HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE VILLAGE LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT B51 LEGALC.^as cao\e- V',\\41e (..*\s,.tre- sfl 1 l;#st',t* C"nd,os &cdc V;/.7o Der*gn Reuieul Board t ACTIOI| FORl,l Department of Csmmunity Deyelopment 75 South Frofttage Road. Vail" Colorado U1657 tel: 9?0.479.2139 far: 979.479.245e rveb: www.vailgov,comc6ta*tw lftElmE I Ptoject Name: Ortiz Int. Conversion B-51 Liftsid Proiect Description: DRB l{umber: DR8070518 Interior conversion for Unit B-51 totaling 515.2 square feet. An employee housing mitigation fee was assessed for this project. Participants: OWNER SIMON EXEMPT CORP CIO GARFIELD & HECHT PC PO BOX s450 AVON co 81620 09l2sl2w7 APPUCANT ARCHffiCTAL SERVICES, P.C. 0912512007 Phone: 970-926-7605 P.O. BOX 385 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001800 ARCHITECT ARCHITECTUAL SERVICES, P.C. 09 l25l2OO7 Phone: 970926-7605 P.O. BOX 38s EDWARDS co 81632 License; C000001800 Prcject Address: 1234 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL locaUon: UFTSIDE CONDOS UNIT B-51 Legal Description: lot B-51 Block Subdlvision: UFTSIDE @NDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 2103-121-2201€ Comments: SeeConfrtions Motlon By: Second By: Vot€: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOII ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah LOI 17 12007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Tourn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the dat€ of approval, l' i;ll#l, *o project shatt tapse and become void one (1) year fottowing the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009426 The applicant shall pay a fee of 9L2,L92.21to mitigate the employee housing need generated by this project prior to release of the building permit to perform the interior conversion. This fee shall be provided to Nina'fimm, the Housing Coordinator, who can be reached at970-479-2L4. Cond: CON0009427 Prior to requesung a final certificate of occupancy the applicant shall submitted a revised condominium map showing the areas that were incorporated into Unit B-51, Liftside Condominiums. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee paid: $300.00 Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Reviewrof;ilffily ,,ffffffil;;:?J[",$liH[.,5jffi1, +Jkjltg7}.47d.zll} fax:970.479.2452 \..., General rnforma$on: web: www'vailgov'com -lht All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to7 - the submittal requiiemen-b for the particular apprbval that is requested. -An application tur ijesign Review cannot qf-H accepted until all required information is received by the Community Dwelopment Department. The project may also nee[_,!7 to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review apprcval lapses-zt unless a building permit is issued and construction cbmmences within one year of t'he approval. I y olscripuonoftheRequese See erzlcx€D De'cstPtloN {(.1| h , 7F--;----7:- t v Location of the Prcposat: Loe F/A Block: $/a suuoivision: !.\- f .VTFdC LOrrdOS f,/lphysicalAddrcss: u{lT B-51 LIFTSIDE coNoor'flNlU}45 lz34 l4€tTt{AvE[ 9RlV€ i{fffl''ffi"^,:::ffitr- @ Name(s) of Owner(s): 6utur-eF,r,r,ro ORTtz MailingAddress: LrFrsrD llu.t B'5t tz3{ UElfHAVEil VAll . 66 to) 47c.-7z.21 Owner(s) Signatur€(s): t{ame of Appticanh ARq}trTE <TUR Al-*Brtrt(f 5 P. C. DA$IIY S r{eRTF E6g|R MailingAddrcssr ?o. B,o>' 38.5 eoblAlB.91 <o glb32 Phone: (l1gD-1"6:1992 E-mail Address: A6Fc - D5 c eeHTrRyTet .$€fFax'37o) 426--7Gro Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review U , New Constructiond Mdiuon tr Minor Alteration (multi-famiV/commercial) tr Minor Aheration (single.family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Sepantion Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 ad<litions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-rcofing, painting, windorrr additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor dlanges to buildings and site improvements, such as' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee Location of the Prcposat: Loe F/A Block: $/a subdivision: Meeting Date: ARr.;nlrELr'.tLrItA;r., SERlrlcErs, P" C. 210 Edrvards Village Blvd. . C.202. P.O, Box 385 Edwards. Colorado 8l 632 Phrrne: 970.926.7605 . Fax: 970.926.761,0 September 21 ,2007 Warren Campbell Town of Vail, Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Unit B-51 Liftside Condominiums (Ortiz Residence) Parcel No. - 210312122-016 Dear Mr. Campbell: Attached please find our clients submittal for the above referenced project. Utilizing the existing void spaces adjacent to the Loft Level of their Condominium, my clients would like to increase the size of their Master Bedroom by 22.0 Sq. Ft. of GRFA and would like to create a family room, which would add 493.2 Sq. Ft. This would result in a total increase of 515.2 Sq. Ft. of GRFA to their Unit. All of the added floor area occurs below the existing roof and extent of the existing exterior walls of the building. The only change to the exterior of the building is the addition of a window to the west side of the family room, which will match the existing windows installed on the building. (Refer to attached existing and proposed photographs) Due to the type of changes proposed and minimal change to the exterior of the building, we are hopeful that the Staff will be able to approve the changes we are proposing. