA}IPLE TEIIP: AIR C0llTEl{T: 4.5I AIR C0t{TEl{I: X 62'F AIR TEIIP: 40oF l{ET UI{IT IIEIGHT: IIATER AODED AT SITE O 6AL. cYLIIDER lltFoR ATl0ll ItO. 0F CYLIilDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x ie" Ttr4E CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:45 UHERE CAST: 0n-Stte CURITIG I IIFORI{AT IOII II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: l-15-94 FIELO ST()RAGE FACILITIES: Heated trailerBY: C.A.f,rI il/r,rAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO IOTAL LOAD (LBs ) OIAMETER ( I ircHEs ) AREA (sQ tt{) coftP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYt I IIOER iE lbnl {L8s) CYLII{DER U]{IT UEIGHT (PCF) 28 28 {.4 28H 28H L-21-94 1-21-94 z-l t -94 2-tL-94 2-Lt-94 2-ll-94 1t7,500 122,000 6. 00 6. 09 28.27 29.ls 4160 4190 shear snear t)ES IGI{ STREII6TH 45OO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONI{€L ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLICASLE AST}I I.{ETHODS UI{LESS OTHERhII5E HOTED sOI,|E I]{FORI'IAIIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS REiIARKS:1I non chlor acc. added to the mix, COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc Tonn of Vail; ltestern Hobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROYEO BY A! a mut{al pFot.ctlon to cll.ntr, tha publlc.nd ouis.lv.i. .ll r.portacll.nt!, rnd a{thortr.tlon for plbllcrttor ot atrtcrncnts. Conclv3lonr orp.rdlng-_our |||-itt.n .pFrFov.l, Stlr|Pl.i r{lI b. dl.po3.d ot rft.r t.atingIr rrltlng. A h'rrnber of th. !f! group ol conprnl.3 .ir s{bnltted 13 th. coa?ldl.ntful pto9.t'ty of .xtr!ct3 f|.om or ragarallng ouf rcport3 lr rc+aFvad'Jr co.npt.tcd rnl.r! othcr arratga anta agrcad to For No. ct|Ell3A 6/91 REPORT CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGIIIEERS A]{D SCIEiITISTS OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l'lECll Enterpri ses J08 1i0. 4 178 93-3 DATE I l-17-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F rVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Bullding, east of Uesthaven Drive and t,estln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vall, Colo. PLACEIIENT LOCATIO}I:Italls; stalrcore A at Elev. l0l BATCH TICKET I ilFffil.lAT 101{ SUPPLIER: llestern ilobile TRUCK 1{0. 189 TICKET 1{0. 0t 1034 ilIX 0ESIG}| l{0. 39 TIlf€ EATCHID: L2:12 IIIIE ARRIVED: r2:?8 TIIIE PTACED: 12:40 CU.Y0.L0All/ACClll,l: 65165113 FIELD TESTII{G Il{F0RllATI0ll SAilPLE TE}IP: 66'T AIR TEIIP: 25'F Tll,fE TEST TAKEiI; l?247 9LtlHP: ? 3/4 lll. AIR COl{TEllT: 4.5I llET lfi{IT IIEIGHT: 139.4 JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLUIIP: Iil. AIR C0t{TEllT: I 9ATER lllDED AT SITE GAL, CYTII{DER IIIFORI,IATIOl{ l{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x 12" Tll{E CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:57 l,lHERE CAST: On-Sl te CW I I{G I I{FORI,IAT I OI{ II{ITIAL CIJRE: 0n-site FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: 0ATE RECEIVED AT tAB: l-19-94 BY: 8H llll{/tlAX A6E OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAT LOAD (lBs) DIA}IETER ( rl{cHES) AREA (sq ril) col.{P. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACIURE CYLIIIDER I{EIGHT (r8s) CYLIIIDER UIIIT I{EIGHT (PcF) 7 7 2A 28 28 ?& I -e4-94 r-24-94 2-14-94 2-!4-94 2-t4-94 2-t4-94 127,000 123,000 6. 08 6.08 29. 03 29.03 4370 4240 $nea r shear DES]G1{ STREilGTH 4500 PSI e 28 oAYS TESTS BY TABORATORY PERSOI{T{EI ART II{ ACCORDAI{CE YITH APPL]CABLE ASTI.I I,IETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERIIIS€ I{OTED SOI,IE IIIFORI.IATIOTI OF TEST REPORT HAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIORKS:ll non chl ori de C0PIES: R.A. ]{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town sf Vail; l,lestern l,lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz:Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY Ar. hnturl protectlon to cllant3. the publlc .nd ourr.lv.3, rll r.port3 lrc Esbn{ttad.r th. cortldl.ntl.rl Pt'op.?ty of cllantr, rnd ruthorl:atlon lor publlcrtlon of statenent!. Conclu3lonl or axtrccts ft'oin or r'ag.rdlng out' r.Fort6 l3 raSarvad p.ndlng our. urltt.n 6pprov.l. S.npl.t rilll b. dlrpot.d ot.ttar taatlnE lr co.rpl.t.d unl.3t oth.r .rrrn9.Nr.nt. rgraac !o In rrl tlng. A mrnbrr ;f th. !l!! groqp of co|||p.nl.r Form o. cMEll3A 6/91 o Ar a frutu.l pFot.ctlon to cllantr, th. publlc.nd our3alva3, all raport! !r. rub itt.d.r. th. contldl.ntlrl pioPatty of cll.ntr, d6d authorlzatIon foi publlcatlon ot 3t.tdr.ntr. Conclutlonr oF.rti!ct3 tro|n or r-agtrdt^g ouf raPort! It ratarvad p.ndinE our srltt.r lpprov.t. S.nr9l.3 rll'l b. dl3potrd ot.ft.i t.stlng l3 conpl.t.d unl.!3 oth.t .trang.o.nt!. rgr..d to ln |.rltt$g.I mintir if th. !I! gioup of conp.nl.3 Fortn tlo. cfiEtr3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CO SULTI 6 EI{GII{EERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT T0: lfEcll Enterpnises JoB l{0. 4 t78 93-3 DATE: l-Zl-94Attn: [ustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of tlesthaven Drive and l,estin Hotel , South Frontage Road I'lest, Vail, Colo. PLACE}IEIIT LOCATIOT{ :Stal rcore A1 at elevation lll BATCH TICKTT IXFOR!|AT]0N SUPPLIER: l,lestern }lobile TRUCK t{0. 16l TICKET l{0. 0t 1082 HtX DEsIGil ilo. 39 TIIIE BATCHED: 1:05 TIIIE ARRIVED: 1:15 TIIIE PLACED: 1:20 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUI4: 7/2ll2l FIELD TESTI116 I NFORI.IAT I OtI TI}IE TEST TAKEI{: l:?5 JOB SPECIFICATIOI1S: SLUIIP: 3-1/2 I ll. SLUIIP: IN. SAMPLE TEHP: AIR C0t'lTEllT: 5. 11 AIR C0t{TEl{T: Z 67T AIR TEI.IP: 45"F UtT UillT lrEI6HT: 131 .7 !,AIER ADDED AI SITE 3 GAL. CYL I I{DER II{FORiIAT IOI{ N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIT{DIRS CAST: l:35 TJHERE CAST: On-Site cuRt l,{6 I IFoRr,rATI0r{ IIIITIAL CURE: ?4 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: l-?2-94 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIE5: heated trailer BY: F. P.l,r I l{/},rAX AGE DAYS DATE TISTEI) TOIAL LOAD (LBs) DIA}IETER ( rr{cHEs ) AREA (sQ Ill) c0ilP. sTR. (PsI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER IIE i 6HT (LBS ) cYtt r{DtR UIIIT UEIGHT (PCF) 7 7 FC7' 2S ?8 ?8H 28H 1-28-94 l-28-94 l-28-94 2-t8-94 2-18-94 2-18-94 2-t8-94 l?6,000 128,000 50.000 5.99 5.98 o. uo 28.18 28.09 28.84 447 0 4560 2 080 shear shear snear DES I6I{ STREiIGTH 4500 PSI 0 28 0AYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICI UITH APPLICAELE ASTI,I I.,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI{ISE IIIITEO SOI.IE II{FOR}IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVI[)ED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: 1I non chloride added.* This cyllnder was cured rith concrete placed on that field cure test cyllnder may not have been site for five days. lJe rvere inofnned in heated area of concnete placement, COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Toro of Vail; l{estern }lobilel J V A, lnc.; Gwath ey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. H6Ys FIETO OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coxsurltile E|GIIEERS AXD SCIEilTTSTS OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDREPORT \q91ry- T0: llECll Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: f-20-94Attn: tustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8uilding, east of llesthaven Orlve and Uestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vall, Colo. PLACEI,IE}IT LOCATIOI{ :Slab-on-grade llechanical Rosn BATCH TICKET I IIFORI.IAIION TTUCK 0. 104 IIIIE BATCHED: unknown TICKET t{0. 0n053 TIIIE ARRIVEO: 9:50 T I I.{E SUPPLI ER: llestern lilobi I e tlIX DESIGT{ l'10. 44 wlfibers PLACED: 9:56 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI|: FIELD TESTIIIG i]{FORI,IATION TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 10:04 JOB SPECIF]CATIOIIS: SAMPLE TEMP: AIR C0llTEtlT: 6.61 AIR C0llTEllT: 3 rnx % SLUIP: 4.0 SLUI'IP: 4 Il{. I lt. 64.F A]R TE P: 3OOF UET UI{IT IIEIGHT: !,ATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GAL, CYL I I{DER I IIFORIT,IAT IOI{ tJO' 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDFR SIZE: 6"x 12" TIHE CYIII{DERS CAST: 10:14 trlHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ IIIITIAL ctfiE: 24 houFs 0n-slte FIELD ST0RA6E FACILITIES: Heated tnailer DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1-2r-94 BY: B. B. Mlti/ltAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIA}IETER (rilcHEs) AREA (sq rN) col,rP. sTR. (Psl ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL TIIDER IIE IGHT ( LBs) CYt I IIDER UIIIT UEIGHT {PcF) 7 7 FC 7* z8 28H z&H t-27 -94 r-27-94 t-27-91 z-17 -94 z-17-94 z-17-94 89,500 90,000 70,500 5.99 5.99 6.07 28,18 28.18 28.94 31S0 3190 2440 shear shear shear DESIGI{ 5TREI*GTH IOOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE I1{ ACCORDAI{CE }IITH APPLICAELE ASTII IIETHODS UilLEsS OTHER}'ISE I{OTEI) SOI,IE IIIFORf{ATIOil OF TEST RTPORT I{AT BE PROVIOTO BY OIHERS REIIARKS: lI non chloride added. i This cyl i nder was cured on site for six days rrith the concrete placed. C0PIES: R.A. l{elson & Assoclates, Inc. Torn of Vail; lfestern llobile; J Y A, lnc.; G*athrcy Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. lhys FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY 43. r.tu.l prqt.ctlor to cllant3, tha publlc.nd ourr.lvai, .ll irportt.ro rlbalttrd !i th. contldl.ntl.l prop.rty ofcllGht3, and ruthorlzatlon tor Fubllcitlor of 3tatdn ntr. Concl!alonr or.rtrrctr fror oF rag.idlng orrr raDortl] lr rrltrvrdp.ndlng-osr rrlttat apProv.l. Su|pl.B vrtll b. dlrpor,.d of rttar taitlng l3 cofiFletad unle.r oth.r rrrrn9dhant..gr..d toIn r,rItlnd- A n rt r 6f th. E!! group ot co|np.nl.r Foi.t| }{o. CHEtl3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. c0 sutTtlr6 iG|liEERS ANU SCIEIiTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ilECll Enterprises JqB ttg. 4 178 93-3 SATE: l-7-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Vestln Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LOCA]]OI{ :A-l Elevator stai rs BATCH TICKET IIIFORiIATIOII TRUCK l{0. 104 TIIlE EATCHED: I Z:51 TICKET N0. 0l-0968 TI}IE ARRiVED: l:00 r I t'tE SUPPLIER: lJestern l,lobi Ie ulx 0Es16 fi0. 8-4500 PLACED: l:28 CU.Y0.LOAD/ACCU}|: 7 /7128 FIELD TESTING Il{FoRtlATIol{ SAHPLE TEltlP: 66'F AIR TEtrlP: 35'F TIIIE TEST TAKEII: l:33 SLUMP: 2-314 ltl. AIR C0l{TEl{T: 4.11 UET UlllT I,IEIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLul,lP: 4 IN. AIR C0l{TEllT:6+2 % ttATER ADDED AT SITE 15 GAL. CYLII{DER I]{FOR]'{AT I OII f10. 0F CYllt{l}ERS: 6 CYLIIIDER 5lZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIIIDERS CAST: l:43 l,lHERE CAST: 0n-Site C UR Il{G I IIFORI4ATIO}I II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-5ite DAIE RECEIYED AT tAB: I'10-94 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated job site trailer BY: flJ ilm/HAX 70 AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) D I AI'IETER ( tNCHES) AREA (sQ Ir{) cor,tP. sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYTIIIDER UEIGHT (tBs) CYL IIIDER UI{IT TJEIGHT (PCF ) 7 28 16 z8 ?8H z8H 1-14-94 l-14-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 ?-4-94 ?-4-94 128,000 124,500 148,500 150,000 159 ,500 159.000 6. 08 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.99 5.99 29.03 28.09 28.09 28.09 28. l8 28.18 4410 4430 5290 5700 )oou 5640 snear shear con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t con/sp l i t DESI6N STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI G 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{II€L ARE ]II ACCORDAIICE UITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UI{1E55 OTHERI{ISE NOTED SOIIE IIiIFORHATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDID 8Y OTHERS REMRKS : l?6 non-chl ori de accelerdtor added to the nix concrete. CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates. Inc Town of Vail; Vestetn llobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwathmrey Pratt Schultz C. Adams Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY A! ! nutu.l prot.ctlon to c'lfents. thc publlc cll.trts, rnd rutharir!tlon for public.tion of pendlng ouF lrritt€n tpprovrl. 5.mp1.3 Hill b. A m€lt|ber ;f the El! g.oup ot coftpahl!3 rnd ourrelwls. .l I reports rtatchents. conc lut i oni or dirposed of aft.r t€3ting rra 5ubmitted .3 the confldlenti.'l prop.rty ot ertrlcts fron or regardlnE our rcForts i! r'served ir comol.t.d unla3i olhcr arrtrgem€nts .grecd "o FoF tlo. cilEl l3A 5/9t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTITIG ETIGIIIEERS AIID SC IEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA q.j'$ffs.F(* ffi'19S"*99 T0: llECll Enterpri ses JoB t{0. 4 t78 93-3 0ATE: t-10-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET r 0F IVail C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Uesthaven 0rive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACET.IEI{T LOCATIO :Floor slab for unit C-42, BATCH TICKET IT{FORI'IAT IOil TRUCK l{0. 189 TIIIE BATCHED: 8:49 TICKET r{0. 0r0976 TIHE ARRIVEO: 9: 18 SUPPLIER: l,restern l,lobi le l{Ix DESIGT{ N0. 8-4000 PLACED: 9 : 25 CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU}|: 7 t14l28 FIELO TESTIIIG IilFOR}IATIOI{ SA}IPLE TEIIP: 6?.F AIR TEI,(P: ZO.F TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 9:34 SLUIIP: 4.0 Il{. AIR C0l{TEl{T: 3.9fi UET UIIIT UEIGHT: 143.3 JOB SPECIFICATI0 S: SLUMP: 4 lll. llax AIR C0tiTEllT: 3.01 IJATIR A0DED AT SITE GAL. CYLIIIDER Il{F0RllATloN l{0. 0F CYLIIIOERS: 4 CYLIIIDER SlZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 9:44 }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIN6 IIIFORI.{ATIOII Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1-11-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated trailer BY: C. A. ilill/tlAx CYL i I{OER UI{ IT !'TIGHT ( PcF) COMP. STR. (PSI } CYL I I{DER !,E I6HT (LBs) con/sp] i t snear con/shear con/shear con,/shear shea r 7 28 28 28H 28H 1- l7-94 1- l7 -94 2-7 -94 2-7 -94 2-7-94 2-7 -94 113,500 I10,000 150,000 147 ,500 150,000 152,000 5.98 5.98 6. 08 6.07 5.98 5.98 4040 3920 517 0 5100 5340 5410 28.09 28.09 29.03 28.94 28.09 28.09 OESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI 8 28 OAYS IESTS EY LAEORATORY PTRSONIIEL ARE III ACCORDAIICE I'ITH APPLICABTE ASTI.{ METHODS UI{LESS OTHERVISE NOTEO SOIIE IIIFORIiATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS: tI non chloride are added to concrete. Sample obtained from mixer truck. CoPIES: R.A. tlelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; Uestern Mobile; FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y J V A, Inc.; Gwathrney Pratt Schultz;i I Carolyn Adams Bobbv J. Hays At . mutu.l pr"otcctloh to clients, the publlc client3,.nd.uthorlz.tion for publ lc.tior of pendlng our ,ritt.n .pproval- S.mp'lGs HiIl b.in Hrlilng. A nehber of the E!! group of comp.ni€s .nd orrs.lvcs, !ll reportt Btlta|tr€fit3. Conc l0s lons ordlrgor.d o{ .ftcr teittng dr€ subrittad at the corfldl€ntirl propcity ot ertr.ctg from of regdrding our i€portg l3 feslrvco ir con!let€d unleii oth€r .r..nge6€ntE .gr€ed to Forn No. c[E113A 6/91 d*l'%/*1. --l'\.t rtB 1994 'q ,.r-"v (D Ci-,.'i;"i;-t- l,, 16#$T""9\*ff":$i QrasaqqgCHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cor{suLTlilG El{GIXEERS Ailo sCiEl{Tt STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: HECH Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-26-91Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEEI I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftstde Butlding, east of tlesthaven Drive and Vestln ltotel , South Frontage Road Llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T L0CATI0I|: Stair core Al EATCH TICKET I IIFoRHAT lotl SUPPLIER: lrestern Hobile TRUCK ilo. 16l TICKET flo. 0l 1099 HIX DESIG|| tlo. IIHE BATCHED: 10:21 TIIIE ARRIVED: 10:47 TIIIE PLACED: 11;00 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'i: FIEL0 T€5TII{6 I llFoRllAT I0l{ SAMPLE TEt'tP: 55"F AIR TEilP: 30'F TIHE TEST TAKEN: 11:11 SLUI'iP: 4.0 lll. AIR C0t{IEt{T: X UET Ul{lT l,lEI6HI: JOB SPEC IFICAT I0l{5: SLUllP: Itl. AIR COI{TENT: X UATER ADDED AT SITE CAL. CYL I IIDER I IIFORI{ATIOII t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLftlOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIII0ERS CAST: LL:24 I{HER€ CAST: on-S i te CURIX6 I I{FORI,IAT IOI{ I l{ I TIAL CURE: ?4 hours DATE RECEIVED AI LA8: 0n-S i te l-28-94 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIE5 : 8Y: C. A. heated trai ler except HItl/l.lM field cure cyl AG€ DAYS OATE T€5TEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) O IAM€TER ( I fiCHE5 ) AREA (sQ ${) cot{P.sTR . (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I{DER I,IE IGHT (LBs) CYLIIID€R UtI IT I.'ETGHT (PCF) 7* 20 ?s 28H 28H z- a-t.a 2-23-94 2-?3-94 2-23-94 ?-?3-94 u8 r21 500 500 000 6.05 5.99 5.99 28 .15 ?8 .18 28. 18 4050 4210 4290 shear shea r con/shear DE5I6I{ STRINGTH 45OO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y TASORAIORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE III ACCOROAIICE !IITH APPLICAELE ASTIl METHODS UIILESS OTHIRI.IISE IIOTED SOI.IE I I{FORHAT IOIiI OF TEST REPORT I'IAY 8E PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REI4ARKS: l% non chloride accelerater added to mix-* Field Cure test cylinder was placed in area where concrete was placed (stair core A1 at elev.) for 48 hours - CoPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; Uestern llobi le; J V A, lnc.; Gvrattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Eobby J. HaYs FIELO OESERVER APPROVIO BY as a m!tu!l protcction to cliint3. !h. publlc cllents. .nd aqthot-l:!tlo|r for oublic.tion or pcnding our rriltt.n approv.l - S.rple5 Fl l l b! A member 6f th. !J! group of coop.hi€s .nd ourselvci, al l .cportt 5t!t.m.nt3. conclusions ror d i 3pored of !ftcr t.sting ar€ ssbDltted !3 the confldiential prop'rty ot ext|.acts lrom or rcaarding oqr r.portg i3 reg'rv'o ii cohDl.t.d unl.33 other arr.ngqn nt3 lgre€q to Form tlo, CMel r3A 6/91 d*I'%S FEB 19e4 :r" ,m-gCIg .$ fu ini;irrecrenc * Q,rr.rri* CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COITSULTI]IG ENGINEERS A}ID SCIENTTsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECIl Enterpri ses JoB t{0. 4 t/B 93-3 0ATE: r-28-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cort ina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IYail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftslde Euilding, east of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin llotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail. Colo. PLACEI'|EI|T L0CATIO|{: Slab at Unit C-52 EATCH TICKET I]{FORIIIATIOII TRUCK ilo. 150 TIl,tE BATCHE0T 9: ?8 TICKET I0. 01119 TII{E ARRIV€0: 9:55 T IHE SIJPPLIER: Yestern llobi I e lrrx DEs16l{ l{0. 84000 PLACED: 10:10 CU.YD.I0AD/ACCIll: 7llal?B! FIELD IESTII{G Il{FoRtlATlol{ SAIIPLE TEIIP: 64"F AIR TEttP: 3OoF TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 10:22 SLUttP: 5 3/4 ttt. AIR C0t{lEttT: 5.61 UtT UlttT tttI6HT: 136.0 JOB SPECIFICAIIO S: SLUI'IP: Ilt. AIR C0l{TEllT: I ttATER ADDED AT SITE 6GAt. CYL II{DER IIIFORI,IAT]OT{ f{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIII0ER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIl,lE CYLIT{DERS CAST: l0;32 UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{6 II{FORiiATIOI{ llllIIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVE0 AT LAB: L-29-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer BY; C.A.l.{It{/r{Ax AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (tBs) DIAI,IETER ( lrlcHEs) AR EA (sQ I1{) cot{P. sTR. (PSl ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I IIt|ER I.'E I6HT (LBs) CYL II{DER Ut{IT UEIGHT ( PCF) 7 7 z8 Z8 28H ?8H ?-4-94 ?-4-94 2-4-94 2-25-94 2-25-94 2-?5-94 z-25-94 9l ,500 92 ,500 94.000 6.08 6.00 6.03 ?9. 03 ?o .?7 28. 55 3150 3?7 0 3290 snear s neal r shear OESTGI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PsI @ 28 OAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE iI{ ACC()ROAI{CE 1.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTH IIETHODS UI{LES5 OTHERI{ISE I{OTED SOME I I{ FORT1AT I OI.I OF TESI REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDTD 8Y OTHERS Rtf,lARKS: lX non chloride accererater added to this mix. Sannle obtained fron mi xer truck discharge. Field cure cylinder near stair core south and west of unit C-52. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern f.lobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FI€LD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A5 r mutu.l protectlon to cllerts, thc publlc end osriclv.r, !ll rrport! clients, cnd .uthoriE.tion for pdbllc.tior of statafi.nts. Conclusiors oFpcndlhg o'.rr wrlttcn .pprov.l. Sahple3 eill bc dl3po3cd of Itt€!. t.stlng A ncmber ot th€ E!! group of companlei ar. iubft{tted a3 the confldi€ntl.l prop.rty ot attracti from or rega.ding our iagort3 lt re3€rv€ola completcd unlcai oilrer arr.ngGn.lts !grc!.| to Form No. cMEll3A 5/9r r'r''%i tEe ''.s*o e [" mwn-,$CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULIIiIG E]{GII{€ERS AilO SCI€ITIST5 REPORT OF CONCBFTE TEST CYL|NDER DATA T0: ilECll Attn P.0. Vai I PROJECT: Enterprl ses Eustaqui o Corti na 8ox 3149 c0 8r6s8-3149 Liftside Bui 1din9, J08 ilo.4 178 93-3 DAT€: l-31-94 SHEET I OF I Frontage Road l,test, Vai Iof Uesthaven Drive and tfesti n llotel , South Col o. PLACETIEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Footlng pads at grld lines 0 & P.6. EATCH TICKEI I IIFORIiIAT I OII TRUCK ilo. 16lIIll€ EATCHED: l:05 TICKET 1t0. 0llr34 TII'IE ARRIVE0: l:20 T II4E SUPPL IER: trestern Hobi I e MIX DE5t6t{ l{0. #39 PLACEO: 1:54 CU. Y0.L0A0/ACC[${: SL UIIP SLt l.lP SA}IPLE TEI,IP: AIR C0]{TtllT: 6.2X AIR COi{TEI{T: X FIELD TESTII,|6 I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ TIilE IEST TAKEil: 2104 JO8 SPECI FTCATIOIIS: 4 lfl. I tl. 56'F AIR TEIIP: 5 'F UET UIIIT llElGHT: 135.2 I'ATER ADOED AT SITE GAL. CYL IIIDER II{FORI,IATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYIIIIDERS: 7 CYLII{DER sIZE: 6"r tz" Ttf,tt cyLIflD€RS CAST: IHIRE cAsT: On-site CURIttc I IIFORIIAT IOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-2-94 FIEL0 ST0RAGE FACILITI€S: heated trailerBY: F. P. llIl{/l,lAx A6E OAYS DATE TESTEO IOTAL LOAD ( LBs) DIAIlETER ( I]{CHES ) AREA (sq lN) c0f1P . sTR.,0(rr TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER YE IGHT (LBs ) CYL IIIOER UI{IT 1.'ET6HT ( PcF) FC7 28 28 2SH 28H z-7-94 2-7-94 2-7-94 ?-28-94 z-?8-94 z-?8-94 2-28-94 107 ,500 102,000 107.000 6.07 6. 05 6. 08 28 .94 28.75 29.03 3710 3550 3 690 shear shear shea r DES 16I{ STREI{CTH 45OO PSI O 28 DAY5 TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE !'IIH APPIICAELE ASTII METHOOS UIILESS OTHERVISE I.|OTEO SOI.{E I FONilAT IOI{ OF TEST REPORI HAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHTRS RE},IARKS:lX non chloride accelerater added to mix- Field cure cylinder placed with concrete on site. COPIE5: R.A. l{el son & Assoclates, lnc Town of VaiI; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carol yn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y A3 r nutuil prot.ctlon to cllcnt3, thc publiccllent3, .nd ruthorlz.tlon for Dubllcation of F€ndinE our written approv.l. Ss|npl.3 riill beir l{rl t I hg. A nenbcr of th€ HIH grolp of conpanl.3 .nd orrrscl v.r, .ll r€portt strtenr.nts, Conclurioo3 ot dl iposld of rft.r t.sting dre submitted ai th€ confidicnti.l ProP.rty of .xtr!ct3 frd or f.grrdlnE our raportl ls r.s.Fv.ali3 cohpleL.d unless othc|. rri'.nEdi.ntt rgr.ed to Form No, CMEll3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, rNc. collsuLr llc EltGmEEts AXD SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEI, 4:'1-h To: llEcti Enrerprises JoB lto. 4 1Zg 9j 3 oATE: l-19-94.Attn! Eustaquio Cottin€ P,0. Box 3149 vait c{, 81659-3149 DArry REpoRT IO. 34 SHEET | 0f I PR0JECI: Liftside Buitding, South Frontag€ Road, Vait, Colorado Due to the construction accident on saturday January 15. 1994t the.e Hae not anything for m tocheck. Jeff, xith R.A.I., forgot they had nre scheduted fop insp€ction today ard did not cancet flv visit. coPt Es R.A. iletson & Asso, - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. lnc. 0lrathrFy Pratt Schuttz To}|n of Vail -. Attn: dan Stanek DaFrel I Hr,ss FIELD OBSERVER Fred Cd|eron APPRWED 8Y Aa r ruturl piotactlon to cll.nt3' th. publlc rnd our.alvri, .ll r.porti !r. subnltt.d 13 th. contldantl.l prop.rty ot our cll.ntr, rrdauthorlrrtlot lor Publlcatton ol ttatam.nt. Cor|clualoha or axtr.rctr trofi or ralrrdlng ou|. rcportr Ir rararvad paodlnt orrrrltSan rppr.ov.l,Sal'pl.i wlll ba dlapo3.d ol rtt.r t..tln9 Ir cor platad unl..t oth.r arrrngeorintr .F. .gr...d to lr |.rltlng.A D.rb.r ot tha !!! Itoup of col|prn{.i - rm. r|o. c*to ./rl CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT I IIG EXGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITTSTS REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEIJ T0: ECll Enterprises JOB lto, 4 lZ8 93 j DAIE: 1-28-94Attn: Eustaquio Cottina P.O. Box 3149vait co 81659-3149 DAtLy REpORt xo_ 55 sltEET I or 2 PROJECT: Liftside Buitding, South Frontage Road. Vail, Col.orado The shear studs HeFe acowtiealty tested betr,een Grid Lines F-s and 21.5-31 at etevation 80, -ort/Bs, -3". The strds r|hen struck sith a hamer sere found to be acceptable except trelve stqds betreenGrid Lines 22-23 ard a-R' rhese studs bnoke loose vhen hit iritl a hannier- several sheets ofdecking rere not button trmched at the side laps. Ihe high strength botts and fittet setds rere visuaity observed at the 90'-6r - grr -g'tr level andtorer roof connections betHeen Grid Lines F-R and 22-3i1. Att of the f i et Helds uere found to beacceptable. The bolts Here found to be acceptable except the roof comection at s-27. Al.l of theboits xere fourd loose- lhe three cotifrr to colttrn cornections that Here rejected during our visit m l-4-94 have beenrepaired- These connections _Here nagnetic partiete tested and aie acceptabte. fhe shear studsnetat deck side lape and bolts that are nbted above Here corrected drring our visit and areacceptable. PROGRESS REPORT U.tl-F. Has being placed Hhen t left the site. Terperature at 8:00 All Has 5 degrees. @PIES R.A. Ielson & A$60. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. Inc- Grathmey Pratt Schultz Torfln of Vail : Attn: Dan Stanek Darrell Huss FTELD OSSERIIER Fred Cameron IPPRO'ED BY A3 t tt{turl Frot.ctlon to cllant!, tha Fubllc and our3.lv.3, rll r.portr rr. ,ub|!ttt.d .. th. crntldantl.l property oi ott|. cll.nti, .rd :!!l9l!.-.1! gr-!"f.p!bl I crt I on o.t ttrt.n nt. Concl!.lor. or.rtracti tio||| or r.grrd{rg our r.port. J3 r...r.v.d p.n.ltng o.rr rrf tt.n .pprcval.stnlpl.s wlll b. dl.lpolad ot attar t.ttlng 13 coaipl.trd url.3i oth.r arraagrnrintr ar:r agrec'd to In wrltt|rg. - A lEhlrr ot th. E!! group ot conFrnl.t d*'T'%l'" r r-- =.j"if- r[B rggq *ts ."' a.c;;:':::,..Y ,T( "roiri*q."g r-llflflS rnFF lion:!ni.: or-f firsl f!,rnec"t ,r*fa Eritla{t msrsoilIc Rlgor! np-.l-sr--L FI, rL-.:tr3ZLS-M.u 6tnz4-wb-J3frf--.*xFre-.gaa$Prr ffiU< rE!illffFqrW tL'[ fua*rd.tr Sg tEE!*qgc'ttp++@ l'.t ': CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cotsuLTlilG El|ct ltEERs AttD sctElrtsls REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTTVITY TO: l'lEcil Enterprises JoB [O. 4 i7A 93 3 DATE: l-28-94Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.O. Box 3149 Vait co 81659-5149 DAtLy REPORT ltO. 35A srEEr i oF z PROJ€CT: tiftside Buitding. south Frontage Road, Vail,, Cotorado l,le observed an area of fractured bedrock on ! Line b€tHeen tl and 14 tines ard sItall aress forfooting pads at grid lines 14 ad 17 and o and P lines. Thesr areas were exposed ard cl eaned offines and gravel in prepsration for ptacing 4500 psi conct ete as teveLing courses, PROGRESS REPORI coPtEs R.A. [elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. lnc. GHathrney Pratt Schultz Tom of Vai[ -. Attn: dan Stanek Carotyn Adams IIELD OBSERVEN Fred Camron APPROVED IY At a mutull Protactlon to cll.nt3, th. p.rbllc rDd orFralv.i, .ll r.Fort3 ara .u!mltt..l .3 tha confld.ntl.l pilt.rty of grr cllant., rndauthorlr.tlon tor_ -Publ lcatl-on ot atrtdtnt. Concl||tlon3 oF artrrcti tro6 or. tagrrdl[9 our r.portr lr r.rarvrd pandlng orar ||rlttaD apptovrl.srDpl.5 rlll b. dl-aForad of rft.r t..tlng ts cqBFlat.d snl.rs oth.r arrangfirintr rr1 agrrcd to ln trrltln0.A ' fDb.P ot th. !!q group of eoop.rl.3 tEF. cter.^t i*: CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cot{sullr}lG E}t6tt{EERs axo sctE ?IsTs REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING Ai a mltu.l piot.ctlon to cllanti, tha publtc .nd our:.lv.t, all r.por.t3 .r. .ubnrltt.d .i th. conlldantlal proparty ot ouF cll.ntr, rnd arthorl2atlon tor p{bllcrtlol of rtatarnant, cohclurlont or artractt tro.| or. r.glrdlng oqr FapoFtr lr r.toFvad pandlng our |'rltlanrppr.ovrl. S.trpl.3 illl b. d{rpot.d ot.ft.r taitlng 1r conFl.trd {nla$ oth.r.rranpCn ntt.r. rgr..d to l|| wrftlDg, A ndrb.F ot tha !!! gro||p of codp.nl.3 T0: l4E0ll Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-A8-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 816s8-3149 0AltY REP0RT N0. 35A SHttT Z 0F ? PR0JECT: Liftside Building, East of lresthaven Drive and l{esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATIOI{ COT.IPACTION & }'IATER IALtll ll,lull REQUIRED Ii|-PLACE DEI{SITY: 95X AS DETERl.llllED BY: ASTltl D-698 C0I{STRUCTI0I{ C0IITRACToR: Stan lliller, Inc. TEST LoCATI0IIS VERE SEIECTE0 BY: Chen-llorthern TYPE All0 l{Ul,l8ER 0F EARTH M0VIIG Ul{lTS: Trackhoe TYPE AND l{Ul{BER 0F COilPACTl0l{ UlllTS: Bonag Vibratory Sheepsfoot THICKTIESS 0F LIFT: i,|ETHOD 0F ADDIT{G M0ISTURE: l{Ul.lBER 0F PASSES: not observed T I0. LOCATIOTI OTPTH OR ELEVATIOII (FEET) - TABORATO&Y I FITLD PERCEI{T (REtATI VEl llAX I MUl.l ) 08TAIt{t0 SOIL TYPE ITTAXIMUtI DRY OEIISITY (pcf ) OPTII.IUI,I I,IO I STURE c0lrTEt{T tr) ORY DEI{5I IY (PCF) K}ISTURE c0t{TEl{T (r) 9 t0 l0' South of Ual I at Li ne (tdest of S Pool ) !l 3' South of lJal I at Line {l,est of S Pool ) l, Approx, 55'Elev. Approx. 55' E lev. 135.9 135.9 7.2 7.2 94.6 97.4 l1 .4 12 .3 70 72 xel l graded gravel Hlth sand well graded gravel with sand FULL TII,IE OSSERVATIOII X PART TI}II OESTRVATIOI{THls RE-6ii-pREsEl{'ts oplNlois FonHED As A REsuLt oF oun otEEiflrtous oF rtLL plAcEr.rg]rr. l{E }rAvE RELTED oH tBE eoNtR ctoR locot{ll uE TPPLYING IHE nEcorflEflDa) CO.IPACTIVE EFFOnT AND T,x)ISTURE tO FILL Ot Rtllc THE ll}lEs lJtlEll Oun oBSElvEn IS NOt OBSEn|I}{6OPERATIONS. 'ESTs AR€ MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS EELIEYEO IIECESSARY TO CALISRATE OUN OSSSRV€N'S JUD6EI{€NT. TEST DATA ANE TOT rrc soLE BASTS FOR Opt IOHS Oat lJltETHEn THE Ftlt- !,iEgTS sFECtFICATtOfiS. THE ]{UCLEAR DEI{SOI,IETER ITIETHOD OF TESTII{G UAs USED II{ SUESTAI{TIAL ACCORDAI{CE I.'ITH AST}I 02992 AI{O O3OI7. PRELII,IIIIARY oBSERVAIIONS AI{D/0R TEST RESUTTS VERBALLY REP0RTE0 T0: Dave S, R. A. llelson PR0GRESS REPORT: First density test taken at approxirrately top of pea gravel and 6 foot of backfill. Haterial appeared to be frozen. Contractor indiGated frozen naterial vould be removed, COPIE5: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc. Town of vni I owatlmey Pratt Schul tz Carolp Adans Fred R. Carnron FIELO OBSERYER APPROVED BY r55 iF- 'dott'"'o'u^ Ii Frts 1ee4 t.l f!'..'rii13Y\{. pFATr rcHr-sJz \i, ARctitrEc?$P.aJ.Aaslgu ZERO Ati votD cuivE8 SPEC|FIC ) A6GRAVfi SPECIFIC ,76 GRAVTTY 3ffi,?[S = 2'60 150 1/3 5 It 140 () o- I A iss zttl c] EO 130 123 120 115 0 5 10 15 MOISTUFIE CONTENT - PERCENT OF DBY WEIGHT LOCATION:Liftside MOISTURE-DENStTY RELATIONSHIPS SoL DESCRrprroN: well graded gravel wilh gqqd Chen€Northerq!ru t,rAx. DRy DENSny: l35.9pcr Opr. rrosT. cot{rENT , 7 -2 %pRocEDURE, ASTM D698-91 Method C LOUro L[dtT :PLASTICITY I'TDEX :NP JoBNo.: 4178 93 3 I rc-t'to. DArE: l-28-94 | 2 iGRAVEL : 53 1 SAr.rD : 42 "; S|LT AND CLAY (-?OO) : 5 % d::r"%,,!i FE8 1994 Htl . -.-ir, :: ,", fi*,toddo Skf*:;btQ.'ttC CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. OOIISUL'II{G ENGII{EENS AXD SCTE TISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING I0: l,lE0ll Enterprises JOB [0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-31-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT ilo. 36 SHEET i 0F I PROJECT: Liftside Buiiding, East of tlesthaven Drive and ltestin ltotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATIOI{ COI.,IPACTiOII & HATERIAL ltlxll,tuH REQUIRED II:PLACE oEl{SITy: 951 AS 0ErER$rilED By: ASTti 0-698 CONSTRUCTIOi{ C0I{TRACT0R: Stan ililler, Inc. TEST LOCATIONS UERE SELECTED BY: Chen-Northern TYPE AND NUIiIBER 0F EARTH tl0Vll{6 UI{ITS: Trackhoe, backhoe TYPE AllD l{Ul{8ER 0F CO}IPACTI0I{ UllITS: Eomag THTCKNESS 0F LIFT: 12-18" METH0D 0F ADDII{6 M0ISTWE: llUl.tBER 0F PASSES: not observed rEST t{0. LOCATIOI{ OEPTH OR ELEVATIOII (FEET) LABORATORL I FI :LD PERCEIiT ( RELAIIVE/ r,rAx Ilrull) OBTAI I{ED SOIL TYPE ttAJ( I f,tuil DRY OEIISI TY (pcf) 0PT 1l'run I,IOISTURE c0 TEt{T DRY DEIIS I TY (PcF) IiIO I STURE c0t{TE1{T (r) 1l ItA 8' South of Yal I on Li ne Retest of llo. ll 6' below 57'10"135,9 I35. 9 7 .2 7.2 99.7 102.7 8.0 8.7 73 76 well graded gravel with sand FUIT TII.IE OBSERVATIOII X PART TII{E OB5ERVATIOI{tHts iEpoRT pR€sE[ts optfrro]rs FonMED As A nEsuLi oF ouR o-sEFvATIods oF FrLL FLAcEl.'Er{T. L,E HAVE RETIED o rHE cofltnAcroR to COT{TI}IUE APPLYII{G TH€ R€CO'.I€IIOEO Cg.IPACTIVE EFFORT A}ID ibTSIUR€ IO FILL DUNI'i6 THE TI}IES YHEN OUR OESERVER t5 NOT OBSERVIT{GOPERATTOT{S. TESTS ANE AO€ OF 'HE FILL OI{LY AS EELIEVED I{ECESSANY TO CALIANATE OUI OBSENVER'S JUDGE}ITTT. TES' DATA ANE i|(}I THE SOLE IASIS FOR OPIr{IOXS At UHETIIER IHE FILL MEETS SP€CTFICATIOHS. THE ]{I'CLEAR DEIISOI.TETER }IETHOD OF TESTII{6 VAS USED III SUBSTAI{TIAL ACCORDANCE UITH ASTM 02992 AI{D 03017. PRELIIIIIIARY OBSERVATIOIIS 4il0/0R TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED T0: Kery with S!,ll and Dave S. with R. A. llelsor PR0GRESS REP0RT: Contractor renoved a lift of frozen backfill material and reconpacted the material left. This naterial also appears to be frozen. (Temps of -10 degrees last night.) Backfill was covered with concreted blankets in an attsnpt to prevent frost, COPIES: R.A. llelson & Assoclates, Inc.; J V A, lnc,; 6wattmey Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail; Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cannron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Ar t nutual protactlon to cIl.ntr, the publlc lnal our3alvar. rll raportr.nd luthorlzatlon lor publ{catlon of rtrt.rnant, conclurlort ot artracti.pprov.l. S.mpl.. v.lll b. dltpo...l ot .tt.r t.3tlng l. conFlat.d t|nl.r3A m.hb.r of thr E!! Er'oup of coltprnl.3 .r-. rubnltt.d .i th. contld.ntl!l prop.rty ot o{r cll.ntrl troo| or r.g.rdlng osr raPorta {l rat.rv.d pandlnt our l.r'ltt.noth.r lrr..rgamantt ara rgraad to ln rltlng. ,. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CO}ISULT I IIG EI{GIXEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL T0: llE$l Enterprises JOB XO. 4 l7B 9J 3 DA!E: ?-1-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.O. Box 5149 Vaii co 816,59-3149 DAtLy REpoRT no, 3Z SHEET 1 oF a PROJECT: liftside Buitding, south Frontage Road, VEil, Cotorado Te0perature at 8:00 All - zero The shear studs vere acoustically tested at the toft Levet 90, 6.t 195.9{ betueen grid llnes t-R ard 21,5 - 30 and the secord flooh terrct 48r 6t'153.9t betreen gfid lines AA-o ard 13 - 21.5. [one of the studs faited xhen hit t ith a hanrner ard are acceptabte. sdne of the netal. deck side lapc rere not button Flnchd. The high strength botts eere visually observed on the loe roof level 10t'0rl betreen grid [ines c-t ard 21-f,1. Al.l of the botts Here foud to be acceptable but several of the beans at approximately C-29 Hitl have to be remved and reptacd dle to the construction accident. The shear tab filtet relds and high strength botts Here usuglty observed on thr second level 48' 6.tf53r9t b€tHeen grid tines 13121.5 and AA-O. Alt of the botts and lreLds rere fourd to b€ see the attached acceptabte. The noment corinect i ons at the fifth floor -q.S. report. level 80totr rrere ultfasonicatty tested. PRoGRESS REPonT The decking creH ard Dave Hith R. A. llelson rere infornred of rry observation. COP I ES R.A. lletson & Asdo. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. Inc. Grathmey Pratt Schultz ToHn of Vail . Attn: Dan Stanek Darfel I lluss FIETD OSSERVER Fred Cdmron APPROI'ED BY A3 a hutuol pFotactlon to cll.nti, th. Fubllc.rd oitr3.lvaar .ll r.port3 .r. 3ubrltt.d r3 tha confld.ntlsl prop.rty ol o|,r cll.ntr, andauthorlz|rtlon foF publlcatlon ot stat |.nt. Conclutlon3 or ettrrctt troor o|. ragardlng our raporta lt iatarvad pandlnt our l.rlttan appr.ovrl.slrllPla3 trlll b. dlrpor.d ot aft.r t.ttlng l. conpl.ted unlara oth.r rrr.ng.rrntr ri. rgr..d to Ir rrltlng.A rq|lb.r ot th. tsl! gFoup of Co prnl.t .hm..rrr ./!l d*["'\[: FIE 1994 A'{f -'iirf *r.. Fi.:. r..;aiiJllil Ar-.t V. rccr,riJficP.c. -f/\Q*rrreDz @.8F4(frve9 Ea.qPFr r lErDril ,tqr_tl ^915 WIIFIIFFI ?t"r|lEE f,Hill taot qFft ffsgsgffit to llrl - pab,4 a:o1f7. tw \trl1l+t rrrtlarap-lf-so-Jese6 .ril,l{rl fff,o8wl:Il df^+1?a if :t! q:-lr:?r:in. q { o A3 a mutu.l protactlotr to cll.nt.r th. publlc rnd our3.lv.i, rll Eportr .r. rubnltt.d ai th. cot|tld.rtlrl prop.rty ot our cll.nt.l atral althorlt.tlon tor publlcrtlon of atlt.nantr conclu3loh3 or extrrct3 trom or ragArdlng our. rrpor.ti l3 rararvad pandlnt our || lttan lPProvll. SdDpl.s wlll b. dltpo3.d ot .ftcr t.ttlrg lr coo|Pl.t.d unl.33 oth.i.rra:Dga|||.n-tr ar. igF..d to ln wrltlng.A r|.|l|Dcr of th. ts!! gFoup ot corp6hl.3 REPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. J COI{SULTII{G EI{GITEERS AilD SCI!}ITISTS I OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING :. iz T0: ECM Enterprises JoB 0. 4 1Zg 93-J DATE: ?-l-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cort i na P .0. Box 3149Vall, C0 81658-3149 DAILY RtpORT t{0. s7A SHEET I OF 2 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, East of ldesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Gol orado. SPTCJFICATIO}I COiIPACTIOT{ & I'IATER IAL l,lIt{IMUll REQUIRED II|-PIACE DEI{SITY: 951 AS DETERT'|II{EO BY: ASTi{ 0-698 CO|{STRUCTIOII CONTRACT0R: Stan lliller, lnc. TEST LOCATI0NS UERE SELECTED BY: Chen- orthern TYPE AtlD t{Ul.|8ER 0F EARTH }loVI l{G UI{ITS: Trackhoe TYPE ANO IIUMBER 0F C0|'IPACT l0tt UlllTS: Bornao I1ETHOD OF ADDI116 TIOISTURE: IHICKIiESS 0F LIFT: 1e-18' t{UllBER 0F PASSES: as reoui red tL) | t{0. LocATt0t{ DEPTH OR ELEVAT I OI{ (FEET ) rI Ltot c0ltTEltT {x} PERCE}IT (RELAT I VEl t'tN(Ifiur1) ()BTAI I{EO SOII TYPE lrAxItlutl ORY DEI,ISITY (pcf ) 0PTil.tul.t r.r0I sTuRt c0t{TEilT ([) t)RY DEI{SlTY (PCF ) 12 Corner formed by walls on Lines wand9 6'belox 57'10',135 .9 7.?99. ?Ll It well graded gravel uith sand FULL TITIE OBSERVATIOI{ X PART TII.IE OBSERVATIOI{ THts REF6T-PRESE ts oPrxtot{s Font4Eo As A REsuLT oF oun oISi-nvrrtoxs oF FILL prlcEr€Nr. v6 HAVE RELTEo ofr rHe co}trRAcloR ToCOIIINUE APPLYTNC'IHE BECO'I,IENDED COT,IPACIIVE EFFORT AIID IDISTURE TO FILL I)I,RING THE TIHES UHEI OUR OBSERVER tS NOT OSSERV]I{GOPERA?IONS, IESIS ARE I.I]TDE OF THE FILL o}ILY As EELtEvEo I{EcEssAnY To CALISnA'E oUR oBsEnYERIs .,uDGE}IEI{T. TEST DATA An€ l{oT T'{€ SOLE SASIS FON OPIHIOI{S OI{ IJHSTHEN TH€ FTLL HEETS SPECTFICAITOI{S. THE TIIJCLEAR OEIISOI,IETTR IIETHOD OF TESTII{6 I{AS USED IN SUBSTAI{T IAL ACCORDAIICE }'ITH ASTI,I 02992 AIID 03017. PRELIMII{ARY OBSERVATIOIIS AIID/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPORTED TO: PROGRESS REPORT:See attached report. C0PIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.t J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultzl Town of Vail; Carolp Adams Fred R, Carneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY t, \ CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coxsuLTllt6 EilGtIEERS Al{D SCtEIT ISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTTVITIES TO: l{Ecfi Enterprises Attn: Eustaoui o Coftina P.o. Box 3149 Vai t co 81659-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Bui tding, JoB lto. 4 178 93 3 DAILY REPOR' XO. 37A Col,orado DATE:?-1-96 SIIEET Z OF Z South Frontage Road, Vai t ge fetested gn area in the corner foflned by Hatl.s on lines 9 ard ll, Ihis area had been tested ontrro Previous visits and tests h6d faited due to frost in materiat. Contrsctor attefipted to thaH ?l9a but tests today irdicated material eas stil,l frozen. Dave schreiner accepted this 15 to t8xIift of on'site nsterial on top of pca gravet (beddi ng for perineter drain). idditionat lifts ofratL bockfilt naterial ritt be E very rocly irported noteiiaL rith very fel, firus (they cal itdredge). (Ton Alten approvd. ) severat tittt of the above npnt i ond irport naterial uere placed over rater line exterdi ng from thehydrant at se3t erd of rall on Z-9 line to latl on R Iine and approximately p.2 Line. A Booag sssused to corPact backtitt materiat. Haterial contains too m|ch riik to test r.ith rucLear densometer. It app€ared that adequate colpactive effort tas 6ppt i ed to tatcr tine backfitt. PROGRESS REPORT coPtEs l.A. |lelson & Asso. - Attn: nick Agate J,V.4. lnc. GrathrEy Pratt Schuttr Torn of Vsi[ - Attn: Dan Stanek I Carolyn Adamg rIELD OBSERVER Fred camron APPROT/ED 8Y Ar I mutu.l prot.ctlon to cllants, th. Pultlc.nd o!tr!.Iva!, .ll r.portr |r..ubrltt.d.r th. contld.ntl.l proparty of otf clt.nt.', rrd ::1l?llr:!l?i.tor..publlcrtloD oJ ttrt.n nt. Concls3lon3 ot. .xtrrcts tro|tr or r.g.rdlhg o{r rrgortr li r.r.rv.d F.rdtng our rrltt.n rpprov.l.srnPl.t llfll bc dlrDor.d ot !tt.r t.stlrt 13 cofiplrt.d unl.rr oth.F arrangcnr:ntr rie agroei to In irlting. - A n.lrbar of th. @ group of .o|||p.nl.r 'q F. crrliu e/r, CNEN-NORTHERN, INC. colslrll mc E]tG$,EEns AxD sctEtflsts REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVTTIES T0! llEcll Enterprises JOg lto. 4 178 93 3 DATE: Z-Z-91Attn: Eustaqui o Cort ina P.O. Box 3149vait @ 81659-3149 DAIII REPORT XO, 38 SHEET t OF I PRoJECT: Littside Buitding, South Frontage Xoad, Vail, Colorado 9e Heie on site to observe ratt bactfil.l operation in corner area south and xest of ralls on linesl, ard 9. Fqrr lilts of lZ-18t' each rere ptaced drrfing tir e re rere on site. Haterial bei4g truckedin todaY aPpeafs to contain more rock and even less fines than originat trEteriat. Contractor appeared to be apptying adequate cdqqact ive effort to Hal.t backfi naterial (backfitt up to 52, 10r' at 3:00 Ptl). lfe atso tested concrete this norning ard picked up test cyt inders cast yesterday Q-1-94). PROGRESS REPORT COP I ES R,A. Ietsofi & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.v.A. lnc, GHathrFy Pratt Schuttz Toun of Vait - Attn: Dan Stanek Csrolyn AdarE TIETD OBSERVER Fred Cffiron APPROVED BY At . nrutu.l protcctlon to cllcntt, tha publlc lnd ourr.lv.r. rll r.po?t! ara 3ubiltt.d.r th. aontld.ntlrl Prop.rty of orr cll.ntr, r||d.uthorlzrtton tor publ'lc.tlon of ttata atrt. Conclurlon3 oa artr.rctr trom at. ragrrdlng our rapontr l. rar.rv.d FaBdlttg o$r Hrltian iF?rovrl.Slnrpl.t wtll b. dl3pot.d ot.ttrF t.ttlhg li co|npl.tcd uhl.ir oth.r .rFlrgqr.ntr ar..tr..d to In wrltJhg.A ft||r!.r of th. !!! gioup ot corFrnlat rd rb. arGrorr 6/tl f''T''\ h'- ,ur ,*o .'* e *mPh $s.f**idi:,,.J Qoarrrze, CHEN_NORTHERN, INC. @[suLT mc EIGIIEERS AID SClEltTrSrs REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL TOr llEctl Enteryrises JoB [o. 4 179 93 3 DATE! Z-j-94Atth: Eustaquio Cortin€ P.0. Box 3149 Vait cO 81659-3149 DAtLy REpoRT lto. 39 sltEET I ot 1 PiOJECT: Liftside Buitding, South Frontage Road, V6it, Cotofado Tenp€rature at 1:00 PI - 18 degrees The shear studs lrere acousticslly tested on the third floor Levet 591 Ont64l 5r' beti een grid Lines 1a-2e and AA-o' APProxitmtety 15X of the studs faited Hhen struch lrith a hanmer. severat did notpass the 15 degree bend test. llo lr.t{-f. had been plac€d at the tim of nry visit. the puddte rcldsrere found to b€ acceptabte but mny sheets had not been button Frnched. Ihe 4325 bol.ts and filtet relds rere visually obaerved at the above tocation ard pere found to be acceptable except one seld at q-12. The Betd did not met the 5/16rr thickness reqti rqmnt- PROGRESS REPORT Dave sith R. A. llelson aid Bob eith the erection crel uere i nformed of rfly ob6eav6t i ons. coPtEs R.A. iletson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. lnc. cl,athmy Pratt Schut tz Tovn of Vail - Attn: Dan Stanek Damel I lluss FIELD OtsSERVER Fred Caneron APPROVEO 8Y A3 | nutual piotactlon to cll.ntr, th. Ft|bl|c rnd osrs.lv.J, .ll r.porti .r. sub ltt.d ri th. contld.ntlal prop.rty ot our cll.nt.. rnr ruthorlz.tlon tor publlc.tlon ot 3t.t. .nt. Conclurlont or.xtrrcta from or r.g.rdlhg our r.portr lt rasarv.d p.ndlng our wrltt.n .Pprovr'1. S.tlple3 wlll b. dlrFor.d of rftrr t.3tlng l* coorpl.t.d unl..r othar trr.ngdD.nti rr. !gr..d to In wrltlnE.A m.t'|bci ot th. !J! group ol cotnp.nl.t ron|o. cnor 6/tl fr,'% FEB 1994 q G'i::,.;.{r.!fi. FRtTrr;3;412 ; V>-Lnsmctf p,c,"! kerrrtg CHEN-NORTHERN, TNC. coilsutTtxc Eltct[EERs AID scr E TTSTS REFORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVTTY lo: HECII Enterprises JoB [O. 4 178 93 3 DAIE: ?-3_94Attn: Eustaquio Cort ina P.O. Bor( 3149 Vail ao 81659-3149 DAtLy REPORI xo. 59A sflEET I oF I PRoJECT: Liftside Building, South Frontage Road, Vait, Colorado Contractor pt lnned a 4 foot thick lift of iryort moterial to aid rrorkers eaterproofing srterior oflratt. This Iift r.s later dragged back out'and coqacted in in-spec thick l,ifts. t4aterial used is rsmining rEre rocky in content than initial materiat. PROGRESS REPOR,I COPTES R.A. l{etson & Asso. - Attn: Rick AgateJ.V.A. Inc. Gr,ath|IEy Pratt Schuttz ToHn of V6it - Attn: Dan Stanek carotyn Ada[B FI EI,"D OESERVER Fred cameron APPROVED BY A. ! hutu.l prot.ctlor to cllantt, th. pulllc.nd ourt.lv.r, .ll reportr.r. 3ubolttad 13 ttr. cortld.ntlal prop.rly of oui ctlant3. rndruthorlzltlon for psbllcrtlon 9'f ltata|r|ant. Conclurlonr or.rtFrctt from or ragrFdfng o{r raportr It rar.r-vcal pandlng our Erltt.n rpptovrl.S.uipl.r rlll ba dJ.po3.d ot.tter tattlng 13 coripl.t.rt uhl.rr oth.r eFangrrnintr rir ogrrti to tn rrtttng. - A nEmb.r ot th. !I! grou, of .o||rprnl.i rorr rF. cr*rq./'r 'CHEN-NORTHERN, rNC. CONSUIII}IG EI'GIIIEERS AIID SCIEI{I TSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVIIY tO; ilECtrl Enterprises JOB [o. 4 179 93 3 DATE: ?-4-giAttn: EustaqJi o Cortina P.O. Box 5149 Vait cO 81659-5149 DAtLy REpoRI [O_ 40 SHEET 1 0F .l PRoJECT: Liftside Building, South Frontege Road, Vait, Cotorado contnactor ptaced and corpacted a tift of rocky irport nateriat soutb ard rrest of corher for'tsd by7 a.d R l ines. UaterProoflng and rigid insutation rere instatted m exterior of ralls on 9 ard g tines. UattbackfiLl can b€ p(aced at top of H6l,t. Area Test of ratl on 4 line and south of xalt at approxinatety t tine has been teflted 6nd is being heated to thar trozen material at footing gfade. *tly one end d'4 toad of backfitl, materiat brought in as of nom today ard this lras not yet ptacd. PROGRESS REPORT coP I ES R.A. letson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. lnc. GrsthrFy Pratt Schul tz Iorn of Vait : Attn: Dan Stanek Carolyn AdatF rIELD OBSERVEF Fred CanEron APPRWED BY A3 | [uturl p.ot.ctlon to cllrhti, th. publlc rnd ourt.lvrs, rlI rcFortr' .r. subnltt.d 13 tlr. contldcntlal Prop.rty ot our cll.nt3' rnd authorltrtlon tor p{bllcttlon of 3ttt.|t nt. Concluslona or artr.ctr Irom or raglrdlnt osr report3 lt rcaarvad pandlhg oui rrlttar rFProvrl.Slmplat lll b. dltporod ol rft.r t..tlnt Ir coolPl.t.d unl.rr oth.r rrr.ng.n nt3.r..trr.d to ln wrltlng. A rnetnb.t' ol thr lI! grouF ol corp.nl.r toi ro' Ercrctr./lrl a CHEN-NORIIH8RN, INC. COilSULTIf,c EIIGIIEENS, AID SCIEIITT SIS I REPORT OF CONSTRUETION ACTIVTTY T0: HECII Enterprises JOB lto. 4 128 93 3 DATE: Z-T-giAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.O. Box 3149vail CO 81659-3149 DAtty REFoRf [o. 4l SfiEEt I OF I PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding, touth Frontagc Road, V6it, Colorado since our tast visit the area Hest of 9 tine and sottth of l.l Line had been backfilted to anaPFroxihate eta'ation of 62.0 feet. Contractor had ptaced approxinetely 3 ptus tifts. Lre obGerv€dthe third tift b.ing placed ard co pectd. hle alsP obseryed bottom of tented area rest of line 4. stitt frozen rmteriat ms being remved ardareas of bedrock lere shoring. This is the next area to be baclfilted, PROGRESS REPORT c@t Es R-4, [etson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. lnc. GBathl'py Pratt Schultz Tolrn of Vai I - Attn: D6n Stanek carolyn ldams FIEIO OSSERVER Fred camron APPNOVED BY Ar a l||utuel p.ot.ctloF to cll.||t3, th. publlc lnd osrralv.r, .ll r.porti .r.3|,billttcd.3 th. coDtld.ntlal prop.rty ot ouF cll.nts' lrdauthorlzatloh foF publlc.tlor! of rtat.Font. Conclurlonr ot artrrct3 tro|n or fagrrdlng ouF r'aporta l3 r.rarvad pandl|tg off |.rlttan aFproval.st|npl.3 t.lll b. dlBpor.d ol r?t.i ta.tlng l5 cotipl.tad {nlarr oth.i .rrangcri.htr r|-. rgrrod to lr r.ltlnE.A D$b.r of th. !M gFoup of comFrnl.r rc r. (*rcr r,'r d"i'%'s- FEB 1994 E|J-- -:,.' -: -..--r, rvd L ;''! '--:- i\) [r,ifi#'e"'?qq"rrtd d"i"%A- fEB 1994 Eu1 r' .:l,ir.rEY iJ E lstrffi"9 CIIEN-NORTHERN, INC. COISIJLI IIIG ETGII'EERS ATID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF STRUCTT]RAT STEEL IO: fitEcl.l Enterpfises JoB ilO. 4 178 93 3 DATE: 2-8-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.o. Bor 5149 vail co 81659-3149 oAttY REpoRT ilo. 42 SHEET 1 0F I PROJECI: Liftside Buitding, South Frmtag. Road, Vait, Colorado Tffperature at 8:15 - 18 degrees. The shear studs rere aeousticatly tested on the fdrrth ftoor level g9' 6ttl74'91' betceen grid limg AA-o and 7-?2 except a smatl are6 betueen 7-6 rrd U-ll. The studs rere fornd to be acceptable rherl struck trith a hamer, ApproritEtely one hatf of tbe deck (7-12 ard M-0) xas covered xith snotr ard the Fddle relds and side lap could not be obeerued. lhe other hatf is acceptable. The flLlet rrelds and A3?5 bol.ts rere visuslly observed at the sa.|E location as thc shear studs and e€re fotrd to be acceptabte exc€pt me tl12 bcam at s-15.3. Ihe ets€d }las set to$ in the |.ett and urty tbe bottdn hatt of the shear tab could be uetded. Dave ard Bob reported that the out of spec ite|B from our last insp€ction have b€en corrected ard He observed the shear studs on the east half r|.re ret€ted and found to be accePtable. lhe rrst hatf ]|as covered Hith concrete and coutd mt b€ retested. PROGRESS REPORI Davc rith R, .l. llelson ard Bob rith the erecti oNr ceeH eeie i nforaed of m'f observatio.ts. c09tEs R,A. Ielson & Asso. - Attn: Rlck Agate J,V.A. lnc. Gl,attumy Fratt Schut tz Ioxn of Vait : Attn: Dsn Stan6k Darr.t I lluss FIETD OESERVER fred camron APPROVED BY As a uiurl grot.ctton to cll.nt3, thr publ{c rhd oursrlv.r, tll rrpcri3 ir. 3utinltt.d at th. cqnald.ntJrl Drop.rty of osr cll.nt3' rnl .uthorlzrtlon tor Fubllc.tlon ot atatarnant. Conclu.lon3 ot. .rtr.cti iron or rca$dlng our n pol.t3,13 r.3.-rv.d pandlrg ot|r. Yrltt.n .PProvrl Sl|||plai rrlll b. dirpor.d of rftar taatlng lt conpl.t.d unl.rr othat rrr'.6gd rnt3 rr. .gr..C to tn l|'ttlng. A m.Db.r ol th. !ll!! group ot conplni.3 nm ro. .Irot .,|'r e CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGIIIEERS A]{D SCI Et{T ISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT d"T-'b&'-s!i FEB 1es4 e kswt'reoe4 T0: lrlECll Enterprises JOB i,10. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: l-lt-94Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I vai 1, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building' east of VesthaveR Orive and llestin ftotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Co)o. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCAT IOII :Slab for Unit C-41 EATCH TICKET IXFOR}IATIOI{ TRUCK ilo. 9l flilE BATCiIED: 8:39 TICKET r{0. 0t098{ TIIIE ARRIVED: 8:50 SUPPLIER: llestern il,obl I e f,tlx DEs 16r{ t{0. 8-4000 TIHE PLACEO: 9:00 CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUil: 7/14128 FIELD TESTIIIG I}IFORIIATIOI{ SAI,IPLE TE}IP: 58"F AIR TEilP: OOF TIl,lE TEST TA(E : 9:26 SLUllP: 5.0 L AIR C0I{TEI{T: 4.92 UET UIIT \|EIGHT: 141.3 JoB sPEClFlcATIolls: sLUIP: It{. AIR c0ttTtt{T: x UATER AoDED AT SITE I0GAL. CYI I'IDER I IIFORI.'AT I OI{ ll0. 0F CYIII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:36 I{HERE CAST: 0n-Slte CinIM IilFORI,IATIOII IilITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site IIATE RECEII,ED AT LAB: 1-13-94 FIETD STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated TrailerBY: C. A.l,lilt/tlAX AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) O] AI.IETER ( IricHEs ) AREA (sQ ili) c0ttP.STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIiDER I.IEIGHT (t8s) CYL IIIDER UIIIT IJEIG}IT (PcF) 7 7 28 28 ?AH 28H l-18-94 l-18-94 2-8-94 ?-8-94 2-8-94 2-8-94 104,000 102 ,000 131,000 144,000 t40,500 147 ,500 5.99 5.99 6.08 6.08 5.08 6.09 28, 18 28.18 29.03 29.03 29.03 ?9. 13 3690 36?0 4510 4960 4840 s060 shear shear con,/shear con/spl i t con/shear con/spl i t DES]GI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY P€RSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCORUAIICE UITH APPL]CABLE ASTI{ i4ETTIOOS UTILESS OTHERIIISE IIOTEO s01'lE IllF0RltATIOll 0F TEST REP0RT l{AY BE PR0VIDED BY OTHERS RE}IARKS:lX non-chloride accelerator added to this rnix. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Assoclates, Inc.; Tom of Vail; ltestern ll,obile; J V A, Inc.; Gnathney Pratt Schultz;Carollm Adanrs Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y Aa . tut{.I prot.ctlor to cll.ntr, th. publlc cllantr, lnd rirthorl:rt{on tor publlc.tlor ofp.tdlng ot||. r|^ltt.r .pFtovrl. Srnpl.r wlll b.tr rrtttng. A r.rb.r ol th. !!! gFoup of corlPrnlr. rDd ouirrlv.r, all r.portr .r. rub|||ltt.d ra th. confidl.ntlrl prop.rty of ltat.maht!. Concluilon3 or artract! tror|| 0r ragatdlng our taportt f3 ralarvaddlrpoi.d ot.ft.r ta3tlng li c..nplot.d utrl.r3 oth.r rrrrngdn rt!! rgrr.d to For'| }|o, CfiEll3A 6/91 o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0l{sull]il6 EIiC {EERS A|D SCIEI{T ISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA g FEB ree^ B6 cJ;.1i,:..;,1.'r A d.":\ wv I0: lltCll Enterprises JoB NO. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: l-I4-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0,JECT: Ltftside &rilding, east of Uesthaven Drive and l,resti n Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, yail, Colo. PLAcEI'lEllT LOcATI0ll: llorth and east ralls of pool at Lines !t through AA and I through t?. BATCH TICKET IIiFORI.iAT IOII TRUCK lto. 189 TIIIE BATCHE0: ll:52 TICKcT ilo. 01102s TIIIE ARRIVEO: l?:05 T I I.IE SUPPLIER: l{estern llobi I e nlx DEslGt{ 0. 39 PLACEOT l?:?0 CU.YD.LOA0/AC0U$t 7l?1135+ FIELD TESTI 116 I XFORI.IATIOI{ TlltE TEST TAKEII: 12:35 JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLlltlP: 3 1/Z Ill.SLurtiP: 4 lll, SAI{PLE TEMP: AIR C0llTEllT: 4.5X AIR c0tlTENT: 4-8X 62.F AIR TEIIP: 4OY I{ET U]{ I T UE I 6HT : IIATER ADDED AI SITE (l GAt. CYt IIIDER II{FORiIATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:45 UHERE CASI: 0n-Site cuR rr{6 It{FoRr{ATt0rl II{ITIAL CIIRE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: l-15-94 Fl€10 STORAGE FACILITIEST lleated trailerBY: C.A.ilIr{/r.{Ax AGE OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8S) DIAIIETER ( tilcHEs ) AREA (sq ril) COHP. STR . (Psr ) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER t{E]6HI (LBs) CYTIIIOER UI{IT UEIGHT (PcF) 28 28 ?8 28H ?8H 1- ?l -9it l-21'94 2-1t-94 2-11-9d 2-ll-94 e-ll -94 u7,500 12?,000 150,000 t5l,000 152,000 157.000 6.00 6. 09 6.08 6.07 6.00 6,00 28.27 29.13 29.03 28.94 28.27 28.27 4160 4190 st 70 5220 5390 5550 shear shear OTSI$ STREilGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS IESTS 8Y LAEoRAIoRY PtRSol{llEL ARE Il{ ACC0RDAI{CE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTII l.lETHooS Uf|LESS 0THERIISE lloTEB SOIIE IIIFORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROYIDED 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS:11 non chl or acc. added to the nrix. COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Towr of Vai I ; gestern libbi I e ;J V A. Inc.; &rattmey Pn tt Schulta Carolyn Adans Sobby J, Hays FI€LO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY Al a huturl Frot.ctlon to cll.ntr, tha pnbltccll.ntr, .rd .r.thorJr.tlo. tot publlc.tlor of P.ndlng our rrlttrh rDD?ovrl, S&FI.. rl11 b.ln v.rltlng. A fiib.r ot th. EM gro$p ot corprnl.s ind otrralvaa, rll fapot'tt 3tatarDanta. Conclr3lonr oi.ll3por.d ot .tt.r ta3tlng ar. 3ub ltt.d aa th. confldl.otlal pioFar ty ot axtircti fron or iagardlng our tapoat3 13 Fa3.wrdli cdrplatad unlaa3 oth.r rrranganant+ atFaad to Forn No. C!€113A 6/91 o CHEN-NORTHERN. INC. Aa a lrutstl protactlon to cltantr' th. Dubllc .nd our..lv$r tll r.Forti .r. liub(nltt.d rt thr confldlentt.I Daotarty olcllant3. ahd ruthorl:atlon tor publlcatlon ot rt.tdnahtr. Conclu3lon3 oF artracts tto or ragardlng out falorta lr iararvad Pandl|rg our rrltt.n .pDrovrl. S.npI.3 wlll b. dlrpoa.d ot !tt.r t.ttlnlt lr conpl.t.d unl.Bi oth.r -rrengeinrntr rtr..d to A m.ftb.i ;t th. E!! g|.oup of conp..lr3 ForD ito. cl€tl3A 6/91 , REPORT OF COIISULIIlIG EIIGI XEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DA T0: llECll Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of l{esthaven Drlve and Uestln Hstel , South Ffontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. JoBro. 4 rzss3-3 [+;q6* PLACEI,ITIIT LOCAT IOII :Ualls; staircore A at Elev. 101 BATCH TTCKET I ITIFORIIAT IOII TRUCK I0. lA9 TII|E EATCiIED: I?:LZ TICKET ti0. 01 t034 TltlE ARRlvEO: l?: ?8 SUPPLIER: llestern ilobi I e ilIX 0t5l6il 1{0. 39 TIHI PTACED: 12:40 CU. YD. L0AD/AgCUl'l: 65/65/13 FIELD TESTI}IG I IIFORT.IAT IOiI TIilE TEST TAKEN: 12.47 JOB SPEOIFICATIOIIS: SLUIIP: 2 3/4 I l{. SLWP: 4 I l{. SAI.IPLE TEI.IP: AIR C0llTEt{T: 4.51 AIR COllTEllT:4.81 66"F AIR TEIIP: 25'F tlET UIIIT !IEI6HT: 139.4 UATER ADDED AT SITE 6AI. CYLIIIDER I'{FOR}IATIOI{ tlO. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIiI0ER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIIIE CYLIITDERS SAST: 12:57 lJ}t€RE CAST: 0n-Slte c$IilG IlrFoRtrATt0tl Il{ITIAL CURE:0n-site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: l-19-94 FIELD STORAGE FACIL ITIES:BY: BH r,lIlr/ilAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL IOAD (LBs) 0IAIIETER (ilrcHEs ) AREA (sQ Ill) cof,rP . sTR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOIR YE IGHT (rBs ) CYLIIID€R UI{IT UEIGHT (PCF) 7 ?8 28 ?8 ?g t-24-94 l-?4-94 2-14-94 2-t4-94 2-t4-94 2-14-94 127,000 l?3,000 150,500 t65,000 152,000 rse,000 6.08 6.08 5.99 5.99 5.99 6.00 ?9,03 29.03 28.18 28.18 za. l8 28.27 4370 4240 5340 5860 5390 5380 Ehear shear shear conlshear shear shear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS IESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL.ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE YTTH APPLICABLE ASII.I I.IETHODS UI{IESS OTHERI,'ISE IIOTID SOIIE I}IFOR}IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT IIAY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS R€}IARKS :ll non chlorlde C0PIES: R.A. llelson & Assoclates, lnc. Tonn of Vall; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc. i GyathDey Pratt Schultzi Carolyn Adars Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESIRYER APPROVED BY o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coltsutTnr6 Et{6t1t€[Rs A D SC IEI{T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA KT^'\ S r[.8 'EPA : rcu rJ- .:tr sfu:i#-o^ iri*rn'.cr*r1. Xt,-,ror9P T0: H[Cl'l €nterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-l-94Attn: Eustaguio Corti na P-0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F 2 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Sullding, east of lJesthaven Drive and l,lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road yest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHEIIT L0CATI0i{: Slab at unit C-52 SATCH TICKET I NF0RI.|AT I0l{ SUPPLIER: Uestern llobilc TRUCK lr0. 150 TICKET [O. 011140 HIX 0ESIG t{0. 44 TII'IE 0ATCHEO: 9:31 TIiIE ARRIVE0: 9:55 TIIIE PLACE0: 10:04 CU.YD.L0A0/ACCI tll. 'l lL4l?8 FIELt) TESTIN6 II{FORI{ATIOT TIilE TEST TfrKEtl: 10:ll JOB SPEC I FICAT IOI{S: SLUHP SLU',IP 3 314 I . I lr. AIR AIR SAI{PLE TEI{P: COllTEtlT:5.8 I C0l{TEtlT : I 57.F AIR TEI.IP: IOT llET UIIIT tlEI6HT: 137.3 UATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYL I]IOER I]{FORMATIOII ll0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLII{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLIiI0ERS CAST: 10:Zl IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR I 116 I IIFORT,IATIOI{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 2-2-94 FIELD 5TORAGE FACIL ITIES:BY: C.A. lllll/l'lAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTEO TOIAT IOAD (tBs ) DI AI.IETTR ( r r{cHEs ) ARTA (sQ Ir{) cottP . sTR. (PSI ) TIPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{OER TIEIGHT (LBs) CYTII{DER UNIT VEIGHT rofFl lA 7A FC 7A ?8A 28A 28AH 28AH z-8-94 z-8-94 2-g-94 3-1-94 3-l-94 3-I-94 3- l-94 10e,000 99,000 112.500 5.99 5.98 o-t:t 28. l8 ?8.09 29. l3 3620 3 520 3860 shear shear shear DESIGII STRT]{GIH 4OOO PSI O ?8 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PTRSOHIIEL ARE IN ACCOROAI{CE IIITH APPLICABL€ ASTT IETHODS UIIL€SS OTHERUISE BOTIO SOiIT IIIFORI.IATIOII OF TEST REPORI }IAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS: Another 4 gallon of rater added after slunp test was perfomnd. COPIES: R.A. ]{el son & Associates, lnc forn of Vail; l{estern }loblle; J V A, Inc.; 6wathne! Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERYER APPROVED 8Y Ar I rutu.l pr.ot.ctlon to .ll.6iir ttr publlc cll.nt3, .rd .uthorlzatlon tot Fubllc.tlo]r ofprndlrg our wFltt.n rpproval. Sampl.r Hlll b.ln rrl t Ins.A fi.rb.r of th. !!! group of coriPanl.r r.d ouFr.lv.r, .lI r.port. 3tatad.ntt. Conclu3lons or dl rpor.d ot .ttrr trrtlnN ... .nb|rltt.d r! th. confldl.ntl!l prop..tlr ot artractr tFo. or t.gaFdlog our raports lr r.3.rv..l It coriFlat.d uDl.3t othar arrangahantl agFa.d to Forir No. CHEll3A 619l ffI''\I ,'u tt'* t$ ,E ,*1,-** "ir fu*ffi['.#*''.':iQ€,-,rod CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EII6I IIEERS AI'ID SCIE]ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: tiECl{ Enterprises JOB f{0. 4 174 93-3 DATE: ?-l-9,[Attn: Eustaouio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET Z 0F 2ValI, c0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthayen 0r'iye and Uestin llotel, South Frontage Road Uest, Vatl, Colo. PLACE}IEI{I LOCATIOII :Uall, L llne fron P.4 to P.5- BATCH TICKEI Il{F0Rl'lATI0l{ SUppLIER: Uestern ilobile TRUCK t{0. 161 TtcKET tio. 011149 itlx DEsIGil ilo. 39 TII'f€ BATCHED: l:56 TIME ARRIVED: 2:?0 TIME pLACED: 3:05 CU. yD. L0AD/ACCUI,I: 7|lf4! FIELD TESTIIIG ]IIFORI.IATIOII 5A!,IPLE IE}IP; 6OOF AIR IE}IP: IO'F TlllE IEST TAKEII: l0:ll SLUiIP: 2 3/4 Ill. AIR C0t{TEl{T:5.4 3 rrET UlttT UEIG}IT: JOB SPECIFICATI0 S: SLllt{P: Ill. AIR C0l{TEllT: f UATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLINDER II{FOR}IAIIOII N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{DIR SIZE: 6"1 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G IIIFORI.IATIOII I1{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-2-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer except for Fleid CureBY: C.A.l.tI il/r,rAx atuE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAT LOAD (LBs ) DIAIIETER I r[cHEs ) AREA (sQ Ir{) cor'rP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER I'EIGHT ( r_Bs ) CYTIIIDER UI{IT UEIGHT (PcF) 7B 7B FC 78 285 ?88 28BH 2-8-94 2-8-9,f 2-8-94 3- l -94 3- 1-94 3-1-94 u7 , s00 1?0,000 118.000 6.08 6.00 5.98 ?9.03 28.27 28.09 4050 4?40 4200 shsar con/shear slrear DSSIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PTRSOIII'|EL ARE 11{ ACCORIIAI{CE !'ITH APPLICABLE ASTiI IIETHODS UIILESS OTHERVISE I{OTED SOI.IE TI{FOR}IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I{AY BE PROVID€O BY OTHERS REIiIARKS: Pour was delayed, a crane was needed to place concrete. lf non chlorlde acceierater added to this rDix. Sanple obtained fron concrete truck dl scharge. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; tlestern ilobile; J V A, lnc.; 6*atlmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY Ai r nutu.l prot.ctJoh to cllantt, th. p{bllc ard oqrr.lv.rr rll r..!ort3cll.ntr. rhd .uthorl:rtlon tor publlc.tlon ot lt.t.|trnt3. Concl{tlonr orp..dlng our Hrltt.a .pprovrl. S.!rpl.3 illl b. dlrporad ot rtt.r tcitlngln rrlt t ng.A n|dnb.r. ot th. !!! group ot co|t|p.nl.3 rra tubhlttad aa th. contldlantlrl gioFarty ot artrrcta ffod or r.grFdlhg osr raportS la raaarvadIt conDlatad unlc33 oth.F irrangatraDt! agraad to Foro l{o. $G113A 5/91 o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coltsutlIti6 Eit6It{E€Rs At{D scIE TIsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 6*I' !" ur* t*a -in,o.',',t*k"s, :5Qr-ruojP T0: llECtil Enterprises JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-2-94 Attn: Eustaqu'io Cortina P.0, 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F I Va'il , C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: LiftsJde Building, east of llesthaven Driye and lJestin Hotel , South Fmntage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT LoCATtoll: Slabs for Denthouses in units C-51 and C-5? at Level 95.9. BATCH TICKET lt{F0Rf,lATI0l{ SUPPTIER: llestern f{obile TRUCK fto. 114 TICKET flo. 011154 ! X DESIG|| t{0. 44 fIl{E BATChED: 8:50 TII'lt ARRIVED: 9:10 TIIIE PLACEO: 9:40 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCIS|: FIELD TESTIIIG II{FORIIATIOT{ SAHPLE TE}IP: 5T T AtR TE}IP: lOT Tll{g IEST TAKEII: 10:08 SLtl}tP: 5.0 ltl. AIR CONTEIIT: 6.31 UET UlllT UEIGHT: 135.6 J08 SPECIFICAII0TIS: SIUIIP: It{. AIR COllIEllT: X UATER A00ED AT SITE s GAL. CYL IIIOER IIIFORI,IATIOTI ll0. 0F CYtlllDERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" Tltlt CYLIII0ERS CAST: 10:28 IIHERE CAST: on-Slte CURIIIG IilF0Rl'lATI0f{ II{ITIAL CIIRE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED Al tA8: 2-1-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer BY: tl. J.!r1f{/ilAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED - TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DIAI.IETER ( ll{CHES ) AREA (sq ril) cottP. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIID€R YEI6HT (LBs) CYTIIIOER U]{IT T'EIGHT (PcF) 7 7FC 28 20 ?8 ?8H ?-9-94 2-9-94 2-9-94 3-e-94 3-2-94 3-2-94 3-?-94 8S,500 88,000 92,000 6.09 5.99 5.98 29.13 28.18 28.09 3040 3120 3280 shear shear snear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PsI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE ItI ACCOROAIICE I{ITH APPLTCABLE ASTI'I I{ITHODS U]{LESs OTHERT'ISE I{OTED SotlE I]{F0RI,|AT l0l{ 0F TEST REP0RT l.lAY BE PRoVIDED BY oTHERS REI.IARKS:ll non chloride accelerater added to this mix. C0PIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Totrn of Vall; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrey Pratt Schultz Carolyr Adans Bobby J. HaYs FIETD OBSIRVER APPROVED BY At | [utu.l protactlo[ to cll.ntt, tha publlc cllaht3, rnd ruthorlzatlon toF publlc.tlon of panallng our rrltt.n rpprov.l. S|lnpl.3 wlll b. ln |.rltlng. A tlxrb.r at th. ts!! group ot c.d?rnl.s and ouraalvat, rl I raportf aaatairntt. Conc luslon3 ot dfrpo*.d of aft.r t.ttlng ara rub lttcd .a tha contldl.ntlrl Paopal.ty ot .rtr!ct3 ffgi or rrgrrdlng o{r raportr la ratatv.d Ir coiplatad rnla33 othrr arrrlga[ant3 rgr'aall to Forn o. Ctlgll3A 6/91 Al a nutlrl cllentr, .rdp.ndlng ourIn Yrrl t I rrg. o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0ilsulTIilG El{GiltEERS Ailo SCIEt{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA prot.ctlon to cllrnts, th. publlc rnd ourl.lv.rr all rrpor.t.' rr. rub|!ltt.d rr tha conllCl.ntlal proparty otrutho|-laatloD lor publlc.tlon ol atttin.ntr. CoBclualor3 or attrrcla fro.r oi ratardlng our raport3 la rasawadr|^ltt.n .pFroval. Srmpl.3 wlll b. dlrpo3.d ot.ft.r t.rtlng l. corFl.t.d unl.*r oth.r arrangs.ht3 .gr..d to flru,1 ;'^#$f"9 St,-,teP T0: llECli Enterprises JOB IO. 4 lZ8 9g-3 DATE: 2-3-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3r49 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lresthaven Drive and }lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lfest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LOCATIOII :lfal I on L Line BATCH TICKET I I{FORIiIAT I OII rnucK 0. 150 TII'IE BATCHED: 3:05 TICKET lto. 0llt78 TIllE ARRIVED: 3:30 TII.tE SUPPLIER: llestern iiobi I e ilIX 0ESIG!| r{0. 39 PLACED: 3:42 CU. YD. t0AD/ACCull: FTELD TESTIIIG ]I{FORHATIOI{ TIIIE IEST TAKEII: 3:52 JOB SPTCIFICATIOIIS: SLUiIP: 4.0 Il{. SLUI'IP: 4 Il{. SAI,IPLE IEIIP: AIR C0llTEl{T: 6.1I AIR COI{TE]{T: 4-81 58"F AIR TEI,IP: 25.F l{ET Ul{lT ldEI6HT: 135.9 YATER AODEO AT SITE GAL. CYLIIIDER I]IFORIIATIOI{ tlO. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 4 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6'rx l?' TIlilE CYLII{DERS CAST: 4:02 }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRIl{6 IilFoRilATIotl IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site OATE RECEMo AT LAB: 2-4-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES:BY: l.tl l{/l.lAx AGE IIAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI,ITTER ( lr{cHEs) AREA (sQ lil) c0l,tP.sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIOER TIEI6HT ( LBs) CYLIIIDER UI{IT IIE ICHT (PcF) 7 7 7FC ?8 z8 28H ?BH 2-10-94 2-10-94 2-10-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 111,500 119 , 500 89, s00 5.99 5.08 6.07 28. l8 29. 03 ?8.94 3950 4120 309 0 snear con,/shear snear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTH I.IETHOD5 UIILESS OTHERIJISE }IOTEO 50l.lE IllF0RtlATIoll 0F TEST REPoRT t{Ay BE PR0VI0E0 BY oTHERS RE}IARKS:lI Daraset accelerater. C0PIES: R.A. llel$on & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vall; lJestern l{obile; J V A, lnc. i Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY th. !!! group ot eoorp.nlc.For o. Cl|Elt3A 6/91 I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COITSULTI116 EI{GII{EERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA I ,tu'::l- B fu-#t "9qU-''$P T0: IIECH Enterpri ses JoB l{0. 4 f7B 93-3 DATE: 2-4-94Attn: Eustaouio Coftlna P.0. Box 31t19 SHEET I 0F IVatl, C0 81658-3149 PROJECI: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and ldestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, VaiI, Colo. PLACEI{EIIT LOCATTOI{:Slab for tlni t B-22. BATCH TICKTT II{F0RHATI0I{ SUppLIER: t,estern ilobile TRTCK lr0. 16l TICKET ilo. olll4e Ix DEsIGlt 1{0. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 9:53 TIME ARRMD: - TIiIE PTACED: - CU. YD. LoAD/ACCUil: 7l2ll28! FIELD T€STIll6 It{F0RllATI0ll SAI{PLE TEiIP: 55T AIR TEXP: 25"F TIIIE TEST TAKET{: 10;48 SLtf,lP: 6.5 I1{. AIR C0llTEllT:6.1 I ttET Ul{lT IIEIGHT: 135.6 JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLUIIP: 4 lll. AIR CO!{TE]{T: 3 * I{ATER ADDEII AT SITE 0 6AL. CYLI IIDER I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ l{0. 0F CYIIi{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIHE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 10:58 UHERE CAST: On-Site CUR IIIG I IIFORI,IAT I OII IIIITIAL CURE: 72 hours 0n-Site DITE RECEMD AT LAB: 2-7-9,1 FIEID SToRAGE FACILITTES: heated trailer BY: il.J.l{Iil/}tAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAll ttEs) DIAITIETER (mcHEs) AREA (sQ Ilr) c0ilP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER I'EI6HT ( LBs) CYLIIIDER UI{IT IITIGHT (PCF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 z8H ?8tl ?-11-94 ?-l l-94 2-11-94 3-4-94 3-1-94 3-4-94 3-4-94 72,500 83, s00 87.500 5.99 6.07 5.96 28. 18 28.94 28.09 2570 e890 3120 shea r shear shear DESIGII STREI{ETH 4OO(,PSI O 28 DAYS TEsTs BY LABmATORY PtRS0l{llEL ARE Iil ACC0RDAIICE UITH APPLICABTE ASTl.l 1'|ETH0DS UTLESS 0IHERIJISE flOTEO SOilE IIIFORI4AIIO]{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVID€D BY OTHERS REIIAffKS:Sanpl e taken frsa truck discharge, CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc. Tom of Vall; tlestern llobilei J Y A, Inc.; Brattmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adans Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y At a rrrturl Drot.ctlon to cllaDtr, th. Dubllccll.nt3, and .uthorl:atlon tor publlc.tton ol D.ndlng ot|' rrltt.n .ppr.oy.I. s||'Fl.a nlll ba l n nltlnn.l n rr.r ;f th. !!! group of c.E|P.nl.r rnd o!t3.lv.r, all r..portr rr.a rubc|ltt.d .r th. cortldlant'l.l PtoP.rty ot rtatarDanta. cchcl{rloni of .rtrtcta Itolt ot ragrrdlrg out r'aPort3 It ta3awad allaPo3.d ol rltai taatlng 13 coirpl.t.d utl.t. oth.r |rt'angaNiantt rgtaad to Forn ]{o. CfiEll3A 6/91 a CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG E1{6ITTERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 . F{tu.I protactlon to cll.nta, tha publlc and ouri.lv.r.i all i.Dortt aaa rubnlttad rr tha confldl.nt{.1 proparty ol cllantar rnd authorl8atlon .for publlcrtlon ot rtatatrnt3. Corlclraalont or artract3 froat o? t'agrr.dlng our rapotti l3 tararyad Pahdthg ouF rFltt.r .FpFovrl. S.rpl.r rlll b. ditpoaaat of.tt.r t.rtlng l! compl.t.d unl.rt othar atr'.ng.irnt. .tr...l toln hrltlna. A nilb.r ;f th. !!! group ot coNlp.hl.r Forr o. Cl.lE!134 6/91 d;''% !*. ,r, *n1 e C#r' T0; !l[CH Enterpri ses JoB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-8-94Attn: Eustaqulo Cortlna P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F fVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Uesthaven Drive and lrestl n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PIAC€I,IEI{T LOCATIOII :Fl oor slab, Unit 8-21 BATCH TICKET Il{F0RllATIOll SUpPLIER: Uestern itobile TRUCK l{0. 114 TICKET t{0. 0t t2l3 IX DESI6I{ lto. 44 TII'IE BATCHED: 10:00 TIIIE ARRIVED: 10:e7 TIll€ PLACE0: 10:30 CU. YD, LOA0/ACCl,ll z 2L128 FIELD TESTING I}IFORI'IATIOil SAIIPIE TE}IP: 6fF AIR IT[P: TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 10:37 SLUiIP: 7 tll. AIR COl{TEllT: 4.7$ UET UIIIT IJEIGHT: JOB SPEC I FICATI0IIS: SLljllP: 4 Ill. AIR C0t{TEilT: 3.0I l,rATER AODED AT SITE 6AL. CYL IilOER IilTOR}IAI IOII ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLI}IDER SIZE: 6"x t2" TIl,lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 10:48 tfHERE CAST: 0n-Site CWII{G I flF0Rl.lAT l0ll heated area adJacent to I|{ITIAt CURE: 48 hours On-Slte FIEL0 ST0RAGE FACILITIES: poured slab DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-10-94 BY: FP & tlJ llltllllAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (t8s) DIAIIETER ( IllcHEs ) IREA (sQ ilr) coxP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{OER I'tEIGHT (LBS) CYLII{OER U1{IT }'EIGHI (PcF) 7 7 IFE ?8 z8 28H 28H 2-15-94 2-15-94 ?-15-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 97,500 90,500 90.500 6.00 6.03 6.09 28.27 28.56 29- 13 3450 3170 3110 col unna r con/spl i t shear DESIGII STREIIGTH 4OO(l PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{IIET ARE III ACCORDAIICE I'ITTI APPLICASLE ASTI,I TIETHODS UIILESS OTHERIdIS€ ilOTED SO}IE II{FORI.IATIOi{ OF TTST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS RE}IARKS: COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Toun of Vail; llestern iicbilei J V A, lnc.; grath||ey Pratt Schultz;Bllly Earbour Bobby J. Hays FIELD OSSERVTR APPROVED BY t.' te gl,l l,I +,ri#;;; ---:"',' T]NS'TO BE. Remar ksr: 'fnspectnr: . trLIENT F;EF: Subnitted MEIS euTechniqn Record fFl3.]lg3 I ,- Inspeclion,Inc.ffi IHsPEcrtoN nEPoBT R.**Monrrrrr--7----T) CLIENT CONTROL LOCATION Qzgq q SPECIFT CATI ON uQs PROCEDURE tzt. B, Oxt ^1) TECIINIQUE RECORD rgr D^t-271"r"r""",,/rLuon-l"o*rt cLEsfl.'f'.ul^rcn NoL4t@L EQUIPUENT XFR. -/IOKE 1./ COIL_ PRODS_ ITEI IIISPECTED AREA II{SPECTED IIO. PIECES ACCEPT EVALUATION T'ATE tZ-3Q'32- .cuenr/ms irner" AUTnoRITy AND RESpoNSIBILITT FoR INTERpRETATIoN AND ACCEPTAI{CE OF EXAXINATION RESULTS AND REPORTS" ni-* Q, l7a ^ //".1L e r r\ rT.c -r FirF Z,'.n k or /Ut.h I, IITTRASONIC REPORT o PaEe l-ot 7 P.o.rrn 92??? crml m.S)ZIOA _wrto._eg-6_}fFMrezJJ,&IlZ IEld ra-r-;*.*- Itsld krus l? a L'l 4c@*rt4_Zz. P.tA,t-qz f; IH Tg Im Ifuificeim **, .Srl>.= tl $$ Hr{ cJ TP H g rEr'rtol kdirs I*.t I.tdint -E H E Aai gE 'tf;3 A fis B dET f;f;t c E.E84 D .d s ,g #{d .lc.ll ,E-i {H as< L * tSzeoA fl (,5 z ,32ts4 A FL.*O'lo rc /.'93tgz *SA 7 70 d,b t4 t3zglA \/.7O 65st3Z-30A V 7O 656l<7- € z- A V 7O 65 *rF Pe;-'x=/,tn Pu{, R;tr* C,Ol Inspection, fnc.IAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION NEPORT &^^ < I ^,,'+7 FoRu Hr1 CLIENT CONTROL t 3|7 tOA LOCATTON q7 9eg UQS PROCEDURE TECHI{IQUE RECORD *t.-o*r--Z1l v rct sr.e,,-rLuoR- | "o*rr r""BATCH NaSJJxLJ* EQUIPXENT IFR.IIODEL 247,gAL.DATE ,//-34 -Gl3 coIL_ PRODS_CURRENTz lC vz OC/ ll.t.RECT.SPACING3']o6r' AXPS 7 TURNS_ NEPORT ITEI TTISPECTED AREA INSPECTEI) NO. PIECES ACCEPT PIECES neter' .6 "r"orrr^AN$r5\LL LEYELT DATE !Z-29-q3 -.'cLIENrnAs FINAL Aurltonlry iNp RespoNsrBtLITT Fon TNTERpBETATIoN AIJD ACCEPTAI{CE OF EXAXINA?IOI{ RESULTS AilD NEPONTS" |fnilD lnspectron,lnl Clierr;C h €n -t7/o r fh e r o - -L-o I T'LTRASONIC REPORT Page l- of o .IfuiE P.o-Is"- g_ZqlI . Grrpl \u.SEJAA- Qcrttt_945__ $@7 tlm,iff. iirlr lLJs.f\ t, | -q2 hEld.lUt B',.1*lsldk qq FC AW) thldltrificatim rat ialrncrrrg 5t,;' 3k^, 'l^". ,/d i S " hpLar E Elt lx. !96 Trarr* fiCat-im B.o,n So/,;^.. JI H'ri +tx'h & H, EB ,flg nrftqr 61irg Efrct lffiim -,d B$ ts ni EEF ILJo $s A $r B Inc EH 8&, D d 6 ,g .tCl* '.r'dd $e,ll-r6 E3 E# a )f- f 3 z-6ttA 7oo # 7 t3?51A flo,.ce bnlu 7O 655t? r32^t5A T1 6sqt37qlB.H.-... D-/,-70 A9 a tizq6A" 6r n l-SLI4rt6 A "tl 7t)LS 7 ,3249A tt rt 7(>65 e t37 77 A 7h 6S c t3250A zd A5/o 13zt 6A 7D 65/t | 3" eoA 7D AS ,z t32g8 A 70 frr9 l3 T32 E3 A "/70 a5 * Reinspe.J,'oa R*f. R.7'rl-' Do I tret Z w-_-t2-:ZJ:95 -- Inspeclion,Inc.rrcxr.rrc pFrtclr INspEcrIoN nEponr nFlt lrT.l.J CLIENT CONTROL * =IZIA ^ , *7_eqqLOCATI ON SPECTFI CATI ON TQS PROCEI'URE 2J. B,Of'I= 9Z TECITI{IQUE RECORII wEr p a,t/vr=rrr",/"r,uoR-1"^*rrr"",ArcH NoSUJ@l EQUTPXENT TFR.IIODEL SN ? 47 CAL.DATE .// TOKE-!2. _ COIL:_ PRODS_ CURRENT z Ac y' DCE- B,r.nECT.-sercrnc3lr@ AuPs_ 1/ TURNS 5 REPORT ITEI INSPECTEI' ANEA INSPECTEI' EYALUATION NO. PIECES ACCEPT NO. PIECES NEJECT ,."*,rr^4 \0 .F\t* uever,-/ '*e /z'Z 8'?j- --/"cLrnrffHAs FTNAL AUTHoRITy AND REspoNsrBrLrry FoR INTEBPRETATIoN AIIID ACCEPTANCE OF EXAIIINATION RESULTS ANI' REPOBTS" nflAnt inspection, i aiu*Cfu n -ll/,rfh e, n T 6 I r*=tnZr'rrmko r /t.hls TTLTRASONIC REPORT PaEe a-of Z- P.uto-J2939_firs1tb.Eflrcl- @nb-g4g_ $@47 T,et"'-rin-*irrr ,,lrtrS .7rt / - 92 lEldTdsfifi..sFirtl rud.rurt B.r+t. W ttstt -Zl>. S/.U rzzz tiEld E .q FCI W ,Il|flds W?/r,t/rt *ZA' ilarSqOV W CJ|..L,. . .-'"., I@8ffit" ,aJN- ez_ u H fi {,1g ft96 Trk+ifirrrt-irrr Tbn- Sth",-. t{ g .H &le JI E nofet p}1*E&ct L@ _d H ts $fg3 A fir B Irc $tr D d E .g d$ s4,{d E5 EI L llztOA Ze.c.7on t.s 4cnoe t o",l u 700 LA 7_tziat a \70"A53IZZ-I I A F/o,^,=dnl,zoo 4.5 Ll 13276 4H,,7, h-lJ 70"b14t3? t5A- '- - t X 'n"tut 67 /<LDL +tL 7n 7:',3rl 8"VE" 6 l3? 60A Ze..X 78 7rl 61 65 hL -3 g'9'6l 3"3/a" IEdniciar :.I€rB1 'r/WtZ-28_s_- It -----u Inspection, fnc.IAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION NEPONT t! ar6lt lr.i ar lrIrE It I CLIENT CONTROL 3rzroA LOCATION 87e7q SPECIFICATION IQS PNOCET'UNE ,aceq'1"-^u ,2/, B .o|t'?z s*rt 6 TECIIHIQUE RECORD YISIBLE ./ FLUoR-I,n*,,,"", IILr^,f..,BATCHtrET .-DRI r/NO ?2l$l ffR. rflor,(l..* uonm &.'ny snEQUIPXENT 712 CAL.DATE 'tOXe (./ COIL- PRODS-CURRENT: Ac r' DC_ f,.r.RECT._ SPACING t/..1.' AFS- TURTS- REPONT ITEI lttspEcrgo fllon<n] conn.al-6^5 t "Jrbs AREA INsPEITED l37SA 1337A l3-y'-A (? ".^,-.t-,') B@ A . t3z3Al*r,u) , tl,tt^t/u.b\ , t.+rgn ft',b\ , t=saA'( urL ) EYALUATION 7L o U"..J .r^^..r-t.- r ., ,. NO. PIECES ACCEPT i.,NO. PIECES NEJECT d LEYEL D|.lle_,/ 7-'4- #- "GLIENT HAs FINAL AUTHoRITT *tin nnsporsIBrLITT Fon ITTERPRETATToN Ar{D ACCEPTANCE OF EXAIINATION RESULTS AND REPOBTS" ttlGls inspection. inf fltuc fp15sr NoRra€.tLrJ . lnc' .kirc ZrnroA IILTRASONTC Page I of REPORT Z p.urt,. J,2?7?erfinrr&^3ztul wrrb._44l-__ tAF hdred;:g.4Lf3 $uc;fieriq *et5 l:t . ) -77 ftld.ffi E.,tz' ltsldhess feAt,l il+*ial L./'. tfrtrial fuidsrrs {to - I6ld lffiffc*icn 5ee &; rn-l H SfrEg/cih WJd, .h_AkftaE Q;p,l*t 6ptlnlow ,6--,,- f; H .EH Itrn lHfic*im fuu. i:tS - /<,x'c 1'4 C)dp{4Tiors fr $$f;r ,!lxz nY'fiel kdtrg IEIECE I.EtriA' -d $d o J Bi fiE-EH3 A fir B xlEI EEec H$ D d $n n${J ot e*1tr.Bltti *#c?r l3Z.3A rl' ,^-^-.r t/.7u'31sb z {/4 4 3 l3r7A t.'.1,o,.,/ q l3t3 A r/ :o-^-<\.o^t/ l3\{. A \31 r.,^,..rl.a-.t/ 6 ,t3oK4l 6 56;? ^t\;r(,6- t/ 1 ((6^ ^ a/ft 4 133()1,.; a' 6.1r.7v . i c ?-?4 iC a o^.!-f r P^t/ to tj?3 h t'L .o,.,,t.>^t/ ( (lr\d<|.nr t/V II ffio" .,{ Ira rS,u,ar*,q - ri. *, br -r.r< n'i i-..1,lel ^4 +o pug, ol wa fl w ,.-4-f> a N.S Eustomer # 454535 Er-rsto,ner'f,HEN-NORTHERN, INC, '-.:-:.:..i'. ti :ii. ,-. .-..1'_ .,' .r Jobsite 3O5 FI€LD F:l.,o * ' i-r*a :,tt :* lrlG5 Inspectian, Inc. :5885 Stapleton Drive Denver. C0 8O3f6\ . Purchase Ordei:' * ''.'.j'..'.L-ustomer Job- *i,-;- ",Start'Time:. 'i'- :: ' 6-ro',t'r]D%\Ka* + "A !,t JAN rcg4 fr i - '-:. :r ' *., 6J ,(;:^ F,iiIiir;,';l.i t"**1ffi*d ;Etnrrgg Repc,rt te: ltl +-.t4 :, HGS Inspector: trLIENT EEP: Submitted Recard Level ft{t"to Report III Revieur tH$|S Inspection, kf LILTRA''NT' REP'RT t Page I of I sfr CU6^t I'Jopru*i .bite Ztmrcr> P.o. rrl. frLq\\ cnrmlb._-ll.g_ 6tm. =>LUFkffilE Zac.Rt-tL **tnc"'tim 4US .nt,l - ?Z I*larc FAAaI : leiaL 4s Itter1al 11ridcrs tho - 3/t* ,crEflrr@ l&trd TiLfificrtjim u x* g* Ali' W,Zt---W-tPeS- ft\trrt. OrilAlrott_ Gd- +tg Itn l&tificatim $f, dE f;r fl Dcibl Edirs -ElEct Id 2 -.tt 3d ts Jni sE$l A $r B E :E lr5tt EAtc HH D .d $ *d.EJFI:J FIE{J dt Ei Fg I r4,tS A 18 3AL L lzlx A ,/1 3 tzo6 h .{l3cfA uleb Pt& 5 BTOA a(1!to h dcb el--k a/ 'f rro8A G I9LIA X 30Jt A l"lle'fr a*'th' tTgA x SE A r 4.tf l/4'l.-1",k* to t3o1 A tgtzts IL tztg A ke".vs ls t<zt A t4 B4A ,v @;It-',oi^+' &-r*-irf "tl"ilr"i -rolds ta f wz=tp.ts t - t .,lnspeclton,Inc.IAGNETIC PANTICLE INSPECTIOI{ NEPOBT #oRuxTl ctsew Ov"t lrhnenl CONTROL * SlLt o LOCATION 8 e?gt SPECIFI CATION xQs PROCEDUNE fi.$.oal- ll9< . ,/, TECHNIqUE RECOBD wEr p*, / l, srsue ,/ rLuo*-1"^*rr.rrrffi"orctt No EeulPLEtrl? F.R. rYhr-ocrr*rx XODEL 7-4L CAL.IIATE ,/\oKE Y coIL_ PRoDs_GURREN?: ACz DC- H.i.RECT.-sPAcrNG_l!!! AIPS- TURNS NEPORT ITEI INSPECTSO fyl",,.-".+ 1.^"*.L^-3- r-,lsh ANEA TNSPECTED NO. PIECES ACCEPT q "o^,..]:o', s NO. PIECES REJECT "cLtENT nAs FINAL rurnonriiFnssponsrBrLrrr FoR INTERpnETATIoI{ AND ACGEFTANCE OF EXAIIIT{ATION RESUT,TS AND REPORTS" z ilT€lS inspectro". lil crist Q*eru Nof+rre€^J .Hire Ztnro4 I'I,TRASONTC REPORT Page I of _*_ P.O h azSi-3-- errmt w 3 tZrc wIs.l__ls@L:: lcld& B.;.( rHdM fcq..J l@effilp,-,B. /fr|-?L g 3+t E "[lt fu Trbr-i fir.alirrr t{ g $$r g rtscibf Edirt E&ct l-stis -d Edt A$i EEf;l A fir B Inc fi$ D .H d .g *d f,d.{J6 J E3 fri I ,3o-aA 3.o,,,n'L;o',<l/7o"SdtL 2 lSlZA 2 r^,.,vtb>.s X 38,01 A f'2ts'Y,1"7"3h" 3 lU.l A 4 ,_o^..rr_ltn,. r t/ +nft A I cor,*.l,to^t/ B3zA 7 ao^,<dtrnt / (;,t3lo A I c"crr. c..*i o,n 7 tstb A // 8 tgr,f A t/ c t3ll tr t'/ lo t3ltoA t/ Ir B6A ta lqt'l A h t/ t9 l3lf A I .^-^..{to,.L/ t4 l33lA L a,*'.;aho^s t-/ ls l3lLA 1."-....5. ftja.r t/ MB :) o* co..rr.c{i o^ o \ rc5:c{<.1 Gor -{*ia^' . %F:c acaf.Ik r-ser 7[ ' w- I?'b13 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0llsuLTll{6 El{6t |{EERS Al{D SCtEI|TISTS HEPOBT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA PrcDFrB z i tseE T0: llECll Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: ?-15-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of llesthaven Orive ind Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATI0t{: footi nqs BATCH TICKET ItiF0RllATI0l{ SUPPLIER: llestern }lobi le TRUCK lto. 150 TICKET lto. 011254 MIX DESIGiI N0. 39 TIIIE BATCI|EO: 12:24 llllf ARRIVEO; - IIttE PLACEO: l;00 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU|{: 5.5/1ll1l FTELD TESTI]I6 IiIFORTIATIOI{ SAI,IPLE TEilP: 64"F AIR TE},IP: 357 Ilf{E IEST IAKEti: 1:21 SIU}IP: 3 1/4 lll. AIR C0llTEllT:5.9 X ytT UIIIT UEI6HT; J08 SPECI FICAI I0l{S: SLUIIP: lt{. AIR C0NTEIIT: X I/ATER ADDED AI SIIE GAL. CYtIllDtR Il{FoRl.lATI0l{ tlO. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIT{DERS CAST: 1:31 }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI 6 It{F0Rl,lATI0[ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 2-17-94 FIETD STORAGE FACILITIES; heated tral'ler except field cure BY:]{.J. lll N/i{AX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI{ETER ( I r{cHrs ) AREA (sQ It{) COMP. STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER UEIGHT (LBs) CYLII{D€R UiIIT TIEIGHT (PCF I 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H ?-2?-94 2-22-94 2-22-94 112,500 112 , 500 1r2 .000 6.08 5.99 5.98 29.03 28.18 28.09 3870 3990 3990 shea r shear shear DES tGI{ STREI{GTH 4000 PSi 0 28 OAYS TESIS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIET ARE II{ ACCOROAI'{CT VIIH APPTICAELE ASTII I'IEIHODS UI{LEsS OTHERIdISE I{OTED SOME INFORT.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOEO BY OTHERS RE}IARKS :lX Daraset accel erator COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.t Gkattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J- Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y Ai . mltull piotcctton to cll€nt3, the publlc cllents, .nd authorizatlon tor publlcatlon olpendlrg our ||r'ltten .pprov.l. Sr$pl€s will b.in rr{tlng. A ne|ttbel- of thc HIH group of companlls and ouri€l vca. all rcForts statem€nts, Conclus lons or dtsposcd of a{tar t€5t 1.9 rr€ subnltted !3 the confldl.ntl!r property ol extr"rcts from or rcgardlflg our rePort3 ls retGrvedis completed unl.33 other .rrangcment5 rgr..d to Forin No. cMEl l3A 6/91 T;'r+; CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI IlG EI{6II{EERS AND SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: t'lECl'{ Enterprises JoB lto. 4 t7g 93-3 DATE: l-20-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LOCAT IOI{ :5lab-on-grade l'lechani cal Room BATCH TICKET II|F0RMATI0i{ SUPPLIER: Uestern itobile TRUCK N0. 104 TICKET t{0. 011063 IX DESI6 N0. 44 w/fi befs TIl,l[ EATCHED: unknown II]IE ARRIVED: 9:50 TltE PLACED; 9:56 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU!.|: FIELO TESTII{G I IIFOR}'{AT 101{ SA}IPLE TEIIP: 64'F AIR TEtttP: 30'F TII1E TEST TAKEI{: 10:04 SLUIIP: 4.0 It{. AIR C0l{TEllT: $.61 ttET UNIT }|EIGHT: JOB SPEC I FICAT lOtiS: SLUMP: 4 Itl. AIR C0fiTE T: 3 nax X UATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GAL. CYL I IIDER ] IIFOR}IAT I OI{ ll0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIHE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 10:14 l,lHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRInc IliF0R[AT]orl II1ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Srr.e DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 1-21-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated trailer 8Y: B. B.H I t{ /MAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (t8s) D I AI'IETER ( I]{CHES ) AREA (sQ r1{) coilF . sTR. (Ps1) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINOER UEI6HT (LBS) CYLIIIDER UI{IT IJEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 FC 7* 28 ?8H ?9tl ?8H t-27-94 t-?7 -94 r-27 -94 2-t7 -94 2-t7 -94 z-17 -94 2-17 -94 89,500 90,000 70,500 115 ,000 107,000 117,500 120.000 5.99 5.99 6.07 5.99 6.08 6.0? 5.99 28.18 28.18 28.94 28.18 29 .03 ?8.46 28. 18 3180 319 0 ?440 4048 3 690 4130 4260 shear snea r snear shear shear shea r shear DESIGH STRE}IGTH 4000 Pst @ 28 DAYS TE5T5 BY LABORATORY PER5OI{IIEL ARE It{ ACCOROAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I }IETHODS UI{LTSS OTHERTIISE IIOTED SOI.IE II{FORI'IATIOII OF TEST REPORT }IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: lfl non chioride added. * This cylinder rvas cured on site for six days with the concrete placed. COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; t{estern l'lobi I e ; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. llays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY At r mutu.l prot.ctlon to ellanta, tha publlc cll.nt3, rnd ruthorlz.tlon for publlcrtlon otp.rdlrg our wFl ttln .ppFov. l . Srnplc* wlll b.'ln *t"ltln9. A iFmbct of th. XIil groqp of comp!n1.. rnd our3alYar, rl I r€portt 3tltanlantt. Corclualoni oi dl rpo3..l ol rft.r t.3tlng !r. .ub|||{tted ri th. confldlantlrl prop.rty ot artract5 fron or ragrrdlng our r.portr Ir raa.rv.dl3 conpl.t.d unl.rs oth.r !rr.ng.||.nt!.grccd to Fotm }{o. cIgll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHEHN, INC. .qQB&gffiEg.gggJ. COIISULTItI6 ENCIIIEERS AI{D SC I EI,ITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 r muturl F,rotlctlon to cllantt, th. publlc.nd oorr.lv.r, rll r.portr rr. iubnltt.d.3 tha confldl.ntl.l propal'ty ot cllant3, .nd ruthorlz.tlon for Dubllcatlon ol rtrtfirnt3. Conclu3loni or.rtr.ctr liom or reg.rdlng our raPoitt ll r.t.rv.dp.hdlng our Ifltt.|r rpprovll. S.npla!' valll b. d'l3por.d ol .ft.r t.stlng l! com?lttld unlcri oth.r arrangah.nt3 .gr.cd to A m.Dber ;f th. !!! group of codp.nl.3 Form o' CllEll3A 6/91 T0: MECtt Enterprises J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-21-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1Vail, C0 8I658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and !/estin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEiIEIIT LOCATIOl{ :Staircore Al at elevation lll EATCH TICKTT it{FORl.lATlOil SUPPLiER; llestern lilobi le TRUCK t{0. 161 TICKET t{0. 01 108? }tIX DES]GN 0. 39 TlltE BATCHED: 1:05 TIf,lE ARRTVED: 1:15 TIME PLACED: l:20 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU!4: 7/21/?l FIELD TESTIIIG I IIFORIIAT I OII TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 1:25 JOB SPECIF ICATIO]IS: sLUt'tP r 3-1/? Il{. SLU P: I ll. SAI'JPLE TEHP: AIR COflTEt{T: 5.11 AIR C0]{TE|{T: I 67"F AIR TEiIP: 45'F Vtl UIIT UEIGH"[: W.7 I.IATER AOOED AT SITE 3 GAL, CYL II{DER I NFORHATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLIT{0ERS: 7 CYLiNDER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIHE CYLINOERS CAST: 1:35 !{HERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRIt{G It{FoRilATI0t{ ItIITIAL CURE: U4 hours On-Site OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: l-2?-94 BY: F. P. FIELD STORAGE FACILiTIES: heated trailer t{t[/HAX A6E OAY S DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAMETER ( I ilCHES) AR€A (sQ ilt) COMP.sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTWE CYL] I1DER I'E I GHT trDS) CYL IIIOIR UITIT IIEI6HT (PcF) 7 FC7* ?8 28 z8H z8H 1-28-94 1-?8-94 1-28-94 2-18-94 2-18-94 ?-18-94 2-18-94 126,000 I?8,000 60,000 167 ,000 162,000 170,000 162.500 5. 99 5.98 6.06 5.99 5.99 5.99 6.05 28. 18 28.09 28.84 ?8. l8 28.18 28.18 28.75 4470 4560 2 080 5930 5750 603 0 5650 snear shear shea r con/shear shear con/shear shear DESIGII STRE}IGTH 4000 PsI 0 2s DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE III ACCORDA]ICE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTiI }IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERIIISE i{OTED SOIIE 1I{FORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.,IAY 9E PROVIDED BY OTHERS RE)iARKS: lX non chloride added.r This cylinder t{as cuned nith concrete placed on site fof five days. lre were inofnrcd that fle]d cure tesi cylinder may not have been in heated area of concrete plaoement. C0PIESr R.A. Belson & Associates, Inc Town of Vall; l{estern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Grathrcy Pfatt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co]{sutTM6 EtiGIfltERS A D sC I Et{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3. mutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nta, th. publlc.nd our3.lv.i, .ll r.port! rr. ltlbnltt.d !r th. confldl.rti.l prop.rty otcIlaht3, rnd ruthorl2.tlon loF publlcrtlon ol ttatdDants. Cohclu3lon3 or.xtr.cta fr.ofi or rrg.rdlng our rapoatr fr r*arv.d P.ndlhg_our wrltt.n.Fprov!1. Srnpl.r wlll b. dltpor.d of rft.r t.Btlng l3 compl.t.d unl.3i oth.r air.ng.imnt! .grr.d torn 'rrrng.A n€tnber of th. EIE group of coip.nl.: Form No. CM€ll3l 6/9t T0: MECIf Enterprises JoB 1,t0. 4 ltg 9A-3 OATE: 2,10-94Attn: Eustaqui o Conti na P.0. gox 3149 SHEET I 0F IYaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEI{T L0CATI0Ii: Slab in Unit C-31 BATCH TICKET INFoRI.iATI0i{ SUppLIER: Uestern }tobile TRUCK NO. IOO TICKEI I{0. OI 1230 MIX DESIGN NO. 44 TlifE BATCHIO: 9:11 T llrtE AftRIYED: 9:30 IItrlE PLACED: 9:43 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU|i|: 7/21128 FIELD TESTING I I{ FORI,IAT ] OIi SAMPLE TEI.{P: OF AIR TEITTP: Tll.lE TEST TAKEN: 9:50 SL$IP: 4 3/4 IN. AIR C()ttTEftT: 6.3% t{ET U]{IT ttEI6HT: J08 SPECI F ICATI0IIS : SLtillP: 4 lltl. AIR C0t{TEl{T: 3 % TJATER A0DE0 AT SITE GAt, CYL I I{DER II{FORi{ATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLINOERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 10:00 IJHERE CAST: On-Site CIJR I IIG II{FffiITAI IO II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-11-94 FIEIO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: in heated trailer - FCBY: C.A.r'r r r.l/MAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IA''IETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sQ rir) cot'tP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER I{E IGHT ( LBS) CYL I1{DER UIIIT UEIGHT ( PCF) 7 7FC e8 ?8 28H ?8H ?-t7 -94 ?-17-94 2-t7-94 3-10-94 3- 10-94 3-10-94 3-10-94 95,000 9/,000 97.500 6.00 5.99 6.03 ?8.?t 28. 18 28.56 3360 3440 3410 shear snea r shear DESIGII STRE]{GTH 4OOO PST O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOTIHEL ARE III ACCORDATICE !'ITH APPLICAELE AST}I I,IETHODS UI{LESs OTHERVIsE I{OTED SO}IE IIIFORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REIIARKS:lX Daraset acce'lerater C()PIES: R.A, ilelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTitI6 EIIGIIIEERS AI.ID SCIEIT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a rutu.l protactlon to cll.nts, tha publlc and ourralv.a, rll rcport..ra subr||lttad !3 th. confldl.ntl.l proP.rty of cllcnt.r, lnd ruthorlzatlon tor public.tlon ot st.t.mcnti, Conclu3lon5 oi.xtrictr from or regardlng ouF r.Portr It i.t.Fv.d pcndlnE our. wrltt.r .pprov.l. Saitpl.r r'|ll ba di3pos.d ot rtt.r ta3tlng l3 compl.t.d unl.33 oth.r .rr.ng.nnnt3 !gr..d to ln wFltlng. A m.orbar Af th. !!! gFouD of coriprnlr3 For[ l|o. C[fEl13 6/91 T0: MECII Enterprises JOB t{0- 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 2-11-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vail, C0 S1658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and l{estin Hotel, South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo, PLACEMEI{T LOCAT I OI{:lJal I on L llne from P.6 to 19 line BATCH TICKET ]I{FC'RI'IAT I OlI SUPPLIER: Yestern Mobile TRUCK r{0. 150 rrcKET ilo. 011241 MIX 0ESI6N ilo. 39 TII.IE BATCHED: 7I4I TIIITE ARRIVED: 8:I5 TIME PLACED: CU.YD.LOAD/ACCW: 7/I4I?L FIELD TESTIIiG I }IFORI'IAT I O}I SAI4PLE TE}'|P: 67"F AIR TEIIP: I5"F TIIIE TEST TAKEN: 8:45 SLUHP: 2 l/2lll. AIR C0I{TE1{T:5.4 X l,nT Ul{lT }JEI6HT: JOB SPICI|ICATiONS: SLUI'IP: 4 II{. AIR C0l{TEt{T:4-8 % UATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINBER ITIFORI4ATIOII l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLII1DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLITIDERS CAST: 8:55 }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI NG I IIFORI'IATIOt{ INITIAL CURE: ?4 hours 0n-Slte DATE RECEIVED AT LAB; ?-!Z-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer BY: C.A.t{t r{/ilAx AGE t)AYS OATE TESTED TOTAL IOAO (L8s) OI AI'IET ER ( ilcHEs ) AREA (sQ rri) c.ot'tP . 9TR . (PS1) TYPE OF FRACTI,IRE CYL II{OER I.IEI6HT (LBS) CYt IIIOER I,IIIIT UTIGHT (PcF) 7 7 rtv 28 28 28H ?8H 2- 18-94 e-18-94 ?-18-94 3-1r -94 3-ll-94 3-11-94 3-ll-94 112,000 1 15,000 125.000 5.98 f. vv 5.98 e8. 09 28.15 28.09 3990 4080 4{50 con,/shear shear conlshear DESIGII STRENGTH 4OOO PSI 8 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORAIORY PERSOI{I{€L ARE ItI ACCORDAT{CE UITH APPL1CABLE ASTI.I I.IETHOOS UiILESS OTHERI,ISE I{OTEO SO}IE II{FORMATIOII OF TEST REPORT HAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE}IARKS:lX Daraset COPIE5: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern lilobile; J V A, Inc.i cwatlrney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROYED BY tlu, sd srr a$8, LETTEfuF TRANSMITTAL Dl:E L-79-?+ | ;oaruo. ?Zl7 TO: TO,U. IAT.LD, D€VT. f)n,-' .\rt+t cK RE A tFrsrp€ WE ARE SENDING YOU Er Athched E/ Via U'5. fiIn,-the following items: ! Specificationsn Snop drawings tr ! Copy of letter ! Prints/sepias Change order Plans Originals Samplesu ! ! ! coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /z-7+?4 q /-'rr <?r),u(J fc:tv Cta'u zF' /4o, fllel Z l4TlO /L74- ?4 frX- 4q nil(J F,wt^FlsErnErvT ustTH tw z-l-lfr- s)rll'FTj THESE ARE TFANSMITTED as checked below: n n n n ! ! n tr For approval For your use As requested Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned ior corrections Pt For your records D Revise and resubmit E For review and comment ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS lf snclosures an nol as notsd, kind,y notity us at once. t CONSTRUCTTON CHANGE AUTHORIZATION AIA DOCUMENT G713 (lnstructions on reverse side) Owner Architect Consultant Contractor Field Other tr E] trtr tr tr PROJECT: LIFIISIDE (name, address) OWNER: MECI{ ENTERPRISES TO: R.A. NELsoN & AssocrAtns(contractor) P.o. DRAWER 5400 AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACT FOR: CONSTRUCTION OF I,IFTSIDE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION CI.IANGE AUTHORIZATION NO; 9 DATE OF ISSUANCE: 2-24-94 ARCHITECT: GI{ArSMSY / PRATT/ SCHULTZ ARCIII:IEC' ]OOO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vArtJ, co 81657 ARCHITECT5 PROJECT NO: 9219 In order to o<pedite the Work and avoid or minimize delays in the Work which may affect Contract Sum or Contract Time, the Contract Documents are hereby amended as described below. Proceed with $is v'rlork promptly. submit final costs forwork involved and change in contract Tlme (if any), for inclusion in a subsequent Change Order. Description: As described in Proposal Reguest No. 61 and drawing AX-49, provideshaft wal1 construction to encase ductwork that passes through2-hour shaft construction. AttaChmentS: Q1e!,/c intcn litttr,g ol dcxjj|'/rraott th.a tuppot. detctiption.l The following is based on information provided by the Contractor: Method of Determining Change in the Contract Sum: {lurap sum, unit prices, coet plus fee or other} deys tr tr tr Fixed Btimated fl Fixed Itr Estimated ) E r"raximum ) Change in Contract Sum of$ * {r f" gt DETEtLtuttnrEt> Change in Contract Time ot BY BY BY Archi Date Contnctor ewathfi-ey / prat{ / scnu t t zArchitects. P.C. MECM Enterprises R.A. Nelson & Associates AIA DOCUMENT G'I3 ' CONSTRUCTION CHANCE AUTHORIZATION ' MARCH 1979 EO]TION ' AIAC @1979 r THE AMERTCAN rNsrtrurf oF ARcHrrEcrs, 1735 Ntw yoRK AvE., N.w., wAsHrNcToN. D.c. 20006 G713 -1'!m l. 6?Ft+t oFl FtFFflacoplnr6 coNaP€TE Ft oo(L5Ub INb0LRTED PRoy|pe 2-He. SflRFT <ort6TTo gtlareo6 Duc.tc.raptc- TlPtcnL z-ng.5Hqff coptT.* l DU6 l^llTt-t ll-l l't] = lLol 2-Z+ - 1+ o RTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI IIG EI{GII{EERS AIID SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l,tECll Enterpri ses JoB lilo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-26-94Attn: Eustaqulo gortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Uesthaven Drive and llestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Yail, Colo. PtACEllEl{T L0CATI0I{; Stair core Al EATCH TICKET II{FORMATIOI{ SUPPLIER: llestern llobile TRUCK N0. 161 TICKET ilo. 0l 1099 l'tIX DESI6i{ N0. TIIfE BATCHED: 10:27 TIiIE ARRIVED: L0:47 TIiIE PLACED: 11:00 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU}i: FIEL0 TESTIT{G MF0Ri|ATIOI{ SAi|PLE TEiIP: 65"F AIR TEIIP: 30'F TIIIE TEST TAKET{: 11:14 SLUMP: 4.0 It{. AIR C0l{TEt{T: % !/ET UlllT UEI6HT: JOB SPECIF ICAT IOtlS: SLUIIP: It{. AIR C0I{TENT: U VATER AD0ED AT SITE GAL. CYLIITDER I NFORTIAT I OII 0. 0F CYLIfloERs: 7 CYLIi{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLITIDERS CAST: 1l:?4 IIHERE CAST: on-Site CUR I IIG I t{FOR}IATIOI{I ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer except 0ATE RECEIVEo AT LAB: 1-28-94 8Y: C.A. l,llN/HAx field cure cyl . A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8S) D I AI'IE TER ( INCHES) AREA (sQ r1{) c0t1P. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER IIEI6HI (LBs ) CYL IIIt,ER UIII T IJEI6HT ( PcF) l* 28 28 28H 28H 7 7 ?-2-94 2-2-94 2-2-94 2-23-94 2-?3-94 2-23-94 z-23-94 116,500 118 ,500 l2t,000 152,000 145,000 147 ,500 150.000 6.05 5.99 5.99 5.98 6.00 5.99 5.98 28.75 28.18 28. 18 28.09 ?8 .?7 ?8. 18 ?8.09 4050 4?10 4?90 5410 5150 5230 5340 shear snear con / shear shear shear shear shear DESIGI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI € 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAE0RAIoRY PtRSol{t{EL ARE Il{ ACCoRDAI{CE yITH APPLICABTE ASTl'l IIETHoDS UIILESS oTHERUISE ll0TED SOI'IE II{FORI,IATION OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: 1% non chloride accelerater added to mix.* Field Cure test cyl inder was placed in area nhere concrete was placed (stair core Al at elev.) for 48 hours. COPIES: R.A. elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai I ; llestern l,lobi l e; J V A, Inc-; Gtdatfmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays F]ELO OESERVER APPROV€D 8Y Ai . mutu.l protcctlon to cllehts,.th€ publlc rnd our.alv.s, r'll reporteclients, and ruthorlz.tion for Dsbllcatlod ot ltatqi.nt3. Concluslons orperdir|g our rrltten rpprov.l. S.mpl€s rlll be dlapoiad ot .fter teitlngln wri t I ng.A meE&rr of the !:! sroup of comprnl€s .r€ submitted .r th. confldl€ntlll proparty ot cxtracti from or r.gafdlng o|rr r €port3 ls rara!'vedls compl€tcd unles! othcr arrlngdn€nta agra€d to For'! fto, Cl{€1134 5/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG E1{6I]{EERS AI{O SC I ENII STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ttECl,l EnterDrises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-28-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Orive and llestin Hote'l , South Frontage Road l{est, VaiI, Colo. PLACEl.lEtlT L0CATI0Ii: Slab at Unit C-52 EATCH TiCKET I t{FOftt.IATIOI{ TRUCK 0. 150 IIME EATCHED: 9:28 TtcKEI lr0. 01119 TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:55 TIME SUPPLIER: tJesiern l,bbile HIX DESIoN l{0. 84000 PLACED: l0: 18 CU.YD.LOA0/ACCU!4: 7ll4l28! FIELO TESTIIIG INFORtlATI0ll SAI{PLE T .IP: 64'F AIR TE}IP: 30'F TIf,fE TEST TAKEN: lQ:?Z SLUIIP: 5 3/4 IN. AIR C0NTEIIT: 5.6X UET UNIT lfElGlll: 136.0 JOB SPECI FICATI0IIS: SLUI{P: Itl. AIR [Ot{TEl{T: I I{ATER AD0E0 AI SITE 6641. CYL I I'IDER I t{FoRl'lATI0N 1{0. 0F CYIII{DERS: 7 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIIIDERS CAST: 10:32 IIHERE CAST: On-Stte CURIN6 I f{FORtlAT I Ot{ I1{ITIAL CURE:24 hours 0n-S i te DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1-29-94 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITiES: heated trailer BY: C.A.l,tIt{/ltAx At'E DAYS DATE TE STEO TOTAL IOAO (LBS) D I AI.IETER ( ilrcHES) AREA {sQ Iil) col.tP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI NDER TIEIGHT ( LBS) CYI I]{DER UIIIT }IEIGHT ( PCF) 7 1 FCl u8 ?8 28H 28H ?-4-94 ?-4-94 2-4-94 2-25-94 2-25-94 2-?5-94 2-25-94 91,500 92 ,500 94,000 1?0,000 122,500 125,000 I 19 .000 6. 08 6. 00 6.03 6.08 6. 08 6.00 29.03 28 .27 28.56 29.03 28. t8 29.03 28 .27 3L50 3?70 3290 413 0 4350 4340 4210 shear shear shear shear shea r con/shean shea r DESIGI{ STRE'IGTH 4OOO PsI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{ilEL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE VITH APPLICAELE ASTM I.IETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERI.'ISE I{OTED SOI.IE II{FORI{ATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROI'IDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: 1% non chloride accererater added to this mix. Sample obtained fron nixer truck di scharge. Field cure cylinder near stair core south and v{est of unit C-5?. COPIES: R.A. t{elson & Associates, Inc,; Town of Val | ; ly'estern l'lobi 1 e ; J V A, Inc.; Gvrathney Pratt Schultz;Carol yn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIETD OBSERVIR APPROVEO 8Y As q muturl protcctlon to cllent3, the publlc lrd ours€lvss, rlt report3 are submltt€d .s tha confldl€ntl.l Propeity of cli€nts, .nd.uthoFl:rtlon for prbllcitlon o{ rt.tem.nts. Conclu5lons or e,(tracts fron or rag.rding our raPortt ls r.6trv.d p€ndlng our rf'ltteh .ppt"ov!1. S.ftpl.i wlll b€ dllposcd of.ftcr tc3tlng is.omplet€d unlo3t oth.r arrrngdn nts lgrGGd to ln !l|rl t lng. A meltber ;f th. !I! sroup of comp.nies Font No. ct{Elr3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS AI{D SCIEiITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 ! mututl protectlon to cllcnt.r th€ Fubtte.nd oursalvosr rll report3 are submittcd.r th. confld{entl.l proplrty ofcli.nts, and a{rthotlzttion for ptrbllc.tlon of ltat.m€nts. Concluslons or extructs from or reg.rdinq our reports li r.rcrvedpcndlng-our [rlttan .pProvrl. SrnFl€E l{lll bc dlspo3od ot !ft!r t.stlng ls completed unI€ss;ther irrangcrncnts lgrc.d toin writlng. A mcmb€r of th. !I! group of companles Forin No- C$8113A 6/91 T0: l{ECil Attn P .0. Vai 1 PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na 8ox 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li ftsi de 8ui I di ng, JOB 1{0.178 93-3 OATE:1-31-94 SHEET 1 OF T Road Uest, ValI, Colo.east of llesthaven orive and llestin Hotel South Frontage PLACEtilEllT LOCATI0ll :Footing pads at grid lines 0 & P,6. BATCH TICKET I t{F0Rl'{AT lOt{ SUppLIER: hlestern Hobile TRUCK l{0. 16l TICKET 0. 01u34 iltx DESIGil lto. #39 TIl,fE BATCHED: 1:05 TI}IE ARRIVED: L:20 TI}{E PLACED: l:54 CU.YD.L0A0/ACCUil: FIELO TESTIilG II{FORI{ATIOiI SAT1PLE TE}1P: 58"F AIR TEI.IP; 5 "F TIIIE TtsT TAKEI{: z:04 slul'lP: 4 ltt. AIR cot{TEflT: 6.au vET uxIT UEI6HT: 135.2 JOB sPECI FICATIOI{S: $LUl,lP: Ill. AIR cOt{TEt{T: I UAT€R ADOED AT SITE GAL. CYLII1DER II{FORMATION tlO. 0F CYLII{OERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLII{DERS CAST: UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIllc IllF0RtlATIoN IIIITIAL CURE: ?4 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 2-2-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trailerBY: F. P.l' t{/l.,tAx A6E DAY S DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAtlETER ( It{cHES) AREA (sQ ilr) c0HP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYTINOER lIE I GHT (LBs ) CYLI I{DER UNIT IIE IGHT (PcF) FC7 28 ?8 ?8H 28H ?-7-94 2-7-94 ?-7-94 2-28-94 2-?8-94 z-?8-94 2-28-94 107,500 102,000 107,000 133,000 132,500 139,000 138.000 6.07 6.05 6.08 6.07 5.99 6.07 5.05 ?8.94 28.75 29.03 28.94 28. 18 28.94 28.75 3 710 3550 3690 4600 47 00 4800 4800 shear shear snear con/shear con/shear con/shear con/shear DESI6I{ STRET{GTH 45OO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE ]N ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABTE ASTI,I I'IETHODS UiILESS OTHERUTSE IIOTED SOI'IE Ii{FORMATION OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS RE}ORKS :1% non chloride accel erater added to nlx. Field cure cylinder placed with concrete on site. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; Tovrn of Vai I ; lfestern l,lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultzi Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI I{G ETI6IilEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 43. mutull Protcctlon to cllentBi th€ publlc and our6.lves. !Il reports .re submltted as the confldlentl.l p!.opcrty ofcllantt, and .qthorlz.tlon for publlcrtlon ot st.tdn.nts. Concluslon3 or €xtracts lrorr or. t-€glrdlng our r€port3 Ir rciGrvcd P.ndlng our vrrltt€n approval. S.llplca |{lll b€ dlrpo5ed ol .ft€r t€itlng ls co!trplctsd unless othc!. 6ir.ang.m.nt! igr..d toln wrltlng. A memb.r of the HIH group of compdrlG3 Forll| lto, CtlEll3A 6/91 T0: l{ECll Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 t7B 9B-3 DATE: 2-17-94Attn: Eustaqujo Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVall, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Building, east of festhaven Orlve and Uestln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vaii, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT L0CAII0 : Floor slab. Unit 841 EATCH TICKET I llF0RllAT I0l{ SUPPLIER: Uestern l{obile TRUCK t{0. 189 TICKET l{0. 011261 HIx D€SIGti N0. 44 TlllE BATCHED: 9:12 TII'IE ARRIVED: 9:20 TIHE PLACED; 10:23 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCu|'| | 7128 FI€LD TEsTIl{G I IIFORITAT IOI{ TlilE TEST TAKEil: l0:2? JOB SPECI FICATIOT{S: SLUIIP:41/4 It{. SLUI{P: 4 I tl. SAMPLE TEHP: AIR C0llTEl{T: 5 % AIR C0NTEIIT: llax 3% "F AIR TEIIP: 'F llET UflIT tIEIGHT: 142.3 I,IATER ADDED AT SITE 8 6GAL. CYL I NDER I IIFORI.TATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLI|{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 10:30 UHERE CASI: 0n-5lte CUR IIIG I1{FORI,IATION I t{ ITIAL CURI: 24 hours OATE RECETVEO AT LA8: 0n-Sl te 2-18-94 FIELD STORAGE FACI LiT I ES: 8Y: C.A. Field next to poner 6 in. heated field r,r r N/r'rAx sl ab trai I er A6E DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBSI D IAI.IETER (rilcHEs) AREA (sq Iil) COMP. STR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTUR€ CYLI IIOER YE ICHT (LBs) CYL II{OER UXIT fE I6HT ( PCF) 7 rv , z8 e8 28H 28H ?-?4-94 2-24-94 ?-?4-94 3-17-94 3- l7 -94 3- 17-94 3- l7-94 105,000 100,000 98,500 6. 09 6.06 29.13 28.75 28.84 3600 3480 3420 shear shear shea r DESIGl{ STRETIGTH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{]{EL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I.IETHODS UNLESS OTHER!'I5E IIOTEO SOI.IE IIIFORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI.{ARKS;l% daraset accelerater in mix. COPIES: R.A. l,lelson & Associates, Inc Toun of Vai l ; lJestern llobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwattrney Pratt Schul tz 8i1ly Barbour Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTII{G Ei{GIIIEERS AIID SCI EI{T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r lll|turl prot€ctlon to cllentsr ih€ publlc lnd ours.lv€s, nll rsport! nre rubmltt€d !5 thr cohfld{rntlrl FFoptrty of cllent3t rnd.uthorlzatlon foi poblicrtion of st!t€h€nts. Conclutlons or Gxtrlcts frofi or r€grdiag our. ralort. lr rcBctvad perdang cu'' wrJtt.n ,pprovrl. S!|npl.s l{Jll be dlspo!!d ot.ft.r tcstlhg l3 compl€ted unlc33 othar.rrrngan€ntt rgrccd to in wrlting, A m.mber ot thc llM group of comp.nlcs Fona No. Cl'lElt3A 6/91 T0: t'lECll Enterprises JOB 0. 4 i7B 93-3 DATE: 2-lB-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and ly'estin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEt{T LOCATIOI{ :Uall, grid line 19, L through Q 1ine. BATCH TICKET il{F0Rl.lATI0ll SUPPLTER: llestern }lobile TRUCK lr0. 114 TICKET t{0. 011271 ltrx 0EstGl{ ilo. 39 TIIfE BATCHED: 9:32 TIIIE ARRIVEO: 10:00 TIIIE PLACED: 10:25 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCIJ|| z 7l7l2l! FIELO TESIIIIG I IIFORI.IAT I OII TI}IE TEST TAKEII: 10:38 JOB SPECI F ICATIOI{S: SlUlilP:31/4 lll.SLUIIP: IN. SAI.{PLE TEMP: AIR COl{TEllT: 5.71 AIR C0l{TEilT: L 7tF AIR TEiIP: 257 lrtET UlllT l{El6HT: 136.9 lirATER ADDED AT SITE 10 6AL. CYL I I{DER II{FORI,IATION l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI},IE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 10:48 I,/HERE CAST: 0n-Slte CURIN6 II{FORIIAT]01{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-19-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer exceDt field cure 8Y: ll. J.ut fl/r'ra( A6E DAYS DATE TESTED IOTAL LOAD (LBs) D I A}IE TER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ Iil) cor,tP . sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIl{DER IJEIGHT (LBs) CYL I]IDER UI{ IT TEI6HT ( PCF) 7FC 28 28 28H 28H z-2 5-9 4 ?-25-94 2-25-94 3- i8-94 3-18-94 3 - 18-94 3-18-94 ll5,000 t 1?,000 I03 - 000 5.99 5.98 5.99 20. 18 ?8.09 28. 18 4080 3990 3660 shear shear shear t)ESIGN STRENGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSONI'IEI ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE }'ITH APPLICABLE AST}I HETHODS UI{LEsS OTHERUISE IIOTED SOI{E I }IFORI'IAT I Ot{ OF TT5T RIPORT I.IAY 8E PRO'/IDED 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS: lX daraset accereraten added to this mix. Sarnple obtained from mixer truck discharge. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; |Jestern l.lob'i I e; J V A, Inc.: Gwattrney Pratt Schu'ltz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OgSERYER APPROYED BY . *.$oo CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTItI6 E}IGI I{EERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA cnd ourralv€3t all r€ports arc aubmitted 65 the confldiantial piopcrty of statcmonts. Conclutlong or extr.cts fFom or i.gard{ng ouF l".port3 ll r"crv€d dl6poscd of.ft€r tcttlng l3 cof,P'l.ted unless ;th€t' irrangeinentl !gr..d to Fofrn No. CME113A 6/9t I .$$***' T0: ltECl'l Enterpri ses JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-l-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 2Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of l'lesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEi{T L0CATI0I|: Slab at unit C-52 BATCH TICKET Il{FoRl'lATIoll SUPPLIER: l{estern }lobi le TRUCK 0. 150 TICKET t{0. 011140 iltX 0ESIGf{ 0. 44 TItfE MTCHID: 9:31 TIiIE ARRIVED: 9:55 TI]IE PLACED: 10:04 CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCUi,|: 7ll4lz8 FiELO TESII116 I]{FORI.IATIOI{ TIl,lE TEST TAKEN: 10:11 JOB SPECI F ICATI()I{S: SLUl,lP: 3 3/4 SLIhIP: I r{. It{. SAI.IPLE IEMP: AIR COtlTEtlT:5.8 I AIR C0tlT€t{T: % 57"F AIR TEI'IP: IOOF UIT Ul{lT UEIGHT: 137.3 WATER ADOED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYL IIIDER II{FORI.IATIOII f{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYI I Ii,DER SIZE: 6"x lZ" TI$E CYLIIIDIRS CAST; 10:21 UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G It{FoRtlATI0l{ I]{ITIAL CURE: ?4 houns On-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 2-2-94 FIETD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: C.A. M l li/llAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) D IAI.{ETER ( rl{cHES ) AREA (sQ Irl) c0r1P . sTR. (Psl ) TYPE OF FRACTI'RE CYL IIIDER VE IGHT (L8s) CYL I NDTR UIIIT I'EIGHT (PCF) 7A 7A FC 7A 284 284 28AH 28AH 2-8-94 2-8-94 2-8-94 3-1-94 3-l-94 3- 1-94 r02,000 99,000 112,500 138,500 138,500 136,000 131.000 5.99 5.98 6. 09 5.99 EOO 6.08 6.00 28.18 ?8.09 29.13 28. 18 28. l8 29.03 28.27 362 0 3520 3860 4910 4910 4680 4630 snear shea r sheaF con/shear con/shear con/shear shear 0fsl6tt sTREitGTH 4000 psl s z8 oAYs TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE IIi ACCOROANCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I METHODS UIILESS OTHERI,'ISE i{OTED sO}{E IIIFORHATIO]I OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROV]DED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: Another 4 gallon of water added after slump test was perforrned. COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern tlobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatirrey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J, Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y A3 r rutu.l protcctlor to clfant!, th. publlc cllcnti, and ruthorltatlon for publlc.tlon of pendlng otrr wrlttan .pprov.l, Sntrpl.3 *lll btin wrltlng. A mefibcr of th€ HIH grorp of cor||flnl€s a t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. C()IISULTII{G EIIGII{EERS A]{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 r tnstull Drotaction to clfuhttr the publlc rnd orrre]v.3r .ll reporta rr. submitted 13 th. confldl.nt{al proF.rty o'lcllentsr and luthoFlzat{on for psbllcatlon of strt.mants. Conclurlons or extrrct3 from or r.grrdlng our r.porti ls r.rcrv.dp.ndlng our srrltten.pprov.l, Srmpl.s rlll b€ dlspo3.d of !tt.r t€stlng is compl.ted unlca3 oth.r .rrangoncrts rgr.ed toln |rr{ t lng, A heflb.r of thc HIH group ot cohp.ni.5 Form o. Cfi€ll3A 6/91 T0: l,l€Cl,l Enterpri ses JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 2-l-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lresthaven Drive and tfestin Hotel , South Frontage Road !est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IE}IT LOCATIOT{ :llall, L line from P.4 to F.5. BATCH TICKET lllF0Rl.tAll0tl SUPPLIER: llestern l{obl Ie TRUCK t{0. 16l TTCKET ilo. 011149 r'rrx D€SIGI{ ilo. 39 TIitE EATCHED: l:56 TIiIE ARRIVE0: 2:20 TIl,lE PLACEO: 3:05 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU,I: 717lf4! FIELD TESTI}IG I]{F0RllATIOlt SAI|IPLE TEl,lP: 60"F AIR TEIIP: lO"F TIl,lE TEST TAKEiI: 10:ll SLtllP: 2 3/4 It{. AIR C01{T€1{T:5.4 X VET UI{IT iIEIGHT: JOB SPECI FICATI0I'IS: SLWP: It{. AIR C0]{TEI{T: % ITATER ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYt I ITDER I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIIIE CYLIT{DERS CAST: |IHERE CAST: 0n-Slte cuRtNG lIiF0RHATl0il I1{IllAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site OATE RECEMD AT LAB: 2-2-94 FIEL0 STORAGE FACILITIES; heated trailer exceDt for Field Cure ilIt{/t'tAXBY: C.4. AGE DAYS DATE TE STEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI,IETER ( It{CHES) AREA (sQ il{) coilP. sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER I'E I6HT (LBs) CYIIIIOER uiltl tEI6HT (PcF) 7g FC 78 288 ?88 288H 2-8-94 z-8-94 ?-8-94 3 - 1-94 3- l-94 3- 1-94 I l7,500 120,000 118,000 154,500 1s2,500 154 .500 6.08 6.00 5.98 6.00 6. 08 5.99 29.03 24.?7 28.09 28 .27 29.03 28. 18 4050 4249 4200 5460 5250 5480 shear con/shear snear con/sp l i t con/sp1 i t con/spl i t DESICI{ SIREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAY5 TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{TIEL ARE I1{ ACCORDATICE I,'ITH APPLICABLE A5TI'I I.'IETHODS UI{LSSS OTHERYISE I{OTED SOI,IE I IIFORI,IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI'IARKS: Pour was delayed, a crane tras needed to place concrete. lX non chloride accel erater added to this mix. Sarnol e obtai ned fro concrete truck discharqe. CoPIES: R.A. t{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern ilobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY oa CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI I{6 EI{GIIIEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. nuturl prot€etlon to cll€ntr! the publlc .nd ourr€lv€s, !ll r€ports ar€ submltted rs the confldlentlsl proparty ot cll.nts, rnd .uthorl:atlon for publlcation of stlt.mcnt3. Concluslohs or c,(tracts tro|o or r€grrdlng our rcPorts lt rca.rved ps.dlrg our wrltttn apgroval. Slrr|Fles wtll bc dt3po3ad of rfter testlng ts cofifl€tad unless other arrrngeircnt3 6gr.e(l to in wrl t loo.A m.mblr ;f th. E!! group of comprnl!! Form No. CtlEll3A 6/91 T0: llECll Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-2-94Attn: [ustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECI: Llftside Building, east of yesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vai1, Colo. PLACEMENT L0CATION: Slabs for penthouses in Units C-51 and C-52 at Level 95.9. EATCH TICKET I l{FoRl,lAT I0l{ SUPPLIER: }lestern i{obile TRUCK ilo. t14 TTCKET iro. 0111s4 t'tIX DESIGIi N0. 44 TIl,lE EATCHED: 8:50 TIiIE ARRIVED: 9:10 TIIIE PLACED: 9:40 CU. YD. L0A0,rACCul{: FIELO TESTIIIG Il{F0Rt'lATI0t{ SAI,IPLE TEIIP: 5l "F AIR TEI{P: 10"f TIME TESI TAKEI{: 10:08 SLUI'IP: 5.0 lll. AIR C0llTEt{T: 6.3% l,rET UI{IT UEIGHT: 135.6 J08 SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUIIP: Il{. AIR C0tlTEl{T: X }TATER ADDED AT SITE 5 6AL. CYLIIII)ER I }IFORI,IAT IOII N0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 7 CYLIiIOER SlZE: 6"x 12" TII4E CYLINDERS CAST: l0:28 I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site cuR It{6 r r{FoRr.tAT I0t{ IiIITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: on-Si te ?-4-94 FIELO 8Y: ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trai I er r{.J. ilIit/ttAx AGE OAYS DATE TE S TED TOTAL IOAD (LBs) DIAT.IETER ( r]{cHES ) AREA (sQ Il{) c0fiP. sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER YE IGHT (LBs) CYLIIIDER UI{IT UEI6HT ( PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28 28H z-9-94 ?-9-94 2-9-94 3-2-94 3-2-94 3-2-94 3-2-94 88,500 88,000 9e,000 1e4,000 116,000 114,500 120,500 O. UY 5.99 5.98 5.99 6. 08 5.99 6.03 ?9.13 28. l8 28.09 28. l8 29.03 28. l8 28.56 3040 3120 3 280 4400 4000 4060 4220 snear shear s near con/shear sneat shear DESIGT{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI € 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE I/IIH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERVISE ilOTED SOI.IE I}IFORHATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS RII{ARKS:lI non chloride accelerater added to this mix. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I I Uestern l'{obi I e; J 1/ A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Prati Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FiELD OESERVER APPROVEO BY oa CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SUITI I{G EtIGIt{EERS AND SCIEl{TISTS REPORT OF CONCBETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a iutu.l protcctlon to clllnts, the publlc.nd oursGlvesr dll reports 6rc submltt€d.a tha confidlentl{l prop.rty ofcll6nt!' .nd duthorleation fo!'publicatior of statcmcnts. Concluaiof6 or axtracts tro or frgcrdlng our rapoFt3 lB rasarv€dp€ndlng our *rltt.n approval. Sampl.s r{lll bG dlsFoscd of efter t.3ting l3 complet€d unl.!s athlr irrangcmentr agrced toln wrl t'l ng. A m€nbGr of thc HIH gr.up of compani€s Forrn o, CHEll3A 6/St T0: l,lECll Enterprises JoB NO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-3-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEEI f 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Suilding, east of llesthaven Drlve and l,lestin Hotel, South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCATIOII :tlal I on L Line BATCH TICKET ll{FoRilATI0lt SUppLIER: ltestern ilobile TRUCK ilo. 150 TICKET t{0. 011178 iltx DESIGT{ O. 39 TIifE BATCHED: 3:05 TIIIE ARRIVE0: 3:30 TIttE PLACEO: 3:42 CU. Y0. LOAD/ACCUI|: FIETD TESTIIiI6 II{FORI'IATIOI{ TI}IE TEST TAKEiI: 3:52 JO8 SPEC I F ICATIOIIS: SLlJllP: 4.0 SLUilP: 4 It{. ti{. SAIIPLE TEIIP: AIR C0l{TEllT: 6.11 AIR C0 TE T: 4-816 58T AIR tE P; 25"F l{ET Ul{lT IIEIGHT: 136.9 UATER ADOEO AT SITE 6AL, CYL I IIOER INFORI.IATIOI{ 1{0. 0F CYLINOERS: 4 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLITIDERS CAST: 4:02 UHERE CAST: On-Slte CURII{G I I{FORI.{ATI OI{ ILITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Si le OATE RTCE MD AT LAB: 2-4-94 FIETO STORAGE FACIL ITIES: BY : l'l I l{ /llAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAT IOAD (L8s) DTAXETER (lllcHEs) AREA (sQ il{) co|tP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I{ DER IJE I6HT (L8S) CYLIIOER UI{II IJEl6HT (PcF) 7 7FC ao ?s 28H 28H 2-10-94 2-10-94 2- l0-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 1I1,500 119,500 89,500 156,500 157,000 152 ,000 154 .000 5.99 6. 08 6. 07 6.00 6.09 b_ u9 5.99 28. 18 29 .03 28.94 28 .27 ?9. 13 29. 13 28. 18 3960 412 0 309 0 5540 5390 5220 5460 snear con,/shear shear con/.spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t DESIGII STRE GTH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TEST5 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EI ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE Y]TH APPLICAELE ASII.I T'IETHODS UI{IESS OTHER!'ISE 'IOTEDSOI.IE I]{FORIiIAT I O}I OF TEST REPORT I{AY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE}tARKS:lX Daraset accelerater. COPIES: R.A. Nel son & Associates, lnc.; Town of Yai I ; llestern }lobi I e: J V A, Inc.; Gwatimey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cotisulTlt{G EllGmtERS Al{D ScIEilTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As . q\utu!l protectlon to clilnis, the publtc ind ourr.lves, rll repoFtt are subnlttad .3 the.onfldl€ntlrl prop.rty of cllenti, .hd ruthorl..tion tor publlcltlon ot statemcnt3. Concluilons or.,(tr.ct3 frofi or rcg.r"dlng our raportt {5 ret.rvad Flnding our $rltt.n .pprolrt. S!|lD1es wlll be dlspored ol .fter tcst{ng l3 conplet.d u'|lG33 oth€r arr.ngcmcnt3.gr.€d to i?l wrltlng. A n'qnher of th! llg grouF ot coriF.n{es Fonn No. CMEll3A 6/91 T0: l,lECll Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-16-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Ltftside Butlding, east of Uesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road |lest, Vail, Colo. PLACETIEIIT LOCAT IOI{ :lJal I on L Line BAICH TICKET Il{F0Rl,lATI0fl SUPPLIER: t{estern }lobl le TRUCK ilo. 161 TICKET 0. 0t 1257 l,tIX oESIGI{ t{0. 39 T !f,lE BATCHED: 11:10 TIHE ARRIVEO: 1l:30 TI|IE PLACEO: l?:05 CU.YD.LOAD/l[CUll: 7114/?I FITLD TESTIi{G I llFORllAT I0l{ SAMPLE TEHP: 65"F AIR TEiIP: 35"F TII{E TEST TAKEH: l?:11 SLUI{P: 3 l/4 I1{. AIR C0tlTEl{T: 6.lX l{ET UI{II I/EIGHT: JOB SPECI F ICATIOI{S: SLUIIP: IN. AIR C0l{TEl{T: X ITATER ADDED AI SITE 6AL. CYLII{DER I I{FORI.{AI I OII tlO. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIII0ER SIZE; 6"x 12" TIME CYLIT{DERS CAST: 12:21 YHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURItlo I N FoRt'lAT I0l1 I|{ITIAI CURE: 24 hours On-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer except DATE RECEIVED AT tA8: 2-17-94 8Y: fl.J. M I t'lll'lAX field cure cyl . 46E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (tBs) DIAMETER ( I r{cHES ) AREA (sQ It{) c0r'tP . sTR . ( PSj ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLTNOER I'lE I6HT (L8s) CYt ITIDER UI{IT I'E IGHT ( PCF) 7 1 7* z8 ao 28H 28H 2-?3-94 2 -23 -94 2-23-94 3-16-94 3-16-94 3- 16-94 3-16-94 r07 ,500 117,500 r20,500 5.99 5.98 5.99 28. l8 28.09 ?8. t8 3 810 4180 4280 shear snear shear DESIGII STRIiIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE JN ACCORDA CE VITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I.{ETHODS UITLTSS OIHERUISE NOTEO SOfiT I IFORI'IAI I OI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: li( daraset accererater added to nix,* Field cure cylinder: cy1 inder cured along with concrete pour for 48 hours. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Val i ; ltlestern l,lobi 1e; J V A, lnc.; Gwatincy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co suLTlltc El{6t ltEERs Atio SctEilTIsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CVLINDER DATA T0: ilE0l,l Enterprises JOB 0. 4 I7B 93-3 DATE: 2-24-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I OF t Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Buiiding, east of llesthaven Drlve and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIiEI{T LOCAT lOtl: llall on L line between grid lines 19 and Pl0, upper'tift BATCH TICKET lllFoRttATlot{ SUppLIER: t/estern ilob.ile TRUCK 0. 150 TICKET 0. 01 1292 t'ttx DESIGN t{0. 39 TIIIE BATCHED: 10:52 TIIIE ARRIVED: 1l:20 TIIIE PLACED: l1:23 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU}|: FIELD TESTII{G INFORI.{ATIOI{ SAMPLE TEilP: 53"F AIR TTT,IP: 25'F Tll{E TEST TAKET{: 11:34 SLUI'IP: 4 11? Ill. AtR C0llTEtlT: 6.11 UET UI{IT ttEI6HT: 136.9 JOB SPECIFICATIOI{s: SLUl'lP: 4 Il{. AIR C0llTEt'lT:4-8 x ITATER ADDED AT SITE 6At. CYLII{DER I I.IFOR}IAT I OI{ tfO. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIiI0ER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TI}IE CYLIIIDERS CAST: l!:44 I'IHERE CAST: On-Slte CURII{G IIIFORIIATIOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: ?-?5-94 FIELD SI0RAGE FACILITIES: trailer except for field cure cylinder 8Y: C.A.MIt{/HAX A6E DAY S DATE TESTEO TOTAL L()AD (LBS) D I AI.IETER ( r NcHES) AREA (sQ Ii) CQt.lP . STR. (PsI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I1{DER IIEIGHT (LBS) CYL II{DER UITIT UEIGHT (PcF) 7 tEa ?8 z8 28H 28H 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 116, 500 123 ,000 114,000 6.08 6.00 6.00 29.03 28.27 ?8.27 4010 43 50 4030 snear s near shear DES16I{ STREI{GTH 4000 Pst 0 28 DAYS TESIS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIi{EL ARE JII ACCOROAIICE YiTH APPLICASLE ASIH METHODS UI{LESS OTHERI.JISE IIOTED SOI.IE IIIFORI.{ATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY B€ PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS : COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Assooiates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern I'lobilei J V A, Inc.; Glratlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OESERVER APPROVEO BY A3 t mutual prot.ctlon to cll€nts, th. pub'llc .rid ourselv.i, all rcportr erc aubrnitt€d c! th€ conf'ldi.ni{.1 prop€rty of cllehti, rhd luthorlzrtion foi publlcltlon of st.t€ment3, Conclq3lons or extrncts from or reEardlng our report3 lt r.s.rvcdp€ndlng our wr'ltten .pprov.l. Sanplca wlll b€ dlsposcd of.tt.r terting ls coflpl.t.d unl€sB oih.r .rr.ngereht3 .gr..d tolr wrl t I ng.A nembcr of thc !I! grouF ot companiss Forrn t{o. ctrtll3A 5/91 fr CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI}IG E}IGIIITERS At{D SCI Et{T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. mutlll protectlon to cllents. th€ publlc rnd osFg€lve3. all reporti lre submlttsd.s the c<jnf{dlentl.l proparty ot cll.nts, rnd authorllation for publlc.tlar ot strt.m.ntt. Concl(slons ol" exir.cis from or rcg.rdlng oui rlPortt It rr3!t"v.d prnding our yrrltten .pproval. lamplei ell'l be dl3posrd ol dftrr testlng ls completed unlc3s oth.r arr.ngem€nt3.gr.Gd to ln wri t Ing. A |n.mber ;f the SI! grouF of conp.nle3 Fom No. C €ll3A 5/91 I0: l'lECit Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-22-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHETI 1 0F 1vall, c0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and tJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lrest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEIII L0CATl0tl: llal I on of wal I line bet$een grid lines this I ocati on. 19 and P10, This concrete nill be 'in lo$er I ift at BATCH TICKET Il{F0R}lATI0l{ SUPPLIER: Uestern l'lobile TRUC,K N0. 150 TTCKET r{0, 0l 1279 HIX DESIGI{ r{0. 39 TIl,fE BATCHED: 1l:09 TIIIE ARRIVTD: 1l:35 TII'iE PLACED: l1:40 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUM: 7lL4l30! FIELO IESTIIIG II{FOR},IATION SAilPLE TEI.IP: 66"F ATR TEHP: ?5"F TIHE TEST TAKEI{: 1l:46 SLUIIP: 2 l/2 lll. AIR C0IITENT: I LrET UNIT }JEIGHT: 138.5 J08 SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUIIP: 4 Il{. AIR C0tlTEl{T:4-8 X I,/ATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYTIIIDER TI{FOR}iAT IOII 0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYIIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLIIIDERS CAST: UHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRIl{6 I NF0R|.|AT I0t{ Il{ITIAL CURE: ?4 hours on-Site OATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 2-28-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Trailer except for field cure 8Y: M. J. H I I{/tlAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS ) OIAI,IETER ( illcHEs ) AREA (sQ Iil) c0t'tP. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER IJE IGHT (LBs) CYL IIIDER UI{IT YEIGHI (PCF) 7 7Er 28 z8 28H 28H 3-1-94 3-t -94 3-1-94 3-22-94 3-2?^94 3-2?-94 3-2?-94 124,000 133,000 130.500 6.00 6.08 5.98 28.27 29.03 28.09 439 0 4 580 4650 snear shear snear OESIGI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI @ ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE III ACCOROAI{CE I{ITH APPLICAELE A5TI,I iIETHODS UNLESS OTHERVISE ]{OTED SOHT II{FORTIATIOI{ OF TTST REPORT HAY BE PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REMARKS: l% daraset accererater added to this rnix. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Grlattll€y Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. tlays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY 0 24 HR. 7 HR 45 MtN. r5 MrN 60 Mlr{. 19 MIN a MtN DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT GRAVEL 92 % LIOUIO LIMIT SANO 7 * S1LT AND cLAy SAMPLEoF poorly * pLlstlcrrY ,NDEX % graded gravel FRoM Breckenridge 7 HR, r5 MtN.60 MFr. 19 MlN. a MrN. o4 Fz UJo .oE 36 50ar .006 (Il| .otg DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLAY IO SILT GBAVEL SAND % SILT AND CLAY * ple,srrcrrY rNoex FROM LIOUID LIMIT SAMPIE OF 4 178 93 Chen€Northern.lnc.GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig. 2 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COXSiIJLI I IIG EIIGIXEERS AXO SCIE}ITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTTVTTIES J(n [o.4 178 93-3 DAIE: I -28-94 DAILY REPORT IIO. 358 SHEEI 1 OF 1 South Frontage Road lJest. Vait, Cotopsdo. Rick Ag€te; carotyn Add|ls Brian scanlan APPROVED BYFIELD OBSERVER As a mqturl protcctlon to cll.nt3, thc publlc and o!r3alve3, rll icports 6re suhrltted a3 th. confld€ntial propsrty ol our cll€rts, .nd ruthorlratlon for prbllcltlor of strt.nant. Conclu3loni or lrtr.ctr from or regardlng our raport! l3 i€rcrved pcndlng our writttn lPprov.l. Sr$Fle3 t.lll be dlspcsrd of altei tartlng l3 completcd un-l€s3 otha. arrrngemonts ar€ rgre.d to ih ifittng. A l'd6ai of thc !g group of con|P.nl.3 .6 n. .t€roa 6/eI CHEN-I{ORTTIERN, cot$rlTtflc ExctxEERs AltD REPORT OF BACKFILI, INC: scl ExT I sTs OBSERVATION To: llE0l{ Enterprises JOE ilO. 4 128 9j-5 DAIE: 1-?9-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.O. Bor 3149Vail, CO 81658-3149 DAl|.y REPORT IO. 35c SttEET 1 oF t PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding East of t esthayen Drive ard ge6tin llotel., south Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Cotorado. l,le tere gchedrted to pick rp aM tr.rrport concrete test cyt i.ders from this site and to observe and or Perfom density testing, xlr i chever Hos necessary. Due to incleeent reathef afd a mis6irlg pipe fitting, pipe Has not pl6ced ard the onty fitl pteced Has loose fitt up against hydrent to protect it froo {reezing. COPTES: R.A. iletson & Associates, lnc., Attn: lilr. Rick Agate; J V A, lnc-; Gwathmy Pratt schuttz; Torn of Vait, Attn: t{r. Dan Staneki Carolyn Adafts. FIELD OBSERVER Brian Scantan APPROVED BY As ! mutull prot.ctlon to cll€nt3, th€ psbllc .nd ourr.lvcsr .ll r€porti rr€ srbn.ltted rs thc conf.id.ntlrl pioperty of our cllantt, rnd authorlzatlon lor publlcatlon of stat.n€nt. Concluslong or Gxtrrcts trom or reg.rdlng our.€portr is rcservcd p€ndlng our r.r{ttan t$Crovrl.Sl|t|plcs lll b. dispo3ed of rftGr taitlng li conplct.d uhlcss oth€r lrr.ng.enanti .r. lgrced to Jn Hrltlng.A tncmbar of th. !!! group ot con|p.nlos rd rR. oi.ro2a 6/ir CHEN-NORTHERN. rNC. cot{sull I xG ETGtIEERS At{o SCtEI|TISTS REPORT OF WALL BACKFILL To: HECI Enterprises JoB [o. 4 1TB 93-3 DAIE: ?-1-94Attn: Eusta$tio Cortina P.0. Box 5149vait. m 81658-3149 DAILY REpoRT [o. 3ZB SHEET I oF l PRoJECT: Liftside Bui Lding East of llesthaven DFive and l,lestin lotet, south Frontage Road lfest, Vait, CoLorado. cortrtctor is ptacing ard comact ing iFofted fill naterial. Hest of ratt on line 7 and south of ratl tine R. Backfilt has nos been placed rF to approx i IrE te €levEtion 71.0. Contractor has aLgo been Ptacing so[le fitt material yest of xatt on 4 tine and south of Halt on L line. Approximately tHo lifts have been placed ard colpacted. This is area that Has tested sryC heated to address frozen material about txo reeks ago. Adequate cfipective effort is being enpt oyed in both areas. Backfitt is t+ to approxinate elevation 62.0 in area rhere bsckfilting ras just b€gun. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, tnc., Attn: l.{r. Rick Agare; J V A, lnc.i crathrcy Pfatt schuLtz; Toxn of Vail, Attn: llr. 96n Stanek; Carotyn Adars FIELD OESERVER Brian Scanlan APPROVED BY Ai t muturl F.ot€ctlon to cllentsr tha publle and ouiralves, .11 reForts .r€ 3ubmlttad .s !h. confldcnttql propcrty of.|lF cllarts, .nd .uthorlzrtlor for publtcltlon of st.ta.rnt. Concluslonr or €xtrnct3 tron or r€g.rdtn9 our report. ir reservad pendlng our wrJtt.n rPpr'ov!l 'S.mpl.3 i.lll b. di5po3.d of lftcr tcatlng Ir complet.d unless oth.F arrangem€nt3 .re aEr€ed to In wrltlnE, A h.mber ol tha !!! group of cq|Frnl.. For ro. dr€ro?r./rl CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CflSI,LTI IIG EXGITEERS AIID SCIEIITTSTS REPORT OF IfALL BACKFILLTNG OPERATIONS To: llECfi Enterprises JOts t{0. 4 t78 93-3 oAfE: 2-10-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortino P.O. Box 5149vail, co 81658-3149 DArLy REpoRT lto. 44A SHEEI t oF I PRoJECT: Liftside Building East of Uesthaven Drive €nd l,lestin Xotel, south Frontage Rosd Uest, yoit, cotorado. sinee our last visit, contractor had ptaced 3 to 4' of inpoft material in approximatel.y three tifts. Top of backfitt xest of rralI o.r 7 Line is nou |? to sFroximate elevation of 66.O. contractor has been coflpocting Hith track hoe ard Bomag 850T vibraiing sheepGfoot coipactoF. lt appears that sdeq'Ete cotPact ive effort is being appt ied. Contractor atso removed on€ trucktoad of frozcn on-site materiol. J V A, Ine.; crathn€y Pratt Schultz; I Toen of vait' Attn: r' Dan stanek; I caror.yn Adars Fred R, caneronI FIELD OtsSERVER APPROVEO BY A3 . |h!tu.l protectlon to cllents' th. publlc rnd ourt.lv.!, .tl r€ports .rc aubmltted as th! confldent{rl pFoparty of our cIl!nt3, rnd .uthorlz.tlon for publlc.tlon of st.tement. Conclu3loni or axtractr from or r.gardlng orr r€ports l3 r"tservrd prndlng our wi{ tt.n .pprovd | .Srmpl€3 wlll b. dispos€d of rttcr tcstlng ls complGt.d unl.3i other arrangemeints rrc agreeil to ln t{rltlng. - A n€mber of th. !I! group of coopan{€s Ffl ro. *r@ 6.,!l I o o,L t-o o Lo. t- ! IJ L o 5(:oLL }E c_Do!, 6a o o< (l| c ,c, oe (uc OFEO pd t- oo.'o-d ltt d, oro oa ., u- q, o F @ *: tal a 9 q (o; 9 .: "l .-"":"l N ": -i i.\-?".1 a a .:<o q (\J ^:FT 9 :.1 6t 1 "] .o a\l -i L E E tt 0) o o)] E o t: ot o= B d, o !Lr L-o -q rF .- :E -oEg| (lt -(o <o ! .E (u oi = c 3 E a o c! oo E(utl -ic c' I q,q) o c 6= 6 0) o, = o, ! - :f(rl sf qf a.,orllroo, lF.c\l FlrJlrl trl1--<. .r,a (vtOrr -od,2,t\ E.rtOCI. Lrlod,- GAJCt Frr2<6 Fdo CLtrte L;= =Fis =eEHEr 9<ga-+ a-l Fb6E A-lrlg t! A|(\l Ict Ec, att (\t IIJ vl+r c = lrld, (5 =(: J 3€o atE ELOO!Lr \t 3.3 -' 'i).- =!q €hFES !+,rJ-{9lIAcoE,:i d6 oul (, = co-c, {-ttrl .lJ ' ct =<Er->' c;F CHEN.NORTHEHN, INC. COI{SULTIt{C E'{GI}IEERs AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: I{ECH EnterDri $esAttn: llr. Eustaouio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Li ftslde Building, Vait JOB t{0.ll8 93 DATE: 2-10-94 OAILY REPORT IIO.SHEET OF Col orado I.IATERIAL SPEC I FICATIOIIS IIAIiUFACTURER Grace ilonocate C0IITRACT0R Rolling Plain BOiID STRET{GTH (PSF)DEI{SITY (PCF) PROJECT COI{D TT IOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOl{S AI.IB I EIIT TEI'IPERATI'RE SAMPL€ ftt$tBER TEST AREA UET UE]GHT (L8s) DRY !/E I6HT (L8s) i{0I sTuRt (x) OEIISITY ( PCF) 3 Unit C-22, column between bedroom #3 & nuster bed- room Unit C-2?, decklng, bedroom #1, east half, 6' north of south wal I Unit C-22, beam, kitchen, 18' Hest of east wall & 6' south of north wall Unit C-2?, halivray north of master bedroom, 8' south of north wall ;AIlPLE IUTIEER l,ll lltutl THiCKUESS (It'l) t{Ax I t{utl THICKIIESS t I1{) AVERAGE THiCKIIESS (ril) 0Es IGtl IHiCKtI€SS (il{) 80[D STRE}IGTH (PsF) REI.IARKS 1 t.aJ .4375 .9375 .J'J I .6875 1.125 | 6tq .6875 I 48 7l 54 I I '17 4 375 J' f, I PRO6RESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A- llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick AsateJ.V.A., Inc. Gviatfmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adans Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y As. nutu{l protect{on to cll.nts, thc Aubltc.nd otrsalv€s, .ll roportr rr€ Buh|||lttcd aa the confldentlrl propcrty otclicnts, rnd luthorlz.tlon tor publlc.tion of strteorcnts. Conc'lu3lons or.xtr.ct3 fro||| or regardJng o||r r.Fort. is r...rvedpehdlng our *rltten .pprovrl. A ngnb€. ot th€ !:! group ol coe$rnl.s CHEN-NORTHERN, tNC. COI{SULTII{G EII6I IIEERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPBOOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: llE0tl Enterprises JOB lt0. 4 178 93 3 DATE: 2-10-94Attn: llr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 DAILY REPORT ttO. 44 SHEET 3 0F 3 Vai'l , C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, VaiI, Colorado I.{ATER IAL SPECIFICATI()IIS i|AI{UFACT(JRER 6race l,lonoca!e C0i{TRACT0R Roll ing Plain 80fiD STREfiGTH (PSF )DEHSITY (PCF) PROJECT COIIDITIOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOIIS AIiIBIENT TEHPERATURE SAI.IPLE ilUIBER TEST AREA I{ET IJE IGHT (LBs ) ORY llE IGHT (L8s) 1'IO I STURE (x) DEiIS ITY ( PcF) q 5 7 I Unit C-21, colurm between hallway on north and ki tchm Unit C-21, beam, north end bedroom #1, 3' east of west wal I tlnlt C-21, decking master bedroom, east half, 4' north of south wal l Unlt C-21, beam between hallway and naster bedroom ?.87 1.81 2r.7 AIIPL E IUttEER ltl t{I utl THICK}IESS ( til) ilAXIHUIi THICKT{ESS (rr{) AYERAGE THICKNESS (IN) DES I6I{ THICKNESS (il{) B0t{0 STRT}ISTH ( PsF) RE}IARK5 6 7 I 1.125 .9375 .375 .875 1.75 r .625 .6875 l.o(c lqt L .24 .53 1.3125 I I 1 q7E 0 375 0 PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. l{elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aqate J.Y.A., Inc. Gwatlmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y As a mutual proi€ctlon to cll.nts, th. public lnd ouri.lvcs, .ll rcportr .re .ubmltted cs th€ contldcntlal Prop.rty of cli€nt.r .nd luthoilzatlon for publlcltion ot 3tatdn€nts. Concluslon! or .ritrrcts from or rrgardlng our r.ports l3 rc..rv.dpgndlng o{r x.ltt.n rpprov.l . A m€hb.r of th. !!! group of comprnlet CHEN-NORTHERN, rNC. colsulTmc EilGtIEERs A{D SCt EIT t STS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVIAIES To: llEcll Enterprises Jos [O. 4 128 93-3 DAIE: 2-11-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0, Box 3149Vail, @ 81658-5149 DAtLy REPORT tto. 45 s[€Er .l OF 1 PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding east of gesthaven Drive and lJestin fiotel., South Frontage Road gest, Valt, cotorado Aftec testing concrete, t.e r|ere asked to ob€erve en area of Hrock betse€n tines lg.5 ard 20,5 forrbich a leveling course of cotrcrete ras scheduled. Area ras excavated to fractured bedrock aldfines and othef debris rete being renovd. Contractof has beg|.n excavating area directly Hest of sstI on 9 tine for retaining ratt. This rall xas designed by Heid Engineering srd rilt b€ constructed by lntertocking of Denver. @PIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, [nc,,Attn: llr. Rick Agate; IJ.v.A,, lnc-.. Icxsth$€y Pratt schuttz; I 9glg]ry_$*_ iH_g:I"Iy A3. mutual protEctlor to cll.nts, the publlc rnd ourselv.s, rll r.ports are lubmltted er the confldentJ!l propcrty ot olr cllcntr, lndauthorlzctlon lorprbllc.tlon of ltrtqn nt. Conclus{oh3 or cxtrnct3 lrom or reg.fdlng olr r.ports ls rclorved plndl.g our *rltten lpprov!1.S.npl.e tlll b€ dlspos.d ot.fter tcstlng ls comgletsd ur|lcic othcr rrr.ngeh;nti aric agrcch to ln wrltlrlg. - A ma bcr of thc HIH group ot cocp.nfca' rdr x). c|l€rot 6/9l CHEN-NORTHERN, TNC. COISI'LT I IIG EIIGII{EERS AIID SCIEIITISTS OBSERVATTON OF WAI-,,L BACKFILL Ai 6 huturl Protectlon to cllGnt!, the public .nd ouirllv.9. all r€ports al.c submltted aB the cohfld.htJ.l piop€rty oi our cll.nts, and .uthorltrt{on toF publlcrtlon of 3tltdtt.nt. Concluslons or crtr.ct3 lroin or rcgarding our reporti is i^eserv€d pcndlng our w.ltter lpproval. Samples wlll b! dl3pos.d of .ftcr t.stlng ls co[pl€t.d rnlc33 oth.r.rFang]&nent6 lre agre€d to fn l'rltlng.A m€|nb.F ot thc llll group of compcnlcs Ftn ro..{$a 6,rel T0: EC Enterpnises Jots ilO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: ?-1i-94Attn: ElAstaqtio Cortina P.O. Box 3149Vsit, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REpoRT lto. 46 sltEET I oF I PROJECT: tittside Bui tdir€ east of l,lesthaven Drive 6nd llestin tlotel. south Frontage Road lleet, Voi[, colorado. tle arrived on gite to observe the backfitl. operation rest of Hatl on T line and south of ralt on U Iine. contfsctor rras finishing ptacing oaterial and in fottoring hour conp€cted area rith both trackhoe ard Bomog Sheepsfoot coflpactor. It app€a.d that adequate co(pact i ve effort }|as appt ied. Co pacted backfitt in this area had been brought up to approximate eleyation of 68.0. lfo concrete Has being placed today. Fireprcofihg insp€ction is schedut ed for 2-15-94. COPIES: R.A. Ietson & Associates. Inc.. Attn: t'lr. Rick Agate; J.V.A., lnc.; crathmey Pratt schut tz; CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONST'LT IIIG E}IGIIEERS AI'D SC!EIITISTS REPORT OT STRUCTIJRAL STEEL T0: l,ltcfl EnterprisesAttn: Eusta$rio Cortina P-o. Box 3149 vai 1.. c0 81658-5149 PR0JSCT: Liftside Bui lding east J(ts IO.178 93-3 DATE: 2-15-94 of gesthsven Drive and DAILY REPORI IIO. 47 SIIEET 1 OF 1 gestin Hotetr South Frontege Road Uest, V6it, Cotor.do. The boLt ard rretds uere visualty obeerved on the 5th ftoor tevet, 80'Or'/85r3n b€tfleen grid LinesM-0 & 7-ZA exctuding the srea b€treer L-S and 13-19. Att of the botts and relds nere forndacceptable except one shear tab to the eded ptate Et s-15. The tab uas onty xetded on one side. One be on 10.5 tine bctHecn 0 grd g had one bott nissing in each end. The fittet Helds on the colum to colum conn€ct ions betreen the 4th ard 5th ftoor. Frq$ grid tine8-22 arrC AA-O rere visuetty obeerved end Here forrd to be acceptable. Pf,oGRgSS REPoRT Bob sith the erection c|"eu ras infonned of $|l observation. COP I ES: R.A. iletson & Asso., lnc. - Attn: Rick A96te J.V.A., lnc. GHathney Pr6tt Schuttz loHn of Vait - Attn: Dan Stsnek Daffe[ [ liuss FIELD OBSERVER Fred Cameron APPROVED BY A3 ! utual prot.ction to cll.nt3r thc Publlc and oufselv.r, .ll rlport3 lre 3utm{tt6d r! th. coqfldentlal propafty of or.r. cll.nt-, .ndauthori2!tion for Publlc!tlon of stat.m.nt. Conclu3lon. or.rtr'.ct5 fron or r.g.rdfn9 our rcport3 li res.rvcd p.ndlng our rrl tt.n .ppr.ov! I . SaDpl.3 will bc di3por.d ot rftGr ta3tlng Ir completcd !nless oth€r a""angcm-nts ar-e ag"e.i to lh Hrltlng, - A m.nrb€r of th. BlE group ot co|'prnieg Ec6 (Jo co 9EE>rf; i8 =G;H<-, U- (u az, o! @a ^: .D -i (\J 2 "?-. l\ ..: .o.2 (\l z o o o E o ct d, L () L tu a :l.c o Eoo 'ct cC- E} oro -a OQIC {,- I a6l(hlu-lft o N lrJlrl lrtl--<, tt,a ('t <l (rt Oll .o@-N e,slo4. lrJod- GOJO.<D<cl Fe,ea-lrle .:- =o=n -.>=&,= lrl =./,.-6=o9 c.5a- EE63 allr,& l! - ||tc ..J LoC'l(J qt .a(l,0 (n Yl .F Ol I.r 5sf O! E F.t lr)CL.r, F to t- *t Fr.ll, Ga xco.lr=oElrJ60Orrl C) lrldE CO-(., +'Ll +r . qt t5 =<a-> 2 c!..JIF= Gll J/ CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. C()I{SULTING TIIGIiIEERS AT{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: [lE0il Attn P .0. Vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses l{r. Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149c0 81658-3149 Li ftsi de Suilding, Vail JoB ll0. 4 178 93 DAITY REPORT IIO. J 474 9ATE: 2-15-94 SHEET 2 OF 2 Colorado I,IATER IAL SPECIFICAT IOI{S IiAI{UFACTWER 6race llonocate COI{TRACT0R Ro11 i ng Plain B0r{0 STREN6TH ( PSF)DEilSTTY (PCF) PR0JECT COI{DITI0i{S not observed SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOITS AT{BIENT TEIIPERATURE SA}1P LE N UI.ISER TEST AR€A t,ET IIE IGHT (LBS) ORY IIE IGHT (LBs) iloIsTm€ (x) DEIISITY ( PcF) I 3 Unit C-3?, decki ng in bath, north of bedroom #3 Unit C-32, column southriest conner of bedroom #1 Unit C-3?, bearn betneen living roc t and bedroom #1, l0' north of south rrall z.oJ 1.49 77 14.8 ;AI'IPLE It il8ER MI I It{Uf,l THICKIIESS ( It{) t'tAx I t'rutt TH I CKI{ESS (Irl) AVERA6E TH i CKI{ESS ( I1{) OES I GII THICKXESS (1il) BOI{ D STRETI6TH (PsF) REI.'IARKS I 2 3 .43 1 .1? .94 .75 2 .31 t.62 .oc I .49 L.2L -'5t 1 .37 1.00 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIE5: R. A. llel son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J. V. A. , Inc. 6wattrney Pratt Schul tz {om of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron F]ELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY At r mtrt|r.1 protcctlon to c1l€nts, th. publlc lnd our3.lvcs, !ll r€port3 rrc suhnltt..t s5 th. confldcntl.l property ofcli.ntt, and !uthorlzrtion for Fubllcrtlon ot stat.m.nts. Concluslons or.xtrrcts fro|tt or ieglrdlhg our r.por-tr ls res.rv.dpondlng our wrlttcn npprovrl. A ''ldb.F of thc EI! group of conpanl.6 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. corsuLT I )lG Eirctx€ERs Alto sctEltTtsls REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STAEL T0: ltECfl Enterprises JOB t{O. 4 178 93-S DATE: 2-16-9IAttn: Eustaquio Cortin€ P.o- Box 5149vait, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REpoRr lto. 48 SHEET 1 OF I PRoJEcl: Littsid€ Buitding east of llesthaven Drive and lrestin tloteL, south Ffontage Road uest, Vail., cotorado. Ihe {elds rere vieualty observed on the besiB ard colums in Lot rl at zin*ors Fabricatim Ptsnt.lhe retds Bere foud to be acceptable ard confonned to the shop drarings. Ihis conc ttrdes oJr shop inspection. AtL of the nanters have been visually observed and nef,bers that requi red mn-destructive testing r.ere uttrasonic or msgnetic particte tested- Att reiected Hetds nere repai red and reinspected. PROGRESS REPORT Bob Hith the €rection cre$ Has i nfornred of firy obeeryation. COPIES: R.A, iletson & Asso., 1nc. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V,A.. lnc. crathney Pratt Schul t! ToHn of Vail - Attn: Dan Stanek oarfe[ [ Huss FTELD OBSERVER F red Car€ron APPROVED 8Y As I rrutual protectlon to cll.nts, tha publlc .nd ourrclves, all r.ports !r€ rubhltted .3 thr confldentl.l propcrty of our cllantr, .nd authorlz.tlon fgr pqb'licrtlon of itrteah.nt. Conclu3lons or crtrrct3 lrom or rcg!rdlng our r€port3 lr r65€rved pandlng our irltten !ppr'ov!1. S.mples wlll ba dliposed o{.ft.r t.5tlng lt eonpl€ted unla3s oth.r'$r.ngements ar"e agre€d to lh writlng.A moftrb€r of th. E!! group of coftp.nl.s 'm n. c'€rc4^./er L co 6 oe .L ! oL.o t! aoo zaJ 6v q 6J "l t\J -i GI ..i : t\ (\I o *;9 .:I "l ?"l cot ..i .i { i'J :l J @ a{(\J (\.t ".:1 GJ r'l 9 .: =o Lo !,E =o o!,V'A CLE!' ord(JE EBoo< 'o!oro-oc crF c,3-C 40 E aod o {) dr:'c.- -c drooc 0 Er o E,'<ttll .,,t - FlE orrt f L.-t-'oclo o =l (J lt (v nd I!d, .E EO E.J olo o o-E +rfuro = .t' t\l] PE E GtF-O- Erl =cot'-#-C (ll rn ooEc -f Gr chllrroo lFl(\J FlrJlrJ lrlF-<,u,a dt av) qf avlOD.oo-t\ e<fo CL ctE- €JOHr)<o Go CLl.|&i=fi= JS*8,lat trl =.nEo-9cl+-JHgb69 CL u.r&, E nte +tl'och(JEf ttl t4oo Fu .-' <n I.F =-tCOL t'Fr |.(, CL Jrt (Yt rC)L+' F.0,., X€O+r=oC lrl 6Olrl Lt lr,e,E sOp(J +, .Plll .P . ct (t-<o. > -o..JOFrF=ao j CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coilsullIilC Elt6tilEERS Ailo SCtEttTtSTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: t{ECl4 Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93 g DATE: 2-16-94Attn: llr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 DAILY REPORT t{0. 4BA SHEET z 0F 3Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Ltftstde Buildinq, Vai'1 , Colorado I,{ATERIAL SPECIFICATIOIIs IIAIIUFACTURER Graee l{onocate C0IITRACTOR Rolling Plain BOI{D STRENGTH (PSF )DEilSITY ( PCr) PRO.JECT C0[DlTIOllS not observed SUBSTRAIE PREPARATIOIIS AHBIEIIT TEt,tPERATI'RE SAI,{PL E I{UH8ER TEST AREA VET !,EIGHT (L8s) DRY IIElGHT (rBs) IIOISTWE (,6) OEIISITY (PCF ) I a 4 Unit C-31, colunns southtest corner of master bedroom Unit C-31, beam between bedroons I and 3, 14.5' of northwest wal l Unit C-31, kitchen, l0' south of north wall Unit C-42, column between living room & bedroom #3 Unit C-42, beam over master bath, 12.5' of north wal I ,AiIPLE rufiBtR HII{lltlutl THI CKNESS ( ril) ilAX I l Jt'l THI CKNE SS (il{} AVERA6E THICKIIESS (It{) l)Es I G]{ TH I CKI{ESS (I|{) 80t{D STREII6TH (PSF ) REI.IARKS I J 4 1 .06 .94 .44 1.19 .88 2.75 1.63 1.0 t .88 I .db 1.59 . o-t 1.49 1.24 I.J' 1.00 -JA t?c I .00 PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. llel son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A., Inc. Gwathney Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Carneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As. mutsll protectlon to cllent., th. Fubllc.nd our3.lv€s, all reports rre subdltted !. ihc confldcntial propcrty ot cllant!t and authorl2.tlor for Publlc.tlon of rtatem€nt!. Concluslons or ai(tr.cts lrom or r€g.Fdlng our report3 ls r.esrv.dpendlhg our wilttch rpproval. A mcmbe. ot the !f! group ot coopanl.s CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coilsulTlt{G EI{GII{EERS Ailo SCIEiIT I STS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: IIECH At tn P.0. Vai 1 PROJ€CT: Enterpri ses f,lr. Eustaqulo Corti na 8ox 3149 J08 t{0. 4 178 93 DAILY REPORT NO. DATE: 2-16-94 SHEET 3 OF 3c0 81658-3149 Liftside 8ui l di ng,VaiI,Colorado I,IATER IAL SPECIFICATIOI{S I,IAIIUFACTURER Grace ilonocate C0I{TRACT0R Rol I ing Plain B0lr0 STREI{GTH (PSF)DEilSTTY (PCF) PROJECT COI{DITIOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOIIS AMEIEI{T TE},IPERAIURE SAMPLE riut'f8ER TEST AREA TIET UE I6HT (t8s) DRY VEIGHT (r8s) IIOISTURE (x) OEIIS ITY {PCF) 6 Unit C-42, decki ng, hallway, west of master bedroorn, ?0' south of north wall iAI.IPLE IUfi8ER HIt{t[uM IHICKISESS ( rN) ttAx I ltutl THICKI{855 (1il) AVERAGE IHICKI{ESS (Irl) OES I G]{ rHtcKt{E55 (lrl) BOI{D STREI{6TH (PsF ) R EI,IARKS o 4.38 .69 .56 .38 PROGRESS REPORT: CoPIES: R. A. llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J. V. A. , Inc. Gwathney Pratt Schul tz Tovin of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron FIELD OESERVER APPROVID BY Ar . mutu.l Protsctlon to cll.nts, th€ publlc lnd ours.lv.3, .ll report3 |rc aubmttted .s th€ conftd€nttal propcrty ofcllcnt3' .nd .uthorl2rtlon for publlcrtloh of stit€irents. concluslons or extrrcts fron or raglrdtng our r.portr lj rctervedpendihg our w.l ttcn ipFroval. A m€mb€r of th. !l! group of cofipahlca CHEN-NORTITERN, TNC. COIIS1'IT I IIG EXGIXEERS AIID SCIEIIIISTS REPORT OF BACKFTLIJ OBSERVATION To: llEclt Enterprise€ JOB lO. A l7B 93-3 DATE: 2-16-94Attn3 Eustaquio Cort ina P.o- 80x 3149vail, CO 81658-3149 DAtLy REpoRT lto. 488 SI|EET I oF 1 PROJECI: Liftside Suilding east of Uesthsven orive and l,restin ilotel,, south Frontag€ Road Uest, vait, colorado. Contractor xas placing and coflpacti n9 ilported fitt rEtefiat in area uest of 4 tine and sdrth of L tine. ilost of this area has been backfitled to an approximate elevation o( 64.0. Becqus€ of the rocky nature of msteriat, no nuctear densi ty tests eere condlcted. Contractor ras placing fitt in ! 1 foot lifts. contractor Has co{pacting soits after place{Fnt using track excavstor ard Bo|mg sheepsfoot coopactor. Attn: l{r. Rick Agate; J.V.A.. tnc.; I GHathrEy Pratt schultz; I carotyn Adans Brian scantan I ftELO OSSERVER APPRS\,EO BY As e mtrtur'l protactlon to cll.ntr, th€ publlc and olr3elves, dll r€ports arc submltted as tha confld6ntlal proFerty ot o|rr ctlcnti' .td 6tlthorlzltlon for p{blic.tlon ot ct.t€o.nt. corc]uiions o..l(tracti from or r.gcrdlng our report3 lr rcscrv.d pcodlng our rrlttan rpFioval. Srnqrl€s will b€ dl3poacd of after tettlng ls conpllt€d unl€ss other arranganr€ntt ar. agre€d to ln *rltlng. A hember of the !!! group ot cont!.nl.s rd r$, cr.rooa.rl >rgE:'b, Ez ../r,,'E gi& l-(l, ..l>- (l- -.oEB =o-:< E o o xio 9'1'r a, 5l! -= v,E+ =! =o3h cE> 9c 9 CF 9x ;;ar; rJe:&'!t Uaa I -gc QdE{' f,PAJ! l- -a-) Ov (al .,: ?(o rf, <tt (o (\l o @ I F. ioa .: qt 1 @@: |"\ ": o F o o) B o E}oo-c-tf J aqt crF }.c ct r--oo ru (\r ctB(u EPoloo -t oo L"C E o-c .J rt (\l Ctr ^|' Lr-uro aFl(\l lrlLl lllF-<,,r,cr gr alt qf .i'otr .e6- 4,clo CL. trJctd2 dtJO l.{r?<ct Fe,o CLlrle, .:-=o i=* EHEr 9<sa=iEa9 ILlrleil IUE +t!ooiC) rtvloo .1'st.F ('r I.e- =<f @L tit Fr rJ)o. ct F) .o!+,o (a xcD'lr=oC lrl CO Ctlrl (J lrld,E CO-LI .IJurP . t! (5 -<(4> =ct..Jol-=tg /a CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTTI{G EIIGIITEERS AIIO SCIEIIT ISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSIry AND BOND STRENGTH T0: l'lE0l.l Enterprises JoB lto. 4 178 93 3 0ATE: 2-18-94Attn: llr. Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 OAILY REPORT l{0. 49 SHEET 2 0F 2VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Eui ldinq, Vail, Colorado I.{ATERIAL SPECI F ICATIOI{S ||AI{UFACTURER Grace f'lonocate COI{TRACT0R Rolling Plain 8OI{O SIREN6TH ( PSF)DTt{SIIY ( PCF) PROJECT COI{DTTIO}I5 SUBSTRATEPREPARATI0NS notobserved AI.IBIEIIT IEIiIPERATURE 5A}'IPLE I{UI.IBER TEST AREA TLI I,,E IGHT ( LBS) DRY IIEICHT ( LBs) I4O I STURE (%) DEI{S I IY (PCF) Unit C-rtl, middle col umn of east wallin living room Unit C-41, beam betseen bedrooins I & 3, 12' north of south vlalI tnit C-41, decking east half of naster bedroom, 10' north of south wall 3. i6 t.74 IE ' ;At.IPLE IUI,IB€R l., x I t'tuM THICK}IESS ( IN) MAX I ltlul.l THICKI{ESS ( Iil) AVERAGE THICKI{ESS (1il) 0Es I6N THlCKI{ESS (il{) 80fl0 STRENGTH (PsF) REMARKS t 2 1.0 l.uo .44 1.63 l.Jo .f5 1.36 t - lb .6I 1.0 .38 PROGRESS REP0RT: Insulation contractor was advi sed of insulation test results. C0PiES: R. A. l{el son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J. V.A. , Inc. Gtratfmey Pratt Schul tu Town of Vai I Caroiyn Adams Fred R. Cameron FIELO OSSERVER APPROVED 8Y As a mutual prot€ctlon to client3, th. public rnd ourselvcs, .ll rcports arc suboltted ds the confld.ntlal Prop€rty ot cll€nts, .nd authoriration for publ'icatlon ot st.tem€nts. Conclusions or €xtrrcts fro(n or rsgardirg our' reports i5 \rctarvcol p€nding our trrl tten approvrl. A tDelllber ot the !J! group of cornp.nlcr il!c:i clb3 =c(J'i 'E .. ->- q,eE 3!E '-! diiP t o.-u'a I:r rF 0t oir I Eg it-E E oE ;9 ; th -= d.: LJg+- fi*g o -o (Jt qa -of Es.. - rd F -aJ ov @ .i o (\J ",: @ ".:q ; (v N t\OJ a 2 1 J tf, 1 : =o F ! g3 EO c6 g dlc OI E F..1 5I'-l- !clo 0, =lo.o - 5=o o0, -c r*- L tu-3 E4t!(uc o=co, ru -c-E C+' .'LE (uq,o, (J< ;P tuEo o col (J C-ll|.F EOI' J = o o- loo= -o E(|, o,- I <f (v Orll&AtoAIlr{(\l lrllrl lrlF-aE tt,ct c'ftt u, avtCtl .o@z d.qto CL. lrlod- @JC) r-.D<o Fd,oCLlrle L;= =F.EJ'> =d.= lr,l = tt, E3I<ni-: l-l =tJ-=o6P A-lrl4 a6g .r,goorQt <f {uo ..'(r.FOr IF =rf(DL CFF| ljto- Gt (ft r.0!.tJo ut x€P:OglrltDOlr| c' lr.t4E cO-Lr +,lrl +t . cl A =<a.> - ct..JoF:' CD /.t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EI{G I I{EERS AIID SCIEIITISTS HEPORT OF FIREPROOFING THTCKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: tilECl,l Enterpri ses JOB 0. 4 l7B 93 3 OATE: 2-22-94Attn: l'lr. Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 DAILY REP0RT t{0. 50 SHEET 2 0F zValI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, Vall, Colorado I'IATER IAL SPECI FICATIOIIS }|A!{UFACTURER 6race lionocat e COI,|TRACTOR Rolling Plain BOND STREIIGTH ( PSF)DEI{SIrY (PCF) PROJECT COT{DITIOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONS AIIE I E]{T TEI,IPERATURE 5AI'IPLE I{UI,IBER TEST AREA UET VEIGHT (LBs) DRY VE IGHT (LBS) MOISTffiE (t) DEiIS ITY (PCF) I I J 4 Unit B-?1, column, north end of niddle bedrocm, l8' east of west wal I Unit B-21, beam 14' north of south wall and 14' east of vrest wal l Unit B-21, decking approx. center'l ine of unlt,3' south of north wall Unit B-21, beam, 35' north of south uall and /' east of west wal I 3 .45 1.83 t5.6 iAI,IPLE IUI,IBER llI Il,lul.l THICKIIESS (It{) tlAXIHUtl TH I CKI{ ES5 (rr{) AVERAGE THICKI{ESS (ril) DES I6N TH I CKI{ES S ( lil) BOND STREI{6TH (PsF I REI.{ARKS I 4 1 I t3 31 88 1.63 I .88 -oJ ?.0 7 .46 1.41 .44 I .18 1 .38 1.00 .38 1.0 Contractor was advised of thickness. Contractor was advised of thickness. PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. f{elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aoate J.Y.A., Inc. Gwathney Pratt Schu'l tz lown of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Caneron FIELO OBSERVER APPROV.TD BY As I n{tu.l prot.ctlon to clients, th6 public and ours€lves, all reports .re submltt.d a6 th. confldcntl.l pr.olcrty otcll€nt3, ttnd rlthorlz.tion for publlcltion of st.t€rtent3. Concl{rsJons or €itr.cts fFom or r.grrding our r.port3 l3 rercrvcd F€ndlng out. nrittcn rpprovcl. A tndnb€r of thc !g! gpoup ot cofiprnles CHEN-NORTHERN, TNC. cstsulTmc Exc tEERs A|lD scIEftTtsTs REPORT OF BACKFILL OBSERVATTON T0: l{Ectl Enterprises JOB ltO. 4 lZ8 93-3 DATE: Z-ZZ-*4Attn: EustaqJio Cortins P.0. Box 3149vait, co 81658-3t49 DArLy REPORI [o. 5OA S{EET t OF I PRoJECT: Liftside Buitdir€ East of Llesthaven Dfive 8nd ltestin Hotel., south Frontage Road gest, vait, colorado. Since our last site visit, contractor has ptaced backfitl rEteriat up to grade, rrest of 7 line and south of rall on R [ine. This area is to be a staying srea srd rill-be rer.orked priof to beconingdriveray ard adjacent l srdscaped areas. fryorted ba;kfitL rnaterial had been ptated ard cdrpacteirith viguaI i nsDect i ons. Pipe beddi ng for drain piping south of satl. on L line and rest of 4 line Has pl.aced today vi6conctete conveyoi truck. Fitt is b€ing stop€d to the north Haiting for corrrete structurc to beptaced at R t ine. COPIES: R.A. ilel son & Associates, lnc., Attn: r. Rick Agate; J V A, lnc.; GHathney Pfatt Schultz; Toxn of Vail, Attn: ilr. oan Stanek; Carotyn Adans TIELD OESERVER Fred R. cameron APPROVED BY As . mutual Frot€ctlon to cll.nts. th. publ'lc .nd ours€lves, .!l reports rre subrnltted !s th€ canfldcntlal prop.rty of our cll.ntr, rndduthorizrtlon for public.tlon of statcm€nt. concluslon3 or cxtrlct5 from or r.gardlng our r.ports ls r.3.rvad DandlrE our ,rltt.n .pprovil.samPl.s wlll b€ di3po3.d of after testlng ls compllted unl.tr oth€r arrangements ai: agrcri to Jn v.rltlng.A m.|rbeF of th. !!! gioup of compani€! '.. 6€r@1 6t'er wE ARE SENDTNG You E/Attacneo D Shop drawings n I Copy ot letter il d viu [/. 5. /4+rc- LETTEilOF TRANSMITTAL oArE 3-8-?* | Loaruo. "Zl7ro: Toorr.-, Or (/at Dnr,- S.{'".€E.- REi rltFr=ree the following items: n SpecificationsPrints/sepias Change order Plans Originals Samplesn I tr tr coPrEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED l ltr n I ! tr For approval For your use As requested as checked belowr tr tr n Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections f, tr ! Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS Mdr your records lf enelogurcs aE not a6 noted, kindly notify us al once. t,ooavtt o,cra CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coitsulTItic Elt6tilEERs Alto sc IEI{TISIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! nutual protcctlon to cll.nta, ttic publlc rnd ours.1ve3, all reFort3 lrc sub lttcd !s th. confldl€nt'lll p.operty of cllGntsj |nd .uthori2!tlon fol" publlcatlon of 3t.t.dcnt3. Concluslons or.xtEctt from or regrrdlrl9 our r.port3 lr |..scrvcd perdlng our l.rl tt.n .pprov. | . Slnpl.3 Hill bc dlspo3.d ol .ftcr tc.tlng ls complat€d unl€3t oth.r.rrang.m.nt3 .rgrecd to In wrltlng. A nemb.r of th. !:! group of co6p.6l.t Form No. C1.tEl13A 6/91 T0: ltECll Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-4-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l,lesthaven Orive and tJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IET{T LOCATIO :Slab for Uni t B-22. BAICH TICKET It{FoR}lATIoll SUPPLIER: llestern l{obi I e TRUCK lr0. 161 TICKET 0. 011142 ]'tIX DESI6I{ 0. 44 TIf,fE BATCHE0: 9:53 TII'it ARRIVEO: - TII|E PLACEO: - CU. YD. LOAD/ACCI f,l: 7l?L128: FIELD TESTII{G INFORIiIATIOI{ SAIIPLE TEI,iP: 55'F AiR TEI'Ig: 25'F TIiIE TEST TAKEI{: 10:48 SLUI4P: 6.5 ltl. AIR C0llT!llT:6.1 X VET Ui{IT I{EIGHT: !35.6 JOB SPEC I FICAT IOi{S: SLUIIP: 4 It{. AIR C0t{TEt{T: 3 t6 I{ATER ADOED AT SITE 0 GAt. CYL]I{[)ER II{FORI,IATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 10:58 ITHERE CAST: 0n-5ite cuRI 6 I FoRltATI0t{ Il{ITIAL CURE: 72 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB; 2-7-94 FIELD ST0RAG€ FACILITIES: heated trailer BY: ll. J.rl t N/llAX AUt DAYS DATE TE S TED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) OIAMETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sQ Ill) c0t{P . sTR . (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL]IIDIR V€IGHT (LBs) CYI II{DER UNTT UE I6HT ( PcF) 7 I 7FC 28 28 28H ?8H 2-11-94 2-lt-94 2-11-94 3-4-94 3-4-94 3-4-94 3-4-94 72,500 83,500 87,500 124,500 I ?I ,500 108,500 124.000 s.99 6.07 5.98 6. 09 6.08 5.99 5.99 28.18 28.94 28. 09 29 .13 29.03 28.18 28. l8 2570 2890 3120 4270 4180 3850 4400 shear shear snear con/shear con/sher shea r shear DESIGN STRET{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOI{XEL ARE It{ ACCORDAIICE T'ITH APPLICAELE ASTI,I iIETHODS UNLESS OTHERVISE IIOTED SOI{E INFORIIATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVII)EO BY OTHERS REI.IARKS :Sample taken fron truck dlscharge- COPIES: R.A. Nel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai'l i Uestern t{obileI J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OSSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG E]{GI I{EERS A]{D SCIEI{TISTS HEPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutual protcction to cllont3, th€ publlc.nd our3.lv.s, all reportg .ra submitted .s the confld{entlll proFerty of cll.nt6, .hd luthorltation for publlc.tlon oi r'tdtcn|crti, Concluslons o. Grtr.cts from or regdrdlng our r.port6 i3 r.3€rv.d p.ndlng orr wrlttan approval. Slnplcr Hill bc dllpos€d of.fter teeting ls comp'lGtcd un'le3r other rriangam.nts.gr.cd toln rirlting. A merb€r ot th€ El! group of coop.rler Fdm No. CME113A 5/91 T0: lilECl,l Enterpri ses JOB I0. 4 l7g 93-3 0ATE: ?-8-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET t 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT; Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Orive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road test, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCAT IOI{ :Floor slab, ljnit 8-21 BATCH TICKET il{F0RllATIOtl SUPPIIIR: Uestern l{obile TRUCK 0. ll4 TICKET 1t0. 0l 12t3 ltIX OESIGIi t{0. 44 TII'fE BATCHEO: 10:00 TIIIE ARRIVED: 10:27 TIIIE PLACED: 10:30 CU.YO.LOAD/ACCUIiI ?LlZg FIELD TESTIIIG II{FORI{ATIOI{ SAI.IPLE TEI.IP: 55"F AIR TET.IP: "F Tll{E TEST TAKEII: 10:37 SLWP: 7 ll{. AIR C0l{TEt{T: 4.71 llET UNIT tlEI6HT: JOB SPECIFICATI0T{S: SLUHP: 4 1t{. AIR COi{TEI{T: 3.0% TJATER AD0ED AT SITI GAL. CYL I IIDER I IiFORI.{ATION l'10. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLINDERS CAST: l0:48 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG IllF0Rl4ATI0ll heated area adjacent to II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours on-Site FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES; Doured slab DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-10-9{ BY: FP & IIJ tlIN/tlAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) D IA}IETER ( rilcH€s) AREA (sQ Irl) Col'lP.5TR. f9(Il TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER I'E I GHT ( L8s) CYLII{DER UI{ IT UEIGHT ( PCF) 7 7FC 28 28 e8H ?8H 2-15-94 2-15-94 ?-r5-94 3-8-94 3 -8-94 3 -8 -94 3-8-94 97,500 90,500 90,500 126,000 123 ,000 13l,500 133.500 6. 00 6. 03 6.09 5.99 5.99 6.08 6.09 28 .27 28.56 29. 13 28. l8 e8. 18 29 .03 29. 13 3450 317 0 3l l0 447 0 4360 453 0 4580 col umnar con/spl i t shea r sltea r shear snear con /shea r DES IGl{ STRETIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE IX ACCORDATCE VITH APPLICABLE ASTTI I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE I{()TED SOI,IE I]{FORHATIOT{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI'IARKS: COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.; Torvn of VaiI; tJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; owathney Pratt Schultz;Bi l1y Barbour Bobby J. FIELD OESERVER APPROVEO Hays 8Y LrsrtrpgPROJECT: DATE:9'8'n4 vrA:l-laro De,urve.e<eo QUESTION: ATTft4ltED A?E <,icP?rea oF pA4ec, Fgec,m sE\ree1qL FrrLp F,EFanr5ruADe Bt C,ltgt{ UoRT}IEF.H lHC. €or{ceBHlltq FilF;ep9.c,oFtHq. AIIAVE CIR(.LE9 FEN,15 IA,I.IT4H WEPE EEPOILTED TO BE LE1, T$Ab,rTHE FeourRED Tllt<x.brets. puer$e t$DtcA-TE BeLoG) r+HATACTIO*' }I IA5 6€ET.T TIA|4E'\!, A|lD G.TTL' R-FJ q6(JR F€}F(5 "r}€'(o ,Me loP?.Ea'to:cHeH tstoETI{€E r.,Tot.e.i, 6rt wAll-J VA FRI+UK FpgLtER Bnce.r Frs*e,s F: l,rAulr\ bwEETFE 4E_fe A. B. c. I{ithin Within Ilours llours Week 24 72 1 -RESPONSE: Date: CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. OOTSULTTIIG EIIGITEERS AIO SCTE]IIISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGT}I At t tr|ltr.l ir'otaatlot tt cllantt, th. pulllc .nd ourralv.t, .ll raportr .r. iqhfltt.d rr th. contid.ntf.l prop.rty oaallantrr and ruthot'ltrtlot tor publlcatlon ot .trt-.nta. Concls3aon3 or .xtrrctt fro.r oa t"ag.r.tlht ou. trfirti li rrrrrvrdPan.lfng orrr wrlttrn r?pFov.l. A !Ib.i of th. !!! grorp of ccrp.rf.3 T0r ltECll Enterprises JOB ilO. 4 l7E 93 3 OATE: 2_10_94Attn: lh. Eustaqulo Cortlna P.0. Box 3lil9 DAtLr REpffir 10. 4i SHEET Z 0F 3Vatl, C0 81658-31{9 PR0JECT: Llfteide Bulldtng, Vatl, Col orado |.|ATERIAL SPECIFIC,ATIOIS ll lt|UFACnnER Grace llonocate - 00llIRACf0R Rolltng Plai n SOIID STREIIGTH (PSF)BEilSTTY (PCF) PROJECT COIIDITIOilS SUESTRATE PREPARATIOIS AIIB IETIT TETiIPERATURE SAI,IPLE IIUI,IBER IEST MEA I'ET TEIGHT (L8S) DRY IIEIGHI (LBs) l,toIsllnE (r)DEilSnY (PCF) I z 3 I lhlt C-22, col unr betmen bedroo #3 ! master bed-roqtr Unit G-22, deeking, brdroun fl, arst half, 6' north of sorth rrl I thit C-22, bean, kltchen, t8, rest of e.st uallt 6' south of north rall Unit C-22, hal hay north of naster b€drodn, 8, 3outh of north $al I iAIIPLE lu!r8FR ltll{Iilw{ Tltlcxr{Ess (ril) ilAt(Il'rw THICKIESS (It{) AYERAGE ll|lcKflEss (Ill) DESIGII THICT$tgss ( lil) 80il0 SIIETIGTH (PSF) REIIAftKS I 2 ? 4 C3D .4375 @ .375 1.6875 I .125 1.625 .6875 t. t8 .71 l.l7 .54 1.375 .375 t.0 .375 PROGRE5S REPORT: COPIES: f,. A. llelson & Asso. J.V.A., Inc. Gnattmey Pratt Schul tz Tolrn of Yai I - Attn: Rick Agate Carolyr Adans Fr€d R. C,aneron FIETO OESERVER APPROVED BY (b CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EIIGTilEENS AflD SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICIflESS, DENSITY AND BOND $TRENGTH ' T0: lGctl EnterprlsesAttn: llr. Eu3tlqulo Cortlna P.0. 8ox 3ltt9Vail, G0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftslde tulldlng, Uall, Col orado JoB tlo. | 178 93 3 IIATET 2-10-94 DAILY REPORI iIO. I4 SHEET 3 OF 3 f,IATERIAL SPECIFICITI0I{S C0I|IRACTOR Rolllns Plain IIAIIUFICTWER Grace tbnocate - 80t{0 SIREilGTH (PSF) OEIISITY (PCF) PR0JECT OoiloITtoilS 5U8SIRA1E PRTPARATIOIIS AIIBIEIIT TEHPERATURE SAI{PLE l0l,rBER TEST MEA ttsT I'EI6HT (tBs) MY IJEIGHT (r8s) ilotsnnE (x) Dtl{3ttt (PcF) 5 6 7 I lhlt C-21, col urm hetreen hal lnay on north and kltchen Unlt C-el, bear, north end bedrom fl, 3' east of sest ral I lrnlt C-el. deckl ng naster bedrod , east half, rl' north of south ual I tntt C-21, bce heteeen hallvay and naster bedrom 2.87 t.8l 21.7 fiIPLE IWSEN LIilIt{fi THICKIESS(Iil) HAXiliul AVERICE mlcffess ( lfi, DESIGII THICKIIESS(!il) BOIID STREIIG'H (PSF) REIIARKSIHICKIE5s(Ittl 5 6 7 I C@ .3?5 1.75 t.625 .68t5 1.625 1.52 l.e4 . .53 1.3125 1.375 1.0 .375 1.0 PROGRES9 REPORI: CoPIES: R. A. telson & A$o. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A., Inc, Grattnrey Pratt Schul tz Torn of Ual I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Camron FTELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Ar a firtu.l ?rot.ctlon to Gll.rt.r th. Frrbllc rnd oqraalv.3. .ll a.porlt rr. ruti|ltt.d .. tha eontlda''tlrl Pt.?.|'ty ot cll.rtr. and tr|tiorlzrtlor for nobllcrtlot| ot 3t.tar|.nt3. Ccnclstlonr or attracti fl'oir or ratardlng or? rapartt la raaarv.d pardlng o|rr uFltt.n agPtoval. A i-b.r of th. !!!! gtouP of €o.p.nl.r I L CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISIILTIIIG EIICIilEENS AilD SCIETITTSTS FEPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITV AND BOND STRENGTH T0: l€Cll Enterprises JOB ;0. I lt6 9g 3 MlEr Z-15-9fAttn:. llr. tsstaqulo Cor na P.0. 8ox 3l{9 qAtly REpmT ilg. f7A SHEET Z OF zVail, C0 81650-9149 PR0JECT: Llftrtde Eutldtng, Vcil, Cotorado I,IATERIAT SPECIFICATI|nS llAl{UfACIUnER 6race fmocrte ConInACfm RolltnEPlatn BoilD SIRET{GrH (PSF)oE[srrY (PcF) PRoJECT Co IITIoHS not observed SUBSTRATE PEEPARATIOTIS AI'ISIEIIT TEIIPERANNE srlrPtE ilU{EER IESI ANEA YET rEt6lrl (tBsl MT IIEI6HT (tss) IIOISTURE (1) DEI{SITY tPcF) I 2 3 lhlt C-32, decking ln bath, aorth of bedrooa 13 lhit C-32, col um soutttrest Glrnrr of badrom tl lhit C-32, bern betreen llving roon and bedrooIt. l0' north of south rall 2.6it l. rfg l7 t4.8 iAI'IPLE [,r,rBER rIUXW IIIICKIIESS (tlr) llAXIl'iln THICKI{ESS(Iill AVTRAGE lHtcKfiEss (m) OESIGII T}IICKTESS (Iil} 80il0 STREII6TH (PsFl REI.IARKS ? 3- .{3 @@ .t5 2.31 r.62 .62 l.il9 r.2l .37 1.37 1.00 PROGRESS REPffiT: C0PIES: f,. A. llel son & Asso.J.V.A.. Inc. GriathEy Pratt Schul tz Tom oJ Vai I - Attn: Rict Agate Carol yn Marns Fred R. carrron FIELD OESERVER APPROVED OY ^r . drtual prot.ctlon to clienti. tha ?rbllc .rd o{r..|r.t.. all r.goFti .ra 3{}-tt!.d .r tlrr conlld.nihl proF.rty otcllahts. .tld authorl:atlotr fot pulllcrtlon of.t t.|!.nt.. Co,tclurloli or.strrcti rr".t "...g.iiing ogr mpbrti lj r.rrvrdp.||dlng or.r rrlttan .Dtrov.l. I |rl$.F ot tlt. !!E grolp ot corp.nt.r CHEN-NORT|{ERN, lNC. 00ilsulTllt6 EI{GIilEERS Afio sclEllTlsrs REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: ltrCtl Enterprl ses JOB 110. 4 178 93 3 0ATE: 2-16-91 Attn: lh. Euetaquio Cortlnt P.0. 8ox 3ltl9 0AILY REP0RT ll0. 4AA SHIET e 0F 3 Y.i l, C0 81658-3149 PB0JEGT: ttftrtd€ &rlldlng, Yail, Colorado IIATERIAL SPECIFICATIOIIS ,lAlllrFACnnER 6race l{onocate C0IIIRACTOR *ol I lng Plaln BOr{o STRETGTH (PSF)0EISITY (PCF) PRNECT COlloITlol{S not observed SUESTNATE PREPIRATIOIIS ATSIEilT TTT,IPEMTURE SAIIPLE ill|tBER IESI ATEA IIET ltrIGHT (LBS} '. mY UEIGHT ''(L8S) ltolsnnE (1) 0tfistTY tpcF) I 2 3 4 5 lrnlt C-31, col ums southr€st corner of naster b€droot trrit C-31, bear betrcen bedroors I and 3, 14.5' of northest r|ll lhit C-31. kltchen, l0' south of north rall ihit CdlZ, colun betre€n llvinE rom & bedroor 13 lhlt c-4e, beam over meter bath, 12.5' of north ral I iAIiIPLE IUIBER ilIililUfl nIcKfrEsS ( Itl) itAxIilu| IHICr(ftESS (n{) AYERAGE rutcrfiEss (Itl) tt[sIG]l Tr{ICKflESS ( lfl) 801{0 STRilGTH (PsF) NEilARKS I ? 3, 4 5 €9 @ .14 €@ @ ?.75 t.63 1.0 1.88 1,88 1.59 l. t5 .61 1.49 t.24 1.37 1.00 .3E 1.38 t.00 PR0GRESS REPoRT: ' C0PIES: R, A. llel son & Asso, - lttn: Rlck Agate J.V.A., lnc' Glratlrpy Pratt Schul tz Torn of Vai I Carol yn Adams Fred R. CalPron FIETD OBSENVER APPROVED 8T - Ar a hstr.l pr..t.ctlo.r to cllanta, th. p{bllc.nd osit.Ivaar all ralortt .r. 3||blt-t.d r. tha contldattlat Prct'rty tt cllantr. rnd .uthoriartlon far plbllcrtlba oi atrt.i.rtt. Col€ltrlona or .rltacta Itd cF ragardlnt oqr raFcrtt ll l''t't'vtd panallng o||r irltt.r .p!rav.l. A G.*.r ol th. !!! troup of corP.nl.. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COISI'.TIIIG ETGIIIEERS ATID REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, SCIEIITISTS DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH I T0:. l{ECl{ EnterprlsesAttn: llr. Euetrqsl o Cortln P.0. Bot 3149Uail, C0 41658-31{9 PROJECT: Llftslde Bulldtng, Tell, Colorado JOB tlo. I 178 93 3 0ATE! 2-22-94 OAILY REPORT IIO. 50 Slffl E OF E IIATENI& SPECI FICATIOIIS tlltlUFACTlfiER Grace l{onooate COIIIMCTOR RolllngPlaln EoilD STnEilGTH (PSFI oEilstTY (PCF) PRNSCI COTDITIOTS SUESTNATE PREFARATIOIIS AIIBIEIIT IEilPER,AilNE SAIIPLE ilUilBER TEST ANEA UET UEIGIIT (LBS) DRY I'EIGIIT (LBs) ftotsnnE(rl I'EIISITY (PcF) I 2 3 1 lhlt B-21, colrnr, north end of mlddle hedrosn, 18' east of rcst iul I ll|lt B-21, be.n lt[' north of south r.,l I .ndertt of Yert r.l I lrl' lrnit B-zt, dec*lnE approx. centerllne of unlt,3' south of north rall tlrlt 8-?1, beu, 35' north of south rall and 7' eest of rest rel I 3.45 1.83 15.5 iAIIPLE IIIIBER lililIHlx THtCXfiESS ( lll) ilAXl|.tu'l tHlcKrEss(Iil' AYERACE lltIcKilEss (ul) 0EstGll IHICKIIESS ( Ill) 801t0 SIREIICIH (PsF) REIORKS I 2 3 4 a-9 l.l3 @ @ 1.63 l.88 .5:l 2.0 t.{6 l.ill .tf I .18 t.3E 1.00 .38 1.0 Contractor ras advlsed of thickners. Contractor ras advi sed of thlckners. PRIIGRESS REP{IRT: CoPIES: R. A. llel son & fuso. - Attnr Rlck Agate J.V.A' ' Inc. ArathEy Pratt Schul tzT*n of Yai I Carolyn Adans Fred R' Caneron FTELD OESERVER APPROVED BY ^r a ratcrl protactlcn to cllentt, ttrr guitte r|rd cu?i.lv.r! all r.portr rr. rtbittad r. th. eonfld.ntlr'l DroF.rty atcllaDtrr rnd arthcFlsatlon for pubtlc.tlon.ct 3trt*ntt. Coacturlonr or attracta tron or aagardlng out. ratlor'ta la rtsarvad Daftllnt oltr Flttaa atpraval. l d.|- of tha !I! gro||F ol crp^ni.3 oI o/ oo/ J'o @/ 'r- &,/ X oal \ C7 AO,/ =/o /' c8 sle.) .:* rl,# ,o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIl{G ETIGI I,IEERS AIID SCIEIiITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. mutu.l protcctlon to cli.nt', th. public rnd ouri.lv.r, .11 r€ports rr€ subhltted rr the confldlentlrl proparty of cl{cnt3, .nd ruthorlz.tlon tor Fublicrtion of st.tEn€nts. Concluslons or cxtr.ct3 from ol'tagardlng orr r.port3 l3 r.terv.d pand'lng our wrltt.n approvrl S.nFles will bo dlsposed of rft€r testing ls complet€d unlcaa othcr arrrngorncnit rgr.€d to ln wrltlng. A m.mber ;f the lII group ot companlcs Form t{o. C}.Ell3A 6/91 T0: IIECM Enterpri ses JOB ti0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-10-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I oF IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and llesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vai1, Co1o. PLACEMEHT L0CATI0]i: Slab in tnit C-31 BATCH TICKET I I{FORI,IATION TRUCK ilo. 100 TIIIE BATCHED: 9:11 TICKET r.t0. 01 ! 230 TIME ARRIVED: 9:30 T IME SUPPLI ER: llestern I'lobi le TIIX DESIG}I NO. 44 PLACED: 9:43 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUM: 7121128 FIELD TEST]NG INFORMATIOII SAMPLE TEMP: AIR TE}IP: IME TEST TAKEI{: 9:50 SLWP: 4 3/4 !l{. AIR C0flTE l: 6.3% UET UNIT UEIGHT: JOB SPECI FICAT I0l'lS: SLUI'IP: 4 I . AIR CONTE]{T: 3 % IIATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLII{DER INF()RMTIOI.I N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 10:00 UHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{G I NFORI.IATION Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 2-11-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: in heated trailer - FC BY: C.A.MIr{/[AX A6E DAY S DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI.{ETER ( r NcHES ) AREA (sQ rr{) COMP.STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER IIE IGHT (L8s) CYL INDER UTIIT TIEIGHT (PcF) 7 1 7FC ?8 z8 28H 28H 2-17 -94 z-17 -94 2-r7 -94 3-10-94 3-i0-94 3-10-94 3-10-94 95 ,000 97,000 97 ,500 L22 ,500 125,500 131 ,000 132 .000 6.00 5.99 6.03 6.08 6.00 6.08 6.08 ?8.27 28. 18 28. 56 29.03 28.27 29.03 29.03 33 60 3440 3410 42?0 4440 4510 4550 shear snear shear snear shear shear shear DESIGN STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSONNEL ARE I ACCORDA CE YITH APPLICABLE ASTI'{ I,IETHODS UIILESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI..IE I1{FORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS:l% Daraset accelerater C()PIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; l{estern l,lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J, Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISUITII{G EII6] I{EERS AI{D SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a muturl piotection to c'llsnts, the publ{c and ours€lves, rll reports are subnltted as the conlldi€ntie'l propErty ol clients, rnd authorlzatlon for publlcation of it.t.ments. Conclusions or.xtracti frotu or r€garding our raPorts ls res.rved pendlng our written dpproval. Sr|nplcs will be dltposed of.ft€r tcsting l! completed unless other .rranEahants agreed toin wr'ltlng. A nenbcr 6f thc EM grouF of complnlar Form No, CHE113A 6/91 T0: llE0l{ Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-11-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Butlding, east of Yesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo, PLACEiTENT LOCATIOI{:Uall on L line from P.6 to 19 line BATCH TICKET IllF0Rl,lATl0N SUPPLIER: l{estern flobile TRUCK 0. i50 TICKET 0. 011241 t'tIX DESTG N0. 39 TIME EATCHED: l:41 TIME ARRIVED: 8:15 TIIllE PLACEO: CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUtllt 7/74/?L FIELD TESTING I IiIFORI'IAT I OII SAI,IPLE TEIiIP: 67'F AiR TEMP: 15'F TIiIE TEST TAKEII: 8:45 SLUlilP: ? ll?IN. AIR COllTEllT:S.4 % UEI UI{IT UEI6HT: JOB SPECIFICATI0 S: SLU P: 4 ll1. AIR C0IITENT:4-8 U ITATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLII{DER ] NFORMATION N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIt'lE CYLIT{OERS CAST: 8:55 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRil,rG I t'lFoRl,rAT l0l{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: ?-12-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer BY: C.A.MIr{/r,lAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) 0lAtl[TER ( rNcHes) AREA (sQ IN) COMP . STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYtII{DER t.IE I GHT (LBS) CYLII{OER UNII UEIGHT ( PCF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 2-18-94 2-18-94 2-18-94 3- 11-94 3- l1-94 3-11-94 3- 1r -94 ll2,000 115,000 125,000 147,500 152, s00 153 ,000 161 .000 5.98 (oo 5.98 5.98 D.U5 6.08 6.05 28.09 28. 18 28.09 28.09 29.03 29.03 z8.t5 3990 4080 4450 5250 52 50 527 0 5500 con/shear shear con,/shear conlshear con/shear consnear con/spl i i DESICI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOTIIIEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE lt,ITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UI{LE5S OTHERI.IISE NOTED SOIIE JIIFORI.1ATI()N OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REHARKS:lfl Daraset COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern l,iobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTlI{6 EIIGIIIEERS AND sCI EI{T ] STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a n|rtual protectlon to cll.nts, th! Fubllc and ouriclva3r all r.ports .rc sul*nltt.d rs th. eonlldlentl.l propcrt,y of clfents! and authoFlzatlon foF publlcatlon of 3tatefianta. Conclurlars or.xtrlcts fto|n or regrrdlag our reportt l3 tatarvad pcndlng our wrltt.h.pprov.l. Samplc3 llrlll bc dlspo3ad of rft.r trstlng l3 compl€t.d unlc3! other rFrrngi.|$€nt! .graaal to {n wrlt'lng. A merb.r ;f th. !.1!! group of cornprnlcs Form No. Cr.lEll3A 6/91 T0: llECll Enterprlses J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 3-2-9ilAttn: Eustaqulo Cortlna P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Suilding, east of l,lesthaven Drive and lJestl n Hotel , South Frontage Road i,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEl.lEllT LOCATI0N: Slab over nechanical roon, and bicycle locker room slab. EATCH TICKET I llF0Rl.|AT l0ll SUPPLIER: llestern l,lobl I e TRUCK lto. 161 TICKET fio. 01 1303 HIX DESIGil t{0. 44 III|E BATCHE0: 1l:24 TlllE ARRIVED: 1l:50 TlllE PTACED: l2:t0 CU.YD.[0AD|AC9[M: 7/35 FIEIO TESTIIIG I l{FORltAT I0l{ SAilPLE TEHP: AIR TEIIP: 40"F TII'{E TIST TAKEI{: lZ:10 SLUHP: 4 l/2 ltl. AIR C0IiTENI:S.9 S vET Ul{lT UEI6HT: 138.1 JOB SPECIFICAT I0lis: SLUIIP: 4 lll. AIR COI{IEI{T: 4-81 UATER ADOED AT SITE I 6At. CYL ]I{D[R II{FORMATIOII t{0. 0F CYLIilDERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLI DERS CAST: l?:20 UHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRllrc Il{FoRilATl0li I1{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 3-3-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: trailer except field cure BY: C.A.Mt ir/[Ax A6E DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8S) DIAI.{ETER ( rr{cHEs) AREA (sq Iil) COMP. STR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I f{DER YE IGHT (L8s) CYL II{DER UI{IT IJEI6HT (PcF ) 7 7FC 28 28 ?8H 28H 3-9-94 3-9-94 3 -9 -94 3-30-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 87,000 07,000 90.000 6.00 6.00 5 .98 ?8.?7 28.?l 28.09 3090 3080 3200 shear shear snear DES16II STREI{CTH 4OO()PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE I ACCORDAIICE I.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I METHODS UIILESS OTHERTISE I{OTED SOI.IE IIIFORHAT]ON OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS RE ARKS: Pumoer moved li:10 - 1l:45. lI accelerater added to this mix, CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; Vestern l,lobi'le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays F]ELD OESTRVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGII{EERS AND SC I E}ITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutu.l protcctlon to cllent3, the publlc end ours€lves, rll reports ar€ submitt€d as th. confldl€ntlal prop€rty of cllants, and authollz.tJon for publlc!tlon of statdn€nts. Conclu3lons or extr.cts fron or reg.rding oar r.port3 ls resGrv.d pending osr writt€n apprDvrt. Slrnplar t{t]l be dlsposad of.ft.r testing l3 compl€ted unless othE. rrrang€mcnts rgr'.€d to Jn vf lt{ng.A mdrb.r at th€ E!! group of comp.ni.3 Form No. CME113A 6/91 T0: MECttl Enterprises JoB N0. 4 L7g 9g-3 oATE: g-3-94 Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F IVai1, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: L'iftside Building, east of lfesthaven Drive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IENT LOCATIOTI :Floor slabs for Unit B-41 BATCH TICKET INF0Rl,lATI0tl SUPPLIER: trlestern f'lobi I e TRUCK N0. 161 TICKET lto. 01 1314 l.tIX D[s]Gt{ t{0. 44 TIME EATCHED: 9:25 TII1E ARRIVEo: 9:40 TIME PLACED: 9:46 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU!|I: 7128128 FIELD TESTII{6 ItlFoRtlATIol{ SAIIPLE TEl,lP: 7t"F AIR TEI"P: 45"F TIME TEST TAKEI{: 9:54 SLUIIP: 5,0 IN. AIR C0NTEI{T: 5.5% }JET UI{IT LTEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR C0NTEI{T: 3 % UATER ADDED AT SITE GAt. CYLINDER INFORMATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 10:04 I{HERE CAST: On-Site CUR]Nq I NFORI'IAT IOI{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 3-4-94 FI ELD STORAGE FAC]LITIES: 8Y: C. A. trai ler except field cure !il N/MAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAMETER ( rr{cHEs ) AR EA (SQ IN) cor,rP . sTR. (PsI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER IIE I6HT (LBS) CYL Ii{DER UIlIT TIEIGHT ( PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 3- 10-94 3-10-94 3- 10-94 3-31-94 3-31-94 3-31-94 3-31-94 100,000 92,500 105.000 6.00 6. 00 6.00 28 .27 2A.27 28 .27 3540 327 0 3 710 shear shear shear DESIGN STREI,IOTH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CI !I]TH APPLICABLE AST}.| METHODS UNLESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOME INFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REHARKS:1Z accel erater C0PIES; R.A. l{e'lson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail l lJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gvratlmey Pratt Schultzi Carolyn Adans Bobby J, Hays FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI IIG ENGII,IEERS AND SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l'{ECf,l tnterprises JoB tio" 4 lZB 93-3 DATE: J-4-94Attn: Eustaquio Conti na P.o. Box Jl49 SHEET I oF IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of l,lesthaven Orive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Co1o. PLACE},IET{T LOCAT IOII i Floor slab for unit B-5I BATCH TiCKET I1{ FoRlilAT I0l{ TRUCK NO. 183 TIiIE BATCHED: 9:04 TICKET N0. 01-1325 TIIIE ARRIVED: 9;25 SUPPLIER: kestern l'lobi'le lllx DESIGN fio. 44 TIME PLACED: 9:3i CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUIi|:7 /t4l?8 FIELD TESTII{G I]{FOIHATIOII SAMPLE TEIiIP: 72'F AIR TEI{P: 35'F TII{E TEST TAKET{: 9:38 SLUHP: 4.0 IN. AIR C01{TENT:4.1 % UET UIIIT IJEIGHT: JOB SPEC IF1CATI0|iS: SLUl,lP: 4 ltl. AIR CONTEIIT: 3 % WATER ADDED AT SITE I cAL. CYLII{DER iIIFORMATION N0. 0F CYI INDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:48 UHERE CAST: 0n-Si te CURII{c I l{FoRl,lAT I0N itIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 3-l-94 FlELD STORAGE FACILIT]E5:BY: C. A. MI N/l'lAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (tBS) D I AI,IETER ( I NCHES) AREA (sQ il{) COMP. STR, (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER UE IGHT (LBs) CYL II{OER UII IT IJEIGHT (PcF) 1 7 7FC ?8. z8 28H 28H 3 - 11-94 3- l1-94 3- 1l -94 4-1-94 4- 1-94 4-l-94 4-1-94 105,500 111,000 118.500 6.09 6.08 5.99 29.93 29.03 28. !8 3630 3820 42r0 shear shear con/shear DES IGI{ STREI{GT}I 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI1NEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE li,ITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UI.ILESS OTHER!'ISE I{OTED SOME II'IFORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REHARKS: 5% accererater. Four gallon additional uater added after sample was taken. COPIES: R.A, lielson & Associates, lnc.; Iown of Vail; l,lestern obile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz;Canolyn Adams Bobby J. hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 a mutull protectfon to cll6nts, the publlc .nd our.sclv€s, all r.ports rl^e submitt.d rs the confidientlrl prop€rty of cll€nts, and authorize?ion foi publlcatioh of statenants. Conclugions or extracts fron or r€g.rding our. rcForts l3 rcrcrv.dpending our written rppiovrl. Sanple3 will be dirpoe.d of ltter testing ls cotnp'leted unl€sa other aFrhgsn€nta rgreod toln wrltlno. A member ;f th. !I! group of comp.nle3 Fonfl No. CME113A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI I'IG ENGI?IEERS AND SCiENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutual prot€ctlon to clicnt3, the public .nd our3€lves, .ll reports aie submittcd as the confidi.ntlal ptopcrty of clltnt3, rnd drthorlzltion for publlcrtion of 3tat€m6nt5. ConelurJons or, artracts from or Feglrdlng our" rsports l3 Falcrv€dp.ndlng oqr wrlttcn approvr]. Srnples |llll be dl3posed ot aft.r. testing it co|||plet€d unl€ss oth.r ar..ngenEnt6 rdra€d toln writing. A menber of. the !f! group iot compuJes Form t{o. e E113A 5/91 T0: llECl,l Enterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 AATE: 3-7-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven 0rlve and |testin Hotel , Sorrth F rontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACE},IENT LOCAT IOI{ :Floor slab for Unit C-51 EATCH TICKET INF0RI|ATI0I{ SUPPIiER: llestern l'lobi le TRUCK O. 114 TICKET IIO. Oi 1338 MIX DESIGI{ NO. 44 TIME BATCHED: 8:57 TIl'lE ARRIVED: 9:20 TIIIE PLACED: 9:28 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU\|:. 7l2ll28+ FIELD TESTING INF0RMATI0I{ SA},IPLE TEMP: 64"F AIR TEIIP: 357 III'IE TEST TAKEII: 9:35 SLullP: 5 3/4 lll. AIR COl{TEllT: 6.1% llET Ul{lT UEIGHT: 138.5 JOB SPECI F ICATI0}IS: SLUMP: 4 I1{. AIR COi{TEI{T: 3 % !,ATER ADDED AT SITE 10 6At. CYLlNDER I NFORMATION 1{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLIN0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIUE CYLINDERS CAST: 9:45 IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURIN6 ] I{FORMATION Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Slte OATE RECEIVE0 AT LAB: 3-9-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: hated trailer exceDt field cureBY: 8.8.r'tIN/MAX AI,:IE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) OIAMETER ( Ir{cHES) AREA (sQ Ir{) coHP. sTR . (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI NDER l,E IGHT ( LBS) CYLINDER t,}II I 1JEIGHI ( PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28H 28H 3-14-94 3-14-94 3-14-94 4-4-94 4-4-94 4-4-94 4-4-94 77 ,000 77 ,000 82.000 s.98 5.98 5.98 28.09 28.09 28.09 27 40 27 40 2920 snear snear shear DESIGI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PER5ONNEL ARE III ACCORDANCE UiTH APPL]CABLE ASTM I'|ETHOOS UNLESS OTHER!'ISE I{OTED SOiIE I}IFORIIATIOI{ OF TE5T REPORT IIAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Western llobile; J V A, Inc.; GvJathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROYEO 8Y \ flFR-15-1994 11'E Ftl0lil ffiTtrttl lESIGill CORP,TO 13834',76161? P.A1 & 3[r I P+ f' * n fi4 tf. d) n Fa Fi I4l[a' Chen€Northem. o lnc 'DQ/ n. rer/loore Consurr .q Eng feers and Screnlists 5080 Road 154 Grenu/ood Spr ngs. Cororado 81601 303 945,/458 303 945.2363 Facs'mlLe March ?2.1994 Gwathmey Pratt Scbultz Attn: Mr. Danny Swertfeger 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657-5047 Subject: Fireproofing thickness, Liftside Condos, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 4 178 93-3 Dear Mr. Swertfeger: The testing methods we are using to determine the fireproofing thicknesses are per ASTM E 605-93 ind the 1993 edition of the Underwriters l-aboratory Fire Directory. This new edition of ASTM E 605 and 1993 edition of the UL Fire Directory addresses your concerns of minimum thickness and the system used to calculate the average thickness. These procedures are as follows: To determine minimum thickness, we use the U.L. Directory as found on Page 16, fourth and fifth paragraphs. "tndividual measured thickness, which exceeds the thickness specified in a design by 1/4-inch or more shall be recorded as the thickness specified in the design plus l/4-inch. For design thicknesses 1 inch or greater, rhe minimum illowable individuil thickness shall be the design thickness minus l/4-inch. For design thicknesses less than 1 inch, the minimum allowable individual thickness shall be the design thickness minus 25 percent. The thickness of the cementitious mi,'<ture or sprayed fiber shall be corrected by applying additional marerial at any location where: (1) the calculated average thickness of the material is less than that required by the design or (2) an individual measured thickness reading is more than 1/4inch less or more than 25 percent less. (for design thicknesses of greatei than 1 inch and less than 1 inch respectively) than the specified thickness required by the design". ASTM E 605-93, "For the purpose of averaging measurements, any measurement 6 mm (1/4-inch) or more, over the required design thickness, shall be recorded as the design thickness plus 6 mm (l/a-inch). No individual measured thickness shall be more than 6 mm less, or more than 25 percent less, than the required design thickness." There are t\po areas below the minimum jobsite specifications. These areas are: Unit C-31' column southwest of the master bedroom and Unit C-11, column between the living room and bedroom #1. Gwathmey Pratt Schultz March 22,1994 Page 2 Our technician will return to the jobsite on March 24, 1994 to inspect these areas. If this does not answer your questions or creates new questions, please do not hesitate to call our office. Sincerely, CHEN-NORTHERN. Inc. Brian Scanlan, S.E.T. BS/bjs cc: MECM Enterprises, Attn: Eustaquio Cortina R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc., Attn: Mr. Rick Agate J.V.A., Inc. Town of Vail. Attn: Mr. Dan Stanekv o o 0, l! E ! o ; d do o 0 c o q al oE {,L I o !q, L o,q, {t co il,EI o oc'r! ID oz ov <! *: @T r'' @ :c (o @ @ ".:a o 1 ? I o "l q .l €",| = F o oo !{ll c3 >,E qt 30 l- EC -o o c L., l|, EN IDLod o $ t-o o oc Lq, ll, (D € 3 d, o o IDo (l, E Ld, o] o oo oI v ru @ e (u @ .tt cn {., c o(l, B (u cE OE.,0 .i_ +J -Ctco, ,J (ndt <r <f (rt Orll&oroolFr(\l lrJlrl trlF-<|/lo (v) Oll .oqr- l\ e,<to.L. t,Iae =@J Cl FiD<a ?daa.lr.ld ,:- =9 ;= EgEr2e t:! l,r- =o6g CLlr, E (\I FI t(J !t.6E9|rt .lJ F4t-octtl(r+oV, r<OO rt .nu, 'F qr | {.1.F :'cf @ .? ! ItFr rf, Co.|!F)ro =L+to vr xao+r50ClrlCOOlrl L' lJ OEE COr-(-t +t ..-frl +' . Gt a5 - <tL:> 2l_c!..JoF=o CHEN-NORTHERN, tNC. COIISULTI I{G EI{6IIIEERS AIID SCIEl{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH I0: llE0t't Attn: P .0. Vail, PROJECT: Enterpri sesllr. Eustaqui o Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3I49 li ftsi de Euilding, Vall, Colorado JOB t{0. 4 I78 93-3 DATE: 2-9-94 OAILY REPORT I{0. 43 SHEET 2 OF I,IATER IAL SPECIFTCAT IOI{5 IIAIIUFACTURER Grace l,lonokote C0I{TRACT0R Rolltng Plain BOI{D STRENGTH (PSF)DENSITY (PCF) 21.4 PROJTCT COI{DI T IONS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIotts not observed AI.I8 I EIIT TEI'{PERATURE SAHPLE IIUHEER TEST AREA VET I{E IGHT (L8s) DRY UE IGHT (LBs) ll0l STt,RE (s) DEI{S ITY ( PCF) i 4 5 Unit C-ll, col unn between living room & bedroom Unit C-ll, decking, approx. centerline of living room Unit C-11, beam, centerline of bean over dinino area Unit C-l1, decking, bedroom #3, approx. centerline of west hal f Unit C-11, col r.nnn at northviest corner of nas. bedrm 3.44 1.78 2r .4 iAI.IPLE IUI.IBER ll I t{ IllUtl THICKIIESS (1il) t'tAJ( I l,tull THICKT{ESS ( ll{} AVERAGE THl CKIIESS (Itt) OES I GII THICKI{ES5 ($r) BOI{D STREilGTII (PSF) REI.IARKS I z 5 4 1.0 .43 .87 .31 t .75 .68 r.l7 .6? L.87 1.39 1.?2 .44 L.?7 1.37 .38 1.0 .Jd 1.31 PR0GRESS REPORT: * lJe advised contractor that coverage in several areas, especially ares of test 1{o. 5, was less than required by job site specs. Contractor agreed to apply another coat to these areas. C0PIES: R. A. t{elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick AcateJ.V.A., Inc. Gwattmey Pratt schul tz I own ot var I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Caneron FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY As I nutu.l Prot.ctlon to cllantsr thr publlc rhd ouriolvc!. .ll r.port3 ar. iubmitt€d .3 thc confldcntlal propfty otclicnts, rlrd luthorlzrtlon for publlcctlon of 3trtaBants. Concl(3lon9 or srtFacts trom or ragardlng our r.port3 l1 rorat"vcdp6ndlng our wrltt.n aplroval. A m€mbcr ol thc !!! Eroup of companl.s CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cot{sulTIl{G Elr6tflEERs Alt0 scl El{TI sTs REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: HECII €nterprises JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-9-94Attn: llr. Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. 8ox 3t49 DAILy REPORT H0. 43 SHEET B 0F 3 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildinq, Vail, Colonado },IATER IAL SPECIFICATIOTIS llAlllJFACTuRtR: Grace llonokote C0I{TRACT0R Rol l ing Plain 80il0 sTREIGTH (PSF)DEr{srrY ( PcF) PROJECT CO}ID I T IOIIS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOIIS A}IBIEI{T TEI,TPERATURE SAI'IPLE NUI'IBER TEST AREA IJE T UE IGHT (LBS ) DRY I{E I GHT (L8s) I.TOISTURE DEI{S ITY ( PCF) 6 7 I Unit C-12, beam over bath for bedrodn f3 Unit C-12, decking. approx. centerline of Iiving roon Unit C-12, interior colunns between living rocm and bedrocin #l ;A}IPL E IIJI'IBER itlt{IHutl THICKIIESS (1ll) r.rAx I ituil THICK}IES5 ( Iil) AVERA6E THICK ESS ( Iil) DES IGI{ ]HICKI{ESS (lN) B0lt0 sTREI{GTH (PSF) REI'IARKS b 8 -61 1 l2 I 25 o4 l2a 1.29 I .61 t 0 37 ttI PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R, A. llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate I J. V. A. , Inc. Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz I C"rolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail I FIELD 0BSERVER APPR0VED BY A5 r mutur'l Frot€ctloh to cl1.nt3, the publle rnd orrselvcs,.lt r€port3 lrc auhnltted a3 thc confldentlrl proPcr'ty of cliGnts, .nd authorlzrtlon for publlcitlon of rtrt€n nti, Concluslo|rs or Gxtract3 fiom or r.grrdlrg our rePorts l3 rrs.Fv.d p€ndl ng our |.,rltten .pprov!1. A nemb€r of th. !!! group of corDp.nl€s x16 :(l 9c 9r- Od!e t< a,{, o o or ,or.o'ogo Idq co o-l| E EIE -c' .FtFO C -to- (F -c d O|!d,E 0, .cl Lrl o{) !,t= o ID o =c)Ov 9 ; 6 @ @ @ a z qro vtE E!o o ]@ qriAE EE !)!-ad' .vl i-l= I EI E E o od4l:l q- .cOP Lo ra- €o orl - c-c EB 0 .FO Pa g. ot .oo3- EE= r- o-o - =fCttlGl<fGl lr-to(\l lrJtrl lrlF-< (r,o ut(Yt I{rror.ooozt\ e<foa. lriOE-6JCt l-ltl ,<o e,o CLlrt& 4e;F i= EH Ee ?* EE6galrJ = a(tc +tLoo!c) <fooo (a (,n .F Ol I.r l! ct CDL g._r rr)e a! ar, to!+to ur X@+r:tocr!aoolrl L, lrl =dcoE SO- <:!c) +,lrl .l, . (t (5 !- <rL> - oHal.cl..Jol-=alt CHEN.NOHTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIN6 EII6I IIEERS AND SCIEl{TISTS REPOHT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STREHGTH T0: l{E0tl Enterrri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-24-94Attn: l1r. Eustaqui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149 DAILY REP0RT tlo. 51 SHEET 2 0F 2Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, Vai1, Colorado IIATERIAL SPECIFICATI0I{S C0I{TRACToR Rol l i ng Pl ai n I,IA UFACTIJRER 6race ilonokote ilK 6 80ND STRET{GTH (PSF) DENSITY (PCF) 15+ PRoJECT CottolT Iot{S SUBSTRATEPREPARATIOTIS notobserved AI.{BI ENT TEIIPTRATURE SAI,IPLE ?I UI,IBER TEST AREA YET VT IGHT (LBs) DRY IIE IGHT (LBs) I,IOI STURE (s) DEI{S tTY (PCF ) I 3 Unit B-22, beam between naster and midd)e bedroon, 8'north of south wall, Unit 8-22, decking in bath north of bedroon #3, 16' south of north rall. Unit B-e?, colunn between living roorn and bedroon #2. 6' north of south wall. AMPTE UI.IEER Wl t'tul,l THICKI{ESS (li{) l.tMIilu'l THICKT{ISS (ril) AVERAGE THICKNESS ( Iil) DESIGII TH I CKI{ ESS (lr{) BO}ID STRENGTH (PSF) REI.IARKS I 2 3 .88 3l 1.13 1.63 -oY t.fo t.14 .14 l.4l 1.0 .38 1.5t1 PROGRESS REPORT: CoPIES: R. A. l{elson E Asso. - Attn; Rick Agate J. V. A. , Inc. Gwattrney Pratt Schul tz Tolrn of Vai l Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APESOYE! !I Ai a nut{rrl protectlon to cliants, tba publlc rrd oursely€s, 61} r.ports rre submittGd a3 the confld€ntlal proF'rty ot clients, and authorlzat,lon for publlcrtlon of 3tltan€nts. Conclualons or sxtracts frod or regrrdlng our r€ports l3 raicrv'd Fendl rg our r,..lttcn .Fprovrl, A nat||bar of th. lfI group ot companlcs CHEN-NORTHERN, rNC. cof{s[rLT I ltc EltGl]tEERs ArD SCtElrTtsls REPORT OF STRUCTUFJ{L STEEL TOr EC EnterprisesAttn: Eustaquio Cortins P.0. Box 3149Vsit. Co 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding East of Uesthaven Drive arid lrestin JoB x0. 4 178 93-3 OAIE: Z-28-94 DAITT REPORT XO. 52 SITEET 1 OF 'Hotet. South Frontage Road test, Voil. Cotorado fhe shear gtuols r€re acousticatty tested on the fiftfi ftoor tevet, 80, 3t,, betse€n grid tines 15-21 and AA-R, Att of the studs xere hit eith a hanrner ard three rere bent 15 degrees Hithout failure. Atl of the sttds afe considered acceptabte, The Helds rere visue y observed and the bolts rere checked for a srqg tight cordition on the Lift framing. 90' 6n195, 9rt, betHeen grid tines Z-Zl ard L-?. tox roof level, 101, 0,., betreen grid tines 15-?? and Q-2, Eixth floor level, 101, 0r, betHeen grid tines 2-15 and AA-t and the 7th ftoor tevet, 111' 6n. betreen grid Lines 2-13 ard L-9, Alt ot the bolts ard Hetds rere found acceptabte except at the loft level. One retd ras nrissing m the erbed ptate connectlon at U.2-17 and botts rere found loose or nissing at the beam to beam connect i ons at A-13, Z-t8 and Z-19, These coffrect i ons llere marked rith Hhite paint. PROGRESS REPoRI Jeff rith R, A, |letson ard Bob Hith the erection crer rere informed of ny observstions. COPIES: R.A. etson & Associates, lnc.. Attn: llr. Rick Agate; J V A, Inc.i Guathmey Pratt schultz; I ToHn of Vail, Attn: l,lr. Dan Stanek; I O"rr"tt tt*s I frELD oBSERVER Fred R. Ca|lerofi APPROVED BY As . mutu.l protoctlon to cl{6ntt. the publlc and ourr.lva3, .ll reDorts.r". iulnlltt.d.3 thc confld.ntl.l prop.rty of our cllcnts, {nd authorlzatlon tot" publlcatlor of atatement. ConcluElons or Gttract3 fron or ragardlng out reports is t aaarv€d pandlftg our'r,r{ttah aPpl'oval. Sl|nplar nil! b€ dlspo3€d of rftcr tciting ls compl.trd unl€ss othar arr.ng€ornts .r'! .gr.€d to ln writlng. A r|e|nbor of the II! group ot cofiplnlss toir rb. trroa 6,tst 03/01/94 13:28 *t"rl-t"'#.:::t CEEN-NORTEERN ,f 3n!EIt85s5 fl0t mnr$oftE nHF0nr rageJ"f,_J_ @oor frmS rnspeeuon. inc. clgr ttq.,,-*h,.14,'.n lr.c .rrh4e V^;l - L:{+|L fr*;*t F.G rb. l3q7tffi- 'tt-{ltb_llaazi-__ Ftrrt t}r, Oo7-!rl+|E- +,ednlr-h ,4US Dt. l_pz|sn.ffi rbld ttrrdd etg % W, titr*tfir*r.n 5,od Bcu.tqr.:4s.k.-:-@ I@iatfiEtltE q rqpm@i *l l*(ffi --'- ,a.Zr- w*2,-e{ o o ;d 6 o .L ; o 8,2+. ,qe<Pi 'E=(t9(J o -q ii lddEo2d oF! o a o q .: o?@ @ @ @I o o c.,l 6l €4 -i -i 9 @ "l @ =o F o E- ol!L} qr -c .Fc co d, .E3P.rr f(Uo E. rt E(oI o {.1 -.-l'octo ={-o o o oTE -oEL lo o ilo "ilalopl o'Et? >t _.o olcq-'.o o-c_lf t-o o-t-N-Cl a 3^ od.P:. = t"t dto <r,l col o {Jl€ - =t= = =-c o(uvt' (oo Eo6 (I,.a *l =-ls .-t Lsle oro crrot-ooEC o,- E. 3eo.vt ct.41 LI tTtoot (u l.cr .FlE -ctc (' =l ro = -EO 34,o o OP .t q, 'rJ=L06 <'E o-oEILctt -ya C,r-60t ^tlE-t - =t= = ql orIao IEF'O Flrlfrl LrlF:E<,.Acr ({(rt |Jt (YtoD.o@- d<fo CL.|.lod- COJCtHD<o e,o CLl*l&i= = l-. i'= EB E39 <.s+= Fb6P CLlrld G'c +tLOqrC, tf atloo C') Yl .F('r I.F 5r+6L E F.r l()o- ct frt tat o r, x6+J50EtrlCOOlrJ (J l!&- co-Lt +,lrJ +t . tr' (5 -<a> = ..3coo!F=^Ct ao o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIHG E1{6I IIEERS AI{D SCIENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: l,lE0ll Entenprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93 3 DATE: 3-t-94Attn: llr. Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 DAILY REPORT N0. 5ZA SHIEI Z 0F 3Vai1, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT : Ll ftsi de 8ui I di ng, Vai 1 , Col orado I.IAT€RIAL SPECI FICAT IOI.|S I|AI{UFACTURER Grace l.lonokote C0iITRACTOR Rol1i ng PIain BOND STRENGTH (PSF)DEXSITY (PCF) PROJECT COIIDITIO]IS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIONS not observed At.ISI EXT TEI'IPERATURE SAI.IPLE IIUI.IBER TEST AREA I.'E T TIE IGHT (LBS) ORY YE IGHT (LBs) I'IO I STURE (%) DEI{SITY (PcF) I L J 4 Unit B-31, bean betyeen living roon & bedroom #3,l0' south of north wall tnit B-31, colum, northeast corner ba lcony of bedroom #3 Unit B-31, decking, 3' west of east wa'll & 12' north of south wall Unit 8-32, bean, bedroom #2, 6' south of north wall & 14' east of west wall z.?7 L.J'72 11.3 iA},IPLE lutilEER 11il{I},rul.l THI CKII€s S (ril) I,IAX I iIUM lHICKI|IESS (ril) AVERAGE TflICKI{fSS (IN) DES I GII lHICKI{ESS (Il{) 80 D STREIiGTH (PsF) REI{ARKS 1 2 ? 4 .94 1.25 .56 .88 1.38 1.81 .61 L44 I II 5l t4 t 1.0 1.38 .38 1.0 PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. llel son & Asso. - Attn: Riek Agate J.V.A., Inc. Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cancron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As . mutual protectlon to cllents, thc publlc .nd orrEclvesr rll reporta are subnltt€d ar thc confldantl.l pioP.rty of cllantr, .nd .dttrorl:rtlor for publJcrtror of ttrte,rerrtt. Corrclu3loDs or.xtract3 lrom or rcgrrdlng ou. raporlB l3 r.r.rvrd pandlng our xrltten .ppr ov.l. A h.mb.r ot tht !!! grooF ot complnl.s CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{sULTI IIG ENGII{EERS AIID SCIEl{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: llECl,l Enterprises J08 N0. 4 178 93 3 DATE: 3-l-94Attn: i,lr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 DAILY REPORT ll0. 52A SHEET 3 0F 3Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, Vail, Col orado I'IATER IAL SP€C IFICAT IOI{S I.IAIIUFACTURER Grace llonokote C0HTRACTOR RollingPlain BOI{O STREflGTH (PSF )DEfiSITY (PCF ) PROJECT COITD I TIOIIS SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOI{S AI'IEIEIIT TEI.IPERATURE sAt'{PtE lrut'(8ER TEST AREA UET UE IGHT (LBS ) DRY I'E I6HT (L8s) MOi STURI (x) DE'{SITY (PcF) 5 Unit B-32, col urn between living roorn & bedroom #3, 2?' north of south wall Unit 8-32, decking, naster bedroom, 4' north of south wall and 4' vrest of south wall iAI.'IPL E IUI.,IBER HIXI[Ul.l THICKNESS ( It{) HAX Il,lul'l THICKIIESS (IN) AVERA6E THICKI{ESS til{) 0EsI${ THICKNESS (1il) BOND STRENGTH (PSF) REI.IARKS J 6 I .25 .38 I .88 .69 I .53 .56 I .38 .38 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. l{e'lson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aqate J.V.A., Inc. ovrath€y Pratt Schul tz ToHn of Vai l Carolyn Adams Fred fl. Caneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y As. trtutu.l protection to cllcnt., th. publ{c rnd oursclvei. rIl rapoitt rra.ubmltt€d rr th. confld.ntlal Froparty of cllahtr, and.uthorlzatlon lor publlcrtlon of strt. rrt3. Concluslo|rs or.xtrlct3 tro or ragardlnE our r.ports l3 r.iGrvcd F.nding our nrltten .ppr"ovll. A |c.mb€r of thc EI! grolp of conplnlcs CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coflst Lrtltc EltGmEERs A[0 sclEilTlsls REPORT OF STRUCTT,'RAL STEEL I0: ifEcll Enterprises JoB ll0. 4 l7a 93-3 DATE: 3-8-94Attn: Eustacpio Cortina P.O. Box 3149vail., co 81658-3149 DATLY REPofiT [0. 55 SHEET I OF I PROJECI: Liftsi& luilding Esst of gesthaven Drive ard Uestin llotet, South Frontage Rood llest, Vai[, Cotorado. The shear strds yere acoustical ly tested on the 6th ftoor tevet, 90' 6t195' 9n. betreen grid lires ?-Zl and L-Z ard on the tor roof level, 101, 0x, betreen grid tines e-13 ard L-Y. six studs rere bent 15" and alt the studs Hhen hit Hith a harrner, flere determined to be acceptable. The side taps ||ere not brrtton Fnched on the lou roof teve[, l0l, 0.r deck. The A323 bolts ard fillet Hetds rere visually observed on the 5th tevel, 80' 0rr/85' 3n and 6th level, 90, 6ttl95, gtt, betHeen grid tines 15-19 and L-S. The bolts and retds ]rere fourd to be acceptgble except the beam to €fibed ptate cffnection on grid tine 15.1 at 0 ard P. The eoSeds rere set lon ard only the bottom hstf of the shear tab coutd be rclded to the e|lH Ptate. The botts that eere nissing on tine 10.5 betxeen o ard q (see report dsted 2-15-94) ard on tine Z at 13. 18 ard 19 (see report dated 2-?8-91> rere instalted erd tightened during nry presence. fhese connect ions are acceptabte. The xetds noted during the above dates have not been corrected. sixteen moment cornections Here tltrasonically tested 6rd are acceptable (See attached Kls report. ) PRoGRESS REPoRT Bob rrith the erection creH xas inforned of rry observat i on. CoPIES: R.A. l{etson & Associates. Inc., Attn: J V A, Inc.; GHathmey Pratt Schuttz,' Torn of Vait, Attn: ilr. Dan stanek; Rick A98te; II Darret I Huss I f IELD SSERVER f{r. Fred R. C Fron APPROV€D BY As a mutu!l Frot€ctlon to cllant3, thc publlc .nd outs.lv.3, .lI rcports lrG sut[ittad a3 th. confld€rtlal Propcl ty ot ori'ctl'nts' tnd author.lzrt.lon for publlcatlon of statg$ant. Conclusions or axtructs from or ragardlng our raFort3.l3 re.sr-rv.d pandlng our wrlttan tpFl^ovll' Sioplcs wtll b. dispos€d of .ft€r t.5tln9 l3 complcted unlai6 other rrrangcncnts ar. rgr€€d to ln wrltlng. A ;!tt|b6r of ttrc !$ group of comp.ni.t r!F5' 'rlmr '/tr o{/t1/94 tI-:b? Fttr:r03J 0210 6!- !O..or r3r l+ il$$ Inspecrion- Inc. o."'* f,|urr. *rl.l*r^, 3 * .re r/*it - A'fJttd.- fibid t*i .--r_ ifl,n Dl, l" ?7. _ F!ffr|rrtfiarrthr sis 8Fcd.,, -|Ha.@ t,-+r.lTfd -., ,., rEilIi'qtrCdreUr*.qisdq.q;;flf!-,tUt CEEN-NORTEERI{ I 35rl::sllg nEt .i,f ': .i. ;: sfrnrrmtlc nBFoIt .tPrgrl of -,,1L ",:il:* sFRrNcs r'ce-g-wrtt'_E3l** Fth-_4__-_ f,Erlflt trilnhrltHi{'lh I $Ir t rrE |r#t:urE 3# U It$l L $r $ft fif, D d .l ${$rg $ t Lfl c.r* ref e''slLi,E ttll €l:la r-rl L*r tl I T LIb --l} i..{ I *.t- fib LRrt t JLn ir f - 9r- r.rl rrof * b r- E *rl r,rJllr, rl 'lt L' srt a'* h'*Pr tt h .-r$ nl F c r'^g ,.*e[ *rUl,r p,t1 of ..r+ LiL* r I r - gf .."+ no$ F It r. ll anrf, L.l{.- "It l*,{ .-r$ .uF I ./ *itc.t ..-rt h5- 'a ts S: |af no.{t q,rlh" lr g' tt'3 *4 ct*ordr,^ Jr ry X 6,f I tfit-*,* i;i*e ger& r'e&r Ja 4|'.fF* -JI Mr ,nrcl.l J'sTftJ l|{rr.r+ a-^tz+t,&dr.4r.. "-J be<r i i ; CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. colsulT mc EltcmEERs AilD sctEllTtsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l{ECll Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-9-94Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658:3149 0AILY REPORT fi0. 54 SHEEI I 0F f PR0JECT: Liftside Building east of llesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colorado. UEATHER COi{OITIOi{S AI{D TE}.IPERATURE COI{TRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTI0II ACTIYIIIES: Placercnt of concrete for floor slab. PERSOI{IiEL: I{AJOR EQUIPI'|EI|T: Purp truck - Calco ACTIVITIES: Concrete was placed for f|oor slab of the loft of level B-51, 52. Plaeerent was made by using a pump truck. CHEI{-I{ORTHERII ' S SITE ACTIVITIES lle were on the jobsite as requested to test the concrete being placed for floor slab B-51, 52 loft. One field cure cy)inder rras cast along with slx cy1 inders for heated initial cure. Seven cylinders were picked up frsn yesterday's pour. VERBAL CO ruNICATIOI{ UITH COHTRACTOR, EI{GINEER, ARCHITECT, OU ER Dave i nfonned me of concrete pours starting at 8:30 A.11. on Thursday and Friday, March 10 and 11, 1994. COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I 'l I Billy Earbour FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY As r rutu.l !.ot€ctlon to cttcntB. the Dublic .nd ourr.lv.!, .lt rcport3.rc aubmlttad as th. confldcntlsl DroF.rty ol our-cllant3' rnd iiti.i:iiii i "i'r-"' ii,l i i.it t.'"' .?-ii"i;;i: t-onliuitiniil-iit"o.ta i"",n "irig.iains our repoits {s rcscrved irnilns our rrltt.n rpprovlr. S.mplos will b! di3po3ad of rftcr t.ttlng l3 c<fipl.tcd unl.sr othrr .rr.ngdn nt3 arc.gr€€d to In it'ltlng. A menb€r of th€ lIll gtoup of cc|{ip.rles CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI}IG EIIGITI€ERS AI{O SCIENTIsTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As . mutu.l protectlon to cll.nt3. thc publlc .nd ouri.lve3, !ll r.portr .r. suhnltt.d 13 th. confldl.ntl.l proprrty ol cllant3, and tqthorlratlon for publlcltlon of 5trtcmcnts. Conclus{on3 oi.rtracts from or rogardlng our r.poFtr l3 ratarvad F.ndlng our wrlttan aFFrov.l. SrmpleB |{lll bG dl3po3cd of after t.stlng l3 conp'l.t.d unleir oth.r .rrlngcm.rt3 .gr..d to ln |{rl t I na. A m.mbcr 6l th. !&! grolp of comp.nl.s Forn o. ct4€r13A 6/91 T0: l'lECf,l Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-15-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lfesthaven Drlve and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Yail , Colo. PLACEIIEIIT L0CATI0t{: foot i ngs BATCH TICKEI IHF0RI'|ATI0II SUPPLIER: llestern llobile TRUCK t{0. 150 TICKET t{0. 011254 ilIX 0ESIGI{ lr0. 39 T lf,tlE EATCHED: l2:?4 TIIIE ARRIVED: - TIME PLACEO: l:00 CU. Y0. LOAD/ACC$|: 5.5ll1lrL FIELD TEST|IIG I l{F0RtilAT l0ll SAI'IPLE TEIIP: 64'F AIR TEI{P: 35'F TItfE TEST TAKET{: 1:21 SLUIIP: 3l/4 I . AIR C0t{TEtlT:5.9 X l,ET U]{lT hlEI6HT: JOB SPEC! F ICAT I0l{S: SLU},|P: Ill. AIR C0lllttlT: X I,ATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLIiIOER I TIFORI{AT ION N0. 0F CYLIiIDERS: 7 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.tE CYLII{DERS CAST: l:31 UHERE CAST: On-Site CTRII{G I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ Il{tTIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 2-17-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer except field 6ure BY:11.J.HI rl/r'rAx AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) D I AI.IETER ( IricHEs ) AREA (sQ rr,r) col.tP.sTR. (Psl) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{OER t/E i6HT (LBs) CYL II{OER UilIT UEICHT (PcF) 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 2-22-94 z-2?-94 2-22-94 3- t5-94 3 - 15-94 3- l5-94 3- 15-94 t12 ,500 112,500 112,000 147 ,000 148,000 155,500 146,S00 6.08 5.99 5.98 5.99 6.08 5.99 5.98 ?9.03 28. 18 28.09 28. 18 29.03 28. l8 28.09 3870 3990 3990 s2?0 5100 5520 5?00 shear shear shear coni cal con/shear con/shear shear DTS IGt{ STREIIGTH 4000 PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOXI{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I.IETHOD5 UIILESS OTHERT'ISE I{OTEO SOI4E I IIFORI.IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROV]DED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS:lX 0araset accel erator COPIES: R.A. llelson & Assoclates, Inc Town of Vaii; llestern llobiIe; J V A, Inc,; Gwattnrey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTI[6 f I{6I I{EERS AI{D SCIET{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ai r fttturl pFotrctlon to cll.nt.'t th. publlc lnd our3.lvc3, ill r.portr ar. lubnltted a3 tha conf{dlentl.l ProP.rty of cll.nt5'r lnd author.lzatlon for prbllcatlon of statanent!. Cohcluaioni or €ttr.cts fror| or ragardlnE our raportt l, iaaarvad pcndlng our wl"itt.r .pprov.l. SrmplG3 rlll b. dlsFor.d of.ftcr tcstlhg i3 complcted un1.c5 othcr.rranEc.nt! rgr..o to ln xrltlng.i merntir ir th. !l! gpoup of conprnl.s For'r No. c Ell3A 5/91 T0: ttEcfi Enterpri ses JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-16-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vai1, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Eullding, east of Uesthaven 0rive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEiIEIIT LOCATIOI{ :l{al I on L Line EATCH TICKET |tlF0RllATIOt{ SUPPLIER: l{estern l'lob'i I e TRUCK r{0. 161 TICKET fio. 0l 1257 r,rrx DESIGI{ X0. 39 TIIfE BATCHED: 11:10 TltlE ARRIVED: 1l:30 TIil€ PLACED: l?:05 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCL|f{: 7/14/?L FiELO TESI1116 ITIFORMATIOII TII'IE T€ST TAKEti : 12 : 1l JOB SPECIFICATIOII5: SLIJI,IP S LUI.IP AIR AIR 3ll4 It{. Ifl. SAIiPLE TE},IP: C0t{TEllT:6.1% C0llTEllT : X 65"F AIR TEli9: 35'F IJET UI{ IT UE IGHT: VATER ADDED AT SITE 6AL. CYLII{DER I I{FORI.{AT I OII lfo. 0F GYLIiIDERS; 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12* TIl,lE CYLII{DERS cAsT: L?:21 iIHERE CAST: on-Site CURII{G I II FORI,IAT I O}I INITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELo SToRAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer excegt DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-17-94 8Y: l,l.J. tltt{/llAx field cure cyl . At'E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) OlAI'I€TER ( Ir{cHES ) AR EA (sQ il{) coHP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIiDER UE IGHT (LBS ) CYLIIIDER UlIIT VEIGHT (PCF ) 7* ?0 28 28H 28H 2-23-94 2-?3-94 2-23-94 3-16-94 3- l6-94 3- l6-94 3-16-94 107, s00 117,500 120,500 127,500 130,000 140,500 132,000 5.99 5.98 5.99 5.98 6.00 6. 08 6.08 28. l8 28.09 28.18 28.09 ?8 .27 29.03 29.03 4540 4600 4840 4550 3810 't 180 4280 shear shear snear shea r shear snear confshear OEsI6N STREI{GTH 4()OO PSI g 28 DAYS T'5TS BY LAEORATORY PERSOIIT{EL ARE III ACCOROATICE TIITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I,IETHODS UIILESS OIHERYISE I{OTEt) SOI.IE I IIFORI,IAT I Ol{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDEO gY ATHERS REiIARKS: li6 daraset accererater added to mix.* Field cure cyl inder: cylinder cured along Yrith concrete pour for 40 hours. for 48 hours. CoPIES: R.A, Nelson & Associates, Inc Tonn of Vail; Uesterfl llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gvattmey Pratt Schul tz Caroiyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EIIGI I{EERS AIID SCIEI{TIST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. utuat prot.ctlon to cllGnt3, thc p|rbllc ind ours.lv.r, att rlport. arc rut{nltt.d rs th. confldlcntlal ProP.r'ty ot cllents, rnd ruthorl:.tlon for publ{catlon ot 3trt$Ents. Conclu3lonr or €xtract. fro||| ar rcg6rdlng 9!M!:l1t- 1:_I:":lnttlpendlng our wfltt.n .pprovrl. S.mpl€r w{ll ba dlsposad of .fter tcatlng ls ccfipl.tcd unl€5s oth.r rrrangdn ntt .gr..o to ir r|rltlng, A "".li" it th€ gU! grouF of conpenlca Form xo. ci{Elt3A 6/91 T0: l.lECl4 Enterpri ses J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-17-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside guilding, east of !,esthaven 0rive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'|EIIT L0CATI0i{: Floor slab. Unit 841 SATCH TICKET I t{F0Rl,lATI0X SUPPLIER: l,lestern l'lobi I e TRUCK l{0. 189 TICKET 1{0. 011261 f'lIX DESIGI{ ll0. 44 TII'|E BATCHED: 9:1? TIl,lE ARRMD: 9:20 Tlllt PLACED; 10:23 CU. Y0. L0AD,/ACCU||: 7128 FIELD TESTII{G I}tF0RttATI0t{ SA|,|PLE TEt'lP: AIR TEiIP: TIifE TEST TAKEI{: !0:?2 SLUi(P: 4 l/4 ltl. AIR COllTEtlT: 5 I |JET UiIIT IIEIGHT: 14?.3 JOB SPECIFTCAT I0ltS: SLUl,lP: 4 IN. AIR C0l{TtilT: Max 3X UATER AD0E0 AT SITE I 6641. CYL I'{DER IXFORI,IATIOI{ 0. 0F CYLIIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12* TI]IE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 10:30 IIHERE CAST: on-Site CURT]IG IIIFORI'IATIOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 houns DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n'Si te 2-18-94 FIELt) STORAGE FACTLITIES: BY: C. A. Field next to poxer slab 6 in. heated field trailer I't I N /ltAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS) D IAI.IETER ( il{cHES ) AREA (sQ ril) cot'tP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER t/E I6HT (LBs ) CYL I IIOER UII IT YEI6HT (PcF ) FC7 z8 ?8 2SH 28H 2-24-91 2-24-94 2-24-94 3-17-94 3- l7-94 3-17-94 3-17-94 105,000 100,000 98,s00 137 ,500 136,500 r35, 500 131 .500 6.09 6.05 6.06 6.07 o. vo 6.04 6.07 29. 13 28.7 5 28.84 28.94 28.84 28. 65 28.94 3600 3480 34?0 47 50 4730 4730 4540 shear snear shear columnar con/spl i t coni cal con/spl i t OESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE ltI ACCORDA}ICE lIITH APPLICABLE ASTI..I I,IETHOOS UIILESS OTHERUISE ]{OTED SOI'IE I IIFORI,IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PR(IVII}ED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: lX daraset accelerater ln mix C0PIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai l; lrestern ilobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Billy Barbour Bobby J. HaYs FIELO OESERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EN6INEERS AiID SCITI{T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l{ECtl Enterprises JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: ?-18-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Yestin tlotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHEI{T LOCATIOII:lJall, grid line 19, L through Q line. SATCH TICKIT lflFoRlilAlloll SUPPLIER: tJestern tlobile IRUCK t{0. 114 TICKEI ilo. 0t1271 tltx DESIGT{ r,to. 39 TIHE EATCHED: 9;32 TII{E ARRTVED: l0:00 TII'IE PLACE0: l0:25 CU. YD. L0AO/ACCUa4I 7tll?l! FIELD TESTIIIC II{FORI.IATIOII TlilE TEST TAKET{: 10:38 JOB SPECI F ICAT IOI{S: SAiIPLE TEIIP: 70'F AIR TEIIP: 25'F s L u]'tP s Lul,{P 3 t/4 Ilt.AIR c0t{TEilT 5.74 UET Ul{tT IiEIGHT: 136.9 IIATER AOOEO AT SITE IO 6AI..I1{.AIR c0r{T$lT CYLINOER I I{FORI{ATI OI{ l{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SiZE: 6"x l2( TI|IE CYLITIDERS CAST: 10:48 VHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuR I t{6 I t{ F0RtlAT I0 IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVID AT LA8: 2-19-94 FITLD STORAGI FACILITIES: heated trailer exceot fleld cure 8Y : l,l. J.HItUl.tAX DAYS DATE TEsTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) O I AI'IETER ( r ilcHES ) ARTA (sQ Iil) COHP. STR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I{DER lIT IGHT (L8S) CYLII.IDER UI{IT I/EI6HT (PCF) I 7FC 28 28 28 28 2-?5-94 2-?5-94 2-?5-94 3 - 18-94 3- l8-94 3- l8-94 3-18-94 115,000 1t2,000 103,000 137,000 134,000 139,000 132.500 5.99 5. 98 5.99 6.09 5.99 6. 08 5.99 ?8.I8 28.09 28. l8 29.13 28. t8 29.03 28. t8 4080 3990 3660 4700 47 60 4 790 4700 shear shear shear shea r shear Con/shear shear DESIGI.I STREIIGTII 4OOO PSI 8 28 OAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE I t,I ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICAELT ASTI'I fiETHODS UIILESS OTHERIIISE IIOTED 5OI'IE IIIFORI.{ATIOII OF TEST REPORT I'IAY gE PROVIOEO 8Y OTHERS REI{ARKS: l7 daraset accelerater added to this nix. SalFle obtained from nixer truck discharge. COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai'l : Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Glrattrney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Sobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVIR APPROVED 8Y As a mutu.l protoctlon to cll.ntir th. publlc and ourr.lv.s, !ll r.ports ar. rubfiltt€d.s th. co.fldientlrl Propcrty of cllent6, rnd a(thorlratlon foi p|rhllcrtlon of Et.tcm.ht3. Concl\tslons or axtract! fr'gm gr. rog.rdlng oor r€portt lt rciarvcd p€ndlng orr llrltt€n .pprovll. S.m!l€5 yrlll b. dlspor.d of .tt€r tlsting l3 cofiplatad unl.3s othc. rrrrng.n€nt3 .gr..c toin wrl t I ng. A n!.mb6r ;f the HIH group of co.ipanlca Forrn {o. CHEll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULT IIIG EITGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As d mutu.r Frotection to €ti.nts, th. publlc rnd ourselvca, rll r.ports .r. sublnitted a3 th! cantldl.ntl.l prop.rty of cl1.nt3r .hd authort:ltlon for Fubllcrtlon o{ stat.$cnti. Concluilons or axtr'tctE ffom or r.glrdlng our r.poFti l3 r.scrvcd p€nding our erflttcn lpprov.l, saBples wlll be dlsposcd of.fter testlng l3 complcl€d unl.ss other rrrang.ments rgr.id ro in writing. A m.mue. ir th. !.1! group of conprnl.3 Fonn Xo. CME113A 6/91 T0: tfECll Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 2-22-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHTET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel, South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT L0CATI0i|: lJall on L line between grid lines 19 and Pl0. This concrete will be in I ower lift of wall at this 'locatlon. BATCH TICKET Il{F0Rl,{ATI0il SUPPLIER: Uestern }lobile TRUCK N0. 150 TICKET tio. 0t 1279 I X DEStGt{ H0. 39 TIl,fE BATCHED: 1l:09 TIIIE ARRIVED: 1l:35 TIil€ PLACE0: ll:40 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU}|: 7/14130! FITLD TESTII{G Ii{FORf'lATl0tl SAtlPLt TEMP: 66"F AIR TEiIP: Z5"F TIME TEST TAKEII: 11:46 SLUMP: 2 l/2 lll. AIR C0]{TEI{T: .16 l{ET UNIT UEI6HT: 138.5 JOB SPECIFICATI0iIS: 5LU1'4P: 4 lll. AIR C0I{TENT:a-8 % IIATER 400E0 AT SITE 7 GAL. CYL I I{DER I 1{FORMAIiOI'I t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIII0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" T Il,lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: I{HERE CAST: On-Sit.e CUR I I{O I IIFORI{AT IOIIl lTlAL CUR€: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-28-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Trailer except for field cureBY: tl. J.H I t{/r.rAx OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI.IETER ( mcHEs ) AREA (sQ It{) c0HP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIl{DER VEI6HT (LBs) CYL IIIOER UI{IT VEI6HT (PCF) 7 7 7FC 28 ?8 ?8 3 - l'94 3-1-94 3 - 1-94 3-22-94 3-22-94 3-22-94 3-22-94 l?4,000 133 ,000 130 ,500 150,000 15e,000 162,000 142.500 6.00 6.08 5.98 6.08 5.99 6.08 6.08 28.27 29.03 28.09 29. 03 2A 1A 29.03 29.03 4390 4580 4650 5170 5390 5580 4910 shear shear shear shear shear shear shear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS IESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTIiI IIETHODS UI'IIESS OTHER!'ISE I{OTED SOME INFORHATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS REIIARKS:1% daraset accererator added to this mix. CoPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I; llestern llobile; J V A. Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIXG ET.IGIIITERS ANO SCIEIIT I ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 ! |nutull pr-ot.ctton to clt.ntr. thc publlc ind our.t.lv.r, all ftpor!3 rr€ 3qbftlttcd !t th. confldl€ntlal prop.rty ot clt.nt3, .nd ruthorlz.tlon for Fsbllcrtton of 3trtdFlrtr. conclu3loni or.itrr€t3 from or rcgrrdlng our raport! 1:-l9t?l"td ;!;ji;;'";;-;iiain aeirivet. Ser{'trr rrrrl bc dl3posld of.ttcr tc3tlng ii compl.t.d snl.3r othcr .rrang.ficnt! .grctd to In wiltlrg.a ;;;; ;i th. E!! group of comprhl.r Fon'r {o' ct4€rr3A 6/91 T0: l,lECl,l [nterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 3-9-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVall, C0 81658-3149 PRoJICT: Liftslde Building, east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Yail. Colo. PLACEI.IET{T LOCATIOI{ :Floor slab - 8-51, 52 loft BATCH TICKET I t{ FoR!{AT I01{ SUPPLIER: Vestern l{obile TRUCK ilO. 100 TICKET ll0. 0l 1359 t{lx DESIGII ll0. 44 TII{E BATCHE0: 8:36 IIilE ARRIVE0: 8:55 TIi{E PLACEO: 9;00 CU. Y0.10A0,/ACCUI'|: 7lL4l4Z FIELO TESTII{G IllF0RllATI0l{ SAHPLE TEMP: l3'F AIR TEiIP: 28"F TII{E TEST TAKEI{: 9:10 StUl'lP: 4 3/4 It{. AIR C0t{TEllT;5.2 f UET UNIT IJEI6HT: 140-2 JOB SPECIFICATIO|IS: SLUtlP: 4 Il{. AIR C0t{TEt{T: 3 X l,ATtR AODED AT SITE / 6AL. CYLII{DTR I I.IFORI.IAT I OI{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLII{DIR SlZE: 6"x 12" TI|IE CYLII{D€RS CAST: 9:25 IJHERE CAST: on-Site CURIT{G I l{FoR},lAT I0l{ tleated trai I er Il{lTtAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: field cure adjacent to pour 0ATE RECEM0 AT LAB: 3_10_94 By: C.A. r{i lHAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL IOAO (rBs) O IAHETER ( I{CHts) AREA (sQ Ill) cor'{P . sTR. (Psl ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER }IE I6HT (LBs) CYL T}IOER IJI(IT {EIGHT (PCF ) 7 TIL ?8 28 28H 28ll 3'16-94 3-16-94 3-16-94 4 -6-94 4-6-94 4-6-94 4-6-94 117,500 115,500 110.000 5.99 6.08 5.99 28. t8 29.03 28. l8 417 0 3980 3900 shear shear snear DESIGN STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS TE5T5 BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IITL ARE IIi ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLI ASTM I4ETHODS UNLESS OTHERI{I5E IIOTED SO!.{E II{FOR!,IAT IOII OF TIST REPORT HAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS: COPIE5: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of VaiI; lfestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz;Eilly Barbour BobbY J. HaYs FIELD O8S€RVER APPROVEO 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTITIG EIIGIIIEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As I irutual protectlo. to cll.htr, th. publlc.nd otf.clv.3, .ll rcporti .rG 3ubmlttrd rs th. confldl.ntlal proP.rty of cIientF, and ruthoilartlon for publlc.tlon of rtrt.m.nti. Cohclu3lohs or.xtrrctB from or r.glrdlng our r.FoFtt It F.s.rv.d pendtng our wrltten aFprov.l, SarsFlca wtll be dl5poscd ol rftcr t€3ting 13 coftDlrted urlGs! oth€. rr.anllm.ntr rgY',..t! to ln wr'ltlng. A ''snb€r ;t th. EI! group of codp.nl.3 Fortn No. cfiEll3A 6/91 T0: l,lECl,l Enterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-10-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftstde Building, east of Uesthaven Dnive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vall, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATIOII :Sl ab for Unit #A- BATCH TICKET IflFORllATI0tl SUPPLIER: Vestern iloblle TRUCK ll0. 114 TICKET ilo. 0l-1378 I X oESIct't t{0. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 9:07 TIHE ARRIVED: 9;?0 TIl,lE PLACED: 9:30 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUII: FIILD TESTIIIG INFORMATIOII SAilPLE TE}'IP: 67'F AIR TEI.IP: 4O"F TlllE TEST TAKEI{: 9:38 SLUHP: 5.0 ]ll. AIR C0llTEt{T:5.1 MT Uf{lT iTIEIGHT: 138.9 J08 SPEC I FICATIOI{S: SLUI'IP: 4 It{. AIR COtlTEt{T: 3 j( HATER ADDED AT SITE 7 G L. CYL]NDER I I{FORI'IAT l OI'I l{0. 0F CYLINOERS: 7 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIII0ERS CAST: 9:48 I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G INFOR}IATIOII II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-5ite DATE RECEM0 AT LA8: 3-Il-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACIIITIES: trailer except for field cure cyl inder BY: C. A.r.,t I t{/[Ax AGE DAYS OATE TESlED TOTAL LOAD ( LBS) D I AI.IE TER ( IllcHts ) AREA (SQ I1{) COMP.STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTTJR E CYL]t{DER I{EIGHT ( L8s) CYLIIIOER Ul{lT I,TEIGHT (PcF) 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 3 - l7-94 3-17-94 3-17 -94 4-7 -94 4-7 -94 4-7-94 4-7 -94 108,000 121,500 111,000 5.98 6.07 5.98 28.09 28.94 28.09 3850 4200 39 50 shea r sneat con/spl i t DESIGI.I STREIIGTH 4000 Psl 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE III ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICAELE AST}I I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHERII]SE IIOTED SOI{E II{FOR}IATIOII OF TEST REPORT }IAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REI4ARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associ ates, Inc ToHn of Vail; llestern lNobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J, Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, tNC. COI{SULTII{G EIIGII{EERS AI{D SCI ENTI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ai a muturl protcctlon to cllcntsr th€ pqbllc 6nd ouisclv.3r rll rcporti lre cubmitted !3 th. confldl.ntl.l ProP.rty of cllcnts. .nd authorization for oubl{catlon of st.t.rent3. concls3{on3 or e,(tracts fron or ragrrdlng our r€ports lt r.servad gandlng our writt€n tpprovll. Srmpl.3 till b. dirpo3.d of lftlr t.5tlng is complct'd unl'53 oth'r aFangon'ntt '9r"o to ln wrltlng. A m;be" ;f thr !I! sroup of comprnl.3 Fotm No. cMEll3A 6/91 T0: ilECil Enterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 3-11-94Attn: Eustaqu'i o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHetT 1 0F IVall, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of |lesthaven orive and tJesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEUEIII LOCATIOI{:Sl ab-on-Grade, Ski Locker Room. BATCH TICKET I NFORI,IATIOII TRUCK l{0. 9/ TIiIE BATCHED: 9: 14 All TtCKET r{0. 011400 TItIE ARRIVEO: 9:30 Atl T I I'{E SUPPLIER: llestern llobl1e tllx DESiGN l{0. 44 w/fiber PLACED: 9:42 AI,{-CU. Y0.L0A0/ACC|N: 7l2l/35 FIELD TESTING IIIFORHATI0I{ SAI'IPLE TEIIP: 64'F AIR TE}IP: 30 "F TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 9:48 AH SLUl,lP; 5 It{. AIR C0llTEl{T: 6.41 llET UtiIT I{EIGHT: 135.2 J08 SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLUllP: 4 Jl{. AIR C0liTEl{T; 3X lrATtR ADDED AT SiTE 18 GAL. CYL ] I{DER iI{FORI.IAT ION l{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLI]{OERS CAST: 9:58 AM IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURI IIG I'IFORIIAT IOt{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMO AT LA8: 3-12-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated Trailer (except FC cylinder) BY: Frank Potvi n ltlN/tlM AGE OAY S DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) OIAHETER ( TNcHES) AREA (sQ Itl) c0l'tP.sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER UEI6HT (LsS) CYL]tIDER UiIIT UEICHT (PcF) * 7FC 28 28 28H 3-18-94 3- 18-94 3- 18-94 4-8-94 4-8-94 4-8-94 90,000 87,000 96.500 6.08 6,09 5.99 29.03 4v. ro 28.18 3100 2990 3420 snear snear shear DES IGI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI B ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EI I,RE It{ ACCORDAI{CE I'ITH APPLICABTE ASTII HETHODS UNLESS OTHERIIISE I{OTED sOI,IE I IIFORI.IAT t OI{ OF TIST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REI'|ARKS: * FC=field cure. 1% daraset accelerator added to this mir. COPIE5: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; lJestern t{obi'le; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROV€O 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI 6 EI{GIIIEERS AIiIO SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As I nutu.l prot.ctlon to cllcnt3, th6 publ{c rnd ourrelv.r, !ll raFortt rr. 3ubmltted !3 the confldlcnti.l prop.rty of cllcht3, rnd ruthorlratlon for publlcatlon of stat€m€nts. Conc'luslonr or attractr from or rog.rding our reportt !! f?":l"tdp.ndtng oui- wrlttcn cpproval. S!mpl63 |.rlll b€ dispo!€d of lfter t.3tlng la compl€t€d unl.t. oth€r rrr.ngdn nt3 .gr..d to In wrltlnS.a ".il;; ;i the E!! group of conp.nl€s Fonn o. cl'lEll3A 6/91 T0: llECl,l Enterprises JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-14-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lresthaven Drive and l,lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACETIENT LOCATI0I{: Floor Slab, 8-51 &J(. BATCH TICK€I ItlFORltATI0tl SUPPLIER: Uestern l,lobile TRUCK ilo. 114 TICKET t{0. 011415 tlIX DESI6{ r{0. 44 TIME EATCHED: 8:59 Af.l TIl,lE ARRIVED: 9:20 All TIIIE PLACED: 9:28 Al,l-CU. YD. L0AD/ P'C,CUA: 7lZLl49 FIELD TESTIIG I llFORtlAT I0l{ SAiIPLE TEMP: 67 T AIR TE}'|P: 30'F TIIiE TIST TAKEN: 9:36 All SLUHP: 5 IN. AIR CO]{TEiIT: 5.61 ltET Ut{lT YEI6HT: J08 SPECI F ICAT IOi{S: SLUiIP: 4 Itl. AIR C0t{TEt{T: 3 X trATtR A0DE0 AT SITE 7 6AL. CYL I IIDER I NFORiiATIO]{ 1{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLIT{DER 5lZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:46 All l{HtRE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G I NFORI.IAT I OII IiIITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 3-16-94 FIELo SToRAGE FACILITIES: Heated Job Trail€r BY: llark Jensen ['ll t{ /l.lAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (L8S ) D I AI.IETER ( i lrcHEs) AR TA (5Q IN) c0fiP. sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLlI{DER I.IE I6HT fl Fql CYLII{DER UI{IT UE IGHT (PcF) 7 7FC 28 ?8 28H 28H 3-21-94 3- 21-94 3-21-94 4-ll-94 4-11-94 4-11-94 4-11-94 94,500 100,000 99.500 5.99 E AO 5.99 28. l8 28. 18 28. i8 33 50 3550 3530 shear shear shear DESICN STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI E 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL I,RE III ACCORDAI{CE I,'ITH APPLICABTE AST}I IIETHODS UNLETS OTHERUISE I{OTED Sol'lE I[{F0RI'|ATIoN 0F TEST REPoRT l,lAY 8g PR0VIDSD BY oTHERs REI'IARKS: .5% daraset accelerator added to this nix. COPIES: R.A. tielson & Associates, lnc Town of Vai l; llestern i{obile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathm€y Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Brian Scanl an FIELO OBSTRVER APPROVED BY WE ARE SENDING YOU F,T Attached E- Via LETTEfuF TRANSMITTAL DAIE 3-2j""+ | JoBNo. ?Zt? 10: -7.d, U . lTAn-z aTc4At€k Samples the following items: ! Specificationsn Shop drawings ! Copy of letter Prints/sepias Change order ! n n ! ! n Plans Originals coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIQN /En F/€Ln /-t>r-r r" rrF A*t n FtreEPr^loFtt\C Peeo'rur< F4otryl eHEr\., UoA(tl f:K,l'*tI?t -L2-74 <aP9 aF LE77Er" F)eo tyt C H€P t.llstt Llfur..- D t-t lohJ F)EF tDo p11ttL THtttlt*tE<'i- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections EFFor your records tr Revise and resubmit fl For review and comment tr PRINTS RETUHNED AFTER LOAN TO US trF# !A n_ For your use As requested ! n I D FOR BIDS DUE 19 REIVARKS lf enclosures arc nol as not€d, klndly notify us at once. ?rn"n€l-.lorthern.t C ConsllliBg Engineersard Scieni6ls Spnngs, Cdq8do 81601 March n,1994 Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Attn: Mr. Danny Swertfeger 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail CO 81657-5047 Subject Fireproofing thickness, Job No. 4 178 93-3 Uftside Condos, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mr. Swertfeger: The testing methods we are using to determine the fireproofing thicknesses are per ASTM E 605-93 and the 1993 edition of the Underwriters Laboratory Fire Directory. This new edition of ASTM E 605 and 1993 edition of the UL Fire Directory addresses your concenui of minimum thickness and the system used to calculate the average thickness. These procedures are as follows: To determine minimum thickness, we use the U.L Directory as found on Page 16, fourth and frfth paragraphs. Tndividual measured thickness, which exceeds the thickness specified in a design by l/4-inch or more shall be recorded as the thickness specified in the design plus l/,[-inch. For design thicknesses 1 inch or greater, the minimum allowable individual thickness shall be the design thickness minus l/4-inch- For design thicknesses less than 1 inch, the minimum allowable individual thickness shall be the design thickness minus 25 percent. The thickness of the cementitious mixture or sprayed fiber shall be corrected by applying additional material at any location where: (1) the catctlated average thickness of the material is less than that required by the design or (2) an individual measured thickness reading is more tban 114-inch less or more than 25 percent less. (for design thicknesses of greater than I inch and less than 1 inch respectively) than the specified thickness required by the design'. ASTM E 605-93, Tor the purpose of averaging measurements, any measurement 6 mm (l/4-inch) or more, over the required design thickness, shall be recorded as the design thickness plus 6 mm (l/4-inch). No individual measured thiclness shall be more than 6 mm less, or more than 25 percent less, than the required design thickness." There are two areas below the minimum jobsite specifications. These areas are: Unit C-31, column southwest of the master bedroom and Unit C-11, column between the living room and bedroom #1. tYlAR 1994-#$l mnilitton'rq; n ,"e,.rre, ot rne lEiEil groue or con oan€s '34. -o Gwathmey Pmtt SchulE March n,1994 Page2 Our technician will return to the jobsite on March 24, 1994 to inspect these areas. If this does not imswer your questions or creates new questions, please do not hesitate to call our offrce. Brian Scanlan" S.E.T. BS/bjs cs MECM Enterprises, Attn: Eustaquio Cortina R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc., Attn: Mr. Rick Agate J.V.A.,Inc. Town of Vail, Attn: Mr. Dan Stanek Sincerely, CHEN-NORTHERN, Inc. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COT{SULTIilG EIIGII{EERS AI{D SCI EI{II STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ftrr 1994 '*,\ t9 Ir)p,ffir;*i:i {r,\?o,---l T0: llECl,l Enterpri ses JoB lto. 4 l7g 93-3 DATE: Z-lS-94Attn: Eostaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaii, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftstde Bullding, east of Uesthaven 0rlve and lJestin tlotel , Sputh Frontage Road !est, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT L0CAIl0l{: footi ngs EATCH TICKET I IIFORI.IAT I OII TRTCK l{0. 150 TIItE SATCHED: L2:?4 TICKET r{0. 0t le54 TI}IE ARR IVED: SUPPLIER: l{estern Hobi le i{IX DESI6 lto. 39 TIf,lE PLACED: 1:00 CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCUI'|: 5.5/llllr FTELD TESTIIIG I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ SAI.IPLE TT}IP: 64"F AIR TE}IP: 357 TIIIE TEST TAKEII: .l:21 SLUIIP: 3l/4 Il{. AIR C0l{TEllT:5.9 N tlET UlllT UETGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLWP: It{. AIR C0t{IEt{T: f VATER ADDED AI SITE cAL. CYL I]{DER I I{FORI,IAT IOII N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLI]{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" Tll,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 1:31 IJHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G II{FORIAIION II{ITIAL CURE: ?4 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 0n-Sl te 2-t7-94 FIELD STORA6E FACILITIES: 8Y: l,l. J. heated tral ler rl l N/nAx except field cure ^oEOAY S OATE TESTED TOIAL IOAD (rBs ) O IAI.IETER ( IticHEs ) AR€A (sQ Itl) c0itP.sTR. (PSr ) TYP| OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER I{E t6HI (LBs) CYLIl{t)ER I,I{IT IJEIoHI (PCr) 28 28 z8H 28H ?-22-94 2-22:94 2-22-94 112,500 lle,500 112 .000 6.08 {qo 5.98 29.03 28.18 28.09 3870 3990 3990 shear shea r snear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4000 Psl 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PTRSOTIIIEL ARI III ACC()RI)ATICE IIITH APPLICABTE ASTM I4ETHOOS UIILESS OTHERUISE I{OTEO SOI.IE I]{FORI,IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED gY OTHERS REITIARKS:11 Daraset accel erator CoPIES: R.A. flelson & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; tlestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y A3 . rutuel pFotlctlon to cll.ntir th. pub'llc cll.ots,.rd.uthori:rtlon tor pub l lc.t{ on of Fcndlng our v.rlttcn .pproyrl. Sampler rill b.in wFltlng. A nr.n!.r oa thc HlH grorrp of comp.nl.t rnd our3.lv.3. .Il r'lpoitr strt.nrnt:. Concl!rlont or dl sposld of rft€r t.st'lng at"i submitt.at aa thc coofldlcntlrt proParty of Gxtracts fron 6r r.ga.dlng our rcportl lr r.aarv'd is co|npl€lad unla33 oth.f arranEen.rtts rgrcad !o Fom tlo. CMEIlSA 6/9I f"i'b$ff "'ln* BI ".9-. ,1,,I- tF ,*,;::!? i-4 AncnxEcTsEA # Ro,.rr"/ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI|iIG EIIGII{EERs AIIO SCIE]ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: IIECM Enterprl ses JoB t{0. 4 t7B 93-3 DATE: l-20-g4Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEEI I 0F rVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and llesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road lfest, yail, Colo, PLACEME}IT LOCATIOI{:Slab-on-grade llechani cal Roon BATCH TICKTT I ilFORIiAT I OII TRUCK l{0. 104 TIIIE BATCHED: unknonn TICKET tto. 011063 TIItE ARRIVED: 9:50 SUPPLIER: lJestern llobi I etlll DESJGI{ 1{0. 44 w/fi bers TIHE PTACED: 9;56 CU. Y0. LOAD/ACCllll: FIELD TESTII{G II{FORIIATIOI{ SAMPLE TEHP: 64OF AlR TEtlP: 3O.F TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 10:04 sLUl'lP: 4.0 ltl. AIR c0t{TE}tr: 6.6x uET ul{tr |lElGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLUiIP: 4 Ill. AIR COllTEllT: 3 rnax I UATER AIIDED AT SITE 5 6AL. cYLllroER IilFoRl,tAitot{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIilDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLMDERS CAST: 10:14 IJHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING I}IFOR}IATIO}I IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DAIE RECEIVEO AT LAB: l-21-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: lleated trailer 8Y: f. 8.f.l I ll /l.lAx Ituc OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL IOAO (LBS) OIAI.{ETER ( IficHEs ) AREA (sq ril) cottP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I}IDER TTTIGHI (LBS) CYL IIIDER WIT 1JEIGHT (PCF) 7 FC 7* 28 28H 28H 28H t-?7-94 r-27 -94 r-27-94 2-17-94 ?-17-94 2-t7-94 z-17-94 89,500 90,000 70,500 115,000 107,000 117 ,500 120,000 5.99 5.99 6.07 5.99 6. 08 6.02 5.99 ?8.l8 28. t8 28.94 28. r8 29.03 28.46 28.18 3180 319 0 ?440 4048 3690 4130 4260 shear snear shear shear shear shear shear DESICII STREIIGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 0AYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOHI{EL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE hIITH APPLICABTE ASTII IIETHOD5 UI{LESs OTHERYISE I{()TTO SOI.IE IITFORI.IATIOII OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS: lI non chloride added. * Thls cyl i nder ras cured on site for six days rith the concrete placed. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Assoclates, Inc Totm of Vail; tlestern liobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Bobby J, Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED 8Y Ar r muts!l Frot.€tlon to cll.nt., th. publlc.nd ourr.lv.r, .ll rap.rt3cllrnir, .r|d luthor.l?rtlor tgr Dubllcltlon ot 3t.t.D.ntr, Concltrrlon3 orp.ndlng ouF writt.n .pprovrl, Sa{npl.r r.lll b. dlrpor.d ot attar t.stlrglrr wrl t l|'9.A n l|b.r ot th. !l!!l groqp ot co.rp.nl.J rr. sultnltt.d !r ih. corfldl.ntl.l prop.rty ot.rtractr fron or raErr,llng our naFoit3 lt ra3arvadlr compl.t.d unlct3 othar rrrangdranta arrr.d to For" Ho, C E1l3A 6/91 b'' ,tu tn'1 ? R'ffiffi*{,truoro4 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coilsutTlilG EltGiltEERS Al{0 SCIEflTISTS EPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: MECII Enterpri ses JOB 1,10. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-Zl-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of ldesthaven Orive and lJesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road lrest, Vail, Colo. PLACE}IEt{T LOCAIIOl{ :Staircore Al at elevation lll BATCH TICKET ll'|F0RtilATloll SUppLIER: }testern Hobile TRUCK lr0. 161 TICKET N0. 01 1082 HIX DESICI{ lt0. 39 TII'{E BATCHEO: 1:05 TI}IE ARRIVEO: l:15 TIHE PLACEO: l:?0 CU. YD. L0AO/ACCUH: I l2!ll! FIELO TESTI 116 I IIFORI4AT I OIT Tlllf T€ST TAKEII: 1:25 JOB SPECIF]CATIOI{S: SLUHP:3-l/2 SLU}IP: I lt. Ir. SMPIE TE}IP: AIR C0llTEt{T: 5.lI AIR C0IITENT: I 67'F AIR TEiIP: 45"F trlET U]{lT llEIGfiT: 137.7 VATER ADDED AT SITE 3 6AL. CYL IIIDER IIIFOR}IATIOI{ fi0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl'lE CYLII{DERS CAST: l:35 UHERE CAST: On-Site CUNIilC I I{FORIIAT I OII I]{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVE0 AT LAB: 1-?2-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer 8Y: - F. P.r,r I il/MAX AGE DAYS DATE TEsTEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) D IAI.{ETER ( r]{cHES ) AREA (sQ Iil) C0t'lP . STR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER TIEI6HT (LBs) CYL IIIDER UI{IT IIEI6HT (PcF) 7 FC7' 20 2B 28H e8H 1-28-94 1-28-94 l-28-94 2-18-94 ?-18-94 2-18-94 2-18-94 1?6,000 128,000 60,000 167 ,000 162,000 170,000 r52,500 5.99 5.98 6.06 5.99 qoo 5.99 5.05 28.18 28.09 ?8.84 28.18 ?8.18 28.18 28.7 5 4470 4560 2080 5930 s750 6030 5650 shear shear shear con/shear shear con/shear shear |)ESIGII STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAY5 TESTS BY TAEORATORY PERSO'II{EL ARE I1{ ACCORDAI{CE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I IIETHODS UIILESS OTHERI.'ISE NOTTD SOiIf IIIFORI,IATION OF TEST REPORT IIAY 8I PROVIOED 8Y ()THERS REIIARKS:lI non chloride added.* This cyl i nder was cured with concrete placed on site for flve days. lle yere I nofrapd that field cure test cyl inder may not have been in heated area of concrete placelent. C0PIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, lnc Tom of Vail; l,lestern llobile; J Y A, Inc,; Oratlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Eobby J, llays FIELD OESERVER APPRI)VIO BY A. . -tu.l p|.ot.ctlon to cll.nta. tha !||bllccllrnti, .nd ruthorla.tlon fot. publlcltlon oipetdlng our rrltt.n .pprov.l. Srmpl.i |r{ll b. A 'a.rb.F ;t trr. !!! group ot co Frnr.! and o{r3elva3, rl I raFortt rtatanarts. gonc l ual on3 0|. dl rpor.d ol rtt.r t.rtlng !r". 3ulxnltt.d at th. confldl.ntlrl Froparty ot ortracti ?roI| of ragaidlng our raportt lt tatarvadl! cdnlatrd unlaat othai trrlngafiantr rgrt.d to Forn o' Ct{Ell3A 6/91 f"1""\3- FEB iee4 "d tr Grs'ij;iiti;J/- 3a ffisH'#.."jru,;"/ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coilsutTIt{G Et{6rilEERS AID SCIilTTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DA Ar r hrtual Protactlon to cll.nttr th. pubtlc.nd our3.lva3, all r.por.tr |'. robdrlttrd 13 th. conftdl.ntlrl prop.rty otcIl.ntt, rnd ruthotiz.tlon tor Publlc.tlon-ot it.tst|.nt.. corclu.loni or artract3 froit or r.rgarallhg o||t r.portr lr -r'$orvrd Pe'ldlng our trltt.n rpFrovll. SanFlos r.lll b. dlrpor.d ot.ft.r t.rtlhg la cooplatad tnlaar ;that irrrngrointr rgrc.d toIn nrltlnr.A h.mb.r of th. M grovp ot cdrp.nl.r F.nr flo. CrHEff3A 6/91 T0: l'lECll Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 JoB r0.178 93-3 DATE: 2- 10-94 SHEET 1 OF 1VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Buildlng, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin llotel , South Frontage Road iy'est, Vail, Colo. PtACEl.tEllT L0CATI0II: Slab in Unit g-31 BATCH IICKET I ITFORI'IAT I OI{ TRUCK l{0. 100 TIiIE BATCHED: 9: l1 TICKET IIO, TI}IE ARR IVED: 0l u30 9:30 SIJPPLIER: Uestern ilobi le l,tIX 0ESI6I{ l{0. 44 PLACED: 9:43 C U . Y D. L0AO/ACC tlll :TI I.IE 7l2rlzs FIELD TESTIN6 IIIFORI.TATION TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 9:50 JOB SPECIF]CATIOil5: SLUIiP: 4 3/4 lll, SLtll,lP: 4 Il{. SAI.IPLE TEiIP: AIR COllTEl{T: 6.3I AIR C0i{TENT: 3 I T AIR TEHP: ttET UlllT UEIGHT: YATER ADDEO AT SITE GAt. CYLII{DER I'IFOR}IAIION ll0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIilDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLIIIOERS CAST: 10:00 UHERE CAST: on-Site CURIN6 II{FORIIATIOI{ It{ITIAL CURE: ?4 hours 0n-Site OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 2-rl-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILIIIES: ln heated trailer - FCBY: C.A. illl{/l{AX A6E DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO ( LBS) OIAI'IETER ( ilrcHEs) ARTA (sq lil) c0t{P . sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLTIIDER UEIGHT (LBs ) CYLI'{DER UIIIT UEI6HT (PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28H ?8H 2-r7-94 ?-t7-94 2-17-94 3-10-94 3-10-94 3-10-94 3-10-91 95,000 97,000 97.500 6.00 5.99 6.03 28.?t 28. t8 28.56 3360 3440 3410 shear shear shear DESIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOTITIEL ARE III ACCMDAflCE T'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I IIETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI.'IS€ iIOTTD SOI,IE II{FORI.IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PRIIVIDED BY OTHERS RE}IARKS:lI Oaraset accel erater COPI€S: R.A. l{el son & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; Yestern iloblle; J V A, Inc.; $ratlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FITLD OESERVTR APPROVEO BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. colrsurTIfic Er{6IIEERS A]tD SCtEITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DA F- ,to tu*. g b"ffi#{# T0: l{ECll enterprises J08 t{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: Z-ll-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Bul'lding, east of l,lesthaven Drive and l,resti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vrll, Colo. PIACETEilT LOCATIOII:lJal I on L llne from P.6 to lg line BATCH TICKET IllFoRllATIotl SUppLIER: l{esrern ilobile TRUCK r{0. 150 TICKET r0. 011241 ntx DEsr6ti ilo. 39 TII'IE EATCHED: 7:41 TIIIE ARRIVED: 8:15 TIltlE PLACED: CU.YD. L0AD/ACCU!,1: 7ll4l2l FIELD TESTI]{6 INFORiIATIOITI SAT4PLE TEI.IP: 67"F AIR TE}IP: r59 TlllE TEST TAKEII: 8145 SLUl,lP: 2 tlzlt. AIR C0t{TEt{T:5.4 % trET UI|II IJEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: S!Ul,lP: 4 I1{. AIR C0I{TE[T:4-8 f ]TATER ADOED AT SITE GAL. CYTII{DER IIIFORI,IAT]OI{ N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIttE CYLIT{OERS CAST: 8:55 UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG II{FORI.IAIIOH IIIITIAL CIRE: 24 houns 0n-Sita DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-12-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer 8Y: 'C.A.ilIl{/lirAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (l8s) DIAI.IETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sq ril) coltP. sTR . (PsI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI}IDER UE I GHT (LBS ) CYLIIIDER uilll vEtGHT (PCF) 7 7 7FC z8 28 ?8H e8H 2-18-94 2-18-94 z-L8-94 3-11-94 3- t 1-94 3-1I -94 3-t l-94 112,000 115,000 125.000 5.98 5.99 5.98 28.09 28. l8 28.09 3990 4080 4450 con/sheaf shea r con/shear OTSI6II STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 ?8 oAYs TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE III ACCORDAI{CI IIITH APPLICA8LE ASTI'I I.iETHOtlS UIILESS OTHTRIIIS€ NOTEO SOTE IilFORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT HAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REiIARKS:lI 0araset COPIES; R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Tonn of Vai I ; Testern llobi I e; J V A, Inc.; C*athpy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OSSERVER APPROVED BY Ar ! nutual protaetlon to cll.nt., th. publlc cll.ntr, .nd ruthorlaat'lon fot publlcatlon otpcndlng our v.rltt.n approval, Srnplar tr{ll b. A tEnb.r ;t the E!! group ol cqiprol.t and oq|.t.lv.!, .Il rcPorta ara isbmltt.d !. tha contldl.|rtl!l prararty ot atrtanantr. concllrlonr or altract! ffo|D oi r.glrdlng our raportt la rata.vad dl3Fo3.d ot .lt.i t.rtln! l3 co plctad !n1.63 oth.|. rir.rn9dr.nt. .gr..d to Forn o, ct'tE1l3A 619l CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cot{sulTI t{6 Ett6IilEERS Al,rD SCtEt{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DA d'i:% e,nWgS St o,n*h tngo -4 [iueiitlE T0: llECll €nterprises ,tOS il0. I 178 93-3 DATE: l-A6-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F IVail, C0 81558-3149 PROJEGT: Liftside Building, east of l{esthaven Drlve and }lestin ltotel , South Frontage Road fest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEilT L0CATI0i{: Stair Gore Al EATCH TICKET IllF0Rl{ATISll SUPPLIER; }lestern }lobile IRUCK N0. 161 TICKET lto. 0l 1099 r.fi x DEst6[ ilo. TIME EATCHED: 10:27 TIIIE ARRIVED: 10:47 TII|E PLACED: ll:00 CU.Y0.L0AD,IACCUil: FIELD TESTIiIG II{FOR}IATIOII SAIIPLE TEtlP: 65NF AIR TEI.IP: 3OT TIIIE TEST TAKEII: ll:14 SLuf.lP: 4.0 lll. AIR C0llTtllT: X ttET UIIIT IIEIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLUilP: ll{. AIR C0}lTEllT: g l,rATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYL I IIDER I I{F()R}IATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLIIII}ERS: 7 CYttilOER SIZE: 6"x 12' Tll.lE CYLIT{OERS CAST: lL:?4 I{HERE CAST: On-Slte cuRlir6 l[FoRilATIot{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te l-28-94 FIETO STORAGE FACILITIES:BY: C. A. heated trai ler except l,llil/1,{A.X f iel d cylcure A6E OAYS DATE TESTEtl TOTAL LOAD (r8s) DIAITIETER ( IilCHES ) ARTA (sQ ril) coHP . sTR. (PSt ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CY!IXDER I'E I GHT (LBs ) CYLII{DER UI'|IT TJEIGIIT (PcF) 7 7 7* z8 ?8 28H u8H ?-2-94 2-2-94 z-2-94 ?-23-94 ?-23-94 ?-23-94 2-23-94 1t6,500 I18,500 121,000 15U,000 t45,000 147,500 150.000 5.99 5.99 5.98 6.00 5.99 5.98 6.05 ?8.75 28. l8 28. l8 28.09 28.?7 28. 18 e8.09 4050 4210 4290 5410 5150 5230 5340 shear shear con/shear snear snear shear snear DES16II STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSO}IIIEL ARE III ACCORDATICE UITH APPLICABTE ASTI.I HETHODS UI{LESs OTHERUISE I{OTED S0!lE I l{FoRl,lAT I0}l 0f TEST REPoRT l.lAY BE PRoVIDED BY oTHIRS REIIARKS: lX non chloride accelerater added to mix-* Field Cure test cylinder was placed In area where concrete was placed for 48 hours. (stair core A1 at elev.) COPIES: R.A. Nel son & Assoclates, Inc Town of Vail; tlestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Caroiyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y As a $!tu.l protactlon to cll.ntrr th! pqbllc cll.nt3t lnd ruthorlz.tlon for publlcrtlon ot!!ndlng otrF v,rltt€n .pproval. S!mpl.3 ,llI b.in |vrltlng.,A nsnb€r of the M gr.oup of co.nFrnl.3 rnd oqrs.lves, rl l report33tat.tnerts. Conclurions ordltFo3€d ot rfter t€stlng rrc subrnlt.tld rs thc co|ifldl€ntlal D|.o$lrty of attrrcts from or r.g.rdlng ogr raportt ia F.3arvcd l3 €ompl€ted unl€3s othar srrangat[Gnts.gl'Gcd to . Forrr {o. crEllSA 6/91 Ac r mutual prot.ctlon to cllents, thG publlc and ourr.lv.6, .ll r.port3 arc 3ubfiltt.d ri thc confldl€ntlal proP.tty of cli.nts, lnd .uthori zlt I on tor publlcrtlon of 3tatcoEntr. Concluslons or €rtracts frod ot' reg.rding our repoFt! J. r...rv.d Fcnding o||r Hrlttln lpprov!1. S.tnples lilll bc dlspoacd of.ftar t.3ting is cofiplet€d trnlelt other .rrangatr.ntt .grecd to ln trrl t{ ng. A hcmber ;f th€ E!! group of co|||p.nle3 Forn No. cmll3A 5/91 REPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coftsulTllt6 Etf6IttEERs At{0 sclEt'|TtsTs oF coNcRFrE TEST CYLTNDER DATA 1F"'i'\ /$- MAR 1994 ,61 f; Glnft,.-,, =,: PRffr;Ci:U.rS '='rg*.rnornonno,3v Rc;,;,*iu9Z I0: l,lECll EnterDri$es Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8ui iding, J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-28-94 SHEET I. OF I east of lJesthayen Drlve and lJestin ]lotel, South Frontage Road yest, yatl, Colo. PLACEI'IEI{T L0CATI0I{: Slab at unit C-52 EATCH TICKET IllF0RllATIO|f SUPPLIER: Uestern llobile TRUCK l{0. t50 TICKET ?t0. 0lll9 ilIx 0ESI6I{ l{0. 84000 TII'fE BATCHED: 9:28 TIl,tE ARRIVED: 9:55 TII{E PLACEO: 10:18 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU!|': 7lI4l28! FIELD TESTIl{6 I IIFORI|ATIOII Tll.lE TEST TAKET{: 10:22 JOB SPECIFICATTOI{S: SLtlllP: 5 3/4 5Lt$rP: Til. Iil. SAIIPLE TEiIP: AIR COI{TE}|T: 5.6I AIR C0l{TEllT: I 64.F AIR TEI.IP: 3O.F t,lET U IT YEIGIIT: 136.0 I.'ATER AOOED AT SITE 6GAL. CYLIT{DER I FMilATIOT{ 0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 5"x 12" TltlE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 10:32 VHERE CAST: 0n-Slte CURI I{G II{FORI{ATIOII II{ITIAL CIRE;24 hours 0n-Si te DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: l-29-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer BY: C.A.r,r I N/ilAX AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIA}IETER ( ilrcHEs) AREA (sQ Ilr) COHP. STR. (PSr). TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI I{DER IIE IGHT ( LBs) CYL I IIDER UI{IT T'EIGHT {PCF) 7 FC7 28 ?8 28H ?8H z-4-94 z-4-94 2-4^94 2-2s-94 2-25-94 2-25-94 2-25-94 9l,500 92,500 94,000 1?0,000 122,500 126,000 119.000 6.08 6.00 6.03 6. 08 5.99 6.08 6. 00 29.03 28.?7 28. s6 29.03 28. t8 29.03 zo. tt 3150 3270 3290 4130 4350 4340 4210 shear shear shear shear shear con/shear shear OESI6I{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE 1JIIH APPTICAELE ASTi{ I'IETHOOS Ul{LEsS OThERIJISE IIOTED SOI,IE II{FORi,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIOEO 8Y OTHERS RE ARKS: 1?( non chloride accererater added to this mix. Sample obtai ned from mixer truck di scharge. Field cure cylinder near stair core south and west of unit C-52, CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; Testern tlobile; J V A, Inc.; ottattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY f,*'i'\ $" ,Man ieer g b.^ffi+#d# jK --$il'r I ; CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SI'LTIIIG E]{GIII€ERS AI{D SCIEilTISTS REPORT OF CONCRFTE TEST CYL|NDER DATA T0: ilECl.l Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3l'f9Vall, C0 81658-3149 JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-31-94 SHEET I OF 1 PR0JECT: Liftside Suilding, east of tlesthaven Drive and l{estin tlotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo, PTACEII€I{T LOCAIIOII :Footi ng pads at grid lines O & p.6. BATCH TICKET I I.|FOR''IATIOII,." TRUCK r{0. 161 TIilE EAICHED: l:05 TICKET [0. 0tll34 TIiIE ARRIVED: l: Z0 SUPPLIER: \{estern l'lobi I e ilIX 0ESI6!{ 1t0. fl39 Tll{E PLACED: l:54 CU. YD. L0AO/ACCU}|: FIELD TESTIil6 I I{FORI,IAT I OI{ TIilE TEST TAKEil: ?:04 JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUTIP: SLIJI,IP: 4 I t{. I tl. SAIIPLE TEI'IP: AIR C0l{TEtlT: 6.2I AIR COI{TE]{T: t 58"F AIR TEI'IP: 5'F UET UlltT I|EIGHT: 135.2 UATER ADOED AT SITE GAL. CYLIIIDER II{FORI,IATIOII N0. 0F cYLll{OERS: 7 cYLlflD€R sIZE: 6"x le" TII{€ cytlt{DERS CAST: UHERE GAST: 0n-site Ct RItl6 Il{FORl,lAT I01{ II'IITIAL clRE: 24 hours 0n-site FIELD ST0RAGE FACTLITIES: heated trailer DAT€ RECEIVED AT LA8: 2-2-94 BY: F. P. ilIt{/ilAX AGE DAYS DATE TESIED TOTAI- LOAD t LBS) DIAf{ETER ( rlrcHEs ) AREA (sq ril) coltP. sTR. (Psl ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYIIIIOER UEIGHT (LBS ) CYL II{OER UI{IT T'EIGHT (PCFI 7 FC7 2A z8 28H 28H 2-7-94 z-7 -94 2-7-94 ?-28-94 2-2A-94 2-28-94 2-28-94 107,500 102,000 107,000 133,000 132 ,500 139 ,000 138,000 6.07 6.05 6.08 6.07 5.99 6.07 D. U5 28.94 28.75 29.03 28.94 28.18 28.94 28.75 3 710 3550 3690 4600 4700 4800 4800 shear shear shear conlshear con/shear con/shear conlst|ear DESI6I.| STRE]IGTH 45OO PSI O 28 OAYS TESTS BY LAEONATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE II{ ACC()flDAIICE UITH APPLICAEIE ASTI.I I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHER1JISE I{OTED SOTIE IIIFORI.IATIOII OF IEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVJDEI) 8Y OTHERS RE}IARKS:l% non chloride accelenater added to mix. Field cure cylinder placed with concrete on site. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates. Inc.: Town of Vail: llestern flobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED 8Y Aa . mutual protoctlor to cl{.ntt, thc plbllc cllanti, .rd rsthorlzatlon for lubllcrtlon of Fcndlng our rr{tt€n .pprovrl. Srfiplaa }rlll b.ln t{ri ting. A ndnbcr of th! !!ll gt-oup of conp.nl.. lnd orarselvaa, rll i.portt3trtamant5. Coacl ut tont ordlrpo3rd of rttcr ta3tlng 6rc a brlttcd !3 th. confldlcntl.l FroFcrty ot artracts fron or r€gardlng oq|^ raForti 13 fa3crucdl3 compl.tad unlais othcr arrrrtgc|r€nt3 rgtaad to Foin tlo. CtlEll3A 6/91 ff.i%f"t^oln* '9 B *9H:i;.]