HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT C51 C52 LEGALCeubLctcle- \J i \\ct'qq &etsio\e0s> ADMINISTRATWE ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 telt 970-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: www.vailgov.com Lift House Condo Plat CpndThPl ADM t{unber: Parcel: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A PLAT AMENDMEI.IT EA HOTDINGS I.l-C 08lL4|2OO7 PO BOX 31,t9 AVON co 81620 APPLICANT EA HOLDINGS LLC PO BOX 3149 AVON co 81620 ProjectAddr€ss: lz34WESTHAVEN DRVAIL Location: LIFTSIDE @NDOS UNIT C.52 Legal DgcripUon: Lot: Block Subdlvision: Cascade Village Comments: See Conditions Pruiect Name: Applicatlon Type: Protect llescription: Pardcipants: OWNER ADM070013 zLo3-L2L-2702-7 081L412007 ilotion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ ActiON: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalr 09 | 051 2OO7 Meeting Date: Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Pald: $100'00 o7o \, o o t-wn E r Duplo< Subdivision Plat Single Family Subdivision Plat Description of the Requestr Application for Adm i nistrative Subdivision Plat Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2139 far<: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: It is unlawful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the prwisions of Title 13, Vail Town Code, or to tansfer, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, frct, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time-share estate, fnctional fee, or time-share license, or any other division within a suMivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof recorded in the ofnce of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Type of Application and Fee: $100 tr Mministrative Plat Correction $100$100 ll Condominium/Townhouse Plat $100 Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Addrcss: Parcel No.:, (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):1/ ff7 /PE Ca,/P2.4/,/j/U/il ,4222et*7-/a4) Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: F:\cdev{FORMS\Permits\Planning\Administrative-Actions\Plai Revleu^adminilat-revia{r-cover.doc 12128/05 The Departnent of @mmunity Development will reord the plat and any related covenants with the Eagle @unty Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Communlty Development Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES If this application requires separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Depaflrnent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. Please note that only complete applications will be accepted. All of the required inlormation murt be submifred in order for the application to be deemed complete. Flcdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\Administrative_Actions\Plat Revleldcondo-th-plat.doc Page 4 of 4 12-6-2005 * *'i* * * * * t *+*****************++*+*******+*** * * * * *********'l**********+** * *****+*+**+********** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement***:t**t***+***++****+****++++++++***+++*****************i.*****++++++++********+*+++********* Statetnene Number: R07000151? Amount: glOO,OO Og/L4/ZOO709:4-7 AItlPa)ment Method: Check ALBRECHT hit: JS Notation: 774lTf'TI{lI Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: ADMo70 013 2IO3 -L21,-2202-7 1234 I{ESTHAVEN IJIFTSIDE CONDOS $100.00 Descript,lon Type: administrative DR VAU, I'NIT C-52 Tota] Fees: Totaf AL,L Pmts : Balance : $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 * * * * * * * * * ****+**************** *****:***** * * * * * * * * {' * ****** ********** ** * * {.****{.******** *****t** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts PV 00100003112500 Adninistrative Fee 100.00 . , /,, UAcatk-l/1'l[a4 e" I Design ReYiew Board ACTIOT{ FORI,I Departnent d Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8165/ tel: 970.479.2r.39 fsx: 970.479.245? web: sww.vailgov.comootltflrY ErrEuF|fl& Prciect ilame: Protect Description: Participants: ProjectAddress: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL UFTSIDE CONDOS UNIT C-52 Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: Cascade Parcel Numb€rz 2I03-I2L-22Q2-7 Comments: SEE CONDITIONS MADERO ADDflON C-52 UFTSIDE CONDO DRB Number: DR8050030 Request for an interior conversion to convert ,165,5 square feet of atric space to living space. Also an addition of 120.4 sguare feet of limited common element as a part of the 250 addition provision of the C,ode. OWNER EA HOLDINGS LLC PO BOX 3149 AVON co 81620 02h312006 APPUCANT ARCHffiCTUAL SERVICES, P.C. O2l L}2W6 Phone: 970-926-760s DANNY SWERFEGER PO BOX 164 EDWARDS @ 81632 Liense: Cm0001800 ARCHITECT ARCHITECTUAL SERVICE P.C. 0211312006 Phone: 970-926-7605 DANNY SWERFEGER PO BOX 164 EDWARDS co 81632 License; C000001800 Location: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION AdiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= O2{2U20A6 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the writGn consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Tovrtn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Condl 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of thls project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007828 The applicant shall paint the direct vent fire place vent to match the surounding exterlor wall color prior to requesting a temporary certificate of occupancy of final certificate of occupancy. Cond: CON@07829 The applicant shall submit for review and approval an ammended condominum plat for the o<pansion of Unit C-52 into limited @mmon element, the hallway. This shall be reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to issuance of a temporary ceftlficate of occupancy or a final certificate of occupancy. Applications for submittal and rariew of a amended condominium plat are available in the Community Development Offtce. The Process of ranlewing, approving, and recording an amended condominium plat can take up to a month. Planner: Waren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: g3OO.OO a Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Soufi Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive appmval prior to submitting a building the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:sEE AT-r'ncHeg oetcPtPTtoN i t ti ,l Fr'q 1C?afl6 Location of the Proposah g-ogt H/A s6.p' H/r Subdivisioni N/A Physical Addrcss:U}}lf C€l LrFr5lge aouDoHtrtrurrrt lZ34 }|EIT}|AYSg 9Blug ParcetNo.: 2lo3lZl22 -o2? (ContactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-86,10forparcel no.) Zoning:sOQ Fto.1 AReh rtArr LlA,fgBFor,p Name(s) of Owner(s):HlaueL "t^gga-{c Mailing Address' uxlf C.6L ttctstgG. <eFrpoyr4rxtuprt tz3+ od3STHAVeH P:.lug Atv . co glbS6 Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone:+7q- lgz3 Name of Applicant:PCHTTAcTC)c Senvtc Mailing Address:v.6.8o7 f,85 EPUTARpS , eo 8|632 5,^rHer Phone: Cq74 726'7e o,f E-mail Address:Fax:H7o) ?ze -ZO ro Type of Review and Fee: B Signs E Conceotual Review tr New Constructiond Rddition tr Minor Alteration (mu lti-fa mi lylcommercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans ! Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudl as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee i]c',,L rty: J{t'uttJLecLur'? r 5aar vrcrJ6, ffilm{tryrtl !r,/ullrzolrtt u) . Gsarellnftrmtiqr: DeParlmeflt of Coann[nty (]rnloprnr.,' 75 So{nn Frontagf Fcfd, Vaii Cotoradrr ,}l i . tel: 97().479.?12t fzx: 970.479.2,ctii urtbr wmr. yailgov.cqn lrcl({on ot t ie PrrrycIb f"*: {./A Aaf:_.!_*A- suuoinision: ht/A__.. _ rhyelcalArldrr*! u-tT.c13 tfttglg €o"*9pl11l!g.nlt.l..L_1._f-{*Il^'0r'. rrr& , Prnd llor: ;l|ot11l22_- ol?(Contact EagbCo.Asrcasor!t 9/0 j,iH ..F. . zon||q: € tP lJo.f ARI,A sAtr xertlrcBp llmc(c) o?( vrrr(clr FflAUEL l,tAr,E9-c= H.llhe ldtttt$ lJxrr c"6L Dg (oPOo r|.l|l|ftJ'r) 1191 (A*t'rF.*.rB h( (}t., - { ,...){al_e_r gr ), ql atc *Owtrr(a)61!:mtu{ flillrof App (.TUFEL HeilingAddrm:. P. o. BgI. 3es _-el!!!!r_€_,_ge__ gr.L?: ,,., .-.. phonq (q?o) 7e!+- th t:: s ldditionc-Rssidentiaf or Cornrner,r ua I Appllcation for Deslgn Reviev* AI ptdactD_ |!qr,lr'lrtg d Glgn rwlov lrurt neur rpp.ovrl pror to 'vbmitsing a burrrr,rg 1r",.$c arbmfttel r gulnn uS fu tl|" putuqrhr opprc,ret dtit is requesH. An 0pptiq;ri, ..,e!j,j. am0td.t!frl all required hfufinabn b recdred bv the commrnty Donbpnent'oooa.trr,r., ,.!r ;:rl .:: :t0 be l€dew€d tY $e'folYn Councit rnd/r the Planning dnd Errvirorimenbl Comrniguorr tt(}or0r. ,,o''ro!! ,.,f.{,uilrla ht0d ng FaflltF lrttd end coneitrrgfun omnpns trit{rin anc yctc,t/!thi. ,r1nr.u., , l)GN('lfioa :rf tlreiapcJE . sCE AT.r|(,|{cp pct<.flBA-o.i,1 S50 g$0l.00porsquarefocofFtilslgn ;rrrlir No F€e t$50 Fot corutructbn of a nen building of derr:;, - . /r r $100 Fqr an addtion wtcre quarc borlgn. , ,<4'1,: cgmrnefEill buildlng (lnclud€s 250 sco totr'.i d ,re'r:, r . r,,$25) For mlnor chang$ to brrtkllnos a.d sit€ iFltr'.),.,."r ,, r,r: r;. I lemofing, Polrrtlfig, windovf addltlo|ts, lan(r|./irlriire Jh r. :'ri wa 6, etf-,120 For mlnor cl€neeS b buildnEs 6nd ltte rnrpr'';,r". r,-, 61, .,1. . r' n'rcoflngr palnthgr srlncl additioos, lArto:.:aPi )g 'r:':r '' walb/ eta120 F;or rcvlslons to phns Rer/bv 6o6rd, No Fee ProJert No. r r7F tlr c-mdf Addr!Fs; ____-___rar; G7o,l 1e,6'r:ig { flTe of Revl,:w and Fee:tr Eonttr Cmoepbal Roleu O l{ov Conet uct'rord raaruon 0 MingrAftendo6 (muftifami;f/comnqcho D llhor AlhE rdon (drffinly/dupter) tr Chrngnrb Amrs€ P{ens D Separatlq1 Requli zd bldat:z8 ga@z @1 'qat Z9P6AAZSi '0N XUI OIUUIIISOI^INI OIICfd3 : NOUJ February 6,2006 To: Town of Vail From: Liftside Board of Diregtors David Strandjord, President Re: Liftside C-52 Expansion Plans To Whom ItMay Concern: The Bciard of Directors at Lifuide Condominiums has approved the eryransion plans of unit C-52. The expansion is within the existing Limited Common Elements, unfinished attic space, and the approved expansion area of the common hallway adjacent to the existing entry to unit C-52. The plan will make a minor change to the exterior of the Liftside building. If you have any questions, please contact the building nnager, Tim Alb'recht at479- 9100. /*;l David Strandj ord, Presid ent Liftside Condominium Association 1234 Wesrhaven l)rive . Vail. Cololadr: 81657 . 