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, ARCHITECTURAL S ES, P.q Danny fS rn-r€-ffiffiLbvlEUVte sEP 2 1200t TOWN OF VAIL Copy to: Mr. Guillermo Se,ptember 18,2OO7 To: Townof Vail From: Liftside Board ofDirectors Jack flardy, President Re: LiftsideB-51 ExpansionPlans To Whom It May Concern: The Board ofDirectors d Liftside Condominiums has approved the expansion plans of unit B-51. The expansion is within the existing Limited Common Elements, unfinished attic spacg also designated as Special Common Element space. The plan will make a minor change to the exterior ofthe Liftside building. Ifyou have any questiong please contact the building manager, Tim Albrecht tt479- 9100. Jack Hardy, President Lift side Condominium Association 1234 Westhaven Drive . Vail. Colorado 8I657 . 97 O-47 9 -9100 ' Fax 970-476-+980 Application for Desiqn Review Description of the request Address - Unit B-51 Liftside Condominiums (Ortiz Residence) 1234 West haven Drive Parcel No. - 210312122-016 Zoning - SDD No. 4 Area '4" Waterford The following is the description of the request. Utilizing the existing void spaces adjacent to the Loft Level of their Condominium, my clients would like to increase the size of their Master Bedroom by 22.O Sq. Ft. of GRFA and would like to create a family room, which would add 493.2 Sq. Ft. This would result in a total increase of 515.2 Sq. Ft. of GRFA to their Unit. All of the added floor area occurs below the existing roof and extent of the existing exterior walls of the building. The only change to the exterior of the building is the addition of a window to the west side of the family room, which will match the existing windows installed on the building. (Refer to attached existing and proposed photographs) PROPOSED MATERHTS Building lrtaterials Type of Material Color Roof Siding r.r /n Other Wdl Materials l't/A Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim ! t{/A tt/n u/* ltETht cLtD lAoop wrhrclt lelrtT$Frc l.t/a, rr/a N/a Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses I Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other trln r+ /a Fr /rq 'J/ANh N/A N/A u/n rq /a, Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip' F:\odev\FoRMs\PERMm\Planning\dtt-addition-11-23-2005.doc Page 7 of 74 1 lu?3.l70os PRoPosEDLANDSGAPTNG N/A Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXIStrING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION fiPE OF EROSION COIT|-ROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') F:\adev\FoRMs\PERMlTS\Planning\drb-addition-11-23-2005.doc Page I of 14 tLl23l2005 ******:8********'***'!'!***'i't**************'r***'!****'t**t **{t{,{t{t*******t rt( * r* * * *,}**,t,},},}***,},f *'f ****** TOWNOF VAJL, COLORADO Stat€ment*****'t****'t*****'s'*'8**8***'!***'l*******'**********,r**********{.************'t!*'t*'}***********++**+ Statement Nudber: R020001975 tunount: 9300,00 09/25/2OO7O8:01 AM Palment Method: Check Init: JS 1441lARcHrrEcrItRAIr s*RvrcEs Notation: Permit No: DR8070518 Tlrtrle: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2103-]-21-220!-6 SiTe Address: ].234 WESTHAVEN DR VAII, I.,OCAIiON: IJIFTSIDE CONDOS UNIT B-51 Total Feee: $300.00This payment.: 9300.00 Totat ArJIr Etnts: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 *******'t,************** * * ** * * ** * * * ** ***+*******+'t*****d.*****.!****{.*{.*d.d.*****{.{.'N.*t{.{.***'Ni*+{.*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31,1.22OO DESIGN REVTEW FEES 300.00 Land Title Guarantss Company Dater Decembcr 26, 2006 SIMON BXEMPT CORPORATION, A US VIRGIN ISLANDS CORPORATION C}O GARFIELD &HECI{T. P. OO?O BENCHMARK ROAD, UNITE 104 AVON TOWN SQUARE AVON, CO 81620 Enclosed please find the titie iuswance policy for your property loc4ted at 1234 WESTHAVEN DR #BSl i LIFTSIDE CONDOS UNIT B5l VAIL CO 81657 The following erdorsemeflts are includrd in this policy: Deletion of Exceptions l-3 Delelion of Cienerai Exceation 4 Please review this policy in its entirety. In the eve t that you fird any discrrpancy, or if you have any questions regarding your fiaal title policy, you may coffact Title Departme[t Phar;e:970476-2251 Fax:970-476-4732 Please refbr to our Order No. V50017063 Should you decide to sell the property describeil in this policy, or if you are required to purchase a ne.,v title commitment for fiortgage purposes, you nay be € titled to a ffedit toward futnre title insurance premiums. Land fitle Grarantee C-ompany will retain a copy of this policy so we will be able o provide future products and services to you quicHy and effrciently. Tbank you for giving us the opportunity to serve yot- Sincerely, I"and Title C$arante6 Compaay Anzrl un Land'IIt le A s s o ci ai i o n OWNBR'S POUCY tI0-17-92, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUEJECT l0IltE E(CUlSl0t{S tRoM CoVEACE IltE EXCEn|0[S rno C0VEnAGE Co$TANEI] 't SCHEDUT-E S AND tHE 8$gm0i'S AilB StPUiAIl0ltlS, C$lC AB0 tllf[ NSIBAITICE ComPAilY, a Mis!0$ri s0rBlration, henio ca&d the Comary, insures, ar 0toale 0t Pelky sh0w|l h Sch.dub A, a$ahsl lgss0rdsmag?. not exEerding ths Am0mt !t l||5un!ts slsted h Sehedule A, slslahEd or fucmrd by ItB imulsd by rsaron ot: l. Titlc to tbe estatG 0f intlrost dgscr$sd ir Sdrsduh A blilg lestrd otlw thin as stated thsloin; ?. Any drtrct h or lisn 0f dlflfibnfi.8 o[ the tith; $. Unna*rtabiFty of lha title; 4. Lack of a ighr of tcosB t0 dfnmtlEland. T[rcmDanywil|ab0p3ythBcort8.atto'n8y3.