* ;$&#ffiffi$CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EI{GII{EERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl,l Enterpni ses JoB t{0. 4 l7B 9g-3 DATE: 2_17_94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F tValI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Suildlng, east of l{esthayen Drive and ljestin tlotel , South Frontage Road ldest, Vail, Colo. PtACEllEl{T L0CATI01{: Floor slab, Untt 84l BATCH TICKET I NF0RllATIOil -/ TRUCK 0. 189 TIifE BATCHE0: 9:12 TICKET 0. 011261 IlilE ARRIVED: 9:20 SUPPLIER: llestern llobi le t'tlx oEs I6t{ 0. 44 TIIE PLACED: l0:23 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUi|: 7l?8 FIEIO TESTI]IG l IIFORI.IATI Ol{ SAI,IPIE TEI.IP: T AIR TE}IP: TII|E TEST TAKEiI: l0:.?2 SLWP: 4ll4 lll. AIR COI{TEI{T: 5 X t{ET Uf{lT !|EIGHT: 142.3 JOB SPECIFICATI0 S: SLulitP: 4 IN. AIR C0 TE T: ilax 3f UATER ADDEO AT SITE 6 6GAL. CYLI I{DER It{FORI'IATIOl{ t{0. 0F CYL II{DERS: 7 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLIi{OERS CAST: 10:30 l,lHERE CAST: On-Site ctRIt{6 IIiF0R ATI0l{ I ?.| ITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-5i te 2-18-94 FIELD STORACE FACIL IT IES: BY: C.A. Field next to porer 6 in. heated field r't I /l,tAx sl ab trai I er A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL IOAO (L8s ) DTAI.TETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sQ lll) cottP , sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIOER t{EIGHT (LBs) CYLTI{OER UII IT IJEIGHT (PcF) FC7 ?8 28 28H z8H 2-24-94 2-?4-94 2-?4-94 3-17 -94 3-17-94 3- 17-94 3- t 7-94 r05,000 100,000 98,500 6.09 6.05 6.06 29. 13 e8.75 28.84 3600 3480 3420 shear shear shear DESI6I{ STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 20 oAYs TE5TS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEI ARE Iil ACCORDAI{CE I,IITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHERUIsE IIOTED SOI,IE IIIFORIIATIOII OF TEST REPORT IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS:lX daraset accelerater in mix. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; tlestern lloblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schulte Billy Earbour Eobby J. llays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY As ! nutu.l p.otectlon to cllcntr! th. psbllc cllcntrr .n.l quihori2rtlon for FrbIlclt'lon ofpcndlng our. rflttcn rpprov.l. Srtnpl€i nill b.ln !l|r lt i n!. A mcmbcr of thc !:! Sro{p of conp.nl.r and our3alvar, rl I rcport3 ttatcmcntr. conclualoh3 0rcll3por.d of .ft.r. taatlng ria 5ubnitt.d 13 th. €onlldlentlrl pioFGrty ol artrrcts troh or rcgardlng our reporti i5 ratarvcdl! corDlatcd unIa33 othcr rrrrrg.mcnt3 lgraad to Forn No, cMEl!3A 6/91 if"%\ MAR 1994 e d;{fitr:f'fld S :mauffir".^s,CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0lrsuLTlilG iltGll{EERS Ar0 SCIET{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: f{ECil Attn P.0. Val I PROJECT: Enterpni ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149 c0 81558-3149 Liftside Bui ldi ng, JOB 0.4 178 93-3 OATEI 2-18-94 SHEET I OF 1 of llesthaven Orive and llestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail. Colo. PTACETI€ilT LOCATIOI{:tdall, grid line 19, L throush Q ltne. BATCH TICKET IilF0Rl'tATl0t{/ suppLIER: l,testern t{obtle TRT CK ll0. ll4 TICKET 1{0. 0tt27l HIx DE5t6t{ lto. 39 TlttfE BAiCHED: 9;32 TIIIE ARRIVE0: 10;00 TIl,lE PLACED: t0:25 CU.YD.l0A0/ACCull: 717l2l! FIETD TESTI 116 IIIFORIIATIOII TIiIE TEST TAKEil: 10:38 JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: stut'tP stul.tP 3 t/4 lil. I lt. SAI.IPLE TEI,IP: AIR COt{TEllT: 5.7X AIR C0llTEllT: X 70oF AIR TEiIP: ?5'F ttET UtltT UEI6HT: 136.9 UATER ADDED AT SITE IO 6AL. CYL I ]IOER I ]{FORI,IATIOII t{0. 0F CYLI}IDERS: 7 CYLltlOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 10:48 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CMIilG IilFORIIATIOI{ IIIITIAL CURE: 2'[ hours OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-S i te ?-19-94 FITLD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: l,l. J. heated trai ler r'rIN/r,rAx exceot fleld cure AG€ OAYS DATE TTSTED TOTAL LOAD ( LBS) DIAIIETER ( rilcHEs) AREA (sq ril) couP.sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER VEIGHT (L8s) CYLIIID€R UNIT UEIGHT (PcF) 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H ?-25-94 2-25-94 2-25-94 3-18-94 3-18-94 3-18-94 3-18-94 115,000 112 ,000 103.000 5,99 5.98 5.99 28. t8 ?8.09 28. 18 4080 3990 3660 shear shear shear DESIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSt G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{IL AN€ T[ ACCOROAIICE I{ITH APPLICAELE AS1II I,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOHE II{FORHATIOII OF TEST R€PORT IiAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REIIARKS: tf, daraset accererater added to this nix. Sample obtained from nixer truck di scharge. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Assoclates, Inc. Town of Vail; llestern l,iobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A! r nutn.l prot.€tlan to cll.nt3r the publlc cll.nts, .nd .utho.l:.tlor for prbllcrtlor ofpandirg our wrltt.n .pprov.l. SlnFlGs 'rtll b.ln |rrltl ng, A m.nb€r of tha fI! Eroup of conp.nl.r .nd our3.lv.t. !I'l r.port., rtatafiant3. Concl u3{on3 ordl3por.d ot rftcr tc6t{ng .rG ilbmlttcd .B thc confldiantl.l prop.rty oa artracti frofi or ragardlng oqr report3 i3 r.ta?vad 13 cofiplcted uolata othar' trrrnganentt igt atd io Forri flo. CtlE113A 6/91 -'*- CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cot{suLTlilG EtrGIltEERs A}r0 sclEilTIsT! REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA f'T'"%'F flfAR 1994 ij R (.':.'.,.:', Ttl rl')..ir:,,iia E *,11fine*i;1$ T0: HECI{ Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: ?-l-9{Attn: Eustaquio Cortj na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F ?Vall, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftslde Building, east of llesthaven Drive and llesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLAC€HEI{T LOCATI0I{: Slab at unit C-52 BATCH TICKET IIIFORilATIOilZ SUPPLIER: Ilestern l,Iobi I e TRUCK r{0. 150 TICKET ilo. 01u40 nIX oESlGt{ [0. U TIfitE EATCHED: 9:31 TIttlE ARRIVED: 9:55 TIl,lE PLACED: 10:04 CU. Y0. LOAD/ACClrf'l | | 114126 FIELD TESTI'IG I I{FORI'IAT 101{ TIlilE TEST TAKEI{: . l0:Il JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLljl,lP: 3 314 Il{. SLullP: Il{. SAI,IPIE TE}IP: AIR C0llTEllT;5.8 I AIR C0llTEl{Tr I 37"F AtR TEIIP: l0'F lr€T U]{IT iIEIGHT: 137.3 UATER AODEO AT SITE 3 6AL. CYLIIIOER TI{FORHATIOil l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{oERS CAST: 10:21 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR I 116 I1{FOR}IATI()I{ ItIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 2-2-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITI€S: BY: C.A. llll{/l'lAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) OIAI,IETER ( ilrcHEs) AREA (sq lil) co P. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI}IOER YEIGHT (LBs ) CYLIIIOER UIIIT UEIGHT (PcF) 7A 7A FC 7A 28A 28A 28AH 28AH 2-8-94 2-8-94 2-8-94 3- 1-94 3-l-94 3-l -94 3-l -94 102,000 99,000 ll?,500 138,500 t38,500 135,000 131 .000 5.99 5.98 6.09 5.99 5.99 5.08 6.00 28.18 28.09 29,13 28.l8 20.18 29.03 28.21 3620 352 0 3860 4910 4910 4680 4630 shear shear shear con/shean con,/shear con/shear shear OESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI 8 28 DAYS TESTS 6Y LABORATORY PER5OIIIIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE I,ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I IIETHOIIS UNTESS OTHERUTSE I{OTED SO}IE IIIFORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I{AY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REHARKS; Another 4 gallon of water added after sl unrp test was perforned. COPIEs: R.A. t{elson & Associates, lnc.; Town of Vail; Vestern }lobile; J V A, tnc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adarns Eobby J, Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As . mutu.l prot.ct{on to cll.tta, thc public cllGnta. ahd authorlrltlon for publicrtlor ofpandlhg our v.rlttan lppr'ov.l. S|lnplci illl b.ln r.rltln9. A [€mber of th. E!! group of conp.ni.r lnd olr'ralvct, all reportt itrtdranti. Concl ut lon3 srdlrpos.d of !ft.i tertlng .rc rubrttt.d rr thr cortldlcntldt Prpcrty ot artract3 fro|h or rtg.rdlng our report3 lr raaarvad ls co|!plat.d unlatt othar rrr.ngam.nt3 rgiaad to Form t{o' Ct{Ell3A 6/91 1 .r. t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGIT{EERS A',|O SCI EIITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECll Enterprises JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-1-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortlna P.0. Box 3149 SHETT 2 0F eVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bulldtng, east of lJesthaven orlve and testin llotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI4ETIT LOCATIOT{ :llall, L line frcm P.4 to P.5. BATCH TICKET IIIFORI{ATIOIT TRUCK ilo. 161 TIl,lE EATCHED: 1:56 SUPPLIER: l'lestern l'lobi le t'tlx DESIGI{ x0. 39 tIitE PLACED: 3:05 CU. Y0. LOAO/ACCUI'|: 717114! TICKET t{0. 0llt49 TIIIE ARRIVED: 2:20 60"F AIR TEIIP: 10'FFIELO TESTIIIG I IIFORITATIOTI IIl.lE TEST TAKEI{: l0:11 JOB SPEC IFICATIOI{S: SLUI'IP: 2 3/4 I1{.SlUl,lP: Il{. SAI,IPLE TTIiP: AIR C0llIEt{T:5.4 I AIR COllTtt{T: X YET UI{IT UEIGHT: UATSR ADDED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYL II{DER II{FORHATJOI{ flo. 0F CYLIflDERS: 6 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TlllE CYLII{DERS CAST; llHtRE CAST: On-Site cwIl{G tilFoRttATl0ll II{ITIAL CIRE: Z4 houns DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 2-2-54 FIELO STORAGE BY: FACILITIES: heated MrN/lrAx trailer except for Fleld Cure AGT OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS ) D IA}IETER ( IllcHEs ) AREA (sQ rr{) c0[P. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER UEIGHT (LBs) CYLIIIt)ER UIIIT YEIGHT {PcF) 7A 7S FC 7B ?SB 288 28BH 2-8-91 2-8-94 2-8-94 3-l-94 3- l-94 3-1-94 117,500 120,000 118,000 154 , 500 152,500 154.500 6.08 6,00 5.98 6.00 6.08 (oo 29.03 28.?7 28.09 28.27 29.03 28. t8 4050 4240 4200 5460 5250 5480 shear con/shear shea r eon/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl it DESIGII SIREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O ?8 DAYS IESTS 8Y LAB0RAT0RY PERS0lilt{[L ARE Il{ ACC0RDAI{SE I,ITH APPLICABLE AST}I l'lETH0Ds UI{LESS oTHERVISE llolED SOI'IE INFORI,IATIOT OF TEST REPORI I'IAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: Pour was delayed, a crane Has needed to place concrete. lX non chloride accelerater added to thls mix. Saryle obtained from concrete truck discharge. CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Assoclates, Inc Torn of Vall; tlestern l'lobile; J V A, inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVED 8Y Ar ! muturl protacllon to cll.nti, th. publlc and ouFi.lv.3! .lt r.Fortt !r'. subnltted !t th. contldlrntlrl proP.rty of cllanta. and a(thor.izrtlon for pgbllcatlor of it.tcmantr. Concluilons oF.rtractt from or r.ga.cllng our- r.Port3 l3 rr..rv'd p€nd.lnq our rrrltten rpprovrl, Sr|rpl.3 rlll b. dlEpoaad of rftcr t.stltrg ls comglatad ual€s3 oth.r acr.ng'.hcnt3 rgre.d to ln s.rltlno.a ..'nlii-5i th. !!! group of comp|tliri Fom No. cr1€1134 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITI ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l.lECll Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 IIATE: 2-?-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l'resthaven Drive and yestln Hotel , South Frontage Road l/est. Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEilT LOCATI0Ii: Slabs for penthouses in Units C-51 and C-52 at Level 95.9. BATCH TICKET ItlF0RllATI0[r' SUPPLIIR: ttestern ]lobi]e TRUCK ilo. 114 TICKET ilo. 0 154 ilIX 0ESI6|{ 1{0. 44 TIiIE BATCHED: 8:50 TlltE AflRIVED: 9:10 TItiiE PLACED: 9:40 CU. Y0. L0AD/ACClfi: FIEL0 TESTII{G LlF0RllATI0li 9Ar,lPLE TEIIP: 5l T AIR TEilP: r0T TIl,lE TEST TAKEI{:.10:08 SLUI'IP: 5.0 Il{. AIR COllTEt{T: 6.31 llET ulllT UEIGHT: 135.6 JOB SPECIFICATIOTIS: SLWP: Il{. AIR c0 TEilT, f UATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GAL. CYL IT{DER II{FORIiATIOII tl0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIIIE CYLIII0ERS CAST: 10:28 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CIIRING IIIFOR}IAIIOII IilITIAL CURE: 24 hours OATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-5 i te ?-4-91 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: heated trailer BY: M.J. lllt{/llAx A6E DAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAI LOAD (L8S ) DIAITETER ( $rcHEs) ANEA (sQ Iil) c0r.rP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI'{DER I{EIGHT (L8s) CYLII{DER UTIT TEIGHT ( PCF) 7 'l Fc z8 28 28 28H 2-9-94 2-9-94 2-9-94 3-2.-94 3-Z-94 3-Z-94 3-2-94 88,500 88,000 92,000 124,000 115,000 l14,500 120.500 6. 09 5.99 5.98 5.99 6.08 5.99 6.03 ?9.I3 28. t8 28.09 28.18 29.03 28. 18 28. 56 3040 3U0 3280 4400 4000 4060 4220 shear shear shear con/shear shear shear shear DESIGI{ STREIIGIH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PTRSOI{IIEL ARE I'I ACCORDAIICE I|ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I },IETHODS UIILES5 OTHERIIISE IIOTED SOI.IE II{FORIIATION OF TEST REPORT IIAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS:lX non chloride accelerater added to thls mlx. COPIES: R.A, llelson & Associates. Inc. Iown of Vall; llestern t{obila; J V A, lnc.; Gwathrey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. thys FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY As I mutual protGctlon to cllcntr, th! publlc.rd otr'.lva', lll r.ports cllants. rnd ruthorl2!tlon for g(|bllc.tion of 3t.t.inanti, Concll.9lona otpandlng our drlttan approval. S.mpla3 will b. dl3potcd of !ft.r tattlnEln vf ltlng. A n mbcr of th. !g group of co|nFlnlc! ar. 3!b|nltt.d rr !h. confldl.ntlrl Proparty ot attractt fron or ragardlng orrr raPort3 l! F.3er-\'.d l3 cor platad unlaas othcr rrratganantl lgreed to Fo r No. C EtltA 6/91 I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G E]IGI IIEERS AilO SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA f'T% E MAR res4 2 S --c: .". 3g ****r*f *9 tuurrrrrd T0: IrlECll Enterprises JoB ilo. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: ?-3-94Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I OF IYaiI, s0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Building, east of Uesthaven Driye and llesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.'IE!IT L()CATIOI{ :Vall on L Line BATCH TICKET IflFORI.STIOIts SUPPLIER: IIESIETN }IObiIC TRUCK !r0. I50 TICKET 1{0. 0lll78 ilIx oESIGil ilo. 39 TIi{E BATCHED: 3:05 TII{E ARRIVED: 3:30 TIttE PLACED: 3:42 CU.Y0.L0A0/ACCUI|: FIELD TESTIIIG IIIFORIIATIOII TlltE TEST TAK€tl: 3:52 JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SLtlliP: 4.0 I t{. SLUI{P: 4 ltl. . SA}IPLE TEIIP: AIR Co[TE[T:6.lX AIR Col{TEllT: 4-81 sAT AIR T€[P: e5"F t{ET UIIIT UEIGHT: 136.9 IJATER ADOED AT SITE GAt. CYLIIIDER I I{FORilAT I OII l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 4 CYLIIID€R SIZE: 6"x 12' TIIIE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 4:02 tiHERE CAST: On-Site cuRlltc I FoRt'rATI0l{ I]{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LA8: 2-4-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES:BY: lllil/llAx A6E OAYS DATE IESTEt} TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DIA'.IETER ( Ir{cHES) AREA (sQ n) co P.sTR. ( Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYtIIIOER UEI6HT (LBs ) CYLIilDER UIIIT UTIGHT (PCF) 7 tFc ?8 28 ?8H z8H z-10-94 2-10-94 2-10-9ri 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 1u,500 119,500 89,500 156, s00 157.000 152,000 154.000 5.99 6.08 6.07 6.00 6. 09 6. 09 5.99 28. 18 29.03 28.94 28.27 29. 13 29.13 u 8.18 3960 4lz0 3090 5540 5390 5220 5460 shear con/shear shear con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t DESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE I1{ ACCORDA]ICE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I'IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERIdISE I{OTED SOI.IE IIIFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS RTi{ARKS:l1 Daraset accel erater. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; l{estenr }lobile; J V A, Inc,; tuathrcy Pratt Schultz Caro'lyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 ! irrtual pr.otactlon to cl{Gnts, the pr.bllc cll.nt3, rnd ruthorlzrtlon for Dubllcatlot| ofpcnding ouF wrltt.n ltpFovrl. Surpl.3 rlll bcln wrltlng. A nanber of thc EI! group of cofip.nlai and ouisalvai, all rlporta statmcnti. Conc luiion3 or d I tpor.d of rtt.r t€rtlng .re sub|tlltt.d !r th. confldlcntl.l ProF.rty ot .rtr.ct! lron o|. rcgardlng our raportt lt rasarvad '13 conpl.t.d unlcsr oth.r arranga ants aEtaad to Forrn o. cfiEll3A 6/91 I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. col{sutTilt6 EilGII{EERS A[0 SCIE]tTtSTS REPORT OF CONCRFTE TEST CYLTNDER DATA Ai. nutuat protcctton to cll.nt.r tha publlc.nd oer'3rlv.t' .ll r.port3.r.3qbnltt.d.r thr confldl.ntl.l pt'oP.rty of cll.ntir .nd ruthoriaatlon for publlcrtlon of 3tats||.nt3. ConcluSlons or artructr fro|t| or r.grrdlng osr raporti l3 rctarvad p.ndlng our {rltt.n approv.l. s.rpl!r will b. dlBpo3Gd of.ftar t.stlng Ir cor9l.t.d unl.33 othcr .rt.angdr|.rt3 agr..c lo A nenlir ii thc !I! group ot co''lprnl.3 Foro tlo' cl'tEll3A 6/91 T0: l{ECll Enterpri ses J08 ll0, 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-16-94Attn: Eustaquio corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftstde Butlding, east of tlesthaven Drive and Uestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Coio, PLACEI{EIIT LOCAT IOII :Val I on L Line BATCH TTCKET IIIFORI{ATIOil/ TRTCK 1{0. 161 TIIIE BATCHED: l1:10 TICKET l{0. 0l 1257 TIIIE ARRIVED: l1:30 TII,IE SUPPLIER: Uestern l,lobi'l e rIX 0ESl6 t{0. 39 PLACED: 12:05 CU.YD.LOADIlJ.CUfil. 7l14l2L FIETO TESTIIIG IIIFORiIATIOII TIl,lE TEST TftKEl{: 12:11 JOB S PEC I F I CAT IOI{5: SLUI.IP: SLUI'IP: rl4 I lt. I ltl. SAIIPLE TE}IP: AIR C0llTEllT: 6.lI AIR COllTEllT: I 65'F AIR TEllPr 357 llEI Ul{IT llEIGHT: UATER AODEO AT SITE 6AL. CYLII{DER IIIFORI.IATIOl{ 0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLI]{0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLI DERS CAST: 12:21 }ltlERE CAST: on-Slte CURII{G IilFORI{ATIOI{ Ii{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELD SToRACE FACILITIES: heated trailer except DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 2-17-94 BY: ll.J. I'll ll,/tlAx field oure cyl . AGE DAYS OATE T€STED IOTAL LOAO (LEs) OIAITIEIER ( lilcHrs) Af,EA (sQ Ill) coilP. srR. (Psr) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYLITIDER IJE IGHT (LBS) cYu]l0ER UI{II IJEIgHT (PCr) 7 7* 28 z8 28H 28H 2-73-94 ?-23-94 2-23-94 3-16-94 3'16-94 3-t6-94 3-16-94 10i,500 117,500 120.500 5.99 5.98 5.99 28. t8 28.09 28.18 3810 4180 4280 shear shear shear DE5I6N STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI € 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE I'TTH APPLICABLE ASTH i.IEIHOOS UI{tfSS OTHERVISE IIOTEO SOI,IE II{FORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: lX daraset aecererater added to nix,* Field cure cylinder: cylinder cured along xith concnete pour for 48 hours. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; tlestern ll'obile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERV€R APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. . COIISULTII{G EIICINEERS At{D SCIEI{TIST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl'l Enterpri ses JoB tto. 4 178 93-3 MTE: 2-24-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F rVal1, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Building, east of i{esthaven Drive and Vestln Hotel , South Frontage Road irest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT LoCATIoI{: }fal I on L line betreen grid lines t9 and P10, upper lift BATCH TICKET II{FORI'IAIIO'{,/ SUPPLIER: I.ICSICTN I,IObiIE TRUCK lr0. 150 TICKET |r0. 0l l29Z l.tIX DtSlClt r{0. 39 TII'IE BATCHED: l0:52 IIHE ARRIVED: ll:20 TltlE PLACED: 1l:?3 CU.YD.L0A0/ACCU|,|: FIELD T€STIIIG I]{FORIIAT IOII TIl,lE TEST TAKEII: 1l:34 JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: sLufiP 5LUlIP 4 1/2 lil.4 Iil. SA}IPLE TEIIF: AIR C01{TE1{T: 6.tI AIR COI{TEI{T:4-8 I 63"F AIR TEttP: 25.F UET UI{IT IJEIGHT: 135.9 }'AIER ADOED AT SITE GAL. CYL II{DER IIIFORI.IAT IOI{ tl0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLIT{OER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIiIE CYLIT{OERS CAST: l1:4i[ IIHERE CAST: On-Site cuR Ir{G Il{F0Rl{ATiotl II{ITIAL CiRE: ?4 hours On-Site I,ATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 2-25-94 FtEtD SToRAGE FACILITIES: trailer except for fteld cure cyi inder BY: C,A.l,lltl/llAX AGE DAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAI. LOAD (L8s l OIAI.IETER ( n{cHEs) AREA (sq ril) cot{P. sTR. (Psr ) IYPE OF FRACTWE CYLIl{DER I./EIGHT (LBs) CYLTIiDER U]{IT YEI6HT (PcF) ?8 28 28H 28H 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-?4-94 116,500 123 ,000 111,000 6.08 6.00 6.00 29.03 28.27 25.21 4 010 4350 4030 shear snear snear 0€516I{ STREI{GTH 4000 Pst 0 28 DAYS T€STS BY LAEffiATORY PTRSOIIIIEL ARE IN ACCORDAIICE VITH APPLICABTE AST}I I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHERI.IIS€ I{OTED SOI{E IIIFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REi{ARKS: COPIE5: R.A. f{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; |lestern llobile; J V A, inc.; Srathney Pratt Schultz Caroiyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIEID OBSERVER APPROVED BY As r. tr$rtu.l oiotestton to elt.nt3, thc publlc cllcnti, rnd .sthor'lzltlon toF p(bllcation ofpeodirg our lrritt.n rpprovr'l, s.|t$l.t r.ill bcln |{Fltlng. A t||enbcr. of thc tll! group o{ .onp.rl.! Br|d ouFlalvat. rll raport3 itatcmentr. Conclurlon! ordl3poi.d ot !ft!F t.itlng .r-. subtlltt.d !t th. cohlldlantl.l prop.rty ot c{trrcts fro[ or F.grrdlng our raport3 lB Fca.rvcdla cocrplatad unl.33 oth.r rrrtngdnantr agrccd to Fonn No. CtiEll3A 5/91 f'T'% (b- ir lr a! ! r1n, '.'' .b;,'" - ,.;$.t Qaeezzz9 F MAR 1994 ; F. ;*m*"* "lCHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIEl{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As . mutull pr.ot€ctlon to cll.nti, thr publlc.nd ours.lvca, ill r.portE ir. iul!|nltted a3 thc confldl.ntlal prog.rty ot cllant3. an.t .uthor"lzrtlon for prbllcatlon of rtrt.nantl. Conclutlon3 or artrlct3 from or ragafdlng our raFortt l3 t'rtarvad p€n.tlng our" |.rltt.n .pprovrl. Sr|t|plca wlll b. dlrpo3.d of.tt.r t.it{ng li co|npl.tad unlcat oth.r.rr.ng.nr.nti.9r...l to lh wri t i ng. A rcn{rcr ;f th. !:! gFoup of co'tlpanr.r For'' No. craEll3A 6/91 T0: llECtl Enterprl ses Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. Box 3t49 JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-s DATE: 2-22-94 SHEET I OF IVail, C0 81658-31{9 PROJECT: liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drlve and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vall, Colo. PLACEI'IEI{T LOCATIOI{: Uall on L line betreen grid lines 19 and Pt0. This concrete },ill be ln lorcr lift of wall at this location. BATCH TTCKET IllF0Rl,lATI0t{/ SUPPLIER: Uestern tlobile TRTJCK fto. 150 TICKET 0. 0l 1279 titlx oEsIGl{ t{0. 39 TIME BATCHED: 1l:09 Tll'lE ARRIVED: 11:35 TIHE PLACED: ll:40 CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUI{t 7lL0l3A! FIELD TESTIIIG IllFoRl,lATIol{ SAIiPLE TEIIP: 66"F AIR TE}IP: 257 TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 11:46 SLUl,lP: 2 l/2 lll. AIR C0l{TEllT: I l/tT Ullll I/EI6HT: 138.5 JOB SPECIFICAII0I{S: sLUltP: 4 ltl. AIR C0l{TEllT:4-8 7 UATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYLIIIDER IIIFORI,IAIION l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: IJHERE CAST: 0n-Slte cuRlN6 1ilFoRt'rATI0rl I ll I TIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 2-25-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILIT]ES :BY: ll.J. Tral I er l,lllr/r.lAx except for field cure AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (L8S) DIATIETER (rlrcHEs) AREA (sQ ril) coilP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL]I{DER UEI6HT (LBSI CYt II{DER UIIIT TEICHT {PcF) 7 7 ?rn 28 28 28H z8H 3-l-94 3-l-94 3-l-94 3-22-94 3-22-94 3-2e-94 3-ZZ-94 t?4 ,000 133,000 130,500 6. 00 6.08 5.90 28.27 ?9.03 28.09 4390 4580 4650 s hear shear shear OESIGII STREIIGTH IOOO PSI 8 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERS()IIIIEL ARE III ACCORDAIICE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE ]{OTEO. sOI'IE I IIFORI,IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT ITIAY 8E PR()VIDED 8Y OTHERS RE ARKS:ll daraset accerefater added to thls nlx, CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associ ates, lnc.; Town of Vail; llestern l'lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FTELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y 60 M|N r9 MtN..t MtN. o ziFu, Fzluo gJc DIAMETER OF PASTICLE IN MILLIMETERS CLA} TO 6ILT GFAvEL 92 % LIOUID LIMIT SAND 7 * STLTAND cLAy sAMPr_E oF poorly q6 PLASTICTTY INDEX 9g graded gravel FRoM Breckenridge HR,7 H8. I5 MIN 60 MrN. .t9 MlN.4 MtN-'5o -ro '3(t CI = zu,o(l c DIAMETEF OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS SAND 96 SILT ANO CLAY b ptlsrtcrrY lNoEx 4 178 93 Chen€Northern.lnc GRADATION TEST RESULTS Flg. 2 /-3- fdAfi rcqa ''''J R: c-a wCHEN-NORTHERN, INC. @ $rLI tXG EI|G {EERS AI0 SCtE}lTlStS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVTTIES lo: ffEc Enterprises Jog lro. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-28-94Attn: ELlsta$rio Cortina P.o. Bor ll49vait, c0 81658-31{9 0AI LY REXTRT 1(l. 358 SHEET 1 Or I PROJECT: Liftsidc Euilding East of Yesthaven orive and g*tin Hotet, South Frontage Road tl,ast, Vsit, Colorsdo. 9e HeFe on-oite for,,,b concrete ptacffiit in the fFrning and l|€re asked to ohserve thc lrea that,t contractor ras exposing to bedrock and r€noviarg 6ris and fines. This area ras being prcpared to neceive a lcveling course of concrete. The rock grea re observed ras on grid Lin P-6 b€tt.etr| I srd C tin€. The area ras cteared of loose soils and prepared for the concrete leveti]rg cours€. lle atso picked r4 a sqle of the inport rnaterill co.rtractor rish€d to use to bocktltt are6 at rrest crd of structure. This is a very rocky nEteriat rith very fef fines. It ritl probEbty mt be suitable for testing xith Troxter densi ty flEter. coPlEs: R.A. lletson & AssociateE, lnc., Attn: l.lr. Rick Agate; J V A, lnc.; Gretlmey Pratt Schultz; Torn of vait, Attn: l,lr. oan st6nek; carotytr Adans FIELO OESERVER Brian Sc€nl8n TPPRO/EO IY Ar a rnut{.I prot.ctton to ctJcnti. th. publtc and ouri.lv.3, tll r.ports .rc subttr'lttcd 13 th€ confly'.ntlrl piop.rty of our cllcntr. tnd authorl:.tto; for Dubllcat,ton of itrtcmcnt. Concluslonr or.rtF.ctr iron or rcaardlnE oqi reForta ta r.laryad Pandlng our wrltt.n.ptrov.l' Srmol.3 wtll b€ di3!o..d of !tt.r t.stlng l. compl.tcd unl.33 oth.r !rr.ngqrcnt3 rr. tgr..d to ln Erltln9. A incmb.r of ttr 4g srorrn ot cd|prnl.s ticr rP' or'loat 6't o CHEN-NORTIIERN, INC. col$rLT$tc EI|6IIEERS Am sCIEITIST8 REPORT OF BACKFII,L OBSERVATION F-.T",%/c: t/AR t9g4 r4,t (le*ffi-g \rrrrrdZ TO: ECfi EnterFrises JOB flO. . 4 17r 93-3 DITE: t-2g_9{Attn: EustaquioCortina P.O. Box 3149Vail, co 81658-5149 DAIty REpoRT [0. 35C SIEET t Of t PR0JECT: Liftside Bullding East of lJesthaven Dpive s.rd llestin flotet, south Frortag€ Rosd $est, vli1., colorlcto. ge {ere sch€chrted to Pick 14 and trinsport concFete test cylinders fro this site ard to observe 8nd or P€rfofltr den/r ty testing, r.lrichever Has n€cessary. Duc to inctenent Hesther ard 6 mlssing pip€ fitting, piPe Hes not placed erd the o'nty fill, ptaced ras tooae fill. up against hydFant to p.otect it fron freezing. CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associstes. lnc., Attn: ilr. nick Agate; J V A, Inc.i GyathEey Pratt Schuttr; IIom of Vait, Attnr llr. Dan Stanek; II I Csrolyn Adflrs FIEI.O OSSERVER Brian Scantan APPRO'ED 8Y Ai 3 ntttu.l protactlon to cllcnt3. th. publlc rnd ouri.lver, all r.portr lFc subnltt.d.3 tha conttdcntt.l propcrty ot our- cllantr, rndruthofl zat I on. tor publlcatloh ot rt.tarEnt. Conclu6lons oi.rtFrcta from or r.grr.dlng oqr r.porits {s r.3.r,v.d D.ndln! o$r $rltten aFproyrl,s.mplct xlll bc dllpor.d of tft.r t.sting lt complct.d snl.tt oth.r arrrng.r.ntr arc rgrcod to ln wrltlr|g. - A mclaber ot thc E!! ErouF of ccmplni.3 ,on r€. cr.t@r 6/il ffr'%S MAR ree4 Z R t .;,.r ;8, Ft?,".. ,Jfjdllz n Yqn***tt.9Qor*ru# CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coflsutltxc EftctrEERS AilD SCIEITISIS REPORT OF WAIJIJ BACKFILI' T0: l.lEctltnterprisesAttn: EustsqJi o Cortina P.O, 8or 3149vait, C! 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Llftside Buitdine East of ltesthay€n Dri\re a.d lrestin JoB llo. . 4 l7l 9f-3 DATE: 2-l-94 DAILY REPOT' XO. 3?B SI€EI I OF 1 flotet, South Frontag€ Road lJest, Vail, Cotorert . contractor is ptacing and co0pact i r€ iForted fitL meterial, Hest of Hatt oo Iine 7 ard south of rat l, tinc R. BackflLt t/"" *" bcen ptaced up to apioxinate etevation 71.0. Contractor hrs atm been placing sme f i lt rBteriat HeDt of mtl on 4 tine Brd south of Hatt on L line. Approximtety tso lifts have been ptaced ond cdpacted. This i8 area that rras t$ted ard he.tld to addr6s f.oacrl msterial about tro r.€eks 496. Adecp€te cdpactive effort is being enptoyed in both areas. Backfi tt is r+ to approrimate elevation 62.0 in area drece backfiltirg gas just bcg*r. C@IES3 R.A. lletsm & Associetes, lnc., Attn: l.lr. Rick Agste; J V A, tnc.i crathmey Pratt Schultz,. I ToHn of Vall, Atth: ilr. Dan st.nek; II Cerotyn Adafts I rtElo oBSERVER Brian Scantatr APPNOVED 3Y Ar ! m.rturl prot€ctlon to cllcnts, th. publlc and ourr.lv.a, all r.port! .ra subtrlttcd !r th. confldantl.l prop.rty of ot|t cllantt. and asthorl2!tlon for psbllcrtlon ot 3t.t.n rt. Conclu3lon3 or crttrct3 fron or F.g.rdJng our r.ports lt ratafi.d pcndlng our tlrlttan altprovll. SsmF].3 wlll b. dlspo3.d ot.tt.r t.ttlnt lr €oDFlatad rnl.ts oth.r.rr.rg.rints rr. rgr.ed to In rrlttng. A |nsnbar of the !!! group of co6pania3 .n r- ct*l@a.,rtr f'T% l$ r4AR ree4 ? Fi .d1'r,h €a Affi{EcBp.c..$) e;zz9 CHEN-NORTHERN, rNC. co $'LTT[E EXGIXEERS AIID SCIEXTISTS REPORT OF WALIJ BACKFILLING OPERATIONS T0: t{Ecfi EnterprisesAttn: EustaquioCortina P.O. Box 3149v8il, c0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Buitdif€ East J08 llo, .4178 911-i DATE: 2.10-%. DAILY REPORT IIO. 44A SITEET t OF I of llesthaven Driv€ ard gestin Hotet, South Frontage nosd gcst, Vait, Cotorado. Si nce-orr la€tvisit, cot'rtr€cto. had placed 5 to 4, of irFort naterlal in approximatety thre€ tifts.rop of backfitL rest,of eell m 7 Llne is nor r.p to appiorirnate etevation ilf 66.0- contr.ctor hasbeen co,'pscting eitfi track ho€ ard 80.[69 850T vibrating she€pefoot coarpactor, lt Nppear3 thatadeqlate colpactive effort is beinq apptied. contrsctor atao rmved oni trucktoaO of'frozcn on-si te nateria[ . COPTES: R.A. llelsm & Associrtes, Inc., Attn: ltr. J V A, lnc.i Grathmey Pratt Schuttz; Tom of Vait, Attn: r. Dan StarEk,. Rick Agate; CaPotyn AdanB FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. cemeron APPROVEO BY Ai I nutu.l prttrctlon to €llart3. th. prbllc.nd ouFsclva., !ll r.f'Drti !.. sqtrr.n{ttcd !s thc corftdantlal propar'ty ol our cllcnt3, end6uthorilrtlon for publlcltlon of ttrtamcnt. Conclu3{o|tB or axtract3 frorn or ragardlng our r.ports Ir FGs.r.ved Dandlnq our wr{tt.n rpprovrl.Squpl.a wlll b. dlspot.d ot rftcr !..tlng i3 co|npllt.d unlc3a othcr arrangeme;tt ar:. agrrci to In yrrittng.A m€mlcr ol thc HIH lroup of coanptnlas ,fr rn, c*roea !/!l + <h 6a. o'L c Lal o Eo r!Lct o ! E a co(J c; c:c oLLtu !Jte oot- aalEc|o o o< vteEI art O-EO o(J .te.. t- aooo ocl o, o o (, F z(J Av I,' t'| €co }\ (tr ul (o ".: (o ?I 4t e (o (w "l <at -i N "l GJ ": <l et "l t\ aD l\"?....: €.rl rJt i\ (o 6r -i \o ..: 1 (\r .l <v ,q "l (\l "l <\II z !, E EooLE{t.A o B o E (J to ^f ro€ 6= :l o = -occ .E (F -oe(t 0r- t Lo El lu6 it = on, 'qt 0 0 rl) eoot-Eo p (l, ct e., oo,6t o 0 t-o o o. o 'o o =e o = t -|.(n -|- =t dt <trIl.Loo lF.(\I lrl arJ lrtF-<,tnaa (rtqn.ea- F'. Fd.qfoA.lr|oe-aoJOHD<Ea &,oAt!4 .:-=o is frfr EE9cca= !iE6P 4LI =u- C\I(\r I(, -r,c.u('E.e.!r (\l3-loctr(JCJ<ttn F. Ut39q'? :'- =A(D shF;B =bfixEEfrtso fiu.t c, &, = E.i-L) {'t (5lrl +J ^. fit Z = <q- >,ct,.Jo...l-= Cl! arr CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0]{suLTIilG E|{GI]{EERS At{o SCI EI{TISIS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: ilECf,l Attn: P.0. Vail, PROJECT: Enterpri sesllr. Eustaqulo Cortina Box 3149c0 81658-3149 Liftside Euilding, Val I JoB l{0. 4 178 93 3 DAILY REPORT I{0. 44 0AIE: ?-10-51 STEET 2 OF 3 Colorado I.IATERIAL SPECIFICATIOIIS I,|A|{UFACTURER Grace ilonocate COI{TRACTOR Rolllng Plain 80il0 sTREl{CrH (PSF)DEilSITY (PCF) PR(IJECT COl{DITIOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOII5 AI{8 I EI{T TEI,IPERATURE SAI'IPLE IIUI'IBER TEST AR.EA I.'ET IJEIGHT (LBs) DRY UE I CHT (LBS ) I.IO I STURE (11 DElISITY (PCF) a 4 Unlt E-22, colum betreen bedroorn #3 & nastef bed- noofi Unit C-22, decking, bedroom #1, east half, 6' north of south *al I thit C-22, beam, kitchen, l8' nest of east nall & 6' south of north uall Unit C-22, hallway north of naster bedroom, I' south of north wal I ;AI.IPLE ruilBER itIltIilut'l THICKIIESS (m) ltAxil,rrit THICKI{ISS (ilr) AVERAGE THICKT{ESS ( It{) DES IGII THICKI{E5S {Iil) BOI{D SIREII6TH (PSF) RTI'IARKS 5 4 I .25 .4375 .9375 .375 I .6875 1. l?5 1.6?5 .6875 I 48 7l !7 54 I I 375 375 0 375 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. l{el son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aqate J.V.A., Inc. ${at}npy Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Caneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y As a nutu.I prot.ctlon to cllent., th. Fubllc rnd oors.lvG3, !ll r.port3 6rG:trbmlttcd .3 th. conffd.ntlai proP.r't.!a o{ clianta, and authorltatlon for p|rbllcat{on of ttatahants. Conclu!loas or artilctt frorn or ragerdlng o{r raportr l3 rc..rv€d p.ndlng olr rrrlttcn rPProvrl. A Drrbcr of th. E!! gro{p of cosprnl.B CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EIIGI'I€ERS Al{D SCIEIITI ST5 REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: l'lECl{ Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 t7B 93 3 OATE: 2-10-94Attn: ilr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 DAILY REP0RT flo. 44 SHEET 3 0F 3VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Colorado I{ATERIAL SPECIFIC.ATIO S IIAIIUFACTWER 6race i{onocate CoIITRACToR Rolling Plain BOI{O STRET{GTH ( PSF)oExsITY (PCF) PROJECT COTOITIOTIS ./ SUESTRATE PREPARATIOIIS AI.I8 I EI{T TEI.IPERATURI sAfiPtE ltultEER TEST AREA UET UT ICHT (tBs ) DRY I/EIGHT (tBs ) I.IOISTtnE (x) OEI{SITY (PcF) 5 6 I Unit C-21, col unn betueen hallway on north and kl tchen Unlt C-21, beam, north end bednoom #1., 3' east of west ral I Unit C-21, deckl ng nnster bedroon, east half, 4' north of south wal I Untt C-?1, bean between hal lway and naster bedroom 2.87 I .81 2t.7 |AI.IPLE rt r,rBER t{ I il Il,tutt IHICKI{ESS (u{l ilAXIl,tul,l THICKIIESS ( Iil] AVERAGE THI CKI{E SS ( ltl) DES I6tI THICKNESS ( Ill) B0r{0 SlREilGTH (PSF) REI,IARKS 5 6 I 1.125 .9375 .375 .875 1.75 1.625 .6875 1.625 I.s2 1,24 .5J 1;31?5 I I 375 0 J/J 0I FRO€RESS REPORT: COPIES; R. A. llel son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aoate J.V.A., Inc. Gwattmey Pratt Schul tz Tom of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Caneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As .dutual protactlon to cll.nt3, thG Fubllc lnd ourselvca, .ll rcport3 !F. ssbrltt.d !r the .o6fld.rtlrl piop.r.ty ot cllrntt! lnd ruthorlE.tlor for publlcation of rtrtam.nts, Co.clutlon3 oi.xtr.ctr fron or rcgsrdlng orr r.po.ts {t r.t.rv.dp.ndlng out wrltten .pprov.l. A |t| mb.r of th. HIH group ot .onp.nl.3 ff"'-'b F-- r',.Hn rsea 43 $l\Al1 ',. , 4 3t *'it..';:;1..12^ *: kr.ffi*-:t:9fur'ar*E CIIEN-NORTHERN, INC. cotsulTllc txcn{EERs Alto sctEltTtsTs REPORT OT' CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: lfEC|{ Enterprises J0! tio- . 4 1TB 9S-3 DAIEz Z-1l-gLAttn: Eustaqlio Cortina P.O. Box 3149vsit, c0 81658-3t49 D tty REpoRT [o. 45 sltEET 1 of 1 PRoJEGT: LlftsidQ Bui tding eaet of lresthsven Drive ard gestin totet, south frontage io6d uest. v6il, cotorado. After testing ctrtcrete, ie Here asked to obeerve an afea of bedrock betBeen tineg 19.5 ard 20.5 forrhich a leveli4g cowse of coriciete ras schcdrrled. Area ras ercavated to frsctured bedrock ardfines ard other detfis rere being rerpved. Contractor has b€gun excavating area directly rest of xolt on 9 tine for retaining ffiI.t. This mu xas des igned by B,eid Engirpering and eill b€ constnrted by tnte.locking of Denver. COPIES: R.A. iletson & Associates, lnc.,Attn: llr. Rick Agate; J .V.4. , lnc-.. GHathmy Pratt SchuL tz;Carol.yn Adal|s fred Ca|IEron Ai ! nut!.I protsctlon to cll.rta, tha publJc .nd ours.lv€3, ell r.ports rr. 3qbftltt.d .i tha confldantlal Frop.rty of our cll.nt3r lndluthoFlzatlon_ for _Publlcatl-on ot 3trt€h.nt. Conclu3lont or artracta trottr or raglt.dlng our rapoFts l3 reilrved pendlng our,ilttcn approvll.56npl.3 $|lll b. dltpoi.d ot aft.r t.3tlng ir compl.t.d unlca3 oth.r crrangemeintl cic rgr..i to tn wFtttng. - A tn.|||blF of th. !J! group of conprnl€c E. crEsr ./'r * CHAN-NORTIIERN, INC. @t{sutTI[G E[cmEtRs AND sc!EITtsTs OBSERVAUON OT WAIL BACKFILL l0: l4Ecll Enterpris$ Jo8 [o. . 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 2.14-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Bo,( 3149vsit, co 81658-3149 DAtty REPoRT lto. 46 SIEET I Of t PRoJECT: Llftside Buitding east of tlesthaven Drive ard gestin llot.t, south Fro.rtage Ro€d llest, v6it, colorado. lle afrived on sito to obeerve the backfitt operation lrest of Hat[ on 7line and south of Hatt mll [ine. contractoa ras finishing placing n teriat and in fot]oring hour coflpacted area rith both trackhoe and Baneg Sheep6foot comactor. lt appeared that ad€quste cq|pact ive effort Has apptfed- corpacted backfitt in this area had bcen brought qp to approxinote etevation of 68-0. llo concrete ras being pl.aced tod.y. Fi reproofing inspection is Bcheduted foP 2-15-94. COPIES: R.A, l.letson & Associates, lnc., Attn: r. Riek Agate; J.V.A., lnc.; oHathney Pratt Schultzi Carotyn Ad E Fred Ca|mrofi 45. mutuel protcctlon to cll.nt3' th. publlc rnd ourlclvat, .ll rcpot-t. rr. iubnltt.d i3 th. conlldentlrl lrop€rty of otr'. cll.tta, {nd arthoriartloh fof publlcatlon of 3tatrn nt. Co^clrrclons or axtrrct3 from or r.glrdlng our t.port3 l3 r.srrvcd p.ndlng our rrlttcn approval. Srmpl€B '.lll b. diBpos.d of rft.r tertlng lE conpl.t.d unl.ra other rrr.|rgrnenti arc agrrcd to lr rrrittng. A n mbar of the !ll! group of companl.s m$r |o, .r.rna.rnr ,,orh ,oqA ., "-_l.r ;*$ii. -.-.?:1,)7 !lolt, oqA liFJl, iJls. rf?j 6f'';' F \i1AR 1 R'lht\sreo; -/. ,0., /z\'-.t\ =s ld/ CHEN-NORTIIERN, INC. co0tsulT lltc EIGIX€EnS $D SCIEITISTS REPORT OF STRUCTURAT SIEEL TO: llEcl| EnterprisesAttn: Eusta.trioCottl'ra P.0. 8or 3149 Vait, q} 81558-3149 PROJECT: tiftside Building c.st ot Uesthawn Drive and J08 llo. ,4 178 9J-3 DATE: 2-15-9{ DAIIY REPORT IIO. 47 SIIEET 1 Of I U6tin {oteL, So0th Frontag€ Road H6t, V.it, Color8do, The bolt ard s€l'ds nere viei.ral ty oherved on th€ 5th ftoor tevet, 8,0'0$/85,jr b€tp€en g.id Lines,d''O & .7.'22 excl'udilc the sres betrcen L-s anC 13-19. At I of the boLts ard retds J.re fou.daccePtsbl e excePt o.€ shesr tsb to the erS€d ptete st S-15. The tab ras mty r,etded ofi one aide.One beq m 10.5 Llne betrc€n O end e hsd one tott rnissing in each erd. The fltlet retds sr the coltnt to colum cornecti ons b.trcen the 4th 8rd 5th fl.oor. lrdt gfid tine8-22 ard AA-O TGre visuatty ohcerved and xere fourd to b€ acceptable. PR0GRESS REPoRI Bob Hith the erection cres fl€s infonned of firy obeervation. coPtEs: R,A- tlelson & Asso.. lnc- - Attn: J.V,A., Inc. Gx6th0ey Pratt Schultz Toun of ValL - Attn: oan Stsriek Rick Agate Darrea l lluos FIELD O8SERVER Faed Carnefm APPROVEO BY As I |nttucl pr'otcctlon to cll.tttrr th. publtc.nd ouri.lv..i .ll rGport3 !r. islrrttt.d !r tha conftd.ntlrt proFarty of oui cll.nti, .nd!|rthorltrtloh fot' pttbl l crt lon ot 3tataicnt. Conclralont or.rtr.cti frofi oi r.grrdlDg oqr. raport3 t3 r.r.rved pendlng our l.rltt.[ rpprovrl.Stntpl.s rlll bc dl3po..d ot.ftcr taatlng lr codplat.d unl.i3 oth.r arrangan-ntr ai. rgroci to In wrtttng. - A m.nrb.r of thc !I! Sroup of co|tpanl.! fln. c*raa./rr crD C'E so.EE ,- q- efrE=Eg q3 Eqhg(JL ID z. $ $AR 1ee4 3 i. ,'1 --J l,[Ut'"l-iii fT''t',.,"\ Q:'r,;'..:.r*5 '/- $.a1orll!r.!O lr{(\I L,lrl LlFltr,4 v,ct c't st c.lorr .o@2, g rt' (tB.(rJodz aoJcr .{.?,<ct goA.trle .:2, =3,:S*tr =qEo-9cr =2, = tt- =otrE o.lrl E t!g to ctrq) it oo a'rt .'.,. Ol I.F 5ttaOl- E F. lrta at {vt roL+t.t, 4' XQ.tJfoctrj€olrl L, lrleE E€r(J.}, .Flrl +| . rr! Cg =<4> 2 6.. -lob.F:f o IL I CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. c0lrsu[Tlt{6 EltGr{EERS AilD SCIEilTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: t{ECil Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 l7g 93 3 0ATE: A-1S,91Attn: l,lr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 DAILY REP0RT lto. 47A SHEET Z 0F ?Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Colorado I,IATER IAL SPECIFICATIOI{S I,IAIIUFACTURER Grace llonocate C0IITRACT0R Roll l ng PIain 80il0 STRENGTH ( PSF)DEI.|SITY (PCF) PR0JECT C0I{DITIO]{S not odserved SUBSTRATE PREPARATIO}IS Al,lE IEtlT TEIIP€RATURE 5AI'IPLE NI'I,IBER IEST AREA IJET YEIGHT (LBS ) DRY I{EI6HT (LBs) HOISTURE (r)OEIISITY (PCF) I ? 3 Unit C-3?, decking in bath, north of bedroorn #3 untt C-32, col um southnest corner of bedrom #l Unit C-32, bean betreen living roon and bedroorn #1, l0' north of south f,all 2.63 1.49 f7 l4 .8 iAI'IPLE rutlEER l,lIttIlll.ll.l THICKIIESS (fi{) nAIlt{lJl.l THICKIIESS ( Il{) AUERACE THICK''|E5S (Iil) DESTGII THICKIIESS (n{) BOl{D STREl{GTH (PsF) R[!.IARKS I 2 J .43 1.12 .94 .75 z.3l t.62 .62 I .49 1.21 .37 1.37 I .00 PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. l{el son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A., Inc. Gwathley Pratt Schul tz Tovrn of vai I Carolyn Adanrs Fred R. Canreron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As r ttnri'trrl piotactlor to cll.nt!, tha publtc rnd ouF*.lv.3, rlI raport3 rrc aubmltted .s thc confld.ntlrl pro?.rty ofcllantr, rrd ruthorl2rtlon tor psbllcrtlon of 3tat.fi.rt3. Conclurions or artrectt from or ragrrdlng o(,|r rapoatr l3 raaarvadpandlng our Hritten approv.l, A m.trb.r of th. !!! group of comprnlrs CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT IIIG EIGIIIEERS AXO SCIEIITISTS RAPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL l0: iEcfi Ent€rpris€s JOB lto, 4 178 qt-3 DAIE: 2_16-94Attn: Eustquio Cortlna P.0. Box 5149vait, c0 81658-3149 DAM R€poRT [o. 48 SltEEl I of I PRoJEcl: tiftside Bui lding elst of llesthav€ Drive ond lle$tin Hotel,, south Ffontage Road gest, vait, cotorado. The setds Here vistlajty observed on the bedtE ard col,urns in Lot 7t at Zin*ors FabricEtion plant. The rclds *ere for"rd to b. accepteble ard cmfonred to the shop drauings. This,conctudes oU| shop i.6pection. Att of the ndrbers ha\/e been visuatty obrerved snd E|rberc that Pequi red non-destructive testing Here ultrseonie or nagnetic pqrticl.e tested. Alt rejected rcldsrere Fepai rcd and reinsP€cted PRoGRESS REPORT Bob sith the erection crer ras infonned of nry observation. @PIES: n.A. ]{etson & Asso., Inc, - Attn:J.Y-4.. lnc. Gl|3thlEy Pratt sehultz Tom of Vail - Attn: Dan Staftek Rick Agate Darrel t Huss FIELD $STRVER Fred Camrorl APPROVED BY 43. ruturl ptotestlon t. cIl.nt3, th. publlc and o{r3.lve3. all r.portr rpc aubftltt€d 13 tha corfldcnti.l proFcity of oti cll..t3, .nd.uthorlzrtlon-tor-_publlcrtlor of lt.tqnant, Concl{3loni or.Ftrrcte fro||! or reg.rdtng aur r.ports lB r.lcrvad pandlng our ylrltttt|.tprovaI.salopl.r |'lll- bc dl3po3.d of ._fter taat{hg 13 comol.tcd unl.s. oth.r aerangcrmintr aic agrecd to ln *rttlr|g. - A D€drcr of th. 4!! group of coitpanl.B ,mr |I. c|*rd^ 6/,r fli.-;% d#=aJov : .: (, !o ta o o L 'o-E oL 1!|(J 'd; aElo clJ 9 r,' t-q a\l (o @ (o9 r'' q q AI ? rjt t\' ?a .:.ot rJt q (! ":ntE ": rtt ut .o e @ .; ?n Lt \a:a GJ ; rtt =o F o L.' Lou IT' E30 'Eoo(,|4l Eot+t orlCJE .6 E7 o.g tr!ooAC crF Esot,ao dJ o 5o o co, o or3c.-E ol-rlr ooc p ooI ('lg tuq,- o.A cE5 o.J= N -c 4t Gt 'a, .E EOcLrl, lr- EEe!65il, QeDv' 0 9.C rJttto t. ,-|e 7 ?E Eil- o! 'crDa+,E o.Pt-o60OEE <fw Ct!lu-ra' o lFlcv rr,lrl lrlF-4.t,cl @a.t sf arlOD.o6- &.rfo.L. lrJo&,- 6J C) trlD<Ect Eotllr.le ,i= =F;S ii ui Er 9<sa- EE6E CLllls .!E PL00)C, cf,n(l,o a"?t .F CD I.r.- 5*€! CtF. r(,a a6 6.t lo oU)xo+r=ocLreooLl Ct lrlE = cO- lrl +J . ct (5-<s.> -o..JoF=ID I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTIIIG EIIGITIEERS AIIO SCIET{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: l,lEcll [nterprlses JoB 0. 4 l7B 93 3 DATE: ?-16-9tAttn: llr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 OAIIY REP0RT lt0. 4SA SHEET 2 0F 3Vall, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Building, Vail, Colorado I.IATERIAL SPECIFICATIOI{S I,IAI{UFACTURER Grace ilonocate C0iIIRACT0R Rolling P lain Bor{D sTRtl{GTH (PSF)DElrslTY (PCF) PRoJFCI C0llDITIol{S not observed SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOI{S AI,IBITTT TEI.IPERATURE SAI'IPLE iltf,rBER T€ST ARIA UET UEIGT{T {LBS) DRY UETGHT (rBs) r{0tsnnE (r) DEIISITY (PCF) I 2 4 Unit C-31, colunns southwest corner of master bedrod|l Unit C-3I, beam betxeen bedroons 1 and 3, 14.5' of northHest sal I Unlt C-31, kitchen, l0' south of north wall Unlt C-42, col urrr between llving roun & bedroon #3 Untt C-42, bean over master bath, l?.5' of north xal I iAI{PLE IUHEER l.tI l ll,tutl THICKIIESS ( Il{) l,tAx I l,tull THT CKI{ESS ( Ir) AVERAGE TH I CKI{ESS (Ifi) DESIOI{ IHICKIIESS {n{) B0 0 STREII6TH ( PsF) RE}IARKS I 2 4 ( 1 .06 .94 .44 t.19 .88 2.15 1.63 1.0 1.88 1 .8S 1.59 I tq .61 1.49 7 .?4 L .37 I .00 .38 I .38 I .00 PROERESS REPORT: CoPIES: R. A. llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A., Inc. Gvrathfley Pratt Schul tz. Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y Ai ! mut{rl prot.ct{o6 to cllcnti, th. puhllc .nd ourrelv.t, .ll r.portr rra rubo{tt.d .. thc confld$tful piop.rty ot cllants, and authorlaat{on for Fqbllcatlon ot rtatafiant3. Cohclut lon3 ol. artracts froh or rcg.rdlng o|ra rnaPoita l: rrirFvad p€ndlng our wrlttan .ppnovrl. A {imb.r of th. EI! group of c.{rp.nl.t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0ilsulT!ilG El{GiltEERs Ailo SCIEXTISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: HECII Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 t78 93 3 DATE: 2-16-94Attn: llr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 DAILY REPoRT ll0. 48A SHEET 3 0F 3 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Colorado I.IATERIAL SPECIFICATIOIIS I,IAI{UFACTURER Grace ibnocate COIITRACTOR RolllnsPlain 80110 STREI{GTH (PSF)DEIISITY (PCF) PROJECT COI{DITIOI{S SUSSTRATE PREPARATIOIiIS AI'IBIEIIT TEI,IPTRATURE SAI{PLE t{u.{BER TESI AREA I'ET I'EI6HT (LBS) ORY UE I6HT (LBs) I.IOISTURE (r',, DEIIS I IT (PcF) 6 Unit C-4?, decking, hallway, west of naster bedrom, 20' south of north wall iAI,IPLE ITJIIBER Hl fl Ittu'l TH T CKIIE SS (il{) AXII.tU'l TH I CKIIESS ( Iil) AVERAGE THICKIIESS ( Ir{) DES IGII THICKIIESS ( Ial) BOIID STREI{6TH (PsF) REI,IARKS 6 4-38 .69 .5b .38 PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. l{elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A., lnc. &ratll|Ey Pratt Schu ltz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adans Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As. mutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. Publlc.nd ourlalv.r. rll rc!'ot t1 .r.. rubtr|ltted .s th. contldcntlil Fropcrty ofcll.nt5. .nd authorlr.t{on for' prbllcatlon ot 3t.tftl.ntr. Conclu3lohr or.ltr.ctr fl.om or r.glrdlng osr. faport3 li r.5.rv.dP.ndlng our xrlttan apFiov.l. A |l|rtr|b.F ot th. M grolp of cotttprnl.i ffi;"# CHEN-NORTHERN, COIISULT I IIG ETGITEERS AIID REPORT OF BACKFILT INC. sctEIIt slg OBSARVATION T0: l,l€cr't Enterprises JoB Io. . 4 l7g 93-3 DATE: 2-16-94Attn: Ewtaqrio Cortina F.o. Box 3149 Vait, o0 81658-3149 DArLy REPonI ilo. 488 Slt€Er I OF 1 PRoJEGT: Liftside Bui tding e6st of gesthrven Drive snd tl€stin llotet, south Frontage Road trest, Vail, Cotorado. Contfactor ras ptacirg and co0pacting itlported fitt nateriat in 6rea Hest of 4 tine and south of L Line. ltost of tK area has been backfi l,tcd to an opproximate etevatim of 6,6.0. Becsuse of the rocky nature of ll8terial. m nElear densi ty te3t6 xare cond.cted. Contractor ras placing fill inl l foot tifts. cdltractor ras corpacting soile after placenent using tract excayator ard Bo ag she€psfoot cotFactoF. coPIES: R.A. tletion & Associstes, tnc., Attn: tlr. Rick Agote; J.V.A., lnc.; cHathrEy Pratt schut tzi c€rolyn Malrs F IEI,.D OtsSERVER Brian Scantan APPROVED 8Y Ar r nutull prot.ctlo|r to cIl.ntt, tha public rnd our3.lv.3, .ll r€p.rt3 lre subllltted .r th. contld.ntlrl ProPcrty ot our clt.6ttr .nd authorleatfon tor publlcrtlor of rt.tdEnt. Concl!alonr or cxtiact3 lron or rrgrrdlng o!F raportr Ir iaiarv.d pandlnt our rrlttan approvrl. Srmple3 wlll b. dl3po3.d ol .ft.r i.stlng lr compl atad unlr63 oth.r.rr.ngdn ntg.r€.grr.d to ln *rltll|g, A maibci of the E!! gr'olp of co|np.nlat tm ro. cr€r*n 6/rt CHEN-NORTHERN, c!||sut_T I lrc Excm€ERs Aro REPORT OF BACKFILL INC. sctEltTIsTs OBSERVATION TO: l{€Cfi Enterprises JOB ltO. 4 iZ8 93-5 DATE: Z-ZZ-94Attn: Eustaqulo Cortina P.O- Box 3149Vrit, c0 8'1658-5149 DAtty REPORT lto. 50A sftEET t oF I PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding E.st of uesthaven Drive ard gestin lotet, south Frontage Road lrest, v.it, col.o|ado. Since our last site visit, contractor has ptaced bsckfitt material up to grade, rest of 7 tine and south of vslt on R tjne. This area is to be a staying grea ard Hitt be r.mrked prior to becaningdriveiay and adjacaft tandscaped areas. tForted b;kf itL materiat had been ptatea ard corryactelrith visual inspections, Pipe beddi ng for drain Piping south of rall on L tine and rrest of 4 llne ras placed today viaconcrlte conveyor truck. fill is being stoped to th€ north raiting for concrete structure to beptaced at R t ine- J V A, lnc.i Grathmey Pratt schultz; Ilom of Vait, Attn: llr. Dsn Staneki I I csrotyn Ada[6 Fred R. Cad|eron I FIELD OBSERVER APPRWED BY 43. imtttal Frotactlon to cll.nt6' thG publlc and ourralvaa, rll r.aports .rc iqb'|lttcd !r th. confldlrtl.l prop.r.ty ot o{r cll.nt3, .rd authorl4tlon lor publlcatlon of 3tatcmcnt. Concl\rslons or artrlctt fta,m or icgarding our rcport3 Ir r.errv.d p.ndlng our ||rlttcn ipFrovil. SairFlG3 Hill b. dlsporcd of.lt.r t.ltlng l3 co Flctad unl.ii oth.r arrangernont* laa rgrccd to in writlrg, A ora b.r ol th. gI! group oi conplni.3 rfr. ro. dr€roz ./!r * g.ti' ;.a PR/ti?(.-. r-;f, .i, $* encumciur.c. -7\qc,. / E+EIE G",l/'E g5 rE o ..i>E6 -.6*=-(r= :< dt :Et o go Fd39o.: 9=re 5o .E QE5€ =EUKE>r P= I oo, qJ be 98, ;;o; !r-E: =;sl-E;< rOea o q,- a.OG J E;: il9gt e-$ =a)Ov 6l o ut (l'? rJ' I <o (0 j c rot\ (D ttt 9 (\l GJ o q (D (lt "t rtr ": 6l e € r.' ao rJ' @@ a (o 2 Q F o or {! = :t -4E .!l ., :lE sCl- O =t= L .5 E}oo.c.rf- otoaal E .r-ootu =-cct 1--ooc o'(w €l(u E{Jo-oo E .oo L-C €EE ol!os { +." EI AT(tr LI|O lFl(\l lrllrl !l,F-4.t,ct 0ra'' cf ('t €D.o@- 4-fO Cl-. lrloe- OJOF.D<ct ato4l!4 4aFF J**fr =v,Er9ccA- EE6P IL t.rf *lL ctc +,goc'|(-t <f o ct c.fUt.Fgt I'r JtoOL E F{ late('(vtroL .+r F.lo (, x@.p5c'ctrtEoEl L) lrleE EO- frl +r . nl (! =<aL> - ct..JoF:' CO L i CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cot{sutTIilG ft{6lI{EERS At{o SCIEITtSTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: llEcll Enterpri sesAttn: Hr. Eustaquio Corti naP.0. Box 3149VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, Vail, Colorado JoB t{0. 4 178 93 DAILY REPORI IIO,49 OATE: 2-18-94 SHEET 2 OF ? IIATERIAL SPECIFICATIOITS IIA?IUFACTURER 6race llonocate CorInACT0R Rol I ing Plain 80r{0 STREflGTH (PSF)DEilSITY (PCF) PROJECT COI{DITIOIIS SUBSIRATEPREPARAII0flS notobserved AI.I8 IETT TEI,IPERATURE SAI.IPL E r{u,t8ER TEST AREA I.'ET VEIGHI (LBs l ORY IIEIGHT (LBs ) },IO I STURE DEI{SITY (PCF) I ? J Unit C-41, rniddle colunrn of east wallin livino room Unit C-4!, beanr betHeen bedrocns I & 3, tZ' northof south wal I Unit C-41, decklng east half of rnaster bedroon,l0' north of south wall 3. 76 t.74 15. 4 iAHPLE IUI'IBER l,t fi{ ,tu}l IHICKI{ESS (lr{) t{Ax I Ht }l THICKNESS ( lrl) AVERAGE IHICKI{ESS ( ili) DESI6iI THICKITESS ( IN) BOIID STRTTIGTII ( PsF) RE}.IARKS I z. ? 1.0 I -UO .44 I .63 1.38 ,tJ 1.36 r.lo .61 1.38 1.0 .38 PR0GRESS REP0RT: Inrulation contractor was advised of insulation test results- COPIES: R. A. l{el son & Asso.J.V.A., Inc. Gyathfley Pratt Schul tz Town qf Vai'l - Attn: Rick Agate Carolyn Adams Fred R. Caneron FITID OBSTRVER APPROVEO 8Y At. mqtu.l Pfotaction to cll.nts, th. prbllc .nd our:cly.s, .ll rlports 6r..3ub |tti.d.i' thc contldcntl.l prop.rty ofcllcnt3. and ruthorlr.tlo. for publl€rtlon of 3tltcr.ntr. conclusions or artracts fao6 or rcg.ratinE osr raFort3 l5 raaarvadp.ndlng our wrlttcn .pprov.l. A rostbar of thc HIH groop of comp.olc3 s.E PF63 ?;q,E a, clt E...ctoeg gi€Ff q, EiFEo &Pora EL _-c:.9ES +,}.EF =5+, .E eP ..r- I:ot =E gf: € EB =>*or L E g5 --Ctie e.! Et.= E8.+gSg:I'r d i=<Ji -(JOv GI a (o o o (v or "l r.' ID roa rJt "?? t\tn rtt @ ro ul a (at :N t,' ral lr 9 1 rtt ? ul .J: ttl .1 a\q @ =o () ! os, 'Et :l.lt 'tt .rJ o€ i-@ ilc rl ta ELJI E .'tE o.Pt I t-.IF T}cto o-lu ll - J}o oo €.F.rOLo+rctt !,-= G 'ttocoo (t o!!c(|, o-c4 E.|J .-t-g-vocco!t Itrlt aJ E]+'P -3oEo o c(,| -E - (J C.F(u- goat 5 'l,3 o= .F: P ,-oo=E -o -.6Ell' o-.oF\ l.'" qf $lorll!(\,r o(\l I Fl g\a Ftd lr.f lrlF- <4, aaE o(vt l'' ctoD.oo- F.Fe,ifO CL. lr,lOE- @JC! l{t?<ct &,<)Al*lE d= = !"1 ;=* Eg EE9 <.1 ==*il =o6eclrJ4^ rdc +rLc}drc, <f oo (Ytla.F th I.F:tst0o! ErF. |.ta fit ort tctL+.r FIO t, X@+r=oEIr|TEOLl (-) tr.le = GC)Fc, +, .Flrl +| .16 (,t =<4> -oJoF= GA , 'r: CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGII{EERs AIID SCI T'{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THTCKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: tlECtl Enterprises JOB ilO. 4 l7B 93 3 OATE: 2-ZZ-94Attn: l,lr. €ustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 oAlty REP0RT [0. S0 SH€ET 2 0F ?Vall, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Building, Uail, Colorado I.IATER IAL SPECTFICATIOI{S I,IAIIUFACTURER Grace l'lonocate COIITRACTOR BOI{D Rolling Plain STREI{GTH (PSF)DEHSITY (PCF) PROJECT COIIDITIO}IS SUBSTRATE PREPARATTOI{S AI,IBIEIIT TEI'IPERATIJRE SAI4PLE l{uirEER TEST AREA },EI UI IGHT (tBs) DRY UE IGHT (LBs) H0t sTuRt (r) OEilSITY (PcF) I 2 3 4 Unit 8-21, col unn, north end of niddle bedroun, l8' east of west $al I Unit B-21, beam 14' north of south wall and 14' east of west ral I Unit B-21, decking approx. centerl i ne of unit,3' south of nonth Hall Unlt B-21, beam, 35' north of south rall and 7' east of r.est 'ral I 3.45 1.83 15.6 ;AI.IPLE IUI.IBER illltIilt fl THICKI{ESS ( I1{) ilAXil{UH THICKilESS ( rr{) AVERA6E THICKIIEsS (lt{) DES IGII THICKIIESS (ilr) B0l{0 STREI{GTH (PSF) REIiIARKS z 3 4 1.25 1.13 .31 .88 1.63 1.88 .63 ?.0 I .46 I .41 .44 l. 18 |.38 1.00 .38 1.0 Contractor was /vised of thickness./ Contractor was advised of thickne8s. PROGR€5S REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. l{elson & Asso, - Attn: Rick AEate J.V.A., Inc. Bdattmey Pratt Schul tz Tom of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Caneron FIELD OBSERVFR APPROVED BY As. nuturl protaetlon to cllantl, tho p[bllc.nd orraclv.r. all rcporta ara iub|nltted e! th. cortldcntirl prop.rty of cli.nts, lnd ar.thoriz.tlon tor publlcatlon of 3t.t.n.rt.. Conclu3lons or extrrctr trom or iagrrdlng our raporta lt ra3arvadp€ndlng our xEltt.n .pprov.l. A n|.n$.i ot th. !!! gror.p ot cornplni.3 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIIsULTI l{G EIIGIIIEERS AIIO SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DA il",.% $N* test e A idffi..sS.,ry TO:llECil Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149Vatl, C0 81658-3149 JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 2-4-94 SHTET 1 OF T PR0JECT: Liftside 8uilding, east of l{esthaven Orlve and }lestln Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, yail, Colo. PLACEI.IEilT LGATIOil:Slab for thit 8-??. EAICH TICKET Il{F0Rl.lATl0l{ SUppLItR: Uestern ilobit€ iRiicK i{0. i6i TICKET n0. 01i142 nIX 0ES:6li ti0. 44 Tll{E BATCHED: 9:53 TIHE MRIVED: - TI!.|E PLACED: - CU.YD.L0A0/ACCUI|: ltlttl}! FIELO TESTIIIG I]{FORl.tATlOll Si}IPLE TEI{P: 5s'F AIR TEI{P: Z5'F TIl,lE TEST TAKtll: 10:48 SLtf,lP: 6.5 Il{. AIR C0llTEl{T:6.1 g tET UIIIT YEI6HT: 135.6 J08 SPICIFICATI0IIS: SLUIIP: 4 ll{. AIR C0llTEt{T: 3 I IATER A00E0 AT SITE 0 cAL. CYL I I{DER I IIFOR}IAT IOI{ N0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIiI0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII|E CYLIIDERS CAST: 10:58 l,lHERt CAST: On-Site CURIilG II{FORIIAT I OII Il{ITIAL CURE: 72 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-5i te 2-7 -94 FIELD STORAGT FAC IL T TI ES: BY: Il. J. heated trai ler l{M/ilAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (r8s) D IAI'ETER ( $rchEs ) AREA (sQ rx) COHP. STR. (Ps i ) TYPE OF FRACTME CYLIIIOER YE IGHT tLBsl CYLIIII}ER U!I[T UEIGTIT (PcF) 7FC 28 z8 ?8H z8H ?-11-94 2-I l-94 2-11-94 3-4-94 3-4-94 3-4-94. 3-4-94 72,500 83,500 87,500 l?4,500 l2t ,500 108,500 124.000 5.99 6.07 5.98 6.09 6.08 5.99 5.99 28.18 28.94 28. 09 29.13 ?9.03 28. l8 28.18 2570 2890 3120 4?70 4180 3850 4400 shear shear shea r con/shear con/sher shear shear l)ESI6II STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCOROAI{CE V]TH APPLiCABLE ASTI.I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OIHERIJIS€ ]IOTED SOI4E I I{FORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI{ARKS:Sanpl e taken from truck discharge. CoPIE5: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Tonn of Vail; lrf,estern l'lobile; J V A, Inc.; &rattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVTO 8Y cl l.rtr, .ndpandlng our'ln |irltlng. A rat|lbar of prot.ctlo. to cll.nt5. thc publlc authorlzrtlon for publ l€rtlon ot|riitt.h .ppr-ovll. Samn'|.3 rlll be th. !!! group of conpanl.s rnd o|lr3elv.., .ll r.por.tE 3tataiant3. Conc luilohs or dl3posad of aftcr t.tt I ng .r.. submltt.d .r tb. confldlantl.l ptopcrty of .ltract3 fronl or ragaid{nt o||r rapot'tt 13 rccarvad 13 conFletaal gnlaat othat rFr'anganant3 rtrcad io Fofln o. CflE113A 6/91 g-ffi.$ fuSwoCHEN-NORTHERN, INC. colrsuLTl116 EnGiltEERs Ailo sclEltTIsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: tlEcl4 Enterprlees JoB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 2-8-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Val l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of lJesthaven Drive and llestl n Hotel, South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT LOCATIOII :Floor slab, Uni t B-21 BATCH TICKIT tflF0RMTI0l{ SUPPLIER: tlestem llobile TRUCK 1{0. 114 TICKET 1{0. 0l lZ13 itIX 0E5I6!t ll0. 44 TIIfE BATCHEO: 10:00 TIIIE ARRIVED: 10:27 TIHE PLACEO: 10:30 CU.Y0.L0AD/ACCU}i: 21128 FIELD TESTIT{G ItlF0RilAIIOll SAIIPLE TEiIP: 65'F AIR TE}IP: T TlllE TEST TAKEfl: 10:37 SLISIP: 7 lll. AIR C0IITENT: 4.7X llET UI{IT UEI6HT: J08 SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLul,lP: 4 lll. AIR COI{TEIT: 3.0X LATER ADDE0 AT SITE 6AL. cYLtu0ER. InFoRttAT10t{ ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYtl}lOER SIZE: 6"1 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 10:48 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII|G IllFoRf,UTIoil heated area adjacent to II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: poured slab OATE RECEIVED AI LA8: 2-T(l-94 BY: FP & }IJ I.,III{/}IAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI.IETER ( Ir{cHES ) AREA (sq rill cot'rP. sTR. (Psl) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER UEICHT (LBS} CYLIIIDER UIIIT t/EIGHT (PcF) 7FC 28 28 28H 26H 2-15-94 2-15-91 2-15-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 3-8-94 97,500 90,500 90,500 126,000 123,000 131 ,500 133,500 6.00 6.03 6.09 5.99 5.99 6.08 6.09 28.27 28.56 29. 13 28.18 28.18 29.03 29. 13 3450 3170 3110 44?0 4360 4530 4580 col umnar con/spl i t shea r shear shear shear con/shear DESIGI{ STRE]{GTH 4OO()PSI € 28 OAIS ,TESTS BT LABORATORY PERSOIII{€L ARE IT ACCORDAIICE VITH APPLICABLE ASTI,,I HETHODS UNLESS OTHERI'ISE I{OTEO SO}IE IflFORTIAIIOI{ OF TEST REPORT TIAY BE PROVIOED BY OIHERS REI.IARKS: CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; Uestern llobile; J v A, Inc.; Guathney Pratt Schultz;Billy Barbour Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY Ar. muturl protoctton to cll.ntt, th. publlc rn.l our3.lv.r, rll i.poit3 rr. 3ubnlttcd a3 th. co.tldie|ttl.l trop$ty ct cllent3. and a{thorlz.tlon fo|. FUbllcltton of 3trtdrcnt3. Concluilon3 or crtract3 from or rcg!rdlng osr raporta lt faaarvtd pcndtng our ||rlttcr .pprovrl. Sroplc3 nlll b. dl3poB.d of lttcr t.rtlng l3 conplctcd {nl€83 othcr rrr.ng.tnant. agrc..l to ln Lrl tlng. A mdrber ;t thr !!! grorp of comprnic3 Form No. CfiEll3A 6/91 I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EI{GIIIEERS ATID SCIEIITTSTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ffi,{hg otalr.irirY ;l ,<^ FRIITSCH|trTZ :::, \+.T@'1;7 SEr**e, T0: llECil Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 2-l&94Attn: gustaquio Cortl na P,0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F rVall, C0 81650-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Euilding, east of ldesthaven Drive and llestl n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Yail, Colo. PLACEI'IEI{T L0CATI01{: Slab in Unlt C-31 BATCH TICKET lllF0RHATI0l{ SUPPLIER: lrestern flobi le TRUCK ilo. 100 TICKET X0. 0t 1230 IX DESIGi| ?{0. {4 TI|{E BATCHED: 9:ll TIl,lE ARRIVED: 9:30 TIIIE PLACED: 9:43 CU.YD.L0ADIACCU{: TlLllza FIELO TESTIT{G IilFORI'IATIOII SA}IPLE TEI'IP: T AIR TEIIP: T TIl,lE IEST TAKEII: 9:50 SLul,lP: 4 3/4 lll. AIR CO[{TEI{T: 6.31 UET ulllT llEI6}lT: J08 SPECIFICATI0IIS: SlUl,lP: 4 lfl, AIR COl{TEllT: 3 X UATER A0DED AT SITE GAL. CYL I IIDER I I{FORI.IAT IOII tl0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLII{DERS C S'I: 10:00 Y}IERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRI1{6 IilFoRltATIotl IIIITIAL CURE: 2r[ hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT l-AB: 2-ll-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: In heated trailer - FC 8Y: C.A. HIIUIIAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs, DIAI.IEIER ( I[CHES) AREA (sq lil) coflP. sTR. ( Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI'IDER TIEIGHT (LBs) CYLIT{DER UIIIT UEIGHI (Pcr) 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 2-t7 -9+ z-L7-91 2-17 -94 3-10-94 3-10-94 3-10-94 3-10-94 95,000 97,000 97,500 L2?,50A re5,500 I3l , ooo 132,000 0.00 5.99 6.03 6.08 6.00 6. 08 6.08 2A.?7 28,18 28.56 29.03 ?a.u 29.03 e9 .03 3360 3440 3410 4?20 4440 4510 4550 shear shear shear shaar shear shear shear DES16II STRETIGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 uAYs TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIT{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE IIITH APPLICASTE ASII.I I,IETHODS UTILTSS OTHERIJIST ilOTED SO}IE INFORI{ATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.iAY BE PROVIOEO BY OTTIERS REIIARKS :11 Oaraset accelerater COPIES: R,A. llal son & Assoclatee, lnc.; Town of Vail: llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gtdathrcy Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adanrs Eobby J. Hiys FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y As a r turl protactloh to cll.rtt, th. publlc cllcnts, rnd .uthoriz.tlor for' Prbl{crtlon of pcndlng oqr wplttcn .pFFovrl. S.mplc3 rill b.ln rrltlhg. A h.||rbcr of th. !M grouF of codp.nlca a'|d osr.3alva3, rll raportt 'tltGmcntt. COnCl uslon3 ordlrpored of rttar t.rtlng .ro sub|t|ttttd .. tha confldlGntl.l Fl'op.rtj/ of axtrrcts fFo|[ or ragrtdlng ouf raPort3 la faiar{aq It coiDlrtad unlart othat rrrangJrntl agSaac to Fcrlt| t{.. CfiEll3A 6/9t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTITG EIGTIIEERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER Ar a mutull protectlon to cllantir th. publlc.nd our'ralva3. rll rcports rr. lub(rlttad rr th. contldl.ntlal prFarty ot cliant3, and.rrthorlzrtlon for publ lcrtlot of tt.teri.r1t9. eonclurlont or lrtract3 froar or r.g.r'dlng our. I'rtXlor.t. li l'atarv.d Fcndlng oqr *rltt.n.pprov.l. Srnplaa |illl b. dlrpos.d of rttar t.Btlng lr cohpl.tcd r.nl.3a othcr .trrng.fiianti rgr..d to ln wrltlnq. A r||.ftrb.r it tttc 43 group ol corD.nl.. Fo.rn ilo. C €1t34 6rr9t T0: llECl,l Attn P.0. Vai I PROJTCT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Cortina Box 3149 c0 81658j3149 Liftside 8uildin9, east J08 t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-11-94 SHEET I OF I of l,resthaven Dri ve and llesti n Hotel , South PLACEI,IEIIT IOCATIOII:Yall on L line from P.6 to 19 line EATCH TICKET IllFORllATIOll SUPPIIER: l'restern l,lobile TRUCK ilo. 150 TICK€T N0. 0ll24l l|rr 0Esr6N ilo. 39 Tll,fE MTCHED: 7:4! TIl,lE ARRIVED: 8:15 TIIIE PLACED: CU.YD.L0AD/ACCIX,I: 7ll4l?l FIELD TESTIIIG II{FORI,IATIOI{ SA}IPLE TEI.IP: 67T AIR TEIIIP: I5'F TIIIE 1EST fAREll: 8:45 SLUIIP: 2 1l2lll. AIR C0llTEt{T:5.4 f UET UlllT llf l6tlT: JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLUIIP: 4 It{. AIR C0llTEl{T:{-8 f UATER A0DE0 AT SITE 6AL. CYLIIIDER II{FOR}IATIOII ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLI|IDER SIZE: 6'rx 12" Tlf,lE CYLII{OERS CAST: 8:55 l,lHERE CAST: 0n-slte CURIIIG IIIFORI,IATIOII II{ITIAL CUREr 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 2-lz-94 FIELD 8Y: SToRAGE FACILITIES: heated trai lerc.A. ltm/liAx ACE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DI AI,IETER ( iltcHEs) AREA (sQ lil) cof,tP . sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{OER I{EI6HT (tBs) CYLIIIOER U]{IT IJEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 2-18-94 z-18-94 2- 18-91 3-l l-94 3- l1-94 3-11-94 3-u-94 l12,000 115,000 125,000 147,500. 152,500 153,000 t6l ,000 5.98 5.99 5.98 5.98 6.08 6. 08 6.05 28,09 28.18 28.09 28.09 ?9.03 29.03 28.75 3990 4000 44 50 5250 s250 5?70 5600 con/shear shear con/sh€ar con /shear con/shear conshear con/spl i t DESIGII STRE}IGTH 4000 Psl 0 28 oAYs TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE Til ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTII I.IETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERYISE T{OTEO S0tlE IllFoRl,lATIoil 0F TEST REPoRT l{AY BE PRoVIDE0 BY oTHERS REI{ARKS:11 Daraset COPIES: R.A. llel son & Assoclates, Inc Town of VaiI; llestern llobile; J V A, inc.; Gmthmy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Manrs Bobby J. tlayc FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cor{suLlI[6 EIT6IXEERS Ailo SCIE]tTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA trt':%F MAR 1ee4 fr ,E *-ffi^^"^ .$,t^ff*::d@; o.e/.9 T0: IIECH Enterprises JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 3-2-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3l{9 SHEEI I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l{esthaven Orlve and yestln Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Uail, Colo. PLACttltllT [0CATI0ll: Slab over nechanical rodr, and bicycle locker room slab. BATCH TICKET ll{FoRllATloll SUPPLIER: llestern llobile TRUCX r0. 16l TTCKET lr0. 0t 1303 HIX 0€Stcil ilo. 44 TIIIE SATCIED: ll:2'l TIIIE ARRIVED: 11:50 Tll{€ PLACEO: 12:10 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU,I: 7/35 FIEID TE5TIIIG I I{FORIOTIOII TIl,lE TEST TAKEI{: t?:10 JOB 5PECI FICATIOIIS: SLUIIP: SLUI{P: 4 l/2 lil.4 I t{. SAHPLE TEI{P: AIR COllTEllT:5.9 I AIR CONTEiIT: 4-8I T AIR T[JP: {0'F tlET UlltT UEIGHT: 138.1 IIATER ADOED AT SITE 8 6AL. CYL I I{DER I ]{FOR}IAT IOI{ 1{0. 0F CYtIllOERs: 7 CYtItlOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLII{0ERS CAST: 1?:20 lltlERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRiltc I l{FoRr4ATIotl IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site OATE RECEMD AT LA8: 3-3-94 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: traller except fleld cure BY: C.A.HIII/HAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTTD TOTAT LOAO (tBs) D IAI.IETER ( Il{cHES ) AREA (sq ril) coirP. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER IJEIGHT (L8s) CYLIIIOER WTT gEICHT (PcF) 7 7 7tc ?8 28 28H 28H 3-9-94 3-9-94 3-9-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 87,000 87,000 90,000 6.00 6.00 5.98 28.21 28.27 20.09 3080 3080 3200 shear shear shear IrESI6l{ 5IREICTH 4000 PSI e ?8 oAYS IESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE III ACCOROAIICT UITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERT'ISE I{OTED SOI.IE TIIFORI{ATIOII OF T€ST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHTRS REilARKS: Pmper rmved 11:10 - tl:45. 11 accelerater added to thls mix, C0PIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, lnc.i Torm of Vail; llestern Hobile; J V A, Inc.; Guattmey Pratt Schultz;Canolm Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OESERVER APPROVEO BT A3. rutu.l paot.et{on to cllaitr. th. Fubllc rhd our..lvt., r'll rapor't3 cll.nt., rnd .lthortrtlot| tor Dsbllcrtlon of rtrt.r.nt3. Conclutlont o|.prndlng our rrrlttan rpprov.l. srrpl.. r|lll trc di.porcd of attar tr3tlnE In rrl ti og. A irdtib.r of thc !I! giosp ot cqrp.ntas .r. lultnltt.d .r tk. confld{.nClnl proParty ot attrrctt fron or ragrrdtng osr raportt la ratalvad It codplatad unlaaa och.r rrrrngdiantt agl'aad lo For't t{o, Ct E!t3A 6/91 'r2 !.i ;; CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTITG E[6IIIEERS AIIO sCIE1{TISIS OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDEH '{ ,r,! ""' g*'{oi:;' ' wf#F*{$.pr'riig REPORT DATA T0: ttlECil Enterprises J08.110. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 3-3-94Attn: fustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHETT t 0F IValI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of lJesthaven DriVe and itestln Hotel , South Frontage Road tfest, Vail, Colo. PIACEI,I€I{T LOCATIOI{ :Floor slabs for unit B-41 BATCH TICKET IllF0Rl,lATlOll SUPPLIER: lJestern llobi le TRUCK [0. 161 TICKET ilo. 0t l3l4 l,tIX 0ESIG]{ lto. 44 TII4E BATCHED: 9:25 TIl,lE ARRIVF0: 9:40 TIl.lE PLACE0: 9:46 CU.YD.t0AD/ACCliil: 7l2El28 FIELD TESTTI{G T}IFORIIATIOII SA}IPLE TEI{P: ?I'F AIR TEIIP: 45'T TIfiE 1€ST TAKEI{: 9:54 SLUilP: s.0 lil. AIR co}lTEl{T: 5.51 tlET UI{IT }|EIGHI: JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: Sl-UilP: 4 Il{. AIR COI{TE}IT: 3 E UATER ADOED AT SlTf GAL. CYLI$OER IilFORI{ATIOII l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TlllE CYLII{DERS CAST: 10:04 I{HERE CAST: 0n-slte cuRlllc lilFoRilATI0l{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Slte 0ATE RECEMD AT IAB: 3-4-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: trailer except field ctre BY: C.A.ilrN/1.{Ax A6E DAYS DATE TTSTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) D IAI,IETER ( il{cHES) AREA (sQ il{) c01'tP. sTR . (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTUR€ CYLII{OER UEI6HT (LBs ) CYLII{OER ulrlT UEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 7FC z8 28 28H 28H 3-10-94 3-10-94 3-10-94 3-31-94 3-3t-94 3-31-94 3-31-94 100,000 9e,500 105,000 6.00 6.00 6.00 28.21 28.27 28.27 3540 3270 3710 shear shear shear DESI6l{ STREI{GTH 4000 Psl G 28 oAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PTRSOIII{EL ARE I]I ACC()RDAIICE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTII I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHERUISE IIOTID SOi{E I]{FORI4ATTO]{ OF TEST R€PORT }IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OIHERS REiIARKS:lI accelerater COPIES: R.A. ]{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, lnc.; Grathrey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y Ar . nutrrl prot.ctlon to cll.nt', tha Fsbllccll.nt3, .nd .lrthotlrrtlon foi psbllc.tlon of pand{ng our. xiltt.|t .pprov.l. S.|iplrt rlll baln wrltlng. A .|.|nbrr ot th. E!!l grovp ot co prn{.r and ouraalvaa, rl I reportrStatananti. Con€Iuilon3 ordl5poa.d of rttcr ta3tlnlt rr. 3ui'|Iltted .t th. confldlantlrl proFrrty of artFact3 frofi or r.gardlng ouF Faportt 13 raaarvac It coftplrt€d snlata othaF at'rrngattntr agraad to Forr! flo. cl,lEllSA e/91 c'.T-h CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EflGIilEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER il,#m* r Qe6;u.,.-r'-'DATA T0: l{ECl,l Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 JoB.ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 3-4-9{ shEtT I 0F r PROJECT: Llftside Euilding, east of lesthaven 0rive and ttesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PTACEI{EI{T LOCATIOII :Floor slab for unlt B-51 BATCH TICKET IllF0Rl,lATIOl{ SUppLIER: tlestern l,tobi te rRucK lto, 183 TICKET l{0. 01-l3zs itlx DESIGil r{0. 41 TIi{E BATCHED: 9:04 TIIIE ARRIVE0: 9:?5 TI}|E PLACED: 9:31 GU. yD. L0AD/ACCI : l lt4lzg FIEI.D TESTIilG I IIFORI.IAT I OI{ TlllE TEST TAKEII: 9:38 JOB SPECIFICATIOl{S: SLUl,lP: 4.0 I ll.SLtlllP: 4 lll. SAI{PLE TEIIP: AIR COI{TEI{T:4.1 t AIR COl{TEllT: 3 X 72T AIR TEilP: 357 IIET UIIIT IEIGHT: I{ATER ADOED AT SITE 8 GAL. CYLITIOER IHFORI{ATIOII 1{0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 7 CYLIIID€R SIZE: 6"x 12" Tll,lE CYIIII0ERS CAST: 9:48 IIHERE CAST: on-Site CURIIIG IiIFORHATIOI{ IIIITIAL CIJRE: 24 hours 0n-Slte OATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 3-'l-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES:8Y: C.A. Mtll/l.tAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) DIA}IETER ( lltcHEs ) AREA (sQ ilt) col,tP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER trEIGHT (LBs) CYTIIIDER WIT UEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 ?8H 28H 3-1t-94 3- 11-94 3-t 1-94 4-l-94 4-L-94 4- l-94 4-1-94 105,500 11t ,000 118.500 6.09 6.08 5.99 29.03 29,03 28.18 3630 3820 4210 shear shear con/shear DESI6N STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O ZB DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARI II{ ACCORDAI{CE T'ITH APPLTCAELE ASTI.I I,IETHODS UIIIESS OTHERI{ISE IIOTED SOHE IIIFOR}IATIOII OF TEST REPORT IIAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REIhRKS: 5l accererater. Four gal'lon additional nater added after sanple was taken, COPIEST R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; Torn of Vail; Itestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc,; G attney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. llays FIELD O8SERVER APPROVED BY Al a mltu.l prot.ctlon to cllant3, thc Frbllc.nd ourr.lvrr, all raport3 ar. iubnlttcd ai th. cont{di.ntl.l propar-ty ofcllant3r rnd authorllatlon for 9{bllcatlon of rtrt.firnti, Conclurlon3 or artracta froo or rcqardlnq or|r FcDorta lr iaiarvad P.ndlng our rFltt.n approvrl. Sampla3 r,lll b. dltpo3cd ot.ftor tattlng lr compl.tad unl.3i ;th.F;rr.ngrfiintr.gr..d toln rilt{ng, A n n$.r of th. !I! group ot co{rp.nler Ford| No. Cr,|Etl3A 6/91 t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISUTTITIG EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER 4.. nnt!.1 prot.ctlon to cll.nt.r th. Frbl{c.nd oril.lv..r .ll r.port3 ar. .ubmitt.d ar th. contld{.ntlrl ProP.tty ot cllcntBr lnd a{thor{rrtfor for prabllc.tlon of rtataaranta. Conclualona or.xtract3 froth or rrgardlng our raFortr l. r.t.rvadp.ndlnt osr rrrltt.n rpproval. Sahplaa wlll ba dlapotad ot aftar t.rtlng Ir cor platad unlait othai arrrngsra.tr .ga.cd toIn wri tlnq. A mcmbcr 5t th. !!! gro{p ot cooDrnl.. Fonr t{o. CfiEftSA 6/91 T0: l.lECil Entenpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 J08.1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-7-94 SHSET I OF IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: l-iftside Euilding, east of yesthaven Drive and t/esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road gest, Vril, Colo. PTACEI.IEI{T LOCAT I OII :Floor slab for Unit C-51 EATCH TICKEI Il{F0RXAfl0il SUppLIER: Uestern itob e TRUCK t{0. 114 TICKET lt0. 01 1338 fitx 0Est6il lto. 44 TII'fE BATCHED: 8:57 Tlt{E ARRIVED: 9:20 TIr'lE PLACED: 9:28 CU.Y0.L0AD/ACC[|{: 7t2lt28+ FIELO TESTIIIC II{FORIIATIOII SAI{PLE TE}IP: 64T AtR rEt{P: 35'F TIl,lE TEST TAKEII: 9:35 SLllllP: 5 3/4 lil. AIR CONTE]{T: 6.ll llET U]{II tffIGHT: 138,5 JoB SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLUIIP: 4 I1{, AIR C0l{TEl{Tr 3 I UATER ADOED AT SITE 10 GAL. CYLTIIOER TIIFORI{ATIO'{ ilO. 0F CYLIilDERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIiE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:45 IIHERE CAST: On-Site cuRIt{6 I t{FoRr'rAT l0rl IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIY€D AT LA8: 0n-Sl te 3-9-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILTTIES:BY: 8.8. hated trai lerilI /l,tAX except field cure AGE OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL IOAO (L8s) DIAITETER ( IilCHES) ANEA (sQ ur) coHP . sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTInE CYLI}IOER If IGHT (LBs) CYLIIIOER UI{IT IJEIGHT (PCF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 28H 28H 3-14-94 3-14-94 3-14-94 4-4-94 4-4-94 4-4-94 4-4-94 77,000 77 ,000 82.000 5.98 5.98 5.98 28.09 28. 09 u8.09 ?740 2740 2920 shear shear shear DESIGII S1REIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAB0RAToRY PERS0IIIEL ARE lll ACCffiDAilCE IITH APPLICABLE ASTl,l |,iFTH0DS UIILESS OTHERUISE 1{0TED SOI,IE IIIFORI.IATIO'I OF TTST REPORI I.I/IY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS RE}IARKS: COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Tofln of Vail; llegtern l{obile; J V A, Inc.; Grvathney Pratt Schultz;Carollm Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY a CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI I{G E}IGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIiITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDEH DATA Ar. drturl prot.ctlon to cllGntr, th. Fubllc rnd our3.lv.r, .lI raporta ara srl,|nltted .3 tha confldlantlll praPar^ty of cllantl, ard rutiorl:atlon tor publlcatloh of 3tatamant3. Corcluslor5 or axtract3 froG o|. ragrrdlng our Ftportt l5 F.3.rvad F.rdlng our' r.r'lttcn .ppr.ovrl. Sanplas wl'll bc dlrpot.d of.ft.t tartlng {r corpl.ted unl.r5 oth.F lrrlnt.m.trtt tgr'..d to ln *.ltlng, A mdnb.r. ;l th€ EI! group ot coiF.nl.. Forn No. CfiE113A 5/91 T0: llECll Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vai1, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bul ldi ng, JOB NO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: SHEET z-15-94 l0F I , VaiI, Colo.of tlesthaven 0rlve and I'lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road tfest PLACEI,IEIIT LOCATIOI{ :footi ngs BATCH TICKET I1{F0Rl,lATI0}l SUPPLIER: lrestern llobi Ie TRUCK n0. 150 TICKET t{0. 011254 tltx oEsIGil Kl. s9 IIfIE BATCHED: L2:24 TI}IE ARRTVED: - TlltE PLACED: l:00 CU.Y0,I0AD/ACCU}|: 5.5/11/11 FIELD TESTI}I6 IIIFORI.IAIIOI{ SAI'IPLE TEI.IP: 64T AIR TEIIP: 35? TIl,lE TEST TAKEI{: l:21 StUllP: 3 l/4 lll. AIR C0t{TEt{T:5.9 Z yET Ul{lT UEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0i{S: SLU}|P: Ill. AIR C0t{TEl{T: N IJATER ADDED AT SITE GAt. CYLIIIOER IIIFORHATIOI{ 1{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIII0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIIIDERS CASI: l:31 I{HERE CAST: On-site cuRI 6 I FoRilATtot{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 0n-Si te 2-L7-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILIT]ES: BY: ll.J. heated trai ler r,rIr{/ilAx except fleld cure AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAT LOAD (LBs) DIAI.TETER ( INCHTS) AREA (sQ Ill) c0l.tP . sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER I'EI6HT (L85) CYL I I{OER UIIIT IEIG]T (Pcr) 7 7FC 28 28 28H e8H 2'22-94 z-?2-94 2-22-94 3-15-94 3- l5-94 3-15-94 3- 15-94 112,500 112,500 lle,000 t47,000 148,000 155,500 146.000 6.08 5.99 5.98 5.99 6.08 5.99 5.98 e9.03 28.18 28.09 28.18 29.03 ?8, 18 e8.09 3870 3990 3990 5220 5100 5520 5200 shear shear shea r coni cal con,/shear con/shear shear DESIGII STRETIGTH 4OOO PSI S 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTII ITIETHODS UIILESS OTHERIJISE IIOTED SO}IE I]{FORI,IATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS:lX Oaraset accel erator COPIE5: R.A. llelson & Associates. Inc Tot*r of Vail; Yestern }lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Sobby J. Hays FIETD OESERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cot{sll_ TII{G Eil6IflEERS At{D SCIEilTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r nutq.l prot.ctlon to cli.nt.r th. p[bllc rnd ours.le.3, !ll r.porta ric submltt.d 13 th. confldl.ntl.l prcP.tty of eltrnt3, rnd ruthorlrrtlon for prbllcltlon of ttrtcfiantr. Conclualons or.rtract3 frofi or ragardlhE our Faport t - l a -r:'rcl'v'op.ndtn! our rrittcn.ppfovrl. s|!F'la! Flll b. dlrporcd ot aftaf taatlng l5 co|t|Flct.d unlct6 oth.r rrr.ng.n ntt agr.ao ro ln r,.Fltlnq.i"dil;;i thc !!! group of codp.nl.t Form t{o ' c E113A 6/91 T0: HECH Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 2-16-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of l,lesthaven Orive and llestln Hotel , South Frontage Road yest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LGATIOI{ :Ya ll on L Llne EATCH TICKET IllF0R}lATI0l|| SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobi le TRUCK fio. 161 TICKET ilo. 0l 1257 tttx DESIGI{ ll0. 39 TIiIE BATCHED: 1l:10 TlllE ARRIVED: ll:30 TIIIE PLACED: l?:05 CU.YD.L0ADIAECU* 1ll4l2l FIELO TESTIIIG ItlFORl,lATI0l{ SA|,|PLE TEiIP: 65T AIR TEI4P: 357 TII'I€ TEST TfiKEll: 12:11 SLUIIP: 3 l/4 Il{. AIR Co]{TEllT: 6.11 UET UI{IT UEI6HT: JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUIIP: ll{. AIR C0llTEl{T: I IATER A0DE0 AT SITE 0AL. CYLI I{DER IIIFORI'ATIO}I ll0. 0F CYL IIIDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLITIDERS CAST: lzt?! IIHERE CAST: 0n-Stte CURI116 I NFORI'IAT I OI{ iI{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Slte 2-17-94 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES:8Y: l,l.J. heated trai I er r,rIt{/]'tAx except field cure cyl . AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8S) OIAI{€TER ( IilCHES) AREA (sQ mJ coilP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I IIDER I'EIGHT (LBs ) CYLIIIDER UI{IT IIII6HT (PCF) 7* 28 ?B 28H 28H 2-23-94 2-23-94 2-23-94 3-16-94 3-16-94 3- l6-94 3-16-94 107 ,500 117 ,500 120,500 1?7 ,500 130,000 r40,500 13e.000 5.99 5.98 5.99 5.98 6.00 6.08 6.08 ?8. l8 28.09 28. 18 28.09 28.27 29.03 29.03 3810 4180 4280 4540 4600 4840 4550 snear snear shear snear snear shear con/shear DESIctl STREIIGTH '1000 PSI 0 2A oAYS TE5TS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{II€L AR€ III ACCOROAIICE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.,IETHODS UI{LEsS OTHERUISE IIOTED S()ME II{FORI.IATIOT OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS REI,iARKS; lI daraset accererater added to nix.* Field cure gylinder: cyl i nder cured along with concrete pour for 48 hours. for 48 hours. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc,; Town of Vai | ; llestern l'lob| I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schtjltz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERYER APPROVID BY CHEN-NOHTHERN, INC. coflsuLTIfic EnGilrttRs Ailo sctEilTI sTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar I muts.l prot.ctlon to cll.ntrr tha F(btlc.nd oor.i.lvrir .ll r.aport3 ara rubitlttad rt th. conf{dlcntlrl Frop.icy o? cll.nt5,, ahd .uthorlrat{oh for publlc.tloh of ttrtc6.trt3. Conclurlont or artr.ctr fro or r.g.rdlrtg our r.portr !!-!!r!n'dpcndlng our xatttcn rpFrov.l. S.!|!ll.r ,lll b. dl3por.d ot rft.r ta3t,lng la compl.t.d unl.t3 oth.r lrtrng.r|.nt3 rgrc.s re lt| xrltlng. A nrcrnli. 3i th. !!! grosp of comprnl.! For|l tlo. cl'l€tl3A 6/91 T0: t{ECli Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-17-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti nr P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVall, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of tlesthaven Drlve and tlesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road fes!, Vail, Colo. PLACEHEI{T L0CATIO||: Floor slab, unit 841 BATCH TTCKET lllFoRl'lAT lofl SUPPLIER: Testern l{obile TRUCK ilo. 189 TICKET [0. 011261 llIX DESIGT{ 'r0. 44 TIl,fE BATCHED: 9:12 TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:20 TIIIE PLACED: l0:?3 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCIrI{: 7128 FIELD TESTIilC ItlFOf,tlATIol{ SAilPLE TEIIP: T AIR TEI'IP: T TIl,lE TEST TfrKEll: 10:22 SLUI{P: tl 1/4 Itl. AIR c0tlTEilT: 5 X tfET UIIIT !I|EI6HT: lde.3 JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SLUIIP: 4 It{. AIR C0llTEl{T: l,lax 3X IJATER A00t0 AT SITE I 66A1. CYLIT{OER IIIFORIOTIOT{ t{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYIII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLITIDERS CAST: 10:30 TJHERE CAST: on-Site CURIilG IIIFORHATIOIII ITIAL CUR[: 24 hours On-Slte OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 2-18-94 STORAGE FACILITIES: c. A. Field next to pder 6 in. heated fleld itI r{/r,rAx sl ab trai I erFI TLD 8Y: AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (L8s ) OIAIIET€R ( n{cHEs ) AREA (sq ril) col.tP . sTR . (Ps r ) TYPE ()F FRACTURE CTLII{D€R u€l6llT (tBs) CYL TI{OER UTIIT IJEIGHT (PCF) 7 7 FCI 28 28 28H 28H 2-24-94 z-24-94 2-24-94 3-17-94 3-17-94 3-17-94 3-17-94 105,000 100,000 98,500 137,500 t36,500 135,500 131.500 6.09 6.05 6. 06 6.07 6.06 6.04 6.07 29. t3 ?4.75 ?8.84 28.94 28.84 28.65 28.94 3600 3480 3420 4750 4730 4730 4540 snear shear sheaf GOI Umnar con/spl it coni cal con/spl i t DTSIGI{ STREilGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PIRS()IIIIEI ARE III ACCOROAIICE ITIIIH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHERYISE IIOTEO SOI{E I}IFORI.IATIOH OF TEST REPORT I{AY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIiIARKS :1I daraset accelePater in nix C0PIES: R.A. ilel son & Agsoci ates, Ins Tovn of Vall; lfestern ilobile; J V A, Inc.; e'wattmey Pratt Schul tz Billy Barbour Sobby J. tlays FIELO OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coilsuLTlltc Elt6[{EERt AltD SCrE IIST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 43. uttral pr'ot.ctlon to cl{.nta, th. publlc .nd ourr.lvrs! .ll rcport!.rc aub6lttcd.* th. confldlantl.l propat'ty ol cll.nt3' rnd luthorla.tlon fot'Publleatlor ol 3t!t.m.nt3. Conclu.ions or ertr6€t3 trm or.c9!rdlnE our r.portr l3 r.3.rvcdp.fidlng osr nrlttcn rpprov.l. S.t|Pla3 nill b. dlsFosrd of.fter ta.ting it compl€tcd unr.53 ;th.r irrang.l;nt* .tr..d toln |rrltlng. A |tlcn|b.r ot thc U!!! group of c.aD.nlcs Fonn rto, C Ell3A 6/91 T0: HECl,l Attn P.0. Vat l PROJECT: €nterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Liftstd€ Bui lding, JOB lt0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 2-18-94 SHEET I OF I eaSt of llesthaven Orive and lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road vest, Vait, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCATIOl{ :lfall, grid line 19, L through q ltne. BATCH TR UCK T I I'IE TICKET ITIFOR}IAIIOIIt{0. Lt4 BATCHED: 9:32 ilcKEI flo. 011271 TltlE ARRIVEO: l0:00 TII{E SUPPLIER: Vestern Hobi I e filx DEsIGlr N0. 39 PLACED: 10:?5 CU.YD.L0AO/ACCUH: 7ll/21! FIELO TEST I I{G IIIFORI.IATIOII TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 10:38 JOB SPECI F ICAT IOI{S: slttl{P: 3 l/4 lll. SAHPLE TEfiP: AIR C0l{TEtlT: 5.71 AIR CoilTE{T: I 70'F AIR TE|IP: eSoF llET WIT trEIGHT: 136.9 UATER AOOEO AT SITS IO GAL.S LUI.IP Ilr. cYL lirDER tlrFoRlrATt0r{ ilO. 0F CYLI D€RS: 7 CYtIfiOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TtllE CYLII{DERS CAST: 10:48 ITHERE CAST: On-Site CI'RI116 INFORI,IATIOT llllltAL CIJRE: ?4 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 2-19-94 FIELD S'ORAGE FACILITIES : 8Y : l{. J. heated trai I er H I /t'tAX except field cure AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (L8s) OIAIIEIER ( I ilCHES ) AREA (sQ Iil) COHP.sTR, (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIT{DER 1,/E IGIIT (L8s ) CYLIIID€R UlIIT UEI6HT ( PcF) 7 tFc 16 28 28 28 2-25-94 ?-25-94 ?-25-94 3-18-94 3-18-94 3-t8-94 3-18-94 I15,000 u2,000 103,000 137,000 134,000 139,000 132,500 5.99 5.98 5.99 6.09 5.99 6.08 5.99 28. l8 ?8.09 28. l8 ?9. 13 28.18 ?9.03 28.18 4080 3990 3660 4700 4 760 4790 4700 shear snear snear snear shear con/strear shear DESIG'I STREI{GTH 4000 PSI O 28 DAYS TTSTS 8Y LABORATORY gERSONIIEL ARE II{ ACCOROAIICE VITH APPLICABIE ASTTI ITETHODS UNLESS OTHTRI.|IST I{OTED sOI.IE ITFMflATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOEO 8Y OTHERS REI{ARKS: 1I daraset accelerater added to this mix. Sanple obtained from nixer truck discharge. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; t{estern }lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gxatlnrey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Eobby J- Hays FITLD OBSERVIR APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI116 EIIGIIIEERS At{D SiI EI{T I ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a nttu.l protactlon to cllrnts, th. publlc and oui..lvlsr !lI rcporti lra subnittad !s th. contldlantl.l proF.rty of cltrnt3, rnd rsthor.{zltlon {or Fsbllcltlon of rt.trfiEntt, Conclurlons or extr.cts fro$ or rcaaid{ng osr t.GForti lt-ret.rv.d pendlng our. *rlttan .pprovll. Samplaa *lll ba dlrpor.d of rtt.r t.stlng lt compl€t€d unl.33 othcr arrrng.n ntt .graao lo In wrlting. A n .ib;r ;f thc !I! group of coftpft|l.3 Fonn $o. cF€113A 6/9r I0: llE0ll Attn P .0. Val I PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaqui o Cortl na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li ftside Bui ldi ng, JOB tlO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 2-22-9tl SHEET I OF I of lresthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLAC€llEt{T L0CATIOi{: YalI on of wal I ! line betneen grid llnes at thi s locati on, 19 and Pl0. This concrete will be in I ower lift BATCH TICK€T I IIFORI,IAT T O1{ TRUCK 0. 150 TIIIE BAICHED: l1 :09 TISKET lr0. 0r 1279 TIIIE ARRIVE0: 1l:35 TIII€ SUPPL IER: Uestern llobi I e t{Ix oEsIGN lto. 39 PLACED:11:40 CU. YD. L0AO/ACCUI'|: 7l14l30! FIELO TESTIIIG I]{FORHATI0I{ SAI.IPLE TEl,lP: 66'F AIR TEiIP: ?5'F TIIIE TEST TAKEII: ll:46 SLUttP: 2 l/2 Il{. AIR C0llTEllI: I UET Ui{IT IIEIGHT; 138.5 JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLllllP: 4 It{. AIR C0l{TEllT:4-8 I UATER A0DE0 AT SITE 7 GAL. CYL II{DER II{FORHATTON l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYtlflDER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIIIE CYLINDERS CASI:l,lHERE CAST: 0n-Si te CUR I IIG I I{FORI'IATION I1{iTlAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 2-28-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Trailer except for field cure BY: l,l. J.ttlr{/rlAx AGE OAYS DATE TEsTED TOTAL LOA[) (rBs ) DIAIIETER ( INCHES ) AREA (sQ il)colitP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{OER UE I6HT (LBS) CYLIT{DER UIIIT t{EICHT (PCF) 7FC ?8 e8 ?8 28 3-l -94 3-1-94 3-t-94 3-22-s4 3-?2-94 3-22-94 3-22-94 l?4,000 133,000 130,500 150,000 152,000 162.000 r42,500 6. 00 6.08 5.94 6.08 5.99 6.08 6.08 28.21 29.03 28.09 29.03 28. 18 29.03 29 .03 4390 4580 4650 5170 5390 5580 4910 shear snear shea r shear shear shear shear DESIGII 5TREI{CTH 4OOO PSI O ?8 OAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY P€RS0I{I{EL ARE lll ACC0RI)AIICE I',ITH APPLICABTE ASTl,l METHODS UIILESS OTHERUISE NOTED SOTE I FORHATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REIIARKS:ll daraset accererator added to this mix. COPIES: R,A. llelson & Associates, Inc Torvn of Vail; l{estern ilobile; J V A, Inc.; cwattmey Ptatt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. Hays FIETO OSSERUER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0ilsulTIt{6 El{6IltEERs Ailo SCIEilT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 | huts.l protccilon to cll.ntr. th. psbllc.nd oqr5.ly.3. .ll r.portl !r.3sltmltt.d.t thc con{ldlrntl.l prop'rty ot cllant3, aod at thorl:atlon for psbllc.tion of itltdn nts, Conclurionr oF.rtrrctt frofi or r.g.rd{tg our rcporti- la-r'r'rvtd pinAiig'our *rittcn epproval. Srrnpl.i wlll b. dl.po..d of rft.r t.!tlng lr conFlGtcd unlcat otlr.t'lriangdn ntt agra'o to ln nritlng.i;il:; ;i th. !!!! sroup of coirprnr.3 Form ro. ct'lEl tle 6/91 T0: tlECll Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Yail, c0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftslde Bui l di ng, JOg t{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 3-9-94 SHEET I OF I eas! of yesthaven Drive and |lestln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vall, Colo, PLACE}IEIIT LOCAT IOII:Floor slab - B-51, 52 loft EATCH IICKET IttF0Rl{ATIOll SUPPLIER: Uestern ilobile TRUCK l{0. 100 TICKET ilo. 0l 1359 r.ilX D€sIGll ll0. 44 Tllft EATCHID: 0:36 TIIIE ARRIVEO: 8:55 IIHE PLACED: 9:00 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'I: 7ll4l12 FTELD TESTIT{6 i tlF0RfiAT t 0ll SAfiPLE TEHP: 73T AIR T$lP: 28'F TlltE TEST TAKEI{: 9:10 SLIJ},IP: 4 3/4 ll{. AIR C0tlTEltl:5.2 t IET Ul{lT |EIFHT: 140.2 JOB SPECIFICATI0TS: SLUIIP: 4 ltl. AIR COt{TEtlT: 3 I TAIER A0DE0 AT SITE 7 6Al-. CYL Ti{OER I]{FffiI,IATIOII t{0. 0F CYtlll0tRS: 7 CTLIiI0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI].|E CYLIT{DERS CAsT: 9:25 I{HERE CAST: on-site cuRIlrG IlrFoRr,rATl0l{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 lpurs OATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Si te 3-10-94 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES:BY: C. A. Heated trai ler field cure adjacent t'rll{/llAx to pour AG€ DAYS DATE TE STED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) OIAI.IETER ( r flcHEs ) AR€A (sQ I l{) COHP . sTR. (PSl ) TYPT OF FRACTURE CYL]flDER IIE I CHT (L8s) CYLII{DER UflIT YEIGHT (PcF) 7 I 7FC ?8 ?8 z8H 28H 3-16-94 3- t6-94 3-16-94 4-6-94 4-6-94 4-6-94 ,l-6-94 117,s00 115,500 110.000 5.99 6.08 5.99 28. t8 29.03 28.18 417 0 398 0 3900 shear shea r shear DESIGI{ SIREIIGIH 4OOO PSI 8 28 DAYS TESTS BY IABORAIORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE III ACCORDAflCE ITITH APPLICASLE ASTI.I I.IETHODS U1{1E55 OTHERi.IISE IIOTEO SOI'IE I IIFORI,IAT TOII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REIIIARKS: CoPIES: R,A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vailt Uestern Hobilei J V A, Inc.; Gwattn|ey Pratt Schultz Eilly Barbour BobbY J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coilsutTtnG Et{cIilEERs AilD scIEl{TlsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ai r rnut!.l prot.ctlor to cllaott. tha publlc .nd osr.3rlv.3r rll |-.poiti .r. 3ubolittcd a. th. confldlcnglrl pt'oF.rty of cllanta. rnd.utharlt.tlon for lubllcatlon of 3tatdrrnta. Conclutlonr or cxtracta from or rcgardlng our rraportt lt ratarvad FGn.tlhg dur r.rlttcn rpprov.l. i.rpl.r wlll b. dlsporad of r.tt.r t.3tlog l3 cooPlat.d unl.3t othcr Ar|.ang.ir.nts.graao to ln wrl t I nq.i-nt.rti" ir the E!! group ot co.t9rnl.r Forrn No. ct'lEl l3A 6/91 T0: l'lE0tl Enterprlses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 3-10-94Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F rVall, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Butlding, east of yesthaven 0rive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road U$t, Vail, Colo. PLACEITIEIiIT LOCATIOI{ :Slab for Uni t #A- BATUH TTCKET IilFmHATlOn SUPPLIER: Uestern ilobi le TRT CK ilo. 114 TICKET l{0. 0r-1378 r,ilx 0ESI6il }r0. 44 TIIE BATCiIED: 9:07 TIlilE ARRIVED: 9:20 TIIIE PLACED: 9:30 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCIfi: FIETD TESTTI{G II{FORilATIOII 5AI.IPLE TEI.IP: 6fF AIR TEI,IP: 4O"F TII{E TEST TAK.E}I: 9:38 SLUI{P: 5.0 Il{. AIR C0NTEIIT:S.I X },ET UillT IEIGHI: 130.9 JoB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUIIP: 4 ll{. AIR C0tlTEllT: 3 X UATER ADDED AT SITE 7 6AL. CYL IIIDER IIIFORI,IATIOII ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CfLlil0ER SIZE: 6"x 12' TII'IE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:48 i*IERE CAST: 0n-Site CWIilG IIIFORIIATIOI{ II{ITIAL CIIRE: 24 hours 0n-Slte DATE RECEMO AT LAB; 3-t1-94 FIELo SToRAGE FACILITIES: traller except for field cure cyl Inder BY: C. A.r,rIlr/ilAx A6E DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI,IETER ( IilCHES) AREA (sQ ril) COMP . S TR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE cvllilgER t.,6IGHT (LBs) CYTIIIIIER UilIT UEIGHT (PCF) 7 7 fFc z8 28 28H 28H 3-t7-94 3-t 7-94 3-17-94 4-7-94 4-7-94 1-7-94 4-7-94 108,000 lel,500 111,000 5.98 6.07 5.98 28.09 28.94 28.09 3850 4e00 3950 shear snear con/spl i t ttESI6II STREIIGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 0AYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PTRSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCOROAIICE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I{ETHOOS UIILES5 OTHER}'ISE I{OTEO SOIIE IilFIA}IATIOII OF TEST RTPORT IIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI4ARKS: CoPIES: R.A. llel son & Assoeiates, Inc.; Town of l/ail; lJestern lloblle; J V A, Inc,; &{athney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Eobby J. thys' FIELD OBSERV€R APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTTIIG EIIGIIIEERS AI{D SCI€IITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar r nut{ral grotactlon t6 cl'l.nt3, thc Fubllc lnd os.t'.lv.r,, rll r.portB arc aubhittrd sE th. corfldlantlal P.oF rty ol cllrnts, lnd ruthorlEat,lon foi pqbllcetlon of 3tatdnant3. Conclurlont or axtrtcta froo or ragardlng ouF raport3^ t a^rat'rv'd p.ndi6g our wrltten.pprov.l. i.npl.r w{Il b. dlipo3.d of.ft.r t.rtlng la coarplatad unl.tt othar rrr.ng3f,.rrt.grc.c !c In wri tlng. A r"en6;; 6i th. tg! groqp ol cornpanlci Fon! t{o. cl'tEtl3a 619l T0: l,lECtl Enterprises J08 tlb. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-ll-94Attn: tustaquio Corti na P.0. 8or 3149 Sl.lEEI 10F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftslde Building, east of llesthaven Driye and t{estin llotel , South Fnontage Road test, Yall, Colo. PLACtl'lEllT L0CATI0I{ :Slab-on-6rade, Ski Locker Roon. BATCH TICKET IIIFORI,IATIOI{ TRUCK 0. 97 TIl,l€ BATCH€D: 9: 14 All TtcKET lr0. 0u400 TIl,lE ARRIVEll: 9:30 All SUPPLIER: Uestern ilobi I e l.{IX DESIGI| l{0. 44 dfiber TlllE PIACED : 9 : 42 All-CU. Y0.LOAD/ACCI l,l: 7/21135 FIELD TESTIIIG II|FORIATION SAI{PLE TEI{P: 64 'F AIR I[ilP: 30 T TIIG TEST TAK€ll: 9:48 AH SLUIIP: 5 lll, AIR C0]{TEI{T: 6.41 UET U]{IT tlEI6HT: 135.2 J08 SPECIFICATIoI{S: SLUIIP: 4 Ill. AIR COI{TEI{T: 3l ITATER AODED AT SITE 18 GAL. CYLIIIOER II{FORHATI()N 0. 0F CYLIIDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12', TIIIE CYLIIIOERS CAST:9:58 All tlH€RE CAST: 0n-Slte CURIXG I tlF0RtrlAT lofl II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 3-12-94 FIEID STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated Trailer (except FC cyl i nder, BY: Frank Potvin l.llll/l'lAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (tss ) DIAIIETER ( fi{cHES) AREA (stl Iil) col|P. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYIII{DER IJEIGHT (L8s) CYLIIIOER UHIT UEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 r?m 28 28 28H 3- 18-94 3-18-94 3-18-94 4-8-94 4-8-94 4-8-94 90,000 87,000 96,500 6. 08 6,09 5.99 29.03 29.13 28.18 3100 2990 3420 shea r shear shear DESICI{ ST&E}IGTH 4OOO PSI E 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE I1{ ACCORI)AI{CE I{ITH APPTICAELE ASTI,I IIETHOOS UI{IESS OTHERI'ISE IOTEI| SO}IE I I{FORIIAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REHARKS: * FC=field cure. tX daraset accelerator added to thls mix, COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Assoclates, Inc.i Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; GHatfmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams EobbY J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, tNC. COIISULTT I{G EIIGII{TTRS AIID SCIEI{TIST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar a muturl piotactlon to ellant3. th. psbl{c lnd o!r3clv.:r rll r.poitr .r.. 3ut||'ltt.d .3 th. coitldl.|itfrl ProP't'ty of cllants, end truthorlzatlon lor gubllcatlon of atrtanr.ntr. coaclusloni or .rtfrctr frd or fagafdlng olr raPortr 13 r:"Grvcd ;;;ii[';;-fiitin ipprovar. 5i'iiii-iiit'to-aiipJilu "r . iii"-i.it i "i' t i"comp I ctcd r.'!1..r 6th.r ;rrlns.ltlntr Itr"d to ln wrltltrg.A"";i;; ;i th. !!t group of co|nprnl.i For tlo' oGt13A 5/91 T0: ilECtl Enterprl ses JoB !t0. ,f 178 93-3 DATE: 3-14-94Attn: [ustaquio corti na P.0. Box 3109 SHEET t 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECI: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and l/estin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail. Colo. PLACEI{EiIT LOCATI0I{: Floor 5l ab,B-51 &52. EATCH TICKET lllF0RllATI0lt SUPPLIER: |lestern ilobi le TRTCK t{0. 1l'l TICKET flO. 0ll4l5 ilIX 0ESI6|{ l{0. 44 TIl,fE BATCHEO: 6:59 All TI}IE ARRIVE0: 9:20 All TIlt€ PLICED: 9:28 All-CU. YD. L0NIACCINI 7lzll49 FIELD IESTIIIG II{FORI,IATIOI{ SAI.IPLE TEMP: 67.F AIR TEI.IP: 30 T TIIIE T€ST TAKEfl: 9:36 A SlUllP: 5 tll. AIR COl{TEilT: 5.51 lrET l,lllT |EIGHT: --- JOB SPEGIFICAT I0tlS: SLUttP: 4 lll. AIR C0llTEl{T: 3 * tfATER A00ED AT slTE 7 6AL. CYLII{OER IIIFORIIATIOII t{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 5'x 12" TII'IE CYLI}I0ERS CAST: 9:46 A}l IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site cwu6 lltF0RliATlol{ InITIAL CURE: 40 hours On-Slte DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 3-!6-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES; Heated Job Trailer 8Y: l|ark Jensen l,llt{/l'lAx A6E DAYS DAIE T€STEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DI AI.IE TER ( r]{CHES) AREA (sQ Il.|) cor,rP . sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYII IIOER IIE I GHT (LBs) CYLIIIDER UI{IT UEIGHT (PCF) 7 7 7FC e8 za 28H 28H 3-?l-94 3-21-94 3-el -94 4- 1l-94 4-l l-94 4-11-94 4-11-94 94,500 100,000 99.500 5.99 5.99 5.99 28.18 28.18 28. l8 3350 3550 3530 shear shear shear OE5IGII 5TREIIGTH 4OOO PSI € 28 DAYS TESTS BY TABORATORY PERSOIII{€L ARE IN ACCORDAIiCE IIITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I I.I€THODs UIILESS (ITHERUISE IIOTED SOI.IE II{FOR}IATIOI{ OF TTST REPORT MAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REIIARK5:,51 daraset accel erator added to thi s rnix. COPIES: R,A. llel son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; Uestern tlobile; J V A, Inc.; Gvrathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Brian Scanlan FIELO OE5ERVER APPROVEO 8Y ..; t =c 9lE h atl ccoo^ :: cled =o-=< (U o !o ElE ELar.(,_('co nl!t--e E!D CL3 E .F5Fo s F}a-d>r Ool-rF..c |qq.rJ .-,, 0i9ds_od ott r! 0{, {t =- o ct = F =(J6e f GI ? o <lr <o o rtt (D t..t !oI 0(' ao (E) "? (\I 1 =o ts o {rc' OE EI o !, '@!,r-aEEI o3-oo,A€ tl- 76lp -'dE a =l.a (/t oo ttFoi!€] q- -co .lrt- -PC o\- ao EOoa,'0 t'l .-a -gc^!, ro tu '- EO oqr!t'o.o 3 O.sorl(\lsf(\l l!leGI FlrJtrl lrlF-4Vta ut ar, I(rt€rr.ocD= eqtoA..klOE-ctJCt Frt:, <ct &.o4lrl& s= J> =e,'- Ll =v,Er ?E 8.il6P 4lrlrl! G,c .+tLO ctr(J* oo o.tl, .r- Ctr I.r 5<t@g cr?.| r.)ctt\ldtro O ra X@+t=ot:lrlc:lOlrJ (., l.J =drD = COF <i=c, +,1r.l +t . .! (t€ =<c> - ot_. lLoJol-=-6 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G E1{6II{EERS AI{D SCIEI{TT STS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: llECll Enterpri ses J08 t{0. I 178 93-3 OATE: 2-24-94Attn: llr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 DAITY REPoRT ll0, 5l SflEET 2 0F zVail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: LiftsidB Buildtng, Vail, Colorado I.IATER IAL SPECIFTCATTOl{5 IIAIIUFACIURER Grace ilonokote ltK b COi{TRACTOR Rolling Plain 8OI{D STR€I{GTH (PSF)DEllslTY {PCF) l5+ PROJECT COIIOITIOIIS SUBSTRATEPREPARATIOI{S notobserved AI,IEIEI{T TEI,IPERATURE SAI'IPL E }IUI.IBER TEST AREA I/ET VE IGHT tt8s) ORY I'E I6HT (LBs) I,IOI STURE (s) DEIISITY (PcF) I 2 J Unit B-22, beam between master and niddle bedroom,8' north of south rall. Unit S-22, decking in bath nsrth of bedrocrm #3, 16' south of north wall. Unit B-22, colunn between llvlng roorn and bedroofll #2, 6' north of south wal1. iA}IPLE IU}IBER l,tIflIHUll THICKIIESS (Il{) irAx Il,tur,l THICKI{ISS (il{) AVERA6E TltIcKt{Ess (Ifl) DES I61{ THICKI.|ESS ( Ir{) 80il0 STREI{GTH ( PsF) REIIARKS I .88 .31 1.13 l.oJ .69 I .56 i. 11 .44 l.4l I.0 .38 1.38 PROGRESS REPOR.T: C0PIES: R. A. Nelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J. V.A., Inc. Gwattmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adans Fred R. Caneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Ai. mutu.l protcctlon to cll.htr, th. publlc.nd ourr.Ivaa, all raportE .r. ssbmlttcd at th. confidcntl.l pioP.tty ot cllcnt!. ahd .uthor.lt.tlon for psbllc.tlon of 3t.t.m.ntr. Conclu5lon3 or ar(trlctr trom oi r.g.rdlng our raports lr r.t.rv.d pendlng our |irlttan aFPr'ovrl. A nc$bar of tha !I! gioup of cottDanl.s CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. colsutTmc EtGtilEEns AxD sctEltlt$s REPORT OF S?RUSIT'RAT STEEL TO: IIECH Enterprises JOB lto. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 2-29.94Attn: €ustaqJio Cortina P.O. Box 5149Vait, c0 81658-3149 DAtty REpORr ilo. SZ SIEET t OF I PRoJECT: Liftsid€ Euitding Esst of gesthaven orive and gestin rotei, south trontage Road gest, vail, colorado. The shear studs r.er€ acousticatly t$ted m the fifth floor levet, 80, 3t, betHeen grid lines 13-21 and AA'R. Att of the studs Here hit rith a h4ner aird thre€ Her! bent 15 degrees xithdrt failure. Atl of the studs 6re considered acceptable. The Hetds lere visuatty obeerved ard the bolt6 Here checkd for a snug tight cordition on the tift fraring. 9g' 6t I95t 9t', betueen grid tines 2-21 and !-?. ton rool tevel, 101, Dtr, betr.een grld tines 13'22 and O-2, sixth ftoor level, 101, 0u, bet{een grid tines 2-13 ard AA-L and the 7th fl.oor Levet, ll1'6'r, betnben grid Lines 2'13 and L-tl. ALt of the bolts and uetds tere forrd scceptable except at the loft tevel. one retd ]ras nissing on the er|bed ptate connectim at U.Z-17 ani botts rere found loose or nissing at the beam to beEm comections at A-13, Z-18 and Z-19. fhese connect i dts refe rmrked cith r*tite Paint. PR0GRESS REP0RI Jeff xith R. A. l'letson ard Bob rith the erection crel rere informd of nry obeervat i ons. GOPIES! R.A. llet son & Associates, lnc., Attn: ilr- Rick Agata; J V A, Inc.; GrathrEy Pratt Schultr; ToHn of Vail, Attn: l,lr- Dan Stanek; Dafrelt lluss FIELD OBSETVER fred R. Caneron APPROVED BY Ar a fiuturl prot.ctlon to cll.nt!, th. publlc and our3alv.s, .ll r€pgFtr rF€ 3ubnitted rs tha conlldantlal proPcrty of our cllattt3, rnd arthorizltton lor pt|bllcatlon of 5t.tcm.nt, Conclr3lont or.rtilcti tron or r€grrdlng our rGportr li r.s.r.ved pGndlng our|'iltt.n apPr'ovat. Srmplcr wlll b. dl3Fo3cd of aftcr tcatlng ll complctcd unl.3* oth.r |rrangqnanti.ra rgrerd to ln writlng. A nlenb€r of th. g!! group of comprnlar r.,k i.. crEre ./er 03/o'/94 13:26 FAf 30,t ?t{ 0!10 "r,rf,r.." CEEIII-NORIf,Mfl +++ GLFD SPII$CS @oor t 56!r:20339 ullxrgorlf, t*rrorr Fcs"Jof I - ofraucF [m$ rnrp*rioo,In=. .--+ Grrsr e5{J\-Ah,J{.-fq l^a .r'r,.t6 Va;l - L:{h|L fr*;#nTttrt|. OoesHq&&EIggt W.-" UJa4af EiH glQ..!r q W,til-*tf{td,t," 6Od EutUUr*St<,,ffi l***q,6"t* *tr"@*ti- ,a.tf-.- w*il-ef o,o (J o l! € d ;.l' € o I6P EP ,,EE} =o ;qt(,(tl- Ed J85o =O JlrJ =aloF- (\l o Ltl "l !l|a o "l 1rl .o a @ e €oo o "1 calao n t\orrt co "t ao@ aoe ro o "l @ !1 a'' ;".: j rtl oI w "l o?"Y ao ao rll qt o ":€€ ro r.l e oo 4 ,- o J a-oct,- trtcc .]r FC Ec' ruru ..g.aJ !ro!c, FoO- lo+{ t-.Fl'oct c,:)t -o t-!l o tg(u o-oELET':'d'Fll a-' {- .-rt o Tl >r|t.=to+,l (t Eld =ttl a Elg (l- +Ot-c.,+'o r-oEso-! <\l-E-o4I- oo {J} = r/t ,{ (t TI"--l o 519 g od 43 oc,v,. 100 ltt o.c|-t (u.! tt! l-c .Ft t-clo =lE oOE or0 clr{, t-rl, o -g 0r-! (\, E. = (fl LtEo I t't, .-lE -ctt '!:>t .o - Eq, lclo o o .t', .E a,Ft o- -rE0 ctt Ic! J-g qt t-oo tlE =lt - rt cD| (rt I rr-f., (l llll! lrll-E.E, tttct Ncrt ul F'OD.o@- e,rf c!o.. lrl<D€ =.DJOF.r':t <e Eo CLLI& gE;Fiseft =U'Eo- 9<s ==6olr 3P CL lrJ4 E a!E +tl-o ctrc, qf oo .,)j4.r- (tr I.F =cf (rtL CtFl lf,cL .! art tatt-Pru (, xcoP=CtElrlcoolrl Lt l&ld,E cOF trl .P . ct (5-<r> -F'..3oeF. ItF=_o CA CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COTISI'LTIl{G ETIGINEERS AIID SC I EI{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THTCKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: l'lECl,l Enterprises JOB 0. .4 l7s 93 3 DATE: 3-l-94Attn: llr. tustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 DAILy REp9RT tlg. SZA SHEET z 0F 3Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, VaiI, Colorado I'IATER IAL SPEC IFICAIIOI{S }|AI{UFACTURER Grace llonokote C0IITRACT0R Rol I in9 Plain B0t{0 STREflGTH (PSF)DE|{SITY (PCF) PR0JECT CoNDlllolrs SUBSTRATE PREPARATI0|{5 not observed AHEIEIIT TEI.IPERATURE SAMPLE IIUiIBER TEST AREA I,IET T'E I GHT t L8s) DRY UEI6HT (LBs) I,IOI STURE G) DEI{S ITY (PCF) I L 4 Unit 8-31, beam betreen living room & bedroom #3, 10' south of north lall Unit B-31, colunn, northeast corner balcony of bedroom #3 Unit B-31, decking, 3' west of east wall & l2' north of south wal I Unit B-32, beam, bedroom #2, 6' south of north wall & 14' east of vest vral I 2.27 1.32 fz l'f .3 iAr.tPLg tuil8ER r{It{ Iilu}r TH I CKIIES S ( rr{) HAX I l.trjtl TH I CKI{ESS(lr) AVERAGE TH ICKI{E5S (Il{) DESIGI{ TH I CK}.IESS ( rr{) BOI{D STREl{GTH ( PSF) REI'IARKS I ? .94 I.25 ,JO .88 1.38 I .81 .87 1.44 1. 11 l.5t .71 1.14 t.0 I .38 .38 1.0 PRO6RESS REPORT: CoPIES: R. A. fielson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A., In€. Gwattmey Pfatt Schul tz Torn of Vai I Carolyn Adarns Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y A3 a |nstull pr.ot.ctlon to cllontrr th. publlc rhd o!rtclv.3, rlt repoFtr rr. ssbrrlttld 15 th. confld.ntlal Prop.rty ot .. cllaats. end authorlzation for plbllcrtlon of statanEnta. Conclu3lonr or attrrctt frotr or t^cgar-dlng our FaFgitt lt tatcrvad pendlng oqr rrlttan .pprovrl. A Dartbcr of thc EI! grouF ot coGptnf.r CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIC EIIGII{EERS At{D SCTEl{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITV AND BOND STRENGTH T0: ll€Cll Enterprises J08 tt0. 4 178 93 3 OATE: 3-t-94Attn: ilr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SAILY REPSRT l{0. 52A SHEET 3 0F 3Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Euilding, Vail, Colorado ].IATER IAL SPECI FICATIOI{S IIAIIUFACTIRER Grace llonokote COI{TRACTOR Rolling Plair. B0r{0 STREilGTH (PSF}DEilSITY (PCF) PROJECT COIiDI TIOTIS SUESTRATE PREPARATIOIIS A}IBI EI{T TEI.IPERATURE SAI4PLE IultBER TEST AREA I{ET I.'EIGHT (L8s) DRY I{EIGHT (L8s) IIOI STURE (x) DEl{SITY (PcF) ( o Unit B-3?, coluu between living roor & bedroom #3, 22' north of south rall Unit B-32, decking, naster bedroon, 4' north of south wall and 4' Yest of south wall iAI,IPLE IUiIBER lrIilIMUr'l THICKIIESS ( I1{) t'tAxlltutl THICKI{ESS(n) AVERAGE THICKIIESS ( Ifl) DESIGTI THICKIIESS (fii) BOl{D STRE]IGTH (Psf) REMARKS o t.?.5 .38 1.88 .69 I .53 .56 1.38 .38 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. llelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A., Inc. GrathrEy Pratt Schultz Iom of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Carneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Ar. mutu.l protactlon to cIlant3. tha tubllc and our!.lvca. .ll r.por,tr .r. rubmltted.r th. confld.ntlrl prop.rty of cllantr, and authorlart{on tor publlcrtlo|t of it{t.{Fnt3, Concluslon. oi extrect3 from or rcgrrdlng our rrporti lr r.3.rv.d pcndlng our |.rlttcn .pprovrl. A mcnb.r ol th. !!! group ot co|!9rnl.r . cgaN-NoRTHERN, INC. oolsuLl|[c EltEmEERs AilD SCIEI|T t STS REPORT OF STRUCT{JRAIJ SIEEL TO: iECf{ Entergfises J08 [O. 4 ,|78 93-3 DATE: 3-8-94Attn: Eu6taquio cort ina P.o. Box 5149vait, co 81658-3149 DAIIY REPoRI xo. 53 sllEET I oF I PROJECI: tiftside Buitding East of Uesthay€n Drive 8rd llestin llotel, south FrdrtEge Road Llest, V.it, Colorado. The shear studs s€re acoustical [y tested on the 6th ftoor level, 90r 5||195, gti. betHeen grid tines 2-21 and L-Z ard on the lor roof leveL, l0l, 0r., betHeen grid Lines Z-13 ard L-Y. Six sttds flere bent 15'ard atl, the studs rhen hit Hith a hal:r, rere detrrmin€d to be aeceptabte. lhc side tapc Here not button Ffched on thr tol roof tevet, 101, 0n deck. The A525 bolts and fittet Hetds rere visuatty obeerved on the sth levet, 80t 0nl85' 3'r and 6'th levet. 90, 6.t195' 9t. betreen grid lines 13-19 6rd L-S. The botts and retds rere fourd to be acceptable excrpt the bcar to cr1H plate csrlectiqr on grid line 13.1 at o .rd P. lhe enM rer€ set los and onty the botto half of the $hesr tab coutd be $etded to the sH plate. lhe botts th€t Her€ missing m line 10.5 betrccn o and q (see report dated 2-15-94) snd on line Z rt 13, 18 ard 19 (see report dated 2-78-91., rere irtalled ard tightened durirE ny presence. These connect i ons are scceptsbte. The $etds noted during the above dates have not been correctd. Sixteer momnt comect i ons Here ultrasonicsLty tested and ane acceptabte (See attaehed flos report. ) PRoGRESS REPoRT Bob r{ith the e.ection crefl |,as infonned of nry oboervation. COPIES: R.A- lletson & Associates, lnc., Attn: llr. J V A. lnc,; Grrathney Pratt schultz; Toxn of Vail, Attn: llr. Dan Stanek; Rick Agatei I I I Darrel I Husg FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. cameron APPROVED BV A3. mqtutl pr-ot.ctlon to cll.nttr tha publlc and ouri.lvcar lll r.poita rr. rslxnltt.d !5 th. confld.nt'l.l prop.rty of our cll'ntr' 'ndruthorizltlon tof publlcrtlon of 3tatcmant. Concluslon3 or axtrlctt trom or rclfd{trg ol|r raport!-19 rasa-fv.d pandlng our wiltt'n appl^ov'l ' Srnplcr wlll b. dirpo3.d ot rlt.r t!3tlng li cornpl.t.d unl..3 oth.r .rr.ngdr.nt3 .r. eEr..d to ln wFltlng. A ;crb.F of thc !.!!! group ot co||F.nl.i -. cfto:a ',/'r - -03/tt/i4 "'" "::"::n:t,.or'* rI!,* Clrr.r- lb.$..r^, 3.c .ror* V*il - fsflitda ffrip CEEN-N0RTf,ERN +++ GLIID SPRINGII I s6r: !:orr s nec qsl'cn r's"lotJ. 6ool 6! r$rtIL_CeL_ tsEn'tuj&lJll$t r.GB t*qz Slt.fifiadtl tcld,.DEEraltm hr{d Eilil tr ffih y6 fi3trcc, tfrn|*lS.cle t $fr fi trrtr: d u I$-t,f,3 l. firI II fif, D d ${${d nf I LI5 c-tl raf l-'a'r'l{.^E tlJ4 3 3 l'tf -.r1 L*- rl { Ltrb --+ "*t I ,/ *l- E urrl uJl*. rr f - 9L .-rl rro$ $ b r^ E .-.1 -r!L tr ,/ 'l L. B -.+ LrIc'. rt i FR .-:l mP t J .l L'.k .rrl .r$L t n.ti- lc **l r-JL* r t' tl r - et r.r$ lgS !: l?.t-. 13 anl I.J{F t'{ rt r l*.4 .,.I .*F r f r+t. P.l ..:4 L&- r It S- ;1f -.{t "..-*r.!l S- It.s .-Jl ...i{dr^,fW }(TFt I 41"4* 'ti1- tbg '@*l "J '"T*J 14,ttr ul b-+ral ; ; CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. colsuLTt [c Eltc tEERs AID sctE]tTlsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ilECl{ Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149VaiI, C0 81558-3li[9 JOB t{0.178 93-3 DATE: 3-9-94 OAILY REPORT lio.54 sHEET OF PR0JECT: !iftside Buildlng east of Uesthaven Orive and Ilesti n Hotel ,South Frontage Road Uest, Vall, Colorado. IIEATHER COI{DITIOIIS A]{D TEIIIPERATURE C0NTRACT0R'S COilSTRuCTl0ll ACTIVITIES: Pl acernent ol concrete for floor slab. PERSOIIITEL: ilAJ0R EQUIPITEIT: ACTIVITIES: Pump truck - Cal co Concrete was placed for floor slab of the loft of 'level Pl acement ras nade by uslng a pl'mrp truck. 8-51 ,52. CHEI{-NORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIES lJe nere on the jobsite as requested to test the concrete being placed for floor slab 8-51, 52loft. (|ne fleld cure cylinder was cast along rith six cyl i nders for heated initial cure. Seven cyl i nders rere picked up fron yesterday's pour. VERBAT COI.II,IUI{ICATIOII I'ITH COI{TRACTOR, EilGII{EER, ARCHITECT, OIINER Dave infonned ne of concrete pours starting at 8:30 A.H. on Thursday and Friday, Harch l0 and 11, 1994. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Assoclates, Inc. J V A, Inc.l Gxatlmey Pratt Schultz lom of Vatt;j Eilly Barbour FIELO OESERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED 8Y Ai a fiutu.I p.ot.ctlon to cllents, th. publle ahd our3rlv.r, rll rrports rr. submlttcd.3 th. confld.ntl.l prcparty of oor -cl l.nttr ltrd luthorla.ilo; lor lubllc.tlon of riatcnpirt. concinslons or citrictr irqtt ir r.gatdlng our rcportt i3 rci.rvcd ienitng'our rr{ttcn.PFrov.l. S.tnplcr plll b. dl3posGd ot aftar taitlng la co|npl.tcd unlc33 oth.r .rrungq|lcnt3 rr. rgrccd to {n rfltlng. A mcmbar of the 4!! group of cofiprnlat o (u t5 ttJ (pE o o o oE tl, c, |l, IE oo E o ocb o q, 0) o o= o cl TL o! co @ .l <o @ .:oI o G' rJ)coq @ !(tt o (at <\J ro -i ;e @@ @@ oo o F ooL.E' !, c' >-c -=o 0,q, rr-IO o-cll .rr CO Lo Ol o {t L 0, c{,o oLo-d u) lro!uLor! o .\J o ol Ltu d) !, !t d'(D o =o ,I' 6 lI, att 1f t- o (u =E o g E o EooL! ao E E |l' 6 c :o .n o E o oo'o, E OEuo 't_ L qf (Jt ctrI tr-ctr octlFrGI lrlIJI EIF-<,.t,ct FI(t =r(ach.o6- d.tfo CL. lrlOE =6JO l-aD<EI 4oau.l4 .:2, =o=F ;'= fra- E89 c,ca= EE6g CIf,rle Ll- GIr-l I(., Ec'CEfi' +t Fa !Flo(hlc,O r-r(l,O (rl rt(/|.F Cn | .|J.F =rtaOL ErFr rrt Co't!(Y rO =L+'o ur Xoo+r=ogt.|.t€olrl (J lrleE sAec) .Plrl ,P . rd (t =<4> =cl..JoF=ao CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EI{GII{EERS AI{D SCTEIITI STS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: ilECll Enterprises JOB 10. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: 2-9-94Attn: l,lr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 0AILY REPORT ilO. 43 SHEET z 0F 3Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8uilding, Vail, Colorado I,IATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS I'IAIIUFACTURER Grace ilonokote CoIITRACT0R RollingPlain 801{D STREilcTH (PSF)DEN5ITY ( PCF)21 .4 PROJECT COIIDI T IOI{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATI0T{S. not observed AIIB I E]{I TEI.TPERATUR E SAi,IPLE }I UI'4BER TEST AREA i{ET I'E I6HT (LBS) DRY VEIGHT (LBs) I'IOI STTRE DE]I5I TY ( PcF) I 5 4 5 Unit C-11, col umn between llving roon & bedro€ir Unit C-lI, decking, approx. centerllne of living room Unit C-11, beam, centerline of bean over dinino area Unit C-il, decking, bedroon #3, approx. centerlineof west hal f Unit C-11, col urnn at northwest corner of mas. bedrm 3.44 1.78 21 .4 iAHPLE IUMBER M I1{ I ilUr,l THICKNESS (IN) t'tAx I ttul,l THICKT{ESS (r1{) AVERA6E TH I CKIIESS (il{) DESIG}I THI CKI{ES S (Ii{) 80t{D STREI{GTH { PsF) REI.IARKS I z 3 5 1.0 .43 .87 .31 .93 I tE .68 L.J' .6? L .87 1.39 l .22 .44 1.27 t.37 .38 1.0 .38 | .37 PROGRESS REPORT: * Ue advi sed contfactor that coverage Jn several areas, especially ares of test l{o. 5, was less than requi red by job site specs. Contractor agreed to apply another coat to these areas, COPIES: R. A. l{el son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J. V.A. , Inc. Gwathrey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Fred R. Caneron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y A3 a |autu!l pr.otectlon to cl{.ntr, th. publlc rnd ourr.lv.., .11 report3.r. 3ubmitt.d as th. confld.ntJrl prop.rty ofcllcnts' lnd autho.lzltlon for publlc.tlon ot !t.tr{t|.nt!. concluElons or extrrcts fro or ragrrdtng our rcporti ti rcscrvedpcndlhg our l{r'lttcn lFprov.l . A n€mbci of thc U!! group of con|panl.. o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISUTTI tIG EiIGII{EERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: llECl'l Enterpri ses J08 ilO. 4 178 93-3 DAT€: 2-9-94Attn: llr. Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 9AILY REPoRT fl0. 43 SHEET 3 0F 3Vall, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, Vail, Colorado },IATERIAL SPEC I FICAT 1O}IS I'IA UFACTURER: Grace l'lonokote C0|{TRACT0R RolI i ns Plain BOIIO STRENGTH (PSF)DEI{SI TY (PCF) PROJECT CONDITIOIIS SUESTRATE PREPARATIOIIS AflBIEIT TEIIPERATURE SAI,IPLI NUI'IBER TEST AREA UET IJE I6HT (LBs) DRY UE ICHT (LBs ) I,IO I STURE (x') DEt{S TTY ( PCF) 6 8 Unlt C-12, beam over bath for bedroom #3 Unit C-12, decking, approx. centerline of living room Unit C-12, interior colurrns between living roan and bedroom #l iAI'IPLE II,IIBER l.lIllIllultl IHICKI{ESS ( I[) llAX I liluM THICKI|lISS ( tN) AVERAGE TflICKilESS (It{} DES I GI{ THICKI{E5S (rr{) BOIID STREIIGIH (PSF) REIIARKS 6 7 I .87 .5t 1 .12 L -tt .62 2.12 1.29 .5 i .61 1.0 .37 I .37 PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. flelson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate IJ.V.A., Inc. I Gwathney Pratt Schultz I Curolyn Adams Fred R. Cameron Town of Vail I FIELD OBSERVER APPR0VED BY A5 a mutu.l prot.eilon to cllant3, th. publlc.nd ours.lv.3r rll rcports rra 3ubrlttod 63 th. confldantlrl propcity of clltntr, and .uthorlzrtlon for publlcatlon of strtcnrants. Conclu3lors or axtracts from or ragrrdltrg our rcportt l5 r!*.Fvcd p€ndln9 our gflttan .pprov.l . A tr.nb.r of tha !f! group of con|Flnlct CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 EI{GIIIEERS AI{D SC ]EI{TI SIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As .6utu.l prot€ctlon to cll€ntl, th6 Fubllc.nd osrsclvs$, rll raports ars 3uhrlttad r. tha confidl.ntl.l prgparty ol €l{.nt.,r .nd ruthor{z.t{on for publtc.tlon of Btrtanants. Conclurlon3 or cxtrrci3 f'.qn or YGgrrdlng ou. YlpoFti i3 ratawc! pendlng our wrltt.n approval. SrrDl.s rrlll b. dlrporad of rftlr t.!tlhg l3 cornpletcd unlats othcr .rrangdt nts tgrit.q to in f,rltlng. A ncmlir ii th. !!U group ol comp.nlG3 Form o. Ct'lEll3A 6/91 T0: HECII Enterprlses J08 t{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: ?-?4-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of |lesthaven 0rive and Uestin Hotei, South Frontage Road l,lest, Vall, Colo. PLACEI'iEI,|T L0CATIOI{: llall on L line between grid llnes 19 and P10, upper lift BATCH TICKET IIIFORT.IAT IO}I TRUCK r{0. 150 TIl.lE EATCHEI): 10:52 TICKET tIO. OT L?92 TItl€ ARRIVED: 11:20 TII.IE SUPPLIER: llestern llobi I e Mtx 0EsI6t{ r.10. 39 PLACED: ll :23 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCIJ!|: FIELD TESTIIIG Il{F0Rl'lATlOl{ SAi{PLE TEl,lP: 63'F AIR TEIIP: 25'F TIHE TE51 TAKEII; ll:34 SLU[,|P: 4 l/2 ]t{. AIR C0llTtllT: 6.1* UET UIIIT tlEI6HT: 136.9 JOB SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLWP: 4 It(. AIR C0tlTEtlT:4-8 % UATER AODED AT SITE GAL. CYLIIIDER INFORI'IATIOIt t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" T Il,lE CYLII'IDERS CASI: 11:44 UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIflG INFORI.IAT TOiI I fl I TIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-S i te 2-25-94 FIELD STORAGE FAC IL I TIES: 8Y: C. A. tra i ler l,lIl{/l.lAX except for field cure cylind€l AGE DAYS DAIT TESTTO TOTAL LOAD (L8s ) OIA}IETER ( r r{cHEs ) AREA, tsq IN) c0ttP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIl{DER I{EIGHT (LBs) CYL IIIOER UI{IT UEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 28 co 28 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-3-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 3-24-94 116,500 123 ,000 114 ,000 149,500 143,000 rs2,000 149,000 6 .08 6.00 6.00 6.08 6.09 6.08 6.08 29.03 28.27 28.27 29.03 ?9. l3 29.03 29. 03 4010 4350 4030 5150 4910 5?40 513 0 shear shear snear con/spl it con/spl i t con/sp1 i t con/spl i t OESIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ ?O DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE ItI ACCORDAI{CE }'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI{ISE IIOTED SOT{E INFORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I,iAY 8E PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REIIARKS : COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associate6, Inc.: Town of VaiI; llestern I'lobi le; J V A, lnc,; ovrathn€y Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIETO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EI{CI NEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mt|tull protectlon to cll.nts, th. publlc and ourielv.s, !ll r.ports are subthltt€d .s the confldl.ntirl propcrty of €'ll€nts, .nd.uthortzrtton for pub'llcatlon ol stltd|l€ntg. Cohcltr3lon3 or.xtrlcts frorn o. r.g.rdlng our Fcports ls rc3.rv..l p.ndlng osr wrltt.n .pprov!1. Samples wlll b. dispos6d ot rft.r tGitlng i5 cdnPl€tcd rnlcts oth.r lrrlng€'|.ntt rgr..d to ln wri tl ng. A n|emb.r ;f the ElB gioup of conp.nics Forrn No. Ct'lEll3A 6/91 T0: tlECl{ Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-16-94 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F tVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthayen Orive and llestin llotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T L0CATI0Ii: Floor 51ab, Lower Sections of Employee Unit and Recreation Ro(Fn, BA1CH TICKET IIIFORIIATIOI{ SUPPLIER: IJestern l.Iobi Ie TRUCK l{0. 100 TICKET l{0. 0l 1441 l,tIX DESIGI{ tio. 44 TIME 6ATCtlt0: 8:50 All TIME ARRIVEO: 9:15 Alt TIIIE PTACED: 9:28 Alt-CU.YD.L0AD/ACCU}|: 7/21128 FIELO TESTIIIG TI{FORI,IATIOI{ SAI'IPLE TE P: 7?.F AIR TE},IP: 35 "F TIt'lE TEST TAKEIi: 9:42 All SLUllP: 5 1/2 Il{. AIR C0l{TEl{T:5.2 Z l/ET Ul{lT UEI6HT: 138.5 JOB SPEC I FICAT l0il5: SLUIIP: 4 lll. AIR CONTEI{T: 3 % \i,ATgR ADDTD AT SITE -- 6AL. CYL I I{OER II{FORIIATIOII t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 7 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x le" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:52 Alil UHERE CAST: on-Site CURIN6 I IIFORMAT IOII INITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIYED AT LA8: 0n-5i te 3- 17 -94 FIELO SIORAGE FAGILITIES : 8Y: Bri an Scanlan llIll/tlAX AGE OAY S OATT TtsTt0 TOTAL LOAD (rBS) O IAIIETER ( 1r{cHES ) AREA tsQ IN) col.tP . sTR. (PsI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIT{OER VEiGHT (LBs ) CYL TIIt)ER UI{IT UEJ6HT (PcF) 7 7 7FC 28 ?8 ?8H Z8H 3-23-94 3-?3-94 3-23-94 4- l3-94 4- 13-94 4- t3-94 4- l3-94 92 ,000 92 ,500 102,000 5.99 6.08 5.99 28.18 ?9.03 28. i8 3260 3190 36?0 Shear snear shear DESiG}I STREI{GTH 4000 Pst 6 28 DAYS TESTS BY TABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE I1{ ACCORDAI,{CE I.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTITI I.IETHODS UNLESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI.IE I IIFORI{AT ] ON OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROV]OED BY OTHERS REI4ARKS: C0PIIS: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; Uestern flobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwatimey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EIICIIIEERS AI{D SC IEIITI SIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A5 . mutur'l protectlon to cll.nt9, thc Fubllc rnd orfr.lv.r, .ll rlports !r€ ssb ltted rs th. confldlcntl.l pl'op€rty ot c\lahts, a$d .uthorlz.tlon for publlc.tlon of statdn€nts. Conclurlons or €rtractE frorn or rag.adlng orr rcport! ls r.3.ivad pard{ng our wrlttcn .pprovrl. S.oplas wlll be dlsposld of aftcr t€ltlng is cooFl!t.d unl.si othct' lrra$gs!r'lnt3 tgr.Cal toln vri{tl ng. A m€mbcr of thc U!! group of co||tp.nl.s For't't tto. Ct*ll3A 6/91 T0: l,lEClt Enterpri ses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-17-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SttEfT I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of |Jesthaven Orlve and Uestin Hotel , South Frofltage Road lrest, Vail, Colo, PLAC€HEIIT LOCATIOI{:Slabs for Units C-71 and 72. SATCH TICKET i]{FORI.IAT IOt{ TRUCK t{0. 161 TillE BATCHED: 9:01 At'l TICKET t{0. 01 i455 TII{E ARRIVTD: 9:20 Al'l TI}IE SUPPLIER: Uesteh l,lobi I e MIX OES tct{ l{0. 44 x/fi ber PLACEO: 9:25 AI{-CU. Y0.LOAD/ACCtN: 71141 FIELO TESTIIIG II{FORIIAT IOII TltlE TEST TAKEN: 9:34 All JO8 SPECIFICATIONS: sLuftP SLUI'IP 6 I . Iit. SA}IPLE TEMP: AIR COIITENT: 4.5}{ AIR COI{TEI{T: % l4 "F AIR T€tlP: 30 "F VET ttlIT UEI6HT: 138.9 IIAIER ADDED AI SITT 19 GAL. CYLIIIOER INFORMTIOII l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLIII0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9;44 AH UHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRIft6 Ir,rF0Rr{ATI0r{ IlllTtAL CUR€: On-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated frailer (except FC) DATE RECEIVE0 AT LAB: 3-?l-94 BY: Hark Jensen llit{/}'lAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) OIAI'IETER ( rilcHEs ) AREA (sQ n) cottP . sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I IIDER IIEIGHT (LBs l CYLIIIDER UIIiT lITIGHT (PcF) 7 7 Ilc 28 ?8 28H 28H 3-24-94 3-?4-94 3-24-94 4-14-94 4-14-94 4- 14'94 4-14-94 101 ,000 102,500 113,500 5. 99 5.99 5.98 28.t8 28. 18 28.09 3580 3640 4040 snear shear c0n,/shear DTSIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOI,IITEL ARE III ACCORDAiICE VITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I MEIHODS Ui{LE5S OTHERIJTSE flOTEO SOI.IE I IIFORI'IAT IOII OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS R EfiARKS : CoPlE5: R.A. Ne'l son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern l{obile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adans Brian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVIR APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT I I{G EIIGIilEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ttECll Enterprlses JOB lt0. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: IA-3-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F zVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftsid€ Euilding, east of Yesthaven Orive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ttest, Vail, Coio, PLACEXENT L0CATION: Grld Lines P-5, L through Q to eleva on 80.0' BATCH TICKE] I IIFORI'IAT I OIt SUPPLIER: IJestern IiTobI Ie TRUCK !r0. 150 TICKET l{0. 010717 l||IX DESIGI{ t{0. 39 TlltfE EATCHE0: 9:27 All TIit€ ARRIyED: 9:41 trl't TItitE pLrcED: 9:43 AH-cU.yD.L0AD/Accuil: 7lzl FIELD ltSTIllG IllFoRl,lATIol{ SAI,|PLE TEilP: 56'F AIR T€trtp: 23 'F TIME TEST TAKEI{: 9:48 Al{ SLUIiP: I 1/2 It{. AIR COltTEl{T: 5.01 UET UIIIT l{El6HT: 143.8 J08 SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLUIIP: 4 ltt. AIR COtlTEl{T: 4-8% l,rATER ADDED AT SITE 4 6AL. CYLINDER iI{FORMATIOII t{0. 0F GYLITIDERS: 6 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:52 Al,l }JHERE CA$T: 0n-Site CIJRIIIG I }IFORI{AT I OII It{IIIAt CURE: 0n-Site DATE RECEIVE0 AT LAB: l?-6-93 rIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: 8Y: llark Jensen Heated Jobs I te Trailer. Il{/}lAX: 70173 degrees AOL DAYS DATE IESTID TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI{ETER ( TNCHES ) AREA (sQ rr{} col,lP . sTR . (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACTIIRE CYLII{DER UE IGHT (tBs) CYL J IIDER UNIT UEICHT (Pcr ) 7A 28A 28A 284 284 12 - l0 -93 l2- 10-93 12-3 r -93 r ? - 31-93 12-31-93 t2-31-93 I30, 500 13s,000 156,500 147 , 500 1.48 ,000 157.000 6. 08 6.05 6. 08 6.08 6. 