970-479 9I0 0 . Fax 970-476-4980 .AncruttT E,L-TL'rRAn Surtvrtcgs, P" C" 210 Edwartls \rillaAe Blvd, o 0-202. P.O. Box Jfi5 Ddwards. Colorado 816J2 Phone: 970-926.7605 . Fax: 97O.c)26.7610 February 10, 2006 Town of Vail, Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8'1657 D ElnE|l\/[FL:= \:Z/ L= U \l L=l FEB 10 2006 TOWN OF VAIL Re: Unit C52 Liftside Condominiums (Madero Residence) Parcef No. - 210312122-027 To Whom lt May Concern: Attached please find our clients submittal for the above referenced project. Utilizing the existing void spaces adjacent to the Loft Level of their Condominium, my clienti would like to increase thesize of their Master Bedroom by 466.5 Sq. Ft. of GRFA. In addition to the area being added on theLoft Level they would like to incorporate into their Unit, 120.4 Sq. Ft. of what is presenly common area corridor. This would result in a total increase of 586.9 Sq. Ft. of floor area to their Unit. All of the added floor area occurs below the existing roof and extent of the existing exterior walls ofthe building. With the exception of a wall mounted direct vent fireplace flue termiiation cap there are no changes to the exterior of the building. We have included a cut sheet of the cap for your review. It should be noted that over the past four years three other units in the Liftside Building have been remodeled in a similar way and the DRB Applications were approved at the Staff levei These otherUnits were C-5'l the Chico Residence, B-52 the Madero Residence and A-72the Martinez Residence. we are hopeful that the staff will be able to approve the changes we are proposing. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. Copy to: Mr. Application for Desiqn Review Description of the request Address - Unit C-52 Liftside Condominiums (Madero Residence) 1234 West haven Drive Parcel No. - 210312122-027 Zoning - SDD No. 4 Area "A" Waterford The following is the description of the request. Utilizing the existing void spaces adjacent to the Loft Level of their Condominium, my clients would like to increase the size of their Master Bedroom by 466.5 Sq. Ft. of GRFA. In addition to the area being added on the Loft Level they would like to incorporate into their Unit, 120.4 Sq. Ft. of what is presently common area corridor. This would result in a total increase of 586.9 Sq. Ft. of floor area to their Unit. All of the added floor area occurs below the existing roof and extent of the existing exterior walls. With the exception of a wall mounted direct vent fireplace flue cap there are no changes to the exterior of the building. Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia *To Windows Windor Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Decft Rails Flues -__rrFlashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material D IRJEC( \,SHT |,{AtL wror|P TEp FleGPcA46 FLue cR? Color ?AllTED fo rr|^lctt sT0ec9 Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. P/d $/A Page 7 of I5lLIlL4l05 ***+**'t**{r**'}**'t**itffff*t}**********++*******rtt{r*t*,t******+++++t*+!**********+*{.*******{.***{.** TOWNOFVAIL, COTORADO stat€m€nr*+*'l'*****'****+at****+l++f********'l'1.******r.*******'**++********tt+++++++++*++*****+*++*+******* Statement Nuniber 3 R0G0000124 Arnount: 9300.00 Oz/13/200602:35 pM Payment Method: Cbeck Init: irS Notation: 14 1OIARCHITECTURJATJ SERVICES Permit l{o: DRB060030 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFAParcel No: 2LO3-L2L-2202-7 Site Addrese: 1234 I|ESTHAVEX{ DR VAIIrLocation: LIEISfDE CONDOS IrNrT C-52 Thie Payment: S300.00 Total Fee6: S3OO. O0 Total AIrIr Pmts: $300. OOBalance: 50.00r**{'r.**'}**'t'}'}'}***+****++ltllll++++++trt***********************r****.}'}'}*'}'}'},},}'t.}.t'}***'}'}t**:1.'}***'} ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account. Code -------:_Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RE\J|TEYI FEES 300.00 TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL \.).tnt \o*r, Q-alob r \/t ) ll -/C'-Trr EE. a tl) vctrrar I r?- , Page I ofl UFtrLT Fuue VEFIf FIWP(race Te?Pill{ efi aF c}qP http ://www.heatnglo.con/products/images/access/COOl -ADD j p g 2t7t2006 ' lf thB-fr6SZbove the ceiting is Nor an atric, position and G. vent llermination secure the ceiling firestop on the ceiling side of he prwiously Refer to cinch pipe and rermination cap installation in-cut and framed hole' structions. NOTE: There mu€t be NO INSULATION or other combustibles inside the framed firestop opening. Figure 25. Ceiling Firestop (Ceiling Side) lf the area above the ceiling lS an attic, position and secure the firestop on top of the previously framed hole. NOTE: Keep insulation away from the vent piry at reast 1 inch (25mm). Figure 26. Attac Farestop Figure 27. Trapezoid Termination Caps IC'WN OF UAIT DESIGN REVIEW DATE; ZJ STAFF: sr4lF APPRoVAL ,..) )|ru j.Al\] 31. 