|sesaod8iPs[ss3incfrdindsfrns60fth0titl6,asimqlrd,btltVl0|hEeI&n ll! WITNESS WHtFt0t, ttu raid CHICAG0 llTlE l$lSURAl'lCE C0MPAiIY har ra$ed lhis Dslcf to be ligred lnd se.lsd .s 0f Datq 0f Polrt drowi in Sclledrb A, th0 !0licy t0 b{c!$! |alid lvhu cour snigrEdby an srtbodzpd Eighat0rt, EXCTU$(}NS TROM CWERAEE Tho folkltiDg mattrrs aru erpn*ly errludod lrom lhc colrerage of thi$ folhv itd lhe Con$any rqillnol pay lors or dcmsgr, so 3ls, .tl0m8ys'f8os ol rx!€r$ri which irire tY ruaso! of: |'talAr|aw,ordinancr!rg!vmmefa|F'uhi0i|ind{dlngbuin0t|rnitedtobuildirrgandzoning|awi,0dinanN0s,o|r$|0ti0llrlI3rlrkt!,8!ulaiin&pr0h|b|if ''r"htin t! li] ths ocn p$ry, ure. 0r'sDi0ymeit 0t the la!4 l0 thq characler, dirnensimr sr lscation ol 0ny impt0vsnent now 0r hrpattsr stEdsd 0n tf lahd {iiil i salsratbn i[ ownershb 0f a chatla i! t[e dhinriom 0r ar.! !t the brd 0r ory garcelol wfich tho lad i! 0r wai I 944 or (iv)Eubornrsntat protrcli0rL 0r the eftrrt 0f aiy viokt'bn of these la$r, ordhanr0s 0r gouemtrtertElguhtiofr ex@pt t0 l[0 Extent thal a n0ths !t th0 erforcehrrl thsre0l or a rlicr 0t a der.ct, [en 0r €ncmbrancs rusulth! fro$ a liolati0|l akqod liolation alleeting the land h8r bean recoded in lho oubfE ntordt Et 0ats 0f P!|icy. {b|A'i.l|0v0mmet['|p0|ictpoWeIo0teIc|[dedby(rlab0vE,erccp|t0t|Eextg'ttihNta00ii'G0ttha.xgrcirc'tbrEof0rEt'cEo|adehct,fetrorencu kom avi0latioi 0ralhged vi0latio0 6[tacti0! lhr lald hse &er bsqrdrd in ths prtlic Ecordt aloste of Ponry. zRiIht30|enhsntd0miin0nl0!sn0ticrofltrexarcisr|luBofhacbssnnr0'dedintheNb|igrrcoidsa!0atEofPo|icY,buln{texrl!diDg'm'nc0ter0g$anytaki||gwhihas ccowrd gdor tc Dote of Policy whi,ft wd|ld 16 ttrdir! on lre ril}tt gt o p{|Ichatel fot [afue wirhou ]Dowhdoa 3. 0ete6tr, [8n8, oncunbErcss, Edvrrs! clalmr, Dr other malt8fs ial lrDrte4 suftand, asstBEd or rg.rEd t0 by tic inldsd cliinant {bl n t loown t r lhc C ompart. ftot Ecordcd h tbe }ubtc Eclrds at Datc rf Poky, bul knoy/r t0 ths hflrrod daimall .rd lot disclnsed h ludth! l0 llE Conpary b? I he irsuEd dainrnt grior !e the dalc s hsured chlnant betarnB ar iorurBd urder ttis !0licy; lcl r83rlhg h n0 loss 0r diDa[G t0 lha h$md claimsng ld) .tlachh0 0f croared subsequeAt l0 llat. of PoiEy; 0r 0, m{}int ir l0si 0r drma0s s:ffir wosld mt h6vs ieen s0staiud it ths i,a$tred cliimanl iad pai,t rah, tsr ths erlata or itteresl ;r$tfed by lhi6 p!lt!y, 4. Aly clai'm. whbh arisss oul 0f tholrusacii{,tr vesth! li lhr Insu0d tis Btat0 0rhtonrt iosurid by lhis ltlir, by roeton 0l tho olFtlor 0t f€d8fEl barkrgtcY, stit€ h$llvrncy, 0r sirnilir qrsfitsrs' rights laws, t[al ie basld orx dl lhe tran r0eti0n cnat ing tfr€ srtats 0r in leEri inrured by tlir polisy hsirg desmr d a frnudul0 nt s{rttytlce sr frau dul4nl tnnsfBt 0r 0iltletr raslior crsdirg tfe estate or Intofest insund bythis pDlicy brirg doemed profers nl iol trsrdcr ex cEll whsre the Fcfrertial ttinsler letult! from the lalhrre: ia)t0 ttrcly rtcord lhg inrlnJment 0f tlanrfeq 0r {b: 0f ddr rsqodatiol to hpa]t noticr t! ? purcjraser {or vzhe lr e fudgmenl 0l li8r credft0r. CHICAGO TITI.E ]i'SUBANCE COMPANY ls$rsd through the 0lflee oi [A[IO NT$ GUARANIEE COMPAI'IY I 08 S tFoilIAGE R0 W #203 vAlt, c0 8t65i 970.476.2251 ll(Wil luft*.1- *il,ril/-__rfurL"4 wl . ffuil-t t-,- Autlnri.sd Sig03trrs A0.CHjfon 8256) Corer Page t of 3 CBNDITIONS AN|) STIPULATIONS TIl3 l0[0wh8lems whan 0$adin this!o[ctneen: li I "in6ured'; th! hsurld nsfle{ In Schrdul! A, ar|d, subhtl t0 any dghts or dotbsro! thr c0mp!rywosld hlrE hadagolnstthu ntned h$ufed, thoss $,lto ruc.ard to th8 inlerest 0f tfts ramol ialdrod by operalbn of lsw as dktb$dlBd hlrn lufdr$ hcludirl0, bfi not llmitsd 10, hdri dhtlibtt8$, devlse|t, tff{tolts, penr0ftd agsisnlatirel $It of lir, 0t colporite 0r liduchry succerson bl "insood slalnart": ar insund ebhh0l0$ 0r ddriF. tcl "knowkdgo" or "tnown*: actual |(rowledgc, sot c0nstructisz kiowLdlo qr notire which may h l$Duted t0 ah iNurDd by rsason 0f tha prtlic Bcord! 6! drfiasd in liis p0licy rrary olhG{ rec0d! r,riich impan E0tstrudi!€ nolic. 0f |l|itte n iffectilt0 the la||d. 0l "laxd": lho land deecribsd 0r refored lo in sDhtduh A, and i&prorwlnlt aflirrd I heret 0 whict by h$, ronslittle realprdprlty. lbe trm "land' dqoi ttl iicllde soy prupfily teyoodths lifleE of tie arBa dsrcr&rd o] rrtued t! in srhsdnls A. mf ![y ti0bt, till&, illelast, eslii? 0r easrn.nt in atuttirfl streetg. roads, rvsluer, alby3,lanes, ways 0r walsn oyi, bri oolhiry hrf8ir shallmodify or [nit ths €xtsrt t0 wbicb n ri{il 0l nc[rrs to and liom lh! land ir in3!.ud by tbi! gslisv, {e} 'm!dlage": mo.tta0e, desd of tlull tfu$ dgBd. 0t olhsr crc|trily h6trumr$t. lf) 'pob$c recsrds": 'ecE ds sslablirhed u[&r st6ts sl ature! nl llal. oJ Foliry f0 r lh. porposr 0t inpartilg Eqrilructive tDticc 0l mattsE rslatin0lo flal pro!6tty It purcharEt| for v.ke ard withoul ftnovtlsdge. With resp0tt t! srcti0n I lr)M 0l tlE Exsksio0s frcm Cowrag6 "public recnrdr" shafi also lncludo snt|lo nrnlallill8rtbl lbne fihd h th6 rccordsaithB cl8rl 0l theUnitrd $tatEr distrid court tor tfte d'tstdet in wti|h lle l6nd islocatsd. lgl 'uin!