HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT C32 LEGALCr.sc-acXe &etstcle- L3"} Vi\\age ,{ coal'l,trlw oEtiELoFuE r Design Reyiew Board ACTIOI{ FORlrl Department of Comnrunity Deyelspment 75 South Frontag€ Roadn Vail, Colorado 8!.657 tel: 970.4?9.2139 fel|j. 970.479.2452 web: wwu.railgo%com Project Namel MCDONNELL ADDmON Proiect Description: DRB Number: DRB070719 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDmON OF GRFA. THrS APPUCATION UTTLIZED 106 SQUARE FEET OFTHE ALLOWED 250 ADDMON. Participants: owNER MCDONNELL, THOMAS A. & JEAN t2121"12W7 4909 SUNSET DR KANSAS CITY MO 64112 APPLICAT{T ARCHmCTAL SERVICES, P.C. L212L12007 Phone: 970-926-7605 P.O, BOX 385 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001800 ARCHITECT ARCHITECTUAL SERVICES, P.C. r2l2Ll2l07 Phoner 970-926-7605 P.O. BOX 38s EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001800 Project Addrcss: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Location: LIFTSIDE CONDOS UNIT C-32 Legal Description: Lot: Blodc Subdivislon: UFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 2103-121-2202-3 Comments: See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActiON: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 01/16/2008 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apptoval' pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued towad completion. Cond: CON0009671 THE APPLICANT SHALL RECORD AN AMENDED FINAL PLAT DEPIfiNG THE CHANGES MADE TO THI CONDOMINIUM PI.AT PRIORTO REQUESENG A FINAL PLANNING INSPECTION. THE PROCESS OF REVIN^/ING AN AMENDED PLAT CAN TAKE UP TO A MONTH TO COMPLETE. Cond: CON0009738 The applicant shall pay a fee of 92,508.49 to mitigate the employee housing need generated by the 106 square feet added by this project prior to release of the building permit. Questions regarding this fee shall be directed to Nina Timm, the Housing Crordinator, who can be reached at970-479-2144. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Pald: $3OO,OO Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community 75 Soufi Frontage Road, Vail, tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a the'zubmittal iequliemerits for the particular approval that is requested. -An,appligf]urnbrtiE$rVneview ca.nnd aacepted until all required information is received by the Community Development-Depbiment. The ffied may also naacepted until all required information is received by the Community Development-Depbrtment. The dEied may also nee{Qrfl to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design rcview appoval lapce\.|f unleas a building permit ls issued and construction comm€noee within one year of the approval. D6scripuonoftheRequest 5EE ATTAcI'l€p petcp tPloN Location of the Proposat, tog u/A Block l't/A 5ubd;v;51en; ht./A physical Address: lltllf e3Z tlFtStDe coFtOolrfirurrg t234 tlEiTHA.VgU DRtl€ Parcel l{o.: Lto3a2l22 'o23 (contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning:39o Ho.+ ARSA "4" bIATERFaRP n\,r=nr-= u DEC 2t2b ovPJ l\ -0' DEac-F.lPTloN l{ame(s) of owner(s): Tt+owas Jsho,Dou Mailing Addr€ss: Vill'( cr3z LIFTJ lDe Cer{l9pt'llblfurrt5 rz;4 ttiifgrAr/Elt DPrue VAlv. cP etos'?qro) 47n- 52s+ 0wner(s) Si gnatur€(s) :A T,t.\ Name of Applicant: A tTE,cTUCRL 5€t"VlC6 DAH|rl 51,.1E|TTFE&q. MaifingAddress: ?'o'BOi 385 whl,rPD' ' ce gJbbz , -Phone: (qra) qz6-7eas $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For conslruction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, suclr as, re-roofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site imprwements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallg etc. $20 For ievisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Deslgn Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Concefiual Review tr Ne\/ConstructionM Rddition tr Minor Alteration (m ulti-familV/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changesb Apprwed Plans tr Separation Request s#w u*.nngo"E ('( o,*k N"., / ?V B av, A G -ob DRBNo.: 0.,or,., \=E/ o7- C/rlr ****+**'s't******,i************ **** * * * **************+******** * * * * * * * * f,* ** * **,i******a*++******** TOWNOFVATL, COLORADO statement**+'t*****++****'***************+f****************{'*++++++++++*++*********************,}******* Statement Nunber: R020002256 Amount: 9300.OO L2/2L/2OO709:25 Alt Payment Method: Check Init : r.IS Notatj-on: 144IIARCHITECTURAL, SERVTCES permit No: DRB0?0?19 !4re: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2LO3-L2L-22O2-3 SiTe AddresE: 1234 hIESTHAVEN DR VAII, IJOCATiON: I'IFTSIDE CONDOS I'NIT C- 3 2 Tota1 Feess 5300.00 This Pa)ment: $300.00 Total AIJ, Pmts! $300.00 Balance: $0. OO **+***'i:t't+*******'***************+**********************************+++****************+++fil ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrintion Current Pmts DR OOTOOOO3IL22OO DESIGN REVIEW EEES 300.00 Application for DEsisn Review Description of the request Address - Unit C-32 Liftside Condominiums (McDonnell Residence) 1234 Westhaven Drive Parcef No. - 210312122-023 Zoning - SDD No. 4 Area "A'Waterford The following is the Description of the request. My clients would like to increase the size of their Unit by relocating the entry door and incorporating into it, a portion of what is presently common area corridor. In doing so they would be adding +/- 106.0 Sq. Ft. of GRFA to the present size of the Unit. All of the added floor area occurs below the existing roof and extent of the existing exterior walls with no changes to the exterior of the building. AncrLtrnctr Lrtt,.