2006 1 ; l2PM BtUE SKY l\/ORTGAGI N0 567 P i{ncrisr Land Titc COMMITMEI.TT FOR TTILE NSI'RANCE iSSUED BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY We agrcc ro issue poliry to you accordbg to the tcres of the Comituest. Whea we show the Poiicy aEouDt aad your Dm.e as ihe proposcd iuured in Schedule R, this Coumimmt bccoloes efferrjve as of the Couaitoear Date sbovm in Scheddc .q- If the Requircocdrs shoqa b this Conmitmcrrl have not been met witin eix moats &fter fhe Cos'-'ir6€11t Datq our obligatioD urdor this Copmitraeot wi[ cod- Also, our obligartion under this Comnorfueot will cod r*'heo tho Policy is issucd and then or:r obligatior to you wil} bc mder the Poliry. O:r obligatiou under this Commitoent is limitcd by the foltrowiag: The Provisiols io ScbefuIc n- The Requiremcors in Scheftlc BI. Tbe Exoepti@s b Schedule B-Il. fhe Coaditions on Pege 2. This Comoimeat is not valid withorrt SCHEDULE A and Section I aad tr of SCHEDULE B' IHIS COMMITMENT IS NOI AN ABSTRACT, EX^MN{ATION, REPORT OR REPRESENTATION OF FACT OR TrrI.E A}.ID DOES NOT CREATE AND SIIALL NOT Bts TTIE BASIS OF AI.{Y CLAIM FORNBGLIGENCE, NEGL]GENT MISREPRESEMAIION OR OTTIER TORT CLAIM OR ACTION, TTIE SOLE LIABILITY OF COMPAN'Y A].ID ITS TIrI,E INSI]RAICE AGENT SH^LL ARISE TJNDER, AND BE GOVERNED BY PAXAGRAPH 4 OF TI{E CONDITIONS. iN WTn{ESS WIIBRBOF, Stes'art Title Guaranty Cofipoy bas causeri is corporatc name and seal to be herallto affxed by its &rly urdrmizal offiocrs on the date sbowD iD Scb€dulc A- STEWART.TITLE GIJAB'}|TY COMPA}TY cblj-ltr€n o: lbe STEWART TIIIB OF VAJL. NC. P.O. Eox 2000 van, ColoreAo 8t658 (970) 9264230 J'A|\l. 31. 2006 1:12P|Vl BLUE SKY M0RI0A0E t\tO.567 p. 3 v' scmur,p l '\--'/ Order Number; 05 q3 7047 1, Effective date: Ilrg,us t 11, 2oo5 B! 7:r-5 .a..!6. 2. Policy or Poijcies to be issue& AEouEt of hsurmce (a) A.L.T.A. Onmer,s (srartdaEd.) $ 2,175,000_00 Proposed lnsure.d.: ?A BE DETTRIfINqD (b).dL.T.A Loaa (scasdr.rd) Proposed Insureri: rGGA.S?AE FIirAtyCIAiJ CORpORA?I'ON, tCs slrcceeeoEs ald/ or aes igm,e (c) Leasehoid Proposed llsured: $ 1, i22,500. oo 3. The esrarc or intef,e$ in the lmd &scribed c,r refsred to in ',Iis Commitmeat aud covered herein is fee slrEp1a . 4. Title ro tre f ee sirqr:-e c6tala Or btcrcst io Said laod is at tbe cdcctive date hereof vested in: I,I!!TSTDE C52, I!rc. , I DISSOTJVED CII,OEADA CPE.PORATION 5- The land referred to rn this Commibneat is clesc.tibed as follows: SEE AITA@D ETGA:I, DTSCRIPIFTON Purpor--ed Addrass ! lU 34 l(es thaveu Driwe 52v8'l.], C0 81657 STATEME]"iT OF CHARGES Tbcse charg€s are due and payable before a Policy cgn bc issred. PRE}CTI'M Ol{l[ERS: 54088.00 I{oRTGAGET 140.00 8AX CERT: 20.00 F.ORM 110.1: 50.00 &cader Eador6eacBiE . lod 110.1 N/c f o!:a 9 346.00 ro!-a ts,J. Ju.ug fola 4,1 311.. 0 0 J.Al\1, 3l. 2006 I : l2P|t4 BLUE SKY ||4ORIGAGE l|0. 567 p. 4 \-/ scFrnr:rr-r 6 '\'-/ Ordcc Nura.ba: oS 03 7 04? LBGAL DESCRIPTION Gcaeour triu8 ti!.it C-52, LrtrSrDB Cql@O@rgre, Eagle CouDty/ coloradDi lceordj.ugt Eo the Cosdsial::rn Declaration f6r l,iftside CoDdl6l-:1l-r.:os record,ed, o'1 D6c.obcr 22, ]j94 :-a Book 657 ae PaE t09 as Lecel>--l-oD No. 5538e1 of --b,6 rcal, eEtate recoid,s of Ea91e Con!.!]|,. Colorado, .!d Ebe t[ap of LifBatae cosCf.sliE irB6 r6cordlcd, oa DeeeEber 22, 1994 is Boot 557 a: PaEe e10 r.s &,eceplio,]' DIo. E53842 oi tsb,e =ea1 csBabe recordg - o! Bagle CouEty, Coloaa,d,o. COUN:TY OF EAEII.A sEIrE OF C-OLOn-ADO. !EIS C!I@G[:B@NT WIS PIADIRED OU An6ugr 29 2005 FOn QrrBslroNs BB€iLsDINA rErS Coloft!!@frt plaEiBsE CtltL i.il@it wEI[Ibug, TEE trTlE oFyICER, AT 970-?55-023{t FoR OiIESTIONS REGIIIDX}IG EIE cIrOSIlJG. Pt E!\SE CALL, l,trRE t{oss, T4 EgCROT{ oFFICHR , Lt 97 0 / r-7 9 - 60t0 t|b,re cq1t!'e!." is s€dt lor DAl{= S!OL?Z, BIJOE SNY IfOBTGACE FRdDERICX OT:DO JAI/. 31, 2006 1:l2Pl/ BIUE SKY M0RT0A0E N0. 567 p. 5 \-/ scmDULa B '-/ Section I Order Number: 05037 o4'7 RBQUIREMENTS The folloq'iag ae ttre requirErqcors to be complied with: ftcm (a) Paymcst to or for tie account of tbe grantors or mortgpgors of the fulI consideration for the estate or ittcf,est to be innred It€G O) Propcc iastnrmetr(s) creatiq tbe .c" ic o! htef,est to be iosured anrst be qecated end &riy filed for record. to urit: 1- Btddcoce salieiectory i,o Starrart. 9i!1e Grrarao.ty eoqlrasy of payLrn: o! all otrte laadisg ?axes a-D.d. assessDeD,te a.s cartif,ied. by Tbe gagle eor:aEy Tre8atr!.t!. 2, Exeeu--ioo of affidevl-t e,s ec De5t.E e,:dd LieD,s ead i,ts reblrr:! Do Slerlfet! TlEle OuEra.!.!Y C,+"rpe.q'. 3 . PayroeI:t of a:ry ald all Coadm.!.nluar asserlrlneoEE 6rd expeo.ses as required by '-be Coodonrnrun DaclareeioD ot Cegeade villega Assoeialion a:3d certificate fcsa Caedade V1I1EEe Assoeiation rrerifyinq that eircb pal'Begc brs beea receiwed.. 