*etdbility 0l tie tkle": an Ehgsd $ aplarerit matternffBDthg the title t. lhe lard. not exclud€d 0rsrcrptrd from cqvcrage, whhh wotiH snthk a 00r6llasEr 0l the eitate 0r intErEel desc.ibld h Schedrde A 10 b0 rel&asld frottt lh! oblioalion lo put haso hv vitun !l r .ortrict{il condition requirinn the deliyst 0f ma*et.blo t;lle, 2. !0otiruatiol 0f ln$urantsArter C0[w|an.0 ot Titl8. Ite felhvlirg co'retag! 0t thir poficy Nlatr ionthue in frrre ts ol Dato uf fulicy h iavr of ininslrod qily so long as th8 iotuled retains an.stat0 or iltrr.cl in lhslan4 0rhllds 0tl h&tt0dnes! ssr{red bV e 0urch.s| m0ney norlgsgr liveo by r purchitcr frgm the iostmC, {rooh so lofig as the in$ured sh![ haus li.biliry bI rDsr0l0t soyend s 0frv|rintl mado by rhr i,r6ursd h a0y lria*or or colvryance of tlr erlito 0r intrarsl. Tilr lsfEy shall not cintilrr in torcE ftr [iv!r of ary p0rcia$BI fron thB hsucd rf eilhBr l0 in lilatr sr irienst h lhr hnd,0r{iil Bn hd0bted!0sr sec0Fd by I porEhrse |nlnsy m0rlfdle giwn to th€ h$red. 3, l{stlBe 0f Cldim l0 be Glrol !y bsw8d Clatr.nt. Ihe irg|tDd shall notity tbs complny Dronprh h vrtiling fil h c?$ 0l 8nY litigalloi .s set tonh h srcti0|l 4h) behw, |iil ih .rs. knowlsdgr shall s{mo l0 an iNrred hercu er 0f ary daim ol titb 0r inten sl whiEh ii a dveBE lo lhs titlo t0 ths .stata ot inirn!1, as hrrBd, aid 'rrhhrh might ca||ss los$ 0r damags for whirh lhs Cmpi$t m8V !r frdr by viriuo of ol ihis pollcy,0I |iiilit titls t0 the0Jlits or ilttl0*t. as inrured, is rulsctrd Esumn*rtahle. Itprompt mlics shallml be giver to lhe C0mpary,1h!n ail0 t[e hsurrd alltnb{ity of thp company sball leminote $rith reo dlo tht matl€t ornrtlel' l0rwhich ptoftpl notic8 is requind; providGd, hoti,evsr. tial faihte t! rotily thr Conpray shal ln oo cwe preiudiss the ri0ht$ ot aly ir4rod undot thi8 lolicy u{rNr ih. Company eia[ be gniudlc*d by tho faihro ald tlre! otlt l. lh! edent Dt rhr prEi{dic€. 4. oele[ss ald ftis€rllion of Asii0ng; 0[tv ot hiund thimarl lq coo9etrls. la) U!0|! wrilter reqrsst by 1ft0 harod and suhisct to tlts 0 i0t|i E0flt.imd in Setbn I0i thsse C0nditlons 8fid Stipulatio[t, lh€ Conlary, at itt 0r'!D cost Eld uithlt{ unnasonihb d01ay, rhalllmltds t0r lhe tie dsl€nsr of ar irsrnd in liliSalion in which 0[Y itd pany assens I daim advBristo the tillB or hteEst ss imqled, bulonly ar l0 ttoio statsd c?u8es 0f action all80in0 a dlfecl.lien 0r sncumbrm ce 0r 0ttermatbrAr$rcd iFirit by this sobcy. The Coraprny shall have the dghl t0 sehct clunsel 0f i$ dto'EE tsubFct h tna .ight ot thr hsu.Bd t! 0bjrct l0rreaignnbb cauSs)t0 rupnssnt lho inswsd as t0 tho$ statld causrs 0t actiol and sltallnot be lirih tor dld will not pty tlD fses 0t tty olhsrcNnsol.Ihe Conpaly wllml p aty lses, c0stt 0rexp9t86s inclred by lht ittturEd in the dele||re of those casses of aDti0n which allsgo $altsrc 00i i|tturcd agahrt by ihis lotiry. lll lhe C0ntaoy shal have th6 dght, al its !!w cosl l0 hslitlle ?||dFocecfis ahy artion 0, Foc.adlng orl0 d0 rry oltel net which ir ltr 0plni0r| nay ba neca$aty of d.sinhlr t0 Estsb$sh lhc titb l0 thr rslate 0r lnterert, !ii[sEred,0]lD $n$il0r rrducr loss !rdamale to the inrumd, The CorDatt nay talo any 491!!tiitr actiol rndEr the ls|tnr 0f tiis policl, $ihethcr 0r Dot it dtallhr liahb hlnudrr, a$d !hE$ rql thercbY collcede nsl ty 0r walw any provbi0n 0t thir Foliry. It tie coipalY shall orerclse ils rightilrderthis pardg.aph, il shalld0 s0 dligently. lclWhenewrthr Company shal lnw blought an aclion or hteryored r d€fs||se ai |eqriired 0r lsrmittgd $V tlre prrvisions ol thir poliq,lh8 D0nlary nay t{tsue 8ny liti0atiol to fin6l d8lrminstien hy a c0ull 0f c0mprlcnt i!firdictior .rd e*llesslt resrNoslhr idl i[ iti !01! dkcntion, t0 atssaltron aty advsne iud$ncnt 'Iqrd€r' {d} h ail rlist whore tlis p0$cy p€tfllis 0r rsq0irut {h! C lmp.By to P|{recrde 0r prolih for the defense of roy acli0t fi frocrsd&{, thr hlut{d dttll seEst* to tlt! Compary tbe rinhl lo so tslsectde 0t pmvid0 d0l6rsr in tfu actril or prooccding lnd all .pD.Bh tttsrBi& afid Deinit the Comgany to $$, at its rptis& tho [ams 0f lhe in$Bd tor this purp0!s, Whsmrot Equrslidty lhi CompiIY,llB in$ted, al the Cempary't !xr8ns0, drall live tho C0|ipaiy allreasonabl0 akl lil h iry Ection 0r tt0ceedi0g. socudnl e,ridelcD. obta;nhg wit0lsser, pmsrculing or defedhg tlls rEtiflt 0. ptocefdipg! or etfecting sertlemcd, and lii) io ary othe.ln$/[ul act dhichih |lrc opilion ol tbe c0!$3nY may bE ncsG$ary 0rdssilrabll tr sdablbi lh! litlr l0 thGsrtals 0rinlonil as irsur€d. lf lhD company b Fsjudicrd hy lhe tailurc ot the irNulsd t0 tumish thc cqri.Gd co0peratb[ ths Conpary's o!figationr l0 thi iislrod undgr thg polbY rhtll l3ntti08ts, inrludhg aiy liabilty 0r obligation to defond, proreculq,0l totlinuE any litigalao& whh tioard t0 tis mdld $mallea reqtlking ruch c00p8.ali0n. 5. Prool ol Losr fi Dmsm. In addition to a l aflc| the relice$ ruquirsd rnder sectior 3 of ttste C00dilh05 ald Stip0lati0[t havs be$ provadsd llr| 80m].0y, r ]r0tl0f l0$ or darna0e ti$nrd ard st't,0n t0 bY the insulcd rlaiaant shtlltE frflished to tlle cotngtnywilhh 90 days alterih8 insored c{nimant sirt r$rrtlh lhr facts givlng tirs (0 ifte bss 0r dffia0s. Ib! ptoof ot l0si 0r damige !h6! discribo the d.fsct ir, 9r lisfi otelcmbrance on lhs title, or other [ratt6riDsutri ngihsi bJ thii p0licy oNch c0n*t[$08 thr balis.f lors or d.nB$e ond sia! slaio?t0 th€ extenl pssrible, tie basb ot calctllating1i8 anlurl 0f the bss 0r dsma0e. lf thB C0otpanvis preiudictd byfia faiul€ of lhs iisund daimilt t0 pmvidg tho requircd pnol gl l0sN0r damage, thc compiry'i obli8rlittlt t0 the insund {nder lh€ poHcy shalltermbal€, inrhdhg any lialility orobli8ation t. dsfsrd, prlsoclt€, oI r0rtirue a0y litilation.uiti regsrd t0llelr.ttet ormatteri requitiog $uct Ploot 0l loss or damago. h addhi0l. tlp in$u$d claimarl may ruasonsbly be Gqulred tq s{bnil t! eramloalion urdsr oath by rnt autiflkcd .Ep.ssenlativs st ths C0mpany ald sh3llptoducc lorExamilalion, inspection and copying, rt such ressonabb time$ and phias as rnat i! dEsigltBlsd by aiY euthodlod rspre3e[latiw 0f tte CenDa[y, all .ecdfds, tto&s, ledge,s, cLeqkt co.nrpot&rcs rnd mem0 rarda, ,r,hsthn berfhg. date [elfft or.fter Urtq 0l P0licy. whkh rsar0tlib,y pertain to the loi| 0r dama{e. fu hef, it trqu6$ted by any tdtlrizod tep|e$aatali\re ot the co.rlany, the insrrpd rhimaBt tialltrant itr permission. h iriilhg' l0r any auth0rh€d Isprcss0tttiv€ of thr glnp.ry to sxlmine, int!8gt and Goll allrscords, bttk& ledgen, chec*s. eonesporrdrnse !.d ms{tera0da b the cullody 0r contrll dl ! third fllrly, which rcas0nably pettahl0lhs l0$0rdsnage. All infomatlon dslhnatsd 8s c0didsnlial by the insuted rlilmr[t r'lided tr tlrc Company puruant l0 tii! sictht dtillnol be di$clo|Ed l0 0thers urbsr, h lhe rensotabb iudgmenl 0t thr Compary- il isnscssrarY i0 lh. adrinirlrali0n sf the claim. Failuro 0l tho hsursd clakflalt lo submit fol sramisali0! under0ath. frod[cc 0therreaEolabl! rgqursted infomation 0.8r8[t peamis$ior lo tacure reas$abh oscsrrary i0f0luation hom tthd piftiss as equirEd'l$ tlis para0rslh sfinlltennhale arY ila!fry 0ftht com[sry srder llti6 pslicr at lo lhat clairt. 6. 0ptions to Pay 0r fih.nirils &ttle Ciallr; &!&h!!!g!{L!E!i!!U ln c?$e !t . sltim tldlrthis !0licv, lhs CanFany thall baYe tho tollowing 6ddiliq0al 00!00s: lel To Piv or Tlndrr Prvmont 0l th€ Am0unt ot Insurancr. @dst lhis policy rogsiher lrith ary e!$ls, .tl0fll0yt' lots and extst|sss itqffsd by lhs instpd rlaimrDt, which wers altb0rlzld bytis coml;ry, ul to lte titlg ot peYmenl 0f tandEr 0i laYm€nt and wtich the Company lc obli0atrd to t.y. Up0n the srercis! by tlts Compait 0f thisoplion, allliabifty nd qhligati0lslo the ins{rsd urdsr thb }o$y,olhetthan l0nalc }aynrnl reqdlr4 sh.lltsmin.te' includng any ilitility or otfi[ari.tn lo &fsn4 9russcr,tla of cqrlirue €ny ,iligalion. ard thr golicy rhallbe surrondered l0 tha cfi$any for cens8llati0t). hlT0 Pay 0t0themisc SEltlB !t iii Pa*ies glhsrThsn the lnsuEd orWiti lh! losurcd Ckimatl. 0 to paI 0r 0tie ise tEtlh with 0tlEl parti0s for fi in tis Dams 01 aD in$ured c,iainarl ary clih hsurcd ag.i[st u0ds] thic FolicY, logoth!| wfth any c0$ls, altonsy!'trrt r|td exp.[3ei incuffrd by $e int0led clahitrt wltich we]e tulhrrilod by ths Conpany u! to ths thlr 0f layr*n| a|td $rhich the C0r4rly is obligrl€d t') Fay; 0r lii) to pay or othe ru'so se ttle $/ith lha inru md clsimtnt tbe bs! or danage provided I or under lhis grlicy, to0erho|Wilh iny cosls. atts,DsYs' fees gnd 9rpon8E6 i[cu ed by the in$Eddai stt whiEh wsre srlhotired by theComPanV o! l0 the tlne 0t paymeot ,nd whielt lh. C0mpary is qblilatEd t! psY. Upor tis erEr€ite bt t[6 Conpany ot eltFar ot tt|e opliDts for]ded for h pars0rarhs hlli)0r liL l|ts C om!any'$ obligatio nt t0lh. h! ed tJDde, thb 0olicy fot lie cLin€d losr or dana0r, olhqrlh the plynsnts rEquired to bs made, shalltsmh.tr, itclodi0g any liabilitv orolli[it'ronlo deleld. IruJseuto, 0rconth0e aDy tithation. A0.cfll.? CoYerhgr 2 ol3 ?- l€lominalilp, Ext.pt !t LiEhilily ad C0insurdnts, Ilrk poliiy is..onlrd6{ 0f h&mnity igrhrt nclualmli.tery lois 0rd nrt3 srstairsd or hcurEd ty lte iblu?d claiman| wfio tar toffer|d losi 0r d?m490 !y rgaronofmrttr'B inlittEd igainst b! lhi* l0licl aod only t! lhE eltent hslsin &iFibsd. {a} Ihe tiibility 0l tl|g c0rEpany urder thb p6[cy sha! not sx.eed ths les6l 0f: fil the Anowt !t lntuar$ slatsd h Scfiedtdt & tf, 6i) lh€ diffeanc" berwlen tlo rillr 0f lio in6[Bd rstat6 grhlsrert ai inrund rrd lh8 uabs 0f ths ir!$td ,trtt o llle,lsl $!bct t0 th8 drttcl ht 0r gncumb|sDcs hrusd agailet by tbii to$cy. 0) l0 lho er|€!t tis AnDUn| of lm$ancs itnt.d h SchcdrlE A at the 0810 !t l0licy is bir tban 80 percsol of lhr valu! !t lh! itt!rcd ostalo 0 r iotcnst 0t tle tlll ronsidrration poid for tlu htrd, whicltsvrr h lest or il subss$ldlt t0 lhr 0atE 0l Pslby s[ in!.o?eiF ]t h rccted on lb! lrnd whi.dr i'rffEarc8 tt|' vatr s of t!! in8*ed ertale 0r i|lterGst bY al bast 20 pi|E! qwr lhe lmofft of hs$]anrs sttlsd h S6h6duls A, lllln lhii pofEv is i$ljecl l0 the toll0wing: 0 wiers |1! E0bteqtEot impro{Emelt har bsen madr, sr t0 aly panial losi, th! conpart $B* ody lay thol!$pro ntr ir ihG ptlpoftiott thal lfii !