HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT C12 LEGAL D�sign Revi�w �var�i . ACTI+D�1 F�f�M # Departme�t of Comtnunity C?�v�el8pment �'�J���j�j( ' � 75 South Fron�age Raad� Vaik, CalQrado 8fb5� �+� ��� t�i: g�a.4��.Zi39 ��x: ��o.���.z��z c;�,,�,�,�e�v��a��r�r web: www.vailgaw.cam �,�, Projeet Name: ELLIOTT RES. C-12 ADDT7ION DRB Number: DRB�70107 Project Description: ADDITION OF 107 SQUARE FEET OF GRFA THROUGH AN INTERIOR CONVERSION TO INCORPORATES A POSRTION OF SPECIAL COMMON ELEMEfVT HALLWAY. Participants: OWNER ELLIOTT, WILLIAM C. &CINC?Y 03/26/2007 3323 DiLLAR� RD BLAIRSVILL� GA 30512 APPLICANT ARCHITEECTUAL SERVICES, P.C. Q3/26/2007 Phone: 97(}-926-76a5 P.O. BrJX 385 EDWARDS CO 81632 �icense: C000001800 ARCHITECT ARCHITECTUAL SERWICE5, P.C. D3/26/2007 Phone: 9T0-925-7605 P.O. BOX 385 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: C000001$QO Project Address: 1234 WESTMAVEN DR VAIL Location: LIFfSIDE C�NDOS UNFT C-1� Legal Deseription: Lot. Block: Subdivision: LIFT'SiDE CO�NDOMII�IUMS Parcel Number: 2103-121-2201-9 Comment�: SEE CONDITIQNS 'B4ARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAF�APR Secand By: Vote: Date of Approval: 04/18/20�7 Conditians: Cond: 8 (PLAN): Nv changes to these plans may be made without the wri�en consent of Town of Vail staff and/qr the appropriate review cornmittee(s). Cond; 0 (PLAN): DRB appr�v�l does nat co�nstatute a permit for buildin�. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approvai. Cond: 202 ' Approva� of this project shall lapse and become void ane (1)year�ollowing the date af fnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced a�nd is diligeRtly p�rsued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town af�er the effective date of Qrdinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to th� pending employee housing regulations in whatever form Chey are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pendir�g employee housing regulations by April 15, 20Q7, this Ordinance shall nat apply to such development applications. Cond: C�N0008820 The applicant sf�afi record an amended condominium plat showing the changes made through thos addition, prior to requestin� a final planning inspectian of the constructed improverr�ents. The process of reviewing, approving, and recorded an amended condominium piat can take severaf weeks, please plan accordingly. Planner: Warren C.�mpbell DRB Fee Paid: $3U0.00 !, � I I I � � Addi�ions-Residential or Commercial � . , Appl�cation for Design Review *�Y1Sl:��i�ifAT�'� � Department of Community pevelopment 1"UR 11 R',lL[L 75 South Frontage Road,Vail, Colorado 81657 te1: 970.47�.2128 fax: 97Q.479.�452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: AI! projects rec�u�ring design review must receive a�proval prior to submitti�g a building permit application. P(ease refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application far Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is reeeived by the Communifiy Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Towr� Council andJor the Planning and Environrr�ental Commission. Design revfew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Desc�riptio� of the Request: __ SE�_ ATT�lC1�}�"p D��C,.Rt P1-►n�,1 ----- -.--- . rb K �" Locatian of the Proposal: Lot:µ��• Block:Irl�/A Subdivision: �' � � `-'�� PhysiGal Adtf�'ess: �N►TC IZ I.IFTiIDE GoHQc}MIN�V IM.S IZ3�} W�S�''�IA�+�N Drt�ut � Rarcel No.: 2��31 Z 1 2 Z, - d�`1, (Contact Eagle Ca. Assessor at 970-328-8640 far parcel no.) � Zoning: Spp 1•l0.4 Att.E 1El "q`� LZ/kTERF'�Rp � Name(s) of Owner(s): W�L�+�� �E.�.��vi T � Ma�ling Address: �• v• ��X 2337 �D W 11�Rl4 5 . ' Gt� Phone: �40 4� �L1- 37 S�q !'� Ovvner(s) Sigr�ature{s): �'�J u�.. � ° • -� � Name of Applicant: AQGH�7��'('�R.rl(, s EI�V I�.ES P� . �:o.wtt�t� S I.l�R"y'l�CC��R Mailing Addr.ess; P o. B8X 3 85 C fl I�i�,iA,RbS , t o 8��O 3 Z --------�.,. . . Phone: �9 70 1 2 4 , 7G = . _- �-�; �-� E-mail Address: Fax: �°���� 9 Z� - 7!0� E "� ' ' �'�".