08 5.99 29.03 ao.tJ 29.03 ?9.03 29.03 20.10 4490 47 00 539 0 5000 5100 5570 coni cal con/shea r shear snear shear shear DESICI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABoRAIoRY PERSoNIIEL ARE Ili ACCoRDAI{C€ IITH APPLICABLE ASTM Ir{ETH0DS UI{LESS 0IHERIIISE lloTEo SOI.IE I NFORI.IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORI I4AY BE PROVIOED BY OIHTRS added mi x, 4000pour psi REMARKS: Job was nal l to is non-cloride accelerator specification for thi s COPiES: R.A. liel son & Associates, Inc To*n of Vai l ; llestern l{obi I e; J V A, Inc-; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Erian Scanlan Eobby J. Hays FIELO OESERVER APPROVED 8Y 43 a muturl Frol.ectlon to clJqnts, th! pub'l'lc cliehts, .hd .utfiorlultlor for publicatlon ofpendlng our- wrlttcn approvrl. Srrnpl.i wlll bsln wrlting. A nehber of thc 4l! g'.oup of colltanl.t .nd ourscl ves, rll r.portt 3tatemant3. co$clr3lcn3 0t di spo3cd of.ftar t.rtlng .r. subm{ttod a3 thc contldicntlrl pr.opGr.ty olaxtr"lct3 lyom or ragardlng gur r.portr l3 |"riaivadls corplated unla!a othar rrrangah€nt3 agr.€d to Forrn l{o . CM€ll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G T}ICII{EERS AND SCI EITTISTS RryYru REpoRr oF coNcRErE rEsr cyLtNToF.q0mfi, DEV, DEPI ,lF*"'.. T0: llECil fnterprises JOB 0. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: 3-2-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHTET I 0F i va'i 1 , C0 81558-3149 PROJECT: Liftslde Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin tlotel , South Frontage Road ldest, Vail, Colo. PtACEl.lEt{T L0CATI01{: Slab over mechani cal room, and bicycle locker roon slab. SATCH TICKET IIIFORI,IAT 1O}I TRUCK I{0. 161 TIME EATCHED: ll:24 TICKET 0. 01 1303 TillE ARRIVED: 1l :50 T I I'IE SUPPL IER: lJestern llobi i e ltlx DEStGl.| l{0. 44 PLACE0: 12: l0 CU.YB.LOA0/ACCifl: 7/35 riELO TESTIilG II{FOR}iATION TIl,lE TEST TAKET{: 12:10 JOB SPECiFICATIOI{S: SLUIiP; 4 112 l ll. SLullP: 4 IN. 9AllPLE TE}IP: T AIR TEr,lP: 40"F AIR C0t{TEl{T:5.9 X UET Ut{lT UEIGHT: 138.1 AIR C0I{TEIT: 4-8% I.,AIER ADDED AT SITE I GAL CYL]I{DER IiIFORI.TATIOII l'10' 0F CYLIIIDERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x tZ' I rliE CYLINDERS CAST: 12:20 THERE CAST: On-Site CURING II{FORIIIAT ION I li I TIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RICEIVED AT LA8: 0n-5i te 3-3-94 FIELO STMAGE FACILIT lES: BY: C.4. exceDt field curetrai ler il1N/HAX OAYS qATE TTSTEO TOTAT LOAD ( LAs) DIAHETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ It{) cor.tP . sTR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER I{E i GHT (LBS) CYL II{DER UI{IT YEI6HT (PCF) 7 1 ?8 28 28H z8H 3-9-94 3-9-94 3-9-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 3-30-94 8Z,000 87 ,000 90,000 120,000 120,000 115,500 l?0,500 6. 00 6.00 5.98 6.00 6.08 6 .09 6.09 28.?7 ?8.?7 28.09 ?8.21 29.03 ?9. 13 ?9. I3 3080 3080 3200 4240 4130 3970 4140 shea r shear shear snear snear shear snear DESI6I{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{HEL ARE III ACCOROANCE I'ITH APPLICABLE A5II.I }'ITTHODS U}ILESS OTHERI{ISE I{OTED SOI.IE IIIFOR}IATIOfl OF 1EST NEPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHIRS RIMARKS: Pumper rnoved ll:10 - 11:45. 1% accelarater added to this rnix, CoPIES: R,A, Nel son & Associates, Inc.l Town of Vail; lrestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y As . DUtulI protcctlon to clt.'lt3, thc publlccl{cnt3, lnd .uthorltatton lor publlc.tton otpGndinE our nrltt.n .pprov.l. S.hpl.s xtll b.ln l|rl t lr|g.A Disrb.r of th. ts!! group of coorplrl.s rnd our3al vat, rIl rcpoPtt 3tat.|n nta, Conc I usl ons ordl3pos.d of !tt.i t.itlng or.. lutmltted 13 thc confldlrntltl FtlF.rty ol .rtrnct3 tro||| or rag!rdlng our raportl lr ratarvrdli coqltlatad unl.rs othcr lfrlngtfirntr agraad to For'n t{o, Cl,lEll3A 619l CHEN.NORTHEHN, INC. COI{sULTI IiG Ei{6II{EER5 AIID SCIEI{TIST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: MECII Enterprises JOB tiO. 4 170 93-3 0ATE: 3'3-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.o. aox 3149 SHEET 1 oF IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l,lesthaven Drive and Westln Hotel , South Frontage Road lest, Vail, Golo. PLACEI{EI{T LOCAIIOI{ :Floor slabs for Unit B-41 BATCH TICKET IllF0Rl.lATIoli SUPPLIER: trtestern lrlobi le IRUCK lto. 161 TicKET lto. 01 i3l4 nlx 0EsIGit 0. 44 TIME BATCHED: 9:25 TIltlE ARRIVED: 9:40 TIIJE PLACTD: 9146 CU, Y0. |OA0/ACCUI/''. 7178128 FIELD TESTiI{G I t{FoRl'lAT t oti SArlPLt TEIIP: 71'F AIR TEl.lP: 45"F TIIIE TEST TAKEiI: 9:54 SLul,lP: 5.0 It{. AIR C0t'lTEl{T: 5.5X trET UflIT hlEI6HT: J08 SPECI FICAT I0l{S: SLUI'IP: 4 lll. AIR COl{TEl,lT; 3 X ITATER A0DE0 AT SITE GAL. CYL I TIOER II{FORMATIOII I,IO. OF CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIIlOERS CASI: l0:0{IJHERE CAST; On-Si te CURIN6 I I{FOR}IATI OI{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DAIE RECEIVED AT LAB: 3-4-94 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITlES: t.railer exceot field cure 8Y: C. A.I,I I N /MAX AGI OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAT LOAD (LBS) D] A},IETTR ( lNCHES) AREA (sQ Iil) cor,tP. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTIJRE CYL I}IDER UE I6HT { LBs) CYLINDER UI{1I VEI6HT (PCF) 7 7 7E" 28 28 28H 28H 3- 10-94 3- 10-94 3- 10-94 3-31-94 3-31-94 3- 3l -94 3-31-94 100 ,000 92,500 t 05, 000 127,000 12?, 500 132,000 127,000 6.00 6.00 6.00 6. 08 6. 00 6.08 6. 00 ?8.27 ?s.zt ?8 .27 29.03 ?a.27 29.03 llj,aI 3540 3270 3 710 4370 4330 4550 4490 shear shear snear shear shear shear shear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS IESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIT{EL ARE TI{ ACCORDATICT VITH APPL ICAELE ASTI.I UETHOOS UIILTSS OTHERUIST IIOTED SOIiIE Ii{FORIIATIOTI OF IEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REI{ARKS;lX aece lerater COPIES: R,A. llelson & Associates, lnc.; Town of Vai l I llestern ttlobi le: J V A, Inc.; Gwathrey Pratt Sehultz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 . nutusl protactlon to cll.nt3, tl. publlc .nd our;clvca. rll rcportr ar. s{bmltted 13 lh. cohf{dlahtial t.op.rty oacl{ent3. rrd ruthorltatlort tor prbllcatlon ot gtrtcmcntr. Conclurtont or artr.ct3 trdfi or. ragardlng oui raPorts Ir ra3arv.dp.ndlng our xfltt.n.pprovrl. Sll||p'lci w'lll b. dlrpo3.d of rft.r t.stlng t3 conpl.t.d unle3! oth.r rFr.n9st nti rgr..d toIn wrl t tng -A |n.hbcr ot th. EI! group of comgrnl.r Fonr lto. CHE1I3A 6/91 o g t-c, ta a H d. .) EE ,.t 85, E! tLo E & (ocl aJlr.l F =.J6v I 7 N o o o q o .E o, t') ot-o{,, @ *:@n o e I(v o aa !,,- a: o .o q qJ E _o ot , or s -i al @T "?I Q 1 q, oo a! :'aaao ec ^|GJ (J c c ac.(l c .; ro = F o io oOF 'oll'o=ao b6!t ./.' -o@.c +Lco:>= -; Ed ort,-c!|!- F}Er dc=.r JP f o o/t6= iq- O- o- c,E.' = Lr.! = too o=-o E .rrJC' CCI t-o co -(J !F .d= tpoo' ' .+r oo,a- E-6€OH@ -EaoQo fTtE{'>.o o 6C)l t!oIJJ = .GJt <\, FEO O-aJ Or.=otn .F>J c.- O o o coo,(J -C .LO!Oc= oo cr .Edroo '*"UFcod -6:t cEt o o 26 !, = !t Eut lru-or ctICt Fl C') lr,lIIE.. t tlrjF<rJ'e|{) (vt .o(., -or F<rt achoF{ tLlr.lsfE OJ -ri co ct0D FEo CLtr|e, .i- =o i5 EgEr9rci- EE6P CLlrte tJ- .cg .rJ!Odrct$ (l,O (vlY'.F Ctl I.- f =f CO! CtF{ rJ)o-('(oroL+t(t, r, Xdl+r=oC tr,l O Cttrl ql lrjd = COp. Bl .lJ . r! (,t @-<a> -FtOcroJO... Flo=Fro CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI IIG EI'IoIIITERS AIID 5C]ENTISTS REPORT OF FIREPHOOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STFENGTH T0: l{ECl'l Enterprises JOB il(). 4 l7g 93-3 DATE: 3-10-94Attn: l,lr. Eustaqui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149 DAtty REP0RT 0. 55 sHtET z oF 3VatI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Lift3ide Building, Vail, Colorado ITIATERIAL SPECI FICATIOI{S I{AIIUFACTURER 6race ilonokote COXTRACT0R Rol l ing Plain 80fiD STREi{GTH ( PSF)DEt{sIIY (PCF) l5+ PROJECT COI{DI T IOI.IS SUBSTRATE PREPARATI0I{S: l{ot observed Al{8I tt{T TEI'IPERATURE sAHPLt ItUHBER TESI AREA IIET UEI6HT (LBS) DRY II€ I6HT (LBs) I{O T STURE (,6 ) DENSITY (PcF ) t 'l Unit B-11, Beam, lllddle Bedrootn,16' orth of South tlall. Unit B-11, 0eeking, Yest Eedroom, 4' East of fest }lalI and l8' l{orth of South ValI Unit B-11, Colunn, Iliddle Bedrocrn, l{ortheast Corner of Patio (Deck), Unit 8-12, Eean between Hall and l|aster Eedroom, 18' llest of East Vali 1.80 I .70 ;A}IPLE tUHBER l.a I il IHUII THICKTIESS (ilr) MAX II{UIiI THICKIIESS ( Iil) AVERAGE THI CKI{ESS ( Iil) DES I6l{ TH I CKI{ESS ( Itl) 801{D STRgII6TH (Psr) REHARKS I 3 4 .94 .38 1.19 .94 t. e5 .47 1.63 LfJ 1.07 .44 I.40 I .05 1.0 1.38 1.0 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. l{elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J. V.A. , Inc. h{attmey Pratt Schui tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adans Erlan Scanl an FIELD OESERVER REVIEUED BY A3 i.utu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nt5, thc publlc rhd ourr.lv.i, rll r.portr rr. subrnlttcd.5 th. eonfld.itl.l proparty ofcllant3, ard authorl.:.tlon tor pt|bllcatlon of ttrtatranta. Conclur'lonr or attrrcti {rotn of r'ag.rdlng out raFoft! li ra3arYrdpending our *iltlan rttroval. A nahbr? of th. !U! troup ot col|lprnlaa I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CDII5ULTIN6 E}IGIXEERS A}ID SCIEIIIISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: HECI{ Enterprises JOB ttO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-10-94Attn; Hr. Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 DAILY nEpORT N0. 55 SHEEI 3 0F g Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Ljftside Building, Vail, Colonado }'IATER IAL SPTCIFICATIOI{S I.IAIiUFACIURER 6race ilonokote C0IiTRACTOR RollingPlain 80il0 STREilCTH (PSF)DEIISITY (PCF)l5+ PROJECT CONDITIOI{5 SUBSTRATE PREPARATI0T{S: Not observed A}IS IEIiT TEUPERATURE SAI'IPLE flul,lBER TTST AREA vtT UEI6HT (LBS ) DRY If I6HT (tBs) K} T STURE (s) gEilSITY (Pcp) o Unit B-12, Column, East }ral I of Living Room, 22' Horth of South llal l Uni t B-t? Unit C-31 , Col urnn iAI.IPL E IUIiIBER llIllIl.lull TH I CKl{ES S ( IN) l.tAx I HUlt THICKI{ESS ( Iil) AVERAGE THICKIIESS (Ifl) 0ESl6tl THICKI{TSS ( IH} B0r'rD STRE}16TH (PSF) REI'IARK5 3 6 I .19 .38 I .31 .|CO .47 t,oJ 1.39 .45 1.45 1.38 ?e 1.38 PROGRESS REPORT:* Retest of lest llo. l, dated February 16, 1994. COPIES: R. A. llel son & Asso. - Attn: Rick AgateJ.V.A., Irc. Gwathney Pfatt Sohuitz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adans Brian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER REVIEIIED BY Al a rqt|l.'l proi.ctlon to eltnt!, th. publtc.hd ourialv.t, !ll r.portr.r.3ubotttad.i th. conlld.rtlrl Ptop.rty otcllant!, anC .uthorltttloh tor publlcrtlon ot gt.t.||.nt!. Conclu3lot|r on qxttrcl.3 lront or r.Gg.Fdlng or,l" r.portt l3 ialar"v.dpcndlng our. i,rrl tt.n rpproval. A m.n|b.i of th. !lI! gfoup ot codp6ni.. o o E !, 0r€9FO'E orcc.o 'o! o P> E lrroaa o '; ! J oo o !t:6 e..= Fb5E be i xy{,: Fc.I L,o!(u t-xdtu ; Eb a =c, !{3.e H 6Jq crrJ -r-g F 2<) etv J -i o "l ""|a o €a a @ ":o a @ @ o "1 (v @q @ q ro e <tt ,: 1 F o ot .oo| ro .:u o-',.6(O alrl *JCfll=El*:)t o o oo -o Ed'oieL^ dtci -'.-E 6 ar.ro,o@o, oo -€ =5 o oq-:B6 Et- -Co(J- C\J oo !to -.j ]=ro 'E vtCl! o{Jo31- 9-ta\rl o rl{J O6l u)l.6-g .-l acl. o =t@ ?l 5OF €i!(l'= 4t! Etoc.-E ooac .9 E(Foo t-s E!-co.Fg gEi .P O- -o _Et rEo'c-oE,g oco <oor r(t I trl.v' lr,l-lrl Cl rr,tr| (4.o(ft- ctl coENOFrAtrl<f4 EJ =.1co6oD aco CLtr,le ,:==o -s =agH =aoEo9cc =-Fb6E CLLlE lr. .ttc P!O Ctr()if oo (asl q- <tl I.e SqtOO! ItFr t',tld..rro!+,(l, (r xo+r50 (DElrlOOO < t'rl4J (-, lrl .t'dLECO;- <o()+t .plr,f +, . fit a5 ,t, =<e> =F.ocr .lzJ'r.. F. COo=l- !q Lao EI t il ol- e d @ lr- F =<)Crv t ; .: @.?CO @ I ?@ COa I 2 e (v a:o a .; o : d. q,l ol= tuPI'-nl.r, o a)t ||, l-Jl=.- tlo cl >ta oorl roJI [' .EItrGl- l-{Jl* o{td c o oq-o l4-orc =-o19ot -E o,-o-tt u EE o)€, ,1 3 @oog E].) oorc Olr -E ocolU l-Fl|,-OF = ot6{r4 }o'.a +rt Egaitt -Eo crrodo o ?ro ro(rt Eg af, fiB- EE iEeg Er.ri 5 l,!,1E' .l- -e Ei:l F= +=*i:trJ =E- d L .! .|J O0llJ rt !r() (r? .- !o!aoL Ett utaL ,! F. lO (|lg| 6+r:xEtrlOOT.J CEI 'JIE.rlJ +r C) .F -<cL>(92 J 5@ CHEN.NORTHEHN, INC. cot{suLTil{6 Elt6lt{EER5 AltD sc I EI{TISTS REPOHT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSTTY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: MECI{ Attn P .0. Vail PROJECT: Enterpri ses Mr. Eustaqui o Cortina 8ox 3149c0 81658-3149 Li ftside Bui lding, Vall JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 3-15-94 0ArLY REP0RT r{0. 55A SHEIT B0F s Col orado IIATER IAL SPECI FICAT IOI{S I{AI'IUFACTURER 6race llonokote C0i{TRACT0R Rolling Plain B0nD STREilGTH {PSF)DEI{SITY (PCF) PROJECT COIIDI TIOIIS SUBSTRATE PREPARAT]ONS AMBIEI{T TEIIPERATURE SAI,IPL E NUMBER TEST AREA T'ET YE IGHT (LBS) DRY UE IGHT (LBs ) I4OI S TUR E (x) DETISITY ( PcF) I Unit 8-41, decking, hali north of unit, 26' *estof east wall Unlt B-41, bean, living room, l0' north of south wall & 6' west of east wall Unit 8-41, column, west wall of unit approximately 2?' north of southrrest corner Unit B-4?, west bedroom, I' east of west wa1l & 16' south of north wall ?.97 1.98 iAI'IPLE IUIIBER IINIl.lul{ THICKNESS ( IN) llAX I |tut,| THICKNESS ( It{) AVERA6E THtCK [SS (lx) D€SIGII IH I CKI{ESS t r1{) BOI{D STRET{6TH (PsF) R EI,IARKS I 2 3r 38 94 50 94 .47 1)\ 1.63 l .25 1.33 I .05 .38 I .00 1.38 I.00 Actual average 1.13 for density PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R. A. l{el son & Asso. - Attn: Rich AqateJ.V.A., Inc. GwattsEy Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Brlan Scanl an FIETD OBSERVER REVIEIJED 8Y 43. muturl prot.ctlon to cllant3, th. publle rnd ourr.lv.r, rll r.porti .r. iubfiJlt.d.a tha conlld.htl.l piop.rty otcllcbtc, drd authorlaatlo'| for publlcatlon of 3tttianLnti. Concluslona ol. axtrectr fro or ragardlhg our raporti ls rarervad Pandlng our. wrltt.n .pprol,!'1. A n.tnb.|" ot th. !I! group ot .o|hprnl.t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0t{sutTlt{6 E 6I ETRS AftD SCI EI{TISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, OENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: f,lECll Attn P .0. Vai ) PROJTCT: Interpri sesllr. Eustaqui o Cortina Box 3149c0 81658-3149 Ltftsi de Bui I di ng, Vail JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-15-94 DATLY REPORT IIO. 554 SHEET 4 OF 5 Col orado I'IATTRIAL SPECIFICATIOIIS IIAIIUFACTURER Grace onOkote COI{TRACT0R Rollin9Plain BOID STREIIGTH (PSF)DEI{S]TY (PCF) PROJECT COI{DITIOtIS SUESTRATE PREPARAIIOIIS AItBlE}IT TEI.IPERATI'RE SAI,IPtE IuttBtR TEST AREA hIET UE IGHT (L85) DRY I.'E I GHT (LBs ) I.IO I STURE (,() D€IIS tTY (PcF ) q 6 I 6 Unit B-4?, decking, east bedroom, 14' north of south wal I Unit 8-42, column between living roorn & east bedroon, 24' north os south pall 4th level 8-pod, bike storage area beam, 14' east of vrest wall & l0' north of stairs 4th level B-pod, bike stroage area colunn, 1?' west of east xall & 26' north of stairs ;AiIPLE IUiIBER lilIlrIilu{ THICKIIESS ( Iil) MAXIltutt TH I CKI{E SS ( It{) AVERAGE IHICKIIESS (ilr) D€Si6II THICKIIESS ( rr{) BOIID STREII6TH (PSF) RE}'IARK$ 5 6 I .38 I lq .88 1 .25 .47 I .63 l.aJ t .63 .45 1.40 1.11 I .44 .38 1.38 I .00 I.38 PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R, A, llel son & Asso. - Attn: Rick AgateJ.V.A., Inc. Gwatlney Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adans Brian Scanl an FTELO OBSERVER REVIEUED BY As a mutu.I protcctlon to cll.nt3, th. Fubllc rnd orrtalveir all F.portr .r. lub lttcd .3 thc cohtldantlal prgp.rty ot cllrnta, and {uthsrlzotlon for public.tloti ot 3t.tin.nt5, Cohcluilqni or.ntmcta frofi or rag.rdlng our fcports l! r.ltrvadpcndlng orr rrltt.n appiov!1. A mer$.r ot th.4!! Sroup of comp.nl!3 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coIsuLTIt{G TGI EERS At{D SCI EITTI STS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THTCKNESS, DENSTTY AND BOND STRENGTH I0: llECll Enterprises JOB 0. 4 l7A gg-J DATE: 3-15-94Attn: l'lr. Eustaquio Corti na P.O. Box 3149 DAILY REPOR-I No. 55A SHEET 5 OF 5VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, Vall, Colorado I-IATERiAt SPECi FICAT I OII9 ITANUFACIURER 6race tlonokot e COi{TRACTOR RollingPlain BOI{O STRENGIH (PSF)DEIISITY (PCF) PRoJECT Cor{0tTro}ts SUBSTRATE PREPARATiONS AIIBIETIT TEI4PERATUft E SAI.IPLE I{UIIBER TEST AREA UET IJE I6HT t LBs) DRY UE I GHI (LBs ) }|O I SIURE BETISITY (PcF) 9 i0 Unit A-42, deeking, middle bedroom, 10' north of deck Unit A-42, col umn between living room & west bedroom, 22' north of south wall iA}tIPLE IU}lBTR ltiil IHUll THICKIIESs ( rr{) l.{AXIllul'l THlCKI{ESS (lN) AVERAGE THICKIIESS (ltl) DES ICI{ THI CKITES S (ril) BOt{D STREI{6TH (PSF } RII.IARKs 10 .31 r. <5 .47 |.63 .43 I .45 .Jd 1.38 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. l{elson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aoate J,V.A., Inc. Gwathrcy Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams Brrian Scanlan FIELD OBSERVER REVIETIEO BY At a nutuel prot.ctlon to cll.ntsr th. publ{c lnd ourr.lvt3, rll raportr .rr 3ubnlttrd 13 th. cortld.nt l.-l prop.rty otcil.nt!, lnd rrthorlaatlon tor publlcttlon of rt.t.fi.ntt, Conclurlon3 or.xtr.cts trorn or r.96rdlng our r.portr la r.3.rv.d Pandlng our llrl ttan rppr.oval. A natnb.r of th. EU! group of coripanlar CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISI'LT I IIG €IGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL TO:l.lEcl,l EntefprisegAttn: Eustaquio Cortins P.o, Box 5149Vail, co 81658-3149 JOB [O. 4 DAILY REPORT tin hotel, South 178 95-5 DAIE: 3-16-94 [0. 56 SBEET 1 0F I Frontage Road Ue3t, Vail, Colorado.PROJECT: Liftside Building East ot llesthaven Drive and Ues Ihe repai rs Here visualty observed on the tvo cotrrms at the fifst ftoor [eve], P-31 and I-27. The xelda are acceptable ard the repairs confo ted to the afchitrct,s draxing A x 52 & 33. lhe repai rs to the interior roof beam that ras darnaged in the construction acc ident ras conpteted during qy visit ard confonns to the supptementat draHing erd the relds rere visually observed 6nd are acceptabl e. COPIES: R.A- iletson & Ass@iEtes, lnc.. Attn: J V A, Inc.; GHathmey Pratt Schultz; ToHn of Vail., Attn: r. Dan Stanek; Ir. Rick Agate; Fr€d R. CflFron REVIEIIED BY Darrel I C. lluss FIELD OBSENVER Ar I mutu.l pr.otcctlon to cll.nt., th. publlc lnd o.rr$alv.3, rll r.portr arc iub|t|ltt.d.3 th. contld.ntlrl proprrty of ouf cll.ntr, .nd irrthorlritlon toF tubllcltlon ot 3tat.r!.nt, Conelu3lon! or axtr.ct. lron oF rag.rdlng our r.port3 {. t'.r.Fv.d p.ndlng orr r,rl ttan .Pprov.l . S.mplc3 nlll b. dlrpot.d of.ttar t.3tlng l3 coDplct.d u|rl.!a oth.F rrr.rgqn nti !r. lgr.cd to ln tritlng. A i|. rtbar ot th. !!! group ot cooprnl.3 tm rn. oEtcu a/'t E t Lo 9o ::> =l!9> = t, d.aL - ! ID Lct tu !- OE .co t- (JE t! +r foFO =6 Fo = EI .q vt c<( = a.) o!- It @ c ":a ",:a o : @ <\l -..@ 1r'(lt ? :.o "": e (o ..; .J:2 co @ "1 I a ":.1 :o El =o EO.,taHe5ttLFIOIOolc c -l: i' alF (\, llll E --ts E-rt' oF -ll llt ! lt|t-oo3 ol . .c {4*t rr 5lUllrr,odt.Jt a q, c ! ooI OJ EOEO =t-F!ootoa <\rl.|J rto(ol ! q,c tu-c LEo6 ,-c 'tlE{'I -tl oc'rl !rI'lI lrFaJt o sct,,oioEL. o., -gg| t l*-o0 er!AO ot -c .rJ OvtcluI{- g -tooE ltt E- ID I.Dql avt q,E40oE |-FlO-Oroo6coa. 4 c o Eo L o r0.,E'D (Dq-60 3E .c Loc .EE{.rl, ,rt!,.q j)Eoo,o0t- 6€c!tE-O o'-.)E sf lLore IhFr IFfir rulr, l*l A|\ ra) (').o <!?t -Or codF\Or-. 6Llrl<tE OJ -Hoo6oD e,oo-lrl4 ,:-=o f= fiH EB ?z E-tr6g ILr.l E lrlE (5 !t =oHEEtlJ(., =TD fltc ,tJ 3-oo)(J <fvl(Do .o Vt .'. Ctr I+5<l€O! CfF{ |Jl4..t' f't r0L+r(l,t,rXo 'lr:oElrtcaotd Lt E SQr-a-) +) .Flrl +) . Gt-<4.>r o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0ilsulTilr6 EI6II{EERS Al{0 sCIElrT ]STS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: |lECtt Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 3-17-94Attn: l'lr. Eustaqui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149 DAtLy REP0RT t{0. 5z SHEET LOF 3Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, Yail, Colorado I'IATERIAL SPECI F I CATlO}IS IIAIIUFACTURER 6race llonokote CONTRACT0R Roll i ng Plain B,o D STREI|GTB (PSF )DflislrY [PCF) PROJECT CONDI TIOIIS SUBSTRATEPREPARAII0NS notobserved AHBIEIIT TEI,'PERATURE SAl'lPL E t{Ut'IBER TEST AREA I{EI I"EIGHT ( LBS) DRY },E T6HT (LBS) l.IOISTURE (%) OEIISITY ( PcF) 1* 2* 4 5 C-41 retest col tmn between living roon & bedroom C-42 retest column between nriddle & vrest bedroom Untt C-5? col umn at northeast cornef of nest bedroom Unit C-52, decking, l0' south of north uall & 15' east of stai rs Unlt C-52, beam between hal'l & west bedroom, 26' south of north wal I iAI.IP L E IUlIBER MII{iI.IUM THICKNESS (IN) HAX I I,IUI'I TH I CKNE SS ( IN) AVERAGE TH]CKIIESS (lr{) DESIGT{ THICKT{ESS (il{) BOI{D STREN6TH (PsF) R E}.IARKS I I 1l L .25 I .31 ?A .94 1.63 1.63 1.56 1.25 tqn 1.46 L .47 .45 I .16 1.38 I .38 .38 1.00 Actual average 1.22 for density PROGRESS REP0RT: * Tests l and 2 were retests on col unns where thicknesses of fireproofing naterlal were less than minimun specs. Retests indicate fireproofing non neets specs. CoPIES: R. A. l{el son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aoate J.V,A., Inc. GwathDey Pratt Schu ltz Town of Vai I Carolyn Adams 8ri an Scanlan FIELO OESERVER REVIEUED BY 4..l dutual prot.ctlon to cll.ht., thr publlc rnd ourralv.B, all icport. ar. rub|hltt.d a3 tho cortld.ntlal FroF.rty ofcllehtr, .rd authorlrltlon foF publlcatlon ot 3trt.mcnts. Conclurlon3 or crtrrct! fro|' or rrEardlftg our r.rort3 lr ret.rvad P.ndlng our |.ilttan lpprov.l, A tEnb.r of th. !J!! group ot co|||p.nl.3 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIiSULTI I{G EII6II{EERs AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF FIREPROOFING THICKNESS, DENSITY AND BOND STRENGTH T0: I.IECM Enterprises JoB 0. 4 l7B 9j-3 DATE: 3-17-94Attn: l.lr. Eustaquio Corti nap.0. Box 3149 DAILY REp0flT tio. 57 SHEET Xl 0F 3Vail, C0 81558-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, Vai l , Colorado I'IATERIAL SPECI F] CAT I O}tS I{Ai{UFACTURER 6race llonokote COIITRACT0R Roll ing Plai n BOI{D STRIIIGIH {PsF)DETIS I IY (PCF ) PROJECT CO}IDITIOt{S SUBSTRATE PREPARATIOIIS Al'lB I Et{T TEI4PERAIURE SAI.IPLE UWBER TE5T AREA UET YEI6HT (L8s) DRY UE IGHT (LBs) I,IOISTURE DEIiS I TY (PCF) 6 7 Unit C-51, beam, east bedroom, l0' north os deck unit C-51, column between north hall and middle bedroom iATIPLE IUI{BER l' N I I'lut'l THICKNESS ( Ill) l,rAxtlrutl TH I CKI1E SS (ltt) AVERAGE THI CKIITS S ( rN) DESIGIT TH I CKl{ES S ( rr{) 80110 sTREXGTH ( PSF) R E}IARKS 6 .88 l.l9 1.19 1.63 I.07 l.4t I .00 1.38 PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R. A. il'el son & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aqate J.V.A., Inc. Gnatlmey Pratt Schul tz Tovn of Vai I Carolyn Mans Brian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER REVIEI'ED BY At. hutual piot.ctlon to cllenta, thr publlc.nd o!r.r.1v.3, .ll F.toitr rr. lulltnltt.d .3 th. cortld.rtl.l proFarty otcll.ntrr rnd ruthorlt.tlon tor publlcatlon ot 3t!t.m.ntr. Conclurloni or.xtrrct3 tro|tt or ragrrdlng our i.por"tt Ir r.rarvadp.ndlng our r,rlttan .Flrovrl. A Indnb.r of th. !!! group ot co|np.nlli CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COiIST'LT I}'G EIGINEERS A}ID SCIEI{TISIS REPORT OF STRU TURAL STEET T0: HECl,l Enterprises JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 3-e4-94Attn; Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149vait, co 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT ilo. 58 SHEET I OF I PRoJECT: Liftside Buitdlng East of uesthaven Dnive and ll€stih Hotel, south Frontage Road Uest, Vait, Cotorsdo. The gheaf studs xere acousticatly tested bn the 7th ftoor, tevet 111,61', and 8th floor, levet 122' 0rr, Seven studs on the 7th floor ard 15 studs on the 6th floor Here broken loose *ren strirck Hith a harrDer. a. ,^ r' L. e- The A325 botts r.ere checked for a snug tight cordition ont he 7th, 8th ard roof levet ffaming, Trro bolts rere found rnissing on tevel 1ll, 6r. at grid line a-13, coturn to b€sn comection 6nd one bolt D,t ( r €--{asnissing in the beam to besm coffEct i on on levet 101' otr at grid tine 0-t8.8. llilt other bolts are acceptabte. Att ttre deficierries that have been noted in previous reports have been corglgJg$ except the b€am- to- enbed at G-31, see report on 1?-2?-93, beam. l9--flPed at s-13-3, see rePort 1-18- 94 ard beam- to- er|b€d on grid line 13.1, at o and P. see reportl3-8-94. Uith these exceptions U,lis conc I udes our structural steel observations- PROGRESS REPoRT Jeff xith R. A- flelson ard Roger xith the erection creu Here infomed of my observotion. CoPIEST R.A, iletson & Associates, Inc., Attn: J v A, lnc.; c[athney Pratt schultz; Iorn of Vait, Attn: lir. Dan stanek; lilr.Rick Agatei 9.53 | 0".""t t nr"" I rIELD oBSERVER Frd R. C4mron APPROVED BY Al' r irutu.t prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. public and oqrr.lv.3, .ll r.portt .rc r[bnltted .r th. contld.ntlll Proparty ot o{r cllanta' and .uthorl.rtton tor Dubllcatlon ot it.tdn€nt. Conclur{onr or.rtrrctr fFo||| or rcgridlr|g our r.portr l3 r.3atvad pandlng our r.llttan.PProval. Sshpl.3 *lll ba di3porad of rft.r t.3t{ng 13 cohpl.t.d unl.$r oth.r rrr.ngdD.nt. rra.tr.€d to ln rfltlng' A hcrnbcr ot th. EI! group ol comprnlc3 tdh. It|€le ./tt ldloil,l,llil,jj.i,lt r; RTHERN, tNC. ETICIIITERS AIIO SCIEIITISTS ETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 | mutual prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, thc publlc lnd our3clv.r, !lt F.porta .r. ruldltt.d ri tha corfld{entlrl Profatty of c1lant3, rnd tqthtr'lzatloo tot pJbllcatton ol 3trt.mantr. Conclui{onr or axtftctt fiofi or. ragrrdlrt ouF r-aportr It rararvad pandlng orr. frlttan .Fprov.l. Ssnpl.s rtll ba dl.po1.d ot lftar t{rtlng {3 cOfiplat.d uol.3r oth.r arf.ng.i.htt rgFr..l to ln nrltlftg. A m.6b.r ;t tftr !I! troup of co{rprnlGr F rin no. Cf'lE1l3A G/91 T0: l{ECll Enterprises JOB n0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-19-94Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET r 0F IVall. C0 81658-3149 PRNECT: Ltftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and ldestin tlotel , South Frontage Road lfest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT LOCAT I OII :lfal I , Swiml ng Pool . BATCH TICKET I IIFOfrI'IAT I OII TRUCK I{0. IOO TK TIl,lE BATCHED: 3:?2 Plil TICKIT t0. 015834 TIIIE ARRIVEo: 3:50 Plil T II.IE PLACED: SUPPIIER: llestern llobi I e l,tlx oEsIGil ilo. ljt* ,l:00 Pll-CU. YD. L0AD./ACCtil:7/7 FIELD TESTI]{6 II{FORI.IATIOI{ SAI,IPLE TEI,IP: 75 OF AIR TEI'IP: -- "F TII{E TEST TAKEII: 4:15 Pfl SltlrtlP:3 l/2 lt{. AIR C0I{TE]{T: 4.5fl lfET U]{IT IIEIGHI: 14t.0 J08 SPECIFICATI0IIS: Sttl,lP: itax.4 If{. AIR C0tlIE}11: 4-8t IIATER A00ED fiT SITE -- GAL'. CYLITIOER IIIFORIIATIOII ll0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLII|DER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIl.lE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 4:30 Pil tltl€RE CAST: On-Slte cffiIl{G IilF0Rf.rArIof{ I ll ITIAL CURE: On-Slte DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Insul ated BY: Ken La0roix llll{/l,lAx Cure 8ox AGE DAYS tlATE IESTEO IOTAL LOAO (L8S) OIAI.IETER ( ilrcHts ) AREA (sq ril) cofrP. srR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYt II{DgR UElCHI (LBs) CYT I IIDER U]{IT T'EIOHT (PcF) 7 28 28 28 ?8 9-26-94 9'?6-94 l0-17-94 t0-17-94 l0-17-94 r0-l?-94 l0l ,000 9?,000 126,500 125,500 128,000 126.500 5.99 5-99 5.99 5.99 5.99 5.98 ?8.18 28.18 28.18 28. 18 28. t8 28.09 3580 3260 1490 4450 4540 4500 con/spl i t con,lspl I t snear shear con/spl it shear DESIGI{ 5TRflt6TH 4000 PSI A 28 0AYS TESTS BY TAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTH '4€THOOs UIILESS OIHERIIISE IIOTED SOi'IE II{FORIIATIOII OF TSST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHER5 RE}IARKS: COPIES: R.A. ]{el son & Associates, Inc Iom of Vai'l i llestern ll,obile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Ken LaCroix Sobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVIR APPROVED BY !i lEr11 . --,r,,r,,11-i\0I ,,^.J l:t CHEN.NO coilst tTlilG El{Gt ERN, lNC. AlrD sclEnlsTs CYLINDER DATA A3 . Rrtual Pr'otrctlon to clla.rti, th. p{bllc .nd o.rr3.lv.r, !ll r.poit. .r. rubrlttad 13 th. confld{.nttl proFarty of cllantt. and ruthorlartlon for publlcrtlon o{ atatafi.nt.. Co|rclutfona oi.xtr.ctr fr.o.r or r.3ardlng our. r.apor.tr {t rlr.rtad F.rdlnS our vrltt.$ rFproval. S.,6D1.3 r.tlr br dlrDoa.d of rft.r t.rtlng lr corpl.t.d dl.rr athar arrangath.nir rgi..d toIn |rF{tlng. A n nS.r ot th. t!I! gt-oup of coriprrl.r Forr No. CtlEll3A 6/91 REPOET.OF T0: l{ECl,l Enterprises JoS t{0. 4 l7g 93-3 0ATE I l0-t8-9,1Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0, 8ox 3149 S]€ET I 0F IVatI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: [iftslde Building, east of llesthaven Drlve and Vestln tlotel , South Frontage Rord lJest, Vrtl, Colo. PLACEI,IEIIT LOCATIOII :Pool Stai rs. BATCH TICKET ll{FoflilATlol{ SUFPLIER: lrestern l'lobi I e TRUCK N0. 97 TK TICKET Kl. 1636 nlx 0ESIGil *0, 14 TIIfE BATCHED: 10:57 All TIl,lE ARRM0: 1l:?0 Al,l TIl,lE PLACED:II:40 All-CU.YD.t0AD/ACCtfl: 7l2l FIELD TESTIIIG ll{FmnATt0lt SMPLE T8HP: 57 "F AIR T!HP: 35'F TII'IE TEST TAKET{: 11:50 All SLWP: ? l/2 Il{. AIR C0llT€l{T: 4.5t VET UlllT U€IGHT: 112.0 JOB sPEcI FICATI0I{S: SLUHP: lhx.4 lll. AIR CofiTEilT: 4-8J( UATER ABDTD AT SITE -- GAt. cYLII{oER IllFof,.ilATt0l{ ItO. 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6r'x l2.l Tlilt CYTIXDERS CAST: 12:00 Pll IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG IT{FORI,IATI(lII lllITIAl CURE: on-Siteon-Site FIELo SToRAGE FACILIIIES: lnsulatEd Cure 8ox DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8Y: Ken LaCroix llll{/l,lAx A6E DAYS OATE TESTTD TOTAI- IOAD (LBS) O ]AI.IETER ( I ?{CHES ) AREA (sQ lil) coilP. sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTUR€ CYLT ?{DER UEI6HT (tBs) CYLIIIDER UI{IT UEIGHT (PcF) I 7 28 28 28H e8H 10-25-94 10-25-91 I r- 15-94 t 1- l5-9/+ 1l -1s-94 11-15-94 116,000 I15,500 6.01 5.98 28.37 28.09 4090 4110 shear sherr OESIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI E ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATOff,Y PERSOI{IIEL ARE III ACC(|flOAIICE UITH APPLICABTE ASTI.I IIETHODS UI{LESs OTHERUISE I{OTED SOIIE INFORI.IATIOTI OF TEST R€PORT iIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHTXS RE}IARKS: C0PIES: R,A. l{el son & Associates, Inc,; Torm of Yail; llestern l{obile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Ken Lacrolx Eobby J. lhys FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y t /2/5 f I It I CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. co||suLr mc EIG$|EERS AID SclElrrlsrs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITI T0: |IECH Enterpri ses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 8-27-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-31/t9 OAILY R€PoRT t{0. 3A SHEET I0F I PR0JECT: Ltftside Euilding east of tJesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJesi, Vail, Colorado. I/EATHER COiIDITIOI{S AT'ID TETIPERATURE :overcast - 70 degnees F. CO TFACTOR'S COI{STNUCTIOI{ ACTIV I TI ES PERS0 l{Et: llAJOR EqUIPilEt{T: Vlbrators, Concrete Pump ACTIVITIES: Contractor poured concrete to elevtion 80 on Stariway llo' 5. CHEII-I{ORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIE5 \ lJe arrived on-site and conducted tesis on the concrete being placed. fhese tests consisted of slunp, air content and unit welght. one set of six cylinders was cast. YERBAL COI,I[.IUI{ICATIOII IJTTH COII]RACTOR, EIIGITIEER, ARCHITECT, OIII.IER CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.: J.V.A. , Inc.; Gvtattmey Pratt Schul iz ;I Brlan scan lan FIELO OBSERVEN Fred R. Carnron APPROVED BY I ir A3 ! rr{trrtl protlctlon to cll.rts, th. publlc lnal osrr€lvaa, !]l i.port3 ri. .utlnltt.d ai thc contlal.ntlal pfop.rty of our-cll.nt3' 'ndi"ti"iiiiii"i' r-"i "i,li'i cii r.i' "i'iiatlmcit . conclusr"n' ".'iitr."ti -fr-oar ;;;.s;;di '; our renortt ls rercrvcd ilnetrs-our rrrltt.R aFtrovil ' S.hpllr *ll1 bc diipoleal ol !ft.r. t.3tlng la compl.t.d !nlcir otha. .rrangeircnt3 .r..gra€d to ltt rrltlhg. A h.trb€r of thr EI! gr-oup ot comp.nf.. GHEN-NORTHEHN, lNC. CoNSULTING Eil6t I'IEERS Alil0 SCttllTlSrS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: tlEcll Enterprises JoB tlo. 4 t78 93-3 oATE: 9-13-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 0AILY REPoRT t'10. 4 SHEET I 0F 1 PR0JECT: Liftside Eutlding east of tJesthaven 0rive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vall, Colorado' VEATHER C0tlDITI0l{S AtlD TEI{PERATURE: Rain to Cloudy COI.ITRACTOR 'S COIISTRUCTIOII ACTIVI TI ES PERSOTI.IEL: MAJ0R EQU I Pl'lEt{T: Vibrator ACTIVITTES: Contractor poured footing at Grid Llnes 28 to J on Page S-1 CHEI.I-IIORIHERI{'S SITE ACIIVITIES 0bserved contractor placing and yibratlng consrete. tle conducted concrete tests consisting of slump, air content and cast one set of 6 cylinders. VIRSAL COMI,IUI{ ICATIOII David nith R,A, I{ITH CONTRACTOR, EI{GINEER, ARCHITICT, OIJI{ER Itelson & Associdtes Has notified of test results. COPIE5: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; J.V.A., Inc.; G$atfmey Pratt Schultz I I I Erian Scanl an FIELD OESERVER Fred R. Camercn APPROVED BY A! e nutull prot.ctton to Cllent3. th. Fubllc and ourrelv"s, all raport3 rFc aubm{tt€d.3 th€ con{ld.ntlal fitioliiiii"[ io" oilri.litln ot eiet...i't. conclu3lohr or.rtracti irom or rcsardlns our r€port. lt rcBcrved i;;;t;;;iii ti- ai.po'.u lf rtr.r tcatlng l3 compl.t.d unles3 oth.r arrensenront* .r'G agr..d to ln *ltlng. A n$ber of th. ![! grouP of comp.nicg FiopaFty of our cll.nt3. trd p€ndlng our wFltt.n ippt'ov' r ' Chen*Nonlrern.lnc. I l '"r'.r d *@)* a:n ... 16 raa .if,t0lta ly'}o A,i,i PM TO REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION AA{PM-HouRs MtLcAcE c.i.'.ilhl fa{h.ir l|a &balti. WE SUPPORT ANO ENCOUR^G€ NICET CSftTFIC^TIOH ,AS Inspection,Inc.IILTNASOITC REPORT nase-Lot 1 P.O. trb. z -z.r^ A I Crfipf lb..<(^)Q.2 =Ibctt lib. --\ 7 t#@qZJ(hi.E - r'47C-. A4*l-*lS qF.-lslrreFr-r'l Aklf- l'\ l- l - I{"ldJxinE J?,,J# t&Upwss .Ff ,4 raZ l.grial A lfrial lhidrc ,@8ffi1__zz--R ,tg/- gZ qIiFErf KB A ( r.sK 7,> ."/ .e-1 3hd sXtu-d]%'M" 70" t/.-,..rAZ IEld lfuttEc*im OPtal'.S E tlIq{gxJIlx Ih Tdprf,ificatiril rl Fti g $f;r fr trcihl Eoditas rbffi. IGEto c F".-r 5'E o a fii fiE-g$t A fir B E H$a c Eg D d $n${J d1 dflEl .doi Fi -t 2tl<L 7 tz4q A .5 tzq -5 A 1 l?zU,4 5 2.114-r? e ? 3iA -7," 7 ?=7 A-U3 I rzSz Aq712_A 'i'i i 't Mrs I I I thdnician o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 EI{GIT{EERS AI{O SCI EI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA ,"41*'T'e{.' ,rirr, -* -: cll;,:irHllEY N(;. PnElSCitUfZ rY,\ ;'-r llvrl|'e .!". 6tr \O , @;facnneca*cr"q%tttt# T0: llECltl Enterprises JoB t'10. 4 178 93-3 DATE; 8-18-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Euildlng, east of Vesthaven 0rive and ly'estin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T L0CATI0I{: Stair Court I Elevation 32 thru 46. Concrete tested uas placed in the East tfall and Center Uall, Elevation 35 thru 38. BATCH TICKET II{F0RHATIOI{ SUPPLIER: Llestern llobile TRUCK l{0. 1098 TICKET l{0. 018753 r,tIX oESlGt{ ilo. 44 TIl,fE BATCHED: 12;39 Ptl TIME ARRIVED: l:15 PM TlltlE PLACED: l:18 PM CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU||: 7149 'FIEL0 TESTIIIG Il{F0Rl'lATI0t{ SA}IPLE TEtiP: l8 "F AIR TEitP: 91 'F TII'IE TEST TAKEN: 1:30 Pl{ SLUMP: 2 3/4 It{. AIR C0NTEI|T: 4.II vET Ut{lT UEIGHT: --- JOB SPEC I FICAT IOliS: SLUMP: 4 tN. AIR COltTEl{T: 4-8% l,rATER A0DED AT SITE 0 GAL. C LINDER IIIFORI,IATION tlo. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLII{oER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIIIDERS CAST: l:35 Pl'l }JHERE CAST: on-Site CURI}IG I I{FORI.IATI ()I{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT IAB: on-Si te 8- l9-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box 8Y: Bri an Scanlan MIN/|1AX AGE DAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) D I Ai.IETER (INCHES) AREA (sQ ill) cor,tP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER t,,E I6HT (LBs) CYTIIIOER UI{IT iJEIGHT tot El 7 28 28 *28H *28H 8-25-93 8-25-93 9-15-93 9-15-93 9- l5-93 9- 15-93 104,500 I10,000 i34,000 143,000 142 ,500 142 ,000 6.08 6. 08 6. 10 6. 09 6.08 6.00 ?9.03 29.03 29 .?? 29.13 29.03 29.03 3600 3 790 4590 4910 4910 4890 shear shear shear shear shear shear DESIGI{ STREI{GTH PsI @ ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOT{IIEL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.IETHOOS UIILESS OTHERIJISE IIOTED SOI4€ IiIFORIIATIOII OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: * N0TE: Do not dispose of "Hoid" cy1inders until architect has approved disposal COPIES: R.A, l{el son & Associates, Inc.Attn: llr. Rick Agate. Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVTD 8Y A3 r nutual protactlon to cllrnt!, thc publlc cll€rts, rnd .utho.lattJon loi publlcttlon of pendlng our wri tt.n .pprov. l . sr|npl.t will b€in wrltlrg. A r.nb!. of th. !!! group of codp.rler end ouraal vai, all raporta statcmlnts, Concl u5l ons ordlsposcd of .ft€r t.3tlng .re 6st)tnltt.d ra tha confldlantl.l proPerty ot cr(tract3 from or r.g.rd{tg our rcports 13 rascrvad l3 compl.ted unl.5r othrr irrangcrncnts lgrecd to Fort|| xo. C{EI13A 6/91 a CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIIIG EII6II{EERS AIID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: tl[C!'l At tn P .0. Vai I PROJ€CT: Enterprl ses Eustaqulo Cortl na 8ox 3149 c0 81658-3149 Liftsi de Bui l di ng, JOB ilo.178 93-3 DATE: 8-25-93 SHEET 1 OF I east of Vesthaven orive and lrestin Hotel South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,III{T LOCATI O1{ :Stai nvay llo. 5, Level 32 thru 34. SATCH TICKET I N FORI,IATI O1{ TRUCK NO. TII,IE BATCHED: TtcKEi t{0. TII.IE ARR IVED:TII,IE PLACED: SUPPLIER: Yestern l|obi le tf Ix DESIGI'l 0. cu. YD. L0A0/ACCUI: SA}.IPLE TEI'IP: CoIITENT: X CONTENT:4-8I FIELD TESTIIIG I IIFORiIATIOII TIME TEST TAKEII: JOB SPEC I FICAT IOIIS: SLWP: SLUt'tlP: l,lax.4 IN. I t{. AIR AIR AIR TEI.IP: 1JET UNIT }JE IGHT: 9ATER ADDED AT SITE 6AL. CYLII{DER I I{FORI,IAT I OI{ 1{0. 0F CYL IflDERS: 5 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TItlE CYLINDERS CAST:I{HERE CAST: on-Si te CURIN6 II{FORI.IAT I ()I,I INITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 0n-5ite 8-26-93 F]ELD 8Y: STORAGE FACILITIES; Cure Box Carol yn Adams !'lIN/l-lAX AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS) O I AI.|ETER (lllcHEs) AREA (sQ Il{} COMP . STR . (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYI-II{DER I.'E I6HT (LBS) CYI.INDER UI{IT UEIGHT (PCF) 7 28 28 28 9- 1- 93 o-t -ol 9-22-93 9-22-93 9-22-93 112 , 000 I13 ,500 t4l ,500 134 ,000 138.000 6. 08 6.07 6.09 6.09 6.08 29.03 28.94 29. 13 29. t3 29.03 3860 39?0 4860 4600 4750 snear snear conlshear conlshear con/shear. OESIGTI STREI{GTH PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY s0Me PERSOIII{EL ARE III ACCORDAIICE IIIFORMATIO}I OF TEST REPORT UITH APPLICABLE ASTM I'ITTHODS I..IAY 8E PROVIOEO 8Y OTHERS UI.ILESS OTHERI'ISE IIOTEO REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc. Attn: l{r. Rick Agate. Carolyn Adam Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 ! nutu.l lrotcctlon to cll.nta, tha Publlc cllcnti. and luthorlzation for Publ!c.tlon-of.p€ndinE our rlttcn approvrl. Sadpl'3 l{lll b' A n}!fih.r ;f thc [l! grouF of <omP.nl's and ouraalvat, all rrPortl itatcmantt. Conc I ut lon! or dl3Do3.d ol aftcr t.3tlng .rc aubmlttld .s th. confldlcntl.l prolerty of .rtrrctg trotn or t-Gglrdlnt our raporta lt retervta li co|'rDl.ted unlGrt othcr rrrrrgaiantl agr"! to Foin No. Ct{Ell3A 619l R.'ffiffio CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cot{suLT I t{G Et{Glt{[[RS Al{0 sclENTlsrs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: MECl.t Attn: P .0. Vail, PROJECT: EnterPri ses Eustaqui o Cort i na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li ftside Building, JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 8-27-93 SHEET I OF I east of yesthaven DliYe and l/estin Hotel , South Frontage ltest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHENT L0CATIoI{: Stair'way 5, Shaft !/alls to Elevation 76' BATCH TICKET I NFORMAT ION TRUCK NO. 16I TltlE EATCHED: 9:46 A TIcKET l{0. I1207 Tll,lE ARRIVED; 9:50 SUPPLIER: lJestern l'lobi l e HIX DESIGt{ ilo. 4(B) TIHE PLACE0: l0:00 AH-CU. YD. I0AD/ACCUM: FIELO TESTING I NFORMAT IOX Tll'lE TEST TAKEil: 10:05 /rl't JOB SPEC I F I CAT I O}IS : SLUtlP: Z 1/2 It{. SLU]'|P: l'lax.4 I i{. SAMPLE TEt.tP: AIR COiITENT: 6. ?% AIR CONTEI{T: 4-8% 67 "F AIR TEIIP: 70 'F VET Ul{lT }lEiGHT: 142.0 VATTR AODED AT SITE -. GAL. CYLI}IDER I NFORHAT ION t{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLII{OER SIZE: 6"x lZ" TII'IE CYLINDERS CAST:l0: t0 AM IIHERE CAST: CURING I NFORMAT I ON ItllTlAt CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT tAB: FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box 8Y: Brian Scanl an I'{IN/MAX CYLIT{DER UNIT HEISHT ( PCF) CYLII{DER VEICTIT (r8s) shea r con/shear shear shear shear shear 43 80 4610 5610 5610 57 00 5700 ?9. r3 ?8 .94 29.03 29.03 28.94 29.C3 6.09 6 .07 6.08 6.08 6 .07 6.08 127 ,500 135 ,000 163 ,000 i63,000 i 65 ,000 165,500 9-24-93 9-24-93 9-?4-93 9- 24-93 1 28 ?8 28 ?8 DESIGII STREI,IGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS LAEORATORY PERSONNEL ARE III ACCOROAIICE sO},IE INFORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.'I TH APPLICAELE ASTM HETHODS HAY 8E PROVIOEO BY OTHTRS UI{LESS OTHERlIISE I{OTEO Erian Scanlan BobbY J. llaYs FIELO OB5IRVER APPROVTO BY COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc', Attn: Mr. Rick Agate ' Ai . fi turl prot€ctlon to cllents. th' public cll€nts. !nd.sthorlzrtlon for publlcrtian of pi.ai"i'."; '.itt.n .pprov!l ' s!ftPl!s trill bc i mii'ii. 6t thc !l! erouP or cdnp'nles .nd os.3clves. alI repor!t it.temcnts, ConcIus ions or di ipos.d of !ft.r t'3t1ng !r. submittctl re th€ confidicntlrl prop'rty ot --€rtr.ct3 frotn or rcg.rding our ilports ls r's'rv'o r!^iiii!.ia un16s1 i*rer irransencnts rsr"d to Forn No. CHEll3A 6/9 r CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0l{suLTll{6 EnGil{EERs AfiD scIElrTlSTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER d:i%'S" OCI lg9.? -i E o#l,-+lrii og Q+trtffi.,y leizu;'9 T0: l,lE0l'l Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 8-31-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vatl, Colo. PLACEI,IET{T LOCATIOI{ :Stai r Shaft, llest. SATCH TICKET I t{FoRl,lAT I Ol{ SUPPLIER: t{estern l'lobile TRUCK N0. 161 TICKET ll0. 11345 l,llx oESIGII l{0. 44 TIIIE EATCIIED: TIl,lE ARRIVE0: TIHE PLACED: --- CU ' Y0. L0A0/AcCUl'l: 2f FIELO TESTIIIG I l{FORl.{Af ION SAI{PLE TEI'IP: 68'F AIR TE}IP: 66 T TIttE TEST TAKEII: 11:06 Al,i SLUI{P: 3 ltl. AIR C0llTEltT: 6.2X UET UIIT UEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLU}IP: II{. AIR COI{TEI{T: T I.'ATER ADOEO AT SIT€ O GAL. CYL I i{OER I I{FORI,IAT I OI{ N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLIIIDERS CAST: IIHERE CAST: on-Site CURTI{C I IIFORI,IAT I Oil iflITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: --- FIELO STORAGE FACILITIIS:8Y: MIll/t'lAX 'iIJEDAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L85 ) BI AI4ETER (INCHES) AREA (sQ m) COMP.STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I]IDER lIE IGHT (rBs ) CYLII{OER UI{IT IIEIGHT (PCF) 7 t6 t6 28H 28H 9-7-93 9-7-93 9-?8-93 9-28-93 9 -28-93 9-28-93 94,500 95,500 u8,500 119 ,000 t19 ,500 l19,000 6.09 6.08 6.07 o. uo 6.06 6.0/ 29. 13 29 .03 28.94 29.03 28.84 28.94 3240 3290 4090 4100 4140 41 I0 s hear shear con,/shear conlshear conlshear con/shear DESIGTI STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONIIEL ARE It{ ACCOROAI{CE !'ITH APPLICASLE ASTM I,IETHODS UIILESS OT}IERI{]SE flOIED SO},IE I I{FORI.IAT I ON OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROV]OTD 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: CoPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc. tlestern l,lobi le; J V A, Inc; Gwattrney Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail;lric Hahn Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y At I nltual prot.ct{otr to cll.nts' thc Publlc:ril our3clv.3. tll i.port3 cll€ntr. rnd ruthor{art'lon {or gubllcctlon of 3trt.rrcnt3. Conclutlon3 oiprndlng our wrltt.'l rpprovtl. Sr|||p1.}3 *lll ba dllpo3ad of .ft.r ttrtlng in lirltlno.A rl rnb.F 6t thc E!! group ot co|r|parl.3 ai. rubnltt.d .. thc confldl.ntlrl pfoperty of extrrct! tro$ or ragafdlng osr raFolti 13 rat.fvad lr conolatcd unla!! othar afrlngan$nt3 lgFra.l to Foni No. CMEll3A 5/191 I CHEN-NORTHERN, tNC. COI{SULTI IIG EI{6INEERS AI{t) SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar. routu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nt3, thc pub'llc lnd ours.lvat. rll raFortr !r. subtnltted .s thc confldlcrtltl pioPcrty of cll.nt., rn.t .[thorlE.tlon for publlcrtl;r of 3trtdr.nt3. Conclu5lons or sxtEctr ft-om oi r.9!rdlng our rcportE li-l:i::"ttleinaiii'our wit{tcn approvat. St|tE|l.3 wtil bc dlspos€d of.ft.r t!!tlng ls compl!t.d unlc.3 oth.r lrrrhgsn€ntr .9r..o ro ln Frl tl nE.i rnlitiii Si th. EI! grouF of compeol.t Forn flo' cH€ll3A 6/91 T0: l,lECll EnterDrises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 9-13-93 Attn: Eustaoui o Corti na P.0. gox 3149 SHETT 1 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Westhaven Drive and l{estin Hotel, South Frontage Road lrtest, Vai'l , Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Footing at Grid Lines 28 to J, Page 5-1 BATCH TICKET IllFoRtlAIIotl SUPPLIER: \Jestern l{obiie TRUCK ilo. ll4 TICKET fio. 01-9637 llIX oESlGl'l l{0. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 1:34 Ptit TItlE ARRIVED: I:50 P TII'IE PLACEO: 1:55 Pil-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU : f FIELD TESTI116 I]{FORIIAIION Tll,lt TEST TAKEI{: 2:00 P}l JO8 SPECI F ICATIOIIS : SLUHP: 3 l/2 I l{. SLUtttP: l,lax.4 I t{. SAMPLE TEI'IP: AIR C0t{TEt{T: 6.5I AIR C0l{TEl{T: 4-8X 66 "F AIR TE}IP: 48 "F UET UlllT UEIGHT: 142.6 HATER AOOEO AT SITE O GAL. CYLIIIDER I NF()RI'IATI OII ll0. 0F CYLII{0€RS: 6 CYLItl0eR SIZE: 6"x i2' TIttE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 2:05 PH UIIERE CAST: On-Site CURII{G II{FOR},IAT]OI{ Il{ITIAL CIIRE: 48 hours 0n-Site 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 9-15-93 FIELD ST0RAOE FACILITIES: Under Cure Blanket 8Y: Carolyn Adams l'lIl{/MAX AGE DAYS DATE IESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) t) I AlIETER ( I ricHES ) AREA (sq rfl) coltP. srR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{OER tJE I6HT (L8s ) CYII UER UIIIT U€IGHI (PCF) 7 7 z8 ?8 28 28 9-20-93 9-20-93 l0-11-93 l0-11-93 10-1t-93 l0-11-93 113 ,000 n6,000 o. uo 6.08 29.03 29.03 3890 4000 snear shear DESIG}I STREI{GTH 4OO() PsI @ 28 DAY5 TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE IH ACCORDANCE VITH APPL]CABLE ASTil ilETHODS UIILESS OTHERI'ISE IIOTED SO}IE II{FORIIAIIOI{ OF TEST NEPORT MAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REiIARKS: COPlES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc.Attn: llr. Rick Agate. Uestern ilobile, Attn: llr. Rlck Seyrnour J.V.A., Inc. ; Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVTD 8Y I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI1SULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS AI{D SCIEXT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As . mutual proteetlon to ct.t.nts. th. Fubllc and o{r3elv.i, .ll rcports.r. rulnJt-t.d rr th. confldl€ttl'l prop'rty ot---,-j ctl€nt5. and r|rthoil2rtton for puhllcsttotr of rtat6m€nti. conclualoh5 ot" .rtfacts lfor| cr f.gardlng ouf "Portt l3 r!3tfv'd ;;;;;;;'";;-*;;i;ii' ipp".'"r. Si"prii'"rir ie-aripo:.a or.ttii-iiiiini r; compl.t.d unl.33 athcr.rians.n!nts !st"'!'r rc in wFit lho.A"rft:;":; th. !M sroue or comnini.! For$ Ho' cHErl3A 6'el T0: t{Ecl,l Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 9-14-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Ltftside Suilding, east of I'lesthaven orive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCAT I OII :!,alls, Grid 22 to 24 and Lines Q through J. BATCH TICKET I]{FOR ATIOt{ TRrcK NO. 119 TIME BATCHED: I:01 PM TI0KET 0. 19669 TIl,lE ARRIVED: l: 12 Pil T ]}IE SUPPL IER: l,restern Mobi Ie HIX DESIGN NO. B PLACEO: I : 15 PM-CU. YD.L0AO/ACCUJI: 7 /?Ilr00 . SI${PLE TEMP: AIR C0f{TEl{T: 4.8i6 AIR C0ltTEl{T: % FIELD TESTII{6 I I{FORI'IAT I OI{ TIl.lE TEST TAKEN: I : 22 Pl'l JOB SPECTF ICAT iOIIS: sLUl.tP stu P 3 l/? IN. It{. 76 OF AlR TE}IP: 60'F tlET Ul{ IT llEI6HT: 143.6 HAIER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. cYL I I{DER I t{toRllAT l0ll N0. 0F CYLII{DER5: 6 CYLIN0ER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIl.tE CYLIII0ERS CAST: 1:32 PM UHER€ CAST: 0n-5i te ct RIllc I l{FoRl,lAT i0l{ Il{ ITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te FIELD STORAGT 8Y: --- FACILITIES: Concrete r,llt{/},rAx Bl anket AGE DAYS OATE TTSTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DIAHETER ( I ilCHES ) AREA (sQ rr{) colrP. sTR. {PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL]NOER UE I6HT (185) CYL I I{DER UI{IT TE I GHT { PcF) 7 7 aa ?8 a8 2& 9 -Z 1-93 9-21-93 10-12 -93 I0- 12-93 10- 12 -93 l0- l?-93 110,000 115,500 6.08 6.08 29.03 29.03 3790 3980 con/shear con,,/shear OISIGII STREI{6TH 4000 PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE IN ACCOROAT{CE IIITH APPLICABLT AST!{ I'IETHOOS IJIILSSS OTHERVIST IIOTEO SOI'{E INFORMATIOI.I OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVII)ED BY OTHERS REI{ARKS: coPIES: R.A. t{e1son & Associates, Inc.. Attn: Mr. Rick Agate. Uestern llobiIe, Attn: llr. Rick Seyrnour J.V.A,, lnc.; Gnathrey Pratt Sctlrltz; Carolyn Adams BobbY J. HaYs FIELO OESERVER APPROV€,o BY t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTITTG E}tGIIIEERS A O SCIE TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA "10: lltCM tnterDrises JOB tlO. 4 178 93-3 OAIE: 9-16-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cort i na P.o. Box 3149 sHEEr I oF I Vail. C0 81658-3149 pROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEi{ENT LoCATIoN: valls at Grid Lines 22 to 24 and Lines Q thru J. Second Lift. BATCH TICKET II{FORHAT ION TRUCK NO. IL7 IIM€ EAICHEO: 3:14 PH TtcK€T N0. 19803 Ill.tE ARRIV€0: 3:35 SUPPLIER: Uestern l4obi i e t{Ix DESIGII }10. B pLACto: 3:41 p -CU. Y0. LoAo/Accufrt 7l2ll48 FITLD IEST I]{G I I.IFORI,IAT I OT{ TltlE IESI TAKEII:3:45 Pl'l JO8 SPEC IF ICATIOIIS: SLUHP: 4 SLUMP: SA PLE TEITP: AIR C0t{TEf{T: 6.9X AIR C0llTEt{T: I 76 T AIR TEHP: 65'F ll€I UIIII VtIGllT: --- VATER AtlOEO AT SITE 7 6AI . CYL II{DER I IIFORI.IAIIOI{ tl0. 0F CYL II{DERS; 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIII0ERS CAST: 3:55 P I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR I I{G I TORHATIOI{ It'llTIAL CURE: 0n-Si te DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 9-20-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILiTIES; 8Y: Frank Potvi n Insulated Blanket r't I]{/HAX CYL I IlDER UIIIT I,'EIGHT (PcF) CYI IIIOER VE I6HT (r8s ) O I AI'IE TER ( INCHES ) JJOU 3380 9 -23-93 9-23-93 l0- t 4-93 t0-14-93 l0- l4-93 10- t4-93 7 7 28 28 ?8 ?8 DESIGI'I SIREI{GTH 4OOO PsI @ 28 OAYS VITH APPLICABLE ASTtl IIETHODS I.IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS UI{LEsS OTHERUISE TIOTEOTESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOT{IIEL ARE III ACCORDANCE SOHE I I{FORMAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT Carolyn Adans EobbY J. HaYs FIELD OSSERVER APPROVED BY C0PIIS: R.A. l,lel son & Associates' Inc., Attn: ilr. Rick Agate- Vestern ilobl le , Attn: l{r. Ri ck Seynour ; J,V.A., Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz; Ar a inutull protactlon to cll.nts' thc publlc 'nd our3'lv€s' tll r'port3 aii..a.. ""u duthoFl:rtion toi grblictt{on of 3t'td€nt3' , Conclqiions or grnding our FFltt.6 rPProval. blt|pt€t Hill b' disposed ot 'ft'r testlnq A oernler ir th€ !!! grolP of corp.ni€i .r. ilbntitGd dt th. contldtcntl'l tropc'tj' of--.-r iri.a.i. t.*t or r.g.r.llng o'rr r'gortt l' i"'rveo r.=^iliiiit.i -'"i'*r itt'e' i"ranscn'nt3'gF"d to Foni o. cMfl t3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHEHN, INC. COIISULT I116 EII6INEERS ANO SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: IIECH Enterpnlses JoB t{O' 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-20-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 - SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthaven Drive and Vestin Hote'l , South Frontage Road Uest' Vail' Colo' PLACE|IEiIT LoCATIoN: t{orth llall; Lines P-10 through P-?6, J to P' EATCH TICKET IIIFORI,IATION TRUCK HO. II4 IIME EATCHEO: TICKET l{0. 993e TIl.{E ARR ! VED: 3: 45 SUPPLIER: llestern Hobi I e lllx DESIGI{ t{0. 44 TII'lE PLACED: 4:05 PH-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI'I: FIETD TISTIIIG II'IFORI4AI IOII TI|IE TEST TAKEI{: 4:10 Pl{ JO8 SPEC iF ICAI TOI{S: SLUMP:4 SLUI,IP: SAMPLE TEI,IP: AIR C0I{TENT: 5. ?1 AIR CONTENT: T ?4 "F AIR TEI,IP: 7? .F UET UI{IT I{EI6HT: UATER ADDED AI SITE O 6AL. CYLITII)ER INFORHATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLIT{oERS: 4 cYLlI{OERSIZE:6.'xl?''TIllECYtII{DERSCAST:4:15Pl|I.IHERECAST:on-site cuRlli6 I nFoRHAl loN It{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours OATE RECETVEO AT LAB: 0n-Si te 9-?2-S3 FIELO STORACE FACIL ITIES: BY : I'brk Jensen CYTINOER UIIIT I.IEI6HT (PCF) CYL II{DER !,E I6HT (L8S)D I AME TER ( llrcHE5 ) 9-27 -93 l0-18-93 l0- i 8 -93 1l-15-93 I a6 28 56 DESIGN STRENGTH 8-4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS TISTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIINEL ARE III ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICAELE ASTH ITETHODS UNLESS OTHERVISE TIOTED SOI.,IE IIIFORI,IATIOI{ OF TESI REPORT }IAY Bg PROVIDEtl 8Y OTHERS oan f{eill Bobby J. HaYs FIETD OESERVER APPROVEO BY COPIE5: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc' 'Attn: t'lr. Ri 6k Agate ' i{estern I'lobile, Attn: l4r. Rick Seyrnour; J.V.A., Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz; A3 ! nutu.l Prote.t'lo. to cllcnts' th' publlc cli.ntr. .n.l !uthorl!.!lon for publl€!tldn of ;.;;iil'";;-";iaiin ipprovrr. 3' pr'5 *{rr bc a mlmb.r ;f rhc t!!l! s.orrP of comp'nr't .nd ours€lvcr. .ll r.Pot'ts ttatctrGnti. conc lusioni or d t 3po3cd ol .ttGt tc.ilng lrc srrboll.t.rt as thc confldi€lttl.l Prop'rty of €xtractr tron or raEardlng ouF Feports it r'5'rw'o il-iiipiitiJ unicrr 6ttrcr irranscnreatr !9r"d !o Fortn t{o. cMEll3A 5/91 - Chdn €Northern,l o nc Consultng Engrneers and Scienlrsts 5080 Fload 154 Glenwood Sp.ngs. Colorado 81601 303 945-7458 303 945-2363 Facsrmrle September 30, 1993 MECM Enterprises P.O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658-3149 Subject: Observation of Foundation Excavations, Underdrain Recommendations and Rock Anchor Testing, Proposed Uftside Building, Westhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado Job No. 4 178 93-3 Gentlemen: As requested, Chen-Northern, Inc. obsewed the foundation excavations at the subject site on August 30, September 2, September 9 and September 20, 1993 to evaluate the materials erposet for foundation support. We also observed water seepage into the excavation and observed rock anchor putL testing en August 30, September 3' 4 and 5. Our observations and recommendations for foundation and underdrain design and results of the rock anchor pull tests are presented in this report. Chen-Northern, Inc. previously conducted preliminary and supplemintal geotechnical engineering studies for the project, rgPorted under Job No. 4 1?8'93, dated December 2, 1992 and July 12, 1993 respectively' We are providing consulting and construction materials testing services as the project progresses. At the time of our August 30 visit to the site, the foundation excavation for the stair core C Elevator had been cut in multiple levels from 3 to 5 feet below the adjacent grade. Hard shale bedrock was exposed in the bottom of the excavation. Shallow standing water_ and mud was observed in low areas along the south side and at the northwest corner of the footing excavation. On September 2 we observed foundation excavations at grid lines 25 to 26 and lines F through K. Fractured bedrock was exposed in the bottom of the excavation and loose material was being removed to expose hard bedrock. We visited the site on September 9 to observe excavations for spread footings on grid line 31 at lines G through P and on grid line 13, lines W through Z. Sound bedroch free of loose material was e-xposed in tbI bottoms of the excavations. On Septem-ber_ 20 we observed footing "*ruuuiio* at grid lines Z and AA between lines 13 and 19. Hard, competent bedrock was exposed in the bottom of the excavations. No water or loose material was observed. The conditions exposed in the excavations we have observed are generally-ryilalle for support of spread iootings designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 20,000 psfas reiommended in our previous reports. Loose bedrock materials, water and mud should be removed from the footing excavations prior to concrete placement. A leveling course of structural concrete can bJ placed in footing areas where the bedrock surface is irregular to facilitate construction of concrete form woik. The above recommendations were provided to Dave Schrimer of R.A. Nelson and Associates, Ceneral Contractor, during our site visits- MECM Enterprises September 30, 1993 Page 2 Underdrain System: At the time of our August 30 visit to the site, we. observed.*u!"-' n.*t.g fr"111 th- rock cut on the north side of the excavation approrimately at grid line 27. The *iter appears to be groundwater which is percolating through natural fractures in the bedrock. A'flow rate onlhe order of 3 to 5 gallons per minute was observed. The seepage area is located behind the proposed north wall ofthe building. Because ofthe location oithe spread footing foundation in this area, the seepage can probably be isolated and collected inio a drainagl syst"* separate from the perirneter foundation drain-_ We have reviewed the detail dr:awing provided by Alpine Engineering and Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz - Architects for a drain iniercept and conduit to collect and divert the seepage' The drawing calls for a concrete drain pan to be constructed befiveen the north wall and the rock cut facJ in areas where seepage oicuts. Backfill consisting of screened rock will be placed above the drain pan to wittriia few feet of proposed exterior finished grade' Filter fabric *ifi U" fiu."d over the drain gravel at depth iniervals of about five feet. Waterproofing is propor*O along the back side bf the concrete foundation wall above the drain pans' Drain i".,1 Uff be lo"cated at grid lines 27 and 29.along the north wall footing line' The drains will outtet to two 4-inch-solid PVC pipes which witl conduct the seepage water beneath the lower level floor slab and connect io the perimeter foundation drain on the south side of itr* trifAing. The drain pipes will be approximately at elevation-42'5 or about l-foot below finisheO inierior staU griAl. The drain pans will be conn"tted to each other with 4-inch ;i;;;;. perforated f,ipe which will assist in collecting seepage. from the rock face and divert watlr to the setond drain in the event one drain pan or pipe becomes plugged' The proposed collection system will probably be effective in collecting most of the seepage water. However, seasonal changei in thl groundwater flgw and changes caused--by foundation construction could result in seepagJbelow the floor slab areas in the future' We ,.L.o***nO underslab drains be installedlnlhis areagenerally in the locations shown on ;,E:i.--Th; Jrains should consist of 4-inch diameter peiforated pipe surrounded above the ini"J t"u"t with free-draining granular material such us screened rock' The drains should il" pi"""a "t least l-foot belo-w-the finished floor grade and sloped at a minimum l7o to z suitable gravitY outlet. Rock Anchor Testing: We observed rock anchor testing at the site on August 30 and !"fr;f,filf ardE 1993. During our_August 30 visit, Yenlo.r B.rothers, the rock anchor *6"o"r*.tor, p"rfor*"d putl testion fivelnchors for the Elevator C foundation' The "."ft"i "i irid point I-25 was tested in cyclic loadin g of 25Vo, 50To, .75Vo, LA1To, l20Vo- and l304o ofthe design toua of 1125 kips. 'The four oiher anchors between grid lines 25 Td 26 andlines J and K were tested at iZOqo ofthe design load. Our observations indicate the ;il;;;;;;";med satisfactorily under the abovJ loading conditions' Rock anchor movement was not measured as part of these tests' Chen€Nofihern.lnc. MECM Enterprises September 30, 1993 Page 3 On September 3, 4 and 5 we monitored long term creep tests performed on four rock anchors along the north wall footing between grid lines 25 ahd 30. The anchors were stressed to L30Vo of design load and the load was maintained for the duration of the test" 24 hours. Vertical deformation or movement of the anchors was measured with dial'indicators accurate to within .001 inches. The dial indicators were mounted on tripods over the anchors in such a way that movement of the adjacent ground would not affect the dial readings. Total deformations measured varied from 0.018 inches to 0.341 inches. Where a reading was obtained after the load was released, it appeared that about 90Vo of the anchor rod deformation was recovered upon completion of the test. Based on telephone co[versation with Tom Skinner of JVA, structural engineers, we understand the measured deformations are within the expected range for elastic deformation of the anchor rods. If you have any questions Sincerely, Rev. By: DHA TtA/rh Attachment or if we can be of further assistance, please contact our office. Gwathmey Pratt Schultz R. A. Nelson - Attn: Dave Schrimer Alpine Engineering - Attn: Jim McNeil Town of Vail - Attn: Dan Stanek :Nbifnfi,{*%" Z -a. 7"t -r-2t .,:lioF Chen€Norlhern.lnc. L EGEND: T t ( oi l.l\v, V, ,i I I I I I I Ir- I I I ! I i ! Z_ -' r-r,'i- \irz 'oI b.t - -;--) :r iEl,:I !et t_ I r+t- I I I -- t! it I ( 1 -\ 1t:. / -aat,-:!:! a\r-t 4 178 93-3 Chen€Nomlrern.lnc Approximate Underslab Drain Locations Fig I wioI \ " -.i,. T6rll i ,' -l'Oijj CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co suLT $lc EllcmEERs AID sctEttTtsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: ECt,l Enterprises J08 lio. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-4-93Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT N0. 7 SHETI l0F I PR0JECT: Liftsida Building east of lJesthaven Orive and t/estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Va'il, Colorado. I/EATHER CollDITI0!lS At{D TEi-IPERATURE C0i{TRACT0R'S CoNSTRUCTI0II ACTIVITIEs: P]aced 4000 Dsi C'lass B Conciete. PERSONt.ItL: HAJOR EQU I PI.IEI{T: ACTIVITIES: R.A. tlelson & Associates placed 4000 psi concrete for the foundation wall frorn Grid Lines Q thru Z. CHEI{-I{ORTHERI.I'S SITE ACTIVITIES lle observed the pl acement of concrete and six cylinders were cast fronr a sarple taken of the concrele. VEREAL COMI.,IUII ICAIION I.'ITH COI{TRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT,0r,/r{ER CoPIE5: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc. J V A, lnc.; Gwathrney Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I .l I I Oan Neill FIELD OESERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVEO BY As. mutual protGction to cllents, thc public and oui3alvcr, ell rcport3 .r. subroltted .s th. conf'ld.ntltrl piopcrty of or-r clf.nts, .nd .uthoriz.tlo; forpubllcrtiol ot st.t€ne;t, Conclutloni or extract5 lron or reg.rd{ng our r€por't3 lr rGicrvcd pGndlng our Hrltt€n rPprov.l. Samples nlll be dlipos.d of rfter t€stlng ls compl.ted unl€ss oth€r.rrrngements.re.grced to In t|rltlng. A nemb€r ot th€ HIH g.oup of complnles CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULIIN6 EiIGINEERS ANO SCI EI.IT t SIS REPOHT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: ECl,l Enterprises JOB ttO. 4 tZ8 9g-3 OATE: 10-5-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 0AILY RtpoRT NO. I SHEET I 0F I PROJECI: Llftside Building east of llesthaven Drive and l,,estin Hotel, South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Col orado. I.IEATHIR COIIDITIOIIS AI{O TEI4PERATURT C0IITRACTOR'S COIISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES: Placed 182 yards of 4000 psi Class I concrete, PERSOT{I{EL: l'lAJOR EOUIPlrlENT: ACTIVITIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates placed 4000 psi concrete for foundation wall at Grid Lines 25 to 31 and C thru P. CHEi{-NORTHERI'I' S SITE ACTIVIIIES lle observed the placement of concrete. Twenty-four cyl inders were cast from sarnples taken of the concrete. The first truck tested had a 6l/?" slurnp. It was brought to the attention of llelson & Associates' representative, who brought it to the attention of representat i ve of llestern Mobile. He told nre the driver added 12 gallons of water on the vray to the jobsite. VERBAL C0l{l,iul.l I CAT lotl !llTH C0I{TRACT0R, EltGII{EER, ARCHITECi,OlINER COPJES: R.A. i{elson & Associates. Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz li,estern Mobi I e; Town of Vai I .l oan Neill FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY A3 r nrutual piotectlon to cllents, th. publlc and oursclvas. ill r.ports .r. tubmlttcd .3 th. confldcnti.t prop.r'ty of our cll€nt3' rndruthorll.tlon for publii:.tlon of stat.mcnt. Cohclusions or er(tracts from or rrgrrdlng our raports l. 163.rvcd p.bdlDg our |{r'{ttcn.pprovrl,S.mpl.s wlll be dlsposcd of.ft€r te3tlng ts c.mpl€tld unl€ls oth.r .rr!ng€m.nt! .re rgrc.d to ln writlng. A m€nrbcr of thc {!! gnoup cf campanl.i CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI'ISULT]}IG T116INEERS AND SC ] EI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. mututl prot€ctlon to ctJents, the publlc and our3€lva6, sll r€ports .r€ sub|tllttcd.3 the conf'ldlentirl proparty of cli€nts, and authoriz6tton for publication of statem€nts. Cohcluslon. or extrrcts frod or r€garding oqt. r€port3 l9 rca.rved periding our tlritten rpprovrl. Sntt|plei iill be dlsposed ol .fter tertlng is conpleted ,nlesE othor crr6ng€m€nt3 .gracd to Jn wr.iting, A mdnber ;f the !.1! e.oup of comp.nic3 Fonn flo. CME113A 6/91 T0: tlECl,l Enterprlses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE; 9-13-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cort ina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT' Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI|ENT LOCAT]ON:Footing at 6rid Lines 28 to J, Page S-l BATCH TICKET INFORHATI0N SUPPLIER: ly'estern ilobile TRUCK f{0. 114 TTCKET N0. 01-9637 fitX 0Est6fi N0. 44 TII'IE BATCHED: 1:34 Pl'l TIME ARRIVED: 1:50 PM IIltlE PLACED: l:55 Pltl-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCUI'I: 7 FIELD TEST]116 I t{ FORI.|AT I OI'I TIME TEST TAKtt{: 2:00 Pl'l JO8 SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUMP: 3 1/2 IN. SLUfIP: Max.4 lN. SAI'IPLE TEI.IP: AIR CONTE|{T: 6.5% AIR C0i{TEt'{T: 4-8% 66 "F AIR TEI{PI 48 "F I.'ET UI{IT t{E I6HT: 142.6 I'IATER A0DE0 AT SITE 0 GAL. CYL I NDER I I'IFORI'IATION N0. 0F CYLIN0ERS: 6 CYLI|{DER SlZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 2:05 Pt'{ !',HERE CAST: on-Site CURINS I I'IFORI''IAT I OtI It{ITIAL CURE: 48 hour6 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 9-15-93 FI[L0 ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Under Cure Bl anket BY: Carolyn Adams fll t{/t'lAx A6E DAYS OAT E T ESTE O TOTAL LOAO (LBS ) OIAMETER ( r NcHts ) AREA (sQ rN) c0r1P . sTR. (PsI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER I.IEI6HT (LBs) CYLII{OTR UXlT lIE1GHT ( PcF) 7 -l 28 t6 28 9 -20-93 9-20-93 10-11-93 10-11-93 l0- 1t -93 l0- l1-93 113 ,000 I16,000 147 ,000 156,000 155, s00 i53,000 6.08 6.08 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 29. 03 29 .03 28.09 28. 09 ?8. 09 28.09 3890 4000 5230 5550 5540 5450 shear shear shear snean shea r shear DES IGI{ STREIIGTH 4000 Pst @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOIIITTL ARE III ACCORDANCE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTI't METHOOS UNLESS OTHERI.IISE IIOTEO SOI'II II{FORI'IATION OF TIST REPORT },tAY 8E PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: CoPIES: R.A. lielson & Associates, Inc.Attn: Mr. Rick Agate. Uestern l.lobiIe, Attn: 14r. Rick Seynrour J. V.A. , I nc. : Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FT€LD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING EN6I NTTRS ANO SCITNTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ac r mltual protectlon to cltent!, the publlc dnd ourtelv€!. dll r€ports ar€ sub itted.s th. confldlent{.1 pt-oPcrty of cl1€ntsi anat .utho.12.tron for publlc.tton of st.tenent!. co.clu;lon! Dr €rtrnct: flon of flglr.llsg Dtf rcPorts 1!,I:t-t!t"tlpi,idi,ig'..i wii'it"" .pp."u"r. i:amples vrill b€ dlsposed of.fter testtng i. co'rpteted unlers oth.r lrrar|gemcnts rgr.'d to In wrlting.I ncrnler if the {l! groop of complnies forrr tlo' C!'tEll3A 6/91 T0r l{ECt{ Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 10-4-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cort ina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, g0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Vlesthaven Drive dnd lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l'rest, Vail. Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATION :Foundation llal l: Lines 0 thru Z. BATCH TICKET INFORMATION TRUCK l{0. l5l TIIIE BATCHED: I :35 PM TICKET NO. 0486 I IME ARRIVEO: 2:05 PM T I I.,IE SUPPLiER: [,estern llobi Ie l'{lx DEst6t{ t{0. 44 PLACEO : 2 :30 Pl'l-Cu.Y0.L0AO/ACCU|"| :28 FIELD TESIING INFORMATION T Il'lE TEST TAKEiI: 2:2Q P[| JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SAMPLE TEMP: C0NTEiIT:5.5% COllTEllT: iA 7T "F AIh TEHP: 70 VET UNIT UE I6HT i VATER AOOED AT SITE |. SLIJI{P S LUMP 31/2 rN. IN. AIR AIR GAL . CYLINDER I NFORMAT I ON N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE; 6"x 12" TlMt CYLINoERS CAST: 2:30 PH trtl-IERE CAST: on-Site CUR I NG II'IFORI'IAT tON INITIAL CtiRE: 48 hou rs OATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-S i te l0-6-93 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Hot 8ox BY: Carolyn Adams MI t{/l'lAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTED IOIAL LOAO (LBs) DIAMETER ( iNcHES ) AR EA (sQ rr{) COMP , STR. (PSI ) TYPI OF FRACTURE DYLINDER UEIGHT (LBs ) CYLINDER UI'I I T VEIGHT (PCF) 7 7 ?8 ?8 28 a8 l0-11-93 i0-t t-93 1I-l-93 1 1- 1-93 r _t- 1_YJ u-I-93 105,500 1 14 ,000 6.06 6.08 28.84 29.03 JOOU 3930 snear snear D€SIGN STREI{GTH 4OOO PsI @ 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNTT ART IIt ACCOROANCE l,ilTH APPLICABLE ASTI4 MEIHOI)S UI{LESS OTHERVISE I{OTED SOME IIIFORMATIOI.I OF TEST REPORT MAY B[ PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates. Inc Town of Vai l; Uestern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathm€y Pratt Schultz Oan t'lei I I Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESER"ER APPROVED BY I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI I{G ENGII.IEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As I [!utu!l protoct{on to cllents, tho publlc rnd ourr.lvait al1 r.ports .r€ tub|nltt.d at the corfldl.ntful Froparty of cllant', trnd authorlzatlon tor publlcrtlon of atrtem€nts. Conelutlon3 o|. lxtractt tro0t or ragardlng our raport6 la raaarvcd gcndlng our r.fttt.n apFt-cvt'I. ss$ple3 r|lll ba dl3po3ed of .ftef t.3tlng t5 cdapl.tad unlca3 oth€f rrFrngdnantt lgra.d to in lrritlng. A mcmb€r 6t th€ II! group ot comp.nl.s Fonn llo. c Ell3A 6/91 T0: tlEClil Enterprises JOB il0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 8-31-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortlna P.0. 8ox 31't9 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo, PLACEMET{T LOCATIOI{:Stai r Shaft, t{est. SATCH TICKET II{F0RMATI0N SUPPLIER: l,estern lobiie TRIJCK NO. 16I TICKET I{0. 11345 I,IIX OESIGfl IIO. 44 TIfilE BATCHED: TIME ARRIVED: TIilE PIACE0: --- CU. Y0. LOA0/ACCU|4: 2l FIELD TESTI}IG I I{FORi.IAT i Ot{ SA}'IPLE TE}IP: 6S T AIR TEI.IP: 66'F TIIE TEST TAKEI{: 11:06 AM SLUtrlP: 3 Itl. AIR C0llTEtlT: 6.21 trET Ut{lI IJEI6HT: --- JOB SPECI F ICAT I0l{5: SLUf,lP: il{. AIR C0t{TEllT; ?( UATER AODID AT SIIE 0 GAt. CYL II{DER II{FORUAT IO}I t{0. 0F CYLII{0ERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12'' TIIIE CYLITIDERS CASI: }IHERE CAS'I: on-Site cuRtNG 1r{toRr,rArr0ll lllITiAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: --- DATE RECEMD AT LA8: --- BY: tllf{/M$( AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TO"IAI LOAD (L8s) Dl A},IETER ( Il{cHES) AREA (sQ Ifl) coilP. sTR. (Psr) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{0Efi, uEtclfr (LBs) CYt I1{DER UIIIT UgI6HT ( PcF) 7 7 28 28 'A ?8 H 9-7-93 9-7-93 9-28-93 9-28-93 9-28-93 9-28-93 94,500 95,500 r 18, 500 119,000 1 19 ,500 119.q00 6.09 6.08 o -\tl 6.08 6.06 6.07 29. 13 ?9.03 28.94 29.03 28.84 28.94 3?40 3?90 4090 4100 4140 4110 shear shear con/shear con/shear cofl./shear con/sfiear DESIGI{ STRTI{GTH 4OOO PSI S 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE iI{ ACCORDATTCE UITH APPLJCABLE ASTI,I },IETHOOS U}ILESS OTHERTIISE IIOTED SOM€ ]NFORMATIOI.I OF TEST REPORT I1AY BE PROVIOED BY OTH€RS REIIARKS : COPIES: R.A. ilel son S Associates, Inc. Uestern l,lobi le; J V A, Inc; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz; Iown of Vail;Eric Hahn Eobby J. Hays FTELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY lRrn't strp ? [rtrto? CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COflSULT IIIG ENGIII€ERS A}ID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVTTIES TOi llECfi Enterpri sesAttn: €ustaquio cort{na P.0. Box 3149 vai [, co 81658-3149 PROJECT: Li ftside Building east JoB xo. /r 178 93-3 DATE: E-18-95 OAILY REPORT IIO. 1 SHEET 1 OF Z of Uesthaven Drive ard lrestin llotet, South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Cotorado REPORT OF STRUCruRAL STEEL IIISPECTION Per clientts request, I rent to Zimkor Corporation to perform a shop inspection on their stnrtur€t steel srd xetding practices. Upon arrival at Zi[*or, I noted the facltity has been in buainess since 1976 rith sffruat sales aversging 6.1 mittitr|. I mt Hith Hichaet thay Hho is s Certified t'letding lnspector per A-ll.S.0,I.1. e.d has been xith the conpany since 1979. He xas expecting m and furnished ne rith the fot toeing inf oflnatidr for my inspect i on/audi t : accessible to alI r.sed for bonding. TRACEABILITYI I clearly maeked on used consisted of uhich rere srppl i [,ELD ATER IAL: COPIES: R.A. lletson & Associates. Inc.,Attn: llr. Rick Agate. J.V.A. . Inc.; I noted att first revision btueprints pere on the shop ftoor and easity r*ro need them. Prints noted typed steet sizes ard typed Hetd syrnbots to be observed att identification nnbers, heat trace ntrnbers ard Helders l.D. the steel itself. There nas no stanpirlg just chatk marks. The tog books incoming matefia[. The materiat costs Here in the purchssing d€partment, ed at tlry fequest atong rith the he6t trace nu$ers. I noted that atl Helders rorking on Job # 1255 r{€re ceftified by copies 1) z> 3) furnished to tne of their pre-quatifications. Uetders could be traced by their I.D. rrr$er morked on the steel itself. The HeLd pads Hefe prope.ty stored in hot box avens and removed before each ussge. lnspections of retds consisted in the shop of 100X visuat. I noted the inspector logged every piece of steet inspected by Job llrnlcer and had persomet repair any defect i0n€diatety, There are a total of 13 to 14 futl/partiat penetratiofl tetds for thisproject. I am coordinating Hith an o{rtside agency to cofi€ in to p€rfonn ultrasonic testing. The specific6tion requi red 100X UT, along yith 101 mag particle, Typical lelding inctuded 1/4 al t arourd. 4, fiARDiiARE: The hardxare ritl be shipped along rith the materiat. I noted att fii-Strength hard$are had certifications from the supptier in the purchasing departrEnt, 5) SIoRAGE/SH I PPI tlc: I noticed some mateciat ready to be shipped rere on traiter Hs ard stored rnder roofs for protection against corrosion. There is no painting invotved m this materiat. ilaterial gets togged in by I.D. nurbers before being shipped to custotners atorlg Lith proper certificatisrs. t noted 3 tractor traiter beds vith various colums/b€aors (size 14 x ZZ x 50) ready for sh iprent to the Liftside project. The first estirnated shipping date is 9110193. I cwld only i nspect about 25X of the steel d.m to the stscking operations. I visuatly inspected the Hetdrcnt for these cotums/beans ard found the size, tength for these Fuddterelds to be acceptable. I performed a t)4qicat ar.rdi t on 5 various pieces of steel through their l.D./tr6ce nt"nbers for tfsceability prJrposes. Four pieces re|.e traced to the purcftssing departmnts. files, Hhere all docunentst i on Has pfesent. Ofl€ piece had just been conpteted, therefore all retevant paperxork had mt been fiLed yet- Charles Bet I FIELD OBSERVER Dafrelt C- lluss APPROI/ED gY As r mutull prot.ctlon to c'llcrts, thc pqbllc 6nd oqrs.lvc3. all rcportr.r€ sub$lttad rr th. cortidcrttal propcrty of our cllcntr, lnd authorl!!tlon lor Fubllcatlon of rtatcccnt. Conclu!lonr or cxtr.cts frori or ragcrdlng our r€port5 ls r.c€rvad pandlng oor r{rltten apptov'l' S.6pl.! r.lll br dtipo..d of altcr tcatlng l3 corrpl.tcd udl€si other lrr.nge|n€ht. .ra.gr..d to in wrltlng. A membcr of the HlH grorp of contpan{ca 'd -- o*ro2.6/tt CHEN.NORTHEHN, INC. COII$JLTI }IG EIIGIII€ERS AXD SCIEIIIISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITTES TO:ECll Enterprises Attn: Eustaquio Cort ina P.O, Box 3149 Vail, Co 81658-3149 JOB nO. 4 178 93-3 DAILY REPORI IIO. I oATE: 8- 18-93 PROJECI: Liftslde Bui tding east of uesthaven Drive ard llestin llotet. South Frontag'e Road tl€st sfl€ET 2 0F 2 , vai [, cotorado, 6)nECOilf'lEilDAT t OllS: Zinkor has been in business for over 27 years and it ePPears they have I aG[t group;apersomel rorking together. This particular Proj€ct is. eryected. to be goirxg on for at'teast 3 months. tn order to support the on-going fabrication for this Project, outside pergomet should b€ oi-site at teast 2 to 3 tims a lreek awraging 4 hours a vigit- The support needed gitl be on'goin9 t00X shoP insPectiofl of Hetds, misce and U.T- insFections. Atong r.ith this, good Gl.|P Prsctices, Project sPec practices shoutd be nonitored frequentty. I laneous a|ag, Part i ct e ifiction and prccedre COPIES: R.A. Netson Attn: & Associates, lnc,, Mr, Rick Agate. Charles Bel t FIELD OtsSERVER Darrel I C. lluss APPROVED BY 43 a rhutull protcctlon to ctt.ntt, th. publlc rnd oursclvcs, .ll r.po.ta .rG 3ub.nlttcd rt th. confld.rtl.l ProP.rty ot our cllcnttr "dauthorlzstloh for publtc.tl0|r of rtrt.d.nt. concluslona or rrtrrctr ironr or rrgal.dtng osr r.portr l. ra-3arvad P.ndlng cuF r',rltt.n rpprov'l ' a;;i;iia;iii t. afspo'cJ"i.ttcr t.sttng ti canptGtad unt.33 oth.r .Frlng.nrrnts .r. .sr.cd to ln 'n'ltlng.I incmlei oi thG t!!h gronp o{ coriptht.s toet 16' c*$t 6'er CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING '116II{EERS AI{O SC IEI{T I ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! nutusl protectlon to cll.nt., th. plblic and o!r3.le€5, .ll r.ports lrc eubmittad.t thc co'ltldlGntl.l prop.rty of cllent3r rnd alrthqr't2.tloh for Fnbllcatlon ot strtehant3. conclurtons or .r!r.ct3 trdr or r.gafdln9 our r.Portt 1s f.scrvc.l Fendlng our lrrlttan.pprov6l. S.nple3 wlll be dispored of ltter t.sting i3 co.Dpletcd unla!s other lrr.ngenents .greeo (o ln Hrl t lng. A 'nahb.r;f th. tll]! group ot conplnios Fom xo. CMEtl3A 6/91 T0: ilEcll Enterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 8-18-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Va'il, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel, South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo. PLAC€MEI{I L0CATIO|i: Stair Court I flevation 32 thru 46. Concrete tested fras placed in the East llall and genter lJall, Elevation 35 thru 38. BATCH TICKET It{FoRllAT lotl SUPPLIER: trrestern llobile TftucK N0. 1098 TICKET N0. 018763 fllx DESl6t{ l{0. 44 IlliE EATCHED: 12:39 PM TIME ARRIVEO: 1:15 PM TIIIE PLACTD: l:18 Pf'l CU.YD.!0A0/ACCUi|; 7149 FIELO TESTII'IG II{FORMATTON SAMPLE TEMP: 78 "F AIR TEI'IP: 9t "F TIHE TEST TAKEII: l:30 Pfl SLUIIP: ? 3/4 It{. AIR C0f{TE}lT: 4.11 lltT Ul{lT }lEI6tlT: --- JOB SPECIFICATI0NS: SLUHP: 4 IN. AIR C0IIIENT: 4-8X I,ATER AD0ED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYL I NOER I IIFORI,IAT ION tiO. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIMt CYLIIiDERS CAST: l;35 Pt',| IIHERE CAST; 0n-Site CURIIt6 IIIFORI{ATIOI'I iNITIAL CURE: ?4 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 0n-5i te 8- r 9-93 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box 8Y; Brian Scan lan l'lIll/MAX A6E OAYS DATE TESTE O TOTAL IOAD (t8s) DIAMETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ Ir{} COMP. SIR, (Psr) TYPI OF FRACTURT CYL I II DER I.'E I GHT (LBs) cYUt{0[R UHIT UEI6HI (PCF ) 7 1 28 2S *28H *?8H 8-?5-93 8-25-93 9-15-93 o-1q-o? 9-15-93 9-15-93 104,500 110,000 134,000 143,000 142 ,500 l4?. 000 6.08 6.08 6. I0 6.09 6. 08 6.08 29.03 ?9.03 29 .22 7.9 . L3 29 .03 ?9.03 3600 3790 4590 4910 4 910 4890 shear shear snear shear shear shear OES IGI{ STRING]H PSI 0 28 oAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONIIEL ART IN ACCORDANCE !'ITH APPLICABLE ASTM METHODS UNLESS OTHERUISE NOTED SOMT INFOR}IAI]ON OF TTS] REPORT MAY BT PROVIOEO BY OTHIRS REIIARKS: * N0TE: Do not dispose of "Hold" cylinders until architect has approved disposal COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc.Attn: Mr. Ri ck Aqate. Brian Scanlan Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVIR APPROVEO 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, TNC. COIISULTI [G EIIGTIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTTVITIES TO: llEcf,l Enterprises JOB llo. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 8'25-93 Attn: ErJstaquio Cort ina P.0. Box 3149 Vait, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT llo. e S{EET 1 OF 1 PRoJECT: Liftside Building east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel, South Frontage Road lrest, Vail, Color*' REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL Per clientrs request, I ms on-site at Zimkor etaLs. Corporation to vlsuatty obsefve the fabricat i onleetding of structuraI stee] fo. the Liftside Project' t coordinated rrith a representative from HQS Inspection to p€rfoflo uitraso.ric testing on futt/pattiat pen€treti on Hetds. I Hitnessed a tot8l of nine penetrat i on relds being tested. See sttached insp€ction report. Alt pieces uere accePtable' I atso perfoflDed visual Hetd inspections on various pieces of beans/cotutns. Att the Flddte Hetds rere aCceptabte, t ra6 i nformed the Liftside Project has been moved ql for the structrrral Eteel portion fdr Z to 5 Heeks. I am requesting another shop inspection for Friday, August 27' 1993 to perform some mag. part ic I e. CoPIEST R.A. l,lelson & Associates, lnc., Attn: l{r. Rick Agate. J.V.A., !nc.; Husschartes BeI I IIETD OESERVER oarrel I c. APPROVED 8Y As I mutuat protGctton to cltcnt!! th. publlc rnd ourielvo3, dll ..port! rr. subnlttld a! th. confldGntlll Prop.rty of out'.cll'nt3' 'ndauthortzatton tor Dubltc.tton ot .t!tamGnt. Conctu.lons or €rtF.cts tro|n or r.g.rdlrg ou|- r.por_ts ls rc3.tv.d pcndlng our Hrltt'n rpFtov'l ' Simptcs wttt te airpo*cd ot attcr tcitlng ls corplat.d unl.s! othar arranger.nt*.r. lgrc.d to ln wrttlng. I fumtcr ol H'. ilir g'"up of complnl.s - 'de' "*rer 'Al .trEire - r'acor^ Alef*ls I]LTR.ASONIC REPORT vage-Lot 1 P.u ti:.._2..-z t-_BJ__ crtrol Ib.-=8€€.3__ M ltb. al.\ 7 EF Pocedrezz-..S-lgtge ltrpcifrFFicn 414lS lr,l- l- 97 I€]d.ht 8|,,-FI€ldre rCZra.Z !ffiiaf lhickress ICEFTE EfIigEt Kl3 A r.rsk 7,) /^"/ e-l".4g Tadg s;"'s/d^7+'jYde zo- s/-t, z,-uqa7 h+ta4.S f Hd.{Fl Ih Trhi fi.ratr'Cn H.g .B &, trxxo EBIl FT fi Ttsr<rer Fedirg Eftct Icc*im Bd E nnxa '8HEsFG,Io $s A fir B EtrlrEIJ fEac +tp EE D li'axvtt d.d ctl] $e<d c|l.Hfi; -cH E,fr 7,.1 z A t.7 4t-t a 3 rzqc,,4 1 zzu A 5 2.114-t? e " 314 - 72 7 ?374-43 R ?-22 A q 7,2,2A ..'i:,,": '.t fqrwfcs lEdtdcian '1 coRREC iEE eoJ\l CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI.NG ENCIIIEERS AI{D SCIEIITISIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. n{turl prot.ctJon to €t1.nt3r tha publlc rnd ourselv.s, rll r€ports arc stlb'nltt.d r! thG confl.l{efitt.l prop'rty of cttlnts, and.uthorrz!tloo for publ.lc.tlo' or 3t!t.hcnts. concrurlcn3 or.xtr.cts fro't or r.s.rdl'|g oof rcPortr 11-I:t-tl""',;;;;i;; 'd;-;tiien "pp""'rr. ii'nptii rrrr b. d.ispoaed ot !t!er test.tng l3 coDpleted uh)..' oth.r.rr.ngencnt5.gr..o to ,i";#;";i th€ !I! sroup or companf.r ForG Ho' cHEllsA 6/el T0: l'lECll Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 OAT[: 8-25-93Attn; Eustaguio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Va'il, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of llesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, VaiI, Colo. PLACTIIENT LOCAT IOI{:Stdirway No. 5, Level 32 thru 34. EATCH TICKET I I,IFORI{AT IOI{ TRUCK NO. TII.IE BATCHED: TiCKET }IO. TIIIE ARR I VEO: SUPPLiER: lJestern flobi 'le MIX DESIGI{ ItO. TIME PLACED: CU. YD. LOAOIACCu}|: FIELD TESTIIIG I I{FORI'IATIOII TIME TEST TAKEII: JOB SPECIF ICAT IOIIS: SAMPLE TEITP: 'F AIR TEMP: 'F SLUlrlP: Il{. AIR COI{TEI{T: X iJET UI{IT |{EI6HT: SLUIIP: llax.4 lil. AIR COllTEliT: 4-8fr UATER AD0E0 AT SITE GAL' CYLII.IDER ] I{ FORITAT I OI.I tlo. 0F CYLINDERS: 5 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: UHERE CAST: On-Site CUR I I{6 I IIFORI'|AIION INITIAL CUR€: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIv[D AT LA8: 8-26-93 FiELD STORAGE BY: Carol yn FACILIIIES: Cure Box Adarns MII{/l,lM AGE DAT S OAIE TESTED IOIAL LOAD (LBS) O I AI'IE TE R ( I IICHE S ) AREA (sQ ru) COMP. sTR. (Pst) TYPI OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER I,/E I OHT (tBs) CYL II{DER UNIT VEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 28 ?8 z8 9-l-93 9-l-93 9-2?-93 9 -2 ?-93 9-2?-93 I l?,000 I13 ,500 l4l ,500 134, 000 138 .000 6.08 6 .07 6. 09 6.09 6.08 29.03 28.94 29. 13 29.13 29 .03 3860 39?0 4860 4600 47 50 shear shear con,,/ shear con/shear c0n/shear t)TSIGII STREI'IGTH PSI O ?8 OAYS TESTS 8Y TABORATORY PIRSONNEL ARI IN ACCORDANCE I.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTM t'ITTHODS UI{LESS OTHERVISE ]{OTE() SO''IE INFORHATION OF TIST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIOEO BY OTHTRS REMARKS : COPIES: R.A. t{elson & Associates, Inc.Attn: l'lr. Rick Agate. Canolyn Adams BobbY J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTI{ERN, rNC. CONS{'LT I IG EIIGT}IEERS AIID SCIEIITISIS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITTES To: llEcll EnterprisesAttn: Eustaquio gortina P.O. Box 3149 vai l. co 81658-3'149 PROJECT: Liftside Buitding east of JoB lfo. 4 178 93'3 DATE: 8'27'93 DAILY REPORT [O. 3 SHEET 1 OF 1 gesthav€,n Drive ard llestin Hotel, south Frontage Road lfest, Vail. colorsdo REPOR' OF STRUCTURAL STEEL per ctlentrs fequest, I xas at Zln*or lrdJstries to p€rform steel/retding ard various harduare i nspect ; on6 . I spoke rith Ron Singteton frorn Zimkor ebout A.t.S.C. certificatlon. tle stated that they afe in in--p.".""" oi oOtaiiing this but are stitt araiting approval.. This certification consists of 0A manult approved. Att 6ppt i cabte traceabitity procedfes are b€ing fol lored. Also a shop inspection rill be pcrforned on att these iters. At Zimkor today, I did inspect the tottoxing: 30 pieces of angte iron protruding from vafious coturs. I venitiea setd pfudles rrere of proper size and Length. t atso insPected base Plates-ard the various bott hote configuration. The npaiurements taken conforfied to the Latest ptsn revision. I atso verifi€d the fot toHing cotwrrs ard beans fronr the tatest fobricotion. Ihe things I Yerlfied Here se1d puddt es 1/4 typi ca1 att-around. proper size ani length of vetdnent. verification atso inc tgded pioper hardrare'xas used and thai iraceabil.ity ras acceptable. Traceability xaB verlfied thror.rgh purchase order docunents. naterial certification docurpntation and h€at trace n-rdrers- llo Llag particte xas p€rformed today' jugt vigual acceptance. coPtES: R.A. ]{e1gon & Associates. Inc., Attn: l{r. Rick Agate; J.V.A., lnc.;Darrcl I c. Huss APPRWED 8Y Charles 8el I 'IELD OBSERVER As c nutu.l protection to cIr€ntr, th. publlc and ourr.lv.., r'll r.portr rr. 6sbtrlttad.s r'h. conlldcntlll Propcrty ot ost" cll'nt3' 'nd.uthortratlon for publtc.tton of rtat€m€nt- conclurlons or €xtr.ct. irom or regerd'lng orr roportr it rctcrvcd P.ndlng o|rr *rlttcn rpprov'l 'ii,iiiii-"iii- r"- or''-p...a " i '-rt"i -tiitiid ' r . l.rrli'tii ji- .:i t.ij othcr urrns...i'''ts aac is..cd to ln |{rlting' A ncmDar ot th€ !1!! group ot cdplnl€3 n' (|rro' 5/tr CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT Il{G ENGI}IEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: HECH Enterprises J08 f.tO. 4 178 93-3 EAfE: 8-77-93 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT tlo. 3A SHEET l0F I PROJECT: Liftside Suilding east of lresthaven Orive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vai'l , Colorado. I{EATHER COI{OITIOTIS AIIO TETPERATURE 0vercast - 70 degrees F. CO}ITRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTIOI{ ACT IVI TITS PERSONIiEL: HAJ0R EQUIPi1€NT: Vibrators, Concrete Pump ACTIVITIFS: Contractor poured concrete to elevtion 80 on Stariray llo. 5. CHEN-NORTHTRII'S SITE ACTiV IT I E5 l,le arrived on-site and conducted tests on t.he concrete being placed, These tests consisted of slump, air content and unit weight. One set of six cylinders yras cast. VERBAL COI1HUN ICATIOI{ !II]H CON]RACTOR, Tt,I6I IiETR, ARCHITECT, O'/I'IER COP I ES: R.A. Nelson J.V-A., Inc. &Assocl ates, Inc.; GY{atfmey Pratt Schul tz ; Bri an Scan.lan FiELO OESERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED 8Y As a hutv.l prot.ciion to cllcnt3, the publlc .nd our3elves. !ll raports nre svbmitt.rl .s th. confldentl.l propcrty ol our cllcnt3r andluthorlz.ttoh for prblic!tlon of 3t.t.tn€nt. Concl!3lons or.rtr.cts fron or reg6rdlng our r€portr l3 rcaGFvcd pcndlng our t,rltt.n rpproval.).npr.3.wttl bc.[spos.d ot .ft.r tcrttrg t3 cor,ptet.d ualcas oth., .rrlrg.m€rts rre.gr..ct to th eFttJng.a member of thc EI! group of coip.nleg ':t CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS AXD SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: MEgll Enterprises J08 1,10, 4 178 93-3 0ATEI 9-13-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT N0. 4 SHEET I 0F 1 PRoJECT; Liftside Building east of testhaven orive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colorado- iIEATHER COtlDlTI0t{S Atl0 TEHPERATURE: Rain to Clordv CONTRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSOI,II'IEL: MAJOR EQUI Pl.lEt{T: Vi brator ACTMTIES: Contractor poured footing at 6rjd Lines 28 to J on Page S-l CHEN-NORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIVITI ES observed contractor pla6ing and vibrating €oncrete. Ve conducted concrete tests consisting of slump, air content and cast one set of 6 cylinders. vEREAt CoMi{UN I CAT l0l'l 0aYid vtith R.A. I,JI TH COXTRACTOR, EI{6IIIEER, ARCHITICT, OI^INER Nelson & Assoc'iates was notified of test results. COPIES: R. A. tlel son J.V.A., Inc. &Associ ates , lnc. ; Gwatfrney Pratt Brian Scanl an FIELD OESERVER Schu l tz ; Fred R, Caneron APPROVED gY A3 ! |truturl prot€ct{on to cll.nt3, thc public.nd oursclve!, all r€ports.r. 3!bmttted.s thc co-nfidcntlrl- property of o-urlll.ntt. .nd .uthortzatJo; for publlcatton of tt!t.nFnt. Conc'lu3ionr or extr.cts irorn or regarding our r.portt l3 r-.3orv.d i.ndtng our nrltt.n .PProv'1. Snhpl.3 wlll b. dispo3.d of !ft.r !.rting ls cooplGt.d unle53 oth€r .rr.n968..ts .i..gre.d to {n wrltlng. A itember of the !.!! Eroup of conplni.i CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EI{GII,IEERS ANO SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a nutull protectlon to cIi€nts, the public lnd our3alvesr all reports are sqbnlttad as the confldlenttal praperty of cllehtc, dnd authorlzatlon for publlcatlon o{ st6tenents, conclus{on! or Grtr.cts fron or r€gardlng our r€ports l3 r.iervaal p€nding osr wFltt.n.pprovat. Sdmples r|ill bo dlsposed of !ft€r t€stlng l! complcted uhlats othcr drrangemente tgr€€d to in 1l{rl t I ng. A fte|nber ;f th€ EI! group of conp.nres Fomr No. ct'lEllfA 6/91 T0: l.lECH interprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 8-27-93Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftslde Building, east of llesthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road t{est, VaiI, Colo. PLACETIEIIT TOCAT I Ot{:Stairrvay 5, Shaft lralls to Elevation 76. BATCH TICKET ItiFORllATIotl SUPPLIER: yestern l,lobile TRUCK r'r0. 161 TICKET ilo. 11?07 t{IX 0ESIG}| tl0. 4(B} III{E BATCHEO: 9:46 Al{ TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:50 AH TIME PLACED:10:00 A|4-CU. YD. I0AO/ACCUI'i: 7 FIELD TEsTIt{c INFORMATION SAHPLE TEMP: 67 'F AIR TEt'lP: 70 'F TIF'IE TEST TAKEII: 10:05 Al{ SLUIIP: 21l2 lN. AIR C0t'lTEt{T: 6.2X .UET UIIIT IEIGHT: 14?.0 JOB SPEC IFI CATIO||S: SLUMP: Max.4 I . AIR COt'lTEt{T: 4-8% UATER A0Dt0 AT SITE -- 6AL. CYLINDER II.IFORMATION N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" llflE CYLIT{0ERS CAST: 10:10 AH i{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI I{G I I{FORI'IATION II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure 8ox DATE RECEIVED AT LAB; 8Y: Brian Scanlan MIN/I"|AX AIJE OAYS DATE TESTID TOTAL LOAO ( LBS ) tl iAIIETER ( Ir{cHEs ) AREA (sQ ilr) COHP . STR . {PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLi NDER VEIGHT (L8S) CYLII.IDER UIIIT UEIGHT t PcF) 7 7 28 28 ?B 28 9-3-93 9-24-93 9-24-93 9- 24 -93 9-24-93 LZt ,500 135,000 163,000 163,000 165,000 165.500 6.09 6.07 6.08 6.08 6.07 6. 08 29.13 28.94 29.03 ?9.03 ?8 .94 29.03 4380 4670 5610 5610 5700 57 00 shea r con/shear shear shear shear snear DESIGN STREI{GTH 4000 PSI 0 28 0AY5 TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EI ARE IH ACCORDAI{CE l.JITH APPLICAELE AST I,IETHODS U LTSS OTHERVISE NOTED SO!4T IIIFORHATIO}I OF TEST REPORT HAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI'{ARKS: CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Agate. Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY -1 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI.ISUIT I NG EN6INTERS ANO SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a mlturl protcctlon to cll.nts. the public and orrs€lves, all rcports.r. submlttcd.s th. contldlentlrl prop.rty ot cllentsr and authoriration for public.tion of statements. Concluslons or.ttrlcta from or rcgrrditg our r.gorts {3 ret.rv.d pcndtng our wrltten lpprovrl. Satnples wlll b. dispos€d of.ftar t.stlhg it compl.t.d ur'le3s other arrcng.n nts agrecd to ln wiiti ng.e "ii,6ii it the !I! group of comp.nl€s Fonn No. cMEll3A 6/91 I0: MECM Enterpri ses JOB I'10. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-16-93Attn: [ustaqui o Cort ina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET t 0F tVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l,,esthaven Driv€ and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Co1o. PLACEiIIENT LOCATIOI{: llalls at Grid Lines ?2 to 24 and Lines 0 thru J. Second Lift. BATCH TICKET illF0Rl,tATI0tl SUPPLIER: llestern f,lobi le TRUCK N0. 117 T]CKET r{0. 19803 IX 0ESl61{ N0. B TIME BATCHED: 3:14 Pl,l TiME ARRIVED: 3:35 Pll T ll,lE PLACE0: 3:41 Ptl-Cu. YD. L0A0/ACCUII: 7/?l/48 FIELD TESIIT{G INFoRMATI0I,I SAIIPLE TE}IP: 76'F AIR TEiIP: 65'F TIl.lE TEST TAKTN: 3:45 Pl'l SLUMP: 41/4 IN. AIR C0ltTEllT: 6.9fi l{EI UtllT I{EIGHI: JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLUIIP: IN. AIR COI{TEI{T: g ITATER ADDE0 AT SITI 7 GAL. CYL II{D€R ]NFORI.,IATION t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" Tll,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 3:55 Pl{ UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING INFORMATION INITIAL CURE: On-Site FIEL0 STORAGE FACILIIIES: Insulated Blanket DATE RECEIVTD AT LAB: 9-20-93 8Y: Frank Potvin tll tlll{M DAY S OATE TESTTD TOTAL LOAD (LBS } O I AMETI R ( tNCHES ) AREA {Sq Ifl) COMP. STR. ( PsI ) IYPE OF FRACTWE CYLINOER I./E I GHT (LBs ) CYL I}IOER UI{]T I'EIGHT (PCF) 7 7 28 28 28 ?8 9-23 -93 9-23-93 l0- l4-93 l0- l4-93 10-14-93 10- 14 -93 95,000 98,000 6. 00 6.08 28.27 29.03 33 60 3380 shear snear DESI6fi STRENGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI'II.{EL ARE It{ ACCORI)AT.ICT VITH APPLICABLE ASTI.( METHOOS UTILESS OTHERIIISE OTED SOI,IE II{FORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVTOED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.Attn: tlr. Rick Agate. llestern Mobile, Attn: Mr. Rjck Se1,mour J.V.A., Inc.; Gvlathfrr€y Pnatt Schultz; Caro'lyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. col{su!II t'16 Elr6lI{EERs All0 SCIEtiTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As . nutu!l protectlon to cllenti, th! publtc qnd ours€lvcs, !ll reportr ire subliltted .r th€ c0nfJd'lsntl.l proP€rty of cIl6nt3, and authortration for pubitc!t.toh of 3tatem€ntr. concluslons of iltrrctB from or ragardlng our r€port3 i3 raBCrved ;;;;;; '";;-";ii i.. ;;;""""i: bi.ii"i-,,iir-i.-iiip"'.u "r !ft€r te3tins ir complet.d unress other ffF.ns.n€nt' asre'q to ln vrri t I hg. A |!€mblr of th€ EI! group of comprnles Forft i{o' cMEtl3A 5/91 T0: MECl,t Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-20-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vall, Colo. P|ACEI'IEt{T L0CATI0ll r l{orth llal l Lines P-10 through P-26, J to P. BATCH TICKET Il{F0Rt'lATtOll SUPPLIER: }Jestern Mobile TRUCK l{0. ll4 TICKET }10. 9932 i'tlx DESlGl{ tt0. 44 TIl,lE BATCHED: TIME ARRMD: 3:45 PM TIi'1E PLACED: 4:05 P|{-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUM: 7 FIELt) TESTING IT{FOIMATION TIltlE TEST TAKEII; 4: 10 Plt JOB SPEC I FICAT IOI{S: SLUMP SLUI.IP 41/4 IN. Il{. SAI'{PLE TEMP: AIR C0NTEI{T: 5. ?% AiR CONTEI'IT; X 7 4 .F AIR T€I,IP: 72 "F UET UI.I I T UEI6HT: I/ATER ADDED AT 5ITE O GAL. CYLII{DER I NFORI'IAT lON l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 4 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI|IE CYLII{oERS CASI: 4:15 Pil l/HtRE CAST: 0n-Site CUR] 116 I NFORI',IAT ION II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEiVED AT LA8: 9-22-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Elanket BY: llark Jensen l,llll/llAx AGE OAYS DATE IESIEO TOTAL LOAD (t8s) O I AMET ER ( | r{cHES ) AREA (sQ il{) COMP. STR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIiDER |l[ lGHT (L8s) CYLINDER UIIIT lIE IGHT ( PcF) 7 28 28 55 9-27-93 l0- t8-93 10-18-93 I I - l5-93 t2l,000 6.05 28. 75 4210 snear DESI6I{ STRENGTH 8-4OOO PSI E 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONI{EL ARE II{ ACCOROAT{CE VITH APPLICABTE ASTIiI IIETHODS UI{LESS OTHERVISE IIOTED SOI'IE INFORI'IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I4AY BT PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE}IARKS: CoPIEs: R.A. J{el son & Associates, Inc.Attn: tlr. R ick Aqate. tlestern l'lobile, Attn: llr. Rick Seymour J.V.A., Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz; Dan tleill Bobby J. HaYs F]ELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y Chen€Northern.l I nc.Consultrng Engrneers and Scienlrsts 5080 Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 303 945-7458 303 945.2363 Facslmile September 30, 1993 MECM Enterpdses P.O. Box 3149 Vail. CO 81658-3149 Subject:Observation of Foundation Excavations, Underdrain Recommendations and Rock Anchor Testing, Proposed Liftside Building, Westhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado Job No. 4 178 93-3 Gentlemen: As requested, Chen-Northern, Inc. observed the foundation excavations at the subject site on August 30, September 2, September 9 and September 20, 1993 to evaluate the materials "*posed for foundation support. We also observed water seepage into the excavation and obierved rock anchor pull iesting on August 30, September 3, 4 and 5. Our observations and recommendations for foundation and underdrain design and results of the rock anchor pull tests are presented in this report. Chen-NortherrL Inc. previously conducted preliminary and supplemintal geotechnical engineering studies for the project, reported under Job No. 4 l'75'i3, dated December 2, 1992 and July '12, 1993 respectively. We are providing consulting and construction materials testing services as the project progresses. At the time of our August 30 visit to the site, the foundation excavation for the stair core C Elevator had been cut in multiple levels from 3 to 5 feet below the adjacent grade. Hard shale bedrock was exposed in the bottom of the excavation. Shallow standing water and mud was observed in low areas along the south side and at the northwest corner of the footing excavation. On September 2 we observed foundation excavations at grid lines 25 to 26-and lines F through K. Fractured bedrock was exposed in the bottom of the excavation and loose matirial was being removed to erpose hard bedrock. We visited the site on September 9 to observe excavations for spread footings on grid line 31 at lines G through P and on grid line 13, lines W through Z. Sound bedrock, free of loose material was eiposed in the bottoms of the excavations. On September 20 we observed footing "*"uuations at grid lines Z and AA between lines 13 and 19. Hard, competent bedrock was exposed in the bottom of the excavations. No water or loose material was observed. The conditions exposed in the excavations we have observed are generally suita^ble for support of spread iootings designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 20,000 psf as reiommenAid in our previous reports. l,oose bedrock materials, water and mud should be removed from the footing excavitions prior to concrete placement. A leveling course of structural concrete can bJ placed in footing areas where the bedrock surface is irregular to facilitate construction of concrete form woik. The above recommendations were provided to Dave Schrimer of R.A. Nelson and Associates, General Contract<rr, during our site visits' t- MECM Enterprises September 30, 1993 Page 7 Underdrain System: At the time of our August 30 visit to the site, we obsewed water flowing from the rock cut on the north side of the excavation approximately at grid line 27. The water appears to be groundwater which is percolating through natural fractures in the bedrock. A flow rate on the order of 3 to 5 gallons per minute was observed. The seepage area is located behind the proposed north wall ofthe building. Because ofthe location of the spread footing foundation in this area, the seepage can probably be isolated and collected into a drainage system separate from the perimeter foundation drain. We have reviewed the detail drawing provided by AJpine Engineering and Gwathmen Pratt, Schultz - Architects for a drain intercept and conduit to collect and divert the seepage. The drawing calls for a concrete drain pan to be constructed between the north wall and the rock cut face in areas where seepage occurs. Backfill consisting of screened rock will be placed above the drain pan to within a few feet of proposed exterior finished grade. Filter fabric will be placed over the drain gravel at depth intervals of about five feet. Waterproofing is ptoposed along the back side of the concrete foundation wall above the drain pans. Drain pans will be loiated at grid lines 27 and 29 along the north wall footing line. The dlains will outlet to two 4-inch solid PVC pipes which will conduct the seepage water beneath the lower level floor slab and connect to the perimeter foundation drain on the south side of the building. The drain pipes will be approximately at elevation 42.5 or about l-foot below finished inierior slab grad-e. The drain pans will be connected to each other with 4-inch diameter perforated pipe which will assist in collecting seepage from the rock face and divert watlr to the second drain in the event one drain pan or pipe becomes plugged. The proposed collection system will probably be effective in collecting most of the seepage water. -However, seaso;al changei in the groundwater flow and changes caused by foundation construction could result in seepage below the floor slab areas in the future' We recommend underslab drains be installed in this area generally in the locations shown on Fig. 1. The drains should consist of 4-inch diameter perforated pipe surrounded above the iniert level with free-draining granular material such as screened rock. The drains should be placed at least 1-foot below the finished floor grade and sloped at a minimum 1%o to a suitable gravity outlet. Rock Anchor Testing: We observed rock anchor testing at the site on August 30 and S.pt"-U"i:, 4 and i, tggS. During our August 30 visit, Yentor Brothers, the rock anchor subcontractor, performed pull testJ on five anchors for the Elevator C foundation. The anchor at grid point I-25 was tested in cyclic loading of 257o,50Vo,757o, lNVo,120Vo and L30% of tte design load of 112.5 kips. The four other anchors between grid lines 25 Td 26 and lines J and K were tested at i3OEo of the design load. Our observations indicate the anchors performed satisfactorily under the above loading conditions. Rock anchor movement was not measured as part of these tests. Chen€Nofthern. [nc. MECM Enterprises September 30, 1993 Page 3 On September 3, 4 and 5 we monitored long term creep tests performed on four rock anchors along the north wall footing between grid lines 25 and 30. The anchors were stressed to 13070 of design load and the load was maintained for the duration of the test, 24 hours. Vertical deformation or movernent of the anchors was measured with dial indicators accurate to within .001 inches. The dial indicators were mounted on tripods over the anchors in such a way that movement of the adjacent ground would not affect the dial readings. Total deformations measured varied from 0.018 inches to 0.341 inches. Where a reading was obtained after the load was released, it appeared that about 9OVo of the anchor rod deformation was recovered upon completion of the test. Based on telephone conversation with Tom Skinner of JVA, structural engineers, we understand the measured deformations are within the expected range for elastic deformation of the anchor rods. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please contact our office. Sincerely, Rev. By: DHA TI-A/rh Attachment Gwathmey Pratt Schultz R. A. Nelson - Attn: Dave Alpine Engineering - Attn: Town of Vail - Attn: Dan Schrimer Jim McNeil Stanek Thomas L Allen, P.E. Chen€Northern.lnc.Consurtina E^orrecrs and Scienlisls a LEGEND: rt CO loj t.) rl' I (t Approx imate Drain Loc at i on zI ilit 19;t :l i i '''-----,7. ---{.. .'- .-..;'r ''.t , -l rEl i8r ist I I ro I I I I I I 9 I : I I lrnt- I io I Io { t} 4 178 93-3 Chen€Nlcx{rern,lnc Aooroximate Underslab Drain Locations Fig. 1 ,,.r.iJ/ .iw-'Eb,i)' CHEN-NORTHERN, lNC. colrsulr I irc Et{GIltEERs AfiD sctEltTtsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: tIECH fnterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Li fts i de Euilding east J08 r{0. 4 178 93-3 DAILY REPORT I{0. 4 DATE: 8-31-93 SHETI T OF I llest, Vail, Colorado.of Uesthaven Orive and tlestin flotel , South Frontage Roao I{EATHER COI{D I TI OIIS AIID TEI.{PERATURE CONTRACTOR' S COIISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES : PERSOI{I{EL: ilAJOR EQUIPT{EI{T: ACTIVITIES: l{one CHEII-NORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIES Contractor did not show up on-site as scheduled. lJe had to go to another project. Technician Nas replaced by another technician. VERBAL COI'II.IUT{ICATIOI{ !'ITH COI{TRACTOR, EI{6IIIEIR, ARCHITECT, OI,'I,{ER COPlES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gvrathney Pratt Schultz Town of Val l ; I I 8ri an Scanlan FIELt) OESERVER Fned R. Cameron APPROVEO BY Ar. lutull grotectlon to cllcrt3, tha publlc and ourr.lv.3, .ll Foports .r€ subrlttad.6 th€ confld.ntl.l prop€rty of ou} cllents, tn.l l'rl'"iiJiiiof,'t-"" prtii.ili"i'- i?-iiaiii.f,i. - c;;iusl;;;;;-;it"iiti -f."n' "" i"giiaini i,r' ""p"'ti t r "iicrrcu i.nai ns-our wrltt.n lPProv.l . Srmpl€3 wlll be dlapo3ad of lttcr test{ng lr collpleted unl€.s oth.r.rrang€nEnti ar€.gr"ccd to ln wrltlng.A qnbcf of thc !I! group of comprni:s CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. colsulTIflc Ef{Gt}tEERs AxD scIExT l sTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: H[Cl,l Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93 DATE: 8-3-93Attn: Eustaou'i o Cortl na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT t'10. 5 SHEET l0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Building, East of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, vail, Colorado, !,EATHER COi{DITIOI{S ANO TEI.IPERATURE COI{TRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTION ACTIVIT I ES PERSOI{I{EL: r,rAJOR EQUIPilE T: ACT IVITIES : CHEI{-NORTHERI{'S SITE ACT I VIT] ES A jobsite visit was made to observe the proposed on-site backfill soi1s. [t was reconmended that the existing fill maierial be screened to achieve the specified 6" minus size or to i mport a 6" minus backfi l l , l{e met vrith oave Shriver of l{el son-Zeeb Construction and advised him of these recoflmendati sns. VEREAL COI.II'IUNICATIOI{ UITH COI{TRACTOR, EI'IGII{EER, ARCHITECT, OI.'I.IER COPIES: Joe E, Eenedict Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROV€O BY As. mutu.l protcction to ctlcntc, th. public.nd our.clv€s, .ll r.poits rrc.utmltted rr thc cottl.tdntl.l. proF.rty o? ourJllantr' .nd :;t;";i;;;i.; ;;;;f i.;i i; ; st.t.rflcnr. concluelons "" .*t..iti -i.o" o" rigirlt'g our rcporlJ ls rcierv.d i.nd{ns-our er{tt.n rFpfovtl. Sdmplos r{il1 be disposcd of after tostlnE 13 conrptet€d un]e36 othar.rrlngdr€nts !r.5gr.cd to in *rltJng. A member of the tsI! group of comp.nlca CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. collsulTIllc EllGlllEERs AllD scl El{T I sTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llECll Enterprises JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 0AiE: 9-20-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Vai l. C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT ilO. 6 SHEET I 0F 1 PROJECT: Liftside Building east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vall, Colorado. IIEATHER COIID]T IOt{s AI{D TEMPERATURE C0I{TRACT0R'5 C0l{STRuCTl0l{ ACTiVITIES: R.A. elson & Associates, lnc. placed 4000 psi concrete. PERSOTIT{EL: llAJoR EQUIPIIEI{T: Concrete Pump, Concrete Vlbrator, ACTIVITIES: CHEI{-NORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIVITI IS Ue cast four cylinders from a sample taken of the concrete, perfom€d a sl ump and air content test. VEREAL C()MI.IUI{ ICAT IOII UITH COIITRACTOR,E]{GI IIEER, ARCHITECT, OITNER COPIES: R.A. l{ei son & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwathmy Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I ; I I Dan l||ei lI FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED 8Y As ! nfiturl lrot.cttoh to cltents, thc publl..nd oqrs.lv.s, all r.portr !r! rutinlttcd.r thc contld.htt.l propGrty ol our.cll'nt3. 'ndluthorlratton for pubttcrtton ot st.tdncnt. Conclu3lons or Grtract3 iron orrigarOfng our ropo"tjii r"scit-a fenittng_our wrlttcn.pPrgv'l' il*ii.iiiti hc ditporcd ot a{ter tert{ng ls canpl6t€d url.is othcr rrrr.ngerents.re rgrccd to In writlng. A md$bcr of th. !!! grorp ot conpanles CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SUtT I I{G ENGII{EERS At{D SCIEI.ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar. iutual protectlon to cltorts, the publlc rnd ourselves, rll r€porta .re sutmltted 13 th. confld{cntlal Proparty ol cltents, rnd.uthortzrtioft tor puillcrtlon of st.teoEntr. Concluslon3 oF.xtrrct3 frorn or r€glrdlng 91! !iq9l! ",l:-l:*ilt".lf"nai"g'"ur wrttt€n.pprovat. aanplca r.ill b€ dlspoa.d ol .ttcr testlng l3 cotnpl€t€d unlc33 oth€r rrrrng€.nents.gr..d lo ln t,rltlng.e 'ae'ti. il th. tsl! sroup of co|nFlnlcs Form o' gl'lg1l3A 6/91 T0: MECl'l Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 9-2-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and \lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Coio. PLACEf,IEI{T L0CATI0I{: Stair and Elevator Core B, Approximate Elevation 90 BATCH TICKET I NFoflf.{AT [ot{ SUPPLIER: l{estern l'lobl I e TRUCK l{0. 114 TICKIT l{0. 19257 l{IX DESI6I{ tt0' l'lix B TIME BATCHF0: 3:25 Pil TIIIE ARRIVED; 3;52 PM TII'IE PLACED: 3:55 Pll-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'I: 7/21/27 FIELD TESTI G II{FORI,IATION SAMPL€ TEI'{P: 7I .F AIR TE P: 60 "F TIl.'lE IEST TAKEN: 4:01 Ptt SLUl,lP: 3 3/4 IN. AIR CONTEI{T: 5.8i6 llET UlllT IIEIGHT: 141.6 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUI',IP: llax.4 IN. AtR C0i{TENT: 4-81( l,rATER ADDED AT SITE -- 6AL. CYLINDER I NFORMAT IOII l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIME CYLIN0ERS CAST: 4:ll Pf,l IIHERE CAST: on-Site CURING I I{FORI'IAT IOI{ INITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEIVED AT LAB; 9-7-93 BY: l''lark Jensen l'll lllMAX AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (L8s) DIAMETER ( r r{cHEs ) AREA (SQ IN) CO}IP. STR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I'I DER I,.|E IGHT (LBS) CYLI TIDER UNIT UE IGHT (PCF) 7 ?8 28 28 28 9-9-93 9-9-93 9-30-93 9-30-93 9-30*93 9-30-93 103,500 101,500 137 ,000 133,500 r40,000 l3l .500 6.08 6.08 6.09 6.08 6.07 6.08 29. 03 29. 03 29. 13 29. 03 28.94 29.03 3560 3500 4700 4600 4840 4 530 shea r shear shear shear shear shear DES I61I STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{]{EL ARE I1{ ACCOROA}IC€ VtTH APPLICABLE ASTM IIETHODS UI{LESs OTHERUISE NOTEO SfiE IIIFORI.,IATION OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REI,IARKS: Grid Lines 25 to 26 and F thru K, bedrock obserYation COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc. Attn: l'lr. Ri ck Agate. llestern l4obile, Attn: [r. Rick Seymour J.V.A., lnc. : Carolyn Adams Eobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII.IG EIIGIIITERS AI{D SC I EI{I ISTS REPORT OF CONCHETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ae r nrutur'l protectlon to cllants, th! public rnd ours.lv€s, .ll r.ports are tubnltt€d as th. contidlGntl.l pl'op€rty of cllGnts, and autho.laltlon for publicstl6n ot rtetem€ntr. Conclu!lon3 or extr6ctt froft of r.g!rdlng our reFortt l! r.aerwcd pendlng oqr rri tt.n .pprova I . S.nrptes *lll b. dlsposed ot.ft.r t.stinq i. complat€d unl.Br other rrrqngc$ant3.gro.<l to A nembcr 5f the !!! groqp ol co''prnl.s Fofrn tlo. ct'lEll3A 6/91 T0: ifECfl €nterpri ses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-23-93 Attn: Eustaduio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Suildinq, east of l,esthaven orive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo. PLACT}{EIIT LOCAT TOII :Level 74.9; P-10, 9 to ?6 & J to L. BATCH TICKET INF0RI,{ATI0N SUPPLIER: ilestern f4obi I e TRUCK l{0. 150 TICKET r,r0. 010019 l,lIX 0Esl6ll ll0. 2 TIME BATCHED: 9:03 AH TIME ARRIVIO: 9:20 AM TiltlE PLACED: 9:45 Atl CU.Y0.L0A0/ACCUI'|: 7 FIELD IESTII{O Il{F0RttATI0tl SAIIIPLE lEl'lP: AIR TEI'IF: 70 "F Tlilt TEST TAKEII: 9:35 Al{ SLUtiP: --- I . AIR CONTE|{T: ---fl UET UI{IT I/EIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATIONS: SLtil{P: lN. AIR COitTEi{T: % UATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAt. CYL II{DER IIIFORI'IAT I ON l{0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYtIltOER SIZE: 6"x 12" IIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:35 AM tlH€RE CAST: 0n-Site CURI116 INFORMATION ItllTIAt CURE: On-Site FIETD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: OATE RECEM0 AT LAB: 9-27-93 BY: Bobby J. Hays l'lIl'UMAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IAMETER (rNcHEs) ARTA (sQ rN) [Ot'tP.sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER VIlGHT (LBs ) CYLI IIDER UHIT UEIGHT (PcF) 7 28 2B 28 ?8 9-30-93 9-30-93 10-21-93 10-zl-93 10-21-93 10-?1-93 117,500 119,000 6.08 6.08 29.03 29.03 40 50 4100 con/shear con/shear DESIGN STRII{GTH --.PSI @ 2B OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARI IIl ACCOROAI{CE TJITH APPLTCAELE ASII.| I.IETHODS UI{LE5S OTHERI,'I5E I{OTED sOME INFORI',IATION OF TEST REPORT I4AY BE PROVIOED 8Y OTHERS REI4ARKS : C0PIES; R.A. t'lel son & Associates, Inc.: Town of Vail; |lestern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattrney Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY o IC0f66l s 0 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULT]NC TNG] I'IEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ltE0lil Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-27-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Lifiside Bui lding, east of l,lesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est. Vail, CoIo. PLACEMEI{T LOCATIOII:Footlngs; Z Line between 13 thru 19 Li nes, BATCH TICKET INF0RMATI0II SUPPLIER: lJestern l,lobi I e TRUCK I{0. I89 TICKET NO. 10164 MIX DESIGN I{0, B TIFIE BATCHED: 4:00 Pil TII{E ARRlvt0: 4:i8 PM TII4E PLACED: 4:28 Pltl-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUI,|: 6112 FIELD TESTI}IG INF0RI'|ATI0|{ SAMPLE TEMP: 68'F AIR TEIIP: 70 "F TIME TEST TAKEN: 4:36 Pl',| SLUMP: 3 l/4 Il{. AIR C0NTEI'IT: 5.9% IJET UNIT UEIGHT: 143.2 JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUI'IP: Max.4 IN. AIR C0NTEiIT: 4-8% VAIER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLiNDER INFORMAT]ON N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLINDERS CAST: 4:46 Pf'l IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIITG I NFORI,IATION II{ITIAL CURE: On-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Concrete Elanket DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-5-93 8Y: Mark Jensen MII{/||AX AGE t)AYS DATE TE STEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) D IAMETER ( I NCHES ) AR EA (SQ IN) COMP. STR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL]IIDER IfE I6HI (L8s ) CYLINDER UITIT UEIGHI (PCF) I I 28 ?8 28H 28 H 10-5-93 10-5-93 10-25-93 10-25-93 10-25-93 10-25-93 102 ,500 102,000 6.09 6. 08 29. 13 ?9.03 3 520 3 510 shear shear DESI6N STRENGTH 3OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE II,I ACCORDANCE !IITH APPLICABLE ASTM I.,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHTRI,'iSE I{OTED SOI'IE I IIFORI'4AT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: COPIES: R.A, l{e1son & Associates. Inc Town of VaiI; llestern l.lobi1e; J V A, Inc.i owathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OSSERVTR APPROVIO 8Y A! . mutual protactlon to clt€nts, th€ Fubllccllents, and ruthorlzatlon for publication of p€nding our wrltt€n approva'|. SamF]es will b.ln wr{ ti ng. A member of the !!! group of comFanles lnd ourselves ' all rQports statent€nt3 . concl qslons or di spos€d of tft€r testing rr€ rubhltt€rl n3 th€ contldi€ntl!l prop.rty of axtracts fiom or ragqrdint our r€port3 ls ia3eiv.d 13 compl€t6d rrr]e3g othor ar"hng€mahts !9r"€l.l to Forn No, cMEll3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI,ISULTI I{6 EI{GINEERS AND SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As 6 muturl protection to cllents, tha public dnd ouri€lves, all reports are submltt€d !3 the confJdl€ntltl property ot clients, and authorlrstlon for Dubllcatlon of rtrtem€nts. Concluslons Or axtrrcts troh or rcgardlng our report3 la r€seFv.d pendlhg our Nritten approv.l, S.nples rlll be disposed ol rft€r te3tlng ls conp'leted unless othar .rr'thg€m€nts tgf.cd to lh x,rlti ng. A mGmber";t the !ff! group ot companl.s Form t{o. CtrlEl!3A 5/91 T0: I,IECM fnterprises JoB ]10. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-29-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bui lding, east of llesthaven orive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEI{T LOCATI0I'I: Lines 23 thru 26, J thru L. Up to Elevation 85' BATCH IICKET II{FORI'IAIION TRUCK l{0. rt7 TIME BATCHE0: 2:45 P!,1 TICKET ll0, 010265 TIHE ARRIVE0: 3:15 PM SUPPLIER: Uestern llobi I e t'lIx DES IGt{ 110. 44 TIME PLACED: 3:25 PM CU.YD.IOAD/ACCU|I; 7137 FIELD TESTII{G I IIFORI,IATIOIl TIME TEST TAKEiI: 3:30 Pt4 JO8 SPECI FI CATIOT{S: SLUI'IP: 4 SLUI'IP : ltlax . 4 IN. IN. SAiIPtE TEMP: AIR C0llTEl{T: 4.0% AIR C0NTEiIT: 4-8fl 69 "F A]R TEiIP: 70 .F I,IET UIIIT t/El6HT: 142.0 TIATER AOOEO AT SITE O 6AL. CYLIIIOER I}IFORI,IATIOII r'{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZEr 6"x 12" T lt-tE CYLIiII}ERS CAST: 3:35 Pi,t }IHERE CAST: On-Site cuRI[6 IltFoRtitATI0l{ INITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-1-93 FITLU ST0RAGE FACITITIESl Cure Blanket BY: ---1.lI tl/llAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAMETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ IN) co P. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CY L IITDER UE]GHT (LBS) CYLINDER UIIIT I{EICHT (PcF) 7 7 28 z8 28 l0-6 -9 3 10-6-93 t0-27-93 10-27-93 10*27-93 10-27-93 100,000 105,000 5.98 6 .00 28.09 ?8 .27 3560 J/ IU shear shea r OESICI,I 5TRENGTH 4OOO ''B"PSI @ 28 DAYS TEsTs 8Y LABoRAToRY PERS0NNEL ARE If{ AccoR0A!{cE lJlTH APPLI0ABLE ASTi'| METHoDS ullLEsS oTHERI{IsE NoTED SOME INFORI'IAIION OF TEST REPORT I4AY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R.A. l.le lson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; l,/estern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; GwathfiEy Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIETD OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIN6 ENGII{EERS AI{D SC t EI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutual prot?ctlon to cli€ntg, the public and ourselv€s, rll r€ports.r€ 3ubmltt€d !5 thc conf{di.ntlal prop€t'ty of cllcntr, and authorl:atlon lor publlcltlon of statements, Conclu3lons or €xtracts fro,m or r€garding our raports-13-r€s€rv'tl f"nafn!-our writt.n approvrl. Sirnplcs wtlt b€ dtsposed ot.ftGr tcstlng l3 complcted unl€ss oth€r trr.ng.tnents cgre€d to ln wrl tl ng.A;;6;;-;; th€ El! sioup of comp.ni€s Fonn No' cl'lE113a 6/91 T0: XECl,l Enterprlses JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 8-16-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cont'i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8utlding, east of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Coio. PLACEI.IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Footings; Grid Lines 21.5 to 23, K to R. BATCH TICKET I I.IFORI,IAT I OtI TRUCK t{0. lt4 TIl,lE BAICHED: ?:38 Pl.l TICKET NO. 0T8725 TIl'lE ARRIVEO: 3:15 Pr,t T I I.tE SUPPL IER: l{estern l,lobi I e MIX DEStGt{ l{0. llix I PLACED: 3 :20 Pl'l -CU . YD ' L OAD /AC C ultl :I FIELD TESTIilG I IIFORIIAT IOII Nf{E IEST TAKEI{: 3:30 PM JOB SPECIFICATIOI1S: SLUIIP: 3 3/4 IN. SLUIIP: IN. SAI'IPLE TEI1P: AIR C0tlTEl{T: 6.81 AIR COllTEt{T: I 70 'F AIR TEI.IP: 75 .F l{ET Ut{iT ITEIGHT: 140.2 UATER AODED A1 SITE O GAL. CTLINDER I I{FOR}4AT I ON ilb. OF CYLIT'IDERS: 4 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 6"X IZ" TIHE CYLII{DERS CAST: 3:40 PI.I I{HERE CAST: ON-SitE cuntNo t HronunrloN II{ITIAL CURE: 24 houfs DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 8-17-93 FIEL0 STORAGE FACILITIES: one BY: Bobby J. Hays ll Ill/llAX DAY S DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) D l AI,IET ER ( TNcHES ) AREA (sQ iN) COMP. STR. (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CY L i I.IDER UE IGHT ( LBs) CYLIHDiR UiI IT }'EIGHT (PcF) 7 ?8 28 56 d- ZJ. !J o-1?-a? 9-13-93 10- 11-93 93,000 109,500 108,000 124 .500 6.09 6.09 6.09 6.07 29. 13 29.13 29. l3 ?8.94 3190 37 60 3 710 4300 shear shear shear shear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4000 PSl O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE TT ACCORDAT.ICE VTTH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERVISE I{OIED SOME II{FORMTIOI{ OF TEST RTPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REII1ARKS : COPIES: R.A. l,lel son & Associates, Inc. Attn: llr. Rick Agate; Joe E. Benedict Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVED gY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII,IG EI{GII{IERS AI{D SCI ENII5TS REPORT OF CONCHETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A5 a mutual prot€ctlon to cltcntsr th€ publtc .nd ours€lves, a]l reports are 3ubrnlttsd.r the confldleniltl prop€rty of cllcni3, .rd .uthorlzatlon for publlcrtlon of stnt€rn€nt3. conclusJons or Gxtrlcts from or f€glrdtng our reports ls r!3erv€d pendthg'our- r,,.ttt€n approv.l. Simplii wttr te aistosea of.ft€r testing is completed qnle3s other drrtngcm{nts .greld to In ldritlng.e mimoer 6t th€ !I! group of companres Form xo' CME113A 6/91 T0: l.lECl,l Enterprlses JOS N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-14-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti*a P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vai l, C0 81558-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of t{esthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.TENT LOCATIOI{tJaf ls, Grid ?2 to 24 and Lines Q through J. BATCH TICK€T I i{FORI{AT I Ol{ SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobi le TRUCK N0. 119 TICKET l{0. 19669 {rlIX 0ESI6I{ ll0. B Tii{E BATCHED: l:01 Pl,l TIME ARRMD: 1:12 Ptl TIIE PLACED, 1:15 PH-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCtfrl: TlZL/100 FIELD TESTII{G ITIFORI,IATIOI{ TIIIE TESI TAKEII: 1:?? Ptl JOB SPECI F]CATIOI{S: SLUI'IP SLUMP 3l/2 IN. IN. SAI{PLE TEI.IP: AIR C0tlTEttT: 4.8% AIR CONTE T: % 76 "F AIR TEI,IP: 60 .F IJET UNIT tlElGhT: 143.6 }IATER ADDEO AT SITE -- 6AL. CYL I I{DER I I{FORIIATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 1:32 PA UHERE CAST: on-Site CURI 116 II{FORMATIOI{ INITIAL CI-RE: ?4 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: FIELD ST0RACE FACILITIES: Concrete Bl anket BY:r,u N/l'lAx AGE DAYS DATE TES TED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI'IETER { rt{cHEs ) AREA (sQ ilr) cot'tP . sTR. (Psl ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI I{DTR VE ]6HT (LBS) CYLIIIDER UI{IT !/EIGHT (PcF) I 7 ?8 28 28 ?8 9-21-93 9-21-93 l0-12-93 10-12-93 i0-12-93 l0-r2-93 110,000 115,500 141 ,500 139 ,500 140,000 135,000 6.08 6.08 6.07 6.07 6. 08 6.06 29.03 29.03 ?R qd 28.94 20 i2 ?8.84 37 90 3980 4890 4820 482 0 4680 conlshear con/shear con,/shear confshear con/shear con/shear DESIGI{ STRE}IGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PER5OI{NEL ARE IN ACCORDAI1CT UITH APPLICABTE ASTI'I METHODS UI{LESS OTHER}IISE I{OTEO SOI.{E ITIFORMATIOII OF TTST REPORT HAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REMARKS: CoPIE5: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.Attn: l'lr. Ri ck Agate ' Western llobile, Attn: l'lr. Rick Seytnour J.V.A., Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz; Carolyn Adams Eobby J, HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTI116 ENGINEERS AND SCIEIIT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A! r mutual protlcttor to cltcntB, the Flbltc rnd ourralvc3! .11 r.port..r. rubmittcd !3 the confldlentlrl pFoP.rty ot cl{€nt3, lnd authortz.tton for publicltlon of st.te,ner|ts. Conclr3Jons or €xtrlctt trod or r.gardlns ouF r.Portt 1:,19"::ttd fcndrng our wt.ltt.n rpproval. lrrnp las h,itt t€ dtsposed ol aft.F t.rtlns l! coftPl€t.d un].3. othcr lrransqn.t3.gr'co Eo ;-lrr;;;; ;; th€ !!! group or €omp.nres Forrn o' cfiFll3a 6/91 T0: I'iECM Enterori ses JOB tl0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-6-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail. C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of gesthaven orive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Co1o. PLACTI{EIIT LOCAT IOt'I :Elevator C to Elevation 84 BATCH IICKET IIIFORI'IAIIOI{ TRUCK N0. l19 TIfIE EATCHEO: TICKET l{0. 10606 TIiIE ARRIVEO:TII.IE PLACEO: SUPPLIER: llestern tlobi I e t'f IX DES IGt{ l{0. 44 B CU. YO. LOAD/ACCUH: FIEL0 TESTIIIG It{F0Rl'lATI0i{ IllFm.RAIIof( ll0T PR0VI0E0 SA|'IPLE TE!'{P: "f AIR TEI'iP: TtllE TEST TAKEI{: SLU|IP: It{. AIR C0t{TEl{T: % VEI UlllT }JEIGHT; JOB SPTCI F ICATIOITS: SLWP: II{. AIR COIITEIiT: 1 I.IATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER II{FOR},IAT]ON NO. OF CYLII{OTRS: 6 CYL I''IDER SIZE: 6''X 12" TIIIE CYLII{DIRS CAST: --- IJHERE CAST: ON-SitE CURIUG II{FORMATION IIIITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELD SToRAGI FACILITIES: Cure Elanket DATE RICEIVED AT LAB: t0-11-93 BY: t'la rk Jensen l'llN/HAX AGE OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (L85) D IAi'ITTER ( r N0HES ) AREA (sQ Ir{) col'tP.sTR. (Pst ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDTR I,'E I6HT (LBs) CYLII{DER UI{IT I/E ICHI (PcF) 7 7 28 ?8 28H 28 H l0 - l3 -93 l0-13-93 1l-3-93 l1-3-93 11-3-93 122,500 85,000 6 .07 6.08 28.94 29.03 4230 ?93 0 shear shear DESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PsI @ 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORAIORY PERSONHEL ARE IN ACCORDANCI UITH APPLICABTE ASTI,i I'ITTHODS UNLESS OTHERVISE IIOTTD SOME IIIFORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS :Cylinders were cast by the contractor. COPIES: R.A. f{el son & Associates, Inc Torvn of Vai I ; llestern l'lobi I e ; J V A, Inc.; GHattmey Pratt Schultz Eobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT I I,16 ENGIIIEERS AND SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA5' \f.,*>, , , .i'.' r.) ,'J.(),,r_.4.'rl As . nutu.l Protectlon to cli€nts. th. Fubllc clt€nt!,. and .uthorlr.tlon for publlc.tion of pending our writtsn aFp!-ovrl . S{Erpl as sill be in wr I tl ng. A m. ber ;f the tsl! group of €onPlnies lrd ourt€1v.5 t all rcports 3tatem€ntr. Concluslons or dlsFosed of .ft€r t.3tlr|€l .re rutxnlttcd rr th. contldlGntl.l FroP€rty ot extracts tro|r or reg.rdlng our r€portt l3 rcl'rv'd ls cocrgl€tGd unl.3s .th€r .rr.ngs!€nts rgr€€c ro Fonn N,o. CMEll3A 6/91 I0; lltECll Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 4 Vail, C0 8i658-3149 pR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of I'lesthaven Drive and lrestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LoCATI0I{: Foundation I'lalls; Lines 25 to 31 and C thru P. SATCH TICKTT IIIFORMATIOIi TRUCK flo. 15i TIME BATCHED: 7:57 At"l TICKET NO. O5I1 TII'IE ARRIVED: 8: 15 Al'l SUPPL IER t Uestern l'lobi I e Mlx DEslGl{ l{0. 44 TIHE PLACEO: 8:20 Al'l-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU}|: FIELD TISTIIIG I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ TIl.lE IEST TAKEN: 8:30 All JOB SPECI F ICAT IOI{S: SLUMP:6 SLUMP: SA!,IPLE TEI'IP: 6Z .F AIR TEI.IP: 60 "F AIR COI{TEI{T: 4.51 IJET Ul{ll I{EIGHT: AIR CO[{TE[{T: X WATER ADDED AT SITE le GAL. CYTII'IDER INFORMATION l{0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" T Il''lE CYLITTDERS CAST: 8:45 AM I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G I HFORHATIOI{ ItIITIAL CURE: 24 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: FACI L ITI tS: Cure Ilanket H6ys llIH/IlM 0n-Si te 10-6- 93 FIELO STORAGE BY: Bobby J. CYLII{D€R UIIIT I'EIGHT (PcF) CYL I}IOER lIEIGHT (LBs ) DIAHETER ( TNCHES ) shear shear i0-I?