|n0unt ol hs[rancr .t 0sts oa P0liry bsafs t0 lfis t0tal yaln rf tic i'tssr6d sstatg orhteroit it oals of Policy; or frilwlren r 'tlbssqosrlt lm0{0usnsri ha! hrsn nad6, ss to anY panH b$$ tieComlany shsll a[h pay the l0sr pro rata in ih. proportio[ ttat 120 pemert 0Jtha &rounl0t Inslral|'e statsd i0 Scled$lr A bsarsto tlE rum tf thE Atng0Dt ol Inarra[rg rt.led ir Scilduh A .ndlh8 qr00 erprt|de{ flrtie implovemenl. The prorlshns 0f this paiigra[h rbal nlt rpph t0 c0sls. attottlyr'tEss lnd erprnses i!.,xiich thr g0nFany ir |i!tl0 rnder tiis n0lkl, and shrll0nly aplly t0 that portirn !t ar\' lo$ which exeeds, h lhe aggEgats. l 0 pelcgnt !t l[. Am0u$t oflnsumrce stated in S.hrdlh A. {clTha comllry wil psy onh tlto3c ctEts. alt0rn6ts' fsEs snd sr]sltsss incufisd ir ncEord.n& t ith Section 4 0f thei€ gonditiort nnd Stbdqtioni, 8. Aooottionntnt, It tl|e lald descrihd ir S$edule A conrislg ol two ormols Dsrcth wfiidl an nol us8d ai a slr8b dtr, rnd ! lors ir estrb$$ted aftsdlno one 0] nnr of ths gircals bul not all the l0$siallbr Ea ruted rnd rslthd 0n n pro rala bash as it ths an0ult 0f insuraicr mdsrthis !0licy lrss diulded pto rntd as t0lie vthe m oale 0l P0lic! 0f eicl 3e0i.ate prrcel t0 the ivholo udrire of any lnpmuensntt madt !!0tequont l0 Date of Pofcy. rrbss a lidlity or ral0e h!! 0lhEn ise been agEed [!0[ ar l0 sach p€tcel by tho Gomparry ad dtg hsued al tlrc tine of th0 bsu?ne 0f this pofuy a0d sh0w0 by ar rl[rsrr ltabmont 0r by an €ndor!€||$ sttaEhsd b th's p0licy. 9. limhatior of LiiblitY. ta) lf tlre Conpary eda|lkils the tftle, of rwove! ll,E albgcd deted. &D ot o0rumbranca, or c|lrBs th! lacl ol a ight rt access t0 0f {mn tlu lsn4 Dr cons fto clain 0t um.*etrblity ol titb,.[ os h$urcd, h a na$onably dillgent nan&r by any rnethod, inchding litigsti0l ard tir mmpbd00 rl rnt rple.b thslEh0tL it thal h.rrr fully lerfomsd ils o![!81i0,]3 with ns!.ctlo tt0tn8tteritd ch6l nol be liabl4 flr any lors or dmagr rsu{{d tie/cby. lbll.rthB eusnt 0f anYlililatiin Includitu litigaliln by the Compant orv'rilh the c0mpany's c0nssnt, ths Cornpany shall havt no liabi$ty for l06t or dana0! mtil f$te has beei i fl|til delrnniration by ! D$n of rdrpetsnt iutisdiclion, 3r d drp[slliln ql all€pnralE ttsrefiom, adyrne tu Us titb as hslod. {cl fhs c nlar! siBllrlt 6e [a!h forloar ordmage to arry ir*ned fot liatlfiy wllntarly assrned by tha itsured i0 setlling any chirn or suit withs0l the Fior wittsn con!e!! of the e rm0any. | 0. Fed{Eti0n rt In$ranco; REdrcti0r or TsJl|iratiol 0t Liabfity, Allpaymd s urder tftis !o li!y, .rcspl t aymeits nade for 60sls, all0ne} r'f.ei and expel|3rs, rh.llr.docE lh! sn0{r{ ol lhr insularcs p.0 tant0. 1.1. Listi$ly llo$tlmdaiive! h h rrlnssly 00d0rst00d tbat the n00|ll !f itrslnnw ||n&rthisp0lky $tall he red0ced by arry anlum rhe Cqnp6nT n.y psy uodsr sny pollcy it$|rrh0 i moltg?gr t. wbich qrc8ltio0 ir taksD i0 $hed& B or !0 which the ilsryed hae aln0d, !srm.4 0r lalen subieil or whir[ ii hrr.aftsrrrecutrd h hswrd and whidt ba charF 0] lies 0n thr rstatE ori'rterEsl desBibed 0r refernd io h Scieduh A, md lbe m0{hl so gaid shallbe deorud a piyne undsl lhi$ D0lhry lo the inrured 0u/net 12. ?dyrned of Lotr lal l'10 SaYftBnt rhaE he made withoqt llodtci||g lhii potsy for st|dorsrnett 0f tie oaymenl mlsrs th! !0trq ha!besr lo$t 0t &stroied, i[ $rllieh Ease poqf allos!ol d4iructhr lhd bi fomishsd to th8 sati*aetior if l[. Crnprry, (bl Whrr liqbilig snd thr lnrrt ol l0$ or dama$ hns !€er defilileh lixed in accord,nce with thess Co[diti0nE ad Sthulatirns,lhr l0ss rJdamagF sia!b. payath wilhirl 30 dws thenatter. A0.Cltl.3 Covcr Page 3 ofg 13, srbro{atiqn UDon Pamspl ol Setlle0$nl. (al fhs Compa.ly's Rirht of $]bromtiorl. Whrnsrerths Coqponl shrlltsvr lolll€d .nd lrid a claim undet this policy. al righl 0f ${tbrugati0r shal uesl b the C0nldtt lnaffertrd ty anl asl 0f lls insurcd clairrnt. Tha Cunpany shallbe wbmonled l0 and be srtill8d to oll dghts and rdnedbs which lhN inruod cbirnsm lrDdd hayo hsd a0.hst iny Frsolr Ea prllgny in reip"ct lo ths cbb h.d lllg l0[cy rot hfn l$uad. ll BguesEd by {ht Clmtary, th0 hiutrd clailnant $h?ll traosf* t0 lhB c onlrly a[ i0ht! ald remsdh s a[ai||st a iY pr.s0n 0r lrolerry necei$ry in o,&r t0 !.rtcd lftit dght !f tubolation, Tha hiuEd clsimad cfiaB l?ttlit thr Cmtany t! s0s, coripmriis 0l tettls in tho nane ol ths iiru.ed claimar* 0rd l0 use th! im! 0t the inrnred ddmanl itl rry transacthn or fdgeli0r hvolvi,r! thris rigbtr rtnmediBs, lf a payme rn .clr{tl of a Nlrh d00r ml fully $1er thr hss sl lir hsured cl.Lnant, rl|s CoflDrRy shallls $bro0dttd l0 th.to ighleard r8nedies h lho pnp0{bn which llw Contutyt palment hlE rlolhs wldr 8mounl of thr loss. lf los! chquid teJult fttn anv a* of tiu hs{red claitnant, as claled abov., thd sct rholl [0] void lib polJry. bul llp Dltrprpy, ir lhrt sve''l, 3ha[ bt tt{sind to pay only thal patl0laiy lors-rr insuEd alabsl !y thir po0c1 which shrllexcerd the am0u||t, if 6ry.losl l0lha Compary by reason ofthr tnlai nsntbyttr. insund claimaflt 0t the C0moanf'! dghl !f subr0gnti0n. h) lhs companv'r Rkits Alrinst l{m'i!i$|Bd obhofs. Iln c0ntsny'! nltt 0t stt,ogation agrimt ndn.hsttr€d obllgrts $h?llorisl aod $h0ll inchdr, wfthoul limitalirtr, ths ightr 0f the i0s$rcd to hdem tiqe goa]anli8s, othef p0lh'Es 0l ilsffitct !r b0nd s. 00 twit hstaDdin[ 8ny terns 0r coldkbDs conlaimd in rho!6 in!l!um6nt! wl rlt prolidr fol tuSro0arion ri0ht! by reas00 Df lhis p0lity. 14. Ar$itration Urlesr prohi[ited ty t!!lh.bb law,eitherthe Conpany 0rths Insuru d !