�,�� � �2�Q7 +� Type of I�evi�w and Fee: 'I`R� � � ❑ Si ns 50 Plus 1.00 er s uare foot of total sign area. ^� u 9 $ $ p Q i� � P�r.� �`�r: �a;l,�� ❑ Conceptuas Review No Fee T� , �P�_ � New Constructian $650 For construction of a new building or demoJrebuiid. � Addition $300 For an addition where square footage �s added to any residential or commercial building (incducfes 250 adciitions&ir�terior conversions). 0 Minor Alterakion $250 For minor changes t� buildir�g�and site improvements, s�ch as, (multi-family/cornmereial) re-raoF€ng, painting, window additions, �andscaping, fences and retaining walls,et�c. ❑ Minor Alteration $ZO For minor ch�nges to buildings and site impravements, such as, (single-familyJdup9ex) re-raofing, painting, window additions, landscapir�g, fences and retaining walls, etc, O Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review �oard. ❑ 5eparation Request Na Fee For Office Use Only: %�(� Fee Paid: � ✓ Ch k No.: V r By: � Z- �J�r""'""- � �� �C� �� �� � ! NlEeting Date: DRB No.: Planner: *''4� ___Project No.: � � � r � F:�c ev FORMS\PERM ,Planning�drb_ad ition_11-23-20 5. oc Page 1 0 14 11J23J2D05 - A plication for �esign Review Descript�on nf the request Address - Unit C-1� Liftside Condorx�iniums (Ellic�tt Residence) 1234 Westhaven Drive Parcel YVo. - 210312122-019 Zoning — SDD No. 4 Area "A" Wa�erford The fallowing is the description of th� request. By relacating th�eir Unit entry door my clients would I�ke to incorporate into their Unit 107.0 Sq. Ft. of what is presently common area corridor. All af the added floor area occurs below the existing roof and extent of the exis#ing exteriar walls wikh no changes ta the exteria� of the building. I�I� D� March 22, 2007 ' To: Town of Vail From: Liftside Board of Directors Jack Hardy, President Re: Liftside C-12 Expansion Plans Ta Whom It May Con.cern; The Board of Directors at Liftside Condo�niniums has approved the expansion plans of unit G12 inta the common hallway adjacent to the existing entry tQ unit C-12. The plan will not rnake any changes ta the exterior of the Lifrside building. If you have any questions, please contact the building manager, Tim t�brecht at 4?9- 9100. Jack Hardy, Presidet�t ��� Li side Candominiu Association _ , 123 � ���estl3���F'en f� ri �� �° • �%ail , C�rfuradu �i 1 (i57 • � i C�- �F 19- �J l00 • F �ax 971�-41@-4�) 80 t,,� ��_, �_ � ��,:�,��_,�.r, �.°,«.:�.��., ��_�: f��� ��� ���,.�� ��'o ���`o 21f1 Lcln��ircla l"illaKe Rl��cl. • C-?0� • Y.�J. Li�S� 3�� li��avnrds, Cc>lorado S163? Phone: �)11).�126.i6(1� • F��x: V!{1,926.7G7f) March 26, 2007 Town of Vail, Dep#. of Cotnmunity Development 75 Sou#h Fronta�e Road Vail, Colorado g1657 Re: l,fnit C-12 Liftside C�ndvminiums (Elliott Residence) Parcel No. - 21 Q312122-019 To Whom It May Concern: Attached please f�nd our clients submittal for the above referenced project. By reiacating their Unit entry daor my c�rents waufd like to incorporate 107.Q Sq. Ft. of what is presently common area corridor Ento their U�it. A!I of the added floor �rea occurs below the existing roof and extent of the existing exteriar walls of the building, with no changes to the exterior of the building. We are hopeful that the Staff wifl be able to approve the changes we are proposing. Piease call if you have any questians or require additional information. Sincerely, �i ' ARCHIT�CTU A SERVI S, P.C. . �`f 2�,' � �� Danny S fe � f Copy #o: Mr. William �Iliott �***#*#**&*��*������*####*�***��#**��&���##��#�#**#*##***##�##*####*#�###*#�###*#�#��##�##�� "I'OWI+]4F VAIL, COLORADO Statement �*****�*****�***�*���x��r������������������x���*�***��********��:*�:����*���:������������������a�*� Statement Number: R070040348 Amount: $3fl0.b0 03/26f200707 .34 Pi+1 Payment Method: Ch�ck Init: �S Notation: 1434/ARCHITECTCTRAL SEI2'VICES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DR$070107 Type: DRB - Additian of GRFA Parcel. No: 2103-121-2201-� Site Address: 1234 wESTHAVEN DR VAI� L,ocation; LIFTSIDE CONDOS T7NIT C-12 Total Fees: $30p.Op This Payment: $340.00 Total ALL Pmts: $300.00 Balance: $0.40 � ***��**********************�:**:t******************�x��������****�x*�x�+*���****�*�x�**�x�***+*�x�x�x� ACCQLTNT ITEM LIS`T: i Account Code Description Current pmts � -------------------- --------__----------__-_------ -----------_ DR 00106003112240 L�ESIGN REVTEW FEES 3QQ.OQ , -------------------—--- ---_�--------------------------------——----°_--- � I �I i! �� ALTA O<�RJ£R'S POLICY- I p-17-92 P�L.IC'Y OF TITL� INSlJRA1�'CE IS�L1�D BY ST' E �'VART TI 'TLE GUAI2ANTY C � MPANY SUB,�CT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVE�tAGE, THE EXCEPTIOTds FRQM GOV�RAGE CONTA�f�IED 1Tl SCHEDULE B A,ND THE CONbITIONS�1ND 5TIPULA7IONS, STEWART TITLE GUAR/1NTY COMPANY, a Texas corporatibn, herein called the Ca�npany, insures, as af Date of Policy sh�wn in 5chcdulc A, agaitzst loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Titic tU the estate or interest descrihed in Schedule A bein�vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. UnmarEcetahr�ity of the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land. The Cornpany wiJl also pay the costs, artari�eys' fees and cxpcnses incurred in deterisc ot t11e title, as insured, but only to the exient pr��idcd in thc Conditions and Stipulations. IN WITN�SS WH�R�OF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its du[y autE�orized offieers as of�the i)atc e�f Policy s}town in Schedulc A STEV1' ART TiTLE Gl1ARANTY CQh7PATJl' ;-���'"`�S LE��J"y; ♦ ,tr,��,;......,(J,�`-'_� . � � 1-. .i��q�`,�'� pPPO �y2i; -- � - � Cha i rman of the Boar � a� R�r "`�- �u,:. _*_ �d�<;> President ��i. 1908 �'o,�� Counters i gned: �-�+'•• •*� � �=i�.Tc X q5 ,,��,w .'t;�/(n`!p�n,!'' Authorized Countersignature STEWAftT TITLE OP VAIL, INC. , Agcait 1D�060058 EXCLlJS10N5 FROM COVERAG,E "1"he followin� inatters are expressly excluded froni llie caverage caf this policy and ihe Campaoiy�s'ill not pay loss or damagc, costs, attorney°s' fees or expenses which arise by reason of: I. (a)Any C�w, ordinancr or govertintental regulalioci (including btit not lin�ited tq buildiii� and zoui�jg laws, ordii3ances, or rc;gulaciuns) restricting, regulating, prohiUitiF��or relatin�to (i)the accupa�7cy, �ise, or enjoyme�tt of the land; (ii)lhe character, dimensions or kocation ofany improvement now or hereafrer erected on the land; (iii)a separation in ownership or a zhange in lhe tlimensions or area e�f thc land or any parcel of wliidi the land is or was a part; or(i�)environmental prutection, or the effect of any �•iolation af tl�ese]aws, ordinances or govemmenta!regulations, except to the extent that a nvuce uf tl�e eitforcenrent tliere�f ar a notice of a defect, lien or e�tcumbrance resulting from a viotatiun or alle�ed viulalian allecli��lhe Iand has been rccorded in tl3e pu6lic recurcls al Dale of Policy. (b}Any governmentai policc power not cxcludcd 6y (a}above, cxec�t tn tl�e exlenl lhat a not��e�f the exercise thereof or a notice of a defeet, licn t�r encumbranec resuitin� froin a viplation or alleged violalion affectin�Ihc land ha:;b�cn recorde�in ihe pubfic records at Date of Policy. 2. F�i=hts vC cmincnt damain unless noticc �f the exercise therenf 13as hccn rccurded in!he public records at Date of Policy, but not exciuding Gum coverage any taking which has nccurrcd�rior to Date of PolECy w°hick�would be bincEing on lhe rights of a purchaser for value without know�edge. 3. DefecLs, liens, encumbrances, adverse claitns or otkrer matters: (a)creared, saffered, assumed or agreed to by the insueed clain�anr, (6)not kraown to the Company, not recorded in the public records at l)ate of Policy, hut known to thc ie�sured cl�imarit and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior ro the date the insured c�aiinant 6ecaFne an insured tmdcr�his pali�y; (cj eesultin�in no loss or damage ta the insi�red claimant; (d)attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e)resulting in Eoss or damage which wou1A not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid vxlue f�r Uie estate or interest insured by this policy. 