-93 10- 1Z-93 11-2-93 11-2-93 l1-2-93 l1- 2- 93 7A 7A 284 28A Z8A 28A DESI6I{ STREIIGTII 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIINEL ARE ItI ACCOROATICE I.IITH APPLICABLE ASTI'{ I4ETHOOS UI'ILESS OTHER!'ISE I{OTEO sOI,IE INFORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROV]DED 8Y OTHERS Oan t{eill BobbY J. HaYs FISLD OESERVER APPROVED BY C0PIES: R.A. tlel son & Associ ates, Inc.; Town of Vail; l{estern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz; CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTINC EI{6I t{EERS AI.ID SCITI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l,lECtl Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-5-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 4 vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Orive and trlesti n Hotel, South Frontage Road Llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'|EiIT LOCATIOI{: Foundation ltalls; Grid Lines 25 to 3l and C ihru P. BATCII TICKET IttFoRttATiOt{ SUPPLI€R: Uestern l'lobi le TRUCK l{0. 104 TICKET l{0. 05?2 Hlx DEStGt{ li0. 44 TIl,lE BATCH€D: l0:09 AM TII'IE ARRTVED: t0:40 Afl Tllll PIACED:10:45 AH-CU. Y0. L0A0/ACCUi1: 63 FiELD TESTING I IIFOflI.IAT ION TII'IE TEST TAKEI{: 10 : 55 AH JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLlJltP; 3 3/4 SLUI.IP: I t{. IN. SAMPLE TEI'IP: AIR C0l{TEllT: 5.41 AiR COtiTEt{T: X 67 "F AIR TE}IP: 65 "F llET Ut{ IT TJE I6HT: UATER ADDED AT SITE O GAL. CYLIT{OER T I{FORI.{AT IO}I ll0. 0F CYLIITDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLII{DERS CAST: ll:10 Atl VHERE CAST: On-Site cuRtltG ir{FoRt'tATI0l{ I]{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site FIELD ST0RA6€ FACILITIES: Cure B}anket 0ATt RECEIVED AT LAE: 10-6-93 8Y: Eobby J. Hays MIN/MAX AtTE OAYS OATE TE STED TOTAL LOAD (L85) OlAt'{ETER ( I NCHEs ) AREA (sQ It{) c0t4P. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER VEIGHT (L8s ) CYLII{DER UIIIT UEIqHT (PCF) 7B 78 288 288 ?88 288 10-12-93 10-t 2 -93 I I -2-93 ll-2-93 11-2-93 11-?-93 81 ,500 94,000 6.08 6. 09 29.03 29. 13 2810 3230 shear shear DESI6N STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI G 28 OAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PTRSOI{i{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCT IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I }{[THOOs UIILESS OTHER!'I5E I{OTTD SOI.I€ ITIFORHATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOTO BY OTH€RS REMARKS : COPIE5: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail: I'lestern l{obile; J V A, lnc.; G$,attwey Pratt Schultz Oan l.lei 11 Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As. |lutult protect.lon to clicnts, the publlc lnd o&r3.lves, atl rcports .r. ssbmilt€d .i th! confidiedti6'l property of cllcnt5, and authoFizrtion for Fgbllcttlon of 3trtem.nt.. Concluslons or Gxtract3 trorn or regardlng our raPortS-l!-fc3crv'd ;;;;;;; '";;-";iii". ipi"ivat. !!mpl.r r{i1r bc dispos€d of rfter te3tlng is conFl.t€d unless oth€r .rr.ng€m.nti rEF 'o to ln *rftlng.e '".1i" ir tha !l! srouF of companl.. For'' t{o' C}l€lt3A 5/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISUITING EIIGINEERS AI{O SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Aj a D{tual protcctlon to cll.ntit th. pqbllc.nd ourcelveir atl rcport3 ar€ submittcd a3 thc confldl.ntlel Propcrty of cl{ent3, 6nd.uthortz.tlan {or publicrtlon of 3trtdnents, Conclu;{ons or .xtrrct3 from or r.g.rdlng our raPorts lr re3'rvod p6ndtng ou|" wrltt.n.pprov!1. Srnples wllt be dl3po3.d of lfter t.rtlng i. compl.t.d unl.33 oth.r lrr.nEqn nts .grcco ro in wrlt ing. n .iii'6i" ir th! !I! erouF of cotnp{n163 Forln No. ct'lEt 13A 6/91 T0: tlECt{ Enterprises JOB tl0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-5-93 Attn: €ustasu io Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 3 0F 4vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJ€CT: Liftslde Building, east of tJesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LOCATIOI{: Foundati on llal ls: Lines 25 to 3l and C thru F. BATCH TICKET II{F0RHATI0I{ SUPPLIER: liestern t'loblle TRUCK l{0. 151 TICKET lr0. 0534 tllx DESIG|{ flo. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 12:36 Pt{ TillE ARRIVED: 1:00 Pl,l TIIIE PLACEO: l:10 Ptl-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUII: 105 FIELD TESTII{G I IIFORI.TAT I O]t SAMPLE TEI,IP: 7T "F AIR TE!,IP: 68 "F TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 1:20 Pl,l SLUl.lP: 4 It{. AIR C0|{TENT: 5.27 }lET U}IIT llEI6HT: J08 SPECiFI CATI0I{S: SLUf'lP: Itl. AIR C0NTENT: I WATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLJI{DER I i{F(IRMAT IOI{ t{0. 0f CYLIIIOERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIhE CYLlttOERr CAST: 1:30 Pt'l UHERE CAST: On-Site cuRil{6 I t{FoRfiATtot{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-6-93 FIELo SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Bobby J. Hays l'li N/llAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD tLBs) DI AMETER ( r NCHES ) AREA (sQ m) c0t'4P. sTR . (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIT{OER UE ] 6HT (L8S) CYL IIIOER UI'IIT !'EICHT ( PcF) tn 28C 28C 28C 28C 10- 1Z-93 10-12-93 1l-2-93 11-2-93 11-2-93 11-2-93 103 ,000 102,000 6.04 6.01 28. 65 ?8.37 3590 3600 shea r shear OESIGI{ STREI{CIH 4000 Psl @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{TL ARE IN ACCOR,DATICE VITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHERUISE TIOI€O SOI,IE ITIFORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI{ARKS: COPiES: R.A. ile'lson & Associates, Inc Town of VaiI; Uestern l.lobi1e; J V A, Inc.; Gratlmey Pratt Schultz Dan f,leill Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIIIG EIIGIIIEERS AI{O SCIENI I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. nqtull protactlon to cl,lant3, th. public rnd ourselves! rll rcports arc tubnlttod !a th. confidienti!l prop€rty of clicnts, rnd rqthortzrtton for publlcdtion of statcm.nt., Concluslons or €xtracts froln or r€sdrdlng our reportr It r€served ;e;;i;;'";;-;iaaen ipp"ovat. iiinprcs wrrt be disfJscd ": artl.-iisti"g;i i".pi.t"a unress itt'rr;rmnsem€nti !sreed to ln writlng. A ritt'i"" it th! !l! grorip of coftp{nies Forn {o' c}rEl13A 6/91 T0: l'lE0ll Enterpri ses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93 Attn: Eustaouio Corti nap.0. Box 3149 SHEET 4 0F 4 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PRSJECT: Liftside Bullding, east of l,esthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLActl4EllT L0CATI0II: Foundati on Ualls; Lines 25 to 3! and C thru P. BATCH TICKET INFORI{ATI0I{ SUPPLIER: }Jestern l'lobile TRUCK ll0. 97 TICKET ll0. 0552 lllx 0EslGN lio. 44 TII{E SATCHED: 3:17 P IIHE ARRIVED: 3:30 PH TIME PLACED: 3:40 Ptl-cU. YD. L0AD/ACCUM: 154 FIELD TESTIT{G INFORI.IATIOI{ SAMPLE TEI'IP: 73'F AIR TEI'IP; 70 "F TII,IE TEST TAKEI{: 3:50 PM SLUMP: 5 II{. AIR CONTEI{T: 5,7% !'ET UI{IT I'IEIGHT; --- JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUMP: II{. AiR CONTEIIT: X I,'ATER ADOEO AT SITE --- 6AL. CYLINO€R II{FORMATION N0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 6 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 6"x !?" TIME CYLITIDERS CAST: 4:00 PH vtlERE CAST: On-Site CUR I }IG I TIFORI'IAT I OiI Ii{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site OATE RECEIVEO AT tAB: 10-5-93 FIELD STORAGI FACILITIES: Cure Elanket 8Y: Bobby J. Hays HII{/HAX AGT DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (LBS} O I AMETER ( tficH€s) AREA (SQ IN) COMP. STR. (Psr ) TYPT OF FRACTURE CYL I NOER I.'E I GHT (tBs) CYLIIiDER ur{lT vtiGHT (PcF) 7D 7D 280 280 280 28D 10- I ?-93 10-12 -93 l1-2-93 11-2-93 11-2 -93 11-2 - 93 87,500 10i,000 6.00 5. 98 28 .?7 ?8.09 3090 3 600 shear shear DESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ U8 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABoRAToRY PERSot{llEL ARE Iti ACC0R0ANCE tllTH APPLICABLE ASTI'1 |,IETH0DS UNLESS oTHERI'IISE N0TED SOME II{FORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'iAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS : C0PIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, lnc Town of Vai l : llestern llobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Oan l{ei II Eobby J. HaYs FIELD OESERVTR APPROVED BY iff&?ocl z'0 t995 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULIIiIG €IIGI I{EERS AI'IO SCI[I{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 r ||lutull protcctton to cllant3, th. publlc rnd ourr.lv€s, all r6por"t! lrc 3ubnittcd at th. contldlantlrl prop€rty of cll.nt!, .nd iuthoriaatlon for publlcltlon ot strtdnonts. concluslons oi .xtr.ct3 frotn or r.gardlng our reForts lt r.3'Fvad p:;;i;t'";; ";iat!n approvat. s.|nples |rlll b€ dl3posed of rft.r te6tlng is cort|pl.t.d unle.3 other .rrahg6ment3 !gr€.d to i ##;;';i th. !:! sroup of conpln{e3 Form ro. cMEll3A 6/e1 T0: ilECil €nterpri ses J08 ll0. 4 I78 93-3 OATE: 9-16-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cortl nap.0. Box 3149 SHTET 1 0F I Vatl, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of lresthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vall, Colo. PLACEttEttT L0CATI0I|: Ualls at Grid Lines 22 to 24 and Lines Q thru J. Second Lift. BATCH TICKET II{FORI,IATIOI{ SUPPLiEft: UestCTN }IObilE IRUCK N0. 117 TICKET lr0. 19803 l,lIX DESiGil ll0. B TII'|E BATCHE0: 3:14 Pt{ TIHE ARRIVEO: 3:35 Ptl T Il,tE PTACED: 3:41 Pl'l-CU. YD. L0ADIACCUI'I: 7121148 FIELD TESTIIIG I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ TIl'lE TEST TAKEN: 3:45 Pf'l JOB SPECIFICAT 1OIIS: sLuilP sLur'tP 4 t/4 I . IN. SAI,IPLE TEI4P: AIR CO]{TEI{T: 6. 9fr AIR C0NTEI{T: 1 I6"F AIR TEMP: 65 OF ldET UIIIT llE IGHT: VATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYL IIIDER II{FORI.{ATION l{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLITIDERS CAST: 3:55 Pltl UHERE CAST1 on-Site CURING II{FORI'IAT ION II'IITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELo ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Blanket DATE RECEMD AT LA8: 9-20-93 8Y: Frank Potvin f'lill/l'lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI,IEIER (Il{cHEs) AREA (sq rfl) COIIP . STR. (PSr ) TYPT OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER I,IE T6HT (L8s ) CYL II{DER UiIIT IIEIGHT (PCF) 7 28 2A 28 ?8 9-23-93 9-23-93 10-14-93 l0-14-93 l0- l4-93 l0-14-93 95,000 98,000 118,500 t20,000 125,000 122,000 6.00 6. 08 5.98 5.98 5.99 6.07 ?8.27 29.03 28.09 28.09 28. l8 28.94 3360 3380 4220 4270 4440 4279 shear shear snea r snear snear shear DESIGIT STREI{CTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY TASORATORY PERSOI{i{EL ARE Iil ACCORDAilCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I'{ETHODS UIILESS OTHERI{ISE IIOTEO SOI.IE IIIFORI.{ATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROYIDED BY OTHERS REIiARKS: CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.,Attnr llr. Rick Agate. llestern ilobile, Attn: tlr. Rick Selmour; J.v.A., Inc.; Gwathftey Pratt Schultz; Carolyn Adams Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co[sulT l]JG EI|GuEERS AID SCIEI|IISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: MECII Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-7-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT 1{0. 9 SHEET 1 0F 1 PROJICT: Liftside Building east of lJesthaven [)rive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado. UEATHER CONOITIOi{S At{D TEI'IPERATURE: Rain - 45 deorees F. COI{TRACTOR'5 COI{STRUCTIOiI ACT I VITI ES PERSOI{I{EL: l|AJOR EQUl PtitEt{T: ACTIViT]ES: CHEN -NORTHERI{ ' S SITE ACTIVITIES Ue picked up a soil sampl e at the request of David Schreiner. The material was imported frqn Swift Gulch. The material needs a Ptoctor, gradation and P.l. VTRBAL COI4I'IUI{ICATION t.,ITH CONTRACTOR, EI{GII'IEER, ARCHITECT,01{ ER COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Assoclates, Inc. Fred R. Cameron APPROVID BY A5 ! nutu.l protectlon to cli€nts. the publlc rnd otrr3clves, !ll r€poFts rra luboltt.d 13 tha confld.ntlel propcrty of our cllent6, andluthori:!tion for publtcatlon of st.tement. Concluslons or €xtrrcts fron or regardlng our rcporta lr rcaarvad pcndlnE our wrltten rpprovrl. S.mples will b€ dlspo*ad of rfter testing is complcted uhlsss oth€r rrr.rgemcnta ria lgraad to ln r.rltlnE. A n€|nb€r of the EI! group of co$panlcs CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. collsulT I ltc EIGtl{EERS AltD SCtEITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: MECII Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 t78 93-3 0ATE: 10-lZ-93Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vall, C0 81658-3149 DAITY REP0RT l{0. l0 SHEET I 0F I PRoJECT: Liftside Butlding east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Col orado. I./EATHER COIIDITIONS AND TE}IPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTiOfl ACTI YI IIES PERSOI{1{EL: MAJOR EQUlPflEl{T: Concrete Pump, High Cycie Concrete Vibrator. ACTIVIIIES: Contractor poured footlng wall at 6rid Lines C thru L and ?5 thru 3l; Elevation 53.9 to 64.3. CHEN-IIORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITIES Ve observed the contractor p'lacing concrete at the above rnenti oned Grid Lines and elevations. Ue sampl ed the concrete at the discharge of pump, tested concrete for s1ump, air content, unit weight and cast three sets of cylinders. VEREAL CO}II'IUI,IICATIOI{ UITH COiITRACTOR, EI.IGII{EER, ARCHITECT, OIINER Contractor was advised of test results. l,lark of l{estern ilobile nas advised of results of first sl unp and air content test, COPIES: R.A. l'lel son & Associates, Inc. Fred R. Cameron APPROYED 8Y A3 . mutua'l protectloh to cllenta, th€ Fubllc lnd ourselves, .ll reports lre 3ubmltted.3 th€ confldential- Prop€rty of our.cllents' ar|d'iitrt"iiiii i oi'f-oi -pufl i "itt t ". oi iictr."itt, conclustons or eitracts irom or regardlng our raport3 l3 r€serv.d iendtng out^ flrltten lpp.oval. Sampler Hill ba dispo3cd of lfter t.sting is completed u$less oth€r lrrdngem€nts.ro agr.ed to in trrltlng. A mehber of thc tsI! group ot coDpatla3 t6tU Z.-.1 :,ffi CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CO SULTING EI,I6IIIEERS ANO SCTEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r fiutual protectlon to cll.nt3j th! publlc and orrs€lv.s, all rcport3 ate .uhnftted !i thr contid{antl.l prepsrty of cll€nts. .nd 6uthori2.tion tor Dubllcatlon of strt€fiants. ConcluslonE or .xtr!ct3 lrom or ragrrdlng our reportt l3 r.3cr'v..| pendlng our wrltten rpproval , S.|nples r',lll be disporcd ot .fter test{ng l3 conplct.d un1e33 oth€r .rFangemcnt3 aEre€d to ln wrlti nq. A mJri"" 6t thc !l! group of compan{e3 Foffi Ho. cl{Ell3A 5/91 T0: IlECltl Enterprlses JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-20-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftsid€ Building, east of t{esthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel, South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEIIT LOCAT IOt{:t{orth Ual I Lines P-10 through P-26, J to P. BATCH TICKET INF0RI'|ATI0I{ SUPPLIER: ljestern ilobile TRUCK 0. 114 TICKET flo. 9932 l,llx 0ESIGll tl0. 44 TI}IE BATCHED: TI}IE ARRIVED: 3:45 Pll TIiIE PLACE0: 4:05 Pll-CU. Y0. LOAD/ACCU|i: 7 FIELD TESTING INFORMATION IIME TEST IAKE|I: 4:10 Pil JO8 SPECIFICATIONS: SLUI'IP sL uttP 4 1/4 tN. I t{. SAMPLE TEI4P: AIR COt'lTEl{T: 5.2X AIR C0I{TENT: % 74 "F AIR TETIP: 72 OF UtT Ul'lII UEI6HT: UATER ADDEO AT SITE O 6AL. CYL iI{DER !IIFORI'ATIO}I I,IO. OF CYLII{OERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" Ttl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 4:15 PH IIHERE CAST: on-Site CUR] I{G T1{FORI,IATION Il{lTiAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Slte DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 9-22-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACiLITIES: Insulated Blanket 8Y: l'lark Jensen 1,1I tl /l,lAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOIAL LOAD ( L8s) DIAI'IETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ l[) cot'iP. sTR. (PsI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER I'EIGHT (LBS) CYI I I{DER UIIIT IIEIGHT (PCF) 7 28 28 9-27-93 10-18-93 l0-18-93 11- 15-93 121,000 153,000 157,000 b. u5 o. u:) 6. 07 28.75 28.7 5 28.94 42t0 5320 5430 snear shear shea r OESIGN STREI{GTH B-4OOO PS] @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI,II{EI ARE II{ ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICABLE ASTH I.IEIHODS UNLESS OTHERIdISE IIOTED SOI'IE I I{FOR},IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS: COPIES: R.A. lielson & Associates, inc.Attn: tlr. Rick Agate. lJestern llobile, Attn: llr. Rick Seymour J.V.A., Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz; Dan l{eill Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. col{suLTll{G EllGlllEERS All0 SC tEt{T isrs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a llrqturl protcctton to cllant3, thc publlc.nd ourrclvesr rll r.portt .ra sulmltt.d.3 th! con{ldfantl.l pFop'rty of clllnts, and luthorlz.t{on for publlcatlon of rt6t€nenta. - Concluslon: of aitrrct3 froh or rcg.rdlng our l€ports fl r'tcrv€d ;;;i;;'d;-""iia"i iffr"var. S nple3 r.tll b. dtrposcd or "tti"-iiiiini ri corniictea unlcs:6thcr irr.ns€.n€nts esr..d to ln wrltfng.i-J;b;;";i rhc {lg srouF o{ conprnl+3 Forir Ho. $4€r13A 6/91 T0: HECl,t Enterprises JOB f{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-12-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 3 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of Lresthaven orive and ly'estin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail' Colo, PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Grld Lines g thru L, 25 thru 3l Elavation 53.9 to 54.9. EATCH TICKET Il{F0RllATI0fl SUPPLIER: tlestern t'lobi I e TRUCK r0. 9'l TICKET t{0. 01068t l{IX DESlGll 10. 44 TIHE BATCHE0: 8:35 At{ TIt'lE ARRIVEO: TII{E PLACED: 9:10 AH-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUH: 71281719 FIELD TEST]IIG I NFORMATION Tti1t TEST TAKET{:9:15 Al{ JOB SPIC I FICAI IOI{S: SLUI'IP:31/4 Iil. SLUllP: llax.4 IN. SAI.IPLE TFI.IP: AIR C0llTEt{T: 3.2% AIR COtlTEt{T: -- X 60 "F AtR TEHP: 40 "F IIET UI{IT IIEIGHT: IJATER AOOED AT SITE 4 GAL. cYL I r{oER ]t{FoR},rAT l0rl flo. 0F CYLINDTRS: 6 CYL IftDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIiIE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 9:27 Ft'l lrtHERE CAST: 0n-5ite CURIIIG IIIFORI.IAIIOTI II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-5ite DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-14-93 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elankets BY: Frank Potvin Ifl/HAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs I D IAI'IETER ( r r{cHEs ) AREA (sQ tt{} coltP.sTR. ( Psi ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I1{DER VETCHT (LBS) CYI IIIDER UNIT VEIGHT (PCF ) 28A 28A 284 28A H n 10-19-93 l0-19-93 l1-9-93 11-9-93 11-9-93 1l -9-93 125,500 122 ,000 6.04 O. UJ 28.65 28.56 4380 427 0 shsear shear OT516I{ STREI{GTH 4OO(} PSI O 2B DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EI ARE Ifl ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICAETE ASII{ I.IETHODS UI{LTSS OTHERVISE I{OTED SOI'IE T IIFORI.IAT I OII OF TEST REPORI i.IAY 8E PROVIDEO 8Y O'THERS REI. RKS:sanples taken from discharge of purnp. COPIES: R,A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.i Town of Vail; Llestern flobile; J V A, tnc,; &tath€Y Pratt Schultz;Brian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTII{G EI{6I I{EERS AIID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 ! nutu6t protactlon to cIt.nt3r th! publtc.nd ourselv.rr all rcport! .rG 3ubarlt-t.d u5 thc contldlcntlrl Frop€-rty 01 Iclients, and authorlzatlon tor Fubllcatlon of atatcm€hts' conclusiont or Grtr'ctr troG or r'gtFdtnn our r'Dorts {5 rctcrv'{ il;;i;';;-*;iit:; ;;;;;;.i: st'nprc3 wru b. d{spo'Gd "r .rt.;-i;;ii";'re'-iiipiit"a''ni"sr 6ttrer irranscnr-nt' 'sFccd to i".H;;":; the E!! sroup or cotipahl.s Forn Ho ' cM€113A 6/el T0: I'tECt{ Entenprl ses J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: f0-f2-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 sHtET 2 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Vesthaven Drive and lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Coio. PLACET'IENT LOCAT IOII :Grid Llnes C thru L, 25 Approximate elevation 59. thru 3l EATCH TTCKET I1{FORI.IATIOI{ TRUCK lio. 97 TIHE BATCHED: l0:54 M TICKET t{0. 010689 TltlE ARRIVED: ll 01 Al'l SUPPLI ER: Uestern I'tlobi I e llIX DtsIGtl N0. 44 Tli,rfE PLACEO: l1:02 Atl-CU. Y0. L0AD /ACCUI'I: 71701119 FIETD TESTII{6 I IIFORIi{ATI OI{ TIME TEST TAKEN: l1:07 Al,l JOB SPECI F ICAT IONS: SLUMP: 3 l/2 IN. SLUMP: llax.4 I1{ . AIR AIR SAI,IPLE TEI'IP: C0NTEI{T: 3.5I G0NTEIIT: X 63 OF AIR TEI.IP: 50 T II€T UI{]T \'IEIGHT: I.'ATER ADDED AT SITE O 64I.. CYLIIIOER I I{FORI.IAT I OIt N0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" Tll'lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 11:12 At'l I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIN6 II{FORIIATIOI{ INITIAL CURE: 48 hours DAIE REDEiVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te t0-14-93 FiELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket 8Y: Frank Potvi n l4l]{/Mil( A6[ OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS) D I Ai.IETER ( lr{cHEs) AREA (sq lil) cot{P. sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I IIDER IIEIGHT (LBS ) CYTII{DER UIIIT I,IEICHT (PcFl 7B 7B 288 288 ?89 288 H H t 0-19-93 10-19-93 l1-9-93 1l -9-93 11-9-93 l1-9-93 134,000 130,000 5.07 6.06 28.94 28.84 4630 4510 snear shear OES IGt{ 5TRE IIGTH 4000 SIB2SDA ts TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{IIEL ART IN ACCORDAIICE I.IITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I ]'IETHODS UNLESS OTHERIIISE IIOTED SOI.IE INFORIIATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOEO 8Y OTHERS REI|'IARKS: Sample taken from dl scharge of pump. COPIE5: R,A. llel son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; l{estern l'lobi le; J V A, Inc.t Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Brian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIETD OSSERYEC APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT I ItG E116II{EERS At{O SCIEiITISIS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl'l Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-12-93 Attn: Eustaoui o Corti na P.0. gox 3149 SHEEI 3 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Hest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI,IEIIT LOCATION :Grid Lines C thru L, Approxinate el evati on 25 thru 3l 64. BATCH TICKET lNFoRttATioN SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobi le TRUCK N0. 97 TICKET ll0. 010701 llIX DESIGil ll0. 44 TIf,tE BATCHED: 1:07 Pll TjllE ARRIVED: I:15 PM Tll{E PLACED: 1:15 PM-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUM: 7/I19 FIELD TESTI IIG I NFORT'IATION TIME TEST TAKEN: 1:32 Ptt JOB SPECIF1CATIOI{S: SLUl,lP:2114 IN. SLUl,lP: Hax.4 It{. AIR AIR SAI.IPLE TEI.IP: C0l{TEl{T:3.0X C0NTEI{T: % 63 "F AIR TEi.IP: 50 .F VIET UI{ IT IIEIGHT: UATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GAL. CYL I I{DER I IIFORI.IATION No. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLIN0ER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TtllE CYLIIIoERS CAST: l:25 Pl'l IIHERE CAST: on-site CURII{O II{FORMAT ION Ii{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket 0ATE RECEIVID AT LAB: 10-14-93 BY: Frank Potvin lllN/]'{AX AUC DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) OIAMETER ( IflCHES ) AREA (sQ Ill) COMP. STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACIURE CYL II'IDER I..lE i GHT (LBS) CYL I I{DER UII IT IIE IGHT (PcF) 7C 28C 28C 28C 28C H H l0- 19-93 10-19-93 11-9-93 l1-9-93 11-9-93 1 t -o-o? 144 ,000 135,000 6.08 6. 08 29.03 29 .03 4960 4650 shea r shea r 0Esi6ll sTREfiGTfl 4000 PsI @ 28 0AY5 TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIINEL ARE III ACCORDAI,ICE UITH APPLICABLE A5TI.I METHODS UNLEss OTHERW]SE I{OTED SOI,IE II{FORI.IATIOII OF TEST REPORT HAY BE PROVID€D 8Y OTHERS REMARKS:Sampl e taken from discharge of pump. COPlE5: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of VaiI; Uestern I'lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmy Pratt Schultz Erian Scanlan BobbY J. llays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A5 n mutqll prot.ctton to clt.nts, th. prbllr.nd oursclv€s, rll r.port3 ar€ subhitt€d as thc confldlentlal eloelty.-1-..^, cllents, and author".lrctlon for prrbllcatlon of .t.tsn€nts. ConclusJons or €xtrlcts from oi regrrdlhd our reborta 15 res€rv'q pcndlng orr 11rttten aFprovrr. Sinprii'*iir l"-aiip"iti'ir ;rtii-iiiii.i ii'-iornpiit"a unle:s 5ther ;rranscments .gr.!d to Itr r{rltino - ^i"memil;'E; thc ElE sroup of conP.nr.s Forn' t{o. cHEll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co sulrIl{G EllGIllEERs ANo SCI Etlri SlS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A6 ! nutu.l pr.ot.ctlon to clt€nt., thc publlc.nd o!r3.lve!, .11 report5 lrc tubnltted.3 th€ co?|fldlcntldl proptrty of\ cllants, and ruthorlzatlon fof publlcatlon of state {.tt. _ conclsSlonr or .xtrrct3 fro|s ot- reglrdlno our reports l5 r'3'rved ;;;;i;;' "u;-;iaiin 'ipp."". r . altnpl.r wtll b. dtspos€d "r attlt-iii{ing ts iomfi-tca unless ither irrangenents asr"d to in $ri t I ng.A';;;;.-;a th. !!! srouP of conpnnr!! Forrn No' c El13A 6/91 T0: tlECll EnterDrl ses J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-13-93 Attnr Eustaqui o Corti na P.o. Box 3149 SHEET I oF I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of l,esthaven Dflve and lrestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHET{T LOCATIOii: Low l,lal I between Grid Lines Y-2 and Elevator Shaft "C". BATCH TICKET IIIFORI4AT IOII TRUCK NO. I5O TIME EATCHED: 4:17 Pll TICKET f0. 0107s6 TII,iE ARRIVED:TIHE PLACEO: SUPPLIER: llestern liobi le tflx DESIGN lto. 44 4:30 PI{-CU.YD.L0A0/ACCUI'i: 7 /?r FIETD TESTII{6 T I{FOR}|ATIOI{ TII'IE TEST TAKET{: 5:50 Pll J()B SPECI F ICATIOI{S: SLUMP: 2 l/2 il{. SLUf'tP: l{ax.4 Iti. SAI.IPIE TEI'IP: AIR C0l{TEllT:3.51 AIR CONTEI'|T: X 65 .F AIR TEI'{P: 45 "F YfT UNIT IJEIGHT: --- UATER AODEO AT SITT 4 GAL. CYLI I{DER ITIFORI{ATTOII l{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIt'tE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 5:55 Pl'l IIHERE CAST: on-S i te CUR I I{6 I t{FORMATIOII lllITlAL CURE: 48 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT LA6: 0n-Si te 10-15-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure gox BY: Frank Potvi n l'lltl/llAl A6E DAYS OATE TESTEO IOTAL IOAO (LBs ) t)IATETER ( Ir{cHES ) AREA (sQ IN) coflP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II'IDER VE I GHT (LBs ) CYTI DER UI{IT YEIGHT tPcF ) 7 7 ao 28 28 28 l0-20-93 l0-20-93 I t-10-93 1l- 10-93 11-10-93 1l- 10-93 104 ,000 117 ,500 6.08 6.08 29.03 29.03 3580 4050 conlspli t shear DESIGII STREI{GIH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS IESTS BY LABORATORY PER5OI{I{EL ARE It{ ACCORDAI{CE VITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.{ETHODS UI{LESS OIHER{IsE I{OTEO SOT,IE II{FOR},IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOED 8Y OTHERS REI{ARKS: Sanple taken frcn discharge of punp. COPIES: R.A. l,lel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Yestern ilobile; J V A, lnc.; Gvratlmey Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NOBTHERN, INC. COIISULTING EI{GINEERS AIID sCI EI{T TSTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A.,. nutu.l protcctlon to cllcnt6, th. publlc and our..lv.3, !ll r.port3 .r. 3ubi{tted As th. confldl€ntl!1 proFcrty ot cl1€nt3, and ruthorlratlon for Dubllc.tloh of stat€mants, ConcluBlons or €xtrrrcti frofi or. r.g.rdtng our raporti l3 r€sarvad p.hding our r.rltt.n rpFroval. SenFl.B wltl be dlspoacd ot aft.r t.rtlng is co{tpl.t6d uhle53 othlr tFranEen€nir rgr€.c to ln wrl ti no. T0; l{E0ll Enterprise$ JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 9-29-93 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vaii, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of yesthaven Drive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road l/est, Vall, Colo. PLACETIENT L0CATI0I|: Lines 23 thru 26, J thru L. Up to Elevation 85'. EATCH TICKET Il{F0RtlATIO}l SUPPLIER: tJestert ilobile TRUCK ilo. 177 TICKET l'10. 010265 llIX DE5I6rl li0. 44 TillE BATEHED: 2:45 Pt'l TIl.lE ARRIVED: 3:15 PM TIl,lE PLACED: 3:25 Pll CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCUI'I: 7137 F]ELD TEST I 116 II{FORI.IATION TIME TEST TAKEI{: 3:30 PM JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S; SLUI,IP: 4 SLUI'IP: Max.4 IN. I t{. SAI,IPLE TEMP: AIR C0l{TEl{T:4.01 AIR COI{TEi{T: 4-81 69 'F AIR TEI|P: 70 "F lrET UNIT TJEIGHT: 142.0 },ATER ADDEO AT SITE O GAL. CYL I IIDER IIIFORI,IAT IOII ll0. 0F CYIII{O€RS: 6 CYLI}IDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TlnE CYTIilD€RS CAST: 3:35 Ptt IJHERI CAST: On-Site CURI I{G I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ ItIITIAL CURE: 48 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-1-93 FIEI0 STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: ---r'r r N/r,rAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (t8s ) D I AI.IETER ( Il{cHts) AREA (sQ r{) c0l.1P.5TR. (Ps r ) TYPE ()F FRACTURE CYLII{DER VEIGHT ( LBS) CYLiIIOER UNIT IJE IGHT (PCF) 7 7 28 ?8 ?8 ?8 l0-6-93 10-6-93 10-27-93 t0-27-93 10-27-93 10-?7-93 100,000 105,000 13i ,500 135, 000 139,500 138.000 6.00 5.99 5. v3 5.99 5.99 28.09 28.27 28. 18 27 .81 e8. 18 28. l8 Sfou 3710 4880 4860 4950 4-o 00 shear snear con/shear con,/shear shear shear DESIGN STRENGTH 4OOO "B"PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE IN ACCORDAT{CE SOI,IE I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT t,ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I'IETTIODS UIILESS OTHER!'ISE IIOTED }IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS : CoPIES: R.A. lielson & Associates, Inc.; Torvn of Vail; llestern l{oblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz;Brian Scanl an FI ELD ]OSSERVER Bobby J. Hays APPROVED SY ln wrl ti no. A h;;:i-;i th€ !!! groirp of conp.nt.s Forfl No. c$8113A 6/91 , tli,li u , hr]l{-,r.," 130 125 124 115 ILo& I tsoz uJo Eo 110 105 100 95 85 80 10 15 zo 25 PERCENT OF 30 DRY WEIGHTMOISTURE CONTENT AtR VOID CUiVEt SPECTFtC GR AVITY SPEC IFIC GRAVITY SPECtFTC GRAVITY 2.80 2.7 0 2.60 LocArloN r LIFTSIDE MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIPSSample No. 2 SOIL DESCRIPTION :Sandy Gravelly Clay Chen-Northern, lnc. MAX. DRy DENS'TY : 121.8 pCr OpT. MOtSr. CONTENT : 11.5 %PRocEouRE: ASTM D69B-91 Method B LIOUID LIMTT :?9 PLASTICITY INDEX : 6 JoB No., 4 178 93-3 FIG. NO. IGRAVEL : 23 % SANO: 33 % SILT AND CLAY [-200): 44%DArE: flctober 14, 1993 ' Chen€Nonhern.lnc REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION ,s A ||nurl pisrEgrEr ro cuxrt rH€ pui,-t Alo q4!+tq ,Ja-!g!!qs raf slrEarTr! ^s r}f cstDa}.tli! FR(t|frfl c'F q'n cr-O{I3 rIO |-rrton2^to' ryr. d. sralEro{ni. coq,r.xr.r qr eflRrcrs rfio.r o(r REqriDrio cpr nfP6fr-s-Eifr -pdi&ra rin rrfrr ffi.r JFi.(s frr ii oem cf, lflr tE l}€ 5 iirirrno irars! itnd t|ir*rrDarl ,i€ rotllrD rD D' hitrlrxr C6.t .r,{.{ Enghdr .rd sd-rd.t To: MECM EnterPrisesAttn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 JoB No.4 178 93-3 orre 10-21-93 DAILY REPORT NO. 15 SHEET 1 OF 2 il{volcE No. Footing for Elevator A-2 TJATERTATS E€OSEO tN BASE(S) OF EKCAVATION(S): Contractor excavated to vJeathered rocl<. REL|ARKS: Contractor overexcavated t16 inches for less weathered rock t0 bear on. \IEREAL COMMUNICA]]ON WII}I CONTRAC.fOR, ENGINEER, ARCHIECT, OIYNER: David Schreiner was advised of observation. Brian Scanlan Fred R. Cameron RE.D OSSERI/€R APPRO/ED F/ CoPlEs: R-A. Nelson & Associates, Inc-; J V A, INC.; Gvrathmey Pratt Schultz; Town of VaiI; ^ m-'.- c r'.lHtffl*-. .. ...44!.- CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. collsuLT I llc E]{GIEERS A D SCIE}lTlSTS HEPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llECl,l Entenprises JOB ilO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-21-93 Attn: €ustaquio Corti na P.0, Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT N0. 15 SHTET 2 0F 2 PRoJECT: Liftside Building east of testhaven Drive and l{esti n flotel, South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado. I/EATHER COIIDITIOIIS AI{D TEI.IPERATURE COTTRACTOR'S COilSTRUCTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSOI{NEL: ilAJOR EOUIPilE T: ACTIVITIES: Contractor poured footing at Elevator A-2. Contracton also poured wall at Elevator Toter "C" to Elevation 84.3. CHEiI-iIORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIVIT]ES Ue observed the contractor placing concrete. lle sampl ed concrete and tested for slunp' air content, temperature and unlt weight. lJe also cast trro sets of six cylinders. VERBAL COI,It'IUilICATIOII UITH COI{TRACTOR, EIIG]I{EER, ARCHITECT, OTI}IER CoPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwatln|ey Pratt Schultz Torn of Vai I ; I I Erian ScanJan FIELD OESERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED 8Y A! r nutuil prot.ct{on to cltrrt!r thc Fubllc rDd oor^s.lvoi,-.lI r€ports .t'e subnrltlcd .3--th. confld.ntl.l pnoperty ol our cll'nts' lnd authorizrtton tor publicrttor or:tatdncnt. corclurtoni or .xtr.;t3 frottr;i- r.gr.rd I n9 our rcports ts rcscrvcd ieritng our^ rerltten approvll ' srmples wilt b. df3posed or artri-iii'fiiii-t s i".pt"t.a unlic: ottrer rrrengonint* ar. rgr..d to tn wrltln9' A'neDber of tlr. !f! group of cor'rp.nJ.t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co sulT I [G E[cll|EEftS lr{D SclElrl$s REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: MECI'I Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-22-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT ll0. 16 SHIET 1 0F r PROJECT: Liftstde Building east of l{esthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, VaiI, Colorado. i.IEATHER COIIDITIO},IS AI{D TEIIPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S COilSIRUCTIOil ACTIVITIES PERSOtlllEL: llestern l{obi I e IIAJOR EQUIP}IEIIT: ACTIVITIES: Fourteen cubic yard concrete pour, CHEII-NORTHER 'S SITE ACTIVITIES Six cyl i nders cast. VERBAL COI,ITIUI{ICATIOII UITH COI{TRACTOR, E1{6I]{EER, ARCHITECT, OI{I{ER COPItS: R.A. |lelson & Assoclates, Inc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwathiey Pratt Schultz;Town of Vai 1 ; I I Sandi R. Cody F]ELD OBSERVER Fned R. Caneron APPROVED BY As a hutual protactlon to cllGnti, th. publlc.nd ours.lvat, .ll rcFort3 ar€ subnltted aa th. conftdsntlrl property ot ou-r.cllaht3, lnd 6uthori2!tlo; for publlcatlon of rtat.N.;t, Conclu3lohs or oitractr iro|D or r.grrdin9 our reForts l3 rss.rved irndlng our rrrltt€t approval. Sanplar wlll b. dlrposed ot.lt.r te3tlhg ls compl.t€d unl63i oth.r .rr.ngd..nti !fu.gr.cd to ln iritlng. A m.t|'ber of th. !ll! group .t conp.nl.s CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CO]{SULT]I{G ENGIHEERS AI{D SCIETITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA o T0: l,lECtl Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-4-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SH€ET I 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of l{esthaven Drive and llestin }lotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEl{T LOCATIOI{ :Foundation llall; Lines Q thru Z. BATCH TICKET illF0RllATIOt{ SUPPLIER: llestern l.lobi le TRUCK lr0. 151 TICKET N0. 0486 r,rIX DESIG}| l{0. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 1:35 PM TII'IE ARRIVED: 2:05 Pl{ TIIIE PLACED: ?:30 P}i-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU|i1: 28 FIELD TESr1il6 II{FORHATI0]{ SA}'IPLE TEIIP: 7r "F AIR TEI'IP: 70 oF TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 2:20 Pl,l SLUIIP: 31/2 I1{. AIR C0t'lTE}lT: 5.51 1JET UNIT ITIEIGHT: J08 SPECI F ICATIOI{S: SLUI'IP: Ill. AIR C0I'ITENT: X UATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLI I{DER I]{FORI.{ATIOII t{0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIi{DERS CAST: 2:30 Pli.| ttHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING I NFORI{ATIOl{ I|{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 0n-Sl te l0-6-93 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: Hot Box BY: Carolyn Adams HII{/llAx ACE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DIAI.IETER ( TNCHES) AREA (sq ril) coHP. sTR . (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER VEI6HT (LBS ) CYLII{OER UNIT VEIGHT (PCF) 7 28 28 28 z8 l0 - 11- 93 10- t 1-93 .ll-r-YJ 11- 1-93 11-l-93 rl-t -vJ 105,500 114,000 130,500 140,500 122,000 147.000 6.06 5.08 6.08 6.09 6. 10 6.07 28.84 29. 03 29.03 29.73 29.22 28.94 3660 3930 4490 4820 417 0 5080 shear snear con/shear con/spl i t con/ shear con/spl i t DESIGI{ STRE}IGTH 4000 PsI e 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE IIITH APPTICABLE ASTH I.IETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERIdISE ilOTED SOI,IE II{FORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R,A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; tlestern ll,obilei J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Dan l,lei I I Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y As a notual protcctlon to c'll.nts, th€ Publlccl'lents, and .sthorlratfon foi pobllcrtlon ofpcndlng our rrlttcn appr^ov.l. Samplaa rlll baln wrl t lng. A member of the HIH group of coriprnla3 and oursslvor, .ll r.portr ara .ubfilttcd rs thc confidlentlrl proPcrty ot lt.tan€ntr. Concluslons or Gxtrtct3 from or ragardlng our rePorts l5 ra3arvad dlspo3.d ot rftai te3tlng i3 cofiqrl.ted unlGss othar arrlngfrtcntt rg.rad to Forti flo. Cl'l€113A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING E]{GI I{EERS AI{O SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r nutqrl protcctlon to cllant3, the publlc lnd our3rlveir all rcpoits ar..rbrltted.5 thr confldl.ntlll Prop.ity of cllant3, rnd ruthorlzatlon toa publlcatlol| 0f stat'atrant3. Concluilon3 or cxtract3 frofi or rcgrrdlng our ieports l3 raterv€d pand{ng our wrltt.n .pFrovrl. 36npl6s wlll bc dl3porad ot aftcr't.rtlng lE conplatad qhlcss oth€r.iiange$ents .gr^.ed to 'lh wrltlng. A m.hb.r ;f the !I! group of co$Frnl.3 Foflr o' CilEtl3A 6/91 T0: HECII Enterprlses JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93 Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 4 VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,iENT LOCATIO]{: Foundation Ua] ls; Lines 25 to 3l and C thru P. BATCH TICKET Ii{F0RMATI0I{ SUPPLIER: tJestern l'lobi I e TRUCK lt0. 151 TICKET t{0. 0511 l.llx DEsIGli l{0. 44 TIME EATCHED: 7:57 Ail TIl,lE ARRIVED: 8:15 Alt TII'iE PLACED: 8:20 AH-CU. YD. L0AO/ACCUI{: l4 FIELD TESTII{G I IIFOf,I'IATI Ol{ TII'IE TEST TAKEI{: 8:30 A}l JOB SPECiFICATIO S: SLUI.IP SLUI'IP 6 l/2 It{. It{ ' SA}IPLE TEI'IP: AIR C0t'lTEl{T: 4.51 AIR C0t{TEtlT: A 62 "F AIR TEI.IP: 60 "F 1JET UI{IT VEIGHT: UATER ADDED AT SITE 12 GAL. CYL II{DER I]IFORIIAT IOtI N0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 8:45 Atl IIHERE CAST: 0n-5lte cURIt'{G I t{F0Rl'lAT Iotl iIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Slte DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-6-93 FIELD ST0RAOE FACILITiES: Cure Blanket BY: Bobby J. Hays llll{/HAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIAI'IETER ( r NCHES ) AREA (sQ It{) coilP . sTR. (PS1) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER I{E IGHT (LBs) CYL ]IIDER UNIT l,,EtGHT (PcF) 7A 7A 28A ?84 28A 28A l0-12-93 l0-12-93 ll-z-lJ 11-2-93 I I -2-93 l1-2-93 98,500 95,000 119 ,000 126,000 128,000 120.500 5.98 6.00 6.00 6.01 6.00 6.01 28.09 28.?7 28.27 28.37 28.27 28.37 3510 3360 4 2I0 4440 4530 4250 shear snear con/shear shea r con/shear shear OESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONflEL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE IJITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I.IETHODS UIILE5S OTHERII]SI IIOTED SOI.IE II{FORI,IATIOI{ OF TE5T REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIIARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai l ; tlestern l,lobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Dan l{eill Eobby J. Hays FIELO OESERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG E]IGI I{EERS AI{D SCIEiITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At a mgtu.l protactlon to cll.nts, thc publlc.nd our5.Iv.s, .ll r..port3 rre ruboltt.d.s th. confldi€ntlal piop.r'ty of cllcnt3, rnd authorlzation fot" Fubllcatlon of statsr€ntr. Concluslon3 or axtrsctt lrom or r€grrdlng our raPort3 l3 F€Eerv€d pandlng our wflltt.r .pFrov.l . S.npl.i wlll b. dlspos.d of rfter t.rtlng li complGted unl.3s oth.r rrr.ngdn€nt3 aErced to In rJrl tl n9, A nlcn|b.r of thc E!! group of cohprnle3 For1n No. cl,lErl3A 6/91 T0: l.lECl,l Attn: P.0. VaiI, PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na 8ox 3i49 c0 81658-3149 Li ftsi de Bui l di ng, JOB N0.178 93-3 DAIE: 10-5-93 SHEET 2 OF 4 Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo.of l{esthaven 0rive and trestin Hotel , South PLACEI.IEI{T L0CATI0I{: Foundation Vallsi 6rid Lines 25 to 31 and C thru P. BATCH TICKET I1{F0Ri|ATI0},1 SUPPLIER: lfestern llobl]e TRUCK ilo. 104 TICKET 10. 0522 r,rIX DESr6l{ ilo. 44 TillE BATCHED: l0:09 Al,l TII'|E ARRIVED: 10:40 All TIiIE PLACED:10:45 AH-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUH: 63 FIELD TESTII{6 II{FORiIATIOI{ SA}IPLE TEiIP: 67 OF AIR TEI.IP: 65 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKET{: 10:55 All SLtllP: 3 3/4 ltl. AIR C0NTENT: 5.4X l{ET UI{IT TJEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOiIS: SLWP: Il{. AIR C0i{TENT: fl ITATER AODED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYL I NOER I]{FoRl,lATIotl 1{0. 0F CYtlll0ERS; 6 CYIIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLII{DERS CAST: 11:10 AM IJHERE CAST: On-Site cuRIl{6 I]tF0Rl.{ATlot{ II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-6-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY; Eobby J. Hays lll l{/l'lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI'IETER ( r l{cHEs ) AREA (sQ rN) c0t4P. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYt IIIDER 1.'E]GHT (tBs ) CYL T I.IDER UI{IT lIEi6HT (PcF) to 1B 288 288 ?88 288 l0- 12-93 10- iz-93 11-2-93 ll-2-93 1i-2-93 1l-2-93 8l ,500 94,000 t17 ,500 11S,500 t22,500 120.500 6.08 6.09 6.08 6.07 6. 09 6.09 29.03 29.13 29 .03 28.94 29. 13 29.13 2810 3230 4050 4090 4210 4140 snear snear snear shear con/sheat con/shear DESI6]{ STREI{GTH 4()O(} PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I4ETHODS UNLESS OTHTRI'ISE }IOTTD SOI'IE II{FORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHTRS REI.IARKS: C()PIES: R.A. t{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I; Uestern l,lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Glratlmey Pratt Schultz Dan f{ei I I Eobby J. Hays FIELO OE5ERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISUTTI I{G TTIGIIIEERS AI{D SCIEIITI5TS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar a mutu.l prot.Ctlon to cll.nt3, th. publlc dnd our3.lv€s, all r6port5 !r.3ut'mlttcd.E thc confldl.ntlal prop.rty of cllrnti, .nd authorl..tlon for Fubllc.t{on of 3trtemnnts. Conclu3lors or.xtrrct3 fro.r 9r raElrdlng our rcport3 ls r'G36rved p.ndlng o{r Hrltt.n dpprov!1. Slmplas Hlll be d{spos.d of lftcr tastlng ls compl.t.d unlcaa oth.r .rrrngemcnts lgr€cd to ln r.rltlng. A ;;6a; ;i thG !!!l sroup of corp.nl.s Form No. ctl€tl3A 6/91 T0: IIECM Enterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHTET 3 0F 4 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of tlesthaven Drive and Uestln Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LoCATt0ll: Foundation tlalls; Lines 25 to 3l and C thru P. BATCH TTCKET IttF0RtlATI0tl SUPPLIEf;: llestern l'lobile TRUCK l{0. 15i TICKTT ilo. 0534 }lIX DESIGI{ lio. 44 Til{E EATCHEO: 12:36 fll TI}IE ARRIVED: 1:00 Pt{ TIHE PLACEO: l:10 Pl'l-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'I: r05 FIELD TESTII{G I]{F0RilAfIoH SAI'IPLE TEI'IP: 7t "F AIR TEIIP I 68 "F TIHE TEST TAKEI{: lr20 PH SLUIIP: 4 lt{. AIR COI{TENI: 5'21 tlET UIIIT UEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIoTIS: SLUI'IP: tN. AIR C0NTE T: I UATER A0DED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL IIIDER II{FORHATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIiIE CYLII{DERS CAST: l:30 P}l IIHERE CAST: on-Site cuRiil6 Il{F0Rl'lATl0ll IilITIAL CURE: 24 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 0n-Site 10-6-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Bobby J. Hays tllt{/l'lAx AGE OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI.IETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sQ It{) coilP. sIR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE cYtur0ER t.,E I6HT (L8s ) CYt I iIDER Ut{II l',El6HT (PcF ) 7C 7C 28C zgc 28C 28C 10-12-93 10- 1?-93 11-2-93 l1-2-93 1I-2-93 I L-'-JJ t03,000 102,000 132,500 133,000 140,000 142.000 5.04 6. 01 6. 00 6 .04 6.01 o-va 28.65 28.37 28.27 a8.65 28.31 ?8.46 3590 3600 4690 4640 4940 4990 shear snear con/shear con/shear con/shear con/shear DESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{I{EL ARE Til ACCORDAI{CE IIITH APPL]CABLE ASTI'I METHODS UIILESS OTHTR!,ISE ilOTED SOTIE IIIFORI,IATIOIi OF TEST REPORT IiAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REiIARKS: COPIES: R.A. ?{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai l : tlestern llobi l e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Sohultz Dan l{eill Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTI }16 EIIGIilEERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 43. mutull protcctlor to cll€nt3, th. psblic.nd ouraalv.s. rll rtport3 ar. subrlttGd rs th. confldlcntl.l proptl ty of cli.nts, .nd authorl:atlon for publlcatlon of 3trtdr.nts. Conclu3lons a. €xtract3 fron or regardlng our rcPort3 ls rarcrved p.ndlng our |{llttan apFrov.l. S.nplar Hlll be dlsposad ot rftcr t.stl'|g It compl.tad unlc.t oth.r rrrangem€nts.gr€aq to in r,ritlnq. A r;mi;;-';+ th. !!! grouF ot comprnl.! Forft to. cllEll3A 6/91 T0: l,lECl,l Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-5-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 4 0F 4 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Ofive and l'lestin Hotel , South Frortage Road trlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT L0CATIOii: Foundation Ualls; Lines 25 to 3l and C thru P. BATCH TICKET I i{FOR}|AT l0ll SUPPLIER: Uestern }lobile TRUCK [0. 97 TICKET f{0. 0552 llIX 0Esl6l{ l{0. 44 TIl,lE BATCHED: 3:17 P[{ TIHE ARRIVED: 3:30 Pl{ TIME PLACED: 3:40 PI{-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'I: 154 FIELD TESTIflG INFORI,|ATIOI{ SA}IPLE TEitP: 73 "F AiR TEHP: 70 "F TIiIE TEST TAKET{: 3:50 Pl'l SLUl,lP: 5 ltl. AIR CONTEIIT: 5.7X trET UNIT UEIGHT: --- J08 SPECIF ICATIoIIS: SLUIIP: Ill. AIR C0NTEI{T: % UATER AD0E0 AT SITE --- GAL. cYLlr.lDER lfl FoRr'rATl0r{ 1{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" Til.lE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 4:00 Pl{ TJHERE CAST: on-Slte CUR I IIG I]{FORI.IAT IOl{ ItIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-6-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Bobby J. Hays lll tl/1.{AX AUE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL L(IAD (LBs) D I AI.IETER ( r r{cHrs ) AREA (sQ rr{) coilP . sTR. tPsr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYt I IlDER lJEIGHT (L8s) CYI I]{DER U}IIT lIEIGHT (PCF) 7D 7D 280 280 u8D 28D 10-l?-93 10- l?-93 1l-2-93 11-2-93 l1-2-93 I I -2-93 87,500 101,000 120,000 121 ,000 128,000 125.000 6.00 5.98 6.08 6.05 6.00 5.99 28.27 28.09 29.03 ?8.75 28.27 28.18 309 0 3600 4130 4?10 453 0 4440 snear shear con,/ shear con/shear con/shear con/shear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4000 Pst @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABoRAToRY PtRS0llt{EL ARE I[ ACCoRDAI{CE ll]TH APPLICABLE ASTl'l }IETH0DS UIILESS 0THERUISE I{0TED SOI'IE IIIFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS R EI,IARKS : CoPIES: R.A. l{e'l$on & Assoclates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern l{oblle; J V A, Inc.; GtYatlmey Pratt Schultz Dan l{eill BobbY J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0IsuLTlil6 E]{GIt'tEERS A 0 SCIE TT STS REPORT OF CONCHETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A5. muturl prot.ctlor to cIl€nt3, tha p'rbllc and ourrrlves, .ll rcport3 !r. iubmittcd !r th. confldl€ntlsl pr.paFty of cllcnts' and ruthorltatlo|t lor publlc.tion of stltementr. Conclurions or artrlctt froh or regrrdlng our reportr ls rorcrved PeadlnE our wrlttcrl rpFrov.l. S.mpl€6 wlll bG dlspoBcd of rftrr tcatlng is complat.d unless oth.r irrangcmentr !gr.€d toln v.rltlh9.A n n|ber of th. UI! group ol comtrole3 Forfl tto. Cl.,tEll3A 6/9r T0: I'lECll Enterprises JOB tlO. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-21-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 2Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of l{esthaven orive and l,testi n Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATI0I{: Elevator Tower "C" 0 - 2' of Dour EATCH TICKET Il{FoRllATI0t{ SUPPLIER: l,restern ilobi le TRUCK flo. 1t7 TTCKET X0. 0r 0960 ilIX DEsiGl{ t{0. 44 TItfE EATCHE0: 14.01 TIIIE ARRIVED: 14:15 TIIiE PLACED: l4:46 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCW: Tlzg FIELD TESTIIIG IilFORI.IATIOII TIi{E TEST TAKE : 14:50 JOB SPECIFICATI OI{S: SLUllP: 3.25 SLUIIP: 4 IN. I ll . l,lax SAI,IPLE TEI.IP: AIR C0IITEHT: 4.51 AIR C0t{TEl{T: % 67 OF AIR TEI.,IP: 65 "F IJET Ui{IT IIEIGHT: 4?.77 VATER ADDED AT SITE 6 GAL. CYLII{OER ]I{FORI'IATIOI{ tl0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x lZ" TIIiE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 14:55 TJHERE CA$T: On-Slte CIlRl I{G I IIFORI.TATI ON IIIITIAL CURE: ?4 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-22-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure blanket8Y: 8. S.HIfl/r,rAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IAI.'IETER ( tNOHES) AREA (sQ Ifl) Col.lP . STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIilDER IIE IGHT (LBS ) CYL I]{OER UI{IT t{EIGHl { PcF) 7A 284 284 28AH 28ah l0-28-93 l0-28-93 l1-18-93 1t -18-93 I l-18-93 1t-18-93 117,500 110, 500 5. 07 o. u/ 28.94 28.94 4060 3820 snear shear DESIGII STRE}IGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAI'ICE U]TH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I,IETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERI'ISE I{OTED SOI,IE I I{ FORI.IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS: COPIES: R,A. liel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schul tz B. Scanlon Sobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING EIIGI '{EERS AiID SCIE}ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A5 ! mutu.l prot.ctlon to cllcntr, th. publlc.nd our3.lver, rll r.porti ai. sutirltt€d as thc cor|fldl.ntlal proP€Fty of cllents, and authorlrat,lon tor pubtlcltlon of 3tlten€rti. Conclusloni o|. extr.ct3 ft"om or ragardlng our rlPorts ls r.s.i'vod p€ndlng our Hrlttan approv.l. SrltlPl.5 wlll ba dlEpos.d of aft€r tcstlnq 16 co|npl.ted unlc33 oth.r lr'|-ang.rt|€rts .grc.d to in wrl t I ng. A m.mb.r 6f thc EI! gFoup of codplnlet F6Hn No. CHEll3A 6/9I T0: t'lE0t'l Attn: P .0. Vai|, PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaqui o Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Liftsi de Bui lding, east J08 flo.4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-21-93 SHTET 2 OF 2 of tlesthaven Dri ve and l{esti n Hotel ,South Frontage Road Hest, Vall, Colo. PLACEI,{ENT L0CATI0 : Elevator Touer "C" BAICH TICKET I t{ F0Rl,lAT I0l{ SUPPLIER: }lestern ilobile TRUCK l{0. 161 TICKET t{0. 0l 0966 r,ilX DESIG}I ilo. 44 TIME BATCHED: 15.14 TII'IE ARRIVED: 15:20 TIIIE PLACED: 16:05 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUi|: 7156 FIELD TESTIIIG INF()RI.IATIOII TIME TEST TAKEI{: 16:10 JOB SPECIF ICATIOTIS: sLur,tP SLUI,IP 4 I t{.4 I ll. lllax SAMPLE TEI.IP: AIR COi{TENT: 4.2I AIR C0tlTEllT: I 67 "F AIR IEl,lP: 60 "F llET UIIIT I{EIGHT: 42.70 I,IATER ADOEO AT SITE 7 6AL. CYLII{DER I NFORI.'IAT I OII N0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIl.lE CYLINDERS CAST: 16:15 I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI NG IIIFORI,IATIOII IIIITIAL CURE; 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-S i te 10-2?-93 FIELD STORACE FACILITIES:BY: 8.5. Cure blanket iltt{/MAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAMETER ( rl{cHEs } AREA (SQ IN) COTIP. STR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURT CYL II{OER UEI6HT (r8s) CYLl'{OER UIIIT YElGHT (PcF) 7B IE 288 288 28BH 288H 10-28-93 l0-28-93 1l - 18-93 1l-18-93 1l-I8-93 11- 18-93 117 ,000 116,500 6.05 6.09 28.75 29. 13 4070 4000 shear shea r DES I6tI STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE IN ACCOROAIICE IJ]TH APPLICABLE ASTM I.{ETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI,IE I NFORI.,IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT HAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS : CoPIES: R.A. l{e]son & Assoclates, Inc. Town of Vai I ; ll,estern l,lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Grvatlmey Pratt Schultz;B. Scanlon Eobby J. Hays FIELO OESERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI116 Ti{GINEERS AND SCIEI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYTINDER DATA T0: MECII Enterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-22-93 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of |Jesthaven 0rive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vai'l , Colo. PLACEMETIT L0CATIOI{: Elevator C Core l{all, Lines J through K, Elev. 101' BATCH TICKET I NFORI.IATI0I{ SUPPLIER: hrestern llobile TRUCK r{0. 150 TICKTT fto. 010988 r{tx DESrGn ilo. TIME BATCHED: !2t14 TIl,lE ARRIVEO: L?:?5 Tll,lE PLACED: 12:40 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU|,|: FIELD TESTIIIG Il{F0Rt'lATIOlt SAIIPLE TEl,lP: 'F AIR TEI{P: TJIIE TEST TAKEI{: SLUI'IP; Ill. AIR CONTEiIT: I l,€T UIIIT TJEIGHT: J08 SPEC IFICATI0IIS: SLUl,lP: 4 Ill. AIR C0llTEllT: 4.87 UATER ADOED AT SITE GAL. CYL ] I{DER I IIFORI.IATIOII t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIflDER SIZE: 5"x 12" TIl,tE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 12:45 IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURING II{FORI,IATION II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-25-93 BY: SRC lllt{/llAx CYL IIIDER UIIIT UEiGHT (PcFl DESIGII STRET{GTH 4OO PSI € 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABoRAT0RY PERSolltiEL ARE IN ACCoRDAI{CE I,ITH APPLICABLE ASTII llETHooS UI{LESS oIHERITISE lloTEo SOI.IE ] IIFORI,IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIOEO 8Y OTHERS RE}IARKS: CYLIIIOER I'E I6HT (LBS) col.tP . sTR. (PSr) DIAMETER ( IilCHES ) 103 ,500 10r,s00 10-29-93 l0-29-93 I I -19-93 1l-19-93 11-19-94 I l-19-93 CoPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc.: Town of Vail; llestern l{obile; A3 ! nuturl protactlon to cll€ntB. th€ Publlccll€nts, and authorizatlon for publlc.tlon ofpondlng our wrlttcn rpprqvrl. srmplr3 valll b€ Jn writlng. rnd oursalvca. all raports rtatcm.nta, Conclqslonr or dlsposcd of att€r t€3tlnt are s,uhtrlttod a3 th. con{ldllntltl proPerty of artruct3 from or rcgardlng oqr'r€Port3 lt Frtervedl3 conFlatad unles3 othcr rt"rlngamcnt3 agraad to CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIT{G EI{GII{EERS AND SCI EI{T ISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a muto6l prot.ction to cllrrti. thG publlc lnd oqrselvcsr !lt rcPorts .r. ilbll|lttad .3 the confldlsntlal prop.rty ot clJents, .nd.uthorlz.tton for publlcatlon ot 3tatcments. Concluslon3 or €xtrrcts fFon oF reglrdlng our r.Ports {E r!3crv'd pendlng our wrlttcn .pprov!]. S.hpl.3 wlll b..tlsposed of .ft€r ta3tlng is co.Ipletcd urlcs3 other rrr.ng$Eants tg.eed !o ln writ{ng.a menrUer if th€ EI! sFoup of complnlci For'n No. cfE113A 6/91 T0: llE0ll Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-27-93Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEEI I 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Suildlng, east of Uesthaven Drive and t{esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road }lest, Vall, golo. PtACEl,lEt{T LOCATI0!|: Stair "C" to Elevation 95 BATCH TICKET Ii{F0RHATI0I{ SUPPLIER: t{estern lrlobi I e TRUCK l{0. 161 TICKTT t{0. 010184 HIX DESIGil ilo. 44 TIIIE EATCHED: 9:10 All TIt'1€ ARRIVED: 9:20 AM TlllE PLACTD: 9:25 Al,l CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUII: 7 FIEL0 TESTII{G INF0RIIATIOI{ SAf{PLE TEIIP: -- 'F AIR TE}IP: 25 'F TIHE TEST TAKET{: 9:55 Atl SLUIIP: 3 I . AIR C0t{TEt{T: 4.61 }JET UNIT UEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLU}|P:4" MM il{. AIR C0l{TEt{T: 6t2% !,ATER ADOED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYLiI{DER I I{FORI'IAT IOI{ N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIT{DERS CAST: 10:15 M UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{6 I I{FORI'IAT ION IiIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 8Y: lllt{/tlAx A6E DAY5 OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAMETER ( INCHES) AREA (sQ rr{) col{P.sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIHOER UE IGHT (LBS) CYt II{DER UI{IT UEIGTIT (PcF) 7 7 28 t6 H it l1-3 -93 li-3-93 l1-24-93 l1-24-93 l1-24-93 l1-24-93 121 ,000 109,500 6.03 5.98 28.56 28.09 4?40 3900 con,/shear con/shear DES16II STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ ?8 DAYS IESTS BY LABORAIORY PERS0t{tlEL ARE II{ ACCORDA}ICE t/ITH APPIICABLE ASTl,l I'IETH0OS UI{LESS OTHERi,tlSE liOTEO SOHE IIIFORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT },IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: COPiES: R.A, tlelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern l{obiie; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Eilly Barbour Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI tIG EIIGII{EERS AiID SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ilEC!,| Enterpr'l ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-6-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cortl na P.o. Box 3149 SHEET I oF r Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Euildinq, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCATlOI{ :Elevator C to Elevation 84 EATCH TICKET I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ TRUCK flo. 119 TIME BATCHED:5:?0 TICKET l{0. 10606 TII.IE ARR ]VED: SUPPLIER: llestern llobi le Mtx DESI6|{ t{0. 44 B CU.YD. LOAD/ACCUI.I:TI}tE PLACED: FIELD TESTI116 I I{FORI,IAT IOII TII,IE TEST TAKEil: JOB SPEC] F ICAT IOI{S: SAI.IPLE TEiIP: CONTENT: l, COt{TEilT: Y, IilFMilATIOII IIOT PR,OVIDTDSLUIIP: tN. AIR SLUIIP: I t{. AIR AIR TETIP: I,IET UI{IT UEI6HT: !,ATER ADDED AT SITE GAL, CYL J IIDER I IIFOR},IAT IOII 1,t0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLINDERS CAST: --- VHERE CAST: Field CURII{G iI{FORI{ATIO]I IiIITIAL CURE: On-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elanket DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-i1-93 BY: l'lark Jensen HI tl/t'lAX CYLII{OER VEIGHT (LBs) shear snear con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spli t con/spi lt 28.94 29.03 29. 03 ?8.84 29.03 28.54 4230 2930 5240 5890 53 ?0 5490 122,500 85,000 i52 ,000 170,000 154,500 159 ,000 6.07 6.08 6. 08 6.06 6.08 6.07 7 z8 28 28H 28H 10- 13 -93 I0- I3-93 11-3-93 11-3-93 1l-3-93 l1-3-93 DESIGII STRENGTH 4OOO PSl O 28 I)AYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ART II,I ACCORDAIICE T'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I'iETHODS UI{LESS OTHERIIISE NOTED SOI.,IE II{FORI{ATION OF TEST REPORT I.,IAY B[ PROVIDED BY OTHER5 REI'IARKS: Cylinders were cast by the contractor. Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY COPIES: R.A. t{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai l; Itestern obi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz; As a tnutull pt'ot€ctlon to cll.nt3' th€ publlc cllcnts, lnd.uthoriz.tion foi publlcltlon of pandlng our wiittcn lpproval' samplo5 wlll be ln wilt lng. A m.rnb.r of th. E!! group ot comp.nils and oursc lva5, al'l rcportl strt€mants. Concl uslons or dl3po3ad of aft€r t6stlng lre iubmltt.d rs the confldi€ntlsl pioF.ity of cxtrrct! from or rcgord{ng our .eports tt r"'rv'd it co|||pl€ted unlass othcr arrangaJnents 'gre'o !o Forrn t{o. CllElI3A 6/91 !66! I I '^^ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI116 EI{GII{EERS AI{D SCIE}IT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA o T0: ttlE0tl Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DAT€: 9-20-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cort'i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: L'lftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LOCATIO :l{orth fla 11 Lines P-10 through P-26, J to P. BATCH TICKET I l{FoRllAT I0l{ SUPPIIER: llestern l'lobi le TRUCK l{0. 114 TICKET t{0. 9932 tillx DESI6I{ t{0. 44 TIIIE BAICHE0: --- TII1E AftRIVEO: 3:45 P],l TIME PLACED: 4:05 Pl'l-CU. YD ' LoAD/ACCUI'I: 7 FIELD TESTING INF()RI,IATIOI{ SAI'IPLE TEHP: 74 "F AIR TEI,IP: 72 "F TIHE TEST TAKEII: 4;10 Pl'l SLUHP: 4ll4 IN. AIR C0]{TE|{T: 5.?X UET UI{II }IEIGHT: JOB SP€C lF ICATIOi{S: SLUMP: I1{. AIR C0l{TEl{T: % VATER A00E0 AT SIIE 0 GAL. CYLINDER IIIFORI4ATION l{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 4 CYLII{DER SIZE; 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIT{OERS CAST: 4:15 Ptl IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII'IG I NFORMATI()I{ It{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours OATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Si te 9-22-93 FIELO STORAGI FACII I TIES: BY: l.{ark Jensen Insulated Elanket 1,|l r{/r{AX AGE DAYS DATE TES]ED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) OIA}IEIER ( | ficHES) AREA (sQ m) coHP . srR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II,IDER VE IGHT (LBs) CYLIXDER UTIIT VE IGHT ( PCF) 7 28 28 5t, 9-27-93 10-18-93 t0-18-93 11-15-93 1? 1 ,000 153,000 157 ,000 171.000 \ 5.05 6.05 6.07 6.06 28. 75 28,7 5 28.94 28.84 4210 5320 5430 5930 snear snear shear con/spl i t DESIGI{ STREI{GTH B-4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONI{EL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE I.'ITH APPLICASTE ASIiI METHOOS UI{TESS OTHERVISE NOTEO SOI{E II{FORI,IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REMARKS: COPIE5: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.Attn: l,lr. Ri ck Agate. tlestern tlobile, Attn: Mr. Rick Se}rlour J.V.A. r Inc. i Gviathney Pratt Schultz; Dan lJei l'l Eobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY Aa a rnutull protection to cll.nts, the psbllc cllentr, 6nd .uthoilzatlon for lrbllcrtlon otpendlrg our Hrlttan rFpFoval. slmplc5 v.Jll beln $rrl t lhg. A m€mber of thc E!! groqp of coinprnl.t .rd oursslvcs, all r!Po!'t3 ctltamant6. Coocl ut lon3 or dliposcd of rft€t' t€3tlng rre sub|nlttcd .3 the confldlentlnl property of attFacts from or raEardlng our r€Forts ls rca'rv'd is c6rr|!lrted unlcas othar .rr.nEcmantt agF.ed to FoF No. cf4El13A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COflSULTII{G EiIGI I{EERS AIIO SCIENTISTS BEPOHT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r nuturl prot.ct{on to cllcnts, th€ publlc and otrrsalver. .ll r€portr ar€ t{tfiittad rr thc confldl.rtlal pr"oFGrty of cll.nt!, lnd.rthorlzltton for pubitcettln of 3t.tdnant!. concluilons ar.rtra€ta fro|r or rcg.rdtFt our rcport3 1l,letllv"d ii"ai,ig'"t;:-*iiil;; a;;r;'.i: ScnFles vrlrr bG dl5Fo3ed of.ft€r tastlng ls conrpl.t.d unlc53 othcr lir.nsem.nts rgrccq to In wrltlng.i rninrocr ii th. !I! gFoup ot cottprnle3 Fonr llo' cl'l€1134 6/91 T0: l,tEcl,l €nterprl ses JoB ll0. 4 178.93-3 DATE: 10-12-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.o. Box 3149 SHEET I oF 3 Vail, C0 81656-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8uildtng, east of l{esthaven Drlve and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Yail' Colo. PLACEUEiIT LOCATIOI{:Grid Lines c thru L, 25 thru 3l Elevatlon 53.9 to 54.9. BATCH TICKE1 I I{FORI.IAT I OI|| TRUCK t{0. 97 TIIIE EATCHE0; 8:35 All T1CKET 1{0. 010681 TIIIE ARRIVED:TI I.tE SUPPLIER: lJestern liobl I e fitx DEslGil t{0. 44 PLACED: 9:10 All-CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUII: 7 l28llI9 FIELO TESTII{6 II{FORHATTOT{ TIl.lE TEST TAKEI{: 9: 15 Al.l JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUI{P: 3 l/4 It{. SLUIIP : i'lax .4 I ll . SAI'IPLE TEHP: AIR C0t{TEl{T: 3.2X AIR C0t{TEl{T: -- 16 60'F AIR TEIIP: 40 T I.IET UI{iT U€IGHT: UATER ADDED AT SiTE 4 GAL. CYLI NDER I IIFORI.IATIOI.I l{0. 0F CYLIIIOERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE; 6"x 12" TIIiE CYIIIIDERS CAST; 9t27 Altt ttHERE CAST: on-Site cuR] o I t{F0Rl.lAT I0l{ INITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-14-93 FIEIO STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elankets BY: Frank Potvi n l'll il/llAx 46E DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAI LOAD (LBs) DIAI'IETER ( rilcHEs ) AREA (sQ It{) co P. sTR. (Psl) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYTINDER I{E I6HT (LBs ) CYLI}IOER UilIT UEIGHT (PCF) 7A 7A 284 28A ?8A 28A 10-19-93 10-19-93 l1-9-93 I l-9-93 11-9-93 l1-9-93 12s,500 u2,000 144,500 157,500 156,000 157,000 6.04 6. 03 6.00 5.97 6. 06 6.07 28.65 28.56 ,A 27 27.99 28.84 28.94 4380 4?70 5110 s410 5430 shsear snea r con,/shear con/split con/spl i t con/spl i t DESI6I{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE II{ ACCORDAflCE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I4ETHODS UI{LEsS OTHERI'IsE I{OTID SOi.IE II{FORI,IATIOIi OF TEST REPORT }IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REITARKS:Sanples taken frcrn discharge of pump. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; llestern llobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELD IIsSERYTR APPROVED BY lr CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIl{G EI{GII{EERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl'l fnterDri ses JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-12-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Bulldtng, east of Uesthaven Drive and tlestin tlotel; South Frontage Road Uest, Vatl, Colo' PLACEI.IEI{T LOCAT]O]{ :crid Lines C thru L, Approxi nate el evati on ?5 thru 3l 59. BATCH TICKET I tl FORI|AT lOtl SUPPLIER: lfestern l'lobi le TRUCK lr0. 97 TICKIT ilo. 010689 llIX 0EsI6t{ tlo. 44 TIIfE BATCHED: 10:54 AH TIIiE ARRIVED: 11:01 AM TIIIE PLACE0:11:02 AM-CU. Y0. L0AII/ACCUI'i: TlTAlLlS FIELD TESTI IIG I ilFORI,IAT]ON TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 11 :07 fil,l JOB SPEC I FICATIOIIS: SLUII{P: 3 l/Z I ll. SLUMP: tlax.4 I l{. SAIIPLE TE}IP: AIR C0l{TEl{T: 3.51 AIR COllTEl{T: 1 63 "F AIR TEiIP: 50 "F I.IET U]{IT I{TIGHT: I{,ATER ADDED AT SITE O GAL. CYLII{OER II{F()RIIATIOII N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIr,lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 11:12 Al{ }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G It{FORHAT]oil IIIITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site oATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-14-93 FIELD STORAGI FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Frank Potvin ltll N/l'lAX AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD ( L8s) D IAI.,IETER ( rl{cHES ) AREA (sQ rN) coilP.sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI NDER YEIGHT (L8s) CYL IilDER UIIIT I'EIGHT (PcF) 7R 7B 288 288 288 288 l0-19-93 l0-19-93 1l-9-93 I I -9-93 I l-9-93 1l-9-93 134,000 130,000 166,500 16t ,500 169,000 t5l .500 6.07 6.06 6.08 6.05 6.08 6.09 28.94 28.84 ?9.03 ?8.75 29.03 av.tJ 4630 4510 E7?n 5620 5820 5540 snear shear con/spl i t con/spli t conlspli t con/spl i t DESIGTI STRETICTH 4OOO PSI E E8 DAYS IESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOIII,IEL ARE SOI.IE II{FORMAT I ON I}I ACCORDANCE IIITH APPLICABLE OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED ASII.I l.IETHODs BY OThERS UI'ILESS OTHTRI,ISE I.IOTEO RETIARKS:Sarnple taken fron di scharge of punp. CoPIES: R.A, elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai I; lJestern Mobi]e; J V A, Inc.; Grvathney Pratt Schultz;Brian Scanlan Eobby J. HaYs FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y As a hutu.l Frot€ctton to clt.rt3, the publlc.nd ourselv.s, rll r.poit3 rre 3ulrn{tt.d 13 th€ confldl.ntlll ll:P::tl_11-..^"cH.nt3. lnd;uthortzatJon fo. public.tion of lt.tsn nti. Conclu3lon3 or extrlct3 fron or r€g.rdi ng -911-i:?:J:t _::-::t::"'"i.nUirig'"ri "riitcn -fproval, slmpl.B w l b. dt5po3.d of.ft.r t€5tlng i3 complctcd unlc33 oth.r .rrang.m.nts rgrc.d ra in wrlting, A ;;ili ;i thr E!! group of comprniei Foflo flo' cl{Ell3A 6/91 a. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{5ULTII{G EilGIIIEERS AIID SCIEI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 . hutu.l liot.ctlon to cll.nts, tha Futlic.nd our3alv.6, sll r.ports rrt rr|bmlited rt th. confld{eht{ll Pl.oF.t'ty ot cll€||ta. .trd asthorlzatlon fof publlc!tlon of rtlt.hintr. Concluslonr or lxtrrctt frotl or roglrding our r€porti l3 r.s.rv..l pendlng our wrltt.n rFFroV.l. Srrpl.r dll !. dl.po3cd of rftcr tcst{ng {s compl.ted unl.s3 oth.r arrang€mcnt. tgr.ld to ln Brltln9. A mqnb.r 6l th. EI! group of coftp.nlei Fotrn No. Ct4Ell3A 6/91 T0: l'lECli fnterprises J08 H0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-12-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 3 0F 3 VatI, C0 81658-3r{9 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of tlesthaven Drive and l{esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Yall, Colo. PLACE}IE1{T LOCATIOI{ :6rid Llnes C thru L, 25 thru 31. Approximate elevatlon 64. BATCH TICKET Il{FORllATlOl{ SUPPLIER: l{estern ilobi le TRUCK fio, 97 TICKET ilo. 010701 ltIX DESIGII ll0. 44 TII|E BATCHED: l:07 Pl'l TIIIE ARRIVED: l:15 Ptt TIIIE PLACED: l:15 PII-CU.YD. LOAD/ACCUil, 7/119 FIELD TEsTtl{G IllF0RllATIOl{ SAMPLE TEilP: 63 oF AIR TEI4P: 50 uF Tlllg TEST TAKEI{: 1:32 Pl,l SLU}IP: 2 1/4 I1{. AIR COl{TEilT: 3.0% }lET UI{IT I/EIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOTIS: SLtll'lP: l{ax.4 It{. AIR C0NIENT: X IATER ADDED AT SITE 5 GAL. CYLINDER II{FOR}IATIOII ll0. 0F CYLIIIIIERS: 6 CYLIII0ER S[ZE: 6"x 12" Tltlg CYLIIIOERS CAST: l:25 Pll UHERT CAST: On-Slte C$I[6 IilFORHATIOil ]i{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours on-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 10-14-93 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Frank Potvi n tll l{/ilAX AGE DAYS DATE TESIED TOTAL LOAO (L8s) OIAI,IETER ( IilCHIS ) AREA (sq ril) cotrtP. sTR. .DCII TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLi I{DER t',ElGHT (LBS) CYLIIIOER UIIIT VEIGHI tPcF ) 7C 1P ?8C 28C z8c z8c 10-19-93 10-19-93 l1-9-93 ll-9-93 l1-9-93 1l-9-93 144 ,000 135,000 157 ,000 162,000 16?,500 163 .000 6.08 6.08 6.07 6.09 6.09 6. 09 ?9.03 29.03 28.94 29.13 29. 13 29.13 4950 4650 5770 5560 5580 5600 shear shear con/spl I t con/spl it conlspl i ? s hear DESIGII STREIIqIH 4OOO PSI 9 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE III ACCORDAIICE YITH APPLICAELE A5TI.I I{ETHODS UNLE5S OTHERTIISE IIOTED SOI.IE I I{FORI,IAT I OII OF TEST RESORT I.IAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REIIARKS:Sample takan frorn discharge of pump. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associ ates, Inc.; Town of Vail; tlestern llobiie; J V A, Inc,1 Grrrathrey Pratt Schultzi Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIETO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EIIGII{EERS AND SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA AJ a dutu.l pFotcctlon to cli.nt., the publ{c and ours€Ives, all r.ports .r€ sutnnlttGd a! thc €orfldlentlal propcrty of cllchts. rnd lnthorl2!tlon lor Dubllcttlon of strt.mcntr. Conclu3lons or attractE frofi or r.g.rdlng our rcPorts ls rca.rvad t.ndtrs our wt.lttcn .pprovrl. Satrpl.! lrlll be dl3For'.d of aftcr tcitlng {t cqiplct.d unl.33 other ffr.ngdntnts rgrc.d to in rrl t lnq.e .*ntcr 5f thc !!! group of comp.nl.i Form o. cl4El13A 6/91 T0: f,lEClt Enterpri ses Attn: Eustagui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bui I di ng, JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-13-93 SHEET 1 OF I east of tlesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI,IE T L0CATIOI{: Low llal I between Grid Lines Y-2 and Elevator Shaft "C". BATCH TICKET IIIFORI,IATIOI{ TRUCK t{0. 150 TlifE BATCHED: 4:17 Pttt TICKET 1{0. 0107s6 TII.IE ARRIVED:TII,IE SUPPIIER: llestern ltlobl l e l,tlx DESIGI{ flo. 44 PLACED: 4:30 Pli-CU.Y0.LOAD/ACCIjf{: 7 /2L FITLD TESTIIIG Il{F0Rr,nTI0l{ SA}IPLE TEI'IP: 65 uF AIR TEIIP: 45'F TIME TEST TAKEI{: 5:50 Pl,l SLUl,lP: 2 1/2 Il{. AIR C0t{TEl{T: 3.51 IJET UI{IT ITIEIGHT: --- JOB SPECIFICATIOilS: SLtlltP: ilax.4 Il{. AIR C0[TEflT: % l,rATER ADDEO AT SITE 4 GAL. cYL I1{0ER Il{F0Rl,lATl01{ N0. 0F CYLII{DERS; 6 CYLIN0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 5:55 Pl,l IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRlr{G I ilFoRttATlotl IIIITIAL CURE: 48 hours DATT RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Si te l0-15-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box BY: Frank Potvl n l.{ I t{/]'lAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTE|) TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IAI.IETER ( I r{cHES ) AREA (sq lil) col'rP . sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER UEI6HT (t8s) CYL I t{ DER UNIT UEIGHI (PcF) 7 7 ?8 28 28 28 10-20-93 10-20-93 I l-10-93 1l-10-93 1t-10-93 11-t0-93 104,000 117 ,500 135,000 134,500 136,500 r35,500 6.08 6.08 5. 99 b-ub 5.99 6. 08 29.03 29.03 ?8. 18 28.84 28.18 29.03 3580 4050 4790 4660 4840 4670 con/split shear shear shear shear shear DES I61{ STRE?IGTH 4OOO PSI @ ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI'ICE IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I'IETHODS UI{LES5 OIHERIJISE I{OTEO SOI.IE INFORMATIOII OF TEST REPORT I'iAY 8E PROVII)EI) gY OTHERS RE}IARKS: Sarnple taken fron discharge of punp. CoPIES: R,A. l{elson & Associates, In6 TorYn of Vail; Yestern lbbile; J V A, Inc.i Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J, tlays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIiIG EI{GII{TERS AI{D SCTEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. fiutu.l Fr.ot.ction to cli.nti, th. pubtlc and our3elvas, .ll r.ports lre submltt.d.s th. cohfidientlll prop€rty of cli6nti, and .uthorlz.tlon for publlc.tl;n of 3tct. €nts. con€lqslon3 or rxtr.cts fiorn ot" r.gardlng ouf r€port3 l3 r€servGd ;;;;i;;'";;-*;iai.i -ipiiii"r. Simprii'wiir be disposcu of.ft.r t.stlng l3 conplet€d unl€'. othcr .rr.nsemcnt3 terc€d to ln trrlt {ng.a ;;;;; ;i th. EI! group of coorprnlcs Form Ho' cl'tE113A 6/91 T0: llEC!,| Enterprises J08 tlo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-16-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEEI 1 0F 3 Vatl, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and ilesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.{ENT LOCAT ] OI{ :l'lalls; Lines C-K and 25-31 EATCH TICKET It{FoRtlATIOt{ SIIPPLIER: lJestern ilobile IRUCK l{0. 114 TICKET }t0. 010827 tlIX DESIGN ll0. 44 TltfE BATCHED: 9:03 All TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:20 Al'l TIl,lE PLACED: 9:25 A!|-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI{; 7/35 FIELD TESTING I]{FORI{ATiON SAI,IPLE TEIIP: 54 "F AIR TEI,IP: 40 "F TIiIE TEST TAKEN: 9:30 All SLUMP: 4 IN. AIR C0I{TENT: 4.5% llET UNIT tlEI6HT: J()B SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLUMP: Hax.4 It{. AIR COtlTEt{T: t{ VATER ADDED AT SIII -- GAL. CYLI]IDER I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ I'Ii). OF CYLI DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6''X 12" TII.IE CYLII{DERS GAST: 9:35 AI'I IIHERE CAST: ON-SitE CURIl{6 IIIFORI.IATIOII INITIAL CURE: 48 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 10-18-93 FIELo SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY; Joe E. Benedict l,l I t{/l'lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD ( LBs) DIAMETER ( rr{cHEs ) AREA (SQ IN) cot'tP . sTR. (PS I ) TYPE OF FRACTIJRE CYLIl{DER YE I6HT (LBS) CYL I I{DER Ut{ II UEIGHT (PCF) 7A 7A 284 28A 284 284 l0-23 -93 10-23 -93 1l -13-93 11- l3-93 11-13-93 l1-13-93 108,000 111 ,000 136,000 138,000 137,500 136,500 5.98 o-ub 5.98 6. 07 6. 08 6.08 28.09 28.84 ?8.09 28.94 to ft? 29.03 3850 3850 4840 4770 4740 4700 shear shear snear con/shear shear shear DESIGN STREIIGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 0AYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE VITH APPLICABLE ASTI,I I,IETHODS UIILESS OTHERU]SE }IOTED SO}IE INFORI.IATIOiI OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS:Samp'led from discharge of truck. CoPIES: R.A. t{elson & Assoclates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatfuney Pratt Schultz Srian Scanian Eobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI I{G EiIGIIIEERS AND SClEl{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 | mutqrl protcctlon to cll€nt3, tha publtc.nd oursclves, rll rcports .r. 5ubmlt-t.d as th. conflcll€ntl.] prop.rty of clt.nrst .nd;(thoFtz.tton for publtc.tton of Bt.t.BEntE. Concluslons or €^tract3 from or rcgrrding 911 .f!!3:!"-1:^::.::".dpcnai"g'ouF wr.tttc|r apFrov.t. blmple3 wtll b. dlspos.d of nft.F tcating Ir coopl.t.d unlcss oth.r lFr-.ng€mchts rgr€ao Eo in rltlng, A n'imtdi Si the !!! Eroup of compin{es Forrn }lo' cHEll3A 5/91 T0: MECII Enterprlses JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-16-93 Attn: [ustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET ? 0F 3Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T IOCATIOI{ :ualls; Lines C-K and 25-31 . BATCH TTCKET lllFoRl'lATlot{ SUPPLIER: llestern l,lobi le TRUCK l{0. l6t TICKET 0. 010834 f,|IX oESIGll t{0. 44 TII{E BATCHED: 10:34 Al'l TI|{E ARRIVED: 10;40 AM TIl,lE PLACE0:10:45 A -CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'I: 7 FIELD TESTII{G IilF0Rl{ATI0ll sA}tPlE TE P: 56 "F AJR }EllP: 40 "F TIl.tE TEST TAKET{: 10:50 At'l SLUI|P: 3 tN. AIR C0NTE},IT: 4.01 llET UtilT llEI6HT: --- JOB SPECI F lCATIOtlS: SLUMP: tlax.4 It{. AIR C0l{TEflT: U UATER A00E0 AT SIIE -- GAL' CYL IIIOER I IIFORI'IATIOII ll0. 0F CYLIT{OERS: 6 CYLI|I0ER SIZ€: 6"x r?" TIIIE CYttt{DERS CAST; 10:55 M UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI IIG I I{FORI.IAT IOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: On-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-18-93 BY: Joe E. Benedict lllt{/ltAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS) O l AI.IETER ( 1l'tcHE s ) AREA (sQ It{) got'tP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IilDER r,fEl6HT ( LBs) CYLIIIDER UI{IT UEIGHT ( PCF) IB 7B 288 288 289 288 t0-23-93 10-23-93 11- 13-9q t 1- 13-93 l1-13-93 r 1-t ?-o1 133,000 132,000 173,000 170,000 168,500 135,000 6.07 6.06 6.07 6.07 6.07 6. 08 28.94 28.84 28.94 28.94 28.94 29.03 4600 458 0 5980 587 0 5820 4650 shear snear shear shear shear shea r DESI6I'I STRE'IGTH 4000 PSI @ ?8 0AY5 TESTS 8Y TABORATORY PERS0flfiEL ARE M ACCORBAI{CE I/ITH APPLiCABLE ASTI'I !,|ETHODS UIiLESS OTHERI'|ISE l'lOTED SOI.IE INFOR}IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.{AY BE PROVIDED BY OTHIRS Rtl,lARKS :Sarnple was taken fron discharge of truck. CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Assoclates, Inc Town of Vall; l{estern I'lsbile; J V A, inc,; Guattmey Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G ENGII{EERS AI{D SC TEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a mutual prot€ctton to cticntsr thc publlc lnd ours.lver, rll rcports 6r'.:obnlttad ri th3 contJdlcntlll proFcrty ol cll6nt3, .nd nuthorlzattoh tor pubilcatlon of !trtdn€nt3. concluslons or cxtr.ctt from or reg.fdlng ouf r.Fortt l3-r"cfv'd pi,iiirig'",i "..ittcn aii""vor. s".iiii-iiir-6"-;iipoiti "t aftar t..tlns li conpl.tcd uhlcs. oth.r rrr.nserllnt' lsrc'q to A".&;:;";; th€ !!! sroup of co|np.nlcs Forttt t{o' cf'l€t l3A 6/el T0: lilECll Enterprlses JoS fio. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-16-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 3 0F 3 Vai1, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Bullding, east of Yesthaven orive and lrestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo, PTACEI,IEI{T LOCATIO :lJalis; Llnes C-K and 25-31 BATCH IICKET I l{FoRl.lATI0H TRUCK t{0. 114 TI|IE EATCHED: 1l:41 All TICKET NO. OIO839 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 11:50 Al'l SUPPLIER: llestern licbi le tllx DESIG?I ll0. 44 T ll,tE PLACED: ll:55 Al,l-CU. Y0. L0A0/ACCUH: FIELD TESTIIIG l IIFORI,IAT l OI{ TIME TEST TAKET{: 12:05 P],l JOB SPEC I FICATI ONS: SLUMP: 3 1/2 SLllllP: l,lax.4 IN. I fl. SlrtiPlE TEHP: AIR C0tlTEt{T: 4. 51 AIR C0NTEI{T: % 56'F AIR TEIIP: 40'F I/ET UIi IT T/E I6HT : VATER ADDED AT SITE 2 GAL. CYL II1DER I NFORI.IAIIOi{ tl0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x t2" TIME CYLIilDERS CAST: 12:10 Pll UHERE CAST: on-Site CURIiIG INFORI,iATIO}I It{ITIAL CtfrE: 48 hours 0n-5ite DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 10-18-93 FIELo SToRAGE FAcILITIES: Cure Slanket BY: Joe E. Benedict HIll/llAX AGE DAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (LBs) D ] At.IETER { I [CHES) AREA (sQ Ir{) col,rP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CY L I I{DER UEIGHT (t8s) CYLI I{DER U]{IT I,TEIGHT (PCF) 7C 7C 28C 28C 28C 28C t 0-e3-93 10-23-93 11- 13-93 1t - 13-93 11-13-93 I 1- 13-93 lz0,000 120,000 140,500 149,000 151,000 147,500 6.05 6.07 5.99 5.99 5.98 €.03 28.7 5 28.94 28. 18 28. 18 28.09 28.56 417 A 4150 4990 5290 5380 5160 snear shear shear shear shear shear DES 16I{ STRET{GTH 4OOO PsI € 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERS0tlt{EL ARE IN ACC0RDANCE !,tlTH APPLICABLE ASTI{ }IETH0DS U LESS OTHERIIISE tlOTEO SOI'IE I NFORI'IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REMMKS;Sample was taken from di scharge of truck. COPIES: R,A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Western llobile; J V A, lnc.; Gsatkr€y Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan BobbY J' HaYs FIELO OBSERV€R APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIt{G E]{GI EERS AI{D SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 15. hutu.l protectlon to cll.ntr, tho publlc lnd oursclv.s, .ll reporti .r€ 3ubtnittcd !3 th. confidlontl.l pt"operty ofcllent!, and authorl2rtlon for publicatlon of 3tlt€mcnti. Concli|alonE or extrrctr fiom oi ragrrdlng our r€portE l3 ra3arvad F.ndlng our wrlttcn.pprovtl. S.mples plll be dl3posed of aft.t'taitlng i3 co|t|pl€t€d unless othsr rri.ngemcnt3 agre€d toln ffl t lng.A mem!.r of th{ HIH group of cohF.nles For!| No. €I€ll3A 6/91 T0: llECll Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 11-10-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 2Vail. C0 81658-3149 PR0JECI: Liftside Buitding, east of ly'esthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road t{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEilttlT LoCATIoI{: tlal I s. EATCH TTCKET I ilF0R].tAT l0ti SUPPIIER: testern l,lobi le TRUCK ll0. 97 TICKET tl0. 01-0453 l.lIX DESIGil tto. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 12:12 Pl,l TIIIE ARRIVED: 1?:30 Ptl TIIIE PLACEO:12:45 Pll-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUi,|: 28 FIELD TESTI]IG I I{FORI.IAT I O}I SAi.IPLE TEI.IP: 52.F AIR TEI.{P: 40 'F TIME TEST TAKEil: --- SLUIIP: 4 l/4 It{. AIR CO]{TEI{T: 4.8i6 IJET UI{IT }IEI6HT: JOB SPECI FICAT I0t{5: SLUIIP: Max.4 IN. AIR C0t{TEl{T: 4-8fl ITATER ADDED AT SITE --- GAL. cvttll0ER ItiFoRilATIotl l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIflDERS CAST: 1:00 PH IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING I I{FORI'IATIOH I1{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site oATE RECEIVED AT lA8: 11-12-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: Sandi R. Cody l,ll l{/}lN( A6E OATS OATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) D I AIiETER ( t r{cHEs ) AREA (sQ il{) cot'tP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTI'RE CYL i]{DER I'EIGHT (rBs ) CYL INDER UIIIT I.,EIGHT (PcF ) ]A 28A 28A ?8A 28A H ll 11- l7-93 11-17-93 12-8-9s 12-8-93 t2-8-93 12-8-93 106,000 110 , 500 6. 08 D. U5 29.03 28.75 3650 3840 shear shear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4000 Pst 0 28 0AY5 IISTS 8Y TASORATORY PERSOIII{EI ARE III ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLJCABLE ASTH I'IETHODS U]{IESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOIIE I IIFORI.IAI I OI{ OF TEST REPORT I'IAY 8E PROYIDEO 8Y OTHERS RE]'iARKS: COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; lfestern tlobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EilGIIIEERS At{D SCI El{TI5T5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Aa I nuturl protectlor to c1lcnt3, thr publlc rnd ours€lveB, rll iaport3 rr€ iqlitltt.d as th€ contldl€ntlal proPcrty of cllents, and authorfE.tlon for publlcatlon of strtdnanta. Conclusions or extracts from or r€gafdlng our rapoits is r.a3ctwadpcndlng our. wrltt.n aFFroval. S.ntp'les r,lll b. dlipoaad ol .ltcr t.stlng lt compl.t.d rnl€!r other rrrrngam€ntt tgr'.ed toin $|ritlng.A m€mb€r af th. !I! group of comp.ni.. F6rr|t tlo. cfrEl l3A 6/91 T0; ilECl'l Enterprises J08 t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 11-10-93Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of tlesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lfest, Vail, Colo. PTACE}.IEI,IT LOCATI OI{ :llal I s, BATCH TICKET I tlF0RllAT IOt{ SUPPLIER: trlestern l,lobi le TRUCK H0. 100 TICKET N0. 01-0465 ftIX DESI6I{ lto. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 3:00 Pil TIiIE ARRIVED: 3:10 Pt'l TIl.lE PLACED: 3:?0 P -CU. YD. L0AO/ACCUI'| I 77 FIELO TESTIIIG ] IiFORI.IAT IOI{ TIl.lE TEST TAKEN: --- JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SAIIPLE TEIIP: 54 "F AIR TE}iP: 45 "FSLUl,lP: 4 llt. AIR C0I{TENT: 4.2% t,ET U]{IT UEI6HT: --- SLUl,lP: ax.4 I . AIR C0NTENT: 4-8X UATER ADDE0 AT SITE --- GAL. CYLIT{OER I NFORI.IAT IOl{ N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIilDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl'lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 3:30 P}l I{HERE CAST: On-Site CURI I,IG T NFOR'.IATIOil INITIAL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-5i te 11- 12-93 FIELD BY: STORAGT FACILITIES: Sandi R. Cody lllll/llAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (tBs) DIAI.IETER ( rxcHEs) AREA (sQ rx) c0[P. sTR . {PSl) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI IIDER TIE IGHT ( Lss) CYLIIIDER UI{IT UE]GHT ( PcF) 7B 7B 288 288 288 H 288 H 11- l7-93 11-17-93 12-8-93 12-8-93 12-8-93 t2-8-93 99 ,500 101,500 qoq coA 28.09 28.09 3540 3610 shear shear DESIGN STREI{oIH 4000 PsI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSONIIEL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE I'ITH APPLICAETE ASTI'I I'IETHODS UNLESS OTHERUISE i{OTED SOI,,IE I]{FORI.IATI()II OF TEST REPORT HAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: COPIES: R.A. ]{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern ilobile; J V A, Inc,; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELO OESERYER APPROVED 8Y lo: llEctif Enterprises JoB [o. 4 178 93-3 DAIE| t0-1-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.O. Box 3149vail, co 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT 1{o. 6A SHEET 1 0r 1 PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding East of lresthaven Drive and gestin Hotel, South Frontage Road llest, Vait, Colorado. LOCAI t0[: EQUI PI,IEIT: REPORT OF: ROCK BOLTS Stai. core A-2, Grid Lines I to 10, a to [. P|.f|p tlo- 34-5818 cauge tlo. E- 10 Ra$ l,lo. A-365 F I TIAL cauge Reading ( PSI ) 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 llot Stressed 4000, Bar Fai ted at 4000 PSI Loading. [OTE: Rock Sotts 1 and 7 rere stressed in a cyclic manner. SPECIFICATIOII OF CYCLE:700, 1350, 2000,2700, 5300 and 4000 PSI. CYCLE GAUGE READIXG( PSt ) 1000, 1350, e000, 2700,' 3300, 4000 1000. 1600, 2000. 2800, 3400. 40oo Rock Bott ilo. I z f 4 5 6 7 --@ COPIES3 R.A. [etson & J V A, lnc.; ToBn of vai t, Associates, lnc., Attn: llr. Grathfiey Pratt Schu[ tz; Attn: t'lr. Dan Stanek; Rick Agatei CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coNgILt IIG EilGtftEERS AltD SCtEXIISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES A3 a hutuel protcctlon to cll.nts, tha pqbllc lrd oursGlves. rll reports rre 3ubmlttaal as th. conlldGntirl pFoFerty of oqr cll.nts. .nd .uthor.laltlo; foi publlc.tlon of 6tatalEnt. Concluslon3 or cxtrrcts tro|tl or ragrrdlng our reports ls r€scrvod pondlng our rarltten aFProvrl. Srrpl.3 Nlll bc dlsposed of aft.r taatlng ls ca$Flct€d unl€ss othcr.rrrng€nents ar. 6gr€ed to ln writlng. A R|. b€r of th. EI! group of comDlnlcs tonr 5. ct€toz^.trl CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT IIIG EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIITTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: EC Enterprises J09 llo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-4-93Attn: Eustaquio Cort ina P.o. 8ox 3149Vait, CO 81658-1149 DATLY REPORI llo. 7A sllEET 1 oF 1 PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding East of gesthaven Drive afd lrestin Hotet. South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, CoLonado. Per ctient,s request, I uas on-site to inspect the fabrication of structurst steel and Hetding practices of Zinrkor Co.poration- I contracted rith llQS Ingpect i on to perform ultrasonic testing on a total of five penetrstion r.e[ds, FC{Jr pieces passed from initiat exsnination. The one piece (door franp) faited at the joist seans in tro ptaces. Exsnination reveated tack of fusion (one side) srd too mJch stag on the other. lJelds rere reflorkd on-site ard retested sith a l{89 Particte testing rHchine and tere fo{rd to be satisfactory- I atso looked at various beams erd coturns. t verified the Hetd-puddles rrere of proper size, length and confor"mi ty. C@IES: R.A. flelson & Assocl€tes, Inc., Attn: l{r. Rick Agate; J V A, Inc.; Grathney Pratt schuttz; Tom of Vait, Attn! l4r. Dan Stanek; charles Beckham !I Fred R. cdlEron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY Ar a mututl pFot.ctlor to cllcnti, thc publlc.nd ouiaalv.B, all r..porti arc aubmlttcd !! th. confldentlal propeity of our cllant5' anal rsthorl3rtlon for Dubltcltton of stat€m€nt. Concluslona or cxtrrcts irorn or rcgardlng our r.Port3 lr rctcrv.d pendlng oul' wl'l tt'n .Ppt'oval . Sinpior wlll bc disporcd ot rttGr t.stlng l3 cobplet.d unlG33 oth.r arrangemente rra egrled to ln r|rltlng. A iEmbar of thG !!! troup of cotrpanle3 lfl s' €rElcl|^ '/trr CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CoIIS'LT I IIG EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO:l4ECf{ Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Cort ina P.0. Box 5149 vai l, co 81658-3149 JoB llo. 4 178 95-5 DATE: t0-13-95 PROJECT: Liftside Buitdins East DAILY REPORT IIO. 11A SHEET 1 Of 2 of llesthaven Drive ard ilestin Hotet, South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Cotorado. Per client,s request, I uas at the Zimkor facitlty to inspect the steet, retding and bottlng practices pef speci ficat i orrs. I arrived to fird tno ftat bed trucks xith miscel taneous cottwrs/bem (ltem [os. 1tllz). They xere ready for inspection. t verified atl rctd-puddles Hene in corrytiance to A.L.s.D.l.l. Att ueld-merts rere of proper size, tength aid confomi ty, Att stEet had the proper heat trace #5 ctearty ctanped on material. The v-14 Beams had 3/16 tyxE.. Hetd pattons instalted. Att tLSe-steel rith sptices ard a coupte of pen€tration lelds rere ready for shirueht, They had been prwiously uttrasonicatty tested. t atso verifled bott hote atigrnents per the site drari ngs. Frcd ond l{ichaet trlray of Zir*.or stated that ttefi tlo6. 1ll12 are almost conpteted. (See attached sheet for quantit;es). l,larufacturer has informed us that ltem llo. 13, rhieh consists of miscet Laneous roofing sections, ri[t co0mence shortty. This portion of the project has approximatety 50 drauings ard roughty 75 to 85 sptices, rthich r.itt rec$ii re uttrasonic testing on a daity basis. Fabrication for this portion ri cmmence in about ten days. COPIES: R.A. lletson & Associates, Inc., Attn: J V A, lnc.; Grathmey Pratt Schultz,' lorm of vait. Attn: f.lr. D stanek; Hr. Rick Agatei charles Beckham tl FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. cdneron APPNOVED BY As a mutu.l protoctlon to cll.nts, th. publlc lnd ourralve6, .ll l..porti ar. aulfiltt€d !3 tha confld..tlrl prop.r'tl of our cll.nts. .nd ruthorl:!tlon for publlcatloh of 3tltefiant. Concl!3lon3 or €xtrrct5 frotn oi regrrdlng our raportt lt ra3arv.d penallng o||r vflttan rpprovr'|. Sanp163 vrlll bG dfspoicd of lfter tortlng 13 cofiplatcd unl.ss oth.F lrfAng.|rl.nt3 rr. .Eraad to ln wrltlng. A irG|llhcr ot thc !I! group of conpanlaa fln 5. crElcla 5,/tt CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT I 'IG EIIGIIIEERS A'ID SCIETTTSIS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES To: l,fEcl.l Enterprises J08 llo. 4 178 93'3 DATE: t0-13-93 Attn: Eustac$,rio Cort ina P.A. 9ox 3149 Vait. co 81658-3149 DAILY REFoRT llo. 114 sllEET 2 0f Z PRoJECT! Liftside Buitding east of llesthaven Dfive ard Uestin [otet, South Frontage Road gest. Vait. Cotorado, QUAITITY oF PARTS PER lrE r/PER PI{ASE tAsED 0N CURREIT ADVAICE BILI- LISTS: A S, C O E TOIAL rr€l{ 11 colrrafls 55 31 52 n 2 197 (1.) r TEr'r 12 FLooR BEAr,rS 179 135 140 326 7& (2. ) rrEl| l5 RooF BEAf,rs -- -- 101 442 40 783 ToTAL 214 16 493 845 12 1750 (1.) lhese quantities 4!!g! incl.ude Kurtanos 8edTrs (506 Beams ) (2-) Sirce these qu.nt;ties are based on sdvance bitt tists, actuaL SUp quantities xilt be tess because of atl the roof bents mde r,p of 2 or 3 advance bitt parts. CoPIES: R.A. lletson & Associates, lnc., Attn: llr. nlck Agate; IJ.V.A., tnc.; I cr.ethmey Pratt schul.tzi I chartes Beekham ll I tIEtD oBSERVER APPROVED BY As I nutucl prot.ctlon to cllcntr, th. publlc.nd ouEclvcs, all raport! rr'. tubmlttcd 13 tha confld.ntlrl prop€tty ot our clf.nts' {hd .uthorltatlon for publlcltlon ot Btrt.ri€nt. Concluilonr or.xtrrcts irom cr rcgerd{nE our F€Fort3 l3 r.a.rvcd pandlng our|||ltt.n approvql. SrDpl.s xill b€ dispoaad oi.ft€r" t.itlng la complctcd unlara otheF rFr.ngemants ara lgreed to ln lr!''ltlng. A membor of thc B!! group of corttpanla! Fr*fi |r. dEta?r t/et o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cotsuLTI[G El{GIXEERS Atf} SCI EII t STS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l.lEcl,l Enterori ses J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 10-14-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT l{0. ll8 SHEET I 0F Z PR0JECT: Liftside Bulldlng east of Uesthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. IIEATHER C0I{DITI0NS AliD TEITPERATURE: 0vercast - Liqht Rain - 48 degrees F. COI{TRACTOR'S COIISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PERSOIII{EL: llAJoR EQUIPIIEiIT: 1 3301 Hoe, ? |lacker Packers, I l,likasa l{alk-Behind Sheepsfoot Roller, ACTIVITIES: Contractof backfllled between Grid Llnes te-13, l-Q. contractor startid backftlltng around Diers for access stairs at Lift 20. CHEN-TIORTHERII'S SITE ACT1V ITI ES l{e conducted in-plaee nuclear densi ty tests at the request of the contractor. lle observed the contractor starting to backfl ll around piers at access stairs at Chair Lift t{o. 20. l,le picked up cylinders cast on 0ctober 13, 1993. VERBAL COI.II.IUII ICAT I OII UI TH COI{TRACTOR, EII6 I I.IEER, ARCH I TECT, di scussed test results vith the contractor. OIINER !le C()PIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.;J V A, Inc.; &{athrcy Pratt Schultz; To*n of Vail;l I Brian Scanl an Fred R. cameron I FIEID 0BSERVER APPR0VED BY As a nutual Diotcctlon to cllsntg. the Dubllc lnd ours.lv.s, rll raports !r! iubmltt.d.s th. corfldant{.I proP.l'ty ot oul cll€nt3. lnd iiu'"iijiii.['i.. wili.ilt.n oi-ii"i!""ii. c""jiu"r"ni-o".itiectr-from or rrgqratng our r.port3 lE r.s.r.v.d icndlng-our wrlttan rpProval. Srmples rill bc disFo6ed of aftlr t€stlng ls complctcd lnl.6i othar effrngen€nts ar€ agr€rd to in wrltlng. A nember ot th. !!S group of conpenles CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULIIflG E}I6I}IEERS AiF SCIE TTSTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING T0: llECl'l Enterpri ses JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-14-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT l{0. 118 SHEET 2 0F 2 PROJECT: Liftside Building, East of yesthaven Drive and l{estln Hotel, South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATIOI{ COI,IPACT IOI{ & ITATERIAL illl{Il{UH REQUIREO II{-PLACE DEI{SITY: 95X AS DETERl,ltllED 8Y: ASTII D-698 C0I{STRUCTI0I{ C0i{TRACT0R: Stan l,liller, Inc. TEST L0CATI0I{S yERE SELECTE0 8Y: Chen-l{orthern TYPE AllD llUllBER 0F EARTH l,lOV ItlG U]{ITS: 1 Backhoe TYPE AND llUllBER 0F C0I|PACTIOI{ UI{ITS: t Sheepsfoot, 2 Uacker Packers. THICKilESS 0F LIFT: 72" METHOO 0F ADDIT{G I,I0ISTURE: llater Truck llUl,lBER 0F PASSES: As Requi ned TEST 0. LOCAT I OI{ l*BT0t/=Bel otr Tot DEPTH OR ELEVATION (FEET) of tla l I PERCENT (RELATIVE/ fiAr(IfiUil) OBTAII{ED SOIL TYPE ltAx I l.tuM DRY OEl{S ITY (pcf ) 0PTIt{Utl 1'{OI STURE CONTEI{T (x) DRY OEIISITY (PcF) HOISTIRE c0t{TEt{T (x) I IA Grid Lines Y and 16.5 Retest of #1 6rld li nes 13 and S 5', BTotf. 5' BTof' 7' BToV 121 .8 1e1.8 121 .8 lr.c 11.5 lno ? 109.7 107.5 10 .7 ll.l 7.0 90 90 88 Sandy Gnavelly Clay Sandy Gravelly CIay Sandy Gravel ly Cl ay FULL T]ME OBSERVATIOX X PART TII.IE OBSERVATIOII ftrrs nEF6FipneseNTS oprNto{s FoRrlED As A REsuLT oF oun oISEEVirrots oF FILL pLAcEMENt. t,|E HAVE RELIED oN THE coNrRAcroR To CONTINU€ APPLYTIIG THE N€COIII€XDED CO',IPAC'TYE EFFON] AND I,'OISTURE TO FILL DURINS TH€ TIMCS WHEN OUR OBSERVER TS HOT OBSERVING OPERAIIONS. TESTS ARE T.{ADE OF THE FILL oiILY AS BELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIBRAIE Ci,|R OSS€iVER'S JUDGEMET{I. TESI OATA ARE IIOT THE SOL€ SASIS FOR OPINIOT{S OtI YHETHER THE FILL MEETS SPECIFTCATIONS. THE I{UCLEAR OENSOI,IETER I.IETHOD OF TESTITIG I.'AS USED II{ SUBSTAI{TIAL ACCORDAIICE T'ITH ASTfI 02992 AI{O O3OI7. PRELil,tIt{ARY 0ESERVATI0}|S A1{D/0R TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPoRTED T0: Jeff PROGRESS REPORT: C0PIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc.; J V A, Inc.i Gvrattmey Pratt Schultz; Tonn of Vail; Erian Scanl an Fred R. Cameron FIELD ()BSERVER APPROVED BY As ! mutu.l Frot€etlgn to cll€ntt, th. publlc and our3€lvesr .ll |.eport! rr.3ubmlttad as thc confld.ntlll pt"oPal ty of _our cllant3' and authorlzitlon lor publlcltlon of itatament. conclrilons oi.xtr.ctr fro.r or raglrdlng our rcport3.l.E r.s.r"vcd, Pandlng ouF Y|"{tt.n .pprovrl. SrhFla3 wlli b. dl3poscd of aftcr testlng 15 conpl.tad unlcri oth.r .rrlngdl|lntt arc agr.ad to ln writlng' A memb.r of th. E!! group of co panl.t CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. clftsuLl I llc ErGrl{EERS AXD SCIEI|lISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: IIECM Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-24-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 oAILY REPoRT t{0. 17 SHEET l0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Building east of Testhaven Drive and l,resti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado. WEATHER COI{DITIO'IS AITD TEI.IPERAIURE COI{TRACTOR'S COIISTRUCTIOII ACTIVITTES PERSOIiNEL: ilAJOR EQUIPr,rElrT: ACTIVITIES: l{one CHEI{-I{ORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIES Two sets of cyl i nders were picked up and transported to the laboratory in Glenwood Springs. They lrere then stripped, rnrked and placed in the cure room. VTRBAL COI,II'IU}I I CAT I OITI I'I TH COI{TRACIOR, E]{G I I{E ER, ARCII I TECT,ol{ilER CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz town of Vai I Bil ly Barbour and Sandi Cody FIELD OESERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVEO BY As a nutual piot.ctlon to cllant3, tha publlc rnd our3€lvcs, .ll r..port..r€ subnitt€d .3 th. co.nfldontl.l. Proparty of o,urrIlerts. and irtrt"iiiiti"i i"-i puoti.i1ton of iiatenrirt. conclsrton6 or citrrctr iron or rcgrrdlng oqr t'.poits i3 ies.rv.d P.ndlng our flrltt.n rPFPovrl. S.nplaB wlll b. dispo3.d of attar tartlng ls compl€t.d unl.sr oth.r lrrangdr€nts.ra agr.ed to ln Hr{tlng. A msrber ot th. EI! Eroup of co||tp.nl.t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coltsulT I t'tc Et{Gtx€ERs Alto sctE}tTIsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PROJECT l,lEcl,l Enterprises JoB 1{O, 4 178 93-5 DATE: 10-26-95Attn: EustaquioCoftin6 P.o. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81558-!149 DAILY REPoRI lto. 18 SfIEET 1 OF 4 : Liftside Buitding east of lt€sthEven Drive and llestin llotel, South Frontoge Road t{est, Vait, Cotorado. REPORI OF STRUCTURAL STEEL Per ctient's request, I ras on-site to inspect the fabrication of Hetding procedures. stee( fabrication and botting at Zi{|*or lrdustries. I Has at Zimkor to perfom Uttrasonic testing srd ilag. Particte testing on futt perEtration setds. There r€re 13 pieces rith singte joints and 3 rith dor$te joints. Tretve pieces r.ere 3/8- ihch thickness and 4 pieces Here 3/16-inch thickness. The steel Hith 3/16-inch thickness had to be ag. Particled in the root ard Uttrasonicatty tested on the ftanges. Th€re eere 2 pieces that shoHed signs of poor penetnation, These pieces rere ground out and nepai red on-site ard retested. At[ other insp€ctions revea Ied satisfactory resutts. See Sheet 2 of 4 for l.D. llurbers. R.A. Netson & Associates, Inc..Attn: llr. Rick Agate; IJ'v'4" lnc'; charLes Beckham tt fred R. cameronG,athrcy Pratt schultz; r FIELD oBsERvER AppRovED By COPIES: AE . muturl pr.ot.ctlon to cllantt, th. publlc lnd ourr.lvas, ltl r.por.t3 ri. ruhNnlttcd .3 th. confid.ntl.l proP.rty of o||P cll.nt.. .rd ruthorlz.tlo; tor publlc.tlo|,| of 3tat.m.nt, Concl{rlons or.xtrlcts from or ragardlng our r€ports l3 ietcrv.d p€ndlng osr ||rlttan rPProv.l. Sanples wlll b. di.pos.d of rtt.t t.rtlng lr cftlplct.d unl€i! dth.r .rrrngdnanta !r. rgrced to ln *rltlng. A nenb€r of tha E!! gtoup of ca|nprnlca rqr rn. st6l@r 6/'r CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coilsulrI[G ElrcmEERs AxD sctEt{T I sTs REPORT OF CONSTRUqTTON ACTIVTTTES I0: l'lEctlEnterprisesAttn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 5149 vai t, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Bui lding Esst JoB 1{o. 4 178 93-3 DAITY REPONT [0. 18 of Vesthaven Drive ard Uestin llotel. south Frontage I.D. IIIJI'I8€RS FOR ULTRASOIIC TESTIIIG/I{AG. PARTTCLE II{SPECTIO 1335A - 13148 1318A - 13148 1525A - 1316A 1332A - 1316A 13?9.A - 1316A 1314A - 13108 1331A - 1311A 1319s 1319A J V A. Inc.; GHathrcy Pratt Schuttz; IIor*r of Vail, Attn: t{r. D6n staneki II charles Beckham ll| ---_ _ DATE: l0-e6-93 SHEET 2 OF Road gest, Vai [, tred R. Cameron 4 co I orado. As a tiutual protactlon to cllerts. the p{rbllc lnd our.3olv€s, all Fcpoits .re rlbmltt€d a5 thc confld.ntf!l propar^ty of our cll.nts, andtuthorlzltlon fot'publlcatlon of strt.mant, Concluelon5 or cxtract3 froar or raErrdlng our reports l3 rGsarved pandlng our t,rlttan aFproval.Srnplos will h. dl3po3.d of aft.r testthg 13 conplctcd unles3 oth.r rrrangc eitt ar:c agrcc-a to In wrtttng. - A m€rnber of th! !I! gr'oup of conFrnlcs ror rr, cr-l.aa iret CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. co{tsulT t lrc EltGmEERs Alt0 scIE}tTIsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES lo: l{€cf4 Enterprises J(ts [o. 4 178 ql-3 DATE: 10-26-95 Attn: Eustaouio cortina P.o. Box 3149 DAI LY REPoIT ilo. 18 SI{EEI 3 OF 4vai l, co 81658-3149 PRoJECI3 Liftsid€ Buitdihg east of Uesthaven Drive and gestin {otel. south F.ontag€ Road tlest. Vait, Colorado. REPORT OF STRUCTUMT STESL Per cli€{rt's r€qrest, I Has on-site at Zinkon Fsbrication facitity to test the fotLoHing futt penetnation Helds. There Here a total of 13 singte joints. There Here 3 do|.bt e joints. The fotloring pieces of steel Here either Ultrasonicalty tested or l,lagnetic Particled, dependi ng on thickness. u.T. insp€ction revea led 2 pieces, l.D. lubers 133?A ard 1314A, had poor penetration. contractor grotrd out the unacceptabte portion and rerelded to acceptabte criteria. Att other pieces rere acceptable to testing procedures. see sheet 4 of 4- COPIES: n-A. Nelson & Associates, Inc,,Attn: [r. Rick Agate; J.v.A., lnc.; GHathney Pratt schul tz;chartes Beckhan tl Fred R. Caneron FIELD OSSERVER APPRWED BY Ai ! mutu.l .protcctton to cllentsi the publlc rnd olrralvG3, rll rsports lrc rubotltt€d rt thr cortld.ntial proPaFty of our cll6ntr' rnd lutho|-ltrtion fo|^ Fubltcrtton of statdtant. Conclu3lons or Grtracta irorn or regardlng our rcpor-ta l3 rcacrvad pcnding-osr rrlttan aPptovtl ' Samples wtll b. dirposcd of tfter taitlng l! conpl.tsd unlcts othci .rr.ngatnant3 rrre.grccd to In wrltlng. a ;6n|bcr of ttrc 414 grouP ot coliplnlca torr ro' d'r''lr 3/er CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co s:t LTIltG €ilGmEERS AltD SCIEI|TISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES l0: HEC Enterprises J(ts ilo. 4 178 93-3Attn: Eustaq.iio Cortina P.0. Box 3149vait, co 81658-3149 DATLY REPoRT t{o. 18 PROJECT: Liftside BuiLdirE East of tlesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotet, South Frontage l0: HEC Enterprises J(ts ilo. 4 178 Attn: Eustacpio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 vait, co 81658-3149 DATLY REPoRT t{o. PROJECT: Liftside BuildirE East of tlesthaven Drive and Hestin Hotel., South Fro -3l8.'Thickness -3116" Thickn€ss U.T- Inspected ilag. Partict€d I .0. flu$ers t.D. {u$ers '13554 1516A 1318A 1316A 1523A 1316A l35ZA 1311A t 329A 1314A 13148 1331A 13108 13't 9A 13148 15108 coPlEs: R.A. lletson & Associates, Inc., Attn: 1,1r. Rick Agate; J V A, Inc.,' GHathrney Pratt Schuttz; I Tom of vait, Attn: ilr. Dan Stanek; I I Chartes Beckham llI FIELD T}BSERVER -3l8.'Thickness -3116" Thickn€ss U.T- Inspected ilag. Partict€d I .0. flu$ers t.D. {u$ers '13554 1516A 1318A 1316A 1523A 1316A l35ZA 1311A t 329A 1314A 13148 1331A 13108 13't 9A 13148 15108 DATE: 10'26'93 SHEET 4 OF 4 Rosd tlest, Vait. Colorado. Fred R- cameron APPROVED BY A3 ! mutqel protcctlon :o cll.nta. tha public and ourr.lv.i, !ll r'.For.t3 ara aubmltt.d a3,th. contldontlll proPlrty ot our cll'nt3' tnC ruthort:.tton fo'. pubttclttor of rt.t.rE;t. concluslons or.rtRcts irom or rcanJ.dlng our r.port3 ls t"...rvrd pcndlng our Yfltt.n.Pprov.l' Simptes "iii lr disposcd of aft€r t.stlng ls cofipl€t.d urless othsr iFrlng.mantr aic agrccd to In rritlng. A;strb.r of ttrc g$ group of comP.nl.5 rd'|j' ci€rcr 6/et CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. @]tsuLT I ltc EitcIl{EERs A]{D SCtEltrlsrs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: MECII Enterpri ses J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-27-93 Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. Bor 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT ilO. 19 SHETT 1 0F 2 PRoJECT: Liftside Eullding east of t{esthaven 0rive and t/estln Hotel , Soqth Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colorado. IIEATHER COIIDITIOIIS AI{O TEI,IPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S COI{SIRUCTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSO EL: MAJOR EQUIP}IENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-IIORTHERI{'S SITE ACT IVITI ES l{e performed two density tests on Unit.8-12. Both tests passed. VERBAL C0llt'tullICATI0N tIITH C0NTRACT0R, EllGIllEER, ARCHITECT, 0l'ltlER COPIES: J V A, R.A. lllelson & Associates, lnc.lnc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schul tz fown oi Vait;j Sandi R. Cody FIIID OESERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED 8Y A3 a rButull prot€ctlon to clic'ltc, thc puhllc.nd our3€lvos, ill icportr ara lubhltt.d .r th. conlld.ntl.l- proF€t'ty of our.cllGnt3' lnd a||thorlzatloil for publlc.tion "t'ii"i.in [i, conci,r;i;n3-or-iitrrct* inanr ot^ ragrrdlng our reportr l, r€s.re€d i.ndlng our wt'lttan aPprovrl. S.hplca wlll bc dfrpo3ad of !ft.r ta3tlng ls complatcd unlc53 othcr frrngf,mrt3.rc ogr.Gd to ln t|rlting. A ncrnber of th€ El! group o,t comprnl.r CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. . CONSULTII{G EI{GIIIEERS AIE SCIETITISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING T0: llE0ltl Enterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: i0-?7-93Attn: tustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81558-3149 DAILY REPoRT 1{0, 19 SHEET 2 0F 2 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, East of tlesthaven Drlve and lrestln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATTOl{ COI,IPACT I OI{ & IiIATERIAT l-llilli{t||{ REQUIRED fil-PLACt OEIISITY: 95X AS OETERttlll{ED 8Y: ASIII D-698 CoNSTRUCTIoII 0OilTRACT0R: R.A. l{elson & Associates. In6. TEST toCATIollS IJ€RE SELECTED BY: Chen-l{orthern IYPE AI{D I{UIIEER OF EARTH I.IOVI IIG UI{iTS: TYPE AIID IIUI,IBER OF COI,IPACTIOI{ UI{ITS: I.,IETHOD OF ADDII.IG IIOISTURE: THICKI{ESS OF LIFT: IIIJI,IEER OF PASSES: TEST l{0. LOCATIOI{ uni t 8-12 DEPTH OR ELEVAT I OI{ (FEET) LABOl IATORY FI :LD PERCENT (RELATIVE/ MIII,IUI.I) OBTAI I{ED S()IL TYPT ltAxIl.tuM DRY DEIISITY (pcf ) OPTII,IUM }IOISTURE COI{TENT (x) ORY oil{sITY (PcF) IIOISTURE coilTEt{T (%) 3 l{ortheast Corner Southwest Corner ??? ??1 121 .8 121 .8 11.5 It.5 118.3 117.9 9.9 8.7 97 97 Sandy Gravel iy Cl ay Sandy Gravei ly Clay FULL TII,IE OBSERVATIOI{ X PART TII.IE O8SERVATIOI{ THIS REPoRT FRESENIS oPINIoNs FoRI'IEo As A RESULT oF oUR oBsthVATtoNS oF FILL PLACEM€NT. I.iE HAV€ RELIED ON THE CONTRACTOR TO CONTINUE APPLYIT{G THE RECO|.i.iENO€D co|,lpAcllvE EFFoRT AHD I'IOISTURE lO FILL [X,RI C lH€ Tl eS wH€N OUR OSSERVER IS NOT OESERVIT{G OPERATIONS, IESTS ARE l,tADE OF THE FILL oNLY AS SELIEVED I{ECESSARY TO CALISRAT€ OtR OASERVER'S JUDGEMENT. TESI DATA ARE ilOT IHE SOLE BASIS FOR OPI}IIONS O II}IETHER TH€ FILL MEETS SP€CIFICATIONS. THE I.IUCLEAR DEIISOI.IETER I'IETHOO OF TESTIIIG UAS USED IN SUESTA}ITIAL ACCORDAI{CE UITH ASTI'I 02992 AIID D3OI7. PRELII'lII{ARY OBSERVATI0I1S AllD/0R TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REP0RTED T0: Dave PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwattnney Pratt Schu'ltzi Town of Vail; Sandi R, Cody Fred R' Cameron FTELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 . mutual pr.otcctlon to cllant3, the publlc ind our3!tv€sr .ll rcportr r|.a arbttltted !3 th. confldentlrl FroP€rty of ollt^ cll.ntJ' and authorlzatlon fo|. Dubllcrtlon of statdrantr conclualoni or extriets frot|| or |"€glrdlng our r€poftl- f5 rcscrvcd. pandlng aui flrltttn approvrl. Sanplaa wlli bc dlspoE.d of rttcr te3tlng t3 complet.d unl.!3 oth.i aFrrngdn.nts arc .gra.d to ln wrltrng. A n€flbcr of th. !!! group of comp.nl.i CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CO}ISULTI IIG EI{GINEERS AIID SCIETITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ilECl{ Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-21-93Attn: Eustaqul o Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F ZVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and l{esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI-IE]{T LOCATI0i{: E'levator Tower "Cx, 0' to 2' of pour. BATCH TICKET IitF0RllATION SUPPLIER: lrestern Mobile TRUCK N0. LL7 TICKET lto. 0l 0960 ltIX DESiGN ll0. 44 TIME BATCHTD: 2:01 Pll TIl,lE ARRIVED: 2:15 Ptl TIl,lE PLACED: 2:46 Pl'l-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUM: 7/?8 FIELD TESTING I ITFORI'IATIOiI TIl,lE TEST TAKEN: 2:50 Pl,l JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SLUl,lP:31/4 I1{. SLUIIP: ltlax.4 I ll. AIR AIR SAI,IPLE TE[IP: C0tlTEl{T:4.5X C0l{TEtlT: % 57 'F AIR TEl,lP: 65 "F lrlET UNIT }JEI6HT: 142.4 !,ATER AODED AT SITE 6 GAL. CYLINDER INFORI'IATION N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLITIDERS CAST: 2:55 Pl'l IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRI 6 IllF0RilATI0 Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10.22-93 FIELD ST0RACE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Bri an Scanian f,ll N/l'lAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS} D I AI'IETER (rt{cHEs) AREA (sQ Il{) co P . sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I1{DER UEIGHT (L8s) CYLIIIOER UIIIT IIETGHT ( PcF) 7A 7A 2SA 284 28A 284 70-28-93 l0-28-93 11- t8-93 1l - t8-93 i I - 18-93 I1-t8-93 1r 7,500 110,500 162,500 161 ,000 161,000 156,500 o-u/ 6. 07 6.08 6.09 6 .07 6.08 28.94 28.94 29.03 29. 13 28.94 29.03 4060 3820 5600 (( ?|l 5560 53 90 shea r shear shear shear shear shear OESIGN STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABoRAToRY PERSoill{EL ARE Iil ACCORDANCE trlTH APPLICABLE ASTl.l l,lETruDS UI{LESS 0THERUISE NoTED SOME INFORUATIO}I OF TEST REPORT i.IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE}|ARKS: COPIES: R.A. elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern Hobilel J V A, Inc.; Gwattrmey Pratt Schultz B. Scanlon Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY A3 . nutucl protactlon to cll.nts, th€ public lnd ouri.lvls, !ll r.ports !i.6ubtrltted.r tha confidlalti!l property of cllGnt3, lhd ruthorlz.tlon for Fub'llcatloh o.f itltemcnt3. Conclqslons or cxtfactt lrom or regrrdlng oo|. r€port3 l5 raacrvao p€nding our wrlttcn .pprov{I. SanFl.i wllt be dlsposcd of.fter tcstlng lr complatad ||nlcss oth€r rir.ng€|n€nts rgr.cd to'in writing. A m€mber of th€ !!! group ol comp.nl€3 Forrt No. Cl.lEll3A 6/9t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING ENGII{EERS AI{O SC ] EIIT ISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar ! mutual pfotcetlon to cll.nts, the public.rd ours€lv€3r .tl rcports rr€ tubm{tt€d !s the confidjehtl.l Frop€rty of cllcnts, rnd itthorlzatlon for publ.lcrtlon ot statemcnt.. Conclsslont or Gxtrrct$ trom or r€garding our r€Ports,ls-r"servcd pcndlrg otr wrlttan approval. Sanples wtll b€ dlspos€d of aft€r testlng l! conpleted unlass other .rrrngtments {9r.ed lo ln wrltlnq, A il;il;"3i th. E!l! sroup of corrrp.ni€s Form o. cMEtl3A 6/sl T0: MECf'l Enterpri ses J(lB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-21-93 Attn: Eustaauio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHTET 2 0F 2 VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Bulldlng, east of Vesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.'IEi{T LoCATI0t{: Elevator Tower "C" BATCH TICKET Il{F0Rl,lAIIoll SUPPLIER: tlestern l.lobi le TRUCK 1{0. 161 TICKET tto. 01 0966 lllx DESIGI| ll0. 44 TIME EATCHE0: 3:14 PN TII'IE ARRIVED: 3;20 Pll TIttE PLACEO: 4:05 PM-CU. Y0. LOAD/ACCUM: 7156 FIELD TESTIIIG I iIFORI,IATION TIME TEST TAKEI{: 4:10 Pll J()B SPECIF I CAT IOI{S: SLUIIP: 4 lll. SLUIIP: l,lax.4 IN. SAMPLE TEiIP: AIR C0NTENT: 4. ?1 AIR CONTENT: % 67 "F AIR TEiIP: 60 .F UET UI{IT UEI6HT: 74?.1 UATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYLINDER I NFOR},IAT IOII l{0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 4:15 Pll IIHERE CAST: on-Slte cuRIilG l ilFoRllATl0N IIiITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-24-93 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Brian Scanl an l.l I l{/llAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI'IETER ( rNcHEs) AREA {sq rfl) COMP.sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER VEI6HT (LBs) CYL I I{t)ER UI{IT UEIGHT (PcF ) 7B 78 28B 288 ?88 288 l0-28-93 10-?8-93 l1- 18-93 11-18-93 11-t8-93 I I - 18-93 i 17 ,000 116,500 157,000 r52 ,500 147 ,000 15t.000 6.05 6.09 6.08 6.08 6.04 6.08 28. 75 29. 13 29.03 29.03 28 .65 29.03 4070 4000 5410 5250 513 0 5200 snear snear shear snear shear shear DES IGI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI @ ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE IIITH APPLICASLT ASTI.I I.IETHOOS UI{LESS OTHTRT,ITSE IIOIED SOME II{FORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai'l ; Western Hobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlon Bobby J. HaYs FIELO OBSERVTR APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EIIGII{EERS AIIO SCI E]{Ti STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: HECM Enterpnises JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: LO-ZZ-llAttn: Eustaoulo Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vai1, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Orive and Vestln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LOCATIOI{: Elevator g Core l|all, Lines J through K, 25 & 26. Elevation l0l'. BATCH TICKET itlFORl'lATIOll SUPPLIER: yestern ilobi]e TRUCK N0. 150 TICKET t{0. 010988 MIX DESlGlt ilo. TIME BATCHED: 12:14 Pl,l TIHE ARRIVED: 12:25 Pll TIIIE PLACED:12:40 PI(-CU. YD. L0AO/ACCUI|: FIELD TESTIIIG II{F0RUATI0I{ SAI4PLE TE}IP: AIR TEIIP: -- oF TII{E TEST TAKET{: --- SLUiIP: --- IN. AIR C0t{TEflT: -- I VET UI{IT IIEJGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLUMP: 4 lll. AIR C0tiTEl{T: 4.8X VATER ADDED AT SITE --- 6AL. CYLIIIDER I NFORI.{ATI OII N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 12:45 P1'{ I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIT{G IIIFOR},IATIOI{ INITIAL CURE: 0n-Si te DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-25-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES : 8Y: Sandi R. Cody t'll ll/MAX CYLI DER UI{IT UEI6HT (PCF) OESIGN STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSO}IIIEL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE I,I]TH APPLICABL€ ASTI.I I,IETHODS UNLESS OTHERIJISE IIOTTD SOI,IT I I{ FORTIAT I Ot{ OF TESI REPORT ].|AY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS: Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays O I AI,IE TER ( I llcHES ) CYL] I{DER l{E I6HT (LBs) l0-e9-93 l0-29-93 l1- l9-93 t I - l9-93 l1- l9-94 11-19-93 6.09 6.03 6. 03 6.03 6.04 6.03 3550 3550 4590 4410 4610 4620 103,500 101 ,500 t3l ,000 126,000 132,000 13?,000 shear shear c0n/shear shea r con/shear con/shear 29. 13 ?8.56 (o. fo 28.56 28.65 zo- ao COPIES; R.A. t{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz; As r mutsrl protcctlon to cli.nti, the publ'lc ellants, and authorltatlon tor publlcltloh ofpond{ng o{r rltt.n rpprovrl. S.mFl.3 yrlll b€ln rrltlng. A mdnber of th€ EII group of cqttprnles .nd ourselv€s, .'ll report3 Itatc ents, Concl u5l on5 ot' dl spor€d of.fter te5'tlng rrc slbnttt.d is tb€ confidi.ntlal prop€rty of rxtracti ffom or ragardlng our raports {t i.sarvad It cofiplatad unlaat othcr arrang€fi€nts tgrced to For||t No. cl,tE113A 5/91 ,. ,:r, f il ^/*i?"^tp CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COiISIJLI I XG E}IGIIEERS AIID SCIEXTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llEC[l Enterprlses J08 0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l1-l-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT l{0. 20 SHEET 1 0F 1 PR0JECT: Liftsitle Building east of Uesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lfest, Vail, Colorado. IIEATHER COIIOITIONS At{O TEI'IPERATURE C()I{TRACTOR'5 COIISTRUCT]OiI ACTI VITI ES PER5OI{IIEL: TIAJOR EQUIPMENT: ACTIVITIES: CHTN-I{ORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIIS lle arrived on-site for a scheduled concrete pour, which was delayed until it was finally cancel 'led. VERBAL COI'II.,IUNICATIOI,I lIITH CONTRACIOR, EII6]I{EER, ARCHITECT, OVIIER COPLES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc. J V A, inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I; I I I Sandi R. Cody FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. cam€ron APPROVEO 8Y Aa a muturl protactlon to cll.nt5, th. publlc rhd oursGlv€s, all r.ports lrc suhnltt6d.s the confldahtl.l propcrty of orr-cllcnts, lnal eutiortzetloir for Dubltcatton or-ii"ili"fi] L-on-diir"i J" "- i iJii t "iit i i"",'i o. "igi"at"s our rcports lr r.t.rv.d ieniing-our nr'ltt.n rpprov.l. Sampl.r vrlll b. di3poicd of aft.i teitlng la eo pl€tcd unl.33 othcr .rrrng.'t|.nt3 .r'. .gra.d to ln wrltln9. A n$i6€r of th. EM gror.p of co|||p!r1.3 o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CO SULTTIIG EIIGIIIEERS AI{D SCIEiITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llECl,l Enterpri ses JOB lI0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1l-10-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0nT 0. 2l SHEET I0F 1 PR0JECT: Liftside 8ui1ding east of llesthaven Drive and l'lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. UEATHER COI|OITIOI{S AIiD TEI.IPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSOIIl{EL: r'tAJoR EQUI PHEi{r: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHTRN'S SITE ACT]YI TIES lJe perfornred concrete testing, lncluding slump and air content. Two sets of cyl inders were cast - VTRBAL COI4I4UI{ I CAT I ON UITH COI{TRACTOR, EI{6II{EER, ARCHITICT, Ot.'flER C0PIES: R.A. l,lel son & Associates, Inc. Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY Aa a n|utual prot€ction to cllcnts, thc publlc and ourralvo!, all rcport3 ar. 3ubnrlttcd a. th. confldcntl.l Prop.t^ty of ou.r.cIl.ntt. ald iittr"iiiiiioi i"" p.lii"llt""'"i siatemeirt. concturions or extrrcts ]rorn or r€g.rdlng oui r.port3 l3 rG3.rv..l i.nd{ng our nrltt.n rpprov.!. Srrnpla3 |llll b. dispo3.d of.ft.r tcstlng is cornplGtcd u|rlc.s other lrr.ng.ment3 arG 6gr'acd to ln $rrltlng. ' A tn.mber of th. !I! group of con|pAnlcr CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. col{sutTlllc El{G Il{EERs Al{D sctEt{TIsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r mutu.l protcctlon to cl{.nt3r th. publlc snd oursalv.6t .ll r.eport3 erc lubrlttcd 13 th. co7|tldl€ntl.l ProParty of cll€nt9r lhd .rthorlzatlon tor publlcitlon of 3tttahanti. Corcl{tlcn3 or artra€lt fr.oar ot fcgard{hg olf PePort* l3 l-at€rv.d pendlnS our Hrltt€n rpprovrl. Slrrplar wlll b. dltpor.d ot.ft.r tartlng li conplct.d unl.!t oth.a arrlng.ntent3 agFr.d to A menb€r ;t the !!! group ot conp.rl.3 Forrn No. ci,l€113A 6/91 T0: llECll tnterpri ses JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 SATE: l1-Z-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of tlesthaven orive and U€stin Hotel , South Frontage Road [est, Yail, Colo. PLACEI,IENT LOCATIOII:Elevator Shaft A-2. EATCH TiCKEI II{FOR!.IAITOI{ TRUCK flo. --- TIME BATCHEO: TICKET iIO. TII{E ARR IVEO: SUPPLiER: ilIX DESI6N t{0. I CU. YD. LOAO/ACCUM:TII,IE PLACEO:I FIELO TESTINC IITFOR},IATIOII SA}'IPLE TEI.IP: -- "F AIR TE}4P: -. .F TIl.lE TEST TAKET{: --- SLUIIP: --- Iil. AIR C0tlTEt{T:--- ,( llET U!{IT !{EIGHT: JOB SPEC IFICATI0I|S: SLUl.lP: Il{. AIR COtlIEl{T: X TJATER A0DE0 AT SITE --- GAL. CYLI}IDER I I'IFORI.IAT IOII ll0. 0F CYLIT{0ERS: 4 CYLI}|0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLII{DERS CAST: --- IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURITIG I i{F()RI.|AT I OI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Si te DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: --- FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: ---l,tIt{,/ilAx ACg DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (r8s) D IAl.IETER ( I t{cHES ) AREA (sQ Itl) CotlP. STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACIURE CYL I IIDTR UE I6HI (LBs) CYI IIIDER UITIT UEIGHT (PcF ) 28 28 I l-9-93 1r -9-93 1t-30-93 I l-30-93 101,500 103 ,000 6.03 6.00 28.56 ?8.?7 3550 3640 shear shear DEsI6II STREI{GIH 4000 PsI @ 28 DAYS IESTS BY IABORATORY PERSOITI{EL ARE Tfl ACCORDAIICE I'ITH APPLIDABLE ASTH I.IETHODS UI{IESS OIHER}'ISE ilOTEO SOTIE TI{FORI.{ATTOII OF TEST RTPORT I{AY BE PROVIOED 8Y OTHIR5 R€IIARKS: COPIES; R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; llestern l'lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwattvney Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY WE ARE SENDING YOU gf nttacned n Snop drawings D Copy ot letter g/via Prints/sepias Change order Plans Originals Samples LETTEilbF TRANSMITTAL the following items: ! Specifications! n ! tr n n i:a,'.1 DATE ll-71-7] | roar'ro.qutr ro: T o. U, 8Ail0. Otef, Dtlr,t SfArt eZ RE: /-*YstyE coPrFs OATE NO,DESCRIPTION /m lapF+ oF €tlEr\) $LTHFA*, PEfun:T< THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: fl For aoproval ?to, uo* uu" n As requested ! n n Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections For your records Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTEH LOAN TO US n n ! tr N FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS ll encloqurcs arc not as noted, kindv notry us at once, fREc'tp61, zs lggg CHEN-NOHTHERN, INC. CO}ISULTIIIG EIIGIIIE€RS AIID SC I EIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTHUCTION ACTIVITIES I0: llECll Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93 DATE: 8-3-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 Vai l . C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT t{0. 5 SHEET l 0F I PROJECT: Liftside Building, East of Vesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colorado. IIEATHER COiIOITIONS AI{D TEI,IPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOI'I ACTIVITIES PERSOI{NEL: MAJOR EQUIPI,IEI{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEI{-NORTHERII 'S SITE ACTIV IT I ES A jobsite vlslt uas made to observe the proposed on-site backfill sojls. It was reconmended that the existlng fill material be screened to achieve the specified 6r'minus size or to import a 6" minus backfi I I . \le met with Dave Shriver of llel son-Zeeb Construction and advised him of these recomendations. VERBAL COIIMUHICATIOI{ UITH COI{TRACTOR,ENGINEER, ARCHiTECT, OVNER COP lES: Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY Ar q nutull prot.ctlon to cll€nts, thc publlc and o{rrielve3, .ll r.ports are lub|nlttGd.r thc confld.ntl.l propsrty of our-cli.nt3' lnd'""ti"i:iiiii.i'i"" -pi uii.iit"l'- "i sirtcnr.i't. conclusrons or sxtr.ct! irorn or resardlng our '€ports li res€rv.d pcndlng oqr llrl tten .pprovr 1 . Samplca will be disposed of rfter tertlng is completed unlcas oth"r arr.ng!6ents .r€ rgr..d to l. wt"lting. A m€mb€r of the !!E group of comp.nles fI"%,\ L'\'F ^^r 1oq? '-i\ ii u\' l *JJ" -a' P* ffi""*i g Qrr,rrjP CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTI t{G EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: MECl,l Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Li ftsi de Building east JoB flo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 8-31-93 SHEET I OF I Uest, Vail, Colorado. DAILY REPORT IiO, 4 of lJesthaven Orive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road VEATHER COI{DITIONS A}ID TE]'{PERATURE COI'ITRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES : PERSONNEL: i{AJOR EQUIPIIENT: ACTIVITIES: CHEI{-}IORTHERN'S SITE ACT IV]T I ES Contractor did not show up on-site as scheduled. IJe had to go to another project. Technician was replaced by another technician. VEREAL COHilUfl ICATIOI{ I,/ITH CO}ITRACTOR, ENGINEER, ARCHITECT,ollltER CoPIES: R.A. lelson & Associates, lnc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail;l II Erian Scanlan Fred R' Cameron I FTETO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY As I outurl Fiotactlon to cll€ntr, the pub'llc and our.$elv.s, .ll raport3 lra subfilttad.r thc confldcntlrl property ot ou.r.clf.rtt' and iiti.iiji{iofi'iJ pu6iicatioir'or siatcmeit. Conclusioni or eitractr -froar or rigiiding orr icpor-ts l3 F.rcrv.d [enifng-our Hrlttcn lPprovll. slopla3 lrl1I be dlsFoscd of.tter t.rtlng l3 conpl€t€d unl€3r othar..rrang€m€nt3 lrc.gr.Gd to ln r.rltlng. A .mb€r of th. !:! group of comp.nlcs I CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTING E]{GI IIEERS AIID SCIEl{TISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO:l,lECil Enterprl ses Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail. C0 81658-3149 JOB DAILY 0.178 93-3 OATE: 9-20-93 REPORT I{0. 6 SHEET 1 OF I PRoJECT: Liftside Building east of tlesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colorado. I.IEATHER COIIDITIOI{S AND TEI.IPERATURE C0I{TRACT0R'S C0NSTRUCTI0II ACTIVITIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, lnc, placed 4000 psi concrete. PERSOIIIIEL: l,lAJoR EQUIPIIEi{T: Concrete Punp, Concrete Vibrator. ACTIVITIES: CHEII-I'IORTHERN'S S ITE ACTIVIT I ES lle cast four cyl inders from a sanple taken of the concnete, perfonrEd a slump and air content test. VEREAL COI,Ii,IUIIICATIOII I.lITH CONTRACTOR, EXGINEER, ARCHITECT, OVI{ER COPIES: J V A, R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc. Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai I ; I I Dan liei I I FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED 8Y As r lirtual protcctlon to client3, the F$bllc rnd ouitclvcs, oll rspgrtt rra 3ubrrltt.d !s thc contldcntlll FroFeity of our cl{'ntt' and cuthortrltton for pubr.rcltior ol 3trte drt. conclqrlohr or ext"""ts =irLr''ir-ilgiidiig -Jir ;p.it"-ii iiiiit-i icnirng-"r," wrlttGn rpprov'l ' Sarnpiii-wi f t be dispoiod of afte; t€stlng l5 conplatad unless other .rrqngefiant3 are agrecd to in r{rltlnE' A m.ftb.r ot th. !.I! group of comp.rlet CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI'ISULTIt{G Efi6INEERS AI{t) SCIENT I ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA f.T::bF ocT 1ee3 Af 'fliiqli'lR'.f*t*irj T0: MECII Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-2-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.o. Box 3149 sHEtT I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of l{esthaven Drive and }Jestin Hotel , South Frontage Road }lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIENI LoCATI0N: Stair and Elevator Core B, Approximate E]evation 90 BATCH TICKET INFORMATIOl{ TRUCK r.r0. u4 TIl,lE BATCHED: 3:25 Ptl IICKET NO. 19?57 TIl,{€ ARRIVEO: 3':5?Pr't TIHE SUPPLIER: l,estern l'lobl I e lllX DESI6I{ l{0. l-ltx B PLACEO: 3:55 Pll-CU.Y0.L0 D/ACCU!|: 7/21/27 FIELD IESTII,IG I ]'IFORMATIOI'I TIME TEST TAKEl,l: 4:01 PM JOB SPICIFICATIONS: SLUMP: 3 3/4 SLUl,lP : Max. 4 IN. Ir,r. AIR AIR SAMPLE TEHP: C0I{TENT: 5.8X CONTENT: 4-8% 7I "F AIR TEI.IP: 60 "F IET UI{IT I/EIGHT: 141.6 IIATER ADDEO AT SITE -- CAL. CYL I IIDER I I'IFORI.IAT I ON l.l0. 0F CYt Ilt0ERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'lt CYTI DERS CAST: 4:11 Pl,l I,,HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING II{FORI.IAT I OII Il{lTlAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: DATI RECEIVED AT LAB: 9-7-93 8Y: Mark Jensen Hlt{/l'lAX A6E DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D IAMETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ Itl) COMP. STR. (PS I ) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I IIDER IIE iGHT (r8s ) CYLI NDER Ui{IT IIEIGHT (PcF) 7 28 ?8 28 28 9-9-93 9-9-93 9-30-93 9-30-93 9-30-93 9-30-93 103,500 101 ,500 137 ,000 1.33 ,500 140,000 13i .500 6.08 6.08 6.09 5.08 6.07 6.08 29.03 29.03 29. 