\L Strnvlr:rss " P" C " 210 Edwards Village Blvd. . C-2O2. P,O. tsox 385 Edrvards, Colorado 81632 Phonc: 970-926.7605 . Fax: 97O.926.7 610 December 19,2007 Town of Vail, Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Unit C-32 Liftside Condominiums (McDonnell Residence) Parcel No. - 210312122-023 To Whom lt May Concern: Attached please find our clients submittal for the above referenced project. By relocating the Unit entry door my clients would like to incorporate into their Unit 106.0 Sq. Ft. of what is presently common area corridor. All of the added floor area occurs below the existing roof and extent of the existing exterior walls of the building, with no changes to the exterior of the building. We are hopeful that the Staff will be able to approve the changes we are proposing. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Gopy to: Tom and Jean McDonnell December 16,2007 To: Town of Vail From: Liftside Board of Directors JackHardy, President Re: Liftside C-32 Expansion Plans To Whom It May Concern: The Board of Directors at Liftside Condominiums has approved the expansion plans of unit C-32 into the common hallway adjacent to the existing entry to unit C-32. The plarr will not make any changes to the exterior of the Liftside building. Ifyou have any questions, please contact the building manager, Tim Albrecht at 479- 9100 Association I234 Westhaven Drive . Vail. Colorado 81657 . 970-479-9I00 ' Fax 970 476-4980 I Land Tifle Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION .l'nn#,Illlg Date: 08-03-2007 Property Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DRTVE VAIL, CO 8165? Our Order Number: V50006659-2 If you have any inqulries or require fiirther assistance, please contact one of the numben below: PETER M. & JUDITH W. DAWKINS 80 W. RIVER RD, RUMSON, NJ 07760 Phone:212-559-8929 Fax: 212-793-3373 EMail: dawkimp@cttlgmup.com S€nt Vta US Poslal Service THOMAS A. & JEAN W. MCDONNELL 1909 SUNSET DR. I(ANSAS CITY, MO 64I 12 Phone; 816-435-8660 Sent Vla US Postal Service LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY I()8 S. FRONTAGE RD. W, #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Attn: Cail Clarke Phone:970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: gclarke@ltgc.com ROHN ROBBINS BOX 6133 VAIL, CO 81658 Attn: (SELLER.S ATTY) Phone;970-926-4461 Fax: 970-926-4471 EMail: robbins@colorado.net Sent Via EMail DST REAIITY INC. 333 W. llTH ST. SUITE IOT KANSAS CITY, MO 64105 Attn: STEVE TAYLOR (BUYER'S A'ITI') Phone: 816-435-6403 Fax: 816-435-8210 EMail: sktaylor@ dstsystems. com Sent Via EMall For Clocing Asslstance: Gail Clarke 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 vArL, co 81657 Phone: 9?0-477-4537 Fax: 970-476-4534 EMall: gclarke@ ltgc. corn For Title Assistance: Vail Tide Dept. 108 S. FRONTAGE RD, W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 vArL, co 8165? Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4732 Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 08-03-2007 Our Order Number: V50006659-2 Property Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: THOMAS A. MCDONNELL AND JEAN W. MCDONNELL Seller/Owner: PETER M. DAWKINS AND JUDITH W. DAWKINS Wbe Information: Bank: FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO IO4O3 W COLFA.Y AVENUE LAKEWOOD, CO 802T5 Phone: SLS-ZJ7-i000 CTedit: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE C0MPANY ABA No.: 107005047 Account: 216052182i Attention: GaiI Clarke Need a map or directions fog yoqr upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web sile at www.ltgc.comfor directirins to any ofour 5{ officdlocadofir. " - ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy l0-17-92 Deletion of Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Deletion of General Exception 4 (Owner) Tax Report R042224 has been ordered from Eagle Cty $3,575.0O $30.00 $70.00 $7s . 00 If Jlelid 8ite Cuarante€ Cqqtany ti!I be cTosinq Uhis transecEron,above tees rri77 be coTTected aX thaX tir|,e. TOTAL $3 , 637. OO lom coNr ct o5l01 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI Chtcago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Propert5r Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order No. V50006659-2 Cust. Ref,: 1 Effective Date: August 06, 2004 at 5:00 p.M. Z. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's Poliry 10-17-92 $1,834,800.00 Proposed Insured: THOMAS A. MCDONNELL AND JEAN W. MCDONNELL 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commltment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4- Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested ln: PETER M. DAWKINS ANDJUDITH W. DAWKINS 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is descrlbed as follows: CONDOMINIUM UNIT C-32, LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION OF LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED DECEMBER 22, lgg4lN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 809 AND THE CONDOMINIUM MAP OF LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED DECEMBER 22. 1994 IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 810, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V500066S9-z The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Iten (b) Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or intercst to be insured must be executed and dulv filed for record. to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: 1. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 2. WARRANTY DEED FROM PETER M. DAWKINS AND JUDITH W. DAWKINS TO THOMAS A, MCDONNELL AND JEAN W. MCDONNELL CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF PETER M. DAWKINS AND JUDITH W. DAWKINS. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF THOMAS A, MCDONNELL AND JEAN W. MCDONNELL. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS THE CLOSTNG OF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTTON(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED To READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2()O4 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 IJNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectlonl (Requirements)Our Order No. V50006659-2 Contlnued: SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. *,I*'I.**'I'*** NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER I, 2OO2 **,1.+,I**++* Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $1.00 for each document received for recording or filing in his or her office. The surcharge shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by statute. " Tle policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same atre disposedof to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3' Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey andinspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the puhlic records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or olher matters, ifany, created, first appearing in the public records orattaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the datl the proposed insured aiquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6' Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition' the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptlons)Our Order No. V50006659-2 RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16. 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED DECEMBER 22,7994IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 810. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR. RELIGION. SEX. HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAPPED PERSONS AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 22, IgS4,IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 809 AND AMENDMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 29, 1999, 9. 10. ll. t2. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)Our Order No. V50006659-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposedof to the satisfaction of the Companyr UNDER RECEPTIONNO. 713331. 13. ANY COVENANTS, AGREEMENTS, ASSESSMENTS ANDiOR EASEMENTS FOR PUBLIC UTILMES, SEWER, DRAINAGE AND OTHER INCIDENTAL PURPOSES THAT AFFECT THE COMMON ELEMENTS ONLY AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF SAID CONDOMINIUM OR AS CREATED OR RESERVED IN VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS OF PUBLIC RECORD. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY and LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY . GRAND JUNOTION DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-122, notice is hereby given that:A) The subject real property may be located in a ipecial taxing disaict.B) A Certificate of Taxes-Due listing each taxing jurisdiction iray be obtained from the Count5r Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires rhat all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and b"ottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refirse to record or file an], document that does nol conform, excep{ thal, the requirement for the top margin shall nor apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information it the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear ofiecord prior to the time oi recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for reiording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that iand Titlc Guarintee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documenls from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Pollcy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Afffrmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrn"ni fro. the Owner-'s Poiicv to be issued) upon compliance with lhe following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of lhis commitrnent must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvemenls or major rCpairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of cerlain construction information; financial infonnation as to the seller, lhe builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate prernium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requiremints as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the lnsured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitrnents containing a mineral severance instrument exceplion, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permisslon. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred lo herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied, Fo!m DISCIOSITRE O9/OI/O2 NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fldelity National Financial Group of companies / chicago Title Imurance company Security Union Title Insurance Company July r, 200r We recognize- and respect the privacy expectations of todav's consumers and the requirements of applicable federal andsta^te priV-acy.laws' wb believdtha.t rfrahiig you-iwari';fTo; *-e G;Furft;-ii6t;p;;;iilr i""i5[.iii6ii i'F"iilil.iInformation''), and to whom-it is disclosef,,-will-rijrm r[i, uiih'io' i-rd[t"ffid;i'i"diri"T*;";;;;o lft'pi,5ii;"-'that we serve. This Privacv Statement provides thliexpiiniribn.-ivi;;;; ii''6;}ft?,i ;h'ilid;'ifi Fii#;'-"""Statement from time to ride consistenr'wirtr ippiiiaUiii!-riviij, la*s. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources:* From appllcations or other forms-we receive from you or your authorized representarive-' lrom ybur transaclions witl, or from the services 6eing p6rformeii bt, *.