4. Any clain�, which arises out of the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate or interest insured by this palicy, by reason of tlre operation of fetferal bankrupicy, state insalvency, or si�nilar creditors' rights laws: that is based oai: (a)tE�e transacEion crealing the esEate or interesc insured by this policy�ein� deemed a fraudulent eonyeyance ar fraudu[eni lrac�sfer; or (b}lhe lr�nsaction crcd[ing the estate ar interesc insured by this�alicy being deerned a prefereirtial transf'er except where thc prefcrcntial lrunsfer resulis from lhe f�ilure: (i)lu timely record lEie instrunieral of lransfer; or(ii}of such recordation to impart nntice to a purchaser for valuc or a�ud*ment ar lien creditor. 5erial No. (7-9701 l?419ti SCHE��LE A (�rder Number: O1U29026A 1. Eflective date: March 15, 2007 at 7:45 A.M. 2. I'olicy or Policies to be issued: Amount of Insurance (a) A.L.T.A. Owner"s $ Proposed Insured: (b) A.L.T.t�. Loan � Proposed Insured: (c) Lcasehold � Proposed Insured: I 3. The estatc or interest in the land described or referrerl tc� in this Commitmcnt and covered herein is 'I fee simple 4. Title to the fee simp�e estate or interesc in said land is at the effective da#e hereof vested in: WIVLIAM C_ LLT,IQTT and CINDY K_ ELLIO'I`T 5. The land refcrr�d to in this Commitment is describecl as follows: SEE ATTACHED LBGAL DESCRIPT'T�N � �I Purported Address e STATEMENT QF CHARC;ES 1234 Westhaven Drive C12 "I'hese charges are due and payablc bcfore a Vail, Co 81657 Pnlicy oan be issued. SSARCTT FEE: $15 0.0 D SCHEDULE A Order Number: 01029026A LEGAL DESCRIPTIOhT Candominium IInit G-12, LIFTSIDE CQNDOMINIUMS, Eagle County, Co].orado; Accosc7ing to the Condomiaium DeclaraCxon for Liftside Condominiuma r2COrsied on December 22, 1934 in Book 657 at Fage Btl9 as Reception No. 553841 and Amemdment recorded riToveember 30, 2005 as Reception No. 200632746 of the real estate recorda of Eagle County, Colorado, and the Map af Liftside Candominiwns reco�ded on December 22, 1994 in Sook 657 at Page 87�0 as Reception No. 5�3842 of the real estate records of Eagle County, Colorado. COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO. I �I I I I� I II SCHEDULE B ' Sectiorr 1 Ord�r Nun�ver: 010�9026A REQUIREMENT 5 , Tl�c follawin are the re uirements lo be c g 9 omplied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of th�granto�s ar nnortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interestto be insured. , � Item (b) Proper instrumenc�s) creating the estate or interest ta be insured must be executed and duiy filed for I record, to wit: I 1_ None, thia report has beazi prepared for infarmational purposes only_ 'I I � I i I �I • SCHEDULE S Scction 2 Order Number: oI029026A �xc�rrrorrs The palicy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to ihe t'ollowin�? unless the same are disposed of lo the satisfactian of the Company: l. �tights or claims of parties in possessi�n, not shown by tl�c piiblie records. 2. �asements, or c�aims of easernents, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, confliets in boun�iary lines, shortage izi area, encr�achments, and any facts whicli a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are a�nt shown by tt�e pitiblie recards. 4. Any licn, or right to a lien, fcar servi�es, labor oi• material hc�-ctofore or h�reafter furnished, impc�sed by law and not shawn by the public records. 