13 29.03 28 .94 29 .03 3560 3500 4700 4500 4840 4530 snear snear snea r shear shear shear DES IGII STRENGTH 4OOO PSI O ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONI{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE lllTH APPTICABLE ASTM }IITHODS UI{LESS OTHERI'ISE NOTED SOME II{FORI,IATION OF TEST REPORT I'iAY 8E PROVIOED 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS: 6rid Lines 25 to 26 and F thru K, bedrock observation CoPIES: R,A. llelson & Associates, Inc. Attn: l,lr. Rick Agate. llestern l,lobi le, Attn: I'tlr. Rick Seymour J.V.A., Inc. : Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. HaYs FIELO OESTRVER APPROVED BY A3 ! mrt'ull brotoctlon to cllentt, tha public cllents, and authorlzrtlon for publicrtlon of pcnding our wrltten rpproval. Srmplcs wlll beln Hrl tln9. A m€mb.r of th.. Bl! group of companl.s anC Our3elves, .l l raports BtatEm€nts. cancl tlil on3 or. dl spos€d of.fter tcBting 6re subhlttrd a3 thr confldlehtl.l property of axtractr trom or rcg!rdlng oqr reports l3 rat.rv.d l3 compl€ted unlG33 other arrangenartB ngrcc.r to Fonn Ho. C gl13A 5/91 {-'r'% b: CIor reeE -q : et:q;lir,i:Y i@ vr'.1r ' r.,r;rg PRATTETt-,JLTz. \.,)' AHCHTTECTqP.G tltzzziz- CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING EIIGI I{EERS AND SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECf,l EnterDrises JOB tlO. { 178 93-3 DATE: 9-23-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Llftside Building, east of yesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACTI.,IENT LOCATIOI{ :Level 74.9; P-10, 9 to 26 & J to L. BATCH TICKET INF0RI|ATIoI{ SUPPLIER: l,/estern ltlobi Ie TRUCK flo. 150 TICKET t{0. 010019 l.{lx DESIGI{ t{0. 2 TIME BATCHE0: 9:03 AM TitlE ARRMD: 9:20 AM TIME PLACEO: 9:45 AM CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUM: 7 FIELD TESTII{G It{F0RllATIOtl SAMPLE TEtrlP: AIR TEt'lP: 70 "F TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 9:35 AM SLUl.lP: --- Il{. AIR C0I'ITENT: ---S IET UlllT UEI6HT: J08 SPECIFICATIONS: SLUMP: lil. AIR COI{TENT: :( IIATER AD0E0 AT SITE -- GAL' CYL I I'IDER I NFORMATI Ot.I l{0. 0F CYLIN0ERS: 6 CYLINoER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 9:35 A}l IIHERE CAST: 0n-5ite CURlIIG IiIFORMAT IOII II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEiVED AT LAB: 9-27-93 BY: Bobby J. Hays l,l I ll/l'lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESIED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DI AI,IETER ( INCHES ) AREA (SQ IN) c0}tP . sTR . (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I ilOER UElGHT (LBS) CYL II{OER UIITT VEIGHT ( PcF) 7 7 ?8 ?8 ?8 ?8 9-30-93 9^30-93 10-21-93 10-?I-93 l0-21-93 l0-?l -93 117,500 119,000 6.08 6.08 29.03 29 .03 4050 410 0 con/shear con/shear OESIGN STREI{GTH ---PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSONITTL ARE i1{ ACCORDAI{CE lJITH APPLTCABLE ASTI,I I.IETHODS UNLESs OTHER!'ISE NOTID SOME I I{FORI,IAT IOI{ OF TEST REPORT I{AY BE PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R,A, f{elson & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; Vestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Eobby J, Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y As a mqtu.l piot.ctlon to clf.ntt, th€ publ'lc cllents. .nd.qthorlz.tlon tor pvbllc.tlon ofp.ndlng our l|t"ltt.n.ppr'ovrl, Srmple3 rJll t'.in rri t i ng. A membci cf th€ !!! group ot comp.nl.s .nd ourr.lvsi, .ll rcports 3tltsocnt5. Concl u3 ions or dla9o.€d of .fter test'lng i16 strbmltt.d ai th. confldlentl!l Frop.rty of €xtract3 from or r€gardlng o|rr raportB l3 rcacrv€d ls compl€tcd unl€83 oth.r .rrrttgdlr€ntB dgl'ccd to Fofm No. cMEll3A 6/91 I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EI{GIIIEERS AI{O SCI EIITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA f.;''\ $" ':l--*'* -"i q,t-ffiffi.F, T0: llECl,t Enterprl ses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-27-93Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81650-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthaven Drlve and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACTI.IEI{T LOCAT IOI{ :Footlngs; Z Line between 13 thru 19 Lines. BATCH TICKET I llFoR|lAT l0f{ SUPPTIER: t{estern l,lobi le rRucK r{0. 189 TICKTT t{0. 10164 tlIX 0ESI6[ r{0. B TI}fE BATCHED: 4:00 Pl4 TIHE ARRIVED: 4:I8 PM TIME PLACED; 4:28 Plt-CU. Y0. LOAD/ACCU||: 6112 FI€LD TTSTI I'IG I TIFORI.IATION Tit'lE IESI TAKEI{: 4:36 Ptl JOB SPEC]FICATIO S: 5tUllP:31,r4 I l{. SLUI'IP: l,lax.4 I tl. SA}.IPLE TEI.IP: AIR C0I\{TEflI: 5.99 AtR C0tlTEtlT: 4-8% 68 "F AIR TE}IP: 70 "F vET ur{lr vEtdHr: tqg. e TJATER ADOED AT SITE .- GAL. CYL IIIOER I I{FORI,IAT I O1{ l{0. 0F CYTINDERS: 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIHE CYLIiIOERS CAST: 4:46 Ptl UHERE CAST: On-Site CUR I NG I l,lFoRl'lATI0N INITIAL CURE: on-Site FiELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Concrete Blanket 0ATE RECEMD AT LA8: 10-5-93 BY: l,lark Jensen l'llN/llAx 46E DAYS OATT ILSILU TOIAT LOAO (LBS) OIAIIET[R ( IHCHES) AREA (sQ Irl) col.tP.sTR. (Psr ) IYPT OF FRACTURE CYL I I,I DER VEIGHT { LBs) CYLIIIDTR UI{IT UEIGHT (PcF) I I 16 ?A ?8H 28H l0-5-93 l0- 5-9 3 l0-25-93 l0-25-93 l0-25-93 10-2 5-93 102 ,500 102 ,000 6.09 6.08 29. i3 3 520 3510 shear shear DESI6I{ STREI{GTH 3OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIT{EL ARE iI{ ACCORDAT{CT I.'ITH APPLICABLE AsT I,IETHODS UNLESS OTHERYISE ilOTED SOI4E I]{FORHATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIES: R.A, Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of vail; llestern llobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwatlney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Bobby J. ttays FIETD OBSERVER APPROVFD BY Aa. mutu.l prot.ctlor to cll€nt5. th. publlc lnd oqrs.lv.t, all Fcportr cllenti. rnd ruthorizatlon for Dubllcttlon oa 3t.tements. Conclutloni orpandl,g our wrlttet appr'oval. Srtlpl.s erlll be di.poaed of.ft.r tc3tinEln Lrltlng. A h..ttb.r of thr ts!! StoIP of comp.nt.3 .rc 3ubt'lttld .. thc confldl.ntl.l prop.rty ot €xtrsctr from or rcgarcllnE our i.portt 15 f't'fv'd lr co pl.t€d unl.3i othcr rrrrngq$tnts lgr!'q ts Fonr o. CtlEll3A 5/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTING EN6IIIEER5 AI{O SC I EI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA F"',r'% !t" orr l", ? C".nirlET 3li??c'|urBs !pnrrscuurz -irncmiecrqp.a^.9 'leurrrzl# T0: MECH Enterprises JoS ilo. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 9-29-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 80x 3lrl9 SHEET I 0F I Vai l. C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and ltertin Hotel , South Frontage Road lr€st, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T L0CATI0I{: Ltnes 23 thru 26, J thru L. Up to Elevation 85' BATCh TTCKET II{FORMATI0I{ SUPPLIER: Vestern l'lobi le TRUCK N0. 117 TICKET tito. 010265 MIX 0ESI6ll r'10. 44 TiIfE BATCHED: 2:45 Ptl IIHE ARRIVED: 3:15 Pl.1 TIME PLACED: 3:25 Pl,l CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'I: 7131 FIELD TESTIN6 II{FORIIAT I (}II TIIIE TEST TAKEN: 3:30 Pl,l JOB SPECIFTSATIONS: SLUMP: 4 'SLUt'lP: llax,4 lN. Il{. SATIPLE TEilP: AIR C(II{TEi{T: 4.01 AIR C0NIENT: 4-81 69 "F AIR IEI,IP: 70 .F UET U]{IT IIEIGHT: l4?.0 I.'ATER ADDED AT SITE () GAL. CYLIIIDER I I.I FORMAT I OI{ N0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLIN0ER SlZE: 6"x lZ" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 3:35 Pi'l VHERE CAST: On-Site CURIIIG INFORHATIOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 10-1-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITITS: Cure Blanket BY: ---l'llll/MAx AtIE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) DI AMETER ( I]{CHES ) AREA (sq rN) col,rP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{D€R I.'E IGHT (LBs) CYL IIIOER UI{IT IiEIGHT (PCF) 7 28 28 ?a ?8 r ar-a-o? l0-6- 93 10-27-93 10-27-93 t0-?7 -93 L0-27-93 100,000 105,000 5.98 6.00 28.09 28.21 3560 3 7I0 shear shear DESICI{ 5TREN61H 4OOO "B"PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONT{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE I.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTTI I'I€THODS UIILESS OTHERUISE NOTED SOI.IE iIIFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REiIARKS : CoPIES: R,A. l{elson & Associates, inc Town of Vai I ; l,lestern l'lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OSSERVER APPROVED 8Y Ar I nutual Prottctlon to cl'l.nts' th. Publlc rnal ourselv€t. 'll r'port3 cll.nt3. lnd lutho.lzrtlon for Publlcatlon oi st.te|!cnt3. Concluiiont or ;a;;i;;'.ri written approval. Srnple3 *tlI bc dispoced of sftcr t€stlnE {n Hrltlnr, A h.rnb.r ;f th. !l! grorp of comp.ntca arc ssbmlttcd .3 thc confldl.ntlal Prop.rty of axtract3 troft or rcgardlng our r.portr lt r'3'rv'd 'la cooolated unla3r othar rrrang.mant3 agr"d to Fo.m lto. Cl'lEl13A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. col{suLr mc El'lGt}lEERs AllD sclEllTIsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIE d:,.*',h e f"ffi.fr$ I0: l,lECM Enterpri ses Attn: tustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81558-3149 PR0JECT: Li ftsi de Building east ot JoB lr0. 4 178 93-3 DAILY REPORT I'IO. 7 lJesthaven Drive and Uestln Hotel, South Frontage Road k,gg oATE ! 10-4-93 SHEET 1 OT I lJest, Vail, Col orado. VEAIHER COIIOI T IOI{S AI{O IEIIPERATURE C0NTRACI0R'5 C0IISTRUCTI0I{ ACTIVITIES: Placed 4000 psi Class I Concrete. PERSOIIIIEL: I.IAJOR EQUIPI.IEI{T: ACIMTIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates placed 4000 psi concrete for the foundation wall from 6rid Lines q thru Z, CHEI{-NORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIV ITIES Ue observed the placement of concrete and six cylinders were cast from a sample taken of the concrete. VERBAL COMMUIIICATIOII I.'ITH COIITRACTOR,EIIGIT{EER. ARCHITECT, OI'NER COPI ES : J V A, R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc. Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Town of Vai l; I I I oan Nei I I FIELD ()BSERVER Fred R. Carneron APPROVEO BY Al a huts.l protcctlon to cllentr, tha psbllc .nd ourselves, .ll reports arc it|b]n{tt€d !3 -t-h. confld.ntirl property ot our cll'nt3' 'ndrsthor"ization for publicrtion of iirtemcirt. conclusion. or ertrlct3 from or regar.ting our r.port3-13 re_scrvod ieniing-our wrltt.n.Ptrov.l' 5iiiii'i-"lii-u. ai.po'"o or 6rt.; a.stlns is completed unlers oth€r arr.nse.:int: .r. lgre€d !o In t{ritlng. a ncmb.r ot th. E!! srouP of cooP.nies CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI G EIIGII{EERS AiID SCIEXTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llECil Enterprises JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 8i658-3149 0AILY REPOftT l{0. I SHE€T 10F I PROJECT: Llftside Buildlng east of l{esthaven Drive and l,lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colorado. I,IEATHER COIOIIIOIIS AiIO TEMPERATURE CoNTRACT0R'S CoNSTRUCTIoN ACTIVITIES: Placed 182 yards of 4000 psi Class B conerete. PERSOTINEL: iIAJOR EQUI PMENT: ACTIVITIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates placed 4000 psi concrete for foundation walI at Grid Lines 25 to 31 and C thru P. CHETI-i{ORTHTRN 'S SITE ACTI VI TI ES Ue observed the pl acernent of concrete. Twenty-four cylinders were cast fron samples taken of the concrete. The first truck tested had a 6l/2" slump. It was brought to the attention of l{el son & Associates' representative, who brought it to th€ attention of rePresentative of hlestern l.lobile. He told me the driver added 12 gallons of water on the way to the iobsite. VERBAL COIIMUI{ I CAT I 01{ I'IIH qO TRACTOR, TI.IGII{EER, ARCHITECI, OVI{ER CoPIE5: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.i owathmey Pratt Schultz llestern llobi I e; Dan Nei l l FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED BY Ar . .utnrl protcct.ion to cltcnt.'r the public lnd oursclv.i, .ll reports .r€ subrnittad !r thG- co.fldontirl proPlrty ot our-cll.ntt. 'ndlitfi.'iTiiii"i'r-":i;;i'icoiil;i sdatcmeirt. concrusions ".."t..iti-iJ. "ii.giiaini our rlport3 rs rca€ived ienil"e-osr wrrttcn .pproval ' iirpi." *iti be di:po;rd of ltter te.ting i5' complet€d unleri other arrlngamentr rr..greed to ln rFlting' A memb€r of th. HIH group ot corpanies REPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIN6 EITGINEERS AI.ID SCIEI.ITI STS OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER ffi{h k$'*ffi""$ T0: llECtil EnterDrises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 9-13-93 Attn: €ustaouio Cort i na P.o. Box 3149 SHEET I oF I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Westhaven 0rive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IENT LOCATIOI{ :Footing at 6rid Lines 28 to J, Page S-l EATCH TICKET I t{FORl.lAT lotl SUPPLIER: }lestern l{obile TRUCK l{0. 114 TICKET l{0. 0l-963/ MIX DESlGll lio. 44 TIi{E BATCHED: l:34 PM TIME ARRIVED: i:50 Pltl TIME PLACED; l:55 PI{-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUI'i: 7 FIELO TESTIIIG I NFORI4AT ION TIl,l€ TESI TAKET{: 2:00 PH JOB SPECIFICAT IOI{S: SLUMP: 3 1/? SLUMP: Hax.4 IN. lr'r. SAMPLE TEfiP: AIR CONTE f: 6.Sfl AIR CONTEIIT: 4-81 66 "F AtR TEIIP: 48 "F VET UITIT VEIAHT: 142.6 VATER AODED AT SITE O CAL. CYL II{DER II.IFORMATi()N ll0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 5 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIt{t CYLINDERS CAST; 2:05 P}t UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURING II{FOR}.IAT ] OII II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-5lte DATE RECEMD AT LA8: 9-15-93 FIEL0 STORAGE FACILTTIES; Under Cure Blanket BY: Carolyn Adams l{I]{/l'lAX AUE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) D IAMETER (INCHES) AREA (sQ IN) coHP. sTR . (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTUR E CYL I I.IDER I{E I GHT (LBs) CYLITIOTR UI{IT l.IEIGHT {PcF) 7 z8 ?8 ao ?s 9-20-93 9-?0-93 l0- I r -93 t0-ll-93 10-11-93 t0- 1l-e3 113,000 116, 000 I47 ,000 156,000 155,500 153 .000 6.08 6.08 5.98 5.98 5.98 c aF. 29.03 29.03 ?8.09 28.09 ?8. 09 ?s.09 3890 4000 5230 5540 5450 shear shear snedr shear shear snear OESIGII SIREHGTH 4000 PsI @ 28 oAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE III ACCORDA]ICE VITH APPLiCABLE ASTM I.IETHODS UNLESS OTHERI'ISE I{OTED SOI,I€ INFORI4ATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS: COPIES: R.A. Helson & Associates, Inc.Attn: l,lr. Rtck Aqate. l{estern }'lobi }e, Attn: l'lr. Rick Selrrnour J.V.A,, Inc. : Erian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays F]ELD OE5ERVER APPROVED BY Aa. mutull protcctton to cltents, the publlc and our3elves, !ll ieportc .rc submitted t3 the conlidlentl.l proPerty of clt.nt3, .nd authorizatlon for pub?lcrtion of Bt.tements. Conclusions or e'trncts trom or regardtng !1r reeolls, i-3,l:i:fvcdirniitig'oui wiiiitn ipprovat, S6mples wlll be di3posed o{.fter testing is completed un1e33 other trr.ng€ocnt3 6gre.d to ln |,rl ti no.i-r:;;; 3; thc EI! grosp of companies Fo''$ tlo' cHEll3A 5/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIf{6 EN6II.IEERS ANO SC tEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: |tECl'{ €nterprises J08 t'10. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-4-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Vesthaven Drive and l'restin Hotel , South Frontage Road lrest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,,IEIIT LOCAT I OT{ :Foundation Ual'l ; Lines Q thru Z. SAICH TICKET II{FORMAIION SUPPLIER: Hestern }lobi le TRUCK N0. 151 TICKET N0. 0486 I'tlX DESI6 t{0. 44 TIME BATCHE0: l:35 PM TIME ARRIVE0: ?;05 Ptl TIME PLACEO: 2:30 PM-CU. YD.L0AO/ACCUI'I: e8 FIELD TEST1NG I NFORMAT I OII TEST TAKEN: Z:?0 PA SATIPLE TEMP: C0t{TEHT: 5. Sfi C0IITENT; t 7t "F AIh TEHP: 70 T vET UfirT V€t6HT: VATER AOOED AT SITE -- 6AL. TIME J08 SL UMP 5L UI.IP 3 I lz Iti.AIR SPEC I FICAT IONS IN,AIR CYL II{DER II{FORI.IATION t{0. 0F CYLII|0ERS: 6 CYLINoER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIME CYLIIIDERS CAST: 2:30 Ptl WHERE CAST: on-Site CURII{G I I{FORI.{AT ION Il{lTIAL CURE: 48 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 0n-S i te t0-6-93 FIEL0 SToRAGE FACILITIES: Hot 8ox 8Y: Carol yn Adams l'llfi/MAx AtTL DAY S DATT TESTE O TOTAL LOA[} (LBs) OIAMEIER ( r r{cHts ) ARIA (sQ l ) COFIP . SIR. (Ps r ) TYPI OF FRACTURT CYL I NOER I'IEIGHT (L8s ) CYLINOER UIIIT !'EIGHT ( PCF) 28 t6 28 'A 10-11-93 10-11-93 ll-r-o? il -1-93 I l-1-93 1l-l-93 I05, 500 4,000 6.05 6.08 28.84 29.03 3660 3930 shear snear DESIGN STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS TESTS BY LAB0RATORY PER50NI{EL ARE il{ ACCORoANCE IJITH APPIICABLI ASTI'I METH005 UNLESS olHERtlISt NoTED SOI.IE II{FORMATIOf{ OF TEST REPORT MAY 8E PROVTDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: CoPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail ; lJestern Mobile; J V A, lnc.; Guathney Pratt Schultz Oan Neill BobbY J. Hays FIELO OESERVER APPROVED BY A3 a m{tual prot.ctlor to cl{cn!t. th. publlc .nd orrselves. .ll r.portg cllGntt, rnd luthortz:tlon for Fublic.tion of 3t!t€mentt' Conclusio'ls or p€ndlng our rrrittet| approval. s.mpl€s will b. dlspo3ed of.ft€r t.lting in wrltl nE. A m.mbcr ;f th. !l! group of comprnles .re rlbnltt.d a3 th. conlldlGntl.l PropGrty of €ttracts fqo||| or rlgrrdtng osr rcpoFts it rc6'rv'o is compl€ted unlcss ;thct" .rr'lngenents {gr"d to Foro {o. CME1l3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EI,IG I I{EERS AND SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA d^x"'% F- ort t'nt eifr -'tn*'''; ,t fr?-,ffi.ti{i:r#(tceearyP T0: MECII Enterprises JgB 10. 4 178 93-3 gATE: 10-6-93Attn: €ustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET t 0F 1YaiI, C0 8I658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Eutlding, east of lJesthaven Orive and l,lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road V€st, Vail, Colo, PLACEMEflT LOCATION:E]evator C to Elevatton 84 EATCH TICKET IIIF()RMTIOI{ TRUCK r{0. u9 TII.IE BATCHED: TICKET NO. 10606 TI}IE ARRIVED:TI}IE PLACEO: SUPPLIER: l/estern ilobi I e I.IIX DESIGI{ NO. 44 B CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU}I: FIELD TESTII{6 II,IFORI.iATION TIt.{E TEST TAKII{: JOB SPEC I F ICATIOI{S: IIFORI{ATI0il I0TSLUI{P: I t{.SLUHP: l t{. PROVIDEO SA}IPLE TEI4P; COt{TEiiI: % C0t{TE}lT: X .F AtR TEI.IP: VET UHIT TIEIGHT: VATER AODEI} AT SITE 6AL. AIR AIR CYL I IIDER IIIFORI.IAII ON tlO. 0F CYLINOERS: 6 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII4E CYLIT{DERS CASI: IIHERE CAST: On-Site CUR I 116 I iIFORMAT IOII II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elanket OATE RECEMD AT LAB: 10-ll--o3 8Y: l,lark Jenseo tllttiHA.X AGE OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) O I AI.IEIER ( r ilcHEs ) AR EA (sQ It{) cofiP. sTR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER UE IGHT (LBs) CYL IIIDER Ui.|IT YEI6HT ( PcF) 7 7 z8 ?8 28H e8H l0- 13 -93 ln-1?-o? 1l -3-93 I I -3-93 1l -3 -93 I t -?-o? 122,500 8s , 000 6.07 6.08 28.94 29.03 423 0 2930 snea r shear DESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4000 r)l 0 28 OAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOIINEL I,RE IlI ACCORDAI{CE VITH APPLICASLE ASTI.I METHOOS U]{LESS OTHERVISE IIOT€O SOI'{E II{FORHATIOT{ OF TESI REPORT I{AY 8E PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REI'IARK5:Cylinders were cast by the contractor. CoPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vaii; llestern MobiIe; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Bobby J. HaYs FIEID OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y 43 a |nlltull prot.ctlon to clllnts, th. publlc cllcriti. and authorllatioh for publlc.tlon of pcndlnE our |'ritt.n .ppt'oval . Srmple. iill be tn lrrltinc. A membcr ;f thc !:! group of comp.ni€t anal oursclves, .l I raport3 st.t.Ent!. Conc l u.lon3 or dl3po3e.l of .fte. t€itlng !r. .sbmltt6.l ri th! conlldllnttrl propcrty of axtractB from or raglrd{ng osr raport3 It r.tcrv.d ir complatad unl.3r oth.r lfrlnErt.nt3 tgr..d to Forn Ro. CtitEll3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC, COIISULTIIIG EI{GI I{EERs AiIO SCIET{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT f-I''% lE oo:rr le93 Rio ftlt:i::i:,1!it I'i prirnii,i,*n ::1.lff+t'llE qt'?.,# T0: l,lECll EnterDri ses J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-14-93 Attn: Eustaoui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET t 0F r VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bullding, east of lJesthaven Dnive and Uestin Hotel . South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEIIT LOCATIOII:tJalf s, 6rid 2? to ?4 and Lines Q through J. SATCH IICKET II{FORI,IATIOI,I TRUCK l{0. 119 TII1E BATCHED: 1:01 Pl.l TICKET lio. 19669 TIifE ARRIVED: L:12 PM T I I'IE SUPPLJ€R: l,lestern l.lobi I e fiIX DES IGT{ tlo. I PLACED: I:15 Pll-Cu. YD. L0AO/ACCUi4: 7/21/100 FIELO TESTII{G IIIFORI.IATIOI{ SA}.IPLE TEIIP: 76 "F AIR TEI.IP: 60 .F TII'IE TEST fAKEt{: 1:22 Ptl SLWP: 3 1/2 IN. AIR COl{TEliT: 4.81 }lET UIIIT I{EIGHT: 143.6 JOB SPEC IF ICATI0I,IS: SLUiIP: IN. AIR C0llTEl{T: g UATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL I I{DER II{FORIIATiOII 0. 0F CYLIflDERS: 6 CYtIll0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLII{DERS CAST: l:32 Pl,t IIHERE CASI: On-Site cuRIil6 INF0R|4ATlotl INITIAL CUR€: 24 hours On-Site OATE RECTIVED AT LA8 : FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Concrete Blanket 8Y:r,rIil/ilAx A6E OAYS I)ATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD tLES) D IAI.IETER ( IficHEs ) AREA (sq ril) c0HP . sTR. (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER !,T I GHT (LBS ) CYLINDER UI{]T I'EIGHT (PcF) 7 7 ?8 28 ?8 28 9-2r-93 9-21-93 10-12-93 10- 12-93 l0-t2-93 10-12-93 110,000 115,500 141 ,500 139,500 140,000 135,000 6.08 6.08 6.07 6.07 6. 08 b. uo 29.03 29.03 28.94 28.94 29.03 28.84 3790 3980 4890 4820 4820 4680 con/shear con/shear con/shear con/shear con/shear 6onlshear OESIGII STRENGTH 4000 PsI @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY P€RSON'IEL ARE IN ACCORDANCE I/ITH APPLTCABLE ASTI.I I.{ETHODS UI.ILTSS OTHER!'IST I{OTEO SOI.IIE TI{FORMATIOT{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMRKS: CoPIES: R.A. t{elson & Associates, Inc.,Attn: Hr. Rick Agate. llestern Moblle, Attn: ilr. Rick Seynour; J.V.A., Inc.; Gvratlrney Pratt Schultzi Carolyn Adans EobbY J. HaYs FIELD ()ESERVER APPROVED 8Y A3 r |n|ttual protaetlon to cllents, thc publlc cll€nt!. and luthorlz.tlon fot' publlcatlon of pcndlng our trnlttcn approvtl. S.FDla3 liill beir l|fi ting.a oenber of thc E!! group o'f cofiplnla3 aad oursalvet, rl I raport3gtatcmcnt3. Concl u.lont o|. .ll6poscd of aftcr tGrtlng ria itrb|EJttcd aB thc confidlentlal prap€ity of Grtracts trom or rcg.rdlng our r€port3 l3 ra3'rv€d lr conplet€d unlcs3 other arr.ng€rn€nt3 agra'q to Fonn No. Cl.lEll3A 6/91 REPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING EIICIIIEERS AIID SCI ENT I STS OF CONCHETE TEST CYLINDER D dx''\ tuw-# T0: l,lECl,l Enterpri ses JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 8-16-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lresthaven orive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI{E]IT LOCATION:Footings; Grid Lines 21.5 to 23, K to R. BATCH TICKET Ii{FOR]'iATIOI{ TRUCK ll0. 11/t TIME BATCHED: 2:38 Pil TICKET r,r0. 018725 TIl,lE ARRMD: 3:15 Pt{T I},IE SUPPLIER: l,lestern l,lobi le HIX 0ESI6I{ N0. llix B PLACED: 3:20 Pll-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU}|:I FIELO TESTTI{G IIIFORflATIOil SAI.IPLE TETIP: 70 "F AIR TEIIP: 75 "F TIl,fE TEST TAKET{: 3:30 PM SLUiIP: 3 3/4 Il{. AIR C0t{TE}lT: 5.8* tlET UNIT UEIGHT: 140.2 J()B SPECIFICATI0NS: SLUHP: Ill. AIR C0NTEIIT: X TJAIER A0DED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYL II'IDER i IIFORHAT I OI{ l{0. 0F CYLINoERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12' Till€ CYLIIIDERS CAST: 3:40 Ptl IIHERE CAST: on-Site CURIT{G I}IFORI.IATION I1{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours I)ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Site 8-17-93 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILITIES: None BY: Bobby J. Hays tllll/MM A6E OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs ) OIAI.IETER ( rNcHEs) AREA (sq rN) c0f,tP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER. I,IEI6HT (LBS) CYTINDER UI{IT UEIGHT ( PcF) td ?8 56 8-23-93 9-13-93 9- 13-93 l,t-1 I -o? 93,000 109,500 108,000 124,500 6.09 6.09 6. 09 6.07 29.13 ?9.t3 29.13 28.94 3190 3760 3710 4300 snear snear shear shear DESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4()OO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORAI0RY PERS0I{I|EL ARE Il{ ACC0RDANCE I'llTH APPLICABLE ASTt'l I{ETH0DS UNTESS 0THERUISE N0TED SOME IIIFORMATION OF TEST REPORT I'IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS : CoPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.Attn: l.lr, Ri ck Agate; Joe E. Benedict Eobby J, Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y A1 a muturl piotectton to cllcnts, thc publ.lc lnd ourselvci, rlI report3 ar€ submltted at the confldl€ntlal propcrty of clients, rnd;othorlzatlon for psbllcatlon of gtrt€ment3, Concluilons or cxtrlcts from or rogrrdlng oqr r.ports 1i-l!ail".d;c;Ji;;'";; wrtttcn approvat. Samplcr will be di5poscd of cfter t6rtlng ir completcd unl€3i oth.r !rrang.mcnt3 agr..d to ln $|rlt{nq,A'.iil:;";i the !l! sroup of comp.nies Fon No. c'lElt3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI116 EI{6INEERS ANO SCI EHT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA sr%p ocr lwg GI'r'ATlirt:? Na' PHFfi{.gauJu ff,$l***qdi| Qeseaz4 east of l'lesthaven Drive and JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DAT€: 10-5-93 SHEET I OF 4 ltestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. Enterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na 8ox 3149 c0 81658-3149 Ll ftsi de 8uilding, T0: |.1ECM Attn: P .0. Vail, PROJECT: PLACEHEI{T LOCATIoI{: Foundation l,,a'lls; Lines 25 to 31 and C thru P' SUPPLIER: lJestern flobi le HIX oEs IGI{ tlo. 44 TIl.lE PLACED: 8:20 Al'l-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUi'|: BATCH TICKTT I NFORMAT ION IRUCK [0. 151 TIIIE EATCHE0: 7:57 AM TICKET ilo. 05l l TIiIE ARRIVED: 8:15 AM FTELD TESTIN6 II{FORUATIOI.I Til,,lE TEST TAKEI{: 8:30 Al'l JOB SPECI FICATI OI.IS: SLUl,lP: 6 5LUMP: SAMPLE TEHP: AIR COllTEl{T:4.5I AIR CO|{TEHT: f 62 "F AIR TEHP: 60 ? ITET UI{IT lIE IGHT: I,,ATER AODEO AT SITE I? 6AL. CYLIXDER IIIFORT'IATION tlo. 0F CYLiflDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLIiIOERS CAST: 8:45 /t}l UHERE CAST: ON-St tE CURIN6 1I{FORHATIOI{ INITIAL CUR8: 24 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT IAB: FIETD SIoRAGE FACILITITS: Cure Blanket BY: Bobby J. Hays HIN/I'IAX CYLII{DER UXIT lIEIGHT (PCF) CYL I IIDER VE I6HT (LBs) shear snear 10- IZ-93 10- 12 -93 11-2-93 11-2-93 11-2-93 11-2-93 28A Z8A 284 284 OESIGN STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOIINEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE UITH.APPLICABLE ASTI'I I''IETHODS UItt€SS OTHERI'ISE IIOTEO SOI4E I]{FORI.IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS Dan tleill Sobby J. HaYs FIELO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CoPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai I ; lleslern llobi le; J v A, Inc.; GwatlnnY Pratt Schultz; Ar I mutrr.l protactlon to cll€otsr th' publlc cllert3. and ruthorlzation for publ lcct{on-of Dendlng our rritten lPProval ' stmPl's wr | | D€ ln wri t i ng. a nemb€f ;f thc tsll! grouP ot cdmp'nle3 .nd oursclve3. al'l r€Portt st6t€.ncnts. Concl q3lon3 or dliposcd of .fter t.3tlng rre lut'|nltt.d 13 th. confld{.ntt!l proP'rty of .rtr.cts frofi or r€slrdi|r9 our raForts is r'lcFvc! r r'-ii*piit.a unl eg; 6ttrcr irrangcncnts'916'0 to Forttl No. cM€113A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIN6 EI{6I NEERS AND SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: I'iECM Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 4 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ly'est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IE]{T LoCATI0I{: Foundation tlalls; 6rid Lines 25 to 3l and C thru P. BATCH TICKET I NFORI,|AT I Ol{ SUPPLIER: lJestern tlobile TRUCK TIO. IO4 TICKET NO. 052? I.IIX OESIGN NO. 44 TIHE BATCHED: l0:09 AH TII'iE ARRIVED: l0:40 AM TII'IE PLACED:10:45 Al't-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCW: 63 FIEIO TESTIt{G II{FORI.IATIOI{ TIt'tE TEST TAKET{: 10:55 All JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SLUf,tP SLUI,IP 3 314 rN. Ill. SAHPLE TEMP: AIR C0t{T€t{T; 5.4X AIR COtlTEflT: Y 67 "F AIR TEIIP: 65 .F I.'ET UI{IT I{Ei6HI; UATIR ADDED AT S]IE O GAL. CYTIIIDER IIIFORI,IATIOI{ tlo. 0F CYLIiIDERS: 6 CYLIilDER SIZE: 6"x t2" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: 11:i0 At! !{HERE CAST: on-Site CUR I I{6 I I{FORIiIATION ItttTIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT tAB: 10-6-93 FIELO ST0RAGE FACILIIIES: Cure Slanket BY: Bobby J. Hays HII{/ilAX ACE OAY S DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (t8s) DIAMETTR ( rflcHEs ) AREA (sQ IN) COMP. STR . (PSr) TYPE OF FRACIURE CYL I ]IDE R I.'E I GHT ( LBS) CYLI NDER Utl IT t,lEl6HT (PcF) 7A 7B 288 ?88 e88 288 1n-r ?-o? 10-12-93 l1-2-93 1l-?-93 lt-2-93 l1-2-93 8l ,500 94,000 6.08 5.09 29 .03 ?9. 13 28LA 3239 s near shear DESiGI{ STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI A ?8 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORAIORY PERSOIII{EL ARE III ACCOROAI{CE IJITH APPTICABL! A5II'I I'IETHOD5 UI'ILESS OT}IER!'IsE I{OIIO SOHE I IIFORI,IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT MAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPIE5: R,A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; tlestern l,lobile; J V A, lnc.; Glrath eY Pratt Schultz Oan Neill Eobby J. HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY As i r!ut|r.I protcctlon to cll.nti, the pubtlc lnd ourt.lves, !ll rcport3 lre sob.nltt€d.. tttc cottJdt'hti'l Prop€t-ty of "ij"ita,-"io 6uthorlzltton for pubilcltlon of strtemanti. _ concluilont or crtrlcts from or r€g.rdlng our reports i5-r'scrveo penjtng'our-wrrtt.n .pprov.l. Sinrpl.i *iit-6. dt3poi.d of .fter t€6tlng l3 compl.t€d unl€ri othcr lrr'.nge'n€nt5 'gr'eo ro A"rllilili';i th. !J! sroup ol conpant€3 Fofln No' cHEll3A 6/91 0 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SI'LTII{G EI{GII{EERS A}IO SC I ENTI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A. a mtrtu.l protcetlon to cll.6tc, th€ psbllc and ourtclv.rr !ll r€por"ts rra ru&nltt.d 13 thc confldl.ntl.l Propcrty ot clicntsr lnd ruthorl3atlon for pubtlcrtion of st.tcr.€.t3. Conclqsions or cxtrrct3 trom or rlgardlng osr rcpot-t3 It r.t.rv.d pcndtng 6u. wFitt.n .pprov!1. snrplcs ftll be dis,po3.d of rfter t€!t1i|9 is codDl.tad qnlcas oth.r .rFangetrt' t3.gr.cd ro ln wrlti{g. A m€mber ;f th. !I! group of codpani.s Fofti t{o. cl|Ell3A 6/91 T0: l.lECll Attn P. 0. Vai i PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Cofti na Box 3149c0 81658-3149 Li ftsl de 8ui lding, J08 fl0.l/8 93-3 0ATE: 10-5-93 SHEET 3 OF 4 of Uesthaven Drive and l'resti n Hotel South Frontage Road tfest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{I L0CATIOI{: Foundatlon llalls; Lines 25 to 31 and C thru P. BATCH TICKET INFOR!|ATI0I{ SUPPLIER: lrestern Hobile TRUCK 1,r0. 151 TICKET tro. 0534 hIX 0EStGlt ilo. 44 TIHE BATCHE0: 12:36 Pll TIIIE ARRIVED: i:00 Pll TIIIE PLACE0: 1:10 Pll-CU. Y0. L0AO/ACCUI|: i05 FIELO TESTIIIG I I{FORI.IAT I OI{ SAI'IPLE TEIIP: lL,F AIR TEI,IP: 58 OF TIME IEST TAKEI{: 1:20 Pt( SLUMP: 4 ltl. AIR C0t{TEttT: 5.2% lttT Ul{lT !JEI6HT: J08 SPECI FICAT I0l{S: SLUIIP: Ill. AIR C0l{TEt{T: 7 l,rATER A00E0 AT SIIE -- GAL. CYL I I{DER J IIFORI.{ATiON t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TI}18 CYLIROERS CAST: 1:30 Pll UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR IIIG I IIFORI.,IAT IOl{ It{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site OAIE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 10-6-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILIIIES: Cu|e Blanket BY: Bobby J. Hays l'lIll/MAX A('L DAYS DATE TES TE D TOTAL LOAO (t8s) OIAI"IITER ( INCHES ). AREA (sQ m) COMP . STR, (PsI) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER I.'E I GHT (LBS) CYtiI{DER UIIIT VEIGHT (PcF) 28C 28C 28C 28C l0- l2-93 l0-12 -93 ll-2-93 11-2-93 i I -z-93 i 1-2-9 3 103,000 102,000 6.04 6. 01 28.65 28.37 3 590 3600 shear shear OES IGII STREI{GTH 4000 PSI I 28 oAYS IESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERsOI{IIEL ART II{ ACCORDAIICE VITH APPLICABTE ASTM }IETHODS UIILESS OTHERUISE IOTEI} SOME IT{FORTIATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOEB BY OTH€RS REMRKS : COPIE5: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern l,{obile; J V A, Inc.: Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Oan Neill Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVTR APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIIIG EI{G I IIEERS AT{D SCIENIISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA AB a nutunl protcction to cll.ntt, the pqhllc lnd ourrclv.sr !11 r.portr .re gubnlttcd !t the confldlentlal prop€rty of cl.icntsr .nd asthortzatton for Fubl{catlon of strtcarrent3- ConclE3ion3 or sitraets fron or tcgaldlng our reportt l3 rc3crved ;;;;i;;'";;-r{"iia€n approv.l. Simptes wlll bG dt.poc.d ol rrtir ieittng li coflplct€d unlecr 6thcr arr.ng€m.nt3 rgF€'d to in writing.i-mimlii ii thc !!! group of conte.ni€3 FoFrE No. cMEll3A 6/91 T0: l,l€Cl.l Enterprises JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10'5-93 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHE€T 4 0F 4Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of Vesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHETIT LoCATloll; Foundatl on t{alls: Lines 25 to 3l and C thru P. BATCH TICKET ItlF0RllAIIOll SUPPLIER: I'lestern l'lobi le TRUCK l{0. 97 TICKET H0. 0552 tllx DESIGI{ tl0. 44 IIME SATCHED: 3:17 Pl.l TIt'lE ARRIVED: 3:30 Pl,l TIME PLACED: 3:40 Pil-CU. Y0. L0AO/ACCUH: 154 FTELO T€SIIII6 INFORI.{ATIOI{ SAI1PLE TEIIP: 73 .F AIR TET.IP: 70 "F TII{E TEST TAKET{: 3:50 Ptl SLu}tP: 5 It{. AIR C0llTEt{l: 5.71( tr{ET Ul{tT UEIGHT: JOB SPECIF ICAI I0l{S; SLUiIP: Iil. AIR C0NTE},|T: X VATER AD0ED AT SITE --- GAL. CYL I I{OER I I{FORHAT IOI{ t{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIllofR SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 4:00 PM IJH€RI CAST: on-Site CURI116 II{FORI.IATIOIi II{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site OATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-6-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILIIIE5: Cure Blanket BY: Eobby J. Hays l'lIl{/HAX AGE OAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (LBs) D ] AHETER ( INCH€S) AREA (sq ril) COMP. STR , (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURI CYLIIIDER lJE I GHT (L8S) CYL II{DER UNIT I.IE I6HT (PCF) 70 7D a8D 28D 280 280 10- l2-93 l0- 12-93 1l-2-93 r1-2-93 1l-2-93 l I -2-93 87,500 l0l,000 6.00 5.98 28.?t ?8.09 3090 3600 shear shear OESIGN STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 ?8 oAYs TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOIIITEL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE VTTH APPLICABLE ASTI.i }IETHODS UNLESS OTH€RIIISE I{OTEO SO}{E I I{FORI.IAT I OtI OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: CoPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, lnc Town of Vai I ; Uestern l,lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwattney Pratt Schultz Oan l{eill Sobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVTD 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cor{sulTllrc Ell6lirEERs AlrD sclElrTlsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER D I\P'S. 93-3 DATE: 9-16-93T0: t{ECl{ Enterpri ses Attn: Eustdquio corttna JOB N0' 4 178 P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftslde 8uilding, east of l{esthaven orive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACE!4EIfT L0CATI0N: ilalls at Grid Lines 22 ro ?4 and Llnes Q thru J' Second Lift. BATCH TICKET I l{F0RllAT lofl SUPPLIER: Uestern l'lobi le TRUCK ilo. ll7 TICKET l{0. 19803 l,lIX oESICI{ t{0. B TIHE BATCHED: 3:14 Pll Tll|E ARRIVED: 3:35 Pl{ TII'IE PLACED: 3:41 Pl'l-CU. Y0. LOAD/ACCUIIi: 7121148 FTELD TESTING IIIFORT.IATIOII Tlllt IEST TAKET{: 3:45 Pil JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUIIP:4114 I1{. SLUTIP:It{. SAIIPLE TEl,lP : AIR C0l{TEf{T: 6.9X AIR COl'lTEl{T: % 76 "F AIR TEI4P: 65 OF llET UI{IT tlE I6HT: IJATER AODED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYLlIIDER IITFORIIATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLII{0ERS: 6 CYLII'IDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYIIIIDERS CAST: 3:55 Pl'l UHERE CAST: 0n-Slte CURIT{G II{FOR!,IATIOI{ Ii{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Insulated 8'lanket DATE RECEMo AT !AB: 9-20-93 BY: Frank Potvi n llll{/llAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAl.IETER ( iltcHEs ) AREA (sq ril) c0HP . sTR. (Psr) TYPE IIF FRACIURE CYL I IIDER UEI6HT (LBs ) CYLINDER UIIIT IIEIGHT (PcF) 28 28 28 ?a 9-23-93 9-23-93 t0-14-93 10-14-93 t0-14-93 l0-i4-93 95,000 98,000 It8,500 120,000 t2s,000 12?,000 6.00 6.08 5.98 5.98 5.99 6.07 ?8.27 29 .03 ?8.09 28.09 28. l8 28.94 3360 3380 4220 4270 4440 4??0 shear shear shear shear shear shear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4000 Pst 0 28 oAYs TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE 1I{ ACCORDAI{CE YITH APPLICAELE ASTI,I I'IETHOOS U]{LESS OTHERT'ISE I{OTED SOI.{E INFORiIATIOI{ OF TEST REPORI I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, In6.Attn: filr, Ri ck Agate. llestenn l.lobile, Attn: llr. Rlck Seymur J.V.A., Inc.; Grrrattmey Pratt Schultz; Carolyn Adans BobbY J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y A3 a ixrtull prot.ction to cllc.t'. th. Publlc cllents. .nd .uthorlr.tlon tor Fubllc.tlor ot p.hdlng our Nr{tt€n lpProv.l. S.tnPlc! wlll be ln rrl tlnq. A h.fibrr 6l th. EI! group ot complni.r and outsalvc!, rll iapot't3 rtrtenanta. Cohcl ||Jlonl ol dl apolad of aftcr ta3tltrg arc subnlttcd as th. cohfldlcntlal piop.rty of axtr.aCti frOfi Or ragardlhg our rcportt lt rct.rvad {r conFlatad unlets othci arrangc'|cnts agrccc !o Form No. CHEl13A 5/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULI IIIG EIIGIIIEERS AM} SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACT 4,1h R*W "-.:al;g'}.Y/ T0: l'lECll Enterprises J08 0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-7-93Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 oAILY REPoRT t{0. 9 SHEET l0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Building east of !,esthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. VEATHER COiIDITI0 S At{O TETIPERATU(E: Rain - 45 degrees F. COIITRACTOR' S COI{STRUCTIOT{ ACTIVITI E5 PERSOI{I{EL: I.IAJOR EqUIPMEflT: ACTIYITIES: CHEI{-IIORTHERiI'S S]TE ACTI VIT I ES Ue picked up a soil sample at the request of David Schreiner, the material was imported fron Swift 6ulch. The material needs a Proctor, gradation and P.I. VERBAL COI.Irufl TCATIOII VITH COI{TRACTOR, EITGII{EER, ARCHITECT, OUI{ER COPIES: R.A, llel son & Associates. Inc. J V A, Inc.; tuathney Pratt Schul tz Town of Vail;l I I Brian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED BY A3. lrututl protactlon to cll€nt3, th. publlc.nd ourr.lvcs, .tI r.por"ts .re subnlttcd rs thc corfldcntl.l propcrty of our cllcnt3, .nd luthorlratlon fot. publlclt{on of stat.m€;t. Concluilons or cxtr.cts iro(t or r€g.rdlng oqr.qpor.ti is iascrvod panding our rr{tt!$ rFFroerl. Sa!F1a3 r.t1l b. rll3po3.d of .ftcr tcatlng ls conplGtcd unl.3i other arrangcrncntr rr1 rgroed to in wrlting. A h.nb.r of th. ElE gt-oup of con|p.n{cs CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coltsljtT I ltc EIG TEERS AID SCIE]tTtSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llEclil Entemri sesAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Val l. C0 81658-3149 JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-1?-93 OAILY REPORT IIO. 10 SHEET 1 OF 1 PR0JECI: Liftside Euilding east of Uesthaven Drive and hlesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, fall, Colorado. VEATHER COITDITIONS AIID TEI.IPTRATURE COIITRACTOR' S COIISTRUCTIOII ACTIV TTIES PERSOI{I,IEL: l,lAJ0R EQUlPl,lEt{T: Concrete Punp, High Cycle Concrete Vibrator. ACTIVITIES: Contractor poured footi ng wall at 6rid Lines C thru L and 25 thru 31; Elevation 53.9 to 64.3. CHEI-IIORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIVITIES l{e observed th€ contrastor placing concrete at the above rnentioned Grid Lines and elevations. Ue sampled the concrete at the discharge of pump, tested conorete for slunp, air content, unit weight and cast three sets of cylinders, VERBAL COIII'IIJI{ICAIIOII I'TIH COIITRACTOR, EIIGII{EER, ARCHITECT, O}IIER Contractor was advised of test results. l,lark of Vestern lloblle vlas advised of results of flrst slump and air content test. COPIES: R.A. J V A, Inc. ; Nelson & Associates, Inc. GvratlnEy Pfatt Schul tz Town of Vail; I I I Brian Scanl an FITLD OBSERVTR Fred R. Caneron APPROVED SY A+ a mutq.l protcctlon to cll.[tr, th€ plbttc {nd ouraalvai, ell rcports {r. 3ubn{ttcd .3 tha. confld.ntlrl Frop.rty of ou.r^.cl{rnt3. dnd auihbr'tatt.r tor. Dubllcrtto,|| ot rtrtcr|ent. conclusion3 or extre.ti-f""'| o;;;si;aini oqr raports ls rr-:rrvcd icnilng our wtittcn 'pFiovrl ' iiiiii.i *iti lJaisporcA ot.ft€r tcatlng l5 cohplated unles3 othcr arrangondnts u-..gt-.Gd to ln nl'ltlng. A |'€rlb.r of tha !!! group of co|lprnlcs CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIl{G EilGIITE€RS AIIO SCIE'ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT f'" + t"-.i F- ocr Hsi, E d#ATHI:::".r i P,,jffiffiH"$ J08 ll0, 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-20-93T0: l,lECll Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F I _ Vaii, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Bulldlng, east of Uesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, golo. PLACEI,IENT LOCATIOII:l{orth llal I Lines P-10 through P-26, J to P. BATCH TICKET It{F0R}lATI0l{ SUPPLIER: llestern llobi le TRUCK ilo. 114 TICKET t{0. 9932 iltX DESIGI| r0. 44 Tl!'lE BATCHED: --- TIIIE ARRIVED: 3:45 Pil TIl.lE PLACED: 4:05 P|,|-CU.Y0.L0AD/ACCU!|: 7 FIELD TEsTIllE IllF0RllATIOl{ SAl,lPtE TEl,lP: 71 T AIR TEIIP: 7? oF TIl,lE TEST TAKEI{: 4:10 Pil SLUilP: 4 1/4 lil. AIR C0l{TEtlT: 5.21 UET tit{IT UEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0HS: SLU}IP: Il{. AIR C0l{TEl{T: X UATER ADOED AT SITE 0 GAL. cYLII{DER Il{F0Rl,lATI0t{ t{0. 0F CYLIIIoERS: 4 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 4:15 Pl4 IIHERE CAST: on-slte CI'RINC IT{FORI.IATIOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 9-22-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: lnsulated Bl anket BY: l{ark Jensen l,llll/l,lAx AGE DAYS DATE TEST€D TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIAI.IETER ( It{cHES ) AREA (sQ It{) coilP. sTR. (psl) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINOER UEIGHT (LBS ) CYLIl{OER UIIIT I,'EIGIIT (PcF) 28 28 56 9-?7-9X 10-18-93 10-18-93 l1-15-93 121,000 153,000 157,000 6.05 6,05 6.07 28.75 28.75 28.94 42t0 5320 5430 shear shear shear OESIGI{ STRETIGTH 8-4OOO PSI 8 28 DAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PERSOI{]{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE VITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I'IETHODS U]{LESS OTHERUISE ]{OTEO SOI{E IIIFORI,IATIOfl OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHER5 REiIARKS: COPIES: R.A, flel son & Assoclates, Inc.,Attn: l,lr. Rick Agate. lrestern lloblle, Attn: l{r. Rick SeJmrour; J.V.A., Inc.; Ewatlmey Pratt Schultz; Oan Nelll Eobby J. Hays FIELO OESERVER APPROVED BY Ar. buturl prot.etlon to cll.ntr, thc publlc .nd ogttc'|v.3, .ll l'.pott3 cll.ntrr lnd althorlzatlori loi publlcrtlon of ltatdnent!. Conclurlr|r' orp.ndlng oi|r irlttcn .ppr"ov.l. SarDlct wlll bc dlsposcd of .ttir t€rtlngIn raltlng. A nlmber of th. !!E gronp of cctnrnl.! crc aubnltt.d rr th. confldlcntlal proparty ef cxtrrctr fion or raglrdlng our rcPorts la r.rrwad li coftt'lct.d unlata othcr lrrrnganrlnts agracd to Fortn No. c}lEIllA 6/91 t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULT I]{G EIIGINEERS AIIO SCIEI{TI5TS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER F ort lngE :" .dbtil#p/R*r'tqe?itEAfr -'.j I0: ECII Enterprl ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 10-13-93 Attn: Eustagulo corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 pROJECT: Liftslde Sullding, east of tlesthav€n Drive and l{estln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo- PLACEHEflT L0CATI0I{: Lon Yall beteeen Grld Lines Y-2 and Elevator shaft "c". SATCH TICKET I1{FORI.IATIOI{ TRUCK N0. 150 TIl,tE EATCHE0: 4: 17 Pl{ TICKET ll0. 010756 TIl,lE ARRIVEO: --- SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobi I e l,ltx DEsIGll ilo. 44 TII{E PLACED: 4:30 P|{-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI{: Tl7l FIETD TTSTII{G I NFORI{ATION TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 5:50 Pll JO8 SPECIFICAITOI{S: SLUIIP:21l2 lil. SLUIIP: llax.4 I1{. SAI{PLE TETIP: AIR C0l{TEl{T:3.5I AIR CoflTEl{T: 1 65 .F AIR TEIIP: 45 T lrET UlllT UEIG$T: --- VATER ADDEO AT SITE 4 6AL. cYL INDER I1{F0Rl,lATI0l{ N0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 6 CYIIiIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIt.lE CYLIIIOERS CAST: 5:55 Pll ttHERE CAST: 0n-Si te CURTN6 II{FORI{ATTOII IIIITIAL CURE: 48 hours DATE R€CEIVEO AT LAB: oir-5.|te 10-15-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACIIITIES: Cure 8ox 8Y: Frank Potvin lllll/l'lAx con/spl i t shear lo4,000 117,500 l0-20-93 l0-20-93 ll-r0-93 r l-10-93 t l-10-93 11-10-93 7 28 28 z8 (o DESICII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS rrsTffiBoRAToRy pERsonttEL ARt nt AccoRoAncE yITH AppLIcABLE AsTlt ttETHoDs utlLEss oTHERYISE fl0TED SOiIE II{FffiI.IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I'IAY 8E PROVIDEI) BY OTHERS REMARKS: Sanrple taken from discharge of pump. Brian Scanlan Eobby J. HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVEO 8Y COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associ ates, lnc.; Town of Vail: Uestenn llobile; J v A, Inc.; gwathr|ey Pratt Schultz; A5 . nirtual protactlon to cll.nt3. th' Publlc cll.nt3, rnd ruthorlzrtlon foF psbllcrtlott-of Flndlrg ori wrlttcn rpProval. S||nplcl lrll DC l",,:,illl"l; the !!! sroqp or comp.nrGs |ndour3clv.3..llr.po|.t..rG.ubaltt.d.rth.confld|.nt|.lPtop.ityof..-.. "tii...ntr. conclution: or cxtractt fFon| gf ragrrdlng our r.Fort3 i5 ..t.raca dl3po5.d of.ftcf tcstlng t" "diiitii-ij"ii'rr-3itro ir"*ga'intt 'srt''l to For.| o. cHEll3A 6/91 C CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTITC Eil€II{EERs AI{D SCIEilTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 r nuturl piot.ctton to cll.rt.. thc Fubl'lc .od oura.lv.r. .Il rcport3.r'a sqbndtt.d r. thc confldl.rtlrl Prop.rty of cllants, 6nd .uthorl2atlon (of pirbllcrtlon of ttataiahti. co6clsalonr or axtfrcts l|.oln or iagardlrg ouf raPoats {3 f'l'rvld ;;;i;;';;-*;i;I;;,';;;;;;.i : Sinplrr wtlr-be-itrporoi-or.rti"-iiiiing'ti io,"piitca unle.i ;th.r irnasanrnu !!F.'d to ltr w|.l tlnq./i-";i;;';i th. gI! sroup ol caorp.nrca Forn No' ctlEll3* 6/91 t@ J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-12-93T0: llEcll Enterprt sesAttn: Eustaquio CortJ nap.0. Box 3149 SHEET r 0F 3vall, C0 81658-3t49 PRoJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of l,lesthaven 0rive and l,estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, CoIo. PLACEI.IE[T LOCATIOI{:Grid Lines C thru L, 25 thru 31, Elevation 53.9 to 54.9. 8.4TCH TICKET Il{F0Rr,lATI0l{ . SUPPIIER: t{estern l'lobi le TRUCK flo. 97 TICKET t{0. 010681 lllx DESIG!| t{0. 44 IIr.fE BATCHE0: 8:35 All TIIIE ARRIVEO: TIl,lE PLACED: 9:10 All-CU . Y0 , L0AD/ACCUM: I lZ$lll9 FIELD TESTING I}IFORI,IATIOII TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 9: 15 All JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLtlflP: 3 1/,f Il{. SLUMP: ilax.4 lll. SAI.IPL€ TEI.IP: AIR C0l{TEllT: 3.2I AIR C0l{TEtlT: -- 1 60 .F AIR TEI.IP: 40 OF I'ET UI{IT I{EIGHT: UATEN AODED AT 5ITE 4 6AL. CYLII{DER II{FORI,IATION 0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{0ER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TtllE CYLI}I0ERS CAST: 9:27 Ail UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR I I.IG IIIFORI.IATIOH II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-5ite 0ATE RECEIVE0 AT LA8: 10-14-93 FIEL0 SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elankets 8Y: Frank Potvln l'lll{/1'l X AGE OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI.IETER ( It{cHES ) AflEA (sQ il{) col(P. sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER YEIGHT (LBs) CYLIIIOTR UI{IT IJE IGHT {PCF) 7A 7A 284 284 2AA 28A H H l0-19-93 l0-19-93 n-9-93 ! 1-9-93 11-9-93 I l-9-93 125,500 1?Z,000 6.04 6.03 ?8.65 28.56 4380 4270 shsear snear DESIGII STREIICTH 4000 PsI e 28 oAYS TESTS BY LASORATORY PTRSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCORDAIICE VTTH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I.IETH(IDS UIILESS OTHERI.'ISE NOTED SOI,IE I ilFORI{AT TOI{ OF TEST REPORT IiAY BE PROVI[)EO BY OTHIRS RE ANKS:Sarnpl es taken frorn discharge of punp. CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Torm of Vail; Vestern llobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. fhyg FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SUTTIIIG EilGIIIEERS AIID 5C I EIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At. tlqturl Pr.tcctlon to cllGnt3' th' pqbtlc rnd ours'lvelr all r'!'ottr ri' 3ubtilt-t'd 13 thc €onfld{Gntl'l grop'rty ol cllent3. ind ruthoFtE.tton fof psbilc.tloh ol rtrt.rcnts. conelurlo'n: of Grtr..t3 froll or tcgardlr|o our rcpoits it r"'rv'd p.ndtns our. r.rrtt.h .pprova,. Sifriiii-iiir-i"-iiiil.li-ir;?t:;-I;;;i.i ri corryirtca unl..3 ;thcr irrrngcmintt 'sr'€'r to ln rrltl|lq.i"#;;";; tho !!! groue of c..rP.nl.t For o' cMEll3a 6le1 T0: ilECl'l Attn P.0. Vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaguio Cortina 8ox 3149 c0 81658-3149 Liftside Eui l di ng, JOB ito.178 93-3 DATE: 10-12-93 SHEET 2 OF 3 Uesthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI{E}IT LOCATIOI{ :Grid Lines C thru L, Approximate elevation 25 thru 31 qo BATCH TICKET II{FORI,IATIOI{ TRT CK fto. 97 TIl,lE EATCHED: l0:54 All TtcKET ilo. 010589 TlltE ARRIYED: Il:01 AH SUPPLIER: Uestern ll'obl I e illx DESIGII t{0. 44 TIttE PLACE0:11 :02 AI4-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU]'|: 7l70lLlg FIELD TESTIT{6 INF()RI.IATIOI{ ftfiE IIST TAKEII: Il:07 A]l JO8 SPEC I F ICAT I OI{S: SIWP: 3 l/2 Ill. SLWP: llax.4 I l{. SAI{PLE IEIIP: AIR COtl[l{T:3.5X AIR C0l{TEl{T: I 63 "F AIR TEI'IP: 50 .F I{ET U}{IT lIE T6HT: VATER AODEO AT SITE O GAL. CYLIIIOER Ii{FORI.IATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYL II{0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" Tlr4E CYLII{DERS CAST: lt:12 Al'l IIHERE CAST: on-site CURINC ITIFORTIATIO'{ II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours OATE RECEIVED AT tA8: 0n-Si te 10-14-93 FIEID ST0RAGE FACITITIES: Cure Elanket BY: Frank Potvi n lllil/l{Ax AGE OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs ) DIAI{ETER ( rHcH€s) AREA (sQ Il{) COHP. STR. (PSl ) TYPE ()F FRACTURE CYtIt{OER I'E I CHT (Lss) cYt Il{ofR UI{IT IdEICHT (PCF) 78 th 2SB 288 288 H 288 H l0-r9-93 10- 19-93 I l-9-93 1l-9-93 11-9-93 11-9-93 134,000 130,000 6.07 6.06 25.94 28.84 4630 4510 sheaP shear DESIGII STREIIGTH 4OO(l FSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE I}I ACCORDAI{CE VITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I HETHODS UHLESS OTHERVISE IIOTEO SOI,I€ TIIFOR}IATIOII OF T€ST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVIOEO 8Y OTHERS REI|ARKS:Sample taken frorn discharge of pmp. CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Assocl ates, Inc.; fo n of Vail; Yestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Srian Scanlan EobbY J. tlays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0flsulTl116 Er{GrIEER5 Ailo SCIttITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 ! fitut|r.] lrot.ctfon to cltantir th. publlc rnd ourralvar, !ll r.poFt3 .ia 3ubarlttad .. th. confldl€ntl.l proPtrty ot cIlQnts, and lsthortzatton for Fgbllcatlon,of 3t.t€rt|.nt!. conclgtlo{rr .r' ertrrctr ftottt 9f fcgrlrdlng our- rcports !! l:t:l"tl ;;;;i;; '";;-"; i;;iit ipi.i".i. 5iroptii iiit tr oijporcd of rft.i tcrting Ir co pl.t.d unle33 oth.r a|.rlhe.||.nt. 'grc'd ro ln wrltln9.A-i;il;-;i thc !!! sroup ot cocP.nl.t Forft lto' ctlEllSA 6/91 I0: l{EC}'l Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 I78 93-3 DATE: 10-tZ-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 0ox 3149 SHEEI 3 0F 3 VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of tfesthaven otlve and l,lesti n Hotel , South Fnontage Road tlest, Uail, Colo. PLACET{EI{T LOCATIOT{ :Grld Lines C thru L, 25 thru 3l Approxloate elevatlon 64. BATCH TICKET I HFORI{ATI OII TRUCK t(0. 97 TIIIE BATCHEO: t:07 Ptl TICK€T !t0. 01070t TIHE ARRIVED: l:15 Pll SttPPLIER: l,lestern llobi le lllx 0E5I6ll 1{0. 44 TIHE PLACED: l:15 Pf4-CU. YD. LOAO/ACCL!4: 7lll9 FIgLD TTSTIilS IIIFORiIATIOII TIl,iE TEST TAKEN: 1:3? Pt'l JOB SPECIFTCAT IOils: StW: ? 1/4 It{. SLUl,lP: ilax.4 Il{. SAI,IPLE TEI.IP: AIR COI{TENT: 3.fl AIR COtlTEtlI: I 63 "F AIR IEIIP: 50'F I{ET U IT TIEIGHT: UATTR ADOEO AT 5ITE 5 GAL. CYLIIIDER II{FOf,I.IATIOII l{0. 0F CYLIIIoERS: 6 CYtIll0ER SIZE: 6"x r2" TIIIE CYIIIIDERS CAST; 1:?5 Ptl IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURTilC II{FORI,IATIOII IIITIAL CmE: 48 hours on*Site DATE RTCEMD Al LAB: 10-14-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILIIIES: cure Blanket 8Y: Frank Potvln l{ll{/ilAx AUE DAYS OATE TESTED TOIAL LOAll (tBs) OIAI,I€TER tl?lcHEs) AREA (sQ lll) c0l1P . sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER I'E J GHT (LBS) CYLIilDER UXIT |lEIGllT (PcF) 7C 7C 28C 28C 28C H 28C H l0-19-93 10-19-93 11-9-93 t1-9-93 1l-9-93 I l-9-93 144,000 135,000 6.08 6.08 29.03 29.03 4960 4650 shean shear DESIGII STREIICIH 4000 Pst a 28 DAY9 TESTS BY LABORATORY PERS(II{I{€L ARE III ACCffiDAIICE IJITH APPTICAELE ASTI'I I'IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERI{ISE I{OTED SOI'I€ II{FORIIATIOII OF TEST R€PORT IIAY BE PROVTOEO BY OTHERS REI.IARKS Sanrpl e taken frcm di scharge of punp. COPI€S: R,A, l{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail: tlestern tiobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt schultz:Brian Scanlan Eobby J. thYs rIELD OSSERVER APPROVED BY i Ot CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COiISULTTXG EXGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIIII STS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTTVIITES T0: llEoll EnteFprisee JOB IO. 4 17t 93-3 DATE: 10-20-9:fAttn: EGtsquio cortina P.0. 8ox 5149Vait, cO 81658.3149 DArLy REPORI lto- 14 SIEET 1 OF z PRoJECI: Liltside Bui tding East of llesthgven Drive a.d llestin ltotet, south Frontage Road uest. vsil, colorado. REFoRI OF: SIRUCTURAL STEEL Ihe fittet relds Hepe visustly obeerved on the staiB fron grourd level to the roof bet*€en Gridtiner 15 ' 18 and S.5 - V. Atl the connect i ons rere relded ard for.rnd to b€ ecceptabte. fhe entbedat the fourth level on t5 Line rEs misaligned a.d a 76'. ptate xas ltetded to the enbed Hith a 1/4nfittet retd to make the stsir comection. CoPIES: R.A. lletson & Associates, lnc-, Attn: r. Rick Agatei J V A, Inc.; GrathrEy Pratt Schultz; Ionn of Vai t, Attn: l,|f. Dan Stanek,- Fred R. Ca'|eron APPROVED BY Darrett lluss FTEID OBSERI'ER I Ai. rutu.l prot.calon to cll.nt.! th. publlc and our5.lv.!, !ll roport3 .r. submlttcd .3 th. confldcntl.l propcrty of our cll.ntt. rnd luthoiluatlon for ptbllcatlon of ltatanant. Cot|cluslonr or extracts ftom oi ragrrding ori repoiti l3 raicr"vad pcnd{tlg oui flrlttrn rpproval. srtplas |flll b. dlspor.d ot aft.r tc3tlng l3 co pllt€d unl.ss othar arr.ngfficnt3 lrc .grccd to'lr Rrltlng. A mafilar of th. EII group of conplnlci .dr r|o. ctttoat 6/tl tf ffii,1% Er"ry rl Oa CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. . @{sullllrc E G TEERS AID SCtEt|ltSrS REPORI OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTIVIfIES TO3 ilECfi Enterprises JoB xo. 4 173 93-3 DATE; 10-m-9!lAttn; EustaqJio Cortlna P.O. Bor 3149vait, co 81658-3149 DAttY nEFORT llo. 14 SttEEI 2 oF 2 PROJECI: tiftsid€ Euilding EaBt of lJesthsven Drive ard gestin llotet, South F.ontsge toad llest, Vail, Col,of8do, REPORT 0F: ROCK BOLTS Pr. P #345818G'UJGE READIIIC CAUGE #E 10 RAfl #A 365 IIIITIAL FIIIAL 1. 4000 3800 ?. 4000 3900 f,. 40oo 4000 4. 4000 4000 - Creep 500 lb. increments s. 4000 4000 6. 4000 3900 7. 5800 r80o 8. 3900 5900 [qber I ras in the plt area on c Line. lufters Z thru 8 rbre in the riorthHest corner a aa frJ) ta \s/aa Oo.@ t?t\:/ rn t oa COPIES: R.A. lel,son & Associates, Inc., Attn: l,lr. Rick Agate; J v A, Inc.; cHathtEy Prstt schultz; Toxn of Vait, Attn: llr. Dan Stanek; Dart'et I Huss FIELD OgSERVER Fr€d R, caneron APPROVED BY A5 . rutual piot.ctlon to cllcnt3. thc ptrbllc a||d ours.lver, qll r€porta ar. .ub|Dltt.d rt th. confldcntl.l prop.rty of our cllert3, and ruthorlzltlon fof Ftbllcrtlon ol rtrtatatrt. Concluilons or lrtFact3 trom or ragardlng our raport3 lB r.cscrvcd pandlng o|lr r,rlttan rFProv!1. Sl|lpl€3 v,lll ba dlspoacd of.ftcr t.rtlng l3 cofiplct.d qnlesi othar arrangem.nt3 arc rgroed to ln rltlng.A rrnber of th. EI! grouf of cofip.nla5 .'dr s. ofi.14 6/{l ll CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULI TIIG E'IGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITIST9 REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llE0ll Enterprises JOB !t0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-13-93Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 8t650-3149 DAILY REPORT tlO. l1 SHEET I 0F I PR0JECT: Llftside Eullding east of Uesthaven Drlve and ty'estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colorado. IIEATHER C0!l0lTl0l{S All0 TEIiPERATURE: Partly Cl oudy - {0 to 50 degrees F. CO TRACTOR'S COIISIRI'CTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PER5Ol{IIEL: llAJ0R gqUIPl{EtlT: Concrete Pump, Vibrator ACTIVITIES: Contractor excavated for footi ngs at 14 to 19. X to Y.2. ContFactor poured 'leveling pads for footings. Contractor poured low Hall at Y.2, R-18 thru 10.9. Contractor poured elevator shaft "C" to elevation 95. CHEI{-I{ORTHERX'S SITE ACTIVITIES l{e observed footing exclvatlons. Ue requested the contractor reflEve all loose rock and soils hefore pouring leveling pads. Contractor cleaned all loose rock and solls before pouring. Contractor piaced dowel bars in leveling pads. Ue sampled concrete being placed. Ue tested concrete for slurnp, air content, unit wei ght and temperature. lle picked up cylinders cast on 0ctober 12, 1993. Contractor poured 28 cubic yaros. VERBAL COI,II.IUIIICATIOT UITH COilTRACTOR, EIIGIIIEER, ARCHITECT, OVI{ER COPIES: R.A. J V A, Inc.; llel son & Associates, Inc,; G athEy Pratt Schul tz;Town of Vall;l I Brian Scanl an FIELO OESERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY ol A.. Futu.l protactlon to cllcntr, th. publlc rnd ourr.lvcr, r'll r.cports ara iutllnltt.d 13 thi conffd.ntlrl property ot our clfcnt3' and ""u'"iiiiii.f,-io. pi,biinit.i-;i rirtcorit. conclurtont o" citractr ir-onr or rogiigini our r.po"tr Ir rrs.r'rcd ;rndtns-our. nt'lttrn .FpFov.r. S.mpl€i wlll ba dlrFor.d of sfter tattlng lt coripl.tcd lrl.ir oth.r.rrrngam.nts .rc .gr.cd to lr li.itlng. A r|3r|bcr of tha E!! group of c(.tDrnl!3 Oa REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES tl CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COT{SULTIXG EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIEXITSTS T0: ilEClt Enterpri ses JoB lto. 1 178 93-3 DATE: 10-15-93Attn: Eu$taquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPmT ilo. 12 SHEET I 0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Building e.st of Uesthaven Orive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colopado. I|EATHER CONDITIOIIS AIiD TEI,IPERATURE :Rain - 40 degrees F, C0iITRACT0R'S CollsTRtlcTlotl ACTIVITIES: Dyni dag Bar lnstalla on PERSot{}ltL: Three l,lAJ0R EqUIPI{EiIT: Concrete Redi-l{lx Truck. ACTIVITIES: Contractor drilled and placed llywi dag bar. Contractor grouted bar. CHETI-I{ORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIEs tlhi le drilling bar, contractor encountered a void at approxinrately 7 thru g feet from grade. Contractor bler hole with air and found the void connected to the east face of this shelf, Contractor drllled five additlonal holes and filled thern with ready mi xed grout, f{o grout cane up around the lhaydag Bar. Contnaetor ni1l grout this bar at a later date. 6rout used was betlreen2toSyands. VERBAL CSIIIUIIICATIOII UITH COTITRACTOR, EIIGII,IEER, ARCHITECT, OIII{ER Davld Schrei ner with R.A. l{el son & Associates nas advlsed of our observations. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc, J V A, Inc.; &rathney Pratt Schultz Town of Vail; I I Brian Scanl an FIELD OB5ERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY Ar r uturl prot.ctlon to clicht3, th. Fubllc lDd ourB.lv.r. .ll r.poitr.r. 3utinltt.d ar th. c6nfld.ntl.l Frop.rty ot ou-r_cllltrtr. .!d authorlzatlo; for ptrhllcrtlo|t of ciatsncirt. Conctui{on3 or eitrr,ctr irom or F.g.rdlng our rcportt li fc3.rv.d irndlng'ottr xrltt.n tFProv.l. SamFlcs rlll b. dlapoi.d ot aftcr t.rtlng.l! co plctcd unl.3r othar. .rrahg.ti.nts .r. tgre.d tc ln irlttng, A h.||lb.i of th. qI! gFoup of co|||p.nl.3 Ot CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONISULT I }IG EXGII{EERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACNVMES TO:!l€C!l Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149VaiI, C0 81658-3149 J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-15-93 OAILY REPORT ItO. IEA SHEET I OF 1 PROJECT: Liftside Building east of Uesthaven Drive and llestl n Hotel , South Frontage Road Yest, Vail, Colorado. UEATHER CO}IDITIOiIS AilD TEHPERATURE:Cloudy - Cool COI{TRACTOR' S COI{STRI'CT IOI{ ACTIVITTES PERSOllllEL: Yenter ConstPucti on tlAJOR EQUIPIIENT: Grout Putp ACTIVTTIES: Grouting of repl acement Dywidag Anchor at the southeast corner of the A-1 Stairuell CHE]I.IIORTHERT{'S SITE ACTIVITIES A replaceltent anchor hole was drilled and grouted in the southeast corner of the A-l Staircore. The hole deDth is 36 feet. A void was encountered frm 6 to 9 feet in depth. The minimum anchor penetratlon into cdpetent bedrock is 27 feet. It was recsmnended that the entlre void be filled vrith grout in tha active and abandoned anchor holes to verify that no voids wi ll be beiow the proposed footing area. VERBAL CtlIlMUilICATIOI{ UITH COI{TRACTOR,Ei{OIIIEER, ARCHITECT,OUIIER COPIES:JVA, R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.Inc.; G|rattmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vail; I I Joe E. Eenedi ct FIELD OB5ERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED 8Y. tr Aa. nuturl Drot.ctlor to cll.nt3r tha publt..nt orrrs€lvci. all r.Forta ara aubd tt.d 13 th! co[fldGntlal propGrty of our-clltnts' rnd ruthortzrttor tor DqbItclttor of rtrt.,ncnt. conclustont o" .rt...t " -i"-oo--oii.igiidi;g il";portJ tr rcrervca i€nilng-our wrlttan tpProvrl ' iiiiili iiii-uf 'airporcct ot !tt.r te3tlng t3 cohpl€tGd unleis oth.r .rr.ng.m.nt! .r. rgP..d to In wrltlng. A |n.trb€r of th. !I! group of companl.s Ot CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. clfasulTmc E]{cmEERs A D SCI EilTtSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llEcll Enterppis$ JoB 0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-16-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, 00 81658-3149 0AILY REPORT ll0, tg SHE€T I 0F 1 PR0JECT: Liftside Building ea6t of lr,esthaven Drive and l{esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road }lest, Vail, Colorado. T EATHER C0I|DITIO|{S Al{D TEI,IPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S COI{STRIJCTIOI{ ACTIVITI ES PERSOI{I{EL: IOJOR EQUIPl,lEllT: Concrete Punrp ACTIVITTES: 8TE Concrete poured wall at Grid Lines 25 to 31, C to K to elevation 72' 128 cubic yards of concrete. Contractor pl aced CHEN-IIORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIVITIES lle sanpled concrete being placed. Ue tested concrete for slump, air content, unit weight and tsnperature and cast three sets of cylinders. VERBAL COII,II,IUI{ I CATI OI{ I{ITH COI{TRACTOR, EI{GIIIEER, ARCHITECT, Contractor was advi sed of test rcsults. 0!,1{ER COPIES: J V A, R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Town of Vail; I I I Brian Scanlan FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. cameron APPROVEO BY Or As r nutual protactlon to cllentrr tha publlc.rd orr3.lv.r, .ll r.portr rr.. tl|brlttrd .a th. confldent{rl prop.ity ol our.cll.ntt' .nd ."thoii;;aio[ ,o;publlcrtlon ot siat.reit. Conclurion. or citraetc irom or rrgerdlng our report3 lr rc..rv.d i.ndlrg oururltt.n.FFrovrI. Sdrpl€3 r,.llI b. dlrpored ot.ft.r t.rtlng Ir codplatad ur1c33 oth.r .n rng.mentr ar.. agrccd to In Nritilng. A nEnber ot the !I! group ot coop.nl.t r55 150 145 tJ.() o. I tsg)z UJo E G 140 135 130 r25 120 115 5 Mr ZERO Att VO|D CUrvES SPECFIC GRAVITY SPECFIC GRAVITY SPECFIC GFAVTry 2,80 .2.70 2.60 lo 15 ]ISTURE CONTENT - PERCENT OF DRY WEIGHT LoCATPN: LIFTSIDE MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIPS}|oLE NO:DEPTH :SAMPLE NO : SOL DESCFFTON: Siltv Gravel with Sand ( Import )Cten€Northern.lne MAx. oRY DENstfy ;127.4 pg,p opT. MorsT. conrrENT: 9.5 %PRocED{rRE: AST}I D698-91 Method C LOUD L[iiTT:27 PLASTCTTY NDEX: 6 .,oe 1|o. : 4 178 93-3 | FrG No- DATE: 0ctober 7, lggT 1GRAVEL r 43 ?3 SA|{D: 32 s, Si.T AND CLAY t-200) : 25 X o ,ur. tre|?orflED |3|9 $fl,(r $ruEr 00([ffn, (oorADO mol $3.raa.t95l l0t.r44 . l95t ftx Date: Sept U, 1993 Timq 10:30arn Danny Swertfeger Gwathmey/Pratt Architecrs 1{F0 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 JVA Project Number: 6000 Fiefd Visir Numben 4 Projech Liftside (Waterford) Location: Vail. CO Contracton RA, Nelson Associates Orrcn MECM Entcrprises Weathen Partly Cloudy, 650 Prcsent at Site: Ton Skinner, Dave Schreiner, Jeff, Ironworkers The following items were observed: Forming of concrete walls was co.ntinuing. ]lr9 south portions of the curved wall is formed up to approximately elevation80'-0. Much of this end of the wall is poured full height with some areas of reinforcing still being tied.- Reinforcing in place appeared to conform with the drawings. The north end of the curved wall atong with the walls and large piers around stair C were just starting to be formed fromthe footing.- Reinforcing for the fist tift was in place to e.ia zs. The pier at Grid 28 was still being formed with littlereinforci"g in place. Walls east of Grid 28 were not formed yet. The horizontal reinforcing from the north wall of the stair did not project into the pier at Grid 2g as was specified. This was not acceptable. The contractor indicated that to correct the bari alieady in placi would mean tearing dovm forms and r-einfgrcing gats- He requested that if possible, revisions should be made to add bars to those already in place. Revised {rawilqs will be prwided. Many of the U-shaped bars shown in the revised pier drawings were provided as two lapped L- shaped bars. After further discussion it was noted that the ironworker was working froi a revisea shop drawing that had not. been reviewed bry this office. Many bars were changed from our drawings. wJfieH measured the bars so that I could review the bars.supplied for acceptability. Corner bars were not in place yet at the west end of the #6 at 6' horizontal bars of the north wall of Stair C. JVA, INC. cot{sur.nN6 STlucIut^t tl{Gt rtRt ff*i'+ng\r$ ocr rssl """ Z PBATTgoiltiLTz ru- [Yl : ARCHITECTS'F;C.,^q]/ Thomas P. Skinner. P.E. This site vislt was mada to obsawc tha pmgress and the quality of lhe sl.uctural portion ot the construction work and dctctnine whclher that $,ork was in qeneral contormance to the struclu.al Dortign ot th€ Conlract Eocuments. JVA'S dbseruations are idtendEd to Drotectlhe interBgls ol the Owner.nd the public. JVA is nof responsibll lor the Contractoc-s worl, worl delhods, €afety prEcautions, ti.nsliness in lhe pedo.mance ot fhe wor* nor any olh€. aspecl of the conslruction for which lhe Contractor has r6500nslotltlv. r. -,..- Ai. lrlts.l prot.ctfon to cllant., th. Publlc rnd our3clva., rll F.Portt ctllntr- rhd .uthorlaat{on for pqlllcatlon ot 5tltarnatlta. Cohclutlcns or iiialii'oui-wriit.tt .pProv.l. sanp'lct *lll b! dltpot.d of rtt.r t.rtlng ln wrltlnq. A nsnb.r 6t th. EI! gio(p of conpanl.3 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIT,IG E!I6It{EERS AIID SCIEI{IISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER D rr. .sbrJtt.d a. th. confldlcntlal proparty .f axtrrctt tron or r.grrdl|tg oqr raFortt {s r't'rvcd li coaDlatad unlcts othar .FFangsrcnti a'F€aq ro For|l {o. c!.lElllA 5/91 T0: ttECt{ Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: i0-16-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 3VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euildlng, east of lfesthaven 0rive and tJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACTI{€III LOCATIOII :l{alls; Llnes C-K and 25-31. BATCH IICKEi II{FOII,IATIOII TRUCK 1{0. ll4 llME EAICHED: 9:03 All TICKET l{0. 0t0827 TIiIE AftRIVED: 9: ?0 Al{ SUPPLIER: Vestern llobi I e lllx DESIGI{ ll0. 44 TIIIE PLACEO: 9:25 Al,l-CU. Y0.L0AO/ACCull: 7135 FIELO TESTITIG I]{FORIIIAT I OII TII{E TEST TAKEI{: 9:30 Al{ JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLUI{P: 4 lt{. SLllf,lP: llax.4 I . SA}IPLE TEi{P: AIR C0l{TEl{T: 4.51 AIR C0l{TEt{T: Z 54 cF AIR TEl.lP: 40 "F IIET UIITT IIEIGHI: VATER ADOED AT SITE -. GAL. cYt t riloER t l{F0Rr.rATI0l{ It0. 0F CYLII{0ERS: 6 CYLltt0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIII0ERS CAST: 9:35 Al,l IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CIR]lIG THFORTTAIIOII Il{tTIAt CURE: 48 hours on-site DATE RECEIVE0 AT LA8: 10-18-93 FIEL0 ST0RACE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Joe E. Benedi ct l'ltlVllAx AGE DAYS OATE TE5'TEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs) OIAI.IETER ( il{cHgs ) AREA (sq ril) c0r'rP. sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACIURE CYL I'{OER I{E I CHT (LBs) CYL]I{DER UIIIT lJEIGHT (PcF) 7A tA 264 284 284 H 28A H l0-?3-93 l0-23-93 t r-13-93 11-r3-93 ll-13-93 l1- 13-93 r08,000 lll,000 5.98 6.06 28.09 ?9.84 3850 3850 shea r shear DESIGII STREHGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BT LAEMATORI PERSO}II{EI ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE UITH APPLICABLE ASTT.I I,IETHOOS UI{LEsS OTHERgISE I.IOTEO SO}IE IITFORI.TATIOII OF IEST REPORT I.IAY 8T PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS:Sampled frun discharge of truck. CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Assoclates, Inc. Town of Vaii; llestern f,lobi I e; J V A. Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultzi Erian Scanlan Eobby J, HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. col{suLT[lr0 El{GIliEERs All0 scln{TIsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 . nxrt|rrl prot.ctton to cltanti, tha pqbllc .nd ouraalv.3, .ll r.port3 r.G subdlttcd .t th. corfldl.ttl.l troF rty ol cllantr. and ruthorlrrtlon lor Fubllcatlon of 3tate ant!. Conclutlona or axtract3 troE| or ragardlng our rcPortt l3 f"'t'tcC ;;;;i;;';;-;iiiin approvar. Siiiiii-*iir -i.-iiip"iia or iiiii-ieiiini {a conpl.tGd unr.'r 6th.r.Fr.nsdnGnts rsr'eo to ln l{rl tlng.A'.;ii;'i; th. !!!S sroue o{ coraernl.t Fori xo' cfiEll3A 6.'9r T0; llECl,l Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-16-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 3 Vail, g0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaver 0rive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IETIT LOCAT IOII :taal lsi Lines C-K and 25-31. BATCH T ICKET I IIFORI'IATIOI{ IRUCK ilo. 16I TIIIE BATCHED: I0:34 Al'l TtcKET N0. 010834 TIIIE ARRIVTD: 10:40 AH SUPPLIER: tlestern llobi I e lllx DEs 16l{ 1{0. 44 IIHE PLACE0 : 10: 45 Afl-CU. YD. LOAO/ACCU}i:I FIELO TE5TII{C ITIFORI.IAIIOII TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 10:50 Ail JOB SPTCIFICAIIOI.IS: SLt l.lP: 3 Il{. SLUI{P: l{ax.4 I . SAI.IPLE TEI4P : AIR COl{TEllT: 4.01 AIR COllTEllT: I 56 T AIR TEIT,IP: 40 'F i./ET UIIIT I'IE IGHT: i{ATER ADOED AT SITE .. GAL. CYL IiIDER TIIFORI'IATIOII t{0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 6 CYIIH0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIitE CYLIT{0ERS CAST: 10:55 Al't IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G I IIFffiI.IAT IOI{ Il{lTlAL CURE: 0n-Sl te OATE RECEIVED AT LAB:10-18-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Joe E. Senedict l'lI]{/l'lAX AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LSS ) OIAI.IETER ( I t{cHES ) AREA (SQ III) coHP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I{DER !,EiGHT (LBS) CY! II{OER UlllT IIEIGHT (PCF) 78 7A ?SB 288 288 H 2BB H 10-?3-93 10-23-93 1t-13-93 11- 13-93 11-13-93 I l-13-93 133,000 132,000 6.07 6.06 28.94 28.84 4600 458 0 shea r shear OESIGI{ STREIIGTH 4000 PsI @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE VITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I'IETHOOS UI{L€S5. OTHERUISE IIOTED 5O1.IE IIIFORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REIIARKS:Sanpl e xas taken frun d'ischarge of truck. COPI€S: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai'l ; l{estern l'lobile; J V A, Inc.; GwathneY Pratt Schultz Srian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FITLO OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. c0t{suLTI t{G E!|GII{EERS Ailo SCIEIITtSTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar r hutu.l protcctton to cttentr, th. prbllc rnd osr3.lvci. rll r.port5.r. rubrltt.d .t th. confld{.ntl.l pi"F:dy,:1-..-, cllant3, .nd rrthorlzetlor tor publlc.tlon ot tt.tcll.nt3. Conc'lg3lon. or.xtrdctt frct gr r.glrdltrg ot|r r.Ports lt^::t::"*prnUioi'o". irtttcn rpprovrl. S.|rFlca *lll b. dliporcd ot.ft.r t.rtlng li ca.pletrd u'rl.t3 other rrrlngdn€nti .Ert'a Ee lh rritino.i"#;:;:+ ti. !l! group of cooprnt.s Fonn t{o' cl'lEll3A 5/91 T0: l,lECll Enterprlses JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-16-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3t49 SIIEET 3 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8uilding, east of l{esthaven Orive and l,lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vai1, Colo. PLACEI.IEIIT LOCATIOI{:Tal I s; Ll nes C-K and 25-31. BATCH TICKET I[FonilAIlOlt SUPPLIER: llestern llobi]e TRTCK r{0. ll4 TICKET ilo. 010839 l.tlr 0ESI6!{ l{0. 44 TIl,lE BATChED: 11:41 Ail TlllE Af,RIVEO: ll:50 Ail TIIIE PLACED:11;55 All-CU.Y0.t0A0/ACCUl!l: 7 FIELD TESTII{6 I]{FOR}IATIo!| SA}IPLE TE}IP: 56 "F AIR TEiIP: 40'F TIl,lE TEST TAKtlt: 12:05 Pll SLtX'tP: 3 t/2 Il{. AIR C0l{TEt{T: 4.5?6 tlET tlttlT VEI6HT: JOB SPECIFICATI0 S: SLUllP: llax.4 1!t. AIR C0llTEllT: I LtATER ADD[0 AT SITE 2 6AL. CYL I IIOER IITFORI.IAI IOII l{0. 0F CYIII{DERS: 5 CYLIilOER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIl,l€ CYLIIIDERS CAST: 12:10 P}l I{HERE CAST: On-Site CURII{G II{FORI{ATIOII I]{ITIAL CURE: '18 hours on-Slte OATE RECEIVE0 AT LA8: 10-18-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Joe E. Benedi ct l4ltl/t{Ax AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s ) DIAI.IETER ( IilCHES) AREA (sQ In) cot{P. sIR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER UEIGHT (LBs ) CYL II{DER UNIT IIEIGHT (PCF) 7C 7C 28C 28C 28C H zSC H 10-23-93 l0-?3-93 1l-13-93 1l-13-93 ll-13-93 1l-t3-93 1?0,000 l?0,000 O, UJ 6.07 28.75 ?8.94 4170 4150 shear strean 4000 PsI @ 28 oAYsDESIGI{ STREI{GTH TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{IIEL ARE III ACCOROAI{CE TIITH APPLICASTT ASTI'I }IETKIOS UNLESS OTHERUISE IIOTEO SOIIE II{FORI'IATIOII OF TEST REPORT HAY SE PROVIOEO BY OTHTRS REI'IARKS Sarrpl e was taken from dl scharge of truck. COPIES: R.A, llelson & Associates, Inc.; Tonn of Vail; !{estern llobile; J V A, Jnc.; GvrathneY Pratt Schultz;Erian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FTITO OBSERVER APPROVEO 8Y ocr rsgg i e*ffi;Ii?"4 f@,]tncxrrEc*i-n{,;9J CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CO}ISULTII{G E'IGIIIEERS AIIO SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER T0: llECll Enterprises J08 ilo. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 9-27-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. gox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, c0 81658-3X49 PR0JEDT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthavcn 0rlve and l{estln Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Uail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Footings; Z Llne between 13 thnu 19 Lines. BATCH TICKET II{FOR}IATIOI{ TRUCK M}. I89 lltlE EATCHED: 4:00 Pi{ TICKET ilo. 10164 TIIIE ARRIVED: 4: 18 Pll SUPPLIER: llestern Hobi le f,tlx DEsIgll t{0. B TIME PLACED: 4:28 Pll-CU. YD. IOAD/ACCU]'|: 6lfz FIELO TESTIIIG IilF0RllATIOll sAtlPLE TEf,lP: 68 "F AIR TEI{P: 70 T TIl.fE TEST TAKEI{: 4:36 P}l SLUIIP: 3 r/4 Il{. AIR C0l{TEl'lT: 5.9fi l{ET tll{IT UEI6HT: 143.2 J00 SPECIFICATIO|{S: SLtltlP: Hax.4 lll. AIR C0llTEllT: 4-81 ITATER ADDED AT 5ITE -- 6At. CYLINDER II{FORI,IATIOI{ li0. 0F CYLIiIOERS: 6 CYtIilDER SIZE: 6"x t2' Tll'lE CYlll{DERS CAST: 4:46 Pt{ IIHERE CASI: 0n-Slte CURIN6 IilFORI4ATIOI{ IIIITIAL CIIRE: fln-Sl te DATE RECEIYEO AT LAB: 10-5-93 FIELD 5TORAGE FACIL ITI ES: 8Y: llark Jensen Concrete Elanket HII{/1,rA)( AGE DAYs OAIE IESTED TOTAL LOAD (rBs ) DIAI,IETER ( mcHts) AREA (sQ lll) cor,tP. sTR. (PS r ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLII{DER I/E I6HT (L8s ) CYLII{DER UI{IT I{EI6HT (PcF) o I 28 28 28 28 10-5-93 l0-5-93 10-25-93 l0-25-93 10-?5-93 10-?5-93 102,500 102,000 133,500 136,500 13z,000 133.500 6. 09 6.08 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.08 29.13 29.03 ?8.84 28.94 29.03 29.03 3520 3510 4630 4720 4550 4600 s hear shear con /shear con/shear con/shear con,fshear DESI6]{ 5IREI{GTH 3OOO PSI O U8 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATO*Y PERSOII{EL ARE ]I{ ACCORDAIIC€ YITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I TETHOD5 UIILESS OTHERYISE I{OTED S01'lE Il{F0Rl,lATI0l{ 0F TEST REPoRT llAY 8E PRoVIDED BY oTHERS RE}IARKS: COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, lnc Tovrn of Vail; Yestern ilobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattrrey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Eobby J. llays FIEIO OB5ERVER APPROYTD BY As r mutnal protrctlon to cll.ntt, tha publlc €llrrtt3. $d $rthortatlon toF F$bl lcatlon of pcndlng our" |rrltt.n .Pproval. S.npl.t wlll b. in xt.ltltrg. A ndnif ot tha !I! group of co.iP.nla. and oursclvai, rll raFoatE rtrtefiantt. Cohclur{.nr or dlrpo3ad of .ftrr t.ttlng rre sulrnltted ra th. conf{dlcntl!'l Frop.rty of axtract3 {rDtr or FcAtrdlng our taPortt lr rat'F"d fr co|||plat.d u'|lart other lffanEaranta rgFcao Eo forn No. CttEll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGII{E€RS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA re tllr tlEC!'l tnterprises J'B ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 9-29-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 lltllJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drlve and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. t,l ACTHE?{T L0CATI0I|: Lines 23 thru 26; J thru L. Up to Elevation 95,. fll lcH TtcKET i tlFoRl.lAT[0rl rr.|loK tlo. ll7 rl E BATCH€O: 2:45 Pll SUPPLIER: 9estern l'lobi le lltx DEslGil l{0. 44 TIIfE PLACEO: 3:25 Pil CU.Y0.LOAD/ACCUIi: 7137 TICKET 1t0. 010265 TIl,lE ARRIVED: 3: l5 PM I ITLO TE5TII{G INFORIIATION lll,lE TEST TAKEI{: 3:30 Ptl JO8 SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLtilP: 4 lll. SLuliP: l4ax.4 1l{ . SAI.IPLE TE}IP: AIR COt{TEflT: 4.0I AIR COl{TEl{l: 4-8I 69 T AIR lEl{P: 70 oF lfET UiIIT I{EIGHT: 142.0 I{ATER ADOED AT SITE O GAL, CYL II{OER TNFORI'IATTOI{ t{0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 6 CYLIil0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLIIIDERS CAST: 3:35 Pl,l UHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuR116 I FoRIIATI0l{ IlilTIAl CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-1-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elanket r.tIl{/ilAXBY: --- AGE DAYS DATE TEsTED TOTAL LOAD ( LBs) D I AI,IETER ( Ir{cHES) AREA (sQ ril) c0f1P . sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER YE IGHT (LBs ) CYLIIItlER UI{IT TIEIGIIT (PCF) 7 t6 zd 28 ?o l0-6-93 l0-6-93 L0-27-93 L0-27-93 10-27-93 10-e7-93 100,000 105,000 137 , s00 135,000 139,500 138,000 5.98 6.00 5.99 5.95 ' 5.99 5.99 28.09 28.27 28. 18 27.81 ?8. 18 28.18 3560 3710 4880 4860 4950 4900 sneat shear con/shear con/shear snear shear DESI6I{ STREIIGTH O 28 DAYS IIsTs sY LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE T ACCOROAIICE IJITH APPLICABLE AsTI.t I.IETHOIIS UIILESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI{E II{FORTIATION OF TEST REPORT I'IAY BE PROVTDEO BY OTHTRS II E I,{ARKs : R.A. l{elson & Associates, IncVail; ldestern l,lobi le; Inc. ; Gwatlnny Pratt Schul tz (:0ptE5: Iown of vJ Brlan Scanlan gobby J. Hays FIELD OBSIRVER APPROVED BY Ar r nuturl prot.ctlon to cllcntr, th. publlccllrt|tt. trd .uthorlzlt'lon for publlcrtlon of P.nqtng our writien approval. Smpl.3 |.ill b. A nr.'{rr.r;f th. !l! group of corrp.ni.s rnd our3alvc3, al l r'apor.t33trtcn nts. Concl urlon3 or dl rposcd of !ft.r t.3tlng |r. .ubrlttcd .i th. confldl.nt{rl propfty of .rtractr fron or rcgrrdlhg ou. rcporta lr r.5.1'v.dls comElctaal unlasr othcr .rFang€manta tgr..al to Forfl {o. CH€ll3A 6/91 - 130 125 120 115 tro 110 o- I 6 r05 z uJo E looo 95 90 85 80 10 15 20 25 - PERCENT OF 30 DRY WEIGHT AE MOISTURE CONTENT zERo AtR volo GuivEt SPEC|F|C , co GBAVITY SPECIFIC t 1^ GRAVTTY SPECIFIC , Aa GRAVITY '# Nov 1993 e ,E ,#s*!k 6 s^ iniiifie'r:i'$;.+ Rrro,*Pz MOISTURE-DEN$ITY RELATIONSHIPS LocArloN: LIFTSIDE le No. 2 sorl DESCRTPfloN: Sandv Gravelly Cla PBoCEDURE: ASTM D698-91 Method BMAX. DRY DENS]TY : 121 .B PCF OPT. MOIST. CONTENT : 11.5 % JoB No. ' 4 178 93-3 DArE: $ctober 14, 1993GRAVEL : ?3 % SAt'lO : 33 % SILT ANO CLAY G?00) | 44 % Chen€Nonnern.tt REPORT OF EXCAVATION OBSERVATION ffi FUa-E rr., o{r"orry', ,+ Rqqrs rxr s-..r' ^s t}f, cartDo{n..ro!'rylgr,g5* Eoffittr#t notr tr srrrErorl co.€u.6rt t * iirri.6-ririi ot re;6oio o.n Rs,{ns 6 N€s1/E} Poroit€ 6.n lfittor iiiiirirsi ii.Es itns rn .dEols rxf r@ To qr wRtru{r Con-Jrhg Ejr9L...r ..rl ScJ-rtb To: MECM Attn:pn Vail, PROJECT. Enterpri ses Eustaquio Cortina Box 3149c0 81658-3149 ,1gg Nq.4 178 DAILY REPORT IrworcE NO. 93-3 oere 10-21-93 NO. 15 SHEEr 1 0F 2 LocATloN: Footing for Elevator A-2 MA'TER!\I.S E(POSED tN BASE(S) Contractor excavated to OF E(CAVATION(S): weathered rock. REI*{RKS: Contractor overexcavated t16 inches for less weathered rock to bear on. VERBAL COMMUNICAT]ON WITH CONTMCTOR, ENGINEER, ARCH|IECT; OWNER: David Schreiner was advised of observation. PROCRES REPORT: Brian Scanlan Fred R. Cameron RA-O OBSER1/ER APPR€AGD gY coPlES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.; J V A, INC.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail; A Fl- .r -GiI-l "-t .. E'r '.- CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cofls{rtT I llc E}lGmEERs AID sclEilrlsls REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l,lECll Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l0-?l-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 8t658-3149 OAILY REP0RT ll0. 15 SHETT 2 0F ? PR0JEC': Liftslde Building east of lJesthaven Drive and lJesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road hlest, Vail, Colorado. I{EATHER COIIDITIOIIS AI{D TEXPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSOT{I{EL: iIAJOR EQUIPI.IET{T: ACTIVITIES: Contractor poured footing at Elevator A-2. Contractor also poured vral I at Elevator To{er "c" to Elevation 84.3. CHEI{-1{ORTH6RI{'S SITE ACTIVITITS l{e observed the contractor placing concrete. lle sarnpl ed concrete and tested for slump, air content, temperature and unit weight. l{e also cast two sets of six cylinders. VERBAL COHilI,I{ICATION UITH COIITRACTOR, EIICIIIEER, ARCHITECT, O}INER COPIES;JVA,R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.Inc.: Gwathrey Pratt Schultz Iovrn of Vail; I I Brian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER Fred R, Camron APPROVED BY As I mutsdl protcctlor to cltantrl thr publtc ryrd our5.lvci,..ll r.ports ara tubrnlttrd .s th. contldGntlal ProPcYty ot orrf clt'nts' lnd .uthorrz.tror tor pubrrcatron or-iiriir-f,i. concrurrorr .".rtrJiti-itCti-.ii'lgiiding oJr roportr l3 r'3'rvcd pcndlng orr rrltt''' lPprov'r' s.n'l.s wit.t b. dt!po3.d or .rt.i 'ijii i.id iB compt.tcd unt"rs dirrir'eiia;g.D;ntr .r-. agrocd to ln wrltlns' A rne$b€r of ttrc Bf! group ol conp.nl.r CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSIJI-T I IIG EXGIIIEERS Af,D SCIEIITIST' REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: MEC Enterprises JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: t0-a?-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3l{9Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT ll0. 16 SHEET I 0F 1 PROJECT: Ltftside Duildtng east of Yesthaven Drive and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. YEATHER CO'{DITIOI{S AIIO TE}IPIRATURE COIITRACTOR'S COilSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PERSOI|i{EL: Vestern llobi I e IIAJOR EQUIPI'IENT: ACTIVITIES: Fourteen cubic yard concrete pour. CHEN-NORTHERII'S SITE ACT]V ITIES Six cyl i nders cast. VERBAL COHI,IUI{ICATIOI{ t{TTH COIITRACTOR, EI{G]IIEER, ARCHITECT, OIJI{IR COPIES J V A, R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.lnc.; Gwatlupy Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai l; I I Sandi R. Cody FIETD OBSERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED 8Y As. !|sturl p.ot.ctlon to.1J.nt3, th. Fubltc rnd ouisclv.s, rll rcport3 ar. rubnlttcd.r thG- c.nfldantl.l- ProPcrty of our.clltnts' rnd'.iti"liiiii"['i.i p"b-ii.it r ri'' i? iiatirneirt . conclurtoni "" "it"acti fr"rrr or r.g.rdlns orrr.portt.l3 rc-g-.r"ved P€nding ourwritt.n aPProv.l. s Dl.3 }|tll b. di3Fo3.d oJ aftii tc3tlng lt cdnpl.tad unlctr othar fr.ngen.n!3.r. rgr.od to lh wrltlhg. A achbor of th! II! group of conp.nlo3 ,\t CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULT:IIG EilEINEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER f'T% /-*o- Nov tggg "iR attATHHErt .;,trr PRATr$ll{? o}<.i9t{rEsts,P.G,\\ F,r,*fl T0: tiECH Attn P.0. Yat I PROJECT: €nterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Ll ftsi de Bullding, east JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: t0-21-93 SHEET 1 OF 2 of l{esthaven Drive and lestin llotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Colo, PLACEIIEI{T L0CATIOi'|: €levator Tower "C,' 0 - Z, of Dour BATCH TTCKET I IIFOR}IATIOI{ TRUCK iIO, L77 TIIIE BATCHED: 14.01 TICKET t{0. 01 0950 TIIIE ARRIVED: 14:15 TII.IE SUPPLIER: llestern l,lobi le r,tlx DESIGT{ ilo. 44 PLACED: 14:46 CU.YD.LOAD/ACCUM: TlZg FIETO TESTII{G Ii'IFORI.{ATIOI{ Tlllt TEST TAKET{: 14:50 JOB SPEC I FICATIOIIS: SLUi{P: 3.25 SLWP: 4 Ir{.I . l,tax SAHPLE T€I,IP: AIR C0I{TENT: 4.51 AIR COI{TEI{T: I 67 "F AIR TEMP: 65 .F UET UI{IT IIEIGHT: 4?.77 I.'ATER AUDED AT SITE 6 GAL. CYI II{DER I I{FORI,IATIOII l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 6"x rZ" TIME CYLIiIOERS CAST: 14:55 UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CIJRI I{G I t{FORI.IATIOI{ Il'IITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-22-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure blanketBY: 8.5.itIN/r,rAx Atrt DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL IOAD (L8S) DIAI4ETER ( Ir{cHES) AREA (sQ It{) coHP. sTR. ( PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I{DER t,,E IGTII (LBS) CYLIi{DER UHIT I.'E I6HI (PCF) 1A 7A 284 ?84 28AH 28ah 10-28-93 l0-28-93 I I - 18-93 I I -1A-O? 1l- 18-93 I 1- 18-93 u7,500 110,500 6.07 6.07 28.94 28.94 4060 3820 snear shear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4O(}()PsI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIINEL ARE II{ ACCOROAIICE UITH APPLICAELE ASTI,I I.IETHODS UI{LISS OTHERI.'IST ]{OTED S0ME It{F0Rl,lATI0l{ 0F TEST REP0RT ilAy EE pR0vI0E0 By 0THERS REMARKS : CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates. inc Torvn of VaiI; lJestern tloblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrey Pratt Schultz B. Scanlon Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 . Futu.l prot.ctlon to clllnts. thc publlcclleni!, and .uthorlrltlon for eubllcat.lon ofp.hdlng our m.lttan approv.l. S!|nplcr rlll bcin wrl tl ng, A m€libcr of the tg! E!^otrp of codp.nl.t lnd ourr€Iv.5. all_r.port3 .r. 5ubmltt.d at tha conf{dl.ntl.l propcrty ofStatanrantB. Conclu5lons ot. altracta troo or iacardln[ our raDort! la rarcr.vaddlaFor.d ot aftei tasting li compl.tcd unlct:6thcr irrangcnint: rgread to For t{o. CilEll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI iI6 EI{GII{EERS AIIO SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At. nutu.I protect{on to cllantt. tha publlc rhd oqr'..|v.3, rll r.Fort3 rr. rubmltted ar thc corffdl.ntlll propeity of cllcnts, rnd aqthorltatlon for pr$llcrtlon of rtrtarncnt!. Conclqalona or axtra.t3 trod or ragard{trg our t apor"tt l3 raaatvcdp.ndlng cur wilttcn .pprovrl. Sanplai ivlll b. dl3Forad of aft.i t.3tlng l3 corpl.t.d unlc3a other lrrrngdr.nt3 lgr.cd toin irltl ng. A l|.mb.r ;f th. ElE group ot co|t|plni.i Forn l{o. CXgll3A 6/91 T0: l'lE0tl Enterprises JOB ttO. 4 lt8 93-3 DATE: l0-Zl-gjAttn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET Z 0F Z Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Uesthaven Drive and gestin Hotel , South Frontage Road t{est, Vail, Colo, PLACEMEI{T |0CATIO]{: El evator Tower "C" BATCH TICKET I llF0Rl{AT l0ll SUPPLIER: llestern l,{obile TRUCK r{0. 161 TICKET ilo. 01 0966 ttlx DESICI| lt0. 44 TII{E BATCHED: 15.14 TI}IE ARRIVED: 15:20 TIIIE PLACED: 16:05 CU. Y0. L0AD,/ACCUI'|: 7/56 FIELD TE5TIIIG II{FORI.IATIOt{ TIlllE TEST TAKEI{ : 16: l0 JO8 SPEC IFICAT TOIIS: SLUI4P: SLUMP: 4 It{.4 Ili. llax SAIiIPLE TEI,IP: AIR CO|{TE]{I: 4.22 AIR COI{TE]{T: X 67 .F AIR TEIIP: 60 OF t{ET UI{II UEI6HT: 42.70 I.IATER ADDED AT SITE 7 GAL. CYLTI{[)ER II{FOR}IATIOIi l{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIT{0ERS CAST: 16:15 rrtHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G INFORT.IATIOII II{ITIAL CURE: ?4 hours On-Site OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-22-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure blanketBY: B.S.r.ilr{/r,rAx AGE OAYS DATE TESTEg TOTAL LOAD ( LBs) D I AI'IETER ( II{CHES ) AREA (SQ II{) coirP.sTR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRADTURE CYLIIIDER UE I6HT { tBs) CYL II{DER UilIT YEISHT ( PCF) 7B 78 e88 288 ?8BH 28BH l0-28-93 10-28-93 I l-r8-93 11-18-93 1l-18-93 1l-18-93 117 ,000 116,500 6.05 6.09 28.75 29.13 4070 4000 shear shear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ ?8 OAYS TESTS BY TABORATORY PERSOIIIIET ARE III ACCORDAI{CE I'ITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I I'IETHOOS UIILTS5 OTHERI.'IST IIOTED SolrlE ll{FoRl{ATIoll 0F TEST REPoRT HAY BE PRoVIDED BY oTHERS REI'IARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc Town of Vall; tlestern l,loblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz B. Scanlon Bobby J. Hays F1ETD OSSERVER APPROVTO BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING ENGINEERS AIID SCI E]ITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER T0; llEcl.l Enterprises JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-98Attn: Eustaqui o gorti na P.0. Box 3i49 SHEET 1 0F 4Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vai1, Co]o. PLACET'IEilT L0CATION: Foundation tialls: Lines 25 to 31 and C thru P. EAICtl TICKTI Il{F0RtlATIOl{ SUPPLIER: tjestern llobiie TRUCK fio. 151 TTCKET lio. 0511 trlx DESIEN N0. 'r4Tlltft BATCHED: 7:57 At1 TII{E.ARRIVED: 8:15 All TIHE PLACED: 8:20 All-CU,YD. L0AD/ACCUI'|: 14 FiEtD TESTII.IG INFORI{ATIOX SAMPLE TEMP: 62 "F AlR TEI'IP: 60 .F TI!{E TEST TAKEII; 8:30 Atl SLUI'IP: 61/2 llt. AIR C0t{TEltT: 4.5% llET UHIT IJEIGHT: --- JOB SPECI FICATIOIIS: SLUMP: ltl. AIR C0NTEIIT: X UATER AODED AT SIIE t2 GAL. CYLINDER II{FORI'IATIOtI N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6. CYLINOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIiIOERS CAST: 8:45 Ail UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI}IG IIIFORUATION INiTIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-5ite DATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 10-6-93 FIETD STORAGE FACILITIES; Cure Blanket 8Y: Bobby J. Hays lll lll}lAx AGE OAYS OATE TES TEO TOTAL IOAD ttBs) DIAHETER { rNcH[s ) AREA (sQ ril) C()MP . STR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NDER I.IE IGHT (rBs) CYL II{DER UNIT T'E IGHT (PcF) 284 28A 28A 284 l0-12-93 l0- 12 -9 3 11-2-93 l1-2-93 1 1- 2-93 11-2-93 98,500 95,000 119 ,000 126,000 128,000 120,500 5.98 6.00 6.00 6.01 6.00 6.01 28.09 ?8 .27 28.21 28.37 ?8 .27 28.37 3 510 3360 4210 4440 4 530 4250 snear shear con/shear shear con/shear shenr DESIGN STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ ?8 DAYS TE5TS BY LABORATORY PERSO}IXEL ARE IN ACCORDAI.ICE UITH APPLICABLT ASTI.{ METHODS UNLESS OTHERI.IISE NOTED SOI{E IIIFORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT HAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS RII.IARKS: C0PIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; lJestern i'lobile; J V A, inc.; GYratimey Pratt Schultz Dan Neill Eobby J. Hays FiTLD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As I vtual protactlor to cll!rt3. th. publlc cll€hts. and .nthorlzatioh for publlcrtlon ofpandlng oqi wiltt.n .pproval. semplrs wlll bcin wrltlns. A henrbcr of tha EM group of complrlee ahd ourrclvcs, !l I ieFortiStrtancnts. Conclusloni oFdisporcd ol .ft!r t.atlng are sutrmitted a3 tha confldlent{{l propatty ol rxlract3 from oi r.grrding our rGport3 l3 racarvadi! conDlct.d unla!s othcr arrrngemcntt rSraad to Forn |lo. ct'lEl:3A 5,/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTiIIG E}ICINEERS AIID SCI EI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l.lECll Attn P.0 . Vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaqul o Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li ftsi de 8ui 'ldi n9, JOB tlO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93 SHEET 2 OF 4 east of Vesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel ,South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMENT LOCATIO]{: Foundation l,lalls; Grid Lines 25 to 31 and C thru P. BATCH TICKET I l{F0RtiAT l0ltl SUPPLIER: Uestern llobile TRUCK ilo. 104 TTCKET l{0. 0522 t{tx oEsIGt{ }t0. 44 TIME EATCHED: 10:09 All TIHE ARRIVED: l0:40 Al,l TIltlE PLACED:10:45 Atr-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUM: 63 FIELD TESTING illFoRl.lATlo SAI|PLE TEI'|P: 67 "F AIR TEIIP: 55 "F TIME TEST TAKEII: 10:55 AM SLUHP: 3 3/4 lll. AIR COI{TE!{T: 5.41 llET UI{IT IJEIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATIONS: SLUiIP: It{. AIR C0NTEI{T: X I,ATER ADDED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYLINOER I IIFORI.,IAT ION N0. 0F CYLIT{OERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12' TII'IE CYLII{DERS CAST: ll:10 A}1 }IHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR I I{G I I'IFORI'IATIOI{ ll{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-5-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: cure Blanket BY: Bobby J. Hays }|IN/MAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD tLBs) DIAI'IETER ( r l{cHEs ) AREA (sQ Ir{) coHP. sTR . {PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIiIDER I..lEIGHT (LBs) CYLII{DER U}IIT I,'ET6HT (PcF) 7B JO 288 288 288 288 10- 12 -93 l0- 12-93 1l -2-93 I I -2-93 I I -2-93 1l -2 -93 81 ,500 94,000 ll7,500 118,500 122 ,500 1?0 .500 6.08 6.09 6.08 6.07 6.09 6. 09 29.03 29.13 29 .03 ?8.94 29. 13 29. 13 2810 JZJ U 4050 4090 42t0 4140 shear snear shear shear con/shear con/shear DES IGI{ STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TEsTS BY LABORATORY PERSONI{EL ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE I,,|ITH APPL]CA8LE ASTI..I HETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERIIISE I{OTED SOI.IE II{FORI'IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT IIIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS RE}.1ARKS: COPIES: R.A. elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai l; tlestern l'{obi le; J V A, lnc.; Gnattmey Pratt Schultz;Dan Neill Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y A6 . mutu.l protection to cllcnts, the p{bllc cll.nt3, .nd ruthorlz.tion foi oublicrtlon ofp€ndlng our *rlttcn .pprov.l. Srmplr. r.ill be A mcnbci ;f the HIH grolp of coftrprnres rhd ourEelvlr r rll rcpor.t3statcments, Concluslons oFdirposGd of lftcr tciting !r. 3ubmittcd .r th. confldlantlal prop€rty of .rtracts tro||r or r€glrdlng ouF raports li r.Ecrvadls €ompleted unlcss other .rr.ngq||lnt5 .gr€.d to Form flo. CilEIl3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0ltsuLTl 6 Et{6t EERS AftD SCt EI{l I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: I'tlECtt'l Enterprises J()B t{0. 4178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 3 0F 4Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of l{esthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road i,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACET'|E}|T LOCAllOll: Foundation l,lalls: Lines 25 to 3l and C thru P. BATCH TICKET INFORI|ATI0I{ SUPPLIER: Uestern tlobi le TRUCK N0. 151 TICKET 0. 0534 IX 0ESI6I{ l{0. 44 TI}IE BAICHED: 12;36 Pl,l TIIIE ARRIVED: l:00 Pl,l TIIIE PLACED: l:10 Pil-Cu. YD. L0AD/ACC|J}I: 105 FIELD TESTIT{G ] II FORI,IAT I OI,I Tll{E TEST TAKEI{: i:?0 PH JOB SPEC I FICATIOI{S: SLUI,IP STUMP 4 It{. I1{. SAI,IPLE TETlP: AIR C0NTEIIT: 5.2% AIR C0NTEIIT: f" 7l "F AIR TEHP: 68 "F UET UNIT VE 16HT: I.'ATER ADDEO AT SITE -- GAt. CYLINDER IIIFORMTIO'{ l{0. 0F CYLIiIDERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x lzn TIfiE CYLIIIDERS CAS1: i:30 Ptl VHERE CAST: On-Site CUR I IIG I I{FORI.IATIOII ii{ITIAL CURE: ?4 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-6-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Bobby J. Hays l'lll{/llAx AUC OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS } DIAI.IETER ( r ircHts) AREA (sQ rN) c0t1P.sIR. ( PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTI'RE CY L I I{DER !/E I6HT (LBs) CYLIiIDER Ut{IT LlEIGHT (PCF) 7f 28C 28C 28C ?8C 10-.12-93 I0-l z-93 l1-2-93 tL-?-93 11-2-93 l. r -z-tc 103 ,000 102,000 132 ,500 133,000 140,000 142,000 6. 04 6.01 6.00 6.04 6. 01 6.02 ao. o3 28.37 28.27 28.65 28.37 2s.46 3590 3600 469 0 4640 4940 4990 shear shear con/shear con/shear con/shear con/shear DESIGN STRET.IGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE I{ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'{ I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHER!'ISE IIOTEO SOtlE I I{FORI'IAT I OITI OF TEST RTPORT }IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of VaiI; Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.! Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Oan ]{eill Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a firutual protectlon to cll.ntsr th. public client5, rnd .uthorl:rtlon for psblicrtion ofp€nding our BrJttan approv.l. Samples r,lll b€ in wri t I ng. A ncmbcr of th. !!! group ol compani€s .nd our'5.Iv.!, .ll repot'ts ar. tubmltt.d.s tht confldlcnt{.1 Property of 3tatcrnont3. Conclugion3 or axtrlcts fro|l| or |.agardlng ogl' ieportt il ratervcd dltpo3€d of aftcr tcatlng li conplctcd |rnla3s othcr arrrngement3 lgr€€d to Fortl o. CHEll3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, tNC. COI{SULTING EI{GINEERS AI{D SCI EIIT I STS REPORT OF CONCHETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ilEcll Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-5-93Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 4 0F 4vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8ui1ding, east of Uesthaven Drive and l,estin Hote'l , South Frontage Road tJest, Vall, Colo. PLACEI'|EI|T LOCATI0i.|: Foundation tlalls; Lines 25 to 3l and C thru p. EATCH TICKET II{F0RMTI0I{ SUPPLIER: ttestern l,lobile TRUCK lr0. 97 TTCKET N0. 055? l{rx DEsIGil ilo. 44 TillE BATCHED: 3:17 Ptl Tll{E ARRIVED: 3:30 PM TIIIE PLACED: 3:40 Ptl-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUH: 154 FIELO TESTII{G I }IFORI'IA'I I ON SAMPLE TEMP: 73'F AtR TEI.IP: 70 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKEII: 3:50 Ptl SLUIIP: 5 ll{. AIR COt{TEllT: 5.71 ttET UI{IT IJEIGHT: JOB SPECI FI CATIOI{S: SLtll,lP: IN. AIR C0llTEl{T: X UATER ADOED AT SITE --- GAL. CYLINDER I NFORHAT ION tl0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLIT{()ER SIZE: 6"x t?" TIl,lE CYtlll0ERS CAST: 4:00 Pl{ IHERE CAST: on-Site CUR I I.16 I IIFORMAT I OI,I IiIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket' DATE REC€IVED AT LAB: 10-6-93 BY: Bobby J. Hays lll l{,/tlAx AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOIAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI,IETER ( THCHES) AREA (Sq lfi) coHP. sTR. (Ps1) TYPT OF FRACTURE CYLIHDER VEIGHT (LBS) CYLIIIDER UI{IT I{EI6HT (PCF) fD 7D 28D 280 e80 260 l0-t?-93 10- 12'93 r1-2-93 11-a-93 l1-2-93 rt-?-93 8/,500 101 ,000 1?0,000 121 ,000 128,000 125,000 6.00 6.08 6.05 6.00 5.99 28.27 28.09 29.03 28.75 28.27 28. 18 3090 3600 413 0 4?10 4530 4440 shear shear con,/shear conl shear con/shear con/shear DES IGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERS()I{I{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE VITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I }ITTHODS UilLESS OTHIRUISE NOTED SOI.IE II{FORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY ()1HER5 RIMARKS: CoPIE5: R.A. !,lel son & Associ ates, inc Town of VaiI; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatluney Pratt Schultz Dan t{eill Bobby J. Hays FIETO OESERVER APPROVEO BY A3 ! ituts.l prot.ctlon to cllants, thc public .ll.nts, rnd quthorl26tlon for publlcatlon ofpandlng our r.rltten .pprov.l. Slnpla3 will bein wrlting.A m€mbcr ol th. !I! group of comprnl.s .nd oursalvaa, a'l l rcports st.'tcfionts. Conclusions or- d I rpo3ed of altar testlng .ra iubm{tt€d .s th. confldlctrtirl Frop.rty of cxtirctg from or rega|-dlng our reports lt re3arvcdls conplatad unlcis otlter arrangem€nts rgraad to Forfl rao. olEll3A 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G TI{GI I{EERS ANO 5CIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: liECll Enterprises JoB lt0. 4 t7B 93-3 DATE: l0-ZZ-93Attn: Eustaqui o Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F IVail, C0 01658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Bui]ding, east of tlesthaven Drive and llesti n Hote'l , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEiIEIIT LOCATI0II: Elevator C Core Uall, Lines J through K, Elev. 101' EATCH TICKET It{F0Rl.{ATI0il SUPPLIER: l,lestern l.lobile. lRrcK ilo. 1s0 TICKET t{0. 010988 ftlx DEsl6t{ }t0. TIl,fE EATCHED: 72:14 TII'lt ARRMO: 12:25 TIIitE PLACED: 12:40 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCU}I: FIELD TESTING II{FORI,IATIOII SAIIPLE TEI,IP: OF AIR TETIP: TIME TEST TAKEII: SLUIIP: Ili. AIR C0llTEt{T: Z uEl UI{IT IIEIGHT: J08 SPECIFI CATI0}iS: sLUl'lP; 4 I1{. AIR C0l{TEl,lT: 4.87 TTATER AoDED AT SITE cAL, CYLItiDER IllFoRtlATI0t{ N0. 0F CYLIIiDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIl.lE CYLIIIOERS CAST: 12:45 UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIlIG I I{FORI,IAT I OI'I IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEMO AT LAB: 10-25-93 8Y: SRC MIN/I|AX CY!II{OER UI{IT VEIGHT {PcF) DESiGil STRET{GTH 400 PSI @ 28 0AYS IE5TS BY LAAORATORY PERSOI'II{EL ARE II{ ACCORDANCE IIITH APPLICAELE ASTI,I IIETHOOS UIILESS OTHERIJISE }IOTED SOI,|E I iIFORI,IAT I OII OF TEST REPORI I,IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI'IARKS : D IAI'lETER ( I ilCHES) CYLIIIDER UEIGHT (L8s ) 103,500 i01 ,500 l0-29-93 10-29-93 1l-19-93 l1-19-93 t 1-19-94 l1- t9-93 7 28 28 28H 28H CoPIES: R.A. 1{e1son & Associates, lnc.; Tonn of Vail; lJestern llobile; As ! nutu.l protactlon to cllents, thc Fubllc .nd oursclv.s, .ll Fcportscll.nti, and authoilratlon for publlcatlon of strtcmcnte. Conclu3lon3 orp6ndlng our. wrltt.n approvrl. Sanpl.3 wlll bc dl3poicd of rft.r te3tlhgin trrltlnt. rr. sutmltt€d s5 th. contldlantlrl proparty of .xtrlcts from or icg.rdlng our F€ports It ratar-va.llr completcd unlaa3 othcf rr-rangencnts !g|^ecd to CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EII6II{EERS AI{D SC IEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER c): .T'% No\/ t9e3 q 'Stl$rd-l el ffiifiEcrshP.c.,\,-" krarzrzfl T0: llEctl Enterprlses JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-4-93Attn: Eustaduio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SHTET 1 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bullding, east of lJesthaven Drive and llesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMENI LOCATIOII:Foundat ion lrall; Lines Q thru Z. SATCH TICKET I ilF0Rl.lAT I0l{ SUPPLIER: ldestern l'{obi le TRUCK ilo. 151 TICKET 0. 0486 ilIX DESIGI ilo. 44 TII1E BATCHED: 1:35 Pll TIME ARRIVE0: 2:05 PM TIl,lE PLACED: 2:30 PM-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI,|: 28 FIELD T8STIi{C II{F0RMATIOI{ SAIIPLE TEiIP: 7t "F AIR TEl,lP: 70 "F TIIIE TEST TAKEN: 2:20 Pll SLISIP: 3l/2 It{. AIR C0t{TEtlT: 5.5X }lET Ut{lT IIEIGHT: JOB SPECI F ICATIOI{S: SLUl,tP: Il{. AIR C0llTEllT: X I{ATER A00ED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL i I{OER IiIFORI.IAT IOII N0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI|IE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 2:30 Pll IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURiIIG I NFORI.IAT IOl{ II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 10-6-93 FITLD ST0RAGE FACILIIIES: Hot Box BY: Carolyn Adams l.lll{/lilAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD ( L8s) D I AI,{ETER ( Ir{cHES) AREA (sQ rN) cot'tP. sTR. (Psi) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL INDER UEIGHT (L8s) CYLI}.IDER UI{ IT IJEIGHT ( PcF) 7 'R ?8 28 28 1n -1 I -A? 10-t I -93 l1- l-93 u-l-93 11-l-93 l1-l-93 105 ,500 114,000 t30,500 140,500 122,000 147 ,000 6.06 6. 08 6.08 6 .09 6. t0 6.07 28.84 29.03 29.03 29 .13 29.?? e8.94 JDOU 3930 4490 48?0 4fl0 5080 shear snear con/shear con/spli t con/shear con/spl i t OESTGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI S 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE !'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I,IETHODS UIILESS OTHERI.'ISE I,{OTED SO}IE ]I{FORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIOED 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS: C0PIE5: R.A. f{e1son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern l{obile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Dan lleill Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVTR APPROVED BY As e muturl prot.ctlon to cll.nt3r tha publlc and ours€lvca, all r€ports cll€nts, .||d authorlzatlon for. publlcrtlor of !tatctEnta. Conclusior|3 or p.ndl$g ssr. !.rittcn approv.l. Sarlpl.s $ll1 b. dlgPotad of eftcr testlng in wrl tl ng. A m€nbcr of thc !:! gaoup of coiFrnlrs .rG iulrnlttcd ca tha confldlantlal proP€rty of cxtract3 from or rgt.rding our rePorts ll ra3arvadir cd$lct6d unl.s! other lrFargcnents agrccal to For||' xo. c EI13A 6/91 i,ii ,;' CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. \ COI{SULTI I{G EIIGIi{EERS AI{O SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ilECll Enterpri ses J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-6-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SftEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bulldlng, east of tresthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Yest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI.{EI{T LOCAT IOI{ :Elevator C to Elevation 84 EATCH TICKET I IIFORI,IAT I OI{ TRUCK t{0. ll9 TIl,lE BATCHED:5:20 TICKET [0. 10506 TII4E ARRIVEO:T I I'IE SUPPLIER: llestern l,lobi 1e tllx 0Esl6li iio. 44 BPLACED: CU. YD. L0AII/ACCU}i: FIELD TEsIIttG IltFoRl.lATIol{ IIFmilATI{n I0T PR0VIDED sAtlPLE TEt'lP: AIR TE}IP: T TIME TEST TAKEI{: SLUltP: Il,l. AIR C0 TEI{T: 1 !,ET uilIT tlEI6HT: JOB SPECIFICATI0T{S: SLullP: Ill. AIR C0tlTEilT: f UATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINOER II{FORHATIOII tt0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TillE CYLII{OERS CAST: IIHERE CAST: Field CURI IIG IilFORI,IATTOiI It{ITIALCURE: 0n-5,|te [)ATE RECEIVED AT LA8:l0-11-93 FIELO 8Y: SToRAGE FACILITIFS: Cure 8l anket llark Jensen llttl/l,lAx ACE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL L()AO (L8S ) DIAI,IET[R ( It{cHES } AREA (sQ Il{) c0ltP. sTR. tDell TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I1{DER UEIGHT (LBS ) CYLIl{DER UI{IT IIEiGHT (PCF) 7 28 28 28H 28H 10-13-93 10-13-93 l1-3-93 l1-3-93 1t-3-93 1 t -1-Ol i22,500 85,000 152,000 170,000 154,500 159.000 6.07 6.08 6.08 6.06 6.08 6.07 e8.94 29.03 29.03 28.84 29.03 28.94 4?30 2930 5240 5890 .53U0 5490 snear shear con/spl i t eon/spl i t con/spl i t con/spi i t DESIGII STREI{GTH 4OOO PsI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE I1{ ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICASLE ASTI.{ I.IETHODS U]{LESS OTHERVISE I{OTED SOI,IE II{FORIIATIOII (lF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHER5 Cyl i ndersREI.IARKS:were caSt by the contractor, CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; Tovrn of Vail; lJestern llobile; J v A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz;Eobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVTR APPROVED 8Y As a hutu.l protrctlon to cll.nt3' thG publlc cllent3. rnd ruthorlz!tlon for publlc.tton of p.ndlng our wrltt.n apptovrl. Srmpl.s |rlll b. ln wrltlng. A nrcmbcr o{ th! !!! group ot ccdrpanlcr rnd our3clv65. all r.Ports rtrtqnaht3. Concl us'i on3 or dlspo3Gd of aftci tcrtlng rrc autnltt.d {6 thc confldlcntlrt propcrty of ertiacts tron or ragrrdlng ouF r^.Portt l3 rcl'Fv'.t i3 conolctcd unla3t othcr aFrrng€m.nts 'greeo !o Fonn No. C$Ell3A 6l9t \ fff-'"%\ 1o *oo "tt g H qqi:itj:#rz J b-mi*sl1P<)^ ^-j'\*'-":tz'i#CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIil6 EIIGII{EERS AIID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl4 Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-27-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 1 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven 0rive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI'IEI{T L0CATI0I{: Stair "C" to Elevation 95 EATCH TICKET ItlF0RllATIOl{ SUPPLIER: l,lestern }lobile TRUCK r{0. 161 TICKET !10. 010184 HIX DESIG| l{0. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 9:10 Atl TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:20 Atl TIIIE PLACED: 9:25 A]'t CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU|Ii: 7 FTELD TESTIIIG I IIFORI4AT IOII TIIIE TEST TAKET{: 9:55 All JOB SPECIFICAT]OI{S; SlUl'lP: 3 SLU|{P:4" llAX It{. I1{ . SAIiPLE TE}.IP: AIR C0t{TEtlT: 4.6I AIR C0t{TEl{T: 612S -- T AIR TEHP: 25 'F lrET UIIIT IIEIGHT: -- I'ATER ADDED AT SITE O GAL. CYLIIIOER I I{FORI.,IAT I OI{ ll0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLII{DERS CAST: 10:15 Alt VHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRIl{6 Ir{F0RilAtI0r{I ITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: BY: l.l I li/l,lAx AGE OAYS DATE TESTEO TOIAL LOAD (LBs) DIA},IEIER ( IllcHEs ) AREA (sQ lt)col,rP . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIT{OER UEIGHI (LBs ) CYLIIIOER UI{IT I'EIGHT (PCF) 7 7 28 28 H H ll-3-93 11-3-93 l1-24-93 1t-24-93 11-24-93 r1-24-93 121 ,000 10s,500 6. 03 5.98 28.56 28.09 4240 3900 conlshear conlshear OESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS T€STS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE III ACCORDANCE I{ITH APPLICAELT ASTI'I IIFTHODS U]{LESS OTHERIJiSE NOIED S()ME II{FOR}IAIIOII OF TEST REPORT IIAI BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS: C0PIES: R.A. l{el son & Assoc'i ates, Inc Tosn of Va'il ; llestern l,lobi I e; J V A, lnc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz 8i1ly Earbour Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 a |tnrtur'l prot.ctlotl to €llcnts, th. Public clients. .nd ruthoFl:atlon for gubllcltion of lttrd(nE our wrltt.n rp9rovcl, SrnPl.r will hc A D.rrbor ;f th. !I! group of comp.nlc! !nd oursrlve3, .l l rlFort5 3t.tsn.nt3. Concl usi ons or dlsgos€d af aft.i tastlng .r. aub|nltt€d a3 th. confld't.ntlal proporty of .rtrr|cti fl_oat or ragardlng our raports 13 ratcrv'd {i €oRplct€d unlaat athcr qrlcngqrents agr"d Eo Forn No. CMEll3A 6/9r fI"% S" *ou tnt' ; !;. I Q'&"'-''"0,\(trtuo"# CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. col{sullI l{G il{cII'{EERS Ailo SCIEflTISTS REPORT OF CONCRFTE TEST CYL|NDER DATA As a muturl rrotrctlon to clllnts, th. publlc and o(|"3clvls, .ll rcporti .t.c 6ubtnltt.d .s tha conlld{entl.t prop.rty of cllGntr, an.t .rthorlzatlon for publlcation of stat.|||antr. ConcluSlont or.rtractE trod or rrgardlrtg our r.port3 {a ralarv.d pcndlng'our xiittcn .pprov.l. Srmples rrill b. dlapoa.d of rft.i tcatlhg la conpl.t..l unl.!3 othcr.fr.ng.ncntt tgraaO to lh wri tlng.A"r;il;;";i thc EI! sroup o{ cotnp.nlcs Form No. cFErl3A 6/91 T0: HECl,l Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 JoB tl0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 9-20-93 SHEET 1 OF 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftslde Euilding, east of yesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l'lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI{EI{T LOCATIOII :llorth ltlal 1 Lines P-10 through P-26, J to P. EATCH TICKET II{FORI'IATIO'I TRUCK tto. ll4 TIME BATCHED: SIIPPLIER: Uestern llobl le TICKTT 0. 9932 ilIX DESIEI| N0. 44 TII'IE ARRIVED: 3:45 Ptl TIiIE PLACED: 4:05 Pll-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUI'|: I FIELD TESTII{G IllFORf,lATIol{ SAf4PLE TE!4P: 74 'F AIR TEI'IP: 72 "F TIl,lE IEST TAKEI{: 4:10 Pll sLUl'lP: 4 l/4 ll,l. AIR C0l{TtllT: 5.2X IJET UtllT tlElGHT: J08 SPECIFICATI0ilS: SLUI'IP: Il,l. AIR C0]{TEllT: I I,,ATER A0DED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLII{DER II{FORTIATIOII N0. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x l2' TII.{E CYLIII0ERS CAST: 4:15 Pll tJtlERE CAST: On-Site cuR I xc Il{F0Rl,tAT10t{ II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours On-Site DATE RECEIV€D AT LAB: 9-22-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Bl anket BY: Ilark Jensen l,llll/llAx , AGE DAYS DATE TEsTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) OIAI.IETER ( IilCHES) AREA (sq Ifl) c0t1P.sTR. (PS r ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI IIDER I{E IGHT (lBs ) CYLII{DER UNIT IIE IGHT (PcF) ao 28 )o 9-27 -93 10-18-93 l0-18-93 1l-15-93 121 ,000 153,000 157,000 17l,000 , o-uJ 6.05 6.07 6.06 I 28.75 ?8.75 ?8.94 28.84 4210 53 20 5430 5930 Shear shear shear con/spl i t DESIGI{ STREIIGTH B-4OOO PSl 8 28 DAYS IESTS BY TABORATORY PERSOI{]IEL AR€ IIl ACCORDAI{CE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I }IETHOOS UIILESS OTHERUISE }IOTED SOMT II{FORIIATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIOED BY ()THERS RE}IARKS: COPIES: R.A, ]{el son & Assoclates, Inc.Attn: l|r, Rick Agate. llestern Mobile, Attn: l{r. Rick Seymour J.V.A., Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz; Dan l{eill Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y , t'l}{ CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EI{GII{EERS AI{O SCI EIITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At ! truturl pFot.ctlolr to cll.htr. thr pqbllc rnd o$3.lv.Br .ll iaporta.r'a *utnrlttld.t thc confldlertl.l propcrty of cli.nt3, .h.t lrthort2rtlon lor publ{c.tlon o{ rtit.mhtt. Conclurlons oF.xtrictr frorn or rtg.rding our F.ports lt r.t.rv.d p.ndtng oqi rrlttcn .pproval. S.[pl.r r.lll b. dlrpo3ad of aftcr tr3tlng lr cornpl.ted unlct! oth.r rrrlhgdn.ntt agr..q to ln r.rl t I ng.i.a,nt;;";i th. !I! grosp ot cdtp.nl.i Font t{o, cHEll3A 6/91 fxt't',%\ R #m'w T0: ltECll Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-l?-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 3 YaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Auilding, east of Uesthaven Drive and lJestin llotel , Sauth Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACET,IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Grid Lines C thru L, 25 thru 31. Elevation 53.9 to 54.9. BATCH TICKET Il{FORllATI0tl SUPPLIER: l{estern ilobile TRUCK t{0. 97 TICKET ilo. 010681 l.{IX DESl6}l }10. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 8:35 Af,l TIiIE ARRIVED: TIIIE PLACED: 9:10 Aii-CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUI'I: 71281719 FIELO TESTIilG II{FOR].IATIOII SAI4PLE TEI'IP: 60 .F AIR TEMP: 40 OF TIIIE TEST IAKEII: 9:15 All StlllP: 3 1/4 Il{. AIR COllTEilr: 3.2fl UET Utitl VEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLIfiP: 1,lax.4 Il{. AIR CO]{TEilT: -- X IIATER ADDE0 AT SITE 4 GAL. CYLI I{DER II{FORI'IATIOI{ 0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x le" TIl.lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 9:27 Al'l }{HERE CAST: On-Site CUR]IIG II{FORIIATIOl{I ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-14-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure Biankets BY: Frank Potvin l,llt{/llAx Aql. DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI,TETER ( r]{cHEs } AREA (sQ ]il) COMP. STR. ( Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIl{DER UEIGHT (L8S) CYLI '{DERUt{IT UEI6HT (PCF) 7A 7A 28A ?84 28A 28A 10-19-93 l0-19-93 I t-9-93 l1-9-93 I t-9-93 11-9-93 125,500 124,000 144,500 157,500 156,000 157 .000 6.04 6.03 6.00 5.97 6.06 6.07 28.65 28.56 28.?7 27.99 28.84 28.94 4380 4270 5110 5630 5410 543 0 shSear shea r con/shear con/bpl i t con/spl it con/spl i t OESI6I{ STREI{GTH 4000 PsI e 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{ilEL ARE III ACCORDA!{CE IIJTH APPTICABLE AST},I I,IETHOOS UIILESS OTHERI'ISE I{OTED SO}IE I]{FMilATIOII OF TEST REPORT I{AY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REiIARKS:Sanples taken frol discharge of purnp, COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J v A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVED gY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI IIG EIIGII{EERS AIID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At a tutturl protactlol to cllantir th. pcbllc Inal o!rt.lv.i, all raportr .r! iub.tltt.d s3 the confldlantl.I p'.opcrty of cllantt, rnd authoritatlon tor prbllcatlon of rtatananta. Conclu3lon5 or €rtrrcts trom or r'agrrdlng our raFot't3 13 raaarvad pcnding our wrltt.n rppioval. s.rplca Hlll bc dlrpor.d of rft.r tertlng l3 co.nplct.d rhlGBs oth.r rrFtrgrn nt3 agrc.c to ln rrritlnd- A mcmbar 6f th. EI! g.oup ot cdrprnl.3 For|tt No. Cl'lEll3A 6/91 T0: l,lECl,l Enterpri ses J{lB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-12-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 2 0F 3 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Butldlng, east of llesthaven Drive and testin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PI-ACE},IEIIT L$ATIOII :Grid Lines C thru L, Approximate elevation 25 thru 3l 59. BATCH TICKET IllFORl,lAII0ll SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobile TRUCK N0. 97 .TICKET 1{0. 0t0589 HIr DESIGfl 1{0. 44 TIHE EATCHID: l0:54 All TII4E ARRIVEO: ll:01 All TIt'lE PLACED:ll:02 All-CU. Y0. LOA0/ACCUil i 7l70lll9 FIELD TESTIIIG I FORI.IATIOII SAIIPLE TE}IP: 63 .F AIR TEI'IP: 50 OF TIl,lE TEST TAKEII: 11:07 All SLtfiP: 31/2 It{. AIR C0llTEl{T: 3.5I l{ET Ut{lT ldElGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0NS: SLIIIP: l'lax.4 ll{. AIR C0t{TEt{T: f UATER ADDED AT SITE 0 6AL, CYL IilOER It{FORI.IATIOII ll0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x lZ' TIiIE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 1l:l? All lftlERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI I{G II{FORIiIATIOI{ IilITIAL CURE:48 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-14-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket 8Y: Fnank Potvin t'lIt{/MAX AGE DATS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (tBs) DIATIETER (rNCHES) AREA (sQ il{) coilP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTI'|RE CYLINDER IJE I GHT (LBs) CYL I]{DER UIIIT YEIGHT (PcF) 7B 7B 288 288 288 288 l0-19-93 10-t9-93 1t-9-93 ll-9-93' 11-9-93 r r-9-93 134,000 130,000 166,500 161 ,500 169,000 161,500 6.07 6-06 6.08 6.05 6.08 6.09 ?8.94 28.84 29.03 28.75 29 .03 29.13 4530 4510 5730 5620 5820 5540 shear shear con/spl i t con/spl i t 6on/spl i t con/spl i t DESIGII STREIIGIH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSONIIEL ARE Iil ACCORDAIICE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I'IETHODS U]{IE5S OTHERUIST I{OTED SOI.IE IIIFORI'IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS:Sample taken from dl scharge of pump. COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vall; l{estern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gnattnrey Pratt Schultz;Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTTI{G EI{GIIIEERS A]{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A5 | n|ut{.| protcctlon to cll.ntr, tha publ{c.[d ourialv.3r .tl r.aFortt ar. rub ltt.d aa tht confldlantt.l Fr.FCrty of cltantr. and rsthorlzrtlon lor psblle.tion ol 3tatamant3. Conclrrlon3 oi .rtracta fl'o|n 9r ragtrrdfng o{r rapol^tt - l t -ra3.Fvadpcnatng'our Hrlttcn .Fprovrl . SrhFl.r xlll bc dlapoicd of .lt.r t.rtlng Ir corbpl.tad {.nl.3t oth.r.rr.t}gr&.61t rgr..c to in *Fltlng.A'";;;;-;i th. BlI tnosp of conp!n{.3 Forn No' cHEll3A 6/91 T0: l,lECl{ Attn P.0. Vai l PROJECT: Enterprises Eustaquio Cortina Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Liftside 8ut ldi ng, J08 ]t0.4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-12-93 SHEET 3 OF 3 east of Uesthaven Drive and l{estln Hotel ,South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATIO]I :6rid Lines C thru L, 25 thru 31, Approxlmate elevation 64. BATCH TICKET I t{FORllAT I0l{ SUPPLIER: tlestern llobi le TRUCK t{0. 97 TICKET lr0. 010701 lllx DESI6!| lto. 44 TII4E BATCHED: 1:07 Pll TIttE ARRTVED: 1:15 Pl,l TIIIE PLACED: 1:t5 PI,I-CU.YD.L0AD/ACCuI{: 7lll9 FIELD TESTII{6 I IIF()RHAT I OII TIl.lE TEST TAKtt{: l:32 Pll JOB SPECI FTCATIOI{S: StlrllP: 2 l/4 SLUIIP: I'tax.4 Iil. I lt. SAI,IPLE TEI.IP: AIR COI{TEI{T: 3.0* AIR C0 TE TT X 63 "F AIR TEI{P: 50 OF IJET UIIIT !IEI6HT: --- I{ATER AODEll AI SIT€ 5 6AL. CYLII{DER II{FORI.IATTOII t{0. 0F CYLII{oERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x lZ" I ll,lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: l:Us Pll IIHERE CAST: on-Site CUR I TIG I'{FORI,IAT IOII IfllIIAl CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT IAB: 10-14-93 FIETD ST0RA6E FACIIITIIS: Cure Blanket BY : Frank Potv i n t'l t 1{ /llAx AGE OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAIIETER ( r]{CHES } AREA (sQ Il{) c01'lP . sTR. (PSrl TYPE OF FRACTI'RE CYL] IIDER VEIGHT (LBs) CYLIIIOER UI{IT UEIGHT (PCF) 7C 7C 28C 28C z6c 28C l0-19-93 t 0-19-93 i l-9-93 11-9-93 11-9-93 l1-9-93 144,000 l3s,000 167 ,000 162,000 162,500 163,000 6.08 6.08 6.07 6.09 6.09 6.09 29 .43 ?9.03 28.94 29.13 e9.13 e9. 13 4960 4650 5770 5560 5580 5600 shear shear con/spl it con/spl i t con/spl i t snear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4000 PsI € 28 oAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PER5OI{IIEL ARI II{ ACCORDAI{CE T.IITH APPL:CABLE ASTI.I I,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI{E I IIFORII/IT IOII OF IEST NEPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS RETIARKS:Sarnpl e taken fnon dl scharge of pump. C0PIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Tovn of VaiI; Llestern l4obl le; J V A, Inc.; Gsath€y Pratt Schul tz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIl{6 EIIGIIIEERS AI{O SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER d^'T'% $s roul*,'? F. ^HrHilg'h"S g ruuy 1993 Bh oliii :.. v E T0: llECll Enterprises JoB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 10-13-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81650-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Building, east of l$esthaven Drive and lJesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road ltest, Vail, Colo. PLACEiIIi|T L0CATI0Ii: Lolr llal l betneen Grld Lines Y-2 and El evator Shaft "E'. BATCH TICKET I I{FOR}|AT l0ll SUPPLIER: Uestern l{obile TRUCK fio. 150 TICKET t{0. 010756 ilIX 0ES161{ flo. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 4:17 Pl{ TIIIE ARRIVED: --- TIl,lE PLACE0: 4:30 Pi|-CU.YD,!0A0/ACCU}i: TlZl FIELD lEsTItlG II{F0RI{ATI0I{ SAllPtE TEl,tP: 65 oF AIR Ttl,lP: 45 'F TII4E TEST TAKET{: 5:50 Pll SLullP: 21l2 I}1. AIR C0]{TEtlT: 3.5X i/ET UiIIT IIEIGHT: J08 SPECIFICATIoI{S: SLISIP: l,lax,4 IN. AIR C0l{TEl{I: X IIATER 400E0 AT'SITE 4 GAL. CYL IIIOER II{FORI,IATIOt{ t{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII.{E CYLIIIDERS CAST: 5:55 Ptl llHtRE CAST: 0n-Slte ctRltt6 ItlFoRtlATI0R II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 0n-Si te 10-15-93 FIEL0 SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure Box 8Y: Frank Potvin l,lll{/llAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LO.AD (LBs) 0IAl'IETER ( rrcHEs ) AREA (sQ Il{) c0f.{P. sTR. (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYTII{OER I{E IGHT ( LBs) CYL I1{DER UIIIT YEIGHT (PcF) 7 ?8 ?8 ?8 28 l0-20-93 l0-20-93 1l-10-93 n-10-93 I t-t0-93 ll-10-93 104,000 117,500 135,000 134,500 136,500 135,500 6.08 6,08 5.99 6.06 5.99 6.08 29.03 29.03 28. 18 ?8.84 28.18 29.03 3580 4050 4790 4560 4840 4670 con/spl I t shear shear shear shear shear DESIGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE II,I ACCORDAiICE IIITH APPLICABLE A5TI'I I.IETHOO5 UIILESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI,IE ]ilFffiI.IATIOI{ OF TEST RIPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS: Sampl e taken from dlscharge of punp, COPIES: R.A. llelson & Assoclates, Inc,; Town of Vail; lJestern l,lobi'le; J V A, Inc.; Gwathley Pratt Schultz;Erian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Ai a hutu.l protrctlon to cll.l|ts, th. publlc cli.nt3, rnd ruthorlzltlon fo|^ publlc.tlon ofpcndlng orF tr|.ltt.r approvrl. S.mpl.. f,llI b.ln rritlng. A mc.Der of thc EJ! group ot coripanl.t and our3alvei. .l I rapor tt ttltc ants. Concl uilona ordltpo.ad ol .ftar t..t{rg .t.. aubnltt.d .t th. confldl.htl.l ptop.rty ot ettrlct3 irorn or ragaldlng our Faporta 13 rasa?vcd 13 corFlctad unlGrs oth.|. rrranEan.nt3 rgraac lo Fort' flo. CHEll3A 5/91 l. IL |l. CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0r{sulT$rG EIGIt{gEf,,s AilD SCIEI{TI5T5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER A5 . ,[rtr.l lrotactlon to cll€nt3, th. publlc cllcrti, rnd ruthoils.tion foF publlcltlon of Fandlng out'rtltt.n .pp.ov.l. Sdnpl.3 *lll b.in |{rlting. A |r.||rb.|. of th. !:! grouF of cqnp.hl.3 .nd ouFrclvair all tapot t3 Strtdt|c'|t3. C.nclu3lont ordlrpo.ad of rtt.r t.stlng rrt! rutrirlttld .r t6. contldicnt{cl proParty ot .rtrrctr from oF F.garding osr F.Porta l5 r.rarvad ls cqrplated snle33 othar rrrangdn ntt !g...d to Fortt flo. cticll3A 6/91 s-'To /.q\ -r9\ i4t rt"/ ^c."/ F {ou rss:co Gg,rr:;,.o'- ,RFUhi,u: fuA-cilifdfi:ifi T0: l,lECl{ Enterprises JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: t0-16-93Attn: Eustnquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3lil9 SHEET f 0F 3Vatl, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Bullding, east of Uesthaven Dlive and llestin Hotel, South Frontage Road {est, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LOCATIOI{ :lJal)s; Lines C-K and 25-31 SATCH TICKET I l{F0Rl{AT I0ll SUPPLIER: Uestern llobi ie TRUCK r{0. tt4 TIC|(ET t{0. 0t0827 HIX DESIGI t{0. 44 TIIIE SATCHEO: 9:03 AH TIl,lE ARRIVED: 9:20 Al,t TIHE PLACEI|: 9:25 All-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU!,|: 7135 FIELO f€STIllG It{FORllATtOl{ SAI{PLE TEIiP: 54 'F AIR TEHP: 40 T TIIIE TEST TAKEI{: 9:30 All SlUl'lP: 4 llt. AIR COtlTEt{T: 4.5S llET UI{IT tlEI6HT: J08 SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLlll{P: llax.4 It{. AIR C0tlTtllT: f UATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAt. CYtII{OER IIIFORI{ATIOII l{0. 0F CYIIIIOERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIilE CYLITIDERS CAST: 9:35 Al,l TJHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG I I,IFORI,IAT IOII IfltlIAL CURE: 48 hours On-Site 0ArE RECEM0 Al LAB: 10-18-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Joe E. Benedlct llll{/tlN( AOE. OAYS t)ATE TE5IEO TOTAT LOAO (tBs) OIAI.IETER ( ilicflEs ) AREA (sQ tt{) c0r'lP. sTR. {Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I I.It)ER I.'E IGHT (LBs) CYLIIIOER UTIIT I.IE IGHT (PcF) 7A 7A a8A 284 284 284 r0-23-93 10-23-93 t1-13-93 11-13-93 11- 13-93 t1-13-93 t 0s,000 t tt ,000 136,000 138,000 137,500 136,500 5.98 o. uo 5.98 6.A7 6.08 6.08 28.W 28.84 28. 09 28.94 e9.03 29.03 3850 3850 4840 477 0 4740 4700 shear shear shear con/$hear sheat shear I)ES]GI{ STREI{GTH 4000 Psl € 28 0AYs TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCORDAIICE I.'ITH APPLICABTI ASTII fiETHODs UI{LESS OTHERIIISE IIOTED SOI.IE I i{FORI,IAT I OiI OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIOEO BY OTHERS RE}IARKS:Sanrpl ed from di scharge of truck. COPIES: R.A. ]{el son & Associates, inc Town of Vail; lJestern Hobile; J V A, Inc.; Guathny Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. Hays FIELO OSSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG E}I6II{EERS AIID SCIEIITI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA 43 r nwtu.'l FFotactlon to cllants, the pqbllc rnd osts.lv.3r .ll reports ara tulmlttad ri th. confldlrntl.l Prop.r'ty ot clicrtsr .nd suthort:.ttor for publlcltlon ol 3t.tcrrents, Corclurtonr oi.rtrrctt trom or r.g.rding 9!l,tq:i!t- !1-:t:l"ttlpcnaing'our tflttan .pptlvr-l. slr|t|plca ralll bc dl5po..d of .ftcr. t.3tlng l5 coriPl.t.d unlat3 other err.ng.rcnt3.gr..ll to ln |rritlnr.;-;il;;-;; th. ts!! group ot coorp.nl.i Fonn o' ct'lEtl3A 6/91 T0: l{EC}l Enterpri ses JOB fl0. 4 t78 93-3 0ATE: l0-t6-93Attn: Eustaquio Cort I na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET Z 0F 3Vai1, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Llftside Euilding, east of lresthaven Drive and l,restin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo. PLACET.IEI{T LOCATIOII :Yalls; Lines CjK and 25-31. BATCH TICKET I|{F0R|.iATI0N SUPPLIER: llestern llobile TRUCK il0. t6t T ICKEI ilo. 010834 t4IX DESIGIT lr0. 44 TIHE BATCHED: l0:34 Al,t TII{E ARRIVED: l0:40 Al.l TIl,lE PTACED:10:45 AH-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU}I: 7 FIELD TESTII{6 lllF0Rl,lATlON SAHPLE TEMP: 56 'F AIR TEf,lP: 40 "F TIt'lE TEST TAKEI{: 10:50 All SLU}IP: 3 Il{. AIR C0liTEllT: 4.01 l{ET UI{IT IJEI6HT: --- J06 SPECI FICATI0IIS: SLUIIP: llax.4 I1{. AIR C0l{TEt{T: N UAT€R A00E0 AT SITE -- CAL. CYLII{OER INFORiIATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLII{0ERS: 6 CYtIttOgR SIZE: 5"x t2" TlltE CYLINDERS CAST: 10:55 Al{ IIHERE CAST: On-Site cuRI 6 Il{FoRilATIotl II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELD STmAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 10-18-93 BY: Joe E. Benedi ct llll{/tlAx AUE OAYS DATE TESTEI) TOTAL LOAD ( L8s) OT AI.IETER (mcHEs) AREA (SQ ItI) cot,tP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI t{DER t/E I GHT (t8s) CYLIl{DER UIIII YEIGHT t PcF) 7g 7B 288 288 288 288 10-u3-93 10-?3-93 1r -13-99 l1- l3-93 11-13-93 I l-13-93 133 ,000 t32,000 173 ,000 170,000 168,500 135,000 6.07 6.06 6. 