- ffi;niiii;iejl or others;* From bur internet web sites;' --- ----'o r* From lhe oubllc records maintained. by governmental entitics thar we either obrain directly from thoseentities, oi from our afliliates or otheisiind- t rom consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Informa6on We maintain physical.. electronic and proce!ural safegqards lo protect your Personal Information from unauthorizedaccess or intrilsfon. we limir access rri lhe personal Ifrrorrnattori oriiv i6 iftn;;ip6y;a;fi;fii;;[ffi;;;fi*connection with providing products or services ro yor or for orhei ttgiiimlte bGfr;yilti;;;s. our Pollcles and Practices Regarding the sharing of your personal Information [9gqy-9,!a1e your Personal .Information with our alfiliates, such as insurance companies, aqents, and other realesmre semement service providers, we also may disclose your personal Informatiod: !o age4ts ' brokers or representalives lo provide you with services vou have reouested:lo tnlrd-Diuw confactors or seryice proViders w'ho provide servicds or perforni marketing or otherfunction's oli our behalf: and to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services lhat we believe youmav find of interest. In addition we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or qive us Dermission. when we are reouiredby law to do so, or when we"suspect fraudulent or ciiminii-iifivitid.-vi';;fso;;vt'i;;i;:;;; i;il- f - '-'t*'"" Inrormauon wnen otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for exainple, wheh disclosure is neededto enforce our rights arising 6ut of any dgrde'ment rrfilaiiio;ilff;iioiihi,"p:;ii-h:y'orij "' ,O]j^q! tL9.lTp,o-r1ant responsibilities of som_e of our affiliated companies is to record documenrs in rhe publicdomaln. Such documents may contain your personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states q$ord ygq the right to.access your Personal Information and, under cerlain circumstances, to find outto wnom your Hersonal lnlor,mation las been disclosed. Also, certain states afford vou the rieht to reouesl lPIilcJt_"1:^1TJlS,T9!! 9l geletiol ol your.Personal Information. We reserue the right, wherF permiubd by law, rocnarge a reasonable tee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests. - All requests submitted to the Fidlelity.Na.!io.nal Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Companyshall b'e tn wriring, and delivered to"the foilowing ;aAre-ss:- Privacy Compliance OfTicer f6t8'8"Yf 'iHil sl?,Ti'iJ''"' Santa Barbara, CA 931f0 Multiple Products or Services [!_ry p-royj$e you with more than one financial. product or service, you may receive more than one privacy noticeIrom us. We apologize lor any inconvenience thjs may cause you. FoTm PRTV. PCL . CHI LANDrrrlE""^ilff i1??l'#Xfi 9ii,?i:i%SloRADocoRpoRArroN MERIDIAN LAND TITLE, '.'.'., OH?ORADO LIMITED LTABLITY COMPANY. DiBlA LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. GRAND JUNCTION }it ll",T*! I qrolled to you as a customer of Land Title Guarantee Company, a Colorado corporation andMeridian Land ritle, LLC, dlbla Land ritre Guarantee company - Grano J'nition. We want you to know that we recognize and respect your privacy expectations and lhe requirements of federal and state privacy laws. Information security is one ofour frtghesi priorities. We recognize that maintaining your trust and confidence is the bedrock of our business. We maintain and regularly reviei internal and external safeguards against unauthorized access to non-public personal informatiin ("personal Information,'). In the course of our business, we may collect personal Information aboul you from:* applications or other forms we receive frorn you, including communilations sent through TMX, our web-based transaction management system; " your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our afffliates, or others;' a consumer reporting agency, if such information is provided to us in connection wilh your lransaction; and* the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, or from our affiliates and non-affiliates. Our policies regarding the protection of the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information are as follows:* We restrict access to all Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that , information in order to provide pmducts and services to you,+ We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguirds that comply with federal standards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion.* Employees who violate our strict policies and procedures regarding privacy are subject to disciplinary action.* _W-e regularly access securi$ standards and procedures to protect against unauthorized access to personal Information. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT PERMITTED BY LAW. C.onsistent with applicable privacy laws, lhere are some situations in which Personal Information may be disclosed- {e may disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission; when we are required by law to do so, for example, if we are served a subpoena; or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal acdvities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when olherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for "turnpl", when iisclosure is needed to enforce our righrc #sing out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. Our policy regarding dispute resolution is as follows. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to our privacy policy, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by irbitration In accordance with the rules of the Amerlcan Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award iendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. rorm PRfV . POL. LTG . 1