5. D�fects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims o�- otl�ca� matters, i1�any, created, firsC appearing in t1�e public rec�rds or attachzng subsequent t� the effectivc date hereof; but prior to the date tl�e proposcd insured acquires of record for value the estate or interesi or martgage thereon covered by this commitmenl. 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in palenls, or an act autliorizing the issuance thereof; water rigl�ts, claims or title to water, 7. Any and all uaxp�id taxes and assessmente and any uraredeemed tax sales. 8. The effect of inelusions in any general or specific water conaervancy, firs protection., sQil conservation or other district oT inclusion in any water serRrice or street improvament area. 9. Reservatione or exceptions contained in U.S. Patents, or in Acts a�ztharizing the issuance thereof, recorded August 16, 1909 in Book 48 at Page 542, reserving 1} Rights o� th.e proprietor of a vein or lade to extract and reatove k�is ore th�refrom aad 2) xighte of way for ditches and canals constructed under the authority of the Unit�d Statea. 10. Terms, conditians, reaervations, re�trictions and vbligatiane ae contained in the Declaration Creating Covenanta, Conditions, Reatrictions, and �'asements for Caecade Vi�.lage, recorded Ju�.y 17, 19$3 in Book 326 at Page 255 as Raception Na. 222616. 11. Underground Right-of-Way granted by Mansfield �imited, a Colorado Limited Partnership to Aoly Cross Electric Association, Tnc., by document recorded Augu�t 30, 1982 in Bopk 344 at Page 923 as Reception Na. 241268. 12. Conveyanoe of 5ki Lift Easement to Vail Associatea, Inc. , a Col.orado corporation and CasGade Vi}�lage Metropolitan District, a quasi-municipal Colorado corporation, recorded January 23, 1987 in Book 46� at Page 937 as Reception No. 351162. 13. Terms, conditions, reservations, reatrictions and obligations as contained in Declaration of Protective Covenanta, recorded June 23, 1987 in Haok 464 at Page 898 as Reception No. 361123. Continued om next page . � " ' ' Continuation of Sc�iedule � - SecCiorF 2 Order Number: 01029026A 14. Terms, conditions, reatrictions aud reservations cantained in Conveyance of Public Accesa Easement for Pedeatsians recorded June 23, 1987 in Book 464 at Page 941 as Reception No. 361166. 15. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictians and obligati�ns as contained in Right of Fiay EasHment Co Holy Gross Eleetric �ssociation, Inc., a cooperative corporation from Vail Ventures, Ltd. , a Colo�ado Limited Partnership recorded March 21, 1988 in Book 481 at Page 107 as Reception No. 377315. 16. Easements, sestrictions and righte-of-ways as shown on the piat of T,iftside/Cornerstone, recorded November 30, 1994 in Book 656 at Page 197 as Reception No. 552230. 17. Basement$, restrictions and rights-of-ways as shown an the Condominiusn Map for Liftside Condominiuma, recorded December 22, 1994 in Book 657 at Page B10 as Reception Ncz. 553842 and Amendment reeosded Decembez 4, 2006 aa Reception No. 200632970. 18. Terms, conditione, reservations, restrictions and obiigatione as contained in the Condominium Declaration For La.ftside Candominium�, secorded December 22, 1994 in Hook 657 at Page 809 as Reception No. 553841 and Amendment thereto recorded I�iovember 30, 2006 as Reaeption No. 20afi32746. 19. Terms, Conditions, reservations, reetrictions and obligatxons as contained in Encroachment Agre�ment betweera Eagle Aiver Water and Sanitation District arxd Liftside Condominium Assaciation, recorded October 3, 200d as Reception No. 740754. 20. Any and ali exzsting leases and tenanciea. 21. Any and all asaeasmenta or expenses which may be due and payable to Cascade Village Association and/or Liftside Condominium Association. 22. Recreational Easement and Maintenance Agreemient recorded November 6, 2006 ae Receptioxi No. 2D0630443.