07 6.07 6.07 6.08 28.94 28.84 28.94 28.94 28.94 29.03 4600 4580 5980 5870 5820 4650 shear shea r snear shear shear shear DESIGI{ STRTIIGTH 4OO() PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCOROAIICE I{ITH APPLICABLI AST}I I.IETHODS UIILESS OTHER!'ISE I{OTED SOiIE II{FORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHTRS R E}IARKS :Sample uas taken from discharge of truck. COPIES: R.A, llel son & Associates, lnc.; Town of Vail; tlestern tlobile; J V A, Inc.; G athney Pratt Schultz;Brian Scanlan Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVTD BY e CHEN-NORTHEHN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EHGII{EERS AND SCIEI{TISI5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Aa. nuto.l prot€€tlon to cll.ntr, thG p[bllc.nd our3alv.3, slI raForts .i. subttlttad lr ihc confldlcnt{.1 Proparty ol ctlantr. rnd ruthorlrrtlo|r tor publ{c.tlon of 3trt.|t|.ntr. Concls3lon. or cxtrlcts fFoft or iagrrdfng our raport3 la.r.aerv'd ;,;;;l;i'";;-;ii;i" ipp"6i;"i. Saruiis rttt bG dt3poird of.ft.r tcrtlng li coorrl.tld unl..t ath.r .rr!n9.trnt3 .9n.c to ln }rrltlng./i'r;;;;-8i thc !!!! sr.oup of codrP.nl.i FoFr flo. cMEllsA 6/91 T0: llECll Enterori ses J08 lio. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l0-f6-93Attn: Eustaqui o Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 3 0F 3Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8ui1din9, east of Vesthaven Drive and I'lestin tlotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEIiT LOCATIOI{ :l{alls; Linas C-K and 25-31. BATCH TICKET ItlFoRl,lATIoll SUPPLIER: l,lestern l'lobil e TRUCK l{0. 114 TICKET lt0. 010839 tlIX DEsICfl !10. 44 TlltE EATCHED: 1l:41 Al{ T Il'lE ARRIVED: 1l:50 Al{ TIHE PLACED:11:55 Ali-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUH: 7 FIeLo TESTlfi6 IilFoRttATlotl TIl,lE TEST TAKEI{: l?: 05 Pil JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUf,lP:31/2 SLUIIP: itax.4 I t{. I t't . SAI'IPLE IEI.IP: AIR C0IITENT:4.57 AIR C0flT€llT: X 56 .F AIR TEIIP: 40 "F lrtET UI{IT t'lE IGHT: VATTR AODEO AT SITE ? GAt - CYLII{DER IIIFORI4ATIOI{ l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLlll0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,tE C,YLIIIDERS CAST: 12:10 Pll tJHERt CAST: 0n-Site cmIilG IilFoRHATIor,l IIIITIAL CURE: 48 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 10-18-93 FIETD SI0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elanket BY: Joe E. Eenedi ct l'll t{/}.{AX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs) OIAI,IETER ( rr{cHEs } AREA (sQ lrl) coltP. sTR. (Psi) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL II.IDER IJEIGHT ft ecl CYL IIIDER UI{IT VEIGHT (PcF) 7C 7C zaE 28C ?8C ?8C t0-23-93 10-23-93 1t -13-93 11-13-93 l1-13-93 1l- 13-93 120,000 120,000 140,500 149,000 lsl,000 147.500 6.05 6.07 5.99 5.99 5.98 Q.03 28.75 28.94 28.18 28.18 28.09 zo. )D 4170 4150 4990 5290 5380 3t DU sl|€ar shear snear shear shear snear DESI6I{ STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{IIEL ARE III ACCORDANCE I.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I ITETHOOS UTILESS OTHERI.'IsE I{OTED SOI,IE I I{FORI,IAT I OI{ OF IEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVTOEO BY OTH€RS RE}IARKS:Sarnple was taken from discharge of truck. COPIES: R.A. t{el son & Associates, inc.; Town of Yail; ty'estern llobile; J V A, Inc.; ${at}mey Pratt Schultz;8r'ian Scanlan BobbY J. HaYs FIELD OSSERVER APPROVED BY ft CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULT TIIG E]{GIIIEERS At{D SCIEITTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: HECX Enterprl ses J08 t{0. 4 l7A 93-3 0ATE: ll-10-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F zVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding' east of llesthaven Drive and Vestln Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATI0[{: Ual I s. EATCH TICKET illFORl'lATl0N SIJPPLIEf;,: llesiern ilobi le IRUCK lto. 97 TICKET lto. 01-0453 l'tlx DEsI6t{ t{0. 44 TIIIE EATCHED: L2:12 Pl4 TIIIE ARRM[): 12:30 Pl'l TIiIE PLACEO:l?:45 P|{-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUIi: ?8 FIELD IESTIIIG lilFoRllATlol{ SAI'IPLE TE}IP: 52'F AIR TEIIP: 40 'F TI[{E TEST TAKEII: --- SLUi{P: 4 1/4 lll. AIR CollTEllT: 4.8I tlET UHIT VEIGHT: --- JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLUf{P: ltax.4 Il{. AIR C0t{TEl{T: 4-81 lrAlER A0DE0 AT SIIE --- 6AL. CYTII{OER II{FOR}IATIOI{ ll0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIII0ER SIZE: 6"x lZ' TIttE CYLIIID€RS CAST: 1:00 PH I|HERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRlirc IlrFoRllATIot{ IiIITIAL CIRE: 48 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVE0 AT LA8: lt-12-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES : BY: Sandi R. Cody tllll/llAx AGE OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs] OIAI.IETER ( tilcHEs ) AREA (SQ IN) COMP. STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I1{DER UEIG}IT (LBs ) CYLIIIO€R UIIIT VEIGHT (PCF) 7A 7A 284 284 284 ?OA H H 11-17-93 1t-17-93 12-8-93 12-8-93 t2-8-93 1?-8-93 106 ,000 110,500 6.08 6.05 29.03 '28.75 3650 3840 shear shear OESIGII 5TREI{GTH 4000 Pst 0 28 DAYS TESIS BY LAEORATORY PERSONI{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAHCE I'ITH APPLTCABLS ASTIII HETHODS UIILE5S OTHERI{ISE IIOIED sOI,IE IIIFORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS RET1ARKS: CoPIES: R,A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai'l ; t{estern }lobile; J V A, Inc.: Gwathney Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Sobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY Aa . |hstu.l prot.€tloi to cllanta. tha pqbllc cllant3, tnd ruthorl2rtfon for publlc.t{on ofp.nding our rfltt.n .pprovrl. Sanplr3 *lll baIn l.r{tlng. A n.l|ib.r qf tha E!! groqp ot cor|rp..|is3 and o(|frclv.3, all ..Fot tistrtclh.nt3. Concl u5lonr ord'lspor€d of .ft.r tcat{ng ara 3(b.nltt.d .r, th. confldl.nttrl FtrGDGrty o{ extracts frotn or rcgardlng odr r.porti It raaarvld l3 co,nplcted unlers othar.rrrnqanrcnt3 rgfaad to For'fl o. cHEll3A 6/9t ' 't* CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EI{6II{EERS A]{D SCIEI{IISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a r|utull prot.ctlon to cllant3. th. publlc lnd osr3.lv.s! r'll r.lporti.r. tubmttt.d.t the corfldlantla! proparty of cllants, and lsthorllataon for plbllcrtlon ot atatemants. Conclrslona or crtr.cts froh or ragardlng orr rePoatt l3 tttalYad ;:;;i;;'.;;-;ii;!n ippr""at. Simetis "rtr bo aiiposod of.ftci t.itlng l3 corrFl.tad unl..i othcr !.r".ngdn.nti 'gr"..d to ln waltlnq.i";il;"X; th. !lI! srosp ol complni.5 Forn No' cMEllsA 6/91 T0: l,lECll Enterprises JoB tl0. d 178 93-3 0ATt: 1l-10-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET e 0F 2VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Bullding, east of lJesthaven Drive and l{estln Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEIIT LOCAT I OI{:Ual I s. BATCH TICKET IIIFORiIATIOII TRUCK N0. 100 TIitE BATCHED: 3:00 Pil TICKET ilo. 0l-0465 TIiIE ARRIVED: 3: l0 Pll SUPPLIER: tdestern l'lobi I e illx 0€slstl ilo. 44 TIl.lE PLAGED: 3 : 20 Ptl-CU.10.L0AO/ACCUI{:77 FIELD TESTIIIG ITIFOR}IATIOII TIIIE TEST TAKEII: --- JO8 SPECIFICATIOI{S: S|TIiPLE TEI{P: 54 OF ATR TEITP: 45 T SLUIIP: 4 IN. AIR COl{TEtlT: 4.27 UET UI{IT UEIGHT: --- SLUl,lP: tilax.4 lll. AIR C0l{TEl{T: 4-81 TJATER A00E0 AT SITE --- GAL. CYt INDER I IIFOR}IAT IOI{ ll0. 0F CYLIil0ERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12' TII{E CYLIIIDERS CAST: 3:30 PM THERE CAST: on-site CURIT{G IIFORilATI()iI II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Site I l-12-93 FI EtO BY: STORAGE FACTLITIES: Sandi R. Cody r,rM/xAx At't OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s ) D IAI.IETER { il{cHEs } AREA (sQ Il{} c01,tP . sTR. /D<T I TYPE OF FRACTWE CTLIIIOER I.TE IGHT (LBs) CYLITIDER UIIIT I{EIGHT (PCF) t6 IE 288 288 288 H ?88 H 1l-17-93 I I - l7-93 12-8-93 l2-8-93 12-8-93 12-8-93 99,500 101,500 5.98 5.98 28.09 28.09 3540 3610 shear shear DESIGII STREIIGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIiIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAT{CE VITH.APPLICABLE ASTI.I IIETHODS UIILESS OTHERYISE II(ITEO SO}IE II{FORI,IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHER5 REiiARKS: COPIE5: R.A. ]{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; l{estern llobile; J V A, inc,; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OSSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coilsutTIilG EI{CIilEERS A1{0 SCTEilTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST.CYLINDER DATA T0: MECII Enterprises JOB 0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: i0_2?-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149vail, oo sr658-3149 SHEET t oF I PROJ€CT: Llftside Building, east of lresthaven 0rive and llestin Hotel . South Frontage Road ltest, Vail, tolo. PLACEI|EI{T LoCATIo!I: Elevator C Core lJall, Lines J through K, ?S & 26. Elevatlon 101'. EATCH TiCKET It{FoR}lATIott SUppLtER: testern ilobite TRUCK 0. 150 TICKET t{0. 010988 ilIX DESIGT{ ilo. TII'IE BATOHED: 12:14 Ptl TIt'tE ARRIVED: l2:2s pit rlttE, pLACEO:1?:40 ptt-cu. y0. L0AO/ACCW: FIELD TESTI]{6 Il{F0Rl.{ATI0fl SA}tpLE lEtlp: AtR TEHp: -- ?TIIIE TEST TAKEII: --- SLUIIP: --- Ig. AIR Cgl{TEltT: :- I UEf UNIT yEtGHI: ---J08 SPECI FICATI0|{S: SLU}IP: 4 ]tl. AIR COI{TEI{T: 4.81 vATER ADDEo AT SITE --- GAL. CYL II{DER I IIFORIT,IAT I OI{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIi{E CYLITIDERS CAST: 12:45 Ft't ttHERE CAST: On-Site CURI116 Il{F0Rl'lAII0l{ II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACITITIES: DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 10-25-93 By: Sandi R. Cody MI /f,tAX CYLII{OER U}IIT I.IEIGHT (PcF) DESIGN STREIIGTH 4OOO PsI G 28 OAYS Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays TESTS BY LAgORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE T?I ACCOROAI{CE |ITH APPLICABLE ASTII T4ETIflD5 UIILESS OTHERIJISE IIOTED SOI.I€ TI{FORI'IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: CYLIT{DER !,8IGHT (LBs ) 7 28 ?8 28 ?8 l0-29-93 10-29-93 1l-19-93 I I - 19-93 l1- l9-94 1l-19-93 103,500 101 ,500 131 ,000 126,000 132 ,000 132,000 6.09 6.03 6.03 o.uJ 6.04 6.03 3550 3550 4 590 4410 4610 46?0 29.13 28.56 28.56 28.56 28.65 28.56 shear shea r con/shear snear con/shear con/shear CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associ ates, Inc.; Town of VaiI; tlestern llobllet J V A, Inc.; Gwattuney Pratt S6hulta; A3 i huturl protcctlon to cll.ntr. th. psbllc.nd oursclvat, !ll r.port!cll€nt3, rnd luthorl:rtlon for. pu&licrtlon of stat.ft.ntr, Conclus.ton3 orp.nding our rrittCn approvrl, S.r|ple3 wll'l b. dlrpo3€d ot .ltar ta3ttncln t'rltlng. A ncnb.r of th. !I! group of coGprnl!! qrc 3ubnltt.d rr th. confldlchti!l propcrty of extract3 frot' or rig.rdlng our raporta lt filarvadls cotlFlatad uhlGr3 othlr rFrlnEa||lants agrcad to Forn flo, cMEtl3A 6/91 dT"-\ li*' nou s E'i gsiir':*". g\ l$T-t;'"'liCHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a rnrts.l pFot.ctlor to cllants, th. publlc rrd our..Iv.i, .ll F.port3 arc iubnitt.d .r th. confldiGntl{rl Pt'op.rty of cllant3, and asthorlratlon for publlcation ot sta!.lEnti. Conclollons or axttlctt froh or- r'Gg.rdlng cvr FaPortS lt ralerYadp.nding our '.rltt.n .pprovrl, Srmplcr w{ll bc dlrpo3od of.ftar t.ating ii cohpl.tcd unl.tr oth.r rrF.ngd||cnts.gnt.d to A r|.||lb.r 6f th. !M group of codp.nrca Foflr Ho. Cfell3A 6/91 T0: ECl,l Enterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 10-?l-93Attn; Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 2Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Bullding, east of l{esthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATI0I{: Elevator To}ier "C", 0' to ?' of pour. SATCH TICKET !I{F0RMATI0I{ SUPPLIER: llestern l,lobi I e TRUCK !t0. 117 TICKET N0. 01 0960 titx DESIG|i |t0. 44 T lflfE BATCHED: 2:01 Pll TIl,lE ARRIVEO: 2:15 Pll TIl,lE PLACEO: 2:46 Ptl-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU|'|: 7lZ8 FTILD TESTI I{G I }IFOR I,IAT I OITI TIf,lE TEST TAKEI{: 2:50 Pll JOB SPECIF]CATIOI{S: SLUllP: 3 r/4 I ll. SLUHP: llax.4 Il{. SAI.IPLE TETIP: AIR C0l{TEl{T: 4.5I AIR C0l{TEl{T: % 67 OF AIR TE}IP: 65 "F l{ET UIIIT UEI6HT: 142.4 IJATER ADDED AT 5ITE 5 6AL. CYLIIIDER IIIFORI.IATIOII tlO. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIiIDERS CAST: 2:55 PM YHERE CAST: On-Stte CURII{G INFORI'IATIOI{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: L0-22-93 FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Cure Elanket BY: Brian Scanlan l,lIll/HA( AUE DAYS DATT TESIED TOIAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI,IETER ( mcHEs ) AREA (sQ Ir{) cor,tP . sTR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIICDER tlE IGHT (L8S) CYLIIIDER UIIIT UEIGTIT (PcF) 7A 7A 28A 284 z8A ?SA t0-?8-93 10-28-93 I t- l8-93 1l - l8-93 I I - l8-93 11-18-93 117 ,500 110,500 162,500 l6t,000 161 ,000 156.500 6.07 6.07 6 .08 6.09 6.07 6.08 ?8.94 28.94 ?9.03 29.13 28.94 29.03 4060 3820 5600 5530 5560 5390 shear shear snear shear shear shear OESIGII STREI{GTH 4()OO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIT{EI ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE I.'I TH APPLICABLE A5TI.I }IETHOOS UI{LESS OTHERI.'ISE IIOTED SOI,IE II{FORI,IATIO}I ()F TEST REPORT }IAY BT PROV]DED BY OTHER5 RE ARKS: C0PIES: R.A. ilalson & Associates, Inc.i Town of Vail; l{estern }lobile; J V A, Inc.; Guattmy Pratt Schultz;B. Scanl on Bobby J. Hays F]ELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY *,t_ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coflsutTIllc EI{GI I{EERS A D SCIEr{TtSTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar r l||ut!.I protcctton to cll.nts, th€ publlc .nd ourralv.s. all F.port3 rr. rubtnlttcd .5 th. confldlcntlrl prop.rty ot cIt.nts, .nd authorizqtton foF Firbllcrtlon of lt.tdn.htr. Conclu3lons ol- .r(trrct3 ftont or i.g.rdlng ouf l!q9l!t-!:-I:.:lvtd ;cnding'our $^ittcn .Fpt-ov.l. 3!|t|pl€3 nlll b€ dl3Folad of att.r t.sting li complct.d tlnlc3s othar ltrrngdnentl rgrcta lo ln erlting./i;;;;;';i thc EI! sloup ot cflrp.nf€t Forn tto' cl1EluA 6/91 T0: ilE0l.l Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-Zl-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road hlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEl,lEllT L0CATI0I{: Elevator Tower "C" EATCH TICKET I i{FORI.IAT IOII SUPPLIER: YCSTCTN tIIObi IC TRUCK N0. 161 TICKET ilO. 0l 0966 I'iIX DESl6l{ l{0. 44 ?ll,fE EATCHED: 3:14 Ptl TIIIE ARRIVED; 3:?0 Pll TI}IE PLACED: 4:05 PM-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU|I1: 7156 FIgLD TESTIIIG I IIFORI,IAT I OII II l,'lE TEST TAKEI{: 4: l0 PM JOB SPEC IFICAT IOI{S: SLUl,lP : 4 I tl. SLUl,lP: lilax.4 IN. SA}IPLE TEI{P: AIR C0|{TENT: 4.21 AIR C0l{TEllT: X 67 'F AIR TEIIP: 60 T UET Ut{l T UEI6HT: 142.1 UATER ADDED AT S]TE 7 GAL. CYLINDER IHFORHATIOI{ tlo. 0F CYLiNDERS: 6 CYLIilDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIHE CYLII{DERS CAST: 4:15 Pl,l IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site cuRIlt6 ifiFoRtitAlI0t1 INITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 10-22-93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Cure Blanket BY: Brian Scanl an 1'{ I t'l /itAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI,IETER ( INCHE5 ) AREA (sQ il{) c0t'lP . sTR . (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I IIDER UEIGHT (LBs ) CYLI NDER UI{TT IIEIGHT ( PcF) 7S 7B 288 288 e8B 288 l0-28-93 l0-?8-93 l1-18-93 11- 18-93 t 1- l8-93 l1-18-93 117,000 1I6,500 157,000 152, s00 147 ,000 151 ,000 6.05 5.09 6 .08 6.06 6.04 6. 08 ?8.15 e9. 13 29.03 29.03 28.55 29.03 4070 4000 5410 5250 DIJV 5200 shear snear shear shear s neal shea r OES IGI{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOT{NEL ART III ACCOROAI{CE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I IIETHODS U]ILESS OTHERI.IISE I{OTED Sot.'lt I]{FoRllATI0t{ 0F TEST REP0RT }lAY BE PRoVIDED BY 0THERS REI{ARK5: COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Assoclates, Inc Town of Vail; gestern ilobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlon BobbY J. HaYs FIELO OBSTRVER APPROVED BY "- Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co0l$rLTtxc EIGnEERS lI0 9CtEltI I STS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: tlECll Enterpri ses JOB tl0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 10-27-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT 1{0. 19 SHEET 10F 2 PR0JECT: Liftside Building eas{ of llesthaven Orive and lrestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lfest, Vail, Colorado. I'EATHER COI{DITIOIIS AilD TEiIPERATURE CONTRACTOR'S COIISTRI'CTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PER5OTINEL: IIIAJOR EQUIPI,IEI{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEI{-IIORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIVITIES lle perfonned t o denslty tests on Untt B-12. Both tests passed. VERBAL EOI.II'iUIIICAIION IIITTI UOI1TRACTOR, ENGIIIEER, ARCHITECT, OUI{ER CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; J V A, inc.; Gwattney Pratt 9chultz; Tonn of Vail;l I I Sandi R. Cody Fred R. Cameron I rtelo ossERvER APPRovED BY A3 6 huturl piot.ctlon to clJants, th. publlc.nd ours.lv.3! rll rapotts .rc aubmlttcd 13 tha confldcntl.l prop.rty ot o_r cll.ntt. rn.l .uthoi'izat loh. fot publlcatlon of rt.t.d|.nt. Concls3lon3 or artr.ctt iioai or rcgsrdlng our r.ports ls r.3.rv.d p.ndl69 our *rlttar rpFroval,S.fipl.s |flll -bc dlapoi.d ol aftcr tcltlng lt codplct.d unlt3i othcr arrrngcrncnti aie agr.cd to ln wrltlrrg.A n nbar of th. Elf! group of coc|Panlas f cHEN-NOHTHERN, tNC. coflsuLTtr{G E||6!N€ERS A O SCIENIISIS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITV TESTING Ai a nutgrl Fotectlo. to cll.nt.r th. publtc rnd ourr.lvct, rll r.portr.r. 3ubmlttad aa tlr. cont{d.rtlal FroPctty ot-our cll.nttr rnd ruthorlratlon for Esbllcatlon of at;ta|trnt, conclutlona or .rtri€t! tio oF r'atrt dlng oui rl.Pol'tr ls r.3.1^v.d- pahdln{t our rfFlttrn rPprovrl. Sar$Fla3 ttli b. dliporad ot aftar ta3tlngr lr co6pl.t.d unlatr othaF .rtrngsr.nt3 .ra !gr..d to ln $rltinE. A r Db.r of th. !!I group of conD.nl.! T0: llECl{ Enterpnises JOB tl0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-27-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 0AILY REPoRT l{0. 19 SHEET 2 0F 2 PRoJECT: Liftside Bullding, East of Vesthaven Drive and tf€stin Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vall, Colorado. SPECIFICATIOI{ CO}IPACIIOI{ & I.IATERIAL illl{IHt}l RE0UIRED II|-PLACE 0E|{SITY: 952 AS 0ETERl.lIllEO BY: ASTl,l D-698 C0llSTRt CTIOll C0IITRACT0R: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc. TEST LOCATIOIIS UERE SEL€CTED BY: Chen-l{orthern TYPE AiID ]{UI.I8ER OF EARTH IIOVI]{G U]{ITS: IYPE AIID NUI.IBER OF COI'IPACTIOI{ UIIITS: IIETHOO OF ADDIIIG I.IOISTURE: THICKI{ESS OF L IFT: I{UI.I8ER OF PASSES: TEST t{0. tocATt01{ Uni t B-12 DEPTH OR ELEVATIOI{ (FEET) LABORATORY I FIELO PERCEIIT (RELATIVE/ il4,\Il,tu[) OETAII{ED SOIL TYPE itAxIuutt DflY OEI{SITY (pcf) OPTII,IUI,I I.IOISTURE COI{TENT $) DR.Y DEIISITY (PcF) I,IOI STURE c0ilTEt{T (r) .' 4 l{ortheast Corner SouthHest Corner ?7',1 ??? 121 .8 t?1.8 t1 .5 11 .5 118 .3 117 .9 9.9 9.7 97 97 Sandy Gravel ly Cl ay Sandy Gravelly Cl ay FULL TII.IE OBSERVATIOII X PART TIME OBSERVATIO}I IHIS REPOEi PRESEI{TS oPIHIoIts FoRI.iED As A RESUL' oF oUR oBsERvATIo s oF FILL PLACEI.IET{T. vE HAVE RELIEO ON THE CoI{'RACTOR TO OONTINUE APPLYIIIG tHE RECS|,IEIOED Oor.ipAclM EFFOnI ff{D TmISTURE TO FILL DUnING IHE llr'lgs tl{EH oUR OSSERVEn lS tlOT OBSERVII{E OPERATIOI{S. TESIS ARE I,SO€ OF THE FILL ONLY AS 8ELIEVED ISCESSAiY TO CALTAFA'T OUR OSS€RVER'S JUDG€}IEHT. TEST DATA ARE }IOI 'XE SOLE BASIS FOR OlIIItOfiS ON TfiEft€N fiE FIIL I'IEE'S SPECIFTCATIONS. THE I{UCLEAR DEI{SOfiETER ilET}IOD OF TESTIIIG I{A5 USEO ITI SUBSTAI{TIAL ACCORDAIICE UITH ASTI,I 02992 AI{D D3OI7. PRELII,IMARY 0SSERVATI0I{S AtiD/oR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REP0RTED T0: Dave PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R,A. l{el son & Associates, lnc.; J V A, Inc,; Gwattrney Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail; Sandi R. Cody Fred R. ganeron FTELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coltsutT to E[ctIEERS AltD scrE[T ISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTTVITIES T0: t{Ecl Enterprises Jo8 [0. 4 178 95-3 DATE: 10-l-93Attn: Eustaqui o Cortin€ P-O. Box 3149voit, co 81658-3149 DAIty REpORT [o. 6A SHEET I oF I PRoJECT: Liftside Euitding East of t'testhaven D.ive ard gestin llotet, south Frontage Road Uest, vait, colorado. nEPoRT OF: RoC( 801-TS LOCAllOtl: St6ir Core A-2, Grid Lines 8 to 10, o to ft. EaulPllElfi: PIIP l|o. 34-58t8 Gauge l{o. E- 10 Ran ilo. A-365 F IIIAL CYCLE GA'G€ READIIIG Rock BoLt l{o. cawe Reading ( pSI ) ( pst ) I 4000 1000, 1550, 2ooo, 2700.3300, 4000 2 3 4 5 6 7 4000 4000 4000 4000 llot Stfessed 4000, Bar Faited 1000, 1600, 2000, 2800, 5400, 4000 at 4000 PSI Loadins. IIOTE: iock lolts 1 ard 7 lrere stressed in acyctic manner. SPECIFICATToit 0F cyclE: 700, 1550, 2000, 2700. 3300 and 4000 pst . I z 4l q o c CoPIES: R.A. fletson & Associates, Inc., Attn: J V A. Inc.; Grathmey Pratt SchuttziTffii of Vai t, Attn: tir- Dan Stdnek; lir.Rick Agate; I II Joe E. Ber*dict I FIETD OBSERVER Louis E. El, ter APPROVED BY As. tlutu.l prot.ctlon to cll.nt3, th. publlc and oFaalv.i, all r.ports ar-a tlbnlttad 13 th6 contldrntl.l prop€rty of our clJ.lrtt, .ndruthorlzatlon for publlcrtlon of ttrtin nt. Conclu3lonr or.xtr.ct3 tr.oo or raqardlng our r.port3 li r.3.rvcd pGnding our ffltt.n .FFrov.l.Srhpl.s rlll bG dlapo3ad of.ttcr ta3tlng l3 cgmplctad unl.3i othor arrangrorints rio rgrld to ln l-ltlng.A n fibcr of th. !!! group of conp.ni.3 rd! m. oErce ./rt CIIEN-NORTHERN, INC. clt[sulTlltc E[cnlEERs AID ECt$tTISrS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES JoB l{0.4 178 93-3 DATE 1O't -93 DIILY REPORT XO, 7A SI{EET OF Bui tding East of llesthaven Drive 6nd llesti n tlotel, South Frontage Road l'rest Va it,Co I orado. I verified the Hetd-puddtes rere of ProPer s Charles Beckhan II Fred R.CaaFron TIEID OBSERVER APPRWED 8Y A.' r nut(l prot.ctlon to cllanti, ttr. p{bllc rtd ou|..lver, .lI r.port! ir. rlbrlttad 15 thc contldantlrl prop.t'iy of ot.r cllcnt3, and .uthorlz.tlon tor publtcatlon of 3tatdrnt. Concl13lons or. rxtflct3 from or r.g.rdlng osl. r.porta l3 rricrvad P.ndl''d oIF |.'{tt.n rpptovrl 'S&DI.E fllll ba diigot.d of .ftar t.rtlng l. cdiplat.d unl$r oth.r lrrangJtt.r|tr .r'G .gra.d to ln flr'{tlr|g. A nc.nbcr ot thG !M qrorp of ca|nF.nlrr td F. cr*tda.,/tr I CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CTXSULTI116 EXGI IIEERS AXD SCTEIITISIS REPORT OF CONSTRUSTTON ACTIVITIES TO:llEcl.l EnterprisesAttn: Eustaqjlo Cortins P.0. Box 3149 Vai 1,, C0 81658-3149 JOB TO 178 93-3 oATE3 10- 15-9J PRoJECT| liftside 8ui tding East of ttesthaven Drive ard yesti DAITY REPORT XO, 11A SIIEET 1 OF 2 n.llote[. South Frpntage Road Hest, Vait, Colorado. Per cli€nt's request. I ras at the zifi*or fecitity to I nspect the steet, Hetding dd bottinEpractices per sPeci f i catiorrs. t arrived to find trc flat b€d trucks Hith mi scel taneous cotums/beans (Item llos- 11/12). Th6y rere ready fof inspection. t verified att retd-pr.rddtes nerein cqPt iance to A.IJ.S.0.t.l. Atl flltd-trents rcre of proper size, length end conformity. Atl. 6tcel hsd the proper heat trace #5 ctearLy sta|rped on materiEt. Ihe U-14 BeaoB had 3116 tfP {etd pattonsinstatlcd. Atl tr$€-steel rith spt ices a.d a coqcle of penetFation rretds repe ready fo. shiFnent. They had been prwiously ultrasonicatly tested. t atso verified bott hote aLigrnents per the site drarings. Fred ard llichael l,lray of Zin*or statd that lteft lloE. 11/12 are atnnst cotpteted. (see attached sheet for quantities). llanufacturer has infonnud us that lten llo. 13, rhich consists of ni sceL laneous roofing sections,ri[[ comence shortly. This portion of the project has approximately 50 drarings €rd roughty ?5 to 15 sPtices, rhich ritl, rcc$ri rc uttrasonic testing on a daity basis. Fabrication for this portionrill comnence in about ten days. coPlES: R.A. Netson & Associates, lnc., Attn: J V A, tnc.; Gratfuney Pratt Schuttzi Torn of Voit, Attn: I'||. Dan Stanek; llr. Rick Agate; ChBrtes Eeckham lI FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. carFroar APPNOVED BY A5 | fiutual prot.ctlon to cll.nttr th. publlc.|rd ourt.lv.3. rll rarorts !r.. sqbrlttcd ri thc confldrntlrl pr"oplrty of our cllanta, rnd rsthorlattlon tor publlcrtlon of 4iatafiant. Concluslons oF artract3 traEt or. iagrrdlng our. raports lt tatcrved p€ndlng our wr'lttcn |rFprovtl,sdnpl.3 rlll b. dlapot.d of attci t..tlng lr cooplat.d rnl.sr oth.r.rF.ng.mcntr !r'G lgrcad to lh ||fltlng.A tc',bon ot th. !!! group of co.tpanlci rdri!..rcr@ ./tr CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. oofisutrlIc El{cl itEERS AltD sclEfiTtsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: ECfi Enterpris€r JoB flo. 4 178 93-3 DATE; 10-13-t3Attn: gustoquio Cortina P,o. 8ox 3149 vait, co 81658-3149 DAtLy iEp(RT ilo. llA SHEET 2 oF 2 PROJECI: Liftside Building east of llesthaven Drive and llestin tlotel, South tfmtage Road llest, Vait, Colorado. OUA}ITITY OF PARTS PER ITEI'/PER PIIASE BASEO O qNREilT ADVATICE SILL LISIS: ABCDETOTAL rrEI | 1 colwfts 35 31 52 77 2 l9|l (1.) rrE{ 12 FLmR BEAIS 179 135 140 3?6 780 (2.) rrEif 13 RooF sEAils -- -- 301 412 40 743 TOTAL 214 166 493 845 42 176a (1.) These qranti tids Do ltot inctude Kurtanos Beaos (506 BestE) (2.) since these cpantities are based m advance bitt tists; actual. SLlp cpantities ltilt be tess becauee of a[[ the roof bents made rp of 2 or 3 advance bitt parts, -:-CoPIES: R.A. t{etson & Associates. lnc.,Attn: lr. Rick Agate; IJ.V.A., lnc.i I Gmthfi|€y prstt schuttz; I Chartes Beckham IlI FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY As r rutual protcctlon to cllanti, tha publlc rnd oursGlvc3, .ll r.porti arc lubmlttrd !t ttta confldcntl.l pt'op€rty ol osr cll.nt3r .nd a{thorlrttlon for publlcstlon of rt.trn nt, Conclurlon3 or axtr.rcts fro|t| or r.g!tdln9 our F.portt l3 rct.rvaal Pandlng our rarlttan aPprov.l- S.|EPI.! r,lll br dirporcd ol attcr t.3tlng {i co.rpl.t.d unlais othcr rrr.ng.n.nt3 .F..gF..d to ln r,.{ting. A ;drb.r of th. HIH gioup of con|p.nlca Fffir|o..lLl@ ./tr CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CENSULT IflG EXGIIIEERS AXD SCIEI{TTSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO:HECII Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. Eox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-14-93 DAILY REPORT IIO. IIB SHEET 1 OF 2 PR0JECT: Llftside Euilding east of l{esthaven Orive and tlestin t{otel , South Frontage Road Uest, Yail, Colorado. TEATHER COllDITI0llS Al{D TEIIPERATURE: 0vercast - Ltght Rain - 48 degrees F. COI{TRACTOR'5 COI{STRIJCTIOI{ ACTlVITIES PERSOHIIEL: I.{AJ0R EQUlPlltllT: I 3301 tloe, 2 l,acker Packers, I }likasa Ualk-Behind Sheepsfoot Roller. ACTIVITIES: Contractor backfilled hetween Grid Ltnes 1?-13, Y-Q. Contractor started backfilling around Diers for access stairs at Lift 20, CHEN-I{ORTHERII'5 SITE ACTIVITIES l{e conducted in-place nuclear density tests at the request of the contractor. tle observed the contractor starting to backfill around piers at access stairs at Chair Lift l{o. 20. Ue ptcked up cylinders cast on 0ctober 13, 1993. VERBAL COI..II'IU]{ I CATI OII I.II TH CONTRACTOR, E IIGI }IEER, ARCHI TECT, lle di scussed test results with the contractor. Wl{ER COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associ ates, Inc.;J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz; Tovm of Vail;l I Brian ScanlanI rrelo oBSERvER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY Ai a [uturl pr.otactlon to cllanti, th. publlc lnrl onr..clver. rll r.portr lrs rubmlttad .s th. confld.nt{r'l Ftop.rty of our cll.nts, .nd.uthorlz.tloi for pgbllcatlon of itatir.nt. Conclualoni or.rtr.ct5,ro|r or. r.g.rdlng our r..port3 l3 r...rv.d p.nding our rrl tt.n .pprov. | . Srnpl.g trlll ba dirgo3ad of attar t ttlrlg l3 qo|rplGtcd irrtlr3i oth.r rfr.ng.n|cnt3 rre ati..d to ln rrltlng. A n nb.i of thc !!ll gro|rP of co|[prnlc3 J CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cotttsulTt 6 EltctxEERs Arto sctE trsTs REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING Aa a nstual protaction to cllantr, thc lrtlltc rnd our3.lv.t, .ll r.port3.rc aqkrlttad .a th. confid.ntlal propcrty of our cll€.tt, .nd authorlaatlon for publl€atton of atat.r|.r|tt concluilonr oi axtrrct3 frdr or r.gardlng our r.porti 13 r.3.rvad. PandlnE oui wrlttanlFprov.l. Sarnplaa Hlll ba dl3Forad of aft.r t..tlng lr eorplrtcd unlca3 oth.r lrrangdr.nt. ar. .gr.cd to tn vfltlng. A nerbar of th. EI! grorp ol cooprnt.. T0: l.iECItl Enterprlses JOB l{0. 4 l7g 93-3 OATE: 10-14-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. gox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT ilO. l1B SHEET Z 0F ? PROJECT: Llftside Bullding, East of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin llotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATIOII COI.IPACT I OII & I{ATTRIAt lfll{Illu}l REQUIRED Ill-PtACE DEi{SITY: 951 AS 0ETERI{II{ED BY: ASTtt D-F9B C0tlSTRUCTI0tl C0]{TRACTffi: Stan ililler, Inc. TEST LoCATI0I{S UERE SELECTED BY: Chen-l{orthern TYPE Al{D l{UllBER 0F EARTH li0vlll6 UIIITS: I Backhoe TYPE AHD I{UHBER 0F C0l4PACTI0li UIIITS: .1 Sheepsfoot, 2 yacker Packers. THICKT{ESS 0F LIFT: 12" IiETHOD 0t ADDII{G I,I0ISTURE: }later Tnuck NUHBER OF PASSES: As Required iEST r{0. LOCATIOI{ *8ToU=Bel on Tol DEPTH OR ELEVATIOII (FEET) of YalI PERCEI{T (REtATIVE/ ilAXIl,tult) OBTAI'IEO SOIL TYPE llAxlirur{ DRY OE1{SITY {pcf) oPTIHUil ilotsTuRE c0[TEilT $) DRY DEIIS I TY (PcF) IA 6rid Lines Y and 16.5 Retest of #l Grid Ll nes 13 and S 5' BTOUt 5' BTot 7' BTolf 121 .8 121.8 121.8 lt q 11.5 t1.5 109 .3 109 .7 107.5 10.7 tl.l 7.0 90 90 ott Sandy Gravel ly CIay Sandy Gravelly Cl ay Sandy Gravelly Ciay FULL TII'IE OBSERVATIOII X PART TII.IE OBSERVATIOT{ THIS REPORT PNESST{IS OPIIIIOIIS FON',|ED AS A NESULT OF OUR OBSENVATIONS OF FILL P LACEI.IEI{T. PE HAVE RELI€D ON THE COHTRACTOR TOcoI{TIt{UE APPLYTNG THE RECOII.IE}OEO @'.IPACTIVE EFFORT AND I.|otSTUf,E TO FILL Dt'RtI{G TH€ TIH€S TJHETI OI'R OSSERY€R IS I{OI OISERVIIIGOPERATIONS. TESTS AN€ $ADE OF I'tE FILL ONLY AS EELIEVED }IECESSANY TO CAITIRATE OUN OBSENYER'S JUOGEIIEXT. TEST DAIA ARE iIOT THE SOLE SASIS FOf, OPI'IIOI{S O TfiEIIER TTE FILL I.IEETS SPECIFTCATTONS. THE IIUCLEAR DIIISOI'IETER I.IETHOD OF TESTIIIG UAS USED ]I{ SUBSTAI{TIAL ACCORDAI{CE I/ITH ASTI'I D2992 AI{D 03017. PRELII,III{ARY OBSERVATIOi{S Afl0l0R TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REPffiTE0 T0: Jeff PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R,A. l{elson & Associates, lnc,; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz; Town of Vall; Brian Scanlan Fred R. Caneron FIEID OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. . cotsljtTmc EI|GINEERS AltD SCIEIIISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVTTIES T0: llE0ll Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 lt8 93-3 DATE: l0-A4_9AAttn: Eustaquio Cortrna P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT !t0. t7 SHEET I 0F I PR0JECT: Liftstde Building east of gesthayen Drive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,rest, Vail, Colorado. I.'EATHTR COT{DITIOITS AIID TEiIPERATURE COIITRACTOR' S COIISTRUCIIOII ACTIVITIES : PERSOTIIIEL: I'IAJOR EQUIPilEflT: ACTIVITIES: llone CHEI{.I{ORTHERI{'5 SITE ACTIVITITS Tuo sets of cyl lnders rere pi cked up and transported tD the laboratory in Gl enwood Springs. They were then stripped, narked and placed in the cure room. VERBAL COI.I}IUI{ICATIOI{ UITH COIITRACTOR, ENGII{EER, ARCHITECT, OUNER COPIES: R.A, lle'lson & Associates, Inc.J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz Torn of Vail; I I Billy Barbour and Sandi Cody FIELO OESERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY A5-. trutual prot.ctlon to clllnt.i th. publlc lnd o{r3clv.i, .ll t aport3 .rc ..ubmlttad ar th. confld.ntl.l proparty ot our cllcntl. rndtuthorlz.tlon. for PubI{cttl-on of itrt.ircrlt. Conclr,r3lon3 or'Gxtrrcta lro or ragrrdlng oqr r.!ot tr i3 rrr.ru.d tcnd I r t-our wil ttan .pPr.ov.l .5.|npl.3.rlIl ^bc_ dl3p63.d of.ftcr t.3tlng 13 cofiplct.d unl.a3 othar affang.|ttantr eir rgrcci to In wrltl[g. _ A mdrbar of th. EI! grgup ot co.Drnl.3 a CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cotasulT I ltc EI|GhEERS AltD SCTEXTTSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES As a mrt|rll prot.ctlon to cll.ntr, th. psbllc rnd our3.ly.r, .ll r.FoFt3 rr. subnitt.d !r the confldantlrl prop.l'ty of our cl{.nts, .nd .uthorlartlon foF Fubl lc.tloh oi .trtdn nt. Concluilon3 o'. .rtrrctt fro|n or F.gridlng our rapoitr ti rrrlrv.d p.ndlng ouF Y.rltt.n .ppl'ovrl . Sr[pks wlll bG tltspos.d of aftar t.3tlrg 13 eorFl.t.d unl.rr other arrrngotwrnts ar'..gr.ad to ln yfltlng. A henb.r of thr HIH group of €odfr.rl.t tot xr. *rcrr./rr lo: l,fEcl,l Enterprises JoB to. 4 '178 93-3 DATE3 10-e6-93Attn: Eusta(pio Cortina P.O. Box 3149 Vait, co 81658-3149 DAtLy REpoRT Ho. t8 st{EEr I OF 4 PROJECT: Liftsidc Buitding east of l,lesthqven Drive srd ltestin flotel., South Frontage Road ttest, Vail, Colorado, REPORT OF SIRUCTUR4L STEEL Per ctient's reqrett, I rsls on-site to inspect the fabrication of retding procdufes, steel fabrication ard botting at Zir*of IndJstnles. I r.as at Zinkor to perform Ultnaso{ric testlng ard l,lag, Particle testing on futl. pei}etratim retds. Thefe sere 13 pieces *ith singte joints ard 3 rith do(Sle joints. TNelve pieces sefe 5/8- Inch thiekness ard 4 pieces rere 3/15-indr thickness. The steel, nith 3/16-inch thicknesr had to be }|ag. Particted in the root atrd Uttrasonicatty tested on the ftanges. There Here 2 pieces that shoHed 3i9ns of poor penetration. These pieces uere gror.md out ard repai red on-site and retested. At[ other inspections revea ld satisfactory resutts. See Sheet 2 of 4 fof I-D. tll|tters. CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, lnc., Attn: llr. Rick Agate; J.V.A.. tnc.; GHathmey Pratt Schultz; I Chartes Beckham Il Fred R. camerotl CHEN-NORTHERN, TNC. co[suLTIxG Eltct ltEEns AxD SCIEIIISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTTVITIES fO: ECll Enterprises JOB lro. 4 178 93-5 DATE: 10-26-95Attn: Eustaq.lio Cort in€ P.O. 8ox 3t49vait, c0 81658-3149 DAtLy RrpoRr [0. tB PRoJEcr: Liftside Euitding East of t esthaven Drive dnd uestin ltotet, south Frontage SHEET 2 OF 4 Road gest, Vai [, Cotorado. I.D. IIUIIBERS FOR UITRASOIITC TESI T [G,/I{AG. PARTICLE I IISPECT t OII 1355A - 13148 1318A - 13148 1323A - t3t6^ 1332A - 1316A 1329A - 1516A 1314A - 13108 1331A - t3fiA 13108 t3l9A CoPIES: R.A, flelson & Agsoclates, lnc-. Attn: ilr. Rick Agstr; J V A, lnc.; &,athrcy Pfatt Schultz; ToHn of Vait, Attn: llr. Dan Stanek; Fr€d R, CanefonCharles Beckham tl At a nutu.l protaction to cllcnts, th. publlc and orrralvli, .lI raporti rre 3ubnttt.d !5 th. conflal.ntl.l proparty of our. c-Hatrt3, rh,t.tthotl2.tlon for ltubllc.tlon of atatdiant. conclusloni oi artr.cti 'ro|t| or r.gfdlng our F.toits l! rasarvad p.ndlhg our r1r.rtt.r .pprovrl.s.dpl.: rlll b€ dltpo3.d of lftcr t..tlng l: conpiotla unreii otrrcr orrngonririi ii-c ag"eei-ti-tn writl"l]_A i|.ltcr ot thc !I! gFo{p of coaDtnl.r m. d5rccr 6/9! CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. co||sull mG EilcmEERs A]{D SCIEI{TISIS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: l{ECl{ Enterpri$es JoB lto. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-26-93Attn: Eustacpio Cortina P.O. Bor< 3149vait, co 81658-3149 DAIIY REPoRT lto. 18 sllEET 3 0f 4 PROJECT: liftsid€ Buitding east of Llesthaven Drive ard gestin ltotet, South Frontage Road gest, vai(, cotomdo. REPoRI OF STRUCTURAL STEEL Per clientts request. I ras on-site at Zimkor tabricatiofl facitity to test the foltoring futt penetration Helds. There nere a totat of 15 singte joints. TheFe xere 3 doubte joints. The fol toxing pieces ot steet Here either Ultrasonicat ty tested or llagnetic Particted, depcnding on thickness- U.T- inspectioi reveated 2 pieces, l.D. Ilr|bers 1532A ard 1314A, had poor penetration. contFactor gror.rnd out the uracceptable portion ard reeetded to acceFltabte criteria. Alt other pieces rere acceptabte to testing procedJres. See Sheet 4 of 4. CoPIES: R.A. lletson & Assoeiates, lnc., Attn: llr. Rick Agate; J.V.l., lnc,; osathney Pratt Sciul tz;chaftes geckhar II Fred R. Canerm FIELD OBSERVER APPRO/ED BY As 6 nutual Fiotcct{on to cli.nti, th. pubtlc rnd ouriclvca. rll rcportt ar. subnltt.d ir th. confldcntlll Propcrty of our clldttt. .nd luthorltat{on for Dublicrtlon of sttt-ant. Conclutlon5 or altractr fro|t| or raElrdlng o{r Fcport3 lr rctarvad Fatdlng osF nrlttat aPpt'oval. S.mpl.a n{ll bo dirporrd of rftcr t.itlrg l3 coopl.tad unl.r3 oth.r rr...ntdiGnts .r. tlgrccd to ln r{i{tlng. A rl.lhbar ol th. !!! grouF ot cdrprnl.i \ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coNsulTtt{G Eil6tIEEiS AltD SCT EUT T STS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVTTIES T0: l,tEcfi Enterprises JoB ilO. 4 t78 93-3 DAIE: 10-26-93Attn: Eusta$lio Cortina P.O. Bor( 3149Vait, co 81658-3149 DAtty REpioRr [O. 10 SHEEI 4 oF 4 PRoJECT: Liftside Bui lding E6t of Uesthaven Drivc and lJestin lloteL. south Frontage Road lGst, v8ll., cotorado, '5l8rrlhicknessU.I. lnspected I .D. Iu{6ers 1535A t3t8A 1323A 1332A t5z9A l3t4A 13148 1331A 13108 1319A 13148 13108 '3l16r'fhickness ag. Particted l.D. llu|bers 1316A 1316A 1316A 1311A COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc., Attn: Hr. Riek Agate; J V A, lnc.i Gmthmey Pratt Schuttz; Torn of Vail, Attn: Xn, oan StEnek; Chartes Seckhqm lI fred R. Caneron FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY At . rututrl Protactlon to cli.nts, th. publlc .nd ourrclvcs, .ll r.port3 .r. 3ub.rltt.d ar tha confldantlsl propcrty ot our cll.nti, .nd.uthorlr.tlon foF publlc.tlon of 3tatadint. Conclu3lon3 or'.rtr6cti tro6 or r..gsrdt|rg ouF r.poFt5 ii r.i..v.d F.ndlng ort rl.ltt.[ rtpt ov.l.S$pl.r rlll b. dltpot.d ol rttar tast{ng is compl.tcd uhl.i! oth.r $rrngrrrint; ri-c egr..i to ln wFttthg. - A i| t4b.r ot tha E!! group of cooprnl.s .u r. *rru./!! d'''f'\ b' *-qi_le:} B; e'{A?}fiF/ 6.z PMfiSCHT.ffiZ .9- 59- rnaumn da #CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EIIGI }IEERS AND SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: IIECM Enterpri ses JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1l-1-93Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.0. Box 3149vail, C0 81658-3149 0AILY REP0RT l{0. 20 SHE€I 10F 1 PR0JECT: Liftside Buiiding east of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colorado. I.IEATHER COIIDITIONS AND TEIIPERATURE COI{TRACTOR'S COIISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PERSOIII{EL: l,tAJ0R EQUIPT,TET{T: ACTIViTIES: CHEI{-I.IORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIES tJe arrlved on-site for a scheduled concrete pour, which was delayed until it rvas finaily cancelled. VERBAL C0l,lllut{ I CAT Iotl LllTH C0]{TRACToR, Ell6IliEER, ARCHITECT,OUI{ER COPIES: J V A, R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc. Inc.; Glrathmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vail; I I I Sandi R. Cody FJELO OESERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROY€O BY Ai. nutr.l pr.otcctlon to cIlant3, th. publlc.nd ou.sclv.3, .ll raport5 rF. rubhltt.d..s thr confld.ntl.l proP.rty of ou-r-cll.nt5. .nd authorlzltloir for publlcltlon of aiat.da;t. Conclu3lori or citrrctr iro or rcgrrdlng our rcpotti lt rct.r"Y.d pcnding ou} |{r'lttan rFPtov.l. s.nFIG3 wlll bc dirporcd of aftar t.!t{ng l3 coiFlct.d unlG3s oth.r arrrngl.ttt.nt3.rG lgr.cd to ln Nrltlng. A |trrrlrbcF of th. HIH grosp of cofiparl.5 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COII$JLTIIIG EIIGIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES l0: IIECX Enterprises JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: ll-10-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT tt0. 21 SHEET r 0F I PROJECT: Liftside Building east of yesthaven Drive and llestin tlotel , South Frontage f,oad fest, Vai't , Colorado, YEATHSR COIIOITIOI{S AI{D TEI.IPERATME COiITRACTOR' 5 COI{STRI'CTIOII ACTIVITI ES PERSOT{I{EL: HAJ()R EQUIPiIEI{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEN.NORTHERI{'S SITE ACTIV ITI ES Ue performed concrete testing, including slump and air content. TUo sets of cyllnders Hene cast, VERSAL COHMUI{ICATIOII I'ITH CONTRACTOR, EIIGI IIEER, ARCHITECT, OUilER COP I ES: J V A, R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schulte Town of Vall;l I I I Sandi R. Cody FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY Ar ! mut{al prot.ctlon to cll.nt., thc psbtlc and ou|.3clv.r, .ll r.portr.r. rsbnltt.d r. th. contid.ntl.l Prop.Fty of oU|._cll.Dtt. r|'al ;utaoiii;if d'i;; puoticltto-n "i-ii.ii-.iti. conctuctonior citircts ir'<r" on rrsridtns osr r.port! ls r.r.rv.d ierdlng our trrltt.n .PFrov.l. S.npl.r,ltl br di3poacd of aft.r tartlng l3 co platad unleii oth.r riF.ngdr.nt3 ar'. igt.d to ln wiltlng. A mdnb.r' ot th. !I! gioup ot codprni.3 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTING EII6I IIEERS AI{O SCIEIIT]STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA dZ324asa;) 8' *ou l:*i, '-s*Wf."j i^"W A\e,,o,eeP T0: tlECll Attn P.0. Vai I PROJECT: Enterprl ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Li ftsi de Bui ldi ng , JOB t{0.178 93-3 DATE: 11-a-93 SHEET 1 OF I of llesthaven Drive and llesti n Hotei, South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PIACEI.{E]{T LOCAT]OI{ :Elevator Shaft A-2. SATCH TICKET IIIFORHATIO}I TRT CK fio. TIME EATCHEO: TICKET t{0. TI E ARRIVED: SUPPL ]ER: r,rtx oEsIGfi ll0. B cu. Y0. L0AD/ACCull:TII4E PLACEO:8 FIELD TESTI iI6 I IIFORI,IAIIOI{ Ttl4E TEST TAKEI{: --- JOB SPEC IFICATI[)IIS: SAfiPLE TEi{P: AIR TEr.tP: -- "F SLUi{P: --- It{. AIR C0l{IEl{I:--- f UET UI{IT I/EIGHI: ---SLUHP: I1{. AIR COI{TE]{T: X IIATER ADDED AT SIIE --- GAL. CYL II{DER II{FORMAT IOI{ tl0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" IIl,lE CYLIIIIDERS CAST: --- I{HERE CAST: on-Site CURII{6 INFORI,IATIOI{ ItIIIIAL CURE: On-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: --- FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: --- lll N/l.lAX A6E DAYS DATE IESTED TOIAT LOAD (LBs ) DIA}'IETER ( IircHEs) AREA (sQ lfi) coilP . s TR. (Pst) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL lI.IDER lTE i6HT (tBs) CYL I I{DER UI{IT t.IEICHT (PCF) 7 7 28 2S 1l-9-93 I l-9-93 l1-30-93 l1-30-93 l0t,500 103,000 6. 03 6.00 28. 56 28.27 3550 3640 shea r shear DES IGIi STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TE5T5 BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE III ACCOROAI{CE IIITH APPLICAELE ASTM I,IETHODS UIILESS OTH€RI.'ISE iIOIED SOI'IE IIIFORI,{ATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I{AY BE PROV1DED BY OTHERS R EIiIARKS : COPIES: R.A, lielson & Associates, lnc Town of Vai'l ; lJestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrney Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OSSERVER APPROVEO BY As I mutual protcctlon to cllcnti, tha publlc rnd oui.3.lvcr, .lI rcporticll.ntr, lnd luthor'lz.tlon for publlc.tlon ot 3trtqrcnt.. Conclu3lort or"pcndlng our. |rrlttcn .pproval. SrmPler will b. dlspor.d ot !{t€t' t.Bt'ingln wrl tl ng. A m.hb.r ol thc !I! group oa cotnp.nJ.s .r. 3ubnltt.d !t the confldl€ntldl proF.rty of cxtfrctg from or rcaafdlng ou|" r.eport3 13 raraavadlr cafiplatad unlGss oth€r arrangGmart3 agraaal to Farn Na. CllEllSA 6/9: I. ,, ,QAo$,!Gr,.lu, CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COT,ISULTIIIG Ei,IGI I{EERS AI{D SCIEI{TI5TS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. nutr.1 pFotactlon to cllents, the publlc.nd ouri.lve3, aIl r€por"ts.r.submlttod.s the confidl.ntl.l property of cl-t.nt3, rnd luthorllatlon for publication of .t!te$.rts, Concluslons oi.xtrrcts from or rcgardlng "Yt !:!:I!t^!1-!:t:!u"dpcndiog'osr rrltt.n rpprova]. Sampl€3 wlll be dlspos€d of after tastinE ls complcted unle33 othcr arrangament3 lEr€ao ro in nritlng.i rn.nulr if thc E!! sroup of complnies Fomr tlo' c1'8113A 6/91 T0: llECl.l Enterpri ses JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-27-93 Attn: Eustaqulo Cort I na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Bu'i lding, east of tlesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT L0CATI0ii: Stair "C" to Elevation 95 BATCH TICKET I]{F0RI.'|AT lotl SUPPLIER: l{estern l|obi I e TRUCK flo. 161 TICKET N0. 010184 HIX DE5i6N t{0. 44 TIME BATCHEI): 9:10 AM TII'IE ARRIVEO: 9:20 A1,l TIiIE PLACED: 9:25 All CU. YD. L0AD,TACCUI'I: 7 FIELD TESTING II.IFORMATION SAMPLE TEHP: -- .F AIR TEMP: 25 .F TlllE IEST TAKEiI: 9:55 All SLUl.lP: 3 lN. AIR C0I{TENT: 4.6X UET UI{II IJEIGf{I: JOB SPECI F ICATI0iIS: SLUIIP:4" l,lAX IN. AIR C0t{TEliT: 6122 TATER ADDED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYTTNDER II{FORI'IATION N0. 0F CYLII,{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYtINoERS CAST: 10:i5 AM IJHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR]N6 INFORMATION It{lTiAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: BY: l'lIl{/MAX A6E OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (tBs) O I AI.IE TER ( IilCHtS) ARTA (sQ rr{) co P.sTR . (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER YEIGHT (LBs ) CYLIIIOER UI{IT IJEIGHT ( PCF) 7 7 28 ?8 z8 z8 11-3-93 l.t -J-YJ l1-e4-93 I 1- ?4-93 1l-24-93 l1-24-93 121 ,000 109,500 148,500 151 ,500 162 ,000 147,000 6. 03 5.98 6. 01 6.03 6.04 6.00 28. 56 28 .09 28 .37 28.56 28.6s 2e.27 4?40 3900 5?3 0 53 t0 5650 5200 con/ snear con/shear con/spl i t con/ spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t DES16II STRENGTH 4OOO FSI G 28 DAYS TESTS SY LAEORATORY PERSOT'II{EL ARE IIi ACCORDAT{CE 1{ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I,IETHODS UIILESS OTHER!'ISE I'IOTED SOI.IE IIIFORMATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,iARKS: COPIES: R.A. NeIson & Associates, Inc Town of VaiI; Uestern l,lobiIe; J V A, inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Billy FIELD Earbour Bobby J. OBSERVER APPROVEO Hays 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G E1{6IIIEERS AI{D SCI EI{T I STS ffBts o $91 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! nutual protc€tlon to cllcnts, th. publi€ .nd ours€lvGr, all rcports are lubmltted.3 thc confldl€ntl.'l property of cll.ht3r .nd authorlzatlor for publlcltlon of ltatdFntr. Concluslons or cxtrlcts from or r.grrdlng our r.ports l3 r.scrvadp.ndlng our wiltt€n rpprovil. Sa|'pl.B |{lll ba dlrpoacd of aft€r t.Btlng li complctcd unlc.3 oth€r..rr.ngcmchts agrtcd toin rrl t I ng.A m€mb.r af tha HIH group of co p.nf€s Fol^n| Ho. cMErl3A 6/91 T0: l,lECll Entemrises JoB l{0. 4178 93-3 DATE: 1l-2-93Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and gestin llotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo, PLACET,IEI{T LOCAT IOII :Elevator Shaft A-2. BATCH TICKET I NFORiIAT IOI{ TRUCK N0. --- TIME EATCHED: TICKET lIO. TII.IE ARRIVED: SUPPL I ER : ltlx DESIGi{ ilo. B 0u. YD. LOAD/ACCUl,,l:TII,IE PLACEO:6 FIELD TESTI I{6 II{FOR}IATIOII T Il,lE TEST TAKEI{: --- JOB SPECIF ICATIOI{S: SAI,IPLE TEI4P : AIR TEI'{P: -- "F SLUl,lP: --- lN. AIR COtlTEt{T: --- X UET lJl{IT IIEIGHT: ---SLUIIP: lll. AIR C0NTENT: X UATER ADOED AT SITE --- GAL. CYLII{DER TIIFORIIAT IOI{ N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 4 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: UHtRt CAST: 0n-Site CUR I I{G I NFORI,IATlOI{ i ll I TIAL CURE: 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT IAB: ---FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: --- lllll/].'lAx AUC OAYS OATE TESTED IOTAL LOAD (LBs) DIAI,IETER ( It{cHES ) AREA (sQ il{) cor,rP. sTR. ( Psi ) TYPE ()F FRACTURE CYLIIIDER rE tun I ( LBs) CYLIiIOER UIIIT I'EIGHT (PcF) 7 7 28 28 11-9-93 11-9-93 11-30-93 11-30-93 101 ,500 103 ,000 t21 ,000 132 .500 O.UJ 6.00 6 .02 5.99 28.56 28.27 28.46 ?8. t8 3550 364 0 4460 4700 shear shear con/shear con/shear DtS 16I{ STRTI{GTH 4OOO PSI G 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAB0RAToRY PERS0NIIEI ARE li{ ACCoRDANCE lrlTH APPLICABLT ASTII IIETHoDS UiILESS oTllERl,lSE tloTED SOI,IE ] NFORI,IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REiIARKS: CoPIES: R.A. t{eison & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; Vestern l{obile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY o GHEN-NORTHERN, tNC. COI{SULTIt{G EI{GII{EERS AI{D SCIET{T]STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As . mutull protectlon to cll.nt3, th. publlc rnd ourrelves, rll raports r.. rubm{ttcd os th. confldl€ntlrl propcrty otcll.ntt, .nd authol.lzrtion for publ{c.tton of 3trtament3. Concluiions or Gxtrrcts from or regardlng our reForti ir r.r.rv.dpendlng our l{rltt€h rpproval. Samples $lll bG dlsposed of aftcr t€stlng ls complcted unleE6 other lrrange €hts aEraad toln wrl t lng - A nenbcr ol th. !!! group of complnl€s Forh Io. CME113A 6/91 T0: l,lECil Enterprises JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 11-17-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Ltftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drlve and tJestln Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.'IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Ualls; P5thruonS - Znd lift. BATCH TICKET INF0RMATI0I{ SUPPLIER: festern llobile TRUCK NO. I89 TICKET I{0. 103 I4IX [)ESIGI{ NO. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 12:18 Pl,l TI}IE ARRIVED: TIIIE PLACED: CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUM: 7 FIELD TESTII{G IllFoRllATloN SA}IPLE TEIIP: AIR TEl.lP: --'F TIME TEST TAKEN: --- SLUI'IP: 4 IN. AIR CONTEi'IT: 4.9% UET UIIIT hlElGHT: --- JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLul'lP: IN. AIR C0NTEI{T: X I{ATER ADDED AT SITE --- GAL. CYL I I{DER 1 I{FORI,IAT]OI{ N0. 0F CYLII{DERS; 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TIl.,lE CYLITIDERS CAST: UHERE CAST: On-Site CURING II'IFORMATION INITIAL CURE: 48 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 11-19-93 FiELD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: llank Jensen tllt{/l'lAx A6E OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) DIAMETER ( Il{cHts ) AREA (SQ IlI) co[P . sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I ]IDER I'E I6HT (LBs) CYL IITDER Ul{IT I'EI6HT (PcF) 7 ?8 28 z8 z8 11-24-93 i 1-24-93 1?-15-93 12-15-93 12-15-93 12-15-93 102,500 99,500 6.08 6.06 29 .03 28.84 353 0 3450 snear snear DESI6I{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE it{ ACCORDANCE TIITH APPL]CABLT ASTI,I I.{ETHODS U]{LES5 OTHER}'TSE I{OTED SOI'IE INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT I.{AY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Locatlon was provlded by representative of R,A. liel son & Associates. COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of VaiI; llestern llobi1e; J V A, Inc.; cwatlmey Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EN6I I.IEERS AI{O SCIEl{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CVLINDER DATA As ! mutu!l protectlon to cll€ntr. thc publlc ard ours.lv.!, .Il r.port3.re 3ubmltt.d rs th. confldlent't.l Property of cllenrs. and authorizntlon foF Fubllc6tlon of st.temehts. Conclurlonr or entrrct3 fron or reg.rdlng our rcports l3 rc3crvad pendlng our |rrlttcn .ppt-ov.l. Saoplas t.ltl be diBpoe€d of.ftcr testlng l3 cornplct6d unllsr other rrrrng€ment5 !gF€.d to in *ri t i ng. A member ;f th€ HtH group of complnlcs Fonr No. cl'lEl l3A 6/91 T0: llECtl Enterpri ses J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 11-18-93Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJICT: Liftside Buildin9, east of Uesthaven Orive and llesti n Hotel, South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMENT L0CATI0N: lJal I s . BATCH TICKET II{FORMATiON SUPPLiER: llestern Mobile TRUCK N0. 150 TICKET flo. 0l-0604 t{IX DESIGI{ X0. 44 TillE BATCH€D: l?:43 Ptl TIIIE ARRIVED: 1:00 Ptl TIME PLACED: 1:35 Pl,l-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUM: 7 FIELO TE5TI]{G II{FORIIAT ION IIl'|E TEST TAKEN: --- JOB SPECIFICAT]ONS: SLUMP: 4 l/4 SLUMP: IN, IN. SAI'IPLE TEMP: AIR C0i{TENT: 4.9% AiR C0NTEI{T: % AIR TEilP: -- "F lrET UI{IT IIEIGHT: --- IJATER ADOED AT SITE --- GAL. CYLIilDER tIiFORMAT I ON 1,10. 0F CYLIII0ERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 1?" T Il'lE CYLINDERS CAST: 1:15 Ptl IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR I N6 I IIFORI.IATIOI{ II{ITIAL CURE: 0n-5i te DATE RECEM0 AT LAB: ll-23-93 FIELD STORAGE FACI t ITIES: BY: l,lark Jensen l'll N/l,lAX AGE OAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAI4ETER ( TNcHES) AREA (sQ ilr) COIIP . STR . (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER UEIGHT (LBS ) CY L I1{DER ut{IT t{EI6ftT ( PcF) o 28 ?8 2S 28 I 1-24-93 1l-24-93 14-10-VJ 12-16-93 lz- I6-93 t2- 16-93 109,000 112,500 6.08 5.99 29.03 ?8.18 37 50 3990 shear con/shear OESI6I{ STRETIGTH 4OOO PSI O Z8 DAYS TESTS BY LAB0RAToRY PERS0NNEL ARE Ill ACCoRDAIICE lllTH APpLICABLE ASTM I,|ETHoDS UIILESS 0THERIIISE i{0TED SOME l IIFORI.IAT I OIi OF TEST REPORT IIAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REI.IARKS: COPItS: R.A. liel son & Associates. Inc Town of Vail; lJestern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultr Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVEO BY I mo#rc b $% .f,cy''t CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. colsutTIltc EllG$tEERs AND scrEraTlsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES A3. mutqal protection to cll.nt3, th. publlc.nd our3clvG3, rll raportr .re subfilttad as th. confld€ntlal propcrty of out cllcnts' rnd authorlzatlotl for publlcrtlon o.f 3tit!|tEnt. Concluslons or'ertrlcts trotn oi rcglrdlng orlr rcportl l6 reseived pendlng our wrltt.n .Pprovtl . Sr|rplcs rl'll b. disposcd o? rtter t.stlng lr compl.tcd unle3s other air.ngem€nts ar€ rgra.d to ln wrltlng. A n€nb.r of the !I! grouP of companlt5 .do. r|(). Girro,a 5Al To: llEcx Entefprises J08 IO, 4 17t 93-5 DATE: 10-1-93Attn: Eustaqjio Cort iha P.o. Box 3149Vait, co 81658-3149 DAILY REpoRT llo. 5A stlEET 1 0f t PRoJECT: Liftside BuiLding East of Uesthaven Dnive ard Uestin tlotet, South Frontage Foad tJest, Vait, Cotofado. REPoRT OF! ROCK Bolls LOCATlofl: Stair Core A-2, crid Lines I to 10, e to ,1, EQUlPitEllT: PrrP [o. 34-5818 caug€ [o. E- 10 Ram [o. A-f,55 f ITIAL CYCLE GAUGE READI}IG Rock Bott o. Gauge Reading ( PSt ) ( PSt) I 4000 1000, 1350, ?000, 2200, 5300, 4000 a .3 1 5 6 7 4000 4000 6000 4000 lot Stfessed 4000, Bar tai led at 4000 PSI Lo6ding. 1000. 1600. 2000. 2800. 3400. 4000 ilOlE: Rock Eotts I ard 7 rere stressed in a cyclic mamer. SPECIFICATIoI{ 0F cYcLE: 700. 1350, 2000. 2700, 5500 and 4000 PSI. CoPlEs: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc., Attn: llr. Rick Agate; J V A, tnc.; , crathn€y Pratt Schuttz; ToHn of Vsit, Attn: lir. Dan Stanek; Joe E. Benedict FIELO OESERVER o CHEN,NORTHERN, INC. coflsulTIIG E[ctraEERS Al'lD SCIEI|TtSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACIIVITIES To: ECll Enteryrises JoB [O. 4 178 93-3 DATE! 10-20-95Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.O. Bor( 3149vait, c0 81658-5149 DArLy REP0RT ito. 14 SHEET 2 OF e PROJECT: Liftside Buitding East of lresthaven Drive ard l,testin ltotel, south Frontage Road lrest, Vail, ColoFado. REPoRT OF: ROCK BOLTS GAUGE READI}IC IIIITIAL FI}IAL 1. 4000 3800 2. 4000 3900 3. 4000 4000 4. 4000 4000 5. 4000 4000 6. 4000 3900 7. 3800 3800 8. 5900 3900 Pur,rP #J45818 GAUGE #E 10 RAfi *11 355 Creep 500 lb- increments ]{urter 1 xas in the pit area on Q Line andis the replacenent for Anchor [unber 7 rhich faited in testing on october t. '1993. il|'|lbers 2 througft 8 xere in the northxest corner. a aa @ o t).aa o.@ a at CoPIES: R.A. lletson & Associates, Inc., Attn: l.||.. Rick Agate; J V A, lnc.i cxathtney Pratt Schuttz; ToHn of Vail, Attn: llr. Dan stanek; Ffed R. carneron APPROVED BY Darrett Huss FIELD OESERVER Ar e mut.ral protectlon to cll.nts. the publlc lnd orr3€1ves, rll r€porti ar. iubmlttrd .r th€ confld.ntlrl prop.rty of our cll.nt3, and authorl:atlon lor p||blicrtlon ot rtrtds€nt. Conclualoni or axtrrcts from or r.g*d{ng our r€portr 13 ras€rvGd F.ndlng orr wrl ttcn .pprov. | . SdnFl.s wlll b. dl3pot.d ol .ft.r tcstlng ls complctGd unle33 othcr rrr.ngcrEnts .r. agreed to ln wi"ltlng. A |n.mbcr of th. g!! group ot comp.nl.s .o.t s- 6Eru 6.|9r ot CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULII I{6 EI{GI}IEERS AI{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutual protcctlon to cll.rta, the publlc .nd oursclvas, .ll rcports .re subtlitt€d !a th. confldlcnti6l property ofcll€nt!t .rd a{thorlzltJon fop publlcrtloh of statamcnt3. Concluslon3 or Grtrrctt from or F.grrdlng oui raport6 {. r.3.rv.dpGnd'lng our $trlttan rFFr"oval. S!$9I.E wlll b€ dliFossd of uftrr tcstlng iB conpl€ted unl€sE other. trrrang.rnants lgl^aod toin wrl tl ng. A memb€i of th. !!!l gr"oup of cohFrni€B Fonn No, CilElt3A 6/91 T0: itE0tl Attn P .0. Vai l PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaqul o Corti na Box 3149c0 81658-3t49 Liftside Bui I dl ng, JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 11-30-93 SHEET I OF I of festhaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo, PLACEMEI{T LOCATIOI'{ :t{all; Line 7, L to tJ, up to Elevation 280. BATCH TICKET IIIFORMATIOT,I TRUCK 1{0. 104 TIiIE EATCHED; 11;41 A{ TICKET ilo. 01-0688 TIiIE ARRIVED: 1l:50 At4 SUPPLIER: l{estern l.lobi I e t'rlx DEsrGil N0. 39 TIME PLACED:12: i5 Pli-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCUI|: FIELO IESTTiI6 I IIFORI,IAT IOII TIME TEST TAKET{: --- JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SAI'|PLE TEITIP: AIR TE}IP; -- T SLUiIP: 3 3/4 ll{. AIR CONTEI{T: 4.99( UET Ui{IT IJEIGHT: ---SLUIIP: IN. AIR COITEflT: g I,ATER A0DE0 AT S]IE -- GAL. CYLIIIDER INFORMATIOI{ I'10. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:30 Pll TJHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI}16 II{FORMATIOI{ INITIAL CURE: On-Site FIELD SToRAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 12-2-93 BY: ilark Jensen l,llll/tlAx AGE DAYS DATE IESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) DIAMElER ( I ricHEs) AREA (sq ril) COMP, STR , (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINt}ER i{E I6HT (LBS) CYLIiIDER UtiIT IIEI6HT ( PCF) 7 28 28 28H 28H t2-7-93 12-7-93 12-28-93 12-28-93 12-28-93 12-28-93 135,000 137.000 6.02 5.98 ?8.46 28.09 47 40 4880 shear shear DESIGI{ STRENGTH PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABoRAToRY PERS0I{I{EL ARE IN ACC0RDAI{CE YITH APPLICABLE ASTIi I,|ETHODS UI{LESS 0THERyISE N0TED SOI.IE II'IFORMATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIOTO BY OTHERS REI.IARKS: C0PIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern Mobi le; J V A, Inc,; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, lNC. CO'{SULTI}IG E}IGI IIEERS AND SCIEIIITSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l.lECll Enterprises JOB ?{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1l-16-93Attn: Eustaqul o Cortl na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT l{0. 22 SHEET I 0F I PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding east of llesthaven Drive and t{esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, VaiI, Colorado. UEATHER COl{DiTIOI{S AilD TEI'IPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOI{ ACT I VITI ES PERSOT{I{EL: |1AJOR EQUIPI,|EIT: ACTIVITIES: CHEI.I_ ORTHERII'S S]TE ACTIVIT I ES lle arrived on-site as scheduled to perfonn denslty tests on C-11 and C-12. Testing vras cancel I ed. YEREAL CO}II'IUI{ICATIOII UITH COI{TRACTOR, EIIGINEER, ARCHITECT, O|,II.IER COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody F]ELD OSSERVER Fred R. Carpron APPROVEO BY A. a mutual piot€ctloB to cllantr, th. publlc rnd ourselvcs, .ll r.ports ar. submlttaal a3 th! confld€ntlal- propGrty o'l ou-r"_cll€nt3' and "rtt ot;iiii.i"I for puuiicaiion of :tatrocirt. conclusions or artrdct! ironr or regardlng our taports l9 rescrved pending our rrlttcn epp.ovll 'Sampl€$ lltlll be disposed of.ft€r te3tlng l! coripletcd url€ss othei rrrangcm€ntB .r€ .gr€€d to ln r{rltlng. A m€mber of th€ E!! group of cornpdnlat CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT I IIG EIIGTIIEERS AXD SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l,lECl'l Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 11-17-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT tlo. 23 SHEET l0F ? PROJECT: Liftside Buildlng east of Uesthaven Orive and ltestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Golorado. !,EATHER CONDITIOI{S AI{D TEMPERATURE COIITRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSOIiI{EL: I'IAJOR EQUI PMEI{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-NORTHERI.I'S SITE ACT I VITI ES Density tests uere performed on C-11 and C-12. Concrete was tested on P 5 to 15 on 5, second lift. Six cylinders were cast. VERBAL COI.II.IUIIICATIOI'I IIITH COI{TRACTOR, ENGII.IEER, ARCHITECT, OIINER CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc,; Gwatlrney Prdtt Schultz Town of Vai 1 ; I I Sandi R. Cody FIELD OESERVER Fred R, Carneron APPROVED BY Ar a Dutual protactlon to cllanti, tha publ{c rnd ours.'lves, .ll reports .r.€ 3nbnltted es the confldenti.l proplrty of our.cll.ntl, lnd .uthorlratloir for publlcatlon of itatdm;t. Conclusion6 or €xtrrcts irod or rGgarding our r.ports iB r€r.rved,andlr|g ourr{r.ltt.n rppr'ov!]. S.mple3 lalll b. dliposcd of rftar tastlng lr compl€t€d unl€ss other arr.ngsnents ar. agr€€d to In r.rltlnE. A n.mb.r ol th. [I! grouF of cotlp.nlc3 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTING ENGIT{EERS AIID SCIEI{TI9TS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING As r trutual protectlon to cllanti, th. publlc lnd oursclvas. .ll roports are submlttcd a! tht confldentl.l pl"opol"ty of o{r cllcnti' .nd authorlaation lor publlcrtlon of strtemant, conelgalonli or €xtracts from or rcgardlng our rQports ls reserved- pcndlng osr ilrlttcn spprov.l. Samplcs wlli be dispos€d of after tartlng lr completed unless othcr arrrngcm€nts ire lgreed to ln rflting. A msrber of tho EI! group of co pilnlc3 T0: lilECll Enterpri ses J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 11-17-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P .0. Box 3149Vail, C0 816s8-3149 DAILY REP0RT l{0. 23 SHEET 2 0F Z PR0JECT; Liftside Building, East of yesthaven Drive and lfestin tlotel, South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado. SPECIFICATIOI{ COI.IPACT IOI{ & I.iATERIAL ll I lll l,,luf,l REQUIRED II{-PLACE OEIISITY: 95% AS DETER}|IIiED BY: ASTII D-698 CO]{STR|CT1OI{ C0NTRACT0R: Stan Miller, Inc. TEST LOCATI0]{S UERE SELECTED BY: Chen-l{orthern TYPE AI{D NU}'IBER OF EARTH I,IOVI NG UNITS: TYPE AIID I{UI,IBER OF COI,IPACT I OI{ UI{ITS: MEIHOO OF ADDIIIG IIIOISTURE: THICKI1ESS 0F LIFT: l{ot obserYed t{UllBER 0F PASSES: As Requi red TES T NO, LOCATIOI{ DEPTH OR ELEVATION ( FEET ) LABORATORY I FI ILD PERCENT (RELAI I VE/ AX I UM ) OETAII{ED SOIL TYPE ilAX I r,rutl DRY DENS ITY (pcf) OPT I I.IUI,I 1'IOISTURE c0t{TEt{T (fi) DRY DENS I TY (PcF) IIO I STURE c0l{TEl{T (%) 5 6 C- 11 Center C-12 Center Grade Grade tzL .8 121 .8 11.5 11 .5 717.6 lrl.) t3 .5 L2 .7 97 Ytt Sandy Gravel ly Cl ay Sandy Gnavel ly Cl ay FULL T II,IE O85ERVATIOII X PART TII'IE OBSERVATIOI{ lHls REPoRT PRESENTS OPttllOl{S FO[0'IED AS A n€sULT OF OUfi oBs€Rv^ltols oF FILL PLACEMEHT. tlE HAVE RELIED ON THE Coa{TRACIOR TO CONTINU€ APPLYING THE RECOT,I4ENOEO CO+IPACTTVE EFFORT AI{O IIOISTURE TO FILL DURING THE TII.IES I{HE OIJR OASERVER IS I{O1 OBSERVING OPERATTONS. TESTS ARE MADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS S€LIEVEO I{ECESSARY To CALIBMTE OJR OBSEnVrR'S JUDGEI.'IENT. TEST DATA ARE }{oT THE SOLE BASTS FOi OPII{IOI{S ON T'HETI]ER IHE FILL I.IEETS SPECIFICATIO S. THE I.IIJCLEAR DEI{SOI.IIETER I'IETIIOD OF TESTITIS }'A5 USED II{ SUESTANTIAL ACCORDAT{CE UITI1 ASTI.I D2992 AND D3OI7. PRELII,III{ARY OBSERVATI0IIS AN0/OR TEST RESULTS VERBALLY REP0RTED T0: Dave PROCRESS RIPORT COPlE5: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwattu€y Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail: Sandi R. Cody Fred R. Cameron FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. colrgjLT tc EltGtftEERS AID SCt EftT t SIS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: ECll Enterpnises J00 t{0. 4 l7g 93-3 OATE: tt-18-93Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0.8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPORI l{0. 24 SHEET 10F 1 PROJECT: Liftside Butlding east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, VaiI, Colorado. !/EAIHER COIIOI TIOI{S AIID TII.IPERATIRE CONTRACTOR'S COIISTRUCTIOI{ ACTIVITJ E5 PERSOI{I,IEL: HAJOR EQUIPI.IEIIT: ACTIVITIES: CHEI{-IIORTHER}I'S SITE ACTIV I TT ES lle perfornnd eoncrete testing on 8-inch wall, Grid Lines 1, \rl through l{. Six cylinders were cast. VERBAL COI.{I.IUNICATIOII UITH COIITRACTOR, ENGII{EER, ARCH]TECT, OUI{ER COPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, lnc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwdtlmey Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail;l I I Sandi R. Cody I FIELD 0BSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY A5 . muturl protactlon to cllcnt3, th. publlc.nd ours.Ives, r'll raport3 ara iubrnltt.d..E thc confldGntlal proFcrty ot our cll.nt3r rndruthorizatioil tor publlcrtlon of st.ich€nt. Conclu3lons or cxtrlct3 iroln oi ragardlng osi rGport3 ls rdi.Fv.d pendlng our rrlttcn appfov!1. S.rDl€s wlll bG dlspo3ad of.ft€r tc3ting ls cohplGted unl.ss other.rr.ngqn€nt9 ai. rgraed to in hrltlng. A m.|rber of thc EI! groqp of comp.nica CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULT I ItG EIIGIIIEERS A}ID SCIEXTISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: HECi{ €nterprl ses Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149VaiI. C0 81658-3149 JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1l-?3-93 DAILY REPORT NO. 25 SHEET 1 OF 2 PROJECT: Liftside Bui'lding east of festhaven Drive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Col orado. IJEATHER COI{OITI0i{S At{D TEilPERATURE: Partly Cloudy - 40 degrees F. COI{TRACTOR'S COIISTRWIIOI{ ACTIVITI ES PERS0I{i{EL: lllA HAJ0R EQUiPIIENT: N/A ACTIVITIES: ]lone in these areas. CHEII-I{ORTHERN'S S ITE ACTIVITIES lle arrived on-site and conducted in-olace nuclear density tests. See Sheet ? for test results. VERBAL COI'II.{UNICATIOIl VITH CONTRACTOR, E}IGI I{EER, ARCHITECT, OI'I{ER Ue revi ewed density tests dated 0ctober 14, 1993 with David Schreiner. Test Nos. I and 1A were mi smarked and should have read "Grid Lines Y - 12.5". This ar€a has not been built on and will be retested v/hen contractor has reworked this area. COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz To*n of Vai I .l I Brian Scanl an FIELO OSSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY A3 r mqturl Frot.etion to cllent6, th. publlc lnd ourselv€3. lll rtpor.tE rr. 5ubfiitt.d.s tha confld.ntl.l propcrty of our cllcnts, lndauthorlz.tloir lor Fubllcatlon of rtlt.nFnt. Corcl!3lonr or Grtr.cts lFo!| or r.gridlng our r.ports Ir rescrv€d pendlng our wrl ttcn .pFrov. l . Srnpl€3 vr{lI bc dl3po!.d ot.lt!r ta3tlnE ls cdrFl.ted unlos3 othcr arringdncnt3 lre .grG6d to ln wrltlng, A tt|e|t|blr of th€ EI! group ol com9!ni.. CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIT{G ENGTT{EERS AHD SCIETIIISTS REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTING As a ltr.tual protactlon to cllcnts, th. publlc and ourselveEr all r.ports .r.3otrn'lttad as th€ contldentlal pioperty of o|rr cllontir ind authorlz6tlon for publlcrtlon of statdEntr conclusior3 or axtrtcta lrom or rcgardll1g our rcport3 ls rarervcd pendlng our ||rlttan .pprovll. Sampl€3 wlll bc dispoBcd of lft€r testlng ls complet.d unl€as othar. arrrng€m.nt6 .re agr€€d to ln l{ritlng. A ft€mb.r of th€ E!! grou! of companles T0: l4ECl,l Enterprises J08 il0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1l-23-93Attn: Eustasuio Cortlna P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 . DAILY REP0RT l{0. 25 SHEET 2 0F 2 PR0JECT: Ltftside Building, East of llesthaven Drive and l,lestin Hotei, South Frontage Road llest, VaiI, Coiorado, SPECIFICATIOI{ COiIPACTIOI{ & I.IAIERIAL llllill.{Ul'{ REQUIRED II{-PLACE DE]{SITY: 95% AS OETERI{Ii{ED BY: ASTII D-698 COi{STRUCTION C0IITRACTOR: Stan }til'lec, lnc. TEST L0CATI0f{S UERE SELECIED BY: Chen-llorthern TYPE AI{D T{UI.I8ER OF EARTH I,IOVI I{G UI{ITs TYPE AI{D IIUI1BER OF COI.IPACTIOII UI{ITS: llETHoD 0F ADDII{G ll0lSTURE: l{/A N/A l{/A THICKIIESS 0F LIFT: Unknotrn IIWBER 0F PASSES: As Requi red TEST 0. LOCAT]ON DEPTH OR ELEVAT IOI{ (FEET) LABORATORY I FI :L! P€RCEI{T (RELAT IVE/ llAXIt-ltltl) OBTAINED SOIL TYPE t{AX I[Ull DRY 0Er{stTY (pcf) OPT I I.IUM I.IO I STURE CO TENT ('() DRY DEt.IS I TY ( PcF) I.IO I ST URE CO}ITENT (%) 7 I 6ri d Li nes 29.5 @ K Grid Lines 230P Fi ni shed Grade Fi ni shed Grade L2! .8 121.8 11.5 116. 3 117.1 1U.5 tt n 95 96 Sandy Gravel ly CI ay Sandy Gravelly Clay FULL TIIIE 0BSERVATI0I{ X PART TIIIE 0ESERVATI0I'| THIS REPORT PRESET{TS OPI}IIONS FORHEO AS A RESULT OF OT.IR OBSERVATTd{5 OF FILL PLACE}IETIT. TIE I{AV€ R€LIED ON THg CO'ITRACTOR TO mNTII{UE APPLYING IHE RECOI|46NDED cd,lpAcflvE EFFoRT ANo tt€ISTt RE TO FILL OURIIIG T}lE TIMES lrllEN oue oBS€nvER IS M)T ossERvIa{G OPERATIONS. TESTS ARE MAOE OF THE FILI OI.ILY AS EELIEVED NECESSARY TO CALIERATE OUR OSSERVER'S JUO6EI.IEI{T. TEST DATA ARE iOI THE SOLE EASIS FOR OPINIONS ON I,HETHER TH6 FILL }.{EETS SPECIFICATIONS. THE I{UCLEAR DEI{SOI.IETER I'IETHOD OF TEST]IIG I'AS USED II{ SUBSTAI{TTAL ACCORDAT{CE I{ITH ASTI.I 02992 AI'IO D3017. PRELIl.lItlARY oBSERVATIotIS AtlD/0R TEST RESULIS VERBALLY REP0RTED T0: Dave Schreiner PR0GRESS REP0RT: Areas tested are being protected from freeze by "cure blanket" Finished grade is covered by one foot of "pea gravel". COPIES: R.A. t{el son & Associates, Inc.;J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail; Erian Scanlan Fred R. Caneron FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULI IIIG Et{GIIIEERS At{D SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a rnutu.l prot.€tlon to c1lent3, the publlc and o!r.l.lv.s, .ll r€porti arc sulm{tt€d a3 th. confldl.nt{.1 propcrty of cllents. .nd !uthorlzrtlon lor publlcltlon of statqnants. Conclu3lons or attracts fron gr rag6rdlng our rcport3 ls re3arvad p€rdlng our writt€n .Fprov.l. Scnplc3 |{lll b. dlipored of.ftor t..tfng l. coGplctcd unl.Es oth.r aricngdn ntt agr..d to ln wrltlng. A menb€r ;t th€ EI! grosp of cotnp.nl.3 For|tr o. ct4Ell3A 6/91 T0: MECI'I €nterprises JOS ilO. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 11-10-93Attn: Eustaquio Cort l na P.0. 8ox 3ltl9 SHEET 1 0F 2 Vai'l , C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Vesthaven Drlve and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACtlllEl{T L0CATI0I{: lfal I s. BATCH TICKEI I t{F0RtlAT I01{ SUPPLIER: yestern llobile TRUCK t{0. 97 TICKET 1{0. 0l-0453 tlIX oEStGl{ t{0. 44 TIIfE BATCHE0: l?:12 Pll TII'IE ARRMD: 12:30 PM TIIIE PLACED:12:45 Plt-CU. YD. LOAD,/ACCU||: 28 FIELD TESTII{G I I,|FORI'IAT IOI{ SAI{PLE TEMP:. 52 "7 ATR TEI,IP: 40 OF TIl.lE TEST TAKET{: SLUlrlP: 4 l/4 t . AIR COi{TENT: 4.8X '}rET UI{IT |{EI6HT: --- J08 SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLUltlP: llax.4 It{. AIR CONTEIIT: 4-8X ITATER ADDED AT SITE --- GAL. CYL] OER I }IFORI.IATION t{0. 0F CYLIflDERS: 6 CYLIT'IDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIT{DERS CAST: 1:00 Pl,l IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURTI{6 IIIFORI'IATION Il{ITiAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: ll-12-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: Sandi R. Cody MI l{/l,lAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (rBS) DIAHETER ( lr{cHEs) AREA (SQ IN) COMP. STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIHDER llEI6HT (LBS) CYL I]IOER UIIIT I{E IGHT ( PcF) 7A 7A 28A 28A Z8A 284 ll-l/-93 l1-17-93 12-8-93 l2-8-93 12 -8-93 12-8-93 106,000 110,500 140,000 l4l ,000 141 ,000 I'14.000 6. 08 6. 05 6. 08 6. 09 6.06 6.08 29. 03 28.75 29. 03 29. 13 ?8.84 29.03 3650 3840 4820 4840 4890 4960 shear shear shear shear shear shear DESI6I{ STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS TEST5 BY |-A80RAT0RY PtRsot{t{EL ARE IN ACC0RDAIICE yITH APPLICABLE ASTII iIETH0DS UIILESS 0THERIIISE i{0TED sOI,IE II{FORI'IATIOI,I OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI'IARKS : COPIES: R.A. l{e'lson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; llestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlrney Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVEO 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIIIG EflGTilEERS AI{O SCIEI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A5 . |nlrtu.l protcctlon to cllcht6, tha lubllc qnd our3elvcsr .ll .cports are subm{ttcd .s the confldlentill propeity of cllent3r and .rthor{zation foi pgbllcatlon of rt.tsr€'lts, Conclcslonr or extrrcts ft^dn or r'agardlag our r€ports ts resarvadp€ndlng oor wrltten epprov.l. Sampl.g wlll be dlsporad of rftar tcrtlng ls complet€d unteBs;thar irrangemtnts agr€€d to A member ;f the E!! group of co|trprnt€s Fofln flo. CMElt3A 6/91 T0: l'lECtl Enterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: ll-10-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of lresthaven Drive and hlestl n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LOCATION:ldal l s. EATCH TICKET I}{FORI|ATIOI{ SUPPLIER: Uestern l,lobile TRUCK l{0. 100 TICKET tio. 01-0465 ftIX DE5I6fl r{0. 44 TIiIE BATCH€0: 3:00 Pttl TIl,l€ ARRIV€0: 3:10 Pil TlllE PLACEO: 3:?0 P -CU. r0. LOAD/ACCUI|; 77 FIELD TESTIT{G I i{FORiIAT I OII SAI,IPLE TET.IP: 54 "F AIR TE}.IP: 45 "F TII'IE TEST TAKEN: --- SLUI{P: 4 IN. AIR CONTENT: 4.2% lrET Ul{lT }JEI6HT: --- JOB SPEC I FICATI0iIS: SLUiIP: llax.4 Il{. AIR C0NTE T: 4-8% IIATER ADDED AT SITE --- GAL. CYLIIIOER I i{FORI,IAT I OI,| l{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII4E CYLINDERS CAST: 3:30 Pll t'lllERE CAST: 0n-5ite CURIITG ] IIFORI.IATI OiI INiTIAL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LA8: 0n-Sl te 1t - l2-93 FiELO STORAGE FACIL IT IES: BY: Sandl R. Cody t'l|I tlltlAx 46E DAYS OATE T EST EO TOTAL LOAD ( L8S) DIAIiIETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ rr{) cofiP.sTR . (Psr ) IYPI OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER VE I6HT (L8S) CYL I I{DER UI{IT I{FIGHT (PCF) 7B 7B 288 288 288 288 11-17-93 11-17-93 1Z-8-93 l2-8-93 12-8-93 l2-8-93 99,500 101,500 133,000 126,500 140,000 129 .000 5.98 5.98 5.99 6.02 6.08 5.99 ?8.09 28.09 28.18 ?8.46 29.03 28. l8 3 540 3610 47 ?0 4440 4820 4580 shear shear shear shear snear shear DESIGII STREI{GTH 4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY TABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE II{ ACCOROAI{CE IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I MEIHODS UNLESS OTHERIiIISE NOTED SOME I]{FORTIATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT HAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS: COPIE5: R.A. l,lelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; trlestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; cwatlmey Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIETD OESERVER APPROVID BY 'tI o CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{sULT IIIG EIIGIITEERS AI{D SCIEITT]ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutul] pt-otection to clreht3, th. pubttc rnd ourselvcs, all r'Gportt .re 3ubnlttad rt th. confldlcntl.l properiy of ctlanti, and {uthor{zation tor p{bilcdt{on ot stlta|nanar. Concluslons or extiacta trqt or rcgrrdlno our relart3 l5 r'serv'd pendtrg our wrtttan rpprovrl. s.mples vr{lt bG dJ3pored ot .ttri-[iiii.i ts"i;dFictea qniess 6thc. iffrngcnrints careed to i"#il;"3i th€ !I! sroup ol companlc, Forn No' cMEll3A 5/s1 T0: HECtt Enterprises J08 f{0' 4 1.78 93-3 OATE: 12-3-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0t 2 Vail. C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drjve and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road t/est, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'{EIIT LOCATI0}|: Grid Llnes P-5, L through Q to elevation 80.0'. BAICH IICKET INFORllATr0il SUPPLIER: l{estern l'lobi I e TRUCK tio. 150 TICKET tlo. 010717 l'l!x DESISH ll0. 39 TIME BATCHED: 9;?7 At{ TIIIE ARRIVEO: 9:41 Al{ TIIiE PLACED: 9:43 Alt-CU ' YD. L0AD/ACCW: 7/21 FIELO TESTItI6 I }IFORHATIOI{ TII.{E TEST TAKE}lr 9:48 AH JOB SPECIF I CATIOI{S: SLIJI{P:11/Z It'I. SLUHP: 4 IN. SAIIPLE TEI,IP: AIR COllTEl'lT: 5.0X AIR COIIIENT: X 55'F AIR TEIIP: 23 T IJET UI{IT l{EIGHT: 143.8 I{ATER ADDED AT SITE 4 6AI.. CYL I NOER I ITFORIIATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLII{D€R SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIT{0ERS CAST: 9:52 Alt IIHERE CAST: on-site CUR II{6 II{FORUATIOT{ Ii{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Si te 0ATE RtCtlVEo AT LAB: 12-6-93 FlELO SIORAST FAC It ITI ES BY: l'lark Jensen Heated l,rrN/r.rAx Jobsi te Trai ler. 70173 degrees F. AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) D I AtlETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sq I[) coilP.5TR. (Psi) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL iI{DER t.IEIGHI (LBs ) CYL IIIDER UIIIT lIEIGHT (PcF) 7A 284 28A 284 284 H H 12-10-93 12-10-93 12-31-93 l2-31-93 l2-31-93 t 2-31-93 130,500 135,000 6.08 6.0s 23.03 28.75 4490 4700 coni cal con/shear DES]CII STREI{CTH 45OO PsI G 28 OAYS TESIS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE III ACCOROAIICE UITH APPLICABLE ASIiI I'IETHOOS UIILESS OTHERTIISE }IOTE[) SOIIE I I{ FORI,{ATI OI{ OF TEST REPORT IIAY B€ PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REI,IARKS 116 non-cloride accel erator Job specifi6ation for thi s $as wal I added to mix. 4000pou.ls psi CoPIES: R.A, lie.lson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern l.lobile; J V A, Inc,; Gwathrey Pratt Schultz Erian Scanlan BobbY J. tlaYs FIETO OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coflsulTll,lc Elt6l llEERs All0 scI {TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A5 a nuturl rrot€ction to cllcnti, th€ publlc .nd ourselve3. .ll raports !r€ sutttritted.s the contidlanttal proparty of cl{ants, and authorlzatlor foF publlcrtlon of stater|cnts. Concluslon! or €ttf.ct5 fron or rcE.rding our report3 ls r.5€rv€d pendlng our wiltt€n lpproval. Srmples tdtIl be dlsFo3€d of 4ftcr tGsttng Js cornplGted Inl633 other arr.lngcm€nts .9re.d to ln rf ltlng,r'nriinuin ir the !lt! grouF of cor''p!n|.3 Forfl flo. ct'lEl l3A 6/91 T0: l.tECll Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 U8 93-3 DATE: t?-3-93 Attn: Eustaqu io Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2 Vall, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Ltftstde Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road t'lest, Vail' Colo. PLACTI'IEI{T LOCAT I OI{ :Grid Llnes P-5, L through Q to elevation 80.0' EATCH TICKEI II,IFORTIAT IOII TRUCK r{0. 151 TIl,lE EATCHEO: 1l:02 All TICKET N0. 010724 TI[{E ARRIVEO: 1l: 15 AM SUPPLIER: llestern i.lobl I e HIX D€SIGll ll0. 39 TIt'fE PLACEo:1l:50 Al'l-cu 'YD' L0AD/ACCUIi|: 7156 FIELD TESTIIIG IIIFORI'IAT I OtI SA}IPLE TEIIP: 57 .F AIR TEiIP: 33 "F T II.{E TEST TAKETI I 1I:55 AIl SLIJITIP: 3 III. ATR CO['ITEI{I: 5.27 }TET UI{II TJEIGHT; i43,6 JOB SPECIFICATI0IiS: SLUI'IP: 4 It{. AIR COI{TEI{T: 4-82 UAIER ADOED AT SITE 5 GAL. CYL II{DER I IIFORI,IATTOI{ l{0. 0F CYIIIiDERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TttlE CYtil{DERS CASI: 12:00 l{oon.tlHERE CASI: 0n-Site CURI I{G I IIFORI.{AT I OI{ II{ITIAL CURE: On-Site FTELO STORAGT FACILITIES: HEated JObSitE TTAi.}ET 0ATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 12-6-93 BY: l'lark Jensen UIti/l{AX ACE OAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DI AI'IETER ( r ilcHE5 ) AREA tsQ Ir{) COHP.sTR. (PSI ) TYPT OF FRACTURE CYLIT{DER I{E I GHT (rBs ) CYL II{DER UI{IT I./E IGHT (PcF) 7B 7B ?89 ?86 288 H 288 H 12-10-93 l2- 10-93 r2-31-93 12-31-93 12-31-93 t 2-31 -93 130, 500 130,500 6.04 5.98 28.65 28.09 4550 4650 col umnar col umnar DESIGI{ STRET{GTH 4500 PSI G 2S 0AYS IESTS 8Y LABORATORY P[RSgItflEt ARE I}I ACCORDAIICE UITH APPLICABLE AST I{ETHOD5 UNLESS O1HERIJISE T{OIED SOI.I! I RFORI.IAT I OI,t OF TEST REPORT I'IIAY BE PROV]DED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS:11 non cloride accelerator was added to mix. Job specification for this wal'l pour is 4000 psi. COPIES: R,A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai l ; t{estern l,lobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gvathney Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. cofisljtT rt{G ExGtxEERs AID SCIEIITSTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: t{ECi{ Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: ll-30-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RI t{0. ?6 SH€ET 10F 1 PR0JECI: L'lftside Building east of tJe6thaven Drive and ttlesti n ftotel, South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colorado, VEATHER COI{OI IIOI{S AI{D TEI.IPERATURE COI{TRACTOR'S CONSTRIJCTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PERSOI{IIEL: I'IAJOR EQUIPllEltT: ACTIVI TIES: CHEN-IIORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIES Concrete tests were performed on concrete poured in llall Line 7, L to U to elevation 280. Six cyl inders rrere cast. VSRBAL COI.|I.IUIIICATIOII I{ITH COHTRACTOR, ENGII{EER, ARCH1TECT, OU}IER COPI[5: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I ; I I Sandi R. Cody FIELO OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROYED BY As e mutual prot€ctlon to cllant3, th€ publlc.nd ourr€lvea, atl r.port3 ara submltted !3 the co-nfidcrtl.l. FioPcrty of .o_-rrillantt' and iiti"iiiiii"i'iJr;i,'bii.;.t;;;; stat.m.;t. conclus'rons or extrecti fr"'r oi i.is.iatng our ieports l. r€sorved icnilnE-our Ht ltt.n .ppPor.I 'S$tplcs wlll bc dilpo6ed ot rftcr t€stlng l3 complGted unl.53 oth€r rrrrngdn€nt3.r. lgraad to ln tl9rltlr5, A hemher of the SI! sroup of contpdn le3 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coftsulTmG EltGIllEERs AllD sclEflT t sTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: l'lEclil tnterDrises JoB t{0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 12-3-93 Attn: Eustaqulo Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REP0RT ll0. 27 SIIEET l0F I PRoJECT: Liftslde Building east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Boad l,lest, Vail, Colorado. I{EATHER C0I{DITI0]{S Al{0 TEI,IPERATWE: Cl oudy - Llght Snow - 20 degrees F. COI{TRACTOR'S COI{5TRUCTIOil ACTIVITIES PERSONIIEL: tlAJ0R EQUIPlltt'lT: 100' Concrete Pump, llheel Earrows, Vibrators, Finishing Tools. ACTIVITIES: Contractor poured 6rid Llnes P'5, Lines L through Q to top 80.0', leveli course at Stalr Llne A-2. CHEN-I{ORIHERiI'S SITE ACTIVITIES Ue sarnpl ed concrete and tested for slump, air content, unit weight and temperature. Ve cast two sets of 6" x 12" test cylinders. VERBAL CO}.II,IUI{ I CAT IOI{ David Schrei ner IdITH CONTRACTOR, TI{GI]{EER, ARCHI TECT, was i nforrned of on-site test results. OUIIER COP IES: J V A, R.A, llelson & Associates, Inc.Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schul tz Town of Vai i ; I I Brian Scanl an rIELD OSSERVER Fred R. Car*eron APPROVED BY As ! huturl protcctlon to cll.rt., th. publlc rnd o.sr3.lv.., r'll report3 rre submlttEd 6s the confld€ntlal propGrty of our cllGnts' tnd authorlz.t.ton for D'bltcatton of stst.ncnt. conclu.tons or "xtri.ti frorn- bf regerdtng our rrports--fi riiirv"a ["nit"g-our xrlttcn approval' siiiiii-iiii'lf uiipo.la oi aiier ierttng ts coripl€t€d unl.ss oth€r .rr.ngdnent3 are rsre€d to ln writing' A m€mber of th€ EI! group of companlcs CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coflsutTI[G EIGIITEERS AllD SCIEITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO:HECH Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaquio Cortl na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail. C0 81658-3149 JOB OAILY l{0 .rIg 93-3 DATE: 12-5-93 REPORT ilo.28 SHEET OF PR0JECT: Llftside Building east of Hesthaven Drlve and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ljest, Vail, Colonado. I{EAIHER COl{DlTI0l{S Al{D TEI{PERATURE: Pantly Cloudy - 30 degrees F. COI{TRACTOR'S COI{STRUCTIOI{ ACTIVTTIES PERSONI{EL: iIAJOR EQU]PI.IEI{T: ACTIVITIES: C HE I{.I{ OR THE R I'I ' S SITE ACTIVITTES lle picked up tvo sets of cylinders cast on Oecsnber Gl enwood Springs I aboratory fon stDrage and testing. 1993 and transported then t0 the VERBAL COIII.IUIIICATIOI{ VITH CONTMCTOR, EI{GI IiEER, ARCHITECT, O}'IIER C0PIES: R.A. J V A, Inc, ; l{el son & Associates, Inc. Gwattilney Pratt Schultz Town of Vatl;l I Erian Scanl an FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED BY As I cstsrl FFotactl or1 to ellent3r thr publtc rhd our.selv.t, dll r.port3 !r'€ subiltt€d !. the contldantlrl propsrty of ou_r.cllantt' 'nd,uthort:.tloh for rubttc.tloh ot itrtdncnt. concrustons o" elrricti irorn or regaratng our"cp""tjii rciiiv-a ie"itl"g-or"wrltt.n.pproval' a;fii;;-iiii tc aispo;ed of.ftcr t.3ttng l3 conslet€d ur'1c33 othcr" arrangement: .rG agr.6d to in qrltlr|g. A flamber of the !!! group ot cornprnlr3 CHEN-NORTflERN, INC. COIISULI I IIG EI{GIIIEERS AIID SCIEIIIISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCfION ACTTVITIES TO: Eclil Ehterprises Jots N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-6-93Attn: Eustaquio Cort ina P.0, 8ox 3149 Vait, ff 81658-5149 DAILY REPoRT llo. ZgA SI{EET 1 Of I PRoJECT: Liftside Buil,ding east of l.lesth6ven orive ard tlestin flotel, South Frontage Road llest, vait, cotora&. Attn: Eustaquio Cort ina P.0, 8ox 3149 Vait, ff 81658-5149 DAILY REPoRT llo. ZgA SI{EET 1 Of I PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding east of l.testh6ven orive ard tlestin flotel, South Frontage Road llest, vait, cotorado. REPORT OF STRUCTURAL SIEEL The A 325 bolts and relds rere observed on txo levets that had bee'n connected prior to our visit. Att ol the structural Helds on Levea 48' 6t 153'9" Here fourd to b€ acceptable betueen Grid Lines L ard e, 21,5 and 31, The botts Here fourd to be scceptable (snug tight) exc€pt at the fotLoeing tocati ons: P-31 tooee bolts colum to beam and the anchor botts rcre nissing. O-25 toose botts bean to cotum. L-22.9 to L-?4 u 14 x 22 beam to ernbed. 0-22.9 to 0-21.9. Beam to besm, 0-22.9 to 0-21.9 bedn to coturn, L-22.8 beam to eflH, P,9-22.5 beam to cotun and a-21 .5 beam to beam. on Levet 59' - Ott l64,3tt the botts Here acceptabte betreen Grid Lines L to o and 21.5 ard 31 ard the nelds vere found to be acceptabte except at F-26, the u 14 xZZ beam to the rstl eflbed Has missing a 5,t15rt Hetd on one side of the sheo tsb. Att of the connections that did not meet the job specifications lrere marked rith Hhite pFint ard the general contractor and subcontractor Here i nforned. Attachmnts- C0PIES: R.A. tletson & Associates, lnc.,Attn: llr. Rick Agate; IJ.v.A., Inc,; I Grathmey Pratt schuttz; I 9:f_"tl^!:-.Hj:" l:3^*_c:g""onFTELO OASERVER APPROVED 8Y A5 e mutudl protactlon to clterts, the publlc.r.t ourselv€3, all report. ar€ submlttcd.s thc contldantl.l Property of out" cllants. .nd authorlz.tton foi publlcation of stltement. Conclusions or extrlets ironr or regardlng our t"6ports ls resarvad Pendlng our r{tlttsn.plrovrl' Eirirptii *tlt be disposcd of efter testihg J3 cohpleted unless oth€r rrrrig.i.-nt5 .;e agr€Gd to in wrltlng. A il€mber of the EM group of companics Fon'r |E. 4'@' e/rl LZl07 /S.X 11:25 t^t,i:#"-,:::@oo: MGI$ Inapceuos,Irrc. u-iat Qgeru ilo*rr+*+.i .trc Etl.tsprL MI*AS&{TC ITTOTT Faselof { _ F.O. rG. c,zqqq GrrEf,.tL StZlO ErtF. t-i-..'_- tgn""*l'a+_.q-lS-f s L-{trE _q{.1- tz" __* rsa l{rdelthldcar fl H Ibtb:if,do ta $fi,g ! !r. lE F$ U #f;l I $$ D d Js .E # E3 $* I 13fl3i1 .9-.-,*!*n v Td -{L*F lSltt s n*-Jts ,/x IBI L f t{$,'1",fi" j tPlI 4 .o,+rdrrar 4 -r-lt${ | r.-,-rttr.v lZtzl X rji^rdlar,$f 9.. 7 tSlO{ | crr.rrf;r^'-r--' .\tb 4_ 4 {t r33(| A F q l!!t & tE ,.3rct ll II lBts,A I f,3 Iart t v t9 fstff, 1...*."&o^t/1 l#l?3/^ r_ ""^^u$r.r ls LEfgA ftarcl... lrrr-r r/rl l tdlr tl o.r G..F.IJ tspt r& me t?.64{ LZ/Ot /St lt:25 *t,::if,t":::: ..f;:.:,'jts5' CEEN-NORTEERH Boor t Earst2aoltt.i.' r*.1 .; 4-t7g'fs'3 offirc r.*rtct,r trSrEcrrsil ntnnt -'fgf,r SrHflS ll*prcttou,lna r.ocrnm Z.tmge$- , - ---- 'o' I IFGClFlqltrql -q?_ t,*s, 1 l'ror*..y',,v*=-l"F lqr ffi rmlnurt. *cE oc- B'r-'nEet'- sefii rll-r-[tm-_ntffi !-- - ,/'tgm-44- coll- Fnoog ilo. prEcm roclFr. - i--.+dgl-- tlo' ?TEGEE nrJEGf -frLfill' E _ o*r4t!,3.-=- I'^lru$ffi*tt*iecElItfl{c! 0s Et'rtlil l-I CHEN-NORTIiERN, rNC. 60 SULTIIG €ITGIIEERS AltD SCIEI|TISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO: IEC EnteryrisesAtth: Eustaquio Cortin€ P.O. Box 3149 Vei l, Go 81558-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Bui tding East of tlesthaven Drive ard ltesti JoB lfo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-8-93 DAILY REPOf,T IIO. 29 SXEET ' OF I n $otet, South Fro,ntage Rotsd lleEt, vait, Colorsdo The fittet retds rere visualty observed on colums and b€a|IB at Zimkor Fsbrication Ptant the rclds *ere fornd to be acceptable and conforrned to the shop drarings. See attached she€t- Al, t of CoPIES: R.A. l'lelson & Associates, Inc.. Attn: llr. J V A, lnc.,' GHathmey Pratt schultz; Toxn of Vait, Attn: i|I. Dan stanek; Rick Agate; I I ctrarles Beckhafl tt I FIEID OBSERVER Fred R. Cs[€ron APPROVED 8Y As I tn{tqrl prot.ct{oh to cllcnt3, thG publlc and oursllvcr! rll r€porti .rc submltted as the confldentlrl property of our c!l.hta. altd authorlr.tion foF publ{eat{on ot stitesent. Conclui'lons or axti.cts troo or rcgardlng our^ reportr {s ra3eiv€d pending our wrlttcn .pproval.s.nplct Hill b€ disposed of.ftcr tcatlhg It cofipl.ted unl.sr other.rrangem€nt3 .fc agreed to ln wrltlng. A nsllb.r of th€ llg group of conpanlcr 86. ro. cn{ro2^./9l 12 / I $/S$,o''01 '^1,l::J,iii Cf,EN-N0trIffiftN ll 3c3r*2632! EAs Inspccliou" Inc.Uf,IXISOXIC TWOTT fageJcf J-- uw. flr+ fhq1pia.$ .EEIE Ztnrart- ffi* Ffi. b._It833- ffih $t"-tQ rl.'.th. (gL HFMqrEttgllut& E oos +;s..ti.- ArA fft.t-ft ruifiEt E.r lLldh tr&t^t ldt*.nFrthr| tt |'.J8|.qt-* EtlIffitr f54 3e.-\r qg rfi6rrr.F,r.* ft-61 ?|*ttq, trs# sle* "**'f#:-4f-14illE?eg-&ry-8.-A${{{b - - gft* allelofa- f'.,..r -: E -IEffi! I $ nhfu€.*idr I $fr$ # IEEII q ffi # U g$ ,fiI A $r B II $f D ,d $# t larsi TP lfi}B t .rglt ,l r' 3 ,&r*A {lrorr u0q!t flal& --5 1rrofi e t*, Jct' SLJlt v t rr,tx* g tlill*T $&st JT r"3?f fi'a"#{ a tgA x L f {.rf'?,{lrf't$: ,o rtroT-l{. rl |rlr8 tl IL ttIE/t tr I Srr{.F$ ls IX,AIA ,{it41 V L fEi-' l$''.iit rl I j.10ft_glu CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CO]{SUITING ENCI I'IEERs AI{D SCIEIiITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As ! mutu.l protectlon to cli.rtsr th€ publlc and ourselvesr all r€ports 6re submlttsd !s the conf{dlentlll property of cllcnts, rnd iuthorlzetlon for Fubllcation ol statamehts. Concluslons or ertr.cts froft or regarding our taports is raserv€dpcnding our r,rltten rpprovnl. S.mpl€s wJll be disposed of rfter te3ting is conpl€t.d unless other .rr.ngemahts rgre€d toln rri t l nE, A m+nb€r of the !I! group of conprnlos Fonn No. Cl,lElt3A 6/91 T0: l,lECll Enterprises JOB ilO. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-16-93Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHTET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Vestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ldest, Vail, Co1o. PLACEMEITT LOCAT ION:Slab; llest Side, Second Floor. BATCH TICKET II{FORI.IATIOI{ TRUCK N0. 104 TIMI EATCHEO: 9:51 AH TICKET t{0. 10843 Tl$E ARRIVED: l0:10 Al'l SUPPLIER: Vestern l,lobi le HIX oESICt'l 1{0. 44 TII4E PLACED:10:15 AH-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI'|:z8 FIEL0 TESTING I t{F0Rl4AT 10t{ SA|'IPLE TEI'IP: 58 "F AIR TE}IP: 37 'F TIME TEST TAKEII: 10:25 Al,l SLUMP: 41/Z It{. AIR C0NTENT: s.4X vET Ul{lT IJEI6HT: --- JOB SPECIFTCATIONS: SLUHP: IN. AIR C0l{TEl{T; X YATER ADOED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYL II'{OER I IIFORMAT IOI'I li0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLII{DIR SIZE: 6"x 12" T If,lE CYtItl0tRS CAST: 10:35 Atl TJHERE CAST: 0n-Slte CIIRING IIIFORHATION Il{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 12-17-93 FIELO SIORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated 8ox BY: oan NeiII II{/flAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS ) D IAMETER ( TNCHES) AREA (sQ IN) cor'{P . sTR . (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL i]IDER !,EIGHT (LBS ) CYL I1{DER U}IIT UEIGHT (PCF) 7 7 ao ao 28H 12-U 3-93 !2-23-93 72,500 73 ,500 5.98 s.98 ?8.09 28.09 ?580 26?0 shear sh€ar DESiGI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI G 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY P€RSONI.IEI ARE III ACCORDAIICE UITH APPI]CABLE ASTH METHODS UI{LESs OTHERUISE NOTED SOI.IE INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT },IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS: COPIES: R.A, l,lel son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai I ; l,lestern Mobi 1 e; J V A, lno.; Gwatirmy Pnatt Schultz;Dan lleill Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVED 8Y cttEN-NoRTItERN, rNC. CONSULT IIIG EIIGITIEERS AIID SCIE TISIS REPORB OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTTVITTES TO3 trtEctl Enterprises JoB lto. 4 l7g 9l-3 DATE: 1-4-94Attnr ErBtaqii o Cortina P.O. Box 5149 vait co 81658-3149 DAtLy REPORT Io. 32 SilEET I oF 1 PROJECT: Liftside Vai L Tenperature at 10:00am 10"F The shear studs rene acousticat ly tested betreen grid tines 22.5 - 31 and F - S at etevation69'6tt/74'9tt- Att of the studs, Hhen struck rith a hamEr, Here foltni to be acceptable. Thre€ studg Tere bent 15" ard are acceptabte. The fitlet Helds on the co ltrrn to cotlr|n connections at elevation 74r9s + betrreen grid tines 23 - .51 and [ - R Here vistrat ty observed ard rere found to be acceptabte except three colrms on line27. The relds were less than the 1l4x as specified on zinnonrs draxing. Thes€ cotumF rere marked(x). The boLts that nere found loose on K line at 25.5 & 26 d.ring our visit on 12-?2-95 have been tightened 8nd the xetds on L line b€txeen 22.9 and 24 have been te{ded futt tength. Alt of these corrections are acceptabte, PRoGRESS REPORT The General contractor ard the erection cret| Here inforned of ny observat i ons. COPI ES: R.A- [etson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Agate J.V.A. Inc. GHathmey Pratt schul tz Iom of Vait - Atth: Dan Stanek Darrel I lluss ITELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY As rl mutlal protcction to cll.ntsr th€ p'rhltc rnd our.rclvcr, all yeFortt are 3ubrnJitad as th! co[fldentirl prop.rty ol ost cll.nt3, lndauthorlzrtlon lor publicrtlon of 3titam€nt. Cohclu!lon3 or extracts trom or r€grrdlng oul. report! l3 icaaived pondJng our iritt.n .ppr-oval.Sttnplci wlll ba dlsposed of after t63tlrg ts corhpl€tcd unl.3s othtt. .rrAngetn€nts lFe agreed to ln ytrlt{ng. A ilctDDer of th€ !I4 group of comp.nl.s r.ri E. cnEron^ i./er CHEN.NORTHERN, coilsutT rlrc Et{c rEERs Al{D REPORT OF EXCAVATION INC. scr EIT lsTs OBSERVATTON TO: ilECll Enterprises JOB 0. 4 178 93-5 DATE: 1-5-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cortina P.O, Box 3i49vail co 81658-3149 DAILY REPORT NO- 33 SBEET 1 oF t PROJECT: Liftside Bui lding, Vait, Since our last visit, contractor had excavated area behird proposd srJirming pool at tines V - tl & 9 - 12. This area had traetured bedrock & fines ard other debris had been renpvd. Contractofis going to place concrete as a leveting course on this rock. coPtEs: R.A. lletson & Asso. - Attn: Rick Aate J.V.A. tnc. Grrathmey Pratt Schul tz As r mutual protictlon tc cll.nts, th. publlc and ourlolv.s, .ll rBports !r. Blbnltted a3 the conf{d6rtlal Propcrtja ot our cllenit, .nd authorlzation for public.tlon of st.tdncnt. Concluslor|s Dr.rtracts frorn or r€g.rding our report3 i3 rer€rved Pandlng out'r.!.ltten rpproval, S$Dpl€s Hlll bG dlsposed ol .ftar ta3tlng ls conpleted unl.s3 other rr.!n9€m6nt3.rc.gr.ed to in wrltlng, A ne,nbar of thc E!! group ot cornprnier rmr . c'cr@.6/er ' l^oi'* :1; : mAS fnspect ion, Inc,- :SBBE Stapleton Drive ,., lsenverr C0 ACt?16 N. S3O5 FIELD F..lr0 * Custsner # 854595 ' f,ugtbrner'CHEN-N0ETHERN, Repart te:. ULTRASONIC 2?.'B.181..1992 ??.F,181-1992 ZIHKNR H&S Inspector: f,LIENT REP:Date: cxfr, A4€N l$nu*4/ . iE T tmuoct- I'LTRASONTC RBPORT Page { of 1 P.o. rb.-5.L33:L- Etmllb.:l!:!!L- 6tls. s=_ l$nnoal|rP ZaS.nFtU sfq'r-cia,'n-rn /Ul . n t, | - ?Z IEu.rurt giarf qtrFt r+,tr{6^r^Frd^tl FD(-f !bl4 ffi FcAr.J luos wdt.4/l'Irgb=E__!^, AbeE ^0coqtrE% fh }hificatian tlrt H{ I E' HIl or EP H -31 E, IbCilFr @}irg E&ct Ldim ..d $dg nt fiE-E$3 A $r B F EH EE{ G f;H D d 6 .g s$ $E{d 2s.l1 ,E; E# r3ts A 18 3?JL L tetg A 4 3 t10] ^{t36A ',0.b ?t*k- 5 tSro a e t}ro A ..JaL Pt'"-.\€t/ 't rsoSA s tsLl I X 30JC &l'9N w j"th" tTgA x SB A r 4.t Y+'14"3k* lo t301 A tEl?6 IL t3$ A Pr,x"ws ls l<zt A t4 ts4&,I -, I Inspeclion,Inc.IAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION NEPORT -----------.FORil llTl cLr$nr &vn l\M1t€R! coNTEoL t 9tzt o -tLwATroN /,-lr.nr<-ok P.o.8 z?q1 XQS PROCEDUNE Zr B.o5-!j]!f-3-sPEcIFtcAtron ADS Dt. \ Qe- TECHNIQUE RECORD ,/l r | fllottt*'r,l*rET DRr &' lvrststE / rLuoR-lnenrtcuus''4&f,isllrcn No EQUIPXENT lOtR. lnlq<'$eft^lx XODEL Z4Z- --cAL.DArE,/-/toxa F coIL- PRoDs "/CURRENTz AC3! DC- H.X.RECT.-sprcrncj::ll AxPs- TURNS- REPOBT IlEr INsPEgTEp Ma*tz..t-F rna".rr{-io^,s- u-rl.h iplicr ANEA TNSPECTEI} EVALUATION l{o. PtEcEs AccEPT I .o^,...]:o,, r NO. PIECES BEJECT DATE f 7-6-?3 '.cLtEl{T nls FTNAL AuTHoRITT rM nsspoNsrBlLtry FoR INTERPRETATIolf AND ACCEPTANCE OF EXAXINATION BESULTS AT{D REPORTS" 2 IttrRAsoNrc REPoRt O criat Qnert )-lofirree^J .thie Zt*w& Pase I of J. P.G h__n2339- Qntml tft,. 3lZlO wrD.J__ lqFBdEllq{8'-le SnOnc*1"- 4r-E Dl . l- ??- I*ld Jxtut R'.TI- ItsldM iC{"J l@"r ry5 ilrt-tal looqane Wd g615q S*,+Jfu W lo" "t,t @ucy_j C:i rq nz fr.p@-*z Cal(*lorr G."-q It IJ ,H Eg Iteo Tffifir*ian $a &,Ir JIz rbr.ilFr ltElirg l'bfent lgfisl t 1t-+ SE ts ni f;E=tf;s A fir B In C $fr D .F g .rC# 'Fr E€ $E{tJ dt J E*{ Clt.? f,Hak l ,30-34 2.-..*,1;^n l/70"34lL 2 rcle A 2 cenvzhts X 38Jl A f'as-/4"7t'gh" 3 tryl I 4 ,o^nc.{Jr^r l/ 4 l3t$A lco*'*,[,ro*t/ B37A Z a4^,'r.clrrn5 t/ (b t3lO A I c,co., ea*,' o ''.t/ 7 l3tb 4 t (/ 8 rs:,1 A t/ q t3l,h l,/ lo tslGA L/ lt 13 6a t/ l1-lefte h t/ t9 l3lf A I " o^n..lto..t/ t4 l3-7lA 7- ct,.u<Ao.s ,s lSlLA lco,qb^ W.c t/ Mcs e) o* co '.c.c{r o^ o^11 rc-5<{<.1 {o.*I*sio"'. %F:, aculA.Ht va-1t ' w nbqS "1.5885 Stepleton Dr ive''' DenVeir; C0 SO:1€, 'Ins.pect ion, Inc. 3tap1 454595 ': Date lc :,*.::,: :l C:LIENT F:EF: . Submitted m Fiel d Tec hn i qlre !Level Repart t 13f 3D/93 v Inspection, fnc.ffi INsPEcTIoN REPoRT 4.r.-,*FA tze,Q7 -aau wt CLIENT LOCATION Qz9?a SPECIFICATI ON TQS PROCEDURE *z-t- E, Ott ^1) "ECM{IQUE RECORD lv u, "r",r/nr,u oR- l rn"", ""r, flse F,^B tr cH No sat&L EqUIPHENT XFR.uoow" /'7 sN Z tt7 -aAL.DATE ,*, ,4r L- PRoDs-CURRENT: SPACING AREA IHSPECTED NO. PIECES AqcEPT rx No, PrEcEs REJECT tu NEPORT EVALUATION DLTE-12-^3A'q, v"cr,IExtr'Hls FrNIL AuTHoRITT fiIp nsspoNsIBtLITT Foa INTERPRETATTOH Al{D ACCEPTANCE OF EXATINATION RESULTS ANII REPORTS" @ion,Inl u.rRAsoNrc RBR'RT I Pace j-ot 2-os*'che' jAr{Lc-rq Fe P.ulro. 31L?2i_ altmlI.&^SJZ/AA_ 6tro._pjp(_ }4FMreJrE8/Bl:lZ ruanitt F-41- r*:a ra"'tin.nti,* ji=o--&g/. ,-.. ,, q'iF 4 lcr4hrc@qz u'tr ,H 'rf.I ttJ'H fm l(brtificatrisr Lfu.crn .Sol".eg fi.t(xr{ il'hd f;r ,!,1xz lEsr-lor frq.litg E&ct I-cEIcn J Ed ts Jni gE-tf1 A $s B Inc H$ D .d Ep ,.g *dirfi $E.{J &1 .l E3 Ff, L )? tTzaoA 7 (-5 z tizB4 A H"-,.r4tlo rc /.'3 7 t7z, *5A r 70 Ab 4 t3z glA \/.7O 65 .5 t3Z30A 70 656l<z- €zA V 7O 65 * X- Pul'y./rbn Ru{, R.p* oO? Ir Inspection,Inc.IAGNETIC PANTIGLE INSPECTION NEPORT e^r( ooS A zr'+Z- F,r.r. r,.Fr\ral6 !la a CLIENT coNrRoL l SlZlOA LOCATION q7 99q TQS PBOCEDURE trET --1 TECtllrlQUE RECORD -DnY J4v r s r ar,E,frLUoR- | renr r cleslirr-" {/.raATcn Nolklgtl- EQUTFUENT XFR.XODEL z4?_CAL.DATEJ!l!:fu2:3L cqIL_ PRODS_CURRENT:. ic_€- Dc./ H.I.RECT. SPACING3'+o 6 1' AXPSjL_ TURNS_ REPORT ITEI IT{SPECTEI) EVALUATION NO. PIECES ACCEPT No. PrEcEs REJEcT Pf DArEJ.,?-.,L2 i - e3 ,cL|EN{nA.ffiREsPoNslB|LlTTFoRINTERPnETATtoNAND ACCEPTANCE OF SXAxINATIoN REsUL?s AITID REPoRTS" HnilD lnspectron,lnc.-----a- AistC h'n -i/o.#rc r n -En - TNTRASONTC REPORT Page a- of ?- P.O. rb.'__8eg.L?_ (rilmlte.sJZlQA_ bctlb._Cgs__ wkrdrez"8JJ&LZZ Frriar m*rc sha'- sh\, ?/t,|'. t/ i]a:'.rntlrart E Hg fh lrktificdsr R.o,n Sol,)... {l H'rt .ag Htlo ?P H *( E rErilFf Hirlq mftct l$isr _d Ed ts $iEI A fir B fnc E$ D E ,g s5 $et6 Ja*1t-i E* a )F 13 Z6t A 7Do J 7 l3Z51A floonae Onlu 70 653,(t3?_t5A rt 6sqaSZSqR flo',.r 0olu 70 65sr-<?<6A" ,lr fr A< L t3t66 A " rr 7D A5 7 t3249A t'll 7D 65gt37 37 A 7n 6S c l3250A zD 65/o l32t A A 7n 65lt| 3" AOA 7D L9 tZ t32 88 A 70 69 t3 T32 E3 A 70 65 Reins7."{,'o'1 P.f, R.7"rl oo A ta r w tz-29-q3 --.-. Inspectiotrr".ffi rNsPEcrIoN REFoRT ?efn.l /l/,' r"Ou 8 r"(7 ooRlr lrrl CLIENT CONTROL 3tzlaA LOCATION SPECIFI CATT ON xQs PROCEDUBE ) TgcrrNIQuE RECORD rEr p ^r-ZX"rsrsrE r/ rluoR-1"^*"rr""raorr.firrr^rr, !934499 EQUIPYENT XFR.XODEL SN ? 47 SAL.DATE ,o*"n{corL PRoDs-CUBBENT: iC y' AC y' H.r.RECT.- SPACING.?"+'Z"-AUPS- I TURNS 5 REPORT ITEI TNSPECTED ABEA INSPECTED EVALUATION NO. PIECES ACCEPT NO. PIECES REJECT - ,a"tet€nts FrNAL AUTHoRrry Axn REspoNsIBILtrv FoR INTERPRETATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF EXAXTNATION RESULTS AND BEPORTS" lYI|Qlt inspectiot,itl oi*Cfien -lt/t./h*n T6g w-;eZinmko r /l"l"lt I'LTRASONIC REPORI vage 1 ot Z-P.ut{&Jzg22_ Grfral tt,.ftJZlQA*. wrrb.3-4j4___$@e7 ryxiftFtlri'q lU,< .Tt I - qZ IEld l&tifieim IeH"hdrt BL,{+< qrirnrl.rJs,Klb |uzldrc s.:3' " slWe7o' s/A,".<4o! I@E IEldb FCA I E f; tl { Itm Iffifictirn Fb.-- Sth....., t{ $E &f;r JIXz rbcrhel ffi|iry E&ct l-ct*im -d Fd E Jni gE F.|Jo f;3 A fir B inc $$ D d sq ^.|d*r'd.d $4.4J dt E3 Fi L l3Z 16 A 7- e.o.7on t_5 Ecro"t orl 700 LA 7_tziat I \70?A534Zl I A F/^^^,ntlnl-7oo a.a L]LSz?6 Arl*,1" n-lJ 7no ba6132).^5 A' r-- (X no 7*67 es 7DL +-L 7"7",3q g*5/e* 6 L3L6CA Zeq X 7D 7'f 64 65 .DL -3 g'.8,,61 8.'3/rt " lFdrdcian -- Inspection,Inc.-IAGNETIC PARTICLE IIISPECTIOII REPOBT r.atDlt Itf. r CLIENT CONTROL .3tz-toA LOCATTON s7q?q SPECIFICATIOJ{xQs PBOCEDURE A(l.Plcr\c'' *2L E os-!:13 g*r.r ( TECIII{IQUE NECORI' rEr pBy r''lrrrrrr, - ,LUoR-lr^*rr""r, trL?^,.(LrBATCtl no ?zlel gJ sn zlL gAL.DATE toRE (./ cotL- PRoDs-CURRENT: AC / DC- II.;.EECT.- SPACING tl'-l^' APS- TURNS- REPORT trEr lilspEcteo flo,^<-n) .o,'..'.!I tJ, bs AREA lnsPecreo 13754 ,l3s7A . l3*A (z "'^'-.t'-^t). B4o,A , tzzEe{.'nu\, LstbLl-,.r., \ lsrsa /... b \ , t33aA( urL ) No. PIECES ACCEPT 4.,No' PIEcEs nw*" d TEGllr{ICtAtf LEYEL DllIE / 7- 14- 79 "CLIENT HAS FINAL AUTHORITY AI{D RESPONSTBILITY FOR ITITERPRETATION AND ACCEPTANCE OF EXAIINATTON RESULTS AND REPORTS" MCIS Inspection,In \ | taerail /,JC.Cliert f'pl6'^-t /Varz .khie Zrmro4- mTRASOI{rC Page I of REPORI Z P&t*^ J^8fr__ (trntmllb. qrrtlb._eea_ l4p Urrg.r4a;=€. /t,, -,4 'Arrifi,-rir^ +Ln ft, . ,-ra rs1'l ltirr- -b --"-F-ttt | | IEld Drcees f@iaf L/: !ffial lhickess ;a - '4 l&,)d.T&l*ifit*irn Sat' &- uo--t ryngprf. ilrlk"sraax ik-S 5ht6t ? 64 q;nserJh !* ?a. .ti ^kno{ f}qlr4JtJ|^t"*'f7*^ _ d Eq 'Ftl .EFt IbTrhifirral-iri fuu- Pr-r.l " V<ztc rrn (i;ld^JEaTtorl tlHi Hrt *'l FE hll or'hJ'tp Fr! .!l E Tb.'ilFJ EdiE lryIffi -d E$ (lao $i gE 'bfs A E!J HHHfi)t B !nc t{ t9 fiE D d E ,g .rdl* "rtrlll$f,{J ol E3 8* l3Z3 A llt L/'7o-'SXsb 7 //4 ->l3t?a t"' e'..,*cl.o.,"/ ,{131.3 A v? 6"^"-<\o^t/ 1 l3\{. A \'- c o^*,1..-'L./' ().'l:oFr Al 6 :t€"+ Lr^r.-.ii/ ^ Ll L,/'H, 6 t-. ?7* t ,,.r-"s -\ .o ^t/ tO tZZ3 A 1.' "o..- r\.>n u/ ir a (!.,{(r.t1 // ffi o,, ,l-"- r *+ < "4,; , I< +1 ,\. rc'tr b u q Ti ,IIrr u,er* nl ,*..r",tJd .l-< +.., 1n-k' ol I) va 77 w p-t4-f7 CHEN-NOHTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{6 ENGII,IEERS AI{O 5C I EI{TJ 5TS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r utqal protaction to cllonts, th. psbllc rnd oursGly.rr !ll reForts arc subt$lttcd !a th€ confldi€ntirl PioPerty of cllantS, lnd cuthorlzqtlon for Dqbllcrtlo$ of etrte||lenti. Con.lu3ions or'ar(trlcts fro|n or regrrdlng our F€ports l3 ras€rvcd p€ndlng our w.ltten lpprov.l. S.npl€s {lll be dlsposad of after tGsting la codplcted unlcss oth€r .rrang€m.nts rgt\.ao to n nt"rntcr'6f the !l! group of co.tp.nics Form Ho. ct'lE113A 6/91 T0: t{ECli Enterprises JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-9-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortinap.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81650-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of \lesthaven Dnive and Uestin Hotel, South Frontage Road llest, Vai'l , Colo. PLACEI{EI{T LOCATIOI{ :fast Slab. BATCH TiCKET I t'lF0RitAT I0t{ SUPPLIER: Uestern l'lobile TRUCK tto. lO2 TICKET 0. 10760 lllx DESIGI1 N0. 44 TIlrtE BATCIIED: 7:45 At'l TIIIE ARRIVED: 8:00 Al{ TI}"IE PLACED: 8:15 A}I-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU|||: 2A FIELD TESTIIIG I]{FORI.IAT IOI{ TIUE TEST TAKEI{: B:20 Afl JOB SPECIFICAT IOI{5: SLUMP sLul,lP 4 t/4 IN. IH. SA}IPLE TEMP: AIR C0NTENT: 5.4% AIR C0HTENT: Y. 65 "F AIR TEMP: 38 oF t+tET Ul,lIT IJE IGHT: I,IATER AOOED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL I NDER I XFORI.IATTO}I t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" T Il.lE CYLIN0ERS CAST: 8:35 Alt $HERE CAST: on-Site CURIITG I]IFORUATIOI{ IiIITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: on-St te tz-10-93 FIELD STORAGE FACIL IT I ES: BY: Dan l{eil l tl I t'llttlAx A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS ) D IAIIETER (rxcHEs) AREA (sq Iil) COMP. STR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLl !IDER l'fE IGHT (LBS) CYt I I'IDER UI{]T I'EIGHT (PCF) 7 ?8 28 28 28 12- 16-93 12-16-93 l-6-94 l-6-94 1-6-94 1-6-94 ll t ,500 112,500 1..f7,000 14?,500 r50,500 t35.000 6.0/ 6.08 4 0a 5.98 6. 06 6.07 28.94 29.03 28. 09 28.09 28.84 28.94 3850 3870 c4JU 5070 5??0 4670 shea r shear snear snear con/shear DE5161{ STREI{6TH 4000 PSI a 28 DAYS TESTS BY TABORATORY PIRSOi{I{EL ARE lII ACCOROAIICE IIITH APPL1CABLT ASTTT ilETHOOS UIILESS OTHERIIISE NOTED SOfiIE IilFOR},IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REIIARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai I ; llestern ilobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gnattney Pratt Schultz;Dan lleill Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI t,IG EII6I}IEERS A]{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a nstu.l prot€ctlon to cllent!t th€ publlc and ouFsslves, all r€ports ar. submittld rs the conlldl.ntlrl propcrty ol cllentsr and authorlzltlon for publlcet'lon of stat.nEnts. Concluslont or €xtrrcts frorn or regridirg our raport3 l9 rasarvcq pcndlttg our nrltten .pproval. Santl€r *lll b. dlcpos€d of.ft.t testlnlt l3 conpl€ted unlcss other lrrrngem€nts rgrc€.| toln |{rl t i ng.A me|||baF of th. !l! group of comp.nl€s Fonn t{o. ct'lElt3A 6/91 T0: f{ECl,l Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 12-14-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 2Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside guilding, east of Uesthaven Drive and l,lestl n Hotel , South Frontage.Road t{est, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T L0CATIOI{: Elevator Ual I s. EATCH TICKET I}|F0RMATIOi{ SUPPLIER: llestern l.lobi I e TRUCK l{0. 150 TICKET 0. 10803 IX DESI6]{ lt0. 39 TIl,lE BATCHED: 9:28 AI{ TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:50 Ail TIl,lE PLACEDT l0:00 AllCU. YD. L0AO/ACCUII: 63 FIELD TESTII'IG I|{F0RMAII0i{ SA}1PLE TE}IP: 58 'F AIR TEMP: 38 T TIME TEST TAKEII: 10:10 AM SLUl.lP: 4 ltl. AIR C0llTEllT: 5.4% lJtT UNIT llElGHT: J08 SPECIFICATI0T{S: SLUHP: Il.l. AlR COt{IEtlT: % ITATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLII{DER I I{FORIiIAT ION 1{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 5 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 1Z' TIl.lE CYLINDERS CAST: 10:20 A}l I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG II{FORI.IATION I l{ I TIAL CURE: Field Cure DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: FiELO BY: STORAGE FACILITIES: Hot Box il I t{/flAx AGE DAY S DAT E TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) OIAI.IETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ ll{} COHP. STR . (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I1{DER UEIGHT (LBs ) CYLINDER UI{IT l.,EIGHT 7A 284 284 28A 28H 12-21-94 1?-21-93 l-u-94 1- 11-94 1- 11-94 1- I 1-94 138,000 143,000 180,000 166,000 168 ,000 176.500 6.03 6 .08 6.07 5.98 5.98 5.98 40. JO 29.03 e8.94 28.09 28.09 28.09 4830 4930 62?0 59i0 5980 6280 con/spl i t snear con/spl i t con/sp l i t con/spl i t con/spl i t DESI6N STREI{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIiIIEL ARE I1{ ACCORDAI{CE TIITH APFLICABLE ASTI{ i,{ETHODS UIILESS OTHERI,TISE NOTED SOI,IS ]I{FORMATION ()F TEST REPORT I,|AY BE PROVIOED 8Y OTHERS REMARKS : COPIES: R.A. llel son & Assoclates, !nc Tonn of Vail; l,lestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwattnney Pratt Schultz Dan Neill Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTII{G EI{GI I{EERS AND SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCHETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As . mutu.l protectlon to clients, th€ public rnd ou.selv.st all r€portr ara 3ubmitted !3 the contidlertl.I Pl'op€rty ot clf€nts, 6nd ruthorizltion tor public.tion ot atet.hentr. Conclu6loil3 of txtracts froh or ragfdlng oqr reDort! la reseFvcd pandlng our rrltten lpprov.l. Sahplcs lilll ba dlsposed ot.fter t.stlng ls complct€d unl€93 other arrahgcments rgr€ed to ln r{rltlr|g. A ncr$bcr ot the bl$ grouF of companlci Fonn No. CfiE113A 5/91 T0: MECI'I Enterprises JOB lt0, 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-14-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2Vail, C0 816s8-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven 0rive and Vestln tlotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI{EI{T L0CATI0t{: Elevator I'lal I s BATCH TICKET T I{FORMATION IRUCK t{0. 1s0 TI}IE BATCHED: lZ:52 Ptt TICKET NO. 10811 TIIIE ARRIVE0: l:05 Plt. SUPPLIER: lrestern l,lob il e ilIX DES I6l{ ll0. 39 TII{E PLACED: l:10 Pl'l CU.YD.L0AD/ACCit{|56 FIELD TESTING t tlFORllAT 10N SA!,IPLE TEI'IP: 58 AIR IEI{P: 42 'F IIl,lE TEST TAKEII: l:20 Pll SLUI,{P: 3 3/4 Il{. AIR COtlTEllT: 4.8* UET UltlT ITIEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATI0I'IS: SLUIIP: Il{. AIR COI{TEi{T: % VATER AODED AT SITE 0 6AL. CYL]I{DER I I{FORI.IAI I OI{ t{0.. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 1:30 Pl4 IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{G I I'{ FORI,IAT I OI{ I1{I TIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB : 0n-S i te F1€LD SToRAGE FACILITIES: Trai I erBY: tlll{/llAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L85) D IA}IETER ( rxcHEs ) AREA (SQ III) c0t'tP. sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTUR6 CYLI I{DER YE IGHT (LBS } CYL]I'It)ER UNIT VEiGHT (PcF) ,o 7B 288 288 288 28H 1Z-21-93 12-2t-93 l -11-94 1-1i-94 r-11-94 1- 1l -94 135,000 133 ,500 155,000 154,500 166,000 169,500 6.08 6.04 6. 08 5.98 6.07 6. 06 2q n? 28. 65 29.03 28.09 28.94 28.84 4650 4660 5680 5860 57 40 5880 shear con/shear con/spl i t con/spl i t eon/spli t con/spl i t DESIGII STRET{GTH 4OOO PSI O 28 OAYS TESTS BY LABORATOfiY PERSOI,IIIEI ARE III ACCORDANCT $ITH APPLICAETE ASTI,I I,IETHODS UNLTSS OTHERUISE TIOTED SOIII II{FORI{ATIOII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIA&KS: C()PIE5: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vai l ; l{estern }lobi l e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathley Pratt Schultz;Dan lteill Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y / CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTII{G EI{GI I{EERS AND SCtEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ai. nutu.t protectlon to clr€{ts,, tt'e psblic lnd osrs.lv€s, ill rcports tre tt bolt-tcd r! th. conlidlGnti.l p:op:ltl -:f_-.--.cliants, .nd aqthortzrtton for prbllc.tlon of st.temerts. Concluslons o|. Gxtract6 from ar regardlng our icPorti ls-ras€rv'u piiii,ii' "ri-wriiten ipprovat. irmpt-i wtlr be dtspo3cd of sftcr testtng tr comp].t.d unl6rs othcr rrr.ntGn€nts agr.€d ra in Erl ting.e t**u"" ii th. E!l! group of comp.ni.t Form tlo' C}lEtl3A 6/91 T0: }l€Cll Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-23-93 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHTET I 0F 2 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftslde Building, east of t{esthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l'fest, Vail, Colo. PlACEflEl{T L0CATI0 : Slab at C-31. BATCH TICKET I t{ FORI.IAT I ON TRUCK {0. 107 TIHE BATCHE0: 8:17 All TICKET flo. 10907 TIl.tE ARRIVED: 8:48 AM TIME SUPPLIER: llestern l,lobi I e llix DEslGt{ N0. I 4000 PLACE0: 9:08 AM-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCUI'I: 71141?A FIETD TESTIIIG Ii{FORI'|ATION SAIIPLE TEI'IP: 50 "F AIR TEI'IP: l0 oF Tit'lE TEST TAKEN: 9:15 Al'1 SLUt'lP: 4 1/4 ltl. AIR C0l{TEl{T: 4.91 tlET UNIT IJEIGHT: --- JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLtfiP: It{. AIR C0NIEI|T: 7 UATtf, A00t0 AT SITE 14 GAL. CYL I NDER IIIFORI4AT IOII t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLINDERS CAST: --- I'IHERE CAST: On-Sita cuRtNG iflF0Rr,iATI0ll Ii{ITIAL CIJRE: 0n-S l te DAIE RECEMD AT LAB:.--- FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer BY: Carolyn Adams M t N/l.lAX AGE DAY S OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) D I AIlETER (IflCHES) AREA (sQ $r) COMP. STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER UE I6HT (LBs ) CYL I I{DER UI{IT IJE lChT (PcF) 7A 28A 28A 284 28A H H 12-30-93 12-30-93 1-20-94 1-20-94 L-20-94 L-20-94 98,500 98,000 5.98 5.99 28. 09 ?8. r8 3 510 3480 shea r shear DES IGII STRETIGTH 4000 Pst @ 28 0AYs TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE tI{ ACCORDAI{CE I.IITH APPLICABLE ASTH I.iETHOOS UI{IESS OTHERVISE I,IOTEO SOI'IE IIIFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I'NY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REHARKS:Sanple obtained from nixer truck. COPlE5: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uester"n l,loblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwaihmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. HaYs FIETD OESERYER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC: CONSULT]N6 EI{GI I.IEERS AI{D SCIEIIT]STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a mtrtu.l protcctlon to cllenti. th€ publlc and oqr3€lv€s, !ll reports rr€ iubm{ttcd a! thc canfldl€nt{al proPerty of client3, rnd luthorlzrtioh for public.tlon of st.teDent3' Conclssion3 or extrrcti from or regrrdlng our rcports l3 r.$crv'd pendlrg our Rr{tt€n .ppfov!1. slrnples r{lll be dlsposed of .ft€r t€sting is compl€ted unlcsi other rrrrngc$Ent3 agr..rl to ln l{rJtlno.a men',lir ir the !!! Eroup of conprnie' Form Ho. cMEllsA 6/91 T0: I'{ECM Enterprises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: le-23-93Attn: Eustaqulo Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET 2 0F 2VatI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Ltftside Building, east of Yesthaven Dlive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Yest, Vai'l , Colo. PLACEMEI{T LOCATIOIi:Elevator Core A: Final Lift. BATCH TICKET I IIFORI'IAT IO}I TRUCK t{0. 104 TIIIE BATCHED; lZ:07 Pi'{ TICKET 1{0. 10913 TIHE ARRIVEO: 12:30 Pf,l SUPPLIER: llestern l,tob i I eI X DESI6 l{0. 4500 TIME PLAC€D: 12:40 Pl,l-CU. YD. L0AD/ACCU||: 717l FIEL0 TESTIT{A Ii{FORHATIO|{ SAtlPtt TEIIP: 58'F AIR TEIIP: 20 T TII'IE TEST TAKET{: 12:45 PM SLUMP: 3l/4 It{. AIR C0t{TEllT: 4.71 IJET Ul{lT UEIGHI: JOB SPECI FICAT I0flS: SLUtiP: IN. AIR C0l{TEl{T: X ITATER ADOED AT SITE -- 6AL. CYLII{DER I NFORI'IAT ]ON t{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x t2" TI}IE CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:55 Pltl IJHERE CASI: On-Site CURIIIG I I{FORMATIOiI ItIITIAL CURE: 0n-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB; --- FIELD SToRAG! FACILITIES: Inside Trailer BY: Carolyn Adams l,'ll N/llAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI'IE TER ( Ii{cHE5 ) AREA (sq lN) COI4P. STR. (PsI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER l{E l CHT (L8s) CYLII{OER UI{IT YEICHT (PcF) 7B IB aoD z8B 288 H 288 H 12-30-93 l2-30-93 1- 20-94 t-20-94 1-20-94 1-20-94 120, 500 119 ,500 5.99 5.99 28.18 28. l8 4280 4240 snear shear DESIGN STREIIGTH 45O() PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ART II{ ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICAELT ASTM I,IETHODS UIILESS OIHERVISE IiIOTEO SOI'IE INFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REITARKS :Samole obtained frorn nixer lfl non chloride. truck. CoPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatluney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Eobby J. HaYs FITLD OBSERVER APPROVID 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COiISULTI t{G EI{GII{EERS AIIO SCIET{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLTNDER DATA A3 a nuturl pFotectlon to cll€nt3. the publ{c .|ld ourselvas. .ll rcports lre lubnlttcd ar th. corfidi.nt{al Prop€rty ot clie^ts, .nd !urhorrzation ror publrc!tron of 3t6t3n€nts. conclusion! or crtracts from or rcg.rdiog 9!l M9I!'_ l:-::t::utdpendlng our wrttt€n lpprov.l. S.npl€s r{ill b€ dlsposed of dfter t€stlng is cohpleted unlcsr other rrrang.irents tgrreo ro {n wrltirg.i "ii'6!i it the !.!! sroup of conpdni€s Fo ' Io' ctlEll3A 6/91 T0: l.tECl.l Enterpri ses JOB I0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-24'93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHETT I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside 8ui1ding, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel, South Frcntage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI4EI{T LOCATI0I{: First Lift at Lines A-l: tlorth Ua'll of l,lechani cal Room. BATCH TICKET II{FORi'|ATION SUPPLIER: l,lestern llobile TRUCK N0. 189 TICKET tro. 10925 lllx DE5I6I{ l{0. 39 TIl,lE BAICHED: 8:44 AM TIIIE ARRIVED: 9:00 AM TIME PLACED: 9:05 AM-CU. Y0. L0A0/ACCUi{: 47 FIELD ISSTII{G II{FORiIATIOII SAMPL! TEIIP: 17 "F AIR TEI'IP: 27 "F TlllE TEST TAKEI{: 9:15 Al,l SLul,lP: 4 ltl. AIR C0t{TEt{T; 5.21 tlET Ul{iT I'IEIGHT: JoB SPECI F ICAT I0i{S: SLUHP: Il{. AIR CONTEI{T: X VATER ADDED AI SITE -- GAL. CYL II{DER IT,IFORMATTOI{ N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x 1?" T Il,lE CYLINOERS CAST: 9:30 htl lltlERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG I I{FORHATION It{ITIAL CURE: 0n-Si te DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: FIELD STORAGE FACIL ITIES: TTAIIEN BY: Dan t{ei I I llllUl{Ax AGE OAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS } D I AI'IETER ( t NCHEs ) AREA (SQ IN) COI4P. STR. (PSl) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL INOER },8I GHT (LBS ) CYLI I{DER UNIT t.ITIGHT (PcF) ?8 ?8 28 ?8 l2-31-93 l2 -31 -9 3 t-?L-94 t-zL-94 l-21-94 r-2r-94 i24,500 120,500 5.98 5.99 28.09 28. 18 4430 4?80 snear shear DESiGI{ STREIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESIS BY TABORATORI PERSOI{NEI ARE IN ACCORDANCE }IITH APPLICABLE AST}I I.IETHOD5 UIILESS OTHERUISE TIOTED 501'lE I t{FoRl.lAT I0ll 0F TEST REPoRT MAY BE PR0VIDED BY oTHERS REIIIARKS: CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; !,testern f4ob'lle; J v A, Inc.; Gwatfun€y Pratt Schultz Dan t{eill EobbY J. HaYs FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y d'T"*hP'1 ra^n -fi S Nov ls93 .'#&& s..iffi'*T;$ CHEN-NORTHERN, CONSULTIIIG ENGTNEERS AI{D SCI REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST A6 ! mutu.t prot.ctJon to cll.nta, th. plbltc rnd osr3clv.3, .ll r.portr ir..5ubt[lttad as thc confldlcntlrl prop.rty of clicnts. ena.uthorizatlan for publlc!tlon of st.tcmrntt. ConcluslonB or Gr(tr.ctr t!'olr or ragard{ng our r.Ports ls r.i.t'v.d ;.,i;i;; '";;-";iillir 'iep"""r t . banpt$ ittt b€ drtpo3€d o{.(t.r teit{ns {3 c<ftFl.t.d qnlc3t o!h.n .rrrng.m.nta rsre.'l to ln wri t lng.i "t;;r;; ;i thc !l! group of cot'p.nl.3 Forn flo' cHe113A 6/91 T0: [ECl,l Enterprises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-27-93 Attn: Eustaouio Cofti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'|E}|T L0CATI0I{: Stair "C" to Elevation 95 BATCH TiCKET I IIFORI.IATI ON TRUCK N0. 161 TIIIE EATCHED: 9: l0 All TICKET ilo. 010134 TIIIE ARRIVEO: 9:20 Afil T TI.IE SUPPLIER: lrestern llobi I e l{Ix DESIGI{ l{0. 44 PLACEO: 9:25 All CU. YD. L0AD/ACCtfi: FIEIO TESTING f F0RllATI0t{ SAIIPLE TEMP: AIR TEt'lP: 25 'F TII'IE TEST TAKEII: 9:55 Al,l SLUhP: 3 Il{. AIR COt{TEtiT; 4.6X UET Ul{iT llElGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOT{S: SLUf,lP:4" llM lll. AIR C0t{TEflT: 5t2U IIATER A00ED AT SITE 0 6At. CYL I I,IDER I}IFORMATIOII N0. 0F CYLII{oERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x tZ" TII'IE CYLiI{DERS CAST: l0;15 All }lHtRE CAST: 0n-Site CURIIIG ] I{FORI'IAT I OII Il{iTlAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEiVED AT IA8: 0n-5 | te FIELO BY: STORAEE FACILTTIES: l.lIt{/l,lAx DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAT LOAO (t8s) OlAMETER ( txcHEs ) AREA (sQ ril) c0l.1P . sTR. (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACIURE CYLIT{DER IEISHT (L8s) CYL II{DER I,IIIT ITEIGHT (PcF) 7 28 ?8 28 z8 1l-3-93 I l-3-93 l1-24-93 l1-24-93 1t-24-93 1l-24-93 121 ,000 109,500 148 ,500 151 ,500 t 62,000 147 ,000 O. UJ 5.98 6. 0l ^ 6.03 6.04 6.00 28.56 28.09 28.37 ?8.56 28.65 ?8.?'r 4?40 3900 5230 5310 5650 5?00 con/shear con/shear con/spI i t con/spl i t con/spl it con/spl it DESIGN 5TRE}IGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS TEST5 BY LAEORAT()RY PERSOI{i{EL ARE III ACCORDAT{CE I.|iTH APPLICABLE ASTI.I I,IETHOOS UIILESS OTHERYISE IIOTED SOI.IE INFORI.IAIIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY 8E PROVIDEO BY OThERS REiIARKS : COPIES: R.A. elson & Associates, Inc Toun of Vail; Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Billy Barbour Bobby J, HaYs FIELD OBSERVER AFPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTII{G EIIGIIIEERS AilD SCIEI{TI ST5 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER /a F- (c t\JilAD T0: ttECl,l Enterprises JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: ll-2-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftslde Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and Uestin tlotel , South Frontage Road trfest, Vail, Colo, PLACEI,IEI{T L0CATI0||: Elevator Shaft A-2. EATCH TICKET It{F0RtlATIoll TRUCK IiO. TI}IE BATCHEO: TICKET IIO. TIITIE ARRI VED: STIPPIITR: flIX oES ICfi ito, B CU. YO. LOAO/ACCI'I.I: FIEIO IESIII{G I tlFORl,lATI0l{ Sfrt{PLE TEI4P: AIR TEI'IP: --'F Tll'lE TEST TAKEI{: --- SlUt'{P: --- Il{. AIR COl{TEllT: --- X UET UI{IT IJEIGHT: --- JOB SPECIFICATI0IIS: SLUI{P: Ill. AIR C0l{TEllT: f UATTR AODED AT SITE --- cAL. CYL II'IDER I I{FORI,IAT IOI{ l{0. 0F CYLINDERS: 4 CYtlt{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYIII{DERS CAST: tlHERt CASI: On-Site cuRIt{6 It{F0RHArI0t{ il{ITIAL CljRE: 0n-Si te 0ATE RECEM0 AT LAB: ---FIETD STORAGE FACILITIE5: BY: --- l.lll{/llAx 7 28 z8 11-9-93 I t -a-o? i 1-30-93 l1-30-93 101,500 103,000 127,000 132 ,500 6.03 5.00 6.02 5.99 zd.5b 28.?7 28.46 28.18 3550 3640 4460 4700 shea r shear con,rshear con/shear DESI6I{ STRE'IGTH 4OOO PSI @ ?8 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL AR€ II{ ACCOROAT{CE 9ITH APPLICABLE ASTU I..IETHOOS UIILTSS OTHERUISE TTOTEO S(II,IE II{FORI.|ATIOI'I OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIOED 8Y OIHERS COPIES: R.A. tlelson & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; tlestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gnattuey Pnatt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OE5ERVER APPROVEO BY A3 6 nutu.l prot.ctlon to cllcrt3, thc publlc cllcnts, rnd .uthorl4tlon for lqblicatlou ofpandlng our Hr{tt.n.pprovrl. S.nFlca iill b.ln |..r{tlng. A m$rb.r ot thc !I! gr.oup of conp.nl.3 lnd orrrsalvct, rl I raport3stlttrhcnts. Conclu5lons ofdl3porad ot att.r t.rtlng ar. submltted a! tie confldt.nti.l proPeFty ot cxtr.cts froir or rlalFd{ho our rGDorts i3 r.sal.vaal {3 comFl.ted unlcsr Sttrer irrrngcmintr .gr..d to Fon' xo. CttEl l3A 6/3r REPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COTISULTIIIG EIIGIIIEEIS AIID SCIEIITISTS OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT d"ll'ub,A S- ott tntt ?l lii gJ; '.r '' 'r- -! {t-.Ft'$':*C T0: llECl,l €nterprl sesAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 Yljyz JOB 1{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1l-17-93 SHEET 1 OF I PROJECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of t esthaven Orive and Yestin tlotel , South Frontage Road lfest, Vall, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T LOCATIOII:l{alls; P 5 thru on 5 - znd lift. SATCH TICKET I flFoRltAT l0ll SUPPLIER: \Jestern liobile TRUCK r{0. 189 TICKET ilo. 103 HIX DESIGT{ flo. 44 TIttE SATCHED: 12:[A Pn TIHE ARRIVEO: TIl.lE PLACE0: CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU||: 7 FIELD TESTII{G IIiFOf,I.IATTOI{ SAiiPLE TEI.IP: --OF AIR TEI,IP: -."F TIl.lE TEST TAKEI{: --- SLU}IP: 4 IN. AIR C0l,lTEl{T: 4.9X UET Ul,llT IIEIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLUIIP: Il{. AIR COl{TEl{Tr I IIATER AD0E0 AT SITE --- GAL. CYLIT{DER IilFORI'IATIOt{ l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12' IIl.lE CYLII{DrRS CAST: yHERE CAST: on-Site CURIIIG II{FORI,IATIOI{ IXITIAL CURE: 48 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: ll-19-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITTES: BY: Mark Jensen tllll/llAx . A6E DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL IOAD (LBs) DIAI,IETER ( iNcHES ) AREA (sQ m) cotttP. sTR. ( PsI ) TYPE OF FRACTIJRE CYL I]IDER I,'EIGHT (LBs ) CYt II{DTR UI{IT UEIGHT (PcF) 28 28 ?8 zd 11-24-93 l1-24-93 12-15-93 12-15-93 lz-15-93 l2-15-93 t02,500 99,500 6. 08 6.06 29 .03 28.84 3530 3450 snear shear DESI6t{ STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 ?8 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAIICE I,'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I iIETHODS UNLESS OTHERI{IST NOTED SOI.IE INFORHATIOTI OF TEST REPORT TIAY 8T PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REIIARKS: Location was provided by representative of R.A. l{el son & Associates. CoPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.; Town df Vail; t{estern ilobi le; J V A, Inc.I Gffathrey Pratt Schultz;Sandl R. Cody Eobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVTO 8Y At r mutull prot.ctlon to cllcnttt thc Fubllc .nd orrsclv.!, all rcport3 cll.nts, lnd luthot-iz.tlon for Fubllc:tlon of stltafi.'rts. Conclurloni orpendlhg.our v.rltt.n.pproval. S!ftpl.a wlll b. dllpo3ad of rftcr tGltlng 1n wFt t t hg.a .kbar ot ih. EI! g!"oup ol corp.hlca .r. sutarittcd a. tha coafldlartl.l 9rop.t'ty of Gxtr.cts lrom or ragardlng our raport3 l! r.t.Fvad {B co|npl.tad unla3t athcr arrang€menta lgr€ed to Fori }{o. CrM€1134 6/91 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI }16 EI'IGII,IEERS AI{D SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT fff;'h T0: l'lECtl Attn P.0. vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaquio Cortina 8ox 3149c0 81658-3149 Liftside Eui i di ng, J08 fto. 4 176 93-3 DA of llesthaven Drive and l,lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI{EIIT LOCATI0I{: l/al ls. EATCH TICKET I llFoR!,lAT I0l{ SUPPLIER: lJestern l.lobile TRT CK I0. 150 TICKET 0. 0l-0604 ilIX 0ESl6t{ lto. 44 TI|IE BATCHED: 12:43 Pl,l TIl,lE ARRIVED: l:00 Pll TIIIE PLACTD: l:35 Pll-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU|,|: 7 FIELD TESTIIIG I F0RI'|ATIOI| SA|IPLE tEl,lP: -- T AIR TEl,lP : -- "F TIl,lE TEST TAKEII: --- SLUMP: 4ll4 Il{. AIR CONTEI{T: 4.91 llET UI{II I,EIGHT: JOB SPECI F ICAT I0llS: SLtt'lP: Ill. AIR C0llTEllT: 1 IIATER ADDED AT SITE --- GAt. CYL I}IDER IiIFORI,IATIOI{ 0. 0F CYLI OERS: 6 CYLMDER SIZE: 6"x t2" TIl,lE CYLIIIOERS CAST: l:15 Pll tlHtRE CAST: 0n-5ite CWINE IITFORIIATIOII It{ITIAL CURE: 0n-S i te OATE RECEMO AI lA8: 11-23-93 FIELD STORAGE FACIL I TI E5: 8Y: l{ark Jensen llll{/llAx A6E DAYS OATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (LBs) OI.AI.'IETER ( Il'rcHEs) AREA (sQ I[) coHP. sTR. (Psr ) TYP€ OF FRACTURE CYLI I{OER I{E IGHI (L8S) CYLINDER UI{ IT IEIGHT (PcF) 6 6 28 28 z8 ?8 l1-24-93 l1-24-93 I ?- 15-93 12-16-93 I ?- 16-93 l2-16-93 109 ,000 ll2,500 5.08 5.99 ?9 .03 28.l8 3750 3990 shear con/shear DESIGN STRSIIGTH 4OOO PS] O 28 DAYS IESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE I/ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I,IETHOOS UIILESS OTHERVISE I{OTED SOI'IE II{FORIIATIOII OF TEST REPORT I'IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI'IARKS; COPIES: R.A. t{elson & Associates, Inc, Tor*n of Vai I ; l,lestern llobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELO OESSRVER APPROVEO BY As ! rutu.l pFotcctlon to ctl.nta. th. Publlccll€nts. lnd .uthoilzatlon for publlc.tlon of pcnding ot|r kt.lttcn .pproval. S.6pl.t rill bain vrritlng. A neftbcr of thc UI! group of corFrnlcs rnd oursclvcs' .ll FCPor.t. st.tarwant3, Conclua{ont or'dl3poi.d of aftcr tast{ng .r. rubnltt.d !3 the cohllallantl.l propaity of cxtrlcts fro(' or F.gaidlng our ..Ports t3 r.tCl"Y.c is coftolctad qnl.si oth.r arr.nE.ncnt3 rgic.d to Forrn No. cl,lEl.l3A 5/9r CHaN-NORTHERN, rNC. milsulT orc Etlct[EERs AID sclE Ttsrs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVIIIES to: HEC Enterpris6s JoB [0. 4 178 9J-3 DATE: t0-1-9:t Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. B6x 3149vait, c0 81658-3149 D ItY REPoRT llo. 6A SIIEET I OF I PROJECT: Liftside Buitding East of l,resthaven Drive and Uestin fiotet, south Frontage noad Hest, vail, cotorado. REPoU or: ROCr BoLIS LocAltolt: stair core A-2, Gpid Lines 8 to 10, 0 to r. EOUIP EIT: PurP Xo. 34-5618 cawe l{o. E-10 Ram tlo. A-365 Rock Bol, t Io. F I IIAL cauge Reading ( PSI ) 4000 4000 4000 4000 4000 llot Stre6sed 4000, 8ar Fai ted at 4000 PSI Loading. CYCLE GruGE READ IIIG( PSI ) tooo, 1350, z0oo. 2700, 3300, 4ooo ? 3 4 J 5 7 1000, 1600, 2000, z8oo, 3400, 4000 lloTE: Rock Botts I and 7 Here stressed in a cyclic namer. SPECIFICATIOI 0f CYCLE3 700, 1350, 2000, 2700, 3300 ard 4000 PSt - CoPtEs: R.A. lletson & Associates, lnc.r Attn: ilr. Rick Agate; J V A, lnc.; Grath eY Pratt Schuttz; Ilom of Vait, Attn: llr. Dan Stan€ki I I Joe E. Benedict FIETD OESERVER Louis E- Et ter APPRO/ED BY As r utd.r Drotcctlon to cIt.nti, thc publlc rnd ouirclv.r, .ll r.lorti rrc rllrmlttcd.s th. confld.ntl.l proParty ol osr cllcntt. ond ruthor{z.tlon for B(bltcrtton ot rt.tclicnt. Concluilon3 or .ltrrcti iran o,r'rcgardltrg our r.Portt lr t.tctvcd p.ndlng oil' *rttt'o l9grovrl ' s;;i:r;iii-fi-ifspo"ca li .ttar t.rtl69 Ir coripl.t.d unl.t3 othcF arr.ngdr.ntt cr. .gr..d to In urltlrg.-i-;;rb.;-;i ii.