4. P!,l@e$! cf a.uy And af-l eoneollBerg E BsesEm6nDs and e:q)eDeeg as rcquired. is -.-be DacLa=atioD of Cascade villrge AssocleeioR eod Ce.rciflcale froo Caecad.e VLllage Associatsion wetifyl-aE that sucb pa:rEeE e hes baaD' receirred, 5. Certificate fr6 Eh Secaetsag':' of SCrcc o= osbc'r apt'sopriage 6ffLce.r of State of I:1coaT)orlE1oo., sbowiDg tbat l,tft,sida C52, IDc,, a Colorado colporatioD ie a duly or!|a"i 2ed and exieclug coryo=ation uader tbe ]-arts of sEace ct tDcorporatio:]'. lgoTE: Colorado gecretary of st'are racorCs ind,icate tbaE "b1c colt'oseeio:l b.as beeE Afui!,istrat'i1relv Dissolvedl, 5. ReleaBe by b.be Pub].Lc lflrscee of Eagle CouaEy of t'b3 Deed, oi ?ruEt :r@ Carlos earcLa-PoDce for tb.e use of corqerce Sscurlty Besk co eecffe 9720, 000.00r dabed Apsit 1' 1995. reccrdBd AFril 5, 1995 in Sook 664 at P.gc 799 e.e ReceplioD No. 560824. AE Big:EEe!.t of r-bov6 Deed o! Tr|r6t !o tndyuac tsaok F.S.B. reccrded october 9/ 2001 as eeceptioa No- ?694€5. 7. Deed frod Littside csz, rqc., a colorado corpora-r.ioa, 'resEh.g fee siryte iille 10 GtaDtee (s) Ao Be De:elrs-ioad. lilo(E: I$OIAIION Og aE LEdIL ADDRESS OF gEE @UBI*IEE MusT A?PELR O![ 5F DEED aS Pr 19?6 asrNDldErcr T9 srHTuTE ors REcoRDr!{G oF DEEDS eRg 38-35-109 (?). NoTE: Scewart litle 6rara:iy ccdlran:r reserves lbe rigbg to add any additiog'al regulrc'.&.r'!s a.od/or exeelrlioDE 1: uay de€D BecesEary uPoD l eat:ll.t]'g of tb.e Eraatee (a] - 8 - Deed of Trrr6e frmr Eb,e Borrorre.r Eo chc Publac T;sstee for t!.e uss of gbe groposed lender to seeura ths loan. JAN, 31. 2006 i:l3PM BLUE SKY |raORI0AOE |10. 56i p. 6'\-/ scEEDftLE B \) Ordcr Numbs: 05 037047 EXCBPTIONS The potiry or policies to be isercd will couraip cxceptiols to tbe following unhss 6e same are di.sposeC of to tbp sd.gfdctioa of the Compay 1. Rigbts q1 clainrc of pa'ties ia possessiol, oot slowa by tbe public records- 2. Easenrenr.s, 9p 6leirns of easernents, not sbown by tbe public recorfs, 3- Disaepancies, cotflicrs in boundary iineS, sbortage in area, cocroar:hmeats, and aoy facts wirich a correct survey aud inspection of 6e prcanises would disolose aad which are not shotvn by tbe public records- 4. Any lier., or;igbt to a lien" fon scrvices, labor or material bercrofore or bereaftsr firaished, imposcd by law aad oot shoqn. by the public records. 5. Defefis, ljens, enclrabrsrces, advef,se clains or other marters, if any, crcared, first appearing in &e public, records or afiachiog subseqrrcBt to tbc effcclive date bseoi but p;ior rc the date the proposed icured acqgires of record for value the estate or htcresr or mortgage thereon covered by this commftmeot. 6. Unparenred mining claims; resectations or exceptionr i.o parents, or an apt authorieing the issuance tbcreof; wafer nghts, clruns or title ro wats. 7 , Agy erd all uDga1.d caxes a.sd asBeesrnes.?s ald aay u:1sedeened Eax sales . 9. Ibe ef,lecL of j-u.clusloas ia a,ay gea.eral or +>eei_tic rra:er coEgeff.lsy. fise procecEloD-, soiL co::,eeErrelioa or ot!.et d.istsrici gr i:I'c]-usl.o!' i,D a.uy water ssnri.ce or EeleeE iEpr.oveDA!,E ar6a, 9 - Reser?aElotls or exeeptione co!,.!aiEad {n E,S. Paleags, or in Acc.s autb.o=izir.g tbe iEslre.F'ce th.e.=eof , rccord.ed. el]gi'ugt 16, 1909 l.E. tsook 49 at Page 542, t'eaar-trillE 1) Rigbtss or- tbe propriecor of a veiE or lode to ercEre.cE agd reoowe his ore tberefrcm .-ct 2) rj-ght's of rray lor dircbas r.:E d ca!,aLs co!.strscced utds! Eh.e auEb.oritsy of che geited 9latse€. 10- D€c1a!a:io!- crgatlDE Coves,antls / CoDdiel6!.t, ResEricli,os,s, e'ad EasellBDls f,cr cascada Vill,age, recorded 'JuLy 17, 1981 it: Book 326 ar Peg6 255 as Receptioa No. 22261,6 . . L1 ' Ulldel:grou-t!d RiEht-of -I{ay g=antsed by Mansf tc}d Lit!,ited, e Colorado ni-nited Paltaersb,ip to Ealy closE Electric &esocialioA, Inc., by docr:8€u,t reccrded &ugnrs c 30, 198? i$ Book 34d ai Page 923 a6 Reccptioa No. 241268. 12. CoD'voyaD,ee oi Ski Lift EascrlcriE Eo Vail, AesociateE, Ilac., a ColorBdo Corporatloa and CascEde village ueEropollraD DisEric!, a queei-mrtrlcipal Colorado eorporatioe, reeorrlcd itBauary 23t ].987 iD tsook 45{ et Pagie 937 as RecePrico No. 351162. 13 . DectaraEio:r of Protective Cove!.e.:oaE, recorded ituoe ZJ, 198? in Book 464 at gege 898 as Receptis. Iro - 361123, 14. Coaveyet ce of Public Accees EasaEeD: lor Pedeet=ianE :ecord.ed rtr:De 23, L9E7 iu Booh 454 a! Page 941 as RecepEioa No. 35U55. c6:tE truGd oD. De*t tr)agie ., .JAil 31. 2006 l:l3PM BLUE SKY MORTOAGE ll0. 56i p7 cogt'idrratios oi gebe&*e ts - Sectioa 2Order: llunber-: 05037b4 ? 15' Bigbt of l{ay tasa'e'! to Eoly caoss Elecistc e.s90cia.E16,,-r rgc., e coopera--lvecorporatioD irqr vr.i-l Vesture,E, IJb,d.., a Colorrdo l.lal tadi pereaersblp record,edMr.=cb 2x, 1988 ia Book 491 at page 10? aE Reeepil,oD No. 377315. 16 . All 'Dlre--eqe sb,otrr. on the Dlet o! t if cside/Corb.erEgoDc., recorc,ed Novenber 3 o,1994 io Book 656 e! pege t97 as Receptr,ou No. 5EZ23O, L? ' Al-L EaEbers ghorra cra rJre coodorisrr:r rrap ior &l--iaide eond.oq,i::j'uas, re.o.dedDetr€Dbe.r ?.2, 1_994 i$ tsooh 557 ac page B:,0 a,s leceptlo]l No. 5538€2. 