$aY dema0d i6itnti0r p{r|u6d to th Titb hrunnce Atbihtisl Bubs of th. Amerisan Aftitritlon Ass0ci.iion, Arbitnbb rn8tlsrs miy ililudr, b$t ate rct liniled lo, any c0ntromGy 0r clain bstnecn lha C0nlany ahd lha in$nd ariiing qut sl 0f relalin0 lo rhis polhy, ary rln ice qf ths Companf h corrEclion wilh itr ilslance 0r lie br.6ci 0t a poli|) lrovbi{n 0r ol|t$ 0}li0ali00. Allarbitrabh natl€n wlsr lhe Amoont 0t Inlunnce ol i1.000,m0 0rh$sfiallbe artittalei sl the qplion 0t silher lio conpirY 0r th| insuEd. All rrbitfath rnatlsrB whsn tllr Anoud 0f ln$utaltco ls itr oxcass ot S1,000,000 shallbc aftilr.l.d ody whe! rused l0by both the Comtany trd tlE i0rured. tubitration pors[ad to thlJ Dolcy afiri lttd8rths Rules i0 effEct o$ th! datr the dlma0d for.rbitrfii0n irmada 0t it thr 09lio! 0t tho insu0d, tbe Rrlss in Etfsct fi 0nle of Poficy sltal bs tlnding lpon lh. paiks. Th€ 8t4[d may hrbdr iltotleys' tses 0r y il the hrrs !fti! slEte i[ whhh the latd is lo|ated pimit a courl to oword altomey'rfe€rt0 r l.svdlilg patly. Judgmsll upan lts award rcdeIed by the Aftitr6t0rF) m8y be srte.0i iD ony toutl harlng ishdicllon tlenof, Ihe hw d lhs sit$ 0t thB land dra! a0tlv to an Brbitration underths ThlE llflnncs Arthrdtion R{le! A cow 0t tlE Rul8s nEt bE obteln0d trom ii! Compohy !0ofl feQUesl, 15. tiabllhv tiriitrd l0 this Pohv; Po[cv Entlr8 Contract. {a} Thi! lolicy tolslhsrwith al rDd0ruements, il in!. attrched bele(0 bY lh6 C0mpany ii thr ertin ls&ry ard conlIsrl b€lrvEln tbr in$orsd 3[d tbe Comlany. In lnterprsthl any treyirior 0t thh t0licl. thii p0liry chall b0 con$ttued as B wholc. ib) Any cbin o{ loc, a damage, wltrtbEr {r tol lassd on De0Igrtc6, atd w,trb arises oot 0l thr $tslu$ 0tth0 tith t0 th! 0st.ts 0tintel$st ro',BBd h8rsiy or by aiy acliq[ asre]tin0 !0$ slair, $a[ bt lEstictsd to this poligy. lclN0 ameidnenl !lorsrdotiHneot t0 thi$ policy canbr mrd.rxce0t !y a wrilitl0 Endo6ed hBreoo $ atlnch.d hsrDt0 siofild by 0ither thr Pnsidlnt, E Vice Prssidenl' the Secrutary, a[ Assirt t Ssci"tary. erval;d.tirg ottics. ot adtftorized sbn tory of the comDany, 16. Srvembili|. In lhs eved dry tru{isi0l ol ihe [llicy b lEld i0valid 0r m0nlorE atls ntder apDlicauE law. tte pqdcY thi8 t! dEdred not l0 in6l0de tial lro',risior ard .il all|e. 0rM$ion$ sir! nmiin h fsl toftE andstfsct. 17. Nolicrs,WhEtr sent. All ioticrt nquindl0 be oiven ths Con!ryty lnd 0[Y slatsmsnl In wilhg rEquitld to bE fuhislod th8 Cf,nlany Nha{ indt{s tfie nt{nbel0f thh Policy and shatlbe addrussrdio Ibe Eomlalf at rlE hsuing of,iro 0r to: C[ica0o I[h Insun|lcs CoE4.rl Clainr tloDartncnt lll No*h Clarl StrB.r Chha{0, lllinois 60801 329,1 LTG Foltcy No. CTAI500I?063 f'orm AO/CHI Chicago Folicy No. 72lM-14A5753 Our Order I\o. V50017063 Sehedule A Amount $3.400.000.00 Property Address: 1234 WESII{AVEN DR/851 / LIFTSIDE CONDOS UNIT B5l VAIL CO 81657 L Policy Datu Decemter 07, 2006 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Name of Insured: SIMON EXFMPT CORPORATION, A US VTRGIN ISLANDS CORPORATION 3. The €state or itrterest ln the land described or referred to in this Schedule and which is cov€red by this policy is; A Fee Sinpte 4, Ttfle to the estate oi int€rest cover€d by thls pollcy at the date hereof is vested in: SIMON E}(BMPI CORPORATION, A US VIRGIN ISI.-ANDS CORPORATION 5, The lsnd refen'ed l,o in tlis policy is destrtbed as followsr CONDOMINIUM UNIT B-5I, LIFTSIDE CONDOMINruMS, ACCORDINGTO T}fE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION OF LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS RSCORDED DECEMSBR 22, 1994 IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 809 AND THE CONDOMINruM MAP OF LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED DBCEMBFR 22, 1994 IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 810, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, Thls Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. Land fitle Guarantee Company Representing Chicago Title Insurance Company LTGPolicy No. CTAI500I7063 Form AO/CHI Chicago Policy No. 12tM-14Q5753 Our Ordtr No. V50017063 Schedule B This policy does not insue against loss or damage (aarl the Company will not pay costs, attomeys' fees or ereeuses) which arise by reason of: Gereral Exceptirms: I . Rights or clains of pardes in posscssion eo! slrown by tle public records. 2. Brsenenrs, or claims of easenrefts, not shorrn by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in bowdary lines, sho age in area, encroachmenb, and any facts which a correct survey and iaspeetion of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4 ' Any lief, or riglt to a ,ien, for seririces, labor, or material heretofore or hereafler fumis&ed, imposed by taw and rot showr by tlre public records.' 5. 2006 TAXES AND ASSBSSMBNTS NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE, 6, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EX?PdCT AND RSMO\,€ HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TIIE SAME BE FOUND TO PBNETRATE OR INTBRSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATFS PATENT RBCORDED AUGUS? 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 ATPAGB54z. 7. RIGXT OF WAY TOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSIT.UCTED BY THBAUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UMTBD STATES PATENT RECORDED AUCUST 16. 