-!!i-;;.;'"i conprnlos '.dt rs' 'rroo^ 'rr1 | ,/- f.l'"ab -E' DEC 1993 ?r'5 u Lt,, '"-- 6 E '*t***. -.$u,g'*"'::f CHEN.NORTHERN, ING. collsul-T I ltc EI|GnEERS AltD sclEITtsTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTTVITIES TO: f{Ecl.l Enterprises JoB lto. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-20-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.O. Box 3149 Vail., C0 81658-3t49 DAILY REponT [O. : Liftside Bui Lding East of uesthaven Drive snd gestin ltotet, sdlth Front REPToRT OF: RocK BoLTS p$tp trJ458t8GAUGE READIIIG GAUGE # 10 RAJ.I #A 365 I}IITIAL F II{AL 1. 4000 3800 2. 4000 3900 3. 4000 4000 4- 4000 4000 - Cre€p 500 tb. i ncreflpnts 5. 4000 4000 6. 4000 3900 7. 3800 3800 8. 3900 3900 u$ef 1 ras in the pit area on Q Line andis the reptacc rnt for Anchor lluber 7 rhich faited in testing on October 1, 1993. ilur$ers Z thrdrgh 8 rere in the northrestcorner. 6)\"oo @rr a @'! J V A. tnc.; G$athmey Pratt schuttz; IloHn of Vail, Attn: llr. Dan staneki II Darrett lluss I FtEtD OBSERVER rlo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 10-20'93 Y REPORT IIO. 14 SHEET 2 OF 2 , Sdlth Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colorado, I I rts a aa f1u a)ar;\ltrtoe\ilr ,^.oW 6)a \-7 ao,c\ \.9/ I lluss Fred R. cd|Eron ID<R'UFO IDgD'lt'FN NY P.O. Box 3149 Vail., C0 81658-3t49 DAILY REponT [O. 14 THEET 2 0F 2 PRoJECT: Liftside Bui Lding East of uesthaven Drive snd gestin ltotet, Sdlth Frontage Road llest, Vail, Cotorado. REPToRT OF: RocK BoLTS p$tp trJ458t8GAUGE READIIIG GAUGE # 10 RAJ.I #A 365 I}IITIAL F II{AL 1. 4000 3800 2. 4000 3900 3. 4000 4000 4- 4000 4000 - Cre€p 500 tb. i ncreflpnts 5. 4000 4000 6. 4000 3900 7. 3800 3800 8. 3900 3900 a u$ef 1 ras in the pit area on Q Line and a ais the reptacc rnt for Anchor lluber 7 rhich faited in testing on October 1, 1993.fU ilur$ers Z thrdrgh 8 rere in the northrestcorner' @ o e @i o @r3@ rila\Y @'!o CoPIES: n.A. llelson & Associates, Inc., Attn: r. Rick! Agate; J V A. tnc.; G$athmey Pratt schuttz; Ilosn of Vail, Attn: llr. Dan Staneki II Darrct t }uss Fred R. cd|Eron I FIEID OBSERVER APPRd/ED BY Ar a iutu.l prot.ctlon to clllntl', the pqbllc.nd our3clv.3, .ll i.port3 rr. r|tb||lttad .t th. confid.ntlal ProParty ot oqr cllltts, and ruthorl'rtton for Dubllcrttoh ot 3trtircnt. Concls3ton. or .xtnrct3 irom or rrgerdlng our raporta l3 r.r.rvrd fattdlng o|tr tfltt.n aPproval. Srbpl.i wlll b. dirgoa.d of rft.r taating t3 co@lrlad unl.rs othar rrirngdncnt3.re agtttd io ln i.iltlng. A r|l.mbcr of thc EI! group of co p.n{et 'id|n. ttaDe .Ar CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cor,tsuLllitc Elt6Ir{E€Rs Al{D scl EI{TI STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER T0: ilEctl Enterprises JoB lt0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: ll-30-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SH€ET 1 0F 1Vai1, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of lJesthaven tlrlve and tlest'l n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEiIEf{T LOCAIIO :Uall; line 7, L to U, up to Elevation 280. EATCH TICKET I l{FORl,lAT l0ll SUPPLIER: Vestern ilobile TRUCK l{0. 104 TICKET 1{0. 01-0688 ilIX DESTGN 1{0. 39 TIt'lE BATCHED: 11:4I AH TIiIE ARRIVED: l1:50 Atl TlltlE PLACED:t2:15 Pll-CU. YD.l0AD/ACCUll: 7 FIELD TESTII{G It{F0Rl'lATI0t'l SAI.|PLE TEltlP: --'F AIR TEttP: -- T T Il,lE TEST TAKEI{: --- SLU}IP: 3 3/4 It{. AIR COfiTE T: 4.9% ltET UI{IT |EIGHT: -.- JOB SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLIJI'IP: Il{. AIR COtlTEtlT: X IIATER ADOED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL I]{DER IlIFORI,IATIOI{ ll0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TltlE CYLIT{OERS CAST: 12:30 Pll IIHERE CAST: On-Site CURII{G IIIFORf{ATION INITIAL CURE: On-Site FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 12-2-93 BY: llark Jensen lllt{/UAX AGE OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAO (LBs) DIAiIETER ( mcHEs) AREA (sQ Ill) coilP. sTR . (Psl) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIOIR !/E iGHT (LBs) CYLI I{DER UNIT IIE I6I{T (PcF) ?8 28 28H e8H t?-7 -93 12- 7-93 l2-e8-93 12-28-93 12 - 28- 93 12-?8-93 135,000 137 ,000 6.02 5.98 28.46 28.09 4740 4880 shear shear OESIGI{ STRENGTH --- PSI A 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOTII{EL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE TIITH APPLICABLE ASTM I.IETHOD5 UIILESS OTHERUISE }IOT€D SOIIE IIIFORI.IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS R EI.IARKS : COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Eobby J. Hays FITLD OESERVER APPROVEO 8Y As r tnutual prot€ctlor to cll.nts, th. publlc cllent3. lnd authorlaatlon for rtrbllc.tlon ofp.ndlng 6ur r|-ltt€n allroval. Sanplcr nlll b.in wiltlng, A momb€r. ot th. !J! gionp ot comp.n{c. lnd oursclves, all report. 3tatsrGnt3. Concl uslons or dlrpo3ed ot aft.r t.sting ar€ suboitted !s th€ conf{dlentirl propcrty of extrrcts from or rcg.Fdlng oqr !"Gports ls ra3arvctll3 co.npl€ted unlrs3 other rrr.ngemcnts.graad to Fotin tlo. cMEllSA 5/91 .rl CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0trsulTt t{6 EltGIt{tERs Al{0 scltt{TlsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA d"x'"'%'f ltc lee-l et, ,s'iiflfu" sT Q**Tilia"'* U ktnrrr4P T0: tlECl,! Enterprises JoB N0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 1l-r0-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.o. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F aVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and trlesti n Hotel, South Frontage Road t{est, Vail, CoIo. PLACEl,lEllT L0CATI0I{: Ual ls. EATCH TICKEI Il{F0R}lATIOfl SUPPIIER: llestern l{obile TRUCK l{0. 97 TICKET 0. 0l-0453 t{tx DESIGfi [0. 44 TIIIE BATCHEO: 12:1? Pl'l TII{E ARRIVED: 12:30 P TllitE PLACED:12:45 Pil-CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUM: 28 FIELD TESTIIIG Il{F0Rf,lATI0l{ SAilPLE TEHP: 52 T AIR IEiIP: 40 'F Tlf,lt TEST TAK€ll: SLWP: 4 l/4 It'I. AIR C0llTEtlT: 4.8I t{ET ul{IT IJEIGHT: --- J08 SPECI FICAT I0l{5: SLUl,lP: l4ax.4 If{. AIR C0l{TEt{T: 4-81 UATER A0080 AT SITE --- GAL. CYLIHDER I}IFORIIATIOII l{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLI[{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIiIE CYLIT{OERS CAST: 1:00 Pll IIHERE CAST: 0n-51te CMIilG Ii{FORI{ATIOI{ IIIITIAL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 0n-Si te ll-12-93 FIELo SToRAGE FACILITIES: --- 8Y: Sandi R. Cody l,'l I t{/tlAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL IOAO (LBs) OIAHETER (rricHEs) AREA (sQ Ir{) Col'lP . STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYtIIIDER VEi6HT (LBsl CYLIHOTR UI{IT YEICHT tPcF) 7A 7A ?8A zsA u8A 28A l1-17-93 II-l7-O? 12-8-93 t2-8-93 L2-8-S3 12-8-93 106,000 t 10,500 140, 000 141,000 141,000 144.000 6.08 6.05 6.08 6. 09 6.06 6.08 29.03 28.75 29.03 29.13 28.84 29.03 3650 3840 4820 4840 4890 4960 shear slrear shear snear snear shea r DE5I6X STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS TESTS 6Y TASORATORY PERSOI{I{EL ARE TI{ ACCORDAIICE TJITH APPLICAELE ASTI.I IIETHODS UT{LESS OTHERIIIS€ IIOTEO SOME IIIFORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROYIDEO BY OTHERS RE}IARKS : CoPIES: R.A. l{el son & Assoclates, Inc.; Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Bobhy J. Hays FIELD OESERVER APPROVTD 8Y Ai . rirlts.l protcctlon to cllaDt3, thc publlc cllantr. .nd .uthoilz.tiori toF DUbllc.tlon gf p.nallng aur *r{tt.n rFFroval. Sdnpl.3 t|lll bcln r{Fl t I '|g.A ramb.|" of tha M grosp of co||lprnlat and orrirlvai, r'll r"aportt ltrtdnanta. concls3lonA or dlaPo3cd ot .{ter. tc3titlt .r. 3ulrmltt.d .c tha cohtl.llcntlrl PFoFaray of crtircts from or regrrd{ng our raports ls fatcrv.dls aorplatad rnlcrt oth.r' arr-arig.|nGr|tt .grcad to Form o. Ct'iEll3A 6/9r CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI I{G EIIGIT{EERS ANO SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ar r ruturl protactlon to cll.ntE, thc Fgbltc rhd ouf3.lv.i, .11 r.po.t' rre rubnlttcd r.' thr confldichilrl Froperty olcll.nts, .nd authorlz.tlon for publicatlon of statdr€nts. Corclusloot or'.rtF.ctt from or r.E!rdlng our raport3 It i.tarvadpehding ouF *rltt.n rFprov.l. Sanpl.3 slll b. dlrFo3ed ot.ft!r t.3ting ir conpt€t.d !hlci. ath.r irrengroints r,r..d toltr |trltinq. A msnber ;f thG Il! group ot co|'piolGr Fonn tto. Ct{Etl3A 5/91 T0: MECH Enterprises J08 f{0. 4 lZ8 9j-3 oATE, -10-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET Z 0F zVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven 0rive and l{estin }totel , South Fnontage Road t{est, Yail, Colo. PTACEI,IEI{I LOCATIOI{ :tlal l s. EATCH TICKET I t{F0R}lAT ION SUPPLITR: tlestern llobiIe TRUCK tlo. 100 TICKET N0. 01-0465 l,tlx DEslctl N0. 44 TIIIE BATCHED: 3:00 Pf.l TIIIE ARRIVED: 3:10 Pl,l TIIIE PLACED: 3:20 Pll-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUI'|: 77 FIELD TESTII{G II{FORI.IATIOI{ SAIIPLE TEI,IP: 54 .F AIR TE}IP: 45 "F TIl,lE TEST TAKEI{: --- SLUl,lP: 4 I1{. AIR C0l{TEllT: 4.21 l{ET Ut{lT UEIGHT: --- J08 SPECI F ICATIOI{S: SLu P: llax.4 IN. AIR COllTEt{T: 4-8* }TATER ADOED AT SITE --- 6AL. CYLIIiDER INFORI.IATIOI{ ll0. 0F CYLII{OERS: 6 CYLII{OER SIZE: 6"x 12' TIIIE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 3:30 Pil YHERE CAST: On:Site CUR i]{G IIIFORI,IATIOT{ II{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 0n-Si te 11-12-93 FIELO STORAGT FACILIT IES: BY: Sandi R. Cody ilIt{/}tAx AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (rBs) DIAHETER (rHgHES) AREA (sQ Ir{) co$P. sTR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIiIDER I{E T 6HT ( L8s) CYL IilDER I,lI{IT IJEIGHT (PcF) 7B 78 288 288 288 288 1l-17-93 tL-17-93 l2-8-93 12-8-93 12-8-93 l2-8-93 99,500 101,500 133,000 126,500 140,000 Ie9,000 5.98 5.98 5.99 6.02 6.08 5.99 28.09 28.09 28.18 28.46 29.03 ?8.18 3540 3610 4720 4440 4820 4580 snear snea r shear shear shear sneat OEs]GN STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 ?8 0AY5 TESTS BY LABI}RATORY PERSO}II{E! ARE IN ACCORDAT{CE T'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.,I HETHODS UI{IE5S OTHERUISE I'|OIED SOI.IE INFORI.IATTOI{ OF TEST REPORT }IAY BE PROVTDED BY OTHERS REHARKS : COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; festern ilobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwaihmy Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY a CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coxsuLTmc E[cr fiEERs AID sclE lrsts REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: il€Ctl Enterprlses JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 11-t6-93 Attn: Eustaguio Corti na P .0 . Box 31.49Vail, C0 8t658-3149 DAttY REP0RT ll0. 22 SHEEI t 0F 1 PRNECT: Liftside Building east of Uesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l|est, Vail, Colorado. VEATHER COI{DITIOI'IS AI{D TEMPERATURE COI'ITRACIOR'S COIISTRUCTION ACTIVI T IES PERSOl{I{TL: IITAJOR EQUIPiIEI{T: ACTIVITI ES: CHEII-I{ORTHERI{ 'S 5I TE ACTIVIIIES ile arrived on-site as scheduied to perform density tests on C-ll and C-12. Testing was canceli ed. VERBAL COI{IIUIIICAT ION I{ITH COI{TRACTOR, EI{STilEER, ARCHITECT, OVI{ER COPI E5: J V A, R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc. Inc.: Gwattsney Pratt Schultz Tonn of Yail; I I I I Sandi R. Cody FIE!D OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED 8Y A3 r trut||ll Drotcctton to cll.nti. thc publtc rnd our3clv.5,. !ll rrpor.tr rr. 3ubtnltted. r' thc confldentltl propal'ty of our_cll.nt5' .1tal L'iti"fiiiiio['t-"i;;fi";ii;;?-aiaiimcirt. conct',stonr or citricts fr"o or rigaialng our r.ports i3 F.scrvGd iGndlns our rl.ltt.n app''ov.l. Srmples rlli bc di3porcd ol .lt.r t.Btlng l. comp-l.tcd snl.66 othcr .r'rrng.{i.nt3 .rs .grc.d to ln wrltin9. A nEfl|ber of tlrc !.!! group of co|Ip.n{ei d".l'''o; 1l' oEs ree] i.-1i --r - (t+ q'i:',:: .9; FT+L:!"ia ff;:lw'5 o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. coltsulTt [c. EltcmEERs AltD sctEITIsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: HECII Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: ll-17-93 DAILY REPORT 1{0. 23 SHEET 1 OF 2 PR0JECT: Liftside Building east of Uesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Colorado. UEATHER COI'IOI T IOI{S AI{O TEIIPERATI'RE COI'ITRACTOR'S COIISIRUCTIOI{ ACTI VITIES PERSOIII{EL: }IAJOR EQUIPt.IEl{T: ACTIVITIES: CHEN-I{ORTHERN'S SITE ACTIVITI ES Density tests uere perfonned on C-11 and C-12. Concrete was tested on P 5 to 15 on S, second lift. Six cylinders were cast. VERBAL COMMUIIICATION I.'ITH COI{TRACTOR, EI{6IT{EER, ARCHITECT, OUNER COPIE5: R. A. J V A, Inc.; llel son & Associates, Inc. Gwatlnney Pratt Schultz Town of Vai I ; I I I Sandi R. Cody FITLO OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY A! a hstur'l prot€ctlor to cllantr, th. publtc and ou.rclv.i. .ll r.poit3.ro lubd|{tt.d..s th. confidantlrl piop.rty ot o|rr cllantt. .nda|rthorlzstlon for publlcatlon of rtatdrnt. Concluilonr or crtrrct5 froo or ragrrdlng our lcports Ir rarancd panding o|rf ff lttan appfoval. Srhplcs rlll bc dJipoEGd of rttcr trrtlng lt cotDlat.d urlair othcF arrangqrcnt3 ara rgrcad to ln wrltlng.4 ncmbcr of thc !!! group of co|rpinf.3 T0: MECl,l Enterpni ses JOB ltO. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: 11-17-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 41658-3149 DAILY REP0RT lt0. ZJ SHEET A 0F Z PROJECT: Liftside Building, East of yesthaven 0rive and t/estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Ue,$t, Vail, Col orado. SPECIFICATIOI{ COiIPACTIOI{ & }IIITER IAL illflll4lJ$ REqUIRE0 tll-PLACE 0EI{SITY: 95I AS DETERilI}IED BY: AST}i D-698 CONSTRUCTI0I{ COIITRACTOR: Stan lliller, Inc. IEST L0CATIoI{S nERg SELECTE0 BY: Chen-llorthern IYPE AI{D IIUI.IBER OF EARTH ilOVIItG UI{ITS: TYPE AT'ID I{UH8ER OF CON{PACTIOI{ UIiIls: I.IETHOD OF ADOII{G IiIOISTI,IRE: THICKIIESS 0F LIFT: ot Observed ilU,tBER 0F PASSES: As Aeoul red rEST N0. LOCATIOII DEPTH OR ELEVATION (FEET) LABORATORY -I FIELO PERCEI,IT ( RELATI VE/ llA)(If,lul'l) OETAINED sOIL TYPE ltAxIHutl DRY DEI{SITI (pcf ) I.IO I STURE c0liTEltT G) DRY DEt{SJTY ( PCF) I{O I SIURE c0ilTEl{T (u) c o C-11 Center C-12 Cenler 6rade Grade 121 .8 121 .8 I1.5 117 .6 117 ,5 l3 .6 L?.7 97 96 Sandy Gravelly Cl ay Sandy Gravel ly Cl ay FULL TII.{E OBSERVATIOII X PART TII,IE OSSERVATIOIIIHIS REPORT PRESEN'S OPINTONS FO$I€O AS A RESULT OF O{'R OgSCNVATIONS OF FILL PLACE}IEXT. Tr'E HAVE RELIED OtI THE COI{TRACTOR IO CoNTINUE AppLYINO IHE RECoI'i,iEND€O COT4PACTIVE gFFORt Al{D IOISTURE lO FILL OtlRlxC lHE TTHES I{HEN oun OESERVER !S NOT OBScRVII{G OPERATIONS. TES'S ARE ]IIADE OF THE FILL ONLY AS EELTEVEO I€CESSARY TO CALIORAT€ OI,R OBSERVEN.S JUOGEI.IE'{T. TEST DATA ARE IloT rHE SOLE BASTS FOR OF${tOf{S OI yHEtHEn tHE FILL EE S SpEC!FICAf!O{S. THE I{UCLEAR OEI'ISOIIIEIER I{ETHOD OF TTSTIIIG I,AS USEO ItI SUESTA}ITIAL ACCORDAI{CE T,ITH ASTI,I 0299? AND D3017. PRELII,III{ARY oBSERVATI0I{S A1{D/0R TEST RESULTS VERB LLY REPoRTED T0: Dave PROGRESS REPORT: COPIES: R,A. l{elson & Associates, Inc.; J V A, Inc.; Gwath€y Prqtt Schultz; Town of Vail; Sandi R. Cody Fred R. Caneron FIELD OSSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cof{suLtlltc E 6II{EERS At|o sctE ttsts REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAR DENSITY TESTTNG Ar !.rtrtorl prota€tlon to cll.hti, th. p{bllc rnd oursalv.a. rll r..portr.rc rubdlttad ra the contld.ntl.l Frop.rty of ou! cllcnt3, and ssthorl:etlon ior publlcatlon ot rtrtar$ant, concluilon3 or ar(tracti fFdir or- r.agardlng our rcport3 l: r.rerv€d pendlng osr nilttcnrpproval. S.|rpla3 ielll bc diapos.d of.tt.r t.sting ls cqrpleted |,trlcs3 oth.r rr...ngqncnt3 rr€ .gr.id to in rlrttirg. A Dqrb.t' of thc !!! grosp of cdrprnlcs CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. @IIST'|LT I IIG EIIGIIIEERS AHD SCTEIITISTS HEPORT OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTIVITIES T0: ltECl,l Enterprises JOB it0. 4 178 93_J DAT8: _18-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAIty REPORT fiO. 24 SHEET r OF I PR0JECT: tiftstde Butlding east of lJesthaven Drive and Yestin llotel , South Frontage Road l'lest, Vail, Colorado. YTATHER COIIDITIOI{S AI{D TEIIPERATURE COI{TRACTOR'S COi{STRUCTTOII ACTIVIT I gS PERSOTIIIEL: MJOR EQUIPT{EI{T: ACT]VITIES: CHEII-I{ORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIES lle performed concrete testing on 8-inch wall, 6rid Lines l, U through l{, Six cylinders ere cast . VERBAL COi.Ii,Ii'I{ICATIOII UTTH COTITRAC1OR, EIIGITIEER, ARCHITSCT, OI{I{ER COPIEs: R,A. lle'l son & Associates. inc.J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt S;hultz Tor,m of Yai l; I I $andi R. Cody FIELD OB5ERVER Fred R. Cameron APFROVEO 8Y A3.t lrututl FFot.etlo_r- to -cll.n-!3, th! publ t-c .nd oqrrclv.ir rll r.portr .rG rubnltt.d r. th€ confld.nti.l Droparty of osr cll.nt.,, .ndr|rthorl a.t I on. for Publlcrtt-oo of tt.t.ltcit, Conclualonr or exti.ct. irqn or r.grrdtrg our f.portr l3 r.3crv.d icnilng-o,.f rrtttat| sFFr;vrl,srrnpl.3.irlll,!c_alltpo3.d qf rftci tattlng 13 contDlatcd unla.t othcr arrrngoents ric egrrcd to in rrlting. - A ndnb.r of th. UM Sioup of cor|r.n{.r CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. @NS'LTIXG EXGII{EERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES T0: llE0l,l Enterprises JOB ltO. 4 l7B 93-3 DATE: ll-23-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILy REP0RT t.lo. ZS SHEET I0F 2 PROJECI: Liftside Buildtng east of ttesthaven Drive and lfestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ltest, Vall, Colorado, I{EAIHER C0NDITIOI{S At'10 TEiIPERATURE: Partly Cl oudy - 40 degrees F. COI{TRACTOR'S COIISTRUCTIOiI ACTIVTTTES PERS0ltt{EL: il/A I'IAJ0R EQUIPIIEI{T: tUA ACTIVITIES: l{one in these areas. CHEI{.}IORTHERII'5 sITE ACTIVITIES l{e arri ved on-site and conducted in-place nuclear density tests. See Sheet 2 for test results. VERSAL COI,$IU ICAIIOiI II|ITH COI{TRACTOR, EI{6INEER, ARCHITECT, OTIi{ER Ue reviewed density tests dated october 14, 1993 rith David Schrei ner. Test l{os. I and lA were rni snarked and should have read "Grid Lines Y - 12.5". This area has not been built on and vrill be retested when contractor has reworked this area. COPIE5: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc,; J V A, lnc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail;l II Brian Scanl an I FIELD OBSERYER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED BY A3 ! rlutl||rI prot.ctlon to cli.ntar th. public end our3alvcr, rll rrports t|.. rubfilttad.a3 thc cohfld.rtlll propcrty of our cll.nt5, .rdauthorl:.tlon.toi-publlcrtlon of .t.tdr..t, Csnclqtlon. o. Grtracti iror o. ..g.rdlm otrl rr!'ortt lt' rt3ervcd i.trdlng ogr $r.ltt r apDrov.l,s.|nP1.3_wlll_ba-dlsFoi.d of.ftcr tcstlrg l3 conplctad tl|rl.ss othar 6rrengcrnc-nts rric agrori to In rflting.A m3lbcr ot th€ ts!! group of coorp.nl.. CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co|rsu|.tlttc s elt*EERs At{o scrE ltsls REPORT OF FIELD NUCLEAH DENSITY TESTING At r rqturl Frotectlon to cl-lcntt. tha publlc.nd ours.lvca, .ll r.aFotti .r. tubmlttcd !t t6a contld.ntl.l property of orf cIl.nts. and autftorlzrtlon tor publlcatlon of rtttarhnt. conclstloni or artrrc.t,3 frrr or fagrrdl.g our rcporltr ls rararvcd pcndlng o|rr rFlttan rpproval. S.hplaa ylll be dl3posad ot.ttar tG3tlng lr coaTl.tatl unl.ri oth.r lrrangsncnt3 .r. .gr..d to ln wrltlng. A fitr|bar of th€ M grotrg of coGp.nl.r T0: llEcll Enterprises JOB tl0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 11-23-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 DAILY REPoRT ilo. 25 SHEET 2 0F 2 PROJECT: Liftside Suilding, tast of l,lesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l{est, Vail, Colorado. 5PECIFICATIOII COIIIPACTIOI{ & HATERIAI l'lltllllttl REQUIREO II{-PLACE DEilSITY: 951 As DETERl,llilED BY: ASTII 0-698 C0llSTRlrCTI0ll COIITRACTOR: Stan lliller, Inc. TEST tOCATIOl{s UER€ SELECTED BY: Chen-t{orthern IYPE At{D llUilBER 0F EARTH t0Vltl6 UI{ITS: l{/A IYPE A]{D NUi|EER 0F ColttPACTIo UftITS: !l/A l.lETHoD 0F ADDII{6 I,{OISTURE: l{/A THICKI{ESS 0F LIFT: Unknonr fit l,lgER 0F PASSES: As Required TEST N0. LOCAT I OII DEPTH OR ELEVAT I OII , ( FEET) LABOJAIORI I Ell iLD PERCEI{T (RELATIVE/ il{xil.ruil) OBIATIiED SOIL TYPE t'tAxItlurl DRY DEIIS ITY (pcf) 0PT Il,lul.l iIOI STIJR E cof{TEflT t*) DRY DEI{SITY (PCF) l|0IsTmE cottTEltT (x) 8 Grid Li nes 29.5 0 K Grid Li nes 23gP Fi ni shed Grade Fi ni shed Grade 12t.8 1?1.8 1l .5 1l .5 116.3 IL7 .T 10.5 l1 .0 oq 96 Sandy Gravel Iy Clay Sandy Gravelly Clay FULL TIHE OBSERVATIOI{ X PARI TII,IE OESERVATIOI{ IHIS REPORT PR€SEI{TS OPINIOI{S FONflEO AS A R€SIILT OF OUR OSSIRVAITOIIS Of FILI. 9LACEI{EM. Ug HAVE NELIED OR THE COIITRACTOR TO CoNTIiluE APPLYI]{G THE RECotl.lENOtO co}lPActlva EFFORT Al{D TOISIURE tO FILL DlrRIitG tHE tlllEs UHEI{ dJn oBSElv€R lS !{or O6SEAVIRG OPERATIONS. TSSTS ARE I.IAOE OF II{E FILL OiILY AS BELIEVED XECESSARY TO CALIERATE OUR OBSERVER'S JIJDGEMEflT. TEST OATA ARE IFT 'HE SOLE BASIS FOR OPI'ITOI{S OI{ I{TIETHER IHE FILL I.IEE(S SPECIFICATIOI{S. THE IIUCLEAR DEI{S0IiETER l,lETHoD 0F TESTII{G YAS USED Iil SUSSTAilTIAL ACC0R0A[{CE UITH ASTH 02992 Af{o 0301?. PRELIt'llllARY 0BSERVATI0IIS Al{Dl0R TEST RESULTS VERBAILY REPORTED T0: Dave Schreiner PR0GRESS REPoRT: Areas tested are being protected from freere by "cure blanket" Finished grade is covered by one foot of "pea gravel". COPIES: R.A. f{el son & Associates, Inc.: J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz; Town of Vail; Brlan Scanlan Fred R. Caneron FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED BY REPORT CHEN-NORTHERN, lNC. I cot{suLTlt{c EliGIl{EERs Ailo sclEl{Tlsrs I oF coNcRETE TEST CYLINDER DAT 6tridh tu#p T0: uECil Enterpri ses JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 12-3'93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F 2 Vail, C0 81658-3149 pR0JECT: Liftside 8ui1ding, east of tlesthaven 0rive and t{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, yail, Colo. PtACEt'iEllT L0CATl0ll: 6rid Lines P-5, L through Q to elevation 80'0'. BATCH TICKET I NFORI'IAT IOI{ TRUCK t{0. 150 TIIIE BATCHED: 9: ?7 Al{ TICKET t{0. 010717 TI}IE ARRIVED: 9:41 Atl SUPPLIER: tiestern ll'obl le. lllx DESIGII l{0. 39 .IlilE PLACED: 9:43 M-CU. Y0. LoAO/ACCUI|: ll?r FIETl) TESTIIIG I IIFORI.IAT I OI{ IIIIE TEST TAKEII: 9:48 AM JO8 SPECIFICATiO S: SLUI.IP: SL III,IP : r r/2 Ilt. 4 I . SAIIPLE TEI,IP: AIR coilTE T: 5.0X AIR C0tlTE[T: X 56'F AIR TEIIP: 23 T YET Ut{lT IjEIGHT: 143.8 UATIR ADDED AT SITE 4 GAL. CYLII{OER lIIFORI,IATIOl{ 1,10. 0F CYLII{DERS; 6 CYLIIIDER S!ZE: 6"x 12' TII{E CYLIII0ERS CAST: 9:52 Ail YHERE CAST: on-Site CURI 116 II{FORIIATION II{ITIAL CIRE: on-Si te DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 12-6-93 FITLD STORAOE FACILITIES BY: l,lar* Jensen Heated Jobsite Trai I er. l,ltt{/lltfi: 70/73 degrees AGE OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL LOAD (L8s ) DIAI.IEIER ( Ir{cHES) AREA (sq rfl) cot{P.sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIDER UEIGHT (LBs ) CYTIIIOER UI{IT YEI6HT (PcF) 7A ?84 284 ?84 28A H H l2-10-93 12- l0-93 12-31-93 l2-31-93 l2-31-93 12-31-93 130,500 135,000 6.08 6.05 29.03 28.75 4490 4700 conical con/shear DESTG}I STREI{GTH 45OO PSI O 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOT{IIEI ARE It{ ACCORDA}ICE H]TH APPLICABLE ASII{ I'IETHODS' UIILESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI'IE I}IFOR}'IATTON tlF TEST REPORT },IAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS:lX ncn-cloride accelerator Yras added to ix- Job sDeclflcation for this wall pour is 4000 psi- COPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; Llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Erian Scanlan BobbY J. HaYs FTELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A6. il||tu.] protcctlon to cltcntsr thc publtc aod our.sGlv.r, .ll r".port3.t'. iubnlt-t.d .. th. confldl'ntlal pioP'rty ot cllants. and ruthorlzitlon tor publlcrtlon ot 3tat.m.nts. - concl13lons or crtfrctt tro|n or iGgardlnq ouF F.F.rtt {3 r"'fv'c p.hrpng our w?ittcn .pprov.l, slrnpl.r r.tll bc disto3ed "r .ttii-iilting ii"iitngiit.a unlecr ithrr irranscncntr !gr"d to i"''Lll,ll':; thc EI! sroup or coriF.nl.t For' No' ctlEtl3A 6/el CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. collsulTl lil6 E]{GiNEERS Al{0 SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l'lECl'l Enterpri ses Attn: Eustaquio gorti na P.0. 8ox 3149 Val l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bui ldin9, J0s 0.4 178 93-3 0ATE: 1e-3-93 SHEET 2 OF 2 Frontage Road lJest, Yaii, Colo.east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel 'South PLACEI,IEI{T LOCATIOII :Grid Lines P-5, L through Q ts elevation 80.0' BAICH TICKET IilFORI.IATIOI{ TRUCK ilo. 151 TIHE BATCIIEB: 11:02 A[t TICKET 1{0. 01tJ7Z4 TII{E ARRIVED: 11:15 All SUPPLIER: Uestern ilobi l e l'llx DEslcl{ t{0. 39 ItltfE PLACED: 1l : 50 A}I-CU.Y0.LOAD/ACCiJI4: 7 I 56 FIELO TESTI I{6 l IIFORI.IATIOl{ IIIiIE TEST TAKEI{: 1l:55 Ai{ JOB SPECIFICATIO S: SLUI.IP: SLUMP: 3Ill. 4 I t{. SAIIPLE TEi{P: AIR COtlTEllI: 5. ?X AIR COilTEtlT: 4-8X 5f 'F AIR TE P: 33 T IIET Ul{I T IJEIGHT: 143.6 VATER ADOED AT SIT€ 5 GAL. CYLIT{DER IIIFORIIATIOI{ I{0, OF CYLIIIOERS: 6 'CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6.'x I?' TII,IE CYLTHIIERS CAST: 12:OO IOON.UHERE CAST: ON.SitC CIJRII{6 IIIFORI4ATIOI{ I l{ lTIAL CURE: 0n-5ite OATE RECEIVED AT LA8: 12-6-93 FIELt) ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated BY: l4ark Jensen l.llll/l,tAx Jobslte Trai I er A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s ) DIA''IETER ( I]{CHES ) AREA (sQ il{) c01'tP. sn. (Pst) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIOER YEI6HT (L8s) CYL ITDER UI{IT I'EIGHT (PCFI 7B 7B e88 288 Z8B H 288 H te-10-93 t?-t0-93 12-31-93 l2-31-93 12-31-93 12-31-93 130,500 130,500 6.04 (oa 28.65 ?8.09 4550 4650 co'lumnar col umnar DESIGII STREIIGTH 45OO PSt O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PTRSOI{IIEL ARE ]II ACCOROAT{C€ YITH APPLICABLE ASTI4 }IETHOOS UIILE5S OTHERI''ISE I{OTED SOI{E IIIFORIIATIOil OF TIST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REI,IARKS :tX non cloride accelerator was added to tltix, Job soecification for this wall pour is 4000 psi CoPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern l'lobile; J V A, lnc,; Gnatlmey Pratt Schultz Brian Scanlan 9obbY J' HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY A3 a nutlrl prot.ctlon to cti.nt.. th. pub'llc .nd ouisslv!5. rll r.Portt rra a||brnft-t.d .3 th. confldlcntlrl Propcrty of cll.nts. ,nd ruthorlz.t{on for publlcatlon of st.tem€nt*. conclurlon3 or.rtr.ct3 fron or r.g.rdln9 our raports l1-l:t:attl ;:;;i;;'J;-;ii;;; ;;il;;"i: Siiprii rrrr b. dispoi.d o? 6rt!r testlns r! corel.t.d unl.s3 oth.r lrr.he.tn.nt3 .sr..d to in wrltlnq.A';lli;;";; thc E!! sroup ot complnl.l Fo' flo' cHElr3A 6/91 .,\. I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co||st LTIilG EIGtrEEnS ^|D SCIEI|TISIS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITI T0: HECII tnterprlses JoB ll0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: ll-30-93 Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vall, C0 81658-3149 OAILY REPoRT N0. 25 5HEET r 0F 1 PR0JECI: Liftside Eulldlng east of Uesthaven Drlve and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,rest, VaiI, Colorado. I.IEAIHER COIIOITIOIIS AIID TEIIFERATURT COI{TRACTOR'5 COI{STRUCTIO}I ACTIVITIES PERSOil[EL: I.IAJOR EQUTPI,IEIIT: ACIIVITIES: CHEI{-IIORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVIIIES Concrete tests uere perfoflEd on concrete pouned in Ual l Line 7, L to U to elevation 280. Six cyl i nders uere cast. YEREAL COililI'IIICATIOI{ UITH COTTRACTOR, EI{GIIIEER, ARCHITECT, OIJIIER COPIES: R.A. f{elson & Associates, Inc. J V A, inc.; Gwatt|t|ey Pratt Schultz To*n of Vail;l I Sandi R. Cody FIELO OESERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED 8Y A!. fitrtata i pr.t.ctlar to etlartr, th. pqbllc lnd ouE.!v.r, .ll raports .F. rsbmlttad 13 thG contld.ntl.l pl'op.tty of ou' cll'ttt!' 'ndlrthorlratton toi !{bltcrtlon of 3t.t'rfirt. co.clu!{orr oi .rtract3 iron op r.g."dtng our i.Fortt ii raffvro F.[d{ng osr $ltt'6 'Ppr'ov' l ' iiiliii-iiii' uiii'o".lJ "7 iri""-iirtin9 tr cdul.t..r uhl..t oth.r arransrlrintt rio rsrerd to rn ffitlhs. A n.r6.r ot th. HIH grosF of cqlp.nl.t d'T',%€' nrr rnnr ?6 Gt||iililliEY ni hfHl*lr+q.9 CHEN-NOHTHERN, INC. cr tsuln lrc EIGI|EERS AltD sclEfTtsrs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IO:lltcl{ EnterDrisesAttn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vail. C0 81658-3149 JoB ito.178 93-3 0ATE: 12-3-93 DAIIY REPORT !IO. 27 S]IEET I OF I PR0JECT: Llftside Building east of llesthaven Orive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Test, Vall, Col orado. UEATHER COIIDIIIOI{S Atl0 TEIIPERATIRE: Cloudy - Light 9now - 20 deEre$ F. CO}ITRACTOR' S COIISTRrcTIOI{ ACTIVITIES PERSOI{1{EL: tlAJ0R EQUIPHE|{T: 100' Concrete Pmp, tlheel Barors, vibrators, Finishing Tools' ACTMTIES: Contractor poured Grld Lines P-5, Lines L through Q to top 00.0', leveling course at Stair Line A-?. CHEN.I{ORTHERI{'S S ITE ACTIVITIES lle sampl ed soncrete and tested for sltmrp, air oontent, unit Hei iht and t€mperature. 9e cast tno sets of 6" x 12" test cyl i nders. VEREAI COI,II'IUIIICATIOII IdITH COI{TRACTOR, EIIGTI{EER, ARCHITECT, Oavid Schreinen nas i nformed of on-site test re8ults. OUI{ER GOPIE5: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; J V A, inc.; Gwattmy Pratt Schultz; Tovm of Vail; I II Srian Scanl an I FIELO OBSERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVEO BY A3. .tu!l protcctton to cllantrr thc publlc and out-ralvca, all F.poi-tr.r. robdlttrd.s tli. contlalantlal prop.Fty of out.cllaltts' 'ndrlthoFizrtlon for trbttcatlon ot rtetariant. cnnclu!'lon! o. rrtrrctt trqtt or rcgrrdrrg ou" rrpo"tr ii iiiiivce irnir"g ouF v'r'ltttt| 'EDrotrl ' iinJ iii-ii i i'-t: ajrporro ot.ttt; t.3tlr9 ti c.{@l.tad unl.3r o!h.F ernng*rrints ar. .gr.e.t to lr wt'ltlng' A ftrtilar of th. {I! grntrP ot coflanlar CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. collsuLT I llc ElrcllrEEns AID sctEllTlsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTIVITIES T0: ltECfi Enterprises JoB flo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-6-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 VAiI, CO 81658-3T49 DAILY REPORT NO. 28 S}IEET 1 OF I pR0JECT: Liftside Butlding east of yesthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Yail, Color.do. I,EATHER COllDITIOllS Al{D TEIIPERATLRE: Partly Cloudy - 30 degrees F- COI{TRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTIOII ACTIVITIES PERSOI{]{EL: }IAJOR EQUIPI{EIIT: ACTTVITIES: CHEII-I{ORTHERII'S SITE ACTIVITIES ue picked up tyo sets of cyl i nders cast on December 3, 1993 aod transponted thel to t]E Glentrood Springs laboratory for storage and testing. VERBAL cOf,ll'lull ICAT I oN UITH C0I{TRACTOR 'Et{GIIIEER' ARCHITECT' 0tirl{ER COP IE5: JVA, R.A. llelson & Assoclates, lnc. Inc.; 6rratlmey Pratt Sohul tz Torn of Yail;l I Brian Scanl an FIELO OBSERVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVEO BY A., ruturl ,rotcctlon to cllanti, th. pnbllc rnd ourrGlver,-all |.cports rra 3u!,t tt.d 13 tlrr contld'ntl'l ProP'rty of orr cll'nt'' rlt'l au.rorizrtton lo,. pqbllc.tton 9t 3trt.o.nt. cohcluitonr o.- .rt.i.t i -ito", or r.g.r.tlng out ..poti.-il'iliiii icniini-"n|^ ttltt'n 'ppiov'l ' SdDor.. nttl b. dt.poi.d or .rt.i -iiifiii - r r i!l'p]-.liJ unl.33 oth.r rrrrngenrintl .rc .gr.ed to in irltlns' A trtdrb.r ot thc tsI! group of col|Drni.s CHEN-NORIHERN, rNC. coflsuLTIltc EIcI||EERS AID SCtEI|TtSTS REPORE OF CONSTRU TION ACTTVITTES TO! l,lEct'l Enterpriaes JOB O. 4 tZ8 93-3 OATE: 1Z-O-93Attn: Eustsqrio Cortina P-o. Box 3149 VEil,, CO 81658-3149 DArLy nEpoRT lto. ?AA SHEET 1 oF I PROJECT: Liftside Buitding east of tl€sthaven Drive and Uestin Hotet, South Ffontage noad Uest, Vail, Cotorado. REPOR,T OF STRUCIWAL SIEEL The A 525 botts ard setds xe|"e obeerved on tlro levets that had been connected prior to our vi6it. Atl of the structural rclds on tevet 48,6,'115319r. nere fourd to br acceptabte betrreen Grid lines L ard 0, 21.5 and 31, The bolts gere found to b€ acceptabte (srug tight) except at the fol,tor.ing locations: P-31 toose trot ts colum to be ard the anchor bolts rere nissing. O-25 toose botts bean to cot(f|n, L-22.9 to L-2{ il 14 x 22 bean to #. 0.22.9 to 0-21.9- Berun to beam, 0-22.9 to o-e1.9 besm to col.um, L-2?.8 bean to crhed, P.9-22.5 bedn to coturn and A-Zf.5 bean to b€an. 0n Level 59t ' O'tt64'3t' thc bolts rete acceptabte betneen crid Lines L to a and 21.5 ard 31 arrj the Helds rere found to be g€ceptabt. except at F-26, thc U 14 x ZZ beam to the rall enbed ras nisslngI 5/16tr rctd on one side of the shen tsb. Alt of the conrEcti ons thet did r6t m€t the job speeifications Here rErkld Hith rrhite paint ard the general contrector and st$cmtractor rere infomEd. Attach|nents, coPIEs: R.A. Ietson & Associates, lnc-,Attn: l,lr. Rick Agate; I J.V.A., lnc.; r cHathmey Pratt Schsltsi I DarretL C. [uss Fred R. CanrroflI fIEtD OBSERVER APPROT'ED BY Ar | fiuturl prot.ctlor to clfrtrt3r tlr. prbllc rnd our'.lv.a. rll r.paFti.r. rubaltt.d.r th. conftd.nt{rl propcr'ty of our cll.ht5r .nd authoFlartlon for publ{catlon of rt.tdr.nt. Concl{3lorE or.xtr.acta fr.dh or r.g.rdlng our. F.toFt3 lt r.rarvad Pandlng our nt'{ tt.n .ppr'ov.l . S.||lpl.3 irlll bc dirpo..d ot att.r t.rtlng l. cocpl.t.d snl.r3 oth.r' .ri.ng.fi.ntt rt..gFe.d to In wt.ltlng. A |l.a6.r of the EI! group of codp.nl.3 rd ro' oclee../.1 L2/07/83 11:25 FAI 30H'{{ 0210 ' llrU! 07'Jd ttffi l*p..s*,tr,* cltEt CW1; ilo4rrrc#"J .n+a 'i1'4QE Cf,EN-N0RTHERN /r-+ GLID SPRINCS &onr - lr--' ..,. !i9t1l=7=' "!F" o"nu"o ;- - mlrrsoffc trot? FateJol J EEfr. \ lS*tl!ilS'ra_--_ +flfir!.td Aclil&bG I1dp' se++gl* ix.f f4rctear futF-tilp*r&__nge rA. rr{ _ $E x EtrHrr'lftd.rr g $fl ruq: l -It d U $$n .A fir E $$ D .ft B tr f$ ,b3,f. Zdt*v fr t!,* P lSlZA .9 n-.ls x 'BI L f tf $rr 1"glt" B tnl* 4 -,ltjt^r 4 l3lsA | <.--,r$-t/ €-lggl -- Z ..i.{da't!t/ 9..7 ,3lOl I rr.rr* jr^.--_ : r3!L4 4 / tfi$ i E] s rgtt &ItoltSiLAar IttSA -.-j.t'L lat't4 lr u l9 l3t1i* l.-,-.Jo* 24 lSgli t *-*l1 h Lq f 3l&f la,r*ct-. fryi r t/T -l ,l-lt*te 5;) o"r l iirc$ w+r -'[- Jur t?.b43 L2/i7 /58 tl:25 *t,:::lt"::::CEEN-NORIEERN +.'.} GLI'D SPRINCS ""ff*uJ- @ oor lgglltiosalf'\r't t 4- tz8'rs f ernfrq.f ttgDrstroil rEr*l -dgfiI rtlnne$ Imprcttan,Inc. cLllll? r,ocrrrm Ztrnt{od- - - ?'o' I rg*GrFtcr?ror @l FrcdEfrRE r.!1t..i'0Bt-tr.-z - n, -l*, -/ -l t, ", *4r* *- | "t"t r cr#r4#[#sJrre* no'- Dc-- u.!-!s.q #iFia -r';L-- rrs.---- turxrcolL- ProDl- i ;g. PtEeES ecclpr - I .":+*rr-[- Ilo. Fltgt! "lolq llFS? ,xtwjl- ottxJSg!.F, -toil inn f,GEEP?rflE! S EI xltr"rfi tE l|I.rlE AllD-% CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIN6 EI,IGI I{EERS AI{O SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l,lEctl [nterpri ses JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 12-9-93 Attn: tustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 pR0JECT: Llftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road I'lest, Vail' Colo. PLACEl,ltl{T L0CATIOI{: East 5l ab. BATCH TICKET II{FORI.IAT IOII rRucK [0. 102 TlllE EATCHED: 7:45 All TICKET [0, 10760 TIiIE ARRIVEt): 8:00 Atl TIIlE SUPPLIER: Uestern tlobi I e ltIX DESI6I{ ll0. 44 PLACED: 8: 15 All-CU. Y0.L0AO/ACCUH:z8 FIELD TESTI I{G I I{FORIIATION TII{E TEST TAKEfl: 8:20 Al{ JOB SPEC IFICATIOXS: SIUHP: 4 l/4 lll.. SLUHP: IN. SAI.IPLE TEMP: AIR COitTEtlT: 5.4X AIR C0tlTEt'lT: Z 65 OF AIR TEI{P: 38 "F VET U}IIT UEIGHT: UATER ADOEO AT SITE -- 6AL. CYL I]{DER INFORI,IATIOI{ l{0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x 12"TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: I Al.l UHERE CAST: On-Si te CURIilG I IIFORI.IATIO It{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 0n-S i te I Z-10-93 FIELD STORAoT FACILITIES : BY: Dan ltei I I l'll ll/HAX AtJL DAYS OATE TESTED IOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI.IETER ( Ir,rcHEs ) AREA (sQ Il{} cot'rP. sIR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL IIIOER I{EIGHT (LBs) CYL IIIDER UIIIT YEIGHT (PcF) 7 28 28 28 ?8 le-16-93 l2-16-93 1-6-94 1-6-94 t-6-94 l-5-94 lll,500 112,500 6.07 o. u6 28 .94 29.03 3850 3870 shear shear OESIG STREI.IGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSONI{IL ARE I1{ ACCOROAI{CE VITH APPTICABLE ASTI.{ I{ETHOOS UI'ILEsS OTHTRUIST IIOTED SOIIE IIIFORHATIO'I OF TEST REPORT HAY BE PROVIOED BY OTTIERS RTiIARKS: COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc.; Tonn of Vai'l ; l{estern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmy Pratt Schultz;Dan l{eill SobbY J. HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVED 8Y A. a m{turt prot.ctlon to cll.nt3. th. public rnd o|,rs€lv€s. !ll rcAorts rra 3stfiit-tad 13 th' coBfidJentlrl Prop'rty of cllcnta. .nd .sthorlzrtlot| fof publlcetlon of 3t!tem€nts. concluslo||5 or cttrrcts ft'ctor reglt'd{nE our r€ports l3 r'!'r'v'd p.ndrns our ...6ten rpp,.ov. r. Siiiili-*iir-s"-fiip"-i"i'"r .rtJi-ijiii'i ti"iiipitt"a unr!s' ;th'r rr'!ns'n'nts 'EF 'd to in riritths. Forrn {o. CME113A 6/91A member af thc !!! group of comp.nlct CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. c0flsulTlilG EflGilrEtRS AilD SCIEilTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECll €nterpri ses JOB ll0. 4 1?8 93-3 0ATE: 11-18-93 Attn: Eustasuio Cortinap.0. Box 3149 SHEET i 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Llftslde Euilding, east of Uesthaven orlve ard llestln ttotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEI{T L0CATI0I{: l{al i s. 9ATCH TICKET II'IFORMATI0X SUPPLIER: |lEstern l{cbi I e TRUCK fio. 150 TICKET ilo. 01-0604 llIX DESIG|{ l{0. 44 TIl,fE BATCHED: 12t43 Pll TIitE ARRIVTD: 1:00 Pll TIilE PLACED: 1:35 P[{-CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUI'|: 7 FlELD TESTIIIG I I{FORI.{ATI OiI TIiIE TEST TAKEI{: --- JO8 SPECIFICATIOI{S: SL UI'IP sLU P 4 Ll4 rjt. I t{. SAI.IPLE TE}.IP : AIR COllTEt{I:4.9I AIR COI{TE}IT: I AIR TEI{P: -- 'F UET UlllT !IEI6HT: --- T'ATER AOOEI) AT SITE --. GAL. CYLtIIDER Ii{F0RllATIotl l{0- 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYLIN0ER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIt'lE CYtIttDERS CAST: 1:15 Pl4 UHERE CAST: on-Site cuRili6 It{FoRflArI0l{I ITIAL CURE: on-site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1l-23-93 FIELD STORAGE FACI L ITIES: BY: llark Jensen llltl/l'lAX AtIE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8s) DIA}IETER ( ||lcHEs ) AREA (SQ IH) COHP.5IR. (PSI) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL ITIOER 1.'E I6HT (L8s) CYL I}IOER UIIT YTIGHT (PCF) D o ?s 28 28 28 l1-?4-93 I I -24-9 3 1Z-16-93 l2-16-93 t 2 - I5-93 t2- 16-93 109,000 112,500 171 ,000 151,500 157,000 162.0b0 6.08 5.99 6. 07 5.98 5. 98 5.98 ?9 .03 28.t8 28.94 28.09 28.09 ?8.09 3750 3990 5910 q?on 5590 5770 shear con/shear con/spl j t con/shear conlspi i t con/spl t t DESI6I{ STREI{GIH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESIS 8Y LABORATORY PERSONNEL ARE ItI ACCOROAIICE TIITH APPLICABLE ASTI.i I'I€THOOS UIILESS OTHERTIISE ITOTED Sol,lE IllFoRl,lAIIot{ 0F TEST REPoRT l,{AY BE PR0VIDEII 8Y oTHERS REIIARKS: CoPIEg: R.A. l{el son & Associates, In6.; Town of Vail; l{estern },lobile; J v A, Inc. i qwattmey Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. Cody Bobby J' HaYs FTTLO OSSERVER APPROVED BY A3 a mutlrl prot€Et{on to clicnts, thc public clientg, tnd lsthorl:.tlon lor publJc.tion of pendlr|g our drittea rpFiov.l. Samplss ltill b. in rri t I nq. A m.rnber Af !h. !f! group ot comp.ni.' .nd osria-lvca, .lI raport3 st.t.nc.t3. Codc lusJons ordl3rosld of aftcr' tcrtidg lre slbmltt.d .a th. cotfldf.rtlal Prop.rty ot astr.cts fro|s or ragafding tur rlPort3 tl farcrvtd l3 comoletGd unleis othar arrrfigement6 agraao to Fonr tlo. cMEll3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EI{GITIETRS AIIO SC IEI{TTSTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A! . &sturl Frotactlon to cll.nti, th. publtc rnd oqF3.t!.a, all r.ports .4. .|rbtilttcd 13 thr calrfldl.ntJrl Prop.rty of cltcrt!, and authorl2!tloh fof publlcrtlon of 3trta cnt3. conclurlont or axtrlcta from or rcgarding our icports tt r.tarv.d p.rdlng_ou; lrrlttcn aFprov.l. S.|f,pl.r wltl bc di.po3.d of rftcr tcrt{ng la cohPl.t.d unlc5. oth.r fr.ng.'|tnt3 lsr'rr.cl to ln wrltln.r- A r;[;-;i th. EI! gro'rp ot comp.nles Forar No. cxEIt3A 6/91 T0: llECil Enterprlses JoB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: ll-17-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0f IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of l,lesthaven Drive and yestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ltest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEI.IT LOCATIOI{ :Ualls; P 5 thru on S - znd lift. EATCll TICKET ItiF0Rt{ATIOll SUPPLIER: Yestern I'lcbi'le TRUCK 1{0. 189 TICKET X0. 103 iltX D€stcl{ 0. 44 TIl,lE EATCHEO: 12:18 Pl,l TIiIE ARRIVEO: Tlt{€ PLACED: CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCUI,[: 7 FIELD TESTI I{6 II{FORTIATIOI{ TIITIE TEST TAKEI{: -.- JOB SPECI FICAT I0l{S I SAIIPLE TEIIP: AIR TEHP: --'F SLUIiP: 4 It{. AIR C0t{T€t{T: 4.9S llET UiIIT llEIGflT: ---S[UilP; Il{. AIR COI{TEI{T: X i{AIER AODED AT SITE --- GAL. ClLlNDER IIIFORI'IATIOII N0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6"x leo TII{E CYLII{DERS CAST: UHERE CAST: on-Slte CURIlIG II{FORI,IATIOII I]{ITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Site FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: --- DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 11-19-93 BY: l{ark Jensen llIl{/MAX A6E I)AYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LllAD (LBsl OI AI.IETER ( $rcHEs ) AREA (sQ ul) co P. srR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER YE i 6HT (LBs) CYL]IIDER U]{IT UEI6HT (PCF) 28 28 26 28 1l-24-93 I I -24-93 1?-15-93 l2- t 5-93 12-15-93 1Z- l5-93 102,500 99,500 138,500 143,000 t42,500 130.000 6.08 6. 06 5.99 6.00 6.00 5.99 ?9.03 e8.84 28.l8 28.27 28.21 ?8.18 3530 3450 4910 5060 5040 4900 shear shear con/shear con,/shear con,/shear conlshear DESIGI{ STREN6TH 4000 PsI e 28 oAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERSOI{I{IL ARE III ACCORDAIICE IIITH APPLICABTE ASTH HETHODS UI{LEsS OTHER}'ISE IIOTED SOI.IE II{FOR}IATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT IIAY 8T PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIIARKS: Location was provided by representatlve of R.A, l{el son & Associates. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, lnc.; Town of Vail; llestern f4obi I e; J V A. Inc.i Gwattmey Pratt Schultzi Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y 6^u**Wl-te$Hg$,fifl -q/-S td Slilllll{Xll --z'\o' Zfittrsllrs Z'SFWH t66r 0tqCHEN.NORTHERN, INC. @llslrLTlllc EltGIitEERs AttD sctElrTtsTs REPORT OF CONCREIE TEST CYLINDE lor f|ECl| Enterprises JoB tlo. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l2-14-9:tAttn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149 SiIEET 1 OF 2 vai t, co 81658-5149 PROJECI: Liftside Buitdir€, esst of Uesthaven Drive ard ttestin ilotet, South Frontage Road l,rest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEII LoCAT It][: Etevator Uatts. EATCll TICKET IllFORllATIOll SUPPLIER: frestern l,lobi [e rRucK lto. 150 CKET tro. 10803 t{tx DESrc[ lto. 39 TIilE BAICIED: 9:28 A TII{E ARRIVED: 9:50 All TltlE PLACEo, 10:00 Ar'lc1r. YD, LOAD/ACSJ : 63 FIELD TESITNG I TOR'IATIOI{ SA PLE TET4P: 58 Of AIR TE'{P: 38 OF Tlf4E TESI IAKEI: 10310 Al,l SLWP: 4 tll. AIR OoNTEIT: 5.4X HET Ufllr HEIGIIT: JOB SPECIFICATIOilS: SLUI.IP: III. AIR OONTEIT: X IIATER ADDED AT SITE O 6At. cYll[DER tFoRuATto[l [O, 0F CYLIIDERST 6 cYLlflDER slZE: 5'rx 12" Ttl.l€ cYLIlloERs cAstr 10!20 A]l tlllERE CAST: orr'Site cuRIilG ITFOn A OTIIIlItAL CURE: fletd Cure DATE RECE IVED AT LABI FIfl..o BY! STORAGE FACILITIES! Not Box l{I1{/l.lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAI. LOAD (L8s) DIAIIETER ( tt{cHEs) AREA (sa tx) c(I{P. sTR , (Psr ) TYPE O' fRACTUR,E OILINDER lJE I CfiT (LBs) CYLI}IDER untT l{EIGfil (PCF) 7A 7A z8A 28A 7l,A 28X 12-21-94 1?-21-93 t-11-94 1-11-94 1-11-94 1-11-94 138,000 143,000 6.03 6- 08 28.56 29.05 4850 4930 conirspt it shear oESIGl| STRE GTI 4000 PSI O E8 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATONY PERSOIIIIET ARE llt ACCORDAI'ICE I.ITTII APPLTCASLE ASTiI IIETIIODS UTILESS OTI{ERIIISE TOTED SOfiE I IIfORI{AT I OX OF TESI REPORI I,IAY BE PROT'IDED 8Y OTHERg REiIARKS: CoPl€S: R.A. tletson & Associates. Inc.; Tom of vail; gestem l4obi l€,' J v A, lnc.i Grathney Pratt schuLtzi Dan Ieilt Bobby J. FIEI-D OBSERVER APPROVED Iays 8Y A6 s mutu6l ,rot€oton lo client', tho public 6od our'elv.3, all .6portr .rt lubmittod €t th. oonlidi.tttiol p.opcrty of cli6(lis, snd autho.iza(on Io( Oublicatioo o{ rtata{iant!. Coiolugion3 or oxllac|! lrorn gr rcCotding orrr rcpotL ia l.3.|vad p.nding our w.itt.n spprovrl. S€mpl€a will b. dirpoa.d ot.fl6r t€lling ia oomplaLd uala.t olhat rtr.r'rgtr,n.t . .groad lo ln writinq. A m6mb.r ot tho t!!ts gtoup ol comp.ni.!Fo]m No. cMEl t3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. col{st LTl},tG E GnEERS A D SCIEXTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ilEC Enterpris€s J08 [O. 4 178 93-3 DATEz 12-14-93Attn, EustaSJio Cortlna P.0. Box 3149 SI{EET Z OF 2 vai 1., C0 81658-3149 PRoJECI: Liftside Buitding, east of llesthaven Drive ard lrestin llotet, South Frontage ioad ttest, vail, Colo, PlAcEllEllT LtCAT!o : Etevatop Hal[s BATCII TIC(ET lllFORllAT loll SUPPLIER: ttestern liobi le TRUCK [O. 150 ITCKET lro. 10811 fitx DEsrG[ lro. 39 TTilE BATCHED: 12:52 PN Tt E ARRTVED: I:05 PI.I Tt E PLACED: T,1O PI4 CU.YD. LOAD/ACCT$I: 56 FIELD TESTIIIG t 1{ FORT4AT T ON SAIIPLE TEI{P: 58 OF ItR TEHP: 42 OF Tll,lE TESI TAKE : l:20 P STUIP: 3 3/4 It{. AtR c0 IEIT: 4.82 IGT UIIIT lrElcllT: J08 sPEcI f ICAT lotls: sl-iff{P: lll. AIR CoilTElT: Z II TER ADoED AI SITE 0 Clt. CYL I }TDER IIIFOR}IATIOII Ito. 0f CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE3 6"x 12'. TlllE CYLIIDERS CAST: t:30 P!4 iJB€R€ CASI: on'Site cuRlllc I [FmtiAT loll IllTtAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: On-Si te FIELD BY: STORAGE FACILITIES: TTAi IEN II ltl Ax AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOIAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI.IETER ( lNcHEs) AREA (sa I[)cottP. sTR . (PSI )'YPE OF FRACTURE CYLI IIDER I'E I GIIT (L8S) CYLIIIDER UIIT SEIG$' (PCF) 78 78 e8B 288 288 28H 1?-21-93 12-21-93 1- 11-94 1 - t1-94 1-11-94 1-11-94 135,000 133,500 6.08 6.04 29.03 28.65 t 650 4660 shear conlshear DESIGII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI A 28 DAYS 'ESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE IiI ACCORDAXCE HIIII APPLICABLE ASTI.I I.IETHOOS UIILESS OTIIERI'ISE I{OTED S{I'IE ! IIf ORI,IAT I OIT OF IEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDEO 8Y OTIIERS REilARKS: coPIEs: R.A. lletson & Associates, lnc.; Torn of Vail; gestern xobile; J v A, tric.; GHath[Fy Pratt Schuttz;Dan llei t I Bobby J. FIETD OBSERVER APPROVED fl6ys BY ' Aa a mutual proLction lo cli€nL, th. pubtio.,rd ourrolvda, 6ll reports rrr rubmittld !! lh. contidi.ititl prop€tty ol cli€nt3, and sutho.i?ation for publia.tion of rtrtcrn€ntr. ConcluaigrE o, cxtaactr f.om o.l.qE.ding our Lporta i3 a..a,vad p€nding our w'ittdr epprovd. S€rnpllr will ba dirposod of afta. la.dng i3 eompl.iod Unl6.! olhor arr.ngefircnl3 .g..ed 1o in writing. A m.mbe. ol th€ !!U gfoup of comp€ni€. Form t'lo. CM€113A O/gt 'Bl9303;: f'1.u', sr, P*,;- $SY€ru CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COI'ISULTII{G EI{GINEERS AI{D SC TEITTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER T0: ilECll Enterpri sesAttn: Eustaoulo Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Bui lding, JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATL: t2-16-93 SHEET T OF I east of llesthaven 0rive and I,lestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ltest, Vail, Colo PLACEI,IEI{T LOEATIOI{ :51ab;lrest Side, Second Floon. BATCH TICKET I IIFORI.IAT IOiI TRUCK 0. t04 TII4E BATCHED: 9:51 AH TICKET r{0. 10843 TItIE ARRIVEO: l0: l0 Alt SUPPIIER: Uestern llobi le t{Ix oEslefl !{0. 44 TI}IE PLACEo: l0:15 Al.l'CU. YD. LoA0/ACCUf'|:z8 FIELD TESTI I{G II{FORI,IATIOII TIIIE TEST TAKEII: 10:25 All JOB SPECI FICATIOI{S: SLUtiP: 4 1/2 I l{.SLUflP: I lt. SAI.IPL E TET{P : AIR C0llTEM: 5.4t AIR COllTEl{T: Z 58 T AIR TEIIP: 37 "F IIET UIT I T I{E I 6HT : WATER AODED AT SIIE O GAL. CYL IIIDER I1{FORI'IATIO}I t{0. 0F CYLIIIOERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" IIl,lE CYLII{DERS CAST: 10:35 All UHERT CASI: 0n-Slte CURIl{G TNFORI,IATIOI{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-5ite DATE RECFMD AT LAB: 12-17-93 FtELO ST0RAGE FACiLIIIES: Insulated 8ox BY: Oan l{ei ll l{Il{/tlAX AGE DAYS DATE TgSTTO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) OI AI"IETER ( I flCHES) AREA (sQ Ill) cot{P. sTR , (PsI ) TYPE OF TRACTURE CYL II{DER IIEIGHT (LBs ) CYLII{DER UIITT U€IG}IT (PCF) 7 28 aE! 28 28H 7?-2.3-93 t2-?3-93 t2,500 73,500 5.98 qqn 25.09 ?8.09 2580 2620 shear sttear DESIGII 5TREfl6TH 4OOO PSI O 28 I)AYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIII{IL ARE ]II ACCORDAI,ICE IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI{ I,ITTK}I}S UI{LESS OTHER!{IsE NOTED 50!48 I I{FORTIAT I OI{ OF TTST REPORT MAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHTRS REI.IARKS : COPIES: R.A. t{elson & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; hlestern llobile; J V A, lnc.; Glratlmey Pratt Schultz Oan eill Sobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As . nqtual prot.ctlon to ellent3r th. publlccllent3, and authorizrt{on for rubllcatlon ofpendlng our wr.ltt.n lpprov.l. Srnplr3 ,{ll b.ln lrrltlng. A hembar" of thc E!! group o{ codF{n{.! ahd our3€lvci. rl I raportj stat€h.nti. Conelu3{ona ar cll sposcd of a:ft.r tcrtlng .r€ 5{btlllttad .3 th. conltdi.ntl.l prop€rty of axtract! froat of fcgrtdlng our FaForta 15 raaarvadl3 complct€d unlas6 othGr arrangcmont5 lgr€cd to Fonr o. CtlEll3A 6/91 t. - CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. co]{suLT rc E[ctxEERs A{0 sclE[rlsrs REPORT OT CONSTRUCITON ACTIVITIES T0: EG Enterprises JOB HO. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 1a-8-93 Attn: Eustaguio cortino P.O, 8ox 3149Vait, C0 81658'3149 DAILY REPORT llo. 29 SHEET 1 OF I PROJECI; Liftside Buitding East of tresthaven Drive ard ttestin tlotel, South FFosrtsge Road llest' Vait, Cotorl The fittet retds H€re visual. ty observed or cotLfiE ard besrB €t Zin*or Fabrication Plant. Alt of the Helds r.ere found to be acceptBbte and conformed to the shop drsrrings- see attach€d sheet. GoPIES: R.A. lletson & Associates, Inc,, Attn: ilr. nick Agatei J V A, Inc.; G,HathrEy Pratt Schuttz; I ToHn of vail, tttn: ilr. Dan stanek.' II Chsrtes geckha|r I I f red R- camrofirI -,-, ^ T0: EG Enterprises JOB HO. 4 178 93-3 DAIE: 1a-8-93 Attn: Eustaguio cortino P.O, 8ox 3149Vait, C0 81658'3149 DAILY REPORT llo. 29 SHEET 1 OF I PROJTCI; Liftside Buitding East of tresthaven Drive ard ttestin tlotel, South FFosrtsge Road ltest' Vait, Cotorado. FIELO (tsSERVER APPROVED BY AB r nutual protcctlon to cllertr, thc publlc lnd our3.1v.3, rll .cportr rr. 3uboltt.d rt th. confld.ntlrl ProP.r'ty of our cllcntt' rnd authorlrrtlon foi publlcltlon of rtrtanrnt. Cor|clu3{ona or.rtrict3 tron or rcg.rdlng our rcportr Ii ralervad Pandlng osr iflttan rFprovrl. S.hplc3 rlll bc dl3posad of.ft.i tartlhg l3 conplctad unl.rt otlr.r arrangancntr, !4. .gr€!d to {n wr{tlng. A nqttber ol th. !!! trorp .f comprBl.r tdr t€' c'E!@r./'r ' 12l13/S3 07:60 FAI CSE:I{-NORITRN ++-l GLIID SPRII{6S 8 39rr:2ts2! ,t0 InsFsction lnc"urrusmrc rEt0m tngel otl- JEft ZlPrroc- tCtr'-*' r.on1-S!fl$-- ffie $tt-t(} rue. €Plt llFllr|irrllteglFLl+ 6nor tt''rs'4ft" AtE sr't-t2 . &Hrffidq--Jsg eel+'l rud.[E q+!!t' rtr6r.'*rr^lrr IDE:dnnumjlcrr, .- 6q&.str!ltlcb-"r laalrqeg- f,#rbl 9f!ur*frurefu mdtattlpta t*,-- -- |ndt]|rE.ffiirt!.B.tfl{?-* -. $ Eg al tlr+rfir*irrr H $f;r fl B EEEI f$ g,$ E fii$l I firI ft frf ET D d $# t re6i ttr * t .14tt A tl 3 r&ll {tlrltf deb Ctal4- 5 trmfr b tilplt Jrt' tt^l+u "t ted''h B rgEI4 x s&ilf I t"tg*t lr t'"/fI.'BA x A f l{l.l"Jrt' lo rlua-d-V ,,tgtzE tl lz-ttrgr{tl Eicli+TI l3 ,t,ATA I ,"t ri4tf,t.ar't lI rr '-rnt:f-:r..--'. dl"%f- lo* tnto €(t, rtr\r' !_- Pg e,r i..':..:Y 6 R"#*nu*r'g Qro,rrd CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTI ItG EI{GII{EERS AI{D SCIE}ITISTS REPORT OF CONGRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECl.l Attn P.0. Vai I PROJECT: Enterpri ses Eustaguio corti na Box 3149c0 81658-3149 Liftside Bui I di ng, JOB 0.178 93-3 DATE: 11-30-93 SHEET 1 OF I €ast of llesthaven 0rive and Uestin llotel ,South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACE}IEIIT LOCATIOT{ :llall; Line 7, L to hl, up to Elevation ?80, BATCH TICKET lllF0Rl,lATIOil SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobi I e TRUCK 0. t04 TICKET t'10. 0l-0688 IIX DESIG|! lr0. 39 TlflE EATCHED: 1l:41 Atl TlitE ARRIVE0T 1l:50 Al'l TII4E PLACED:12;15 Pi1-CU. YD. t0AD/ACCUt't; 7 FIELD TESTI}16 IIIFORI.IATION TIIIE TESI TAKEII: --- JOB SPECIFTCATIONS: SLUllP: 3 3/4 Il{.SLUIIP: Il{. SA}IPLE TTI.IP: AIR COI{TEI{T: 4.9I AIR COllTEt{T: 7. -- "F AIR TEiIP: -- T !,EI UI{I T }IEI6HT: I'ATER AODED AT SITE -- 6AL. CYTII{DER I}IFOR}IATIOIi t{0. 0F CYLIT{0ERS: 6 CYLIIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.tE CYIII{DERS CAST: 12:30 Pt'l }JHERE CAST: 0n-Slte CURI I{G I ITFDRI'IAT IOI{ II{ITIAI CURE: On-Site FIELO ST0RAGE FACILIIIES: OATE RECEMD AT tAB: 12-?-93 8Y: llark Jensen l,llll/l{Al A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAT LOAD (L8S) DiA}'IETER ( il,lcHEs ) AREA (sQ il{) COHP. STR . (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIOER \TIEIGHT (LBs ) CYL IIIOTR UI{IT IJEIGHT (fcF) 7 7 ?8 z8 28 28 12-7-93 12- 7-93 t2-28-93 12-28-93 L2-26-93 L2-28-93 135,000 t3,,000 170,000 175,500 162 ,000 172.500 ' 6.0? s.98 5.9I 6.02 5.98 6.03 ?8.46 28.09 28.09 28.46 28.09 28.56 4?40 4880 6050 6170 s770 6040 shean snear con/spl i t conlspl i t con/spl it con/spl I t DESIGITI SIREI{GTH --- PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{IIEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE I.'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI.I MEIHODS UI{LESS OTHERI.'ISE I.IOTTD SOI'iE INFORHATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHEIS REIIIARKS: CoPIES: R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc Tonn of Vall: Uestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathrcy Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OESERVER APPROVED BY a3 . mutull orotaction to cllc'lts' tha public clicnts, and ruthorltltlon for publlc!tlon ol p.ndtng our- wFltt.n approval. Sarplls rlll b. in liriting. A .It€mb€r of th. !!! grorp of conprni€! and oursclvai, .l l rcport! ttatctrlent3. Conclscions or dl sposGd of aftar tcitlnt rr. 3ubmltt€d a3 th. confldlcnt{!l propcrty of crtt".cts fron or rcgrrdlng our raportt i3 r€3"v'd ii coftpletad unle33 othcr arrrngamant3 'gr'co Eo Fonn |lo. cl'l€113A 6/91 dT^'%3 1'\r,I \9gA 'ZF IAN \Y'; 2o R "sil''i*l'o $,q*---.-%ptCHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTII{G EI.|GIIIEERS AIID SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYL|NDER DATA T0: l,lECtl Enterrrises JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 12-17-93Attn: Eustaqui o Conti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET f 0F tVall, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Orive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.{EIIT LOCATIOI{ :El evator Core at Lines A-2; Elevatioh 1110. SATCH TICKET ttlFoRltATlot{ SUPPLIER: Uestern l.lobi le TRUCK t{0. 119 TICKET t{0. 10866 ilIX DESI6I{ t{0. 39 TIll€ BATCHED: L2:32 Pl4 TII'IE ARRIVEO: TIf'lE PTACED: CU.YD.I0AD/ACCUI'I: 28 FIETO IESTI 116 IIIFOftI.IATIOI{ TII'lt TEST TAKET{: l:00 Pil JOB SP€CIFICATIOIIS: SLUMP SLUt{P 4 rlz I . ll{. SAI,IPLE TE}IP: AIR CO!{TEI{T: 5. ffi AIR C0llTEilT: I 53 "F AIR TE}IP: 43 OF UET UI{IT tJEI6HT: --- I'ATER ADOEI) AT SITE -- GAt. CYLII{DER IiIFORI.IATIOI{ t{0. 0F CYLIT{DERs: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 5"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIII0ERS CAST: t:10 Pl'l }fHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR I NG I I{ FORI.IAT I OIi I1{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site 0ATt RECEMD AT IAB: 12-18-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: lleated Box 8Y: tlan l{ei l'l r,rIt{/tlAx DAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAI LOAD (L8s) D I AI.IETER ( rr'rcHEs ) AREA (sQ ilr) cottP .sTR. (Pst ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIi{DER UE I6HT (LBs) CYLII{OER UIITT f€IGHT ( PcF) 7 7 28 28 ?8 28H t2-24-93 L2-24-93 1-14-94 1- l4-94 1-14-94 1-14-94 137,000 139,500 6.05 5.98 28. 75 28.09 4770 4970 con /shear con/shear DESIGI{ STREI,IGTH 4OOO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOI{iIEL ARI IN ACCOROAI.ICE VITH APPLICAELE ASTiI I,IETHOOS U]{LESS OTHER}'ISE IIOTEO SOi.IE I IIFORIIAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORI IiIAY 8T PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS: COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; t'lestern l'lobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwathrey Pratt Schultz Oan l{eill Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPNOVED BY A5 | ruturl protectlon to cll.nts, th. p{bllc cllcnt!, and authorlzatlon for publlcrtlon of p.ndlng o{r |{r'ltt€n rpFroval. Sanplcs rill be In wrl t i ng. A 'n€Dblr ot th. !I! gl"ouP of coftpdnics and ourga l v!5. alI r.part3 3trtcmahts. Conc'l u3lona ordlspoied of .fter tcatlng a|.. iubmlttad a3 tha confldllntl.l Frop.Fty ot oxtfact3 fro!| or ragardlng orrr r.portl la iaa'ia'd lr cdnplatad unl.53 othar rrrlngci nts agraao to for xo. Ct{€113A 6/91 f"'T%g inru lse4 e; F""#$ffiHk.S &rr,"o49YREPORT CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG EIIGTI{EERS AI{O SCIEI{TTSTS oF coNcRFTE TEST CYLTNDER DATA T0: llE0ll Enterprises J08 l{0. 4 t78 93-3 0ATE: 12-21-93Attn: Eustaguio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Uesthaven 0rive and t{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road Uesi, Vail, Colo, PLACEI'|EI|T LOCATI0I{: Slab at C-21 BATCH TICKET II,IF()RI{ATIOII TRUCK t{0. 104 TIl,lE BATCHED: 8:04 All TICKET t{0, 1061 IIl,lE ARRIVED: 8:14 At{ SUPPLIER: Uestern ilobi 1e llIX DESIGII l{0. B 4000 psi TII{E PLACED: 8:30 Atl-CU. Y0. L0ADI IECU{:. 7 l7 l?l FIELD TESTIIIG Il{F0Rl,lATI0ll Strl{PLE TEttP: 58 "F AIR lEtlP: 5 T TIiIE TEST TAKEII: 8:46 Al,l SLUl,lP: 3 1/? Il{. AIR COilTEt{T: 5.8I UET UI{IT }|EI6HT: 140.0 JOB SPECI FICATI0IIS: SLU!'|P: Ill. AIR C0l{TEllT: I }TAIER AD0E0 AT SITE t0 6AL. CYLIIIDER II{FORHATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLIT{OERS: 6 CYLI}IDER SIZE: 6"x 1?" TII4E CYLIIIDERS CAST: 8:56 Al'l UHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURII{G IIiFORIIATIOI{ Il'lITlAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMO AT LAB: 1?-22-93 fIELO ST0RAGI FACILITIES: Inside lleated Building. BY: Bobby J. Hays llll{/tlAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) OIA},IETER ( IilCHES ) AREA (sQ iil) COMP.sIR. (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYtIilOER UEi6HI (LBs ) CYLIIIDER UTIT IIEI6HT (PcF) 28 ?8 28H 28H i2-28-93 1?-28-93 1-18-94 l-18-94 I -18-94 l-18-94 93,500 102,500 6. t0 6. 09 29.22 29.t3 3200 3520 shear shear DESIGII STRTIIGTH 4000 PsI @ 28 oAYS TE5TS BY LABORATMY PERSO}IIIEL ARE III ACCORDAilCE UITH APPLICABTE ASTI'I }.IETHODS UNLESS OTHERIJI5E ilOTTD SOIIT II{FORI,IATIOII OF TEST REPORT IIAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHTRS REII{ARKS:lX non-chloride accelerator added to concrete. COP1ES: R.A. flelson & Associates. Inc Town of Vail; Uestern llobile; J V A, lnc.; Gvathmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OD5ERVER APPROVED 8Y Ar. nutu.l protcctlon to cl{Gnt3, th! publlc.nd ourlclv.s' rll r.poit3 cll6nt5. .nd authorltatlon for psblicatlon of at!tam€ntt. Conclqtlon3 or p€ndlng our wrltt.n.Iprovrl. S.mpl.3 tilll ba dlspos!.| ot 6ftcr tcitlhg in wrl t lng. A m€r6c. of thc !!! group ot co.rp.nlct !r. 3ub'|ltt.d et thc contld{.ntl.l prP.rty of cxtrrcts {r€ttr or ragrldlng our t'atoft3 13 f't'rt'(t ir compl.tad rrI.3r ath€r trrantadantt agr"d to For|I tlo. cl'tEll3^ 6/9t f'T%6"';nrir* ? LffiHkTCHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISI'IT IIIG ETISINEERS AIID SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: lt€CH Enterprl ses J08 l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l2-a?-93Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftslde Bullding, east of Vesthaven Drive and gestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, ttail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Slab at C-3?. BATCH IICKET I NFORI.IAT TOII TRT CK 0. u9 TII{E BATCHE0: 9:55 A}l TICKET ilo. 10897 Tltlt ARRIVED: l0:10 AH SUPPLIER: lfestern llobi 1e tlIX 0ESIGtl l{0. I 4000 Psi TIHE PLACEO: l0:59 Afl-CU. Y0. L0ADIAECIN': 7l14l?8 FIELD TESTI I{6 I]{FORITATI OII TIIIE TEST TAKET{: lt:10 Al,t JO8 SPEC I FICATIOI{S: SLUiIP: 4 3/4 lll. SLUl,lP : Il{. SAHPLE TEI,IP: AIR C0l{TEtU : -- I AIR C0NTEIIT: Z 50'F AIR TEIIP: 5 oF LET UIIIT IIIGHTT --- UATER ADOED AT SITE 8 CAL. CYL IIIDER IT{FORt{ATIOl{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYL.IIIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIII0ERS CAST: --- UHERE CAST: on-Site CURII{G II{FORHATTOII IiIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-5lte 0ATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 12-23-93 FIELo SToRAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer 8Y: Carolyn Adarns l{Il{/ilAX AGE OAYS DATE TESTE() TOTAL LOAO (LBs) DIAIIETER ( I l{cHES ) AREA tsq lil) c0f{P . sTR. {Psl ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIIIDER VE IGHI (tBs) cYLil10€R u[IT r,,fIGfiT (PcF) 7 z8 28 28H z8H 12-29-93 t2-29-93 i- 19-94 1-19-94 1-19-94 1- 19 -94 103,500 iol ,000 6. 06 O. UD 28.84 ?8.7 5 3590 3510 shear shear OESI6iI STREI{GTH 4000 PsI 0 28 0AYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PERSOI'IIIE! ARE III ACCORDAI{CE I{IIH APPTICABLE ASTI'I I,IETHODS UI{IESs OTHERIISE I{OTEO SOI.{E IIIFORHATIOII OF TTST RSPORT I'IAY 8E PROVIDEO 8Y OTHERS REI.IARKS: CoPIEs: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Ine.; Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gvrattfl€y Pratt Schuitz;Carolyn Adams Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OESTRVER APPROVED 8Y A3 a mqtu.l protactlon to cllenti, th. publlc cll.nt5, lnd rsthorlzltlon tor' ptrbllcation of pet1dlng our wrlttan .ppt-ov.'|. Sltnplct trlll be ln |{rltlnq.A drbcr 6f thc !!! groug of coftr.nle! and ours€lv€s, all raporttst.tqn nt3. Conc lu3ionr ordispo3.d of .fter t.sting rr. s{bfiritt.d .. ti. cortldi.nt{ll pioP.t'ty of artrrct3 tFo|i or raglrdlng our raportl ls r't'Fv'd ls conolatad vnlat3 othar arrrngalitnts rlF 'o ro Forn :lo. cl,|ell3A 5/91 tr"T"%le J*ti rgsq Z B #iii-te$ S^ffi*ie***U {rr.rr.,cP CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. collsuLT mc EIGI|EERS Axo sCt€ilTIsTs REPORT OF CONSTRUCTTON ACTIVTTTES I0: ECt{ EnterprisesAttn: Eustaquio cort ina P.o. 8ox 3149 Vait, Co 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building east of JoB ll0. 4 t78 93-3 DATE: 12-15-93 OAILY NEP(NI [O. 30 SHEET 1 OF t llesthaven Drive ard lrestin llotel. south Frontage Road gestr VaiL, cotorado, REPORT Of STRUCTURAI STEEL The vetd that ras for.nd nissing and the botts that Hec€ fourd loooe duri rrg our Decelber 6, 1991tvisit rere reinspected srd ate nor acceptabte. The 3/4f' A 345 botts ard the 5/1O, fittet rctds rere visuatty obeerved at elevstion 69'6't/74.9t bet9een crid Lines o-S and 21-5-31. The bolts ard r,etds xere fo|.'d to be acceptable- The 3/4.' prddte uetds and shear studs Here checked at elevation 48'6'r/53,9r' b€trcen Grid Lines 0-S and 21.5-51. Ihe puddte relds rere fourd to be acceptabte hrt marv shear studs faited uhen they rrere acoustical ty tested. Approxinately 20U of the strds broke off at the x€ld uhen stnxk sith a hanmer. lhe studs uere reptaced dJring my visit ard rere €coLEticalty tcsted snd fourd to b€ acceptabte. CoPIES: R.A. l{etson & Associates, lnc..Attn: r. Rick Agate; J.V.A., lnc.; GHatfuney Pratt Schul tr;Dgrrel. t fi(6s FIELD OBSERVER 43. mutqrl protactfon to cllents. th. publlc and ourielv.r, !ll rcportt rr. gub|nlttcd at th. confldalt{{l ruthoriz.tion lor Eubllcatlon ot ltrtencnt, corclusion3 oi erttacta froD of rctrt'dlng our rcport3 l3 rar.fved S.rpl.r wtlt ba di3po3.d ot.ftar tcrtlng l3 cofiplct€d qnl.at oth.r..rrrng! ant3 !r.. tgraad to In }rrltlng' A msnb€r ol thc tlf]! group of coopanlc. property qf o|rr cilanttr and pand'lrg our. ,iltt.tt apProvrl . tdr r|). qf r.a 6/tl .q-'r, {€!l| .Jt L2rLlr'9l t2.9,G 303!220s?5 ULIIASTHTfi rlH}lT Paps I of 7 no5 0t DEtluER 9a nie$ Idspcctlon,Inc. orc f,gri^,r lthnrcul, il.' .Hb ZuquotL P&.b.J&ff!*oon5141a4_qcn 4$!-tsM.e e.a.l8'7F- tlFn.*{.F lt(5 bI. r-f Z tHd.ma hraz Hdm slillHf,do *6 &e,a-_-_UF..rlnlta'+ lX=S ? ftr,t.t *lrrlr**,+t*& A& m- U t#rS .thd"t c . - Wz+g #1. ygggg1tl t*rr- &-_ttn' gN nt{"t"* a,^ , { nnrfHlfioiffn frd. ftrJ .t'af,'tt Altr&lld $$I+!dt .H c ig||f;I I fir B l$f,$ t! ) .H.' Fiir #t:6 l$ I $ZAl l* r. 'rlo ltct'NL 2 d ulyllv^r/4 3 lal?a. l't a*& {lgf3 A t* <.^"-c.1"-l/ g ;3fta ^ ltl <n*_rlu.]/ b ftrsl lI z*i4,r'.,.' 7 24 e.--Jt--,/ I la?oA li| "r.,*.lt^?uJ ..,*rlrr.t/ tO tgc3 ,t r* ...--rl r..t/ f ..*of-.r/f l*o^ ".t '.1+-* +9!d' h'.-,f,w-ta-&E-.- 12"t6/s& ":0e "il.:::#:" :ll;ii"ff"",;.'t'r sPRIIfcs Euoos/003 Inlpcctlon.Ing.Irffittg prrttcr,t ltttccrril if,Fonr -------+d[ ltls CLTlr|? rscttle tPtctFlGrtIql nt rlntclDttil t3l&'-6r'?z fugtlP.*: lrrrr€ ttcltrrluS nfcm rsr.--3nt-{. lrr rr r*--r4ruo*-1"*atclrsfl.-trlr rrrcfl yq iturgrnr wn. ar-^A, w. -h. !--g$--c* -t^wtt4!- tw=1,1- cotl- DnoDs-ffilsf"Sg-**fu EFilT f,Rgr lllgtGglt! tfrLUA?tqf io. plrcEs rccrirt 1* - io. ptrcgi *twtA ,wrqMrrrw .cLl${t nfit FttAL Autflilttt rilO ng$OilslttLtly Fu lxltrl8itltldf rtD lcEf,"rticf, r lrrrltr?ro[ Efi'U't /tf,D f,lFg&?t' -..-rd- : CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. collsrnr {G El{GIr{EERs AID sclErllsls REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL T0: l'fECl'l EnterDrl ses J08 1{0. 4 178 93-3 OAIE: 12-22-93 Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0. Box 3149Vail. C0 81658-3149 DAITY REP0RT t{0. 31 SHEET l0F I PROJECT: Liftside Euilding east of Lfesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vall, Colorado. The shear studs at level , 59' 0t'/64t 3x, between Grid Line 21.5-31 and F-5 were acoustlcally tebted with a harmer. All of the studs were found to be aoceptable. U.IJ.F. was in place between F-S and 29-31. The pl acement ras in ascordance uith the iob site specifications. td.ll.F. was being p'laced betvreen H-S and 21.5-20. There was snov on the netai deck and not all the puddle nelds could be observed. The A 325 bolts and fillet welds were observed at level 80' 0"/85' 3" betHeen 21.5-31 and F-S- Bolts were found loose on K Line at 25.5 and 26. 0ther connectlons were found to be tight' The welds on 4 beam to ernbed plates on L Line between 2?.9'24 were not full 'length. The bean to ffibed olate at Grid Line 6 31 could not be welded per Zinrkor drawi ng E9 due to the locatisn of the beam to ttre wall on 3l line and the two holes in the shear tab. The ambi ent temperature at 10:00 All ras oo, I infornEd the Eeneral contractor and the erectlon crer the connecti ons should be preh€ated prior to welding, PR0GRESS REPoRT The structural engineef should be i nformed as to the condition of the connection at 6 31. COPJES: J V A, R.A. l{elson & Associates, Inc, lnc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultr Darrel I Huss FIELD OESERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROVED B} Aa. nut{r'l proiection to clt€nts, thG publlc lnd ourselya3. .11 rcpor.ts .ra autfiltt€d t. th! contldantirl proP.rty of our ell'nt3' rrcl luthorlrltton foF lubllcrtton ot etrts nt, conclusio113 or extracti _f"""_ ". iigiiafng our r.portr is rat.rvcd ienitng-our wr{ttan.pProval' iiiiii'j-" i i i"s. ii;po;;;;a.rt"r'i"i{tni Ir coctplet.d unlisc othcr o""angrlnr1tr rie agrced to in rtrlttns. A'r€rnb.r ot thc U!! group of conprnie3 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTIilG EIIG]IIEERS AND SCIEIITISTS BEPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 o muturl prot.ctlon to cll.rt3, th. publlc .nd ours.!v.3, ill rcport3 .r.. sutmlttcd .3 th6 contldl.ntJ.l Fioprrty atcllonts, and arthorl!.tlon lor. Fubllcttlon ot 6tttonent3. Conclus.lons or iatitrlct3 fiom or rcEard{ng our report3 {i rercrvGdpendlng-our writt€n rpprov!1. S.hplrs t.tll b. dlrp.i.d ot aft.r t.stirg lr conpl.t.d unl.33 ;thor irrrngemlntr.gr.ed to A memb€r 6t th. !!! group of cornplnt.s For No. CHE113A 6/91 CFct\ o\ z. -)a'.-> L|. T0: IIECI'I Enterprises JoB lio. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-16-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: liftside Buildinq, east of lJesthaven Drive and lJestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LOCATI ON :Slab;Uest Si de,Second Fl oor. EATCH TICKTT I l{F0Rl'lAT l0fl SUppLtER: trestern l.tobile TRUCK t{0. 104 TICKET 0. 10843 l, x DESIil tto. 44 TIME BATCIIE0: 9:51 Al'l TII'IE ARRIVED: 10:10 Alt Tt E PLACED:10:15 A -cu. YD.|-0AD/ACCUiI: zs FIELD TEST]IIG I I{FORI,IAT I OI{ TIl'lE TEST TAKEI{: 10:25 AII JOB SPECI FICAIIOI{S: SLUIIP: 4 1/2 SLUI.IP: IH. IN. SAI,IPLE TE}'IP: AIR C0llTEtlT: 5.4% AIR COl{TEllT: 7" 58 "F AIR TEI'1P: 37 'F YET ul{lT UEIGHT: --- !,ATER ADDED AT SITE O GAL. CYL I NDER ] IIFORMATIOI{ tlO. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLINDER SiZE: 6"x 12" TIl.tE CYLINOERS CASI: 10:35 AH UHERE CAST: 0n-Slte CURINC II{FORI"AT IOII INITIAT CURE: ?4 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEMD AT LAB: 12-17-93 FIELO STORAGE FACILITIES: Insulated Box BY : Dan l{ei l l r'iltuMAx A(,E DAY S DATE TES TEO TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I At.tETER ( rlrcHEs ) AREA (sq rir) co P. sTR . (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYt II{DER I'EIGHT (LBs) CYLII{DER UIIIT UEI6HT t PcF) 7 7 ?8 ?8 2A z8H t?-23-93 12-23-93 t-13-94 1- l3-94 1- 13-94 l-13-94 72,500 73,500 132 ,500 136, 000 lz9,500 130.500 5.98 5. 98 6.07 6.03 o.uo 6.08 28.09 28.09 ?8.94 28. 56 29.03 ?9 .03 2580 2620 4580 4760 4460 4490 shea r shear shear shear con/shear con/spl i t DES IGI{ SIREIIGTTi 4000 PSI 0 28 DAYS ]ESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIIIIEL ARE III ACCOROAIICE UITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I,IETHODS UNLESS OTHERI,'ISE IIOTED SOI'IE I IIFORI,IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS RE}IARKS: COPIES: R.A. llel son & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Uestern lilobile; J V A, Inc.; Gnathney Pratt Schultz Dan lleill Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI I.IG EIIGIIIEERS AI{D SCIENT]STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A5 a mutuel protactlon to cllents, the publJc.nd our3elvG3r ell rcportt rr. subnlttcd a3 tha contldlentlll pr'opGrty of cll.nts. .nd .uthorfzltlan for publlcatlon ol 3tatcmcnta, Conclu3lons or.rttact! tForn or reg.rding our t.ports t5 ra3.rvctlpendtng our wr.lttln .pproval. Sa|Dplca vrlll bG dlspos.d of.ftcr tcatlrg l3 compt.tGd unles3 other .rrrng€mcnt3 aEra.d to A nehbcr ;t th! HIH group of complni.3 Forrn N,o. c Elf3A 6/91 T0: HECH Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-17-93Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Bui lding, east of !,esthaven Drive and lrtestl n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEIIT LOCATIOT{:Elevator Core at Lines A-21 Elevation 1110. BATCH TICKET I I{FORI.IATI O}I TRUCK flo. 119 TIIIE BATCHED: l7:3? Pli TICKET t{0. 10866 T]T|E ARR IVEO:TIME PLACED: SUPPLIER: lfestern lilobi le IX DESI6 0. 39 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI.I:28 FIELD TESTIIIG I ilFoRllAT I01{ SAi{PLE TEMP: 53 'F AIR TEiIP: 43 'F TIIIE TEST TAKEII: l:00 Pttl SLUl,lP: 4 l/2 Il{. AIR C0NTEi{T: 5.0% yET UIIIT UEIGHT: --- J08 SPECIFICATI0 S: SLUl.lP: Ill. AIR C0tlTEtlT: J( ITATER ADDED AT SITE -- cAL. CYLI}IDER I I,IFORI'IAT I OII 1{0. 0F CYLITIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x l?' TIIIE CYLITIDERS CAST: 1:10 PM IIHERE CAST: On-Si te CI'|R II{6 I IIFORWITIOI{ IIIiTIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEM0 AT LAB: 12-18-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: Heated Box BY: Dan l{ei I I ullt/t{AX AGE DAY S DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI.IETTR ( rr{cHEs) AREA (sQ rx) coilP . sTR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER VEl6HT (LBS} CYL] NDER UI{TT lIEIGHT ( PcF) I 7 28 2B 28H L2-24-93 12-24-53 I -14-94 1'14-94 1-14-94 1- l4-94 137,000 139 ,500 164,000 165,500 163 ,000 15?.000 6.05 5.98 6. 04 6.00 6. 04 5.99 26.75 28.09 28. 65 ?8 .?7 28.65 28. l8 4770 4970 5t20 5850 5690 5390 con/shear con/shear shear DESiGN STRENGTH 4000 PsI 0 28 DAYS TE5TS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE ]I{ ACCORDAIICE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I'IETHODS UNLES5 OTHERIIISE I{OTED SOHE II{FORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT HAY 8E PROVIDED 8Y OTHERS REIiIARKS: COPIES: R.A, l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai l ; Vestern .Mobi le; J V A, Inc.i Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Dan Neill Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULII iIG EI{6II{EERS AI{D SCIEI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. nlrtu.l protcctlon to cllents, th. publlc rnd ours.'lvci, all r.ports ara aubmlttcd as the corlldl.ntlrl pFop.rty otcllents, 6nd cuthorlr.tlon for publlcltlon of stttananti, Conclt|alon! or Gxtrlct3 tr-om oi.aglrdlrg our frapoFt3 ls r^€3ervad ?;"illtr::: }rrltteh approval. s.hpl.s rlll b. dl3poscd ot.lt.r tc3tlng ls conpletod unlca3;th€. irrangenintr !gr€.d to A |n€mb.r. ;{ the !l! group o.f eomprn{.3 Forrn tto. C!,tEll3A 6/91 T0: lftCx Enterprises JoB l{0. 4 t7g 93-3 DATE; l-7-94Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Buildlng, east of Uesthaven Drive and tlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road |lest, Vail, Colo. PLACTI'IEilT LOCATIOII :A-1 Elevator stai rs BATCH TICKET I I{FOR}IAT IOI{ TRUCK I0. 104 TIllE BATCHED: 12:51 TICKET 1{0. 0l-0968 TIUE ARRMD: 1:00 SUPPLIER: l,restern llobi le r,rlx DESIGil N0. 8-4500 TIME PLAOED: l:28 CU.YD. LoADlACCUlil: 717/28 FIELD TEST1NG INFORI,IATION SAMPLE TEIIP: 66"F AIR TEI.IP: 35'F TIl'tE TEST TAKEI{: l:33 SLUilP: 2-314 IN. AiR C0l'lTEt{T: 4.11 }JET UNIT |'|EIGHT: JoB SPECIFICATI0I{S: SLUilP: 4 IN. AIR C0t{TEt{T:612 X I'IATER AD0ID AT SITE 15 6AL. CYLITIDTR I}IFOR}'IATION 1{0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" III'lE CYLITIDERS CASTr l:43 IIHERE CAST: On-Si te cuR Il{6 I F0RilATI01{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 1- t 0-94 FIELD STORAGE BY: l,lJ FACILITIES: Heated job site trailer MI N/l,tAX 70 ACE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D ]AI.IETER ( il{cHES) AREA (sQ Irl) coilP . sTR . (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINt}ER },EI6HT (LBs ) CYLINDER UNIT IJE I6HT (PcF) 2S 28 28 28H 28H i-t4-94 t-14-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 128,000 124,s00 b. ud 5.98 29.03 28.09 44i0 4430 shear shear DESIGi{ STRENETH 4OOO PST @ 28 DAYS TE5T5 BY LABORATORY PERSOT{NEL ARE IX ACCOROAT{CE I.I]TH APPLICABTE ASTM I,IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERUISE ]{OTED SOI4E IIIFORI,IATIOIT OF TEST REPORT fiAT 8[ PROVTOEO BY OTHER5 REIIARKS: 1I non-chloride accel erator added to the mix concrete. COPIES: R.A. l{el son & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmy Pratt Schultz C. Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIl{6 EI{GII{EERS AND SCIENTi STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3. mutu.l prot.ctl6n to cll.ntt, th. pub'llc.nd our3.lve3, rll report3 .r'. subn{tt.d ri th. corfldl.ntlal proparty ot cllcnts, lnd luthorilrtlon lor publlcatlon of st.tcnEntt. Concluslons or sxtr.act: froh or r€glrdlng our r'.porta l3 r€a.tvrdpehdlng our hrltt.r .pproval. S.lrlplca |{ll] bc dlrpo3.d of rftrr t.3tlng ir complat.d ur1.s3 othcr tr'Parg.fii.ttta tgrced to A m.|'|b.r ;f thc E!!! group ol compnnlca Form tfo. CME113A 6/91 T0: l'lE0ll Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-10-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHETT I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding, east of Uesthaven Drive and l,lesti n Hotel , South Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIEIIT LOCAT IOI{ :Floor slab for unit C-4?. BATCH TICKET I NFORI,IATIO]I TRUCK ilo. I89 TI|IE EATCHED: 8:49 TICKET NO. O] Og76 TiilE ARRIVED: 9:18 TIHE SUPPLIER: l,lestern l'lobi le r,ilx DESI6I{ r{0. 8-4000 PLACED: 9;25 CU.YD.IOAD/ACCIlr: 7 /14/28 FIELD TESTiI{G INFORI.IATIOII SAIIPLE TE}IP: 62"F AIR TEI,IP: 2O"F TII'IE TEST TAKEI: 9:34 SLUl.lP: 4.0 I1{. AIR CONTEIIT: 3.91 tlET Ui{IT UEI6HT: 143.3 JOB SPECIFICATIOIIS: SLUHP: 4 It{. }lax AIR C0l{TEl{T: 3.0?( TAIER A0DED AT SITE GAt. CYLII{DER I IIFORMAT IOI{ l'10. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 4 CYLIIIDER SIZE; 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLII{DERS CAST: 9:44 IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CUR] NG I }IFORI.IATIO}I INITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site 0ATE RECEIVEO AT tAB: 1-11-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated trailer8Y: C.A.[ilu]lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (L8S) DIAI.,IETER ( TN0HES) AREA (sQ r|r) COMP,sTR. (Ps r ) TYPE OF FRACIURE CYLl NDER },E I GHT (LSS ) CYLINDER UI{IT UEIGHT (PCF) ., 28 28 28H Z8H 1-17-94 1- 17-94 2-7-94 2-7-94 2-7-94 z-7-94 113,500 110,000 5.98 5.98 28.09 28.09 4040 392 0 con/spli t snear OESIGI{ STRENGTH 4000 PsI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY P€RSOII}IEI- ARE ]tI ACCORDAIICE I'ITH APPLICABLE ASTM I,IETHODS UNLESS OTHTRIIISE I{OTED Sollt I t{F0RlilAT totl 0F TEST REPoRI ilAr SE PR0VI0E0 BY oTHERS REHARKS: l% non chloride are added to concrete. Samole obtained fron mixer truck. C0PIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, lnc.; I Town of Valll lJestern llobile; I J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schuitz; I Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays F]ELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY S8N-ZEEB /L I F'T5I DE ID : 13t1547636t55 f[u NETSON / LEEBConstruction Co. lnc. PRorEcT l-lFr$rbF, _ QUESTI ON:/'.\ serrorr tq o$ S - tt €ftpus CortrcRE"Te EgtNb Fo'+qt'g*- -ftuttt ,,{6rdsf T:j\LE & tl,crx ,r1uJ,.. fttr$ tS ^ Aeef ,-AEoR ( Ft tet srclE "[PR-rcA Trod * kJ = tr; oqLD 9cr66es l- PRIORITY: A, tltthin ?4 HoursB. t{tthin 72 Hours _C. lllthln I Ueek - DATE: VIA: I -fgrr{ ,1 ?tistetEe rt'PE wilnauanrro,rJ F Alt$il- gqs,:slgq -n] T?OOID€ csg'e IIT+CHED DRedlNtx$l D^€r.tr- hrand fax transmittal ffi€rno 7671 t ot ptgor r / * on*rvf 5,"G- S*t*-n" Co. ,d<.4t J fJrlE 6fi:*--Phona , F.r t I RESPONSE: Do€ Ta Tu€ L4466, €(€v4,7 to^t c, qa*6€t Af n,l"t/ fco71.16 stEtu n{a fess / gL€. eH4r6€) /'a B€&<tuc 'sla414 N€. 1(6q,Jt/l€ toott-G JT€fr 7o B€ n4P( dJ' SHout^t /.^) 5€cr to^t /7r/St, 4t '7tt 5 r€fJ r^ttrl 4N €11(4ttsn sr€f of /!" oft GR€1r€4'ut,y€n€ 74€ (Hn'{6 € / J €. (Eu4 | /o-r lJ 4e J J r44il /!o 4 vc ro 't /'4c€ rtal B{ ;:;;|;'-u-no, n r*c t^'t4LL EErQ €€'^t 'o'-"l"to :: :'t:"::f o/\ r.Eu 1J'- - - - u) t LL BE R€ a 'J t A6a tat t |tr -i.u4 - ,ul'fE: ?".t!... , .J ro Btil|r r"o,juoo,io'.".':;; r rl,., T/4 5.r't E/,-t{-,rron !'4o'-t 'J r.r B€ tQ r ttQ . ^rtFtt.,t_ /l_JE(T/ot 'r/S/l S/r/,q.e Nat €^C Dare: 8' tc ' 7s eotV t€-tt P A'n474n47 f<arf 5elr1.7?. oo I. l\:,/ ifl ae \ d P 3F Rtcl0 JAN . CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. n$CI JAN 2 I 1994 cor{sulrlNc Er{GIrlEERs ArlD sclEt{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l'lECll Enterpri ses JOB t{0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-17-94Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0, Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and ly'esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road tdest, Vall, Colo. PLACEI,IE]IT LOCATIOI{ :llalls; staircore A at Elev. l0l 8ATCH TICKET lflF0RllATl0N SUPPLIER: Uestern l,lobile fRucK i{0. 189 TtcKET t{C. 0l 1034 HIX 0ESI6 t{0. 39 TIll€ EATCHED: IZ:LZ TI}{E ARRIVED: 12:28 TIME PLACED: 12:40 CU.YD.L0AD/ACCUI,I: 65/65/13 FIELD TESTING ITIFORMTIOII SAI.IPLE TEI.IP: 66"F AIR TE}IP: 25"F TIl,fE TEST TAKEI{: 12:47 SLUIIP: 2 3/4 I1{. AIR C0I{TE T: 4.51 llET UI{IT IIEIGHT: 139.4 JOB SPECIFICAT i0l{S: SLUlilP: I1{. AIR C0l{TEtlT: Z IIATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER Il{FoRtlATIol{ ll0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLINOERS CAST: 12:57 I{HERE CAST: 0n-Site CURIHG ]i{FORI.IAIION INITIAL CURE: on-si te OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1-19-94 FIELt) STORAGE FACILITIES: BY: BH l,ll N/I{AX AGE DAYS OATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBs ) D IAI,,IETER ( Ir{cHEs) AR EA (sQ rN) c0r.rP . sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER tlE IGHT (LBs ) CYL I]{OER UlllT tlE I6HT ( PCF) 'l 7 28 28 28 28 1-24-94 t-?.4-94 ?-t4-94 z-t4-94 2- 14-94 ?-r4-94 127 ,000 123 ,000 6.08 6.08 29.03 29.03 437 0 4240 snear snear DESIGI{ SIRETIGTH 45OO Psi @ ?8 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSONNIL ARE II{ ACCORDAI{CE VIIH APPLiCAELE ASTI{ I.IETHODS UI{1E55 OTHERUISE NOTED SotilE lllroRfiATl0tl 0F TEST REPoRT l'lAY BE PRoVIDEo 8Y 0THERS REMARKS:lX non ch i ori de COPIES: R.A. t{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Vestern l,lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatfmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adarns Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY Ar a muttral pr"otectlon to cltcrts, the publlc and ourselves, .ll raFort3 rr. 3ubmlttrd as the conlldlentlrl pFop€rty of cll€nts, lnd asthorizatloh for publlcrtlol| of statemcnti. Concl{sions or extrrcts from or icgrrdlng ouY'r€porti l3 r€sarved p.ndlng our written lpprov!1. Slmpl€s wlll be dl3posed of lfter t€stlng l5 conpl€t€d unle's oth.r .rrangem€ntt rgr€ed to ln Fritl ng. A rnedb.r 6f th. E!! group of complnles Foftd xo. cHErl3a 6/91 th" CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SULTI I{G E]{GINEERS A]{D SCIEIITISTS REPORT OF CONCHETE TEST CYLINDER DATA Ai. mutual prot.ctlon to cllrnti, thc public lnd our3€lvG., r'll reportt ara 3ubnlttad 6s thc confldlcntl.l proPcrty ofc1lent3, and authonlzatlon for publlcatlon of statc|ncnts. Conclu3lons or.xtract3 from or r€gardlng our raport! l! rcsarvcdpending our wrltt.n.pproval. Sampl€s rlll b. dl3Fossd of.ftar tc3ting ls comploted unl€s3 othar lFrang€ir€nts .gFe€d toiD HrJting. A m€mb€t ot thc E!! group of conp.nl.s Forin tlo, CME113A 6/91 T0; llE0l't Enterprises JOB l't0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: l-20-94Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET t 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Driye and Uestln Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEl{T LOCATlOl{ :Slab-on-grade llechani cal Room BATCH TICKET I l{F0Rl,lAT I0l{ SUPPLIER: Uestern llobile TRUCK ll0. 104 TICKET tlo. 011063 MIX DtSIGlt flo. 44 w/fibers TI}IE BATCHED: unknown TIl,lE ARRIVED: 9:50 TIIIE PLACED: 9:56 CU. YD. L0AD/ACCUI,|: FIELD TESTIIIG ]NFORilATIOI{ SAI.IPLE TEIIP: 64'F AIR TEI.IP: 3OOF TIIIE TEST TAKEN: 10:04 SLtll,lP: 4.0 IN. AIR C0l{TEllT: 6.6X }lET UilIT IIEIGHT: JOB SPEC I FICATI0i{S: SLUttlP: 4 Il{. AIR COtlTEl{T: 3 rnax i6 UATER ADDEO AT SITE 5 6AL. CYLII{DER IIIFORI.IATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl.lE CYLINDERS CAST: 10:14 ITHERE CAST: On-Site CURI N6 1 TIFORI'IAT IOl{ I]{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1-21-94 FIELD ST0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated trailer BY: B. B.111N/MAX A6E DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD ( LBs) DIAI'IEIER (rNCHES) AREA (sQ rN) co$rP . sTR . (PSr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL]I{DER IJIIGHT (LBS) CYL IiIDER UIIIT UEI6HT ( PcF) 7 FC 7* 28 28H 28H r-27-94 r-27-94 L-27 -94 2-17-94 ?-17-94 z-17-94 89,500 90,000 70,500 5.99 5.99 6.07 28.18 28. l8 28.94 3180 3190 2440 snear shear sneaf DES IGI'I STREI,IGTH 4OOO PSI € 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAB0RAToRY PERsol{t{EL ARE ltl ACC0RDAIICE I,ITH APPLICABLE AST}'I METHoDS UIILESS 0THERi,ISE I{0TED soME INFoRtilATIot{ 0F TEST REPoRT MAY 8E PR0VIDED BY oTHERS RE]'|ARKS: 1l( non chloride added. * Thls cylinder was cured on site for six days with the concrete placed. COPIES: R.A, l{elson & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; tdestern ltlobi I e ;J V A, Inc.; Gwatlmey Pratt Schultz Carol yn Adams Bobby J, Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. C()i{SULTII{G EiIGII.IEERS A}ID SCIEl{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As e mutual protectlon to cllcnts, th€ publlc lnd our3clv.3r !Il icport3 are iubmitt€d as the confldl€nti+l proParty of cllants, and ruthDrlzltlon toi publ{catlon of statemant5. Concluslons or axtrrcts tronr or r€gardlng our report3 li rcacrvad pendlng our wrltt.n.pprovrl. Samples wlll b. dlsposcd of rftcr tcrtlng ls cohpl€ted unlaat other lrrang.n€nts rgrted toln wrltlng.A ncmber 6f th€ !f! gro'rp ot cohp.n ies Forn No. Cf'lEll3A 5/91 T0: lfECl'l Enterprlses J08 N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: t-?t-94Attn: Eustaouio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftside 8ui1din9, east of llesthaven Drive and trlestin Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLAgEI,IEI{T LOCATIOI{ :Staircore Al at elevation 111. BATCH TICKET I llF0Rl-lAT ION SUPPLIER: lJestern Mobile TRUCK fio. 16l TICKET lio. 01 10a2 flIX DESIGI| t{0. 39 TItfE BATCHED: 1:05 TIME ARRIVEO: 1:15 TIME PLACE0: l:20 CU.YD.L0A0/ACCUilI 7l2ll21 FIELD TESTII{6 I I{FORMATIOII TIME TEST TAKEII: 1: ?5 JOB SPEGI FICATIOIIS: SLtli.lP: 3-1/2 SLUI,IP: I . Il{. SAI4PLE TEI.IP: AIR COl{TEllT: 5.1% AIR CO]{TENT: % 57"F AIR TEHP: 45"F l,lET UNIT IIEIGHT: 137.1 },ATER ADOED AT SITE 3 GAL. CYLI},IDER IIIFORI'IATIOI{ N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLIIIDERS CAST: 1:35 l,tHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI l{G I NF0RttATIol{ IIIITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-Site DATE RECEIVE0 AT LAB: l-22-94 FIEID STORAGE FACILITIES: heated trai'lerBY: F. P.l{rNi r'rAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D]AI.IETER (INCHES) AREA (sQ Il{) co P. sTR. (PsI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL ]I'IDER UE IGHT (LBs) CYLIT{DER UI{ II UEISHT ( PCF) 7 1 FC7* 28 zd 28H 28H 1-28-94 1-?8-94 t-28-94 2-18-94 2- 18-94 ?-18-94 z- 18-94 126,000 128,000 60. 000 5.99 5.98 6.06 28.18 28.09 28.84 447 0 4560 2080 s hear snear shear DESIGT{ STREIIGTH 45OO PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOTI EL ARE ItI ACCORDAilCE \.IITH APPTICABLE ASTI.iI I{ETHODS UI.ILESS OTHERUISE I{OTED SOI.IE IIIFORI.{ATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT IIIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REIiIARKS :l% non chl ori de added.* This cylinder was cured with concrete placed on site for five days. lle were i nofrflEd that field cure test cyl inder may not have been in heated area of concrete placement, C()PIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc Tom of Vail; llestern l'lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY 6661 I i \;, CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI116 ENGI}IETRS A]{D SC] EI{T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r mutual protectlon to cli€nts, the publlc .nd ourrelves, .ll raPorts.re subtnitted !s the confidientltl prop€rty of ctr€rt3, .nd authortzrtton tor p!bttc6tion of st.tcments. Concluilans or cttrtcis fro|n or r.gardtng our r€ports 1:-I:.:lttdp€ndtng our rrittten.pproval. S.optrs wlrl be dlsposld ot .fter teeting l5 coftpl.ted uhless oth.r .rrang€inctrts t5F.co to in Frl t lng.a memrer 6r the !l! g.oup of conpdnie! Fonn Nc. CMErr3A 6/91 T0: l'lECl! Enterori ses Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 Vail. C0 81658-3149 JOB tiO. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 1-7-94 SHEET I OF 1 PROJECT: Liftside Building, east of lJesthaven Drive and l'rest i n Hotel , South Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEiIT LOCATIOI{ :A-1 Elevator stai rs SATCH TTCKET IIIFORIIAT IOI{ TRUCK t{0. 104 TIIIE EATCHED: l2:51 T ICKET t'10. 01-0968 TIl,lE ARRIVED; l:00 TIIlE SUPPLIER: llestern l,lohi I e HIX DESI6T'| ilo. 8-4500 PLACED: 1:28 CU. Y0.L0AD/ACCutl. 717128 FIETD TESTIIIG I I{FORT.iAT iOI{ 5AI'IPLE TEMP: 66T AIR TEI.IP: 35"F TillE TEST TAKEiI: l:33 SLUIIP: 2-314 ltl. AiR C0NT€llT: 4.1% UET UtllT UEi6HT: JOB SPECIFICATI0TIS: SLUl,lP: 4 I . AIR C0NTE T:6+2 X VATER A0080 AT SITE i5 GAL. CYLT OER IIIFORIIATIOI{ li0. 0F CYLIT'IDERS: 6 CYLIIIOER SIZE: 6"x l?" TIHE CYLIiIDERS CAST: 1:43 tlHERt [AST: On-Site CURING I NFORI.IAT IOt{ It{ITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site oATE RECEIVED AT LA8: t-10-94 FIELD SI0RAGE FACILITIES: Heated job site trailer BY; ltJ MINIMAX 70 AGE DAYS OATE TTSTTD TOTAL LOAD (L8s ) DIAI{ETER ( rilcHEs) ARTA (sQ rN) COMP. STR . (PSl) TYPT OF FRACTURE CYL II{DER l{E I OHT (LBS ) CYL I IIOER UI{I T IJE IGHT (PcF ) 7 28 28 ?8 28H 28H l-r4-94 i-t4-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 128 ,000 124 ,500 148, s00 160,000 159,500 159.000 6. 08 5.98 5.98 5.98 s.99 5.99 ?9.03 28.09 28.09 28.09 28.18 ?8. 18 4410 4430 5290 5700 5660 5640 snear shea r con/sp1 i t con/sp1i t con/spl i t conl sp l i t DTSIGTI STRII,IGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 DAY5 TTSTS 8Y LABORATORY PTRSOI{NTL ARE IIi ACCOROANCE !IITH APPLICABLF ASTIl METHODS UIIITSS OTHERI,IISE I{OTED SOI.IE II{FORIIAIIO OF TEST REPORT I,{AY 8E PROVIOED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS: l?6 non-chloride accel erator added to the mix concrete. COPIES: R.A. llel scn & Associates, Inc,; Town of Vail; hlestern Mobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz;C. Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELD OE5ERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULIIIIG EIIGIIIEERS AflD SC IEI{IIsTs REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A3 a muturl protection to clients, th. Fubllc lnd ourr€lv€3, .ll r.ports lre 3ubnltt€d !e the confldientl.tl Prop€rty of cti€ntE. 6nd arthorlration loF publlcrtlon of stitemcnts. Corclu3ions or €rtr.ct3 troit or r€gardlng our reports ls ro3.rv€d p€nding our written approval- Srmples uill bc dlBposcd of .ftcr t€stlng l! conplcted unless otheF lrr.ng.m.nts .gr€.d to A nernb€r ;r the !-!! gro'rp of comp.nres Fonn No. cME113a 6/91 T0: M[Cll Enterprises JOB N0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1-10-94Attn: Eustaqui o Cort ina P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Llftside Bui]dinq, east of l{esthaven orive and l{esti n Hotel , South Frontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEIIITIT LOCATIOII:Floor slab for unit C-4?. BATCH TICKEI I NFORI.IAT IOI{SUPPLIER: |lestern l.lobi I e tllx oESI6N N0. 8-4000 PLACED: 9:25 CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCU|,|: fl14/28 TRUCK tio. 189 TII'{E EATCHED:8:49 TICKET tio. 010976 TIIIE ARRIVEO: 9: 18 T I I'IE FIELD TESTIIIG lllF0RlAllOt{ SAI'IPLE TEI'IP: 62'F AIR TEiIP: 20"F TII'IE TEST TAKEI{: 9:34 SLUl,lP; 4.0 ltl. AIR COI{TEi{T: 3.91 VET Ui{IT IIEIGHT: 143.3 JOB SPICJFICATI0IIS: SLUiIP; 4 ]lt. tlax AIR COI{TENT: 3.01 VATER ADDED AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORT,IATIOII N0. 0F CYLII'IDERS: 4 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLINDERS CAST: 9:44 I/HERE CAST: On-Slte FIELO ST0RAGI FACILITIES: Heated trailer lrI N/MAXBY: C.A. CURII{G IiIFORI'IAIIOI{ Il'llTIAL CURE: 24 hours on-Site DATE RECEIVTD AT LAB: 1-Il-94 AGE DAYS DATE TESTE D TOTAL LOAO (LBS ) DIAI4ETER ( TNCHES) AREA (sQ rr{) COMP . STR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I NOER TIE IGHI (LBS ) CYL]IIOER UIIIT lilEI6HT ( PCF) 7 7 ?8 a6 28H 28H l-17-94 l-t7-94 2-7 -94 ?-7 -94 2-1-94 2-7 -94 t 13,500 1 10,000 150,000 r47 ,500 150,000 152.000 5.98 5.98 6.08 5.07 5.98 5.98 ?6.09 28.09 29.03 28.94 28.09 28.09 4040 39?0 517 0 5100 5340 5410 con/spl i t snear con/shear con,/shea r con/shear shear OESIGN STRE}IGTH 4OOO PSI @ 28 OAYS IEsT5 BY LABORATORY PERSOiII{EL ARE It{ ACCOROAI{CE VlTH APPIICABLE ASTII IiIETHOOS UI'IIEsS OTHERVISE I{OTEO SOI'|E I I'IFORI.{AT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIOED BY OTHERS REMARKS: 1% non chloride are added to concrete. Sample obtained from mixer truck. CoPIES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, Inc.; I Town of Vail; llestern Mobile; IJ V A, lnc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz; I Crrolyr Adams Bobby J. Hays FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y o o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COIISULTI116 EIIGII{EERs AIIO SCIENT TSTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. rtrutq.l protoctior\ to €ll€nt3. the Fubtic lnd ourrclv€.1 rl1 reports r.€ sub.nittcd as the confidienti.l Propertv ol cll€nts, and luthort4tfon for publlcr!ian of st.t€mcnts. Conclu3ionEror eitracts from or re9!rdin9 our..porti it r€5€rved p€lding our wrltt€4 npprov.l. iasple3' Hi'lt be di3pos.d ot lfter teeting is compl€ted unl€ss oth€r .rr.ngeo?nts .gf€ed lo ln uri t I og, A R|nb;r;f th€ tlIH group of coap.niet form No. s$€'t l3A 6,t91 T0: l,lECl.l Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 oATE: 1-26-94 Attn: Eustaquio Cort i na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F I Vail, C0 81658-3149 PRoJEET: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ltest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IEI{T LOCATIOI{: Stalr core Al EATCH TICKET Il{F0RlnTtOt{ SUPPIiER: tlestern Hobile TRUCK t{0. 161 TICKET ilo. 0l 1099 lllx DESIGH tlo. TIHE BATCHED: 10:27 TIIIE ARRIVED: 10:47 TIHE PLACEO; lt:00 CU.YD.LoAD/ACCUH: FIELD TESTING II{FORI,IATION SAi'IPIE TTIIP: 65"F AlR TEI{P: 3O"F TtllE TEST TAKET{: 1l:14 SLUIIP: 4.0 It{. AIR C0IITENT: 1 I UNIT IJIIGHT: JOB SPECIFICATIONS: SLUIIP: Itl. AIR COI{TEI{T: X VATER A0080 AT slTE 6At. CYLII{DER INFORI'IATIOII N0. 0F CYL IiIDERS: 7 CYttNDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII{E CYLIt{0ER5 CAST; 1l:24 I/HERE CAST; 0n-Si te cuRIfl6 Il{FoRl,lAT tot{ I l{I T IAL CURE: 24 hours OATE RECE I VTD AT LA8: 0n-5ite I -28-94 FIELO 8Y: STORAGE FACILITIES: c. A. heated tra i ler except f,,ll N/I{AX field cyl AGt DAY S DAT E TE STED TOTAL LOAD (LBs ) O IAI'iETER ( I r.rcHEs ) AREA (sq ril) cot'tP. sTR . (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYL I!IOER VE IGHI (L8s) CYt I IIDER UIIIT I{EI6HT ( Pcr) 7 7 7* za 2A z8H 28H 2-2-94 2-2-94 ?-2-94 ?-23-94 2-23-94 2-?3-94 ?-23-94 u6,500 l1B , 500 121,000 o.uf, 5.99 5.99 28.7 5 ?8. 18 28. 18 4050 4 210 4290 shear shear con/shea r DTSI6N STRINGTH 45OO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PTRSOIII{EL ARE III ACCOROANCI VITH APPLICABL€ ASII4 METHODS UNLESs OTHIRI.IIsE TIOIEO SOIIE I}IFORHATIOI,{ OF TTST RIPORT TIAY 8E PROVIDID BY OTHERS R[!4ARKS: LI non ch'loride accelerater added to inix.* Field Cure test cylinder was placed in area where concrete was placed (stair core A1 at elev.) for 48 hours. COPItS: R.A. ilelson & Associates. Inc fown of Vail; l,restern l.lobile; J V A, lnc.; &rathney Pratt schultz Caro'lyn Adams Eobby J. Hays F]ELD OBSERVER APP?]VED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. cot.|sulTIlt6 EncIt{EtRs A1{0 ScIE T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: l,lEcl.l Enterprises JOB fi0. 4 t7B 93-3 DATE: l-ZB-94Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of Uesthaven Drive and t{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road lJest, Vail, Colo, PLACEfTEI{I LoCATIo : Slab at Unit C-52 BATCH TICKET IllF0RHATIOtl SUPPLIER: ly'estern l.{obi I e rRUCK 0. 150 TICKET l{0. 01119 iltx DESIGil N0. 84000 TII'fE BATCHED: 9:?B TIiIE ARRIYED: 9:55 TlltlE PLACED: l0:18 CU. Y0. L0AO/ACCttll: 7/I4l2A! FIELO TESTII{6 i t{ FORI'|AT I01{ SAIIPLE TEI'IP: 64"F AIR TEttP: 30"F TIl.lE TEST TAKEII: !0:?2 SLUf,lP: 5 3/4 I1{. AIR C0f{TEl{T: 5.6% tlET UNIT IIEIGHT: 136.0 JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLU}IP: I1{. AIR C0t{TEt{T: % I|ATER ADDEO AT SITI 6GAL. CYL I IIDER II{FORHATIOl{ N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 7 CYLIiIDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLIiIDIRS CAST: l0:3? UHERE CAST: On-Site CURING IilFoRtlATI0t{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 1-29-94 FIELD ST0RACE FACILITIES; heated trailer 8Y: C. A. l4l N /HAX DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (t8s) D I AI{ETER ( TNCHES ) AREA (SQ IN) C0l,tP. STR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLI tIDER I.'E IGHT (Lss) CYLI TIOER UNIT lifE I6HI (PcF) 7 7 FC7 ?8 t6 ?8H 28H ?-4-94 2-4-94 2-4-94 2-25-94 z-25-94 2-25-94 2-25-94 9t,500 92 ,500 94.000 6.08 6.00 O. UJ 29.03 2A 27 28.56 3150 3?7 0 3?90 snear shear shear DES IGI,I STRENGTH 4000 Pst 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATOdY PERSONNEL ARE I1{ ACCOROAIICE I.'ITH APPLICAELE ASTM I',IETHODS UNLESS OTHER!'ISE NOTED sOI.|E INFORMATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIOEO BY OTHERS REI{ARKS: 1% non chloride accererater added to this mix. Sanole obtained from mi xer truck discharge. Field cure cylinder near stair core south and Hest of unit C-52. CoPIE5: R.A. l{el son & Associates, Inc Town of Vai I ; Uestern I'tlobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVIR APPROVED BY As . mutual protcctlon to cl{ents, the public .nd ourse'lves, rll r€ports arc aubt$itt€d as the confldienti.l prop€rty of clients, rnd ruthorl:!tlon for publlcatlon of 3t.t.n.nt3. Conclusior|s ar €xtr.cts frorn o. rcg.rding our r.porta l3 reseFv€d pendlng our wrltt.n rpprov.l. satnpl.3 nlll bc dlspos.d ol aftlr testlng li cMpleted uhl€ss oth€r lrr.nEcd.nts .gFccd toin writing. A mendr€r of tha HIH arouD of con!.nles Form No. cf,iEt:.3A 6191 tl.,-,-.^ - CHEN-NOHTHERN, INC. COI{SULTIIIG ETIGI IIEERS AIIO SCIETITISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: llECll Enterpri ses JOB l{0. 4 178 93-3 IIATE: 1-31-94Attn: Eustaouio Cort i na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of !,esthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tlest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI'IEIIT LOCATIO :Footing pads at grid lines 0 & P.6. BATCH TICKET lt{FORllATION SUPPLIER: Uestern l,lobi le IRUCK fio. 16l TICKET ilo. 011134 t'{rx 0ESI6|{ r{0. #39 TIl,lE BATCHED: 1:05 TIl,lE ARRM0: l:20 TIl,lE PLACED: l:54 CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI{: FIELO TESTII{G IIIFORI'IATION SAI,{PLE TEMP: 58"F ATR TEfiP: 5 "F TIHE TEST TAKEN: 2:04 SLUIIP: 4 It.|. AIR C0llTEt{T: 6.2% lrET UNIT llEI6HT: 135.2 JOB SPECIFICATIOI{S: SLUMP: lll. AIR C0]{TENT: % I,,ATER ADDEO AT SITE GAL. CYLINDER INFORI.IATION ll0. 0F CYtll{OtRS: 7 CYLIT{DER SIZE; 6nx 12" TIME CYLIT{DERS CAST; VHIRE CAST: 0n-Site CURI G II{FORI-IATIO INITIAL CURE: 24 hours 0n-5ite OATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: 2-2-94 FIELo SIoRAGE FACILIIIES: heated trailer 8Y: f. P.HIN/MAX AGE OAYS DATE TEsTIO TOTAL LOAD ( r8s ) OIAIIETER ( l|icHEs ) AREA (sQ rx) COHP. STR. (Psl ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINDER VEIGHT (LBs) CYL I]IDER UNIT !'E ICHT (PcF) 7 7 FC 7 ?8 ?8 28H 28H ?-7 -94 2-7 -94 2-7 -94 2-28-94 2-28-94 2-?8-94 ?-28-94 107 102 10/ 500 000 000 6.07 6.05 6.08 28.94 ?s.75 29.03 3 710 3 550 369 0 shear shear shear DESI6N STRITIGTH 45OO PSI @ 28 DAYS TESTS BY LAEORATORY PIRSOI{I{EL ART II{ ACCOROANCE VITH APPLICAELE ASTI-I HTTHODs UI{LE5S OTHERIIISE NOTED SOHE II{FORUAIION OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REHARKS;1% non chloride accelerater added to nix. Field cure cylinder placed with concrete on site. COPIt5: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc.; Toxn of Vail; llestern llobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Carolyn Adans Bobby J. Hays FIELD OESERYER APPROVED BY As I mutual prot€ction to clilnts, th. public ind ourselvls, all report3 lre submitted et th. confldl.ntlal PropQrty ot clients. lnd .uthoilzrtlon for publlcation of 3tat.n nt3. Conclu5lons or ert!'.cts from or reg.rdlng our r.portc ls reterv.d pend'lng our r|rltt.n approvdl. S.nplcs },ill b. dliposcd of aft€r t.3ting ir cd|wlet€d unl.3s oth€r lt'ruhgc,i.tts tgr.ed toih wrlting. A nslnber ;f the !l! group of companies Fofln No. ctl€11s4 6/91 ,o BAf,t l' 7 1::it,iri{\ CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. COIISUTTII,IG EIIGI I{EERS AND SCTENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA To: [ECl4 Enterpfises JOB ito, 4 ,|78 93-3 DATE: lZ-14-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.0, Box 3149 SltEgT I oF 2 Vai l, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Building, east of uesthaven Drive ard lrestin Hotel, South Frontage Road Hest, Vait, Coto. PLACEIIEIT LoCATlo[: Elevatof !ta[ ts. BATCH TICKET IIIFORI|ATIOI| $rPPtlER: Hestern i{obi te TRUCK 0, 150 TICKET 1{0. 10805 rX DEsrGlt [O. 39 TIIIIE BATCHED: 9:28 AM TII{E ARRIVED: 9:50 AI.I 'ITIE PLACED: 1O:OO A[CU. YD. LOAD/ACCUI.I: 65 FIELD IESTTNG TIFORI.IATIOI{ SAilPLE TEiIP: 58 OF AtR 'EI'IP: 38 OT TIlilE TEST IAKEiI: 10:10 A|t| SlUilPr 4 lll. AIR CONTEIT: 5.41 t,ET UilrT UEIGflT: JOB SPECIFICATTOI{S: SLUi{P3 II{. AIR CONTEIT: X IATER ADDED AT SITE O GAL. CYL I iIDER I NFORI,IATIOil tlo. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLINDER SIZE: 6rrx 12" TIl.tE CYLIilDERS CAST: 10:20 trt{ tltlERE CAST: on-Site CUR I ltc llrlFoRllATtolt INITIAL CURE: Fietd Cure DATE RECEIVED AI LAB: FIELD BY: STORAGE FACILITIES: Hot Box !ll tl/l,lAx AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAL LOAO (LBS) D IAI{EIER fl[cHES) AREA (sq rN) cotP.sTR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTUTE CYLI}IDSR t{E I GHT (LBS) CYLIIIDERullr HEtclt' (PCF) 7A 7A e8A 28A ?8A 28H 17-71-94 12-21-93 1- 11 -94 1-11-94 1- 11-91 1-11-91 138,000 145,000 6.03 6.08 ?8.56 ?9.O3 4830 4930 conlspt i t shear DESI GII STREIIGTH 4OOO PSI A 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSO}IIIEL ARE IiI ACCORDAIICE !'ITH APPLICABLE AS'I.I iIETHOOS UIILESS OIIIERIIISE IIOTED SOI'IE INFORXATION OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI,IARKS: COPIES: R.A. lletson & Associates, Inc.; ITorn of Yail,- llestern obile,. IJ V A, lnc.i G|,athmey Pratt Schuttz; I oan l,leitt Bobby J. HaysI FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY As e mutu€l proloolion to olionts, th€ publio and ouirolvG, sll rcport6 ar6 aubmlllad as the confidiontial proporty ot clienls, and 6uthori!6lion for publicgllon of statoments, Conclugionr or erdracls trom or rogardino our reporta is rorervgd p€ndino our wrifton approval. 9ampl€ will b. dl6po3.d of rllar ta6ting ir clmplri€d unl6s6 olhar affangq/nanle agrccd lo in wriling. A m6mb6r of lh€ !l!l group of companieo Form No. CMEI 13A 6/91 o CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. co sulTmc EI|GnEERS A D SCI EltT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: ilECli Enterprises JoB lto. 4 178 93-3 DATE! 12-14-93Attn: €ustaquio Cortina P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET Z OF 2 vai t, co 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Liftside Buitding, east of Uesthaven Drlve and lrestin Hotel, south Frontage Road ttest, vail, colo. PLAC€l'lEllT LoCATlo : Etevator ltatts BATCN TtcKET I ltFORftAT tol{ suppLtER: t estern obile TRUCK lto. 150 TtcKET [0. 10811 IX DESTGX lto. 39 TlifE BATCHED: 12=52 PL TIllE ARRTVED: 1105 Pt{ TtlE PLACED: 1:10 PH CIr . YD . LOAD/ACCU : 56 FIELD TESTTNG t It FORI'IAT I cNI SAIiIPLE TEIiIP: 58 OF AtR TEilP3 42 OF TltilE TESI TAKEI: 1:20 Pll SLUI{P: 3 3/4 r[. AIR CoxIElT: 4.8f ]ET t]ltl tJElct{T: JoB SPECIFICATIo|{S: SLUI{P: ltl. AIR CONTEilTt % IIATER ADDED AT SITE 0 GAL. CYLIiIDER I IIFORI,IAT I ON tlO. 0F CYLIITDERS: 6 CYLI)IDER SIZE: 6"x ,|2'' TIIIE CYLIIDERS CAST: 1;30 Pl'l IIHERE CAST: Ch-Site cuRl[G tirFoR ATI0rl IIITIAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te F IELD BY3 STORAGE FACILITIES: Trai ter t{m/ Ax AGE DAYS DAT E TESTED TOTAL LOAD (LBS) D I AI.IETER ( mcHEs) AREA (s0 rx) c0 P. sTR. (PSt ) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIilDER !,EIGHI (rBs) CYLIIIDER UIIIT TIE IGH- (PCr) 7s 78 288 288 zBs 28N 1Z-?1-93 1?-21-93 1-11-94 1-11-94 l -11-94 1 -11-94 135.000 153,500 6.08 6.01 29.O3 28.65 4650 4660 sneaf con/shear DEStGlt STRE GTfi 4000 PSI O 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORAIORY PERSONNEL ARE lN ACCORDATICE lllTll APPLICABLE ASTl,l !{ETHODS UIILESS OTl{ERlllSE 1{0TED SON.IE I I{ FORI,IAT I OII OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PRWIDED BY OTHERS REl|ARKS: COPIES: R.A. Ielson & Associates, lnc.; ITorn of Vail; llestern l,lobi te; IJ V A, Inc.; GHathrrey Pratt Schultz; I Dan ileil.t Bobby J. Says I FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY At a mulu6l protootion to oli6nt', the publio rnd our'olver,6ll Epodt aro submitt6d a6 th6 aon{idi€nliel prop.rty of cli€ntr, and authorization lor publication ol stltamanG, Corrclusions or axtr€cts from or regerding our rcporls ie rerervod pending oul writt.n spprovsl. Ssmples will b€ di.po6ed ol 6lt6r t€3ting is complctad unlesa othgr arrangem€ntr 6gro€d to in wriling, A mombgr ot th6 HIH group ot compsni6s Form No. CME113A 6/9l o leet t Z Clo0lld CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. CO}ISULTING II{6II{EERS ANO 5CIE]{T I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA T0: tlECtl Enterprises JOB f{0. 4 178 93-3 0ATf: 12-9-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SHEET I 0F IVaiI, C0 01658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Orive and Llestin Hotel , South Frontage Road l,lest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHET{T LOCATlol{: East Slab. BATCH TICKET I I,IFORI4AT I OI{ TRUCK NO. 102 TI}{E BATCHED: 7:45 AM TICKET flo. 10760 TI E ARRIVE0: 8:00 At{ SUPPLIER: 'l'lesterfl ilobi Ie l,llx DEsl0t{ tlo. 44 TIiIE PIACE0: 8: l5 All-CU. YD.t0Atl/ACCUlt 28 FIELD TESTING It{FoRl4ATt0N SAf'IPLE TEI'IP: 65 "F AIR TEI'IP: 38 "F TIt'tE TEST TAKEN: 8:20 Al'l SLUMP: 4 1/4 It{. AIR C0l{Tt]{T: 5.4fl UtT Ut{lT ll€IGHT: JOB SPECIFICAT IOTIS: SLUHP: II{. AIR COI{TEI{T: fi I/ATER AOOED AT SIIE -- GAL. CYLiNDER I ilFORHAT ION tlO. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYIINOER SIZE: 6"x 12" TII'IE CYLIII0ERS CAST: 8:35 Al.l IIHERE CAST: On-Slte cuR tNc It{F0Rl'lATl0t{ INITIAL CURE: 24 hour$ OATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-S i te 12- l0-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES : BY: Dan Neil l l.'ll N/UAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTED TOTAT LOAD (L8s) OIAHETER ( lt{cHEs } AREA (sQ ilr) COMP.STR. (Psr) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLIHOER VE IGHT tLBs) CYt IIiDER UNIT UEIGHT (PcF) I 7 28 28 28 e8 12- 16-93 12- l6- 93 1-6-94 1-6-94 t-6-94 1-6-94 111 ,500 ll2,500 6.07 6.08 28.94 29.03 3850 3870 shea r shear DESIGII STRENGTH 4000 PSI G 28 DAYS TISTS BY LAEORATORY PERSONNET ARE IN ACCORDAI{CE IIITH APPLICABLE A5I'{ HITHOOs UIITESS OIHERI'ISE NOTEO 5O}1E IIIFORMATIOfl OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS R EI.IARKS : COPIES: R.A. t{el son & Associates, Inc.; Town of Vail; l{estern l.lobile; J V A, Inc.; Gwatfmey Pratt Schultz;Dan llejll Bobby J. HaYs FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED BY As a mutull protectlon to cll€ntr, th. publlc cllehts, .nd.uthor{zetlon lor publlcltlon otperdlnt orrr Frltte|l rpgt^ov. t. S.,!pl.s t{l ll b€{n wFl t Ing. A mehb€r o{ the El! group of comp.nlos .nd oorsclv€., .l l rlport3 stltcmefitt. Concl ut lons or dlspor€d ot .fter tcstlng ar. rub.iltt€d .! th€ €onfldiehtl!'l proFGrty of attracts trom or rcgardlog olr raPortt l3 r€3€rved l3 conFl.tGd unlats oth.r ar^r.ngsnants agr.€d to Forit No. c erl3A 6/91 CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. GOI{SULTIIIG EI{GINEERS AI{D SCIETIT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. 'rutual protectton to clJerrt5, thc publtc rnd our3.lves, rll r.porti rre strbmltt€d 13 th. confidl€ntlsl property ol clienti! rnd ruthoil:.tion for publlcation of 3t.t€|nerts. Concluslons or Gxtr.acti trom or ragrrdlng our reportt l3 r€s€rv€dpending our wrlttcn apgroval. Srtapl€s wltt b€ dlsposed ot dfter tastlng is conFlet.d unl€ss othEr.rrangem€ntt agrecd toin w|lting, A inernber of th. ElE group of complnles Forrn No. CMElr3A 6/91 T0: iIECM Attn P.0. Vai l PROJECT : Enterpri ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149 c0 81658-3149 Liftside Bui l di ng, JOB t{0.178 93-3 0AlE: 11-18-93 SHEET I OF I Frontage Road Vest, Vail, Colo,easr of Uesthaven orive and \lesti n Hotel South PLACEIIEiIT LOCATIOI{: tJalls. EATCH TICKET Ii{F0RMATI0I{ SUPPLIER: lJestern iloblle TRUCK N0. 150 TICKET t{0. 01-0604 t'{tx D€SI6|{ tro. 44 TIME BATCHED: 12:43 Pll TIIIE ARRIVEO: l:00 PM TIIIE PLACED: 1:35 Pl,l-CU. YD. L0AO/ACCUH: 7 FIELD IESTIiIG I NFORI.IAT I OI{ TIl,lE TEST TAKET{: --- JO8 SPEC]FICATIOI{S: SAI.|PLE TEMP : -- 'F AIR TEI.IP: -- "F SLUtlP: 41/4 It{. AIR C0tlTEt{T: 4.9% t/ET Ul{lT ITIEIGHT:SLullP: Ii{. AIR COllTEt{T: X li,ATER ADDED AT SITE --- 6AL. CYL ItiDER II{FORMAT I OII tio. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLIT{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIME CYLII{DERS CAST: 1:15 Plt UHERE CAST: On-Site CURIT{G I I{FORI.IAT ION Il{ITIAL CURE: 0n-5ite DATE RECTMD AT LAB: l1-23-93 FIELD STORAGE FACIL ITIES: 8Y: llark Jensen lll N/tlAX AGE DAYS DATE TESTT O TOTAT LOAD (LBs) DIAI.IETER ( r NCHES ) APEA (sQ rN) co P. srR. (PS r ) IYPE OF FRACTURE CYL]IIDER I.'E IGHT (L8s) CYLI'IDER UNIT IJEIGHT (PCF) o o 28 2A 28 a6 11-24-93 11-24-93 12-16-93 12-16-93 I ?-16-93 109,000 112 ,500 171,000 151 ,500 157 ,000 162.000 6. 08 5.99 6.07 5.98 5.98 5.98 29. 03 28. 18 28.94 28.09 28.09 28.49 3750 399 0 5910 539 0 5590 5770 shear con/shear con/sp1 i t con/shear con/sp1 i t conlspl i t DESiGN STREHGTH 4000 Pst @ 28 oAYs TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOII]IEL ARE ItI ACCORDA]ICE IIITH APPLICABLE ASTI'I I.IETHODS UHLESS OTHERI.,ISE NOTED SOME I]{FORMATIO OF TEST REPORT IIAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI.IARKS : CoPIES: R.A. elson & Associates, Inc Iown of Vail; Uestern l.fobile; J V A, lnc.; Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Sobby J. Hays FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI'ISULTII{6 Ei{GIXEERS AIIO SCI EI{TISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA A., . mutuat prot.ctlon to clt!nt3, thc publlc rnd orrgelves, .'ll r.porti nr. suthltted.5 th. contldl.nttll proP.rty of cllents, .nd authoFtultlon for publlcatlon of 3trt€ments. Conclusions or extrrcta trom or r.glrdlhg our r.Fortt !l-t?a!rv.dp€nding our wrlttsn approvrl. Samplcs rl11 b. dlrpos.d of.ft.r tcstlng l3 coaDl.trd unl.it othcr arrrng'dn nti agr..c to in wr^iti ng.a ni,ir6ii 6t th€ !f! grooF of c.mrplni€. Form No. c$lEll3A 5/91 I0: i{ECl,l Enterprlses J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 1!-17-93Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEIT I 0F IVaiI, C0 81658-3149 PROJECT: Liftslde Building, east of Uesthaven Dlive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road ltest, Vail, Colo. PLACEfiEIII LOCAIIOII;ldalls; P 5 thru on S - 2nd lift. BATCH TICKET ItiF0RllATIOt{ SUPPLIER: llestern ilobile TRUCK NO. 189 TICKET IiO. IO3 I,IIX DESIGH IIO. 44 TIHE BATCHEI): 12:18 Pttl TIIIE ARRIVED: TIIIE PLACED: CU.YD.L0A0/ACCLil: 7 FIEID TESTII{G I IIFOR}IAT I O'{ TIl.lE TEST TAKET{: --- JOB SPECIFICAT IOI{S: SAI,IPLE TEIIP: AIR Ttl,lP: SLUMP: 4 Il{. AIR C0t{TEt{T: 4.9X trET UNIT llElGHT: ---SLUMP: l1{. AIR C0I{TE]{T: X l,lATER ADDE0 AT SITE --- GAL. CYLINDER INFORI.IAIIOI{ N0. 0F CYLIIIDERS: 6 CYLII{DER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl,lE CYLII,IDERS CAST: UHERE CAST: On-Site cuR I r'16 IilF0Rr,4ATIotl TNITIAL CURE: 48 hours 0n-Sire DATE RECEIVEO AT LAB: l1-19-93 FIELD STORAGE FACILITIES: --- BY: tlark Jensen HII{/MM AGE DAYS DATE ttJtcu TOTAL LOAD (LBs) D IAMETER (tr,rcHEs) AREA (sQ rN) colrP . sTR. { PSr } TYPE OF FMCTURE cyU DER IIE IGHT (LBS) CYTII{DER UIIIT I'EI6HT (PCF) 7 7 28 z8 28 ?8 l1-?4-93 t 1-e4-93 12- l5-93 12- l5-93 12- 15-93 l2-15-93 102,500 99 ,500 t38,500 143 ,000 l4z ,500 138.000 6.08 6. 06 5qq 6.00 6.00 5.99 29.03 ?8.84 28.18 28.27 ?8.27 28. 18 3530 3450 4910 5060 5040 4900 shear shear con/shear con,/shear coni/shear con/shear DESIGI{ STREl{GTH 4000 Psl @ 28 OAYS TESTS 8Y LABORATORY PERSOIIT{TL ARE III ACCORDAIICE I{ITH APPTICABLE ASTI,I I.IETHODS UI{LESS OTHERT'IS€ i{OTTD SOME II{FORI'IATION OF TEST REPORT I.IAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS: Location was provided by representative of R.A- llelson & Associates. COPiES: R.A. Nelson & Associates, 1nc.; Tovrn of Vai I ; hlestern l,lobi I e; J V A, Inc.; Gwattmey Pratt Schultz;Sandi R. gody Bobby J. Hays FIELD ()ESERVER APPROVEO 8Y , '1,'-, '' -i .a|' CHEN-NORTHERN, TNC. C0IISULT Illc EllGlllEERS AllD SCIEI'lTISlS REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITTES Io: f,lEctl Enterprises J08 llo. 4 178 93-3 DATE] la-15-93Attn: Eustaquio Cortina P.o. Box 5149vait, co 81658-3119 DAILY REPoRT ll0. 30 SHEET 1 oF 1 PROJECT: Liftside Buitding east of tteathaven Drive and iJestin ilotet, South Frontage Road tJest, Vait, Colordo. REFORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL The reld that Has found missing ard the botts that xere found loose during our Decerber 6, 1993 visit rere reinspected and are noH acceptabte. The 5/4" A 525 botts ard the 5/16'r fitlet uel.ds uere visuatty observed at etevation 69'6ttl74'911 b€tveen crid Lines o-s and 21.5-31 . The botts and wetds lere fowd to be acceptable. The 1/4r Fddte xetds and shear studs Here checked at elevation 48' 6n 153' gtt betHeen Grid Lines 0-S ard 21.5-31. The puddte retd6 Here fotrd to be acceptabte but many shear atrds faited xhea they Bere acousticalty tested. Approximatety 201 of the studs broke off at the reld Hhen struck vith a hgmr|er, The studs xere reptaced during rny visit and tere acousticalLy test€d ard found to be acceDtabte. COPIES: R.A- Netson & Associates, Inc.,Attn: llr. Rick Agat€,' J.V-A., Inc.; Gxathmey Pratt Schut tr;Darrel [ ]luss FIELD OBSERVER Fred R. Cameron APPROV€D BY A3 r.lutuel prot.ctlon to clients, th€ publlc and ours€lv€s. .'ll reports rp€ submltted 13 th. confidenti6l Frop€rty of our cll.nts' rnd {uthoriz.tia; for publlcatlon of strt€m€nt. Concluslons or e,(trncts irorn or regardlng our r€porti l! rcaervcd pending our wrlttclr rpprovrl ' Samples wtll bc disposed of after terting l3 conpteted unless oth€r .rr.ngem€nt3 lre rgrlcd to ln wrltlng. A rnember of the [!! group of comprnl€s frxtt ro. orcro1 t/tl .... -, efrtrf .r LZr Llr9l t2. gt o E 3O3!a?0315 l'loE o! DEHUER ulrf,Ast[trc rlFoBI Page I of-f P.o.b.Jeff!* oild n._!5JaI#_xpcq-g4i!-ttFffiif,:EJlglfi ttffi lrisprctton,Inc. w QgeN 1{omteu't, lilc' J rF Ztt+y.atl +dn#ra fi-E fr/. rf Z .-, g6re'*r+r"*+-r. gag lSrr'a'* -516-r* ?lrr? *'dtql'.rl+,iiAtax F'S V ft1.4'-. tEd Ptftn*W#,evt & za' Yn- *WS,- {&c6 Atl"Wn,^ .l@bt,u* &t-'4" turrrreffi 4Z.8.lfr'?t rin, $. r,4r - d ilnTHlflttiltfll hrtL tut .WrE A|A*CBcd I $Ir f,B$t fifrf,I I fir B !3 frf, D '' ?!#IJil tf I ,geSA l* a.slirr rb's$ e ?| a...rln^t/I 3 t3t?a l" re"..Ar^ .l lgr. l r* <c=1"c11 V {Ittb* fl cer*As.a/ b t*lff A rS ggrtt',fir'.t/ 7 t,J .o.".J,--t/ I 13?16A tf c.-...1+- tl p..l .r"g[p.t/ ro rlzS A r* .,.-r.ltt.*t/ zJ r.*oF.*r/I I I - fi'r +'tl r''* r'r irf : *9t'J*il '11 b *,'J<ticl "* +ell' wLfl-..wJA-H-fr- t7,/t6/c5 13:09 IrnI 3031 0ZtO 1a -' 1 .1-' e i!!l[ s ge CEBN_NORTqERN t 36l52eoge5 |ret ,n:"lJ: sPRrNcs @ oorzoor a5 hlpcclioq.Inc.IlEEtlf lrf,ttcLE tflPltflor ruPloRr ---------+oDI ltt cr.I3ilt lficr?l -qTaA 8art1 lPlclFtcrltqr Dr.r-?e-ns ?f,gclDurE ,21- B.dl,g'r - ?z iuaurr/g,zrg,-: t**rr6 TECI'IIIE nlgffi m? mt 'f lrrsrrrr r./ Fllffi-lnrrrtclrr*t.f..-tlrrr"cn ilo \r, rQUrPEm |'ln.lh.f^q*' w..fuJ,t t*E- co-*rr@- rwJz- corL- Fnsr-3lffi!fif"#E- "[rffik SIFilI ITEI I 3Yrllra?tql io. rlFcES rccrPt lot to.PIf,eEi NEJEET 6 ,wtetMrrtn 'c&I5tlt HAf FltlAL ru ffimFnitr?ro[ rtlo l0cEFtr'rcl lr lrrlrtrTl0f, E![,],?! ttD f,lf0&?t' CHEN-NORTHERN, INC. coilst LTI[G EilcIr'lEERs Alto scIEl{TIsrs REPORT OF STRUCTURAL STEEL T0: IfECM Enterprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: lZ-?2-93Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149Vaii, C0 81658-3149 0AIIY REPoRT 110. 3l SH€ET 10F I PR0JECT: Liftside Euilding east of llesthaven Or'ive and l{estin Hotel , South Frontage Road t{est, Vai1, Coiorado. The shear studs at level , 59' 0"/64'3n, between Grid Line 21.5-31 and F-5 were acoustically tested with a hamer. All of the studs yrere found to be acceptable. U.|t.F. was in place between F-S and 29-31. The placenrent was in accordance vrith the job site specifications. l,l.!/.F. was being placed between H-5 and 21.5-?8. There v{as snow on the netal deck and not all the puddle welds could be observed. The A 3?5 bolts and fillet weids were observed at level ,O' 0"785' 3" betneen 21 .5-31 and F-S. Eolts were found loose on K Line at 25.5 and 26. Other connecti ons were found to be tight. The welds on 4 beam to embed plates on L Line between 2?.9-24 were not full length. The bearn to embed plate at Grid Line G 31 could not be wel ded per Zirkor drawing E9 due to the location of the beam to the wal] on 31 Iine and the two holes in the shear tab. The ambient temperature at 10:00 AM uas o". I i nformed the general contractor dnd the erection crel{ the connections should be preheated prior to welding. PR06RESS REPoRT The structural enqineer should be i nformed as to the condition of the connection at G 31. COPIES: R.A. llelson & Associates, Inc. J V A, Inc.; Gwatlney Pratt Schultz Darnel I Huss FIELD OBSIRVER Fred R. Caneron APPROVED BY Ar a muturl prot.ctlon to cllents. the public rnd ours.lv6s, all raports.rc aubmltted.s thc confidentlal ProFcrty of ouf .cllcntr. .nd authorizrtio;r for publlcatlon of siatemeirt. Conclus'ions or eitrocts iFom or regardlng our reports l3 r€servcd p€ndlng our l{r{tt.n aFProvr'|. Samples will be disposed of after t€:tlng is completed unless oth.r arrdng€ments .r€ agreed to in itrltlng. A ne|ttbar ot the HIH gioup o{ coftprnie6 CHEN.NORTHERN, INC., COI{5ULTIIi6 EI{6II{EERS A O SCIEflTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As r mutnal protectton to ctients, th. publlc .nd our3.lvesr all r.Forts ar€ sqbmltted !s thc confldicntl!l propcrty of cltent3, l|!d aurhorilrtton for Fubl{cation of st.t€m€nts. Concluilons or Qxtract3 tFoft or r.gardlng ouf r:89I! s- l:^::3::v€dp€ndlng our $|rttt€n approwd'l . Samplcs will be disposed of after tcatlng ls conpl.ted unl6s3 other arrrng€nen\s .gre€o rs Jn wrJting,A-il;6;i ;i th6 !I! Eroup ot compani€s Fore tlo' cttfll3A 6/91 T0: llE0l4 EnterDrises JOB tl0. 4 178 93-3 0ATE: 11-30-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. 8ox 3149 SH€ET I 0F t Vail, C0 81658-3149 PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of llesthaven Drive and llestin Hotel , South Flontage Road llest, Vail, Colo. PLACEMEI{T LOCATION:Uall; Line 7, L to U, up to Elevation 280. BATCH TICKET IllF0RttATiOt{ SUPPLTER: Uestern }labi I e TRUCK N0. 104 TICKET N0. 01-0688 IX 0€SIGI{ }10. 39 TillE BATCHED: 11:4I AM Tll'lE ARRIVED: 1l:50 Af.l IIIIE PIACEO:l?:15 Pll-CU. Y0. L0AD/ACCull: 7 FTELD TESTI I{G I NFORIIAT ION TIME TEST TAKEI{: --- JO8 SPECIFICATIONS: SLUHP SLt'fiP 3 3/4 IN. Ill. SAiIPIE TEIIP: AIR C0NTE}|T: 4.9X AIR C0I{IENT: % IJET UI{IT UT ]6HT: I'ATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYLINDER INFORMATTON N0. 0F CYLIT{DERS: 6 CYLIIIoER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIIIE CYLII{DERS CAST: 12:30 Pil IIHERE CAST: 0n-Site CURI NG I I.IFORI.IAT I OI{ Il{ITIAL CURE: 0n*Si te DATE RECEM[) Al LAB: 12-2-93 FIELD STORAGE FACII I TI ES: BY: llark Jensen ilI l{/t{Ax A6E OAYS OATE TESTED TOIAL LOAD (LBS ) OIAI.ITTER ( t NCHES ) ARTA (sQ Itt) col'fP.sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURT CYL II{DER I'E IGHT (LBs) CYL I NDER UNIT IIEIGHT ( PCF) 7 7 28 28 28 l2-7-93 l2-7-93 l2 - 28-93 l2 -28-93 12-28-93 12 - 2B-93 135 ,000 137 ,000 170,000 175.500 162,000 17U.500 6.02 EOO 5.98 6.02 5.98 b. uJ 28.46 28.09 28.09 28 .46 28. 09 28. 56 47 40 4880 6050 6170 5770 6040 shear shear con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t con/spl i t DESIGN STREI{oIH --- Pst c 28 oAYS TESIS 8Y IABORATORY PERSOI{I,IEL ARE II{ ACCORDAI'ICE I.IITH APPLICABLE AST},I I.IETHOOS UI'IL€SS OTHERI,ISE T{OTED SOME INFORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY 8E PROVIDED BY OTHERS REI'IARKS: CoPIES: R.A. t{el son & Associates, lnc Town of Vail; Vestern Moblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Sandi R. Cody Bobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVEO BY CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTII{6 EI{GIIIEERS AIIO SCi ENT I STS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA At. |'ut!.l protcctlon to cltent6, th. Fubltc ahd ours.lva3, rll r6port3.r€ iubtEltt.d ts th. contldl.ntl.l Prop€Fty of clt€rts, lnd rllthortz.tton for publlc.tlon of st.tements. Concluslo|ta or.xtractt fro or rcgfdlng our report3 l$ rcserv'd ijriji,is'"ii "iiiiin "pi"o"'t. Simpii' *ttt te diiforca of after tesrtng t! conpl.t.d unl€s3 oth.r rFrrnge'n€nts .sre€tr to ln wrlt ing.i miJ.i!" ii the E:!! group of conp.nlet Form No' CHE113A 6/91 T0: tilECH Enterorises JOB ll0. 4 178 93-3 DATE: 12-17-93 Attn: Eustaqui o Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET I 0F 1 Vail, C0 81658-3149 , PR0JECT: Liftside Building, east of tlesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road lfest, Vail, Colo. PLACEI.IEI{T LOCAT I OtI :Elevator Core at Lines A-2; Elevation 1110. BATCH TICKET INFORI{ATION SUPPLIER: t'lestern Mobile TRUCK t{0. 1i9 TICKET f{0. 10866 l.llx oEsIGl{ l{0. 39 TIiIE BATCHED; l2:3? Pil TIME ARRIVE0: TIl'lE PLACED: CU. YD. L0A0/ACCUI'|: 28 FIELD TESTI116 I NFORI.IATION TIIIE TEST TAKEIi: l:00 Ptt JO8 SPECI FICATIOI'IS: SLUI,IP I SL UI.IP : rlz IN. I l{. SAI'IPLE IEI.{P: AIR COI{TENT: 5.Ofl AIR COI{TEI{T: il 53 "F AIR IEiIP: 43 "F UET UI{ IT lJE IGHT: UATER ADDED AT SITE -- GAL. CYL I t{DER I tIFORI.{ATION f{0. 0F CYIM0ERS: 6 CYLII{DER S]ZE: 6"x 12" TI}IE CYLIT{D€RS CASI: 1:10 Pll IJHERI CAST: 0n-Site CURING I I{FORI,IATiON Il{ I T IAL CURE: 24 hours DATE RECEIVED AT LAB: 0n-Si te 12 - I8 -93 FIELD ST0RAGE FACIL ITIES: Heated 8Y: Oan t{ei l l }|I t{ /f'lAX 60x AGE OAYS DATE TESTEO TOTAL IOAD (t8s ) DIAMETER ( Ir{cHts ) AREA (sQ ir{) COMP.STR. (PSr ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINOER UE I6HT (LBS) CYLIIIDER UNIT lIEIGHT (PCF) 7 7 28 ?8 28 28H t2-?4-93 l2-24-93 i-14-94 1-r4-94 1- 14-94 1- 14-94 137 ,000 139 ,500 6.05 5.98 ?8.75 28.09 4770 497 0 con/shear con/shear DESIGI{ STRENGTH 4OOO PSI @ ?8 DAYS TESTS 8Y LAEORATORY PERS()T{I{EL ARE IN ACCORDANCE UITH APPLICAELE ASTI'I I.IETHODS UNLESS OTHERT'IISE NOIEO SOME II'IFORI.IATION OF TEST REPORT I,IAY BE PROVIDEO BY OTHERS REMARKS : COPIE5; R.A. l{elson I Assoeiates, Itc,; Town of Vai I ; llestenn l,lobi le; J V A, Inc.; Gwatlnney Pratt Schultz;Dan tleill Bobby J. HaYs FIELO OBSERVER APPROVED 8Y CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. COI{SUITIIIG EN6INEERS AIID SCIENT ]5TS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As. hutu6l protectlon to cli.nt3, thc publlc rhd ours.'lv€s! al1 r.ports ar€ suttnltt€d ri the confidlantirt prope.ty of cltent3, al,|d;uthort2rtlon tor publlcstlon ot st.toment3, Concluslons or axtr.ct3 froh or raslr.tlr|g olr rcporls-i3-relervc'l p6nd{ng our rFttten lpproval, Sanlpl€3 wlll b. dlrposed of.ft.i tc6tlng l3 compl.tcd unl.ss otfr.r lfr.ng€n.nts .gr€to ro In wri t i ng. A .;;i"; ;i th€ !!! sroup of cot'p{nl€s Form No. o'tE1l3A 6/91 T0; llECll Entenprises J08 ll0. 4 178 93-3 OATE: 12-21-93 Attn: Eustaquio Corti na P.0. Box 3149 SHEET 1 0F 1VaiI, C0 81658-3149 PRoJECT: Ltftside Buildlng, east of tlesthaven Drive and Uestin Hotel , South Frontage Road tJest, Vail, Colo. PLACEHEI{T L0CATI0I|: Slab at C-21 EATCH TICKET I HFORI.,IAT I ON TRUCK t{0. 704 TIIIE BAICHED: 8:04 AM TTCKET r{0. 106l TTME ARRIVED: 8:14 Atl TIME SUPPLIER: l{estern l'{obi I e llIX DESIGIl l{0. I 4000 psi PLACED: 8:30 A}I-CU.Y0. LOAD/A[CW|: 717 l2l FIELD TESTI|IG I]{F0RMATIOii SAITIPLE TEI'IP: 58'F AIR TEI'iP: 5'F TII'IE TEST TAKEIi: 8:46 Al,l SLUIIP: 3 l/? lt{. AIR CO|{TEI'{T: 5.88 l,lET UNIT llEI6HT: 140.0 JOB SPECI FICATI0IIS: SLUI{P: I}1. AiR C0NTENT: % ITATER A0Dt0 AT SITE t0 GAL. CYL I IIDER I I{FORI.IAT]ON N0. 0F CYLINDERS: 6 CYLIilDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TIl4€ CYLINDERS CAST: 8:56 Al,l IHERE CAST: On-Site CURING I IIFOR}.IAT IOI{ II{IIIAL CURE: 24 hours ofl-Site 0ATE RECEiVED AT LAB: 12-22-93 FIELD SIoRAGE FACILITITS: Inside Heated Building' BY: Bobby J. Hays ltltl/l.lAx AGE DAYS DATE TISTEO TOTAL LOAO (LBS) DIAI'IETER ( I NCHES ) AREA (sQ Ir{) COI4P . STR. (PSI ) TYPE OF FRACTURE CYLINOTR UEI6HT (L8s) CYL T]{DER Ut{IT I.IEIGHT (PcF) 7 7 28 28 28H ?8H t2-28-93 12-28-93 i - 18-94 t-18-94 r-18-94 I -18-94 93,500 102 ,500 6. t0 6.09 29 .22 29.13 32 00 3 520 shear shear DE5I6}I STREI{GTH 4000 PSI 0 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOI{NEL ARE IN ACCOROAI{CT UITH APPL1CAETE ASTI'I iITTHOOS UI{IESS OTHERUI5E ITOIED SOI.IE ] I{FOR},IAT I OI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS REMARKS:lfl non-chloride a€celerator added to concrete. COPIES: R.A, llelson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail; Western l,loblle; J V A, Inc.; Gwathney Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adanrs Sobby J. flaYs FIELD OBSERVTR APPROVED BY I CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. CONSULTIIIG ENGINEERS ANO SCIENTISTS REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER DATA As a hutual protactlon to cllGntrr th. publlc .nd ours€Iverr all reports are submltt.ld cs th. conftdlentlrl prop€rty of cllcnti, .nd ruthoFlzltlar for publlcrtlon of atqt€ments. Canclollons or.xtr'6cti fro'n or Feg.rdlng our reporti l3 ra3€rved pendlng oirr irltten epFrovrl. Srmptes |{ll't br d{spos€d of rfter testlng 'lE complet€d tlnl.as other trrang€ments agr€Co ro in wrl tl |lq. A .;;;; ;i thc HIH group of conp.nl.s Form No. o'lE113A 6/91 TO: MECM Attn P.0 . Vai l PROJECT; Interpri ses Eustaquio Corti na Box 3149c0 81658-3 t49 I i ftsi de Buildlng, east JOB lto.178 93-3 DATE: 12-22-93 SfIEET I OF T Frontage Road Uest, Vail, Colo.of llesthaven Drive and llesti n Hotel,South PLACEHEflT LOCATIOI,I;Slab at C-32. BATCH IICKET I }IFORI.IAT ION TRUCK t{0. 119 TII|E BATCHED: 9:55 All TicK€T 0. 10897 TIiIE ARRIVEO: l0: 10 AH SUPPLIER: llestern l'lobi le lllJ( DESI6X ll0. I 4000 Psi TII'tt PLACED:10:59 All-CU. Y0. LoAD/ACCUI{: 7|14/28 FIETD TESTIT{G I l{FORl.tAT lofl SAI{PLE TE}IP: 50 "F AIR TEI'|P: 5 "F TIME TEST TAKEl,l: ll:10 All SLUl,lP: 4 3/4 I1{. AIR CONTEI{T: -- I IIET UIIIT VEI6HT: --- JOB SPECI F I CATIO]{S: SLUIIP: It{. AIR COtlTtNT: I IIATER A0DED AT SITE 8 GAL. CYL I IIDER I NFORI4AT IOI{ t{0. 0F CYLII{DERS: 6 CYLIT'IDER SIZE: 6"x 12" TI}'IE CYLIT{DERS CAST: --- UHERE CAST: on-Site cuRilrc Il{FoRl,tATI0t{ IIIIIIAL CURE: 24 hours On-Site DATE RECEMO AT LAB: 12-23-93 FfELD SIoRAGE FACILITIES: Inside Trailer 8Y: Carolyn Adams l'll N/t'tAX A6E DAYS t)ATE TE STE O TOTAL LOA[) (LBS) O I AI.IEIER ( TNCHES) AREA (SQ IN) coftP. sTR. (Psr ) TYPE OF FRACTURT CYLIND[R UTiGHT (LBS ) CYLII{DER UI{IT UEIGHT ( PcF) 7 7 28 28 ?8H 28H IZ-29-93 t2-29-93 1- l9 -94 I -t 9-94 1-19-94 t - 19-94 103,500 t01 ,000 6.06 6.05 ?8.84 28.7 5 3590 3510 shear shear DISIC}I STRE}IGTH 4OOO PST A 28 DAYS TESTS BY LABORATORY PERSOIII{EL ARE III ACCORDAI{CE I^ItTH APPLICABLT ASTI.I METHOOS UI.{LESS OTHERI.'iSE NOTEO SOI.IE INFORMATIOI{ OF TEST REPORT MAY 8E PR()VIDE[) BY OTHERS REHARKS: COPIES: R.A. ]{e'lson & Associates, Inc Town of Vail: lJestern ]lobile; J V A, Inc.t GwathrEy Pratt Schultz Carolyn Adams Eobby J. HaYs FIELD OBSERVER APPROVED BY $tt TO! FROM: DATE: RE: J- The donestic peak flowcalculated and shown prior supply. The doneEtic denandE are notfire sprinkler hydraulics. F[Cu.rarl r'1r94 demand on the water supply rnust beto approval of a combination water UE!,IORANDIT!,I CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL GARY;MURRAIN FIRE MARSHAL l,tIcHAEL trceBE//r/ January 6, L994 u' Contractor Meeting - FIRE SPRINKLER SySTEl,t'#F,, LllftfitE We met with Rick and Dave (NeJ-son Const.), Danny and.Fischer of trimberline Fire Protection this afternoon regirding memo dated 12/06/93. tle reviewed the pJ-ans again and resolvedissues cited on the L2/06/93 memo as follows- Kin the the signLficant enough to affect the 2. The water entry should be inspected during installation. EheV:iL Fire Department is requestlng'we be notified before the lineis covered. Dave rrLll caI-I- for an inepectS.on of the water lLne.AnticS-pated date is during the week of ;ran. I-0. 3. Each of the three fire sprlnkl-er risers for the trash chutesmust be zoned separately. fire sprinkler heads are required atalternate landings per NFPA 13, 199L ed., Sectlon 4-4.L.7.4. Changes have been uade to tJre desLgn to compJ.y. 4. A fire sprLnkler head, wiII be required in each elevator pit. r'hanEes bave been nade to tbe desl_gn to conply 5. Frovlde buiJ-ding elevations (especially at the garage and rampleveJ-e), riser diagrams, and show reflected ceiling elevationswhere there is a change in ceilinq elevation. After revieri-ng the plans, we agreed to a perforruancecriteria, noting compliance rith thE 1991 edition of NFPA t3 l-srequired. 6. Provide CLass 3 fire hose cabinets (or valve configurations)at each level of each stair. Changes have been made to the design to comply. I I contractor I'leet,ing - FIRE SFRINKLER SySTEli! Al LIFTSIDE;Ianuary 6, L994 Page 2 7. Each entry level of each stair must be sprinklered on theinterior side of the stair. Intermediate landings between fl-oorsare not reguired to be sprinklered. Changes lrave been nade to the desigm to ccmpLy. 8. Bttis building is required to be sprinklered with tOOacoverage. Exceptions for bathrooms under 54 sq.ft. are notgranted. Cl-osets under 24 sq.ft. nay be exempt. See UFC10.501(b); UFC 10.203, Exception It and UFC IO.506. Resubrnithydraulic calculations to reflest additional heads in bathrooms. Trrenty Eeven fire sprinlcler heads vill- be added, specificallyl.n the isolated vanitieE sith cloeets and in batb rooms noted aihaving 53.8 Eq.ft.. Ttre fire sprinkter head in tXre laundry wi1.L berelosated out into the nain bath room area in bath roons thatcontain laundry equipment. 9. The air compressor must be hardwired into the AC power source,on a ded.icated breaker (preferably on an energency clrcuit). Changes trave been made to the design to coupl-y.' 1.0. Fire departrnent connection locatLon nust be field verified andapproved by the Fire Department prior to starting rough-in. Danny wlU. get witlr the Fire Dept. to review landecape plans and building elevations.