18 ' coD'tAm{ nile Decrarat'L€t! For r.!.I--ride coacloiqira,s, . record.ed Deceabea 22 t Lgg4i:: Bqoic 55? et page 909 as Recepliorl No, 5S3e41. 19 ' tnsroacir''a'E egf6+*la- ! by Eagle Rive.r wabe,r e sa!.ieaei6rr DiEtrlci, ald rrlfcEtdeCoodccqisirn AEgociatlol1 qeco8d6d Ocbobe! 3, 2OOO as ReeellElon No. ,14o7r4. 20- Aay ald al.l .r-ietiag leaeee &Dil leDalcleE, aarJAN. 31. 2006 I : l3PM BLUE SKY Ii|ORTOAOE |\J0. 567 P.8 DISCLOSURES Purflrrff to C-R.S. lGt 1-122, uotice ie haeby giveq thar (,d) TI{E ST]RIECT RBAL PROPERTY MAY BE LOCATED N A SPECIAL TA}N..IG DISMICTI (B) A CERTFICATE OF TA)GS DT'€ LISTING EACE ?AXNC ]I'RISDICTION SHALL BEoBTAI{ED FROM THE cotD*'Ty TREAS'LrRER oR THE colN:fy TRBAST,JRER'SAUTHoRIZED AGENTI (c) INFoRMATION tlcenonrc sppcrAl- nrsrntcrs AND rHE BOI DARiES OF SUCFIDISTRICTSMAYBE OBTAINED FROM I}iE BOARD OP COU\TY COMMISSIONBRS, TI{EcoUNTy CLERK AND RECORDE& oR Tr{E COII\Ty ASSESSOR \-otq Colorado Divisiqr of losoreucs Rogulatious 3-5_1, laragrapt C of Article VII reguires tbat ,,Eve7 rirleeDti!/ chtll - bc re6Dousiblc for all ratters whic! appa oi record prir to the tbc of recor,;;,-'lg whaevcc the titleeotity coDducts the closing ad is respoosible for rcccn,tilg s1 fiIing of l€gal docu6rats res'lfit€ fiom tbcraosaction whicl was cioscd. " Provided tbar Srga,slt litle of Vail bc. cmdncrs thc closiag of t]ei!fl5cd tralsarfioo ad is rcsoorcr. -ble for recordilg the legal doo:oats iona the trtusa'tioD, excepuon Dumber 5will Dot aFgear on tbe ouraer' 6 Tirlc ?oliry -d th;";l;':lige policy whco issued. Notc: AfErararive Mechaic' s Liea prorcctioa for the Orvoer may be available (Dpically by deletioa of ExceptiooNo. 4 of S&cdule B, Se€tiod 2 of Oe Coormitmear frou the Oo,aer,s poiioy to lJii*"aj,rp* coryiiance wirh thcfollovrbg condirioos: A The laad d.s6ib3d in Schainle A of this commitmcat must be a singlc family rcsidcoe, veichiacludes a cqAdO6jnit6 or to$,lhoriee Uoit. ' E. No labor or matcriafu b:: bTo firnished by mecb.aqics or urateriahmca fo purposes of constructjon oa the la.d d'sctrl:bed in Scheriulc A of this Corfifiit-cat u/jrhin tbe pes! 6 moutx- C' Thc Conpali' Eru6t reocivc m rylnopriato affidavrt lDd€ffiiiff.g thc Ccrupary again$ lmfiled . mecheid s aod uatriahen's [as. D. The coopaoy Eust recdve palbcot o,f tbe appnopriatc prcanium_ E. ff tbere hes btrca constroctio,u, irryrovcaneats or major rcpain rr\d.rrak ! oD tbc Foperty Io bepurn}asgA q'ifhia six moatls pnor to tbe Dare of the Commdenq lhc rcquiremeots to obtaia ,o.r*"gufor uorocordcd lieos rpill includc; disolosure of cenain construction informatioq trDdnoia.l iaformaion as to the seller, rlrc build6 ad/or tbe co$u?cto(; palareot of tbc appropriate preaaiqm; fully eeeartedIDdc@tdg €rceaaeots to tbe coaparyl e4 asy .iiiaio": ,"q"t".*., as nay be necesssry aficr !u elrlhinatim of the aforesaid iaformation by the Conpaoy. No oovr. egc rl'ill be give6 uudcr any oircrmstaoces for labor or m:rerial for wboh the insured has contecdad for onagreed to Fey, NOTEING &REIN CONTI,INED WILL BE DEEMED TO OBLIGATE Tru COMPAI.IY TO PROIDEAJV OF TEE CO\ryRAGES REFERRED TO IIEREIN UNLESS TEE ABOVE CONDIflONS AREFULLY SATTSFIED. fficc No. 05 0? 7 047 Disclo$re (YSDD) Rcv. 10i99 JA|IJ. 31. 2006 I : 13PM BLUE SKY MORTOAOE rJo 567 P.9 STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPAI\IY Prlvaqy Policy No6ce. PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Titlc v of t5s 6i--'1**-***1 (oLB,") gtuerary prohioits my fiuaacial iustiartion, rrirectly o thorghi" fl.*' tol shuirrg nonprbiic perconar iuforaarion abo,t yoo *r'th a aoufrIiated thiril parry |rdcss thelu*itutio provides yorr witb a uodce qf ils privacy policier and practiceq such ss rhc tj?e of idiornario,n rh,r itcollcots abour you aDd tlc caregories of perous oi c.tia", i" ",tom it oay be tiisclosed" Ia oorpliae with tho ^GI-8,! lve-are foviding you with ttrijA*--q ;hi.U ootito you of rbc privacy poliacs rd practices ofSaart Tidc Guaranty Company *.,Tt_T_U= "oupnblic persmal infomarion abou 1ou Aoo the folloc,iag souces:- lnlorllrab@ we reivc froa yqq Ancl aS oa applicariOus Or othcr fcmS.- Infortsion about your tnasactioas *u saarr, io- oruno, or from onr "ffiliaps or ottrers.- iaforoation rpc rcceive from a onsrmcs reponing agcoc)..- Informarion that we rcoaive frool otitcs in"or""a-io iorrrmnsactioD? such as tbc roal estaf! agror or lcodfi- ualcss it is specifics[y sat€d otb€rc'ise iD m aacaded Privaca Policy Nodcg no additi@al uoopublic pcrsonalinforratioo c'ilI be collecred abou yorr- wc.uay disclose aoy oftheabove iaforsatioa thawe collccr about our ousnornerc or fcog. custrmcrcto ourafrliarcs or to aooa,frliared tbird prtics as pcrninod by lasr wc t1 ray disciosc tlis uforaation sbout our cusrobeis or foroer oustoncrs ro thc following tSpx ofnonafrliarcd co4aares thar pcrfo'ra rarketiag services on our bebalf or rrritfi rphdn we bave jobr marlcirng8gre€oents: - -F-iDsocid sewice Pcoviders 3uc[ as co'r'F-qies cngagcd ia benleing, congu6c( fiaancc, sccuriticc aod ineura'cc.