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 8. RESTRICTIVEqOVENANTSV{HIC}IDONOT CONTAIN A FORFEITUREORRBVERTERCLAUSE, BUT OMITTINGANY COVBNANTSORRESTRICIIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SE)L SE}ruAL ORIM{TATION. FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH TN APPLTCA,BLE STATE OR FEDERAL I.A,WS, BXCEPT TO THF EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RXSTRICTION IS PERMITTBD BY APPLIC{BLE IAW, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RXCORDED JULY 17, I98I, ]N BOOK 326 AT PAGE 255. 9. TERMS, CONDI?IONSAND PROVISIONS OF ITNDERGROUND RIGH? OF WAY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRICASSOCIATION, INC. RECORDED AUGUST 30, 1982 IN BOOK 344 AT PAGE 923. IO. TBRMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONVEYANCE OF SKI LJFT E,C,SEMENT IN INSTR1IMENT RECORDBD ]ANUARY 23, 1987 IN BOOK 464 AT PAGB 937. LTG Poliey No. CTA150017063 Form AO/CHI Chicago Folicy No. 72106-1485753 Our0rderNo, V5001?063 tI. lL. t3. 14. 15. 16. 1., Schedule B TER]vfS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RBSTRICTIONS, IF AI{Y, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SE}t, SHruAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL OzuGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORT}I IN APPIICABLE STATB OR FEDERAL LAWS, E)(CEFT TO THE HITEN? THAT SAiD COVEI.IANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMTTTED BY APPLICABLE I'A.W AS CONTAINBD IN INSTRUIV{ENT RECORDBD JUNE 23, 1987 IN BOOK 464 AT PAGB 898. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONVEYANCE OF PUBLIC ACCRSS EASBMENT FOR PEDESTRI,ANS RBCORDBD JUNE 23. 1987 IN BOOK 464 AT PAGE 941. zuGHT OF WAY EASEMBNT AS GRANTED ?O HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCTATION, iNC. iN INSTRUMENT RBCORDED MARCH 24, 1988 IN BOOK 48I AT PAGB 107. TEFMS, CONDiTIONS, PROVISIONS, BURDENS, OBL]GATIONS AND EASBMEN?S AS SET FORTH AND GRANTED TN RECREATIONAL BASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVEI4BER 06, ?S06 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 200630443. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRIS|IONS, RESFRVATIONS AND NOTES ON TIIE Pt/,T OF LIFTSIDF/CORNERSTONE RECORDED NOVEMBER 30, 1994 IN BOOK 656 AT PAGE 197, EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVFNANTS, RFJTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON TI# PLAT OF LIFTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDBD DECEMBER 22, 1994 IN BOOK 657 AT PAGE 810. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVBNANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMEI'ITS AND RBSTRICTiONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINruM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, BUT OMTTTINGANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF A}I-Y, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIBNTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORICIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPIJCABIT STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCtsPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRIMION IS PERMITTED BV APPLICABI.E T.A,W AS CONTA]NED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDBD DECEMBBR 22, 1994, iN BOOK 65? AT PAGE 809 AND AMENDMENT RECORDED OSTOBER,29, 1999, UNDER RBCEHnON NO. 713331 AND AMENDMENT RECORDED NOVEMBBR 30.2006 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 200632746. TER.MS, CONDITIONS AND PROViSIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AGREET\,{ENT RECORDED OCTOBER 03- 20(}0 AT RECEFIION NO ,74U154. 18. LTG Folicy No. CTAI500i?063 Form.A,O/CHI Chicago Policy No, 72lW-1405753 OurOrder No. V50017063 Schslule B 19, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED NOVEMBBR 30. 2006 AT RECEFTION NO. 200632746. 20. DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVFMBER 30, 2006, FROM SIMON EXEI,TPT CORPORATION, A US VIRGIN ISI.ANDS CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLB COUNTY FOR T}IE USE OF I-AREDO NATIONAL BANK I'O SECURE THE SUM OF $I,OOO,OOO,OO RECORDED DBCEMBER 07, 2006, I.'NDER RECBPIION NO. 200633374. ITSM NOS. 1 THROUGH 3 OF T}TE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DEI-ETED. ITEM NO, 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED EXCEPT AS TO ANY LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERI.AL CONTRAC{ED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SIMON E'XEMPT CORPORATION, A US VIRGIN ISLANDS CORPORATION. LIFTSIDE 8.51 ORTIZ RESIDENCE =l:=[ W, i:., tri,lj- *i #! LIFTSIDE 8.51 ORTIZ RESIDENCE Departmcnt of Communitl Dnelopmmt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colprado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 uturu.aailgou.com I. Ortiz Residence Interior Conversion Legal Description: Unit B-51, Liftside Condominiums DRB 07-0518 Net New GRI'A for Ortiz Residence Residential Increase : Inclusionary Zoning Increase in GRFA : 515.2 sqft increase lnclusionary Zoning requirement - l0 percent ofnet new residential sq ft 515.2 sq ftx l0 Yo: 51.52 sq ft required deed restricted employee housing Possible Method of Mitigation for Inclusionary Zonrng 1. Fee-in-Lieu i. Provide a fee-inJieu payment to the Town of Vail of 51.52 sq ft x $236.65 / sq ft = $12,192.21 Payment of the X'ee-in-Lieu A. Payment of the fee-in-lieu of $12,192.21 must be paid prior to the issuance of a building permit for the project A. B. II. a RF,CYCLED PAPER