- Non-fiaacial conpai.s llcb as envelope sartrers ,nra ofter fultrU-*t serice provi'dcrs. VE DO NOT DISCLOSE A\TT NONPUEI,IC PERSONAL AIFORMATICjN ABOUT YOU WTTH ANYONEFOR ANY PIIRPOSE THAT Is NoT S"PCFICAILY PERMITTED BY LAw. Y,:YTI :*"ss.to Dotrpublic pcrsonal bforoarion about youro tiose eoploycasurho aeed tokaowrh*u{orBAia u ordl8 to provldg Pfodnas or sesvic€s to you. Wc rnaintain physical, elecmniq ad procedu;alsdeguads thar corply with fedccal rcgutarioqs to gnard your nopublio p.*o-t ior.o-"tor. nh !io. _ 05OJ7X7 $.'rutt llrt. or V4 Il..PtlJi.t Pol|6' No6o GtC6 t) Rg\,. grnoo: (t?pNl) .,,,JAI\J. 31, 2006 1 : l3PMl BLUE SKY l/ORiGAOE N0.567 P, t0 STEWART TITLE OF VAIL, fNC. hdvacy Pollcy Notice FIIRPOSE OF TEIS NOTICE ritlc v of tle Grml"each-BlileJ'.i,c{ (GI-BA) geacrally pmhibits aoy fin?r'cia] bstinrtion, tiirccrtJy or tlroug! ilgt_$, fom sharing noapublic persoual i"fL..ti--"'"t*t ]ou rprt a uooafiliacd &ird parry rmlcss &eEsutuuoD providcs you witl e notice of i6 privary polici+ ad prardccq *"b ; ,h. q?" of informatioa rhar ircolleds abod you od ths catqone6 of pccs-ons oi *tri"s ro whom it cay be disclosed_ ID coEpiigace qrith the $.t :SA y,a.r pro'ri.til€ you rrlth Ois d,oarncaq *Ui.U ooti6"s you of tbs pnivacy policies Eod practices of$tewcrr Tide of VaiL Inc" Wa_ryV oolleci noapublic pcrsmal inforn:ciou about you fom rbc followilg sorE!c6:-- Ilfomatim we receive f,om yor\ sucb as oa .ppfi&ooi or othcr foros.- InformariOn about yot'r tesacdous we Seorre torn Our fiies, or Aon Orr efi.Iiates or othcrs.- Idormshol we recgive fro a coaslner rcportjng ageury. - Idormeioa that we receive fiou others bvolvedi irrl ras.aiom, such as tbe real esEarc ag€at or ]errrra+. Uuless it is specificallY *arod otherwisc ia an ocadcd Privacy Poliry Noticc. ao additiolral aorrpublic pcrsonalilforsaioa wjll bc collected ebout you. *j PE, disclose aly of rhc abovc infomation fhgt v.rc oollcct about ou custoErers or forEef custoEa-s t! ourerFlirteo or ro aonafrIiatcd tLird parties as pcraitted by larr,, We also may disolose tlis inforoaion abour ou oJsto4crs or foraer 61r$o6crs to th€ fo1owing ,5,r'pcs ofnorafrliated oomlraDics that perfona narkcbg scrvices ou our be[alf o wittr whoo we bave Jomt mErketiEgagre€ocolt: - l-t^tid scrvioe providers zucfr es coupanies engqed in b:nH.g, ooasuse! filace, sean-rtics aad inslraoce.- Non-fnaasial coqaoics srch u eavelope suffcrt *a otb"r runtiocot orvicc goviders. wE Do Nor DIscLos -ANY NoNPLtsLIc pERsoNAr, INFoRMATIoN Agotrr you wrrl{ Ab{yoNEFOR A}TY PUR}OSE THAT Is NoI SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY L{w. w3 resria aoc€ss to noDpublic personal informatioa Sout you to those eoployees who nccd to how 6atinformatioo ia ordcr to provi{ lioauoS or saviccs to you. we naiataio p#i*i, electotriq end pmcedu;alsafoguard5 thar coryly witb fedcral rcgulaions rc grrard your uoapublic pa-soaai information. Fllelio, 050370a7 gE*.rr Tldc 0l V|It, tngPti':.t, PolET Nod6c Crgc Z)Ie!. 0tl200r (YIPNY) . .JAl\l 31 2006 l:14PM BLUE SKV [,IORTOAGE |\l0,567 P, ll CONDMONS 1. DEFb{ITIONS (a) "Moreage" me'as mtrtg4ge, decd of tnst or othcr sece.ity irytmcat @) ,,p.bbc Recor&,,opans titre recor& ttat gi.re coniur:ctive "otio-or -.no, affeaiag yo'r titre _ aocordingto the $ar. sbirtes where yoro land is tocarei 2 LATERDEFECTS The Exce'rtioos rn sched'le B - scctiotr tr oay be aoeoded to show my deftcrs, licos oracumbraces thar auoear lor Ae 6rsr tloe inh" fuDnc recoi.ds or are crcded or a,Eac,hbets/e€q tire Conmitneqt Ddr;trh;;r:;"*;d; a[ of tha Requireqests (a) and (c) ofscbedule B - s*tion I are md. w. t;; friifr ro yo'beco',ee of this amendr*nr 3, E}ilSIl!{G DET"ECTS If my defects, Iiens or eocuabraaces eristing at CoEEiheDt Dase sre rct shovr! in SdeeilgB, we nay ameod s'c;bedr:rc s to sho* ffeEdl ir*J.- ao urneoa s.h"d,ffi;J; rtrose defecrs,Iieos or eno:obrances._we shall g.- firiri" t, V"u ,"*rar"g to paragrapb a below ua.leseyou hocw of this bforma:is! e$d did not reU o. Jo* ir in crritiDg. 4. LII\ATATION OT' OURLIABILITY *-1tl gU{eeUo3 is to.issue-ro you rhe policy refened ro u this Coamitneog when youha!'e rDet ib Rcouire-eqts. tr.*. M:r.*..I Ua6ifiry to you for any fom yorr io"l, uLo".of an crror rl this Corornitoenq onr liability will be limired to your acural loss carsedby your relybg ol rhis comniuent whi-fou tid L good fai& to: Comply with thc rtequire@oos shom ia Schcdule B - Sectioa I..ot Elimi::ate with our writtm colsent a[y Exceptions shown in Schedule B - Sectiou tr. We shall aot be liable fsl p6y_6 rhet fig policy Acount shoqa il Schodule A of flri< Coumitmcataad our liability is subjcct ro the tcras of1!g iroU.y f*- to be iEsuod to you 5. CT,ANVXS IUUST BE BASED ON TtrIS COMMITMENT. Any erailo' wirefier or nor based rxrhich yor may bave agaiast us cancening the titJem the ,land mlst be trascd on rhir Coo&dcrt "r,a i. iot;* to its tc'.s. INFORMATION The Tftle Insuraace Commiareat is a legal coaract betrveca you ahd rhe Coapaay, It is issrcdto shov' the basis oa whicfi we wiil iss,tc . ii0. Usuranr" Policy ro yor The potioy willEsure vou qgatnct c*tai! risks Io rhe rad titrc, subjecr to ou tnitat; sloorA a, roury Tbe Compary will givo yol a smple of the policy form, if you ask- Tle Coomi&eot is basedea l[6 lzrd fids as of the Coomitroeor Date A.ui ;;;€". in the land rhle or te taasactionmay afect rhe comqituent and tbe poricy. Tbe'commiaent is subject to io nofuir.m*rr,Exccptioas and Colditiou_ .- .iAN. 31. 20060 l:i4PMAlrl ELUE SKY 149X16466;SOCIATES LLC T10. 56Pri p. t2+ ' byvi&tlg tk b.fio',tc Cot{la,E'loa ?agc ef, atuA'''g ,h4 .ar.$.g/:ct' canlnaaioa atr,bsr OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF TIIE STATE OF COLORADO CERTI F'I CATE I, Dqtefta David5sq as the Sacrerary of State of the Stae of Colorado, bepby cerfiry fhir,aocordiog m ttrcrccords ofthis office. Ea ltotrliags, LLC isa Limited Liability Company fouocd or registeled on 0g/10/2005 under $e raw of cororado, has oomplied wirh at! applicabretequitements of this officq and is in good standiry wirh this office. This enrity bss beenessigned catiry idomificarion nr.rrober 200JI304gg2 Tlis certific'ale reflests facts esublished or disclosed by doanments delivered to dris ofilicc onpaper through 08/05/2005 thar have been postod, ana ly ao"rt nents delivered ro this officeelectonicallySrcugh 08/t0/2005 @ 08:58:ti. . I have qfBxed horem tre Grear sear of the sate of cororado and duly gcnerared exoo:red,aurhenticated, issued delivered and conmunicated rhis otgcial c€rrifirG it o.o"*, coloradooa O8/10/2005 @ 05:58:12 Pursuar? to and in accordance. with applicable law. Tuis certificate isassigned Confrmation Nnsrber 6278366 . f i .4t4 ;f',r&'wc& Seoretary of Stete of&c Srate of Colorado at d. op oL .hc tsararq. "rd *tid|.V qf " *rtA*B ,,78 :iFcrsloty 91sF.re's ,fab ,iE. htaE:/t t 1,,u!.sorl"&qlqcd on thc *t6t&..a joilfiiig-Em Eec*at p r4e vatuf at<i dteeuvT xr<arcc.f a zatn.ai- pd,2{ol(;antq aa.t &|cc! -Freqututt ls|l Oa.rio,a.'. Itt!.'-'rrr'trt"'rat""a"t'rt*cctrrruEbd of Cenilicaler r....r.r.ri.rri,r..r'r.G. {r.-{ia...-..8.. {.tA }t E ;/Aw'v.r6e-s@t-ao-,rtt cll6k Dutlr*st Development Area A. The recent qhanqes to GRFA were found not to affect DeveloFmenr area A a. tnere ts no rererence ro August 10,2004 Liftside c/o Tim Albrecht 1234 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Additions to existing condominiums at Liftside/Liftside Gondominiums Mr. Albrecht, This letter is being sent as a follow-up to our conversations regarding the potential expansion of existing condominiums within the Liftside Condominiums into existing hallways. Staff has determined that each unit is entitled to a 250 square foot addition and interior @nversion. Staffs reasoning behind this is that Liftside is located within Development Area A of Special Development District (SDD) #4. Within SDD #4 there is a specific amount of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) allocated to To do more than a 250 square foot addition to an existing dwelling unit would mean that you would fall under the definition of a Major Amendment to SDD #4. Reducing the amount of your additions to 250 square feet or less means that you would fall under the definition of a minor amendment which is a staff approvable application with an update provided to the Planning and Environmental Commission, which could be called up for review. Please also be aware that every time an owner would take advantage of an addition of any size that a new condominium plat would be required to be recorded. Staff does not have any knowledge about lhe covenants or declarations for Liftside Condominiums or the whole of SDD #4. lt is possible that they contain further restrictions or requirements. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. With regards, Wanen Campbell Senior Planner Cc: Fib APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR MWNOPVAIL Vail,816s7 hw*>"-z:-o Town of Vail Reg. No.: /r/7 P Contact and Phone #'s:6.- /'/t fz z -[.t- ( s- E-Mail Address: contractor ttn "ffia--- I COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (tabor & Materials) PLUMBING: $dz) Conhct Eagle County Assessrc Offie at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #>l o 3 J >l 2)'-o ,G sobNane*{)tob Mdre17r, /J?-/h^ A,( Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Engineer:Address: /Phone: Detailed desgription of work:7;;t*-;;|o*t a-;-- ifth tl^Lkt,-+ t\at? workClass: New( ) Additiorf( I nlteration g-Y'Repar( L)u ott'r"r( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (,1-Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (J-- *****rr******************************t!**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********!r**************************** Date Received:. All.D re€s; - \WAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERM I TS\PLMBPERM. DOC